[ "Letter dated 27 June 2011 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to inform you that your letter dated 23 June (S/2011/396) concerning the issuance of the report requested in the statement by the President of the Security Council adopted on 29 June 2010 (S/PRST/2010/11) on the rule of law and transitional justice in conflict and post-conflict situations has been brought to the attention of the members of the Council.", "The members of the Council have taken note of the request conveyed in your letter for the time frame for the issuance of the report to be extended, and they look forward to the submission of the report by 1 November 2011.", "(Signed) Noël Nelson Messone President of the Security Council" ]
[ "2011年6月27日安全理事会主席给秘书长的信", "谨荣幸地通知你,已提请安理会成员注意你6月23日的来信(S/2011/396),其中提到根据2010年6月29日安全理事会主席声明(S/PRST/2010/11)印发报告的事宜。这份主席声明涉及在冲突中和冲突后促进法治和过渡时期司法问题。", "安理会成员注意到你信中请求延长印发报告的时间段,期待着在2011年11月1日提交报告。", "安全理事会主席", "诺埃尔·内尔松·梅索尼(签名)" ]
[ "2011年6月27日安全理事会主席给秘书长的信", "谨通知你,已提请安理会成员注意你6月23日的信(S/2011/396),其中述及印发2010年6月29日通过的安全理事会主席关于冲突和冲突后局势中的法治和过渡司法的声明(S/PRST/2010/11)所要求提交的报告。", "安理会成员已注意到你在信中要求延长印发报告的时限,并期待着在2011年11月1日前提交报告。", "诺埃尔·纳尔逊·梅索内(签名)" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 126", "International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991", "Letter dated 27 June 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly", "I have the honour to transmit to you the attached letter dated 8 June 2011 that I have received from Judge Patrick Robinson, President of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (see annex).", "In his letter, Mr. Robinson requests the extension of the terms of office of the judges at the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in line with the trial and appeals schedules. The current terms of office of the judges of the Trial Chambers and the Appeals Chamber will expire on 31 December 2011 and 31 December 2012, respectively. I recall that, in Security Council resolution 1931 (2010) and General Assembly decision 64/416 C, the Council and the Assembly, respectively, underlined their intention to extend, by 30 June 2011, the terms of office of the trial judges based on the projected trial schedule of the Tribunal.", "In addition, Mr. Robinson requests that eight ad litem judges be permitted to serve beyond the cumulative period of three years provided for under article 13 ter, paragraph 2, of the statute of the Tribunal. However, it may not be necessary to address this request, because the permission granted in resolution 1931 (2010) and decision 64/416 C continues to apply.", "It falls to the Security Council and the General Assembly to consider and decide on these requests. Accordingly, I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as a document of the General Assembly.", "(Signed) BAN Ki-moon", "Annex", "Letter dated 8 June 2011 from the President of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia addressed to the Secretary‑General", "I have the honour of referring to Security Council resolution 1931 (2010) of 29 June 2010, in which the Security Council: (a) extended the terms of office of the judges of the Appeals Chamber until 31 December 2012 or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned or until the completion of their term as members of the Appeals Chamber, if sooner; (b) extended the terms of office of the permanent judges of the Trial Chambers until 31 December 2011 or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned, if sooner; (c) extended the terms of office of the ad litem judges of the Trial Chambers until 31 December 2011 or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned, if sooner; (d) allowed certain ad litem judges to serve at the Tribunal beyond the cumulative period of service provided for under article 13 ter (2) of the Statute of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; and (e) underlined the Council’s intention to extend, by 30 June 2011, the terms of office of the trial judges based on the Tribunal’s projected trial schedule and requested the President of the Tribunal to submit to the Council updated trial and appeal schedules no later than 15 May 2011.", "By the present letter, I wish to submit updated trial and appeal schedules[1] and to bring to your attention the necessity of extending the terms of office of the Tribunal’s permanent and ad litem judges. Permission is also required for some of the ad litem judges to serve at the Tribunal beyond the cumulative period of service provided for under article 13 ter (2) of the statute of the Tribunal.", "Having due regard to the Tribunal’s current anticipated completion dates for all trial and appellate work, and considering General Assembly resolution 63/256 of 24 December 2008, which authorizes the Tribunal “to offer contracts to staff, in line with dates of planned post reductions in accordance with the relevant prevailing trial schedules”, I am requesting extensions of the terms of office of the Tribunal’s judges commensurate with those that the General Assembly has authorized for the Tribunal’s staff.", "By reference to the attached trial and appeal schedules (see enclosures), the following extensions are sought:", "Permanent judges", "An extension until 31 December 2014 or at the completion of the trials and/or appeals to which they are or will be assigned, if sooner, is sought for the following judges:", "Judge Kwon (Republic of Korea) Judge Antonetti (France) Judge Hall (Bahamas) Judge Delvoie (Belgium) Judge Morrison (United Kingdom)", "An extension until 31 December 2015 or at the completion of the trials and/or appeals to which they are or will be assigned, if sooner, is sought for the following judges:", "Judge Flügge (Germany) Judge Orie (Netherlands) Judge Moloto (South Africa)", "An extension until 31 December 2015 or at the completion of the appeals to which they are or will be assigned, if sooner, is sought for the following judges:", "Judge Robinson (Jamaica) Judge Pocar (Italy) Judge Liu (China) Judge Meron (United States of America) Judge Agius (Malta)", "Ad litem judges", "An extension until 31 December 2012 or at the completion of the trials to which they are currently assigned, if sooner, is sought for the following judges:", "Judge Picard (France) Judge Harhoff (Denmark) Judge Gwaunza (Zimbabwe) Judge Prandler (Hungary) Judge Trechsel (Switzerland) Judge Nyambe (Zambia)", "An extension until 31 December 2014 or at the completion of the trials to which they are currently assigned, if sooner, is sought for the following judges:", "Judge Baird (Trinidad and Tobago) Judge Lattanzi (Italy)", "An extension until 31 December 2015 or at the completion of the trials to which he is or will be assigned, if sooner, is sought for the following judge:", "Judge Mindua (Democratic Republic of the Congo)", "Additionally, the following judges require permission to serve at the Tribunal beyond the cumulative period of service provided for under article 13 ter (2) of the Statute of the Tribunal:", "Judge Picard (France) Judge Harhoff (Denmark) Judge Gwaunza (Zimbabwe) Judge Prandler (Hungary) Judge Trechsel (Switzerland) Judge Baird (Trinidad and Tobago) Judge Lattanzi (Italy) Judge Mindua (Democratic Republic of the Congo)", "I would be grateful if you would bring the present letter and its enclosures to the attention of the Security Council and the General Assembly for their consideration.", "(Signed) Patrick Robinson", "Enclosure I", "Trial schedule of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", "[]", "Enclosure II", "Appeal schedule of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia", "[]", "Enclosure III", "Appeal schedule of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda", "[]", "[1] The updated trial and appeal schedules were also submitted on 12 May 2011 in the most recent completion strategy report of the Tribunal (see S/2011/316)." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目126", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内 所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为 负责者的国际法庭", "2011年6月27日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨向你转递前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭庭长帕特里克·鲁滨逊法官2011年6月8日给我的信(见附件)。", "鲁滨逊先生在信中请求按照审判和上诉时间表延长前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭法官的任期。审判分庭和上诉分庭法官目前的任期将分别于2011年12月31日和2012年12月31日屆滿。我忆及,在安全理事会第1931(2010)号决议和大会第64/416 C号决定中,安理会和大会分别强调打算在2011年6月30日之前,根据法庭的审判预测时间表,延长审判法官的任期。", "此外,鲁滨逊先生请求允许8名审案法官在法庭《规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后继续在法庭任职。但或许不必处理此项请求,因为第1931(2010)号决议和第64/416 C号决定给予的许可依然适用。", "这些请求应由安全理事会和大会审议并作出决定。因此,请将本信及其附件作为大会文件分发为荷。", "潘基文(签名)", "附件", "2011年6月8日前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭庭长给秘书长的信", "谨提及安全理事会2010年6月29日第1931(2010)号决议。安理会在该决议中:(a) 将上诉分庭法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案或其担任上诉分庭法官的任期在此之前届满,任期则提前结束;(b) 将审判分庭常任法官的任期延长至2011年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束;(c) 将审判分庭审案法官的任期延长至2011年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束;(d) 允许某些审案法官在前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭《规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后,继续在国际法庭任职;(e) 强调安理会打算在2011年6月30日之前,根据国际法庭的审判预测时间表,延长法庭审判法官的任期,并请国际法庭庭长至迟于2011年5月15日向安理会提交经更新的审判和上诉时间表。", "^(a) 2011年5月12日法庭在最近的完成工作战略报告中也提交了经更新的审判和上诉时间表(见S/2011/316)。", "我谨以此信提交经更新的审判和上诉时间表^(a) 并提请你注意延长法庭常任法官和审案法官任期的必要性。还请求允许一些审案法官在法庭《规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后继续在法庭任职。", "在适当考虑法庭当前预测的所有审判和上诉工作的结束日期并考虑到大会2008年12月24日授权法庭可“根据按相关的现行审判时间表制定的计划削减员额日期与工作人员签订合同”的第63/256号决议,我请求按照大会为法庭工作人员核可的任期延长法庭法官的任期。", "鉴于所附的审判和上诉时间表(见附文),请求作出如下延长:", "常任法官", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2014年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他们的审判和(或)上诉案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "权法官(大韩民国)", "安托内蒂法官(法国)", "霍尔法官(巴哈马)", "德尔瓦法官(比利时)", "莫里森法官(联合王国)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2015年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他们的审判和(或)上诉案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "弗吕格法官(德国)", "奥里法官(荷兰)", "莫洛托法官(南非)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2015年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他们的上诉案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "鲁滨逊法官(牙买加)", "波卡尔法官(意大利)", "刘法官(中国)", "梅龙法官(美利坚合众国)", "阿吉乌斯法官(马耳他)", "审案法官", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如目前指派给他们的审判案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "皮卡尔法官(法国)", "哈霍夫法官(丹麦)", "瓜温扎法官(津巴布韦)", "普兰德勒法官(匈牙利)", "特雷希塞尔法官(瑞士)", "尼亚姆贝法官(赞比亚)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2014年12月31日,如目前指派给他们的审判案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "贝尔德法官(特立尼达和多巴哥)", "拉坦齐法官(意大利)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2015年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他的审判案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "明杜瓦法官(刚果民主共和国)", "此外,需允许下列法官在法庭《规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后继续在法庭任职:", "皮卡尔法官(法国)", "哈霍夫法官(丹麦)", "瓜温扎法官(津巴布韦)", "普兰德勒法官(匈牙利)", "特雷希塞尔法官(瑞士)", "贝尔德法官(特立尼达和多巴哥)", "拉坦齐法官(意大利)", "明杜瓦法官(刚果民主共和国)", "请提请安全理事会和大会注意本信及其附文为荷,以供其审议。", "帕特里克·鲁滨逊(签名)", "附文一", "前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭审判时间表", "[]截至2011年4月12日", "附文二", "[] 前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭上诉时间表", "附文三", "卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭上诉时间表", "[]" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目126", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭", "2011年6月27日秘书长给大会主席的信", "谨随函转递2011年6月8日前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭庭长帕特里克·鲁滨逊法官给我的信(见附件)。", "鲁滨逊先生在信中请求按照审判和上诉时间表延长前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭法官的任期。 审判分庭和上诉分庭法官目前的任期将分别于2011年12月31日和2012年12月31日届满。 我回顾,在安全理事会第1931(2010)号决议和大会第64/416 C号决定中,安理会和联合国大会分别强调,它们打算在2011年6月30日前,根据法庭预计的审判时间表,延长审判法官的任期。", "此外,鲁滨逊先生还请求允许八名审案法官在《法庭规约》第13之三条第2款规定的累计三年后任职。 然而,可能没有必要处理这一请求,因为第1931(2010)号决议和第64/416 C号决定批准的许可继续适用。", "安全理事会和大会应审议这些请求并作出决定。 请将本函及其附件作为大会文件分发为荷。", "潘基文(签名)", "页:1", "2011年6月8日前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭庭长给秘书长的信", "谨提及安全理事会2010年6月29日第1931(2010)号决议,其中安理会:(a) 将上诉分庭法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束;(b) 将审判分庭常任法官的任期延长至2011年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束;(c) 将审判分庭审案法官的任期延长至2011年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束;(d) 允许某些审案法官在《前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后,在法庭任职;(e) 强调安理会打算在2011年6月30日前,根据法庭预计的审判时间表,将审判法官的任期延长,并请法庭庭长至迟于2011年5月15日向安理会提交最新审判和上诉时间表。", "谨此提交最新的审判和上诉时间表[1]并提请你注意延长法庭常任法官和审案法官任期的必要性。 还需要允许一些审案法官在《法庭规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后在法庭任职。", "考虑到法庭目前预计完成所有审判和上诉工作的日期,并考虑到大会2008年12月24日第63/256号决议授权法庭 \" 按照现行有关审判时间表计划裁减员额的日期向工作人员提供合同 \" ,我请求延长法庭法官的任期,使其与大会为法庭工作人员核准的任期相称。", "参照所附审判和上诉时间表(见附文),请求延长如下:", "常任法官", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2014年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他们的审判和(或)上诉在此之前结案,任期则提前结束:", "霍尔法官(巴哈马) 德尔瓦法官(比利时) 莫里森法官(联合王国)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2015年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他们的审判和(或)上诉在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "奥里法官(荷兰) 莫洛托法官(南非)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2015年12月31日,如指派或将指派给他们的上诉在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "鲁滨逊法官(牙买加) 波卡尔法官(意大利) 刘法官(中国) 梅龙法官(美利坚合众国) 阿吉乌斯法官(马耳他)", "审案法官", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "普兰德勒法官(匈牙利) 特雷希塞尔法官(瑞士) 尼亚姆贝法官(赞比亚)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2014年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,其任期亦提前结束:", "贝尔德法官(特立尼达和多巴哥) 拉坦齐法官(意大利)", "请求将下列法官的任期延长至2015年12月31日,如指派或将指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束:", "明杜瓦法官(刚果民主共和国)", "此外,下列法官必须在《法庭规约》第13条之三第2款规定的累计任期届满后才能在法庭任职:", "普兰德勒法官(匈牙利) 特雷希塞尔法官(瑞士) 贝尔德法官(特立尼达和多巴哥) 拉坦齐法官(意大利) 明杜瓦法官(刚果民主共和国)", "请将本函及其附文提请安全理事会和大会审议为荷。", "帕特里克·鲁滨逊(签名)", "附录一", "前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭审判时间表", "[]", "附录二", "前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭上诉时间表", "[]", "附录三", "卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭上诉时间表", "[]", "[1] 法庭最新完成工作战略报告(见S/2011/316)还于2011年5月12日提交了最新审判和上诉时间表。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Item 13 (m) of the provisional agenda*", "Economic and environmental questions:", "transport of dangerous goods", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "Work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling its resolutions 1999/65 of 26 October 1999 and 2009/19 of 29 July 2009,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals during the biennium 2009-2010,[1]", "A. Work of the Committee regarding the transport of dangerous goods", "Recognizing the importance of the work of the Committee for the harmonization of codes and regulations relating to the transport of dangerous goods,", "Bearing in mind the need to maintain safety standards at all times and to facilitate trade, as well as the importance of this to the various organizations responsible for modal regulations, while meeting the growing concern for the protection of life, property and the environment through the safe and secure transport of dangerous goods,", "Noting the ever-increasing volume of dangerous goods being introduced into worldwide commerce, and the rapid expansion of technology and innovation,", "Recalling that, while the major international instruments governing the transport of dangerous goods by the various modes of transport and many national regulations are now better harmonized with the Model Regulations annexed to the Committee’s recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods, further work on harmonizing these instruments is necessary to enhance safety and to facilitate trade, and recalling also that uneven progress in the updating of national inland transport legislation in some countries of the world continues to present serious challenges to international multimodal transport,", "Noting with concern that, despite the recommendations contained in chapter 5.5 of the Model Regulations annexed to the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, intended to alert workers involved in opening and unloading transport units containing general cargo that has been fumigated prior to shipment for phytosanitary purposes and who may be unfamiliar with the substantial risks of asphyxiation, intoxication and death when such units have not been ventilated, accidents during such operations are still reported in port areas and inland container depots,", "1. Expresses its appreciation for the work of the Committee of Experts on the Transport of Dangerous Goods and on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals with respect to matters relating to the transport of dangerous goods, including their security in transport;", "2. Requests the Secretary-General:", "(a) To circulate the new and amended recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods[2] to the Governments of Member States, the specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and other international organizations concerned;", "(b) To publish the seventeenth revised edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations[3] and amendment 1 to the fifth revised edition of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Manual of Tests and Criteria[4] in all the official languages of the United Nations, in the most cost-effective manner, no later than the end of 2011;", "(c) To make those publications available on the website of the Economic Commission for Europe,[5] which provides secretariat services to the Committee, and to make them available also on CD-ROM;", "3. Invites all Governments, the regional commissions, the specialized agencies, the International Atomic Energy Agency and the other international organizations concerned to transmit to the secretariat of the Committee their views on the Committee’s work, together with any comments that they may wish to make on the recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods;", "4. Invites all interested Governments, the regional commissions, the specialized agencies and the international organizations concerned to take into account the recommendations of the Committee when developing or updating appropriate codes and regulations;", "5. Invites in particular the Governments of Member States, the International Labour Organization and the International Maritime Organization to draw the attention of authorities and other entities concerned with workplace safety to the warning, marking, documentation and training provisions contained in chapter 5.5 of the Recommendations on the Transport of Dangerous Goods: Model Regulations or in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code, concerning fumigated cargo transport units, and to take appropriate steps to ensure their implementation and workers’ awareness;", "6. Requests the Committee to study, in consultation with the International Maritime Organization, the International Civil Aviation Organization, the regional commissions and the intergovernmental organizations concerned, the possibilities of improving the implementation of the Model Regulations on the transport of dangerous goods in all countries for the purposes of ensuring a high level of safety and eliminating technical barriers to international trade, including through the further harmonization of international agreements or conventions governing the international transport of dangerous goods;", "7. Invites all Governments, as well as the regional commissions and organizations concerned, the International Maritime Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization to provide feedback to the Committee regarding differences between the provisions of national, regional or international legal instruments and those of the Model Regulations, in order to enable the Committee to develop cooperative guidelines for enhancing consistency between these requirements and reducing unnecessary impediments; to identify existing substantive and international, regional and national differences, with the aim of reducing those differences in modal treatment to the greatest extent practical and ensuring that where differences are necessary they do not pose impediments to the safe and efficient transport of dangerous goods; and to undertake an editorial review of the Model Regulations and various modal instruments with the aim of improving clarity, user friendliness and ease of translation;", "B. Work of the Committee regarding the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals", "Bearing in mind that in paragraph 23 (c) of the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development (“Johannesburg Plan of Implementation”),[6] countries were encouraged to implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals as soon as possible with a view to having the system fully operational by 2008,", "Bearing in mind also that the General Assembly, in its resolution 57/253 of 20 December 2002, endorsed the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation and requested the Economic and Social Council to implement the provisions of the Plan relevant to its mandate and, in particular, to promote the implementation of Agenda 21 by strengthening system-wide coordination,", "Noting with satisfaction:", "(a) That the Economic Commission for Europe and all United Nations programmes and specialized agencies concerned with chemical safety in the field of transport or of the environment, in particular the United Nations Environment Programme, the International Maritime Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization, have already taken appropriate steps to amend or update their legal instruments in order to give effect to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals or are considering amending them as soon as possible;", "(b) That the International Labour Organization, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the World Health Organization are also taking appropriate steps to adapt their existing chemical safety recommendations, codes and guidelines to the Globally Harmonized System, in particular in the areas of occupational health and safety, pesticide management and the prevention and treatment of poisoning;", "(c) That the Globally Harmonized System has already been in force in Mauritius since 2004;[7]", "(d) That New Zealand, where the first edition of the Globally Harmonized System has been in force since 2001, is updating its national legislation in accordance with the provisions of its third revised edition;⁷", "(e) That in the European Union, the first adaptation to technical progress to the so-called “Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation”,[8] implementing the Globally Harmonized System in its member States and in the European Economic Area, entered into force on 25 September 2009[9] and that a second adaptation, intended to bring the Classification, Labelling and Packaging Regulation in line with the provisions of the third revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System, is expected to be published within the first half of 2011;⁷", "(f) That national legislation implementing the Globally Harmonized System in Serbia entered into force on September 2010;⁷", "(g) That in the United States of America, the Department of Labor of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration published on 30 September 2009 a proposed rule to modify its existing Hazard Communication Standard to conform with the third revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System;⁷", "(h) That implementation of the Globally Harmonized System has started in the Republic of Korea, Singapore and Viet Nam;⁷", "(i) That other Member States (e.g., Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Japan, Malaysia, the Russian Federation, South Africa and Switzerland) participating in the activities of the Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals are actively preparing revisions of national legislation, or have developed or already issued standards applicable to chemicals in implementation of the Globally Harmonized System;⁷", "(j) That a number of United Nations programmes and specialized agencies and regional organizations, in particular the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the International Labour Organization, the World Health Organization, the Economic Commission for Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Governments, the European Union and non-governmental organizations representing the chemical industry, have organized or contributed to multiple workshops, seminars and other capacity-building activities at the international, regional, subregional and national levels in order to raise administration, health sector and industry awareness and to prepare for or support the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System;", "Aware that effective implementation will require further cooperation between the Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals and the international bodies concerned, continued efforts by the Governments of Member States, cooperation with the industry and other stakeholders, and significant support for capacity-building activities in countries with economies in transition and developing countries,", "Recalling the particular significance of the United Nations Institute for Training and Research, the International Labour Organization and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Global Partnership for Capacity-building to Implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals for building capacities at all levels,", "1. Commends the Secretary-General for the publication of the third revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals in the six official languages of the United Nations, in book form[10] and on CD-ROM, and its availability together with related information material on the website of the Economic Commission for Europe,⁵ which provides secretariat services to the Committee;", "2. Expresses its deep appreciation to the Committee, the Economic Commission for Europe, United Nations programmes, specialized agencies and other organizations concerned for their fruitful cooperation and their commitment to the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals;", "3. Requests the Secretary-General:", "(a) To circulate the amendments[11] to the third revised edition of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals to the Governments of Member States, the specialized agencies and other international organizations concerned;", "(b) To publish the fourth revised edition[12] of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals in all the official languages of the United Nations in the most cost-effective manner no later than the end of 2011 and to make it available on CD-ROM and on the website of the Economic Commission for Europe;", "(c) To continue to make information on the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System available on the website of the Economic Commission for Europe;⁷", "4. Invites Governments that have not yet done so to take the necessary steps, through appropriate national procedures and/or legislation, to implement the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals as soon as possible;", "5. Reiterates its invitation to the regional commissions, United Nations programmes, the specialized agencies and other organizations concerned to promote the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals and, where relevant, to amend their respective legal international instruments addressing transport safety, workplace safety, consumer protection or the protection of the environment so as to give effect to the Globally Harmonized System through such instruments;", "6. Invites Governments, the regional commissions, United Nations programmes, the specialized agencies and other organizations concerned to provide feedback to the Subcommittee of Experts on the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals on the steps taken for the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System in all relevant sectors, through international, regional or national legal instruments, recommendations, codes and guidelines, including, when applicable, information about the transitional periods for its implementation;", "7. Encourages Governments, the regional commissions, United Nations programmes, the specialized agencies and other relevant international organizations and non-governmental organizations, in particular those representing industry, to strengthen their support for the implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals by providing financial contributions and/or technical assistance for capacity-building activities in developing countries and countries with economies in transition;", "C. Programme of work of the Committee", "Taking note of the programme of work of the Committee for the biennium 2011-2012 as contained in paragraphs 48 and 49 of the report of the Secretary‑General,¹", "Noting the relatively poor level of participation of experts from developing countries and countries with economies in transition in the work of the Committee and the need to promote their wider participation in its work,", "1. Decides to approve the programme of work of the Committee;", "2. Stresses the importance of the participation of experts from developing countries and from countries with economies in transition in the work of the Committee, calls, in that regard, for voluntary contributions to facilitate their participation, including through support for travel and daily subsistence, and invites Member States and international organizations in a position to do so to contribute;", "3. Requests the Secretary-General to submit a report to the Economic and Social Council in 2013 on the implementation of the present resolution, the recommendations on the transport of dangerous goods and the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals.", "[1] * E/2011/100 and Corr.1.", "E/2011/91.", "[2] ST/SG/AC.10/38/Add.1 and Add.2.", "[3] ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.17.", "[4] ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.1.", "[5]", "[6] Report of the World Summit on Sustainable Development, Johannesburg, South Africa, 26 August-4 September 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.03.II.A.1 and corrigendum), chap. I, resolution 2, annex.", "[7] Information on implementation of the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals by country and through international legal instruments, recommendations, codes and guidelines is available on the website of the Economic Commission for Europe at", "[8] Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2008 on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, amending and repealing directives 67/548/EEC and 1999/45/EC, and amending regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (Official Journal of the European Union, L 353 of 31 December 2008). The Regulation entered into force on 20 January 2009.", "[9] Commission Regulation (EC) No. 790/2009 of 10 August 2009, amending, for the purposes of its adaptation to technical and scientific progress, Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council on classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures (Official Journal of the European Union, L 235 of 5 September 2009).", "[10] United Nations publication, Sales No. E.09.II.E.10 and corrigenda.", "[11] ST/SG/AC.10/38/Add.3.", "[12] ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.4." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程[1] 项目13(m)", "经济和环境问题:危险货物运输", "经济及社会理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商的基础上提交的决议草案", "危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家委员会的工作", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其1999年10月26日第1999/65号决议和2009年7月29日第2009/19号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家委员会2009-2010两年期的工作报告,[2]", "A. 委员会在危险货物运输方面的工作", "认识到委员会的工作对统一有关危险货物运输的守则和条例具有重要意义,", "铭记必须始终坚持安全标准和便利贸易,并铭记这项工作对负责示范条例的各个组织的重要性,同时需要通过危险货物的安全和稳妥运输,解决对保护生命、财产和环境的日益关注,", "注意到世界贸易中危险货物的贸易量正在日益增加,技术和革新日新月异,", "回顾对各种运输方式的危险货物运输,主要国际文书和许多国家条例目前已实现与委员会关于危险货物运输建议书所附示范条例较好的接轨,但为了加强安全和便利贸易,有必要在统一这些文书方面进一步开展工作;还回顾世界上一些国家在修订国家内陆运输法规方面取得的进展并不均衡,对国际多式联运继续造成严重困难,", "关切地注意到,普通货物的运输装置在装运前为植物检疫目的进行了熏蒸,这些运输装置在没有通风之前存在窒息、中毒和死亡的重大风险,尽管《关于危险货物运输的建议书:示范条例》第5.5章提出的建议意欲提醒可能不熟悉这些风险的工人在开启和卸载这些运输装置时要保持警觉,但是在港口地区和内陆集装箱中转站仍有这类操作事故的报道,", "1. 表示赞赏危险货物运输问题和全球化学品统一分类和标签制度问题专家委员会就与危险货物运输相关的问题,包括危险货物运输中的安全问题开展的工作;", "2. 请秘书长:", "(a) 向会员国政府、专门机构、国际原子能机构和其他有关国际组织散发新的和经修订的关于危险货物运输的建议;[3]", "(b) 以最经济有效的方式,不迟于2011年底,以所有联合国正式语文出版《关于危险货物运输的建议书:示范条例》第十七修订版,[4] 以及对《关于危险货物运输的建议书:检验和标准手册》第五修订版;[5]", "(c) 在向委员会提供秘书处服务的欧洲经济委员会网站[6] 发表上述出版物,并将其制成光盘;", "3. 请所有国家政府、区域委员会、专门机构、国际原子能机构和其他有关国际组织,向委员会秘书处提出它们对委员会工作的意见,以及它们愿对《关于危险货物运输的建议书》提出的任何意见;", "4. 请所有有关国家政府、各区域委员会、专门机构和有关国际组织,在制定或更新相关的守则和条例时,考虑到委员会的建议;", "5. 特别请各会员国政府、国际劳工组织和国际海事组织提请涉及工作场所安全的有关当局和其他实体注意《关于危险货物运输的建议书:示范条例》第5.5章关于警告、标识、文件和培训的规定或《国际海运危险货物规则》关于熏蒸货物运输装置的规定,并采取确保实施和工人认识的适当步骤;", "6. 请委员会与国际海事组织、国际民用航空组织、各区域委员会和有关政府间组织磋商,研究如何在所有国家更好地执行《关于危险货物运输的示范条例》,以求确保高度安全,消除国际贸易的技术性壁垒,包括进一步统一有关危险货物国际运输的国际协议或公约;", "7. 请所有国家政府及有关的区域委员会和组织、国际海事组织和国际民用航空组织,就国家、区域或国际法律文书条款与《示范条例》条款之间存在的差异向委员会提供反馈意见,以使委员会能够拟订旨在增强这些规定之间的一致性并减少不必要的障碍的合作性指导方针;找出国际、区域和国家现有的实质性差异,以便尽最大可能减少示范条例方面的这些差异,并确保在这些差异属于必要的情况下,使这些差异不阻碍危险货物的安全和高效率运输;对《示范条例》和各种示范文书作编辑上的审查,以期提高清晰度,更加便于使用并更加易于翻译;", "B. 委员会有关全球化学品统一分类和标签制度的工作", "铭记《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》)[7] 第23段(c)分段,鼓励各国尽快采用《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》,争取在2008年全面实行这一制度,", "又铭记大会在2002年12月20日第57/253号决议中核可了《约翰内斯堡执行计划》,并请经济及社会理事会执行该计划与其任务有关的规定,特别是加强全系统范围的协调,促进《二十一世纪议程》的落实,", "满意地注意到:", "(a) 欧洲经济委员会以及与运输或环境领域的化学品安全有关的所有联合国方案和专门机构,特别是联合国环境规划署、国际海事组织和国际民用航空组织,或已采取适当行动修订或更新本机构的法律文书以便实行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》,或正在考虑尽快修订其法律文书;", "(b) 国际劳工组织、联合国粮食及农业组织和世界卫生组织也在采取适当步骤,修改现行的化学品安全建议、守则和准则,使其符合《全球统一制度》,特别是在职业卫生和安全、农药管理以及预防和治疗中毒等领域;", "(c) 《全球统一制度》已于2004年在毛里求斯生效;[8]", "(d) 《全球统一制度》第一版已于2001年在新西兰生效,该国正在依照《全球统一制度》第三修订版更新其本国法律;⁷", "(e) 欧洲联盟为适应技术进步,对在欧洲联盟成员国和欧洲经济区境内实施《全球统一制度》的所谓“分类、标签和包装条例”[9] 所作的第一次修改[10] 于2009年9月25日生效,并且,预计将在2011年上半年颁布第二次修改,使“分类、标签和包装条例”符合《全球统一制度》第三修订版的规定;⁷", "(f) 塞尔维亚执行《全球统一制度》的国内法律已于2010年9月生效;⁷", "(g) 美利坚合众国劳工部职业安全与健康管理局于2009年9月30日公布了修改其现行《危害通报标准》的拟议规则,以便与《全球统一制度》第三修订版相一致;⁷", "(h) 大韩民国、新加坡和越南已经开始执行《全球统一制度》;⁷", "(i) 参加全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会活动的其它会员国(例如澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、中国、日本、马来西亚、俄罗斯联邦、南非和瑞士)正在为执行《全球统一制度》积极准备修改本国法律,或者已经制定或颁布了化学品适用标准;⁷", "(j) 若干联合国方案、专门机构和区域组织,特别是联合国训练研究所、国际劳工组织、世界卫生组织、欧洲经济委员会、亚洲-太平洋经济合作组织、经济合作与发展组织、各国政府、欧洲联盟和代表化学工业界的非政府组织,纷纷举办或协助举办国际、区域、次区域和国家各级讲习班、研讨会和其他能力建设活动,目的是提高行政部门、卫生部门和产业界的认识,并为执行或支持执行《全球统一制度》作准备;", "意识到为了切实执行,需要全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会与有关国际机构进一步合作,还需要会员国政府继续努力,与产业界和其他利益攸关方合作,以及大力支持经济转型国家和发展中国家的能力建设活动,", "回顾联合国训练研究所、国际劳工组织和经济合作与发展组织执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的“能力建设全球伙伴关系”,对各级能力建设具有特别重要的意义,", "1. 赞扬秘书长以书籍[11] 和光盘形式用联合国六种正式语文出版《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》第三修订版,该出版物和相关资料还可在向委员会提供秘书处服务的欧洲经济委员会网站上查阅;⁵", "2. 高度赞赏委员会、欧洲经济委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关组织开展卓有成效的合作,并赞赏它们致力于执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》;", "3. 请秘书长:", "(a) 将《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》第三修订版的修正案[12] 分发给各会员国政府、专门机构和其他有关国际组织;", "(b) 以最经济有效的方式,并至迟于2011年年底用联合国所有正式语文出版《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》第四修订版,[13] 同时将其制成光盘,并张贴在欧洲经济委员会的网站上;", "(c) 继续在欧洲经济委员会网站上提供有关《全球统一制度》的执行情况;⁷", "4. 请尚未采取必要步骤通过适当国内程序和(或)立法执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的国家政府,尽快采取必要步骤,执行该制度;", "5. 再次请各区域委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关组织,推动《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的执行,并酌情修订各自有关运输安全、工作场所安全、消费者保护或环境保护的国际法律文书,以通过此种文书实行《全球统一制度》;", "6. 请各国政府、各区域委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关组织,就各有关部门通过国际、区域或国家法律文书、建议、守则和准则执行《全球统一制度》而采取的步骤,向全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会提供反馈意见,包括酌情提供有关该制度执行的过渡期的情况;", "7. 鼓励各国政府、各区域委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关国际组织和非政府组织(特别是代表行业的组织),加强对执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的支持,为发展中国家和经济转型国家的能力建设活动提供资助和(或)技术援助;", "C. 委员会的工作方案", "注意到秘书长报告¹ 第48和49段所载委员会2011-2012两年期工作方案,", "注意到发展中国家和经济转型国家的专家相对较少地参加委员会工作,需要推动他们更广泛地参加委员会的工作,", "1. 决定核准委员会的工作方案;", "2. 强调发展中国家和经济转型国家的专家参加委员会工作的重要性,在这方面,呼吁提供自愿捐助,便利他们参加委员会的工作,包括提供旅费和每日生活津贴,并请有能力提供捐助的会员国和国际组织这样做;", "3. 请秘书长在2013年就本决议、危险货物运输的建议和《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的执行情况,向经济及社会理事会提出报告。", "[1] ^(*) E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "[2] E/2011/91。", "[3] ST/SG/AC.10/38/Add.1和2。", "[4] ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.17。", "[5] ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.1。", "[6]。", "[7] 《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议报告,2002年8月26日至9月4日,南非约翰内斯堡》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.03.II.A.1和更正),第一章,决议2,附件。", "[8] 按国别分列以及通过国际法律文书、建议、守则和准则执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的情况,可查阅。", "[9] 2008年12月16日欧洲议会和欧盟理事会关于物质和混合物分类、标签和包装的(EC)1272/2008号条例,修正和废止了67/548/EEC号指示和1999/45/EC号指示,同时修正了(EC)1907/2006号条例(《2008年12月31日欧洲联盟L353号公报》)。该条例于2009年1月20日生效。", "[10] 2009年8月10日欧洲联盟委员会(EC)790/2009号条例,为适应技术和科学进步修正了欧洲议会和欧盟理事会关于物质和混合物分类、标签和包装的(EC)1272/2008号条例(《2009年9月5日欧洲联盟L235号公报》)。", "[11] 联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.09II.E.10及更正。", "[12] ST/SG/AC.10/38/Add.3。", "[13] ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.4。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程* 项目13(m)", "经济和环境问题:", "危险货物运输", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家委员会的工作", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其1999年10月26日第1999/65号决议和2009年7月29日第2009/19号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家委员会2009-2010两年期工作的报告,[1]", "A类. 委员会有关危险货物运输的工作", "认识到委员会的工作对统一与危险货物运输有关的守则和条例的重要性,", "铭记必须始终维持安全标准并便利贸易,以及这一点对负责示范条例的各种组织的重要性,同时通过危险货物的安全和有保障的运输,解决人们日益关切保护生命、财产和环境的问题,", "注意到世界贸易中危险货物的数量日益增加,技术和创新迅速扩展,", "回顾关于以各种运输方式运输危险货物的主要国际文书和许多国家条例现在与委员会关于危险货物运输的建议所附《示范条例》更加相统一,但为了加强安全和便利贸易,需要进一步努力协调这些文书,还回顾世界一些国家在更新国家内陆运输立法方面取得的进展参差不齐,继续对国际多式联运构成严重挑战,", "关切地注意到,尽管《关于危险货物运输的建议书》所附的《示范条例》第5.5章中载有各项建议,旨在提醒参与开办和卸载装有为植物检疫目的装运前已熏蒸的一般货物的运输单位的工人,他们可能不熟悉这些单位尚未通风时窒息、中毒和死亡等重大风险,但据报在港区和内陆集装箱站仍然发生此类作业期间的事故,", "1. 联合国 1. 表示赞赏危险货物运输和全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家委员会就与危险货物运输有关的事项开展的工作,包括这些货物在运输中的安全;", "2. 联合国 4. 请秘书长:", "(a) 国家 (一) 向会员国政府、专门机构、国际原子能机构和其他有关国际组织散发关于危险货物运输的新建议和经修订的建议[2];", "(b) 国家 《关于危险货物运输的建议:示范条例》第十七修订版[3]和《关于危险货物运输的建议:试验和标准手册》第五修订版修正案1[4]以最具成本效益的方式于2011年底前以联合国所有正式语文出版;", "(c) 在向委员会提供秘书处服务的欧洲经济委员会网站上提供这些出版物,[5] 并将其制成光盘;", "3个 4. 请各国政府、各区域委员会、专门机构、国际原子能机构和其他有关国际组织向委员会秘书处提出它们对委员会工作的意见,以及它们想就关于危险货物运输的建议提出的任何评论;", " 4.四. 6. 请所有有关政府、区域委员会、专门机构和有关国际组织在制定或更新适当的守则和条例时考虑到委员会的建议;", "5 (韩语). 3. 特别请各会员国政府、国际劳工组织和国际海事组织提请与工作场所安全有关的当局和其他实体注意《关于危险货物运输的建议:示范条例》第5.5章或《国际海运危险货物规则》中关于被熏蒸的货物运输单位的警告、标识、文件和培训规定,并采取适当措施确保这些规定得到实施并提高对工人的认识;", "6. 国家 9. 请委员会同国际海事组织、国际民用航空组织、各区域委员会和有关的政府间组织协商,研究是否可能改进《关于在所有国家运输危险货物的示范条例》的执行,以确保高度的安全并消除国际贸易的技术壁垒,包括进一步统一关于危险货物国际运输的国际协定或公约;", "7. 联合国 9. 邀请各国政府以及各区域委员会和有关组织、国际海事组织和国际民用航空组织就国家、区域或国际法律文书的规定同《示范条例》的规定之间的差异向委员会提供反馈意见,使委员会能制定合作准则,使这些要求更加一致并减少不必要的障碍;查明现有的实质性差异以及国际、区域和国家差异,以尽可能实际地减少在方式处理方面的这些差异,并确保在必要情况下这些差异不会对危险货物的安全高效运输构成障碍;并对《示范条例》和各种方式文书进行编辑审查,以提高清晰度、便于使用并便于翻译;", "B. 委员会有关全球化学品统一分类标签制度的工作", "铭记《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》(《约翰内斯堡执行计划》) 第23 (c)段鼓励各国尽快实施《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》,以期到2008年全面实施这一制度,", "又铭记大会2002年12月20日第57/253号决议核可了《约翰内斯堡执行计划》,并请经济及社会理事会执行该计划与其任务有关的规定,特别是通过加强全系统的协调来推动《21世纪议程》的执行,", "满意地注意到:", "(a) 欧洲经济委员会和所有与运输或环境领域的化学品安全有关的联合国方案和专门机构,特别是联合国环境规划署、国际海事组织和国际民用航空组织,已经采取了适当步骤来修订或更新其法律文书,以实施《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》,或考虑尽快加以修订;", "(b) 国际劳工组织、联合国粮食及农业组织和世界卫生组织也正在采取适当步骤,使现有的化学品安全建议、守则和准则适应《全球统一制度》,特别是在职业健康和安全、农药管理以及预防和治疗中毒等领域;", "(c) 《全球统一制度》自2004年以来已在毛里求斯生效;[7]", "(d) 国家 《全球统一制度》第一版于2001年生效,新西兰正在根据其第三修订版的规定更新国家立法;7", "(e) 协助 在欧洲联盟,对所谓的“分类、标签和包装条例”[8]在成员国和欧洲经济区实施《全球统一制度》的技术性进展所作的第一次调整于2009年9月25日生效[9],而第二次调整旨在使《分类、标签和包装条例》符合《全球统一制度》第三修订版的规定,预计将于2011年上半年公布;7", "(f) 与《公约》有关的问题 在塞尔维亚实施《全球统一制度》的国家立法于2010年9月生效;7", "(g) 在美利坚合众国,职业安全和卫生管理局劳工部于2009年9月30日公布了一项拟议规则,以修改其现行危害通报标准,使之符合《全球统一制度》第三修订版;7", "(h) 《全球统一制度》已在大韩民国、新加坡和越南开始实施;7", "(一) 参加全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会活动的其他会员国(如澳大利亚、巴西、加拿大、中国、日本、马来西亚、俄罗斯联邦、南非和瑞士)正在积极准备修订国家立法,或已经制定或颁布了适用于化学品的标准,以实施全球统一制度;7", "(j) 财务和预算司 联合国的一些方案、专门机构和区域组织,特别是联合国训练研究所、国际劳工组织、世界卫生组织、欧洲经济委员会、亚洲-太平洋经济合作组织和经济合作与发展组织、各国政府、欧洲联盟和代表化学工业的非政府组织,在国际、区域、分区域和国家各级组织或协助举办了多期讲习班、研讨会和其他能力建设活动,以提高行政、卫生部门和工业的认识并筹备或支持《全球统一制度》的实施;", "意识到要有效执行,就需要全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会同有关国际机构进一步合作,需要会员国政府继续努力,需要与业界和其他利益攸关方合作,需要大力支持经济转型国家和发展中国家的能力建设活动,", "回顾联合国训练研究所、国际劳工组织和经济合作与发展组织执行全球化学品统一分类标签制度能力建设全球伙伴关系对各级能力建设具有特别重要的意义,", "1. 联合国 1. 赞扬秘书长以联合国六种正式语文出版《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》第三修订版的书本[10]和光盘,并在向委员会提供秘书处服务的欧洲经济委员会网站5 上提供有关资料;", "2. 联合国 1. 深切感谢委员会、欧洲经济委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关组织开展卓有成效的合作并致力于执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》;", "3个 4. 请秘书长:", "(a) 国家 将《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》第三修订版修正案[11]分发给各会员国政府、专门机构和其他有关国际组织;", "(b) 国家 最迟于2011年底以成本效益最高的方式以联合国所有正式语文出版《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》第四修订版[12],并以光盘和欧洲经济委员会网站提供;", "(c) 继续在欧洲经济委员会网站上提供《全球统一制度》执行情况的资料;7", "4. 邀请尚未采取必要步骤的各国政府,通过适当的国家程序和(或)立法,尽快实施《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》;", "5 (韩语). 4. 再次请各区域委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关组织促进执行《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》,并酌情修订各自关于运输安全、工作场所安全、消费者保护或环境保护的国际法律文书,以通过这些文书使《全球统一制度》生效;", "6. 邀请各国政府、各区域委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关组织向全球化学品统一分类标签制度专家小组委员会提供反馈意见,说明通过国际、区域或国家法律文书、建议、守则和准则在所有相关部门实施《全球统一制度》所采取步骤的情况,包括酌情提供其实施过渡期的资料;", "7. 联合国 6. 鼓励各国政府、各区域委员会、联合国各方案、专门机构和其他有关国际组织和非政府组织,特别是代表工业界的政府间组织和非政府组织,为发展中国家和经济转型国家的能力建设活动提供捐款和(或)技术援助,加强对执行《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》的支持;", "C. 委员会的工作方案", "表示注意到秘书长报告 第48和49段所载委员会2011-2012两年期工作方案,", "注意到发展中国家和经济转型国家的专家参加委员会工作的程度相对较低,需要促进他们更广泛地参与委员会的工作,", "1. 联合国 1. 决定核准委员会的工作方案;", "2. 联合国 9. 强调发展中国家和经济转型国家的专家参加委员会工作的重要性,在这方面呼吁提供自愿捐助,以方便其参与,包括提供旅费和每日生活津贴,并邀请有能力的会员国和国际组织提供捐助;", "3个 5. 请秘书长在2013年就本决议、关于危险货物运输的建议和《全球化学品统一分类标签制度》的执行情况向经济及社会理事会提交报告。", "[1] * E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "页:1", "[2] ST/SG/AC.10/38/Add.1和Add.2。", "[3] ST/SG/AC.10/1/Rev.17。", "[4] ST/SG/AC.10/11/Rev.5/Amend.1号文件。", "[5] (中文(简体) ).", "[6] 《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议的报告,2002年8月26日至9月4日,南非约翰内斯堡》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.03.II.A.1和更正),第一章。 页:1", "[7] 欧洲经济委员会网站载有按国家和通过国际法律文书、建议、守则和准则执行《全球化学品统一分类和标签制度》的资料。", "[8] 欧洲议会和欧洲理事会2008年12月16日关于物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装的第1272/2008号条例(EC),修正并废除第67/548/EEC和1999/45/EC号指令,并修正第1907/2006号条例(EC)(2008年12月31日《欧洲联盟公报》,L 353)。 该条例于2009年1月20日生效。", "[9] 2009年8月10日欧盟委员会第790/2009号条例,为了适应技术和科学进步,修订了欧洲议会和欧洲理事会关于物质和混合物的分类、标签和包装的第1272/2008号条例(2009年9月5日《欧洲联盟公报》,L-235)。", "[10] 联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.09.II.E.10和更正。", "[11] ST/SG/AC.10/38/Add.3号文件。", "[12] ST/SG/AC.10/30/Rev.4。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Request for the inclusion of an item in the provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth session", "Observer status for the Union of South American Nations in the General Assembly", "Letter dated 24 June 2011 from the Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Permanent Mission of Guyana to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Upon the instructions of my Government, in its capacity as the pro tempore President of the Union of South American Nations, I have the honour, in accordance with rule 13 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, to request the inclusion in the provisional agenda of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly of an item entitled “Observer status in the General Assembly for the Union of South American Nations”.", "In accordance with rule 20 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, an explanatory memorandum in support of the above-mentioned request (annex I) and a draft resolution (annex II) are attached.", "I should be grateful if the present letter and its annexes could be circulated as a document of the General Assembly.", "(Signed) George Talbot Chargé d’affaires a.i.", "Annex I", "Explanatory memorandum", "I. General introduction", "1. The Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) was officially established on 23 May 2008, with the signing of its Constitutive Treaty, after several years of complex negotiations at the highest political level.", "2. Previously referred to as the South American Community of Nations, the Presidents of South American nations agreed to change the name of the organization in 2007 to the Union of South American Nations, indicating a commitment to the political union of those republics and the construction of a South American citizenship, with a long-term strategic vision for enhanced integration.", "3. In addition to working resolutely towards the unity of all South American nations and their peoples, the Union aims to strengthen the international presence of the region and to actively participate in the consolidation of the world community, characterized by well-being, multilateralism, the rule of law, peace and international solidarity.", "II. Principles and objectives", "4. Article 2 of the Constitutive Treaty of the Union outlines its overarching objective, which is to build, in a participatory and consensual manner, an integration and union among its peoples in the cultural, social, economic and political fields, prioritizing political dialogue, social policies, education, energy, infrastructure, financing and the environment, among other aspects, with a view to eliminating socio-economic inequality, in order to achieve social inclusion and participation of civil society, strengthen democracy and reduce asymmetries, within the framework of strengthening the sovereignty and independence of the States.", "5. The specific objectives are outlined in article 3 of the Treaty, as follows:", "(a) The strengthening of the political dialogue among Member States to guarantee a space for consultation in order to reinforce South American integration and the participation of UNASUR in the international arena;", "(b) Inclusive and equitable social and human development in order to eradicate poverty and overcome inequalities in the region;", "(c) The eradication of illiteracy, universal access to quality education and regional recognition of courses and titles;", "(d) Energy integration for the integral and sustainable use of the resources of the region, in a spirit of solidarity;", "(e) The development of an infrastructure for the interconnection of the region and among our peoples, based on sustainable social and economic development criteria;", "(f) Financial integration through the adoption of mechanisms compatible with the economic and fiscal policies of Member States;", "(g) The protection of biodiversity, water resources and ecosystems, as well as cooperation in the prevention of catastrophes and in combating the causes and effects of climate change;", "(h) The development of concrete and effective mechanisms to overcome asymmetries, thus achieving an equitable integration;", "(i) The consolidation of a South American identity through the progressive recognition of the rights of nationals of a Member State resident in any of the other Member States, with the aim of attaining a South American citizenship;", "(j) Universal access to social security and health services;", "(k) Cooperation on issues of migration with a holistic approach, based on an unrestricted respect for human and labour rights, for migratory regularization and harmonization of policies;", "(l) Economic and commercial cooperation to achieve progress and consolidation of an innovative, dynamic, transparent, equitable and balanced process focused on an effective access, promoting economic growth and development to overcome asymmetries by means of the complementarities of the economies of the countries of South America, as well as the promotion of the well-being of all sectors of the population and the reduction of poverty;", "(m) Industrial and productive integration, focusing especially on the important role that small and medium-size enterprises, cooperatives, networks and other forms of productive organizations may play;", "(n) The definition and implementation of common or complementary policies and projects of research, innovation, technological transfer and technological production, aimed at enhancing the region’s own capacity, sustainability and technological development;", "(o) The promotion of cultural diversity and the expression of the traditions and knowledge of the peoples of the region, in order to strengthen their sense of identity;", "(p) Citizen participation through mechanisms for interaction and dialogue between UNASUR and the various social actors in the formulation of South American integration policies;", "(q) Coordination among specialized bodies of the Member States, taking into account international norms, in order to strengthen the fight against corruption, the global drug problem, trafficking in persons, trafficking in small and light weapons, terrorism, transnational organized crime and other threats, as well as for disarmament, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction and the elimination of landmines;", "(r) The promotion of cooperation among the judicial authorities of the Member States of UNASUR;", "(s) The exchange of information and experiences in matters of defence;", "(t) Cooperation for the strengthening of citizen security;", "(u) Sectoral cooperation as a mechanism to deepen South American integration through the exchange of information, experiences and capacity-building.", "6. The Union embodies the firm commitment of its Member States to fostering a process of comprehensive and multidimensional union that, without disregarding the incorporation of the important advances achieved by the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) and the Andean Community, goes beyond the intensification of trade and the broadening of markets in order to move towards the construction of a South American identity and citizenship and the development of an integrated regional space.", "7. The organization also seeks to strengthen Latin America and the Caribbean through South American unity, projecting itself to the world as a block of countries with a shared mission to contribute to the consolidation of an international community based on multilateralism and the rule of law, where sovereign equality among the States and a culture of peace, solidarity and cooperation prevail.", "III. Structure", "8. Pursuant to the Constitutive Treaty, the principal bodies of the Union are: the Council of Heads of State and Government, which is the main body of the Union, responsible for the political conduction of the South American integration process; the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs, which implements the decisions of the Council of Heads of State and Government and develops and furthers political dialogue and consensus on topics of regional and international interest; the Council of Delegates, which implements the decisions of the Council of Heads of State and Government and the resolutions of the Council of Ministers for Foreign Affairs; and the General Secretariat, which executes the mandates issued by the bodies of the Union and represents them by express delegation.", "9. In addition, the Union functions with seven councils on the following themes: energy, defence, health, social development, education, culture, science, technology and innovation, as well as two working groups on financial integration and the settlement of investment-related disputes.", "10. The foundation stage of the Union was completed with the entry into force of its Constitutive Treaty on 11 March 2011. The focus of Member States is now to develop and meet the plans and programmes of the different councils and working groups, and consolidate its bodies, with special attention to the strengthening of the general secretariat and its attributions.", "IV. Observer status in the General Assembly", "11. As a regional organization dedicated to the promotion of regional integration and the strengthening of the international presence of the region and its active participation in the consolidation of a world community characterized by multilateralism, the rule of law, peace and international solidarity, the Union of South American Nations fully adheres to the purposes and principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.", "12. Given the clear complementarity of their shared goals, the granting of observer status in the General Assembly to the Union of South American Nations would initiate a mutually beneficial institutional dialogue between the two organizations. It would also promote coherence of efforts and open avenues for future cooperation in a wide spectrum of areas. Furthermore, obtaining observer status would greatly assist the Union in its endeavours to foster regional initiatives aimed at integration among its Member States.", "Annex II", "Draft resolution", "Observer status for the Union of South American Nations in the General Assembly", "The General Assembly,", "Wishing to promote cooperation between the United Nations and the Union of South American Nations,", "1. Decides to invite the Union of South American Nations to participate in the sessions and the work of the General Assembly in the capacity of observer;", "2. Requests the Secretary-General to take the necessary action to implement the present resolution." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "请求在大会第六十六届会议临时议程内列入一个项目", "给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位", "2011年6月24日圭亚那常驻联合国代表团临时代办给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府(南美洲国家联盟临时主席)的指示,谨依照大会议事规则第13条,请求在大会第六十六届会议临时议程内列入一个题为“给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位”的项目。", "依照大会议事规则第20条,随函附上一份支持上述请求的解释性备忘录(附件一)和一份决议草案(附件二)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会文件分发为荷。", "临时代办", "乔治·塔尔博特(签名)", "附件一", "解释性备忘录", "一. 导言", "1. 南美洲国家最高政治级别经过多年复杂谈判,于2008年5月23日签署《组织条约》,正式成立南美洲国家联盟。", "2. 南美洲国家联盟前称南美洲国家共同体。2007年,经南美洲各国总统同意,该组织更名为南美洲国家联盟,以显示各国对结成政治联盟和构建南美公民体系的决心,并为加强一体化制定了长期战略愿景。", "3. 南美洲国家联盟决心实现南美国家和人民团结,努力提升本区域的国际地位,积极参与建设以福祉、多边主义、法治、和平与国际团结为特征的世界大家庭。", "二. 原则与目标", "4. 南美洲国家联盟《组织条约》第2条规定,南美洲国家联盟的总目标是通过参与和协商实现各国人民在文化、社会、经济和政治领域的一体化和团结,以政治对话、社会政策、教育、能源、基础设施、筹资和环境为重点,消除社会经济不平等,实现社会包容和民间社会参与,在加强各国主权和独立的框架内增进民主,减少失衡。", "5. 《组织条约》第3条规定的具体目标如下:", "(a) 加强成员国之间的政治对话,确保协商空间,巩固南美一体化,扩大南美洲国家联盟参加国际舞台;", "(b) 实现包容、平等的社会和人类发展,消除本区域的贫穷和不平等;", "(c) 消除文盲,普及高质量教育,实现区域各国相互承认学科和学历;", "(d) 发扬团结精神,实现区域能源一体化,以综合和可持续方式利用能源;", "(e) 按照可持续社会经济发展标准建设本区域基础设施,为本区域和人民建立相互联系;", "(f) 建立与成员国经济和财政政策相适应的机制,实现金融一体化;", "(g) 保护生物多样性、水资源和生态系统,共同预防灾难,消除气候变化的根源和影响;", "(h) 建立专门和有效的机制,解决失衡问题,实现平等一体化;", "(i) 逐步承认成员国国民在其他成员国的居住权,确立南美公民身份,巩固南美特征;", "(j) 普及社会保障和医疗服务;", "(k) 开展合作,在绝对尊重人权和劳动权的基础上全面处理移徙问题,实现移徙正规化,统一各国政策;", "(l) 开展经济和商务合作,实现南美国家经济互补,逐步建立和巩固一个以有效提供为重点的创新、强大、透明、平等和平衡的进程,促进经济增长和发展,解决失衡问题,增进各阶层人民的福祉,减少贫穷;", "(m) 实现工业和生产一体化,高度重视中小企业、合作社、网络和其他生产组织形式的重要作用;", "(n) 制定和执行共同或互补政策,开展研究、创新、技术转让和技术生产项目,加强本区域的能力、可持续性和技术发展;", "(o) 促进本区域文化多样性,展现人民传统和知识,加强人民的特征感;", "(p) 建立南美洲国家联盟成员国和社会行动者的互动与对话机制,实现公民参与制定南美一体化政策;", "(q) 按照国际准则协调成员国专门机构的工作,加强打击腐败、全球毒品、人口贩卖、小武器和轻武器贩运、恐怖主义、跨国有组织犯罪和其他威胁,加强裁军、不扩散核武器和大规模杀伤性武器、消除地雷等工作;", "(r) 促进南美洲国家联盟成员国司法部门的合作;", "(s) 交流防务信息和经验;", "(t) 合作加强公民安全;", "(u) 通过信息经验交流和能力建设开展部门合作,加强南美一体化。", "6. 南美洲国家联盟体现了成员国推动全方位、多层次联盟进程的坚定决心,这种联盟将借鉴南方共同市场和安第斯共同体的重要成果,在加强贸易和扩大市场的基础上,逐步构建南美特征和公民系统,开拓区域一体空间。", "7. 本组织并谋求通过南美洲团结加强拉丁美洲加勒比,以国家集团形式屹立于世界之林,以在多元化和法治基础上巩固国际社会为共同使命,强调国家主权平等以及和平、团结与合作文化。", "三. 结构", "8. 根据《组织条约》,南美洲国家联盟设有以下主要机构:国家元首和政府首脑委员会,为南美洲国家联盟的主要机构,负责南美一体化进程的政治事务;外交部长委员会,执行国家元首和政府首脑理事会的决定,就区域和国际议题开展并推动政治对话与协商;代表委员会,执行国家元首和政府首脑委员会的决定和外交部长委员会的决议;总秘书处,执行南美洲国家联盟各机构布置的工作,并代表联盟参加会议。", "9. 联盟并成立了能源、防务、卫生、社会发展、教育、文化等七个专题委员会,以及金融一体化工作组和投资争端解决工作组。", "10. 南美洲国家联盟《组织条约》于2011年3月11日生效,标志着该组织的基础工作已经结束。目前,成员国正在制定执行各委员会和工作组的计划方案,加强组织结构,特别是总秘书处及其附属机构。", "四. 大会观察员地位", "11. 南美洲国家联盟全面遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,以促进区域一体化和提升本区域的国际地位为己任,为加强以多样化、法治、和平与国际团结为特征的世界社会而努力。", "12. 鉴于两组织共同目标的互补性,给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位将开启两组织机构之间的互利对话进程,并有助于协调双方努力,为今后各领域的合作创造条件。并且,给予观察员地位还将极大地推动南美洲国家联盟提出区域一体化倡议的努力。", "附件二", "决议草案", "给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位", "大会,", "愿意促进联合国和南美洲国家联盟之间的合作,", "1. 决定邀请南美洲国家联盟以观察员身份参加大会的届会和工作,", "2. 请秘书长为执行本决议采取必要行动。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "请求在第六十六届会议临时议程内列入一个项目", "给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位", "2011年6月24日圭亚那常驻联合国代表团临时代办给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示,谨根据大会议事规则第13条,请求将题为“给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "根据大会议事规则第20条,随函附上支持上述请求的解释性备忘录(附件一)和一项决议草案(附件二)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会文件分发为荷。", "乔治·塔尔博特(签名)", "页:1", "解释性备忘录", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 2008年5月23日,南美洲国家联盟(南美联盟)在经过数年最高政治级别的复杂谈判之后,签署其《组织法》后正式成立。", "2. 联合国 南美国家总统先前称\"南美国家共同体\",同意于2007年将该组织更名为\"南美国家联盟\",表示致力于这些共和国的政治联盟并建设南美公民身份,具有加强一体化的长期战略愿景.", "3个 除了坚决地努力实现所有南美洲国家及其人民的团结外,联盟还旨在加强该区域的国际存在并积极参与巩固以福祉、多边主义、法治、和平与国际团结为特点的国际社会。", "二. 原则和目标", "4. 《联盟组织法》第2条概述了其总目标,即在加强国家主权和独立的框架内,以参与性和协商一致的方式,在文化、社会、经济和政治领域建立人民之间的融合和联盟,优先考虑政治对话、社会政策、教育、能源、基础设施、筹资和环境等方面,以消除社会经济不平等,实现社会包容和民间社会的参与,加强民主和减少不对称。", "5 (韩语). 《条约》第3条概述了以下具体目标:", "(a) 国家 加强成员国之间的政治对话,保障协商空间,以加强南美洲一体化和南美洲国家联盟在国际舞台上的参与;", "(b) 包容和公平的社会和人类发展,以消除贫穷并消除该区域的不平等现象;", "(c)) 扫除文盲,普及优质教育,并在区域一级承认课程和课程名称;", "(d) 本着团结精神实现能源一体化,以综合和可持续地利用该区域的资源;", "(e) 协助 根据可持续的社会和经济发展标准,发展本区域和我们各国人民之间相互联系的基础设施;", "(f) 通过采用与成员国经济和财政政策相适应的机制实现金融一体化;", "(g) 保护生物多样性、水资源和生态系统,并合作防止灾难并应对气候变化的根源和影响;", "(h) 制定具体而有效的机制来克服不对称现象,从而实现公平的一体化;", "(一) 通过逐步承认居住在任何其他会员国的会员国国民的权利来巩固南美洲的特性,以期获得南美洲公民身份;", "(j) 普及社会保障和保健服务;", "(k) 在不受限制地尊重人权和劳工权利的基础上,就移徙问题开展合作,使移徙合法化并统一政策;", "(l) 开展经济和商业合作,以取得进展并巩固一个以有效准入为重点的创新、有活力、透明、公平和平衡的进程,促进经济增长和发展,以通过南美洲各国经济的互补性来克服不对称现象,并增进各阶层人民的福祉并减少贫穷;", "(m) 工业和生产一体化,尤其注重中小型企业、合作社、网络和其他形式的生产组织可起的重要作用;", "(n) 国家 制定和执行共同或互补的研究、创新、技术转让和技术生产政策和项目,以期加强本区域自身的能力、可持续性和技术发展;", "(o) 促进文化多样性并表达该区域各国人民的传统和知识,以加强他们的认同感;", "(p) 通过南美洲国家联盟与各种社会行动者之间的互动和对话机制,公民参与南美洲一体化政策的制定;", "(q) 会员国专门机构之间的协调,考虑到国际准则,以便加强打击腐败、全球毒品问题、贩运人口、贩运小武器和轻武器、恐怖主义、跨国有组织犯罪和其他威胁的斗争,并促进裁军、不扩散核武器和大规模毁灭性武器和消除地雷;", "(r) 国家 促进南美洲国家联盟成员国司法当局之间的合作;", "(s) 就国防事项交流信息和经验;", "(t) 合作加强公民安全;", "(u) 部门合作是通过交流信息、经验和能力建设来深化南美洲一体化的机制。", "6. 国家 欧盟体现了其成员国对促进全面和多层面的联盟进程的坚定承诺,该进程在不忽视南方共同市场(南共市)和安第斯共同体所取得重要进展的同时,超越了加强贸易和扩大市场,以逐步建立南美洲特征和公民身份并发展一体化的区域空间。", "7. 联合国 本组织还力求通过南美洲的团结加强拉丁美洲和加勒比,把自己描绘成一个共同使命为帮助巩固以多边主义和法治为基础的国际社会的国家集团,在国际社会中,各国主权平等以及和平、团结与合作的文化占上风。", "三. 结构", "8. 联合国 根据《组织条约》,联盟的主要机构是:国家元首和政府首脑理事会,这是联盟的主要机构,负责南美洲一体化进程的政治运作;外交部长理事会,执行国家元首和政府首脑理事会的决定并发展和推动关于区域和国际所关心议题的政治对话和共识;代表理事会,执行国家元首和政府首脑理事会的决定和外交部长理事会的决议;总秘书处,执行联盟各机构发布的任务并派出明确代表团代表它们。", "9. 国家 此外,该联盟与以下七个理事会共同运作:能源、国防、保健、社会发展、教育、文化、科学、技术和创新;以及两个金融一体化和解决投资争端工作组。", "10个 随着2011年3月11日《组织条约》的生效,该联盟的基础阶段已经完成。 会员国现在的重点是制定和满足不同理事会和工作组的计划和方案,并巩固其机构,特别注意加强总秘书处及其职能。", "四、结 论 在大会的观察员地位", "11个 作为一个致力于促进区域一体化和加强该区域国际存在并积极参与巩固以多边主义、法治、和平与国际团结为特点的世界社会的区域组织,南美洲国家联盟充分遵守《联合国宪章》所载的宗旨和原则。", "12个 鉴于它们的共同目标明显相辅相成,给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位将启动两个组织之间的互利机构对话。 它还将促进各种努力的协调一致,并为今后在广泛领域开展合作开辟途径。 此外,获得观察员地位将大大有助于欧盟努力促进旨在成员国一体化的区域倡议。", "页:1", "决议草案", "给予南美洲国家联盟大会观察员地位", "大会,", "希望促进联合国同南美洲国家联盟之间的合作,", "1. 联合国 1. 决定邀请南美洲国家联盟以观察员身份参加大会的届会和工作;", "2. 联合国 4. 请秘书长采取必要行动执行本决议。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 23", "Groups of countries in special situations", "* On behalf of the States Members of the United Nations that are members of the Group of 77 and China.", "Argentina:* revised draft resolution", "Implementing the smooth transition strategy for countries graduating from the list of least developed countries", "Addendum", "Add the following countries to the list of sponsors of the draft resolution:", "Australia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目23", "处境特殊的各国家组", "阿根廷:[1] 订正决议草案", "执行从最不发达国家名单毕业的国家平稳过渡战略", "增编", "将下列国家列入决议草案提案国名单:", "澳大利亚、比利时、保加利亚、加拿大、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、黑山、新西兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国", "[1] ^(*) 代表属于77国集团的联合国会员国和中国。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目23", "处境特殊的各类国家组", "* 联合国 代表属于77国集团的联合国会员国和中国。", "阿根廷:* 订正决议草案", "执行从最不发达国家名单中毕业国家的平稳过渡战略", "增编", "将下列国家列入决议草案提案国名单:", "澳大利亚、比利时、保加利亚、加拿大、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、爱尔兰、以色列、意大利、日本、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、黑山、新西兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、土耳其、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Item 86 of the preliminary list*", "The law of transboundary aquifers", "The law of transboundary aquifers", "Report of the Secretary-General", "* A/66/50.", "Summary", "The present report, prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/124, contains comments and observations of Governments on the draft articles on the law of transboundary aquifers.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 3II.Comments 3 and observations received from \nGovernments", "I. Introduction", "1. The present report has been prepared pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/124, by the terms of which the Assembly decided to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session an item entitled “The law of transboundary aquifers” with a view to examining, inter alia, the question of the form that might be given to the draft articles on the subject.", "2. The Secretary-General, in a circular note dated 2 January 2009, drew the attention of Governments to the resolution, and reminders were sent out in December 2009 and February 2011.", "II. Comments and observations received from Governments", "Algeria", "3. Algeria emphasized: (a) the importance of precise knowledge about the extent of shared water resources, their volume and their quality; (b) the importance of integrating the environmental dimension of sustainable development in the countries concerned, through appropriate protection and good-faith cooperation, for the equitable and reasonable utilization of aquifers; (c) the need to strengthen national regulatory measures and bilateral or subregional cooperation mechanisms in order to ensure the effective protection of aquifer water resources from all forms of pollution; (d) the importance of protecting the right of countries sharing aquifers to have access to sufficient quantities for their development needs; and (e) the importance of introducing mechanisms for exchanging information and knowledge about shared water resources and the conditions for their integrated management.", "4. While highlighting the importance of bilateral and regional cooperation through the conclusion of agreements and the introduction of joint cooperation mechanisms between States sharing aquifers, Algeria expressed its readiness to cooperate fully in order to consider the best way to follow up on the draft articles at the sixty-sixth session.", "Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay", "5. Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay commented that the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the four countries had signed the Agreement on the Guaraní Aquifer in San Juan, Argentina, on 2 August 2010; it was currently undergoing the legislative approval process in the four signatory countries. On the same day, the Ministers for Foreign Affairs of the four countries had also signed a Joint Declaration, in which they reaffirmed the political will to make progress on such programmatic elements as were needed for the timely and effective implementation of the Agreement.[1]", "6. The Agreement would be particularly important as a political and technical instrument, as it sought to strengthen cooperation and integration among States parties and expanded the scope of concerted action for the conservation and sustainable use of the transboundary water resources of the Guaraní aquifer system, located on their territories.", "7. The Agreement, which, inter alia, took into consideration General Assembly resolutions 1803 (XVII) on permanent sovereignty over natural resources and 63/124 on the law of transboundary aquifers and bore in mind the 1972 Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment and the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, represented an important contribution by the region, as it was the first international agreement on activities involving a transboundary aquifer.", "Austria", "8. Austria commented that it would be not be timely to decide on the final form of the draft articles at the sixty-sixth session.", "9. In view of emerging State practice on the subject, the final form should be considered at a later stage, as this would allow time to assess whether the articles as currently drafted would stand the test of time.", "China", "10. China commented that, as the activities contemplated in draft article 1 (b) covered industry, agriculture, forestry and other domains, the scope would seem to be excessively broad, the threshold “impact” should be replaced with “significant impact”.", "11. Draft article 7 (2) should read: “aquifer States may establish joint mechanisms of cooperation”; the wishes of all States would be best respected if this measure were not couched in mandatory terms.", "12. On draft article 8, the strengthening of exchanges of data and information by aquifer States should not be at variance with the limitations provided under their law. As presently formulated, the provisions were too strict, allowing derogations only for national defence or security (draft article 19). Given that a number of countries had restrictions on the provision of information to other countries, necessary provision should be made for other possible limitations on the exchange of data and information.", "13. Draft article 16, on technical and financial assistance to developing countries, should be strengthened. Developing countries played only a limited role in cooperation relating to transboundary aquifers, and their capacity to manage such aquifers was generally rather weak. Accordingly, the provisions calling on developed countries to provide technical and financial assistance to developing countries should be further strengthened.", "14. On the final form, conditions were not yet ripe for the development of a convention on transboundary aquifers. The issue of transboundary aquifers was somewhat complex and, given the current lack of any extensive State practice in this area, haste should be avoided in developing rules of international law on the matter. The draft articles could serve as general guidelines for the practice of States in this area; in other words, they should take the form of a non-legally binding resolution or declaration.", "15. China reserved the right to submit further comments on the draft articles.", "Colombia", "16. Colombia commented that, with regard to the second preambular paragraph, although the draft articles addressed transboundary aquifers and their management, there was a need to be cautious when referring to the drafting of a convention on the basis of the draft articles. There was a need to determine how an international and legally binding instrument would be applied and whether it would be in the interests of the countries concerned.", "17. Concerning draft article 2, the phrase “… and their hydraulic connection with surface water” should be added at the end of the definition of “aquifer system”. Under the definition of “recharging aquifer”, the scope of the concept of “non‑negligible amount of ... recharge” should be specified; otherwise, the interpretation of “non-negligible” could be subjective. The definition of “recharge zone”, as currently worded, encompassed both surface and subsoil components of the zone contributing water to the aquifer. It would be worth specifying whether, in operational terms, a “discharge zone” included artificial and non-natural outlets of water originating from an aquifer, as the examples given in the text, which were natural, were merely indicative.", "18. With regard to draft article 4, in general terms the criteria used therein to describe the utilization of aquifer resources must be revised. Specifically, the criterion “reasonable” was highly subjective and did not establish a clear parameter for the appropriate management of resources. The meaning of “comprehensive utilization plan” in subparagraph (c) in the context of the joint management of transboundary basins was not clear. Moreover, the meaning of “continuance of its effective functioning” in subparagraph (d) should be clarified. Did it refer to the extraction of a proportion of the volume of contemporary water recharge? What restrictions would apply to the utilization of aquifers that had no contemporary water recharge?", "19. Concerning draft article 5 (1) (b), the reference to “other needs” could be overly broad and ultimately to the detriment of the equitable consideration of the interests and needs of States in the management of aquifers. With regard to the factors listed in draft article 5, the scope of paragraph (1) (d), on the contribution to the formation and recharge of the aquifer or aquifer system, was unclear, because the relationship between the formation of the aquifer and the criterion of sustainable use was not apparent; nor was the meaning of “the contribution to the formation” of the aquifer. It should also be determined whether “the contribution to the ... recharge of the aquifer” applied to water originating from certain economic activities, such as irrigation and leaks from aqueducts and drains. Moreover, it was not clear who would determine the weight of each factor in draft article 5 (1), especially if more than two States managed the aquifer, as the importance of each factor could be different for each State.", "20. In relation to draft article 6, the Spanish translation of the title of the article was not appropriate. In English, the term “significant harm” meant “significant or considerable harm”. However, the Spanish adjective “sensible” did not clearly describe the extent of the harm. As regards paragraph 3, the proper action in the event of harm was mitigation, compensation or remediation, not elimination. Furthermore, the draft articles did not consider the harm caused when groundwater was contaminated by pollution loads.", "21. Under draft article 8 (1), information related to hydrochemistry would be included in the exchange of hydrogeological information. However, there was no reference to information on the intrinsic vulnerability of aquifers to pollution or on current or potential land use. In relation to paragraph 2, the scale of work, methodologies and protocols to produce the missing information must be defined, in order to ensure reliability and comparability.", "22. With regard to draft article 10, an evaluation should be made as to whether its scope should encompass the biodiversity associated with aquifers, a concept that included the notion of ecosystems, and not only the concepts of geographical location and dependence, which were very strict and somewhat static.", "23. With regard to draft article 11 (2), a reference should be included to economic incentives to be agreed for the States in whose territory a recharge or discharge zone was located, in whole or in part, for the protection of those zones.", "24. Draft article 13 (2) should specify the frequency of monitoring based on an agreed conceptual model of the aquifers or aquifer systems.", "25. With regard to draft article 15 (2), a time frame should be defined for the provision of notification, to another State, by a State that implemented or permitted the implementation of planned activities which might affect a transboundary aquifer or aquifer system. The extent of the obligations should also be specified, as the rationale was not clear (for example, the other State might have “reasonable grounds” for believing that a particular activity might affect an aquifer). Likewise, the degree of probability of the activity being carried out and the extent to which the State in question had the means to make such an assessment should be taken into account. Furthermore, this obligation could be interpreted as a limitation on projects or activities in border areas, although it could be understood to be covered under existing environmental assessments and licences applicable to such activities.", "26. With regard to draft article 17, it should be specified whether the concept of an “emergency situation” resulting from human conduct implied that there were grounds for administrative liability, and how that would relate to grounds for exemption or mitigation of liability, such as force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances. The expression “eliminate” in subparagraph 2 (b), referring to the harmful effect of an emergency, should be replaced by “remediation”, in line with the suggestion regarding draft article 6 (see para. 20 above).", "Czech Republic", "27. The Czech Republic commented that the draft articles mostly concerned the utilization of groundwater resources and the related assessment of the effects of the planned activities; less attention was paid to preserving the quality and quantity of groundwater as an element of the environment, for example, they did not address the need to consistently improve groundwater quality. The term “significant harm”, as used in draft articles 6 and 12, set the threshold too high, and should be reconsidered.", "28. In draft article 15 (3), a requirement should be included to refrain, during the course of consultations and negotiations between the States concerned, from implementing or permitting the implementation of a planned activity that may significantly affect a transboundary aquifer. A similar provision was contained in article 17 (3) of the 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses.", "29. With regard to the final form, the Czech Republic observed that, during previous debates on work of the Commission on the draft articles it had been in favour of the conclusion, at a future date, of an international convention based on the draft articles. At the same time, it recognized that the draft articles would serve as a guide for bilateral and regional agreements. This process was still far from complete, given that additional issues for consideration had been raised in debates in the Sixth Committee. Consequently, a definitive position on the final form would emerge only after an assessment had been made as to whether and how the principles contained in the draft articles were reflected at the bilateral and regional levels and after discussions on such additional issues had been held in the General Assembly.", "Denmark", "30. Denmark commented that it had no transboundary aquifers.", "Egypt", "31. Egypt commented that the term “transboundary aquifers” should be replaced with “shared transboundary aquifers” in all the draft articles; “transboundary aquifers or aquifer system” should be replaced with “shared transboundary aquifers or shared aquifer system”.", "32. With regard to technical terms in the draft articles, the standard definitions in the Arabic references should be used, rather than the literal translations from English. These general remarks applied in particular to articles 7 to 17 and 19.", "33. With regard to draft article 1 (b), the term “other activities” was very broad and might lead to misunderstanding unless “activities” was explained.", "34. With regard to draft article 2, the standard definitions in the Arabic references should be used, rather than the literal translations from English.", "35. With regard to draft article 3, after the phrase “It shall exercise its sovereignty” the phrase “with regard to the rule of shared ownership” should be added.", "36. With regard to draft article 4 (c), the words “and alternative water sources for” should be deleted. Groundwater should not be considered as an alternative to surface water or vice versa, because they are integrated resources; “alternative water sources” should not be a factor in developing the comprehensive utilization plan.", "37. Draft article 5 (1) (g) should be deleted. The justification for the proposed deletion in draft article 4 (c) (see para. 36 above) applies.", "38. With regard to draft article 6 (3), there should be a clear rule regarding significant harm, requiring the aquifer State whose activities were causing such harm to take all corrective measures to eliminate or mitigate such harm. The procedure for implementation and the authority in charge should be clearly stated in the article.", "39. It was suggested that, in draft article 18, the phrase “and in the regions which are under occupation” be added, as appropriate.", "40. A new draft article 20 on dispute settlement should be added, the text of which would read as follows: “In case of disagreements and conflicts on any explanation or in applying the terms of this agreement, the two aquifer States can have recourse to article 33 of the Charter of the United Nations to settle the dispute, unless the concerned aquifer States agree to another solution”.", "El Salvador", "41. El Salvador commented that the subject was of a vital importance within the broader context of natural resource protection, considering that aquifers constituted the predominant reservoir and strategic reserve of freshwater storage on Earth.", "42. The draft articles were based on State practice and on a number of existing bilateral and international agreements, with new operational rules added taking into account new risks and realities.", "43. The acknowledgment and accurate assessment in the preamble that groundwater resources were vitally important and life-supporting in all regions of the world should serve as a frame of reference for interpreting each of the provisions, mainly those related to the protection and management of aquifers. In addition, the draft articles struck a balance between the rights and the obligations of States, as they acknowledged that States had sovereignty over aquifers located within their territory, but that such sovereignty must be exercised in accordance with all the obligations laid down in the draft articles and in international law.", "44. The obligations set forth in the draft articles were in line with the general principles recognized under international environmental law, thus forming a coherent part of the existing legal corpus, which was intended to be conducive to sustainable development, access to shared natural resources, respect for the principles of precaution and prevention, and harmonious balance between sovereignty and responsibility, a notion applicable to international law in general.", "45. With regard to environmental protection, El Salvador highlighted in particular the obligation of prevention, which was a fundamental norm given the irreversible nature of certain processes, such as the damage caused to water resources by excessive pollution and the extinction of animal and plant species, and the high cost of restoring the environment to its previous state, in cases where it is possible to do so. This obligation must be accompanied by the “proper management” stipulated in draft article 14, as that notion encompassed all the measures aimed at maximizing the long-term benefits of using aquifers, while protecting and preserving them.", "46. While the draft articles did not elaborate on the consequences of non‑compliance with the aforementioned obligations, they should nevertheless be supplemented by existing norms relating to State responsibility, either for internationally wrongful acts or for lawful acts that caused significant environmental damage. Such norms of State responsibility were widely recognized in international law and had been developed by the International Law Commission itself. Moreover, the principles on the allocation of loss in the case of transboundary harm arising out of hazardous activities (resolution 61/36, annex) had a dual purpose: on the one hand, to ensure prompt and adequate compensation to victims of transboundary damage, and on the other, to preserve and protect the environment in the event of transboundary damage, especially with respect to mitigation of damage to the environment and its restoration or reinstatement. In this connection, the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons acknowledged that the existence of the general obligation of States to ensure that activities within their jurisdiction and control respected the environment of other States or of areas beyond national control was now part of the corpus of international law relating to the environment.", "47. El Salvador agreed with the inclusion in the draft articles of obligations of States in which aquifers were located and those of States in general, since aquifers constituted a resource that must be protected, given their importance for all of humankind and for future generations, not just for the population of a specific geographic area. This was reflected, for instance, in draft article 18 on protection in time of armed conflict. That provision created an imperative that strengthened the obligations set forth in the Geneva Conventions and the Additional Protocols thereto by requiring States to protect their water resources directly, not only because of their inherent value but also because of their close link to the basic needs of the civilian population.", "48. Draft article 16 on technical cooperation with developing States also reflected this comprehensive vision, as it required all States possessing the capacity and resources — rather than just those States sharing an aquifer — to participate in the bilateral process, aimed at promoting scientific, educational, technical, legal and other cooperation for the protection and management of these important water resources.", "49. The decision as to the final form remained a vital one that would determine the future operation of the draft articles in the international sphere. El Salvador proposed that the draft be analysed in terms of its main focus of regulation. Aquifers were not isolated elements but formed part of an integrated system that also included human beings, and they even had an impact on other activities related to the sustainable development of States, such as agriculture and stockbreeding. It should also be borne in mind that this kind of resource was not only essential for life, but also fragile and practically irreplaceable, necessitating diligent and immediate action on the part of States. In view of those considerations, El Salvador considered that the final form of the draft articles should ensure their full effectiveness and should be conducive to appropriate measures for halting excessive extraction and pollution of groundwater resources as a result of, inter alia, high population growth and rapid economic development. From a legal standpoint, a convention would constitute a binding instrument that, by embodying the sovereign will of States, would make such measures enforceable. However, a convention was not the sole means of ensuring effectiveness, as it would be subject to the will of individual States, which could choose not to adopt it. Ultimately, the final debate should focus on the form that would best ensure the implementation of the draft articles by the vast majority of States, with a view to reaching an agreement that guaranteed genuine protection for transboundary aquifers.", "France", "50. France reiterated its support for the recommendation of the Commission to the General Assembly as contained in paragraph 49 of its report (A/63/10).", "51. Given the sophisticated nature of the subject and the underlying scientific issues involved, the draft articles required a thorough review by States. Accordingly, it was necessary to proceed in stages: States should first be given time to evaluate the draft articles based on their own practice and to make bilateral or regional arrangements, if needed. On the basis of State practice, the General Assembly would then be able to decide whether to elaborate a convention on the basis of the draft articles.", "Lebanon", "52. Lebanon commented that some of the articles were similar to — one might even say taken wholly from — the 1997 Convention on the Law of the Non‑navigational Uses of International Watercourses.", "53. In draft article 2 (a), the definition of “aquifer” should be more detailed. For example, as indicated in the academic literature, there were confined aquifers, unconfined aquifers, renewable aquifers and fossil aquifers.", "54. The draft articles were oriented towards States that had good-neighbourly relations with each other, not States that were in a state of conflict or war. They would depend on goodwill among participating States and on States having normal — and in fact good — relations and not being in a state of conflict.", "55. It would be best for hydrogeologists to lay out the technical aspects, and then for lawyers to come in and formulate the legal model.", "56. Draft article 2 (b) was not clear. Further hydrological study was required in order to determine when aquifers were hydraulically connected. Furthermore, the fundamental problem lay in determining the boundaries of an aquifer. In draft article 2 (c), the word “transboundary” was used, whereas the 1997 Convention used the word “international”: its article 2 (b) read “‘International watercourse’ means a watercourse, parts of which are situated in different States”. Unless there was a reason therefor, it would not be wise to use one term rather than the other, especially given that the definition of the two terms was the same in both the Convention and the draft articles. Draft article 2 (d) did not mention that recharge and discharge zones were subsumed by the term “transboundary aquifer”. Either of those zones could be located in separate States. Draft article 2 (h) defined “discharge zone” as the zone where water originating from an aquifer flowed to its outlets, such as a watercourse, a lake and so forth. However, “watercourse” had already been defined in the 1997 Convention as “a system of surface waters and groundwaters constituting by virtue of their physical relationship a unitary whole and normally flowing into a common terminus” (article 2 (a)). This constituted the definition of “unconfined aquifer”. The definition of “discharge zone” therefore overlapped with the definition of international aquifers that appeared in the 1997 Convention, and should thus be amended in order to avoid duplication or any dispute about which of the two instruments should be applied with regard to rights and obligations.", "57. There was a contradiction between draft article 3 and subsequent draft articles that provided for limitations and conditions which could give rise to disputes when applied in the future. Further, the concept of sovereignty over aquifers contradicted the concept of participation as set forth in the 1997 Convention.", "58. While it might be easy to calculate present needs under draft article 4 (c), such might not be the case with regard to future needs. Each aquifer State could inflate figures in a way that would make utilization plans difficult to achieve, unless sufficient goodwill existed between States to cooperate with each other on an equitable basis. Given conflicting interests, that was not realistic, and equitable and reasonable utilization would be dependent on goodwill, not on legal provisions that were binding on the States concerned.", "59. With regard to draft article 4 (d), the more scientific and comprehensible term “sustainable” should be used rather than “effective” in the phrase “prevent continuance of its effective functioning”. It also made no mention of non-renewable fossil aquifers, which had no known recharge or discharge zones, such as the Nubian aquifer, located in Chad, Egypt, the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and the Sudan; the aquifer in Algeria and Tunisia, which might extend to the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Morocco; and the Disi aquifer in Jordan and Saudi Arabia.", "60. With regard to draft article 5 (1), all the factors relevant to determining equitable and reasonable utilization required truthfulness and trustworthiness on the part of States, as well as reliable figures. In draft article 5 (1) (a), on the population dependent on the aquifer, reference should be made to the population currently resident plus future natural increases, not artificial increases resulting from migration. Draft article 5 (2) required truthfulness and trustworthiness on the part of States, as well as reliable figures. The law could not be relied on to ensure that rights were respected and that utilization was equitable and reasonable.", "61. Draft article 6 referred to the obligation of aquifer States to prevent significant harm, but made no mention of the obligation of recharge zone States not to deplete or pollute the water sources that recharged the aquifers.", "62. With regard to draft article 11 (1), the question arose as to how verification could be carried out in recharge and discharge zones in other States while respecting sovereignty as provided for in draft article 3.", "63. With regard to draft article 11 (2), as long as States did not gain direct benefit from the aquifer connected to the recharge and discharge zones in question, there was nothing to compel them to cooperate. This further demonstrated that States would have to cooperate with one another with honesty and trustworthiness and that they would have to place humanitarian concerns ahead of self-interest. It could only be reiterated that most of the provisions of the draft articles would be reliant on the principle of goodwill.", "64. In draft article 12, the word “precautionary” in Arabic was not forceful enough. Furthermore, the phrase “significant harm” should be replaced with a more forceful expression, because the pollution of aquifers was more serious than the pollution of surface water. It took a long time to undo the damage caused by such pollution, not to mention the fact that verifying such pollution would require disclosures that could be considered violations of sovereignty.", "65. Draft article 14 again raised the question of goodwill, because the mechanisms contemplated would require countries to cooperate and to forgo national self-interest. It was important in this context to discuss a law that would protect rights. Furthermore, recharge and discharge zones should be included in the definition of “aquifer State” in order to give States in those zones a role in management, thereby ensuring that water management would be sound and comprehensive.", "66. Draft article 15 (2) referred to planned activities which may affect an aquifer. This was compatible with draft article 6, which mentioned the obligation not to cause significant harm. Paragraph 3 provided for a mechanism to resolve conflicts over environmental effects. Unless both sides had the desire to reach a solution, such conflicts would be never-ending. This paragraph also mentioned an independent fact-finding body to which States might appeal for an impartial assessment, without identifying the composition of such a body.", "67. With regard to draft article 17 (3), words should be added to the effect that such measures should be temporary and should not continue after the state of emergency had been lifted.", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "68. The Libyan Arab Jamahiriya commented that, in the title of the draft articles, the words “the law of transboundary aquifers” should be changed to “the law of shared international aquifers”.", "69. The Arabic translation of certain words and phrases needed to be adjusted in the text as a whole, in particular in draft articles 2 (a), 2 (b), 2 (g), 5 (1) (e), 8 (2), 8 (3), 8 (4), 10, 11 (1) and 13 (2).", "70. The law addressed the fair exploitation of shared aquifers, taking into account present and future needs, as well as alternative sources, without establishing priorities for the utilization of such aquifers.", "71. In order to preserve historically acquired rights, the law should not apply to projects that were already under way.", "72. In draft article 4, a clear definition of equitable and reasonable utilization must be formulated.", "73. In draft article 5 (1) (c), a definition of natural characteristics should be given. The definition should include area, extent, thickness, water flow direction and hydraulic and chemical characteristics. In draft article 5 (1) (d), the phrase “contribution to the formation and recharge” should be replaced by “size of contribution to the formation and recharge”.", "74. The first part of draft article 10 should read: “Aquifer States shall take all appropriate measures to protect and preserve ecosystems that are within the area of, or dependent upon, their transboundary aquifers or aquifer systems ...”.", "75. Draft article 11 (2) required greater clarification.", "Mexico", "76. Mexico commented that the draft articles covered a wide range of important issues.", "77. In the long term, it would be appropriate for such issues to be enshrined in an international legal instrument. However, before embarking upon the negotiation of a binding instrument, sufficient time should be allowed for further reflection. Such a period would also allow States to continue developing regional and bilateral practice, which might then provide input for the possible development of an international instrument. Any negotiation of such a treaty should guarantee that the rights and obligations assumed by States under other relevant international agreements were safeguarded.", "78. The item should remain on the agenda of the General Assembly and should be taken up again in a few years so as to allow for a period of reflection, with consideration given to whether the practice of States was in conformity with the draft articles.", "Oman", "79. Oman commented that in draft article 4, an additional subparagraph (e) should be inserted reading: “No aquifer State may seek compensation for the period prior to the adoption of this law.”", "80. At the end of draft article 5 (1) (d), a phrase should be added reading: “taking into account relative utilization based on an agreement to be concluded between the aquifer States.”", "81. At the end of draft article 6 (2), a sentence should be added reading: “A distinction should be made between harm resulting from use or extraction of natural resources from areas within transboundary aquifers or aquifer systems and harm resulting from pollution of groundwater reservoirs by industrial projects in such areas”.", "82. The Arabic translation of certain words and phrases needed to be adjusted in the text as a whole, in particular in draft articles 2 (e) and 8 (3).", "Panama", "83. Panama commented that the International Hydrological Programme of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in Latin America promoted the joint UNESCO/Organization of American States Initiative on Internationally Shared Aquifer Resources Management in the Americas. The programme was launched in 2000, and the participation of Panama began in 2006. Only very general work had been done on the Sixaola River aquifer, shared by Panama and Costa Rica, while work on the joint Panama-Colombia Jurado aquifer had not begun.", "84. Panama recommended the review of existing Central American water agreements and the adoption of a regional approach that encouraged the seeking of the assistance of experts from the International Hydrological Programme in delimiting aquifers and agreeing on presumed rights, a matter that had not yet been resolved in the region. In the view of Panama, therefore, a universal resolution should not be approved to address a local problem.", "Philippines", "85. The Philippines commented that the “law of transboundary aquifers” was a historic and significant global initiative that laid down a significant framework strategy for the proper management of freshwater resources at the local and regional levels.", "86. Freshwater movement and its dynamics were very dependent on differences in uptake rates or discharge by various States using the same aquifer system, structures and rates of recharge. Hence, each State should take on the responsibility to protect, conserve and sustainably develop transboundary aquifers within the context of equal and just sharing.", "87. There was a need for a comprehensive assessment of the extent of transboundary aquifers and the status of their water quality. Aquifer systems extended beyond States’ political boundaries, and the approach taken in managing aquifers should be based on the catchment basin, as the behaviour of water was closely linked within river basin and catchment basin hydrogeology and river basin topographic boundaries. It would also be necessary to complete the process of mapping of transboundary aquifers and to establish aquifer information and management systems and special and temporal management regimes for the resource with a view to policy- and decision-making.", "88. There should be a governing law for all States to properly regulate the utilization of aquifer systems for the optional and sustainable management of the resource.", "89. Transboundary aquifers should be properly defined in terms of hydrogeological configuration and water-surface influence. The designation of critically depleting aquifer systems or “hot spots” required priority bilateral or regional arrangements. There was also a need for the proper management and protection of the recharge zone to maximize the level of the aquifer system. Moreover, the identification of management strategies and principles, current values and threats of aquifer systems was crucial, as was the need for bilateral and regional responsibility.", "Portugal", "90. Portugal reiterated that the draft articles could contribute positively to the proper management of existing transboundary aquifers around the world.", "91. As to the form, Portugal reaffirmed its belief that the draft articles should be developed into an international framework convention.", "Saudi Arabia", "92. Saudia Arabia commented that the draft articles did not seem to address (a) the prevention of lateral, diagonal or horizontal excavation within the water-bearing strata; (b) the lack of supply to other parties that were not aquifer States; (c) the fact that consideration should be given to the varying area, extent and thickness of the aquifer, its characteristics, and the direction in which the aquifer flowed, and the variations from one State to another in terms of population size; and (d) the use of pollutants and their impact on the aquifer or water system.", "93. The draft articles made no distinction between arid desert regions with little rainfall and regions that had plenty of aquifers. Priorities must therefore be established for the utilization of transboundary aquifers in desert regions, where the first priority should be drinking water.", "94. The draft articles addressed underground water sources that were hidden from view, and there were insufficient data and information regarding the huge variety of subterranean geological formations, including rifts and folds, that could impede and affect the rate of the flow of aquifers. However, the draft articles did not take such factors into consideration.", "95. A mechanism should be developed for the sharing of experiences gained from successful experiments in managing water from transboundary aquifers.", "96. The provisions of the draft articles covered aquifers and groundwater networks. However, in certain articles, inter alia, draft articles 6 (2), 7 (1), 8 and 9, reference was restricted to aquifers, and other networks were not mentioned.", "97. The chapeau of draft article 1 should be changed to read: “The present draft articles aim to regulate the following:”. A new draft article 1 (d) should be added, reading: “Priorities should be established for the use of shared groundwater and aquifers”.", "98. Draft article 2 (a) should be amended to read: “‘aquifer’ means a permeable water-bearing geological formation that may or may not be circumscribed, superimposed or underlain by a less permeable layer and the water contained in the saturated zone of the formation”.", "99. With regard to draft article 4, a precise definition should be given of the principle of equitable and reasonable utilization. The draft articles did not address, in a distinct manner, aspects concerning non-renewable aquifers, aquifers in desert regions or aquifers in areas where rainfall was plentiful. Draft article 4 (c) left things open to change and uncertainty: the needs of States fluctuated, and it might be better to establish fixed rules. Draft article 4 (d) was unclear and needed to be clarified or reformulated. A new draft article 4 (e) should be added, reading: “No State may renounce, lease or sell all or part of its right to utilize a transboundary aquifer to any State other than a State bordering that or another aquifer”.", "100. Draft article 5 (1) (c) should be amended to read: “Utilization should be in keeping with the natural characteristics of the aquifer or aquifer system within each State”. Moreover, an additional factor should be included as follows: “(j) Consideration should be given to the area, extent and thickness of the aquifer, its characteristics, and the direction in which the aquifer flows”.", "101. With regard to draft article 6, there had to be a clear provision for irrevocable damage, and the State which had caused such damage must provide compensation. Provision must also be made for the manner in which compensation for such damage would be provided and the entity responsible for providing it specified.", "102. With regard to draft article 7, greater detail was required with respect to “sovereign equality” and the principle of “territorial integrity”, because aquifers were different from surface water (rivers), and it would be difficult to apply those terms to aquifers.", "103. With regard to draft article 9, bilateral arrangements had positive and negative features. However, the expression “adversely affects” was ambiguous and needed greater specificity or definition in order to ensure that it was not misinterpreted. The term might give one or more States the right of veto unless the adverse impact referred to was more clearly defined with regard to paragraph 2 of the commentary on the draft article, the reference to “rare cases” (“When an agreement or arrangement is for the entire aquifer or aquifer system, all the aquifer States sharing the same aquifer or aquifer system are most likely to be involved except for some rare cases”) needed to be clarified.", "104. Draft article 12 should provide greater detail as to what was meant by “a precautionary approach” and the consequent obligations on a State should be made clear.", "105. In draft article 16, the meaning of “States” in the phrase “States shall ... promote” should be specified; if it meant the States of the world, that should be made clear. In this draft article, the developed States should be urged to provide developing countries with methodological and scientific expertise for dealing with transboundary aquifers.", "Slovenia", "106. Slovenia welcomed and supported efforts to build on the existing international legislation on water protection with topics addressing transboundary aquifer management in greater detail. The draft articles presented a solid legal basis that would enable countries to coordinate, at a global level, adequate integrated solutions relating to the management of transboundary aquifers. Slovenia remained flexible on the form of the draft articles, whether legally binding or non-binding. In the management of transboundary aquifers, it was essential that States observe the provisions set forth in the draft articles.", "107. The draft articles regulated issues that Slovenia was implementing proactively within bilateral and multilateral bodies tasked with transboundary cooperation in water management. As water management transcended geographical and political boundaries, Slovenia placed a focus on regional, subregional and bilateral forms of cooperation, with due consideration for the ecosystem approach and the comprehensive management of bodies of water. Fifty-one transboundary aquifers were registered in south-eastern Europe in the 2007 assessment of transboundary water resources conducted by the Economic Commission for Europe. According to other estimates, the number exceeded 60. Some Dinaric karst aquifers in Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro and Albania guaranteed a 15-90 per cent utilized water share, attaining 100 per cent in some areas. Climate change and the threat of water shortages had made Dinaric aquifers all the more important.", "108. Slovenia had recognized early on the significance of aquifers and their transboundary dimension. It was a party to treaties addressing water management. As a member of the European Union, it actively implemented and sought to attain the objectives of the community acquis on water management, in particular the European Union Water Framework Directive. Slovenia was also party to five bilateral treaties addressing water management, with Austria (relating to the rivers Mura and Drava), Italy, Hungary and Croatia; one subregional agreement (the Framework Agreement on the Sava River Basin); and one regional treaty (the Danube River Protection Convention). Cooperation and coordination took place in the context of the relevant commissions and expert groups.", "109. Geothermal utilization was also an important aspect of transboundary groundwater management. It was an aspect which had gained importance as concessions and rights for the exploitation of geothermal potential had been granted in individual countries. It was now being discussed with Austria and Hungary in the relevant commissions.", "Spain", "110. Spain commented that directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council established a framework for the protection of inland surface waters, transitional waters, coastal waters and groundwater. Spanish and European legislation clearly established the frameworks needed for the proper management of freshwater, surface water and groundwater resources, and questions regarding the transboundary aquifers in the Iberian peninsula fell within the purview of the Spanish-Portuguese district and the Ebro district.", "111. Under the Agreement on Cooperation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the Waters of the Spanish-Portuguese Hydrographic Basins (the Albufeira Agreement), aquifers were dealt with in an almost incidental fashion, probably owing to the scarcity of aquifers common to Spain and Portugal, which were limited to the hydrogeological units of Bajo Miño, Ciudad Rodrigo-Salamanca, Moraleja and Vegas Bajas. The Ebro basin also had an international segment, and agreements and treaties had been concluded and were in force between France and Andorra. These guaranteed cooperation for achieving the environmental objectives for water deposits, and groundwater was included in that context.", "Turkey", "112. Turkey indicated that its comments were additional to those contained in document A/CN.4/595. With regard to draft article 1 (b), it was not clear what was meant by “other activities”. It should be deleted with a view to preventing any ambiguity that might be derived from its interpretation. Under draft article 1 (c), as amplified in draft article 3, cooperation to be carried out by riparian States might not always result in common management of such aquifers or aquifer systems. The following text was proposed therefor: “Measures which can be taken for the protection and preservation and management of such aquifers or aquifer systems by the aquifer State”.", "113. The rationale applied above with regard to draft article 1 (c) also applied to draft article 4 (c). It might therefore be modified to read: “They may establish individually or jointly, as appropriate, utilization plans, taking into account present and future needs of, and alternative water resources for, the aquifer States.”", "114. With regard to draft article 5 (1) (f), it was not clear what was meant by “potential effects of the utilization of the aquifer or aquifer systems in one aquifer State or aquifer system”. Accordingly, it should be deleted. Draft article 5 (1) (g) should also be deleted. Although reference was made therein to the availability of alternatives to a particular existing and planned utilization of the aquifer or aquifer system, integrated water resources management already took into account hydrological, social, economic and environmental aspects and focused on what was useful, sustainable, feasible, equitable and environmentally friendly, without any factor prevailing with regard to the exploitation of water resources in a basin. Moreover, neither groundwater resources nor surface water resources could be treated as an alternative to the other; they were complementary. Alternative water resources would thus already be a part of the plan. Some examples of “vital human needs” in draft article 5 (2) should be enumerated in order to avoid any divergent interpretations.", "115. The debate on the interpretation of “significant harm” in draft article 6 and the definition of appropriate thresholds of significant harm continued. Although the concept “to prevent causing significant harm” was used in most international codes, it was vague, relative and difficult to apply. Furthermore, appropriate measures to prevent the causing of significant harm would be difficult to take without certain thresholds. On the other hand, in groundwater resources even exploitation or a small amount of contamination could be interpreted as significant harm. On the whole, the draft article was ambitious and should be modified as follows:", "“1. Aquifer States shall, in utilizing a transboundary aquifer or aquifer system in their territories, pay due diligence to prevent the causing of significant harm to other aquifer States.", "“2. Aquifer States shall, in undertaking activities other than utilization of a transboundary aquifer or aquifer system that have or likely to have, an impact on that transboundary aquifer or aquifer system shall refrain from causing significant harm through that aquifer or aquifer system to other aquifer States.", "“3. Where significant harm nevertheless is caused to another aquifer State, the aquifer States whose activities cause such harm shall try, in consultation with the affected State, to eliminate or mitigate such harm, having due regard for the provisions of draft articles 4 and 5.”", "United States of America", "116. The United States of America commented that the work on transboundary aquifers constituted an important advance in providing a possible framework for the reasonable use and protection of underground aquifers, which were playing an increasingly important role as water sources for human populations. For all States, and especially those struggling to cope with pressures on transboundary aquifers, the efforts of the Commission to develop a set of flexible tools for using and protecting these aquifers had been a very useful contribution.", "117. Nevertheless, there was still much to learn about transboundary aquifers in general, and specific aquifer conditions and State practice varied widely. The draft articles also went beyond current law and practice. For those reasons, the United States continued to believe that context-specific arrangements, as opposed to a global framework treaty, provided the best way to address pressures on transboundary groundwaters. As decided in resolution 63/124, States concerned should take into account the provisions of the draft articles when negotiating appropriate bilateral or regional arrangements for the proper management of transboundary aquifers. Numerous factors might appropriately be taken into account in any specific negotiation, such as the hydrological characteristics of the aquifer at issue; current uses and expectations regarding future uses; climate conditions and expectations; and economic, social and cultural considerations. Maintaining the articles in their present, draft form was suitable for those purposes.", "118. The United States remained unconvinced that, if the draft articles were fashioned into a global treaty, the treaty would garner sufficient support. It recognized, however, that many States had expressed an interest in such a framework convention. If the draft articles were to take the form of a treaty, there were a number of important issues that the United States believed would need to be addressed. For example, appropriate final clauses for a convention would need to be developed, as well as articles that established the relationship between the proposed convention and other bilateral or regional arrangements. In particular, care would need to be taken not to supersede existing bilateral or regional arrangements or to limit the flexibility of States entering into such arrangements.", "League of Arab States", "119. The League of Arab States, conveying the views of its members, commented that the title should read “Law on shared international aquifers”. There should also be an article on dispute settlement. The references in the draft articles to “transboundary aquifer(s)” and “aquifer system(s)” should be replaced throughout the text by “shared international aquifer(s)” and “shared international aquifer system(s)”. When technical terms were used in the draft articles, standard definitions in Arabic should be used instead of literal translations thereof from English.", "120. After the third preambular paragraph, a new preambular paragraph should be added, reading: “Affirming the relevant articles and principles set forth in the Convention on the Law of the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercourses”.", "121. The penultimate preambular paragraph should read: “Emphasizing the need to take into account the special situation of developing countries, and areas under occupation”.", "122. In draft article 1 (c), the reference to “preservation” should be deleted.", "123. With regard to the definition of “recharge zone” in draft article 2 (g), the following should be added at the end of the sentence: “and other sources of water and the area in which that water percolates into the aquifer through soil”. Draft article 2 (h) should read: “(h) ‘discharge zone’ means the zone where water originating from an aquifer discharged to its outlets, such as a watercourse, a lake, an oasis, a spring, a wetland or an ocean”.", "124. Draft article 4 (c) should read: “(c) They shall establish individually and jointly a comprehensive utilization plan, taking into account present and future needs of, and alternative water sources for, the aquifer States; and factors related to equitable and reasonable utilization”. In draft article 4 (d), the words “natural and” should be added, so that the last part of the subparagraph would read: “at a level that would prevent continuance of its natural and effective functioning”.", "125. Draft article 5 (d) should read: “(d) The size of the contribution to the formation and recharge of the aquifer or aquifer system”. The first part of draft article 5 (2) should read: “The States concerned shall determine the weight to be given to each factor, to be determined by its importance with regard to …”.", "126. In draft article 6 (1), (2) and (3), the words “in whose territory” should read “within whose territory”.", "127. In draft article 8 (1), the words “regular basis” should read “regular and periodic basis”. In draft article 8 (2), the words “best efforts” should read “utmost efforts”, and in draft article 8 (3) and (4), “best efforts” should read “utmost endeavours”.", "128. The first part of draft article 10 should read: “Aquifer States shall take all appropriate measures, to the extent their circumstances permit, to protect and preserve ecosystems …”.", "129. Draft article 12 should be amended as follows: “Aquifer States shall, individually and, where appropriate, jointly, or in cooperation with the relevant international organizations, prevent, reduce and control pollution …, including through the recharge processes, that may cause significant harm to other aquifer States. Aquifer States shall take a precautionary and preventive approach …”.", "130. In draft article 13 (2), the word “parameters” should be replaced with the word “factors”.", "131. At the end of draft article 16 (c), the words “and financial assistance” should be added; and in draft article 16 (d), the word “capacity” should read “capacities”.", "132. Draft article 17 (3) should read: “Where an emergency poses a threat to vital human needs, aquifer States, notwithstanding articles 4 and 6, may decidedly take measures that are strictly necessary to meet such needs”.", "133. The last report of draft article 18 should read: “… the principles and rules of international law applicable in international and non-international armed conflict and in areas under occupation and shall not be used in violation of those principles and rules”.", "[1] Copies of the Agreement and the Joint Declaration are available for consultation at the Codification Division of the Office of Legal Affairs of the Secretariat." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目86", "跨界含水层法", "跨界含水层法", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告根据大会第63/124号决议编写,载述各国政府对跨界含水层法条款草案的评论和意见。", "^(*) A/66/50。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 2\n2.从各国政府收到的评论和意见 2", "一. 导言", "1. 本报告根据大会第63/124号决议编写,其中大会决定将题为“跨界含水层法”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程,以便审查此议题相关条款草案可采取的形式等问题。", "2. 秘书长在2009年1月2日的通告中提请各国政府注意该决议,并于2009年12月和2011年2月发出了催复通知。", "二. 从各国政府收到的评论和意见", "阿尔及利亚", "3. 阿尔及利亚强调:(a) 必须准确了解水资源的共有程度、水量和质量;(b) 必须通过妥善保护和真诚合作,将有关国家可持续发展的环境层面纳入考虑,以公平和合理地使用含水层;(c) 需要强化国家条例措施以及双边或次区域合作机制,以确保有效保护含水层的水资源,使之不受各种形式的污染;(d) 必须保护共有含水层国家获得其发展所需的足够水量的权利;(e) 必须引进机制,以交流关于共有水资源及其综合管理条件的信息和知识。", "4. 阿尔及利亚强调,共有含水层国家必须缔结协议并引进共同合作机制,以开展双边合作和区域合作。阿尔及利亚表示愿意提供充分合作,以便在第六十六届会议上审议对条款草案采取后续行动的最佳方法。", "阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭", "5. 阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭表示,四国外长已于2010年8月2日在阿根廷圣胡安签署《瓜拉尼含水层协议》。四个签署国的立法机构目前正在审批这一协议。四国外交部长还在同一天签署《联合宣言》,重申他们为及时和有效地实施这一协议而在有关方案的构成部分取得必要进展的政治意愿。[1]", "6. 《协议》力求加强缔约国之间的合作与统筹,并且扩大了协同行动的范围,以保护和可持续地使用其境内瓜拉尼含水层系统的跨界水资源,因此是一个特别重要的政治和技术文书。", "7. 《协议》除其它外,考虑到了大会关于天然资源永久主权的第1803(XVII)号决议和关于跨界含水层法的第63/124号决议,并铭记1972年《关于人类环境的斯德哥尔摩宣言》和1992年《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》。《协议》是该区域所作的一个重要贡献,因为它是第一个有关跨界含水层活动的国际协议。", "奥地利", "8. 奥地利表示,在第六十六届会议上就条款草案的最终形式作出决定不合时宜。", "9. 鉴于关于此问题的国家实践尚处形成阶段,应该在稍后阶段审议最终形式的问题。这样可以有时间评估目前起草的条款能否经受时间的考验。", "中国", "10. 中国表示,条款草案第1条(b)款涵盖工业、农业、林业和其他领域,其范围似乎过于广泛。应该将“影响”这一限定词改为“重大影响”。", "11. 第7条⑵款草案应修改为:“含水层国可设立联合合作机制”;不宜强制规定这一措施,从而最妥善地尊重各国的意愿。", "12. 对于第8条草案,含水层国加强交流数据和资料应以不违反其法律为限。目前草案中所作的规定过于严格,其例外情况仅限于国防或国家安全领域 (第19条草案)。考虑到一些国家对向外国提供相关数据有限制,应该对其它可能的数据和资料交流限制做出必要的规定。", "13. 关于向发展中国家提供技术和资金援助的第16条草案的内容应予加强。发展中国家在跨界含水层合作中发挥的作用有限,其管理此种含水层的能力普遍较弱。因此,应进一步增加呼吁发达国家向发展中国家提供技术和资金援助的内容。", "14. 关于最终形式,制定跨界含水层公约的条件尚不成熟。跨界含水层具有一定的复杂性,在目前缺乏此方面广泛国家实践的情况下不应急于制定关于这一问题的国际法规则。条款草案可作为相关领域国家实践的一般性指导原则,即采用不具有法律约束力的决议或宣言的形式。", "15. 中国保留就条款草案进一步发表意见的权利。", "哥伦比亚", "16. 关于序言部分第2段,哥伦比亚表示,虽然条款草案中触及跨界含水层及其管理,但对于在条款草案基础上草拟一项公约的问题,有必要谨慎从事。有必要确定如何适用一项国际性、具有法律约束力的文书以及这一文书是否符合有关国家利益。", "17. 关于第2条草案,应该在“含水层系统”的定义末尾加上“及其与地表水的水文联系”。在“有补给含水层”的定义中,应该具体说明“相当补给水量”概念的范围;不然的话,对“相当”的解释就难免主观。“补给区”的现行定义包括含水层供水区的地表和底土两部分。应当以操作性用语具体指明“排泄区”是否包括含水层的人造和非天然出水口,因为文中所举的天然个例不过是举例说明而已。", "18. 关于第4条草案,总体而言,必须修改其中用来说明含水层资源利用率的标准。具体地说,“合理”这个标准非常主观,没有明确界定妥善管理资源的要素。(c)项中关于联合管理跨界湖流的“全面利用规划”的意思不清楚。此外,应该明确(d)项中“持续保持有效功能”的含意。它是否意味着抽取一部分同期补给的水量?对没有同期补给水量的含水层有什么利用限制?", "19. 第5条⑴款(b)项草案所指的“其他需要”可能过于宽泛,最终会有损公平地考虑各国在管理含水层方面的利益和需要。关于第5条草案所列的各项因素,第⑴款(d)项涉及对含水层或含水层系统的形成和水补给所起的作用,但范围不清楚,因为含水层的形成与其可持续使用的标准之间没有明显的联系;而且对含水层的形成“所起的作用”也含意不清。此外还应确定“对含水层……水补给所起的作用”是否适用于某种经济活动所产生的水,诸如灌溉以及导水管和排水沟渗漏的水。此外,究竟由谁来确定第5条⑴款草案中每个因素的权重,这一点并不明确,尤其是如果两个以上国家管理同一个含水层的话,因为对每个国家而言,各因素的重要性均可能不同。", "20. 关于第6条草案,该条标题的西班牙文译得不妥。在英文中,“重大损害”的意思是“重大或相当程度的损害”。但西班牙文形容词“sensible”并没有清楚表述损害程度。关于第3款,造成损害后应采取的适当行动是减轻、赔偿或补救,而不是消除。此外,该条款草案中没有考虑因地下水被污染物污染而造成的损害。", "21. 第8条⑴款草案将水文化学的有关资料列入水文地质资料的交流内容,却丝毫没有提到关于含水层易受污染这一固有风险的资料,也未提及关于土地的当前用途或可能用途的资料。第2款中必须界定提供缺失资料的工作范围、方法和规程,以确保可靠性和可比性。", "22. 关于第10条草案,应该对本条的范围是否应包括与含水层有关的生物多样性作出评价。生物多样性的概念包括生态系统,而不仅仅是地理位置和依赖性这些非常局限并且多少有些固定不变的概念。", "23. 关于第11条⑵款草案,应该提及商定为补给区或排泄区全部或部分位于其境内的国家提供的经济奖励,以保护这些区。", "24. 第13条⑵款草案应该具体说明以含水层或含水层系统的商定概念模型为基础进行监测的频率。", "25. 关于第15条⑵款草案,应该规定实施或允许实施可能影响跨界含水层或含水层系统的一国向另一国发出通知的时限。还应该具体说明所涉义务的范围,因为相关理由并不明确(例如,另一国可能有“正当理由”相信某活动会影响含水层)。同样,应该考虑实施这种活动的可能性以及所涉国家有办法作此评估的可能程度。此外,应该将这一义务理解为对边界地区有关项目或活动的一种限制,尽管也可以认为现有的环境评估和适用这种活动的许可证规定已包含这一点。", "26. 关于第17条草案,应该具体说明因人类行为引发的“紧急情况”这一概念是否意味着有理由追究行政责任以及这种责任将如何与豁免或减轻责任的理由相联系,例如不可抗力或意外情况。第2款(b)项中的“消除”指的是紧急情况的有害影响,应该根据对第6条草案提出的建议,将其改为“补救”(见上文第20段)。", "捷克共和国", "27. 捷克共和国表示,条款草案大多涉及利用地下水资源和对已规划活动的影响进行有关评估;对作为环境一大要素的地下水质量和数量的保护则关注得较少——例如,条款草案中未述及坚持不懈地改善地下水质量的必要性。第6和第12条草案中使用的“重大损害”一词把门槛定得过高,应予重新考虑。", "28. 应该在第15条⑶款草案中要求有关国家在进行协商和谈判期间,不实施或允许实施已经规划的可能严重影响跨界含水层的活动。1997年的《国际水道非航行使用法公约》第17条⑶款就载有一项类似规定。", "29. 关于最终形式的问题,捷克共和国表示,以往在讨论委员会涉及条款草案的工作时,捷克共和国曾赞成将来在条款草案基础上缔结一项国际公约。与此同时,捷克共和国也认识到,条款草案将作为订立双边协议和区域协议的指南。这一过程还远远没有完成,因为第六委员会在辩论中提出了其他需要审议的问题。因此,只有在评估了是否应该以及如何在双边和区域级别上反映条款草案中载述的原则,并且在大会讨论了这类其他问题之后,才会形成关于最终形式的确切立场。", "丹麦", "30. 丹麦表示,它没有跨界含水层。", "埃及", "31. 应该将所有条款草案中的“跨界含水层”都改为“共有跨界含水层”;将“跨界含水层或含水层系统”改为“共有跨界含水层或共有含水层系统”。", "32. 关于条款草案中的技术术语,应该采用阿拉伯文参考材料中的标准定义,而不是从英文直译。这些一般性意见尤其适用于第7至第17条和第19条。", "33. 关于第1条(b)款草案,“其他活动”非常笼统,有可能造成误解,除非对“活动”作出解释。", "34. 关于第2条草案,应该采用阿拉伯文参考材料中的标准定义,而不是从英文直译。", "35. 关于第3条草案,在“行使主权”一语之前应该加上“对共同所有规则”等字。", "36. 第4条(c)款草案中的“和替代水源”应予删除。地下水不应被视为地表水的替代物,反之亦然,因为两者同源;“替代水源”不应该是制订全面利用计划的一个因素。", "37. 第5条⑴款(g)项草案应予删除。提议删除的理由同第4条(c)款草案(见上文第36段)。", "38. 关于第6条⑶款草案,应该对重大损害作出明确规定,要求因其活动而造成重大损害的含水层国采取一切改正措施,消除或减轻这种损害。应该在该条中明确规定实施程序和负责当局。", "39. 建议酌情在第18条草案中添加“并在被占领区域”等字。", "40. 应该增加一条新的关于解决争端的第20条草案 ,案文如下:“如果对本协议条款的任何解释或者在其适用方面存在异议和争端,则含水层国双方可援用《联合国宪章》第33条解决争端,除非所涉含水层国双方商定采用其他办法”。", "萨尔瓦多", "41. 萨尔瓦多表示,从保护自然资源这一较广泛角度来说,此问题有着极为重要的意义,因为含水层是地球储存淡水的最大水库和战略储备。", "42. 条款草案是在国家实践以及现有一些双边协议和国际协议基础上拟就的,其中为反映新风险和新现实而增加了新的操作规则。", "43. 序言部分承认并准确评估了地下水资源对全世界所有区域的极端重要性和维生意义。这应该成为解释每一条款(主要是保护和管理含水层的条款)的参照基准。此外,条款草案平衡了各国的权利和义务,既承认国家对位于其境内的含水层拥有主权,又确认必须按照条款草案和国际法规定的所有义务行使这种主权。", "44. 条款草案中阐述的义务符合国际环境法所承认的一般原则,因而构成现有法典的有机组成部分,其用意在于促进可持续发展、利用共有自然资源、尊重防范和预防原则以及在主权和责任之间实现和谐平衡。这一概念适用于一般国际法。", "45. 过度污染对水资源造成的破坏及动植物物种灭绝等某些过程具有不可逆转性,而且即使在可以做到的情况下,要把环境恢复到以往状态也需要高昂费用。有鉴于此,在环境保护方面,萨尔瓦多特别强调预防义务这一基本准则。这一义务必须以第14条草案中规定的“适当管理”作为辅助,因为这一概念包含了全部为最大限度地从含水层使用中实现长期惠益,同时保护和保全含水层而采取的措施。", "46. 虽然这些条款草案没有阐明不履行上述义务的后果,但它们应该以关于国家责任的现有准则作为补充,无论是国家对造成严重环境损害的不法行为或合法行为的责任。这些国家责任准则在国际法中得到了广泛承认,并且已由国际法委员会加以发展。此外,关于危险活动所致跨界损害的损失分配的原则(第61/36号决议,附件)具有双重目的:一方面是要确保对跨界损害受害人迅速作出充分赔偿,另一方面是要在发生跨界损害时保全和保护环境,特别是在减轻对环境的破坏以及恢复或修复环境方面。在这方面,国际法院关于以核武器进行威胁或使用核武器的合法性的咨询意见确认,各国的一般义务包括确保在其管辖范围内或在其控制下从事的活动尊重其他国家或本国管辖范围以外地区的环境,此义务现已成为与环境有关的国际法主体的一部分。", "47. 萨尔瓦多赞同在条款草案中列入含水层所在国以及普遍各国的国家义务,因为含水层是一种必须加以保护的资源,不仅对于特定地理区域的人口而且对于全体人类和后代都十分重要。例如,关于武装冲突期间的保护的第18条草案就反映了这一点。该条款规定,必须加强《日内瓦四公约》及其《附加议定书》所确立的义务,直接要求各国保护本国的水资源,因为水资源不仅具有内在价值,而且也与平民人口的基本需求密切相关。", "48. 关于与发展中国家技术合作的第16条草案也体现了这一全面看法,其中要求所有具备能力和资源的国家——不只是共有含水层的国家——均应参与双边进程,以推动为保护和管理这些重要水资源开展的科学、教育、技术、法律和其他合作。", "49. 关于最终形式的决定依然至关重要,因为这将决定条款草案今后在国际范围的实际执行。萨尔瓦多建议对该草案的主要规范重点加以分析。含水层不是孤立因素,而是一个也包含人类的综合系统的组成部分,而且含水层甚至对各国可持续发展的其他相关活动产生影响,例如农业和畜牧业。还应铭记,这种资源不仅在生活中不可或缺,而且十分脆弱甚至实质上不可替代,因此各国必须立即采取切实行动。基于这些考虑,萨尔瓦多认为,条款草案的最终形式应确保条款草案全面发挥效力,并应有利于采取适当措施,制止由于人口高度增长和快速经济发展等因素造成的地下水资源过量开采和污染。从法律角度来看,公约将成为一项具有约束力的文书,通过体现各国的主权意志,使这些措施可以得到强制执行。然而,由于个体国家可以选择不采纳此公约,从而使公约受制于个体国家的意志,因此公约并不是确保产生效力的唯一手段。归根结底,为了达成一项可以保障跨界含水层真正得到保护的协定,最后的辩论应把重点放在所采用的形式上,以最妥善地确保绝大多数国家执行条款草案。", "法国", "50. 法国重申支持委员会报告(A/63/10)第49段所载的委员会向大会提出的建议。", "51. 鉴于这一议题具有复杂性并牵涉潜在的科学问题,各国需要对条款草案作一番彻底审查。因此,需要分阶段进行:首先,应让各国有时间根据本国实践评价条款草案,并在必要时作出双边或区域安排。其后,大会才能够在国家实践基础上决定是否根据条款草案拟订一项公约。", "黎巴嫩", "52. 黎巴嫩表示,一些条款类似于、甚至可以说是完全取自1997年《国际水道非航行使用法公约》。", "53. 第2条(a)款草案对“含水层”的界定应该更加详细。例如,学术文献中指出,存在着承压含水层、无压含水层、可再生含水层和化石含水层。", "54. 条款草案的对象是彼此保持睦邻友好关系国家,而不是处于冲突或战争状态的国家。条款草案有赖于参与国之间的善意,并且有赖于有着正常关系以及事实上有着良好关系的国家,而不是处于冲突状态的国家。", "55. 最好应由水文地质学家来确定技术方面的内容,然后由律师参与拟订法律模式。", "56. 第2条(b)款草案不够明确。有必要开展进一步水文研究,以确定含水层之间何时存在水文联系。此外,根本问题在于确定含水层的界限。第2条(c)款草案中使用了“跨界”一词,而1997年《公约》则使用“国际”一词:其第2条(b)款规定,“‘国际水道’是指其组成部分位于不同国家的水道”。除非有理由,在两个术语之间作出取舍是不明智的,这尤其是鉴于两个术语的定义在《公约》和条款草案中是相同的。第2条(d)款草案中没有提到“跨界含水层”这一术语涵盖了补给区和排泄区。两者均可位于不同国家境内。第2条(h)款草案给“排泄区”下的定义是:含水层的水流向水道、湖泊等出口的区域。然而,1997年《公约》早已将“水道”界定为:“地面水和地下水的系统,由于它们之间的自然关系,构成一个整体单元,并且通常流入共同的终点”(第2条(a)款)。这构成“无压含水层”的定义。因此,“排泄区”的定义与1997年《公约》中国际含水层的定义重叠,应予以修正,以避免重复,或避免在涉及权利和义务时出现应适用这两项文书中的哪一个的争议。", "57. 第3条草案同其后对限制和条件作出规定的条款草案之间存在一个矛盾,日后在适用上可能引起争议。此外,含水层主权的概念与1997年《公约》中订立的参与概念互相矛盾。", "58. 计算第4条(c)款草案所述的当前需求也许很容易,但要计算今后的需求则可能并非易事。每个含水层国都可能夸大数字,导致使用计划难以落实,除非有关国家在彼此平等合作方面有足够的善意。鉴于存在利益冲突,这一点并不现实,而且公平合理的利用将取决于善意,而不取决于对有关国家具有约束力的法律规定。", "59. 关于第4条(d)款草案,较为科学和易于理解的术语应该是“可持续”,而不是“妨碍其持续保持有效功能”中的“有效”一词。其中也未提及不可再生的化石含水层,因为这种含水层不具备任何已知的补给区或排泄区,例如位于乍得、埃及、阿拉伯利比亚民众国和苏丹的努比亚含水层;位于阿尔及利亚和突尼斯而且可能延伸到阿拉伯利比亚民众国和摩洛哥的含水层;位于约旦和沙特阿拉伯的迪斯含水层。", "60. 关于第5条(1)款草案,所有与确定公平合理使用有关的因素都要求各国做到真实可信,并要求数字可靠。在关于依赖含水层的人口的第5条(1)款(a)项草案中,应提及现有居民人口及今后的自然增长,而不是移民造成的人为增长。第5条(2)款草案要求各国做到真实可信,并要求数字可靠。不能依赖这一法律来确保权利受到尊重,以及使用情况做到公平合理。", "61. 第6条草案提到含水层国对防止造成重大损害的义务,但没有提到补给区所在国负有不用尽或污染为含水层提供补给的水源的义务。", "62. 关于第11条第(1)款草案,所出现的问题是,如何根据第3条草案的规定,对补给区和排泄区进行核查,同时也尊重主权。", "63. 关于第11条(2)款草案,只要各国没有从与补给区和排泄区相连的含水层直接受益,就无从迫使其提供合作。这进一步表明,各国必须诚实守信地开展相互合作,并把人道主义关切置于自身利益之上。我们只能重申,条款草案中的大多数规定将依赖善意原则。", "64. 在第12条草案中,“审慎”一词在阿拉伯文中不够有力。此外,应该用一种更有力的表述取代“重大损害”一语,因为含水层污染的严重性超过地表水污染。需要很长时间才能消除这种污染造成的损害,更遑论对这种污染进行核实需要作出可能被认为是侵犯主权的披露。", "65. 第14条草案再次提出善意问题,这是因为所设想的机制需要各国开展合作,放弃本国的私利。在这方面,必须探讨订立一项法律来保护权利。此外,在“含水层国”定义中应包括更多的补给区和排泄区,以便让位于这些补给区和排泄区的国家在管理方面发挥作用,从而确保进行完善、综合的水管理。", "66. 第15条(2)款草案中提到可能影响含水层的已规划活动。这与第6条草案相符合,该条提及不造成重大损害的义务。第3段规定设立一个机制来解决因环境影响而引起的冲突。除非双方愿意达成一项解决办法,这种冲突将是永无休止的。该段还提到设立一个独立的事实调查机构,便于各国要求作出公正的评估,但并没有说明这一机构的组成。", "67. 关于第17条(3)款草案,应增加一些词语,其大意是:这种措施应属临时性质,在解除紧急状态后则不应继续。", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", "68. 阿拉伯利比亚民众国表示,条款草案的标题“跨界含水层法”这几个字应改为“共有国际含水层法”。", "69. 应对整个案文中某些用词用语的阿拉伯文翻译进行调整,特别是第2条(a)款、第2条(b)款、第2条(g)款、第5条(1)款(a)项、第8条(2)款、第8条(3)款、第8条(4)款、第10条、第11条(1)款和第13条(2)款。", "70. 该法涉及公平开发共有含水层,并考虑到当前和今后的需求以及替代来源,但没有确定利用这些含水层的优先次序。", "71. 为了维护历史形成的既得权利,该法不应适用于已在进行的项目。", "72. 第4条草案中必须对公平合理利用订立一个明确定义。", "73. 第5条(1)款(c)项草案中应提出自然特征的定义。该定义中应包括面积、范围、厚度、水流方向以及水文和化学特征。在第5条(1)款(d)项草案中,应以“对形成和补给所起作用的大小”取代“对形成和补给所起的作用”。", "74. 第10条草案开头部分应该为:“含水层国应采取一切适当措施,保护和保全其跨界含水层或含水层系统所在区内的生态系统或依赖这些含水层或含水层系统生存的生态系统……”。", "75. 需要对第11条(2)款草案作出进一步说明。", "墨西哥", "76. 墨西哥表示,条款草案涵盖广泛一系列重要问题。", "77. 从长远来看,在一项国际法律文书中阐述这些问题是很适当的。然而,在着手就一项具有约束力的文书展开谈判之前,应留出足够时间来进行进一步思考。各国可在这段时间里继续强化区域和双边实践,这样可以对之后可能拟订的一项国际文书提供投入。就这一条约进行的任何谈判都应保证,各国根据其他相关国际协定承担的权利和义务得到保障。", "78. 该项目应继续列入大会议程,并应在几年后再次讨论,以便进行一段时间的思考,其间也探讨各国的做法是否符合条款草案。", "阿曼", "79. 阿曼表示,应当在第4条草案中增加(e)项,其内容为:“任何含水层国均不得在本法通过之前期间寻求赔偿”。", "80. 第5条(1)款(d)项草案结尾应增加一个短语,内容为:“其中应考虑到根据含水层国之间有待缔结的协定而确立的相对利用情况”。", "81. 在第6条(2)款草案的结尾应添加一句话,内容为“应在跨界含水层或含水层系统范围内有关地区自然资源利用或开采所造成的损害同这些地区工业项目污染地下水库所造成的损害之间进行区分”。", "82. 应对整个案文中某些用词用语的阿拉伯文翻译进行调整,特别是第2条(e)款和第8条(3)款草案。", "巴拿马", "83. 巴拿马表示,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)在拉丁美洲开展的国际水文方案推动在美洲实施了教科文组织/美洲国家组织共同提出的国际共有含水层资源管理倡议。该方案于2000年启动,巴拿马在2006年开始参与。就巴拿马和哥斯达黎加共有的Sixaola河含水层而言,仅做了一般性工作;就巴拿马-哥伦比亚共有的胡拉多含水层而言,工作则尚未开始。", "84. 巴拿马建议对现有中美洲水协定进行审查,并采取一种区域做法,以鼓励在划定含水层和商定推定权利方面寻求国际水文方案专家的协助——这是该区域尚未解决的一个问题。巴拿马因此认为,不应通过核准一项普遍适用的解决办法来解决一个地方问题。", "菲律宾", "85. 菲律宾表示,“跨界含水层法”是一项具有历史性意义的重大全球倡议,为在地方和区域两级妥善管理淡水资源订立了一个重要的框架战略。", "86. 淡水的流动及其水流动态非常受使用同一含水层系统的各国的吸采率和排放率差异以及含水层结构和补给率的左右。因此,每个国家都应在平等公平共享的基础上承担保护、养护和可持续开发跨界含水层的责任。", "87. 有必要对跨界含水层的范围及其水质状况作一番全面评估。含水层系统超越国家政治界限,因而在含水层管理方面所采取的做法应以集水盆地为基础,因为水流特性同江河流域和集水盆地的水文地质特征及江河流域地形界线有着密切关联。此外还必须完成跨界含水层的绘图工作,并建立含水层信息和管理系统以及特别、具有时间性的资源管理制度,以便拟订政策和作出决策。", "88. 应当制定一项适用于所有国家的法律,以妥善监管含水层系统的使用,对这一资源进行非强制性的可持续管理。", "89. 应从水文地质构成和水面影响的角度对跨界含水层作出适当界定。在指定严重消耗的含水层系统或“热点”的时候,需要优先作出双边或区域安排。此外还需要适当地管理和保护补给区,以最大限度地提高含水层系统的水位。另外还必须确定管理战略和原则、当前值及含水层系统所受威胁,而且也需要订立双边和区域责任。", "葡萄牙", "90. 葡萄牙重申,条款草案可以对妥善管理世界各地现有跨界含水层作出积极贡献。", "91. 关于所采用的形式,葡萄牙再次表示认为,条款草案应发展成为一项国际框架公约。", "沙特阿拉伯", "92. 沙特阿拉伯评论说,条款草案似乎并未触及以下问题:(a) 防止含水地层内侧向、斜向或横向挖掘;(b) 缺少对非含水层国其他各方的供应;(c) 事实上应考虑到含水层的不同面积、范围和厚度,含水层特点及流动方向,以及一国与另一国在人口规模上的差异;(d) 污染物的使用及其对含水层或水系统的影响。", "93. 条款草案未区分少雨干旱的沙漠区域和含水层众多的区域。因此,必须把沙漠区域跨界含水层的利用定为优先事项,其中第一优先应是饮用水。", "94. 条款草案触及看不见的地下水源,而实际上没有足够数据和信息可供了解广泛各类地下地质构造,包括可能会阻碍和影响含水层流速的裂隙和褶皱。但条款草案并未考虑到这些因素。", "95. 应建立一种机制,以便分享在跨界含水层水管理实验中获得的成功经验。", "96. 条款草案的规定涵盖含水层和地下水网络。但是,某些条款,例如第6条(2)款、第7条(1)款、第8条和第9条,仅提及含水层,而未提及其它网络。", "97. 第1条草案的起首部分应改为:“本条款草案旨在规范以下情况:”。应添加新的第1条(d)款草案,内容为:“应为共有地下水和含水层的使用确定优先事项。”", "98. 第2条(a)款草案应修改为:“‘含水层’系指渗透性含水地质层,一个透水性较弱的地层以及该地质层饱和带所含之水可能会也可能不会外接于、叠置于或下伏于该地质层”。", "99. 关于第4条草案,应给公平合理利用的原则一个确切的定义。条款草案未以明晰的方式处理与不可再生含水层、沙漠区域含水层或降雨丰沛区域含水层相关的问题。第4条(c)款草案给变化和不确定性留下了空间:各国的需求会波动,因而最好应确立固定的规则。第4条(d)款草案不明确,需要加以澄清或重拟。应增添一个新的第4条(e)款草案,内容为:“任何国家不得向任何非相关跨界含水层或另一含水层的接壤国放弃、租赁或出售该含水层的全部或部分使用权”。", "100. 第5条(1)款(c)项草案应修改为:“应根据每个国家境内含水层或含水层系统的自然特性加以利用”。此外,还应增列一项要素如下:“(j)应考虑到含水层的面积、范围和厚度,含水层特点及流动方向”。", "101. 关于第6条草案,必须对不可逆转的损害作出明确的规定,造成此种损害的国家必须提供赔偿。此外还必须规定提供此类损害赔偿的方式并指明有责任提供赔偿的实体。", "102. 关于第7条草案,“主权平等”和“领土完整”原则需要更具体阐述,因为含水层不同于地表水(河流),而且很难对含水层适用这些条款。", "103. 关于第9条草案,双边安排有正面也有负面特点。不过,“不利影响”的表述很含糊,需要更具体说明或界定,以确保它不被曲解。若不对所述不利影响作出更清晰的界定,这种提法就可能赋予一国或多国以否决权。关于该条草案的评注第2段,(“当某项协定或安排是针对整个含水层或含水层系统时,除极个别情况外,共同拥有同一含水层或含水层系统的所有含水层国很可能被包括在内”)中“极个别情况”的提法需要加以说明。", "104. 第12条草案应更详细说明“审慎态度”的含义,并清楚阐明随之而来的国家义务。", "105. 在第16条草案中,应具体说明“各国应……促进”一语中“各国”的含义;如果这意味着世界各国,就应当把这一点说清楚。应在这一条草案中敦促发达国家向发展中国家提供与跨界含水层有关的方法上和科学上的专门知识。", "斯洛文尼亚", "106. 斯洛文尼亚欢迎并支持在现行水资源保护国际立法基础上进一步开展的努力,其中包括更详细处理跨界含水层管理问题的一批专题。条款草案提供了一个坚实的法律基础,使各国能够在全球一级协调与跨界含水层管理有关的具有适当综合性的解决方案。无论是否具有法律约束力,斯洛文尼亚对条款草案的形式都继续持灵活态度。在跨界含水层管理中,各国遵守条款草案中的规定至关重要。", "107. 条款草案对斯洛文尼亚正在负有水管理跨界合作任务的双边和多边机构中积极落实的一些问题作了规范。由于水管理跨越地理和政治界线,斯洛文尼亚非常重视区域、次区域和双边形式的合作,同时适当考虑到了生态系统办法和水体综合管理。欧洲经济委员会2007年进行的跨界水资源评估登记了东南欧的51个跨界含水层。根据其他估算,实际数字超过60个。克罗地亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、黑山及阿尔巴尼亚的一些迪纳拉岩溶含水层保证了15%至90%的用水份额得到利用,在一些地区还达到了100%。气候变化和水资源短缺威胁使迪纳拉含水层变得更加重要。", "108. 斯洛文尼亚很早就认识到含水层及其跨界层面的重要性。它是若干处理水管理问题的条约的缔约国。作为欧洲联盟成员,它积极执行并致力于实现水管理方面共同体法律、特别是《欧洲联盟水务框架指令》所确立的目标。斯洛文尼亚还是水管理问题5项双边条约的缔约国,订约对象分别是奥地利(关于穆拉河和德拉瓦河)、意大利、匈牙利和克罗地亚;也是一项次区域协定(《萨瓦河盆地框架协定》)和一项区域条约(《保护多瑙河公约》)的缔约国。这方面的合作和协调是在相关委员会和专家小组的场合中进行。", "109. 地热利用也是跨界地下水管理的一个重要方面。随着一些国家授予开采地热潜能的特许合同和权利,这个方面就变得更加重要。目前正在相关委员会中同奥地利和匈牙利讨论这一问题。", "西班牙", "110. 西班牙评论指出,欧洲议会和欧洲理事会第2000/60/EC号指令为保护内陆地表水、过渡水域、沿海水域和地下水建立了一个框架。西班牙立法和欧洲立法都为妥善管理淡水、地表水和地下水资源明确设立了所需框架,而涉及伊比利亚半岛跨界含水层的问题则属于西班牙-葡萄牙区和埃布罗区的权限范围。", "111. 根据《关于保护和可持续利用西班牙-葡萄牙水文流域的合作协定》(《阿尔布费拉协定》),含水层几乎是以偶发形式处理的,这可能是因为西班牙和葡萄牙之间的共有含水层不多,只限于Bajo Miño、Ciudad Rodrigo-Salamanca、Moraleja和Vegas Bajas的水文地质区。埃布罗河流域也有一段国际水域,法国与安道尔之间已缔结并实施一些协定和条约,以保证合作实现水资源方面的环境目标,其中也包括地下水。", "土耳其", "112. 土耳其表示,其评论意见是对A/CN.4/595号文件所载评论意见的补充。关于第1条(b)款草案,“其他活动”一语含义不明,应予删除,以防对其解释可能产生的任何歧义。在经第3条草案详细阐述的第1条(c)款草案下,沿岸国开展的合作并不总是会导致对这种含水层或含水层系统实行共同管理。因此,提议采用以下案文:“含水层国可为此种含水层或含水层系统的保护、保全和管理而采取的措施”。", "113. 上文对第1条(c)款草案适用的理由也适用于第4条(c)款草案。因此,该款可修改为:“含水层国可酌情基于对其目前和将来需求及替代水源的考虑,单独或联合制定利用规划”。", "114. 关于第5条(1)款(f)项草案,“一个含水层国利用含水层或含水层系统……的……潜在影响”含义不明,因而应予删除。第5条(1)款(g)项草案也应删除。虽然其中提到了含水层或含水层系统某一现有和已规划用途的替代办法的存在,但水资源综合管理中已考虑到了水文、社会、经济和环境方面,并且已把有用、可持续、可行、公平和无害环境作为侧重点,在流域水资源开发方面没有任何一个因素可以凌驾一切。此外,无论是地下水资源还是地表水资源,都不可被当成彼此的替代品,它们是互补关系。因此,替代性水资源届时将已是计划的一部分。第5条(2)款草案中应为“人类的基本需要”列举一些例子,以避免任何歧义解释。", "115. 有关第6条草案中“重大损害”之解释以及对重大损害的适当下限之界定的辩论仍在继续。虽然大多数国际法规中都使用了“防止造成重大损害”的概念,但这种概念是模糊、相对和难以适用的。而且,如无某种下限,就难以采取妥善措施防止造成重大损害。另一方面,就地下水资源而言,哪怕仅仅是开采或少量污染都可被解释为重大损害。总之,这一条草案含义模糊,应修改如下:", "“1. 含水层国在本国领土内使用一跨界含水层或含水层系统时,应适当注意防止对其他含水层国造成重大损害。", "“2. 含水层国在从事利用一跨界含水层或含水层系统以外的活动、但对该跨界含水层或含水层系统具有或可能具有影响时,应避免通过该含水层或含水层系统对其他含水层国造成重大损害。", "“3. 如果确实仍对另一含水层国造成了重大损害,那么其活动造成了此种损害的含水层国应适当注意到第4条和第5条草案的规定,与受影响国协商,力求消除或减轻这种损害。”", "美利坚合众国", "116. 美利坚合众国评论说,就跨界含水层问题开展的工作在为合理使用和保护地下含水层提供一个可能框架方面取得了重要的进展,而地下含水层作为人类的水源,起着日益重要的作用。对于所有国家、特别是那些疲于应付跨界含水层问题压力的国家而言,委员会为制订一套灵活工具以便使用和保护这些含水层而做的努力是一个非常有益的贡献。", "117. 但是,总体而言,在跨界含水层问题上,还有许多东西需要了解,而具体的含水层情况和国家实践又千差万别。条款草案还超越了现行法律和惯例。基于这些原因,美利坚合众国仍然认为,应对跨界地下水问题压力的最佳途径是根据具体情况作出具体安排,而不是订立一项全球框架条约。正如第63/124号决议中决定的那样,有关各国在谈判订立适当双边或区域安排以妥善管理跨界含水层时,应考虑到这些条款草案的规定。在任何具体谈判中,可能需要适当考虑到多种因素,如相关含水层的水文特点、当前用途和未来预期用途、气候条件和展望以及经济、社会和文化方面考虑。使这些条款保持目前的草案形式,对于这些目的是适宜的。", "118. 美国仍然不认同这样一种说法,即:如果把这些条款草案订成一项全球条约,就会争取到足够的支持。不过,美国意识到,许多国家已对这样一项框架公约表示了某种兴趣。美国认为,若要使这些条款草案形成一个条约,就需要解决一些重要问题。例如,需要为一项公约制订适当的最终条款,并需要为确定拟议公约与其他双边或区域安排之间的关系订立条款。特别是,需要谨慎行事,以免以此取代现有的双边或区域安排或限制各国缔结这种安排的灵活性。", "阿拉伯国家联盟", "119. 阿拉伯国家联盟在转达其成员的意见时评论说,标题应改为“共有国际含水层法”。此外还应有一项关于解决争端的条款。条款草案全文中“跨界含水层”和“含水层系统”的提法应改为“共有国际含水层”和“共有国际含水层系统”。条款草案在使用技术术语时,应采用阿拉伯文的标准定义,而不是从英文术语直译。", "120. 在序言第三段之后应增添一个新的序言段,内容为:“申明《国际水道非航行使用法公约》中规定的相关条款和原则”。", "121. 序言部分倒数第二段应改为:“强调必须考虑到发展中国家和被占领地区的特殊情况”。", "122. 第1条(c)款草案中的“保全”一词应予删除。", "123. 关于第2条(g)款草案中“补给区”的定义,应在句末添加以下内容:“以及其他水源和该源之水通过土壤渗入含水层的区域”。第2条(h)款草案应改为:“(h)‘排泄区’系指含水层的水排入诸如水道、湖泊、绿洲、泉溪、湿地或海洋等出口的区域”。", "124. 第4条(c)款草案应改为:“(c)含水层国应基于对其目前和将来需要及替代水源的考虑,并顾及与公平合理利用相关的因素,单独和联合制定全面利用规划”。在第4条(d)款草案中应添加“天然和”一语,使该项后面部分内容成为:“程度不应妨碍其持续保持天然和有效的功能”。", "125. 第5条1款(d)项草案应改为:“(d)对含水层或含水层系统的形成和水补给所起作用的大小”。第5条2款草案开头部分应改为:“有关国家应确定给予每个因素的权重,而对每个因素的权衡,……”。", "126. 在第6条(1)、(2)和(3)款草案中,“境内”一语应改为“国境之内”。", "127. 在第8条(1)款草案中,“定期”一语应改为“经常和定期”。在第8条(2)款草案中,“尽力”应改为“尽最大努力”,而在第8条(3)和(4)款草案中,“尽力”应改为“尽全力”。", "128. 第10条草案开头部分应改为:“含水层国应在本国国情许可范围内采取一切适当措施,保护和保全……生态系统”。", "129. 第12条草案应修改如下:“含水层国应单独,并在适当情况下,共同或与相关国际组织合作,防止、减少和控制可能给其他含水层国造成重大损害,包括通过补水过程……的污染。……含水层国应采取审慎和预防的态度”。", "130. 在第13条(2)款草案中,“参数”一词应改为“因素”。", "131. 第16条(c)款草案句末应添加“及财政援助”等字,并将第16条(d)款草案中的“能力”一语改为“各项能力”。", "132. 第17条(3)款草案应改为:“如果紧急情况对人的基本维生需求构成威胁,尽管有第4条和第6条草案的规定,含水层国可在严格必要的限度内,断然采取措施满足这些需求”。", "133. 第18条草案后半部分应改为:“……适用于国际性和非国际性武装冲突以及被占领地区的国际法原则和规则所给予的保护,并且不得以违反这些原则和规则的方式加以使用。”", "[1] 《协议》和《联合宣言》副本已送交秘书处法律事务厅编纂司备查。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表* 项目86", "跨界含水层法", "跨界含水层法", "秘书长的报告", "页:1", "内容提要", "本报告根据大会第63/124号决议编写,载有各国政府对跨界含水层法条款草案的评论和意见。", "目录", "页次\n一、导 言. 3\n各国政府", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 1. 本报告是根据大会第63/124号决议编写的,大会在该决议中决定将题为“跨界含水层法”的项目列入第六十六届会议临时议程,以便除其他外,审查关于这一主题的条款草案可能采用的形式问题。", "2. 联合国 秘书长在2009年1月2日的通告中提请各国政府注意该决议,并在2009年12月和2011年2月发出了催复通知。", "二. 从各国政府收到的评论和意见", "阿尔及利亚", "3个 阿尔及利亚强调:(a) 准确了解共享水资源的范围、数量和质量的重要性;(b) 通过适当保护和真诚合作,将可持续发展的环境层面纳入有关国家公平合理利用含水层的重要性;(c) 需要加强国家管制措施和双边或次区域合作机制,以确保有效保护含水层水资源免受一切形式的污染;(d) 需要保护共享含水层的国家获得足够数量满足其发展需要的权利;(e) 必须建立机制,以交流关于共享水资源及其综合管理条件的信息和知识。", " 4.四. 阿尔及利亚强调通过缔结协定和在共有含水层的国家之间建立联合合作机制来开展双边和区域合作的重要性,同时表示愿意充分合作,以审议在第六十六届会议上就条款草案采取后续行动的最佳方式。", "阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭", "5. 阿根廷、巴西、巴拉圭和乌拉圭评论说,四个国家的外交部长于2010年8月2日在阿根廷圣胡安签署了《瓜拉尼含水层协定》;目前正在四个签署国进行立法批准程序。 同一天,四国外交部长还签署了《联合声明》,其中重申在及时有效执行《协定》所需的方案构成部分上取得进展的政治意愿。 [1] (中文(简体) ).", "6. 国家 《协定》作为一项政治和技术文书特别重要,因为它力求加强缔约国之间的合作和一体化,并扩大了为养护和可持续利用位于其领土的瓜拉尼含水层系统的跨界水资源而采取协调行动的范围。", "7. 联合国 该协定特别考虑到大会关于自然资源的永久主权的第1803(XVII)号决议和关于跨界含水层法的第63/124号决议,并铭记1972年《斯德哥尔摩人类环境宣言》和1992年《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》,是该区域的重要贡献,因为它是关于跨界含水层活动的第一项国际协定。", "奥地利", "8. 联合国 奥地利评论说,在第六十六届会议上决定条款草案的最后形式是不及时的。", "9. 国家 鉴于各国在这个问题上新出现的实践,最后形式应在后一阶段审议,因为这样可以有时间评估目前起草的条款是否经受时间的考验。", "中国", "10个 中国评论说,由于第1(b)条草案中设想的活动涵盖工业、农业、林业和其他领域,范围似乎过于宽泛,因此,“影响”这一门槛应改为“重大影响”。", "11个 第7(2)条草案应改为:“含水层国可建立联合合作机制”;如果这项措施不以强制性措辞表述,那么所有国家的愿望就最好得到尊重。", "12个 关于第8条草案,加强含水层国的数据和信息交流不应违反其法律规定的限制。 按照目前的措词,这些规定过于严格,只允许为国防或国家安全进行减损(第19条草案)。 鉴于一些国家在向其他国家提供情报方面有限制,应作出必要规定,规定在交换数据和资料方面可能存在的其他限制。", "13个 应加强关于向发展中国家提供技术和财政援助的第16条草案。 发展中国家在跨界含水层合作中发挥的作用有限,它们管理此类含水层的能力普遍相当薄弱。 因此,应进一步加强呼吁发达国家向发展中国家提供技术和财政援助的规定。", "14个 关于最后形式,拟订跨界含水层公约的条件尚不成熟。 跨界含水层问题有些复杂,鉴于目前在这一领域缺乏任何广泛的国家实践,在制定有关这个问题的国际法规则时应避免匆忙。 条款草案可作为各国在这一领域实践的一般准则;换言之,条款草案应采取不具法律约束力的决议或声明的形式。", "15个 中国保留就条款草案提出进一步评论的权利。", "哥伦比亚", "16. 哥伦比亚评论说,关于序言部分第二段,虽然条款草案涉及跨界含水层及其管理,但在提到根据条款草案起草一项公约时必须谨慎。 有必要确定如何适用一项具有国际和法律约束力的文书,以及它是否符合有关国家的利益。", "17岁 关于第2条草案,应在“含水层系统”的定义后增加“......及其与地表水的液压联系”。 在“有补给含水层”的定义下,“不可忽略的......补给量”概念的范围应予具体说明;否则,对“不可忽略”的解释可能是主观的。 现有“补给区”的定义包括该补给区地表和地底部分,为含水层取水。 值得说明的是,在操作方面,“排泄区”是否包括来自含水层的人工和非自然出水口,因为案文中列举的自然例子只是指示性的。", "18岁。 关于第4条草案,一般地说,必须修订其中用来说明含水层资源利用情况的标准。 具体而言,“合理”标准具有高度主观性,没有为资源的适当管理确定明确的参数。 (c)分段中的“综合利用计划”在联合管理跨界盆地方面的含义不明确。 此外,应澄清(d)项中“继续有效运作”的含义。 这是否是指取出一部分当代取水量? 对没有当代补给水的含水层的利用有何限制?", " 19. 19. 关于第5(1)(b)条草案,“其他需要”的提法可能过于宽泛,最终会损害在含水层管理中公平考虑各国的利益和需要。 关于第5条草案所列举的因素,关于对含水层或含水层系统的形成和补给的贡献的第(1)(d)款的范围不明确,因为含水层的形成与可持续使用标准之间的关系并不明显;“对含水层的形成的贡献”的含义也不明显。 还应确定“对含水层.补给的贡献”是否适用于某些经济活动产生的水,如灌溉和从水管和排水沟漏出的水。 此外,不清楚第5(1)条草案中每个因素的权重由谁决定,特别是如果两个以上的国家管理含水层,因为每个国家的每个因素的重要性可能不同。", "20号. 关于第6条草案,对该条标题的西班牙文译文不合适。 在英文中,“重大损害”一词是指“重大或相当大的损害”。 然而,西班牙的形容词“可理解的”没有明确描述损害的程度。 关于第3款,发生损害时的适当行动是减轻、补偿或补救,而不是消除。 此外,条款草案没有考虑到地下水被污染所造成的损害。", "21岁 根据第8(1)条草案,水文化学相关信息将纳入水文地质信息的交流。 然而,没有提及含水层在本质上易受污染或目前或潜在的土地利用方面的信息。 关于第2款,必须确定产生缺失信息的工作规模、方法和规程,以确保可靠性和可比性。", "22号. 关于第10条草案,应评估其范围是否应包括与含水层有关的生物多样性,这一概念包括生态系统的概念,而不只是地理位置和依赖的概念,这些概念非常严格,有些静止。", "23. 联合国 关于第11(2)条草案,应当提及为补给区或排泄区所在国家全部或部分保护这些区域所商定的经济奖励措施。", "24 (韩语). 第13(2)条草案应具体说明根据含水层或含水层系统的商定概念模式进行监测的频率。", "25岁 关于第15(2)条草案,应规定一个时限,由实施或允许实施可能影响跨界含水层或含水层系统的既定活动的国家向另一国发出通知。 还应具体说明义务的范围,因为理由不明确(例如,另一国可能有“合理的理由”认为某项活动可能影响含水层)。 同样,还应考虑到进行中活动的概率程度以及有关国家在多大程度上有能力进行这种评估。 此外,这一义务可被解释为对边境地区项目或活动的限制,尽管可以理解为属于适用于此类活动的现有环境评估和许可证的范围。", "26. 联合国 关于第17条草案,应当具体说明,由人类行为造成的“紧急情况”的概念是否意味着有行政责任的理由,这与免除或减轻赔偿责任的理由有何关系,例如不可抗力或不可预见的情况。 根据关于第6条草案的建议(见上文第20段),第2款(b)项中提及紧急情况有害影响的 \" 消除 \" 一词应改为 \" 补救 \" 。", "捷克共和国", "27个 捷克共和国评论说,条款草案主要涉及地下水资源的利用和对所计划活动影响的有关评估;较少注意将地下水的质量和数量作为环境的一个要素,例如,条款草案没有解决持续改善地下水质量的需要。 第6和12条草案中使用的 \" 重大损害 \" 一词设定了过高的门槛,应重新考虑。", "28岁 在第15(3)条草案中,应包括一项要求,即在有关国家之间的协商和谈判过程中,不得实施或允许实施可能对跨界含水层有重大影响的既定活动。 1997年《国际水道非航行使用法公约》第17(3)条载有类似的规定。", "29. 国家 关于最后形式,捷克共和国指出,在以往关于委员会条款草案工作的辩论期间,捷克共和国赞成今后根据条款草案缔结一项国际公约。 同时,它认识到条款草案将作为双边和区域协定的指南。 鉴于在第六委员会的辩论中提出了需要审议的其他问题,这一进程远未完成。 因此,只有在对条款草案所载原则是否和如何在双边和区域一级得到反映进行了评估,并在大会就这些额外问题进行了讨论之后,才能对最后形式形成明确的立场。", "丹麦", "30岁。 丹麦评论说,它没有跨界含水层。", "埃及", "31岁 埃及评论说,在所有条款草案中,“跨界含水层”一词应改为“共有跨界含水层”;“跨界含水层或含水层系统”应改为“共有跨界含水层或共有含水层系统”。", "32. 联合国 关于条款草案中的技术术语,应使用阿拉伯文参考资料中的标准定义,而不是英文的字面翻译。 这些一般性意见尤其适用于第7至17和19条。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 关于第1(b)条草案,“其他活动”一词非常宽泛,除非对“活动”作出解释,否则可能导致误解。", "34. 国家 关于第2条草案,应使用阿拉伯文参考资料中的标准定义,而不是英文的字面翻译。", "35. 联合国 关于第3条草案,在“应行使其主权”后添加“关于共有所有权规则的”等词。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 关于第4(c)条草案,应删除“和替代水源”。 地下水不应被视为地表水的替代品,反之亦然,因为它们是综合资源;在制定综合利用计划时,“替代水源”不应成为因素。", "37. 联合国 第5(1)(g)条草案应予删除。 提议删除第4(c)条草案(见上文第36段)的理由适用。", "38. 国家 关于第6(3)条草案,应就重大损害制定明确的规则,要求其活动造成这种损害的含水层国采取一切纠正措施来消除或减轻这种损害。 该条应明确规定执行程序和主管机构。", "39. 联合国 有人建议,在第18条草案中,酌情增加“和被占领地区”一语。", " 40. 40. 应增加一个关于解决争端的第20条草案,其案文如下: “如果在任何解释或适用本协定的条款方面出现分歧和冲突,两个含水层国可诉诸《联合国宪章》第三十三条解决争端,除非有关含水层国同意另一种解决办法”。", "萨尔瓦多", "41. 国家 萨尔瓦多评论说,鉴于含水层是地球上淡水储存的主要蓄水层和战略储备,在更广泛的自然资源保护范围内,这个问题至关重要。", "42. 国家 条款草案以国家实践和一些现有的双边和国际协定为基础,增加了新的业务规则,同时考虑到新的风险和现实。", "43. 东帝汶 序言中承认和准确评估地下水资源在世界所有区域都至关重要并具有生命力,这应作为解释每项条款的参照基准,主要是关于含水层的保护和管理的条款。 此外,条款草案在各国的权利与义务之间达成了平衡,因为条款草案承认各国对其领土内的含水层拥有主权,但这种主权的行使必须符合条款草案和国际法规定的所有义务。", "44. 国家 条款草案中规定的义务符合国际环境法承认的一般原则,从而构成了现有法律体系的一个连贯部分,其目的是有利于可持续发展、获得共有自然资源、尊重预防和预防原则以及主权与责任之间的和谐平衡,而主权与责任是普遍适用于国际法的概念。", "45. 国家 关于环境保护,萨尔瓦多特别强调了预防的义务,这是基本规范,因为某些过程具有不可逆转的性质,例如过度污染和动植物物种灭绝对水资源造成的损害,以及在有可能的情况下将环境恢复到以前状态的费用高昂。 这一义务必须伴有第14条草案规定的“适当管理”,因为这一概念包括旨在尽量扩大利用含水层的长期利益,同时保护和保全含水层的所有措施。", "46. 经常预算: 虽然条款草案没有详细说明不遵守上述义务的后果,但应该由关于国家对国际不法行为的责任或造成重大环境损害的合法行为的现有准则加以补充。 这种国家责任规范在国际法中得到广泛承认,并由国际法委员会本身制定。 此外,危险活动所引起跨界损害的损失分配原则(第61/36号决议,附件)具有双重目的:一方面,确保跨界损害的受害者得到及时和充分的赔偿;另一方面,在发生跨界损害时,特别是在减轻对环境的损害并恢复或恢复环境方面,维护和保护环境。 在这方面,国际法院关于以核武器相威胁或使用核武器的合法性的咨询意见承认,各国有一般义务确保其管辖和控制范围内的活动尊重其他国家或国家控制范围之外地区的环境,这种义务现已成为与环境有关的国际法主体的一部分。", "47. 国家 萨尔瓦多同意在条款草案中列入含水层所在国家的义务和一般国家的义务,因为含水层是一种必须加以保护的资源,因为它们对全人类和子孙后代,而不仅仅是对特定地理区域的人口都很重要。 例如,关于武装冲突期间保护的第18条草案就反映了这一点。 这项规定要求各国直接保护其水资源,这不仅是因为它们的固有价值,而且还因为它们与平民的基本需要密切相关,从而强化了日内瓦四公约及其附加议定书所规定的义务。", " 48. 48. 关于同发展中国家的技术合作的第16条草案也反映了这种全面的看法,因为它要求所有拥有能力和资源的国家——而不仅仅是拥有含水层的国家——参加双边进程,以促进科学、教育、技术、法律和其他方面的合作,保护和管理这些重要的水资源。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 关于最后形式的决定仍然是决定条款草案今后在国际领域运作的重要决定。 萨尔瓦多建议从监管的主要重点来分析该草案。 含水层不是孤立的要素,而是包括人类在内的综合系统的一部分,它们甚至对国家可持续发展的其他活动,如农业和牲畜饲养产生影响。 还应铭记,这种资源不仅对生命至关重要,而且脆弱和实际上不可替代,需要各国立即采取勤奋行动。 鉴于这些考虑,萨尔瓦多认为,条款草案的最后形式应确保其充分有效,并有利于采取适当措施,制止过度取出和污染地下水资源,原因包括人口高增长和快速经济发展。 从法律角度看,一项公约将构成一项具有约束力的文书,通过体现各国的主权意愿,使此类措施可以强制执行。 然而,一项公约并不是确保效力的唯一手段,因为它将服从个别国家的意愿,这些国家可以选择不通过公约。 归根结底,最后辩论应侧重于能最好地确保绝大多数国家执行条款草案的形式,以期达成一项保证真正保护跨界含水层的协议。", "法国", " 50. 50. 法国重申支持委员会在其报告(A/63/10)第49段中向大会提出的建议。", "51. 联合国 鉴于这一主题的复杂性和所涉科学问题,条款草案需要各国进行彻底审查。 因此,有必要分阶段进行: 应首先让各国有时间根据自己的实践评估条款草案,并在需要时作出双边或区域安排。 根据国家实践,大会将能够决定是否根据条款草案拟订一项公约。", "黎巴嫩", "52. 黎巴嫩评论说,其中一些条款与1997年《国际水道非航行使用法公约》类似,人们甚至可以说完全取自该公约。", "53. 联合国 在第2(a)条草案中,“含水层”的定义应更详细。 例如,如学术文献所指出,有封闭含水层、非封闭含水层、可再生含水层和化石含水层。", "54. 联合国 条款草案旨在: 彼此有睦邻关系的国家,而不是处于冲突或战争状态的国家。 它们取决于参与国之间的善意,取决于各国是否保持正常、事实上良好的关系,以及是否处于冲突状态。", "55. 国家 最好由水文地质学家提出技术方面,然后由律师来制定法律模式。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 第2(b)条草案不明确。 需要进一步进行水文研究,以确定含水层何时在水力上相连。 此外,根本问题在于确定含水层的边界。 第2(c)条草案中使用了 \" 跨界 \" 一词,而1997年《公约》则使用了 \" 国际 \" 一词:其第2(b)条为 \" `国际水道 ' 指一部分位于不同国家的水道 \" 。 除非有其理由,否则使用一个术语而不是另一个术语是不明智的,特别是鉴于《公约》和条款草案中这两个术语的定义相同。 第2(d)条草案没有提到补给区和排泄区属于“跨界含水层”一词的范围。 其中两个区都可以设在不同的国家。 第2(h)条草案将“排泄区”定义为含水层出水流向水道、湖泊等出入口的区域。 然而,“水道”在1997年公约中已被界定为“地表水和地下水系统因其物理关系而构成一个单一的整体,通常流入一个共同的终点”(第2(a)条)。 这构成了“非封闭含水层”的定义。 因此,“排泄区”的定义与1997年公约中出现的国际含水层的定义相重叠,因此应加以修正,以避免重复或对权利和义务适用这两项文书中哪些文书的任何争议。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 第3条草案与后来的条款草案之间有矛盾,后者规定了今后适用时可能引起争端的限制和条件。 此外,含水层主权的概念与1997年公约中规定的参与概念相矛盾。", "58. 联合国 虽然根据第4(c)条草案计算目前的需求可能比较容易,但对未来的需求可能并非如此。 每一个含水层国都可能以难以实现利用计划的方式增加数字,除非各国之间有在公平基础上相互合作的充分诚意。 鉴于利益冲突,这样做不现实,公平合理利用取决于善意,而不是对有关国家具有约束力的法律规定。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 关于第4(d)条草案,在“防止其继续有效运作”一语中,应使用“可持续”一词,而不是“有效”一词。 它还没有提到不可再生的化石含水层,这些含水层没有已知的补给地或排出地,例如位于乍得、埃及、阿拉伯利比亚民众国和苏丹的努比亚含水层;可能延伸到阿拉伯利比亚民众国和摩洛哥的阿尔及利亚和突尼斯的含水层;以及约旦和沙特阿拉伯的Disi含水层。", "60. 联合国 关于第5条第1款草案,所有与确定公平合理利用有关的因素都需要各国的真实性和可信度以及可靠的数字。 在关于依赖含水层的人口的第5(1)(a)条草案中,应提及目前居住的人口以及未来的自然增长,而不是移徙造成的人为增长。 第5(2)条草案要求各国的真实性和可信度以及可靠的数字。 不能依赖法律来确保权利得到尊重,并确保公平合理的利用。", "61. 国家 第6条草案提到含水层国有义务防止重大损害,但没有提及补给区国家有义务不消耗或污染补给含水层的水源。", "62. 联合国 关于第11(1)条草案,出现了一个问题,即在尊重第3条草案规定的主权的同时,如何在其他国家的补给区和排泄区进行核查。", "63. 国家 关于第11(2)条草案,只要国家不从与补给区和排泄区有关的含水层直接受益,就没有任何办法迫使它们进行合作。 这进一步表明,各国必须诚实和可靠地相互合作,必须把人道主义关切放在自身利益之上。 只能重申,条款草案的大部分规定将依赖善意原则。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 在第12条草案中,阿拉伯文的“审慎”一词不够有力。 此外,“重大损害”一词应被更强有力的表述所取代,因为含水层污染比地表水污染更严重。 消除这种污染所造成的损害需要很长时间,更不用提核查这种污染需要公布可被视为侵犯主权的情况。", "65. 国家 第14条草案再次提出了善意问题,因为所设想的机制需要各国进行合作并放弃本国私利。 在这方面,必须讨论一项保护权利的法律。 此外,应把补给区和排泄区列入“含水层国”的定义,以便使这些区域的国家在管理方面发挥作用,从而确保水管理健全而全面。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 第15(2)条草案提及可能影响含水层的既定活动。 这符合第6条草案,该条提到不造成重大损害的义务。 第3款规定了解决环境影响冲突的机制。 除非双方都希望达成解决办法,否则这种冲突将永无止境。 该段还提及一个独立的事实调查机构,各国可向该机构呼吁进行公正的评估,而不指明该机构的组成。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 关于第17(3)条草案,应添加大意如下的措辞:这种措施应是临时性的,不应在紧急状态解除后继续。", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", "68. (中文(简体) ). 阿拉伯利比亚民众国评论说,在条款草案的标题中,“跨界含水层法”应改为“共有国际含水层法”。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 某些词语和短语的阿拉伯语译文需要在整个案文中加以调整,特别是在第2(a)、2(b)、2(g)、5(1)(e)、8(2)、8(3)、8(4)、10、11(1)和13(2)条草案中。", "70. 联合国 该法律处理了公平利用共有含水层的问题,同时考虑到目前和未来的需求以及替代资源,但没有确定利用这些含水层的优先次序。", "71. 联合国 为了维护历史上获得的权利,法律不应适用于已在实施的项目。", "72. 联合国 在第4条草案中,必须拟订公平合理利用的明确定义。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 在第5(1)(c)条草案中,应当给自然特征下定义。 定义应包括面积、范围、厚度、水流方向以及液压和化学特性。 在第5(1)(d)条草案中,“对形成和再补给的贡献”应改为“对形成和再补给的贡献的规模”。", "74. 国家 第10条草案第一部分应改为:“含水层国应采取一切适当措施,保护和保全其跨界含水层或含水层系统范围内或受其依赖的生态系统......”。", "75. 国家 第11(2)条草案需要进一步澄清。", "墨西哥", "76. 联合国 墨西哥评论说,条款草案涉及广泛的重要问题。", "77. 国家 从长远来看,将这些问题载入国际法律文书是适当的。 然而,在开始谈判一项具有约束力的文书之前,应留出足够的时间进行进一步思考。 这一时期还将使各国能够继续发展区域和双边做法,从而为可能制定国际文书提供投入。 关于这样一项条约的任何谈判都应保证各国根据其他有关国际协定所承担的权利和义务得到保障。", "78. 国家 这个项目应保留在大会议程上,并在几年后再次讨论,以便有一段时间进行思考,同时考虑到国家实践是否符合条款草案。", "阿曼", "79. 联合国 阿曼评论说,在第4条草案中,应增加(e)项如下: “含水层国不得就本法通过前的期间要求赔偿。 “", "80个 在第5(1)(d)条草案结尾处,应添加一句如下:“考虑到根据含水层国之间将要缔结的协定进行的相对利用。 “", "81个 在第6(2)条草案结尾处,应增加一句如下:“应区分使用或取出跨界含水层或含水层系统区域内的自然资源所造成的损害同这些地区的工业项目污染地下水库所造成的损害”。", "82. 某些词语和短语的阿拉伯语译文需要在整个案文中进行调整,特别是在第2(e)和8(3)条草案中。", "巴拿马", "83. 巴拿马评论说,联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)在拉丁美洲的国际水文方案促进了教科文组织/美洲国家组织关于美洲国际共有含水层资源管理的联合倡议。 该方案于2000年启动,巴拿马于2006年开始参与。 对巴拿马和哥斯达黎加共有的Sixaola河含水层只做了非常一般性的工作,而巴拿马和哥伦比亚共同的Jurado含水层的工作尚未开始。", "84. 巴拿马建议审查现有的中美洲水协定并采用区域办法,鼓励国际水文方案的专家协助划定含水层并商定假定的权利,该区域尚未解决这一事项。 因此,巴拿马认为,不应通过一项普遍决议来解决当地的问题。", "菲律宾", "85. 菲律宾评论说,“跨界含水层法”是一项具有历史意义的重大全球倡议,为在地方和区域各级适当管理淡水资源规定了重要的框架战略。", "86号. 淡水流动及其动态非常取决于各国使用同一含水层系统、结构和补给率的吸收率或排放率的差异。 因此,各国应承担责任,在平等和公正的分享范围内保护、养护并可持续地开发跨界含水层。", "87个 有必要全面评估跨界含水层的范围及其水质状况。 含水层系统超越了国家的政治边界,管理含水层的方法应以集水盆地为基础,因为水的行为在河流流域和集水盆地水文地质和河流流域地形边界内密切相关。 还必须完成跨界含水层绘图工作,并建立含水层信息和管理系统以及资源特别和时间管理制度,以便制定政策和决策。", "88个 所有国家都应制定指导性法律,适当规范含水层系统的利用情况,以便对资源进行任择和可持续管理。", "89. 国家 跨界含水层应从水文地质构造和地表影响的角度加以适当界定。 指定严重耗竭的含水层系统或“热点”需要优先作出双边或区域安排。 还需要适当管理和保护补给区,以最大限度地提高含水层系统的水平。 此外,确定含水层系统的管理战略和原则、当前的价值和威胁至关重要,也需要承担双边和区域责任。", "葡萄牙", "90. (中文(简体) ). 葡萄牙重申,条款草案可积极促进世界各地现有跨界含水层的适当管理。", "91. 联合国 关于形式,葡萄牙重申,它认为条款草案应发展成为一项国际框架公约。", "沙特阿拉伯", "92. (中文(简体) ). 沙特阿拉伯评论说,条款草案似乎没有涉及:(a) 防止在含水层内进行横向、对角或横向挖掘;(b) 缺乏对非含水层国的其他各方的供应;(c) 应考虑含水层的不同面积、范围和厚度、其特征、含水层流向以及一国与另一国在人口规模上的差异;(d) 污染物的使用及其对含水层或水系统的影响。", "93. 国家 条款草案没有区分降雨量很少的干旱沙漠地区和蓄水层丰富的地区。 因此,必须确定利用沙漠地区跨界含水层的优先事项,其中的首要优先事项应当是饮用水。", "94. 国家 条款草案涉及隐蔽的地下水源,关于可能阻碍并影响含水层流动速度的地下地质构造,包括裂缝和折叠的巨大多样性,没有足够的数据和资料。 然而,条款草案没有考虑到这些因素。", "95号. 应建立一个机制来分享从管理跨界含水层取水的成功实验中获得的经验。", "96. (中文(简体) ). 条款草案的规定涉及含水层和地下水网络。 但是,在某些条款中,特别是第6(2)、7(1)、8和9条草案只提到含水层,而没有提到其他网络。", "97. 国家 第1条草案起首部分应改为: “本条款草案旨在规定:” 应增加新的第1(d)条草案,内容如下:“应确定使用共有地下水和含水层的优先次序”。", "98 (英语). 第2(a)条草案应修正为: \" `含水层 ' 是指渗入的含水地质构造,它可能或不会被渗入程度较低的地层所限制、叠加或下穿,以及该构造饱和带所含水 \" 。", "99号. 关于第4条草案,应当对公平合理利用的原则作出准确的定义。 条款草案没有以不同的方式处理与不可再生含水层、沙漠地区含水层或降雨多地区的含水层有关的方面。 第4条(c)款草案使事情任由变化和不确定性决定:国家的需求波动不定,制定固定规则可能更好。 第4(d)条草案不明确,需要澄清或重新拟订。 应增加新的第4(e)条草案,内容如下:“任何国家均不得放弃、租赁或将其利用跨界含水层的全部或部分权利出售给除该含水层或另一含水层接壤国以外的任何国家”。", "一百个 第5(1)(c)条草案应修正为:“利用应符合每个国家含水层或含水层系统的自然特征”。 此外,还应增加一个因素如下:“(j) 应考虑含水层的区域、范围和厚度、其特点和含水层的流向”。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 关于第6条草案,必须明确规定不可撤销的损害,造成这种损害的国家必须提供赔偿。 还必须规定对此种损害提供赔偿的方式和具体负责提供赔偿的实体。", "102. 国家 关于第7条草案,“主权平等”和“领土完整”原则需要更加详细,因为含水层不同于地表水(河流),很难将这些术语适用于含水层。", "第103页。 关于第9条草案,双边安排具有积极和消极的特点。 然而,“不利影响”一词含糊不清,需要更具体或更明确的定义,以确保它不被误解。 该词可能给予一个或多个国家否决权,除非就条款草案评注第2段更明确地界定了所提到的不利影响,必须澄清“罕见情况”的提法(“当一项协定或安排涉及整个含水层或含水层系统时,除一些罕见情况外,拥有同一含水层或含水层系统的所有含水层国最有可能参与”)。", "104 (韩语). 第12条草案应更详细地说明 \" 预防办法 \" 的含义,并应说明国家随后应承担的义务。", "105. (中文(简体) ). 在第16条草案中,“国家应......促进”一语中“国家”的含义应予明确;如果它指的是世界各国,则应明确这一点。 在本条草案中,应敦促发达国家向发展中国家提供处理跨界含水层的方法和科学专门知识。", "斯洛文尼亚", "106. (中文(简体) ). 斯洛文尼亚欢迎并支持努力以关于水保护的现有国际立法为基础,更详细地处理跨界含水层管理问题。 条款草案提供了一个坚实的法律基础,使各国能够在全球一级协调与跨界含水层管理有关的适当综合解决办法。 斯洛文尼亚对条款草案的形式仍然持灵活态度,无论是具有法律约束力的还是无约束力的。 在管理跨界含水层方面,各国必须遵守条款草案中的规定。", "107 (韩语). 条款草案对斯洛文尼亚在负责水管理方面跨界合作的双边和多边机构内积极执行的问题作出了规定。 由于水管理超越了地理和政治界限,斯洛文尼亚将重点放在区域、次区域和双边合作形式上,并适当考虑生态系统方法和水体的综合管理。 在欧洲经济委员会2007年进行的跨界水资源评估中,东南欧登记了51个跨界含水层。 根据其他估计,这一数字已超过60人。 克罗地亚、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、黑山和阿尔巴尼亚的一些Dinaric Karst含水层保证了15%-90%的用水份额,在一些地区达到100%。 气候变化和缺水的威胁使迪纳里克含水层变得更加重要。", "108. (中文(简体) ). 斯洛文尼亚早就认识到含水层的重要性及其跨界问题。 它是有关水管理的各项条约的缔约国。 作为欧洲联盟的成员,它积极执行并寻求实现共同体水管理法律的目标,特别是欧洲联盟水框架指令。 斯洛文尼亚还加入了五项关于水管理的双边条约,奥地利(涉及穆拉河和德拉瓦河)、意大利、匈牙利和克罗地亚;一项分区域协定(《萨瓦河流域框架协定》);和一项区域条约(《多瑙河保护公约》)。 在相关委员会和专家组的范围内进行了合作与协调。", "第109页. 地热利用也是跨界地下水管理的一个重要方面。 随着各国授予开发地热潜力的特许权和权利,这是一个越来越重要的方面。 目前正在有关委员会同奥地利和匈牙利讨论这个问题。", "页:1", "110. 国家 西班牙评论说,欧洲议会和欧洲理事会第2000/60/EC号指令建立了保护内陆地表水、过渡水域、沿海水域和地下水的框架。 西班牙和欧洲立法明确规定了适当管理淡水、地表水和地下水资源所需的框架,伊比利亚半岛跨界含水层问题属于西班牙-葡萄牙区和埃布罗区的职权范围。", "111. 根据《保护和可持续利用西班牙-葡萄牙水文流域水域合作协定》(《阿尔布费拉协定》),含水层的处理几乎是偶然的,这可能是由于西班牙和葡萄牙共有的含水层稀少,这些含水层仅限于巴霍-米尼奥、罗德里戈-萨拉曼卡城、莫拉莱贾和拉斯维加斯-巴哈斯的水文地质单位。 埃布罗盆地也有国际部分,法国和安道尔之间已经缔结并生效协定和条约。 这些保证为实现水储的环境目标进行合作,地下水也被纳入其中。", "土耳其", "112号 土耳其表示,它的评论是对A/CN.4/595号文件所载评论的补充。 关于第1(b)条草案,不清楚“其他活动”的含义。 应当删除该词,以防止从其解释中产生任何模糊之处。 根据第1(c)条草案,经第3条草案扩充后,沿岸国进行的合作可能并不总是导致对此类含水层或含水层系统的共同管理。 为此提出了以下案文:“含水层国为保护、保全和管理这种含水层或含水层系统可采取的措施”。", "113号. 上述关于第1(c)条草案的理由也适用于第4(c)条草案。 因此,可以修改如下:“含水层国可酌情单独或联合制定利用计划,同时考虑到含水层国目前和未来的需求以及替代水资源。 “", "114 (韩语). 关于第5(1)(f)条草案,不清楚“在一个含水层国或含水层系统中利用含水层或含水层系统的潜在影响”的含义是什么。 因此,它应予删除。 第5(1)(g)条草案也应予以删除。 虽然其中提到含水层或含水层系统现有和计划使用的特定用途是否有替代办法,但水资源综合管理已考虑到水文、社会、经济和环境方面,并侧重于哪些是有用的、可持续的、可行的、公平的和无害环境的,在开发流域水资源方面没有任何普遍因素。 此外,地下水资源或地表水资源都不能作为替代物对待;它们是相辅相成的。 因此,替代水资源已经是计划的一部分。 应列举第5(2)条草案中“人类基本需要”的一些例子,以避免任何不同的解释。", "115. (中文(简体) ). 关于第6条草案中“重大损害”的解释和重大损害的适当阈值的定义的辩论仍在继续。 虽然在大多数国际法典中使用了“防止造成重大损害”的概念,但它是模糊的、相对的和难以适用的。 此外,如果没有某些阈值,将难以采取适当措施来防止造成重大损害。 另一方面,在地下水资源方面,甚至开采或少量污染,都可被解释为重大损害。 总的来说,该条草案雄心勃勃,应作如下修改:", "\" 1. 国家 1. 含水层国在本国领土内使用跨界含水层或含水层系统时,应克尽职责,防止对其他含水层国造成重大损害。", "“2. 含水层国除利用跨界含水层或含水层系统外,进行对该跨界含水层或含水层系统有影响或可能产生影响的活动时,应避免通过该含水层或含水层系统对其他含水层国造成重大损害。", "“3. 组织事项 如果仍对另一含水层国造成重大损害,其活动造成损害的含水层国应适当注意第4条和第5条草案的规定,同受影响国协商,设法消除或减轻这种损害。 “", "美利坚合众国", "116 (英语). 美利坚合众国评论说,跨界含水层方面的工作是在为合理使用和保护地下含水层提供可能框架方面的一个重要进展,这些含水层作为人类的水源正在发挥日益重要的作用。 对于所有国家,特别是那些努力应对跨界含水层所承受压力的国家,委员会努力开发一套灵活工具来利用和保护这些含水层,是一项非常有益的贡献。", "117号 然而,对跨界含水层的总体情况仍有许多需要了解,具体的含水层条件和国家实践差异很大。 条款草案也超越了现行法律和实践。 由于这些原因,美国仍然认为,针对具体情况的安排,而不是全球框架条约,是解决跨界地下水所承受压力的最佳途径。 如第63/124号决议所决定,有关国家在谈判适当管理跨界含水层的适当双边或区域安排时,应考虑到条款草案的规定。 在任何具体谈判中,都可以适当地考虑到许多因素,例如有关含水层的水文特征;目前的用途和对未来用途的期望;气候条件和期望;以及经济、社会和文化方面的考虑。 保留目前的条款草案,形式草案就适合这些目的。", "118. 美国仍然不相信,如果条款草案变成一项全球条约,该条约将获得足够的支持。 但是,它承认许多国家对这样一个框架公约表示了兴趣。 如果条款草案采取条约的形式,美国认为需要处理若干重要问题。 例如,需要为一项公约拟订适当的最后条款,并需要制订确立拟议公约与其他双边或区域安排之间关系的条款。 特别是,需要注意不要取代现有的双边或区域安排,或限制加入这种安排的国家的灵活性。", "阿拉伯国家联盟", "119. 阿拉伯国家联盟转达了其成员的意见,评论说,标题应为“共有国际含水层法”。 还应有关于解决争端的条款。 条款草案中提及的“跨界含水层”和“含水层系统”应在整个案文中被“共有的国际含水层”和“共有的国际含水层系统”所取代。 在条款草案中使用技术术语时,应使用阿拉伯文的标准定义,而不是英文的文字翻译。", "120号. 在序言部分第三段后,应增加一个新的序言段落,内容如下: “申明《国际水道非航行使用法公约》所载列的有关条款和原则”。", "121. (中文(简体) ). 倒数第二段应为:“强调需要考虑到发展中国家和被占领地区的特殊情况”。", "122. (中文(简体) ). 在第1(c)条草案中,“保留”的提法应予删除。", "123. 国家 关于第2(g)条草案中“补给区”的定义,应在句尾添加以下内容:“和其他水源以及该水通过土壤渗入含水层的区域”。 第2(h)条草案应改为: \" (h)`排泄区 ' 指含水层出水排入水道、湖泊、绿洲、泉水、湿地或海洋等出水口的区域 \" 。", "124. (中文(简体) ). 第4(c)条草案应改为:“(c) 含水层国应单独地和共同地制定综合利用计划,同时考虑到含水层国目前和今后的需要和替代水源;以及与公平合理利用有关的因素”。 在第4(d)条草案中,应添加 \" 自然和 \" 二字,使该分款最后一部分改为: \" 在一定程度上防止其自然和有效运作 \" 。", "125. (中文(简体) ). 第5(d)条草案应改为:“(d) 对含水层或含水层系统的形成和补给作出贡献的规模”。 第5条第2款草案第一部分应为:“有关国家应确定对每一因素的分量,并根据其对......的重要性而定。", "126. (中文(简体) ). 在第6条第1款、第2款和第3款草案中,“在其领土内”应改为“在其领土内”。", "127 (韩语). 在第8(1)条草案中,将“经常”改为“定期”。 在第8(2)条草案中,“尽最大努力”应改为“尽最大努力”,在第8(3)和(4)条草案中,“尽最大努力”应改为“尽最大努力”。", "128. (英语). 第10条草案第一部分应为:“含水层国应在其情况许可的范围内采取一切适当措施,保护和保全生态系统......”。", "129. 国家 第12条草案应修正如下: “含水层国应个别地,并酌情联合地,或同有关国际组织合作,防止、减少和控制可能给其他含水层国造成重大损害的.污染,包括通过补给过程。 含水层国应采取预防性办法......”。", "130. (中文(简体) ). 在第13(2)条草案中,“参数”一词应改为“要素”。", "131. 国家 在第16(c)条草案末尾,应加上“和财政援助”;在第16(d)条草案中,将“能力”改为“能力”。", "132. (中文(简体) ). 第17(3)条草案应改为: “如果紧急情况对人类基本需要构成威胁,尽管有第4和6条的规定,含水层国仍可决定采取严格必要的措施,以满足这些需要”。", "133. (中文(简体) ). 第18条草案的上一份报告应改为:“......适用于国际和非国际武装冲突以及占领地区的国际法原则和规则,不得用于违反这些原则和规则”。", "[1] 《协定》和《联合宣言》的副本可在秘书处法律事务厅编纂司查阅。" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year Agenda item 36 \n The situation in the Middle East", "Identical letters dated 22 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council", "On instructions from my Government, I have the honour to transmit to you herewith the position of Lebanon, in preparation for the comprehensive assessment that the Secretary-General will present in his forthcoming report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) (see annex).", "I should be grateful if you would have the present letter issued as an official document of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 36, and of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Nawaf Salam Ambassador Permanent Representative", "Annex to the identical letters dated 22 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Lebanon to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council", "Position of Lebanon in preparation for the comprehensive assessment that will be presented by the Secretary-General in his forthcoming report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006)", "In preparation for the comprehensive periodic assessment that will be presented by the Secretary-General in his forthcoming report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006), we would like to note that ever since that resolution was adopted, it has been the custom of Lebanon to present a paper that expresses its position with respect to the comprehensive assessment of the Secretary-General. Lebanon believes that from the day resolution 1701 (2006) was adopted, Israel has failed to honour its obligation to implement it or to withdraw from all occupied Lebanese territory, and has persisted in violating Lebanese sovereignty, thereby ensuring that no progress has been made in the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) with respect to obliging Israel to withdraw from all Lebanese territory and cease its infractions. Lebanon would like to draw attention to the following:", "1. Lebanon reiterates its commitment to the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and calls on the international community to bring pressure to bear on Israel to fulfil its obligation to implement that resolution in full. Since the last assessment, the Israeli enemy army has continued to violate Lebanese sovereignty in contravention of the provisions of resolution 1701 (2006). Those violations included the following:", "(a) During the reporting period, the Israeli enemy army continued to violate Lebanese airspace, territory and territorial waters, committing 336 air violations, 149 land violations and 60 sea violations, in flagrant violation of Lebanese sovereignty and the provisions of resolution 1701 (2006), which calls for full respect for the Blue Line. Lebanon demands the immediate cessation of such violations.", "Lebanon affirms that the some 8,362 air, sea and land violations of the Blue Line and Lebanese sovereignty committed by Israel since the adoption of resolution 1701 (2006) constitute a flagrant violation of the aforementioned resolution and all other relevant United Nations resolutions, the most important of which is Security Council resolution 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978. Between the Israeli onslaught on Lebanon in 2006 and February 2010 there were between three and four Israeli violations per day, in addition to repeated Israeli threats to destroy the infrastructure of Lebanon. Those violations threaten international peace and security and constitute a flagrant violation of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. Lebanon calls upon the international community to bring pressure to bear on Israel and oblige it to cease its daily violations of Lebanese sovereignty and to respect the international resolutions adopted by the United Nations.", "(b) Lebanon reminds the international community yet again that Israel is seeking to undermine resolution 1701 (2006) by every means possible. On 7 December 2009, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that resolution 1701 (2006) had collapsed.", "(c) On 15 May 2011, despite the heightened measures taken by the Lebanese Army in relation to the commemoration of the Nakbah in Marun al-Ra’s, which is located in southern Lebanon, Israeli enemy forces fired at a group of unarmed civilians who had gathered at the above-mentioned location to observe the occasion, killing 10 persons and wounding 112 others, some critically. The killing and wounding yet again of innocent civilians by the Israeli enemy is an act of aggression and reaffirms Israel’s violation of Lebanese sovereignty and its disregard of United Nations resolutions. It also reaffirms the hostile nature of Israel, which has never hesitated to arbitrarily use force against civilians, in flagrant violation of international laws and norms, including international humanitarian law. Lebanon calls on the Security Council to shoulder its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. The Council should bring pressure to bear on Israel in order to compel it to end both its hostile policy towards Lebanon and its acts of provocation, and to hold it responsible for attacking and killing civilians.", "(d) The networks of spies that were recruited by the Israeli enemy constitute a blatant aggression against Lebanon, an attack on its sovereignty and a flagrant violation thereof that contravenes international resolutions and, in particular, Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). More than 150 collaborators were recruited by Israel in order to assist its intelligence apparatus, and were under orders to undertake sabotage operations both within and beyond the areas of Lebanon in which the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) is deployed. Those spy networks threatened national security by infiltrating Lebanese society and civil and military institutions through the recruitment of collaborators to work in the interests of Israeli intelligence. Those collaborators were ordered to undertake sabotage operations that included the detonation of explosives, the assassination of prominent Lebanese citizens, terrorist activities and attacks on Lebanese infrastructure. The networks, by using the collaborators to gain control over the Lebanese fixed and cellular communications network and eavesdrop on Lebanese citizens, also constituted an infringement of the security of communications in Lebanon that continues to this day, given that those collaborators provided Israel with the frequencies of mobile telephone operators and their base transceiver stations and the passwords of their servers, in addition to providing precise, in-depth studies on the operational procedures of mobile stations. Lebanon lodged a complaint with the Security Council with regard to the spy networks that were cultivated in Lebanon by Israel, in which it detailed some of the sabotage operations that they carried out on the direct orders of the Israeli intelligence services. In that connection, the International Telecommunication Union Plenipotentiary Conference that was held in Mexico condemned Israeli piracy against the telecommunications sector in Lebanon.", "(e) UNIFIL continues to exert every possible effort to ensure that Israeli forces withdraw completely from the area known as 14B, which is the Lebanese part of the village of Ghajar and the uninhabited adjacent area, and the Lebanese Government is continuing to cooperate with UNIFIL with a view to achieving that aim. Notwithstanding those efforts, the Israeli army continues to occupy the aforementioned area, in flagrant violation of its obligations under Security Council resolution 1701 (2006), which provides that Israel must withdraw immediately and unconditionally from the village of Ghajar. Israel’s procrastination with regard to withdrawal from the area known as 14B compels us to question the sincerity of Israel’s commitment to implementation of that resolution and the extent to which the Security Council is capable of obliging that country to end its occupation. It is incumbent upon the international community to take action to ensure that Israel completely withdraws from the Lebanese part of the village of Ghajar and area 14B as soon as possible. The Israeli Government is attempting to temporize, regardless of the fact that such withdrawal does not constitute a concession, but is one of the key requirements of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006).", "(f) Lebanon believes that the continued occupation by Israel of the Lebanese Shab‘a Farms and Kafr Shuba hills constitutes a threat to stability and security. Lebanon requests the international community to bring pressure to bear on Israel to completely and unconditionally withdraw from all Lebanese territory, and urges the Secretary-General of the United Nations to intensify his efforts to ensure that Israel withdraws from that territory. Lebanon reminds the international community that, under the provisions of the relevant Security Council resolutions, Israel is obliged to withdraw from the Shab‘a Farms and Kafr Shuba hills.", "(g) Lebanon would like to bring to the attention of the international community yet again the fact that the maps relating to cluster bombs that Lebanon has received from Israel are incomplete and imprecise. Israel dropped those bombs randomly on densely populated civilian areas, thereby causing the death or injury of more than 400 persons, including 47 fatalities and 353 cases of severe and disabling injury. It should once more be underlined that the Government of Lebanon had its doubts about the precision of the maps that it received from Israel, and demands that information should be provided regarding the dates on which the cluster bombs that were used during the Israeli raids were dropped, together with the quantity and type of those bombs. It should also once again be stressed that the Lebanese Army has asked for aerial photographs or video footage of the targeted areas before and after the bombardments. Israel bears entire responsibility and should pay compensation for the deaths of numerous Lebanese citizens that have been caused by the cluster bombs and unexploded ammunition that were dropped by Israel during its onslaught on Lebanon, and for the numerous crimes that Israel has committed against Lebanon and its people. Lebanon urges the United Nations and donor countries to continue to address that issue, in order to protect the lives of innocent civilians, and to call for the Lebanon Mine Action Centre to be granted the necessary financial resources to enable it to carry out its mandate.", "(h) The Israeli army has continued to use launches to conduct illegal patrols inside Lebanese territorial waters close to the so-called “line of buoys” that was positioned unilaterally and illicitly inside those waters. Israel makes the fraudulent claim that those buoys approximate the southern border of Lebanese territorial waters. The Israeli army has also continued to fire warning shots and launch grenades at Lebanese fishing boats. Furthermore, it regularly detonates explosive charges close to the aforementioned line, inside Lebanese territorial waters. In his twelfth report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) (S/2010/105), paragraph 29, the Secretary-General warned that those Israeli measures contribute to increasing tension between the parties. Lebanon does not recognize any line that has been put in place unilaterally, and considers that the Israeli measures are a further violation of Lebanese sovereignty and Security Council resolution 1701 (2006). Lebanon requests the United Nations to authorize UNIFIL to put in position in the region a line of buoys that is in keeping with international standards.", "(i) On 9 July 2010, Lebanon deposited with the United Nations a map on which the southern maritime border with occupied Palestine is clearly marked, together with the exclusive economic zone of Lebanon. The geographical coordinates of the borders, which were set forth in accordance with international standards, are specified. On 11 October 2010, Lebanon also deposited with the United Nations two maps designating the south-western maritime borders of the aforementioned economic zone, together with two tables in which are set forth the geographical coordinates of those borders. In letters dated 4 January and 17 February 2011, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Emigrants requested the Secretary-General to instruct UNIFIL, in keeping with its mandate under relevant United Nations resolutions, and in coordination with the Lebanese Army, to demarcate a maritime security line similar to the Blue Line it has established on land. Such a line should correspond to the southern and south-western boundaries of the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of Lebanon. That would be consistent with the role already played by UNIFIL in demarcating Lebanon’s land borders.", "2. The Lebanese Army is continuing to strengthen field and strategic cooperation with UNIFIL.", "(a) The coordination between the Lebanese Army and UNIFIL is particularly evident in their joint patrols, joint checkpoints and joint military training operations and exercises.", "(b) Lebanon stresses the fact that none of the reports of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) has made any reference to indications that weapons are being smuggled into the UNIFIL area of operations. All weapons that have been seized are remnants of the war waged against Lebanon by Israel in the summer of 2006. Lebanon further stresses once again that the Lebanese Army and the Lebanese security apparatus have not reported any incidence of weapon smuggling since the most recent report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) was submitted to the Security Council.", "(c) Israel’s claim that weapons are being stockpiled and military installations established in densely populated civilian areas in South Lebanon bears no relation to the truth, and is designed to facilitate the targeting by Israel of innocent Lebanese civilians and justify their slaughter and terrorization, regardless of the fact that all international instruments and, in particular, those of international humanitarian law, outlaw and criminalize the targeting of civilians.", "(d) Lebanon continues to participate in tripartite meetings that are held with a view to maintaining peace along the Blue Line. Those meetings are the appropriate forum in which to address issues pending from resolution 1701 (2006) and flashpoints along the aforementioned Line. Israel’s persistence in resorting to unilateral measures undermines those tripartite meetings and the role of UNIFIL in maintaining the peace in its area of operations. Furthermore, those unilateral measures are intended to raise doubt as to the capacity of the Lebanese armed forces to defend the sovereignty of all Lebanese territory, contrary to the spirit of resolution 1701 (2006).", "(e) With respect to the positioning of markers along the Blue Line, Lebanon affirms yet again the agreement that was reached at the tripartite meeting with a view to making progress in and accelerating that operation. Israeli procrastination in that regard raises doubts as to its real intentions.", "3. Lebanon stresses the importance of strengthening and raising the level of international assistance in building the capacities of the Lebanese Army and security forces and preparing them to perform their duty to defend Lebanese sovereignty and protect the Lebanese people. The Lebanese Army needs reinforcements of arms and ammunition and to acquire more modern means of surveillance and up-to-date communications equipment. It also requires training in the use of all such equipment and apparatus.", "4. Notwithstanding the limited capacities and resources of the Lebanese Army, the Government of Lebanon has decided to deploy two additional battalions south of the Litani river, in order to further demonstrate its commitment to the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006).", "5. At the economic level, we once more support the call that is made to the international community in resolution 1701 (2006) to extend more of the assistance that is necessary for the reconstruction and development of Lebanon. In that connection, we urge States that took part in the Stockholm Conference, Paris III and the Vienna Conference to honour their commitments. Lebanon greatly appreciates all economic and social programmes and humanitarian assistance that UNIFIL provides to the Lebanese people in its area of operations, including quick-impact projects and emergency medical services.", "6. If stability and security are to be reinforced, there must be a transition from the situation of a cessation of hostilities to a state of permanent ceasefire." ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目36", "中东局势", "2011年6月22日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信", "奉我国政府指示,谨随函转递黎巴嫩的立场(见附件),以便为秘书长即将在关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告中提出全面评估作准备。", "请将本函分发给安全理事会成员并作为有关中东局势项目的安理会文件印发为荷。", "常驻代表", "大使", "纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(签名)", "2011年6月22日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信的附件", "为秘书长即将在关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告中提出全面评估作准备的黎巴嫩立场", "为了给秘书长即将在关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告中提出全面评估作准备,黎巴嫩希望指出,自从该决议通过以来,黎巴嫩例行提出一份文件,阐述其对秘书长全面评估的立场。黎巴嫩认为,以色列自第1701(2006)号决议通过之日起,从未履行过执行决议的义务,也没有从其占领的黎巴嫩所有领土上撤出,而是一贯侵犯黎巴嫩主权,使第1701(2006)号决议要求以色列撤出黎巴嫩全部领土并停止其违法行为等规定的实施工作没有取得任何进展。黎巴嫩希望提请注意以下几点:", "1. 黎巴嫩重申承诺全面实施第1701(2006)号决议,并呼吁国际社会对以色列施加压力,使其全面履行实施该决议的义务。自从上一次评估以来,以色列敌军继续违反第1701(2006)号决议的规定,侵犯黎巴嫩主权。这些侵犯行为包括:", "(a) 在报告所述期间,以色列敌军继续侵犯黎巴嫩领空、领土和领水,侵犯领空336次,侵犯领土149次,侵犯领海60次,公然侵犯黎巴嫩主权,违反第1701(2006)号决议要求全面尊重蓝线的规定。黎巴嫩要求立即停止这种侵犯。", "黎巴嫩申明,以色列自第1701(2006)号决议通过以来,对蓝线和黎巴嫩主权进行的大约8 362次海陆空侵犯是对上述决议和联合国所有其他有关决议的公然违反,其中最重要的是1978年3月19日安全理事会第425(1978)号决议。从2006年以色列对黎巴嫩发动攻击至2010年2月期间,以色列每天对黎巴嫩进行3到4次侵犯,此外还一再威胁要摧毁黎巴嫩的基础设施。这些侵犯行为威胁国际和平与安全,而且明目张胆地违反《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。黎巴嫩呼吁国际社会向以色列施加压力,迫使其停止对黎巴嫩主权的日常侵犯,尊重联合国通过的国际决议。", "(b) 黎巴嫩再次提醒国际社会,以色列在千方百计地企图破坏第1701(2006)号决议。2009年12月7日,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡宣布,第1701(2006)号决议已经崩溃。", "(c) 2011年5月15日,黎巴嫩南部马伦拉斯村举行纪念大灾难的活动,黎巴嫩军队因此加强了措施。但尽管如此,以色列敌军对聚集在上述地区举行纪念活动的一批手无寸铁的平民开火,打死10人,打伤112人,其中有些人伤势严重。以色列敌军再次打死打伤无辜平民的行为是侵略行径,再次证明以色列侵犯黎巴嫩主权和无视联合国决议的嘴脸。同时也再次证明以色列从不顾忌对平民任意使用暴力,公然违反包括国际人道主义法在内的国际法和国际规范。黎巴嫩呼吁安全理事会履行其维护国际和平与安全的责任。安理会应该向以色列施加压力,迫使其停止对黎巴嫩的敌对政策和挑衅行为,并追究其攻击和杀害平民的责任。", "(d) 以色列敌军招募间谍组成间谍网是对黎巴嫩的公然侵略,是对其主权的攻击和肆意侵犯,而且违反国际决议,特别是安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议。以色列招募了150多名投敌分子协助其情报机关,命令他们在黎巴嫩境内联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)部署的地区内外进行破坏行动。这些间谍网招募投敌分子为以色列收集情报,渗透黎巴嫩社会以及民间和军事机构,威胁国家安全。以色列还命令这些投敌分子进行爆炸、暗杀黎巴嫩知名人士、进行恐怖活动和攻击黎巴嫩基础设施等破坏活动。这些网络使用投敌分子控制黎巴嫩的固定和移动通信网络,窃听黎巴嫩国民的通话。这是对黎巴嫩通信安全的侵犯。这种侵犯一直进行到今天,因为这些投敌分子向以色列提供移动电话营销者的频率及其基站收发信台和服务器的密码,并且提供关于移动站点业务程序的准确详尽研究。黎巴嫩曾就以色列在黎巴嫩境内经营的间谍网向安全理事会提出抗议,其中详细说明了以色列间谍部门直接下令进行的破坏行动。在这方面,国际电信联盟在墨西哥举行的全权代表会议谴责了以色列对黎巴嫩电信部门的海盗行为。", "(e) 联黎部队继续尽一切努力,确保以色列部队撤出被称为14B的地区。这一地区位于盖杰尔村黎巴嫩一方加上周围无人居住的地区。黎巴嫩政府继续在与联黎部队合作,以便实现这一目标。但尽管作出了这些努力,以色列军队仍然占领着上述地区,公然违反安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议为其规定的义务。决议规定,以色列必须立即和无条件地撤出盖杰尔村。以色列迟迟不撤出14B地区使我们不得不怀疑以色列承诺实施该决议的诚意和安全理事会能够迫使该国结束其占领的威力。国际社会必须采取行动,确保以色列尽快完全撤出盖杰尔村的黎巴嫩领土和14B地区。这种撤离不是出让,而是安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议的关键要求之一。以色列政府却不顾这一事实,试图敷衍蒙混。", "^(*) 译者注:这段文字通常见于以往信件,但这次似乎被提交者无意删除了。", "(f) 黎巴嫩认为,以色列继续占领黎巴嫩的沙巴阿农场和卡夫尔舒巴山丘对稳定与安全构成威胁。黎巴嫩要求国际社会对以色列施加压力,使其完全而且无条件地撤出黎巴嫩所有领土,并敦促联合国秘书长加紧努力,确保以色列撤出该领土。黎巴嫩提醒[国际社会,根据安全理事会有关决议的规定,以色列必须从沙巴阿农场和卡夫尔舒巴山丘撤出]。^(*)", "(g) 黎巴嫩希望再次提请国际社会注意,黎巴嫩从以色列方面得到的关于集束炸弹的分布图既不完整也不准确。以色列将这些炸弹任意仍在平民聚居区,造成400多人死伤,其中47人死亡,353人受重伤或变成残疾。应该再次强调,黎巴嫩政府怀疑其从以色列那里得到的分布图,要求提供资料,说明以色列在袭击中使用的集束炸弹的投掷日期,并说明这些炸弹的数量和种类。还应该再次强调,黎巴嫩军队已经要求提供轰炸前后目标区的航摄相片和录像图片。无数黎巴嫩平民因以色列在攻击黎巴嫩期间扔下的集束炸弹和未爆弹药而死亡。以色列对他们以及对侵害黎巴嫩及其人民的累累罪行负有完全责任,应该支付赔偿。黎巴嫩敦促联合国和捐助国继续处理这一问题,以保护无辜平民的生命,并要求向黎巴嫩地雷行动中心提供必要的财政资源,使其能够执行任务。", "(h) 以色列军队继续使用汽艇在黎巴嫩领水内靠近“浮标线”的地方进行非法巡逻。“浮标线”是单方面非法放入这些水域的。以色列谎称这些浮标是黎巴嫩领水南疆的大概位置。以色列军队还继续向黎巴嫩渔船鸣枪警告,并投掷手榴弹。此外,以色列经常在黎巴嫩领水内靠近上述浮标线的地方发射炸弹。秘书长在关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的第十二次报告(S/2010/105)第29段中警告,以色列的这种行径加剧双方之间的紧张关系。黎巴嫩不承认单方面设置的任何什么线,认为以色列的措施是进一步侵犯黎巴嫩主权和违反安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议的行为。黎巴嫩请联合国授权联黎部队在该地区设置一条符合国际标准的浮标线。", "(i) 2010年7月9日,黎巴嫩向联合国交存了一张地图,上面标明了黎巴嫩与被占领的巴勒斯坦的南部海上边界以及黎巴嫩的专属经济区,并标明了根据国际标准确定的边界地理坐标。2010年10月11日,黎巴嫩还向联合国交存了2张地图,标明上述经济区的西南海上边界,并且还有2张表格,说明这些边界的地理坐标。黎巴嫩外交和侨民事务部长在2011年1月4日和2月17日的信中,请秘书长指示联黎部队按照联合国有关决议规定的任务并与黎巴嫩部队协调,在海上划分一条与其在陆地上划分的蓝线类似的安全线。这条线应该与黎巴嫩领水和专属经济区的南疆和西南疆相对应。这一工作符合联黎部队在划分黎巴嫩陆地边界中已经发挥的作用。", "2. 黎巴嫩部队在继续加强与联黎部队的实地合作和战略合作。", "(a) 黎巴嫩部队与联黎部队之间的协调最突出地表现在双方进行的联合巡逻、联合检查和联合军事训练活动和演习上。", "(b) 黎巴嫩强调,秘书长关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告从未提到过走私武器到联黎部队行动区的迹象。所有被缴获的武器都是2006年夏季以色列对黎巴嫩开战时遗留下来的。黎巴嫩还再次强调,自秘书长最近向安全理事会提交关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告以来,黎巴嫩部队和黎巴嫩安全部队从未报告过走私武器的事件。", "(c) 以色列声称,黎巴嫩在南部的平民聚居区储存武器和建立军事设施。这纯属捏造,目的是为了使以色列有借口打击黎巴嫩的无辜平民,为其屠杀和恐怖行为辩护,尽管所有国际文书,特别是国际人道法,都禁止和惩罚将平民作为打击目标的行为。", "(d) 黎巴嫩继续参加为了维持蓝线沿线的和平而举行的三方会议。这些会议是解决第1701(2006)号决议的未决问题和蓝线沿线爆发点的适当途径。以色列坚持采取单方面措施的行为破坏这些三方会议以及联黎部队维护行动区和平的作用。此外,这些单方面措施意在使人们怀疑黎巴嫩武装部队保护黎巴嫩全国主权的能力,是违背第1701(2006)号决议精神的。", "(e) 关于蓝线沿线标记的位置问题,黎巴嫩再次申明三方会议上为在这一工作中取得并加快进展而达成的协议。以色列在这方面的拖延令人怀疑其真实用意。", "3. 黎巴嫩强调,必须加强并增加国际援助,以建设黎巴嫩部队和安全部队的能力,使他们能够履行其捍卫黎巴嫩主权和保护黎巴嫩人民的职责。黎巴嫩部队需要武器和弹药方面的增援,并需要更多现代化的监视手段和先进的通信设备。黎巴嫩还需要得到使用所有这些设备和装置的培训。", "4. 尽管黎巴嫩部队的能力和资源有限,但黎巴嫩政府决定在利塔尼河以南再部署2个营,以进一步表明黎巴嫩对实施第1701(2006)号决议的承诺。", "5. 在经济方面,我们再次支持第1701(2006)号决议向国际社会发出的呼吁,即要求为黎巴嫩的重建与发展提供更多必要的援助。在这方面,我们敦促参加斯德哥尔摩会议、第三次巴黎会议和维也纳会议的国家履行承诺。黎巴嫩十分感谢联黎部队在行动区向黎巴嫩人民提供的所有经济和社会方案以及人道主义援助,包括速效项目和急救服务。", "6. 若要加强稳定与安全,就必须从停止敌对行动的局面过渡到永久停火的状态。" ]
[ "大会第六十五届会议 议程项目36\n中东局势", "2011年6月22日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信", "奉我国政府指示,谨随函转递黎巴嫩的立场,以准备秘书长在即将提出的关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告中所作的全面评估(见附件)。", "请将本函作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目36和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。 常驻代表", "纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(签名)", "2011年6月22日黎巴嫩常驻联合国代表给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信的附件", "黎巴嫩在为秘书长即将提交的关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告所提交的全面评估做准备方面的立场", "为筹备秘书长即将在其关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告中提出的定期全面评估,我们要指出,自该决议通过以来,黎巴嫩的习惯做法是提交一份文件,就秘书长的全面评估表明其立场。 黎巴嫩认为,从第1701(2006)号决议通过之日起,以色列就一直没有履行执行决议或从所有被占领的黎巴嫩领土撤出的义务,并坚持侵犯黎巴嫩主权,从而确保在执行第1701(2006)号决议方面没有取得进展,从而迫使以色列撤出所有黎巴嫩领土并停止其违法行为。 黎巴嫩想提请注意以下几点:", "1. 黎巴嫩重申致力于全面执行第1701(2006)号决议,并呼吁国际社会向以色列施加压力,迫使其充分履行该决议的义务。 自上次评估以来,以色列敌军违反第1701(2006)号决议的规定,继续侵犯黎巴嫩主权。 这些侵犯行为包括:", "(a) 在本报告所述期间,以色列敌军继续侵犯黎巴嫩领空、领土和领水,进行336起空中侵犯、149起陆地侵犯和60起海上侵犯,公然违反了黎巴嫩主权和要求充分尊重蓝线的第1701(2006)号决议的规定。 黎巴嫩要求立即停止这种侵犯行为。", "黎巴嫩申明,自第1701(2006)号决议通过以来,以色列侵犯蓝线和黎巴嫩主权的大约8 362起事件公然违反了上述决议和联合国所有其他有关决议,其中最重要的是安全理事会1978年3月19日第425(1978)号决议。 从2006年以色列对黎巴嫩的攻击到2010年2月,除了以色列一再威胁要摧毁黎巴嫩的基础设施外,以色列每天有三到四次侵犯。 这些侵犯行为威胁到国际和平与安全并公然违反了《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。 黎巴嫩呼吁国际社会向以色列施加压力,迫使它停止每天侵犯黎巴嫩主权并尊重联合国通过的国际决议。", "(b) 黎巴嫩再次提醒国际社会,以色列正想方设法破坏第1701(2006)号决议。 2009年12月7日,以色列总理本雅明·内塔尼亚胡宣布第1701(2006)号决议已经崩溃.", "(c) 2011年5月15日,尽管黎巴嫩军队为纪念位于黎巴嫩南部的Marun al-Ra ' s的Nakbah而加强了措施,但以色列敌军部队向一群手无寸铁的平民开火,他们聚集在上述地点观察,造成10人死亡,112人受伤,其中一些人伤势严重。 以色列敌军再次杀害和伤害无辜平民是一种侵略行为,并再次表明以色列侵犯黎巴嫩主权并无视联合国决议。 它还重申以色列的敌对性质,以色列毫不犹豫地对平民任意使用武力,公然违反了国际法和准则,包括国际人道主义法。 黎巴嫩呼吁安全理事会承担起维护国际和平与安全的责任。 安理会应对以色列施加压力,以迫使它停止对黎巴嫩的敌对政策和挑衅行为,并追究它攻击和杀害平民的责任。", "(d) 国家 被以色列敌方招募的间谍网络是对黎巴嫩的公然侵略,是对黎巴嫩主权的攻击,是对黎巴嫩主权的公然侵犯,违反了国际决议,特别是安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议。 以色列招募了150多名合作者协助其情报机构,并奉命在黎巴嫩境内外部署联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)的地区开展破坏行动。 这些间谍网络通过招募合作者为以色列情报工作,渗透黎巴嫩社会以及民事和军事机构,威胁国家安全。 这些合作者奉命进行破坏行动,包括引爆爆炸物、暗杀黎巴嫩著名公民、恐怖活动和袭击黎巴嫩基础设施等。 这些网络通过利用合作者控制黎巴嫩固定和蜂窝通信网络并窃听黎巴嫩公民,也构成了对黎巴嫩通信安全的侵犯,这种侵犯一直持续到今天,因为这些合作者向以色列提供了移动电话运营商的频率及其基地收发站及其服务器的密码,此外还提供关于移动站业务程序的精确而深入的研究。 黎巴嫩就以色列在黎巴嫩所培育的间谍网络向安全理事会提出了控诉,其中详细说明了以色列情报部门直接下令进行的一些破坏行动。 在这方面,在墨西哥举行的国际电信联盟全权代表会议谴责了以色列针对黎巴嫩电信部门的海盗行为。", "(e) 联黎部队继续竭尽全力,确保以色列部队从被称作 \" 14B \" 的地区(盖杰尔村的黎巴嫩部分和邻近无人居住的地区)完全撤出,黎巴嫩政府正继续与联黎部队合作以实现这一目标。 尽管如此,以色列军队继续占领上述地区,公然违反安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议规定的义务,该决议规定以色列必须立即无条件地从盖杰尔村撤出。 以色列拖延从被称作 \" 14B \" 的地区撤出,迫使我们怀疑以色列执行这项决议的诚意,以及安全理事会在多大程度上能够迫使该国结束占领。 国际社会有责任采取行动,确保以色列尽快从盖杰尔村和14B区的黎巴嫩部分完全撤出。 以色列政府试图制造麻烦,尽管这种撤出不构成让步,而是安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议的关键要求之一。", "(f) 黎巴嫩认为,以色列继续占领黎巴嫩沙巴阿农场和Kafr Shuba山,对稳定与安全构成威胁。 黎巴嫩要求国际社会向以色列施加压力,迫使它完全和无条件地撤出黎巴嫩所有领土,并敦促联合国秘书长加紧努力,确保以色列撤出该领土。 黎巴嫩提醒国际社会,根据安全理事会有关决议的规定,以色列有义务从沙巴阿农场和Kafr Shuba山上撤出。", "(g) 黎巴嫩想再次提请国际社会注意,黎巴嫩从以色列收到的有关集束炸弹的地图不完整和不准确。 以色列随意地向人口稠密的平民地区投掷了这些炸弹,从而造成400多人死亡或受伤,其中包括47人死亡和353起严重致残的伤害案件。 应该再次强调,黎巴嫩政府对从以色列收到的地图的准确性表示怀疑,并要求提供资料,说明以色列袭击期间投放集束炸弹的日期,以及这些炸弹的数量和类型。 还应再次强调,黎巴嫩军队要求提供轰炸前后目标地区的空中照片或录像。 以色列应对以色列袭击黎巴嫩期间投放的集束炸弹和未爆弹药造成的众多黎巴嫩公民死亡以及以色列对黎巴嫩及其人民犯下的无数罪行承担全部责任并作出赔偿。 黎巴嫩敦促联合国和捐助国继续解决这一问题,以保护无辜平民的生命,并呼吁向黎巴嫩地雷行动中心提供必要的财政资源,使其能够执行任务。", "(h) 以色列军队继续在靠近所谓“浮标线”的黎巴嫩领水内进行非法巡逻。 浮标线是单方面和非法地位于这些水域内。 以色列谎称这些浮标接近黎巴嫩领水南部边界。 以色列军队还继续向黎巴嫩渔船鸣枪示警并发射手榴弹。 此外,它经常在黎巴嫩领水内引爆靠近上述线的炸药。 秘书长在关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的第十二次报告(S/2010/105)第29段中警告说,以色列的这些措施加剧了双方之间的紧张局势。 黎巴嫩不承认单方面建立的任何界线,并认为以色列的措施进一步侵犯了黎巴嫩主权和安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议。 黎巴嫩请求联合国授权联黎部队在该地区部署符合国际标准的浮标线。", "(一) 2010年7月9日,黎巴嫩向联合国交存了一张地图,在这张地图上,与被占领的巴勒斯坦的南部海洋边界以及黎巴嫩专属经济区均有明显的标志。 根据国际标准确定的边界地理坐标已经确定。 2010年10月11日,黎巴嫩还向联合国交存了两张标明上述经济区西南海洋边界的地图和两张列出这些边界地理坐标的表格。 在2011年1月4日和2月17日的信中,外交和移民部长请秘书长指示联黎部队根据联合国有关决议规定的任务,同黎巴嫩军队协调,划定一条类似于其在陆地上建立的 \" 蓝线 \" 的海上安全线。 这条线应与黎巴嫩领水和专属经济区的南部和西南部边界相对应。 这符合联黎部队在划定黎巴嫩陆地边界方面已经发挥的作用。", "2. 联合国 黎巴嫩军队正在继续加强与联黎部队的实地和战略合作。", "(a) 国家 黎巴嫩军队同联黎部队之间的协调在联合巡逻、联合检查站和联合军事训练行动和演习中尤其明显。", "(b) 黎巴嫩强调,秘书长关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告没有提及有迹象表明有武器被走私入联黎部队行动区。 所有被缴获的武器都是2006年夏天以色列向黎巴嫩发动的战争所遗留下来的武器。 黎巴嫩还再次强调,自秘书长最近向安全理事会提交关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告以来,黎巴嫩军队和黎巴嫩安全机构没有报告任何武器走私事件。", "(c) 以色列声称在南黎巴嫩人口稠密的平民区储存了武器和建立了军事设施,这与事实无关,其目的是便利以色列以无辜的黎巴嫩平民为目标,并为屠杀和恐吓他们辩解,而不论所有国际文书,特别是国际人道主义法文书,都宣布以平民为目标为非法并定为刑事罪。", "(d) 黎巴嫩继续参加为维持蓝线一带的和平而举行的三方会议。 这些会议是处理第1701(2006)号决议未决问题和上述线沿线热点问题的适当论坛。 以色列坚持采取单方面措施,破坏了三方会议以及联黎部队在维持其行动区和平方面的作用。 此外,这些单方面措施旨在使人们怀疑黎巴嫩武装部队捍卫黎巴嫩所有领土主权的能力,这违反了第1701(2006)号决议的精神。", "(e) 关于沿 \" 蓝线 \" 设置标记的问题,黎巴嫩再次申明三方会议所达成的协议,以期使该行动取得进展并加快速度。 以色列在这方面的拖延使人怀疑它的真正意图。", "3个 黎巴嫩强调必须加强和提高国际援助水平,以建设黎巴嫩军队和安全部队的能力并使他们做好准备,履行捍卫黎巴嫩主权和保护黎巴嫩人民的职责。 黎巴嫩军队需要增援武器和弹药,并需要获得更现代化的监视手段和最新的通信设备。 还需要对所有此类设备和设备的使用进行培训。", " 4.四. 尽管黎巴嫩军队的能力和资源有限,黎巴嫩政府仍决定在利塔尼河以南再部署两个营,以进一步表明其对执行第1701(2006)号决议的承诺。", "5 (韩语). 在经济方面,我们再次支持第1701(2006)号决议向国际社会发出的呼吁,即提供更多必要的援助,促进黎巴嫩的重建和发展。 在这方面,我们敦促参加斯德哥尔摩会议、第三次巴黎会议和维也纳会议的国家履行承诺。 黎巴嫩高度赞赏联黎部队在其行动区向黎巴嫩人民提供的所有经济和社会方案和人道主义援助,包括速效项目和紧急医疗服务。", "6. 国家 如果要加强稳定与安全,就必须从停止敌对行动的局势向永久停火状态过渡。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 126", "International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991", "Letter dated 29 June 2011 from the President of the Security Council addressed to the President of the General Assembly", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 15 November 2011.", "I have the honour to draw your attention to the text of resolution 1993 (2011), adopted unanimously by the Security Council at its 6571st meeting, held on 29 June 2011.", "(Signed) Noël Nelson Messone President of the Security Council" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目126", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内 所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为 负责者的国际法庭", "2011年6月29日安全理事会主席给大会主席的信", "谨转递2011年6月29日安全理事会第6571次会议一致通过的第1993(2011)号决议全文。", "安全理事会主席", "诺埃尔·内尔松·梅索尼(签名)", "^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年11月15日重新印发。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目126", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭", "2011年6月29日安全理事会主席给秘书长的信", "* 由于技术原因于2011年11月15日重新印发。", "谨提请注意2011年6月29日安全理事会第6571次会议一致通过的第1993(2011)号决议。", "诺埃尔·纳尔逊·梅索内(签名)" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "* E/2011/100 and Corr.1.", "Item 13 (g) of the provisional agenda*", "Economic and environmental questions: public administration and development", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "Report of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration on its tenth session", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling its resolutions 2002/40 of 19 December 2002, 2003/60 of 25 July 2003, 2005/3 of 31 March 2005, 2005/55 of 21 October 2005, 2006/47 of 28 July 2006, 2007/38 of 4 October 2007, 2008/32 of 25 July 2008, 2009/18 of 29 July 2009 and 2011/2 of 26 April 2011, all on public administration and development,", "Recalling General Assembly resolutions 50/225 of 19 April 1996, 56/213 of 21 December 2001, 57/277 of 20 December 2002, 58/231 of 23 December 2003, 59/55 of 2 December 2004 and 60/34 of 30 November 2005, all on public administration and development,", "Recognizing the work of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration in providing policy advice and programmatic guidance to the Economic and Social Council on issues related to governance and public administration in development,", "Taking note of the support being provided by the United Nations Programme in Public Administration and Finance to countries on institutional and human resource capacity, development management, electronic and mobile government development, and citizen engagement in the public sector,", "Taking note of the discussions held during the tenth session of the Committee on post-conflict and post-disaster countries as well as on social protection for vulnerable populations and having considered the recommendations made therein,", "1. Takes note of the report of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration on its tenth session[1] and the focus of the Committee on “Local public governance and administration for results: how local public administration should be improved to support the implementation of the internationally agreed development agenda, including the Millennium Development Goals” as the theme of its eleventh session, in 2012;", "2. Requests the Secretariat to:", "(a) Continue to support the development of the United Nations Public Administration Network for partnership-building, knowledge dissemination, and the exchange of knowledge, best practices and lessons learned in the area of public administration;", "(b) Continue to develop and promote the United Nations Public Administration Country Studies, which contain analytical and case studies, guidelines and other knowledge-sharing outputs on best practices and lessons learned in governance for development, including for post-conflict countries and countries that face the cumulative effects of successive disasters;", "(c) Better publicize the opportunity of the United Nations Public Service Awards, disseminate information on good practices and innovation from the awards and strive to better promote and utilize innovative public administration initiatives, including those identified within the context of the Awards;", "(d) Continue to enhance, within existing resources, its support for capacity-building in the public sector, including in human resource development, promoting participatory governance institutions with a view to making public administration more open, transparent, accountable and responsive to citizens in all countries, and use case studies, as appropriate, in capacity-building and training activities, and assess the impact of these case studies;", "(e) Continue to assist in analysis, policy options and capacity-building, including for post-conflict countries, particularly on their governance capacities for development;", "(f) Continue to provide countries in post-disaster situations with policy advice, capacity-building actions, and tools for engaging citizens, civil society organizations and the private sector in recovery and reconstruction efforts, deepening public accountability and preventing corruption;", "(g) Continue activities around the theme of public service delivery and the engagement of citizens in accountability and preventing corruption;", "(h) Continue to assist in capacity-building and technical cooperation for e-government, including through the further development of the Measurement and Evaluation Tool for E-Government Readiness;", "3. Encourages the Committee to focus its efforts to achieve fully developed, consensus-based views and recommendations on issues related to public administration.", "[1] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2011, Supplement No. 44 (E/2011/44-E/C.16/2011/5)." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程^(*) 项目13(g)", "经济和环境问题:公共行政和发展", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛文尼亚)在非正式协商基础上提交的决议草案", "公共行政专家委员会关于第十届会议的报告", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其关于公共行政与发展的2002年12月19日第2002/40号、2003年7月25日第2003/60号、2005年3月31日第2005/3号、2005年10月21日第2005/55号、2006年7月28日第2006/47号、2007年10月4日第2007/38号、2008年7月25日第2008/32号、2009年7月29日第2009/18号决议和2011年4月26日第2011/____号决议,", "回顾大会所有关于公共行政与发展的1996年4月19日第50/225号、2001年12月21日第56/213号、2002年12月20日第57/277号、2003年12月23日第58/231号、2004年12月2日第59/55号和2005年11月30日第60/34号决议,", "承认公共行政专家委员会在向经济及社会理事会提供政策咨询和方案指导,解决发展中施政和公共行政问题方面所做的工作,", "^(*) E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "注意到联合国公共行政和财政方案支助各国的体制和人力资源能力、发展管理、电子/移动政务发展和公民参与公共部门,", "注意到第十届会议期间关于“冲突后和灾后国家”以及“对弱势人口的社会保护”的讨论,审议了其中所载的建议,", "1. 注意到公共行政专家委员会第十届会议报告,[1] 并把重点放在“注重成果的地方公共治理和行政:如何改进地方公共行政来支持落实包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展议程”,作为2012年第十一届会议的主题;", "2. 请秘书处:", "(a) 继续支持发展联合国公共行政网,建立伙伴关系,传播知识,和交流公共行政方面的知识和经验教训;", "(b) 继续发展推广联合国公共行政国家研究报告,其中有关于发展施政中的分析和个案研究,指导原则和其他知识交流产出,包括冲突后国家和灾害不断的国家;", "(c) 更好地宣传联合国公共服务奖的机会,传播关于得奖的良好做法和创新资料,努力推广利用公共行政的创新举措,包括服务奖方面的举措;", "(d) 继续在现有资源范围内,加强对公共部门能力建设的支持,包括人力资源发展,推动参与式施政机构,以求让公共行政更公开,更透明,更负责,更响应所有国家公民的需求;酌情利用能力建设和培训活动的个案研究,评估个案研究影响;", "(e) 继续协助分析、政策选择和能力建设,包括冲突后国家,特别是其促进发展的治理能力;", "(f) 继续向处于灾后状况的国家提供政策咨询,采取能力建设行动,以及提供工具来争取公民、民间社会组织和私营部门参与恢复和重建努力,深化公共问责制,防止贪污腐败;", "(g) 继续围绕着提供公共服务的主题开展活动,争取公民参与问责和防止贪污腐败;", "(h) 继续协助进行电子政务方面的能力建设和技术合作,包括进一步发展电子政务就绪情况计量和评价工具;", "3. 鼓励委员会根据有关公共行政各项问题提出的看法和建议,注重充分协商,达成一致。", "[1] 《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2011年,补编第44号》(E/2011/44-E/C.16/2011/5)。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "页:1", "临时议程* 项目13(g)", "经济和环境问题:公共行政和发展", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "公共行政专家委员会第十届会议的报告", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其关于公共行政与发展的2002年12月19日第2002/40号、2003年7月25日第2003/60号、2005年3月31日第2005/3号、2005年10月21日第2005/55号、2006年7月28日第2006/47号、2007年10月4日第2007/38号、2008年7月25日第2008/32号、2009年7月29日第2009/18号和2011年4月26日第2011/2号决议,", "回顾大会关于公共行政与发展的1996年4月19日第50/225号、2001年12月21日第56/213号、2002年12月20日第57/277号、2003年12月23日第58/231号、2004年12月2日第59/55号和2005年11月30日第60/34号决议,", "确认公共行政专家委员会就发展方面的治理和公共行政问题向经济及社会理事会提供政策咨询和方案指导的工作,", "注意到联合国公共行政和财政方案在机构和人力资源能力、发展管理、电子和移动政府发展和公民参与公共部门方面向各国提供支助,", "注意到委员会第十届会议期间就冲突后和灾后国家以及对弱势人口的社会保护所展开的讨论,并审议了其中提出的建议,", "1. 联合国 1. 注意到公共行政专家委员会第十届会议的报告[1] 和委员会把“注重成果的地方公共治理和行政:应如何改进地方公共行政以支持执行包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标”作为其2012年第十一届会议的主题;", "2. 联合国 请 秘书处:", "(a) 继续支持发展联合国公共行政网,以建立伙伴关系、传播知识并交流公共行政领域的知识、最佳做法和经验教训;", "(b) 继续发展和促进联合国公共行政国别研究,其中载有关于治理促进发展方面的最佳做法和经验教训的分析和个案研究、准则和其他知识共享产出,包括针对冲突后国家和面临接连不断的灾害累积影响的国家;", "(c) 更好地宣传联合国公共服务奖的机会,传播奖项中的良好做法和创新信息,并努力更好地促进和利用创新的公共行政举措,包括在奖项范围内确定的举措;", "(d) 在现有资源范围内,继续加强对公共部门能力建设的支持,包括在人力资源开发方面的支持,促进参与性治理机构,使公共行政更加开放、透明、负责并顺应所有国家公民的需要,并酌情在能力建设和培训活动中使用案例研究,并评估这些案例研究的影响;", "(e) 继续协助分析、政策选择和能力建设,包括冲突后国家的分析、政策选择和能力建设,特别是其发展治理能力;", "(f) 继续向灾后国家提供政策咨询、能力建设行动和工具,使公民、民间社会组织和私营部门参与恢复和重建工作,深化公共问责制并预防腐败;", "(g) 继续围绕提供公共服务以及公民参与问责和预防腐败这一主题开展活动;", "(h) 继续协助电子政务的能力建设和技术合作,包括进一步开发电子政务准备状态衡量和评价工具;", "3个 5. 鼓励委员会集中努力,就与公共行政有关的问题达成充分发展并基于共识的意见和建议。", "[1] 《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2011年,补编第44号》(E/2011/44-E/C.16/2011/5)。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 88 of the preliminary list*", "Reduction of military budgets", "Objective information on military matters, including transparency of military expenditures", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report contains information received from Member States on their military expenditures for the latest fiscal year for which data are available. To date, the Secretary-General has received reports from 49 Governments.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 2II. Action 2 \ntaken III.Replies 2 received from \nGovernments", "I. Introduction", "1. The General Assembly, in paragraph 1 of its resolution 64/22, called upon all Member States to report annually to the Secretary-General their military expenditures for the latest fiscal year for which data were available using, preferably, and to the extent possible, the reporting instrument as recommended in resolution 35/142 B or, as appropriate, any other format developed in conjunction with similar reporting on military expenditures to other international or regional organizations. Member States that had no information were encouraged to submit nil returns.", "II. Action taken", "2. On 3 March 2011, the Office for Disarmament Affairs sent a note verbale to Member States requesting them to submit their reports no later than 30 April 2011.[1] The replies received are reproduced in section III below. Any further reports received from Member States will be issued as addenda to the present report.", "3. The Office for Disarmament Affairs, in cooperation with the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute, published an occasional paper entitled Promoting Further Openness and Transparency in Military Expenditures.[2]", "4. The main goal of the occasional paper was to facilitate the deliberations of the Group of Governmental Experts which, from November 2010 to May 2011, reviewed the operation of the Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures with a view to its further development.[3]", "III. Replies received from Governments", "Explanatory notes", "5. To date, the Secretary-General has received reports from 49 Governments. A number of States provided clarifications and additional information on defence planning to explain their military expenditures as well as military budgets for 2011 and prospects for the following years. This additional information is available from the Office for Disarmament Affairs.", "6. The originals of the replies from States are available through the Office for Disarmament Affairs. The annual reports and other relevant information on the Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures are available electronically on the Office website ( html/MilexIndex.shtml).", "Composite table of reports from Governments", "ReportingStates\tSubmissionreceivedon\tFormofsubmission Additionalinformationand \n clarifications\n Standardized Simplified/Own\t“Nil”report \n1.\tAlbania\t29.04.11\tY\tY/- \n2.\tAndorra\t24.03.11 Y\t\n3.\tArgentina\t31.05.11\tY \n4.\tArmenia\t29.04.11 Y/- \n5.\tAustralia\t28.04.11\tY \n6.\tAustria\t29.04.11\tY \n7.\tBelarus\t06.05.11\tY Y\n8.\tBosnia andHerzegovina\t15.04.11\tY\tY/- \n9.\tBrazil\t29.04.11\tY \n10.\tBulgaria\t30.03.11\tY \n11.\tBurkina Faso\t11.05.11\tY Y\n12.\tCanada\t25.04.11\tY \n13.\tCzechRepublic\t05.04.11\tY\tY- Y\n14.\tEl Salvador\t13.05.11 Y/Y Y\n15.\tEstonia\t11.05.11\tY Y\n16.\tFinland\t06.05.11\tY \n17.\tGermany\t24.03.11\tY \n18.\tIceland\t12.04.11 Y\t\n19.\tIreland\t10.06.11\tY \n20.\tJamaica\t31.05.11 Y \n21.\tJapan\t27.04.11\tY Y\n22.\tKazakhstan\t29.03.11\tY \n23.\tLatvia\t29.04.11\tY \n24.\tLebanon\t07.06.11 -/Y \n25.\tLithuania\t05.04.11\tY \n26.\tMalaysia\t04.05.11 -/Y \n27.\tMexico\t04.05.11\tY \n28.\tMonaco\t11.03.11 Y\t\n29.\tMontenegro\t02.06.11\tY\tY/- \n30.\tNauru\t26.04.11 Y\t\n31.\tNetherlands\t02.05.11\tY \n32.\tNorway\t24.02.11\tY Y\n33.\tPeru\t14.06.11\tY \n34.\tPoland\t19.05.11\tY \n35.\tPortugal\t29.04.11\tY \n36.\tRepublic ofKorea\t05.05.11 Y/- \n37.\tRomania\t19.04.11\tY\tY/- \n38.\tRussianFederation\t13.05.11\tY \n39.\tSamoa\t15.03.11 Y\t\n40.\tSerbia\t25.04.11\tY\tY/- Y\n41.\tSlovakia\t04.05.11\tY \n42.\tSlovenia\t02.06.11\tY \n43.\tSolomonIslands\t25.04.11 Y\t\n44.\tSwitzerland\t12.04.11\tY Y\n45.\tThe formerYugoslavRepublic ofMacedonia\t29.04.11\tY Y\n46.\tTunisia\t05.05.11 Y\t\n47.\tTurkey\t12.04.11\tY \n48.\tUnitedKingdom ofGreat Britainand NorthernIreland\t28.04.11\tY \n49.\tUnited Statesof America\t29.04.11\tY Y", "Albania", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Albania Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of leks", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval forces Air forces Total", "Personnel 1 876 000 583 585 534 100 2 993 685", "Operations 1 623 957 227 553 335 059 2 186 549", "Procurement 146 843 662 243 1 969 593 2 778 679", "Total 3 646 799 1 473 362 2 838 752 7 958 913", "Albania (thousands of leks) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Central support Military administration assistance and command\n Resource costs Strategic Land Naval Air Other Support Command Para-military Home Abroad United Nations Undistri-buted Total Civil forces (1) forces forces forces combat (6) (7) forces (8) territory (10) Peacekeeping (12) military defence (2) (3) (4) forces (9) (11) expenditure (14) (5) (13)", "1. Operating 3 499 811 118 869 159 8 423 428 2 335 538 216 891 16 156 090 812 843 costs 957", "1.1 Personnel 1 876 583 585 534 100 6 183 750 1 166 667 181 445 10 525 547 637 608 000", "1.1.1 Conscripts 1 300 700 1 500 5 000 6 000 14 500 900", "1.1.2 Other 1 845 406 785 454 500 5 437 750 856 542 9 001 277 486 708 military 700 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 29 000 176 100 78 100 741 000 304 125 1 328 325 150 000 personnel", "1.2 Operations 1 623 227 533 335 059 2 239 678 941 871 35 446 5 403 543 175 235 and maintenance 957", "1.2.1 Materials 59 059 115 786 203 892 485 132 65 253 929 121 14 272 for current use", "1.2.2 35 351 15 015 23 973 322 025 36 174 432 537 19 839 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 50 896 20 423 12 954 200 749 116 754 401 777 12 443 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 98 377 2 343 6 038 79 387 24 637 210 782 8 669", "1.2.5 Other 1 380 73 966 88 201 1 152 386 699 053 3 393 880 120 012 274", "2. Procurement 146 843 662 243 1 969 464 608 138 610 178 360 3 560 258 15 429 and construction 593", "2.1 Procurement", "2.1.1 Aircraft 1 929 1 929 792 and engines 792", "2.1.4 Ships and 648 404 648 404 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 33 890 33 890 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 40 671 282 186 322 857", "2.1.11 Other 51 778 51 778", "2.2 Construction", "2.2.6 Medical 18 154 18 154 facilities", "2.2.7 Training facilities", "2.2.8 72 282 13 839 39 801 93 456 93 611 312 988 15 429 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 19 035 45 000 64 035 and administration facilities", "3. Research and development", "4. Total (1+2+3) 3 646 1 473 2 838 8 888 035 2 474 149 395 251 19 716 348 828 272 800 362 752", "Argentina", "[Original: Spanish] [31 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Argentina Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: peso", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Argentina (peso) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 4 737 773 2 709 2 491 3 217 27 197 515 82 13 265 799 costs 028 719 171 346 857 216 155 547 608 882", "1.1 Personnel 4 153 839 2 213 1 795 3 008 1 734 316 59 11 233 189 133 535 950 792 532 391 710 896 703 062", "1.1.1 Conscripts 859 377 915 74 969 79 617 149 178 1 734 316 59 1 075 745 802 883 896 156 062", "1.1.2 Other 2 597 256 1 479 1 160 5 237 301 military 252 942 365 102 893 510 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 697 204 966 658 623 556 071 235 193 2 147 094 personnel 783 756 504 009", "1.2 Operations 583 933 895 496 183 695 554 208 823 25 463 199 22 2 032 609 and maintenance 221 325 445 651 905 820", "1.2.1 Materials 273 513 874 239 920 188 273 25 838 7 840 393 16 751 446 824 for current use 976 691 073 059 817", "1.2.2 153 210 893 173 690 394 342 110 049 15 907 662 6 228 853 429 814 Maintenance and 687 827 687 058 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 65 348 007 70 560 11 378 1 689 1 715 144 363 151 055 630 services 753 611 170 945", "1.2.4 Rent costs 159 974 3 470 1 145 4 775 978 302 702", "1.2.5 Other 91 701 147 8 540 100 413 71 246 271 901 658 503 494 514", "2. Procurement 147 943 876 36 883 277 572 28 345 1 644 577 32 525 375 604 and construction 282 457 645 985 768", "2.1 Procurement 116 750 905 21 069 265 838 21 590 1 644 577 32 459 880 589 980 942 437 985 768", "2.1.1 Aircraft 6 126 465 6 561 1 893 14 580 740 and engines 099 176", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 23 096 710 1 340 1 879 26 317 218 883 625", "2.1.9 28 442 057 5 023 2 729 2 820 130 214 1 784 40 930 204 Electronics and 287 606 816 224 communications", "2.1.10 25 063 613 4 278 4 918 34 260 685 Non-armoured 145 927 vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 34 022 060 10 427 249 749 16 876 1 514 363 31 343 791 742 845 685 445 201 544", "2.2 Construction 31 192 970 15 813 11 733 6 755 65 495 015 322 515 208", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval 7 515 7 515 174 bases and 174 facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 8 698 203 7 898 16 596 593 facilities 390", "2.2.6 Medical 11 733 11 733 515 facilities 515", "2.2.7 Training 399 758 399 758 facilities", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 22 494 767 6 755 29 249 975 208", "3. Research and 7 334 497 65 093 739 133 1 325 9 464 644 development 921", "3.1 Basic and 36 273 739 133 775 406 applied research", "3.2 Development, 7 334 497 28 820 1 325 8 689 238 testing and 921 evaluation", "4. Total (1+ 4 893 051 2 746 2 769 3 246 28 842 092 115 13 800 639 2+3) 400 667 546 658 447 886 721 533 856 650", "Note: 1. The expenses contained in the preceding table were covered under the 2010 budget of this ministry.", "Armenia", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Armenia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of drams", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval forces Air forces Total", "Personnel 52 534.3 52 534.3", "Operations 71 787.7 71 787.7", "Procurement 19 619.4 19 619.4", "Others 3 564.3 3 564.3", "Total 147 508.7 147 508.7", "Australia", "[Original: English] [28 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Australia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of Australian dollars", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Australia (thousands of Australian dollars) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Central support Military administration assistance and command\n Resource costs Strategic Land Naval Air Other Support Command Para-military Home Abroad United Nations Undistri-buted Total Civil forces (1) forces forces forces combat (6) (7) forces (8) territory (10) Peacekeeping (12) military defence (2) (3) (4) forces (9) (11) expenditure (14) (5) (13)", "1. Operating 3 871 1 990 2 228 7 552 193 2 276 336 45 901 17 964 637 costs 760 380 069", "1.1 Personnel 3 210 1 515 1 561 2 481 082 972 701 45 901 9 786 582 039 477 382", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 3 128 1 441 1 485 1 246 396 556 409 45 901 7 904 619 military 926 826 161 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 81 113 73 651 76 221 1 234 687 416 291 1 881 963 personnel", "1.2 Operations 661 720 474 903 666 687 5 071 111 1 303 635 8 178 055 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 358 745 255 464 356 602 171 402 36 840 1 179 054 for current use", "1.2.2 6 701 8 221 32 686 2 573 640 294 734 2 915 982 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 261 870 174 833 212 616 1 757 325 808 125 3 214 769 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 2 080 26 075 43 649 271 620 54 000 397 425", "1.2.5 Other 32 324 10 310 21 133 297 123 109 936 470 826", "2. Procurement 1 346 2 002 1 964 1 848 807 7 161 704 and construction 040 396 461", "2.1 Procurement 1 346 2 002 1 964 495 339 5 808 236 040 396 461", "2.1.1 Aircraft 682 386 9 949 1 845 2 537 782 and engines 447", "2.1.2 Missiles, 62 236 55 972 118 208 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 1 897 1 897 565 boats 565", "2.1.5 Armoured 210 336 210 336 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 122 970 13 053 29 833 44 165 900", "2.1.9 3 952 454 299 732 304 138 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 99 956 99 956 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 226 440 19 593 32 754 195 563 474 351", "2.2 Construction 1 353 468 1 353 468", "2.2.1 Air bases, 453 130 453 130 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval 37 390 37 390 bases and facilities", "2.2.4 2 934 2 934 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 12 100 12 100 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 180 050 180 050 facilities", "2.2.8 47 925 47 925 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 591 888 591 888 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 28 051 28 051", "3. Research and 964 14 4 332 189 957 48 070 243 337 development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, 964 14 4 332 189 957 48 070 243 337 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 5 218 3 992 4 196 9 590 957 2 324 405 45 901 25 369 678 763 789 862", "Austria", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Austria Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Austria (millions of euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "[TABLE]", "Belarus", "[Original: Russian] [6 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Belarus Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of Belarusian roubles", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Belarus (thousands of Belarusian roubles) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 1 143 311 078 27 310 475 371 10 725.5 1 957 171 costs 399 884.7 905.7 655.4 281.3 110.0", "1.1 Personnel 655 367 218 900 25 669 345 314 10 725.5 1 245 262 328.9 504.4 096.8 810.1 465.7", "1.1.1 Conscripts 6 319 2 666 1 689 481.2 10 674 954.1 259.7 213.2", "1.1.2 Other 372 659 166 081 20 963 300 651 10 725.5 860 366 417.3 military 928.1 458.6 235.1 070.0 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 276 388 50 152 4 705 42 974 258.9 374 221 094.3 personnel 141.1 832.6 861.7", "1.2 Operations 488 031 92 178 1 641 130 056 711 908 815.6 and maintenance 781.1 380.3 808.9 845.3", "1.2.1 Materials 184 317 13 157 631 349.2 75 676 416.7 273 782 353.8 for current use 542.1 045.8", "1.2.2 101 541 75 374 241 580.2 18 097 836.2 195 255 603.0 Maintenance and 426.4 760.2 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 186 489 3 056 574 888.8 29 802 278.6 219 922 954.8 services 318.4 469.0", "1.2.4 Rent costs", "1.2.5 Other 15 683 590 193 990.7 6 480 313.8 22 947 904.0 494.2 105.3", "2. Procurement 52 202 108 729 71 385 70 029 179.8 302 346 435.4 and construction 243.2 120.1 892.3", "2.1 Procurement 37 309 108 248 9 043 189.0 154 600 758.8 426.6 143.2", "2.1.1 Aircraft 1 215 1 215 486.0 and engines 486.0", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 4 798 76 290 2 055 700.5 83 144 817.3 ordnance and 662.4 454.4 ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 1 183 1 183 824.0 824.0", "2.1.9 23 935 20 347 1 166 644.0 45 449 327.9 Electronics and 211.3 472.6 communications", "2.1.10 1 094 1 212 915.3 2 307 538.7 Non-armoured 623.4 vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 6 297 10 394 4 607 929.2 21 299 764.9 105.5 730.2", "2.2 Construction 14 892 480 71 385 60 985 990.8 147 745 676.6 816.6 976.9 892.3", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 10 050 10 050 978.1 Electronics, 978.1 etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 23 978 38 155 771.4 62 134 735.0 facilities 963.6", "2.2.6 Medical 22 109 22 109 258.7 facilities 258.7", "2.2.7 Training 5 538 5 538 484.2 facilities 484.2", "2.2.8 4 841 298 7 244 12 384 173.1 Warehouses, 838.5 304.0 030.6 depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 182 12 515 22 830 219.4 35 528 047.5 672.9 155.2", "3. Research and 27 111 27 111 364.6 development 364.6", "3.1 Basic and 196 196 990.4 applied research 990.4", "3.2 Development, 26 914 26 914 374.2 testing and 374.2 evaluation", "4. Total (1 + 2 1 222 419 808 98 696 545 400 10 725.5 2 286 629 + 3) 712 004.8 798.0 835.2 081.3 717.8", "Notes:", "1. Expenditures on central support administration (column 6) appear in columns 2, 4 and 7.", "2. Civil defence functions have been transferred to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, but it has no paramilitary forces, civil defence units or sources of funding for such forces.", "3. Column 4 lists expenditures on the Air Force and Air Defence Troops as a single service of the Armed Forces of Belarus.", "4. Column 8 lists expenditures on frontier, internal and transport troops.", "5. The fiscal year runs from 1 January to 31 December 2010.", "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "[Original: English] [15 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: marka", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces\tNavalforces\tAir forces\tTotal \n Personnel 242 209 647 242 209 647\n Operations 59 554 535 59 554 535 \nProcurement\t4 252 135 4 252 135\n Total 306 016 318 306 016 318", "Bosnia and Herzegovina (marka) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Central support Military administration assistance and command\n Resource costs Strategic Land Naval Air Other Support Command Para- Home Abroad United Nations Undis- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat (6) (7) military territory (10) peacekeeping tributed military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces forces (9) (11) (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)", "1. Operating 301 764 6 998 629 51 461 320 224 772 costs 183 951", "1.1 Personnel 242 209 5 388 842 9 995 526 257 594 015 647", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 225 042 969 992 9 495 750 235 508 268 military 526 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 17 167 4 418 850 499 776 22 085 748 personnel 121", "1.2 Operations 59 554 1 609 787 1 466 435 62 630 757 and maintenance 535", "1.2.1 Materials 16 004 67 578 186 947 16 259 217 for current use 692", "1.2.2 12 809 457 588 265 739 13 533 205 Maintenance and 878 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 16 773 599 172 545 815 17 918 416 services 429", "1.2.4 Rent costs 8 821 315 105 287 045 9 423 322 172", "1.2.5 Other 5 145 170 344 180 888 5 496 597 364", "2. Procurement 4 252 147 241 134 129 4 533 506 and construction 135", "2.1 Procurement 3 053 109 091 99 377 3 262 406 938", "2.1.1 Aircraft and engines", "2.1.9 2 794 99 812 90 924 2 984 919 Electronics and 182 communications", "2.1.10 259 756 9 279 8 453 277 487 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other", "2.2 Construction 1 198 38 150 34 753 1 271 100 197", "2.2.1 Air bases, 130 208 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 1 067 38 150 34 753 1 140 893 facilities 990", "3. Research and development", "4. Total (1+2+3) 306 016 7 145 870 11 596 324 758 278 318 090", "Brazil", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Brazil Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of reals", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Brazil (thousands of reals) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Central support Military administration assistance and command\n Resource costs Strategic Land Naval Air Other Support Command Para- Home Abroad United Nations Undis- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat (6) (7) military territory (10) peacekeeping tributed military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces forces (9) (11) (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)", "1. Operating 22 189 4 671 11 668 500 957.20 74 341.80 517 340.70 39 612 165.56 costs 430.72 529.00 666.14", "1.1 Personnel 21 503 3 988 9 044 152 459.30 34 687 882.87 063.87 068.00 291.70", "1.1.1 Conscripts 484 267.00 64 068.63 513.26", "1.1.2 Other 19 727 3 569 8 232 6 782.00 military 239.69 831.00 157.06 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 1 291 417 747 145 677.30 personnel 755.55 970.00 621.39", "1.2 Operations 686 683 2 614 348 497.90 74 341.80 517 340.70 4 924 282.68 and maintenance 366.85 461.00 274.43", "1.2.1 Materials 586 173 882 172 667.80 27 654.40 284 901.80 for current use 669.72 387.00 039.93", "1.2.2 93 407 701 68 459.20 121 840.60 Maintenance and 085.35 900.00 620.97 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 1 997.14 1 029 80 138.20 36 451.10 44 055.40 services 958.23", "1.2.4 Rent costs 165.12 655.30 3 197.00 1 607.80", "1.2.5 Other 4 449.52 102 24 035.70 10 236.30 64 935.10 174.00", "2. Procurement 802 3 890 1 308 73 861.60 156 514.60 6 232 677.51 and construction 763.72 837.00 700.60", "2.1 Procurement 566 2 838 1 121 44 109.70 155 159.60 4 725 979.72 134.00 798.00 778.42", "2.1.1 Aircraft 95 220 793 and engines 335.36 702.00 749.67", "2.1.2 Missiles, 9 396.00 4 424.00 39 including 508.52 conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 66 2 076 4 500.00 2 224.70 11.20 boats 102.05 323.00", "2.1.5 Armoured 6 049.91 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 39 960.00", "2.1.7 Other 130 1 110.00 1 041.08 110.40 16 813.20 ordnance and 843.19 ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 110 40 38 10 265.90 719.05 295.00 643.49", "2.1.9 26 46 Electronics and 082.63 982.09 communications", "2.1.10 57 41 41 774.60 128 069.30 Non-armoured 896.91 618.71 vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 63 455 155 706.91 984.00 734.87", "2.2 Construction 236 1 052 186 29 751.90 1 355.00 1 506 697.80 629.72 039.00 922.17", "2.2.1 Air bases, 6 521.71 112 airfields 143.19", "2.2.2 Missile 4 294.08 sites", "2.2.3 Naval 1 050 bases and 889.00 facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 157 800.00 13 29 751.90 1 355.00 facilities 939.94 723.71", "2.2.6 Medical 3 948.60 350.00 450.00 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 7 530.66 54 facilities 997.54", "2.2.8 879.40 1 313.66 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 15 and 694.28 administration facilities", "2.2.10 40 Fortifications 349.83", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 3 765.30", "3. Research and 84 122 290.18 207 927.66 development 663.48 974.00", "3.1 Basic and 1 801.42 290.18 applied research", "3.2 Development, 82 testing and 862.06 evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 23 076 8 685 12 967 574 818.80 74 341.80 673 855.30 46 052 770.73 857.92 340.00 556.91", "Bulgaria", "[Original: English] [30 March 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Bulgaria Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: lev", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Bulgaria (lev) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Air Naval Other Central support Para- Military Undis- Total forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance tributed military (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United (6) (7) territory (10) Nations (9) peaceeeping (11)", "1. Operating 320 780 159 692 78 821 360 254 647 85 479 1 005 028 821 costs 801 552 210 611", "1.1 Personnel 234 082 116 731 61 243 210 241 734 40 089 662 387 629 029 132 421 313", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 225 518 109 769 55 769 127 719 572 26 022 544 799 998 military 650 691 959 126 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 8 563 6 961 5 473 82 522 162 14 067 117 587 631 personnel 379 440 463 187", "1.2 Operations 86 698 42 961 17 577 150 012 914 45 390 342 641 192 and maintenance 771 420 789 298", "1.2.1 Materials 8 509 15 697 2 853 21 507 060 1 702 100 50 269 596 for current use 296 698 442", "1.2.2 77 984 6 064 398 955 13 409 521 208 530 20 159 893 Maintenance and 902 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 7 731 3 667 4 680 37 612 235 18 662 72 353 794 services 493 245 806 015", "1.2.4 Rent costs 440 166 868 3 268 2 955 099 3 397 666", "1.2.5 Other 69 939 17 531 9 645 77 480 829 21 862 196 460 243 831 575 454 554", "2. Procurement 18 640 65 767 86 863 47 040 481 5 530 540 223 842 317 and construction 616 299 380", "2.1 Procurement 18 640 64 761 86 863 35 394 029 31 433 205 690 986 616 528 380", "2.1.1 Aircraft 64 761 76 558 141 319 622 and engines 528 094", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 18 986 18 986 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 14 268 14 268 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition", "2.1.9 5 036 10 186 17 222 037 17 872 32 463 041 Electronics and 997 135 communications", "2.1.10 12 024 119 151 3 258 364 15 401 951 Non-armoured 436 vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 1 583 14 913 628 13 561 16 511 090 901", "2.2 Construction 1 005 11 646 452 5 499 107 18 151 330 771", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 787 513 787 513 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 1 005 8 755 844 5 499 107 15 260 723 facilities 771", "2.2.6 Medical facilities", "2.2.7 Training facilities", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command and administration facilities", "2.2.10 2 103 095 2 103 095 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other", "3. Research and 169 138 855 327 1 024 465 development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, 169 138 855 327 1 024 465 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 339 590 225 459 165 684 408 150 456 91 010 1 229 895 602 554 851 590 151", "Burkina Faso", "[Original: French] [11 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Burkina Faso Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: CFA francs", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Burkina Faso (millions of CFA francs) Fiscal year: 2010", "[TABLE]", "Notes:", "1. The defence forces of Burkina Faso include the ground forces, the air force and the gendarmerie nationale.", "2. Paramilitary forces are not within the competency of the Ministry of Defence in Burkina Faso.", "3. Civil defence forces are within the competency of other ministries.", "4. Personnel expenses for the air force, the ground forces and the gendarmerie nationale are centralized.", "Canada", "[Original: English, French] [25 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Canada Fiscal year: 2009-2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of Canadian dollars", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Canada (millions of Canadian dollars) Fiscal year: 2009-2010", "Force groups Central support Military administration assistance and command\n Resource costs Strategic Land Naval Air Other Support Command Para- Home Abroad United Nations Undis- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat (6) (7) military territory (10) peacekeeping tributed military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces forces (9) (11) (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)", "1. Operating 5 334.3 2 103.1 3 047.8 5 306.3 482.9 21.2 14.3 16 309.9 costs", "1.1 Personnel 3 003.2 1 246.7 1 440.3 3 004.6 275.1 5.5 2.9 8 978.3", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 2 628.4 936.8 1 294.4 1 793.9 253.1 0.5 2.9 6 910.1 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 374.8 309.8 145.9 1 210.7 22.0 5.0 2 068.2 personnel", "1.2 Operations 2 331.1 856.4 1 607.5 2 301.7 207.8 15.8 11.4 7 331.6 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 624.1 229.3 430.4 616.3 55.6 3.0 1 958.8 for current use", "1.2.2 405.1 148.8 279.3 400.0 36.1 2.0 1 271.3 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 1 060.2 389.5 731.1 1 046.8 94.5 5.2 3 327.1 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 173.6 63.8 119.7 171.4 15.5 0.8 544.8", "1.2.5 Other 68.1 25.0 47.0 67.3 6.1 15.8 0.3 229.6", "2. Procurement 1 120.1 518.3 1 652.0 295.0 91.3 3 676.6 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 953.8 460.8 1 536.6 236.6 52.6 3 240.5", "2.1.1 Aircraft 1 119.8 1 119.8 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 2.6 18.3 20.9 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 348.1 0.2 0.1 348.4 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 292.5 292.5 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 16.4 16.4", "2.1.7 Other 69.0 0.2 1.2 1.8 72.2 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 306.0 35.5 22.3 363.8", "2.1.9 126.0 46.2 315.3 206.1 21.8 715.4 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 36.3 4.2 5.8 3.7 3.3 53.2 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 107.6 24.1 54.8 25.5 25.8 237.8", "2.2 Construction 166.3 57.5 115.3 58.5 38.6 436.2", "2.2.1 Air bases, 51.1 15.2 66.3 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval 56.0 0.0 56.1 bases and facilities", "2.2.4 2.0 4.2 6.2 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 15.6 2.9 5.9 10.2 34.6 facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 13.0 0.1 0.1 1.5 0.2 14.8 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 53.5 3.1 4.6 61.2 facilities", "2.2.8 23.4 11.5 3.1 3.1 41.2 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 37.4 1.4 29.0 19.8 3.0 90.5 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 0.8 0.9 0.3 2.0 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters 23.4 0.4 0.2 23.9", "2.2.12 Land 1.7 1.7", "2.2.13 Other 0.1 14.5 18.2 4.8 37.6", "3. Research and 345.3 345.3 development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, 345.3 345.3 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 6 454.4 2 621.4 4 699.8 5 946.6 574.2 21.2 14.3 20 331.8", "Czech Republic", "[Original: English] [5 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Czech Republic Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of Czech koruny", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval Air forces Total forces", "Personnel 7 195 646 3 123 343 10 318 989", "Operations 2 073 430 3 700 276 5 773 706", "Procurement 2 727 799 2 881 332 5 609 131", "Total 11 996 875 9 704 951 21 701 826", "Czech Republic (thousands of Czech koruny) Fiscal year: 2010", "[TABLE]", "Note:", "Information on Budgets (Fiscal Year 2010)", "The State budget of the Czech Republic for the fiscal year 2010 was approved by the Parliament of the Czech Republic in Act No. 487/2009 Call., in a total amount of CZK 1,184,919,350 thousand.", "The approved Ministry of Defence budget chapter for the fiscal year 2010 amounting to CZK 48,867,060 thousand was subsequently amended in the course of the year by several budgetary arrangements from the Ministry of Finance of the Czech Republic; the actual outlays of Ministry of Defence budget chapter were CZK 49,143,074 thousand in 2010; comparison 2009/2008 (index) is 0.900.", "The military expenditures, based on the definition of Vienna Document 1999 and in line with the United Nations methodology, for the fiscal year 2010 represent a total amount of CZK 50,777,969 thousand.", "The budget items were divided into the three categories set out in the document entitled “United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures” issued by the United Nations in 1980.", "1. Operating costs", "The total amount of CZK 40,120,227 thousand, which represents 79.01 per cent of the total military expenditures, is divided into the following subcategories:", "Personnel", "Total personnel expenditures amount to CZK 24,642,754 thousand, i.e., 48.53 per cent of the total military expenditures.", "Operations and maintenance", "The total amount of CZK 15,477,473 thousand, i.e., 30.48 per cent of the total military expenditures, was used to support the operational training needs of the troops, including infrastructure operation expenditures.", "2. Procurement and construction", "The total amount represents CZK 10,157,266 thousand, which is 20.00 per cent of the total military expenditures.", "The main part of these expenditures was used for the leasing and operation of supersonic aircraft and purchase of armoured personnel carriers.", "3. Research and development", "CZK 500,476 thousand was allocated to the research and development programmes, i.e., 0.98 per cent of military expenditures.", "El Salvador", "[Original: Spanish] [13 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: El Salvador Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: Colón/US dollar", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditure.)", "I. Objective", "To describe in general terms the organization of the Armed Forces of El Salvador.", "II. Organization", "The Armed Forces are under the overall leadership of the High Command of the Armed Forces, whose hierarchy consists of the President of the Republic and the General Commander of the Armed Forces, the Minister and Deputy Minister of Defence, and the head and deputy head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces. The overall organizational structure of the Armed Forces is as follows:", "A. Supreme bodies, responsible for the leadership, organization, maintenance and operation of the Armed Forces, which are represented by the General Command of the Armed Forces, the Ministry of Defence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces;", "B. An advisory body to the Ministry of Defence (corresponds to the Joint Chiefs of Staff);", "C. A monitoring and oversight subsidiary body (corresponds to the General Inspectorate of the Armed Forces);", "D. The permanent branches of the Armed Forces: levels in unit training and progress necessary for the accomplishment of missions, and comprising the Air Force and the Navy;", "E. Institutional support units: entrusted with providing resources for the overall support of the Armed Forces and the accomplishment of missions, and comprising the Military Training and Doctrine Command, the Logistical Support Command, the Military Health Command, the Special Military Security Brigade and the Recruitment and Reserves Department.", "(In United States dollars)", "Item Land forces Naval forces Air forces Total", "Personnel 80 590 075.00 303 945.00 1 632 915.00 82 526 935.00 (remuneration)", "Operations 21 980 428.55 1 390 591.91 2 052 415.00 25 423 435.46", "Procurement 8 720 227.01 0.00 0.00 8 720 227.01", "Total 111 290 730.56 1 694 536.91 3 685 330.00 116 670 597.47", "Item Column Amount", "Remuneration Due 104 785 922.74", "Procurement of goods and services Operating costs 28 822 731.50", "Financial expenditures and current 4 250 796.21 transfers", "Institutional investment Fixed assets 8 720 227.01", "Total 146 640 677.46", "Note: The above figures are taken from the budget of the Ministry of Defence, as contained in the General National Budget Act of 2010.", "Estonia", "[Original: English] [11 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Estonia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of Estonian krooni", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Estonia (thousands of Estonian krooni) Fiscal year: 2010", "[TABLE]", "^(a) Logistic Centre, Reconnaissance Battalion.", "^(b) Battle School of the Defence Forces, Baltic Defence College, Military Academy, Information Board, Laidoner Museum, Seli Health Centre, Defence Resources Agency.", "^(c) Ministry of Defence, General Staff of the Estonian Defence Forces, Operational Headquarters.", "Finland", "[Original: English] [6 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Finland Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Finland (thousands of euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "[TABLE]", "Germany", "[Original: English]", "[24 March 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Germany Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Germany (millions of euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12)^(b) expenditure (14)^(a) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)^(a)", "1. Operating 5 295.4 2 481.1 2 987.5 9 459.7 995.9 517.2 4 619.0 25 838.6 190.5 costs", "1.1 Personnel 3 250.1 677.8 1 655.4 6 762.2 483.4 4 619.0 17 448.0 62.8", "1.1.1 Conscripts 470.7 62.0 140.2 364.8 1.3 1 038.9", "1.1.2 Other 2 633.0 508.9 1 231.9 2 860.4 333.2 3 813.7 11 381.1 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 146.4 107.0 283.4 3 537.0 148.9 805.3 5 027.9 62.8 personnel", "1.2 Operations 2 045.3 1 803.3 1 332.1 2 697.5 512.5 517.2 8 390.6 127.7 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 575.5 52.8 60.7 205.4 44.4 938.9 5.6 for current use", "1.2.2 706.9 1 463.3 800.4 212.1 118.4 3 301.0 43.1 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 348.5 66.3 17.1 706.7 353.6 1 492.2 4.6 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 201.4 68.8 93.2 29.9 382.5 52.0", "1.2.5 Other 213.0 152.0 360.6 1 543.5 6.9 517.2 2 276.0 22.4", "2. Procurement 1 467.4 618.2 2 316.1 1 635.2 278.4 6 315.3 107.3 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 942.5 473.8 2 121.4 1 391.0 270.5 5 199.2 81.4", "2.1.1 Aircraft 154.0 96.7 1.850.2 455.7 2 556.6 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 0.7 31.8 62.3 69.4 164.3 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 0.2 303.6 268.1 572.0 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 230.5 0.9 91.4 322.8 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 33.5 33.5", "2.1.7 Other 37.0 0.0 4.1 0.0 41.2 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 135.8 12.8 50.4 135.0 334.0", "2.1.9 118.8 18.3 94.5 144.9 6.4 382.9 3.2 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 128.4 4.9 36.5 68.8 238.6 61.5 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 103.5 5.7 22.5 157.7 264.1 553.5 16.7", "2.2 Construction 524.9 144.4 194.7 244.2 7.9 1 116.1 25.9", "2.2.1 Air bases, 3.4 1.8 42.2 0.1 47.6 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile 3.4 3.4 sites", "2.2.3 Naval 17.8 17.8 bases and facilities", "2.2.4 2.6 0.3 4.4 1.4 8.7 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 219.8 3.1 25.3 9.6 257.8 facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 87.5 87.5 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 107.6 86.2 13.6 65.4 272.8 2.5 facilities", "2.2.8 12.9 45.0 11.0 68.9 19.6 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 16.3 1.4 5.3 35.4 7.9 66.3 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters 1.8", "2.2.12 Land 2.0", "2.2.13 Other 162.3 33.9 55.4 33.7 285.3", "3. Research and 412.6 184.3 485.6 21.6 1 104.1 2.3 development", "3.1 Basic and 49.3 22.0 193.2 264.5 0.4 applied research", "3.2 Development, 363.3 162.3 292.4 21.6 839.6 1.9 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 7 175.4 3 283.7 5 789.1 11 116.5 1 274.2 517.2 4 619.0 33 257.9 300.1", "^(a) Not included in column 13.", "^(b) Pension fees for military and civilian personnel.", "Ireland", "[Original: English] [10 June 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Ireland Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: ten thousand euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Ireland (ten thousand euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 52 237 10 507 7 970 8 261 2 181 52 2 080 182 83 471 606 costs", "1.1 Personnel 46 171 8 008 5 591 7 194 1 927 52 2 026 70 970 146", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 42 320 7 384 5 127 6 523 1 767 52 2 026 65 198 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 3 852 624 465 671 160 5 772 146 personnel", "1.2 Operations 6 066 2 500 2 379 1 067 254 53 182 12 501 461 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 1 502 775 442 262 63 4 3 048 461 for current use", "1.2.2 2 083 1 286 1 395 364 87 6 5 221 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 2 124 380 498 378 90 43 3 514 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 41 7 5 7 2 61", "1.2.5 Other 317 51 38 55 13 182 656", "2. Procurement 4 111 2 907 502 60 7 588 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 3 705 2 825 481 7 019", "2.1.1 Aircraft and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 2 200 2 200 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 1 621 274 211 2 105 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 1 062 179 138 1 379", "2.1.9 432 73 56 8 569 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 589 100 77 766 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other", "2.2 Construction 407 82 21 60 569", "2.2.1 Air bases, 21 21 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval 82 82 bases and facilities", "2.2.4 60 60 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 390 390 facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 13 13 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 32 32 facilities", "2.2.8 126 126 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 157 157 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 32 32 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters 4 4", "2.2.12 Land -414 -414", "2.2.13 Other 9 60 69", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 56 349 13 415 8 472 8 262 2 181 60 2 080 242 91 060 606", "Jamaica", "[Original: English]", "[31 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Jamaica Fiscal year: 2010/11", "National currency and unit of measure: Jamaican dollar", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval forces Air forces Total", "Personnel 7 395 880 000 476 539 000 337 581 000 8 210 000 000", "Operations 43 339 000 65 176 000 32 926 000 141 441 000", "Procurement 1 381 807 000 83 623 000 119 013 000 1 584 443 000", "Total 8 821 026 000 625 338 000 489 520 000 9 935 884 000", "Japan", "[Original: English] [27 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Japan Fiscal year: 1 April 2009-31 March 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: 100 million yen", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Japan (100 millions yen) Fiscal year: 1 April 2009-31 March 2010", "[TABLE]", "Notes:", "1. For technical reasons, budgetary figures are presented instead of actual expenditures.", "2. Details may not add up to the totals due to rounding off.", "3. “Personnel” row 1.1 includes food supplies for uniformed personnel.", "4. For technical reasons, the expenditures for the United States forces stationed in Japan (FY 2010: 188 billion yen) are included in the figures presented under column 6 (Support) and 7 (Command).", "5. Besides the above table, there is the cost for SACO (Special Action Committee on Okinawa) — related expenses (FY 2010: 17 billion yen) and United States forces realignment-related expenses (reduction of the burden to the local community) (FY 2010: 91 billion yen).", "6. In accordance with the restructuring of the Ministry of Defence, the cost for security conferences has not been included in the above table since 2008.", "Kazakhstan", "[Original: Russian] [29 March 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Kazakhstan Fiscal year: 2011", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of tenge", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Kazakhstan (thousands of tenge) Fiscal year: 2011", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad (10) United (6) (7) territory Nations (9) peace- keeping (11)", "1. Operating 147 113 384 1 440 993 costs", "1.1 Personnel 115 687 388 969 447.5", "1.1.1 251 358.0 Conscripts", "1.1.3 Civilian 7 438.5 personnel", "1.2 Operations 31 362 589 and maintenance", "1.2.1 8 353 366 76 980.0 Materials for current use", "1.2.2 15 756 161 3 760.0 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 121 442.0 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent 63 407 1 229.0 costs", "1.2.5 Other 7 244 062 9 438.0", "2. Procurement 53 086 417 and construction", "2.1 Procurement", "2.1.10 128 321.0 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.2 Construction", "3. Research 37 165 and development", "3.1 Basic and 37 165 applied research", "4. Total 200 236 966 1 569 314 (1+2+3)", "Latvia", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Latvia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of lats", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Latvia (millions of lats) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para-military Military Undistri-buted Total military Civil defence forces forces forces forces combat administration forces assistance (12) expend-iture (14) (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command (8) (13) (5)\n Resource costs Support Command Home territory Abroad United Nations (6) (7) (9) (10) peace-keeping (11)", "1. Operating 28.58 5.94 6.61 7.70 32.65 22.31 103.79 costs", "1.1 Personnel 23.56 3.62 4.10 6.86 21.92 14.30 74.36", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 22.73 3.61 3.84 5.91 16.47 4.98 57.54 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 0.83 0.01 0.26 0.95 5.45 3.12 10.62 personnel", "1.2 Operations 5.02 2.32 2.51 0.84 10.73 8.01 29.43 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 0.29 0.47 0.22 0.06 0.95 0.24 2.23 for current use", "1.2.2 0.67 0.26 0.45 0.04 3.60 0.33 5.35 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 1.73 0.89 1.61 0.25 1.21 5.42 11.11 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 0.14 0.07 0.03 0.02 0.27 0.05 0.58", "1.2.5 Other 2.19 0.63 0.20 0.47 4.70 1.97 10.16", "2. Procurement 6.23 15.06 9.91 0.35 1.96 0.44 33.95 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 5.76 12.96 1.57 0.10 1.35 0.41 22.15", "2.1.1 Aircraft and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 3.20 0.44 3.64 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 12.66 12.66 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 0.15 0.21 0.36 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 1.37 1.37", "2.1.9 0.69 0.30 1.13 0.01 0.29 0.41 2.83 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 0.35 0.09 0.85 1.29 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other", "2.2 Construction 0.47 2.10 8.34 0.25 0.61 0.03 11.80", "2.2.1 Air bases, 8.34 8.34 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 1.76 1.76 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 0.15 0.15 facilities", "2.2.6 Medical facilities", "2.2.7 Training 0.20 0.07 0.27 facilities", "2.2.8 0.06 0.06 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 0.04 0.03 0.07 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 0.17 0.19 0.18 0.61 1.15", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 34.81 21.00 16.52 8.05 34.61 22.75 137.74", "Lebanon", "[Original: Arabic/English] [7 June 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Lebanon Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: Lebanese pounds", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Fiscal Personnel Operations and Military Military Total military year maintenance/ construction research expenditure procurement and development", "2010 1 358 130 168 944 000 27 600 000 000 — 1 554 674 000 000 000 000 000", "Note: Fiscal year starts on 1 January.", "Lithuania", "[Original: English] [5 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Lithuania Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of litai", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Lithuania (millions of litai) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home NATO United Nations (6) (7) territory peace-keeping peacekeeping (9) (10) (11)", "1. Operating 171.5 37.5 88.5 242.2 66.7 82.5 3.8 55.0 747.7 costs", "1.1 Personnel 155.9 28.5 54.8 195.4 56.5 40.3 2.9 22.5 556.8", "1.1.1 Conscripts 0.4 0.4", "1.1.2 Other 141.5 26.0 51.1 169.2 32.5 27.7 22.5 470.5 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 14.4 2.5 3.7 25.8 24.0 12.6 2.9 85.9 personnel", "1.2 Operations 15.6 9.0 33.7 46.8 10.2 42.2 0.9 32.5 190.9 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 10.0 5.6 8.6 16.3 3.1 2.1 4.3 50.0 for current use", "1.2.2 0.9 0.3 1.2 3.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 6.8 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 3.8 2.3 3.2 13.2 3.0 1.3 1.8 28.6 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 0.1 0.1", "1.2.5 Other 0.8 0.8 20.7 13.9 3.5 38.6 0.9 26.2 105.4", "2. Procurement 2.8 32.8 43.3 12.8 6.8 3.0 101.5 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 2.3 29.6 41.6 11.5 4.5 0.1 89.6", "2.1.1 Aircraft 40.4 40.4 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 21.8 21.8 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 1.9 1.9 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition", "2.1.9 2.2 7.2 1.2 2.4 4.3 17.3 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 3.5 3.5 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 0.1 0.6 3.7 0.2 0.1 4.7", "2.2 Construction 0.5 3.2 1.7 1.3 2.3 2.9 11.9", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missiles sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 2.8 0.4 0.2 1.0 4.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel facilities", "2.2.6 Medical facilities", "2.2.7 Training 0.5 0.5 facilities", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 0.2 0.8 1.3 2.9 5.2 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 0.4 1.1 0.3 1.8", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 174.3 70.3 131.8 255.0 73.5 85.5 3.8 55.0 849.2", "Note: Paramilitary forces include conscription administration.", "Malaysia", "[Original: English] [14 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Malaysia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: ringgit", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval forces Air forces Tri-services Total", "Personnel 2 830 867 590 056 600 506 718 490 510 281 860 4 437 924 760 710", "Operations 1 113 876 863 252 030 1 175 483 281 232 790 3 433 844 110 630 560", "Procurement 181 661 100 358 330 500 665 418 900 7 200 010 1 212 610 510", "Construction 254 850 900 149 131 400 25 800 000 311 439 990 901 567 290", "Total 4 381 255 1 960 770 2 373 421 1 110 154 650 9 985 947 870 530 020 070", "Mexico", "[Original: Spanish] [4 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Mexico Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: peso", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Mexico (peso) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 42 596 405 15 418 3 716 61 731 751 costs 746 968 573 376 980 299", "1.1 Personnel 33 647 280 11 231 1 931 775 393 954 764 851", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 33 647 280 11 108 1 931 military 775 724 109 764 851 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 122 669 personnel 845", "1.2 Operations 8 949 124 4 187 1 784 and maintenance 971 574 619 612 129", "1.2.1 Materials 5 147 387 2 164 705 354 for current use 663 859 271 254", "1.2.2 2 012 574 743 677 501 035 Maintenance and 916 506 142 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 559 649 900 14 112 463 710 services 822 268", "1.2.4 Rent costs", "1.2.5 Other 1 229 512 1 264 114 512 492 925 020 465", "2. Procurement 2 578 498 2 996 113 097 5 688 304 and construction 069 709 063 404 536", "2.1 Procurement 2 199 065 2 028 113 097 380 730 232 404", "2.1.1 Aircraft 300 671 111 813 and engines 634 414", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 909 103 boats 405", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 69 662 644", "2.1.7 Other 3 865 262 174 154 ordnance and 996 ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 60 150 121", "2.1.9 783 651 353 292 544 1 283 Electronics and 310 990 communications", "2.1.10 1.063 735 126 715 Non-armoured 197 710 vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 347 813 568 95 727 412", "2.2 Construction 379 432 689 967 978 831", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missiles sites", "2.2.3 Naval 392 815 bases and 009 facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 27 000 facilities 000", "2.2.6 Medical 16 948 817 144 907 facilities 200", "2.2.7 Training 8 882 141 377 398 facilities 457", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 25 858 and 165 administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 353 601 731", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 45 174 903 18 415 3 829 67 420 055 815 677 636 474 384 835", "Montenegro", "[Original: English] [2 June 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Montenegro Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval forces Air forces Total", "Personnel 28 183 002", "Operations 9 472 343", "Procurement 2 610 200", "Total 40 265 545", "Montenegro (euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 32 235 708 5 419 37 655 345 costs 637", "1.1 Personnel 24 594 908 3 588 28 183 002 094", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 22 408 266 2 341 24 749 348 military 082 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 2 186 642 1 247 3 433 654 personnel 012", "1.2 Operations 7 640 800 1 831 9 472 343 and maintenance 543", "1.2.1 Materials 2 618 000 133 2 751 100 for current use 100", "1.2.2 622 719 50 672 719 Maintenance and 000 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 340 340 900 900", "1.2.5 Other 4 400 121 1 307 5 707 664 543", "2. Procurement 2 605 000 5 200 2 610 200 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 2 052 000 5 200 2 057 200", "2.1.1 Aircraft 270 000 270 000 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.4 Ships and 50 000 50 000 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.9 1 682 000 5 200 1 687 200 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 50 000 50 000", "2.2 Construction 553 000 553 000", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.5 Personnel 293 000 293 000 facilities", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 260 000 260 000", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 34 840 708 5 424 40 265 545 837", "Netherlands", "[Original: English] [2 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Netherlands Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Netherlands (thousands of euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating costs", "1.1 Personnel 1 111 088 452 571 420 029 279 724 699 053 1 407 419 4 369 884", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 942 227 398 877 387 254 247 652 287 932 65 986 2 329 928 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 168 861 53 694 32 775 32 072 411 121 84 100 782 623 personnel", "1.1.4 Military 1 257 333 1 257 333 pensions", "1.2 Operations 487 502 174 391 305 783 119 015 1 153 45 661 2 286 249 and maintenance 897", "1.2.1 Materials 12 021 4 173 12 430 3 648 98 556 130 828 for current use", "1.2.2 81 018 23 725 64 582 12 252 74 632 9 174 265 383 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 59 131 59 131 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs", "1.2.5 Other 394 463 146 493 169 740 103 115 980 709 36 487 1 831 007", "2. Procurement and construction", "2.1 Procurement 68 450 4 494 10 806 7 499 1 479 75 437 1 646 100 414", "2.1.1 Aircraft 333 191 333 191 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 3 335 3 335 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 253 154 253 154 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 17 057 17 057", "2.1.7 Other 17 041 17 041 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 10 262 3 679 1 186 81 756 96 884", "2.1.9 115 226 115 226 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 58 187 4 494 7 127 6 313 48 590 822 125 533 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 390 629 390 629", "2.2 Construction", "2.2.1 ...", "2.2.13 Other 219 435 74 615 294 050", "2A Other 94 679 94 679 expenditures", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and 74 736 74 736 applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 1 667 040 631 456 736 618 406 238 3 332 1 697 932 8 471 648 364", "Norway", "[Original: English] [24 February 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures (Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Norway Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of Norwegian kroner", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Norway (thousands of Norwegian kroner) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri-buted Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance (12) military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad (6) (7) territory United (9) Nations and NATO (10 & 11)", "1. Operating 6 079 733 4 217 4 337 3 171 3 515 216 1 564 766 3 404 26 291 021 costs 840 794 336 336", "1.1 Personnel 3 258 357 1 793 1 501 2 140 1 542 925 619 017 1 689 12 545 400 603 802 611 085", "1.1.1 ...", "1.2 Operations 2 821 376 2 424 2 835 1 030 1 610 003 945 749 1 650 13 318 216 and 237 992 725 134 maintenance", "1.2.1 ...", "1.2.5 Other 362 288 65 427 405 117", "2. Procurement 13 066 9 383 9 396 352 and 286 construction", "2.1 7 120 7 120 732 Procurement 732", "2.1.1 ...", "2.2 13 066 2 262 2 275 619 Construction 553", "2.2.1 ...", "3. Research 16 049 158 174 896 and 847 development", "4. Total 6 079 733 4 217 4 337 3 171 3 531 265 1 577 832 12 35 862 269 (1+2+3) 840 794 336 946 469", "Notes:", "1. Operating costs for land forces include both the army and the home guard.", "2. Norway also submitted information on defence planning for the period 2011-2014, military budget figures for 2011 and estimate budget figures for 2011‑2014.", "Peru", "[Original: Spanish] [14 June 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Peru Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: nuevos soles", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Peru (nuevos soles) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 4 572 804 825 306 412 1 115 910 costs 897.87 354.00 314.26 566.13", "1.1 Personnel 694 161 306 412 900 574 976.00 314.26 290.26", "1.1.1 Conscripts 5 474 5 474 374.00 374.00", "1.1.2 Other 177 788 177 788 military 504.26 504.26 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 123 149 123 149 personnel 436.00 436.00", "1.2 Operations 4 572 210 763 215 336 and maintenance 897.87 378.00 276.87", "1.2.1 Materials 5 149 5 149 for current use 733.00 733.00", "1.2.2 1 331 14 891 143 222 Maintenance and 470.57 461.00 931.57 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 3 241 3 233 6 474 services 427.30 083.00 510.38", "1.2.4 Rent costs 193 193 376.00 376.00", "1.2.5 Other 14 295 14 295 725.00 725.00", "2. Procurement 58 116 278 212 309 611 643 938 and construction 293.19 051.00 302.75 646.94", "2.1 Procurement 58 116 266 822 309 611 624 548 293.19 356.00 302.75 851.94", "2.1.1 Aircraft 69 264 307 515 376 779 and engines 087.00 000.00 087.00", "2.1.2 Missiles, 8 970 8 970 including 642.00 642.00 conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 1 021 1 021 boats 640.00 640.00", "2.1.5 Armoured 13 610 13 610 vehicles 220.00 220.00", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 1 706 2 096 3 802 ordnance and 154.00 302.75 458.75 ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 25 811 9 099 34 911 597.19 675.00 272.19", "2.1.9 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 21 626 21 626 Non-armoured 900.00 900.00 vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 163 826 163 826 734.00 734.00", "2.2 Construction 19 389 19 389 695.00 695.00", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval 8 480 8 480 bases and 029.00 029.00 facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 10 168 10 168 facilities 319.00 319.00", "2.2.6 Medical facilities", "2.2.7 Training facilities", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 741 741 347.00 347.00", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 62 688 1 081 616 023 1 759 849 191.06 137 617.01 213.07 405.00", "Poland", "[Original: English] [19 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Poland Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of Polish zlotys", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Poland (millions of Polish zlotys) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Other Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration (medical assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command support) (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 3 395.6 819.2 1 762.7 710.1 6 091.8 384.6 546.1 13 710.1 23.709 costs", "1.1 Personnel 2 696.3 561.8 1 217.9 536 3 010.5 290.5 151.5 8 464.5 18.703", "1.1.1 Conscripts 12.7 1.4 3.6 0.2 3 0.2 21.2", "1.1.2 Other 2 361.5 466.7 1 007.4 470.1 1 709 228.7 95.4 6 338.8 0.563 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 322.1 93.7 206.9 65.7 1 298.5 61.7 55.9 2 104.5 18.140 personnel", "1.2 Operations 699.3 257.4 544.8 174 3 081.3 94.1 394.6 5 245.6 5.006 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 234 66.3 162.3 62.6 554.3 5.5 18.4 1 103.4 0.696 for current use", "1.2.2 18.3 13.5 6.9 4 282.6 1.3 0.2 326.8 0.497 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 409.9 168.4 352.3 45 1 166.9 75.3 73.4 2 291.2 1.19 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 0.5 193.7 0.5 194.7 0.071", "1.2.5 Other 37.1 9.2 23.3 61.9 883.7 11.5 302.5 1 329.4 2.552", "2. Procurement 3 465.1 335 1 337 203.9 1 252.5 5.8 107.7 6 706.9 2.198 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 3 301.6 302.2 1 118.6 129 792.1 4.3 38.1 5 685.9 2.12", "2.1.1 Aircraft 661.9 13.7 919.2 3.4 8.1 54.3 1 652.5 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 333.3 128.5 6.2 5.2 8 476 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 80.2 80.2 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 853 38.9 891.8 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 207.3 1.7 209", "2.1.7 Other 455.5 4.2 9.4 52.7 50.9 527.7 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 367.5 4.4 25.9 18.3 11.4 427.5", "2.1.9 334.3 61.2 138.4 39.9 325.5 3.1 0.5 903 0.584 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 38.5 2.1 16.9 12.8 133.9 0.2 0.3 204.8 0.018 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 50.3 7.8 2.6 2 167.5 0.9 37.3 268.4 1.518", "2.2 Construction 163.5 32.8 218.4 74.9 460.4 1.5 69.5 1 021 0.078", "2.2.1 ...", "3. Research and 54.4 0.5 154 208.8 development", "3.1 Basic and 54.4 0.5 154 208.8 applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Pensions 5 430.2 5 430.2", "Total (1+2+3+4) 6 915.1 1 154.2 3 100.1 914 12 928.5 390.4 653.8 26 056.1 25.9", "Portugal", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Portugal Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Portugal (millions of euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 728 490 347 129 40 5 1 739 costs", "1.1 Personnel 631 399 267 91 33 5 1 426", "1.1.1 138 25 33 4 0.3 4.8 205 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 372 313 180 84 32 981 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 113 51 53 3 1 0.2 221 personnel", "1.2 Operations 97 90 81 38 6 313 and maintenance", "1.2.1 8 11 17 0.7 0.5 37 Materials for current use", "1.2.2 7 25 22 2 0.4 56 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 23 24 20 14 4 85 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent 0.2 0.9 0.3 0.1 0.7 2.2 costs", "1.2.5 Other 50 29 21 22 1 133", "2. Procurement 124 139 98 84 7 0.1 452 and construction", "2.1 124 139 98 83.6 7 0.1 452 Procurement", "2.1.8 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.02 0.1 2.1 Ammunition", "2.1.11 Other 123 736 96 34 4 42 1.035", "2.2 0.73 0.73 Construction", "2.2.12 Land 0.237 0.237", "2.2.13 Other 0.493 0.493", "3. Research and development", "4. Total (1 + 852 629 455 213 47 5.1 2 191 2 + 3)", "Republic of Korea", "[Original: English] [5 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Republic of Korea Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: 100 million won", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval Air forces Others Total forces forces*", "Personnel 64 770 16 140 16 203 24 092 121 205", "Operations 33 149 13 113 17 519 19 611 83 392", "Procurement 29 294 21 637 24 931 15 168 91 030", "Total 127 213 50 890 59 653 58 871 295 627", "* Forces under direct control of the Ministry of National Defence.", "Romania", "[Original: English] [19 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Romania Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of lei", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval Air forces Total forces", "Personnel 1 496 390 259 452 373 667 2 129 509", "Operations 175 718 42 728 154 082 372 528", "Procurement 283 634 44 253 263 832 591 719", "Total 1 955 742 346 433 791 581 3 093 756", "Romania (millions of lei) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 1 672.108 302.108 527.749 430.984 3 038.536 5 971.557 costs", "1.1 Personnel 1 496.390 259.452 373.667 331.888 2 759.261 5 220.658", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 1 426.764 225.678 335.784 257.758 2 617.741 4 863.725 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 69.626 33.774 37.883 74.130 141.250 356.933 personnel", "1.2 Operations 175.718 42.728 154.082 99.096 279.275 750.899 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 4.856 2.874 22.242 3.061 4.120 37.153 for current use", "1.2.2 8.195 1.723 7.446 2.430 1.476 21.270 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 4.737 2.299 2.341 1.183 10.978 21.538 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 0.256 0.086 0.072 0.003 2.102 2.519", "1.2.5 Other 157.674 35.746 121.981 92.419 260.599 668.419", "2. Procurement 295.860 60.124 267.955 22.187 148.972 795.098 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 283.634 44.253 263.832 17.745 51.487 660.951", "2.1.1 Aircraft 15.310 165.834 181.144 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 141.433 141.433 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 12.619 12.619 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 7.142 7.142 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 6.259 0.500 3.102 0.190 0.053 10.104", "2.1.9 128.800 15.824 94.896 17.555 51.434 308.509 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other", "2.2 Construction 12.226 15.871 4.123 4.442 97.485 134.147", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 46.544 46.544 facilities", "2.2.7 Training facilities", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 12.226 15.871 4.123 12.902 45.122 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 4.442 38.039 42.481", "3. Research and 0.022 0.040 17.085 17.147 development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 1 967.968 362.326 795.744 453.171 3 204.593 6 783.802", "Russian Federation", "[Original: Russian] [13 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Russian Federation Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of roubles", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Russian Federation (millions of roubles) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 303 244 93 367 98 190 142 329 1 199 9 150 108 136 892 479 9 748 costs 759 241", "1.1 Personnel 203 198 64 345 69 292 90 585 8 947 32 136 604 913 5 331 305 241", "1.1.1 Conscripts 1 498 1 498 26", "1.1.2 Other 124 989 37 971 52 838 46 428 7 089 29 136 435 277 3 690 military 721 241 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 78 209 26 374 16 454 44 157 1 858 1 085 168 137 1 615 personnel", "1.2 Operations 100 046 29 022 28 898 51 744 1 199 203 12 223 307 4 417 and maintenance 195", "1.2.1 Materials 65 639 19 041 18 960 34 063 786 19 2 847 141 355 1 541 for current use", "1.2.2 13 487 3 912 3 896 7 003 162 2 910 31 370 923 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 16 898 4 902 4 881 8 590 202 184 6 059 41 716 1 444 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 252 252", "1.2.5 Other 4 021 1 167 1 162 2 088 48 127 8 613 508", "2. Procurement 61 008 54 514 42 163 32 157 2 363 1 728 27 221 464 6 977 and construction 531", "2.1 Procurement 54 056 53 302 41 483 24 190 787 23 3 281 177 122 439", "2.1.1 Aircraft 354 16 883 160 17 397 28 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 31 737 32 31 769 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 12 169 632 12 801 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 2 286 39 36 2 361", "2.1.7 Other 21 530 52 21 582 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 1 875 146 3 921 191 6 133", "2.1.9 3 831 3 966 6 722 20 787 23 744 36 073 52 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 12 252 490 12 742 217 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 113 17 060 13 957 3 403 787 945 36 265 143", "2.2 Construction 6 952 1 212 680 7 967 1 576 1 705 24 44 342 6 537 250", "2.2.1 Air bases, 422 228 650 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval 117 117 bases and facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel 1 783 37 1 820 4 806 facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 66 47 1 258 1 371 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 607 901 13 1 521 facilities", "2.2.8 25 25 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 6 16 285 307 104 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 4 490 194 157 7 417 318 1 705 24 38 525 1 627 244", "3. Research and 3 512 29 871 14 770 245 12 37 125 48 572 19 development", "3.1 Basic and 29 1 59 31 120 19 applied research", "3.2 Development, 3 483 29 870 14 711 214 12 37 125 48 452 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 367 764 177 752 155 123 174 731 3 574 10 915 136 1 162 515 415", "Serbia", "[Original: English] [25 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Republic of Serbia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of Serbian dinars (RSD)", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Information on expenditures for defence for 2010", "1. Funds amounting to RSD 67,815.2 million were allocated for the purpose of defence financing for 2010. This amount also included resources for the supplementary financing of military pensions (RSD 22,946.7 million). The earmarked funds exceeded the funds allocated for 2009 (RSD 65,663.7 million) by 3.28 per cent.", "2. In 2010, the sum of RSD 67,806.3 million was spent for defence, which amounts to 99.9 per cent of the total earmarked resources. The resources spent for defence were allocated as follows:", "• military expenditures RSD 44,573.8 million (65.7 per cent)", "• civil defence RSD 285.8 million (0.4 per cent)", "• military pensions (supplementary financing) RSD 22,946.7 million (33.9 per cent)", "3. The resources for military expenditures (RSD 44,573.8 million) were spent as follows:", "(a) operational costs: RSD 40,324.4 million (90.5 per cent), including RSD 23,433.2 million for salaries and reimbursements/allowance for the employees in the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense and RSD 14,993.8 million for regular sustenance, which includes logistic support, training and other tasks within the scope of regular activities;", "(b) procurement and construction: RSD 4,193.1 million (9.4 per cent), including RSD 3,089.3 million for armaments and military equipment and RSD 1,103.8 million for construction and maintenance of military facilities;", "(c) research and development: RSD 56.3 million (0.1 per cent).", "4. The largest portion of the resources is appropriated for regular activities and salaries (90.5 per cent), which significantly limits the resources for armaments and military equipment, construction of military facilities and flats and research and development. The procurement of more modern and more complex technical systems is impossible, and available resources are limited to general overhaul and minor technical upgrades and the procurement of ammunition and movables for general purposes. As a result, the SAF inevitably lags behind neighbouring countries in technical terms. There is a similar situation in the military construction field, where the funds were used for construction, the purchase of buildings and facilities and for capital maintenance. It was a priority to spend funds on better working conditions for employees; housing, however, was neglected owing to insufficient funds. The impossibility of resolving the housing issues of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense members within the earmarked budget has been a significant problem for years. The Government therefore adopted a master plan, to ensure resources by selling surplus real estate and movables, to be used for financing the reform of the Ministry and the purchase of flats for members of the Serbian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense.", "5. In 2010, the expenditures for the procurement of equipment and for the general overhaul and upgrading of armaments and military equipment amounted to RSD 3,089.3 million, and thus are lower than the 2009 amount by RSD 4,394.9 million.", "6. A modest 0.1 per cent of the total amount spent on military expenditures was used for research and development, which is below the real need.", "Landforces\tNavalforces\tAirforces\tTotal \nPersonnel 7 885355 3 380 202\t11 265557\nOperations 2 120077 677 275\t2 797 352\nProcurement 801 928 196 546\t998 474\nTotal 10 807360 4 254 023\t15 061383", "Serbia (thousands of Serbian dinars (RSD)) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 10 005 432 4 057 17 022 9 239 301 40 324 396 285 809 costs 477 186", "1.1 Personnel 7 885 355 3 380 7 215 6 849 390 25 330 604 265 003 202 657", "1.1.1 89 807 11 879 188 428 105 170 395 284 5 100 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 5 627 355 2 431 5 010 4 821 975 17 890 794 187 330 military 205 259 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 2 168 193 937 118 2 016 1 922 245 7 044 526 72 553 personnel 970", "1.2 Operations 2 120 077 677 275 9 806 2 389 911 14 993 792 20 806 and 529 maintenance", "1.2.1 357 192 93 983 1 742 592 870 2 786 807 768 Materials for 762 current use", "1.2.2 350 310 378 711 222 981 314 968 1 266 970 2 805 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 406 405 170 076 1 392 1 264 821 3 233 721 11 825 Purchased 419 services", "1.2.4 Rent 197 51 077 51 274 costs", "1.2.5 Other 1 005 973 34 505 6 397 217 252 7 655 020 5 408 290", "2. Procurement 801 928 196 546 1 058 2 136 372 4 193 129 and 283 construction", "2.1 634 999 132 195 505 783 1 816 342 3 089 319 Procurement", "2.1.1 Aircraft and engines", "2.1.11 Other 634 999 132 195 505 783 1 816 342 3 089 319", "2.2 166 929 64 351 552 500 320 030 1 103 810 Construction", "2.2.1 ...", "2.2.13 Other 166 929 64 351 552 500 320 030 1 103 810", "3. Research 22 200 34 083 56 283 and development", "3.1 Basic and 22 200 34 083 56 283 applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total 10 807 360 4 254 18 102 11 459 756 44 573 808 285 809 (1+2+3) 023 669", "Note: Besides defence expenditures, it is envisaged that RSD 22,946,657 thousand will be used to finance military pensions.", "Slovakia", "[Original: English] [4 May 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Slovakia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of euros", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Slovakia (thousands of euros) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 105 653 126 303 181 274 207 976 29 338 68 719 331 4 651 costs 787", "1.1 Personnel 99 453 85 215 140 668 128 339 22 333 43 519 180 3 366 172", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 96 619 77 313 110 703 114 273 9 684 28 435 576 military 084 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 3 834 7 902 29 965 14 066 12 749 15 83 604 3 366 personnel 088", "1.2 Operations 6 200 41 088 40 606 79 637 7 005 25 200 151 1 285 and maintenance 615", "1.2.1 Materials 2 263 9 467 3 013 23 894 4 763 5 631 49 031 170 for current use", "1.2.2 2 392 26 228 17 397 7 436 324 3 295 57 072 194 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 433 4 165 10 176 22 873 750 4 190 42 587 441 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 3 225 1 180 1 114 283 5 802 5", "1.2.5 Other 1 112 1 228 6 795 24 254 54 12 45 659 475 216", "2. Procurement 31 950 29 831 35 641 25 431 163 10 133 148 6 632 and construction 132", "2.1 Procurement 31 880 16 063 34 665 9 311 130 4 866 96 915 6 632", "2.1.1 Aircraft 7 942 7 942 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 2 108 2 108 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 1 861 1 861", "2.1.7 Other 1 122 1 122 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 343 546 2 020 112 7 3 028", "2.1.9 20 849 3 081 7 341 442 18 2 166 33 897 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 2 754 10 486 1 085 560 14 885 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 3 965 4 494 13 696 7 784 2 133 32 072 6 632", "2.2 Construction 70 13 768 976 16 120 33 5 266 36 233", "2.2.1 Air bases, 9 189 9 189 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 4 579 894 5 473 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel facilities", "2.2.6 Medical 1 991 1 991 facilities", "2.2.7 Training 5 266 5 266 facilities", "2.2.8 70 7 77 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters 33 33", "2.2.12 Land 397 397", "2.2.13 Other 75 13 732 13 807", "3. Research and 45 105 150 development", "3.1 Basic and 45 105 150 applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 137 603 156 134 216 915 233 452 29 501 79 852 629 11 283 024", "Slovenia", "[Original: English] [2 June 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Slovenia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: euro", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Slovenia (euro) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 328 542 629 49 430 377 973 231 31 858 441 costs 602", "1.1 Personnel 258 216 952 34 466 292 683 148 12 598 622 196", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 258 216 952 258 216 952 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 34 466 34 466 196 12 598 622 personnel 196", "1.2 Operations 70 325 677 14 964 85 290 083 19 259 819 and maintenance 406", "1.2.1 Materials 3 348 357 399 549 3 747 906 552 383 for current use", "1.2.2 29 391 968 4 126 33 518 506 1 732 214 Maintenance and 538 repair", "1.2.3 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 873 605 439 046 1 312 651 814 213", "1.2.5 Other 36 711 747 9 999 46 711 020 16 161 009 273", "2. Procurement 124 822 484 7 256 132 078 642 3 522 585 and construction 158", "2.1 Procurement 116 691 381 1 748 118 439 746 3 104 190 365", "2.1.1 Aircraft 3 031 774 37 397 3 069 171 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 36 754 677 94 781 36 849 458 boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 35 078 081 14 281 35 092 362 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 11 361 815 11 361 815", "2.1.9 27 588 343 1 537 29 126 229 2 859 171 Electronics and 886 communications", "2.1.10 1 344 1 344 42 624 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 2 876 691 62 676 2 939 367 202 395", "2.2 Construction 8 131 103 5 507 13 638 896 418 395 793", "2.2.1 Air bases, 3 519 042 2 808 6 327 382 airfields 340", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 1 334 009 809 164 2 143 173 66 986 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel facilities", "2.2.6 Medical facilities", "2.2.7 Training 972 232 346 661 1 318 893 facilities", "2.2.8 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command 459 600 8 253 467 853 and administration facilities", "2.2.10 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land 954 378 954 378", "2.2.13 Other 1 846 220 580 997 2 427 217 351 409", "3. Research and 7 758 7 758 096 9 021 development 096", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, 7 758 7 758 096 9 021 testing and 096 evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 453 365 113 64 444 517 809 969 35 390 047 856", "Switzerland", "[Original: English] [12 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Switzerland Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of Swiss francs", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Switzerland (millions of Swiss francs) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 684.1 218.9 175.0 1 196.4 193.3 2 467.7 67.9 costs", "1.1 Personnel 469.6 144.8 104.4 925.1 1 643.9 43.3", "1.1.1 Conscripts 146.3 54.6 20.9 221.8", "1.1.2 Other 323.3 90.2 413.5 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 104.4 904.2 1 008.6 43.3 personnel", "1.2 Operations 214.5 74.1 70.6 271.3 193.3 823.8 24.6 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 26.5 204.7 231.2 for current use", "1.2.2 144.5 66.5 18.1 18.3 247.4 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased 4.4 11.3 10.3 26.0 services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 22.8 7.6 7.6 38.0", "1.2.5 Other 42.8 7.1 38.0 193.3 281.2 24.6", "2. Procurement 1 190.7 4 496.6 0.2 21.7 1 709.2 33.1 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 1 080.2 412.1 0.2 1 492.5 28.1", "2.1.1 Aircraft 394.1 394.1 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured 88.6 88.6 vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery 96.3 96.3", "2.1.7 Other 301.5 301.5 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 71.9 18.0 89.9", "2.1.9 150.9 150.9 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 54.2 54.2 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 316.8 0.2 317.0 28.1", "2.2 Construction 110.5 84.5 21.7 216.7 5.0", "2.2.1 Air bases, 49.8 49.8 airfields", "2.2.2 Missile sites", "2.2.3 Naval bases and facilities", "2.2.4 Electronics, etc.", "2.2.5 Personnel facilities", "2.2.6 Medical facilities", "2.2.7 Training 39.0 34.7 73.7 facilities", "2.2.8 21.7 21.7 Warehouses, depots, etc.", "2.2.9 Command and administration facilities", "2.2.10 23.8 23.8 Fortifications", "2.2.11 Shelters", "2.2.12 Land", "2.2.13 Other 47.7 47.7 5.0", "3. Research and 48.6 13.3 2.2 48.7 112.8 4.0 development", "3.1 Basic and 4.4 2.2 1.3 4.4 12.3 4.0 applied research", "3.2 Development, 44.2 11.2 0.9 44.3 100.5 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 1 923.4 728.8 177.4 1 266.8 193.3 4 289.7 105.0", "Notes:", "1. Figures in column 14 (civil defence) are not part of the military budget.", "2. Switzerland also submitted data on its military budget for 2011.", "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: thousands of denars", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (thousands of denars) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 2 903 538 390 002 1 240 857 193 5 390 851 costs 118", "1.1 Personnel 2 667 891 266 294 894 668 437 982 4 266 835", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 2 634 133 257 624 848 433 207 853 3 948 043 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 33 758 8 670 46 235 230 129 318 792 personnel", "1.2 Operations 235 647 123 708 345 450 419 211 1 124 016 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 17 790 622 36 273 35 457 90 152 for current use", "1.2.2 32 013 69 490 39 194 5 148 145 845 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 48 120 11 390 9 090 36 900 105 500", "1.2.5 Other 137 724 42 206 260 893 341 696 782 519", "2. Procurement 294 552 189 103 11 795 164 500 659 950 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 294 552 189 103 1 500 20 000 505 155", "2.1.1 Aircraft 183 148 183 148 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 116 600 116 600 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 52 815 52 815", "2.1.9 48 836 1 500 20 000 70 336 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 76 301 5 955 82 256 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other", "2.2 Construction", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "3. Research and development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1+2+3) 3 198 090 579 105 1 251 1 021 693 6 050 801 913", "Note: The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia also provided information on its military budget for 2011.", "Turkey", "[Original: English] [12 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: Turkey Fiscal year: 2010", "National currency and unit of measure: Turkish liras", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "Land forces Naval forces Air forces Total", "Personnel 4 032 862 599 1 240 240 300 1 523 349 200 6 796 452 099", "Operations 1 835 618 885 442 201 190 615 681 443 2 893 501 518", "Procurement 1 293 955 970 537 233 526 1 020 548 704 2 851 738 200", "Total 7 162 437 454 2 219 675 016 3 159 579 347 12 541 691 817", "Turkey (Turkish liras) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 5 868 1 682 2 139 19 273 400 1 580 1 360 11 291 140 067 costs 481 484 441 490 030 643 552 450 600", "1.1 Personnel 4 032 1 240 1 523 16 627 000 1 225 1 360 8 040 333 749 862 599 240 300 349 200 894 450 200", "1.1.1 Conscripts 161 314 99 219 30 466 12 303 754 654 504 224 984 753 942", "1.1.2 Other 3 145 843 363 1 203 926 6 118 987 749 military 632 827 404 445 868 545 personnel 650 including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 725 915 297 657 289 436 16 627 000 286 1 360 1 617 591 346 personnel 268 672 348 594 450 608", "1.2 Operations 1 835 442 201 615 681 2 646 400 354 3 250 806 318 and maintenance 618 885 190 443 658 400", "1.2.1 Materials 161 361 202 634 373 977 317 738 289 818 for current use 385 390 043 000", "1.2.2 414 434 587 979 47 882 123 644 442 850 Maintenance and 350 000 900 328 repair 600", "1.2.3 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 38 324 15 141 14 937 16 85 372 600 000 400 000 970 200", "1.2.5 Other 1 221 165 628 178 884 2 646 400 214 1 782 701 050 499 150 400 500 042 600", "2. Procurement 1 443 557 845 1 048 3 282 108 509 714 17 7 064 379 174 and construction 760 170 826 537 019 538 589 400 250", "2.1 Procurement 1 293 537 233 1 020 3 279 857 309 319 17 6 468 305 359 955 970 526 548 704 241 468 600 250", "2.1.1 Aircraft 80 699 816 350 2 000 084 154 2 897 134 179 and engines 750 275", "2.1.2 Missiles, 56 935 60 335 28 378 32 675 200 178 324 844 including 332 433 879 conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and 74 465 153 263 608 227 728 608 boats 000", "2.1.5 Armoured 458 328 365 313 13 316 336 096 000 610 1 173 663 994 vehicles 060 039 895 000", "2.1.6 Artillery 170 130 170 130 500 500", "2.1.7 Other 42 849 9 300 61 474 1 731 200 2 116 117 471 636 ordnance and 013 456 967 000 ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition", "2.1.9 317 875 22 016 91 414 256 765 145 184 4 285 876 692 864 Electronics and 416 598 605 336 000 communications 100", "2.1.10 156 313 5 201 8 723 10 2 379 183 182 982 Non-armoured 899 000 083 566 000 vehicles 000", "2.1.11 Other 10 824 602 000 890 000 499 242 002 122 10 643 975 752 000 223 194 500 250", "2.2 Construction 149 804 20 612 27 988 2 251 200 395 121 596 073 815 200 300 315 296 000 800", "2.2.1 Air bases, 121 121 000 airfields 000", "2.2.13 Other 149 804 20 612 27 988 2 251 200 395 595 952 815 200 300 315 296 800", "3. Research and 77 477 14 954 30 427 4 224 000 31 158 494 500 development 700 443 757 410 600", "3.1 Basic and 77 439 30 427 2 637 110 505 157 applied research 700 757 700", "3.2 Development, 38 000 14 954 4 224 000 28 47 989 343 testing and 443 772 evaluation 900", "4. Total (1+2+3) 7 389 2 255 3 217 3 305 605 909 2 326 18 18 514 013 741 719 354 241 759 995 419 501 949 600 700", "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "[Original: English] [28 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Fiscal year: 2010/11 (April 2010 to March 2011)", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of pounds sterling", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "United Kingdom (millions of pounds sterling) Fiscal year: 2008/9 (April 2008-March 2009)", "Force groups Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating 7 285 2 289 2 938 1 759 10 359 2 608 45 27 284 costs", "1.1 Personnel 5 435 1 757 2 052 1 759 2 690 234 13 928", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other 4 809 1 577 1 802 1 759 1 289 205 11 441 military personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 626 180 251 0 0 1 401 0 0 29 0 0 2 487 personnel", "1.2 Operations 1 850 532 885 0 0 7 669 0 0 2 374 45 0 13 356 and maintenance", "1.2.1 Materials 1 507 519 878 0 0 7 233 0 0 2 374 45 0 12 556 for current use", "1.2.2 Maintenance and repair", "1.2.3 Purchased services", "1.2.4 Rent costs 343 13 7 0 0 437 0 0 0 0 0 800", "1.2.5 Other", "2. Procurement 532 61 113 0 0 6 981 0 0 1 533 0 0 9 220 and construction", "2.1 Procurement 362 61 113 0 0 6 520 0 0 1 533 0 0 8 589", "2.1.1 Aircraft 2 833 0 0 0 0 0 2 833 and engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 3 305 0 0 1 533 0 0 4 838 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs", "2.1.4 Ships and boats", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles", "2.1.6 Artillery", "2.1.7 Other 145 15 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 235 ordnance and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 188 46 38 0 0 37 0 0 0 0 0 310", "2.1.9 25 0 0 0 0 231 0 0 0 0 0 256 Electronics and communications", "2.1.10 3 0 0 0 0 113 0 0 0 0 0 117 Non-armoured vehicles", "2.1.11 Other", "2.2 Construction 170 0 0 0 0 461 0 0 0 0 0 631", "2.2.1 Air bases, airfields", "2.2.9 Command 170 0 0 0 0 461 0 0 0 0 0 631 and administration facilities", "2.2.13 Other", "3. Research and 2 0 0 0 0 2 548 0 0 0 0 0 2 550 development", "3.1 Basic and 2 0 0 0 0 1 272 0 0 0 0 0 1 274 applied research", "3.2 Development, 0 0 0 0 0 1 276 0 0 0 0 0 1 276 testing and evaluation", "4. Total (1 + 2 7 819 2 351 3 051 0 1 759 19 888 0 0 4 141 45 0 39 053 + 3)", "Note: Please note that minor differences are due to roundings.", "United States of America", "[Original: English] [29 April 2011]", "United Nations Standardized Instrument for Reporting Military Expenditures", "(Actual outlays, current prices)", "Country: United States of America Fiscal year: 2010 ending 30 September", "National currency and unit of measure: millions of United States dollars", "(The unit of measure should not exceed one ten thousandth of the total military expenditures.)", "United States of America (millions of United States dollars) Fiscal year: 2010", "Force groups^(a) Strategic Land Naval Air Other Central support Para- Military Undistri- Total Civil forces^(h) forces forces forces combat administration military assistance buted military defence^(e) (1) (2) (3) (4) forces and command forces (12) expenditure (14) (5) (8) (13)\n Resource costs Support Command Home Abroad United Nations (6) (7) territory (10) peacekeeping (9) (11)", "1. Operating costs 170 761 99 052 90 216 .. 71 652 .. .. .. ... ... - 431 681", "1.1 Personnel 87 808 62 042 49 896 .. 15 646 .. .. .. ... ... - 215 392", "1.1.1 Conscripts", "1.1.2 Other military 69 544 46 283 35 349 .. 4 516 .. .. .. ... ... - 155 692 personnel including reserves", "1.1.3 Civilian 18 264 15 759 14 547 .. 11 130 .. .. .. ... ... - 59 700 personnel^(c)", "1.2 Operations and 82 953 37 010 40 320 .. 56 006 .. .. .. ... ... - 216 289 maintenance", "2. Procurement and 56 425 46 810 42 254 .. 10 001 2 450 .. .. ... ... 17 175 820 construction 880", "2.1 Procurement 45 981 42 425 38 371 .. 4 374 2 450 .. .. ... ... 17 151 481 880", "2.1.1 Aircraft and 5 672 14 337 13 736 .. ... .. .. .. ... ... - 33 745 engines", "2.1.2 Missiles, 2 034 3 062 4 412 .. ... .. .. .. ... ... - 9 508 including conventional warheads", "2.1.3 Nuclear warheads and bombs^(b)", "2.1.4 Ships and boats 11 893 ... .. ... .. .. .. ... ... - 11 893", "2.1.5 Armoured vehicles 6 274 ^(g) ... .. ... .. .. .. ... ... - 6 274", "2.1.6 Artillery ^(f) ^(g)", "2.1.7 Other ordnance ^(f) ^(g) and ground force weapons", "2.1.8 Ammunition 2 260 ^(g) ^(g) .. ... .. .. .. ... ... - 2 260", "2.1.9 Electronics and ^(g) ^(g) ^(g) communications", "2.1.10 Non-armoured ^(g) ^(g) ^(g) vehicles", "2.1.11 Other 29 741 13 133 20 223 .. 4 374 2 450 .. .. ... ... - 69 921", "2.2 Construction^(d) 10 444 4 385 3 883 .. 5 627 .. .. .. ... ... - 24 339", "3. Research and 10 714 19 201 26 215 .. 20 861 .. .. .. ... ... - 76 991 development", "3.1 Basic and applied research", "3.2 Development, testing and evaluation", "Undistributed (817) 1 820 820 .. (1 696) .. .. .. 11 436 2 846 1 279 15 688 43 178", "4. Total 237 083 166 883 159 505 .. 100 818 2 450 .. .. 11 436 2 846 19 700 180 43 178 (1+2+3+undistributed) 159", "Notes:", "^(a) The contents of each force group are explained in following documentation.", "^(b) All atomic energy defence activities, including weapons and materials production, naval reactor development and verification and control technology.", "^(c) Additional civilian pay in military construction, family housing, revolving and management funds and research, development testing and evaluation funds is $8,282 million.", "^(d) Includes the cost of defence family housing.", "^(e) Department of Homeland Security outlays, excluding defence-related activities.", "^(f) Included in Resource Cost 2.1.5.", "^(g) Included in Resource Cost 2.1.11.", "^(h) All strategic forces are contained in army, navy and air force columns.", "Military expenditures for fiscal year 2010", "(in millions of United States dollars at current prices; for fiscal year ending 30 September)", "Military expenditures (actual outlays) are of the individual military departments (Army, Navy, Air Force) and the defence agencies within the Department of Defense, as well as of the Department of Energy (for defence nuclear programmes) and the Department of Homeland Security (for defence-related activities). Civil defence expenditures are for non-defence-related activities from the Department of Homeland Security budget since fiscal year 2002. (Prior to fiscal year 1995, civil defence expenditures were from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) budget.)", "These expenditures are entered for each force group in the United Nations Instrument as follows:", "Strategic forces (column 1): These forces do not have a separate service or military department in the United States; therefore, spending data are not readily available for them. All resources for strategic offensive, defensive and command, control and communications forces are contained in the budgets of the Air Force, Navy and Army.", "Army forces (column 2): The budget of the Department of the Army.", "Navy/Marine forces (column 3): The budget of the Department of the Navy, including the Navy and the Marine Corps.", "Air forces (column 4): The budget of the Department of the Air Force.", "Other combat forces (column 5): Not applicable: all active and reserve military forces are financed from the above military service budgets.", "Central support and administration:", "Agencies (column 6): The budgets of defence agencies (Office of the Secretary of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency, Defense Information Systems Agency, Defense Contract Audit Agency, etc.) that provide defence-wide support and general administration.", "Other (column 7): Special defence-wide programmes that do not normally fall under military departments or defence agencies (e.g., environmental restoration, support of World Games, etc.).", "Paramilitary (column 8): Not applicable.", "Military assistance:", "Home (column 9): Not applicable.", "Abroad (column 10): The budget category “international security assistance” in the budget of the United States Government for fiscal year 2012, including foreign military financing, economic support fund and other programmes.", "United Nations (column 11): Includes outlays for support of United Nations peacekeeping forces.", "Undistributed (column 12): Department of Energy, including outlays for the National Nuclear Security Administration, environmental and other defence activities. Since fiscal year 2002, also includes Department of Homeland Security outlays for defence-related activities, including Coast Guard and infrastructure protection and information security.", "Civil defence (column 14): Beginning fiscal year 2002: Department of Homeland Security outlays, excluding defence-related outlays which are included in military expenditures. Prior to 1995: FEMA programmes that received separate funding for civil defence activities. (FEMA did not programme separate funding for civil defence activities from 1995 forward. FEMA was incorporated into the new Department of Homeland Security in 2002.)", "[1] Reporting forms are available from Milex_ReportingForms.shtml.", "[2] United Nations publication, Sales No. E.10.IX.5.", "[3] The report of the Group of Governmental Experts is contained in document A/66/89." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表[1] 项目88(b)", "裁减军事预算", "军事情况的客观情报,包括军事支出的透明度", "秘书长的报告", ">", "摘要", "本报告载列从会员国收到的最近一个已有数据的财政年度的军事支出资料。秘书长迄今已收到49国政府的报告。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 2\n2.采取的行动 2\n3.从各国政府收到的回复 2", "一. 导言", "1. 大会在第64/22号决议第1段中,吁请会员国就最近一个已有数据的财政年度的本国军事支出向秘书长提出报告,最好并尽可能使用第35/142 B号决议所建议的汇报表格,或酌情使用为向其他国际或区域组织提出类似军事支出报告而制定的任何其他格式。如果会员国没有信息可供汇报,则鼓励它们提交“无”的报告。", "二. 采取的行动", "2. 2011年3月3日,裁军事务厅向会员国发出一份普通照会,请会员国在2011年4月30日之前提出报告。[2] 已收到的回复载于下文第三节。从会员国收到的其他回复将作为本报告增编印发。", "3. 裁军事务厅与斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所合作,发表了题为“关于推动军事开支进一步公开和透明”的不定期文件。[3]", "4. 该不定期文件的主要目标是协助政府专家组进行审议工作。政府专家组自2010年11月至2011年5月审查了军事开支标准汇报表的运作情况,以期加以进一步编制。[4]", "三. 从各国政府收到的回复", "注释性说明", "5. 秘书长迄今已收到49国政府的报告。若干国家提供了澄清说明和关于国防规划的补充资料,解释其军事支出和2011年的军事预算以及其后数年的前景。这些补充资料可在裁军事务厅查阅。", "6. 各国回复的原件可通过裁军事务厅查阅。年度报告和《军事支出标准汇报表》其他相关资料备有电子版,可从裁军事务厅网站查阅( convarms/Milex/html/MilexIndex.shtml)。", "从各国政府收到的报告总表", "报告国 收件日期 报告形式 补充资料和 澄清说明\n 标准 简化 “无报告”", "1. 阿尔巴尼亚 2011年4月29日 Y Y/-", "2. 安道尔 2011年3月24日 Y", "3. 阿根廷 2011年5月31日 Y", "4. 亚美尼亚 2011年4月29日 Y/-", "5. 澳大利亚 2011年4月28日 Y", "6. 奥地利 2011年4月29日 Y", "7. 白俄罗斯 2011年5月6日 Y Y", "8. 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2011年4月15日 Y Y/-", "9. 巴西 2011年4月29日 Y", "10. 保加利亚 2011年3月30日 Y", "11. 布基纳法索 2011年5月11日 Y Y", "12. 加拿大 2011年4月25日 Y", "13. 捷克共和国 2011年4月5日 Y Y- Y", "14. 萨尔瓦多 2011年5月13日 Y/Y Y", "15. 爱沙尼亚 2011年5月11日 Y Y", "16. 芬兰 2011年5月6日 Y", "17. 德国 2011年3月24日 Y", "18. 冰岛 2011年4月12日 Y", "19. 爱尔兰 2011年6月10日 Y", "20. 牙买加 2011年5月31日 Y", "21. 日本 2011年4月27日 Y Y", "22. 哈萨克斯坦 2011年3月29日 Y", "23. 拉脱维亚 2011年4月29日 Y", "24. 黎巴嫩 2011年6月7日 -/Y", "25. 立陶宛 2011年4月5日 Y", "26. 马来西亚 2011年5月4日 -/Y", "27. 墨西哥 2011年5月4日 Y", "28. 摩纳哥 2011年3月11日 Y", "29. 黑山 2011年6月2日 Y Y/-", "30. 瑙鲁 2011年4月26日 Y", "31. 荷兰 2011年5月2日 Y", "32. 挪威 2011年2月24日 Y Y", "33. 秘鲁 2011年6月14日 Y", "34. 波兰 2011年5月19日 Y", "35. 葡萄牙 2011年4月29日 Y", "36. 大韩民国 2011年5月5日 Y/-", "37. 罗马尼亚 2011年4月19日 Y Y/-", "38. 俄罗斯联邦 2011年5月13日 Y", "39. 萨摩亚 2011年3月15日 Y", "40. 塞尔维亚 2011年4月25日 Y Y/- Y", "41. 斯洛伐克 2011年5月4日 Y", "42. 斯洛文尼亚 2011年6月2日 Y", "43. 所罗门群岛 2011年4月25日 Y", "44. 瑞士 2011年4月12日 Y Y", "45. 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 2011年4月29日 Y Y", "46. 突尼斯 2011年5月5日 Y", "47. 土耳其 2011年4月12日 Y", "48. 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 2011年4月28日 Y", "49. 美利坚合众国 2011年4月29日 Y Y", "阿尔巴尼亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:阿尔巴尼亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千列克", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 1 876 000 583 585 534 100 2 993 685", "作业 1 623 957 227 553 335 059 2 186 549", "采购 146 843 662 243 1 969 593 2 778 679", "共计 3 646 799 1 473 362 2 838 752 7 958 913", "[TABLE]", "阿根廷", "[原件:西班牙文] [2011年5月31日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:阿根廷 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:比索", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:上表所列全部费用是按国防部2010年预算确定的。", "亚美尼亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:亚美尼亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万德拉姆", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 52 534.3 52 534.3", "作业 71 787.7 71 787.7", "采购 19 619.4 19 619.4", "其他 3 564.3 3 564.3", "共计 147 508.7 147 508.7", "澳大利亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月28日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:澳大利 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千澳元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "奥地利", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:奥地利 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "白俄罗斯", "[原件:俄文] [2011年5月6日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:白俄罗斯 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千白俄罗斯卢布", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:", "1. 中央支助行政(第6栏)的支出列于第2、4和7栏。", "2. 民防职能已转入紧急情况部,但该部没有准军事部队、民防部队,也没有此种部队的经费来源。", "3. 第4栏所列的是空军和防空部队作为白俄罗斯武装部队一个单一军种的支出。", "4. 第8栏所列的是边防部队、内务部队和运输部队的支出。", "5. 财政年度为2010年1月1日至12月31日。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月15日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:可兑换马克", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 242 209 647 242 209 647", "作业 59 554 535 59 554 535", "采购 4 252 135 4 252 135", "共计 306 016 318 306 016 318", "[TABLE]", "巴西", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:巴西 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千里亚尔", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "保加利亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年3月30日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:保加利亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:列弗", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "布基纳法索", "[原件:法文] [2011年5月11日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:布基纳法索 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万非洲法郎", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:", "1. 布基纳法索国防部队包括:陆军、空军和国家宪兵。", "2. 在布基纳法索,准军事部队不归属国防部管理。", "3. 民防部队由其他部委管理。", "4. 空军、陆军和国家宪兵人员的费用集中管理。", "加拿大", "[原件:英文、法文] [2011年4月25日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:加拿大 财政年度:2009-2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万加拿大元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "捷克共和国", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月5日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:捷克共和国 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千捷克克朗", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计 \n 人员 7 195 646 3 123 343 10 318 989 \n 业务活动 2 073 430 3 700 276 5 773 706 \n 采购 2 727 799 2 881 332 5 609 131 \n 共计 11 996 875 9 704 951 21 701 826", "[TABLE]", "注:", "预算资料(2010财政年度)", "捷克共和国2010财政年度国家预算由捷克共和国议会通过第487/2009 Call号法核定,总额为1 184 919 350 000捷克克朗。", "2010财政年度国防部核定预算共计48 867 060 000捷克克朗,后来在该财政年度内通过捷克共和国财政部网站所列的数项预算安排作了修订,国防部2010财政年度实际支出为49 143 074 000捷克克朗,2009年与2008年的比例(指数)为0.900:1。", "根据1999年维也纳文件的定义,按照联合国为2010财政年度所定方法,军事支出为50 777 969 000捷克克朗。", "预算项目按联合国1980年印发的题为“联合国军事支出标准汇报表”分成三类。", "1. 业务费用", "总额为40 120 227 000捷克克朗,占军事支出总额的79.01%,分成下列亚类:", "人员", "人员支出共计24 642 754 000捷克克朗,占军事支出总额的48.53%。", "运行和维护", "总额15 477 473 000捷克克朗,占军事支出的30.48%,用来支助部队业务训练需要,包括基础设施运行支出。", "2. 采购和建筑", "总额10 157 266 000捷克克朗,占军事支出的20.00%。", "这些支出的主要部分用于租赁和运行超音速飞机以及购买装甲运兵车。", "3. 研究和开发", "500 476 000捷克克朗用来研究和开发方案,占军事支出的0.98 %。", "萨尔瓦多", "[原件:西班牙文] [2011年5月13日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:萨尔瓦多 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:科郎;流通货币:美元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "一. 目的", "一般介绍萨尔瓦多武装部队的组织结构。", "二. 组织结构", "武装部队司令部负责对武装部队的总体领导。武装部队司令部由下列各级组成:共和国总统兼武装部队总司令;国防部部长和副部长;武装部队总参谋部参谋长和副参谋长。武装部队一般组织机构如下:", "A. 最高机构,负责武装部队的领导、组织、维持和运作,包括武装部队总司令部、国防部和武装部队总参谋部;", "B. 咨询机构,即参谋部长联席会议,是国防部的咨询机构;", "C. 附属机构,即武装部队总监察局,是军队的监察和审计机构;", "D. 武装部队常设分支,是执行任务部队的各级管理、准备和作业单位,包括空军和海军;", "E. 机构支持单位,任务是为武装部队执行任务提供一般支持手段,包括军事理论教育总部、后勤支持总部、军事医疗总部、军事安全特别行动队以及征兵和后备役总部。", "(单位:美元)", "类别 陆军 海军 空军 共计 \n人员(薪酬)\t80 590075.00\t303 945.00\t1 632915.00\t82 526935.00\n作业\t21 980428.55\t1 390591.91\t2 052415.00\t25 423435.46\n采购\t8 720227.01\t0.00\t0.00\t8 720227.01\n共计\t111 290730.56\t1 694536.91\t3 685330.00\t116 670597.47", "类别 项目 数额(美元) \n 薪酬 累计 104 786 922.74 采购货物和服务 运作 28 882 731.50 \n 经费支出和经常转账 4 250 796.21 \n 机构投资 固定资产 8 720 227.01 \n 共计 146 640 677.46", "注:上述经费参照2010财政年度总预算法所载的国防预算。", "爱沙尼亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月11日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:爱沙尼亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千爱沙尼亚克朗", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "^(a) 后勤中心、侦察营。", "^(b) 国防军作战学院、波罗的海国防学院、军校、情报局、Laidoner军事博物馆、Seli Helth中心、国防资源署。", "^(c) 国防部、爱沙尼亚国防军总参谋部、作战总部。", "芬兰", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月6日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:芬兰 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "德国", "[原件:英文] [2011年3月24日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:德国 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "^(a) 未列入第13栏。", "^(b) 军事和文职人员的养老金。", "爱尔兰", "[原件:英文] [2011年6月10日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:爱尔兰 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:万欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "牙买加", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月31日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:牙买加 财政年度:2010/11年", "国家货币和计量单位:牙买加元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 7 395 880 000 476 539 000 337 581 000 8 210 000 000", "作业 43 339 000 65 176 000 32 926 000 141 441 000", "采购 1 381 807 000 83 623 000 119 013 000 1 584 443 000", "共计 8 821 026 000 625 338 000 489 520 000 9 935 884 000", "日本", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月27日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:日本 财政年度:2009年4月1日至 2010年3月31日", "国家货币和计量单位:亿日元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:", "1. 由于技术原因,列报的是预算数字,而不是实际支出数字。", "2. 由于四舍五入,细目相加可能与总额不符。", "3. “人员(第1.1栏)”内包括着装人员的膳食费用。", "4. 由于技术原因,美国驻日本部队的支出(2010财政年度:1 880亿日元)包含在第6栏(支助)和第7栏(指挥)所列数字中。", "5. 除上表外,还有与冲绳问题特别行动委员会有关的费用(2010财政年度:170亿日元)和美军调整相关费用(减少地方社区负担)(2010财政年度:910亿日元)", "6. 按照防卫省的改组,安全会议费用自2008年起未列入上表。", "哈萨克斯坦", "[原件:俄文] [2011年3月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:哈萨克斯坦 财政年度:2011年", "国家货币和计量单位:千坚戈", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "拉脱维亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:拉脱维亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万拉特", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "黎巴嫩", "[原件:阿拉伯文/英文] [2011年6月7日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:黎巴嫩 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:黎巴嫩镑", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "财政年度 人员 作业和维护 采购 军事建筑 军事研究和开发 军事支出共计", "2010年 1 358 130 168 944 000 27 600 000 — 1 554 674 000 000 000 000 000 000", "注:财政年度从1月1日开始。", "立陶宛", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月5日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:立陶宛 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万立特", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:准军事部队包括征兵管理部门。", "马来西亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月4日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:马来西亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:林吉特", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 三军后勤服务 共计", "人员 2 830 867 590 056 600 506 718 490 510 281 860 4 437 924 760 710", "作业 1 113 876 863 252 030 1 175 483 281 232 790 3 433 844 110 630 560", "采购 181 661 100 358 330 500 665 418 900 7 200 010 1 212 610 510", "建筑 254 850 900 149 131 400 25 800 000 311 439 990 901 567 290", "共计 4 381 255 1 960 770 2 373 421 1 110 154 650 9 985 947 870 530 020 070", "墨西哥", "[原件:西班牙文] [2011年5月4日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:墨西哥 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:比索", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "黑山", "[原件:英文] [2011年6月2日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:黑山 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 28 183 002", "作业 9 472 343", "采购 2 610 200", "共计 40 265 545", "[TABLE]", "荷兰", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月2日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:荷兰 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "挪威", "[原件:英文] [2011年2月24日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:挪威 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:挪威克朗", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:", "1. 陆军的业务费用包括陆军和国民军的费用。", "2. 挪威还提交了以下资料:2011-2014年期间的国防规划、2011年的军事预算数字以及2011-2014年估计预算数字。", "秘鲁", "[原件:西班牙文] [2011年6月14日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:秘鲁 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:新索尔", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "波兰", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月19日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:波兰 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万波兰兹罗提", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "葡萄牙", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:葡萄牙 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "大韩民国", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月5日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:大韩民国 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:亿韩元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 其他部队^(*) 共计", "人员 64 770 16 140 16 203 24 092 121 205", "作业 33 149 13 113 17 519 19 611 83 392", "采购 29 294 21 637 24 931 15 168 91 030", "共计 127 213 50 890 59 653 58 871 295 627", "^(*) 国防部直接掌管的部队。", "罗马尼亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月19日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:罗马尼亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万列伊", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 1 496.390 259.452 373.667 2 129.509", "作业 175 718 42.728 154.082 372.528", "采购 283.634 44.253 263.832 591.719", "共计 1.955.742 346.433 791.581 3 093.756", "[TABLE]", "俄罗斯联邦", "[原件:俄文] [2011年5月13日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:俄罗斯联邦 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万卢布", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "塞尔维亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月25日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:塞尔维亚共和国 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千塞尔维亚第纳尔", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "2010年国防支出资料", "1. 用于2010年的国防经费的拨款为678.152亿塞尔维亚第纳尔。这一数额还包括用于补充军人养恤金的资源(229.467亿塞尔维亚第纳尔)。所拨经费数额比2009年的拨款增加了3.28%(656.637亿塞尔维亚第纳尔)。", "2. 2010年用于国防的资金达678.063亿塞尔维亚第纳尔,占所拨资源总数99.9%。国防支出资源结构如下:", "• 军事支出 445.738亿塞尔维亚第纳尔(65.7%)", "• 民防 2.858亿塞尔维亚第纳尔(0.4%)", "• 军人养恤金(补充资金) 229.467亿塞尔维亚第纳尔(33.9%)", "3. 用于军事支出的资源(445.738亿塞尔维亚第纳尔)分列如下:", "(a) 业务费用403.244亿塞尔维亚第纳尔(90.5%),其中包括:234.332亿塞尔维亚第纳尔用于武装部队和国防部员工的薪金和报销/津贴;149.938亿塞尔维亚第纳尔用于定期提供的给养,即经常活动范围内的后勤支援、训练及其他任务;", "(b) 采购和建筑工程费用41.931亿塞尔维亚第纳尔(9.4%),其中包括:30.893亿塞尔维亚第纳尔用于武器装备和军事装备,11.038亿塞尔维亚第纳尔用于军事设施建设和维护;", "(c) 5 630万塞尔维亚第纳尔用于研究和开发(0.1%)。", "4. 经常活动和薪金占资源的最大部分(90.5%),这就大大限制了用于配备武器装备和军事装备、军事设施和公寓建设以及研发的资源。这导致无法采购更现代和更复杂的技术系统,从而使可用资源仅限于全面大修和较小的技术升级以及采购弹药和一般性目的动产的资源。这就不可避免地造成塞尔维亚武装部队在技术上落后于邻国。在军事建设领域,我们也有类似情况,在这一领域,资金用于修建和购置楼房和设施及开展主要维修。优先事项是将资金用于改善员工的工作条件,而由于资金不足,住房问题则受到了忽视。多年来的一个严重问题是,无法用预算中专用款项解决塞尔维亚武装部队和国防部成员的住房问题。这一宗旨以及国防系统的进一步改革鼓励塞尔维亚共和国政府方面通过一项总体规划,旨在确保通过出售多余的地产和动产,把资源用于资助国防部的改革,并为塞尔维亚武装部队和国防部成员购置公寓。", "5. 与2009年相比,2010年采购设备以及进行全面大修及军备和军事装备升级的支出额为30.893亿塞尔维亚第纳尔,因此减少了43.949亿塞尔维亚第纳尔。", "6. 军事支出的总额中只有0.1%用于研发,低于实际需求。", "陆军 海军 空军 共计 \n人员 7 885355 3 380202\t11 265557\n作业 2 120077 677 275\t2 797352\n 采购 801 928 196 546 998 474 \n共计 10 807360 4 254023\t15 061383", "[TABLE]", "注: 除了国防支出外,预计有22 946 657第纳尔用于军人养恤金。", "斯洛伐克", "[原件:英文] [2011年5月4日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:斯洛伐克 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "斯洛文尼亚", "[原件:英文] [2011年6月2日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:斯洛文尼亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:欧元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "瑞士", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月12日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:瑞士 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万瑞士法郎", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:", "¹ 第14栏(民防)的数字不属于军事预算。", "² 瑞士还提交了2011年军事预算数据。", "前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:千第纳尔", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国还提供了2011年军事预算资料。", "土耳其", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月12日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:土耳其 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:土耳其里拉", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "陆军 海军 空军 共计", "人员 4 032 862 1 240 240 1 523 349 6 796 452 599 300 200 099", "作业 1 835 618 442 201 190 615 681 443 2 893 501 885 518", "采购 1 293 955 537 233 526 1 020 548 2 851 738 970 704 200", "总计 7 162 437 2 219 675 3 159 579 12 541 691 454 016 347 817", "[TABLE]", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月28日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 财政年度:2010/11年(2010年4月至2011年3月)", "国家货币和计量单位:百万英镑", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:请注意:细小出入是由于四舍五入。", "美利坚合众国", "[原件:英文] [2011年4月29日]", "军事支出国际标准汇报表 (以时价计的实际支出)", "国家:美利坚合众国 财政年度:9月30日终了的2010年", "国家货币和计量单位:百万美元", "(计量单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。)", "[TABLE]", "注:", "^(a) 每一兵种的组成在下列文件中解释。", "^(b) 所有原子能防卫活动,包括武器和材料生产、海军反应堆的研发及核查和管制技术。", "^(c) 军事建筑、家属住房、研发测试与评价及循环和管理基金的额外民事人员费用82.82亿美元。", "^(d) 包括防务家属住房费用。", "^(e) 国土安全部的支出,不包括防务相关活动支出。", "^(f) 列入资源费用2.1.5。", "^(g) 列入资源费用2.1.11。", "^(h) 所有战略部队支出列于陆军、海军和空军栏内。", "2010财政年度军事支出", "(以时价计算,百万美元;9月30日终了的财政年度)", "军事支出(实际支出)是各军种(陆军、海军、空军)和国防部内各防务机构以及能源部(国防核方案)和国土安全部(与国防有关活动)的支出。自2002财政年度以来,民防支出是国土安全部预算内与国防无关活动的支出(在1995财政年度以前,民防支出属于联邦紧急事务管理局预算)。", "在联合国汇报表内,各军种支出情况如下:", "战略部队(第1栏): 在美国,战略部队没有单独的军种或军事部门;因此战略部队的支出数据难以轻易得到。战略进攻、防御以及指挥、控制和通信部队的所有资源列于空军、海军和陆军预算内。", "陆军(第2栏): 陆军部预算。", "海军/海军陆战部队 海军部,包括海军和海军陆战队预算。 (第3栏):", "空军(第4栏): 空军部预算。", "其他战斗部队(第5栏): 不适用——所有现役和预备役军事部队从上述军事预算中列支。", "中央支助和行政:", "各署(第6栏): 为各军种提供支持和一般行政服务的各机构(例如国防部长办公室、国防后勤局、国防情报局、国防合同审计局等)的预算。", "其他(第7栏): 一般不属于各军事部或防务机构的各军种特别方案(如环境复原、支援世界运动会等)。", "准军事部队(第8栏): 不适用。", "军事援助:", "本土(第9栏): 不适用。", "国外(第10栏): 美国政府2012财政年度预算“国际安全援助”预算类别包括对外军事援助、经济支助资金和其他方案。", "联合国(第11栏): 包括支持联合国维持和平部队的支出。", "未分配(第12栏): 能源部,包括国家核安全署、环境和其他防务活动支出。自2002财政年度以来,还包括国土安全部防务相关活动,包括海岸警卫队及基础设施保护和信息安全的支出。", "民防(第14栏): 自2002财政年度以来:国土安全部的支出,不包括军事支出内所含防务相关支出。1995年之前:单独获得民防活动经费的联邦紧急事务管理局方案。(1995年以来,联邦紧急事务管理局不再单独编列民防活动经费。联邦紧急事务管理局于2002年并入国土安全部。)", "[1] ^(*) A/66/50。", "[2] 汇报格式可在下列网址查得: Milex_ ReportingForms.shtml。", "[3] 联合国出版物,出售品编号E.10.IX.5。", "[4] 政府专家组的报告载于A/66/89号文件。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "页:1", "暂定项目表* 项目88", "裁减军事预算", "军事情况的客观情报,包括军事支出的透明度", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "本报告载有从会员国收到的关于最近一个已有数据的财政年度军事支出的资料。 迄今为止,秘书长收到了49个政府的报告。", "目录", "页次\n一. 导言 2 二. 行动2\n三. 收到的回复 2\n各国政府", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 大会第64/22号决议第1段吁请所有会员国最好并尽可能地使用第35/142 B号决议所建议的汇报表,或酌情使用与向其他国际或区域组织提交类似军事支出报告同时拟订的任何其他格式,每年向秘书长报告其最近一个已有数据的财政年度的军事支出。 鼓励没有资料的会员国提交 \" 无 \" 报告。", "二. 采取的行动", "2. 2011年3月3日,裁军事务厅向会员国发出普通照会,请它们至迟于2011年4月30日提交报告。 [1] 收到的答复转载于下文第三节。 从会员国收到的任何其他报告将作为本报告增编印发。", "3个 裁军事务厅同斯德哥尔摩国际和平研究所合作,发表了一份题为 \" 促进军事支出的进一步公开性和透明度 \" 的不定期文件。 [2]", " 4.四. 这份不定期文件的主要目的是为政府专家组的审议工作提供便利,专家组于2010年11月至2011年5月审查了军事支出标准汇报表的运作情况,以期进一步发展该汇报表。 [3]", "三. 从各国政府收到的答复", "解释性说明", "5 (韩语). 迄今为止,秘书长收到了49个政府的报告。 一些国家就国防规划提供了澄清和补充资料,以解释其2011年的军事支出和军事预算以及今后几年的前景。 这一补充资料可向裁军事务厅索取。", "6. 国家 各国答复的原件可通过裁军事务厅查阅。 关于《军事支出标准汇报表》的年度报告和其他有关资料可以电子方式查阅裁军事务厅网站(。", "各国政府报告的总表", "报告国 提交材料的格式\n澄清\n标准化简化/“无”报告\n1. 阿尔巴尼亚 29.04.11 Y/-\n2. 安道尔 24.03.11 Y\n3. 阿根廷 31.05.11 Y\n4. 亚美尼亚 29.04.11 对\n5. 澳大利亚 28.04.11 Y\n6. 奥地利 29.04.11 Y\n7. 白俄罗斯 06.05.11 Y\n8. 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维纳 15.04.11 Y/-\n9. 巴西 29.04.11 Y\n10. 保加利亚 30.03.11 Y\n11个 布基纳法索 11.05.11 Y\n12. 加拿大 25.04.11 Y\n13个 捷克共和国 05.04.11 Y-Y\n14. 萨尔瓦多\n15. 爱沙尼亚 11.05.11 Y\n16. 芬兰 06.05.11 Y\n17. 德国 24.03.11 Y\n18. 冰岛 12.04.11 Y\n19. 爱尔兰 10.06.11 Y\n20. 牙买加 Y\n21. 日本 27.04.11 Y\n哈萨克斯坦 29.03.11 Y\n23. 联合国 拉脱维亚 29.04.11 Y\n24. 黎巴嫩 07.06.11 -/Y\n25岁 立陶宛 05.04.11 Y\n26. 马来西亚 04.05.11 -/Y\n27. 墨西哥.05.11 Y\n28. 摩纳哥 11.03.11 Y\n29. 黑山 02.06.11 Y Y/-\n30岁 瑙鲁 26.04.11 Y\n31岁 荷兰 02.05.11 Y\n32. 挪威 24.02.11 Y\n33. 秘鲁 14.06.11 Y\n34. 波兰 19.05.11 Y\n35. 联合国 葡萄牙 29.04.11 Y\n36. (中文(简体) ). 韩国共和国 05.05.11 对\n37. 联合国 罗马尼亚 19.04.11 Y/-\n38. 俄罗斯联合会 13.05.11 Y\n39. 联合国 萨摩亚 15.03.11 Y\n40. 塞尔维亚 25.04.11 Y/-Y\n41. 国家 斯洛伐克 04.05.11 Y\n42. 斯洛文尼亚 02.06.11 Y\n43. 东帝汶 所罗门岛 25.04.11 Y\n44. 瑞士 Y\n45. 国家 前南斯拉夫共和国 29.04.11 Y\n46. 突尼斯 05.05.11 Y\n47. 土耳其 12.04.11 Y\n 48. 48. 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 28.04.11 Y\n美利坚合众国 29.04.11 Y", "阿尔巴尼亚", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:阿尔巴尼亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千列克", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军共计", "人员 1 876 000 583 585 534 100 2 993 685", "业务 1 623 957 227 553 335 059 2 186 549", "采购 146 843 662 243 1 969 593 2 778 679", "共计 3 646 799 1 473 362 2 838 752 7 958 913", "阿尔巴尼亚(千列克) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 中央支助 军事行政援助和指挥\n资源费用 战略陆海军航空 其他支援司令部 驻外准军事部队 联合国未分配部队总数(1) 部队部队战斗部队(6) 部队(8) 领土(10) 维持和平(12) 军事防卫(2) (3) 部队(9)(11) 支出(14(5) (13))", "1. 运营 3 499 811 118 869 159 8 423 428 2 335 538 216 891 16 156 090 812 843 费用 957", "1.1 人员 1 876 583 585 534 100 6 183 750 1 166 667 181 445 10 525 547 637 608 000", "1.1.1 征兵 1 300 700 1 500 5 000 6 000 14 500 900", "1.1.2 其他 1 845 406 785 454 500 5 437 750 856 542 9 001 277 486 708名军事人员,包括后备人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 29 000 176 100 78 100 741 000 304 125 1 328 325 150 000人", "1.2 业务 1 623 227 533 335 059 2 239 678 941 871 35 446 5 403 543 175 235 和维修 957", "1.2.1 现用材料 59 059 115 786 203 892 485 132 65 253 929 121 14 272", "1.2.2 351 15 015 23 973 322 025 36 174 432 537 19 839 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买了50 896 20 423 12 954 200 749 116 754 401 777 12 443项服务", "1.2.4 租金 98 377 2 343 6 038 79 387 24 637 210 782 8 669", "1.2.5 其他 1 380 73 966 88 201 1 152 386 699 053 3 393 880 120 012 274", "2. 采购 146 843 662 243 1 969 464 608 138 610 178 360 3 560 258 15 429 和建筑 593", "2.1 采购", "2.1.1 飞机 1 929 1 929 792和发动机 792", "2.1.4 船舶和648 404 648 404艘船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他33 890 33 890个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 40 671 282 186 322 857", "2.1.11 其他 51 778 51 778", "2.2 建筑业", "2.2.6 医疗", "2.2.7 培训设施", "2.2.8 72 282 13 839 39 801 93 456 93 611 312 988 15 429 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥 19 035 45 000 64 035和行政设施", "3个 研究和开发", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 3 646 1 473 2 838 8 888 035 2 474 149 395 251 19 716 348 828 272 800 362 752", "联合国", "[原件:西班牙 [2011年5月31日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:阿根廷 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:比索", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "阿根廷(比索) 财政年度:2010", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 4 737 773 2 709 2 491 3 217 27 197 515 82 13 265 799 费用 028 719 171 346 857 216 155 547 608 882", "1.1 人员 4 153 839 2 2 213 1 795 3 008 1 734 316 59 11 233 189 133 535 950 792 532 391 710 896 703 062", "1.1.1 征兵 859 377 915 74 969 79 617 149 178 1 734 316 59 1 075 745 802 883 896 156 062", "1.1.2 其他 2 597 256 1 479 1 160 5 237 301 军事人员 252 942 365 102 893 510人,包括后备人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 697 204 966 658 623 556 071 235 193 2 147 094人 783 756 504 009", "1.2 业务 583 933 895 496 183 695 554 208 823 25 463 199 22 2 032 609 维修 221 325 445 651 905 820", "1.2.1 现用材料 273 513 874 239 920 188 273 25 838 7 840 393 16 751 446 824 976 691 073 059 817", "1.2.2 153 210 893 173 690 394 342 110 049 15 907 662 6 228 853 429 814 维修和687 827 687 058 修理", "1.2.3 购买65 348 007 70 560 11 378 1 689 1 715 144 363 151 055 630 服务 753 611 170 945", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 91 701 147 8 540 100 413 71 246 271 901 658 503 494 514", "2. 采购 147 943 876 36 883 277 572 28 345 1 644 577 32 525 375 604 和建筑 282 457 645 985 768", "2.1 采购 116 750 905 21 069 265 838 21 590 1 644 577 32 459 880 589 980 942 437 985 768", "2.1.1 飞机 6 126 465 6 561 1 893 14 580 740和发动机 099 176", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 28 442 057 5 023 2 729 2 820 130 214 1 784 40 930 204 电子和287 606 816 224 通信", "2.1.10 25 063 613 4 278 4 918 34 260 685 辆非装甲145 927型车辆", "2.1.11 其他 34 022 060 10 427 249 749 16 876 1 514 363 31 343 791 742 845 685 445", "2.2 建筑 31 192 970 15 813 11 733 6 755 65 495 015 322 515 208", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 7 515 7 515 174个基地和174个设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 8 698 203 7 898 16 596 593 设施 390", "2.2.6 医疗", "2.2.7 培训 399 758 399 758个设施", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 22 494 767 6 755 29 249 975 208", "3. 研究和7 334 497 65 093 739 133 1 325 9 464 644 发展 921", "3.1 基础研究和36 273 739 133 775 406 应用研究", "3.2 开发、7 334 497 28 820 1 325 8 689 238次测试和921次评估", "4. 共计(1+4 893 051 2 746 2 769 3 246 28 842 092 115 13 800 639 2+3) 400 667 546 658 447 886 721 533 856 650", "说明: 1. 上表所列费用由该部2010年预算支付。", "亚美尼亚", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:亚美尼亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万德拉姆", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军共计", "人员 52 534.3 52 534.3", "业务 71 787.7 71 787.7", "采购 19 619.4 19 619.4", "其他 3 564.3 3 564.3", "共计 147 508.7 147 508.7", "澳大利亚", "[原件:英 [2011年4月28日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:澳大利亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千澳大利亚元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "澳大利亚(千美元) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 中央支助 军事行政援助和指挥\n资源费用 战略陆海军航空 其他支援司令部 驻外准军事部队 联合国未分配部队总数(1) 部队部队战斗部队(6) 部队(8) 领土(10) 维持和平(12) 军事防卫(2) (3) 部队(9)(11) 支出(14(5) (13))", "1. 运营 3 871 1 990 2 228 7 552 193 2 276 336 45 901 17 964 637 费用 760 380 069", "1.1 人员 3 210 1 515 1 561 2 481 082 972 701 45 901 9 786 582 039 477 382", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 3 128 1 441 1 485 1 246 396 556 409 45 901 7 904 619 军事人员 926 826 161人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 81 113 73 651 76 221 1 234 687 416 291 1 881 963人", "1.2 业务 661 720 474 903 666 687 5 071 111 1 303 635 8 178 055 和保养", "1.2.1 现用材料 358 745 255 464 656 602 171 402 36 840 1 179 054", "1.2.2 6 701 8 221 32 686 2 573 640 294 734 2 915 982 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购置261 870 174 833 212 616 1 757 325 808 125 3 214 769次服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 32 324 10 310 21 133 297 123 109 936 470 826", "2. 采购 1 346 2 002 1 964 1 848 807 7 161 704和建筑 040 396 461", "2.1 采购 1 346 2 002 1 964 495 339 5 808 236 040 396 461", "2.1.1 飞机 682 386 9 9 949 1 845 2 537 782和发动机 447", "2.1.2 导弹,62 236 55 972 118 208,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和1 897 1 897 565艇 565", "2.1.5 装甲210 336 210 336车辆", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 122 970 13 053 29 833 44 165 900", "2.1.9 3 952 454 299 732 304 138 电子和通信", "2.1.10 99 956 99 956 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他226 440 19 593 32 754 195 563 474 351", "2.2 建筑 1 353 468 1 353 468", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地,453 130 453 130个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 37 390 37 390个基地和设施", "2.2.4 2 934 2 934 电子等.", "2.2.5 人事设施", "2.2.6 医疗 12 100 12 100设施", "2.2.7 培训 180 050 180 050设施", "2.2.8 47 925 47 925 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥 591 888 591 888 和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 28 051 28 051", "3. 研究与964 14 4 332 189 957 48 070 243 337", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、964 14 4 332 189 957 48 070 243 337 测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 5 218 3 992 4 196 9 590 957 2 324 405 45 901 25 369 678 763 789 862", "奥地利", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:奥地利 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "奥地利(百万欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "[表", "白俄罗斯", "[原件:俄 [2011年5月6日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:白俄罗斯 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千白俄罗斯卢布", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "白俄罗斯(千白俄罗斯卢布) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 1 143 311 078 27 310 475 371 10 725.5 1 957 171 费用 399 884.7 905.7 655.4 281.3 110.0", "1.1 人员 655 367 218 900 25 669 345 314 10 725.5 1 245 262 328.9 504.4 096.8 810.1 465.7", "1.1.1 征兵 6 319 2 666 1 689 481.2 10 674 954.1 259.7 213.2", "1.1.2 其他 372 659 166 081 20 963 300 651 10 725.5 860 366 417.3 军事人员 928.1 458.6 235.1 070.0 人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 276 388 50 152 4 705 42 974 258.9 374 221 094.3 人员", "1.2 业务 488 031 92 178 1 641 130 056 711 908 815.6 和维护 781.1 380.3 808.9 845.3", "1.2.1 现用材料 184 317 13 157 631 349.2 75 676 416.7 273 782 353.8", "1.2.2 101 541 75 374 241 5802 18 097 836.2 195 255 603.0 维修和426.4 760.2 修理", "1.2.3 购买186 489 3 056 574 888.8 29 802 278.6 219 922 954.8 服务 318.4 469.0", "1.2.4 国家 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 15 683 590 193 990.7 6 480 313.8 22 947 904.0 494.2 105.3", "2. 采购 52 202 108 729 71 385 70 029 179.8 302 346 435.4和建筑 243.2 120.1 892.3", "2.1 采购 37 309 108 248 9 043 189.0 154 600 758.8 426.6 143.2", "2.1.1 飞机 1 215 1 215 486.0和发动机 486.0", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他4 798 76 290 2 055 700.5 83 144 817.3个军械和662.4 454.4个地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 1 183 1 183 824.0 824.0", "2.1.9 23 935 20 347 1 166 644.0 45 449 327.9 电子设备和211.3 472.6 通信", "2.1.10 1 094 1 212 915.3 2 307 538.7 非装甲623.4型车辆", "2.1.11 其他 6 297 10 394 4 607 929.2 21 299 764.9 105.5 730.2", "2.2 建筑 14 892 480 71 385 60 985 990.8 147 745 676.6 816.6 976.9 892.3", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 10 050 10 050 978.1 电子, 978.1等.", "2.2.5 人员 23 978 38 155 771.4 62 134 735.0 设施 963.6", "2.2.6 医疗", "2.2.7 培训 5 538 538 484.2 设施 484.2", "2.2.8 4 841 298 7 244 12 384 173.1 仓库,838.5 304.0 030.6 仓库等.", "2.2.9 指挥和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 182 12 515 22 830 219.4 35 528 047.5 672.9 155.2", "3. 研究与27 111 27 111 364.6 发展 364.6", "3.1 基础和196 196 990.4 应用研究 990.4", "3.2 开发、26 914 26 914 374.2测试和374.2评价", "4. 共计(1+2 1 222 419 808 98 696 545 400 10 725.5 2 286 629 + 3) 712 004.8 798.0 835.2 081.3 717.8", "注释:", "1. 联合国 中央支助行政支出(第6栏)列于第2、4和7栏。", "2. 联合国 民防职能已移交给紧急情况部,但该部没有准军事部队、民防部队或此类部队的经费来源。", "3个 第4栏列出作为白俄罗斯武装部队单一服役单位的空军和防空部队的支出。", "4. 第8栏列出了边境、国内和运输部队的支出。", "5 (韩语). 本财政年度为2010年1月1日至12月31日。", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "[原件:英 [2011年4月15日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那", "国家货币和计算单位:马克a", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "海军部队 空军共计\n人员 242 209 647 242 209 647\n业务 59 554 535 59 554 535\n采购 4 252 135 4 252 135\n共计 306 016 318 306 016 318", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那(马尔卡) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 中央支助 军事行政援助和指挥\n资源费用 战略陆海军航空 其他支援司令部", "1. 运营 301 764 6 998 629 51 461 320 224 772 费用 183 951", "1.1 人事 242 209 5 388 842 9 995 526 257 594 015 647", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他225 042 969 992 9 495 750 235 508 268名军事人员,包括后备人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 17 167 4 418 850 499 776 22 085 748 121人", "1.2 业务 59 554 1 609 787 1 466 435 62 630 757 和维护 535", "1.2.1 现用材料", "1.2.2 12 809 457 588 265 739 13 533 205 维修和878次修理", "1.2.3 购买了16 773 599 172 545 815 17 918 416项服务 429", "1.2.4 租金费用 8 821 315 105 287 045 9 423 322 172", "1.2.5 其他5 145 170 344 180 888 5 496 597 364", "2. 采购 4 252 147 241 134 129 4 533 506和建筑 135", "2.1 采购 3 053 109 091 99 377 3 262 406 938", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.9 2 794 99 812 90 924 2 984 919 电子和182个通信", "2.1.10 259 756 9 279 8 453 277 487 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其它", "2.2 建筑 1 198 38 150 34 753 1 271 100 197", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地,130 208个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 1 067 38 150 34 753 1 140 893 设施 990", "3个 研究和开发", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 306 016 7 145 870 11 596 324 758 278 318 090", "联合国", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:巴西 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千里亚尔", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "巴西(千里亚尔) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 中央支助 军事行政援助和指挥\n资源费用 战略陆海军航空 其他支援司令部", "1. 运营 22 189 4 671 11 668 500 957.20 74 341.80 517 340.70 39 612 165.56 费用 430.72 529.00 666.14", "1.1 人员 21 503 3 988 9 044 152 459.30 34 687 882.87 063.87 068.00 291.70", "1.1.1 应征入伍 484 267.00 64 068.63 513.26", "1.1.2 其他 19 727 3 569 8 232 6 782.00 军事 239.69 831.00 157.06 人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 1 291 417 747 145 677.30人", "1.2 业务 686 683 2 614 348 497.90 74 341.80 517 340.70 4 924 282.68 和维修 366.85 461.00 274.43", "1.2.1 材料 586 173 882 172 667.80 27 654.40 284 901.80 现用 669.72 387.00 039.93", "1.2.2 维修和085.35 900.00 620.97", "1.2.3 购买1 997.14 1 029 80 138.20 36 451.10 44 055.40 服务 958.23", "1.2.4 租金费用 165.12 655.30 3 197.00 1 607.80", "1.2.5 其他 4 449.52 102 24 035.70 10 236.30 64 935.10 174.00", "2. 采购 802 3 890 1 308 73 861.60 156 514.60 6 232 677.51 和建筑 763.72 837.00 700.60", "2.1 采购 566 2 838 1 121 44 109.70 155.60 4 725 979.72 134.00 798.00 778.42", "2.1.1 飞机 95 220 793和发动机 335.36 702.00 749.67", "2.1.2 导弹,9 396.00 4 424.00 39,包括508.52枚常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和66 2 076 4 500.00 2 224.70 11.20 艇 102.05 323.00", "2.1.5 装甲6 049.91车辆", "2.1.6 火炮 39 960.00", "2.1.7 其他 130 1 110.00 1 041.08 110.40 16 813.20 军械和843.19 地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 110 40 38 10 265.90 719.05 295.00 643.49", "2.1.9 26 46个电子和082.63 982.09通信", "2.1.10 57 41 774.60 128 069.30 非装甲896.91 618.71 车辆", "2.1.11 其他 63 455 155 706.91 984.00 734.87", "2.2 建筑 236 1 052 186 29 751.90 1 355.00 1 506 697.80 629.72 039.00 922.17", "2.2.1 空军基地,6 521.71 112个机场", "2.2.2 导弹", "2.2.3 海军 1 050个基地和889.00设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 157 800.00 13 29 751.90 1 355.00 设施 939.94 723.71", "2.2.6 医疗", "2.2.7 培训 7 530.66 54个设施 997.54", "2.2.8 879.40 1 313.66 (韩语). 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥15和694.28行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事 349.83", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 3 765.30", "3. 研究和84 122 290.18 207 927.66 发展 663.48 974.00", "3.1 基础和1 801.42 290.18 应用研究", "3.2 开发、82项测试和862.06项评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 23 076 8 685 12 967 574 818.80 74 341.80 673 855.30 46 052 770.73 857.92 340.00 556.91", "保加利亚", "[原件:英 [2011年3月30日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:保加利亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:列弗", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "保加利亚(列夫) 财政年度:2010", "部队团体 战略陆空海军 其他中央支援 准军事-非军事-部队 部队 部队 部队 作战 行政 军事援助 部队(1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出(5) (8) (13)\n资源费用:海外支助指挥中心(6人)", "1. 运营 320 780 159 692 78 821 360 254 647 85 479 1 005 028 821 成本 801 552 210 611", "1.1 人员 234 082 116 731 61 243 210 241 734 40 089 662 687 629 029 132 421 313", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 225 518 109 769 55 769 127 719 572 26 022 544 799 998 650 691 959 126人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 8 563 6 961 5 473 82 522 162 14 067 117 587 631人 379 440 463 187", "1.2 业务 86 698 42 961 17 577 150 012 914 45 390 342 641 192 和维修 771 420 789 298", "1.2.1 材料 8 509 15 697 2 853 21 507 060 1 702 100 50 269 596 现用296 698 442", "1.2.2 77 984 6 064 398 955 13 409 521 208 530 20 159 893 保养和902修理", "1.2.3 购买了7 731 3 667 4 680 37 612 235 18 662 72 353 794 服务 493 245 806 015", "1.2.4 租金费用 440 166 868 3 268 2 955 099 3 397 666", "1.2.5 其他 69 939 17 531 9 645 77 480 829 21 862 196 460 243 831 575 454 554", "2. 采购 18 640 65 767 86 86 863 47 040 481 5 530 540 223 842 317 和建筑 616 299 380", "2.1 采购 18 640 64 761 86 863 35 394 029 31 433 205 690 986 616 528 380", "2.1.1 飞机 64 761 76 558 141 319 622和发动机 528 094", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲 18 986 18 986车辆", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他14 268 14 268个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 5 036 10 186 17 222 037 17 872 32 463 041 电子和997 135 通信", "2.1.10 12 024 119 151 3 258 364 15 401 951 非装甲436辆", "2.1.11 其他 1 583 14 913 628 13 561 16 511 090 901", "2.2 建筑 1 005 11 646 452 5 499 107 18 151 330 771", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 787 513 787 513 电子等.", "2.2.5 人员 1 005 8 755 844 5 499 107 15 260 723 设施 771", "2.2.6 医疗设施", "2.2.7 培训设施", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥和行政设施", "2.2.10 2 103 095 2 103 095 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 信息技术 其它", "3. 研究和169 138 855 327 1 024 465", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、169 138 855 327 1 024 465 测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 339 590 225 459 165 684 408 150 456 91 010 1 229 895 602 554 851 590 151", "布基纳法索", "[原件:法 [2011年5月11日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:布基纳法索 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:非洲法郎", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "布基纳法索(百万非洲法郎) 财政年度:2010年", "[表", "注释:", "1. 联合国 布基纳法索的国防军包括地面部队、空军和国家宪兵。", "2. 准军事部队不属于布基纳法索国防部的职权范围。", "3个 民防部队属于其他部委的职权范围。", " 4.四. 空军、地面部队和国家宪兵的人事开支集中。", "加拿大", "[原件:英文、法 [2011年4月25日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:加拿大 财政年度:2009-2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万加拿大元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "加拿大(百万美元) 财政年度:2009-2010", "部队团体 中央支助 军事行政援助和指挥\n资源费用 战略陆海军航空 其他支援司令部", "1. 运营 5 334.3 2 103.1 3 047.8 5 306.3 482.9 21.2 14.3 16 309.9 费用", "1.1 人员 3 003.2 1 246.7 1 440.3 3 004.6 275.1 5.5 2.9 8 978.3", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 2 628.4 936.8 1 294.4 1 793.9 253.1 0.5 2.9 6 910.1 军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 374.8 309.8 145.9 1 210.7 22.0 5.0 2 068.2人", "1.2 业务", "1.2.1 现用材料", "1.2.2 405.1 148.8 279.3 400.0 36.1 2.0 1 271.3 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买1 060.2 389.5 731.1 1 046.8 94.5 5.2 3 327.1 服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 68.1 25.0 47.0 67.3 6.1 15.8 0.3 229.6", "2. 采购 1 120.1 518.3 1 652.0 295.0 91.3 3 676.6 和建筑", "2.1 采购 953.8 460.8 1 536.6 236.6 52.6 3 240.5", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,2.6 18.3 20.9,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和 348.1 0.2 0.1 348.4 艇", "2.1.5 装甲292.5 292.5车辆", "2.1.6 火炮 16.4 16.4", "2.1.7 其他 69.0 0.2 1.2 1.8 72.2 军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 126.0 46.2 315.3 206.1 21.8 715.4 电子和通信", "2.1.10 36.3 4.2 5.8 3.7 53.3 53.2 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他 107.6 24.1 54.8 25.5 25.8 237.8", "2.2 建筑业 166.3 57.5 115.3 58.5 38.6 436.2", "2.2.1 空军基地,51.1 15.2 66.3 机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 56.0 0.0 56.1 基地和设施", "2.2.4 2.0 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 15.6 2.9 5.9 10.2 34.6 设施", "2.2.6 医疗", "2.2.7 培训", "2.2.8 23.4 11.5 3.1 41.2 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥 37.4 1.4 29.0 19.8 3.0 90.5 行政设施", "2.2.10 0.8 0.3 2.0 防御工事", "2.2.11 收容所", "2.2.12 地 地 1.7", "2.2.13 其他0.1 14.5 18.2 4.8 37.6", "3. 研究和345.3 345.3发展", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、345.3 345.3测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3)", "捷克共和国", "[原件:英 [2011年4月5日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:捷克共和国 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计算单位:千捷克克朗", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军 总兵力", "人员 7 195 646 3 123 343 10 318 989", "业务 2 073 430 3 700 276 5 773 706", "采购 2 727 799 2 881 332 5 609 131", "共计 11 996 875 9 704 951 21 701 826", "捷克共和国(千捷克克朗) 财政年度:2010年", "[表", "说明:", "预算信息(2010财政年度)", "捷克共和国议会在第487/2009 Call号法案中批准了2010财政年度的国家预算,总额为1,184,919,35万捷克克朗。", "国防部2010财政年度的核定预算款次为48 867 060 000捷克克朗,随后在当年经捷克共和国财政部的若干预算安排修订;2010年国防部预算款次的实际支出为49 143 074 000捷克克朗;2009/2008年(指数)比较为0.900。", "根据1999年《维也纳文件》的定义并按照联合国的方法,2010财政年度的军事支出总额为50 777 969 000捷克克朗。", "预算项目分为联合国1980年印发的题为“联合国军事支出标准汇报表”的文件所列出的三类。", "1. 联合国 业务费用", "总计40,120,227,000捷克克朗,占军事支出总额的79.01%,分为以下子类:", "人员", "人事支出总额为24 642 754 000捷克克朗,占军事支出总额的48.53%。", "业务和维修", "总共15 477 473 000捷克克朗,即军事开支总额的30.48%,用于满足部队的行动训练需要,包括基础设施业务开支。", "2. 采购和建筑", "总金额为10 157 266 000捷克克朗,占军事支出总额的20.00%。", "这些支出的主要部分用于租赁和运营超音速飞机并购买装甲运兵车。", "3个 研究和开发", "拨出500 476 000捷克克朗用于研究和发展方案,即军事支出的0.98%。", "萨尔瓦多", "[原件:西班牙 [2011年5月13日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:萨尔瓦多 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:科隆/美元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "一. 目标", "概括地说明萨尔瓦多武装部队的组织情况。", "二. 组织", "武装部队由武装部队高级司令部全面领导,司令部由共和国总统和武装部队总司令、国防部长和副部长以及武装部队联合参谋长和副参谋长组成。 武装部队的总体组织结构如下:", "A类. 最高机构,负责武装部队的领导、组织、维持和运作,由武装部队总指挥部、国防部和武装部队参谋长联席会议代表;", "B组. 国防部的一个咨询机构(相当于参谋长联席会议);", " C C. 监测和监督附属机构(相当于武装部队总检查局);", "D类. 武装部队常设分支机构:单位培训级别和完成任务所需的进展,包括空军和海军;", "E. 机构支助股:负责为武装部队的全面支助和完成任务提供资源,包括军事训练和理论指挥部、后勤支助指挥部、军事卫生指挥部、特别军事安全旅和招募和后备部。", "(单位:美元)", "海军 空军共计", "人事 80 590 075.00 303 945.00 1 632 915.00 82 526 935.00 (薪酬)", "业务 21 980 428.55 1 390 591.91 2 052 415.00 25 423 435.46", "采购 8 720 227.01 0.00 0.00 8 720 227.01", "总计111 290 730.56 1 694 536.91 3 685 330.00 116 670 597.47", "项目栏金额", "应付薪酬 104 785 922.74", "采购货物和服务 业务费用", "财务支出和当前转账", "机构投资 固定资产 8 720 227.01", "共计 146 640 677.46", "注:上述数字取自2010年《国家总预算法》所载国防部预算。", "爱沙尼亚", "[原件:英 [2011年5月11日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:爱沙尼亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千爱沙尼亚克罗尼", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "爱沙尼亚(千爱沙尼亚克罗尼) 财政年度:2010年", "[表", "^(a) 侦察营后勤中心。", "^(b) 国防军作战学校、波罗的海防卫学院、军事学院、信息委员会、莱多纳博物馆、Seli保健中心、国防资源局。", "^(c) 国防部、爱沙尼亚国防军总参谋部、作战总部。", "芬兰", "[原件:英 [2011年5月6日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:芬兰 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "芬兰(千欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "[表", "德国", "[原件:英", "[2011年3月24日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:德国 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "德国(百万欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支助 准军事-未分化- 武装部队 部队 部队 作战 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队 (12^(b) 支出 (14^(a)) (5)(8)(13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11^(a))", "1. 运营 5 295.4 2 481.1 2 987.5 9 459.7 995.9 517.2 4 619.0 25 838.6 190.5 费用", "1.1 人员 3 250.1 677.8 1 655.4 6 762.2 483.4 4 619.0 17 448.0 62.8", "1.1.1 应征入伍 470.7 62.0 140.2 364.8 1.3 1 038.9", "1.1.2 其他 2 633.0 508.9 1 231.9 2 860.4 333.2 3 813.7 11 381.1 军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 146.4 107.0 283.4 3 537.0 148.9 805.3 5 027.9 62.8人", "1.2 业务 2 045.3 1 803.3 1 332.1 2 697.5 512.5 517.2 8 390.6 127.7 和维修", "1.2.1 现用材料 575.5 52.8 60.7 205.4 44.4 938.9 5.6", "1.2.2 706.9 1 463.3 800.4 212.1 118.4 3 301.0 43.1 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买了348.5 66.3 17.1 706.7 353.6 1 492.2 4.6项服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 201.4 68.8 93.2 29.9 382.5 52.0", "1.2.5 其他 213.0 152.0 360.6 1 543.5 6.9 517.2 2 276.0 22.4", "2. 采购 1 467.4 618.2 2 316.1 1 635.2 278.4 6 315.3 107.3 和建筑", "2.1 采购 942.5 473.8 2 121.4 1 391.0 270.5 5 199.2 81.4", "2.1.1 飞机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和0.203.6 268.1 572.0艇", "2.1.5 装甲 230.5 0.9 91.4 322.8 车辆", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他 37.0 4.1 0.0 41.2 军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 电子和通信", "2.1.10 128.4 4.9 36.5 68.8 238.6 61.5 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他103.5 5.7 22.5 157.7 264.1 553.5 16.7", "2.2 建筑业 524.9 144.4 194.7 244.2 7.9 1 116.1 25.9", "2.2.1 空军基地,3.41.8 42.2 0.1 47.6个机场", "2.2.2 导弹 3.4 3.4发射场", "2.2.3 海军 17.8 17.8 基地和设施", "2.2.4 4.4 1.4 8.7 电子等", "2.2.5 人员", "2.2.6 医疗 87.5 87.5 设施", "2.2.7 培训", "2.2.8 12.9 45.0 11.0 68.9 19.6 仓库,仓库等.", "2.2.9 指挥", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 收容所 1.8", "2.2.12 土地2.0", "2.2.13 其他 16.2.3 33.9 55.4 33.7 285.3", "3. 研究和412.6 184.3 485.6 21.6 1 104.1 2.3 发展", "3.1 基础研究和49.3 22.0 193.2 264.5 0.4 应用研究", "3.2 开发,363.3 162.3 292.4 21.6 839.6 1.9 测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3)", "^(a) 未列入第13栏。", "^(b) 军事和文职人员的养恤金费用。", "爱尔兰", "[原件:英 [2011年6月10日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:爱尔兰 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:一万欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "爱尔兰(一万欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 52 237 10 507 7 970 8 261 2 181 52 2 080 182 83 471 606 费用", "1.1 人员 46 171 8 008 5 591 7 194 1 927 52 2 026 70 970 146", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他42 320 7 384 5 127 6 523 1 767 52 2 026 65 198名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 3 852 624 465 671 160 5 772 146人", "1.2 业务 6 066 2 500 2 379 1 067 254 53 182 12 501 461 和维修", "1.2.1 现用材料 1 502 775 442 262 63 4 3 048 461", "1.2.2 2 083 1 286 1 395 364 87 6 5 221 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买了2 124 380 498 378 90 43 3 514项服务", "1.2.4 国家 租金费用 41 7 5 7 2 61", "1.2.5 其他 317 51 38 55 13 182 656", "2. 采购 4 111 2 907 502 60 7 588和建筑", "2.1 采购 2 825 481 7 019", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和2 200 2 200艘船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他 1 621 274 211 2 105个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 1 062 179 138 1 379", "2.1.9 432 73 56 8 569 电子和通信", "2.1.10 589 100 77 766 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其它", "2.2 建筑业 407 82 21 60 569", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地,21个21个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 82个基地和设施", "2.2.4 60 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 390 390个设施", "2.2.6 医疗 13个设施", "2.2.7 培训 32个设施", "2.2.8 126 126 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥 157 157 和行政设施", "2.2.10 32 防御工事", "2.2.11 收容所 4 4", "2.2.12 土地 - 414 - 414", "2.2.13 其他 9 60 69", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 56 349 13 415 8 472 8 262 2 181 60 2 080 242 91 060 606", "牙买加", "[原件:英", "[2011年5月31日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:牙买加 财政年度:2010/11", "国家货币和计算单位:牙买加元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军共计", "人员 7 395 880 000 476 539 000 337 581 000 8 210 000 000", "业务 43 339 000 65 176 000 32 926 000 141 441 000", "采购 1 381 807 000 83 623 000 119 013 000 1 584 443 000", "共计 8 821 026 000 625 338 000 489 520 000 9 935 884 000", "日本", "[原件:英 [2011年4月27日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:日本 财政年度:2009年4月1日至2010年3月31日", "国家货币和计算单位:1亿日元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "日本(一亿日元) 财政年度:2009年4月1日至2010年3月31日", "[表", "注释:", "1. 联合国 由于技术原因,列报的是预算数字而不是实际支出。", "2. 联合国 由于四舍五入,细目相加可能与总数不符。", "3. \" 人员 \" 第1.1行包括军警人员的食品供应。", " 4.四. 由于技术原因,驻日美军的支出(2010财政年度:1 880亿日元)列入第6栏(支助)和第7栏(指挥)下提供的数字.", "5 (韩语). 除上表外,还有SACO(冲绳特别行动委员会)的费用——相关支出(FY 2010:170亿日元)和美军调整相关支出(减轻当地社区负担)(FY 2010:910亿日元).", "6. 国家 根据国防部的改组,自2008年以来,安全会议费用未列入上表。", "哈萨克斯坦", "[原件:俄 [2011年3月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:哈萨克斯坦 财政年度:2011", "国家货币和计算单位:千坚戈", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "哈萨克斯坦(千坚戈) 财政年度:2011年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n资源费用 海外支助指挥部(10) 联合(6)(7) 领土 (9) 维持和平(11)", "1. 运营 147 384 1 440 993美元", "1.1 人员 115 687 388 969 447.5", "1.1.1 251 358.0 应征入伍", "1.1.3 文职人员 7 438.5人", "1.2 业务 31 362 589 和维修", "1.2.1 8 353 366 76 980.0 当前使用的材料", "1.2.2 15 756 161 3 760.0 保养和维修", "1.2.3 121 442.0 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金 63 407 1 229.0美元", "1.2.5 其他 7 244 062 9 438.0", "2. 采购 53 086 417和建筑", "2.1 采购", "2.1.10 128 321.0 非装甲车", "2.2 建筑业", "3个 研究 37 165 与发展", "3.1 基础研究和37 165项应用研究", "4. 共计 200 236 966 1 569 314(1+2+3)", "拉脱维亚", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:拉脱维亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万拉特", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "拉脱维亚(百万拉特) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支助 民防部队部队 部队作战行政部队援助(12) 开支地(14)(1)(2)(3)(4) 部队和指挥(8)(13(5))\n联合国(6)(7)(9)(10) 维持和平(11)", "1. 运营费用 28.58 5.94 6.61 7.70 32.65 22.31 103.79", "1.1 人员 23.56 3.62 4.10 6.86 21.92 14.30 74.36", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 22.73 3.61 3.84 5.91 16.47 4.98 57.54 军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 0.83 0.01 0.26 0.95 5.45 3.12 10.62人", "1.2 业务 5.02 2.32 2.51 0.84 10.73 8.01 29.43 和维修", "1.2.1 现用材料", "1.2.2 0.67 0.26 0.45 0.04 3.60 0.33 5.35 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买了1.73 0.89 1.61 0.25 1.21 5.42 11.11服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 2.19 0.630.20 0.47 4.70 1.97 10.16", "2. 采购", "2.1 采购 5.76 12.96 1.57 1.10 1.35 0.41 22.15", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和12.66 12.66艇", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他0.15 0.21 0.36 军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 1.37 1.37", "2.1.9 0.69 0.30 1.13 0.01 0.29 0.41 2.83 电子和通信", "2.1.10 0.35 0.09 0.85 1.29 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其它", "2.2 建筑 0.47 2.10 8.34 0.25 0.61 0.03 11.80", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地,8.34 8.34个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 1.76 1.76 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 0.15 0.15 设施", "2.2.6 医疗设施", "2.2.7 培训 0.20 0.07 0.27设施", "2.2.8 0.06 0.06 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 命令0.04 0.03 0.07和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他0.17 0.19 0.18 0.61 1.15", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 34.81 21.00 16.52 8.05 34.61 22.75 137.74", "黎巴嫩", "[原件:阿拉伯文/英 [2011年6月7日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:黎巴嫩 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位: 黎巴嫩镑", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "财政人事业务和军事 军事 年度 维修/建筑研究支出 采购与发展", "2010 1 358 130 168 944 000 27 600 000 000 — 1 554 674 000 000 000 000 000", "注:财政年度从1月1日开始。", "立陶宛", "[原件:英 [2011年4月5日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:立陶宛 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万立特", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "立陶宛(百万立特) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土维持和平(9)(10) (11)", "1. 运营 171.5 37.5 88.5 242.2 66.7 82.5 3.8 55.0 747.7 费用", "1.1 人员", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他141.5 26.0 51.1 169.2 32.5 27.7 22.5 470.5 军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员", "1.2 业务", "1.2.1 现用材料", "1.2.2 0.9 0.3 1.2 3.4 0.6 0.2 0.2 6.8 维护和修理", "1.2.3 购买了3.8 2.3 13.2 3.0 1.3 1.8 28.6项服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 0.8 0.8 20.7 13.9 3.5 38.6 0.9 26.2 105.4", "2. 采购 2.8 32.8 43.3 12.8 6.8 3.0 101.5 和建筑", "2.1 采购", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和21.8 21.8艘船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他1.9个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 2.2 7.2 1.2 2.4 4.3 17.3 电子和通信", "2.1.10 3.5 3.5 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他0.1 0.6 3.7 0.1 4.7", "2.2 建筑 0.5 3.2 1.7 1.3 2.3 2.9 11.9", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 2.8 0.4 0.2 1.0 4.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人事设施", "2.2.6 医疗设施", "2.2.7 培训 0.5 0.5个设施", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥部 0.2 0.8 1.3 2.9 5.2和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他0.4 1.1 1.3 1.8", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 174.3 70.3 131.8 255.0 73.5 85.5 5.8 55.0 849.2", "注:准军事部队包括征兵管理。", "马来西亚", "[原件:英 [2011年5月14日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:马来西亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计算单位:林吉特", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军三军共计", "人员 2 830 867 590 056 600 506 718 490 510 281 860 4 437 924 760 710", "业务 1 113 876 863 252 030 1 175 483 281 232 790 3 433 844 110 630 560", "采购 181 661 100 358 330 500 665 418 900 7 200 010 1 212 610 510", "建筑 254 850 900 149 131 400 25 800 000 311 439 990 901 567 290", "共计 4 381 255 1 960 770 2 373 421 1 110 154 650 9 985 947 870 530 020 070", "墨西哥", "[原件:西班牙 [2011年5月4日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:墨西哥 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:比索", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "墨西哥(比索) 财政年度:2010", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 42 596 405 15 418 3 716 61 731 751 费用 746 968 573 376 980 299", "1.1 人员 33 647 280 11 231 1 931 775 393 954 764 851", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 33 647 280 11 108 1 931名军事人员 775 724 109 764 851人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 122 669人 845", "1.2 业务 8 949 124 4 187 1 784和维修 971 574 619 612 129", "1.2.1 现有材料 5 147 387 2 164 705 354", "1.2.2 2 012 574 743 677 501 035 维修和916 506 142 修理", "1.2.3 购买559 649 900 14 112 463 710 服务 822 268", "1.2.4 国家 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 1 229 512 1 264 114 512 492 925 020 465", "2. 采购 2 578 498 2 996 113 097 5 688 304 和建筑 069 709 063 404 536", "2.1 采购 2 199 065 2 028 113 097 380 730 232 404", "2.1.1 飞机 300 671 111 813和发动机 634 414", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和909 103艇 405", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮 69 662 644", "2.1.7 其他3 865 262 174 154个军械和996个地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 60 150 121", "2.1.9 783 651 353 292 544 1 283 电子和310 990个通信", "2.1.10 1.063 735 126 715 非装甲 197 710 辆汽车", "2.1.11 其他 347 813 568 95 727 412", "2.2 建筑 379 432 689 967 978 831", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 392 815个基地和009个设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 27 000个设施 1,000个", "2.2.6 医疗 200个", "2.2.7 培训 8 882 141 377 398个设施 457", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥25 858和165个行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他353 601 731", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 45 174 903 18 415 3 829 67 420 055 815 677 636 474 384 835", "黑山", "[原件:英 [2011年6月2日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:黑山 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军共计", "人员 283 002", "业务 9 472 343", "采购 2 610 200", "共计 40 265 545", "黑山(欧元) 财政年度:2010", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运行 325 708 5 419 37 655 345 费用 637", "1.1 人员 24 594 908 3 588 28 183 002 094", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他22 408 266 2 341 24 749 348名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 2 186 642 1 247 3 433 654人 012", "1.2 业务 7 640 800 1 831 9 472 343 和维修 543", "1.2.1 现用材料 2 618 000 133 2 751 100", "1.2.2 622 719 50 672 719 维修和 000起修理", "1.2.3 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 340 340 900 900", "1.2.5 其他 4 400 121 1 307 5 707 664 543", "2. 采购 2 605 000 5 200 2 610 200 和建筑", "2.1 采购 2 052 000 5 200 2 057 200", "2.1.1 飞机 270 000 270 000和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.4 船舶和50 000 50 000艘船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.9 1 682 000 5 200 1 687 200 电子和通信", "2.1.10 联合国 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他50 000 50 000", "2.2 建筑业 553 000 553 000", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.5 人员 293 000 293 000设施", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他260 000 260 000", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 34 840 708 5 424 40 265 545 837", "荷兰", "[原件:英 [2011年5月2日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:荷兰 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "荷兰(千欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 联合国 业务费用", "1.1 人员 1 111 088 452 571 420 029 279 724 699 053 1 407 419 4 369 884", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 942 227 398 877 387 254 247 652 287 932 65 986 2 329 928名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 168 861 53 694 32 775 32 072 411 121 84 100 782 623人", "1.1.4 军人 1 257 333 1 257 333 养恤金", "1.2 业务 487 502 174 391 305 783 119 015 1 153 45 661 2 286 249 和维修 897", "1.2.1 现用材料 12 021 4 173 12 430 3 648 98 556 130 828", "1.2.2 81 018 23 725 64 582 12 252 74 632 9 174 265 383 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买了59 131 59 131次服务", "1.2.4 国家 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 394 463 146 493 169 740 103 115 980 709 36 487 1 831 007", "2. 采购和建筑", "2.1 采购 68 450 4 494 10 806 7 499 1 479 75 437 1 646 100 414", "2.1.1 飞机 333 191 333 191和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,3 335 335,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和253 154 253 154艇", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 大炮 17 057 17 057", "2.1.7 其他17 041 17 041个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 10 262 3 679 1 186 81 756 96 884", "2.1.9 115 226 115 226 电子和通信", "2.1.10 58 187 4 494 7 127 6 313 48 590 822 125 533 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他390 629 390 629", "2.2 建筑业", "2.2.1 ...", "2.2.13 其他 219 435 74 615 294 050", "2A 其他94 679 94 679个支出", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础研究和74 736 74 736 应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 1 667 040 631 456 736 618 406 238 3 332 1 697 932 8 471 648 364", "挪威", "[原件:英 [2011年2月24日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表 (以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:挪威 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千挪威克朗", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "挪威(千挪威克朗) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支助 准军事部队 部队 部队 部队 部队 部队 部队 作战 行政 军事援助 (12) 军事 防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队支出 (14 (5) (8) (13)\n资源费用 海外支助司令部(6)(7) 领土 联合(9) 联合国和北约(10和11)", "1. 运营 6 079 733 4 217 4 337 3 171 3 515 216 1 564 766 3 404 26 291 021 费用 840 794 336", "1.1 人员 3 258 357 1 793 1 501 2 140 1 542 925 619 017 1 689 12 545 400 603 802 611 085", "1.1.1 ...", "1.2 业务 2 821 376 2 424 2 835 1 030 1 610 003 945 749 1 650 13 318 216和237 992 725 134 维修", "1.2.1 ...", "1.2.5 其他 362 288 65 427 405 117", "2. 采购 13 066 9 383 9 396 352和286", "2.1 采购 7 120 732", "2.1.1 ...", "2.2 13 066 2 262 2 275 619 建筑 553", "2.2.1 ...", "3. 研究 16 049 158 174 896和847 发展", "4. 共计6 079 733 4 217 4 337 3171 3 531 265 1 577 832 12 35 862 269 (1+2+3) 840 794 336 946 469", "注释:", "1. 联合国 陆地部队的业务费用包括陆军和自卫队。", "2. 联合国 挪威还提交了关于2011-2014年期间国防规划、2011年军事预算数字和2011-2014年概算数字的资料。", "秘鲁", "[原件:西班牙 [2011年6月14日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:秘鲁 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:新索尔", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "秘鲁 (新鞋底) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 4 572 804 825 306 412 1 115 910 费用897.87 354.00 314.26 566.13", "1.1 人员 694 161 306 412 900 574 976.00 314.26 290.26", "1.1.1 应征入伍 5 474 5 474 374.00 374.00", "1.1.2 其他177 788 177 788 军事人员 504.26 504.26 人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 123 149 123 149人 436.00 436.00", "1.2 业务 4 572 210 763 215 336和维修 897.87 378.00 276.87", "1.2.1 现用材料 5 149 5 149", "1.2.2 1 331 14 891 143 222 维修和 470.57 461.00 931.57 修理", "1.2.3 购买了3 241 3 233 6 474项服务 427.30 083.00 510.38", "1.2.4 租金费用 193 376.00 376.00", "1.2.5 其他 14 295 14 295 725.00 725.00", "2. 采购 58 116 278 212 309 611 643 938和建筑", "2.1 采购 58 116 266 822 309 611 624 548 293.19 356.00 302.75 851.94", "2.1.1 飞机 69 264 307 515 376 779和发动机 087.00 000.00087.00", "2.1.2 导弹,8 970 8 970,包括642.00 642.00常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和1 021 1 021艇 640.00 640.00", "2.1.5 装甲 13 610 13 610辆 220.00 220.00", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他1 706 2 096 3 802个军械和154.00 302.75 458.75个地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 25 811 9 099 34 911 597.19 675.00 272.19", "2.1.9 电子和通信", "2.1.10 21 626 21 626辆非装甲900.00 900.00车辆", "2.1.11 其他 163 826 163 826 734.00 734.00", "2.2 建筑 19 389 19 389 695.00 695.00", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 8 480 8 480个基地和029.00 029.00设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 10 168 10 168 设施 319.00 319.00", "2.2.6 医疗设施", "2.2.7 培训设施", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 741 747.00 347.00", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 62 688 1 081 616 023 1 759 849 191.06 137 617.01 213.07 405.00", "波兰", "[原件:英 [2011年5月19日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:波兰 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万波兰兹罗提", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "波兰(百万波兰兹罗提) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援部队 其他军事未分配部队- 民事部队部队 部队作战管理(医疗援助但军事防卫(1)(2)(3)(4)部队及指挥支助)(12)支出(14(5)(8))(13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 3 395.6 819.2 1 762.7 710.1 6 091.8 384.6 546.1 13 710.1 23.709 费用", "1.1 人员 2 696.3 561.8 1 217.9 536 3 010.5 290.5 151.5 8 464.5 18.703", "1.1.1 应征入伍人数 12.7 1.4 3.6 0.2 3 0.2 21.2", "1.1.2 其他 2 361.5 466.7 1 007.4 470.1 1 709 228.7 95.4 638.8 0563名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 322.1 93.7 206.9 65.7 1 298.5 61.7 55.9 2 104.5 18.140人", "1.2 业务", "1.2.1 现用材料 234 66.3 162.3 62.6 554.3 5.5 18.4 1 103.4 0.696", "1.2.2 18.3 13.5 6.9 4 282.6 1.3 0.2 326.8 0 497 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买409.9 168.4 352.3 45 1 166.9 75.3 73.4 2 291.2 1.19 服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 37.1 9.2 23.3 61.9 883.7 11.5 302.5 1 329.4 2.552", "2. 采购", "2.1 采购 3 301.6 302.2 1 118.6 129 792.1 4.3 38.1 5 685.9 2.12", "2.1.1 飞机 661.9 13.7 919.2 3.4 8.1 54.3 1 652.5和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头,333.3 128.5 6.2 5.2 8 476", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和80.2 80.2艇", "2.1.5 装甲853 38.9 891.8车辆", "2.1.6 火炮 207.3 1.7 209", "2.1.7 其他455.5 4.2 9.4 52.7 50.9 5227.7 军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8弹药 367.5 4.4 25.9 18.3 11.4 427.5", "2.1.9 334.3 61.2 138.4 39.9 325.5 3.1 0.5 903 0.584 电子和通信", "2.1.10 38.5 2.1 16.9 12.8 13.9 0.2 0.3 204.8 0.018 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他 50.3 7.8 2.6 167.5 0.9 37.3 268.4 1.518", "2.2 建筑业", "2.2.1 ...", "3. 研究和54.4 0.5 154 208.8 发展", "3.1 基础和54.4 0.5 154 208.8 应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 养恤金", "共计(1+2+3+4)", "葡萄牙", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:葡萄牙 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "葡萄牙(百万欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营费用 728 490 347 129 40 5 1 739美元", "1.1 人员 631 399 267 91 33 5 1 426", "1.1.1 138 25 33 4 0.3 4.8 205 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他372 313 180 84 32 981名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 113 51 53 3 1 0.2 221人", "1.2 业务 97 90 81 38 6 313及维修", "1.2.1 8 11 17 0.7 0.5 37 现用材料", "1.2.2 7 25 22 2 0.4 56 保养和维修", "1.2.3 23 24 20 14 4 85 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金", "1.2.5 其他 50 29 21 22 1 133", "2. 采购 124 139 98 84 7 0.1 452和建筑", "2.1 采购 124 139 98 83.6 7 0.1 452", "2.1.8 0.3 0.2 1.5 0.02 0.1 2.1 弹药", "2.1.11 其他123 736 96 34 4 42 1.035", "2.2 建筑工程", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 0.493 0.493", "3个 研究和开发", "4. 共计(1+852 629 455 213 47 5.1 2 191 2 + 3)", "大韩民国", "[原件:英 [2011年5月5日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:大韩民国", "国家货币和计算单位:1亿圆", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军 其他 部队总数*", "人事 64 770 16 140 16 203 24 092 121 205", "业务 33 149 13 113 17 519 19 611 83 392", "采购 29 294 21 637 24 931 15 168 91 030", "共计 127 213 50 890 59 653 58 871 295 627", "* 国防部直接控制的部队。", "罗马尼亚", "[原件:英 [2011年4月19日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:罗马尼亚 财政年度:2010年", "国家货币和计算单位:百万列伊", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军 总兵力", "人员 1 496 390 259 452 373 667 2 129 509", "业务 175 718 42 728 154 082 372 528", "采购 283 634 44 253 263 832 591 719", "共计 1 955 742 346 433 791 581 3 093 756", "罗马尼亚(百万列伊) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营费用 1 672.108 302.108 527.749 430.984 3 038.536 5 971.557美元", "1.1 人员 1 496.390 259.452 373.667 331.888 2 759261 5 220.658", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 1 426.764 225 678 335.784 257.758 2 617 741 4 863.725 军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员", "1.2 业务 175.718 42.728 154.082 99.096 275 750.899 和维修", "1.2.1 现用材料 4.856 2.874 22.242 3.061 4.120 37.153", "1.2.2 8.195 1.723 7.446 2.430 1.476 21.270 (中文(简体) ). 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买了4.737 2.299 2.341 1.183 10.978 21.538项服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 157.674 35.746 121.981 92.419 260.599 668.419", "2. 采购 295.860 60.124 267.955 22.187 148.972 795.098 建筑", "2.1 采购", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,141.433 141.433,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和12.619 12.619艇", "2.1.5 装甲车 7.142 7.142", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 128.800 15.824 94.896 17.555 51.434 308.509 电子和通信", "2.1.10 联合国 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其它", "2.2 建筑业 12.226 15.871 4.123 4.442 97.485 134.147", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人事设施", "2.2.6 医疗", "2.2.7 培训设施", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥部 12.226 15.871 4.123 12.902 45.122 行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 4.442 38.039 42.481", "3. 研究和0.022 0.040 17.085 17.147 发展", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 1 967.968 362.326 795.744 453.171 3 204.593 6 783.802", "俄罗斯联邦", "[原件:俄 [2011年5月13日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:俄罗斯联邦 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万卢布", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "俄罗斯联邦(百万卢布) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 303 244 93 367 98 190 142 329 1 199 9 150 108 136 892 479 9 748 费用 759 241", "1.1 人员 203 198 64 345 69 292 90 585 8 947 32 136 604 913 5 331 305 241", "1.1.1 征兵 1 498 1 498 26", "1.1.2 其他124 989 37 971 52 838 46 428 7 089 29 136 435 277 3 690 军事人员 721 241人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 78 209 26 374 16 454 44 157 1 858 1 085 168 137 1 615人", "1.2 业务 100 046 29 022 28 898 51 744 1 199 203 12 223 307 4417 维修和保养 195", "1.2.1 现用材料 65 639 19 041 18 960 34 063 786 19 2 847 141 355 1 541", "1.2.2 13 487 3 912 3 896 7 003 162 2 910 31 370 923 维修", "1.2.3 购买了16 898 4 902 4 881 8 590 202 184 6 059 41 716 1 444项服务", "1.2.4 租金 252 252", "1.2.5 其他 4 021 1 167 1 162 2 088 48 127 8 613 508", "2. 采购 61 008 54 514 42 163 32 157 2 363 1 728 27 221 464 6 977和建筑 531", "2.1 采购 54 056 53 302 41 483 24 190 787 23 3 281 177 122 439", "2.1.1 飞机 354 16 883 160 17 397 28和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和31 737 32 31 769艘船只", "2.1.5 装甲 12 169 632 12 801辆", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他21 530 52 21 582个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 1 875 146 3 921 191 6 133", "2.1.9 电子和通信", "2.1.10 12 252 490 12 742 217 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他 113 17 060 13 957 3 403 787 945 36 265 143", "2.2 建筑 6 952 1 212 680 7 967 1 576 1 705 24 44 342 6 537 250", "2.2.1 空军基地,422 228 650个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军 117 117个基地和设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人员 1 783 37 1 820 4 806个设施", "2.2.6 医疗 66 47 1 258 1 371个设施", "2.2.7 培训 607 901 13 1 521个设施", "2.2.8 25个仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥6 16 285 307 104和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 4 490 194 157 7 417 318 1 705 24 38 525 1 627 244", "3. 研究和3 512 29 871 14 770 245 12 37 125 48 572 19", "3.1 基础研究和29 1 59 31 120 19", "3.2 开发、3 483 29 870 14 711 214 12 37 125 48 452 测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 367 764 177 752 155 123 174 731 3 574 10 915 136 1 162 515 415", "塞尔维亚", "[原件:英 [2011年4月25日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:塞尔维亚共和国", "国家货币和计算单位:千塞尔维亚第纳尔", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "2010年国防支出资料", "1. 联合国 为2010年国防筹资拨款678.152亿第纳尔。 这一数额还包括军事养恤金补充资金(229.467亿里亚尔)。 专项资金比2009年的拨款(65.6637亿瑞郎)多出3.28%。", "2. 联合国 2010年,为国防支出了678.063亿第纳尔,占专用资源总额的99.9%。 用于辩护的资源分配如下:", "• 军事开支445.738亿第纳尔(65.7%)", "• 民防2.858亿第纳尔(0.4%)", "• 229.467亿第纳尔(33.9%)", "3个 军事开支资源(445.738亿里亚尔)的支出如下:", "(a) 业务费用:403.244亿第纳尔(90.5%),包括234.332亿第纳尔用于塞尔维亚武装部队和国防部雇员的薪金和补偿/津贴,14.993亿第纳尔用于正常生计,包括后勤支持、培训和其他正常活动范围内的任务;", "(b) 采购和建筑:41.931亿第纳尔(9.4%),包括30.893亿第纳尔用于军备和军事装备,11.038亿第纳尔用于军事设施的建造和维修;", "研究与开发:5 630万第纳尔(0.1%)。", " 4.四. 资源的最大部分用于经常活动和薪金(90.5%),这严重限制了用于军备和军事装备、建造军事设施和公寓以及研究和开发的资源。 采购更现代化,更复杂的技术系统是不可能的,现有资源仅限于一般性的检修和小规模的技术升级,以及为一般目的采购弹药和动产。 因此,苏丹武装部队在技术方面不可避免地落后于邻国。 军事建筑领域也有类似情况,资金被用于建筑、购买建筑物和设施以及基本建设维修。 将资金用于改善雇员的工作条件是一个优先事项;但由于资金不足,住房被忽略了。 多年来,无法在专用预算范围内解决塞尔维亚武装部队和国防部成员的住房问题一直是个严重问题。 因此,政府通过了一项总计划,通过出售剩余不动产和动产确保资源,用于资助该部的改革以及为塞尔维亚武装部队和国防部成员购买公寓。", "5 (韩语). 2010年,设备采购以及军备和军事装备的全面整顿和升级支出为30.893亿第纳尔,比2009年减少43.949亿第纳尔。", "6. 国家 军事支出总额的0.1%用于研究和开发,低于实际需要。", "空军共计\n人员 7 885355 3 380 202 11 265557\n业务 2 20077 677 275 2 797 352\n采购 801 928 196 546 998 474\n共计 10 807360 4 254 023 15 061383", "塞尔维亚(千塞尔维亚第纳尔) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 10 005 432 4 057 17 022 9 239 301 40 324 396 285 809美元", "1.1 人员 7 885 355 3 380 7 215 6 849 390 25 330 604 265 003 202 657", "1.1.1 89 807 11 879 188 428 105 170 395 284 5 100 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 5 627 355 2 431 5 010 4 821 975 17 890 794 187 330 205 259人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 2 168 193 937 118 2 016 1 922 245 7 044 526 72 553 970人", "1.2 业务 2 120 077 677 275 9 806 2 389 911 14 993 792 20 806 和529 维修", "1.2.1 357 192 93 983 1 742 592 870 2 786 807 768 目前使用的762个材料", "1.2.2 350 310 378 711 222 981 314 968 1 266 970 2 805 保养和维修", "1.2.3 406 405 170 076 1 392 1 264 821 3 233 721 11 825", "1.2.4 租金 197 51 077 51 274美元", "1.2.5 其他 1 005 973 34 505 6 397 217 252 7 655 020 5 408 290", "2. 采购 801 928 196 546 1 058 2 136 372 4 193 129和283 建筑", "2.1 634 999 132 195 505 783 1 816 342 3 089 319 采购", "2.1.1 飞机和发动机", "2.1.11 其他 634 999 132 195 505 783 1 816 342 3 089 319", "2.2 166 929 64 351 552 500 320 030 1 103 810 建筑", "2.2.1 ...", "2.2.13 其他 166 929 64 351 552 500 320 030 1 103 810", "3. 研究 22 200 34 083 56 283 与发展", "3.1 基础研究和22 200 34 083 56 283 应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计 10 807 360 4 254 18 102 11 459 756 44 573 808 285 809(1+2+3) 023 669", "注:除国防开支外,预计22 946 657 000第纳尔将用于资助军人养恤金。", "斯洛伐克", "[原件:英 [2011年5月4日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:斯洛伐克 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "斯洛伐克(千欧元) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 105 653 126 303 181 274 207 976 29 338 68 719 331 4 651 费用 787", "1.1 人员 99 453 85 215 140 668 128 339 22 333 43 519 180 3 366 172", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 96 619 77 313 110 703 114 273 9 684 28 435 576 军事人员 084人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 3 834 7 902 29 965 14 066 12 749 15 83 604 3 366人 088", "1.2 业务 6 200 41 088 40 606 79 637 7 005 25 200 151 1 285 和维修 615", "1.2.1 现用材料 2 263 9 467 3 013 23 894 4 763 5 631 49 031 170", "1.2.2 2 392 26 228 17 397 7 436 324 3 295 57 072 194 维修", "1.2.3 购买了433 4 165 10 176 22 873 750 4 190 42 587 441项服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 3 225 1 180 1 114 283 5 802 5", "1.2.5 其他 1 112 1 228 6 795 24 254 54 12 45 659 475 216", "2. 采购 31 950 29 831 35 641 25 431 163 10 133 148 6 632 和建筑 132", "2.1 采购 31 880 16 063 34 665 9 311 130 4 866 96 915 6 632", "2.1.1 飞机 7 942 7 942和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲 2 108 2 108辆车", "2.1.6 火炮 1 861 1 861", "2.1.7 其他 1 122 1 122个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 343 546 2 020 112 7 3 028", "2.1.9 20 849 3 081 7 341 442 18 2 166 33 897 电子和通信", "2.1.10 2 754 10 486 1 085 560 14 885 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他 3 965 4 494 13 696 7 784 2 133 32 072 6 632", "2.2 建筑 70 13 768 976 16 120 33 5 266 36 233", "2.2.1 空军基地、9 189 9 189个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 4 579 894 5 473 电子等", "2.2.5 人事设施", "2.2.6 医疗 1 991 1 991个设施", "2.2.7 培训 5 266 5 266个设施", "2.2.8 70 77个仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 收容所 33 33", "2.2.12 地 地 397 397", "2.2.13 其他 75 13 732 13 807", "3个 研究和45 105 150 发展", "3.1 基础研究和45 105 150 应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 137 603 156 134 216 915 233 452 29 501 79 852 629 11 283 024", "斯洛文尼亚", "[原件:英 [2011年6月2日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:斯洛文尼亚 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:欧元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "斯洛文尼亚(欧元) 财政年度:2010", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 328 542 629 49 430 377 973 231 31 858 441 费用 602", "1.1 人员 258 216 952 34 466 292 683 148 12 598 622 196", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 258 216 952 258 216 952名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 34 466 34 466 196 12 598 622人 196", "1.2 业务 70 325 677 14 964 85 290 083 19 259 819 和维修 406", "1.2.1 现用材料 3 348 357 399 549 3 747 906 552 383", "1.2.2 29 391 968 4 126 33 518 506 1 732 214 维修和538 修理", "1.2.3 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 873 605 439 046 1 312 651 814 213", "1.2.5 其他 36 711 747 9 999 46 711 020 16 161 009 273", "2. 采购 124 822 484 7 256 132 078 642 3 522 585和建筑 158 (中文(简体) ).", "2.1 采购 116 691 381 1 748 118 439 746 3 104 190 365", "2.1.1 飞机 3 031 774 37 397 3 069 171和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和36 754 677 94 781 36 849 458 艘船只", "2.1.5 装甲 35 078 081 14 281 35 092 362辆", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 11 361 815 11 361 815", "2.1.9 27 588 343 1 537 29 126 229 2 859 171 电子和886个通信", "2.1.10 1 344 1 344 42 624 非装甲车辆", "2.1.11 其他 2 876 691 62 676 2 939 367 202 395", "2.2 建筑业 8 131 103 5 507 13 638 896 418 395 793", "2.2.1 空军基地、3 519 042 2 808 6 327 382个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 1 334 009 809 164 2 143 173 66 986 电子等.", "2.2.5 人事设施", "2.2.6 医疗设施", "2.2.7 培训 972 232 346 661 1 318 893个设施", "2.2.8 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥 459 600 8 253 467 853 和行政设施", "2.2.10 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 地 地 954 378 954 378", "2.2.13 其他 1 846 220 580 997 2 427 217 351 409", "3. 研究和7 758 758 096 9 021 发展 096", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、7 758 758 096 9 021 测试和096 评估", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 453 365 113 64 444 517 809 969 35 390 047 856", "瑞士", "[原件:英 [2011年4月12日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:瑞士 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:百万瑞士法郎", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "瑞士(百万瑞士法郎) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 684.1 218.9 175.0 1 196.4 193.3 2 467.7 67.9 费用", "1.1 人员 469.6 144.8 104.4 925.1 1 643.9 43.3", "1.1.1 应征入伍 146.3 54.6 20.9 221.8", "1.1.2 其他323.3 90.2 413.5 军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 104.4 904.2 1 008.6 43.3人", "1.2 业务", "1.2.1 现用材料", "1.2.2 144.5 66.5 18.1 18.3 247.4 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购置4.4 11.3 10.3 26.0 服务", "1.2.4 租金费用", "1.2.5 其他 42.8 7.1 38.0 193.3 281.2 24.6", "2. 采购 1 190.7 4 496.6 0.2 21.7 1 709.2 33.1和建筑", "2.1 采购 1 080.2 412.1 0.2 1 492.5 28.1", "2.1.1 飞机394.1 394.1和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲车辆", "2.1.6 大炮 96.3 96.3", "2.1.7 其他301.5 301.5 军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 71.9 18.0 89.9", "2.1.9 150.9 150.9 电子和通信", "2.1.10 54.2 54.2 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其他 316.8 0.2 317.0 28.1", "2.2 建筑业", "2.2.1 空军基地、49.8 49.8个机场", "2.2.2 导弹发射场", "2.2.3 海军基地和设施", "2.2.4 电子等", "2.2.5 人事设施", "2.2.6 医疗设施", "2.2.7 培训", "2.2.8 21.7 21.7 仓库、仓库等", "2.2.9 指挥和行政设施", "23.8 防御工事", "2.2.11 联合国 避难所", "2.2.12 土地", "2.2.13 其他 47.7 47.7 5.0", "3. 研究和48.6 13.3 2.2 48.7 112.8 4.0 发展", "3.1 基础和4.4 2.2 1.3 4.4 12.3 4.0 应用研究", "3.2 开发、44.2 11.2 0.9 44.3 100.5 测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3)", "注释:", "1. 联合国 第14栏(民防)中的数字不属于军事预算。", "2. 联合国 瑞士还提交了2011年军事预算数据。", "前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:千第纳尔", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国(千第纳尔) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营费用 2 903 538 390 002 1 240 857 193 5 390 851美元 118", "1.1 人员 2 667 891 266 294 894 668 437 982 4 266 835", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 2 634 133 257 624 848 433 207 853 3 948 043名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 33 758 8 670 46 235 230 129 318 792人", "1.2 业务 235 647 123 708 345 450 419 211 1 124 016 和维修", "1.2.1 当前使用的材料 17 790 622 36 273 35 457 90 152", "1.2.2 32 013 69 490 39 194 5 148 145 845 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 48 120 11 390 9 090 36 900 105 500", "1.2.5 其他 137 724 42 206 260 893 341 696 782 519", "2. 采购 294 552 189 103 11 795 164 500 659 950和建筑", "2.1 采购 294 552 189 103 1 500 20 000 505 155", "2.1.1 飞机 183 148 183 148和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他116 600 116 600个军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 52 815 52 815", "2.1.9 48 836 1 500 20 000 70 336 电子和通信", "2.1.10 76 301 5 955 82 256 非装甲车", "2.1.11 其它", "2.2 建筑业", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "3个 研究和开发", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 3 198 090 579 105 1 251 1 021 693 6 050 801 913", "注:前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国还提供了关于2011年军事预算的资料。", "土耳其", "[原件:英 [2011年4月12日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:土耳其 财政年度:2010", "国家货币和计算单位:土耳其里拉", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "陆军 海军 空军共计", "人员 4 032 862 599 1 240 240 300 1 523 349 200 6 796 452 099", "业务 1 835 618 885 442 201 190 615 681 443 2 893 501 518", "采购 1 293 955 970 537 233 526 1 020 548 704 2 851 738 200", "共计 7 162 437 454 2 2 219 675 016 3 159 579 347 12 541 691 817", "土耳其(土耳其里拉) 财政年度:2010年", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支助 准军事部队 部队 部队 部队 部队 作战 行政 军事援助 部队 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队 (12) 支出 (5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营 5 868 1 682 2 139 19 273 400 1 580 1 360 11 291 140 067 费用 481 484 441 490 030 643 552 450 600", "1.1 人员 4 032 1 240 1 523 16 627 000 1 225 1 360 8 040 333 749 862 599 240 300 349 200 894 450 200", "1.1.1 征兵 161 314 99 219 30 466 12 303 754 654 504 224 984 753 942", "1.1.2 其他 3 145 843 363 1 203 926 6 118 987 749 军事 632 827 404 445 868 545 650人,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 725 915 297 657 289 436 16 627 000 286 1 360 1 617 591 346人 268 672 348 594 450 608", "1.2 业务 1 835 442 201 615 681 2 646 400 354 3 250 806 318 和维护 618 885 190 443 658 400", "1.2.1 现用材料 161 361 202 634 373 977 317 738 289 818 385 390 043 000", "1.2.2 414 434 587 979 47 882 123 644 442 850 维修和350 000 900 328 修理 600", "1.2.3 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 38 324 15 141 14 937 16 85 372 600 000 400 000 970 200", "1.2.5 其他 1 221 165 628 178 884 2 646 400 214 1 782 701 050 499 150 400 500 042 600", "2. 采购 1 443 557 845 1 048 3 282 108 509 714 17 064 379 174和建筑 760 170 826 537 019 538 589 400 250", "2.1 采购 1 293 537 233 1 020 3 279 857 309 319 17 6 468 305 359 955 970 526 548 704 241 468 600 250", "2.1.1 飞机 80 699 816 350 2 000 084 154 2 897 134 179和引擎 750 275", "2.1.2 导弹,56 935 60 335 28 378 32 675 200 178 324 844 包括332 433 879个常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和74 465起", "2.1.5 装甲458 328 365 313 13 316 336 096 000 610 1 173 663 994车辆 060 039 895 000", "2.1.6 火炮 170 130 130 500 500", "2.1.7 其他 42 849 9 300 61 474 1 731 200 2 116 117 471 636个军械和 013 456 967 000个地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药", "2.1.9 317 875 22 016 91 414 256 765 145 184 4 285 876 692 864 个电子设备和416 598 605 336 000个通信设备 100个", "2.1.10 156 313 5 201 8 723 10 2 379 183 182 982 非装甲 899 000 083 566 000车辆 000", "2.1.11 其他10 824 602 000 890 000 499 242 002 122 10 643 975 752 000 223 194 500 250", "2.2 建筑 149 804 20 612 27 988 2 251 200 395 121 596 073 815 200 300 315 296 000 800", "2.2.1 空军基地,121 121 000个机场", "2.2.13 其他 149 804 20 612 27 988 2 251 200 395 595 952 815 200 300 315 296 800", "3. 研究和77 477 14 954 30 427 4 224 000 31 158 494 500 发展 700 443 757 410 600", "3.1 基础研究和77 439 30 427 2 637 110 505 157 应用研究 700 757 700", "3.2 开发,38 000 14 954 4 224 000 28 47 989 343 个测试和 443 772 个评价 900", "4. 共计(1+2+3) 7 389 2 255 3 217 3 305 605 909 2 326 18 514 013 741 719 354 241 759 995 419 501 949 600 700", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "[原件:英 [2011年4月28日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 财政年度:2010/11(2010年4月至2011年3月)", "国家货币和计算单位:百万英镑", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "联合王国(百万英镑) 财政年度:2008/9(2008年4月至2009年3月)", "部队团体 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援 准-军事 不分裂- 武装部队 部队 部队 战斗 军事援助 军事防卫 (1) (2) (3) (4) 部队和指挥部队(12) 支出 (14(5) (8) (13)\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 运营费用 7 285 2 289 2 938 1 759 10 359 2 608 45 27 284美元", "1.1 人员 5 435 1 757 2 052 1 759 2 690 234 13 928", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他 4 809 1 577 1 802 1 759 1 289 205 11 441名军事人员,包括预备役人员", "1.1.3 文职人员 626 180 251 0 1 401 0 29 0 2 487人", "1.2 业务 1 850 532 885 0 7 669 0 374 45 0 13 356 和维修", "1.2.1 现用材料 1 507 519 878 0 7 233 0 374 45 0 12 556", "1.2.2 保养和维修", "1.2.3 购买的服务", "1.2.4 租金费用 343 13 7 0 0 437 0 0 0 0 800", "1.2.5 其他", "2. 采购 532 61 113 0 6 981 0 533 0 9 220和建筑", "2.1 采购 362 61 113 0 6 520 0 1 533 0 8 589", "2.1.1 飞机 2 833 0 0 0 2 833和发动机", "2.1.2 导弹,包括常规弹头", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只", "2.1.5 装甲车", "2.1.6 火炮", "2.1.7 其他145 15 75 0 0 0 235 军械和地面部队武器", "2.1.8 弹药 188 46 38 0 37 0 0 0 310", "2.1.9 电子和通信", "2.1.10 非装甲车辆", "2.1.11 其它", "2.2 建筑 170 0 0 461 0 0 631", "2.2.1 联合国 空军基地、机场", "2.2.9 指挥 170 0 0 461 0 631 和行政设施", "2.2.13 信息技术 其它", "3个 研究和2 0 0 0 2 548 0 2 550 开发", "3.1 基础和2 0 0 0 272 0 1 274 应用研究", "3.2 开发, 0 0 0 1 276 0 1 276 测试和评价", "4. 共计(1+2 7 819 2 351 3 051 0 1 759 19 888 0 4 141 45 0 39 053 +3)", "注:请注意,小差异是由于四舍五入造成的。", "美利坚合众国", "[原件:英 [2011年4月29日]", "联合国军事支出标准汇报表", "(以时价计算的实际支出)", "国家:美利坚合众国", "国家货币和计算单位:百万美元", "(计算单位不应大于军事支出总额的万分之一。 )", "美利坚合众国(百万美元) 财政年度:2010年", " Force(a) 战略陆海军航空 其他中央支援Para-Military Undistri-Total Civil Forces ^(h) 部队 部队 作战 行政 军事援助 军事防卫 ^(e) (1)(2)(3)(4)部队和指挥部队(12)支出(14(5)(8) (13))\n联合国(6)(7) 领土(10) 维持和平(9) (11)", "1. 业务费用 170 761 99 052 90 216 71 652 .", "1.1 人员 87 808 62 042 49 896 15 646 . 215 392", "1.1.1 应征入伍", "1.1.2 其他军事 69 544 46 283 35 349 4 516 .", "1.1.3 文职人员 18 264 15 759 14 547 11 130 . - 59 700人", "1.2 业务和82 953 37 010 40 320 56 006 289 维修", "2. 采购和56 425 46 810 42 254", "2.1 采购 45 981 42 424 38 371 .", "2.1.1 飞机和5 672 14 337 13 736 .", "2.1.2 导弹,2 034 3 062 4 412 .", "2.1.3 核弹头和炸弹", "2.1.4 船舶和船只 11 893...", "2.1.5 装甲车辆 6 274 ^(g).", "2.1.6 火炮 ^(f) ^(g)", "2.1.7 其他军械 ^(f) ^(g)和地力武器", "2.1.8 弹药 2 260 ^(g) ^(g). .... . - 2 260", "2.1.9 电子和 ^(g) ^(g) 通信", "2.1.10 联合国 非装甲 ^ (g) ^ (g) 车辆", "2.1.11 其他 29 741 13 133 20 223 4 374 2 450 . - 69 921", "2.2 建筑^(d) 10 444 4 385 3 883 5 627 . 24 339", "3. 研究和10 714 19 201 26 215 20 861 .", "3.1 基础和应用研究", "3.2 开发、测试和评价", "未分配(817) 1 820 820. (1 696) 11 436 2 846 1 279 15 688 43 178", "4. 总计237 083 166 883 159 505 100 818 2 450. 11 436 2 846 19 700 180 43 178(1+2+3+未分配) 159 (韩语).", "注释:", "^(a) 每个部队组的内容在以下文件中加以解释。", "•(b) 所有原子能防御活动,包括武器和材料生产,海军反应堆的开发以及核查和控制技术.", "^(c) 军事建筑、家庭住房、循环基金和管理基金以及研究、发展测试和评价基金的额外文职人员工资为82.82亿美元。", "•(d) 包括国防家庭住房费用。", "^(e) 国土安全部的支出,不包括与国防有关的活动。", "^(f) 列入资源费用2.1.5。", "^(g) 列入资源费用2.1.11。", "^(h) 所有战略部队由陆军、海军和空军各分队组成。", "2010财政年度军事支出", "(按现值价格以百万美元计;9月30日终了的财政年度)", "军事开支(实际支出)由个别军事部门(陆军、海军、空军)和国防部内的国防机构以及能源部(用于国防核方案)和国土安全部(用于国防相关活动)承担。 自2002财政年度起,民防支出来自国土安全部预算,用于与国防无关的活动。 (在1995财政年度之前,民防支出来自联邦紧急事务管理局的预算。 )", "《联合国文书》中每个部队类别的支出如下:", "战略部队(第1栏): 这些部队在美国没有单独的服务或军事部门;因此,他们不易获得开支数据。 战略进攻、防御和指挥、控制和通信部队的所有资源都列入空军、海军和陆军的预算。", "陆军(第2栏): 陆军部预算.", "海军/海军(第3栏): 海军部的预算,包括海军和海军陆战队.", "空军(第4栏): 空军部预算.", "其他作战部队(第5栏): 不适用:所有现役和预备役军队的经费来自上述兵役预算。", "中央支助和行政:", "机构(第6栏): 国防机构(国防部长办公室,国防后勤局,国防信息系统局,国防合同审计局等)的预算,提供国防全局支持和一般管理.", "其他(第7栏): 通常不属于军事部门或国防机构(如环境恢复,支持世界运动会等)的全防专项方案.", "准军事(第8栏): 不适用。", "军事援助:", "家(第9栏): 不适用。", "国外(第10栏): 美国政府2012财政年度预算中的预算类别“国际安全援助”,包括外国军事融资、经济支助基金和其他方案。", "联合国(第11栏): 包括支助联合国维持和平部队的支出。", "未分配(第12栏):能源部,包括国家核安全局、环境和其他国防活动的支出。 自2002财政年度起,还包括国土安全部用于国防相关活动的支出,包括海岸警卫队和基础设施保护及信息安全。", "民防(第14栏): 从2002财政年度起:国土安全部支出,不包括军事开支中与国防有关的支出。 1995年以前:获得民防活动单独资金的联邦EMA方案。 (FEMA没有为1995年以后的民防活动单独安排资金。) FEMA于2002年被并入新的国土安全部. ).", "[1] 报告表可在查阅。 Milex_Reporting Forms.shtml. (原始内容存档于2017-09-29).", "[2] 联合国出版物,出售品编号:E.10.IX.5。", "[3] 政府专家组的报告载于文件A/66/89。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Messone\t(Gabon) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Vukašinović\n Brazil Mr. Fernandes \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Briens \n Germany Mr. Berger \n India Mr. Raguttahalli \n Lebanon Mr. Assaf \n Nigeria Mr. Amieyeofori \n Portugal Mr. Moraes Cabral \n Russian Federation Mr. Pankin \n South Africa Mr. Mashabane \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Parham\n United States of America Mrs. DiCarlo", "Agenda", "The situation in the Middle East", "Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2011 (S/2011/359)", "The meeting was called to order at 11.35 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "The situation in the Middle East", "Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2011 (S/2011/359)", "The President (spoke in French): Under rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representatives of Israel and Syria to participate in this meeting.", "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "Members of the Council have before them document S/2011/385, which contains the text of a draft resolution submitted by France, Germany, Portugal, the Russian Federation, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America.", "I wish to draw the attention of Council members to document S/2011/359, containing the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force.", "It is my understanding that the Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now.", "A vote was taken by show of hands.", "In favour:", "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America.", "The President (spoke in French): There were 15 votes in favour. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as resolution 1994 (2010).", "I shall now call on those members of the Council who wish to make statements following the adoption of the resolution.", "Mr. Parham (United Kingdom): We voted in favour of resolution 1994 (2011) today as the United Kingdom welcomes the efforts of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) to maintain stability within its area of operations. It continues to play a valuable and effective role.", "We must, however, find a lasting solution to the situation. That will require the cooperation of both parties. We therefore urge Syria and Israel to resume peace negotiations aimed at achieving a comprehensive peace agreement, in accordance with the Madrid Conference terms of reference for peace.", "The United Kingdom is gravely concerned by the ongoing violence in Syria and the clear threat to regional peace and stability that it presents. In particular, in this context we deplore the loss of life which occurred in UNDOF’s area of operations on 15 May and 5 June. We hope that the circumstances which led to these tragic events, including the role of the Syrian Government, will be investigated thoroughly. We urge both parties to show restraint and to refrain from provocations so as to prevent an escalation of tensions along the ceasefire line.", "We are also concerned at the Secretary-General’s finding that anti-Government demonstrations in Syria have spread to the area of limitation on the Syrian side. We have repeatedly urged the Syrian Government to halt the violence, to respond constructively to the legitimate demands of the Syrian people, and to implement meaningful reforms. It has not done so. Instead, it has met legitimate demands for reform with brute force in which an estimated 1,400 people have died in the past three months. This is completely unacceptable.", "We are also very concerned that the Syrian Government continues to obstruct United Nations attempts to help alleviate the crisis and bring assistance to the Syrian people. President Al-Assad refuses to accept phone calls from the Secretary-General; his regime has barred access to humanitarian organizations; and the Human Rights Council-mandated fact-finding mission has been refused permission to enter the country and carry out its work. The Government’s actions are causing increasing numbers of Syrian refugees to flood over the borders into Turkey and Lebanon.", "The situation in Syria is not sustainable. If we genuinely want to see an end to the violence, this Council should send a clear message underlining our collective concern. The United Kingdom will therefore continue to press for a Security Council resolution on the wider situation in Syria.", "Mr. Berger (Germany): The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) was established in 1974. It has been operating for more than 37 years now. We salute the men and women who serve and have served to support UNDOF in the discharge of its mandate. We look forward to receiving in the next report of the Secretary-General an assessment of the capacity of UNDOF to ensure the appropriate operational capability in the future.", "On 15 May and 5 June, demonstrations in the UNDOF area of operations resulted in a number of civilian casualties that, to quote paragraph 3 of the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/359), “put the long-held ceasefire in jeopardy”, an assessment we fully share. We deeply regret the loss of life and are gravely concerned about these events, which are the most serious incidents since the establishment of UNDOF’s mandate.", "Such events cannot go unreflected, which is why we deviated from the long-standing practice of reiterating the same resolution as in previous years. While we call on both parties, Israel and Syria, to fulfil their obligations under the 1974 status-of-forces agreement, we note that these demonstrations would not have been possible without Syrian consent, and we call on Syria to refrain from any action that could provoke further unrest. Throughout the country, Syrian authorities have been cracking down with the utmost brutality on demonstrations against their Government. On 15 May and 5 June, however, they actively encouraged demonstrations against Israel in one of the most sensitive areas of the country. Syria seems to be willing to risk an international conflict in order to divert attention from its repression of the legitimate calls for political freedom voiced by its population. Subsequent riots in the Yarmouk refugee camp indicate that Palestinian refugees have realized that they and their aspirations were manipulated and abused in this very dangerous game.", "The violence in Syria must stop. Imprisoned demonstrators must be freed, and instead of spreading fear, meaningful reforms must be implemented. Playing off parts of Syria’s multifaceted society against each other will not work. We join in the Secretary‑General’s call to the Security Council to express itself on the situation in Syria. For us, this is long overdue.", "Mrs. DiCarlo (United States of America): The United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) has played a critical role in maintaining the ceasefire between Israel and Syria since 1974, and we welcome today’s vote. The calm in UNDOF’s area of operations was seriously disrupted just weeks ago. The United States is deeply concerned about the grave events of 15 May and 5 June in the Golan Heights. We are further troubled by credible reports that the Syrian Government played a role in those demonstrations, which resulted in fatalities and injuries. These actions are a transparent ploy by the Syrian Government to incite violence along the disengagement line in order to divert public attention from its own indiscriminate killings and abuses of the human rights of the Syrian people.", "These events display clearly the regime’s hypocrisy. It uses the Palestinian cause to encourage violence and risk its long-standing ceasefire with Israel, while continuing to brutally repress the Syrian people and deny their call for reform and democratic change. The Syrian people have shown their courage in demanding a transition to democracy. The Syrian Government must stop shooting demonstrators and allow peaceful protests. It must release political prisoners and stop unjust arrests and torture. It must allow human rights monitors access and start a serious dialogue in order to advance a democratic transition.", "In operational terms, we are concerned about the increased restrictions on UNDOF’s movement in the area of separation. Both parties must respect the terms of the 1974 disengagement of forces agreement, including by preventing breaches of the area of separation.", "Finally, the United States commends the men and women of UNDOF for their dedication, and thanks Major-General Ecarma for his leadership.", "Mr. Assaf (Lebanon) (spoke in Arabic): We wish at the outset to emphasize the importance of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force’s operations, and to pay tribute to the sacrifices it has made. Today Lebanon joined the consensus in adopting resolution 1994 (2011). We would have preferred that it be technical in nature, as had always been the case in the past, when the resolution was accompanied by a presidential statement recalling the need to arrive at a comprehensive, peaceful solution to the conflict in the Middle East. We hope that this will be the case once again in future.", "We condemn Israel’s attempt to change demographics and to bring about significant changes in the occupied Syrian Golan area, particularly through the extension and expansion of settlements, which is a flagrant violation of international law, of General Assembly resolution 497 (1981) and the Fourth Geneva Convention. We call on Israel to implement Security Council resolutions 242 (1967) and 338 (1973) and to withdraw completely from the occupied Golan Heights to the 1967 line. We stress the importance of arriving at a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the region of the Middle East.", "Mr. Briens (France) (spoke in French): Today the Security Council has reaffirmed its support for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). However, the resolution that was adopted today — resolution 1994 (2011) — is profoundly different from its predecessors in its response to the very disturbing developments in the situation in the Golan Heights. Since the 1974 Agreement on Disengagement, the ceasefire line between Israel and Syria had been the most stable borderline in the region; then, in rapid succession, on 15 May and 5 June, major incidents occurred that threatened the ceasefire observed since 1973, jeopardizing stability and security in the region.", "Today, therefore, the Council reminds the parties of their obligation to fully respect the 1974 Agreement and the Council’s resolutions. Those obligations involve preventing violations of the ceasefire line and the area of separation. The violations of 15 May and 5 June on the Syrian side show that the Syrian authorities did not respect those obligations. The Council also reminds the parties that they must show the utmost restraint, and France deeply regrets the many casualties of those incidents.", "UNDOF’s movements have been restricted and the Force attacked by the Syrian side. That is unacceptable. Freedom of movement for peacekeepers is, I should recall, a fundamental element in the deployment of peacekeeping operations, as a corollary of the State’s consent in accepting such a deployment on its territory. The parties must therefore fully guarantee UNDOF’s implementation of its mandate by ensuring its security and complete freedom of movement.", "That is the message that today’s resolution sends, reflecting the Council’s deep concern about the potential destabilizing influence in the region of the events in the Golan. The origin of those events is clear: the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/359) shows that the Palestinian demonstrators in the area of separation benefited from being ignored by the Syrian authorities, even if they were not actually helped by them. The Syrian authorities were under the obligation to guarantee respect for the ceasefire by preventing violations of the line of disengagement and the area of separation. Those violations took place under the nose of the Syrian security forces, such that the report indicates that they controlled the demonstration.", "No one is seeking to deny the legitimacy of the Palestinians’ aspirations to achieve an independent, sovereign State, living side by side in peace with Israel, and France has always supported a resumption of negotiations along those lines. What the Council cannot accept is the hypocritical use by the Syrian regime of the aspirations of the Palestinian people and the resulting threat to regional stability. The incidents of 15 May and 5 June are a tragic manifestation of this attempt by the Syrian regime to distract international attention from the aspirations of its own people, which it is now crushing amid bloodshed.", "Let me be clear: no attempt at regional destabilization will distract our attention from the brutal and systematic repression of peaceful demonstrators in Syria. Quite the contrary: these actions, which threaten international peace and security, strengthen our determination to see the Council express its views on the Syrian situation. The stability of Syria is crucial for the Middle East, a region whose fragility the Council knows only too well. Such stability can only come about through an end to the violence against the demonstrators and the effective implementation of reforms that meet the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people to control their own destiny.", "Last week the Secretary-General invited the members of the Security Council to overcome their differences and to send this clear message to the Syrian authorities. The resolution that the Council has just adopted unanimously is evidence of the fact that it has maintained its capacity to react when international peace and security are at stake. We must draw lessons from this and respond to the call of the Secretary-General by working to adopt a resolution that would send to the Syrian authorities the only message that can preserve peace and stability, for which the Council has primary responsibility.", "Mr. Pankin (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): The Russian Federation was the initiator of the first draft resolution on the extension of the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force in the occupied Syrian Golan Heights for another six months. We support the important stabilizing role played by the Force, and we believe that its presence in the area is necessary until there is an end to tension in the area.", "The Russian Federation, which voted in favour of the draft resolution, wanted to continue the long-standing practice by which members of the Council unanimously express, in a presidential statement, their support for the view of the Secretary-General that the situation in the region is unstable and will remain so until a comprehensive settlement is achieved that covers all aspects of the Middle East problem. While there was not unanimity in the Council on this, as there were doubts in this regard, we are confident that this important idea about the Middle East settlement was reflected in the resolution adopted today.", "We call on both sides to continue to cooperate actively with United Nations personnel acting under the Force’s mandate and within the framework of existing agreements to observe the ceasefire agreement; to assist the United Nations Force in carrying out its mission; and to ensure the security and freedom of movement of its staff. We believe that the capacities and resources of the United Nations Force are sufficient for it to carry out its tasks.", "In conclusion, I should like to emphasize that the resolution just adopted, of which Russia was a co‑sponsor, is technical in nature and bears no relation to developments in the political situation in Syria or in Israel. Syria is not on the agenda of the Security Council because it does not pose a threat to international peace and security.", "Mr. Wang Min (China) (spoke in Chinese): China is watching closely the situation in the Middle East. We commend the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) for the very important role it has played in maintaining regional stability, and we support the smooth renewal of UNDOF’s mandate.", "The events in Syria are an internal affair of that country. It should be left to the parties concerned to find a proper solution through dialogue and consultation. The question of Syria and the renewal of the mandate of UNDOF are two distinct issues and should not be linked, so as to avoid complicating and politicizing the renewal of UNDOF’s mandate.", "At present, the situation in the Middle East is extremely complex and sensitive. The international community must work to maintain regional peace and stability and to facilitate the efforts of the parties concerned to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East that is based on the relevant Security Council resolutions.", "Mr. Ja′afari (Syrian Arab Republic) (spoke in Arabic): The Government of the Syrian Arab Republic would like at the outset to express its appreciation for the efforts being made by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations (DPKO) and to the members of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). I want them to remember this statement.", "UNDOF personnel in the occupied Golan Heights are on a part of our land that has been occupied by Israel since 1967. The reason UNDOF forces are in the Golan is the Israeli occupation of the Golan. I want this fact to remain present in the minds of our colleagues. We would therefore like to express our appreciation for the efforts being made by the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and by UNDOF personnel in the occupied Golan Heights to observe the Agreement on Disengagement and to maintain peace and security in the Force’s area of operations, which is, of course, in implementation of its mandate.", "UNDOF has always been, and continues to be, the safest peacekeeping operation of all such operations being carried out by the United Nations throughout the world. Syria has supported and facilitated the work of UNDOF and respected its mandate since the Force was formed in 1974.", "Moreover, Syria has maintained close ties with officials of UNDOF and the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization, as well as with DPKO, for a period of approximately 40 years — the duration of the Israeli occupation of the Golan Heights.", "The periodic reports issued by the Secretary-General since the Israeli occupation of the Golan began in 1967 have expressed appreciation for Syria’s positive attitude in cooperating with UNDOF and its personnel as well as in ensuring their safety and respecting their mandate. On behalf of the Syrian Arab Republic, we reiterate that we will do everything necessary to maintain the safety of UNDOF’s personnel in order to ensure the success of its mandate.", "Syria expresses its regret that the long-sought-after just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East that certain colleagues have mentioned has not been achieved yet. Israel has not withdrawn from the occupied Golan Heights, in implementation of resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and 497 (1981) and of all international initiatives in that respect, including the Arab Peace Initiative and other well-known terms of reference. It has also not complied with international law. This has led, naturally, to the prolonged presence of that force in part of our occupied land.", "In that regard, we ask the Security Council to play its due role by putting an end to the Israeli occupation of our land and thus uphold the mandate that it has given itself through its own resolutions and fulfil its task of maintaining international peace and security.", "Ever since the start of the recent internal events and developments in Syria, and especially after certain extremists started using violence and bearing arms against the forces of law and order and innocent Syrian citizens, including peaceful demonstrators, it has become clear to us and to many observers throughout the world that some parties, including in this very Security Council, are attempting to involve the Council, on the pretext of weak excuses and justifications, in internal developments that have nothing to do with its role, responsibilities or mandate.", "Without going into detail concerning the attempts we have witnessed on the part of some Council members to involve the Council in issues that are none of its business, we must confess our bafflement over the attempts — described to us by certain colleagues, whom we thank — of some of these parties to include references to Syrian domestic affairs in a technical draft resolution extending the mandate of UNDOF. This is a technical issue that the Security Council has addressed in a technical manner dozens of times over the many years of the Israeli occupation of our Golan. This exploitation of strictly internal developments in Syria is aimed solely at putting political pressure on Syria, and is another indication of how some member States will not hesitate to continue to use the Security Council as a tool to enforce their own policies. Syria expresses its deep appreciation to the Council members that did not get involved in these brazen tactics and suspicious activities.", "We note that the reforms announced by President Bashar Al-Assad, which emanate from his belief in the need to implement reforms that will meet the demands and aspirations of the Syrian people, will be applied on the ground through the national dialogue conference, the consultations for which will begin in the next few days. We should keep in mind that some of these reforms have now become a tangible reality on the ground and enjoy the support and the appreciation of the international community, as we have reported consecutively to the Secretary-General and members of the Security Council.", "Since the formation of UNDOF in 1974, we have continued to draw the attention of the Security Council and the Secretary-General to the activities of Israel, the occupying Power — and that is its legal title — and its authorities. They have built settlements in the Golan, which now number 44. They continue to build bypass roads around Syrian cities in the Golan and to drain Mas'adah Lake, on which thousands of Syrian farmers depend for their living. They continue to oppress the citizens of the Syrian Golan Heights, who refuse to carry Israeli identification cards and reject the Israeli occupation, and to undertake campaigns to arrest them.", "In 1981, the Council unanimously adopted its renowned resolution 497 (1981), which condemned and rejected the Israeli occupying Power’s decision to annex the occupied Golan Heights.", "Not all of this news, it appears, has reached the ears of some representatives who have spoken today. They have never even mentioned these issues in their statements on United Nations resolutions and the renewal of the UNDOF mandate over the past 30 years. Our people’s suffering in the occupied Golan Heights deserved some reference a long time ago. Instead, these speakers focused exclusively on the strictly internal affairs of a founding State Member of this Organization.", "According to a report issued in Washington, D.C., yesterday, the recent wars waged by the United States military have cost $4 trillion. These wars have led to disasters in Iraq, Afghanistan and other areas of the world. We now also hear of the scandal of NATO’s failure to respect the strict mandate of resolution 1973 (2011), and this scandal is there for all to see. These facts, and not some internal domestic incidents that could have taken place in any State Member of the Organization, are relevant to the Security Council’s mandate.", "My country has received 2 million Iraqi refugees, who fled Iraq because of the American- and British-led military invasion. But we have not put our brothers in camps or asked them to live in tents. We welcomed them as they awaited the liberation of Iraq so that they could return to their own homes and land. Since we first received these 2 million Iraqi refugees, no one in the international community has even offered humanitarian aid to assist us in bearing the burden that has been thrust upon us by the British and United States invasion and occupation of Iraq. We host half a million Palestinian refugees as a result of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territories, and half a million Syrians displaced from the Golan.", "Not one of those who have spoken today to express their concern at the internal incidents in Syria has offered any form of humanitarian support to help us meet these dangerous challenges, which are not of our own creation. Moreover, no Hollywood stars have come to visit the millions of refugees who have fled to our country.", "Yes, Syria’s stability is important — very important — to the Middle East, as one of our colleagues has pointed out. Therefore, threatening this stability is extremely dangerous to the region and international security and stability, especially when such meddling is done by countries harbouring animosity towards us, based on principle and for political reasons. These are the same States responsible for the disasters of the Sykes-Picot Agreement of 1916, the Balfour Declaration of 1917 and the division of the region. These are important considerations that those with a poor memory should bear in mind when seeking a clear perception of what is happening in the world.", "To speak of concern for pluralistic Syrian society, as the representative of Germany did, is not at all consistent with Germany’s provision to Israel in recent years of six submarines that can be equipped with nuclear warheads. I will not go into further detail, as I would have to refer to other speakers who have also furnished Israel with nuclear technology, helped it to build nuclear reactors, and defended its refusal to join the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and to place its nuclear installations under international supervision.", "All of this is only part of what I would like to discuss, but I would like to thank you, Sir, for having given me the floor. I hope that the Council will focus on real issues within its mandate instead of encroaching upon the sovereignty of a State Member of the United Nations and meddling with its internal affairs.", "The President (spoke in French): I now give the floor to the representative of Israel.", "Mr. Prosor (Israel): Israel deeply appreciates the work carried out by the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). The international community must continue to support its mission, which remains an important component of stability in our region.", "As we witness unprecedented turmoil in the Middle East, the need for all parties to fully respect the disengagement line between Israel and Syria has never been clearer. Yet after decades of relative quiet, we have witnessed several brazen attempts to breach the line from the Syrian side and raise tensions in our region.", "On 15 May, a large organized group of protesters tore down the Alpha fence in Syria, breached the disengagement line with Israel and carried out acts of violence against Israeli Defence Forces in the village of Majdal Chams. On 5 June, we saw another act of provocation on the line. Hundreds of individuals sought to breach the disengagement line with Israel in the areas of Majdal Chams and Quneitra. They tried to break through the fences in the area, threw Molotov cocktails and other large objects at the Israeli Defence Forces, and used other modes of violence to advance their goals.", "Despite its clear responsibilities, the Syrian regime did not prevent demonstrators from arriving at the disengagement line, or the attempts to cross it. To the contrary, these incidents, which could not have taken place without the knowledge of the Syrian authorities, reflect a blatant attempt by Syria to distract international attention from its violent repression of its own people. The Syrian regime’s fingerprints are all over these protests; to my mind, one does not have to be a New York City Police Department forensics expert to detect it.", "The events that followed the 5 June protests in the Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp in Syria provide one glaring example of Syrian involvement in the demonstration. I think Bashar Al-Assad is the only ophthalmologist I know who is actively engaged in blackening the vision of hope of his own people and, indeed, of the whole region.", "The Syrian-Israeli disengagement line has been quiet for decades. The Syrian regime cannot be allowed to disturb this quiet just because it does not want the cries of its own citizens to be heard. I want to thank, on behalf of the State of Israel, the President and all the people who have worked tirelessly in UNDOF over the years because their work, as I said, is an important component in the stability of our region.", "The President (spoke in French): The Security Council has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "The meeting rose at 12.20 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 梅索尼先生 (加蓬) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生 \n 巴西 费尔南德斯先生 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 布里安先生 \n 德国 贝格尔先生 \n 印度 拉古塔哈里先生 \n 黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生 \n 尼日利亚 阿米耶奥弗利先生 \n 葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 马沙巴内先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 帕勒姆先生 \n 美利坚合众国 迪卡洛夫人", "议程项目", "中东局势", "秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年1月1日至6月30日期间的报告(S/2011/359)", "上午11时35分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "中东局势", "秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年1月1日至6月30日期间的报告(S/2011/359)", "主席(以法语发言)按照安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我邀请以色列代表和叙利亚代表参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前摆着文件S/2011/385,其中载有法国、德国、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国提交的一项决议草案案文。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/359,其中载有秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的报告。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。我现在就把这项决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以法语发言):有15票赞成。决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1994(2011)号决议。", "我现在请希望在决议通过后发言的安理会成员发言。", "帕勒姆先生(联合王国)(以英语发言):我们今天对第1994(2011)号决议投了赞成票,因为联合王国欢迎联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)为维护其行动区内的稳定所作的努力。观察员部队继续发挥着宝贵和有效的作用。", "然而,我们必须找到局势的持久解决办法。这将要求双方合作。因此,我们敦促叙利亚和以色列恢复和平谈判,以便根据马德里会议和平框架达成一项全面和平协议。", "联合王国对叙利亚境内持续不断的暴力及其对地区和平与稳定明显构成的威胁深感关切。特别是,在这方面,我们对5月15日和6月5日发生在观察员部队行动区内的伤亡事件感到痛惜。我们希望,导致发生这些悲惨事件的情况(包括叙利亚政府的作用)将会受到彻查。我们敦促双方保持克制,避免采取挑衅性行动,以防止停火线一带紧张升级。", "我们还感到关切的是,秘书长发现叙利亚国内反政府示威活动已蔓延到限制区内叙利亚一侧。我们一再敦促叙利亚政府停止暴力,建设性地回应叙利亚人民的正当要求,并进行有意义的改革。叙利亚政府非但没有这样做,反而以残暴的武力对待呼吁改革的正当要求。过去3个月估计已有1 400人死于这些暴力。这是完全不可接受的。", "我们还对叙利亚政府继续阻挠联合国帮助缓解危机和向叙利亚人民提供援助的尝试感到非常关切。阿萨德总统拒绝接听秘书长打来的电话。他的政权禁止人道主义组织进入。人权理事会授权的实况调查团未获准许进入该国开展工作。叙利亚政府的行动致使越来越多的叙利亚难民越过边界涌入土耳其和黎巴嫩。", "叙利亚局势不可持续。如果我们真想看到暴力结束,安理会就应当发出一个明确的信息,强调我们的集体关切。因此,联合王国将继续推动安理会就更广泛的叙利亚局势通过一项决议。", "贝格尔先生(德国)(以英语发言):联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)建于1974年。它开展行动迄今逾37年。我们对目前和曾经在观察员部队提供服务以支持该部队履行其使命的男男女女表示敬意。我们期待着在秘书长的下次报告中收到对观察员部队能力的评估,以确保该部队今后有适当的行动能力。", "5月15日和6月5日,观察员部队行动地区内发生示威活动,导致数名平民伤亡,用秘书长的报告(S/2011/359)第3段的话说,“危及长期保持的停火”。我们完全赞同这一评估。我们对生命损失深表遗憾,并对这些事件严重关切,这是观察员部队任务授权确定以来发生的最严重事件。", "这种事件不能不谈,这也是我们偏离往年重申同一决议的长期做法的原因所在。虽然我们呼吁以色列和叙利亚双方履行1974年部队地位协议规定义务,但我们注意到,这些示威活动没有叙利亚同意不可能发生。我们呼吁叙利亚避免采取任何可能导致进一步动荡的行动。叙利亚当局以最残暴的手段镇压全国各地的反政府示威,但却在5月15日和6月5日积极鼓励在该国最敏感地区之一举行反以色列示威。叙利亚似乎愿意冒爆发国际冲突之险,以转移对其压制本国人民要求政治自由的正当呼声的注意。此后在耶尔穆克难民营发生的骚乱表明,巴勒斯坦难民已经意识到,他们和他们的愿望在这场非常危险的游戏中被利用和操纵了。", "叙利亚境内的暴力必须停止。必须释放被囚禁的示威者,实施有意义的改革,而不是传播恐惧。挑拨叙利亚多元社会中各方相互对立将无济于事。我们同秘书长一道呼吁安全理事会在叙利亚局势问题上阐明自己的立场。我们认为早该如此。", "迪卡洛夫人(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)1974年以来一直在维持以色列和叙利亚之间的停火方面发挥着重要作用。我们欢迎今天的表决。几周前,观察员部队行动区的平静气氛被严重扰乱。美国对5月15日和6月5日戈兰高地发生的严重事件深表关切。我们对有可信报告显示叙利亚政府参与示威活动进一步感到不安,这些示威已经造成伤亡。这些行动是叙利亚政府的明显伎俩,企图在脱离接触线一带煽动暴力,转移公众对其不分青红皂白地杀戮和侵犯叙利亚人民人权的关注。", "这些事件清楚地暴露了该政权的虚伪性。它利用巴勒斯坦事业鼓励暴力,不惜危及它与以色列的长期停火,同时继续残酷镇压叙利亚人民,拒绝接受他们要求改革和民主变革的呼吁。叙利亚人民已经展示勇气,要求向民主过渡。叙利亚政府必须停止开枪射杀示威者,允许和平抗议。叙利亚政府必须释放政治犯,停止非法逮捕和酷刑。叙利亚政府必须允许人权监察员进入,并开始认真对话,以推动民主过渡。", "在行动方面,我们对进一步限制观察员部队在隔离区的行动表示关切。双方必须遵守1974年脱离接触部队地位协定的规定,包括防止侵犯隔离区。", "最后,美国赞扬观察员部队男女官兵的奉献精神,并感谢埃卡尔马少将的领导。", "阿萨夫先生(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言):我们首先要强调联合国脱离观察员部队行动的重要性,并赞扬他们作出的牺牲。今天,黎巴嫩加入各国协商一致意见,通过了第1994(2011)号决议。我们本希望一如既往通过一项技术性决议,同时发表主席声明,重申需要达成全面、和平解决中东冲突的方案。我们希望今后能够再次这样做。", "我们谴责以色列试图改变人口结构,明显改变被占领叙利亚戈兰地区的状况,尤其是通过扩张和扩大定居点这样去做,公然违反国际法、大会第497(1981)号决议和《日内瓦第四公约》。我们呼吁以色列执行安理会第242(1967)和第338(1973)号决议,全部撤离被占领戈兰高地,撤回到1967年界线。我们强调实现中东地区公正、持久、全面和平的重要性。", "布里安先生(法国)(以法语发言):今天安全理事会重申,它支持联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)。然而,今天通过的第1994(2011)号决议同以前决议有很大的不同,它是对戈兰高地局势非常令人不安的事态的回应。自1974年《脱离接触协定》以来,以色列和叙利亚之间的停火线一直是该地区最稳定的边界线;但5月15日和6月5日连续发生重大事故,威胁到1973年以来一直维持的停火,危及该地区的稳定和安全。", "因此,安理会今天提醒双方,它们有义务充分尊重1974年协定和安理会决议。这些义务包括防止侵犯停火线和隔离区。5月15日和6月5日叙方发生违反情况,显示叙利亚当局不遵守这些义务。安理会还提醒双方,务必行使最大的克制。法国对这些事件造成多人伤亡深表遗憾。", "观察员部队的行动受到叙方限制,部队受到叙方攻击,这是不可接受的。我谨指出,维和部队行动自由是部署维和行动的一个基本要求,也是国家同意接受在其领土上部署维和行动而接受的相应义务。因此,双方必须通过确保观察员部队的安全和行动充分自由来充分保证其任务的履行。", "这就是今天决议传递的信息,它表明了安理会对戈兰地区所发生的事件可能产生的潜在破坏稳定的影响深表关切。事件的起源很清楚:秘书长的报告(S/2011/359)显示,隔离区的巴勒斯坦示威者得益于叙利亚当局的视而不见,即使叙利亚当局没有实际帮助他们。叙利亚当局有义务通过防止有人侵犯脱离接触线和隔离区保证遵守停火。这些违约情况就发生在叙利亚安全部队的鼻子底下,以致报告显示,他们实际上控制示威。", "没有人试图否认巴勒斯坦人实现建立一个独立、主权国家,与以色列和平毗邻相处的愿望的正当性,法国一贯支持根据这些精神恢复谈判。", "安理会不能接受的是,叙利亚政权虚伪地利用了巴勒斯坦人民的渴望,从而威胁了区域稳定。5月15日和6月5日发生的事件都惨痛地表明,叙利亚政权企图转移国际上对遭到其血腥镇压的本国人民愿望的注意。", "请让我表明,任何破坏区域稳定的企图都不会转移我们对叙利亚残酷、有系统地镇压和平示威者行动的注意。恰恰相反,这些威胁到国际和平与安全的举动只会坚定我们让安理会就叙利亚局势表态的决心。叙利亚的稳定对于中东至关重要,安理会对该地区的脆弱性太了解了。只有停止针对示威者的暴力,切实实行符合叙利亚人民掌握自身命运这一正当愿望的各项改革,才能实现稳定。", "上周,秘书长请安全理事会成员国消除其分歧,向叙利亚当局发出这一明确信号。安理会刚刚一致通过的决议证明,在国际和平与安全岌岌可危时,它仍有能力做出反应。我们必须从中吸取经验教训,响应秘书长的呼吁,努力通过一项决议,向叙利亚当局发出能够维护和平与安全的唯一信号,而维护和平与安全正是安理会的首要职责。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):俄罗斯联邦是关于将驻被占领叙利亚戈兰高地的联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)的任期延长6个月的首项决议草案的提案国。我们支持这支部队发挥的重要的稳定作用。我们认为,在该地区紧张局势结束之前,该部队在该地区的存在是必要的。", "俄罗斯联邦对决议草案投了赞成票,想以此沿用一种长期有效的做法,即:安理会成员在主席声明中一致表示支持秘书长的看法,认为该地区的局势不稳定,并且这种不稳定局势将持续下去,直到找到一个涵盖中东问题所有方面的全面解决办法。尽管安理会未就此达成一致,并且在这方面存有疑虑,但是我们相信,关于实现中东问题解决的这个重要想法在今天通过的决议中得到了体现。", "我们呼吁双方继续与按照观察员部队任务授权、在现有协议框架内行动的联合国工作人员积极合作,遵守停火协定;协助联合国部队履行其使命;以及确保其工作人员的安全和行动自由。我们认为,联合国观察员部队的能力和资源足以使其执行任务。", "最后,我愿强调,刚刚通过的决议(俄罗斯是其共同提案国)是技术性的,与叙利亚或以色列政治局势的动态毫无关系。叙利亚未列入安全理事会议程,因为它没有威胁到国际和平与安全。", "王民先生(中国):中方十分关注中东地区形势,赞赏联脱部队为维持地区局势稳定发挥的重要作用,支持联脱部队顺利延期。", "叙利亚问题是该国的内部事务,应由叙利亚有关各方自己通过对话和协商寻求妥善解决。叙利亚问题与联脱部队延期是两个完全不同的问题。不应将上述问题相联系,导致联脱部队延期问题政治化、复杂化。", "当前中东形势十分复杂敏感。国际社会应多做有利于维护地区和平与稳定的事情,应积极推动有关各方在安理会相关决议基础上,实现中东地区的全面、公正和持久和平。", "贾法里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)(以阿拉伯语发言):首先,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府愿对维持和平行动部(维和部)以及联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)成员所做的努力表示赞赏。我希望他们记住本次发言。", "驻被占领戈兰高地的观察员部队工作人员身处我国领土的一部分,而自1967年以来这部分领土一直遭到以色列的占领。观察员部队之所以驻扎在戈兰,就是因为以色列占领了戈兰。我希望各位同事始终牢记这一事实。为此,我们愿赞赏维持和平行动部和驻被占领戈兰高地的观察员部队人员努力遵守《脱离接触协定》,维护部队行动区的和平与安全,这当然是为了执行其任务授权。", "观察员部队历来是、并将继续是联合国在世界各地开展的所有此类维和行动中最安全的维和行动。自1974年建立这支部队以来,叙利亚一直支持观察员部队的工作,为它提供便利,以及尊重它的任务授权。", "此外,叙利亚与观察员部队和联合国停战监督组织的官员以及维和部保持密切联系已有约40年,以色列占领戈兰高地也有这么长时间了。", "自1967年以色列开始占领戈兰高地以来,秘书长发表的定期报告一直赞赏叙利亚在与观察员部队及其工作人员积极合作、确保他们的安全以及尊重他们的任务授权方面的积极态度。我代表阿拉伯叙利亚共和国重申,我们将尽一切必要努力,保证观察员部队人员的安全,以确保其任务授权的成功执行。", "叙利亚感到遗憾的是,一些同事提及的人们长期追求的中东地区的公正、全面和平尚未实现。以色列尚未执行第242(1967)号决议、第338(1973)号决议、第497(1981)号决议以及这方面的各项国际倡议,其中包括《阿拉伯和平倡议》以及其它众所周知的提议,从被占领的戈兰高地撤走。它还不遵守国际法。这自然导致这支部队在部分我国被占领土上长期驻留。", "在这方面,我们恳请安全理事会发挥其应有作用,结束以色列对我国领土的占领,从而维护安理会通过自己的各项决议赋予自身的授权,并且履行其维护国际和平与安全的任务。", "自最近叙利亚国内的事件和事态发展开始以来,特别是在某些极端分子开始使用暴力并且拿起武器对抗维护法律和秩序的部队和危害无辜叙利亚公民,包括和平示威者之后,对我们和世界各地的许多观察人士都已经清楚的一点是,一些方面,包括就在这个安全理事会中的一些方面,正企图以站不住脚的借口和理由为由让安理会介入与安理会的作用、职责或授权毫不相关的国内事态发展。", "我们无需赘述我们看到的某些安理会成员试图使安理会介入与其无关问题的这些企图,但我们必须承认,我们感到困惑的是,其中一些方面企图把提及叙利亚内政的内容纳入延长观察员部队任务期限的技术性决议草案之中,我们感谢一些同事向我们透露了这种企图。这是一个技术性问题,安理会在以色列占领我国戈兰的多年中几十次以技术性方式处理了这个问题。这种利用纯属叙利亚国内事态的做法完全是为了向叙利亚施加政治压力,也又一次表明,某些会员国将毫不犹豫地把安全理事会作为强行推行它们自己政策的工具。叙利亚对没有参与这些不知羞耻的伎俩和可疑活动的安理会成员深表赞赏。", "我们要指出,巴沙尔·阿萨德总统宣布进行的改革将通过全国对话大会在实地开展,这源自于总统坚信必须开展将满足叙利亚人民需求和愿望的改革,对话大会的有关协商将于近几天开始。我们应当牢记,其中一些改革已经在实地切实施行,并且得到国际社会的支持和赞赏,我们已向秘书长和安全理事会成员先后报告过有关情况。", "自1974年组建观察员部队以来,我们不断提请安全理事会和秘书长注意以色列占领国——这是以色列的合法头衔——及其当局的活动。它们在戈兰修建定居点,目前达44个。它们继续在戈兰的叙利亚城市周边修建绕行道路,并且继续抽取成千上万叙利亚农民赖以为生的Mas'adah湖的湖水。它们继续压迫拒绝携带以色列身份证和拒绝接受以色列占领的叙利亚戈兰高地居民,并且开展逮捕这些人的行动。", "1981年,安理会一致通过了其著名的第497(1981)号决议,这项决议谴责并且拒绝承认占领国以色列吞并被占领戈兰高地的决定。", "看起来,今天发言的一些代表对所有这些消息充耳不闻。过去三十年来,他们在他们有关联合国决议和延长观察员部队任务期限的发言中甚至从未提到过这些问题。我们在被占领戈兰高地上人民的苦难早就应当被提到。相反,这些发言者完全把注意力放在纯属一个本组织创始会员国的内政上面。", "根据昨天在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿公布的一份报告,美国军方最近发动的战争已耗资4万亿美元。这些战争带来了伊拉克、阿富汗和世界其它地区的灾难。我们现在还听说北约未遵守第1973(2011)号决议严格任务授权的丑闻,我们所有人都看得到这个丑闻。对安全理事会授权相关的是这些事实,而非本来会发生在本组织任何一个会员国中的一些内部国内事件。", "我国接收了200万伊拉克难民,他们因美国和英国领导的军事入侵而逃离伊拉克。但是,我们没有把我们的兄弟们安置在难民营中并要求他们在帐篷中生活。我们在他们等待伊拉克解放后返回自己的家园之前接纳了他们。自我们开始接收这200万伊拉克难民以来,国际社会中没有一个国家提供过人道主义援助,帮助我们承担由于英国和美国对伊拉克的入侵和占领而加诸于我们的这一负担。因以色列对巴勒斯坦领土的占领,我们收容了50万巴勒斯坦难民,另有被逐出戈兰的50万叙利亚人。", "今天发言对叙利亚内部事件表示关切的人中没有一人向我们提供任何形式的人道主义支助,帮助我们面对这些危险的挑战,而它们不是我们自己造成的。此外,没有任何好莱坞明星来看望逃到我国的数百万难民。", "是的,正如我们的一位同事指出的那样,叙利亚的稳定对中东是重要的——是非常重要的。因此,威胁这一稳定对于该区域和国际安全与稳定而言是极其危险的,当此种干预是那些基于原则和政治原因对我们不怀好意的国家所为时则尤为如此。同样是这些国家要对1916年的《赛克斯-皮科协定》、1917年的《贝尔福宣言》和区域分治带来的灾难负责。那些记性不太好的人在寻求清楚地认识世界上正在发生的情况时应当牢记这些重要的考虑。", "德国代表说起对叙利亚多元社会的关切,同德国的行动南辕北辙,它近年来向以色列提供了6艘能够装备核弹头的潜艇。我将不谈更多的细节,因为我将必须谈到其他发言者,他们也向以色列提供了核技术,帮助它建造核反应堆,并袒护以色列拒绝加入《不扩散核武器条约》和把其核设施置于国际监督之下。", "所有这些只是我想要讨论的内容的一部分,但是我谨感谢你主席先生让我发言。我希望安理会将注重其职权范围以内的实际问题,而不是侵犯一个联合国会员国的主权和插手其内部事务。", "主席(以法语发言):我现在请以色列代表发言。", "Prosor先生(以色列)(以英语发言):以色列深切赞赏联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)所做的工作。国际社会必须继续支持它的任务,这依然是我们区域稳定的一个重要组成部分。", "在我们目睹中东前所未有的动荡之际,各方充分遵守以色列同叙利亚之间的脱离接触线的必要性,从未如此明确。然而,在数十年的相对平静之后,我们目睹叙利亚一方几次公然试图突破该线,加剧了我们区域的紧张局势。", "5月15日,在迈季代勒舍姆斯村,一大群有组织的抗议者拉倒叙利亚境内的阿尔法篱笆,越过同以色列的脱离接触线并对以色列国防军采取暴力行动。6月5日,我们看到该线上发生了另一起挑衅行动。数百人试图在迈季代勒舍姆斯和库奈特拉地区越过同以色列的脱离接触线。他们设法穿过该地的篱笆,向以色列国防军投掷燃烧瓶和其他大块物体,并用其他暴力手段达到他们的目的。", "尽管叙利亚政权对此显然负有责任,但它未阻止示威者到达脱离接触线或越过它的企图。相反,这些叙利亚当局不可能不知情的事件表明,叙利亚公然企图转移国际上对其暴力镇压本国人民行径的注意力。在所有这些抗议中都露出了叙利亚政权的蛛丝马迹,在我看来,你不需要是纽约警察局的法医专家就可看出。", "在6月5日叙利亚境内亚尔穆克巴勒斯坦难民营的抗议之后发生的事件,是叙利亚介入示威的一个突出的例子。我想,巴沙尔·阿萨德是我所知道的积极参与遮掩其本国人民和实际上整个区域的希望视线的唯一的眼科医生。", "叙利亚-以色列脱离接触线平静了几十年。不能仅仅因为叙利亚政权不想让人听到它本国公民的呼声,就允许它扰乱这一平静。我要代表以色列国感谢主席和多年来观察员部队中辛勤工作的所有人,因为正如我说过的那样,他们的工作是我们区域稳定的一个重要组成部分。", "主席(以法语发言):安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程上项目的审议。", "下午12时20分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 梅索尼先生 (加蓬)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生\n巴西 费尔南德斯先生\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 布林斯先生\n德国 Berger先生\n印度 拉古塔哈尔利先生\n黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生\n尼日利亚 阿米耶奥福里先生\n葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生\n南非 马沙巴内先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 迪卡洛夫人", "议程项目", "中东局势", "秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年1月1日至6月30日期间的报告(S/2011/359)", "上午11时35分宣布开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "中东局势", "秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年1月1日至6月30日期间的报告(S/2011/359)", "主席(以法语发言): 根据安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我邀请以色列和叙利亚代表参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前有文件S/2011/385,其中载有由法国、德国、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国提交的一项决议草案的案文。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/359,其中载有秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的报告。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。 我现在将决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国。", "主席(以法语发言): 15票赞成。 决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1994(2010)号决议。", "我现在请希望在决议通过后发言的安理会成员发言。", "帕勒姆先生(联合王国): 我们今天对第1994(2011)号决议投了赞成票,因为联合王国欢迎联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)为维持其行动区的稳定而作的努力。 它继续发挥宝贵而有效的作用。", "然而,我们必须找到持久解决这一局势的办法。 这将需要双方的合作。 因此,我们敦促叙利亚和以色列恢复和平谈判,以按照马德里会议和平框架达成一项全面和平协定。", "联合王国严重关切叙利亚正在发生的暴力及其对区域和平与稳定构成的明确威胁。 在这方面,我们尤其对5月15日和6月5日在观察员部队行动区发生的生命损失表示遗憾。 我们希望,将彻底调查导致这些悲惨事件的情况,包括叙利亚政府的作用。 我们敦促双方表现出克制并避免挑衅,以防止停火线沿线紧张局势升级。", "我们还对秘书长的调查结果感到关切,即叙利亚境内的反政府示威已蔓延到叙利亚一侧的限制区。 我们再三地敦促叙利亚政府停止暴力,对叙利亚人民的合法要求作出建设性反应,并进行有意义的改革。 它没有这样做。 相反,它以野蛮的武力满足了改革的合理要求,在过去三个月中,估计有1 400人死亡。 这是完全不能接受的。", "我们还非常关切叙利亚政府继续阻挠联合国帮助缓解危机和向叙利亚人民提供援助的努力。 阿萨德总统拒绝接受秘书长的电话;他的政权禁止人道主义组织进入;人权理事会授权的实况调查团被拒绝进入该国并开展工作。 政府的行动正使越来越多的叙利亚难民越过边界涌入土耳其和黎巴嫩。", "叙利亚的局势是不可持续的。 如果我们真想看到暴力的结束,安理会应该发出明确的信息,强调我们的集体关切。 因此,联合王国将继续推动安全理事会就更广泛的叙利亚局势通过一项决议。", "贝尔赫先生(德国)(以英语发言):联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)成立于1974年。 它已经运作了37年多。 我们向为观察员部队执行任务服务并向其提供支持的男女人员致敬。 我们期待着在秘书长的下一份报告中收到对观察员部队能力的评估,以确保今后有适当的行动能力。", "5月15日和6月5日,观察员部队行动区发生示威,造成一些平民伤亡。 引用秘书长的报告(S/2011/359)第3段,“危及长期维持的停火”,我们完全同意这一评估。 我们对生命损失深感遗憾并严重关切这些事件,这是自观察员部队任务确立以来最严重的事件。", "这些事件不能不反映,这就是为什么我们偏离了与往年一样重申同一决议的长期做法。 虽然我们呼吁以色列和叙利亚双方履行1974年部队地位协定规定的义务,但我们注意到,没有叙利亚的同意,这些示威是不可能的,我们呼吁叙利亚不要采取任何可能引发进一步动乱的行动。 在全国,叙利亚当局一直以最残暴的镇压手段镇压针对其政府的示威。 然而,5月15日和6月5日,他们积极鼓励在该国最敏感地区之一举行反对以色列的示威。 叙利亚似乎愿意冒起国际冲突的风险,以转移对其镇压其人民提出的政治自由的合法呼吁的注意力。 雅尔穆克难民营随后发生的骚乱表明,巴勒斯坦难民已经意识到,他们及其愿望在这一非常危险的游戏中受到了操纵和滥用。", "叙利亚的暴力必须停止。 必须释放被监禁的示威者,必须实施有意义的改革,而不是散布恐惧。 让叙利亚多面性社会互相对抗是行不通的。 我们同秘书长一道,呼吁安全理事会就叙利亚局势发表意见。 对我们来说,这是早该做的事情。", "迪卡洛夫人(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):自1974年以来,联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)在维持以色列和叙利亚之间的停火方面发挥了关键作用,我们欢迎今天的投票。 就在几周前,观察员部队行动区的平静被严重破坏。 美国对5月15日和6月5日在戈兰高地发生的严重事件深感关切。 我们进一步感到不安的是,有可信的报道说,叙利亚政府在那些导致人员伤亡的示威中发挥作用。 这些行动是叙利亚政府煽动脱离接触线一带暴力的透明伎俩,目的是转移公众对其自身滥杀和侵犯叙利亚人民人权的注意力。", "这些事件清楚地表明了政权的虚伪。 它利用巴勒斯坦事业来鼓励暴力并冒着与以色列长期停火的风险,同时继续残酷地镇压叙利亚人民并否认他们要求改革和民主变革的呼吁. 叙利亚人民表现出勇气,要求向民主过渡。 叙利亚政府必须停止向示威者开枪并允许和平抗议. 它必须释放政治犯并停止不公正的逮捕和酷刑。 它必须允许人权监测员进入并开始认真对话,以推进民主过渡。", "在行动方面,我们对观察员部队在隔离区内的行动受到更多限制感到关切。 双方必须遵守1974年《部队脱离接触协定》的规定,包括防止破坏隔离区。", "最后,美国赞扬观察员部队的男男女女的奉献精神,并感谢埃卡尔马少将的领导。", "阿萨夫先生(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言): 我们首先要强调联合国脱离接触观察员部队行动的重要性,并称赞它所作的牺牲。 今天,黎巴嫩加入了协商一致,通过了第1994(2011)号决议。 我们本来希望它具有技术性,正如以往一样,当时在通过决议的同时发表了一项主席声明,回顾需要达成一项全面、和平解决中东冲突的办法。 我们希望今后将再次出现这种情况。", "我们谴责以色列企图改变人口结构,使被占领的叙利亚戈兰地区发生重大变化,特别是通过扩大定居点,公然违反了国际法、大会第497(1981)号决议和《日内瓦第四公约》。 我们呼吁以色列执行安全理事会第242(1967)和338(1973)号决议,从被占领的戈兰高地完全撤至1967年的分界线。 我们强调在中东地区实现公正、持久和全面和平的重要性。", "布里恩斯先生(法国)(以法语发言):今天,安全理事会已重申支持联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)。 然而,今天通过的决议——第1994(2011)号决议——在对戈兰高地局势非常令人不安的事态发展作出反应时,与先前的决议大相径庭。 自1974年《脱离接触协定》签署以来,以色列和叙利亚之间的停火线一直是该区域最稳定的分界线;随后,继而于5月15日和6月5日迅速发生了一些重大事件,威胁到自1973年以来所遵守的停火,并危及该区域的稳定与安全。", "因此,安理会今天提醒双方有义务充分尊重1974年协定和安理会各项决议。 这些义务包括防止违反停火线和隔离区。 叙利亚方面5月15日和6月5日的违反行为表明,叙利亚当局没有遵守这些义务。 安理会还提醒双方,他们必须表现出最大的克制,法国对这些事件造成的许多伤亡深表遗憾.", "观察员部队的行动受到限制,该部队受到叙利亚方面的攻击。 这是不可接受的。 我要回顾,维持和平人员的行动自由是部署维持和平行动的一个基本要素,是国家同意接受在其领土上进行这种部署的必然结果。 因此,双方必须确保观察员部队的安全和完全的行动自由,从而充分保证观察员部队执行任务。", "这是今天的决议所发出的信息,反映了安理会对戈兰事件对该地区的潜在破坏稳定影响深感关切。 这些事件的来源是明确的:秘书长的报告(S/2011/359)表明,隔离区内的巴勒斯坦示威者因叙利亚当局的忽视而受益,即使他们实际上没有得到他们的帮助。 叙利亚当局有义务通过防止违反脱离接触线和隔离区的行为来保证遵守停火。 这些侵犯行为是在叙利亚安全部队的眼皮底下发生的,因此,报告表明他们控制了示威。", "没有人试图否认巴勒斯坦人建立一个与以色列和平共处的独立主权国家的愿望的合法性,法国一贯支持根据这些方针恢复谈判。 安理会不能接受的是,叙利亚政权虚伪地利用巴勒斯坦人民的愿望,从而威胁区域稳定。 5月15日和6月5日的事件是叙利亚政权企图转移国际社会对其人民愿望的注意力的悲惨表现,叙利亚人民正在流血中被粉碎。", "让我明确指出:任何破坏区域稳定的企图都不会分散我们对叙利亚境内和平示威者被野蛮和有计划镇压的注意力。 恰恰相反:威胁国际和平与安全的这些行动加强了我们看到安理会就叙利亚局势发表意见的决心。 叙利亚的稳定对中东至关重要,安理会非常了解该地区的脆弱性。 只有结束针对示威者的暴力并有效执行符合叙利亚人民控制自己命运的合法愿望的改革,这种稳定才能实现。", "上星期,秘书长请安全理事会成员克服分歧,并向叙利亚当局发出这一明确信息。 安理会刚刚一致通过的决议证明,它在国际和平与安全受到威胁时仍然有能力作出反应。 我们必须从中吸取教训并响应秘书长的呼吁,努力通过一项决议,向叙利亚当局发出能够维护和平与稳定的唯一信息,安理会对此负有主要责任。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言): 俄罗斯联邦是关于将联合国脱离接触观察员部队在被占领的叙利亚戈兰高地的任务期限再延长六个月的第一份决议草案的发起国。 我们支持该部队发挥重要的稳定作用,我们认为,在结束该地区的紧张局势之前,它在该地区的存在是必要的。", "对该决议草案投赞成票的俄罗斯联邦想继续安理会各成员在主席声明中一致表示,支持秘书长的看法,即该区域的局势不稳定,而且将继续如此,直到达成一项涵盖中东问题所有方面的全面解决办法。 虽然安理会对此没有达成一致意见,因为在这方面存在疑问,但我们相信,关于中东问题的这一重要想法已经反映在今天通过的决议中。", "我们呼吁双方继续与根据部队任务规定和在现有协定框架内行动的联合国人员积极合作,以遵守停火协定;协助联合国部队执行任务;并确保其工作人员的安全和行动自由。 我们认为,联合国部队的能力和资源足以完成其任务。", "最后,我要强调,刚刚通过的决议是技术性质的,与叙利亚和以色列政治局势的发展毫无关系,俄罗斯是该决议的共同提案国。 叙利亚不列入安全理事会议程,因为它不对国际和平与安全构成威胁。", "王民先生(中国): 中国密切关注中东局势。 我们赞扬联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)在维持区域稳定方面发挥的非常重要作用,我们支持顺利地延长观察员部队的任务期限。", "叙利亚的事件是该国的内部事务。 应该让有关各方通过对话和协商找到适当的解决办法。 叙利亚问题和延长观察员部队的任务期限是两个不同的问题,不应挂钩,以避免使延长观察员部队的任务期限复杂化并政治化。", "目前,中东局势极其复杂和敏感。 国际社会必须努力维护区域和平与稳定,并促使有关各方以安全理事会有关决议为基础,努力实现中东的全面、公正和持久和平。", "贾法里先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)(以阿拉伯语发言): 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府首先感谢维持和平行动部(维和部)和联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)成员正在作出的努力。 我希望他们记住这一陈述。", "观察员部队在被占戈兰高地的人员位于我们自1967年以来被以色列占领的部分土地上。 观察员部队部队驻扎在戈兰的原因是以色列对戈兰的占领。 我希望这一事实留在我们同事的脑海里。 因此,我们赞赏维持和平行动部和观察员部队人员在被占领的戈兰高地为遵守《脱离接触协定》并维护部队行动区的和平与安全而作的努力,这当然是部队执行任务时作的努力。", "观察员部队一直是、并将继续是联合国在世界各地开展的所有此类行动的最安全的维持和平行动。 自1974年观察员部队成立以来,叙利亚一直支持和推动观察员部队的工作并尊重其任务授权。", "此外,叙利亚与观察员部队和联合国停战监督组织的官员以及维和部保持了近40年的密切联系,即以色列占领戈兰高地的时间。", "自1967年开始以色列占领戈兰以来,秘书长发表的定期报告表示赞赏叙利亚在与观察员部队及其人员合作以及确保他们的安全并尊重他们的任务方面所采取的积极态度。 我们代表阿拉伯叙利亚共和国重申,我们将尽一切必要努力,维护观察员部队人员的安全,以确保其任务取得成功。", "叙利亚感到遗憾的是,某些同事提到的中东长期追求的公正和全面和平尚未实现。 以色列在执行第242(1967)号、第338(1973)号和第497(1981)号决议以及这方面所有国际倡议,包括《阿拉伯和平倡议》和其他众所周知的职权范围时,没有撤出被占领的戈兰高地。 它也没有遵守国际法。 这自然导致这支部队长期驻扎在我们部分被占领土。", "在这方面,我们请安全理事会发挥应有的作用,结束以色列对我国领土的占领,从而维护它通过自己的决议赋予自己的任务,并履行其维护国际和平与安全的任务。", "自从叙利亚最近发生的内部事件和事态发展开始以来,特别是在某些极端分子开始对法律和秩序力量以及无辜的叙利亚公民,包括和平示威者使用暴力和武器之后,我们和全世界许多观察员都清楚地看到,包括安全理事会在内的某些当事方以薄弱的借口和理由,企图使安理会参与与安理会的作用、责任或任务无关的内部事态发展。", "在不详细谈论我们所目睹的某些安理会成员试图使安理会介入与其无关的问题的情况下,我们必须承认我们对其中一些当事方企图在延长观察员部队任务期限的技术决议草案中提及叙利亚内政感到困惑——我们感谢他们向我们介绍过这些同事。 这是安全理事会在以色列占领戈兰多年期间以技术方式处理过几十次的技术问题。 这种对叙利亚境内严格意义上的内部发展的利用完全是为了对叙利亚施加政治压力,这再次表明一些成员国将如何毫不犹豫地继续利用安全理事会作为执行本国政策的工具。 叙利亚深切感谢没有参与这些无耻策略和可疑活动的安理会成员。", "我们注意到,巴沙尔·阿萨德总统宣布的改革将在实地通过全国对话会议加以实施,这次对话会议将在今后几天开始进行协商。 我们应铭记,正如我们连续向秘书长和安全理事会成员报告的那样,其中一些改革现已在实地成为实际现实并获得国际社会的支持和赞赏。", "自1974年观察员部队成立以来,我们继续提请安全理事会和秘书长注意占领国以色列及其当局的活动——这是其法定名称。 他们在戈兰建造了定居点,现已有44个定居点。 他们继续在戈兰的叙利亚城市周围修建绕行道并排出数以千计的叙利亚农民赖以生存的马萨达湖. 他们继续压迫叙利亚戈兰高地的公民,他们拒绝携带以色列身份证并拒绝以色列占领,并展开逮捕他们的运动。", "1981年,安理会一致通过了著名的第497(1981)号决议,谴责并拒绝占领国以色列吞并被占戈兰高地的决定。", "今天发言的一些代表似乎没有听到所有这些消息。 他们甚至从未在关于联合国决议和延长观察员部队过去30年任务期限的声明中提及这些问题。 我们的人民在被占领的戈兰高地所遭受的苦难早就值得一提。 相反,这些发言者只关注本组织创始会员国的严格内部事务。", "根据昨天在华盛顿特区发表的一份报告,美国军方最近发动的战争花费了4万亿美元。 这些战争已导致伊拉克、阿富汗和世界其他地区的灾难。 我们现在也听到北约没有遵守第1973(2011)号决议严格授权的丑闻,这一丑闻是所有人都可以看到的。 这些事实,而不是本组织任何会员国可能发生的一些国内事件,都同安全理事会的任务有关。", "我国已经接收了200万伊拉克难民,他们由于美国和英国主导的军事入侵而逃离了伊拉克。 但我们没有把我们的兄弟们安置在营地,也没有让他们住在帐篷里。 我们欢迎他们等待伊拉克解放,以便他们能返回自己的家园和土地。 自从我们首次接待这200万伊拉克难民以来,国际社会中甚至没有人提供人道主义援助来帮助我们承受英国和美国侵略并占领伊拉克给我们造成的负担。 由于以色列对巴勒斯坦领土的占领,我们收容了50万巴勒斯坦难民,50万叙利亚人从戈兰流离失所。", "今天发言对叙利亚国内事件表示关切的人,没有一个曾提供任何形式的人道主义支持来帮助我们应对这些危险的挑战,而这些挑战并不是我们自己造成的。 此外,没有好莱坞明星来拜访逃到我国的数百万难民。", "是的,正如我们的同事之一所指出,叙利亚的稳定对中东是重要的——非常重要的。 因此,威胁这种稳定对该区域和国际安全与稳定极为危险,特别是当出于原则和政治原因对我国怀有敌意的国家进行这种干涉时。 这些国家对1916年的\"赛克-皮科特协定\",1917年的\"巴尔福尔宣言\"和该地区的分化等灾害负有责任. 这些是记忆力差的人在寻求对世界所发生情况的明确认识时应当铭记的重要考虑。", "说到对多元叙利亚社会的关切,正如德国代表所做的那样,这完全不符合德国近年来提供给以色列可装备核弹头的六艘潜艇的规定。 我将不再进一步详述,因为我不得不提及其他发言者,他们也向以色列提供核技术,帮助它建造核反应堆,并为它拒绝加入《不扩散核武器条约》并将其核设施置于国际监督之下辩护。", "所有这些都只是我想讨论的部分内容,但主席先生,我要感谢你让我发言。 我希望安理会将注重其职权范围内的真正问题,而不是侵犯联合国一个会员国的主权并干涉其内政。", "主席(以法语发言): 我现在请以色列代表发言。", "普罗索尔先生(以色列)(以英语发言):以色列深切赞赏联合国脱离接触观察员部队(观察员部队)所做的工作。 国际社会必须继续支持它的使命,它仍然是我们区域稳定的一个重要组成部分。", "在我们目睹中东空前动荡之时,各方充分尊重以色列和叙利亚之间脱离接触线的必要性从未如此明确。 然而,经过几十年相对平静之后,我们目睹了叙利亚方面多次公然企图突破边界并加剧我们区域的紧张局势。", "5月15日,大批有组织的抗议者在叙利亚拆除了Alpha围栏,突破了同以色列的脱离接触线,并在Majdal Chams村对以色列国防军采取了暴力行为。 6月5日,我们看到另一起挑衅行动。 数百人试图在Majdal Chams和Quneitra地区同以色列分道扬镳。 他们试图突破该地区的围栏,向以色列国防军投掷自制燃烧弹和其他大型物品,并使用其他暴力方式来推进他们的目标。", "叙利亚政权尽管负有明确的责任,但并未阻止示威者抵达脱离接触线,也未阻止他们试图越过该线。 相反,这些事件是在叙利亚当局不知情的情况下不可能发生的,反映了叙利亚公然企图转移国际社会对暴力镇压本国人民的注意力。 叙利亚政权的指纹遍布这些抗议活动;我认为,人们不必是纽约市警察局法医专家来侦测。", "叙利亚Yarmouk巴勒斯坦难民营6月5日抗议后发生的事件是叙利亚参与示威的一个明显例子。 我认为,巴沙尔·阿萨德是我认识的唯一眼科医生,他积极参与抹黑自己人民以及整个区域的希望。", "叙利亚-以色列脱离接触线几十年来一直平静. 叙利亚政权不能仅仅因为不希望听到本国公民的呼声而扰乱这种平静。 我要代表以色列国感谢主席和多年来在观察员部队中不懈努力的所有人,因为正如我所说的那样,他们的工作是我们区域稳定的重要组成部分。", "主席(以法语发言): 安全理事会就此结束本阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午12时20分散会。" ]
[ "Special Political and Decolonization Committee Fourth Committee", "Summary record of the 27th meeting", "Held at Headquarters, New York, on Thursday, 30 June 2011, at 10 a.m.", "Chairperson: Mr. Chipaziwa (Zimbabwe)", "Contents", "Agenda item 53: Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects (continued)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m.", "Agenda item 53: Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects (continued) (A/65/19; A/C.4/65/L.18)", "1. The Chairperson recalled that the Committee had held a general debate under the item at the main part of the sixty-fifth session in October 2010. The Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations had held its 2011 substantive session from 22 February to 18 March and on May 9, and had adopted its report on that session (A/65/19). He drew attention to the draft resolution submitted under the item (A/C.4/65/L.18).", "2. Mr. Selim (Egypt), speaking as Rapporteur of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, introduced the report of that Committee (A/65/19). During its general debate, the Special Committee had heard statements by the Under-Secretaries-General for Peacekeeping Operations and for Field Support, the Chairperson of the Peacebuilding Commission, the Office of Legal Affairs, and the Office of Human Resources Management.", "3. The Working Group of the Special Committee had met from 24 to 28 February and from 7 to 18 March 2011, and on 9 May 2011 to discuss and finalize that Committee’s draft recommendations. The proposals, recommendations and conclusions of the Special Committee, contained in paragraphs 15 to 278 of the report, covered guiding principles, definitions and implementation of mandates; restructuring of peacekeeping; safety and security; conduct and discipline; strengthening operational capacity; strategies for complex peacekeeping operations; cooperation with troop-contributing countries; triangular cooperation between the Security Council, the Secretariat and the troop- and police-contributing countries; cooperation with regional arrangements; enhancement of African peacekeeping capacities; developing stronger United Nations field support arrangements; best practices; training; personnel; financial issues; and other matters.", "4. The membership of the Special Committee had increased in 2011 to 147 members, with 10 States and organizations participating in the session as observers.", "Draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.18: Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects", "5. Mr. Selim (Egypt), introducing draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.18 on behalf of the sponsors, said that the draft resolution was based on those of previous years.", "6. The Chairman said that the draft resolution had no programme budget implications.", "7. Draft resolution A/C.4/65/L.18 was adopted.", "The meeting rose at 10.20 a.m." ]
[ "特别政治和非殖民化委员会", "(第四委员会)", "第27次会议简要记录", "2011年6月30日星期四上午10时在纽约总部举行", "主席: 希帕奇瓦先生 (津巴布韦)", "目录", "议程项目53:整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查(续)", "上午10时15分宣布开会。", "议程项目53:整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查(续)(A/65/19、A/C.4/65/L.18)", "1. 主席忆及,委员会曾在2010年10月第六十五届会议主要会期内在该项目下举行过一般性辩论。维持和平行动特别委员会在2011年2月22日至3月18日和5月9日举行了实质性会议,并在本届会上通过了报告(A/65/19)。他提请注意在该项目下提交的决议草案(A/C.4/65/L.18)。", "2. Selim先生(埃及)以维持和平行动特别委员会报告员的身份发言,介绍了委员会的报告(A/65/19)。 在一般性辩论期间,特别委员会听取了主管维持和平行动和外勤支助事务副秘书长、建设和平委员会主席、法律事务厅和人力资源管理厅的发言。", "3. 特别委员会工作组于2011年2月24日至28日、3月7日至18日和2011年5月9日举行会议,讨论并确定委员会的建议草案。本报告第15段至第278段所载的特别委员会提案、建议和结论,涉及任务规", "定的指导原则、定义和执行;维和的改组;安全保障;行为和纪律;加强行动能力;复杂维和行动的战略;与部队派遣国的合作;安全理事会、秘书处和部队及警察派遣国之间的三角合作;与区域安排的合作;加强非洲的维和能力;发展更强大的联合国外勤支助安排;最佳做法;培训;人事问题;财务问题;以及其他事项。", "4. 2011年,特别委员会成员增至147名,10个国家和组织作为观察员参加了会议。", "决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18:整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "5. Selim先生(埃及)代表提案国介绍了决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18,他说,该决议草案以往年的决议草案为基础。", "6. 主席说,本决议草案未涉及方案预算问题。", "7. 决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18通过。", "上午10时20分散会。" ]
[ "特别政治和非殖民化委员会", "第27次会议简要记录", "2011年6月30日星期四上午10时在纽约总部举行", "主席: 希帕齐瓦先生 (津巴布韦)", "目录", "议程项目53:整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查(续)", "上午10时15分宣布开会", "议程项目53:整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查(续)(A/65/19;A/C.4/65/L.18)", "1. 联合国 主席回顾说,委员会在2010年10月第六十五届会议主要会期就该项目进行了一般性辩论。 维持和平行动特别委员会于2月22日至3月18日和5月9日举行了2011年实质性会议并通过了关于该届会议的报告(A/65/19)。 他提请注意该项目下提交的决议草案(A/C.4/65/L.18)。", "2. Selim先生(埃及)作为维持和平行动特别委员会报告员发言,介绍了该委员会的报告(A/65/19)。 特别委员会在一般性辩论中听取了主管维持和平行动副秘书长和主管外勤支助事务副秘书长、建设和平委员会主席、法律事务厅和人力资源管理厅的发言。", "3个 特别委员会工作组于2011年2月24日至28日和3月7日至18日以及2011年5月9日举行了会议,讨论并最后确定了该委员会的建议草案。 报告第15至278段所载特别委员会的提议、建议和结论涉及下列事项:任务规定的指导原则、定义和执行;维持和平改组;安全和安保;行为和纪律;加强行动能力;复杂维持和平行动战略;同出兵国的合作;安全理事会、秘书处同出兵国和出兵国之间的三角合作;同区域安排的合作;加强非洲维持和平能力;发展更强有力的联合国外勤支助安排;最佳做法;培训;人员;财务问题;其他事项。", " 4.四. 2011年,特别委员会的成员增加到147个,有10个国家和组织作为观察员参加了会议。", "决议草案 A/C.4/65/L.18:整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "5 (韩语). Selim先生(埃及)代表提案国介绍决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18。 他说,该决议草案以前几年的决议草案为基础。", "6. 国家 主席说,该决议草案不涉及方案预算问题。", "7. 联合国 决议草案A/C.4/65/L.18获得通过。", "上午10时20分散会。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Deiss\t(Switzerland)", "The meeting was called to order at 7.30 a.m., Friday, 1 July", "Reports of the Fifth Committee", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly will now consider the reports of the Fifth Committee under agenda items 127, 129, 143 to 148 and 150 to 160. The Assembly also has before it the report of the Committee on sub-item (a) of agenda item 113.", "I request the Rapporteur of the Fifth Committee, Ms. Nicole Mannion of Ireland, to introduce the reports of the Fifth Committee in one intervention.", "Ms. Mannion (Ireland), Rapporteur of the Fifth Committee: I have the honour today to present to the General Assembly the reports of the Fifth Committee containing recommendations on issues that required action during the second part of the resumed sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly.", "In the course of the second part of the resumed session, which took place between 2 and 27 May and on 30 June, the Fifth Committee held 10 formal meetings, as well as numerous informal meetings and informal consultations. In accordance with resolution 49/233, of 23 December 1994, the second part of the resumed session of the Fifth Committee was devoted primarily to considering the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping missions and associated peacekeeping issues. The Committee considered the financing of 16 peacekeeping missions, as well as other related peacekeeping items and issues.", "In addition, the Committee resumed its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 113, entitled “Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions”. On this agenda item, in paragraph 3 of its report contained in document A/65/562/Add.1, the Committee recommends to the General Assembly that it appoint David Traystman of the United States of America as a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a term of office beginning on 23 July and ending 31 December 2011. The Committee made that recommendation by acclamation.", "On agenda item 127, entitled “Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors”, in paragraph 6 of its report contained in document A/65/594/Add.1, the Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of a draft resolution, which the Committee adopted without a vote.", "On agenda item 129, entitled “Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011”, in paragraph 6 of its report contained in document A/65/646/Add.3, the Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of a draft resolution, which the Committee adopted without a vote.", "On agenda item 143, entitled “Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations”, in paragraph 15 of its report contained in document A/65/890, the Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the following five draft resolutions: draft resolution I, entitled “Cross-cutting issues”; draft resolution II, entitled “Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations”; draft resolution III, entitled “Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy”; draft resolution IV, entitled “Reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment”; and draft resolution V, entitled “Closed peacekeeping missions”. The Committee adopted all those draft resolutions without a vote.", "With regard to the draft resolutions on the financing of peacekeeping operations, I would like to inform the General Assembly that, with the exception of sub-item (b) of agenda item 156, entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”, the Committee adopted all the draft proposals without a vote.", "The reports of the Fifth Committee are presented under the following agenda items: 144, “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad”, which is contained in document A/65/653/Add.1; 145, “Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire”, which is contained in document A/65/881; 146, “Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus”, which is contained in document A/65/882; 147 to 148, “Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo” and “Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo”, respectively, which is contained in document A/65/654/Add.1; 150, “Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste”, which is contained in document A/65/883; 151, “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea”, which is contained in document A/65/878; 152, “Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia”, which is contained in document A/65/879; 153, “Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti”, which is contained in document A/65/655/Add.1; 154, “Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo”, which is contained in document A/65/884; 155, “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia”, which is contained in document A/65/885; sub-item (a) of agenda item 156, “United Nations Disengagement Observer Force”, which is contained in document A/65/886; 157, “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan”, which is contained in document A/65/656/Add.1; 158, “Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara”, which is contained in document A/65/887; 159, “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur”, which is contained in document A/65/888; and 160, “Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009), which is contained in document A/65/889”.", "With regard to sub-item (b) of agenda item 156, entitled “United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”, the report of the Fifth Committee is contained in document A/65/880. The Committee considered the draft resolution, as amended, and decided to retain the fourth preambular paragraph and existing operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 15 by a single recorded vote of 71 in favour, 3 against and 51 abstentions. In paragraph 10 of that report, the Committee recommends to the General Assembly the adoption of the draft resolution, as amended, as a whole, which the Committee adopted by a recorded vote of 121 in favour, 3 against and 1 abstention.", "With regard to agenda items 147 and 148, entitled “Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo” and “Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo”, respectively, as well as agenda item 159, entitled “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur”, the report of the Fifth Committee is contained in documents A/65/654/Add.1 and A/65/888, respectively. The Committee recommends that the General Assembly adopt the draft resolution, as orally amended, which the Committee adopted without a vote.", "Before I conclude, allow me again to thank delegations for their cooperation in the conduct of negotiations. I would also like to thank the Chair of the Fifth Committee, Ambassador Gert Rosenthal, for the way in which he guided us through our difficult work, as well as the members of the Bureau, with whom it was, as always, a pleasure to work. On behalf of all of us, I would like to express our profound thanks to the representatives of the Secretariat for their cooperation, patience and support, and to the secretariat of the Fifth Committee.", "The President (spoke in French): Before we proceed, I would like to point out the fact that, since the Fifth Committee has just completed its work, the reports are available only in English. They will be published in all the official languages of the United Nations as soon as possible. I thank participants for their understanding.", "If there is no proposal under rule 66 of the rules of procedure, I shall take it that the General Assembly decides not to discuss the reports of the Fifth Committee that are before the Assembly today.", "It was so decided.", "The President (spoke in French): I give the floor to the representative of France on a point of order.", "Mr. Allo (France) (spoke in French): I would like to thank you, Mr. President, for having given me the floor to make a customary statement at the stage in the meeting in which we adopt draft resolutions.", "First of all, I would very much like to thank the various services for the manner in which they have produced the necessary documents in a very short period of time. However, I regret that the French version of the documents is not available. I would therefore like to recall that the official versions of documents to be adopted in the General Assembly must be made available in the six official languages of the United Nations prior to their formal adoption by the Assembly. I trust that this will be done in the future. In the immediate term, my delegation will not be opposed to their adoption at this meeting.", "The President (spoke in French): I take note of that statement.", "Statements will therefore be limited to explanations of vote.", "The positions of delegations regarding the recommendations of the Fifth Committee have been made clear in the Committee and are reflected in the relevant official records. May I remind members that, under paragraph 7 of decision 34/401, the General Assembly agreed that:", "“When the same draft resolution is considered in a Main Committee and in plenary meeting, a delegation should, as far as possible, explain its vote only once, i.e., either in the Committee or in plenary meeting, unless that delegation’s vote in plenary meeting is different from its vote in the Committee”.", "May I also remind delegations that, also in accordance with decision 34/401, explanations of vote are limited to 10 minutes and should be made by delegations from their seats.", "Before we begin to take action on the recommendations contained in the reports of the Fifth Committee, I should like to advise representatives that we are going to proceed to take decisions in the same manner as was done in the Fifth Committee, unless the Secretariat is notified to the contrary in advance. That means that, where recorded or separate votes were taken, we will do the same. I should also hope that we may proceed to adopt without a vote those recommendations that were adopted without a vote in the Fifth Committee.", "In recent days, I have actively consulted all groups and many members on many occasions, in order to find a solution that is satisfactory to all parties while avoiding a vote in keeping with the tradition concerning budgetary matters. I am satisfied that the solution that we have found with the groups has been endorsed by the Fifth Committee. It is this solution that we will consider now in plenary meeting.", "Agenda item 7 (continued)", "Organization of work, adoption of the agenda and allocation of items", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a report of the Fifth Committee on sub‑item (a) of agenda item 113, entitled “Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions”, which is contained in document A/65/562/Add.1. In order for the Assembly to consider the report of the Fifth Committee under sub-item (a) of agenda item 113, it will be necessary to reopen consideration of the sub‑item.", "May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to reopen consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 113 and proceed immediately to its consideration?", "It was so decided.", "Agenda item 113 (continued)", "Appointments to fill vacancies in subsidiary organs and other appointments", "(a) Appointment of members of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/562/Add.1)", "The President (spoke in French): In paragraph 3 of its report, the Fifth Committee recommends that the General Assembly appoint Mr. David Traystman of the United States of America as a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a term of office beginning on 23 July and ending on 31 December 2011.", "May I take it that it is the wish of the Assembly to appoint Mr. Traystman as a member of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions for a term of office beginning on 23 July and ending on 31 December 2011?", "It was so decided.", "The President (spoke in French): May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to conclude its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 113?", "It was so decided.", "Agenda item 127 (continued)", "Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/594/Add.1)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.31. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/243 B).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 127.", "Agenda item 129 (continued)", "Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011", "Reports of the Fifth Committee (A/65/646/Add.3)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.36. The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled “Estimates in respect of special political missions, good offices and other political initiatives authorized by the General Assembly and/or the Security Council”. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/288).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 129.", "Agenda item 143", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/890)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it five draft resolutions recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 15 of its report. For the time being, the texts of draft resolutions I to V are contained in documents A/C.5/65/L.53, A/C.5/65/L.50, A/C.5/65/L.51, A/C.5/65/L.35 and A/C.5/65/L.52, respectively. We will now take a decision on the draft resolutions.", "Draft resolution I is entitled “Cross-cutting issues”. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "Draft resolution I was adopted (resolution 65/289).", "The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution II is entitled “Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations”. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "Draft resolution II was adopted (resolution 65/290).", "The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution III is entitled “Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy”. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "Draft resolution III was adopted (resolution 65/291).", "The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution IV is entitled “Reformed procedures for determining reimbursement to Member States for contingent-owned equipment”. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "Draft resolution IV was adopted (resolution 65/292).", "The President (spoke in French): Draft resolution V is entitled “Closed peacekeeping missions”.", "The Fifth Committee adopted draft resolution V without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "Draft resolution V was adopted (resolution 65/293).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 143.", "Agenda item 144 (continued)", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/653/Add.1)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.32.", "We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/254 B).", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 144.", "Agenda item 145", "Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/881)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.38.", "The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/294).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 145.", "Agenda item 146", "Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/882)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.39.", "The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/295).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 146.", "Agenda items 147 and 148 (continued)", "Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/654/Add.1)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.40.", "The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution entitled “Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo”.", "The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/296).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda items 147 and 148.", "Agenda item 150", "Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/883)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.41.", "We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/297).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 150.", "Agenda item 151", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Ethiopia and Eritrea", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/878)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.33.", "We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/298).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 151.", "Agenda item 152", "Financing of the United Nations Observer Mission in Georgia", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/879)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.34.", "We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/299).", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 152.", "Agenda item 153 (continued)", "Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/655/Add.1)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. The text of the draft resolution, for the time being, is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.42.", "We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted the draft resolution without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/256 B).", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 153.", "Agenda item 154", "Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/884)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.43. The Assembly will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do likewise?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/300).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 154.", "Agenda item 155", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/885)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.44. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/301).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 155.", "Agenda item 156", "Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East", "(a) United Nations Disengagement Observer Force", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/886)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.45. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/302).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 156.", "(b) United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/880)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 11 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.37. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution, entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”.", "A single separate vote has been requested on the fourth preambular paragraph and on operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 15 of the draft resolution. Unless I hear any objection, I shall take it that the Assembly agrees to proceed accordingly.", "A recorded vote was taken.", "In favour:", "Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Cuba, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Mongolia, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Oman, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Qatar, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Singapore, South Africa, Sudan, Suriname, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, United Arab Emirates, United Republic of Tanzania, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, Zimbabwe", "Against:", "Canada, Israel, United States of America", "Abstaining:", "Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Tuvalu, Ukraine, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "The fourth preambular paragraph and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 15 of the draft resolution were retained by 70 votes to 3, with 47 abstentions.", "The President (spoke in French): I shall now put to the vote the draft resolution as a whole. A recorded vote has been requested.", "A recorded vote was taken.", "In favour:", "Albania, Algeria, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belgium, Belize, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Chile, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d’Ivoire, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Denmark, Djibouti, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Eritrea, Estonia, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Iceland, India, Indonesia, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Kuwait, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Lebanon, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Malaysia, Maldives, Malta, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Myanmar, Namibia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, Republic of Moldova, Romania, Russian Federation, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Serbia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sudan, Suriname, Sweden, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Timor-Leste, Trinidad and Tobago, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United Republic of Tanzania, Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of), Viet Nam, Yemen, Zimbabwe", "Against:", "Canada, Israel, United States of America", "Abstaining:", "Tuvalu", "The draft resolution, as a whole, was adopted by 117 votes to 3, with 1 abstention (resolution 65/303).", "The President (spoke in French): I shall now give the floor to the representatives who wish to speak in explanation of vote or position on the resolutions and decisions just adopted.", "Mr. Ayzouki (Syrian Arab Republic) (spoke in Arabic): My delegation joined the consensus on the adoption of resolution 65/302, on the financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force, and voted in favour of resolution 65/303, on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon. My delegation would like to reiterate that the responsibility for financing these two missions should be borne by Israel, the occupier and party responsible for the aggression that led to their establishment in the first place. Our position is based on our consistent support for the principles underpinning resolution 1874 (S-IV), of 27 June 1963.", "Mr. Ronaghan (United States of America): The United States strongly supports the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, which is implementing an important mandate. However, the use of General Assembly funding resolutions to pursue claims against a Member State procedurally is not correct. That is the reason that we have opposed the General Assembly resolutions on this item in previous years, since they require Israel to pay for the costs stemming from the Qana incident of 1996. Those resolutions were not consensus resolutions.", "Since shortly after the inception of the United Nations, the procedure that has been followed is that the Secretary-General presents and pursues a settlement of the Organization’s claims against a State or States. Using a funding resolution to legislate a settlement is inappropriate. It also politicizes the work of the Fifth Committee and should be avoided both now and in the future.", "Mr. Lafortune (Canada): Today, Canada found it necessary to oppose resolution 65/303, entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”. That should in no way be construed as a lack of confidence in or support for the work of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). Canada has supported and continues to support the valuable work of UNIFIL.", "However, the resolution contains language that calls on Israel to provide compensation to the United Nations for the 1996 Qana incident. Canada found certain paragraphs of the resolution to be inappropriate, as they were an attempt to politicize the important work of the Fifth Committee. Moreover, those paragraphs were once against introduced into the resolution despite the serious reservations regarding them expressed by Canada and other delegations in previous years. Therefore, Canada cannot endorse the proposed approach to dealing with the issue of compensation and believes that it weakens the resolution overall and draws attention from its principal purpose, which is to support the very useful work that UNIFIL has undertaken.", "Mr. Yanouka (Israel): First, I wish to express once again Israel’s thanks and support for United Nations peacekeeping forces, including the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).", "We express our gratitude to the troop-contributing countries, to the commanders and all those who support the important work of the diverse peacekeeping operations of the United Nations. Israel’s political and financial contributions represent our continuing commitment to the operations, goals and values of peacekeeping operations. We are proud to have good relations and long-standing cooperation with peacekeeping forces in our region.", "Notwithstanding what I have just said, I am compelled to express Israel’s disappointment with resolution 65/303, which contains specific language that is politicized and genuinely unhelpful as regards support for peacekeeping operations. Despite the professional nature of the Fifth Committee, preambular paragraph 4 and operative paragraphs 4, 5 and 15 are an attempt to institutionalize an anti-Israel narrative within the United Nations.", "For those reasons, my delegation called for a vote on the resolution and voted against it.", "Mr. Khachab (Lebanon) (spoke in Arabic): First of all, I would like to thank all the friendly States that voted in favour of financing for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), especially the Group of 77 and China, the members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and the League of Arab States.", "We would also like to thank UNIFIL for the role it has played since 1972. We attach great value to the enormous sacrifices made by the mission, including the hundreds who have died. We also wish to express our appreciation for the excellent relations between UNIFIL and Lebanese forces, as well as to thank all troop-contributing countries.", "With respect to the substance of resolution 65/303, we believe that the principle of collective responsibility for the financing of peacekeeping operations does not contradict the individual responsibility of States when they violate international law or their responsibility for the consequences of such acts. That includes reparations when a State is responsible for the damage it has caused, as enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and in sub‑paragraph (e) of paragraph 1 of resolution 55/235, on the scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of United Nations peacekeeping forces.", "I would like to remind the Assembly of the contents of the resolution that the Fifth Committee voted in favour of and which was just adopted by the General Assembly. Israel has not implemented the 18 General Assembly resolutions that require it to pay reparations following the shelling of Qana in 1996. This affected international forces. Approximately 100 civilians were killed, mainly children and elderly persons, and there were hundreds of injured. We must also recall that Israel owes over $1 million in reparations for material damage due to the bombing of the UNIFIL compound, as described in the report of the Secretary-General dated 7 May 1996 and contained in document S/1996/337. The Fifth Committee therefore has a duty to consider this issue.", "Finally, Israel must pay what it owes, even if that is incomplete in the light of the bombings of the schools of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East schools in 2003 and 2009.", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (b) of agenda item 156.", "Agenda item 157", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/656/Add.1)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.46. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/257 B).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 157.", "Agenda item 158", "Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/887)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.47. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/304).", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 158.", "Agenda item 159", "Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/888)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 7 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.48. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/305).", "The President (spoke in French): The General Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 159.", "Agenda item 160", "Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)", "Report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/889)", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has before it a draft resolution recommended by the Fifth Committee in paragraph 6 of its report. For the time being, the text of the draft resolution is contained in document A/C.5/65/L.49. We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. The Fifth Committee adopted it without a vote. May I take it that the Assembly wishes to do the same?", "The draft resolution was adopted (resolution 65/306).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of agenda item 160.", "The General Assembly has thus also concluded its consideration of all the reports of the Fifth Committee.", "I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contributed to this outcome, which has allowed us this morning to fund United Nations peacekeeping missions for the coming year. I would like in particular to thank Ambassador Rosenthal, Chair of the Fifth Committee. I would also like especially to thank the staff of both the Fifth Committee and the Secretariat for their patience, diligence and dedication, even overnight. Finally, I thank all the heads of delegation and other members of delegations with whom I had the opportunity to hold consultations, sometimes even negotiations, and to spend part of the night in my office. I thank them all.", "The meeting rose at 8.25 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 约瑟夫·戴斯先生 (瑞士)", "上午7时30分开会。", "第五委员会的报告", "主席(以法语发言):大会现在审议第五委员会关于议程项目127、129、143至148和150至160的各份报告。大会面前还摆着第五委员会关于议程项目113分项目(a)的报告。", "我请第五委员会报告员、爱尔兰的妮可·曼尼恩女士一次性介绍第五委员会的报告。", "曼尼恩女士(爱尔兰),第五委员会报告员(以英语发言):我今天谨向大会介绍第五委员会的各份报告,其中载有关于要求在大会第六十五届会议续会第二期会议期间采取行动的相关议题的建议。", "在5月2日至27日和6月30日举行的续会第二期会议期间,第五委员会举行了10次正式会议,以及多次非正式会议和非正式的非正式磋商。根据1994年12月23日第49/233号决议,第五委员会续会第二期会议主要用于审议联合国维和特派团的经费筹措问题和相关维和议题。委员会审议了16个维和特派团的经费筹措问题及其他有关维和项目和议题。", "此外,委员会继续审议了题为“任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员”的议程项目113分项目(a)。关于这个议程项目,委员会在其载于文件A/65/562/Add.1的报告第3段中建议大会任命美利坚合众国的戴维·特雷斯曼为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,任期自2011年7月23日起至12月31日结束。委员会是以鼓掌方式提出这项建议的。", "关于题为“财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告”的议程项目127,委员会在其载于文件A/65/594/Add.1的报告第6段中建议大会通过一项决议草案。委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。", "关于题为“2010-2011两年期方案预算”的议程项目129,委员会在其载于文件A/65/646/Add.3的报告第6段中建议大会通过一项决议草案。委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。", "关于题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的议程项目143,委员会在其载于文件A/65/890的报告第14段中建议大会通过以下五项决议草案:题为“共有问题”的决议草案一、题为“提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力”的决议草案二、题为“意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措”的决议草案三、题为“确定偿还会员国特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序”的决议草案四以及题为“已结束的维持和平特派团”的决议草案五。委员会未经表决通过了所有这些决议草案。", "就关于维和行动经费筹措问题的决议草案而言,我要通知大会,除题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队”的议程项目156分项目(b)外,委员会未经表决通过了所有建议草案。", "第五委员会的各份报告是在下列议程项目下提交的:在题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目144下提交的报告载于文件A/65/653/Add.1,在题为“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”的议程项目145下提交的报告载于文件A/65/881,在题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的议程项目146下提交的报告载于文件A/65/882,在分别题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措”和“联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目147至议程项目148下提交的报告载于文件A/65/654/Add.1,在题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目150下提交的报告载于文件A/65/883,在题为“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目151下提交的报告载于文件A/65/878,在题为“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”的议程项目152下提交的报告载于文件A/65/879,在题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目153下提交的报告载于文件A/65/655/Add.1,在题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目154下提交的报告载于文件A/65/884,在题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目155下提交的报告载于文件A/65/885,在题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的议程项目156分项目(a)下提交的报告载于文件A/65/886,在题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目157下提交的报告载于文件A/65/656/Add.1,在题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目158下提交的报告载于文件A/65/887,在题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的议程项目159下提交的报告载于文件A/65/888, 在题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措”的议程项目160下提交的报告载于文件A/65/889。", "关于题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队”的议程项目156分项目(b),第五委员会的报告载于文件A/65/880。委员会审议了经修正的决议草案,并在一次性记录表决中以71票赞成、3票反对、51票弃权决定保留序言部分第4段及现有执行部分第4段、第5段和第14段。在该报告第11段中,委员会建议大会通过经修正的整项决议草案。委员会在记录表决中以121票赞成、3票反对、1票弃权通过了经修正的整项决议草案。", "关于分别题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措”和“联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目147和议程项目148,以及题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的议程项目159,第五委员会的报告分别载于文件A/65/654/Add.1和文件A/65/888。委员会建议大会通过经口头修正的决议草案。委员会未经表决通过了经口头修正的该项决议草案。", "在我结束发言之前,请允许我再次感谢各代表团在谈判进行期间所给予的合作。我还要感谢第五委员会主席格特·罗森塔尔大使以出色的方式指导我们完成了我们的棘手工作,并感谢主席团各位成员。与他们共事总是令人感到愉快。我谨代表我们所有人,深切感谢秘书处代表的配合、耐心和支持,我也要向第五委员会秘书处表示深切感谢。", "主席(以法语发言):在我们着手下一步工作之前,我要指出,由于第五委员会刚刚完成其工作,有关报告只有英文本。这些报告将尽快以联合国所有正式语文印发。我感谢与会者给予谅解。", "如果没有人根据议事规则第66条提出动议,我就认为大会决定不讨论今天摆在大会面前的第五委员会各项报告。", "就这样决定。", "主席(以法语发言):我请法国代表就程序问题发言。", "阿洛先生(法国)(以法语发言):主席先生,我要感谢你准许我在会议进行到我们通过决议草案的阶段象往常一样作一次发言。", "首先,我非常感谢各服务部门办事迅速,在很短时间内拿出必要文件。然而,我感到遗憾的是,有关文件的法文本尚未提供。因此,我要指出,大会将通过文件的正式文本必须在大会予以正式通过之前以联合国六种正式语文提供。我相信,这一点今后会做到。目前,我国代表团将不反对在本次会议上通过这些文件。", "主席(以法语发言):我注意到法国代表的发言。", "因此,发言将限于解释投票理由。", "各代表团对第五委员会各项建议的立场已在第五委员会表明,并反映在相关的正式记录中。我谨提醒各位成员注意,按照第34/401号决定第7段,大会同意:", "“如果一个主要委员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只发言一次解释其投票理由,即在委员会,或是在全体会议,但该代表团在全体会议所投的票与其在委员会所投的票有所不同时,不在此限”。", "我还要提醒各代表团注意,同样按照大会第34/401号决定,解释投票理由的发言以十分钟为限,各代表团应在各自的席位上发言。", "在我们开始就第五委员会报告中所载的建议采取行动之前,我要通知各位代表,除非秘书处事先另获通知,我们将以在第五委员会采用的同样方式作出决定。这意味着,如果第五委员会进行了记录表决或单独表决,我们也将这样做。我还希望,我们可以不经表决通过第五委员会未经表决通过的那些建议。", "最近几天,我与所有集团和许多成员进行了多次积极磋商,以便在按照有关预算事项的传统避免表决的情况下,找到各方都满意的解决办法。我感到满意的是,我们同各集团一起找到的解决办法已获得第五委员会的核可。我们现在将在全体会议上审议的正是这项解决办法。", "议程项目7(续)", "安排工作、通过议程和分配项目", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着文件A/63/529/Add.1所载的题为“任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员”的第五委员会关于议程项目113分项目(a)的报告。为了让大会在议程项目113分项(a)下审议第五委员会的报告,有必要重新审议这个分项目。", "我是否可以认为,大会希望重新审议议程项目113分项目(a)并立即着手进行审议?", "就这样决定。", "议程项目113(续)", "任命各附属机构成员以补空缺,并作出其他任命", "(a) 任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/562/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言):第五委员会在其报告第3段中建议大会任命戴维·特雷斯曼(美利坚合众国)为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,任期自2011年7月23日起至12月31日结束。", "我是否可以认为, 大会希望任命特雷斯曼先生为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,任期自2011年7月23日起至12月31日结束?", "就这样决定。", "主席(以法语发言):我是否可以认为,大会希望结束对议程项目113分项目(a)的审议?", "就这样决定。", "议程项目127(续)", "财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/594/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第7段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.31。我们现在将就这项决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了这项决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/243号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目127的审议。", "议程项目129(续)", "2010-2011两年期方案预算", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/646/Add.3)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文现在暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.36。大会现在将就这项题为“大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治举措的费用估计数”的决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了这项决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/288号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目129的审议。", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/890)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第14段中建议的五项决议草案。决议草案一至五的案文现在暂时分别载于文件A/C.5/65/L.53、A/C.5/65/L.50、A/C.5/65/L.51、A/C.5/65/L.35和A/C.5/65/L.52。我们现在将就这些决议草案作出决定。", "决议草案一题为“共有问题”。第五委员会未经表决通过了这项决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案一获得通过(第65/289号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案二题为“提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力”。第五委员会未经表决通过了这项决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案二获得通过(第65/290号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案三题为“意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措”。第五委员会未经表决通过了这项决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案三获得通过(第65/291号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案四题为“确定偿还会员国特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序”。第五委员会未经表决通过了这项决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案四获得通过(第65/292号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案五题为“已结束的维持和平特派团”。", "第五委员会未经表决通过了决议草案五。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案五获得通过(第65/293号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目143的审议。", "议程项目144(续)", "联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/653/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.32。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/294号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目144的审议。", "议程项目145", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/881)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.38。", "大会现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/295号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目145的审议。", "议程项目146", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/882)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.39。", "大会现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/296号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目146的审议。", "议程项目147和148(续)", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/654/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.40。", "大会现在将就题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”的决议草案作出决定。", "第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/297号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目147和148的审议。", "议程项目150", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/883)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.41。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/298号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目150的审议。", "议程项目151", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/878)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.33。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/299号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目151的审议。", "议程项目152", "联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/879)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.34。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/300号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目152的审议。", "议程项目153(续)", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/655/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文现暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.42。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/301号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目153的审议。", "议程项目154", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/884)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.43。大会现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/300号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目154的审议。", "议程项目155", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/885)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.44。我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/301号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目155的审议。", "议程项目156", "联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措", "(a) 联合国脱离接触观察员部队", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/886)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.45。我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/302号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目156分项目(a)的审议。", "(b) 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/880)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第10段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.37。我们现在将就题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措”的决议草案作出决定。", "有人要求对决议草案序言部分第4段和执行部分第4、第5和第15段进行一次单独表决。除非有人反对,我将认为大会同意照此进行。", "进行了记录表决。", "赞成:", "阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、伯利兹、巴西、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、哥斯达黎加、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、厄立特里亚、危地马拉、圭亚那、海地、洪都拉斯、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、约旦、科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、马尔代夫、毛里塔尼亚、毛里求斯、墨西哥、蒙古、摩洛哥、缅甸、纳米比亚、尼泊尔、阿曼、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、卡塔尔、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、新加坡、南非、苏丹、苏里南、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、东帝汶、特立尼达和多巴哥、阿拉伯联合酋长国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南、也门和津巴布韦", "反对:", "加拿大,以色列,美利坚合众国", "弃权:", "阿尔巴尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、喀麦隆、科特迪瓦、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、摩纳哥、黑山、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、巴拿马、波兰、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、图瓦卢、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "决议草案序言部分第4段和执行部队第4、第5和第15段以70票赞成、3票反对和47票弃权获得保留。", "主席(以法语发言):我现在将整项决议草案付诸表决。有人要求进行记录表决。", "进行了记录表决。", "赞成:", "阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、比利时、伯利兹、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、文莱达鲁萨兰国、保加利亚、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、哥斯达黎加、科特迪瓦、克罗地亚、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、厄立特里亚、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、危地马拉、圭亚那、海地、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、黎巴嫩、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马来西亚、马尔代夫、马耳他、毛里塔尼亚、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、蒙古、黑山、摩洛哥、缅甸、纳米比亚、尼泊尔、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、阿曼、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南非、西班牙、苏丹、苏里南、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、东帝汶、特立尼达和多巴哥、乌克兰、阿拉伯联合酋长国、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南、也门、津巴布韦", "反对:", "加拿大、以色列、美利坚合众国", "弃权:", "图瓦卢", "整项决议草案以117票赞成、3票反对和1票弃权获得通过(第65/303号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):我现在请希望解释对刚刚通过的各项决议和决定的投票理由或立场的代表发言。", "Ayzouki先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)(以阿拉伯语发言):我国代表团加入了关于联合国脱离接触部队经费筹措问题的第65/302号决议的协商一致意见,并对有关联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费筹措问题的第65/303号决议投了赞成票。我国代表团愿重申,这两个特派团的经费筹措责任应由以色列承担,因为它是占领国和应对侵略负责的一方,首先正是这种侵略才导致建立这两个特派团的。我们的立场基于我们对1964年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号决议的基本原则的一贯支持。", "Ronaghan先生(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):美国坚决支持正在执行重要任务的联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队。但是,利用大会的筹资决议来寻求在程序上指责某一个会员国是不正确的。正因为如此,我们对过去几年来有关该项目的大会决议投了反对票,因为这些决议要求以色列支付1996年卡纳事件所产生的费用。这些决议都不是协商一致决议。", "自联合国成立后不久,一直沿用的程序是由秘书长提出和执行本组织对一国或多国索赔的解决方案。利用一项筹措经费的决议来规定一项解决方案的做法是不恰当的。这种做法也使第五委员会的工作政治化,在现在和今后都应当予以避免。", "拉福顿先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):今天,加拿大认为有必要反对题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措”的第65/303号决议。这绝不应被视作不信任或者不支持联合国联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)的工作。加拿大一直并将继续支持联黎部队有价值的工作。", "然而,这项决议载有要求以色列为1996年卡纳事件向联合国提供赔偿的表述。加拿大认为,决议的一些段落不恰当,它们试图把第五委员会的重要工作政治化。此外,尽管加拿大和其它代表团过去几年来对这些段落表示了严重保留意见,但这项决议再次包含了这些段落。因此,加拿大不能支持所提出的赔偿问题处理办法,我们认为这削弱了整项决议,并且转移了人们对决议的主要目标——支持联黎部队开展的有益工作——的注意力。", "Yanouka先生(以色列)(以英语发言):首先,我要再次向联合国维和部队,包括联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)表示以色列的谢意与支持。", "我们感谢部队派遣国、指挥官以及支持联合国不同维持和平行动重要工作的所有人。以色列的政治支持和财政捐助表明我们一贯致力于维和行动的活动、目标以及价值观。我们感到自豪的是,我们与驻扎在本区域的维和部队有着良好关系和长期合作。", "话虽如此,但我不得不表示,以色列对第65/303号决议感到失望,因为这项决议载有带有政治色彩而且实际上无助于支持维和行动的某些措辞。尽管第五委员会是一个专业性委员会,但序言部分第4段和执行部分第4、第5和第15段都试图在联合国内部把反以色列的表述制度化。", "出于这些原因,我国代表团呼吁对这项决议进行表决,并且对其投了反对票。", "哈沙卜先生(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言):首先,我谨感谢投票支持为联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)筹措经费的所有友好国家,特别是77国集团加中国、伊斯兰会议组织成员国和阿拉伯国家联盟。", "我们还要感谢联黎部队自1972年以来所发挥的作用。我们十分珍视特派团作出的巨大牺牲,其中包括数百名以身殉职者。我们还要表示对联黎部队与黎巴嫩部队之间良好关系的赞赏,并且感谢所有部队派遣国。", "就第65/303号决议的内容而言,我们认为,为维持和平行动筹措经费是各国的集体责任,但这项原则与各国在违反国际法时负有个体责任以及它们应对其行为所造成后果负责并不冲突。这包括如《联合国宪章》所载和关于联合国维持和平行动经费分摊比额表的第55/235号决议第1段(e)分段所规定的那样,一个国家在对其造成的破坏负有责任时需进行赔偿。", "我谨提醒大会注意第五委员会投票支持、而且大会刚刚通过的这项决议的内容。以色列没有执行要求其在1996年轰炸卡纳之后予以赔偿的18项大会决议。这对国际部队造成了影响。当时大约有100名平民丧生,他们主要是儿童和老人,还有几百人受伤。我们还必须回顾一下,根据1996年5月7日秘书长报告所述和S/1996/337号文件所述,以色列积欠因其轰炸联黎部队营地所造成物质损失逾100万美元赔款。因此,第五委员会有义务审议这个问题。", "最后,以色列必须支付它的欠款,尽管考虑到2003年和2009年联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处学校遭受的轰炸,这笔赔偿是不完整的。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目156分项目(b)的审议。", "议程项目157", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/656/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.46。我们现在就这项决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/257 B号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目157的审议。", "议程项目158", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/887)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。该决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.46中。我们现在就这项决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/304号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目158的审议。", "议程项目159", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/888)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.48。我们现在将就这项决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/305号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目159的审议。", "议程项目160", "安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/889)", "主席(以法语发言):大会面前摆着第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。决议草案的案文暂时载于文件A/C.5/65/L.49。我们现在将就这项决议草案作出决定。第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/306号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目160的审议。", "大会就此也完成了对第五委员会所有报告的审议。", "我谨借此机会感谢各位为取得这一成果作出了贡献,使我们能够在今天上午为各个联合国维持和平特派团提供下一年的资金。我谨特别感谢第五委员会主席罗森塔尔大使。我也谨特别感谢第五委员会和秘书处工作人员的耐心、勤奋和奉献以及甚至彻夜工作。最后,我感谢各代表团团长和各代表团其他成员,我曾有机会同他们进行协商、有时甚至进行谈判,并在我的办公室里挑灯夜战。我向他们各位表示感谢。", "上午8时25分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 戴斯先生 (瑞士)", "上午7时30分宣布开会", "第五委员会的报告", "主席(以法语发言): 大会现在将在议程项目127、129、143至148和150至160下审议第五委员会的报告。 大会还收到委员会关于议程项目113分项(a)的报告。", "我请第五委员会报告员、爱尔兰的尼科尔·曼尼昂女士一次性地介绍第五委员会的报告。", "曼尼翁女士(爱尔兰),第五委员会报告员(以英语发言):我今天荣幸地向大会提交第五委员会的报告,其中载有关于大会第六十五届会议续会第二期会议需要采取行动的问题的建议。", "在5月2日至27日和6月30日举行的续会第二期会议期间,第五委员会举行了10次正式会议以及许多非正式会议和非正式协商。 根据1994年12月23日第49/233号决议,第五委员会续会第二期会议主要审议联合国维持和平特派团经费的筹措和有关的维持和平问题。 委员会审议了16个维持和平特派团的经费筹措以及其他有关维持和平项目和问题。", "此外,委员会继续审议议程项目113题为“任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员”的分项(a)。 关于该议程项目,行预咨委会在文件A/65/562/Add.1所载报告第3段中建议大会任命美利坚合众国的戴维·特雷斯曼为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,任期自2011年7月23日起至12月31日止。 委员会以鼓掌方式提出这项建议。", "关于题为“财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告”的议程项目127,委员会在A/65/594/Add.1号文件所载报告第6段中建议大会通过一项决议草案,委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。", "关于题为“2010-2011两年期方案预算”的议程项目129,委员会在A/65/646/Add.3号文件所载报告第6段中建议大会通过一项决议草案,委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。", "关于题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的议程项目143,委员会在文件A/65/890所载报告第15段中建议大会通过以下五项决议草案:题为“共有问题”的决议草案一;题为“加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力”的决议草案二;题为“意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措”的决议草案三;题为“确定向会员国偿还特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序”的决议草案四;和题为“已结束的维持和平特派团”的决议草案五。 委员会未经表决通过了所有这些决议草案。", "关于维持和平行动经费筹措的决议草案,我谨通知大会,除了题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措”的议程项目156分项目(b)外,委员会未经表决通过了所有提案草案。", "第五委员会的报告在以下议程项目下提出:分别载于A/65/653/Add.1号文件的144个“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措”和载于A/65/653/Add.1号文件的145个“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”;载于A/65/881号文件的146个“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”和载于A/65/882号文件的160个“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措”和“联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”和载于A/65/653/Add.1号文件的150个“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”和载于A/65/883号文件的151个“联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措”;载于A/65/88878号文件的152个“联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措”和载于A/65/879号文件的153个“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”,载于A/65/55/Add.88号文件,其中“联合国中非共和国特派团经费的筹措”和载于A/65/888号文件的156个“联合国中非共和国特派团经费的筹措”项目;载于A/65/88号文件的“联合国中非共和国特派团经费的筹措”和题为“联合国中非共和国”的156个特派团经费的筹措,载于A/65/88号文件;载于A/65/88号文件的“联合国中非共和国经费的筹措”和题为“联合国中非共和国”的156个特派团经费的筹措,载于A/65/88号文件。", "关于题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队”的议程项目156分项目(b),第五委员会的报告载于文件A/65/880。 委员会审议了经修正的决议草案,并以71票赞成、3票反对和51票弃权的一次记录表决决定保留序言部分第四段和现有的执行部分第4、5和15段。 在该报告第10段中,委员会建议大会通过经修正的整个决议草案,委员会以121票赞成、3票反对和1票弃权的记录表决通过了该决议草案。", "关于分别题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措”和“联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”的议程项目147和148以及题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的议程项目159,第五委员会的报告分别载于文件A/65/654/Add.1和A/65/888。 委员会建议大会通过委员会未经表决通过的经口头修正的决议草案。", "在我结束发言之前,请允许我再次感谢各代表团在开展谈判方面提供的合作。 我还要感谢第五委员会主席格特·罗森塔尔大使指导我们开展艰难工作的方式,并感谢主席团成员,他们一如既往地很高兴与他们一起工作。 我谨代表我们大家深切感谢秘书处代表的合作、耐心和支持,并感谢第五委员会秘书处。", "主席(以法语发言): 在我们着手工作之前,我要指出,由于第五委员会刚刚完成其工作,报告只有英文本。 这些报告将尽快以联合国所有正式语文印发。 我感谢与会者的理解。", "如果没有人根据议事规则第66条提出建议,我将认为大会决定不讨论今天摆在大会面前的第五委员会的报告。", "就这样决定。", "主席(以法语发言): 我请法国代表就程序问题发言。", "阿洛先生(法国)(以法语发言): 主席先生,我要感谢你让我在我们通过决议草案的会议阶段按惯例发言。", "首先,我非常感谢各种服务机构在很短的时间内编制出必要的文件。 然而,我感到遗憾的是,文件的法文本尚未提供。 因此,我要回顾,大会要通过的文件的正式文本必须在大会正式通过之前以联合国六种正式语文提供。 我相信今后将这样做。 就目前而言,我国代表团不反对在本次会议上通过这些建议。", "主席(以法语发言): 我注意到这一发言。", "因此,发言将限于解释投票。", "各代表团对第五委员会建议的立场已在委员会中阐明,并反映在有关正式记录中。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我提醒各位成员,根据第34/401号决定第7段,大会同意:", "\" 如果一个主要委员会和全体会议审议同一决议草案,各代表团应尽可能只解释投票一次,即在委员会,或是在全体会议,但该代表团在全体会议所投的票与其在委员会所投的票有所不同时,不在此限 \" 。", "5月 (中文(简体) ). 我还要提醒各代表团,同样根据第34/401号决定,解释投票以10分钟为限,并应由各代表团在其座位上发言。", "在我们开始就第五委员会报告所载的建议采取行动之前,我谨通知各位代表,我们将以第五委员会的同样方式作出决定,除非秘书处事先得到相反的通知。 这意味着,如果进行了记录表决或单独表决,我们也将这样做。 我还希望,我们可以不经表决通过第五委员会未经表决通过的建议。", "最近几天来,我多次积极地同所有集团和许多成员协商,以便找到各方都满意的解决办法,同时避免按照预算事项的传统进行表决。 我感到满意的是,我们与各集团找到的解决办法已经得到第五委员会的赞同。 我们现在将在全体会议上审议这个解决办法。", "议程项目7(续)", "安排工作、通过议程和分配项目", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前摆着第五委员会关于题为“任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员”的议程项目113分项目(a)的报告,载于文件A/65/562/Add.1。 大会要在议程项目113分项(a)下审议第五委员会的报告,就必须重新审议该分项。", "我是否可以认为大会希望重新审议议程项目113分项目(a)并立即开始审议?", "就这样决定。", "议程项目113(续)", "任命各附属机构成员以补空缺,并作出其他任命", "(a) 任命行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/562/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言): 第五委员会在其报告第3段中建议大会任命美利坚合众国的戴维·特雷斯曼先生为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,任期自2011年7月23日起至12月31日止。", "我是否可以认为大会希望任命特雷斯特曼先生为行政和预算问题咨询委员会成员,任期自2011年7月23日起至12月31日止?", "就这样决定。", "主席(以法语发言): 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会希望结束对议程项目113分项目(a)的审议?", "就这样决定。", "议程项目127(续)", "财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/594/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第7段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.31。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/243 B号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目127的审议。", "议程项目129(续)", "2010-2011两年期方案预算", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/646/Add.3)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.36。 大会现在就题为“大会和(或)安全理事会授权的特别政治任务、斡旋和其他政治行动的估计费用”的决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/288号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目129的审议。", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/890)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第15段中建议的五项决议草案。 决议草案一至五的案文目前分别载于文件A/C.5/65/L.53、A/C.5/65/L.50、A/C.5/65/L.51、A/C.5/65/L.35和A/C.5/65/L.52。 我们现在将就这两项决议草案作出决定。", "决议草案 我题为“贯穿各领域的问题”。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案 我获得通过(第65/289号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案二题为“加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力”。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案二获得通过(第65/290号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案三题为“意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措”。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案三获得通过(第65/291号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案四题为“确定向会员国偿还特遣队所属装备费用的改良程序”。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案四获得通过(第65/292号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):决议草案 五号题为“已结束的维持和平特派团”。", "第五委员会未经表决通过了决议草案五。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案 五获得通过(第65/293号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目143的审议。", "议程项目144(续)", "联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/653/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.32。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/254 B号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目144的审议。", "议程项目145", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/881)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.38。", "大会现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/294号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目145的审议。", "议程项目146", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/882)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.39。", "大会现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/295号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目146的审议。", "议程项目147和148(续)", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/654/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第7段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.40。", "大会现在就题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”的决议草案作出决定。", "第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/296号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目147和148的审议。", "议程项目150", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/883)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.41。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/297号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目150的审议。", "议程项目151", "联合国埃塞俄比亚和厄立特里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/878)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.33。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/298号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目151的审议。", "议程项目152", "联合国格鲁吉亚观察团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/879)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.34。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/299号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目152的审议。", "议程项目153(续)", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/655/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.42。", "我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/256 B号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目153的审议。", "议程项目154", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/884)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.43。 大会现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/300号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目154的审议。", "议程项目155", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/885)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.44。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/301号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目155的审议。", "议程项目156", "联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措", "(a) 联合国脱离接触观察员部队", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/886)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.45。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/302号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目156分项(a)的审议。", "(b) 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/880)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第11段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.37。 我们现在将就题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措”的决议草案作出决定。", "有人要求对决议草案序言部分第四段和执行部分第4、5和15段进行单独表决。 如果没有人反对,我将认为大会同意这样做。", "进行了记录表决。", "赞成:", "阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、伯利兹、巴西、文莱达鲁萨兰国、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、哥斯达黎加、古巴、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、厄立特里亚、危地马拉、圭亚那、海地、洪都拉斯、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、约旦、科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、黎巴嫩、马来西亚、马尔代夫、毛里塔尼亚、毛里求斯、墨西哥、蒙古、摩洛哥、缅甸、纳米比亚、尼泊尔、阿曼、巴基斯坦、秘鲁、菲律宾、卡塔尔、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、新加坡、南非、苏丹、苏里南、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、东帝汶、特立尼达和多巴哥、阿拉伯联合酋长国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国、越南、也门、津巴布韦", "反对:", "加拿大、以色列、美利坚合众国", "弃权:", "阿尔巴尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、比利时、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、保加利亚、喀麦隆、科特迪瓦、克罗地亚、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、丹麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、摩纳哥、黑山、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、巴拿马、波兰、葡萄牙、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、塞尔维亚、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、图瓦卢、乌克兰、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "决议草案序言部分第4段和执行部分第4、5和15段以70票对3票,47票弃权获得保留。", "主席(以法语发言): 我现在将整项决议草案付诸表决。 有人要求进行记录表决。", "进行了记录表决。", "赞成:", "阿尔巴尼亚、阿尔及利亚、安提瓜和巴布达、阿根廷、亚美尼亚、澳大利亚、奥地利、巴林、孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、白俄罗斯、比利时、伯利兹、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、文莱达鲁萨兰国、保加利亚、布基纳法索、柬埔寨、喀麦隆、智利、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、哥斯达黎加、科特迪瓦、克罗地亚、古巴、塞浦路斯、捷克共和国、朝鲜民主主义人民共和国、丹麦、吉布提、多米尼加共和国、厄瓜多尔、埃及、萨尔瓦多、厄立特里亚、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、格鲁吉亚、德国、希腊、危地马拉、圭亚那、海地、洪都拉斯、匈牙利、冰岛、印度、印度尼西亚、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、伊拉克、爱尔兰、意大利、日本、约旦、科威特、老挝人民民主共和国、黎巴嫩、列支敦士登、立陶宛、卢森堡、马达加斯加、马来西亚、马尔代夫、马耳他、毛里塔尼亚、毛里求斯、墨西哥、摩纳哥、蒙古、黑山、摩洛哥、缅甸、纳米比亚、尼泊尔、荷兰、新西兰、挪威、阿曼、巴基斯坦、巴拿马、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、葡萄牙、卡塔尔、摩尔多瓦共和国、罗马尼亚、俄罗斯联邦、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、塞尔维亚、新加坡、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、南非、黎巴嫩、苏丹、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、苏里南、瑞典、瑞士、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、坦桑尼亚联合共和国、", "反对:", "加拿大、以色列、美利坚合众国", "弃权:", "图瓦卢", "决议草案全文以117票赞成、3票反对、1票弃权获得通过(第65/303号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 我现在请希望就刚才通过的决议和决定解释投票或立场的代表发言。", "艾祖基先生(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)(以阿拉伯语发言): 我国代表团加入了关于通过关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的第65/302号决议的协商一致意见,并投票赞成关于联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费筹措的第65/303号决议。 我国代表团想重申,为这两个特派团筹措经费的责任应当由以色列承担,以色列是占领者和对导致建立这两个特派团的侵略负有责任的一方。 我们的立场是基于我们对1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号决议所根据原则的一贯支持。", "罗纳汉先生(美利坚合众国): 美国坚决支持联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队,该部队正在执行一项重要任务。 然而,利用大会的筹资决议在程序上对一个会员国提出索赔是不正确的。 这就是为什么我们在前几年反对大会关于这个项目的决议,因为它们要求以色列支付1996年卡纳事件引起的费用。 这些决议不是协商一致的决议。", "自联合国成立后不久,一直遵循的程序是:秘书长提出并寻求解决本组织对一国或多国的索赔要求。 利用供资决议来立法解决是不适当的。 它还使第五委员会的工作政治化,现在和将来都应避免。", "拉福图恩先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):今天,加拿大认为有必要反对题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措”的第65/303号决议。 这绝不应被解释为对联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)的工作缺乏信任或支持。 加拿大支持并继续支持联黎部队的宝贵工作。", "然而,该决议的措辞要求以色列就1996年卡纳事件向联合国提供赔偿。 加拿大认为决议的某些段落是不适当的,因为这些段落企图使第五委员会的重要工作政治化。 此外,尽管加拿大和其他代表团在前几年对这两段表示严重保留,但这些段落曾经反对列入决议。 因此,加拿大不能赞同处理赔偿问题的拟议办法,认为它削弱了整个决议,并提请注意该决议的主要目的,即支持联黎部队开展的非常有益的工作。", "亚努卡先生(以色列): 首先,我要再次表示,以色列感谢并支持联合国维持和平部队,包括联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)。", "我们感谢部队派遣国、指挥官和所有支持联合国各种维持和平行动重要工作的人。 以色列的政治和财政捐助代表了我们对维和行动的行动、目标和价值的持续承诺。 我们感到自豪的是,我们与本地区的维持和平部队建立了良好的关系并进行了长期合作。", "尽管如此,我仍不得不表示以色列对第65/303号决议的失望,该决议包含具体的措辞被政治化,在支持维持和平行动方面真正无益。 尽管第五委员会具有专业性质,但序言部分第4段和执行部分第4、5和15段是在联合国内使反以色列言论制度化的企图。", "出于这些原因,我国代表团要求就该决议进行表决并投反对票。", "哈查布先生(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言): 首先,我要感谢投票赞成为联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)筹资的所有友好国家,特别是77国集团和中国、伊斯兰会议组织和阿拉伯国家联盟的成员。", "我们还要感谢联黎部队自1972年以来发挥的作用。 我们非常重视特派团所作的巨大牺牲,包括已经死亡的数百人。 我们还要对联黎部队同黎巴嫩部队之间的良好关系表示赞赏,并感谢所有出兵国。", "关于第65/303号决议的实质内容,我们认为,为维持和平行动筹措经费的集体责任原则并不违背国家违反国际法或对这种行为的后果所负责任的个人责任。 这包括按照《联合国宪章》和关于联合国维持和平部队经费分摊比额表的第55/235号决议第1段(e)分段的规定,在一国对其所造成的损害负责时给予赔偿。", "我要提醒大会注意第五委员会投票赞成并刚刚由大会通过的该决议的内容。 以色列没有执行大会在1996年炮击加纳后要求它支付赔偿的18项决议。 这影响了国际部队。 大约100名平民被炸死,主要是儿童和老人,还有数百人受伤。 我们还必须回顾,如秘书长1996年5月7日的报告所描述并载于S/1996/337号文件的,以色列应就联黎部队大院被炸造成的物质损失赔偿100多万美元。 因此,第五委员会有义务审议这个问题。", "最后,以色列必须支付它所欠的费用,即使鉴于2003年和2009年联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处学校被轰炸,这还不完全。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目156分项(b)的审议。", "议程项目157", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/656/Add.1)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案的案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.46。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/257 B号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目157的审议。", "议程项目158", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/887)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.47。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/304号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目158的审议。", "议程项目159", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/888)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第7段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.48。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/305号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目159的审议。", "议程项目160", "安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措", "第五委员会的报告(A/65/889)", "主席(以法语发言): 大会面前有第五委员会在其报告第6段中建议的一项决议草案。 决议草案案文目前载于文件A/C.5/65/L.49。 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 第五委员会未经表决通过了该决议草案。 我是否可以认为大会也希望这样做?", "决议草案获得通过(第65/306号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目160的审议。", "大会就此结束对第五委员会所有报告的审议。", "我要借此机会感谢所有为这一结果作出贡献的人,这使我们今天上午能够为来年的联合国维持和平特派团提供资金。 我要特别感谢第五委员会主席罗森塔尔大使。 我还要特别感谢第五委员会和秘书处工作人员的耐心、勤奋和奉献,甚至在一夜之间。 最后,我感谢所有代表团团长和代表团其他成员,我曾有机会与他们进行协商,有时甚至进行谈判,并在我的办公室度过了部分夜晚。 我感谢他们所有人。", "上午8时25分散会。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6572nd meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Thursday, 30 June 2011, at 10 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. The situation in the Middle East", "Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 1 January to 30 June 2011 (S/2011/359)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6572次会议临时议程", "定于2011年6月30日星期四上午10时举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 中东局势", "秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年1月1日至6月30日期间的报告(S/2011/359)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6572次会议临时议程", "定于2011年6月30日星期四上午10时举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 联合国 中东局势", "秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队2011年1月1日至6月30日期间的报告(S/2011/359)。" ]
[ "France, Germany, Portugal, Russian Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America: draft resolution", "The Security Council,", "Noting with concern that the situation in the Middle East is tense and is likely to remain so, unless and until a comprehensive settlement covering all aspects of the Middle East problem can be reached,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force of 13 June 2011 (S/2011/359), and also reaffirming its resolution 1308 (2000) of 17 July 2000,", "Expressing grave concern at the serious events that occurred in UNDOF’s area of operations on 15 May and 5 June that put the long-held ceasefire in jeopardy,", "1. Calls upon the parties concerned to implement immediately its resolution 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973;", "2. Calls on all parties to cooperate fully with the operations of UNDOF and to ensure the security of as well as unhindered and immediate access for the United Nations personnel carrying out their mandate, in conformity with existing agreements;", "3. Recalls the obligation on both parties to fully respect the terms of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement, and calls on the parties to exercise maximum restraint and prevent any breaches of the ceasefire and the area of separation;", "4. Welcomes the efforts being undertaken by the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force to implement the Secretary-General’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and to ensure full compliance of its personnel with the United Nations code of conduct, requests the Secretary-General to continue to take all necessary action in this regard and to keep the Security Council informed, and urges troop-contributing countries to take preventive and disciplinary action to ensure that such acts are properly investigated and punished in cases involving their personnel;", "5. Decides to renew the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for a period of six months, that is, until 31 December 2011;", "6. Requests the Secretary-General to submit, at the end of this period, a report on developments in the situation and the measures taken to implement resolution 338 (1973), including an assessment, with recommendations if any, of the operational capacity of UNDOF to ensure the Force is most appropriately configured to fulfil its mandated tasks." ]
[ "法国、德国、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "关切地注意到中东局势紧张,而且可能继续紧张,除非和直到可以达成一项把中东问题各方面因素包括在内的全面解决方案,", "审议了2011年6月13日秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的报告(S/2011/359),并重申其2000年7月17日第1308(2000)号决议,", "表示严重关切5月15日和6月5日在观察员部队行动区发生严重事件,危及长期维持的停火,", "1. 呼吁有关各方立即执行其1973年10月22日第338(1973)号决议;", "2. 呼吁所有各方按照现有协议,全面配合观察员部队的行动,并确保执行任务的联合国人员的安全和随时畅行无阻;", "3. 回顾双方都有义务充分遵守1974年《部队脱离接触协议》,并要求双方力行最大克制,防止停火和隔离区受到破坏;", "4. 欢迎联合国脱离接触观察员部队正在作出努力,执行秘书长对性剥削和性虐待行为的零容忍政策,确保其人员充分遵守联合国行为守则;请秘书长继续在这方面采取一切必要行动,并随时向安全理事会通报情况;敦促部队派遣国采取预防和惩戒行动,以确保充分调查和惩罚本国涉案人员的这类行为;", "5. 决定将联合国脱离接触观察员部队的任务期限延长六个月,即延至2011年12月31日;", "6. 请秘书长在上述任务期限结束时提交一份报告,说明局势的发展情况和为执行第338(1973)号决议采取的措施,并在其中评估观察员部队的行动能力,酌情提出建议,以确保该部队有最为适当的配置来完成其规定任务。" ]
[ "法国、德国、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "关切地注意到中东局势紧张并可能继续紧张,除非并直至达成一项涵盖中东问题所有方面的全面解决办法,", "审议了2011年6月13日秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的报告(S/2011/359),并重申其2000年7月17日第1308(2000)号决议,", "表示严重关切5月15日和6月5日在观察员部队行动区发生的危及长期维持的停火的严重事件,", "1. 联合国 1. 吁请有关各方立即执行安理会1973年10月22日第338(1973)号决议;", "2. 联合国 4. 吁请所有各方同观察员部队的行动充分合作,并依照现有协定,确保执行任务的联合国人员的安全并立即允许他们通行;", "3个 4. 回顾双方有义务充分尊重1974年《部队脱离接触协定》的规定,吁请双方力行最大克制,防止任何违反停火和违反隔离区的行为;", " 4.四. 欢迎联合国脱离接触观察员部队正作出努力,执行秘书长对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策,并确保其人员全面遵守联合国的行为守则,请秘书长在这方面继续采取一切必要行动并随时向安全理事会通报情况,并敦促出兵国采取预防和惩戒行动,确保在涉及本国人员的案件中适当调查和惩处这类行为;", "5 (韩语). 1. 决定将联合国脱离接触观察员部队的任务期限延长六个月,至2011年12月31日为止;", "6. 国家 4. 请秘书长在该期间终了时提交一份报告,说明局势的发展以及为执行第338(1973)号决议所采取措施,包括评估观察员部队的行动能力,并提出建议,以确保该部队得到最适当的配置,以履行其授权任务。" ]
[ "Resolution 1994 (2011)", "Adopted by the Security Council at its 6572nd meeting, on 30 June 2011", "The Security Council,", "Noting with concern that the situation in the Middle East is tense and is likely to remain so, unless and until a comprehensive settlement covering all aspects of the Middle East problem can be reached,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force of 13 June 2011 (S/2011/359), and also reaffirming its resolution 1308 (2000) of 17 July 2000,", "Expressing grave concern at the serious events that occurred in UNDOF’s area of operations on 15 May and 5 June that put the long-held ceasefire in jeopardy,", "1. Calls upon the parties concerned to implement immediately its resolution 338 (1973) of 22 October 1973;", "2. Calls on all parties to cooperate fully with the operations of UNDOF and to ensure the security of as well as unhindered and immediate access for the United Nations personnel carrying out their mandate, in conformity with existing agreements;", "3. Recalls the obligation on both parties to fully respect the terms of the 1974 Disengagement of Forces Agreement, and calls on the parties to exercise maximum restraint and prevent any breaches of the ceasefire and the area of separation;", "4. Welcomes the efforts being undertaken by the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force to implement the Secretary-General’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and to ensure full compliance of its personnel with the United Nations code of conduct, requests the Secretary-General to continue to take all necessary action in this regard and to keep the Security Council informed, and urges troop-contributing countries to take preventive and disciplinary action to ensure that such acts are properly investigated and punished in cases involving their personnel;", "5. Decides to renew the mandate of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for a period of six months, that is, until 31 December 2011;", "6. Requests the Secretary-General to submit, at the end of this period, a report on developments in the situation and the measures taken to implement resolution 338 (1973), including an assessment, with recommendations if any, of the operational capacity of UNDOF to ensure the Force is most appropriately configured to fulfil its mandated tasks." ]
[ "第1994(2011)号决议", "安全理事会2011年6月30日第6572次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "关切地注意到中东局势紧张,而且可能继续紧张,除非和直到可以达成一项把中东问题各方面因素包括在内的全面解决方案,", "审议了2011年6月13日秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的报告(S/2011/359),并重申其2000年7月17日第1308(2000)号决议,", "表示严重关切5月15日和6月5日在观察员部队行动区发生严重事件,危及长期维持的停火,", "1. 呼吁有关各方立即执行其1973年10月22日第338(1973)号决议;", "2. 呼吁所有各方按照现有协议,全面配合观察员部队的行动,并确保执行任务的联合国人员的安全和随时畅行无阻;", "3. 回顾双方都有义务充分遵守1974年《部队脱离接触协议》,并要求双方力行最大克制,防止停火和隔离区受到破坏;", "4. 欢迎联合国脱离接触观察员部队正在作出努力,执行秘书长对性剥削和性虐待行为的零容忍政策,确保其人员充分遵守联合国行为守则;请秘书长继续在这方面采取一切必要行动,并随时向安全理事会通报情况;敦促部队派遣国采取预防和惩戒行动,以确保充分调查和惩罚本国涉案人员的这类行为;", "5. 决定将联合国脱离接触观察员部队的任务期限延长六个月,即延至2011年12月31日;", "6. 请秘书长在上述任务期限结束时提交一份报告,说明局势的发展情况和为执行第338(1973)号决议采取的措施,并在其中评估观察员部队的行动能力,酌情提出建议,以确保该部队有最为适当的配置来完成其规定任务。" ]
[ "第1994(2011)号决议", "2011年6月30日安全理事会第6572次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "关切地注意到中东局势紧张并可能继续紧张,除非并直至达成一项涵盖中东问题所有方面的全面解决办法,", "审议了2011年6月13日秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队的报告(S/2011/359),并重申其2000年7月17日第1308(2000)号决议,", "表示严重关切5月15日和6月5日在观察员部队行动区发生的危及长期维持的停火的严重事件,", "1. 联合国 1. 吁请有关各方立即执行安理会1973年10月22日第338(1973)号决议;", "2. 联合国 4. 吁请所有各方同观察员部队的行动充分合作,并依照现有协定,确保执行任务的联合国人员的安全并立即允许他们通行;", "3个 4. 回顾双方有义务充分尊重1974年《部队脱离接触协定》的规定,吁请双方力行最大克制,防止任何违反停火和违反隔离区的行为;", " 4.四. 欢迎联合国脱离接触观察员部队正作出努力,执行秘书长对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策,并确保其人员全面遵守联合国的行为守则,请秘书长在这方面继续采取一切必要行动并随时向安全理事会通报情况,并敦促出兵国采取预防和惩戒行动,确保在涉及本国人员的案件中适当调查和惩处这类行为;", "5 (韩语). 1. 决定将联合国脱离接触观察员部队的任务期限延长六个月,至2011年12月31日为止;", "6. 国家 4. 请秘书长在该期间终了时提交一份报告,说明局势的发展以及为执行第338(1973)号决议所采取措施,包括评估观察员部队的行动能力,并提出建议,以确保该部队得到最适当的配置,以履行其授权任务。" ]
[ "Note by the President of the Security Council", "Pursuant to paragraph 4 (b) of the note by the President of the Security Council dated 30 October 1998 (S/1998/1016), and after consultations among the members of the Council, it was agreed to elect the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of subsidiary bodies for the period ending 31 December 2011 as follows:", "Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities[1]", "Chairman: Peter Wittig (Germany)", "Vice-Chairmen: Brazil and Russian Federation", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011)[2]", "Chairman: Peter Wittig (Germany)", "Vice-Chairmen: Brazil and Russian Federation", "[1] The name of the Committee was amended by the Security Council on 30 June 2011.", "[2] Resolution 1988 (2011) was adopted on 17 June 2011." ]
[ "安全理事会主席的说明", "根据1998年10月30日安全理事会主席的说明第4(b)段(S/1998/1016),并经安理会成员协商后,商定选举各附属机构2011年12月31日终了期间的主席和副主席如下:", "安全理事会关于基地组织及有关个人和实体的第1267(1999)号和第1989 (2011)号决议所设委员会[1]", "主席:", "彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "安全理事会第1988(2011)号决议所设委员会[2]", "主席:", "彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "[1] 委员会的名称经安全理事会2011年6月30日修正。", "[2] 第1988(2011)号决议于2011年6月17日通过。" ]
[ "安全理事会主席的说明", "根据安全理事会主席1998年10月30日的说明(S/1998/1016)第4(b)段,经安理会成员协商后,商定选举2011年12月31日终了期间各附属机构主席和副主席如下:", "安全理事会关于基地组织及有关个人和实体的第1267(1999)和1989(2011)号决议所设委员会[1]", "主席: 彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "安全理事会第1988(2011)号决议所设委员会[2]", "主席: 彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "[1] 安全理事会于2011年6月30日修订了委员会名称。", "[2] 第1988(2011)号决议于2011年6月17日通过。" ]
[ "Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty", "Third session", "* Reissued for technical reasons on 7 July 2011.", "New York, 11-15 July 2011", "Letter dated 27 June 2011 from the Chair of the Preparatory Committee for the United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty addressed to the delegations", "The third session of the Preparatory Committee for the 2012 United Nations Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty will be held from 11 to 15 July 2011 in Conference Room 1 at United Nations Headquarters in New York. More information can be found at", "In order to assist States in their preparations for the upcoming session of the Preparatory Committee, I have the honour to forward for your Government’s consideration draft papers on implementation and final provisions (see annex), which will be the main substantive items on the draft agenda of this meeting.", "The papers are based on my interpretation of the exchange of views during the first and second sessions of the Preparatory Committee, held in July 2010 and February/March 2011 respectively. I would like to stress that the papers are drafted under my own responsibility with the sole goal of facilitating a focused and fruitful discussion during the Committee’s third session. They are not intended to prejudge in any way the outcome of the discussion.", "(Signed) Roberto García Moritán Chair", "Annex", "Draft papers on implementation and final provisions", "I. Implementation", "1. Each State party shall take the necessary legislative and administrative measures to adapt, as necessary, national laws and regulations to implement the obligations of this treaty.", "2. The provision of this treaty shall be implemented in a manner that will avoid hampering the right of self-defence of any State party.", "3. Each State party, during the implementation of its obligations under this treaty, shall assign the highest priority to ensuring that the implementation in accordance with the treaty is not discriminatory or subjective in nature, nor could represent, inter alia, political abuse.", "4. Each State party shall establish a national contact point for the provision and receipt of information and requests pursuant to this treaty. Each State party shall notify the Implementation Support Unit (see article __) of its national contact point. A list of national contact points shall be maintained and distributed by the Implementation Support Unit on a quarterly basis.", "A. National authority and systems: exports", "5. Each State party shall establish and maintain a transparent, predictable and effective national system for authorizing and licensing the export of conventional arms under the scope of this treaty and consistent with the assessment criteria in article __.", "6. Each State party shall establish a national control list of those items subject to this treaty, consistent with the terms of this treaty under article __.", "7. Each State party shall take measures to ensure that it can verify or validate its authorizations. All authorizations for an export of conventional arms in accordance with the treaty must be detailed on a form and issued prior to the export. Details of the authorization shall accompany the arms shipment and be made available to transit and trans-shipment States upon request. The format, content and conditions of the authorizations remain a national decision of the authorizing State party.", "8. Each State party shall take all necessary measures to guarantee that the arms that have been exported are not diverted to the illicit market or unintended user.", "B. National authority and systems: imports", "9. Importing States shall provide appropriate documentation and other information, including, inter alia, end-user certification, requested by the exporting State to assist the exporting State in its criteria assessment and to verify the delivery to the approved end-user.", "10. States parties shall ensure that all arms transferred to their territory as the final destination are recorded and are accompanied by details of the authorization issued in accordance with this Treaty.", "11. Each State party shall take all necessary measures to guarantee that the arms that have been imported are not diverted to the illicit market or unintended user.", "C. Transit", "12. States parties shall record all arms transfers that transit their territory and ensure that they are accompanied by details of the authorization issued in accordance with this Treaty.", "13. States parties shall ensure that they have the national authorities needed to inspect or seize shipments that are being transferred in violation of this Treaty, if such action is required.", "14. Each State party shall take all appropriate measures to guarantee that the arms transported through its territory are not diverted to the illicit market or unintended user.", "D. Transfer denials", "15. States parties shall notify the States involved in a denied transfer, as well as the Implementation Support Unit, of authorizations refused in accordance with this Treaty. Notification, which shall be submitted in written form no later than 30 days after the denial, shall contain: (a) a description of the arms; (b) the names of the proposed Recipient State and end-user; and (c) the article(s) of this Treaty pursuant to which the authorization was refused or any other reason for the refusal.", "16. The Implementation Support Unit shall distribute denial notices to States parties within 10 days of their receipt.", "17. Before any State party authorizes a transfer that is fundamentally the same as a transfer for which it has previously received a refusal notification under the terms of this Treaty, it shall consult with the State party that refused the transfer and take account of any information or reasons provided for the refusal.", "18. States parties shall keep such notifications confidential and shall not use them for commercial advantage.", "19. Disputes that may arise concerning denials between two or more States parties shall be settled by negotiations between the interested parties.", "E. Record keeping, reporting and transparency", "20. States parties shall maintain records of all arms authorizations, transfers and denials. Such records may contain, inter alia, information on quantity, model/type, arms transfers authorized and refused, arms actually transferred, details of Transit State(s), Recipient State(s), end-users, etc. Records shall be kept for a minimum of 10 years.", "21. States parties shall maintain records of all arms imports and shipments of arms that transit their territory. Such records may contain, inter alia, information on quantity, model/type, arms actually transferred, details of Transit State(s), Exporting State(s), end-users, etc. Records shall be kept for a minimum of 10 years.", "22. No later than 180 days after a State’s ratification of this Treaty, States parties shall submit an initial report to the Implementation Support Unit of all activities undertaken in order to accomplish the implementation of this Treaty, including, inter alia, domestic laws, regulations and administrative measures.", "23. Each State party shall submit annually to the Implementation Support Unit a report for the preceding year concerning the transfer of arms as detailed in articles E.20 and E.21 above, as well as any new national legislation or other measures used to regulate or control the items and transactions under the Treaty’s domain and details of denied transfers and grounds for their denials, particularly highlighting cases in which licensing was granted to previously denied importers.", "F. Information exchange", "24. States parties shall encourage and facilitate international cooperation, including the exchange of information among themselves on matters regarding the implementation and operation of this Treaty. Such exchange of information shall include, inter alia, information on implementation measures as well as information on specific exporters, importers and brokers and on any prosecutions brought domestically, in line with commercial and proprietary protections.", "G. Enforcement", "Activities inconsistent with the Treaty obligations", "25. Each State party shall adopt legislation or other appropriate measures to ensure its ability to enforce domestically the obligations of this Treaty and to prohibit the transfer of arms from any location under that State’s jurisdiction and control, unless authorized in accordance with this Treaty.", "26. Each State party shall establish effective penalties or other appropriate measures for violations of this Treaty by any entity under its jurisdiction and control.", "27. Each State party shall adopt measures as may be necessary to provide for the investigation and prosecution of individuals and other entities for offences violating this Treaty and relevant national laws.", "Brokering and corruption", "28. States parties shall take all necessary measures to control relevant brokering activities taking place within their territories or by its citizens, regardless of their location of arms, that fall within the scope of this Treaty.", "29. States parties shall take all necessary measures to prevent, counter and prosecute corruption, including money-laundering, within their territories and jurisdiction, in connection with arms transfers that fall within the scope of this Treaty.", "Law enforcement and cooperation", "30. States parties shall develop necessary legislative and administrative measures to enforce this Treaty, including appropriate law enforcement and judicial mechanisms.", "31. States parties shall cooperate closely with one another, consistent with their respective domestic legal and administrative systems, to enhance the effectiveness of law enforcement institutions to combat violations of the provisions of this Treaty.", "Mutual legal assistance", "32. States parties shall afford one another the widest measure of mutual legal assistance in investigations, prosecutions and judicial proceedings in relation to the violations of the provisions of this Treaty.", "H. Implementation Support Unit", "33. This Treaty establishes an Implementation Support Unit to assist States parties in its implementation.", "34. The Implementation Support Unit shall:", "(a) Serve as the repository for annual reports submitted by States parties as part of their Treaty obligations;", "(b) Serve as the repository for reports on disputes on transfer denials;", "(c) Assist the Assembly of States Parties in carrying out the activities set forth in this Treaty and make arrangements and provide the necessary services for the sessions of the Assembly of States Parties and subsidiary organs, as necessary;", "(d) Assist States parties in providing information to the Assembly of States Parties and each other as envisaged in this Treaty, upon request;", "(e) Act as a clearing house for offers and requests of assistance for Treaty implementation under the terms of this Treaty and promote international cooperation to that end;", "(f) Ensure the necessary coordination with the Secretariats of relevant international and regional organizations and represent the Arms Trade Treaty Implementation Support Unit in meetings and activities of such organizations, as applicable;", "(g) Conduct outreach to increase awareness of the Treaty regime and to promote the universality of this Treaty; and", "(h) Perform other technical and administrative duties as assigned by the Assembly of States Parties.", "II. Final provisions", "A. Depositary and authentic texts", "35. The Secretary-General of the United Nations is the depositary of this treaty.", "36. The original of this treaty, of which the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.", "B. Signature, ratification or accession", "37. This treaty shall be open to all States for signature on __________ at United Nations Headquarters in New York.", "38. This treaty shall be subject to ratification by signatory States. Instruments of ratification and instruments of accession shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.", "39. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall promptly inform all signatory and acceding States of the date of each signature, the date of deposit of each instrument of ratification or of accession, the date of the entry into force of this treaty and the date of the receipt of other notices.", "40. Any State may, at the time of its ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, declare that it will apply provisionally this treaty pending its entry into force for that State.", "C. Entry into force", "41. This treaty shall enter into force on the first day of the month after the ____ day following the date of the deposit of the ____ instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.", "42. For States whose instruments of ratification or accession are deposited subsequent to the entry into force of this treaty, it shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of deposit of their instruments of ratification or accession.", "D. Withdrawal and duration", "43. This treaty shall be of unlimited duration.", "44. A State party may, by written notification addressed to the depositary, withdraw from this Treaty. The withdrawal shall take effect 180 days after the date of receipt of notification, unless the notification specifies a later date.", "45. A State shall not be discharged, by reason of its withdrawal, from the obligations arising from this Treaty while it was a party to the Treaty, including any financial obligations.", "E. Reservations", "46. No reservations that are incompatible with the object and purpose of the present Treaty shall be permitted.", "F. Amendments", "47. At any time after this Treaty’s entry into force, a State party may propose an amendment to this Treaty.", "48. Any proposed amendment shall be submitted in writing to the Depositary and the Implementation Support Unit, which will then circulate the proposal to all States parties. Amendments shall be decided upon at the next scheduled review conference.", "G. Assembly of States Parties", "49. An Assembly of States Parties to this Treaty is established to improve the capacity of States parties to promote and review the implementation of this Treaty.", "50. The Assembly of States Parties shall agree upon mechanisms for achieving these objectives, including, inter alia, facilitating activities by States parties under the articles of this Treaty, and facilitating the exchange of information among States parties.", "51. The Assembly of States Parties shall convene not later than one year following the entry into force of this Treaty. The Assembly of States Parties shall adopt rules of procedure and rules governing its activities, including frequency of meetings and rules concerning payment of expenses incurred in carrying out those activities.", "52. As part of their reporting requirements under article __ of the Treaty, each State party shall provide the Assembly of States Parties, through the Implementation Support Unit, with information on its legislative and administrative measures and those activities required to implement the Treaty before the meeting.", "53. For years when a review conference is scheduled, no Assembly of States Parties will be held, and instead, two preparatory committee meetings shall be convened to prepare for the review conference.", "54. If circumstances merit, an exceptional meeting of States parties may be convened if required and resources allow.", "H. Review conferences", "55. A review conference shall be convened five years after the entry into force of this Treaty and every five years thereafter.", "56. The review conference is established to improve the capacity of States parties to promote and review the implementation of this Treaty.", "57. The preparatory meetings for the review conference shall agree upon mechanisms for achieving these objectives, including, inter alia, facilitating activities by States parties under the articles of this Treaty; cooperating with relevant international and regional organizations and non-governmental organizations; reviewing the implementation of this Treaty; and making recommendations to improve this Treaty and its implementation.", "58. The review conference may address the necessity of and procedures for convening an Assembly of States Parties in order to further facilitate effective implementation of the treaty.", "59. All States parties shall be invited to the review conference.", "I. Consultation", "60. States parties may consult each other and request information for any matter regarding the implementation and operation of this Treaty. States parties shall provide information requested in accordance with their domestic legal systems. Requests for consultation or information shall be made in writing to the relevant national contact points.", "J. Dispute settlement", "61. States parties shall consult and cooperate with each other to settle any dispute that may arise with regard to the application or interpretation of this Treaty." ]
[ "联合国武器贸易条约会议 筹备委员会", "第三届会议", "^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年7月7日重新印发。", "2011年7月11日至15日,纽约", "2011年6月27日联合国武器贸易条约会议筹备委员会主席给各代表团的信", "2012年联合国武器贸易条约会议筹备委员会第三届会议将于2011年7月11日至15日在纽约联合国总部第1会议室举行。详细信息可查询。", "为了协助各国准备即将召开的筹备委员会会议,谨提交关于执行和最后条款的文件草案(见附件)供贵国政府审议。这些文件将是这次会议议程草案上的主要实质性项目。", "这些文件基于我对分别于2010年7月和2011年2月/3月举行的筹备委员会第一届和第二届会议期间的意见交换的阐释。我要强调,起草的这些文件由我本人负责,其唯一的目的是协助委员会在第三届会议期间进行有重点和富有成果的讨论。文件的意图不是以任何方式预断这次讨论的结果。", "主席", "罗伯托·加西亚·莫里坦(签名)", "附件", "关于执行和最后条款的文件草案", "一. 执行", "1. 每个缔约国都应采取必要的立法和行政措施,对国内法律法规进行必要的调整,以执行本《条约》所规定的各项义务。", "2. 应以避免妨碍任何缔约国的自卫权的方式执行本《条约》的规定。", "3. 每个缔约国都应在执行本《条约》所规定的义务期间,最优先注意确保符合条约的执行不是歧视性或主观性的,尤其不会是政治滥用。", "4. 每个缔约国都应设立一个国家联络点,提供和接收依照本《条约》提出的信息与请求。每个缔约国都应向执行支助股(见第___条)通报其国家联络点。执行支助股应管理国家联络点清单,每季度分发一次。", "A. 国家权力和体系:出口", "5. 每个缔约国都应对本《条约》范围内常规武器的出口授权和许可证制定并维持一个透明、可预见和有效的国家体系,并符合第____条中的评估标准。", "6. 每个缔约国都应根据本《条约》第___条的规定,制定一份本条约管辖物品的国家管制清单。", "7. 每个缔约国应采取措施,确保可以核查或核实其许可证。所有符合本《条约》的常规武器出口许可证的详情都必须列入一张表格,在出口前签发。每批武器都应附有详尽的授权书,并应过境国和中转国的要求提供。许可证的格式、内容和条件仍由授权缔约国决定。", "8. 每个缔约国都应采取一切必要措施,保证已出口的武器不会转入非法市场或转给非原定用户。", "B. 国家权力和体系:进口", "9. 进口国应提供适当证书或资料,除其他外包括出口国要求的最终用户证书,以协助出口国的标准评估并核查有否交付给核定的最终用户。", "10. 缔约国应确保对所有运到作为目的地的其领土的武器作记录,并确保其详细具备按本《条约》发放的许可证。", "11. 每一个缔约方应采取一切必要措施,保证进口的武器不被转到非法市场或非原定用户。", "C. 过境", "12. 缔约国应记录其领土上的每一次武器过境,并确保武器过境时详细具备按本《条约》发放的许可证。", "13. 缔约国应确保,它们具有所需的国家权力机构来检查或扣押与本《条约》不符的过境运输物,可在需要时采取此种行动。", "14. 各缔约国应采取一切恰当措施,保证在其领土过境的武器不被转到非法市场或非原定用户。", "D. 拒绝过境", "15. 如有按本《条约》拒绝发放许可证,缔约国应通知拒绝过境所涉国家和履约支助股。应在遭拒绝的30天之内提交书面通知,通知内容应包括:(a) 武器种类说明;(b) 拟议接受国和最终用户名称;(c) 拒发许可证所依据的本《条约》的条款或遭拒绝的任何其他理由。", "16. 履约支助股应在收到通知后的10天内向缔约国分发拒绝通知书。", "17. 任何一个缔约国在核批一个本质上与原先根据本《条约》规定遭拒绝的相同过境要求时,应同拒绝上述过境的缔约国协商,并应考虑所提供的与上述拒绝有关的任何信息或理由。", "18. 缔约国应对上述通知保密,且不作商业利用。", "19. 两个或更多缔约国之间因拒绝所发生的争执应通过相关国家之间的谈判解决。", "E. 记录、报告和透明", "20. 缔约国应保留所有关于武器的许可、过境和遭拒绝的记录。此种记录内容除其他外包括:武器数量、信号/类型、武器过境批准和拒绝、实际过境的武器、过境国、接受国、最终用户等详细信息。记录至少应保留10年。", "21. 缔约国应保留所有关于武器进口和在其领土过境运输的记录。此种记录内容除其他外包括:武器数量、信号/类型、实际过境的武器、过境国、出口国、最终用户等详细信息。记录至少应保留10年。", "22. 在国家批准本《条约》的180天之内,缔约国应向履约支助股提交一份最初报告,介绍缔约国为实施本《条约》所开展的所有活动,包括国内立法、条规和行政措施等。", "23. 各缔约国每年应向履约支助股提交一份关于上一年度上文第E.20条和E.21条所述武器的过境情况,以及制约本《条约》范围内物品和交易的任何新的国家立法和其他措施以及拒绝过境的详细情况和遭拒绝的理由,特别是着重说明向以前遭拒绝的出口商发放许可的案件情况。", "F. 交流情况", "24. 缔约国应鼓励和促进国际合作,包括就本《条约》的实施和运作事宜相互交流情况。此种情况交流除其他外应包括,关于执行措施的信息以及关于具体出口商、进口商和代理商的资讯以及国内任何商业和专利保护方面的起诉情况。", "G. 执行", "不符合条约义务的活动", "25. 缔约国应颁布立法或采取其他适当措施,确保缔约国有能力在本国执行本《条约》的义务,并禁止从缔约国管辖和控制的任何地点转让武器,但根据本《条约》核准的除外。", "26. 缔约国应对其管辖和控制的任何实体违反本《条约》的行为制定有效的惩罚手段或其他适当措施。", "27. 缔约国应订立措施,以在需要时据此对个人和其他实体违反本《条约》和有关国内法律的行为进行调查并起诉。", "经纪与腐败", "28. 缔约国应采取一切必要措施,管制在其境内进行或由其公民进行的本《条约》所指的有关经纪活动,而不论武器所处地点。", "29. 缔约国应采取一切必要措施,预防、制止和起诉在其境内和管辖范围内与本《条约》所指武器转让有关的腐败行为,包括洗钱行为。", "执法与合作", "30. 缔约国应为执行本《条约》制定必要的立法和行政措施,包括建立适当的执法和司法机制。", "31. 缔约国应根据各自的国内法律和行政体系进行密切的相互合作,提高执法机构打击违反本《条约》规定行为的效力。", "法律互助", "32. 缔约国应在针对违反本《条约》规定行为的调查、起诉和司法方面最大限度地相互给予法律互助。", "H. 履约支助股", "33. 为帮助缔约国开展执行工作,本《条约》设立履约支助股。", "34. 履约支助股应:", "(a) 作为缔约国履行其《条约》义务之一提交的年度报告的存放处;", "(b) 作为拒绝转让争议报告的存放处;", "(c) 协助缔约国大会开展本《条约》规定的活动,作出安排,并酌情为缔约国大会及其附属机构的届会提供必要服务;", "(d) 按本《条约》的设想,协助缔约国应请求向缔约国大会提供并相互提供信息;", "(e) 成为根据本《条约》规定就执行《条约》提供或要求援助的交流中心,并为此促进国际合作;", "(f) 确保与有关国际和区域组织秘书处进行必要协调,酌情代表《武器贸易条约》履约支助股参加这种组织的会议和活动;", "(g) 开展外联活动,提高人们对《条约》制度的认识,促进本《条约》的普遍性;", "(h) 履行缔约国大会规定的其他技术和行政职责。", "二. 最后条款", "A. 保存和作准文本", "35. 联合国秘书长为本《条约》保存人。", "36. 条约原本交联合国秘书长保存,其阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文本具有同等效力。", "B. 签署、批准或加入", "37. 本《条约》应于___年__月__日在纽约联合国总部开放供所有国家签署。", "38. 本《条约》须经签署国批准。批准书或加入书应交联合国秘书长保存。", "39. 联合国秘书长应将签署日期、批准书或加入书的交存日期、本《条约》生效日期和其他通知的收取日期及时通知所有签署国和加入国。", "40. 任何国家都可在批准、接受、核准或加入之时宣布,在本《条约》对该国生效之前暂时适用本《条约》。", "C. 生效", "41. 本《条约》应于第__份批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书交存秘书长之日后第__天的当月第一天起生效。", "42. 对于在本《条约》生效之后交存批准书或加入书的国家,本《条约》应在其批准书或加入书交存之日后的第三十天生效。", "D. 退出和时效", "43. 本《条约》无限期有效。", "44. 缔约国可以书面通知保存人的方式退出本《条约》。退出应从通知收到之日后第180天起生效,通知规定较晚日期的除外。", "45. 一国不得因为退出而免除其作为缔约国根据本《条约》承担的义务,包括财政义务。", "E. 保留", "46. 不得有不符合本《条约》目标和宗旨的保留。", "F. 修正", "47. 本《条约》生效后,缔约国可随时对本《条约》提出修正案。", "48. 修正提案应以书面方式提交保存人和履约支助股,由其分发所有缔约国。计划召开的下届审议大会应就修正提案作出决定。", "G. 缔约国大会", "49. 为加强缔约国促进执行本《条约》和审查本《条约》执行情况的能力,特为本《条约》设立缔约国大会。", "50. 缔约国大会应商定建立有关机制,以实现上述目标,包括促进缔约国根据本《条约》条款开展的活动,促进缔约国之间的信息交流。", "51. 缔约国大会应在本《条约》生效后一年之内举行。缔约国大会应通过议事规则和活动规则,包括会议次数以及活动费用缴纳规则。", "52. 作为其根据《条约》第__条规定的报告要求之一,缔约国应在会议前通过履约支助股向缔约国大会提供有关其立法和行政措施以及为执行本《条约》而开展的活动的信息。", "53. 在安排举行审议大会的年份,将不举行缔约国大会,而举行两次筹备委员会会议,为审议大会进行准备。", "54. 如情况需要,可根据要求并在资源允许的情况下举行缔约国特别会议。", "H. 审议大会", "55. 审议大会应在本《条约》生效五年后举行,并在其后每五年举行一次。", "56. 设立审议大会是为了加强缔约国促进本《条约》执行和审查本《条约》执行情况的能力。", "57. 审议大会筹备会议应商定建立有关机制,以实现上述目标,包括促进缔约国根据本《条约》条款开展的活动;与有关国际和区域组织和非政府组织进行合作;审查本《条约》的执行情况;以及就改进本《条约》及其执行情况提出建议。", "58. 审议大会应审议召开缔约国大会的必要性和程序,以进一步促进本《条约》的有效执行。", "59. 应邀请全体缔约国参加审议大会。", "I. 协商", "60. 缔约国可相互协商,并可要求得到有关《条约》执行和运作情况任何事项的信息。缔约国应根据国内法律制度提供所要求的信息。协商或提供信息要求应以书面方式向国家的相关联络机构提出。", "J. 解决争议", "61. 缔约国应相互协商与合作,以解决在本《条约》适用或解释方面产生的任何争议。" ]
[ "联合国武器贸易条约会议筹备委员会", "第三届会议", "* 由于技术原因于2011年7月7日重新印发。", "2011年7月11日至15日,纽约", "2011年6月27日联合国武器贸易条约会议筹备委员会主席给各代表团的信", "2012年联合国武器贸易条约会议筹备委员会第三届会议定于2011年7月11日至15日在纽约联合国总部第1会议室举行。 详情见。", "为了协助各国筹备即将举行的筹备委员会会议,我谨转交关于执行情况和最后条款的文件草稿(见附件),供贵国政府审议,这些文件草稿将是本次会议议程草案的主要实质性项目。", "这些文件是根据我对分别于2010年7月和2011年2月/3月举行的筹备委员会第一届和第二届会议期间交换意见的解释编写的。 我谨强调,这些文件是我自己负责起草的,其唯一目的是促进在委员会第三届会议期间进行重点突出和富有成果的讨论。 它们无意以任何方式预先判断讨论结果。", "罗伯托·加西亚·莫里坦(签名)", "页:1", "关于执行和最后条款的文件草案", "一. 执行情况", "1. 联合国 每一缔约国应采取必要的立法和行政措施,根据需要调整本国法律和条例,以履行本条约义务。", "2. 联合国 本条约各项规定的执行方式应避免妨碍任何缔约国的自卫权。", "3个 每一缔约国在履行本条约所负义务时,应最优先地确保按照条约执行不具有歧视性或主观性质,也不能代表政治滥用。", " 4.四. 每一缔约国应设立国家联络点,根据本条约提供和接收资料和请求。 每一缔约国应将其国家联络点通知执行支助股(见第 条)。 执行支助股应每季度保存和分发国家联络点名单。", "A. 国家权力和制度:出口", "5 (韩语). 1. 每一缔约国应建立并维持一个透明、可预测和符合第____条评估标准的、在本条约范围内批准并发放常规武器出口许可证的国家制度。", "6. 国家 每一缔约国应按照本条约第____条的规定,制定受本条约管制的物品的国家管制清单。", "7. 联合国 每一缔约国应采取措施,确保能够核查或验证其授权。 所有根据条约出口常规武器的授权都必须在表格上详细列出,并在出口前发出。 批准的细节应随同武器运输,并应过境国和转运国要求向其提供。 授权的形式、内容和条件仍然是授权缔约国的国家决定。", "8. 联合国 每一缔约国应采取一切必要措施,保证已出口的武器不被转用于非法市场或无意使用者。", "B. 国家当局和制度:进口", "9. 国家 进口国应提供适当的文件和其他资料,包括出口国要求的最终用户证书等,以协助出口国进行标准评估并核查向经核准的最终用户交付货物的情况。", "10个 缔约国应确保作为最终目的地向其领土转让的所有武器都得到记录并附有根据本条约发出的授权的细节。", "11个 每一缔约国应采取一切必要措施,保证所进口的武器不被转用于非法市场或无意使用者。", "C. 过境", "12个 缔约国应记录所有通过其领土的武器转让,并确保在转让时附有根据本条约发出的授权的细节。", "13个 缔约国应确保它们拥有必要的国家当局,以检查或扣押违反本条约而转移的货物,如果需要采取这种行动的话。", "14个 每一缔约国应采取一切适当措施,保证通过其领土运输的武器不会被转用于非法市场或无意使用者。", "D. 拒绝转让", "15个 缔约国应通知被拒转让的国家以及执行支助股根据本条约被拒绝的授权。 应在拒绝后30天内以书面形式提交通知,其中应包括:(a) 武器说明;(b) 拟议的接受国和最终用户的姓名;(c) 拒绝批准所依据的本条约条款或拒绝的任何其他理由。", "16号. 执行支助 该股应在收到拒绝通知后10天内向缔约国分发。", "17岁。 在任何缔约国批准转让与它以前根据本条约的规定收到拒绝通知的转让基本相同的转让之前,它应与拒绝转让的缔约国协商,并考虑到拒绝转让的任何资料或理由。", "18岁。 缔约国应对此种通知保密,并不得为商业利益而加以利用。", " 19. 19. 2. 两个或两个以上缔约国之间就拒绝问题可能发生的争端,应由有关当事方通过谈判解决。", "页:1 记录保存、报告和透明度", "20号. 缔约国应保存所有武器授权、转让和拒绝的记录。 这种记录除其他外,可包括关于数量、型号/类型、经批准和拒绝的武器转让、实际转让的武器、过境国、接受国、最终用户等的详细资料。 记录应至少保存10年。", "21岁 缔约国应保存所有武器进口和运输经过其领土的记录。 这种记录除其他外可包括关于数量、型号/类型、实际转让的武器、过境国、出口国、最终用户等的详细资料。 记录应至少保存10年。", "22号. 缔约国至迟应在批准本条约后180天内向执行支助股提交初次报告,说明为完成本条约的执行而开展的所有活动,除其他外,包括国内法、条例和行政措施。", "23. 联合国 每一缔约国应每年向执行支助股提交关于上文第E.20和E.21条所详述的上一年武器转让的报告,并提交用来管制或控制条约范围内物品和交易的任何新的国家立法或其他措施,以及被拒绝转让的细节和拒绝转让的理由,特别是突出以前被拒绝的进口商获得许可证的情况。", "F. 信息交流", "24 (韩语). 缔约国应鼓励并促进国际合作,包括相互交流有关本条约执行和实施情况的信息。 这种信息交流除其他外应包括关于执行措施的信息,以及关于具体出口商、进口商和经纪人的信息,以及关于根据商业和专利保护在国内提出的任何起诉的信息。", "G. 执法", "不符合条约义务的活动", "25岁 各缔约国应通过立法或其他适当措施,确保其在国内履行本条约义务的能力并禁止从该国管辖和控制下的任何地点转让武器,除非根据本条约授权。", "26. 联合国 每一缔约国应对在其管辖和控制下的任何实体违反本条约的行为制定有效的惩罚或其他适当措施。", "27个 每一缔约国应采取必要措施,规定对违反本条约和有关国内法的个人和其他实体进行调查和起诉。", "经纪和腐败", "28岁 缔约国应采取一切必要措施,管制在其领土内或由本国公民进行的、属于本条约范围的相关经纪活动,而不论其武器所在地为何。", "29. 国家 缔约国应采取一切必要措施,防止、打击并起诉在其领土内和管辖范围内与属于本条约范围的武器转让有关的腐败,包括洗钱。", "执法和合作", "30岁。 缔约国应制定必要的立法和行政措施,包括适当的执法和司法机制,以执行本条约。", "31岁 缔约国应根据各自的国内法律和行政制度,彼此密切合作,提高执法机构打击违反本条约规定行为的效力。", "司法协助", "32. 联合国 1. 缔约国应在对违反本条约规定的行为的调查、起诉和审判程序中相互提供最广泛的司法协助。", "H. 执行支助股", "33. (中文(简体) ). 该条约设立了执行支助股,协助缔约国执行条约。", "34. 国家 执行支助股应:", "(a) 作为缔约国作为条约义务的一部分所提交年度报告的存放处;", "(b) 充当拒绝转让争端报告的存放处;", "(c) 协助缔约国大会进行本条约所述活动,并在必要时为缔约国大会和附属机构的届会作出安排并提供必要的服务;", "(d) 应要求协助缔约国向缔约国大会提供本条约所设想的资料;", "(e) 充当根据本《条约》条款为执行《条约》提供援助的提议和请求的交换所,并为此目的促进国际合作;", "(f) 确保与有关国际和区域组织的秘书处进行必要的协调,并酌情代表武器贸易条约执行支助股参加这些组织的会议和活动;", "(g) 开展外联活动,提高对《条约》制度的认识并增进《条约》的普遍性;", "(h) 履行缔约国大会所指派的其他技术和行政职责。", "二. 最后条款", "A. 保存人和作准文本", "35. 联合国 联合国秘书长为本条约的保存人.", "36. (中文(简体) ). 本条约正本交存联合国秘书长,其阿拉伯文、中文、英文、法文、俄文和西班牙文文本同等作准。", "B. 签署、批准或加入", "37. 联合国 本条约于_____年____月____日在纽约联合国总部开放供所有国家签署。", "38. 国家 本条约须经签署国批准. 批准书和加入书应交存联合国秘书长。", "39. 联合国 联合国秘书长应将每次签署的日期,每次批准书或加入书的交存日期,本条约生效的日期和收到其他通知的日期迅速通知所有签署国和加入国.", " 40. 40. 任何国家可在其批准、接受、核准或加入时声明在本条约对该国生效之前暂时适用。", "C. 生效", "41. 国家 本条约自 向联合国秘书长交存批准书、接受书、核准书或加入书之日后 起后 个月第一日起生效。", "42. 国家 对于本条约生效后交存批准书或加入书的国家,本条约自其批准书或加入书交存之日起第三十天起生效.", "D. 退出和期限", "43. 东帝汶 本条约应无限期有效.", "44. 国家 缔约国可书面通知保存人退出本条约。 退出应自收到通知之日起180天后生效,除非通知指明了较后的日期。", "45. 国家 一国不得因其退出条约而免除其作为条约缔约国期间由本条约产生的义务,包括任何财政义务。", "E. 保留", "46. 经常预算: 不得提出与本条约目的和宗旨相悖的保留。", "F. 修正案", "47. 国家 本条约生效后,缔约国可随时对本条约提出修正案.", " 48. 48. 提出的任何修正案应以书面形式提交保存人和执行支助股,然后由执行支助股将提案分送所有缔约国。 修正案应在下一次排定的审查会议上决定。", "G. 缔约国大会", "49. 设立本条约缔约国大会,以提高缔约国促进和审查本条约执行情况的能力。", " 50. 50. 缔约国大会应商定实现这些目标的机制,除其他外,包括便利缔约国根据本条约条款开展活动,并便利缔约国之间的信息交流。", "51. 联合国 缔约国大会至迟应在本条约生效后一年内召开. 缔约国大会应通过议事规则和关于其活动的规则,包括会议频率和关于支付这些活动所花费用的规则。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 作为《条约》第____条规定的提交报告要求的一部分,各缔约国应在会前通过执行支助股向缔约国大会提供其立法和行政措施以及为执行《条约》所需要开展的活动的资料。", "53. 联合国 在排定审查会议的年份,将不举行缔约国大会,而是将举行两次筹备委员会会议来筹备审查会议。", "54. 联合国 如果情况需要,可根据需要和资源允许,召开缔约国特别会议。", "H. 审查会议", "55. 国家 审议会议应在本条约生效后五年后召开,此后每五年举行一次。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 设立审议大会是为了提高缔约国促进和审查本条约执行情况的能力。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 审议大会筹备会议应就实现这些目标的机制达成协议,除其他外,包括便利缔约国根据本条约条款开展活动;同有关国际和区域组织及非政府组织合作;审查本条约的执行情况;并就如何改进本条约及其执行情况提出建议。", "58. 联合国 审查会议可讨论召开缔约国大会的必要性和程序,以进一步促进条约的有效执行。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 应邀请所有缔约国出席审查会议。", "一. 协商", "60. 联合国 缔约国可就与本条约的执行和实施情况有关的任何事项相互磋商并索取资料。 缔约国应提供根据本国法律制度请求提供的资料。 磋商或资料请求应以书面形式向有关国家联络点提出。", "J. 解决争端", "61. 国家 1. 缔约国应彼此协商和合作,以解决在适用或解释本条约方面可能出现的任何争端。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Item 13 (h) of the provisional agenda*", "Economic and environmental questions: international", "cooperation in tax matters", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling its resolution 2004/69 of 11 November 2004,", "Recognizing the call made in the Monterrey Consensus of the International Conference on Financing for Development[1] for the strengthening of international tax cooperation through enhanced dialogue among national tax authorities and greater coordination of the work of the concerned multilateral bodies and relevant regional organizations, giving special attention to the needs of developing countries and countries with economies in transition,[2]", "Recalling the request to the Economic and Social Council made in the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development[3] and the Outcome of the Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Development[4] to examine the strengthening of the institutional arrangements to promote international cooperation in tax matters, including the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters,[5]", "Recognizing that while each country is responsible for its tax system, it is important to support efforts in these areas by strengthening technical assistance and enhancing international cooperation and participation in addressing international tax matters, including in the area of double taxation,", "Also recognizing the need for an inclusive, participatory and broad-based dialogue on international cooperation in tax matters,", "Noting the activities developing within the concerned multilateral bodies and relevant subregional and regional organizations, and recognizing the need to promote collaboration between the United Nations and other international bodies dealing with cooperation in tax matters,", "Welcoming the convening of a discussion in the Economic and Social Council on 26 April 2011 on international cooperation in tax matters,", "Taking note of the report of the Committee on its sixth session,[6]", "1. Welcomes the work of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters to implement the mandate given to it by the Economic and Social Council in resolution 2004/69, and encourages the Committee to continue its efforts in this regard;", "2. Notes with appreciation the report of the Secretary-General[7] on strengthening of institutional arrangements to promote international cooperation in tax matters, including the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters, and acknowledges the need for enhanced dialogue among national tax authorities on issues related to international cooperation in tax matters;", "3. Recognizes the need for continued consultations to explore options with regard to the strengthening of institutional arrangements to promote international cooperation in tax matters, including on the issue of the conversion of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters into an intergovernmental subsidiary body of the Economic and Social Council;", "4. Emphasizes that it is important for the Committee to enhance its collaboration with other international organizations active in the area of international tax cooperation, including the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development;", "5. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Economic and Social Council a report on the role and work of the Committee in promoting international cooperation in tax matters, including further options on strengthening the work of the Committee and its cooperation with concerned multilateral bodies and relevant regional and subregional organizations;", "6. Decides to hold a one-day meeting in 2012 in conjunction with the special high-level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development to consider international cooperation in tax matters, including institutional arrangements to promote such cooperation;", "7. Encourages the President of the Economic and Social Council to issue invitations to representatives of national tax authorities to attend the meeting;", "8. Stresses the need for appropriate funding for the subsidiary bodies of the Committee to enable those bodies to fulfil their mandates;", "9. Reiterates in this regard its appeal to Member States, relevant organizations and other potential donors to consider contributing generously to the trust fund for international cooperation in tax matters established by the Secretary-General in order to supplement regular budget resources, and invites the Secretary-General to intensify efforts to that end.", "[1] * E/2011/100 and Corr.1.", "Report of the International Conference on Financing for Development, Monterrey, Mexico, 18‑22 March 2002 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.02.II.A.7), chap. I, resolution 1, annex.", "[2] Ibid., para. 64.", "[3] General Assembly resolution 63/239, annex.", "[4] General Assembly resolution 63/303, annex.", "[5] General Assembly resolution 63/239, annex, para. 16, and Assembly resolution 63/303, annex, para. 56 (c).", "[6] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2010, Supplement No. 25 (E/2010/45).", "[7] E/2011/76." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程^(*) 项目13(h)", "经济和环境问题:国际税务合作", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)根据非正式协商提交的决议草案", "国际税务合作专家委员会", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其2004年11月11日第2004/69号决议,", "确认《发展筹资问题国际会议蒙特雷共识》[1] 的呼吁,即通过促进各国税务当局之间的对话和增进有关多边机构和相关区域组织的工作协调加强国际税务合作,并特别重视发展中国家和经济转型国家的需要,[2]", "回顾经济及社会理事会在《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》[3] 和《世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议成果》[4] 中要求审查为促进国际税务合作加强体制安排的问题,包括加强国际税务合作专家委员会的问题,[5]", "确认各国的税收制度应由本国自己负责,但在处理国际税务问题包括双重征税方面,应加强技术援助,强化国际合作和参与,以支持这些领域的努力,", "又确认必须就国际税务合作问题开展兼容并蓄、共同参与和基础广泛的对话,", "注意到有关多边机构和相关次区域及区域组织内开展的活动并确认必须促进联合国与税务合作领域其他国际机构开展协作,", "欢迎2011年4月26日在经济及社会理事会内举行国际税务合作讨论会议,", "表示注意到委员会第六届会议的报告,[6]", "1. 欣见国际税务合作专家委员会开展工作,执行经济及社会理事会在第2004/69号决议中赋予的任务,并鼓励委员会继续在这方面展开进一步的努力;", "2. 赞赏地注意到秘书长关于为促进国际税务合作加强体制安排,包括国际税务合作专家委员会的报告,[7] 并确认各国税务当局必须就国际税务合作相关问题增强对话;", "3. 确认必须继续协商,探索加强体制安排以促进国际税务合作的备选办法, 包括把国际税务合作专家委员会改为经济及社会理事会的一个政府间附属机构的问题;", "4. 强调委员会应加强与国际货币基金组织、世界银行和经济合作与发展组织等活跃在国际税务合作领域的其他国际组织之间的协作;", "5. 请秘书长就委员会在促进国际税务合作方面的作用和工作,包括加强委员会工作的其他方法以及委员会与有关多边机构和相关区域及次区域组织的合作等事项向经济及社会理事会提交一份报告;", "6. 决定在理事会与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织及联合国贸易和发展会议举行高级别特别会议的同时,于2012年举行为期一天的会议,以审议国际税务合作问题,包括促进这种合作的体制安排;", "7. 鼓励经济及社会理事会主席向各国税务当局代表发出参加此次会议的邀请;", "8. 强调指出必须为委员会附属机构提供适当资金,以使其履行任务;", "9. 在此方面,再次吁请会员国、有关组织和其他潜在捐助方考虑向秘书长设立的国际税务合作问题信托基金慷慨捐款,以补充经常预算资源的不足,并邀请秘书长为此加强工作。", "[1] ^(*) E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "《发展筹资问题国际会议的报告,2002年3月18日至22日,墨西哥蒙特雷》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.02.II.A.7),第一章,决议1,附件。", "[2] 同上,第64段。", "[3] 大会第63/239号决议,附件。", "[4] 大会第63/303号决议,附件。", "[5] 大会第63/239号决议,附件第16段和大会第63/303号决议,附件第56(c)段。", "[6] 《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2010年,补编第25号》(E/2010/45)。", "[7] E/2011/76。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程* 项目13(h)", "经济和环境问题:", "税务合作", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "国际税务合作专家委员会", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾其2004年11月11日第2004/69号决议,", "确认发展筹资问题国际会议《蒙特雷共识》[1] 呼吁通过增进各国税务当局之间的对话和增进有关多边机构和有关区域组织工作的协调来加强国际税务合作,并特别注意发展中国家和经济转型国家的需要,[2]", "回顾《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》[3] 和《世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议成果》[4] 请经济及社会理事会审查加强体制安排以促进国际税务合作,包括国际税务合作专家委员会,[5]", "认识到虽然每个国家对其税收制度负责,但必须支持这些领域的努力,加强技术援助并加强国际合作和参与,以处理国际税务问题,包括双重征税问题,", "又认识到需要就国际税务合作进行包容性、参与性和基础广泛的对话,", "注意到在有关多边机构和相关次区域和区域组织内开展的活动,并认识到必须促进联合国与处理税务合作的其他国际机构之间的合作,", "欢迎经济及社会理事会于2011年4月26日召开关于国际税务合作的讨论,", "注意到委员会第六届会议的报告,[6]", "1. 联合国 2. 欢迎国际税务合作专家委员会为执行经济及社会理事会第2004/69号决议所赋予的任务而开展的工作,并鼓励委员会在这方面继续努力;", "2. 联合国 1. 赞赏地注意到秘书长关于加强体制安排以促进国际税务合作的报告,[7] 包括国际税务合作专家委员会,并承认各国税务当局需要就同国际税务合作有关的问题加强对话;", "3个 11. 确认需要继续进行协商,以探讨加强体制安排以促进国际税务合作的可选办法,包括将国际税务合作专家委员会改为经济及社会理事会的一个政府间附属机构的问题;", " 4.四. 5. 强调委员会必须加强同活跃在国际税务合作领域的其他国际组织的协作,包括同国际货币基金组织、世界银行和经济合作与发展组织;", "5 (韩语). 8. 请秘书长向经济及社会理事会提交一份报告,说明委员会在促进国际税务合作方面的作用和工作,包括加强委员会工作及其同有关多边机构和相关区域和次区域组织合作的其他可选办法;", "6. 国家 1. 决定在理事会与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织和联合国贸易和发展会议举行高级别特别会议的同时,于2012年举行一次为期一天的会议,以审议国际税务合作,包括促进这种合作的体制安排;", "7. 联合国 6. 鼓励经济及社会理事会主席向各国税务当局代表发出出席会议的邀请;", "8. 联合国 2. 强调需要为委员会各附属机构提供适当的经费,使这些机构能履行其任务;", "9. 国家 在这方面,再次呼吁会员国、相关组织和其他潜在捐助方考虑向秘书长设立的国际税务合作信托基金慷慨捐款,以补充经常预算资源,并请秘书长为此加紧努力。", "[1] * E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "《发展筹资问题国际会议的报告,2002年3月18日至22日,墨西哥蒙特雷》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.02.II.A.7),第一章,决议1,附件。 页:1", "[2] 同上,第64段。", "[3] 大会第63/239号决议,附件。", "[4] 大会第63/303号决议,附件。", "[5] 大会第63/239号决议,附件,第16段;大会第63/303号决议,附件,第56(c)段。", "[6] 《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2010年,补编第25号》(E/2010/45)。", "[7] E/2011/76。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "* E/2011/100 and Corr.1.", "Item 7 (h) of the provisional agenda*", "Coordination, programme and other questions: calendar of conferences and meetings in the economic, social and related fields", "Letter dated 30 June 2011 from the Chair of the Committee on Conferences to the President of the Economic and Social Council", "In response to the invitation of the Economic and Social Council in its decision 1988/103, the Committee on Conferences met on 24 June 2011 to review the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings for 2012 and 2013 in the economic, social and related fields (E/2011/L.10) and welcomed the opportunity to provide, as appropriate, its recommendations thereon to the Council.", "In introducing the provisional calendar, the Secretary of the Committee on Conferences drew the attention of the Committee to some important guidelines established by the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council in their resolutions and decisions on the calendar of conferences and meetings, which were also referred to in the preamble to the provisional calendar. Those guidelines include Economic and Social Council resolutions 1982/50, para. 1 (1), and 1988/77, para. 2 (f) (i), in which the Secretary-General was requested to ensure that meetings of the subsidiary bodies of the Council end at least eight weeks before the substantive session of the Council to which they report. The Committee was informed that every effort was made in the preparation of the provisional calendar to follow this guideline as much as possible, and that since reports of subsidiary bodies were taken up by the Council in late July, towards the latter part of its session, that might allow for the scheduling of some meetings closer to the Council’s session.", "The Committee was also informed that the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings in the economic, social and related fields for 2012 and 2013 comprised not only meetings of the Economic and Social Council and its functional commissions and expert bodies, but also meetings of subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly in the economic, social and related fields as indicated in footnote b to the provisional calendar (E/2011/L.10, annex). In scheduling meetings, every effort was made to avoid, to the extent possible, any overlap of meetings related to the same sector of activity. The provisional calendar was formulated on the basis of the data received by the Secretariat at the time of its preparation. Information received subsequently will be included in the draft calendar of conferences and meetings of the United Nations for the biennium 2012-2013, which will also take into account any decisions adopted by the Council at its substantive session, in July 2011, when it considers the provisional calendar. Any proposals for a change of venue of a subsidiary body from its established headquarters will be reflected in the calendar only after approval by the respective Charter body.", "In the preparation of the provisional calendar, careful consideration was given to avoiding scheduling meetings on Orthodox Good Friday, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 53/208 A. For the next biennium, Orthodox Good Friday occurs on 13 April in 2012 and on 3 May in 2013. Regarding the two official holidays Eid al-Adha and Eid al-Fitr, once the exact dates become known, as with other official United Nations holidays, no official meetings will be scheduled on those days.", "The Committee decided to recommend to the Economic and Social Council the adoption of the provisional calendar of conferences and meetings of the Council and its subsidiary organs for 2012 and 2013.", "(Signed) Woinshet Tadesse Woldegiorgis", "Chair of the Committee on Conferences" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程^(*) 项目7(h)", "协调、方案和其他问题:经济、 社会和有关领域会议日历", "2011年6月30日会议委员会主席给经济及社会理事会主席的信", "^(*) E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "应经济及社会理事会第1988/103号决定的邀请,会议委员会于2011年6月24日举行会议,审查经济、社会和有关领域2012年和2013年暂定会议日历(E/2011/L.10),并欢迎有机会酌情就此向理事会提出建议。", "会议委员会秘书长在介绍暂定日历时,提请委员会注意到大会和经济及社会理事会在其决议和决定中就会议日历规定的一些重要准则。暂定日历在序言部分也提到了这些准则,其中包括经济及社会理事会第1982/50号决议第1⑴段和第1988/77号决议第2(f)㈠段。决议请秘书长确保理事会各附属机构的会议至迟于理事会审议其报告的届会开始前八星期结束。委员会获悉,在编制暂定日历时已尽了一切努力遵守这一准则,并获悉,由于理事会在7月下旬届会进入后半部分时才讨论附属机构的报告,因此有些会议有可能排在较为临近理事会届会的时间。", "委员会还获悉,如暂定日历(E/2011/L.10,附件)脚注所示,经济、社会和有关领域2012年和2013年暂定会议日历不仅包括经济及社会理事会、其职司委员会和专家组的会议,而且包括大会附属机构在经济、社会和有关领域中的会议。在安排会议时,已经作出一切努力,避免就同类活动重复举行会议。暂定日历根据秘书处在编制日历时收到的数据制定。之后收到的信息将编入联合国2012-2013两年期会议日历草案,其中还将考虑到理事会在2011年7月实质性会议上审议暂定日历时通过的任何决定。附属机构改变地点不在其固定总部开会的提议只有在各自《宪章》机构核准后,才列入日历。", "在编制会议日历时,已按照大会第53/208 A号决议,仔细注意避开在东正教耶稣受难日安排会议。下一个两年期期间,东正教耶稣受难日为2012年4月13日和2013年5月3日。如同联合国其他法定假日一样,一旦确切地知道宰牲节和开斋节这两个法定假日的日期,就将不在该日安排正式会议。", "委员会决定建议经济及社会理事会通过理事会及其附属机构2012年和2013年暂定会议日历。", "会议委员会主席", "沃伊希特·塔德塞·沃德吉奥吉斯(签名)" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "页:1", "临时议程* 项目7(h)", "协调、方案和其他问题:经济、社会及有关领域的会议日历", "2011年6月30日会议委员会主席给经济及社会理事会主席的信", "应经济及社会理事会第1988/103号决定的邀请,会议委员会于2011年6月24日举行会议,审查经济、社会和有关领域的2012和2013年暂定会议日历(E/2011/L.10),并欢迎有机会酌情就此向理事会提出建议。", "2. 会议委员会秘书在介绍暂定日历时提请委员会注意大会和经济及社会理事会在关于会议日历的决议和决定中确立的一些重要准则,暂定日历序言也提到了这些准则。 这些准则包括经济及社会理事会第1982/50号决议第1(1)段和1988/77号决议第2(f)(一)段,其中请秘书长确保理事会附属机构的会议至少在向其报告的理事会实质性会议前八个星期结束。 委员会获悉,在拟订暂定日历时已尽一切努力尽可能遵守这一准则,而且由于7月下旬,即其届会后半期,理事会审议了附属机构的报告,因此可以安排更接近理事会届会的一些会议。", "行预咨委会还获悉,2012年和2013年经济、社会及有关领域的暂定会议日历不仅包括经济及社会理事会及其职司委员会和专家机构的会议,而且还包括暂定日历(E/2011/L.10,附件)脚注b所示大会经济、社会及有关领域的附属机构的会议。 在安排会议时,已尽一切努力尽可能避免与同一活动部门有关的会议重叠。 暂定日历是根据秘书处在编制时收到的数据编制的。 随后收到的资料将列入联合国2012-2013两年期会议日历草案,其中还将考虑到理事会2011年7月实质性会议在审议暂定日历时所通过的决定。 任何关于附属机构从常设总部改变会议地点的建议,只有在得到《宪章》各机构批准后,才会反映在日历中。", "在拟订暂定日历时,根据大会第53/208 A号决议,认真考虑了避免安排东正教耶稣受难日的会议。 在下一个两年期,东正教受难节分别于2012年4月13日和2013年5月3日举行。 关于宰牲节和开斋节这两个法定假日,一旦知道确切的日期,如联合国其他法定假日,这些假日将不安排正式会议。", "委员会决定建议经济及社会理事会通过理事会及其附属机构2012和2013年暂定会议日历。", "沃因谢特·塔德塞·沃德吉奥尔吉斯(签名)", "会议委员会主席" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Deiss\t(Switzerland)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m.", "Agenda item 69 (continued)", "Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance", "(a) Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations", "Draft resolution (A/65/L.82)", "The President (spoke in French): Members will recall that the Assembly considered agenda item 69 and its sub-items (a) to (d) at its 66th and 67th plenary meetings, on 15 December 2010.", "I now give the floor to the representative of Turkey to introduce draft resolution A/65/L.82.", "Mr. Çorman (Turkey): It is a great pleasure for me to co-introduce, together with the representatives of the Dominican Republic and the State of Qatar, draft resolution A/65/L.82, entitled “Improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response”.", "I would like to thank all Member States for their valuable contributions and flexibility during the negotiations. The text was significantly developed with the input we received from various delegations. Let me also express our special appreciation to those Member States that co-sponsored the draft resolution.", "In recent years, there have been major disasters in different parts of the world, first in Pakistan, then in Haiti and most recently in Japan, just to mention a few. All these developments led us to take a fresh look at how to improve the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets to tackle natural disasters.", "We are grateful to Qatar for launching the HOPEFOR initiative last year. In parallel with that initiative, Turkey has been working on how to better address this issue as well. His Excellency President Abdullah Gül placed specific emphasis on this matter in his statement at the general debate in September 2010 (see A/65/PV.11). At the same debate, His Excellency Mr. Leonel Fernández Reyna, President of the Dominican Republic, made a similar appeal to all Member States (see A/65/PV.12).", "As the endeavours of Turkey, Qatar and the Dominican Republic have coincided, we have decided to join our individual efforts and energies to bring this important issue to the agenda of the United Nations once again. It is our hope that this draft resolution and the activities that will follow will draw the utmost attention of all Member States.", "Turkey has its own experience with the need to use military and civil defence assets. In the 1990s, we had two major earthquakes at the heart of our country, during which we lost thousands of our citizens. In the aftermath of those earthquakes, a significant role on the ground was played not only by civilian actors, but also by defence forces. Due to its familiarity with this matter and its first-hand experience, Turkey believes that an effective use and coordination of military and civil defence assets can make a real difference in responding to natural disasters.", "We trust that the international conference to be held in Doha will set the stage for a comprehensive discussion of the use of military and civil defence assets by bringing together Member States, key United Nations officials and other relevant actors active in this field. We will continue to be engaged in this critical issue with our partners and bring the outcomes of the international conference to New York later this year.", "The President (spoke in French): I now give the floor to the representative of Qatar to introduce draft resolution A/65/L.82.", "Miss Al-Thani (Qatar) (spoke in Arabic): On behalf of the co-authors of the draft resolution entitled “Improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response”, I am pleased to introduce draft resolution A/65/L.82 to the General Assembly under sub-item (a) of agenda item 69, entitled “Strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations”.", "The frequency of natural disasters has increased in the past decade. This has led to the loss of millions of lives and to the displacement of millions of people. That trend is likely to accelerate over the next decade, with all of the negative implications that this will have on natural disaster response systems.", "Over the past year, military assets were enhanced in order to strengthen international humanitarian efforts to address natural disasters around the world. It has been demonstrated that, in many cases, the use of military and civil defence assets has been effective in filling the gap between military resources and those necessary to address natural disasters. Guidelines have been established to determine best practices in using these assets. Measures were also adopted to improve the effectiveness of these resources.", "Nevertheless, we must scale up our efforts today so as to improve the effectiveness of military and civil defence assets. This is why we must seek out improved methods to deal with natural disasters and discuss ways to better distribute military and civil defence assets in relief efforts.", "This issue has received considerable attention. Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al-Thani, Prime Minister of the State of Qatar, launched the HOPEFOR initiative in June 2010 in order to discuss the use of military assets in relief operations and improve their effectiveness, while also guaranteeing respect for humanitarian principles in that regard. In recent months, the State of Qatar has been at the forefront of a number of far-reaching consultations to make the HOPEFOR initiative a reality. All stakeholders have participated in an effort to ensure the effective use of the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). In that connection, I would like once again to thank OCHA and express our deep appreciation to it for the technical assistance provided in the framework of the HOPEFOR initiative.", "Last February, Qatar’s Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs wrote a letter (A/65/772) addressed to you, Mr. President, in which he spelled out the guidelines for the HOPEFOR initiative in the framework of international humanitarian assistance to improve military and civil defence assets. Efforts were also launched to improve natural disaster relief and response. In that regard, I would note the appeal launched by the Dominican Republic and Turkey.", "Qatar is sparing no effort to bring together these endeavours in the framework of the HOPEFOR initiative in order to improve the effectiveness of military and civil defence assets in natural disaster relief response.", "An agreement was concluded to hold an international conference in Doha in 2011 at which States and relevant Government and non-government stakeholders would discuss the HOPEFOR initiative and the options contained in the relevant documents, including ways to implement them in close cooperation with Member States and regional organizations, international organizations and the coordinating actors in emergency response.", "The initiative underscores the importance of impartiality and neutrality in humanitarian assistance and highlights the civilian aspect of humanitarian assistance in natural disaster response where military assets are used to support humanitarian assistance. We also note that it is important to use these resources with the agreement of the States concerned and in line with international law, humanitarian law and all other relevant humanitarian principles.", "The initiative highlights the guidelines for using civil defence and military assets in the framework of natural disaster relief operations. The project also notes that coordination should be improved between civilian and military humanitarian assistance and should guarantee the necessary civil defence and military assets to support relief operations during natural disasters in an appropriate, effective and coordinated manner, in line with the principles mentioned in paragraph 2 of the draft resolution and, where necessary, in accordance with the Oslo Guidelines.", "Interested States came together several times to discuss the content of this initiative. The observations, initiatives and ideas that were put forward during those consultations were taken into account in the discussions that resulted in draft resolution A/65/L.82.", "Finally, my delegation would like to thank all the other delegations that participated in the consultations in an effective manner to produce this draft resolution, which we hope will be adopted in order to improve the humanitarian response to natural disasters and further this most noble cause.", "The President (spoke in French): I now give the floor to the representative of the Dominican Republic to introduce draft resolution A/65/L.82.", "Mr. Montilla (Dominican Republic) (spoke in Spanish): The Dominican Republic would like to associate itself with the statements delivered by the representatives of Turkey and Qatar in connection with draft resolution A/65/L.82, entitled “Improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response”.", "The adoption of this draft resolution today will undoubtedly constitute an important step in preparing for the international conference that will be held on this issue in Doha at the end of this year. We are certain that, with the adoption of the draft resolution, the issue of the use of military and civil defence assets in the case of natural disasters will be discussed more broadly, in a more inclusive manner and while taking into account the various stakeholders involved so as to improve the coordination and effectiveness of such assets, always with the ultimate goal in mind of saving as many lives as possible and preserving the critical structures of the country affected.", "The Dominican Republic is a country which, due to its geographic situation, has traditionally been exposed to a wide range of natural disasters — and now more than ever, owing to the adverse effects of climate change. It is very important for us to study, along with countries in similar situations, the most viable options to react effectively and swiftly to a natural disaster and to determine how these efforts can support those of the United Nations humanitarian agencies.", "It is for that reason that, on 23 September 2010, Leonel Fernández Reyna, President of the Dominican Republic, highlighted here in this Hall the need to strengthen national capacities for natural disaster preparedness and response through an alliance of at-risk States that would enable them to exchange experiences and lessons learned in order to apply them in the future (see A/65/PV.12). The various components of the HOPEFOR initiative respond precisely to the need that countries such as ours have to deepen the thinking on how to improve the effectiveness and coordination of humanitarian efforts in natural disasters.", "We are sure that, with a commitment to the principles of humanitarian assistance that we have already agreed and a spirit of joint cooperation among civilian and military stakeholders, the HOPEFOR initiative could become the focus for relevant discussion vis-à-vis the international humanitarian agenda, as well as the vehicle through which we, the States Members of the United Nations, could take important steps in responding to increasingly frequent and destructive natural disasters.", "I would like very much to thank our colleagues and friends from the State of Qatar and Turkey for all of their cooperation and dedication to this process. Allow me to conclude by urging members to become sponsors of the draft resolution before the Assembly, as well as to participate actively in the process of reflection we have begun.", "The President (spoke in French): We shall now proceed to consider draft resolution A/65/L.82, entitled “Improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response”.", "I now give the floor to the representative of the Secretariat.", "Mr. Botnaru (Department of General Assembly and Conference Management): I should like to announce that, since the submission of the draft resolution, in addition to those delegations listed in document A/65/L.82, the following countries have also become sponsors of the draft resolution: Australia, Haiti, Indonesia, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Peru.", "The President (spoke in French): We will now take a decision on the draft resolution. May I take it that it is the wish of the General Assembly to adopt draft resolution A/65/L.82?", "Draft resolution A/65/L.82 was adopted (resolution 65/307).", "The President (spoke in French): The Assembly has thus concluded this stage of its consideration of sub-item (a) of agenda item 69.", "The meeting rose at 10.35 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 约瑟夫·戴斯先生 (瑞士)", "上午10时15分开会。", "议程项目69(续)", "加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调", "(a) 加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调", "决议草案(A/65/L.82)", "主席(以法语发言):各位成员记得,大会在2010年12月15日第66次和第67次全体会议上审议了议程项目69及其分项目(a)至(d)。", "我现在请土耳其代表发言,介绍决议草案A/65/L.82。", "乔尔曼先生(土耳其)(以英语发言):我非常高兴地与多米尼加共和国代表和卡塔尔国代表一道共同介绍题为“改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调”的决议草案A/65/L.82。", "我要感谢所有会员国在谈判期间所做的宝贵贡献和表现出的灵活性。由于各代表团的投入,草案案文得到重大发展。让我也向成为本决议草案共同提案国的会员国表示特别感谢。", "近年来,世界各地发生了重大自然灾害,先是在巴基斯坦,然后在海地,最近在日本,仅举几例。所有这些事态发展都导致我们以新的眼光看待如何改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调问题。", "我们感谢卡塔尔去年发起“HOPEFOR倡议”。与该倡议平行,土耳其也在考虑如何更好地处理这个问题。阿卜杜拉·居尔总统阁下在2010年9月一般性辩论会上发言时特别强调了这个问题(见A/65/PV.11)。在同一辩论会上,多米尼加共和国总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳先生阁下向所有会员国发出了类似的呼吁(见A/65/PV.12)。", "由于土耳其、卡塔尔和多米尼加共和国的努力不谋而合,我们决定齐心协力,以便再次把这个重要议题列入联合国议程。我们希望,这项决议草案和随后将开展的活动将引起所有会员国的最大关注。", "土耳其对动用军事和民防资产的必要性有着切身经历。上世纪90年代,我国心脏地带发生过两次大地震。地震期间,我们失去了数千名公民。在这些地震善后过程中发挥了举足轻重作用的不仅有民事行为者,而且还有国防力量。由于熟悉此事,并具有第一手经验,土耳其认为,有效利用和协调军事和民防资产可在应对自然灾害方面真正起作用。", "我们相信,将在多哈举行的国际会议将使会员国、联合国主要官员和活跃在这一领域的其他相关行为者齐聚一堂,全面讨论动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害问题。我们将继续与我们的伙伴一道介入这一重要议题,并将在今年晚些时候把该国际会议的成果带到纽约来。", "主席(以法语发言):我现在请卡塔尔代表发言,介绍决议草案A/65/L.82。", "阿勒萨尼小姐(卡塔尔)(以阿拉伯语发言):我高兴地以题为“改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调”的决议草案共同提案国的名义向大会介绍在题为“加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助”的议程项目69分项目(a)下提交的决议草案A/65/L.82。", "过去十年,自然灾害更加频繁发生。这导致数百万人丧生,数百万人流离失所。在未来十年里,这一趋势可能加剧,给自然灾害应对系统带来各种负面影响。", "在过去一年里,为了加强国际人道主义努力,应对世界各地的自然灾害,军事资产已经得到增强。已得到证明的一点是,在许多情况中,动用军事和民防资产可有效地填补军事资源和应对自然灾害所需资源之间存在的缺口。现在已经订立确定动用这些资产方面最佳做法的准则,并采取措施提高这些资源的实效。", "但是,我们今天必须扩大努力,以提高军事和民防资产的实效。这就是我们必须找到更好的办法应对自然灾害和讨论在救灾工作中如何更有效地分配军事和民防资产的原因。", "这一问题已得到相当的重视。2010年6月,卡塔尔国首相谢赫哈马德·本·贾西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼提出了“HOPEFOR倡议”,以便讨论在救援行动中动用军事资产的问题,并在确保在这方面遵守人道主义原则的情况下提高其实效。最近几个月,卡塔尔国带头进行了多次广泛磋商,以落实“HOPEFOR倡议”。所有利益攸关方都参加了确保有效使用人道主义事务协调厅(人道协调厅)的努力。在这方面,我谨再次感谢人道协调厅,并表示我们深切赞赏人道协调厅在“HOPEFOR倡议”框架内提供技术援助。", "主席先生,今年2月卡塔尔首相兼外交大臣写信(A/65/772)给你,阐述了在国际人道主义援助的框架内改善军事和民防资产的“HOPEFOR倡议”准则。此外还发起了改善自然灾害救援和应对措施的努力。在这方面,我谨指出多米尼加共和国和土耳其发出的呼吁。", "卡塔尔正不遗余力,在“HOPEFOR倡议”的框架内整合这些努力,以改善军事和民防资产在应对自然灾害行动中的实效。", "最近已达成一项协议,定于2011年在多哈举行一次国际会议,会上国家和有关政府与非政府利益攸关方将讨论“HOPEFOR倡议”及相关文件中所载的其他备选方案,包括在应急方面与会员国、区域组织、国际组织和协调行为体密切合作执行这些方案的办法。", "“HOPEFOR倡议”强调人道主义援助公正和中立的重要性,并强调在动用军事资产支持人道主义援助的情况下应对自然灾害过程中人道主义援助的民事层面。我们还指出,经相关国家同意,按照国际法、国际人道主义法和所有其他相关人道主义原则利用这些资源的重要性。", "这项倡议强调在自然灾害救援行动的框架中使用民防和军事资产的准则,此外还指出,应改善民事和军事人道主义援助之间的协调,并保证按照决议草案第2段所述原则,及必要时根据《奥斯陆准则》,在自然灾害救灾行动中以适当、有效和协调的方式动用必要的民防和军事资产支持救灾行动。", "感兴趣的国家已经多次汇聚一起,讨论这项倡议的内容。在导致拟定决议草案A/65/L.82的讨论中已经考虑到在这些磋商中提出的各种意见、倡议和建议。", "最后,我国代表团感谢所有以有效方式参加磋商,从而促成这项决议草案的其他代表团。我们希望大会通过这项决议草案,以改进自然灾害人道主义应对工作,进一步促进这项最崇高的事业。", "主席(以法语发言):我现在请多米尼加共和国代表发言,介绍决议草案A/65/L.82。", "蒙蒂利亚先生(多米尼加共和国)(以西班牙语发言):多米尼加共和国赞同土耳其和卡塔尔代表就题为“改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调”的决议草案A/65/L.82所作的发言。", "今天通过这项决议草案,无疑将成为定于今年年底将在多哈举行的有关这一问题的国际会议筹备工作中的一个重要步骤。我们确信,随着这项决议草案的通过,在自然灾害情况下动用军事和民防资产的问题将得到更广泛、更具包容性的讨论,同时兼顾各种相关利益攸关方,以改善这些资产的协调和实效,并始终铭记最终目标是拯救尽可能多的人的生命,维护受灾国的重要结构。", "多米尼加共和国由于其所处的地理位置,历来饱受各种自然灾害之苦,现在则因气候变化的负面影响而更加深受其害。对于我们来说,同其他情况类似国家一道研究能快速有效应对自然灾害以及决定如何通过这些努力来支持联合国人道主义机构工作的最可行办法非常重要。", "正是出于这个原因,2010年9月23日,多米尼加共和国总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳在联合国大会堂中强调,需要通过面临风险国家结盟,加强各国防备和应对自然灾害的能力,使它们能够交流经验教训,以供今后借鉴(见A/65/PV.12)。“HOPEFOR倡议”的各项内容正是为了满足象我们这样的国家的需要,即进一步思考如何加强自然灾害中人道主义努力的实效和协调。", "我们相信,只要致力于落实我们所商定的人道主义援助原则,而且民事和军事有关各方发扬共同合作的精神,“HOPEFOR倡议”就能够成为就国际人道主义救援工作开展相关讨论的重点问题,也成为我们联合国会员国采取重要步骤应对频度和破坏力越来越高的自然灾害的工具。", "我谨感谢卡塔尔国和土耳其的同事对这项工作的大力配合和投入。请允许我最后敦促各国成为大会正在审议的这项决议草案的提案国,并积极参与我们已经开始的思考工作。", "主席(以法语发言):我们现在着手审议题为“改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调”的决议草案A/65/L.82。", "我现在请秘书处代表发言。", "博特纳鲁先生(大会和会议管理部)(以英语发言):我谨宣布,自决议草案提交以来,除了文件A/65/L.82所列代表团外,以下国家也已成为决议草案的提案国:澳大利亚、海地、印度尼西亚、卢森堡、新西兰和秘鲁。", "主席(以法语发言):我们现在就该决议草案作出决定。我是否可以认为大会希望通过决议草案A/65/L.82?", "决议草案A/65/L.82获得通过(第65/307号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言):大会就此结束现阶段对议程项目69分项目(a)的审议。", "上午10时35分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 戴斯先生 (瑞士)", "上午10时15分宣布开会", "议程项目69(续)", "加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调", "(a) 加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调", "决议草案(A/65/L.82)", "主席(以法语发言): 各位成员记得,大会在2010年12月15日第66和67次全体会议上审议了议程项目69及其分项(a)至(d)。", "我现在请土耳其代表介绍决议草案A/65/L.82。", "乔尔曼先生(土耳其): 我非常高兴地同多米尼加共和国和卡塔尔国代表一道,共同提出题为“提高军事和民防资源的效力和协调以应付自然灾害”的决议草案A/65/L.82。", "我要感谢所有会员国在谈判中作出的宝贵贡献和表现出的灵活性。 我们从各代表团得到的投入对案文作了很大发展。 也请允许我向共同提出该决议草案的会员国表示特别赞赏。", "近年来,世界各地发生了重大灾害,首先发生在巴基斯坦,然后发生在海地,最近发生在日本。 所有这些事态发展促使我们重新审视如何改进军事和民防资产的效力和协调,以应对自然灾害。", "我们感谢卡塔尔去年发起HOPEFOR倡议。 在提出这一倡议的同时,土耳其一直在努力设法更好地解决这一问题。 阿卜杜拉总统阁下 居尔在2010年9月一般性辩论的发言中特别强调了这个问题(见A/65/PV.11)。 在同一次辩论中,多米尼加共和国总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳先生阁下向所有会员国发出了类似的呼吁(见A/65/PV.12)。", "由于土耳其、卡塔尔和多米尼加共和国的努力恰好吻合,我们决定同心协力,再次将这一重要问题列入联合国议程。 我们希望,这项决议草案以及随后将开展的活动将引起所有会员国的高度重视。", "土耳其在需要使用军事和民防资产方面有自己的经验。 1990年代,我国中心发生了两次大地震,期间损失了数千名公民. 在这些地震后,不仅民事行为者,而且国防部队在实地发挥了重要作用。 由于土耳其熟悉这一问题并拥有第一手经验,土耳其认为,有效利用和协调军事和民防资产在应对自然灾害方面可以产生真正的影响。", "我们相信,将在多哈举行的国际会议将为全面讨论军事和民防资产的使用问题打下基础,把会员国、联合国主要官员以及在这一领域积极开展活动的其他有关行动者聚集在一起。 我们将继续同我们的伙伴一起处理这一关键问题,并将这次国际会议的结果在今年晚些时候带到纽约。", "主席(以法语发言): 我现在请卡塔尔代表介绍决议草案A/65/L.82。", "阿勒萨尼小姐(卡塔尔)(以阿拉伯语发言): 我高兴地代表题为“提高军事和民防资产的效力并加强协调以应付自然灾害”的决议草案的共同提案国,在题为“加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调”的议程项目69分项目(a)下向大会介绍A/65/L.82号决议草案。", "过去十年来,自然灾害的频率有所增加。 这已导致数百万人丧生和数百万人流离失所。 这一趋势在今后十年中可能加快,这将给自然灾害应对系统带来所有负面影响。", "在过去一年中,军事资产得到加强,以加强处理世界各地自然灾害的国际人道主义努力。 事实表明,在许多情况下,军事和民防资产的使用有效地填补了军事资源与应付自然灾害所需资源之间的差距。 为确定使用这些资产的最佳做法制定了准则。 还采取措施提高这些资源的效力。", "然而,我们今天必须加紧努力,以提高军事和民防资产的效力。 因此,我们必须寻求更好的方法来应付自然灾害并讨论如何在救济工作中更好地分配军事和民防资产。", "这一问题已受到相当重视。 卡塔尔国总理谢赫哈马德·本·贾西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼于2010年6月发起了HOPEFOR倡议,以讨论在救济行动中使用军事资产的问题并提高其效力,同时保证在这方面尊重人道主义原则。 近几个月来,卡塔尔国一直站在一系列广泛磋商的前列,使HOPEFOR倡议成为现实。 所有利益攸关方都参与了确保有效利用人道主义事务协调厅(人道协调厅)的努力。 在这方面,我再次感谢人道协调厅,并深切感谢它在HOPEFOR倡议框架内提供的技术援助。", "主席先生,今年2月,卡塔尔总理兼外交部长写了一封信(A/65/772)给你,他在信中阐述了HOPEFOR倡议在国际人道主义援助框架内改善军事和民防资产的指导方针。 还努力改进自然灾害救济和救灾工作。 在这方面,我要指出多米尼加共和国和土耳其发出的呼吁。", "卡塔尔正在不遗余力地将这些努力集中到HOPEFOR倡议的框架内,以提高军事和民防资产在自然灾害救灾方面的效力。", "达成了一项协议,将于2011年在多哈举行一次国际会议,会上各国和相关政府和非政府利益攸关方将讨论HOPEFOR倡议和相关文件中所载的备选方案,包括与会员国和区域组织、国际组织以及应急协调行为体密切合作执行这些备选方案的方式。", "该倡议强调人道主义援助必须公正和中立,并着重指出人道主义援助在自然灾害应对中民事方面的重要性,因为军事资产被用来支持人道主义援助。 我们还注意到,在有关国家同意下并按照国际法、人道主义法和所有其他有关人道主义原则使用这些资源是重要的。", "该倡议强调了在自然灾害救济行动框架内使用民防和军事资产的指导方针。 该项目还指出,应当改进民事和军事人道主义援助之间的协调,并应当保证必要的民防和军事资产,以适当、有效和协调的方式,根据决议草案第2段所述原则,并在必要时根据《奥斯陆准则》,支持自然灾害期间的救济行动。", "有关国家多次聚集一堂,讨论这一倡议的内容。 这些磋商期间提出的意见、举措和想法在导致决议草案A/65/L.82的讨论中得到考虑。", "最后,我国代表团要感谢以有效方式参加协商以产生这项决议草案的所有其他代表团。 我们希望,该决议草案将获得通过,以改进对自然灾害的人道主义反应并推进这一最崇高的事业。", "主席(以法语发言): 我现在请多米尼加共和国代表介绍决议草案A/65/L.82。", "蒙蒂利亚先生(多米尼加共和国)(以西班牙语发言): 多米尼加共和国赞同土耳其和卡塔尔代表就题为“提高军事和民防资产的效力和协调以回应自然灾害”的决议草案A/65/L.82所作的发言。", "今天通过这项决议草案无疑将是筹备将于今年年底在多哈举行的关于这个问题的国际会议的一个重要步骤。 我们确信,随着决议草案的通过,将更广泛地讨论在发生自然灾害时使用军事和民防资产的问题,以更具包容性的方式,同时考虑到各有关利益方,以便改进这些资产的协调和效力,最终目标始终是尽可能多地挽救生命并维护受影响国家的关键结构。", "多米尼加共和国由于其地理状况,历来遭受到各种自然灾害——现在比以往任何时候都更容易遭受气候变化的不利影响。 我们必须同处于类似情况的国家一道,研究对自然灾害作出有效和迅速反应的最可行办法,并确定这些努力如何能够支持联合国人道主义机构的努力。", "为此原因,2010年9月23日,多米尼加共和国总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳在本大会堂强调,需要通过风险国家联盟加强国家防备和应对自然灾害的能力,使它们能够交流经验教训,以在今后加以应用(见A/65/PV.12)。 HOPEFOR倡议的各个组成部分正是针对象我们这样的国家必须加深关于如何提高自然灾害中人道主义努力的效力和协调的思维的需要。", "我们相信,只要承诺遵守我们已经商定的人道主义援助原则并本着民事和军事利益攸关方之间共同合作的精神,HOPEFOR倡议就可以成为就国际人道主义议程进行相关讨论的重点,并且成为我们联合国会员国采取重要步骤应对日益频繁和破坏性日益严重的自然灾害的工具。", "我非常感谢卡塔尔国和土耳其的同事和朋友,感谢他们为这一进程提供的所有合作和奉献。 最后,请允许我敦促各位成员成为大会面前决议草案的提案国,并积极参加我们已经开始的反思进程。", "主席(以法语发言): 我们现在将着手审议题为“为应付自然灾害而提高军事和民防资产的效力和协调”的决议草案A/65/L.82。", "我现在请秘书处代表发言。", "博特纳鲁先生(大会和会议管理部): 我谨宣布,自决议草案提交以来,除文件A/65/L.82所列代表团外,下列国家也已成为决议草案的提案国:澳大利亚、海地、印度尼西亚、卢森堡、新西兰和秘鲁。", "主席(以法语发言): 我们现在将就该决议草案作出决定。 5月 (中文(简体) ). 我认为大会希望通过决议草案A/65/L.82?", "决议草案A/65/L.82获得通过(第65/307号决议)。", "主席(以法语发言): 大会就此结束本阶段对议程项目69分项(a)的审议。", "上午10时35分散会" ]
[ "Letter dated 29 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council", "I have the honour to transmit herewith a report on the work of the Security Council during the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina in January 2011 (see annex). The report was prepared under my national responsibility, following consultation with the other members of the Security Council.", "I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as a document of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Ivan Barbalić Ambassador Permanent Representative", "Annex to the letter dated 29 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council", "Assessment of the work of the Security Council during the presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina (January 2011)", "Introduction", "During the month of January 2011, under the presidency of Ambassador Ivan Barbalić, Permanent Representative of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the United Nations, the Security Council held 8 consultations of the whole and 10 formal public meetings. The Council adopted one resolution and two presidential statements, and issued seven statements to the press.", "The Council observed a minute of silence at the start of its meeting on 14 January in memory of victims of the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on 12 January 2010, and a minute of silence during its meeting on 25 January in memory of the victims of the heinous terrorist act perpetrated at Domodedovo International Airport in Moscow on 24 January.", "Africa", "Côte d’Ivoire", "On 5 January, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy, briefed the Security Council on recent developments in Côte d’Ivoire and his visit to that West African country. The Under-Secretary-General reported that the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire (UNOCI) was in a difficult position: UNOCI personnel, vehicles and premises were targets of attacks, several UNOCI soldiers had been injured, there were obstacles to UNOCI freedom of movement, UNOCI supply routes were blocked, and there was a strong State media campaign against UNOCI. The Under-Secretary-General informed the Council about the worrying humanitarian situation, with 21,000 refugees having fled from Côte d’Ivoire to neighbouring countries, especially Liberia.", "The Under-Secretary-General informed Council members about the second visit to Côte d’Ivoire (made on 3 January 2011) by the delegation of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS): the President of Benin, Mr. Boni Yayi; the President of Cape Verde, Mr. Pedro Rodrigues Pires; and the President of Sierra Leone, Mr. Ernest Bai Koroma, together with the Prime Minister of Kenya, Mr. Raila Odinga, on behalf of the African Union. Following the efforts of the African Union and ECOWAS delegation, limited progress had been made by the two sides to open negotiations.", "During subsequent consultations of the whole, Security Council members welcomed the diplomatic efforts of ECOWAS and the African Union for a peaceful solution to the post-election crisis in Côte d’Ivoire. They strongly condemned all attacks on UNOCI and called on all Ivorian stakeholders to refrain from obstructing the Operation in the implementation of its mandate. Council members also expressed concern regarding the reported civilian casualties and violations of human rights. Some members of the Council pointed out that unless the situation improved, targeted sanctions measures against responsible individuals should be taken into consideration.", "On 7 January, the Secretary-General, in a letter to the President of the Security Council (S/2011/5); indicated that the security situation in Côte d’Ivoire had continued to deteriorate and that UNOCI was working in an openly hostile security environment. The Secretary-General recommended that the Council authorize a temporary increase in military personnel strength of 2,000 troops.", "On 10 January, the members of the Security Council agreed to issue a statement to the press in which they expressed their support for the efforts by the African Union and ECOWAS in seeking a peaceful resolution of the crisis in Côte d’Ivoire. The members of the Council expressed their deep concern regarding the continued violence against civilians and UNOCI, and condemned deliberate attempts to impede the Operation in fulfilling its mandate. They deplored the ongoing blockade around the Golf Hotel and urged Mr. Laurent Gbagbo to honour his pledge to the joint African Union-Economic Community of West African States mission to lift it immediately. They reiterated the readiness of the Security Council to impose measures, including targeted sanctions against persons who threatened the peace process, obstructed the work of UNOCI or committed serious violations of human rights. The members of the Council underscored their strong desire that the crisis be resolved peacefully.", "On 19 January, the Security Council unanimously adopted resolution 1967 (2011), authorizing: additional troops for UNOCI until 30 June 2011; the extension until 30 June 2011 of the temporary additional military and police capabilities authorized by resolution 1942 (2010); the extension by up to four additional weeks of the temporary redeployment from the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) to UNOCI of three infantry companies and one aviation unit comprising two military helicopters; and the transfer of three armed helicopters with crews from UNMIL to UNOCI for a period of four weeks. The Council demanded that all parties respect the safety of UNOCI, ensure its freedom of movement and halt the use of media to incite hatred and violence, in particular against UNOCI. The Council also urged that the ongoing blockade around the Golf Hotel be lifted without delay. In addition, it reiterated its readiness to impose measures, including targeted sanctions, against those who obstructed the work of UNOCI.", "Sudan", "On 6 January, the Security Council held consultations of the whole on the Sudan. The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations briefed the Council on the situation in the Sudan and the status of the preparations for the referendum for Southern Sudan. The Under-Secretary-General reported that the preparations were on track and praised the parties and the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission for making the referendum a reality. He expressed concern about the lack of an agreement on Abyei and underlined the importance of the resolution by the parties of outstanding issues related to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement before the end of the interim period, by July 2011. He expressed concern over heightened tensions in Darfur as well as clashes between the Government of the Sudan forces and rebel groups, and reported that approximately 40,000 civilians had been displaced in December. The Under-Secretary-General reported that, in response to continued obstructions of its freedom of movement, the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID) was implementing a more robust posture. He also reported that the UNAMID staff member kidnapped on 7 October had been released. He said it was essential that all parties redouble their efforts to achieve lasting peace in Darfur.", "The members of the Security Council welcomed the progress made towards the Southern Sudan referendum and commended the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) on its efforts in providing logistical support and assistance. They urged the parties to continue their cooperation throughout the referendum as well as in the post-referendum period in order to resolve outstanding issues. Council members expressed their concern about the absence of progress in reaching an agreement on Abyei. They expressed support for the peace process for Darfur led by the African Union and the United Nations, and urged all groups to join the process without delay.", "The members of the Security Council agreed on a statement to the press in which they welcomed the reaffirmation by the Sudanese parties of their commitment to the full and timely implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, including their commitment to respect the outcome of the Southern Sudan referendum; reaffirmed support for the work of the Secretary-General’s Panel on the Referenda in the Sudan; and expressed deep concern about the absence of an agreement on Abyei and the increase in violence in Darfur.", "On 18 January, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Sudan, Mr. Haile Menkerios, briefed the Security Council by means of videoconference from Khartoum, and the Chair of the Secretary-General’s Panel on the Referenda in the Sudan, Mr. Benjamin Mkapa, joined the meeting by means of videoconference from Juba. The Special Representative reported that the referendum had concluded as planned without significant security incidents. The Southern Sudan Referendum Commission would announce preliminary results on 2 February, the final results on 7 February and results after any appeals on 14 February. He expressed concern about the lack of an agreement on Abyei and stressed that uncertainty over that issue continued to threaten peace and stability on the ground. He reported on incidents and clashes between Ngok Dinka police forces and Misseriya communities in northern Abyei on 7 and 8 January, and emphasized that UNMIS had increased its presence in Abyei. The parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement had agreed to improve security in Abyei and to completely disarm all communities in the region. The Special Representative said that much remained to be done with regard to resolving outstanding issues in the final six months of the Agreement, and underlined the need for the United Nations and the international community to continue their support for the parties. The Chair of the Panel on the Referenda in the Sudan reported that the Panel was satisfied that the referendum process had been conducted in a peaceful and transparent manner. Voting procedures had been properly followed, and the Panel had found no evidence of any systematic or widespread attempts to undermine the polling process. The Panel was following the aggregation of the results and the final phase of the referendum process. The Panel urged the authorities to keep citizens informed of progress towards the final results.", "The members of the Security Council welcomed the peaceful and credible referendum process. They expressed their concerns about clashes in Abyei and the lack of progress in reaching an agreement on the Area’s status. They commended UNMIS and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for their efforts in reducing tensions in Abyei. The members called on the parties to reach an agreement on outstanding issues including Abyei. They expressed concern with regard to the situation in Darfur, voiced support for the peace process for Darfur led by the African Union and the United Nations, and urged all groups to join the process without delay.", "The Permanent Representative of the Sudan, Daffa-Alla Elhag Ali Osman, addressed the Security Council and said the free, fair and transparent referendum process was a sign of extensive cooperation between the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement. With regard to the situation in Abyei, he said that without an acceptable solution to the situation on the ground, there would not be peace in that region. Regarding Darfur, he said it was crucial that the Council urge the insurgent movements to join the peace process in Doha.", "After the public briefing, the Security Council held closed consultations. The Special Representative and the Chair of the Panel joined the meeting by video link.", "The members of the Security Council agreed on a statement to the press in which they welcomed the conclusion of a largely peaceful and orderly voting period for the Southern Sudan referendum; deplored the violence that had occurred in Abyei and reiterated their deep concern about the absence of an agreement on Abyei; stressed the importance of continued implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and urged the parties to reach an agreement on Abyei and other critical issues; expressed their deep concern at the increase in violence and insecurity in Darfur and urged all parties to cease hostilities; recalled the importance of ending impunity and of justice for crimes committed in Darfur; and reaffirmed support for the peace process for Darfur led by the African Union and the United Nations.", "On 26 January, the Security Council heard a briefing by the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Atul Khare, and by the Joint African Union-United Nations Special Representative for Darfur, Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, who joined the meeting by means of videoconference from El Fasher, Northern Darfur.", "The Assistant Secretary-General, discussing the referendum in Southern Sudan, said that all ballots had been counted adding that results would be announced by the Southern Sudan Referendum Commission within the declared timelines. He said that the referendum in Abyei had not taken place, noting that tensions between Ngok Dinka and Misseriya communities remained high. UNMIS continued its activities to deter a return to violence. With regard to Darfur, he reported that the African Union-United Nations Sudan Consultative Forum had agreed to begin planning for a Darfur political process, which would be based on the outcomes of the Doha process.", "The Joint Special Representative reported that UNAMID and the humanitarian community had worked intensively to address consequences of the clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Sudan Liberation Army-Minni Manawi. He said that UNAMID was implementing a more robust posture, adding that UNAMID would continue to patrol Jebel Marra. He underlined the fact that UNAMID continued to exercise its protection strategy on the basis of maintaining a robust presence in areas of potential hostilities and providing direct protection.", "After the public briefing, the Security Council held closed consultations. The Joint Special Representative and the Assistant Secretary-General joined the meeting.", "Somalia", "On 14 January, at an open meeting, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, introduced the report of the Secretary-General on Somalia (S/2010/675) and briefed the Council about the latest developments in that country. He informed the Council that the Transitional Federal Government had completed its first budget and a draft road map setting out the key transitional tasks on which it would focus until the end of August 2011. These included good governance, institution-building and providing basic services to citizens. He emphasized the constitution-drafting process and reconciliation as key priorities. He highlighted the gaps in the logistical support package provided to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and encouraged Member States to make further contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund for AMISOM.", "The Council then received a briefing from the Prime Minister of the Transitional Federal Government, Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed, who informed members of the challenges faced by his Government and stressed the need for greater assistance from the international community.", "In the consultations of the whole that followed, Security Council members expressed their support for the Transitional Federal Government. They encouraged greater progress in the completion of the outstanding transition tasks. Members of the Council expressed their support for the work of AMISOM and the increase in the number of AMISOM troops.", "Members of the Security Council agreed to issue a statement to the press in which they expressed their concern over the continued instability in Somalia. They also expressed their support for the Djibouti Agreement and for the work of the Special Representative in helping Somalis work towards post-transitional arrangements.", "Piracy off the coast of Somalia", "On 25 January, the Security Council heard a briefing on piracy off the coast of Somalia from the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Legal Issues related to Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, Jack Lang, and, the Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Stephen Mathias.", "The Special Adviser informed the Council that the situation had deteriorated because pirate attacks had become more violent, were being carried out with more sophisticated equipment, had become better organized and had been geographically expanded towards the southern and eastern Indian Ocean. He proposed a series of measures to overcome the legal obstacles to the prosecution and imprisonment of pirates. The Special Adviser underlined the importance of social and economic development in providing young Somalis with an alternative to piracy.", "Security Council members expressed their concern regarding undiminished piracy activities and stressed the need to take urgent and decisive measures to fight piracy before it affected the stability of the entire region. They considered the proposals referred to by the Special Adviser to be a good basis for the consideration of further measures to be taken in the fight against piracy. Council members welcomed proposals for specialized piracy courts and regional economic development.", "Asia and Latin America", "Nepal", "On 5 January, 10 days before the conclusion of the four-year mandate of the United Nations Mission in Nepal (UNMIN), the Security Council heard a briefing from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of UNMIN, Karin Landgren, on the situation in the country. The Special Representative stated that although the peace process was still incomplete, the Mission had performed its mandated tasks and contributed significantly to the peace process. She underlined the fact that UNMIN had been an expression of the international community’s support for and investment in Nepal’s peace process. She informed the Council that there was still no established mechanism to which UNMIN could hand over its monitoring responsibilities and that major issues pertaining to integration and rehabilitation remained unresolved. She said that the matter of the Nepal peace process would remain on the Council’s agenda for three more years and the United Nations would remain engaged and continue to make its contribution to the success of the peace process.", "Following the presentation by the Special Representative, the Permanent Representative of Nepal, Ambassador Gyan Chandra Acharya, stated that the Mission had been a positive factor in the difficult context of the peace process and expressed sincere appreciation for its dedication and contributions. He also announced that the Government of Nepal had already made necessary preparations with a view to making the constitutionally formed Special Committee a body capable of taking over all the tasks of UNMIN in a seamless manner.", "Following these briefings, the members of the Security Council held consultations of the whole on the situation in Nepal. Members of the Council thanked the Special Representative and the UNMIN team for their efforts in assisting the people of Nepal as they worked to complete the peace process. Members of the Council also reaffirmed their support for the peace process.", "On 14 January, the Security Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2011/1) in which it, inter alia, reaffirmed its support for the peace process and called on the caretaker Government of Nepal and all political parties to redouble their efforts, to continue to work together in the spirit of consensus to fulfil the commitments that they had made in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and other agreements, and to resolve expeditiously the outstanding issues of the peace process. The Council also encouraged Nepal to complete its new constitution within the foreseen time frame to help it build a better, more equitable and democratic future for its people. The Council welcomed the ongoing engagement of the Secretary-General and United Nations bodies as they continued to support the peace process and the people of Nepal.", "United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia", "On 13 January, the Security Council held consultations on the work of the United Nations Regional Centre for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia. The consultations opened with a briefing by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Central Asia, Mr. Miroslav Jenča. He informed the Council that the Centre had successfully supported the electoral process in Kyrgyzstan which had been followed by the establishment of the new Government of Kyrgyzstan. He also informed the Council that the rule of law and constitutional reform were the main priorities for the forthcoming period.", "Following an exchange of views among Council members, the President of the Security Council read an agreed statement to the press expressing appreciation for the efforts of the Regional Centre in assisting Central Asian countries in responding to regional challenges, in accordance with its mandate, including with regard to the situation in Kyrgyzstan, the implementation of the United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy and solutions to water and energy management through regional cooperation. The members of the Council reaffirmed the need to provide appropriate support for the efforts of the Regional Centre to facilitate dialogue and assist the Governments of Central Asia on regional issues of common concern to them.", "Haiti", "On 12 January, the one-year anniversary of the devastating earthquake in Haiti, the members of the Security Council agreed to a statement to the press in which they extended their condolences to the families of those killed and their deepest concern for all those whose lives continued to be touched by the tragedy; voiced their strong support for the continued efforts of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) to assist the people of Haiti in recovering from the disaster, in addition to the other mandated tasks of the Mission; reaffirmed their sustained international support for Haiti; and called for the swift disbursement of remaining pledges in support of the country’s recovery.", "On 14 January, the Security Council observed a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the devastating earthquake that had struck Haiti a year earlier, on 12 January 2010.", "On 20 January, the Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Alain Le Roy, and the Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Valerie Amos, briefed the Security Council on the situation in Haiti.", "The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations reported that the overall security situation in Haiti remained calm but fragile, given the ongoing electoral dispute. He said that the mission of electoral experts from the Organization of American States (OAS) had delivered its report to the Government of Haiti on 13 January and added that the Provisional Electoral Council intended to announce the final results of the first round of voting on 31 January. He underlined the importance of the swift resolution of the current political crisis, adding that the Provisional Electoral Council should uphold its commitment to take fully into account the recommendations contained in the report aimed at addressing problems in the first round of voting. He informed the Council about the return to Haiti of the former President, Jean-Claude Duvalier, noting that Government prosecutors had filed a complaint against Mr. Duvalier. He expressed his appreciation to the Haitian National Police for its conduct in the very difficult period for Haiti. He said that MINUSTAH continued to work closely with the national police.", "The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs emphasized that the humanitarian situation in Haiti remained dire. However, she said that, bearing in mind the devastation caused by the earthquake as well as Haiti’s pre-existing difficulties, the United Nations humanitarian agencies, MINUSTAH, the International Committee of the Red Cross and non-governmental organizations had accomplished a great deal in providing assistance to the people of Haiti. She said that 800,000 people remained in camps, adding that drinking water had been delivered to 1.2 million people daily and food to 2 million people every month. With regard to the cholera outbreak, she said the disease had affected almost 200,000 people and that more than 3,700 had died. She reported that lack of adequate water, sanitation and health-care infrastructure had created conditions that had allowed the disease to spread. She said that humanitarian agencies were prepared to stand by the poorest Haitians for as long as necessary.", "The Deputy Permanent Representative of Haiti, Jean Wesley Cazeau, thanked the donors and all those involved in providing assistance to his country. He recalled that there remained much to be done to address urgent challenges for the country, and called on the international community for its continued support and patience.", "The members of the Security Council underlined the fact that political stability was a basic precondition for recovery, reconstruction and development. They took note of the report of the OAS mission and called for the electoral process to be completed in an adequate manner. The electoral process must be fair, free and transparent, and must reflect the will of the Haitian people. They urged Haitian authorities to continue to strengthen the rule of law and ensure calm among the population. They commended MINUSTAH for its support for the electoral process and the country’s overall security and stability. They stressed the importance of the coordinating role of the Interim Haiti Recovery Commission and called on international donors to fulfil their pledges for the recovery of Haiti.", "Middle East", "The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question", "On 19 January, the Security Council held an open debate on the situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question, during which it heard a briefing from the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe. In his briefing, the Under-Secretary-General expressed serious concern at the continuing lack of progress in the search for a negotiated settlement and reiterated the Secretary-General’s call on Israel to freeze all settlement activity, in conformity with international law and the road map. With regard to Gaza, the Under-Secretary-General expressed concern over the situation that had prevailed in the previous month, including an increase in tensions, and condemned the indiscriminate firing of projectiles towards Israeli civilian areas by Palestinian militants, while stressing that all parties must refrain from actions contrary to international humanitarian law that targeted or endangered civilians. He also reminded the Council that a fundamental goal of the United Nations continued to be the revitalization of Gaza’s economy and the search for an end to the Israeli closure policy.", "Turning to the situation in Lebanon, the Under-Secretary-General said that the political crisis there, which had been provoked by divergent views on the Special Tribunal for Lebanon, had continued to deepen. He said that the Secretary-General had reiterated his call on all parties not to interfere with or influence the Special Tribunal, stressing that the independent judicial process should not be linked with any political debate and that it was important not to prejudice its outcome.", "Following the briefing, the Council also heard statements by the Permanent Observer for Palestine, Council members and 25 other speakers. Most speakers urged both the Israeli and Palestinian sides to resume direct negotiations towards a two-State solution. Many speakers called on Israel to halt all settlement activity, underlined the need for further steps to ease restrictions on the flow of goods and people in and out of Gaza in accordance with Security Council resolution 1860 (2009), condemned rocket fire from Gaza, and called for progress on intra‑Palestinian reconciliation. With respect to Lebanon, many speakers called on all Lebanese parties to seek a negotiated political solution to the current situation and expressed support for the independence of the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.", "Other matters", "Briefing by the Department of Political Affairs", "On 10 January, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs briefed the Security Council on elections to be held in Africa in 2011 that had possible implications for international peace and security. The Under-Secretary-General informed the Council that 25 elections were scheduled in African countries in 2011. He said that the role of the United Nations, together with its partner organizations, would be to provide technical assistance in the electoral process and stressed that the process itself should be locally owned. He underlined the importance of cooperation with the regional actors, the African Union and ECOWAS.", "Members of the Security Council shared their views on strengthening democracy in Africa through electoral processes. They agreed that possible implications of electoral processes for international peace and security should be considered on a case-by-case basis.", "Post-conflict peacebuilding: institution-building", "On 21 January, the Security Council held an open debate on “Post-conflict peacebuilding: institution-building”. The Secretary-General briefed the Security Council, together with the Deputy Prime Minister of Timor-Leste, José Luís Guterres, and the Permanent Representative of Germany, Peter Wittig, who addressed the Council in his capacity as Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission.", "The Secretary-General said that institution-building was a difficult task in post-conflict societies and that the international record on this issue was mixed. He underlined the fact that building legitimate institutions represented a key element of institution-building. The Secretary-General emphasized that the three most important lessons in the process were: (a) there was a need to strengthen national ownership and build on existing institutions, while capacities of the international community needed to be focused on nurturing and developing national capacities, strengthening partnerships and more flexible financing; (b) a one-size-fits-all approach must be avoided, institutional change should not be approached as a merely technical exercise, and informal norms and values needed to be an integral part of the institution-building process; and (c) striking the right balance between short-term and long-term goals was critical. He also emphasized that cooperation among peacekeeping and special political missions, regional organizations and other partners must be better coordinated to ensure smoother transitions, which implied clear and achievable mission mandates.", "The Deputy Prime Minister of Timor-Leste spoke in his national capacity as well as on behalf of the Group of Seven Plus. He stressed the importance of prioritization in peacebuilding and, accordingly, institution-building processes. He emphasized that (a) programmes of the international community were not matched with the needs of post-conflict countries; (b) direct aid with regard to institution-building should be provided by working with the institutions in question; (c) results must be visible and reforms actionable; and (d) international partners should not impose their perspectives regarding peace and development on post-conflict countries, but needed to be engaged longer and to be more flexible in transitional and uncertain environments, while institutions must be fit for purpose and be rooted in local society.", "The Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission, said that (a) national ownership should stand at the beginning of every institutional-building effort; (b) common institutional understanding and institution-building went beyond power-sharing and included the roles of women and civil society; (c) the Commission should be more focused on institution-building issues, with regard to which it could be more engaged as a political forum, while support for national capacity development should be at the core of institution-building efforts.", "Statements by the members of the Security Council and other United Nations Member States reflected mainly points made by the briefers. Members underlined the importance of national ownership, together with building upon and greater use of existing national capacities. They stressed that the Council should continue to define clear and achievable mandates for United Nations missions, employing adequate capacities and enhancing interaction with relevant stakeholders. It was also emphasized that there was a need to define mechanisms that might help in prioritizing peacebuilding tasks. Better coordination within the United Nations system and an integrated approach were recognized as essential elements of successful peacebuilding and institution-building efforts. Another element was often repeated during the debate: the importance of greater integration for the efficient planning of peacekeeping missions and United Nations programmes and funds. When speaking about the role and engagement of the Commission, many States acknowledged that the Security Council should make greater use of the Commission’s advisory role.", "The Security Council adopted a presidential statement (S/PRST/2011/2) in which it stressed the importance of institution-building as a critical component of peacebuilding and emphasized the importance of a more effective and coherent national and international effort to that end; it also emphasized that the United Nations and the international community needed to be more effective and coordinated in assessing needs and planning for effective institution-building and could play a critical role in support of building national institutions, while emphasizing that the primary responsibility for successful peacebuilding lay with Governments and relevant national actors. The Council stressed its willingness to make greater use of the advisory role of the Peacebuilding Commission and reaffirmed the critical importance of timely, flexible and predictable funding for peacebuilding, including institution- and capacity-building." ]
[ "2011年6月29日波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信", "谨随函转递2011年1月波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那担任主席期间安全理事会工作情况的报告(见附件)。本报告是在与安全理事会其他成员磋商后,由我国负责编制的。", "请将本函及其附件作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "大使", "伊万·巴尔巴利奇(签名)", "2011年6月29日波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信的附件", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那担任主席期间(2011年1月)安全理事会工作 评估", "导言", "2011年1月,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那常驻联合国代表伊万·巴尔巴利奇大使担任安全理事会主席,期间安全理事会共举行了8次全体磋商和10次正式的公开会议。安理会通过了1项决议和2项主席声明,向新闻界发表了7次谈话。", "安理会在1月14日开会时,首先默哀一分钟,悼念2010年1月12日海地大地震的遇难者;在1月25日开会时默哀一分钟,悼念1月24日在莫斯科多莫杰多沃国际机场发生的令人发指的恐怖袭击行径的受害者。", "非洲", "科特迪瓦", "1月5日,主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊向安全理事会通报了科特迪瓦最近的事态发展和他对这个西非国家的访问情况。副秘书长报告说,联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)处于一个困难境地:联科行动人员、车辆和房地成为攻击目标,数名联科行动士兵受伤,联科行动的行动自由受到阻碍,联科行动补给线被阻断,国家媒体对联科行动进行了大力声讨。副秘书长告诉安理会说,人道主义局势令人不安,已有21 000名难民从科特迪瓦逃到邻国,尤其是利比里亚。", "副秘书长向安理会成员介绍了西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)代表团2011年1月3日对科特迪瓦的第二次访问,代表团成员包括:贝宁总统博尼·亚伊先生、佛得角总统佩德罗·罗德里格斯·皮雷斯先生、塞拉利昂总统欧内斯特·巴伊·科罗马先生,以及代表非洲联盟的肯尼亚总理拉伊拉·奥廷加先生。经过非洲联盟和西非经共体代表团的努力,双方在开始谈判方面取得了有限进展。", "在随后的全体磋商中,安全理事会成员欢迎西非经共体和非洲联盟为和平解决科特迪瓦选举后危机而作出的外交努力。他们强烈谴责针对联科行动的任何攻击,呼吁科特迪瓦所有利益攸关方不要阻挠联科行动执行任务。安理会成员还对所报告的平民伤亡和侵犯人权情势表示关切。安理会一些成员指出,除非局势改善,应考虑对应负责任者采取定向制裁措施。", "1月7日,秘书长给安全理事会主席写信(S/2011/5)表示,科特迪瓦的安全局势继续恶化,联科行动在公然敌对的安全环境中开展工作。秘书长建议安理会授权临时增派部队2 000人。", "1月10日,安全理事会成员商定向新闻界发表声明,表示他们支持非洲联盟和西非经共体努力寻求和平解决科特迪瓦危机。安理会成员表示深为关切对平民和联科行动持续采取的暴力,谴责蓄意阻碍联科行动执行任务。他们对持续封锁高尔夫饭店深表遗憾,并敦促洛朗·巴博先生履行向非洲联盟/西非经共体联合代表团作出的立即解除封锁的承诺。他们重申安全理事会随时准备采取措施,包括对威胁和平进程、阻挠联科行动工作或严重侵犯人权的人采取定向制裁。安理会成员强调,他们强烈希望危机得到和平解决。", "1月19日,安全理事会一致通过第1967(2011)号决议,核准:向联科行动增派部队,部署至2011年6月30日;将第1942(2010)号决议授权临时增派的军事和警察人员的部署期限延至2011年6月30日;延长从联合国利比里亚特派团(联利特派团)临时调至联科行动的三个步兵连和一个由两架军用直升机组成的航空单位的部署期限,最多延长四个星期;将三架武装直升机及其机组人员从联利特派团调往联科行动,为期四个星期。安理会要求所有各方尊重联科行动的安全,确保其自由行动,停止利用媒体煽动仇恨和暴力,特别是针对联科行动的煽动。安理会还敦促立即取消目前对高尔夫饭店四周实施的封锁。此外,安理会重申它已准备好采取措施,包括对阻碍联科行动工作的人实行定向制裁。", "苏丹", "1月6日,安全理事会就苏丹问题举行全体磋商。主管维持和平行动副秘书长向安理会通报了苏丹局势以及南苏丹全民投票准备情况。副秘书长报告说,准备工作如期进行,并称赞有关各方和南苏丹全民投票委员会使全民投票成为现实。他对没有就阿卜耶伊达成协议表示关切,并强调说有关各方必须在2011年7月临时期间结束前解决与《全面和平协议》有关的悬而未决的问题。他对达尔富尔紧张局势加重以及苏丹政府军和反叛团体发生冲突表示关切,并报告说12月约有40 000名平民流离失所。副秘书长报告说,鉴于对非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)行动自由的持续阻挠,达尔富尔混合行动现正采取一个更强有力的姿态。他还报告说,10月7日遭绑架的达尔富尔混合行动工作人员已经获释。他说,所有各方必须加倍努力,以期在达尔富尔实现持久和平。", "安全理事会成员欢迎为在南苏丹举行全民投票而取得的进展,赞扬联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)在提供后勤支助和协助方面所作的努力。他们敦促有关各方在举行全民投票期间以及在投票后期间继续开展合作,以解决悬而未决的问题。安理会成员对就阿卜耶伊达成协议方面缺乏进展表示关切。他们表示支持非洲联盟和联合国领导的达尔富尔和平进程,并敦促所有团体立即加入这一进程。", "安全理事会成员商定向新闻界发表声明,其中他们欢迎苏丹各方再次承诺充分、及时执行《全面和平协议》,包括承诺尊重南苏丹全民投票的结果;重申支持秘书长苏丹全民投票问题小组的工作;并对未就阿卜耶伊达成协议以及达尔富尔暴力增加表示深为关切。", "1月18日,秘书长苏丹问题特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯先生在喀土穆通过视像会议方式向安全理事会进行了通报,秘书长苏丹全民投票问题小组主席本杰明·姆卡帕先生在朱巴通过视像会议方式参加了会议。特别代表报告说,全民投票已按计划举行,没有发生大的安全事件。南苏丹全民投票委员会将于2月2日宣布初步结果,于2月7日宣布最后结果,于2月14日宣布上诉后的结果。他对未就阿卜耶伊达成协议表示关切,并强调在这一问题上的任何不确定性都继续威胁当地的和平与稳定。他报告了1月7日和8日丁卡族警察部队与米塞里亚人之间在阿卜耶伊北部发生的事件和冲突,并强调说联苏特派团已向阿卜耶伊增派人员。《全面和平协议》当事方已同意改善阿卜耶伊的安全,完全解除该地区所有族裔的武装。特别代表说,在《协议》最后六个月里,在解决悬而未决的问题方面仍有大量工作要做,并强调联合国和国际社会需继续向有关各方提供支持。苏丹全民投票问题小组主席报告说,该小组确认全民投票进程是以和平、透明的方式开展的。投票程序得到适当遵守,该小组没有发现有系统地或大规模地试图破坏投票进程的任何证据。该小组正在跟踪了解全民投票结果汇总情况及全民投票进程的最后阶段,敦促当局随时向公民通告最后结果方面的进展。", "安全理事会成员对和平、可信的全民投票进程表示欢迎。他们对在阿卜耶伊发生的冲突以及对就该地区地位问题达成协议方面缺乏进展表示关切。他们赞扬联苏特派团和秘书长特别代表为缓解阿卜耶伊的紧张局势作出努力。成员们呼吁有关各方就各种悬而未决的问题、包括阿卜耶伊问题达成协议。他们对达尔富尔局势表示关切,对非洲联盟和联合国领导的达尔富尔和平进程表示支持,并敦促所有团体及时加入这一进程。", "苏丹常驻代表达法-阿拉·哈吉·阿里·奥斯曼在安全理事会发言说,自由、公平和透明的全民投票进程表明了《全面和平协议》各方间的广泛合作。关于阿卜耶伊局势,他说,对当地局势没有一项可接受的解决办法,该地区就不会有和平。关于达尔富尔,他说,安理会必须敦促反叛运动加入多哈和平进程。", "在公开通报后,安全理事会举行了闭门磋商。特别代表和小组主席通过视像链接参加了会议。", "安全理事会成员商定对新闻界发表声明,其中他们表示欣见南苏丹全民投票进程结束了大体上和平、有序的投票阶段;对在阿卜耶伊发生的暴力深表遗憾,重申对未就阿卜耶伊达成协议深表关切;强调必须继续执行《全面和平协议》,敦促有关各方就阿卜耶伊和其他至关重要的问题达成协议;对达尔富尔境内的暴力活动和不安全状况加重深表关切,敦促所有当事方停止敌对活动;回顾在达尔富尔结束有罪不罚现象并伸张正义的重要意义;重申支持非洲联盟和联合国领导的达尔富尔和平进程。", "1月26日,安全理事会听取了主管维持和平行动助理秘书长阿图尔·哈雷先生和非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔问题联合特别代表易卜拉欣·甘巴里先生的通报。甘巴里先生在北达尔富尔州的法希尔通过视像会议方式参加了会议。", "助理秘书长讨论了南苏丹的全民投票,他说选票已全部清点完毕,并说南苏丹全民投票委员会将在所宣布的时限内公布结果。他说没有在阿卜耶伊举行全民投票,并说丁卡族与米塞里亚族之间的关系仍然非常紧张。联苏特派团继续开展活动,以遏阻暴力再次爆发。关于达尔富尔,他报告说非洲联盟-联合国苏丹协商论坛已商定开始规划达尔富尔政治进程,这一进程将以多哈进程的结果为基础。", "联合特别代表报告说,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义界已开展大量工作,处理苏丹武装部队与苏丹解放军-米尼·米纳维派之间冲突的后果。他说,达尔富尔混合行动正采取一个更强有力的姿态,并说达尔富尔混合行动将继续在杰贝勒马拉巡逻。他强调说,达尔富尔混合行动继续执行保护战略,因为需在可能发生敌对行动的地区维持强有力的姿态并提供直接保护。", "在公开通报后,安全理事会举行了闭门磋商。联合特别代表和助理秘书长参加了会议。", "索马里", "在1月14日的公开会议上,秘书长索马里问题特别代表奥古斯丁·马希加介绍了秘书长关于索马里的报告(S/2010/675),并向安理会通报了该国最近的事态发展。他告诉安理会说,过渡联邦政府已完成了第一次预算,并起草了路线图,其中列出了它将在2011年8月底之前注重的主要过渡任务。这些任务包括善治、机构建设和向公民提供基本服务。他强调说,起草宪法进程与和解是主要的优先事项。他着重说明了在向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)提供一整套后勤支助方面的差距,并鼓励会员国向联合国非索特派团信托基金提供进一步捐款。", "安理会接着听取了过渡联邦政府总理穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德的通报。穆罕默德总理向安理会成员介绍了索马里政府面临的挑战,并强调国际社会需提供更多援助。", "安全理事会成员在其后的全体磋商中表示支持过渡联邦政府。他们鼓励在完成尚存的过渡任务方面取得更多进展。安理会成员对非索特派团的工作和增加非索特派团部队的兵力表示支持。", "安全理事会成员商定向新闻界发表一项声明,其中对索马里的持续不稳定表示关切。安全理事会成员还表示支持《吉布提协议》,支持特别代表开展工作,帮助索马里努力做出过渡后安排。", "索马里沿海海盗问题", "1月25日,安全理事会听取了秘书长索马里沿海海盗行为所涉法律问题特别顾问杰克·兰和主管法律事务助理秘书长斯蒂芬·马蒂亚斯关于索马里沿海海盗问题的情况通报。", "特别顾问告知安理会,情况有所恶化,因为海盗进行了更好的组织,以更先进的装备发起更猛烈袭击,并将袭击的地理范围向印度洋南部和东部扩大。特别顾问提出了一系列措施,以克服起诉和监禁海盗方面的法律障碍。特别顾问强调了社会和经济发展对于为年轻索马里人提供海盗行为之外的其他出路的重要性。", "安全理事会成员对海盗活动没有减少表示关切,并强调必须在海盗行为影响整个区域的稳定之前采取紧急、果断的措施,打击海盗行为。他们认为,特别顾问所述的建议为审议打击海盗行为的进一步措施奠定了良好基础。安理会成员欢迎关于反海盗活动特别法院的建议和区域经济发展的建议。", "亚洲和拉丁美洲", "尼泊尔", "1月5日,联合国尼泊尔特派团(联尼特派团)四年任务期结束前十天,安全理事会听取了秘书长特别代表兼联尼特派团团长卡琳·兰德格伦对该国局势的情况通报。特别代表说,尽管和平进程仍未结束,特派团执行了规定的任务,为和平进程做出了极大贡献。她强调,联尼特派团显示了国际社会对尼泊尔和平进程的支持和投入。她向安理会通报,尼泊尔还没有建立联尼特派团可向其移交监督责任的机制,与整编和转业有关的重大问题仍悬而未决。她说,尼泊尔和平进程问题仍将在安理会议程上再保留三年,联合国将继续参与和平进程并为其成功作出贡献。", "特别代表发言后,尼泊尔常驻代表吉安·钱德拉·阿查里亚大使说,特派团一直是和平进程困难环境中的一个积极因素,并衷心感谢特派团的奉献精神和贡献。他还宣布尼泊尔政府已作出必要准备,以期使依宪设立的特别委员会成为一个能顺利接手联尼特派团所有任务的机构。", "情况通报后,安全理事会成员举行了关于尼泊尔局势的全体磋商。安理会成员感谢特别代表和联尼特派团努力协助尼泊尔人民完成和平进程。安理会成员还重申支持和平进程。", "1月14日,安全理事会通过一项主席声明(S/PRST/2011/1),其中除其他外,重申支持和平进程,呼吁尼泊尔看守政府和所有政党加倍努力,继续本着协商一致的精神共同开展工作,履行他们在《全面和平协议》和其他协议中作出的承诺,迅速解决未获解决的和平进程问题。安理会还鼓励尼泊尔在可预见的时限内完成新宪法的制定工作,藉此为尼泊尔人民创造一个更加美好、公平和民主的未来。安理会欢迎秘书长和联合国各机构不断做出努力,继续支持尼泊尔和平进程和尼泊尔人民。", "联合国中亚地区预防性外交中心", "1月13日,安全理事会就联合国中亚地区预防性外交中心的工作举行磋商。在磋商会上,首先听取了秘书长中亚问题特别代表米罗斯拉夫·延恰先生的通报。他告知安全理事会,中亚预防外交中心成功支持了吉尔吉斯斯坦的选举进程,之后吉尔吉斯新政府成立。他还向安理会通报,法治和宪法改革是下一个时期的主要优先事项。", "安理会成员交换意见后,安理会主席向新闻界宣读了一项商定声明,表示赞赏该中心按照任务规定努力协助中亚国家应对区域挑战,包括吉尔吉斯斯坦局势、落实联合国全球反恐战略以及通过区域合作解决水和能源管理问题等方面。安理会成员重申,需要为该区域中心的工作提供适当支助,以便就共同关心的区域问题促进对话并协助中亚各国政府。", "海地", "1月12日,海地灾难性地震一周年之际,安全理事会成员商定了一份新闻声明,其中对遇难者家属表示哀悼,对那些生活依然受到这场悲剧影响的人们深表关切;表示大力支持联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)在执行其他规定任务的同时继续努力协助海地人民从灾难中恢复;重申继续对海地提供国际支助;呼吁迅速支付有待支付的认捐款,支持海地复原。", "1月14日,安全理事会默哀片刻,悼念一年前2010年1月12日海地灾难性地震中的受害者。", "1月20日,主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊和主管人道主义事务副秘书长兼紧急救济协调员瓦莱丽·阿莫斯向安全理事会通报了海地局势。", "主管维持和平行动副秘书长报告说,鉴于目前的选举争端,海地总体安全局势依然平静而脆弱。他说,美洲国家组织(美洲组织)的选举专家团于1月13日向海地政府提交了报告,并补充说,临时选举委员会打算于1月31日公布第一轮投票的最后结果。他强调迅速解决当前政治危机的重要性,并补充说,临时选举委员会应履行承诺,充分考虑美洲组织报告中的建议,以解决第一轮投票中的问题。他向安理会通报,前总统让-克洛德·杜瓦利埃已返回海地,并补充说政府检察官已对杜瓦利埃先生提出起诉。他对海地国家警察在海地极其困难时期的工作表示赞赏。他说联海稳定团继续与海地国家警察密切合作。", "主管维持和平行动副秘书长强调海地的人道主义局势依然严峻。不过,她说,考虑到地震造成的破坏以及海地原来存在的困难,联合国人道主义机构、联海稳定团、红十字国际委员会和非政府组织在为海地人民提供援助方面取得了很大成就。她说,仍有80万人还在营地,并补充说,每天向120万人提供饮用水,每月为2百万人提供食品。关于霍乱的爆发,她说近20万人已受到影响,3 700多人死亡。她报告说,水、卫生设施和保健基础设施不足为疾病传播创造了条件。她说,只要有需要,人道主义机构准备一直支持最贫穷的海地人。", "海地常驻副代表让·韦斯利·卡佐感谢捐助方和为海地提供援助的所有各方。他重申,还有许多工作要做以应对紧迫的挑战,并呼吁国际社会继续提供支持并保持耐心。", "安全理事会成员强调,政治稳定是恢复、重建和发展的基本前提。 他们注意到美洲组织专家团的报告,呼吁以适当方式完成选举进程。选举进程必须公平、自由和透明并反映海地人民的意愿。他们敦促海地当局继续加强法治并确保人民保持镇定。他们赞扬联海稳定团支持选举进程以及该国的整体安全和稳定。他们强调海地重建临时委员会协调作用的重要性,并呼吁国际捐助方兑现认捐承诺,以支持海地恢复。", "中东", "中东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题", "1月19日,安全理事会举行关于中东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题的公开辩论,其间听取了主管政治事务副秘书长林恩·帕斯科的情况通报。在通报中,副秘书长对寻求谈判解决仍缺乏进展表示严重关切,重申秘书长呼吁以色列按照国际法和路线图冻结所有定居点活动。关于加沙问题,副秘书长对前一个月的局势、包括紧张局势的加剧表示关切,并谴责巴勒斯坦武装分子向以色列平民区滥射射弹,同时强调所有各方不得采取违反国际人道主义法、以平民为目标或危及平民的行动。他还提醒安理会,联合国的一项基本目标仍然是重振加沙经济,寻求结束以色列的封锁政策。", "谈及黎巴嫩局势时,副秘书长说,关于黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的意见分歧引起的政治危机继续深化。他说,秘书长再次呼吁所有各方不要干涉或影响特别法庭,强调独立的司法程序不应与任何政治辩论挂钩,而且不应损害司法程序的结果。", "情况通报之后,安理会还听取了巴勒斯坦常驻观察员、安理会成员和25名其他发言者的发言。大多数发言者敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦双方恢复旨在实现两国解决方案的直接谈判。许多发言者呼吁以色列停止所有定居点活动;强调需要采取进一步措施,按照安全理事会第1860(2009)号决议,放松对进出加沙的货物和人员通行的限制;谴责从加沙发射火箭弹;呼吁巴勒斯坦内部和解取得进展。在谈到黎巴嫩问题时,许多发言者呼吁黎巴嫩所有各方通过谈判来为目前的局势寻求政治解决办法,并表示支持黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的独立性。", "其他事项", "政治事务部的情况通报", "1月10日,主管政治事务副秘书长向安全理事会通报了2011年非洲选举情况及其对国际和平与安全可能产生的影响。副秘书长告知安理会,预计非洲国家2011年将举行25次选举。他说,选举进程中联合国及其伙伴组织的作用将是提供技术援助,并强调选举进程本身应由地方主导。他强调与非洲联盟和西非经共体等区域行为体合作的重要性。", "安全理事会成员就通过选举进程加强非洲民主交流了看法。他们商定,应根据具体情况来审议选举进程对国际和平与安全的可能影响。", "冲突后建设和平:机构建设", "1月21日,安全理事会就冲突后建设和平:机构建设举行了一次公开辩论。秘书长、东帝汶副总理若泽·路易斯·古特雷斯和德国常驻代表彼得·维蒂希向安理会通报了情况,彼得·维蒂希以建设和平委员会主席的身份在安理会发言。", "秘书长说,机构建设是冲突后社会中的一项艰巨任务,而国际社会在这个问题上的成绩喜忧参半。他强调,建设合法的机构是机构建设中的一个关键因素。秘书长强调,这一进程中最重要的三个经验教训是:(a) 需要加强国家自主权,建设现有机构,而国际社会的能力须侧重于培育和建设国家能力,加强伙伴关系和以更灵活的方式筹资;(b) 必须避免“一刀切”的办法,同时体制变革不应仅是一项技术工作,非正式的规范和价值观必须是机构建设进程中不可或缺的一部分;(c) 必须在短期和长期目标之间保持恰当的平衡。他还强调,必须更好地协调维持和平和政治特派团、区域组织和其他伙伴之间的合作,以确保更平稳地过渡,这意味着特派团的任务要明确且可实现。", "东帝汶副总理以本国代表身份并代表七国加他国集团发言。他强调了建设和平中优先次序的重要性以及相应的机构建设进程的重要性。他强调:(a) 国际社会的方案未能与冲突后国家的需要相匹配;(b) 机构建设方面的直接援助应通过与所涉机构开展合作来提供;(c) 结果必须是可见的,改革必须是可行的;(d) 国际伙伴不应将其和平与发展方面的观点强加给冲突后国家,而是需要在过渡和不确定的环境中以更灵活的方式更长时间地参与,同时机构应与目标相符,并以当地社会为根基。", "建设和平委员会主席说:(a) 国家自主应是每项机构建设工作的开端;(b) 在制度方面的共识和机构建设不仅仅是权力分享,还包括妇女和民间社会的作用;(c) 建设和平委员会应更侧重于机构建设问题,并作为政治论坛更多地参与其中,同时机构建设工作的核心应是支持国家能力建设。", "安全理事会成员和联合国其他会员国的发言主要反映了情况通报人员的要点。成员强调国家自主以及不断建设和更多利用现有国家能力的重要性。他们强调,安理会应继续为联合国特派团确定明确及可实现的任务,调动适当的能力并促进与相关利益攸关方之间的互动。此外,还强调有必要确定有助于按优先顺序安排建设和平任务的机制。联合国系统内进行更好的协调和统筹办法被视为建设和平及机构建设工作取得成功的基本要素。辩论中反复提及的另一个要素是,必须将维持和平特派团的有效规划与联合国各方案和基金更好地结合起来。在谈及建设和平委员会的作用和参与时,许多国家承认安全理事会应更多地利用建设和平委员会的咨询作用。", "安全理事会通过了一项主席声明(S/PRST/2011/2),其中强调机构建设作为建设和平工作一大关键部分的重要性,并强调各国和国际社会必须为此做出更加有效和一致的反应;声明还强调联合国和国际社会需要为有效开展机构建设工作更加切实和协调一致地评估需求和进行规划,可在帮助建设国家机构方面发挥重大作用,同时强调政府和相关国家行为体对成功开展建设和平工作负有首要责任。安理会强调,它愿意更多地利用建设和平委员会的咨询作用,并重申了以及时、灵活和可预测的方式为建设和平、包括机构和能力建设提供资金的至关重要性。" ]
[ "2011年6月29日波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信", "谨随函转递2011年1月波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那担任安全理事会主席期间安全理事会工作的报告(见附件)。 该报告是在同安全理事会其他成员协商后由我负责编写的。", "请将本函及其附件作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。 常驻代表", "伊万·巴尔巴利奇(签名)", "2011年6月29日波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信的附件", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那担任主席期间(2011年1月)安全理事会工作的评估", "导言", "2011年1月,在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那常驻联合国代表伊万·巴尔巴利奇大使的主持下,安全理事会举行了8次全体磋商和10次正式公开会议。 安理会通过了一项决议和两项主席声明,并向新闻界发表了七项声明。", "1月14日,安理会在会议开始时默哀一分钟,悼念2010年1月12日海地遭受毁灭性地震的受害者;1月25日,安理会在会议上默哀一分钟,悼念1月24日在莫斯科多莫杰多沃国际机场发生的令人发指的恐怖主义行为的受害者。", "非洲", "科特迪瓦", "1月5日,主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊向安全理事会介绍了科特迪瓦最近的事态发展以及他对西非国家的访问。 副秘书长报告说,联合国科特迪瓦行动(联科行动)处境艰难:联科行动人员、车辆和房地成为袭击目标,联科行动数名士兵被打伤,联科行动的行动自由受到阻碍,联科行动的补给路线被封锁,国家媒体对联科行动进行了强有力的宣传。 副秘书长向安理会通报了令人担忧的人道主义局势,21,000名难民从科特迪瓦逃到邻国,特别是利比里亚。", "副秘书长向安理会成员通报了西非国家经济共同体(西非经共体)代表团对科特迪瓦的第二次访问(2011年1月3日):贝宁总统博尼·亚伊;佛得角总统佩德罗·罗德里格斯·皮雷斯;塞拉利昂总统欧内斯特·巴伊·科罗马同肯尼亚总理拉伊拉·奥丁加先生一道,代表非洲联盟。 在非洲联盟和西非经共体代表团的努力下,双方在展开谈判方面进展有限。", "在随后的全体磋商中,安全理事会成员欢迎西非经共体和非洲联盟为和平解决科特迪瓦选举后危机而作的外交努力。 他们强烈谴责对联科行动的所有袭击,并呼吁科特迪瓦所有利益攸关方不要阻碍联科行动执行任务。 安理会成员还表示关切据报平民伤亡和侵犯人权行为。 安理会一些成员指出,除非局势有所改善,否则就应考虑对负有责任的个人采取有针对性的制裁措施。", "1月7日,秘书长在给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/5)中表示,科特迪瓦的安全局势继续恶化,联科行动的工作环境公开充满敌意。 秘书长建议安理会授权临时增加军事人员兵力2 000人。", "1月10日,安全理事会成员同意向新闻界发表一项声明,表示支持非洲联盟和西非经共体为和平解决科特迪瓦危机而作的努力。 安理会成员对继续发生针对平民和联科行动的暴力行为深表关切,并谴责蓄意阻挠联科行动执行任务的企图。 他们对高尔夫旅馆周围的持续封锁表示遗憾,并敦促洛朗·巴博先生履行他对非洲联盟-西非国家经济共同体联合特派团作出的承诺,立即解除封锁。 他们重申,安全理事会准备采取措施,包括对那些威胁和平进程、阻碍联科行动工作或严重侵犯人权的人进行定向制裁。 安理会成员强调,他们强烈希望和平解决危机。", "1月19日,安全理事会一致通过第1967(2011)号决议,授权:为联科行动增派部队至2011年6月30日;将第1942(2010)号决议授权的临时增派军事和警察能力延长至2011年6月30日;将从联合国利比里亚特派团(联利特派团)临时调至联科行动的3个步兵连和由2架军用直升机组成的1个航空单位延长最多4周;将3架配备机组的武装直升机从联利特派团调至联科行动,为期4周。 安理会要求所有各方尊重联科行动的安全,确保其行动自由并停止利用媒体来煽动仇恨和暴力,特别是针对联科行动的仇恨和暴力。 安理会还敦促立即解除目前对高尔夫酒店的封锁。 此外,它重申准备对阻碍联科行动工作的人实行措施,包括定向制裁。", "苏丹", "1月6日,安全理事会就苏丹问题举行了全体磋商。 主管维持和平行动副秘书长 行动向安理会通报了苏丹局势和苏丹南方全民投票筹备情况。 副秘书长报告说,筹备工作正在按计划进行,并赞扬各方和苏丹南方全民投票委员会使全民投票成为现实。 他对未能就阿卜耶伊问题达成协议表示关切,并着重指出各方必须在2011年7月过渡期间结束前解决与《全面和平协议》有关的未决问题。 他对达尔富尔紧张局势加剧以及苏丹政府部队同反叛团体之间的冲突表示关切,并报告说,12月约有40 000名平民流离失所。 副秘书长报告说,非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)在行动自由继续受阻碍的情况下,正在采取更强有力的姿态。 他还报告说,10月7日被绑架的达尔富尔混合行动工作人员已经获释。 他说,所有各方必须加倍努力,以在达尔富尔实现持久和平。", "安全理事会成员欢迎苏丹南方全民投票取得的进展,并称赞联合国苏丹特派团(联苏特派团)努力提供后勤支助和援助。 他们敦促各方在整个全民投票期间和全民投票后继续合作,以解决未决问题。 安理会成员对在就阿卜耶伊问题达成协议方面缺乏进展表示关切。 他们表示支持由非洲联盟和联合国领导的达尔富尔和平进程,并敦促所有团体毫不拖延地加入这一进程。", "安全理事会成员商定向新闻界发表谈话,欢迎苏丹各方重申承诺全面而及时地执行《全面和平协定》,包括承诺尊重苏丹南方全民投票的结果;重申支持秘书长苏丹全民投票问题小组的工作;并深为关切没有就阿卜耶伊问题达成协议和达尔富尔暴力事件增加。", "1月18日,负责苏丹问题的秘书长特别代表海尔·门克里欧斯先生通过喀土穆视频会议向安全理事会作了简报,秘书长苏丹全民投票问题小组主席本杰明·姆卡帕先生通过朱巴视频会议参加了会议。 特别代表报告说,全民投票按计划结束,没有发生重大安全事件。 苏丹南方全民投票委员会将于2月2日宣布初步结果,于2月7日宣布最后结果,于2月14日宣布上诉结果。 他对未能就阿卜耶伊问题达成协议表示关切,并强调指出,这一问题的不确定性继续威胁着当地的和平与稳定。 他报告了1月7日和8日恩哥克-丁卡族警察部队同米塞里亚族在阿卜耶伊北部发生的事件和冲突,并强调指出,联苏特派团已增加其在阿卜耶伊的存在。 《全面和平协定》各方已同意改善阿卜耶伊的安全并完全解除该地区所有社区的武装。 特别代表说,在《协定》最后六个月解决未决问题方面仍有许多工作要做,他强调联合国和国际社会需要继续支持各方。 苏丹全民投票问题小组主席报告说,小组感到满意的是,全民投票进程是以和平和透明的方式进行的。 投票程序得到适当遵守,专家小组没有发现任何系统或广泛企图破坏投票进程的证据。 小组正在跟踪综合结果和全民投票进程的最后阶段。 小组敦促当局向公民通报最终结果的进展情况。", "安全理事会成员欢迎和平和可信的全民投票进程。 他们对阿卜耶伊的冲突和在就该地区地位达成协议方面缺乏进展表示关切。 他们赞扬联苏特派团和秘书长特别代表为缓和阿卜耶伊的紧张局势而作的努力。 安理会成员呼吁各方就阿卜耶伊等未决问题达成协议。 他们对达尔富尔局势表示关切,表示支持由非洲联盟和联合国领导的达尔富尔和平进程,并敦促所有团体毫不拖延地加入这一进程。", "苏丹常驻代表达法-阿拉·哈格·阿里·奥斯曼在安全理事会发言,说自由、公正和透明的全民投票进程是《全面和平协定》各方广泛合作的标志。 关于阿卜耶伊局势,他说,如果当地局势得不到可接受的解决,该地区就不会有和平。 关于达尔富尔,他说,安理会必须敦促反叛运动加入多哈和平进程。", "在公开通报后,安全理事会举行了闭门磋商。 特别代表和小组主席通过视频链接参加了会议。", "安全理事会成员商定向新闻界发表谈话,欢迎结束苏丹南方全民投票基本上和平有序的投票期;对阿卜耶伊发生的暴力事件表示遗憾,并再次对阿卜耶伊问题没有达成协议深表关切;强调必须继续执行《全面和平协议》,敦促各方就阿卜耶伊问题和其他关键问题达成协议;对达尔富尔暴力和不安全加剧深表关切;敦促所有各方停止敌对行动;回顾必须结束有罪不罚现象并惩处在达尔富尔犯下的罪行;重申支持由非洲联盟和联合国领导的达尔富尔和平进程。", "1月26日,安全理事会听取了主管维持和平行动助理秘书长阿图尔·哈雷先生和非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔问题联合特别代表易卜拉欣·甘巴里先生的通报。", "助理秘书长在讨论苏丹南方全民投票时说,所有选票都已计票,此外苏丹南方全民投票委员会将在宣布的时限内宣布投票结果。 他说,阿卜耶伊没有举行全民投票,指出恩哥克-丁卡族和米塞里亚族之间的紧张关系仍然很严重。 联苏特派团继续开展活动,以阻止恢复暴力。 关于达尔富尔,他报告说,非洲联盟-联合国苏丹协商论坛已同意开始规划以多哈进程成果为基础的达尔富尔政治进程。", "联合特别代表报告说,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义界为处理苏丹武装部队与苏丹解放军-明尼·马纳维派之间的冲突所造成的后果作出了大量努力。 他说,达尔富尔混合行动正在执行更强有力的姿态,并补充说,达尔富尔混合行动将继续在杰贝勒马拉巡逻。 他强调,达尔富尔混合行动继续在潜在敌对行动地区保持强有力的存在并提供直接保护的基础上执行其保护战略。", "在公开通报后,安全理事会举行了闭门磋商。 联合特别代表和助理秘书长参加了会议。", "索马里", "1月14日,负责索马里问题的秘书长特别代表奥古斯丁·马希格在公开会议上介绍了秘书长关于索马里的报告(S/2010/675)并向安理会通报了该国的最新事态发展。 他告知安理会,过渡联邦政府已完成了第一份预算和一份路线图草案,其中规定了在2011年8月底之前将重点关注的关键过渡任务。 其中包括善政、体制建设和向公民提供基本服务。 他强调宪法起草进程与和解是关键的优先事项。 他强调了向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)提供一揽子后勤支助方面的差距,并鼓励会员国向联合国非索特派团信托基金提供更多捐助。", "安理会随后听取了过渡联邦政府总理穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德的简报,他向安理会成员通报了过渡联邦政府面临的挑战并强调需要国际社会提供更多的援助。", "在随后的全体磋商中,安全理事会成员表示支持过渡联邦政府。 他们鼓励在完成尚未完成的过渡任务方面取得更大进展。 安理会成员表示支持非索特派团的工作和非索特派团部队人数的增加。", "安全理事会成员同意向新闻界发表一项声明,对索马里的持续不稳定表示关切。 他们还表示支持《吉布提协议》和特别代表帮助索马里人实现过渡后安排的工作。", "索马里沿海的海盗行为", "1月25日,安全理事会听取了秘书长索马里沿海海盗行为所涉法律问题特别顾问杰克·朗和主管法律事务助理秘书长斯蒂芬·马蒂亚斯关于索马里沿海海盗行为的情况通报。", "特别顾问告知安理会,由于海盗袭击更加暴力,使用更先进的设备进行袭击,组织得更好,地理范围已扩大到印度洋南部和东部,局势恶化了。 他提出了一系列措施来克服起诉和监禁海盗的法律障碍。 特别顾问强调社会和经济发展在向索马里青年提供替代海盗活动的办法方面的重要性。", "安全理事会成员对海盗活动不受减损表示关切,并强调需要紧急采取果断措施打击海盗活动,以免影响整个区域的稳定。 他们认为特别顾问提到的建议是考虑在打击海盗方面采取进一步措施的良好基础。 安理会成员欢迎关于海盗问题专门法院和区域经济发展的建议。", "亚洲和拉丁美洲", "尼泊尔", "1月5日,即联合国尼泊尔特派团(联尼特派团)四年任期结束前10天,安全理事会听取了秘书长特别代表兼联尼特派团团长卡琳·兰德格伦关于该国局势的通报。 特别代表指出,虽然和平进程尚未完成,但特派团已履行其法定任务并大大促进了和平进程。 她强调,联尼特派团是国际社会对尼泊尔和平进程的支持和投资的体现。 她告知安理会,联尼特派团仍没有能够移交其监测职责的既定机制,与整编和善后有关的重大问题仍未得到解决。 她说,尼泊尔和平进程问题将再列入安理会议程三年,而联合国将继续参与并继续为和平进程的成功作出贡献。", "在特别代表发言后,尼泊尔常驻代表吉安·钱德拉·阿查里亚大使说,特派团是和平进程困难环境中的一个积极因素,并真诚感谢特派团的奉献和贡献。 他还宣布,尼泊尔政府已作必要的准备,使根据宪法成立的特别委员会成为一个能够无缝地接过联尼特派团所有任务的机构。", "在这些情况通报后,安全理事会成员就尼泊尔局势举行了全体磋商。 安理会成员感谢特别代表和联尼特派团小组努力协助尼泊尔人民完成和平进程。 安理会成员还重申支持和平进程。", "1月14日,安全理事会通过一项主席声明(S/PRST/2011/1),其中除其他外重申支持和平进程,并呼吁尼泊尔看守政府和所有政党加倍努力,继续本着协商一致的精神共同努力,履行它们在《全面和平协定》和其他协定中作出的承诺,并迅速解决和平进程中悬而未决的问题。 安理会还鼓励尼泊尔在所预见的时限内完成新宪法,以帮助其人民建设一个更美好、更公平和更民主的未来。 安理会欢迎秘书长和联合国机构继续参与,继续支持尼泊尔的和平进程和人民。", "联合国中亚地区预防性外交中心", "1月13日,安全理事会就联合国中亚地区预防性外交中心的工作举行了磋商。 磋商开始时,秘书长中亚问题特别代表米罗斯拉夫·延查先生作了简报。 他告诉安理会,中心成功地支持了吉尔吉斯斯坦的选举进程,随后成立了吉尔吉斯斯坦新政府。 他还告知安理会,法治和宪法改革是下一个时期的主要优先事项。", "在安理会成员交换意见后,安全理事会主席向新闻界宣读了一项商定声明,表示赞赏区域中心努力协助中亚各国根据其任务规定应对区域挑战,包括吉尔吉斯斯坦局势、执行《联合国全球反恐战略》以及通过区域合作解决水和能源管理问题等。 安理会成员重申,需要为区域中心努力促进对话,并就中亚各国政府共同关心的区域问题向它们提供协助。", "海地", "1月12日,即海地发生毁灭性地震一周年之际,安全理事会成员同意向新闻界发表一项声明,向遇难者家属表示慰问,并最深切地关切那些生命继续受到这场悲剧影响的人;表示坚决支持联合国海地稳定特派团(联海稳定团)继续努力,除了特派团的其他法定任务外,协助海地人民从灾害中恢复;重申国际社会持续支持海地;呼吁迅速支付其余认捐款,以支持该国的恢复。", "1月14日,安全理事会默哀一分钟,悼念一年前即2010年1月12日海地遭受毁灭性地震的受害者。", "1月20日,主管维持和平行动副秘书长阿兰·勒罗伊和主管人道主义事务副秘书长兼紧急救济协调员瓦莱丽·阿莫斯向安全理事会通报了海地局势。", "主管维持和平行动副秘书长 行动报告说,鉴于选举争端持续不断,海地的总体安全局势仍然平静而脆弱。 他说,美洲国家组织(美洲组织)的选举专家团于1月13日向海地政府提交了报告,并补充说,临时选举委员会打算在1月31日宣布第一轮投票的最后结果。 他强调了迅速解决当前政治危机的重要性,并补充说,临时选举委员会应信守承诺,充分考虑报告所载旨在解决第一轮投票所出现问题的建议。 他向安理会通报了前总统让-克洛德·杜瓦利埃返回海地的情况,指出政府检察官已对杜瓦利埃先生提出了申诉。 他对海地国家警察在海地非常困难的时期的所作所为表示赞赏。 他说,联海稳定团继续与国家警察密切合作。", "主管人道主义事务副秘书长强调,海地的人道主义局势依然严峻。 然而,她说,考虑到地震造成的破坏以及海地以前存在的困难,联合国人道主义机构、联海稳定团、红十字国际委员会和非政府组织在向海地人民提供援助方面取得了很大成就。 她说,仍有80万人留在难民营中,并补充说,每天向120万人提供饮用水,每月向200万人提供食物。 关于霍乱疫情,她说,该疾病已影响到近20万人,3 700多人死亡。 她报告说,由于缺乏足够的水、卫生和保健基础设施,导致疾病蔓延。 她说,人道主义机构愿意与最贫穷的海地人站在一起,只要有必要。", "海地副常驻代表让·韦斯利·卡佐感谢捐助者和所有参与向海地提供援助的人。 他回顾说,在应对该国面临的紧迫挑战方面仍有许多工作要做,并呼吁国际社会继续给予支持和耐心。", "安全理事会成员强调,政治稳定是恢复、重建和发展的基本先决条件。 他们注意到美洲国家组织代表团的报告,并呼吁以适当方式完成选举进程。 选举进程必须是公平、自由和透明的,必须反映海地人民的意愿。 他们敦促海地当局继续加强法治,确保民众的平静。 他们赞扬联海稳定团支持选举进程以及该国的总体安全与稳定。 他们强调海地恢复临时委员会发挥协调作用的重要性,并呼吁国际捐助者履行其对海地恢复的承诺。", "中东", "中东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题", "1月19日,安全理事会就中东局势,包括巴勒斯坦问题举行公开辩论,听取了主管政治事务副秘书长林恩·帕斯科的通报。 副秘书长在简报中对寻求谈判解决方面仍然缺乏进展表示严重关切,并再次吁请以色列根据国际法和行进图冻结所有定居点活动。 关于加沙,副秘书长对上月的局势表示关切,包括紧张局势加剧,并谴责巴勒斯坦好战分子不分青红皂白地向以色列平民地区发射炮弹,同时强调所有各方必须避免采取以平民为目标或危及平民的违反国际人道主义法的行动。 他还提醒安理会,联合国的一个基本目标仍然是重振加沙的经济并寻求结束以色列的封锁政策。", "关于黎巴嫩局势,副秘书长说,由于对黎巴嫩问题特别法庭意见分歧而引发的政治危机继续加深。 他说,秘书长已再次呼吁所有各方不要干预或影响特别法庭,并强调指出,独立的司法程序不应与任何政治辩论相挂钩,重要的是不应影响法庭的结果。", "情况通报后,安理会还听取了巴勒斯坦常驻观察员、安理会成员和其他25名发言者的发言。 大多数发言者都敦促以色列和巴勒斯坦双方恢复直接谈判,以达成两国解决方案。 许多发言者呼吁以色列停止所有定居点活动,强调需要进一步采取步骤,根据安全理事会第1860(2009)号决议放宽对进出加沙的货物和人员流动的限制,并谴责从加沙发射火箭弹的行为,并呼吁在巴勒斯坦内部和解方面取得进展。 关于黎巴嫩问题,许多发言者呼吁黎巴嫩各方寻求通过谈判政治解决当前局势,并表示支持黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的独立性。", "其他事项", "政治事务部的简报", "1月10日,主管政治事务副秘书长向安全理事会介绍了2011年将在非洲举行的可能对国际和平与安全产生影响的选举。 副秘书长告知安理会,非洲国家定于2011年举行25次选举。 他说,联合国与其伙伴组织的作用是在选举进程中提供技术援助,并强调指出,选举进程本身应由当地自主。 他强调同区域行动者、非洲联盟和西非经共体合作的重要性。", "安全理事会成员就通过选举进程加强非洲的民主问题交换了意见。 他们同意,选举进程对国际和平与安全可能产生的影响应逐一审议。", "冲突后建设和平:体制建设", "1月21日,安全理事会就“冲突后建设和平:体制建设”举行公开辩论。 秘书长同东帝汶副总理何塞·路易斯·古特雷斯和德国常驻代表彼得·维蒂希一道向安全理事会作了简报。", "秘书长说,机构建设是冲突后社会的一项艰巨任务,在这个问题上的国际记录好坏参半。 他强调,建设合法机构是体制建设的一个关键要素。 秘书长强调,该进程的三个最重要的经验教训是:(a) 需要加强国家所有权并加强现有机构,而国际社会的能力需要侧重于培养和发展国家能力、加强伙伴关系和更加灵活的筹资;(b) 必须避免采取 \" 一刀切 \" 的做法,不应仅作为技术性工作来对待体制变革,非正式规范和价值观需要成为体制建设进程的一个组成部分;(c) 在短期和长期目标之间取得适当的平衡至关重要。 他还强调,必须更好地协调维持和平特派团和政治特派团、区域组织和其他伙伴之间的合作,以确保过渡更加平稳,这意味着特派团的任务明确和可以实现。", "东帝汶副总理以本国代表的身份并代表七国加集团发言。 他强调在建设和平以及相应的体制建设进程中确定优先次序的重要性。 他强调,(a) 国际社会的方案与冲突后国家的需要不相匹配;(b) 应通过与有关机构合作,提供体制建设方面的直接援助;(c) 成果必须明显,改革可以实施;(d) 国际伙伴不应将其关于和平与发展的观点强加于冲突后国家,而需要更长期地参与,并在过渡和不确定的环境中更加灵活,同时机构必须适合目的并扎根于当地社会。", "建设和平委员会主席说,(a) 国家当家作主应站在所有体制建设努力的起步;(b) 共同的机构谅解和机构建设超越权力分享,包括了妇女和民间社会的作用;(c) 委员会应更注重机构建设问题,委员会可更多地作为政治论坛参与其中,而支持国家能力建设应是机构建设努力的核心。", "安全理事会成员和联合国其他会员国的发言主要反映了通报者提出的意见。 成员们强调国家自主的重要性,并巩固和更多利用现有国家能力。 他们强调,安理会应继续为联合国特派团规定明确和可实现的任务,利用充分的能力并增强同相关利益攸关方的互动。 还有人强调,需要确定有助于确定建设和平任务优先次序的机制。 联合国系统内更好的协调和综合办法被认为是建设和平和体制建设努力取得成功的基本要素。 辩论期间经常重复另一个内容:加强一体化对于有效规划维持和平特派团和联合国方案和基金的重要性。 在谈论委员会的作用和参与时,许多国家承认安全理事会应更多地利用委员会的咨询作用。", "安全理事会通过了一项主席声明(S/PRST/2011/2),其中强调机构建设作为建设和平的重要组成部分的重要性,并着重指出必须为此作出更有效和更一致的国家和国际努力;安理会还强调指出,联合国和国际社会需要更有效和更协调地评估有效机构建设的需要和规划,并可在支持国家机构建设方面发挥重要作用,同时强调,成功建设和平的主要责任在于各国政府和相关国家行为体。 安理会强调愿意更多地利用建设和平委员会的咨询作用,并重申及时、灵活和可预测地为建设和平、包括机构和能力建设提供资金至关重要。" ]
[ "Letter dated 30 June 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council", "I have the honour to refer to Security Council resolution 1989 (2011), adopted on 17 June 2011, in which the Council decided to extend the mandate of the Office of the Ombudsperson, established by resolution 1904 (2009), as reflected in the procedures outlined in annex II of resolution 1989 (2011), for a period of 18 months. In the same resolution, the Council requested me to strengthen the capacity of the Office of the Ombudsperson to ensure its continued ability to carry out its mandate in an effective and timely manner.", "Accordingly, I wish to inform you that I have re-appointed Ms. Kimberly Prost (Canada) to serve as Ombudsperson for a period ending on 31 December 2012.", "I should be grateful if you could bring this information to the attention of the members of the Security Council.", "(Signed) BAN Ki-moon" ]
[ "2011年6月30日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨提及安全理事会2011年6月17日通过的第1989(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将第1989(2011)号决议附件二所列程序中规定的、第1904(2009)号决议所设监察员办公室的任务期限延长18个月。安理会在同一决议中,请我加强监察员办公室的能力,以确保它能够继续有效和及时地执行任务。", "因此,我谨通知你,我已重新任命金伯利·普罗斯特女士(加拿大)担任监察员,任期至2012年12月31日结束。", "请提请安全理事会成员注意这一信息为荷。", "潘基文(签名)" ]
[ "2011年6月30日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨提及安全理事会2011年6月17日通过的第1989(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将第1904(2009)号决议所设监察员办公室的任务期限延长18个月,这是第1989(2011)号决议附件二所述程序所反映。 在同一决议中,安理会请我加强监察员办公室的能力,以确保该办公室继续有能力有效和及时地执行任务。", "因此,谨通知你,我已重新任命金伯利·普罗斯特女士(加拿大)为监察员,任期至2012年12月31日止。", "请提请安全理事会成员注意此事为荷。", "潘基文(签名)" ]
[ "Letter dated 30 June 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council", "I have the honour to refer to Security Council resolution 1984 (2011), adopted on 17 June 2011, in which the Council decided to extend until 9 June 2012 the mandate of the Panel of Experts established pursuant to paragraph 29 of resolution 1929 (2010).", "I wish to inform you that, after consulting the Committee, I have re-appointed the following experts to carry out the tasks specified in paragraph 29 of resolution 1929 (2010) and paragraphs 2 and 3 of resolution 1984 (2011):", "Mr. Jonathan Brewer, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (finances and private sector)", "Mr. Kenichiro Matsubayashi, Japan (maritime transport)", "Mr. Thomas Mazet, Germany (logistic transport)", "Ms. Jacqueline W. Shire, United States of America (nuclear issues)", "Ms. Elena G. Vodopolova, Russian Federation (missile technology)", "Mr. Olasehinde Ishola Williams, Nigeria (conventional weapons)", "Mr. Wenlei Xu, People’s Republic of China (exports control)", "Ms. Salomé Zourabichvili, France (non-proliferation/nuclear and conventional disarmament)", "I have designated Ms. Zourabichvili to serve as Coordinator of the Panel of Experts.", "I should be grateful if you could bring this information to the attention of the members of the Security Council.", "(Signed) BAN Ki-moon" ]
[ "2011年6月30日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨提及安全理事会2011年6月9日通过的第1984(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定把第1929(2010)号决议第29段设立的专家小组任务期限延至2012年6月9日。", "因此,我谨通知你,经与委员会磋商,我已经重新任命下列专家开展第1929(2010)号决议第29段和第1984(2011)号决议第2段和第3段规定的任务:", "– 乔纳森·布鲁尔先生,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(金融和私营部门);", "– 松林健一郎先生,日本(航运);", "– 托马斯·马泽先生,德国(交通);", "– 杰奎琳·希雷女士,美利坚合众国(核问题);", "– 叶连娜·沃多波洛娃女士,俄罗斯联邦(弹道导弹);", "– 奥拉塞欣德·伊邵拉·威廉斯先生,尼日利亚(常规武器);", "– 徐文磊先生,中华人民共和国(出口管制);", "– 萨洛梅·祖拉比什维利女士,法国(防扩散/核裁军和常规裁军)。", "我已指定祖拉比什维利女士担任专家小组协调员。", "请提请安全理事会成员注意这一信息为荷。", "潘基文(签名)" ]
[ "2011年6月30日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信", "谨提及2011年6月17日通过的安全理事会第1984(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将第1929(2010)号决议第29段所设专家小组的任务期限延长至2012年6月9日。", "谨通知你,经同委员会协商后,我已重新任命下列专家来执行第1929(2010)号决议第29段和第1984(2011)号决议第2和3段规定的任务:", "Jonathan Brewer先生,大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(金融和私营部门)", "日本松林健一郎先生(海运)", "Thomas Mazet先生,德国(后勤运输)", "杰奎琳·希尔女士,美利坚合众国(核问题)", "Elena G. Vodopolova女士,俄罗斯联邦(导弹技术)", "奥拉塞欣德·伊绍拉·威廉斯先生,尼日利亚(常规武器)", "Wenlei Xu先生,中华人民共和国(出口管制)", "Salomé Zourabichvili女士,法国(不扩散/核裁军和常规裁军)", "我已指定祖拉比克维利女士出任专家小组协调员。", "请提请安全理事会成员注意此事为荷。", "潘基文(签名)" ]
[ "Second regular session 2011", "6 to 9 September 2011, New York", "Item 2 of the provisional agenda", "Financial, budgetary and administrative matters", "Revision of the UNDP financial regulations and rules", "Summary", "In the present document, and pursuant to current financial regulation 1.02, the Administrator submits proposed amendments to the UNDP financial regulations for the approval of the Executive Board. Furthermore, the Administrator, pursuant to the current financial regulation 2.02, circulates to the Executive Board for information amendments to the financial rules. The changes in the financial regulations and rules are being effected as a result of: (a) the upcoming adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) on 1 January 2012; (b) new cost classifications under the integrated budget approved by the Executive Board in its decision DP/2010/32. Other changes proposed are intended to reflect current organizational structures and working methods, and to enhance the consistency and clarity of terminology.", "UNDP has submitted this document and its annexes to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) for review. The report of the ACABQ is contained in document DP/2011/37.", "Elements of a decision", "The Executive Board may wish to approve the proposed amended financial regulations herein submitted and take note of the amended financial rules.", "Contents", "Chapter Pages\nI. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………………. 3\nII. Purpose of therevision…………………………………………………………………………… 3\nIII. Steps followed for therevision…………………………………………………………………... 4\nIV. Implementation of therevised financialregulations andrules………………………………… 4\nAnnex1 Category and reasonsfor the proposedamendments and thecorresponding changesto the relevantfinancial regulationsandrules……………………………………………………….. 6\nAnnex2 Proposed revised UNDPfinancial regulationsand rules with reasonfor changes…………...… 10\nAnnex3 Proposed revisedchanges to UNCDF annexto UNDP financialregulations andrules………. 29", "I. Introduction", "1. This document sets out the rationale and the process followed in revising the UNDP financial regulations and rules. Revisions to the financial regulations and rules are necessary at this point in time in order to make them compliant with upcoming adoption by UNDP of IPSAS and the introduction of the new cost classifications as required for the integrated budget.", "2. The Administrator seeks the approval of the Executive Board of the proposed revisions to the financial regulations, and further requests the Executive Board to take note of the amended financial rules circulated herein.", "3. UNDP has submitted this document and its annexes to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (ACABQ) for review. At the time of submission of this document the ACABQ had not yet produced its report. Once the report is finalized, if changes are required, UNDP will communicate these changes to the Executive Board through a corrigendum. In addition the United Nations Board of Auditors, the UNDP Audit Advisory Committee, the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs and the UNDP Office of Audit and Investigations have also reviewed the revised financial regulations and rules, and, where applicable, their comments have been incorporated.", "II. Purpose of the revision", "4. The financial regulations and rules govern the broad financial management of UNDP and the funds administered by UNDP, including the budgeting and accounting of resources. In order to reflect the adoption of IPSAS, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 60/283 of July 2006 and the Executive Board decision 2007/10, and the revised cost classifications of the Joint report of UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF on the road map to an integrated budget: cost classification and results-based budgeting, approved by the Executive Board in its decision DP/2010/32, changes are now proposed to reflect the new accounting standards and terminology.", "5. The changes proposed maintain the existing character and nature of the financial regulations and rules that govern financial management. They are used not only by those who are engaged in the area of financial management, but also by those engaged in areas of programmatic management of UNDP, who for the large part are not accounting professionals. The revised financial regulations and rules shall be operationalized by UNDP policies and procedures.", "IPSAS", "6. The UNDP accounting policy is based on the United Nations System Accounting Standards (UNSAS), which is based on a modified accrual method of accounting. Beginning 1 January 2012, UNDP will implement IPSAS, which is based on a full accrual method. IPSAS will result in a change in accounting policy and in the way transactions are recorded. UNDP will apply all IPSAS standards applicable to UNDP and the impact of these standards have been incorporated in the proposed financial regulations and rules.", "7. The following highlights some of the most significant changes:", "Under UNSAS the following principles and terminology are used:", "unpaid, namely, the sum of disbursements and unliquidated obligations.", "Under IPSAS the following principles and terminology will be used:", "use in the activities of UNDP or for administrative purposes and expected to be used during more than one financial period.", "New cost classifications", "8. The new cost classification has resulted in new definitions and terminology to be reflected in the financial regulations and rules.", "Other changes", "9. Other changes were made to reflect current organizational structures, working methods and to enhance consistency and clarity of terminology. The UNCDF annex to UNDP financial regulations and rules has been updated to reflect IPSAS and the new cost classification changes. It has also been updated to align it with current UNDP financial regulations and rules. Numbering changes have also been made to reflect the amendments.", "III. Steps followed for the revision", "10. A joint process was undertaken by the United Nations Secretariat, UNDP, UNFPA and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to achieve a level of harmonization on principle changes as a result of IPSAS and the new cost classifications. Although IPSAS affects all four organizations, the new cost classifications affect only UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF.", "IV. Overview of proposed revisions", "11. The proposed amendments to the financial regulations and rules are presented in annex 1, annex 2 and annex 3 of this document. Annex 1 provides a reasoning for and categorization of all changes proposed. In this annex, the reason for each change is in a separate category. The corresponding financial regulations and rules that are to be amended are then listed in that category. Annex 2 includes a table which contains the original financial regulations and rules with the amendment being reflected in track changes so that the manner in which the regulation or rule has been amended is readily identifiable. Annex 3 includes the changes to the UNCDF annex to UNDP financial regulations and rules.", "V. Implementation of the revised financial regulations and rules", "12. Should the Executive Board approve the proposed amended financial regulations and further take note of the amended financial rules, the Administrator will subsequently issue the proposed revised financial regulations and rules in accordance with regulation 2.02. This issuance must occur prior to 1 January 2012, to facilitate the upcoming adoption of IPSAS.", "Annex 1. Category and reasons for the proposed amendments and the corresponding changes to the relevant financial regulations and rules", "Summary of categories and reasons for amendment", "A. IPSAS General", "B. Revenue", "C. Expense", "D. Property, plant and equipment (PPE)", "E. Incorporation of new cost classifications", "F. Revision of the UNCDF annex", "G. New definitions", "H. Other amendments", "I. Numbering changes", "A. IPSAS General", "Regulations: 1.03; 2.03; 4.01; 13.10; 14.02; 14.04; 16.06; 20.03;26.01; 26.05; 26.08; 27.02 \n Rules: 114.01; 114.04; 126.14", "1. UNDP accounting policy is based on UNSAS, which is based on a modified accrual method of accounting. Beginning 1 January 2012, UNDP will implement IPSAS, which is based on a full accrual method. Under UNSAS financial statements are issued biennially. Under IPSAS, financial statements will be issued annually.", "2. In the current financial regulations and rules, the use of the word “funds” has different meanings depending on the context. It means either “resources” or “cash”. The term “funds” has also been used to reflect short-term liquidity. Where the term “funds” has not been used in the latter context, it has been replaced with the term “resources”.", "3. Under IPSAS, it is proposed that the following terms be used in the financial regulations and rules:", "two-year period for the financial statements and the budget period. The financial period under IPSAS shall consist of a single calendar year and shall also represent the period for which the financial statements are prepared.", "“biennium”. While the budget period will continue to be prepared on a two-year basis, it is proposed that the term “biennium” no longer be used in order to avoid any confusion between the previous financial statements which were also prepared on a biennium basis. The term “budget period” shall consist of two consecutive calendar years, the first of which shall be an even year. The budget period may change based on future proposals and decisions of the Executive Board in the context of implementation of the integrated budget.", "B. Revenue", "Regulations: 6.05; 9.03; 9.04; 13.02; 13.07; 26.04; 27.02 Article 9: title change \nRules: 115.01; 121.01 126.04; 126.05; 126.06; 126.07; 126.09; 126.10;126.17; 126.18; 126.20; 126.21;", "4. Under UNSAS, the term “income” represents cash received. Under the IPSAS-based accounting policies “revenue” refers to “funds received” and “funds to be received”.", "C. Expense", "Regulations: 3.01; 9.04; 11.05; 13.02; 13.07; 14.01; 14.02; 14.03;18.01; 18.02; 18.05; 18.06; 20.01; 20.02; 27.01; 27.02 \nrules: 107.02; 111.01; 114.02; 114.05; 115.01; 116.03; 118.01;118.02; 118.07; 118.08; 120.02; 120.03; 120.04; 122.02; 126.06;126.09; 126.10; 126.11; 126.12; 126.14; 126.19", "5. Under UNSAS, the term “expenditure” represents the total charges incurred whether paid or unpaid, namely, the sum of disbursements and unliquidated obligations. Under IPSAS, the term “expense” represents the disbursements and accruals for goods and services received the use or impairment of assets, dependent on the programme implementation arrangement and in accordance with UNDP administrative instructions issued by the Comptroller for a specific financial period.", "6. “Obligations” and “unliquidated obligations”, used under UNSAS, are now included under the term “commitment” under IPSAS.", "D. Property, plant and equipment (PPE)", "Regulations: 24.01; 24.02; 26.08 (revised write-off regulation);27.02 Article 24: Title change \n rules: 124.01; 124.02; 124.03; 124.04; 124.05; 124.06; 126.17;", "7. Under UNSAS, “non-expendable equipment” refers to all physical assets. These were expensed under UNSAS. Under IPSAS, physical assets are referred to as “property, plant and equipment” and are capitalized and depreciated in accordance with the IPSAS Policy on Property, Plant and Equipment.", "E. Incorporation of new cost classifications", "Regulations: 2.04; 9.01; 9.04; 10.03; 13.01; 13.02; 13.03; 13.04;13.05; 13.06; 13.07; 13.08; 13.09; 13.10; 14.01; 14.02; 14.03; 14.04;20.01; 27.02 Article 13; 14: title change \nRules: 109.01; 113.01; 113.02; 113.03; 113.04; 114.01; 114.03;126.05; 126.09; 126.14;", "8. Amendment to existing definitions and new definitions are proposed in order to reflect the Executive Board’s approval of the new cost classification terms in its decision DP/2010/32. The term “biennial support budget” is also to be replaced with the term “institutional budget” as the term “biennium” as set out in paragraph A (3) has been dropped.", "F. Revision of the UNCDF annex", "9. The UNCDF annex to the UNDP financial regulations and rules has been updated to reflect changes related to IPSAS and new cost classifications and is included as annex 3 to this document. It has also been updated to align it with current UNDP financial regulations and rules. Numbering changes have also been made to reflect the amendments.", "G. New definitions", "10. The definitions are updated in regulation 27.02 to reflect IPSAS-compliant definitions and the definitions of the new cost classifications. The new definitions facilitate a better understanding of the changes relating to IPSAS and the new cost classifications proposed in the financial regulations and rules.", "H. Other amendments", "11. Other proposed amendments to the financial regulations and rules are as follows:", "(a) Regulation 1.05 – removal of reference to United Nations Development Fund for Women to reflect the establishment of UN-Women, which is now an independent United Nations organization;", "(b) Rule 103.01 – change in the name of the ‘Bureau for Resources and Strategic Partnerships’ to the “Partnerships Bureau”;", "(c) Article 4, regulations 4.01, 4.02 and 4.03; rules 103.02 and rule 116.04 – change in the title “External Audit” to “Audit” and amendment of regulations and rules relating to internal audit;", "(d) Regulation 4.01 – the reference to article VII of the United Nations financial regulations corrected;", "(e) Regulation 5.09 and rule 105.01 – regulations relating to certain reporting requirements which are no longer applicable have been deleted as UNDP will follow the reporting requirements of IPSAS; amendment to harmonize the UNDP approach with that of UNICEF and UNFPA;", "(f) Regulation 6.05 – correction of the name of the Executive Board to include United Nations Office of Project Services;", "(g) Regulation 10.03 – editorial correction of the regulation;", "(h) Rule 124.02 and rule 124.03 – the term ‘Property Survey Board’ is no longer applicable and is to be replaced by “Review Committees” to capture all relevant review committees of UNDP relating to procurement and asset acquisition and disposals;", "(i) Regulation 25.03 – inclusion of an additional provision on investment of funds to provide flexibility to respond to United Nations Board of Auditors recommendation regarding investment of funds set aside for After Service Health Insurance liabilities;", "(j) Rule 125.06(c) – new rule included based on recommendation of Nemeth Report on the Democratic People's Republic of Korea to provide sufficient comprehensive guidance in dealing with country office payments in local and foreign currencies;", "(k) Rule 125.09 – inclusion of an exception to the rule on petty cash to facilitate business-process simplification and to address challenges experienced in cash management, particularly in projects directly implemented by UNDP;", "(l) Rule 126.07 – amendment to harmonize the UNDP approach relating to the refund of interest to donors with the approaches of UNICEF and UNFPA;", "(m) Rule 126.08 – removal of accounting type rules which are in the nature of policy and should therefore be placed in UNDP policies and procedures;", "(n) Rule 126.20 – deleted as management service agreements now form part of UNDP revenue in accordance with IPSAS policy;", "(o) Regulation 26.06 and rules 126.13 and 126.16 – the write-off regulation and rules which were previously regulation 26.06 and rules 126.13 and 126.16 have been consolidated into one new regulation 26.08 and rule 126.18.", "I. Numbering changes", "12. Due to the changes reflected above, the numbering of the following regulations and rules will change:", "(a) Regulation 4.01 to regulation 4.04", "(b) Regulation 5.10 to regulation 5.09", "(c) Regulation 5.11 to regulation 5.10", "(d) Rule 105.02 to rule 105.01", "(e) Regulation 26.07 to regulation 26.06", "(f) Regulation 26.08 to regulation 26.07", "(g) Rule 126.09 to rule 126.08", "(h) Rule 126.10 to regulation 126.09", "(i) Rule 126.11 to rule 126.10", "(j) Rule 126.12 to rule 126.11", "(k) Rule 126.14 to rule 126.12", "(l) Rule 126.15 to rule 126.13", "(m) Rule 126.17 to rule 126.14", "(n) Rule 126.18 to rule 126.15", "(o) Rule 126.19 to rule 126.16", "(p) Rule 126.21 to rule 126.17", "Annex 2. Proposed revised UNDP financial regulations and rules with reason for changes", "Reference\tProposed change\tReason forchange\nChapterA:Applicability \nArticle 1:Applicability \nRegulation1.03:\tThese regulations shall become effectiveon 1 January 2012.\tIPSAS General\nRegulation1.05:\t(a) Unless otherwise specified in (b)below, the UNDP financial regulations andrules shall apply to all resourcesadministered by the United Nations CapitalDevelopment Fund, by the United NationsRevolving Fund for Natural ResourcesExploration, by the United Nations Fundfor Science and Technology for Developmentand by the United Nations VolunteersProgramme.\tIPSAS OtherRemovedreference toUN-Women\n   \nChapterB:Accountability \nArticle2:Accountability \nRegulation2.03:\tThere shall be established UNDP accountsin which all resources administered andutilized by UNDP should be recorded.\tIPSAS General\nRegulation2.04:\tThe period for the purpose of theutilization of the institutional budgetshall consist of two consecutive calendaryears (hereinafter referred to as thebudget period), the first of which shallbe an even year.\tNew costclassificationsFinancialperiodalreadydefined inreg 26.05which is inline withIPSAS\n   \nArticle 3:Internalcontrol \nRegulation3.01:\tThe Administrator shall maintain aninternal financial control mechanism whichshall provide for an effective currentexamination and review of financial,management and operational activities, inorder to ensure:\t\nRegulation3.01:\t(b) The conformity of commitments anddisbursements with the allocations,appropriations or other financialprovisions decided upon by the ExecutiveBoard with allocations decided upon by theAdministrator or with agreements withother United Nations organizations andother entities;\tIPSAS -Expenses\nRule103.01:\t(b) The Assistant Administrator,Partnerships Bureau, for Chapter C ofthese financial regulations and rulesgoverning the mobilization of resources;\tOther –updated toreflectcurrentstructure\n   \nArticle 4:Audit Other-OAIchanges\nRegulation4.01\tThe Office of Audit and Investigationsshall be responsible for the internalaudit of UNDP. It shall conductindependent, objective assurance andadvisory activities in conformity with theInternational Standards for theProfessional Practice of InternalAuditing. It shall evaluate and contributeto the improvement of governance, riskmanagement and control processes, andreport thereon. The Office of Audit andInvestigations shall exercise operationalindependence in the performance of itsduties.\tOther - OAI\nRegulation4.02\tThe Office of Audit and Investigationsshall be responsible for assessing andinvestigating allegations of fraud andcorruption committed by UNDP personnel orcommitted by others to the detriment ofUNDP.\tOther - OAI\nRegulation4.03\tThe internal audit function’s purpose,authority and responsibility shall befurther defined in the Charter of theOffice of Audit and Investigations.\tOther - OAIRule104.01\tThe Office of Audit and Investigationsshall evaluate the adequacy andeffectiveness of governance, riskmanagement and control processes regardingthe:\tOther - OAI (a) reliability and integrity of financialand other information; (b) effectiveness and efficiency ofoperations; (c) safeguarding of assets; and \n\t(d) compliance with legislative mandates,regulations, rules, policies andprocedures.\t\nRule104.02\tBased on a risk assessment, the Office ofAudit and Investigations shall determine,in consultation with the Chief FinanceOfficer, the nationally implementedprojects and projects implemented bynon-governmental organizations, which areto be audited. It shall review and assessaudit reports prepared by third-partyauditors on such audits and on audits ofimplementing partners related toUNDP-funded activities.\tOther - OAI\nRule104.03\tThe Office of Audit and Investigationsshall have free access to theorganization’s records, personnel andpremises, as necessary, in its opinion,for the performance of its duties.\tOther - OAI\nRule104.04\tThe Office of Audit and Investigationsshall submit its results to theAdministrator and other senior managers asappropriate. At least annually, theDirector of the Office of Audit andInvestigations shall submit a report tothe Executive Board on the internal auditand investigation activities and onsignificant findings, providing insightinto the efficient and effectiveutilization of resources.\tOther - OAIRegulation4.04:\tThe external audit provisions of articleVII of the United Nations financialregulations have been annexed to theseregulations and shall apply to UNDP,except that:\tOther –correctreference toUN financialregulationsand rules \n Numbering \nRegulation4.04:\t(a) The reports of the Board of Auditors,together with the audited financialstatements and the comments thereon of theAdvisory Committee, shall also betransmitted to the members of theExecutive Board;\tNumbering\nRegulation4.04:\t(b) Organizations of the United Nationssystem and the United Nations Office forProject Services entrusted with theexecution or implementation of UNDPprogramme activities shall transmit to theAdministrator, for submission to theExecutive Board, annual accounts showingthe status of resources allocated to themby the Administrator. Such accounts shallbear audit certificates from the externalauditors of the organizations and shall beaccompanied by their reports, if any, andcopies of any relevant resolutions adoptedby their legislative or governing bodies;\tIPSAS –GeneralNumbering\nRegulation4.04:\t(c) In submitting the above annualaccounts to the Executive Board, and aspart of the comments submitted with theaudited financial statements of UNDP, theAdministrator shall comment on theauditors’ substantive observations and ontheir follow-up.\tIPSAS –GeneralNumbering \nChapterC:Resources \nArticle 5:Generalframework \nRegulation5.09:\tEntities Headquartered in a netcontributor country that has contributedin a non-convertible currency shall bereimbursed for services and equipmentpurchased for the programme activitiesonly in the currency of that country wheresuch a currency is accumulated and untilsuch accumulation is used; conversely, if,when utilizing a non-convertiblecontribution, costs are incurred in othercurrencies, these shall be reimbursed toUNDP in a convertible currency.\tNumbering\nRegulation5.10:\tThe Administrator shall provide annuallyinformation to the Executive Board on anydifficulties encountered in fullyutilizing the currencies available toUNDP, together with any additionalinformation requested by the ExecutiveBoard on currency utilization.\tNumbering\nRule105.01:\tFurther to regulation 5.07, theAdministrator will promulgate guidelinesto ensure risks are mitigated to theextent possible.\tNumbering\n   \nArticle 6:Voluntarycontributionstoregularresources \nRegulation6.05:\tWithout prejudice to the annual pledgingconference convened by theSecretary-General, a special UNDP fundingmeeting will be convened on an annualbasis within the context of the annualsession of the UNDP/UNFPA/UNOPS ExecutiveBoard, at which voluntary contributions toUNDP regular resources will be formallyannounced. This funding meeting will bethe time when all member States would:\tOther -Change tocorrectterminologyfor ExecutiveBoard\nRegulation6.05:\t(a) Announce their voluntary contributionsto UNDP as follows: a firm funding pledgefor the current year; for those in aposition to do so, a firm contribution orindication of the contribution for thefollowing year; and a firm or tentativecontribution for the third year;\tIPSAS -Revenue\n   \nArticle 7:Cost-sharingcontributionstootherresources \nRegulation7.01:\tThe Administrator is authorized to enterinto cost-sharing agreements providedthese have been agreed to by the programmecountry or countries, subject to suchprinciples as the Executive Board mayestablish.\t\nRule107.02:\tCost-sharing contributions shall be setforth in the project document and/or in anagreement with the contributing party.These contributions shall be due inadvance of the related commitments anddisbursements according to a schedule ofpayments agreed to in writing by UNDP.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle 8:Trustfundcontributionstootherresources \n   \nArticle 9:Othercontributionsandrevenue IPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation9.01:\tHost government contributions to the costsof UNDP country offices.\t\nRegulation9.01:\t(b) Contributions in cash towards thecosts of UNDP country offices shall becredited to the institutional budget ofUNDP.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation9.03:\tAt the request of programme countries,UNDP may provide management and othersupport services associated with thefinancing of activities by governments, orintergovernmental or governmentalorganizations. Such management and othersupport services shall be consistent withthe policies, aims and activities of UNDP.The revenue derived from the provision ofsuch management and other support servicesshall be considered as other resources.\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation9.04:\tAll revenue to UNDP shall be classified asmiscellaneous revenue, except:\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation9.04:\t(a) The revenue from the contributionsspecified in this Chapter C (Resources);\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation9.04:\t(b) Direct refunds of disbursements inrespect to programme activities during theapproved duration of a programme activity,i.e., before the final allocation for UNDPassistance to a programme activity ismade;\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation9.04:\t(c) Direct refund of disbursements inrespect to the institutional budget duringthe current budget period;\tIPSAS –ExpenseNew costclassifications\nRule109.01:\tHost government contributions in kind tosupport the cost of UNDP country offices(e.g., goods, services or premises) shallbe appropriately recognized in theinstitutional budget of UNDP.\tNew costclassifications\n   \nChapterD:Resourceplanningandfinancialauthorization \nArticle 10:Generalframework \nRegulation10.03:\tSubject only to the maintenance on acontinuous basis of the reserves set forthunder article 25 and for working capital,and after provision has been made for theinstitutional budget; all resources ofUNDP shall be available to the maximumextent possible for programme activities.\tNew costclassificationsOther -Editorialchange\n   \nArticle 11:Programmeactivities:distributionofresources \nRegulation11.05:\tSubject to decisions that the ExecutiveBoard may make with regard to specificprogramme categories, at the end of afinancial framework period any unexpendedavailable balance of resources assigned toa specific programme category shall inprinciple be available for the samerespective category in the next financialframework period. Similarly, anycommitments and disbursements aboveresources assigned in a specific categoryin a financial framework period shallconstitute a first charge against therespective category in the next financialframework period.\tIPSAS -Expenses\nRule111.01:\t(a) At least annually, at the end of eachcalendar year the Assistant Administrator,Bureau of Management, shall incorporatefor the rolling planning period estimatesof the resources expected to be availablefor new programme commitments anddisbursements, and outstanding commitmentsagainst those resources.\tIPSAS -Expenses\nRule111.01:\t(d) Within the resource planningframework, the Administrator shall setauthorized spending limits, or ceilingsfor encumbrances, commitments anddisbursements targets for each year of theplanning period and for the planningperiod as a whole.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle 12:Programmeactivities:resourceassignment \n   \nArticle 13:Institutionalbudget:submissionandapproval New costclassifications\nRegulation13.01:\tThe Administrator shall prepare theproposed institutional budget, which shallcover development effectiveness, UnitedNations development coordination,management and special purpose activities.The proposed institutional budget shall berelated to the current planning period.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.02:\tThe institutional budget shall coverproposed commitments and disbursements andanticipated revenue relating to the budgetperiod and shall be submitted in UnitedStates dollars.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS –Revenue andExpense\nRegulation13.03:\tThe Administrator shall, in the last yearof the budget period, submit the proposedinstitutional budget for the followingbudget period to the Executive Board. Thisproposed institutional budget shall betransmitted to all members of theExecutive Board at least six weeks priorto the opening of that session of theBoard.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.04:\t(a) The institutional budget estimatesshall be submitted to the AdvisoryCommittee for comment prior topresentation to the Executive Board.\tNew costsclassifications\nRegulation13.04:\t(b) The proposed budget, together with theAdvisory Committee report thereon, shallbe considered for approval by theExecutive Board in September of the yearpreceding the period to which the budgetrelates.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.05:\tThe Advisory Committee is requested toprepare a report for submission to theExecutive Board on the proposedinstitutional budget. This report shall betransmitted to all members of theExecutive Board as soon as it isavailable.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.06:\tThe Executive Board shall, in the lastyear of the budget period, adopt theinstitutional budget for the followingbudget period.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.07:\tThe proposed institutional budget, forplanned revenue, commitments anddisbursements, shall be prepared in theform adopted by the Executive Board inrelevant decisions on the harmonization ofbudget presentations.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS –Revenue andexpense\nRegulation13.08:\tThe Administrator may submit supplementaryproposals to amend the institutionalbudget whenever necessary.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.09:\tThe Administrator, in preparingsupplementary proposals to amend theinstitutional budget, shall do so in aform consistent with the approvedinstitutional budget and shall submit suchproposals to the Executive Board. Theyshall also be submitted to the AdvisoryCommittee, which is requested to reviewthem and report thereon to the ExecutiveBoard.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation13.10:\tSubsequent to a session of the ExecutiveBoard in the last year of the budgetperiod, the Administrator may utilize thebudgetary contingency provision of 3 percent of the approved gross appropriationsfor unforeseen requirements resulting fromcurrency movements, inflation or decisionsof the General Assembly. Such usage shallbe reported to the Executive Board at itsnext regular session and to the AdvisoryCommittee, which is requested to review itand report thereon to the Executive Board.\tIPSAS -GeneralNew costclassifications\nRule113.01:\t(a) For each budget period, the UNDPinstitutional budget shall be establishedwithin the parameters of the currentplanning framework.\tNew costclassifications\nRule113.01:\t(c) The Administrator shall decide as tothe proposed institutional budget to besubmitted to the Executive Board.\tNew costclassifications\nRule113.02:\tAny supplementary institutional budgetproposals shall be reviewed by theAssistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, who shall make recommendationsto the Administrator. In each case, theAdministrator shall decide whether or notto submit a supplementary institutionalbudget proposal.\tNew costclassifications\nRule113.03:\tThe proposed institutional budget shallcomprise:\tNew costclassifications\nRule113.03:\t(c) The budget proposals, with explanatorystatements covering developmenteffectiveness, United Nations developmentcoordination, management and specialpurpose activities;\tNew costclassifications\nRule113.04:\t(a) Supplementary proposals to amend theinstitutional budget may be submitted ifinflation forecasts, currency fluctuationsor other cost factors are expected to havea significant impact on approvedappropriations.\tNew costclassifications\nRule113.04:\t(b) The proposed institutional budgetshall contain provision for the refund toUNDP staff members of income taxes leviedon them in respect to earnings derivedfrom employment with UNDP.\tNew costclassifications\n   \nArticle 14:Institutionalbudget:appropriations New costclassifications\nRegulation14.01:\tAppropriations for the institutionalbudget approved by the Executive Boardshall constitute an authorization to theAdministrator to incur commitments and tomake disbursements for the purposes forwhich the appropriations were approved andup to the amounts so approved.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS -ExpenseRegulation14.02:\tAppropriations for the institutionalbudget shall be available for commitmentduring the budget period to which theyrelate.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS -General \n IPSAS –Expense\nRegulation14.03:\t(a) Appropriations shall remain availablefor 12 months following the end of thebudget period to which they relate to theextent that they are required to dischargeany outstanding commitment of the budgetperiod. The balance of the appropriationsshall revert to the UNDP regular resourcesaccount.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS –Expense\nRegulation14.03:\t(b) Any outstanding commitment at the endof the budget period in question shall atthat time be cancelled or, where theoutstanding commitment remains a validcharge, transferred as a commitmentagainst current appropriations.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation14.04:\tTransfers between the appropriation linesfor the budget period may be made by theAdministrator, subject to such limits asthe Executive Board may specificallydecide with the prior concurrence of theAdvisory Committee.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS -General\nRule114.01:\t(b) Authorization by the AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management, toexpend the institutional budgetappropriations may take the form of:\tNew costclassifications\nRule114.01:\ti. An authorized spending limit ofresources or other authorization to commitresources for a specific period and/or aspecific purpose; and/or\tIPSAS –General\nRule114.02:\t(a) An authorized spending limit shall beissued at least annually by the AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management, toeach business unit for the objects ofcommitments and disbursements under itscontrol.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule114.02:\t(b) Each business unit is responsible forensuring that policies and procedures withrespect to commitments, accruals anddisbursements are adhered to as describedin chapter G.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule114.03:\tCommitments in the interest of UNDPagainst resources anticipated for futureperiods may be authorized only by theAssistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement. Such commitments shallnormally be restricted to administrativerequirements of a continuing nature and toother contractual arrangements wherelonger lead times are required to ensuretimely delivery and shall be treated as afirst charge to the relevantappropriations approved by the ExecutiveBoard.\tNew costclassifications\nRule114.04:\t(a) An authorized staffing table shall beissued for the budget period by theAssistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, to each business unit,indicating the number and level ofapproved posts.\tIPSAS -General\nRule114.05:\tThe Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, may redeploy resources amongbusiness units and budgetary accounts,provided such redeployments are within thetotal appropriations approved by theExecutive Board for an appropriation line.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle 15:Supportservices \nRegulation15.03:\tThe Administrator is authorized to makeadequate arrangements with the programmecountry Government, executing entity or,under the harmonized operationalmodalities established in response toGeneral Assembly resolution 56/201,implementing partner for reimbursement ofcosts incurred by UNDP for supportservices it provides.\t\nRule115.01:\t(a) Where the supply of such goods andservices is of a regular and continuingnature, except where reciprocalarrangements have been made with theapproval of the Assistant Administrator,Bureau of Management, the relevant budgetshall include provision both for the costof such goods and services, and for anyrepayment thereof as revenue;\tIPSAS –Revenue\nRule115.01:\t(b) In the absence of pre-financing orbudgetary provision, the AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management, mayinstitute a reimbursement arrangement byauthorizing commitments and disbursementsto be incurred and charged to accountsreceivable pending recovery from the partyconcerned.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nChapterE:Utilizationofresourcesbyexecutingentitiesandimplementingpartners \nArticle16:Generalframework \nRegulation16.06:\tThe Administrator shall establish, fromtime to time, in consultation with theBoard of Auditors, criteria determiningwhich UNDP programme activities carriedout by an executing entity, or under theharmonized operational modalities, by animplementing partner, are to be auditedannually. Such criteria shall be madeavailable to the Board of Auditors.\tIPSAS -General\nRule116.03:\t(a) The existence of an agreementgoverning UNDP programme activities in aprogramme country in the form of astandard agreement, or, in the absence ofa standard agreement, in the form of astandard annex to the project document, isa precondition for the approval of UNDPprogramme activities or for otherwiseencumbering funds for UNDP programmeactivities.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle17:Designation,selectionandterminationof theexecutingentityandimplementingpartner \n   \nArticle18:Financialoversightof theexecutingentityandimplementingpartnerfunctions \nRegulation18.01:\tThe budget covering UNDP programmeactivities, as contained in an approveddocument, shall constitute the allocationof resources by the Administrator to theexecuting entity or, under the harmonizedoperational modalities, implementingpartner, and the authorization to enterinto commitments and incur disbursements.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation18.02:\tThe budget covering UNDP programmeactivities shall be presented in annualsegments and shall constitute a ceiling oncommitments and disbursements for thecurrent year and on commitments for futureyears in connection with UNDP programmeactivities for which the allocation wasmade.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation18.05:\t(a) Each executing entity, or, under theharmonized operational modalities,implementing partners, shall maintain suchaccounts and records as are necessary toenable it to report on the financialstatus of funds obtained from or throughUNDP, including in particular the balanceof recorded allocations, commitments,accruals and disbursements, as applicable,except in the case of sector budgetsupport and pooled funds.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation18.05:\t(b) The Administrator shall establish thepolicies and procedures for UNDPparticipation in direct budget support andpooled funds. The policies and proceduresshall provide that UNDP may make financialcontributions to either sector budgetsupport or pooled funds. The policies andprocedures shall further provide for UNDPreporting to the Executive Board on thefinancial status of funds obtained from orthrough UNDP based on the totality ofcomingled resources contributed to thesector budget support or pooled fund, onthe basis of programme and financialreporting established in the agreementamong the participants to, and governing,the sector budget support or pooled fund.The expense recognition for UNDP resourcescontributed to the sector budget supportor pooled fund shall be on a proratedbasis including the total contributions bythe participating partners.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation18.06:\t(a) Following completion of UNDP programmeactivities, the balance of the allocationbetween actual commitments anddisbursements and the allocation shallrevert to the respective source ofresources;\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation18.06:\t(b) The final allocation shall remainavailable for the period of time requiredto discharge any outstanding commitmentsfor UNDP programme activities to which itrelates.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule118.01:\tAgreed documents describing UNDP programmeactivities shall include a budget to beestablished on an annualized basis for theduration of UNDP programme activities. Thebudgetary provision contained in theagreed document shall constitute anallocation and an encumbrance of funds byUNDP to finance UNDP programme activitiesdescribed therein, subject to theavailability of resources.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule118.02:\tAt agreed regular intervals, all executingentities or, under the harmonizedoperational modalities, implementingpartners, shall be required to submit toUNDP reports on the status of allocationsmade to them by UNDP, includinginformation in respect to their totalrecorded allocations, disbursements,commitments, cash holdings and otherfinancial data.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule118.07:\t(a) Except as provided under (b) below,project budgets and authorized spendinglimits shall constitute ceilings forcommitments and disbursements on UNDPprogramme activities for current andfuture years;\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule118.07:\t(b) In any given year, the expenses of anexecuting entity or, under the harmonizedoperational modalities, implementingpartner, may exceed an approved projectbudget for that year by 4 per cent of thatyear’s annual project budget (excludingthe cost-sharing and trust fund budget).These additional expenses are authorizedprovided that the total excess amount ofsuch entity or partner for that year doesnot exceed 2 per cent of the total UNDPfund (excluding cost-sharing and trustfunds) approved for the expenses by thatentity or partner for that year.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule118.08:\t(a) As soon as UNDP programme activitieshave ceased, the executing entity or,under the harmonized operationalmodalities, implementing partner, shalldeclare them operationally completed. Itshall inform UNDP of such operationalcompletion and submit to UNDP a budgetrevision, in conformity with establishedprocedures for budget revision, reflectingactual and estimated expenses to date.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle19:Grants \n   \nChapterF:Utilizationofresourcesby UNDP \nArticle20:Generalframework \nRegulation20.01:\tCommitments and disbursements for thecurrent year and commitments for futureyears shall be incurred only afterallocations for UNDP programme activities,allotments in respect to the institutionalbudget or other appropriate authorizationshave been made in writing under theauthority of the Administrator.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation20.02:\tUnless otherwise expressly authorized bythe Administrator, there shall be aseparation of duties:\t\nRegulation20.02:\t(a) Between the staff who may incurcommitments on behalf of UNDP and thestaff who may verify that payments may bemade on behalf of UNDP; and\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation20.03:\tThe Administrator shall:\t\nRegulation20.03:\t(b) Cause all commitments to be made onthe basis of supporting documents whichensure that resources are available tocover the anticipated claim, in the formof an allocation or an allotment;\tIPSAS -General\nRule120.02:\t(a) The Chief Procurement Officer shallspecify the amounts above whichestablishment or amendment of a commitmentdocument is required. Such amounts shallinclude a series of commitments for thesame purpose.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule120.02:\t(c) Resources must be committed, by meansof a commitment document, as soon as acontract, agreement or undertaking of anynature has been entered into.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule120.03:\t(a) Each proposed commitment document,accompanied by appropriate supportingdocumentation, shall be signed by acommitting officer.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule120.03:\t(c) The Chief Procurement Officer mayreject any proposal for commitment ordisbursement.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule120.03:\t(d) The Chief Procurement Officer shallhave authority to certify commitmentsunder all accounts.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule120.04:\tFurther to regulation 20.02, regardingexceptions to the separation of duties:\t\nRule120.04:\t(b) At least two signatories are requiredto authorize the expense of funds;\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle21:Procurementofgoodsandservices \nRegulation21.02:\tThe following general principles shall begiven due consideration when exercisingthe procurement functions of UNDP:\t\nRegulation21.02:\t(a) Best value for money;\t\nRegulation21.02:\t(b) Fairness, integrity and transparency;\t\nRegulation21.02:\t(c) Effective international competition;\t\nRegulation21.02:\t(d) The interest of UNDP.\t\nRule121.01:\tProcurement Authority:\t\nRule121.01:\t(b) The Chief Procurement Officer shallensure that the procurement functions arecarried out in accordance with therelevant financial regulations and rules.To this end, the Chief ProcurementOfficer:\t\nRule121.01:\tii. Shall establish review committees, atHeadquarters and other locations, torender written advice to the ChiefProcurement Officer on procurement actionsleading to the award or amendment ofprocurement contracts, which, for purposesof these regulations and rules, includesagreements or other written instruments,such as purchase orders, and contractsthat involve revenue to UNDP. The ChiefProcurement Officer shall establish thecomposition and the terms of reference ofsuch committees, which shall include thetypes and monetary values of proposedprocurement actions subject to review;\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRule121.02:\tProcurement modalities\t\n   \nArticle22:Verificationforpayments \nRegulation22.01:\tThe Administrator shall:\t\nRegulation22.01:\t(a) Designate the staff who may verifythat payments may be made on behalf ofUNDP;\t\nRegulation22.01:\t(b) Cause all payments to be made on thebasis of supporting vouchers and otherdocuments that ensure the services orgoods have been received, and thatpayments have not previously been made.\t\nRule122.02:\t(a) A verifying officer shall approve avoucher for payment when:\t\nRule122.02:\tii. It is supported by documents whichindicate that the goods or services forwhich payment is claimed have beenreceived or rendered in accordance withthe terms of the contract and the relatedcommitment;\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule122.02:\t(b) Should an invoice be presented forpayment in an amount which exceeds theexisting relevant commitment either by theamount specified by the Chief ProcurementOfficer in rule 120.02 or more, priorcommitment of resources by a committingofficer is required.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRule122.02:\t(c) For payments for which funds did notneed to be reserved by the recording of acommitment in accordance with rule 120.02,the documentation supporting the paymentvoucher must be signed by a committingofficer before the payment may be approvedby a verifying officer.\tIPSAS -Expense\n   \nArticle23: Exgratiapayments \n   \nChapterG:Administrationofresources \nArticle24:Managementofsupplies,property,plantandequipmentandotherassets IPSAS - PPE\nRegulation24.01:\tThe Administrator is responsible andaccountable for managing the supplies,property, plant and equipment of UNDPeffectively and efficiently in furtheranceof its mandate and activities.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRegulation24.01:\t(a) The management of supplies, property,plant and equipment includes all actionsnecessary for its receipt, custody,maintenance and disposal;\tIPSAS - PPE\nRegulation24.01:\t(b) The Administrator may delegateauthority, as appropriate, for suchmanagement of supplies, property, plantand equipment.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRegulation24.02:\tSupplies, property, plant and equipmentfinanced or provided by UNDP shall belongto UNDP unless and until such time asownership or control is transferred, onterms and conditions mutually agreed uponbetween the programme country and UNDP.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.01:\t(a) The Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, shall determine the types ofsupplies, property, plant and equipmentfor which records shall be maintained andshall establish the nature and extent ofthe records in keeping with the purpose ofthese rules.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.01:\t(b) The Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, shall be responsible for themaintenance of the property recordsestablished under (a) above. Such recordsshall be maintained both for Headquartersand for UNDP country offices and shallshow separately supplies, property, plantand equipment belonging to UNDP and/orentrusted to the charge of UNDP.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.01:\t(c) Physical verification shall be takenof supplies, property, plant and equipmentowned by UNDP, or entrusted to the chargeof UNDP annually or at such intervals asdeemed necessary to ensure adequatecontrol over such property. The selectionof items to be verified shall be theresponsibility of the AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management, whoshall also arrange for the conduct ofphysical verification at Headquarters andcountry offices.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.02:\tThe Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, shall establish reviewcommittees for Headquarters and otherlocations, to render written advice to himor her in respect to loss, damage or otherdiscrepancy in relation to the property,plant and equipment of UNDP. The AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management, maydelegate responsibility under this rule asmay be appropriate in fulfilling thepurposes of this rule. He or she shallestablish the composition and terms ofreference of such boards, which shallinclude procedures for determining thecause of such loss, damage or otherdiscrepancy, the disposal action and thedegree of responsibility, if any,attaching to any official of UNDP or otherparty, for such loss, damage or otherdiscrepancy. The Assistant Administrator,Bureau of Management, shall be responsiblefor the disposal of property, plant andequipment by means other than sale andshall issue administrative instructionsfor such disposal actions.\tOther –Propertysurvey boardchanged toreviewcommitteesIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.03:\t(a) The Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, shall be responsible for thedisposal of property, plant and equipmentby sale. He or she shall establishadministrative instructions for the saleof property and may delegate authority asnecessary.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.03:\t(b) Supplies, property, plant andequipment declared surplus orunserviceable following a recommendationby the applicable review committees shallbe sold after competitive bidding, unless:\tIPSAS – PPEOther –Propertysurvey boardchanged toreviewcommittees\nRule124.03:\ti. The book value per item is less than anamount to be specified by the AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management, fordisposal by competitive bidding.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.03:\tii. The exchange of surplus supplies,property, plant and equipment in partialor full payment for replacement will, inthe opinion of the applicable reviewcommittee, be in the interest of UNDP;\tIPSAS PPEOther –Propertysurvey boardchanged toreviewcommittees\nRule124.03:\tiii. It will be more economical to destroythe surplus or unserviceable material orits destruction is required by law or byits nature.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.04:\tAll supplies, property, plant andequipment received by UNDP shallimmediately be inspected to ensure thatthe items comply with the specificationsof the purchase contract and that theircondition is satisfactory. As an item isreceived an appropriate receiving reportshall be issued and the item shall beentered, if required under rule 124.01(a),into the property records.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.05:\tUNDP supplies, property, plant andequipment shall be sold on the basis ofpayments on or before delivery. Exceptionsto this rule may be authorized in writingby the Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, when, in his or her view, thisis in the interest of UNDP.\tIPSAS - PPE\nRule124.06:\tOwnership of supplies, property, plant andequipment may be transferred, on terms andconditions mutually agreed upon betweenthe programme country and UNDP, at anytime after its arrival in the countrybeing assisted and shall be effected bythe Resident Representative afterconsultation with the parties concerned.\tIPSAS - PPE\n   \nArticle25:Cashmanagement \nRegulation25.03\tTaking into account the objectives andpolicies of UNDP and the specialrequirements of its operations, includingliquidity, moneys not required immediatelymay be placed in liquid fixed-terminstruments by the Administrator. TheAdministrator may, in exceptionalcircumstances, upon recommendation of theinvestment committee, place such funds inother investment instruments.\tOther – toprovideflexibilityregardinginvestment offunds\nRegulation25.06:\tThe specific advance approval of theExecutive Board shall be required for anyloan of UNDP resources not authorizedunder the provision of these regulations.\t\nRule125.06(c)\tAll local disbursements of a countryoffice must be paid in local currency tothe extent possible, fully utilizingnon-convertible balances held prior toutilization of convertible local currencybalances held. Use of convertible currencyin lieu of non-convertible currency forlocal disbursement may be exceptionallyapproved by the Administrator when localconditions dictate.\tOther – newrule toprovideguidance oncountryofficepayments\nRule125.09:\tPetty cash advances may be made availableto officials designated by the Treasureror his or her designate from petty cashaccounts. The Treasurer may, whereadequate safeguards are provided,authorize petty cash advances from pettycash accounts to non-staff personnel up toan amount determined by the Treasurer.These cash accounts shall be maintained onan imprest basis. The amount and purposesof each account shall be defined by theTreasurer. The amount held shall be theminimum compatible with workingrequirements.\tOther –change inpetty cashrule tofacilitatebusinessprocesssimplification.\n   \nArticle26:Accounting \nRegulation26.01:\tThe Administrator shall annually submitfinancial statements in accordance withthe International Public Sector AccountingStandards, including a regular resourcesaccount and an other resources account.Separate financial statements will besubmitted annually for all funds andprogrammes administered by UNDP.\tIPSAS -General\nRegulation26.04:\tMiscellaneous revenue shall be credited tothe relevant UNDP account to which therevenue accrued or from which it derived.\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation26.05:\tThe financial period shall consist of asingle calendar year.\tIPSAS -General\nRegulation26.06:\tAll trust funds shall be reported indetail to the Executive Board through theAdvisory Committee.\tNumbering\nRegulation26.07:\tThe financial statements shall besubmitted by the Administrator, not laterthan 30 April of the year following theend of each financial period, to theUnited Nations Board of Auditors forexamination and opinion.\tIPSAS –GeneralNumbering\nRule126.04:\tPayments of voluntary contributionsintended for credit to UNDP that are inUnited States dollars shall be recorded asrevenue in the actual amount received byUNDP. Payments of voluntary contributionsin other than United States dollars shallbe recorded as revenue expressed in UnitedStates dollars at the United Nationsoperational rate of exchange in effect onthe date of payment.\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRule126.05:\tHost government cash contributions towardsthe cost of UNDP country offices shall becredited as revenue in the grossinstitutional budget of UNDP. If receivedin local currency, credit in United Statesdollars will be at the United Nationsoperational rate of exchange in effect onthe date of payment.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS –Revenue\nRule126.06:\t(b) Exchange adjustments arising fromother financial transactions shall berecorded separately as miscellaneousrevenue or expenses, as appropriate.\tIPSAS –Expense andRevenue\nRule126.07:\t(a) Revenue from investments shall berecorded as miscellaneous revenue in therelevant UNDP account. Unless authorizedby the Administrator, no interest shall bepayable on funds administered by UNDP.\tIPSAS –RevenueOther –retention ofinterestRule126.08:\t(a) Refunds of expenses financed from agiven institutional budget shall becredited to the accounts originallycharged, if received in the same financialperiod or, if received subsequent to thatperiod, to miscellaneous revenue.\tNew costclassificationsIPSAS –Revenue andExpense \n Numbering \nRule126.08:\t(b) Refunds of project expenses receivedduring the life of a project, i.e., beforethe final allocation of UNDP assistance ismade, shall be credited to the projectaccount originally charged. Refundssubsequently received shall be credited tomiscellaneous revenue.\tIPSAS –Revenue andExpenseNumbering\nRule126.09:\t(a) Savings or deficits on liabilitiescharged to financially completed UNDPprogramme activities shall be credited orcharged to the relevant UNDP account undermiscellaneous revenue.\tIPSAS –Revenue andExpenseNumbering\nRule126.09:\t(b) Unforeseen disbursements or refunds inrespect to financially completed UNDPprogramme activities shall be charged orcredited to the relevant UNDP accountunder miscellaneous revenue.\tIPSAS –Revenue andExpenseNumbering\nRule126.09:\t(c) Such net adjustments on account offinancially completed UNDP programmeactivities shall not exceed 10 per cent ofthe final allocation made to the relevantbudget or $50,000, whichever is less,without the approval of the AssistantAdministrator, Bureau of Management.\tNumbering\nRule126.10:\tWhen a commitment is incurred incurrencies other than United Statesdollars, it shall be recorded in theaccounts in the United States dollarequivalent at the prevailing UnitedNations operational rate of exchange. Ifat the time of payment currencyfluctuation has resulted in a change inthe United States dollar equivalent fromthe original amount committed, thedifference is to be charged or credited tothe same account against which thecommitment was recorded. In such cases, anamendment to the original commitmentdocument is not required. Valid commitmentat 31 December should be revalued toreflect the United Nations operationalrate of exchange in effect on that date,and an amended commitment document beissued, if the revalued obligation exceedsthe original by the amount specified bythe Chief Procurement Officer inaccordance with rule 120.02.\tIPSAS –ExpenseNumbering\nRule126.11:\t(a) Outstanding commitments retainedagainst appropriations of the previousfinancial period in accordance withregulation 14.03 shall be jointly reviewedperiodically by the committing oralternate committing officers and theBureau of Management. Commitments thatafter review are no longer consideredvalid shall be cancelled and the resultingcredit surrendered. If after 12 months ofthe ensuing budget period an outstandingcommitment continues to be valid, it shallbe recommitted against appropriations ofthe then-current financial period.\tIPSAS –ExpenseIPSAS -GeneralNew costclassificationsNumberingRule126.11:\t(b) Reasonably frequent reviews of alloutstanding commitments shall be conducted\tIPSAS –Expense \n Numbering \nRule126.12:\t(a) Disbursements shall be recorded as ofthe date they are made; that is, when thecheque is issued, the bank transfer isrequested or cash is paid out;\tNumbering\nRule126.12:\t(b) Receipts shall be recorded on the datereceived.\tNumbering\nRule126.13:\tIn addition to the financial statements,there shall be provided to the UnitedNations Board of Auditors information on:\tNumbering\nRule126.13:\t(a) Ex gratia payments;\tNumbering\nRule126.13:\t(b) Supplies, property, plant andequipment for which records are kept;\tIPSAS – PPENumberingRule126.13:\t(c) Losses of assets written off; and\tIPSAS –Revenue IPSAS – PP&E \n Numbering \nRule126.13:\t(d) Such other information as the Boardmay require.\tNumbering\nRule126.14:\t(a) For purposes of accounting for andreporting on UNDP assets, liabilities andtransactions, and the maintenance of otherfinancial records, other currencies willbe translated into United States dollarsat the United Nations operational rate ofexchange in effect on the date of thereport or the date of the transaction asmay be appropriate.\tNumbering\nRule126.14:\t(b) When the United Nations operationalrate of exchange for a currency has beenrevised, any asset or liability held inthat currency shall be revalued, forfinancial statement purposes, in terms ofUnited States dollars and any gain or lossshall be debited or credited tomiscellaneous revenue.\tIPSAS –RevenueNumbering\nRule126.15:\tThe principal accounts of UNDP shallaccount for the financial resourcesadministered by UNDP, divided intocategories as established by theseregulations and applicable rules, and bythe Executive Board.\tRedefined astheseaccounts areno longerapplicableunder IPSAS.\nRule126.15:\tThe Comptroller, Bureau of Management,shall certify that, to the best of his orher knowledge, information and belief, allmaterial transactions have been properlycharged in the accounting records and areproperly reflected in the financialstatements and supporting schedules.\t\nRegulation26.08\tThe Administrator may, after fullinvestigation, authorize the writing offof losses of assets, provided that astatement of all such amounts written offshall be submitted to the United NationsBoard of Auditors with the accounts, asrequired by regulation 26.01. TheAdministrator may establish, from time totime, an amount below which fullinvestigation, reporting and formalwrite-off are not required. Such amountsshall, for administrative efficiency, becharged directly to the relevantallotment/budget line.\tIPSAS – PP&ECombinedRegulationand rules onwrite-off\nRule126.17\tLoss of cash, receivables and property,plant equipment and other assets.a) Any loss of assets shall be reported tothe Assistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement, who may, after fullinvestigation, authorize the writing offof assets deemed to be irrecoverable,except that proposals to write off amountsin excess of $100,000 shall be submittedto the Administrator for approval.\tIPSAS – PP&ECombinedRegulationand rules onwrite-off\nRule126.17\tb) An investigation shall determine thecause of the loss of assets, including theresponsibility of the staff members orothers. Such staff members or others maybe required to reimburse the loss eitherpartially or in full. The finaldetermination as to all recoveries to bemade against staff members or others asthe result of losses will be made by theAssistant Administrator, Bureau ofManagement.\tIPSAS – PP&ECombinedRegulationand rules onwrite-off\nRule126.17\tc) The amount authorized for waiver ofinvestigation, reporting and write-off is$1,000.\tCombinedRegulationand rules onwrite-off", "ChapterH:Definitions \nArticle27:Definitions \n\tProposed Change\tReason forchange\nRegulation27.01\tFor the purpose of the financialregulations and rules of UNDP, thefollowing definitions of the main entitiesinvolved in the activities of UNDP shallapply:\tDefinitionsalso apply torules\nRegulation27.01:\t(l) “Direct budget support” is defined asa method of financing the budget of apartner country through a transfer ofresources from an external financingagency to the national treasury of thepartner government. The funds thustransferred are managed in accordance withthe recipient’s budgetary procedures. Thisincludes using the national regulatoryframework for financial allocations,procurement and accounting systems.“Sector budget support” fund shall referto the financial contribution to agovernment budget, managed in a nationalaccount by a government entity for aspecific set of sector or programmeresults. A pooled fund is designed forfinancing commitments and disbursementswithin a sector or a programme through thepooling of the financial resources by theparticipating partners. A “pooled fund”would be contracted out by a government tobe managed by an agreed party.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation27.02:\tFor the purposes of the financialregulations and rules of UNDP, thefollowing definitions of specific termsused shall apply. These terms are listedin alphabetical order.\tDefinitionsalso apply torules\nRegulation27.02:\taccrual: amounts due for goods andservices received but not yet disbursed.\tIPSAS -GeneralNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tallocation: a financial authorizationissued by the Administrator to effectencumbrances, enter into commitments andincur expenses for specific purposesrelating to UNDP programme activities andwithin specified limits, during a definiteperiod;\tIPSAS -Expenses\nRegulation27.02:\tallotment: a financial authorizationissued by the Administrator to an officialor to a unit to incur commitments forspecific purposes relating to theinstitutional budget and within specifiedlimits, during a definite period;\tIPSAS –ExpenseNew costclassifications\nRegulation27.02:\tappropriations: the total amount approvedby the Executive Board for specifiedpurposes for the current institutionalbudget against which commitments may beincurred for those purposes up to theamounts so approved. The appropriationsare divided into “appropriations lines”,for each of which a specific amount isshown in the appropriate decision adoptedfor each budget period by the ExecutiveBoard and within which the Administratoris authorized to make transfers withoutprior approval;\tIPSAS –ExpenseNew costclassificationsIPSAS -General\nRegulation27.02:\tassets: tangible and intangiblepossessions that have a value.\tIPSAS – PP&ENewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tcommitment: shall mean a legal obligationarising from a contract, agreement orother form of undertaking by UNDP or basedon a liability recognized by UNDP, eitheragainst the resources of the current yearin respect to UNDP programme activities oragainst the current budget period inrespect to the institutional budget\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation27.02:\tcontributions in-kind: property, plant,equipment, supplies or services donated toUNDP.\tIPSAS –RevenueNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tdevelopment activities: category of costsassociated with “programmes” and“development effectiveness” activitieswhich contribute to the effective deliveryof development results, as follows:a) programmes: category of costsassociated with specific programmecomponents or projects that contribute todelivery of development results containedin country/regional/global programmedocuments or other programmingarrangements;b) development effectiveness: category ofcosts associated with activities of apolicy-advisory, technical andimplementation nature that are needed forachievement of the objectives ofprogrammes and projects in the focus areasof the organizations. These inputs areessential to the delivery of developmentresults, and are not included in specificprogramme components or projects incountry, regional or global programmedocuments.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation27.02:\tencumbrance: an anticipated or conditionalliability against resources of one or morefuture years subject to availability offunds.\tIPSAS -Expense\nRegulation27.02:\texpense: includes disbursements andaccruals for goods and services received,and the use or impairment of assets,dependent on the implementationarrangement and in accordance withadministrative instructions issued by theComptroller for a financial period.\tIPSAS –ExpenseNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tindirect costs: the costs incurred by theorganization in support of programmes orprojects that cannot be directlyattributed to such specific programmes orprojects.\tNew costclassificationsNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tinstitutional budget: covers the estimatesas approved by the Executive Boardrelating to the activities and associatedcosts in the cost categories ofdevelopment effectiveness, United NationsDevelopment Coordination, management andspecial purpose.\tNew costclassificationsNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tmanagement costs: categories of costs inwhich the primary function is thepromotion of the identity, direction andwell-being of an organization. Theseinclude executive direction,representation, external relations andpartnerships, corporate communications,legal, oversight, audit, corporateevaluation, information technology,finance, administration, security andhuman resources. This includes bothactivities and associated costs of arecurring and non-recurring nature.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation27.02:\toutstanding commitment: a portion of acommitment that has not yet been disbursedaccrued or discharged.\tIPSAS ExpenseNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tproperty, plant and equipment: tangibleassets held for use in the activities ofUNDP or for administrative purposes andexpected to be used during more than onefinancial period.\tIPSAS - PPENewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tPledge: written intention by a donor tocontribute a specified amount at a futuredate.\tIPSAS –RevenueNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tregular resources: the resources of UNDPthat are comingled and untied. These willinclude voluntary contributions,contributions from other governmental,intergovernmental or non-governmentalsources and related interest earnings andmiscellaneous revenue;\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation27.02:\tresources administered by UNDP: allcontributions received and all revenueearned by UNDP;\tIPSAS -Revenue\nRegulation27.02:\trevenue is the inflow of contributions,fees and other considerations received byor due to UNDP.\tIPSAS –RevenueNewdefinition\nRegulation27.02:\tspecial purpose: categories of costs of across-cutting nature that (a) involvematerial capital investments, or (b) donot represent a cost related to themanagement activities of the organization.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation27.02:\tUnited Nations Development Coordination:category of costs associated to supportingthe coordination of development activitiesof the United Nations system.\tNew costclassifications\nRegulation27.02:\tUNDP accounts: the accounts establishedfor the purposes of accounting for allresources entrusted to the Administratorand activities thereby financed, and shallinclude:\tIPSAS –General\nRegulation27.02:\t(a) The regular resources account, whichshall include all regular resources ofUNDP, activities thereby financed, andrelated revenue; and\tIPSAS –Revenue\nRegulation27.02:\t(b) The other resources account, whichshall include all other resources of UNDP,activities thereby financed, and relatedrevenue; and\tIPSAS –Revenue\nRegulation27.02:\t(c) The UNDP funds account, which shallinclude all resources received by fundsand programmes entrusted to theAdministrator, activities therebyfinanced, and related revenue;\tIPSAS –Revenue\nRegulation27.02:\tworking capital: the residual of cashflows into and out of UNDP used to provideadvances to executing entities, or, underthe harmonized operational modalities, toimplementing partners, in order to fundoutstanding commitments and pay ongoingadministrative expenses;\tIPSAS –Expense", "Annex 3. Proposed revised changes to UNCDF annex to UNDP financial regulations and rules", "Annex I to UNDP financial regulations and rules", "UNITED NATIONS CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT FUND", "1. This annex contains the text of additions or amendments to the UNDP financial regulations which shall be applicable to the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) and which are necessary in order to take account of the special requirements of UNCDF operations. This annex also indicates which of the UNDP financial regulations are not applicable to UNCDF.", "2. Unless otherwise specified in this annex, the UNDP financial regulations shall apply, mutatis mutandis, to all funds administered by UNCDF. Thus, for example, in the application of the financial regulations of UNDP to UNCDF.", "(a) “The UNDP account” shall mean “the UNCDF account”;", "(b) “the Administrator” shall mean “the Administrator, when performing the functions of the Managing Director of UNCDF”;", "(c) “the Executive Board” shall mean “the Executive Board of UNDP, when performing the functions of the Executive Board of UNCDF”;", "(d) “project document” shall mean “project agreement”; and", "(e) “executing agency” shall mean “executing agency and/or cooperating agency”.", "3. The following provisions of the UNDP financial regulations shall not apply to UNCDF. They are provisions that either concern matters unique to UNDP or have been amended for application to UNCDF as indicated in paragraph 4 below.", "Article 5 General Framework", "Regulations: 5.02, 5.03(b), 5.05, 5.08", "Article 7 Cost-sharing contributions to other resources", "Regulations: 7.01, 7.02, 7.04", "Article 9 Other contributions and revenue", "Regulations: 9.01, 9.03", "Article 10 General framework", "Regulations: 10.02, 10.03, 10.04", "Article 11 Programme activities: distribution of resources", "Regulations: 11.04", "Article 12 Programme activities: resource assignment", "Regulations: 12.02, 12.03, 12.04", "Article 16 Utilization of resources by executing entities and implementing partners", "Regulation: 16.01", "Article 17 Designation, selection and termination of the executing entity and implementing partner", "Regulations: 17.01(a), 17.02(d)", "Article 18 Financial oversight of the executing entity and implementing partner functions", "Regulations: 18.01, 18.02, 18.03, 18.06(a), 18.06(b)", "Article 19 Grants", "Regulation: 19.01", "Article 20 General framework", "Regulation: 20.01", "Article 25 Cash management", "Regulations: 25.04, 25.05(c), 25.06", "4. The following provisions shall apply solely to UNCDF. They represent additions to, deletions from, or provisions in substitution for, the corresponding provisions contained in the UNDP financial regulations.", "Chapter C: Resources", "Article 5: General Framework", "Regulation 5.02: Voluntary contributions, either in cash or in kind, may be accepted by UNCDF from Governments of Member States of the United Nations, of the specialized agencies or of the International Atomic Energy Agency, or from sources other than Governments.", "Regulation 5.03(b): Voluntary contributions shall be made in currencies that are readily and economically usable by UNCDF or in the national currency of the contributor.", "Regulation 5.08: In case of default in making the payments required under (b) above, the Administrator is authorized to reduce, modify or terminate the assistance being funded by the cost-sharing contribution, as the Administrator deems necessary.", "Chapter D: Resource Planning and Financial Authorization", "Article 10: General Framework", "Regulation 10.04: UNCDF assistance to projects approved by the Administrator shall be approved on a partially funded basis consistent with the provisions of regulation 11.04 below and shall be subject to the following arrangements for project implementation.", "Article 11: Programme activities: distribution of resources", "Regulation 11.04: The Administrator shall plan for the delivery of UNCDF assistance to projects at rates expected to achieve annual commitments and disbursements targets, subject to the availability of resources.", "Article 13: Institutional budget: submission and approval", "Regulation 13.01: The proposed institutional budget shall be accompanied by such information annexes and explanatory statements as may be requested by the Executive Board or as the Administrator may deem necessary and useful.", "Chapter E: Utilization of resources by executing entities and implementing partners", "Article 16: General Framework", "Regulation 16.01: UNCDF assistance to projects shall be in the form of either grants or loans. Loans extended by UNCDF shall have long periods of amortization, low rates of interest, or be free of interest and generally be extended on terms comparing favourably with those of loans extended by other international lending institutions.", "Rule 116.02: Approval of UNCDF assistance to a project shall become effective upon signature of the project agreement by the Government or Governments and UNCDF, and, where appropriate, by an executing entity, or, under the harmonized operational modalities, by an implementing partner or other party selected under regulation 17.02 (d) above, and shall be subject to fulfillment of any conditions precedent contained in the project agreement.", "Article 17: Designation, selection and termination of the executing agency and implementing partner", "Regulation 17.03(a): Implementation of UNCDF assistance to a project shall be primarily the responsibility of the requesting Government.", "Regulation 17.03(b): Subject to the agreement of the Government concerned, the Administrator may designate a cooperating agency to assist the Government in implementing one or more components of the project, or may designate an executing entity, or, under the harmonized operational modalities, an implementing partner to be responsible for project implementation.", "Regulation 17.02 (d): Under conditions established by the Executive Board, the Administrator is also authorized, subject to the agreement of the requesting Government or Governments, to contract for the services of other agencies, private firms or individual experts in the implementation of projects, and to assign projects to a governmental, intergovernmental or non-governmental institution or agency not part of the United Nations system, or to UNDP itself for implementation.", "Article 18: Financial oversight of the executing entity and implementing partner functions", "Regulation 18.01: The project budget covering UNCDF assistance to an approved project, as contained in the project agreement between UNCDF and the recipient Government, shall constitute the total allocation of UNCDF funds for the project. For the purposes of regulation 18.02 below, the project budget shall be presented in annual segments;", "Regulation 18.01: The UNCDF allocation contained in the project agreement constitutes the total UNCDF funds encumbered to the project for the duration of the project against which disbursement authorizations shall be issued by UNCDF annually to the disbursing agent(s);", "Regulation 18.02: The annual disbursement authorization constitutes a ceiling on commitments and disbursements for the current year, and shall be issued by UNCDF only upon receipt of a schedule of activities and estimated commitments and disbursements for the current year to be submitted by the disbursing agent(s);", "Regulation 18.06 (a): Following project completion, UNCDF shall revise the project budget to reflect actual commitments and disbursements incurred. The revised budget shall constitute the final allocation of UNCDF assistance to the project;", "Regulation 18.06(b): The final UNCDF allocation to a project made under the provisions of regulation 18.06(a) above shall remain available for the period of time required to discharge any outstanding commitments of the project. When all commitments against the final allocation have been discharged, any balance shall revert to the UNCDF account and shall be classified as miscellaneous revenue.", "Chapter F: Utilization of resources by UNDP", "Article 20: General framework", "Regulation 20.01: Commitments and disbursements for the current year and commitments for future years in respect to programme activities shall be incurred only after issuance of the corresponding annual disbursement authorization as provided under regulation 18.02, and in respect to the institutional budget only after the appropriate authorization has been made in writing under the authority of the Administrator.", "Chapter G: Administration of resources", "Article 25: Cash management", "Regulation 25.04: Notwithstanding the provisions of regulation 25.03 above, and within limits and under terms established by the Executive Board, funds may be placed in the form of participation in development loans by international or regional development banks;", "Regulation 25.06: The specific advance approval of the Executive Board shall be required for the placement of surplus funds in any loan not clearly authorized under the provisions of this article.", "Article 27: Definitions", "Regulation 27.01(a): “UNCDF” shall mean the United Nations Capital Development Fund established by resolution 2186 (XXI) of the United Nations General Assembly;", "Regulation 27.01(i): “cooperating agency” shall mean an entity authorized by UNCDF to assist a recipient Government in the implementation of one or more components of a project financed by UNCDF;", "Regulation 27.01: “disbursing agent” shall mean an entity authorized by UNCDF to disburse UNCDF project funds and may be a recipient Government, UNDP, an executing entity, or, under the harmonized operational modalities, an implementing partner or a cooperating agency." ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目2", "财政、预算和行政事项", "修订联合国开发计划署财务条例和细则", "摘要 在本文件中,依照现行财务条例1.02,署长提交开发署财务条例拟议修正案供执行局核可。此外,依照现行财务条例2.02,署长向执行局分发财务细则修正案以供参考。修改财务条例和细则的原因在于:(a)将于2012年1月1日开始采用国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则);(b)执行局DP/2010/32号决定核可在综合预算中采用新的费用分类模式。拟议的其他修改旨在反映当前的组织结构和工作方法,并提高术语的一致性和明晰度。 开发署已向行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会)提交本文件及其附件供审查。行预咨委会的报告载于DP/2011/37号文件。 决定要点 \n 执行局不妨核可谨此提交的拟议修正财务条例并表示注意到修正财务细则。", "目录", "章次 页次\n1.导言 3\n2.修订的目的 3\n3.修订工作所遵循的步骤 4\n4.拟议修订概述 4\n5.订正财务条例和细则的执行 4 \n 附件 \n一.拟议修正的类别和理由及相关财务条例和细则的相应改动 5\n二.拟议的开发署订正财务条例和细则,附改动理由 10\n三.开发署财务条例和细则资发基金附件的拟议修改 24", "一. 导言", "1. 本文件陈述了修订开发署财务条例和细则的理由和过程。当前有必要修订财务条例和细则,使之与公共部门会计准则保持一致,以便开发署能够开始采用该准则,并按要求在综合预算中采用新的费用分类模式。", "2. 署长寻求执行局核可财务条例拟议订正案,并请执行局表示注意到谨此分发的修正财务细则。", "3. 开发署已将本文件及其附件提交行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会)供审议。本文件提交之时,行预咨委会尚未出台其报告。一俟该报告定稿,如需改动,开发署将通过更正方式向执行局通报此类改动。此外,联合国审计委员会、开发署审计咨询委员会、联合国法律事务厅和开发署审计和调查处也审查了订正财务条例和细则,他们的评论意见已酌情融入。", "二. 修订的目的", "4. 财务条例和细则管控着开发署总的财务管理及开发署经管的基金,包括预算编制和资源核算。为了反映公共部门会计准则的采用,根据大会2006年7月第60/283号决议和执行局第2007/10号决定以及执行局DP/2010/32号决定核可的开发署、人口基金和儿基会关于综合预算路线图——费用分类和成果预算编制的联合报告中的订正费用分类,谨此提出拟议改动以反映新的会计准则和术语。", "5. 拟议改动保留了财务管理应遵循的财务条例和细则的现有特点和性质。财务条例和细则的使用者不仅包括开发署财务管理领域的人员,而且包括方案管理领域的人员,后者大多并非是财会专业人员。订正财务条例和细则应按照开发署政策和程序予以操作。", "公共部门会计准则", "6. 开发署的会计政策以联合国系统会计准则为基础,该准则是基于经修正的权责发生制会计方法。从2012年1月1日起,开发署将实施公共部门会计准则,后者是基于完全的权责发生制会计方法。公共部门会计准则将使会计政策和会计事项记录方法有所改变。开发署将采用所有适用于开发署的公共部门会计准则,这些准则的影响已融入拟议财务条例和细则。", "7. 下文着重列述了一些最主要的改动:", "(a) 在联合国系统会计准则框架内使用的是以下原则和术语:", "• 收入——系指开发署银行账户收到的现金。", "• 支出——系指已付或未付的费用总额,即付款和未清偿债务的总数。", "• 非消耗性设备——系指已购买并在财务报表中记入费用的资产。", "(b) 按照公共部门会计准则,将使用的则是以下原则和术语:", "• 收入——系指已收和待收的资金。", "• 费用——系指所得货物和服务的付款和应计款及资产的使用或耗损,取决于执行安排并依据主计长为特定财政期发出的开发署行政指示。费用也包括与雇员福利有关的所有费用。", "• 不动产、厂房和设备——系指为开发署活动或行政目的所用而持有并且预期在1个以上财政期内使用的有形资产。", "新费用分类", "8. 新费用分类带来了新的定义和术语,需要反映于财务条例和细则。", "其他改动", "9. 做了其他一些改动以反映当前的组织结构和工作方法并提高术语的一致性和明晰度。开发署财务条例和细则的资发基金附件也已更新以反映公共部门会计准则和新费用分类变动。予以更新的另一目的是使之与当前的开发署财务条例和细则保持一致。编号也有改动以反映修正案文。", "三. 修订工作所遵循的步骤", "10. 联合国秘书处、开发署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)联手协作,以使因公共部门会计准则和新的费用分类而做的主要改动达到一定程度的统一。公共部门会计准则影响到所有4个组织,而新的费用分类仅对开发署、人口基金和儿基会产生影响。", "四. 拟议修订概述", "11. 财务条例和细则拟议修正案载列于本文件附件1、附件2和附件3。附件1说明了所有拟议改动的理由和类别。在该附件中,每项改动的理由都单列一类,然后将需修正的相应财务条例和细则在该类中列出。附件2是一个表格,其中载列了原来的财务条例和细则,修正部分用显示改动标记来反映,这样,条例或细则的修正情况便一目了然。附件3列出了开发署财务条例和细则资发基金附件的改动之处。", "五. 订正财务条例和细则的执行", "12. 如果执行局核可拟议修正的财务条例并表示注意到修正财务细则,署长随后将依照条例2.02分发拟议订正财务条例和细则。须在2012年1月1日前分发,以便公共部门会计准则的采用。", "附件一", "拟议修正的类别和理由及相关财务条例和细则的相应改动", "修正的类别和理由要目", "A. 公共部门会计准则的通则", "B. 收入", "C. 费用", "D. 不动产、厂房和设备", "E. 融合新费用分类", "F. 修订资发基金附件", "G. 新定义", "H. 其他修正", "I. 编号改动", "A. 公共部门会计准则的通则", "条例:1.03;2.03;4.01;13.10;14.02;14.04;16.06;20.03;26.01;26.05;26.08;27.02 \n 细则:114.01;114.04;126.14", "1. 开发署的会计政策以联合国系统会计准则为基础,该准则是基于经修正的权责发生制会计方法。从2012年1月1日起,开发署将实施公共部门会计准则,后者是基于完全的权责发生制会计方法。按照联合国系统会计准则,财务报表每两年发布一次;按照公共部门会计准则,则一年一次。", "2. 在当前的财务条例和细则中,“资金”一词的使用视场合而有不同的含义,可以是指“资源”或“现金”。也用“资金”一词反映短期流动性。在后一种情况中,如未用“资金”一词,便用“资源”一词代之。", "3. 按照公共部门会计准则,拟议在财务条例和细则中使用以下术语:", "• 财政期:按照联合国系统会计准则,财政期系指财务报表和预算期所覆盖的两年期。而按照公共部门会计准则,财政期应包含单一一个历年,同时也应是指财务报表所覆盖的时期。", "• 预算期:按照联合国系统会计准则,预算期即指“两年期”。虽说将继续两年一次编制预算,但提议不再使用“两年期”一词,以避免以往财务报表出现任何混淆,因为这些报表也是按两年期编制的。“预算期”一词应包含两个连续的历年,其中第一年为偶数年。在执行综合预算过程中,可根据执行局今后的提议和决定改变预算期。", "B. 收入", "条例:6.05;9.03;9.04;13.02;13.07;26.04;27.02 第9条:标题改动 \n细则:115.01;121.01126.04;126.05;126.06;126.07;126.09;126.10;126.17;126.18;126.20;126.21;", "4. 按照联合国系统会计准则,“收入”系指已收的现金。按照基于公共部门会计准则的会计政策,“收入”系指“已收的资金”和“待收资金”。", "C. 费用", "条例:3.01;9.04;11.05;13.02;13.07;14.01;14.02;14.03;18.01;18.02;18.05;18.06;20.01;20.02;27.01;27.02 \n细则:107.02;111.01;114.02;114.05;115.01;116.03;118.01;118.02;118.07;118.08;120.02;120.03;120.04;122.02;126.06;126.09;126.10;126.11;126.12;126.14;126.19", "5. 按照联合国系统会计准则,“支出”系指已付或未付的费用总额,即付款和未清偿债务的总数。按照公共部门会计准则,“费用”系指所得货物和服务的付款和应计款及资产的使用或耗损,取决于方案执行安排并依据主计长为特定财政期发出的开发署行政指示。", "6. 在联合国系统会计准则框架内所用的“债务”和“未清偿债务”,现纳入公共部门会计准则框架内的“承付款”项下。", "D. 不动产、厂房和设备", "条例:24.01;24.02;26.08(订正注销条例);27.02 第24条:标题改动 \n 细则:124.01;124.02;124.03;124.04;124.05;124.06;126.17;", "7. 按照联合国系统会计准则,“非消耗性设备”系指所有实物资产,在联合国系统会计准则框架内记入为费用。按照公共部门会计准则,实物资产被称为“不动产、厂房和设备”,并按照公共部门会计准则的不动产、厂房和设备政策予以资本化和折旧。", "E. 融合新费用分类", "条例:2.04;9.01;9.04;10.03;13.01;13.02;13.03;13.04;13.05;13.06;13.07;13.08;13.09;13.10;14.01;14.02;14.03;14.04;20.01;27.02 第13、14条:标题改动 \n细则:109.01;113.01;113.02;113.03;113.04;114.01;114.03;126.05;126.09;126.14;", "8. 拟议修正现有定义并提出新定义,以便反映执行局在DP/2010/32号决定中对新费用分类术语的核可。“两年期支助预算”一词也将由“机构预算”一词取代,因为如A(3)段所述,不再使用“两年期”一词。", "F. 资发基金附件的修订", "9. 更新了开发署财务条例和细则的资发基金附件,以反映与公共部门会计准则和新费用分类相关的改动,并作为附件3列入本文件。予以更新的另一目的是使之与当前的开发署财务条例和细则保持一致。编号也有改动以反映修正案文。", "G. 新定义", "10. 条例27.02中的定义已予更新,以反映与公共部门会计准则相符的定义和新费用分类的定义。新定义便于更好地理解与公共部门会计准则和新费用分类相关的财务条例和细则拟议改动。", "H. 其他修正", "11. 对财务条例和细则的其他拟议修正如下:", "(a) 条例1.05——不再提及联合国妇女发展基金,因为已设立妇女署,后者如今是一个独立的联合国组织;", "(b) 细则103.01——“资源和战略伙伴关系局”改名为“伙伴关系局”;", "(c) 第4条,条例4.01、4.02和4.03,细则103.02和116.04——标题“外部审计”改为“审计”,并修正与内部审计相关的条例和细则;", "(d) 条例4.01——更正对联合国财务条例第七条的提及;", "(e) 条例5.09和细则105.01——已不再适用的涉及某些报告的条例被删除,因为开发署将遵循公共部门会计准则的报告要求;予以修正以使开发署的做法与儿基会和人口基金的做法一致;", "(f) 条例6.05——更正执行局名称,使之包含联合国项目事务厅;", "(g) 条例10.03——对该条例做出编辑更正;", "(h) 细则124.02和124.03——财产调查委员会一词不再适用,代之以“审查委员会”,以涵盖开发署与采购及资产购置和处置相关的所有相关的审查委员会;", "(i) 条例25.03——增列一条关于资金投资的规定,以期提供灵活性,以响应联合国审计委员会有关离职后健康保险负债备用资金的投资问题的建议;", "(j) 细则125.06(c)——按照关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的纳米斯报告的建议列入新细则,以期为处理国家办事处以当地货币和外币付款问题提供充分的全面指导;", "(k) 细则125.09——列入关于零用金细则的一项例外条款,以便利业务流程的简化并解决现金管理方面面临的难题,尤其是在开发署直接执行的项目中;", "(l) 细则126.07——予以修正以使开发署有关利润归还给捐助者的做法与儿基会和人口基金的做法一致;", "(m) 细则126.08——删去属政策性质、因而应列入开发署政策和程序中的会计类细则;", "(n) 细则126.20——删除,因为根据公共部门会计准则政策,管理服务协议如今构成开发署收入的一部分;", "(o) 条例26.06和细则126.13和126.16——原为条例26.06和细则126.13和126.16的注销条例和细则合并为一项新的条例26.08和细则126.18。", "I. 编号改动", "12. 鉴于上述改动,以下条例和细则的编号将有所改动:", "(a) 条例4.01改为 条例4.04", "(b) 条例5.10改为条例5.09", "(c) 条例5.11改为条例5.10", "(d) 细则105.02改为细则105.01", "(e) 条例26.07改为条例26.06", "(f) 条例26.08改为条例26.07", "(g) 细则126.09改为细则126.08", "(h) 细则126.10改为条例126.09", "(i) 细则126.11改为细则126.10", "(j) 细则126.12改为细则126.11", "(k) 细则126.14改为细则126.12", "(l) 细则126.15改为细则126.13", "(m) 细则126.17改为细则126.14", "(n) 细则126.18改为细则126.15", "(o) 细则126.19改为细则126.16", "(p) 细则126.21改为细则126.17", "附件二", "拟议的开发署订正财务条例和细则,附改动理由", "参照 拟议改动 改动理由 \n A章:适用 \n 第1条:适用 \n条例1.03: 本条例自2012年1月1日起生效。\t《公共部门会计准则》\n条例1.05: (a)除非下文(b)另有具体说明,开发署财务条例和细则适用于联合国资本发展基金、联合国自然资源勘探循环基金、联合国科学和技术促进发展基金和联合国志愿人员方案经管的所有资源。\t《公共部门会计准则》其他删除对联合国妇女署的提及\n B章:问责制 \n 第2条:问责制 \n条例2.03: 应设立开发署账户,在这些账户中记录开发署经管和使用的所有资源。\t《公共部门会计准则》通则\n条例2.04: 为使用机构预算目的设立的期间应由两个连续的历年组成(下称预算期),其第一年应为偶数年。\t新费用分类条例26.05已对财务期作了定义并符合《公共部门会计准则》\n 第3条:内部控制 \n条例3.01: 署长应维持内部财务控制机制,以对财务、管理和业务活动进行当期的有效审查和复核,以确保:\t\n条例3.01: (b)承付款和付款符合执行局决定的分配款、批款或其他财务规定,符合署长的分配款或符合同联合国其他组织和其他实体达成的协议;\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用\n细则103.01: (b)主管伙伴关系局助理署长负责落实关于资源调动的本财务条例和细则的C章;\t其他——经更新以反映目前的结构\n 第4条:审计 \n条例4.01 审计和调查处负责开发署的内部审计工作。该处应按照《国际内部审计专业实务标准》开展独立、客观的保证和咨询活动。该处应评价和促进改进治理、风险管理和控制程序,并就此提出报告。审计和调查处在履行其职责时应力行业务独立。\t其他——审调处\n条例4.02 审计和调查处负责评估和调查对开发署人员的欺诈和腐败指控或对其他人所实施的有损开发署的欺诈和腐败行为的指控。\t其他——审调处\n条例4.03 应在《审计和调查处章程》中进一步明确规定内部审计职能的目的、权力和责任。\t其他——审调处细则104.01 审计和调查处应就下列方面评价治理、风险管理和控制程序的充分性和有效性:\t其他——审调处 (a) 财务和其他信息的可靠性和完整性; (b) 业务的有效性和效率; (c) 资产的保障;以及 \n (d)遵守法定任务、条例、细则、政策和程序的情况。 \n细则104.02 审计和调查处应以风险评估为基础,与首席财务干事协商确定应审计哪些国家实施项目和由非政府组织实施的项目。该处应审查和评估第三方审计员就这类审计和就与由开发署供资的活动有关的实施伙伴的审计所编写的审计报告。\t其他——审调处\n细则104.03 审计和调查处应可在其认为系履行职责所需时自由获取组织的记录,接触人员和进入房舍。\t其他——审调处\n细则104.04 审计和调查处应酌情将所获结果提交署长和其他高级管理人员。审计和调查处处长应就内部审计和调查活动及就重大调查结果每年至少向执行局提交一次报告,说明资源的高效和有效使用情况。\t其他——审调处条例4.04: 已将《联合国财务条例》第七条有关外部审计的规定作为本条例的附件列入,应适用于开发署,但在以下情况时除外:\t其他——正确提及《联合国财务条例和细则》 \n 编号 \n条例4.04: (a)审计委员会的报告和已审计财务报表及行预咨委会对此的评论意见也应递送给执行局成员;\t编号\n条例4.04: (b)受托执行或实施开发署方案活动的联合国系统各组织和联合国项目事务厅应向署长递送说明署长分配给它们的资源状况的年度账目,以提交执行局。这类账目应有各组织外部审计员的审计证明,同时附上各组织的报告(若有的话)及各组织立法或理事机构通过的任何有关决议的副本;\t《公共部门会计准则》——通则编号\n条例4.04: (c)在向执行局提交上述年度账目时,作为与开发署已审计财务报表一起提交的评论意见的组成部分,署长应就审计员的实质性意见及有关后续行动作出评论。\t《公共部门会计准则》——通则编号\n C章:资源 \n 第5条:总框架 \n条例5.09: 对于总部设在以不可兑换货币进行捐助的净捐助国内的实体,在偿还为方案活动采购的服务和设备时只可使用在该国积存的该国货币,直到这类积存告罄为止;反之,如果在使用某种不可兑换货币捐款时发生以其他货币计算的费用,则应以可兑换货币将这些费用偿还给开发署。\t编号\n条例5.10: 署长应就充分使用开发署可用的货币方面遇到的任何困难每年向执行局提供信息,并提供执行局要求的有关货币使用情况的任何补充信息。\t编号\n细则105.01: 除条例5.07外,署长将颁布导则,以确保尽可能减少风险。\t编号\n 第6条:对经常资源的自愿捐助 \n条例6.05: 在不影响秘书长召开的年度认捐会议的情况下,将在开发署/人口基金/项目厅执行局年度会议期间每年召开一次开发署筹资特别会议,在会上正式宣布对开发署经常资源的自愿捐助。在这类筹资会议上,所有成员国将:\t其他——改动以更正执行局所用术语\n条例6.05: (a)宣布向开发署作如下自愿捐助:对当年的确定出资承诺;对有能力这样做的国家而言,对下一年的确定捐助或捐助意向;对第三年的确定或暂定捐助;\t《公共部门会计准则》——收入\n 第7条:对其他资源的费用分摊捐助 \n条例7.01: 署长获授权订立费用分摊协议,条件是这类协议已得到方案国或各方案国的同意,并以遵守执行局可能设立的原则为限。\t\n细则107.02: 应在项目文件和/或与捐助方订立的协议中对费用分摊捐助作出规定。这类捐助应根据开发署书面同意的付款时间表在有关承付款和付款之前到账。\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用\n 第8条:对其他资源的信托基金捐助 \n 第9条:其他捐助和收入\t《公共部门会计准则》——收入\n条例9.01: 东道国对开发署国家办事处费用的捐助。\t\n条例9.01: (b)对开发署国家办事处费用的现金捐助应贷记入开发署的机构预算内。\t新费用分类\n条例9.03: 如方案国提出请求,开发署可提供与政府或政府间组织或政府组织资助活动有关的管理及其他支助服务。这种管理和其他支助服务应与开发计划署的政策、目的及活动相符。提供此种管理和其他支助服务所得收入应视为其他资源。\t《公共部门会计准则》——收入\n条例9.04: 开发署所有收入都应划归为杂项收入,但下列款项除外:\t《公共部门会计准则》——收入\n条例9.04: (a) C章(资源)所列的捐助收入;\t《公共部门会计准则》——收入\n条例9.04: (b)同方案活动有关的付款在其核定期间(即在开发署对方案活动援助的最后一笔分配款拨付之前)的直接退款;\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用\n条例9.04: (c)在当期预算期间对机构预算的直接退款;\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用新费用分类\n细则109.01: 东道国对开发署国家办事处的实物捐助支助(例如商品、服务或房地)应在开发署的机构预算中得到适当确认。\t新费用分类\n D章:资源规划和财政授权 \n 第10条:总框架 \n条例10.03: 为机构预算编列经费后,开发署所有资源应尽量用于方案活动,唯须在持续不断基础上维持第25条所规定的储备金,同时维持一笔周转金。\t新费用分类其他——编辑性的改动\n 第11条:方案活动:资源分配 \n条例11.05: 除须遵守执行局对具体方案类别可能做出的决定外,在财政框架期间终了时,原分派给某具体方案类别的资源中所剩任何未动用余款原则上应在下一个财政框架期间用于同一相关类别。同样,任何超出财政框架期间内分配给某具体类别的资源的承付款和付款应构成下一个财政框架期间对相关类别的第一笔支出。\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用\n细则111.01: (a)主管管理局助理署长应至少每年在历年年底将预期可用于新方案承付款和付款的资源估计数和这些资源尚需支付的未结清承付款纳入滚动规划期。\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用\n细则111.01: (d)在资源规划框架内,署长应规定规划期间每一年和整个规划期间的授权支付限额,或负担、承付款和付款目标的上限。\t《公共部门会计准则》——费用 \n 第12条:方案活动:资源调拨 \n 第13条:机构预算:提出与核可 \n条例13.01: 署长应编制拟议机构预算,其中应包括发展的成效、联合国发展协调、管理和特殊目的活动。拟议机构预算应与当前规划期间相关。\t新费用分类\n条例13.02: 机构预算应包括与预算期相关的拟议承付款和付款及预期收入,并应以美元为单位编列。\t新费用分类《公共部门会计准则》——收入和费用\n条例13.03: 署长应在预算期最后一年向执行局提交下一个预算期的拟议机构预算。该拟议机构预算应至迟于执行局该届会议开幕前六个星期送达执行局所有成员。\t新费用分类\n条例13.04: (a)在向执行局陈述之前,应将机构概算提交行预咨委会评议。\t新费用分类\n条例13.04: (b)拟议预算及行预咨委会对此的报告应在该预算所涉期间的前一年9月经执行局审议和核准。\t新费用分类\n条例13.05: 要求行预咨委会就拟议机构预算编写报告并提交执行局。该报告一旦完成就应尽快送达执行局所有成员。\t新费用分类\n条例13.06: 执行局应在预算期最后一年通过下一个预算期的机构预算。\t新费用分类\n条例13.07: 应以执行局就统一预算列报方式所作相关决定中通过的格式编制拟议机构预算的规划收入、承付款和付款。\t新费用分类《公共部门会计准则》——收入和费用\n条例13.08: 署长可在必要时提交补充提案以修订机构预算。\t新费用分类\n条例13.09: 署长在拟订修订机构预算的补充提案时应采用与已核准机构预算一致的格式,并向执行局提交这类提案。还应将这类提案提交行预咨委会,并请行预咨委会审查这类提案并就此向执行局提出报告。\t新费用分类\n条例13.10:\t在预算期最后一年举行执行局会议之后,署长可利用占核定批款总额3%的预算应急经费,以应付因货币波动、通货膨胀或大会各项决定产生的各种意外需要,这种用途须向执行局下一届常会和行预咨委会提出报告,请行预咨委会审查并向执行局提出报告。 公共部门会计准则——通则新费用分类\n细则113.01:\t(a)对于每个预算期,应在现规划框架的参数范围内编制开发署机构预算。 新费用分类\n细则113.01:\t(c)署长应就拟提交执行局的拟议机构预算作出决定。 新费用分类\n细则113.02:\t机构预算的任何补充提案应由主管管理局助理署长审查,助理署长应向署长提出建议。署长应逐一决定是否提出机构预算补充提案。 新费用分类\n细则113.03:\t拟议机构预算应包括: 新费用分类\n细则113.03:\t(c)拟议预算,附有关于发展成效、联合国发展协调、管理和特殊目的活动的解释性说明; 新费用分类\n细则113.04:\t(a)如通货膨胀预测、货币波动或其他费用因素预期会对核定批款产生重大影响,可提出修订机构预算的补充提案。 新费用分类\n细则113.04:\t(b)拟议机构预算应载列关于向开发署工作人员退还对他们在开发署的就业收入征收的所得税的规定。 新费用分类 \n\t第14条:机构预算:批款 \n条例14.01:\t执行局核定的机构预算批款应构成对署长的一项授权,署长可根据批款的核定用途在核定的数额范围内承付款项和支付款项。 新费用分类公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例14.02:\t机构预算的批款在相关预算期内可用来承付款项。 新费用分类公共部门会计准则——通则公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例14.03:\t(a)如需付清预算期内任何未清的承付款,在相关预算期终了后12个月内仍可继续支用批款。批款结余应归还到开发署经常资源账户。 新费用分类公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例14.03:\t(b)在相关预算期结束时,任何未清承付款应于此时注销,如果承付款仍然有效,应转作当期批款项下承付款。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例14.04:\t署长可在预算期各项批款项目之间调拨批款,但不得超过经行预咨委会事先同意后执行局可能具体规定的限额。 新费用分类公共部门会计准则——通则\n细则114.01:\t(b)主管管理局助理署长授权支用机构预算批款,其授权可采取下列形式: 新费用分类细则114.01:\t㈠ 公共部门会计准则——通则 \n\t为某一特定时期和/或特定用途支用资源的核定限额或承付资源的其他授权;和/或 \n细则114.02:\t(a)主管管理局助理署长应至少每年向每一业务单位发出关于受其控制的承付款和付款用途核定支用限额的通知。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则114.02:\t(b)每一业务单位负责确保按照G章所述规定,遵守关于承付款、应计款和付款的政策及程序。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则114.03:\t为了开发署的利益利用将来各财政期的预期资源承付的款项,只能由主管管理局助理署长核可。这种承付款通常只限用于连续性的行政需要以及需要较长周转时间以确保及时交付的其他合同安排,并应作为执行局核定的相关批款的第一笔支出处理。 新费用分类\n细则114.04:\t(a)主管管理局助理署长应向每一业务单位印发预算期核定员额配置表,列明核定员额的数目及职等。 公共部门会计准则——通则\n细则114.05:\t主管管理局助理署长可在各业务单位和预算账户间调配资源,但这种调配需在执行局为一个批款项目核定的批款总额的范围内进行。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n\t第15条:支助事务 \n条例15.03:\t署长获授权同方案国政府、执行实体或根据大会第56/201号决议建立的统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴作出适当安排,以便它们据以向开发署偿还该署提供支助服务所产生的费用。 \n细则115.01:\t(a)如这种货物和服务的供应属经常和持续不断性质,除经主管管理局助理署长核可作出互惠安排外,相关预算应编列这种货物和服务费用的经费,并将其任何偿还款列作收入; 公共部门会计准则——收入\n细则115.01:\t(b)如未预先提供资金或预算未编列经费,主管管理局助理署长可订立偿还安排,授权承付和支付款项,并将其借记入尚未从有关方面收回的应收账款。 公共部门会计准则——费用 \n\tE章:执行实体和实施伙伴对资源的利用 \n\t第16条:总框架 \n条例16.06:\t署长应不时与审计委员会协商制定标准,以确定由执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴开展的哪些开发署方案活动应每年审计一次。应将此种标准提供给审计委员会。 公共部门会计准则——通则\n细则116.03:\t(a)应以一项标准协议的方式或在无标准协议情况下以项目文件标准附件的方式达成一项适用于方案国境内开发署方案活动的协议,这是核准开发署方案活动或以其他方式为开发署方案活动保留资金的先决条件。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n\t第17条:执行实体和实施伙伴的指定、甄选和终止 \n\t第18条:执行实体和实施伙伴各项职能的财务监督 \n条例18.01:\t核定文件所载的开发署方案活动预算应包括署长向执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴划拨的资源以及关于承付款项和支付款项的授权。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例18.02:\t开发署方案活动预算应以年度部分方式列报,对于为之拨款的开发署方案活动,这项预算为当年承付和支付款项的最高限额以及今后各年承付款项的最高限额。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例18.05:\t(a)每个执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴都应保持必要的账目和记录,以便能报告得自开发署的资金或通过开发署得到的资金的财务状况,特别是酌情报告入账拨款、承付款、应计款和支付款的余额,但不包括部门预算支助和集合资金。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例18.05:\t(b)署长应订立开发署参与直接预算支助和集合资金的政策和程序。这些政策和程序应规定,开发署可向部门预算支助或集合资金供资。这些政策和程序还应规定,开发署应根据部门预算支助或集合资金各参与方达成的关于部门预算支助和集合资金的协议所订立的方案和财务报告规定,依据对部门预算支助或集合基金提供的混合资源总体情况,向执行局报告得自开发署的资金或通过开发署得到的资金的财务状况。开发署为部门预算支助或集合基金提供的资源的费用确认应根据参与伙伴的供资总额按比例进行。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例18.06:\t(a)开发署方案活动结束后,实际承付和支付款与拨款之间的差额应回记到各自的资源来源账户; 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例18.06:\t(b)最后拨款在一段时间内应仍可支用,以便支付该拨款所涉开发署方案活动任何未清承付款。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则118.01:\t阐述开发署方案活动的议定文件应载列开发署方案活动期间每年编制的预算。议定文件所载预算经费应包括开发署为资助文件内所述开发署方案活动而拨出的款项和保留的款项,但需视有无资源而定。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则118.02:\t所有执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴都必须依照协议定期向开发署提交关于开发署向其划拨的款项现况的报告,包括关于入账拨款总额、付款、承付款、所持现金和其他财务数据的信息。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则118.07:\t(a)除下文(b)规定的情形外,项目预算及核定支出限额应构成开发署方案活动当年和今后各年承付和支付款项的最高限额; 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则118.07:\t(b)在任何特定一年,执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴的费用可以超过该年核定项目预算,但以该年年度项目预算额(不包括费用分摊和信托基金预算)的4%为限。此种额外费用已获核准,但该执行实体或实施伙伴该年费用超出总额不得超过为该执行实体或实施伙伴该年费用核定的开发署资金总额(不包括费用分摊和信托基金资金)的2%。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则118.08:\t(a)开发署方案活动一旦停止,执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴就应宣布这些活动在业务上已完成。执行实体或实施伙伴应将业务完成一事通知开发署,并依照订正预算的既定程序向开发署提出订正预算,载明迄今为止的实际费用和估计费用。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n\t第19条:赠款 \n\tF章:开发署对资源的利用 \n\t第20条:总框架 \n条例20.01:\t当年的承付款和支付款和今后各年的承付款只应在根据署长权力以书面形式向开发署方案活动拨款、机构预算分配款或其他适当授权做出之后才可发生。 新费用分类公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例20.02:\t除获得署长明确授权者外,以下人员的职责应该分离: \n条例20.02:\t(a)可以开发署名义承付款项的工作人员与可核查以开发署名义支付款项的工作人员; 公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例20.03:\t署长应: \n条例20.03:\t(b)使所有承付款项均依据确认有划拨或分配的资源可用于支付预期索偿的凭据作出。 公共部门会计准则——通则\n细则120.02:\t(a)首席采购干事应确定具体数额,超过这些数额的需订立或修订承付文件。此类数额应包括同一用途的一系列承付款。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则120.02:\t(c)一俟订立任何性质的合同、协议或承诺,即须通过承付文件承付资源。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则120.03:\t(a)每一份拟议承付文件,连同所附适当的单据,均应由承付干事签字。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则120.03:\t(c)首席采购干事可否决任何承付款或支付款提议。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则120.03:\t(d)首席采购干事应有权核证所有账户的承付款。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则120.04:\t除条例20.02外,关于职责分离的例外情况: \n细则120.04:\t(b)需要至少2人签字核可资金支出。 公共部门会计准则——费用\n\t第21条:货物和服务的采购 \n条例21.02:\t在履行开发署采购职能时,应适当考虑到下列一般原则: \n条例21.02:\t(a)资金的最有效利用; \n条例21.02:\t(b)公平、诚信和透明; \n条例21.02:\t(c)有效的国际竞争; \n条例21.02:\t(d)开发署的利益。 \n细则121.01:\t采购授权: \n细则121.01:\t(b)首席采购干事应确保依照有关财务条例和细则履行采购职能。为此,首席采购干事: 细则121.01:\t㈡ 公共部门会计准则——收入 \n\t应在总部和其他地点设立审查委员会,以便就最后导致授予或修改采购合同的采购行动向首席采购干事提供书面意见。就本条例和细则而言,采购合同包括各种协议或采购订单等其他书面文书以及可为开发署带来收入的合同。首席采购干事应确定这些委员会的组成和职责范围,其中应包括需接受审查的拟议采购行动的种类和货币价值; \n细则121.02:\t采购方式 \n 第22条:核证付款 \n条例22.01: 署长应:\t\n条例22.01: (a)指定可对以开发署名义做出付款进行核证的工作人员;\t\n条例22.01: (b)使所有付款均按付款凭单和其他单据作出,凭单和单据应确保服务或货物已经收到,而且以前未曾付款。\t\n细则122.02: (a)在以下情况下,核查干事应核准付款凭单:\t\n细则122.02: ㈡有单据表明,要求对之付款的货物或服务业已按照合同规定或有关义务收讫或提供;\t公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则122.02: (b)所呈发票要求付款的数额与现有相关承付款的差额如达到首席采购干事按细则120.02确定的具体数额或以上,则必须由一位承付干事事先承付资源。\t公共部门会计准则——费用\n细则122.02: (c)对于无需根据细则120.02为之通过登录一项承付来保留资金的付款,付款凭单的证明单据必须在承付干事签字后,核查干事才能核准付款。\t公共部门会计准则——费用\n 第23条:惠给金 \n G章:资源管理 \n 第24条:用品、不动产、厂房和设备及其他资产的管理\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n条例24.01: 署长对富有成效地管理开发署的用品、不动产、厂房和设备以促进其任务和活动承担责任并接受问责。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n条例24.01: (a)用品、不动产、厂房和设备及其他资产的管理包括接收、保管、维持和处置的所有必要行动;\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n条例24.01: (b)署长可酌情将管理用品、不动产、厂房和设备及其他资产的权力授予他人。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n条例24.02: 由开发署资助或提供的用品、不动产、厂房和设备均属开发署所有,除非和直至其所有权已根据方案国同开发署相互商定的规定和条件转让。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.01: (a)主管管理局助理署长应按照本细则的宗旨决定何种用品、不动产、厂房和设备及其他资产应备有记录,并确定这种记录的性质和范围。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.01: (b)主管管理局助理署长应负责维持依照上文(a)段建立的财产记录。总部和开发署国家办事处均应维持这种记录,其中应分别列明属于开发署和/或委托开发署保管的用品、不动产、厂房和设备及其他资产。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.01: (c)开发署拥有或委托开发署保管的用品、不动产、厂房和设备,应每年或视需要每隔一段时间清点盘存,确保对这些财产实施适当的管制。主管管理局助理署长应负责选定需要盘存的物品,并安排在总部和国家办事处进行这种清点盘存。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.02: 主管管理局助理署长应为总部和其他地点设立审查委员会,就开发署不动产、厂房和设备的损失、损坏或其他差错情况向其提出书面意见。主管管理局助理署长在实现本细则宗旨时,可酌情将本细则规定的责任下放。助理署长应决定审查委员会的组成和职权范围,其中应包括确定造成此种损失、损坏或其他差错原因的程序、处置行动以及开发署任何官员或他方对此种损失、损坏或其他差错应负责任的程度。主管管理局助理署长应负责以出售以外的方式处置不动产、厂房和设备,并发布关于此种处置行动的行政指示。\t其他——财产调查委员会改为审查委员会公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.03: (a)主管管理局助理署长应负责以出售方式处置不动产、厂房和设备。助理署长应拟订出售财产的行政指示,必要时可将权力下放。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.03: (b)经相关审查委员会的建议,被宣布为剩余或不能使用的用品、不动产、厂房和设备应于竞标后出售,除非:\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备其他——财产调查委员会改为审查委员会\n细则124.03: ㈠每项物品的存货价值低于主管管理局助理署长规定的竞标处置的数额;\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.03: ㈡相关审查委员会认为,将剩余用品、不动产、厂房和设备折为更换的部分或全部付款对开发署有利;\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备其他——财产调查委员会改为审查委员会\n细则124.03: ㈢将剩余或不能使用的物资销毁更加经济合算,或者根据法律规定或财产的性质必须予以销毁。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.04: 开发署收到的一切用品、不动产、厂房和设备均应立即进行查验,确保各项物品符合采购合同所列规格且完好无损。收到物品后,应发出适当的收货报告单,必要时根据细则124.01(a)的规定,将该物品列入财产记录。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.05: 开发署出售的用品、不动产、厂房和设备应于交货时或交货前付款。主管管理局助理署长如认为符合开发署的利益,可以书面核准作为本细则的例外情况处理。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n细则124.06: 用品、不动产、厂房和设备送达受援国后,其所有权可根据方案国与开发署相互同意的规定和条件随时转让,并应由驻地代表同当事各方协商后进行。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备\n 第25条:现金管理 \n条例25.03: 在考虑到开发署各项目标和政策及其业务上的特殊需要,包括流动性方面的需要后,署长可将非急需的款项存为流动性定期票据。在特殊情况下,如经投资委员会建议,署长可将这种款项存入其他投资票据。\t其他——为资金投资提供灵活性\n条例25.06: 并非本条例各项规定核准的任何开发署资源贷款均须由执行局事先专门核可。\t\n细则125.06(c): 国家办事处的各项当地付款必须尽量以当地货币支付,在利用所持可兑换当地货币前充分利用所持不可兑换货币。署长可根据当地情况,作为例外核准利用可兑换货币而不用不可兑换货币支付当地付款。\t其他——新增细则,为国家办事处付款提供指导\n细则125.09: 财务司司长或其指定代表指定的官员可从零用金账户预支零用金。如有充分保证,财务司司长可核准编外人员从零用金账户预支零用金,数额由司长核定。这些现金账户应以定额备用为基础。每个账户的数额和用途应由财务司司长规定,所持数额应为符合工作需要的最低额。\t其他——修改零用金细则以便利业务流程简化\n 第26条:账目 \n条例26.01: 署长应根据国际公共部门会计准则每年提出财务报表,包括经常资源账户和其他资源账户。应每年就开发署经管的各项基金和方案单独提出财务报表。\t公共部门会计准则——通则\n条例26.04: 杂项收入应贷记入此项收入应计入的或产生此项收入的开发署有关账户。\t公共部门会计准则——收入\n条例26.05: 财政期应以单一的历年为单位。\t公共部门会计准则——通则\n条例26.06: 应通过行预咨委会,向执行局提出关于所有信托基金的详尽报告。\t重新编号\n条例26.07: 署长应至迟于每一财政期终了后的下一年4月30日将财务报表送交联合国审计委员会供审查和提出意见。\t公共部门会计准则——通则重新编号\n细则126.04: 以美元支付旨在贷记入开发署账户的自愿捐款应按开发署收到的实际数额记作收入。以非美元货币支付的自愿捐款应按付款当日有效的联合国业务汇率换算为美元记作收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入\n细则126.05: 东道国政府为开发署国家办事处费用提供的现金捐款,应作为收入贷记入开发署机构预算毛额。若收到的捐款是当地货币,应按付款当日有效的联合国业务汇率换算为美元记入贷项。\t新费用分类公共部门会计准则——收入\n细则126.06: (b)其他财务事项所引起的汇兑调整数,应酌情分别记作杂项收入或费用。\t公共部门会计准则——费用和收入\n细则126.07: (a)投资收入应作为杂项收入记入开发署有关账户。除非署长核准,对开发署经管的基金不应支付利息。\t公共部门会计准则——收入其他——保留利息\n细则126.08: (a)由某个机构预算资助的费用的退款,如在同一财政期间收讫,应贷记入原来支出的账户,如在该财政期之后收讫,则计入杂项收入。\t新费用分类公共部门会计准则——收入和费用编号\n细则126.08: (b)在某个项目的生命周期内即开发署援助最后拨款之前收到的项目费用的退款应贷记入原来支取的项目账户。其后收到的退款应贷记入杂项收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入和费用编号\n细则126.09: (a)财务已结束的开发署方案活动所负债务清偿后的节余或赤字,应分别贷记或借记入开发署有关账户的杂项收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入和费用编号\n细则126.09: (b)财务已结束的开发署方案活动相关的意外付款或退款应分别贷记或借记入开发署有关账户的杂项收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入和费用编号\n细则126.09: (c)因财务已结束的开发署方案活动而产生的此种净调整额,若未经主管管理局助理署长核准,不得超过有关预算最后拨款额的10%或50000美元,两者以数额较低者为准。\t编号\n细则126.10: 如承付款以美元以外的货币发生,应按当时有效的联合国业务汇率折算为美元等值入账。支付款项时,如货币波动导致原承付额的美元等值发生变化,应将差额借记或贷记入记录该承付款项的同一账户。在这种情况下,无须修正原承付文件。截至12月31日的有效承付款,均应按照当天有效的联合国业务汇率重新估值,如果重新估值的债务超过原额,溢额高于首席采购干事依照细则120.02具体规定的数额,应签发修正承付文件。\t公共部门会计准则——费用编号细则126.11: (a)按照条例14.03留存的上一财政期批款的未清债务,应由承付干事或代理承付干事和管理局定期联合审查。审查后认为不再有效的债务应予注销,并退还贷记款项,如未清债务在下一个预算期12个月之后仍然有效,应改用当时财政期的批款承付。\t公共部门会计准则——费用公共部门会计准则——通则新费用分类 \n 编号 细则126.11: 应每隔一段合理时间,定期审查所有未清债务。\t公共部门会计准则——费用 \n 编号 \n细则126.12: (a)付出款项应在付款之日入账,即在签发支票、要求银行转账或付出现金之日入账;\t编号\n细则126.12: (b) 实收款项应于收款之日登录入账。\t编号\n细则126.13: 除财务报表外,应向联合国审计委员会提供有关下列各方面的资料:\t编号\n细则126.13: (a) 惠给金;\t编号细则126.13: (b) 记录的用品、不动产、厂房和设备;\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备 \n 编号 细则126.13: (c) 注销资产损失;\t公共部门会计准则——收入 公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备 \n 编号 \n细则126.13: (d) 执行局可能需要的其他资料。\t编号\n细则126.14: (a)为开发署资产、负债以及会计事项的会计处理和报告之目的,以及为维持其他财务记录起见,将酌情按报告日或会计事项日有效的联合国业务汇率将其他货币折算为美元。\t编号\n细则126.14: (b)如某一货币的联合国业务汇率业已订正,为财务报表之目的,任何以该种货币持有的资产或负债均应以美元重新估值,将任何损益借记或贷记入杂项收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入编号\n细则126.15: 开发署的主要账户应涉及开发署经管的财政资源,按照本条例和适用的细则以及执行局确定的类别加以分类。\t重新定义,因为根据公共部门会计准则,这些账户已不再适用\n细则126.15: 管理局主计长应据其所知、所晓、所信,证明所有重要的财务事项均已适当记入会计记录,并适当反映于财务报表和有关附表。\t\n条例26.08 经全面调查后,署长可授权注销资产损失,但必须按照条例26.01的规定,将所有这些注销数额的报表随同账目提交联合国审计委员会。署长可不时规定一个数额,凡低于这个数额即不必全面调查、报告和正式注销。为提高行政效率起见,这种数额应直接记入有关的分配款/预算项目。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备关于注销的合并条例和细则\n细则126.17 现金、应收款和不动产、厂房设备和其他资产的损失。(a)任何资产损失必须报告主管管理局助理署长,经全面调查后,助理署长可授权注销被认为无法收回的资产,但如果提议注销的数额超过100000美元,应提送署长核准。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备关于注销的合并条例和细则\n细则126.17 (b)调查应确定资产损失的原因,包括查明工作人员或其他方面的责任。可要求这类工作人员和其他方面偿还部分或全部损失。将由主管管理局助理署长就工作人员或其他方面对所造成损失应作出的全部赔偿作最后裁定。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备关于注销的合并条例和细则\n细则126.17 (c) 核准免于调查、上报和注销的数额为1000美元。\t关于注销的合并条例和细则\n H章:定义 \n 第27条:定义 \n条例27.01 为开发署财务条例和细则之目的,参与开发署活动的各主要实体应适用下列定义:\t定义也适用于细则\n条例27.01: (l)“直接预算支助”的定义是,通过将外部融资机构的资源转入伙伴政府国库、从而向伙伴国家预算供资的方法。这样转移的资金依照受援国的预算程序管理。这包括运用财政分配、采购和会计制度方面的国家监管框架。“部门预算支助”资金系指对政府预算的财政捐助,存入国民账户,由一政府实体管理,并用于特定部门或方案成果。集合基金的目的是通过集合参与伙伴的财政资源,在一个部门或一个方案内为承付款和支付款融资。“集合基金”将由政府外包给一个协议方管理。\t公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例27.02: 为开发署财务条例和细则之目的,相关特定术语适用下列定义。兹按英文字母顺序将这些术语开列于后。\t定义也适用于细则条例27.02: 应计款:为所得货物或服务应付而尚未支付额。\t公共部门会计准则——通则 \n 新定义 \n条例27.02: 拨款:署长在一定期间发出的在规定限度内为开发署方案活动所涉的特殊用途承担负担、承付款项和发生费用的财政授权;\t公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例27.02: 分配款——署长在一定期间向一位官员或一个单位发出的在规定限度内为机构预算的特殊用途承付款项的财政授权;\t公共部门会计准则——费用新费用分类\n条例27.02: 批款——执行局为当期机构预算的特定用途核定的总额,可在核定数额范围内,为这些用途承付款项。批款分为各个“批款项目”,执行局为每个预算期通过的相关决定中列明每个批款项目的具体数额,在此范围内,署长获授权可不经事先核可而予以转拨;\t公共部门会计准则——费用新费用分类公共部门会计准则——通则条例27.02: 资产:有价值的有形和无形的所有物。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备 \n 新定义 \n条例27.02: 承付款:系指由开发署的一项合同、协定或其他形式的承诺所产生的法律义务,或是基于开发署承认的一项债务的法律义务,可用开发署方案活动当年度资源或用机构预算当期预算的资源偿付。\t公共部门会计准则——费用条例27.02: 实物捐助:向开发署捐助的不动产、厂房、设备、用品或服务。\t公共部门会计准则——收入 \n 新定义 条例27.02: 发展活动:与“方案”和“发展成效”活动有关的费用类别,这些活动有助于高效交付如下发展成果:\t新费用分类 (a)方案:系指与具体方案构成部分或项目有关的费用类别,这些具体方案和项目有助于交付载于国家/区域/全球方案文件或其他规划安排中的发展成果; \n (b)发展成效:系指与带有政策咨询、技术和执行性质的活动有关的费用类别,这些活动是实现各组织的重点领域方案和项目目标所必须的。这些投入对于交付发展成果必不可少,但不包括在国家/区域/全球方案文件的具体方案构成部分或项目内。\t\n条例27.02: 负担:根据可用的资金情况,用未来一年或几年的资源偿付的预期或有条件的债务。\t公共部门会计准则——费用\n条例27.02: 费用:系指所得货物和服务的付款和应计款以及资产的使用或耗损,取决于执行安排并依据主计长为特定财政期颁布的行政指示。\t公共部门会计准则——费用新定义\n条例27.02: 间接费用:本组织为支持一些方案或项目而发生的费用,这些费用不能被直接归因于该具体方案或项目。\t新费用分类新定义\n条例27.02: 机构预算:执行局核定的涉及发展成效、联合国发展协调、管理和特殊用途等费用类别的活动和相关费用估计数的预算。\t新费用分类新定义\n条例27.02: 管理费用:费用类别之一,其主要功能是促进本组织的特性、方向和良好状况。其中包括行政领导、代表性、外部关系和伙伴关系、企业交流、法律、监督、审计、企业评价、信息技术、金融、行政管理、安保和人力资源。这包括经常性和非经常性的活动和相关费用。\t新费用分类条例27.02: 未付承付款——尚未支付、计入或发放的一笔承付款中的一部分。\t公共部门会计准则—费用 \n 新定义 条例27.02: 不动产、厂房和设备:用于开发署的活动或用于行政目的并预期在一个以上财政期使用的有形资产。\t公共部门会计准则——不动产、厂房和设备 \n 新定义 条例27.02: 认捐:某一捐助方以书面形式表达将在未来某日捐出具体数额资金的意向。\t公共部门会计准则——收入 \n 新定义 \n条例27.02: 经常资源:混合和不附带条件提供的开发署资源。这将包括自愿捐助、其他政府来源、政府间来源或非政府来源的捐助以及相关的利息收益和杂项收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入\n条例27.02: 开发署经管的资源:开发署收到的所有捐助和赚取的所有收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入条例27.02: 收入:系指开发署收到或应收到的捐助、收费和其他应收报偿的流入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入 \n 新定义 \n条例27.02: 特殊用途:具有贯穿各领域性质的费用类别:(a)涉及重大资本投资;(b)并不代表与本组织管理活动有关的费用。\t新费用分类\n条例27.02: 联合国发展协调:与支助协调联合国系统发展活动有关的费用类别。\t新费用分类\n条例27.02: 开发署账户:为核算委托署长管理的所有资源以及这些资源所资助的活动而设立的若干账户,其中包括:\t公共部门会计准则——通则\n条例27.02: (a)经常资源账户,包括开发署所有经常资源、其所资助的活动以及有关收入;\t公共部门会计准则——收入\n条例27.02: (b)其他资源账户,包括开发署所有其他资源,其所资助的活动以及有关收入;\t公共部门会计准则——收入\n条例27.02: (c)开发署基金账户,包括委托署长管理的基金和方案收到的所有资源,其所资助的活动以及有关收入。\t公共部门会计准则——收入\n条例27.02: 周转金:——流入或流出开发署的现金剩余额,用于向执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴提供垫款,以便支付未付承付款,并支付不断出现的行政费用。\t国际公共部门会计准则——费用", "附件三 开发署财务条例和细则资发基金附件的拟议修改", "开发署财务条例和细则附件一", "联合国资本发展基金", "1. 本附件载有适用于联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)的开发署财务条例的增补或修正案文,考虑到资发基金业务的特殊要求,这些增补或修正是必要的。本附件还指明开发署哪些财务条例不适用于资发基金。", "2. 除非本附件另有规定,开发署财务条例应比照适用于资发基金经管的所有资金。因此,例如,在将开发署财务条例适用于资发基金时,", "(a) “开发署账户”系指“资发基金账户”;", "(b) “署长”系指“履行资发基金总裁职能的署长”;", "(c) “执行局”系指“履行资发基金执行局职能的开发署执行局”;", "(d) “项目文件”系指“项目协议”;", "(e) “执行机构”系指“执行机构和/或合作机构”。", "3. 开发署财务条例的下列条文不适用于资发基金。这些规定要么只涉及开发署特有事项,或如下文第4段所述已作修正,以便适用于资发基金。", "第5条 总框架", "条例: 5.02、5.03(b)、5.05、5.08", "第7条 对其他资源的分摊费用捐助", "条例: 7.01、7.02、7.04", "第9条 其他捐助和收入", "条例: 9.01、9.03", "第10条 总框架", "条例: 10.02、10.03、10.04", "第11条 方案活动:资源分配", "条例: 11.04", "第12条 方案活动:资源调拨", "条例: 12.02、12.03、12.04", "第16条 执行实体和实施伙伴对资源的利用", "条例: 16.01", "第17条 执行实体和实施伙伴的指定、甄选和终止", "条例: 17.01(a)、17.02(d)", "第18条 执行实体和实施伙伴各项职能的财务监督", "条例: 18.01、18.02、18.03、18.06(a)、18.06(b)", "第19条 赠款", "条例: 19.01", "第20条 总框架", "条例: 20.01", "第25条 现金管理", "条例: 25.04、25.05(c)、25.06", "4. 下列条文应仅适用于资发基金。这些条文是对开发署财务条例中相应条文的增删或其替代条文。", "C章:资源", "第5条:总框架", "条例5.02:资发基金可接受联合国会员国政府、各专门机构或国际原子能机构的成员国政府或政府以外其他来源的现金或实物捐助。", "条例5.03(b):自愿捐助应以资发基金可以随时经济地使用的货币或捐助方的本币缴付。", "条例5.08:如果捐助者违约不付以上(b)款所述款项,则署长有权在其认为必要的情况下扣减、调整或终止由费用分摊捐助供资的援助。", "D章:资源规划和财政授权", "第10条:总框架", "条例10.04:按照下述条例11.04 的规定,署长批准的资发基金的项目援助应为部分供资,并应符合以下项目执行安排。", "第11条:方案活动:资源分配", "条例11.04:署长应计划以预期达到年度承付款和付款指标的资金拨付速度为有关项目提供资发基金援助,但前提是有资源可用。", "第13条:机构预算:提出与核可", "条例13.01:拟议机构预算应附有执行局要求的或署长认为必要和有用的说明附件和解释性说明。", "E章:执行实体和实施伙伴对资源的利用", "第16条:总框架", "条例16.01:资发基金对项目的援助,应为赠款或贷款的形式。资发基金发放的贷款应为长期摊还、低利率或免息,一般应比其他国际贷款机构发放的贷款的条件更为优惠。", "细则116.02:资发基金的项目援助的批准应自一国政府或多国政府与资发基金以及在适当情况下由一个执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴或根据上述条例17.02(d)选择的其他有关方签署项目协议后生效,并应以完成项目协议中的任何先决条件为前提。", "第17条:执行机构和实施伙伴的指定、甄选和终止", "条例17.03(a):资发基金的项目援助的实施应主要由请求国政府负责。", "条例17.03(b):经有关国家政府同意,署长可以指定一个合作机构,以协助该政府实施项目的一个或多个组成部分,或可指定一个执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴负责项目的实施。", "条例17.02(d):根据执行局规定的条件,还授权署长经请求国政府同意,在项目执行过程中与其他机构、私营公司或个人专家签约利用其服务,并将项目分派给某一政府机构、政府间机构或非政府机构或非联合国系统的机构或开发署本身实施。", "第18条:执行实体和实施伙伴各项职能的财务监督", "条例18.01:资发基金与受援国政府之间的项目协议所载资发基金对核定项目的援助的项目预算,构成资发基金对该项目的分配资金总额。为下述条例18.02的目的,项目预算应按年度提出。", "条例18.01:项目协议所包含的资发基金分配款构成项目期间资发基金对该项目的分配资金总额,资发基金每年将从该分配款中向付款代理发出支付授权。", "条例18.02:年度支付授权构成当年的承付款和付款上限,资发基金只应在收到由付款代理提交的当年活动时间表及承付款和付款估计数后方可发出年度支付授权。", "条例18.06(a):在项目完成后,资发基金应修订项目预算,以反映实际发生的承付款和付款。订正预算构成资发基金的项目援助的最终分配款。", "条例18.06(b):按上述条例18.06(a)的规定划拨的资发基金对某一项目的最后分配款,应可在清偿该项目任何未付承付款所需要的期间内继续支用。一旦从最后分配款中付清所有承付款,任何余额均应返还资发基金账户,并归入杂项收入。", "F章:开发署对资源的利用", "第20条:总框架", "条例20.01:与方案活动有关的当年承付款和付款以及未来年度承付款,只有在按照条例18.02的规定发出相应年度授权后方可发生;与机构预算有关的当年承付款和付款以及未来年度承付款,只有在根据署长授权以书面形式正式批准后方可发生。", "G章:资源管理", "第25条:现金管理", "条例25.04:尽管有上述条例25.03的规定,在限额内,根据执行局规定的条件,可以参与国际或区域开发银行的开发贷款的形式投放资金;", "条例25.06:在任何未经依据本条规定明确授权的贷款中投放剩余资金,须由执行局专门事先批准。", "第27条:定义", "条例27.01(a):“资发基金”系指由联合国大会第2186(XXI)号决议设立的联合国资本发展基金;", "条例27.01(i):“合作机构”系指资发基金授权协助受援国政府实施资发基金供资的项目的一个或多个组成部分的实体;", "条例27.01:“付款代理”系指资发基金授权支付资发基金项目资金的实体,可以是受援国政府、开发署、执行实体或统一业务模式之下的实施伙伴或合作机构。" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目2", "财务、预算和行政事项", "修订开发署财务条例和细则", "内容提要", "在本文件中,署长根据现行财务条例1.02,提出对开发计划署财务条例的拟议修正案,供执行局核准。 此外,署长根据现行财务条例2.02向执行局分发财务细则修正案,供其参考。 正在对财务条例和细则进行修改,原因是:(a) 2012年1月1日即将采用国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则);(b) 执行局第DP/2010/32号决定核准的综合预算下新的费用分类。 其他拟议变动旨在反映目前的组织结构和工作方法,并增强术语的一致性和清晰度。", "开发计划署已把该文件及其附件提交行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会)审查。 行预咨委会的报告载于DP/2011/37号文件。", "决定要点", "执行局不妨核准在此提交的拟议修订财务条例,并注意经修订的财务细则。", "目录", "章 次 页 次\n一、导 言. 1 - 2 3 3个\n二. 一、导 言1 - 2 3 3个\n三. 二. 就此采取的步骤 页:1\n四、结 论 修订后的财务规章制度执行情况. 页:1\n附件1 拟议修正的类别和理由及对有关财务条例和细则的相应修改 6个\n附件2 拟议的开发计划署订正财务条例和细则及其修改的理由。 10个\n附件3 开发署财务条例和细则所附资发基金附件的拟议修改 29个", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 本文件阐述了修订开发署财务条例和细则的理由和遵循的程序。 此时有必要修订财务条例和细则,使其符合开发署即将采用的《公共部门会计准则》,并按照综合预算的要求采用新的费用分类。", "2. 联合国 署长请执行局核准财务条例拟议订正案,并请执行局注意本文件所分发的订正财务细则。", "3个 开发计划署已把该文件及其附件提交行政和预算问题咨询委员会(行预咨委会)审查。 在提交本文件时,行预咨委会尚未提出报告。 一旦报告定稿,如果需要修改,开发署将通过更正将这些修改告知执行局。 此外,联合国审计委员会、开发署审计咨询委员会、联合国法律事务厅和开发署审计和调查处也审查了订正财务条例和细则,并酌情采纳了它们的意见。", "二. 修订的目的", " 4.四. 财务条例和细则对开发署和开发署经管的基金进行广泛的财务管理,包括资源的预算编制和会计。 为了反映采用公共部门会计准则的情况,根据大会2006年7月第60/283号决议和执行局第2007/10号决定,以及执行局第DP/2010/32号决定所核准的开发署、人口基金和儿基会关于综合预算路线图:费用分类和成果预算编制的联合报告的订正费用分类,现拟作修改,以反映新的会计准则和术语。", "5 (韩语). 提议的改动保持了管理财务管理的财务条例和细则的现有性质和性质。 不仅在财务管理领域工作的人员,而且在开发署方案管理领域工作的人员也使用这些方法,他们大多不是会计专业人员。 订正财务条例和细则由开发计划署政策和程序实施。", "公共部门会计准则", "6. 国家 开发署的会计政策以《联合国系统会计准则》为基础,该准则采用修正的权责发生制会计方法。 从2012年1月1日起,开发署将采用完全权责发生制方法实施公共部门会计准则。 公共部门会计准则将导致会计政策和交易记录方式的改变。 开发署将采用适用于开发署的所有公共部门会计准则,这些标准的影响已纳入拟议财务条例和细则。", "7. 联合国 以下是一些最重要的变化:", "根据《联合国系统会计准则》,使用了下列原则和术语:", "未付款项,即付款和未清债务总额。", "根据公共部门会计准则,将使用下列原则和术语:", "用于开发署的活动或行政目的,预计在一个以上财政期间使用。", "新的费用分类", "8. 联合国 新的费用分类导致新的定义和术语将反映在财务条例和细则中。", "其他变动", "9. 国家 还作了其他修改,以反映目前的组织结构、工作方法并增强术语的一致性和清晰度。 开发署财务条例和细则的资发基金附件已经更新,以反映公共部门会计准则和新的费用分类变化。 还进行了更新,使其与开发署现行财务条例和细则保持一致。 为了反映这些修正,还作了编号改动。", "三. 修订工作所遵循的步骤", "10个 联合国秘书处、开发计划署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)开展了一个联合进程,以便根据《国际公共部门会计准则》和新的费用分类,在原则变化方面实现一定程度的统一。 虽然公共部门会计准则影响到所有四个组织,但新的费用分类只影响到开发署、人口基金和儿基会。", "四、结 论 订正草案概览", "11个 财务条例和细则拟议修正案载于本文件附件1、附件2和附件3。 附件1提供了所有拟议修改的理由和分类。 在本附件中,每次变动的原因都属于单独的类别。 然后将将要修正的相应财务条例和细则列入这一类别。 附件2载有一个表格,其中载有原财务条例和细则,修正内容反映于轨道变化,以便随时可以确定条例或细则的修正方式。 附件3载有对开发计划署财务条例和细则资发基金附件的修改。", " V. 订正财务条例和细则的执行情况", "12个 如果执行局核准拟议的订正财务条例并进一步注意到订正财务细则,署长随后将根据条例2.02发布拟议的订正财务条例和细则。 这一发布必须在2012年1月1日之前进行,以促进即将采用的公共部门会计准则。", "页:1 1. 拟议修正的类别和理由以及相关财务条例和细则的相应修改", "类别和修正理由摘要", "A类. 公共部门会计准则", "B. 收入", "C. 费用", "D. 不动产、厂场和设备", "页:1 纳入新的费用分类", "F. 订正资发基金附件", "G. 新定义", " H. 其他修正案", "我当然知道 I. 编号变化", "A类. 公共部门会计准则", "条例:1.03; 2.03; 4.01; 13.10; 14.02; 14.04; 16.06; 20.03; 26.01; 26.05; 26.08; 27.02\n细则:114.01;114.04;126.14", "1. 联合国 开发署的会计政策以联合国系统会计准则为基础,该准则采用修正的权责发生制会计方法。 从2012年1月1日起,开发署将采用完全权责发生制方法实施公共部门会计准则。 根据联合国系统会计准则,财务报表每两年印发一次。 根据《公共部门会计准则》,财务报表将每年发布。", "2. 联合国 在现行财务条例和细则中,根据上下文,“基金”一词的含义不同。 这意味着“资源”或“现金”。 “资金”一词也被用来反映短期流动性。 在后一种情况下没有使用“资金”一词时,改为“资源”。", "3个 根据公共部门会计准则,拟议在财务条例和细则中使用下列术语:", "财务报表和预算期间的两年期。 《公共部门会计准则》规定的财政期间由单一日历年组成,并代表编制财务报表的期间。", "“两年期”。 虽然预算期间将继续按两年期编制,但建议不再使用“两年期”一词,以避免以前也按两年期编制的财务报表之间出现任何混淆。 “预算期间”一词由连续两个历年组成,第一个历年应为偶数年。 预算期可根据执行局今后在执行综合预算方面的提议和决定而改变。", "B. 收入", "条例:6.05; 9.03; 9.04; 13.02; 13.07; 26.04; 27.02 第9条:更改标题\n规则:115.01;121.01 126.04; 126.05; 126.06; 126.07; 126.09; 126.10;126.17; 126.18; 126.20; 126.21; 126.", " 4.四. 根据联合国系统会计准则,“收入”一词是指收到的现金。 根据基于公共部门会计准则的会计政策,“收益”是指“已收资金”和“待收资金”。", "C. 费用", "条例: 3.01; 9.04; 11.05; 13.02; 13.07; 14.01; 14.02; 14.03; 18.01; 18.02; 18.05; 18.06; 20.01; 20.02; 27.01; 27.02\n规则:107.02;111.01;114.02;114.05;115.01;116.03;118.01;118.02;118.07;118.08;120.02;120.03;120.04;122.02;126.06;126.09;126.10;126.11;126.12;126.14;126.19", "5 (韩语). 在《联合国系统会计准则》下,“支出”一词是指已支付或未支付的费用总额,即付款和未清债务之和。 根据《公共部门会计准则》,“支出”一词是指根据方案执行安排并按照主计长为特定财政期间发布的开发署行政指示,为获得资产使用或减值的货物和服务支付的款项和应计款项。", "6. 《联合国系统会计准则》中使用的 \" 债务 \" 和 \" 未清偿债务 \" 现列在《公共部门会计准则》 \" 承诺 \" 下。", "D. 不动产、厂场和设备", "条例:24.01;24.02;26.08(订正注销条例);27.02 第24条:标题变更\n细则:124.01;124.02;124.03;124.04;124.05;124.06;126.17;", "7. 根据联合国系统会计准则, \" 非消耗性设备 \" 指所有有形资产。 这些费用在《联合国系统会计准则》下支出。 根据《公共部门会计准则》,有形资产称为“财产、厂房和设备”,并按照《公共部门会计准则》财产、厂房和设备政策资本化并折旧。", "页:1 纳入新的费用分类", "条例:2.04; 9.01; 9.04; 10.03; 13.01; 13.02; 13.03; 13.04; 13.05; 13.06; 13.07; 13.08; 13.09; 13.10; 14.01; 14.02; 14.03; 14.04; 20.01; 27.02 第13条;第14条:更改标题\n细则:109.01;113.01;113.02;113.03;113.04;114.01;114.03;126.05;126.09;126.14;", "8. 联合国 建议修订现有定义和新定义,以反映执行局第DP/2010/32号决定核准新的费用分类术语。 “两年期支助预算”一词也用“机构预算”一词取而代之,因为第A(3)款中的“两年期”一词已被删除。", "F. 订正资发基金附件", "9. 国家 开发署财务条例和细则的资发基金附件已作更新,以反映与公共部门会计准则和新费用分类有关的变动,并列为本文件附件3。 还进行了更新,使其与开发署现行财务条例和细则保持一致。 为了反映这些修正,还作了编号改动。", "G. 新定义", "10个 条例27.02更新了定义,以反映符合公共部门会计准则的定义和新费用分类的定义。 新定义有助于更好地了解与公共部门会计准则有关的变动以及财务条例和细则中提议的新费用分类。", " H. 其他修正案", "11个 财务条例和细则的其他拟议修正案如下:", "(a) 条例 1.05 - 不再提及联合国妇女发展基金,以反映妇女署的成立,妇女署现在是一个独立的联合国组织;", "(b) 细则103.01 -- -- 将 \" 资源和战略伙伴关系局 \" 更名为 \" 伙伴关系局 \" ;", "(c) 第4条,条例4.01、4.02和4.03;细则103.02和细则116.04 -- -- 将 \" 外部审计 \" 改为 \" 审计 \" 并修正与内部审计有关的条例和细则;", "(d) 条例4.01 -- -- 更正了提及《联合国财务条例》第七条之处;", "(e) 条例5.09和细则105.01 -- -- 与某些不再适用的报告要求有关的条例被删除,因为开发署将遵循公共部门会计准则的报告要求;修订,使开发署的做法与儿基会和人口基金的做法相统一;", "(f) 条例 6.05 - 更正执行局名称以包括联合国项目事务厅;", "(g) 条例10.03 -- -- 对条例的编辑更正;", "(h) 细则124.02和细则124.03 -- -- `财产调查委员会 ' 不再适用,取而代之的是 \" 审查委员会 \" ,以涵盖开发计划署与采购、资产购置和处置有关的所有相关审查委员会;", "(一) 条例25.03 -- -- 增列关于资金投资的规定,以灵活回应联合国审计委员会关于为离职后健康保险负债预留资金投资的建议;", "(j) 细则125.06(c)——根据关于朝鲜民主主义人民共和国的Nemeth报告的建议列入新规则,以提供足够的全面指导处理国家办事处以当地和外币支付的款项;", "(k) 细则125.09 -- -- 列入零用金规则的例外情况,以利简化业务流程并处理现金管理,特别是开发署直接执行的项目中遇到的挑战;", "(l) 细则126.07 -- -- 修正,使开发计划署关于退还捐助者利息的办法同儿童基金会和人口基金的办法相统一;", "(m) 细则126.08 -- -- 取消属于政策性质的会计类型规则,因此应列入开发计划署的政策和程序;", "(n) 细则126.20 -- -- 已删除,因为按照公共部门会计准则政策,管理服务协议现已成为开发署收入的一部分;", "(o) 条例26.06和细则126.13和126.16 -- -- 以前为条例26.06和细则126.13和126.16的核销条例和细则已合并为一新条例26.08和细则126.18。", "我当然知道 I. 编号变化", "12个 由于上述变动,下列条例和细则的编号将作变动:", "(a) 条例4.01至条例4.04", "(b) 条例5.10至条例5.09", "(c) 条例5.11至条例5.10", "(d) 细则105.02改为细则105.01", "(e) 条例26.07至条例26.06", "(f) 条例26.08至条例26.07", "(g) 细则126.09改为细则126.08", "(h) 细则126.10至条例126.09", "(一) 细则126.11至细则126.10", "(j) 细则126.12改为细则126.11", "(k) 细则126.14改为细则126.12", "(l) 细则126.15改为细则126.13", "(m) 细则126.17至细则126.14", "(n) 细则126.18至细则126.15", "(o) 细则126.19改为细则126.16", "(p) 细则126.21改为细则126.17", "附件2. 开发署财务条例和细则拟议订正案及修改理由", "拟议变动\nA章:适用\n第1条:适用\n条例1.03: 本条例自2012年1月1日起生效。 公共部门会计准则\n条例1.05: (a) 除非下文(b)另有规定,开发计划署财务条例和细则应适用于由资本发展基金、联合国自然资源勘探循环基金、联合国科学和技术促进发展基金和联合国志愿人员方案管理的所有资源。 《公共部门会计准则》其他参考妇女署\n\nB章:问责制\n第2条:问责制\n条例2.03: 应设立开发署账户,记录开发署管理和使用的所有资源。 公共部门会计准则\n条例2.04:机构预算使用期由连续两个日历年(下称预算期)组成,第一个日历年应为偶数年。 新的费用分类 符合公共部门会计准则的已界定财务周期的26.05\n\n第3条:内部控制\n条例3.01:署长应维持内部财务控制机制,对财务、管理和业务活动进行有效的当前审查和审查,以确保:\n条例3.01:(b) 承付款和付款与执行董事会决定的拨款、拨款或其他财务规定与行政首长决定的拨款或与联合国其他组织和其他实体的协议相符;\n细则103.01:(b) 主管伙伴关系局的助理署长 C. 指导资源调动的财务条例和细则;\n\n第4条:审计 其他更改\n条例4.01 审计和调查处应负责开发署的内部审计。 它应按照国际内部审计专业惯例标准进行独立、客观的保证和咨询活动。 它应评估并促进改善治理、风险管理和控制进程,并就此提出报告。 审计和调查处在履行它的职责时应行使业务独立性。 其他 -- -- 审调处\n条例4.02 审计和调查处应负责评估和调查对开发署人员所犯或他人所犯损害开发署的欺诈和腐败行为的指控。 其他 -- -- 审调处\n条例4.03 内部审计职能的宗旨、授权和责任应在《审计和调查办公室章程》中进一步界定。 其他 -- -- 审调处规则104.01 审计和调查处应评价治理、风险管理和控制程序在下列方面的充分性和有效性: 其他 -- -- 审调处:(a) 财务和其他信息的可靠性和完整性;(b) 业务的有效性和效率;(c) 资产的保障;以及(c) 财务和其他信息的可靠性和完整性。\n(d) 立法授权、条例、规则、政策和程序的遵守情况。\n细则104.02 根据风险评估,审计和调查办公室将同财务主任协商,确定国家执行的项目和非政府组织执行的项目,这些项目将接受审计。 委员会应审查和评估由第三方审计人员编写的关于这些审计和与开发计划署所资助活动有关的执行伙伴的审计报告。 其他 -- -- 审调处\n细则104.03 审计和调查处认为,为履行职责,必要时应可自由查阅本组织的记录、人员和房地。 其他 -- -- 审调处\n细则104.04 审计和调查处应将结果酌情提交给行政主管和其他高级管理人员。 审计和调查处处长应至少每年向执行局提交一份报告,说明内部审计和调查活动以及重大调查结果,说明资源的高效和有效利用情况。 其他 -- -- 审调处条例4.04: 联合国财务条例第七条的外部审计规定已附在本条例后,应适用于开发计划署,但下列情况除外: 其他 -- -- 正确参考联合国财务条例和规则\n编号\n条例4.04:(a) 审计委员会的报告,连同已审计财务报表和咨询委员会对报表的评论,也应送交执行局成员;\n条例4.04:(b) 受委托执行或执行开发计划署方案活动的联合国系统各组织和联合国项目事务厅应将显示署长分配给它们的资源状况的年度账目送交署长并提交执行局。 这类账户应附有各组织的外部审计人员的审计证书,并附有各组织的立法或理事机构通过的任何有关决议的报告和副本;\n条例4.04:(c) 署长在向执行局提交上述年度账目时,以及作为与开发计划署审计财务报表一起提交的评论的一部分,应就审计人员的实质性意见及其后续行动作出评论。 IPSAS - 一般编号\nC章:资源\n第5条:总框架\n条例5.09:以不可兑换货币捐款的净捐款国总部的实体,应偿还仅为方案活动购买的服务和设备而以该国货币购买的费用,该货币是累积的,直到这种累积使用为止;反之,如果使用不可兑换捐款时发生的费用是以可兑换货币偿还开发计划署。 编号\n条例5.10:署长应每年向执行局提供资料,说明在充分利用开发计划署可用货币方面遇到的任何困难,并附上执行董事会要求提供的关于货币使用情况的任何其他资料。 编号\n细则105.01:除条例5.07外,署长将颁布准则,确保尽可能地减少风险。 编号\n\n第6条:对经常资源的自愿捐款\n条例6.05:在不影响秘书长召开的年度认捐会议的情况下,开发署将在开发署/人口基金/项目厅执行董事会年会范围内召开一次特别供资会议,正式宣布对开发署经常资源的自愿捐款。 这次筹资会议将是所有成员国: 其他 - 更改执行董事会的正确术语\n条例6.05:(a) 宣布其向开发署提供的自愿捐款如下:本年度的确定资金认捐;对有能力者,下一年度捐款的确定捐款或指示性捐款;第三年的确定捐款或暂定捐款;\n\n第7条:分担费用对其他资源的贡献\n条例7.01:署长有权签订费用分摊协定,但须经方案国家同意,但须遵守执行局可能制定的原则。\n细则107.02:费用分摊缴款应在项目文件和(或)与捐款方的协议中确定。 这些捐款应按照开发计划署书面商定的付款时间表,提前支付有关承付款和付款。 IPSAS - 支出\n\n第8条:对其他资源的信托捐款\n\n第9条:其他捐助和收益\n条例9.01:东道国政府对开发署国家办事处费用的捐助。\n条例9.01:(b) 对开发署国家办事处费用的现金捐助应记入开发署机构预算。 新的费用分类\n条例9.03: 应方案国家的请求,开发署可提供与政府、政府间组织或政府组织资助活动有关的管理和其他支助服务。 这种管理和其他支助服务应符合开发计划署的政策、目标和活动。 提供这种管理和其他支助服务所产生的收入应视为其他资源。 IPSAS - 收入\n条例9.04:开发署的所有收入应归类为杂项收入,但公共部门会计准则 -- -- 收入除外\n条例9.04:(a) 本章C节(资源)所指明的缴款收入;\n条例9.04:(b) 在核定方案活动期间,即开发计划署对方案活动的援助最后拨款作出之前,直接退还对方案活动的尊重的付款;\n条例9.04:(c) 在本预算期间直接退还尊重机构预算的付款;\n细则109.01: 东道国政府为支持开发署国家办事处的费用而提供的实物捐助(例如货物、服务或房地)应在开发署机构预算中适当确认。 新的费用分类\n\nD章:资源规划和金融授权\n第10条:总框架\n条例10.03:只须持续维持第25条规定的储备金和周转金,并在为机构预算编列经费后,开发计划署的所有资源应尽量用于方案活动。 新的费用分类 其他 -- -- 变更\n\n第11条:方案活动:资源分配\n条例11.05:在财务框架期间结束时,根据执行董事会可能就具体方案类别作出的决定,分配给特定方案类别的未动用资源余额原则上应在下一个财务框架期间提供给同一类别。 同样,在下一个财务框架期间,在某一具体类别中指定的任何超过资源的承诺和付款,应构成对相应类别的第一个费用。 IPSAS - 费用\n细则111.01:(a) 主管管理局助理署长应至少每年在日历年终了时列入滚动规划期间预计可用于新方案承付款和付款的资源估计数,以及这些资源的未清承付款。 IPSAS - 费用\n细则111.01:(d) 署长应在资源规划框架内为规划期间每一年和整个规划期间设定授权支出限额或限额,以支付预留款、承付款和付款指标。 IPSAS - 支出\n\n第12条:方案活动:资源配置\n\n第13条:机构预算:提交和批准 新的费用分类\n条例13.01: 署长应编制拟议的机构预算,其中应涵盖发展实效、联合国发展协调、管理和特殊目的活动。 机构概算应与目前的规划期有关。 新的费用分类\n条例13.02: 机构预算应涵盖与预算期间有关的拟议承付款和付款以及预期收入,并用美元提交。 新的成本分类\n条例13.03: 署长应在预算期最后一年将下一预算期的拟议机构预算提交执行局。 拟议的机构预算应至少在董事会该届会议开幕前六个星期送交执行局所有成员。 新的费用分类\n条例13.04:(a) 机构预算估计数应在提交执行局之前提交咨询委员会征求意见。 新的费用分类\n条例13.04:(b) 拟议预算及咨询委员会有关报告应在预算所涉期间前一年的9月由执行局审议核准。 新的费用分类\n条例13.05:请咨询委员会就拟议的机构预算编写一份报告并提交执行局。 这份报告一经提出,即应送交执行局所有成员。 新的费用分类\n条例13.06: 执行局应在预算期最后一年为下一个预算期通过机构预算。 新的费用分类\n条例13.07: 计划收入、承付款和付款的拟议机构预算应按执行局通过的关于统一预算列报方式的相关决定所通过格式编制。 新的成本分类\n条例13.08: 署长可在必要时提出修正机构预算的补充建议。 新的费用分类\n条例13.09:署长在编写修正机构预算的补充提案时,应以符合已核准的机构预算的形式提出,并向执行局提交此种提案。 它们也应提交咨询委员会,请该委员会进行审查并向执行委员会报告。 新的费用分类\n条例13.10:在预算期最后一年行政委员会会议后,署长可将核定批款毛额3%的预算应急经费用于货币变动、通货膨胀或大会决定引起的意外需要。 这种用途应向执行局下届常会和咨询委员会报告,请咨询委员会审查并向执行局报告。 IPSAS - 一般费用分类\n细则113.01:(a) 在每个预算期间,开发署机构预算应在现行规划框架内确定。 新的费用分类\n细则113.01:(c) 署长应就提交执行局的拟议机构预算作出决定。 新的费用分类\n细则113.02: 任何补充机构预算提案由主管管理局的助理署长审查,署长应向署长提出建议。 在每一种情况下,行政官员应决定是否提交补充机构预算提案。 新的费用分类\n细则113.03: 拟议机构预算应包括: 新的费用分类\n细则113.03:(c) 概算,并附有说明,说明发展实效、联合国发展协调、管理和特别用途活动;\n细则113.04:(a) 如果预计通货膨胀预测、货币波动或其他费用因素会对核定拨款产生重大影响,可提出修正机构预算的补充提案。 新的费用分类\n细则113.04:(b) 拟议机构预算应包括向开发计划署工作人员退还因在开发计划署工作而获得的收入所征收的所得税。 新的费用分类\n\n第14条:机构预算:拨款 新的费用分类\n条例14.01:经执行局核准的机构预算批款应构成授权行政当局为核定批款的用途和数额承付款项并支付款项。 新的成本分类 -- -- 《公共部门会计准则》 -- -- 《支出条例》14.02:机构预算批款应可用于与之相关的预算期间的承付款。 新的费用分类 -- -- 通用\nIPSAS - 支出\n条例14.03: (a) 有关预算期间终了后12个月内,为履行预算期间任何未清承付款所需的批款仍可动用。 批款余额应退还开发计划署经常资源账户。 新的成本分类\n条例14.03:(b) 有关预算期间终了时的任何未清承付款届时应被注销,或在未清承付款仍为有效费用时,转入当期批款项下作为承付款。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例14.04: 预算期间各批款项目之间的调剂使用,可由行政首长作出,但须遵守执行局经咨询委员会事先同意后可以特别决定的限制。 新的费用分类 -- -- 通用\n细则114.01:(b) 管理局助理行政官授权机构预算批款可采取以下形式:\n细则114.01:一. 资源授权支出限额或其他授权承付特定时期和(或)特定用途的资源;和(或)公共部门会计准则 -- -- 一般\n细则114.02:(a) 管理局助理行政官应至少每年为每一业务单位发出核定支出限额,以支付其控制下的承诺和付款。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则114.02:(b) 每个业务单位负责确保遵守G章所描述的遵守承付款、应计额和付款的政策和程序。\n细则114.03:为开发计划署的利益承付未来期间预期资源的款项,只能由管理局助理署长核准。 这类承付款通常应限于持续性行政要求和其他合同安排,如为确保及时交货需要较长的周转时间,应作为行政理事会核准的有关批款的第一收费。 新的费用分类\n细则114.04:(a) 主管管理局助理署长应向每个业务单位分发本预算期间的核定员额配置表,说明核定员额的数目和职等。 IPSAS - 总则\n细则114.05:主管管理局助理署长可在业务单位和预算账户之间调拨资源,但此种调拨不得超出执行局为某一批款项目核定的批款总额。 IPSAS - 支出\n\n第15条:支助服务\n条例15.03: 署长有权与方案国政府、执行实体或根据大会第56/201号决议设立的统一业务模式作出充分安排,以偿还开发计划署为提供支助服务而发生的费用。\n细则115.01:(a) 如果此类货物和服务的供应是定期和连续的,但经主管管理局助理署长核准后作出互惠安排的除外,有关预算应包括这些货物和服务的费用以及作为收入支付的任何款项;\n细则115.01:(b) 在没有预先供资或预算规定的情况下,管理局助理署长可作出偿还安排,授权承付和支付款项,并在有关当事方收回款项之前记入应收账款。 IPSAS - 支出\n\nE章:各执行机构和执行伙伴的资源利用\n第16条:总框架\n条例16.06: 署长应不时同审计委员会协商,制定标准,确定由执行实体或根据统一业务模式由执行伙伴开展的开发计划署方案活动应每年审计一次。 这些标准应提供给审计委员会。 IPSAS - 总则\n细则116.03:(a) 在方案国家,以标准协定的形式,或在没有标准协定的情况下,以项目文件的标准附件的形式,订有管理开发计划署方案活动的协定,是核准开发计划署方案活动或为开发计划署方案活动提供其他资金的先决条件。 IPSAS - 支出\n\n第17条:执行机构和实施伙伴的指定、选择和终止\n\n第18条:财务监督 执行实体和执行伙伴职能\n条例18.01: 核定文件所载开发计划署方案活动预算,应构成署长向执行实体或根据统一业务模式向执行伙伴分配资源,并授权承付款项和支付款项。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例18.02: 涉及开发计划署方案活动的预算应以年度部分列报,并应构成当年的承付和付款上限,并构成与拨款所涉开发计划署方案活动有关的未来年度承付款上限。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例18.05:(a) 每一执行实体,或根据统一业务方式,各执行伙伴,应保持必要的账户和记录,以便报告从开发计划署获得或通过开发计划署获得的资金的财务状况,特别是酌情包括入账拨款、承付款、应计额和付款的余额,但部门预算支助和集合资金除外。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例18.05:(b) 署长应制订开发计划署参与直接预算支助和集合基金的政策和程序。 政策和程序应规定开发署可为部门预算支助或集合基金提供财务捐助。 政策和程序应进一步规定,开发署根据对部门预算支助或集合基金的捐款总额向执行局报告从开发署获得或通过开发署获得的资金的财务状况,其依据是参与方就部门预算支助或集合基金达成的协议中规定的方案和财务报告。 分配给部门预算支助者集合基金的开发署资源的支出确认应按比例进行,包括参与伙伴的捐款总额。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例18.06:(a) 开发署方案活动完成后,实际承付款和付款与拨款之间的分配余额应退还给各自的资源来源;\n条例18.06:(b) 最后拨款在为与其有关的开发计划署方案活动支付任何未清承付款所需的期间内应保持不变。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则118.01: 说明开发署方案活动的商定文件应包括按年度为开发署方案活动确定的预算。 商定文件所载的预算规定应构成开发计划署拨款和预留资金,以资助文件中所述的开发计划署方案活动,但须视资源情况而定。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则118.02: 按照商定的定期间隔,所有执行机构或统一业务模式下的执行伙伴应向开发计划署提交关于开发计划署分配给它们的拨款状况的报告,包括关于其记录的拨款总额、付款、承付款、现金持有和其他财务数据等资料。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则118.07: (a) 除下文(b)项规定的情况外,项目预算和核定支出限额为开发计划署本年度和今后各年度方案活动承付和付款的最高限额;\n细则118.07:(b) 在任何一年,执行实体或统一业务模式下的执行伙伴的费用可超过该年核定项目预算的4%(不包括费用分摊和信托基金预算)。 核准这些额外支出的条件是,该年度此类实体或伙伴的盈余总额不超过该实体或伙伴为该年度支出核准的开发署资金总额的2%(不包括费用分摊和信托基金)。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则118.08:(a) 一俟开发计划署的方案活动停止,执行实体或统一业务模式下的执行伙伴应宣布活动完成。 它将告知开发署完成业务的情况,并依照既定的预算修订程序向开发署提交预算修订,反映迄今为止的实际和估计费用。 IPSAS - 支出\n\n第19条:赠款\n\nF章:开发署利用资源\n第20条:总框架\n条例20.01:当年的承付款和付款以及未来各年的承付款,只能作为开发署方案活动的事后拨款,机构预算的分配款,或在署长授权下以书面形式作出其他适当授权。 新的成本分类方法\n条例20.02: 除署长另有明确授权外,应解除下列职务:\n条例20.02:(a) 可能代表开发署承担债务的工作人员与可能核实可代表开发署支付款项的工作人员之间;\n条例20.03:署长应:\n条例20.03:(b) 使所有承付款都以证明文件为依据,确保有资源以拨款或拨款形式支付预期索偿;\n细则120.02:(a) 首席采购干事应具体说明需要订立或修订承付文件的上述数额。 此种数额应包括为同一目的所承付的一系列款项。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则120.02:(c) 一旦订立合同、协议或承诺,必须通过承付文件承付资源。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则120.03:(a) 每一份拟议承诺文件由负责官员签署,并附上适当的证明文件。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则120.03:(c) 首席采购干事可以拒绝任何承付或付款提议。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则120.03:(d) 首席采购干事有权核证所有账户下承付款。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则120.04:除条例20.02外,关于职责分离的例外情况:\n细则120.04:(b) 至少需要两个签字人批准资金开支;\n\n第21条:货物和服务采购\n条例21.02: 在行使开发署采购职能时,应适当考虑下列一般原则:\n条例21.02:(a) 最高性价比;\n条例21.02:(b)公平、诚信和透明度;\n条例21.02:(c)有效的国际竞争;\n条例21.02:(d) 开发计划署的利益。\n细则121.01:采购当局:\n细则121.01:(b) 首席采购干事应确保采购职能按照有关的财务条例和细则履行。 为此,首席采购干事:\n细则121.01:二 应在总部和其他地点设立审查委员会,就导致授予或修改采购合同的采购行动向首席采购干事提供书面意见,这些条例和细则包括协议或其他书面文书,如定购单,以及涉及开发署收入的合同。 首席采购干事应确定这些委员会的组成和职权范围,其中应包括需审查的拟议采购行动的类型和货币价值;\n细则121.02:采购方式\n\n第22条:核实付款\n条例22.01:署长应:\n条例22.01:(a) 指定工作人员以开发计划署名义核查付款情况;\n条例22.01:(b) 使所有付款都以保证服务或货物已收到的凭证和其他文件为基础,而且以前没有付款。\n细则122.02: (a) 在下列情况下,核查人员应核准付款担保人:\n细则122.02:二 证明它的文件表明,索赔所涉货物或服务已按照合同条款和有关承诺收到或提供;\n细则122.02: (b) 如果发票的付款额超过现有有关承付款,则需由首席采购干事在细则120.02中指定的数额或以上者事先承付资源。 IPSAS - 支出\n细则122.02: (c) 对于根据细则120.02记录承付款而不需要预留资金的付款,付款凭单的证明文件必须由承付人签字后,方可由核查人核准付款。 IPSAS - 支出\n\n第23条:惠给金\n\nG章:资源管理\n第24条:管理用品、财产、种植和设备及其他资产 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n条例24.01:署长负责并负责有效管理开发计划署的用品、财产、厂房和设备,以推进其任务规定和活动。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n条例24.01:(a) 用品、财产、植物和设备的管理包括接收、保管、维修和处置所需的一切行动;\n条例24.01:(b) 署长可酌情授权他人管理用品、不动产、厂房和设备。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n条例24.02:开发署资助或提供的供应、不动产、厂房和设备应属于开发署,除非在所有权或控制权转让之前,方案国和开发署根据相互商定的条款和条件。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.01:(a) 主管管理局的助理署长应确定应保留记录的用品、不动产、厂场和设备的种类,并应按照本规则的目的确定记录的性质和范围。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.01:(b) 主管管理局的助理署长应负责维持根据上文(a)款建立的财产记录。 总部和开发计划署国家办事处都应保持这种记录,并应分别显示属于开发计划署和(或)委托开发计划署负责的用品、财产、植物和设备。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.01:(c) 对开发计划署拥有的用品、不动产、厂场和设备,或每年或为确保适当管制这些财产所需的间隔,进行实物核查。 有待核查的物品的选择应由管理局助理署长负责,他还应安排在总部和国家办事处进行实物核查。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.02:主管管理局的助理署长应设立总部和其他地点的审查委员会,就开发署财产、植物和设备的损失、损坏或其他损坏向她提供书面意见。 管理局助理行政官可根据本条细则的规定,酌情免除责任,以达到本条细则的目的。 他或她应规定这种委员会的组成和参照条件,其中应包括确定这种损失、损坏或其他损坏的原因的程序、处置行动以及任何开发计划署官员或其他当事方对这种损失、损坏或其他损坏的责任程度。 主管管理局的助理署长应负责通过出售以外的方式处置不动产、厂场和设备,并对这类处置行动发布行政指示。 其他 -- -- 为审查委员会而更改的委员会 -- -- 公共部门会计准则 -- -- 个人防护设备\n细则124.03:(a) 主管管理局的助理署长负责以出售方式处置不动产、厂场和设备。 他或她应制定出售财产的行政指令,并可在必要时授权。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.03:(b) 根据适用的审查委员会的建议,用品、不动产、厂场和设备被宣布为多余或无法使用,经竞标后出售,除非:\n细则124.03:一. 每一物品的账面价值低于管理局助理行政主管规定的通过竞标处理的金额。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.03:二 适用审查委员会认为,交换剩余用品、财产、厂房和设备部分全额支付替换费用符合开发署的利益;公共部门会计准则PPEOther – 为审查委员会更改了财产调查委员会\n细则124.03:三. 破坏法律或实体性质要求的剩余或无法使用的物质矿体将更为经济。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.04: 应立即检查开发计划署收到的所有用品、不动产、厂房和设备,以确保这些物品符合采购合同的规格并符合其条件。 如收到物品,应出具适当的接收报告,并按细则124.01(a)的要求,将物品入入财产记录。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.05:开发计划署用品、不动产、厂房和设备应在交货时或交货前按付款出售。 管理局助理署长如认为符合开发署的利益,可书面核准本条细则的例外情况。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n细则124.06:用品、不动产、厂场和设备的所有权可在方案国和开发署抵达受援国后随时按照相互商定的条件转让,并由驻地代表在同有关各方协商后实施。 IPSAS - 个人防护设备\n\n第25条:库存管理\n条例25.03 考虑到开发计划署的目标和政策及其业务的特殊要求,包括流动性,署长可以将不需要的资金存入流动固定期限。 在特殊情况下,经投资委员会的建议,行政主管可将此类资金存入其他投资工具。 其他 -- -- 关于资金投资的灵活性\n条例25.06: 未经本条例规定授权的开发署资源的任何出借,必须事先得到执行局的具体核准。\n细则125.06(c) 国家办事处所有当地付款都必须尽可能以当地货币支付,充分利用可兑换当地货币余额使用前的不可兑换余额。 当当地情况需要时,署长可例外批准使用可兑换货币代替不可兑换货币支付当地款项。 提供国家办事处付款指导的其他新规则\n细则125.09:财务主管指定的官员可从零用金账户中预支零用金。 财务主任在有充分保障的情况下,可授权从零用金账户向编外人员预支小额现金,数额由财务主任确定。 这些现金账户应以定额备用金为基础。 每个账户的金额和用途由Treasurer规定。 持有的金额应为符合工作要求的最低数额。 其他 - 修改零用金规则来简化业务流程。\n\n第26条:会计\n条例26.01:署长应按照《国际公共部门会计准则》每年提交财务报表,包括经常资源账户和其他资源账户。 每年将提交开发署经管的所有基金和方案的单独财务报表。 IPSAS - 总则\n条例26.04:杂项收入应贷记开发署有关账户,该账户应计或来源于该账户。 IPSAS - 收入\n条例26.05: 财政期间为整个历年。 IPSAS - 总则\n条例26.06: 所有信托基金应通过咨询委员会向执行局报告详情。 编号\n条例26.07: 署长至迟应于每一财政期间终了后下一年的4月30日将财务报表提交联合国审计委员会审查并提出意见。 IPSAS - 一般编号\n细则126.04:打算以美元贷记开发计划署账下的自愿捐款的付款,应记作开发计划署实际收到的收入。 以美元以外的美元缴付的自愿捐款,应按支付当日的联合国业务汇率以美元计作收入。 IPSAS - 收入\n细则126.05: 东道国政府为开发计划署国家办事处费用提供的现金捐助应记作开发计划署机构预算毛额的收入。 如果以当地货币收到,以美元计的贷项将按付款之日的联合国业务汇率计算。 新的成本分类\n细则126.06:(b) 其他财务事项引起的汇兑调整数应酌情分别记作杂项收入或费用。 IPSAS - 支出和收入\n细则126.07:(a) 投资收入应记作开发计划署有关账户的杂项收入。 除非署长核准,否则开发署经管的基金不得支付利息。 《国际公共部门会计准则》 -- -- 其他 -- -- 利息留存规则第126.08条:(a) 由机构预算供资的费用的退款,如果在同一财政期间收到,应贷记入最初支出的账户;如果在该财政期间之后收到,则应贷记入杂项收入。 新的成本分类\n编号\n细则126.08:(b) 项目期间收到的项目费用退款,即在开发计划署援助最后分配之前,应贷记原列项目账户。 事后收到的退款,应贷记\"杂项收入\"科目. IPSAS - 收入和支出\n细则126.09:(a) 向财务上已完成的开发计划署方案活动收取的负债的节余或赤字应记入或记入开发计划署杂项收入下的相关账户。 IPSAS - 收入和支出\n细则126.09:(b) 意外付款或退款如在财务上已完成的开发计划署方案活动,应在杂项收入下记入或贷记开发计划署有关账户。 IPSAS - 收入和支出\n细则126.09:(c) 未经管理局助理行政主管批准,因财务上已完成的开发计划署方案活动而作的此种净调整额不得超过有关预算最后拨款的10%或50 000美元(以少者为准)。 编号\n细则126.10:如发生美元以外的意外开支,应按现行联合国业务汇率以美元等值记入账户。 如果在付款时,货币波动导致美元等值与原承诺数额相去甚远,则应将该款项记入或记入与该款项入账的同一账户。 在这种情况下,不需要对原始承诺文件进行命名。 12月31日的有效承付款应重新估值,以反映该日有效的联合国业务汇率,并签发一份经修订的承付款文件,如果重新估值的债务超过原承付额而未按细则120.02规定的金额。 IPSAS - 支出数\n细则126.11:(a) 按照条例14.03保留上一财政期间批款的未清承付款应由承付或候补承付干事和管理局联合审查。 经审查后不再视为有效的承付款应予注销并退还所产生的贷项。 如果在下一个预算期间的12个月后,尚未履行的承诺仍然有效,则应由当时的财政期间的批款重新承付。 公共部门会计准则 -- -- 支出公共部门会计准则 -- -- 一般新费用分类\n编号\n细则126.12:(a) 付款应于付款之日入账;即发出支票时,银行要求转账或支付现金;\n细则126.12:(b) 收据应在收到的日期入账。 编号\n细则126.13: 除财务报表外,应向联合国审计委员会提供下列资料:\n细则126.13:(a) 惠给金;编号\n细则126.13:(b) 保存记录的用品、不动产、厂房和设备;(c) 注销的资产损失;(c) 公共部门会计准则 -- -- 公共部门会计准则订正 -- -- PP&E\n编号\n细则126.13:(d) 委员会可能需要的其他资料。 编号\n细则126.14:(a) 为了核算和报告开发署的资产、负债和交易,并保存其他财务记录,其他货币将按报告日期或交易日期的联合国业务汇率折算成美元。 编号\n细则126.14:(b) 在订正了联合国货币业务汇率后,为财务报表目的,应以美元重新估值该货币持有的任何资产或负债,并借记或贷记入杂项收入。 IPSAS - 收入\n细则126.15: 开发署的主要账户应核算开发署经管的财政资源,按本条例和可适用的细则以及执行局确定的类别划分。 重新定义的这些账户已不再适用公共部门会计准则。\n细则126.15:管理局主计长应证明,根据其所知、资料和信念,所有重大交易都已适当记入会计记录,并适当反映在财务报表和附表中。\n条例26.08 署长经充分调查后可授权注销资产的损失,但所有此种注销数额的报表应按条例26.01的规定,连同账目一并提交联合国审计委员会。 行政主管可以不时确定一个数额,低于这一数额不需要全面调查、报告和正式注销。 为了行政效率,这些数额应直接计入有关拨款/预算项目。 IPSAS - PP&E合并条例和注销规则\n细则126.17 现金、应收款和财产损失、植物设备和其他资产。 a) 任何资产损失应报告给主管管理局助理署长,署长经充分调查后可授权注销被认为无法收回的资产,但注销超过100 000美元的款项的提议应提交署长核准。 IPSAS - PP&E合并条例和注销规则\n细则126.17 (b) 调查应确定资产损失的原因,包括工作人员或其他人员的责任。 这些工作人员或其他人可能要求部分或全部偿还损失。 管理局助理署长将最后确定因损失而对工作人员或其他人收取的所有赔偿金。 IPSAS - PP&E合并条例和注销规则\n细则126.17(c) 豁免调查、报告和注销的核准数额为1 000美元。 合并条例和注销规则", "H章:定义\n第27条:定义\n拟议变动\n条例27.01 为开发计划署财务条例和细则的目的,下列参与开发计划署活动的主要实体的定义应适用: 定义也适用于规则\n条例27.01:(一) \" 直接预算支助 \" 的定义是通过外部供资机构向伙伴政府的国库转移资源,为伙伴国预算提供资金的一种方法。 如此转移的资金按照收款人的预算程序管理。 这包括利用国家监管框架进行财政分配、采购和会计制度。 “部门预算支助”基金是指对政府预算的财政捐助,由政府实体为特定部门或方案结果在国家账户中管理。 集合基金的目的是通过参与伙伴汇集财政资源,为某一部门或方案内的承付款和付款提供资金。 “集合基金”将由政府外包,由商定的一方管理。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例27.02: 为开发计划署财务条例和细则的目的,应适用下列具体用语的定义。 这些术语按字母顺序排列. 定义也适用于规则\n条例27.02:应计:收到但尚未付款的货物和服务的应付款项。 IPSAS - 一般新定义\n条例27.02:分配:署长签发的财务授权,用于在规定期限内为与开发署方案活动有关的特定用途并在规定限额内承付款项和意外开支;\n条例27.02:拨款:署长向某一单位官员签发的财务授权,以便在一定时期内为与机构预算有关的特定用途并在规定限额内承付款项;\n条例27.02:批款:执行局为现行机构预算特定用途核准的总额,为这些用途承付的款项最多不超过核准的数额。 拨款分为 \" 拨款项目 \" ,其中每个项目的具体数额由行政理事会在每个预算期间通过的适当决定所确定,署长在该决定中授权不经事先批准即可转账;\n条例27.02:资产:有价值的有形和无形占有。 IPSAS - PP&E 新定义\n条例27.02:承付款:指由开发署的合同、协议或其他承诺形式产生的法律义务,或基于开发署确认的负债,或针对本年度开发署方案活动的资源,或针对本预算期,但未遵守机构预算\n条例27.02:实物捐助:捐赠给开发计划署的不动产、厂房、设备、用品或服务。 IPSAS-Revenue 新定义\n条例27.02:发展活动:与有助于有效交付发展成果的“方案”和“发展实效”活动有关的费用类别,如下:(a) 方案:与国家/区域/全球方案文件或其他方案拟订安排所载发展成果交付工作有关的特定方案构成部分或项目有关的费用类别;(b) 发展实效:与政策咨询、技术和执行性质的活动有关的费用类别,这些活动需要实现各组织重点领域方案和项目的目标。 这些投入对交付发展成果至关重要,没有包括在具体方案构成部分或国内、区域或全球方案文件中。 新的费用分类\n条例27.02:抵押:对一年或一年以上资源的预期或有条件负债,但须视资金供应情况而定。 IPSAS - 支出\n条例27.02:支出:包括所收货物和服务的付款和应计额,以及资产的使用或减值,取决于执行安排和主计长为某一财政期间发出的行政指示。 IPSAS - 说明新定义\n条例27.02:间接费用:本组织为支持不能直接归属于这类具体方案或项目的方案或项目而发生的费用。 新的费用分类 新定义\n条例27.02:机构预算:包括执行局核准的与发展实效、联合国发展协调、管理和特别用途等费用类别的活动和相关费用有关的估计数。 新的费用分类 新定义\n条例27.02:管理费用:主要职能是促进一个组织的身份、方向和福祉的费用类别。 这包括行政领导、代表、对外关系和伙伴关系、公司通信、法律、监督、审计、公司评价、信息技术、财务、行政、安全和人力资源。 这包括经常性和非经常性的活动和相关费用。 新的费用分类\n条例27.02:未清承付款:尚未支付或尚未清偿的部分承付款。 公共部门会计准则 新定义\n条例27.02:不动产、厂场和设备:为开发计划署活动或行政目的持有并预期在一个以上财政期间使用的有形资产。 IPSAS - PPE 新定义\n条例27.02: 认捐:捐助方在将来某个日期捐助特定数额的书面意向。 IPSAS-Revenue 新定义\n条例27.02:经常资源:开发署不附带条件的资源。 其中包括自愿捐款、来自其他政府、政府间或非政府来源的捐款以及相关的利息收入和杂项收入;\n条例27.02:开发署经管的资源:开发署收到的所有捐款和获得的所有收入;公共部门会计准则 -- -- 收入\n条例27.02:收入是应收开发计划署的捐款、收费和其他考虑因素的流入。 IPSAS-Revenue 新定义\n条例27.02:特殊用途:(a) 涉及重大资本投资或(b) 不代表与本组织管理活动有关的费用。 新的费用分类\n条例27.02:联合国发展协调:与支助联合国系统发展活动的协调有关的费用类别。 新的费用分类\n条例27.02:开发署账户:为核算受托给署长的所有资源及由此供资的活动而设置的账户,应包括:\n条例27.02:(a) 经常资源账户,其中应包括开发署的所有经常资源、由此得到资助的活动以及相关收入;和\n条例27.02:(b) 其他资源账户,其中应包括开发署的所有其他资源、由此供资的活动和相关收益;以及公共部门会计准则 -- -- 收入\n条例27.02:(c) 开发署基金账户,其中应包括委托署长的基金和方案收到的所有资源、由此得到资助的活动和相关收入;\n条例27.02:周转金:进出开发署的现金流的剩余部分,用于向执行实体或统一业务模式下的执行伙伴提供预付款,以资助未清承付款并支付经常性行政开支;", "附件3. 开发署财务条例和细则资发基金附件的拟议订正修改", "开发计划署财务条例和细则附件一", "联合国资本发展基金", "1. 联合国 本附件载有适用于联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)的开发计划署财务条例的增补或修正案文,这些增补或修正案是考虑到资发基金业务的特殊需要所必需的。 本附件还说明开发计划署哪些财务条例不适用于资发基金。", "2. 联合国 除非本附件另有规定,开发计划署财务条例应比照适用于由资发基金管理的所有基金。 例如,在对资发基金适用开发计划署财务条例时。", "(a) “开发计划署帐户”指“资发基金帐户”;", "(b) “署长”指“署长在履行资发基金总裁职能时”;", "(c) “执行局”指“开发计划署执行局在履行资发基金执行局职能时”;", "(d) “项目文件”系指“项目协议”;和", "(e) “执行机构”系指“执行机构和/或合作机构”。", "3个 开发计划署财务条例的下列规定不适用于资发基金。 这些规定要么涉及开发署独有的事项,要么如下文第4段所述,修正后适用于资发基金。", "第5条 总框架", "条例:5.02、5.03(b)、5.05、5.08", "第7条 对其他资源的费用分摊捐款", "条例:7.01、7.02、7.04", "条款 其他捐款和收入", "条例:9.01、9.03", "第10条 总框架", "条例:10.02、10.03、10.04", "第11条 方案活动:资源分配", "条例:11.04", "第12条 方案活动:资源调拨", "条例:12.02、12.03、12.04", "第16条 执行实体和执行伙伴利用资源", "条例16.01", "第17条 指定、选择和终止执行实体和执行伙伴", "条例:17.01(a)、17.02(d)", "第18条 对执行实体和执行伙伴职能的财务监督", "条例:18.01、18.02、18.03、18.06(a)、18.06(b)", "第十九条 赠款", "条例19.01", "第20条 总框架", "条例:20.01", "第25条 现金管理", "条例:25.04、25.05(c)、25.06", " 4.四. 以下规定应仅适用于资发基金。 它们是开发计划署财务条例所载相应规定的增删或取而代之。", "C章:资源", "第5条:总框架", "条例5.02:资发基金可接受联合国会员国政府、专门机构或国际原子能机构提供的现金或实物捐助,或接受政府以外的来源的自愿捐款。", "条例5.03(b): 自愿捐助应以资发基金随时可以经济上使用的货币或捐助者的国家货币提供。", "条例5.08:如出现未按上文(b)分款支付的情况,署长有权视需要减少、修改或终止由费用分摊捐款供资的援助。", "D章:资源规划和财务授权", "第10条:总框架", "条例10.04:资发基金对署长所核准的项目的援助应在符合下文条例11.04规定的部分供资基础上核准,并须遵守下列项目执行安排。", "第11条:方案活动:资源分配", "条例11.04:署长应计划向项目交付资发基金的援助,其速度可望实现年度承付款和付款指标,但须视可用资源而定。", "第13条:机构预算:提交和批准", "条例13.01:机构概算应附有执行局要求或署长认为必要而有用的资料附件和解释性说明。", "E章:执行实体和执行伙伴利用资源的情况", "第16条:总框架", "条例16.01:资发基金对项目的援助应采用赠款或贷款的形式。 资发基金提供的贷款应长期摊销,利率低,或无利息,并一般比其他国际贷款机构提供的贷款优惠。", "细则116.02:资发基金对项目援助的核准,应在政府或各国政府和资发基金签署项目协定时生效,并酌情由执行实体或根据统一业务模式由执行伙伴或根据上文条例17.02(d)选定的其他各方签署项目协定后生效,并须符合项目协定所载的任何先例。", "第17条:执行机构和执行伙伴的指定、选择和终止", "条例17.03(a):资发基金对项目的援助主要由请求国政府负责。", "条例17.03(b): 经有关政府同意,署长可指定一个合作机构协助政府执行项目的一个或多个组成部分,或指定一个执行实体,或根据统一业务模式指定一个执行伙伴来负责项目执行。", "条例17.02(d):根据执行局规定的条件,署长还经请求国政府同意,有权与其他机构、私营公司或专家签订合同,为执行项目提供服务,并将项目分配给不属于联合国系统的政府、政府间或非政府机构或开发计划署本身执行。", "第18条:对执行实体和执行伙伴职能的财务监督", "条例18.01:资发基金与受援国政府之间的项目协定所载关于资发基金对已核准项目的援助的项目预算,应构成资发基金对该项目资金的总分配。 为下文条例18.02的目的,项目预算应分年度编制;", "条例18.01:项目协议中资发基金的拨款是项目期间资发基金对项目的预留资金总额,资发基金应每年向付款机构核发付款授权;", "条例18.02:年度付款授权是当年承付款和付款的上限,资发基金只有在收到付款机构将提交的当年活动时间表和估计承付款和付款后,才能签发;", "条例18.06(a):在项目完成后,资发基金将修订项目预算,以反映实际承付款和已支付的款项。 订正预算应构成资发基金对该项目援助的最后拨款;", "条例18.06(b): 资发基金根据上述条例18.06(a)的规定向项目提供的最后拨款,应在履行项目任何未清承付款所需的期间内继续提供。 在最后拨款的所有承付款已清偿后,任何余额将退还给资发基金账户并列为杂项收入。", "F章:开发计划署对资源的利用", "第20条:总框架", "条例20.01:与方案活动有关的本年度承付款和付款及未来各年承付款,只有在按照条例18.02的规定发出相应的年度付款授权后,机构预算只有在署长授权以书面方式作出适当授权后,方可发生。", "G章:资源管理", "第25条:现金管理", "条例25.04:尽管有上文条例25.03的规定,但在执行局规定的限度和条件范围内,资金可以由国际或区域开发银行以参与发展贷款的形式提供;", "条例25.06:将盈余资金放入本条规定未明确授权的任何贷款,须经执行局事先具体核准。", "第27条:定义", "条例27.01(a):“资发基金”指联合国大会第2186(XXI)号决议设立的联合国资本发展基金;", "条例27.01(一):“合作机构”指经资发基金授权协助受援国政府执行由资发基金供资的项目的一个或多个组成部分的实体;", "条例27.01: \" 支付代理 \" 系指资发基金授权支付资发基金项目资金的实体,可以是受援国政府、开发计划署、执行实体,或统一业务模式下的执行伙伴或合作机构。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "* E/2011/100 and Corr.1.", "** This information was received after the submission of the main report.", "Item 9 of the provisional agenda*", "Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting", "of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples", "by the specialized agencies and the international", "institutions associated with the United Nations", "Report of the President of the Council on consultations with the Special Committee on the Situation with regard to the Implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples", "Information submitted by the specialized agencies and other organizations of the United Nations system on their activities with regard to the implementation of the Declaration", "Addendum**", "United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", "1. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) indicated that three Non-Self-Governing Territories have the status of associate members, namely, the British Virgin Islands (1983), the Cayman Islands (1999) and Tokelau (2001). A consultative process has started with Bermuda, which has expressed an interest in associate membership. UNESCO employs every opportunity to engage with Non-Self-Governing Territories at the regional, subregional and national levels. A number of World Heritage Sites are located in Non-Self-Governing Territories. These include: the Historic Town of Saint George and Related Fortifications, Bermuda (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland); the Lagoons of New Caledonia Reef Diversity and Associated Ecosystems (France); and Henderson Island (Pitcairn, United Kingdom).", "2. With regard to the Caribbean, in the field of education UNESCO organized a regional capacity-building workshop on education statistics, which was held in Kingston in March 2011. A number of participants were from the Non-Self-Governing Territories of the British Virgin Islands, Anguilla, Montserrat, the Cayman Islands and Bermuda.", "3. Furthermore, in collaboration with the secretariat of the Organization of Eastern Caribbean States, UNESCO is carrying out an assessment of policies regarding technical and vocational education and training in islands of the Eastern Caribbean, including Anguilla, the British Virgin Islands and Montserrat.", "4. In the field of culture, in June 2010 UNESCO organized a subregional meeting in Grenada on cultural diversity and intangible cultural heritage. Representatives of Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, the Cayman Islands and Montserrat participated in the meeting. Participants adopted a 2010-2012 action plan to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of the Caribbean and to increase awareness of the importance of culture for development.", "5. Furthermore, in September 2010 a Caribbean subregional workshop on the implementation of the Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage was held in Havana. Participants included representatives of the British Virgin Islands and 12 Caribbean countries. The workshop provided a forum for identifying needs for heritage protection and for assessing the progress made in the implementation of the 2004-2014 Caribbean Plan of Action.", "6. Concerning natural sciences, Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands are active members of the UNESCO Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Tsunami and Other Coastal Hazards Warning System for the Caribbean Sea and Adjacent Regions. In February 2011, representatives of the above-mentioned Non-Self-Governing Territories took part in a meeting organized by UNESCO on strengthening coordination activities relating to sea-level observation in the Caribbean. During the following month, an exercise on improving tsunami preparedness throughout the Caribbean region was carried out with participants from Anguilla, Bermuda, the British Virgin Islands, Montserrat and the Turks and Caicos Islands.", "7. With regard to the Pacific region, in 2010 Tokelau consultations took place, aimed at identifying how UNESCO could best support the education sector in accordance with the Tokelau National Strategic Plan 2010-2015. Tokelau expressed interest in UNESCO support in the following key areas: school management and leadership; capacity-building in educational information systems; the development of teaching resources towards education for sustainable development; and literacy education for the adult population. In May 2010, UNESCO supported the participation of Tokelau at a meeting of the heads of education systems of the Pacific region, held in Nadi, Fiji.", "8. Furthermore, in 2010 UNESCO provided technical support for the development of the first national women’s policy and national action plan for women, as well as for the preparation of a draft Tokelau national cultural policy.", "9. With regard to the strengthening of information activities, in May 2010 UNESCO, together with other United Nations agencies, conducted a training workshop in Suva aimed at raising awareness about the Millennium Development Goals among media across the Pacific region, including in Tokelau. The workshop sought to increase attention to Millennium Development Goal-related achievements and to stimulate progress in areas where fewer gains had been made." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程^(*) 项目9", "各专门机构和与联合国有联系的 国际机构执行《给予殖民地国家 和人民独立宣言》的情况", "^(*) E/2011/100和Corr.1。", "^(**) 这份资料是在主要报告提交后收到的。", "理事会主席关于同给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会协商的报告", "联合国系统各专门机构和其他组织提交的关于执行《宣言》活动情况的资料", "增编^(**)", "联合国教育、科学及文化组织", "1. 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)表示,三个非自治领土具有准成员地位,它们是英属维尔京群岛(1983年)、开曼群岛(1999年)和托克劳(2001年)。教科文组织与百慕大开始了一项协商进程,百慕大表示有兴趣获得教科文组织准成员地位。教科文组织在区域、次区域和国家各级利用一切机会与非自治领土进行互动协作。在非自治领土确定了多处世界遗产。其中包括:百慕大(联合王国)历史城镇圣乔治及相关要塞;新喀里多尼亚泻湖:珊瑚礁多样性及相关生态系统(法国);以及亨德森島(皮特凯恩,联合王国)。", "2. 关于加勒比地区,在教育领域,教科文组织于2011年3月在金斯敦举办了一个关于教育统计的区域能力建设讲习班。一些与会者来自英国维尔京群岛、安圭拉、蒙特塞拉特、开曼群岛和百慕大等非自治领土。", "3. 此外,教科文组织正在与东加勒比国家组织秘书处合作,在东加勒比岛屿对关于技术和职业教育与培训的政策进行评估,其中包括安圭拉、英属维尔京群岛和蒙特塞拉特。", "4. 在文化领域,联合国教科文组织于2010年6月在格林纳达主办了关于文化多样性和非物质文化遗产的次区域会议。来自百慕达、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛和蒙特塞拉特的代表参加了会议。与会者通过了一项2010至2012年行动计划,以保护加勒比非物质文化遗产和提高对文化促进发展重要性的认识。", "5. 此外,2010年9月在哈瓦那举行了《关于保护世界文化和自然遗产的公约》执行情况的加勒比次区域讲习班。与会者包括英属维尔京群岛和12个加勒比国家的代表。这次讲习班为确定保护文物方面的需要和评估2004-2014年加勒比地区行动计划的执行进展情况提供了论坛。", "6. 在自然科学方面,安圭拉、百慕大、英属维尔京群岛、蒙特塞拉特、特克斯和凯科斯群岛都是联合国教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会加勒比海和毗邻区域海啸及其他沿海灾害警报系统的积极成员。例如,2011年2月,上述非自治领土的代表出席了由联合国教科文组织举办的关于加强加勒比海平面观测方面协调活动的会议。在其后的一个月,进行了一次改善整个加勒比地区的海啸准备工作的活动,与会者来自安圭拉、百慕大、英属维尔京群岛、蒙特塞拉特和特克斯和凯科斯群岛。", "7. 至于亚太地区,2010年进行了托克劳协商,旨在确定教科文组织如何可以根据2010-2015年的托克劳国家战略计划,最有效地支持教育部门的工作。托克劳对教科文组织在以下关键领域的支持表示有兴趣:学校的管理和领导;教育信息系统的能力建设;为教育促进可持续发展而开发教学资源;以及对成年人的识字教育。2010年5月,联合国教科文组织协助托克劳参加了在斐济楠迪举行的太平洋区域教育系统负责人会议。", "8. 此外,联合国教科文组织于2010年为第一份全国妇女政策和国家妇女行动计划的制定以及托克劳国家文化政策草案的编写提供了技术支持。", "9. 在加强信息活动方面,联合国教科文组织与联合国其他机构一同于2010年5月,在苏瓦举办了一次培训讲习班,旨在提高包括托克劳在内的整个太平洋媒体对千年发展目标的认识。这次讲习班力图提高对千年发展目标各项成果的重视并推动在进展不大领域取得发展。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "页:1", "页:1 这一资料是在主要报告提交后收到的。", "临时议程* 项目9", "《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的执行情况", "《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》的执行情况", "各专门机构和国际", "与联合国有联系的机构", "理事会主席关于同给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言执行情况特别委员会协商的报告", "联合国系统各专门机构和其他组织就它们在执行《宣言》方面的活动所提交的资料", "增编**", "教科文组织", "1. 联合国 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)指出,三个非自治领土具有准成员地位,即英属维尔京群岛(1983年)、开曼群岛(1999年)和托克劳(2001年)。 已开始同百慕大进行协商,百慕大表示有兴趣成为联系成员。 教科文组织利用一切机会在区域、分区域和国家各级同非自治领土接触。 一些世界遗产位于非自治领土. 其中包括:百慕大圣乔治历史名镇和相关防御工事(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国);新喀里多尼亚珊瑚礁多样性和相关生态系统湖(法国);亨德森岛(联合王国皮特凯恩)。", "2. 联合国 关于加勒比,在教育领域,教科文组织于2011年3月在金斯敦举办了教育统计区域能力建设讲习班。 一些与会者来自英属维尔京群岛、安圭拉、蒙特塞拉特、开曼群岛和百慕大等非自治领土。", "3个 此外,教科文组织正同东加勒比国家组织秘书处合作,对东加勒比岛屿,包括安圭拉、英属维尔京群岛和蒙特塞拉特的技术和职业教育及培训政策进行评估。", " 4.四. 在文化领域,2010年6月,教科文组织在格林纳达组织了一次关于文化多样性和非物质文化遗产的次区域会议。 百慕大、英属维尔京群岛、开曼群岛和蒙特塞拉特的代表参加了会议。 与会者通过了2010-2012年行动计划,以保护加勒比的非物质文化遗产并提高对文化促进发展重要性的认识。", "5 (韩语). 此外,2010年9月,在哈瓦那举行了关于执行《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》的加勒比次区域讲习班。 与会者包括英属维尔京群岛和12个加勒比国家的代表。 讲习班提供了一个论坛,用于确定遗产保护需要并评估在执行《2004-2014年加勒比行动计划》方面取得的进展。", "6. 国家 关于自然科学,安圭拉、百慕大、英属维尔京群岛、蒙特塞拉特和特克斯和凯科斯群岛是教科文组织政府间海洋学委员会加勒比海和邻近区域海啸和其他沿海灾害预警系统的积极成员。 2011年2月,上述非自治领土代表参加了由教科文组织组织的关于加强加勒比海平面观测协调活动的会议。 下个月,在安圭拉、百慕大、英属维尔京群岛、蒙特塞拉特和特克斯和凯科斯群岛的与会者的参与下,开展了一项改进加勒比区域海啸防备工作。", "7. 联合国 关于太平洋区域,2010年举行了托克劳协商会,目的是确定教科文组织如何能按照《2010-2015年托克劳国家战略计划》向教育部门提供最佳支助。 托克劳表示有兴趣在下列关键领域得到教科文组织的支助:学校管理和领导;教育信息系统的能力建设;发展教育促进可持续发展的教学资源;以及成人扫盲教育。 2010年5月,教科文组织支持托克劳参加在斐济纳迪举行的太平洋区域教育系统负责人会议。", "8. 联合国 此外,2010年,教科文组织为制定第一项国家妇女政策和国家妇女行动计划以及编写托克劳国家文化政策草案提供了技术支持。", "9. 国家 关于加强新闻活动,2010年5月,教科文组织与联合国其他机构在苏瓦举办了一个培训讲习班,旨在提高包括托克劳在内的太平洋区域媒体对千年发展目标的认识。 讲习班力求更多地关注与千年发展目标有关的成就并激励在成果较少的领域取得进展。" ]
[ "Sixteenth report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006)", "I. Introduction", "1. The present report provides a comprehensive assessment of the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006) since the last report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/91) was issued on 28 February 2011.", "2. The security arrangements put in place by resolution 1701 (2006) have been seriously tested by a number of incidents during the period under review. The absence of a Government in Lebanon during most of the reporting period and the political tumult in the Arab world have contributed to an already volatile climate.", "3. On 15 May, the most deadly incident in the Blue Line area since the adoption of the resolution occurred when the Israel Defense Forces, after firing initial warning shots, opened live fire against Palestinian demonstrators who had reached the Israeli technical fence, in the area of Maroun al-Ras in southern Lebanon, killing 7 civilians and injuring 111. On 27 May, the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) sustained the first direct terrorist attack in over three years, when a bomb planted on the main north-south highway just north of the town of Saida hit a UNIFIL vehicle, injuring six peacekeepers, two of them seriously, and two Lebanese civilians.", "4. In spite of this adverse environment, the parties have managed to maintain their commitment to resolution 1701 (2006), which has ensured that the cessation of hostilities has continued to hold. Notwithstanding this, the parties have failed to make significant progress in the implementation of other key obligations under resolution 1701 (2006), as described in greater detail in this report. The parties should make every effort to meet their obligations under the resolution if progress from the current cessation of hostilities to a permanent ceasefire, as called for in the resolution, is to be achieved.", "5. Lebanon was in effect without a Government during most of the reporting period after the collapse on 12 January of the national unity Government led by Saad Hariri. The prolonged absence of a functioning Government was accompanied by institutional paralysis, increased polarization between the 8 March and 14 March camps and a deterioration of security conditions in the country. The absence of a Government also halted processes that are key in order for Lebanon to make further progress in implementation of its obligations under resolution 1701 (2006). Attempts by Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati since 25 January to form a new Government succeeded on 13 June, when he announced a new Government composed of 30 Cabinet ministers who belong predominantly to the 8 March alliance.", "6. The situation within Lebanon and the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) have also been influenced by developments taking place in the region. The unrest in the Syrian Arab Republic since mid-March, in particular, has affected Lebanon in different ways, most visibly through the influx across its northern border in mid-May of an estimated 4,000 persons fleeing violence in Syrian towns close to the border.", "II. Implementation of resolution 1701 (2006)", "A. Situation in the UNIFIL area of operations", "7. The parties have maintained their commitment to resolution 1701 (2006) and the cessation of hostilities. The situation in the UNIFIL area of operations remained stable and quiet for most of the period, despite regular violations of Lebanese airspace and a number of ground violations of the Blue Line. There was a deadly and tragic incident on 15 May during a Palestinian demonstration near Maroun al‑Ras (Sector West).", "8. UNIFIL estimates that around 8,000 to 10,000 demonstrators, mostly Palestinian refugees, participated in the event. Organizers included Palestinian and Lebanese organizations, among them Hizbullah. While the majority of demonstrators commemorated the day peacefully at the site prepared for the occasion, away from the Blue Line, around 1,000 protesters left the main gathering and, crossing through a minefield, moved towards the Blue Line and the Israeli technical fence. Using cordons and firing in the air, the Lebanese Armed Forces was able to stop a first attempt by a smaller group to reach the technical fence but was not able to prevent the second attempt by the demonstrators. At the technical fence, demonstrators unearthed 23 anti-tank mines, threw stones and two petrol bombs across the fence and attempted to climb it and bring it down. Following a verbal warning and firing into the air, the Israel Defense Forces then directed live fire at the protesters at the fence. After the arrival of reinforcements, Lebanese Armed Forces Special Forces reserve moved the protesters away from the fence. The Lebanese Armed Forces initially informed UNIFIL that 11 persons were killed. This figure was later revised to 7, with 111 people injured. In addition, the respective parties informed UNIFIL that 70 Lebanese Armed Forces soldiers and 4 Israel Defense Forces troops were lightly wounded by stones. One UNIFIL soldier also sustained light wounds from a thrown stone.", "9. UNIFIL immediately initiated an investigation into the incident in order to determine the violations of resolution 1701 (2006) that occurred on that day, as well as the deployment, posture and actions of all parties involved in the incident. Preliminary findings indicate that the demonstrators, in throwing stones and petrol bombs across the Israeli technical fence and the Blue Line, and in attempting to bring down a section of the fence, carried out a provocative and violent act that constitutes a violation of resolution 1701 (2006). The Lebanese Armed Forces troops deployed in the area tried to prevent the demonstrators from approaching the technical fence and the Blue Line. The number of troops and the available equipment proved, however, insufficient for the expected turnout and the envisaged risks concerning the event. Once deployed, the Lebanese Armed Forces Special Forces managed quickly to push back the crowd, using batons, tear gas and heavy firing in the air. Other than firing initial warning shots, the Israel Defense Forces did not use conventional crowd control methods or any other method than lethal weapons against the demonstrators. The firing of live ammunition by the Israel Defense Forces across the Blue Line against the demonstrators, which resulted in the loss of civilian life and a significant number of casualties, constituted a violation of resolution 1701 (2006) and was not commensurate with the threat to Israeli soldiers.", "10. During the tripartite meeting on 11 May and in bilateral contacts with UNIFIL, the Israel Defense Forces had warned that they would not tolerate interference with the technical fence, crossing of the Blue Line, or threats to the forces. Prior to the demonstrations, UNIFIL reinforced its positions in the area. UNIFIL did not deploy its troops on the ground during the incident, based on the assessment of the Lebanese Armed Forces and a request to avoid close contact with the demonstrators so as not to potentially aggravate the situation. With the exception of a request for UNIFIL to carry out helicopter patrols to monitor the situation from the air, the Lebanese Armed Forces did not ask for UNIFIL assistance. While the Israel Defense Forces called on UNIFIL to intervene on the ground once the demonstrators reached the technical fence, the Lebanese Armed Forces insisted that UNIFIL stay away from the demonstrators to avoid additional friction.", "11. In preparation for expected events commemorating the anniversary of the 1967 war in early June, UNIFIL convened a special meeting of the tripartite forum on 2 June and held separate coordination meetings with both the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces. Also on 2 June, the Lebanese Armed Forces decided to forbid demonstrators from entering the area south of the Litani River and declared the area a restricted military zone. The Lebanese Armed Forces also imposed strict security measures by deploying along the fence between KafrKila and El Adeisse village, particularly at the Fatima Gate. UNIFIL ensured a greater presence of its troops on the ground, in particular in sensitive areas along the Blue Line. Following the decision of the Lebanese Armed Forces, Palestinian organizations cancelled demonstrations along the Blue Line. On 5 June, there were two small gatherings along the Blue Line, which were swiftly dispersed by the Lebanese Armed Forces.", "12. The Israel Defense Forces continued its occupation of the northern part of Ghajar village and an adjacent area of land north of the Blue Line, in violation of resolution 1701 (2006). Since my last report, UNIFIL has engaged intensively with both parties in bilateral discussions on security arrangements to accompany the implementation of the proposal to facilitate the withdrawal of Israeli forces from the area. On the basis of the discussions and comments received, the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and UNIFIL are in the process of finalizing a formal proposal of the security arrangements for adoption by the parties.", "13. The Israel Defense Forces have continued to make almost daily intrusions into Lebanese airspace, including regularly by fighter jets. As previous reports have noted, these overflights are violations of resolution 1701 (2006), as well as of Lebanese sovereignty. UNIFIL has continued to protest all air violations, calling on the Israeli authorities to cease them immediately. The Government of Lebanon has also continued to protest against the air violations, demanding that they stop. For its part, the Government of Israel continues to maintain that the overflights are a necessary security measure, citing, inter alia, the alleged lack of enforcement of the arms embargo.", "14. On 22 March, the Israel Defense Forces apprehended two Lebanese shepherds in the vicinity of Rumaysh (Sector West) who they alleged had crossed the Blue Line. Following contacts with both parties, the Israel Defense Forces handed the individuals over to UNIFIL the following day at the Ra’s Naqoura crossing point. UNIFIL, in turn, handed them over to the Lebanese authorities. The UNIFIL investigation concluded that, while one of the shepherds had violated the Blue Line by some 10 metres, the second shepherd had been north of the Line, making his apprehension a violation of the Blue Line by the Israel Defense Forces. During the investigation, the Israel Defense Forces noted that shepherds regularly violated the Blue Line in this area, as had been the case in the incident on 12 January detailed in my last report (S/2011/91). In the area of the incident, the Blue Line is clearly marked and visible.", "15. UNIFIL has finalized its investigation into the incident of 12 January, when the Israel Defense Forces apprehended another shepherd in the same area. The investigation concluded that available evidence pointed to a likely Blue Line violation by the shepherd. As a result of the number of incidents in this area, UNIFIL has intensified daily foot and vehicle patrols and increased the number of observation posts along the Blue Line in this area. UNIFIL also called upon the Lebanese Armed Forces to increase their activities and sensitize local shepherds concerning the grazing of their livestock close to the Blue Line.", "16. There were other ground violations of the Blue Line, mostly inadvertent, by Lebanese shepherds and farmers tending livestock or working in fields, mainly in the Shab’a Farms and KfarShouba areas. On 3 March, an Israel Defense Forces excavator crossed the Blue Line, also apparently inadvertently, while carrying out maintenance works along the technical fence in the vicinity of Metulla. On 14 April, an Israel Defense Forces tank crossed the technical fence in the vicinity of El Adeisse, sparking alarm on the Lebanese side. UNIFIL dispatched patrols to the area, interposed itself between the parties, and later reinforced its presence on the ground. There was no violation of the Blue Line, a fact acknowledged by the Lebanese Armed Forces. However, the action of the Israel Defense Forces led to a rapid rise in tension that, in the absence of UNIFIL, could have led to an incident. In all cases, UNIFIL was in contact with Israel Defense Forces and Lebanese Armed Forces commands, urging utmost caution in any actions along the Blue Line that could be perceived as provocative and exacerbate tensions.", "17. On a few occasions, UNIFIL observed civilians throwing stones at the Israeli technical fence in the general areas of KafrKila and El Adeisse (Sector East). On 16 March, stones were thrown on two occasions from the Israeli side of the technical fence, where an Israel Defense Forces position is located, at Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL personnel who were on duty in the vicinity of Fatima Gate near KafrKila. The Israel Defense Forces informed UNIFIL that they were investigating the incident. UNIFIL has continued to work with both parties to curb all such aggressive activities, and has urged them to exercise maximum restraint and inform UNIFIL of any violations of this nature.", "18. UNIFIL observed 10 cases of weapons pointing across the Blue Line. Four instances involved Israel Defense Forces soldiers pointing their weapons in the direction of UNIFIL personnel; in five other instances the Israel Defense Forces pointed their weapons in the direction of Lebanese civilians or Lebanese Armed Forces personnel. The most serious incident happened on 1 June, when Israel Defense Forces soldiers pointed a mounted heavy machine gun towards soldiers at a Lebanese Army checkpoint on the western side of Ghajar. The incident temporarily escalated tensions on both sides of the Blue Line, and the situation returned to normal only when the Israel Defense Forces patrol left the location. On one occasion, a Lebanese Armed Forces soldier pointed his weapon towards Israel in the vicinity of Israel Defense Forces soldiers. UNIFIL has protested against all incidents involving weapons being pointed and, when required and possible, interposed its soldiers between Lebanese Armed Forces and Israel Defense Forces soldiers, seeking to prevent such incidents from escalating. There were also a number of allegations of weapons being pointed, particularly in the areas of El Adeisse and KafrKila, as a result of which UNIFIL has established an additional observation point in the area of El Adeisse.", "19. While both parties continued to express their commitment to visibly mark the Blue Line, there is still a lack of consensus over contentious points, continuing to delay the process. As a result, no progress has been made in measuring coordinates within the existing sectors and efforts to open up a new marking sector have also proved unsuccessful. Despite this impasse, following UNIFIL bilateral discussions with them, both parties recently submitted to UNIFIL a list of coordinates, which they are willing to mark. UNIFIL is in the process of reviewing these lists and, once common points have been identified, will propose to the parties to commence marking those coordinates immediately.", "20. Cooperation between UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces remains a cornerstone of the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006). Efforts by UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces to expand their coordinated activities and further develop cooperation have continued. The two Forces have maintained their respective installations and continued their daily operational activities, comprising patrols, checkpoints and observation points. UNIFIL on its part conducted an average of 300 patrols per day, in addition to regular helicopter patrols and other operational activities. Joint Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL operational activities have also continued, including an average of 13 counter-rocket launching operations during each 24-hour period and 6 daily foot patrols, while operating 18 co-located checkpoints, 6 of which are on the Litani River. The Lebanese Armed Forces maintained their deployment in the UNIFIL area of operations at the level of four brigades until mid-June when they adjusted their deployment structure from four to three brigades, plus two battalions, while maintaining the overall number of deployed troops. During the reporting period, UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces conducted several large-scale joint capability exercises, including for mass casualty evacuation and a live fire artillery exercise.", "21. UNIFIL has generally enjoyed freedom of movement throughout its area of operations, carrying out approximately 9,000 to 10,000 patrols each month. On two occasions, on 30 May and 5 June, passengers travelling in civilian cars pointed handguns at UNIFIL and on two occasions patrols were impeded by local civilians. On 21 March, two civilian vehicles blocked a UNIFIL patrol in the vicinity of Hanin (Sector West) from the front and behind. When the civilians refused to move their vehicles, the patrol managed to circumvent them and left the site. The Lebanese Armed Forces later informed UNIFIL that both drivers had misunderstood the patrol’s demands. On 31 March, an Observer Group Lebanon patrol was blocked by a civilian vehicle in the vicinity of BintJbeil. After the Lebanese Armed Forces arrived at the scene, it was explained that the Observer Group Lebanon patrol had been stopped because it had taken photographs. At the request of the Lebanese Armed Forces, the patrol handed over the camera memory card, which the Lebanese Armed Forces subsequently returned. In addition, on 8 April, individuals approached a UNIFIL vehicle, complaining about its location close to the Litani River. They kicked the vehicle and threw stones at it. They left when they saw the rest of the UNIFIL patrol approaching. On 18 April, individuals taking photographs of an Israel Defense Forces position refused to stop when requested to do so by UNIFIL. When UNIFIL in turn took photographs of the individuals, the latter took the UNIFIL camera and removed the memory card before returning the camera. The Lebanese Armed Forces returned the memory card later in the day. On 9 June, close to MajdalSilim a UNIFIL patrol was stopped by a car carrying four civilians. The individuals seized a GPS device, a map, a camera and several vehicle documents from the patrol and fled the scene. UNIFIL strongly protested about all of these incidents to the Lebanese Armed Forces.", "22. Despite the incidents reported above, the attitude of the local population towards UNIFIL has remained on the whole positive. Civil Affairs and Civil-Military Coordination Units at Headquarters and sector level have continued with regular liaison and outreach activities. UNIFIL participation in local festivals and other events has further enhanced cooperation and coordination with civil society organizations and was positively received by the local population. Quick-impact projects continue to be implemented through troop-contributing countries, as well as the UNIFIL budget.", "23. UNIFIL has continued to provide assistance to the Lebanese Armed Forces in taking steps towards the establishment between the Blue Line and the Litani River of an area free of any armed personnel, assets and weapons, other than those of the Government of Lebanon and of UNIFIL, in accordance with resolution 1701 (2006). The Lebanese Armed Forces informed UNIFIL on 23 May that they had intercepted and arrested, in the vicinity of Hasbaya, outside the eastern section of the UNIFIL area of operations, an individual attempting to smuggle a rocket, which was not armed, into the UNIFIL area of operations.", "24. During the reporting period, UNIFIL encountered individuals carrying hunting weapons inside the area of operations. On two occasions, at a homecoming ceremony and a funeral, several individuals were found to be carrying AK-47s or similar types of weapons, and shooting them into the air. The presence of any weapons other than those of the Government of Lebanon and UNIFIL south of the Litani River is in contravention of resolution 1701 (2006). The Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL have worked together to curb all hunting activities. This proactive action led to the Lebanese Armed Forces detaining several individuals and confiscating their weapons. In addition, armed persons and weapons were present inside Palestinian refugee camps in the area of operations.", "25. During the reporting period, UNIFIL did not discover any arms caches, military materiel or infrastructure. UNIFIL routinely checked previously discovered former facilities of armed elements in the area of operations, including bunkers and caves, but found no indication that they had been reactivated and no evidence of new military infrastructure in its area of operations. On 18 March, the Lebanese Armed Forces issued a statement saying that on 17 March 2011, a specialized Lebanese Armed Forces unit had dismantled espionage and imaging systems planted by Israel and camouflaged as a rock in Shama near Tyre. On 21 March, the caretaker Lebanese Foreign Minister sent identical letters to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (A/65/805-S/2011/174) protesting against the incident as a violation of Lebanese sovereignty and resolution 1701 (2006). No information was provided to UNIFIL either prior or subsequent to this event, despite repeated requests from UNIFIL to both the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces to provide all relevant information necessary for it to ascertain the facts.", "26. The Government of Israel maintains that Hizbullah is continuing to build up its military presence and capacity, including within the UNIFIL area of operations. It also charges that Hizbullah maintains military positions and units inside populated areas in southern Lebanon and that unauthorized weapons are being transferred into Lebanon, including into the UNIFIL area of operations.", "27. In cooperation with the Lebanese Armed Forces, UNIFIL immediately investigates any claim regarding the illegal presence of armed personnel or weapons in its area of operations if specific information is received. UNIFIL remains determined to act with all means available within its mandate and to the full extent provided for in its rules of engagement. Under its mandate, UNIFIL cannot search private houses and properties unless there is credible evidence of a violation of resolution 1701 (2006), including an imminent threat of hostile activity emanating from that specific location. To date, UNIFIL has neither been provided with, nor found, evidence of the unauthorized transfer of arms into its area of operations. The Lebanese Armed Forces Command continues to state that it will act immediately on receiving evidence of unauthorized armed personnel or weapons in the area and put a stop to any illegal activity in contravention of resolution 1701 (2006) and relevant Government decisions, specifically those concerning the illegal presence of armed personnel and weapons south of the Litani River.", "28. The UNIFIL Maritime Task Force has continued to carry out its dual mandate of conducting maritime interdiction operations in the area of maritime operations and training the Lebanese naval forces. Since its inception in October 2006, the Maritime Task Force has hailed and queried over 38,107 vessels, and the Lebanese navy has inspected a total of 1,078 merchant vessels identified as suspicious, 213 of them since my last report. Lebanese navy and Customs officials inspected the vessels to verify that there were no unauthorized arms or related materiel on board and cleared all of them. The Maritime Task Force and Lebanese naval forces conducted 71 workshops on land and 184 at-sea training phases during the reporting period. Lebanese navy personnel continued to further develop their capabilities by conducting on-the-job training in commanding maritime interdiction operations. Some limitations resulted from the lack of adequate Lebanese navy vessels that could endure severe weather conditions.", "29. Incidents along the line of buoys continued to occur, with the Israel Defense Forces dropping depth charges or firing flares and warning shots along the buoy line. UNIFIL has no mandate to monitor the line of buoys, which the Government of Israel installed unilaterally and which the Government of Lebanon does not recognize. At the tripartite meeting on 7 March, the Lebanese Armed Forces requested UNIFIL to establish a maritime security line between Lebanon and Israel. The parties agreed that UNIFIL would undertake exploratory bilateral discussions with both parties on maritime security issues in general and the Force Commander has written to both sides in this regard.", "B. Security and liaison arrangements", "30. Monthly tripartite meetings, chaired by the UNIFIL Force Commander and attended by senior representatives of the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces, continue to be an indispensable element in the regular liaison and coordination between UNIFIL and the parties, and remain a key mechanism to address security and military operational issues related to the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006). During the meetings, investigations into incidents and violations of the resolution as a means to prevent such incidents from occurring in the future and to improve stability in areas along the Blue Line were also discussed. The parties have maintained their commitment to the forum. However, the continuing impasse on Blue Line marking and the decision of Israel not to renew a humanitarian arrangement allowing farmers in the Blida area access to parts of the olive fields that are located south of the Blue Line might have an impact on the overall level of trust between the parties. The forum held one special meeting on 2 June where it discussed the UNIFIL preliminary investigation report into the events of 15 May. Both parties expressed their commitment to preventing a recurrence of such a tragic incident. Although no formal agreement on operational procedures in sensitive areas along the Blue Line was reached, a practical modus operandi with the parties has evolved and UNIFIL on its part has maintained its reinforced deployment in the KafrKila and El Adeisse areas, which has contributed to a decrease in the number of incidents in those areas. Building on this positive impact, UNIFIL has reviewed the arrangements and proposed to the parties specific operational procedures to be applied in those two areas in the forthcoming months. UNIFIL has engaged with the parties, with a view to extending these procedures to other areas where incidents have been reported in recent months.", "31. Since my last report, UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces have held three strategic dialogue meetings, in which the two delegations discussed the terms of reference and rules of procedure.", "32. UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces have continued their regular interaction at operational and tactical levels through regular interaction with Lebanese Armed Forces headquarters, as well as through daily liaison activities. This has included the placement of Lebanese Armed Forces liaison officers at UNIFIL Force headquarters and at the sector level, as well as a UNIFIL liaison officer placed at the Lebanese Armed Forces headquarters for the South Litani Sector in Tyre.", "33. UNIFIL has also continued its effective liaison and coordination with the Israel Defense Forces, including through regular interaction between the UNIFIL Force Commander and his counterparts, and the placement of two UNIFIL liaison officers at the Israel Defense Forces Northern Command headquarters in Zefat. No progress has been made in establishing a UNIFIL office in Tel Aviv.", "C. Disarming armed groups", "34. The maintenance of arms by Hizbullah and other armed groups outside of the control of the State, in violation of resolutions 1559 (2004), 1680 (2006) and 1701 (2006), continues to pose a serious challenge to the ability of the Lebanese State to exercise its full sovereignty over its territory.", "35. Hizbullah continues to acknowledge that it maintains a substantial military arsenal separate from that of the Lebanese State for defensive purposes against Israel. In several public pronouncements during the reporting period, the Secretary-General of Hizbullah, Hassan Nasrallah, stated that his party would continue to train, exercise, and arm itself to protect Lebanon and its natural resources against what he termed “potential Israeli attacks”.", "36. The issue of Hizbullah arms came to the forefront of the political debate in Lebanon at a large political rally that the 14 March coalition organized on 13 March, to commemorate the sixth anniversary of its formation. All speakers denounced the continued existence of arms outside the control of the State and their use as a political instrument in the domestic arena.", "37. No progress was achieved during the reporting period towards dismantling the military bases maintained by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) and by Fatah al-Intifada. These military bases are outside the control of the Lebanese State, with most of them straddling the border between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic. As in my previous reports, I once again call upon the Lebanese authorities to dismantle the PFLP-GC and Fatah al‑Intifada military bases, and on the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to cooperate with these efforts.", "38. No major security incidents were recorded in Lebanon’s 12 Palestinian camps during the reporting period. Lebanese security authorities continue to point to good cooperation existing between the Lebanese Armed Forces and Palestinian security officials in the camps. They also highlight the positive impact on security conditions in the camps brought about by the reconciliation agreement that was concluded on 27 April between Palestinian parties under the auspices of the Government of Egypt.", "39. The existence of armed groups outside the control of the State in Lebanon was highlighted on 23 March when seven Estonian tourists were abducted in the Bekaa region, close to the border with the Syrian Arab Republic. At the time of writing, the whereabouts of these men remain unknown. Lebanese security agencies continue their efforts to secure their release, in cooperation with Estonian authorities. I appeal for their immediate release.", "40. It remains my conviction that the disarmament of armed groups should be achieved through a domestic political process, so that there are no weapons or authority in Lebanon other than those of the Lebanese State. Lebanese leaders committed themselves to such a process in May 2008, when they decided to convene a National Dialogue Committee to agree on a national defence strategy, which, in turn, would have to consider the issue of weapons outside the control of the State. The National Dialogue Committee has not met since 4 November 2010.", "D. Arms embargo", "41. In resolution 1701 (2006), the Security Council decided that all States were to prevent the sale or supply of arms and related materiel to entities or individuals in Lebanon by their nationals, or from their territories, or using their flag vessels or aircraft. The Government of Lebanon did not report any breach of the arms embargo imposed by resolution 1701 (2006). For its part, the Government of Israel alleges that Hizbullah continues to build up its armaments. While the United Nations takes these allegations seriously, it is not in a position to verify this information independently.", "42. By resolution 1701 (2006) the Council also called upon the Government of Lebanon to secure its borders and other entry points so as to prevent the entry into Lebanon, without its consent, of arms and related materiel. Lebanese authorities informed my Special Coordinator for Lebanon that the deployment of security personnel for the management of the border remains unchanged, except for the deployment of two additional Lebanese Armed Forces companies described in paragraph 43 below.", "43. The management of the northern border with the Syrian Arab Republic continues to be entrusted to the Common Border Force, which comprises around 700 staff from Lebanon’s four security agencies (the Armed Forces, Internal Security, General Security and Customs). In the first half of May, the situation in Syrian towns close to the border with Lebanon prompted an influx of an estimated 4,000 persons across Lebanon’s northern border. In response, the Lebanese Armed Forces deployed two additional companies, numbering approximately 220 troops, to support the Common Border Force. By early June, many of the displaced persons had returned to the Syrian Arab Republic. The United Nations is coordinating closely with the Government of Lebanon on the provision of assistance to displaced persons, as well as on matters of protection and the determination of their status. President Sleiman assured my Special Coordinator that Lebanon would abide by its international obligations in this regard.", "44. On the eastern border, the Lebanese Army continues to deploy around 600 troops and 200 personnel from the Internal Security Forces, along a stretch of 80 kilometres immediately adjacent to the area of operations of the existing Common Border Force, up to Arsal. The Lebanese Armed Forces plan to deploy a third border regiment that would operate between the village of Arsal and the main crossing point of Masn’a.", "45. At a meeting chaired by my Special Coordinator on 14 April 2011, ambassadors of donor countries that continue to be engaged in providing support to Lebanon for the improvement of its border management capacity noted that the absence of a comprehensive national strategy for border management rendered difficult the mobilization of additional resources, and reiterated the need for such a national strategy to be adopted. Donors agreed to continue to share information and coordinate ongoing projects of support to Lebanon for border management. The absence of a Government in Lebanon, however, has stood in the way of progress in the adoption of a comprehensive national strategy for border management on the basis of the draft strategy developed by the National Coordinator in 2010.", "46. The effective management of the border between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic continues to be adversely affected by the fact that it is neither delineated nor demarcated, and by the continued presence of PFLP-GC and Fatah al-Intifada military bases that straddle the border between the two countries.", "E. Landmines and cluster bombs", "47. The Lebanese Mine Action Centre, which is a unit of the Lebanese Armed Forces, is the national authority for mine action in Lebanon with full responsibility for the management of all humanitarian clearance. The United Nations Mine Action Coordination Centre continues to provide support to UNIFIL and the Lebanese Mine Action Centre concerning mine/unexploded ordnance clearance activities. During the reporting period, eight additional cluster bomb strike locations were recorded, bringing the total to 1,135.", "48. The total number of fatalities and injuries among demining personnel resulting from clearance activities since August 2006 is 63, including 14 fatalities and 49 injuries. As for civilian accidents/incidents, one incident occurred in Snaya (Jezzine) on 31 March caused by an anti-tank mine and resulting in an injury. Another incident involving a cluster bomb resulted in the death of a civilian in DeirQanun, Ras el Ein. These two incidents bring the number of casualties among civilians to 292, including 29 fatalities and 263 injuries.", "49. Preparations are under way for Lebanon to host, in September 2011, the second meeting of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions. The conference is expected to attract approximately 1,000 delegates, including representatives of States parties to the Convention, representatives of international organizations and civil society organizations.", "F. Delineation of borders", "50. In paragraph 4 of its resolution 1680 (2006), the Security Council strongly encouraged the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to respond positively to the request of the Government of Lebanon to delineate their common border, especially in those areas where the border is uncertain or disputed. This would constitute a significant step towards improved management of the border and guaranteeing Lebanon’s sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence. In resolution 1701 (2006), the Security Council reiterated this call.", "51. No progress was achieved during the reporting period towards the delineation and demarcation of the border between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic, despite commitments made in several summit meetings between President Assad and President Sleiman since August 2008. The joint Lebanese-Syrian border committee that is tasked with these matters has yet to convene. So far, only Lebanon has designated its participants in the committee.", "52. Nor was any progress recorded on the issue of the Shab’a Farms area. In spite of my repeated requests, neither the Syrian Arab Republic nor Israel have reacted to the provisional definition of the area contained in my report on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), issued on 30 October 2007 (S/2007/641).", "III. Security and safety of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon", "53. On 27 May, UNIFIL suffered a direct terrorist attack when an explosion caused by a remotely controlled roadside bomb hit a UNIFIL logistics convoy north of the town of Sidon, as it passed on the main coastal highway connecting Beirut to southern Lebanon, UNIFIL’s main supply route. The attack injured six Italian peacekeepers, two seriously while four suffered light to moderate injuries, in addition to causing minor injuries to two Lebanese civilians. The explosion occurred close to where an attack against a UNIFIL vehicle took place in January 2008 (see S/2008/135). The Lebanese authorities and UNIFIL immediately launched an investigation into the incident. This was the fourth attack against UNIFIL since the adoption of resolution 1701 (2006) and the first in more than three years. As was the case in the previous instances, no one has claimed responsibility for the attack. All senior Lebanese authorities, as well as political leaders from across the political spectrum, condemned the attack. The Italian authorities have also opened an investigation into the attack.", "54. The security and safety of UNIFIL personnel remains a high priority. Notwithstanding the obligation of all parties to ensure the safety and security of UNIFIL and the responsibility of the Government of Lebanon to maintain law and order, UNIFIL continues to apply risk mitigating measures, including safety awareness training for the personnel and force protection works for installations and assets. The mission’s security plans and risk mitigating measures are reviewed regularly, and the mission has carried out evacuation preparedness exercises for civilian staff. UNIFIL, the Lebanese authorities and the Lebanese Armed Forces have regularly cooperated to ensure that security threats are addressed appropriately.", "55. UNIFIL has continued to observe proceedings in the Lebanese military court against individuals accused of forming armed groups to carry out attacks against it. On 7 March, nine sentences were handed out, one in absentia, for prison terms ranging between 18 months and five years for possession of explosives and planning and conducting terrorist attacks against the Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL. Court proceedings continue in one case, with a total of 10 persons accused of possessing weapons and explosives and planning attacks against UNIFIL. A scheduled hearing for 23 May was adjourned until late July.", "IV. Deployment of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon", "56. As at 15 June, the total military strength of UNIFIL was 11,925, including 574 women. The mission has 353 international and 657 national civilian staff members, of whom 103 and 169, respectively, are women. UNIFIL is also supported by 52 United Nations Truce Supervision Organization military observers of the Observer Group Lebanon, 5 of whom are women.", "57. The implementation of recommendations of the joint Department of Peacekeeping Operations/UNIFIL technical review, including the recommended adjustments to the force structure, assets and requirements, is ongoing. On 1 March, the UNIFIL Force Commander Reserve was established by merging the French battalion with the Quick Reaction Force. Neighbouring battalion areas of responsibility were redrawn, incorporating the area of the former French battalion. On 30 May, the advance party of the incoming Irish battalion arrived, while the main body is scheduled to deploy late in June.", "V. Observations", "58. I am worried that stagnation in the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) has prevented the parties from moving towards a permanent ceasefire and a long-term solution, as requested by the resolution. I am particularly troubled by the two dangerous incidents, one on 15 May that tested the security arrangements put in place by resolution 1701 (2006), and the second the direct attack by unknown assailants on UNIFIL. The fact that these developments occurred in a tense regional context further compounds their gravity.", "59. I am concerned by the events that occurred near Maroun al-Ras on 15 May, during which the Israel Defense Forces used direct live fire against unarmed demonstrators who attempted to breach the technical fence. At the same time, the organizers were responsible for ensuring that demonstrators did not approach the technical fence and did not become violent. I regret the loss of life.", "60. The Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces have the primary responsibility to prevent and correct any violation of resolution 1701 (2006). I call on the Lebanese authorities and the Lebanese Armed Forces to enforce law and order in the area and to prevent any incident on the Blue Line originating from Lebanese territory. The Lebanese Armed Forces should make full use of the support and assistance of UNIFIL, as required. I call on the Israel Defense Forces to refrain from responding with live fire in such situations, except where clearly required in immediate self-defence. Notwithstanding the inherent right of every country to self-defence, there is a need for the Israel Defense Forces always to apply appropriate operational measures, including crowd control measures, which are commensurate with the imminent threat towards their troops and civilians. I call on both parties to use the agreed liaison and coordination arrangements to the full extent and to work closely with UNIFIL in order to mitigate the risk of further violence.", "61. I condemn the attack on 27 May against UNIFIL personnel that injured six peacekeepers, two of them seriously, as well as two Lebanese civilians. I call on the Lebanese authorities to do their utmost to bring the perpetrators to justice. I remain concerned about the security of United Nations personnel and urge all parties to abide by their obligation to respect their safety and security.", "62. In spite of the gravity of these events, relative stability and calm prevailed in the UNIFIL area of operations during most of the reporting period. The commitment of the Governments of Israel and Lebanon to the provisions of resolution 1701 (2006) and the cessation of hostilities has remained important in this regard. There is no doubt that the arrangements put in place by the Security Council in resolution 1701 (2006) have contributed to preserve stability and contain tensions in the area. This is no small achievement. Nevertheless, absent real progress in the full implementation of the resolution, the situation along the Blue Line will remain dangerously fragile.", "63. I therefore call on both parties to make the most of the new strategic environment that UNIFIL, in cooperation with the Lebanese Armed Forces, has helped to establish in the area of operations to make further progress in the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006), including respect for the Blue Line in its entirety, and to take the steps necessary to reach a permanent ceasefire. Furthermore, I call upon the Government of Israel to maintain its commitment to the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and to take real and concrete steps towards this end. I also call upon the new Government of Lebanon, headed by Prime Minister Mikati, to state its unequivocal commitment to the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and to all of Lebanon’s international obligations, and to take the necessary steps in this respect.", "64. I am encouraged by the commitment of the Lebanese Armed Forces and the Israel Defense Forces to work closely with UNIFIL, including on special operational procedures in sensitive areas along the Blue Line as a means of preventing misunderstandings that could escalate tensions and lead to incidents. I hope that the close cooperation and coordination with UNIFIL, including through the tripartite forum, will further advance the building of trust and confidence between the parties.", "65. I am concerned at the continued lack of tangible progress in the process of visibly marking the Blue Line. I commend UNIFIL for its continuous efforts with both sides to overcome the impasse and urge both parties to proceed in a constructive and pragmatic manner regarding contentious points on the ground. I am encouraged by the parties’ response to the most recent UNIFIL initiative and hope that it may restore momentum in the Blue Line marking process.", "66. I am also concerned about the continuing high number of violations of resolution 1701 (2006) and of Lebanese sovereignty through almost daily overflights of Lebanese territory by the Israel Defense Forces. These overflights exacerbate tensions in the UNIFIL area of operations. They also have a negative impact on the credibility of the Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL. I call, once again, on Israel to cease immediately its overflights.", "67. I am disappointed that the withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces from northern Ghajar and the adjacent area north of the Blue Line has still not been effected. In cooperation with both parties, UNIFIL has prepared security arrangements for the area around northern Ghajar that should satisfy the security needs of all sides. These would buttress the implementation of the United Nations proposal for facilitating the withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces south of the Blue Line. The withdrawal of the Israel Defense Forces would be an important step towards the full implementation of resolution 1701 (2006).", "68. I remain concerned that incidents that impede the freedom of movement of UNIFIL and endanger the safety and security of peacekeepers continue to occur. The freedom of movement of UNIFIL and the security and safety of its personnel are integral to the effective execution of its tasks, in accordance with resolutions 1701 (2006) and 1773 (2007). The primary responsibility for ensuring freedom of movement for UNIFIL personnel in the area of operations lies with the Lebanese authorities. In addition, I hope that the Lebanese Armed Forces and UNIFIL will find ways to strengthen the management and investigation of incidents.", "69. UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces are strategic partners in the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006) and in maintaining stability in the UNIFIL area of operations. I am encouraged by the engagement of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Armed Forces in the strategic dialogue process, but feel that the pace needs to be accelerated.", "70. The Lebanese Armed Forces have continued to act with commitment and resolve and I am particularly pleased with the role they played in preventing the recurrence of any incident on 5 June. I am grateful to those countries that provide critical support in equipping and training the Lebanese Armed Forces, including the navy. I urge the international community to increase its support to ensure that the Lebanese Armed Forces have the capacities and capabilities they require, with a view to assuming greater responsibility in the UNIFIL area of operations and in Lebanese territorial waters.", "71. The presence of armed groups outside the control of the State poses a continuous threat to Lebanon’s sovereignty and stability, and hampers the full implementation of resolutions 1559 (2004) and 1701 (2006). I call on Lebanese leaders to persevere in the domestic political process aimed at the disarmament of armed groups operating outside the control of the State. In this context, and with a new Government now in place, I encourage President Sleiman to reconvene the National Dialogue Committee as soon as possible.", "72. I am also concerned by the continued presence of the PFLP-GC and Fatah al‑Intifada military bases in Lebanon. They pose a challenge to Lebanon’s ability to manage its borders and undermine Lebanese sovereignty. I reiterate my call on the Government of Lebanon to dismantle these military bases, as agreed upon by the National Dialogue in 2006 and reiterated since, and on the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to fully cooperate with these efforts.", "73. I call upon all Member States to prevent transfers of arms and related materiel to entities or individuals in Lebanon without the consent of the Lebanese State. I encourage the new Government of Lebanon to further the efforts of its predecessor to control its borders, including by adopting the comprehensive border management strategy which was committed to in 2010. I am grateful to Member States that are providing assistance for the improvement of Lebanon’s border management capacity and call upon the international community to support the implementation of the comprehensive border strategy once it is adopted.", "74. Efforts to delineate and demarcate the common border between Lebanon and the Syrian Arab Republic should proceed, starting with the activation of the joint Lebanese-Syrian border committee. The delineation of the border is critical to a positive relationship between the two countries. I urge the Government of the Syrian Arab Republic to cooperate with the Government of Lebanon in taking concrete and practical steps towards achieving this goal, in accordance with resolutions 1701 (2006) and 1680 (2006).", "75. I also intend to continue my efforts aimed at finding a diplomatic solution to the issue of the Shab’a Farms area, in accordance with paragraph 10 of resolution 1701 (2006). I must recognize, however, that these efforts are hampered by the unwillingness of Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic to resolve the issue at this time. I call, once again, upon these two countries to submit their responses to the provisional definition of the Shab’a Farms area that I provided in October 2007 (see S/2007/641).", "76. The situation faced by Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon continues to be a matter of concern. Two thirds of these refugees live in poverty and are affected by very high unemployment rates, high prevalence of chronic illnesses and nutritive deficiencies and poor living conditions. I call on the new Government of Lebanon to implement the amendments to the Lebanese Labour Code and Social Security Law that were adopted in August 2010, so as to effectively improve the prospects of employment of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. I also continue to be very concerned by the continued funding shortfalls faced by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), both in its regular programmes aimed at delivering basic education and health care to the Palestinian refugees and for the reconstruction of the Nahr al-Bared camp, which was destroyed four years ago. I urge donors, including countries in the region, to continue, and if possible increase, their support for UNRWA. Progress in ensuring the full realization of the human rights of Palestinian refugees is without prejudice to the resolution of the Palestinian refugee question in the context of a comprehensive Arab-Israeli peace agreement.", "77. I commend the UNIFIL Head of Mission and Force Commander and all the military and civilian personnel of UNIFIL who continue to play a critical role in helping to promote peace and stability in southern Lebanon, as well as the Special Coordinator for Lebanon and the staff of his Office.", "78. I remain keenly aware that the implementation by Israel and Lebanon of their obligations under resolution 1701 (2006) is influenced by dynamics affecting the region as a whole. In recent months, the region has been swept by a wave of popular protests and political change. Against this background, developments in the Syrian Arab Republic are likely to have a direct impact on Lebanon and, accordingly, on the implementation of resolution 1701 (2006). The Arab-Israeli conflict, of which the conflict between Israel and Lebanon is a part, is also not immune from these dramatic developments.", "79. I call on both Israel and Lebanon to take the necessary steps to achieve what, in resolution 1701 (2006), is termed a long-term solution governing their relations. The achievement of that solution cannot and should not be dissociated from the need to achieve a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, based on all relevant resolutions of the Security Council, including resolutions 242 (1967), 338 (1973) and 1515 (2003). I call upon the parties and all Member States to work decisively towards this goal." ]
[ "秘书长关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的第十六次报告", "一. 导言", "1. 本报告综合评估了自2011年2月28日发表秘书长上次报告(S/2011/91)以来安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况。", "2. 本报告所述期间发生的若干事件严重考验了第1701(2006)号决议确定的安全安排。在本报告所述期间大部分时间里,黎巴嫩都处于无政府状态,而阿拉伯世界的政治骚乱使已经动荡的局势更加飘摇。", "3. 5月15日,在“蓝线”区域发生了自决议通过以来死伤人数最多的一起事件。当时,以色列国防军首先鸣枪警告,之后向已到达南黎巴嫩Maroun el Ras 区域以色列技术围栏的巴勒斯坦示威者使用实弹开火,造成7名平民死亡,111人受伤。5月27日,联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)三年来第一次遭到恐怖主义分子的直接袭击,联黎部队的一辆车触到了放置在Saida镇以北、一条南北走向主要高速公路上的一枚炸弹,造成6名维持和平人员受伤,其中两人重伤,另有两名黎巴嫩平民受伤。", "4. 尽管面临不利环境,但双方还是尽力履行了对第1701(2006)号决议做出的承诺,确保停止敌对行动继续得到维持。但双方未能在履行第1701(2006)号决议规定的其他关键义务方面取得重大进展,本报告将对此进行详述。双方应尽全力履行决议规定的各项义务,响应决议的呼吁,从目前的停止敌对行动推进到实现永久停火。", "5. 萨阿德·哈里里领导的民族团结政府于1月12日垮台,因此在本报告所述期间的大部分时间里黎巴嫩实际处于无政府状态。黎巴嫩长期缺乏一个运作正常的政府,机构瘫痪,3.8阵营和3.14阵营之间的分歧加大以及国家安全局势恶化。无政府状态也使得无法推进黎巴嫩履行第1701(2006)号决议规定义务方面进一步取得进展的关键进程。候任总理纳吉布·米卡蒂从1月25日开始试图组建新政府,终于在6月13日取得成功,他宣布新政府由主要属于3.8联盟的30个内阁部长组成。", "6. 该区域的事态发展也影响了黎巴嫩国内局势以及第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况,尤其是阿拉伯叙利亚共和国3月中以来的动乱从不同方面影响了黎巴嫩,最主要的影响是,5月中旬,叙利亚边界附近乡镇约4 000人为逃离暴力跨过北部边界进入了黎巴嫩。", "二. 第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况", "A. 联黎部队行动区内的局势", "7. 双方继续履行对第1701(2006)号决议的承诺,停止敌对行动得到维持。在本报告所述期间大部分时间,尽管存在不时侵犯黎巴嫩领空和若干次地面违反“蓝线”情况,但联黎部队行动区内的局势保持稳定和平静。5月15日,在马伦拉斯 (西区)附近的一起巴勒斯坦示威活动期间发生了造成多人死伤的惨剧。", "8. 联黎部队估计,约8 000至10 000名示威者参加了此次活动,示威者主要由巴勒斯坦难民组成。组织者包括巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩组织,其中也包括真主党。虽然大多数示威者都在为此次活动准备的、远离“蓝线”的场地和平地举行纪念活动,但约1 000名抗议者离开了主要集会地,穿过一个雷区,逼近了“蓝线”和以色列技术围栏。黎巴嫩武装部队利用警戒线和朝天开枪方式阻止了一小股示威者到达技术围栏的第一波企图,但无法阻止第二波浪潮。示威者在技术围栏处掘出了23枚反坦克地雷,向围栏里投掷了石块和2枚燃烧弹,并企图攀爬围栏,将围栏推倒。以色列国防军在口头警告和向朝天鸣枪后向围栏处的示威者使用实弹开火。增援部队抵达后,黎巴嫩武装部队特种部队预备队使示威者撤离了围栏。黎巴嫩武装部队最初向联黎部队通报,11人死亡。之后将这一数字修订为7人,111人受伤。此外,双方分别向联黎部队通报,黎巴嫩武装部队70名士兵和以色列国防军4名军人被石块击中受轻伤。联黎部队的1名士兵也被投掷的石块击中而受轻伤。", "9. 联黎部队立即对这一事件启动调查,以确定当天发生事件及参与事件各方的部署、态势和采取的行动是否违反了第1701(2006)号决议的规定。联黎部队的初步调查结果表明,示威者向以色列技术围栏和“蓝线”内投掷了石块和燃烧弹,并企图推倒一部分围栏,采取了挑衅性的暴力行为,构成对第1701(2006)号决议的违反。部署在该区域的黎巴嫩武装部队企图阻止示威者接近技术围栏和“蓝线”。但事实证明,部队人数和可用设备不足以应对预计出现的示威人数以及事件的预期风险。黎巴嫩武装部队特种部队接到部署命令后立即使用警棍、催泪瓦斯及朝天猛烈开火使人群后撤。除最初鸣枪示警外,以色列国防军未采用常规控制人群方法或其他方法,而是向示威者使用了致命武器。以色列国防军使用实弹向“蓝线”外的示威者开火导致平民丧生,大量人员受伤,构成违反第1701(2006)号决议的规定,与以色列士兵受到的威胁不相称。", "10. 在5月11日的三方会议上以及与联黎部队的双边接触中,以色列国防军都警告称,不会容忍干预技术围栏,跨越“蓝线”或威胁其部队的行为。示威发生前,联黎部队加强了在该区域的阵地。联黎部队根据黎巴嫩武装部队的评估,以及一项关于避免与示威者密切接触,以防局势恶化的请求,在事发期间,并未在实地部署部队。黎巴嫩武装部队除请求联黎部队进行直升机巡逻,从空中监视局势外,并未请求联黎部队提供援助。虽然当示威者抵达技术围栏时以色列国防军曾呼吁联黎部队在实地进行干预,但黎巴嫩武装部队依然让联黎部队远离示威者,以避免进一步的摩擦。", "11. 为筹备预期6月初举行的纪念1967年战争的多项活动,联黎部队于6月2号召集了三方论坛特别会议,还与黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军分别举行了协调会议。同样也是在6月2日,黎巴嫩武装部队决定禁止示威者进入利塔尼河以南地区,并宣布该地区为军事禁区。黎巴嫩武装部队还采取了严格的安全措施,在沿Kila村和Al-Adeisse村之间的围栏,特别是在法蒂玛门处进行了部署。联黎部队保证说将在实地部署更多部队,特别是在沿“蓝线”的敏感区域。在黎巴嫩武装部队作出决定后,巴勒斯坦各组织取消了沿“蓝线”的多起示威活动。6月5日,沿“蓝线”出现两个小型集会,黎巴嫩武装部队随后很快驱散了集会。", "12. 以色列国防军继续占领盖杰尔村北部地区及“蓝线”北部邻近区域土地,这违反了第1701(2006)号决议的规定。自我上一次报告以来,联黎部队与双方密切接触,在双边层面讨论配合提案执行的安全安排,推动以色列部队从该区域撤军。根据讨论情况及收到的评论意见,维持和平行动部和联黎部队正在最终确定安全安排的最终提案,供双方采纳。", "13. 以色列国防军继续几乎每天侵入黎巴嫩领空,包括喷气式战斗机不时侵入黎巴嫩领空。正如之前的报告所指出的,这些飞越行为违反了第1701(2006)号决议的规定,而且侵犯了黎巴嫩的主权。联黎部队继续抗议所有侵犯领空行为,并呼吁以色列当局立即停止这些行为。黎巴嫩政府也继续抗议侵犯领空,并要求立即予以停止。而以色列政府继续认为飞越是必要的安全措施,还特别举例说据称武器禁运没有得到落实。", "14. 3月22日,以色列国防军在Rumaysh(西区)附近逮捕了2名黎巴嫩牧民,指控他们跨过了“蓝线”。经过与双方接触,以色列国防军次日在拉斯纳古拉过境点将这两人移交给了联黎部队。联黎部队又将这两人移交给了黎巴嫩当局。联黎部队经过调查得出结论认为,虽然其中一个牧民侵犯“蓝线”约10米,但第2个牧民一直待在“蓝线”以北区域,以色列国防军逮捕此人说是侵犯了“蓝线”。以色列国防军在调查期间指出,正如我在上一份报告(S/2011/91)中详述的1月12日事件一样,牧民经常会侵犯该区域的“蓝线”。在事发地区,“蓝线”标识清晰可见。", "15. 对于以色列国防军于1月12日在同一区域逮捕另一名牧民事件,联黎部队结束了对这一事件的调查。调查得出结论认为,已有证据表明该名牧民有可能侵犯了“蓝线”。因这一区域发生的事件数较多,联黎部队加强了这一区域沿“蓝线”的每天的徒步和乘车巡逻,并增加了观察所数目。联黎部队也呼吁黎巴嫩武装部队开展更多活动,使当地牧民在“蓝线”附近放牧时能提高认识。", "16. 还发生了其他在实地侵犯“蓝线”事件,大多数都是主要在沙巴阿农场和Shouba村区域放牧的黎巴嫩牧民或田间劳作的农民的无心之过。3月3日,以色列国防军的1辆挖土机在Metulla附近的技术围栏沿线开展维护工作时越过了“蓝线”,显然也是无心之过。4月14日,以色列国防军的1辆坦克越过了El Adeisse附近的技术围栏,造成黎巴嫩一侧的报警器响起。联黎部队向该区域派遣了巡逻人员,在双方之间进行周旋,之后又加强了在实地的存在。未发生侵犯“蓝线”事件,这是黎巴嫩武装部队承认的一个事实。但以色列国防军的行动导致紧张关系突然加剧,如果没有联黎部队,可能就会导致事件的发生。在所有这些情况中,联黎部队都与以色列国防军和黎巴嫩武装部队指挥官进行接触,促请以最审慎态度对待“蓝线”一带可能会加剧紧张关系的任何挑衅行动。", "17. 联黎部队几次注意到平民向Kila村和El Adeisse(东区)一带的以色列技术围栏投掷石块。3月16日,两次从以色列国防军阵地所在地的以色列一侧技术围栏向Kila村附近的法蒂玛门附近值勤的黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队人员投掷石块。以色列国防军向联黎部队通报说正在调查这一事件。联黎部队继续与双方一道控制所有此类侵犯性活动并促请双方尽最大可能厉行克制,并向联黎部队通报任何此类性质的侵犯行为。", "18. 联黎部队注意到10起隔着“蓝线”用武器瞄准事件。4起事件涉及以色列国防军士兵将武器对准了联黎部队人员方向;5起其他事件涉及以色列国防军将武器对准了黎巴嫩平民或黎巴嫩武装部队人员。最严重的一起事件发生在6月1日,以色列国防军士兵将一挺架设的重机枪对准了盖杰尔西边一个黎巴嫩军队检查站的士兵。这一事件突然加剧了“蓝线”两边的紧张局势,直至以色列国防军巡逻人员离开这一地点后才恢复正常。一次,1个黎巴嫩武装部队士兵用武器对准了以色列国防军士兵一侧的以色列一方。联黎部队对所有涉及武器瞄准的事件提出抗议,并在一旦提出要求和可能的情况下,安排其士兵阻挡在黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军士兵之间,旨在防止此类事件升级。还有若干对武器瞄准事件的指控,特别是在El Adeisse和Kila村地区,因此联黎部队在El Adeisse区域增设了观察点。", "19. 尽管双方继续表示致力于明确标出“蓝线”,但在有争议的点上仍未达成共识,使得标识工作继续推迟。因此,在现有各区内测量坐标工作未取得进展,事实证明设立一个新标识区的工作也未取得成功。尽管遇到了这一挫折,但经过联黎部队与双方进行双边会谈,双方最近向联黎部队提交了他们愿意标识的坐标清单。联黎部队正在审查这些清单,一旦明确了共同点,将向双方提出建议并立即开始进行标识。", "20. 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队之间的合作仍是执行第1701(2006)号决议的基石。联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队继续作出努力,以扩大协调活动的范围,并进一步加深合作。两支部队维持各自的设施,继续开展日常业务活动,包括巡逻、在检查站和观察站的执勤。在联黎部队方面,除定期进行直升机巡逻和其他业务活动外,联黎部队平均每天进行300次巡逻。黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队的联合业务活动也在继续进行,包括每24小时平均进行13次反火箭发射行动和每天6次徒步巡逻,同时在18个共设检查站执勤,其中6个检查站设在利塔尼河上。6月中旬以前,黎巴嫩武装部队将其部署在联黎部队行动区内的军力维持在四个旅的水平上,之后,黎巴嫩武装部队将部署结构从4个旅调整为3个旅加两个营,同时保持部署部队人数不变。在本报告所述期间,联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队开展了若干次大型联合能力演习,包括大量人员伤亡后送以及实弹炮兵演习。", "21. 联黎部队总体上在其行动区享有行动自由,每月进行约9 000至10 000次巡逻。有两次,分别在5月30日和6月5日,坐在民用汽车里的乘客将手枪对准了联黎部队,有两次当地平民拦住了巡逻队。3月21日,两辆民用汽车在Hanin(西区)附近从前面和后面拦住了联黎部队巡逻队。这些平民拒绝挪车,巡逻队只好绕行离开现场。黎巴嫩武装部队之后向联黎部队通报,两辆车的司机都未听懂巡逻队的要求。3月31日,一辆民用汽车在Bint Jbeil附近拦住了黎巴嫩观察员小组的一支巡逻队。黎巴嫩武装部队到达现场后,得到的解释是拦住黎巴嫩观察员小组巡逻队是因为后者拍了照片。巡逻队根据黎巴嫩武装部队的要求交出了照相机的记忆卡,之后黎巴嫩武装部队又将记忆卡还给了巡逻队。另外,4月8日,几个人走到联黎部队的一辆车辆旁,抱怨该车位置靠近利塔尼河。他们用脚踹车并向车身投掷石块。当他们看到联黎部队其他巡逻人员走过来时离开了现场。4月18日,联黎部队要求拍摄以色列国防军阵地照片的几个人停下,但遭到拒绝。当联黎部队同样拍下这些人的照片时,这些人拿过联黎部队的照相机,将记忆卡取出后把相机还给了联黎部队。黎巴嫩武装部队于同一天晚些时候将记忆卡还回。6月9日,在距离Majdal Silim不远处,一辆乘坐4个平民的汽车拦住了联黎部队巡逻队。这些人抢走巡逻队的全球定位系统、一张地图、一台照相机和若干份车辆文件后逃离了现场。联黎部队就所有这些事件向黎巴嫩武装部队提出强烈抗议。", "22. 尽管出现了上文所报事件,当地民众对联黎部队的态度总体上是积极的。总部和区一级的民政办公室和军民协调股继续定期开展联络和外联活动。联黎部队参与当地的节日及其他活动进一步加强了与民间社会组织的合作与协调,并得到了当地居民的积极反馈。继续通过部队派遣国及利用联黎部队预算执行速效项目。", "23. 联黎部队继续向黎巴嫩武装部队提供援助,协助他们采取措施,争取按照第1701(2006)号决议的规定在“蓝线”和利塔尼河之间建立一个除黎巴嫩政府和联黎部队部署的武装人员、资产和武器外没有其他任何武装人员、资产和武器的区域。黎巴嫩武装部队5月23日通报联黎部队,其在联黎部队行动区东区外Hasbaya附近拦截并逮捕了一个人,此人企图偷偷将一枚未装引信的火箭弹运入联黎部队行动区。", "24. 在本报告所述期间,联黎部队还在行动区内遇到有人携带狩猎武器。有两次,分别是在一个返乡仪式和一个葬礼上,发现有几个人携带AK-47步枪或类似型号武器并向空中开枪。在利塔尼河以南地区出现除黎巴嫩政府和联黎部队武器之外的武器均属违反第1701(2006)号决议规定。黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队一道禁止所有狩猎活动。通过这一预防性的行动,黎巴嫩武装部队拘留了几个人并没收了他们的武器。此外,还在行动区内的巴勒斯坦难民营发现了武装人员和武器。", "25. 在本报告所述期间,联黎部队没有发现任何武器储藏处、军用物资或基础设施。联黎部队定期检查行动区内以前发现过的武装分子原有设施,包括掩体和洞穴,但没有发现被重新启用的迹象,在行动区内,也没有发现新建军事设施的证据。3月18日,黎巴嫩武装部队发表声明说,2011年3月17日,黎巴嫩武装部队一支特别部队拆除了以色列在靠近提尔城的Shama地区安放并伪装成一块山石的监视和摄像系统。3月21日,黎巴嫩看守政府外交部长给秘书长和安理会主席的同文信(A/65/805-S/2011/174)对此事件提出抗议,称其侵犯了黎巴嫩主权和第1701(2006)号决议。在此事件之前或其后,都没有向联黎部队提供任何信息,尽管联黎部队一再要求黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军向联黎部队提供必要的所有相关信息,以弄清事实。", "26. 以色列政府坚持认为,真主党在继续增强其军事存在和能力,包括在联黎部队行动区内。以色列政府还指控真主党在黎巴嫩南部的人口稠密区维持军事阵地和部队,将未经许可的武器运进黎巴嫩,包括运入联黎部队行动区。", "27. 联黎部队只要接到明确情报,就会在黎巴嫩武装部队的合作下,立即就所有关于在其行动区内武装人员或武器非法存在的指控展开调查。联黎部队一贯坚决运用其授权范围内一切手段,在接战规则最大限度内采取行动。根据授权,联黎部队不能搜查私人住宅和财产,除非有可信证据显示有违反第1701(2006)号决议之情事,包括源于该具体地点之敌对行动构成迫在眉睫的威胁。迄今为止,联黎部队从未接获或发现在未经许可的情况下军火运入其行动区的证据。黎巴嫩武装部队指挥部再次确认,一旦收到区内有未经许可武装人员或武器的证据,就会立即采取行动,制止任何违反第1701(2006)号决议和政府相关决定的活动,尤其是违反关于武装人员和武器在利塔尼河以南非法存在的决定的非法活动。", "28. 联黎部队海事工作队继续履行其在海上行动区开展海上拦截行动和训练黎巴嫩海军的双重授权任务。自2006年10月海事工作队开始执行任务以来,已打信号示意和询问了38 107艘船只;黎巴嫩海军检查了1 078艘可疑商船,其中213艘舰船是自我上次报告以来检查的。黎巴嫩海军和海关官员检查了这些船只,以确定船上未装载未经许可的军火或相关物资;这些船只都通过了检查。在本报告所述期间,海事工作队举办了71次讲习班和184个海上训练阶段。黎巴嫩海军人员继续通过开展指挥海上拦截行动在岗培训,改进其行动能力。但因缺乏能抵御恶劣天气条件的足够船只,而受到某些限制。", "29. 在沿浮标线海域各种事件继续时有发生,以色列国防军沿浮标线投放深水炸弹或发射照明弹,并鸣枪示警。联黎部队没有监测这条浮标线的任务授权,浮标线是以色列政府单方面设置的,并未得到黎巴嫩政府的承认。3月7日,在三方论坛上,黎巴嫩政府要求联黎部队在黎巴嫩和以色列之间设立一条海上安全线。双方同意联黎部队就一般性海上安全问题与双方进行探索性双边讨论,就此部队指挥官已书面致函双方。", "B. 安保和联络安排", "30. 由联黎部队指挥官主持、并有黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军高级代表出席的三方会议,仍是联黎部队与双方定期联络和协调所不可或缺的,仍是讨论与执行第1701(2006)号决议有关的安保和军事行动问题的关键机制。三方会议还讨论了对各种事件以及违反决议之情事的调查情况,会议是防止未来这种事件重演的一种手段,以增强“蓝线”附近地区的稳定。双方均表示信守对此一论坛的承诺。然而,在划定“蓝线”标示问题上继续出现僵局,以色列决定不再重新作出人道主义安排,不让布利达地区农民前往“蓝线”以南的橄榄田,这些都有可能对双方之间整体信任水平产生影响。6月2日,论坛召开特别会议,讨论了联黎部队对5月15日事件进行的初步调查报告。双方表示致力于防止此类悲惨事件再次发生。虽然没有就“蓝线”沿线敏感地区的行动程序达成正式协议,但双方已形成一种切实可行的工作方式,联黎部队方面维持在Kafr Kila和EL-Adeisse地区的加强部署,这有助于减少这些地区事发数目。在此积极影响的基础上,联黎部队审查了有关安排,向双方提出未来数月这两个地区适用的具体行动程序。联黎部队与双方进行了接触,以便将这些程序扩大到其他近几个月报有事发的地区。", "31. 自我上次报告以来,联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队已举行了三次战略对话会议,两个代表团讨论了职权范围和议事规则。", "32. 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队通过定期在黎巴嫩武装部队总部的互动以及通过日常联络活动,继续在行动和战术层面进行定期互动。这还包括在联黎部队总部和区一级安插黎巴嫩武装部队联络官,并让联黎部队一名联络官常驻黎巴嫩武装部队在提尔的南利塔尼区总部。", "33. 联黎部队继续同以色列国防军保持有效的联络和协调,包括联黎部队指挥官与以色列国防军对应人员进行定期互动。联黎部队继续在Zefat的以色列国防军北部指挥部总部安插两名联络官。在特拉维夫设立联黎部队办事处一事未取得任何进展。", "C. 解除武装团体的武装", "34. 真主党和不受国家控制的其他武装团伙违反第1559(2004)号、第1680(2006)号和第1701(2006)号决议,继续严重威胁黎巴嫩对本国领土充分行使主权的能力。", "35. 真主党继续承认该党维持着黎巴嫩国家军事武库之外的一个庞大军事武库,用于防御以色列。在本报告所述期间,真主党秘书长哈桑·纳斯鲁拉在几次公开讲话中说,真主党将继续训练、锻炼和武装自己,以保护黎巴嫩和其自然资源免遭他所说的“潜在的以色列袭击”。", "36. 3月13日,3.14联盟在黎巴嫩组织了一场大型政治集会,以纪念该联盟成立6周年。会上进行的政治辩论突出讨论了真主党的武器问题。所有发言者都谴责在国家控制以外继续存在和使用武器,并将武器作为国内舞台上的一个政治工具。", "37. 本报告所述期间,在拆除解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线总指挥部(人阵总指挥部)和法塔赫起义组织维护的军事基地方面,仍未取得进展。这些军事基地不受黎巴嫩国家控制,其中大多数基地横越黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间的边界。和我上一次报告一样,我再次呼吁黎巴嫩当局拆除人阵总指挥部和法塔赫起义组织的军事基地,并呼吁阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府合作,开展这方面的工作。", "38. 在本报告所述期间,在黎巴嫩的12个巴勒斯坦难民营没有发生重大安全事故记录。黎巴嫩当局继续指出,黎巴嫩武装部队和巴勒斯坦安全官员之间,在难民营有着良好合作。他们还强调,4月27日在埃及政府的主持下巴勒斯坦各方之间达成的和解协议,对难民营的安全条件产生了积极的影响。", "39. 3月23日事件凸显了在黎巴嫩国家控制以外的武装集团的存在问题,当时,有7位爱沙尼亚游客在贝卡地区被绑架。在撰写本报告之时,这些人仍下落不明。黎巴嫩安全机构与爱沙尼亚当局合作,继续努力确保他们的获释。我呼吁立即释放这些游客。", "40. 我仍坚信,应通过国内政治进程来解除武装团体的武装,从而除了黎巴嫩国家的武器和当局之外,没有任何武器和当局可以立足。2008年5月,黎巴嫩领导人亲自对这一进程作出承诺,他们决定召集全国对话委员会来商定一项国防战略,其中必须考虑到不受国家控制的武器问题。自2010年11月4日以来,该全国对话委员会没有召开过会议。", "D. 武器禁运", "41. 安全理事会在第1701(2006)号决议中,决定各国应防止其国民,或防止从其境内,或防止使用悬挂其国旗的船只或飞机向黎巴嫩境内的任何实体或个人出售或供应武器和各类有关物资。黎巴嫩政府没有上报任何违反第1701(2006)号决议实施的武器禁运的行为。以色列政府方面声称,真主党继续扩大其武库。虽然联合国严肃对待这些指控,但没有能力独立核实这一信息。", "42. 安理会通过第1701(2006)号决议还呼吁黎巴嫩政府保障边界和其他过境点的安全,以防止武器和相关物资未经其许可进入黎巴嫩。黎巴嫩当局通知我的黎巴嫩事务特别协调员说,部署安全人员管理边界的作法保持不变,只是如下文第43段所述,增加部署黎巴嫩武装部队额外两个连。", "43. 北部与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的边界继续由边界共同部队管理,其中包括来自黎巴嫩四个安全机构(武装部队、国内安全、安全总局和海关)约700名工作人员。5月上半月,靠近与黎巴嫩接壤边界的叙利亚各城镇的局势使得估计有4 000人越过黎巴嫩北部边界涌入黎巴嫩。为此,黎巴嫩武装部队部署了额外两个连队,约220名官兵,以支持边界共同部队。到6月初,许多流离失所者返回阿拉伯叙利亚共和国。联合国正与黎巴嫩政府密切合作,为这些流离失所者提供协助,并解决保护和确定其国籍的问题。苏莱曼总统向我的特别协调员保证,在这方面,黎巴嫩将遵守其国际义务。", "44. 在东部边界,黎巴嫩军队继续沿着与现在的共同边界部队行动区紧邻的一条长达80公里直至Arsal的区段,部署约600名官兵和约200人的国内治安部队。黎巴嫩武装部队计划部署第三个边界团,将在Arsal村和Masnaa主要过境点之间开展行动。", "45. 在我的特别协调员于2011年4月14日主持的会议上,各捐助国大使继续讨论向黎巴嫩提供援助,以改善其边界管理能力。大使们指出,由于没有一项关于边界管理的国家综合战略,很难调集更多资源,并重申必须通过这样一项国家战略。各捐助国同意继续分享信息,协调执行支持黎巴嫩边界管理的现有项目。然而,由于黎巴嫩尚无政府可言,妨碍了在根据国家协调员2010年制定的战略草案通过一项边界管理国家综合战略方面取得进展。", "46. 黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间边界的有效管理继续受到下列事实的不利影响:边界仍未能划定和标界,而且人阵总指挥部和法塔赫起义组织的军事基地仍遍布两国边界之间。", "E. 地雷和集束炸弹", "47. 黎巴嫩排雷行动中心是黎巴嫩武装部队的一个单位,也是承担管理所有人道主义扫雷行动全部责任的国家排雷主管部门。联合国地雷行动协调中心继续就排除地雷/未爆弹药活动,向联黎部队和黎巴嫩排雷行动中心提供支持。在本报告所述期间,又记录了另外8个集束炸弹攻击地点,从而使总数达到1 135个。", "48. 自2006年8月扫雷行动开始后,扫雷人员伤亡总数达到63人,其中14人死亡、49人受伤;关于平民伤亡事件,3月31日在Snaya(Jezzine)发生了一起因反坦克地雷引发的事件,造成一人受伤。另一起事件涉及集束炸弹,造成RAS EL Ein,Deir Qanun有一名平民死亡。这两起事件使平民伤亡人数达到292人,其中29人死亡,263人受伤。", "49. 黎巴嫩正在筹备将于2011年9月举行的《集束弹药公约》缔约国第二次会议。这次会议预计将吸引约1 000名代表,包括该公约缔约国的代表、国际组织和民间社会组织的代表。", "F. 划定边界", "50. 安全理事会在其第1680(2006)号决议第4段中坚决鼓励阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府对黎巴嫩政府所提出的请求作出积极反应,划定两国之间的边界,特别是在边界不明确或有争议的地区。这将是在改善边界管理和保障黎巴嫩的主权、领土完整和政治独立方面迈出的重大一步。安全理事会在其第1701(2006)号决议中重申了这一呼吁。", "51. 在本报告所述期间,在黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国边界划定和标界方面没有取得进展,尽管阿萨德总统和苏莱曼总统自2008年8月以来在几次首脑会议上作出承诺。负责这些事项的黎巴嫩和叙利亚联合边界委员会尚未召开会议。迄今为止,只有黎巴嫩指定了其参与该委员会的人选。", "52. 在沙巴阿农场地区问题上也没有取得任何进展。尽管我一再要求,但无论是阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,还是以色列都没有对我2007年10月30日发表的关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告(S/2007/641)所载有关该地区的临时界定作出任何回应。", "三. 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队的安保和安全", "53. 5月27日,联黎部队遭受了一次直接的恐怖袭击,联黎部队后勤车队行经西顿镇以北由贝鲁特通往黎巴嫩南部的主要沿海公路时,遭遇遥控路边炸弹袭击,这条公路是联黎部队的主要补给线。这次袭击造成6名意大利维和人员受伤,其中两人伤势严重,4人轻度至中度受伤,此外,还有两名黎巴嫩平民受轻伤。爆炸发生在2008年1月联黎部队一辆车遭袭击的地点附近(见S/2008/135)。黎巴嫩当局和联黎部队立即对这一事件展开了调查。这是第1701(2006)号决议通过以来联黎部队遭到的第四次袭击,是三年多来第一次遭到袭击。正如以前的事件一样,没有人声称对袭击事件负责。所有黎巴嫩当局高级人员以及各政治派别的政治领导人都谴责了这次袭击。意大利当局还启动了对这一袭击的调查。", "54. 联黎部队人员的安全保障仍然是一个高度优先事项。尽管各方有义务确保联黎部队的安全保障,黎巴嫩政府有责任维护法律和秩序,但联黎部队继续采用减轻风险措施,包括对工作人员进行安全意识培训,对设施和资产实施保护工程。定期审查特派团的安全计划和减轻风险措施,特派团对文职人员进行了撤离准备演习。联黎部队、黎巴嫩当局和黎巴嫩武装部队定期合作,以确保妥善化解安全威胁。", "55. 联黎部队继续关注黎巴嫩军事法庭对被指控组织武装团体袭击联黎部队的个人的诉讼情况。3月7日法庭作出了9项判决,1项为缺席判决,刑期18个月至5年不等,原因是拥有爆炸物,以及策划和实施对黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队的恐怖袭击。还有一起案件的法院诉讼程序继续进行,共有10人被指控拥有武器和爆炸物以及计划袭击联黎部队。排定于5月23日举行的听证会延期至7月下旬。", "四. 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队的部署", "56. 截至6月15日,联黎部队的总兵力为11 925人,其中包括574名妇女。特派团有353名国际工作人员和657名本国文职工作人员,其中分别包括103名和169名妇女。联黎部队还得到52名联合国停战监督组织黎巴嫩观察员小组军事观察员的支持,其中有5名妇女。", "57. 目前正在实施维持和平行动部-联黎部队联合技术审查提出的建议,包括所建议的对兵力结构、资产和所需资源的调整。3月1日,通过合并法国营和快速反应部队成立了联黎部队指挥官后备队。对相邻的责任营区进行了重新划分,其中吸纳了前法国营的地区。5月30日,即将进驻的爱尔兰营先遣队抵达,而主力部分排定于6月下旬部署。", "五. 意见", "58. 我担心全面执行第1701(2006)号决议方面的停滞阻碍了各方努力按照该决议的要求争取永久停火和长期解决方案。我对两起危险的事件感到特别不安,发生在5月15日的一起事件,考验了第1701(2006)号决议建立的安全安排,第二起是身份不明的袭击者对联黎部队的直接袭击。事实上,这些事态发展是在紧张的区域背景下发生的,这使得其严重性更加复杂。", "59. 我对5月15日Maroun ar-Ras附近发生的事件感到关切,在有关事件期间,以色列国防军直接使用实弹来对付手无寸铁试图突破技术围栏的示威者。与此同时,组织者对确保示威者不接近技术围栏,且不使示威演变成暴力行为负有责任。我对生命损失感到遗憾。", "60. 黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军对防止和纠正任何违反第1701(2006)号决议的行为负有首要责任。我呼吁黎巴嫩政府和黎巴嫩武装部队在该地区执行法律,加强秩序,以防止从黎巴嫩领土一侧的“蓝线”发生任何事件。黎巴嫩武装部队应充分利用联黎部队应要求提供的支持和援助。我呼吁以色列国防军力行克制,在此类情况下不要以实弹射击还手,除非确有立即自卫的需要。尽管每个国家有着自卫的固有权利,但以色列国防军始终要采取适当的行动措施,包括人群控制措施,这些措施要与对其部队和平民所遭到的迫在眉睫的威胁相对称。我呼吁双方充分利用商定的联络和协调安排,并与联黎部队密切合作,以减轻进一步发生暴力的风险。", "61. 我谴责5月27日对联黎部队人员的袭击,袭击造成6名维和人员受伤,其中两人伤势严重,另有两名黎巴嫩平民受伤。我呼吁黎巴嫩当局尽最大努力将肇事者绳之以法。我仍然对联合国人员的安全感到关切,并敦促所有各方遵守其义务,尊重他们的安全保障。", "62. 尽管这些事件很严重,但在本报告所述期间的大部分时间内,联黎部队的行动区内相对稳定和平静。以色列和黎巴嫩两国政府致力于第1701(2006)号决议的规定,停止敌对行动在这方面一直很重要。毫无疑问,安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议建立的安排,为维护稳定和遏制该地区的紧张局势作出了贡献。这是不小的成就。然而,如果在全面执行决议方面没有取得真正进展,沿“蓝线”的局势仍将处于岌岌可危的脆弱状态。", "63. 因此,我呼吁双方最大程度地利用联黎部队与黎巴嫩武装部队合作,帮助在行动区建立的新战略环境,从而在执行第1701(2006)号决议,包括尊重整个“蓝线”的完整性方面,取得进一步进展,并采取必要步骤达成永久停火。此外,我呼吁以色列政府保持其承诺,全面执行第1701(2006)号决议,并为此采取实际和具体的步骤。我还呼吁米加提总理为首的黎巴嫩新政府明确承诺全面执行第1701(2006)号决议和黎巴嫩的所有国际义务,并在这方面采取必要步骤。", "64. 我感到鼓舞的是,黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军承诺与联黎部队密切合作,包括在沿“蓝线”的敏感地区的特别作业程序上合作,以作为一种手段,防止可能加剧紧张局势和导致发生事件的误解。我希望与联黎部队的密切合作和协调,包括通过三方论坛开展的合作和协调,将进一步推进建立双方之间的信任和信心。", "65. 我感到关切的是,明显标示“蓝线”进程中仍缺乏真实可见的进展。我赞扬联黎部队持续同双方努力以打破僵局,并敦促双方在实地有争议的地点以建设性和务实的方式行事。我为双方对联黎部队的最新倡议的回应感到鼓舞,并希望该倡议可恢复“蓝线”标示进程的势头。", "66. 我还感到关切的是,以色列国防军几乎每天都飞越黎巴嫩领土上空,继续造成大量违反第1701(2006)号决议的行为和侵犯黎巴嫩主权的行为。这些飞越加剧了联黎部队行动区的紧张局势。这些飞越对黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队的信誉有着负面影响。我再次呼吁以色列立即停止其飞越行为。", "67. 我感到失望的是,以色列国防军仍未撤出盖杰尔北部和“蓝线”以北相邻地区。联黎部队与双方合作,已准备了盖杰尔北部周围地区的安全安排,应能满足各方的安全需求。这些安排将支持执行联合国的提议,促进“蓝线”以南的以色列国防军撤离。以色列国防军的撤离是朝着全面执行第1701(2006)号决议迈出的重要一步。", "68. 我仍然感到担心的是,妨碍联黎部队行动自由和危及维和人员的安全保障的事件不断发生。按照第1701(2006)号和第1773(2007)号决议,联黎部队的行动自由及其工作人员的安全保障是对于有效执行其任务是不可或缺的。确保联黎部队人员在行动区行动自由的主要责任在于黎巴嫩当局。此外,我希望黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队将找到加强事件处理和事件调查的办法。", "69. 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队是执行第1701(2006)号决议和维持联黎部队行动区稳定等方面的战略伙伴。联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队在战略对话进程中的接触使我感到鼓舞,但我认为需要加快步伐。", "70. 黎巴嫩武装部队继续本着承诺和决心采取行动,我对其在防止再次发生任何类似6月5日事件中所发挥的作用感到特别高兴。我感谢那些为装备和训练包括黎巴嫩在内的海军黎武装部队提供关键支持的国家。我促请国际社会加大支持力度,以确保黎巴嫩武装部队具有所需要的能力,以便在联黎部队行动区和黎巴嫩领水承担更大的责任。", "71. 超出国家控制之外的武装团体的存在继续威胁黎巴嫩的主权和稳定,妨碍全面执行第1559(2004)号和第1701(2006)号决议。我呼吁黎巴嫩领导人坚持国内政治进程,解除在国家控制之外运作的武装团体的武装。在此背景下,鉴于新政府已经到位,我鼓励苏莱曼总统尽早再次召集全国对话委员会。", "72. 我还感到关切的是,黎巴嫩境内继续存在人阵总部和“法塔赫起义”组织的军事基地。这些基地对黎巴嫩管理其边境的能力构成挑战,破坏黎巴嫩的主权。我再次呼吁黎巴嫩政府,根据2006年全国对话达成的、并在此后多次重申的协议,拆除这些军事基地,并呼吁阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府充分配合这些努力。", "73. 我呼吁所有会员国防止未经黎巴嫩国同意向黎巴嫩境内的实体或个人转让军火和相关物资。我鼓励黎巴嫩新政府推进其前任所作的控制边境的努力,包括通过2010年承诺的边界综合管理战略。我感谢正在为改进黎巴嫩的边界管理能力而提供援助的会员国,并呼吁国际社会在黎巴嫩边界综合战略获得通过后,支持执行之。", "74. 划定和标定黎巴嫩与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国共同边境的努力应继续进行,首先要启动黎巴嫩-叙利亚联合边境委员会。边境划分对两个国家之间的积极关系非常重要。我促请阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府与黎巴嫩政府合作,按照第1701(2006)号和第1680(2005)号决议,采取具体和切合实际的步骤来实现这一目标。", "75. 我还打算继续努力,按照第1701(2006)号决议第10段,寻求沙巴阿农场地区问题的外交解决方案。但是,我必须承认,这些努力由于以色列和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国不愿意此刻解决这个问题而受阻。我再次呼吁这两个国家就我2007年10月提供的对沙巴阿农场地区的临时界定(见S/2007/641)提交答复。", "76. 居住在黎巴嫩境内的巴勒斯坦难民面临的境况仍是一个值得关注的问题。这些难民中的三分之二生活在贫困中,受到非常高的失业率、慢性病的高发率、营养不足和恶劣的生活条件等方面的影响。我呼吁黎巴嫩新政府落实2010年8月通过的《黎巴嫩劳动法》和《社会保障法》修正案,从而有效改进在黎巴嫩境内的巴勒斯坦难民的就业前景。我还继续感到非常关切的是,联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)继续面临资金短缺的问题,向巴勒斯坦难民提供基础教育和卫生保健的经常方案以及重建4年前被毁的巴里德河难民营均缺乏资金。我促请包括本区域国家在内的捐助方继续提供支助,如果可能的话,增加其对近东救济工程处的支助。保证巴勒斯坦难民充分实现人权方面取得的进展不会影响在阿拉伯-以色列全面和平协定范围内解决巴勒斯坦难民问题。", "77. 我赞扬联黎部队特派团团长兼部队指挥官以及联黎部队所有军事和文职人员,他们在帮助促进黎巴嫩南部的和平与稳定中继续发挥关键作用,我还要赞扬黎巴嫩问题特别协调员和他办公室的工作人员。", "78. 我强烈地意识到,影响整个区域的事态变化对以色列和黎巴嫩履行第1701(2006)号决议规定的义务具有很大影响。近几个月来,民众抗议和政治变革的浪潮席卷该区域。在此背景下,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的事态发展有可能会直接影响黎巴嫩,并因此影响第1701(2006)号决议的执行。阿拉伯-以色列冲突(以色列和黎巴嫩之间的冲突是其中的一个组成部分),也无法不受这些戏剧性事态发展的影响。", "79. 我呼吁以色列和黎巴嫩采取必要步骤,达成安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议所称的规范双方关系的长期解决方案。实现该解决方案不能、也不应当脱离在安全理事会各项有关决议基础上实现中东全面、公正和持久和平的需要,这些决议包括第242(1967)号、第338(1973)号和第1515(2003)号决议。我呼吁各方和所有会员国为实现这一目标做出坚定的努力。" ]
[ "秘书长关于安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的第十六次报告", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 本报告全面评估了自秘书长上次报告(S/2011/91)于2011年2月28日印发以来安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况。", "2. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,若干事件严重地考验了第1701(2006)号决议规定的安全安排。 在本报告所述期间的大部分时间里,黎巴嫩没有政府,阿拉伯世界的政治动荡导致本已动荡不安的气氛。", "3个 5月15日, \" 蓝线 \" 地区自决议通过以来最致命的事件是以色列国防军在向进入黎巴嫩南部Maroun al-Ras地区以色列技术围栏的巴勒斯坦示威者进行初步警告射击后,对示威者进行实弹射击,造成7名平民死亡,111人受伤。 5月27日,联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队(联黎部队)遭受了三年多来的第一次直接恐怖袭击,在Saida镇以北的南北主要公路上埋设了一枚炸弹,击中了联黎部队的一辆车,炸伤了六名维和人员,其中两人伤势严重,还有两名黎巴嫩平民。", " 4.四. 尽管存在这种不利环境,各方仍设法维持了对第1701(2006)号决议的承诺,确保停止敌对行动继续得到维持。 尽管如此,如本报告所更详细说明的,各方在履行第1701(2006)号决议规定的其他重要义务方面没有取得重大进展。 如果要从目前的停止敌对行动到决议所呼吁的永久停火,各方应尽一切努力履行决议规定的义务。", "5 (韩语). 在萨阿德·哈里里领导的民族团结政府于1月12日垮台后,在本报告所述期间的大部分时间里,黎巴嫩没有政府。 在长期缺乏一个正常运作的政府的同时,体制瘫痪、3月8日至3月14日营地之间的两极分化加剧以及该国安全状况恶化。 没有一个政府也停止了对黎巴嫩在履行第1701(2006)号决议规定的义务方面取得进一步进展至关重要的进程。 候任总理纳吉布·米卡提自1月25日以来组建新政府的企图于6月13日成功,他于6月13日宣布成立由主要属于3月8日联盟的30名内阁部长组成的新政府。", "6. 国家 黎巴嫩境内的局势和第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况也受到该区域所发生事态发展的影响。 特别是3月中旬以来,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的动乱以不同方式影响了黎巴嫩,最明显的是5月中旬,估计有4 000人从靠近边界的叙利亚城镇逃离暴力。", "二. 第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况", "A类. 联黎部队行动区的局势", "7. 联合国 双方坚持对第1701(2006)号决议和停止敌对行动的承诺。 尽管经常侵犯黎巴嫩领空并多次从地上侵犯 \" 蓝线 \" ,但联黎部队行动区的局势在这一期间的大部分时间里保持稳定和平静。 5月15日,在Maroun al-Ras(西区)附近的巴勒斯坦示威中发生了一起致命和悲惨的事件。", "8. 联黎部队估计,约有8 000至10 000名示威者参加了这次活动,其中大多数是巴勒斯坦难民。 组织者包括巴勒斯坦和黎巴嫩组织,其中包括真主党。 虽然大多数示威者在为这次活动作准备的地点和平地纪念了这一天,但是在远离 \" 蓝线 \" 的地方,大约1 000名抗议者离开主要集会,穿过雷区,朝 \" 蓝线 \" 和以色列技术围栏移动。 黎巴嫩武装部队利用警戒线和空中射击,阻止了一个较小的团体首次试图进入技术围栏,但未能阻止示威者的第二次企图。 在技术围栏上,示威者挖出23枚反坦克地雷,将石块和两枚汽油炸弹扔出围栏并试图爬上围栏取下. 在口头警告并朝空中开火后,以色列国防军随后向围栏的抗议者进行实弹射击。 援军到来后,黎巴嫩武装部队特种部队预备役将抗议者迁出围栏. 黎巴嫩武装部队最初通知联黎部队,有11人被炸死。 这一数字后来被修改为7起,有111人受伤. 此外,双方告知联黎部队,70名黎巴嫩武装部队士兵和4名以色列国防军士兵被石头所轻伤。 一名联黎部队士兵还被扔出一块石头打出轻伤。", "9. 国家 联黎部队立即开始调查这一事件,以确定当天发生的违反第1701(2006)号决议的行为以及事件有关各方的部署、姿态和行动。 初步调查结果表明,示威者越过以色列技术围栏和 \" 蓝线 \" 投掷石块和汽油炸弹,并试图拆除围栏的一部分,实施挑衅和暴力行为,违反了第1701(2006)号决议。 部署在该地区的黎巴嫩武装部队试图阻止示威者靠近技术围栏和蓝线。 然而,事实证明,部队人数和现有装备不足以应付预期的投票率和预计的与该事件有关的风险。 黎巴嫩武装部队特种部队部署后,迅速利用警棍、催泪瓦斯和空中猛烈射击来击退人群。 以色列国防军除了向示威者发射初步警告枪外,除了致命武器外,没有使用常规人群控制方法或任何其他方法。 以色列国防军越过 \" 蓝线 \" 向示威者发射实弹,造成平民死亡和大量伤亡,违反了第1701(2006)号决议,与以色列士兵受到的威胁不相称。", "10个 在5月11日的三方会议期间和同联黎部队的双边接触中,以色列国防军警告说,他们不会容忍对技术围栏的干涉、跨越蓝线或对部队的威胁。 在示威之前,联黎部队加强了在该地区的阵地。 在这次事件中,联黎部队没有根据黎巴嫩武装部队的评估以及避免同示威者密切接触以避免可能使局势恶化的要求,在当地部署部队。 除了要求联黎部队进行直升机巡逻以从空中监测局势外,黎巴嫩武装部队没有要求联黎部队提供援助。 虽然以色列国防军呼吁联黎部队在示威者到达技术围栏后立即在当地进行干预,但黎巴嫩武装部队坚持联黎部队应远离示威者,以避免更多的摩擦.", "11个 6月初,为筹备预期的纪念1967年战争周年的活动,联黎部队于6月2日召开了一次三方论坛特别会议,并与黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军分别举行了协调会。 同样在6月2日,黎巴嫩武装部队决定禁止示威者进入利塔尼河以南地区,并宣布该地区为军事禁区. 黎巴嫩武装部队还采取严格的安全措施,沿Kafrkila和El Adeisse村之间的围栏部署,特别是在法蒂玛门。 联黎部队确保其部队在实地、特别是在蓝线一带敏感地区派驻更多人员。 在黎巴嫩武装部队作出决定后,巴勒斯坦组织取消了蓝线一带的示威活动。 6月5日,蓝线沿线有两次小型集会,被黎巴嫩武装部队迅速驱散。", "12个 以色列国防军违反第1701(2006)号决议,继续占领盖杰尔村北部和蓝线以北的相邻土地。 自我上次报告以来,联黎部队一直同双方就安全安排进行深入的双边讨论,以配合执行便利以色列部队从该地区撤出的建议。 根据收到的讨论和评论,维持和平行动部和联黎部队正在最后确定安全安排的正式提案,供双方通过。", "13个 以色列国防军继续几乎每天都侵入黎巴嫩领空,包括经常由战斗机侵入。 正如以前的报告所指出,这些飞越侵犯了第1701(2006)号决议,也侵犯了黎巴嫩的主权。 联黎部队继续抗议所有侵犯领空的行为,呼吁以色列当局立即停止这些行为。 黎巴嫩政府还继续抗议侵犯领空的行为,要求停止这种行为。 就以色列政府而言,它继续坚持认为,飞越是一项必要的安全措施,除其他外,它提到据称没有执行武器禁运。", "14. 3月22日,以色列国防军在Rumaysh(西区)附近逮捕了两名黎巴嫩牧羊人,据称他们已经越过了 \" 蓝线 \" 。 在与双方接触后,以色列国防军第二天在Ras Naqoura过境点将这些人交给了联黎部队。 联黎部队又将其交给了黎巴嫩当局。 联黎部队的调查结论是,一名牧羊人侵犯蓝线约10米,而第二名牧羊人则在蓝线以北,因此他的被捕是以色列国防军侵犯蓝线的行为。 在调查期间,以色列国防军注意到牧羊人经常侵犯该地区的 \" 蓝线 \" ,我在上次报告(S/2011/91)中详述了1月12日的事件。 在事发地区,蓝线有明显的标志和可见.", "15个 联黎部队已完成了对1月12日事件的调查,当时以色列国防军在同一地区逮捕了另一名牧羊人。 调查的结论是,现有证据表明牧羊人可能违反蓝线。 由于该地区发生多起事件,联黎部队加强了每日徒步和车辆巡逻,并增加了该地区蓝线沿线的观察所。 联黎部队还吁请黎巴嫩武装部队增加活动,并让当地牧羊人了解在蓝线附近放牧牲畜的情况。", "16号. 黎巴嫩牧羊人和养活牲畜或务农的农民,主要是在沙巴农场和克法尔舒巴地区,还发生了其他地面侵犯蓝线的行为,大多是无意的。 3月3日,以色列国防军的一个挖土机在Metulla附近技术围栏沿线进行维修时,显然无意地越过了蓝线。 4月14日,以色列国防军的一辆坦克越过了El Adeisse附近的技术围栏,在黎巴嫩一方引起警报。 联黎部队向该地区派出了巡逻,在双方之间进行了接触,后来加强了在当地的存在。 黎巴嫩武装部队承认,蓝线没有被侵犯。 然而,以色列国防军的行动导致紧张局势迅速加剧,在没有联黎部队的情况下,可能导致事件。 在所有情况下,联黎部队都与以色列国防军和黎巴嫩武装部队指挥部保持联系,敦促在蓝线一带任何可能被视为挑衅和加剧紧张局势的行动中极为谨慎。", "17岁。 有几次,联黎部队观察到平民在Kafrkila和El Adeisse(东区)等地向以色列技术围栏投掷石块。 3月16日,有人两次从以色列国防军阵地所在的技术围栏的以色列一侧向在Kafrkila附近法蒂玛门附近值班的黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队人员投掷石块。 以色列国防军通知联黎部队,他们正在调查这一事件。 联黎部队继续与双方合作,以遏制所有这些侵略活动,并敦促双方力行最大克制,将任何此类性质的侵犯行为通知联黎部队。", "18. 联黎部队观察到有10起武器越过 \" 蓝线 \" 。 4起涉及以色列国防军士兵将其武器指向联黎部队人员;另有5起涉及以色列国防军将其武器指向黎巴嫩平民或黎巴嫩武装部队人员。 最严重的事件发生在6月1日,以色列国防军士兵在盖杰尔西侧的黎巴嫩陆军检查站用起重机枪指向士兵。 这一事件使蓝线两侧的紧张局势暂时升级,以色列国防军巡逻队离开后局势才恢复正常。 有一次,一名黎巴嫩武装部队士兵用武器指向以色列国防军士兵附近的以色列。 联黎部队已就涉及武器的所有事件提出抗议,并在必要和可能时将其士兵与黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军士兵交接在一起,力求防止此类事件升级。 还有一些指控说,有人指向武器,特别是在El Adeisse和KafrKila地区,因此联黎部队在El Adeisse地区又设立了一个观察点。", " 19. 19. 虽然双方继续承诺明显标出 \" 蓝线 \" ,但在有争议的问题上仍然缺乏共识,继续拖延这一进程。 因此,在现有部门内测量坐标方面没有取得任何进展,为开辟一个新的标记部门而作的努力也证明没有成功。 尽管出现了这一僵局,但在联黎部队与他们进行双边讨论后,双方最近向联黎部队提交了一份坐标表,愿意标出。 联黎部队正在审查这些清单,一旦确定共同要点,将建议双方立即开始标出这些坐标。", "20号. 联黎部队同黎巴嫩武装部队之间的合作仍然是执行第1701(2006)号决议的基石。 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队继续努力扩大协调活动并进一步发展合作。 这两支部队维持了各自的设施并继续开展日常业务活动,包括巡逻、检查站和观察所。 联黎部队除了定期进行直升机巡逻和其他业务活动外,平均每天进行300次巡逻。 黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队还继续开展联合行动,包括平均每24小时开展13次反火箭发射行动,并每天进行6次徒步巡逻,同时运行18个共用检查站,其中6个在利塔尼河上。 黎巴嫩武装部队在联黎部队行动区的部署一直维持在4个旅的水平上,直到6月中旬才将其部署结构从4个旅调整为3个旅,加上2个营,同时维持所部署部队的总人数。 在本报告所述期间,联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队进行了几次大规模联合能力演习,包括大规模伤员后送和实弹火炮演习。", "21岁 联黎部队一般在整个行动区享有行动自由,每月进行约9 000至10 000次巡逻。 5月30日和6月5日,乘坐民用汽车的乘客两次用手枪指向联黎部队,两次巡逻受到当地平民的阻碍。 3月21日,两辆民用车辆从前后挡住联黎部队在Hanin(西区)附近的巡逻队。 当平民拒绝移动车辆时,巡逻队设法绕过车辆并离开现场。 黎巴嫩武装部队后来通知联黎部队,两名司机误解了巡逻队的要求。 3月31日,黎巴嫩观察员小组巡逻队被一辆民用车辆在BintJbeil附近拦截。 黎巴嫩武装部队抵达现场后,有人解释说,黎巴嫩观察员小组巡逻队由于拍照而被拦住。 应黎巴嫩武装部队的请求,巡逻队交出了相机记忆卡,黎巴嫩武装部队随后归还了该卡。 此外,4月8日,有人靠近联黎部队的一辆车,抱怨该车靠近利塔尼河。 他们踢了这辆车,并朝它扔了石头。 他们看到联黎部队其他巡逻队接近时就离开了。 4月18日,拍摄以色列国防军阵地照片的个人拒绝联黎部队要求停止拍摄。 当联黎部队对这些人进行拍照时,后者取出联黎部队的相机,取出记忆卡后再归还相机。 黎巴嫩武装部队在当天晚些时候归还了记忆卡。 6月9日,联黎部队一支巡逻队在Majdal Silim附近被一辆载有4名平民的汽车拦住。 这些人没收了巡逻队的全球定位系统装置、地图、相机和若干车辆文件并逃离现场。 联黎部队就所有这些事件向黎巴嫩武装部队提出了强烈抗议。", "22号. 尽管发生了上述事件,当地民众对联黎部队的态度总的来说仍然是积极的。 总部和区一级的民政股和军民协调股继续定期进行联络和外联活动。 联黎部队参加地方节日和其他活动,进一步加强了同民间社会组织的合作与协调,并受到当地居民的好评。 速效项目继续通过出兵国和联黎部队预算执行。", "23. 联合国 根据第1701(2006)号决议,联黎部队继续协助黎巴嫩武装部队采取步骤,在 \" 蓝线 \" 和利塔尼河之间建立一个除黎巴嫩政府和联黎部队武装人员、资产和武器外没有任何其他武装人员、资产和武器的地区。 5月23日,黎巴嫩武装部队通知联黎部队,他们在联黎部队行动区东段外的Hasbaya附近拦截并逮捕了一名企图将一枚没有武装的火箭偷运入联黎部队行动区的人。", "24 (韩语). 在本报告所述期间,联黎部队在行动区遇到携带狩猎武器的个人。 在两次返校仪式和葬礼上,发现数人携带了AK-47步枪或类似类型的武器并朝空中射击. 除了黎巴嫩政府和联黎部队在利塔尼河以南的武器外,任何其他武器的存在都违反了第1701(2006)号决议。 黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队共同努力,遏制了所有狩猎活动。 这一积极主动的行动导致黎巴嫩武装部队拘留了数人并没收了他们的武器。 此外,行动区内的巴勒斯坦难民营内还有武装人员和武器。", "25岁 在本报告所述期间,联黎部队没有发现任何武器储藏所、军用物资或基础设施。 联黎部队对先前在行动区发现的武装分子设施,包括掩体和洞穴进行例行检查,但没有发现这些设施被重新启用的迹象,也没有证据表明行动区有新的军事基础设施。 3月18日,黎巴嫩武装部队发表声明说,2011年3月17日,一支黎巴嫩武装部队特种部队拆除了以色列所埋设的间谍和成像系统,并伪装成Tyre附近的Shama的岩石。 3月21日,黎巴嫩看守外交部长给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信(A/65/805-S/2011/174),抗议这一事件侵犯了黎巴嫩主权并违反了第1701(2006)号决议。 尽管联黎部队一再要求黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军提供其查明事实所需的一切相关资料,但在此之前或之后都没有向联黎部队提供任何资料。", "26. 联合国 以色列政府坚持认为,真主党正在继续加强其军事存在和能力,包括在联黎部队行动区。 它还指控真主党在黎巴嫩南部居民区内维持军事阵地和部队,并指控未经许可的武器被转移到黎巴嫩,包括转移到联黎部队行动区。", "27个 联黎部队与黎巴嫩武装部队合作,一旦收到具体信息,立即调查任何关于在其行动区非法存在武装人员或武器的指控。 联黎部队仍然决心在其任务规定范围内,尽其接战规则所允许的一切手段采取行动。 根据其任务规定,联黎部队不能搜查私人住宅和财产,除非有可信的证据表明存在违反第1701(2006)号决议的行为,包括来自该具体地点的敌对行动的迫在眉睫的威胁。 迄今为止,联黎部队既没有收到也没有找到未经许可向行动区转移武器的证据。 黎巴嫩武装部队指挥部继续表示,一旦收到有关该地区未经许可的武装人员或武器的证据,它将立即采取行动,并制止违反第1701(2006)号决议和政府有关决定的任何非法活动,特别是关于武装人员和武器在利塔尼河以南非法存在的决定。", "28岁 联黎部队海事工作队继续执行其双重任务,在海上行动区开展海上拦截行动并培训黎巴嫩海军。 海事工作队自2006年10月成立以来,已对38 107多艘船只进行拦截和询问,黎巴嫩海军已检查了总共1 078艘被查明为可疑的商船,其中213艘是自我上次报告以来发现的。 黎巴嫩海军和海关官员检查了这些船只,以核实船上没有未经许可的武器或有关物资,并清理了所有船只。 在本报告所述期间,海事工作队和黎巴嫩海军举办了71个陆上和184个海上训练阶段讲习班。 黎巴嫩海军人员继续通过进行指挥海上拦截行动的在职培训来进一步发展其能力。 由于缺乏能够忍受恶劣天气条件的黎巴嫩海军舰艇,造成了一些限制。", "29. 国家 浮标线一带的事件继续发生,以色列国防军在浮标线一带投下深度炸弹或发射照明弹并鸣枪示警。 联黎部队没有监测浮标线的任务,以色列政府单方面安装了浮标线,黎巴嫩政府不承认浮标线。 在3月7日的三方会议上,黎巴嫩武装部队请联黎部队在黎巴嫩和以色列之间建立海上安全线。 双方商定,联黎部队将与双方就一般海事安全问题进行探讨性双边讨论,部队指挥官已就此致函双方。", "B. 安全和联络安排", "30岁。 由联黎部队指挥官主持并有黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军高级代表参加的每月三方会议,仍然是联黎部队与各方定期联络和协调的一个不可或缺的因素,仍然是处理与执行第1701(2006)号决议有关的安全和军事行动问题的一个关键机制。 在会议期间,还讨论了对事件和违反决议行为的调查,作为防止今后发生此类事件和改善蓝线一带地区稳定的一种手段。 双方坚持对论坛的承诺. 然而,蓝线标识方面继续陷入僵局,以色列决定不恢复允许Blida地区农民进入位于蓝线以南的橄榄田部分地区的人道主义安排,这可能影响到双方之间的总体信任程度。 论坛于6月2日举行了一次特别会议,讨论了联黎部队对5月15日事件的初步调查报告。 双方承诺防止这种悲惨事件的再起。 虽然没有就蓝线一带敏感地区的行动程序达成正式协议,但与各方的实际工作方式已发生变化,联黎部队则继续在KafrKila和El Adeisse地区加强部署,这已使这些地区的事件有所减少。 在这一积极影响的基础上,联黎部队审查了这些安排,并提议双方在今后几个月内在这两个地区采用具体的行动程序。 联黎部队与双方进行了接触,以期将这些程序扩大到最近几个月据报发生事件的其他地区。", "31岁 自我上次报告以来,联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队已举行了三次战略对话会,两国代表团在会上讨论了职权范围和议事规则。", "32. 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队通过与黎巴嫩武装部队总部的定期互动以及日常联络活动,继续在行动和战术层面进行定期互动。 这包括在联黎部队总部和区一级部署黎巴嫩武装部队联络官,以及在黎巴嫩武装部队位于提尔的南利塔尼区总部部署联黎部队联络官。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 联黎部队还继续与以色列国防军进行有效联络和协调,包括联黎部队指挥官与其对应人员定期互动,并在以色列国防军北部指挥部泽法特总部部署两名联黎部队联络官。 在特拉维夫设立联黎部队办事处的工作没有取得进展。", "C. 解除武装团体的武装", "34. 国家 真主党和不受国家控制的其他武装团体违反第1559(2004)号、第1680(2006)号和第1701(2006)号决议,维持武器,继续对黎巴嫩国家对其领土行使充分主权的能力构成严重挑战。", "35. 联合国 真主党继续承认,它维持着独立于黎巴嫩国家的大量军事武库,用于防御以色列。 在本报告所述期间,真主党秘书长哈桑·纳斯鲁拉在几项公开声明中表示,真主党将继续训练、锻炼并武装自己,以保护黎巴嫩及其自然资源,使其免受他所称的“以色列潜在攻击”。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 在3月13日3月14日联盟为纪念其成立六周年而组织的一次大规模政治集会上,真主党的武器问题成为黎巴嫩政治辩论的焦点。 所有发言者都谴责在国家控制之外继续存在武器,并在国内将其作为政治工具。", "37. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,在拆除解放巴勒斯坦人民阵线(人阵总指挥部)和法塔赫起义组织维持的军事基地方面没有取得进展。 这些军事基地不受黎巴嫩国家控制,其中大多数跨越了黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间的边界。 如同我前几次报告一样,我再次呼吁黎巴嫩当局拆除人阵总部和法塔赫起义组织军事基地,并呼吁阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府同这些努力合作。", "38. 国家 在本报告所述期间,黎巴嫩12个巴勒斯坦难民营没有发生重大安全事件。 黎巴嫩安全当局继续指出,黎巴嫩武装部队与难民营中巴勒斯坦安全官员之间存在良好的合作。 它们还强调了巴勒斯坦各方在埃及政府主持下于4月27日缔结的和解协定对难民营安全状况的积极影响。", "39. 联合国 3月23日,7名爱沙尼亚游客在靠近阿拉伯叙利亚共和国边境的贝卡地区被劫持,这凸显了黎巴嫩存在不受国家控制的武装团体。 在编写本报告时,这些人的下落仍然不明。 黎巴嫩安全机构同爱沙尼亚当局合作,继续努力确保他们获释。 我呼吁立即释放他们。", " 40. 40. 我仍然相信,应通过国内政治进程来解除武装团体的武装,以便黎巴嫩境内除黎巴嫩国家的武器或权力外,没有其他武器或权力。 黎巴嫩领导人在2008年5月承诺参与这一进程,当时他们决定召集全国对话委员会,以商定国防战略,而国防战略则必须审议国家控制之外的武器问题。 自2010年11月4日以来,全国对话委员会没有举行会议。", "D类. 武器禁运", "41. 国家 安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议决定,所有国家应防止本国国民或从本国领土或使用悬挂本国国旗的船只或飞机向黎巴嫩境内的实体或个人出售或提供军火和有关物资。 黎巴嫩政府没有报告任何违反第1701(2006)号决议规定的武器禁运的行为。 以色列政府则指控真主党继续增加军备。 虽然联合国认真对待这些指控,但它无法独立核实这一信息。", "42. 国家 安理会第1701(2006)号决议还吁请黎巴嫩政府确保边界和其他入境点的安全,以防止武器和相关材料未经其同意而进入黎巴嫩。 黎巴嫩当局通知我的黎巴嫩问题特别协调员,除下文第43段所述另外部署两个黎巴嫩武装部队连外,为管理边界而部署的安全人员保持不变。", "43. 东帝汶 北部同阿拉伯叙利亚共和国接壤的边界的管理继续由边界共同部队负责,该部队由黎巴嫩四个安全机构(武装部队、国内安全、安全和海关)的大约700名工作人员组成。 5月上半月,叙利亚靠近黎巴嫩边界的城镇的局势促使估计有4 000人越过黎巴嫩北部边界。 为此,黎巴嫩武装部队又部署了两个连,人数约为220人,以支持边界共同部队。 到6月初,许多流离失所者已返回阿拉伯叙利亚共和国。 联合国正在就向流离失所者提供援助以及保护和确定他们的地位等事项同黎巴嫩政府密切协调。 苏莱曼总统向我的特别协调员保证,黎巴嫩将遵守这方面的国际义务。", "44. 国家 在东部边界,黎巴嫩军队继续部署来自国内治安部队的大约600名官兵和200名人员,沿与现有边界共同部队行动区相接80公里,直至阿尔萨尔。 黎巴嫩武装部队计划部署第三个边境团,在Arsal村和Masn ' a主要过境点之间行动。", "45. 国家 在2011年4月14日由我的特别协调员主持的一次会议上,继续参与向黎巴嫩提供支助以提高其边境管理能力的捐助国大使指出,由于没有一项全面的国家边境管理战略,难以调动更多资源,并重申需要通过这样一项国家战略。 捐助者同意继续分享信息并协调正在进行的支持黎巴嫩边境管理的项目。 然而,黎巴嫩没有政府,阻碍了根据国家协调员于2010年制定的战略草案,通过国家边境管理综合战略。", "46. 经常预算: 黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间边界的有效管理继续受到以下因素的不利影响:边界既未划定,也未标定;人阵总指挥部和法塔赫起义组织军事基地继续驻扎,跨越两国边界。", "E. 地雷和集束炸弹", "47. 国家 黎巴嫩地雷行动中心是黎巴嫩武装部队的一个单位,是黎巴嫩地雷行动的国家当局,全面负责管理所有人道主义排雷工作。 联合国地雷行动协调中心继续向联黎部队和黎巴嫩地雷行动中心提供排雷/未爆弹药方面的支助。 在本报告所述期间,又记录了8个集束炸弹袭击地点,总数达到1 135个。", " 48. 48. 自2006年8月以来,排雷活动造成的伤亡总数为63人,包括14人死亡和49人受伤。 至于平民事故/事件,3月31日在斯纳亚(杰津纳)发生了一起由反坦克地雷所引发并造成受伤的事件。 另一起涉及集束炸弹的事件造成Ras el Ein Deir Qanun一名平民死亡。 这两起事件使平民伤亡人数达到292人,包括29人死亡和263人受伤。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 目前正在筹备黎巴嫩于2011年9月主办《集束弹药公约》缔约国第二次会议。 预计这次会议将吸引大约1 000名代表,包括《公约》缔约国的代表、国际组织和民间社会组织的代表。", "F. 划定边界", " 50. 50. 安全理事会第1680(2006)号决议第4段大力鼓励阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府积极回应黎巴嫩政府提出的划定其共同边界的请求,特别是在边界不确定或有争议地区。 这将是朝着改善边界管理和保障黎巴嫩主权、领土完整和政治独立迈出的重要一步。 安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议重申了这一呼吁。", "51. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,尽管阿萨德总统和苏莱曼总统自2008年8月以来在几次首脑会议上作出了承诺,但在划定和标定黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国边界方面没有取得进展。 负责这些事项的黎巴嫩-叙利亚联合边界委员会尚未召开会议。 迄今为止,只有黎巴嫩指定了委员会的参与者。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 在沙巴阿农场地区问题上也没有取得任何进展。 尽管我一再提出要求,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和以色列都没有对我2007年10月30日发表的关于第1701(2006)号决议执行情况的报告(S/2007/641)所载的该地区临时定义作出反应。", "三. 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队的安保和安全", "53. 联合国 5月27日,联黎部队遭受了直接的恐怖袭击,当时由遥控路边炸弹所引发的爆炸击中了联黎部队在西顿镇以北的后勤车队,该车队经过连接贝鲁特和黎巴嫩南部的沿海干道,而后者是联黎部队的主要补给路线。 这次袭击使6名意大利维和人员受了伤,其中2人受了重伤,4人受了轻伤和中伤,另外2名黎巴嫩平民受了轻伤。 爆炸发生在2008年1月袭击联黎部队一辆车的地方附近(见S/2008/135)。 黎巴嫩当局和联黎部队立即对这一事件展开调查。 这是自第1701(2006)号决议通过以来对联黎部队的第四次袭击,也是三年多来的第一次袭击。 同前几次一样,没有人声称对这次攻击负责。 所有黎巴嫩高级当局以及各政治派别的政治领导人都谴责了这次袭击。 意大利当局也对这次袭击展开调查。", "54. 联合国 联黎部队人员的安全保障仍然是高度优先事项。 尽管所有各方都有义务确保联黎部队的安全和安保,黎巴嫩政府也有责任维持法律和秩序,但联黎部队仍继续采取减少风险的措施,包括对人员进行安全意识培训,并为设施和资产开展部队保护工作。 特派团定期审查安全计划和减轻风险措施,并进行了文职人员撤离准备工作。 联黎部队、黎巴嫩当局和黎巴嫩武装部队定期合作,确保安全威胁得到适当处理。", "55. 国家 联黎部队继续观察黎巴嫩军事法庭对被控组建武装团体以袭击联黎部队的个人的诉讼程序。 3月7日,对持有爆炸物以及策划和进行针对黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队的恐怖袭击的9起判决,其中一起是缺席判决,刑期从18个月到5年不等。 一个案件的法庭诉讼程序仍在继续,共有10人被指控拥有武器和爆炸物并策划袭击联黎部队。 原定于5月23日举行的听讯被推迟至7月下旬。", "四、结 论 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队的部署", "56. (中文(简体) ). 截至6月15日,联黎部队的总兵力为11 925人,包括574名妇女。 特派团有353名国际和657名本国文职人员,其中103名和169名分别是女性。 联黎部队还得到黎巴嫩观察员小组52名联合国停战监督组织军事观察员的支助,其中5名是妇女。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 目前正在执行维持和平行动部/联黎部队联合技术审查所提出的建议,包括建议对部队结构、资产和所需经费进行调整。 3月1日,通过将法国营与快速反应部队合并,联黎部队指挥官预备队成立. 相邻的营区重新划定,包括了前法国营的地区。 5月30日,即将入驻的爱尔兰营先遣队抵达,而主体预定于6月下旬部署.", " V. 意 见", "58. 联合国 我担心,全面执行第1701(2006)号决议停滞不前,使各方无法按照决议的要求,走向永久停火和长期解决。 我对两起危险事件感到特别不安,一起是5月15日,这起事件考验了第1701(2006)号决议规定的安全安排;二起是不明袭击者对联黎部队的直接袭击。 这些事态发展是在紧张的区域背景下发生的,这进一步加剧了它们的严重性。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 我对5月15日在Maroun al-Ras附近发生的事件感到关切,在这些事件中,以色列国防军对企图突破技术围栏的非武装示威者使用直接实弹射击。 与此同时,组织者有责任确保示威者不靠近技术围栏,不会变得暴力. 我对失去生命感到遗憾。", "60. 联合国 黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军负有防止和纠正任何违反第1701(2006)号决议行为的首要责任。 我呼吁黎巴嫩当局和黎巴嫩武装部队在该地区维持法律和秩序,并预防从黎巴嫩领土起自蓝线上的任何事件。 黎巴嫩武装部队应根据需要充分利用联黎部队的支持和援助。 我呼吁以色列国防军在此种情况下不要以实弹反击,除非在立即自卫时有明确要求。 尽管每个国家都有自卫的固有权利,但以色列国防军必须始终采取适当的行动措施,包括人群控制措施,这些措施与其部队和平民面临的紧迫威胁相称。 我呼吁双方充分利用商定的联络和协调安排,同联黎部队密切合作,以降低进一步暴力的风险。", "61. 国家 我谴责5月27日对联黎部队人员的袭击,这次袭击使6名维和人员(其中2人伤势严重)和两名黎巴嫩平民受伤。 我呼吁黎巴嫩当局尽最大努力将肇事者绳之以法。 我仍然对联合国人员的安全感到关切,并敦促所有各方遵守尊重其安全和安保的义务。", "62. 联合国 尽管这些事件十分严重,但在本报告所述期间的大部分时间里,联黎部队行动区局势相对稳定和平静。 在这方面,以色列政府和黎巴嫩政府承诺遵守第1701(2006)号决议的规定并停止敌对行动仍然很重要。 毫无疑问,安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议作出的安排有助于维护该地区的稳定并遏制紧张局势。 这不是个小成就。 然而,如果不在全面执行决议方面取得实际进展,蓝线一带的局势将仍然危险地脆弱。", "63. 国家 因此,我呼吁双方充分利用联黎部队同黎巴嫩武装部队合作,帮助在行动区建立的新战略环境,以在执行第1701(2006)号决议方面取得进一步进展,包括尊重整个蓝线,并采取必要步骤实现永久停火。 此外,我呼吁以色列政府继续承诺全面执行第1701(2006)号决议,并为此目的采取真正的具体步骤。 我还呼吁以米卡提总理为首的黎巴嫩新政府明确承诺全面执行第1701(2006)号决议并履行黎巴嫩的所有国际义务,并在这方面采取必要步骤。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 我感到鼓舞的是,黎巴嫩武装部队和以色列国防军承诺同联黎部队密切合作,包括在 \" 蓝线 \" 沿线敏感地区开展特别行动程序,以此防止可能导致紧张局势升级并导致事件的误解。 我希望与联黎部队的密切合作与协调,包括通过三方论坛进行的合作与协调,将进一步推动双方之间建立信任和信心。", "65. 国家 我感到关切的是,明显标示 \" 蓝线 \" 的进程仍然缺乏实际进展。 我赞扬联黎部队继续努力同双方克服僵局,并敦促双方以建设性和务实的方式处理当地有争议的问题。 我感到鼓舞的是,各方对联黎部队最近的倡议作出了反应,并希望能恢复蓝线标记进程的势头。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 我还感到关切的是,以色列国防军几乎每天飞越黎巴嫩领土,继续大量违反第1701(2006)号决议并侵犯黎巴嫩主权。 这些飞越加剧了联黎部队行动区的紧张局势。 它们还对黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队的信誉产生不利影响。 我再次呼吁以色列立即停止其飞越领空。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 我感到失望的是,以色列国防军尚未从盖杰尔北部和蓝线以北相邻地区撤出。 联黎部队同双方合作,为盖杰尔北部周围地区制订了安全安排,应能满足各方的安全需要。 这将有助于执行联合国关于便利以色列国防军从蓝线以南撤出的建议。 以色列国防军的撤出将是朝着全面执行第1701(2006)号决议迈出的重要一步。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 我仍然感到关切的是,妨碍联黎部队行动自由并危及维和人员安全和安保的事件继续发生。 根据第1701(2006)号和第1773(2007)号决议,联黎部队的行动自由及其人员的安全与保障是有效执行任务所不可或缺的。 确保联黎部队人员在行动区行动自由的主要责任在于黎巴嫩当局。 此外,我希望黎巴嫩武装部队和联黎部队将设法加强对事件的管理和调查。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队是执行第1701(2006)号决议和维持联黎部队行动区稳定的战略伙伴。 我对联黎部队和黎巴嫩武装部队参与战略对话进程感到鼓舞,但认为需要加快步伐。", "70. 联合国 黎巴嫩武装部队继续以承诺和决心采取行动,我尤其感到高兴的是,它们在防止6月5日再次发生任何事件方面发挥了作用。 我感谢那些在装备和训练黎巴嫩武装部队、包括海军方面提供重要支助的国家。 我敦促国际社会加大支持力度,确保黎巴嫩武装部队具备所需的能力和力量,以便在联黎部队行动区和黎巴嫩领水承担更大的责任。", "71. 联合国 不受国家控制的武装团体的存在不断威胁黎巴嫩的主权和稳定,并妨碍全面执行第1559(2004)号和第1701(2006)号决议。 我呼吁黎巴嫩领导人坚持国内政治进程,以解除在国家控制之外活动的武装团体的武装。 在这方面,随着新政府的成立,我鼓励苏莱曼总统尽快重新召集全国对话委员会。", "72. 联合国 我还对人阵总部和法塔赫起义组织在黎巴嫩的军事基地继续存在感到关切。 这对黎巴嫩管理边界的能力构成挑战并破坏黎巴嫩的主权。 我再次呼吁黎巴嫩政府拆除2006年全国对话商定、此后重申的这些军事基地,并呼吁阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府同这些努力充分合作。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 我呼吁所有会员国防止未经黎巴嫩国家同意向黎巴嫩境内的实体或个人转让军火和相关物资。 我鼓励黎巴嫩新政府推进其前任控制边界的努力,包括通过2010年承诺的全面边界管理战略。 我感谢正在为提高黎巴嫩的边界管理能力而提供援助的会员国,并呼吁国际社会支持全面边界战略一经通过即予执行。", "74. 国家 划定和标定黎巴嫩和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国之间共同边界的工作应该继续进行,首先是启动黎巴嫩-叙利亚联合边界委员会。 边界的划定对两国之间的积极关系至关重要。 我敦促阿拉伯叙利亚共和国政府与黎巴嫩政府合作,根据第1701(2006)号和第1680(2006)号决议为实现这一目标采取具体而切实的步骤。", "75. 国家 我还打算根据第1701(2006)号决议第10段,继续努力为沙巴阿农场地区问题寻求外交解决办法。 然而,我必须承认,由于以色列和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国目前不愿解决这一问题,这些努力受到了阻碍。 我再次呼吁这两个国家对我2007年10月提出的沙巴阿农场地区临时定义(见S/2007/641)作出答复。", "76. 联合国 生活在黎巴嫩的巴勒斯坦难民所面临的局势继续令人关切。 这些难民中有三分之二生活贫困,受到高失业率、慢性病高发和营养不足以及恶劣生活条件的影响。 我呼吁黎巴嫩新政府执行2010年8月通过的《黎巴嫩劳动法》和《社会保障法》修正案,以有效改善黎巴嫩境内巴勒斯坦难民的就业前景。 我还对联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)在向巴勒斯坦难民提供基本教育和保健以及重建四年前被摧毁的巴里德河难民营的经常方案方面继续面临资金短缺深感关切。 我敦促捐助者,包括该区域各国,继续并在可能的情况下增加对近东救济工程处的支助。 在确保充分实现巴勒斯坦难民的人权方面取得进展并不妨碍在阿拉伯-以色列全面和平协定范围内解决巴勒斯坦难民问题。", "77. 国家 我赞扬联黎部队特派团团长和部队指挥官以及联黎部队的所有军事和文职人员,他们继续在帮助促进黎巴嫩南部的和平与稳定方面发挥关键作用,并赞扬黎巴嫩问题特别协调员及其办公室工作人员。", "78. 国家 我仍然非常清楚,以色列和黎巴嫩履行第1701(2006)号决议规定的义务受到影响整个区域的动态的影响。 最近几个月,该地区被一波民众抗议和政治变革所席卷. 在此背景下,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的事态发展可能对黎巴嫩产生直接影响,并因此会直接影响第1701(2006)号决议的执行情况。 以色列和黎巴嫩之间的冲突是阿拉伯-以色列冲突的一部分,它也未能免受这些戏剧性事态发展的影响。", "79. 联合国 我呼吁以色列和黎巴嫩采取必要步骤,实现第1701(2006)号决议所称的管辖两国关系的长期解决办法。 实现这一解决办法不能也不应与根据安全理事会所有有关决议,包括第242(1967)号、第338(1973)号和第1515(2003)号决议在中东实现全面、公正和持久和平的必要性脱节。 我呼吁各方和所有会员国果断地为实现这一目标而努力。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Agenda item 77 (a) of the preliminary list*", "Oceans and the law of the sea", "Letter dated 30 June 2011 from the Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to the President of the General Assembly", "Pursuant to paragraph 163 of General Assembly resolution 65/37 A, we were appointed as Co-Chairs of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction, which was established pursuant to paragraph 73 of Assembly resolution 59/24. In accordance with paragraph 163 of Assembly resolution 65/37 A, the Working Group met at United Nations Headquarters from 31 May to 3 June 2011.", "We are pleased to inform you that the Working Group fulfilled its mandate to provide recommendations to the General Assembly as requested in resolution 65/37 A, and have the honour to submit to you the outcome of the meeting, which consists of the recommendations adopted by the Working Group for transmittal to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session (sect. I) and a Co Chairs’ summary of discussions (sect. II) on key issues, ideas and proposals raised during the deliberations under the various agenda items (see A/AC.276/4).", "We request that you kindly circulate the present letter, including the recommendations and the Co-Chairs’ summary of discussions (see annex), as a document of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly, under item 77 (a) of the preliminary list.", "(Signed) Palitha T. B. Kohona Liesbeth Lijnzaad Co-Chairs", "Annex", "Recommendations of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction and Co-Chairs’ summary of discussions", "I. Recommendations", "1. The Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group, having met from 31 May to 3 June 2011 in accordance with paragraph 163 of General Assembly resolution 65/37 A, recommends that:", "(a) A process be initiated, by the General Assembly, with a view to ensuring that the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction effectively addresses those issues by identifying gaps and ways forward, including through the implementation of existing instruments and the possible development of a multilateral agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea;", "(b) This process would address the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction, in particular, together and as a whole, marine genetic resources, including questions on the sharing of benefits, measures such as area-based management tools, including marine protected areas, and environmental impact assessments, capacity-building and the transfer of marine technology;", "(c) This process would take place: (i) in the existing Working Group; and (ii) in the format of intersessional workshops aimed at improving understanding of the issues and clarifying key questions as an input to the work of the Working Group;", "(d) The mandate of the Working Group be reviewed and, as appropriate, amended, with a view to undertaking the tasks entrusted by the present recommendations;", "(e) The Secretary-General be requested to convene a meeting of the Working Group in 2012 to make progress on all issues under examination within the Working Group and to provide recommendations to the General Assembly at its sixty-seventh session.", "* The summary is intended for reference purposes only and not as a record of the discussions.", "II. Co-Chairs’ summary of discussions*", "2. The Ad Hoc Open-ended Informal Working Group to study issues relating to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction (the “Working Group”) met at United Nations Headquarters, from 31 May to 3 June 2011. In accordance with paragraph 163 of resolution 65/37 A, the Working Group was convened to provide recommendations to the General Assembly.", "3. The meeting of the Working Group was presided over by two Co-Chairs, Ambassador Palitha T. B. Kohona (Sri Lanka) and Liesbeth Lijnzaad (Netherlands), appointed by the President of the General Assembly in consultation with Member States. The Assistant Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, Stephen Mathias, delivered opening remarks on behalf of the Secretary-General and the Legal Counsel of the United Nations. An open-ended Group of Friends of the Co-Chairs assisted the latter in preparing draft recommendations.", "4. Representatives from 72 Member States, 20 intergovernmental organizations and other bodies and 11 non-governmental organizations attended the meeting of the Working Group.", "5. The following supporting documentation was available to the Working Group: (a) provisional agenda (A/AC.276/L.5); (b) draft format and annotated provisional agenda and organization of work (A/AC.276/L.6); and (c) report of the Secretary-General on oceans and the law of the sea (A/66/70). The Working Group adopted the agenda with amendments (A/AC.276/4) and agreed to proceed on the basis of the format, annotated agenda and organization of work.", "6. Based on the discussions in the Working Group, the Co-Chairs, with assistance from the Group of Friends, prepared draft recommendations for consideration by the Working Group. On 3 June, the Working Group adopted the recommendations by consensus. They are contained in section I of the present document.", "7. The Co-Chairs prepared the present brief summary of discussions on key issues, ideas and proposals referred to or raised during the deliberations.", "General considerations", "8. Delegations reaffirmed that marine biodiversity constituted a fundamental component of life in the oceans and on Earth. The environmental importance of marine biodiversity and its contribution to the development of science, better health and food security were highlighted. Many delegations emphasized that the conservation of marine biodiversity and its sustainable use were directly connected to sustainable development and therefore had social and economic relevance. Some delegations noted that anthropogenic threats to marine biodiversity, including as a result of climate change, bottom trawling, ocean noise and shark finning, had continued to increase in areas both within and beyond national jurisdiction. Noting that the 2010 target to significantly reduce the rate of biodiversity loss had not been met, some non-governmental organizations highlighted the finding of the third edition of Global Biodiversity Outlook that a number of ecosystems had reached critical points and that, unless strong action was taken, many of them would no longer provide for the needs of present and future generations.", "9. The central role played by the General Assembly with regard to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction was underscored. In this connection, several delegations emphasized that the Working Group represented the only forum in which all aspects of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction were dealt with in a format that encouraged open discussion by all stakeholders. The view was expressed that the mandate of the Working Group was limited to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction.", "10. The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea was acknowledged as providing the legal framework for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. Some delegations noted that the Convention and its implementing Agreements were complemented by other legal instruments, including the Convention on Biological Diversity, the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development, the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, and the International Guidelines on the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas adopted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Several delegations also recognized the importance of the responsibilities entrusted to the International Seabed Authority regarding marine scientific research and the protection of the marine environment.", "11. Some delegations expressed satisfaction at the adoption of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity and the new Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity at its tenth meeting.", "Panel presentations", "12. Prior to the consideration of the substantive items on its agenda, the Working Group heard presentations from four panellists, followed by a short question and answer period. Presentations were delivered by: Nii Odunton, Secretary-General, International Seabed Authority, on international cooperation and coordination for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity in the Area; Rama Rao Sankurathripati, Officer-in-Charge, Coordination Office in New York, World Intellectual Property Organization, on the intellectual property aspects of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction; Lyle Glowka, Senior Legal Advisor, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, on the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Sharing of Benefits Arising from their Utilization to the Convention on Biological Diversity; and Harlan Cohen, Advisor on Ocean Governance and International Institutions, International Union for Conservation of Nature, on environmental impact assessments and marine protected areas.", "Examination of the scientific, technical, economic, legal, environmental, socio-economic and other aspects of the conservation and sustainable use of marine biological diversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction, including activities of the United Nations and other relevant international organizations, in particular further consideration of the relevant legal regime on marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, taking into account the views of States on Parts VII and XI of the Convention; issues of marine protected areas; and issues of environmental impact assessment processes", "13. Several delegations viewed conservation, sustainable use, including the sharing of benefits derived from such use, and capacity-building and the transfer of marine technology as integral parts of the specific legal regime related to marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. These delegations also stressed that all conservation tools should be examined on their own merits, and expressed concerns about the adoption of practical or short-term measures without a definition of the relevant legal regime.", "14. The need for integrated ocean management and ecosystem approaches to the management of activities related to marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction was highlighted by some delegations. In that regard, some delegations drew attention to the role played by regional environmental organizations and regional fisheries management organizations and/or arrangements regarding integrated ocean management. Several delegations were of the view that a range of different bodies and forums with varying responsibilities and sectorally or regionally restricted mandates addressed the protection of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. Those delegations called for a coordinated cross-sectoral approach which would take into account the cumulative impact of human activities beyond areas of national jurisdiction.", "Marine genetic resources in areas beyond national jurisdiction", "15. Delegations recalled that the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea provided the legal framework for all activities in the oceans and seas, including with respect to marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction. Several delegations stressed that unregulated access to genetic resources in the Area, which they considered as the common heritage of mankind, and their exclusive exploitation by a few had serious global economic and social implications. Several delegations noted that two different regimes applied to the high seas and the Area, respectively. They also observed that, according to General Assembly resolution 2749 (XXV) and Part XI of the Convention, which they considered part of customary international law, the Area and its resources were the common heritage of mankind. Those delegations emphasized that the common heritage of mankind, including the fair and equitable sharing of benefits, applied to the biological resources of the Area. In this respect, they recognized the importance of the responsibilities entrusted to the International Seabed Authority regarding marine scientific research and the protection of the marine environment.", "16. Other delegations pointed out that the principle of the common heritage of mankind only applied to mineral resources of the Area. They were of the view that living resources in the Area were regulated under the high seas regime as set out in Part VII of the Convention.", "17. Several delegations recalled that the overall goal of the international community should be the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. They underlined that the “first come, first served” approach existing on the high seas was counterproductive and undermined sustainability. The view was also expressed that a link existed between the common heritage of mankind and the conservation and preservation of the marine environment. In that regard, the common heritage of mankind was not solely about benefit sharing, but just as much about conservation and preservation. Addressing all issues as a “package deal” that would cover measures for both the preservation and conservation of marine biodiversity, including marine protected areas, and the management of marine genetic resources on the seabed, including aspects relating to benefit sharing thereof, was thus proposed.", "18. It was observed that there had not been much discussion on the regime applicable to marine genetic resources on the high seas. It was suggested that if there was agreement that the high seas regime applied to marine genetic resources on the high seas, some common ground could be found in relation to the relevant legal framework for their conservation and sustainable use.", "19. Several delegations noted the lack of an international body entrusted with the mandate to regulate access to marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction. In that connection, the need to explore the various ways to achieve a regulatory framework was also noted. It was underlined that the Working Group was the appropriate forum to discuss issues relating to marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction and that such discussion should be conducted within the framework of, and in conformity with, the Convention. The discussions conducted during the eighth meeting of the United Nations Open-ended Informal Consultative Process on Oceans and the Law of the Sea, which focused on marine genetic resources, were recalled as a good basis for a common understanding of the issue, provided that the relevant information was revisited and updated.", "20. Several delegations expressed support for considering the sharing of benefits arising from the use of marine genetic resources, and highlighted that different mechanisms of a monetary and non-monetary nature could be used for that purpose. In that context, the indicative list of monetary and non-monetary benefits included in the annex to the Nagoya Protocol was identified as a possible basis for discussions. In addition, several delegations drew attention to the intellectual property aspects of marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction, suggesting that the Working Group should consider the issue, in particular with regard to biodiversity in the Area.", "21. A reservation was expressed about the suggestion that benefit sharing for marine genetic resources beyond areas of national jurisdiction would lead to greater conservation or sustainable use of marine biodiversity. It was observed, in that regard, that such a regime would impede research and development. Another view was expressed that benefit sharing needed to be performed to allow ample incentive for exploration and development.", "22. Efforts aimed at developing and promulgating codes of conduct for research activities, such as the InterRidge code of conduct, were welcomed. The need for such activities to be consistent with the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, as well as the need for a balance among environmental protection, freedom of scientific research and sharing of the benefits deriving from the use of marine genetic resources, were also highlighted.", "Marine protected areas", "23. A number of delegations noted the fundamental role of area-based management tools, including marine protected areas, in the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity and in ensuring the resilience of marine ecosystems, including beyond areas of national jurisdiction. The importance of those tools as part of a range of management options in implementing precautionary and ecosystem approaches to the management of human activities was highlighted. Several delegations recalled 2012 as an important year for biodiversity, culminating in the twentieth anniversary of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development and the tenth anniversary of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. They stressed the need to demonstrate progress towards the achievement of the commitments set out in the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation in relation to the establishment of marine protected areas, including representative networks. The achievement of those commitments was also identified as one of the ways in which article 197 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea could be implemented.", "24. The central role of the General Assembly and the responsibility of the Working Group in developing a framework for marine protected areas beyond areas of national jurisdiction was emphasized. In this regard, the benefit of multilateral cooperation in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity was also noted. Some delegations highlighted the need to determine the legal basis for the establishment of marine protected areas beyond areas of national jurisdiction. It was observed that marine protected areas should be established in conformity with international law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.", "25. The view was expressed that the establishment of marine protected areas should be based on scientific evidence and should not prejudice the rights of States to the rational use of natural resources. The need for improved scientific knowledge was also emphasized. The need for an approach that integrates scientific advice to inform appropriate regional and sectoral management bodies, taking account cross-sectoral and cumulative impacts, was highlighted. Such integration inherently required a spatial perspective.", "26. Some delegations emphasized that the establishment of marine protected areas should not follow a uniform methodology, or a “one-size-fits-all” approach. In addition, some delegations underscored that the selection of the most appropriate area-based management tools, including marine protected areas, was case-specific and should remain in the purview of regional management bodies.", "27. The need for consultation with and participation of relevant sectors and stakeholders in the establishment of marine protected areas on the high seas was stressed.", "28. Several delegations noted that, following the scientific description of ecologically or biologically significant areas or vulnerable marine ecosystems, there was a need to identify and select those areas for protection and to design the management measures accordingly. The gap between the scientific process for description of ecologically and biologically significant areas and the actual identification/designation of such areas was highlighted since no global forum had a formal mandate at present, and existing regional and sectoral forums were facing issues of legitimacy to do so.", "29. Several delegations emphasized the establishment of marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction in the context of the Commission for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic as a successful example. The value of regional cooperation and the lessons to be learned from that experience were suggested for further study and consideration, with a view to learning by doing. It was also suggested that a systematic analysis of the modalities of establishing and managing high seas marine protected areas and other area-based tools should be carried out. This would allow a determination of whether the establishment of a network of marine protected areas could be carried out under existing mechanisms. In this context, a further suggestion was made to designate and implement pilot sites as a means to determine feasibility and effectiveness of existing tools.", "Environmental impact assessment processes", "30. Several delegations highlighted the importance of environmental impact assessments for the conduct of activities beyond areas of national jurisdiction. The intrinsic link between environmental impact assessments and the conservation and sustainable use of marine genetic resources and marine protected areas was noted. Those delegations were of the view that there was a governance gap regarding environmental impact assessments beyond areas of national jurisdiction, noting that article 206 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the provisions stemming from the Convention on Biological Diversity provided the only general framework, together with the regulations of the International Seabed Authority and the advisory opinion of the Seabed Disputes Chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea on the responsibilities and obligations of States sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area.", "31. The development and implementation of procedures to assess the potential environmental effects of activities that may cause substantial pollution of, or significant and harmful changes to, oceans and marine ecosystems, such as fishing, ocean dumping, shipping and mining was proposed.", "32. The importance of understanding the cumulative effects of overlapping anthropogenic activities on marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction was noted. Moreover, it was stressed that it was necessary to recognize the fundamental role of sectoral activities and to promote integrated, cross-sectoral cooperation, especially at the regional level, as well as integrated scientific advice.", "33. It was recalled that the previous meeting of the Working Group, held in 2010, had recommended that the General Assembly recognize the importance of further developing scientific and technical guidance on the implementation of environmental impact assessments with respect to planned activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction, including consideration of the assessment of cumulative impacts. It was observed that, in the formulation of such guidelines, full consideration should be given to the capacity of States to conduct assessments, as well as to the work of other international organizations in this field so as to avoid duplication of obligations and duties. Some delegations acknowledged the role of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, the Convention on Biological Diversity, and other organizations and instruments with regard to environmental impact assessments.", "34. The view was expressed that the United Nations should take a stronger role in environmental impact assessments, which could include elaborating principles to assist in the implementation of environmental impact assessments on the high seas. The role of the regular process for global reporting and assessment of the state of the marine environment, including socio-economic aspects, in developing a functional science policy interface on marine issues was also recalled.", "35. A suggestion was made to share best practices and build capacity to carry out environmental impact assessments. The inclusion of environmental impact assessment requirements in regional agreements, as had been done in the Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, was also encouraged.", "Capacity-building and transfer of marine technology", "36. Several delegations called for increased capacity-building and transfer of marine technology to improve the participation of developing countries in scientific research in the Area, as well as their contribution towards the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity. They noted that this was the area in which the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea suffered from the gravest implementation gap. In this connection, appreciation was expressed for the Endowment Fund of the International Seabed Authority. It was also noted that marine scientific research and transfer of technology must be realized effectively, but should not be an obstacle for the implementation of measures for the protection of marine biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction.", "37. Some delegations offered to share their experiences in the development of integrated management policies.", "Other issues", "38. Noting the vulnerability of cetaceans as highly migratory species and the need to avoid undermining the conservation efforts of coastal States, a call was made to elaborate a collective policy, in conformity with the provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and relevant international laws, to ensure full and permanent protection for cetaceans on the high seas. The proposed policy would include urging States to cease authorizing catches of cetaceans on the high seas by vessels or operations under their jurisdiction, minimizing other threats and supporting the activities of developing States, in particular small island developing States, for the study, conservation and management of cetaceans in waters under their jurisdiction and adjacent areas of the high seas. Some delegations suggested that the Working Group consider this issue. Some other delegations stated the importance of the principle of sustainable use of marine living resources, including marine mammals, regardless of whether the catches were made within or beyond areas of national jurisdiction. The latter delegations stated that measures taken for that purpose should be discussed and adopted through the competent organizations, namely the International Whaling Commission and the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission.", "39. Several delegations emphasized the role of scientific knowledge as a basis for sound decision-making. In this connection, the improved scientific understanding of marine biodiversity was called for. While a suggestion was made not to rush into specific solutions before conclusive and empirical scientific knowledge was gathered, several delegations emphasized that the need for further study should not be used as a reason to postpone the examination of the main aspects of biodiversity, namely conservation and sustainable uses, including the sharing of benefits to be derived therefrom.", "40. The view was expressed that scientific cooperation should be undertaken in a manner compatible with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, including through the utilization and publication of results in order to further promote research in deep and open oceans, which were the lesser known regions.", "41. Several delegations observed that gathering information on the activities that were currently undertaken beyond areas of national jurisdiction was essential. Those delegations noted, in particular, the lack of information voluntarily provided to the Secretary-General as to activities regarding micro-organisms, in particular those of the seabed and ocean floor beyond the limits of national jurisdiction and the geo-morphological formations therein, such as polymetallic sulphides.", "Indication, where appropriate, of possible options on and approaches to all aspects under examination within the mandate of the Working Group, taking into account, in particular, section X of General Assembly resolution 65/37 A", "42. It was generally recognized that the status quo was not a sustainable situation, nor an acceptable option. Many delegations called for the elaboration of a comprehensive legal regime, through an implementing agreement to the Convention, that would take into consideration all aspects related to marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction, including conservation, sustainable use and equitable sharing of benefits thereof, capacity-building and transfer of marine technology. It was highlighted that all elements needed to be addressed at the same pace. Several delegations stated that an implementing agreement would enable more effective application of existing tools, such as marine protected areas and environmental impact assessments, as well as new tools, particularly on access and benefit-sharing mechanisms for marine genetic resources. An implementing agreement would also set out general modern principles of conservation and sustainable management. A suggestion was made that the General Assembly should establish an intergovernmental committee mandated to formalize the work of the Working Group. The view was expressed that, alternatively, a conference under the auspices of the United Nations could be convened in order to promote effective implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea.", "43. Some delegations did not see the need for an implementing agreement, noting that the existing legal framework was sufficient to address the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. In this respect, the main challenge was the need for enhanced implementation of the existing rules and instruments. It was observed that seeking clearer focus on individual threats and enhancing implementation of existing instruments was not the status quo, and an implementing agreement should only be discussed if current threats to marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction were not being addressed by existing instruments. Other delegations reiterated that, before any consideration of an implementing agreement, more work needed to be done to identify existing gaps. It was pointed out that the lack of a regime covering the exploitation of marine genetic resources was one such gap.", "44. The view was expressed that it should be recognized that, before giving consideration to establishing other forums, the Working Group was still able to perform necessary and useful work. However, it was noted that the scope of the Working Group was too broad and that it could become a more productive body by narrowing the breadth of topics discussed. In that regard, area-based management tools, such as marine protected areas and marine genetic resources, were identified as possible areas of focus. Several delegations suggested that the agenda of the Working Group be amended.", "45. A suggestion was also made to move the work of the Working Group forward through a targeted workshop, or set of workshops, comprised of States and competent intergovernmental bodies, working informally and on a “without prejudice” basis, with a view to considering the full range of options for addressing the issues under discussion and generating a clearer understanding of areas of agreement and disagreement. It was noted that, in such workshops, all future options would be open for consideration, including an implementing agreement or alternative actions to be taken in the absence of such an agreement. It was put forward that these workshops would produce reports that would be circulated to all Member States and be provided for the next meeting of the Working Group. The two main themes suggested for consideration by the workshops were marine genetic resources and conservation and management tools for areas beyond national jurisdiction, notably marine protected areas and environmental impact assessments. A number of delegations commented on the need to determine whether the workshops would be formally convened by the General Assembly or informally convened by States.", "46. Other delegations called for intersessional work to explore options and to allow for the adoption of practical measures at the next meeting of the Working Group.", "47. It was pointed out that, while a consensus solution was being developed, immediate action to allow for information sharing, capacity-building and transfer of marine technology should also be considered.", "48. With regard to marine genetic resources, it was highlighted that discussions should focus on the regulatory mechanisms for the use of marine genetic resources, including the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits deriving from such use. Some delegations believed that the Nagoya Protocol and the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture could serve as a basis for developing benefit-sharing arrangements.", "49. The view was expressed that the meeting should focus on the conservation of and the status of research on marine genetic resources; potential additional criteria or guidelines for related marine scientific research; and opportunities for capacity-building and training programmes. The need to consider, inter alia, the latest science on marine genetic resources, the possible development of a global standard for access and the definition of what constitutes a benefit was also stressed.", "50. As for marine protected areas, the proposal was made that discussions on this topic should consider identification of the competent body for the designation and management of marine protected areas beyond national jurisdiction; legal effects arising from such a designation with respect to third parties; identification of the objectives to be pursued as well as the activities to be allowed and those to be prohibited or restricted within the designated areas; identification of the means of implementation as well as of the enforcement periods for each area; consideration of the distribution of marine protected areas with a view to ensuring the conservation of migratory species; consideration of vulnerable marine ecosystems and related populations; adoption and implementation of integrated approaches for the protection and preservation of biological diversity; identification of threats to marine ecosystems, taking into account the need to protect species that are not currently regulated by any existing mechanism; consideration of mechanisms of coordination among States and intergovernmental organizations to identify ecologically and biologically significant areas that could be designated as marine protected areas; and financial schemes. It was also noted that other existing mechanisms could be considered within the framework of the International Maritime Organization, in particular the designation of particularly sensitive sea areas.", "51. The view was expressed that international efforts should focus on the identification of areas requiring enhanced protection through the use of the scientific criteria for identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas in need of protection in open-ocean waters and deep-sea habitats and the scientific guidance for selecting areas to establish representative networks of marine protected areas, including in open-ocean waters and deep-sea habitats, developed in the context of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as the International Guidelines for the Management of Deep-sea Fisheries in the High Seas of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Satisfaction was expressed at the progress made in developing the consistent criteria used in those instruments to identify ecologically or biologically significant areas and vulnerable marine ecosystems.", "52. It was also suggested that experience with marine protected areas beyond areas of national jurisdiction, including lessons learned, be reviewed. The need to consider how to transparently establish, monitor and measure the effectiveness of such areas was highlighted.", "53. The view was reiterated that marine protected areas needed to have clearly delineated boundaries; a strong causal link between the harm being addressed and management measures, which should be flexible and adaptive; and implementation, compliance and enforcement measures consistent with international law as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, including respect for the sovereign rights of coastal States over their continental shelves. It was suggested that bilateral or multilateral agreements to establish such areas could be entered into.", "54. Several delegations suggested that environmental impact assessments and strategic environmental assessments, which were already used by regional fisheries management organizations and regional seas organizations, should be used globally, incorporating cumulative impacts. Reference was also made to the process established in paragraph 119 of General Assembly resolution 64/72 concerning the impact of bottom fisheries on vulnerable marine ecosystems. It was proposed to deepen understanding of ongoing and projected activities in areas beyond national jurisdiction that may cause significant and harmful changes to the marine environment. It was stressed that exchange of information on how States were meeting the obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea to assess the potential effects of those activities should be enhanced. There was also a need for considering available opportunities for the international community, within the Working Group or other sector-based forums, to enhance the implementation of such obligations.", "55. Some delegations called for increased efforts with respect to the establishment of new regional fisheries management organizations and the strengthening of existing organizations. It was also noted that the mandates of existing regional fisheries management organizations should be updated.", "56. The view was expressed that coherent and coordinated regional efforts across agencies were imperative for the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. In this connection, the view was expressed that better coordination of regional and international processes should be achieved to identify priority areas. The need for a cross-sectoral approach was also considered necessary in view of the multiplicity of existing international bodies and forums that dealt with marine biodiversity.", "Identification of key issues and questions where more detailed background studies would facilitate consideration by States of these issues", "57. Several delegations observed that there would always be issues that required further study. However, this should not delay action, particularly in the application of the precautionary approach to the conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. In this regard, they suggested removing from the agenda of future meetings of the Working Group the item on identification of key issues and questions where more detailed background studies would facilitate consideration by States of these issues. Other delegations highlighted the importance of discussions on this topic, considering that the further the work of the Working Group progressed, the more there would be a need to address complex technical questions arising from the issues under examination.", "58. The Co-Chairs of the Working Group proposed that the Secretary-General be requested, in cooperation with competent international organizations and bodies, to prepare an inventory of existing instruments relevant to marine biodiversity beyond areas of national jurisdiction. However, owing to lack of time, the Working Group did not consider this proposal." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表[1] 议程项目77(a)", "海洋和海洋法", "2011年6月30日不限成员名额非正式特设工作组共同主席给大会主席的信", "根据大会第65/37 A号决议第163段,我们被任命为研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用有关问题的不限成员名额非正式特设工作组共同主席,该工作组是根据第59/24号决议第73段设立的。根据第65/37 A号决议第163段,工作组于2011年5月31日至6月3日在联合国总部举行了会议。", "我们高兴地通知你,工作组完成了第65/37 A号决议中要求的向大会提出建议的任务,并谨向你提交会议成果,其中包括工作组通过的转交大会第六十六届会议的建议(第一节),以及共同主席关于在各个议程项目(见A/AC.276/4)下的审议过程中提出的关键议题、想法和提议的讨论摘要(第二节)。", "请将本信,包括各项建议和共同主席的讨论摘要(见附件)作为大会第六十六届会议暂定项目表项目77(a)下的文件分发为荷。", "共同主席", "帕利塔·科霍纳", "利斯贝特·莱茵扎德(签名)", "附件", "研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用有关问题的不限成员名额非正式特设工作组的建议和共同主席的讨论摘要", "一. 建议", "1. 不限成员名额非正式特设工作组根据大会第65/37 A号决议第163段,于2011年5月31日至6月3日举行会议,建议:", "(a) 大会发起一个进程,确保国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用法律框架有效处理这些问题,具体方式是查明差距和确定前进道路,包括执行现有文书,以及可能根据《联合国海洋法公约》拟订一项多边协定;", "(b) 这一进程涉及国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性特别是海洋遗传资源的养护和可持续利用,包括分享惠益问题,还涉及划区管理工具等措施,包括海洋保护区、环境影响评估、能力建设和转让海洋技术;", "(c) 这一进程将:㈠ 在现有工作组展开;㈡ 采取闭会期间讲习班的形式,旨在增进对各个议题的了解,阐明关键问题,为工作组的工作提供投入;", "(d) 审查并酌情修订工作组任务规定,以执行这些建议所涉任务;", "(e) 请秘书长于2012年召开工作组会议,就工作组审查的所有问题取得进展,并向大会第六十七届会议提出建议。", "二. 共同主席的讨论摘要[2]", "2. 研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题不限成员名额非正式特设工作组(“工作组”)2011年5月31日至6月3日在联合国总部举行了会议。工作组根据第65/37 A号决议第163段举行会议,向大会提出建议。", "3. 工作组会议由帕利塔·科霍纳大使(斯里兰卡)和利斯贝特·莱茵扎德(荷兰)两名共同主席主持,共同主席是由大会主席与会员国协商后任命的。主管法律事务助理秘书长斯蒂芬·马蒂亚斯代表秘书长和联合国法律顾问致开幕词。共同主席之友不限成员名额小组协助共同主席编写建议草案。", "4. 72个会员国、20个政府间组织和其他机构以及11个非政府组织的代表出席了工作组会议。", "5. 可供工作组使用的辅助文件如下:(a) 临时议程(A/AC.276/L.5);(b) 会议形式草案和附件说明的临时议程和工作安排(A/AC.276/L.6);(c) 秘书长关于海洋和海洋法的报告(A/66/70)。工作组通过了修正后的议程(A/AC.276/4),并同意在会议形式、附加说明的议程和工作安排的基础上继续开展工作。", "6. 根据工作组的讨论,在共同主席之友小组协助下,共同主席编写了建议草案,供工作组审议。6月3日,工作组以协商一致方式通过了建议,这些建议载于本文件第一节。", "7. 共同主席编写了关于审议中提及或提出的重要议题、想法和提议的讨论摘要。", "一般性审议", "8. 各代表团重申,海洋生物多样性是海洋和陆地生命的重要组成部分。会上强调海洋生物多样性对环境的重要意义及其对科学发展、增进健康和促进粮食安全的贡献。许多代表团着重指出,海洋生物多样性的养护及其可持续利用与可持续发展直接相关,因此具有社会和经济意义。一些代表团指出,在国家管辖范围以内和以外区域,对海洋生物多样性的人为威胁继续增加,包括因气候变化、底拖网捕捞法、海洋噪音和割鳍弃鲨等造成的威胁。一些非政府组织注意到没有实现2010年大幅降低生物多样性丧失率的目标,强调第三版《全球生物多样性展望》的结论:一些生态系统处于紧急关头,除非采取强力的行动,否则许多生态系统不会再满足今世后代的需要。", "9. 会上强调大会在国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用方面发挥的核心作用。在此方面,一些代表团强调指出,工作组是唯一以鼓励所有利益攸关者进行公开讨论的方式处理国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性各方面问题的论坛。有人表示,工作组的授权限于国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物资源的养护和可持续利用。", "10. 《联合国海洋法公约》是养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的公认法律框架。一些代表团指出,《公约》及其各项执行协议得到其他法律文书的补充,包括《生物多样性公约》、可持续发展问题世界首脑会议通过的《约翰内斯堡执行计划》、《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》以及联合国粮食及农业组织通过的《公海深海渔业管理国际准则》。一些代表团还承认,国际海底管理局在海洋科学研究和保护海洋环境方面的责任非常重要。", "11. 一些代表团对生物多样性公约缔约方会议第十次会议通过《生物多样性公约遗传资源获取以及利用遗传资源所产生惠益公平公正分享问题名古屋议定书》和新的《2011年-2020年生物多样性战略计划》表示满意。", "小组发言", "12. 在审议实质性议程项目之前,工作组听取了4名小组成员的发言,随后是简短的问答。发言情况如下:国际海底管理局秘书长Nii Odunton的发言,涉及养护和可持续利用区域内海洋生物多样性的国际合作和协调;世界知识产权组织纽约协调处代理处长Rama Rao Sankurathripati的发言,涉及国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的知识产权问题;《生物多样性公约》秘书处高级法律顾问Lyle Glowka的发言,涉及《生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公平和公正分享其利用所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》;国际自然保护联盟海洋治理和国际机构问题顾问Harlan Cohen的发言,涉及环境影响评估和海洋保护区。", "审查国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用的科学、技术、经济、法律、环境、社会经济和其他方面,包括联合国和其他相关国际组织的活动,特别是依照《联合国海洋法公约》,进一步审议国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的相关法律制度,同时考虑到各国关于《公约》第七部分和第十一部分的观点;海洋保护区问题;环境影响评估进程", "13. 一些代表团认为养护、可持续利用(包括分享可持续利用所产生的惠益)、能力建设和海洋技术转让是国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性专门法律制度的组成部分。这些代表团还强调指出,应根据具体情况审查所有养护工具,并对在没有相关法律制度定义的情况下采取实际或短期措施表示关切。", "14. 一些代表团强调指出,应采取海洋综合管理和生态系统办法管理与国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性有关的活动。这此方面,一些代表团提请注意区域环境组织及区域渔业管理组织和(或)安排在海洋综合管理方面发挥的作用。一些代表团认为,一系列责任不同、授权受区或地区限制的不同机构和论坛致力于国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的保护。这些代表团呼吁采取协调的跨部门办法,考虑到国家管辖范围以外区域人类活动的累积影响。", "国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源", "15. 各代表团回顾,《联合国海洋法公约》为大洋和海洋上的所有活动,包括国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源提供了法律框架。一些代表团强调指出,区域内遗传资源是人类共同继承财产,不受管制地获取并仅由少数人开发这些资源在全球造成严重的经济和社会影响。一些代表团注意到分别适用公海和“区域”的二个不同制度。他们还指出,根据大会第2749(XXV)号决议和它们认为是习惯国际法一部分的《公约》第十一部分,“区域”及其资源是人类共同继承财产。这些代表团强调指出,人类共同继承财产,包括公正和公平分享惠益,适用“区域”的生物资源。在此方面,他们承认国际海底管理局在海洋科学研究和保护海洋环境方面的责任非常重要。", "16. 其他代表团指出,人类共同继承财产原则仅适用于“区域”矿产资源。他们认为,“区域”生物资源由《公约》第七部分中的公海制度规范。", "17. 一些代表团回顾,国际社会的总体目标应当是国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护与可持续利用。他们强调指出,目前在公海上实行的“先到先得”办法具有反作用,破坏可持续性。有人表示,人类共同继承财产与养护和维护海洋环境相关。在此方面,人类共同继承财产不仅涉及惠益分享,而且同样涉及养护和维护。因此,提议一揽子处理所有问题,包括维护和养护海洋生物多样性措施,如海洋保护区和管理海底海洋遗传资源等,包括与分享惠益有关的问题。", "18. 有人注意到,对于适用公海海洋遗传资源的制度讨论不多。有人称,如果就适用公海海洋遗传资源的公海制度达成协议,则可就其养护和可持续利用的相关法律制度找到共同点。", "19. 一些代表团注意到,没有授权一个国际机构对获取国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源进行规范。在此方面,应探讨多种办法制订规范框架。会上强调指出,工作组是讨论有关国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源问题的适当论坛,应在《公约》框架内并依照《公约》进行此类讨论。联合国海洋和海洋法问题不限成员名额非正式协商进程第八次会议期间着重讨论了海洋遗传资源,会上回顾这些讨论是共同了解该问题的良好基础,但须审查和更新相关信息。", "20. 一些代表团表示,支持审议分享由利用海洋遗传资源而产生的惠益问题,强调指出不同的货币和非货币性质机制可用于此目的。在此方面,确定《名古屋议定书》附件中所列货币和非货币惠益清单可作为讨论基础。此外,一些代表团提请注意国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的知识产权问题,建议工作组讨论该问题,特别是在“区域”生物多样性方面。", "21. 有人对分享由利用国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源而产生的惠益可能会促进海洋生物多样性的养护或可持续利用的说法有所保留。在此方面,有人指出此种制度将妨碍研究与发展。还有人表示应分享惠益,以便能够充分激励开发和发展。", "22. 欢迎努力制订和颁布研究活动行为守则,如海脊间行为守则等。此外,强调指出这些活动应与生物多样性的养护和可持续利用一致,还应在环境保护、科学研究自由和分享利用海洋遗传资源而产生的惠益之间保持平衡。", "海洋保护区", "23. 一些代表团指出,包括海洋保护区内的划区管理工具在以下方面起重要作用:海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用;确保包括国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生态系统的适应能力。会上强调指出,这些工具是一系列备选管理办法的一部分,在以审慎和生态系统方法管理人类活动方面非常重要。一些代表团回顾,2012年是联合国环境与发展会议二十周年,也是可持续发展问题世界首脑会议十周年,这一年对生物多样性而言很重要。他们强调指出,应表明朝着实现《约翰内斯堡执行计划》中关于建立海洋保护区的承诺取得进展,包括具有代表性的网络。此外,还确定实现这些承诺是《联合国海洋法公约》第197条能够得到执行的途径之一。", "24. 会上还强调在制订国家管辖范围以外区域海洋保护区框架方面大会的核心作用和工作组的责任。在此方面,还指出依照《生物多样性公约》开展多边合作的好处。一些代表团着重指出,应确定建立国家管辖范围以外区域海洋保护区的法律基础。有人指出,应根据国际法,包括《联合国海洋法公约》,建立海洋保护区。", "25. 有人表示,应根据科学证据建立海洋保护区,不应损害各国合理使用自然资源的权利。会上强调,应增加科学知识,并着重指出,应综合科学建议,向适当的区域和部门管理机构汇报情况,同时考虑到跨部门影响和累积影响。这种综合办法本质上需要采取空间视角。", "26. 一些代表团强调指出,不应以统一或“一刀切”的办法建立海洋保护区。此外,一些代表团着重指出,应针对具体情况,继续由区域管理机构选定最适当的划区管理工具,包括海洋保护区。", "27. 会上强调,在建立公海海洋保护区方面,应与有关部门和利益攸关方协商并请他们参加。", "28. 一些代表团指出,在从科学上阐述具有生态或生物重要意义的区域和脆弱海洋生态系统之后,应查明并选定保护区,并相应制订管理措施。会上强调,在阐述具有生态或生物重要意义区域的科学进程与实际确定/指定保护区之间存在差距,因为目前没有全球论坛获得正式授权,而且现有区域和部门论坛面临这样做的合法性问题。", "29. 一些代表团强调指出,根据《保护东北大西洋海洋环境公约》建立国家管辖范围以外海洋保护区是成功范例,建议进一步研究和审议区域合作的价值及将汲取的经验教训,以期在实践中学习。还有人建议,应系统分析建立和管理公海海洋保护区的模式及其他划区工具,从而能够决定是否可在现行机制下建立海洋保护区网络。在此方面,进一步建议指定和落实试验地点,将此作为确定现有工具可行性和效力的途径。", "环境影响评估流程", "30. 一些代表团强调环境影响评估对于在国家管辖范围以外区域开展活动的重要性,并注意到环境影响评估与养护和可持续利用海洋遗传资源和海洋保护区之间的固有联系。这些代表团认为,在国家管辖范围以外区域环境影响评估方面存在治理差距,指出《联合国海洋法公约》第206条和源自《生物多样性公约》的规定以及国际海底管理局条例和国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭就赞助个人和实体在“区域”内开展活动国家的责任和义务发表的咨询意见提供了唯一总体框架。", "31. 会上提议制订和执行多个流程,以评估可能对海洋和海洋生态系统造成严重污染或重大和有害变化的活动的潜在环境影响,这些活动包括捕鱼、海洋倾倒、航运和采矿等。", "32. 会上指出,必须了解重叠的人为活动对国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的累积影响。此外,强调应承认部门活动的重要作用,还应促进开展跨部门综合合作,特别是在区域一级,并提供综合科学建议。", "33. 回顾工作组曾于2010年举行会议,会上建议大会承认必须进一步拟订关于对计划在国家管辖范围以外区域开展的活动进行环境影响评估的科学和技术指南,包括考虑评估累积影响。有人指出,在制定此类指南过程中,应充分考虑到各国进行评估的能力,以及其他国际组织在这一领域进行的工作,以避免义务和责任的重叠。一些代表团确认联合国粮食及农业组织、联合国教育、科学及文化组织政府间海洋学委员会、联合国环境规划署、《生物多样性公约》以及其他组织和文书在环境影响评估方面的作用。", "34. 有人表示,联合国应在环境影响评估方面发挥更强有力的作用,这可包括制订原则,协助进行公海环境影响评估。会上还回顾关于对海洋环境包括社会经济方面的状况作出全球报告和评估的经常程序在开发运作正常的海洋问题科学政策平台方面的作用。", "35. 有人建议交流最佳做法并进行能力建设,以进行环境影响评估。此外,还鼓励将各项环境影响评估要求纳入区域协定,如在《关于环境保护的南极条约议定书》中的做法。", "能力建设和海洋技术转让", "36. 一些代表团呼吁加强能力建设和海洋技术转让,以促进发展中国家参加“区域”科学研究,为养护和可持续利用海洋生物多样性作出贡献。他们指出,正是在这一领域,《联合国海洋法公约》的执行最为不力。在此方面,对国际海底管理局捐赠基金表示赞赏。还有人指出,必须有效落实海洋科学研究和技术转让,但这不应成为采取措施保护国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的障碍。", "37. 一些代表团主动提出分享他们在制订综合管理政策方面的经验。", "其他问题", "38. 会上注意到高度洄游鱼种鲸目动物的脆弱性,指出应避免破坏沿海国家的养护努力,呼吁依照《联合国海洋法公约》和相关国际法的规定制订一项集体政策,以确保充分、永久保护公海鲸目动物。这项拟议政策将包括敦促各国停止授权船只在公海捕捞鲸目动物或在其管辖范围内作业,尽量减小其他威胁,以及支持发展中国家特别是小岛屿发展中国家开展活动,研究、养护和管理其管辖水域和公海邻近区域的鲸目动物。一些代表团建议工作组审议这个问题。还有些代表团指出可持续利用海洋哺乳动物等海洋生物资源原则的重要性,无论是在国家管辖范围以内还是以外区域进行捕捞,称应通过主管组织,即国际捕鲸委员会和北大西洋海洋哺乳动物委员会,讨论和通过为此目的采取的措施。", "39. 一些代表团强调科学知识作为良好决策基础的作用,呼吁增进对海洋生物多样性的科学认识。虽然有人建议在收集结论性和实验性科学知识之前不急于寻找具体解决办法,一些代表团强调指出,不应以需要进一步研究为由,推迟审查生物多样性的主要方面,即养护和可持续利用,包括分享其所产生的惠益。", "40. 有人表示,应依照《联合国海洋法公约》进行科学合作,包括利用和发表成果,以进一步促进较不为人知的深海和开阔洋的研究。", "41. 一些代表团指出,收集目前国家管辖范围以外区域活动的信息至关重要。这些代表团特别注意到,缺少自愿提供给秘书长关于微生物活动的信息,特别是国家管辖范围以外区域的海床和洋底微生物,如多金属硫化物。", "适当说明可能就工作组授权内审查的所有方面实行的方案和办法,特别是考虑到大会第65/37 A号决议第十节", "42. 普遍认为,现状既不可持续,也不可接受。许多代表团呼吁通过《公约》执行协议建立综合法律制度,顾及与国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性有关的所有方面,包括养护、可持续利用和公平分享所产生的惠益、能力建设和海洋技术转让。会上强调指出,应同步处理所有元素。一些代表团指出,执行协议将使我们能够更有效地运用现有工具(如海洋保护区和环境影响评估等)和新工具,特别是海洋遗传资源获取和惠益分享机制。执行协议还将制订养护和可持续管理一般性现代原则。有人建议大会建立政府间委员会,负责使工作组的工作正式化。有人表示,也可选择在联合国主持下举行会议,促进有效执行《联合国海洋法公约》。", "43. 一些代表团认为不需要执行协议,称现有法律框架足以处理国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用。在此方面,主要挑战是应加强执行现有规则和文书。有人指出,目前并未努力更明确地把重点放在个别威胁和加强执行现有文书上,只有现有文书不涉及当前对国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样化的威胁,才应讨论执行协议。其他代表团重申,在考虑执行协议之前,应进一步努力查明现有差距,有人指出其中一个差距就是没有涉及海洋遗传资源开发的制度。", "44. 有人表示,应承认在考虑建立其他论坛之前,工作组仍能够进行必要的有益工作。但有人指出,工作组的工作范围太宽范,可通过缩小所讨论专题的范围,使工作组更有成效。在此方面,确定海洋保护区和海洋遗传资源等划区管理工具可能是重点领域。一些代表团建议修订工作组议程。", "45. 还有人建议,为推进工作组的工作,举办定向讲习班或系列讲习班,包括各国和主管政府间机构,在“不损害”的基础上非正式开展工作,着眼于考虑一系列备选办法,以处理所讨论的问题,更明确地了解共识和分歧。有人指出,在此类讲习班,可审议今后所有备选方案,包括执行协议,或在没有执行协议的情况下将采取的其他行动。有人提出,这些讲习班将编写报告,向所有会员国分发,并提交工作组下次会议。建议供讲习班审议的两大主题是海洋遗传资源及国家管辖范围以外区域养护和管理工具,尤其是海洋保护区和环境影响评估。一些代表团就确定这些讲习班由大会正式举办还是由各国非正式举办的必要性发表意见。", "46. 其他代表团呼吁进行闭会期间工作,探讨多种备选办法,以便能够在工作组下次会议上通过切实可行的措施。", "47. 有人指出,虽然正在制订协商一致办法,但也应考虑立即采取行动,以便能够交流信息、建设能力和转让海洋技术。", "48. 关于海洋遗传资源,有人强调指出,讨论的重点应当是使用海洋遗传资源规范机制,包括公平公正分享利用遗传资源所产生的惠益。一些代表团认为,《名古屋议定书》和《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》可作为拟定惠益分享安排的基础。", "49. 有人表示,会议应把重点放在海洋遗传资源的养护和研究状况、可能制订的其他相关海洋科学研究标准或准则及能力建设和培训方案机会。会上还强调,应特别考虑海洋遗传资源最新科学,以及可能制订全球获取标准和惠益定义。", "50. 关于海洋保护区,有人提议就此专题进行的讨论应考虑:确定负责指定和管理海洋保护区的主管机关;指定保护区对第三方造成的法律影响;确定目标,以及在指定区内允许进行及禁止或限制的活动;确定执行手段和每个区的执行期;考虑海洋保护区的分布,以期确保洄游类的养护;考虑脆弱海洋生态系统和相关种群;通过并采取综合办法保护和维护生物多样性;查明对海洋生态系统的威胁,同时考虑到应保护目前不受任何现行机制监管的物种;考虑各国和政府间组织的协调机制,以确定可指定为海洋保护区的具有生态或生物重要意义的区域;财政制度。会上还指出,可在国际海事组织的框架内考虑其他现有机制,特别是指定特别敏感海区。", "51. 有人表示,国际努力的重点应当是确定需要加强保护的区域,具体方式是运用关于确定开阔洋和深海生境需要保护的具有生态和生物重要性的海洋区科学标准,以及运用依照《生物多样性公约》和联合国粮食及农业组织《公海上深海渔业管理国际准则》制定的关于挑选区域建立具有代表性的海洋保护区(包括在开阔洋和深海生境)网络的科学指南。有人表示满意的是,在制订这些文书中用于确定具有生态和生物重要性的区域和脆弱海洋生态系统的统一标准方面取得进展。", "52. 还有人建议审查有关国家管辖范围以外区域海洋保护区的经验,包括汲取的教训。会上强调应考虑如何透明地建立、监测和衡量这些区域的实效。", "53. 有人重申,海洋保护区需要:明确划界;在所处理的损害和应具有灵活性和适应性的管理措施之间有强有力的因果联系;如《联合国海洋法公约》所述,实施、遵守和执行符合国际法的措施,包括尊重沿海国对其大陆架拥有的主权。有人建议,可为建立保护区参加双边或多边协议。", "54. 一些代表团建议在全球利用区域渔业管理组织和区域海洋组织已经利用的环境影响评估和战略环境评估,包括累积影响。会上还提到大会第64/72号决议第119段建立的进程,涉及底鱼捕捞对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响。会上提议加深对当前和预计在国家管辖范围以外区域进行的活动的了解,这些活动可能使海洋环境发生重大和有害变化。会上强调应加强信息交流,说明各国如何履行《联合国海洋法公约》规定的义务,评估这些活动可能造成的影响。还应考虑国际社会在工作组内或其他部门论坛促进履行这些义务的机会。", "55. 一些代表团呼吁进一步努力建立新的区域渔业管理组织并加强现有组织。还有人指出,应更新现有区域渔业管理组织的授权。", "56. 有人表示,各机构进行协调一致的区域努力对于国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用极为重要。在此方面,有人表示应进一步协调区域和国际进程,以确定优先领域。鉴于处理海洋生物多样性的现有国际机构和论坛的多重性,还认为有必要采取跨部门办法。", "查明关键议题和问题,其中更详细的背景研究将有助于各国对这些议题的审议", "57. 一些代表团认为,总会有问题需要进一步研究。但这不应延迟行动,特别是对于国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护与可持续利用采取预防性办法。在此方面,他们建议从工作组今后会议的议程上取消关于查明关键议题和问题的项目,因为更详细的背景研究将有助于国家对这些议题的审议。其他代表团强调讨论这一专题的重要性,认为工作组的工作进展越大,就越需要处理所审查议题引起的复杂技术问题。", "58. 工作组共同主席建议请秘书长同主管国际组织和机构合作,编制关于国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的现有文书清单。但由于缺少时间,工作组没有审议这项建议。", "[1] ^(*) A/66/50。", "[2] ^(*) 本摘要仅供参考,并非讨论记录。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "页:1", "暂定项目表* 项目77(a)", "海洋和海洋法", "2011年6月30日不限成员名额非正式特设工作组共同主席给大会主席的信", "根据大会第65/37 A号决议第163段,我们被任命为研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题的不限成员名额非正式特设工作组共同主席,该工作组是根据大会第59/24号决议第73段设立的。 根据大会第65/37 A号决议第163段,工作组于2011年5月31日至6月3日在联合国总部举行了会议。", "我们高兴地通知你,工作组已按照第65/37 A号决议的要求完成了向大会提出建议的任务,并谨向你提交会议的结果,其中包括工作组通过并转交大会第六十六届会议的建议(第一节)和共同主席关于各议程项目下审议期间提出的主要问题、想法和提案的讨论摘要(第二节)(见A/AC.276/4)。", "请将本函,包括建议和共同主席的讨论摘要(见附件)作为大会第六十六届会议暂定项目表项目77(a)下的文件分发为荷。", "帕利塔·科霍纳·利斯贝特·利扬扎德(签名)", "页:1", "研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题不限成员名额非正式特设工作组的建议和共同主席的讨论摘要", "一. 建议", "1. 联合国 根据大会第65/37 A号决议第163段,不限成员名额非正式特设工作组于2011年5月31日至6月3日举行了会议,建议:", "(a) 大会应启动一个进程,以确保国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用的法律框架能有效地解决这些问题,为此要查明差距和前进的道路,包括执行现有文书和可能根据《联合国海洋法公约》拟订一项多边协定;", "(b) 国家 这一进程将处理国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题,特别是海洋遗传资源作为一个整体,包括惠益分享问题、包括海洋保护区在内的划区管理工具等措施、环境影响评估、能力建设和海洋技术转让;", "(c)) 这一进程将:(一) 在现有工作组中;(二) 以闭会期间讲习班的形式进行,以增进对问题的认识并澄清关键问题,作为对工作组的工作的投入;", "(d) 国家 审查并酌情修订工作组的任务,以完成本建议所赋予的任务;", "(e) 请秘书长于2012年召开一次工作组会议,就工作组所审查的所有问题取得进展,并向大会第六十七届会议提出建议。", "* 联合国 该摘要仅供参考,并非讨论记录。", "二. 共同主席的讨论摘要*", "2. 研究国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题不限成员名额非正式特设工作组( \" 工作组 \" )于2011年5月31日至6月3日在联合国总部举行了会议。 根据第65/37 A号决议第163段,工作组召开会议,以向大会提出建议。", "3个 工作组会议由大会主席同会员国协商任命的两位共同主席Palitha T. B. Kohona大使(斯里兰卡)和Liesbeth Lijnzaad(荷兰)主持。 主管法律事务助理秘书长斯蒂芬·马蒂亚斯代表秘书长和联合国法律顾问致开幕词。 一个不限成员名额的共同主席之友小组协助后者编写了建议草案。", "4. 来自72个会员国、20个政府间组织和其他机构以及11个非政府组织的代表出席了工作组会议。", "5 (韩语). 工作组收到了下列辅助文件:(a) 临时议程(A/AC.276/L.5);(b) 格式草案及附加说明的临时议程和工作安排(A/AC.276/L.6);和(c) 秘书长关于海洋和海洋法的报告(A/66/70)。 工作组通过了附有修正案的议程(A/AC.276/4)并商定以格式、附加说明的议程和工作安排为基础开展工作。", "6. 国家 在工作组讨论的基础上,共同主席在之友小组的协助下编写了建议草案,供工作组审议。 6月3日,工作组以协商一致方式通过了这些建议。 这些建议载于本文件第一节。", "7. 联合国 共同主席编写了关于在审议期间提到或提出的关键问题、想法和提案的讨论的简要摘要。", "一般性考虑", "8. 联合国 各代表团重申,海洋生物多样性是海洋和地球上生命的一个基本组成部分。 强调了海洋生物多样性的环境重要性及其对科学发展、改善健康和粮食安全的贡献。 许多代表团强调,海洋生物多样性的养护及其可持续利用与可持续发展直接相关,因此具有社会和经济意义。 一些代表团指出,对海洋生物多样性的人为威胁,包括气候变化、底拖网捕捞、海洋噪音和鲨鱼鳍捕捞造成的威胁,在国家管辖范围内外地区继续增加。 一些非政府组织指出,2010年大幅降低生物多样性丧失率的目标尚未实现,并着重指出了第三版《全球生物多样性展望》的结论,即一些生态系统已达到临界点,除非采取有力行动,否则其中许多生态系统将不再满足今世后代的需求。", "9. 国家 会议强调了大会在养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性方面发挥的核心作用。 在这方面,一些代表团强调,工作组是处理国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性所有方面的唯一论坛,其形式鼓励所有利益攸关方进行公开讨论。 有人认为,工作组的任务仅限于养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生物多样性。", "10个 会议确认,《联合国海洋法公约》为养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生物多样性提供了法律框架。 一些代表团指出,《公约》及其执行协定得到其他法律文书的补充,包括《生物多样性公约》、可持续发展问题世界首脑会议通过的《约翰内斯堡执行计划》、《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》和联合国粮食及农业组织通过的《公海深海渔业管理国际准则》。 一些代表团还认识到赋予国际海底管理局在海洋科学研究和保护海洋环境方面的责任的重要性。", "11个 一些代表团对通过《生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正公平分享利用遗传资源所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》和生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十次会议通过的新的《2011-2020年生物多样性战略计划》表示满意。", "小组发言", "12. 在审议其议程上的实质性项目之前,工作组听取了四名小组成员的发言,随后是简短的问答时间。 发言的有:国际海底管理局秘书长Nii Odunton,关于 \" 区域 \" 内海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用的国际合作和协调;世界知识产权组织纽约协调办公室代理主管Rama Rao Sankurathripati,关于国家管辖范围以外海洋生物多样性的知识产权方面;生物多样性公约秘书处高级法律顾问Lyle Glowka,关于《生物多样性公约关于获取遗传资源和公正公平分享利用遗传资源所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》;国际自然保护联盟海洋治理和国际机构顾问Harlan Cohen,关于环境影响评估和海洋保护区。", "审查养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的科学、技术、经济、法律、环境、社会经济和其他方面,包括联合国和其他有关国际组织的活动,特别是根据《联合国海洋法公约》进一步审议关于国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的有关法律制度,同时考虑到各国对《公约》第七和第十一部分的意见;海洋保护区问题;环境影响评估进程问题", "13个 一些代表团认为,养护、可持续利用,包括分享利用海洋所产生的惠益,以及能力建设和海洋技术转让,是与国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性有关的具体法律制度的组成部分。 这些代表团还强调指出,所有养护工具都应根据其本身的优点加以审查,并对在没有界定有关法律制度的情况下采取实际或短期措施表示关切。", "14个 一些代表团强调,需要采用综合海洋管理和生态系统方法来管理与国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性有关的活动。 在这方面,一些代表团提请注意区域环境组织和区域渔业管理组织和(或)安排在海洋综合管理方面发挥的作用。 几个代表团认为,一系列不同机构和论坛的职责不同,任务部门或区域范围有限,它们都涉及保护国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生物多样性。 这些代表团呼吁采取协调的跨部门办法,考虑到人类活动在国家管辖范围以外地区的累积影响。", "国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋遗传资源", "15个 各代表团回顾,《联合国海洋法公约》为所有海洋活动,包括国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的活动提供了法律框架。 一些代表团强调,不受管制地获取 \" 区域 \" 内遗传资源 -- -- 它们认为遗传资源是人类的共同遗产 -- -- 以及少数几个国家独家开采遗传资源,对全球经济和社会产生了严重的影响。 一些代表团指出,公海和 \" 区域 \" 分别适用两种不同的制度。 他们还指出,根据大会第2749(XXV)号决议和他们认为是习惯国际法一部分的《公约》第十一部分, \" 区域 \" 及其资源是人类的共同遗产。 这些代表团强调,人类的共同遗产,包括公正和公平地分享利益,适用于 \" 区域 \" 的生物资源。 在这方面,他们认识到赋予国际海底管理局在海洋科学研究和保护海洋环境方面的责任的重要性。", "16号. 其他代表团指出,人类共同遗产的原则只适用于 \" 区域 \" 的矿物资源。 他们认为, \" 区域 \" 内的生物资源受《公约》第七部分规定的公海制度管制。", "17岁。 一些代表团回顾,国际社会的总目标应当是养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生物多样性。 他们强调,在公海上存在的“先到先得”的办法适得其反并会损害可持续性。 还有人认为,人类共同遗产与保护和保全海洋环境之间存在着联系。 在这方面,人类的共同遗产不仅涉及利益分享,而且同样涉及养护和保护。 因此,有人提议将所有问题作为“一揽子交易”处理,其中既包括保护和养护海洋生物多样性,包括海洋保护区,也包括海底海洋遗传资源的管理,包括与分享惠益有关的方面。", "18岁。 有人指出,关于适用于公海海洋遗传资源的制度的讨论不多。 有人建议,如果大家同意公海制度适用于公海上海洋遗传资源,就可以在养护和可持续利用这些资源的相关法律框架方面找到一些共同点。", " 19. 19. 一些代表团指出,没有一个国际机构负责管制国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的获取。 在这方面,也有人指出需要探索实现监管框架的各种途径。 有人强调,工作组是讨论国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源问题的适当论坛,这种讨论应在《公约》的框架内并依照《公约》进行。 联合国海洋和海洋法问题不限成员名额非正式协商进程第八次会议重点讨论了海洋遗传资源问题,回顾这些讨论是对这一问题达成共识的良好基础,但必须重新审查和更新有关信息。", "20号. 一些代表团表示支持考虑分享利用海洋遗传资源所产生的惠益,并强调指出,可为此目的使用货币和非货币性质的不同机制。 在这方面,《名古屋议定书》附件所载货币和非货币福利指示性清单被确定为可能的讨论基础。 此外,若干代表团提请注意国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的知识产权方面,建议工作组审议这一问题,特别是 \" 区域 \" 生物多样性问题。", "21岁 有人建议,国家管辖范围以外区域海洋遗传资源的惠益分享将促进海洋生物多样性的养护或可持续利用,对此有保留。 在这方面,有人指出,这种制度会妨碍研究和开发。 另一种意见认为,需要分享利益,以便充分鼓励勘探和发展。", "22号. 与会者欢迎为制定和颁布研究活动行为守则而作的努力,例如国际大洋中脊行为守则。 还强调这些活动必须与生物多样性的养护和可持续利用相符合,同时需要在环境保护、科学研究自由和分享利用海洋遗传资源所产生的惠益之间取得平衡。", "海洋保护区", "23. 联合国 一些代表团指出,包括海洋保护区在内的划区管理工具在养护和可持续利用海洋生物多样性以及确保包括国家管辖范围以外区域在内的海洋生态系统的复原力方面发挥着根本作用。 强调了这些工具作为在人类活动管理方面采用预防性和生态系统方法的一系列管理备选方案的一部分的重要性。 一些代表团回顾,2012年是生物多样性的重要一年,其高潮是联合国环境与发展会议二十周年和可持续发展问题世界首脑会议十周年。 他们强调,需要在实现《约翰内斯堡执行计划》就建立海洋保护区(包括代表性网络)所作出的承诺方面取得进展。 这些承诺的履行也被确定为执行《联合国海洋法公约》第197条的方式之一。", "24 (韩语). 强调了大会的核心作用和工作组在制定国家管辖范围以外海洋保护区框架方面的责任。 在这方面,也有人指出了在《生物多样性公约》范围内开展多边合作的好处。 一些代表团强调,需要确定建立国家管辖范围以外海洋保护区的法律依据。 有人指出,海洋保护区的建立应符合国际法,包括《联合国海洋法公约》。", "25岁 有人认为,建立海洋保护区应以科学证据为基础,不应损害各国合理利用自然资源的权利。 还强调必须提高科学知识。 会议强调需要采取一种综合科学咨询意见的办法,为适当的区域和部门管理机构提供信息,同时考虑到跨部门和累积的影响。 这种一体化本身需要一种空间视角。", "26. 联合国 一些代表团强调,建立海洋保护区不应采用统一的方法或“一刀切”的办法。 此外,一些代表团强调,选择最适当的区域管理工具,包括海洋保护区,是针对具体情况的,仍应属于区域管理机构的职权范围。", "27个 有人强调,在建立公海上海洋保护区方面,需要同有关部门和利益有关者进行协商并让它们参与。", "28岁 一些代表团指出,在对具有生态或生物重要性的区域或脆弱的海洋生态系统进行科学描述后,需要确定和选择这些保护区并据此设计管理措施。 会议强调了描述具有生态和生物重要性地区的科学进程与实际确定/指定这些地区之间的差距,因为目前没有任何全球论坛具有正式授权,现有的区域和部门论坛面临这样做的合法性问题。", "29. 国家 一些代表团强调,在保护东北大西洋海洋环境委员会范围内建立国家管辖范围以外的海洋保护区是一个成功的例子。 建议进一步研究和审议区域合作的价值以及从中汲取的教训,以便在实践中学习。 还有人建议,应系统地分析建立和管理公海海洋保护区的方式和其他基于区域的工具。 这将可以确定能否在现有机制下建立海洋保护区网络。 在这方面,又有人建议指定和实施试点地点,作为确定现有工具的可行性和有效性的手段。", "环境影响评估进程", "30岁。 一些代表团强调了环境影响评估对开展国家管辖范围以外地区活动的重要性。 有人指出了环境影响评估与养护和可持续利用海洋遗传资源和海洋保护区之间的内在联系。 这些代表团认为,在国家管辖范围以外区域环境影响评估方面存在治理差距,指出《联合国海洋法公约》第206条和《生物多样性公约》的规定提供了唯一的总体框架,以及国际海底管理局条例和国际海洋法法庭海底争端分庭关于担保个人和实体从事 \" 区域 \" 内活动的国家的责任和义务的咨询意见。", "31岁 有人提议制定并执行程序,评估可能对海洋和海洋生态系统,如渔业、海洋倾倒、航运和采矿造成重大污染或重大和有害变化的活动对环境的潜在影响。", "32. 联合国 有人指出,必须了解人类活动重叠对国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的累积影响。 此外,有人强调,必须承认部门活动的基本作用,促进综合的跨部门合作,特别是在区域一级,以及综合的科学咨询意见。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 据回顾,2010年举行的工作组上次会议曾建议大会认识到,必须进一步制定科学和技术指南,就国家管辖范围外地区计划开展的活动开展环境影响评估,包括审议累积影响评估。 有人指出,在拟订这些准则时,应充分考虑到各国进行评估的能力以及其他国际组织在这一领域的工作,以避免重复义务和职责。 一些代表团承认联合国粮食及农业组织、联合国教育、科学及文化组织政府间海洋学委员会、联合国环境规划署、生物多样性公约和其他组织和文书在环境影响评估方面的作用。", "34. 国家 有人认为,联合国应在环境影响评估方面发挥更强有力的作用,其中可包括拟订原则来协助执行公海环境影响评估。 还有人回顾,海洋环境包括社会经济方面状况全球报告和评估经常程序在发展海洋问题实用科学政策接口方面的作用。", "35. 联合国 有人建议分享最佳做法并建设开展环境影响评估的能力。 还鼓励将环境影响评估要求纳入区域协定,正如《南极条约环境保护议定书》所做的那样。", "能力建设和海洋技术转让", "36. (中文(简体) ). 几个代表团呼吁加强能力建设和海洋技术转让,以增进发展中国家对 \" 区域 \" 内科学研究的参与,并加强其对养护和可持续利用海洋生物多样性的贡献。 他们指出,这是《联合国海洋法公约》执行差距最大的领域。 在这方面,有人对国际海底管理局捐赠基金表示赞赏。 还有人指出,必须有效地进行海洋科学研究和技术转让,但不应成为执行保护国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性措施的障碍。", "37. 联合国 一些代表团表示愿意分享在制定综合管理政策方面的经验。", "其他问题", "38. 国家 注意到鲸目动物作为高度洄游物种的脆弱性和需要避免破坏沿海国的养护努力,有人呼吁按照《联合国海洋法公约》和有关国际法的规定制定一项集体政策,以确保在公海上充分、永久地保护鲸目动物。 拟议的政策将包括敦促各国停止批准在其管辖下的船只或作业在公海上捕获鲸目动物,尽量减少其他威胁并支持发展中国家特别是小岛屿发展中国家的活动,以研究、养护和管理其管辖水域和相邻公海海域的鲸目动物。 一些代表团建议工作组审议这一问题。 其他一些代表团表示,可持续利用海洋生物资源,包括海洋哺乳动物的原则十分重要,无论捕获量是在国家管辖区内还是在管辖区外。 后几个代表团表示,应通过主管组织,即国际捕鲸委员会和北大西洋海洋哺乳动物委员会,讨论和通过为此目的采取的措施。", "39. 联合国 一些代表团强调了科学知识作为健全决策基础的作用。 在这方面,呼吁加强对海洋生物多样性的科学了解。 虽然有人建议在收集结论性和经验性科学知识之前不要急于采取具体的解决办法,但一些代表团强调,不应以进一步研究的必要性为理由而推迟审查生物多样性的主要方面,即养护和可持续利用,包括分享由此获得的利益。", " 40. 40. 有人认为,科学合作应当以与《联合国海洋法公约》相符合的方式进行,包括利用和公布成果,以进一步促进在不太为人知的深海和公海的研究。", "41. 国家 一些代表团指出,收集关于目前在国家管辖范围外开展的活动的信息至关重要。 这些代表团特别注意到,没有自愿地向秘书长提供关于微生物活动的资料,特别是关于国家管辖范围以外海床和洋底的活动以及其中的地貌构造,如多金属硫化物。", "酌情说明在工作组任务范围内审查的所有方面的可能备选办法和办法,并特别考虑到大会第65/37 A号决议第十节", "42. 国家 与会者普遍承认,现状不是可持续的局势,也不是可以接受的选择。 许多代表团呼吁通过《公约》执行协定来制定一项全面的法律制度,其中将考虑到与国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性有关的所有方面,包括养护、可持续利用和公平分享惠益、能力建设和海洋技术转让。 有人强调,所有因素都需要以同样的速度加以处理。 若干代表团指出,执行协定将有助于更有效地应用海洋保护区和环境影响评估等现有工具以及新工具,特别是关于海洋遗传资源获取和惠益分享机制的工具。 执行协定还将规定养护和可持续管理的现代一般原则。 有人建议大会设立一个政府间委员会,负责使工作组的工作正规化。 有人表示,也可以在联合国主持下召开一次会议,以促进有效执行《联合国海洋法公约》。", "43. 东帝汶 一些代表团认为没有必要达成执行协定,指出现有法律框架足以处理国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用问题。 在这方面,主要挑战是需要加强现有规则和文书的执行。 有人指出,寻求更明确地关注个别威胁并增强现有文书的执行不是现状,只有在现有文书不解决目前对国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的威胁的情况下,才应讨论执行协定。 其他代表团重申,在审议一项执行协定之前,需要做更多的工作来查明现有的差距。 有人指出,缺乏涵盖开发海洋遗传资源的制度就是这种差距之一。", "44. 国家 有与会者认为,应当认识到,在考虑设立其他论坛之前,工作组仍然能够开展必要而有益的工作。 然而,据指出,工作组的范围太广了,通过缩小所讨论专题的广度,工作组可以成为一个更有成效的机构。 在这方面,海洋保护区和海洋遗传资源等划区管理工具被确定为可能的重点领域。 一些代表团建议修订工作组的议程。", "45. 国家 还有人建议通过由国家和主管政府间机构组成的有针对性的讲习班或一套讲习班推进工作组的工作,在“不妨碍”的基础上开展非正式工作,以审议处理所讨论问题的各种备选办法并更清楚地了解协议和分歧的领域。 据指出,在这些讲习班中,今后的所有备选方案都将开放供考虑,包括执行协定或在没有此种协定的情况下应采取的替代行动。 会上提出,这些讲习班将编写报告,分发给所有会员国并提供给工作组下次会议。 建议讲习班审议的两个主要主题是国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋遗传资源和养护和管理工具,特别是海洋保护区和环境影响评估。 一些代表团评论说,需要确定讲习班是由大会正式召开,还是由各国非正式召开。", "46. 经常预算: 其他代表团呼吁在闭会期间开展工作,以探讨各种备选办法并允许在工作组下次会议上通过实际措施。", "47. 国家 有人指出,在制定协商一致的解决办法时,还应考虑立即采取行动,以分享信息、能力建设和转让海洋技术。", " 48. 48. 关于海洋遗传资源,有人强调,讨论应侧重于海洋遗传资源使用的管理机制,包括公正和公平地分享利用这种资源所产生的惠益。 一些代表团认为,《名古屋议定书》和《粮食和农业植物遗传资源国际条约》可作为制定惠益分享安排的基础。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 有意见认为,会议应侧重于海洋遗传资源研究的养护和现状;相关海洋科学研究可能的额外标准或准则;能力建设和培训方案的机会。 除其他外,还强调必须考虑关于海洋遗传资源的最新科学、可能制订全球获取标准和界定什么是惠益。", " 50. 50. 关于海洋保护区问题,有人提议,就这一专题进行讨论时应考虑确定指定和管理国家管辖范围以外海洋保护区的主管机构;这种指定对第三方产生的法律效力;确定拟追求的目标以及指定区域内允许和禁止的活动;确定每个区域的执行手段和执行期限;审议海洋保护区的分配问题,以确保养护移栖物种;审议脆弱的海洋生态系统和相关种群;通过和执行保护和保全生物多样性的综合办法;确定海洋生态系统面临的威胁,同时考虑到需要保护目前未受任何现有机制管制的物种;审议各国和政府间组织之间的协调机制,以确定可被指定为海洋保护区的具有生态和生物意义的区域;以及财政计划。 还有人指出,可以在国际海事组织的框架内审议其他现有机制,特别是指定特别敏感的海区。", "51. 联合国 有代表团认为,国际努力应侧重于确定需要加强保护的区域,方法是利用科学标准来确定公海水域和深海生境中需要保护的具有生态或生物重要性的海洋区域,以及根据《生物多样性公约》和联合国粮食及农业组织《公海深海渔业管理国际准则》制定的关于选择区域以建立有代表性的海洋保护区网络的科学指南。 有人对在制定这些文书中用于确定具有生态或生物重要性的地区和脆弱海洋生态系统的一致标准方面取得的进展表示满意。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 还有人建议审查国家管辖范围以外海洋保护区的经验,包括所吸取的经验教训。 与会者强调,需要考虑如何透明地建立、监测和衡量这些领域的效力。", "53. 联合国 有人重申,海洋保护区需要划定明确的边界;在正在处理的伤害与管理措施之间建立强有力的因果关系,这些管理措施应具有灵活性和适应性;执行、遵守和执行符合《联合国海洋法公约》所反映国际法的措施,包括尊重沿海国对其大陆架的主权权利。 有人建议,可以缔结双边或多边协定来建立这种区域。", "54. 联合国 几个代表团建议,应在全球范围内使用区域渔业管理组织和区域海洋组织已经使用的环境影响评估和战略性环境评估,包括累积影响。 还有人提到大会第64/72号决议第119段就底鱼捕捞活动对脆弱海洋生态系统的影响所建立的程序。 有人提议加深对国家管辖范围以外区域中可能对海洋环境造成重大和有害变化的现行和预计活动的了解。 有人强调,应加强信息交流,说明各国如何履行《联合国海洋法公约》规定的义务,评估这些活动的潜在影响。 还需要考虑国际社会、在工作组或其他部门论坛内加强履行这些义务的现有机会。", "55. 国家 一些代表团呼吁加强努力,建立新的区域渔业管理组织并加强现有组织。 还有人指出,应更新现有区域渔业管理组织的任务规定。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 有人认为,各机构之间协调一致的区域努力对于养护和可持续利用国家管辖范围以外区域的海洋生物多样性至关重要。 在这方面,有人认为,应更好地协调区域和国际进程,以确定优先领域。 鉴于处理海洋生物多样性问题的现有国际机构和论坛众多,也认为有必要采取跨部门办法。", "确定有助于各国审议这些问题的更详细背景研究的主要问题", "57. 萨尔瓦多 一些代表团指出,总会有需要进一步研究的问题。 然而,这不应拖延行动,特别是在国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性的养护和可持续利用方面采取预防性办法。 在这方面,他们建议将关于查明关键问题的项目从工作组今后会议的议程中删除,因为更详细的背景研究将有助于各国审议这些问题。 另一些代表团强调了就这一专题进行讨论的重要性,认为工作组的工作越有进展,就越需要处理审议中的问题所产生的复杂的技术问题。", "58. 联合国 工作组共同主席提议请秘书长同主管国际组织和机构合作,编制一份与国家管辖范围以外区域海洋生物多样性有关的现有文书清单。 然而,由于缺乏时间,工作组没有考虑这一建议。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 69 (a)", "Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance: strengthening of the coordination of emergency humanitarian assistance of the United Nations", "Dominican Republic, Qatar and Turkey: draft resolution", "Improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response", "Addendum", "Add the following countries to the list of sponsors of the draft resolution:", "Australia, Haiti, Indonesia, Luxembourg, New Zealand and Peru" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目69(a)", "加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括 特别经济援助的协调:加强联合国紧急 人道主义援助的协调", "多米尼加共和国、卡塔尔和土耳其:决议草案", "改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调", "增编", "将下列国家列入决议草案提案国名单:", "澳大利亚、海地、印度尼西亚、卢森堡、新西兰和秘鲁" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目69(a)", "加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调:加强联合国紧急人道主义援助的协调", "多米尼加共和国、卡塔尔和土耳其:决议草案", "提高应对自然灾害军事和民防资产的效力和协调性.", "增编", "将下列国家列入决议草案提案国名单:", "澳大利亚、海地、印度尼西亚、卢森堡、新西兰和秘鲁" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 19", "Follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of the 2002 International Conference on Financing for Development and the 2008 Review Conference", "Proposed organization of work of the fifth High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development", "Note by the Secretary-General", "I. Introduction", "1. The General Assembly, in its resolution 65/145, decided to hold its fifth High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development on 7 and 8 December 2011 at United Nations Headquarters and requested the Secretary-General to prepare a note on the organization of work of that event, based on the organizational modalities of the fourth High-level Dialogue. The present note is submitted in response to that request.", "2. The arrangements set out below have been formulated on the basis of General Assembly resolution 64/194, entitled “Modalities for the fourth High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development”, and taking into account the experience, format, modalities and organization of work of the four previous Dialogues, held on 29 and 30 October 2003,[1] 27 and 28 June 2005,[2] 23 to 25 October 2007[3] and 23 and 24 March 2010.[4]", "II. Organizational arrangements", "A. Dates and venue", "3. The fifth High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, comprising a series of plenary and informal meetings and multi-stakeholder round tables, will be held on Wednesday and Thursday, 7 and 8 December 2011, at United Nations Headquarters in New York. It is proposed that the plenary meetings be held in the General Assembly Hall. The venues of the multi-stakeholder round tables will be announced at a later stage. All scheduled meetings will be announced in the Journal of the United Nations.", "B. Overall theme", "4. It is proposed that the overall theme of the fifth High-level Dialogue be: “The Monterrey Consensus and Doha Declaration on Financing for Development: status of implementation and tasks ahead”.", "C. Schedule of meetings and organization of work", "5. It is proposed that the High-level Dialogue consist of four plenary meetings on the overall theme stated above and three multi-stakeholder round tables and an informal interactive dialogue on the themes proposed in paragraphs 10 and 14 below. The proposed programme of the High-level Dialogue is contained in the annex to the present note.", "D. Plenary meetings", "6. It is proposed that the plenary meetings, chaired by the President of the General Assembly, be held on Wednesday, 7 December 2011, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. and on Thursday, 8 December 2011, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. At these meetings, ministers and high-level officials attending the Dialogue will be able to make formal statements, on the understanding that the principle of precedence will be strictly applied. Each oral statement will be limited to five minutes, although this will not preclude the distribution of more extensive texts. No delegation will be allowed to speak more than once in plenary meetings. Time limits will be strictly observed. However, should the list of speakers so require, provisions will be made for an additional plenary meeting on 8 December, from 3 to 6 p.m. The inscription on the list of speakers will be announced in the Journal of the United Nations.", "7. The plenary meeting on the morning of Wednesday, 7 December, will begin with the formal opening of the High-level Dialogue by the President of the General Assembly. At the opening, the Assembly will be able to take up any remaining organizational matters. The Secretary-General of the United Nations, the President of the World Bank, the Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund and the Director-General of the World Trade Organization will be invited to make statements.", "8. At the beginning of the plenary meeting on the afternoon of Wednesday, 7 December, the President of the Economic and Social Council, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development and the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, as the Chair of the United Nations Development Group, will be invited to make statements.", "9. A short plenary meeting will be held on the afternoon of Thursday, 8 December, immediately following the conclusion of the informal interactive dialogue, in order to enable the President of the General Assembly to make a concluding statement and formally close the High-level Dialogue.", "E. Multi-stakeholder round tables", "10. Based on the experience of the fourth Dialogue, it is proposed that three multi‑stakeholder round tables be held on the morning of Thursday, 8 December, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., on the following themes:", "(a) Round table 1: “The reform of the international monetary and financial system and its implications for development”;", "(b) Round table 2: “The impact of the world financial and economic crisis on foreign direct investment and other private flows, external debt and international trade”;", "(c) Round table 3: “The role of financial and technical development cooperation, including innovative sources of development finance, in leveraging the mobilization of domestic and international financial resources for development”.", "11. Each round table will be chaired by two Chairs, to be appointed by the President of the General Assembly from among the ministers attending the High-level Dialogue, including those nominated by the regional groups; of the six co‑Chairs, three are to be drawn from developing countries and three from developed countries and countries with economies in transition. The President of the General Assembly may also invite the heads or high-level officials of relevant institutional stakeholders to act as lead discussants in the round tables.", "12. Each round table will be open to participation by representatives of all Member States; 10 representatives of observers, relevant entities of the United Nations system and other accredited intergovernmental organizations; 3 representatives of accredited civil society organizations; and 3 representatives of accredited business sector entities. Each representative may be accompanied by one adviser. The list of non‑State participants in the round tables will be established on a first-come, first-served basis, following an announcement in the Journal of the United Nations.", "13. To promote an interactive discussion, no list of speakers will be established in round tables. The co-Chairs will call upon participants in the order in which they signify their desire to speak, on the understanding that the principle of precedence will be applied, to allow the participation of ministers in attendance. All participants will be invited to speak from their seats and will be requested to avoid reading from written statements. Each oral statement will be limited to three minutes, although this will not preclude the distribution of more extensive texts.", "F. Informal interactive dialogue", "14. It is proposed that the informal interactive dialogue, chaired by the President of the General Assembly, be held on the afternoon of Thursday, 8 December, in the form of an informal meeting with the participation of all relevant stakeholders. Based on the experience of the fourth Dialogue, it is proposed that the Dialogue focus on the theme “The link between financing for development and achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals”. The President of the General Assembly may invite the heads or high-level officials of major institutional stakeholders to make introductory remarks. Representatives of all relevant stakeholders, including organizations of the United Nations system, other accredited international and regional organizations and accredited civil society and business sector entities, will be able to participate, to the extent possible.", "15. The informal interactive dialogue will be open to participation by representatives of all Member States; 15 representatives of observers, relevant entities of the United Nations system and other accredited intergovernmental organizations; 5 representatives of accredited civil society organizations; and 5 representatives of accredited business sector entities. Each representative may be accompanied by one adviser. The list of non-State participants in the interactive dialogue will be established on a first-come, first-served basis, following an announcement in the Journal of the United Nations.", "16. To provide for a free-flowing, interactive discussion, no list of speakers will be established. The President of the General Assembly will call upon participants, in the order in which they signify their desire to speak, on the understanding that the principle of precedence will be applied, to allow participation of ministers in attendance. The co-Chairs of the round tables and other participants may wish to refer to the outcomes of the discussions in the round tables. All participants will be invited to speak from their seats and will be requested to avoid reading from written statements. Each oral statement will be limited to three minutes, although this will not preclude the distribution of more extensive texts.", "III. Participants", "A. Member States and observers", "17. The High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, including the plenary and informal meetings, will be open to participation by all States Members of the United Nations, the Holy See in its capacity as Observer State, and Palestine in its capacity as observer, as well as intergovernmental organizations having received a standing invitation to participate as observers in the sessions and work of the General Assembly, in accordance with the rules of procedure of the Assembly. Registration will be opened with the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service in New York, following an announcement in the Journal of the United Nations.", "B. Institutional stakeholders", "18. Representatives of other relevant intergovernmental organizations that were accredited to the Monterrey Conference on Financing for Development and its follow-up process, including the Doha Review Conference, as well as relevant organizations of the United Nations system, may participate in the multi-stakeholder round tables and informal interactive dialogue. Registration will be opened with the United Nations Protocol and Liaison Service in New York, following an announcement in the Journal of the United Nations. Each multi-stakeholder round table will include 10, and the informal interactive dialogue 15, representatives of observers, entities of the United Nations system and accredited intergovernmental organizations other than observers. Their participation in the round tables and the informal dialogue will follow the practice established at the International Conference on Financing for Development and its follow-up process.", "C. Civil society and the business sector", "19. Representatives of non-governmental organizations and business sector entities are invited to participate in the multi-stakeholder round tables and the informal interactive dialogue in accordance with the rules of procedure of the General Assembly. Registration, through the United Nations Non-Governmental Liaison Service and the Financing for Development Office of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, will be open to: (a) all non-governmental organizations that are in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council; and (b) all non-governmental organizations and business sector entities that were accredited to the Monterrey Conference on Financing for Development and its follow-up process, including the Doha Review Conference. Each multi-stakeholder round table will include three, and the informal interactive dialogue five, representatives of accredited civil society entities and the same number of accredited business sector entities. Their participation in the round tables and the informal dialogue will follow the practice established at the International Conference on Financing for Development and its follow-up process.", "IV. Documentation", "A. Pre-session documentation", "20. The substantive documentation of the fifth High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development will include reports of the Secretary-General on:", "(a) Follow-up to and implementation of the Monterrey Consensus and Doha Declaration on Financing for Development;", "(b) Innovative mechanisms of financing for development;", "(c) International financial system and development;", "(d) External debt sustainability and development;", "and a summary by the President of the Economic and Social Council of the special high-level meeting of the Council with the Bretton Woods institutions, the World Trade Organization and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (New York, 10 and 11 March 2011) (A/66/75-E/2011/87).", "B. In-session documentation", "21. In-session documentation will include official (verbatim) records of plenary meetings.", "C. Post-session documentation", "22. The President of the General Assembly will prepare a summary of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, which will be issued as a document of the General Assembly.", "D. Inputs from all relevant stakeholders", "23. Background information for the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development, including inputs received from all relevant stakeholders, will be posted and updated, on a regular basis, on the website of the Financing for Development Office.[5]", "V. Media arrangements", "24. Press materials will be prepared by the Department of Public Information for journalists covering the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development. In addition, the documents counter in the media area will provide all documents for the Dialogue, as well as press releases on plenary meetings, round tables and other events. They will also be made available electronically on the Financing for Development Office website.⁵", "25. The plenary and informal meetings of the whole, as well as press conferences, will be broadcast live into the media area and webcast live and on demand. A programme of special media briefings and press conferences will be announced.", "VI. Side events", "26. A series of special events, including briefings and panel discussions on issues related to financing for development, is normally organized by Member States, organizations of the United Nations system and accredited institutional and non‑institutional stakeholders for the participants in the High-level Dialogue. The calendar of those events will be posted on the Financing for Development Office website.⁵", "VII. Recommendation", "27. The General Assembly may wish to consider the proposals contained in the present note and define, by the end of its sixty-fifth session, the modalities of the High-level Dialogue, as appropriate.", "Annex", "Proposed programme of the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development", "United Nations Headquarters, 7 and 8 December 2011", "Wednesday, 7December\t\n Plenary meeting \n10 a.m.-1 p.m.\tOpening by the President of the GeneralAssembly of the High-level Dialogue on theoverall theme “The Monterrey Consensus andDoha Declaration on Financing forDevelopment: status of implementation andtasks ahead”\n Organizational matters \n\tStatements by the Secretary-General of theUnited Nations, the President of the WorldBank, the Managing Director of theInternational Monetary Fund and theDirector-General of the World TradeOrganization\n\tStatements by ministers and high-levelofficials\n Plenary meeting \n3-6 p.m.\tStatements by the President of the Economicand Social Council, the Secretary-Generalof the United Nations Conference on Tradeand Development and the Administrator ofthe United Nations Development Programme\n\tStatements by ministers and high-levelofficials\n Thursday, 8 December \n Plenary meeting \n10 a.m.-1 p.m.\tStatements by ministers and high-levelofficials\nMulti-stakeholderround tables\t\n10 a.m.-1 p.m.\tRound table 1: “The reform of theinternational monetary and financial systemand its implications for development”\n\tRound table 2: “The impact of the worldfinancial and economic crisis on foreigndirect investment and other private flows,external debt and international trade”\n\tRound table 3: “The role of financial andtechnical development cooperation,including innovative sources of developmentfinance, in leveraging the mobilization ofdomestic and international financialresources for development”\nInformal interactivedialogue\t\n3-5.45 p.m.\tInformal interactive dialogue on the theme“The link between financing for developmentand achieving the internationally agreeddevelopment goals, including the MillenniumDevelopment Goals”\n Plenary meeting \n5.45-6 p.m.\tConcluding statement by the President ofthe General Assembly\n Closing of the High-level Dialogue", "[1] See A/58/436 and A/58/555 and Corr.1.", "[2] See A/59/850 and A/60/219.", "[3] See A/62/271 and A/62/550.", "[4] See A/64/377 and A/65/130.", "[5] Available at" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目19", "2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年 审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况", "第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话的拟议工作安排", "秘书长的说明", "一. 导言", "1. 大会在其第65/145号决议中决定于2011年12月7日和8日在联合国总部举行第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话,并请秘书长在第四次高级对话的基础上,编写一份关于这次对话工作安排的说明。本说明是根据这项要求编写的。", "2. 下述安排是根据大会题为“第四次发展筹资问题高级别对话的方式”的第64/194号决议,同时考虑到2003年10月29日和30日、[1] 2005年6月27日和28日、[2] 2007年10月23日至25日[3] 以及2010年3月23日至24日[4] 举办的前四次对话的经验、形式、方法和工作安排拟订的。", "二. 组织安排", "A. 日期和地点", "3. 第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话将于2011年12月7日和8日星期三和星期四在纽约联合国总部举行,其中包括一系列全体会议和非正式会议以及多方利益攸关方圆桌会议。全体会议拟在大会堂举行。多方利益攸关方圆桌会议地点将于晚些时候通知。所有排定的会议将在《联合国日刊》上公布。", "B. 总主题", "4. 建议第五次高级别对话的总主题为:“《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》:执行情况和未来任务”。", "C. 会议时间表和工作安排", "5. 建议高级别对话包括关于上述总主题的四次全体会议、三场多方利益攸关方圆桌会议和一次非正式互动对话(主题见下文第10段和第14段的建议)。高级别对话的拟议日程见本说明附件。", "D. 全体会议", "6. 建议2011年12月7日星期三上午10时至下午1时和下午3时至6时以及2011年12月8日星期四上午10时至下午1时举行全体会议,由大会主席主持。参加对话的部长和高级官员可在全体会议上正式发言,但有一项理解是严格遵守优先原则。每次口头发言限时五分钟,但可分发篇幅更长的发言稿。在全体会议上,每个代表团只能发言一次。须严格遵守发言时限。但若发言者名单需要,则可规定在12月8日下午3时至6时增开一次全体会议。发言者名单的登记情况将在《联合国日刊》上公布。", "7. 在12月7日星期三上午的全体会议上,首先将由大会主席宣布高级别对话正式开始。在开幕式上,大会将能够处理任何遗留的组织事项。联合国秘书长、世界银行行长、国际货币基金组织总裁和世界贸易组织总干事将应邀发言。", "8. 在12月7日星期三下午的全体会议上,经济及社会理事会主席、联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长和作为联合国发展集团主席的联合国开发计划署署长将首先应邀发言。", "9. 12月8日星期四下午,在非正式互动对话结束之后,将立即召开一次简短的全体会议,大会主席将做总结发言并宣布高级别对话正式结束。", "E. 多方利益攸关方圆桌会议", "10. 基于第四次对话的经验,建议于12月8日星期四上午10时至下午1时举行三场多方利益攸关方圆桌会议。各场圆桌会议的主题如下:", "(a) 圆桌会议1:“国际货币和金融制度改革及其对发展的影响”;", "(b) 圆桌会议2:“世界金融和经济危机对外国直接投资和其他私人资本流动、外债和国际贸易的影响”;", "(c) 圆桌会议3:“金融和技术发展合作,包括发展资金的新型来源在调集国内和国际资金促进发展方面的杠杆作用”。", "11. 主持每场圆桌会议的两名主席将由大会主席从出席高级别对话的部长,包括区域团体提名的人选中任命,在六名主席中,三名来自发展中国家,三名来自发达国家和经济转型国家。大会主席也可邀请相关的机构性利益攸关方的首长或高级官员担任圆桌会议的主导讨论者。", "12. 可参加各场圆桌会议的人包括:全体会员国代表;观察员、联合国系统各相关实体和其他经认可的政府间组织代表10人;经认可的民间社会组织代表3人;经认可的工商界实体代表3人。每位代表可由一名顾问陪同。在《联合国日刊》上发出通知以后,参加圆桌会议的非国家与会者名单将按照先到先登记的方式确定。", "13. 为了促进互动讨论,圆桌会议不设发言者名单。共同主席将按照与会者表示希望发言的顺序请他们发言,但有一项谅解是,如有与会的部长级官员发言,则将遵守优先原则。将请所有与会者在其座位上发言,并要求他们不要宣读书面发言。每次口头发言限时三分钟,但可分发篇幅更长的发言稿。", "F. 非正式互动对话", "14. 建议在12月8日星期四下午举行非正式互动对话,由大会主席主持,形式为非正式会议,所有相关利益攸关方均可参加。基于第四次对话的经验,建议这次对话重点讨论的主题是“发展筹资与实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标之间的联系”。大会主席可邀请主要机构性利益攸关方的首长或高级官员做介绍性发言。所有相关利益攸关方的代表,包括联合国系统各组织、其他经认可的国际和区域组织以及经认可的民间社会和工商界实体的代表,将尽可能参加对话。", "15. 可参加非正式互动对话的代表包括:全体会员国代表;观察员、联合国系统各相关实体和其他经认可的政府间组织代表15人;经认可的民间社会组织代表5人;经认可的工商界实体代表5人。每位代表可由一名顾问陪同。在《联合国日刊》上发出通知以后,参加互动对话的非国家与会者名单将按照先到先登记的方式确定。", "16. 为了开展自由、互动的讨论,不设发言者名单。大会主席将按照与会者表示希望发言的顺序请他们发言,但有一项谅解是,如有与会的部长级官员发言,则将遵守优先原则。圆桌会议共同主席和其他与会者不妨参考圆桌会议的讨论结果。将请所有与会者在其座位上发言,并要求他们不要宣读书面发言。每次口头发言限时三分钟,但可分发篇幅更长的发言稿。", "三. 与会者", "A. 会员国和观察员", "17. 根据大会议事规则,可参加发展筹资问题高级别对话,包括其全体会议和非正式会议的有:联合国全体会员国、观察国罗马教廷和观察员巴勒斯坦,以及获得长期邀请以观察员身份参加大会各届会议和工作的政府间组织。在《联合国日刊》上发布通知以后,即可开始在纽约联合国礼宾和联络处进行登记。", "B. 机构性利益攸关方", "18. 经认可有资格参加发展筹资问题蒙特雷会议及其后续进程,包括多哈审查会议的其他相关政府间组织,以及联合国系统各相关组织的代表,可参加多方利益攸关方圆桌会议和非正式互动对话。在《联合国日刊》上发出通知后,即可开始在纽约联合国礼宾和联络处进行登记。每场多方利益攸关方圆桌会议将包括观察员、联合国系统各实体和除观察员之外的经认可的政府间组织代表10人,而非正式互动对话为15人。这些代表参加圆桌会议和非正式对话将沿用发展筹资问题国际会议及其后续进程确定的做法。", "C. 民间社会和工商界", "19. 根据大会议事规则,邀请非政府组织和工商界实体代表参加多方利益攸关方圆桌会议和非正式互动对话。下列组织可通过联合国非政府组织联络事务处和联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部发展筹资办公室进行登记:(a) 具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的所有非政府组织;和(b) 经认可有资格参加发展筹资问题蒙特雷会议及其后续进程,包括多哈审查会议的所有非政府组织和工商界实体。每场多方利益攸关方圆桌会议将包括经认可的民间社会实体代表3人和经认可的工商界实体代表3人,而非正式互动对话则各包括5人。这些代表参加圆桌会议和非正式对话将沿用发展筹资问题国际会议及其后续进程确定的做法。", "四. 文件", "A. 会前文件", "20. 第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话的实质性文件将包括秘书长关于下列主题的各项报告:", "(a) 《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》的后续行动和执行情况;", "(b) 创新型发展筹资机制;", "(c) 国际金融体系与发展;", "(d) 外债可持续性与发展;", "经济及社会理事会主席关于理事会与布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织和联合国贸易和发展会议联合举行的高级别特别会议(2011年3月11日,纽约)的摘要(A/66/75-E/2011/87)。", "B. 会期文件", "21. 会期文件包括全体会议的正式(逐字)记录。", "C. 会后文件", "22. 大会主席将编写发展筹资问题高级别对话的摘要,摘要将作为大会文件印发。", "D. 所有相关利益攸关方提供的资料", "23. 发展筹资问题高级别对话的背景资料,包括所有相关利益攸关方提供的资料,将在发展筹资办公室网站上定期公布和更新。[5]", "五. 媒体安排", "24. 新闻部将为报道发展筹资问题高级别对话的记者准备新闻材料。此外,媒体工作区的文件台将提供关于对话的所有文件,以及关于全体会议、圆桌会议和其他活动的新闻稿。这些文件的电子版本可上发展筹资办公室网站查阅。", "25. 全体会议和非正式全体会议以及新闻发布会将向媒体工作区现场直播,并在网上进行现场直播和点播。将公布特别媒体简报会和新闻发布会的日程。", "六. 会外活动", "26. 通常由会员国、联合国系统各组织和经认可的机构性和非机构性利益攸关方为高级别对话的与会者组织一系列特别活动,包括与发展筹资问题有关的情况介绍会和小组讨论。这些活动的日程将在发展筹资办公室的网站上公布。", "七. 建议", "27. 大会不妨审议本说明所载的各项提议,并在第六十五届会议结束前酌情确定高级别对话的方式。", "附件", "发展筹资问题高级别对话的拟议日程", "2011年12月7日和8日,联合国总部", "12月7日,星期三", "全体会议", "上午10时-下午1时 大会主席宣布总主题为“《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》:执行情况和未来任务”的高级别对话开幕", "组织事项", "联合国秘书长、世界银行行长、国际货币基金组织总裁、世界贸易组织总干事发言", "部长和高级官员发言", "全体会议", "下午3时-6时 经济及社会理事会主席、联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长和联合国开发计划署署长发言", "部长和高级官员发言", "12月8日,星期四", "全体会议", "上午10时-下午1时 部长和高级官员发言", "多方利益攸关方圆桌会议", "上午10时-下午1时 圆桌会议1:国际货币和金融制度改革及其对发展的影响", "圆桌会议2:世界金融和经济危机对外国直接投资和其他私人资本流动、外债和国际贸易的影响", "圆桌会议3:金融和技术发展合作,包括发展资金的新型来源在调集国内和国际资金促进发展方面的杠杆作用", "非正式互动对话", "下午3时-5时45分 主题为“发展筹资与实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标之间的联系”的非正式互动对话", "全体会议", "下午5时45分-6时 大会主席的总结发言", "高级别对话结束", "[1] 见A/58/436和A/58/555和Corr.1。", "[2] 见A/59/850和A/60/219。", "[3] 见A/62/271和A/62/550。", "[4] 见A/64/377和A/65/130。", "[5] 网址是。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目19", "2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况", "第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话的拟议工作安排", "秘书长的说明", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 大会第65/145号决议决定于2011年12月7日和8日在联合国总部举行第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话,并请秘书长根据第四次高级别对话的组织方式,编写一份关于该活动工作安排的说明。 本说明是应这一要求而提交的。", "2. 联合国 以下安排是根据大会题为“第四次发展筹资问题高级别对话的模式”的第64/194号决议作出的,并考虑到了2003年10月29日和30日、[1] 2005年6月27日和28日、[2] 2007年10月23日至25日[3] 和2010年3月23日和24日举行的前四次对话的经验、形式、模式和工作安排。 [4]", "二. 组织安排", "A. 日期和地点", "3个 定于2011年12月7日星期三和8日星期四在纽约联合国总部举行第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话,其中包括一系列全体会议和非正式会议以及多方利益攸关方圆桌会议。 建议全体会议在大会堂举行。 多方利益有关者圆桌会议的地点将在稍后阶段宣布。 所有排定的会议都将在《联合国日刊》上公布。", "B类. 总主题", " 4.四. 建议第五次高级别对话的总主题是:“蒙特雷共识和发展筹资问题多哈宣言:执行情况和今后的任务”。", "C. 会议时间表和工作安排", "5 (韩语). 建议高级别对话由关于上述总主题的四次全体会议和关于下文第10和14段提议的主题的三次多方利益有关者圆桌会议和非正式互动对话组成。 高级别对话的拟议方案载于本说明附件。", "D类. 全体会议", "6. 国家 建议由大会主席主持的全体会议于2011年12月7日星期三上午10:00至下午1:00和下午3:00至6:00以及2011年12月8日星期四上午10:00至下午1:00举行。 在这些会议上,出席对话的部长和高级官员将能够作正式发言,但有一项谅解,即将严格执行优先原则。 每次口头发言以5分钟为限,但可以分发较长的发言稿。 不允许任何代表团在全体会议上发言一次以上。 将严格遵守时限。 但是,如果发言名单上的人有此需要,将安排在12月8日下午3时至6时再举行一次全体会议。 发言名单上的登记将在《联合国日刊》上公布。", "7. 联合国 12月7日星期三上午的全体会议从大会主席正式宣布高级别对话开始。 在开幕式上,大会将能够处理任何剩余的组织事项。 将邀请联合国秘书长、世界银行行长、国际货币基金组织总裁和世界贸易组织总干事发言。", "8. 联合国 在12月7日星期三下午的全体会议开始时,将邀请经济及社会理事会主席、联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长和联合国开发计划署署长作为联合国发展集团主席发言。", "9. 国家 非正式互动对话结束后,将于12月8日星期四下午立即举行一次简短的全体会议,使大会主席能够作总结发言并正式结束高级别对话。", "E. 多方利益有关者圆桌会议", "10个 根据第四次对话的经验,提议于12月8日星期四上午10时至下午1时就下列主题举行三次多方利益有关者圆桌会议:", "(a) 圆桌会议 1: “国际货币和金融体系的改革及其对发展的影响”;", "(b) 国家 圆桌会议 2: “世界金融和经济危机对外国直接投资和其他私人资本流动、外债和国际贸易的影响”;", "(c) 圆桌会议3:“财政和技术发展合作,包括发展筹资的创新来源,在调动国内和国际财政资源促进发展的杠杆作用”。", "11个 每次圆桌会议由大会主席从参加高级别对话的部长中,包括由区域集团提名的部长中任命的两名主席主持;在六名共同主席中,三名来自发展中国家,三名来自发达国家和经济转型国家。 大会主席还可邀请相关机构利益攸关方的负责人或高级官员担任圆桌会议的牵头讨论者。", "12个 每次圆桌会议将开放给所有会员国代表、观察员、联合国系统相关实体和其他经认可的政府间组织的10名代表、经认可的民间社会组织的3名代表和经认可的商业部门实体的3名代表参加。 每一代表可由一名顾问陪同。 参加圆桌会议的非国家与会者名单将在《联合国日刊》公布后按先到先得的原则确定。", "13个 为了促进互动讨论,圆桌会议将不设发言名单。 共同主席将请与会者按照他们表示希望发言的顺序发言,但有一项谅解,即适用优先原则,允许与会部长参加会议。 将请所有与会者从座位上发言并避免宣读书面发言。 每次口头发言以三分钟为限,但可以分发较长的发言稿。", "F. 非正式互动对话", "14个 建议由大会主席主持的非正式互动对话于12月8日星期四下午举行,形式是举行有所有相关利益攸关方参加的非正式会议。 根据第四次对话的经验,建议对话侧重于这一主题。 “发展筹资与实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标之间的联系”。 大会主席可邀请主要利益有关机构的首长或高级官员作介绍性发言。 所有相关利益攸关方的代表,包括联合国系统各组织、其他经认可的国际和区域组织以及经认可的民间社会和工商部门实体的代表,将尽可能参加。", "15个 非正式互动对话将开放给所有会员国的代表、观察员、联合国系统相关实体和其他经认可的政府间组织的15名代表、经认可的民间社会组织的5名代表和经认可的工商界实体的5名代表参加。 每一代表可由一名顾问陪同。 参加互动对话的非国家与会者名单将在《联合国日刊》公布后按先到先得的原则确定。", "16号. 为了进行自由、互动的讨论,将不设发言者名单。 大会主席将按与会者希望发言的先后次序请他们发言,但有一项谅解,即适用优先原则,允许与会部长参加会议。 圆桌会议共同主席和其他与会者不妨提及圆桌会议的讨论结果。 将请所有与会者从座位上发言并避免宣读书面发言。 每次口头发言以三分钟为限,但可以分发较长的发言稿。", "三. 与会者", "A. 会员国和观察员", "17岁。 根据大会议事规则,发展筹资问题高级别对话,包括全体会议和非正式会议,将开放给联合国所有会员国、以观察国身份的罗马教廷和以观察员身份的巴勒斯坦以及收到长期邀请以观察员身份参加大会届会和工作的政府间组织参加。 在《联合国日刊》公布后,将在纽约联合国礼宾和联络处进行登记。", "B. 机构利益攸关方", "18岁。 获准参加蒙特雷发展筹资问题会议及其后续进程(包括多哈审查会议)的其他相关政府间组织的代表以及联合国系统相关组织的代表可参加多方利益攸关者圆桌会议和非正式互动对话。 在《联合国日刊》公布后,将在纽约联合国礼宾和联络处进行登记。 每个多方利益有关者圆桌会议将包括10名观察员、联合国系统各实体和经认可的政府间组织的代表,而不是观察员。 他们参加圆桌会议和非正式对话将遵循发展筹资问题国际会议及其后续进程所确立的做法。", "C. 民间社会和商业部门", " 19. 19. 根据大会议事规则,邀请非政府组织和工商部门实体代表参加多方利益有关者圆桌会议和非正式互动对话。 将通过联合国非政府组织联络处和联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部发展筹资办公室向下列组织开放登记:(a) 具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的所有非政府组织;(b) 经认可参加发展筹资问题蒙特雷会议及其后续进程,包括多哈审查会议的所有非政府组织和企业界实体。 每个多方利益攸关者圆桌会议将包括3个和非正式互动对话5个经认可的民间社会实体的代表以及同样数目的经认可的商业部门实体。 他们参加圆桌会议和非正式对话将遵循发展筹资问题国际会议及其后续进程所确立的做法。", "四、结 论 文档", "A类. 会前文件", "20号. 第五次发展筹资问题高级别对话的实质性文件将包括秘书长关于下列问题的报告:", "(a) 《蒙特雷共识》和《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》的后续行动和执行情况;", "(b) 创新型发展筹资机制;", "(c) 国际金融体制与发展;", "(d) 外债可持续性与发展;", "以及经济及社会理事会主席关于理事会同布雷顿森林机构、世界贸易组织和联合国贸易和发展会议举行的高级别特别会议(2011年3月10日和11日,纽约)的摘要(A/66/75-E/2011/87)。", "B. 会期文件", "21岁 会期文件将包括全体会议的正式(逐字记录)。", "C. 会后文件", "22号. 大会主席将编写发展筹资问题高级别对话摘要,并将其作为大会文件分发。", "D. 所有相关利益攸关方的投入", "23. 联合国 发展筹资问题高级别对话的背景资料,包括所有相关利益攸关方提供的资料,将定期在发展筹资办公室的网站上公布和更新。 [5]", " V. 媒体安排", "24 (韩语). 新闻部将为报道发展筹资问题高级别对话的记者编写新闻材料。 此外,媒体领域的文件柜台将提供对话的所有文件以及关于全体会议、圆桌会议和其他活动的新闻稿。 这些报告还将在发展筹资办公室的网站上以电子方式提供。", "25岁 全体会议和非正式全体会议以及记者招待会将实况转播到媒体领域,并现场和应要求网播。 将宣布特别媒体简报会和新闻发布会的日程。", "六、结 论 会外活动", "26. 联合国 通常由会员国、联合国系统各组织和经认可的机构和非机构利益攸关方为高级别对话的参与者组织一系列特别活动,包括简报和关于发展筹资问题的小组讨论。 这些活动的日历将张贴在发展筹资办公室的网站上。", "页:1 建议", "27个 大会不妨审议本说明中的提议,并酌情在第六十五届会议结束前确定高级别对话的方式。", "页:1", "发展筹资问题高级别对话的拟议方案", "2011年12月7日和8日,联合国总部", "12月7日星期三,日内瓦\n全体会议\n上午10时至下午1时 大会主席宣布关于“蒙特雷共识和多哈发展筹资宣言:执行情况和今后的任务”总体主题的高级别对话开幕\n组织事项\n联合国秘书长、世界银行行长、国际货币基金组织总裁和世界贸易组织总干事发言\n部长和高级官员的发言\n全体会议\n下午3:00-6:00 经济及社会理事会主席、联合国贸易和发展会议秘书长和联合国开发计划署署长发言\n部长和高级官员的发言\n12月8日星期四,日内瓦\n全体会议\n上午10时至下午1时 部长和高级官员的发言\n多方利益攸关者圆桌会议\n上午10时至下午1时 圆桌会议 1: “国际货币和金融体系的改革及其对发展的影响”\n圆桌会议 2. “世界金融和经济危机对外国直接投资和其他私人资本流动、外债和国际贸易的影响”\n圆桌会议3:“金融和技术发展合作,包括发展融资的创新来源,在调动国内和国际财政资源促进发展的杠杆作用”\n非正式互动对话\n3-5.45号文件 下午 关于“发展筹资与实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标之间的联系”主题的非正式互动对话\n全体会议\n下午5时45分至6时 大会主席的总结发言\n高级别对话闭幕", "[1] 见A/58/436和A/58/555和Corr.1。", "[2] 见A/59/850和A/60/219。", "[3] 见A/62/271和A/62/550。", "[4] 见A/64/377和A/65/130。", "[5] 可查阅。" ]
[ "Second regular session 2011", "6 to 9 September 2011, New York", "Item 2 of the provisional agenda", "Financial, budgetary and administrative matters", "UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012-2013 Report of the Administrator", "Summary", "The present document contains the UNDP institutional budget estimates and related proposals for 2012-2013 in the results-based format. It underpins and forms an integral part of the extended UNDP strategic plan, 2008‑2013, and of the midterm review, as approved by the Executive Board in decisions 2007/32, 2008/15, 2009/9 and 2011/14. It is also informed by the UNDP agenda for organizational change launched in April 2011.", "The estimates were formulated in line with Executive Board decisions 2010/32 and 2011/10. These decisions approved the harmonized approaches for cost classification and results-based budgeting within the context of the joint road map to an integrated budget for UNDP, UNFPA and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).", "The UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012-2013 reflect an unprecedented level of $120.1 million, or 12.3 per cent in volume reductions, in comparison to the 2010-2011 gross budget of $980.9 million approved in Executive Board decision 2010/1. These reductions offset $31.1 million (3.2 per cent) in non-discretionary cost increases and $40 million (4.1 per cent) in proposed investments, resulting in a net budget reduction of $49.3 million or 5.0 per cent. This reflects the ongoing need to exercise budgetary discipline. This also acknowledges the importance of continually investing in the organization in order to ensure accountability for the resources placed at the disposal of UNDP, as well as for the revised results approved in the midterm review of the strategic plan. Thus, in gross terms, the UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012-2013 are $931.9 million. An increase of $0.3 million in income that offsets the gross budget estimates is also projected, raising total income offsets to $75.4 million. Thus, in net terms, the UNDP institutional budget estimates for 2012‑2013 are $856.5 million.", "In addition, as has been the case in the past two budgetary periods, the Administrator requests exceptional authority during 2012-2013 to disburse, if needed, up to $15 million in regular resources for security measures, the use of which would be limited to new and emerging security mandates as defined in United Nations Department of Safety and Security directives.", "Contents", "Chapter\tPage\n Organizational chart 3\n I. Strategic context 5\n II. Financial context 7\nIII. Strategic institutional results framework\t11\nIV. Proposals for the 2012-2013 institutional budget\t30\nA. Summary of proposals\t30\nB. Other resources\t41", "Tables \n 1. Resource plan 4\n2. Proposed budget estimates by strategic plan institutionaloutput\t13\n3. Summary of main areas of increase/decrease for regularresources\t32\n4. Government contributions to local office costs income, bycategory of countries, 2010\t39\n5. Regular resources posts, by location\t40\n6. Cost recovery and related other resources\t43\n Figures \n 1. Contributions, by funding category, 2002-2003 to 2012-2013 9\n2. Estimated use of total resources, 2012-2013\t10\n3. Planned expenditures for the institutional budget\t42\n Summary tables \n1. Comparison of 2010-2011 resource plan with actuals/estimates\t46\n2. Regional resource plan\t47\n3. Proposed changes in senior posts\t48\n4. Budget estimates, by expenditure category, for regularresources\t49\n5. Posts, by location – total resources\t50\n Annexes \n1. Methodology\t57\n2. Terminology\t59\n3. Acronyms and abbreviations\t61", "ORGANIZATIONAL CHART", "[] []", "I. Strategic context", "1. As stated in the “Midterm review of the UNDP strategic plan and annual report of the Administrator” (DP/2011/22): “UNDP’s primary contribution to advancing human development is through programming that supports inclusiveness, resilience and sustainability in the face of fast-changing international and national conditions.” Furthermore, “UNDP’s contribution to human development rests on its cross-cutting development mandate and on its role as an impartial multilateral partner offering universal presence. It contributes in country, regional and global arenas, drawing on both the breadth and the depth of its presence and knowledge to offer policy and programmatic options that are tailored to reflect the needs and priorities of partners.”", "2. In view of the above, the midterm review of the strategic plan established four over‑arching priorities for the next 3-5 years (2011-2016), priorities which cut across UNDP practice areas and which will be subject to annual review and reassessment as preparations commence for the next strategic plan (2014-2017). These priorities are: (i) promoting growth and development which are inclusive, resilient and sustainable through the strengthening of key enabling conditions for accelerating progress towards achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs); (ii) scaling up and reinforcing governance and crisis support to programme countries; (iii) strengthening knowledge-sharing and strategic programming to support transformational change; and (iv) ensuring a UNDP that is fit for purpose in the twenty-first century, to include enhanced organizational effectiveness and improved overall coordination of the United Nations development system.", "3. The midterm review of the strategic plan also emphasized that “UNDP staff are the principal asset and backbone of the organization”. It highlights the need to further strengthen strategic human resources management so that skills mix and staff capacity mirror corporate requirements. This is of critical importance to a knowledge-based organization which provides policy advisory services and advocates for human development. UNDP is developing a people capability strategy to identify the size, shape and skills mix of its future workforce. In order to have the right people in the right place at the right time, career paths in policy, programme and corporate services, with the right incentives, will be developed and supported through professional skills development, leadership and mentoring programmes.", "4. The UNDP “agenda for organizational change”, which the Administrator launched in April 2011, is expected to re-energize the organization to successfully implement the recommendations of the midterm review of the strategic plan. It will do so by further strengthening UNDP in its role as a world class, solutions-oriented and knowledge-based organization which helps developing countries make transformational change and helps channel the strengths of the entire United Nations development system to that end. The change agenda acknowledges that institutional renewal is a high priority for UNDP, especially in view of the rapid and large-scale changes under way in development cooperation, and the questions being posed about the ongoing role of multilateral cooperation in general, and the specific role of UNDP in this regard. It recognizes that UNDP has to be: more focused on what services are most needed and where; more consistent in the quality and effectiveness of its work; and more agile in retaining its lead role in a crowded development space.", "5. The change agenda is based on improved functionality and results in three cross‑cutting areas: internal governance; organizational effectiveness; and leadership, culture and behavior. More specifically, the expected outcomes of the change agenda are:", "(a) A culture of and capability for strategic planning and management that matches resources and action to clear priorities.", "(b) A service offering tailored to differentiated country requirements.", "(c) A workforce with upgraded skills delivering policy advice comparable to the best peer institutions.", "(d) Programme design and management that is transparent and meets standards of design, quality, cost and leadership.", "(e) Business and compliance processes that are faster, lower cost and higher quality.", "(f) Stronger collaboration with existing partners and a step change in partnership with the global South and other stakeholders.", "6. During 2012-2013, the highest priority for UNDP, together with the formulation of the 2014-2017 strategic plan, will be to accelerate implementation of the “Agenda for Organizational Change” as informed by the guidance provided by the Executive Board in decision 2011/14. Accordingly, the 2012-2013 institutional budget estimates and related proposals of the Administrator will directly support strategic plan formulation and the change agenda in three major ways: (i) by delivering strategic institutional results that serve as prerequisites for, and thus underlay and mutually reinforce, the achievement of strategic development results: (ii) by further investing strategically in the organization; and (iii) by identifying increased opportunities for improved operational effectiveness and efficiency. Ultimately, the overall objective is to accelerate the “lifting of UNDP performance from good to great” in order to best help programme countries meet development objectives on the ground.", "7. Lifting UNDP performance from good to great is a dynamic process that will never be completely finished. It will require continuous organizational refinement and investment, if UNDP is to be fit for purpose. It will require differentiated, demand-driven services that move away from a one size fits all approach, if UNDP is to effectively respond to increasingly complex demands. It will require differentiated structures and country-level presences that are not formula based, if UNDP is to continue to effectively coordinate development activities on behalf of the United Nations system. It will require predictability and flexibility in the allocation of resources, if UNDP is to rapidly and strategically prioritize and deploy sufficient resources to where they are needed most. In summary, it will require a strategically positioned, adequately funded, and agile UNDP that can, in coordination with diverse development partners, effectively help a broad spectrum of programme countries arrive at viable policy options and concrete plans to anticipate and act on the multitude of complex challenges confronting human development.", "8. The 2012-2013 institutional budget forms an integral part of the strategic plan. The revised, strategic institutional results framework approved therein reflects the harmonized cost classifications approved in decision 2010/32 and presents planned management, United Nations development coordination, development effectiveness and special purpose results and indicators in line with decision 2011/10. This serves as the centrepiece of the 2012-2013 institutional budget with respect to results-based planning and budgeting as elaborated on in paragraphs 23 to 83 and table 2. Similarly, the high-level resource projections for both regular and other resources for 2012-2013 approved in the midterm review of the strategic plan are fully reflected in the 2012-2013 institutional budget. They form the foundation for the budgetary estimates and proposals included in the 2012-2013 resource plan presented in table 1 and elaborated on in paragraphs 10 to 22.", "9. The “road map to an integrated budget from 2014 onwards” serves as the guide for achieving overall budgetary transparency and integration, as well as optimal harmonization and comparability with UNICEF and UNFPA. This is accomplished through enhanced approaches in the areas of cost classification, results-based budgeting, cost recovery and the compilation and presentation of budgetary information. UNDP is well on track to present an integrated budget from 2014 onwards as reflected in Executive Board decision 2011/10 and the joint Board informal consultations at which the substance, direction and delivery date of the road map have been discussed. Ultimately, the integrated budget will incorporate into one planning and budgetary framework the planning and resources for the institutional results currently reflected in the institutional budget, and the planning and resources for the development results currently reflected in the programming arrangements.", "II. Financial context", "Overview", "10. The resource plan for 2012-2013 is presented in table 1. In order to provide the most current information available for 2010 and 2011, actual figures for 2010 and revised estimates for 2011 have been combined and reflected therein for comparative purposes. These figures are drawn from summary table 1 which provides, as requested by the Executive Board, a comparison of the resource plan for 2010-2011 approved in decision 2010/1 with 2010 actual and 2011 revised, combined estimates.", "11. Table 1 reflects a regular resources contribution estimate of $2.15 billion for 2012‑2013 as approved in the midterm review of the strategic plan. This represents a $0.18 billion nominal increase over the most current 2010-2011 income projections of $1.97 billion. However, this also represents a $0.2 billion decrease when compared to initially planned 2010-2011 regular resources contributions of $2.35 billion contained in summary table 1.", "12. UNDP needs an adequate, predictable base of regular resources in order to fulfill its mandate and preserve its multilateral, impartial and universal character in supporting programme countries in achieving their development goals. Restoring the growth and enhancing the predictability of the regular funding of United Nations development activities has been discussed widely, including in the context of the most recent triennial comprehensive policy reviews and the corresponding General Assembly resolutions 56/201, 59/250 and 62/208. However, the global economic crisis and the volatile exchange-rate environment continue to pose challenges, especially with respect to the strategic direction and sustainability of the organization. The strategic plan could be at risk if voluntary contribution levels fail to reach the targets established in the revised integrated resources framework presented in DP/2011/22. The consequences of such a shortfall go beyond UNDP, as the shortfall also threatens the ability of the organization to sustain a strong global platform and country presence on behalf of the United Nations system.", "13. In light of the above, the Administrator is proposing an unprecedented $120.1 million or 12.3 per cent in volume reductions in comparison to the 2010-2011 gross budget appropriation of $980.9 million approved in decision 2010/1. These reductions offset $31.1 million (3.2 per cent) in non-discretionary cost increases and $40 million (4.1 per cent) in proposed investments, resulting in a net budget reduction of $49.3 million (5.0 per cent). In gross terms a $931.9 million institutional budget is proposed for 2012-2013, against which income offsets of $75.4 million are projected, resulting in a proposed net institutional budget for 2012-2013 of $856.5 million.", "14. This proposal highlights the need to exercise budgetary discipline through the containment of management costs and increased efficiency, which in turn should serve to maximize resources available for development activities. Ultimately, this proposal is expected to strike the right balance to ensure maximum accountability for the resources placed at the disposal of UNDP and the results outlined in the extended strategic plan.", "15. The $120.1 million in gross volume decreases are the result of an organizational reduction strategy, approved by the Administrator, to arrive at a reasonable and equitably distributed level of volume reductions. Proposed reductions relate to: (i) improved operational effectiveness, including freezing of positions; (ii) the completion of one-time investments financed during 2010-2012; (iii) shifting of costs to extrabudgetary resources to improve burden-sharing as repeatedly called for by the Executive Board in decisions 2005/33, 2006/30, 2007/18, 2008/1 and 2010/1; and (iv) enhanced transparency in the attribution of centrally managed costs. The Administrator has determined that absorption of reductions beyond the proposed level of $120.1 million would have negative implications for UNDP and would jeopardize success in the implementation of its dual development and coordination mandates through its universal presence.", "16. The estimated statutory cost increases of $31.1 million are due primarily to the impact of inflation on post adjustments and other entitlements, as well as normal within-grade salary increments and revisions. These cost increases result from United Nations system-wide standards, directives and calculations that are promulgated through the International Civil Service Commission (ICSC). As such, they are non‑discretionary and must be respected.", "17. The Administrator has identified several key areas for investment during 2012‑2013 in response to organizational priorities and needs as set forth in the strategic plan. These are summarized below and elaborated on in paragraphs 96 to 118:", "(a) Implementing the change agenda, with an emphasis on stronger internal strategic planning and management capability, and improved results-based management practices to support formulation of the next strategic plan and results frameworks.", "(b) Strengthening strategic human resources management in line with the change agenda, with an emphasis on workforce and job analytics and talent management;", "(c) Increasing support to countries undergoing fragile transitions, with an emphasis on Southern Sudan and the Arab States region.", "(d) Framing the global development agenda, with an emphasis on accelerating the achievement of the MDGs, preparing for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and implementing the International Aid Transparency Initiative.", "(e) Enhancing corporate value-added services and accountability, with an emphasis on International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) implementation, strategic business information, streamlined business processes and strengthened investigative capacity.", "Resource projections", "18. Figure 1 provides an overview of actual and 2012-2013 estimated contributions, by funding category, over six bienniums. In nominal terms, regular donor resources are projected at $2.15 billion for 2012-2013. Other donor resources, for trust funds and cost sharing, are projected to decrease nominally by about $0.36 billion (6 per cent) from current estimates of $6.3 billion for 2010-2011, to $5.95 billion for 2012-2013. Local resources provided by host governments are also expected to decrease nominally by about $0.03 billion (2 per cent) to $1.5 billion in 2012-2013. Aggregate donor and local contributions for the 2012-2013 biennium are estimated at $9.6 billion, $0.2 billion less than 2010-2011 estimates.", "Figure 1. Contributions, by funding category, 2002-2003 to 2012-2013", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "19. Figure 2 provides an overview of the use of total projected resources for 2012‑2013 – about $11.73 billion – of which about 88.11 per cent will be spent on development activities, 8.66 per cent on management activities, 2.25 per cent on United Nations development coordination activities, and 0.98 per cent on special purpose activities. Planned development expenditures for 2012-2013 of 88.11 per cent of total planned resources utilization compares favourably to the 87.49 per cent currently estimated for use during 2010-2011. Similarly, planned management expenditures for 2012-2013 of 8.66 per cent of total planned resources utilization compares favourably to the 8.79 per cent currently estimated for use during 2010-2011.", "Figure 2. Estimated use of total resources, 2012-2013", "[]", "20. The UNDP resource plan for 2012-2013 presented in table 1, covering both regular and other resources, outlines the integrated resource planning framework of the organization, classifying activities under the categories approved in decisions 2009/22 and 2010/32. The resource plan has three segments covering donor and local resources that reflect:", "(a) $12.89 billion in estimated total resources available, comprising an opening balance of $3.16 billion, contributions of $9.60 billion and other income of $0.13 billion.", "(b) $11.73 billion in projected use of resources, comprising development activities of $10.33 billion, United Nations development coordination activities of $0.26 billion, management activities of $1.02 billion, and special purpose activities of $0.12 billion.", "(c) A resource balance of approximately $1.16 billion.", "21. The resource plan for 2012-2013 is supported by the accompanying tables, figures and text in this document with respect to management activities, development effectiveness activities, United Nations development coordination activities and special purpose activities. Table 2 contains budget estimates for institutional activities to be funded from regular and other resources. In order to “cross-walk” amounts from table 2 to table 1, the following should be noted:", "(a) The planned use of resources for development effectiveness activities during 2012-2013 total $306.8 million (table 1). It consists of:", "(i) $192.2 million in regular resources: $134.5 million per table 2, plus $57.7 million in regular programme resources not included in table 2.", "(ii) $114.6 million – ($98.4 million plus $16.2 million) in other resources: 103.6 million per table 2, plus $11.0 million in other programme resources not included in table 2.", "(b) The planned use of resources for United Nations development coordination activities during 2012-2013 total $263.4 million (table 1). It consists of:", "(i) $171.5 million in regular resources, plus $0.3 million in regular resources income to the budget: $146.8 million per table 2, plus $25 million in regular programme resources not included in table 2.", "(ii) $91.6 million ($82.3 million plus $9.3 million) in other resources: $61.6 million per table 2, plus $30 million in other programme resources not included in table 2.", "(c) The planned use of resources for management activities during 2012-2013 totals $1,016.0 million (table 1). It consists of:", "(i) $539.9 million in regular resources, plus $68.4 million in regular resources income to the budget: $608.3 million per table 2.", "(ii) $407.7 million: $333.9 million plus $73.8 million in other resources per table 2.", "(d) The planned use of resources for special purpose activities during 2012-2013 totals $115.7 million (table 1). It consists of:", "(i) $35.6 million in regular resources, plus $6.7 million in regular resources income to the budget: $42.3 million per table 2.", "(ii) $73.4 million in other resources per table 2.", "22. Specific proposals and cost implications of the UNDP support budget estimates, and related proposals of the Administrator for 2012-2013, are presented in chapter IV.", "III. Strategic institutional results framework", "Background", "23. The strategic plan constitutes the single, overarching results framework of UNDP. The institutional budget is informed by and fully aligned with the strategic institutional results framework and high-level resource projections for 2012-2013 contained therein. The 2012‑2013 institutional budget estimates are presented in table 2 and are directly linked to the planned outputs discussed below. With the adoption of the integrated budget from 2014 onwards, UNDP will have one results and budgetary framework for regular resources covering the institutional results and resources currently included in the institutional budget and the development results and resources currently reflected in the programming arrangements.", "24. The 2012-2013 institutional budget has been prepared in joint harmonization with UNFPA and UNICEF, and has benefitted from the continuous guidance of the Executive Board. Accordingly, the 2012-2013 institutional budget lays the foundation for moving to an integrated budget from 2014 onwards in line with the joint informal note of UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF on “The road map to an integrated budget” as recently discussed and confirmed during a joint informal discussion with the Executive Board.", "25. More specifically, the 2012-2013 institutional budget fully incorporates the cost classifications approved in decision 2009/22, as further revised and harmonized in decision 2010/32. It also fully incorporates the harmonized results-based budgeting approach approved in decision 2011/10, including: (i) improved results focus and complete linking with the revised strategic institutional results framework of the extended strategic plan; (ii) improved links between proposed 2012-2013 budgets and corresponding planned strategic institutional results through the use of functional clusters; and (iii) key harmonized budget tables including: the resource plan (table 1); a comparison of 2010-2011 planned and actual/estimated expenditures (summary table 1); and proposed 2012-2013 budget estimates (table 2) that are fully aligned with the revised strategic institutional results framework elaborated on below.", "Results-based budgeting", "26. The institutional results framework underpins and directly supports the achievement of the development results contained in the strategic plan. It covers planned strategic institutional activities in the areas of management, United Nations development coordination, special purpose and development effectiveness, all of which form the operational foundation that UNDP leverages to respond to demands from programme countries for development and coordination services. The activities and functions that fall within the institutional results framework are mutually reinforcing. They are also integrally linked to the development results framework in that they directly support the creation of an enabling environment for delivering on demand development services.", "27. For example, while human resources-related activities are reflected under management, the Office of Human Resources (OHR) of the Bureau of Management (BoM) devotes a considerable amount of time and resources to ensure the timely assessment, recruitment and placement of qualified resident coordinator candidates whose time is largely reflected under United Nations development coordination. Similarly, the Security Office/BoM, whose costs are reflected under management, devotes a considerable amount of time and resources to assessing and strengthening the overall security environment in which development and coordination activities take place.", "28. The institutional results framework consists of a cycle of: (i) planning for strategic institutional results; (ii) selecting relevant indicators, baselines and targets; (iii) appropriating and allocating resources to achieve strategic institutional results; (iv) implementing and monitoring planned activities; and (v) reporting on actual results achieved.", "29. In principle, the planning for strategic institutional results, and the selection of indicators, baselines and targets, takes place within the context of the formulation of the strategic plan. For the purposes of the 2012-2013 institutional budget, this occurs within the context of the midterm review of the extended strategic plan, 2008-2013. The appropriation and allocation of resources takes place within the context of the 2012-2013 institutional budget exercise. Implementation and monitoring of planned activities takes place within the context of the annual integrated unit work planning exercise. In this regard, each unit prepares an annual integrated workplan describing results to be achieved and required inputs and resources. This provides managers and staff members with an objective basis for monitoring their activities. The annual integrated workplan is largely derived from the results projected in the strategic plan. Reporting on planned versus achieved results takes place within the context of the annual report of the Administrator on the strategic plan. Reporting on expenditures within the approved cost classification categories takes place in the annual financial statements and “Annual review of the financial situation”.", "30. Each strategic institutional result has a lead unit or a lead group of units designated as the corporate sponsor that is responsible for: (i) formulating the result; (ii) defining SMART indicators (specific, measureable, achievable, relevant and timebound); (iii) confirming baselines; (iv) establishing targets; and (v) reporting on results. Accountability for the achievement of strategic institutional results is not limited to the corporate sponsor. It may be shared between several non-sponsoring units or cut across the organization.", "31. Functional clusters of activities, organized largely by organizational unit, are assigned to each strategic institutional result. This facilitates and improves the transparent link between planned results and the resources (costs of the organizational units) required to successfully achieve them as presented in table 2 and elaborated on below. The functional clusters for the seven recurring management results are harmonized between UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF, allowing for reasonable comparability. All other functional clusters are agency specific.", "Table 2. Proposed budget estimates by strategic plan institutional output[1]", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "32. The UNDP balanced scorecard system and its SMART performance indicators underpin the performance management system, and are critical for monitoring progress towards achieving strategic institutional results. It is an integral part of the integrated planning process of UNDP. The corporate-level scorecard – known as the “executive balanced scorecard” – consists of strategic results and performance indicators derived from the extended strategic plan. In view of the revision of the strategic institutional results framework, the executive balanced scorecard will be updated to ensure continued alignment. The executive balanced scorecard also serves as the starting point for designing unit-level balanced scorecards for Headquarters units and country-offices through a “cascading” exercise. The balanced scorecard is automated, and data is available in real time.", "33. In addition to the balanced scorecard, UNDP relies on specific internal databases and selected results drawn from three key surveys as performance indicators. The surveys are independently conducted on an annual basis. The UNDP partners survey provides feedback from development partners on the role and performance of UNDP. The global staff survey provides feedback from staff on a range of workplace issues. The products and services survey is the means through which country-offices provide feedback on the quality of products and services provided by Headquarters units. The balanced scorecards, surveys, internal databases and unit-level results-based reporting on integrated annual workplans are the basis for reporting on performance towards planned results.", "A. Management", "Strategic Plan Output: Effective leadership and direction provided to advance the mandate and mission of UNDP (harmonized functional cluster – corporate leadership and direction)", "34. The provision of effective leadership and direction is critical for ensuring that the mandate, vision and strategic results of the organization, as contained in the extended strategic plan, are organized, delivered and reported on in an efficient, timely and transparent manner. More specifically, the leadership of the organization is accountable for sharpening the focus and enhancing the impact of the development and United Nations development coordination activities of UNDP. It is also accountable for improving organizational effectiveness by continuously streamlining and improving the management activities, and related structures and capacities, that underlie and are inextricably linked to the successful achievement of development and coordination results. Formulation and approval of the strategic plan, 2014-2017 and results framework, and implementation of the agenda for organizational change, are two key strategic initiatives planned for 2012-2013 that will impact the achievement of this result.", "35. The output indicators for this result are derived from both internal and external sources. Three output indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from: (i) the annual report of the Administrator on the strategic plan, using the overall achievement of institutional results reported therein; (ii) the Partnership Survey, using the overall programme and donor-country partner feedback reported therein on the quality and effectiveness of UNDP contributions in the four focus areas; and (iii) the executive balanced scorecard, using overall management efficiency as calculated by the ratio measuring total management costs as a function of total organizational costs.", "36. Accountability for the results of this output rests with the Executive Office, including the Directorate, the Operations Support Group (OSG) and the Ethics Office. The Executive Office is also the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of the Executive Office): $11.4 million in 2010-2011 and $12.6 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $0.5 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $0.2 million, and volume increases of $1.5 million, representing new investments. These investments support the implementation of the change agenda through the establishment of one international professional (IP) position in the Executive Office to strengthen strategic planning and management ($0.5 million). They also provide support to improve all aspects of results-based management across the organization in preparation for the next strategic plan and results frameworks ($1.0 million). Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $5.9 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $5.8 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 \nDegree to which strategicplan institutional resultsare achievedSource: Annual report of theAdministrator on thestrategic plan\t40% of thestrategic planinstitutionalresultsachieved40% partiallyachieved4% not achieved\t70%Achieved20%Partiallyachieved\t85%Achieved10%Partiallyachieved\nPercentage of partnersperceiving UNDP as aneffective contributor to thefocus areas- MDGs, Poverty, Energyand SustainableDevelopment, DemocraticGovernance,- Crisis Prevention andRecoverySource: Partners Survey\t-MDGs: 72%-Poverty: 53%-Energy &Environment(EE): 59%-DemocraticGovernance: 60%-CrisisPrevention &Recovery: 50%( 2009 )\t-MDGs:75%-Poverty:60%-EE:60%-DemocraticGovernance:65%-CrisisPrevention&Recovery:60%\tMDGs:75%-Poverty:60%-EE:60%-DemocraticGovernance:65%-CrisisPrevention&Recovery:60% Management efficiency ratio 8.8% 8.7% 8.7% \nSource: Executive balancedscorecard", "Strategic Plan Output: Improved accountability for achieving results at the country-office, regional and corporate levels (harmonized functional cluster – country-office oversight, management and operations support)", "37. Strong corporate programme guidance and oversight, and well-functioning managerial and operational support at the country-office, regional and Headquarters programme bureaux (regional bureaux/Bureau for Development Policy/Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery) levels, are critical to ensure consistently high levels of accountability for the achievement of planned development and institutional results across the organization. This includes corporate support provided during the formulation, approval and implementation of UNDP programmes, and the daily management and operational support provided at the country, regional and global levels. The strengthening of strategic planning and management capacity and oversight of programme delivery, both at the Regional Bureau level, are two key strategic initiatives planned for 2012-2013 that will impact the achievement of this result.", "38. Four output indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from: (i) regional bureaux balanced scorecards, using the percentage of country-office performance indicators that are satisfactory as representative of overall effective country-office performance; (ii) the executive balance scorecard, using the percentage of outcomes that are reported as either on-track or achieved as representative of the effectiveness and application of corporate programme guidance and oversight; (iii) the executive balanced scorecard, using the percentage of evaluations with management responses as representative of awareness by country-office management, and their accountability for, lessons learned and identified best practices; and (iv) the Office of Audit and Investigations (OAI) database, using the percentage of risk-based audit reports issued with unsatisfactory ratings as representative of the need for significantly improved accountability, operational effectiveness and risk management.", "39. Accountability for the results of this output is shared. It rests with regional bureaux, the Bureau for Development Policy (BDP), the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery (BCPR) and the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation for providing strategic planning, guidance, corporate oversight and operational support, and with country offices, for formulating and implementing programmes and managing effective operations. Regional bureaux are the corporate sponsors of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels to be allocated to this result (the cost of regional bureaux, plus the managerial and operational costs of country offices, BDP, BCPR and South‑South). These levels are: $335.1 million in 2010-2011 and $342.1 million in 2012-2013. The figures incorporate: volume decreases of $17.7 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $17.0 million, and volume increases of $7.7 million representing new investments. These investments support the implementation of the change agenda through the establishment of seven international professional positions in regional bureaux, BCPR and BDP to strengthen strategic planning and management capability ($3.5 million). They also provide increased support to countries in fragile transitions through the establishment of: a D2 senior country director and six local positions in Southern Sudan; a D2 senior country director in Yemen; and a D1 transition team leader in the Arab States region ($4.2 million). Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $250.5 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $247.1 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 \nPercentage of countryoffices’ performanceindicators that aresatisfactorySource: regional bureauxbalanced scorecard\tOverallweightedaverage:38% achieved38% partiallyachieved\t45 %(achieved)\t55 %(achieved)Percentage of outcomes thatare reported as either ontrack or achieved\t72.9 %\t80 %\t90 % \nSource: Executive balancedscorecard Percentage of evaluationswith management responses\t84.1%\t90%\t95% \nSource: Executive balancedscorecard Percentage of risk-basedaudit reports issued withunsatisfactory ratings\t12%\tLessthan15%\tLessthan15% \n Source: OAI database", "Strategic Plan Output: UNDP human resources effectively managed to attract, develop and retain a talented and diversified workforce (harmonized functional cluster – corporate human resources management)", "40. A competent and strategically managed workforce is a prerequisite for achieving the development and institutional results contained in the extended strategic plan. Skills mix and staff capacities must mirror organizational requirements. Proactive workforce planning through improved recruitment policies and succession management is expected to result in an optimally staffed and gender-balanced organization. Enhanced talent management through strengthened learning in leadership, management and substantive programmatic areas, coupled with professional certification programmes, is expected to result in improved career opportunities and development, and in increased staff satisfaction. Improved performance assessments and workforce analytics are also key. During 2012-2013 these initiatives are expected to enhance the profile of UNDP and the quality of services provided to programme countries through improved recruitment, development and retention of highly competent and experienced professionals.", "41. Four output indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from: (i) the Global Staff Survey on overall staff feedback reported therein on staff satisfaction with the work environment; (ii) the executive balanced scorecard and OHR database on the percentage of female staff at the international professional level and the senior management level (D1 and above); (iii) the Products and Services Survey on overall staff satisfaction with the quality and scope of available learning and staff development opportunities; (iv) and the database of the OHR on the average time taken to fill vacant fixed-term appointments, including those from candidate pools for country directors, deputy resident representatives, deputy country directors and operations managers.", "42. Accountability for the results of this output is shared. It rests with the line managers of UNDP for implementing and managing staff within the context of human resources initiatives, and with OHR for formulating, advising and monitoring the requisite policies, programmes, procedures and workforce analytics. OHR is also the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of OHR; the share of the cost of ICSC and Administration of Justice services; centrally managed staff and learning costs; and the cost of associated reimbursable services provided by the United Nations. The totals are: $73.3 million in 2010‑2011 and $72.7 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $8.4 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $3.8 million, and volume increases of $4.0 million, representing new investments. These investments support the strengthening of strategic human resources management in such areas as workforce and job analytics, talent and succession management, recruitment, career development, streamlining of processes and the additional workload and associated risks attributable to contractual reform, including the establishment of six international professional and 8 local positions. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $41.6 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $30.7 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 \nStaff satisfaction with workenvironmentSource: Executive balancedscorecard/Global StaffSurvey\t66 %(2009)\t75 %\t75 %Gender balanceAll levelsD1 and aboveSource: Executive balancedscorecard/OHR database\tAll levels(InternationalProfessionals)Female: 45%D1 & AboveFemale: 39%\tAlllevels(InternationalProfessionals)Female:48%\tAlllevels(InternationalProfessionals)Female:50% D1 &Above\tD1 &Above \n Female:42%\tFemale:45%Client satisfaction with thequality of learning andstaff development productsand services.\t60%(2009)\t70%\t70% \nSource: Products andServices Survey \nAverage time taken to filleligible vacancies(candidate pools and otherIPs)Source: OHR database\t18.5 weeks forfixed-termappointment(FTA) posts.NA forcandidatepools/newindicator\t12weeksfor FTApostsand60 daysforstaffmembersincandidatepools\t12weeksfor FTApostsand60 daysforstaffmembersincandidatepools", "Strategic Plan Output: New and strategic partnerships developed and communications focus enhanced for more strategic positioning of UNDP (harmonized functional cluster – corporate external relations and partnerships, communications and resources mobilization)", "43. The strategic positioning of the organization is highly dependent on the degree to which UNDP can broaden the scope and increase the number of development and coordination partners. This in turn is expected to further empower UNDP to help programme countries expand and strengthen existing partnerships with the South, the United Nations system, civil society, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and the private sector. The strategic positioning of UNDP is also highly dependent on the successful communication of its mandate and achievements, leading to increased global awareness and understanding of its development and coordination activities and management goals. A more strategic approach to external communications and partnerships, and the development of an integrated resources mobilization strategy, are two key strategic initiatives planned for 2012-2013 that will impact the achievement of this result.", "44. Three output indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from: (i) the new strategic partnerships progress tracker, using the number of new and strategic partnership agreements, plans and/or modalities launched with emerging global powers as representative of management’s successful efforts to continuously expand the potential role and impact of South-South partnerships in helping to find innovative development solutions; (ii) Partnerships Bureau (PB) balanced scorecard, similarly using the number of new strategic platforms or alliances launched with foundations, private sector, civil society organizations and other partners as representative of management’s successful efforts to continuously expand the potential role and impact of these type of partnering arrangements in helping to find innovative development solutions; and (iii) the Executive and Partnerships Bureau balanced scorecards, using the percentage of country-office websites compliant with corporate standards as representative of the global range and quality that UNDP is able to achieve in communicating its objectives, activities and contributions at the country level in a transparent manner.", "45. Accountability for the results of this output rests with the Partnerships Bureau, which is also the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of PB including Liaison Offices): $32.3 million in 2010-2011 and $35.7 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $1.0 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $1.9 million, and volume increases of $2.5 million, representing new investments. These investments support the implementation of the change agenda through the establishment of one international professional position in PB to strengthen strategic planning and management ($0.5 million). They also support the framing of the global development agenda, to include preparations for Rio+20 ($1.0 million) and the introduction of transparency standards adopted by the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI) ($1.0 million). Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $27.5 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $25.9 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Number of new and strategicpartnership agreements,plans and/or modalitieslaunched with emergingglobal powers.\tNA/newindicator\t5\t11 \nSource: New strategicpartnerships progresstracker Number of new strategicplatforms and/or allianceslaunched with foundations,private sector, civilsociety organizations andother partners.\t10\t10\t11 \nSource: PB balancedscorecard Percentage of country-officewebsites compliant withcorporate standards\t71%(2009)\t82%\t93% \nSource: Executive/PBbalanced scorecard", "Strategic Plan Output: Programmatic needs supported by effective and efficient financial, ICT, procurement, legal and administrative policies, procedures and systems (harmonized functional cluster – corporate financial, ICT, procurement, legal and administrative management)", "46. The enabling environment for the timely and transparent delivery of development and institutional results is highly dependent on and intimately linked to critical, underlying corporate management activities in the areas of finance and budget, information and communications technology, procurement, legal and general administration. This calls for rigorous and prudent stewardship of the resources of the organization – human, financial, capital and information. Given the cross-cutting importance of the corporate management activities falling within these areas, it remains imperative that all related policies, procedures and systems are representative of organizational best practices in order to effectively manage corporate risks, improve accountability and strengthen decision-making. IPSAS implementation, formulation of an integrated budget and the strengthening of strategic enterprise resources planning (ERP) system functionalities are key strategic initiatives planned for 2012-2013 that will impact the achievement of this result.", "47. Five outputs indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from: (i) the BoM balanced scorecard, using the percentage of indicators with satisfactory ratings as representative of overall corporate performance in these areas; (ii) the financial data quality dashboard, using the percentage of operating units meeting UNDP internal financial data quality standards as representative of compliance with corporate standards for financial management; (iii) the Executive and BoM balanced scorecards, using the percentage of internal audit and United Nations Board of Auditors (BOA) audit recommendations implemented by target completion date as representative of responsiveness to guidance provided by oversight bodies; (iv) the BoM balanced scorecard, using the percentage of users satisfied with information and communications technology (ICT) services and tools as representative of the quality, accessibility and usefulness of information systems and communications tools; and (v) the Advisory Committee on Procurement (ACP) database, using the percentage of ACP and Regional Advisory Committee on Procurement submissions approved on a first-time basis as representative of the successful application of procurement policies and guidelines to non-routine procurement activities.", "48. Accountability for the results of this output rests with the Bureau of Management, including the Directorate, Office of Finance and Administration, Office of Planning and Budgeting, Office of Information Systems and Technology, Procurement Support Office, Advisory Committee on Procurement and Legal Support Office. The Bureau of Management is also the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of BoM, excluding OHR and the Security Office; the share of the cost of United Nations Chief Executives Board services; centrally managed ICT costs; and the cost of associated reimbursable services provided by the United Nations). In the category “A.I management activities – recurring” this includes $62.4 million in 2010-2011 and $55.2 million in 2012-201. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $19.2 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $1.4 million, and volume increases of $10.6 million, representing new investments. These investments support the implementation of the change agenda through the establishment of one international professional position in BoM to strengthen strategic planning and management. They also support the enhancement of value-added corporate services and accountability with respect to IPSAS implementation activities ($6.2 million) and critical information and communications technology activities ($3.9 million). Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $47.7 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $44.9 million for 2010-2011. In the category “A.II management activities – non-recurring” this includes $16.2 million in 2010-2011 and $10.0 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $16.2 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $0.1 million, and volume increases of $9.9 million, representing new investments. These investments support the enhancement of value-added corporate services and accountability with respect to IPSAS implementation activities ($3.8 million) and critical information and communications technology activities ($6.1 million).", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 \nPercentage of BoM balancedscorecard indicators withsatisfactory ratingsSource: BoM balancedscorecard\t32% achieved57% partiallyachieved(2009)\t50%(fullachievement)\t60%(fullachievement)Percentage of operatingunits meeting financial dataquality standards, includingcompliance with IPSAS\t85%\t90%\t90% \nSource: Financial DataQuality Dashboard Percentage of internal auditand BOA auditrecommendations implementedby target completion date\tOAI: 75.7%BOA: 90%\tOAI:90%BOA:90%\tOAI:90%BOA:90% \nSource: Executive/BoMbalanced scorecard Percentage of userssatisfied with ICT servicesand tools\t58%(2009)\t65%\t70% \nSource: BoM balancedscorecard Percentage of ACP and RACPprocurement cases approvedupon first submissions.\t70%\t75%\t75% \n Source: ACP database", "Strategic Plan Output: Security for staff and premises and a safer environment for programme delivery enhanced (harmonized functional cluster – global staff and premises security)", "49. A safe, secure environment for UNDP personnel and facilities is another critical prerequisite for achieving the development, United Nations development coordination and management results contained in the extended strategic plan. This requires comprehensive and cost-effective global security provisions, including establishing, maintaining and implementing policies and systems for security management and accountability. UNDP will continue to participate in the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (DSS) field security programme, improve compliance with minimum operating security standards (MOSS), and to maintain up-to-date, unit-level business continuity plans. Increased awareness of road-safety precautions and improved emergency communications capacity between programme country capitals and outlying project and sub-office locations are two key initiatives planned for 2012-2013 that will impact the achievement of this result.", "50. Two output indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from: (i) the Executive and BoM balanced scorecards, using the percentage of country offices that have complied with the requirements of MOSS as representative of the implementation of an acceptable level of security measures within which staff can safely function; and (ii) the Executive and BoM balanced scorecards, using the percentage of country offices that have met business continuity plan requirements in terms of both formulation and actual testing of these plans as representative of an adequate level of advanced preparation in response to sudden or unforeseen security threats, whether natural or human-made.", "51. To prepare for the possibility of needing additional funding in order to meet General Assembly-mandated security costs connected to participating in the DSS field security programme, or to improve MOSS compliance during 2012-2013, the Administrator exceptionally requests approval, similar to that granted for 2008-2009 and 2010-2011, to expend up to an additional $15.0 million of proposed regular resources, earmarked for that purpose. To date this exceptional authority has never been used.", "52. Accountability for the results of this output is shared. It rests: with the Security Office/BoM for establishing, communicating and advising on approved policies and procedures; with regional bureaux for providing adequate oversight; and with country offices for fully implementing and adhering to approved policies and procedures. The Security Office/BoM is the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of the Security Office and the cost of complying with United Nations-mandated security activities): $47.4 million in 2010-2011 and $32.9 million in 2012‑2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $16.6 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $2.1 million. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $26.6 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $16.4 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 \nPercentage of countryoffices meeting minimumoperating security standards(MOSS)Source: Executive/BoMbalanced scorecard\t63%\t75%\t80%\nPercentage of countryoffices meeting businesscontinuity plan requirementsSource: Executive/BoMbalanced scorecard\t79.6%\t90%\t95%", "Strategic Plan Output: Independent corporate oversight and reasonable assurance provided on the adequacy of internal controls of UNDP resources and on the effectiveness and efficiency of UNDP contributions in support of the achievement of development results (harmonized functional cluster – corporate oversight and assurance)", "53. The accountability and oversight system adopted by UNDP, as endorsed by the Executive Board in decision 2008/37, is key to ensuring that adequate corporate oversight policies and procedures, including a comprehensive and well-functioning internal control system, are in place and operating effectively in order to improve operational effectiveness, safeguard organizational assets and manage risks. It also serves to provide a satisfactory level of assurance that lessons learned and best practices are continuously incorporated in the development, United Nations development coordination and management activities that underscore the results contained in the extended strategic plan.", "54. Four output indicators will be used to measure overall performance. They are drawn from the:", "(a) OAI database, using the number of risk-based audit reports of country offices, programmes, projects and other business units and functions issued per year as representative of the satisfactory functioning and implementation of the accountability and oversight system.", "(b) OAI database, using the percentage of timely reviews of NGO/NIM (national implementation) audit reports and issuance of review letters as representative of adequate management and oversight of external audit work performed in relation to NGO/NIM programmes and projects.", "(c) Executive Board website, using the percentage of timely completion of programme evaluations for UNDP management and Executive Board consideration prior to approval of new country programmes as representative of the timeliness and impact of programme evaluations on accountability, managing for results and knowledge management.", "(d) Evaluation Resource Centre, using the percentage of completed and uploaded decentralized evaluation reports for which quality ratings have been issued as representative of the efforts of the organization to strategically plan and effectively use decentralized evaluations to improve development results.", "55. Accountability for the results of this output rests with the Office of Audit and Investigations and the Evaluation Office, which are also the corporate sponsors of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of OAI and Evaluation Office and the share of costs of Joint Inspection Unit and Board of Auditors services). The totals are: $48.0 million in 2010-2011 and $47.1 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $2.5 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions. These are offset by cost increases of $0.6 million and by volume increases of $1.0 million, representing new investments. These investments support the enhancement of value-added corporate services and accountability through the establishment of two international professional positions in the Investigations Unit ($1.0 million). This reflects resources in 2012-2013 of $26.9 million for audit and investigation activities, and $20.2 million for evaluation activities. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $7.9 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $5.5 million for 2010-2011. This reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels in 2012-2013 of $5.5 million for audit and investigation activities, and $2.4 million for evaluation activities.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Number of risk-based auditreports of country offices,programmes, projects andother business units andfunctions issued per year\t69\t74\t74 \n Source: OAI database Timely review of NGO/NIMaudit reports and issuanceof review letters\t70%(2009)\t75%\t75% \n Source: OAI database Timely completion ofprogramme evaluations(Assessments of DevelopmentResults: regional, global,South-South) for managementand Executive Boardconsideration beforeapproval of the newprogramme\t100%\t100%\t100% \nSource: Executive Boardwebsite Percentage of completeddecentralized evaluationreports uploaded to theEvaluation Resource Centrefor which quality ratingshave been issued by theEvaluation Office\tNA/newindicator\t100%\t100% \nSource: Evaluation ResourceCentre", "B. United Nations Development Coordination", "56. In resolution 62/208 on the triennial comprehensive policy review, the General Assembly reconfirmed UNDP as the manager of the resident coordinator system and reaffirmed that the resident coordinator system, within the framework of national ownership, has a key role to play in the effective and efficient functioning of the United Nations system at the country level. Accordingly, those activities and associated costs – performed by UNDP at the country level, and by the United Nations Development Operations Coordination Office (DOCO) at the Headquarters and country-office levels – to support the coordination of development activities of the United Nations system, are classified in line with decisions by the Executive Board as United Nations development coordination costs.", "57. UNDP activities at the country level fall under two broad categories. The first category relates to United Nations system coordination and representation activities that are usually undertaken by the resident coordinator, as supported by the staff of the resident coordinator office and UNDP. These cover: (i) coordination of United Nations system operational activities, including common security functions and support to the Regional Director teams; (ii) representation and advocacy on behalf of the United Nations system covering both resident and non-resident agencies, including resource mobilization; and (iii) coordination of emergency, humanitarian and relief activities.", "58. The second category relates to services and operational support to United Nations system coordination that are usually undertaken by staff of the resident coordinator office and UNDP. These cover: (i) administrative support to the office of the Resident Coordinator; and (ii) administrative support to the United Nations country team, including managing common premises and coordinating shared services such as communications, finance and information technology. It also covers activities in response to special requests from the Secretary-General and senior United Nations officials.", "59. DOCO provides technical support to the United Nations Development Group (UNDG) for decision making on system-wide issues and policies. In so doing, DOCO helps UNDG formulate and introduce simplified and harmonized policies and procedures for use by country offices in such important areas as: United Nations Development Assistance Frameworks (UNDAFs) and joint programmes, communications, information technology (IT), human resources, procurement, financial rules and regulations, standardized auditing and financial reporting, and cost recovery. They also support the overall strengthening of the resident coordinator system through funding, policy guidance and training, and provide targeted support to resident coordinators and United Nations country teams in crisis and post-conflict countries.", "60. The midterm review of the strategic plan lists three strategic outputs under United Nations development coordination, together with corresponding performance indicators, baselines and targets, as stated below. The first output, “UNDP management of the resident coordinator system enhanced”, uses one output indicator to measure performance. It is drawn from the Partnerships Bureau balanced scorecard, using percentage of completed UNDP actions in response to the Management and Accountability System Report and Implementation Plan as representative of the transparent accountabilities within UNDG and the successful role UNDP plays therein for ensuring an effective, inclusive and accountable resident coordinator system.", "61. The second output, “Ownership of the resident coordinator system by the United Nations development system strengthened” also uses one output indicator to measure performance. It is drawn from the Partnerships Bureau balanced scorecard, using percentage of United Nations system partners satisfied with UNDP management of the resident coordinator system as representative of overall partner feedback on the effectiveness of the role played by UNDP as custodian and steward of the resident coordinator system.", "62. The third output, “effective coordination and facilitation on programming and common business operations provided to the United Nations country team”, also uses one output indicator to measure performance. It is drawn from the UNDG workplan. using percentage of DOCO outputs achieved as representative of the positive impact and contributions of planned DOCO activities to the operations of United Nations country teams.", "63. Accountability for the results of all three outputs is shared. It rests with the Executive Office, Partnerships Bureau, regional bureaux and DOCO in terms of providing strategic guidance and corporate oversight, and with resident coordinators and UNDP country offices in terms of providing hands-on representation, coordination and operational support to United Nations country teams. The Partnerships Bureau is the corporate sponsor of the first two results, and DOCO is the corporate sponsor for the third result.", "64. As in previous bienniums, UNDP conducted a workload study to review time and costs associated with UNDP country-office support to United Nations development coordination activities. More than 3,000 staff in 84 country offices participated, a broad representational sample from which estimates could be drawn. Results from data analysis once again confirmed the inextricable link between United Nations development coordination and UNDP activities in the UNDP country-office structure. For example, material amounts of staff time reported under UNDP unit activities were actually spent providing support to resident-coordinator and United Nations country-team initiatives. Thus costs attributed to the resident coordinator unit in supporting these initiatives should continue to be apportioned across the entire UNDP country-office structure.", "65. Twenty-two per cent of costs at the country-office level, including those that are centrally managed by Headquarters (such as for security and ICT), are attributed to supporting United Nations development coordination activities during 2012-2013, a decrease of 5 per cent from the 27 per cent rate applicable to 2010-2011. This is due to further harmonization with partner organizations, resulting in the reclassification from United Nations development coordination to management of all country-office costs related to the participation of UNDP staff in the United Nations country team.", "66. Table 2 reflects a proposed combined core funding level for allocation to the first two results (22 per cent of costs at the country-office level): $147.1 million in 2010‑2011 and $143.3 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $11.1 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $7.3 million. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $59.5 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $56.4 million for 2010-2011.", "67. Table 2 also reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to the third result (the cost of DOCO to UNDP): $3.9 million in 2010-2011 and $3.5 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $0.3 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, and cost decreases of $0.1 million. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $2.1 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $1.9 million for 2010-2011.", "Strategic Plan Output: UNDP management of the resident coordinator system enhanced (functional cluster – country office United Nations coordination support)", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage of completed UNDPactions in response to themanagement andaccountability system reportand implementation plan\t80%\t90%\t100% \nSource: PB balancedscorecard", "Strategic Plan Output: Ownership of the resident coordinator system by the United Nations development system strengthened (functional cluster – country office United Nations coordination support).", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage of United Nationssystem partners satisfiedwith UNDP management of theresident coordinator system\t69%(2009)\t72%\t75% \nSource: PB balancedscorecard", "Strategic Plan Output: Effective coordination and facilitation of programming and common business operations provided to the United Nations country team (functional cluster – Headquarters United Nations coordination support)", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage of DOCO outputsachieved in the UNDGworkplan\t90%(2009)\t95%\t100% \n Source: UNDG workplan", "C. Special Purpose", "Strategic Plan Output: UNV programmatic needs supported by effective and efficient management (functional cluster – support to UNV)", "68. UNV is a programme established by the General Assembly and administered by UNDP. It mobilizes volunteers on behalf of the United Nations system. The work of these volunteers continues to have significant impact on United Nations system-wide efforts to achieve peace and development, and, within UNDP, on poverty reduction strategies and achievement of the MDGs.", "69. One output indicator will be used to measure overall performance. It is drawn from the UNV database and uses the percentage increase in the number of United Nations volunteers mobilized for MDG, humanitarian, post-crisis and peacebuilding activities. This is considered representative of successful UNV responsiveness to increasing demands for the recruitment and placement of United Nations volunteers globally. This responsiveness involves the underlying UNV programme and management activities, especially in the areas of programme development and cooperation, volunteer recruitment and management, partnership building, and finance and administration.", "70. Accountability for the results of this output rests with the United Nations Volunteer Programme which is also the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of UNV to UNDP): $40.9 million in 2010-2011 and $33.8 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $7.2 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $0.1 million. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $23.2million for 2012-2013, as compared to $18.3 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage increase in thenumber of United Nationsvolunteers and othervolunteers associated withUNV mobilized for MDGs,humanitarian, post-crisisand peacebuilding activities\t7,960 UnitedNationsVolunteerassignments and15,109 onlinevolunteerassignments\t5%increase\t5%increase \n Source: UNV database", "Strategic Plan Output: UNCDF programmatic needs supported by effective and efficient management (functional cluster – support to UNCDF)", "71. The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is a voluntarily funded organization established by the General Assembly and administered by UNDP. It supports poverty reduction through microfinance and community-level capital investment. Joint programmes at the country level form the primary modality for cooperation between UNDP and UNCDF in these areas.", "72. One output indicator will be used to measure overall performance. It is drawn from the UNCDF scorecard, using the percentage of least developed countries in which UNCDF is active, and where contributions are integrated in the United Nations country-level programming framework, as representative of the ability of underlying UNCDF management activities in the areas of human resources, finance, ICT and procurement to successfully respond to demands for UNCDF development services.", "73. Accountability for the results of this output rests with UNCDF, which is also the corporate sponsor of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of UNCDF to UNDP): $9.6 million in 2010-2011 and $8.5 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $1.0 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, and cost decreases of $0.1 million.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage of leastdeveloped countries whereUNCDF is active in whichcontributions are integratedin the United Nationscountry-level programmingframework\t70%\t80%\t85% \n Source: UNCDF scorecard", "D. Development Effectiveness", "74. Development effectiveness represents those UNDP outputs that support the effective achievement of development results at the country level. For the purposes of the institutional budget exercise, they cover those areas not specifically included in programme or project budgets that are integral to the successful delivery of development results. Three of the five development effectiveness outputs included in the strategic plan receive institutional budget funding and are elaborated on below.", "Strategic Plan Output: Quality of country programming increased (functional cluster – programme development and management support)", "75. Qualitative country programming is a prerequisite for the successful achievement of planned development results. To increase the quality of country programming, and as recommended in the midterm review of the strategic plan, the indicators have been designed to track progress in improving programming focus and quality while reducing the transactional burden at the country level.", "76. More specifically, four components of a composite output indicator will be used to measure performance. They are drawn from:", "(a) the Evaluation Resource Centre, using compliance rates with country programme document evaluation plans, including decentralized evaluation quality ratings and implementation of management responses, as representative of learning to improve the overall quality of country programming and compliance with established policies and standards.", "(b) country-office balanced scorecards, using a new indicator to be developed by the OSG, as representative of the overall quality of country-office reporting on results.", "(c) Board of Auditors observations on the country programme document results frameworks as representative of their overall quality.", "(d) the Atlas system and the UNDP repository of prescriptive content, which will be used to determine the project load and a percentage change in the transactional-programming requirements as representative of increased efficiency and effectiveness of programming instruments.", "77. Accountability for results of this output rests with regional bureaux for providing and applying corporate programme development and management guidance covering the broad spectrum of the programming cycle. Regional bureaux are the corporate sponsors of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of country-office and regional-centre staff with primarily programme-related responsibilities, including deputy resident representatives and deputy country directors, and programme and communications specialists, advisors, associates and assistants): $121.7 million in 2010-2011 and $108.7 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $9.3 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, and cost decreases of $3.7 million. Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $99.6 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $89.1 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 \nCompliance with evaluationpolicy and corporate qualitystandardsSource: ERC: compliance ratewith country programmedocument (CPD) evaluationplans; decentralizedevaluation quality ratings;implementation rates ofmanagement responses\tCPD: 28%;Decentral.:21%Mgmt. response:61%completed/ongoingover past 4years\tCPD: 50%Decentral.:35%Mgmt.response:70%\tCPD:60%Decentral.:50%Mgmt.response:75%Country officeresults-oriented annualreports (ROARs) qualityrating\t81 ROARS meetor exceed 2010standards\t20%increase\t20%increase \nSource: new balancedscorecard indicator rated byOSG \nObservations of improved CPDresults frameworks (SMARTindicators)Source: BOA\tReport on2008-09biennium inDP/2011/14\tBOAobservespositiveprogress\tBOAobservespositiveprogressProgramme instruments arefit for purpose:Project load and % change intransactional programmingrequirements\tTBD\t10%decrease\t10%decrease \n Source: Atlas & POPP", "Strategic Plan Output: Practice networking and knowledge effectively contributing to development results across regions (functional cluster – programme policy and knowledge-management support)", "78. UNDP is a knowledge-based organization. Accordingly, capturing, codifying and sharing development information is at the centre of how UNDP operates. The platform for capturing and disseminating knowledge has been enhanced through the introduction and implementation of a new corporate knowledge strategy and systems during 2010‑2011. This has provided UNDP with a strengthened knowledge-management base through the leveraged use of improved intranet, Internet and extranet capacities. This in turn is expected to improve cross-practice integration and increase the sharing of lessons learned during 2012-2013.", "79. Three output indicators will be used to measure performance. They are drawn from: (i) the Products and Services Survey, using the percentage of users satisfied with the relevance of practice leadership and policy guidance provided by Headquarters; (ii) the Products and Services Survey, using the percentage of users satisfied with the relevance of programme and project formulation and implementation support; and (iii) Teamworks, using the number of monthly users, including discussions, uploads, recommendations and views as representative of the accessibility, usefulness and utilization of this key knowledge-management tool.", "80. Accountability for the results of this output is shared. It rests with BDP and BCPR for developing and disseminating information and services related to practice knowledge, and for creating the enabling environment for doing so. It also rests with country offices, regional centres and regional bureaux to effectively access and successfully apply available knowledge. BDP and BCPR are the corporate sponsors of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result (the cost of BDP and BCPR practice teams): $25.0 million in 2010-2011 and $24.1 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate volume decreases of $4.0 million due to efficiency gains, shifts and reductions, offset by cost increases of $0.3 million, and volume increases of $2.8 million, representing new investments. These investments support the implementation of the change agenda through the establishment of one D2-level and one local position in BDP to increase the focus on policy leadership and policy integration ($0.8 million). They also support the framing of the global development agenda through the preparation of MDG Acceleration Framework Action Plans in 12 programme countries ($2.0 million). Table 2 also reflects estimated extrabudgetary funding levels of $4.0 million for 2012-2013, as compared to $4.5 million for 2010-2011.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage of userssatisfied with relevantpractice leadership andpolicy guidance\t58%\t65%\t70% \nSource: Products andServices Survey Percentage of userssatisfied with relevance ofprogramme/projectformulation andimplementation support\t54%\t60%\t65% \nSource: Products andServices Survey \nTeamworks usage indicators:exchanges, discussions,uploads, recommendations andviewsSource: Teamworks\t500 uniqueusers permonth, withvisits from allUNDP regions\t1000uniqueusers/month,withregionalcoverage\t2000uniqueusers/month,withregionalcoverage", "Strategic Plan Output: South-South and triangular partnerships fostered to contribute to the achievement of national development goals (functional cluster – South-South programme development and policy support)", "81. South-South cooperation and triangular partnerships are successful and cost-effective modalities for sharing development expertise and knowledge among developing countries. UNDP works with partners in the South to support the sharing of development experiences and knowledge. It also encourages country offices to support such activities within the context of country programme documents.", "82. Two output indicators will be used to measure performance. They are drawn from: (i) the review of ROARs, using the percentage of country offices reporting results to which South-South cooperation activities contributed as representative of the scope and magnitude of their contribution to results; and (ii) the Partnership Survey, using percentage of partners rating UNDP interventions as effective in contributing to South-South cooperation as representative of feedback on the overall satisfaction of country-office partners with these interventions.", "83. Accountability for the results of this output is shared. It rests with BDP and the Partnerships Bureau to establish policies and procedures and to provide guidance and policy advice to facilitate interactions. It also rests with country offices to access and utilize guidance and policy advice, and to allocate sufficient resources for South-South activities. BDP and the Partnerships Bureau are the corporate sponsors of this result. Table 2 reflects proposed core funding levels for allocation to this result: i.e., the costs of South-South Unit staff at the Headquarters and regional-centre levels: $1.5 million in 2010-2011 and $1.7 million in 2012-2013. These figures incorporate cost increases of $0.2 million.", "Indicator of performance Baseline Target Target \n 2012 2013 Percentage of countryoffices that in ROAR reportresults to which South-Southcooperation contributed\tTBD\t15%increase\t15%increase \nSource: Regional bureaux/OSGreview of ROARS Percentage of partnersrating UNDP interventions aseffective in contributing toSouth-South cooperation\t53%\t60%\t65% \n Source: Partnership Survey", "IV. Proposals for the 2012-2013 institutional budget", "A. Summary of proposals", "Background", "84. The Administrators is proposing an institutional budget for UNDP that reflects an unprecedented level of $120.1 million or 12.3 per cent in volume reductions in comparison to the 2010-2011 gross budget of $980.9 million approved in decision 2010/1. These reductions offset $31.1 million (3.2 per cent) in non-discretionary cost increases and $40 million (4.1 per cent) in proposed investments as described below. These proposals result in a net budget reduction of $49.3 million or 5.0 per cent. As such, an institutional budget in gross terms for 2012-2013 of $931.9 million is proposed, against which income offsets of $75.4 million are projected, resulting in an institutional budget for 2012-2013 in net terms of $856.5 million. The details are outlined in table 3 and discussed in the following paragraphs.", "Cost increases", "85. The net cost increase of $31.1 million proposed in table 3 represents a 3.2 per cent increase over the 2010-2011 approved gross appropriation and is indicative of the non‑discretionary nominal cost increases required to finance UNDP organizational structures, functions and activities during 2012-2013. It is significantly less than the cost increase of $91.5 million during 2010-2011, which represented a 10.7 per cent increase. It also compares favorably with the cost increases during 2008-2009 (15.1 per cent) and 2006-2007 (13.5 per cent).", "86. Key factors concerning the relevant cost adjustments are:", "(a) Net increase of $17.4 million resulting from the effect of inflation on: post adjustment and other entitlements of international and Headquarters local staff; entitlements of national officers and country-office local staff; and operating costs.", "(b) Net increase of $12.0 million resulting from salary entitlements due to within-grade salary increments of international and Headquarters local staff, and United Nations-mandated salary revision surveys for national officers and country-office local staff.", "(c) Net increase of $1.5 million resulting from currency adjustments due to the aggregate impact of exchange-rate fluctuations in comparison to the dollar.", "(d) Net increase of $0.2 million resulting from proposed post reclassifications.", "87. The full effect of inflation for 2012-2013 is estimated at 2.5 per cent per year, reflecting the combined impact of a 1.2 per cent annual inflation rate at Headquarters, and a 3.9 per cent annual inflation rate for country offices. This is in comparison to an estimated inflation rate of 3.3 per cent per year (1.8 per cent at Headquarters and 4.5 per cent for country offices) during 2010-2011, and 4.1 per cent (3.2 per cent at Headquarters and 4.7 per cent for country offices) during 2008-2009. The inflation rates are derived from the United Nations Secretariat for New York and Geneva, and from the website of the Economist Intelligence Unit for all other locations.", "Table 3. Summary of main areas of increase/decrease for regular resources[2]", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "Exercising budgetary discipline (volume decreases)", "88. In response to concerns expressed by Executive Board members, and in the context of the ongoing global economic crisis, the Administrator continues to assign a high priority to the need for exercising budgetary discipline through the further containment and better alignment of institutional costs. A threefold approach was taken to arrive at $120.1 million in real volume decreases, representing a 12.3 per cent decrease in volume from the approved gross budget appropriation for 2010-2011. First, organizational units were challenged to improve overall operational effectiveness by eliminating redundant and non-essential services and activities, and by identifying lower priority functions that could be reduced, including the freezing of posts ($30.6 million). Secondly, opportunities for improved alignment of costs were identified at the corporate level with respect to the attribution of centrally managed costs ($55.2 million), and at the unit level with respect to improved burden-sharing between regular and extrabudgetary resources ($13.0 million). Finally, all costs associated with the completion of capital investments and other investments were eliminated ($21.3 million).", "89. In view of the above, reductions to non-staff expenses of $96.0 million are proposed. These have been achieved through a combination of: improved operational effectiveness ($12.4 million); improved cost alignment with respect to the attribution of centrally managed costs ($55.2 million) and shifts to extrabudgetary resources ($7.1 million); and completion of capital and other investments ($21.3 million).", "90. Reductions in staff costs of $24.1 million are also proposed. These reductions involve 88 posts: 33 international professional and 55 local. Those reductions were achieved through a combination of: increased operational effectiveness, including the freezing or abolishment of posts ($18.2 million), and shifts to extrabudgetary resources ($5.9 million). Reductions in the numbers of posts were achieved as follows:", "(a) Posts frozen: 20 international professionals and 23 local posts.", "(b) Posts abolished: 4 international professional and 14 local posts.", "(c) Posts shifted to extrabudgetary resources: 9 international professional and 18 local posts.", "91. More effective delivery of policy and corporate services is a top priority during 2012‑2013, with increased focus being placed on faster, cheaper and better business processes leading to significant reductions in turnaround times and costs associated with mission-critical functions, most notably recruitment and procurement. A series of concrete measures will be introduced to address the lengthy and often inflexible programme and project process that has often impeded operational effectiveness at the country-office level. A mix of flexible programming tools better suited to nationally owned development agendas will be developed as an important first step in streamlining office operations and reducing burdensome bureaucratic procedures that add little value.", "92. Travel, consultancy and communications costs will be further contained. Consideration will also be given to the feasibility of clustering routine operational activities and transactions performed across the organization in service hubs or global centres having access to competent, available pools of human resources and suitable physical and ICT facilities. Lessons learned from the establishment of the Global Shared Service Centre that will support IPSAS implementation will provide guidance. Outsourcing alternatives will also be explored. The ICT architecture will be further leveraged and internal staff capacities strengthened in strategic and value-added areas. Ultimately, these and other initiatives under consideration should lead to improved organizational effectiveness and the ability to do more with less.", "93. Historically the majority of managed UNDP costs associated with services provided by the United Nations Secretariat, jointly financed United Nations system activities, After-Service Health Insurance (ASHI), security, information and communication technology and learning activities were funded from regular resources, since this was the source of funding for the majority of UNDP staff. However, as other resources from cost sharing and trust funds have grown, so too have the number of UNDP staff funded from other resources and the costs of managing them, both centrally and locally.", "94. In view of the above and in order to achieve improved budgetary transparency and cost attribution, a corporate initiative was launched to enhance the apportionment of these types of centrally managed costs to their corresponding sources of funding based on staff numbers and total costs. This was successfully accomplished in large part because of the continuous investments in and successive upgrades to the UNDP Atlas ERP system, enabling better utilization and management of personnel data. The analysis conducted for IPSAS implementation was also a contributing factor. As a result, $55.2 million in improved cost attributions have been identified with respect to: services provided by the United Nations Secretariat and the costs of participating in United Nations system jointly financed activities ($9.9 million); ASHI ($9.0 million); security ($25.7 million); and information and communications technology, learning and end of service costs ($10.6 million).", "95. In addition, UNDP has made a number of investments that have benefited the organization and led to value for money. Funding to meet certain of the costs associated with some of these investments, both capital and non-recurring, is no longer needed. Accordingly, a total of $21.3 million in reductions has been identified with respect to: General Assembly-mandated activities relating to human resources contractual reform and IPSAS preparatory activities ($9.5 million); investments in knowledge management ($6.7 million) and capital investments in Atlas software upgrades and a new Headquarters telephone system ($5.1 million).", "Investing in the organization (volume increases)", "96. A total of $40 million in volume increases are proposed in five strategic areas to include both recurring and non-recurring investments of $30.1 million and $9.9 million, respectively. This represents a 4.1 per cent increase over the approved gross appropriation for 2010-2011. A total of 77 new positions are proposed, 32 international professional and 45 local positions. All proposed investments are specifically identified and included in their corresponding planned strategic output as discussed in chapter 3 on the strategic institutional results framework. A brief description of the proposed investments in line with the five strategic areas outlined in paragraph 17 follows.", "Implementing the change agenda", "97. Stronger strategic planning and management capability within regional and central bureaux is a critical prerequisite for successful implementation of the change agenda. More specifically, the change agenda identifies clear accountabilities for bureaux, including: (i) implementing corporate decisions regionally and integrating them across all bureaux; (ii) delivering programmes effectively; (iii) allocating resources in line with organizational priorities; (iv) overseeing programme quality, reporting on results and complying with corporate requirements; and (v) regional and global outreach.", "98. Strategic planning and management will focus on becoming more forward looking. Systematic monitoring of regional and global developments should better position the organization by supporting the formulation of high-quality country, regional and global programmes in which the strategic priorities of UNDP are fully integrated. Regular analyses of programme portfolios should identify strengths and weaknesses as well as emerging opportunities, and serve as the basis for monitoring planned results, in order to allocate resources to support effective programme delivery and to proactively address unsatisfactory performance. Ultimately these activities should result in a strengthened ability to systematically plan, deliver and monitor timely support to country offices, including assessing demands for policy and corporate services from central bureaux.", "99. In parallel, UNDP focus on policy leadership will be strengthened through the establishment of a small strategic policy team in BDP, headed by a chief economist, which will provide integrated advice on global policy issues and emerging trends, and their implications for country and regional programmes. This team will also be responsible for establishing and coordinating an integrated UNDP policy strategy in line with organizational priorities.", "100. In following up on decision 2011/14 on the midterm review of the strategic plan, it is critical for UNDP to strengthen approaches to results-based management in all aspects of its work, and to adjust the strategic plan results framework and internal data-collection system to incorporate more systematic and comparable results data across countries and programmes. In parallel, UNDP needs to develop a new, robust results framework to underpin the next strategic plan period (covering 2014-2017), building on international best practices in the construction of results chains. This work will require extensive statistical research and analysis in order to address issues relating to value for money, organizational effectiveness and linkages between results and resources.", "101. In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an investment of $6.8 million from regular resources to support the implementation of the change agenda, of which: (i) $5.0 million will directly support stronger strategic planning and management capability through the establishment of 10 international professional positions; (ii) $0.8 million will directly support policy leadership through the establishment of a chief economist at the D2 level and one support staff member; and (iii) $1.0 million will provide critical support to improving all aspects of results‑based management across the organization in preparation for the next strategic plan and results frameworks.", "Strengthening strategic human resources management", "102. People management is a cornerstone of the change agenda which envisages a step change in the organizational culture: building a strategically fit‑for‑purpose and adaptive organization with staff engagement, high performance, and shared principles and values. Enhanced talent management and workforce planning tools and systems are needed to: develop a people capability strategy, determine the specialized skills that will be needed by the different types of offices, and improve business processes.", "103. General Assembly resolution 63/250 mandated the implementation of new human resources contractual arrangements under one set of staff regulations. As a result of contractual reform implementation, 1,200 additional international professional staff are now administered by UNDP. The number of corresponding permanent and fixed‑term appointments has increased, as has the number of separations and new appointments. This situation has created an additional workload that cannot be readily absorbed at existing staff levels. It also precludes a decentralized approach until existing work backlogs have been satisfactorily addressed centrally, and staff capacities at the unit level sufficiently strengthened.", "104. In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an investment of $4.0 million from regular resources. These resources will be used to:", "(a) establish four international professional positions specializing in streamlining processes, workforce and job analytics, systems design, career development, and mediation and facilitation.", "(b) prioritize business process re-engineering to allow human resources management staff more time for discharging strategic functions, including talent and succession management and speeding up recruitment.", "(c) establish two international professional and eight local positions to meet the additional workload attributed to contractual reform and to effectively manage associated risks.", "Increasing support to countries in fragile transitions", "105. The overriding objective of the UNDP crisis prevention and recovery practice continues to be strengthening national capacities to prevent, or mitigate, risks associated with crises, while supporting rapid recovery efforts that promote sustainable national development. In the 2012-2013 period, UNDP support will be called upon in a number of critical contexts: including in Southern Sudan and the Arab States region.", "106. Following its secession, planned for 9 July 2011, Southern Sudan will be challenged with the task of nation-building, requiring a refocusing of the UNDP programme on (i) good governance and state-building; (ii) crisis prevention and recovery; and (iii) inclusive growth and economic development. The existing sub‑office in Juba will be converted into a full country-office presence. It will include adequate managerial, programmatic and operational capacities for delivering a complex, multi-dimensional programme.", "107. Similarly, the ongoing transitions in the Arab States region require renewed and refocused UNDP support. For these transitions to respond fully to the aspirations of the citizens, the emerging political models need to promote economic, social and political inclusion. The unpredictability of the current political context, coupled with the sudden decrease of state functions in the region, requires a rapid response to the immediate needs of the population, while paving the way for a long-term political transition. Accordingly, country programmes will require adjustment to meet transition needs, and the capacity of country offices will require strengthening to ensure responsive management, programme implementation support and advisory services.", "108. In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an investment of $4.2 million from regular resources to support countries in fragile transitions through the establishment of the following positions: (i) a D2 Senior Country Director and six national officer and local posts in Southern Sudan; (ii) a D2 Senior Country Director in Yemen; and (iii) a D1 Transition Team Leader in the Arab States region to coordinate support, in view of the multiple and simultaneous crises taking place across the region. Support will also be provided for a phased relocation of the Iraq country office from Amman to Baghdad.", "Framing the global development agenda", "109. In January 2011, UNDP introduced an MDG Breakthrough Strategy, including the establishment of an MDG Acceleration Framework (MAF). The MAF serves as the UNDP framework to accelerate achievement of the MDGs in countries where progress is significantly lagging. It has been piloted in 10 countries, in which it has led to high-quality MAF Action Plans. This approach was subsequently endorsed by the UNDG. In addition, the MDG Summit has brought a level of international agreement on the need to further accelerate progress on the Goals, in part through more explicit alignment between government and development partners on planned activities within the context of MAF country action plans. These plans focus on key policy, investment and capacity bottlenecks that are impeding the acceleration of progress, especially on the elimination of major gender, income and geographic disparities. UNDP proposes to support the formulation of 12 additional MAF country action plans during 2012-2013.", "110. Given the unique and global mandate of UNDP, it has been tasked to play a proactive role in the preparations leading up to the Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) where the most important question for the post-MDG period will be addressed: How to design a global blueprint for future sustainable growth while safeguarding progress already achieved in the areas of poverty, climate change and other critical sectors. In close consultation with United Nations system partners, UNDP will gather, analyze and synthesize multiple, complex streams of substantive information. These activities are expected to make an important contribution to the formulation of a dynamic global institutional framework for development.", "111. UNDP is a member of the IATI, which is a voluntary, multi-stakeholder initiative that seeks to make information about aid spending easier to find, use and compare. It brings together donor and developing countries, non‑governmental organizations and experts on aid information. UNDP has committed to implement the transparency standards adopted by IATI internally in a phased and cost‑effective manner in order to provide better quality information to partners and the public. This will require reporting and systems changes, and data reconfiguration and reconciliation.", "112. In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an investment of $4.0 million from regular resources, of which: (i) $2.0 million will support the expansion of the preparation of high-quality MDG Acceleration Framework Action Plans in 12 programme countries; (ii) $1.0 million will support the preparation for Rio+20 of an issues paper clarifying how the green economy can contribute to the implementation of the sustainable development agenda; and (iii) $1.0 million will support the upgrading of existing data, reporting and systems capabilities in order to successfully introduce the transparency standards adopted by IATI.", "Enhancing value-added corporate services and accountability", "113. General Assembly resolution 60/283 approved the United Nations system-wide adoption of IPSAS to replace the United Nations System Accounting Standards. IPSAS is considered a best practice by public and not-for-profit organizations. IPSAS implementation is expected to result in a higher level of transparency and accountability by providing a consistent, comparable and harmonized platform for United Nations system financial reporting and disclosure. It will also facilitate greater harmonization in financial regulations and rules, business practices, and policies and procedures. UNDP is well on track to implement IPSAS beginning in January 2012, and has already made considerable progress during the current preparatory phase. However, non-recurring investments during 2012, the first year of implementation, are still required in order to: stabilize business processes and workflows; support ongoing verification of opening balances; conduct an actuarial valuation of employee benefit liabilities; further define reports and interpret policies; and provide trouble shooting support to country offices in order to mitigate implementation risks.", "114. A global shared-service centre will be established to provide recurring advisory services and support primarily to country offices in order to deal with complex IPSAS transactions. The centre is expected to provide opportunities for economies of scale and the sharing of knowledge and best practices. It will be located in a low-cost location with access to competent, available labour. It is expected to provide important input to discussions on alternative approaches for achieving faster, cheaper and better business processes across the organization.", "115. In the area of information and communications technology, a road map has been finalized for 2012-2013. It addresses the important role ICT plays in providing strategic advisory and value-added corporate services, and in improving reporting, compliance and risk management. Non-recurring investments during 2012-2013 are required to make critical enhancements to the ERP system to strengthen corporate services in the areas of Atlas security, human resources management, IPSAS and programme management, as well as to improve Internet capabilities. To improve overall reporting, compliance and risk management, non-recurring investments in the areas of results-based management, strategic reporting and data archiving are needed.", "116. Recurring investments in ICT during 2012-2013 are also required to consolidate and leverage the strategic investments made during 2010-2011 in the intranet, Internet and extranet, investments that have increased knowledge-management and sharing capabilities throughout the organization. The UNDP intranet has been redesigned and consolidated to increase internal efficiencies and to support integration and harmonization with internal results and information-management tools. The Internet is now managed through a content management system that allows site owners, with minimal technical knowledge, to modify the content, graphics and structure of individual websites. The extranet provides UNDP with the institutional platform to support collaboration, knowledge sharing, communication and networking with external development partners.", "117. The Investigations Unit in OAI has experienced a significant increase in the number and complexity of complaints and requests for investigations. Of particular concern is the rise in the proportion of alleged irregularities related to fraud and other financial activities. These situations and the required follow-up work, if not addressed and carried out quickly, can serve to distract staff from routine tasks and detract from the quality and added value of strategic undertakings. Increased investment in the capacity of the Investigations Unit is therefore considered important.", "118. In view of the above, the Administrator proposes an investment of $21.0 million from regular resources to support enhanced value-added corporate services and accountability. Of this total, $10.0 million will directly support IPSAS implementation through a non-recurring investment of $3.8 million, and recurring investments of $6.2 million to fund the global shared services centre, including the establishment of 10 international professional and 30 local positions. Another $10.0 million will support information and communications technology-related activities, of which $6.1 million represents non-recurring investments and $3.9 million represents recurring investments. In addition, $1.0 million in recurring investments in the Investigations Unit are proposed through the establishment of two international professional positions.", "Estimated income to the budget", "119. The total estimated income of the institutional budget for 2012-2013 is $75.4 million, representing an increase of $0.3 million over 2010-2011. This income comes from three sources: government contributions towards local office costs (GLOC); income the United Nations Volunteers (UNV) programme derives from providing volunteers to United Nations organizations; and an accounting linkage to voluntary contributions to offset the cost of reimbursing income taxes paid by United Nations staff on their salaries.", "120. Host government obligations towards GLOC are estimated at $52.6 million, the same amount as during 2010-2011. Income relating to UNV is also projected to remain at the 2010‑2011 level ($5.0 million). The offset amount for tax reimbursements is projected to increase by $0.3 million, bringing the total amount recovered through the accounting linkage to $17.8 million.", "Government contributions towards local office costs (GLOC)", "121. Table 4 shows 2010 GLOC from direct cash payments, accounting linkage with voluntary contributions and in-kind contributions, broken down by the income category of programme countries. Against a total obligation of $62.9 million, contributions in 2010 amounted to $47.3 million. This was made up of $34.9 million in direct cash payments and the accounting linkage with voluntary contributions, and $12.4 million in in-kind contributions. This represents a 1 percentage point improvement from 74 per cent ($49.3 million against a $66.4 million target in 2008) to 75 per cent ($47.3 million against a $62.9 million target in 2010).", "122. The Administrator appreciates improvements made by many programme countries aimed at meeting their GLOC obligations. Middle-income country compliance, however, remains at a less-than-desirable level. For 2012-2013, UNDP will maintain the option of withholding a portion of institutional budget resources from countries with significant GLOC deficits.", "Table 4: Government contributions to local office costs income,", "by category of countries, 2010", "(in millions of dollars)", "Income Category GLOC Income Percentage obligations Received received including against in-kind obligation contributions\n Cash and In-kind Total income accounting contributions received linkage", "Low-income 16.8 6.5 4.9 11.4 68% countries", "Middle-income 35.4 19.2 6.1 25.3 71% countries", "Net contributor 10.6 9.2 1.4 10.6 100% countries", "Total 62.9 34.9 12.4 47.3 75%", "Post changes", "123. Table 5 summarizes regular resources posts, by location, while summary table 5 contains total resources posts, by location, including those funded from other resources. Summary table 3 contains proposed changes in senior posts funded from regular resources.", "124. UNDP is proposing that total positions funded from regular resources decrease by a net 11 posts: from 3,217 during 2010-2011, to 3,206 during 2012-2013. This has the following implications:", "(a) For management activities, this incorporates a net reduction of 3 D2-level positions and a net increase of 1 D1-level position, as well as a net increase of 16 international professional positions and a net reduction of 4 local positions.", "(b) For development effectiveness activities, this incorporates an increase of 1 D2‑level position and 1 D1-level position, as well as the net reduction of 18 international professional and three local positions.", "(c) For United Nations development coordination activities, this incorporates the reduction of 1 local position.", "(d) For special purpose activities, this incorporates the reduction of 1 local position.", "125. Total proposed posts at the country-office and regional level for 2012-2013 are 2,684. This is 83.7 per cent of the total posts and includes 114 country-office-based UNV posts. The remaining 522 posts are located at Headquarters, including 10 posts for DOCO, net 63 posts for UNV, 16 posts for UNCDF, and 433 posts for all other UNDP units.", "126. Proposed post changes during 2012-2013 are influenced by two major factors: (i) the volume reductions tabled in this budget, and (ii) proposed investments. The effects of the proposed post changes due to volume reductions and investments are discussed in paragraph 90 and paragraphs 96 to 118.", "Table 5. Regular resources posts, by location", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "127. The establishment of new posts, or reclassification of existing posts, at the D2 and D1 levels, should be in line with broader and more complex levels of responsibility, especially at the country-office level. The proposals for those senior positions have been assessed using the ICSC post review classification process. Its master standard for job classifications equates director posts with institutional leadership functions. This is especially relevant for resident coordinator posts that lead the United Nations system at the country level, promoting and advancing the agenda of the United Nations in the context of the host government, and for senior country director posts that play a critical leadership and management role in the most complex of crisis countries, including representation of UNDP in United Nations country teams.", "128. In an effort to contain costs, and in consideration of previous guidance from the Executive Board and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, UNDP proposes to limit the net change in senior posts funded from regular resources for 2012-2013 to zero. This reflects a net reduction of two D2 posts offset by a net increase of two D1 posts. Full disclosure of all proposed changes in senior posts is contained in summary table 3.", "129. At the D2 level, proposed changes involve the freezing of three D2 posts and the downward classification of three posts from the D2 to D1 level. It is also proposed that three new D2 posts be established for the position of senior corporate economist and senior country director positions in Southern Sudan and Yemen. In addition, it is proposed that the D1 resident coordinator post in Yemen be reclassified to the D2 level in view of the special political, developmental, representational and operational circumstances.", "130. One new D1 post is proposed to be established for the position of transition team leader in the Arab States region. The incumbent would be located in Cairo and would manage and coordinate new and emerging activities emanating from recent and ongoing political, economic and social turmoil in the region. This post is offset by the abolishment of a D1 post in the Executive Office.", "131. In the 2006-2007 budget, eight country director posts were established through temporary conversions of resident coordinator posts, in lieu of the newly established Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General posts cost-shared between UNDP and the United Nations Department of Peacekeeping Operations, as established within the United Nations post structure. The temporary conversion of eight existing resident coordinator posts to country director posts was considered a prudent use of available resources. It was also considered a practical interim response to the triennial comprehensive policy review recommendation that UNDP strengthen its country-office capacities in complex emergency situations. Upon cessation of individual Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General arrangements, the temporary country director posts should revert to their resident coordinator status, and a more permanent solution for establishing country director positions should be sought.", "B. Other resources", "Projections", "132. Figure 3 presents planned expenditures for the budget. The 2012-2013 net institutional budget estimates funded from regular resources of $856.5 million ($905.8 million in 2010-2011), as well as the estimates funded from other resources of $646.3 million ($587.4 million in 2010-2011), are presented in table 2. Planned expenditures funded from other resources as a function of total planned expenditures (regular and other) continue to show a positive trend. During 1998-1999, planned expenditures funded from other resources were estimated at $121 million or 19 per cent of total planned expenditures. During 2010-2011, this increased to $587 million or 39 per cent. During 2012-2013 it is expected to further increase to $646 million or 43 per cent, a $59 million or 10 per cent increase over 2010-2011.", "Figure 3. Planned expenditures for the institutional budget*", "Relative shares of regular resources and other resources", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "* For comparability purposes, resources are presented in line with the classification of costs per Executive Board decision 2010/32.", "133. Current estimates for cost-recovery income in 2012-2013 are $592 million, compared to $568 million for 2010-2011, as presented in table 6, section I. This represents an estimated increase of $24 million, or 4 per cent. The 2012-2013 cost-recovery estimates of $592 million may be elaborated as follows:", "(a) General management services (GMS) income estimate from donor co-financing of $418 million ($384 million in 2010-2011) represents 6.25 per cent (6 per cent in 2010-2011) of $6.7 billion ($6.4 billion in 2010-2011). This is the mid-point of $7,494 million in estimated programme expenditures and $5,950 million in estimated contributions funded from bilateral/multilateral resources. The GMS income figures from donor co-financing are included in table 1 as part of resources available, contributions: bilateral/multilateral resources.", "(b) General management services income estimate from programme country cost-sharing of $49 million ($60 million in 2010-2011) represents 3.5 per cent (3.7 per cent in 2010-2011) of $1,392 million in estimated programme expenditures funded from local resources. The GMS income figures from programme country cost sharing are included in table 1 as part of resources available, contributions: other local resources.", "(c) United Nations organization services cost-recovery income estimate at the Headquarters level of $50 million ($51 million in 2010-2011) is presented in table 1 under resources available, reimbursement for services to other United Nations organizations.", "(d) United Nations organization services cost-recovery income estimate at the country-office level of $22 million ($21 million in 2010-2011) is presented in table 1 under resources available, contributions: bilateral/multilateral and other local resources.", "(e) Other cost-recovery income estimates of $53 million ($52 million in 2010-2011) are presented in table 1 under resources available, contributions: bilateral/multilateral and other local resources.", "134. Current estimates for related other resources in 2012-2013 are $136 million, compared to $80 million for 2010-2011, as presented in table 6, section II. This represents an estimated increase of $56 million, or 80 per cent. These amounts are presented in table 1 as a part of resources available, income and adjustment: bilateral/multilateral and other local resources. They represent: interest income; the attribution of project costs that are locally managed and flow through country-office extrabudgetary accounts (formerly implementation support services); and the attribution of project costs that are centrally managed and flow through corporate extrabudgetary accounts (see paragraphs 93 to 94).", "Table 6. Cost recovery and related other resources – estimates for 2010-2011 and 2012-2013[3]", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "Challenges", "135. Historically, the identification of activities and costs and their attribution to regular and other resources followed a relatively simple and unambiguous approach. The activities and costs of staff located in government ministries and project sites were considered programme related and thus chargeable in whole to the concerned regular- or other resources-funded programme or project. In contrast, the activities and costs of staff located in UNDP country offices were considered management related and thus chargeable in whole to regular or other resources funding from the institutional budget or extrabudgetary account. This is clearly no longer the case due to the dynamic mandate, multi-funded nature and evolving implementation arrangements of UNDP, including increased focus on advocacy and policy advice.", "136. In principle, all project activities and their associated costs, as defined in the Country Programme Action Plan, annual project workplans and project documents are incurred by government counterpart agencies. This is the national execution/national implementation modality (NEX/NIM) and assumes that programme countries carry out all project implementation activities and translate all project inputs into concrete development results and outputs. This also implies that 93 per cent of donor-provided cost sharing and trust fund resources under the NEX/NIM modality (97 per cent for programme-country cost sharing) are spent directly on project activities by government ministries, institutions and agencies. This also implies that all related institutional costs are fully recovered by UNDP as extrabudgetary resources through the application of the 7 per cent cost-recovery policy with respect to general management services approved by the Executive Board in decision 2007/18.", "137. Furthermore, in accordance with the NEX/NIM accountability framework that describes the roles of programme country governments and UNDP, all oversight and related activities of UNDP (i.e., general management services) should be funded from the institutional budget or extrabudgetary account. In addition, in accordance with the policies and procedures of UNDP, all implementation-related activities undertaken by UNDP should be directly charged to the concerned project or programme. This applies equally to the NEX/NIM modality when the Government is the implementing partner and UNDP is the responsible party, and to the direct implementation (DIM) modality when UNDP is the implementing partner.", "138. UNDP currently faces three interrelated and mutually dependent challenges with respect to further defining the role played by other resources in contributing to the institutional and development results and overall funding of the organization. The first challenge relates to issues highlighted in the change agenda with respect to different country requirements which preclude one-size-fits-all approaches, service-driven menus and formula-based presence. This challenge is largely being addressed within the change agenda and related initiatives on country-office typologies, modalities of project implementation and the programming arrangements.", "139. The second challenge relates to arriving at more transparent and optimal ways of attributing costs, and their sources of funding, to either development or institutional activities. The enhanced attributing of centrally managed costs (discussed in paragraphs 93 to 94) and the improved application and monitoring of activities under the NEX/NIM accountability framework (discussed above) should largely address this challenge.", "140. The third challenge relates to improved alignment between the resources that flow into the extrabudgetary account and the funding of the institutional activities that underpin development activities funded from other resources. Extrabudgetary resources are largely generated through the application of the cost-recovery policy. This policy calls for the recovery of a minimum of 7 per cent on all third-party cost sharing and trust fund contributions[4], and a minimum of 3 per cent on all government cost-sharing contributions, in order to fund related institutional activities (i.e., general management services). Institutional activities funded from regular resources should not unduly support (subsidize) activities attributed to other resources. Similarly, cost-recovery generated resources in the extrabudgetary account should not be used to fund project implementation activities carried out by UNDP. Improved extrabudgetary account management and strengthened monitoring should satisfactorily address this issue.", "141. In previous budgets, the calculation of the UNDP variable indirect recovery rate for bilateral and multilateral donor resources was based on the concept of the base structure, defined in DP/2010/3 as the minimum capacity that the organization needs in order to carry out its core mandate. This is presented in the following paragraphs for 2012-2013, in line with the cost-recovery methodology reflected in the report on UNDP strategic cost management and implications for cost recovery (DP/2004/35) and the report on the assessment of the cost-recovery policy (DP/2007/36). For comparability, figures are presented using the classification of costs in effect for previous bienniums.", "(a) Total biennial cost of the UNDP structure: $1,169 million.[5]", "(b) (Minus) base structure: -$538 million.[6]", "(c) Variable indirect costs: $631 million.", "142. The objective is to fund variable indirect costs of $631 million proportionally between regular (20.5 per cent) and bilateral/multilateral donor resources (79.5 per cent)[7], which are attributed as follows:", "(a) To regular resources: $129 million. (20.5 per cent times $631 million.)", "(b) To bilateral/multilateral donor resources: $502 million. (79.5 per cent times $631 million.)", "(c) Total variable indirect costs: $631 million.", "143. In principle, the indirect cost-recovery rate for bilateral and multilateral donor resources is arrived by (i) taking the $502 million of variable indirect costs attributed to these donor resources, and (ii) dividing this figure by the corresponding amount of planned bilateral/multilateral donor programme expenditures of $7,494 million (table 1, section 2 A.1, “Programmes”). This results in an indirect cost-recovery rate of 6.70 per cent ($502 million / $7,494 million = 0.0670).", "144. Within the context of evolving differentiation in services and presence, the above approach, which was originally approved in the 2004-2005 budget, may no longer be applicable for the purpose of determining an equitable burden-sharing of institutional costs between regular and other resources. The base structure and related cost-recovery policy will therefore be revisited in an inter-agency context as part of the joint road map to an integrated budget from 2014 onwards.", "Summary table 1. Comparison of 2010-2011 resource plan with actuals/estimates[8]", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[] Summary table 2. Regional resource plan[9]", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "Summary table 3. Proposed changes in senior posts", "[]", "Summary table 4. Budget estimates, by expense category, for regular resources", "(in millions of dollars, nominal)", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources, continued", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources, continued", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources, continued", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources, continued", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources, continued", "[]", "Summary table 5. Posts by location – total resources, continued", "[]", "Annex 1", "Methodology", "1. UNDP prepared its institutional budget according to the results-based approach, where resources are requested based on results to be achieved rather than by input category or by broad strategic objective. To start, an institutional result framework was established in context of the midterm review of the strategic plan. Organizational capacity to deliver the results was then assessed, leading to the identification of priority areas that would require additional or new investments, as well as areas where reductions could be realized. The resulting budget was then stated in 2012-2013 terms, incorporating currency and inflationary factors, as well as salary and entitlement-related adjustments.", "Establishing institutional results", "2. The institutional budget is based on the same institutional results, performance indicators, baselines and targets that were presented in the midterm review of the strategic plan. In order to ensure accountability for the achievement of planned results, units were designated as “corporate sponsors” for each institutional result. Corporate sponsors are responsible for leading the process for defining results – selecting performance indicators and setting baselines and targets – as well as for monitoring, assessing and reporting performance against these results to senior management. Accountability for delivery of planned results accrues to the concerned operational units at both Headquarters and country-office levels.", "Assessment of organizational capacities and identification of volume changes", "3. The second step in developing the institutional budget was to assess organizational capacity to deliver the management results, leading to the identification of priority areas that would require investment, as well as areas where efficiency gains could be realized. Based on this assessment, and using the existing organizational capacity as a base, the real increases or decreases in requirements were calculated and designated as volume changes. Volume changes, as defined, represent the controllable elements in the estimates, which are subject to the executive head’s assessment of what resources the organization requires to deliver the results to which it has committed. Such volume changes were calculated at the same price levels as the approved appropriations in order to facilitate comparison with the currently approved base.", "Various cost adjustments", "4. To the approved appropriations and volume changes are added cost increases or decreases attributable to changes in rates or conditions principally tied to salary and related entitlement cost adjustments. These typically reflect known changes that have occurred in the two years since the preparation of the last institutional budget. Such cost factors include, for example, decisions of the ICSC on a variety of staff entitlements (such as dependency allowance, education grant) and changes in the average step of posts by grade level. These adjustments may also include estimates to cover within-grade increments for staff if the experience of the organization so warrants. Normally, but not exclusively, such cost adjustments apply to staff costs. An example of this type of cost adjustment for operating expenses would be a change in rate per square foot due to a relocation of premises.", "Currency adjustments", "5. Currency adjustments are then calculated, by year, on the total of approved appropriations, volume and various cost adjustments. Currency adjustments represent the difference between the United Nations operational rate of exchange in effect during the time of preparation of the current institutional budget and the rate of exchange in effect during the preparation of the proposed budget. This factor is of particular importance given the large number of UNDP country offices where operating costs vary greatly with the strength or weakness of the dollar.", "Inflation adjustment", "6. To complete the picture and develop the final estimate of requirements for the next biennium, the organization must adjust or estimate inflation over a four-year period. These adjustments are calculated, by year, on the total of approved appropriations, volume and various cost adjustments, as adjusted for currency as follows:", "(a) For the first year of the current biennium to the first year of the proposed biennium. The existing estimates already embody earlier estimates of inflation. The inflation adjustment for this transition therefore includes:", "(i) The difference between the application of earlier estimates and the actual inflation for the first year of the current biennium.", "(ii) The difference between the application of earlier estimates and the revised inflation projection for the second year of the current biennium.", "(iii) The inflation projection for the first year of the proposed biennium.", "(b) For the second year of the current biennium to the second year of the proposed biennium:", "(i) As in (a) above.", "(ii) As in (a) above.", "(iii) As in (a) above.", "(iv) The inflation projection for the second year of the proposed biennium.", "7. In order to arrive at these estimates of inflation, four inflation factors for each location are adopted for each year:", "(a) The estimated movement of post adjustment for international professional staff.", "(b) International travel and common staff costs for international professional staff. (This is the same for all locations.)", "(c) Salaries and common staff costs for local staff, i.e., in the national officer, general service and other categories, which may vary significantly from location to location.", "(d) All other costs, such as operating expenses.", "8. Within this general framework, New York and Geneva are treated separately from field offices. For these locations, the rates used are the same as those used by the United Nations unless specific contractual commitments differ.", "9. Apart from a limited number of cost elements, such as international travel and the common staff costs of international staff, the inflation factors for field offices must be location-specific. Estimates are compared with past experience and current global patterns and/or information available, and are published before being applied to the budget estimates.", "Annex 2", "Terminology", "(Terms on which common agreement has been reached and their corresponding definitions are given below)", "Appropriation line (definition similar to those included in the financial regulations of UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF): A subdivision of the appropriation for which a specific amount is shown in the appropriation decision and within which the executive head of an organization is authorized to make transfers without prior approval.", "Base structure: Minimum capacity that the organization needs in order to be able to deliver on its core mandate; represents part of the fixed costs of the organization. The base structure of the organization is always funded from regular resources and was introduced in document DP/2003/28.", "Cost (increase/decrease): Any increase or decrease in the cost of a resource input in the budget period compared with that in the previous budget period, arising from changes in costs, prices and exchange rates.", "Cost, mandatory: Cost of a resource input, or any increase thereof during the institutional budget period, mandated by specific decisions, legislated by the United Nations General Assembly and/or the Executive Board.", "Development effectiveness activities: Activities of a policy-advisory, technical and implementation nature that are needed for achievement of the objectives of programmes and projects in the focus areas of the organizations. These inputs are essential to the delivery of development results, and are not included in specific programme components or projects in country, regional or global programme documents.", "Enterprise resource planning: A management information system that integrates and automates business practices associated with the operations of an organization; or multi-module application software that helps an organization to support such systems; or a combination of the above.", "Extrabudgetary resources: General management services earned from donor co-financing and programme country cost sharing. Also applies to funds recovered for reimbursable services provided to United Nations organizations by UNDP Headquarters units and country offices.", "Functional cluster: One or more discrete organizational units within a functional area that directly supports the management of the organization.", "Gross budget: For voluntarily funded organizations, the budget in which staff costs are estimated on a net basis (i.e., exclusive of staff assessment) and all other costs are estimated on a gross basis, i.e., inclusive of income tax payments for staff, total local office costs and costs of services to be rendered.", "Institutional budget: The budget of the organization covering a set of functions that support the operational activities of the organization over a two-year period based on a set of defined results derived from the strategic plan.", "Local posts: national officer and general service level posts.", "Net budget: For voluntarily funded organizations, the budget which reflects estimates of income to be expected. This income offsets, in whole or in part, the related gross budget estimates.", "Other resources: Resources of a voluntarily funded organization, other than regular resources, that are received for a specific programme purpose (other resources relating to programmes) and for the provision of specific services to third parties (other resources relating to reimbursements).", "Other resources relating to programmes: Resources of a voluntarily funded organization, other than regular resources, that are received for a specific programme purpose that is consistent with the aims and activities of the organization. These will include voluntary contributions, other governmental or intergovernmental payments, donations from non-governmental sources, miscellaneous income and related interest earnings.", "Other resources relating to reimbursements: Resources of a voluntarily funded organization that are received from third parties to cover the cost of providing specific services not related to carrying out programmes entrusted to it for implementation.", "Programmes: Activities traced to specific programme components or projects which contribute to the delivery of development results contained in country/regional/global programme documents or other programming arrangements.", "Programming arrangements: The legal framework containing the principles and parameters for the distribution of regular resources supporting development activities.", "Regular resources: Resources of a voluntarily funded organization that are comingled and untied. These will include pledges of voluntary contributions, other governmental or intergovernmental payments, donations from non-governmental sources and related interest earnings and miscellaneous income.", "Special purpose activities: Special purpose activities include non-UNDP operations administered by UNDP, and capital investments.", "Various cost adjustments: Cost increases/decreases attributable to changes in rates or conditions not tied to currency or annual inflation adjustments.", "Volume (increase/decrease): Any increase or decrease in resource requirements attributable to changes in the level or nature of activities carried out by an organization during the current budget period and those proposed for the forthcoming budget period. Volume is expressed using the same cost factors applicable for the approved appropriations to permit direct comparison of these changes relative to the level of activities approved for the current budget period.", "Annex 3", "Abbreviations and acronyms", "BCPR Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery", "BDP Bureau for Development Policy", "BOA Board of Auditors (United Nations Board of Auditors)", "BoM Bureau of Management", "DAC Development Assistance Committee", "DOCO Development Operations Coordination Office", "DSS United Nations Department of Safety and Security", "GLOC Government contributions to local office costs", "ICSC International Civil Service Commission", "IPSAS International Public Sector Accounting Standards", "JIU Joint Inspection Unit", "OAI Office of Audit and Investigations", "OPB Office of Planning and Budgeting", "PAPP Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People", "POPP Programme and Operations Policies and Procedures", "TRAC Target for resource assignment from the core", "UNCDF United Nations Capital Development Fund", "UNDAF United Nations Development Assistance Framework", "UNDG United Nations Development Group", "UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund", "UNV United Nations Volunteers", "[1] 2012-2013 estimates can be tied into table 1 (Resource plan) per paragraph 21.", "[2] Net and gross appropriations for 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 tie into table 2.", "[3] 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 estimates are included in table 1 “resources available” section, see paragraphs 133 to 134.", "[4] Two waivers were granted in 2010: (i) nil fee for a contribution to the Office of the United Nations Special Envoy for Haiti, and (ii) reduced fee of 4 per cent for a contribution to the Regional Multi-Donor Trust Fund for Tsunami, Disaster and Climate Preparedness administered by the Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Asia-Pacific Regional Centre).", "[5] Adjusted in line with the cost classifications used during previous bienniums. Calculated as $1,502.8 million (total resources per table 2); minus $109.0 million representing the costs of non-UNDP operations administered by UNDP ($35.6 million plus $73.4 million per table 1); minus $99.3 million representing the use of local resources attributed to: development effectiveness activities, United Nations development coordination activities and management activities ($16.2 million plus $9.3 million plus $73.8 million per table 1); minus $126 million representing direct income and costs related to the attribution of locally and centrally managed costs ($40 million plus $86 million per table 6).", "[6] Per the cost of the base structure as estimated in DP/2010/3.", "[7] The relative share of the estimated total use of regular resources ($2,081 million or 20.5 per cent) and bilateral/multilateral resources ($8,082 million or 79.5 per cent) as reflected in table 1.", "[8] Costs classified per Executive Board decision 2009/22.", "[9] Ties into table 1 (Resource plan)." ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目2", "财务、预算和行政事项", "2012-2013年度开发署机构概算", "署长的报告", "摘要", "本文载有开发署按成果预算格式编制的2012-2013年度机构概算和相关建议。它是执行局第2007/32号、第2008/15号、第2009/9号和第2011/14号决定核准的开发署2008-2013年延伸战略计划和中期审查的基础,并是它们的一个组成部分。本文也是根据开发署2011年4月启动的机构变革议程起草的。", "概算是根据执行局第2010/32和2011/10号决定提出的。这些决定核准根据开发署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)采用统一预算的联合路线图,采用统一方法对费用进行分类和按成果编制预算。", "开发署2012-2013年度机构概算与执行局第2010/1号决定核可的毛额为9.809亿美元的2010-2011年度预算相比,减少1.201亿美元(12.3%),这是前所未有的。非酌处费用增加3 110万美元(3.2%),拟议投资增加4 000万美元(4.1%),部分抵消上述减少,结果预算净减4 930万美元(5%)。这反映了不断需要执行预算纪律。这也说明必须继续对开发署投资,以确保对交给开发署使用的资源负责,并对战略计划中期审查核可的订正结果负责。因此,以毛额计,2012-2013年度开发署机构概算为9.319亿美元。预计收入将增加30万美元,可冲抵概算毛额,故收入冲抵总额增至7 540万美元。因此,以净额计,2012-2013年度开发署机构概算为8.565亿美元。", "此外,同过去两个预算期一样,署长要求在2012-2013年度拥有在需要时至多可从经常资源中拨款1 500万美元用于安全措施的特别授权,资金只可用于安全和安保部指示规定的新出现的保安任务。", "目录", "章次 页次\n组织结构图 3\n1.战略背景 6\n2.财务背景 8\n3.战略性机构成果框架 12\nA.管理 16\nB.联合国发展协调 24\nC.特殊用途 27\nD.发展实效 28\n4.2012-2013年机构预算提案 31\nA.提案概要 31\nB.其他资源 42\n 表 \n1.资源计划 4\n2.按战略计划机构产出分列的拟议预算估计数 14\n3.经常资源增加/减少的主要领域总表 32\n4.2010年按国家类别分列的政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款收入 40\n5.按地点分列的经常资源员额 41\n6.费用回收和其他相关资源——2010-2011年和2012-2013年的估计数 44\n 图 \n1.按资金类别分列的捐款,2002-2003两年期至2012-2013两年期 10\n2.总资源的估计使用情况,2012-2013年 11\n3.机构预算计划支出 43 \n 总表 \n1. 2010-2011年资源计划与实际数/估计数的比较 47\n2.区域资源计划 50\n3.拟议的高级员额变动 52\n4.经常资源按费用类别开列的预算估计数 53\n5.按地点开列的员额——总资源 54 \n 附件 \n1.方法 68\n2.术语 70\n3.简称和略语表 72", "组织结构图", "表1 资源计划", "(单位:百万美元,名义金额)", "2010年(实际数)+2011年估计数 2012-2013年度规划\n 经常 经常 双边/ 捐助 当地 资源 共计 经常 经常 双边/ 捐助 当地 资源 共计 资源 (其他 多边 资源 资源 共计 资源 (其他收入使用 多边 资源 资源 共计 收入利 资源 小计 资源) 资源 小计 用资源)^(a)", "1. 现有金源", "初期金额^(b) 353.5 — 2 782.5 3 136.0 889.0 4 025.0 263.0 — 2 171.0 2 434.0 728.3 3 162.3", "收入和调整 — —", "捐款 1 967.0 — 6 310.0 8 277.0 1 531.0 9 808.0 2 150.0 5 950.0 8 100.0 1 500.0 9 600.0", "其他^(c) (90.5) 73.0 49.5 32.0 22.2 54.2 (72.0) 75.4 49.5 52.9 22.2 75.1", "向其他联合国组织提供的 — — 50.8 50.8 — 50.8 50.2 50.2 — 50.2 服务偿还款", "现有资源共计 2 230.0 73.0 9 192.8 11 2 442.2 13 2 341.0 75.4 8 220.7 10 2 250.5 12 495.8 938.0 637.1 887.6", "2. 资源使用", "发展活动", "A.1 方案 1 072.8 — 6 455.6 7 528.4 1 606.8 9 135.2 1 141.4 7 494.4 8 635.8 1 391.5 10 027.3", "A.2 发展实施 186.6 — 86.5 273.1 19.0 292.1 192.2 98.4 290.6 16.2 306.8", "发展活动小计(A.1+A.2) 1 259.4 — 6 542.1 7 801.5 1 625.8 9 427.3 87.49% 1 333.6 — 7 592.8 8 926.4 1 407.7 10 88.11% 334.1", "联合国发展协调活动", "B.1 国家办事处支助 161.5 — 108.9 270.4 11.4 281.8 168.3 80.2 248.5 9.3 257.8", "B.2 总部支助(发展业务协调办公室) 3.2 0.2 1.2 4.6 — 4.6 3.2 0.3 2.1 5.6 — 5.6", "联合国发展协调活动小计(B.1+B.2) 164.7 0.2 110.1 275.0 11.4 286.4 2.66% 171.5 0.3 82.3 254.1 9.3 263.4 2.25%", "管理活动", "C.1 经常 484.5 67.6 299.5 851.6 76.0 927.6 529.9 68.4 333.9 932.2 73.8 1 006.0", "C.2 非经常 16.2 — 2.8 19.0 0.7 19.7 10.0 — 10.0 — 10.0", "管理活动小计(C.1+C.2) 500.7 67.6 302.3 870.6 76.7 947.3 8.79% 539.9 68.4 333.9 942.2 73.8 1 016.0 8.66%", "特殊目的活动", "资本投资", "D.1 总部电话系统更换 4.0 — — 4.0 — 4.0 —", "D.2 阿特拉斯人力资源模块升级 1.1 — — 1.1 — 1.1 —", "资本投资小计(D.1+D.2) 5.1 — — 5.1 — 5.1 — — — — — —", "开发署经营的非开发署业务", "E.1 联合国志愿人员 29.0 5.0 15.8 49.8 — 49.8 27.7 6.1 23.2 57.0 — 57.0", "E.2 联合国资本发展基金 8.1 0.2 — 8.3 — 8.3 7.9 0.6 8.5 — 8.5", "E.3 向其他联合国机构提供的有偿服务 — — 51.5 51.5 — 51.5 — 50.2 50.2 — 50.2", "开发署管理的非开发署业务小计(E.1+E.2+E.3) 37.1 5.2 67.3 109.6 — 109.6 35.6 6.7 73.4 115.7 — 115.7", "特殊目的活动小计(D+E) 42.2 5.2 67.3 114.7 — 114.7 1.06% 35.6 6.7 73.4 115.7 — 115.7 0.98%", "资金使用共计 1 967.0 73.0 7 021.8 9 061.8 1 713.9 10 100.00% 2 080.6 75.4 8 082.4 10 1 490.8 11 100.00% 775.7 238.4 729.2", "3. 资金余额 263.0 — 2 171.0 2 434.0 728.3 3 162.3 260.4 — 138.3 398.7 759.7 1 158.4", "^(a) 包括政府对当地办事处费用的捐助、联合国志愿人员方案向联合国机构提供志愿人员所得收入、以及并账计算以抵消用来偿还工作人员所付所得税的费用。", "^(b) 对2010/2011年度期初余额作了订正,以反映开发署2008-2009年度已审计财务报表中的实际数额。", "^(c) 包括利息、与兑换收益/亏损、业务准备金增加/减少有关的杂项收入和调整以及杂项支出。", "一. 战略背景", "1. 如“开发署战略计划中期审查和署长的年度报告”(DP/2011/22)所述:“开发署为推动人类发展做出重大贡献的方式是,针对快速变化的国际和国内情况,开展支持包容性、复原力和可持续性的方案规划。”此外“开发署对人类发展的贡献在于它的发展任务贯穿各领域,并作为无所不在、不偏不倚的多边合作伙伴发挥作用。开发署利用其存在和知识的广度和深度,根据伙伴的需求和优先事项,提供量身定制的备选政策和方案,从而在国家、区域和全球范围作出贡献。”", "2. 有鉴于此,战略计划的中期审查为今后3-5年(2011-2016)确立了四个全面优先事项,这些事项跨越开发署的活动领域,在着手起草下一个战略计划(2014-2017)之际,每年都要对其进行审查和评估。这四个优先事项是:㈠ 通过加强重要有利条件,在实现千年发展目标方面加快取得进展,来促成全面、有活力的可持续增长和发展;㈡ 扩大和加强治理,为方案国提供危机支助;㈢ 加强知识分享和战略方案编制,以支持变革;㈣ 确保开发署跟上21世纪,其机构效力得到加强,联合国发展系统的总体协调得到改进。", "3. 战略计划中期审查还强调:“开发署工作人员是本组织的主要资产和骨干。”审查强调,需要进一步加强战略性人力资源管理,使技能组合和工作人员队伍符合机构的需要。这对一个建立在知识基础上的提供政策咨询服务和推动人类发展的机构至关重要。开发署正在制定一项人员能力战略,以确定其未来工作人员队伍的人数、形态和技能组合。为了做到人员、时间和地点匹配得当,将通过职业技能发展、领导才能和监测方案,在政策、方案和机构服务领域建立和支持职业发展,并辅以适当鼓励措施。", "4. 署长于2011年4月启动的开发署“机构变革议程”预期将会给本机构注入新的活力,以成功实施战略计划中期审查的各项建议。为此,将进一步加强开发署作为一个建立在知识基础上的着眼于解决问题的世界机构的作用,帮助发展中国家进行变革,并帮助为此发挥整个联合国发展系统的力量。变革议程确认,恢复机构活力是开发署的一个高度优先事项,特别是鉴于发展合作领域正在发生迅速和大规模的变革,并提出了多边合作、特别是开发署目前发挥哪些作用的问题。该议程确认,开发署必须:更集中注意最需要哪些服务和哪些领域最需要服务;提高工作质量和效力的一致性;更灵活地保持它在多方参与的发展领域中的领导作用。", "5. 变革议程的基础是在三个跨部门领域改善职能和成果:内部治理;机构效力;领导才能、文化和行为。更具体地说,变革议程的预期成果是:", "(a) 培养进行战略规划和管理的文化和能力,根据明确的优先事项使用资源和采取行动;", "(b) 根据各国不同的需要提供服务;", "(c) 一支拥有最新技能的工作人员队伍,提供最佳同行机构能够提供的政策咨询;", "(d) 方案的设计和管理透明,符合设计、质量、费用和领导才能方面的标准;", "(e) 业务和履约程序速度更快,成本更低,质量更高;", "(f) 加强同现有伙伴的合作,与全球南部和其他利益攸关方伙伴关系产生重大改变。", "6. 在2012-2013年度,开发署的最高优先事项除了制定2014-2017年度战略计划外,是在执行局2011/14号决定的指导下加速实施“机构变革议程”。因此,2012-2013年度的机构概算和署长的有关提议将直接支持战略计划的制定和变革议程,具体通过以下三个主要途径:㈠ 实现机构的战略成果,作为实现发展战略成果的先决条件和基础,并做到相互促进;㈡ 继续对机构进行战略投资;㈢ 寻找更多机会来提高业务效果和效率。最终,总的目标是更快地“把开发署的业绩从良好提升到优秀”,以便最大限度帮助方案国在实地实现发展目标。", "7. 把开发署的业绩从良好提升到优秀是一个永无止境的动态进程。开发署要做到尽其所能,就要不断对自己做出改进和投资。开发署要切实满足日益复杂的需求,就要改变过去的一刀切做法,按需要提供不同的服务。开发署要继续代表联合国系统有效协调发展活动,就要有不同的结构和在各国有不同的派驻,而不是照搬一个模式。开发署要迅速在战略上确定轻重缓急并把足够的资源用到最需要的地方,在分配资源时就要有可预测性和灵活性。总而言之,要有一个处于战略地位、有足够资金和灵活的开发署,它能够与各种发展伙伴合作,有效帮助广大方案国找到可行的政策选择和具体计划,预见到人类发展将面临的多种复杂挑战并据此采取行动。", "8. 2012-2013年度机构预算是战略计划的一个组成部分。战略计划核准的订正后机构战略成果框架体现了第2010/32号决定核可的统一费用分类,根据第2011/10号决定提出了计划性管理、联合国发展协调、发展实效和特别目标方面的成果及指标。这是2012-2013年度机构预算成果规划和预算编制的中心环节,第23至83段和表2中将作详细说明。同样,2012-2013年度机构预算全面列入了战略计划中期审查核可的2012-2013经常资源和其他资源的高层资源预测。第10至22段所述和表1所列2012-2013年度资源计划概算数额和拟议数额就是据此提出的。", "9. “从2014年起采用综合预算的路线图”是全面实现预算透明和统一的指南,也是实现与儿基会和人口基金的最佳协调和可比性的指南。实现这一目标的途径是,在费用分类、成果预算编制、成本回收以及预算内容的编写和列报各方面改进方法。开发署准备按执行局第2011/10号决定和执行局联合非正式协商所述,从2014年起提出综合预算,在非正式协商中讨论了路线图的内容、方向和执行日期。综合预算最终将把目前机构预算中的机构成果规划和资源以及目前方案编制安排中的发展成果规划和资源并入一个规划和预算框架。", "二. 财务背景", "概览", "10. 表1显示2012-2013年度的资源计划。为了提供所掌握的2010年和2011年最新数据,将2010年的实际数与2011年的订正估计数合并列出,以供比较。这些数字取自于总表1,该表按执行局要求,将第2010/1号决定核可的2010-2011年度资源计划和2010年度实际数和2011年度订正数、合并估计数做了比较。", "11. 表1显示,战略计划中期审查核定2012-2013年度经常资源捐款估计数为21.5亿美元。这比2010-2011年度收入预测数19.7亿美元名义上增加了1.8亿美元。但与总表1显示的2010-2011年度最初计划的经常资源捐款23.5亿美元相比,减少了2亿美元。", "12. 开发署需要一个足够、可预测的经常资源基础,以执行其任务,在支持方案国实现发展目标过程中维持其多边、公正和普遍的性质。人们普遍讨论了恢复联合国发展活动的增长和加强定期为活动提供资金的可预测性问题,包括在最近进行的三年度全面政策审查中和在与此相关的大会第56/201、59/250和62/208号决议中。但是,全球经济危机和变化不定的汇率继续带来挑战,特别是对开发署的战略方向和可持续性带来挑战。如果自愿捐款数额达不到DP/2011/22号文件所列订正综合资源框架规定的目标,就会危及战略计划。受捐款不足影响的不仅仅是开发署,因为资金短缺也威胁到开发署代表联合国系统维持一个强有力的全球平台和在各国派驻人员的能力。", "13. 鉴于上述情况,署长建议,与第2010/1号决定核可的毛额为9.809亿美元的2010-2011年预算相比,减少1.201亿美元(12.3%),这样幅度的减少是前所未有的。上述减少冲抵非酌处费用增加的3 110万美元(3.2%)和拟议投资增加的4 000万美元(4.1%),结果是预算净减4 930万美元(5%)。2012-2013年度机构拟议预算毛额为9.319亿美元,预计将会有75.4亿美元的收入可作抵补,因此2012-2013年度机构拟议预算净额为8.565亿美元。", "14. 上述建议强调,需要通过控制管理费用和提高效率来节制预算,这样做又可将尽可能多的资源用于发展活动。预计这一建议最终会实现适当平衡,确保对交给开发署使用的资源有最大程度的问责,取得延伸战略计划规定的成果。", "15. 毛额减少1.201亿美元是署长核批的机构缩编战略的成果,以做到合理和公平分摊资源的缩减。建议的核减涉及:㈠ 提高业务实效,包括冻结职位;㈡ 完成2010-2012年度拨资的一次性投资;㈢ 将费用转到预算外资源,以便按执行局在第2005/33、2006/30、2007/18、2008/1和2010/1号决定中一再提出的要求,更好地分散负担;㈣ 增加集中管理费用分计的透明度。署长认为,要消化所述1.201亿美元以外的削减,就会对开发署产生不利影响,影响开发署通过普遍派驻机构和人员执行发展和协调双重任务的成功。", "16. 法定费用估计数增加3 110万美元,主要是由于通货膨胀对工作地点差价调整数以及其他福利支出和正常职等内加薪数额产生的影响。这些费用的增加是通过国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会)颁布的联合国全系统标准、指令和计算产生的。因此不能酌处,必须照办。", "17. 署长根据战略计划规定的组织优先事项和需要,确定了数个2012-2013年的重点投资领域。下文概述这些投资领域,详细内容见第96至118段:", "(a) 实施变革议程,注重加强内部战略规划和管理能力,并改进成果管理作法,以支持拟定下一个战略计划和成果框架;", "(b) 按照变革议程,加强战略人力资源管理,注重工作队伍和工作分析以及人才管理;", "(c) 加大对脆弱过渡国家的支助,注重南苏丹和阿拉伯国家区域;", "(d) 拟定全球发展议程,注重加快实现千年发展目标的速度,筹备联合国可持续发展(里约+20)大会,以及实施“国际援助透明度倡议”;", "(e) 加强机构增值服务和问责,重点是《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)的采用、战略业务信息、精简业务程序以及加强调查能力。", "资源预测", "18. 图1概述6个两年期按资金类别分列的捐款实际数额和2012-2013年估计数。按名义价值,2012-2013年经常捐助资源预计为21.5亿美元。用于信托基金和分摊费用的其他捐助资源预计名义上将减少约3.6亿美元(6%),从目前估计的2010-2011年63亿美元,降至2012-2013年59.5亿美元。东道国政府提供的当地资源预计名义上也将减少约3 000万美元(2%),2012-2013年降至15亿美元。2012-2013两年期捐助方和地方捐款总额估计为96亿美元,比2010-2011年的估计数少2亿美元。 图1 按资金类别分列的捐款,2002-2003两年期至2012-2013两年期", "(百万美元,名义额)", "19. 图2概述2012-2013年预计资源总数(约117.3亿美元)的使用情况,其中,约88.11%将用于发展活动,8.66%用于管理活动,2.25%用于联合国发展协调活动,0.98%用于特殊目的活动。2012-2013年计划发展支出占计划使用资源总数的88.11%,与目前估计的2010-2011年使用情况(87.49%)相比,有所改进。同样,2012-2013年计划管理支出占计划使用资源总数的8.66%,与目前估计的2010-2011年使用情况(8.79%)相比,也有所改进。", "图2 总资源的估计使用情况,2012-2013年", "[]", "20. 表1列报开发署2012-2013年资源计划,涵盖经常资源和其他资源,提出了开发署的综合资源规划框架,按照第2009/22号和第2010/32号决定核定的类别,对活动进行分类。资源计划有3个部分,涵盖捐助资源和当地资源,开列为:", "(a) 可用的总资源估计为128.9亿美元,包括结余31.6亿美元,捐款96.0亿美元,以及其他收入1.3亿美元;", "(b) 预计使用资源117.3亿美元,包括发展活动103.3亿美元,联合国发展协调活动2.6亿美元,管理活动10.2亿美元,以及特殊目的活动1.2亿美元;", "(c) 资源结余约为11.6亿美元。", "21. 本文件载列有关管理活动、发展实效活动、联合国发展协调活动和特殊目的活动的表、图和文字,辅助说明2012-2013年资源计划。表2载列将由经常资源和其他资源供资的机构活动的预算估计数。为将表2与表1的数额“联系”起来,应注意下列内容:", "(a) 2012-2013年,发展实效活动计划使用资源共计3.068亿美元(表1)。其中包括:", "㈠ 经常资源1.922亿美元:表2列报1.345亿美元,加上未列入表2的5 770万美元经常方案资源;", "㈡ 其他资源1.146亿美元(9 840万美元加1 620万美元):表2列报1.036亿美元,加上未列入表2的1 100万美元其他方案资源。", "(b) 2012-2013年,联合国发展协调活动计划使用资源共计2.634亿美元(表1)。其中包括:", "㈠ 经常资源1.715亿美元,加上预算的经常资源收入30万美元:表2列报1.468亿美元,加上未列入表2的2 500万美元经常方案资源;", "㈡ 其他资源9 160万美元(8 230万美元加930万美元):表2列报6 160万美元,加上未列入表2的3 000万美元其他方案资源。", "(c) 2012-2013年,管理活动计划使用资源共计10.160亿美元(表1)。其中包括:", "㈠ 经常资源5.399亿美元,加上预算的经常资源收入6 840万美元:表2列报6.083亿美元;", "㈡ 4.077亿美元:表2列报其他资源3.339亿美元加7 380万美元。", "(d) 2012-2013年,特殊目的活动计划使用资源共计1.157亿美元(表1)。其中包括:", "㈠ 经常资源3 560万美元,加上预算的经常资源收入670万美元:表2列报4 230万美元;", "㈡ 表2列报其他资源7 340万美元。", "22. 第四章阐述开发署支助预算估计数的具体提议和所涉费用问题,以及署长有关2012-2013年的提议。", "三. 战略性机构成果框架", "背景", "23. 战略计划是开发署唯一的总体成果框架。机构预算是根据战略性机构成果框架和框架中高层有关2012-2013年的资源预测制订的,并与之完全相符。表2列报2012-2013年机构预算估计数,估计数与下文所述计划产出直接挂钩。从2014年开始,开发署将采用综合预算,用一个经常资源成果和预算框架,来涵盖机构预算目前开列的机构成果和资源以及方案拟定安排目前开列的发展成果和资源。", "24. 2012-2013年机构预算是协同人口基金和儿基会一起编制的,并不断接受执行局的指导。因此,2012-2013年机构预算为2014年起开始采用综合预算奠定了基础,符合近期在与执行局进行联合非正式讨论中讨论和确认的开发署、人口基金和儿基会有关“综合预算路线图”的联合非正式说明。", "25. 更具体地说,2012-2013年机构预算全面采用第2009/22号决定核准并由第2010/32号决定进一步修订和统一的费用分类。该预算还全面采用第2011/10号决定核准的统一成果预算编制办法,其中包括:㈠ 更注重成果,并与延伸战略计划的订正战略性机构成果框架全面挂钩;㈡ 采用职能组,加强2012-2013年拟议预算与相应的计划战略性机构成果之间的联系;㈢ 使用统一的重要预算表格,包括:资源计划(表1);2010-2011年支出计划数与实数/估计数的比较(总表1);2012-2013年拟议预算估计数(表2)完全符合下文所述订正战略性机构成果框架。", "成果预算编制", "26. 机构成果框架为实现战略计划中的发展成果提供支撑和直接支持。该框架涵盖管理、联合国发展协调、特殊目的和发展实效各领域的预定战略性机构活动,所有这些活动是开发署借以满足方案国对发展和协调服务需要的业务基础。机构成果框架内的各项活动和职能是相辅相成的。它们还与发展成果框架有固有的联系,因为它们直接支持为按需交付发展服务营造一个有利环境。", "27. 例如,人力资源有关活动列在管理项下,管理局人力资源处(人力处)投入大量时间和资源,及时评估、征聘和安置合格的驻地协调员候选人,驻地协调员的时间主要列在联合国发展协调项下。同样,管理局安保办公室的费用开列在管理项下,它投入大量时间和资源,评估和加强开展发展与协调活动的总体安全环境。", "28. 机构成果框架的周期为:㈠ 规划战略性机构成果;㈡ 选择相关指标、基线和目标;㈢ 拨付和分配实现战略性机构成果的资源;㈣ 实施和监测计划活动;㈤ 报告已实现的实际成果。", "29. 原则上,规划战略性机构成果以及选择指标、基线和目标在拟定战略计划时进行。对于2012-2013年机构预算,上述活动在2008-2013年延伸战略计划的中期审查期间进行。拨付和分配资源在2012-2013年机构预算活动内进行。计划活动的开展和监测工作在年度综合单位工作规划活动内进行。在这方面,每个单位编写一份年度综合工作计划,说明要实现的成果以及需要的投入和资源。这为管理人员和工作人员监测自己的活动提供一个客观基础。年度综合工作计划基本上是根据战略计划提出的成果制订当地。署长在有关战略计划的年度报告中,汇报计划成果与已实现成果的对比情况。年度财务报表和“财务状况年度审查”根据核准的费用类别列报各项支出。", "30. 每一项战略性机构成果有一个牵头单位或一组牵头单位,该单位被指定为主持者,负责:㈠ 拟定成果;㈡ 界定“SMART”指标(具体、可计量、可实现、相关和有时限);㈢ 确认基线;㈣ 确定目标;㈤ 报告成果。实现战略性机构成果的责任不是只由主持单位承担。这样的责任可能与数个非主持单位分担,或由整个组织承担。", "31. 为每一个战略性机构成果分配大体按组织单位安排的活动职能组。这便于在计划成果与成功实现这些成果所需要的资源(组织单位的费用)之间建立和加强透明的联系,表2对此予以列报,下文也有详细说明。开发署、人口基金和儿基会相互统一了7个经常性管理成果的职能组,使其有合理的可比性。其他所有职能组则是各机构特有的。", "表2 按战略计划机构产出分列的拟议预算估计数[1]", "(百万美元,名义额)", "经济资源 其他资源 总资源 2012-2013年提议\n 订正战略计划产出 职能组 2010-2011年 数量 2010-2011年估计数 2012-2013年估计数 2010-2011年估计数 2012-2013年估计数 调整后的核定批款^(a)", "数额 % 费用 2012-2013年估计数", "A.一.经常性管理活动", "1.提供有效的领导和指导,推动完成开发署的任务和使命 机构领导和指导 11.4 1.0 8.8 0.2 12.6 5.8 5.9 17.2 18.5", "2.在国家办事处、区域局和方案局各级,成果实现情况问责得以改进 国家办事处的监督、管理和业务支助 335.1 (10.0) -3.0 17.0 342.1 247.1 250.5 582.2 592.6", "3.开发署人力资源得到有效管理,以吸引、发展并留住一支有才干和多样化的队伍 机构人力资源管理 73.3 (4.4) -6.0 3.8 72.7 30.7 41.6 104.0 114.3", "4.新的战略伙伴关系得到发展,沟通重点得以增强,以加强开发署的战略定位 机构对外关系和伙伴关系、沟通和筹集资源 32.3 1.5 4.6 1.9 35.7 25.9 27.5 58.2 63.2", "5.有效果好、效率高的财政、信通技术、采购、法律和行政政策、程序和各种系统来满足方案需求 组织财务、信通技术、法律和行政管理 62.4 (8.6) -13.8 1.4 55.2 44.9 47.7 107.3 102.9", "6.工作人员和房地的安全以及方案交付更安全的环境得到加强 全球工作人员和房地的安全 47.4 (16.6) -35.0 2.1 32.9 16.4 26.6 63.8 59.5", "7.提供独立的机构监督以及合理的保证 机构监督和保证 48.0 (1.5) -3.1 0.6 47.1 5.5 7.9 53.5 55.0", "A.一 经常性管理活动小计 609.9 (38.6) -6.3 27.0 598.3 376.3 407.7 986.2 1 006.0", "A.二.非经常性管理活动", "1.有效果好、效率高的财政、信通技术、采购、法律和行政政策、程序和各种系统来满足方案需求 组织财务、信通技术、法律和行政管理 16.2 (6.3) -38.9 0.1 10.0 — — 16.2 10.0", "A.二 非经常性管理活动小计 16.2 (6.3) -38.9 0.1 10.0 — — 16.2 10.0", "A.管理活动(经常性+非经常性)小计 626.1 (44.9) 7.2 27.1 608.3 376.3 407.7 1 002.4 1 016.0", "B. 联合国发展协调活动", "1.开发署对驻地协调员系统的管理得到加强 国家办事处联合国发展协调支助", "2.联合国发展系统对驻地协调员系统的掌管得到加强 147.1 (11.1) -7.5 7.3 143.3 56.4 59.5 203.5 202.8", "3.就方案拟订和共同业务活动为联合国国家工作队提供有效协调和协助 总部联合国发展协调支助 3.9 (0.3) -7.7 (0.1) 3.5 1.9 2.1 5.8 5.6", "B.联合国发展协调活动小计 151.0 (11.4) -7.5 7.2 146.8 58.3 61.6 209.3 208.4", "C. 特殊目的活动", "1.通过高效率和高效益管理来满足志愿人员方案的方案需求 支助自愿人员方案 40.9 (7.2) -17.6 0.1 33.8 18.3 23.2 59.2 57.0", "2.通过高效率和高效益管理来满足资发基金方案需求 支助资发基金 9.6 (1.0) -10.4 (0.1) 8.5 — — 9.6 8.5", "向联合国其他组织提供有偿服务 40.9 50.2 40.9 50.2", "资本投资 5.1 (5.1) -100.0 — — — 5.1 —", "C.特殊目的活动小计 55.6 (13.3) -23.9 — 42.3 59.2 73.4 114.8 115.7", "D. 发展实效活动", "1.国家方案拟定的质量提高 方案制订和管理支助 121.7 (9.3) -7.6 (3.7) 108.7 89.1 99.6 210.8 208.3", "2.业务网络和知识在所有区域有效促进发展成果 方案政策和知识管理支助 25.0 (1.2) -4.8 0.3 24.1 4.5 4.0 29.5 28.1", "3.有助于实现国家发展目标的南南及三角伙伴关系得到促进 南南方案制订和政策支助 1.5 — 0.0 0.2 1.7 — — 1.5 1.7", "D.发展实效活动小计 148.2 (10.5) -7.1 (3.2) 134.5 93.6 103.6 241.8 238.1", "机构预算估计数毛额共计 980.9 (80.1) -8.2 31.1 931.9 587.4 646.3 1 568.3 1 578.2", "机构预算收入估计数 (75.1) (0.3) — (75.4) — — (75.1) (75.4)", "机构预算估计数净额共计 905.8 (80.4) -8.9 31.1 856.5 587.4 646.3 1 493.2 1 502.8", "^(a) 进行了调整,以反映执行局第2010/32号和第2011/10号决定规定的费用分类和预算编制方法。", "32. 开发署的平衡计分卡系统及其SMART业绩指标是业绩管理系统的支柱,在监测实现战略性机构成果的进展方面也至关重要。平衡计分卡系统是开发署统筹规划工作的一个固有部分。机构一级的计分卡被称为“执行平衡计分卡”,其战略成果和业绩指标来源于延伸战略计划。由于订正了战略性机构成果框架,因此将更新执行平衡计分卡,以便继续与框架保持一致。执行平衡计分卡还是采用“逐级向下进行”的方式为总部单位和国家办事处制订单位一级计分卡的起点。平衡计分卡是自动的,数据实时可用。", "33. 除平衡计分卡外,开发署还依靠特定的内部数据库以及从3项重要调查中选取的一些成果,来确定业绩指标。这些调查每年独立进行。开发署伙伴调查提供发展伙伴对开发署的作用和业绩发表的意见。全球工作人员调查提供工作人员对一些工作场所问题发表的意见。通过产品和服务调查,国家办事处提供对总部单位产品和服务质量的反馈意见。平衡计分卡、调查、内部数据库以及单位一级有关综合年度计划的成果报告是报告实现计划成果业绩的基础。", "A. 管理", "战略计划产出:提供有效的领导和指导,推动完成开发署的任务和使命(统一职能组——机构领导和指导)", "34. 提供有效的领导和指导,对确保有效、及时和透明地组织、交付并报告延伸战略计划开列的组织任务、愿景和战略成果至关重要。更具体地说,开发署的领导层负责突出开发署的发展活动和联合国发展协调活动的重点,加强这些活动的影响力。领导层还负责不断精简和改进管理活动以及相关的结构和能力,提高开发署的实效,因为这是成功实现发展与协调成果的基础,并与之密切相关。2012-2013年计划进行并将影响这一成果实现情况的两项重要战略举措是:拟定并核准2014-2017年战略计划和成果框架;以及实施组织变革议程。", "35. 这一成果的产出指标来源于内部和外部。将使用3个产出指标,衡量总体业绩。这3个指标来自:㈠ 署长关于战略计划的年度报告,采用报告所述机构成果总体实现情况;㈡ 伙伴关系调查,采用调查所述方案和捐助国伙伴对开发署在4个重点领域贡献的质量和实效发表的总体意见;㈢ 执行平衡计分卡,采用根据管理费用总额在开发署费用总额中的比例计算出的总体管理效率。", "36. 执行办公室,包括业务支助组(业务组)执行局和道德操守办公室,负责这一产出的成果。执行办公室还是这一成果的主持单位。表2开列将分配给这一成果的拟议核心资金数额(行政办公室的费用):2010-2011年为1 140万美元,2012-2013年为1 260万美元。这些数字包括:因增效、转移和核减减少的50万美元,但减少额被费用增加20万美元以及新投资增加150万美元抵消。新投资用于支持实施变革议程,为此将在执行办公室设立1个国际专业人员职位,以加强战略规划和管理(50万美元)。新投资还用于支持改进全组织成果管理的各个方面,为下一个战略计划和成果框架作准备(100万美元)。表2还开列2012-2013年预算外资金估计数590万美元,2010-2011年为580万美元。", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n实现战略计划机构成果的程度来源:署长关于战略计划的年度报告\t40%的战略计划机构成果得以实现40%部分实现\t70%得以实现20%部分实现\t85%得以实现10%部分实现 \n 4%没有实现 认为开发署对以下重点领域作出有效贡献的伙伴的百分比:千年发展目标、减贫、能源和可持续发展、民主治理、预防危机与复原\t-千年发展目标:72%-减贫:53%-能源和环境:59%\t-千年发展目标:75%-减贫:60%-能源和环境:60%\t-千年发展目标:75%-减贫:60%-能源和环境:60% 来源:伙伴调查\t-民主治理:60%\t-民主治理:65%\t-民主治理:65% -预防危机与复原:50%\t-预防危机与复原:60%\t-预防危机与复原:60% \n (2009年) 管理效率比例 8.8% 8.7% 8.7% \n来源:执行平衡计分卡", "战略计划产出:在国家办事处、区域和机构各级,成果实现情况问责得以改进(统一职能组——国家办事处的监督、管理和业务支助)", "37. 在开发署一级提供有力的方案指导和监督,并在国家办事处、区域局和总部方案局(各区域局、发展政策局、预防危机和复原局)一级提供良好的管理和业务支助,对确保整个开发署始终对实现预定发展和机构成果高度负责至关重要。这包括在拟定、核准和实施开发署各方案期间提供机构支助,并在国家、区域和全球各级提供日常的管理和业务支助。2012-2013年规划进行并将影响这一成果实现情况的两项重要战略举措是:在区域局一级加强战略规划和管理能力,监督方案的交付。", "38. 将采用4个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。这4个指标来自:㈠ 各区域局的平衡计分卡,采用令人满意的国家办事处业绩指标的百分比,说明国家办事处的整体有效业绩;㈡ 执行平衡计分卡,采用上报的将按期取得或已完成的成果的百分比,说明采用机构方案指导与监督的实效和情况;㈢ 执行平衡计分卡,采用得到管理人员答复的评价的百分比,说明国家办事处管理人员对经验教训和确定的最佳做法的了解和问责情况;㈣ 审计和调查处(审调处)数据库,采用已经印发的内有低评分的风险审计报告的百分比,说明需要大幅改进问责、业务实效和风险管理。", "39. 这一产出的成果由多个单位负责。各区域局、发展政策局(发展局)、预防危机和复原局(复原局)以及南南合作特设局负责提供战略规划、指导、机构监督和业务支助,国家办事处负责拟定和实施方案并有效开展业务。各区域局是这一成果的主持单位。表2开列将分配给这一成果的拟议核心资金数额(区域局的费用,加上国家办事处、发展局、复原局和南南合作特设局的管理和业务费用)。资金数额为2010-2011年3.351亿美元、2012-2013年3.421亿美元。这些数字包括:因增效、转移和核减减少的1 770万美元,减少额被费用增加1 700万美元以及新投资增加770万美元抵消。新投资用于支持实施变革议程,为此将在区域局、复原局和发展局设立7个国际专业人员职位,以加强战略规划和管理能力(350万美元)。新投资还用于加大对脆弱过渡国家的支助,为此将:在南苏丹设立1个D-2高级国家主任职位和6个当地职位;在也门设立1个D-2高级国家主任职位;在阿拉伯国家区域设立1个D-1过渡工作队负责人职位(420万美元)。表2还开列2012-2013年预算外资金估计数2.505亿美元,2010-2011年为2.471亿美元。", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n令人满意的国家办事处业绩指标的百分比\t总体加权平均值:\t45%(达到)\t55%(达到) 来源:各区域局的平衡计分卡 38%达到 \n 38%部分达到 上报的将按期取得或已完成的成果的百分比\t72.9%\t80%\t90% \n 来源:执行平衡计分卡 得到管理人员答复的评价的百分比 84.1% 90% 95% \n 来源:执行平衡计分卡 已经印发的内有低评分的风险审计报告的百分比\t12%\t低于15%\t低于15% \n 来源:审调处数据库", "战略计划产出:开发署人力资源得到有效管理,以吸引、发展并留住一支有才干和多样化的队伍(统一职能组——机构人力资源管理)", "40. 一支能干并得到战略管理的队伍,是实现延伸战略计划载列的发展和机构成果的一个必要条件。技能组合和工作人员能力必须反映组织的需要。通过改进征聘政策和继任管理,进行积极主动的队伍规划工作,将使开发署人员配置优化和性别均衡。通过加强在领导能力、管理和实务方案领域的学习,增强人才管理,加上专业认证方案,将改善职业机会与职业发展,提高工作人员的满意程度。改进业绩评估和队伍情况分析也非常重要。2012-2013年期间,这些举措预计会改进征聘、发展和留用非常能干和经验丰富的专业人士的情况,从而提升开发署的总体表现以及其向方案国提供服务的质量。", "41. 将采用4个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。这4个指标来自:㈠ 全球工作人员调查,采用其中报告的工作人员对工作环境满意状况的总体反馈意见;㈡ 执行平衡计分卡和人力处数据库,采用国际专业人员一级和高级管理人员(D1及以上)一级的女性工作人员的百分比;㈢ 产品和服务调查,采用工作人员对可利用的学习和发展机会的质量和范围的总体满意程度;㈣ 人力处的数据库,采用填补定期任用空缺、包括从候选人才库填补国家主任、副驻地代表、国家副主任和业务经理的职位平均花费的时间。", "42. 这一产出的成果由多个单位负责。开发署的部门管理人员负责在人力资源举措框架内实施并管理工作人员,人力处负责拟定所需的政策、方案、程序和队伍情况分析,并为此提供咨询和进行监测。人力处还是这一成果的主持单位。表2开列将分配给这一成果的拟议核心资金数额(人力处的费用;公务员制度委员会和内部司法服务费用的分摊;统一管理的工作人员费用和学习费用;以及联合国提供的相关有偿服务的费用)。资金共计:2010-2011年7 330万美元,2012-2013年7 270万美元。这些数字包括:因增效、转移和核减减少的840万美元,减少额被费用增加380万美元以及新投资增加400万美元部分抵消。新投资用于支持在以下领域加强战略人力资源管理:队伍和工作情况分析、人才和继任管理、征聘、职业发展、程序精简以及合同改革产生的额外工作量和相关风险,其中包括设立6个国际专业人员职位和8个当地职位。表2还开列2012-2013年预算外资金估计数4 160万美元,2010-2011年为3 070万美元。", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n 工作人员对工作环境的满意程度 66% 75% 75% \n来源:执行平衡计分卡/全球工作人员调查\t(2009年) 性别均衡所有职等\t所有职等(国际专业人员)\t所有职等(国际专业人员)\t所有职等(国际专业人员) D-1及以上 女性:45% 女性:48% 女性:50% \n来源:执行平衡计分卡/人力处数据库\tD-1及以上女性:39%\tD-1及以上女性:42%\tD-1及以上女性:45%用户对学习以及工作人员发展产品和服务的质量的满意程度\t60%(2009年)\t70%\t70% \n 来源:产品和服务调查 \n填补符合条件空缺平均花费的时间(候选人才库及其他国际专业人员)来源:人力处数据库\t填补定期任用员额平均花费18.5周。候选人才库/新指标不详\t填补定期任用员额平均花费12周,使用候选人才库中的工作人员平均花费60天\t填补定期任用员额平均花费12周,使用候选人才库中的工作人员平均花费60天", "战略计划产出:建立新的战略伙伴关系,加强沟通重点,以加强开发署的战略定位(统一职能组——机构对外关系和伙伴关系、沟通和筹集资源", "43. 开发署的战略定位高度依赖它能在多大程度上扩大发展和协调伙伴的范围和增加伙伴的数量。这反过来又将进一步增强开发署的能力,帮助方案国扩大和加强现有的同南方、联合国系统、民间社会、非政府组织以及私营部门的伙伴关系。开发署的战略定位还高度依赖于成功宣传它的任务和成绩,使全球社会更好地认识和了解开发署的发展和协调活动及管理目标。在对外宣传和伙伴关系方面采取更有战略性的做法和制订一项综合资源调动战略,是计划在2012-2013年采用的两个重大战略举措,将对本成果的实现产生较大的影响。", "44. 将用三项产出指标来衡量总体业绩。这些指标来源于:㈠ 新战略伙伴关系进展跟踪系统,该系统用同全球新兴力量共同发起的新战略伙伴关系协定、计划和(或)模式的数目来表明管理当局不断成功做出努力,扩大南南合作伙伴关系的潜在作用和影响,帮助寻找发展问题创新解决方案;㈡ 伙伴关系局平衡记分卡,同样采用同各基金会、私营部门、民间社会组织和其他合作伙伴共同发起的新战略平台或联盟的数目来表明管理当局不断成功做出努力,扩大这类合作安排的潜在作用和影响,帮助寻找发展问题创新解决方案;㈢ 执行加伙伴关系局平衡记分卡,用符合机构标准的国家办事处网站的百分比来表明开发署以透明方式在国家一级宣传其目标、活动和贡献所能达到的全球范围和质量。", "45. 伙伴关系局对这一产出的成果负责,该局也是开发署这一成果的主持机构。表2列出了拟为这一成果分配的核心资金额度(伙伴关系局的开支包括各联络处):2010-2011年3 230万美元,2012-2013年3 570万美元。这些数字计入了因增效、转移和核减而减少的100万美元,但被费用增加190万美元以及因新投资而增加的250万美元抵消。这些投资通过在伙伴关系局设立一个用于加强战略规划和管理的国际专业职位(50万美元)来支持落实变革议程。这些投资还支持编制全球发展议程,以便包括里约+20的筹备工作(100万美元)和采用国际援助透明度倡议通过的透明度标准(100万美元)。表2还列出了2012-2013年预算外资金的估计数额2 750万美元,而2010-2011年为2 590万美元。", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n同全球新兴力量共同发起的新战略伙伴关系协定、计划和(或)模式的数目。\t无/新指标\t5\t11 \n来源:新战略伙伴关系进展跟踪系统 同各基金会、私营部门、民间社会组织和其他合作伙伴共同发起的新战略平台和(或)联盟的数目\t10\t10\t11 \n来源:伙伴关系局平衡记分卡 \n国家办事处网站符合机构标准的百分比来源:执行/伙伴关系局平衡记分卡\t71%(2009)\t82%\t93%", "战略计划产出:有效果好、效率高的财政、信通技术、采购、法律和行政政策、程序和系统(统一职能组群——机构财务、信通技术、采购、法律和行政管理)来满足方案需求", "46. 及时和透明地交付发展成果和机构成果的有利环境高度依赖财务和预算、信息和通信技术、采购、法律和一般行政领域中的重要基本机构管理活动,并与之密切相关。这就要求严格和审慎地管理开发署的人力、财力、资本和信息资源。鉴于这些领域的机构管理活动具有广泛的重要性,因此,所有相关的政策、程序和系统必须是开发署的最佳做法,以便有效地管理机构风险,改进问责制,加强决策。采用公共部门会计准则、编制综合预算和加强战略性的机构资源规划系统的各项功能,是2012-2013年规划的主要战略举措,将对本成果的实现产生影响。", "47. 将用五个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。这些指标来源于:㈠ 管理局平衡计分卡,用获得好评指标的百分比,来表明这些领域的总体机构业绩;㈡ 财务数据质量“仪表板”,用达到开发署内部财务数据质量标准的业务单位的百分比,来表明遵守机构财务管理标准的情况;㈢ 执行和管理局平衡记分卡,用内部审计及联合国审计委员会审计建议在预定完成日期前得到落实的百分比,来表明落实监督机构指导意见的情况;㈣ 管理局平衡记分卡,用对信息和通信技术服务及工具感到满意的用户的百分比,来表明信息系统和通信工具的质量、可用性和实用性;㈤ 采购咨询委员会数据库,用采购咨询委员会及区域采购咨询委员会报告第一时间获批的百分比,来表明成功采用采购政策和准则进行非日常采购活动的情况。", "48. 管理局,包括局长办公室、财务和行政处、规划和预算处、信息系统和技术处、采购支助处、采购咨询委员会以及法律支助处,负责这一产出的成果。 管理局也是开发署这一成果的主持者。表2列出了拟为这一成果分配的核心资金额度(管理局开支,不包括人力处和安保处;行政首长理事会服务费用分摊额;集中管理的信通技术费用;以及联合国提供的相关有偿服务的费用)。在“A.一 管理活动——经常”类费用中,这一额度包括2010-2011年的6 240万美元和2012-2013年的5 520万美元。这些数字计入了因增效、转移和核减减少的1 920万美元,但减少额被费用增加140万美元和新投资增加1 060万美元部分抵消。这些投资通过在管理局设立一个国际专业职位加强战略规划和管理,来支持落实变革议程。这些投资还支持加强开发署的增值服务和问责,涉及采用公共部门会计准则(620万美元)和重大信息和通信技术活动(390万美元)。表2还列出了2012-2013年预算外资金的估计数额4 770万美元,2010-2011年为4 490万美元。在“A.二管理活动——非经常”类费用中,这一额度包括2010-2011年的1 620万美元和2012-2013年的1 000万美元。这些数字计入了因增效、转移和核减减少的1 620万美元,但减少额被费用增加10万美元和新投资增加990万美元部分抵消。这些投资支持加强组织的增值服务和问责,涉及采用公共部门会计准则(380万美元)和重大信息和通信技术活动(610万美元)。", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n管理局平衡记分卡获得满意评价的指标的百分比来源:管理局平衡记分卡\t32%达到57%部分达到(2009年)\t50%(完全达到)\t60%(完全达到)达到财务数据质量标准、包括符合公共部门会计准则的业务单位的百分比\t85%\t90%\t90% \n来源:财务数据质量“仪表板” \n内部审计及审计委员会审计建议在预定完成日期前得到落实的百分比来源:执行/管理局平衡记分卡\t审调处:75.7%审计委员会90%\t审调处:90%审计委员会90%\t审调处:90%审计委员会90%\n对通信技术服务和工具感到满意的用户的百分比来源:管理局平衡记分卡\t58%(2009年)\t65%\t70%采购咨询委员会及区域采购咨询委员会采购案第一时间获批的百分比。\t70%\t75%\t75% \n来源:采购咨询委员会数据库", "战略计划产出:工作人员和房地安全得到加强和方案交付工作有更安全的环境(统一职能组群——全球工作人员和房地安全)", "49. 为开发署工作人员和设施提供一个更安全、更有保障的环境,是实现发展,实现延伸战略计划中的联合国发展协调和管理成果的另一个重大前提。这要求提高全面和低成本的全球安保,包括建立、维持和采用各种安全管理和问责政策和系统。开发署将继续参加联合国安全和安保部(安保部)的外地安保方案,更好地遵守最低运作安保标准,在基层单位一级保持最新的业务连续性计划。提高道路安全防范意识,改善方案国首都与边远项目和办事分处所在地之间的应急通信能力,是预定在2012-2013年采取的重大举措,将对本成果的实现产生较大的影响。", "50. 将用两个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。这些指标源于:㈠ 执行和管理局平衡记分卡,用遵守最低运作安保标准各项要求的国家办事处的百分比来表明采用能够让工作人员安全履行职能的起码安保措施的情况;㈡ 执行和管理局平衡记分卡,用在计划制订和实际检验方面均符合业务连续性计划各项要求的国家办事处的百分比,来表明预先作好适当的准备以应对自然或人为突发或不可预见的安全威胁的情况。", "51. 为应对可能需要额外资金以支付大会规定的参加安保部外地安保方案的相关安保费用,或在2012-2013年期间改善最低运作安保标准的遵守情况,署长特别请求核准为此再支用数额最多为1 500万美元的拟议经常资源,这与2008-2009年和2010-2011年核批数额类似。到目前为止还从未动用过这一特别授权。", "52. 这一产出的成果由多部门共同负责。管理局安保处负责制订和传达各项政策和程序,并就已核准的政策和程序提供咨询意见;各区域局负责进行充分的监督;国家办事处负责充分落实和遵守已核准的各项政策和程序。管理局安保处也是开发署这一成果的主持者。表2列出了拟为这一成果分配的核心资金额度(安保处费用和开展联合国规定的各项安保活动的费用):2010-2011年4 740万美元,2012-2013年3 290万美元。这些数字计入了因增效、转移和核减减少的1 660万美元,减少额被费用增加210万美元部分抵消。表2还列出了2012-2013年预算外资金的估计数额2 660万美元,2010-2011年为1 640万美元。", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n达到最低运作安保标准的国家办事处百分比\t63%\t75%\t80% \n来源:执行/管理局平衡记分卡 符合业务连续性计划各项要求的国家办事处百分比\t79.6%\t90%\t95% \n来源:执行/管理局平衡记分卡", "战略计划产出:在开发署资源有无适当内部监管和开发署协助实现发展成果的效力和效率问题上提供独立的机构监督和合理的保证(统一职能组群——机构监督和保证)", "53. 开发署采用的经执行局第2008/37号决定核可的问责和监督制度是确保有适当的组织监督政策和程序,包括有一个运作良好的并有效开展工作的全面内部控制制度以改善运营效果、维护机构资产和管理风险的关键。这一制度还可提供令人满意的保证,确保发展、联合国的发展协调和管理活动不断采纳经验教训和最佳实践,强调延伸战略计划中的有关成果。", "54. 将用四个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。这些指标源于:", "(a) 审调处数据库,用各国家办事处、方案、项目和其他业务单位及职能部门每年发布的基于风险的审计报告的数目表明问责和监督制度的建立和运作情况令人满意;", "(b) 审调处数据库,用及时审查非政府组织或国家执行项目审计报告并发布审查书的百分比表明对非政府组织或国家执行方案和项目的外部审计工作进行适当管理和监督的情况;", "(c) 执行局网站,用及时完成方案评价以供开发署管理层和执行局在核准新的国家方案前进行审议的百分比表明方案评价的及时性和对问责、成果管理及知识管理的影响;", "(d) 评价资源中心,用获得优良评价的分散评价报告完成和上传的百分比表明开发署努力进行战略规划和有效利用分散评价以改善发展成果的情况。", "55. 审计和调查处及评价办公室对这一产出的成果负责,它们也是开发署这一成果的主持者。表2列出了拟为这一成果分配的核心资金额度(审调处和评价办公室的费用,以及联合检查组和审计委员会各项服务的分摊费用)。总费用是:2010-2011年4 800万美元,2012-2013年4 710万美元。这些数字计入了因增效、转移和核减减少的250万美元。但减少额被费用增加60万美元以及新投资增加100万美元部分抵消。这些投资通过在调查股设立两个国际专业职位(100万美元),来支持加强机构增值服务和问责。其中2012-2013年用于审计和调查活动的资源为2 690万美元,用于评价活动的资源为2 020万美元。表2还列出了2012-2013年预算外资金的估计数额790万美元,2010-2011年为550万美元。其中2012-2013年用于审计和调查活动的预算外资金估计额为550万美元,用于评价活动的预算外资金为240万美元。", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n各国家办事处、方案、项目和其他业务单位及职能部门每年发布的基于风险的审计报告的数量\t69\t74\t74 \n 来源:审调处数据库 及时审查非政府组织或国家执行项目审计报告并发布审查书\t70%(2009)\t75%\t75% \n 来源:审调处数据库 及时完成方案评价(评估发展成果:区域、全球、南南),供管理层和执行局在核准新方案前进行审议\t100%\t100%\t100% \n 来源:执行局网站 已完成并经评价办公室评定为优良的分散评价报告上传至评价资源中心的百分比\t无/新指标\t100%\t100% \n 来源:评价资源中心", "B. 联合国发展协调", "56. 关于三年期全面政策审查的大会第62/208号决议再次确认开发署为驻地协调员系统的管理机构,并重申在国家自主权框架内的驻地协调员系统对于联合国系统在国家一级高效率、高效力运作起着关键作用。因此,由开发署在国家一级和由联合国发展业务协调办公室(联发协调办)在总部和国家办事处一级为协助协调联合国系统发展活动开展的这些活动和相关费用,根据执行局的决定,归类为联合国发展协调费用。", "57. 开发署在国家一级的活动分为两大类。第一类为通常由驻地协调员在驻地协调员办公室和开发署工作人员协助下开展的联合国系统协调和代表活动。这些活动包括:㈠ 协调联合国系统的业务活动,包括共同安全职能和对区域主任小组的支助;㈡ 代表包括驻地机构和非驻地机构在内的联合国系统,以联合国系统的名义开展宣传,包括筹集资源;㈢ 协调应急、人道主义援助和救济活动。", "58. 第二类活动是通常由驻地协调员办公室和开发署工作人员为联合国系统协调工作提供的服务和业务支助。这些活动包括:㈠ 对驻地协调员办公室的行政支助;㈡ 对联合国国家工作队的行政支助,包括管理共同房地和协调通信、财务和信息技术等共享服务。它还包括应秘书长和联合国高级官员的特别要求开展的活动。", "59. 联发协调办为联合国发展集团(发展集团)提供技术支助,以便就全系统问题和政策作出决定。联发协调办以此帮助发展集团制订和推行简化和统一的政策与程序,供国家办事处在下列重要领域中采用:联合国发展援助框架(联发援框架)和联合方案、通信、信息技术、人力资源、采购、财务细则和条例、标准化审计及财务报告,以及费用回收。它们还通过提供经费、政策指导和培训,协助全面加强驻地协调员系统,并为在危机和冲突后国家的驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队提供有针对性的支助。", "60. 战略计划中期审查在联合国发展协调项下列出了下述三项战略产出,并提出相应的业绩指标、基线和目标。第一项产出是“开发署对驻地协调员系统的管理得到加强”,采用一个产出指标来衡量业绩。指标数据取自伙伴关系局平衡计分卡,用开发署依照管理和问责制报告和执行计划完成的行动的百分比,反映发展集团内部透明的问责措施,表明开发署在该集团中成功发挥作用,确保有一个有效、包容各方和负责任的驻地协调员系统。", "61. 第二项产出是“联合国发展系统对驻地协调员系统的掌管得到加强”,也采用一个产出指标来衡量业绩。指标数据取自伙伴关系局平衡计分卡,用对开发署管理驻地协调员系统的情况表示满意的联合国系统伙伴的百分比,表明伙伴对开发署作为驻地协调员系统监护和管理机构发挥作用的实效的总体反馈意见。", "62. 第三项产出是“就方案拟订和共同业务活动为联合国国家工作队提供有效协调和协助”,也采用一个产出指标来衡量业绩。指标数据取自发展集团工作计划,用联发协调办实现产出的百分比,表明联发协调办的预定活动对联合国国家工作队业务的积极影响和贡献。", "63. 对所有三项产出成果的责任是共同承担的。执行办公室、伙伴关系局、区域局和联发协调办负责提供战略指导和整体监督,驻地协调员和开发署国家办事处负责为联合国国家工作队提供实地代表、协调和业务支助。伙伴关系局是前两项成果的主持机构,而联发协调办是第三项成果的主持机构。", "64. 同以前的两年期一样,开发署进行了工作量调查,以审查与开发署国家办事处支助联合国发展协调活动有关的用时和相关费用,84个国家办事处的3 000多名工作人员参加调查,成为可以从中得出估计数的具广泛代表性的抽样。数据分析的结果再次确认,联合国发展协调工作与开发署在开发署国家办事处结构中的活动之间有不可分割的联系。例如,在开发署单位活动项下报告的工作人员时间实际上大量用于为驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队的举措提供支助。因此,驻地协调员单位为支助这些举措所需要的费用应继续在整个开发署国家办事处结构中分摊。", "65. 2012-2013年期间,在包括总部统一管理的费用(例如安保费和信通技术费)在内的国家办事处一级的费用中,有22%用于支助联合国发展协调活动,比2010-2011年的适用比率27%减少了5%。这是因为通过加强与伙伴组织的协调统一,有些联合国发展协调费用被重新划为对与开发署人员参加联合国国家工作队有关的所有国家办事处费用的管理。", "66. 表2列出拟为前两项成果分配的核心资金水平的合并数(国家办事处一级的费用占22%):2010-2011年1.471亿美元,2012-2013年1.433亿美元。这些数字包含了因增效、转变和削减而减少的1 110万美元,其中有730万美元因费用的增加被抵销。表2还列出2012-2013年预算外资金估计数5 950万美元,2010-2011年为5 640万美元。", "67. 表2还列出拟为第三项成果分配的核心资金水平(开发署负担的联发协调办经费):2010-2011年390万美元,2012-2013年350万美元。这些数字包含了因增效、转变和削减而减少的30万美元,以及费用减少的10万美元。表2还列有2012-2013年预算外资金估计数210万美元,2010-2011年为190万美元。", "战略计划产出:开发署对驻地协调员系统的管理得到加强(职能组群——国家办事处联合国协调支助)", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标 2013年目标\t\n开发署依照管理和问责制报告和执行计划完成的行动的百分比来源:伙伴关系局平衡计分卡\t80% 90%\t100%", "战略计划产出:联合国发展系统对驻地协调员系统的掌管得到加强(职能组群——国家办事处联合国协调支助)", "业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 \n对开发署管理驻地协调员系统的情况表示满意的联合国系统伙伴的百分比\t69%(2009年)\t72%\t75%\n来源:伙伴关系局平衡计分卡", "战略计划产出:就方案拟订和共同业务活动为联合国国家工作队提供有效协调和协助(职能组群——总部联合国协调支助)", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n联发协调办在发展集团工作计划中实现产出的百分比\t90%(2009年)\t95%\t100%\n 来源:发展集团工作计划", "C. 特殊用途", "战略计划产出:通过高效率和高效益管理来满足志愿人员方案的方案需求(职能组群——支助志愿人员方案)", "68. 志愿人员方案是大会设立的一个方案,由开发署管理。方案代表联合国系统调动志愿人员。这些志愿人员的工作对联合国全系统实现和平与发展的努力产生重大影响,并在开发署内对减贫战略和实现千年发展目标产生重大影响。", "69. 将用一个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。指标数据来自志愿人员方案数据库,使用为千年发展目标、人道主义、危机后和建设和平活动调动联合国志愿人员数目的百分比增幅。这一增幅表明志愿人员方案成功地满足了全球各地不断增长的招募和派任联合国志愿人员的需求。满足需求涉及志愿人员方案的基本方案和管理活动,特别是在方案制订与合作、志愿人员招募和管理、伙伴关系建设以及财务和行政方面。", "70. 联合国志愿人员方案对这一产出成果负责,该方案也是这一成果的主持机构。表2列出拟为这一成果分配的核心资金数额(开发署承担的志愿人员方案费用):2010-2011年4 090万美元,2012-2013年3 380万美元。这些数字包含了因增效、转变和削减而减少的720万美元,其中10万美元因费用增加被抵销。表2 还列出2012-2013年预算外资金估计数2 320万美元,2010-2011年为1 830万美元。", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n为千年发展目标、人道主义、危机后和建设和平活动调动联合国志愿人员和其他与志愿人员方案有关联的志愿人员数目的百分比增幅\t7960项联合国志愿人员派任和15109项在线志愿人员派任\t增加5%\t增加5%\n来源:志愿人员方案数据库", "战略计划产出:通过高效率和高效益管理来满足资发基金的方案需求(职能组群——支助资发基金)", "71. 联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)是一个通过自愿捐款筹措经费的组织,由大会设立,并由开发署管理。它通过小额金融服务和社区一级的资本投入来支持减贫工作。在国家一级的联合方案是开发署与资发基金在这些方面合作的主要方式。", "72. 将采用一个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。指标数据取自资发基金计分卡,用资发基金在其境内开展工作且联合国国家一级方案拟订框架列出它的贡献的最不发达国家的百分比,表明资发基金在人力资源、财务、信通技术及采购方面有效满足对资发基金发展服务的需求的基本管理活动能力。", "73. 资发基金对这一产出的成果负责,它也是这一成果的主持机构。表2列出拟为这一成果分配的核心资金数额(开发署承担的资发基金费用):2010-2011年960万美元,2012-2013年850万美元。这些数字包含了因增效、转变和削减而减少的100万美元和费用减少的10万美元。", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n资发基金在其境内开展工作且联合国国家一级方案拟订框架列出它的贡献的最不发达国家的百分比\t70%\t80%\t85%\n 来源:资发基金计分卡", "D. 发展实效", "74. 发展实效是在国家一级协助切实取得发展成果的那些开发署的产出。出于机构预算作业的目的,它们涵盖了那些没有具体列入方案或项目预算但是成功交付发展成果不可或缺的领域。列入战略计划的五发展实效产出中有三项获得了机构预算供资,下文对此做了阐述。", "战略计划产出:国家方案拟订工作的质量提高(职能组群——方案制订和管理支助)", "75. 高质量的国家方案拟订工作是成功取得预定发展成果的前提条件。为了提高拟订国家方案的质量,根据战略计划中期审查的建议,制订了有关指标,以便跟踪国家一级在减轻往来业务负担的同时改进方案拟订的重点和质量方面的进展。", "76. 更具体而言,将用一个综合产出指标的四个组成部分来衡量业绩,这四部分来自:", "(a) 评价资源中心,采用遵守国家方案文件评价计划的比率,包括分散质量评价的评级和管理部门回复的执行情况,表明为改进国家方案拟订工作的总体质量而进行的学习和对既定政策及标准的遵守情况;", "(b) 国家办事处平衡计分卡,采用将由业务组制订的一个新指标,来表明国家办事处编写成果报告的总体质量;", "(c) 审计委员会关于国家方案文件成果框架的意见,以表明它们的总体质量;", "(d) Atlas系统和开发署规范文件资料库,将用它们确定项目负荷和往来业务-方案拟订所需资源的百分比变化,以表明方案编制工具效率和效益的提高。", "77. 负责这一产出成果的区域局提供和采用涵盖整个方案拟订周期的总体方案制订和管理准则。区域局是这一成果的主持机构。表2列出拟为这一成果分配的核心资金数额(主要承担与方案有关的责任的国家办事处和区域中心工作人员的费用,包括副驻地代表和副国家主任、方案和通信专家、顾问、协理和助理人员):2010-2011年1.217亿美元,2012-2013年1.087亿美元。这些数字包含了因增效、转变和削减而减少的930万美元和费用减少的370万美元。表2还列有2012-2013年预算外资金估计数9 960万美元,2010-2011年为8 910万美元。", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n遵守评价政策和总体质量标准的情况来源:评价资源中心:遵守国家方案文件评价计划的比例;分散质量评价的评级;管理部门回复的执行率\t国家方案文件:28%;分散:21%管理部门回复:4年来已完成/进行中61%\t国家方案文件:50%分散:35%管理部门回复:70%\t国家方案文件:60%分散:50%管理部门回复:75%\n国家办事处注重成果的年度报告质量评级来源:业务组评定的新平衡计分卡指标\t81份注重成果的年度报告达到或超过2010年标准\t增加20%\t增加20%\n对改进后的国家方案文件成果框架的意见(SMART指标)来源:审计委\tDP/2011/14中关于2008-2009两年期的报告\t审计委观察到积极进展\t审计委观察到积极进展方案工具适合于目的:项目负荷和往来业务方案拟订所需资源的百分比变化\t待定\t减少10%\t减少10% \n来源:Atlas及方案和业务政策和程序", "战略计划产出:利用实践网络和知识在所有区域有效促进发展成果(职能组群——方案政策和知识管理支助)", "78. 开发署是一个以知识为基础的组织。因此,收集、编纂和分发发展信息是开发署的核心运作方式。2010-2011年期间,已通过推出和实施新的总体知识战略和系统加强获取和传播知识的平台,通过利用改善后的内联网、互联网和外联网能力使开发署有一个得到加强的知识管理基础。预计各项实践的整合会因此得到改善,2012-2013年期间经验教训的分享将得到加强。", "79. 将采用三个指标来衡量业绩。这些指标数据取自:㈠ 产品和服务调查,采用对总部提供的业务领导和政策指导的相关性表示满意的用户的百分比;㈡ 产品和服务调查,采用对方案和项目制订及执行支助的相关性表示满意的用户的百分比;㈢ 团队工作,采用每个月的用户数目,包括讨论、上载、建议和意见,表明这一关键知识管理工具的可用程度、有用程度和利用程度。", "80. 对这一产出成果的责任是共同承担的。发展局和复原局负责开发和传播与业务知识有关的信息和服务,并为此创造和加强有利环境。国家办事处、区域中心和区域局也要负责有效取得和成功运用现有知识。发展局和复原局是这一成果的主持机构。表2列出拟为这一成果分配的核心资金数额(发展局和复原局实践小组的费用):2010-2011年2 500万美元,2012-2013年2 410万美元。这些数字包含了因增效、转变和削减而减少的400万美元,并由以下各项抵消:费用增加30万美元和数量增加280万美元(新投资)。这些投资通过在发展局设立一个D2职等和一个当地职位,重点加强政策领导和政策整合(80万美元),支持变革议程的实施。它们还通过在12个方案国家编制千年发展目标加速框架行动计划(200万美元),支持全球发展议程的制订。表2 还列有2012-2013年预算外资金估计数400万美元,2010-2011年为450万美元。", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n对相关业务领导和政策指导表示满意的用户的百分比\t58%\t65%\t70% \n 来源:产品和服务调查 对方案/项目制订及执行支助的相关性表示满意的用户的百分比\t54%\t60%\t65% \n 来源:产品和服务调查 \n团队工作使用指标:交流、讨论、上载、建议和意见来源:团队工作\t每月500个单独用户,访问来自开发署所有区域\t1000个单独用户/月,覆盖各区域\t2000个单独用户/月,覆盖各区域", "战略计划产出:有助于实现国家发展目标的南南及三角伙伴关系得到促进(职能组群-南南方案制订和政策支助)", "81. 南南合作和三角伙伴关系是发展中国家分享发展专长和知识的高效益成功模式。开发署与南方伙伴合作,支持分享发展经验和知识。它还鼓励国家办事处在国家方案文件的范畴内支持这种活动。", "82. 将采用两个产出指标来衡量业绩。指标数据取自:㈠ 对注重成果的年度报告的审查,采用上报在南南合作活动协助下取得成果的国家办事处的百分比,表明协助取得成果的范围和规模;㈡ 伙伴关系调查,采用评定开发署干预措施有效促进南南合作的伙伴的百分比,表明国家办事处伙伴对这些干预措施总体满意程度的反馈意见。", "83. 对这一产出成果的责任是共同承担的。发展局和伙伴关系局负责建立政策和程序,并为促进互动提供指导和政策咨询。国家办事处也有责任取得和利用这种指导和政策咨询,并为南南活动分配足够的资源。发展局和伙伴关系局是这一成果的主持机构。表2列出拟为这一成果分配的核心资金数额:即南南股工作人员在总部及区域中心一级的费用:2010-2011年150万美元,2012-2013年170万美元。这些数字包含费用增加的20万美元。", "业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n在注重成果的年度报告中上报南南合作活动协助取得成果的国家办事处的百分比\t待定\t增加15%\t增加15% \n来源:区域局/业务组对注重成果的年度报告的审查 \n评定开发署干预措施有效促进南南合作的伙伴的百分比\t53%\t60%\t65%\n 来源:伙伴关系调查", "四. 2012-2013年机构预算提案", "A. 提案概要", "背景", "84. 署长提出了开发署的机构预算,前所未有地削减1.201亿美元,即与第2010/1号决定核准的2010-2011年预算毛额9.809亿美元相比,削减12.3%。削减的这些数额抵消3 110万美元(3.2%)非可控费用的增加额以及下述拟议投资的4 000万美元(4.1%)。这些提案致使预算净减4 930万美元,即5.0%。因此,提出2012-2013年机构预算毛额9.319亿美元,其中收入预计抵消7 540万美元,因此2012-2013年的机构预算净额为8.565亿美元。详情见表3,以下各段也有阐述。", "费用增加", "85. 表3中提出费用净增3 110万美元,比2010-2011年核准的批款毛额增加3.2%,表明需增加非可控名义费用,在2012-2013年间为开发署的组织结构、职能和活动提供经费。这远远低于2010-2011年间费用增加额9 150万美元,即增加10.7%。它也低于2008-2009年期间(15.1%)和2006-2007年期间(13.5%)的费用增加额。", "86. 造成相关费用调整的主要因素如下:", "(a) 费用净增1 740万美元,原因是通胀对以下各项产生影响:国际和总部当地工作人员的工作地点调整数和其他应享待遇;本国干事和国家办事处当地工作人员应享待遇;业务费用;", "(b) 由于国际工作人员和总部当地工作人员的职等内加薪以及联合国规定的本国干事及国家办事处当地工作人员薪金调整调查的结果,造成薪金待遇净增1 200万美元;", "(c) 由于对美元汇率波动的总体影响,造成因货币调整净减150万美元;", "(d) 拟议员额改叙导致净增20万美元。", "87. 通货膨胀对2012-2013两年期的全面影响估计每年为2.5%,这一数字是综合总部1.2%的年通货膨胀率和各国家办事处3.9%的年通货膨胀率计算出来的。与此相比,2010-2011两年期,年通货膨胀率估计为3.3%(总部为1.8%,各国家办事处4.5%),2008-2009两年期为4.1%(总部为3.2%,各国家办事处4.7%)。纽约和日内瓦的通货膨胀率由联合国秘书处提供,其他所有地点的由《经济学家》资料处网站提供。", "表3. 经常资源增加/减少的主要领域总表[2]", "(单位:百万美元,名义金额)", "共计 占2010-2011年核定 批款毛额的百分比", "一. 2010-2011年核定批款净额 905.8 (9.809亿美元)", "二. 费用增加(非可控)", "通货膨胀对工作人员待遇和业务费用的影响 17.4", "联合国共同制度薪金表修订的增加 12.0", "货币调整的影响 1.5", "拟议员额改叙的影响 0.2", "费用总增加 31.1 3.2%", "三. a. 执行预算纪律(数量减少)", "由于业务实效而减少 (30.6) -3.1%", "由于中央管理费用划归改进而减少 (55.2) -5.7%", "由于费用转到其他资源而减少 (13.0) -1.3%", "由于一次性投资完成而减少 (21.3) -2.2%", "数量总减少 (120.1) -12.3%", "b. 对组织的投资(数量减少)", "管理活动——经常性", "执行变革议程 6.0", "加强人力资源战略管理 4.0", "增加对脆弱过渡国家的支持 4.2", "制订全球发展议程 2.0", "加强机构的增值服务和问责 11.1", "小计 27.3 2.8%", "管理活动——非经常性", "加强机构的增值服务和问责 9.9", "小计 9.9 1.0%", "发展实效活动", "执行变革议程 0.8", "制订全球发展议程 2.0", "小计 2.8 0.3%", "数量总增加 40.0 4.1%", "数量净减少(三.a+三.b) (80.1) -8.2%", "四. 机构预算削减净额(二+三) (49.0) -5.0%", "五. 收入估计数净变动", "偿还税款抵减额(增加)/减少 (0.3)", "收入估计数变动总额 (0.3) 0.0%", "六. 机构预算削减净额(二+三+五) (49.3) -5.0%", "七. 856.5 2012-2013年批款净额估计数(一+四+五)", "八. 机构预算的预算的收入估计数 75.4", "九. 2012-2013年批款毛额估计数(七+八) 931.9", "执行预算纪律(数量减少)", "88. 针对执行局成员表达的关切,考虑到当前的全球经济危机,署长将通过进一步控制和更好地调整机构费用,继续优先注重执行预算纪律的必要性。通过采用三管齐下的办法,实现了实际数额减少1.201亿美元,即比2010-2011年核定预算批款毛额减少了12.3%。首先,要求各组织单位提高整体的业务实效,消除多余和不必要的服务和活动,确定可以削减的优先程度较低的职能,包括冻结员额(3 060万美元)。其次,在机构一级,在中央管理费用(5 520万美元)划归问题上,在单位一级,在经常预算和预算外资源更好地分担负担(1 300万美元)的问题上,查明改进费用调整的机会。最后,剔除与完成资本投资和其他投资相关的所有费用(2 130万美元)。", "89. 鉴于上述情况,拟议削减非工作人员费用9 600万美元。削减是通过以下各项措施实现的:提高业务效益(1 240万美元);在中央管理费用(5 520万美元)的划归方面改进费用调整,转向预算外资源(7 100万美元);完成资本和其他投资(2 130万美元)。", "90. 还提出削减工作人员费用2 410万美元,涉及88个员额:33个 国际专业人员员额和55个当地员额。削减是通过以下各项措施实现的:提高业务效益,包括冻结或裁撤员额(1 820万美元),转向预算外资源(590万美元)。员额减少如下:", "(a) 冻结员额:20个国际专业人员员额和23个当地员额;", "(b) 裁撤员额:4个国际专业人员员额和14个当地员额;", "(c) 转向预算外资源的员额:9个国际专业人员员额和18个当地员额。", "91. 更有效地提供政策和机构服务是2012-2013年期间的最重要优先事项,更加注重更快、更便宜和更好的业务流程,大大减少周转时间和完成任务必须开展的工作的相关费用,特别是在征聘和采购方面。将推出一系列具体措施来处理方案和项目流程冗长和经常缺少灵活性并经常妨碍国家办事处一级业务效率的问题。 将制订一套更适合国家有自主权的发展议程的灵活编制方案工具,作为精简办事处业务工作和减少不增加价值的繁琐官僚主义流程的第一个重要步骤。", "92. 将进一步控制差旅、咨询和通讯费用。还将考虑把整个机构开展的日常业务活动和事项由拥有相关人力资源和适当实际设施和信通技术设施的服务中心或全球中心集中进行的可行性。建立用于协助采用国际公共部门会计准则的全球共享服务中心的经验可为此提供指导。还将探讨进行外包的办法。将进一步利用信通技术结构,提高内部员工在战略和增值领域的能力。这些举措和正在考虑的其他举措最终将提高组织效率和少花钱多办事的能力。", "93. 开发署管理的以下方面的相关费用大都是由经常资源提供的:联合国秘书处提供的服务、共同资助的联合国系统活动、离职后健康保险、安保、信息和通信技术以及学习活动,因为经常资源是开发署大多数工作人员的经费来源。然而,随着来自费用分摊和信托基金的其他资源有所增加,其他资源提供经费的开发署工作人员人数及其管理费用在中央和本地一级都有所增加。", "94. 有鉴于此,为实现提高预算透明度和改进费用的划归,已推出一项机构举措,以根据工作人员人数和经费总额,按相应的资金来源加强集中管理的这些费用的分配。已通过不断对开发署的阿特拉斯企业资源规划系统投资和连续升级做到这一点,更好地利用和管理人事数据。为采用公共部门会计准则进行的分析也起到促进作用。因此,已确定以下方面的5 520万美元的费用可以进行更好的划归:联合国秘书处提供的服务以及参加联合国系统共同资助活动的费用(990万美元);离职后健康保险(900万美元);安保(2 570万美元);信息和通信技术、学习及离职费用(1 060万美元)。", "95. 此外,开发署进行的若干投资使它受益,增加了投资价值。已不再需要支付与这些投资的某些(资本和非经常)费用。因此,已确定以下方面总共削减2 130万美元:大会授权进行的人力资源合同改革活动和公共部门会计准则筹备活动(950万美元);知识管理投资(670万美元)以及阿特拉斯软件升级和总部新电话系统的资本投资(510万美元)。", "对组织的投资(数量增加)", "96. 提议在五个战略领域增加4 000万美元,其中包括分别为3 010万美元和990万美元的经常和非经常投资。这比2010-2011年核定拨款总额增加4.1%。提议总共新设77个职位:32个国际专业人员职位和45个当地职位。具体确定所有拟议的投资,并将其列入其相应的计划战略产出中,见关于战略性机构成果框架的第3章的有关论述。下文简要阐述了准备按照第17段开列的五个战略领域进行的投资。", "实施变革议程", "97. 在各区域局和中央局内加强战略规划和管理能力是顺利实施变革议程一个极其重要的先决条件。更具体地说,变革议程明确确定了各局的责任,包括:㈠ 在区域一级执行开发署的决定,各局都采纳这些决定;㈡ 有效地执行方案;㈢ 按照本组织的优先事项分拨资源;㈣ 监督方案质量,报告结果,并遵守机构规定;㈤ 在区域和全球开展外联工作。", "98. 战略规划和管理的重点是做到更有前瞻性。系统监测区域和全球情况应能有助于制定高质量的国家、区域和全球方案,全面考虑到开发署的战略优先事项,使开发署处于更有利的地位。 通过定期分析方案的组合,应能查明长处和短处,发现新的机会,为监测计划成果提供依据,以便分拨资源,支持有效执行方案,预先采取措施解决业绩不佳问题。这些活动最终应提高能力,系统地规划、提供和及时监测对国家办事处的支持,包括评估由中央局提供政策和机构服务的需求。", "99. 同时,将通过在发展政策局设立一个由首席经济学家领导的战略政策小组,使开发署进一步注重政策领导。该小组将就全球政策问题和新的趋势及其对国家和区域方案的影响,提供综合咨询意见。小组还将负责按照开发署的优先事项,制订和协调开发署的综合策略。", "100. 在落实关于战略计划中期审查的第2011/14号决定时,开发署务必在工作的各个方面加强注重成果管理的做法,调整战略计划成果框架和内部的数据收集系统,以便在各国和各方案中采纳更加系统和有比较性的成果数据。与此同时,开发署需要借鉴建立成果链的国际最佳做法,建立一个强有力的新成果框架,为下一个战略计划期(2014-2017年)打下基础。这项工作要求进行广泛的统计研究和分析,以便处理物有所值、组织效益以及成果与资源之间的联系等问题。", "101. 有鉴于此,署长提议用经常资源投资680万美元,支持变革议程的执行,其中:㈠ 动用500万美元,通过设立10个国际专业人员职位,直接支持加强战略规划和管理能力;㈡ 动用80万美元,通过设立1个D-2首席经济学家和1个支助工作人员职位,直接支持政策领导;㈢ 动用100万美元,为改善整个开发署成果管理的各个方面提供重要支持,以拟订下一个战略规划和成果框架。", "加强战略性人力资源管理", "102. 人的管理是变革议程的基石。变革议程打算对组织文化实行重大改革:建立一个战略上能够胜任、适应性强、有工作人员参与、业绩良好并具有共同的原则和价值观的组织。需要加强人才管理和人力资源规划工具与系统:制定人的能力建设战略,确定不同类型办事处所需要的技能,改进业务流程。", "103. 大会第63/250号决议规定根据一套统一工作人员条例做出新的人力资源合同安排。由于进行合同改革,开发计划署目前管理的国际专业工作人员增加了1 200人。相应的长期任用和定期任用的人数有所增加,离职和新任用的人数也有所增加。这种情况增加了工作量,现有数额的工作人员无法承担。在中央一级顺利消除目前积压的工作和在单位一级充分加强工作人员能力前,也无法实行权力下放。", "104. 有鉴于此,署长提议用经常资源投资400万美元。这些资源将用于:", "(a) 设立4个国际专业人员职位,专门进行简化流程、人力资源和职业分析、系统设计、职业发展以及调停和调解工作;", "(b) 优先进行业务流程的重新设计,以便人力资源管理人员有更多的时间来履行战略职能,包括人才和继任的管理以及加快征聘工作;", "(c) 设立2个国际专业人员职位和8个当地职位,以承担合同改革带来的额外工作量,有效地管理相关的风险。", "增加对脆弱过渡国家的支持", "105. 开发署预防危机和复原工作的首要目标仍然是提高各国防止或减轻危机带来的风险的能力,同时支持快速复原工作,以促进各国的可持续发展。在2012-2013年期间,一些危急情况需要开发署提供支持:包括南苏丹和阿拉伯国家区域。", "106. 在预定2011年7月9日实现分离后,南苏丹将面临建设国家的工作,要求开发署的方案重新注重以下方面:㈠ 善政和国家建设;㈡ 预防危机和复原;㈢ 包容性增长和经济发展。朱巴现有的分办事处将变成一个正式国家办事处。它将有足够的管理、方案编制和业务能力来执行一个复杂的多层面方案。", "107. 同样,阿拉伯国家区域正发生的转变要求开发署重新提供和调整它的支持。就充分反应公民意愿的转变而言,新的政治模式需要促进经济、社会和政治包容。当前政治局势不可预测,加之该区域国家履行的职能的突然减少,因此需要迅速做出反应,满足人民的当前需要,同时为长期政治转变铺平道路。因此,需要调整国家方案,以满足转变的需要,要加强国家办事处的能力,以便根据需要进行管理,支持方案执行工作和提供咨询服务。", "108. 有鉴于此,署长提议动用经常资源投资420万美元,通过设立以下职位支持转变中的脆弱国家:㈠ 在苏丹南方设立1个D-2职等的高级国家主任和6个本国干事和当地员额;㈡ 在也门设立1个D-2职等的高级国家主任;㈢ 鉴于整个区域同时发生多个危机,在阿拉伯国家区域设立1个D-1职等的转变小组组长,以协调支助工作。开发署还要为伊拉克国家办事处分阶段从安曼搬迁到巴格达提供支助。", "确定全球发展议程", "109. 2011年1月开发署启动了千年发展目标的突破战略,包括建立一个加速实现千年发展目标的框架(千年目标加速框架)。千年目标加速框架是开发署在进展明显滞后的国家加速实现千年发展目标的框架。它已在10个国家试行,编写出了高质量的千年目标加速框架行动计划。联合国发展集团其后认可了这种做法。此外,千年发展目标首脑会议已在一定程度上促使国际社会商定,有必要进一步加快实现千年发展目标的进展,其中的一个具体做法是使政府和发展伙伴更明确的商定根据千年目标加速框架行动计划预定开展的活动。这些计划重点关注阻碍加速取得进展的政策、投资和能力方面的瓶颈问题,特别是消除性别、收入和地域方面的重大差异。开发署建议支持在2012-2013年期间再制定12个千年目标加速框架国家行动计划。", "110. 由于开发署拥有独特的全球使命,因此要求它在可持续发展会议(里约+20会议)筹备工作中发挥积极主动作用。该会议将讨论后千年发展目标时期的最重要问题:如何制订今后实现可持续增长的全球蓝图,同时保护在贫穷、气候变化领域和其他重大部门已经取得的进展。开发署将在与联合国系统各伙伴密切协商后,收集、分析和汇总各种来源的多重实质性信息。预计这些活动将为构建全球促进发展动态体制框架作出重要贡献。", "111. 国际援助透明度举措是一个争取让人们更容易找到、利用和比较援助支出信息的多方利益攸关者的自愿举措,开发署是该举措的成员。参加举措的有捐助国、发展中国家、非政府组织和援助信息的专家。开发署已承诺采用符合成本效益的方式在内部分阶段采用国际援助透明度举措通过的透明度标准,向伙伴和公众提供质量更高的信息。这需要改变报告编写方式和制度,并需要重新调整和核对数据。", "112. 有鉴于此,署长建议用经常资源投资400万美元,其中:㈠ 200万美元用于支持12个方案国家扩大编写高质量的千年发展目标加速执行框架行动计划的工作;㈡ 100万美元用于支持里约+20会议编写一份探讨问题的文件,阐明绿色经济如何有助于实施可持续发展议程;㈢ 100万美元用于支持现有的数据、报告和系统能力的升级,以便成功地引进国际援助透明度举措通过的透明度标准。", "加强机构增值服务和问责制", "113. 大会第60/283号决议批准联合国全系统采用《国际公共部门会计准则》,以取代联合国系统的会计准则。《公共部门会计准则》被公营组织和非营利组织视为最佳做法。《公共部门会计准则》的采用将为联合国系统的财务报告和信息披露提供一个一致、可比和统一的平台,加强透明度和问责制。它还有助于提高财务条例和细则、业务惯例、政策和程序的统一性。开发署已预定2012年1月着手采用《公共部门会计准则》,目前的筹备阶段已取得了重大进展。不过,实施第一年,即2012年,仍然需要进行非经常性投资,以便稳定业务过程和工作流程;支持不断核实期初余额;进行员工福利负债的精算估值;进一步阐述报告和解释政策;为国家办事处提供用于解决问题的支助,以减少执行风险。", "114. 开发署将建立一个全球服务共享中心,主要向国家办事处提供关于处理公共部门会计准则复杂往来业务的经常性咨询服务和支助。中心预计将为实现规模效益和分享知识与最佳实践提供机会。它将设在有得合格人员的低成本地点。预计它将为讨论其他在开发署建立更快、费用更低和更好的业务流程的方法做出重大贡献。", "115. 在信息和通信技术领域,开发署已最后确定了2012-2013年路线图。路线图论述了信息和通信技术在提供战略咨询服务和机构增值服务以及在改进报告编写工作、合规履约和风险管理方面发挥的重要作用。开发署需要在2012-2013年期间进行非经常性投资,大幅度加强机构资源规划系统,以便加强阿特拉斯系统安全、人力资源管理、《公共部门会计准则》和方案管理方面的机构服务,同时提高因特网的能力。为了改进报告编写、合规履约和风险管理整体工作,开发署需要对成果管理、战略报告编写和数据归档等领域进行非经常性投资。", "116. 在2012-2013年期间,开发署需要在信息通信技术领域进行经常性投资,以便巩固和利用2010-2011年对内联网、因特网和外联网的战略投资以及对增强全组织知识管理和共享能力的投资。开发署重新设计和合并了内联网,以提高内部效率,支持内部成果和信息管理工具的合并和统一。现在通过内容管理系统来管理因特网,该系统让只有最低限度技术知识的网站持有者修改网站的内容、图像和结构。外联网为开发署提供机构平台,支持它与外部发展伙伴进行协作、知识共享、通信和联网。", "117. 审计和调查处调查股收到的投诉和调查请求的数目和复杂性大增。特别值得关注的是与欺诈和其他财务活动有关的涉嫌违规事件的比例有所增加。如果不迅速处理和解决,这些情况和必要的后续工作可能会妨碍工作人员的正常工作,影响战略工作的质量和增加值。因此,开发署认为必须增加对调查组能力的投资。", "118. 有鉴于此,署长建议用经常资源投资2 100万美元,以支持经强化的机构增值服务和问责制。其中1 000万美元将用于直接支持采用《公共部门会计准则》,380万美元为非经常性投资,620万美元为经常性投资,为全球服务共享中心提供资金,包括设立10个国际专业职位和30个当地职位。另有1 000万美元用于支持信息和通信技术活动,其中610万美元为非经常性投资,390万美元为经常性投资。此外,开发署拟对调查股进行经常性投资100万美元,用于设立两个国际专业职位。", "预算估计收入", "119. 2012-2013年机构预算估计收入总额为7 540万美元,比2010-2011年的收入增加30万美元。收入来自三个渠道:政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款;联合国志愿人员方案向联合国组织提供志愿者产生的收入;自愿捐款并账计算,对偿还联合国工作人员支付的薪酬所得税产生的费用进行冲销。", "120. 东道国政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款承付款估计为5 260万美元,与2010-2011年的数额相同。与志愿人员方案有关的收入预计也将维持在2010-2011年的水平(500万美元)。冲销偿还税款的数额预计将增加30万美元,使通过并账计算收回的总金额达到1 780万美元。", "政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款", "121. 表4列出了2010年按方案国家收入类别划分的政府为支付当地办事处费用的承付款以及直接支付现金、与自愿捐款并账计算和实物捐助的实收款。承付款总额为6 290万美元,2010年的实收款为4 730万美元。其中直接支付现金和自愿捐款并账计算为3 490万美元,实物捐助为1 240万美元。这表明实收款从74%(2008年实收款4 930万美元占捐款目标6 640万美元的百分比)增加到75%(2010年实收款4 730万美元占捐款目标6 290万美元的百分比),提高了1个百分点。", "122. 署长赞赏许多方案国家在履行政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款义务方面作出的改进。不过,中等收入国家的履约情况仍然低于理想水平。2012-2013年,对于政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款严重不足的国家,开发署将继续采用预扣机构预算部分资源的做法。", "表4 2010年按国家类别分列的政府为支付当地办事处费用的捐款收入", "(百万美元)", "政府为支付当地办事处费用的承付款,包括实物捐助 实收收入", "收入类别 现金和并账计算 实物捐助 实收收入总额 实收收入占承付款的百分比", "低收入国家 16.8 6.5 4.9 11.4 68%", "中等收入国家 35.4 19.2 6.1 25.3 71%", "净捐助国家 10.6 9.2 1.4 10.6 100%", "共计 62.9 34.9 12.4 47.3 75%", "员额变动", "123. 表5概列了按地点分列的经常资源员额,而总表5列有按地点分列的总资源员额,包括其他资源供资的员额。总表3列有经常资源供资高级员额的拟议变动。", "124. 开发署建议把经常资源供资职位总数净减11个:从2010-2011年的3 217个减少到2012-2013年的3 206个。这产生以下影响:", "(a) 关于管理活动,净减3 个D-2职等职位,净增1个D-1职等职位,净增16个国际专业职位和净减4个当地职位;", "(b) 关于发展成效活动,增加1个D-2职等职位和1个D-1职等职位,以及净减18个国际专业职位和3个当地职位;", "(c) 关于联合国发展协调活动,减少1个当地职位;", "(d) 关于特殊目的活动,减少1个当地职位。", "125. 2012-2013年国家办事处和区域一级拟议的员额总数是2 684个。这占员额总数的83.7%,其中包括设在国家办事处的114个联合国志愿人员员额。其余522个员额设在总部,包括联合国发展业务协调办公室10个员额、联合国志愿人员63个净员额、联合国资本发展基金16个员额和开发署所有其他单位433个员额。", "126. 2012-2013年拟议的员额变动受到两大因素影响:㈠ 本预算提出的数量减少;㈡ 拟议投资。第90段和第96至118段讨论了拟议员额因数量减少和投资变动而产生的影响。", "表5 按地点分列的经常资源员额", "(百万美元,名义金额)", "[TABLE]", "¹ 分配给国家办事处的所有工作人员资源分别见“一.管理”和“二.发展实效”费用分类项下的“国家和区域办事处”类别。", "² 在153名其他工作人员中,有114人在国家办事处。", "127. 应根据责任的范围和复杂性的增加来设立D-2和D-1级别新员额或改叙现有员额,尤其是在国家办事处一级。开发署采用公务员制度委员会员额审查分类程序评估了有关这些高级职位的建议。职务分类的主要标准是主任级员额应行使机构领导职能。负责在国家一级主导联合国系统工作并在东道国政府宣传和推动联合国议程的驻地协调员员额以及在危机国家最复杂情况下起至关重要的领导和管理作用、包括在联合国国家工作队代表开发署的高级国家主任员额,尤其是这样。", "128. 为努力控制费用并考虑到执行局和行政和预算问题咨询委员会以前的指导意见,开发署建议2012-2013年由经常资源供资的高级员额的净变动为零。因此净减2个D-2员额,由净增2个D-1员额抵消。总表3全面列出了拟议的所有高级员额变动。", "129. 在D-2职等,拟议变动涉及冻结3个D-2员额和把3个员额从D-2改叙为D-1。还建议新设立3个D-2员额,用于苏丹南部和也门的高级总经济师和高级国家主任职位。此外,考虑到特殊政治、发展、代表性和业务情况,建议把也门驻地协调员员额从D-1职等改叙为D-2职等。", "130. 建议新设1个D-1员额,用于阿拉伯国家区域过渡小组组长职位。任职者将驻在开罗,管理和协调因该区域最近正发生的政治、经济和社会动荡而开展的新活动。增设这一员额由裁撤执行办公室1个D-1员额抵消。", "131. 在2006-2007年预算中,通过临时改划驻地协调员员额设立了8个国家主任员额,以取代新设立的秘书长副特别代表员额。根据联合国员额结构的规定,后者的费用由开发署和联合国维持和平行动部分摊。暂时将现有的8个驻地协调员员额改划为国家主任员额被认为是对现有资源的审慎利用,也被认为是一种切合实际的临时解决办法,以回应三年期全面政策审查的建议,即开发署应加强其国家办事处应对复杂紧急情况的能力。有关秘书长副特别代表的个别安排一旦结束,国家主任临时员额应恢复为驻地协调员身份,并应力求找到设立国家主任职位的较长期解决办法。", "B. 其他资源", "预测", "132. 图3列有预算的计划支出。表2列出由经常资源供资的2012-2013年机构预算估计数净额8.565亿美元(2010-2011年为9.058亿美元)以及由其他资源供资的估计数6.463亿美元(2010-2011年为5.874亿美元)。由其他资源供资的计划支出作为计划支出总额(经常和其他资源)的函数,继续呈现增加趋势。在1998-1999年期间,由其他资源供资的计划支出估计为1.21亿美元,占计划支出总额的19%。在2010-2011年期间,它增加到5.87亿美元,占39%。在2012-2013年期间,预计它将进一步增加到6.46亿美元,占43%,比2010-2011年增加5 900万美元,即增加10%。", "图3 机构预算计划支出^(*)", "占经常资源和其他资源的相对份额", "(百万美元,名义金额)", "[]", "^(*) 为便于比较,资源按执行局第2010/32号决定规定的费用分类开列。", "133. 如表6第一节所示,2012-2013年费用回收收入目前估计为5.92亿美元,而2010-2011年为5.68亿美元,这表明估计会增加2 400万美元,即4%。2012-2013年费用回收估计为5.92亿美元,可以详细说明如下:", "(a) 由捐助方共同出资的一般管理服务收入估计数为4.18亿美元(2010-2011年为3.84亿美元),为67亿美元(2010-2011年为64亿美元)的6.25%(2010-2011年为6%)。这是74.94亿美元方案支出估计数和59.50亿美元双边-多边资源出资捐款估计数的中间数。由捐助者共同出资的一般管理服务收入数额列入表1,作为“可用资源,双边-多边资源捐款”的一部分;", "(b) 来自方案国家费用分摊的一般管理服务收入估计数为4 900万美元(2010-2011年为6 000万美元),占13.92亿美元当地资源出资的方案支出估计数的3.5%(2010-2011年为3.7%)。来自方案国家费用分摊的一般管理服务收入数额列入表1,作为“可用资源,其他当地资源捐款”的一部分;", "(c) 总部一级的联合国组织服务费用回收收入估计数为5 000万美元(2010-2011年为5 100万美元),列入表1“可用资源,向联合国其他组织偿还服务费用”项下;", "(d) 国家办事处一级的联合国组织服务费用回收收入估计数2 200万美元(2010-2011年为2 100万美元)列入表1“可用资源,双边-多边和其他当地资源捐款”项下;", "(e) 其他费用回收收入估计数5 300万美元(2010-2011年为5 200万美元)列入表1“可用资源,双边-多边和其他当地资源捐款”项下。", "134. 如表6第二节所示,2012-2013年其他相关资源目前估计为1.36亿美元,而2010-2011年为0.8亿美元。这表明估计增加5 600万美元,即增加80%。这些数字列入表1,作为“可用资源、收入和调整数:双边-多边和其他当地资源捐款”的一部分。它们是:利息收入;通过国家办事处预算外账户流动的当地管理的项目费用的分派(以前为执行支助服务);通过机构预算外账户流动的集中管理的项目费用的分派(见第93-94段)。", "表6 费用回收和其他相关资源——2010-2011年和2012-2013年的估计数[3]", "(百万美元,名义金额)", "2010-2011年估计数\t2012-2013年估计数 \n 一. 费用回收 \n 一般管理服务费用回收收入 \n 捐助方共同出资收入 384 418 \n 方案国费用分摊收入 60 49 \n 一般管理服务费用回收收入小计 444 467 \n 联合国组织服务费用回收收入 \n 总部服务收入 51 50 \n 国家办事处一级的服务收入 21 22 \n 联合国组织服务收入小计 72 72 \n 其他费用回收收入 \n 行政代理费 12 13 \n 其他^(*) 40 40 \n 其他费用回收收入小计 52 53 \n 一. 费用回收共计 568 592 \n 二. 其他相关资源 \n 利息收入 12 10 \n 当地管理的费用的分派^(**) 39 40 \n 集中管理的费用的分派^(**) 29 86 \n 二. 其他相关资源共计 80 136", "^(*) 国家办事处一级可偿还捐助国捐款净额、临时服务和杂项收入。", "^(**) 通过预算外账户流动的某些项目费用的分派。", "挑战", "135. 在过去,活动和费用的确定及其在经常资源和其他资源中的分派采用相对简单明了的方式。在政府部委和项目地点的工作人员的活动和费用被视为与方案有关,因此可向经常资源或其他资源供资的方案或项目全额收费。相比之下,开发署国家办事处工作人员的活动和费用被视为与管理有关,因此可向机构预算或预算外账户的经常资源或其他资源全额收费。由于开发署的任务不断变化,资金来自多个方面,执行安排不断变动,包括更加注重宣传和政策咨询,现在的情况显然不再是这样。", "136. 原则上,国家方案行动计划、年度项目工作计划和项目文件中界定的所有项目活动及其相关费用都分派给政府对应机构。这种国家执行/国家实施模式(NEX/NIM)假定方案国开展所有项目执行活动,并将所有项目投入转化为具体发展成果和产出。这也意味着捐助者根据国家执行/国家实施模式提供的分摊费用和信托基金资源的93%(方案国分摊费用的97%)直接用于政府部门、机关和机构的项目活动。同时意味着通过采用执行局在第2007/18号决定中批准的对一般管理服务回收7%的费用的政策,开发署将所有相关机构费用作为预算外资源全额回收。", "137. 而且,根据阐述方案国政府和开发署的作用的国家执行/国家实施问责制框架,开发署的所有监督及相关活动(即一般管理服务)应由机构预算或预算外账户供资。此外,根据开发署的政策和程序,开发署开展的所有相关实施活动均应直接记入有关项目或方案。这种方法同样适用于政府为实施伙伴和开发署为负责方的国家执行/国家实施(NEX/NIM)模式以及开发署为实施伙伴的直接实施(DIM)模式。", "138. 目前,开发署在进一步确定其他资源发挥哪些作用来协助实现机构成果和发展成果以及协助开发署整个筹资工作方面遇到三个相互关联和相互依存的挑战。第一个挑战涉及变革议程强调的问题:各国的需要不同,不能采用一刀切的办法,不能以提供服务为重点,派驻形式不能一成不变。主要通过变革议程以及国家办事处类型、项目实施方式和方案拟订安排等方面的相关举措来应对这一挑战。", "139. 第二个挑战涉及以更透明和更优的方式将费用及其供资来源分派给发展活动或机构活动。加强集中管理的费用的分派(第93至94段已讨论)以及在(上文讨论的)国家执行/国家实施(NEX/NIM)问责制框架内改进活动的申请和监测应可在很大程度上应对这一挑战。", "140. 第三个挑战是流入预算外账户的资源与机构活动供资更好地协调配合,因为机构活动支持由其他资源供资的发展活动。预算外资源基本上是通过采用费用回收政策产生的。此项政策要求至少回收所有第三方分摊费用和信托基金捐款的7%,[4] 至少回收所有政府分摊费用捐款的3%,以便资助相关机构活动(即一般管理服务)。经常资源供资的机构活动不应过分支助(补贴)由分派给其他资源的活动。同样,预算外账户中通过回收费用产生的资源不应用于资助由开发署开展的项目实施活动。改善预算外账户管理以及加强监测应可令人满意地解决这一问题。", "141. 在以往预算中,开发署双边和多边捐助资源的可变间接回收率是根据DP/2010/3中界定的基准机构概念计算的,即开发署执行核心任务必须具备的最低能力。根据开发计划署战略费用管理及所涉费用回收问题报告(DP/2004/35)和费用回收政策效力评估报告(DP/2007/36)中的费用回收方法,下文说明如何计算2012-2013年的回收率。为了进行对比,采用以往两年期采用的费用分类列报数字。", "(a) 开发署机构的两年期总费用:11.69亿美元;[5]", "(b) (减)基准机构:–5.38亿美元;[6]", "(c) 可变间接费用:6.31亿美元。", "142. 这样做是为了由经常资源(20.5%)和双边/多边捐助资源(79.5%)[7] 按比例为6.31亿美元的可变间接费用供资,费用分派如下:", "(a) 分派给经常资源:1.29亿美元(6.31亿美元的20.5%);", "(b) 分派给双边/多边捐助资源:5.02亿美元(6.31亿美元的79.5%);", "(c) 可变间接费用总额:6.31亿美元。", "143. 双边和多边捐助资源的间接费用回收率原则上是通过以下方式得出的:㈠ 用分派给这些捐助资源的可变间接费用5.02亿美元㈡ 除以相应的双边/多边计划捐助方案开支数额74.94亿美元(表1,第2A.1款,“方案”)。得出间接费用回收率为6.70%(5.02亿美元/74.94亿美元=0.0670)。", "144. 在服务和派驻形式日趋不同的情况下,最初在2004-2005年预算中批准的上述办法对于确定如何在经常资源和其他资源之间公平分摊机构费用可能不再适用。因此,将在各机构间把基准机构和相关费用回收政策作为2014年起采用综合预算的联合路线图的一部分,重新进行讨论。", "总表1 2010-2011年资源计划与实际数/估计数的比较[8]", "(单位:百万美元,名义金额)", "[TABLE]", "^(a) 含政府对当地办事处费用的捐助、联合国志愿人员方案为联合国各组织提供志愿人员所获收入以及并账计算以抵消偿还联合国工作人员所付薪金所得税的费用。", "^(b) 2010-2011年期初结余经订正后反映开发署2008-2009年已审计财务报表中的实际数额。", "^(c) 含利息、杂项收入和与外汇损益、业务准备金增/减和杂项开支有关的调整。", "总表2 区域资源计划[9]", "(单位:百万美元,名义金额)", "[TABLE]", "^(a) 含政府对当地办事处费用的捐助、联合国志愿人员方案为联合国各组织提供志愿人员所获收入以及并账计算以抵消偿还联合国工作人员所付薪金所得税的费用。", "^(b) 2011年中期起,与南苏丹有关的资源在非洲部分列报。", "总表3 拟议的高级员额变动", "助理秘书长及以上\tD2\tD1\t共计 \n2010-2011核准员额(A)\t10\t73\t175\t258\n B. 增加/减少 \n 预算削减造成的减少 \n 副区域主任,亚太区域局/曼谷 ⑴ ⑴ \n 副区域主任,非洲区域局/约翰内斯堡 ⑴ ⑴ \n 副区域主任,非洲区域局/达喀尔 ⑴ ⑴ \n 政策专家,执行办公室 ⑴ ⑴ \n 组织投资造成的增加 \n 高级国家主任,南苏丹 1 1 \n 高级国家主任,也门 1 1 \n阿拉伯国家区域局过渡时期工作队负责人,埃及 1\t\n 首席经济学家,发展政策局 1 1 \n 拟议的增加/减少员额小计(B) — — — — \n C. 改叙 \n 国家办事处: \n 副区域主任,拉加区域局/巴拿马 ⑴ 1 — \n 副区域主任,阿拉伯国家区域局/开罗 ⑴ 1 — \n副区域主任,欧洲独联体区域局/布拉迪斯拉发 ⑴\t1\t—\n 驻地协调员,也门 1 ⑴ — \n 改叙小计(C) — ⑵ 2 — \n 净变动小计(=B+C) — ⑵ 2 — \n2012-2013年拟议的员额(D=A+B+C)\t10\t71\t177\t258", "总表4 经常资源按费用类别开列的预算估计数", "(单位:百万美元,名义金额)", "2010-2011年 数量 2012-2013年", "估计数 美元 百分比 费用 估计数", "员额 651.8 (2.0) -0.3 22.7 672.5", "其他工作人员费用 2.5 (0.2) -8.0 0.2 2.5", "咨询人 15.1 (0.3) -2.0 0.2 15.0", "差旅 31.1 (2.1) -6.8 0.4 29.4", "业务费用 163.2 (21.9) -13.4 4.4 145.7", "家具/设备 47.2 (16.6) -35.2 1.6 32.7", "偿还/捐助 70.0 (37.0) -52.8 1.6 34.6", "毛额共计 980.0 (80.1) -8.2 31.1 931.9", "机构预算收入 (75.1) (0.3) 0.4 — (75.4)", "净额共计 905.8 (80.4) -8.9 31.1 856.5", "总表5 按地点开列的员额——总资源", "国际专业人员及以上职类 \n资金来源/组织单位\t副秘书长助理秘书长\tD-2\tD-1\t其他国际专业人员\t共计\t所有其他 总计\n 一.管理 \n 1. 国家办事处 \n 非洲 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t15\t41\t70\t126\t550 676\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t2\t2\t253 255\n共计\t0\t15\t41\t72\t128\t803 931\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t15\t41\t66\t122\t543 665\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t2\t253 255\n共计\t0\t15\t42\t67\t124\t796 920\n 阿拉伯国家 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t7\t13\t20\t40\t136 176\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t9\t9\t129 138\n共计\t0\t7\t13\t29\t49\t265 314\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t8\t13\t20\t41\t133 174\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t8\t9\t129 138\n共计\t0\t8\t14\t28\t50\t262 312\n 亚洲和太平洋 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t11\t23\t32\t66\t381 447\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t1\t0\t18\t19\t273 292\n共计\t0\t12\t23\t50\t85\t654 739\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t10\t23\t30\t63\t373 436\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t1\t0\t20\t21\t273 294\n共计\t0\t11\t23\t50\t84\t646 730\n 拉丁美洲和加勒比 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t7\t22\t17\t46\t127 173\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t7\t8\t258 266\n共计\t0\t7\t23\t24\t54\t385 439\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t6\t23\t16\t45\t120 165\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t7\t8\t265 273\n共计\t0\t6\t24\t23\t53\t385 438\n 欧洲和独立国家联合体 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t2\t18\t26\t46\t192 238\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t12\t12\t192 204\n共计\t0\t2\t18\t38\t58\t384 442\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t1\t19\t26\t46\t182 228\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t12\t12\t193 205\n共计\t0\t1\t19\t38\t58\t375 433\n 国家办事处——中央 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t2\t3\t25\t30\t126 156\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t48 49\n共计\t0\t2\t3\t26\t31\t174 205\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t2\t3\t32\t37\t153 190\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t48 49\n共计\t0\t2\t3\t33\t38\t201 239\n共计:一.1管理——国家办事处 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t44\t120\t190\t354\t1512 1866\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t1\t1\t49\t51\t1153 1204\n一.1 共计\t0\t45\t121\t239\t405\t2665 3070\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t42\t122\t190\t354\t1504 1858\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t1\t3\t49\t53\t1161 1214\n一.1 共计\t0\t43\t125\t239\t407\t2665 3072\n 2. 总部 \n 执行办公室 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 2 2 2 5 11 7 18 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 1 1 7 9 5 14 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t2\t3\t3\t12\t20\t12 32\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 2 2 1 7 12 7 19 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 1 1 7 9 5 14 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t2\t3\t2\t14\t21\t12 33\n 预防危机和复原局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 0 0 8 9 5 14 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 1 0 0 8 9 5 14 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 0 0 9 10 5 15 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 1 0 0 9 10 5 15 \n 南南合作特设局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 4 6 3 9 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 1 5 7 3 10 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 4 6 3 9 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 1 5 7 3 10 \n 非洲区域局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 1 3 9 14 9 23 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t7\t8\t23 31\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t4\t16\t22\t32 54\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 0 3 10 14 9 23 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t7\t8\t23 31\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t0\t4\t17\t22\t32 54\n 阿拉伯国家区域局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 1 2 2 6 5 11 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 1 6 7 3 10 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 1 1 3 8 13 8 21 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 1 2 3 7 5 12 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 1 6 7 3 10 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 1 1 3 9 14 8 22 \n 亚洲和太平洋区域局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 1 3 5 10 7 17 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t4\t4\t16 20\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t3\t9\t14\t23 37\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 1 3 6 11 7 18 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t4\t4\t16 20\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t3\t10\t15\t23 38\n 拉丁美洲和加勒比区域局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 1 1 3 6 3 9 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t8\t9\t20 29\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t2\t11\t15\t23 38\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 1 1 3 6 3 9 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t9\t10\t20 30\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t2\t12\t16\t23 39\n欧洲和独立国家联合体区域局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 1 1 5 8 7 15 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 1 4 4 3 7 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t1\t9\t12\t10 22\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 1 1 6 9 6 15 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 1 4 4 4 8 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t1\t10\t13\t10 23\n 发展政策局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 1 1 0 5 7 4 11 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 5 5 9 14 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t0\t10\t12\t13 25\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 1 1 0 5 7 4 11 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 5 5 9 14 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t1\t1\t0\t10\t12\t13 25\n 评价办公室 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 15 17 6 23 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 1 15 17 6 23 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 15 17 6 23 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 1 15 17 6 23 \n 道德操守办公室 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 \n 审计和调查处——总部 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 2 12 15 6 21 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 8 8 3 11 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t0 1\n 共计 0 1 2 21 24 9 33 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 2 14 17 6 23 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 8 8 3 11 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t0 1\n 共计 0 1 2 23 26 9 35 \n 审计和调查处——国家办事处 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 0 0 26 26 5 31 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 0 0 26 26 5 31 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 0 0 24 24 5 29 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 0 0 24 24 5 29 \n 伙伴关系局 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t3\t8\t31\t42\t32 74\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t0\t5\t31\t37\t10 47\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t3 4\n共计\t1\t3\t13\t63\t80\t45 125\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t3\t8\t30\t41\t33 74\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t0\t5\t31\t37\t10 47\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t3 4\n共计\t1\t3\t13\t62\t79\t46 125\n 管理局 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t1\t5\t12\t53\t71\t49 120\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t3\t80\t83\t60 143\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t64\t64\t96 160\n共计\t1\t5\t15\t197\t218\t205 423\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t1\t5\t12\t63\t81\t53 134\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t3\t80\t83\t62 145\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t64\t64\t97 161\n共计\t1\t5\t15\t207\t228\t212 440\n 总部——中央 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 \n 共计:一.2管理——总部 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t10\t19\t37\t184\t250\t151 401\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t1\t12\t162\t176\t152 328\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t66\t66\t99 165\n一.2 共计\t11\t20\t49\t412\t492\t402 894\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t10\t18\t36\t200\t264\t155 419\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t1\t12\t163\t177\t155 332\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t66\t66\t100 166\n一.2 共计\t11\t19\t48\t429\t507\t410 917\n 共计:一.管理 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t10\t63\t157\t374\t604\t1663 2267\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t2\t13\t211\t227\t1305 1532\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t66\t66\t99 165\n一.共计\t11\t65\t170\t651\t897\t3067 3964\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t10\t60\t158\t390\t618\t1659 2277\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t2\t15\t212\t230\t1316 1546\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t66\t66\t100 166\n一. 共计\t11\t62\t173\t668\t914\t3075 3989\n 二. 发展实效 \n 1. 国家办事处 \n 非洲 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t1\t35\t36\t265 301\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t107 108\n共计\t0\t0\t1\t36\t37\t372 409\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t1\t34\t35\t271 306\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t107 108\n共计\t0\t0\t1\t35\t36\t378 414\n 阿拉伯国家 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t0\t4\t4\t56 60\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t51 52\n共计\t0\t0\t0\t5\t5\t107 112\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t1\t2\t3\t55 58\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t1\t1\t52 53\n共计\t0\t0\t1\t3\t4\t107 111\n 亚洲和太平洋 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t0\t8\t8\t154 162\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t5\t5\t116 121\n共计\t0\t0\t0\t13\t13\t270 283\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t0\t5\t5\t153 158\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t7\t7\t116 123\n共计\t0\t0\t0\t12\t12\t269 281\n 拉丁美洲和加勒比 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t0\t3\t3\t78 81\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t3\t3\t110 113\n共计\t0\t0\t0\t6\t6\t188 194\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t0\t0\t3\t3\t73 76\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t3\t3\t115 118\n共计\t0\t0\t0\t6\t6\t188 194\n 欧洲和独立国家联合体 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t1\t1\t2\t4\t62 66\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t2\t2\t86 88\n共计\t0\t1\t1\t4\t6\t148 154\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t1\t1\t2\t4\t60 64\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t2\t2\t86 88\n共计\t0\t1\t1\t4\t6\t146 152\n 国家办事处——中央 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 0 0 24 24 6 30 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t20 20\n共计\t0\t0\t0\t24\t24\t26 50\n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 0 14 15 6 21 \n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t20 20\n共计\t0\t1\t0\t14\t15\t26 41\n共计:二.1发展实效-国家办事处 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t1\t2\t76\t79\t621 700\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t12\t12\t490 502\n二.1共计\t0\t1\t2\t88\t91\t1111 1202\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t2\t3\t60\t65\t618 683\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t14\t14\t496 510\n二.1共计\t0\t2\t3\t74\t79\t1114 1193\n 2. 总部 \n 发展政策局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 5 4 10 19 7 26 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 6 6 2 8 \n 共计 0 5 4 16 25 9 34 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 5 4 8 17 7 24 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 8 8 2 10 \n 共计 0 5 4 16 25 9 34 \n 预防危机和复原局 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 5 8 14 5 19 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n 共计 0 1 5 8 14 5 19 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 5 8 14 5 19 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n 共计 0 1 5 8 14 5 19 \n 共计:二.2发展实效-总部 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t6\t9\t18\t33\t12 45\n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 6 6 2 8 \n二.2共计\t0\t6\t9\t24\t39\t14 53\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t6\t9\t16\t31\t12 43\n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 8 8 2 10 \n二. 2共计\t0\t6\t9\t24\t39\t14 53\n 共计:二.发展实效 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t7\t11\t94\t112\t633 745\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t18\t18\t492 510\n二.共计\t0\t7\t11\t112\t130\t1125 1255\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t8\t12\t76\t96\t630 726\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t22\t22\t498 520\n二.共计\t0\t8\t12\t98\t118\t1128 1246\n 三. 联合国发展协调 \n 发展业务协调办公室 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 2 4 7 11 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 4 4 1 5 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 1 6 8 8 16 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 2 4 6 10 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 4 4 1 5 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 1 6 8 7 15 \n 共计:三.联合国发展协调 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 2 4 7 11 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 4 4 1 5 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n 三. 共计 0 1 1 6 8 8 16 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 1 2 4 6 10 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 4 4 1 5 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n 三. 共计 0 1 1 6 8 7 15 \n四.特殊目的——开发署管理的非开发署的活动 联合国志愿人员 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t1\t3\t20\t24\t154 178\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t19\t20\t25 45\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t0\t1\t4\t39\t44\t179 223\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t1\t3\t20\t24\t153 177\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t19\t20\t25 45\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n共计\t0\t1\t4\t39\t44\t178 222\n 联合国资本发展基金 \n 2010-2011年 \n 经常资源 0 1 3 7 11 5 16 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 3 7 11 5 16 \n 2012-2013年 \n 经常资源 0 1 3 7 11 5 16 \n 与方案有关的其他资源 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 \n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n 共计 0 1 3 7 11 5 16 \n共计:四.特殊目的——开发署管理的非开发署的活动 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t0\t2\t6\t27\t35\t159 194\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t19\t20\t25 45\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n四. 共计\t0\t2\t7\t46\t55\t184 239\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t0\t2\t6\t27\t35\t158 193\n与方案有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t1\t19\t20\t25 45\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0\t0 0\n四. 共计\t0\t2\t7\t46\t55\t183 238\n 总计 \n 2010-2011年 \n经常资源\t10\t73\t175\t497\t755\t2462 3217\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t2\t14\t252\t269\t1823 2092\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t66\t66\t99 165\n共计\t11\t75\t189\t815\t1090\t4384 5474\n 2012-2013年 \n经常资源\t10\t71\t177\t495\t753\t2453 3206\n与方案有关的其他资源\t1\t2\t16\t257\t276\t1840 2116\n与偿还费用有关的其他资源\t0\t0\t0\t66\t66\t100 166\n共计\t11\t73\t193\t818\t1095\t4393 5488", "附件1", "方法", "1. 开发署采用着眼于成果的做法编制了机构预算,根据要实现的成果,而不是投入类别或宽泛的战略目标,提出拨款要求。首先,在战略计划的中期审查范围内制订机构成果框架。然后评估组织交付成果的能力,确定哪些优先领域需要额外投资或新投资,并确定减少投资的领域。由此产生的预算按2012-2013年情况列报,列入货币和通货膨胀因素和对薪水和与应享待遇做出的调整。", "确定机构成果", "2. 机构预算是根据战略计划中期审查提出的相同机构成果、业绩指标、基线和目标编制的。为了对完成计划成果负责,为每个机构成果指定了担任“机构主持者”的单位。机构主持者负责领导制订成果——挑选业绩指标及确定基线和目标——的工作,还负责监测、评估和向高级管理层报告比照这些成果的业绩情况。总部和国家办事处一级的有关业务单位负责交付计划成果。", "评估组织能力和确定数量变化", "3. 制订机构预算的第二步是评估交付管理成果的组织能力,以确定哪些优先领域需要投资和哪些领域可以提高效率。在这一评估的基础之上,用现有的组织能力作为基数,算出所需经费的实际增减数,这就是数量变化。如定义所示,数量变化是估计数中可以控制的要素,但要根据行政首长估计本组织交付它承诺交付的成果需要多少经费来确定。数量变化是按与核定批款相同的价格进行计算的,以便于同目前核定基数进行比较。", "各种费用调整", "4. 在核定批款和数量变化的基础上,加上费用的增加或减少数;出现增减是因为主要是与薪酬和相关应享待遇费用调整有关的费率或条件有变化。费用的增减往往反映了编写上一机构预算后的两年期间已经发生的变化。这些费用因素包括:公务员制度委员会关于工作人员各种应享待遇(如扶养津贴和教育补助金)的决定,以及员额职等内平均级数的变化情况。如果组织的情况许可,这些调整也可包括工作人员等内加薪的估计数。此类费用调整一般涉及人事费,但并不仅限于此。譬如,每平方英尺价格因房地搬迁出现的变化就属于这类业务费用调整范畴。", "币值调整", "5. 然后按核定批款、数量及各种费用调整的总额,逐年计算币值调整。币值调整是现机构预算编制期间的联合国实际业务汇率与拟议预算编制期间实际汇率之间的差额。这一因素尤为重要,因为开发署国家办事处很多,各地业务费用因美元的坚挺或疲软而有很大波动。", "通货膨胀调整", "6. 为了完成全部工作,编制出下一个两年期所需经费最后估计数,开发署必须对四年内的通货膨胀作出调整或估算。按年度根据核定批款、数量及各种费用调整数的总额,在计入货币因素后计算出这些调整额,具体做法如下:", "(a) 现两年期第一年至拟议的两年期第一年。现有通货膨胀估计数已经包含以前的估计数。因此,过渡时期通货膨胀调整包括:", "㈠ 实施以前估计数与现两年期第一年实际通货膨胀之间的差额;", "㈡ 实施以前估计数与现两年期第二年通货膨胀订正预测数之间的差额;", "㈢ 拟议的两年期第一年通货膨胀预测数。", "(b) 现两年期第二年至拟议的两年期第二年:", "㈠ 与上文(a)项相同;", "㈡ 与上文(a)项相同;", "㈢ 与上文(a)项相同;", "㈣ 拟议的两年期第二年的通货膨胀预测数。", "7. 为了算出这些通货膨胀估计数,每个地点每年采用四个通货膨胀系数:", "(a) 国际专业工作人员工作地点差价调整数的估计变动情况;", "(b) 国际专业工作人员的国际差旅费和一般人事费(所有地点都一样);", "(c) 当地工作人员(即本国干事、一般事务人员及其它职类)的薪金及一般人事费,各个地点之间可能有很大差异;", "(d) 所有其它费用,例如业务费用。", "8. 在此总框架内,对纽约和日内瓦采用的做法与外地办事处不同。这两个地点所用的费率和联合国使用的一样,除非具体合同另作承诺。", "9. 除了国际工作人员的国际差旅费及一般人事费等有限的一些费用要素之外,外地办事处的通货膨胀系数必须是针对具体地点的。估计数要先同过去的经验以及目前全球模式和(或)已公布的现有资料相比较,然后才应用于概算。", "附件2", "术语", "(以下是已达成共识的术语及其相应定义)", "批款项目(定义与开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会财务条例中的定义相近):批款的细分项,批款决定中列出其具体数额;在该数额范围内,各组织的行政首长有权不经事先核可而进行转账。", "基准机构:一个组织执行核心任务必须具备的最低能力;它是一个组织固定费用的一部分。一个组织的基准机构一定是由经常资源供资,最初在DP/2003/28号文件中提出。", "费用(增加/减少):本预算期与上个预算期相比,由费用、价格及汇率变化造成的资源投入费用的增加或减少。", "法定费用:联合国大会和(或)执行局以具体决定形式授权的机构预算期间资源投入的费用或这种费用的任何增加。", "发展实效活动:实现本组织重点领域中的方案和项目的目标所需要的政策咨询、技术和实施活动。这些投入对于实现发展成果至为重要,但在国家、区域或全球方案文件中,没有列入具体方案组成部分或项目。", "企业资源规划:汇集一个组织运作的业务惯例并使之自动化的管理信息系统;或帮助一个组织支持这一系统的多模块应用软件;或上述系统和软件的组合。", "预算外资源:通过捐助方共同出资和方案国家分摊费用赚取的一般管理服务费。预算外资源也包括开发署总部单位和国家办事处向联合国系统各组织提供应偿还费用的服务时,为这些服务回收的资金。", "职能分组:在一个职能领域内直接支持本组织管理部门的一个或一个以上的独立的组织单位。", "毛额预算:就自愿捐款资助的组织而言,这种预算中的人事费以净额计算估计数(即不包括工作人员薪金税),所有其他费用则以毛额计算估计数,即包括为工作人员支付的所得税、地方办事处全部费用以及所提供服务的费用。", "机构预算:一个组织行使一整套职能的预算,以便支持该组织在两年内根据按战略计划提出的规定成果开展业务活动。", "当地员额:本国干事和一般事务职等员额。", "净额预算:就自愿捐款资助的组织而言,这种预算列有预期的收入估计数,这一收入全部或部分抵销有关概算毛额。", "其他资源:由自愿捐款资助的组织获得的资源,不包括经常资源,用于某一特定方案(与方案有关的其他资源)以及向第三方提供特定服务(与偿还费用有关的其他资源)。", "与方案有关的其他资源:由自愿捐款资助的组织的资源,但不包括经常性资源;接收此类资源是供执行与该组织的宗旨与活动一致的特定方案。此类资源包括自愿捐助、政府或政府间的其他缴款、非政府来源的捐赠以及杂项收入及相关的利息收入。", "与偿还费用有关的其他资源:由自愿捐款资助的组织的资源,从第三方收回来,用以支付提供特定服务的费用;这些服务与交给该组织执行的方案无关。", "方案:与有助于实现国家/区域/全球方案文件或其他方案安排所载的发展成果的具体方案组成部分或项目有关联的活动。", "方案拟订安排:内有支助发展活动的经常资源的分配原则和参数的法定框架。", "经常资源:由自愿捐款资助的组织的不附带条件的综合资源。包括自愿捐助、政府或政府间的其他缴款、非政府来源的捐赠以及相关的利息收入及杂项收入。", "特殊目的活动:特殊目的活动包括开发署管理的非开发署业务及资本投资。", "各种费用调整数:与货币或年度通货膨胀调整数无关的费率或条件的变化引起的费用增加/减少。", "数量(增加/减少):所需资源的任何增加或减少,其原因是一个组织在现预算期内开展的活动以及下一个预算期拟进行的活动在数目和性质上发生变化。数量以适用于核定批款的相同费用因素表示,以便将这些变化与现预算期核定活动的数目进行直接比较。", "附件3", "简称和略语表", "复原局 预防危机和复原局", "发展局 发展政策局", "审计委 联合国审计委员会", "发援会 发展援助委员会", "发展协调办 发展业务协调办公室", "安保部 联合国安全和安保部", "公务员制度委员会 国际公务员制度委员会", "公共部门会计准则 国际公共部门会计准则", "联检组 联合检查组", "审调处 审计和调查处", "援巴方案 援助巴勒斯坦人民方案", "资发基金 联合国资本发展基金", "联发援框架 联合国发展援助框架", "发展集团 联合国发展集团", "儿基会 联合国儿童基金会", "[1] 可按照第21段,将2012-2013年估计数与表1(资源计划)联系起来。", "[2] 2010-2011年和2012-2013年的批款净额和毛额列入表2。", "[3] 2010-2011年和2012-2013年的估计数列入表1“现有资源”部分,见第133-134段。", "[4] 2010年批准两项豁免:㈠ 对联合国海地特使办公室的捐款收费为零,㈡ 对亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太区域中心)管理的应对海啸、备灾和应对气候变化的区域多捐助者信托基金的捐款的收费减至4%。", "[5] 根据以往两年期采用的费用分类进行了调整。计算方法是:15.028亿美元(表2中的总资源);减去开发署管理的非开发署业务的费用1.09亿美元(表1中的3 560万美元加上7 340万美元);减去用于以下用途的9 930万美元当地资源:发展实效活动、联合国发展协调活动和管理活动(表1中的1 620万美元加930万美元加7 380万美元);减去直接收入和分派给本地和集中管理的费用的相关费用1.26亿美元(表6中的4 000万美元加8 600万美元)。", "[6] DP/2010/3中估计的基准机构费用。", "[7] 表1所列经常资源使用总额估计数(20.81亿美元,占20.5%)和双边/多边资源使用总额估计数(80.82亿美元,占79.5%)的相对份额。", "[8] 费用分类依照执行局第2009/22号决定。", "[9] 与表1(资源计划)有关。" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目2", "财务、预算和行政事项", "开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数 署长的报告", "内容提要", "本文件以成果制格式载列开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数和相关提议。 它支持并构成执行局第2007/32号、第2008/15号、第2009/9号和第2011/14号决定所核准的开发署2008-2013年延长战略计划和中期审查的组成部分。 本报告还参考了2011年4月启动的开发署组织改革议程。", "这些估计数是根据执行局第2010/32和2011/10号决定编制的。 这些决定核准了在开发计划署、人口基金和联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)综合预算联合行进图范围内费用分类和成果预算编制的统一办法。", "开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数与执行局第2010/1号决定核准的2010-2011年预算毛额9.809亿美元相比,减少了1.201亿美元,即12.3%。 这些减少抵消了非全权性费用增加3 110万美元(3.2%)和拟议投资4 000万美元(4.1%),导致预算净减少4 930万美元,即5.0%。 这反映出目前需要执行预算纪律。 这也确认必须继续对本组织进行投资,以确保对开发署可支配的资源以及对战略计划中期审查所核准的订正成果实行问责制。 因此,按毛额计算,开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数为9.319亿美元。 预计收入增加30万美元,抵消了概算毛额,使收入总额抵消了7 540万美元。 因此,按净额计算,开发署2012-2013年机构预算估计数为8.565亿美元。", "此外,与过去两个预算期间一样,署长要求在2012-2013年期间,如有需要,可特别授权支付最多为1 500万美元的经常资源,用于安保措施,其使用将仅限于联合国安全和安保部指令中界定的新的和新出现的安保任务。", "目录", "段次 页次\n组织结构图 3\n一. 战略背景 5\n二. A. 财务状况 7\n三. 战略机构成果框架 11\n四、结 论 2012-2013年机构拟议预算 30\nA类. 提议摘要 30\nB类. 其他资源 41", "表格\n1. 资源计划 4\n2. 联合国 按战略计划机构产出分列的概算\n3个 经常资源增加/减少的主要领域汇总表 31\n 4.四. 2010年按国家类别分列的政府对当地办事处费用的捐款收入 31\n5 (韩语). 按地点分列的经常资源员额 40\n6. 国家 费用回收和有关其他资源 43\n图\n1. 2002-2003至2012-2013年按供资类别分列的捐款 9\n2. 联合国 2012-2013年资源总额估计使用情况 10\n3个 B. 机构预算的计划支出 43\n总表\n1. 2010-2011年资源计划与实际/估计数的比较 46\n2. 区域资源计划 47\n3个 高级员额拟议变动\n 4.四. 按支出类别分列的经常资源概算 49\n5 (韩语). 按地点分列的员额 -- -- 资源总额 50\n目 录\n1. 方法 55\n2. 术语 59\n3个 缩略语. 61", "组织概况", "[] []", "一. 战略背景", "1. 联合国 正如“开发署战略计划中期审查和署长年度报告”(DP/2011/22)所指出:“开发署对推进人类发展的主要贡献是通过方案拟订,在迅速变化的国际和国家条件下支持包容性、复原力和可持续性。” 此外, \" 开发计划署对人类发展的贡献取决于其贯穿各领域的发展任务,以及它作为提供普遍存在的公正多边伙伴的作用。 它在国家、区域和全球舞台上作出贡献,利用其存在和知识的广度和深度,提供符合合作伙伴需要和优先事项的政策和方案选择。 “", "2. 联合国 鉴于上述情况,对战略计划的中期审查确定了今后3至5年(2011-2016年)的4个首要优先事项,这些优先事项贯穿开发署各业务领域,将在下一个战略计划(2014-2017年)的筹备工作开始时,对其进行年度审查和重新评估。 这些优先事项是:(一) 通过加强关键有利条件来加快实现千年发展目标,促进包容性、复原力和可持续性的增长和发展;(二) 扩大和加强治理和对方案国的危机支助;(三) 加强知识分享和战略方案拟订,以支持转型变革;(四) 确保开发署在21世纪达到目标,包括提高组织效力并改进联合国发展系统的总体协调。", "3个 战略计划中期审查还强调指出,“开发署工作人员是本组织的主要资产和支柱”。 它强调必须进一步加强战略性人力资源管理,使技能组合和工作人员能力反映整体需求。 这对于一个提供政策咨询服务并倡导人类发展的知识组织至关重要。 开发署正在制定人的能力战略,以确定其未来工作人员的规模、形态和技能组合。 为了在适当的时间让合适的人员在适当的地点工作,将通过专业技能发展、领导和指导方案,制定和支持政策、方案和公司服务方面的职业道路,并给予适当的奖励。", " 4.四. 2011年4月,署长启动了开发署的“组织改革议程”,预计将重振开发署,以成功执行战略计划中期审查所提出的建议。 为此,开发署将进一步加强开发署作为一个世界级、面向解决方案和以知识为本的组织的作用,帮助发展中国家实现转型变革,并为此目的引导整个联合国发展系统的力量。 变革议程确认,机构更新是开发署的高度优先事项,特别是鉴于发展合作正在迅速和大规模地进行变革,以及就多边合作的总体持续作用和开发署在这方面的具体作用提出的问题。 它认识到开发计划署必须:更注重最需要哪些服务以及在哪里;其工作的质量和效力更加一致;在拥挤的发展空间中更加灵活地保留其领导作用。", "5 (韩语). 改革议程的基础是在三个交叉领域改进职能和成果:内部治理;组织效力;领导能力、文化和行为。 更具体地说,改革议程的预期成果是:", "(a) 战略规划和管理的文化与能力,使资源和行动与明确优先事项相匹配。", "(b) 提供适合不同国家需要的服务。", "(c) 一支技能得到提高的工作人员队伍,提供与最佳同行机构相类似的政策咨询。", "(d) 方案设计和管理具有透明度并符合设计、质量、费用和领导标准。", "(e) 更快、成本更低和质量更高的业务和合规程序。", "(f) 加强与现有伙伴的协作,并改变与全球南方和其他利益攸关方的伙伴关系。", "6. 2012-2013年期间,开发署的最高优先事项,连同2014-2017年战略计划的制定,将是根据执行局第2011/14号决定提供的指导,加快执行“组织变革议程”。 因此,2012-2013年机构预算估计数和署长的相关提议将通过以下三种主要方式直接支持战略计划的制定和改革议程:(一) 提供作为实现战略发展成果的先决条件、从而支持和相互加强的战略机构成果;(二) 进一步对本组织进行战略投资;(三) 确定提高业务效力和效率的更多机会。 最终,总体目标是加快“提高开发计划署的绩效从好到好”,以最好地帮助方案国家实现当地的发展目标。", "7. 联合国 将开发计划署的业绩从好提高到好,是一个永远不会完全完成的动态进程。 如果开发署要适合目的,就需要不断改进组织并进行投资。 如果开发署要有效应对日益复杂的需求,就需要有区别、由需求驱动的服务,摆脱一刀切的做法。 如果开发署要继续代表联合国系统有效协调发展活动,就需要不同的结构和国家一级的存在,而不是基于公式。 如果开发署要迅速从战略上确定资源的优先次序,并在最需要的地方部署足够的资源,就必须在资源分配方面具有可预测性和灵活性。 总而言之,这将需要一个战略定位、资金充足和灵活的开发署,能够同不同的发展伙伴协调,有效地帮助广大方案国家制定可行的政策选择和具体计划,以预见人类发展面临的多种复杂挑战并采取行动。", "8. 联合国 2012-2013年机构预算是战略计划的一个组成部分。 其中核准的经修订的战略性机构成果框架反映了第2010/32号决定所核准的统一费用分类,并按照第2011/10号决定提出了计划管理、联合国发展协调、发展实效以及特殊目的成果和指标。 如第23至83段和表所详述,这是2012-2013年机构预算在成果规划和预算编制方面的核心 2. 联合国 同样,战略计划中期审查核准的2012-2013年经常资源和其他资源高级别资源预测也充分反映在2012-2013年机构预算中。 它们构成表1所列、第10至22段详述的2012-2013年资源计划所列概算和拟议预算的基础。", "9. 国家 “2014年以后综合预算路线图”是实现总体预算透明度和一体化以及与儿基会和人口基金最佳协调和可比性的指南。 这项工作是通过在费用分类、成果预算编制、费用回收以及汇编和列报预算资料等领域加强方法来完成的。 正如执行局第2011/10号决定和执行局联合非正式协商所反映,开发署在提交2014年以后的综合预算方面进展顺利,其中讨论了路线图的实质内容、方向和交付日期。 最后,综合预算将把目前机构预算中反映的机构成果的规划和资源以及目前方案拟订安排中反映的发展成果的规划和资源纳入一个规划和预算框架。", "二. 财务背景", "概览", "10个 2012-2013年资源计划见表 1. 联合国 为了提供2010年和2011年现有最新资料,将2010年实际数字和2011年订正估计数合并并反映其中,以便进行比较。 这些数字取自汇总表1,该表按照执行局的要求,提供了第2010/1号决定核准的2010-2011年资源计划与2010年实际和2011年订正合并估计数的比较。", "11个 表1显示战略计划中期审查所核准的2012-2013年经常资源捐款估计数为21.5亿美元。 这比2010-2011年最新收入预测的19.7亿美元名义上增加了1.8亿美元。 然而,与总表1所载最初计划的2010-2011年经常资源捐款23.5亿美元相比,也减少了2亿美元。", "12个 开发署需要有充足、可预测的经常资源基础,以履行其任务,在支持方案国实现其发展目标方面保持其多边、公正和普遍性。 恢复联合国发展活动经常筹资的增长并提高其可预测性的问题已经得到广泛讨论,包括在最近三年期全面政策审查和相应的大会第56/201号、第59/250号和第62/208号决议的范围内讨论。 然而,全球经济危机和动荡的汇率环境继续构成挑战,特别是在本组织的战略方向和可持续性方面。 如果自愿捐款水平达不到DP/2011/22号文件所载订正综合资源框架所设定的目标,战略计划就可能面临风险。 这种短缺的后果超越了开发署,因为短缺还威胁到本组织代表联合国系统维持强有力的全球平台和国家存在的能力。", "13个 鉴于上述情况,署长提议与第2010/1号决定所核准的2010-2011年预算批款毛额9.809亿美元相比,减少1.201亿美元,即减少12.3%。 这些减少抵消了非全权成本增加3 110万美元(3.2%)和拟议投资4 000万美元(4.1%),导致预算净减少4 930万美元(5.0%)。 按毛额计算,2012-2013年拟议机构预算为9.319亿美元,预计收入将抵消7 540万美元,因此2012-2013年拟议机构预算净额为8.565亿美元。", "14个 这一提议强调需要通过控制管理费用并提高效率来实行预算纪律,而这反过来又应有助于最大限度地提供发展活动的资源。 最终,这项提议可望达到适当的平衡,以确保对开发署可支配的资源以及延长的战略计划所概述成果实行最大程度的问责制。", "15个 数额毛额减少1.201亿美元是署长核准的组织削减战略的结果,该战略旨在合理和公平地分配减少数额。 拟议削减额涉及:(一) 提高业务效力,包括冻结职位;(二) 完成2010-2012年期间供资的一次性投资;(三) 按照执行局第2005/33号、第2006/30号、第2007/18号、第2008/1号和第2010/1号决定再三要求,将费用转移到预算外资源,以更好地分担负担;(四) 加强集中管理费用归属的透明度。 署长确定,超出1.201亿美元的拟议削减额的匀支将对开发署产生不利影响,并会危及开发署通过其普遍存在而成功执行其双重发展和协调任务。", "16号. 估计法定费用增加3 110万美元,主要是由于通货膨胀对工作地点差价调整数和其他应享权利的影响,以及职等内正常的例常加薪和订正。 费用增加是由于通过国际公务员制度委员会(公务员制度委员会)颁布的联合国全系统标准、指示和计算。 因此,它们不是任意的,必须得到尊重。", "17岁 署长根据战略计划中规定的组织优先事项和需要,在2012-2013年期间确定了几个关键投资领域。 下文概述这些内容,并在第96至118段中详述:", "(a) 执行改革议程,重点是加强内部战略规划和管理能力,并改进成果管理制做法,以支持制定下一个战略计划和成果框架。", "(b) 根据改革议程加强战略性人力资源管理,并注重劳动力和工作分析及人才管理;", "(c) 增加对正在经历脆弱过渡的国家的支助,重点是苏丹南方和阿拉伯国家区域。", "(d) 制定全球发展议程,重点是加快实现千年发展目标、筹备联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20)和执行国际援助透明度倡议。", "(e) 加强机构增值服务和问责制,重点是国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)的实施、战略业务信息、精简业务流程和加强调查能力。", "资源预测", "18岁。 图1按供资类别概述了六个两年期的实际捐款和2012-2013年捐款估计数。 按名义价值计算,2012-2013年经常资源预计为21.5亿美元。 预计用于信托基金和费用分摊的其他捐助资源名义上将减少约3.6亿美元(6%),从2010-2011年目前的63亿美元估计数减至2012-2013年的59.5亿美元。 预计东道国政府提供的地方资源在名义上也将减少约30亿美元(2%),到2012-2013年将减至15亿美元。 2012-2013两年期捐助方和地方捐款总额估计为96亿美元,比2010-2011年估计数减少2亿美元。", "图1. 2002-2003年至2012-2013年按供资类别分列的捐款", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", " 19. 19. 图2概述了2012-2013年预计资源总额使用情况(约117.3亿美元),其中约88.11%将用于发展活动,8.66%用于管理活动,2.25%用于联合国发展协调活动,0.98%用于特殊目的活动。 2012-2013年计划发展支出占计划资源总利用率的88.11%,高于目前估计2010-2011年期间使用的87.49%。 同样,2012-2013年计划管理支出占计划资源使用总额的8.66%,高于目前估计2010-2011年期间使用的8.79%。", "图 2. 2012-2013年资源总额估计使用情况", "[]", "20号. 开发署2012-2013年资源计划载于表1,涉及经常资源和其他资源,概述了开发署的综合资源规划框架,将活动归入第2009/22和2010/32号决定所核准的类别。 资源计划有三个部分涉及捐助者和地方资源,反映了:", "(a) 可用资源总额估计数为128.9亿美元,包括期初结余31.6亿美元、捐款96 000亿美元和其他收入1.3亿美元。", "(b) 资源预计使用117.3亿美元,包括发展活动103.3亿美元、联合国发展协调活动2.6亿美元、管理活动10.2亿美元和特别用途活动1.2亿美元。", "(c) 资源余额约11.6亿美元。", "21岁 2012-2013年资源计划得到本文件有关管理活动、发展实效活动、联合国发展协调活动和特殊目的活动的附表、数字和文本的支持。 表2载有由经常资源和其他资源供资的机构活动的概算。 为了从表2到表1的“横行”数额,应注意如下:", "(a) 国家 2012-2013年期间计划用于发展实效活动的资源共计3.068亿美元(表1)。 它包括:", "(一) 经常资源1.922亿美元:表2所列1.345亿美元外加表2未列的经常方案资源5 770万美元。", "(二) 其他资源1.146亿美元(9 840万美元外加1 620万美元):表2所列1.036亿美元外加表2未列的其他方案资源1 100万美元。", "(b) 国家 2012-2013年期间计划用于联合国发展协调活动的资源共计2.634亿美元(表1)。 它包括:", "(一) 经常资源1.715亿美元,外加预算经常资源收入30万美元:表2下1.468亿美元,外加表2未列的经常方案资源2 500万美元。", "(二) 其他资源9 160万美元(8 230万美元外加930万美元):表2所列6 160万美元外加表2未列的其他方案资源3 000万美元。", "(c)) 2012-2013年期间管理活动的资源计划使用总额为10.160亿美元(表1)。 它包括:", "(一) 经常资源5.399亿美元,加上预算经常资源收入6 840万美元:表2为6.083亿美元。", "(二) 4.077亿美元:表2所列3.339亿美元加上其他资源7 380万美元。", "(d) 国家 2012-2013年期间用于特别用途活动的资源的计划使用额共计1.157亿美元(表1)。 它包括:", "(一) 经常资源3 560万美元,加上预算经常资源收入670万美元:表2所列4 230万美元。", "(二) 表2所列其他资源为7 340万美元。", "22号. 第四章介绍了开发署2012-2013年支助预算估计数的具体提议和所涉费用以及署长的相关提议。", "三. 战略性机构成果框架", "背景情况", "23. 联合国 战略计划是开发署单一的总体成果框架。 机构预算参考并完全符合其中所载的战略机构成果框架和2012-2013年高级别资源预测。 2012-2013年机构预算估计数见表2,并与下文讨论的计划产出直接相联。 随着2014年以后综合预算的通过,开发署将有一个经常资源成果和预算框架,涵盖机构预算目前的机构成果和资源以及目前反映在方案拟订安排中的发展成果和资源。", "24 (韩语). 2012-2013年机构预算是与人口基金和儿基会联合协调编制的,并受益于执行局的持续指导。 因此,2012-2013年机构预算为按照开发署、人口基金和儿基会关于“综合预算路线图”的联合非正式说明,从2014年起向综合预算过渡奠定了基础,该说明最近在与执行局举行的联合非正式讨论中得到讨论和确认。", "25岁 更具体地说,2012-2013年机构预算充分纳入了第2009/22号决定所核准并经第2010/32号决定进一步修订和统一的费用分类。 它还充分纳入第2011/10号决定所核准的统一成果预算编制办法,包括:(一) 改进成果重点,并与延长的战略计划的订正战略机构成果框架全面挂钩;(二) 通过使用职能分组,改善2012-2013年拟议预算与相应规划的战略机构成果之间的联系;(三) 主要的统一预算表格,包括:资源计划(表1);2010-2011年计划支出与实际/估计支出的比较(总表1);以及与下文详述的订正战略机构成果框架完全一致的2012-2013年拟议预算估计数(表2)。", "成果预算编制", "26. 联合国 机构成果框架支持并直接支持实现战略计划所载的发展成果。 它涵盖在管理、联合国发展协调、特殊目的和发展实效等领域计划开展的战略性机构活动,所有这些活动构成了开发署利用的业务基础,以满足方案国的发展和协调服务需求。 属于机构成果框架的活动和职能是相辅相成的。 它们也与发展成果框架有着不可分割的联系,因为它们直接支持为按需提供发展服务创造有利环境。", "27个 例如,虽然与人力资源有关的活动列在管理项下,但管理局人力资源处(人力处)投入了相当多的时间和资源,确保及时评估、征聘和安置合格的驻地协调员候选人,其时间主要反映在联合国发展协调项下。 同样,其费用列在管理项下的安保办公室/管理局也投入了相当多的时间和资源来评估和加强开展发展和协调活动的总体安全环境。", "28岁 机构成果框架包括一个周期:(一) 规划战略性机构成果;(二) 选择相关指标、基线和目标;(三) 调拨和分配资源来取得战略性机构成果;(四) 执行并监测已规划的活动;(五) 报告已实现的实际成果。", "29. 国家 原则上,战略体制成果的规划以及指标、基线和目标的选择都是在战略计划制定过程中进行的。 就2012-2013年机构预算而言,这是在2008-2013年延长的战略计划中期审查范围内进行的。 批款和资源分配是在2012-2013年机构预算范围内进行的。 计划活动的执行和监测是在年度综合单位工作规划工作范围内进行的。 在这方面,每个单位编制年度综合工作计划,说明要取得的成果以及需要的投入和资源。 这为管理人员和工作人员监测其活动提供了客观的基础。 年度综合工作计划主要取自战略计划所预测的成果。 关于计划成果与已取得的成果的报告是在署长关于战略计划的年度报告范围内进行的。 在年度财务报表和“财务状况年度审查”中报告核定费用分类类别内的支出情况。", "30岁。 每项战略性机构成果都有牵头单位或被指定为企业发起人的牵头单位组,负责: (一)制定成果; (二)确定SMART指标(具体,可计量,可实现,相关,有时限); (三)确认基线; (四)确定目标; (五)报告成果. 实现战略性体制成果的问责制不限于公司赞助者。 它可以由几个非赞助单位分摊,也可以在整个组织内分摊。", "31岁 主要由组织单位组织的各类职能活动被分配给每个战略性机构成果。 这促进和改善计划成果与成功实现这些目标所需资源(组织单位费用)之间的透明联系,如表2所示并详述如下。 7个经常性管理成果的职能分组在开发署、人口基金和儿基会之间进行了统一,以便有合理的可比性。 所有其他职能分组都是机构特有的。", "图表 2. 按战略计划机构产出分列的拟议预算估计数[1]", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "32. 联合国 开发署平衡计分卡系统及其SMART业绩指标是业绩管理制度的基础,对于监测实现战略性机构成果的进展情况至关重要。 它是开发计划署综合规划进程的一个组成部分。 机构一级的记分卡称为 \" 执行平衡记分卡 \" ,由延长的战略计划所产生的战略成果和业绩指标组成。 鉴于对战略机构成果框架的修订,将更新行政平衡计分卡,以确保继续调整。 行政平衡计分卡也是通过“分类”工作为总部各单位和国家办事处设计单位一级平衡计分卡的起点。 平衡计分卡是自动化的,数据是实时的。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 除了平衡计分卡之外,开发署还依靠具体的内部数据库和从三项关键调查中得出的选定结果作为业绩指标。 调查每年独立进行。 开发计划署伙伴调查提供了发展伙伴对开发计划署的作用和业绩的反馈。 全球工作人员调查提供了工作人员对一系列工作场所问题的反馈。 产品和服务调查是国家办事处就总部各单位提供的产品和服务的质量提供反馈的手段。 平衡记分卡、调查、内部数据库和单位一级关于综合年度工作计划的成果报告是报告实现计划成果业绩的基础。", "A. 管理", "战略计划产出:提供有效的领导和指导,以推进开发署的任务和使命(统一职能分组 -- -- 机构领导和指导)", "34. 国家 提供有效的领导和指导对于确保高效、及时和透明地组织、交付和报告延长的战略计划所载本组织的任务、愿景和战略成果至关重要。 更具体地说,开发署领导层负责突出开发署发展和联合国发展协调活动的重点并加强其影响。 它还负责通过不断精简和改进管理活动以及相关结构和能力来提高组织效力,这些活动是成功取得发展和协调成果的基础,并与之密不可分。 制定和核准2014-2017年战略计划和成果框架以及实施组织改革议程,是2012-2013年计划的两项关键战略举措,将影响这一成果的实现。", "35. 联合国 这一结果的产出指标来自内部和外部来源。 将使用三个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。 它们取自:(一) 署长关于战略计划的年度报告,利用其中所报告的机构成果的总体实现情况;(二) 伙伴关系调查,利用其中所报告的关于开发署在四个重点领域捐款质量和实效的总体方案和捐助国伙伴反馈;(三) 执行平衡计分卡,利用总体管理效率,根据衡量管理费用总额与组织费用总额的比率计算。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 这一产出的成果由执行办公室负责,包括执行局、业务支助小组和道德操守办公室。 执行办公室也是这一成果的赞助机构。 表2反映了拟用于这一结果的核心供资数额(执行办公室的费用):2010-2011年为1 140万美元,2012-2013年为1 260万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额50万美元,由费用增加20万美元和增加的数额150万美元所抵消,这是新的投资。 这些投资通过在执行办公室设立1个国际专业人员职位支持执行改革议程,以加强战略规划和管理(50万美元)。 它们还提供支助,改进全组织成果管理制的所有方面,为下一个战略计划和成果框架做准备(100万美元)。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为590万美元,而2010-2011年为580万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语).\n战略计划机构成果实现的程度 资料来源:行政当局关于战略计划的年度报告:40%的战略计划体制成果实现40%部分实现4%未实现。 70% Achieved 20% 参与实现 85% Achieved 10% 参与实现\n将开发署视为对重点领域 -- -- 千年发展目标、贫穷、能源和可持续发展、民主治理、危机预防和复原 -- -- 的有效贡献者的伙伴百分比 & 恢复:50%(2009年) - 千年发展目标:75% - 贫穷:60% - EE:60% - 民主治理:65% - 危机预防和恢复:60% 千年发展目标:75% - 贫穷:60% - EE:60% - 民主治理:65% - 危机预防和恢复:60% 管理效率比:8.8% 8.7% 8.7%\n资料来源:执行平衡计分卡。", "战略计划产出:在国家办事处、区域和机构各级实现成果的问责制得到改进(统一职能分组 -- -- 国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助)", "37. 联合国 强有力的整体方案指导和监督,以及在国家办事处、区域和总部方案局(区域局/发展政策局/预防危机和复原局)一级运作良好的管理和业务支助,对于确保在整个组织实现计划的发展和机构成果方面始终实行高度问责制至关重要。 这包括在制定、核准和执行开发计划署方案期间提供的整体支助,以及国家、区域和全球各级提供的日常管理和业务支助。 在区域局一级加强战略规划和管理能力并监督方案交付,是2012-2013年计划的两项关键战略举措,将影响这一成果的实现。", "38. 国家 4个产出指标将用于衡量总体业绩。 其来源如下:(一) 区域局平衡计分卡,采用国家办事处业绩指标中能代表国家办事处总体有效业绩的百分比;(二) 执行平衡计分卡,采用报告为在轨成果的百分比,或作为代表整体方案指导和监督的效力和应用而实现的成果的百分比;(三) 执行平衡计分卡,采用有管理层回应的评价的百分比,以代表国家办事处管理层的认识及其问责、经验教训和已查明的最佳做法;(四) 审计和调查处数据库,采用以风险为基础的审计报告中能代表需要大幅改进问责制、业务效力和风险管理的百分比,其评级不令人满意。", "39. 联合国 对这项产出的成果实行问责制。 区域局、发展政策局(发展局)、预防危机和复原局(复原局)和南南合作特设局负责提供战略规划、指导、整体监督和业务支助,国家办事处负责制订和执行方案并管理有效的业务。 各区域局是这一成果的共同发起者。 表2反映了拟分配给这一结果的核心资金数额(区域局的费用,加上国家办事处、发展局、复原局和南南办事处的管理和业务费用)。 这些数额是:2010-2011年3.351亿美元,2012-2013年3.421亿美元。 这些数字包括:由于增效、转移和减少,数额减少1 770万美元,被费用增加1 700万美元所抵消;新投资数额增加770万美元。 这些投资通过在区域局、预防危机和复原局和发展局设立7个国际专业人员职位,支持执行改革议程,以加强战略规划和管理能力(350万美元)。 它们还通过在苏丹南方设立1个D-2高级国家主任和6个当地职位;在也门设立1个D-2高级国家主任;在阿拉伯国家区域设立1个D-1过渡小组组长(420万美元),向处于脆弱过渡期的国家提供更多支助。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为2.505亿美元,而2010-2011年为2.471亿美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语).\n资料来源:各区域局平衡计分卡 报告为在轨成果或已实现成果的百分比\n资料来源:执行平衡计分卡。 有管理层答复的评价百分比\n资料来源:执行平衡计分卡。 基于风险的审计报告评级不满意的百分比 12% 低于15% 低于15%\n资料来源:审调处数据库。", "战略计划产出:开发署人力资源有效管理,以吸引、发展和保留一支有才干和多样化的工作人员队伍(统一职能组群 -- -- 机构人力资源管理)", " 40. 40. 一支有能力和战略管理的工作人员队伍是实现延长的战略计划所载的发展和体制成果的先决条件。 技能组合和工作人员能力必须反映组织要求。 通过改进征聘政策和继任管理,进行积极主动的员工队伍规划,可望形成一个人员配备最佳和性别均衡的组织。 通过加强在领导、管理和实质性方案领域的学习,加上专业认证方案,加强人才管理,预期将改善职业机会和发展,并增加工作人员的满意度。 改进业绩评估和劳动力分析也是关键所在。 2012-2013年期间,这些举措预计将通过改进征聘、培养和留住高度胜任和经验丰富的专业人员,提高开发署的形象和向方案国提供服务的质量。", "41. 国家 4个产出指标将用于衡量总体业绩。 其来源如下:(一) 关于报告的工作人员对工作环境满意度的总体反馈的全球工作人员调查;(二) 关于国际专业人员职等和高级管理职等(D1及以上)女性工作人员百分比的行政平衡计分卡和人力处数据库;(三) 关于工作人员对现有学习和工作人员发展机会的质量和范围的总体满意度的产品和服务调查;(四) 人力处关于填补空缺定期任用的平均时间的数据库,包括来自国家主任、副驻地代表、国家副主任和业务管理人员候选人人才库的时间。", "42. 国家 对这项产出的成果实行问责制。 它由开发计划署各级管理人员负责在人力资源倡议范围内执行和管理工作人员,由人力处负责拟订必要的政策、方案、程序和劳动力分析,并提供咨询和监测。 人力处也是这一结果的公司赞助者。 表2反映了为这一结果分配的拟议核心供资数额(人力处的费用;公务员制度委员会和内部司法事务的费用份额;中央管理的工作人员和学习费用;联合国提供的相关可偿还服务的费用)。 共计为:2010-2011年7 330万美元,2012-2013年7 270万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额840万美元,被380万美元费用增加和400万美元增加的数额所抵消,这是新的投资。 这些投资有助于加强工作人员队伍和工作分析、人才和继任管理、征聘、职业发展、精简流程以及合同改革带来的额外工作量和相关风险等领域的战略性人力资源管理,包括设立6个国际专业人员和8个当地职位。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为4 160万美元,而2010-2011年为3 070万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语).\n资料来源:执行平衡计分卡/全球工作人员调查\n女性:42% 女性:45% 对学习和员工发展产品和服务的质量表示满意。 60%(2009年) 70%\n资料来源:产品和服务调查。\n资料来源:人力资源厅数据库,18.5周的固定任用员额。 NA 扫描池/新指标 自贸试验区 工作人员60天 自贸试验区60天的员工名单", "战略计划产出:发展了新的和战略伙伴关系,加强了宣传重点,以更具有战略性地定位开发署(统一职能分组 -- -- 机构对外关系和伙伴关系、通信和资源调动)", "43. 东帝汶 本组织的战略定位高度取决于开发署能够扩大范围并增加发展和协调伙伴的数目。 这反过来又将进一步增强开发署的能力,帮助方案国扩大和加强同南方、联合国系统、民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门的现有伙伴关系。 开发署的战略定位也高度依赖成功传播其任务和成就,从而增进全球对其发展和协调活动及管理目标的认识和了解。 对外部通信和伙伴关系采取更具战略性的做法并制定一项综合资源调动战略,是2012-2013年计划的两项关键战略举措,将影响这一成果的实现。", "44. 国家 将使用三个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。 它们来自:(一) 新的战略伙伴关系进展跟踪器,利用与新兴全球强国共同发起的新的和战略伙伴关系协定、计划和(或)模式的数目,代表管理层为不断扩大南南伙伴关系在帮助找到创新发展解决办法方面的潜在作用和影响而作的成功努力;(二) 伙伴关系局(PB) 平衡计分卡,同样利用与各基金会、私营部门、民间社会组织和其他伙伴共同发起的新的战略平台或联盟的数目,代表管理层为帮助寻找创新发展解决办法而作的成功努力,以不断扩大这类伙伴关系安排的潜在作用和影响;(三) 执行和伙伴关系局平衡计分卡,利用符合公司标准的国家办事处网站的百分比,代表开发署能够以透明的方式在国家一级传播其目标、活动和贡献的全球范围和质量。", "45. 国家 这一产出的成果由伙伴关系局负责,该局也是这一成果的整体发起者。 表2反映了用于这一结果的拟议核心供资水平(包括联络处在内的方案预算费用):2010-2011年为3 230万美元,2012-2013年为3 570万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的100万美元,被增加的190万美元和增加的250万美元抵消,这是新的投资。 这些投资通过在方案预算司设立一个国际专业职位,以加强战略规划和管理,支持执行改革议程(50万美元)。 它们还支持制定全球发展议程,包括筹备里约+20(100万美元)和采用国际援助透明度倡议(100万美元)通过的透明度标准。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资源估计数为2 750万美元,而2010-2011年为2 590万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 与新兴全球大国共同推出的新的和战略性伙伴关系协定、计划和/或模式的数目。 NA/新指标 5 11\n资料来源:与基金会、私营部门、民间社会组织和其他伙伴启动的新战略平台和/或联盟的数目。\n资料来源:PB平衡计分卡。 符合公司标准的国家办事处网站百分比\n资料来源:执行/国际收支计分卡。", "战略计划产出:方案需求得到有效和高效的财务、信通技术、采购、法律和行政政策、程序和系统(统一职能组群 -- -- 公司财务、信通技术、采购、法律和行政管理)的支持", "46. 经常预算: 及时和透明地交付发展和机构成果的有利环境高度依赖财务和预算、信息和通信技术、采购、法律和一般行政等领域的关键和基本的整体管理活动,并与这些活动密切相关。 这就要求严格和谨慎地管理本组织的资源 -- -- 人力、财政、资本和信息。 鉴于属于这些领域的机构管理活动具有贯穿各领域的重要性,所有相关政策、程序和制度都必须代表组织的最佳做法,以有效管理机构风险,改进问责制并强化决策。 公共部门会计准则的实施、综合预算的制定和加强战略性企业资源规划系统的功能是2012-2013年计划采取的关键战略举措,将影响这一成果的实现。", "47. 国家 5个产出指标将用于衡量总体业绩。 它们取自:(一) 财务管理平衡计分卡,采用代表这些领域整体业绩的满意评级指标的百分比;(二) 财务数据质量仪表板,采用符合开发署内部财务数据质量标准的业务单位的百分比来代表对财务管理的整体标准的遵守情况;(三) 执行和财务管理平衡计分卡,以内部审计和联合国审计委员会(审计委员会)审计建议的百分比来代表对监督机构提供的指导的反应;(四) 财务管理平衡计分卡,采用对信息和通信技术服务和工具满意的用户的百分比来代表信息系统和通信工具的质量、可获取性和有用性;(五) 采购咨询委员会(采购咨询委员会)数据库,以首次核准的非加太国家和采购问题区域咨询委员会的百分比来代表对非例行采购活动成功适用采购政策和准则。", " 48. 48. 这一产出的成果由管理局负责,包括管理局、财务和行政厅、规划和预算编制厅、信息系统和技术厅、采购支助办公室、采购咨询委员会和法律支助办公室。 管理局也是这一成果的赞助机构。 表2反映了拟用于这一结果的核心供资数额(管理局的费用,不包括人力处和安保办公室的费用;联合国系统行政首长协调理事会服务费用中的份额;集中管理的信通技术费用;以及联合国提供的相关可偿还服务的费用)。 在“A.I.管理活动——经常性”类别中,2010-2011年包括6 240万美元,2012-201年包括5 520万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额1 920万美元,被费用增加的140万美元和新投资增加的数额1 060万美元所抵消。 这些投资通过在波城设立1个国际专业职位支持执行改革议程,以加强战略规划和管理。 它们还支持在公共部门会计准则实施活动(620万美元)和重要的信息和通信技术活动(390万美元)方面加强增值机构服务和问责制。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为4 770万美元,而2010-2011年为4 490万美元。 在“A.II管理活动-非经常性”类别中,这包括2010-2011年的1 620万美元和2012-2013年的1 000万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数量为1 620万美元,由费用增加10万美元和增加的数量为990万美元所抵消,这是新的投资。 这些投资支持在公共部门会计准则实施活动(380万美元)和重要的信息和通信技术活动(610万美元)方面加强增值公司服务和问责制。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语).\n获得满意评级的BOM平衡计分卡指标百分比 资料来源:BOM平衡计分卡 32% 实现57% 部分实现(2009年) 50% (完全完成) 60% (完全完成) 达到财务数据质量标准,包括遵守公共部门会计准则的业务单位百分比\n资料来源:财务数据质量板 内部审计和审计委员会审计建议按目标完成日期执行的百分比\n资料来源:执行/业务平衡计分卡 满意信通技术服务和工具的用户百分比 58%(2009年) 65% 70%\n资料来源:BOM平衡计分卡,在首次提交时核准的非加太和RACP采购案件百分比。\n资料来源:非加太数据库。", "战略计划产出:工作人员和房地的安保以及方案交付更安全的环境得到加强(统一职能组群 -- -- 全球工作人员和房地安保)", "49. (中文(简体) ). 为开发署人员和设施提供安全、有保障的环境是实现延长的战略计划所载发展、联合国发展协调和管理成果的另一个关键先决条件。 这需要全面和具有成本效益的全球安全规定,包括建立、维持和执行安全管理和问责制的政策和制度。 开发署将继续参加联合国安全和安保部(安保部)外地安保方案,更好地遵守最低运作安保标准,并维持最新的单位业务连续性计划。 提高对道路安全预防措施的认识并增强方案国首都与外围项目和办事分处地点之间的应急通信能力,是2012-2013年计划的两项关键举措,将影响这一成果的实现。", " 50. 50. 将使用两个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。 它们是来自:(一) 执行和管理局平衡计分卡,以遵守最低业务安全标准要求的国家办事处的百分比作为执行可接受的安保措施,使工作人员能够安全运作的代表;(二) 执行和管理局平衡计分卡,以达到业务连续性计划要求的国家办事处的百分比作为制订和实际测试这些计划的代表,作为应对突发或意外的自然或人为安全威胁的适当高级准备工作的代表。", "51. 联合国 为了准备可能需要额外资金,以支付大会规定的与参加安保部外地安保方案有关的安保费用,或改进2012-2013年期间遵守最低业务安全标准的情况,署长特别请求核准,类似于2008-2009年和2010-2011年的核准数额,最多再支出1 500万美元指定用于此目的的拟议经常资源。 迄今为止,从未使用过这一特殊权力。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 对这项产出的成果实行问责制。 其职责是:由安保办公室/办公室负责制定、沟通和就已核准的政策和程序提供咨询;由各区域局负责提供适当监督;由国家办事处负责充分执行并遵守已核准的政策和程序。 安保办公室/办公室是这一结果的赞助机构。 表2反映了用于这一成果的拟议核心供资数额(安保办公室的费用和遵守联合国规定的安保活动的费用):2010-2011年为4 740万美元,2012-2013年为3 290万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额1 660万美元,由费用增加的210万美元所抵消。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为2 660万美元,而2010-2011年为1 640万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语).\n达到最低安全标准(最低安全标准)的国家办事处百分比\n满足业务连续性计划要求的国家办事处百分比 资料来源:行政/管理局平衡计分卡 79.6% 90% 95%", "战略计划产出:对开发署资源内部控制的充分性以及开发署为支持实现发展成果所提供捐款的效力和效率进行独立的机构监督和合理保证(统一职能分组 -- -- 机构监督和保证)", "53. 联合国 经执行局第2008/37号决定认可的开发署采用的问责和监督制度,是确保适当的机构监督政策和程序,包括全面和运作良好的内部控制制度的建立和有效运作的关键,以便提高业务效力、保障组织资产和管理风险。 它还有助于提供令人满意的保证,即不断将经验教训和最佳做法纳入强调延长的战略计划所载成果的发展、联合国发展协调和管理活动。", "54. 联合国 4个产出指标将用于衡量总体业绩。 它们来自:", "(a) 审调处数据库,利用每年公布的国家办事处、方案、项目和其他业务单位和职能的风险审计报告的数目,作为问责制和监督制度良好运作和执行的代表。", "(b) 审调处数据库,利用及时审查非政府组织/国家执行项目审计报告和发出审查函的百分比,作为充分管理和监督非政府组织/国家执行项目外部审计工作的代表。", "(c) 执行局网站,利用方案评价及时完成的百分比,供开发署管理层和执行局在核准新的国家方案之前审议,以此代表方案评价对问责制、成果管理和知识管理的及时性和影响。", "(d) 评价资源中心,利用已完成和上传的分散评价报告的百分比,并公布质量评级,以此代表本组织为改进发展成果而进行战略规划和有效利用分散评价的努力。", "55. 国家 审计和调查处以及评价办公室负责这一产出的结果,后者也是这一结果的整体发起者。 表2反映了拟用于这一结果的核心供资数额(审调处和评价办公室的费用以及联合检查组和审计委员会事务费用分摊额)。 总计:2010-2011年为4 800万美元,2012-2013年为4 710万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额250万美元。 这些费用被增加的60万美元和增加的100万美元抵消,这是新的投资。 这些投资通过在调查股设立两个国际专业人员职位(100万美元),支持加强增值的公司服务和问责制。 2012-2013年用于审计和调查活动的资源为2 690万美元,用于评价活动的资源为2 020万美元。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为790万美元,而2010-2011年为550万美元。 这反映了2012-2013年用于审计和调查活动的预算外资金估计数为550万美元,用于评价活动的预算外资金估计数为240万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 每年公布的国家办事处、方案、项目和其他业务单位和职能的风险审计报告数目 69 74\n资料来源:审调处数据库 及时审查非政府组织/国家执行审计报告和发出审查函\n资料来源:审调处数据库 及时完成方案评价(发展成果评估:区域、全球、南南),供管理层和执行局在核准新方案之前审议\n资料来源:执行局网站 已完成的分散评价报告上传到评价资源中心的百分比,评价办公室对这些报告的质量评级进行了公布\n资料来源:评价资源中心。", "B. 联合国发展协调", "56. (中文(简体) ). 大会在关于三年期全面政策审查的第62/208号决议中,重申开发署是驻地协调员制度的管理者,并重申驻地协调员制度在国家自主的框架内,可发挥关键作用,使联合国系统在国家一级切实有效地运作。 因此,这些活动和相关费用 -- -- 由开发计划署在国家一级执行,由总部和国家办事处一级的联合国发展业务协调办公室(发展业务协调办公室)执行 -- -- 按照执行局的决定列为联合国发展协调费用。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 开发计划署在国家一级的活动分为两大类。 第一类涉及联合国系统的协调和代表活动,这些活动通常由驻地协调员在驻地协调员办事处和开发计划署工作人员的支持下进行。 其中包括:(一) 协调联合国系统的业务活动,包括共同的安保职能和支助区域主任小组;(二) 代表联合国系统代表驻地和非驻地机构并进行宣传,包括调动资源;(三) 协调紧急、人道主义和救济活动。", "58. 联合国 第二类涉及通常由驻地协调员办事处和开发计划署工作人员为联合国系统协调提供的服务和业务支助。 其中包括:(一) 向驻地协调员办公室提供行政支助;(二) 为联合国国家工作队提供行政支助,包括管理共同房地和协调通信、财务和信息技术等共享服务。 本报告还涉及应秘书长和联合国高级官员的特别要求而开展的活动。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 发展业务协调办公室为联合国发展集团(发展集团)就全系统问题和政策作出决定提供技术支助。 为此,发展业务协调办公室协助发展集团制定和采用简化和统一的政策和程序,供国家办事处在下列重要领域使用:联合国发展援助框架(联发援框架)和联合方案、通信、信息技术、人力资源、采购、财务细则和条例、标准化审计和财务报告以及费用回收。 它们还通过供资、政策指导和培训支持全面加强驻地协调员制度,并向危机和冲突后国家的驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队提供有针对性的支助。", "60. 联合国 战略计划的中期审查列出了联合国发展协调项下的三项战略产出以及相应的业绩指标、基线和目标,如下所述。 第一个产出是“开发计划署加强驻地协调员制度的管理”,利用一个产出指标衡量业绩。 它取自伙伴关系局的平衡记分卡,使用开发署针对管理和问责制度报告和执行计划而完成的行动的百分比,作为发展集团内部透明问责制的代表,以及开发署在其中为确保有效、包容和问责的驻地协调员制度而发挥的成功作用。", "61. 国家 第二项产出“联合国发展系统加强驻地协调员制度的能力”也使用一项产出指标来衡量业绩。 它取自伙伴关系局的平衡记分卡,使用联合国系统伙伴对开发署驻地协调员制度的管理感到满意的百分比,作为对开发署作为驻地协调员制度的保管人和管理者所发挥作用的有效性的总体伙伴反馈的代表。", "62. 联合国 第三项产出是“有效协调和便利向联合国国家工作队提供的方案拟订和共同业务”,它也使用一项产出指标来衡量业绩。 它取自发展集团的工作计划。 将发展业务协调办公室产出的百分比用于反映发展业务协调办公室计划活动对联合国国家工作队业务的积极影响和贡献。", "63. 国家 对所有三项产出的成果都实行问责制。 它由执行办公室、伙伴关系局、区域局和发展业务协调办公室负责提供战略指导和整体监督,由驻地协调员和开发署国家办事处负责向联合国国家工作队提供实际代表、协调和业务支助。 伙伴关系局是前两项成果的公司赞助者,发展业务协调办公室是第三项成果的公司赞助者。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 与前几个两年期一样,开发署进行了工作量研究,以审查开发署国家办事处支助联合国发展协调活动的时间和费用。 84个国家办事处的3 000多名工作人员参加了讲习班,这是一个广泛的代表性抽样,可从中得出估计数。 数据分析的结果再次证实,联合国发展协调与开发署在国家办事处结构中的活动之间有着不可分割的联系。 例如,在开发计划署单位活动项下报告的工作人员大量时间实际上用于支助驻地协调员和联合国国家小组倡议。 因此,驻地协调员股在支持这些举措方面的费用应继续在整个开发署国家办事处结构中分摊。", "65. 国家 国家办事处一级费用的22%,包括总部集中管理的费用(如安保和信通技术费用),是2012-2013年期间支助联合国发展协调活动的费用,比2010-2011年适用的27%减少5%。 这是由于与伙伴组织进一步协调,导致将开发署工作人员参加联合国国家工作队的所有国家办事处费用从联合国发展协调改叙为管理。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 表2反映了拟分配给前两项成果(占国家办事处一级费用的22%):2010-2011年1.471亿美元和2012-2013年1.433亿美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额1 110万美元,由费用增加的730万美元所抵消。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为5 950万美元,而2010-2011年为5 640万美元。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 表2还反映了拟分配给第三项成果的核心供资水平(发展业务协调办公室向开发署提供的费用):2010-2011年为390万美元,2012-2013年为350万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额30万美元和减少的费用10万美元。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为210万美元,而2010-2011年为190万美元。", "战略计划产出:开发署对驻地协调员制度的管理得到加强(职能群组-国家办事处-联合国协调支助)", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 开发署针对管理和问责制度报告和执行计划完成的行动百分比\n资料来源:PB平衡计分卡。", "战略计划产出:联合国发展系统对驻地协调员制度的所有权得到加强(职能群组-国家办事处联合国协调支助)。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 联合国系统伙伴对开发署驻地协调员制度的管理感到满意的百分比\n资料来源:PB平衡计分卡。", "战略计划产出:有效协调和便利向联合国国家工作队提供的方案拟订和共同业务(职能组群 -- -- 联合国总部协调支助)", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 发展业务协调办公室的产出在发展集团工作计划中实现的百分比\n资料来源:发展集团工作计划。", "C. 特别用途", "战略计划产出:有效力和高效率的管理支持的志愿人员方案需要(职能组群 -- -- 对志愿人员方案的支助)", "68. (中文(简体) ). 志愿人员方案是大会设立并由开发署管理的一个方案。 它代表联合国系统动员志愿人员。 这些志愿人员的工作继续对联合国全系统实现和平与发展的努力产生重大影响,并在开发计划署内对减贫战略和实现千年发展目标产生重大影响。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 将使用一个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。 它取自志愿人员方案的数据库,并使用为千年发展目标、人道主义、危机后和建设和平活动而调动的联合国志愿人员人数增加的百分比。 这被认为代表了志愿人员方案成功地满足了全球征聘和安置联合国志愿人员方面日益增加的需求。 这种反应能力涉及志愿人员方案的基本方案和管理活动,特别是在方案发展与合作、志愿人员征聘和管理、伙伴关系建设以及财务和行政等领域。", "70. 联合国 联合国志愿人员方案负责这一产出的成果,该方案也是这一成果的整体发起者。 表2反映了用于这一结果的拟议核心供资水平(联合国志愿人员向开发署支付的费用):2010-2011年4 090万美元,2012-2013年3 380万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的720万美元,由费用增加10万美元所抵消。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为2 320万美元,而2010-2011年为1 830万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 为千年发展目标、人道主义、危机后和建设和平活动动员的联合国志愿人员和其他志愿人员人数增加的百分比\n资料来源:志愿人员方案数据库。", "战略计划产出:资发基金方案需要得到有成效和高效率管理的支持(职能组群 -- -- 对资发基金的支助)", "71. 联合国 联合国资本发展基金(资发基金)是一个自愿捐款供资的组织,由大会设立,由开发署管理。 它通过小额供资和社区一级的资本投资支持减贫。 国家一级的联合方案是开发计划署同资发基金在这些领域进行合作的主要方式。", "72. 联合国 将使用一个产出指标来衡量总体业绩。 它取自资发基金的记分卡,使用资发基金积极参与的最不发达国家的百分比,并将捐款纳入联合国国家一级方案拟订框架,以此代表资发基金在人力资源、财务、信息和通信技术及采购领域的基本管理活动能够成功地满足对资发基金发展服务的需求。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 资发基金负责这一产出的成果,资发基金也是这一成果的共同发起者。 表2反映了用于这一结果的拟议核心供资水平(资发基金给开发署的费用):2010-2011年为960万美元,2012-2013年为850万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的100万美元和费用减少的10万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 资发基金积极参与将捐款纳入联合国国家一级方案拟订框架的最不发达国家百分比\n资料来源:资发基金记分卡。", "D. 发展实效", "74. 国家 发展实效是开发署在国家一级支持有效实现发展成果的产出。 为了机构预算工作的目的,它们涵盖那些没有具体列入方案或项目预算的对成功交付发展成果不可或缺的领域。 战略计划中5个发展实效产出中有3个获得机构预算资金,详述如下。", "战略计划产出:国家方案拟订质量提高(职能群组 -- -- 方案发展和管理支助)", "75. 国家 定性国家方案拟订是成功实现计划发展成果的先决条件。 为提高国家方案拟订的质量,并按照战略计划中期审查的建议,这些指标旨在跟踪在改善方案拟订重点和质量并同时减少国家一级交易负担方面取得的进展。", "76. 联合国 更具体地说,综合产出指标的四个组成部分将用于衡量业绩。 它们来自:", "(a) 评价资源中心,利用遵守国家方案文件评价计划的比率,包括分散评价质量评级和管理层回应的执行情况,作为学习的代表,以提高国家方案拟订的总体质量并遵守既定政策和标准。", "(b) 国家办事处平衡记分卡,采用业务支助组将制定的新指标,以代表国家办事处成果报告的总体质量。", "(c) 审计委员会对国家方案文件成果框架的意见是其总体质量的代表。", "(d) Atlas系统和开发署规范性内容储存库,将用于确定项目工作量和交易-方案拟订要求的百分比变化,以体现方案拟订工具的效率和效力的提高。", "77. 国家 这一产出成果的问责制由各区域局负责,负责提供和应用涵盖方案周期广泛范围的整体方案发展和管理指导。 各区域局是这一成果的共同发起者。 表2反映了用于这一成果的拟议核心供资水平(主要承担与方案有关职责的国家办事处和区域中心工作人员,包括副驻地代表和副国家主任以及方案和通信专家、顾问、协理人员和助理的费用):2010-2011年为1.217亿美元,2012-2013年为1.087亿美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数额930万美元和减少的费用370万美元。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为9 960万美元,而2010-2011年为8 910万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语).\n遵守评价政策和整体质量标准 资料来源:紧急救济协调员:国家方案文件评价计划的遵守率;分散评价质量评级;管理层对国家方案文件的答复的执行率:28%;中央中心:21%;Mgmt的答复:61%完成/持续了四年。 CPD: 50% 权力下放 : 35% Mgmt. 答复: 70% CPD: 60% 权力下放 : 50% Mgmt. 答复: 75% 国家办事处注重成果的年度报告的质量超过2010年标准 : 超过 81 份注重成果的年度报告 20% 增加 20%\n资料来源:由OSG评级的新的平衡计分卡指标。\n资料来源:审计委员会2008-2009两年期报告 DP/2011/14号文件 方案文书符合以下目的: 项目负荷和交易程序变化%\n资料来源:Atlas和POPP。", "战略计划产出:建立实践网络和知识,有效促进各区域的发展成果(职能分组 -- -- 方案政策和知识管理支助)", "78. 国家 开发署是一个以知识为基础的组织。 因此,获取、编纂和分享发展信息是开发署运作的核心。 通过在2010-2011年期间引入和执行新的机构知识战略和系统,获取和传播知识的平台得到增强。 这通过利用改进的内联网、因特网和外联网能力,为开发署提供了强化的知识管理基础。 预计这又会改善跨业务整合,并增加2012-2013年期间经验教训的分享。", "79. 联合国 将使用三个产出指标来衡量业绩。 它们取自:(一) 产品和服务调查,利用用户对总部提供的业务领导和政策指导的相关性表示满意的百分比;(二) 产品和服务调查,利用用户对方案和项目的制订和执行支助的相关性表示满意的百分比;(三) 团队工作,利用每月用户人数,包括讨论、上传、建议和意见,以此代表这一重要知识管理工具的可获取性、有用性和利用率。", "80个 对这项产出的成果实行问责制。 发展政策局和复原局负责开发和传播与实践知识有关的信息和服务,并为此创造有利环境。 国家办事处、区域中心和区域局也要有效获取并成功应用现有知识。 发展局和复原局是这一成果的整体赞助者。 表2反映了用于这一结果的拟议核心供资水平(发展局和复原局实践小组的费用):2010-2011年2 500万美元,2012-2013年2 410万美元。 这些数字包括因增效、转移和减少而减少的数量为400万美元,被费用增加30万美元和增加的数量为280万美元所抵消,这是新的投资。 这些投资通过在发展局设立1个D-2职等和1个当地职位支持执行改革议程,以加大对政策领导和政策整合的重视(80万美元)。 它们还支持通过在12个方案国制定千年发展目标加速框架行动计划来制定全球发展议程(200万美元)。 表2还显示2012-2013年预算外资金估计数为400万美元,而2010-2011年为450万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 满意相关实践领导和政策指导的用户百分比\n资料来源:产品和服务调查 用户对方案/项目拟定和执行支助的适切性满意的百分比\n资料来源:产品和服务调查。\n团队工作使用指标:交流、讨论、工作量、建议和观点 资料来源: 团队工作,每月500个独特用户,从开发计划署所有区域访问,每月1 000个独特用户,每月2 000个独特用户,每月区域覆盖。", "战略计划产出:促进南南和三角伙伴关系,以促进实现国家发展目标(职能分组 -- -- 南南方案拟订和政策支助)", "81个 南南合作和三角伙伴关系是发展中国家间分享发展专长和知识的成功和有成本效益的模式。 开发署同南方的伙伴合作,支持分享发展经验和知识。 它还鼓励国家办事处在国家方案文件范围内支持这些活动。", "82. 将使用两个产出指标衡量业绩。 它们来自:(一) 对注重成果的年度报告的审查,利用报告南南合作活动所促成成果的国家办事处的百分比,作为它们对成果所作贡献的范围和规模的代表;(二) 伙伴关系调查,利用将开发署的干预措施视为有效促进南南合作的伙伴的百分比,作为国家办事处伙伴对这些干预措施总体满意度反馈的代表。", "83个 对这项产出的成果实行问责制。 发展政策局和伙伴关系局负责制定政策和程序,并提供指导和政策咨询以促进互动。 国家办事处也应获得和利用指导和政策咨询,并为南南活动分配足够的资源。 发展局和伙伴关系局是这一成果的整体赞助者。 表2反映了用于这一结果的拟议核心供资水平:即总部和区域中心各级南南股工作人员的费用:2010-2011年为150万美元,2012-2013年为170万美元。 这些数字包括费用增加20万美元。", "业绩指标 基线目标\n2012, 2013 (英语). 在注重成果的年度报告中报告南南合作贡献的国家办事处百分比\n资料来源:区域局/业务支助组对注重成果的年度报告的审查。 认为开发署干预措施能有效促进南南合作的伙伴百分比\n资料来源:伙伴关系调查。", "四、结 论 2012-2013年机构预算提案", "A类. 提案摘要", "背景情况", "第八十四会. 署长提议开发署机构预算,与第2010/1号决定所核准的2010-2011年预算毛额9.809亿美元相比,数额减少1.201亿美元,即12.3%。 如下文所述,这些减少抵消了非全权成本增加的3 110万美元(3.2%)和拟议投资的4 000万美元(4.1%)。 这些提议导致预算净减少4 930万美元,即5.0%。 因此,2012-2013年拟议机构预算毛额为9.319亿美元,预计收入将抵消7 540万美元,因此2012-2013年机构预算净额为8.565亿美元。 详细情况见表3,并在以下各段中讨论。", "费用增加", "85. 表3拟议净费用增加3 110万美元,比2010-2011年核定批款毛额增加3.2%,表明2012-2013年期间开发署组织结构、职能和活动所需的非全权名义费用增加。 这大大低于2010-2011年期间增加的9 150万美元,即增加10.7%。 它还与2008-2009年(15.1%)和2006-2007年(13.5%)的费用增加相比较为有利。", "86号. 与相关费用调整有关的关键因素包括:", "(a) 国家 由于通货膨胀对以下方面的影响,净增加1 740万美元:国际和总部当地工作人员的工作地点差价调整数和其他应享权利;本国干事和国家办事处当地工作人员的应享权利;业务费用。", "(b) 国家 由于国际和总部当地工作人员职等内加薪,以及联合国规定的本国干事和国家办事处当地工作人员薪金订正调查,薪金应享待遇净增1 200万美元。", "(c) 由于同美元相比汇率波动的总体影响,货币调整导致净增加150万美元。", "(d) 拟议员额改叙导致净增20万美元。", "87个 2012-2013年通货膨胀的全部影响估计为每年2.5%,反映了总部1.2%的年通货膨胀率和国家办事处3.9%的年通货膨胀率的综合影响。 相比之下,2010-2011年期间的通货膨胀率估计为3.3%(总部为1.8%,国家办事处为4.5%),2008-2009年期间为4.1%(总部为3.2%,国家办事处为4.7%)。 通货膨胀率取自联合国秘书处纽约和日内瓦,并取自《经济学家》资料处关于所有其他地点的网站。", "图表 3. 经常资源增加/减少的主要领域总表[2]", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "执行预算纪律(数量减少)", "88个 针对执行局成员表示的关切并鉴于当前的全球经济危机,署长继续高度重视通过进一步遏制和更好地调整机构费用来实行预算纪律的必要性。 采取了三重办法,实际减少1.201亿美元,比2010-2011年核定预算批款毛额减少12.3%。 首先,各组织单位面临挑战,要通过取消冗余和非必要的服务和活动以及确定可以减少的较低优先职能,包括冻结员额(3 060万美元)来提高总体业务效力。 第二,在机构一级,在集中管理费用的归属方面(5 520万美元),以及在单位一级,在改善经常资源和预算外资源之间的负担分担方面(1 300万美元),查明了改进费用一致性的机会。 最后,与完成资本投资和其他投资有关的所有费用被取消(2 130万美元)。", "89. 国家 鉴于上述情况,拟将非工作人员费用减少9 600万美元。 实现这些目的的方法包括:提高业务效率(1 240万美元);在集中管理费用的归属(5 520万美元)和向预算外资源转移(710万美元);完成资本和其他投资(2 130万美元)。", "90. (中文(简体) ). 还拟议减少人事费2 410万美元。 这些裁减涉及88个员额:33个国际专业人员和55个当地人员。 这些削减是通过下列两种方式实现的:提高业务效率,包括冻结或裁撤员额(1 820万美元)和转向预算外资源(590万美元)。 员额减少情况如下:", "(a) 被冻结的员额:20个国际专业人员和23个当地员额。", "(b) 裁撤员额:4个国际专业人员员额和14个当地员额。", "(c) 员额转到预算外资源:9个国际专业人员员额和18个当地员额。", "91. 联合国 2012-2013年期间,更有效地提供政策和机构服务是头等大事,更加注重更快、更便宜和更佳的业务流程,从而大大减少周转时间和与特派团关键职能有关的费用,最显著的是征聘和采购。 将采取一系列具体措施,处理经常妨碍国家办事处一级业务效力的冗长和往往不灵活的方案和项目进程。 将开发一套更适合国家自主发展议程的灵活方案拟订工具,作为精简办公室业务和减少繁琐的官僚程序的重要第一步,这些官僚程序没有什么价值。", "92. (中文(简体) ). 差旅、咨询和通信费用将进一步得到控制。 还将考虑将整个组织在服务中心或全球中心开展的日常业务活动和交易集中起来的可行性,这些中心可以使用合格的、现有的人力资源库以及适当的有形和信通技术设施。 建立全球共享服务中心以支持实施公共部门会计准则的经验教训将提供指导。 还将探讨外包办法。 将在战略和增值领域进一步利用信通技术架构,并增强内部工作人员的能力。 归根结底,这些倡议和正在审议的其他倡议应能提高组织效力并用更少的资源做更多的工作。", "93. 国家 历史上,与联合国秘书处提供的服务、联合国系统共同出资的活动、离职后健康保险、安保、信息和通信技术以及学习活动有关的管理下的开发署费用大多由经常资源提供,因为这是开发署大多数工作人员的资金来源。 然而,由于来自分摊费用和信托基金的其他资源有所增加,开发署由其他资源供资的工作人员人数以及中央和地方管理这些资源的费用也有所增加。", "94. 国家 鉴于上述情况并为了提高预算透明度和费用归属,发起了一项公司倡议,根据工作人员人数和总费用,将这类中央管理费用分配给相应的资金来源。 这在很大程度上是成功的,因为开发署Atlas企业资源规划系统不断投资和连续升级,从而能够更好地利用和管理人事数据。 为实施公共部门会计准则而进行的分析也是一个促成因素。 因此,已确定5 520万美元经改进的费用归属如下:联合国秘书处提供的服务和参与联合国系统合资办理的活动的费用(990万美元);离职后健康保险(900万美元);安保(2 570万美元);信息和通信技术、学习和结束服务费用(1 060万美元)。", "95号. 此外,开发署还进行了一些投资,使本组织受益并带来资金效益。 不再需要资金来支付与其中一些投资有关的某些费用,包括资本和非经常性投资。 因此,大会授权开展的与人力资源合同改革和公共部门会计准则筹备活动有关的活动(950万美元)、知识管理投资(670万美元)以及Atlas软件升级和总部新电话系统资本投资(510万美元)共减少2 130万美元。", "对本组织的投资(数量增加)", "96. (中文(简体) ). 拟在五个战略领域增加总额4 000万美元的数额,包括经常性和非经常性投资3 010万美元和990万美元。 这比2010-2011年核定批款毛额增加了4.1%。 共拟设77个新职位,32个国际专业人员职位和45个当地职位。 如关于战略机构成果框架的第3章所讨论,所有拟议投资都具体确定并列入相应的计划战略产出。 下面简要介绍根据第17段概述的五个战略领域提出的投资。", "执行改革议程", "97. 国家 加强区域和中央局的战略规划和管理能力是成功执行改革议程的关键先决条件。 更具体地说,改革议程确定了各局的明确问责制,包括:(一) 在区域一级执行机构决定并将其纳入所有局;(二) 有效执行方案;(三) 按照组织优先事项分配资源;(四) 监督方案质量、报告成果并遵守机构要求;(五) 区域和全球外联。", "98 (英语). 战略规划和管理将侧重于提高前瞻性。 对区域和全球事态发展进行系统监测,应该通过支持制定高质量的国家、区域和全球方案,使开发计划署的战略优先事项充分一体化,使本组织处于更好的地位。 对方案组合的定期分析应查明长处和弱点以及新出现的机会,并以此作为监测计划成果的基础,以便分配资源,支持有效的方案交付并积极处理不令人满意的业绩问题。 归根结底,这些活动应可加强系统地规划、提供和监测及时向国家办事处提供支助的能力,包括评估中央局对政策和机构服务的需求。", "99号. 同时,开发署将通过在发展局设立一个由首席经济学家领导的小型战略政策小组,加强对政策领导,该小组将就全球政策问题和新趋势及其对国家和区域方案的影响提供综合咨询意见。 该小组还将负责根据组织优先事项制定和协调开发署的综合政策战略。", "一百个 在就关于战略计划中期审查的第2011/14号决定采取后续行动时,开发署必须在其工作的所有方面加强成果管理制办法,并调整战略计划成果框架和内部数据收集系统,以纳入各国和各方案更系统和可比较的成果数据。 与此同时,开发署需要以构建成果链方面的国际最佳做法为基础,为下一个战略计划期间(2014-2017年)提供基础,制定新的、强有力的成果框架。 这项工作需要广泛的统计研究和分析,以解决与资金效益、组织效力以及成果和资源之间的联系有关的问题。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 鉴于上述情况,署长提议从经常资源中投资680万美元来支助执行改革议程,其中:(一) 设立10个国际专业职位,500万美元直接支助更强有力的战略规划和管理能力;(二) 设立D2级首席经济学家和1名支助工作人员,80万美元直接支助政策领导;(三) 100万美元将提供关键支助来改进全组织的成果管理制的所有方面,以筹备下一个战略计划和成果框架。", "加强战略性人力资源管理", "102. 国家 人事管理是变革议程的基石,该议程设想组织文化将逐步改变:建立一个具有工作人员参与、高业绩、共同原则和价值观的具有战略意义的适应性和适应性的组织。 需要加强人才管理和员工队伍规划工具和系统,以:制定人员能力战略,确定不同类型办事处所需的专门技能,并改进业务流程。", "第103页。 大会第63/250号决议授权根据一套工作人员条例实施新的人力资源合同安排。 由于执行合同改革,开发计划署现在又管理1 200名国际专业工作人员。 相应的长期和定期任用数目有所增加,离职和新任用的数目也有所增加。 这种情况造成了额外的工作量,在现有工作人员级别上无法随时承担。 在集中令人满意地处理现有积压工作以及充分加强股一级工作人员的能力之前,也无法采取分散处理的办法。", "104 (韩语). 鉴于上述情况,署长提议从经常资源中投资400万美元。 这些资源将用于:", "(a) 设立4个国际专业职位,专门从事精简程序、员工队伍和工作分析、系统设计、职业发展以及调解和便利工作。", "(b) 优先考虑业务流程再造,使人力资源管理工作人员有更多的时间履行战略职能,包括人才和继任管理,并加快征聘工作。", "(c) 设立2个国际专业人员和8个当地职位,以应付合同改革带来的额外工作量并有效管理相关风险。", "增加对脆弱转型国家的支助", "105. (中文(简体) ). 开发署危机预防和恢复做法的首要目标仍然是加强国家预防或减轻与危机有关的风险的能力,同时支持促进可持续国家发展的快速恢复努力。 2012-2013年期间,将在若干重要情况下,包括在苏丹南方和阿拉伯国家区域,呼吁开发署提供支助。", "106. (中文(简体) ). 苏丹南方计划在2011年7月9日脱离后,将面临建国任务的挑战,需要将开发署方案的重点重新放在:(一) 善治和国家建设;(二) 危机预防和恢复;(三) 包容性增长和经济发展上。 朱巴现有办事分处将改为国家办事处的全面存在。 这将包括适当的管理、方案和业务能力,以实施一个复杂的多维方案。", "107 (韩语). 同样,阿拉伯国家区域目前的过渡需要开发计划署重新提供和重新确定支助的重点。 为了使这些过渡充分满足公民的愿望,新出现的政治模式需要促进经济、社会和政治包容。 当前政治形势的不可预测性,加上该区域国家职能的突然减少,要求迅速满足人民的迫切需要,同时为长期政治过渡铺平道路。 因此,国家方案需要进行调整,以满足过渡需要,而国家办事处的能力需要得到加强,以确保管理、方案执行支助和咨询服务的及时性。", "108. (中文(简体) ). 鉴于上述情况,署长提议从经常资源中投资420万美元,通过设立下列职位支持处于脆弱过渡中的国家:(一) 在苏丹南方设立1个D-2高级国家主任和6个本国干事及当地员额;(二) 在也门设立1个D-2高级国家主任;(三) 在阿拉伯国家区域设立1个D-1过渡小组组长,以协调支助工作,因为该区域同时发生多重危机。 还将为伊拉克国家办事处从安曼分阶段搬迁到巴格达提供支助。", "制定全球发展议程", "第109页. 2011年1月,开发署推出了千年发展目标突破战略,包括建立千年发展目标加速框架。 多年筹资框架是开发署在进展严重滞后的国家加速实现千年发展目标的框架。 它在10个国家进行了试点,在这些国家中,它产生了高质量的多边金融框架行动计划。 这一办法随后得到发展集团的认可。 此外,千年发展目标首脑会议还就进一步加快千年发展目标进展的必要性达成了一定程度的国际协议,其中一部分是通过政府和发展伙伴之间就《千年发展目标》国家行动计划范围内的计划活动进行更明确的协调。 这些计划的重点是阻碍加速进展的关键政策、投资和能力瓶颈,特别是在消除重大的性别、收入和地域差距方面。 开发署提议在2012-2013年期间支持制定另外12个多边金融框架国家行动计划。", "110. 国家 鉴于开发署的独特和全球性任务,它的任务是在可持续发展会议(里约+20)的筹备工作中发挥积极主动的作用。 如何设计未来可持续增长的全球蓝图,同时维护在贫穷、气候变化和其他关键部门已经取得的进展。 开发署将与联合国系统伙伴密切协商,收集、分析和综合多种复杂的实质性信息流。 这些活动可望为制定有活力的全球发展体制框架作出重要贡献。", "111. 开发计划署是援助倡议的成员,该倡议是一个自愿的多利益攸关方倡议,力求使援助支出的信息更容易找到、使用和比较。 它汇集了捐助国和发展中国家、非政府组织和援助信息专家。 开发计划署承诺以分阶段和具有成本效益的方式在内部执行国际投资倡议通过的透明度标准,以便向伙伴和公众提供质量更好的信息。 这将需要报告和系统变化以及数据重组和核对。", "112号 鉴于上述情况,署长提议从经常资源中投资400万美元,其中:(一) 200万美元将用于支持在12个方案国家扩大编制高质量的千年发展目标加速框架行动计划;(二) 100万美元将用于支持里约+20会议议题文件的编写工作,该文件将阐明绿色经济如何能为执行可持续发展议程作出贡献;(三) 100万美元将用于支持提升现有数据、报告和系统能力,以成功采用国际能源举措通过的透明度标准。", "加强企业增值服务和问责制.", "113号. 大会第60/283号决议核准联合国全系统采用公共部门会计准则来取代联合国系统会计准则。 公共部门和非营利组织认为《国际公共部门会计准则》是最佳做法。 《公共部门会计准则》的实施预计将为联合国系统财务报告和披露提供一个一致、可比和统一的平台,从而提高透明度和问责制。 它还将促进财务条例和细则、业务做法以及政策和程序的进一步统一。 开发署在2012年1月开始实施公共部门会计准则方面进展顺利,并在目前的筹备阶段已取得重大进展。 然而,2012年是执行工作的第一年,仍然需要进行非经常性投资,以便:稳定业务流程和工作流程;支持持续核查期初结余;对雇员福利负债进行精算估值;进一步界定报告和解释政策;为国家办事处提供解决问题的支持,以降低执行工作的风险。", "114 (韩语). 将设立一个全球共享服务中心,主要向国家办事处提供经常性的咨询服务和支助,以处理公共部门会计准则的复杂交易。 预计该中心将为规模经济以及分享知识和最佳做法提供机会。 它将设在一个费用低廉的地点,可以获得合格和可用的劳动力。 预计它将为讨论在全组织实现更快、更便宜和更好的业务流程的替代办法提供重要投入。", "115. (中文(简体) ). 在信息和通信技术领域,2012-2013年路线图已经定稿。 报告阐述了信通技术在提供战略咨询和增值公司服务以及改进报告、合规和风险管理等方面发挥重要作用。 2012-2013年期间需要进行非经常性投资,以大力加强企业资源规划系统,加强Atlas系统安全、人力资源管理、公共部门会计准则和方案管理方面的整体服务,并改进因特网能力。 为了改进总体报告、合规和风险管理,需要在成果管理制、战略报告和数据存档等领域进行非经常性投资。", "116 (英语). 2012-2013年期间,还需要对信通技术进行经常性投资,以巩固和利用2010-2011年期间在内联网、因特网和外联网所作的战略投资,这些投资提高了整个组织的知识管理和分享能力。 重新设计并合并了开发署内联网,以提高内部效率,支持与内部成果和信息管理工具的整合和统一。 因特网现在通过一个内容管理系统进行管理,该系统允许网站所有人在技术知识最少的情况下修改单个网站的内容、图形和结构。 外部网为开发署提供了机构平台,以支持与外部发展伙伴的协作、知识共享、沟通和联网。", "117号 审调处调查股的投诉和调查请求的数量和复杂性大幅增加。 特别令人关切的是,与欺诈和其他财务活动有关的据称违规行为比例上升。 这些情况和必要的后续工作如果不迅速得到处理和开展,就可能分散工作人员对日常工作的注意力并降低战略工作的质量和附加值。 因此,增加对调查股能力的投资十分重要。", "118. 鉴于上述情况,署长提议从经常资源中投资2 100万美元,以支助加强增值的公司服务和问责制。 其中1 000万美元将直接支持公共部门会计准则的实施,包括非经常性投资380万美元,经常性投资620万美元,为全球共享服务中心供资,包括设立10个国际专业人员和30个当地职位。 另外1 000万美元将支助与信息和通信技术有关的活动,其中610万美元为非经常性投资,390万美元为经常性投资。 此外,拟议通过设立两个国际专业职位,为调查股提供100万美元的经常性投资。", "预算收入估计数", "119. 2012-2013年机构预算估计收入总额为7 540万美元,比2010-2011年增加30万美元。 这一收入来自三个来源:政府对当地办事处费用的捐款;联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)的收入来自向联合国各组织提供志愿人员;与自愿捐款的会计联系,以抵消偿还联合国工作人员薪金所得税的费用。", "120号. 东道国政府对当地办事处费用的债务估计为5 260万美元,与2010-2011年期间的数额相同。 与联合国志愿人员有关的收入预计也将保持在2010-2011年的水平(500万美元)。 偿还税款的抵消额预计将增加30万美元,使通过会计联系收回的总额达到1 780万美元。", "政府对当地办事处费用的捐助", "121. (中文(简体) ). 表4显示按方案国家收入类别分列的2010年政府对当地办事处费用的捐助:直接现金支付、与自愿捐款和实物捐助的会计联系。 债务总额为6 290万美元,2010年的捐款为4 730万美元。 其中包括直接现金支付和与自愿捐款的会计联系3 490万美元和实物捐助1 240万美元。 这从74%(2008年为4 930万美元,而目标为6 640万美元)增至75%(2010年为6 290万美元,目标为4 730万美元),提高了一个百分点。", "122. (中文(简体) ). 署长赞赏许多方案国家为履行其政府对当地办事处费用的捐助义务而作的改进。 然而,中等收入国家的履约情况仍然不理想。 2012-2013年,开发署将保留从政府对当地办事处费用的捐助出现严重赤字的国家扣取部分机构预算资源的选择。", "表4:政府对当地办事处费用的捐款", "2010年按国家类别分列的", "(单位:百万美元)", "收入类别 承付款项百分比 收到的款项,包括实物捐助\n收到的收入会计捐款总额", "低收入 16.8 6.5 4.9 11.4 68%的国家", "中等收入", "净捐助国 10.6 9.2 1.4 10.6 100%的国家", "共计 62.9 34.9 12.4 47.3 75%", "员额变动", "123. 国家 表5按地点汇总了经常资源员额,而总表5按地点汇总了资源员额总数,包括由其他资源供资的员额。 总表3载有由经常资源供资的高级员额的拟议变动。", "124. (中文(简体) ). 开发署提议,由经常资源供资的职位总数从2010-2011年的3 217个净减少为2012-2013年的3 206个。 其影响如下:", "(a) 就管理活动而言,这包括净减3个D-2职等职位和净增1个D-1职等职位,以及净增16个国际专业职位和净减4个当地职位。", "(b) 国家 就发展实效活动而言,这包括增加1个D-2和1个D-1职等职位,以及净减少18个国际专业人员和3个当地职位。", "(c) 就联合国发展协调活动而言,这包括减少1个当地职位。", "(d) 为特殊目的活动,包括减少1个当地职位。", "125. (中文(简体) ). 2012-2013年国家办事处和区域一级拟议员额共计2 684个。 这占员额总数的83.7%,其中包括114个设在国家办事处的联合国志愿人员员额。 其余522个员额设在总部,包括发展业务协调办公室的10个员额、联合国志愿人员净63个员额、资发基金的16个员额和开发署所有其他单位的433个员额。", "126. (中文(简体) ). 2012-2013年拟议员额变动受两个主要因素的影响:(一) 本预算提出的数量削减;(二) 拟议投资。 第90段和第96至118段讨论了因数量减少和投资而拟议员额变动的影响。", "表5. 按地点开列的经常资源员额", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "127 (韩语). 设立D2和D1职等新员额或改叙现有员额应符合更广泛和更复杂的责任,特别是在国家办事处一级。 这些高级职位的提议已通过公务员制度委员会员额审查叙级程序进行评估。 其职务分类总标准将主任职位等同于机构领导职能。 这对于在国家一级领导联合国系统、在东道国政府范围内促进并推进联合国议程的驻地协调员员额,以及对于在最复杂的危机国家发挥关键领导和管理作用的高级国家主任员额,包括开发署在联合国国家工作队中的代表,尤其重要。", "128. (英语). 为了控制费用,并考虑到执行局和行政和预算问题咨询委员会以往的指导,开发署提议将2012-2013年由经常资源供资的高级员额净变动限制在零。 这反映出净减少2个D-2员额被净增加2个D-1员额所抵消。 总表3全面披露了高级职位的所有拟议变动。", "129. 国家 在D2职等,拟议变动包括冻结3个D2员额,将3个员额从D2职等下调至D1职等。 还拟议为苏丹南方和也门的高级公司经济学家和高级国家主任职位新设3个D-2员额。 此外,鉴于特殊的政治、发展、代表和业务情况,拟议将也门的D-1驻地协调员员额改叙为D-2职等。", "130. (中文(简体) ). 拟议为阿拉伯国家区域过渡小组组长职位新设一个D-1员额。 任职者将设在开罗,管理和协调该区域最近和正在发生的政治、经济和社会动荡引起的新的和正在出现的活动。 该员额被裁撤执行办公室1个D-1员额所抵消。", "131. 国家 在2006-2007年预算中,通过临时改划驻地协调员员额设立了8个国家主任员额,以取代新设立的秘书长副特别代表员额,该员额由联合国员额结构内设立的开发署和联合国维持和平行动部分摊费用。 将8个现有驻地协调员员额临时改划为国家主任员额被认为是对现有资源的审慎利用。 还有人认为,这是对三年期全面政策审查建议的一项切实可行的临时反应,即开发计划署应加强国家办事处在复杂紧急情况下的能力。 秘书长副特别代表的个别安排一旦终止,国家主任临时员额应恢复到驻地协调员地位,并应为设立国家主任职位寻求更长期的解决办法。", "B类. 其他资源", "预测", "132. (中文(简体) ). 图3列出预算计划支出。 2012-2013年由经常资源供资的机构预算估计数净额为8.565亿美元(2010-2011年为9.058亿美元),由其他资源供资的估计数为6.463亿美元(2010-2011年为5.874亿美元),见下表。 2. 联合国 由其他资源供资的计划支出作为计划支出总额(经常支出和其他支出)的函数,继续呈现出积极趋势。 在1998-1999年期间,由其他资源供资的计划支出估计为1.21亿美元,即占计划支出总额的19%。 2010-2011年期间,这一数字增至5.87亿美元,即39%。 2012-2013年期间 预计这一数字将进一步增至6.46亿美元,即43%,比2010-2011年增加5 900万美元,即10%。", "图 3. 机构预算计划支出*", "经常资源和其他资源的相对份额", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "* 联合国 为便于比较,资源按照执行局第2010/32号决定规定的费用分类列报。", "133. (中文(简体) ). 如表6第一节所示,2012-2013年费用回收收入目前的估计数为5.92亿美元,而2010-2011年为5.68亿美元。 估计增加2 400万美元,即4%。 2012-2013年费用回收估计数为5.92亿美元,详列如下:", "(a) 来自捐助者共同供资的一般管理事务收入估计数为4.18亿美元(2010-2011年为3.84亿美元),占67亿美元(2010-2011年为64亿美元)的6.25%(2010-2011年为6%)。 这是方案支出估计数74.94亿美元和由双边/多边资源供资的估计捐款59.50亿美元中间点。 来自捐助者共同供资的一般管理支助收入数字作为现有资源、捐款:双边/多边资源的一部分列入表1。", "(b) 方案国家费用分摊总管理事务收入估计数为4 900万美元(2010-2011年为6 000万美元),占当地资源供资的方案支出估计数13.92亿美元的3.5%(2010-2011年为3.7%)。 表1列有方案国家费用分摊的一般管理支助收入数字,作为可用资源、捐款:其他当地资源的一部分。", "(c) 总部一级联合国各组织服务费用回收收入估计数为5 000万美元(2010-2011年为5 100万美元),列于表1的可用资源项下,用于偿还向联合国其他组织提供的服务。", "(d) 联合国各组织服务费用回收收入估计数为2 200万美元(2010-2011年为2 100万美元),列于表1的可用资源、捐款:双边/多边和其他当地资源项下。", "(e) 其他费用回收收入估计数为5 300万美元(2010-2011年为5 200万美元),列于表1的可用资源、捐款:双边/多边和其他当地资源项下。", "134. 如表6第二节所示,2012-2013年相关其他资源的目前估计数为1.36亿美元,而2010-2011年为8 000万美元。 这估计增加了5 600万美元,即80%。 表1列出这些数额,作为现有资源、收入和调整:双边/多边和其他当地资源的一部分。 它们是:利息收入;当地管理和通过国家办事处预算外账户流动的项目费用的归属(原执行支助服务);中央管理和通过机构预算外账户流动的项目费用的归属(见第93至94段)。", "表 6. 费用回收和有关其他资源 -- -- 2010-2011年和2012-2013年估计数[3]", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "挑战", "135. (中文(简体) ). 从历史上看,确定活动和费用及其归属于经常资源和其他资源的做法较为简单和明确。 设在政府各部和项目地点的工作人员的活动和费用被视为与方案有关,因此可以全部由有关的由经常资源或其他资源供资的方案或项目负责。 相比之下,开发署国家办事处工作人员的活动和费用被视为与管理有关,因此,全部可由机构预算或预算外账户提供的经常资源或其他资源供资。 由于开发署的任务充满活力、资金多、执行安排不断变化,包括更加重视宣传和政策咨询,情况显然不再如此。", "136. (中文(简体) ). 原则上,国家方案行动计划、年度项目工作计划和项目文件所界定的所有项目活动及其相关费用均由政府对口机构承担。 这是国家执行/国家执行模式(NEX/NIM),假定方案国家开展所有项目执行活动,并将所有项目投入转化为具体的发展成果和产出。 这还意味着,国家执行/国家执行模式下93%的捐助方提供的费用分摊和信托基金资源(97%用于方案国费用分摊)直接用于政府部委、机构和组织的项目活动。 这也意味着开发署通过对执行局第2007/18号决定所核准的一般管理事务实行7%的费用回收政策,将所有相关机构费用全部作为预算外资源收回。", "137号. 此外,根据说明方案国政府和开发署作用的国家执行/国家执行问责框架,开发署的所有监督和相关活动(即一般管理事务)应由机构预算或预算外账户供资。 此外,根据开发署的政策和程序,开发署开展的所有与执行有关的活动应直接由有关项目或方案承担。 这同样适用于政府是执行伙伴而开发署是负责方的国家执行/国家执行模式,也适用于开发署是执行伙伴而直接执行模式。", "138. 开发署目前面临着三个相互关联和相互依存的挑战,即进一步界定其他资源在促进开发署的机构和发展成果及总体供资方面的作用。 第一个挑战涉及改革议程所强调涉及不同国家要求的问题,这些要求排除了一刀切的做法、服务驱动的菜单和基于公式的存在。 这一挑战主要在改革议程和关于国家办事处类型、项目执行方式和方案拟订安排的相关倡议中加以解决。", "139. (中文(简体) ). 第二项挑战涉及以更透明和最佳的方式将成本及其资金来源归于发展或机构活动。 加强集中管理费用的归属(第93至94段已讨论),改善国家执行/国家执行问责框架下各项活动的应用和监测(上文已讨论),应在很大程度上解决这一挑战。", " 140.: 140. 第三项挑战涉及更好地协调流入预算外账户的资源与支持由其他资源供资的发展活动的机构活动的供资。 预算外资源主要是通过采用费用回收政策产生的。 这一政策要求所有第三方费用分摊和信托基金捐款至少回收7%,所有政府费用分摊捐款至少回收3%,以便为相关机构活动(即一般管理服务)提供资金。 由经常资源供资的机构活动不应不适当地支持(补贴)属于其他资源的活动。 同样,预算外账户中产生的费用回收资源不应用于资助由开发计划署执行的项目执行活动。 改进预算外账户管理和加强监测应令人满意地解决这一问题。", "141 (英语). 在以往的预算中,开发署双边和多边捐助资源可变间接回收率的计算依据的是DP/2010/3所定义的基本结构概念,即本组织执行其核心任务所需的最低能力。 下文各段按照关于开发署战略成本管理和对费用回收的影响的报告(DP/2004/35)和关于费用回收政策评估报告(DP/2007/36)中反映的费用回收方法,对2012-2013年作了介绍。 关于可比性,采用前几个两年期实行的费用分类法列报数字。", "(a) 开发计划署结构的两年期费用总额:11.69亿美元。 [5]", "(b) (减去)基本结构: - 5.38亿美元。 [6]", "(c) 可变间接费用:6.31亿美元。", "142. (中文(简体) ). 目标是在经常(20.5%)和双边/多边捐助资源(79.5%)[7]之间按比例为6.31亿美元的可变间接费用供资,具体如下:", "(a) 国家 经常资源:1.29亿美元。 20.5%乘以6.31亿美元. )", "(b) 国家 双边/多边捐助资源:5.02亿美元。 (79.5%乘以6.31亿美元. )", "(c) 可变间接费用总额:6.31亿美元。", "143. (中文(简体) ). 双边和多边捐助者资源的间接费用回收率原则上是通过以下方式得出的:(一) 取自这些捐助者资源所产生的5.02亿美元的可变间接费用,(二) 除以相应的双边/多边捐助者方案支出计划金额74.94亿美元(表1,第2 A.1节,“方案”)。 因此,间接费用回收率为6.70%(5.02亿美元/74.94亿美元=0.0670)。", "144. (中文(简体) ). 在不断演变的服务和存在差异范围内,最初在2004-2005年预算中核准的上述办法可能不再适用于确定经常资源和其他资源之间公平分担机构费用的费用。 因此,将在机构间框架内重新审视基本结构和相关的费用回收政策,作为2014年起综合预算联合路线图的一部分。", "总表 1. 2010-2011年资源计划与实际/估计数的比较[8]", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[ 总表 2. 区域资源计划[9]", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "总表 3. 高级职位的拟议变动", "[]", "总表 4. 按支出类别分列的经常资源概算", "(单位:百万美元,名义值)", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额,续设", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额,续设", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额,续设", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额,续设", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额,续设", "[]", "总表 5. 按地点开列的员额 -- -- 资源总额,续设", "[]", "页:1", "方法", "1. 联合国 开发署按照成果制方法编制机构预算,其中要求资源的依据是要取得的成果,而不是投入类别或广泛的战略目标。 首先,在战略计划中期审查中建立了一个机构成果框架。 然后评估了交付成果的组织能力,从而确定了需要额外或新投资的优先领域,以及可以实现削减的领域。 随后在2012-2013年提出预算,纳入货币和通货膨胀因素以及与薪金和应享权利有关的调整。", "确立体制成果", "2. 联合国 机构预算基于战略计划中期审查中提出的相同机构成果、业绩指标、基线和目标。 为了确保实现计划成果的问责制,各单位被指定为每个机构成果的“公司赞助者”。 公司发起人负责领导确定成果的进程 -- -- 选择业绩指标并设定基线和目标 -- -- 以及监测、评估和根据这些成果向高级管理层报告业绩。 总部和国家办事处两级的有关业务单位对计划成果的交付实行问责制。", "评估组织能力和确定数量变化", "3个 编制机构预算的第二步是评估交付管理成果的组织能力,从而确定需要投资的优先领域以及可以提高效率的领域。 根据这一评估,并以现有的组织能力为基础,计算了所需经费的实际增减,并指定为数量变化。 按照定义,数量变化是估计数中可以控制的要素,这些要素须由行政首长评估本组织交付承诺的成果所需资源。 这种数量变化是按与核定批款相同的价格水平计算的,以便于同目前核定基数进行比较。", "各种费用调整", " 4.四. 在核定批款和数量变化之外,还加上主要与薪金和有关应享权利费用调整有关的费率或条件的变化引起的费用增加或减少。 这通常反映了自编制上一个机构预算以来的两年中已知发生的变化。 例如,这种费用因素包括公务员制度委员会关于工作人员各种应享权利(如扶养津贴、教育补助金)的决定,以及员额职等平均职等的变化。 这些调整还可能包括根据组织经验需要支付工作人员职等内加薪的估计数。 此类费用调整通常适用于人事费,但并不仅限于人事费。 这类业务费用调整的一个例子是,由于房地搬迁,每平方英尺的费率有所变动。", "币值调整", "5 (韩语). 然后根据核定批款、数量和各种费用调整的总额逐年计算出币值调整。 币值调整是指编制现行机构预算期间有效的联合国业务汇率与编制拟议预算期间有效的汇率之间的差额。 这一因素特别重要,因为开发计划署有许多国家办事处,其业务费用因美元坚挺或疲软而大相径庭。", "通货膨胀调整", "6. 国家 为了全面了解情况并编制下一个两年期所需经费的最后估计数,本组织必须调整或估计四年期的通货膨胀。 这些调整是逐年按核定批款、数量和各种费用调整总额计算的,按货币调整如下:", "(a) 国家 现两年期第一年至拟议两年期第一年。 现有通货膨胀估计数已包含早先的估计数。 因此,这一过渡的通货膨胀调整包括:", "(一) 采用以前估计数与本两年期第一年实际通货膨胀之间的差额。", "(二) 适用先前估计数与本两年期第二年订正通货膨胀预测之间的差额。", "(三) 拟议两年期第一年的通货膨胀预测。", "(b) 国家 现两年期第二年至拟议两年期第二年:", "(一) 如上文(a)段所述。", "(二) 如上文(a)段所述。", "(三) 如上文(a)段所述。", "(四) 对两年期概算第二年的通货膨胀预测。", "7. 联合国 为了得出通货膨胀估计数,每个地点每年采用四个通货膨胀系数:", "(a) 国家 国际专业工作人员工作地点差价调整数的估计变动情况。", "(b) 国际专业工作人员的国际旅费和一般人事费。 (所有地点均如此. )", "(c) 当地工作人员的薪金和一般人事费,即本国干事、一般事务人员和其他职类的薪金和一般人事费,因地点而异。", "(d) 国家 所有其他费用,例如业务费用。", "8. 联合国 在这一总框架内,纽约和日内瓦与外地办事处分开处理。 对这些地点使用的费率与联合国使用的费率相同,除非具体的合同承诺不同。", "9. 国家 除了有限的一些费用因素,例如国际旅费和国际工作人员的一般人事费外,外地办事处的通货膨胀因素必须针对具体地点。 估计数与以往的经验和当前全球模式及(或)现有资料作比较,并在适用于概算之前公布。", "附录2", "术语", "(已达成共识的术语及其相应定义见下文)", "拨款项目(定义类似于开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会财务条例中的定义): 批款的分款,在批款决定中列出具体数额,并授权一个组织的行政首长不经事先批准而进行转账。", "基本结构:本组织履行其核心任务所需的最低能力;是本组织固定费用的一部分。 本组织的基本结构始终由经常资源供资,并在DP/2003/28号文件中提出。", "费用(增加/减少): 与上个预算期间相比,预算期间资源投入费用因费用、价格和汇率变动而增加或减少。", "强制性费用: 在机构预算期间,经联合国大会和(或)执行局立法作出具体决定授权的资源投入费用或增加的资源费用。", "发展实效活动: 为实现各组织重点领域方案和项目的目标所需要开展的政策咨询、技术和执行性质的活动。 这些投入对于实现发展成果至关重要,没有列入国家、区域或全球方案文件中的具体方案构成部分或项目。", "企业资源规划: 一个管理信息系统,整合和自动化与一个组织业务相关的业务做法;或帮助一个组织支持这种系统的多模块应用软件;或上述两种软件的组合.", "预算外资源: 通过捐助者共同供资和方案国费用分摊获得的一般管理服务。 还适用于为开发署总部各单位和国家办事处向联合国各组织提供有偿服务而收回的资金。", "职能组: 直接支持组织管理的职能领域内一个或多个独立的组织单位.", "毛额预算: 对于由自愿捐款供资的组织,工作人员费用按净额估算的预算(即不包括工作人员薪金税)和所有其他费用按毛额估算,即包括工作人员所得税付款、当地办事处费用总额和提供服务的费用。", "机构预算: 本组织的预算涵盖一系列职能,这些职能支持本组织在两年期开展的业务活动,其依据是战略计划产生的一套既定成果。", "当地员额:本国干事和一般事务人员。", "预算净额: 对于自愿捐款资助的组织,预算反映预期收入估计数。 这一收入全部或部分抵销了有关的概算毛额。", "其他资源: 为特定方案目的(与方案有关的其他资源)和向第三方提供具体服务(与偿还费用有关的其他资源)而收到的由自愿捐款供资的组织的资源(经常资源除外)。", "与方案有关的其他资源: 由自愿捐款供资的组织的经常资源以外的资源,用于符合该组织目标和活动的特定方案用途。 其中包括自愿捐款、其他政府或政府间付款、非政府来源的捐款、杂项收入和有关利息收入。", "与偿还费用有关的其他资源: 由自愿捐款供资的组织从第三方获得的资源,用于支付提供与执行委托其执行的方案无关的具体服务的费用。", "方案: 活动可追溯到有助于实现国家/区域/全球方案文件或其他方案拟订安排所载发展成果的具体方案构成部分或项目。", "方案拟订安排: 法律框架载有支助发展活动的经常资源分配的原则和参数。", "经常资源: 由自愿捐款资助的组织的资源,将不附带条件。 其中包括自愿捐款认捐、其他政府或政府间付款、非政府来源的捐款以及相关的利息收入和杂项收入。", "特殊目的活动: 特殊目的活动包括开发署管理的非开发署业务和资本投资。", "各种费用调整: 与货币或年度通货膨胀调整数无关的费率或条件的变化引起的费用增加/减少。", "数量(增加/减少): 所需资源的任何增加或减少,可归因于一个组织在本预算期间开展的活动以及下一个预算期间拟议开展的活动的水平或性质的变化。 量用适用于核定批款的相同费用系数来表示,以便能够直接比较这些变化与本预算期间核定活动的水平。", "页:1", "简称和缩略语", "预防危机和复原局", "BDP 发展政策局", "审计委员会(联合国审计委员会)", "BOM 管理局", "DAC 发展援助委员会(发援会)", "DOCO 发展业务协调办公室", "联合国安全和安保部", "当地办事处费用 政府对当地办事处费用的捐助", "公务员制度委员会 国际公务员制度委员会", "IPSAS 国际公共部门会计准则", "JIU 联合检查组", "审计和调查处", "OPB 规划和预算办公室", "援助巴勒斯坦人民方案", "POPP 方案和业务政策和程序", "核心预算资源调拨目标 核心资源调拨目标", "资发基金 联合国资本发展基金", "联合国发展援助框架", "发展集团 联合国发展集团", "儿童基金会 联合国儿童基金会", "联合国志愿人员", "[1] 2012-2013年估计数可根据第21段与表1(资源计划)挂钩。", "[2] 2010-2011年和2012-2013年批款净额和毛额与表2挂钩。", "[3] 2010-2011年和2012-2013年估计数列于表1“可用资源”一栏,见第133至134段。", "[4] 2010年批准了两项豁免:(一) 向联合国海地问题特使办公室捐款的零费用;(二) 向亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会管理的海啸、灾害和气候防备区域多方捐助者信托基金(亚太区域中心)捐款的4%费用降低。", "[5] 按照前几个两年期使用的费用分类进行调整。 计算为15.028亿美元(表2所列资源总额);减去开发署经管的非开发署业务费用1.09亿美元(表1所列3 560万美元外加7 340万美元);减去9 930万美元(当地资源使用情况),原因是:发展实效活动、联合国发展协调活动和管理活动(1 620万美元外加930万美元外加表1所列7 380万美元);减去1.26亿美元(直接收入和与地方和中央管理费用的归属有关的费用(表6所列4 000万美元外加8 600万美元)。", "[6] 按DP/2010/3中估计的基准结构费用计算。", "[7] 如表1所示,经常资源(20.81亿美元,即20.5%)和双边/多边资源(80.82亿美元,即79.5%)的估计总使用额的相对份额。", "[8] 根据执行局第2009/22号决定分类的费用。", "[9] 绑入表1(资源计划)." ]
[ "Report of the Secretary-General on the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "I. Introduction", "1. The present report is submitted pursuant to paragraph 8 of Security Council resolution 1935 (2010), by which the Council requested me to report every 90 days on progress made towards implementing the mandate of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur (UNAMID). The report includes an assessment of progress made against benchmarks set out in annex II to my report to the Council of 16 November 2009 (S/2009/592), as well as the status of the political process and the security and humanitarian situation during the reporting period, from 1 April to 30 June 2011.", "II. Political developments", "Darfur peace process", "2. The African Union-United Nations Joint Mediation Team presented a draft peace agreement to the Government of the Sudan, the Liberation and Justice Movement (LJM) and the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) on 27 April. The draft was based on points of agreement discussed thereto and proposals from the Mediation Team based on previous discussions with the parties on points of divergence, including political appointments, the administrative status of Darfur and security arrangements. The Government and LJM delegations subsequently expressed their support for the draft, with LJM publicly describing it on 30 April as an agreement that provides acceptable solutions to a wide range of disputed issues. JEM sought further negotiations with the Government, which led to agreement on the provisions of the human rights and fundamental freedoms chapter. Negotiations then broke down on 3 May owing to a disagreement over the scope and procedures of the negotiation process.", "3. The Mediation Team then sought feedback on the draft text from representatives of Darfuri society at the All Darfur Stakeholders Conference, held in Doha from 27 to 31 May. The organization and conduct of the Conference received significant support from the Government of Qatar and assistance from UNAMID, and brought together approximately 500 participants from the parties to the conflict, civil society groups, political parties, elected officials, refugees and the Darfuri diaspora. While the draft text of the agreement was not circulated, stakeholders were presented with the key elements contained in the draft as the basis for their discussions. A meeting of international partners was also convened to assess the progress made thus far.", "4. Several challenges associated with the selection and movement of participants were encountered prior to and during the Stakeholders Conference. UNAMID worked with follow-up civil society mechanisms in the three state capitals, which, based on criteria stipulated by the Mediation Team, selected civil society representatives for the Conference. In Nyala the state government insisted that an alternative civil society mechanism comprising National Congress Party supporters be involved in the selection of delegates and detained, on 2 May, a leading member of the civil society follow-up mechanism. Owing to space limitations, seven internally displaced persons were unable to travel from Nyala to Doha on the chartered aircraft, as scheduled on 26 May.", "5. Also in connection with the selection of participants, a UNAMID national civil affairs officer was arrested by National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) in Nyala on 27 April. Government authorities informed UNAMID that the staff member was detained in relation to the role he played in the selection of participants for the Stakeholders Conference. UNAMID met with the Government and advocated for the need to respect the status-of-forces agreement, and subsequently obtained access to the staff member, who has a pre-existing heart condition and was found to be in poor health. A request by the mission to allow the staff member to visit a UNAMID hospital was denied by the Services.", "6. Once under way, the Stakeholders Conference proceedings comprised plenary sessions, during which participants were presented with the key elements of the draft agreement, and working group sessions, at which the parties presented their positions and participants commented on the agreement. The working group sessions focused on human rights and fundamental freedoms, compensation and returns, power- and wealth-sharing, and the Darfur internal dialogue and consultation. During the sessions, Government and LJM representatives emphasized the benefits of the provisions, in particular in the areas of wealth-sharing and support to returnees, while JEM criticized the draft, stating that it did not sufficiently meet the aspirations of the people of Darfur. Compensation, security, the administrative status of Darfur and accountability for previous human rights violations were among the issues most widely discussed by civil society representatives.", "7. At the closing ceremony, on 31 May, participants endorsed a communiqué which provided for the Doha draft document to form the basis for reaching a permanent ceasefire, a comprehensive and inclusive peace settlement, and sustainable peace and stability in Darfur. Moreover, it called upon the Government of the Sudan and the armed movements to make every effort to reach a permanent ceasefire and comprehensive settlement on the basis of that document. In support of these efforts, key international partners are to establish the Darfur Implementation Follow-up Committee, headed by the Government of Qatar. The Committee will act as a group of friends that will support implementation of the agreement.", "8. Following the Stakeholders Conference, the Joint Chief Mediator and Minister of State for Foreign Affairs of Qatar presented the draft document to the Chairperson of the African Union Commission, in Addis Ababa on 13 June, to the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States (LAS), in Cairo on 14 June, and to myself on 20 June. The Chairperson, the Secretary-General of LAS and I congratulated the Mediator and Minister on the outcome of the negotiations and welcomed the draft as the basis upon which to continue working towards comprehensive peace.", "9. On 14 June, JEM issued a statement on the Doha talks, questioning the inclusiveness of the Stakeholders Conference, observing that the Conference endorsed debated issues rather than the draft document, but nevertheless asserting its willingness to continue to negotiate. Bilateral talks between the Government and JEM then took place in Doha on 3 and 9 June, but then stalled owing to a disagreement over the scope of the negotiations. SLA-Abdul Wahid and SLA-Minni Minawi did not participate in the Conference, nor did they pronounce themselves on its outcome.", "10. In the meantime, UNAMID, in conjunction with the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel, continued to plan for the Darfur-based political process. These arrangements are in accord with a communiqué issued at the conclusion of the 271st meeting of the African Union Peace and Security Council on 8 April that, among other things, requested UNAMID to make all necessary preparations for the political process as a matter of priority and emphasized that the initiative should proceed in a manner concurrent with, and complementary to, the Doha negotiations. UNAMID, the Implementation Panel, and other international partners are currently engaging with the Government to define and establish the enabling environment for the political process. For its part, the Government of the Sudan has reiterated its commitment to suspend the emergency laws in Darfur.", "11. On the way forward, the African Union and the United Nations, in consultation with international partners, plan to convene a series of meetings to map out the future framework for the international community’s sustained engagement in the Darfur peace process.", "The Darfur referendum and the creation of two additional states", "12. On 29 March, the Government of the Sudan issued a Presidential Decree providing for the conduct of a referendum on the status of Darfur. The decree was broadly condemned by the armed movements, with SLA-Minni Minawi, JEM and SLA-Mother issuing a joint statement on 2 April in which they, among other things, object to the Decree, vow not to recognize the result and call upon the people of Darfur to strongly oppose it. Similarly, in meetings with UNAMID, members of opposition political parties and internally displaced persons expressed resentment over what they considered to be unilateral action and concern over the viability of its implementation in the prevailing political and security environment.", "13. The National Electoral Commission has commenced preparations for the referendum and, on 12 April, formally requested material and technical assistance from UNAMID and the United Nations Mission in the Sudan. UNAMID and the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel have encouraged the Government to build broad-based buy-in among stakeholders before holding the referendum. The issue remained a part of the negotiations between the Government and LJM, and on 26 June, the parties agreed that in the event an agreement is signed the referendum would be held one year after the signing.", "14. On 5 May, the Council of Ministers passed legislation on the creation of two additional states in Darfur, a central state, with Zalingei as its capital, and a state in the south-east, with a capital in Al Da’ein. The legislation is currently before the National Assembly for its endorsement. Several movements, including SLA-Abdul Wahid, SLA-Minni Minawi, opposition political parties and some sectors of civil society complained in meetings with UNAMID that the creation of two additional states would exacerbate divisions between ethnic groups in Darfur.", "Regional developments", "15. In recent months relations between the Sudan and the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya have deteriorated. On 20 June, the Government of the Sudan publicly accused the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya of recruiting “Sudanese mercenaries”. The Government of the Sudan has also raised concerns over the risk of arms and ammunition flowing from the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya into Darfur and reinforced the presence of its armed forces in north-western Darfur.", "16. On 5 May, the headquarters of the Chad Sudan Joint Border Patrol Force was transferred from Abéché, Chad, to El Geneina in Western Darfur, in keeping with the terms of the Dakar Agreement. On 23 May, a tripartite summit involving the Governments of the Sudan, Chad and the Central African Republic was held in Khartoum, the outcome of which was the signing of the Khartoum Declaration, according to which the parties commit to, inter alia, establishing a Triple Joint Force with which to monitor their borders.", "Alliances and unification of movements", "17. In recent months, several new alliances between armed movements were formed. On 14 May, SLA-Abdul Wahid and SLA-Minni Minawi issued a Declaration of Alliance, in which they announced their agreement to work together on, inter alia, “joint action and [the] coordination of political and military efforts to overthrow the National Congress Government”. Similarly, on 8 May, an alliance between SLA-Abdul Wahid and SLA-Juba was announced, and on 20 May, SLA-Abdul Wahid and SLA-Mother announced that they have reunited under the leadership of Abdul Wahid. On 18 May, a breakaway faction of LJM signed an agreement with JEM and on 25 May, the same faction entered into an alliance with SLA-Minni Minawi.", "Security situation", "18. A temporary lull in fighting between Government and movement forces, which began in late February, ended on 10 April when SAF carried out an aerial attack on a combined SLA-Minni Minawi and JEM force in Muzbat (127 km north of Kutum), Northern Darfur. Additional aerial attacks and clashes between SAF and movement ground forces took place in the same area on 11, 12 and 13 April. On 13 April, a UNAMID patrol encountered a convoy at Turba, slightly west of Muzbat, identifying itself as a joint SLA-Minni Minawi and JEM coalition force. Military activity in the same region was recorded on 17 April when SLA-Abdul Wahid and JEM convoys were observed by UNAMID further east, near Jebel Eisa (37 km north of Malha) and El Hara (62 km north of Malha), respectively.", "19. Throughout this period of increased military activity, UNAMID observed the deployment of SAF attack helicopters at Malha and Kutum, and the deployment of additional troops to Malha, Kutum and Tine. Sudanese Armed Force commanders advised that the build-up of troops and equipment was intended to prevent armed movements from travelling between the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and Darfur.", "20. A UNAMID patrol was informed on 1 May by local residents that on 24 April a SAF aerial attack had taken place in the vicinity of Tangarara village (20 km north of Shangil Tobaya). On 25 April, SAF aircraft reportedly targeted SLA-Abdul Wahid forces around Ruwata, Owsajini and Burgu villages in East Jebel Marra. According to information received from SAF, on 27 April, SAF and SLA-Abdul Wahid ground forces clashed in Gur Lumbung (11 km north-west of Nyala). There were no reported casualties.", "21. In Southern Darfur, a convoy comprising approximately 100 SLA-Minni Minawi and JEM vehicles was observed by UNAMID travelling south on the Buram to El Fifi road on 6 April. UNAMID subsequently received unverified reports from an SAF commander of an exchange of fire between SAF and the convoy near El Fifi, 116 km south of Buram, on the border with South Sudan.", "22. Also in Southern Darfur, after reportedly detecting movement forces SAF aircraft dropped four bombs at Labado and several bombs near Esheraya village (30 km south of Al Da’ein) on 15 May. One civilian was killed and another was injured in the bombing near Labado. Restrictions imposed by the Government on UNAMID prevented an assessment of the bombing in Esheraya. SAF commanders later advised that movement forces believed to be SLA-Minni Minawi had been detected near Muhajeriya, Labado, Sania Fundu, Shaeria, Marla and Yassin. On 16 and 17 May, SAF aircraft carried out attacks near Kuma (60 km north-east of El Fasher) and Sukamair (68 km north of El Fasher). There were no reported casualties. On 18 May, SAF aircraft attacked movement convoys near Baashim village (80 km north-east of Kutum) and Um Rayi and Hashaba villages (72 and 62 km north-east of Kutum, respectively), causing 10 fatalities according to local sources.", "23. In a continuation of fighting in areas formerly controlled by SLA-Minni Minawi, on 31 May and 3 June, a group of unidentified armed men clashed with a group of Zaghawa near Abu Zereiga (20 km north-east of Dar el Salam) after the Zaghawa sought to retrieve stolen livestock. A UNAMID verification team established that an unarmed sheikh was killed in the fighting and that there is a strong possibility at least four other civilians were killed. On 17 June, an unidentified armed group suspected to be loyal to SLA-Minni Minawi attacked a Popular Defence Force (PDF) outpost at Old Shangil Tobaya village. The attackers set fire to several houses, temporarily displacing approximately 1,000 civilians and killing 6 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilians. On 18 June, UNAMID evacuated on medical grounds 15 persons, including 13 civilians, from the Shangil Tobaya hospital to El Fasher.", "24. Security within Hassa Hissa camp deteriorated on 25 May, after 11 of the camp’s residents met with local government officials in Azoom (50 km west of Zalingei) and discussed means of encouraging returns. Upon returning to the camp, the 11 internally displaced persons were detained by a group of youths from the camp. Following the intervention of UNAMID, eight of the detainees were released on 28 May and the remaining three were released 10 days later. Despite attempts by UNAMID to resolve the situation through talks, clashes broke out on 8 and 9 June, resulting in the death of 11 internally displaced persons. With the assistance of UNAMID, the tension subsequently subsided and at a meeting with camp and youth leaders on 18 June, UNAMID was informed that relations between the detained internally displaced persons and camp leaders had improved.", "Intercommunal conflict", "25. The incidence of intercommunal fighting remained relatively low during the reporting period, with three clashes recorded. The first of these involved fighting on 16 April between armed groups of Birgit and Rezeigat in Kulaykili (130 km south-east of Nyala), which broke out after a group of armed Rezeigat sought to exact retribution from several Birgit suspected of involvement in banditry. A total of 14 Birgit, including an umda (community leader), and 2 Rezeigat were killed. Following the incident, the Wali of Southern Darfur convened a special investigation committee.", "26. The second incident involved a clash between armed groups of Taaisha and Rezeigat near Gereida in Southern Darfur on 19 April following allegations of camel theft. A total of eight persons were killed (5 Taaisha and 3 Rezeigat) in the fighting. Community leaders subsequently initiated a reconciliation process, according to which the Rezeigat paid compensation for the theft of the camels. In the third incident, in Southern Darfur on 19 June, clashes between armed groups of Salamat and Habbaniyah near Nadhif (125 km south of Nyala) over cattle theft and border demarcation reportedly resulted in 13 fatalities and the injury of 10 persons.", "27. With a view to improving intercommunal relations in the Zalingei area — where fighting between Misseriya and Rezeigat-Nawaiba claimed an estimated 700 lives from March to September 2010 — UNAMID provided substantial support to an inter-tribal conference in Hillabeyda (25 km east of Zalingei) on 10 May. Assistance took the form of security, transportation and the provision of technical advice. Participants representing various groups, including the native administration, civil society, aughada (Arab tribal militia leaders) and local government officials, took part in the conference. Several recommendations for enhancing security and intercommunal relations were made, and a follow-up mechanism was formed to implement them and organize similar conferences in other parts of the region.", "Restrictions of movement", "28. UNAMID carried out 23,999 patrols from 1 April to 30 June, during which the mission’s movements by land were restricted on 68 occasions. Of these, 65 restrictions were imposed by SAF or NISS and 3 by armed movements. On the vast majority of occasions Government military or intelligence services restricted UNAMID patrols, the patrol was either in or seeking to enter an area where the presence of movement forces was suspected by the Government. While UNAMID carried out 5,771 flights from 1 April to 30 June, SAF and other Government officials refused 60 flight clearance requests. Most of the restrictions were imposed on flights attempting to access or overfly East Jebel Marra or areas of military activity.", "Security and safety", "29. The number of attacks on UNAMID peacekeepers and humanitarian personnel remained low, owing in part to the maintenance of a robust posture by UNAMID military and police personnel.", "30. In the first of two armed attacks on UNAMID peacekeepers, on 5 April, unidentified armed men ambushed a patrol returning from Fato Borno (17 km south-west of Kutum) to Kutum. During the attack one assailant was shot dead and another was injured, and a UNAMID vehicle carrying two police advisers and one language assistant was carjacked. Two of the staff members, who suffered moderate injuries, were subsequently released, while the body of the third, a police adviser, was found nearby in the abandoned vehicle. In the second incident, an unidentified assailant fired at a UNAMID patrol that was escorting a World Food Programme (WFP) convoy at Hotwashi (30 km south-west of El Fasher) on 18 April, hitting one of the vehicles. There were no injuries.", "31. On 6 May, a UNAMID national language assistant was arrested by NISS in El Fasher and subsequently transferred to Khartoum. According to Government officials, the staff member was detained in connection with inciting internally displaced persons at Abu Shouk camp to participate in anti-Government demonstrations. UNAMID was granted access to the staff member on 27 June.", "32. Following intensive efforts by the Government of the Sudan and WFP, three crew members contracted by the United Nations Humanitarian Air Service abducted at Um Shalaya in Western Darfur on 13 January were released on 6 June.", "33. The number of carjacking incidents involving UNAMID or humanitarian agency vehicles decreased from 10 in the period 1 January to 31 March to 5 in the last three months. In addition to the UNAMID vehicle that was taken and then abandoned during the aforementioned attack on 5 April, one UNAMID vehicle was carjacked at Deriege camp in Nyala on 1 June by 15 armed men and one in Nyala on 11 June by 3 armed men. A UNAMID peacekeeper travelling in the passenger seat suffered minor injuries during the 11 June incident.", "III. Humanitarian situation", "34. While some progress was made in terms of improving humanitarian access, ongoing clashes between Government and movement forces continued to adversely affect the humanitarian situation. According to figures agreed to by the Government and the humanitarian country team, between 60,000 and 70,000 persons have been displaced by fighting from Shangil Tobaya and East Jebel Marra since the beginning of 2011. In addition, citing the presence of armed movements, humanitarian agencies were prohibited by Southern Darfur state government authorities from travelling further than 15 km from Nyala from 15 May to 15 June.", "35. On 11 April, NISS entered Kalma camp and arrested a resident who is also a staff member of an international non-governmental organization. In retaliation, on 13 April, internally displaced youths abducted 11 national aid workers in the camp. Following an intervention by UNAMID and United Nations agencies, the youths released the aid workers 24 hours later. Humanitarian access to Kalma was then partially restricted by Government authorities for two months, with international aid workers allowed to enter the camp on a few occasions only. In addition, medical supplies and fuel for water pumps was allowed into the camp on a case-by-case basis only. National non-governmental organizations staff were able to continue to work in clinics and provide water to camp residents, and the restrictions have since been lifted.", "36. With a view to improving humanitarian access, on 1 May, UNAMID and humanitarian agencies launched Operation Spring Basket, an initiative designed to enhance access and deliver aid to parts of Darfur that have been inaccessible for several months. The operation, which aims to reach approximately 400,000 beneficiaries, involves UNAMID and aid workers conducting needs assessments and delivering aid. During the operation, humanitarian supplies were delivered to Ein Siro, Kutum, Killing, Kuma Garadayat, Golo, Kaguro, Tina, El Hara and Sarong. The mission to Sarong, a town in SLA-Abdul Wahid-controlled territory, was the first by a humanitarian agency since 2009.", "37. In addition, to improve access and the provision of assistance to East Jebel Marra, UNAMID and the Resident Coordinator/Humanitarian Coordinator for the Sudan, in consultation with SLA-Abdul Wahid and the Government, agreed to establish a new UNAMID team site in Feina, in Southern Darfur.", "38. As to health care, the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the state ministries of health carried out region-wide polio and measles vaccination campaigns. The campaigns involved administering vaccinations to communities in remote rural areas, as well as “mop-up campaigns” in areas where measles outbreaks have previously taken place.", "39. With regard to improving access to water, on 26 April, UNAMID launched a water resources initiative that involves distributing high-capacity rolling water containers to returnees. The containers enable mostly women and children to easily transport large amounts of water from wells to their homes, thereby lowering their exposure to harassment and violence by reducing the number of times they must leave their camp or village to collect water. Distribution of 3,000 containers throughout Darfur is planned.", "40. The Darfur International Conference: Water for Sustainable Peace took place in Khartoum on 27 and 28 June. Participants sought to create a new integrated framework for water management in Darfur in order to ensure the proper management of water resources. Conference organizers aimed to raise funds for 65 projects designed to develop an equitable and sustainable water service system. Approximately 500 participants representing, among others, the Government of the Sudan, UNAMID, UNICEF, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, the United Nations Environment Programme, donors and other international actors attended. Donors pledged a total of $500 million for water projects at the Conference.", "IV. Rule of law, governance and human rights", "41. In keeping with the trend of the last 12 months, UNAMID documented during the last 3 months 97 incidents of human rights violations involving 274 victims. With a view to improving human rights protections, the mission continued to raise human rights concerns with Government authorities and to build the capacity of security institutions. Courses were held for 202 Government police, NISS officers and rural court judges, who received training in basic human rights concepts and arrest and detention procedures.", "42. The number of cases of sexual and gender-based violence recorded by UNAMID decreased slightly to 17 incidents involving 26 victims, down from 29 incidents involving 54 victims in the first quarter of 2011. Several workshops were convened to enhance the capacity of Government institutions to prevent and respond to these types of incidents. In one such example, UNAMID conducted a workshop in El Fasher on 2 April for 17 women legislators on their role in fulfilling states’ obligations to prevent sexual and gender-based violence. In others, training in gender issues was provided to 39 Central Reserve Police in Zalengei on 1 and 2 May, and to prosecutors in El Geneina on 3 and 4 May.", "43. In addition, UNAMID continued to monitor trials for their conformity to international human rights principles. In one case, two persons were found guilty in Nyala and sentenced on 2 May to 10 years imprisonment for their involvement in the theft of two World Vision vehicles from Ed al Fursan on 21 February. The court also sentenced a boy 16 years of age to six years in juvenile reformatory for his role in the kidnapping on 4 November 2010 of three aviation staff contracted by WFP.", "44. In line with the memorandum of understanding exchanged between the Government and UNAMID, three Prison Development Committees were inaugurated in El Geneina and Zalingei in April and one in Nyala in May. The Committees will serve as forums for finding solutions to challenges affecting prisons and for facilitating prison reforms.", "45. UNAMID continued to work with Government authorities to build the capacity of corrections officers and improve conditions for prisoners. In this connection, UNAMID held a course on “basic prison duties and human rights approach to prison management” for Northern and Southern Darfur prison staff from 10 to 14 April and 15 to 19 May, respectively. Moreover, projects have been undertaken to enhance the livelihood prospects and conditions of prisoners. UNAMID, in collaboration with the United Nations Human Settlements Programme, provided vocational training in manufacturing soil stabilized blocks to 60 prisoners in Southern Darfur. Blocks produced by the trainees will be used in prison construction projects. On 27 April, a water supply and sanitation project financed by quick-impact project funds was completed at a prison in El Geneina. In addition, on 30 and 31 March, UNAMID, in collaboration with WHO, UNDP and the Ministry of Health, organized a medical camp that benefited 1,000 prisoners, their families and members of the local community in El Fasher.", "Child protection", "46. Efforts to assist children formerly involved in armed conflict were continued. JEM-Peace Wing took part in a Government-sponsored demobilization exercise in El Geneina from 17 to 29 April. During the exercise, a list of 65 children formerly associated with armed forces was handed over to the North Sudan Disarmament Demobilization and Reintegration Commission for registration and processing.", "47. Since the beginning of 2011, UNAMID has held 28 training sessions on child protection that have benefited some 934 mission personnel, including 128 civilians, 580 United Nations police officers and 226 peacekeepers. In addition, in April UNAMID organized a four-day training-of-trainers session with Save the Children Sweden, which benefited 47 military, United Nations police and United Nations military observers officers. The programme was extended to national actors, leading to the conduct of 13 training sessions for 477 local partners. Those benefiting included 34 Government police officers, 255 community policing volunteers in internally displaced person camps, 29 community leaders, 57 members of child protection committees in internally displaced person camps, 82 members of civil society groups and 20 children in conflict with the law.", "V. Protection of civilians", "48. UNAMID undertook several initiatives during the last three months to improve the protection of civilians and the safety and security of aid workers and their assets.", "49. UNAMID military and police personnel enhanced presence and protection activities throughout Darfur by increasing the number of patrols per day from an average of 130 to 160. This included an increase in the number of medium- and long-range patrols to communities in rural areas, including Jebel Marra, Jebel Moon (north of El Geneina) and the Southern Darfur-South Sudan border. The completion of logistics arrangements enabled the deployment of civilian staff to UNAMID team sites in Shangil Tobaya and Khor Abeche, thereby enabling the improved coordination of mission activities with humanitarian actors.", "50. Within the framework of the UNAMID protection of civilians strategy, early warning and early response mechanisms were strengthened by issuing weekly analytical reports on the protection of civilians for UNAMID senior managers. In addition, improvements were made in the coordination of the activities of humanitarian actors with UNAMID military and police personnel through the establishment of weekly civil-military coordination meetings.", "51. In connection with the protection of returnees, the joint verification mechanism continued to assess the voluntariness and appropriateness of returns in Darfur. Since the beginning of 2011, voluntary returns have been occurring at a rate of approximately 1,500 persons per week. The majority of returnees are travelling from camps in Southern Darfur to rural areas in Western Darfur.", "VI. Deployment and operations of the mission", "52. As of 30 June, the number of UNAMID civilian personnel stood at 4,466, of whom 1,145 are international staff, 2,835 are national staff and 486 are United Nations Volunteers. This represents 81 per cent of the approved strength of 5,516. The mission continues to face difficulties in recruiting and retaining suitably qualified staff owing to the harsh living conditions and unpredictable security situation in Darfur. With regard to the deployment of additional international staff, 36 staff members arrived in the mission area, 32 were separated and 1 candidate declined an offer of appointment with the mission.", "53. As of 30 June, the strength of UNAMID military personnel stood at 18,014, representing 92 per cent of the authorized strength of 19,555. This figure includes 17,451 troops, 302 staff officers, 61 liaison officers and 195 military observers. The Ethiopian multirole logistics unit, Rwandan medium rotary-wing utility aviation unit and Nigerian Sector reconnaissance and reserve companies are expected to deploy later in the year, while an incoming Senegalese battalion is expected to reach full strength by October 2011. Shortfalls remain for two medium rotary-wing utility aviation units and a fixed-wing air reconnaissance unit.", "54. The readiness and self-sustainment capabilities of military contingents improved marginally over the last three months. At present, 5 of 17 infantry battalions and 4 of 16 formed police units have significant equipment shortfalls and serviceability rates below the mandated limit of 90 per cent.", "55. The strength of UNAMID police stood at 2,751 personnel (80 per cent men and 20 per cent women), representing 73 per cent of the authorized strength of 3,772. The formed police unit personnel strength stood at 2,233, or 83 per cent of the authorized strength of 2,660.", "56. UNAMID military personnel conducted a total of 12,325 patrols, including 5,589 routine patrols, 999 short-range patrols, 643 long-range patrols, 2,538 night patrols, 623 humanitarian escorts and 1,933 logistics and administrative patrols, covering a total of 7,129 villages and internally displaced person camps. UNAMID police conducted a total of 11,674 patrols. Of these, 6,918 were conducted within camps and with groups of mainly women and children leaving villages and camps to collect firewood and grass, 2,846 were conducted in and around villages and markets, and 1,910 were medium- and long-range patrols.", "57. In keeping with the agreement reached at the tenth tripartite coordination mechanism meeting, the Government issued 1,103 new entry visas to UNAMID personnel from April to June. As of 26 June, 1,070 applications for visas were pending. Of these, 775 are for police officers, 96 are for military staff officers and observers, and 199 are for civilian personnel, including consultants and visitors. Although the number of pending applications for entry visas has remained high, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been expeditiously renewing a large number of visas for UNAMID staff whose employment contracts and therefore residence visas expired on 30 June, the end of the 2010/11 financial year. The Government has committed to clearing the backlog of pending entry visa applications shortly thereafter.", "58. Progress was made in implementing a bridging solution for UNAMID radio broadcasts. On 26 June, UNAMID signed a memorandum of understanding with the National Public Radio Corporation, according to which the mission will commence broadcasts on Al Salaam and Darfur state radio stations from 1 July.", "59. The development and improvement of UNAMID team sites is progressing. Despite logistical challenges, the enhancement of 12 of 30 team sites has been completed. The remaining 18 sites are at various phases of completion and are due to be finished by 31 July 2011. Work on seven more sites is scheduled to be completed by 31 December 2011. The construction of mission subsistence allowance standard accommodation for 1,526 international staff has been completed. This development has significantly improved the living conditions, security and morale of UNAMID staff in Darfur.", "60. Since the last report, 11 additional water boreholes have been drilled, bringing the total number of completed wells to 35. These boreholes are shared with local communities to improve their access to water. With regard to previously reported plans to contract an international company to drill 25 boreholes, difficulties acquiring visas and mobilizing drilling equipment have led to the cancellation of the contract.", "61. The construction of community police centres continued. Of the 70 centres planned for construction, 13 have been completed and 3 are near completion.", "62. A total of 30 additional quick-impact projects have been completed in the last three months. A total of 288 projects are 65 per cent complete and 65 new projects were approved for implementation. Insecurity and the low capacity of local implementing partners have limited progress in several projects.", "63. UNAMID continued to reduce the threat posed by unexploded ordnance throughout Darfur. The mission located and destroyed over 314 ordnance items, and delivered risk awareness training to approximately 33,000 civilians. A total of 645 km of road were assessed as safe for use. Visual and subsurface risk assessments were conducted over a total area of 72,629 m².", "64. With regard to disarmament, demobilization and reintegration, the North Sudan Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Commission demobilized 371 ex-combatants (including 21 females) from SLA-Mother Wing, SLA-Free Will, JEM-Peace Wing and the Popular Forces Movement for Rights and Democracy. The Commission also oversaw the discharge of 1,173 personnel from SAF and PDF in Southern and Western Darfur. UNAMID supported the activities by providing technical advice, logistical support, personnel and equipment for HIV/AIDS screening.", "VII. Progress against mission benchmarks", "65. As mentioned in the introduction, pursuant to paragraph 8 of Security Council resolution 1935 (2010), the present report includes an assessment of progress against benchmarks set out in annex II to the report of the Secretary-General of 16 November 2009 (S/2009/592).", "66. Some progress has been made towards the first benchmark, the achievement of a comprehensive political solution to the conflict. Divergence between the Government and LJM in the Doha negotiations was reduced and points of agreement were consolidated in a draft text. A selection of representatives of Darfuri society endorsed the text at the All Darfur Stakeholders Conference as the basis of comprehensive and inclusive peace for Darfur. The Government and JEM have been engaged in talks, although they were mainly limited to the human rights, power-sharing and security arrangement portfolios. Full achievement of the benchmark remains distant, as several movements, including SLA-Abdul Wahid and SLA-Minni Minawi, remain outside the peace process and have stated their intention of pursuing a change in Government.", "67. The second benchmark refers to the restoration of a stable and secure environment throughout Darfur. Intermittent clashes between SAF and movement forces limited progress against this benchmark. However, UNAMID military and police components increased the number of long- and medium-range patrols to new locations, improving the mission’s presence and contributing to security in remote areas. Resource-related clashes accounted for 23 deaths, which represents an increase compared to 12 deaths during the previous period.", "68. The third benchmark refers to enhancement of the rule of law, governance and human rights protections. Overall, progress in this area was modest. Parties to the conflict continued to fall short of their obligations under international human rights law to protect civilians caught in the fighting. The number of recorded human rights violations and abuses remained similar to those of previous reporting periods. On a positive note, UNAMID documented a decrease in the number of arbitrary detention cases and continued to work with national authorities to consolidate these gains. In addition, the mission continued to work with armed movements to end the recruitment and use of child soldiers, and to provide technical advice to members of the judiciary.", "69. The fourth benchmark refers to stabilizing the humanitarian situation and facilitating humanitarian access. Some progress was made in this area through Operation Spring Basket (as reported in para. 36 above), during which UNAMID and humanitarian agencies conducted missions to assess needs and deliver aid to communities in previously inaccessible areas. In addition, UNAMID increased the number of medium- and long-range patrols and patrols to return sites.", "VIII. Financial aspects", "70. The General Assembly, by its resolution 65/305, appropriated the amount of $1,689.3 million for the maintenance of the Operation for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012. Should the Security Council decide to extend the mandate of the Operation beyond 31 July 2011, the cost of maintaining UNAMID would be limited to the amount approved by the Assembly for the 2011/12 financial period.", "71. As of 7 July 2011, unpaid assessed contributions to the special account for UNAMID amounted to $180.2 million. The total outstanding assessed contributions for all peacekeeping operations at that date amounted to $1,547.1 million.", "72. Reimbursement to contributing Governments for troop and formed police costs, and for contingent-owned equipment costs has been made for the period up to 31 May 2011 and 31 March 2011, respectively, in accordance with the quarterly payment schedule.", "IX. Observations and recommendations", "73. The Darfur peace process has reached a critical juncture. Negotiations between the Government and LJM appear to be nearing a conclusion. However, with SLA-Abdul Wahid and SLA-Minni Minawi continuing to pursue their objectives through military means, and negotiations between the Government and JEM seemingly stalled, the outcome of the negotiations will not constitute a comprehensive settlement to the conflict. The All Darfur Stakeholders Conference discussions and the draft agreement based mostly on the outcome of the negotiations between the Government and LJM represent a step forward and, as endorsed by the Conference, the basis for advancing the peace process. In light of these developments a new road map that lays out the next steps in the Darfur peace process is being prepared.", "74. With regard to the main elements of a new road map, a meaningful settlement to the Darfur conflict continues to require broad-based buy-in from all parties to and those affected by the conflict. In this connection, I urge the international community to be united in their messages to the Government, SLA-Minni Minawi, SLA-Abdul Wahid and JEM to cease hostilities and enter into negotiations without preconditions.", "75. The Darfur peace process could also benefit from a credible Darfur-based internal dialogue and consultations process that builds popular support for, and local ownership of, the peace process, and enhances the outcomes of the Doha negotiations. In this connection, I encourage the international community to support such a process in the new road map. In this regard, I welcome the preparations undertaken by UNAMID and the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel towards holding the Darfur political process. The establishment of an enabling environment for the process remains paramount and I urge the Government, as a first and critically important confidence-building measure, to now deliver on its commitment to lift the emergency laws in Darfur.", "76. In the coming months, UNAMID, the African Union, the United Nations and the broader international community must be poised to assist the Government of the Sudan to address the various causes of instability in the country in a holistic manner. It will be critical that armed offensives are put aside and political dialogue pursued. The forthcoming constitutional review offers an opportunity for political parties and interest groups to come together to agree on a new dispensation that addresses the centre-periphery issues that underlie conflict in the Sudan. In this context, it will be important for a road map for the Darfur political process to be complementary to broader strategies for stability in the Sudan. In this connection, I am pleased to note that the African Union and the United Nations have begun initial consultations on the next steps in the Darfur peace process.", "77. The sporadic fighting that took place between Government and movement forces during the last three months caused instability in affected areas, as well as protection and humanitarian needs among communities. In addition, the military activity and associated restrictions limited the ability of UNAMID and humanitarian agencies to access populations in need of assistance. In light of these concerns, I once again reiterate to the belligerent parties that there is no military solution to the Darfur conflict. The continued pursuit of their political objectives by military means merely prolongs the suffering of the people of Darfur and delays the arrival of peace. In this connection, I call upon the Government and those movements that have yet to do so to cease hostilities immediately and join the peace process without delay.", "78. I am encouraged by the reports of voluntary returns of internally displaced persons to their towns and villages of origin. I commend UNAMID and the humanitarian community for their focus on providing protection and assistance to these returnees, in addition to the protection and assistance they already provide to internally displaced persons and resident communities. Moreover, I commend UNAMID, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, UNICEF, WHO and the other agencies involved in Operation Spring Basket for their efforts to improve humanitarian access to East Jebel Marra and other areas where access was previously limited. During the operation, humanitarian organizations carried out needs assessments and delivered aid to 12 locations, including five in East Jebel Marra where access was previously consistently denied for several months. I note that the operation paved the way for these areas to be reachable again in future visits and I urge UNAMID and the humanitarian community to take steps to ensure that the support provided to these areas is sustained.", "79. I note with concern that restrictions on the movement of UNAMID and humanitarian organizations continue to be imposed. While the vast majority of the restrictions were imposed by Government agencies in areas where the presence of movement forces was known or suspected, the mission reserves the right to assess the security of its patrols and, after having ascertained that the risk is acceptable, to proceed in accordance with its mandate. Government security agencies may advise UNAMID that they have concerns about security, but they may not prevent UNAMID from proceeding. I once again call upon the Government and the movements to cease imposing restrictions on UNAMID and humanitarian organizations.", "80. The coming year offers significant opportunities for the Government and the people of the Sudan to look to the future to settle conflicts that undermine their security and prosperity. The Government and the people will also face significant challenges resulting from the changes under way in the Sudan. In Darfur, UNAMID has made substantial strides in implementing its protection of civilians mandate and I believe it has a significant role to play, together with the African Union High-Level Implementation Panel, in supporting grass-roots-based peacebuilding and reconciliation initiatives. In my next report I intend to update the Security Council on the road map for peace in Darfur. It is for these reasons that I recommend that the Council consider an extension by one year of the mandate of UNAMID. During this period, I would review with the African Union the resources authorized for UNAMID with a view to ensuring their most efficient and effective use.", "81. Turning to safety of UNAMID and humanitarian personnel in Darfur, while I am encouraged by the relatively low number of attacks recorded during the reporting period — which is attributable in part to the maintenance of a robust posture by UNAMID military and police personnel — I condemn in the strongest terms those responsible for the attack on the UNAMID patrol that led to the tragic loss of life of a UNAMID police adviser. Such attacks are reprehensible and a violation of international law. I offer my sincere condolences to the family, friends and fellow service members of the police adviser, and I call upon the Government to bring the perpetrators of the cowardly attack to justice.", "82. I am relieved and grateful for the release of the three aviation staff members contracted to the United Nations Humanitarian Aviation Services who were abducted in Um Shalaya, Western Darfur, on 13 January 2011. I call upon the Government to bring those responsible to justice and to take steps to end the practice of kidnapping those working to help alleviate the suffering of the people of Darfur.", "83. I am also deeply concerned about the detention without charge or trial of two UNAMID national staff members by NISS. All UNAMID staff members are entitled to immunity from arrest or prosecution when carrying out duties that are in line with the mission mandate. The detention of the staff members without charge constitutes a serious violation of the status-of-forces agreement. I insist that the Government release the staff members immediately and present any evidence of wrongdoing it may have against them to my Joint Special Representative, in accordance with proper procedures.", "84. In conclusion, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Joint Chief Mediator, Mr. Djibril Yipene Bassolé, and his team for their outstanding service and their substantial contribution to the Darfur peace process. I would also like to express my appreciation to the Government of Qatar for the support it has provided to the negotiations. I would like to thank the African Union-United Nations Joint Special Representative, Mr. Ibrahim Gambari, for his leadership of the mission, as well as the women and men of UNAMID for their tireless efforts in what are often arduous and challenging circumstances. I would also like to thank the many dedicated humanitarian personnel who work to sustain and improve the lives of Darfuris affected by conflict." ]
[ "秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的报告", "一. 导言", "1. 本报告是根据安全理事会第1935(2010)号决议第8段提交的,安理会在该段中请我每隔90天报告非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)执行任务的进展。本报告还比照2009年11月16日我给安理会的报告(S/2009/592)附件二所载基准评估了进展情况,还评估了本报告所述期间(2011年4月1日至6月30日)的政治进程状况以及安全和人道主义局势。", "二. 政治方面的事态发展", "达尔富尔和平进程", "2. 4月27日,非盟-联合国联合调解支助小组向苏丹政府、解放与正义运动(解放运动)和正义与平等运动(正义运动)提交了一份和平协议草案。该草案的基础是讨论达成的协议要点,以及调解小组根据以往与有关各方围绕分歧点进行的讨论提交的建议,包括政治任命、达尔富尔行政地位和安保安排。苏丹政府和解放运动代表团随后表示支持该草案,解放运动还于4月30日公开表示,该协定提供了一个可以接受的办法,用以解决一系列有争议的问题。正义运动谋求与苏丹政府开展进一步的谈判,就人权和基本自由章节的有关规定达成了协议。5月3日,双方在谈判进程的范围和程序问题上产生分歧,导致谈判破裂。", "3. 随后,调解小组于5月27日至31日在多哈举行的达尔富尔问题全体利益攸关方会议上征求了达尔富尔社会代表对案文草案的反馈意见。会议的组织和举办得到了卡塔尔政府的大力支持和达尔富尔混合行动的协助。冲突当事方、民间社会团体、政治党派、民选官员、难民和散居国外的达尔富尔人等大约500人共同参加了会议。会上未散发协议草案,但向各利益攸关方介绍了草案中的主要内容,以此作为讨论的基础。此外还为评估迄今取得的进展举行了一次国际伙伴会议。", "4. 在利益攸关方会议之前和会议期间,在与会者的甄选和行动方面遭遇了一些挑战。达尔富尔混合行动与三个州府的民间社会后续行动机制开展合作,根据调解小组规定的标准遴选参加会议的民间社会代表。在尼亚拉,州政府坚持要求一个由全国大会党支持者组成的替代民间社会机制参与与会代表的遴选工作,并于5月2日拘留了民间社会后续行动机制的一名领导成员。由于机位限制,有7名境内流离失所者无法按原定日程于5月26日搭乘包机从尼亚拉飞往多哈。", "5. 此外,在与会者的遴选方面,国家情报和安全局还于4月27日在尼亚拉逮捕了一名达尔富尔混合行动的本国民政干事。政府当局告知达尔富尔混合行动,这名工作人员被拘留的原因与他在遴选利益攸关方会议与会人员方面发挥的作用有关。达尔富尔混合行动与苏丹政府进行了会晤,提出务必尊重《部队地位协定》,后来获准探访这名工作人员,该名工作人员以前就有心脏病,健康状况不佳。特派团请求允许这名工作人员到达尔富尔混合行动医院就诊,但遭到国家情报和安全局拒绝。", "6. 利益攸关方会议开始后,会议程序由若干次全体会议和工作组会议组成,在全体会议期间,与会者获悉了有关协定草案的主要内容;在工作组会议期间,各方表明了各自的立场,与会者就协议提出了评论意见。工作组会议的重点议题是人权和基本自由、赔偿和回返、分享权力和财富以及达尔富尔内部对话和协商。会议期间,苏丹政府和解放运动的代表强调了协议条款的可取之处,特别是在分享财富和支持回归者等领域;而正义运动则对草案提出了批评,认为它未能充分满足达尔富尔人民的愿望。民间社会代表最广泛讨论的议题包括赔偿、安保、达尔富尔行政地位和追究以往侵犯人权行为的责任。", "7. 在5月31日的闭幕仪式上,与会者核可了一项公报,规定多哈文件草案构成实现达尔富尔永久停火、包容各方的全面和平解决以及可持续和平与稳定的基础。此外,公报呼吁苏丹政府和各武装运动尽一切努力在该文件基础上实现永久停火和全面解决。为支持这些努力,主要国际伙伴打算成立一个由卡塔尔政府牵头的达尔富尔执行后续行动委员会。该委员会将作为一个友邻小组支持实施该协议。", "8. 利益攸关方会议结束后,联合首席调解人和卡塔尔外交国务大臣于6月13日在亚的斯亚贝巴向非洲联盟委员会主席、6月14日在开罗向阿拉伯国家联盟(阿盟)秘书长和6月20日向我本人提交了文件草案。非盟主席、阿盟秘书长和我就谈判成果向调解人和外交国务大臣表示祝贺,并欢迎以草案为基础继续努力实现全面和平。", "9. 6月14日,正义运动就多哈谈判发表声明,质疑利益攸关方会议的包容性,指出会议核可的是各方争议的问题,而不是草案文件。不过,正义运动仍声称愿意继续谈判。6月3日和9日,苏丹政府和正义运动在多哈举行了双边会谈,但由于在谈判范围上发生分歧而陷入僵局。苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派既没有参加会议,也没有就会议成果发表意见。", "10. 与此同时,达尔富尔混合行动与非洲联盟高级别执行小组一道,继续为基于达尔富尔的政治进程作出规划。这些安排符合4月8日非洲联盟和平与安全理事会第271次会议结束时发表的公报,该公报除其他外,请达尔富尔混合行动作为优先事项为政治进程进行一切必要准备,并强调这一举措应与多哈谈判同时进行,对多哈谈判作出补充。达尔富尔混合行动、执行小组和其他国际伙伴目前正与苏丹政府开展接触,以便为政治进程确定和营造有利的环境。苏丹政府方面则重申其承诺,表示将终止在达尔富尔实施的紧急状态法。", "11. 在未来规划方面,非洲联盟和联合国经与国际伙伴协商,计划召开一系列会议,以拟定国际社会持续参与达尔富尔和平进程的未来框架。", "达尔富尔全民投票和增设两个州", "12. 3月29日,苏丹政府颁布总统令,规定就达尔富尔地位举行有全民投票。总统令遭到了各武装运动的广泛谴责,苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派、正义运动和苏丹解放军-母亲派于4月2日发表联合声明,其中除其他外对总统令表示反对,发誓不承认投票结果,并呼吁达尔富尔人民坚决反对总统令。同样,反对派政党的成员和境内流离失所者也在与达尔富尔混合行动会谈时对此表示不满,认为这是单方面的行动,并对当前政治和安全环境下能否实施该举措表示担忧。", "13. 全国选举委员会已开始为公民投票进行筹备,并于4月12日正式请求达尔富尔混合行动和联合国苏丹特派团给予物资和技术援助。达尔富尔混合行动和非洲联盟高级别执行小组鼓励苏丹政府在举行全民投票之前,在各个利益攸关方中建立基础广泛的支持。这个问题仍然是苏丹政府和解放运动之间的谈判内容。6月26日,各方同意一旦签署协议即在协议签署一年后举行公民投票。", "14. 5月5日,部长理事会通过了关于在达尔富尔增设两个州的立法,中部增设一个州以扎林盖为首府,东南部增设一个州以埃代因为首府。该法案目前已提交国民议会核准。包括苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派在内的一些武装运动、反对派政党和民间社会的某些部门在与达尔富尔混合行动会谈时抱怨说,增设两个州将加剧达尔富尔各族裔群体之间的分裂。", "区域事态发展", "15. 近几个月来,苏丹和阿拉伯利比亚民众国之间的关系恶化。6月20日,苏丹政府公开指责阿拉伯利比亚民众国招募“苏丹雇佣军”。苏丹政府还对来自阿拉伯利比亚民众国的武器弹药可能流入达尔富尔表示担忧,并加强了其武装力量在西北达尔富尔的存在。", "16. 5月5日,根据《达喀尔协议》的规定,乍得-苏丹联合边境巡逻部队总部从乍得阿贝歇迁往西达尔富尔的朱奈纳。5月23日,苏丹、乍得和中非共和国政府在喀土穆举行三方峰会,签署了《喀土穆宣言》。根据该宣言,各方除其他外承诺成立三方联合部队,以监测三国边境地区。", "各派运动的联盟和统一", "17. 近几个月来,一些武装运动之间组成了新的联盟。5月14日,苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派发布结盟宣言,宣布双方同意携手合作,尤其是“开展联合行动、协调政治和军事努力,推翻全国大会党政府”。同样,5月8日,苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-朱巴派也宣布结盟;5月20日,苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-母亲派宣布两派重新统一在阿卜杜勒·瓦希德旗下。5月18日,解放运动的一个分裂派别与正义运动签署了一项协议,5月25日,该派别又与苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派结盟。", "安全局势", "18. 从2月底到4月10日,政府与各运动力量之间的战斗暂时得到缓解。4月10日,苏丹武装部队对驻扎在北达尔富尔穆斯巴特(库图姆以北127公里)的苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派和正义运动的联合部队进行了空袭。4月11、12和13日,苏丹武装部队与派别地面部队在同一地区又相互进行空袭并发生冲突。4月13日,达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队在穆斯巴特偏西的Turba遇到一支车队,自称苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派和正义运动联盟的联合部队。4月17日,该地区出现军事活动,达尔富尔混合行动分别在东面更远的Jebel Eisa(马勒哈以北37公里)和El Hara(马勒哈以北62公里)附近观察到苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和正义运动联盟的车队。", "19. 在军事活动增加的这段时期,达尔富尔混合行动多次观察到苏丹武装部队在马勒哈和库图姆部署攻击直升机,并向马勒哈、库图姆和蒂内增派部队。苏丹武装部队指挥官表示,部队和装备的集结意在防止各派武装运动在阿拉伯利比亚民众国和达尔富尔之间调动。", "20. 5月1日,当地居民告诉达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队,苏丹武装部队4月24日对Tangarara村(尚吉尔托巴伊以北20公里)附近地区进行了空袭。4月25日,苏丹武装部队的飞机据说对东杰贝尔马拉境内Ruwata、Owsajini和Burgu村周围的苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派的部队进行了空袭。根据苏丹武装部队提供的信息,4月27日,苏丹武装部队与苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派的地面部队在Gur Lumbung(尼亚拉以北11公里)发生了冲突。没有伤亡报告。", "21. 在南达尔富尔,4月6日,达尔富尔混合行动在布拉姆通往费菲的公路上看到一个由大约100辆苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派和正义运动车辆组成的车队向南行驶。达尔富尔混合行动随后收到了苏丹武装部队指挥官的报告,称苏丹武装部队在与南苏丹交界的布拉姆以南116公里的阿尔费菲附近与一个车队发生交火,但未经证实。", "22. 另在南达尔富尔,苏丹武装部队据报发现了运动派别的部队,随后于5月15日在拉巴多投下4枚炸弹,还在Esheraya村(埃代因以南30公里)附近投下几枚炸弹。拉巴多附近的轰炸造成1名平民死亡,还有1人受伤。达尔富尔混合行动因受到政府的限制,无法对Esheraya的轰炸情况进行评估。苏丹武装部队指挥官后来表示,在穆哈吉里耶、拉巴多、萨尼亚芬杜、沙伊里尔、马拉和亚辛附近发现了运动派别的部队,认为这是苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派的部队。5月16日和17日,苏丹武装部队的飞机在Kuma(法希尔东北60公里)和Sukamair(法希尔以北68公里)附近进行了空袭。没有伤亡报告。5月18日,苏丹武装部队的飞机在Baashim村(库图姆东北80公里)以及Um Rayi村和Hashaba村(分别位于库图姆东北72公里和62公里)对派别车队进行了空袭,根据当地的消息,造成10人死亡。", "23. 苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派以前控制的地区仍有战斗,5月31日和6月3日,扎格哈瓦人要求归还被盗牲畜,随后,一伙不明身份的武装人员在Abu Zereiga(Dar El Salam东北20公里)附近与一伙扎格哈瓦人发生冲突。达尔富尔混合行动的一个核查小组证实,1名手无寸铁的酋长在战斗中被打死,还有至少4名平民很可能也被打死。6月17日,一个被怀疑忠于苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派的身份不明的武装团伙袭击了人民保卫部队在老尚吉尔托巴伊村的前哨阵地。袭击者放火焚烧了几栋房屋,一时造成大约1 000名平民流离失所,并造成6名士兵和人数不详的平民死亡。6月18日,达尔富尔混合行动因医疗原因将15人(包括13名平民)从尚吉尔托巴伊医院后送至法希尔。", "24. 5月25日,哈萨希萨难民营的11名居民在Azoom(扎林盖以西50公里)与地方政府官员进行了会晤,讨论如何鼓励回返,此后难民营内的安全局势有所恶化。这11名境内流离失所者返回营地后,被来自该难民营的一伙年轻人扣留。经达尔富尔混合行动干预后,其中8名被拘留者于5月28日得到释放,其余3人10天后也被释放。尽管达尔富尔混合行动试图通过谈判化解局势,但6月8日和9日仍爆发了冲突,造成11名境内流离失所者死亡。在达尔富尔混合行动的协助下,紧张局势随后得到平息,6月18日,达尔富尔混合行动与难民营和青年领导人举行了会议,达尔富尔混合行动在会上获悉,被拘留的境内流离失所者和难民营领导人之间的关系有所改善。", "部族冲突", "25. 在本报告所述期间,部族斗殴情况仍然较少,仅有3次冲突。第一次冲突涉及4月16日比尔吉德部落和雷扎伊加特部落的武装团伙在Kulaykili(尼亚拉东南130公里)的斗殴,这次斗殴是在雷扎伊加部落的一伙武装人员因几名比尔吉德人涉嫌参与盗抢而要求赔偿后发生的。共有14名比尔吉德人吉特,包括1名部落长者(部族领袖)和2名雷扎伊加人被打死。事件发生后,南达尔富尔州州长成立了一个特别调查委员会。", "26. 第二个事件是,4月19日,有人提出了偷盗骆驼的指控,随后塔艾沙部落和雷扎伊加部落的武装团伙在南达尔富尔盖雷伊达附近发生冲突。共有8人在战斗中死亡(5名塔艾沙人和3名雷扎伊加人)。部族领袖随后启动了和解程序,雷扎伊加部落按照这个程序对失窃骆驼进行了赔偿。第三个事件是,6月19日,南达尔富尔的萨拉马特部落和哈巴尼亚部落的武装团伙在Nadhif(尼亚拉以南125公里)附近,就牲畜失窃和边界划分发生冲突,据报造成13人死亡、10人受伤。", "27. 在扎林盖地区,2010年3月至9月,米塞里亚部落和雷扎伊加特-纳瓦巴部落发生殴斗,估计造成700死亡,为了改善扎林盖地区的部族关系,达尔富尔混合行动5月为在Hillabeyda(扎林盖以东25公里)举行的部族间会议提供了大力支持。援助形式有安全保障、运输和提供技术咨询。与会代表来自各个团体,包括部落行政机构、民间社会、Aughada(阿拉伯部落民兵领导人)和当地政府官员。会上为加强安全和改善部族关系提出了若干建议,并建立了一个后续行动机制,以落实这些建议,并在该区域其他地方举行类似的会议。", "行动限制", "28. 4月1日至6月30日期间,达尔富尔混合行动进行了23 999次巡逻,在此期间,特派团的陆上行动有68次受到限制。其中65次是苏丹武装部队或国家情报和安全局以及三派武装运动实施的。在绝大多数情况下,政府的军事或情报部门限制了达尔富尔混合行动的巡逻。巡逻范围要么位于政府怀疑有各运动力量驻扎的地区内,要么则要求进入该地区。4月1日至6月30日期间,达尔富尔混合行动进行了5 771次飞行,但苏丹武装部队和其他政府官员拒绝了60次放飞申请。大部分限制都是针对试图进入或飞越东杰贝勒马拉赫或军事活动区的航班实行的。", "安全保障", "29. 达尔富尔混合行动的维持和平人员和人道主义人员受到攻击的次数仍然很少,部分原因是达尔富尔混合行动的军事人员和警察保持强势姿态。", "30. 达尔富尔混合行动的维和人员受到2次武装袭击,第一次是在4月5日,几名不明身份的武装人员伏击了一个从法托博尔诺(库图姆西南17公里)返回库图姆的巡逻队。袭击中1名助理被打死,另1人受伤,一辆有2名警察顾问和1名语文助理乘坐的达尔富尔混合行动车辆被劫持。其中2名工作人员受了轻伤,随后被释放,第三人(即警察顾问)的尸体在附近的遗弃车辆中被发现。第二次事件是在4月18日,一名身份不明的袭击者在Hotwashi(法希尔西南30公里)向护送世界粮食计划署(粮食署)车队的达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队开枪,击中1辆汽车。没有人受伤。", "31. 5月6日,达尔富尔混合行动的1名本国语文助理在法希尔被国家情报和安全局逮捕,随后被移送到喀土穆。据政府官员说,这名工作人员被拘留是因为他煽动阿布舒克难民营内的境内流离失所者参加反政府示威。6月27日,达尔富尔混合行动获准探视该名工作人员。", "32. 经苏丹政府和粮食署密集努力后,1月13日在西达尔富尔Shalaya遭绑架的联合国人道主义空运处定约聘用的3名机组人员于6月6日被释放。", "33. 过去3个月来,达尔富尔混合行动或人道主义机构车辆劫持事件的数目从1月1日至3月31日的10起减至5起。除了在上述4月5日攻击中被劫持后抛弃的达尔富尔混合行动的车辆外,6月1日还有一辆达尔富尔混合行动车辆在尼亚拉Deriege难民营被15名武装人员劫持,6月11日又有一辆汽车被3名武装人员劫持。在6月11日的事件中,行车时坐在前排乘客座位上的1名达尔富尔混合行动维和人员受了轻伤。", "三. 人道主义局势", "34. 虽然在改善人道主义援助准入方面取得一些进展,但政府与运动部队之间的不断冲突,继续对人道主义局势产生消极影响。政府和人道主义国家工作队认可的数字显示,2010年初至今,已有60 000至70 000人因战斗而离开尚吉尔托巴伊和东吉贝勒马拉,流落他乡。此外,南达尔富尔州政府当局以武装运动的存在为由,禁止人道主义机构在5月15日至6月15日期间前往离尼亚拉15公里之外的地方。", "35. 4月11日,国家情报和安全局进入卡尔马难民营,逮捕了一名居民(此人还是一个国际非政府组织的工作人员)。4月13日,青年境内流离失所者为了报复,绑架了营地内11名本国援助工作者。在达尔富尔混合行动和联合国机构进行干预后,这些青年24小时后释放了援助工作者。此后,政府当局对卡尔马的人道主义援助准入进行了两个月的部分限制,只允许国际援助工作者在一些情形下进入营地。此外,医疗用品和水泵燃料只是按个案处理的方式获准进入营地。本国非政府组织工作人员可以继续在诊所工作,也可以向营地居民供水;这些限制后来都被取消。", "36. 为了改进人道主义援助准入,5月1日,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义机构启动了“春篮行动”,这项举措旨在改善几个月来无法进入的达尔富尔部分地区的准入情况并向这些地区提供援助。该行动力求接触大约400 000名受益人,由达尔富尔混合行动和援助工作者进行需求评估并发放援助。在此行动期间,向以下地点提供了人道主义物资:艾恩希罗、库图姆、基林、库马加拉达亚特、戈罗、卡谷罗、蒂纳、哈拉和萨容。萨容是苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派控制区内的小镇,这是2009年以来人道主义机构第一次前往该镇执行任务。", "37. 此外,为了改进东吉贝勒马拉的准入和提供援助情况,达尔富尔混合行动和苏丹驻地协调员/人道主义协调员同苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和政府磋商,同意在南达尔富尔的费纳新设一个达尔富尔混合行动队部。", "38. 在保健领域,世界卫生组织(世卫组织)、联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)和各州卫生部门在全区域范围内进行了脊灰炎和麻疹疫苗接种活动。活动包括对边远农村地区部落进行疫苗接种,并对以前发生过麻疹疫情的地区进行“清理”。", "39. 在改善供水方面,4月26日,达尔富尔混合行动启动一项水资源举措,向回返者发放大容量滚动载水器。载水器主要是方便妇女和儿童把大量井水运回家,从而通过减少必须离开营地或村庄取水的次数,降低他们受骚扰和遭遇暴力的风险。计划在达尔富尔各地发放总共3 000个载水器。", "40. 6月27日和28日,在喀土穆举行了达尔富尔水资源促进可持续和平国际会议。与会者试图在达尔富尔设立一个新的综合水管理框架,以确保适当管理水资源。会议组织者力求为65个项目筹措资金。以便建立一个公正和可持续的水服务系统。大约500人出席会议,他们代表(除其他外)苏丹政府、达尔富尔混合行动、儿基会、联合国开发计划署(开发署)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织、联合国环境规划署、捐助者和其他国际行动者。捐助者在会议上各个水事项目认捐共计500 000美元。", "四. 法治、治理和人权", "41. 参照过去12个月的趋势,达尔富尔混合行动在最近3个月间记录了97起侵犯人权事件,涉及274名受害者。达尔富尔混合行动为了改进保护人权工作,继续向政府当局表达人权方面的关注,继续增进安全机构的能力。共为202名政府警察、国家情报和安全局官员和农村法庭法官开设了课程,使他们受到了基本人权概念以及逮捕和拘留程序方面的培训。", "42. 达尔富尔混合行动记录的性暴力和基于性别的暴力案件的数目稍有减少,从2011年第一季度的29起事件(54名被害者)减至17起事件(26名受害者)。为提高政府机构防止和应对此类事件的能力举行了几期讲习班。例如,4月2日,达尔富尔混合行动在法希尔为17名女议员举行了一期讲习班,讲授女议员在履行各州义务,防止性暴力和基于性别的暴力方面的作用。还例如,5月1日和2日向扎林盖的39名中央预备役警察、5月3日和4日向杰奈纳的检察官提供了性别问题的培训。", "43. 此外,达尔富尔混合行动继续监测审判情况,使其合乎国际人权原则。在一起案件中,2人因参与2月21日从艾得富尔桑盗窃世界展望组织的2部车辆,5月2日在尼亚拉被判定有罪,处以10年监禁。法庭还判处一名16岁男孩6年少儿管教,因为他参与了2010年11月4日绑架粮食署订约聘用的3名航空工作人员。", "44. 按照政府与达尔富尔混合行动交换的谅解备忘录,4月份在杰奈纳和扎林盖成立了3个监狱发展委员会,5月份在尼亚拉成立了1个监狱发展委员会。这些委员会将作为一个论坛,设法解决监狱面临的难题和推动监狱改革。", "45. 达尔富尔混合行动继续同政府当局协作,以增强惩教干事的能力并改善囚犯条件。关于这一点,达尔富尔混合行动于4月10日至14日和5月15日至19日分别为北达尔富尔和南达尔富尔狱政人员举办了“监狱基本责任和监狱管理人权方法”课程。此外,还实施了一些项目,以改善囚犯的生计前景和条件。达尔富尔混合行动同联合国人类住区规划署协作,向南达尔富尔的60名囚犯提供了制造土坯砖方面的职业培训。受训人员生产的土坯砖将用于监狱建设项目。4月27日,杰奈纳一所监狱完成了一个由速效项目资金供资的供水和环境卫生项目。此外,3月30日和31日,达尔富尔混合行动与世卫组织、开发署和卫生部协作,组织了一次医疗营地活动,1 000名囚犯及其家属以及法希尔当地社区的成员从中受益。", "保护儿童", "46. 继续努力协助以前参与武装冲突的儿童。正义运动-和平派参加了政府于4月17日至29日在杰奈纳主办的复员活动。在活动期间,向苏丹北方解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会递交了一份以前同武装部队有联系的65名儿童名单,以进行登记和处理。", "47. 2011年初以来,达尔富尔混合行动举办了28期保护儿童培训班。大约934名混合行动人员从中受益,其中包括128名平民、580名联合国警察和226名维和人员。此外,4月份,达尔富尔混合行动还协同瑞典拯救儿童联合会举办了1次为期4天的培训员培训班,有47名军事人员、联合国警察和联合国军事观察员受益。该方案还扩大到本国行动者,为477个当地伙伴举办了13次培训班。受益人员包括34名政府警察、境内流离失所者营地内的255名社区治安志愿者、29名社区领导人、境内流离失所者营地保护儿童委员会的57名成员、82名民间社会团体成员和20名触犯法律的儿童。", "五. 保护平民", "48. 在最近3个月期间,达尔富尔混合行动开展了几次主动行动,以改进保护平民工作和援助工作者及其资产的安全保障。", "49. 达尔富尔混合行动的军事和警务人员增加了在达尔富尔各地的存在和保护活动,每天巡逻次数由平均130次增加到160次。这包括增加对农村地区(包括吉贝勒马拉、杰贝勒穆恩(杰奈纳以北)和南达尔富尔——南苏丹边界)各社区进行中长程巡逻。后勤安排完成后可以向达尔富尔混合行动在尚吉尔托巴伊和阿贝歇湾的队部部署文职人员,从而能更好地同人道主义行动者协调达尔富尔混合行动的活动。", "50. 在达尔富尔混合行动保护平民战略的框架内,通过为达尔富尔混合行动高级管理人员印发保护平民分析周报,加强了预警和早期反应机制。此外,通过建立每周军民协调会议制度,人道主义行动者的活动同达尔富尔混合行动军事和警察人员的协调也得到改善。", "51. 结合保护回返者,联合核查机制继续对达尔富尔回返人员的自愿性和适当性进行评估。自2011年初以来,自愿回返的速度为大约每周1 500人。大多数回返者都是从南达尔富尔的难民营返回西达尔富尔农村地区。", "六. 特派团的部署和行动", "52. 截至6月30日,达尔富尔混合行动有文职人员4 466人,其中国际工作人员1 145人,本国工作人员2 835人,联合国志愿人员486人,占5 516人核定人数的81%。由于达尔富尔的生活条件恶劣且安全局势难以预料,特派团仍然难以征聘和留住有适当资格的工作人员。在增派国际工作人员方面,36名工作人员已抵达任务区,32人离职,1名候选人拒绝了特派团发出的聘用通知。", "53. 截至6月30日,达尔富尔混合行动有军事人员18 014人,占19 555人核定人数的92%,这个数字包括17 451名官兵、302名参谋、61名联络官和195名军事观察员。埃塞俄比亚多功能后勤队、卢旺达中等旋转翼通用航空部队和尼日利亚区侦察后备连有望在今年晚些时候部署,新来的塞内加尔营预计到2011年10月满员。2个中等旋转翼通用航空部队和1个固定翼空中侦察部队仍未满员。", "54. 过去三个月中,军事特遣队的准备和自我维持能力稍有改善。目前,17个步兵营中的5个营和16个建制警察部队中的4个部队存在重大装备短缺问题,装备可用率也低于规定的90%。", "55. 达尔富尔混合行动有警察2 751人(男性80%,女性20%),占3 772人核定人数的73%。建制警察部队人数为2 233人,占2 660人核定人数的83%。", "56. 达尔富尔混合行动的军事人员共进行12 325次巡逻,包括5 589次例行巡逻、999次短程巡逻、643次远程巡逻、2 538次夜间巡逻、623次人道主义护送和1 933次后勤/行政巡逻,覆盖共计7 129个村庄和境内流离失所者营地。达尔富尔混合行动警察共进行了11 674次巡逻。其中6 918次是营地内巡逻,护送各组离开村庄和营地的砍柴拾草者,主要是妇女和儿童;2 846次是在村庄和市场及其周围巡逻;1 910次是短程和远程巡逻。", "57. 4月至6月,政府根据第十次三方协调机制会上达成的协议,向达尔富尔混合行动人员签发了1 103个新的入境签证。截至6月26日,还有1 070人的签证申请有待批准。其中775人是警察,96人是军事参谋和观察员,199人是文职人员,其中包括咨询人和访客。虽然待批的入境签证申请数目仍居高不下,但外交部一直在快速审理那些雇用合同连带居留签证于6月30日(即2010/11两年期截止日)过期的大批达尔富尔混合行动工作人员的签证。苏丹政府随后承诺审批所有积压待批的入境签证申请。", "58. 在落实达尔富尔混合行动电台广播互联方案方面取得了进展。6月26日,达尔富尔混合行动与国家公共广播公司签署了谅解备忘录,据此,特派团将于7月1日起在萨拉姆和达尔富尔州广播电台播放节目。", "59. 达尔富尔混合行动各队部逐步得到发展和改善。尽管有后勤方面的挑战,但在30个队部中,12个队部的改善工作已经完工。其余18个队部处于不同竣工阶段,定于2011年7月31日前结束。还有7个队部的工作定于2011年12月31日前完成。按特派任务生活津贴标准为1 526名国际工作人员建造的宿舍已经竣工。这一进展极大地提高了达尔富尔混合行动驻达尔富尔工作人员的生活条件、安全保障和士气。", "60. 自上次报告以来,又打了11口井眼;使完工的水井总数达到35个。这些井眼均与当地社区共享,旨在改善社区饮水条件。关于上次报告中提及的与一家国际公司订约打25口井眼的计划,由于难以获得签证和调动钻井设备,这项合同已被取消。", "61. 社区警务中心的施工仍在进行之中。计划建造的70个中心中有13个中心已经完工,3个中心接近完工。", "62. 过去3个月中又完成了总共30个速效项目。总共288个项目已完成65%,65个新项目获准实施。由于不安全和地方执行伙伴能力低下,几个项目进展不大。", "63. 达尔富尔混合行动继续在达尔富尔各地减少未爆弹药的威胁。特派团探明且销毁了超过314枚弹药,还向约33 000名平民提供了风险意识培训。共有645公里的道路被评定为可安全使用。完成视觉和浅层风险评估的面积共计72 629平方米。", "64. 关于解除武装、复员和重返社会事宜,北苏丹解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会安排了苏丹解放军-母亲派、苏丹解放军-自由意愿派、正义运动-和平派及权利和民主人民力量运动的371名前战斗人员(包括21名女性)复员。委员会还负责监督苏丹武装部队以及南达尔富尔和西达尔富尔民防军1 173人退役。达尔富尔混合行动支持这些活动,为此提供了技术咨询和后勤支助,还提供了检查艾滋病毒/艾滋病的人员和设备。", "七. 特派团基准进展情况", "65. 如导言所述,根据安全理事会第1935(2010)号决议第8段的要求,本报告对照秘书长2009年11月16日的报告(S/2009/592)附件二所列基准,对进展情况进行了评估。", "66. 第一个基准(实现冲突全面政治解决)取得一些进展。政府与解放运动在多哈谈判中的分歧有所减少,协议要点已并入一个草案文本。达尔富尔社会的一些代表在所有利益攸关方会议上批准了该文本,以此为基础实现达尔富尔包容各方的全面和平。政府和正义运动一直在谈判,尽管这些谈判主要限于人权、权力分享和安全安排。全面实现这个基准仍遥不可及,因为包括苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-米尼·米纳维派在内的几个运动仍未加入和平进程,他们还表示打算改换政府。", "67. 第二个基准是在达尔富尔各地恢复安全稳定的环境。苏丹武装部队和各运动力量之间的间歇性冲突限制了在这一基准方面的进展。然而,达尔富尔混合行动的军事和警察部门增加了对新地点的远程和中程巡逻次数,从而改善了特派团的存在,促进了偏远地区的安保。与资源有关的冲突造成23人死亡,与前一期间死亡12人相比人数有所增加。", "68. 第三个基准是加强法治、治理和人权保护。总体而言,这方面的进展不大。冲突各方仍未履行国际人权法规定的战斗中保护平民的义务。记录在案的违反和侵犯人权数目仍与前几个报告述期的数目相类似。从积极的方面看,达尔富尔混合行动的记录显示任意拘留案件数目有所减少,达尔富尔混合行动继续与国家当局合作,以巩固这些成果。此外,特派团继续与武装运动合作,以制止招募和使用儿童兵,并向司法人员提供技术咨询。", "69. 第四个基准是稳定人道主义局势并为人道主义准入提供便利。在这方面通过春篮行动取得了一些进展(如上文第36段所述),在春篮行动期间,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义机构派团对以前无法进入的地区进行了需求评估,并向那里的社区提供了援助。此外,达尔富尔混合行动还增加了中程和远程巡逻以及对回返地点的巡逻次数。", "八. 财务问题", "70. 大会第65/305号决议批款16.893亿美元作为该行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持费。如果安全理事会决定将达尔富尔混合行动的任务期限延至2011年7月31日以后,则维持该行动的费用将以大会批准的2011/12年财政期间的数额为限。", "71. 截至2011年7月7日,达尔富尔混合行动特别账户的未缴摊款共计1.802亿美元。截至同日,所有维持和平行动的待付摊款总额为15.471亿美元。", "72. 按照季度付款时间表,派遣国政府的部队/建制警察费用和特遣队所属装备费用已分别偿还至2011年5月31日和2011年3月31日。", "九. 意见和建议", "73. 达尔富尔和平进程已到了一个关键的路口。政府与解放运动之间的谈判似乎已经接近结束。然而,由于苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派继续通过军事手段追求其目标,而政府与正义运动之间的谈判似乎陷入僵局,谈判结果不会构成冲突的全面解决。主要以政府和解放运动谈判结果为基础的达尔富尔所有利益攸关方会议的讨论和协议草案是一个进步,而且正如会议所认可的那样,也是推进和平进程的基础。鉴于这些进展,目前正在制定一个规划达尔富尔和平进程今后步骤的新路线图。", "74. 至于新路线图的主要因素,一个有意义的达尔富尔冲突解决方案仍然需要得到冲突各方和受到冲突影响者的广泛支持。在这方面,我敦促国际社会向政府、苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派、苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和正义运动发出一致的信息,要求它们停止敌对行动并无条件开始谈判。", "75. 在达尔富尔开展可信的内部对话和协商进程,可增进民众对和平进程的支持,加强当地对和平进程的自主权,强化多哈谈判的成果,从而有益于达尔富尔和平进程。因此,我鼓励国际社会在新路线图中支持这一进程。在这方面,我欢迎达尔富尔混合行动和非洲联盟高级别执行小组为开展达尔富尔和平进程进行筹备。建立一个有利于达尔富尔和平进程的环境仍然至关重要,我敦促政府现在就兑现承诺,解除达尔富尔紧急状态法,以此作为第一个极其重要的建立信任措施。", "76. 未来数月,达尔富尔混合行动、非洲联盟、联合国和整个国际社会必须准备协助苏丹政府从整体上解决导致该国不稳定的各种原因。搁置武装进攻和开展政治对话至关重要。即将召开的宪法审查为各政党和利益集团提供了一个机会,可以共同商定一个新的管理体制,解决苏丹冲突背后的中央与地方关系问题。因此,达尔富尔政治进程路线图必须与更广泛的苏丹稳定战略相辅相成。在这方面,我高兴地注意到,非洲联盟和联合国已开始就达尔富尔和平进程的下一步骤进行初步协商。", "77. 过去3个月中,政府和各种运动力量之间发生了零星战斗,破坏了战乱地区的稳定,许多部族因此需要得到保护和人道主义援助。此外,军事活动和相关限制也使达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义机构接触待援民众的能力受到限制。鉴于这些关切,我再次向交战各方重申,达尔富尔冲突没有任何军事解决办法。继续以军事手段追求政治目标只能延长达尔富尔人民的痛苦,推迟和平的到来。在这方面,我呼吁尚未采取行动的政府和各派运动立即停止敌对行动,并毫不拖延地加入和平进程。", "78. 境内流离失所者自愿返回原城镇和村庄的报告令我感到鼓舞。我赞扬达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义界除了已经向境内流离失所者和居民社区提供保护和援助之外,还重点向这些回返者提供保护和援助。此外,我还赞扬达尔富尔混合行动、人道主义事务协调厅、儿基会、世卫组织和其他参与“春篮行动”的机构努力改善东杰贝勒马拉赫及其他以往限制进出地区的人道主义援助准入。在这一行动中,人道主义组织开展了需求评估并向12个地点提供了援助,包括前几个月一直无法进入的东杰贝勒马拉赫的5个地点。我注意到这次行动为今后访问时再次进入这些地区铺平了道路,我敦促达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义界采取步骤,确保持续不断地向这些地区提供支持。", "79. 我关切地注意到,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义组织的行动仍然受到限制。虽然绝大多数的限制都是由政府机构在知道或怀疑有派别运动力量存在的地区实行的,但特派团保留评估其巡逻队安全状况的权利,保留在查明风险可以接受后,按其任务规定开展活动的权利。政府安全机构可以告知达尔富尔混合行动,它们对安全感到关切,但不能阻止达尔富尔混合行动继续活动。我再次呼吁政府和各派运动不要再对达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义组织实行限制。", "80. 今后一年为政府和苏丹人民提供了放眼未来、解决破坏其安全与繁荣的冲突的重大机遇。政府和人民也将面临苏丹境内的变革所带来的重大挑战。在达尔富尔,达尔富尔混合行动已在执行其保护平民的任务方面取得长足进步,我相信它将与非洲联盟高级别执行小组一道,在支持基层建设和平与和解举措方面发挥重大作用。我打算在下一次报告中,向安全理事会汇报达尔富尔和平路线图的最新情况。由于上述原因,我建议安理会考虑将达尔富尔混合行动的任务期限延长一年。在此期间,我将与非洲联盟一起审查授权达尔富尔混合行动的核定资源,以确保其得到最有效、最高效的利用。", "81. 谈到达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义工作人员在达尔富尔的安全,令我感到鼓舞的是,本报告所述期间记录的袭击次数较少——部分原因是达尔富尔混合行动的军事和警务人员保持了强有力的态势,但我最强烈地谴责那些应对袭击达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队事件负责的人,这次事件造成一名达尔富尔混合行动警察顾问不幸丧生。这种袭击应受到谴责,属于违反国际法的行为。我向这位警察顾问的家人、朋友和同事表示诚挚慰问,并呼吁政府将进行这一卑鄙袭击的行为人绳之以法。", "82. 我欣慰和高兴地看到2011年1月13日在西达尔富尔Um Shalaya被绑架的3名联合国人道主义空运处签约聘用的空航人员获释。我呼吁政府将对此事负责者绳之以法,并采取步骤制止绑架那些帮助缓解达尔富尔人民痛苦的工作人员。", "83. 我对国家情报和安全局未经指控或审判便拘留2名达尔富尔混合行动的本国工作人员深感关切。达尔富尔混合行动的所有工作人员在履行符合特派团任务的职责时都有不受逮捕或起诉的豁免权。未经指控拘留这些工作人员的行为严重违反了《部队地位协定》。我坚持认为,政府应立即释放这些工作人员并按照适当的程序向我的联合特别代表提交政府掌握的针对这2人的任何不法行为证据。", "84. 最后,我谨诚挚感谢联合首席调解人贾布里勒·伊佩内·巴索莱及其团队为达尔富尔和平进程作出杰出工作和实质性贡献。我还要对卡塔尔政府为谈判提供的支持表示赞赏。我要感谢非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔联合特别代表易卜拉欣·甘巴里先生对特派团的领导,并感谢达尔富尔混合行动的全体人员在往往十分艰难和严峻的形势下作出不懈努力。我还要感谢许多人道主义人员兢兢业业地努力维持并改善受到冲突影响的达尔富尔人的生活。" ]
[ "秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动的报告", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 本报告是根据安全理事会第1935(2010)号决议第8段提交的。 安理会在该决议中要求我每隔90天报告非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动(达尔富尔混合行动)执行任务的进展情况。 本报告包括对照我2009年11月16日给安理会的报告(S/2009/592)附件二所列基准评估取得的进展,以及2011年4月1日至6月30日期间政治进程的现状以及安全和人道主义局势。", "二. 二. 政治事态发展", "达尔富尔和平进程", "2. 非洲联盟-联合国联合调解 4月27日,小组向苏丹政府、解放与正义运动和正义与平等运动提交了一份和平协定草案。 草案以所讨论协议要点和调解小组的建议为基础,这些协议要点是根据先前与各方就分歧点进行的讨论,包括政治任命、达尔富尔的行政地位和安全安排。 政府和解放运动代表团随后表示支持该草案,解放运动于4月30日公开将其描述为一项协议,为一系列有争议的广泛问题提供可接受的解决办法。 正义与平等运动寻求与政府进一步谈判,从而就人权和基本自由一章的规定达成协议。 5月3日,由于对谈判进程的范围和程序有分歧,谈判破裂。", "3个 调解小组随后在5月27日至31日于多哈举行的达尔富尔所有利益攸关方会议上征求了达尔富尔社会代表对案文草案的反馈意见。 会议的组织和运作得到了卡塔尔政府的大力支持和达尔富尔混合行动的援助,来自冲突各方、民间社会团体、政党、民选官员、难民和达尔富尔侨民的大约500名与会者聚集一堂。 虽然协定案文草案没有分发,但向利益攸关方介绍了草案中的关键内容,作为讨论的基础。 还召开了国际伙伴会议,以评估迄今取得的进展。", " 4.四. 在利益攸关方会议之前和会议期间,在与会者的甄选和调动方面遇到了几项挑战。 达尔富尔混合行动与三个州首府的民间社会后续机制合作,根据调解小组规定的标准,为会议挑选了民间社会代表。 在尼亚拉,州政府坚持要求由国民大会党支持者组成的替代性民间社会机制参与代表的甄选,并于5月2日拘留了民间社会后续机制的一名主要成员。 由于空间有限,7名境内流离失所者无法按计划于5月26日乘坐包机从尼亚拉前往多哈。", "5 (韩语). 4月27日,国家情报和安全局(国安局)在尼亚拉逮捕了一名达尔富尔混合行动国家民政干事。 政府当局告知达尔富尔混合行动,该工作人员因在甄选利益攸关方会议与会者方面发挥的作用而被拘留。 达尔富尔混合行动与政府会晤,并主张需要尊重部队地位协定,随后获得接触该工作人员的机会,该工作人员原来有心脏病,健康状况不佳。 特派团关于允许该工作人员去达尔富尔混合行动医院的请求被该处拒绝。", "6. 国家 利益攸关方会议进程一旦启动,即由全体会议和工作组会议组成,会议期间向与会者介绍了协定草案的主要内容,缔约方在会上介绍了各自的立场并评论了协定。 工作组会议的重点是人权和基本自由、补偿和回返、权力和财富分享以及达尔富尔内部对话和协商。 会议期间,政府和解放运动代表强调了这些规定的益处,特别是在分享财富和支持回返者方面,而正义与平等运动则批评了该草案,指出该草案没有充分满足达尔富尔人民的愿望。 赔偿、安全、达尔富尔的行政地位和以往侵犯人权行为的责任是民间社会代表最广泛讨论的问题之一。", "7. 联合国 在5月31日的闭幕式上,与会者核可了一份公报,其中规定将多哈文件草案作为在达尔富尔实现永久停火、全面和包容各方的和平解决以及可持续和平与稳定的基础。 此外,它呼吁苏丹政府和各武装运动尽一切努力以该文件为基础实现永久停火和全面解决。 为支持这些努力,主要国际伙伴将设立由卡塔尔政府领导的达尔富尔执行后续行动委员会。 委员会将作为一个之友小组,支持协定的执行。", "8. 利益攸关方会议后,卡塔尔联合首席调解人兼外交国务部长于6月13日在亚的斯亚贝巴向非洲联盟委员会主席、6月14日在开罗向阿拉伯国家联盟(阿盟)秘书长和6月20日向本人提交了文件草案。 主席、阿盟秘书长和我祝贺调解人和部长取得谈判结果,并欣见该草案是继续努力实现全面和平的基础。", "9. 国家 6月14日,正义运动发表了关于多哈会谈的声明,质疑利益攸关方会议的包容性,指出会议赞同辩论问题,而不是文件草案,但仍申明愿意继续谈判。 6月3日和9日,政府与正义与平等运动在多哈举行了双边会谈,但由于对谈判范围存在分歧,会谈陷入停顿。 苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派没有参加会议,也没有就会议结果发表意见。", "10个 与此同时,达尔富尔混合行动与非洲联盟高级别执行小组一道,继续为以达尔富尔为基地的政治进程进行规划。 这些安排符合4月8日非洲联盟和平与安全理事会第271次会议结束时发表的公报,其中除其他外,请达尔富尔混合行动作为优先事项为政治进程作一切必要的准备,并强调指出,这一倡议应与多哈谈判同时进行并与之相辅相成。 达尔富尔混合行动、执行小组和其他国际伙伴目前正在与政府接触,为政治进程确定和建立有利环境。 苏丹政府方面已再次承诺暂停执行达尔富尔的紧急法律。", "11个 在前进的道路上,非洲联盟和联合国同国际伙伴协商,计划召开一系列会议,规划国际社会持续参与达尔富尔和平进程的未来框架。", "达尔富尔全民投票和增设两个州", "12. 3月29日,苏丹政府发布总统令,规定就达尔富尔地位问题举行全民投票。 该法令受到各武装运动的广泛谴责,苏丹解放军明尼·米纳维派、正义与平等运动和苏丹解放军-母亲派于4月2日发表联合声明,除其他外,反对该法令,誓言不承认其结果,并呼吁达尔富尔人民强烈反对该法令。 同样,在与达尔富尔混合行动的会晤中,反对派政党成员和境内流离失所者对认为是单方面行动表示不满,并关切在当前的政治和安全环境中执行这种行动的可行性。", "13个 全国选举委员会已开始筹备全民投票,并于4月12日正式要求达尔富尔混合行动和联合国苏丹特派团提供物质和技术援助。 达尔富尔混合行动和非洲联盟高级别执行小组鼓励政府在举行全民投票之前,在利益攸关方中建立基础广泛的认同。 这个问题仍然是政府与解放运动谈判的一部分,6月26日,双方商定,如果签署协议,全民投票将在签署一年后举行。", "14个 5月5日,部长会议通过了关于在达尔富尔再设立两个州的立法,一个以扎林盖为首都的中央州,一个以达因为首都的东南部州. 该立法目前正由国民议会批准。 一些运动,包括苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派、苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派、反对派政党和一些民间社会在与达尔富尔混合行动会晤时抱怨说,增设两个州会加剧达尔富尔各族裔群体之间的分裂。", "区域发展", "15个 近几个月来,苏丹同阿拉伯利比亚民众国的关系恶化了。 6月20日,苏丹政府公开指责阿拉伯利比亚民众国招募“苏丹雇佣军”。 苏丹政府还对武器和弹药从阿拉伯利比亚民众国流入达尔富尔的风险表示关切,并加强其武装部队在达尔富尔西北部的存在。", "16号. 5月5日,根据《达喀尔协定》的规定,乍得-苏丹联合边境巡逻队总部从乍得阿贝歇转移到西达尔富尔的杰奈纳。 5月23日,在喀土穆举行了由苏丹、乍得和中非共和国政府参加的三方首脑会议,其成果是签署了《喀土穆宣言》。 根据该宣言,各方除其他外承诺建立一支三方联合部队,以监测其边界。", "联盟和各运动的统一", "17岁 最近几个月,各武装运动组成了几个新的联盟。 5月14日,苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派发表了《联盟宣言》,其中宣布他们同意除其他外就“联合行动和协调推翻国民议会政府的政治和军事努力”进行合作。 同样,5月8日,宣布了苏丹解放军阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-朱巴派之间的联盟,5月20日,苏丹解放军阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-母亲派宣布,在阿卜杜勒·瓦希德的领导下,他们已经团聚。 5月18日,解放运动的一个分裂派别同正义与平等运动签署了一项协议;5月25日,该派别同苏丹解放军明尼·米纳维派结盟。", "安全局势", "18岁。 政府与运动部队之间的战斗于2月下旬开始暂时平息,4月10日苏丹武装部队在北达尔富尔州Muzbat(库图姆以北127公里)对苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派和正义与平等运动联合部队进行空袭后结束。 4月11日、12日和13日,在同一地区又发生了苏丹武装部队同运动地面部队之间的空袭和冲突。 4月13日,达尔富尔混合行动一支巡逻队在穆兹巴特以西略微偏西方向的图尔巴遇到车队,自称是苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派和正义运动联合部队。 4月17日,达尔富尔混合行动观察到苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和正义与平等运动的车队分别向东靠近杰贝勒·艾萨(马勒哈以北37公里)和埃尔哈拉(马勒哈以北62公里),记录了同一地区的军事活动。", " 19. 19. 在整个军事活动增加期间,达尔富尔混合行动观察到苏丹武装部队在Malha和Kutum部署了攻击直升机,并向Malha、Kutum和Tine部署了更多的部队。 苏丹武装部队指挥官告知,集结部队和装备是为了防止武装运动在阿拉伯利比亚民众国和达尔富尔之间行进。", "20号. 5月1日,当地居民告知达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队,4月24日,苏丹武装部队空袭了Tangarara村附近(Shangil Tobaya以北20公里处)。 4月25日,据报苏丹武装部队的飞机以东杰贝勒马拉Ruwata、Owsajini和Burgu等村庄周围的苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派部队为目标。 根据苏丹武装部队提供的资料,4月27日,苏丹武装部队和苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒-瓦希德派地面部队在Gur Lumbung(尼亚拉西北11公里)发生冲突。 没有伤亡报告。", "21岁 4月6日,在南达尔富尔州,达尔富尔混合行动观察到一支由大约100辆苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派和正义与平等运动车辆组成的车队在Buram至El Fifi公路上向南行进。 达尔富尔混合行动随后收到苏丹武装部队一名指挥官未经核实的报告称,苏丹武装部队与车队在与南苏丹接壤的边界布拉姆以南116公里处的El Fifi附近交火。", "22号. 同样在南达尔富尔州,据报苏丹武装部队的飞机于5月15日在Labado和Esheraya村(Al Daein以南30公里)附近投掷了四枚炸弹和多枚炸弹。 在拉巴多附近的轰炸中,一名平民被炸死,另一名被炸伤. 政府限制达尔富尔混合行动,使无法评估埃舍拉亚的爆炸事件。 苏丹武装部队指挥官后来通知说,在Muhajeriya、Labado、Sania Fundu、Shaeria、Marla和Yassin附近发现据信是苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派运动部队。 5月16日和17日,苏丹武装部队的飞机在库马(法希尔东北60公里)和苏卡迈尔(法希尔以北68公里)附近进行攻击。 没有伤亡报告。 5月18日,苏丹武装部队的飞机袭击了Baashim村(库图姆东北80公里)和Um Rayi和Hashaba村(分别位于库图姆东北72公里和62公里)附近的运输车队,根据当地消息来源,造成10人死亡。", "23. 联合国 5月31日和6月3日,在苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派以前控制的地区继续战斗,一群身份不明的武装人员在阿布泽雷加(Dar el Salam东北20公里)附近与一群扎格哈瓦人发生冲突,当时扎格哈瓦人试图取回被偷的牲畜。 达尔富尔混合行动的一个核查小组确定,一名手无寸铁的酋长在战斗中被炸死,而且很可能至少另有四名平民被炸死。 6月17日,一个被怀疑忠于苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派的不明身份武装团体袭击了位于老尚吉尔托巴亚村的人民国防军前哨站。 袭击者放火焚烧了几所房屋,暂时驱逐了大约1 000名平民,并杀害了6名士兵和数目不明的平民。 6月18日,达尔富尔混合行动以医疗为由从Shangil Tobaya医院向法希尔撤离了15人,包括13名平民。", "24 (韩语). 5月25日,Hassa Hissa难民营内的安全状况恶化,难民营的11名居民在Azoom(扎林盖以西50公里)会见了当地政府官员并讨论了鼓励返回的办法。 返回营地后,11名境内流离失所者被营地的一群青年拘留。 在达尔富尔混合行动干预后,其中8名被拘留者于5月28日获释,其余3人于10天后获释。 尽管达尔富尔混合行动试图通过会谈解决局势,但6月8日和9日爆发了冲突,导致11名境内流离失所者死亡。 6月18日,达尔富尔混合行动在达尔富尔混合行动的协助下,在一次与营地和青年领导人的会晤中获悉,被拘留的境内流离失所者同营地领导人之间的关系已有所改善。", "族群间冲突", "25岁 在本报告所述期间,部族间战斗的发生率仍然较低,记录了三起冲突。 第一次是4月16日Birgit和Rezeigat武装团体在Kulaykili(尼亚拉东南130公里)的战斗,在一群武装Rezeigat试图向几个涉嫌参与土匪的Birgit进行报复后爆发了战斗。 共有14名比尔吉特人被炸死,其中包括一名乌姆达(社区领袖)和两名雷泽加特人。 事件发生后,南达尔富尔州长召集了一个特别调查委员会。", "26. 联合国 第二起事件涉及南达尔富尔州Gereida附近的Taaisha和Rezeigat武装团体在指控骆驼被偷后于4月19日发生冲突。 共有8人(5名Taaisha和3名Rezeigat)在战斗中被击毙. 社区领导人随后启动了和解进程,根据这一进程,Rezeigat赔偿了骆驼被盗窃的事件。 6月19日,在南达尔富尔发生的第三起事件中,萨拉马特和哈巴尼亚武装团体在Nadhif(尼亚拉以南125公里)附近就偷牛和划界发生冲突,据报造成13人死亡和10人受伤。", "27个 为了改善扎林盖地区的族群间关系——米塞里亚人和雷泽伊加特-纳瓦伊巴人之间的战斗估计在2010年3月至9月期间造成700人丧生——达尔富尔混合行动为5月10日在希拉贝伊达(扎林盖以东25公里)举行的部落间会议提供大量支助。 援助的形式包括安全、运输和提供技术咨询。 包括土著行政当局、民间社会、阿拉伯部落民兵领导人和地方政府官员在内的各种团体的代表参加了会议。 为加强安全和族群间关系提出了若干建议,并建立了一个后续机制来落实这些建议并在该区域其他地区组织类似的会议。", "行动限制", "28岁 达尔富尔混合行动在4月1日至6月30日期间进行了23 999次巡逻,期间68次限制特派团的陆地行动。 其中,苏丹武装部队或国家情报和安全局施加了65个限制,武装运动施加了3个。 在绝大多数情况下,政府军事或情报部门都限制达尔富尔混合行动的巡逻,巡逻队要么进入或试图进入政府怀疑存在运动部队的地区。 虽然达尔富尔混合行动从4月1日至6月30日执行了5 771起飞行,但苏丹武装部队和其他政府官员拒绝了60起飞行许可请求。 多数限制是针对试图进入或飞越东杰贝勒马拉或军事活动地区的飞行。", "警卫和安全", "29. 国家 对达尔富尔混合行动维和人员和人道主义人员的袭击次数仍然不多,部分原因是达尔富尔混合行动军事和警察人员保持了强有力的态势。", "30岁。 在4月5日对达尔富尔混合行动维和人员的两次武装袭击中,有一次不明身份的武装人员伏击了从法托博尔诺(库图姆西南17公里)返回库图姆的巡逻队。 在袭击中,一名袭击者被枪杀,另一名被打伤,一辆载有两名警察顾问和一名语言助理的达尔富尔混合行动车辆被劫车。 其中两名受了中度伤害的工作人员随后被放出,而第三名警察顾问的尸体在附近被弃车所发现. 在第二起事件中,一名身份不明的袭击者于4月18日在Hotwashi(法希尔西南30公里)向护送世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)车队的达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队开枪,击中其中一辆车。 没有人受伤。", "31岁 5月6日,国家情报和安全局在法希尔逮捕了一名达尔富尔混合行动国家语言助理,随后将其转移到喀土穆。 据政府官员说,这名工作人员因在阿布舒克营地煽动境内流离失所者参加反政府示威而被拘留。 达尔富尔混合行动于6月27日获准接触该工作人员。", "32. 联合国 经过苏丹政府和粮食计划署的大力努力,1月13日在西达尔富尔Um Shalaya被联合国人道主义空运处绑架的三名机组人员于6月6日获释。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 涉及达尔富尔混合行动或人道主义机构车辆的劫车事件从1月1日至3月31日期间的10起减少到了最近三个月的5起。 除了在上述4月5日的袭击中被抢走并被丢弃的达尔富尔混合行动车辆外,达尔富尔混合行动的一辆车于6月1日在尼亚拉的Deriege营地被15名武装人员劫持,6月11日在尼亚拉被3名武装人员劫持。 在6月11日事件中,一名在乘客座位上旅行的达尔富尔混合行动维和人员受了轻伤。", "三. 人道主义局势", "34. 国家 虽然在改善人道主义准入方面取得了一些进展,但政府与运动部队之间正在发生的冲突继续对人道主义局势产生不利影响。 根据政府和人道主义国家工作队商定的数字,自2011年初以来,从Shangil Tobaya和东杰贝勒马拉发生的战斗已造成60 000至70 000人流离失所。 此外,南达尔富尔州政府当局以存在武装运动为由,禁止人道主义机构从5月15日至6月15日从尼亚拉再行15公里。", "35. 联合国 4月11日,国家情报和安全局进入卡尔马营地,逮捕了一名居民,他也是一个国际非政府组织的工作人员。 为了报复,4月13日,境内流离失所青年在营地绑架了11名本国援助人员。 在达尔富尔混合行动和联合国各机构的干预下,这些青年24小时后释放了援助人员。 随后,政府当局对进入卡尔马的人道主义准入进行了两个月的部分限制,国际援助人员只允许几次进入难民营。 此外,水泵的医疗用品和燃料只允许逐案进入营地。 本国非政府组织工作人员得以继续在诊所工作,为难民营居民提供用水,这些限制现已解除。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 为了改善人道主义准入,5月1日,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义机构发起了 \" 春季篮子行动 \" ,其目的是加强准入,并向达尔富尔数月来无法进入的地区提供援助。 该行动旨在惠及大约400 000名受益者,涉及达尔富尔混合行动和援助工作者进行需要评估和提供援助。 在行动期间,人道主义用品被送到了Ein Siro、Kutum、Killing、Kuma Garadayat、Golo、Kaguro、Tina、El Hara和Sarong。 对苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒-瓦希德派所控制地区的萨龙镇的访问是2009年以来由人道主义机构首次派出。", "37. 联合国 此外,为了改善对东杰贝勒马拉的进出和提供援助,达尔富尔混合行动和苏丹驻地协调员/人道主义协调员同苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和政府协商,同意在南达尔富尔州的费纳设立一个新的达尔富尔混合行动队部。", "38. 国家 关于保健,世界卫生组织(卫生组织)、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和各州卫生部开展了全区域的小儿麻痹症和麻疹疫苗接种运动。 这些运动包括向偏远农村地区的社区提供疫苗接种,以及在以前曾爆发麻疹的地区开展“运动”。", "39. 联合国 在改善供水方面,达尔富尔混合行动于4月26日启动了一项水资源倡议,向回返者分发高容量的滚动水箱。 这些集装箱使大多数妇女和儿童能够轻易地从水井中运送出大量水到家中,从而减少他们必须离开营地或村庄取水的次数,从而减少他们遭受骚扰和暴力的风险。 计划在达尔富尔各地分发3 000个集装箱。", " 40. 40. 达尔富尔国际会议:水促进可持续发展 和平于6月27日和28日在喀土穆举行。 与会者力求为达尔富尔的水管理建立一个新的综合框架,以确保妥善管理水资源。 会议组织者旨在为65个旨在发展公平而可持续的供水服务系统的项目筹集资金。 代表苏丹政府、达尔富尔混合行动、儿童基金会、联合国开发计划署(开发署)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织、联合国环境规划署、捐助者和其他国际行为体的约500名与会者出席了会议。 捐助者在会上总共为水项目认捐了5亿美元。", "四、结 论 法治、治理和人权", "41. 国家 根据过去12个月的趋势,达尔富尔混合行动在过去3个月中记录了97起侵犯人权事件,涉及274名受害者。 为了改善人权保护,特派团继续向政府当局提出人权问题并建设安全机构的能力。 为202名政府警察、国家情报和安全局官员和农村法院法官举办了培训班,他们接受了基本人权概念以及逮捕和拘留程序方面的培训。", "42. 国家 达尔富尔混合行动记录的性暴力和性别暴力案件略有减少,从2011年第一季度涉及54名受害者的29起事件减至17起,涉及26名受害者。 举办了几次讲习班,以加强政府机构防止和应对此类事件的能力。 例如,达尔富尔混合行动于4月2日在法希尔为17名女议员举办了一次讲习班,说明她们在履行各州防止性暴力和基于性别的暴力的义务方面的作用。 在另一些国家,5月1日和2日在扎林盖向39名中央后备警察提供性别问题培训,5月3日和4日在杰奈纳向检察官提供性别问题培训。", "43. 东帝汶 此外,达尔富尔混合行动继续监测审判是否符合国际人权原则。 在一起案件中,两人在尼亚拉被判有罪,并于5月2日因参与2月21日从Ed al Fursan盗窃两辆世界展望会车辆而被判处10年监禁。 法院还判处一名16岁男孩在少年管教所6年徒刑,因为他在2010年11月4日绑架了粮食计划署聘用的三名航空工作人员。", "44. 国家 根据政府与达尔富尔混合行动之间的谅解备忘录,4月在杰奈纳和扎林盖设立了三个监狱发展委员会,5月在尼亚拉设立了一个委员会。 这些委员会将充当论坛,为影响监狱的挑战寻求解决办法并便利监狱改革。", "45. 国家 达尔富尔混合行动继续与政府当局合作,以建设惩戒干事的能力并改进囚犯的条件。 在这方面,达尔富尔混合行动分别于4月10日至14日和5月15日至19日为北达尔富尔和南达尔富尔监狱工作人员举办了“监狱基本职责和监狱管理的人权办法”课程。 此外,还开展了一些项目,以改善囚犯的生活前景和条件。 达尔富尔混合行动同联合国人类住区规划署合作,向南达尔富尔的60名囚犯提供制造土壤稳定区块的职业培训。 受训人员生产的区块将用于监狱建设项目。 4月27日,由速效项目资金供资的供水和卫生项目在杰奈纳的一所监狱完成。 此外,3月30日和31日,达尔富尔混合行动同世卫组织、开发署和卫生部合作,在法希尔组织了一个医疗营,使1 000名囚犯、他们的家属和当地社区成员受益。", "儿童保护", "46. 经常预算: 继续努力援助以前卷入武装冲突的儿童。 4月17日至29日,正义与平等运动-和平派参加了政府赞助的朱奈纳复员工作。 演习期间,向苏丹北部解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会提交了65名以前与武装部队有关联的儿童名单,以供登记和处理。", "47. 国家 自2011年初以来,达尔富尔混合行动举办了28个儿童保护培训班,使约934名特派团人员受益,其中包括128名文职人员、580名联合国警察和226名维和人员。 此外,达尔富尔混合行动于4月与瑞典拯救儿童组织举办了为期4天的培训员培训班,47名军事、联合国警察和联合国军事观察员参加了培训班。 该方案扩大到国家行为者,为477个当地伙伴举办了13个培训班。 受益者包括34名政府警官、境内流离失所者营地255名社区警务志愿人员、29名社区领袖、境内流离失所者营地儿童保护委员会的57名成员、82名民间社会团体成员和20名触犯法律的儿童。", " V. 保护平民", " 48. 48. 在过去三个月中,达尔富尔混合行动采取了若干举措来改善对平民的保护以及援助人员及其资产的安全和安保。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 达尔富尔混合行动军事和警察人员加强了在达尔富尔全境的存在和保护活动,每天巡逻次数从平均130次增加到160次。 这包括增加对农村地区社区,包括杰贝勒马拉、杰贝勒穆恩(杰奈纳以北)和南达尔富尔-南苏丹边界的中远程巡逻。 后勤安排的完成使达尔富尔混合行动在尚吉尔托巴伊和阿贝歇湾的队部部署了文职人员,从而改善了特派团与人道主义行为体的活动协调。", " 50. 50. 在达尔富尔混合行动保护平民战略框架内,通过每周发布达尔富尔混合行动高级管理人员保护平民分析报告,加强了预警和早期反应机制。 此外,通过每周召开军民协调会议,人道主义行为体与达尔富尔混合行动军事和警察人员的协调有所改进。", "51. 联合国 关于保护回返者,联合核查机制继续评估达尔富尔回返的自愿性和适当性。 自2011年初起,自愿回返以每周约1 500人的速度进行。 大多数回返者正在从南达尔富尔的营地前往西达尔富尔的农村地区。", "六、结 论 特派团的部署和行动", "52. (中文(简体) ). 截至6月30日,达尔富尔混合行动文职人员为4 466人,其中国际工作人员1 145人,本国工作人员2 835人,联合国志愿人员486人。 这占核定人数5 516人的81%。 由于达尔富尔生活条件恶劣和安全局势不可预测,特派团在征聘和留住合格工作人员方面继续面临困难。 关于部署更多的国际工作人员,36名工作人员已抵达任务区,32人离职,1名候选人拒绝特派团聘用。", "53. 联合国 截至6月30日,达尔富尔混合行动军事人员为18 014人,占核定人数19 555人的92%。 这一数字包括17 451名官兵、302名参谋、61名联络官和195名军事观察员。 埃塞俄比亚多功能后勤部队、卢旺达中旋翼通用航空部队以及尼日利亚区侦察和后备连预计将在今年晚些时候部署,而即将进驻的塞内加尔营预计将于2011年10月达到全员兵力。 两个中型旋转翼通用航空单位和一个固定翼空中侦察单位仍有短缺。", "54. 联合国 在过去三个月中,军事特遣队的准备状态和自我维持能力略有改善。 目前,17个步兵营中有5个和16个建制警察部队中有4个装备严重不足,可用率低于规定的90%的限度。", "55. 国家 达尔富尔混合行动警察人数为2 751人(80%为男性,20%为女性),占核定人数3 772人的73%。 建制警察部队人员为2 233人,占核定人数2 660人的83%。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 达尔富尔混合行动军事人员共进行了12 325次巡逻,包括5 589次例行巡逻、999次短程巡逻、643次远程巡逻、2 538次夜间巡逻、623次人道主义护送和1 933次后勤和行政巡逻,共覆盖了7 129个村庄和境内流离失所者营地。 达尔富尔混合行动警察共进行了11 674次巡逻。 其中6 918起是在营地内进行的,主要是妇女和儿童离开村庄和营地去取柴草,2 846起是在村庄和市场及其周围进行的,1 910起是中远程巡逻。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 根据第十次三方协调机制会议达成的协议,政府从4月至6月向达尔富尔混合行动人员签发了1 103个新的入境签证。 截至6月26日,有1 070份签证申请尚待处理。 其中警察775人,军事参谋和观察员96人,文职人员199人,包括顾问和来访者。 尽管待处理的入境签证申请数量仍然很高,但外交部已迅速为达尔富尔混合行动工作人员续签了大量签证,这些工作人员的雇用合同和居留签证于2010/11财政年度6月30日到期。 政府承诺不久后清理积压的入境签证申请。", "58. 联合国 达尔富尔混合行动无线电广播过渡解决方案的实施取得了进展。 6月26日,达尔富尔混合行动同国家公共广播公司签署了一份谅解备忘录,根据该备忘录,特派团将从7月1日开始在萨拉姆和达尔富尔各州广播电台广播。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 达尔富尔混合行动队部的发展和改进工作正在取得进展。 尽管存在后勤挑战,但30个队部中的12个已经加强。 其余18个场地处于不同的完工阶段,定于2011年7月31日完工。 另外7个站点的工程定于2011年12月31日前完成。 已经为1 526名国际工作人员建造了特派任务生活津贴标准住房。 这一事态发展大大改善了达尔富尔混合行动在达尔富尔的工作人员的生活条件、安全和士气。", "60. 联合国 自上次报告以来,又再钻了11口水井,使完成的水井总数达到35口。 这些井眼与当地社区共用,以改善他们获得水的机会。 关于先前报告的与一家国际公司签订合同以钻取25口井的计划,由于难以获得签证和调动钻井设备,合同被取消。", "61. 国家 社区警察中心的建设仍在继续。 在计划建造的70个中心中,13个已经完成,3个即将完成。", "62. 联合国 在过去三个月中,又完成了30个速效项目。 共有288个项目已完成65%,65个新项目获准执行。 不安全和当地执行伙伴的能力低下,使若干项目的进展有限。", "63. 达尔富尔混合行动继续减少达尔富尔各地未爆弹药所构成的威胁。 特派团找到并销毁了314多件军械,并向约33 000名平民提供了风险意识培训。 共有645公里的道路被评为安全使用. 在总面积为72 629平方米的地上和地下风险评估。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 关于解除武装、复员和重返社会问题,苏丹北部解除武装、复员和重返社会委员会从苏丹解放军-母亲派、苏丹解放军-自由意志派、正义与平等运动-和平派以及人民力量争取权利与民主运动的371名前战斗人员(包括21名女性)复员。 委员会还监督南达尔富尔州和西达尔富尔州苏丹武装部队和人民保卫部队的1 173人被遣散。 达尔富尔混合行动支持这些活动,为艾滋病毒/艾滋病筛查提供技术咨询、后勤支助、人员和设备。", "页:1 对照特派团基准取得的进展", "65. 国家 如导言所述,根据安全理事会第1935(2010)号决议第8段,本报告包括对照秘书长2009年11月16日报告(S/2009/592)附件二所列基准评估进展情况。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 在实现第一个基准,即实现冲突的全面政治解决方面取得了一些进展。 政府和解放运动在多哈谈判中的分歧已减少,协议要点已合并到一份案文草案中。 一些达尔富尔社会的代表在全体达尔富尔利益攸关方会议上赞同该案文,认为这是达尔富尔全面和包容性和平的基础。 政府和正义与平等运动一直在进行谈判,但谈判主要限于人权、权力分享和安全安排组合。 由于包括苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派在内的若干运动仍然置身于和平进程之外,并表明他们打算改变政府,因此,全面实现这一基准仍然遥遥无期。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 第二个基准是指在达尔富尔全境恢复一个稳定和安全的环境。 苏丹武装部队同各运动部队之间经常发生的冲突限制了在这一基准方面取得的进展。 然而,达尔富尔混合行动军事和警察部门增加了去新地点的长程和中程巡逻次数,改善了特派团的存在,促进了偏远地区的安全。 与资源有关的冲突造成23人死亡,比上个时期的12人死亡有所增加。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 第三个基准涉及加强法治、治理和人权保护。 总的来说,这方面的进展不大。 冲突各方仍然未能履行国际人权法规定的保护被卷入战斗的平民的义务。 所记录的侵犯和践踏人权行为的数目与以往报告所述期间类似。 一个积极的方面是,达尔富尔混合行动记录的任意拘留案件数量有所减少,并继续与国家当局合作巩固这些成果。 此外,特派团继续与武装运动合作,以停止招募和使用儿童兵,并向司法人员提供技术咨询。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 第四个基准涉及稳定人道主义局势并便利人道主义准入。 在这方面,通过 \" 春季篮子行动 \" 取得了一些进展(见上文第36段),在此期间,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义机构进行了任务,以评估需求,并向以前无法进入地区的社区提供援助。 此外,达尔富尔混合行动增加了中远程巡逻和返回地点的巡逻次数。", "第八编. 财务方面", "70. 联合国 大会第65/305号决议批款16.893亿美元,作为该行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的维持费。 如果安全理事会决定将混合行动的任务期限延长至2011年7月31日以后,达尔富尔混合行动的维持费用将限于大会核准的2011/12财政期间数额。", "71. 联合国 截至2011年7月7日,达尔富尔混合行动特别账户的未缴摊款为1.802亿美元。 截至该日,所有维持和平行动的未缴摊款总额为15.471亿美元。", "72. 联合国 按照季度付款时间表,已分别偿还派遣国政府截至2011年5月31日和2011年3月31日的部队和建制警察费用和特遣队所属装备费用。", "第九编. 意见和建议", "73 (中文(简体) ). 达尔富尔和平进程已到了关键时刻。 政府与解放运动的谈判似乎即将结束。 然而,由于苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派继续以军事手段追求其目标,而且政府与正义与平等运动之间的谈判似乎陷于停顿,因此谈判的结果不会成为冲突的全面解决。 所有达尔富尔利益攸关方会议的讨论和主要基于政府与解放运动谈判结果的协定草案是向前迈出的一步,也是会议认可的推进和平进程的基础。 鉴于这些事态发展,目前正在拟订一份新的路线图,其中列出达尔富尔和平进程的下一步步骤。", "74. 国家 关于新的行进图的主要内容,要切实地解决达尔富尔冲突,仍然需要冲突各方和受冲突影响者给予广泛的支持。 在这方面,我敦促国际社会团结一致,向政府、苏丹解放军-明尼·米纳维派、苏丹解放军-阿卜杜勒·瓦希德派和正义与平等运动发出停止敌对行为和不设先决条件地进行谈判的信息。", "75. 国家 达尔富尔和平进程还可以受益于以达尔富尔为基地的可信的内部对话和协商进程,该进程可建立民众对和平进程的支持和当地自主权,并增进多哈谈判的成果。 在这方面,我鼓励国际社会在新的路线图中支持这一进程。 在这方面,我欢迎达尔富尔混合行动和非洲联盟高级别执行小组为举行达尔富尔政治进程进行的筹备工作。 为这一进程创造有利环境仍然至关重要,我敦促政府作为第一项至关重要的建立信任措施,现在就兑现其解除达尔富尔紧急法律的承诺。", "76. 联合国 在今后几个月中,达尔富尔混合行动、非洲联盟、联合国和广大国际社会必须做好准备,以全面的方式协助苏丹政府处理该国不稳定的各种根源。 必须搁置武装进攻并进行政治对话。 即将到来的宪法审查为各政党和利益集团提供了一个机会,以便共同商定一个新的体制,解决苏丹冲突背后的中心-周边问题。 在这方面,达尔富尔政治进程路线图必须补充更广泛的苏丹稳定战略。 在这方面,我高兴地注意到,非洲联盟和联合国已经开始就达尔富尔和平进程的下一步步骤进行初步协商。", "77. 国家 过去三个月,政府与运动部队之间零星地发生战斗,造成受影响地区的不稳定,并造成各社区之间的保护和人道主义需要。 此外,军事活动和相关限制限制了达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义机构接触需要援助的民众的能力。 鉴于上述关切,我向交战各方再次重申,达尔富尔冲突没有军事解决办法。 通过军事手段继续追求其政治目的只会延长达尔富尔人民的痛苦并拖延和平的到来。 在这方面,我呼吁政府和那些尚未停止敌对行动的运动立即停止敌对行动并毫不拖延地加入和平进程。", "78. 国家 境内流离失所者自愿返回原籍城镇和村庄的报告使我感到鼓舞。 我赞扬达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义界除了已经向境内流离失所者和居民社区提供保护和援助外,还注重向这些回返者提供保护和援助。 此外,我赞扬达尔富尔混合行动、人道主义事务协调厅、儿童基金会、卫生组织和参与 \" 春季篮子 \" 行动的其他机构努力改善东杰贝勒马拉和以前准入有限的其他地区的人道主义准入。 在行动期间,人道主义组织进行了需要评估,并向12个地点提供了援助,包括东杰贝勒马拉的5个地点,那里过去几个月一直不准进入。 我注意到该行动为今后访问这些地区铺平了道路,我敦促达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义界采取步骤,确保向这些地区提供的持续支持。", "79. 联合国 我关切地注意到,达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义组织的行动继续受到限制。 绝大多数限制是政府机构在已知或怀疑存在运动部队的地区施加的,但特派团保留评估巡逻安全的权利,并在确定风险可以接受后,按照其任务规定行事。 政府安全机构可告知达尔富尔混合行动,它们担心安全,但可能不妨碍达尔富尔混合行动开展工作。 我再次呼吁苏丹政府和各运动停止对达尔富尔混合行动和人道主义组织施加限制。", "80个 来年将为苏丹政府和人民提供重要机会,展望未来,解决破坏其安全与繁荣的冲突。 政府和人民还将面临苏丹正在发生的变化带来的重大挑战。 在达尔富尔,达尔富尔混合行动在执行保护平民任务方面取得了长足进展,我认为,它与非洲联盟高级别执行小组一道,可以发挥重要作用,支持基层建设和平与和解举措。 在下一次报告中,我打算向安全理事会介绍达尔富尔和平路线图的最新情况。 正是出于这些原因,我建议安理会考虑将达尔富尔混合行动的任务期限延长一年。 在此期间,我将与非洲联盟一道审查为达尔富尔混合行动核准的资源,以确保最高效和有效地使用这些资源。", "81个 关于达尔富尔混合行动和达尔富尔人道主义人员的安全问题,我对报告所述期间所记录的袭击次数相对较少感到鼓舞,部分原因是达尔富尔混合行动军事和警察人员保持了强有力的态势。 我最强烈地谴责那些应对袭击达尔富尔混合行动巡逻队而导致达尔富尔混合行动一名警务顾问不幸丧生的人。 这种攻击应受到谴责并违反国际法。 我向警察顾问的家属、朋友和同事表示诚挚的慰问,我呼吁政府将懦夫袭击的肇事者绳之以法。", "82. 我对2011年1月13日在西达尔富尔Um Shalaya被劫持的联合国人道主义航空事务处的三名订约航空工作人员获释感到欣慰和感谢。 我呼吁政府将责任者绳之以法,并采取步骤结束绑架那些努力帮助减轻达尔富尔人民痛苦的人的做法。", "83个 我还深为关切国家情报和安全局未经指控或审判而拘留了达尔富尔混合行动的两名本国工作人员。 达尔富尔混合行动所有工作人员在履行与特派团任务相符合的职责时,均享有不受逮捕或起诉的豁免权。 未经指控而拘留工作人员严重违反了部队地位协定。 我坚持要求政府立即释放这些工作人员,并依照适当程序,向我的联合特别代表提交任何可能对他们不利的不当行为证据。", "第八十四会. 最后,我要向联合首席调解人贾布里勒·伊佩内·巴索莱先生及其团队表示诚挚的感谢,感谢他们的出色服务及其对达尔富尔和平进程的重大贡献。 我还要感谢卡塔尔政府为谈判提供的支持。 我要感谢非洲联盟-联合国联合特别代表易卜拉欣·甘巴里先生对特派团的领导,并感谢达尔富尔混合行动的男女工作人员在往往是艰难而富有挑战性的环境中所作的不懈努力。 我还要感谢许多敬业的人道主义人员,他们努力维持和改善受冲突影响的达尔富尔人的生活。" ]
[ "Note by the President of the Security Council", "Pursuant to paragraph 4 (b) of the note by the President of the Security Council dated 30 October 1998 (S/1998/1016), and after consultations among the members of the Council, it was agreed to elect the Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen of subsidiary bodies for the period ending 31 December 2011 as follows:", "Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning Somalia and Eritrea", "Chairman:", "Hardeep Singh Puri (India)", "Vice-Chairmen: Lebanon and Nigeria", "Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities[1]", "Chairman:", "Peter Wittig (Germany)", "Vice-Chairmen: Brazil and Russian Federation", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1373 (2001) concerning counter-terrorism", "Chairman:", "Hardeep Singh Puri (India)", "Vice-Chairmen: France, Gabon and Russian Federation", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1518 (2003)", "Chairman:", "U. Joy Ogwu (Nigeria)", "Vice-Chairman: India", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1521 (2003) concerning Liberia", "Chairman:", "Nawaf Salam (Lebanon)", "Vice-Chairmen: Portugal and South Africa", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Chairman:", "Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil)", "Vice-Chairmen: Gabon and Lebanon", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1540 (2004)", "Chairman:", "Baso Sangqu (South Africa)", "Vice-Chairmen: Lebanon, Portugal and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte d’Ivoire", "Chairman:", "Maria Luiza Ribeiro Viotti (Brazil)", "Vice-Chairmen: Germany and South Africa", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1591 (2005) concerning the Sudan", "Chairman:", "Nestor Osorio (Colombia)", "Vice-Chairmen: Bosnia and Herzegovina and India", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1636 (2005)", "Chairman:", "Noël Nelson Messone (Gabon)", "Vice-Chairmen: Bosnia and Herzegovina and Germany", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1718 (2006)", "Chairman:", "José Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal)", "Vice-Chairmen: Lebanon and Nigeria", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1737 (2006)", "Chairman:", "Nestor Osorio (Colombia)", "Vice-Chairman: Nigeria", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1970 (2011) concerning the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "Chairman:", "José Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal)", "Vice-Chairman: India", "Security Council Committee established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011)", "Chairman:", "Peter Wittig (Germany)", "Vice-Chairmen: Brazil and Russian Federation", "Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations", "Chairman:", "U. Joy Ogwu (Nigeria)", "Ad Hoc Working Group on Conflict Prevention and Resolution in Africa", "Chairman:", "Baso Sangqu (South Africa)", "Working Group established pursuant to resolution 1566 (2004)", "Chairman:", "Hardeep Singh Puri (India)", "Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict", "Chairman:", "Peter Wittig (Germany)", "Informal Working Group on Documentation and Other Procedural Questions", "Chairman:", "Ivan Barbalić (Bosnia and Herzegovina)", "Informal Working Group on International Tribunals", "Chairman:", "José Filipe Moraes Cabral (Portugal)", "[1] The name of the Committee was amended by the Security Council on 30 June 2011." ]
[ "安全理事会主席的说明", "根据1998年10月30日安全理事会主席的说明(S/1998/1016)第4(b)段,并经安理会成员协商后,商定选举2011年12月31日终了期间各附属机构的主席和副主席如下:", "安全理事会关于索马里和厄立特里亚的第751(1992)号和第1907(2009)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 哈迪普·辛格·普里(印度)", "副主席:黎巴嫩和尼日利亚", "安全理事会关于基地组织和塔利班及有关个人和实体的第1267(1999)号和第1989(2011)号决议所设委员会[1]", "主席: 彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的第1373(2001)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 哈迪普·辛格·普里(印度)", "副主席:法国、加蓬和俄罗斯联邦", "安全理事会第1518(2003)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 乌切·乔伊·奥格武(尼日利亚)", "副主席:印度", "安全理事会关于利比里亚的第1521(2003)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(黎巴嫩)", "副主席:葡萄牙和南非", "安全理事会关于刚果民主共和国的第1533(2004)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝罗·维奥蒂(巴西)", "副主席:加蓬和黎巴嫩", "安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 巴索·桑库(南非)", "副主席:黎巴嫩、葡萄牙和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第1572(2004)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝罗·维奥蒂(巴西)", "副主席:德国和南非", "安全理事会关于苏丹的第1591(2005)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 内斯托尔·奥索里奥(哥伦比亚)", "副主席:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那以及印度", "安全理事会第1636(2005)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 诺埃尔·内尔松·梅索尼(加蓬)", "副主席:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那以及德国", "安全理事会第1718(2006)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 若泽·菲利佩·莫赖斯·卡布拉尔(葡萄牙)", "副主席:黎巴嫩和尼日利亚", "安全理事会第1737(2006)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 内斯托尔·奥索里奥(哥伦比亚)", "副主席:尼日利亚", "安全理事会关于阿拉伯利比亚民众国的第1970(2011)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 若泽·菲利佩·莫赖斯·卡布拉尔(葡萄牙)", "副主席:印度", "安全理事会第1988(2011)号决议所设委员会", "主席: 彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "维持和平行动工作组", "主席:乌切·乔伊·奥格武(尼日利亚)", "预防和解决非洲冲突特设工作组", "主席:巴索·桑库(南非)", "第1566(2004)号决议所设工作组", "主席:哈迪普·辛格·普里(印度)", "儿童与武装冲突问题工作组", "主席:彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "文件和其他程序问题非正式工作组", "主席:伊万·巴尔巴利奇(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)", "国际法庭问题非正式工作组", "主席:若泽·菲利佩·莫赖斯·卡布拉尔(葡萄牙)", "[1] 2011年6月30日安全理事会对委员会的名称做了修订。" ]
[ "安全理事会主席的说明", "根据安全理事会主席1998年10月30日的说明(S/1998/1016)第4(b)段,经安理会成员协商后,商定选举2011年12月31日终了期间各附属机构主席和副主席如下:", "安全理事会关于索马里和厄立特里亚的第751(1992)和1907(2009)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "哈迪普·辛格·普里(印度)", "副主席:黎巴嫩和尼日利亚", "安全理事会关于基地组织及有关个人和实体的第1267(1999)和1989(2011)号决议所设委员会[1]", "主席:", "彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "安全理事会关于反恐怖主义的 第1373(2001)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "哈迪普·辛格·普里(印度)", "副主席:法国、加蓬和俄罗斯联邦", "安全理事会第1518(2003)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "乌切·乔伊·奥格武(尼日利亚)", "副主席: 印度", "安全理事会关于利比里亚问题的第1521(2003)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "纳瓦夫·萨拉姆(黎巴嫩)", "副主席:葡萄牙和南非", "安全理事会关于刚果民主共和国的第1533(2004)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝罗·维奥蒂(巴西)", "副主席:加蓬和黎巴嫩", "安全理事会第1540(2004)号决议 所设委员会", "主席:", "巴索·桑库(南非)", "副主席:黎巴嫩、葡萄牙和大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "安全理事会关于科特迪瓦的第1572(2004)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "玛丽亚·路易莎·里贝罗·维奥蒂(巴西)", "副主席:德国和南非", "安全理事会关于苏丹的第1591(2005)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "内斯托·奥索里奥(哥伦比亚)", "副主席:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那及印度", "安全理事会第1636(2005)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "诺埃尔·纳尔逊·梅索内(加蓬)", "副主席:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那及德国", "安全理事会第1718(2006)号决议 所设委员会", "主席:", "何塞·菲利佩·莫赖斯·卡布拉尔(葡萄牙)", "副主席:黎巴嫩和尼日利亚", "安全理事会第1737(2006)号决议 所设委员会", "主席:", "内斯托·奥索里奥(哥伦比亚)", "副主席: 尼日利亚", "安全理事会关于阿拉伯利比亚民众国的第1970(2011)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "何塞·菲利佩·莫赖斯·卡布拉尔(葡萄牙)", "副主席: 印度", "安全理事会第1988(2011)号决议所设委员会", "主席:", "彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "副主席:巴西和俄罗斯联邦", "维持和平行动工作组", "主席:", "乌切·乔伊·奥格武(尼日利亚)", "预防和解决非洲冲突特设工作组", "主席:", "巴索·桑库(南非)", "第1566(2004)号决议所设工作组", "主席:", "哈迪普·辛格·普里(印度)", "儿童与武装冲突问题工作组", "主席:", "彼得·维蒂希(德国)", "文件和其他程序问题非正式工作组", "主席:", "伊万·巴尔巴利奇(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)", "国际法庭问题非正式工作组", "主席:", "何塞·菲利佩·莫赖斯·卡布拉尔(葡萄牙)", "[1] 安全理事会于2011年6月30日修订了委员会名称。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 6", "Implementation of and follow-up to major United Nations conferences and summits", "Draft decision submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "Role of the Economic and Social Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits", "The Economic and Social Council, recalling its decision 2010/252 of 23 July 2010 on the role of the Economic and Social Council in the integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of major United Nations conferences and summits, in the light of relevant General Assembly resolutions, including resolution 61/16, decides to request the Secretary-General to prepare a note containing recommendations on the periodicity and scope of future reports on the topic for consideration at its 2012 substantive session." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目6", "联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的执行和后续行动", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)根据非正式协商提交的决定草案", "经济及社会理事会在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动方面的作用", "经济及社会理事会,回顾其2010年7月23日关于经济及社会理事会根据大会第61/16号决议等各项相关决议在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行及后续行动方面的作用的第2010/252号决定,决定请秘书长编写一份说明,内载关于这个问题的未来报告的周期性和范围的建议,供其2012年实质性会议审议。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目6", "联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议的执行和后续行动", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决定草案", "经济及社会理事会在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行和后续行动方面的作用", "经济及社会理事会回顾其2010年7月23日关于经济及社会理事会按照大会相关决议,包括第61/16号决议在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的统筹协调执行和后续行动方面的作用的第2010/252号决定,决定请秘书长编写一份说明,就今后关于这一主题的报告的周期和范围提出建议,供理事会2012年实质性会议审议。" ]
[ "Letter dated 30 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of France to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to refer to Security Council resolution 1973 (2011), adopted on 17 March, as well as my letters of 18 March (S/2011/150), 22 March (S/2011/175), 29 March (S/2011/212) and 26 April 2011 (S/2011/274) concerning the measures authorized by paragraphs 4 and 8 of resolution 1973 (2011) “to protect civilians and civilian populated areas under threat of attack” and “to enforce compliance with the ban on flights imposed by paragraph 6” (of the resolution).", "I wish to inform you that France has recently taken an additional measure in accordance with paragraph 4 of resolution 1973 (2011): airdrops of self-defence weapons for the civilian populations that have been victims of attacks by Libyan armed forces, in the absence of any other operational means of protecting these populations under threat.", "I should be grateful if this letter could be circulated as a document of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Gérard Araud" ]
[ "2011年6月30日法国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨提及安全理事会3月17日通过的第1973(2011)号决议,以及我2011年3月18日来信(S/2011/150)、3月22日来信(S/2011/175)、3月29日来信(S/2011/ 212)和4月26日来信(S/2011/274)。这些来信涉及第1973(2011)号决议第4和第8段授权采取“保护遭受袭击的平民和平民居住区”和“强制执行决议第6段规定的禁飞”措施。", "谨通知你,法国已根据安全理事会第1973(2011)号决议第4段采取了新措施:在没有其他手段来保护受到攻击的平民的情况下,为成为利比亚武装部队袭击受害者的利比亚平民空投自卫武器。", "请将此信作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "热拉尔·阿罗(签名)" ]
[ "2011年6月30日法国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨提及3月17日通过的安全理事会第1973(2011)号决议,以及我3月18日(S/2011/150)、3月22日(S/2011/175)、3月29日(S/2011/212)和4月26日(S/2011/274)的信,其中述及第1973(2011)号决议第4和8段授权采取的“保护平民和受袭击威胁的平民居住区”和“强制遵守该决议第6段规定的飞行禁令”。", "谨通知你,法国最近根据第1973(2011)号决议第4段采取了额外措施:在没有任何其他行动手段保护受到威胁的平民的情况下,向遭受利比亚武装部队袭击的平民空投自卫武器。", "请将本函作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "热拉尔·阿罗(签名)" ]
[ "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to inform you that, under the presidency of Germany, the Security Council is scheduled to hold an open debate on the subject “Maintenance of international peace and security: the impact of climate change” on Wednesday, 20 July 2011. In order to help steer the discussions on the subject, Germany has prepared the attached concept note (see annex).", "I would be grateful if the present letter and its annex could be circulated as a document of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Peter Wittig Permanent Representative Germany", "Annex to the letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Maintenance of international peace and security: the impact of climate change", "Concept note", "Introduction", "1. Climate change is among the key challenges facing the international community. The impacts of climate change on peace and security are already tangible and will become increasingly evident in the years to come. This is occurring at a time of rapid global change marked by growing populations, increasing demand for natural resources and depletion of fertile soils and freshwater. These impacts could potentially drive social tensions, political unrest and violent conflict. The effects of climate change thus go beyond the mandate of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, which is the United Nations body for international climate negotiations.", "2. The potential security implications of climate change were highlighted when the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. Shortly thereafter, the General Assembly, in its resolution 63/281, invited the relevant organs of the United Nations, as appropriate and within their respective mandates, to intensify their efforts in considering and addressing climate change, including its possible security implications, and requested the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive report to the Assembly on the possible security implications of climate change. Drawing upon the best available science at the time and the views of Member States and international organizations, the Secretary-General, in his 2009 report (A/64/350), clearly outlined the link between the risk multiplier effects of climate change and security, including with respect to armed conflict.", "Security implications of climate change and the Security Council", "3. The Security Council has increasingly acknowledged that sustainable peace requires a comprehensive approach to security. Only recently, it noted that in matters relating to the maintenance of international peace and security under its consideration, conflict analysis and contextual information on, inter alia, social and economic issues were important, when such issues were drivers of conflict, and requested the Secretary-General to ensure that his reporting to the Council contained such contextual information (see S/PRST/2011/4).", "4. Since climate change presents a particular challenge to fragile countries, it is important to take the security implications of climate change and its impact on resource availability into account in conflict analysis, mission planning and mission monitoring. The same applies to peacebuilding activities.", "5. The Security Council first debated the link between energy, security and climate in April 2007 under the presidency of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (see S/PV.5663), and over 50 Member States have contributed inputs. Since that first debate, the international political and scientific discourse has evolved significantly, and awareness of the potential security implications of climate change has increased. It is time to bring the security implications of climate change to the attention of the Council again. A debate on this topic is consistent with its mandate to maintain international peace and security and would provide an opportunity to advance the intense dialogue on the issue from its specific security perspective. The debate will focus exclusively on the potential security implications of climate change, recognizing the important role of other United Nations bodies in dealing with other aspects of climate change.", "Security implications of climate change: sea-level rise", "6. In his 2009 report, the Secretary-General identified sea-level rise as the “ultimate security threat” for some small island States, with some possibly set to “disappear over the next 30 years”. While complete inundation may take years and the rise in the sea level may differ in different regions of the world, this is not only a future risk but a current reality: on some islands, the situation is already dire enough to require the evacuation of the resident population now. Furthermore, even before sea-level rise actually submerges an island, its impacts may render it uninhabitable, requiring permanent resettlement.", "7. This raises profound questions regarding the very survival of several Member States. Receding coastlines could furthermore incite disputes over maritime territories and access to exclusive economic zones. This is not limited to small island developing States, but affects all island nations and countries with low-lying coastal areas as well, thus affecting the majority of Member States. These are threats that are so far unknown in the history of the United Nations. Current legal and political arrangements and the preparedness of the United Nations system to deal with these situations may prove insufficient, making climate-induced territorial changes a threat to international peace and security.", "8. Millions of people will be affected on all continents. This is particularly worrisome with regard to post-conflict reconstruction and peacebuilding efforts in a number of countries, such as Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia and Timor-Leste.", "9. Uncoordinated strategies aimed at coping with forced migration caused by sea-level rise may create social and political tensions, which may derail efforts in peacebuilding and post-conflict stabilization and become a threat to international peace and security, as outlined in the report of the Secretary-General (A/64/350).", "10. The issue of sea-level rise raises, inter alia, the following questions:", "(a) Is the United Nations system prepared to deal with the security risks resulting from sea-level rise? What are the different scenarios we will have to face? How could the Security Council address these scenarios within its mandate?", "(b) What are the implications of climate-induced statelessness for conflict prevention and peacebuilding, as well as dispute settlement?", "Security implications of climate change: the food security nexus", "11. In 2005, the Security Council discussed the role of food security in its debate on Africa’s food crisis as a threat to peace and security (see S/PV.5220). During the debate, it became clear that food insecurity could be both a cause and a consequence of violent conflict and that food insecurity and intra-State conflict were closely linked.", "12. Climate change is likely to reduce food production globally, with large parts of Africa and Asia suffering particular negative impacts. Although some countries in northern latitudes may theoretically benefit from climate change in the short term, the wildfires and crop failures in Australia and the Russian Federation in recent years have shown that developed and developing countries alike can be negatively affected.", "13. Following the recent food crisis, social protests and unrest occurred in a number of countries and cities around the world (see A/64/350). Populations in countries in a post-conflict situation or suffering from instability can rarely afford escalating global food prices following droughts and similar events; this challenge and the fact that they have access to only a few substitutes makes them even more vulnerable to climate change impacts.", "14. In addition, a number of fragile States are especially susceptible to increasing food prices owing to their dependence on food imports. In some countries on the Security Council’s agenda, including Afghanistan, Côte d’Ivoire, Haiti, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Somalia and the Sudan, nearly half or more of the labour force is employed in the agricultural sector. Major droughts, an increase in extreme weather events and a rising number of large-scale inundations causing a decrease in crop production may degrade the social-economic fabric of these and other countries and may be detrimental to peacebuilding.", "15. Thus, food insecurity caused by climate change and related developmental impacts make countries more fragile and vulnerable to conflict risks, and may create a threat to international peace and security. It is necessary to consider these issues in all efforts related to conflict prevention, crisis management, peacebuilding and post-conflict stabilization.", "16. Food insecurity caused by climate change raises, inter alia, the following questions:", "• How could food insecurity caused by climate change be linked with or integrated in existing mechanisms for early warning and conflict prevention?", "• What are the implications of the nexus between climate change and food security for United Nations peacekeeping missions and peacebuilding activities?", "Further issues for discussion", "17. Taking into account the arguments outlined above, a number of additional questions with respect to the security implications of climate change merit further reflection:", "• In addition to sea-level rise and food insecurity, what threats to international peace and security posed by climate change need to be addressed (such as extreme weather events, impaired access to drinking water and climate-induced migration)?", "• How could the Security Council and regional organizations working on peace and security best complement each other with regard to the security implications of climate change?", "• What would be the appropriate mechanisms to periodically bring the security implications of climate change relevant to the work of the Security Council to its attention?", "• How could the Security Council play a part in a more integrated approach to conflict prevention as foreseen in Security Council resolution 1625 (2005), in addition to placing greater emphasis on climate-related factors?", "• How could other United Nations organs and agencies working on conflict prevention and peacebuilding, including the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission, the Peacebuilding Support Office, the Department for Political Affairs, the Office for the Coordination of Human Affairs, the Bureau for Crisis Prevention and Recovery of the United Nations Development Programme and the Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch of the United Nations Environment Programme, best integrate the security implications of climate change in their work?" ]
[ "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨通知阁下,在德国担任轮值主席期间,安全理事会定于2011年7月20日星期三就“维护国际和平与安全:气候变化的影响”问题举行公开辩论。为便于指导对这一问题的讨论,德国编写了本文件所附的概念说明(见附件)。", "请将本信及其附件作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "彼得·维蒂希(签名)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "维护国际和平与安全:气候变化的影响", "概念说明", "导言", "1. 气候变化是国际社会面临的主要挑战之一。气候变化对和平与安全的影响现已真实可见,在未来岁月里将更多地显现出来。气候变化发生在全球迅速变化之际,后者的特征是,人口剧增,对自然资源的需求越来越高,而沃土和淡水均在枯竭。这些因素很可能加剧社会紧张局势、政治动荡和暴力冲突。因此,气候变化的影响超出了作为联合国国际气候谈判机构的联合国气候变化框架公约的任务规定。", "2. 2007年政府间气候变化专门委员会荣获诺贝尔和平奖,此事突出表明了气候变化对安全的潜在影响。此后不久,联合国大会在其第63/281号决议中邀请联合国有关机构,酌情根据各自的任务,进一步努力审议和处理气候变化问题,包括气候变化可能对安全产生的影响,并请秘书长提交一份全面报告,说明气候变化可能对安全产生的影响。秘书长2009年的报告(A/64/350)根据现有最佳科学知识,并从各会员国和国际组织的角度,明确概述了气候变化作为增大风险乘数与安全之间的关系,包括与发生武装冲突的关系。", "气候变化对安全的影响与安全理事会", "3. 安理会越来越认识到,持久和平需要对安全采取全面统筹做法。就在最近,安理会指出,“就正在审议的关于维护国际和平与安全的事项而言,必须对冲突进行分析,获取相关背景资料,特别是社会和经济问题的资料,因为这些问题是冲突的起因”,并“请秘书长确保他提交给安理会的报告中有这些背景资料。”(S/PRST/2011/4)。", "4. 鉴于气候变化特别对脆弱国家构成挑战,因此在冲突分析、特派团规划以及特派团监督过程中,必须考虑到气候变化对安全的影响及其对获得资源的影响。这同样适用于建设和平活动。", "5. 2007年4月,在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国担任轮值主席之时,安全理事会就能源、安全和气候之间的联系进行过辩论(见S/PV.5663),联合国50多个会员国提供了投入。自首次辩论以来,国际政治和科学交流已发生重大变化,人们加深了对气候变化潜在的安全影响的认识。现在是再次提请安理会注意气候变化对安全的影响的时候了。就这一议题再次举行辩论符合安理会维护国际和平与安全的任务,并为从安理会的特定安全角度推动就此问题进行认真对话提供了机会。这次辩论将专注于气候变化带来的潜在安全影响,确认联合国其他机构在处理气候变化其他方面问题时可发挥重要作用。", "气候变化对安全的影响:海平面上升", "6. 秘书长2009年的报告确认,海平面上升对一些小岛屿国家构成“最严重的安全威胁”,一些国家可能“在未来30年内消失”。虽然完全被水淹没尚需许多年,世界各区域海平面上升的情况也有所不同,但这不仅是未来的风险,也是今天的现实:在一些岛屿,情况已非常严重,必须下令疏散现有常住人口。此外,即使在海平面上升实际上淹没岛屿之前,其影响也可能使岛屿无法居住,需要对居民进行永久安置。", "7. 这种情况对联合国几个会员国的生死存亡提出了严峻的问题。此外,海岸线的后退可能进一步引发领海的争议,以及进入专属经济区的争议。这不仅限于小岛屿发展中国家,也影响所有岛屿国家和低地沿海国,从而影响到联合国绝大多数会员国。这些威胁是联合国历史上从未遇到过的。事实可能证明,目前的法律和政治安排以及联合国系统应付这些情况的准备工作,并不足以解决问题,从而可能使气候变化引起的领土变化构成对国际和平与安全的威胁。", "8. 在各大洲,数百万人将受到影响。对海地、科特迪瓦、利比里亚、塞拉利昂、索马里和东帝汶等正从事冲突后重建以及建设和平努力的国家而言,这种情况特别令人担忧。", "9. 正如秘书长的报告(A/64/350)所概述,对于因海平面上升而被迫移民的情况,如果采取不协调的应对战略,可能使建设和平与冲突后恢复稳定的努力夭折, 从而构成对国际和平与安全的威胁。", "10. 除其他外,海平面上升还产生以下问题:", "(a) 联合国系统做好了应对海平面上升引发的安全风险的准备吗?我们将不得不面对何种不同情况?安全理事会怎样在其职权范围内处理这些情况?", "(b) 气候变化引起的无国籍问题对预防冲突、建设和平以及解决争端有何影响?", "气候变化对安全的影响:粮食安全与其他方面的关联", "11. 2005年,安全理事会在其关于“非洲的粮食危机威胁和平与安全”(见S/PV.5220)的辩论中就讨论了粮食安全的作用。在辩论过程中,人们越来越清晰地认识到,粮食不安全既可以是暴力冲突的原因,也可以是后果,粮食不安全与国内冲突密切相关。", "12. 气候变化可能使全球粮食减产,非洲和亚洲大部分地区将特别遭受负面影响。虽然在理论上北半球一些国家短期内可能受益于气候变化,但澳大利亚和俄罗斯联邦近年来的野火和农作物歉收表明,发达国家和发展中国家都可能受到负面影响。", "13. 在最近粮食危机之后,“世界上一些国家和城市发生了社会抗议和动乱”(见A/64/350)。冲突后或局势不稳国家的人民很难负担得起旱灾和类似事件后全球不断上涨的粮食价格;这一挑战以及只能获得极少替代品的情况,使这些国家的人民更易受到气候变化的影响。", "14. 此外,一些脆弱国家由于依赖粮食进口,特别容易受到粮食价格不断上涨的影响。列入安全理事会议事日程的一些国家,如阿富汗、科特迪瓦、海地、利比里亚、塞拉利昂、索马里和苏丹,近一半或更多的劳动力在农业部门就业。重大旱情、极端天气增多以及特大洪水情况增加,均导致农作物减产,这可能破坏这些国家和其他国家的社会和经济结构,并可能损害建设和平进程。", "15. 因此,气候变化引起的粮食不安全以及有关发展方面的影响使一些国家更加脆弱,更容易遭受冲突风险,并可能够构成对国际和平与安全的威胁。在所有有关预防冲突、危机管理、建设和平以及冲突后稳定的一切努力中,有必要考虑到这些问题。", "16. 除其他外,气候变化引起的粮食不安全带来以下问题:", "• 如何把气候变化引起的粮食不安全与现有的早期预警和预防冲突机制联系或结合起来?", "• 气候变化和粮食安全之间的关系对联合国维和任务和建设和平活动有何影响?", "可进一步讨论的问题", "17. 根据上文概述的论点,一些新的问题值得进一步思考气候变化对安全的影响。", "• 除了海平面上升和粮食不安全,气候变化对国际和平与安全带来的哪些其他风险需要加以解决(如极端天气事件、获得饮用水的机会受损、气候引起的移民)?", "• 安全理事会和从事和平与安全工作的区域组织如何在气候变化对安全的影响问题上进行最佳互补?", "• 采取何种适当的机制定期提请安全理事会注意事关其工作的气候变化对安全的影响问题?", "• 安全理事会如何按照其第1625(2005)号决议所预见的更加综合一致的方式,在预防冲突方面发挥作用,包括更多地强调与气候有关的因素?", "• 联合国从事预防冲突与建设和平工作的其他机关和机构(例如联合国建设和平委员会、建设和平支助办事处、政治事务部、人力事务协调办公室、联合国开发计划署预防危机和复原局以及联合国环境规划署冲突后和灾害管理处)如何以最佳方式把气候变化对安全的影响纳入自己的工作?" ]
[ "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨通知你,在德国担任主席期间,安全理事会定于2011年7月20日星期三就“维护国际和平与安全:气候变化的影响”议题举行公开辩论。 为了帮助指导关于这一主题的讨论,德国编写了所附的概念说明(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷。 常驻代表", "彼得·维蒂希(签名)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "维护国际和平与安全:气候变化的影响", "概念说明", "导言", "1. 联合国 气候变化是国际社会面临的主要挑战之一。 气候变化对和平与安全的影响已经是显而易见的,今后将越来越明显。 这发生在全球迅速变化之时,其特点是人口增长、对自然资源的需求增加以及肥沃的土壤和淡水枯竭。 这些影响有可能引发社会紧张局势、政治动乱和暴力冲突。 因此,气候变化的影响超出了《联合国气候变化框架公约》的任务范围,该公约是联合国进行国际气候谈判的机构。", "2. 联合国 2007年,政府间气候变化专门委员会获得诺贝尔和平奖,突出了气候变化对安全的潜在影响。 此后不久,大会第63/281号决议请联合国相关机构酌情并在各自任务范围内加紧努力,审议和应对气候变化,包括其可能对安全产生的影响,并请秘书长就气候变化可能对安全产生的影响向大会提交全面报告。 秘书长在2009年报告(A/64/350)中,根据当时现有最佳科学以及会员国和国际组织的意见,明确概述了气候变化的风险倍增效应与安全(包括武装冲突)之间的联系。", "气候变化的影响和安全理事会", "3个 安全理事会已日益认识到,可持续和平要求对安全采取全面办法。 只是在最近,安理会才指出,就安理会审议的与维护国际和平与安全有关的事项而言,冲突分析和有关社会和经济等问题的背景资料很重要,因为这些问题是冲突的驱动因素,并请秘书长确保他向安理会提交的报告包含此类背景资料(见S/PRST/2011/4)。", " 4.四. 由于气候变化对脆弱国家构成特别挑战,在冲突分析、特派团规划和特派团监测中必须考虑到气候变化的安全影响及其对资源供应的影响。 建设和平活动也是如此。", "5 (韩语). 安全理事会于2007年4月在大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国的主持下首次就能源、安全和气候之间的联系进行辩论(见S/PV.5663),50多个会员国提供了投入。 自第一次辩论以来,国际政治和科学讨论有了显著发展,对气候变化对安全的潜在影响的认识也有所提高。 现在是再次提请安理会注意气候变化对安全的影响的时候了。 有关这一专题的辩论符合其维护国际和平与安全的任务,并将提供一个机会,从具体安全角度推动关于这一问题的紧张对话。 辩论将专门侧重于气候变化对安全的潜在影响,同时确认联合国其他机构在处理气候变化其他方面方面的重要作用。", "气候变化对安全的影响:海平面上升", "6. 国家 秘书长在2009年的报告中将海平面上升确定为一些小岛屿国家的“最终安全威胁”,有些小岛屿国家可能“在今后30年内消失”。 虽然完全淹没可能需要数年时间,而世界不同地区的海平面上升可能有所不同,但这不仅是未来的风险,而且是当前的现实:在一些岛屿上,情况已经十分严峻,现在需要疏散居民人口。 此外,即使在海平面上升实际上淹没岛屿之前,其影响可能使其无法居住,需要永久重新安置。", "7. 联合国 这对几个会员国的生存提出了深刻的问题。 海岸线的缩小还可能引发关于海洋领土和进入专属经济区的争端。 这不限于小岛屿发展中国家,而且影响到所有岛屿国家和有低地沿海地区的国家,从而影响到大多数会员国。 这些威胁迄今在联合国历史上是未知的。 目前的法律和政治安排以及联合国系统应付这些情况的准备可能不够充分,使气候引起的领土变化对国际和平与安全构成威胁。", "8. 各大洲将有数百万人受到影响。 科特迪瓦、海地、利比里亚、塞拉利昂、索马里和东帝汶等一些国家的冲突后重建和建设和平努力尤其令人担忧。", "9. 国家 如秘书长的报告(A/64/350)所概述,旨在应对由海平面上升所引发的强迫移徙的不协调战略可能制造社会和政治紧张局势,使建设和平和冲突后稳定的努力脱轨并对国际和平与安全构成威胁。", "10个 海平面上升问题除其他外提出了以下问题:", "(a) 联合国系统是否准备应对海平面上升造成的安全风险? 我们面对的不同情况是什么? 安全理事会如何能在其任务范围内处理这些情况?", "(b) 国家 气候引起的无国籍状态对预防冲突和建设和平以及解决争端有何影响?", "气候变化对安全的影响:粮食安全的关系", "11个 2005年,安全理事会在关于非洲粮食危机对和平与安全的威胁的辩论中讨论了粮食安全的作用(见S/PV.5220)。 在辩论期间,人们清楚地看到,粮食无保障既可能是暴力冲突的原因,也可能是暴力冲突的后果,粮食无保障和国家内部冲突密切相关。", "12个 气候变化有可能使全球粮食生产减少,非洲和亚洲大部分地区遭受到特别不利的影响。 虽然在理论上,北纬地区的一些国家可能在短期内受益于气候变化,但近年来澳大利亚和俄罗斯联邦的野火和作物歉收表明,发达国家和发展中国家都可能受到不利影响。", "13个 在最近的粮食危机后,世界各地一些国家和城市发生了社会抗议和动乱(见A/64/350)。 处于冲突后局势或受不稳定所苦的国家的人口在干旱和类似事件后很少能够承受全球粮价的上涨;这一挑战以及他们只能得到少数替代品的事实使他们更容易遭受气候变化的影响。", "14个 此外,一些脆弱国家由于依赖粮食进口,特别容易受到粮食价格上涨的影响。 在安全理事会议程上的一些国家,包括阿富汗、科特迪瓦、海地、利比里亚、塞拉利昂、索马里和苏丹,将近一半或更多的劳动力受雇于农业部门。 重大干旱、极端天气事件增加和造成作物生产减少的大规模淹没事件增加,可能使这些国家和其他国家的社会经济结构退化并可能不利于建设和平。", "15个 因此,气候变化和相关发展影响造成的粮食无保障使各国更加脆弱并更容易遭受冲突风险,并可能对国际和平与安全构成威胁。 必须在同预防冲突、危机管理、建设和平和冲突后稳定有关的所有努力中考虑这些问题。", "16号. 气候变化造成的粮食不安全除其他外提出了以下问题:", "二. 支助 如何将气候变化造成的粮食不安全与现有的预警和预防冲突机制联系起来或纳入这些机制?", "二. 支助 气候变化与粮食安全之间的联系对联合国维持和平特派团和建设和平活动有何影响?", "供进一步讨论的问题", "17岁 考虑到上述论点,关于气候变化对安全的影响的其他一些问题值得进一步思考:", "二. 支助 除了海平面上升和粮食无保障之外,需要解决气候变化对国际和平与安全构成的哪些威胁(如极端天气事件、饮用水供应受限和气候引起的移徙)?", "二. 支助 安全理事会和从事和平与安全工作的区域组织如何能够在气候变化对安全的影响方面相辅相成?", "二. 支助 定期提请安理会注意与安全理事会工作有关的气候变化对安全的影响的适当机制是什么?", "二. 支助 除了更加重视与气候有关的因素之外,安全理事会如何能够在安全理事会第1625(2005)号决议所预见的更加综合的预防冲突办法方面发挥作用?", "二. 支助 从事预防冲突和建设和平工作的其他联合国机关和机构,包括联合国建设和平委员会、建设和平支助办公室、政治事务部、人道主义事务协调厅、联合国开发计划署预防危机和复原局以及联合国环境规划署冲突后和灾害管理处,如何以最佳方式将气候变化对安全的影响纳入其工作?" ]
[ "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Executive Board", "Second regular session 2011", "12-15 September 2011", "Interim financial report and statements for the year ended 31 December 2010, the first year of the biennium 2010-2011", "Summary", "The present document, submitted for information to the Executive Board, contains the financial report on the accounts of UNICEF for the year ended 31 December 2010, the first year of the biennium 2010-2011. The document, comprising the financial report and 10 statements supported by notes and one schedule, summarizes the financial results of transactions made in 2010. In line with General Assembly resolution 50/204 of 23 December 1995 and the formats agreed upon by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, the document is prepared to achieve harmonization of the presentation of the accounts of the agencies in the United Nations system. A summary of significant accounting policies and other information is included in the notes to the financial statements.", "Contents", "PageI.Interim 3 financial report for the year ended 31 December \n 2010 II. Financial 5 statements for the year ended 31 December \n 2010 StatementI.Income 5 and expenditure and changesin reserves and fund balances for the yearended31 December \n 2010 Statement 6 II. Assets, liabilities, reserves and fund balancesasat31 December \n 2010 Statement 7 III. Cash flow for the yearended31 December \n 2010 Statement 8 IV.Statementofappropriations for the biennium2010-2011asat31 December \n 2010 StatementV. 9 Income/receipts,expenditure/disbursements and changesin fund balances for the yearended31 December \n 2010 Statement 10 VI.Statusof funding for approvedprogrammes andappropriationsasat 31December \n 2010 Statement 11 VII.Statementof approvedprogrammes and appropriations, expenditure and unspent balances for regularresources,otherresources(regular) andotherresources (emergency) for the yearended31 December \n 2010 StatementVII.1.Statementof 15 approvedprogrammes and appropriations, expenditure and unspent balances for regularresources for the yearended31 December \n 2010 StatementVII.2.Statementof 20 approved programmes, expenditure and unspent balances forotherresources(regular) for the yearended31 December \n 2010 StatementVII.3.Statementof 25 approved programmes, expenditure and unspent balances forotherresources (emergency) for the yearended31 December \n 2010 Schedule1:Contributions 29 receivedor pledged for the yearended31 December \n 2010 Notesto 36 \nthefinancialstatements", "I. Interim financial report for the year ended 31 December 2010", "Introduction", "1. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) submits herewith its financial report, accompanied by 10 statements and one schedule. Statements I to IV are presented in line with the formats agreed upon by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination as a step towards harmonizing the accounts of agencies in the United Nations system. The financial report summarizes the financial results of UNICEF activities for the year ended 31 December 2010.", "Income", "2. UNICEF income in 2010 amounted to $3,663 million. Income comprised $946 million under regular resources, $1,694 million under other resources (regular) and $1,023 million under other resources (emergency). The breakdown of UNICEF income by source consisted of: 56 per cent ($2,064 million) from Governments and intergovernmental agencies; 33 per cent ($1,210 million) from fund-raising campaigns, the sale of greeting cards and gifts, non-governmental organizations and individual donations; 9 per cent ($334 million) from inter-organizational arrangement; and 2 per cent ($55 million) from miscellaneous sources, including interest income and net currency exchange adjustments and gains on foreign currency transactions.", "Expenditure", "3. UNICEF expenditure for 2010 was $3,630 million, and consisted of $970 million for programme cooperation from regular resources, $1,654 million for programme cooperation from other resources (regular), $905 million for programme cooperation from other resources (emergency), $78 million for management and administration, and $23 million for security.", "Supported deliveries", "4. UNICEF handled supported deliveries on behalf of third parties valued at $296 million during 2010. These deliveries are not reflected in the financial accounts of UNICEF, although they are handled through the administrative structures of the organization.", "Trust funds", "5. In 2010, trust fund receipts amounted to $962 million and disbursements and obligations $933 million. Trust funds do not form part of the income of UNICEF. These funds are earmarked resources entrusted to UNICEF by various entities, including Governments, other organizations in the United Nations system, and non‑governmental organizations, mainly to cover the cost of procuring supplies but also to provide services on behalf of those entities. They also include funds provided by Government sponsors to cover the costs of the Junior Professional Officers programme.", "Cash holdings and investments", "6. As at 31 December 2010, UNICEF had total cash holdings and investments of $3,033 million, which included unspent balances from trust funds amounting to $476 million. Some $2,208 million was held in interest-bearing term deposits, $714 million was in investments and $110 million was in current bank accounts. Cash on hand amounted to $1 million globally.", "Approved programmes", "7. During 2010, the Executive Board approved an amount of $3,766 million for country programmes of cooperation as well as for regional and interregional projects. This total included $992 million for programmes funded from regular resources and $1,732 million for programmes funded from other resources (regular) and $1,042 million for programmes funded from pledges for other resources (emergency).", "Anthony Lake Executive Director United Nations Children’s Fund", "II. Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "Notes to the financial statements", "Note 1", "Statement of the objectives and activities of the United Nations Children’s Fund", "1. UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children’s rights, to help to meet the basic needs of children and to expand the opportunities of children to reach their full potential. The organization mobilizes political will and material resources to help countries ensure a “first call for children” and to build the capacity of countries to formulate appropriate policies and to deliver services for children and their families.", "Note 2", "Summary of significant accounting policies", "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Accounting convention", "2. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of UNICEF and the United Nations system accounting standards.", "3. With the goal of achieving harmonization in the presentation of the accounts by agencies in the United Nations system, statements I to IV are presented in line with the formats agreed upon by the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination.", "Financial period", "4. In accordance with the UNICEF Financial Regulations and Rules, the accounts are maintained on a biennial basis.", "Unit of account", "5. The accounting unit is the United States dollar. The equivalent in United States dollars of other currencies is established on the basis of the United Nations operational rate of exchange.", "Translation of currencies", "6. Assets and liabilities in currencies other than United States dollars are revalued for accounting purposes at the prevailing United Nations operational rates of exchange. Any variance due to fluctuation of those rates is accounted for as income or loss and shown in the statement of income and expenditure. In accordance with UNICEF Executive Board decision 1990/28, differences resulting from the payment of contributions pledged in currencies other than United States dollars are recorded against the contributions.", "Income", "7. Income consists of regular resources, other resources (regular) and other resources (emergency). Regular resources include funds from the voluntary annual contributions of Governments, intergovernmental agencies and non-governmental organizations, the income received through the UNICEF Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships (PFP), non-earmarked funds contributed by the public, and other income. Other resources (regular) are funds contributed to UNICEF by Governments, intergovernmental organizations, non-governmental organizations and the United Nations system for specific purposes within the programmes approved by the UNICEF Executive Board. Other resources (emergency) include those contributed for emergency operations.", "8. Income is recorded on the basis of funds or pledges received for the current year. Funds received for future years for purposes specified by donors are considered deferred income and recorded as “contributions received in advance”.", "9. Contributions income received from National Committees and field offices for other resources (regular and emergency) are recorded on a cash basis. The net proceeds raised by National Committees and field offices for regular resources are recorded on an accrual basis.", "10. The statement of income and expenditure does not include funds received into and disbursements made from trust funds.", "11. All other income received by UNICEF is credited as regular resources.", "12. Contributions in kind are valued by management and reflect the cost UNICEF would normally pay for similar items.", "13. Supported deliveries are not reflected in the financial accounts of UNICEF, although they are handled through the administrative structures of the organization.", "Expenditure", "14. All expenditures of UNICEF are accounted for on an accrual basis, except for certain expenditures relating to staff entitlements, which are accounted for on the basis of cash disbursements only.", "Cash", "15. All funds received are initially deposited into UNICEF bank accounts and reflected as cash holdings.", "Provision for uncollectible contributions receivable", "16. In line with the recommendation of the external auditors (A/51/5/Add.2, chapter II, paragraph 37 and A/63/5/Add. 2, chapter II, paragraph 31), UNICEF maintains a provision for potentially uncollectable contributions receivable.", "Inventory", "17. The inventory of programme supplies at the UNICEF Supply Division warehouses is shown at average cost. All costs associated with bringing the goods to the warehouse are considered as part of the average cost. Goods in transit to the warehouse are valued at actual cost.", "Capital assets", "18. Capital assets consist of land, office buildings and staff housing and are presented at their acquisition cost.", "Unliquidated obligations", "19. Cancellation of unliquidated obligations is recorded as a reduction of expenditure if the budgetary account is valid, or as savings on or cancellation of prior-period obligations if the budgetary account has expired.", "Consolidation", "20. The financial report and statements reflect the net operating income, assets and liabilities of the Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships. Transactions between UNICEF and PFP are eliminated on consolidation.", "After-service health insurance and end-of-service liabilities", "21. The liabilities for after-service health insurance, annual leave and repatriation benefits are disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. UNICEF engages the services of an independent, qualified actuary to carry out an actuarial valuation of the accrued liabilities for these end-of-service benefits.", "Non-expendable property", "22. Furniture, equipment and other non-expendable property are not included in the assets of the organization. Acquisitions are charged against budgetary accounts in the year of purchase.", "Private Fundraising and Partnerships", "Accounting convention", "23. The accounts of the Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships are maintained in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules of UNICEF and the Greeting Card Operation special supplement.", "Unit of account", "24. The accounting unit is the United States dollar. The equivalent in United States dollars of other currencies is established on the basis of the United Nations operational rates of exchange on the transaction date.", "Translation of currencies", "25. Assets and liabilities in currencies other than the United States dollar are valued for accounting purposes at the prevailing United Nations rates of exchange. Any variance in valuation caused by fluctuation of those rates is accounted for as a gain or loss and is recorded under exchange rate adjustment in the income and expenditure statement for the Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships.", "Income", "26. Gross proceeds from the sale of cards and gifts are recorded in local currency and accrued on the basis of the provisional sales reports received from the sales partners at year-end. They are converted into United States dollars at the United Nations operational rates of exchange prevailing on 31 December. The accrual is adjusted in the following year on the receipt of the final sales report. If the provisional sales report is not received from a sales partner by end-of-year closure, gross proceeds are accrued on deliveries to that sales partner for the year, less an allowance for unsold goods.", "27. Income from private fund-raising activities and related expenses is recorded separately in the accounts of the Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships. The net proceeds raised by National Committees for UNICEF and field offices from private fund-raising activities for regular resources are recorded based on the provisional reports submitted. These are then adjusted in the following year upon receipt of the final reports. Net proceeds raised from private fund-raising activities for other resources are recorded upon receipt of funds.", "Provision for doubtful accounts receivable", "28. In accordance with the accounting policy of the Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships, a provision to cover accounts receivable that are considered doubtful for collection may be established. This provision is shown as a deduction from accounts receivable on the statement of assets and liabilities.", "Inventory", "29. The inventory of work in process and finished goods is valued at standard cost, while raw materials are valued at moving average cost. It is the policy of PFP to write down unsold cards and dated gifts to zero at the end of the first sales campaign year and all other gifts at the end of the second sales campaign year. All publicity and promotional materials produced in the current campaign year, but relating to future campaign years, are shown at standard cost and included in inventory.", "Note 3", "Transfer to the support budget", "30. A transfer made from income to the support budget in keeping with the budget harmonization of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and UNICEF, is shown in the following table:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Government contributions towards local costs 285 181", "Income tax reimbursement 18 656 18 466", "Total 18 941 18 647", "Note 4", "Division of Private Fundraising and Partnerships", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Income", "Gross proceeds from sales 101 276 119 561", "Private fund-raising 393 675 385 155", "Other income 17 939 27 588", "Total 512 890 532 304", "Total expenditure 178 799 152 886", "Net income 334 091 379 418", "Note 5", "Miscellaneous income", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Income from the sale of surplus and obsolete 1 570 1 683 property", "Agency commissions from procurement services 5 599 7 564", "Miscellaneous — others 8 744 6 900", "Total 15 913 16 147", "Note 6", "Net currency exchange adjustments and gains on foreign exchange", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Currency exchange adjustments (19 936) (6 190)", "Gains and losses on foreign exchange 24 064 17 823", "Total 4 128 11 633", "Note 7", "Write-offs/prior-period adjustments", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Regular Other Other Total Total resources resources resources 2010 2009 (regular) (emergency)", "Uncollectible — 659 2 237 2 896 4 729 contributions", "Inventory and other 1 780 — — 1 780 4 090 write-offs", "Prior-period — — — — (20) adjustments", "Total 1 780 659 2 237 4 676 8 799", "Note 8", "Provision for uncollectable contributions receivable", "31. In line with the recommendations of the external auditors, UNICEF maintains a provision for potentially uncollectable contributions receivable. The current year’s provision is set at $9.8 million, which represents a decrease of $1.4 million from 2009.", "Note 9", "Reserves", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Balance as Funds Expenses Balance as at received at 1 January 31 December 2010 2010", "Reserve for procurement 2 000 — — 2 000 services", "Reserve for insurance 115 — — 115", "Reserve for capital assets 27 286 49 — 27 335", "Reserve for after-service 210 000 30 000 — 240 000 health insurance", "Reserve for separation fund 27 971 24 625 13 901 38 695", "Total 267 372 54 674 13 901 308 145", "Reserve for procurement services", "32. In 1993, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a reserve for procurement services of $2 million to absorb possible future shortfalls. This reserve was funded by the surplus of handling fees charged for each procurement request against staff and related expenses charged against this fee by the Supply Division. There were no movements in the reserve in 2010.", "33. The income and expenditure relating to procurement services amounted to:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Funds received 19 415 21 126", "Less: staff and related expenses (13 816) (13 562)", "Transfer to miscellaneous income 5 599 7 564", "Reserve for insurance", "34. In 1950, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a reserve for insurance of $200,000 to absorb losses of UNICEF programme supplies and equipment not covered by commercial insurance. This amount was funded by approved freight allocations. In 1987, an additional $100,000 from regular resources was added to the reserve to self-insure for property losses. The current balance in this reserve is $115,000. There were no movements in the reserve in 2010.", "Reserve for capital assets", "35. In 1990, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a capital asset reserve of $22 million from regular resources to better control future purchases of capital assets, mainly office buildings and staff housing in the field. The increase in the reserve during the year ended 31 December 2010 resulted from rental income of staff housing.", "Reserve for after-service health insurance", "36. In 2003, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a funded reserve for after-service health insurance and an initial allocation of $30 million from regular resources. The reserve was increased each year thereafter, bringing the balance to $240 million as of 31 December 2010. Currently, disbursements for retirees are charged against the budget appropriations of the period when actual payments are made.", "Reserve for separation fund", "37. In 2006, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a separation fund to cover separation and termination liabilities and an initial allocation of $10 million from regular resources. The fund is built up on an annual basis by the net of total contributions less payments made. There was an increase of $10.7 million in the reserve during the year ended 31 December 2010.", "Note 10", "Cash and term deposits", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Term deposits 2 208 072 2 070 226", "Cash (convertible) 96 591 57 101", "Cash (non-convertible) 14 582 11 164", "Total 2 319 245 2 138 491", "Note 11", "Investments", "38. Investments include marketable securities and other negotiable instruments acquired by the organization to produce income. Investments are stated at cost plus or minus any amortized premium or discount. As of 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2009, a total of $714 million and $839 million, respectively, were invested in fixed-income securities.", "39. As of 31 December 2010 and 31 December 2009, the market value of investments was $713 million and $839 million, respectively. While the market value of financial instruments may fluctuate during the investment period, it does not affect the value due on maturity to UNICEF.", "Note 12", "Contributions receivable", "40. An ageing of contributions receivable as of 31 December 2010 is shown in the following table:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Prior 2008 2009 2010 Total Total to 2008 31 December 31 December 2010 2009", "Contributions 846 8 651 32 917 291 167 333 581 329 723 receivable", "Note 13", "Other accounts receivable", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "From:", "National Committees and other private 406 979 388 947 fund-raising partnerships", "Less: Provision for doubtful accounts (15 955) (9 796) receivable", "Governments, United Nations system and others — 8 671 9 480 trust funds", "United Nations system 4 209 3 978", "Governments 7 374 7 601", "Staff members 20 793 20 655", "Accrued interest 8 545 15 800", "Miscellaneous 5 135 4 989", "Total 445 751 441 654", "Note 14", "Inventories", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Programme supplies 46 022 33 708", "Packing materials 350 326", "Greeting cards and gifts", "Raw materials 2 325 2 451", "Work in progress 6 40", "Finished goods 8 615 7 266", "Total 57 318 43 791", "Note 15", "Land and buildings", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Office Staff Total 2010 Total 2009 buildings housing", "Opening balance, 1 January 17 995 630 18 625 17 955", "Plus: Additions 264 — 264 670", "Closing balance, 31 18 259 630 18 889 18 625 December", "Note 16", "Contributions received in advance", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Governments and intergovernmental 18 258 4 334 agencies", "Inter-organizational arrangements — 15 567", "Total 18 258 19 901", "41. Pledges amounting to $267 million have already been received for future years.", "Note 17", "Unliquidated obligations", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Programme accounts 229 140 226 772", "Administrative accounts 19 634 37 606", "Total 248 774 264 378", "Note 18", "Accounts payable", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "United Nations system 12 566 11 280", "Supplies, services and freight 80 194 67 905", "Miscellaneous 2 185 6 856", "Total 94 945 86 041", "Note 19", "Trust funds", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Net balance 467 333 438 242", "Receivables 8 671 9 480", "Gross balance 476 004 447 722", "Note 20", "Medical Insurance Plan", "42. The Medical Insurance Plan is a health and dental insurance plan operated by the United Nations, United Nations Development Programme, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and UNICEF at designated duty stations for the benefit of locally recruited current and former General Service staff members and National Professional Officers as well as their eligible family members. Staff members and the organization share in the cost of the premiums. The ending balance represents the opening balance plus premiums less expenditure.", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Opening balance 53 483 50 033", "Plus: Premiums 16 683 15 098", "Less: Expenditure (11 492) (11 648)", "Ending balance 58 674 53 483", "Note 21", "After-service health insurance and other end-of-service liabilities", "43. On the basis of an actuarial valuation carried out in 2009, it has been estimated that the accrued liabilities of UNICEF for after-service health insurance (ASHI), annual leave and repatriation benefits as of 31 December 2009 are as follows:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2009 2007", "After-service health insurance", "Gross liability 732 335 613 961", "Offset from plan participants (268 346) (131 248)", "Total 463 989 482 713", "Annual leave 37 619 —", "Repatriation 76 676 —", "Total 114 295 —", "44. The accrued liabilities have been computed using the Projected Unit Credit method. This method involves attributing the present value of the total benefit to be received by a staff member to the staff member’s periods of past and anticipated future service and using these to determine the benefit accrued from the date the staff member is hired to the valuation date.", "45. For annual leave and repatriation, actuarially valued liabilities as at 31 December 2007 are not available.", "Actuarial assumptions", "46. Two key assumptions used by the actuary to determine these accrued liabilities are the discount rate and, for ASHI, the rate of increase in health-care costs.", "47. The accrued liabilities for ASHI, annual leave and repatriation benefits are based on a discount rate of 6.0 per cent as at 31 December 2009. The impact on the accrued liabilities of a 1 per cent change in the discount rate is as follows:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Change in discount rate ASHI Impact on accrued liability\n Annual Repatriation leave", "1.0% increase (78 878) (2 257) (6 134)", "1.0% decrease 102 078 2 633 6 901", "48. The accrued liability for ASHI is also based on the following rates of health-care cost increases, also known as the health-care trend rates:", "Year Rate increase in Rate increase in health-care health-care costs inside the costs outside the United States United States", "2010 8.4% 6.0%", "2011-2027 8.1-4.5% 5.9%-4.5%", "49. The impact on the accrued liability of a 1 per cent change in the health-care cost trend rates is as follows:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Change in health-care trend Impact on accrued liability rates", "1.0% increase 97 224", "1.0% decrease (76 042)", "50. As at 31 December 2007, the accrued liabilities for ASHI, annual leave and repatriation benefits were based on a discount rate of 5.5 per cent and on the following rates of increase in health-care costs:", "Year Rate increase in Rate increase in health-care health-care costs inside the costs outside the United States United States", "2008 9.5% 5.7%", "2009-2015 8.8-5.0% 5.4%-4.5%", "51. Another factor affecting the ASHI valuation is the contributions made by plan participants. These contributions, identified above as “offset from the plan participants”, are deducted from the gross liability to determine the residual liability of UNICEF. Retirees and active staff members participate in the same health-care plans. Their collective contributions are offset against the total cost of providing health care in accordance with the cost sharing ratios approved by the General Assembly. The actuarial valuation as at 31 December 2007 was based on the determination that only contributions from retirees should be included in the offset. The actuarial valuation as at 31 December 2009 is based on the refined determination that contributions from retirees and a portion of the contributions from active staff should be included in the offset.", "52. The actuarial valuation for ASHI as at 31 December 2009 includes actuarial gains of $113 million resulting from changes in the major assumptions used by the actuary since the previous valuation.", "Census data", "53. The actuarial valuations were based on census data collected prior to 31 December 2009. Census data as at 31 December 2009 became available subsequent to the completion of the financial statements. The estimate of the accrued liabilities of UNICEF may have increased by 3 per cent, or $17 million, had these data been used in the actuarial valuation.", "Other", "54. Previous to the biennium ended 31 December 2009, the liabilities disclosed for repatriation and annual leave were based on current costs at the reporting date without discounting or other adjustments. The change in accounting policy to an actuarial basis for measuring the liabilities and to the inclusion of travel and shipment within repatriation has not been applied retroactively, due to the impracticality of undertaking an actuarial valuation as at 31 December 2007. Had the former valuation methodology been continued, the disclosed liabilities would have been $40.3 million for repatriation and $52.9 million for annual leave.", "55. As at 31 December 2010, the balance of the after-service health insurance and separation fund reserves were $240 million and $39 million respectively.", "Note 22", "United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund", "56. UNICEF is a member organization participating in the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund, which was established by the General Assembly to provide retirement, death, disability and related benefits. The Pension Fund is a funded defined-benefit plan. The financial obligations of the organization to the Pension Fund consist of its mandated contribution at the rate established by the General Assembly, together with any share of any actuarial deficiency payments under article 26 of the Regulations and Rules of the Pension Fund. Such deficiency payments are payable only if and when the General Assembly has invoked the provision of article 26, following determination that there is a requirement for deficiency payments based on an assessment of the actuarial sufficiency of the funds as of the valuation date.", "57. At the time of the preparation of this report, the General Assembly had not invoked this provision.", "Note 23", "Lease", "58. UNICEF is a lessee of the United Nations Development Corporation for a building known as Three United Nations Plaza, as specified in a lease agreement between the parties dated 13 August 1984 and amendments thereto dated 11 January 1994 and 29 September 2009. The base rent, exclusive of operating expense escalations, is fixed at approximately $6.6 million annually and the lease period extends to 2026. UNICEF may receive title to Three United Nations Plaza upon the expiration of the lease agreement for the consideration of $1 if it fulfils the conditions of continuous and uninterrupted stay in the building and maintenance of its worldwide headquarters at the same address until 2026. As at 31 December 2010, UNICEF had made payments under this lease agreement amounting to $101.5 million, and has a further $101.7 million in lease commitments between 2011 and 2026.", "Note 24", "Non-expendable property", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Cost of non-expendable property — UNICEF 51 052 48 818", "Cost of non-expendable property — under UNICEF 116 694 107 017 custody", "Total 167 746 155 835", "Note 25", "Liquidity", "59. The UNICEF liquidity requirement recommends a minimum year-end balance of regular resources convertible cash equal to 10 per cent of projected regular resources income for the following year.", "60. The financial plan for 2010 recommended a minimum regular resources convertible cash balance of $100 million.", "61. For the purpose of meeting this requirement, the cash holdings and investments of UNICEF, excluding trust funds, are estimated to be apportioned between regular resources and other resources as follows:", "(Thousands of United States dollars)", "Regular Other resources resources", "Term deposits, cash (convertible) and 696 881 1 845 341 investments", "Cash (non-convertible) 14 582 —", "Total 711 463 1 845 341", "62. UNICEF met its internal liquidity requirement for the year 2010." ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "2010-2011两年期第一年2010年12月31日终了年度临时财务报告和报表", "摘要", "本文件为供执行局参考而提交,载有儿基会账目2010-2011两年期第一年2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报告。本文件分为财务报告、10个加有附注的报表和一个附表,总结了2010年所做交易的财务结算。本文件根据大会1995年12月23日第50/204号决议和联合国系统行政首长协调理事会商定的格式编写,以实现联合国系统各机构账目列报方式统一。重大会计政策和其他信息载于财务报表的附注中。", "目录", "页次\n1.2010年12月31日终了年度临时财务报告 3\n2.2010年12月31日终了年度财务报表 5\n报表一.2010年12月31日终了年度收支及准备金与基金结余变化 5\n报表二.2010年12月31日终了资产、负债、准备金和基金结余 6\n报表三.2010年12月31日终了年度现金流动 7\n报表四.截止2010年12月31日2010-2011两年期批款表 8\n报表五.2010年12月31日终了年度收入/收款、支出/付款及基金结余变化 9\n报表六.截止2010年12月31日核定方案供资和批款情况 9报表七.2010年12月31日终了年度经常资源、其他资源(经常)和其他资源(应急)的 10 \n核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额表 \n报表七.1.2010年12月31日终了年度经常资源的核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额表 15报表七.2.2010年12月31日终了年度其他资源(经常)的核定方案和批款、支出及未 20 \n用余额表 \n报表七.3.2010年12月31日终了年度其他资源(应急)的核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额 25\n附表1.2010年12月31日终了年度收到或认捐的捐款 30\n财务报表附注 38", "一. 2010年12月31日终了年度临时财务报告", "导言", "1. 联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)随文呈递其财务报告,还附有10个报表和一个附表。报表一至四根据联合国系统行政首长协调理事会商定的格式列报,以此作为统一联合国系统各机构账目列报方式的一个步骤。财务报告总结了儿基会各项活动2010年12月31日终了年度财务结算。", "收入", "2. 儿基会2010年收入共计36.63亿美元。收入含经常资源9.46亿美元,其他资源(经常)16.94亿美元,其他资源(应急)10.23亿美元。儿基会收入来源如下:56%(20.64亿美元)来自各国政府、政府间机构;33%(12.1亿美元)来自筹资运动、贺卡和礼品销售及非政府组织和个人捐款;9%(3.34亿美元)来自组织之间的安排;2%(5 500万美元)来源各种各样,包括利息和净汇率调整、外汇交易收入。", "支出", "3. 儿基会2010年支出为36.3亿美元,其中经常资源方案合作支出9.7亿美元,其他资源(经常)方案合作支出16.54亿美元,其他资源(应急)支出9.05亿美元,管理和行政支出7 800万美元,安全支出2 300万美元。", "受援交付", "4. 2010年期间,儿基会代表第三方办理了价值2.96亿美元的受援交付。这些交付由儿基会的行政机构办理,没有反映到本组织的账目中。", "信托基金", "5. 2010年,信托基金收款9.62亿美元,付款和债务9.33亿美元。信托基金不算儿基会的收入。这些基金是各种实体,包括政府、联合国系统的其他组织及非政府组织委托给儿基会的专用资源,主要用于支付采购供应品的费用,也用来代表这些实体提供服务。它们包括主办国政府为支持初级专业人员方案的各项费用而提供的基金。", "现金存量和投资", "6. 截止2010年12月31日,儿基会的现金存量和投资共有30.33亿美元,包括信托基金未用余额4.76亿美元。约有22.08亿美元投入了生息的定期存款,7.14亿美元用于投资,1.1亿美元存在银行往来账户中。全球现金存量计达100万美元。", "核定方案", "7. 2010年期间,执行局核定37.66亿美元,用于国家合作方案、区域方案和区域间方案。这个共计额中包括经常资源资助方案的9.92亿美元、其他资源(经常)资助方案的17.32亿美元以及其他资源(应急)认捐款资助方案的10.42亿美元。", "联合国儿童基金会", "执行主任", "安东尼·莱克", "二. 2010年12月31日终了年度财务报表", "报表一 2010年12月31日终了年度收支及准备金与基金结余变化", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年\n 经常资源 其他资源 其他资源 共计 共计 (经常) (应急)", "收入", "自愿捐助", "政府和政府间机构 (附表1) 575 705 991 429 516 164 2 083 1 955 298 462", "扣除:转入支助预算 (附注3/附表1) (18 941) (18 (18 941) 647)", "556 764 991 429 516 164 2 064 1 936 357 815", "非政府和私营部门来源 (附表1) 566 506 854 346 236 853 656 536 165", "组织间安排所得进款 (附表1) 195 762 160 480 356 242 296 530", "私人筹资与伙伴关系司 (附注4) 334 091 334 091 379 418", "其他收入", "利息收入 34 563 34 563 60 763", "杂项收入 (附注5) 15 913 15 913 16 147", "汇率调整和外汇收益净额 (附注6) 4 128 4 128 11 633", "收入共计 946 025 1 694 045 1 022 880 3 662 3 237 950 471", "支出", "方案援助 (报表七) 796 373 1 654 039 904 499 3 354 2 943 911 248", "方案支助 (报表四) 174 256 174 256 200 615", "方案合作总额 970 629 1 654 039 904 499 3 529 3 143 167 863", "管理和行政 (报表四) 78 026 78 026 97 453", "安全 (报表四) 23 380 23 380 23 080", "支出总额 1 072 035 1 654 039 904 499 3 630 3 264 573 396", "收入超过(低于)支出数额 (126 010) 40 006 118 381 32 377 (26 925)", "注销/前期损益调整 (附注7) 1 780 659 2 237 4 676 8 799", "无法收取捐款备抵 (附注8) (15) 58 (1 454) (1 411) 6 163", "收入超过(低于)支出净额 (127 775) 39 289 117 598 29 112 (41 887)", "基金结余,1月1日 825 979 1 431 615 403 582 2 661 2 728 176 580", "先前期间债务节减额或注销额 13 507 13 507 4 483", "转入离职后健康保险准备金 (附注9) (30 000) (30 (30 000) 000)", "准备金结余,1月1日 (附注9) 267 372 267 372 228 039", "准备金增加 (附注9) 40 773     40 773 39 333", "准备金和基金结余,12月31日 989 856 1 470 904 521 180 2 981 2 928 940 548", "所附附注是本报告的一个完全组成部分,应与本报表合看。", "报表二 2010年12月31日终了资产、负债、准备金和基金结余", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "资产", "现金和定期存款 (附注10) 2 319 245 2 138 491", "投资 (附注11) 713 563 838 952", "应收账款", "应收捐款 (附注12) 333 581 329 723", "扣除:无法收取捐款的备抵 (附注8) (9 752) (11 163)", "应收捐款净额 323 829 318 560", "其他应收账款 (附注13) 445 751 441 654", "库存 (附注14) 57 318 43 791", "土地和建筑物 (附注15) 18 889 18 625", "资产总额 3 878 595 3 800 073", "负债", "预先已收捐款额 (附注16) 18 258 19 901", "未清债务 (附注17) 248 774 264 378", "应付账款 (附注18) 94 945 86 041", "信托基金 (附注19) 476 004 447 722", "医药保险计划 (附注20) 58 674 53 483", "负债总额 896 655 871 525", "准备金和基金结余", "准备金", "采购服务的 (附注9) 2 000 2 000", "保险的 (附注9) 115 115", "资本资产的 (附注9) 27 335 27 286", "离职后健康保险的 (附注9) 240 000 210 000", "离职基金的 (附注9) 38 695 27 971", "准备金总额 308 145 267 372", "基金结余", "经常资源 681 711 825 979", "其他资源(经常) 1 470 904 1 431 615", "其他资源(应急) 521 180 403 582", "基金结余总额 2 673 795 2 661 176", "准备金和基金结余总额 2 981 940 2 928 548", "债务、准备金和基金结余总额 3 878 595 3 800 073", "所附附注是本报告的一个完全组成部分,应与本报表合看。", "报表三 2010年12月31日终了年度现金流动", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "业务活动现金流量", "收入超出(低于)支出净额 29 112 (41 887)", "应收捐款增长数 (3 858) (52 570)", "无法收取捐款备抵(减)增 (1 411) 6 163", "其他应收账款(增)减 (4 097) 1 869", "库存(增)减 (13 527) 2 502", "预先已收捐款额(减)增 (1 643) 12 194", "未清债务减少数 (15 604) (6 907)", "应付账款增(减) 8 904 (22 885)", "医药保险计划增加数 5 191 3 450", "扣除:利息收入 (34 563) (60 761)", "业务活动现金净额 (31 496) (158 832)", "投资活动现金流量", "投资减少数 125 389 177 651", "土地和建筑物增加数 (264) (670)", "加上:利息收入 34 563 60 762", "投资活动所得现金净额 159 688 237 743", "筹资活动现金流量", "先前期间债务节减额或注销额 13 507 4 483", "信托基金余额增加 28 282 181 336", "转入离职后健康保险准备金 30 000 30 000", "从经常资源中转入的款项 (30 000) (30 000)", "资本资产准备金增加额 49 75", "离职基金增加额 10 724 9 258", "筹资活动所得现金净额 52 562 195 152", "现金和定期存款净增额 180 754 274 063", "现金和定期存款,1月1日 2 138 491 1 864 428", "现金和定期存款,12月31日 2 319 245 2 138 491", "报表四 截止2010年12月31日2010-2011两年期批款表", "(千美元)", "批款 支出 批款\n 原定 追加 转账/调整 订正 方案支助 管理和行政 安全 共计 未用", "方案支助", "国家和区域办事处 488 1 100 489 219 491 219 269 265 365 491 874", "总部 167 (265) 167 81 457 81 457 85 988 710 445", "小计 655 835 656 300 948 300 355 975 810 948 862", "管理和行政 319 (835) 318 139 324 139 178 025 190 324 866", "小计 975 975 300 948 139 324 440 534 000 000 272 728", "安全 31 200 4 280 9 593 45 073 23 380 23 380 21 693", "共计 1 006 4 280 9 593 1 020 300 948 139 324 23 380 463 556 200 073 652 421", "支出 300 948 139 324 23 380 463 652", "扣除:包装和组装活动回收额 10 015 10 015", "其他资源(经常)回收额 70 587 31 713 102 300", "其他资源(应急)回收额 38 097 17 116 55 213", "非采购信托基金和初级专业 1 521 1 521 人员行政代理佣金", "政府对当地费用的捐助 285 285", "从所得税偿还收入中转入的 7 708 10 948 18 656 款项", "小计 126 692 61 298 187 990", "净支出额 174 256 78 026 23 380 275 662", "报表五 2010年12月31日终了年度收入/收款、支出/付款及基金结余变化", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年\n 经常资源 其他资源 其他资源 信托基金 共计 共计 (经常) (应急)", "期初余额 825 979 1 431 615 403 582 438 242 3 099 2 973 418 570", "收入/收款 946 025 1 694 045 1 022 880 961 896 4 624 4 481 846 008", "可动用资金 1 772 004 3 125 660 1 426 462 1 400 138 7 724 7 454 264 578", "支出/付款 1 072 035 1 654 039 904 499 932 805 4 563 4 314 378 681", "注销/前期损益调整 1 780 659 2 237 4 676 8 799", "无法收取捐款备抵 (15) 58 (1 454) (1 411) 6 163", "先前期间债务节减额或注销额 13 507 13 507 4 483", "转入离职后健康保险准备金 30 000 30 000 30 000", "期终余额 681 711 1 470 904 521 180 467 333 3 141 3 099 128 418", "报表六 截止2010年12月31日核定方案供资和批款情况", "(千美元)", "其他资源\n 经常资源 其他资源 其他资源 共计 (经常) (应急)", "截止2010年1月1日方案未用余额 2 550 328 1 600 583 425 820 4 576 731", "执行局会议核定", "新方案/批款 928 246 928 246", "补充方案 63 616 1 731 638 1 042 630 2 837 884", "无法收取捐款的注销额 (659) (2 237) (2 896)", "到期方案未用余额 (109 144) (109 144)", "预算回收额 (187 990) (187 990)", "小计 3 245 056 3 331 562 1 466 213 8 042 831", "支出 1 072 035 1 654 039 904 499 3 630 573", "截止2010年12月31日方案未用余额 2 173 021 1 677 523 561 714 4 412 258", "无法收取捐款备抵 (5 625) (4 127) (9 752)", "截止2010年12月31日基金结余 (681 711) (1 470 (521 180) (2 673 904) 795)", "将用未来收入筹集的金额 1 491 310 200 994 36 407 1 728 711", "报表七 2010年12月31日终了年度经常资源、其他资源(经常)和其他资源(应急)的核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额表", "(千美元)", "截止2010年1月1日核定方案/批款未用余额\t新方案/批款和取消额\t方案/批款总额\t支出总额\t截止2010年12月31日核定方案/批款未用余额 \n 非洲 \n 安哥拉 54 116 25 777 79 893 41 170 38 723\n 贝宁 28 728 11 658 40 386 14 285 26 101\n 博茨瓦纳 5 124 2 005 7 129 2 873 4 256 \n布基纳法索\t27 646\t95 601\t123247\t38 128\t85 119\n 布隆迪 55 976 7 475 63 451 18 288 45 163\n 喀麦隆 11 181 19 423 30 604 12 635 17 969\n 佛得角 1 531 1 445 2 976 871 2 105 \n 中非共和国 10 707 21 998 32 705 18 787 13 918\n 乍得 21 884 48 540 70 424 48 175 22 249\n 科摩罗 3 213 3 181 6 394 2 982 3 412 \n 刚果 14 222 10 826 25 048 9 292 15 756\n 科特迪瓦 36 473 17 497 53 970 23 065 30 905\n刚果民主共和国\t126428\t205298\t331726\t161315\t170411\n 赤道几内亚 3 576 1 289 4 865 1 107 3 758 \n 厄立特里亚 12 908 17 103 30 011 21 276 8 735 \n埃塞俄比亚\t105299\t113786\t219085\t134638\t84 447\n 加蓬 3 859 1 167 5 026 1 986 3 040 \n 冈比亚 4 723 2 450 7 173 3 989 3 184 \n 加纳 26 628 34 467 61 095 37 694 23 401\n 几内亚 16 985 40 806 57 791 16 082 41 709\n 几内亚比绍 10 156 18 368 28 524 10 155 18 369\n肯尼亚\t67 267\t47 152\t114419\t65 748\t48 671\n 莱索托 19 798 2 480 22 278 10 198 12 080\n 利比里亚 28 695 25 157 53 852 23 992 29 860\n 马达加斯加 41 243 51 820 93 063 46 987 46 076\n 马拉维 36 486 43 796 80 282 42 297 37 985\n 马里 59 809 13 232 73 041 31 794 41 247\n 毛里塔尼亚 10 162 10 846 21 008 8 845 12 163\n 毛里求斯 25 (25) \n 莫桑比克 25 174 55 975 81 149 42 482 38 667\n 纳米比亚 6 529 4 471 11 000 4 964 6 036 \n尼日尔\t82 983\t47 106\t130089\t61 369\t68 720\n尼日利亚\t160741\t58 089\t218830\t111513\t107317\n 卢旺达 37 126 11 260 48 386 30 336 18 050\n 圣多美和普林西比 1 621 320 1 941 920 1 021 \n 塞内加尔 14 847 14 451 29 298 15 347 13 951\n塞拉利昂\t39 508\t62 951\t102459\t47 658\t54 801\n索马里\t41 373\t135211\t176584\t81 335\t95 249\n 南非 16 562 11 407 27 969 15 139 12 830\n 斯威士兰 4 919 8 207 13 126 6 427 6 699 \n 多哥 16 071 4 198 20 269 9 680 10 589\n乌干达\t129886\t16 351\t146237\t45 039\t101198\n 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 39 577 21 181 60 758 32 158 28 600\n 赞比亚 22 774 58 092 80 866 26 089 54 777\n津巴布韦\t87 561\t104286\t191847\t139121\t52 726\n 区域 13 874 7 940 21 814 10 370 11 444\n区域共计\t1 585974\t1 516114\t3 102088\t1 528601\t1 573487\n 美洲和加勒比 \n 阿根廷 9 779 9 860 19 639 8 881 10 758\n 巴巴多斯 212 212 212 \n 伯利兹 2 586 608 3 194 1 320 1 874 \n 多民族玻利维亚国 11 371 10 546 21 917 10 786 11 131\n 巴西 9 673 20 737 30 410 17 991 12 419\n 智利 1 209 6 109 7 318 5 060 2 258 \n 哥伦比亚 12 196 12 480 24 676 12 552 12 124\n 哥斯达黎加 2 854 1 393 4 247 1 816 2 431 \n 古巴 6 155 3 515 9 670 4 479 5 191 \n 多米尼加共和国 3 053 9 261 12 314 8 225 4 089 \n 厄瓜多尔 7 720 3 049 10 769 3 637 7 132 \n 萨尔瓦多 3 094 2 657 5 751 3 334 2 417 \n 危地马拉 14 445 7 549 21 994 9 471 12 523\n 圭亚那 3 004 1 381 4 385 2 949 1 436 \n海地\t19 322\t317208\t336530\t166491\t170039\n 洪都拉斯 6 990 1 562 8 552 5 558 2 994 \n 牙买加 4 238 1 339 5 577 2 237 3 340 \n 墨西哥 6 757 3 901 10 658 5 287 5 371 \n 尼加拉瓜 10 614 6 007 16 621 8 973 7 648 \n 巴拿马 1 457 1 783 3 240 1 657 1 583 \n 巴拉圭 2 440 1 198 3 638 1 707 1 931 \n 秘鲁 3 278 21 608 24 886 5 689 19 197\n 乌拉圭 822 6 176 6 998 1 595 5 403 \n 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 4 352 2 006 6 358 2 453 3 905 \n 区域 11 869 3 066 14 935 7 437 7 498 \n区域共计\t159490\t454999\t614489\t299585\t314904\n 东亚及太平洋 \n 柬埔寨 25 729 39 830 65 559 22 784 42 775\n中国\t38 377\t71 507\t109884\t36 524\t73 360\n 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 10 142 33 797 43 939 22 743 21 196\n印度尼西亚\t56 547\t52 670\t109217\t53 844\t55 373\n 老挝人民民主共和国 13 305 9 541 22 846 12 919 9 927 \n 马来西亚 2 408 7 114 9 522 2 946 6 576 \n 蒙古 3 940 6 531 10 471 5 084 5 387 \n缅甸\t34 803\t98 733\t133536\t42 529\t91 007\n 太平洋岛屿国家 27 471 4 118 31 589 13 941 17 648\n 巴布亚新几内亚 11 405 5 546 16 951 6 873 10 078\n 菲律宾 18 203 22 327 40 530 21 988 18 542\n 泰国 7 236 9 942 17 178 8 623 8 555 \n 东帝汶 13 183 9 656 22 839 9 994 12 845\n 越南 19 543 11 069 30 612 19 620 10 992\n 区域 1 932 27 356 29 288 2 133 27 155\n区域共计\t284224\t409737\t693961\t282545\t411416\n 南亚 \n阿富汗\t218298\t72 394\t290692\t115988\t174704\n孟加拉国\t100649\t54 416\t155065\t70 306\t84 759\n 不丹 5 620 4 721 10 341 4 627 5 714 \n印度\t185949\t56 591\t242540\t137440\t105100\n 马尔代夫 1 909 4 322 6 231 2 011 4 220 \n 尼泊尔 19 059 34 904 53 963 25 623 28 340\n巴基斯坦\t107104\t291734\t398838\t192012\t206826\n 斯里兰卡 45 966 19 393 65 359 37 044 28 315\n 区域 7 7 176 (169) \n区域共计\t684561\t538475\t1 223036\t585227\t637809\n 中东和北非 \n 阿尔及利亚 4 214 517 4 731 1 248 3 483 \n 吉布提 5 940 4 995 10 935 6 946 3 989 \n 埃及 9 755 4 597 14 352 7 002 7 350 \n 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 4 398 3 828 8 226 2 895 5 331 \n伊拉克\t55 592\t60 879\t116471\t48 310\t68 161\n 约旦 11 993 3 797 15 790 7 638 8 152 \n 黎巴嫩 7 810 1 000 8 810 2 902 5 908 \n 摩洛哥 5 581 3 944 9 525 4 134 5 391 \n 阿曼 976 1 302 2 278 995 1 283 \n 巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女 13 639 32 248 45 887 26 235 19 652\n苏丹\t89 473\t183116\t272589\t170609\t101980\n 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 15 982 7 057 23 039 11 384 11 655\n 突尼斯 1 849 923 2 772 1 147 1 625 \n 也门 17 792 27 161 44 953 20 503 24 450\n区域\t7 804\t(1216)\t6 588\t2 196\t4 392\n区域共计\t252798\t334148\t586946\t314144\t272802\n 中东欧和独立国家联合体 \n 阿尔巴尼亚 4 416 4 643 9 059 5 848 3 211 \n 亚美尼亚 5 161 615 5 776 1 026 4 750 \n 阿塞拜疆 1 401 6 865 8 266 1 848 6 418 \n 白俄罗斯 1 843 3 831 5 674 1 563 4 111 \n 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 11 495 3 595 15 090 5 893 9 197 \n 保加利亚 3 234 2 063 5 297 2 221 3 076 \n 克罗地亚 1 786 1 589 3 375 1 211 2 164 \n 格鲁吉亚 8 327 14 214 22 541 7 110 15 431\n 哈萨克斯坦 7 770 1 674 9 444 2 040 7 404 \n 科索沃(塞尔维亚) 2 461 7 174 9 635 4 168 5 467 \n 吉尔吉斯斯坦 2 081 14 682 16 763 8 081 8 682 \n 黑山 1 852 2 294 4 146 1 546 2 600 \n 摩尔多瓦共和国 4 806 2 548 7 354 2 886 4 468 \n 罗马尼亚 3 709 2 802 6 511 2 160 4 351 \n 俄罗斯联邦 4 617 8 837 13 454 8 370 5 084 \n 塞尔维亚 6 234 5 618 11 852 3 755 8 097 \n 塔吉克斯坦 16 300 3 217 19 517 6 114 13 403\n前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t7 234\t2 682\t9 916\t2 707\t7 209\n 土耳其 7 272 18 035 25 307 7 681 17 626\n 土库曼斯坦 5 402 656 6 058 1 305 4 753 \n 乌克兰 5 408 2 054 7 462 4 027 3 435 \n 乌兹别克斯坦 22 490 3 241 25 731 7 457 18 274\n 区域 6 434 2 274 8 708 3 319 5 389 \n区域共计\t141733\t115203\t256936\t92 336\t164600\n 全球援助 \n 禽流感 505 4 555 5 060 535 4 525 \n紧急方案基金\t133813\t(58813)\t75 000\t27 750\t47 250\n 免疫接种 1 202 (37) 1 165 40 1 125 \n国家间方案\t306596\t333546\t640142\t220396\t419746\n 因诺琴蒂研究中心 10 635 1 290 11 925 3 752 8 173 \n全球援助总额\t452761\t280541\t733292\t252473\t480819\n方案援助总额\t3 561531\t3 649217\t7 210748\t3 354911\t3 855837\n 支助预算 \n方案支助\t655975\t835\t656810\t300948\t355862\n管理和行政\t319025\t(835)\t318190\t139324\t178866\n 安全 40 200 4 873 45 073 23 380 21 693\n预算回收额 (187990)\t(187990)\t(187990)\t\n支助预算总额\t1 015200\t(183117)\t832083\t275662\t556421\n共计\t4 576731\t3 466100\t8 042831\t3 630573\t4 412258", "报表七.1 2010年12月31日终了年度经常资源的核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额表", "(千美元)", "截止2010年1月1日核定方案/批款未用余额\t新方案/批款和取消额\t方案/批款总额\t支出总额\t截止2010年12月31日核定方案/批款未用余额 \n 非洲 \n安哥拉\t27 825\t(291)\t27534\t8 293\t19 241\n贝宁\t19 398\t3 584\t22982\t6 386\t16 596\n 博茨瓦纳 3 826 (85) 3 741 786 2 955 \n布基纳法索\t17 679\t78 498\t96177\t19 129\t77 048\n布隆迪\t49 965\t(104)\t49861\t10 011\t39 850\n喀麦隆\t7 060\t12 281\t19341\t6 402\t12 939\n 佛得角 910 750 1 660 275 1 385 \n 中非共和国 4 822 4 619 9 441 5 664 3 777 \n乍得\t11 932\t13 031\t24963\t12 848\t12 115\n 科摩罗 2 637 (10) 2 627 1 069 1 558 \n 刚果 5 780 189 5 969 2 439 3 530 \n科特迪瓦\t23 631\t3 297\t26928\t9 573\t17 355\n刚果民主共和国\t84 086\t82 240\t166326\t57 670\t108656\n 赤道几内亚 2 435 (4) 2 431 469 1 962 \n 厄立特里亚 3 603 1 571 5 174 2 909 2 265 \n埃塞俄比亚\t44 632\t38 643\t83275\t42 737\t40 538\n 加蓬 1 137 403 1 540 703 837 \n 冈比亚 2 195 609 2 804 1 483 1 321 \n加纳\t9 870\t8 474\t18344\t9 664\t8 680\n几内亚\t8 570\t7 517\t16087\t7 217\t8 870\n 几内亚比绍 4 293 2 332 6 625 2 612 4 013 \n肯尼亚\t32 832\t86\t32918\t13 489\t19 429\n 莱索托 3 389 (51) 3 338 1 344 1 994 \n利比里亚\t9 801\t5 549\t15350\t5 182\t10 168\n马达加斯加\t13 454\t11 742\t25196\t12 804\t12 392\n马拉维\t13 195\t7 156\t20351\t9 847\t10 504\n马里\t36 124\t2 323\t38447\t13 216\t25 231\n 毛里塔尼亚 2 412 2 499 4 911 2 449 2 462 \n 毛里求斯 25 (25) \n莫桑比克\t328\t32 016\t32344\t15 830\t16 514\n 纳米比亚 1 051 1 499 2 550 803 1 747 \n尼日尔\t67 901\t2 417\t70318\t20 323\t49 995\n尼日利亚\t115681\t(8117)\t107564\t54 321\t53 243\n卢旺达\t24 694\t(322)\t24372\t11 548\t12 824\n 圣多美和普林西比 1 328 270 1 598 696 902 \n塞内加尔\t6 837\t6 555\t13392\t6 108\t7 284\n塞拉利昂\t9 766\t18 038\t27804\t10 190\t17 614\n索马里\t2 102\t51 630\t53732\t10 328\t43 404\n 南非 1 442 975 2 417 1 165 1 252 \n 斯威士兰 921 4 016 4 937 1 053 3 884 \n多哥\t9 399\t729\t10128\t3 534\t6 594\n乌干达\t107365\t(316)\t107049\t20 176\t86 873\n坦桑尼亚联合共和国\t23 749\t9 954\t33703\t20 983\t12 720\n赞比亚\t9 401\t42 603\t52004\t8 993\t43 011\n津巴布韦\t8 026\t3 643\t11669\t5 724\t5 945\n区域共计\t837509\t452413\t1 289922\t458445\t831477\n 美洲和加勒比 \n 阿根廷 3 388 (15) 3 373 774 2 599 \n 伯利兹 1 634 453 2 087 908 1 179 \n 多民族玻利维亚国 4 032 131 4 163 1 393 2 770 \n 巴西 2 041 174 2 215 958 1 257 \n 智利 250 1 528 1 778 824 954 \n 哥伦比亚 2 908 260 3 168 849 2 319 \n 哥斯达黎加 1 716 137 1 853 790 1 063 \n 古巴 1 855 106 1 961 851 1 110 \n 多米尼加共和国 1 551 249 1 800 850 950 \n 厄瓜多尔 3 858 175 4 033 731 3 302 \n 萨尔瓦多 1 427 206 1 633 770 863 \n 危地马拉 4 497 124 4 621 887 3 734 \n 圭亚那 998 609 1 607 788 819 \n 海地 5 758 682 6 440 2 324 4 116 \n 洪都拉斯 2 232 92 2 324 939 1 385 \n 牙买加 1 400 634 2 034 808 1 226 \n 墨西哥 1 978 150 2 128 903 1 225 \n 尼加拉瓜 2 868 (51) 2 817 815 2 002 \n 巴拿马 906 855 1 761 866 895 \n 巴拉圭 1 717 100 1 817 794 1 023 \n 秘鲁 1 478 578 2 056 1 151 905 \n 乌拉圭 263 4 572 4 835 800 4 035 \n委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国\t2 022\t488\t2 510\t1 184\t1 326\n 区域 7 116 214 7 330 4 061 3 269 \n区域共计\t57 893\t12 451\t70344\t26 018\t44 326\n 东亚及太平洋 \n柬埔寨\t7 951\t32 692\t40643\t7 688\t32 955\n中国\t15 586\t50 763\t66349\t10 998\t55 351\n朝鲜民主主义人民共和国\t559\t11 763\t12322\t2 670\t9 652\n印度尼西亚\t7 382\t27 803\t35185\t6 914\t28 271\n 老挝人民民主共和国 3 199 1 410 4 609 1 980 2 629 \n 马来西亚 829 3 731 4 560 579 3 981 \n 蒙古 2 042 750 2 792 1 181 1 611 \n缅甸\t18 562\t83 598\t102160\t18 363\t83 797\n太平洋岛屿国家\t17 234\t271\t17505\t6 080\t11 425\n 巴布亚新几内亚 4 553 169 4 722 1 559 3 163 \n 菲律宾 812 6 218 7 030 3 354 3 676 \n 泰国 2 802 (69) 2 733 1 111 1 622 \n 东帝汶 3 603 85 3 688 1 239 2 449 \n 越南 4 840 3 200 8 040 3 670 4 370 \n区域共计\t89 954\t222384\t312338\t67 386\t244952\n 南亚 \n阿富汗\t158744\t294\t159038\t39 339\t119699\n孟加拉国\t25 116\t19 981\t45097\t24 044\t21 053\n 不丹 2 582 325 2 907 1 014 1 893 \n印度\t84 895\t(4272)\t80623\t42 164\t38 459\n 马尔代夫 1 118 3 652 4 770 1 099 3 671 \n尼泊尔\t8 259\t14 081\t22340\t8 017\t14 323\n巴基斯坦\t20 078\t36 384\t56462\t17 195\t39 267\n 斯里兰卡 2 519 403 2 922 737 2 185 \n区域共计\t303311\t70 848\t374159\t133609\t240550\n 中东和北非 \n 阿尔及利亚 2 625 159 2 784 925 1 859 \n 吉布提 2 495 148 2 643 914 1 729 \n 埃及 5 609 1 650 7 259 3 837 3 422 \n 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 385 3 049 3 434 1 394 2 040 \n伊拉克\t3 087\t8 040\t11127\t2 952\t8 175\n 约旦 2 086 68 2 154 792 1 362 \n 黎巴嫩 3 781 67 3 848 750 3 098 \n 摩洛哥 2 739 134 2 873 1 070 1 803 \n 阿曼 1 100 101 101 \n巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女\t36\t16 287\t16323\t4 269\t12 054\n苏丹\t22 522\t12 175\t34697\t14 030\t20 667\n 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2 431 (28) 2 403 818 1 585 \n 突尼斯 1 364 445 1 809 764 1 045 \n也门\t7 528\t7 304\t14832\t7 156\t7 676\n 区域 44 130 174 11 163 \n区域共计\t56 733\t49 728\t106461\t39 682\t66 779\n 中东欧和独立国家联合体 \n 阿尔巴尼亚 751 749 1 500 747 753 \n 亚美尼亚 4 662 100 4 762 791 3 971 \n 阿塞拜疆 366 5 451 5 817 1 232 4 585 \n 白俄罗斯 927 3 602 4 529 856 3 673 \n 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 3 943 331 4 274 800 3 474 \n 保加利亚 2 274 150 2 424 737 1 687 \n 克罗地亚 188 406 594 393 201 \n 格鲁吉亚 881 3 758 4 639 850 3 789 \n 哈萨克斯坦 5 605 462 6 067 1 249 4 818 \n 科索沃(塞尔维亚) 894 1 598 2 492 1 620 872 \n 吉尔吉斯斯坦 1 154 1 119 2 273 1 104 1 169 \n 黑山 1 502 160 1 662 738 924 \n 摩尔多瓦共和国 1 449 418 1 867 708 1 159 \n 罗马尼亚 2 425 200 2 625 562 2 063 \n 俄罗斯联邦 1 370 535 1 905 805 1 100 \n 塞尔维亚 872 3 142 4 014 915 3 099 \n塔吉克斯坦\t12 587\t196\t12783\t2 322\t10 461\n前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t4 506\t500\t5 006\t736\t4 270\n 土耳其 1 275 4 458 5 733 971 4 762 \n 土库曼斯坦 5 268 300 5 568 861 4 707 \n 乌克兰 1 371 838 2 209 1 109 1 100 \n乌兹别克斯坦\t20 136\t485\t20621\t3 461\t17 160\n 区域 1 386 1 376 2 762 696 2 066 \n区域共计\t75 792\t30 334\t106126\t24 263\t81 863", "截止2010年1月1日核定方案/批款未用余额\t新方案/批款和取消额\t方案/批款总额\t支出总额\t截止2010年12月31日核定方案/批款未用余额 \n 全球援助 \n紧急方案基金\t82 839\t(7839)\t75000\t27 750\t47 250\n 免疫接种 737 737 737 \n国家间方案\t30 360\t47 526\t77886\t19 220\t58 666\n全球援助总额\t113936\t39 687\t153623\t46 970\t106653\n方案援助总额\t1 535128\t877845\t2 412973\t796373\t1 616600\n 支助预算 \n方案支助\t655975\t835\t656810\t300948\t355862\n管理和行政\t319025\t(835)\t318190\t139324\t178866\n安全\t40 200\t4 873\t45073\t23 380\t21 693\n预算回收额 (187990)\t(187990)\t(187990)\t\n支助预算总额\t1 015200\t(183117)\t832083\t275662\t556421\n共计\t2 550328\t694728\t3 245056\t1 072035\t2 173021", "报表七.2 2010年12月31日终了年度其他资源(经常)的核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额表", "(千美元)", "截止2010年1月1日核定方案未用余额\t新方案和取消额\t方案总额\t支出总额\t截止2010年12月31日核定方案未用余额 \n 非洲 \n安哥拉\t25 943\t26 110\t52053\t32 651\t19 402\n贝宁\t9 287\t6 903\t16190\t6 974\t9 216\n 博茨瓦纳 1 298 2 090 3 388 2 087 1 301 \n布基纳法索\t7 082\t15 980\t23062\t15 308\t7 754\n布隆迪\t5 262\t5 759\t11021\t5 551\t5 470\n喀麦隆\t4 112\t6 775\t10887\t5 863\t5 024\n 佛得角 494 695 1 189 469 720 \n中非共和国\t3 764\t10 754\t14518\t6 925\t7 593\n乍得\t4 928\t15 639\t20567\t14 275\t6 292\n 科摩罗 575 3 191 3 766 1 913 1 853 \n刚果\t6 918\t7 933\t14851\t5 835\t9 016\n科特迪瓦\t12 066\t14 274\t26340\t12 904\t13 436\n刚果民主共和国\t30 197\t59 003\t89200\t44 327\t44 873\n 赤道几内亚 1 141 1 293 2 434 638 1 796 \n厄立特里亚\t6 482\t8 339\t14821\t8 972\t5 849\n埃塞俄比亚\t37 595\t51 541\t89136\t52 206\t36 930\n 加蓬 2 722 764 3 486 1 283 2 203 \n 冈比亚 2 524 1 764 4 288 2 449 1 839 \n加纳\t16 734\t25 809\t42543\t27 867\t14 676\n几内亚\t7 621\t32 575\t40196\t7 712\t32 484\n几内亚比绍\t5 699\t16 066\t21765\t7 433\t14 332\n肯尼亚\t21 218\t27 446\t48664\t29 516\t19 148\n莱索托\t16 311\t2 579\t18890\t8 805\t10 085\n利比里亚\t14 459\t18 494\t32953\t14 195\t18 758\n马达加斯加\t26 092\t39 431\t65523\t32 198\t33 325\n马拉维\t23 202\t36 317\t59519\t32 083\t27 436\n马里\t12 989\t9 847\t22836\t11 836\t11 000\n毛里塔尼亚\t5 943\t8 150\t14093\t5 568\t8 525\n莫桑比克\t24 826\t23 767\t48593\t26 414\t22 179\n 纳米比亚 4 938 3 250 8 188 3 952 4 236 \n尼日尔\t8 270\t14 585\t22855\t14 201\t8 654\n尼日利亚\t45 060\t60 875\t105935\t52 127\t53 808\n卢旺达\t13 199\t11 582\t24781\t18 788\t5 993\n 圣多美和普林西比 286 50 336 224 112 \n塞内加尔\t7 089\t7 417\t14506\t8 889\t5 617\n塞拉利昂\t29 658\t44 936\t74594\t37 468\t37 126\n索马里\t20 232\t41 097\t61329\t31 984\t29 345\n南非\t15 120\t10 432\t25552\t13 974\t11 578\n 斯威士兰 4 003 4 191 8 194 5 374 2 820 \n 多哥 6 589 2 999 9 588 5 463 4 125 \n乌干达\t14 258\t11 121\t25379\t13 788\t11 591\n坦桑尼亚联合共和国\t16 023\t11 261\t27284\t11 191\t16 093\n赞比亚\t13 138\t15 505\t28643\t16 793\t11 850\n津巴布韦\t40 448\t64 261\t104709\t80 451\t24 258\n区域\t7 393\t4 351\t11744\t6 172\t5 572\n区域共计\t583188\t787201\t1 370389\t745096\t625293\n 美洲和加勒比 \n阿根廷\t6 391\t9 875\t16266\t8 107\t8 159\n 伯利兹 952 155 1 107 412 695 \n多民族玻利维亚国\t7 333\t9 364\t16697\t8 920\t7 777\n巴西\t7 632\t20 563\t28195\t17 033\t11 162\n 智利 959 1 107 2 066 1 328 738 \n哥伦比亚\t9 154\t10 867\t20021\t10 677\t9 344\n 哥斯达黎加 1 140 1 256 2 396 1 026 1 370 \n 古巴 3 748 3 394 7 142 3 088 4 054 \n 多米尼加共和国 1 333 631 1 964 1 160 804 \n 厄瓜多尔 3 862 2 874 6 736 2 906 3 830 \n 萨尔瓦多 1 587 1 924 3 511 1 660 1 851 \n危地马拉\t10 010\t5 760\t15770\t7 314\t8 456\n 圭亚那 2 006 772 2 778 2 161 617 \n海地\t12 914\t4 592\t17506\t6 241\t11 265\n 洪都拉斯 4 496 1 470 5 966 4 315 1 651 \n 牙买加 2 839 705 3 544 1 429 2 115 \n 墨西哥 4 752 3 752 8 504 4 357 4 147 \n尼加拉瓜\t7 460\t6 006\t13466\t7 881\t5 585\n 巴拿马 551 928 1 479 791 688 \n 巴拉圭 723 1 098 1 821 913 908 \n秘鲁\t1 867\t21 032\t22899\t4 613\t18 286\n 乌拉圭 559 1 604 2 163 795 1 368 \n委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国\t2 326\t1 518\t3 844\t1 269\t2 575\n 区域 3 557 2 022 5 579 2 193 3 386 \n区域共计\t98 151\t113269\t211420\t100589\t110831\n 东亚及太平洋 \n柬埔寨\t17 780\t7 138\t24918\t15 096\t9 822\n中国\t10 646\t12 301\t22947\t12 074\t10 873\n朝鲜民主主义人民共和国\t2 311\t19 758\t22069\t11 882\t10 187\n印度尼西亚\t29 324\t23 393\t52717\t26 753\t25 964\n老挝人民民主共和国\t8 832\t7 997\t16829\t9 704\t7 125\n 马来西亚 1 593 3 383 4 976 2 367 2 609 \n 蒙古 1 898 3 614 5 512 2 017 3 495 \n缅甸\t11 331\t10 028\t21359\t15 438\t5 921\n太平洋岛屿国家\t9 785\t3 720\t13505\t7 541\t5 964\n巴布亚新几内亚\t6 501\t5 384\t11885\t4 968\t6 917\n菲律宾\t12 887\t9 420\t22307\t11 526\t10 781\n泰国\t4 501\t10 011\t14512\t7 512\t7 000\n东帝汶\t9 383\t9 577\t18960\t8 602\t10 358\n越南\t14 703\t7 869\t22572\t15 950\t6 622\n 区域 994 994 987 7 \n区域共计\t142469\t133593\t276062\t152417\t123645\n 南亚 \n阿富汗\t31 627\t60 654\t92281\t54 755\t37 526\n孟加拉国\t75 237\t33 767\t109004\t45 564\t63 440\n 不丹 2 939 4 354 7 293 3 497 3 796 \n印度\t99 834\t60 999\t160833\t94 836\t65 997\n 马尔代夫 1 048 670 1 718 912 806 \n尼泊尔\t9 666\t19 348\t29014\t15 347\t13 667\n巴基斯坦\t48 703\t46 814\t95517\t43 232\t52 285\n斯里兰卡\t21 592\t8 492\t30084\t10 858\t19 226\n 区域 32 32 32 \n区域共计\t290678\t235098\t525776\t269001\t256775\n 中东和北非 \n 阿尔及利亚 1 333 227 1 560 111 1 449 \n 吉布提 2 088 2 034 4 122 3 173 949 \n 埃及 3 963 2 947 6 910 2 982 3 928 \n 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 4 423 144 4 567 1 501 3 066 \n伊拉克\t38 848\t44 639\t83487\t25 744\t57 743\n 约旦 1 821 1 415 3 236 1 361 1 875 \n 黎巴嫩 3 493 994 4 487 2 034 2 453 \n 摩洛哥 2 843 3 810 6 653 3 064 3 589 \n 阿曼 975 1 202 2 177 995 1 182 \n巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女\t6 085\t6 014\t12099\t7 405\t4 694\n苏丹\t46 204\t79 688\t125892\t72 452\t53 440\n 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 712 80 792 465 327 \n 突尼斯 485 478 963 383 580 \n也门\t7 631\t8 853\t16484\t4 658\t11 826\n 区域 1 826 1 349 3 175 1 506 1 669 \n区域共计\t122730\t153874\t276604\t127834\t148770\n 中东欧和独立国家联合体 \n 阿尔巴尼亚 3 613 3 946 7 559 5 101 2 458 \n 亚美尼亚 499 515 1 014 235 779 \n 阿塞拜疆 1 035 1 414 2 449 616 1 833 \n 白俄罗斯 916 229 1 145 707 438 \n波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\t7 022\t3 266\t10288\t5 093\t5 195\n 保加利亚 960 1 913 2 873 1 484 1 389 \n 克罗地亚 1 379 1 183 2 562 818 1 744 \n格鲁吉亚\t6 129\t10 478\t16607\t5 117\t11 490\n 哈萨克斯坦 2 165 1 218 3 383 791 2 592 \n 科索沃(塞尔维亚) 3 163 4 213 7 376 2 548 4 828 \n 吉尔吉斯斯坦 926 5 046 5 972 2 606 3 366 \n 黑山 350 2 134 2 484 808 1 676 \n 摩尔多瓦共和国 3 357 1 938 5 295 2 022 3 273 \n 罗马尼亚 1 132 2 253 3 385 1 289 2 096 \n俄罗斯联邦\t5 939\t5 486\t11425\t7 448\t3 977\n 塞尔维亚 4 513 3 839 8 352 2 840 5 512 \n 塔吉克斯坦 3 279 2 778 6 057 3 126 2 931 \n前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t2 725\t2 183\t4 908\t1 971\t2 937\n土耳其\t6 049\t13 577\t19626\t6 710\t12 916\n 土库曼斯坦 134 356 490 444 46 \n 乌克兰 4 037 1 216 5 253 2 918 2 335 \n 乌兹别克斯坦 2 353 1 614 3 967 2 972 995 \n 区域 2 214 1 092 3 306 1 564 1 742 \n区域共计\t63 889\t71 887\t135776\t59 228\t76 548\n 全球援助 \n 禽流感 505 4 555 5 060 535 4 525 \n紧急方案基金\t7 666\t(7666) \n 免疫接种 465 (37) 428 40 388 \n国家间方案\t280207\t237915\t518122\t195547\t322575\n因诺琴蒂研究中心\t10 635\t1 290\t11925\t3 752\t8 173\n全球援助总额\t299478\t236057\t535535\t199874\t335661\n方案援助总额\t1 600583\t1 730979\t3 331562\t1 654039\t1 677523", "报表七.3 2010年12月31日终了年度其他资源(应急)的核定方案和批款、支出及未用余额", "(千美元)", "截止2010年1月1日核定方案未用余额\t新方案和取消额\t方案总额\t支出总额\t截止2010年12月31日核定方案未用余额 \n 非洲 \n 安哥拉 348 (42) 306 226 80 \n 贝宁 43 1 171 1 214 925 289 \n 布基纳法索 2 885 1 123 4 008 3 691 317 \n 布隆迪 749 1 820 2 569 2 726 (157) \n 喀麦隆 9 367 376 370 6 \n 佛得角 127 127 127 \n 中非共和国 2 121 6 625 8 746 6 198 2 548 \n乍得\t5 024\t19 870\t24894\t21 052\t3 842\n 科摩罗 1 1 1 \n 刚果 1 524 2 704 4 228 1 018 3 210 \n 科特迪瓦 776 (74) 702 588 114 \n刚果民主共和国\t12 145\t64 055\t76200\t59 318\t16 882\n厄立特里亚\t2 823\t7 193\t10016\t9 395\t621\n埃塞俄比亚\t23 072\t23 602\t46674\t39 695\t6 979\n 冈比亚 4 77 81 57 24 \n 加纳 24 184 208 163 45 \n 几内亚 913 714 1 627 1 153 474 \n 几内亚比绍 45 (30) 15 110 (95) \n肯尼亚\t13 217\t19 620\t32837\t22 743\t10 094\n 莱索托 98 (48) 50 49 1 \n 利比里亚 4 435 1 114 5 549 4 615 934 \n 马达加斯加 1 697 647 2 344 1 985 359 \n 马拉维 89 323 412 367 45 \n马里\t10 696\t1 062\t11758\t6 742\t5 016\n 毛里塔尼亚 1 807 197 2 004 828 1 176 \n 莫桑比克 20 192 212 238 (26) \n 纳米比亚 540 (278) 262 209 53 \n尼日尔\t6 812\t30 104\t36916\t26 845\t10 071\n 尼日利亚 5 331 5 331 5 065 266 \n 卢旺达 (767) (767) (767) \n 圣多美和普林西比 7 7 7 \n 塞内加尔 921 479 1 400 350 1 050 \n 塞拉利昂 84 (23) 61 61 \n索马里\t19 039\t42 484\t61523\t39 023\t22 500\n 斯威士兰 (5) (5) (5) \n 多哥 83 470 553 683 (130) \n乌干达\t8 263\t5 546\t13809\t11 075\t2 734\n 坦桑尼亚联合共和国 (195) (34) (229) (16) (213) \n 赞比亚 235 (16) 219 303 (84) \n津巴布韦\t39 087\t36 382\t75469\t52 946\t22 523\n区域\t6 481\t3 589\t10070\t4 198\t5 872\n区域共计\t165277\t276500\t441777\t325060\t116717\n 美洲和加勒比 \n 巴巴多斯 212 212 212 \n 多民族玻利维亚国 6 1 051 1 057 473 584 \n 智利 3 474 3 474 2 908 566 \n 哥伦比亚 134 1 353 1 487 1 026 461 \n 哥斯达黎加 (2) (2) (2) \n 古巴 552 15 567 540 27 \n 多米尼加共和国 169 8 381 8 550 6 215 2 335 \n 萨尔瓦多 80 527 607 904 (297) \n 危地马拉 (62) 1 665 1 603 1 270 333 \n海地\t650\t311934\t312584\t157926\t154658\n 洪都拉斯 262 262 304 (42) \n 牙买加 (1) (1) (1) \n 墨西哥 27 (1) 26 27 (1) \n 尼加拉瓜 286 52 338 277 61 \n 秘鲁 (67) (2) (69) (75) 6 \n委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国\t4 4 4\n 区域 1 196 830 2 026 1 183 843 \n区域共计\t3 446\t329279\t332725\t172978\t159747\n 东亚及太平洋 \n 柬埔寨 (2) (2) (2) \n中国\t12 145\t8 443\t20588\t13 452\t7 136\n朝鲜民主主义人民共和国\t7 272\t2 276\t9 548\t8 191\t1 357\n印度尼西亚\t19 841\t1 474\t21315\t20 177\t1 138\n 老挝人民民主共和国 1 274 134 1 408 1 235 173 \n 马来西亚 (14) (14) (14) \n 蒙古 2 167 2 167 1 886 281 \n缅甸\t4 910\t5 107\t10017\t8 728\t1 289\n 太平洋岛屿国家 452 127 579 320 259 \n 巴布亚新几内亚 351 (7) 344 346 (2) \n菲律宾\t4 504\t6 689\t11193\t7 108\t4 085\n 泰国 (67) (67) (67) \n 东帝汶 197 (6) 191 153 38 \n区域\t938\t27 356\t28294\t1 146\t27 148\n区域共计\t51 801\t53 760\t105561\t62 742\t42 819\n 南亚 \n阿富汗\t27 927\t11 446\t39373\t21 894\t17 479\n 孟加拉国 296 668 964 698 266 \n 不丹 99 42 141 116 25 \n 印度 1 220 (136) 1 084 440 644 \n 马尔代夫 (257) (257) (257) \n 尼泊尔 1 134 1 475 2 609 2 259 350 \n巴基斯坦\t38 323\t208536\t246859\t131585\t115274\n斯里兰卡\t21 855\t10 498\t32353\t25 449\t6 904\n 区域 (25) (25) 176 (201) \n区域共计\t90 572\t232529\t323101\t182617\t140484\n 中东和北非 \n 阿尔及利亚 256 131 387 212 175 \n 吉布提 1 357 2 813 4 170 2 859 1 311 \n 埃及 183 183 183 \n 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 (410) 635 225 225 \n伊拉克\t13 657\t8 200\t21857\t19 614\t2 243\n约旦\t8 086\t2 314\t10400\t5 485\t4 915\n 黎巴嫩 536 (61) 475 118 357 \n 摩洛哥 (1) (1) (1) \n巴勒斯坦儿童和妇女\t7 518\t9 947\t17465\t14 561\t2 904\n苏丹\t20 747\t91 253\t112000\t84 127\t27 873\n阿拉伯叙利亚共和国\t12 839\t7 005\t19844\t10 101\t9 743\n也门\t2 633\t11 004\t13637\t8 689\t4 948\n区域\t5 934\t(2695)\t3 239\t679\t2 560\n区域共计\t73 335\t130546\t203881\t146628\t57 253\n 中东欧和独立国家联合体 \n 阿尔巴尼亚 52 (52) \n 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 530 (2) 528 528 \n 克罗地亚 219 219 219 \n 格鲁吉亚 1 317 (22) 1 295 1 143 152 \n 哈萨克斯坦 (6) (6) (6) \n科索沃(塞尔维亚)\t(1596)\t1 363\t(233) (233)\n 吉尔吉斯斯坦 1 8 517 8 518 4 371 4 147 \n 摩尔多瓦共和国 192 192 156 36 \n 罗马尼亚 152 349 501 309 192 \n俄罗斯联邦\t(2692)\t2 816\t124\t117\t7\n塞尔维亚\t849\t(1363)\t(514) (514)\n 塔吉克斯坦 434 243 677 666 11 \n前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国\t3\t(1)\t2 2\n 土耳其 (52) (52) (52) \n 乌兹别克斯坦 1 1 142 1 143 1 024 119 \n 区域 2 834 (194) 2 640 1 059 1 581 \n区域共计\t2 052\t12 982\t15034\t8 845\t6 189\n 全球援助 \n紧急方案基金\t43 308\t(43308) \n国家间方案\t(3971)\t48 105\t44134\t5 629\t38 505\n全球援助总额\t39 337\t4 797\t44134\t5 629\t38 505\n方案援助总额\t425820\t1 040393\t1 466213\t904499\t561714", "附表1 2010年12月31日终了年度收到或认捐的捐款", "(千美元)", "经常资源 其他资源(经常) 其他资源(应急)\n 捐助者 政府和政府间机构 非政府 转入支助 小计 政府和政府间机构 非政府 小计 政府和政府间机构 非政府 小计 共计 来源 预算 来源 来源", "国家", "阿尔及利亚 24 24 24", "安道尔 24 24 127 1 372 1 499 139 139 1 662", "安哥拉 1 761 950 2 711 4 4 2 715", "阿根廷 4 4 9 639 9 639 1 106 1 106 10 749", "亚美尼亚 4 4 10 10 14", "澳大利亚 24 660 24 660 53 473 4 708 58 181 42 603 7 570 50 173 133 014", "奥地利 2 029 2 029 1 201 969 2 170 1 692 1 532 3 224 7 423", "巴哈马 13 13 13", "孟加拉国 34 34 34", "巴巴多斯 4 4 190 190 194", "比利时 25 128 25 128 865 7 793 8 658 9 192 13 928 23 120 56 906", "伯利兹 109 109 6 6 115", "贝宁 32 32 32", "不丹 15 15 2 2 17", "多民族玻利维亚国 124 124 464 100 564 5 5 693", "波斯尼亚和 67 67 67 黑塞哥维那", "博茨瓦纳 8 8 8", "巴西 3 286 12 147 15 433 1 400 299 1 699 17 132", "保加利亚 10 10 109 594 703 173 948 1 121 1 834", "布基纳法索 6 6 6", "喀麦隆 51 51 51", "加拿大 17 408 17 408 89 934 3 988 93 922 27 268 16 079 43 347 154 677", "智利 70 70 166 662 828 300 300 1 198", "中国 1 217 1 217 2 983 2 983 500 662 1 162 5 362", "哥伦比亚 50 3 420 3 470 356 356 3 826", "科摩罗 1 295 1 295 6 6 1 301", "刚果 19 19 5 5 24", "哥斯达黎加 16 (16) 48 48 42 42 90", "科特迪瓦 6 800 208 7 008 3 3 7 011", "克罗地亚 25 25 1 259 1 259 718 718 2 002", "古巴 10 10 7 7 17", "捷克共和国 1 389 1 389 269 328 597 1 986", "刚果民主共和国 2 420 2 420 2 420", "丹麦 28 069 28 069 10 063 4 596 14 659 11 601 7 649 19 250 61 978", "多米尼加共和国 30 30 294 294 324", "厄瓜多尔 877 877 47 47 924", "埃及 69 69 560 218 778 19 19 866", "赤道几内亚 1 106 1 106 1 106", "爱沙尼亚 52 52 51 33 84 49 29 78 214", "埃塞俄比亚 340 340 340", "芬兰 21 592 21 592 10 417 3 681 14 098 7 597 2 646 10 243 45 933", "法国 9 447 9 447 399 13 648 14 047 4 883 20 022 24 905 48 399", "加蓬 100 388 488 488", "德国 8 242 8 242 6 986 28 198 35 184 758 26 512 27 270 70 696", "希腊 275 275 1 472 1 472 244 3 785 4 029 5 776", "几内亚 100 100 100", "圭亚那 11 11 148 148 159", "洪都拉斯 26 26 5 5 31", "中国香港 4 786 4 786 7 560 7 560 12 346", "匈牙利 124 124 318 318 405 405 847", "冰岛 340 340 750 701 1 451 126 126 1 917", "印度 815 815 1 642 3 446 5 088 208 208 6 111", "印度尼西亚 3 628 3 628 591 591 4 219", "伊朗伊斯兰共和国 37 37 21 21 58", "爱尔兰 9 864 9 864 3 228 581 3 809 1 428 5 679 7 107 20 780", "以色列 120 120 344 344 13 13 477", "意大利 4 202 4 202 441 36 271 36 712 11 052 12 100 23 152 64 066", "日本 15 184 15 184 98 322 18 636 116 61 540 26 736 88 276 220 958 418", "约旦 34 34 34", "哈萨克斯坦 50 50 16 16 2 2 68", "肯尼亚 153 153 2 2 155", "科威特 200 200 325 325 525", "老挝人民民主共和国 5 5 3 3 8", "黎巴嫩 5 5 1 1 6", "莱索托 2 2 2", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国 73 73 73", "列支敦士登 46 46 154 154 145 145 345", "立陶宛 253 253 253", "卢森堡 3 711 3 711 4 609 639 5 248 1 160 648 1 808 10 767", "马达加斯加 3 3 151 151 154", "马来西亚 84 84 500 2 973 3 473 608 608 4 165", "马里 2 2 2", "马绍尔群岛 1 1 1", "毛里塔尼亚 4 4 1 1 5", "墨西哥 214 214 2 507 2 507 1 191 1 191 3 912", "摩纳哥 11 11 140 140 151", "蒙古 11 11 149 149 160", "摩洛哥 79 79 1 550 1 550 1 629", "缅甸 3 (2) 1 1", "尼泊尔 55 55 55", "荷兰 42 735 42 735 91 933 16 837 108 24 090 24 740 48 830 200 770 335", "新西兰 4 320 4 320 3 387 1 052 4 439 1 428 850 2 278 11 037", "尼加拉瓜 6 6 6", "尼日利亚 67 67 109 109 176", "挪威 70 245 70 245 112 659 7 810 120 22 063 4 750 26 813 217 469 527", "巴勒斯坦被占领土 250 250 250", "阿曼 999 203 1 202 17 17 1 219", "巴基斯坦 101 (65) 36 1 023 1 023 808 808 1 867", "巴拿马 27 27 450 52 502 27 27 556", "秘鲁 708 708 72 72 780", "菲律宾 54 (54) 2 189 2 189 22 22 2 211", "波兰 1 011 1 011 1 150 1 150 2 161", "葡萄牙 300 300 600 419 1 019 1 277 1 277 2 596", "大韩民国 3 000 3 000 1 000 5 897 6 897 2 200 5 009 7 209 17 106", "罗马尼亚 14 14 748 748 967 967 1 729", "俄罗斯联邦 1 000 1 000 1 215 1 215 3 000 90 3 090 5 305", "圣马力诺 21 21 73 73 94", "沙特阿拉伯 2 000 2 000 500 21 521 4 665 4 665 7 186", "塞内加尔 45 45 45", "塞尔维亚 157 157 30 30 187", "新加坡 50 50 30 30 80", "斯洛伐克共和国 14 14 423 423 145 145 582", "斯洛文尼亚 156 156 500 500 715 715 1 371", "南非 857 857 137 6 143 1 000", "西班牙 29 225 29 225 68 929 12 503 81 432 29 316 17 896 47 212 157 869", "斯里兰卡 16 16 16", "苏丹 227 227 227", "瑞典 61 428 61 428 40 108 19 929 60 037 24 816 5 467 30 283 151 748", "瑞士 20 661 20 661 3 385 18 677 22 062 508 3 865 4 373 47 096", "泰国 237 (62) 175 9 061 9 061 560 560 9 796", "多哥 2 2 2", "特立尼达和多巴哥 15 15 15", "突尼斯 30 30 49 49 79", "土耳其 150 150 1 284 1 284 469 469 1 903", "乌干达 1 1 1", "乌克兰 44 44 5 5 49", "阿拉伯联合酋长国 100 100 6 311 1 390 7 701 1 153 369 1 522 9 323", "大不列颠及北 32 594 32 594 172 993 26 988 199 52 548 27 047 79 595 312 爱尔兰联合王国 981 170", "坦桑尼亚联合共和国 9 9 9", "美利坚合众国 132 250 (18 656) 113 127 538 30 560 158 80 883 85 483 166 438 594 098 366 058", "乌拉圭 21 21 961 961 261 261 1 243", "委内瑞拉玻利 841 841 468 468 1 309 瓦尔共和国", "越南 3 3 7 7 10", "也门 1 1 1", "赞比亚 86 (86)", "国家小计 574 547 (18 941) 555 934 379 344 865 1 279 430 761 344 380 775 2 609 606 244 141 991", "经常资源 其他资源(经常) 其他资源(应急)\n 捐助者 政府和政府间机构 非政府 转入支助 小计 政府和政府间机构 非政府 小计 政府和政府间机构 非政府 小计 共计 来源 预算 来源 来源", "以往各期的收入调整数 796 242 1 038 (820) (193) (1 013) (389) 3 (386) (361)", "捐款退款 (1 122) (1 122) (2 243) (2 243) (3 365)", "国家共计 575 343 242 (18 941) 556 932 437 344 672 1 277 428 129 344 383 772 512 2 606 644 109 265", "政府间机构", "阿联方案 150 150 150", "非洲开发银行 200 200 200", "欧洲委员会 140 140 140 开发银行", "欧洲联盟委员会 57 470 57 470 88 220 88 220 145 690", "欧佩克基金 1 000 1 000 1 000", "太平洋共 363 363 363 同体秘书处", "政府间机构 59 033 59 033 88 510 88 510 147 543 小计", "以往各期的收入调整数 362 362 (41) (41) (341) (341) (20)", "捐款退款 (134) (134) (134)", "政府间机构 362 362 58 992 58 992 88 035 88 035 147 389 共计", "政府和政府间 575 705 242 (18 941) 557 991 429 344 672 1 336 516 164 344 383 860 547 2 753 机构共计 006 101 654", "非政府组织", "AIM-国际合作协会 141 141 141", "亚历山大·博多尼 30 30 30 基金会", "阿姆斯特丹国际 265 265 265 发展研究所", "大西洋慈善组织 750 750 750", "伯纳德·范里尔 109 109 109 基金会", "比尔及梅林达•盖茨基金会 52 572 52 572 52 572", "免疫联盟基金会 10 349 10 349 10 349", "全球改善营养联盟 281 281 281", "全球抗击艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金 35 827 35 827 35 827", "国际发展研究中心 48 48 48", "微营养素倡议 14 706 14 706 14 706", "纽约证交所基金会 7 7 7", "阿拉伯联合酋长国红新月会 610 610 610", "国际扶轮社 30 180 30 180 250 250 30 430", "英国拯救儿童 13 13 13 基金会", "黑柳彻子 237 237 949 949 1 186", "联合国妇女协会 5 5 5", "联合国基金会 17 162 17 162 17 162", "荷兰战争儿童组织 13 13 13", "其他 79 79 38 38 117", "非政府组织 316 316 162 446 162 446 1 859 1 859 164 621 小计", "以往各期的收入调整数 8 8 (54) (54) (6) (6) (52)", "捐款退款 (210) (210) (210)", "非政府组织 324 324 162 182 162 182 1 853 1 853 164 359 共计", "政府、政府间和 575 705 566 (18 941) 557 991 429 506 854 1 498 516 164 346 236 862 400 2 918 非政府机构共计 330 283 013", "组织间安排", "联合国粮食及农业组织 396 396 396", "联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署(艾滋病署) 20 974 20 974 20 974", "联合国日内瓦办事处 184 184 184", "联合国维持和平行动部(维和部) 389 389 389", "联合国人的安全信托基金 2 981 2 981 2 981", "联合国秘书处 64 64 64", "联合国发展集团(发展集团) 7 898 7 898 7 898", "联合国开发计划署(开发署) 98 945 98 945 60 856 60 856 159 801", "联合国人口基金(人口基金) 6 810 6 810 6 810", "联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金) 30 30 30", "联合国人道主义事务协调厅( 人道协调厅) 40 40 101 682 101 682 101 722", "联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办) 28 28 28", "联合国联合方案 7 038 7 038 7 038", "世界卫生组织(世卫组织) 2 844 2 844 2 844", "世界银行 47 843 47 843 47 843", "世界粮食计划署(粮食署) 338 338 214 214 552", "组织间安排   196 229 196 229 163 325 163 325 359 554 小计", "以往各期的收入调整数 16 16 16", "捐款退款   (483) (483)   (2 845) (2 845) (3 328)", "组织间安排 195 762 195 762 160 480 160 480 356 242 共计", "共计 575 705 566 (18 941) 557 991 429 702 617 1 694 516 164 506 716 1 022 3 274 330 046 880 255", "摘要 经常资源 其他资源(经常) 其他资源(应急) 共计", "政府 556 402 932 437 428 129 1 916 968", "政府间机构 362 58 992 88 035 147 389", "国家委员会和私营部门筹资 242 344 672 344 383 689 297", "非政府组织 324 162 182 1 853 164 359", "组织间安排 195 762 160 480 356 242", "共计 557 330 1 694 046 1 022 880 3 274 255", "现金捐助 3 258 669", "实物捐助 15 586", "捐款共计 3 274 255", "财务报表附注", "附注1", "联合国儿童基金会的目标与活动的说明", "1. 儿童基金会奉联合国大会之命倡导保护儿童权利,帮助满足儿童的基本需要,扩大儿童充分发挥潜力的机会。本组织调动政治意愿和物质资源以帮助各国确保“儿童至上”,建设各国制订适当政策和为儿童及其家庭提供服务的能力。", "附注2", "重大会计政策摘要", "联合国儿童基金会", "会计惯例", "2. 财务报表根据《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》及联合国系统的会计准则编制。", "3. 以联合国系统内各机构账目列报方式统一为目标,报表一至四根据联合国系统行政首长协调理事会商定的格式列报。", "会计期", "4. 根据《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》,账户以两年为基础进行维护。", "记账单位", "5. 账务核算单位是美元。其他货币的美元折合是根据联合国业务汇率确定的。", "货币的折算", "6. 以非美元货币表示的资产和债务,为了会计起见,按现行联合国业务汇率重新估值。因为业务汇率波动而导致的任何差额都入账记为收入或损失,并在收支表中列明。根据儿童基金会执行局第1990/28号决定,支付以非美元货币认捐的捐款所致差额,应记入这些捐款。", "收入", "7. 收入分为经常资源、其他资源(经常)以及其他资源(应急)。经常资源包括政府、政府间机构及非政府组织每年自愿捐助的资金,通过儿基会私人筹资和伙伴关系司获得的收入,公众捐助的非专用资金及其他收入。其他资源(经常)是各国政府、政府间组织、非政府组织及联合国系统捐给儿童基金会的专用资金,用于在儿童基金会执行局核定的方案内实现具体目的。其他资源(应急)包括大家捐助用于应急作业的资源。", "8. 收入根据当年收到的资金和认捐款加以记录。未来用于捐助者明确指定目标的进款,则视为递延收益,并记录为“提前收到的捐款”。", "9. 从国家委员会和外地办事处收到的其他资源(经常和应急)捐助收入按现金记账。国家委员会和外地办事处所筹得的经常资源净收款按应计会计制记账。", "10. 收支表不包含信托基金收到的资金和由信托基金支出的付款。", "11. 儿童基金会收到的其他所有收入都记为经常资源。", "12. 实物捐助由管理层估值,并反映儿童基金会通常要为类似项目支付的费用。", "13. 受援交付通过儿童基金会的行政机构处理,但不列入儿童基金会的财务账目。", "支出", "14. 儿童基金会的所有支出都根据按应计会计制列账,某些与工作人员应享权利有关的支出例外,它们只根据现金支付列账。", "现金", "15. 所有进款起初都存入儿童基金会的银行账户,都被反映为现金存量。", "备抵无法收取的应收捐款", "16. 根据外聘审计人的建议(A/51/5/Add.2,第二章,第37段和A/63/5/Add.2,第二章,第31段),儿童基金会保持一笔准备金,备抵可能无法收取的应收捐款。", "库存", "17. 儿童基金会供应司仓库的方案供给库存,按平均成本列示。把货物运进仓库的所有相关费用均视为平均成本的一部分。正在运往仓库的货物按实际成本估价。", "资本资产", "18. 资本资产包括土地、办公大楼和工作人员住房,按它们的购置成本列示。", "未清债务", "19. 未清债务注销,如果预算账户有效,就记为支出减少;如果预算账户到期,就记为前期债务节余或注销。", "合并", "20. 财务报告和报表反映私人筹资和伙伴关系司的净营业收入、资产和负债。儿童基金会与该司之间的交易,在合并时忽略不计。", "离职后医疗保险和服务终了负债", "21. 用于离职后医疗保险、年假和离职回国补助金的负债在财务报表附注中披露。儿童基金会聘用一名独立、合格的精算师,对这些服务终了福利应计负债进行精算估值。", "非消耗性财产", "22. 家具、设备和其他非消耗性财产,不列入本组织资产。购置物品的费用计作购置年度预算账户的支出。", "私人筹资和伙伴关系司", "会计惯例", "23. 私人筹资和伙伴关系司的账户按照《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》及《贺卡业务特别附则》进行管理。", "记账单位", "24. 账务核算单位是美元。其他货币的美元折合是根据交易日期的联合国业务汇率确定的。", "货币的折算", "25. 以非美元货币表示的资产和债务,为了会计起见,按现行联合国汇率重新估值。因为这些汇率波动而导致的任何差额都入账记为收入或损失,并在私人筹资和伙伴关系司收支表中列于汇率调整项下。", "收入", "26. 贺卡和礼品销售收入总额,以当地货币记录,根据年终从销售伙伴手中收到的临时销售额报告累计,并按12月31日的联合国业务汇率兑换成美元。应计额在来年收到销售额最终报告时予以调整。如果年终时没有接到销售伙伴的临时销售额报告,收入总额应按当年发交该销售伙伴的货物累计,减去未售出货物的备抵金。", "27. 私人筹资活动的收入和相关费用,在私人筹资和伙伴关系司的账户中分开记录。各国家委员会和外地办事处从经常资源私人筹资活动筹得的收益净额,根据递交上来的临时报告加以记录,翌年收到最终报告时再予以调整。从其他资源私人筹资活动筹得的收益净额,在收到资金时予以记录。", "备抵可疑应收账款", "28. 根据私人筹资和伙伴关系司的会计政策,可设立一笔准备金,以备抵应收但可能收不上来的账款。这笔准备金在资产负债表中列示为应收账款的扣除额。", "库存", "29. 在制品和制成品库存按标准成本估价;原材料按移动平均成本估价。私人筹资和伙伴关系司的政策是,在第一个销售活动年年终把未售出贺卡和过时礼品的账面价值减记为零,在第二个销售活动年年终把其他所有礼品的账面价值减记为零。本销售活动年度制作而与未来销售活动年度有关的所有宣传和促销材料,都按标准成本列示,并包含在库存中。", "附注3", "转入支助预算", "30. 按照联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金和儿童基金会的统一预算方式,将收入款项转入支助预算的情况详见下表:", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "政政府支付当地费用的捐款 285 181", "所得税偿还 18 656 18 466", "共计 18 941 18 647", "附注4", "私人筹资和伙伴关系司", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "收入", "销售收入总额 101 276 119 561", "私人筹资 393 675 385 155", "其他收入 17 939 27 588", "共计 512 890 532 304", "支出总额 178 799 152 886", "净收入 334 091 379 418", "附注5", "杂项收入", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "剩余财产和过时财产销售收入 1 570 1 683", "采购服务所得代理佣金 5 599 7 564", "杂项-其他 8 744 6 900", "共计 15 913 16 147", "附注6", "净汇率调整和外汇收益", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "汇率调整 (19 936) (6 190)", "外汇损益 24 064 17 823", "共计 4 128 11 633", "附注7", "注销/前期调整数", "(千美元)", "经常资源 其他资源(经常) 其他资源(应急) 2010年 2009年 共计 共计", "无法收取的捐款 659 2 237 2 896 4 729", "库存和其他注销 1 780 1 780 4 090", "前期调整数 (20)", "共计 1 780 659 2 237 4 676 8 799", "附注8", "备抵无法收取的应收捐款", "31. 根据外聘审计人的建议,儿童基金会保持一笔准备金,备抵可能无法收取的应收捐款。本年度准备金定为980万美元,比2009年减少140万美元。", "附注9", "准备金", "(千美元)", "截止2010年1月1日的结余 进款 支出 截止2010年12月31日的结余", "采购服务准备金 2 000 2 000", "保险准备金 115 115", "资本资产准备金 27 286 49 27 335", "离职后医疗保险准备金 210 000 30 000 240 000", "离职基金准备金 27 971 24 625 13 901 38 695", "共计 267 372 54 674 13 901 308 145", "采购服务准备金", "32. 1993年,执行局核准设立采购服务准备金200万美元,以备应付未来可能出现的短缺。这笔准备金的资金,来自供应司对工作人员的每项采购请求收取的手续费及对各种手续费收取的相关费用的余额。2010年该准备金没有变动。", "33. 有关采购服务的收入与支出数额为:", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "进款 19 415 21 126", "减去:工作人员费用和相关费用 (13 816) (13 562)", "转入杂项收入 5 599 7 564", "保险准备金", "34. 1950年,执行局核准设立保险准备金200 000美元,以备应付未列入商业保险承保范围的儿童基金会方案用品和设备损失。这笔款额出自核定的运费拨款。1987年,又从经常资源中划拨100 000美元,添加到这笔准备金中,以自保财产损失。本准备金现有余额为115 000美元。2010年该准备金没有变动。", "资本资产准备金", "35. 1990年,执行局核准从经常资源划拨2 200万美元设立资本资产准备金,以便更好地控制未来的资本资产购置,主要是外地办公楼房和工作人员住房的购置。2010年12月31日终了年度的准备金数额增加,其来源为工作人员住房的租金收入。", "离职后医疗保险准备金", "36. 2003年,执行局核准设立资金到位的离职后医疗保险准备金,首期注资3 000万美元,从经常资源中划拨。该准备金以后逐年增加,截至2010年12月31日,节余达到2.4亿美元。目前,付给退休人员的款项在实际付款期的预算批款下列支。", "离职基金准备金", "37. 2006年,执行局核准设立离职基金,以支付离职和解雇债务,首期注资1 000万美元,从经常资源中划拨。该基金以缴款总额扣除付款后的净值逐年增加。在2010年12月31日终了的年度中,该准备金增加了1 070万美元。", "附注10", "现金和定期存款", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "定期存款 2 208 072 2 070 226", "现金(可兑换) 96 591 57 101", "现金(不可兑换) 14 582 11 164", "共计 2 319 245 2 138 491", "附注11", "投资", "38. 投资包括本组织为创造收入而购买的有价证券和其它流通票据。投资按成本加上或减去任何分摊的溢价或贴现列报。2010年和2009年,截至12月31日的固定收入证券投资分别共计7.14亿美元和8.39亿美元。", "39. 2010年和2009年,截至12月31日的投资市值分别为7.13亿美元和8.39亿美元。投资期间金融证券的市值可能上下波动,但不影响到期后应付给儿童基金会的证券价值。", "附注12", "应收捐款", "40. 截至2010年12月31日应收捐款账龄分析见下表:", "(千美元)", "2008年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2010年12月31日共计 2009年12月31日共计 以前", "应收捐款 846 8 651 32 917 291 167 333 581 329 723", "附注13", "其他应收款", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "来自:", "各国家委员会和其他私人筹资合伙人 406 979 388 947", "扣除:可疑应收账款备抵款 (15 955) (9 796)", "各国政府、联合国系统和其他方面——信托基金 8 671 9 480", "联合国系统 4 209 3 978", "各国政府 7 374 7 601", "工作人员 20 793 20 655", "应计利息 8 545 15 800", "杂项 5 135 4 989", "共计 445 751 441 654", "附注14", "库存", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "方案用品 46 022 33 708", "包装材料 350 326", "贺卡和礼品", "原材料 2 325 2 451", "在制品 6 40", "制成品 8 615 7 266", "共计 57 318 43 791", "附注15", "土地和建筑物", "(千美元)", "办公楼 工作人员住房 2010年 2009年 共计 共计", "1月1日期初余额 17 995 630 18 625 17 955", "加上:增置 264 264 670", "12月31日期末结余 18 259 630 18 889 18 625", "附注16", "预收捐款", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年 \n 各国政府和各政府间机构 18 258 4 334 \n 组织间安排 15 567 \n 共计 18 258 19 901", "41. 已收到未来数年的认捐款共计2.67亿美元。", "附注17", "未清债务", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "方案账户 229 140 226 772", "行政账户 19 634 37 606", "共计 248 774 264 378", "附注18", "应付账款", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "联合国系统 12 566 11 280", "用品、服务和运费 80 194 67 905", "杂项 2 185 6 856", "共计 94 945 86 041", "附注19", "信托基金", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "净余额 467 333 438 242", "应收账款 8 671 9 480", "总余额 476 004 447 722", "附注20", "医疗保险计划", "42. 该医疗保险计划是联合国、联合国开发计划署、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处及儿童基金会在指定工作地点办理的健康和牙科保险计划,受益者为当地征聘的现职和前任一般事务人员、本国专业干事及其符合条件的家属。保险费由工作人员和组织分担。期末结余为期初余额加保险费并减去支出。", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "期初余额 53 483 50 033", "加上:保险费 16 683 15 098", "扣除:支出 (11 492) (11 648)", "期末结余 58 674 53 483", "附注21", "离职后医疗保险和其他服务终了负债", "43. 根据2009年的精算估值,儿童基金会截至2009年12月31日的离职后医疗保险、年假和离职回国福利应计负债估计数如下:", "(千美元)", "2009年 2007年", "离职后医疗保险", "负债总额 732 335 613 961", "计划参与者的抵销额 (268 346) (131 248)", "共计 463 989 482 713", "年假 37 619", "离职回国 76 676", "共计 114 295", "44. 应计负债采用预计单位成本贷记法计算得出。这一方法牵涉到将一个工作人员收到的福利总额现值分配到该工作人员过去和未来预计服务期间,用于确定自该工作人员受雇之日起至估值之日的应计福利。", "45. 截至2007年12月31日经过精算估值的年假和离职回国福利负债暂缺。", "精算假设", "46. 精算师用于确定这些应计负债的两个关键假设是贴现率以及针对离职后医疗保险的保健成本增长率。", "47. 截至2009年12月31日的离职后医疗保险、年假和离职回国福利应计负债是以6.0%的贴现率为基准。贴现率上下变动1%,对应计负债的影响如下:", "(千美元)", "对应计负债的影响\n 贴现率变动情况 离职后医疗保险 年假 离职回国", "增1.0% (78 878) (2 257) (6 134)", "减1.0% 102 078 2 633 6 901", "48. 离职后医疗保险应计负债又以下列保健成本增长率,亦称保健趋势率为基准:", "年份 美国保健成本 美国以外保健 增长率 成本增长率", "2010 8.4% 8.4%", "2011-2027 8.1-4.5% 8.1-4.5%", "49. 保健成本趋势率上下变动1%,对应计负债的影响如下:", "(千美元)", "保健成本趋势率变动情况 对应计负债 \n 的影响 \n 增1.0% 97 224 \n 减1.0% (76 042)", "50. 截至2007年12月31日的离职后医疗保险、年假和离职回国福利应计负债是以5.5%的贴现率和下列保健成本增长率为基准:", "年份 美国保健成本 美国以外保健 增长率 成本增长率", "2008 9.5% 5.7%", "2009-2015 8.8-5.0% 5.4%-4.5%", "51. 另一个影响离职后医疗保险估值的因素是计划参与者的分担额。这一分担额在上表中称为“计划参与者的抵销额”,从负债总额中扣减后,确定儿童基金会的剩余负债。退休人员和在职工作人员参与同样的保健计划。他们的集体分担额将从依照大会核准的费用分摊比率提供保健的费用总额中扣减。进行截至2007年12月31日的精算估值时,只将退休人员的分担额列入抵销额。进行截至2009年12月31日的精算估值时,则采用了新的方法,将退休人员的分担额和在职工作人员的一部分分担额列入抵销额。", "52. 截至2009年12月31日的离职后医疗保险精算估值包括精算收益1.13亿美元,这是自上次估值以来精算师使用的主要假定出现变动的结果。", "普查数据", "53. 精算估值是以2009年12月31日前收集到的普查数据为基准。在财务报表完成后,即已取得截至2009年12月31日的普查数据。如果在精算估值中使用这些数据,儿童基金会的应计负债估计数可能会增加3%,即1 700万美元。", "其他", "54. 在2009年12月31日终了的两年期之前,披露的离职回国和年假负债均采用报告之日的费用现值,未作贴现或其他调整。在会计政策上改而采用精算方式来衡量负债并将旅行和装运费用列入离职回国负债,这一做法没有追溯适用,因为将其用于截至2007年12月31日的精算估值不切实际。如果继续使用以前的估值方法,披露的离职回国和年假负债将分别为4 030万美元和5 290万美元。", "55. 截至2010年12月31日的离职后医疗保险和离职准备金余额分别为2.4亿美元和3 900万美元。", "附注22", "联合国合办工作人员养恤基金", "56. 儿童基金会是联合国合办工作人员养恤基金的成员组织,大会设置养恤基金以提供退休金、死亡抚恤金、残疾津贴和有关福利。养恤基金是一个资金到位的福利确定型计划。儿童基金会对养恤基金的财务责任包括按大会所定比率缴付规定的款额,以及根据《养恤基金条例和细则》第26条分摊任何精算短缺款项。只有当大会在对估值之日基金精算充足情况作出评估的基础上,确定需要支付短缺款项之后援引第26条的规定之时,才应支付这一款项。", "57. 在本报告编写之时,大会还没有援引这条规定。", "附注23", "租赁", "58. 儿童基金会是联合国开发公司的承租人,按双方1984年8月13日租赁协议以及1994年1月11日和2009年9月29日相关修正案的规定,租用称为联合国广场三号的一栋楼。 除运营费用逐年递增外,年基本租金定为大约660万美元,租期至2026年。 如果满足持续和不间断租用该楼并将全球总部留在同一地址直至2026年的条件,儿童基金会可在租赁协议到期后以1美元费用获得联合国广场三号的所有权。截至2010年12月31日,儿童基金会根据这一租赁协议已支付1.015亿美元,2011至2026年还需承付租金1.017亿美元。", "附注24", "非消耗性财产", "(千美元)", "2010年 2009年", "非消耗性财产成本——儿童基金会 51 052 48 818", "非消耗性财产成本——由儿童基金会保管 116 694 107 017", "共计 167 746 155 835", "附注25", "流动资产", "59. 关于儿童基金会流动资产的规定建议,年终经常资源可兑换现金结余应不低于下一年度预计经常资源收入的10%。", "60. 2010年财务计划建议,经常资源可兑换现金结余应不低于1亿美元。", "61. 为符合这一规定,儿童基金会的现金存量和投资(不包括信托基金),估计将在经常资源和其他资源之间划分如下:", "(千美元)", "经常资源 其它资源", "定期存款、现金(可兑换)和投资 696 881 1 845 341", "现金(不可兑换) 14 582", "共计 711 463 1 845 341", "62. 就2010年而言,儿童基金会符合其内部关于流动资金的规定。" ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日,纽约", "2010年12月31日终了年度即2010-2011两年期第一年的中期财务报告和报表", "内容提要", "本文件是提交给执行局供参考的,其中载有儿童基金会2010年12月31日终了年度即2010-2011两年期第一年的财务报告。 该文件包括财务报告和10个报表,并附有附注和一份附表,概述了2010年交易的财务结果。 根据大会1995年12月23日第50/204号决议和联合国系统行政首长协调理事会所商定的格式,本文件的编写是为了统一联合国系统各机构的账目列报方式。 财务报表附注载有重要会计政策和其他资料的摘要。", "目录", "12月31日终了年度财务报告\n2010 二 (中文(简体) ). 12月31日终了年度财务报表\n2010年12月31日收入和支出及准备金和基金结余变动表\n2010年 报表6 资产、负债、准备金和基金结余\n2010年报表7 12月31日的现金流量\n四. 2010-2011年12月31日终了的两年期批款表\n2010年12月31日终了年度收入/收款、支出/支出和基金余额变动\n2010年报表10 12月31日核定方案和批款的供资情况\n2010年报表11 12月31日终了年度核定方案和批款、支出和经常资源、其他资源(经常)和其他资源(紧急)未用余额报表\n2010年12月31日终了年度经常资源15个核定方案和批款、支出和未用余额报表\n2010年12月31日终了年度其他资源(经常)20个核定方案、支出和未用余额报表\n报表七.3. 12月31日终了年度其他资源(紧急情况)25个已核准方案、支出和未用余额报表\n2010年 附表1:为12月31日\n2010年注解 36\n财务报表", "一. 2010年12月31日终了年度临时财务报告", "导言", "1. 联合国 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)随函提交其财务报告,并附上10个报表和1个附表。 报表一至四是按照联合国系统行政首长协调理事会商定的格式列报的,作为统一联合国系统各机构账户的一个步骤。 财务报告概述了儿基会2010年12月31日终了年度活动的财务结果。", "收入", "2. 2010年儿童基金会的收入为36.63亿美元。 收入包括经常资源9.46亿美元、其他资源(经常)16.94亿美元和其他资源(紧急)10.23亿美元。 儿童基金会按来源分列的收入包括:56%(20.64亿美元)来自各国政府和政府间机构;33%(12.10亿美元)来自筹款活动、贺卡和礼品销售、非政府组织和个人捐款;9%(3.34亿美元)来自组织间安排;2%(5 500万美元)来自杂项来源,包括利息收入和汇率调整净额以及外币交易收益。", "支出", "3个 儿童基金会2010年的支出为36.3亿美元,包括经常资源用于方案合作的9.7亿美元、其他资源(经常)用于方案合作的16.54亿美元、其他资源(紧急)用于方案合作的9.05亿美元、管理和行政的7 800万美元和安保的2 300万美元。", "支助交付", "4. 2010年,儿基会代表第三方处理了价值为2.96亿美元的支助交付。 这些交付没有反映在儿童基金会的财务账户中,尽管是通过该组织的行政结构处理的。", "信托基金", "5 (韩语). 2010年,信托基金收款为9.62亿美元,付款和债务为9.33亿美元。 信托基金不是儿童基金会收入的一部分。 这些资金是各国政府、联合国系统其他组织和非政府组织等各实体委托给儿童基金会的专用资源,主要用于支付采购用品的费用并代表这些实体提供服务。 这些经费还包括政府赞助人提供的资金,以支付初级专业人员方案的费用。", "现金持有和投资", "6. 国家 截至2010年12月31日,儿基会持有的现金和投资总额为30.33亿美元,其中包括信托基金4.76亿美元的未用余额。 约22.08亿美元为计息定期存款,7.14亿美元为投资,1.1亿美元为活期银行账户。 全球库存现金为100万美元。", "核定方案", "7. 联合国 2010年期间,执行局为国家合作方案以及区域和区域间项目核准了37.66亿美元。 这一总额包括9.92亿美元用于由经常资源供资的方案,17.32亿美元用于由其他资源(经常)供资的方案,10.42亿美元用于由其他资源(紧急)认捐供资的方案。", "联合国儿童基金会执行主任", "二. 2010年12月31日终了年度财务报表", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "[]", "财务报表附注", "说明1", "联合国儿童基金会目标和活动说明", "1. 联合国 联合国大会授权儿童基金会倡导保护儿童权利,帮助满足儿童的基本需要并增加儿童充分发挥潜力的机会。 本组织调动政治意愿和物质资源来帮助各国确保“儿童第一呼声”,并建设各国制定适当政策和为儿童及其家庭提供服务的能力。", "说明2", "重要会计政策摘要", "联合国儿童基金会", "会计惯例", "2. 联合国 财务报表是根据《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》和《联合国系统会计准则》编制的。", "3个 为了统一联合国系统各机构的账目列报方式,报表一至四按照联合国系统行政首长协调理事会商定的格式列报。", "财政期间", " 4.四. 根据《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》,账目每两年记一次。", "记账单位", "5 (韩语). 会计单位为美元. 其他货币的美元等值按联合国业务汇率确定。", "货币折算", "6. 国家 为会计目的,以非美元货币计的资产和负债按现行联合国业务汇率重新估值。 由于这些汇率波动而出现的任何差异均作为收入或损失入账,并列入收入和支出报表。 根据儿童基金会执行局第1990/28号决定,以美元以外的货币支付认捐款所产生的差额记入捐款。", "收入", "7. 联合国 收入包括经常资源、其他资源(经常)和其他资源(紧急)。 经常资源包括各国政府、政府间机构和非政府组织的年度自愿捐款、通过儿童基金会私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司收到的收入、公众捐助的非专用资金和其他收入。 其他资源(经常)是各国政府、政府间组织、非政府组织和联合国系统为儿童基金会执行局所核准的方案的具体目的向儿童基金会提供的经费。 其他资源(紧急)包括为紧急行动捐助的资源。", "8. 联合国 收入根据本年度收到的资金或认捐入账。 捐助者指定用途的未来年份收到的资金视为递延收入并记作“预收捐款”。", "9. 国家 从国家委员会和外地办事处收到的其他资源(经常和应急)捐款收入按收付实现制入账。 国家委员会和外地办事处为经常资源筹集的收益净额按权责发生制入账。", "10个 收入和支出报表不包括信托基金收到的资金和从信托基金支付的款项。", "11个 儿童基金会收到的所有其他收入都记作经常资源。", "12个 实物捐助由管理层估价,反映儿童基金会通常为类似项目支付的费用。", "13个 支助交付没有反映在儿童基金会的财务账目中,尽管这些交付是通过该组织的行政结构处理的。", "支出", "14个 儿童基金会的所有支出都按权责发生制记账,但与工作人员应享权利有关的某些支出除外,这些支出只按现金付款记账。", "现金", "15个 所有收到的资金最初都存入儿童基金会的银行账户,并列为库存现金。", "无法收现的应收捐款备抵", "16号. 根据外聘审计员的建议(A/51/5/Add.2,第二章,第37段和A/63/5/Add.2,第二章,第31段),儿童基金会为可能无法收取的应收捐款保留了备抵。", "库存", "17岁 儿童基金会供应司仓库的方案用品库存按平均费用开列。 与将货物运入仓库有关的所有费用均视为平均费用的一部分。 运往仓库的货物按实际成本估价。", "资本资产", "18岁。 资本资产由土地、办公楼和工作人员住房组成,按购置成本列报。", "未清债务", " 19. 19. 如果预算账户有效,未清债务的注销记作支出减少;如果预算账户已到期,记作上期债务节减额或注销额。", "合并", "20号. 财务报告和报表反映了私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的业务收入、资产和负债净额。 儿童基金会与私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司之间的交易在合并后取消。", "离职后健康保险和服务终了负债", "21岁 离职后健康保险、年假和离职回国福利方面的负债在财务报表附注中披露。 儿童基金会聘请一名独立、合格的精算师对这些服务终了福利的应计负债进行精算估值。", "非消耗性财产", "22号. 家具、设备和其他非消耗性财产不列为本组织的资产。 购置费记作购置年度预算账户的支出。", "私营部门筹资和伙伴关系", "会计惯例", "23. 联合国 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的账户按照《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》和贺卡业务特别补编管理。", "记账单位", "24 (韩语). 会计单位为美元. 其他货币的美元等值以交易日的联合国业务汇率为准。", "货币折算", "25岁 为会计目的,以美元以外的货币计值的资产和负债按现行联合国汇率计值。 汇率波动造成的任何估值差异均作为损益入账,并记入私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司收入和支出报表的汇率调整项下。", "收入", "26. 联合国 贺卡和礼品销售的毛收入以当地货币入账,并根据年终时从销售伙伴收到的临时销售报告进行应计。 按12月31日的联合国业务汇率折算成美元。 应计额在下一年收到最后销售报告后再作调整。 如果年终结账前未收到销售伙伴的临时销售报告,则当年向该销售伙伴交货时应计毛收益,减去未售出货物的备抵。", "27个 私营筹资活动的收入和有关费用分别记入私营筹资和伙伴关系司的账户。 儿童基金会各国家委员会和外地办事处从私营部门筹集经常资源活动获得的净收益是根据所提交的临时报告记录的。 然后,在收到最后报告后,在下一年对这些报告进行调整。 私营部门为其他资源筹资活动所筹集的收益净额在收到资金后入账。", "可疑应收账款备抵", "28岁 根据私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的会计政策,可以设立一笔备抵款,以支付被认为难以收取的应收账款。 这笔备抵作为应收帐款在资产负债表上扣除。", "库存", "29. 国家 正在加工的工程和成品的库存按标准成本估价,而原材料按移动平均成本估价。 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的政策是在第一个促销年度结束时将未售出贺卡和日期已到的礼品记为零,并在第二个促销年度结束时将所有其他礼品记为零。 本活动年度制作的所有宣传和宣传材料,但与未来活动年度有关,均按标准成本列示并列入库存。", "说明3", "转入支助预算", "30岁。 下表列出根据联合国开发计划署、联合国人口基金和儿童基金会预算统一情况从收入转入支助预算的情况:", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "B. 政府对当地费用的捐助 285 181", "所得税偿还 18 656 18 466", "共计 18 941 18 647", "说明4", "私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "收入", "销售总收入 101 276 119 561", "私人筹资 393 675 385 155", "其他收入 17 939 27 588", "共计 512 890 532 304", "支出总额 178 799 152 886", "净收入 334 091 379 418", "说明5", "杂项收入", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "出售剩余和陈旧财产所得收入", "采购事务代理佣金", "杂项——其他 8 744 6 900", "共计 15 913 16 147", "说明6", "汇率调整净额和外汇收益", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "汇率调整(19 936)(6 190)", "外汇损益 24 064 17 823", "共计 4 128 11 633", "说明7", "核销/前期调整数", "(单位:千美元)", "2010-2009年资源总额(经常)(紧急)", "无法收帐——659 2 237 2 896 4 729笔捐款", "库存和其他1 780起——1 780起 4 090起注销", "上期——————————(20)调整数", "共计 1 780 659 2 237 4 676 8 799", "说明8", "无法收现的应收捐款备抵", "31岁 根据外聘审计员的建议,儿童基金会为可能无法收取的应收捐款保留了备抵。 本年度经费为980万美元,比2009年减少140万美元。", "说明9", "准备金", "(单位:千美元)", "截至2010年12月31日的实收余额", "采购准备金", "保险准备金 115 - 115", "资本资产准备金 27 286 49 - 27 335", "离职后健康保险准备金", "离职基金准备金", "共计 267 372 54 674 13 901 308 145", "采购事务准备金", "32. 联合国 1993年,执行局核准设立200万美元的采购服务准备金,以弥补今后可能出现的短缺。 这笔准备金的资金来自向工作人员提出的每项采购请求收取的手续费盈余以及供应司从这项费用中收取的相关费用。 2010年准备金没有变动。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 与采购服务有关的收入和支出如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "收到的资金", "减:工作人员及有关费用(13 816美元)(13 562美元)", "转入杂项收入的款项", "保险准备金", "34. 国家 1950年,执行局核准设立200 000美元的保险准备金,以消化商业保险未涵盖的儿童基金会方案用品和设备的损失。 这一数额由核定的运费拨款提供。 1987年,从经常资源中增加了100 000美元,用于自保财产损失。 该储备金目前的余额为115 000美元。 2010年准备金没有变动。", "资本资产准备金", "35. 联合国 1990年,执行局核准从经常资源中设立一个2 200万美元的资本资产储备,以更好地控制今后购买资本资产,主要是外地办公楼和工作人员住房。 2010年12月31日终了年度准备金增加的原因是工作人员住房的租金收入。", "离职后健康保险准备金", "36. (中文(简体) ). 2003年,执行局核准为离职后健康保险设立注资准备金并初步从经常资源拨款3 000万美元。 此后每年增加准备金,截至2010年12月31日,余额为2.4亿美元。 目前,支付给退休人员的款项从实际支付期间的预算批款中支付。", "离职基金准备金", "37. 联合国 2006年,执行局核准设立一个离职基金,以支付离职和解雇负债,并从经常资源初步拨款1 000万美元。 该基金每年由捐款总额减去付款后的净额来建立。 2010年12月31日终了年度,准备金增加了1 070万美元。", "说明10", "现金和定期存款", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "定期存款 2 208 072 2 070 226", "现金(可兑换) 96 591 57 101", "现金(不可兑换)", "共计 2 319 245 2 138 491", "说明11", "投资", "38. 国家 投资包括本组织为创收而购买的有价证券和其他可转让票据。 投资按成本加上或减去任何摊余溢价或折价列报。 截至2010年12月31日和2009年12月31日,固定收益证券投资总额分别为7.14亿美元和8.39亿美元.", "39. 联合国 截至2010年12月31日和2009年12月31日,投资市值分别为7.13亿美元和8.39亿美元. 虽然金融工具的市场价值在投资期间可能起起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起伏起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起起", "说明12", "应收捐款", " 40. 40. 下表显示截至2010年12月31日应收捐款的账龄:", "(单位:千美元)", "截至2008年共计 2010年12月31日", "应收捐款 846 8 651 32 917 291 167 333 581 329 723", "说明13", "其他应收款", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "发讯人:", "国家委员会和其他私营筹资伙伴关系 406 979 388 947", "减:可疑账户备抵(15 955美元)(9 796美元)", "各国政府、联合国系统等——8 671 9 480个信托基金", "联合国系统 4 209 3 978", "政府 7 374 7 601", "工作人员 20 793 20 655", "应计利息 8 545 15 800", "杂项 5 135 4 989", "共计 445 751 441 654", "说明14", "库存", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "方案用品 46 022 33 708", "包装材料 350 326", "贺卡和礼品", "原材料 2 325 2 451", "进行中的工作 6 40", "成品 8 615 7 266", "共计 57 318 43 791", "说明15", "土地和建筑物", "(单位:千美元)", "办公室工作人员 2010年共计 2009年共计", "期初余额,1月1日", "加:增加264 - 264 670", "期末余额,31 18 259 630 18 889 18 625", "说明16", "预收捐款", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "各国政府和政府间机构", "组织间安排——15 567", "共计 18 258 19 901", "41. 国家 已为今后几年收到2.67亿美元的认捐。", "说明17", "未清债务", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "方案账户 229 140 226 772", "行政账户 19 634 37 606", "共计", "说明18", "应付款", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "联合国系统 12 566 11 280", "用品、服务和运费 80 194 67 905", "杂项 2 185 6 856", "共计 94 945 86 041", "说明19", "信托基金", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "净余额 467 333 438 242", "应收款项 8 671 9 480", "余额毛额 476 004 447 722", "说明20", "医疗保险计划", "42. 国家 医疗保险计划是联合国、联合国开发计划署、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处和儿童基金会在指定工作地点为当地征聘的现任和前任一般事务人员、本国专业干事及其合格家属执行的健康和牙科保险计划。 工作人员和本组织分担保险费。 期末余额为期初余额外加溢价减去支出。", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "期初余额 53 483 50 033", "附加: 高分 16 683 15 098", "减:支出(11 492美元)(11 648美元)", "期末余额 58 674 53 483", "说明21", "离职后健康保险和其他服务终了负债", "43. 东帝汶 根据2009年进行的精算估值,估计截至2009年12月31日儿童基金会在离职后健康保险、年假和离职回国福利方面的应计负债如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "2009 2007", "离职后健康保险", "负债毛额", "减除计划参与者(268 346) (131 248)", "共计 463 989 482 713", "年假 37 619 -", "遣返 76 676 -", "共计 114 295 -", "44. 国家 应计负债采用预计单位贷记法计算。 这种方法涉及将工作人员领取的全部养恤金的现值计入工作人员过去和预期未来服务期间,并利用这些现值确定从工作人员被雇用到估值日的应计养恤金。", "45. 国家 对于年假和离职回国,没有截至2007年12月31日的精算估值负债。", "精算假设", "46. 经常预算: 精算师用来确定这些应计负债的两个主要假设是贴现率和离职后健康保险的保健费用增加率。", "47. 国家 截至2009年12月31日,离职后健康保险、年假和离职回国福利的应计负债按6.0%的贴现率计算。 贴现率变动1%对应计负债的影响如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "对应计负债的影响\n年回国假", "增长1.0%(78 878起(2 257起)(6 134起)", "减少1.0% 102 078 2 633 6 901", " 48. 48. 离职后健康保险的应计负债还基于以下保健费用增加率,也称为保健趋势费率:", "美国境外医疗费用增长率", "2010 8.4% 6.0%", "2011-2027 8.1-4.5% 5.9%-4.5%", "49. (中文(简体) ). 保健费用趋势费率变动1%对应计负债的影响如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "对应计负债率的影响", "1.0%的增长 97 224", "下降1.0%(76 042)", " 50. 50. 截至2007年12月31日,离职后健康保险、年假和离职回国福利的应计负债是根据5.5%的贴现率和下列保健费用增加率计算的:", "美国境外医疗费用增长率", "2008 9.5% 5.7%", "2009-2015 8.8-5.0% 5.4%-4.5%", "51. 联合国 影响离职后健康保险估值的另一个因素是计划参与者的贡献。 上文确定为“计划参与人抵销”的这些捐款从负债毛额中扣除,以确定儿童基金会的剩余负债。 退休人员和在职工作人员参加同样的保健计划。 根据大会核定的费用分摊比率,它们的集体捐助被提供保健的总费用所抵消。 截至2007年12月31日的精算估值的依据是,确定只把退休人员的缴款列入抵销。 截至2009年12月31日的精算估值依据的是对退休人员缴款和在职工作人员缴款的一部分应计入抵销额的完善确定。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 截至2009年12月31日的离职后健康保险精算估值包括精算师自上次估值以来使用的主要假设的变化所产生的1.13亿美元的精算收益。", "人口普查数据", "53. 联合国 精算估值是根据2009年12月31日之前收集的人口普查数据进行的。 截至2009年12月31日的人口普查数据是在财务报表完成后提供的。 如果在精算估值中使用这些数据,儿童基金会应计负债估计数可能增加了3%,即1 700万美元。", "其它", "54. 联合国 在2009年12月31日终了两年期之前,披露的离职回国和年假负债是根据报告日的当期费用计算的,没有贴现或其他调整。 由于在2007年12月31日进行精算估值不切实际,会计政策改为以精算为基础计量负债,并将旅行和托运纳入离职回国,因此没有追溯适用。 如果采用前一种估值方法,则披露的离职回国负债为4 030万美元,年假负债为5 290万美元。", "55. 国家 截至2010年12月31日,离职后健康保险和离职基金准备金的余额分别为2.4亿美元和3 900万美元。", "说明22", "联合国合办工作人员养恤基金", "56. (中文(简体) ). 儿童基金会是参加联合国合办工作人员养恤基金的成员组织,大会设立养恤基金是为了提供退休金、死亡抚恤金、残疾津贴和有关福利。 养恤基金是确定福利的注资养恤金计划。 本组织对养恤基金的财政义务包括按大会订立的比率缴付规定的款额,以及根据《养恤基金条例和细则》第26条支付其为弥补任何精算短缺而应分摊的款额。 只有大会根据在估值之日对资金资金情况作出的精算评估,确定需要付款以弥补短缺并援引第26条规定时,才应支付这种款项。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 在编写本报告时,大会尚未援引这一规定。", "说明23", "租赁", "58. 联合国 根据双方1984年8月13日的租赁协议及其1994年1月11日和2009年9月29日的修正案的规定,儿童基金会是联合国开发公司的承租人,承租名为 \" 三所联合国广场 \" 的大楼。 基本租金,不包括业务费用上涨,固定为每年约660万美元,租赁期延长至2026年。 儿童基金会在租约期满时,如果符合连续和不间断地在大楼内停留和维持其世界性总部到2026年在同一地址的条件,则可获得联合国广场三号的所有权,以考虑1美元。 截至2010年12月31日,儿基会根据这项租赁协议支付了1.015亿美元,2011年至2026年期间还有1.017亿美元的租赁承付款。", "说明24", "非消耗性财产", "(单位:千美元)", "2010 2009", "非消耗性财产费用 儿童基金会 51 052 48 818", "非消耗性财产费用——由儿童基金会保管", "共计 167 746 155 835", "说明25", "流动性", "59. (中文(简体) ). 儿童基金会的流动资金要求建议经常资源可兑换现金的年终最低余额相当于下一年预计经常资源收入的10%。", "60. 联合国 2010年财务计划建议经常资源可兑换现金余额至少为一亿美元。", "61. 国家 为满足这一需要,儿童基金会的现金持有和投资,不包括信托基金,估计由经常资源和其他资源分摊如下:", "(单位:千美元)", "经常 其他资源", "定期存款、现金(可兑换)和696 881 1 845 341个投资", "现金(不可兑换) 14 582 -", "共计 711 463 1 845 341", "62. 儿童基金会满足了2010年的内部流动资金需求。" ]
[ "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to inform you that, under the presidency of Germany, the Security Council is scheduled to hold an open debate on the subject of “Children and armed conflict” on Tuesday, 12 July 2011. In order to help steer the discussions on the subject, Germany has prepared the attached concept paper (see annex).", "I would be grateful if the present letter and its annex could be circulated as a document of the Security Council in connection with the item entitled “Children and armed conflict”.", "(Signed) Peter Wittig", "Annex to the letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Security Council open debate on “Children and armed conflict”", "12 July 2011", "Concept paper", "Within the context of its overall mandate to protect international peace and security, the Security Council has in the last years taken significant steps to establish a strong normative framework for the protection of children in situations of armed conflict. The appointment of Radhika Coomaraswamy to the position of Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict, the establishment of a monitoring and reporting mechanism and the creation of a dedicated Security Council Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, through Security Council resolution 1612 (2005), are seen as landmark decisions in this regard.", "Under Security Council resolution 1882 (2009), the Security Council expanded the gateway to the annexes of the annual report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict to include not only parties to conflict that recruit and use children, but also those parties that are responsible for the killing and maiming of children in contravention of international law, and/or rape and other forms of sexual violence committed against children, in situations of armed conflict.", "The Security Council has also repeatedly expressed its readiness to adopt targeted measures against parties to conflict, which have been listed in the annexes of the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict and that have consistently refused to enter into dialogue with the United Nations to end child violations.", "Since the adoption of resolution 1882 (2009), notable progress has been achieved in communications between the Security Council Working Group, the Special Representative and existing Security Council Sanctions Committees and their expert groups.", "In May 2010 the Special Representative briefed the Security Council Sanctions Committee established pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In December 2010, this led to the listing of a number of individuals by the Sanctions Committee due to violations they had perpetrated against children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. In May 2011 the Special Representative briefed the Security Council Sanctions Committee established pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 (2009) concerning the situation in Somalia and Eritrea on violations committed against children by parties to conflict in Somalia.", "In its last presidential statement on children and armed conflict (S/PRST/2010/10), the Security Council expressed its intention, when establishing or reviewing the mandate of relevant Sanctions Committees, to consider provisions pertaining to parties that are in violation of applicable international law relating to the right and protection of children in armed conflict.", "The innovative approach of the Security Council in dealing with the issue of children and armed conflict — through applying political pressure, the threat of targeted measures by the Security Council and the possibility for parties to conflict to be delisted if they stop violations against children and enter into action plans with the United Nations — has produced tangible results. Since 2006, thousands of children have been released from armed forces and armed groups.", "However, serious challenges remain. As evidenced in the latest annual report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict (A/65/820-S/2011/250), attacks against schools and hospitals in situations of armed conflict are a growing trend and a significant concern.", "In many armed conflicts, schools are physically destroyed by armed actors, and students and education personnel are attacked, threatened or intimidated. Recognizing the problem, the General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 64/290 in 2010 entitled “The right to education in emergency situations”. The Security Council, in its latest presidential statement on children and armed conflict (S/PRST/2010/10) expressed deep concern about the growing number of attacks or threats of attacks, in contravention of applicable international law, against schools and educational facilities.", "Attacks on hospitals have resulted in civilian casualties in a number of armed conflict situations. As children are most often the largest caseload of patients in hospitals, civilian casualties of attacks on hospitals invariably include children. Threats of attacks on medical personnel or infrastructure may lead to the disruption of the delivery of health services and/or the closure of hospitals, which may endanger the lives of children through the loss of life-saving medical services, such as inoculations, maternal or paediatric care.", "* * *", "The Security Council will hold an open debate to focus on the issue at hand. It is scheduled for 12 July 2011 and will be chaired by the Foreign Minister of Germany, Guido Westerwelle. The Secretary-General has expressed his intention to be present.", "Following the recommendation of the Secretary-General to the Security Council in his latest annual report to consider expanding the listing criteria for the annexes to the annual report to also include parties that attack schools and/or hospitals, it is the intention of Germany to submit a Security Council resolution." ]
[ "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨通知你,安全理事会在德国担任主席期间,定于2011年7月12日星期二就“儿童与武装冲突”专题举行公开辩论。为帮助指导关于该专题的讨论,德国编写了所附概念文件(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为与题为“儿童与武装冲突”的项目有关的安全理事会文件分发为荷。", "彼得·维蒂希(签名)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "安全理事会关于“儿童与武装冲突”的公开辩论", "2011年7月12日", "概念文件", "近年来,安全理事会根据其保护国际和平与安全的总任务,为建立一个保护武装冲突局势中的儿童的强大规范框架采取了重要步骤。安全理事会第1612(2005)号决议任命拉迪卡-库马拉斯瓦米担任负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表,建立监察和报告机制,并设立专门的安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组,即是为此作出的具有里程碑意义的决定。", "安全理事会根据其第1882(2009)号决议扩大了秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突年度报告附件涵盖范围,不仅列入招募和使用儿童的武装冲突方,而且列入武装冲突局势中违反适用的国际法杀害和致残儿童以及(或)对儿童实施强奸和其他性暴力行为的武装冲突方。", "安全理事会也多次表示,对于被列入秘书长儿童与武装冲突问题报告附件并且一直拒绝与联合国就结束侵犯儿童行为进行对话的冲突方,安理会准备采取有针对性的措施。", "安全理事会第1882(2009)号决议通过以来,安全理事会工作组、特别代表和现有安全理事会制裁委员会及其专家小组之间的沟通已取得显著进展。", "2010年5月,特别代表向关于刚果民主共和国的安全理事会第1533(2004)号决议所设制裁委员会汇报了情况。2010年12月,制裁委员会据此将在刚果民主共和国侵害儿童的一些个人列入了名册。2011年5月,特别代表向关于索马里和厄立特里亚局势的安全理事会第751(1992)号和第1907(2009)号决议所设制裁委员会汇报了索马里冲突各方侵害儿童的情况。", "最近一份关于“儿童与武装冲突”的安全理事会主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)表示,安理会打算在规定或延长有关制裁委员会的任务时,考虑对违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利和儿童保护的适用国际法的当事方做出规定。", "在处理儿童与武装冲突问题时,安全理事会通过施加政治压力、威胁采取定向措施、以及如果冲突各方停止侵犯儿童并参加联合国行动计划就可能被从名单上删除等创新方法,已经取得了实效。自2006年以来,成千上万的儿童被武装部队和武装团体释放。", "然而,严峻的挑战依然存在。秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的最近一份年度报告(A/65/820-S/2011/250)表明,在武装冲突局势中袭击学校和医院的情况呈不断上升趋势,是一个重大问题。", "在许多武装冲突中,武装人员摧毁学校设施,学生和教育人员受到袭击、威胁或恐吓。大会认识到这个问题,于2010年一致通过了题为“紧急情况中的受教育权利”的第64/290号决议。安全理事会在最近一份关于儿童与武装冲突的主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)中,对违反适用国际法袭击或威胁袭击学校和教育设施的事件不断增加表示深感关切。", "在一些武装冲突局势中,对医院的袭击造成了平民伤亡。由于医院病人中往往儿童为数最多,袭击医院导致的平民伤亡总会涉及儿童。威胁对医务人员或基础设施进行袭击可能导致医疗服务中断和/或医院关闭,可能因失去接种、孕产妇护理或儿科护理等拯救生命的医疗服务而危及儿童生命。", "* * *", "安全理事会将以手头的问题为重点举行公开辩论。公开辩论预计于2011年7月12日举行,将由德国外交部长圭多·韦斯特韦勒主持。秘书长表示打算出席。", "秘书长在提交安全理事会的最近一份年度报告中建议考虑扩大在年度报告附件中列名的标准,将攻击学校和/或医院的各方也包括在内。根据这一建议,德国打算提交一份安全理事会决议。" ]
[ "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨通知你,在德国担任主席期间,安全理事会定于2011年7月12日星期二就“儿童与武装冲突”议题举行公开辩论。 为了帮助指导关于这一主题的讨论,德国编写了所附的概念文件(见附件)。", "请将本信及其附件作为安全理事会有关题为“儿童与武装冲突”的项目的文件分发为荷。", "彼得·维蒂希(签名)", "2011年7月1日德国常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "安全理事会关于“儿童与武装冲突”的公开辩论", "2011年7月12日 第1次全体会议", "概念文件", "安全理事会在过去几年中,根据其维护国际和平与安全的总体任务,采取了重大步骤,为在武装冲突局势中保护儿童建立了强有力的规范性框架。 任命拉迪卡·库马拉斯瓦米为负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表一职,建立监测和报告机制,并根据安全理事会第1612(2005)号决议设立一个专门的安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组,这些都被视为这方面的里程碑式决定。", "根据安全理事会第1882(2009)号决议,安全理事会扩大了秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告附件的门户,不仅包括招募和使用儿童的冲突各方,而且包括那些应对武装冲突局势中违反国际法杀害和残害儿童以及(或)对儿童实施强奸和其他形式的性暴力负责的当事方。", "安全理事会还再三表示,它准备对秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件所列的冲突各方采取有针对性的措施,这些当事方一直拒绝与联合国进行对话,以结束侵犯儿童的行为。", "自第1882(2009)号决议通过以来,安全理事会工作组、特别代表和现有安全理事会制裁委员会及其专家组之间的沟通取得了显著进展。", "2010年5月,特别代表向安全理事会关于刚果民主共和国的第1533(2004)号决议所设制裁委员会通报了情况。 2010年12月,制裁委员会因一些个人在刚果民主共和国侵犯儿童权利而将其列入名单。 2011年5月,特别代表向安全理事会关于索马里和厄立特里亚局势的第751(1992)和1907(2009)号决议所设制裁委员会通报了索马里冲突各方侵犯儿童的行为。", "安全理事会在其关于儿童与武装冲突的上一份主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)中表示打算在设立或审查有关制裁委员会的任务时,审议与违反有关武装冲突中儿童权利和保护的适用国际法的当事方有关的规定。", "安全理事会在处理儿童与武装冲突问题上的创新做法——通过施加政治压力、威胁由安全理事会采取有针对性的措施,以及冲突各方如果停止侵害儿童并与联合国签订行动计划,就有可能被从名单上除名——已经产生了具体结果。 自2006年以来,武装部队和武装团体释放了数千名儿童。", "然而,严峻的挑战依然存在。 正如秘书长最近关于儿童与武装冲突的年度报告(A/65/820-S/2011/250)所证明的那样,在武装冲突局势中袭击学校和医院是一个日益增长的趋势和严重关切。", "在许多武装冲突中,学校被武装行为者所摧毁,学生和教育人员受到攻击、威胁或恐吓。 大会认识到这一问题,于2010年一致通过了题为“紧急情况下受教育的权利”的第64/290号决议。 安全理事会在最近关于儿童与武装冲突的主席声明(S/PRST/2010/10)中深表关切的是,违反适用的国际法,袭击或威胁袭击学校和教育设施的事件日益增多。", "在若干武装冲突局势中,对医院的袭击已造成平民伤亡。 由于医院病人中儿童人数最多,袭击医院造成的平民伤亡必然包括儿童。 袭击医务人员或基础设施的威胁可能导致保健服务的提供被中断和(或)医院被关闭,从而可能由于接种、产妇或儿科护理等救生医疗服务的丧失而危及儿童的生命。", "* * *", "安全理事会将举行一次公开辩论,重点讨论当前问题。 会议定于2011年7月12日举行,由德国外交部长吉多·韦斯特韦尔担任主席。 秘书长已表示打算出席会议。", "秘书长在最近的年度报告中建议安全理事会考虑扩大年度报告附件的列名标准,将攻击学校和(或)医院的当事方也包括在内。 德国打算提交安全理事会决议。" ]
[ "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Executive Board", "Second regular session 2011", "12-15 September 2011", "* E/ICEF/2011/13.", "Item 11 of the provisional agenda*", "Private fundraising: financial report and statements for the year ended 31 December 2010", "Summary", "This document presents the financial results achieved by the UNICEF Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division (PFP) for the year ended 31 December 2010. The three financial statements are supported by explanatory notes, including a summary of significant accounting policies.", "The total net income from National Committee and country office fundraising and sales activities for the year was $1,023.2 million, $248 million (32 per cent) more than the $775.2 million generated in 2009. The net income comprises $334.1 million of regular resources — $317.3 million from private fundraising and $16.8 million from sales of UNICEF cards and products –and $689.1 million from fundraising for other resources.", "Contents", "PageFinancialreport 3 for the yearended31 December \n 2010 A.An 3 overview of the \nresults B. Financial 5 statements for the year ended 31 December \n 2010 StatementI:Statementofincome 6 and expenditure for the yearended31 December \n 2010 Statement 8 II:Statementofassets and liabilitiesasat31 December \n 2010 Statement 9 III:Statementofactual results for the yearended31 December 2010 compared with the \napprovedbudget C. Notes 10 to the financial report for the year ended 31 December \n 2010 Note1: 10 Summaryof significantaccounting \npolicies Note2:Gross 10 proceeds—cards and \nproducts Note3:Director’s 11 Office,communication, finance andadministration \nexpenses Note4:Marketing 11 and fundraising \nexpenses Note5:Allocated 12 indirect \nexpenses \nNote6:Otherincome 12Note7: 12 Foreign \nexchangelosses Note8:Comparisonofactual 13 results against approvedbudget for \n 2010", "Financial report for the year ended 31 December 2010", "A. Overview of the results", "1. The UNICEF Private Fundraising and Partnerships Division (PFP) revenue is generated by the fundraising and sales activities of 36 National Committees and 28 UNICEF country offices. In 2010, 92 per cent of net proceeds were generated by National Committees and 8 per cent by country offices, compared to 90 per cent and 10 per cent respectively, in 2009.", "2. Total net income for 2010 was $1,023.2 million, including regular and other resources. This is $248 million (32 per cent) more than the $775.2 million generated in 2009. This significant increase is primarily due to the increase in other resources contributions for the Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods emergencies. The breakdown of total net income for the year is as follows:", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "2010 2009", "Private fundraising — regular 317.3 339.6 resources", "Sale of UNICEF cards and products 16.8 39.8", "Total regular resources net income 334.1 379.4", "Private fundraising — other 689.1 395.8 resources", "Net income for the period 1 023.2 775.2", "3. Total regular resources net income decreased from $379.4 million in 2009 to $334.1 million in 2010. While the net proceeds from private fundraising for regular resources increased by $8.5 million to $393.7 million in 2010, total regular resources decreased. This decrease is due to foreign exchange losses of $28.8 million (2009: $16.6 million), a 58 per cent drop in cards and products revenue to $16.8 million (2009: $39.8 million), and an exceptional bad debt expense of $8.8 million (2009: $1 million). Net income from private fundraising included 95 per cent of total net income for regular resources, compared to 89.5 per cent in 2009.", "[][]", "4. Total income from private fundraising for other resources amounted to $689.1 million for 2010, $293.3 million (74.1 per cent) more than the $395.8 million raised in 2009. This increase is explained by the positive response from donors to the appeals launched after the Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods emergencies that led to a mobilization of over $300 million.", "5. The global recession continued to have a negative impact on all cards and products sales activities, including retail, corporate, key account, and volunteer channels.", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Cards and products sales 2010 % 2009 % Variance (%) 2010 vs. 2009", "Gross proceeds 111.1 100.0 131.9 100.0 -15.8", "National Committee sales 33.7 30.3 37.7 28.6 -10.6 expenses", "Net proceeds 77.4 69.7 94.2 71.4 -17.8", "Sales direct expenses 37.2 33.5 35.6 27.0 4.5", "Investment funds — sales 1.1 1.0 1.9 1.4 -42.1", "Direct contribution from 39.1 35.2 56.7 43.0 -31.0 sales", "6. Gross proceeds declined by $20.8 million (15.8 per cent), from $131.9 million in 2009 to $111.1 million in 2010. North American and European and countries, with the exception of Switzerland, reported material sales declines. Asian countries were less affected by the recession, with growth in sales proceeds in Japan, Republic of Korea and Hong Kong but a decrease in sales in Thailand. Countries in South America had mixed results, with Brazil and Mexico showing a material decrease in sales proceeds and other countries reporting increased sales. The overall contribution from sales decreased by 31 per cent, from $56.7 million in 2009 to $39.1 million in 2010. This decrease was primarily due to the reduction in gross proceeds as noted above.", "7. The rationalization of PFP cards and products activities continues to progress well, and will be completed in 2011. This initiative has four primary objectives: (a) establish a flexible and more responsive organization better able to adapt to market dynamics; (b) improve the UNICEF ‘value chain’ and cost/income ratios; (c) create an operating platform that supports entry into new high potential segments; and (d) refocus the organization on strategic leadership functions. In 2010, PFP invested $4.5 million in this process. These costs are included in ‘sales direct expenses’ in the table above.", "8. PFP direct expenses were reduced by $0.9 million, from $40.9 million in 2009 to $40 million in 2010. The decrease is explained by a reduction of $1.1 million in the cost of goods sold and inventory expenses, a reduction of $0.3 million in promotion materials, a decrease of $2.8 million in country office sales and fundraising expenses. This was offset by an increase of $3.3 million in operations and support expenses, due to one-time expenses linked to the investment in the cards and products rationalization referred to above.", "9. To enable PFP to more effectively mobilize resources through fundraising and sales activities, the Executive Board approved a 2010 budget of $25.6 million for Investment Fund expenditures. The objective of the Investment Fund programme is to increase the capacity of National Committees and UNICEF country offices to build a broader support base for raising funds from individuals and the corporate sector, and to test and evaluate new income-generating initiatives, focusing primarily on projects offering high rates of returns. In 2010, the total expenditure for investment funds was $25.6 million, compared to $19.6 million in 2009. Some 92 per cent of the funds were spent on pledge acquisition, 5 per cent was invested in one-off acquisition and 3 per cent was allocated to mixed activities, including legacies. Overall, 75 per cent of the investment funds were allocated to National Committees and 25 per cent to country offices.", "10. Indirect expenses increased by $12.6 million (33 per cent) from $38.1 million in 2009 to $50.7 million in 2010. The largest contributor to this increase is the bad debt expense of $8.8 million ($1 million in 2009) that was a necessary adjustment to the accounts receivable to rectify an error where contributions reported as regular resources to UNICEF by some National Committees were in fact transferred and accounted for as other resources. Other increases were recorded in marketing and fundraising ($2.3 million), the Director’s Office, communication, finance and administration ($2 million) and National Committee relations ($0.8 million). This was offset by a decrease of $0.3 million in the costs of regional support centres.", "11. Net accounts receivable, after providing for uncollectible accounts, increased from $379.1 million in 2009 to $391 million in 2010, due to the strengthening of the Japanese Yen against the United States Dollar.", "12. Total inventory levels of cards and products increased from $9.8 million in 2009 to $10.9 million at 31 December 2010, due to the increase in finished goods inventories, which is consistent with the reduction in sales revenue.", "B. Financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2010", "13. The three financial statements that follow are supported by explanatory notes in the next section, including a summary of significant accounting policies.", "Statement I", "Statement of income and expenditure for the year ended 31 December 2010", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Note Sale of Private Total Private Grand Grand Variance UNICEF fundraising — regular fundraising — total total (%) cards and regular resources other 2010 2009 products resources resources*", "Operating revenues", "Gross proceeds 2 111.1", "National Committee expenses 33.7", "Net proceeds 77.4 393.7 471.1 689.1 1 160.2 875.2 32.6", "Direct expenses", "Cost of goods and inventory 16.6 — 16.6 16.6 17.7 -6.2 overhead", "Operations and support 11.9 — 11.9 11.9 8.6 38.4", "Promotional materials 3.4 — 3.4 3.4 3.7 -8.1", "Country office expenses 5.3 2.8 8.1 8.1 10.9 -25.7", "Total direct expenses 37.2 2.8 40.0 — 40.0 40.9 -2.2", "Investment fund 1.1 24.5 25.6 25.6 19.6 30.6 expenditures", "Direct contribution from 39.1 366.4 405.5 689.1 1 094.6 814.7 34.4 operations", "Indirect expenses", "Director’s Office, 3 9.7 8.9 18.6 18.6 16.6 12.0 communications, finance and administration", "Marketing and fundraising 4 6.2 10.5 16.7 16.7 14.4 16.0", "National Committee 1.2 3.7 4.9 4.9 4.1 19.5 relations", "Regional support centres 0.5 1.2 1.7 1.7 2.0 -15.0", "Bad debt expense 1.4 7.4 8.8 8.8 1.0 780.0", "Total indirect expenses 5 19.0 31.7 50.7 — 50.7 38.1 33.1", "Income before non-operating 20.1 334.7 354.8 689.1 1 043.9 776.6 34.4 items", "Non-operating items", "Other income 6 1.2 6.9 8.1 — 8.1 15.2 -46.7", "Foreign exchange losses 7 (4.5) (24.3) (28.8) — (28.8) (16.6) -73.5", "Net income for the period 1 16.8 317.3 334.1 689.1 1 023.2 775.2 32.0", "Note: The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of this statement and should be read in conjunction with it.", "* Income from PFP disclosed in the UNICEF Financial Statements excludes other resources from private fundraising, which have been included above in order to provide the overall total revenue generated from private-sector activities.", "Statement II", "Statement of assets and liabilities as at 31 December 2010", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Note As at 31 As at 31 Change December December Increase/(decrease) 2010 2009", "Assets", "Bank 0.6 0.4 0.2", "Accounts receivable 407.0 388.9 18.1", "Less: Allowance for 16.0 9.8 6.2 uncollectible accounts", "Net accounts 391.0 379.1 11.9 receivable", "Inventory 10.9 9.8 1.1", "Capital assets, net of 0 0 0 accumulated depreciation", "Total assets 402.5 389.3 13.2", "Liabilities", "Accounts payable 5.3 3.1 2.2", "UNICEF inter-office 397.2 386.2 11.0 account", "Total liabilities 402.5 389.3 13.2", "Note: The accompanying explanatory notes form an integral part of this statement and should be read in conjunction with it.", "Statement III", "Statement of actual results for the year ended 31 December 2010 compared with the approved budget", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Variance\n Note 8 Actual Budget $ % results", "Net proceeds from operating revenues", "Sale of UNICEF cards and products Para. 77.4 96.4 -19.0 -19.7 24", "Private fundraising — regular 393.7 383.4 10.3 2.7 resources", "Private fundraising — other 689.1 400.8 288.3 71.9 resources", "Net proceeds Para. 1 160.2 880.6 279.6 31.8 25", "Direct expenses", "Cost of goods and inventory 16.6 22.2 -5.6 -25.2 overhead", "Operations and support 11.9 11.0 0.9 8.2", "Promotional materials 3.4 5.4 -2.0 -37.0", "Country office expenses 8.1 9.8 -1.7 -17.3", "Total direct expenses Para. 40.0 48.4 -8.4 -17.4 26", "Investment fund expenditures 25.6 25.6 0.0 0.0", "Direct contribution from 1 094.6 806.6 288.0 35.7 operations", "Indirect expenses", "Director’s Office, communication, 18.6 20.6 -2.0 -9.7 finance and administration", "Marketing and fundraising 16.7 21.1 -4.4 -20.9", "National Committee relations 4.9 6.1 -1.2 -19.7", "Regional Support Centres 1.7 2.7 -1.0 -37.0", "Bad debt expense 8.8 1.0 7.8 780.0", "Total indirect expenses Para. 50.7 51.5 -0.8 -1.6 27", "Income before non-operating items 1 043.9 755.1 288.8 38.2", "Non-operating items", "Other income 8.1 6.3 1.8 28.6", "Foreign exchange gains (losses) -28.8 0.0 -28.8", "Net income for the period Para. 1 023.2 761.4 261.8 34.4 23", "C. Notes to the financial report for the year ended 31 December 2010", "Note 1. Summary of significant accounting policies", "14. The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Financial Regulations and Rules and the accompanying UNICEF Special Supplement on Greeting Card Operations.[1] Unless otherwise stated, the accounting policies of PFP are consistent with those of UNICEF.", "15. The PFP fiscal year is 1 January to 31 December, pursuant to Executive Board decision 1996/22 C.5 (E/ICEF/1996/12/Rev.1). All but three National Committees for UNICEF (Canada, Japan and the United States) have the same fiscal year as that of UNICEF. The National Committees for UNICEF of Japan and Canada report on a fiscal year from 1 April to 31 March. The United States Fund for UNICEF reports on a fiscal year from 1 July to 30 June. The figures reported by these National Committees for inclusion in this financial report are apportioned accordingly.", "16. In accordance with PFP accounting policy, a provision may be established to cover accounts receivable that are considered doubtful for collection. This provision is shown as a deduction from the accounts receivable in the statement of assets and liabilities. Any related expense incurred during the year is recorded in the statement of income and expenditure.", "17. The inventory of work in process and finished goods is valued at standard cost, while raw materials are valued at moving average cost. It is PFP policy to write down unsold cards and dated products to zero value at the end of the first sales campaign year, and all other products at the end of the second sales campaign year.", "Note 2. Gross proceeds — cards and products", "18. Gross proceeds from UNICEF card and products sales include (a) gross proceeds from the sale of cards and products developed by UNICEF; (b) catalogue donations, which are contributions generated through PFP brochures and order forms; (c) royalty income, including all income received from licensed products; and (d) National Committee products, which is income from the sale of products developed by them.", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Increase/(decrease)\n 2010 2009 $ %", "Gross proceeds — cards and products 101.3 119.6 -18.3 -15.3", "Catalogue donations 5.2 5.1 0.1 2.0", "Royalties 2.0 3.5 -1.5 -42.9", "National Committee products 2.4 3.5 -1.1 -31.4", "E-greetings 0.2 0.2 0 0", "Total 111.1* 131.9 (20.8) 15.8", "* The 2010 total of $111.1 million includes $9.9 million ($12.4 million in 2009) of income generated from the Cards and Gifts operation, which is included in “other income” in Note 6 to the UNICEF Financial Statements.", "Note 3. Director’s Office, communication, finance and administration expenses", "19. The Director’s Office, communication, finance and administration indirect expenses consist of the following:", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Increase/(decrease)\n 2010 2009 $ %", "Director’s Office 1.4 1.2 0.2 16.7", "Deputy Director — operations and finance 1.2 1.1 0.1 9.1 and governance", "Finance and administration 2.9 2.6 0.3 11.5", "Communication 1.6 1.4 0.2 14.3", "Common services and allocated overheads 11.5 10.3 1.2 11.7", "Total 18.6 16.6 2.0 12.0", "Note 4. Marketing and fundraising expenses", "20. Marketing and fundraising indirect expenses consist of the following:", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Increase/(decrease)\n 2010 2009 $ %", "Marketing and product development 5.1 4.5 0.6 13.3", "Fundraising expenses 8.7 7.6 1.1 14.5", "Research and development 2.9 2.3 0.6 26.1", "Total 16.7 14.4 2.3 16.0", "Note 5. Allocated indirect expenses", "21. Indirect expenses are allocated to the sales of cards and products and Private Fundraising regular resources, according to the following allocation basis:", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Cards and Private Total Allocation products fundraising basis sales regular resources", "Director’s Office, 9.7 8.9 18.6 Activity communication, finance and administration", "Marketing and fundraising 6.2 10.5 16.7 Activity", "National Committee relations 1.2 3.7 4.9 Activity", "Regional support centres 0.5 1.2 1.7 Activity", "Bad debt expense 1.4 7.4 8.8 Proportional*", "Total 19.0 31.7 50.7", "* Based on current year net proceeds (regular resources).", "Note 6. Other income", "22. Other income consists of the following:", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "Cards and Private Total Allocation products fundraising basis sales regular resources", "Cash discounts and other 0.1 — 0.1 Sales miscellaneous income", "Income from financial 0.1 1.7 1.8 Proportional* operations", "Bank interest and other income 1.0 5.2 6.2 Proportional* from National Committees", "Total 1.2 6.9 8.1", "* Income from financial operations is allocated proportionally based on current year Investment Funds. Bank interest and other income from National Committees are allocated proportionally, based on current year net proceeds.", "Note 7. Foreign exchange losses", "23. In 2010, private fundraising experienced total foreign exchange losses of $28.8 million, compared to a loss of $16.6 million in 2009. The 2010 loss was primarily due to the devaluation of the Euro against the United States dollar at the time of remittance, compared to the rate as at 31 December 2009, when the income was accrued.", "Note 8. Comparison of actual results against approved budget for 2010", "24. Net income for 2010 was $1,023.2 million, compared to the approved budget of $761.4 million. The positive variance of $261.8 million (34.4 per cent) was mainly due to an increase in other resources contributions for the Haiti earthquake and Pakistan floods emergencies.", "25. Net proceeds from the sale of UNICEF cards and products were $19 million (19.7 per cent) below budget. As in 2009, consistent with the experience of our competitors, commercial activities were negatively affected by the global recession as companies and consumers cut their discretionary purchasing, in addition to the declining sales volume trend of the past several years.", "26. Total net proceeds from all fundraising and sales activities were $279.6 million (31.8 per cent) over budget. This is attributable to the positive response from our donors to the appeals for the Haiti and Pakistan emergencies, which led to an increase in other resources contributions.", "27. Total direct expenses for 2010 at $40.0 million were $8.4 million (17.4 per cent) lower than the approved budget. This is due to a combination of factors, including (a) lower cost of goods expenditure, consistent with the decline in sales net proceeds versus budget; (b) reduced spending on promotional materials; and (c) a decrease in country office fundraising expenses, as these costs are now being reallocated to country office budgets where they are recovered directly from fundraising income raised locally.", "28. Total indirect expenses of $50.7 million were $0.8 million lower than the approved budget of $51.5 million. The variance is due to a reduction in expenditures in all cost centres, off-set by an increase in expenditure in the bad debt expense. The lower expenditure is mainly due to an underspent research and development budget by Cards and Products due to restructuring, reduced operating expenditure as a result of cost saving initiatives, and vacancies in posts under recruitment.", "[1] Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Children’s Fund (E/ICEF/FINANCIAL RULES/1) and Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations Children’s Fund, Special Supplement, Greeting Card Operation (E/ICEF/FINANCIAL RULES/1/Add.1)." ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "^(*) E/ICEF/2011/13。", "临时议程^(*) 项目11", "私营部门筹资:2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报告和报表", "摘要", "本文件载列了2010年12月31日终了年度联合国儿童基金会私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司(私营部门司)取得的财务结果。三份财务报表配有注释,包括重要会计政策的摘要。", "各国家委员会和国家办事处本年度筹资和销售活动的净收入总额为10.232亿美元,比2009年筹得的7.752亿美元增加2.48亿美元(32%)。净收入中包括经常资源3.341亿美元(私营部门筹资3.173亿美元和儿基会贺卡和礼品销售所得0.168亿美元)和其他资源筹款6.891亿美元。", "目录", "页次\n 2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报告 3\n A. 结果概述 3\n B. 2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报表 5\n 报表一:收入支出表 6\n 报表二:资产负债表 7\n 报表三:实际结果与核定预算比较表 8\n C. 2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报告附注 9\n 附注1:重要会计政策的摘要 9\n 附注2:收入总额——贺卡和礼品 9\n附注3:司长办公室、通信、财务及行政费用\t10\n附注4:市场营销和筹款费用\t10\n附注5:分摊的间接费用\t11\n附注6:其他收入\t11\n附注7:外汇损失\t11\n附注8:2010年实际结果与核定预算比较\t11", "2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报告", "A. 结果概述", "1. 联合国儿童基金会私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司(私营部门司)的收入来自36个国家委员会和28个儿基会国家办事处的筹资和销售活动。2010年,国家委员会的收入占净收入的92%,国家办事处的收入占8%,而2009年则分别为90%和10%。", "2. 2010年包括经常资源和其他资源在内的净收入总额为10.232亿美元,比2009年的7.752亿美元增加2.48亿美元(32%)。收入大幅度增加的主要原因是对海地地震和巴基斯坦洪灾紧急情况的其他资源捐款增加。本年度净收入总额分列如下:", "(百万美元)", "2010 2009", "私营部门筹资——经常资源 317.3 339.6", "儿基会贺卡和礼品销售 16.8 39.8", "经常资源净收入总额 334.1 379.4", "私营部门筹资——其他资源 689.1 395.8", "期内净收入 1 023.2 775.2", "3. 经常资源净收入总额从2009年的3.794亿美元减少到2010年的3.341亿美元。虽然2010年私营部门筹资所得的经常资源净收入增加了850万美元,达到3.937亿美元,但是经常资源总额减少。减少的原因是外汇损失2 880万美元(2009年为1 660万美元);贺卡和礼品销售收入减少了58%,减少到1 680万美元(2009年为3 980万美元)和异常坏账费用880万美元(2009年为100万美元)。在私营部门筹资的净收入中,经常资源净收入总额占95%,而2009年占89.5%。", "[][]", "4. 2010年私营部门筹资所得的其他资源收入总额达到6.891亿美元,比2009年的3.958亿美元增加2.933亿美元(74.1%)。增加的原因是捐助者对海地地震和巴基斯坦洪灾紧急情况发出的呼吁作出了积极响应,捐款3亿多美元。", "5. 全球经济衰退继续对所有贺卡和礼品的销售活动,包括零售、公司、主要账户和志愿者来源产生负面影响。", "(百万美元)\n 2010 % 2009 % 2010年与2009年的差异(%)", "贺卡和礼品销售", "毛收入 111.1 100.0 131.9 100.0 -15.8", "国家委员会销售费用 33.7 30.3 37.7 28.6 -10.6", "净收入 77.4 69.7 94.2 71.4 -17.8", "销售直接费用 37.2 33.5 35.6 27.0 4.5", "投资基金——销售 1.1 1.0 1.9 1.4 -42.1", "销售活动直接收入 39.1 35.2 56.7 43.0 -31.0", "6. 收入总额减少了2 080万美元(15.8%),从2009年的1.319亿美元减少到2010年的1.111亿美元。北美和欧洲的国家,除瑞士外,都报告产品销售实际减少的情况。亚洲国家受经济衰退的影响较小,日本、大韩民国和香港的销售收入增加,但泰国的销售额减少。南美洲国家的销售结果好坏参半,巴西和墨西哥的销售收入实际减少,而其他国家报告销售收入增加。销售总额减少了31%,从2009年的5 670万美元减少到2010年的3 910万美元。减少的主要原因是上述收入总额减少。", "7. 私营部门司贺卡和礼品活动合理化的工作继续进展顺利,并将于2011年完成。这一举措有四个主要目标:(a) 建立灵活的应对能力更强的组织,以便能够更好地适应市场动态;(b) 改善儿基会的“价值链”和成本/收入比率;(c) 创建操作平台,支持进入潜力大的新部门;(d) 重新注重战略领导职能的安排。2010年私营部门司向这个过程投资450万美元。这些费用已列入上表的“销售直接费用”。", "8. 私营部门司的直接费用减少了90万美元,从2009年的4 090万美元减少到2010年的4 000万美元。减少的原因是售出商品的成本和库存费用减少110万美元、宣传材料减少30万美元、国家办事处销售和筹款费用减少280万美元。不过,由于上述贺卡和礼品合理化投资产生的一次性费用,运营及支助费用增加330万美元抵消了减少的费用。", "9. 为了使私营部门司能够通过筹款和销售活动更有效地调集资源,执行局在核准的2010年预算中把2 560万美元用作投资基金的费用。投资基金方案的目的是增强国家委员会和儿基会国家办事处的能力,以扩大个人和企业部门支持的筹资基础以及测试和评估新的创收举措,重点主要是回报率高的项目。2010年投资基金的支出总额为2 560万美元,而2009年为1 960万美元。资金中约92%用于获得认捐、5%用于获得一次性认捐和3%用于综合活动,包括遗产。总体上,75%的投资资金分配给国家委员会,25%给国家办事处。", "10. 间接费用增加了1 260万美元(33%),从2009年的3 810万美元增加到2010年的5 070万美元。增加最多的是坏账费用880万美元(2009年为100万美元),这是为纠正错误对应收账款所作的必要调整,其中一些国家委员会作为经常资源向儿基会报告的捐款,其实已经转账并列为其他资源。其他增加的部分分别为市场营销和筹款(230万美元)、司长办公室、通信、财务和行政(200万美元)和国家委员会关系(80万美元)。区域支助中心的费用减少30万美元部分抵消了增加的部分。", "11. 由于日元对美元升值,扣除呆账后应收账款净额从2009年的3.791亿美元增加到2010年的3.91亿美元。", "12. 截至2010年12月31日,因成品库存增加,贺卡和礼品的总库存水平从2009年的980万美元增加至2010年的1 090万美元,这与销售收入减少相一致。", "B. 2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报表", "13. 下节列出三份附有注释的财务报表,包括重要会计政策的摘要。", "报表一 2010年12月31日终了年度收入支出表", "(百万美元)", "附注\t儿基会贺卡和礼品销售\t私营部门筹资-经常资源\t经常资源共计\t私营部门筹资-其他资源*\t2010年总计\t2009年总计\t差异(%) \n 业务收入 \n毛收入\t2\t111.1 \n 国家委员会费用 33.7 \n净收入 77.4\t393.7\t471.1\t689.1\t1160.2\t875.2\t32.6\n 直接费用 \n货物成本和库存管理费用 16.6\t-\t16.6 16.6\t17.7\t-6.2\n业务和支助 11.9\t-\t11.9 11.9\t8.6\t38.4\n宣传材料 3.4\t-\t3.4 3.4\t3.7\t-8.1\n国家办事处费用 5.3\t2.8\t8.1 8.1\t10.9\t-25.7\n直接费用共计 37.2\t2.8\t40.0\t-\t40.0\t40.9\t-2.2\n投资基金支出 1.1\t24.5\t25.6 25.6\t19.6\t30.6\n业务活动直接收入 39.1\t366.4\t405.5\t689.1\t1094.6\t814.7\t34.4\n 间接费用 \n司长办公室、通信、财务和行政\t3\t9.7\t8.9\t18.6 18.6\t16.6\t12.0\n市场营销和筹资\t4\t6.2\t10.5\t16.7 16.7\t14.4\t16.0\n国家委员会关系 1.2\t3.7\t4.9 4.9\t4.1\t19.5\n区域支助中心 0.5\t1.2\t1.7 1.7\t2.0\t-15.0\n坏账费用 1.4\t7.4\t8.8 8.8\t1.0\t780.0\n间接费用共计\t5\t19.0\t31.7\t50.7\t-\t50.7\t38.1\t33.1\n非业务项目前收入 20.1\t334.7\t354.8\t689.1\t1043.9\t776.6\t34.4\n 非业务项目 \n其他收入\t6\t1.2\t6.9\t8.1\t-\t8.1\t15.2\t-46.7\n外汇收益(损失)\t7\t(4.5)\t(24.3)\t(28.8)\t-\t(28.8)\t(16.6)\t-73.5\n本期收入净额\t1\t16.8\t317.3\t334.1\t689.1\t1023.2\t775.2\t32.0", "注:附带的注释是本报表的组成部分,应与本报表一并阅读。", "^(*) 儿基会财务报表中披露的私营部门司收入不包括来自私营部门筹资的其他资源,上表载入这些资源是为了编列私营部门活动产生的收入总额", "报表二 截至2010年12月31日的资产负债表", "(百万美元)", "附注 截至2010年 截至2009年 变动(增/减) 12月31日 12月31日", "资产", "银行 0.6 0.4 0.2", "应收账款 407.0 388.9 18.1", "减:备抵呆账 16.0 9.8 6.2", "应收账款净额 391.0 379.1 11.9", "库存 10.9 9.8 1.1", "减除累计折旧后的资本资产净额 0 0 0", "资产共计 402.5 389.3 13.2", "负债", "应付账款 5.3 3.1 2.2", "儿基会部门间往来账款 397.2 386.2 11.0", "负债共计 402.5 389.3 13.2", "注:附带的注释是本报表的组成部分,应与本报表一并阅读。", "报表三 2010年12月31日终了年度实际结果与核定预算比较表", "(百万美元)", "差异\n 附注8 实际数 预算数 美元 %", "业务收入的净收益", "儿基会贺卡和礼品销售 第24段 77.4 96.4 -19.0 -19.7", "私营部门筹资——经常资源 393.7 383.4 10.3 2.7", "私营部门筹资——其他资源 689.1 400.8 288.3 71.9", "净收益 第25段 1 160.2 880.6 279.6 31.8", "直接费用", "货物成本和库存管理费用 16.6 22.2 -5.6 -25.2", "业务和支助 11.9 11.0 0.9 8.2", "宣传材料 3.4 5.4 -2.0 -37.0", "国家办事处费用 8.1 9.8 -1.7 -17.3", "直接费用共计 第26段 40.0 48.4 -8.4 -17.4", "投资基金支出 25.6 25.6 0.0 0.0", "业务活动直接收入 1 094.6 806.6 288.0 35.7", "间接费用", "司长办公室、通信、财务和行政 18.6 20.6 -2.0 -9.7", "市场营销和筹资 16.7 21.1 -4.4 -20.9", "国家委员会关系 4.9 6.1 -1.2 -19.7", "区域支助中心 1.7 2.7 -1.0 -37.0", "坏账费用 8.8 1.0 7.8 780.0", "间接费用共计 第27段 50.7 51.5 -0.8 -1.6", "扣除非业务项目前收入 1 043.9 755.1 288.8 38.2", "非业务项目", "其他收入 8.1 6.3 1.8 28.6", "外汇收益(损失) -28.8 0.0 -28.8", "本期净收入 第23段 1 023.2 761.4 261.8 34.4", "C. 2010年12月31日终了年度的财务报告附注", "附注:1. 重要会计政策的摘要", "14. 财务报表系依据《儿基会财务条例和细则》及相应的《儿基会贺卡业务特别补编》编制。[1] 除非另有说明,私营部门司的会计政策与儿基会的会计政策相一致。", "15. 根据执行局第1996/22 C.5号决定(E/ICEF/1996/12/Rev.1),私营部门司的财政年度为1月1日至12月31日。除三个儿基会国家委员会(加拿大、日本和美国)以外,所有其他国家委员会的财政年度都与儿基会的相同。日本和加拿大儿基会国家委员会的报告以4月1日至3月31日为财政年度。儿基会美国基金的报告则以7月1日至6月31日为财政年度。这些国家委员会报告的数字列入本财务报告时作了相应调整。", "16. 依照私营部门司的会计政策,可以开列一笔备抵,抵充被认为没有把握收回的应收账款。这笔备抵记作资产负债表内应收账款的一个扣减项目。本年度内产生的一切相关费用均记录在收入支出表中。", "17. 半成品和成品的库存都根据标准成本估值,原料则按流动平均成本估值。私营部门司的政策是在第一个推销年度末将未售出贺卡和过时礼品的账面价值减记为零,在第二个推销年度末把所有其他礼品的账面价值减记为零。", "附注2. 毛收入——贺卡和礼品", "18. 儿基会贺卡和礼品销售所得的毛收入包括(a) 销售儿基会制作的贺卡和礼品所得的毛收入;(b) 目录捐款,即通过私营部门司的宣传小册子和订货单筹得的捐款;(c) 特许权使用费收入,包括特许产品的所有收入;(d) 国家委员会的产品,即销售国家委员会制作产品所得的收入。", "(百万美元)\n 增/(减)", "2010 2009 美元 %", "毛收入——贺卡和礼品 101.3 119.6 -18.3 -15.3", "目录捐款 5.2 5.1 0.1 2.0", "特许权使用费 2.0 3.5 -1.5 -42.9", "国家委员会产品 2.4 3.5 -1.1 -31.4", "电子贺卡 0.2 0.2 0 0", "共计 111.1^(*) 131.9 (20.8) -15.8", "^(*) 2010年收入总额1.111亿美元包括贺卡和礼品业务筹得的990万美元(2009年为1 240万美元),这笔款项列为儿基会财务报表附注6的“其他收入”", "附注3. 司长办公室、通信、财务和行政费用", "19. 司长办公室、通信、财务和行政间接费用由以下项目组成:", "(百万美元)\n 增/(减)", "2010 2009 美元 %", "司长办公室 1.4 1.2 0.2 16.7", "主管业务和财务及治理的副司长 1.2 1.1 0.1 9.1", "财务和行政 2.9 2.6 0.3 11.5", "通信 1.6 1.4 0.2 14.3", "共用服务和分摊的间接费用 11.5 10.3 1.2 11.7", "共计 18.6 16.6 2.0 12.0", "附注4. 市场营销和筹资费用", "20. 市场营销和筹资间接费用由以下项目组成:", "(百万美元)\n 增/(减)", "2010 2009 美元 %", "市场营销和产品开发 5.1 4.5 0.6 13.3", "筹资费用 8.7 7.6 1.1 14.5", "研究与开发 2.9 2.3 0.6 26.1", "共计 16.7 14.4 2.3 16.0", "附注5. 分摊的间接费用", "21. 按下列分摊基础将间接费用分摊到贺卡和礼品销售及私营部门筹资——经常资源:", "(百万美元)\n 贺卡和礼品销售 私营部门筹资-经常资源 共计 分摊基础", "司长办公室、通信、财务和行政 9.7 8.9 18.6 活动", "市场营销和筹款 6.2 10.5 16.7 活动", "国家委员会关系 1.2 3.7 4.9 活动", "区域支助中心 0.5 1.2 1.7 活动", "坏账费用 1.4 7.4 8.8 按比例^(*)", "共计 19.0 31.7 50.7", "^(*) 根据本年度(经常资源)净收入。", "附注6. 其他收入", "22. 其他收入由以下项目组成:", "(百万美元)\n 贺卡和礼品销售 私营部门筹资-经常资源 共计 分摊基础", "现金折扣和其他杂项收入 0.1 - 0.1 销售", "财财务经营收入 0.1 1.7 1.8 比例^(*)", "银银行利息和来自国家委员会的其他收入 1.0 5.2 6.2 比例^(*)", "共计 1.2 6.9 8.1", "^(*) 根据当年的投资基金按比例分摊财务经营收入。银行利息和来自国家委员会的其他收入根据当年的收益净额按比例分配。", "附注7. 外汇损失", "23. 2010年,私营部门筹资出现总额为2 880万美元的外汇损失,而2009年的外汇损失为1 660万美元。2010年外汇损失的主要原因是,与2009年12月31日的汇率相比,在应计收入汇款时,欧元对美元贬值。", "附注8. 2010年实际结果与核定预算比较", "24. 2010年的净收入为10.232亿美元,而核定预算为7.614亿美元。正差额2.618亿美元(34.4%)的主要原因是,对海地地震和巴基斯坦洪灾紧急情况的其他资源捐款增加。", "25. 儿基会贺卡和礼品销售的净收入比预算低1 900万美元(19.7%),除了过去几年销售量下滑的趋势外,商业活动与2009年一样受到全球经济衰退的不利影响,公司和消费者都减少了随意购买的物品,这与儿基会竞争对手的经历相一致。", "26. 全部筹款和销售活动的净收益总额比预算高出2 796万美元(31.8%),原因是捐助者对海地地震和巴基斯坦洪灾紧急情况的呼吁作出了积极响应。", "27. 2010年直接费用总额为4 000万美元,比核定预算低84万美元(17.4%)。这可归结于多个因素,包括(a) 销售收益净额与预算相比有所减少,货物支出的成本相应减少;(b) 宣传材料支出减少;(c) 国家办事处筹款费用减少,原因是这些费用现在重新列入国家办事处预算,这些费用从当地筹款的收入中直接回收。", "28. 间接费用总额为5 070万美元,比核定预算额5 150万美元低80万美元。产生差异的原因是,所有成本中心的支出减少,但坏账费用增加抵消了减少的支出。支出减少的主要原因是,贺卡和礼品的研究与开发预算资金因为改组没有用完、因节省费用举措减少了业务支出以及空缺员额在征聘之中。", "[1] 《联合国儿童基金会财务条例和细则》(E/ICEF/FINANCIAL RULES/1)和《联合国儿童基金会财务条例和细则,贺卡业务特别补编》(E/ICEF/FINANCIAL RULES/1/Add.1)。" ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日,纽约", "页:1", "临时议程* 项目11", "私人筹资:2010年12月31日终了年度财务报告和报表", "内容提要", "本文件介绍儿基会私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司2010年12月31日终了年度的财务结果。 三个财务报表附有解释性说明,包括重要会计政策摘要。", "本年度国家委员会和国家办事处筹资和销售活动的净收入为10.232亿美元,比2009年的7.752亿美元多出2.48亿美元(32%)。 净收入包括经常资源3.341亿美元——来自私人筹资的3.173亿美元和来自儿童基金会贺卡和产品的销售的1 680万美元——以及其他资源筹资的6.891亿美元。", "目录", "财务报告3 12月(半天)\n2010年 A. A. A. 3\n12月31日终了年度财务报表\n2010年报表一:收入报表 12月31日的支出\n2010年12月31日报表8二:资产和负债申报\n2010年报表9 三:年度实际结果表31 2010年12月与\nC. 12月31日终了年度财务报告的说明10\n2010年说明1:10 重要会计摘要\n注2:Gross 10 收益-卡和\n产品 注3:主任11个办公室,通信、财务和行政\n注4:营销11和筹资\n注5:12项间接拨款\n费用\n注6:其他收入 12 注7:12 外国\n汇兑损失 注8: 将13项实际结果与2004-2007年核定预算相比较\n2010 (中文(简体) ).", "2010年12月31日终了年度财务报告", "A类. A. 结果概述", "1. 联合国 儿童基金会私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的收入来自36个国家委员会和28个儿童基金会国家办事处的筹资和销售活动。 2010年,92%的净收益由国家委员会产生,8%由国家办事处产生,而2009年,这一比例分别为90%和10%。", "2. 联合国 2010年净收入总额为10.232亿美元,包括经常资源和其他资源。 这比2009年产生的7.752亿美元多出2.48亿美元(32%)。 这一大幅增加主要是由于对海地地震和巴基斯坦水灾紧急情况的其他资源捐助增加。 本年度净收入总额细分如下:", "(单位:百万美元)", "2010 2009", "私人筹资——经常资源", "儿童基金会贺卡和产品的销售", "经常资源净收入共计 334.1 379.4", "私人筹资——其他689.1 395.8个资源", "这一期间的净收入", "3个 经常资源净收入从2009年的3.794亿美元减少到2010年的3.341亿美元。 2010年,私营部门为经常资源筹资的净收入增加了850万美元,达到3.937亿美元,而经常资源总额却减少了。 减少的原因是外汇损失2 880万美元(2009年:1 660万美元),贺卡和产品收入下降58%至1 680万美元(2009年:3 980万美元),以及特别坏账支出880万美元(2009年:100万美元)。 来自私人筹资的净收入占经常资源净收入总额的95%,而2009年为89.5%。", "[][]", " 4.四. 2010年,私营部门为其他资源筹资的收入总额为6.891亿美元,比2009年筹集的3.958亿美元多出2.933亿美元(74.1%)。 这一增加的原因是捐助者对海地地震和巴基斯坦洪灾后发出的呼吁作出了积极反应,调集了3多亿美元。", "5 (韩语). 全球经济衰退继续给所有贺卡和产品销售活动,包括零售、公司、关键账户和志愿人员渠道带来负面影响。", "(单位:百万美元)", "2010年贺卡和产品销售额% 2009年% 2010年差异(%)相对于2009年", "总收入 11.1.1 100.0 131.9 100.0 - 15.8", "国家委员会的销售额", "净收益", "销售直接费用 37.2 33.5 35.6 27.0 4.5", "投资基金——销售 1.1 1.0 1.9 1.4-42.1", "直接捐款来自39.1 35.2 56.7 43.0-31.0销售", "6. 国家 总收入从2009年的1.319亿美元降至2010年的1.111亿美元,减少了2 080万美元(15.8%)。 北美和欧洲以及各国,除瑞士外,都报告材料销售下降. 亚洲国家受经济衰退的影响较小,日本、大韩民国和香港的销售收入增长,而泰国的销售额则下降。 南美洲国家的结果好坏参半,巴西和墨西哥的销售收入大幅下降,而其他国家则报告销售额增加。 销售捐款总额从2009年的5 670万美元减少到2010年的3 910万美元,下降了31%。 减少的主要原因是,如上所述,收入毛额减少。", "7. 联合国 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司贺卡和产品活动的合理化继续取得良好进展,将于2011年完成。 这项倡议有四个主要目标:(a) 建立一个更灵活、更能适应市场动态的组织;(b) 改善儿童基金会的 \" 价值链 \" 和成本/收入比率;(c) 建立一个业务平台,支持进入新的高潜力部门;(d) 使本组织重新注重战略领导职能。 2010年,私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司在这一过程中投资了450万美元。 这些费用列入上表的 \" 销售直接费用 \" 。", "8. 联合国 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的直接支出从2009年的4 090万美元减少到2010年的4 000万美元,减少了90万美元。 减少的原因是所售货物成本和库存支出减少110万美元,宣传材料减少30万美元,国家办事处销售和筹资支出减少280万美元。 这被业务和支助费用增加330万美元所抵消,原因是上述卡片和产品合理化投资引起的一次性支出。", "9. 国家 为了使私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司能够通过筹资和销售活动更有效地调动资源,执行局核准了2010年投资基金支出预算2 560万美元。 投资基金方案的目标是提高国家委员会和儿童基金会国家办事处的能力,以建立更广泛的支助基础,从个人和公司部门筹集资金,并测试和评价新的创收举措,主要侧重于收益率高的项目。 2010年,投资基金的总支出为2 560万美元,而2009年为1 960万美元。 约92%的资金用于购置质押,5%用于一次性购置,3%用于混合活动,包括遗产。 总体而言,75%的投资资金分配给国家委员会,25%分配给国家办事处。", "10. 间接支出从2009年的3 810万美元增至2010年的5 070万美元,增加了1 260万美元(33%)。 造成这一增长的最大原因是880万美元的坏账支出(2009年为100万美元),这是对应收账款的必要调整,以纠正一个错误,即一些国家委员会报告为儿童基金会经常资源的捐款事实上已作为其他资源转移和入账。 销售和筹资(230万美元)、司长办公室、通信、财务和行政(200万美元)和国家委员会关系(80万美元)也有所增加。 这被区域支助中心费用减少30万美元所抵消。", "11个 应收账款净额在为无法收回的账户提取备抵后,从2009年的3.791亿美元增至2010年的3.91亿美元,原因是日元对美元的汇率有所加强。", "12个 贺卡和产品库存总额从2009年的980万美元增至2010年12月31日的1 090万美元,原因是制成品库存增加,这与销售收入减少相符。", "B. 2010年12月31日终了年度财务报表", "13个 以下三个财务报表在下一节附有解释性说明,包括重要会计政策摘要。", "报表一", "2010年12月31日终了年度收入和支出报表", "(单位:百万美元)", "2010-2009年其他产品资源*", "业务收入", "收入毛额 2 111.1", "国家委员会支出", "净收益 77.4 393.7 471.1 689.1 1 160.2 875.2 32.6", "直接费用", "货物和存货成本 16.6 16.6 17.7-6.2 间接费用", "业务和支助", "宣传材料.3.4 - 3.4 3.4 3.7 - 8.1", "国家办事处支出 5.3 2.8 8.1 8.1 10.9 - 25.7", "直接支出总额 37.2 2.8 40.0 - 40.0 40.9 - 2.2", "投资基金1.1 24.5 25.6 25.6 19.6 30.6", "直接捐助39.1 366.4 405.5 689.1 1 094.6 814.7 34.4 业务", "间接费用", "司长办公室,通信、财务和行政", "营销和筹资", "全国委员会", "区域支助中心", "坏账支出", "间接费用共计", "非营业前收入 20.1 334.7 354.8 689.1 1 043.9 776.6 34.4项", "不操作项目", "其他收入 1.2 6.9 8.1 - 8.1 15.2 - 46.7", "外汇损失 7 (4.5) (24.3) (28.8) - (28.8) (16.6) - 73.5", "这一期间的净收入", "注:所附解释性说明是本声明的组成部分,应与本声明一并阅读。", "* 儿童基金会财务报表中披露的私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的收入不包括来自私人筹资的其他资源,这些资源用于提供私营部门活动产生的总收入。", "报表二", "截至2010年12月31日的资产和负债表", "(单位:百万美元)", "2010年12月增(减)", "资产", "银行 0.6 0.4 0.2", "应收账款 407.0 388.9 18.1", "减:16.0 9.8 6.2 无法收回的账户的备抵", "应收账款净额 391.0 379.1 11.9", "库存", "资本资产,扣除累计折旧0 0", "资产共计", "负债", "应付账款 5.3 3.1 2.2", "儿童基金会部门间账户 397.2 386.2 11.0", "负债共计", "注:所附解释性说明是本声明的组成部分,应与本声明一并阅读。", "报表三", "与核定预算比较的2010年12月31日终了年度实际结果报表", "(单位:百万美元)", "差额\n附注8 实际预算", "营业收入净收益", "儿童基金会贺卡和产品的销售 第77.4段 96.4 - 19.0 - 19.7 24", "私人筹资 - 经常资源 393.7 383.4 10.3 2.7", "私人筹资——其他689.1 400.8 288.3 71.9个资源", "净收益 第1段", "直接费用", "货物和库存成本", "业务和支助", "宣传材料 3.4 5.4 - 2.0 - 37.0", "国家办事处支出", "直接支出共计 第40.0段48.4-8.4-17.4段 26", "投资基金支出", "1 094.6 806.6 288.0 35.7项业务的直接捐助", "间接费用", "司长办公室,通讯,18.6 20.6 - 2.0 - 9.7 财务和行政", "营销和筹资", "国家委员会关系 4.9 6.1-1.2-19.7", "区域支助中心", "坏账支出", "间接费用共计 第50.7段 51.5 - 0.8 - 1.6 27", "非经营项目前的收入", "不操作项目", "其他收入 8.1 6.3 1.8 28.6", "外汇收益(损失) - 28.8 0.0 - 28.8", "这一期间的净收入", "C. 2010年12月31日终了年度财务报告的说明", "说明 1. 重要会计政策摘要", "14个 财务报表是根据《财务条例和细则》及所附儿童基金会贺卡业务特别补编编制的。 [1] 除非另有说明,私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的会计政策同儿童基金会的会计政策一致。", "15个 根据执行局第1996/22 C.5号决定(E/ICEF/1996/12/Rev.1),私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的财政年度为1月1日至12月31日。 除三个国家委员会外,儿童基金会所有国家委员会(加拿大、日本和美国)的财政年度与儿童基金会相同。 日本和加拿大的儿童基金会国家委员会就4月1日至3月31日的财政年度提出报告。 美国儿童基金会基金报告7月1日至6月30日财政年度的情况。 这些全国委员会报告列入本财务报告的数字按此分摊。", "16号. 根据私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的会计政策,可设立备抵,以支付被认为可疑的应收账款。 这笔备抵作为应收帐款在资产和负债表中扣除。 本年度发生的任何有关费用都记入收入和支出报表。", "17岁 正在加工的工程和成品的库存按标准成本估价,而原材料按移动平均成本估价。 私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司的政策是在第一个促销年度结束时将未售出贺卡和日期产品减为零,在第二个促销年度结束时将所有其他产品减为零。", "说明 2. 总收入——贺卡和产品", "18岁。 儿童基金会贺卡和产品销售的总收入包括:(a) 儿童基金会开发的贺卡和产品销售的毛收入;(b) 通过私营部门筹资和伙伴关系司小册子和订货表获得的目录捐赠;(c) 特许使用费收入,包括从特许产品得到的所有收入;(d) 国家委员会产品,即从销售它们开发的产品中获得的收入。", "(单位:百万美元)", "增(减)\n2010-2009年(百分比)", "总收入——贺卡和产品", "目录捐款 5.2 5.1 0.1 2.0", "特许权使用费2.0 3.5-1.5-42.9", "国家委员会产品", "电子喷射器 0.2 0 0", "共计111.1* 131.9 (20.8) 15.8", "* 联合国 2010年的总额为1.111亿美元,包括贺卡和礼品业务产生的收入990万美元(2009年为1 240万美元),收入列入儿基会财务报表附注6的“其他收入”。", "说明 3. 司长办公室通讯、财务和行政开支", " 19. 19. 主任办公室的通信、财务和行政间接费用包括:", "(单位:百万美元)", "增(减)\n2010-2009年(百分比)", "司长办公室 1.4 1.2 0.2 16.7", "副主任——业务和财务", "财务和行政", "来文 1.4 1.2 14.3", "共同事务和分配的间接费用", "共计 18.6 16.6 2.0 12.0", "说明 4. 营销和筹资费用", "20号. 营销和筹资间接费用包括:", "(单位:百万美元)", "增(减)\n2010-2009年(百分比)", "销售和产品开发", "筹资费用", "研究和开发 2.9 2.3 0.6 26.1", "共计 16.7 14.4 2.3 16.0", "说明5. 分配的间接费用", "21岁 间接支出按下列分配基础分配给贺卡和产品的销售和私人筹资经常资源:", "(单位:百万美元)", "分配产品总额", "司长办公室,9.7 8.9 18.6 活动交流、财务和行政", "营销和筹资", "国家委员会关系 1.2 3.7 4.9", "区域支助中心", "坏账支出", "共计 19.0 31.7 50.7", "* 根据当年净收益(经常资源)计算。", "附注6. 其他收入", "22号. 其他收入包括:", "(单位:百万美元)", "分配产品总额", "现金折扣和其他0.1-0.1 销售杂项收入", "财政收入", "银行利息和其他收入", "共计 1.2 6.9 8.1", "* 财政业务收入按当年投资基金按比例分配。 国家委员会的银行利息和其他收入按当年净收益按比例分配。", "说明 7. 外汇损失", "23. 联合国 2010年,私人筹资共遭受了2 880万美元的外汇损失,而2009年的损失为1 660万美元。 2010年损失的主要原因是,与2009年12月31日应计收入相比,汇款时欧元对美元贬值。", "说明 8. 实际结果与2010年核定预算的比较", "24 (韩语). 2010年的净收入为10.232亿美元,而核定预算为7.614亿美元。 出现2.618亿美元(34.4%)的正差主要是由于对海地地震和巴基斯坦水灾紧急情况的其他资源捐助有所增加。", "25岁 儿童基金会贺卡和产品销售净收益比预算低1 900万美元(19.7%)。 与2009年一样,根据我们竞争者的经验,商业活动受到全球衰退的不利影响,因为公司和消费者除了过去几年销售量下降趋势外,还削减了自行酌定的购买量。", "26. 联合国 所有筹资和销售活动的净收入为2.796亿美元(31.8%)。 这是因为我们的捐助者对海地和巴基斯坦紧急情况的呼吁作出了积极反应,导致其他资源捐助增加。", "27个 2010年直接支出总额为4 000万美元,比核定预算低840万美元(17.4%)。 这是由于各种因素的结合,包括:(a) 货物支出费用降低,这与销售净收益与预算相比有所减少;(b) 宣传材料支出减少;(c) 国家办事处筹资支出减少,因为这些费用现在被重新分配给国家办事处预算,直接从当地筹资收入中收回。", "28岁 间接支出总额为5 070万美元,比核定预算5 150万美元少80万美元。 产生差异的原因是,由于坏账支出增加,所有费用中心的支出都有所减少。 支出减少的主要原因是,由于结构调整,卡片和产品研发预算支出不足,由于节省费用的举措,业务支出减少,以及征聘员额出现空缺。", "[1] 联合国儿童基金会财务条例和细则(E/ICEF/FINANCIAL Rules/1)和联合国儿童基金会财务条例和细则,贺卡业务特别补编(E/ICEF/FINANCIAL Rules/1/Add.1)。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "Item 138 of the preliminary list*", "Pattern of conferences", "Pattern of conferences", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "* A/66/50.", "^(a) See", "The present report contains information on conference management issues pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/245 of 24 December 2010 and other relevant mandates, as well as on initiatives undertaken by the Secretariat to improve the quality of conference services provided to Member States. Information is summarized to the extent possible in order to keep the report succinct and within the word limit. Statistical data are provided as supplementary information, which is available from the website of the Committee on Conferences.^(a)", "I. Meetings management", "A. Calendar of conferences and meetings", "1. Requests for exceptions to section I, paragraph 7, of General Assembly resolution 40/243 of 18 December 1985", "1. Requests to meet during the main part of the sixty-sixth session of the General Assembly have been received from the Committee on Relations with the Host Country, the Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, the Disarmament Commission, the Executive Board of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, the Independent Audit Advisory Committee, the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, the second intersessional meeting of the preparatory process for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development and the Executive Board of the United Nations Children’s Fund (see supplementary information, sect. I). In accordance with established practice, the requests will be reviewed by the Committee on Conferences for recommendation to the General Assembly.", "2. Draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings for 2012-2013", "2. The meetings planning system (g-Meets) of the integrated conference management system (i-CMS) initiative is currently in production in all conference-servicing duty stations (New York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi). G-Meets comprises two modules, launched in 2010 and 2011: (a) an assignment module for interpreters (e-APG) and (b) a meetings planning and scheduling module (e-Meets). The capability of generating a global electronic calendar of conferences and meetings through e-Meets is being developed as part of a road map of enhancements to g-Meets, which is expected by the end of 2011. The draft biennial calendar for 2012-2013 was prepared with the assistance of e-Meets.", "3. The provisional calendar of conferences and meetings in the economic, social and related fields for 2012 and 2013 (E/2011/L.10) was reviewed by the Committee on Conferences on 24 June 2011 and its comments have been transmitted to the Economic and Social Council for consideration at its 2011 substantive session (E/2011/128).", "4. During its substantive session, the Committee on Conferences will review the draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings for 2012-2013 (to be issued as A/AC.172/2011/L.2) and transmit its recommendations to the General Assembly. The draft biennial calendar will appear as an annex to the Committee’s report to the Assembly.", "5. The General Assembly may wish to include in new legislative mandates all relevant information in respect of meetings and documentation in order to enable the Secretariat to fully assess the conference-servicing needs, which could have programme budget implications. Meetings for which no modalities have been determined are listed in the draft biennial calendar of conferences and meetings for 2012-2013. The Secretariat will report to the Assembly in accordance with rule 153 of its rules of procedure when the modalities of those meetings have been agreed upon.", "3. Intersessional departures for 2011 and related matters", "6. The Committee on Conferences approved a request received in 2011 from the Commission on the Status of Women and two requests from the Committee on Non‑Governmental Organizations to hold an additional meeting at the conclusion of their sessions, and from the Advisory Board on Disarmament Matters for a change of venue from New York to Geneva. The Committee noted that the Fifth Committee would require an additional meeting to complete its work at the second resumed session.", "B. Utilization of conference-servicing resources and facilities", "1. Analysis of meeting statistics of United Nations organs", "7. Starting in 2011, g-Meets is being used to record statistical data on all meetings held at the four duty stations and away from established headquarters in a harmonized manner so that meaningful data comparison and analysis are possible across duty stations. Statistical data for the past three years on the utilization of conference resources allocated to a core sample of bodies that met in New York, Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi were collected from g-Meets and is contained in table 1, section II of the supplementary information. The table also includes statistics on the percentage of pre-session documentation issued four and six weeks before the beginning of the session/consideration of the item and the availability index by week.", "8. The overall utilization factor for all four duty stations in 2010 was 85 per cent (86 per cent in 2009) (see supplementary information, sect. II, table 2). For New York, the slight decrease to 81 per cent in 2010 from 84 per cent in 2009 is the result of the cancellation of 16 per cent of meetings and the ability to reassign only 61 per cent of the interpretation teams. Comparatively, in 2009, 13 per cent of meetings were cancelled, for which 65 per cent of interpretation teams were reassigned. It is not always possible to reassign interpretation services to other meetings, especially when arrangements are made at the last minute. In the case of Nairobi, the drop in the utilization factor is attributed to the inability to reassign the only cancelled team. The percentage of meetings programmed versus meetings held for all meetings with interpretation in New York increased from 96 per cent in 2009 to 97 per cent in 2010 (see supplementary information, sect. II, table 7). Section II of the supplementary information contains comparative statistical data for the past three years on the utilization factor (table 3) and meeting ratio (table 4).", "9. Proactive planning by calendar bodies when preparing the semi-annual projections of meetings, together with periodic monitoring of planned meetings for any changes to the programmes of work, has led to a significant increase in the planning accuracy factor (see supplementary information, sect. II, table 5). The overall planning accuracy factor at the four duty stations increased to 88 per cent in 2010 from 84 per cent in 2009, with New York recording a significant increase, to 82 per cent in 2010 from 77 per cent in 2009 (see supplementary information, sect. II, table 6).", "10. Data on the number and percentage of all meetings programmed and held at the four duty stations (including the core sample) are shown in section II, table 7, of the supplementary information.", "11. In New York in 2010, three intergovernmental bodies had a utilization factor of less than the benchmark of 80 per cent for three consecutive years (see supplementary information, sect. II, table 1.A): the Committee on Contributions, the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization and the Statistical Commission. As requested by the General Assembly, the Chair of the Committee on Conferences will hold consultations with the bureaux and secretariats of those bodies and will report orally thereon to the Committee at its substantive session. It is noted that as a result of more accurate planning and early cancellations, which allow for reassignments, the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations and its Working Group improved their utilization factor to 93 per cent in 2010, above the benchmark noted in the previous report (A/65/122, para. 12). In Geneva two intergovernmental bodies had a utilization factor of less than 80 per cent for three consecutive years: the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee and the Executive Committee of the Programme of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Consultations with the substantive secretariats are held as necessary, and monitoring letters are sent on a regular basis to draw the attention of the organizing secretariats to the planned and actual utilization of conference resources.", "12. The General Assembly may wish to reiterate its request to intergovernmental bodies to review their meeting entitlements and to plan and adjust their programmes of work on the basis of their actual utilization of conference-servicing resources in order to improve their efficiency in using conference services.", "2. Provision of interpretation services to the meetings of bodies entitled to meet “as required”", "13. A comparative analysis of the provision of interpretation services to meetings of bodies entitled to meet “as required” in New York shows a slight decrease, from 95 per cent in 2009 to 94 per cent in 2010, which is due to the conflicting demands of requestors and last-minute changes in the meetings programme in cases where advance planning is not possible (see supplementary information, sect. III).", "3. Provision of interpretation services to meetings of regional and other major groupings of Member States", "14. The statistical data are broken down by regional and other major groupings at the four main duty stations for 2010 (see supplementary information, sect. IV). In New York, 96 per cent of the requests were met in 2010 (87 per cent in 2009) owing to improved planning on the part of Member States and the meeting planners. In Geneva, 80 per cent of the requests were met in 2010 (87 per cent in 2009), with the reduction resulting from the increase in the calendar meeting workload (the utilization factor for Geneva rose from 88 per cent in 2009 to 91 per cent in 2010).", "15. The United Nations Office at Vienna does not normally receive requests to provide interpretation to meetings of regional and other major groupings of Member States, and did accommodate 100 per cent of requests for meetings without interpretation services. At the United Nations Office at Nairobi, the regional and other major groupings of Member States did not request interpretation in 2010, although the Office has the capacity to provide such groups with interpretation.", "4. Utilization of conference facilities at the United Nations Office at Nairobi", "16. In 2010, all meetings of Nairobi-based bodies were held in Nairobi, in conformity with the headquarters rule.", "5. Utilization of the conference centre at the Economic Commission for Africa", "17. In 2010, the conference centre hosted and serviced 4,777 meetings, which represents a utilization rate of 70 per cent (76 per cent in 2009). The decrease is due mainly to the fast-growing number of hotels and government conference halls recently opened in Addis Ababa, which provided non-United Nations organizations and corporations with alternative venues at which to hold their meetings, as well as the cancellation of meetings by regular users of the conference centre. This more competitive situation has led the Commission to embark on a more robust and innovative marketing strategy to increase its occupancy rate.", "18. The marketing activities of the centre included participation in high-profile international conventions and exhibitions, including the worldwide exhibition for incentive travel, meetings and events, held in Frankfurt, Germany, and the International Congress and Convention Association (ICCA), held in Hyderabad, India. The centre was featured in the annual publications and websites of these two well-known global organizations in the conference and exhibitions market, as well as in “Meet in Africa”, the member contact directory of the ICCA Africa chapter, Association Meetings International, the Worldwide Convention Centres Directory and the Ethiopian Airlines magazine Selamta. The centre has strengthened its ties with the Government of Ethiopia and other key stakeholders through the creation of a joint marketing strategy committee, which aims at promoting both Addis Ababa and the centre as a conference and tourism destination in Africa.", "C. Impact on meetings held at Headquarters during the implementation of the capital master plan", "19. The Department continues to face challenges in servicing and accommodating the many ad hoc requests in excess of the core activities of calendar bodies. Constant interaction with the secretariat of the capital master plan minimizes disruptions to the intergovernmental process.", "20. The higher security standards and the resulting need for better blast protection have meant that conference rooms 1, 2 and 3 on the 1B level of the Conference Building will undergo an extensive design change. The gallery seating has been relocated to the east wall and the podium to the west wall. The rooms are no longer at the window line and therefore are smaller in footprint by some 2,000 square feet (186 square metres), but the delegate seating capacity has not been affected. Consequently, the projected date of completion has been revised to December 2012. An updated chart showing the availability of conference rooms during the remaining phases of the capital master plan is contained in section V of the supplementary information", "21. To facilitate flexible working arrangements, the Department has provided some 700 Mobile Office licences to translators, revisers, editors, Secretaries of committees and conference officers. Mobile Office provides a secure way of gaining remote access in real time to many of the Department’s information technology resources and allows staff to work from anywhere at any time.", "II. Integrated global management", "A. Status report", "22. Under the proximity rule, now formalized for all meetings away from headquarters, a team that involves the least cost for servicing such meetings is assembled, and the documents are translated remotely in the headquarters location where the secretariat of the body organizing the meeting is located. To ensure the assembly of the most cost-effective team, the costs of using staff from different duty stations, including regional commissions, and freelancers are compared and the least costly arrangement is used, with replacement costs, available capacity and quality assurance duly considered. The benefits of this arrangement include financial savings for both the Organization and host countries, and it offers opportunities for staff from different duty stations to familiarize themselves with practices elsewhere so that the service mode can evolve through the promotion of best practices.", "23. The proximity rule is but one of many facets of integrated global management contained in the Compendium of Administrative Policies, Practices and Procedures of Conference Services, which was amended to reflect developments since its latest revision, in 2007. The revised version includes comments and input from the Department of Management and the Office of Legal Affairs. A new section on the policies, practices and procedures of the Protocol and Liaison Service relevant to conference services is being prepared for inclusion in the Compendium.", "24. The widening spread and acceptance of jointly practised common work procedures, policies and rules for major conferences and meetings away from headquarters, together with steady progress in the development and increased utilization of the integrated conference management system, is laying a solid foundation for the evolution of integrated global management. It is not only a means for the efficient allocation and utilization of the Department’s tangible resources, but also a means for the realization and sharing of intangible benefits, including knowledge and expertise and lessons learned, which is a prerequisite for adding value and ensuring economy of operation and the efficient use of the Department’s resources. In this vein, the 2011 coordination meeting of conference services managers focused on actual experiences and lessons learned from the application of the proximity rule, with a view to arriving at recommendations for policies and suggesting ways for improving practices.", "25. In response to the request of the General Assembly in section III, paragraph 15, of its resolution 65/245 of 24 December 2010, the Secretariat has undertaken a comprehensive review of conference management efficiency and accountability mechanisms across the four main duty stations under the auspices of its Management Committee, chaired by the Deputy Secretary-General, with a view to exploring the boundaries of meaningful authority and establishing acceptable protocols for exercising such authority within existing mandates[1] and organizational structures and the reform framework, with due regard for the accountability of the Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management to the Secretary-General for enhancing and facilitating the effectiveness and efficiency of the total process of intergovernmental activities and his responsibility for guiding integrated global conference management involving Headquarters and the United Nations Offices at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi, including the establishment of conference management policies, practices, standards and procedures and the allocation of resources under the relevant budget section, vis-à-vis the operational specificities of the duty stations. The Secretary-General confirms the principle of accountability and shared responsibility for conference services at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi between the Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management and the three Directors-General. Harmonized amendments of the Secretary-General’s bulletins on the organization of the three Offices will be developed to delineate and codify the dual responsibility for the conference management operations of the Under-Secretary-General and the respective Directors-General.", "B. Performance measurement", "26. The four conference-servicing duty stations have, through intensive discussions, reached consensus on standardized key performance indicators and basic costing methodology. Data entry at the four duty stations through the statistical data reporting system of i-CMS (g-Data) will be fully aligned and the comparative performance reported, with a view to producing reports on key performance indicators that are comparable both over time and across duty stations, enhancing transparency and accountability. The financial reports are already being used actively. By mid-2011, all planned reports will have been developed and posted. At the time of preparation of the present report, many had already been tested and signed off on by the users.", "27. The performance matrix for 2010, which provides indicators for human resources, meetings management and the timeliness of documentation, as well as productivity measures for the language services, is contained in section VI of the supplementary information.", "C. Evaluation by Member States of the quality of conference services", "28. In 2009, the survey of conference services was harmonized across the duty stations, and common indicators were established. The global e-survey was promoted and distributed to Member and observer States at the four duty stations by means of an e-mail message with a link to the survey, a note verbale by the Under-Secretary-General for General Assembly and Conference Management, announcements and links in the Journal of the United Nations and all relevant websites and promotional activities at each duty station. Besides indicating the ratings of services currently provided, the global e-survey also seeks to elicit feedback on improving the quality of the services. Written comments and complaints are collected and distributed to each responsible office, and lessons learned are drawn for the effectiveness of future surveys. In 2010, the global e‑survey was carried out twice, in May and November, during a period of four weeks and five weeks, respectively.", "29. Despite the Department’s various efforts, the response rate for the e-survey was disappointingly low. Only 137 responses were received at all the duty stations for the May 2010 e-survey, of which 38 per cent rated the Department’s services as “excellent” and 5 per cent as “poor”. A total of 130 responses were received at all the duty stations for the November 2010 e-survey (40 per cent “excellent” and 5 per cent “poor”). Poor ratings were due mainly to difficulties experienced in finding information in the calendar of meetings.", "30. In 2010, the Department in New York held two rounds of informational meetings with delegations on the quality of language services, in April and October; the Division of Conference Management in Geneva conducted three informational meetings, in July and December; the Conference Management Service in Vienna conducted two informational meetings, in April and July; and the Division of Conference Services in Nairobi held two informational meetings, in February and March. In addition to the regular survey on conference services, the Department maintains a database to capture ad hoc feedback on the quality of its services.", "III. Matters related to documentation and publications", "A. Documents management", "31. The document management system (g-Doc) of the i-CMS initiative was relaunched in March 2011 with a view to integrating features of the systems at Headquarters and in Geneva in common work processes, thereby reducing the need for local customization. The workplan contains, among other things, a common document submission module that includes harmonized slotting and forecasting to allow for advance tracking of documents by intergovernmental bodies and author departments alike.", "32. During the reporting cycle, further progress was made in the area of proactive document management, with the slotting system being implemented at all four duty stations. This led to improved performance in some areas, while impediments persisted in others. In New York, for example, the overall rate of timely submission of slotted pre-session documents for the first five months of 2011 reached 87 per cent, showing marked improvement over the levels of 2009 (73 per cent) and 2010 (78 per cent), and demonstrating that the 90 per cent compliance benchmark is achievable. At the same time, the Department in New York maintained 100 per cent processing compliance: all documents submitted on time and within the word limit were processed within four weeks. Consequently, 83 per cent of slotted pre-session documents were issued within the mandated time frame, compared with 76 per cent in 2009 and 82 per cent in 2010.", "33. The interdepartmental task force on documentation, comprising all author departments, has been meeting twice yearly, once in the second quarter, focusing on documentation for the Fifth Committee, and again in the third quarter, in two segments: the first targeting all submitting departments and offices and the second dealing specifically with documentation for the Fifth Committee. In the meetings, which have always been well attended and conducted in an interactive and action-oriented manner, participants are briefed on new legislative mandates and operational guidelines, and lessons learned and ideas for improvement are exchanged. The practice of holding task force meetings has generated interest at other duty stations as well. In addition, the senior managers of the Department were closely involved in the slotting exercise, both in New York and at the other duty stations, and interacted frequently with the heads of author departments and presiding officers of intergovernmental bodies.", "34. The improved compliance with submission guidelines is attributable to the joint efforts of author departments and the Department, with the latter having made dynamic and robust efforts to monitor and follow up with author departments on their submission schedules, targeting author departments that repeatedly failed to meet the 90 per cent benchmark, especially in those cases where the work of intergovernmental bodies was seriously affected by the late issuance of documents.", "35. While the overall submission rate has improved steadily, performance varies among author departments: in 2008, 27 departments out of 48 (56 per cent) reached a compliance rate of 90 per cent; in 2009 that figure dropped to 23 out of 51 (45 per cent), and in 2010, it increased slightly, to 25 out of 48 (52 per cent). Therefore, the Department will enforce more rigorously the slotting system, including through the use of the “footnote clause” as mandated by the General Assembly.", "36. At the Division of Conference Management in Geneva, the online planning module was fully deployed in 2010. For the cycle covering July 2011 to January 2012, all author entities have submitted their forecasts using the system. For the first time ever, OHCHR submitted a forecast for all Human Rights Council documentation, as well as that of the treaty bodies, although the latter remains much less predictable, as it is based mainly on submissions from Member States. Still, the Division of Conference Management will hold discussions with the treaty body secretariats with a view to slotting those documents that are within their purview. It needs to be pointed out that, despite the considerable flexibility exercised in recognition of the specificities of the Human Rights Council, namely the staggering of submission dates in accordance with the schedule of consideration of agenda items, the compliance rate has remained well below the 90 per cent benchmark. For the Economic Commission for Europe and the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, which have successive overlapping short meetings and large amounts of documentation, the only way to deal with their workload continues to be strict adherence to the 10-week rule.", "37. The Conference Management Service in Vienna has been implementing the slotting system since 2003, and in 2005 the system was incorporated into the electronic workflow in the Documents, Conference and Production Management System. The total number of parliamentary documents slotted at the United Nations Office at Vienna for 2010 was higher than in the previous year, and those documents were included in the electronic forecast submitted by the client secretariats twice a year and updated regularly. The Service has been engaging in dialogue with the secretariats and the bureaux of the governing bodies in order to reach agreements on alternative time frames when, owing to the dynamics of the intergovernmental bodies concerned, flexibility is required, in particular for documents of Vienna-based bodies that do not lend themselves to the 10-week time frame.", "38. The United Nations Office at Nairobi has applied the slotting system to all of its clients. However, regular budget clients account for only 30 per cent of its total volume of documents, while the level of compliance has been very low among extrabudgetary clients, for whom the 10-week rule may be applicable to a small number of specific documents only. In most of those cases, the Office managed to suggest alternative slotting schedules based on the ad hoc requirements of the governing bodies.", "39. One of the major initiatives in the documentation area is the slotting of pre‑session documents for the Security Council. The Department and the Council secretariat have agreed on the conceptual framework and have worked with author departments to develop a slotting template and to start negotiations on the dates of submission and the length of documents. At present, only reports submitted directly to the Council are slotted; because of their complex nature, reports submitted to sanctions committees and panels of experts will be dealt with in the next phase of negotiations.", "40. Workload-sharing in the context of global document management remains ad hoc in practice and negligible in amount, accounting for less than 1 per cent of the global workload. The main reason is that there is little surplus capacity, given that all four duty stations forecast substantial capacity shortfalls throughout the year compared with expected work inflow, leaving no room to shift workload. Capacity at the United Nations Office at Geneva, for example, has been inadequate for a number of years, and its translation backlog continues to grow.", "41. Waiver management is conducted mainly through proactive advance intervention. Proactive waiver management takes place at the slotting stage, whereby the Department seeks to contain the length of slotted documents while taking into account justification provided by author departments and historical patterns of similar or recurrent reports. This exercise has consistently produced significant results. In 2010, the number of words in manuscripts was reduced by 421,145 words (about 1,300 pages) through interaction with author departments in New York.", "42. The Secretariat has published versions of some sanctions lists in the six official languages of the United Nations, for example in the cases of the sanctions regimes in connection with Somalia/Eritrea and the Sudan. Since the previous substantive session of the Committee on Conferences, the consolidated list of the committee monitoring the sanctions on the Democratic Republic of the Congo has been made available in the six official languages, and the consolidated lists for the Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire sanctions committees are expected to follow suit in the near future.", "43. Furthermore, the relevant committees have decided to make publicly accessible on their websites, in the six official languages, narrative summaries of reasons for the listing of all entries on the Al-Qaida and Taliban lists. In total, 483 such summaries have been approved, leading to the creation of nearly 3,000 separate pages created for this specific purpose in the six official languages.", "B. Processing schedule", "44. The General Assembly, in paragraph 24 of its resolution 46/190 of 20 December 1991, urged the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to ensure that pre‑session documents for meetings were distributed no less than six weeks before the meetings, and in paragraph 8 of its resolution 47/202 B of 22 December 1992, the Assembly urged the substantive departments of the Secretariat to comply with the rule requiring them to submit pre-session documents to conference services at least 10 weeks before the beginning of sessions in order to permit processing in time in all the official languages. The Assembly thus effectively allocates four weeks for the processing of documents submitted within the word limit.", "45. Because of time pressure, a manuscript most often is processed simultaneously on three paths: (a) editing of the original, (b) referencing for all target languages and (c) translation into all target languages. Parallel processing, although often unavoidable, is inefficient and time-consuming.", "46. Maximizing sequential workflow, in which manuscripts are edited, formatted and finalized in the original language before being sent for translation, is a precondition for efficient workflow automation, which, in turn, would enhance quality, speed up certain processing stages and reduce the overall processing time for certain documents.", "47. Cost efficiencies can be realized by changing the workflow from parallel processing to linear processing and by re-engineering the workflow to increase automation at each processing stage. Re-engineering the workflow for verbatim records is under way, as discussed in section D below. The related issue, increased sequential processing, could be accomplished by increasing capacity at the upstream stages or by adjusting the current paradigm to give the Department six weeks for processing rather than the current four. As documents are now available electronically in all official languages significantly sooner after their finalization, a six-week review period may no longer be necessary.", "48. The General Assembly may wish to amend the rules governing document processing to a 10-6-4 time frame, whereby manuscripts would be submitted to the Department 10 weeks and issued 4 weeks before consideration. This change would ensure the availability of documents well before their consideration and would provide for greater efficiencies and enhanced quality of documentation.", "C. Printing of parliamentary documents and capacity utilization", "49. During the past few years, the Department has reduced considerably the number of printed pages of parliamentary documents — by 41 per cent (50 per cent in New York) — even though both the number of documents handled by the Department and the number of manuscript pages processed have increased, by 6 per cent and 11 per cent, respectively, at all duty stations (7 per cent and 17 per cent in New York) from the levels in 2008. For example, 43 million page impressions were produced in May 2009, 18 million in May 2010 and 5.3 million in May 2011, for a total decrease of 80 per cent. As part of its strategy to encourage alternative means of distribution of parliamentary documents, the Department has introduced various electronic tools to enable users to access documents online. The average number of hard copies printed in New York is now more in line with the average at the other duty stations.", "50. The downward trend of page impressions is expected to continue as cost-effective and environmentally friendly alternatives become more available and more widely used. The reduced space in the conference rooms for document booths and the lack of storage space for documents in the North Lawn Building have compelled the Secretariat to reduce the distribution of documents on the premises and to compensate with increased reliance on electronic distribution. As delegates and the Secretariat gain more experience with paperless meetings, this mode of meeting should be strongly encouraged.", "D. Re-engineering the publishing workflow for verbatim records", "51. The Meetings and Publishing Division in New York has been developing, for the preparation of procès-verbaux of the Security Council, a fully digital workflow that handles the entire process, from content creation (verbatim reporting) through revision, layout and formatting and output in many digital forms (PDF, e-Pub, etc.). The workflow employs many tools to streamline the process (reference and digital translation tools, formatting templates and productivity scripts and macros). The workflow also allows for leveraging global resources: a test for connecting the New York and Nairobi duty stations to share the workflow was conducted in mid-2011.", "IV. Matters related to translation and interpretation", "52. Energetic measures are required to avoid a disruptive shortage of applicants in language career fields, especially given the large number of language staff expected to retire in the coming years. When projected retirements in the period from 2010 to 2016 are factored in, total turnover will reach 43 per cent for interpreters and 40 per cent for translators. In absolute numbers, this means that competitive examinations will have to produce 119 new recruits for interpretation and 217 for translation in the period in question.", "53. The Division of Conference Services at the United Nations Office at Nairobi still faces challenges in attracting and retaining qualified language staff despite various efforts and in collaboration with other duty stations in filling the posts. The proposed upgrades of six Reviser posts and five Interpreter posts from the P-4 to the P-5 level in the 2012-2013 budget is key to solving the problem of attracting and retaining qualified staff.", "54. The Department has conducted a comprehensive review of the language competitive examination process, in close cooperation with the Office of Human Resources Management. An expert panel with representatives from the Department and the Office is considering a range of policy issues related to the conduct of language examinations and the management of rosters. An online roster management module was launched that allows programme managers to access and share information about candidates on the roster awaiting recruitment on career appointments. The Department is considering a number of proposals aimed at expanding the pool of qualified applicants and simplifying the process by standardizing and streamlining the form and content of the examinations without compromising their high standards.", "55. Increased reliance on freelance interpreters as a short-term remedy has proven to be an unsatisfactory alternative. All duty stations have faced, to varying degrees, challenges arising from the unavailability of freelance interpreters on short notice, fierce global competition for their services and the fact that the conditions of their temporary employment at the United Nations are not as competitive as those offered by other institutions. The four duty stations agree on the need to increase in-house capacity and to widen the pool of local freelance interpreters where applicable (New York and Nairobi). The Department is leading negotiations with the International Association of Conference Interpreters, conducted within the framework of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, on a solution to the problem of uncompetitive rates, particularly in North America. New York and Geneva are also of the view that avoiding simultaneous peaks in their respective work programmes would allow for more staff exchanges, thus further reducing the need for such recruitment.", "56. Training and outreach together constitute a cornerstone of the Department’s long-term succession planning. By offering training opportunities, the Department ensures that the specialized competencies needed to carry out its daily work are maintained and developed by upgrading and updating the substantive and technical knowledge and skills of its current workforce. Through its outreach efforts, the Department aims to attract new talent through direct collaboration with training institutions, and it ensures awareness of its needs and requirements through a language outreach portal.", "57. The outreach to universities programme is aimed at addressing the shortage of qualified candidates to meet increasing needs in the language services. The network of training institutions that have signed memorandums of understanding with the United Nations has been expanded and currently includes 19 universities covering the six official languages of the Organization, and all the major regions except Latin America and the Caribbean. Applications from two universities in Latin America are currently under consideration, and informal cooperation has continued between the Department and the two universities, which were invited to nominate candidates for the language internship programme.", "58. The Department continued its collaboration with training institutions through the language internship programme. The programme proved to be an effective tool of identifying, attracting and training talented young professionals and directing them to language career paths at the United Nations. In 2011, a vacancy announcement for language internships attracted more than 600 applicants, 65 of whom were hosted by the four duty stations. They represented all six official languages and all language-related occupational groups (27 in New York, 29 in Geneva, 7 in Vienna and 2 in Nairobi). A total of 61 interns were hosted in 2010 (36 in New York, 14 in Geneva, 9 in Vienna and 2 in Nairobi). A number of graduates of the programme have passed language competitive examinations in interpretation and translation and have been recruited in the language services as staff members. The programme also assisted in complementing the pool of qualified language professionals available for temporary appointment and/or contractual translation assignments.", "59. The first conference of universities having signed memorandums of understanding was held in May 2011 and was hosted by the University of Salamanca, Spain. Representatives from the universities, the United Nations system and various European institutions held fruitful discussions and agreed on a set of specific actions aimed at strengthening cooperation among the parties in order to find common solutions to issues related to the training of language professionals. The conference will become an annual event. The next conference, to be hosted by the University of Mons, Belgium, in 2012, is expected to formalize the structure of the network of universities having signed memorandums of understanding and determine the modalities of its functioning.", "60. During the reporting period, the Department continued to implement planned training activities with an emphasis on translation- and interpretation-specific skills. Effectiveness in the utilization of funds by each beneficiary unit is monitored regularly. The level of resources allocated to training activities in 2011 is roughly equal to that of 2010, and many training requests were denied owing to the shortage of funds.", "61. Traineeships constitute another formula for enhancing the pool of qualified language professionals in language combinations that were identified as problematic or critical for succession-planning purposes. In 2009, a pilot programme was conducted in New York in which four candidates identified as promising by an examination board were selected to receive interpreter training in the English booth. All four trainees have since passed the competitive examination for interpreters.", "62. The Conference Management Service in Vienna continued its language traineeship programme based on retainer contracting. Trainees are given production quotas to fulfil for the host service, and at the same time benefit from mentoring and feedback from experienced language professionals. In 2010, the Office hosted nine trainees, mostly in translation, and is expecting to host five in 2011. The Interpretation Section in Vienna organized short training sessions in the field of interpretation for selected students, which benefited 115 trainees in 2010 and 134 in 2011.", "63. The Department is currently considering options for formalizing a traineeship programme, as requested by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/245, and strengthening the language internship programme. Full responsibility for administering the internship programmes has recently been transferred from the Office of Human Resources Management to the hosting departments, thus allowing the Department to streamline the posting of internship announcements in Inspira and to have more flexibility in timing internships to avoid their overlap with peak workload periods.", "64. The Department’s succession-planning efforts are hampered by a lack of budgetary resources and are largely dependent on the voluntary efforts of dedicated language staff, who, for example, combine their home leave with pedagogical assistance missions. Time spent in training and outreach activities is time not available for regular work, entailing a requirement for replacement staff. Despite its achievements and positive aspects, the programme is close to reaching its limit in terms of the number of training institutions that can be included in the network, the number and scope of pedagogical assistance activities that can be carried out by staff without any financial support and the number of interns who can receive meaningful training in the host language services. The necessity of supporting proactive succession-planning efforts with adequate financing was highlighted by the Joint Inspection Unit in its forthcoming report on the outreach to universities programme, in which it recommends that the legislative bodies of the organizations of the United Nations system ensure that the necessary resources are allocated within the organizations for achieving effective succession planning and dispensing targeted training to candidates for language examinations.", "65. Human and financial resources must be in place to enhance outreach and training efforts, to expand and mainstream the traineeship programme, which will strengthen the Department’s succession-planning efforts through enhanced collaboration with its partner training institutions, and to train staff once they are on board. Some Member States may also be willing to provide support for training activities related to specific languages. Preliminary enquiries have been made to members of the League of Arab States to ascertain their interest in contributing to the Department’s training of Arabic-language translators and interpreters through a trust fund or other arrangement to be put in place by the contributors.", "66. The oft-competing demands of productivity, quality, timeliness and cost-effectiveness remain at the cornerstone of document-processing decisions. The highest priority is given to quality, but this approach is unsustainable given the present workload and capacity. Informational meetings are held with Member States, as mandated by the General Assembly (most recently in its resolution 65/245), but attendance remains low.", "67. The Department makes full use of contractual translation. The proportion of translation done contractually is increasing, and funds are deployed to match the expected demand. However, problems remain regarding the amount and type of work that can be translated contractually: individual contractors are not guaranteed to be available, and institutional providers, while able to accept large amounts of work, do not provide a sufficiently and consistently high-quality product.", "68. Quality control has been given top priority in efforts to ensure a high standard for external translation. A senior reviser and/or focal point for quality control has been designated at the United Nations Offices at Geneva and Vienna. At all duty stations, contractors receive feedback from in-house revisers, in some cases for every job. A global roster of translators and revisers within the Department’s contractor management application is updated continually on the basis of input provided by in-house staff on work received from contractors.", "69. Efforts to increase quality control for externally processed jobs are hampered by capacity gaps whereby staff cannot be fully dedicated to quality-control functions. In times of increased workload and decreased capacity, staff must perform other required functions, including revision.", "70. Owing to the technological advances in the field of document processing and the need to re-engineer workflow in this area, the Department is exploring the application of computer-assisted translation tools, terminology databases, translation memories and machine translation. This shift to new technology tools will yield benefits in terms of quantity and quality if the necessary investment is made now to procure and test the available tools and to ensure training so that all staff members can become proficient users of the tools.", "71. Alternative methods of delivery of summary records was raised in the 2004 report of the Secretary-General on the reform of the Department (A/59/172) and again in his 2005 report on the pattern of conferences (A/60/93). Subsequently, in its resolution 60/236 B of 8 May 2006, the General Assembly called upon the Secretary-General to further elaborate on those proposals. The Assembly may wish to approve the proposed continuation of the production of summary records in the original language only (English or French), complemented by supplemental systems (e.g., on demand, digital, restricted), to be put in place to meet the needs of Member States.", "72. Treaty body documentation includes submissions by the Secretariat and intergovernmental bodies, which are subject to word limits, and submissions by Member States, which currently are not subject to word limits. In 2010, the latter category of documents showed a 42 per cent increase, to 170 documents, the largest of which was in excess of 87,000 words (approximately 274 pages). It is vital that word limits be respected for all treaty body documentation, which will have a positive impact on the work burden for all concerned. Following the decision of the chairs of the human rights treaty bodies in this regard (see A/65/190, annex II, para. 22), the General Assembly may wish to further reinforce this proposed course of action.", "[1] As early as 2001, the General Assembly recognized the need to recalibrate the Department’s relationship to the conference management components of the United Nations Offices at Geneva, Vienna and Nairobi. In paragraph 81 of its resolution 56/253, the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to ensure that conference services are managed in an integrated manner throughout all duty stations in the Organization, and in sect. II, para. 3, of its resolution 56/242, it requested that the Department be considered the executive authority to oversee, coordinate and enhance the global management and delivery of United Nations conference services. In 2003, the Assembly requested that the responsibilities in management matters be clearly defined as well as delineated between the four conference-servicing duty stations (resolution 57/283 B, sect. II.B, paras. 7 and 8). In 2009, the Assembly emphasized the need for programme managers, and duty stations resourced under section 2 of the programme budget, to be cost-effective and efficient, particularly with respect to the effective functioning of the global management of conference services, and requested the Secretary-General to develop mechanisms that would enhance accountability in this regard (resolution 64/243, para. 67). This request was reiterated in 2010 (resolution 65/245, sect. III, para. 15)." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目138", "会议时地分配办法", "会议时地分配办法", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告依照大会2010年12月24日第65/245号决议和其他相关任务规定,载列了与会议管理问题有关的信息,并说明了秘书处为改进向会员国提供会议服务的质量而采取的举措。为使报告简洁,不超过字数限制,已尽可能地对信息进行概括。统计数据作为补充资料提供,载于会议委员会网站。^(a)", "^(*) A/66/50。", "^(a) 见", "一. 会议管理", "A. 会议日历", "1. 请求对大会1985年12月18日第40/243号决议第一节第7段的规定作例外处理", "1. 收到下列机关提出的在大会第六十六届会议主要会期期间举行会议的请求:东道国关系委员会、巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会、消除种族歧视委员会、裁军审议委员会、联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)执行局、独立审计咨询委员会、国际刑事法院《罗马规约》缔约国大会、联合国可持续发展大会筹备进程第二次闭会期间会议和联合国儿童基金会执行局(见补充资料,第一节)。按照惯例,这些请求将由会议委员会审查,然后由其向大会提出建议。", "2. 2012/2013两年期会议日历草稿", "2. 综合会议管理系统(i-CMS)倡议中包含的会议规划系统(g-Meets)目前正在所有提供会议服务的工作地点(纽约、日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕)运行。G-Meets包含两个单元,于2010年和2011年启动:⑴ 口译员派任单元(e-APG),⑵ 会议规划和排期单元(e-Meets)。正在研发通过e-Meets生成全球电子会议日历的能力,作为加强g-Meets的路线图的一部分,可望于2011年年底完成。2012-2013两年期日历草稿是借助e-Meets制作的。", "3. 会议委员会于2011年6月24日审议了经济、社会和有关领域2012和2013年暂定会议日历(E/2011/L.10),其评论意见已经转交经济及社会理事会,供其2011年实质性会议审议(E/2011/128)。", "4. 会议委员会将在其实质性会议期间审议2012-2013两年期会议日历草稿(将以A/AC/172/2011/L.2印发),并向大会转交其建议。两年期日历草稿将作为委员会提交给大会的报告附件。", "5. 大会不妨在新的法定任务中载列会议和文件方面的所有相关信息,以便秘书处能够全面评估可能会引起所涉方案预算问题的会议服务需求。2012-2013两年期会议日历草稿列出了尚未确定方式的会议。这些会议方式商定后,秘书处将根据大会议事规则第153条向大会报告。", "3. 2011年闭会期间的更改和有关事项", "6. 会议委员会核准了2011年收到的妇女地位委员会提出的一项请求、非政府组织委员会提出的两项请求,在其届会结束时增加一次会议,以及裁军事项咨询委员会提出的将会议地点从纽约改到日内瓦的请求,并注意到第五委员会请求在其续会第二期会议增加一次会议以完成其工作。", "B. 会议服务资源和设施的利用", "1. 对联合国机关会议统计数据的分析", "7. 从2011年开始,以统一方式使用g-Meets记录在四个工作地点和固定总部以外举行的所有会议的统计数据,从而可以让各工作地点分享有意义的数据比较和分析。过去三年向在纽约、日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕举行会议的核心抽样机构分配会议资源的利用情况统计数据来自g-Meets,并载于补充资料第二节,表1。该表还列入了在会议开始/审议项目之前提前四周和六周印发会前文件的百分比统计数字,以及按周分列的备妥指数。", "8. 2010年所有四个工作地点的总利用率是85%(2009年为86%)(见补充资料第二节,表2)。纽约的利用率从2009年的84%微降到2010年的81%,原因是取消了16%的会议,而仅有61%的口译员可以重新安排。相比之下,2009年会议的取消率为13%,65%的口译员得到重新安排。有时不可能将口译服务重新安排给其他会议,在最后一刻才作出安排的情况下尤其如此。内罗毕使用率的下降就是因为无法重新安排被取消的唯一一组人员。在纽约所有配备口译的会议中,计划举行的会议数与实际举行的会议数之间的百分比从2009年的96%上升到2010年的97%(见补充资料第二节,表7)。补充资料第二节还载有过去三年利用率(表3)和会议比率(表4)方面的可比统计数据。", "9. 由于每六个月编制一次会议预期时日历所列机构进行积极规划并定期监测计划举行的会议有无工作方案的改变,规划精确系数显著提高(见补充资料第二节,表5)。四个工作地点的总体规划精确系数从2009年的84%提高到2010年的88%,其中纽约从2009年的77%显著提高到2010年的82%(见补充资料第二节,表6)。", "10. 补充资料第二节表7列出了四个工作地点(包括核心抽样机构)所有计划举行和实际举行的会议的数量和百分比数据。", "11. 在纽约,到2010年利用率连续三年低于80%基准的三个政府间机构(见补充资料第二节,表1.A)是:会费委员会、联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会和统计委员会。如大会所要求,会议委员会主席将与上述机关的主席团和秘书处进行协商,并向会议委员会实质性会议作出口头报告。由于更精确的规划和提早取消以便重新安排,维持和平行动特别委员会及其工作组在2010年将其利用率提高到93%,如上次报告中指出,超过了基准(A/65/122,第12段)。在日内瓦,利用率连续三年低于80%的两个政府间机构是人权理事会咨询委员会和联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会。已经酌情与实务秘书处进行了协商,定期发出监测函以提醒负责组织工作的秘书处注意对会议资源的计划利用和实际利用情况。", "12. 大会不妨敦促政府间机构审查其应享会议资源,根据会议服务资源的实际利用率来规划和调整其工作方案,以便提高其对会议服务的有效利用。", "2. 为有权“视需要”开会的机构举行的会议提供口译服务", "13. 对为纽约有权“视需要”开会的机构提供的口译服务所作的比较分析显示,服务从2009年的95%微降到2010年的94%,原因是各请求方的要求出现冲突,并且有时不可能提前规划,存在最后一刻改变会议安排的情况(见补充资料,第三节)。", "3. 为会员国区域集团和其他主要集团提供口译服务", "14. 统计数据按2010年四个主要工作地点的区域集团和其他主要集团明细分列(见补充资料第四节)。在纽约,由于会员国和会议规划人员改善了规划,2010年有96%的请求得到满足(2009年为87%)。在日内瓦,2010年有80%的请求得到满足(2009年为87%),下降的原因是日历会议工作量增加(日内瓦的利用率从2009年的88%提高到2010年的91%)。", "15. 联合国维也纳办事处通常不会接到为会员国区域集团和其他主要集团的会议提供口译的请求,但100%满足了不需要口译服务的会议请求。就联合国内罗毕办事处而言,会员国区域集团和其他主要集团在2010年没有要求口译服务,不过该办事处有能力为这些集团提供口译。", "4. 联合国内罗毕办事处会议设施的利用", "16. 2010年,总部设在内罗毕的机构的所有会议均在内罗毕举行,符合“总部开会规则”。", "5. 非洲经济委员会会议中心的利用", "17. 2010年,会议中心举办并提供服务的会议次数为4 777次,利用率为70%(2009年为76%)。利用率下降主要是由于在亚的斯亚贝巴酒店快速增加且最近开放了政府会议厅,为非联合国组织和公司组办会议提供了其他会场选择,还由于经常使用会议中心的客户取消了一些会议。这种更激烈的竞争态势促使委员会采取更加有力和创新的推销策略,以提高其利用率。", "18. 会议中心的推销活动包括参加重要国际会议和展览会,其中包括在德国法兰克福举行的国际奖励旅游、会议和活动展览会和在印度海得拉巴举行的国际大会与会议协会会议。在会议和展览市场这两个全球知名组织的年度出版物和网站上,在“非洲会议”、国际大会与会议协会非洲分会成员联系目录、“国际协会会议”(Association Meetings International)、世界会议中心目录以及埃塞俄比亚航空公司杂志“Selamta”上,也载有会议中心的信息。中心加强了与埃塞俄比亚政府和其他关键利益攸关方的联系,设立了联合推销策略委员会,旨在促进亚的斯亚贝巴和会议中心作为非洲的会议和旅游目的地。", "C. 基本建设总计划执行期间对在总部举行的会议产生的影响", "19. 除日历所列各机构的核心活动外,大会部继续面临为很多额外会议要求提供服务和安排会场的挑战。与基本建设总计划秘书处的不断互动可把对政府间进程的影响降至最低程度。", "20. 安保标准提高和由此产生的加强防爆的必要性意味着,会议楼地下一层的1、2和3会议室要全面更改设计。公众席位已迁往东墙,讲台迁至西墙。会议室不再靠着窗口线,因此,占地面积减少了约2 000平方英尺(186平方米),但代表座位没有受到影响。预计完成日期改为2012年12月。在基本建设总计划剩余阶段期间,会议室的最新可用情况图见补充资料第五节。", "21. 为了便利灵活的工作安排,大会部向翻译、审校、编辑、各委员会秘书和会议干事提供了约700个移动办公许可证。移动办公提供了一个可靠方式,可让工作人员在远程实时访问大会部的许多信息技术资源,还可在任何时候任何地点工作。", "二. 全球统筹管理", "A. 情况报告", "22. 现在总部以外地点举办的所有会议都要施行邻近规则,就此要召集人员以最低成本为这种会议提供服务,文件则由主办会议机构秘书处所在的总部地点远程翻译。为确保用最具成本效益方式召集人员,对来自不同工作地点和区域委员会的工作人员及自由职业者提供服务的费用加以比较,采用费用最少的安排,同时适当考虑到替换费用、现有能力以及质量保证等问题。这种安排的好处包括为本组织和东道国节约了资金,而且来自不同工作地点的工作人员也有机会熟悉别处的做法,以便可通过推广最佳做法发展服务模式。", "23. 邻近规则只是《会议事务行政政策、做法和程序简编》所载的全球统筹管理的许多方面之一,对该《简编》进行了修订是为了反映自2007年最后一个版本印发以来的事态发展。修订版包括管理事务部和法律事务厅的意见和提供的投入。目前正在编制一个与会议事务有关的关于礼宾和联络事务的政策、做法和程序的新章节,以纳入简编。", "24. 在总部以外地点举行的主要会议和其他会议越来越广泛地推广和采用联合施行的共同工作程序、政策和规则,在发展和更多利用综合会议管理系统方面也取得了稳定进展,这为全球统筹管理的发展奠定了坚实的基础。全球统筹管理还在发展,它不仅是有效分配和利用大会部有形资源的一个手段,而且还是实现和分享无形惠益的一种方式,这些惠益包括知识和专门知识以及吸取的经验教训等,而这又是大会部资源增值并确保这些资源运作的经济性和有效利用的前提。本着这一精神,2011年会议事务管理人员协调会议的重点是适用邻近规则获取的实际经验和教训,以期提出政策建议,并提出改善做法的方式。", "B. 业绩计量", "25. 根据大会2010年12月24日第65/245号决议第三节第15段的要求,秘书处在由常务副秘书长领导的管理委员会的主持下,对四个主要工作地点会议管理效率和问责制机制进行了一次全面审查,以探索有效权力的界限,并在现有任务规定的范围内建立行使此种权力的可接受规则[1] 以及组织结构和改革框架,同时适当顾及主管大会和会议管理事务副秘书长在提高和促进政府间活动整个进程的效益和效率方面向秘书长负责,并负责指导涉及总部和联合国日内瓦、维也纳及内罗毕办事处的全球统筹会议管理,包括针对各工作地点的业务特殊情况确定会议管理政策、做法、标准和程序,以及分配相关预算款次下的资源。秘书长确认在日内瓦、维也纳及内罗毕会议服务方面主管大会和会议管理事务副秘书长和三个办事处主任之间实行问责和负有共同责任的原则。将拟定对关于三个办事处组织安排的秘书长公报的统一修正案,以界定和编撰副秘书长和各办事处主任在会议管理工作方面的双重责任。", "26. 通过深入细致的讨论,四个提供会议服务的工作地点就标准化的主要业绩指标和基本的成本计算方法达成了共识。通过综合会议管理系统的统计数据报告系统(g-Data),四个工作地点的数据输入将完全保持一致,还要报告比较业绩,以便编制各工作地点历时性、可比较的主要业绩指标的报告,同时提高透明度和问责制。财务报告已在积极使用。到2011年中,所有计划编制的报告都会完成并予以公布。截至本报告编写时,许多已由用户测试并签收。", "27. 2010年的业绩表载于补充资料第六节,该表提供了人力资源、会议管理和文件及时性方面的指标,以及语文事务的生产率衡量标准。", "C. 会员国对会议服务质量的评价", "28. 2009年,大会部在所有工作地点协调开展了会议服务调查,并制订了共同指标。向所有四个工作地点的会员国和观察国宣传和分发了全球电子调查,办法是通过附有该调查链接的电子邮件、主管大会和会议管理事务副秘书长的普通照会,以及在《联合国日刊》和所有相关网站上的通知和链接,并在各工作地点开展推广活动。除了对目前提供的服务进行评价,全球电子调查还试图征求改善服务质量的反馈。书面意见和投诉收集后分发到每一个相关办公室,还吸取经验教训,促进今后调查的成效。2010年5月和11月开展了两次全球电子调查,分别持续了4个星期和5个星期。", "29. 尽管大会部做出了各种努力,但对电子调查的回复率却很低,令人失望。2010年5月电子调查收到了所有工作地点只有137个回复,其中38%认为大会部的服务是“优秀”,5%是“差”。2010年11月电子调查收到了所有工作地点共130个回复,其中40%是“优秀”,5%是“差”。评分差主要是因为难以在会议日历中查找信息。", "30. 2010年4月和10月,纽约大会部与代表团举行了两轮关于语文服务质量的情况交流会;日内瓦会议管理司7月和12月举行了三次情况交流会;维也纳会议管理处4月和7月举行了两次情况交流会;内罗毕会议事务司2月和3月举行了两次情况交流会。除了定期调查会议服务情况外,大会部还维护一个数据库,保存对其服务质量的专门反馈意见。", "三. 与文件和出版物有关的事项", "A. 文件管理", "31. 2011年3月重新推出了综合会议管理系统倡议的文件管理系统(g-Doc),以便把总部和日内瓦系统的各种功能并入共同的工作流程,从而减少针对各地业务而进行定制的需求。工作计划除其他外还有一个共同的文件提交模块,包括统一排定档期和做出预测,以便政府间机构和编写文件的部门可预先跟踪文件。", "32. 在报告周期期间,在积极主动的文件管理方面取得了进一步进展,所有四个工作地点都在实施排定档期制度,使得某些方面的业绩有所改善,不过在其他方面仍持续存在障碍。例如,2011年头5个月,纽约及时提交已排定档期的会前文件的总体比率达到87%,与2009年的73%和2010年的78%相比有显著改进,还表明90%的执行基准是可以实现的。与此同时,纽约大会部在四周内处理准时提交且符合字数限制的所有文件方面保持了100%的执行率。因此,83%已排定档期的会前文件依照规定时限印发,而2009年为76%,2010年为82%。", "33. 由所有文件编写部门组成的文件问题部际工作队每年举行两次会议,第二季度举行一次,重点是第五委员会的文件,第三季度举行一次,包括两部分:第一部分针对所有提交文件的部门和办事处,而第二部分专门针对第五委员会的文件。会议出席情况一直很好,并采取交互式和面向行动的方式,在会上介绍新的立法规定和业务准则,还交流吸取的经验教训和意见以做出改进。举行工作队会议的做法还引发了其他工作地点的兴趣。此外,大会部高级管理人员密切参与纽约和其他工作地点的排定档期事宜,并与文件编写部门领导和政府间机构负责人经常联系。", "34. 遵守提交文件导则的情况有所改进,这要归功于文件编写部门和大会部的共同努力,大会部做出了有力的积极努力,监测文件编写部门的文件提交日程并采取后续行动,专门针对屡次未能达到90%基准的文件编写部门,尤其是如果政府间机构的工作因文件迟发而受到严重影响时。", "35. 虽然提交文件的总体比率稳步提高,但文件编写部门的表现各不相同:2008年,48个部门中有27个(占56%)在文件提交合规方面达到了90%,2009年,这一数字下降到51个部门中的23个(占45%),2010年,又稍微增加至48个部门中的25个(占52%)。因此,大会部将通过使用大会规定的“脚注条款”等办法更严格地执行文档排期制度。", "36. 在日内瓦会议管理司,在线规划模块于2010年全面展开。所有编写文件的实体使用该系统提交了他们对2011年7月至2012年1月这一周期的预测。人权高专办有史以来首次提交了对人权理事会所有文件以及各条约机构文件的预测,尽管后者的可预测性仍低得多,因为主要是依赖会员国提交文件。会议管理司仍将与各条约机构秘书处举行讨论,以便对其职权范围内的那些文件排定档期。需要指出的是,尽管照顾到人权理事会的特殊性,使之具有很大的灵活性,依照议程项目的审议日期将提交日期错开,但达标率仍远远低于90%的基准。欧洲经济委员会和联合国贸易和发展会议有相继重叠的短会和大量的文件,对这一工作量的唯一应对办法仍是严格遵守10周规则。", "37. 维也纳会议管理处自2003年开始实行文件排期制度,2005年该制度纳入文件、会议和生产管理系统电子工作流程。2010年,联合国维也纳办事处排定档期的会议文件高于前一年,这些文件载入用户秘书处每年两次提交并定期更新的电子预报中。该处同各秘书处以及各理事机构主席团进行对话,以便在因相关政府间机构的动态而需要灵活安排时,商定备选时限,特别是对于那些不适用10周时限的设在维也纳的各机构的文件。", "38. 联合国内罗毕办事处把文件排期制度用于所有客户。然而,经常预算客户只占其文件总量的30%,而预算外客户的执行率非常低,对他们来说,10周规则可能只适用于少数特定文件。大多数情况下,办事处要根据理事机构的特殊要求设法另外提出排期日程。", "39. 文件领域的重大举措之一是对安理会的会前文件排定档期。大会部和安理会秘书处商定了构想框架,并与文件编写部门一起共同制定文件排期模板,并开始协商文件的提交日期和长度。目前,只有直接提交给安理会的报告排定了档期,而提交给各制裁委员会和专家小组的报告由于其性质复杂,将在下一阶段协商予以处理。", "40. 在全球文件管理方面,共同分担工作量实际上仍有临时性,数量上微不足道,占全球工作量的不到1%。主要原因是几乎没有什么剩余能力,所有四个工作地点都预测,与预计的工作流入相比,全年会有很大的能力短缺,因此,没有转移工作量的空间。例如,联合国日内瓦办事处的现有能力已短缺了若干年,而其积压的翻译量持续增长。", "41. 主要通过积极主动的事先干预实施文件的特准管理。积极主动的文件特准管理发生在文件排定档期阶段,大会部借以限制已排定档期的文件的长度,同时考虑到文件编写部门提供的理由和类似的经常性报告的过去模式。这种做法经常有显著效果。2010年,通过与纽约文件编写部门的互动,文稿减少了421 145字(约1 300页)。", "42. 秘书处用联合国六种正式语文公布一些制裁名单,例如,与索马里/厄立特里亚和苏丹相关的制裁制度的情况即是如此。自会议委员会上次实质性会议以来,用六种正式语文提供了监测对刚果民主共和国制裁的委员会的综合名单,预计不久的将来将提供利比里亚和科特迪瓦制裁委员会的综合名单。", "43. 此外,有关委员会已决定在其网站上用六种正式语文公开基地组织和塔利班名单上所有实体的列名理由简述。核准的这种简述共483个,因此,用六种正式语文为此特定目的制作了近3 000个单独页面。", "B. 处理安排", "44. 大会在其1991年12月20日第46/190号决议第24段中促请秘书长采取必要措施,确保会议的会前文件不迟于会前6个星期分发 ,并在1992年12月22日第47/202 B号决议第8段中敦促秘书处各实务部门遵守规则,要在会议开始前至少十个星期向会议事务厅提出会前文件,以便及时以所有正式语文加以处理。因此,大会有效地排定四个星期处理在字数限制范围内提交内的文件。", "45. 由于时间紧迫,文稿往往是同时在三个方面予以处理:(a) 编辑原稿;(b) 为所有目标语文提供参考;(c) 翻译成所有目标语文。并行处理虽然通常是不可避免的,但效率低下且费时。", "46. 充分利用顺序工作流程是有效工作流程自动化的一个先决条件,在顺序工作流程中,对文稿进行编辑、格式化并定稿,然后提交翻译,而工作流程自动化又会提高质量,加快某些处理阶段,并降低某些文件的整个处理时间。", "47. 把工作流程从并行处理改为线性处理以及重新设计工作流程以增加每个处理阶段的自动化可实现成本效益。如下文D节讨论所述,正在重新设计逐字记录的工作流程。相关问题是加强顺序处理,要做到这一点,可以加强上游阶段的能力或调整目前的模式,给大会部6个星期的处理时间,而不是目前的4个星期的处理时间。鉴于完稿后以电子形式提供的所有正式语文的文件在时间上大大提前,也许不再需要六周审查期。", "48. 大会不妨把文件处理规则改为10-6-4的时限,据此,文稿在审议前10周提交给大会部,在审议前4周予以印发。这一变动将确保审议前很长时间就可提供文件,还将提高效率和提高文件的质量。", "C. 印刷会议文件与能力利用", "49. 过去几年,大会部大大减少了会议文件打印的页数,减幅为41%(纽约为50%),尽管该部处理的文件数和文稿页数都有所增加,在所有工作地点,与2008年相比,文件数和页数分别增加了6%和11%(纽约为7%和17%)。举例说明,2009年5月,印页是4 300万,2010年5月是1 800万,2011年5月是530万,共减少80%。作为鼓励以其他方式分发会议文件的战略的一部分,大会部采用了各种电子工具,使用户能够网上获取文件。现在纽约的打印文本平均数与其他工作地点的平均数趋同。", "50. 随着具有成本效益和环境友好的替代方法不断出现并广为使用,印页下降趋势预计将继续。会议室文件柜空间缩小,北草坪会议大楼中缺少文件存储空间,迫使秘书处减少楼内文件分发,更多依赖电子分发。随着代表们和秘书处得到更多无纸化会议的经验,这种会议模式应大力鼓励。", "D. 重新设计逐字记录的印制流程", "51. 纽约的会议和出版司为编制安理会议事录,一直致力于开发一个完全数字化的工作流程,从内容创作(逐字记录)到多种数字形式(PDF,e-PUB等)的修订和设计/格式化和产出,处理整个过程。工作流程采用许多工具,以简化程序(参考和数字翻译工具、格式模板和用于提高效率的脚本和宏命令)。工作流程还允许利用全球资源:2011年年中,测试了连接纽约和内罗毕两工作地点,以分享工作流程的情况。", "四. 笔译和口译事项", "52. 需要采取有力措施,避免语言部门申请人短缺,妨碍工作,特别是考虑到语文工作人员预计在未来几年内将大量退休。如果计入2010至2016年期间预计退休情况,口译员总的退休比例将是43%,笔译员将是40%。从绝对数字看,这意味着将要通过竞争性考试新征聘119名口译员,217名笔译员。", "53. 联合国内罗毕办事处会议事务司尽管做出多方面努力,并与其他工作地点合作,填补空缺,但在吸引和留住合格语文工作人员方面仍然面临挑战。2012/2013年预算提议6位审校和5位口译从P-4晋升为P-5,这是解决吸引和留住合格工作人员问题的关键。", "54. 大会部与人力资源管理厅密切合作,全面审查了语文竞争性考试过程。一个由大会部和人事厅代表组成的专家小组正在考虑与语言考试和名册管理相关的一系列政策问题。启动了一个在线名册管理模块,让计划管理人员可以查询分享名册上等候任用招聘的候选人的情况。大会部正在考虑若干提议,扩大合格申请人范围,简化进程,精简考试形式和内容并使之标准化,同时又不降低其高标准。", "55. 更多依赖自由职业口译员,以解燃眉之急,这个办法不能令人满意。所有工作地点在不同程度上都面临挑战,难以在需要时马上找到自由职业口译员,对自由职业口译员的全球竞争十分激烈,而且自由职业口译员在联合国临时聘用的条件不如其他机构。四个工作地点一致认为,需要增加内部能力,扩大地方自由职业口译员(纽约和内罗毕)人才库。大会部目前正在联合国系统行政首长协调理事会框架内主导与国际会议口译员协会的谈判,解决竞争力不高问题,尤其是在北美。纽约和日内瓦还认为,避免各自工作方案中同时出现高峰,将促成更多的工作人员交流,从而进一步减少对紧急招聘的需求。", "56. 培训和外联,是大会部长期接班规划的基石。该部通过提供培训机会确保充实和补充部内工作人员的实质性和技术性知识和技能,保持并发展日常工作所需的专门才能。大会部谋求通过外联活动直接与培训机构合作,吸引新人才,并通过语言外联门户确保了解其需求和要求。", "57. 高校外联计划旨在解决合格候选人缺乏问题,满足日益增加的语言服务需求。与联合国签署培训谅解备忘录的培训机构网络不断扩大,目前包括19所大学,涵盖联合国六种正式语文,遍及所有主要地区,拉丁美洲和加勒比地区除外。拉丁美洲两所大学的申请目前正在审议,大会部与这两所大学的非正式合作正在开展,已经请两所大学提名语言实习方案的候选人。", "58. 大会部继续通过语言实习计划与培训机构合作。实习方案被证明是一种识别、吸引和培养青年专业人才,指导他们走上联合国语言职业道路的有效方式。2011年,一次语言实习空缺公告吸引了600多名申请人,其中有65人到四个工作地点实习,实习岗位包括所有6种正式语文和所有与语言相关的职业(纽约27人,日内瓦29人,维也纳7人,内罗毕2人)。2010年,共有61名实习生实习。(纽约36人,日内瓦14人,维也纳9人,内罗毕2人)。该方案若干毕业生通过了口译和笔译语言竞争考试,已征聘为语文部门工作人员。该方案还协助提供辅助性资源,用于从事临时聘用和(或)合同翻译工作的合格的语文专业人才。", "59. 签署谅解备忘录的大学于2011年5月在西班牙萨拉曼卡大学举行第一次会议。这些大学、联合国系统和欧洲各机构的代表举行了富有成果的讨论,商定了一套具体行动,加强各方之间的合作,以共同解决有关语言专业人才培训问题。会议将每年举行一次。下届会议将于2012年由比利时蒙斯大学主办,预计将使签署谅解备忘录的大学网络结构正规化,并确定其运作方式。", "60. 在本报告期内,大会部继续开展计划中的培训活动,重点是笔译和口译技能。对每个受益单位有效利用资金的情况予以经常监测。2011年分配给培训活动的资源水平大致相当于2010年,因资金短缺,许多培训申请被驳回。", "61. 培训实习方案是另一个扩大具备特定语文组合技能的合格语文专业人才库的模式,因为这种组合技能存在问题,而对语文专业人才接班规划又十分关键。2009年,纽约进行了一项试行方案,由考试委员会选定四名候选人在英文箱接受口译培训。这四名学员都通过了口译竞争性考试。", "62. 维也纳会议管理处继续进行其基于预聘合同订约的语文培训实习方案。接受实习的语文部门给实习生生产定额,实习生则从经验丰富的语言专业人士的辅导和反馈中受益。2010年,该处有9名实习生,大多在翻译部门,预计2011年有5人。维也纳口译科为选定的学员举办短期口译培训,2010年115人受训,2011年134人受训。", "63. 大会部正考虑一些备选方案,根据大会第65/245号决议的要求,正式确定一项培训实习方案,并加强语言实习方案。管理实习方案的全部责任最近已从人事厅转到接受部门,这将使大会部精简Inspira上公布实习通告,更灵活地安排实习,避免与工作高峰期发生重叠。", "64. 大会部的接班规划工作因预算资源不足受到阻碍,并在很大程度上依赖具有奉献精神的语言工作人员的自愿努力,例如在工作人员探亲假期间进行支援性教学。培训和外联上花费的时间占用了正常工作时间,需要有替补工作人员。尽管该方案取得了各种成就,并有许多积极方面,但在以下方面接近了极限:网络中包括的培训机构数;工作人员在没有任何资金支持的情况下开展的支援性教学活动的数量和规模;在接受实习的语文部门得到实质培训的实习生人数。联合检查组在即将提交的关于向大学开展外联方案的报告中突出表明,需要充分资金,支持积极的接班规划工作,报告建议联合国系统各组织的立法机构确保组织内分配必要的资源,实现有效的接班规划,对语文考试考生进行有针对性的培训。", "65. 人力和财政资源必须到位,以加强外联和培训力度,扩大培训实习方案并使之主流化,这将加强大会部的接班规划工作,加强与培训机构合作伙伴的合作,加强工作人员受聘后的培训。一些会员国也愿意支助特定语文的培训活动。初步征求了阿拉伯国家联盟成员的意见,以确定其是否愿意设立基金,或其他安排,资助大会部阿拉伯语笔译和口译的培训。", "66. 效率、质量、及时性和成本效益,这些要求经常相互竞争,仍然是文件处理决定的主要因素。最高优先考虑是质量,但鉴于目前的工作量和人数,这种做法是不可持续的。按照大会的规定(最近的是大会第65/245决议)与会员国举行情况交流会,但出席人数仍然很少。", "67. 大会部充分利用承包翻译。承包翻译的比例不断增加,为此调配了资金,以适应预期需求。但是,在可以承包翻译的工作数量和类型方面,仍有问题。个人承包者不一定随时可以得到;机构承包者虽然能够接受大量工作,但不能始终如一地提供质量足够高的产品。", "68. 高度重视质量控制,确保外包翻译的高标准。联合国日内瓦和维也纳办事处任命了一名高级审校和(或)协调人控制质量。在所有工作地点,承包人都收到内部审校的反馈,在某些情况下,每份翻译都得到反馈。根据内部工作人员对收到的承包翻译工作提供的投入,不断更新大会部笔译承包管理系统内的全球笔译员和审校名册。", "69. 增强外包工作质量控制的努力,因工作人员不能全职负责质量控制,出现缺口,而受到影响。工作量增加,能力缩减,而工作人员又必须履行包括审校在内的其他职能。", "70. 由于文件处理领域的技术进步,而且需要重新设计这方面的工作流程,大会部正在探讨计算机辅助翻译工具、术语数据库、翻译记忆库和机器翻译等工具。转向新技术工具,将提高数量和质量,如果现在提供必要的投资,采购和测试可用的工具,确保培训,让所有工作人员都能精通这些工具。", "71. 秘书长2004年关于大会部的改革的报告(A/59/172)和2005年关于会议时地分配办法的报告(A/60/93)提出了对简要记录的提供方法另做选择问题。随后大会2006年5月8日第60/236 B号决议请秘书长进一步仔细研究这些提议。大会不妨批准继续只以原文(英文或法文)生产简要记录,辅之以按需提供、数字化、限制分发等办法,满足成员国的需要。", "72. 条约机构的文件包括由秘书处和政府间机构提交的有字数限制的文件和由会员国提交的目前不受字数限制的文件。2010年,后一种文件增加了42%,达到170份,其中最长的一份超过了87 000字(约274页)。条约机构的所有文件都要遵守字数限制,这一点至关重要,对所有有关方面的工作负担将会产生积极影响。继人权条约机构主席就此所作决定(见A/65/190,附件二,第22段)之后,大会不妨进一步加强这一拟议的行动方案。", "[1] 2001年年初,大会认识到有必要调整大会部与联合国日内瓦、维也纳及内罗毕办事处会议管理部门的关系。大会第56/253号决议第81段请秘书长确保本组织所有工作地点的会议服务以统筹方式加以管理,并在第56/242号决议第二节第3段中要求将大会部视为负责监督、协调和加强联合国会议服务总体管理和实施的执行机构。2003年,大会要求在四个提供会议服务的工作地点之间明确界定和划分管理事项方面的责任(第57/283 B号决议,第二节B,第7和第8段)。2009年,大会强调各方案主管和通过方案预算第2款提供经费的各工作地点须有成本效益和效率,尤其是加强会议服务全球管理的有效运作,并请秘书长制订旨在加强这方面问责制的各种机制(第64/243号决议,第67段)。这一要求在2010年又予以重申(第65/245号决议,第三节,第15段)。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表* 项目138", "会议时地分配办法", "会议时地分配办法", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "页:1", "^(a) 见补编_信息.pdf.", "本报告载有根据大会2010年12月24日第65/245号决议和其他相关任务规定处理会议管理问题的资料,并载有秘书处为改进向会员国提供的会议服务质量所采取举措的资料。 将尽可能总结资料,使报告简明扼要,不超过字数限制。 统计数据作为补充资料提供,可在会议委员会网站上查阅。 ^(a)", "一. 会议管理", "A类. 会议日历", "1. 联合国 要求作为大会1985年12月18日第40/243号决议第一节第7段规定的例外情况", "1. 联合国 东道国关系委员会、巴勒斯坦人民行使不可剥夺权利委员会、消除种族歧视委员会、裁军审议委员会、联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署执行局、独立审计咨询委员会、国际刑事法院罗马规约缔约国大会、联合国可持续发展大会筹备进程第二次闭会期间会议和联合国儿童基金会执行局要求在大会第六十六届会议主要会期举行会议(见补充资料,第三节)。 (单位:千美元) 按照惯例,会议委员会将审查这些请求并向大会提出建议。", "2. 联合国 2012-2013两年期会议日历草案", "2. 联合国 综合会议管理系统倡议的会议规划系统目前正在所有会议服务工作地点(纽约、日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕)投入使用。 G-Meets由2010年和2011年推出的两个模块组成:(a) 口译员分配模块(e-APG)和(b) 会议规划和时间安排模块(e-Meets)。 通过e-Meets生成全球电子会议日历的能力正在得到发展,作为G-Meets改进路线图的一部分,预计到2011年底。 2012-2013两年期日历草案是在e-Meets的协助下编制的。", "3个 会议委员会于2011年6月24日审查了2012年和2013年经济、社会及有关领域的暂定会议日历(E/2011/L.10)并已将它的意见转递经济及社会理事会2011年实质性会议审议(E/2011/128)。", " 4.四. 会议委员会将在实质性会议上审查2012-2013两年期会议日历草案(将作为A/AC.172/2011/L.2)并向大会提出建议。 两年期日历草案将作为附件列入委员会提交大会的报告。", "5 (韩语). 大会不妨在新的立法授权中列入与会议和文件有关的所有相关资料,使秘书处能够全面评估会议服务需要,因为这可能会涉及方案预算问题。 2012-2013两年期会议日历草案列出了尚未确定模式的会议。 秘书处将根据其议事规则第153条,在这些会议的模式商定后向大会提出报告。", "3个 2011年闭会期间更改会议日历及相关事项", "6. 国家 会议委员会核准了2011年从妇女地位委员会收到的一项请求和非政府组织委员会提出的在届会结束时再举行一次会议的请求,以及裁军事项咨询委员会提出的将地点从纽约改为日内瓦的请求。 委员会注意到,第五委员会需要再举行一次会议来完成其续会第二期会议的工作。", "B. 会议服务资源和设施的利用", "1. 联合国 联合国机构会议统计分析", "7. 联合国 从2011年开始,g-Meets被用于统一记录在四个工作地点和在常设总部之外举行的所有会议的统计数据,以便各工作地点能够进行有意义的数据比较和分析。 过去三年关于分配给在纽约、日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕开会的一些核心抽样机构的会议资源的利用情况的统计数据是从g-Meets收集的,载于补充资料第二节表1。 该表还载有会前文件在届会开始/审议项目前四周和六周印发的百分比统计数据,以及按星期分列的提供指数。", "8. 联合国 2010年,所有四个工作地点的总利用率为85%(2009年为86%)(见补充资料,第二节,表2)。 就纽约而言,从2009年的84%略微降至2010年的81%,原因是取消了16%的会议,而且只能重新指派61%的口译组。 相比之下,2009年,13%的会议被取消,65%的口译组被重新分配。 并不总是能够将口译服务重新分配给其他会议,特别是在最后一刻作出安排时。 就内罗毕而言,利用率下降的原因是无法重新指派唯一被取消的团队。 纽约所有有口译的会议所规划的会议与会议的百分比从2009年的96%增至2010年的97%(见补充资料第二节,表7)。 补充资料第二节载有过去三年关于利用率(表3)和会议比率(表4)的比较统计数据。", "9. 国家 列入日历的机构在编制半年期会议预测时积极主动地进行规划,并定期监测计划举行的会议对工作方案的任何变动,这已使规划准确系数大幅增加(见补充资料第二节,表5)。 四个工作地点的总体规划准确率从2009年的84%增至2010年的88%,纽约的增长率从2009年的77%增至2010年的82%(见补充资料,第二节,表6)。", "10个 补充资料第二节表7列出了在四个工作地点规划和举行的所有会议的数目和百分比(包括核心抽样)。", "11个 2010年在纽约,三个政府间机构连续三年利用率低于80%的基准(见补充资料第二节,表1.A):会费委员会、联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会和统计委员会。 根据大会的要求,会议委员会主席将同这些机构的主席团和秘书处协商,并就此向委员会实质性会议作口头报告。 应当指出,由于进行更准确的规划和提前取消,从而可以进行改派,维持和平行动特别委员会及其工作组2010年将其利用率提高到93%,高于上次报告(A/65/122,第12段)所述基准。 在日内瓦,两个政府间机构的利用率连续三年低于80%:人权理事会咨询委员会和联合国难民事务高级专员方案执行委员会。 必要时与实务秘书处进行协商,并定期发出监测函,以提请组织秘书处注意会议资源的规划和实际利用情况。", "12个 大会不妨再次请政府间机构审查其应享会议待遇,并根据其实际利用会议服务资源的情况规划和调整其工作方案,以提高其利用会议服务的效率。", "2. 为有权 \" 根据需要 \" 开会的机构的会议提供口译服务", "13个 对有权“视需要”在纽约开会的机构的会议提供口译服务的比较分析显示,这种服务略有减少,从2009年的95%降至2010年的94%,原因是提出要求者的要求相互冲突,以及在无法事先规划的情况下最后一分钟更改会议方案(见补充资料第三节)。", "3个 向会员国区域集团和其他主要集团的会议提供口译服务", "14个 2010年统计数据按四个主要工作地点的区域集团和其他主要集团分列(见补充资料第四节)。 在纽约,96%的请求在2010年得到满足(2009年为87%),原因是会员国和会议规划人员的规划有所改善。 在日内瓦,80%的请求于2010年得到满足(2009年为87%),原因是日历会议工作量增加(日内瓦的利用率从2009年的88%上升到2010年的91%),导致需求减少。", "15个 联合国维也纳办事处通常没有收到向会员国区域集团和其他主要集团的会议提供口译服务的请求,而且确实100%地满足了不提供口译服务的会议请求。 在联合国内罗毕办事处,会员国的区域集团和其他主要集团在2010年没有要求提供口译服务,尽管内罗毕办事处有能力向这类集团提供口译服务。", "4. 联合国内罗毕办事处会议设施的利用", "16号. 2010年,总部设在内罗毕的机构的所有会议均按照总部规则在内罗毕举行。", "5 (韩语). 非洲经济委员会会议中心的利用情况", "17岁 2010年,会议中心主办并服务了4 777次会议,利用率为70%(2009年为76%)。 减少的主要原因是,最近在亚的斯亚贝巴开放的旅馆和政府会议室数量迅速增加,为非联合国组织和公司提供了举行会议的其他地点,以及会议中心的经常用户取消了会议。 这种更具竞争力的情况导致委员会开始采取更有力和创新的营销战略来提高其占用率。", "18岁。 该中心的营销活动包括参加引人注目的国际公约和展览,包括在德国法兰克福举行的全球奖励旅行展览、会议和活动,以及在印度海得拉巴举行的国际大会和会议协会。 该中心在会议和展览市场这两个知名全球组织的年度出版物和网站上,以及在“非洲聚会”中,即化学协会国际理事会非洲分会成员联络目录、国际协会会议目录、世界会议中心目录和埃塞俄比亚航空公司杂志Selamta。 该中心通过建立一个联合营销战略委员会,加强了同埃塞俄比亚政府和其他主要利益攸关方的联系,该委员会的目的是促进亚的斯亚贝巴和该中心成为非洲的会议和旅游目的地。", "C. 对基本建设总计划执行期间在总部举行的会议的影响", " 19. 19. 大会部在为日历所列机构的核心活动以外的许多临时请求提供服务和满足这些请求方面继续面临挑战。 与基本建设总计划秘书处不断互动,尽量减少对政府间进程的干扰。", "20号. 由于安保标准提高,因此需要更好的防爆保护,会议楼1B层的一、二和三号会议室的设计将大有改变。 美术馆座位已迁入东墙,会台迁入西墙. 房间已不在窗口线上,因此足迹较小,约2000平方英尺(186平方公尺),但代表座位容量没有受到影响. 因此,预计完成日期已订正为2012年12月。 补充资料第五节载有显示基本建设总计划剩余阶段是否有会议室的最新图表。", "21岁 为促进灵活的工作安排,大会部向笔译员、审校、编辑、委员会秘书和会议干事提供了约700份流动办公室许可证。 流动办公室提供一种安全的途径,可实时远程获取该部的许多信息技术资源,并使工作人员能够随时从任何地方工作。", "二. 全球统筹管理", "A. 现况报告", "22号. 根据目前为总部以外所有会议正式确定的接近规则,召集了一个为这些会议提供服务的费用最低的小组,并在组织会议的机构秘书处所在的总部地点远程翻译文件。 为确保组建最具成本效益的小组,将使用来自不同工作地点(包括区域委员会)的工作人员和自由职业者的费用进行比较,采用成本最低的安排,并适当考虑更换费用、现有能力和质量保证。 这一安排的好处包括为联合国和东道国节省经费,它为来自不同工作地点的工作人员提供机会,让他们熟悉其他地方的做法,以便通过推广最佳做法来改变服务模式。", "23. 联合国 近距离规则只是《会议事务行政政策、做法和程序简编》所载全球统筹管理的许多方面之一,该简编经修正以反映自2007年最新修订以来的发展情况。 订正本包括管理事务部和法律事务厅的评论和投入。 正在编制一个关于礼宾和联络处与会议服务有关的政策、做法和程序的新章节,以便列入《简编》。", "24 (韩语). 总部以外的大型会议共同采用的共同工作程序、政策和规则日益得到推广和接受,在发展和增加利用综合会议管理系统方面稳步取得进展,为全球统筹管理的发展奠定了坚实的基础。 它不仅是有效分配和利用该部有形资源的手段,也是实现和分享无形利益的手段,包括知识和专门技能及所吸取的经验教训,这是增加价值和确保业务节约以及有效利用该部资源的先决条件。 因此,2011年会议服务管理人员协调会议重点讨论了在适用近距离规则方面的实际经验和教训,以期就政策提出建议并就如何改进做法提出建议。", "25岁 应大会2010年12月24日第65/245号决议第三节第15段的要求,秘书处在常务副秘书长主持下,对四个主要工作地点的会议管理效率和问责机制进行了全面审查,以探讨在现有任务规定[1]和组织结构及改革框架内行使这种权力的有意义权力界限并订立可接受的规程,同时适当顾及主管大会和会议管理事务副秘书长就加强和促进政府间整个进程的效力和效率以及他负责指导涉及总部和联合国日内瓦办事处、联合国维也纳办事处和内罗毕办事处的全球统筹会议管理,包括根据各工作地点的业务特点,制定会议管理政策、做法、标准和程序并分配相关预算款次下的资源。 秘书长确认主管大会和会议管理事务副秘书长同三位总干事共同负责日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕会议事务的原则。 将拟订秘书长关于这三个办事处的组织的公报的统一修正案,以界定并编纂副秘书长和各自主任对会议管理业务的双重责任。", "B. 业绩计量", "26. 联合国 通过深入讨论,四个会议服务工作地点已就标准化的主要业绩指标和基本成本计算方法达成共识。 通过i-CMS(g-Data)的统计数据报告系统,四个工作地点的数据输入将完全一致,并报告比较业绩,以期编制关于关键业绩指标的报告,这些业绩指标在一段时间和各个工作地点之间都具有可比性,并增强透明度和问责制。 财务报告已经在积极使用。 到2011年年中,所有计划的报告都将得到编制并张贴。 在编写本报告时,许多用户已经测试并签字。", "27个 2010年业绩汇总表载于补充资料第六节,该汇总表为人力资源、会议管理和文件的及时性提供了指标,并为各语文处提供了生产率衡量标准。", "C. 会员国对会议服务质量的评价", "28岁 2009年,统一了各工作地点的会议服务调查,并制定了共同指标。 全球电子调查通过电子邮件信息、与调查链接、主管大会和会议管理事务副秘书长的普通照会、《联合国日刊》上的通告和链接以及每个工作地点的所有相关网站和宣传活动得到推动并分发给四个工作地点的会员国和观察员国家。 全球电子调查除了显示目前所提供服务的评级外,还设法就提高服务质量征求反馈意见。 收集书面评论和投诉,并分发给每个负责单位,吸取经验教训,以便今后调查取得成效。 2010年,全球电子调查分别在5月和11月进行了两次,时间分别为4周和5周。", "29. 国家 尽管新闻部作出了各种努力,但电子调查的答复率低得令人失望。 所有工作地点对2010年5月的电子调查只收到137份答复,其中38%将该部的服务评为 \" 优秀 \" ,5%评为 \" 差 \" 。 2010年11月电子调查的所有工作地点共收到130份答复(40%为“优秀”和5%为“贫穷”)。 评分不佳的主要原因是在会议日历中查找信息遇到困难。", "30岁。 2010年4月和10月,新闻部在纽约与各代表团举行了两轮关于语言服务质量的情况介绍会;7月和12月,日内瓦会议管理司举行了三次情况介绍会;4月和7月,维也纳会议管理处举行了两次情况介绍会;2月和3月,内罗毕会议事务司举行了两次情况介绍会。 除了对会议服务进行定期调查外,大会部还维持一个数据库,收集对其服务质量的临时反馈。", "三. 与文件和出版物有关的事项", "A. 文件管理", "31岁 i-CMS倡议的文件管理系统(g-Doc)于2011年3月重新启动,目的是将总部和日内瓦系统的特点纳入共同工作进程,从而减少当地定制的需要。 工作计划除其他外包括一个共同的文件提交模块,其中包括统一的时间档和预测,以便政府间机构和编写文件的部门都能够预先跟踪文件。", "32. 联合国 在报告周期内,在积极主动的文件管理领域取得了进一步的进展,所有四个工作地点都实施了时间档制度。 这导致一些领域的业绩得到改善,而另一些领域则持续存在障碍。 例如,在纽约,2011年头5个月及时提交排定档期的会前文件的总速度已达87%,比2009年(73%)和2010年(78%)明显改善,并表明90%的遵守基准是可以实现的。 同时,纽约大会部保持100%的处理合规率:所有按时和在字数限制内提交的文件都在四周内处理完毕。 因此,83%的排定档期的会前文件是在规定时限内印发的,而2009年为76%,2010年为82%。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 由所有文件编写部门组成的部门间文件工作队每年开会两次,第二季度开会一次,重点是第五委员会的文件,第三季度又开会两次,分为两个部分:第一部分针对所有提交文件的部厅,第二部分专门针对第五委员会的文件。 这些会议一直以互动和面向行动的方式出席和举行,会上向与会者简要介绍了新的立法授权和业务准则,并交流了经验教训和需要改进的想法。 举行工作队会议的做法也引起了其他工作地点的兴趣。 此外,大会部高级管理人员还密切参与了在纽约和其他工作地点的排定档期工作,并经常与文件编写部门主管和政府间机构主持人进行互动。", "34. 国家 遵守提交准则的情况有所改善,原因是编写文件的部门与大会部共同努力,大会部积极而有力地努力监测和跟踪编写文件的部门提交文件的时间表,对象是一再未能达到90%基准的文件编写部门,特别是在政府间机构的工作因文件迟发而受严重影响的情况下。", "35. 联合国 虽然总的提交率稳步提高,但编写文件的部门的业绩各不相同:2008年,48个部门中有27个部门(56%)达到90%的遵守率;2009年,51个部门中有23个(45%)遵守率;2010年,48个部门中有25个(52%)遵守率略有上升。 因此,该部将更严格执行时间档制度,包括使用大会授权的“脚注条款”。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 在日内瓦的会议管理司,在线规划模块于2010年全面部署。 关于2011年7月至2012年1月的周期,所有编写文件的实体都使用该系统提交了预测。 人权高专办首次提交了人权理事会所有文件以及条约机构文件的预测,尽管条约机构文件的预测仍然要少得多,因为它主要基于会员国提交的文件。 然而,会议管理司将同条约机构秘书处进行讨论,以便安排属于其权限范围的文件的时间。 需要指出的是,尽管在承认人权理事会的特点,即按照议程项目审议时间表提交日期错开的情况下,采取了相当大的灵活性,但遵守率仍然远远低于90%的基准。 欧洲经济委员会和联合国贸易和发展会议接二连三地重叠了短会和大量文件,处理它们工作量的唯一途径仍然是严格遵守10周规则。", "37. 联合国 自2003年以来,维也纳会议管理处一直在实施时间档制度,2005年,该系统已被纳入文件、会议和制作管理系统的电子工作流程。 联合国维也纳办事处2010年排定档期的会议文件总数高于上一年,这些文件已列入客户秘书处每年两次提交的电子预报并定期更新。 该处一直在同理事机构秘书处和主席团进行对话,以便在由于有关政府间机构的动态而需要灵活性时,就备选时限达成协议,特别是维也纳机构不适于10周时限的文件。", "38. 国家 联合国内罗毕办事处对所有客户采用了时间档制度。 然而,经常预算客户仅占其文件总量的30%,而预算外客户的遵守程度很低,10周规则可能只适用于少数具体文件。 在大多数情况下,监督厅设法根据理事机构的特别要求,建议了其他时间档时间表。", "39. 联合国 文件领域的主要举措之一是为安全理事会安排会前文件的时间档。 大会部和理事会秘书处已就概念框架达成协议,并与文件编写部门合作,制定时间档模板并开始谈判文件的提交日期和文件长度。 目前,只有直接提交给安理会的报告才排定档期;由于报告性质复杂,提交给制裁委员会和专家小组的报告将在下一阶段谈判中处理。", "40. 在全球文件管理方面分担工作量的做法仍然是临时性的,数额微不足道,不到全球工作量的1%。 主要原因是,鉴于所有四个工作地点都预测,全年能力与预期工作流量相比都存在重大短缺,因此没有改变工作量的余地。 例如,联合国日内瓦办事处的能力多年来一直不足,其翻译积压继续增加。", "41. 国家 放弃管理主要通过主动预先干预进行。 主动放弃管理是在排定档期阶段进行的,大会部力求限制排定档期文件的长度,同时考虑到文件编写部门提供的理由和类似或经常性报告的历史模式。 这项工作一直产生重大成果。 2010年,通过与纽约的编写部门互动,手稿中的字数减少了421,145个字(约1,300页).", "42. 国家 秘书处以联合国六种正式语文出版了一些制裁名单的版本,例如涉及索马里/厄立特里亚和苏丹的制裁制度。 自会议委员会上届实质性会议以来,刚果民主共和国制裁监测委员会综合清单已经以六种正式语文提供,利比里亚制裁委员会和科特迪瓦制裁委员会综合清单预计在不久的将来也会提供。", "43. 东帝汶 此外,有关委员会已决定在其网站上以六种正式语文公布关于将所有条目列入基地组织和塔利班名单的理由的叙述性简要说明。 共核准了483份此类摘要,从而以六种正式语文创建了近3 000个单独的网页。", "B. 处理时间表", "44. 国家 大会1991年12月20日第46/190号决议第24段敦促秘书长采取必要措施,确保会前会议文件至少在会前六个星期分发;大会1992年12月22日第47/202 B号决议第8段敦促秘书处各实务部门遵守规则,要求它们在届会开始前至少10个星期向会议服务部门提交会前文件,以便能以所有正式语文及时处理。 因此,大会有效地分配了四周时间处理在字数限制内提交的文件。", "45. 国家 由于时间压力,手稿最经常在三种途径上同时处理:(a) 编辑原件;(b) 为所有目标语言提供参考资料;(c) 翻译成所有目标语言。 平行处理虽然往往是不可避免的,但效率低下,耗时。", "46. 经常预算: 尽量扩大顺序工作流程,使手稿在送交翻译前以原文编辑、格式化并定稿,是高效工作流程自动化的先决条件,这反过来会提高质量,加快某些处理阶段并减少某些文件的总体处理时间。", "47. 国家 可以通过将工作流程由平行处理改为线性处理,并重新设计工作流程来提高每个处理阶段的自动化,实现成本效益. 如下文D节所讨论,正在重新设计逐字记录工作流程。 相关问题,即增加顺序处理,可以通过提高上游阶段的能力来完成,或者通过调整目前的模式,给予该部六周的处理时间,而不是目前的四个星期。 由于在文件定稿后,现在以所有正式语文以电子方式提供,可能不再需要六周的审查时间。", " 48. 48. 大会不妨将文件处理规则修正为10至6至4个时限,将手稿提交大会部10周,并在审议前4周印发。 这一变化将确保在审议文件之前及早提供文件,并将提高文件的效率和质量。", "C. 会议文件的印刷和能力利用", "49. (中文(简体) ). 在过去几年中,大会部大大地减少了会议文件的印刷页数——减少了41%(纽约为50%),尽管大会部处理的文件数和手稿页数在所有工作地点分别比2008年增加了6%和11%(纽约为7%和17%)。 例如,2009年5月制作的4 300万页印象,2010年5月1 800万页,2011年5月530万页,共减少80%。 作为鼓励以其他方式分发会议文件的战略的一部分,大会部采用了各种电子工具,使用户能够在线查阅文件。 在纽约印刷的印刷本的平均数量现在更符合其他工作地点的平均数。", " 50. 50. 随着成本效益高、环境友好的替代品更加普及和广泛使用,页面印象的下降趋势预计将继续下去。 北草坪大楼的会议室面积减少,文件储存空间不足,迫使秘书处减少文件在房地的分发,并弥补对电子分发的依赖。 随着代表们和秘书处获得更多的无纸化会议经验,应大力鼓励这种会议方式。", "D类. 重新设计逐字记录的出版工作流程", "51. 联合国 纽约会议和出版司为编写安全理事会的议事录,一直在开发一个处理整个过程的全数字工作流程,从内容创建(verbatim报告)到许多数字形式(PDF、e-Pub等)的修订、布局、格式编排和产出。 工作流程使用许多工具来简化程序(参考和数字翻译工具、格式化模板和生产率脚本和宏)。 工作流程还有利于利用全球资源:2011年年中进行了连接纽约和内罗毕工作地点共享工作流程的测试。", "四、结 论 与笔译和口译有关的事项", "52. (中文(简体) ). 需要采取强有力的措施,避免在语言职业领域出现破坏性的申请人短缺,特别是鉴于预计今后几年将有大批语文工作人员退休。 如果计入2010至2016年期间预计退休人数,口译员的总更替率将达到43%,笔译员为40%。 就绝对人数而言,这意味着在所涉期间,竞争性考试必须产生119名口译新征聘人员,217名笔译人员。", "53. 联合国 联合国内罗毕办事处会议事务司在吸引和留住合格的语文工作人员方面仍然面临挑战,尽管做出了各种努力并与其他工作地点合作填补这些员额。 2012-2013年预算拟将6个审校员额和5个口译员额从P-4提升为P-5职等,这是解决吸引和留住合格工作人员问题的关键。", "54. 联合国 该部同人力资源管理厅密切合作,全面审查了语文竞争性考试程序。 一个由大会部和人力厅代表组成的专家小组正在审议与进行语文考试和管理名册有关的一系列政策问题。 启动了一个在线名册管理模块,使方案主管能够获取和分享名册上等待征聘的职业任用候选人的信息。 该部正在审议若干建议,目的是扩大合格申请人库,简化程序,使考试的形式和内容标准化并精简,同时不损害考试的高标准。", "55. 国家 事实证明,更多地依靠自由应聘口译员作为短期补救办法是一种令人不满意的替代办法。 所有工作地点都不同程度地面临挑战,原因是:在短时间内无法提供自由应聘口译员;全球范围对其服务的竞争激烈;在联合国的临时雇用条件不如其他机构提供的条件具有竞争力。 四个工作地点一致认为需要增加内部能力,并酌情扩大当地自由应聘口译员的人数(纽约和内罗毕)。 该部正在领导与国际会议口译员协会的谈判,谈判是在联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的框架内进行的,目的是解决无竞争力的费率问题,特别是在北美。 纽约和日内瓦也认为,避免各自工作方案同时出现高峰,可以进行更多的工作人员交流,从而进一步减少这种征聘的需要。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 培训和外联共同构成维和部长期继任规划的基石。 该部通过提供培训机会,确保维持和发展开展日常工作所需的专门能力,更新和更新其现有工作人员的实质性和技术知识和技能。 新闻部通过外联努力,通过与培训机构直接合作来吸引新的人才,并通过一个语言外联门户确保了解其需要和要求。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 与大学的外联方案旨在解决合格候选人的短缺问题,以满足语文部门日益增长的需要。 与联合国签署谅解备忘录的培训机构网络已经扩大,目前包括19所大学,涵盖本组织六种正式语文以及除拉丁美洲和加勒比以外的所有主要区域。 拉丁美洲的两所大学的申请目前正在审议之中,该部同应邀为语文实习方案提名候选人的两所大学之间的非正式合作仍在继续。", "58. 联合国 该部继续通过语文实习方案同培训机构协作。 该方案证明是查明、吸引和培训有才华的青年专业人员并指导他们走上联合国语文职业道路的有效工具。 2011年,语言实习空缺通知吸引了600多名申请人,其中65人由四个工作地点主办。 他们代表所有六种正式语文和与语文有关的所有职业类别(纽约27个,日内瓦29个,维也纳7个,内罗毕2个)。 2010年共接待了61名实习生(36名在纽约,14名在日内瓦,9名在维也纳,2名在内罗毕)。 该方案的一些毕业生通过了口译和笔译方面的语文竞争性考试,并被语文部门征聘为工作人员。 该方案还协助补充了可供临时任用和(或)承包翻译工作的合格语文专业人员。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 2011年5月召开了签署谅解备忘录的大学第一次会议,由西班牙萨拉曼卡大学主办。 大学、联合国系统和欧洲各机构的代表进行了富有成果的讨论并商定了一套具体行动,旨在加强各方之间的合作,以找到培训语言专业人员相关问题的共同解决办法。 会议将成为年度活动。 下次会议将于2012年由比利时蒙斯大学主办,预计将正式确定已签署谅解备忘录的大学网络的结构,并确定其运作方式。", "60. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,大会部继续按计划开展培训活动,重点是笔译和口译技能。 定期监测每个受益单位利用资金的成效。 2011年分配给培训活动的资源水平与2010年大致相等,许多培训请求因资金短缺而被拒绝。", "61. 国家 受训人员是加强语文组合方面合格语文专业人员人才库的又一公式,这些语文组合被确定为有问题或对继任规划至关重要。 2009年,在纽约开展了一个试点方案,挑选了经考试委员会确认有前途的4名候选人在英语课间接受口译培训。 此后,这四名受训人员都通过了口译员竞争性考试。", "62. 联合国 维也纳会议管理处继续其以聘用合同为基础的语文实习方案。 培训人员获得完成东道方服务的生产配额,同时受益于有经验的语言专业人员的指导和反馈。 2010年,该办公室接待了9名受训人员,大多数是翻译人员,预计2011年将接待5名受训人员。 维也纳口译科为选定的学生组织了口译领域的短期培训班,2010年有115名学员,2011年有134名学员。", "63. 国家 大会部目前正在考虑根据大会第65/245号决议的要求,将实习方案正规化,并加强语文实习方案。 管理实习方案的全部责任最近由人力资源管理厅移交给各东道部门,从而使该部能够简化在Inspira中张贴实习通知的工作,并在实习时间方面有更大的灵活性,以避免与工作最忙期间重叠。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 该部的继任规划工作因缺乏预算资源而受阻,主要依靠专职语文工作人员的自愿努力,例如,这些语文工作人员将回籍假与教学援助任务结合起来。 用于培训和外联活动的时间是无法用于正常工作的时间,这就需要更换工作人员。 尽管该方案取得了一些成绩并取得了一些积极进展,但在可纳入网络的培训机构的数目、工作人员在没有任何财政支助的情况下可以开展的教学援助活动的数目和范围以及能够接受东道国语文部门有意义的培训的实习生人数方面,已接近极限。 联合检查组在即将发表的关于大学外联方案的报告中强调,必须支持积极主动的继任规划工作并提供充足的资金。 联检组在报告中指出,联合国系统各组织的立法机构应确保在各组织内部分配必要的资源,以进行有效的继任规划,并为语文考试的候选人提供有针对性的培训。", "65. 国家 必须配备人力和财力资源,以加强外联和培训工作,扩大培训方案并使之主流化,这将通过加强同其伙伴培训机构的协作,加强该部的继任规划工作,并在工作人员上任后对他们进行培训。 一些会员国还可能愿意为与特定语文有关的培训活动提供支助。 已向阿拉伯国家联盟成员提出初步询问,以确定他们是否有兴趣通过信托基金或捐助者设立的其他安排,协助该部培训阿拉伯文笔译员和口译员。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 生产力、质量、及时性和成本效益等相互竞争的要求仍然是文件处理决定的基石。 最高优先事项是质量,但考虑到目前的工作量和能力,这种做法是不可持续的。 按照大会第65/245号决议的规定(最近一次是在其第65/245号决议中),与会员国举行情况交流会,但出席人数仍然很少。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 该部充分利用承包翻译。 承包翻译的比例正在增加,资金的部署符合预期需求。 然而,在可按合同翻译的工作量和类型方面仍然存在问题:个体订约人得不到保证,机构提供者虽然能够接受大量工作,但不能提供足够和一贯的高质量产品。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 在努力确保外部翻译达到高标准方面,质量控制得到了最优先考虑。 联合国日内瓦办事处和维也纳办事处已指定一名高级审校和(或)质量控制协调人。 在所有工作地点,承包商都得到内部审校的反馈,在某些情况下,每个工作都有反馈。 根据内部工作人员就承包商提供的工作提供的投入,不断更新大会部承包商管理应用程序内的全球笔译员和审校名册。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 对外部处理的工作加强质量控制的努力因能力差距而受阻,工作人员无法充分致力于质量控制职能。 在工作量增加和能力减少的时候,工作人员必须履行其他必要的职能,包括审校。", "70. 联合国 由于文件处理领域的技术进步以及需要重新设计这一领域的工作流程,大会部正在探索应用计算机辅助翻译工具、名词数据库、翻译记忆和机器翻译。 如果现在进行必要的投资,采购和测试现有工具,并确保培训,使所有工作人员都能成为这些工具的熟练用户,这种向新技术工具的转变将在数量和质量方面产生效益。", "71. 联合国 秘书长关于该部改革的2004年报告(A/59/172)和关于会议时地分配办法的2005年报告(A/60/93)都提出了提供简要记录的其他方法。 随后,大会在2006年5月8日第60/236 B号决议中吁请秘书长进一步阐述这些建议。 大会不妨核准提议继续只用原文(英文或法文)制作简要记录,并辅以为满足会员国需要而设置的补充系统(例如,应要求、数字化、限制性等)。", "72. 联合国 条约机构文件包括秘书处和政府间机构提交的受字数限制的文件,以及会员国提交的目前不受字数限制的文件。 2010年,后一类文件增加了42%,达到170个文件,其中最大的超过87 000个字(约274页)。 所有条约机构文件必须遵守字数限制,这将对有关各方的工作负担产生积极影响。 根据人权条约机构主席在这方面的决定(见A/65/190,附件二,第22段),大会不妨进一步加强这一拟议行动方针。", "[1] 早在2001年,大会就认识到需要重新调整该部与联合国日内瓦、维也纳和内罗毕办事处会议管理部分的关系。 大会第56/253号决议第81段请秘书长确保以统筹方式管理本组织所有工作地点的会议服务,并将其列入第三节。 大会第56/242号决议第二节第3段要求将该部视为监督、协调和加强联合国会议事务的全球管理和交付的执行机构。 2003年,大会要求明确界定和划分四个会议服务工作地点在管理事项上的责任(第57/283 B号决议,第三节)。 见《大会正式记录,第五十七届会议,补编第7号》(A/CONF.II.B),第7和8段。 2009年,大会强调方案主管和方案预算第2款下的工作地点必须具有成本效益和效率,特别是在会议服务全球管理的有效运作方面,并请秘书长建立机制,加强这方面的问责制(第64/243号决议,第67段)。 2010年重申了这一要求(第65/245号决议,第三节)。 (见A/CN.9/WG.III,第15段)。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 143", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations[1]", "Financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations and the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy", "Note by the Secretary-General", "1. The present note is issued in accordance with the prorating procedures approved by the General Assembly in its resolution 50/221 B. The annex to the note reflects the resources to be approved by the General Assembly in respect of each peacekeeping mission, including the prorated shares of the support account and of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy.", "2. Once the General Assembly has taken action on the recommendations of the Fifth Committee, a note will be issued on the approved level of resources for all peacekeeping operations.", "3. The Fifth Committee is requested to take note of the present note.", "Annex", "Appropriation to be approved by the General Assembly for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "(United States dollars)", "Appropriation Prorated to be approved share of by the General Assembly (exclusive of support account and United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi)", "Support United Total account Nations appropriation Logistics Base at Brindisi", "Gross Income from Percentage Gross Income from Gross Income from   Gross Income from staff staff staff staff assessment assessment assessment assessment", "MINURSO 61 449 400 2 761 300 0.93 3 346 300 283 500 602 700 63 300 65 398 400 3 108 100", "MINUSTAH 793 517 100 18 070 000 11.95 42 997 600 3 641 700 7 744 000 813 600 844 258 700 22 525 300", "MONUSCO 1 416 926 000 31 980 500 21.34 76 783 900 6 503 300 13 829 000 1 453 000 1 507 538 900 39 936 800", "UNAMID 1 689 305 500 28 161 800 25.44 91 536 100 7 752 600 16 486 000 1 732 000 1 797 327 600 37 646 400", "UNDOF 50 526 100 1 526 700 0.76 2 734 600 231 600 492 500 51 700 53 753 200 1 810 000", "UNFICYP 56 512 000 2 404 200 0.85 3 058 400 259 000 550 800 57 800 60 121 200 2 721 000", "UNIFIL 545 470 600 12 287 400 8.21 29 540 600 2 502 000 5 320 400 559 000 580 331 600 15 348 400", "UNMIK 44 914 800 4 381 300 0.68 2 446 700 207 200 440 700 46 300 47 802 200 4 634 800", "UNMIL 525 559 930 12 316 300 7.91 28 461 200 2 410 600 5 125 900 538 500 559 147 030 15 265 400", "UNMIS^(a) 482 460 550 13 715 800 7.27 26 158 400 2 215 500 4 711 200 494 900 513 330 150 16 426 200", "UNMIT 196 077 500 9 174 000 2.95 10 614 500 899 000 1 911 700 200 800 208 603 700 10 273 800", "UNOCI 486 726 400 10 723 400 7.33 26 374 200 2 233 700 4 750 100 499 100 517 850 700 13 456 200", "Support of 291 092 700 3 390 800 4.38 15 759 800 1 334 800 2 838 400 298 200 309 690 900 5 023 800 the African Union Mission in Somalia", "Total 6 640 538 580 150 893 500 100.00 359 812 30 474 500 64 803 400 6 808 200 7 065 154 280 188 176 200 300", "(Footnotes on following page)", "(Footnotes to annex)", "Abbreviations: MINURSO: United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara MINUSTAH: United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti MONUSCO: United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo UNAMID: African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur UNDOF: United Nations Disengagement Observer Force UNFICYP: United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus UNIFIL: United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon UNMIK: United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo UNMIL: United Nations Mission in Liberia UNMIS: United Nations Mission in the Sudan UNMIT: United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste UNOCI: United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire", "^(a) Appropriation for the period 1 July 2011 to 31 December 2011 pursuant to General Assembly resolution 65/257 B.", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 14 July 2011." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "维持和平行动支助账户和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措", "秘书长的说明", "1. 本说明系根据大会第50/221 B号决议核可的按比例分摊程序印发。本说明附件开列了有待大会为每个维持和平特派团核定的资源,包括按比例分摊的支助账户和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的份额。", "2. 一旦大会就第五委员会的建议采取行动后,将印发一份有关所有维持和平行动核定资源数额的说明。", "^(*) 因技术原因,7月14日重新印发。", "3. 请第五委员会注意本说明。", "附件", "有待大会核定的2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动批款", "(美元)", "按比例分摊的款额", "有待大会核定的批款(不包括支助账户和 支助账户 布林迪西联合国后勤基地 批款共计 布林迪西联合国后勤基地)", "毛额 工作人员 百分比 毛额 工作人员 毛额 工作人员 毛额 工作人员 薪金税收入 薪金税收入 薪金税收入 薪金税收入", "西撒特派团 61 449 400 2 761 300 0.93 3 346 283 500 602 63 300 65 398 3 108 100 300 700 400", "联海稳定团 793 517 100 18 070 000 11.95 42 997 3 641 700 7 744 813 600 844 22 525 300 600 000 258 700", "联刚稳定团 1 416 926 000 31 980 500 21.34 76 783 6 503 300 13 829 1 453 000 1 507 39 936 800 900 000 538 900", "达尔富尔混合行动 1 689 305 500 28 161 800 25.44 91 536 7 752 600 16 486 1 732 000 1 797 37 646 400 100 000 327 600", "观察员部队 50 526 100 1 526 700 0.76 2 734 231 600 492 51 700 53 753 1 810 000 600 500 200", "联塞部队 56 512 000 2 404 200 0.85 3 058 259 000 550 57 800 60 121 2 721 000 400 800 200", "联黎部队 545 470 600 12 287 400 8.21 29 540 2 502 000 5 320 559 000 580 15 348 400 600 400 331 600", "科索沃特派团 44 914 800 4 381 300 0.68 2 446 207 200 440 46 300 47 802 4 634 800 700 700 200", "联利特派团 525 559 930 12 316 300 7.91 28 461 2 410 600 5 125 538 500 559 15 265 400 200 900 147 030", "联苏特派团 ^(a) 482 460 550 13 715 800 7.27 26 158 2 215 500 4 711 494 900 513 16 426 200 400 200 330 150", "联东综合团 196 077 500 9 174 000 2.95 10 614 899 000 1 911 200 800 208 10 273 800 500 700 603 700", "联科行动 486 726 400 10 723 400 7.33 26 374 2 233 700 4 750 499 100 517 13 456 200 200 100 850 700", "支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团 291 092 700 3 390 800 4.38 15 759 1 334 800 2 838 298 200 309 5 023 800 800 400 690 900", "共计 6 640 538 580 150 893 500 100.00 359 30 474 500 64 803 6 808 200 7 065 188 176 200 812 400 154 300 280", "简称: 西撒特派团 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团\n 联海稳定团 联合国海地稳定特派团", "联刚稳定团 联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "达尔富尔混合行动 非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动", "观察员部队 联合国脱离接触观察员部队", "联塞部队 联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队", "联黎部队 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队", "科索沃特派团 联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "联利特派团 联合国利比里亚特派团", "联苏特派团 联合国苏丹特派团", "联东综合团 联合国东帝汶综合特派团", "联科行动 联合国科特迪瓦行动", "^(a) 大会第65/257 B号决议所载2011年7月1日至2011年12月31日期间的批款。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题?", "维持和平行动支助账户和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措", "秘书长的说明", "页: 1 本说明是根据大会第50/221 B号决议核准的按比例分摊程序印发的。 该说明的附件反映了大会为每个维持和平特派团核定的资源,包括支助账户和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地按比例分摊的份额。", "2. 结 论 一旦大会就第五委员会的建议采取行动,将印发一份关于所有维持和平行动核定资源数额的说明。", "3. 。 请第五委员会注意本说明。", "附件", "有待大会核准的2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动批款", "(美元)", "拟由大会核准的批款(不包括支助账户和布林迪西联合国后勤基地)", "布林迪西联合国后勤基地", "工作人员薪金税收入", "西撒特派团 61 449 400 2 761 3000.93 3 346 300 283 500 602 700 63 300 65 398 400 3 108", "联海稳定团 793 517 100 18 070 000 11.95 42 997 600 3 641 700 744 000 813 600 844 258 700 22 525 300", "联刚特派团 1 416 926 000 31 980 500 21.34 76 783 900 6 503 300 13 829 000 1 453 000 1 507 538 900 39 936 800", "达尔富尔混合行动", "观察员部队", "联塞部队 56 512 000 2 404 2000.85 3 058 400 259 000 550 800 57 800 60 121 200 2 721 000", "联黎部队 545 470 600 12 287 400 8.21 29 540 600 2 502 000 5 320 400 559 000 580 331 600 15 348 400", "科索沃特派团 44 914 800 4 381 300 0.68 2 446 700 207 200 440 700 46 300 47 802 200 4 634 800", "联利特派团 525 559 930 12 316 300 7.91 28 461 200 2 410 600 5 125 900 538 500 559 147 030 15 265 400", "联苏特派团(a) 482 460 550 13 715 800 7.27 26 158 400 215 500 411 200 494 900 513 330 16 426 200", "联东综合团 196 077 500 9 174 000", "联科行动486 726 400 10 723 400 7.33 26 374 200 2 233 700 4 750 100 499 100 517 850 700 13 456 200", "非洲联盟索马里特派团", "共计 6 640 538 580 150 893 500 100.00 359 812 30 474 500 64 803 400 6 808 200 7 065 154 280 188 176 200", "(下页脚注)", "(附件脚注)", "简称: 西撒特派团:联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团 联海稳定团:联合国海地稳定特派团 联苏特派团:联合国苏丹特派团:联合国东帝汶综合特派团", "^(a) 按照大会第60/257 B号决议为2011年7月1日至2011年12月31日期间批款。", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011", "Election of the members of the Finance Committee", "List of candidates submitted by States parties", "Note by the Secretary-General", "Addendum", "1. The purpose of the present note is to inform the Assembly of the receipt by the Secretary-General of an additional nomination of a candidate for the election to the Finance Committee to be held during the seventeenth session of the International Seabed Authority.", "2. By his note verbale No. 236/10 of 8 October 2010 and note verbale No. 293/10 of 17 December 2010, the Secretary-General invited the members of the International Seabed Authority to submit their candidates, at their earliest convenience, but no later than 11 May 2011, as agreed by the Assembly at its 106th meeting (ISBA/12/A/13, para. 32).", "3. On 1 July 2011, the Secretary-General received a note verbale dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Indonesia to the United Nations nominating Ambassador Linggawaty Hakim as a candidate for election to the Finance Committee.", "4. The curriculum vitae of Ambassador Hakim is contained in annex II to the present note.", "Annex I", "List of candidates nominated by States parties", "Name and nationality Nominated by \n Hakim, Linggawaty (Indonesia) Indonesia", "Annex II", "Curricula vitae of candidates nominated by States parties", "[Original: English]", "Linggawaty Hakim", "Place/date of birth: Bandung, 19 April 1959", "Education", "• Master of International Law, University of Stockholm, Sweden (1990)", "• Master of Law, University of Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia (1982)", "• Junior Foreign Service Training Course (1984-1985)", "• Mid-Career Foreign Service Training Course (1999)", "• Senior Foreign Service Training Course (2000)", "• Swedish Law Course, University of Stockholm, Sweden (1989)", "• ASEAN Diplomatic Course, Kuala Lumpur and Singapore (1986)", "• Policy Course on Human Rights, United Nations, Geneva (1992)", "Professional experience", "Foreign assignment", "November 2006-April 2010", "Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to the Kingdom of Sweden and the Republic of Latvia", "2000-2002", "Counsellor/Minister Counsellor, Political Affairs", "Indonesia Mission to the European Union", "Brussels, Belgium", "1993-1998", "Second Secretary/First Secretary, Political and Legal Affairs", "Indonesian Permanent Mission to the United Nations", "New York, USA", "1988-1991", "Third Secretary", "Press, Information, Social and Cultural Affairs", "Embassy of Indonesia", "Stockholm, Sweden", "Home Office assignment", "May 2011", "Director General for Law and International Treaties", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "January-November 2006", "Director of Socio-Cultural Affairs and Organizations of Developing Countries", "Directorate General of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "May 2002-December 2005", "Director of Non-United Nations Cooperation on Economic, Financial and Development Affairs, Directorate General of Multilateral Economy, Finance and Development, Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "May 2002-November 2006, May 2010 to present", "Director of Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation, Jakarta, Indonesia", "1998-2000", "Deputy Director", "Directorate of Treaties and Legal Affairs", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "1991-1993", "Head of Section, Political and Security Affairs", "Directorate of Treaties and Legal Affairs", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "1986-1988", "Staff, Bureau of Economic Affairs", "ASEAN National Secretariat, Jakarta, Indonesia", "Participation in international conferences", "Since 1986 has participated in various international conferences, meetings, workshops, seminars, as Indonesian Delegation to different international organizations, as follows:", "• United Nations and its bodies/special agencies • Group of 77", "• ASEAN • Developing Eight", "• European Union • Group of 15", "• Non-Aligned Movement • Group of 11", "• Organization of Islamic Conference • World Bank/IMF" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11-22日", "选举财务委员会成员", "缔约国提交的候选人名单", "秘书长的说明", "增编", "1. 本说明的目的是向大会通报,秘书长又收到了一个参加定于国际海底管理局第十七届会议期间举行的财务委员会选举的候选人提名。", "2. 秘书长在其2010年10月8日第236/10号普通照会和2010年12月17日第293/10号普通照会中邀请国际海底管理局成员按照大会在其第106次会议上商定的,尽早但不迟于2011年5月11日提交其候选人提名(ISBA/12/A/13,第32段)。", "3. 2011年7月1日,秘书长收到了2011年7月1日印度尼西亚共和国常驻联合国代表团的普通照会,其中提名Linggawaty Hakim大使为参加财务委员会选举的候选人。", "4. Hakim大使的简历载于本说明附件二。", "附件一", "缔约国提交的候选人名单", "姓名和国籍 提名国", "Hakim, Linggawaty(印度尼西亚) 印度尼西亚", "附件二", "缔约国提名的候选人简历", "[原件:英文]", "Linggawaty Hakim", "出生日期:1959年4月19日", "教育", "• 国际法硕士,斯德哥尔摩大学,瑞典(1990年)", "• 法学硕士,Padjadjaran大学,印度尼西亚班顿杜省(1982年)", "• 初级外交培训班(1984-1985年)", "• 中级外交培训班(1999年)", "• 高级外交培训课程(2000年)", "• 瑞典法律课程,斯德哥尔摩大学,瑞典(1989年)", "• 东盟外交课程,吉隆坡和新加坡(1986年)", "• 人权政策培训班,联合国,日内瓦(1992年)", "专业经验", "外交工作经历", "2006年11月至2010年4月:", "印度尼西亚共和国驻瑞典王国和拉脱维亚共和国大使", "2000-2002年", "印度尼西亚驻欧盟代表团", "参赞/公使衔参赞,政治事务", "比利时布鲁塞尔", "1993-1998年", "印度尼西亚常驻联合国代表团", "二等秘书/一等秘书,政治和法律事务", "美国纽约", "1988-1991年", "印度尼西亚大使馆", "三等秘书", "新闻、信息、社会和文化事务", "瑞典斯德哥尔摩", "本部工作经历", "2011年5月", "外交部法律和国际条约司司长", "2006年1月至11月", "外交部多边事务司司长兼发展中国家社会文化事务和组织处处长", "2002年5月至2005年12月", "外交部多边经济、财政和发展司司长兼经济、财政和发展事务方面非联合国合作处处长", "2002年5月-2006年11月,2010年5月至今", "不结盟运动南南技术合作中心主任", "印度尼西亚雅加达", "1998-2000年", "外交部条约和法律事务处副处长", "1991-1993年", "外交部条约和法律事务处政治和安全事务科科长", "1986-1988年", "东盟国家秘书处经济事务局工作人员", "印度尼西亚雅加达", "参加国际会议", "自1986年以来作为印度尼西亚代表参加了下列国际组织的各种国际会议、讲习班、研讨会:", "• 联合国及其各机构/专门机构 • 77国集团", "• 东盟 • 发展中八国集团", "• 欧洲联盟 • 15国集团", "• 不结盟运动 • 11国集团", "• 伊斯兰会议组织 • 世界银行/基金组织" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日", "选举财务委员会成员", "缔约国提交的候选人名单", "秘书长的说明", "增编", "页: 1 本说明的目的是向大会通报秘书长收到国际海底管理局第十七届会议期间财政委员会选举候选人的附加提名。", "2. 结 论 秘书长在其2010年10月8日第236/10号普通照会和2010年12月17日第293/10号普通照会中,请国际海底管理局成员按照大会第106次会议的协议,尽早(ISBA/12/A/13,第32段),至迟于2011年5月11日提交其候选人。", "3. 。 2. 2011年7月1日,秘书长收到印度尼西亚常驻联合国代表团2011年7月1日的普通照会,提名林加瓦蒂·哈希姆大使为财务委员会候选人。", "4. 第四届会议 哈基姆大使的简历载于本说明附件二。", "附件一", "缔约国提名的候选人名单", "姓名和国籍 提名\nHakim, Linggawaty(印度尼西亚)", "附件二", "缔约国提名的候选人简历", "[原件:英文]", "Linggawaty Hakim", "出生地点/日期:1959年4月19日,万隆", "教育", "• 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学国际法硕士(1990年)", "• 印度尼西亚万隆帕贾兰大学法学硕士(1982年)", "• 初级专业人员培训课程(1984-1985年)", "• 中级外交培训班(1999年)", "• 高级外交人员培训课程(2000年)", "• 瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学瑞典法律课程(1989年)", "• 东盟外交课程,吉隆坡和新加坡(1986年)", "• 人权政策课程,联合国,日内瓦(1992年)", "专业经验", "外派", "2006年11月至2010年4月", "印度尼西亚共和国驻瑞典王国和拉脱维亚共和国大使", "2000-2002", "政治事务参赞/公使衔参赞", "印度尼西亚驻欧洲联盟代表团", "比利时布鲁塞尔", "1993-1998", "第二秘书/政治事务和法律事务一等秘书", "印度尼西亚常驻联合国代表团", "美国纽约", "1988-1991", "第三委员会", "新闻、信息、社会和文化事务", "印度尼西亚大使馆", "瑞典斯德哥尔摩", "内政部", "2011年5月", "法律和国际条约司司长", "外交部", "2006年1月至11月", "发展中国家社会文化事务和组织主任", "Department of Multilateral Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "2002年5月至2005年12月", "Ministry of Foreign Affairs", "2002年5月至2006年11月,2010年5月", "印度尼西亚雅加达不结盟运动南南技术合作中心主任", "1998-2000", "Deputy Director", "条约和法律事务司", "外交部", "1991-1993", "政治事务和安全事务科负责人", "条约和法律事务司", "外交部", "1986-1988", "经济事务局工作人员", "东盟国家秘书处,印度尼西亚雅加达", "参加国际会议", "自1986年以来,作为印度尼西亚驻不同国际组织代表团,参加了各种国际会议、会议、讲习班、研讨会:", "• 联合国及其机构/专门机构 • 77国集团", "• 东盟8国集团", "• 欧洲联盟15国集团", "• 不结盟运动:11国集团", "• 伊斯兰会议组织 • 世界银行/基金组织" ]
[ "Seventeenth session", "Kingston, Jamaica", "11-22 July 2011", "Agenda of the Legal and Technical Commission", "1. Opening of the session.", "2. Adoption of the agenda.", "3. Election of the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman.", "A. Reports of contractors", "4. Consideration of the annual reports of contractors submitted pursuant to the Regulations on Prospecting and Exploration for Polymetallic Nodules in the Area.", "5. Information on the periodic review of implementation of plans of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules.", "B. Applications for approval of plans of work for exploration", "6. Review of applications for approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic nodules and recommendations to the Council.", "7. Review of applications for approval of a plan of work for exploration for polymetallic sulphides and recommendations to the Council.", "C. Environmental implications of activities in the Area", "8. Consideration of the draft environmental management plan for the Clarion-Clipperton Fracture Zone.", "9. Consideration of the recommendations from the workshop entitled “Environmental management of deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems: justification of and considerations for a spatially based approach” (Dinard, France, 31 May-4 June 2010).", "D. Other matters", "10. Specification of a scale and projection for the purposes of the rules, regulations and procedures of the Authority.", "11. Other matters:", "(a) Consideration of the advisory opinion of the Seabed Disputes Chamber on the responsibilities and obligations of States sponsoring persons and entities with respect to activities in the Area;", "(b) Exchange of views on the work of the Legal and Technical Commission and its future challenges." ]
[ "第十七届会议", "2011年7月11日至22日", "牙买加金斯敦", "法律和技术委员会议程", "1. 会议开幕。", "2. 通过议程。", "3. 选举主席和副主席。", "A. 承包者的报告", "4. 审议承包者根据《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》提交的年度报告。", "5. 有关定期审查多金属结核探矿工作计划执行情况的资料。", "B. 申请核准勘探工作计划", "6. 审查申请核准多金属结核勘探工作计划的情况并向理事会提出建议。", "7. 审查申请核准多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的情况并向理事会提出建议。", "C. 区域内活动对环境造成的影响", "8. 审议克拉里昂-克利伯顿区断裂带环境管理计划草案。", "9. 审议题为“深海化合生态系统的环境管理:采用空间办法的理由和考虑因素”的讲习班(2010年5月31日至6月4日,法国迪纳尔)的各项建议。", "D. 其他事项", "10. 管理局规则、规章和程序中规定的比例尺和投影法。", "11. 其他事项:", "(a) 审议海底争端分庭关于资助个人和实体开展“区域”内活动的国家的责任和义务的咨询意见;", "(b) 就法律和技术委员会的工作及其今后的挑战交换意见。" ]
[ "第十七届会议", "牙买加金斯敦", "2011年7月11日至22日", "法律和技术委员会议程", "页: 1 1. 会议开幕。", "2. 通过议程。", "3. 。 2. 选举主席和副主席。", "A. 导 言 承包者的报告", "4. 第四届会议 审议承包者根据《“区域”内多金属结核探矿和勘探规章》提交的年度报告。", "5. 关于多金属结核勘探工作计划执行情况的定期审查的资料。", "B. 请求核准勘探工作计划的申请", "6. 任务 4. 审查请求核准多金属结核勘探工作计划的申请,并向理事会提出建议。", "7. 基本考虑 4. 审查请求核准多金属硫化物勘探工作计划的申请和向理事会提出的建议。", "C. “区域”内活动对环境的影响", "8.8 4. 审议克拉里昂-克利珀顿断裂区环境管理计划草案。", "9 September 2005 审议题为“深海化学合成生态系统环境管理:基于空间的方法的理由和考虑”的讲习班的建议(法国迪纳尔逊,2010年5月31日至6月4日)。", "D. 出席情况 其他事项", "10.10 为管理局的规则、规章和程序的目的,确定一个比额表和预测。", "注 其他事项:", "(a) 审议海底争端分庭关于赞助个人和实体的国家在“区域”内活动的责任和义务的咨询意见;", "(b) 3. 就法律和技术委员会的工作及其今后的挑战交换意见。" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 119 of the preliminary list*", "Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit", "Strengthening the institutional arrangements for support of gender equality and the empowerment of women", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report summarizes progress in the implementation of the section of General Assembly resolution 64/289 entitled “Strengthening the institutional arrangements for support of gender equality and the empowerment of women”, by which the Assembly established, as a composite entity, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, known as UN-Women. The report covers progress in regard to general principles; governance of the Entity; administration and human resources; financing; and transitional arrangements.", "I. Introduction", "1. In its resolution 64/289 on system-wide coherence, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit a progress report to the Assembly at its sixty-sixth and sixty-seventh sessions on the implementation of the section of the resolution entitled “Strengthening the institutional arrangements for support of gender equality and the empowerment of women”. The present report, which is submitted in accordance with that request, summarizes the status of implementation of the above-mentioned section of the resolution, by which the Assembly established, as a composite entity, the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women, known as UN-Women, and covers general principles; governance of the Entity; administration and human resources; financing; and transitional arrangements.", "2. In the same resolution, the General Assembly further decided to review the work of UN-Women at its sixty-eighth session, and requested the Secretary-General to present to the Assembly at that session a comprehensive report in that regard.", "3. The establishment of UN-Women by the General Assembly was historic, creating a very high level of expectation on the part of all stakeholders for swift and tangible results to strengthen the system-wide capacity of the Organization to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, including the increasing demand from Governments for the support of the United Nations system in advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment.", "II. Overall progress", "A. Establishing the vision, mission and priorities of UN-Women", "4. Since the adoption of resolution 64/289, UN-Women has worked systematically to ensure that it is capable of fully responding to the high expectations that greeted its creation. As a result, a year after the adoption of the resolution, UN-Women has laid a solid foundation for a strong and operationally effective organization to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women. The leadership of the governing bodies, the wide consultations carried out by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women, the field capacity assessment, the increasing commitment of donors and the progress made in integrating the diverse and committed staff of the constituent entities have all prepared UN-Women for a period of measurable results in the years to come.", "5. Since UN-Women brings together the mandates and functions of the four previous entities engaged in the field of gender equality and the empowerment of women,[1] with an additional coordinating role (see paragraphs 49 and 53 of resolution 64/289), its strategic orientation and procedures have been geared to support an integrated approach to delivering concrete results in three functional areas, namely: (a) expanding demand-driven support to Member States at the national level, in line with national priorities; (b) supporting intergovernmental processes to strengthen the global policy and normative framework for gender equality and its implementation on the ground; and (c) leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in its work on gender equality and the empowerment of women. Several key budgetary proposals and planning instruments[2] prepared shortly after its establishment enabled UN-Women to consolidate this integrated approach to the delivery of results. The organization chart of UN-Women was designed to produce the needed synergies and links between functional areas (see paras. 41 and 42 below).", "6. In January 2011, as a first step in defining the workplan for UN-Women, the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director launched her “Vision and 100-day action plan”, which set out the core principles and priorities for the building of a strong organization. Those principles and priorities were subsequently validated in extensive consultations with Member States, entities of the United Nations system, civil society organizations and other stakeholders, and were a stepping stone for the preparation of the UN-Women strategic plan.", "7. The first UN-Women strategic plan, 2011-2013 (see UNW/2011/9), sets out the Entity’s vision, mission and priorities in supporting Member States and other entities of the United Nations system in the achievement of gender equality and women’s empowerment, in accordance with the general principles established in General Assembly resolution 64/289. The plan builds on the momentum for action generated by milestones marked in 2009 and 2010, including the 30-year anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, the 10-year anniversaries of the Millennium Declaration and of Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) on women and peace and security, and the 15-year review of progress in the implementation of the Beijing Platform for Action. The plan also sets out to support Member States in closing the persisting implementation gaps between these global normative and policy commitments and women’s daily realities, in the context of national priorities and in partnership with other stakeholders.", "8. UN-Women used the process of preparing its strategic plan to consult with approximately 5,000 partners, including partners from national Governments, civil society and academia, the United Nations system and international development organizations. The consultations affirmed the Entity’s main thematic areas of focus and helped clarify the needs of stakeholders as well as the expectations of United Nations partners vis-à-vis the role of UN-Women, in particular in regard to coordination and institutional strengthening. The consultations held by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women with Member States and civil society, including during the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women and the meetings of the Executive Board, as well as her country visits, contributed significantly to shaping the Entity’s strategic orientation.", "9. In preparing for its strategic plan, UN-Women conducted a field capacity assessment as basis for strengthening its capacity to provide coordination, leadership and expertise on the ground in response to national demands. Completion of the assessment was a critical element in clarifying the current state of affairs with regard to the presence of United Nations entities working in support of women’s equality and empowerment in the field and to propose a standard model of support to Member States.", "10. On 30 June 2011, the Executive Board of UN-Women endorsed the UN‑Women strategic plan, 2011-2013 (see decision 2011/3). The strategic plan provides the framework and direction for the support of UN-Women to Member States and its partnerships with women’s organizations and networks, other civil society organizations, academia and experts, the mass media and the private sector; and its efforts to build institutional capacity to undertake the functions laid out in its founding resolution. The framework allows for flexible response to national priorities and needs, in accordance with the requests of Member States and the United Nations system. The unified results framework contained in the strategic plan has three interrelated components, namely: a development results framework; a management results framework; and an integrated resources framework. It focuses on results, indicators and targets that enable UN-Women to measure performance and contributions at national, regional and global levels. The Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women will submit to the Executive Board, beginning at its annual session in 2012, an annual progress report on the strategic plan, 2011-2013, and updates at its regular sessions in 2012 and 2013.", "Vision, mission statement and thematic priorities of UN-Women \nThe vision of UN-Women is that of a world where societies are freeof gender-based discrimination, where women and men have equalopportunities, where the comprehensive economic and socialdevelopment of women and girls is ensured so that they can provideleadership for the changes that they want to see, where genderequality and women’s empowerment are achieved and where women’srights are upheld in all efforts to further development, humanrights, peace and security.\n Mission statement \nGrounded in the vision of equality enshrined in the Charter of theUnited Nations, the Entity will work for the elimination ofdiscrimination against women and girls; the empowerment of women;and the achievement of equality between women and men as partnersand beneficiaries of development, human rights, humanitarian actionand peace and security. Placing women’s rights at the centre of allits efforts, the Entity will lead and coordinate United Nationssystem efforts to ensure that commitments on gender equality andgender mainstreaming translate into action throughout the world. Itwill provide strong and coherent leadership in support of thepriorities and efforts of Member States, building effectivepartnerships with civil society and other relevant actors.\n Five thematic priorities (a) Expanding women’s leadership and participation; (b) Ending violence against women; (c) Strengthening the implementation of the women and peace andsecurity agenda; (d) Enhancing women’s economic empowerment; \n(e) Making gender equality priorities central to national planningand budgeting at all levels.", "B. The coordination role of UN-Women", "11. In its resolution 64/289 the General Assembly highlighted the additional role of UN-Women in regard to coordination and accountability of the United Nations system on gender equality and women’s empowerment, including on gender mainstreaming (see paras. 53 and 58, in particular). While all four previous entities had undertaken some level of coordination, those efforts were not comprehensive and accountability for results was often lacking.", "12. UN-Women has made progress in developing a coordination strategy to strengthen leadership, coordination and accountability on gender equality and women’s empowerment and support to gender mainstreaming across the United Nations system. The strategy builds on existing United Nations coordination mechanisms on gender equality and the empowerment of women and outlines the work of UN-Women at a number of levels across the United Nations system, through mechanisms such as the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB), the High-Level Committee on Programmes, the High-Level Committee on Management and the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality. The strategy also covers the Entity’s approach to coordination at the regional level, working in particular with the regional commissions and regional coordination mechanisms. In regard to country-level coordination, UN-Women will work with the United Nations Development Group, regional directors’ teams and directly with United Nations country teams.", "13. UN-Women reached a milestone in assuming its leadership role in coordination for gender equality and women’s empowerment when, in accordance with paragraph 69 (b) of General Assembly resolution 64/289, it became a full member of CEB in the fall of 2010. In its participation in all related mechanisms, UN-Women is creating new opportunities for the United Nations system as a whole to work strategically for the promotion of gender equality and women’s empowerment and to address women’s rights and needs. It is placing a stronger and more systematic focus on support for gender mainstreaming across the United Nations system. The Entity also participates in other coordination mechanisms, including the Executive Committee on Economic and Social Affairs and the Executive Committee on Peace and Security. UN-Women continues to report on progress on mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system, in accordance with relevant legislative mandates (see Economic and Social Council resolution 2010/29, and the report of the Secretary-General of 11 May 2011 (E/2011/114)).", "14. The Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality has a key role to play in ensuring that United Nations system-wide efforts deliver concrete results. As the chair and secretariat of the Network, UN-Women places special emphasis on strengthening the Network so as to enhance its impact and effectiveness. Its increased support to the Network’s annual session and intersessional work is already leading to tangible results, especially as it relates to the Network’s identification of emerging issues of concern to the entire United Nations system, as well as in the context of UN-Women’s five thematic areas of focus, where cooperation is expanding. The Network’s task forces and standing committees, for example those on women and peace and security and on women’s economic empowerment, are benefiting from the increased support of the Entity, especially in achieving effective follow-up to and implementation of agreements and action recommendations that emanate from those bodies.", "15. However, despite progress, it is clear that effective results on coordination require an institutionalized system-wide accountability mechanism on gender equality. While accountability mechanisms exist at some United Nations entities, a common mechanism is needed to which the system can be held accountable for work on gender equality. Towards that end, UN-Women has initiated consultations with entities of the United Nations system to develop such a mechanism, for endorsement by CEB.", "C. Interaction with civil society", "16. The four entities that were consolidated to form UN-Women maintained vibrant relationships with non-governmental and civil society organizations. In response to paragraph 55 of resolution 64/289, UN-Women has continued the practice of effective consultation with such organizations in the promotion of gender equality and the empowerment of women at all levels.", "17. At UN-Women, a Civil Society Section has been created within the Intergovernmental Support and Strategic Partnerships Bureau in order to maintain and forge effective partnerships with civil society and to coordinate and facilitate the meaningful participation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the annual sessions of the Commission on the Status of Women. For the fifty-fifth session, UN-Women coordinated the participation of 1,665 representatives from 352 NGOs in consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, including facilitating attendance through an on-site registration procedure and the processing of the written and oral contributions of the NGOs, in accordance with relevant rules and established practice, in cooperation and coordination with other secretariat services. At the invitation of the Executive Board, NGOs in consultative status with the Council may also participate in its deliberations for questions that relate to their activities (see rule 16.3 of the rules of procedure of the Council).", "18. The engagement and partnership of UN-Women with women’s organizations and networks and other civil society organizations is a key element in its strategic plan, 2011-2013, and civil society actors were consulted as part of the above-mentioned field capacity assessment in early 2011, as well as during the partner consultations on the strategic plan from January to early April 2011, when UN‑Women reached out to a broad and diverse range of networks and organizations.", "19. UN-Women is currently working to establish a civil society advisory group as a standing mechanism for dialogue between civil society and the Entity on key policy issues. The formation of regional and national civil society mechanisms to bring this consultative and advisory function closer to the ground, as well as the establishment of ad hoc thematic working groups to consider specific concerns in an inclusive manner, is also under consideration.", "III. Transitional arrangements", "20. All transitional arrangements outlined in paragraphs 81 to 88 of resolution 64/289 were successfully completed by the end of 2010, thus enabling UN-Women to become fully operational on 1 January 2011. The Secretary-General appointed Ms. Michelle Bachelet (Chile) as the first Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women. Ms. Bachelet, who assumed duty on 19 September 2010, oversaw the consolidation of the institutional and operational arrangements, partnerships and brands of the four previous entities. An inventory of the assets and liabilities of the four former entities covering United Nations Headquarters, field and liaison office locations has been completed and all assets and liabilities have been transferred from the previous four entities to UN-Women.", "21. At the request of the General Assembly (see para. 87 of resolution 64/289), the Economic and Social Council dissolved INSTRAW on 20 July 2010 (see Council resolution 2010/7). The Assembly had already dissolved UNIFEM (see para. 86 of resolution 64/289).", "22. Along with the structural and organizational consolidation of UN-Women, consolidation of office premises of the staff of UN-Women based at Headquarters is progressing well. A lease for new premises (at 220 East 42nd Street) was signed in the first quarter of 2011. The space is being improved to comply with safety, fire, environmental and building codes, and to adapt it to the needs of UN-Women. Since early 2011, some 30 staff members at Headquarters in New York have been located at temporary quarters at the new location. It is expected that most Headquarters-based staff will move to the new offices in September 2011.", "23. Work is well under way to complete the integration of the Entity’s information technology systems. All e-mail domains have been unified to and the migration of UN-Women into the Microsoft exchange messaging system is expected to be completed by July 2011. Desktop software has been standardized, and desktop alignment to the same software versions is being undertaken. UN‑Women’s knowledge management and unified communications platforms are expected to be rolled out in 2011. A new programme and operations manual is expected to be completed by August 2011.", "24. There was no disruption of activities of the four former entities during the transition as previous operational arrangements continued until their replacement by new arrangements, as applicable. For example, at United Nations Headquarters, arrangements pertaining to the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women were transferred smoothly from Secretariat-based applications to the Atlas-based system used by UN-Women. The payroll and other expenses for staff at Headquarters and at the location of the former INSTRAW were also effectively transitioned and they have been processed and paid through the Atlas-based system since January 2011.", "IV. Governance of UN-Women", "25. General Assembly resolution 64/289 provides that the Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the Commission on the Status of Women shall constitute the multitiered intergovernmental governance structure for the normative support functions of UN-Women and shall provide normative policy guidance to it, and that the Assembly, the Council and the Executive Board of UN-Women shall constitute the multitiered intergovernmental governance structure for its operational activities, including the provision of operational policy guidance. In addition, the Commission on the Status of Women and the Executive Board of UN-Women are to work closely together to provide coherent guidance and direction in their respective areas. In accordance with the resolution, the intergovernmental governance structure is providing guidance to UN-Women.", "A. Executive Board of UN-Women", "26. On 10 November 2010, in accordance with resolution 64/289, the Economic and Social Council elected the first Executive Board of UN-Women. The Entity serves as the secretariat of the Executive Board.", "27. The Executive Board is composed of 41 members, elected for three-year terms.[3] The Economic and Social Council decided to stagger the term of membership for the 35 members of the Executive Board elected from the five regional groups, pursuant to paragraphs 60 (a) to (e) of resolution 64/289, by the drawing of lots for the first election, for members to serve two-year and three-year terms. It also decided to elect the Executive Board’s six contributing countries, pursuant to paragraph 60 (f) of resolution 64/289, for a three-year term (per Council resolution 2010/35 and Council decision 2010/201 F). The Election of contributing members was based on a list of the average annual voluntary contributions of Member States, in the calendar years 2008, 2009 and 2010 to the core budget of the former UNIFEM for which statistical data were available. This list was provided by the Secretary-General in accordance with paragraph 62 of resolution 64/289.", "28. The Executive Board has already taken critical organizational, procedural and substantive actions that are instrumental to the ability of UN-Women to deliver results. Following the elections, the Executive Board held its organizational session on 15 and 22 December 2010 and elected its Bureau for a term of one year. At its first regular session (24 to 26 January 2011), the Executive Board adopted its rules of procedure (see UNW/2011/6) as well as the biennial support budget for 2010-2011 funded from voluntary resources (see UNW/2011/8, decision 2011/1).", "29. At its resumed first regular session on 8 April 2011, the Executive Board adopted the Financial Regulations for UN-Women (see UNW/2011/8/Add.1, decision 2011/2). At its first annual session, from 27 to 30 June 2011, the Executive Board considered and endorsed the UN-Women strategic plan, 2011-2013 (see decision 2011/3).", "30. As mandated by the General Assembly, the Executive Board will report annually on its programme and activities to the Assembly through the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session. These reports will in future cover a calendar year, in accordance with the practice of other executive boards. In 2011, the results of the organizational, first and resumed regular and annual sessions will be submitted to the Council.", "31. The Executive Board has also assumed its function of promoting effective coordination and coherence among operational activities on gender mainstreaming and the empowerment of women (see para. 66 of resolution 64/289). The Executive Board participated for the first time in the joint meeting of the Executive Boards of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)/United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), UN-Women and the World Food Programme (WFP), on 4 and 7 February 2011. The discussion of mainstreaming gender perspectives through the work of the agencies and envisaged collaboration with UN-Women provided members of the Boards with an early opportunity for an exchange of views with the executive heads of the funds and programmes and the Entity on the future direction of cooperation and coordination. Together with the operational activities segment at the annual session of the Economic and Social Council, the yearly joint meeting of the Executive Boards will be a key opportunity for enhancing gender mainstreaming and the empowerment of women in the operational work of the United Nations system.", "B. Commission on the Status of Women", "32. The Commission on the Status of Women provides normative policy guidance to UN-Women, which serves as the secretariat of the Commission. On 14 March 2011, the Commission successfully completed its fifty-fifth session, the first that was serviced by UN-Women. The Commission held a general discussion; a high-level round table; and five interactive panel discussions. Member States and other stakeholders considered a priority and a review theme and discussed one emerging issue. The Commission adopted agreed conclusions on the priority theme and several resolutions. The session attracted large numbers of participants from Governments, NGOs and the United Nations system. United Nations entities and Member States convened some 60 parallel events and there were well over 200 events organized by NGOs.", "33. UN-Women will continue to support the global-level intergovernmental processes on gender equality and the empowerment of women, within the framework of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, including its 12 critical areas of concern, the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly and related instruments, standards and resolutions. Furthermore, it will engage with a range of sectoral intergovernmental processes with a view to enhancing attention to gender perspectives in analysis and outcomes.", "C. Working relationship between the Commission on the Status of Women and the Executive Board of UN-Women", "34. Emphasizing the need to establish concrete results-based reporting mechanisms, as well as the need for coherence, consistency and coordination between the normative and operational aspects of the work of UN-Women, the General Assembly requested the Commission on the Status of Women and the Executive Board of the Entity to work closely together to provide coherent guidance and direction in their respective areas. It also requested the Economic and Social Council to establish appropriate and concrete linkages between the Commission and the Executive Board in order to ensure consistency between the overall policy guidance set by the Commission and the operational strategies and operational activities approved by the Executive Board (see paras. 67 (a) and (b) of resolution 64/289).", "35. This process has been initiated and is ongoing. UN-Women has supported the intergovernmental bodies concerned in their efforts to implement the direction provided by the General Assembly. In particular, the Bureau of the Economic and Social Council convened a first meeting with the bureaux of the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women and of the Executive Board on 14 January 2011 to initiate a dialogue on the relationship between the Commission and the Board and on possible modalities and framework for generating effective linkages between the two bodies. At a subsequent meeting of the two bureaux, on 25 February, members exchanged views on the modalities of the working relationship, with a focus on simple, effective and results-oriented interaction, building on existing examples of good practice. The Bureau of the fifty-fifth session of the Commission informed the newly elected Bureau of the fifty-sixth session of the Commission of the steps taken in this regard.", "36. On 10 June 2011, the Bureau of the Economic and Social Council, in preparation for the substantive session of 2011, met with the chairs of the Commission and Executive Board to discuss implementation of paragraph 67 of resolution 64/289.", "D. Implementation of paragraphs 67 (c) and (d) of General Assembly resolution 64/289", "37. In accordance with paragraphs 67 (c) and (d), the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director is requested to submit to the Commission on the Status of Women an annual report on the normative aspects of the work of UN-Women and on its implementation of the policy guidance provided by the Commission, to submit an annual report on operational activities for the consideration of the Executive Board and to report on those activities to the Economic and Social Council during its operational activities segment of its annual substantive session.", "38. This mandate provides an opportunity for the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director to present to the intergovernmental bodies a holistic picture of the work of the Entity and of the impact and results achieved through the integration of its mandates and functions. Although a first report under the mandate was submitted to the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women (E/CN.6/2011/2), it had been finalized before UN-Women became operational and it focused on key aspects of the transition process. The future reports of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director under the mandate will provide a critical assessment of progress, gaps and challenges in the implementation of the Commission’s normative guidance (see para. 67 (c) of resolution 64/289). Similarly, and following the practice of executive heads of funds and programmes of the United Nations, the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director will report on the operational activities of UN-Women to the Executive Board and to the Economic and Social Council during its operational activities segment of its annual substantive session. Such a report will be submitted for the first time to the Executive Board at its first regular session in 2012, and subsequently to the Council at its substantive session of 2012.", "V. Administration and human resources", "39. For the purpose of implementing paragraph 72 of General Assembly resolution 64/289 on personnel matters relating to UN-Women, the Secretary-General delegated formal authority to the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women, as of 1 January 2011, in matters pertaining to human resources management (see ST/SGB/2011/2). The Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director exercises this authority in accordance with the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations, including the appointment of staff members of UN-Women through the issuance of letters of appointment.", "40. In March 2011, the Secretary-General appointed Ms. Lakshmi Puri (India) as Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director for Intergovernmental Support and Strategic Partnerships; and Mr. John Hendra (Canada) as Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director for Policy and Programme. Six senior positions at the D-2 level were advertised in January 2011. Senior management team appointments were announced on 24 June 2011.", "41. The creation of a dynamic and innovative organization, supported by strategic human resources management, has been a priority for the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women since she assumed office. Towards that end, she has put in place a two-pillar organizational structure (intergovernmental support and strategic partnerships; and policy and programmes) as the most effective way to ensure functional and thematic links across the Entity. This structure integrates the normative support, advocacy, coordination, operational and capacity development, training and research functions, including those of communications and outreach to civil society, and partnership mobilization. It is also designed to respond to the mandate of promoting effective coordination and coherence within the United Nations system at all levels.", "42. The two-pillar structure is complemented by the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director and the Division for Management and Administration. This structure was presented to the General Assembly as part of the revised 2011 regular budget and to the Executive Board as part of the revised 2011 support budget. The staffing of UN-Women has already been configured according to the new organization chart.", "43. UN-Women is committed to achieving a cohesive workforce, and aims to become the employer of first choice for those wanting to make a difference for women. UN-Women is developing a comprehensive human resources management framework to deliver responsive and quality human resources that meet the Entity’s requirements within the parameters of the Staff Regulations and Rules of the United Nations. This framework will support human resources planning and policy, organizational design, recruitment and staffing and learning, as well as talent, performance and workforce management.", "44. The consolidation of the four former United Nations entities into UN-Women was a critical milestone in the achievement of a cohesive workforce. An alignment exercise for Headquarters positions, carried out from December 2010 to January 2011, resulted in the alignment, or matching, of 94 per cent of reviewed Headquarters positions (150 out of 159). The Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director announced the outcome of the exercise on 4 February 2011.", "45. The alignment exercise for Headquarters positions was based on human resources guidelines for the consolidation process, which were issued by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director on 6 December 2010. A human resources transition team included members of the Human Resources Centre of the former UNIFEM, the Office of Human Resources Management of the Secretariat and a senior human resources and change management expert. It was supported by the Office of Human Resources of UNDP and representatives of the UN-Women transition team. The team had responsibility for addressing human resources issues and for ensuring that decisions made were in the best interest of both staff and the Organization.", "46. The alignment exercise was followed by a two-phased competitive selection process which was open to internal and external candidates, to fill unaligned, new, vacant and established core positions at Headquarters. Specialized workshops on competency-based interviewing skills were conducted by the UN-Women Human Resources Section in order to provide adequate support to staff in the competitive selection process. The consolidation process involving field positions is expected to be rolled out in July 2011.", "47. In order to enhance information flow and transparency during the transition, staff of the four previous entities were represented in staff-management relations by the United Nations Staff Union and the Staff Council of UNDP/UNFPA and the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) on consultations in regard to human resources policies, procedures and guidelines for the consolidation process. Based on best practices, each of the four previous entities designated staff observers to observe and follow up on the consolidation process, to inform the staff of UN‑Women, and to reflect staff feedback throughout the implementation phase.", "VI. Financing", "A. Regular budget resources", "48. The approval by the General Assembly of the revised proposal for the use of regular budget resources for the biennium 2010-2011, by which it authorized the use of such resources by UN-Women, was a key step towards its successful operationalization on 1 January 2011. In accordance with paragraph 75 of resolution 64/289, the resources required to service the normative intergovernmental processes are provided from the regular budget and approved by the Assembly. The revised proposal (A/65/531) sought an increase of three posts, from 42 to 45, funded from the regular budget; as well as approval of the use of the “grant modality” to administer the annual share of UN-Women from the regular budget. Following consideration by the Advisory Committee for Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/593), the Assembly established three new posts (Under-Secretary-General, D-2 and General Service (Other level)), under section 37 (UN-Women) of the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011. It also approved the use of a grant arrangement pertaining to the regular budget portion of UN-Women and decided that posts financed by the grant from the regular budget were to be requested on a post-by-post basis in future regular budget proposals (Assembly resolution 65/259, sect. VI).", "49. UN-Women’s proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 has been prepared in accordance with the Regulations and Rules Governing Programme Planning, the Programme Aspects of the Budget, the Monitoring of Implementation and the Methods of Evaluation (ST/SGB/2000/8). The proposal (A/66/6 (Sect. 17)), which will be before the General Assembly, through the Advisory Committee for Administrative and Budgetary Questions and the Committee for Programme and Coordination, seeks an increase in two posts for programme support, namely one Administrative Officer and one Budget and Finance Officer, for services previously provided largely by the Executive Office of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs. An analysis of the functions of the posts funded from the regular budget will be provided in the next proposed programme budget for the biennium 2014-2015, in accordance with the relevant provisions of resolution 65/259. By that time, UN-Women will have been operational for two years, enabling it to find the most effective ways for delivering its mandates and functions and meeting evolving needs. The analysis will also inform the programme budget proposals for the biennium 2014-2015.", "50. The establishment of UN-Women and the preparation of the revised proposal for the use of regular budget resources approved for the biennium 2010-2011 and the proposed programme budget for 2012-2013 also necessitated a revision of the strategic framework that had previously governed the work of subprogramme 2, Gender issues and advancement of women (see A/63/6/Rev.1; A/65/6/Rev.1 and A/65/6 (Prog. 7)). Consequently, a revised strategic framework for the bienniums 2010-2011 and 2012-2013, reflecting the revision of the programmatic aspects arising from the creation of UN-Women through the Committee for Programme and Coordination, will be before the Assembly for its consideration at its sixty-sixth session (A/66/82) (see sect. VI, para. 10 of General Assembly resolution 65/259).", "51. Pursuant to the approval by the General Assembly of the use of a grant arrangement pertaining to the regular budget portion of UN-Women, this modality is now being implemented. Following issuance of an allotment advice of $6,957,100 by the Programme Planning and Budget Division of the Secretariat, UN-Women has authorized expenditures for the balance of the biennium 2010-2011 as approved by the Assembly at its sixty-fifth session.", "B. Voluntary resources for the support budget", "52. Additionally, the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women submitted to the Executive Board a proposal for the use of voluntary resources for the support budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (see para. 77 of resolution 64/289). The biennial support budget was approved by the Board at its first regular session in January 2011 (see UNW/2011/8, decision 2011/1).", "53. The approved support budget for the biennium 2010-2011 of $51.5 million sets the stage for a more effective United Nations response to the requests for support from Member States. It includes an additional eight posts located at United Nations Headquarters, 24 new posts in the field and a change in the funding source from programme budget funding to support budget funding for 117 field posts. The Executive Board also approved additional funding for the support budget in the amount of $2.5 million to cover United Nations-mandated security costs, $0.3 million for costs related to the adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards and enhancement of the Atlas system, $5 million to support change management and $3 million for the move to new premises and related technological installation.", "54. The Executive Board will consider the support budget for the biennium 2012-2013 at its second regular session of 2011, scheduled to take place from 5 to 7 December 2011. Preparation of the support budget for the next biennium will take the results of the Executive Board’s discussions on the strategic plan, 2011-2013, fully into account.", "55. Pursuant to paragraph 79 of resolution 64/289, the proposed financial regulations and rules of UN-Women were submitted by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director to the Executive Board, following review thereof by the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions. By its decision 2011/2 (see UNW/2011/8/Add.1), the Executive Board of UN-Women adopted the Financial Regulations (UNW/2011/5 and Rev.1 and Add.1) and they became effective, along with the Financial Rules, as of that date.", "C. Voluntary contributions to UN-Women", "56. In establishing UN-Women, the General Assembly stressed the need to ensure adequate funding for the Entity and invited Member States to provide core, multi‑year, predictable, stable and sustainable voluntary contributions (see para. 80 of resolution 64/289). The Assembly thus clearly recognized the lack of resources as one of the main gaps in the ability of the United Nations system to effectively support the achievement of the goal of gender equality and women’s empowerment.", "57. One year after its establishment, the resource situation of UN-Women is improving, although the Entity remains under-resourced. The UN-Women strategic plan, 2011-2013, is premised on a resource level that will enable it to achieve ambitious results and meet expectations and needs. The Entity is therefore putting in place a resource mobilization strategy to reach its ambitious but realistic funding targets. The strategy aims to achieve significantly larger investments from Member States. At the same time, UN-Women is working to expand and deepen its resource base, including by tapping non-traditional funding sources such as the private sector and foundations. Based on pledges made and contributions received as of 1 June 2011, voluntary contributions to unearmarked (core) resources are expected to reach $125 million, and contributions to earmarked (non-core) resources are expected to reach $100 million in 2011. This will require that all written and verbal pledges are kept.", "58. Targets for total voluntary contributions (core and non-core) to UN-Women for the 2011-2013 period (3 years) amount to $1.2 billion. The target for annual contributions is to increase to an amount of $300 million in 2011, $400 million in 2012 and $500 million in 2013. Reaching this level of contributions will signal the commitment of Member States and other contributors to addressing the severe under-resourcing of the work of the United Nations for gender equality and women’s empowerment. The projections are consistent with the Secretary-General’s estimation (A/64/588) of the funding requirement for the start-up phase of UN‑Women at approximately $500 million annually, acknowledging that meeting this funding requirement would depend on the response of Member States. Reaching these targets is needed in order to front-load core capacity for UN-Women to respond to mandates and to set in motion a virtuous circle between resources, capacity to deliver and results achieved for women.", "59. The financial targets project that voluntary unearmarked (core) resources will reach $600 million for 2011-2013: $150 million in 2011, $200 million in 2012 and $250 million in 2013. The financial targets builds on an analysis of past trends, commitments already made in 2011 and other pledges. The target for the level of voluntary unearmarked (core) resources reflects the commitment of UN-Women to attain a favourable balance between core and non-core resources. This draws on the recognition by Member States that core resources, because of their united nature, constitute the bedrock of the operational activities for development of the United Nations system and are required for effective financial planning and efficient support to operational activities (see General Assembly resolution 62/208).", "60. The target for contributions to earmarked (non-core) resources is set to reach $600 million: $150 million in 2011, $200 million in 2012 and $250 million in 2013. The projections for non-core contributions include funding for the two trust funds managed and administered by UN-Women, the Fund for Gender Equality and the United Nations Trust Fund to End Violence against Women. These funds support key priorities of UN-Women.", "61. An online registry has been created to provide information on contributions pledged and received ( 2011_pledges_UN_Women_core_resources.pdf). The registry was established in response to resolution 64/289 and aims to ensure that reporting on funding is transparent and that information is easily accessible to Member States.", "D. Expansion of the capacity of UN-Women", "62. As directed by the General Assembly (resolution 64/289, para. 88), the expansion of the capacity of UN-Women is proceeding on the basis of proposals by the Under-Secretary-General/Executive Director of UN-Women to the Executive Board. Initial proposals were submitted to the Board as part of the revised support budget for 2011. In its decision 2011/1, the Executive Board endorsed a budgetary provision as an interim measure pending the consideration of the UN-Women strategic plan, 2011-2013, for strengthening of a total of 34 offices, through the creation of new posts, the upgrading of existing posts or the transfer of funding from programme to support budget. UN-Women will be submitting further proposals for expansion of its capacity as part of the biennial support budget 2012-2013.", "63. An essential dimension of the strategy of UN-Women is the vision of eventually offering a standard model of support to Member States in 75 countries, and, with this in mind, the Entity has proposed criteria for expanding its national presence, based on requests from individual Governments. The areas of concern include: the situation of gender equality; national development and income levels; active conflict and post-conflict situations and other kinds of insecurity faced by women in a given country; and high levels of inequality within a given country (see UNW/2011/9, annex IV). UN-Women aims to strengthen its support to an additional 20 countries in 2012, and to another 21 in 2013. In keeping with its commitment to pay special attention to the least developed countries/low income economies, UN‑Women aims to cover them through country or subregional offices with multi‑country coverage by the end of 2013.", "VII. Summary and conclusions", "64. One year after the establishment of UN-Women by the General Assembly, the core elements for the effective functioning of the Entity are in place. This is in particular the case in regard to the Entity’s governance structure with the establishment and conduct of business of the UN-Women Executive Board and the preparation of key planning and budgeting instruments and decisions thereon by the relevant intergovernmental bodies.", "65. UN-Women has smoothly assumed its responsibilities of supporting intergovernmental normative processes with the successful session of the Commission on the Status of Women and it will continue to exercise its normative support function throughout the intergovernmental calendar.", "66. UN-Women has made excellent progress in putting in place the necessary administrative frameworks and consolidating its staff resources, especially at Headquarters. The completion of the alignment process at Headquarters is imminent and the senior management team has been appointed. While UN-Women has initiated the consolidation and strengthening of its field office structure, it is yet to fully establish its presence on the ground. With further progress in this area, UN‑Women will be able to provide, through its normative support functions and operational activities, guidance and technical support on gender equality, the empowerment and rights of women and gender mainstreaming to all Member States, across all levels of development and in all regions, at their request, pursuant to paragraph 51 (b) of resolution 64/289.", "67. The mobilization of necessary resources for achieving its goals remains a challenge, but such resources are critical if UN-Women is to deliver on the expectations of stakeholders. The availability of the projected contributions will send a clear signal of political will and commitment of support to the realization of gender equality and the empowerment of women.", "68. While the components of an effective coordination and accountability framework are being put in place, further elaboration of the role of UN-Women in leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations work for gender equality is needed in order for the framework to become fully effective. UN-Women has expanded its consultations with civil society, and is putting mechanisms in place to support such interaction.", "69. As mandated by the General Assembly, a further progress report on the implementation of the relevant part of resolution 64/289 will be submitted to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session. At its sixty-eighth session, the Assembly will review the work of UN-Women on the basis of a comprehensive report.", "[1] The Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women and the Division for the Advancement of Women of the Secretariat; the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) and the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW).", "[2] These were: the revised proposal for the use of regular budget resources for the normative support of UN-Women (A/65/531); proposals for the use of voluntary resources for the support budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (UNW/2011/3); the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (A/66/6 (Sect.17)); and the UN-Women strategic plan, 2011-2013 (UNW/2011/9).", "[3] The composition is as follows: (a) 10 from African States (Angola, Cape Verde, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, Lesotho, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Nigeria and the United Republic of Tanzania); (b) 10 from Asian States (Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Republic of Korea and Timor‑Leste); (c) 4 from Eastern European States (Estonia, Hungary, the Russian Federation and Ukraine); (d) 6 from Latin American and Caribbean States (Argentina, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Grenada and Peru); (e) 5 from Western European and other States (Denmark, France, Italy, Luxembourg and Sweden); and (f) 6 from contributing countries (Mexico, Norway, Saudi Arabia, Spain, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America)." ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "暂定项目表^(*) 项目119", "千年首脑会议成果的后续行动", "加强支持性别平等和增强妇女权能的体制安排", "^(*) A/66/50。", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告概述了大会第64/289号决议题为“加强支持性别平等和增强妇女权能的体制安排”一节的执行进展情况。大会根据该决议的这一节建立了一个混合实体,即联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(又称妇女署)。本报告阐述了一般原则、妇女署的管理、行政管理与人力资源、资金筹措和边渡安排方面的进展情况。", "一. 导言", "1. 大会在关于全系统一致性问题的第64/289号决议中,请秘书长向大会第六十六届和第六十七届会议提交进度报告,说明该决议题为“加强支持性别平等和增强妇女权能的体制安排”一节的执行情况。本报告是根据这一要求提交的,概述了该决议上述一节的执行情况。大会根据这一节建立了一个混合实体,即联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(又称妇女署)。报告还阐述了一般原则、妇女署的管理、行政管理与人力资源、资金筹措和边渡安排方面的进展情况。", "2. 大会在同一项决议中还决定在其第六十八届会议上审查妇女署的工作,并请秘书长就此向第六十八届会议提交一份全面报告。", "3. 大会建立妇女署具有历史性意义,所有利益攸关方由此高度期望在增强联合国全系统能力方面快速取得切实成果,以应对二十一世纪的各种挑战,包括满足各会员国政府为促进性别平等和增强妇女的权能而向联合国系统提出的越来越多的支助要求。", "二. 总体进展", "A. 确立妇女署的构想、任务和优先事项", "4. 自第64/289号决议通过以来,在高度期望中创建的妇女署一直系统地开展工作以确保能够充分满足这一期望。结果是,在该决议通过一年后,妇女署已为发展成一个促进性别平等和增强妇女权能的强有力和有效运行的组织奠定了坚实的基础。理事机构的领导才能、由妇女署副秘书长/执行主任开展的广泛协商、实地能力评估、不断增加的捐助承诺以及在融合四个组成实体的各类忠诚的工作人员上取得的进展都为妇女署在未来数年期间取得可衡量的成果做好了准备。", "5. 自妇女署把四个致力于性别平等和增强妇女权能的实体[1] 的任务和职能合并起来并发挥新增的协调作用(见第64/289号决议的第49和53段)以来,其战略方针和程序一直着眼于支持在三个职能领域取得具体成果的综合办法,即:(a) 根据各国的优先事项和受需求驱动,在国家一级扩大对会员国的支助;(b) 支持政府间进程,加强关于性别平等及其实地执行的全球政策和规范框架;以及(c) 领导和协调联合国系统关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的工作,并促进这方面的问责制。在妇女署成立后不久编制的几个主要的拟议预算和规划工具[2] 使妇女署得以巩固这一用于取得成果的综合办法。妇女署组织结构图的设计是为了在各个职能领域之间产生必要的协同效应和联系(见下文第41和42段)。", "6. 2011年1月,作为制订妇女署工作计划的第一步,副秘书长/执行主任启动了“构想和百日行动计划”,其中阐述了将妇女署建成强有力的组织的核心原则和优先事项。随后,这些核心原则和优先事项在与会员国、联合国系统各实体、民间社会组织和其他利益攸关方的广泛协商中得到确认,为妇女署战略计划的制订铺平了道路。", "7. 根据大会第64/289号决议的一般原则,妇女署的第一项战略计划,即2011-2013年战略计划(见UNW/2011/9)确立了妇女署支持各会员国和联合国系统其他实体实现性别平等和增强妇女权能的构想、任务和优先事项。该战略计划借助2009和2010年《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》30周年纪念、《千年宣言》和安全理事会关于妇女、和平与安全的第1325(2000)号决议10周年纪念、以及《北京行动纲要》执行进展情况15年期审查等这些具有里程碑意义的活动所产生的动力。计划还确认支持会员国结合国家优先事项,并与其他利益攸关方合作,消除在落实全球制定规范承诺和政策承诺与妇女日常现实之间长期存在的差距。", "8. 在编制战略计划的过程中,妇女署与大约5 000名伙伴进行了协商,包括各国政府、民间社会和学术界、联合国系统和国际发展组织。协商肯定了妇女署的主要重点专题领域,并帮助澄清了利益攸关方的需求和联合国伙伴对妇女署尤其在协调和加强体制工作上寄予的期望。妇女署副秘书长/执行主任同会员国和民间社会进行的协商,包括在妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议和妇女署执行局会议期间进行的协商以及她对各国的访问,大大有助于妇女署战略方针的形成。", "9. 在制定战略计划的过程中,妇女署还开展了实地能力评估,以此为基础加强妇女署响应国家需求在当地提供协调、领导和专门知识的能力。完成这项评估是清楚认识在外地参与支持性别平等和增强妇女权能的联合国实体存在的现状并向会员国提出一个标准支持模型的关键因素。", "10. 2011年6月30日,妇女署执行局核可了2011-2013年战略计划(见第2011/3号决定)。战略计划为妇女署提供了框架和指导,用以支持各会员国,以及与妇女组织和网络、其他民间社会组织、学者和专家、大众传媒和私营部门建立伙伴关系,并努力建立机构能力以履行其创建决议中规定的各项职能。该框架可按照各会员国和联合国系统的要求,灵活应对国家的优先事项和需要。战略计划中提出的统一成果框架包含三个相互关联的部分:发展成果框架;管理成果框架;综合资源框架。其重点是使妇女署能够衡量国家、区域和全球各级的业绩和贡献的各项成果、指标和目标。妇女署副秘书长/执行主任将从2012年年度会议开始向执行局提交2011-2013年战略计划执行情况年度报告并在2012和2013年常会上提交新的报告。", "妇女署的构想,任务说明和优先专题 \n 构想 \n妇女署的构想是建立这样的世界,即社会上没有基于性别的歧视、男女享有平等机会、保证妇女和女童获得全面经济和社会发展从而使其能够主导所希望看到的变革、实现性别平等和增强妇女权能、在为进一步发展、人权、和平与安全所作的一切努力中维护妇女权利。\n 任务说明 \n妇女署将立足于《联合国宪章》体现的平等愿景开展工作,努力消除对妇女和女孩的歧视,增强妇女权能,并使妇女和男子成为发展、人权、人道主义行动、和平与安全的平等伙伴和受益者。妇女署将把妇女权利作为一切工作的中心,领导和协调联合国系统的工作,确保把性别平等和性别平等主流化的承诺转化为全世界的行动。妇女署将为支持会员国的优先事项和努力提供强有力和协调一致的领导,同时与民间社会和其他有关行为体建立有效的伙伴关系。\n 五个优先专题 \n (a) 扩大妇女的领导权与参与; \n (b) 结束暴力侵害妇女行为; \n (c) 加强对妇女与和平与安全议程的执行; \n (d) 增强妇女经济权能; \n (e) 把性别平等优先事项摆在国家各级规划和预算编制工作的中心位置。", "B. 妇女署的协调作用", "11. 大会在第64/289号决议中强调了妇女署的新增作用,即主导和协调联合国系统关于性别平等和增强妇女权能包括性别平等主流化的工作,并促进这方面的问责制(特别是见第53和58段)。虽然所有四个前实体都承担过一定程度的协调工作,但不够全面,也往往缺乏成果问责制。", "12. 妇女署在制定协调战略以在整个联合国系统内加强对性别平等和增强妇女权能工作的领导、协调和问责以及支持性别平等主流化方面取得了进展。该战略建立在现有的联合国性别平等和增强妇女权能工作的协调机制之上,并概述了妇女署通过联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长理事会)、方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会和机构间妇女和性别平等网络等机制,在联合国全系统开展多级别工作的情况。该战略还说明了妇女署特别是与各区域委员会和区域协调机制合作,在区域一级进行协调的办法。对于国家一级的协调,妇女署将与联合国发展集团和各区域主任小组合作,并直接与联合国国家工作队联系。", "13. 根据大会第64/289号决议第69(b)段,妇女署于2010年秋季成为行政首长理事会的正式成员,这对于妇女署在协调性别平等和增强妇女权能工作中发挥的领导作用具有里程碑意义。妇女署通过参与各相关机制,为整个联合国系统进行促进性别平等和增强妇女权能的战略工作,实现妇女权利和满足妇女需求创造了新机遇。妇女署正在更有力、更系统地重点支持整个联合国系统的性别平等主流化工作。妇女署也参与其他协调机制,包括经济和社会事务执行委员会及和平与安全执行委员会。妇女署继续根据有关的立法授权,提交关于将性别平等观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流的进展报告(见经济及社会理事会第2010/29号决议和秘书长2011年5月11日的报告(E/2011/114))。", "14. 机构间妇女和性别平等网络在保证联合国全系统努力取得具体成果方面发挥关键作用。作为该网络的主席兼秘书处,妇女署特别强调加强该网络,以提升其影响力和实效。妇女署增加了对网络年度会议和闭会期间工作的支持,并正在取得切实成果,尤其是这方面的支持与该网络查明整个联合国系统关切的新问题有关,并且是在不断扩大合作的妇女署五个重点专题领域内。网络的各工作队和常设委员会(例如关于妇女与和平与安全和增强妇女经济权能的工作队和常设委员会),都受益于妇女署特别是在对上述机构的协定和行动建议采取有效后续行动和加以落实方面提供的更多的支持。", "15. 尽管取得了进展,但是要获得有效的协调成果显然需要建立全系统关于性别平等的制度化问责机制。虽然联合国一些实体内存在问责机制,但是还必须有一个共同的问责机制,使整个系统对性别平等工作承担责任。为此,妇女署已着手与联合国系统各实体进行协商,以建立这一机制并提交行政首长理事会核可。", "C. 与民间社会的互动", "16. 四个合并为妇女署的实体与非政府组织和民间社会组织保持良好的关系。根据第64/289号决议第55段,妇女署继续采用与这些组织有效协商的做法,以便在各级促进性别平等和增强妇女的权能。", "17. 妇女署在其政府间支助和战略伙伴关系局内设立了民间社会科,以便与民间社会维持和结成有效伙伴关系并协调和协助非政府组织有意义地参加妇女地位委员会的年度会议。在第五十五届会议期间,妇女署协调安排了来自352个具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的1 665名非政府组织代表参加会议,包括根据有关规则和惯例,并同其它秘书处服务合作和协调,通过现场登记程序协助出席并处理非政府组织提交的书面和口头材料。具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的非政府组织也可应执行局的邀请参加与其活动相关的问题的审议(见理事会议事规则第16.3条)。", "18. 妇女署与妇女组织和网络以及其它民间社会组织的互动与合作是其2011-2013年战略计划的关键因素,作为上文所述2011年初实地能力评估的组成部分,与民间社会行为体进行了协商,在2011年1月至4月初关于战略计划的伙伴协商期间,妇女署接触了广泛多样的网络和组织,也与民间社会行为体进行了协商。", "19. 目前,妇女署正在筹划建立一个民间社会咨询小组作为民间社会同妇女署就重大政策问题进行对话的常设机制。目前也在审议如何使区域和国家民间社会机制的构成更能在实地发挥其协商和咨询职能,以及成立以包容态度审议具体关切问题的特设专题工作组。", "三. 过渡安排", "20. 截至2010年底第64/289号决议第81和82段所述的过渡安排已全部成功完成,妇女署可以从2011年1月1日起全面运作。秘书长任命米歇尔·巴切莱特女士(智利)为妇女署首任副秘书长/执行主任。巴切莱特女士于2010年9月19日就职,负责监管四个前实体机构和业务安排、伙伴关系和品牌的合并。四个实体覆盖联合国总部、外地办事处和联络处各地点的资产和负债清单已制作完成,已将四个前实体的所有资产和负债移交妇女署。", "21. 根据大会要求(第64/289号决议第87段),经济及社会理事会于2010年7月20日解散了提高妇女地位研训所(见理事会第2010/7号决议)。此前大会解散了妇发基金(见第64/289号决议第86段)。", "22. 除了妇女署的结构和组织合并外,位于总部的妇女署工作人员办公地点的合并也进展得十分顺利。已签订了新办公地点(位于220 East 42nd Street)2011年第一季度的租约。目前该地点正在进一步完善中,以遵守安全、防火、环境和建筑法规,并使其适应妇女署的需求。自2011年年初以来,纽约联合国总部大约有30名工作人员被安排在新地点的临时办公区。预计2011年9月位于总部的多数工作人员将搬入新的办公室。", "23. 妇女署信息技术系统的整合工作正在进行之中。所有电子邮件域名已经统一为。预计妇女署将于2011年7月前完成并入Microsoft exchange邮件系统的迁移工作。桌面软件已经标准化,同版本软件的桌面配套工作正在进行。预计将于2011年推出妇女署的知识管理和统一通讯平台,并于2011年8月前完成新的方案和业务手册。", "24. 过渡期间四个前实体的活动从未中断,以往的业务安排在被新安排适当替代前仍继续采用。例如,在联合国总部,与妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议有关的安排从秘书处的应用程序平稳过渡到妇女署使用的Atlas系统。总部和前提高妇女地位研训所所在地工作人员的薪酬和其他开支安排也在有效过渡,已从2011年1月起通过Atlas系统处理和支付这些费用。", "四. 妇女署的管理", "25. 大会第64/289号决议规定,大会、经济及社会理事会和妇女地位委员会应构成妇女署支助规范制订工作的多层政府间管理结构,并为其提供规范性政策指导。决议还规定大会、理事会和妇女署执行局应构成妇女署业务活动的多层政府间管理结构,并为其提供业务方面的政策指导。另外,妇女地位委员会和妇女署执行局应当紧密合作,为其各自领域提供一致的指导和方向。根据决议,政府间管理结构为妇女署提供指导。", "A. 妇女署执行局", "26. 2010年11月10日,经济及社会理事会根据第64/289号决议选举产生了首届妇女署执行局。妇女署将履行执行局秘书处的职能。", "27. 执行局由41位成员组成,任期三年。[3] 经社理事会决定依照第64/289号决议第60(a)至(e)段从五个区域集团选举产生的35名执行局成员的任期错开安排,以抽签方式第一次选出任期两年和任期三年的成员。依照第64/289号决议第60(f)段,经社理事会还决定选举执行局的6个捐助国,任期三年(见理事会第2010/35号决议和理事会第2010/201 F号决定)。捐助成员国的选举以会员国在有统计数据的2008、2009和2010日历年度向前妇发基金核心预算提供的自愿捐款年平均数清单为依据。该清单由秘书长根据第64/289号决议第62段提供。", "28. 执行局已经采取重大的组织、程序性和实质性行动,以加强妇女署取得成果的能力。选举结束后,执行局于2010年12月15日和22日举行了组织会议,选举产生了主席团,任期一年。在其第一届常会(2011年1月24日至26日)上,执行局通过了其议事规则(见UNW/2011/6)以及由自愿资源供资的2010-2011两年期支助预算(见UNW/2011/8,第2011/1号决定)。", "29. 在其2011年4月8日第一届常会的续会上,执行局通过了妇女署的财务条例(见UNW/2011/8/Add.1,第2011/2号决定)。在其2011年6月27日至30日举行的第一届年会上,执行局审议并核可了妇女署2011-2013年战略计划(见第2011/3号决定)。", "30. 根据大会规定,执行局每年将通过经济及社会理事会实质性会议向大会提交关于其方案和活动的报告。根据其他执行局的惯例,今后这些报告将涵盖一个日历年。2011年,组织会议、第一届常会及其续会和年会的结果将提交给理事会。", "31. 执行局还承担职责,推动关于性别平等主流化和增强妇女权能的业务活动的有效协调和一致性(见第64/289号决议第66段)。2011年2月4日和7日,执行局首次参加了联合国开发计划署(开发署)、联合国人口基金(人口基金)、联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)、妇女署和世界粮食计划署(粮食署)执行局联席会议。关于通过各机构的工作和设想与妇女署开展的合作推动性别平等观点主流化的讨论为执行局成员提供了先机,使其能够与各基金、方案和妇女署的执行首长就未来合作和协调的方向交换意见。各执行局联席年度会议将与经济及社会理事会年度会议业务活动部分一起,为联合国系统内促进性别平等主流化和增强妇女权能的业务工作提供重大机遇。", "B. 妇女地位委员会", "32. 妇女地位委员会为妇女署提供规范性政策指导,妇女署则履行该委员会秘书处的职能。2011年3月14日,委员会成功结束了第五十五届会议,这届会议首次由妇女署提供服务。委员会组织了一次一般性讨论;一次高级别圆桌会议;和五次互动小组讨论。会员国和其他利益攸关方审议了一个优先主题和一个审查主题,并讨论了一个新问题。委员会通过了关于优先主题和几个决议的商定结论。这届会议吸引了许多政府、非政府组织和联合国系统的人员参加。联合国各实体和会员国举办了大约60次并行活动,而非政府组织举办的活动远超过200次。", "33. 妇女署将继续在《北京宣言和行动纲要》,包括12个重大关切领域、大会第二十三届特别会议成果以及相关文书、标准和决议的框架内,支持促进性别平等和增强妇女权能的全球政府间进程。另外,妇女署将参与一系列部门政府间进程,从而在分析过程和结果上加强注意性别观点。", "C. 妇女地位委员会和妇女署执行局之间的工作关系", "34. 大会强调需要建立基于成果的具体报告机制,妇女署的规范制订工作和业务工作之间需要一致、连贯和协调,因此要求妇女地位委员会和妇女署执行局密切合作,以便在各自领域提供一致的指导和指示。大会还要求经济及社会理事会在委员会和执行局之间建立适当具体联系,以确保委员会确定的全面政策指导与执行局核准的业务战略和业务活动一致(见第64/289号决议第67(a)和(b)段)。", "35. 该进程已经启动并正在进行中。妇女署支持有关政府间机构努力执行大会规定的指示。尤其是,2011年1月14日经济及社会理事会主席团与妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议主席团和执行局主席团举行了第一次会议,并展开对话,内容为委员会和执行局之间的关系,以及使两机构间产生有效联系的可能的方法和框架。2月25日,在随后的两主席团会议上,成员们利用良好办法的现成例子,着眼于简单、有效和以结果为导向的互动,就建立工作关系的方法交换了意见。委员会第五十五届会议主席团告知新当选的委员会第五十六届会议主席团在这方面要采取的步骤。", "36. 2011年6月10日,经济及社会理事会主席团在筹备2011年实质性会议时,会见了委员会主席和执行局主席,讨论了第64/289号决议第67段的执行情况。", "D. 大会第64/289号决议第67(c)和(d)段的执行情况", "37. 第67(c)和(d)段要求副秘书长/执行主任每年向妇女地位委员会提交报告,介绍妇女署规范制订工作以及执行委员会提供的政策指导方面的情况;每年提交一份业务活动报告,供执行局审议,并向经济及社会理事会年度实质性会议业务活动部分报告这些活动。", "38. 上述规定向副秘书长/执行主任提供了机会,使其能够向政府间机构全面展现妇女署的工作,以及通过整合其任务和职能而产生的影响和取得的成果。尽管按照该任务规定向妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议提交了第一份报告(E/CN.6/ 2011/2),但是该报告是在妇女署开始运作前完成的,报告侧重于过渡进程的关键方面。今后副秘书长/执行主任根据任务规定提交的报告将认真评估执行委员会规范性指导时的进展、差距和挑战(见第64/289号决议第67(c)段)。同样,按照联合国各基金和方案执行首长的惯例,副秘书长/执行主任将在经济及社会理事会年度实质性会议业务活动部分期间向执行局和理事会报告妇女署的业务活动。该报告将于2012年执行局第一届常会上首次提交给执行局,并接下来在理事会2012年实质性会议上提交给理事会。", "五. 行政管理与人力资源", "39. 为了执行大会第64/289号决议关于妇女署人事问题的第72段内容,秘书长自2011年1月1日起把人力资源管理方面的权力正式授予副秘书长/妇女署执行主任(见ST/SGB/2011/2)。副秘书长/执行主任按照《联合国工作人员条例和细则》实施该项权力,包括通过颁发任用书任命妇女署工作人员。", "40. 2011年3月,秘书长任命拉克希米·普里女士(印度)为主管政府间支助和战略伙伴关系助理秘书长和副执行主任;任命约翰·亨德拉先生(加拿大)为主管政策和方案助理秘书长和副执行主任。2011年1月刊登了6个D-2级高级职位的招聘广告。2011年6月24日宣布了高级管理团队的任命情况。", "41. 创建一个获得战略性人力资源管理支助,充满活力和创造力的组织是妇女署副秘书长/执行主任任职以来的一个优先事项。为了达到这个目标,她建立了双支柱组织结构(政府间支助和战略伙伴关系;以及政策和方案),将其作为确保实体内部职能和主题联系的最有效方法。该结构整合了规范支助、宣传、协调、业务和能力建设、培训和研究职能,包括交流和同民间社会的外联活动方面的培训和研究,以及调动伙伴关系。该结构还旨在响应促进联合国系统内各个级别间有效协调和一致的任务规定。", "42. 副秘书长/执行主任办公室和管理和行政司对双支柱结构进行补充。该结构已作为2011年订正经常预算的一部分提交给大会,并作为2011年订正支助预算的一部分提交给执行局。已根据新的组织结构图,为妇女署配备了工作人员。", "43. 妇女署致力于打造一支步调一致的职工队伍,旨在成为想要为妇女带来改变的人们的首选任职单位。妇女署正在编制一个全面的人力资源管理框架,在《联合国工作人员条例和细则》规定的范围内提供反应灵敏、高质量的人力资源,以满足妇女署的需求。该框架将支持人力资源规划和政策,组织设计,招聘、人员配置和学习,以及人才、业绩和职工队伍管理。", "44. 四个前联合国实体合并为妇女署是成功打造步调一致的职工队伍的一个重要里程碑。2010年12月至2011年1月对总部职位进行调配,结果在经审议的总部职位中94%的职位调配或匹配成功(159个职位中的150个)。2011年2月4日副秘书长/执行主任宣布了调配结果。", "45. 总部职位的调配工作以2010年12月6日副秘书长/执行主任提出的“合并过程人力资源准则”为基础。人力资源过渡时期工作队包括前妇发基金人力资源中心成员、秘书处人力资源管理厅成员和一位人力资源与改革管理高级专家。该工作队得到开发署人力资源办公室和妇女署过渡时期工作队代表的支持。工作队负责处理人力资源问题并确保所作决定符合工作人员和本组织的最大利益。", "46. 调配工作后是一个竞争性甄选过程,旨在填补总部中的未经调配、新设、空缺和已设立的核心职位,该甄选过程分为两个阶段,向来自内部和外部候选人开放。妇女署人力资源科开设了胜任能力面试技巧专门讲习班,为工作人员参加竞争性甄选提供充分支持。涉及外地职位的合并过程预计于2011年7月启动。", "47. 为加强过渡期间的信息流通和透明度,在工作人员和管理当局的关系中,4个前实体的工作人员由联合国工作人员工会和开发署/人口基金和联合国项目事务厅(项目厅)工作人员代表大会作为其代表参与关于合并过程中的人力资源政策、程序和准则问题的协商。基于以往最佳做法,所有4个前实体都指派工作人员观察员观察和跟进合并过程,向妇女署工作人员通报情况,并在整个执行阶段反映工作人员的反馈意见。", "六. 资金筹措", "A. 经常预算资源", "48. 大会通过关于使用2010-2011两年期经常预算资源的订正提案,其中大会授权妇女署使用此项资源,这是妇女署2011年1月1日成功运作的重要一步。根据大会第64/289号决议第75段,经常预算将为政府间规范制订工作提供所需资金,并由大会核准。订正提案(A/65/531)寻求增加3个由经常预算供资的员额,即从42个员额增加到45个,并寻求核准使用“赠款方式”管理经常预算中妇女署的年度份额。经行政和预算问题咨询委员会审议(A/65/593)后,大会在2010-2011两年期方案预算第37款(妇女署)项下,新设了3个员额(副秘书长、D-2和一般事务(其他职等))。大会还核可采用妇女署经常预算部分的相关赠款安排,并决定在今后的拟议经常预算中,逐个请设由经常预算赠款供资的员额(大会决议第65/259号,第6节)。", "49. 妇女署2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算是根据“方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则”(ST/SGB/2000/8)编制的。通过行政和预算问题咨询委员会以及方案和协调委员会提交大会审议的提案(A/66/6(第17款))寻求增加2个方案支助员额,即1个行政干事和1个预算和财务干事,由他们承担先前基本上由经济和社会事务部执行办公室提供的服务。根据第65/259号决议有关规定,下一个2014-2015两年期拟议方案预算将对由经常预算供资的员额的职能进行分析。届时,妇女署将已运作了两年,应能够找到执行其任务、履行职能和满足不断变化的需求的最有效方法。此项分析也将为2014-2015两年期拟议方案预算提供信息。", "50. 成立妇女署、编制2010-2011两年期核准使用的经常预算资源订正提案以及2012-2013年拟议方案预算,还需要对原先指导次级方案2(两性平等问题和提高妇女地位)工作的战略框架进行修订(见A/63/6/Rev.1;A/65/6/Rev.1和A/65/6/Prog.7)。因此,2010-2011和2012-2013两年期订正战略框架将通过方案和协调委员会提交大会,供其第六十六届会议审议,该战略框架反映因成立妇女署而产生的方案各方面的修订情况(A/66/82)。(见大会第65/259号决议,第6节,第10段)。", "51. 根据大会核可采用的妇女署经常预算部分的相关赠款安排,该方式现已得到贯彻。在秘书处方案规划和预算司发出金额为6 957 100美元的拨款通知后,妇女署获准支配大会第六十五届会议核可的2010-2011两年期余额支出。", "B. 支助预算的自愿资源", "52. 此外,妇女署副秘书长/执行主任向执行局提交了关于将自愿资源用于2010-2011两年期支助预算的提案(见第64/289号决议,第77段)。执行局在2011年1月第一届常会上核准了该两年期支助预算(见UNW/2011/8,第2011/1号决定)。", "53. 2010-2011两年期核定支助预算为5 150万美元,这为联合国能够更有效地回应会员国提出的支助要求创造了条件。支助预算中包括在联合国总部增设8个员额,在外地新设24个员额以及将117个外地员额的供资来源从方案预算供资改成支助预算供资。执行局还核准了一笔支助预算补充资金,其中250万美元用于联合国授权的安保费用,30万美元用于引进国际公共部门会计准则和强化Atlas系统,500万美元用于支持改革管理,300万美元用于迁往新的房地和安装相关技术设施。", "54. 执行局2011年第二届常会按计划将于2011年12月5日至7日召开,执行局将在该届常会上审议2012-2013两年期支助预算。下一个两年期支助预算的编制工作将充分考虑执行局有关2011-2013年战略计划的讨论结果。", "55. 根据第64/289号决议第79段,妇女署拟议财务条例和细则经行政和预算问题咨询委员会审查后,由副秘书长/执行主任提交执行局。妇女署执行局根据其第2011/2号决定(见UNW/2011/8/Add.1),通过了此项财务条例(UNW/2011/5/ Rev.1和Add.1),该财务条例从即日起与财务细则一并生效。", "C. 向妇女署提供的自愿捐款", "56. 在组建妇女署的过程中,大会强调了确保其经费充足的重要性,并邀请各会员国提供核心、多年、可预测、稳定和可持续的自愿捐款(见第64/289号决议,第80段)。大会清楚认识到,缺乏资源是联合国没有足够能力充分支持实现性别平等和增强妇女权能的主要原因之一。", "57. 在组建一年后,妇女署的资金状况正在持续改善,不过仍面临资源不足的问题。妇女署2011-2013年战略计划是以一定的资源水平为前提,使妇女署有能力取得宏伟的成果,满足期望与需求。因此,妇女署正在制定一项资源调动战略,以实现其宏伟却实际的筹资目标。该战略旨在从会员国获得更多的投资。同时,妇女署正在扩展和深化其资源基础,包括开辟非传统意义上的筹资来源,如私营部门和基金会。根据截止2011年6月1日的认捐额和收到的捐款,2011年非指定用途(核心)资源自愿捐款预计将达到1亿2 500万美元,指定用途(非核心)资源自愿捐款将达到1亿美元,但这一目标的达成需要所有捐款方遵守其书面和口头承诺。", "58. 2011-2013(三年期)年度妇女署总自愿捐款目标(核心、非核心)为12亿美元。2011年年度捐款目标将增加到3亿美元,2012年增加到4亿美元,2013年增加到5亿美元。若可达到此捐款水平,将表明各会员国和其他捐款方承诺解决联合国在促进性别平等和增强妇女权能工作中资源严重不足的问题。此项预测符合秘书长关于妇女署开办阶段年度所需经费约为5亿美元的概算(A/64/588),但认识到能否满足这一资金需求则取决于会员国的反应。为提高妇女署完成规定的任务的前期核心能力,以及在为妇女提供资源、执行能力和成果之间启动一个良性循环,达到这些目标很有必要。", "59. 财政目标预计2011-2013年非指定用途(核心)自愿资源将达到6亿美元:2011年1.5亿美元,2012年2亿美元,2013年2.5亿美元。该财政目标是基于对以往趋势、2011年已作出的承诺和其它各项认捐的分析。为非指定用途(核心)自愿资源水平确定的这一目标反映了妇女署对达到核心资源和非核心资源间的平衡的承诺。这使各会员国意识到,核心资源因其不附带条件的性质,成为联合国系统发展方面业务活动的基石,其在有效制定财政计划和支持业务活动中不可或缺(见大会第62/208号决议)。", "60. 指定用途(非核心)捐款的目标将达到6亿美元:2011年1.5亿美元,2012年2亿美元,2013年2.5亿美元。非核心捐款预测包括为2个归妇女署管理和经管的信托基金——性别平等基金和联合国消除暴力侵害妇女暴力行为信托基金——筹资。这两个基金支持妇女署的关键优先事项。", "61. 网上登记册已建立,提供有关捐款承诺和接收捐款的信息。(http://www.登记册是根据第64/289号决议要求建立的,旨在确保有关供资情况的报告具有透明度以及确保会员国方便获取相关信息。", "D. 扩大妇女署的能力", "62. 根据大会要求(第64/289号决议,第88段),扩大妇女署能力的工作正在妇女署副秘书长/执行主任提交执行局提案的基础上有序进行。初步提案已作为2011年订正支助预算的一部分,提交执行局。执行局在其第2011/1号决定中核可将一笔预算准备金作为审议妇女署2011-2013年战略计划前的一项临时措施,通过增加新员额、提升现有员额级别或将供资从方案预算转移到支助预算,加强34个办公室的职能。妇女署将就扩大其能力提出进一步提案,将其作为2012-2013两年期支助预算的一部分。", "63. 妇女署战略的一个基本层面就是设想最终为75个会员国提供一个支助标准范本。基于这一想法,妇女署提出了若国家政府要求扩大其在国家的存在的标准。其关切的领域包括:性别平等状况;国家发展和收入水平;正在发生的冲突和冲突后局势;某一国家的妇女面对的其它不安全问题;某一国家中性别严重不平等问题(见UNW/2011/9,附件四)。2012年妇女署计划加强对另外20个国家的支助,2013年再增加21个国家。为履行其特别关注最不发达国家/低收入国家的承诺,妇女署计划在2013年年底前,通过设立涵盖多国的国家办事处或次区域办事处,支助这些国家。", "七. 总结和结论", "64. 在大会建立妇女署一年之后,妇女署已具备有效运作的核心要素,特别是妇女署执行局建立和开展工作后妇女署的治理结构,重大规划和预算拟定工具的编制以及相关政府间机构就此作出的决定。", "65. 随着妇女地位委员会会议的成功举行,妇女署顺利地承担起支持政府间规范制定工作的责任,并且,妇女署将在整个政府间日程表中,继续落实其规范性支助职能。", "66. 妇女署尤其是在总部建立必要的行政框架和整合工作人员资源方面,取得了长足进展。总部的调配工作即将完成,高级管理团队已经任命。虽然妇女署发起了其外地办事处架构的合并和强化工作,但其在实地的存在尚未完全建立。随着在该领域取得进一步进展,妇女署将能够根据第64/289号决议第51(b)段,在接获会员国要求时,通过开展规范性支助职能和业务活动,为所有区域发展程度不同的所有会员国提供关于性别平等、增强妇女权能和妇女权利以及性别平等主流化的指导和技术支持。", "67. 为实现各项目标而调动必要的资源,这仍然是妇女署面对的一项挑战,但若要满足各利益攸关方的期望,这些资源至关重要。预计的捐助数额到位将发出一个清晰的信号,表明在支持实现性别平等和增强妇女权能方面的政治意愿和承诺。", "68. 虽然有效协调和问责框架的各个构成部分正在得到落实,但为了使该框架能够充分有效地运作,还需进一步详细说明妇女署的作用是领导和协调联合国性别平等工作及促进这方面的问责制。妇女署已扩大了与民间社会的磋商,并建立了支持这种交流的机制。", "69. 根据大会要求,将向大会第六十七届会议提交一份关于第64/289号决议相关部分执行情况的进一步进展报告。在六十八届会议上,大会将在一份综合报告基础上,审议妇女署的工作。", "[1] 秘书处的性别平等问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室及提高妇女地位司;联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金)和提高妇女地位国际研究训练所(提高妇女地位研训所)。", "[2] 它们是:关于经常预算资源用于妇女署规范性支助职能的订正提案(A/65/531);关于把自愿资源用于2010-2011两年期支助预算的提案(UNW/2011/3);2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算(A/66/6(Sect.17));以及妇女署2011-2013年战略计划(UNW/2011/9)。", "[3] 成员组成如下:(a) 非洲国家10个(安哥拉、佛得角、刚果、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、埃塞俄比亚、莱索托、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、尼日利亚和坦桑尼亚联合共和国);(b) 亚洲国家10个(孟加拉国、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、大韩民国和东帝汶);(c) 东欧国家4个(爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、俄罗斯联邦和乌克兰);(d) 拉丁美洲和加勒比国家6个(阿根廷、巴西、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、格林纳达和秘鲁);(e) 西欧和其他国家5个(丹麦、法国、意大利、卢森堡和瑞典);(f) 捐助国6个(墨西哥、挪威、沙特阿拉伯、西班牙、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国)。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "* A/66/50。", "暂定项目表* 项目119", "千年首脑会议成果的后续行动", "加强支持两性平等和赋予妇女权力的体制安排", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "1. 本报告概述大会题为“加强支持两性平等和赋予妇女权力的体制安排”的第64/289号决议部分的执行进展,大会据此设立了联合国两性平等和赋予妇女权力实体,称为联合国妇女实体。 报告涵盖一般原则、实体治理、行政和人力资源、筹资和过渡安排方面的进展。", "一. 导言", "页: 1 1. 大会在关于全系统一致性的第64/289号决议中,请秘书长就该决议题为“加强支持两性平等和赋予妇女权力的体制安排”的一节的执行情况,向大会第六十六届和第六十七届会议提交一份进度报告。 1. 本报告是按照该项要求提交的,其中概述了该决议上述部分的执行情况,大会据此作为综合实体设立了联合国两性平等和赋予妇女权力实体,称为联合国妇女,涵盖一般原则;实体的治理;行政和人力资源;筹资;过渡安排。", "2. 结 论 在同一项决议中,大会还决定在第六十八届会议上审查联合国妇女的工作,并请秘书长就此向大会该届会议提交一份全面报告。", "3. 。 大会设立联合国妇女问题具有历史意义,使所有利益攸关方都非常期待迅速取得切实成果,以加强本组织应对二十一世纪挑战的全系统能力,包括各国政府日益要求联合国系统支持推进两性平等和赋予妇女权力。", "II. A. 总体进展", "A. 导 言 确定联合国妇女的设想、任务和优先事项", "4. 第四届会议 自第64/289号决议通过以来,联合国妇女一直在系统工作,以确保它能够充分应对其创造带来的高期望。 因此,在该决议通过一年后,联合国妇女为建立有力、有效的组织、促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力奠定了坚实的基础。 理事机构的领导、副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任进行的广泛协商、实地能力评估、捐助者日益承诺以及整合各组成实体的多样化和坚定的工作人员所取得的进展,都为未来几年联合国妇女做了一段可衡量的成果。", "5. 由于联合国妇女汇集了参与两性平等和赋予妇女权力的4个前实体的任务和职能,并增加了协调作用(见第64/289号决议第49和53段),其战略取向和程序旨在支持采取综合办法,在三个职能领域取得具体成果,即:(a) 根据国家优先事项,在国家一级扩大对会员国的需求驱动的支助;(b) 支持政府间进程,加强全球两性平等政策和规范框架,并在实地加以实施;(c)领导、协调和促进联合国系统在两性平等和赋予妇女权力方面的工作的问责制。 几个关键的预算提案和规划文书在成立后不久就拟定,使联合国妇女能够巩固这一综合方式来取得成果。 联合国妇女组织图的目的是在职能领域之间产生必要的协同效应和联系(见下文第41和42段)。", "6. 任务 作为确定联合国妇女工作计划的第一步,副秘书长/执行主任于2011年1月启动了“远景和100天行动计划”,其中提出了建立强大组织的核心原则和优先事项。 这些原则和优先事项随后经与会员国、联合国系统各实体、民间社会组织和其他利益攸关方广泛协商后得到确认,是制定联合国妇女战略计划的踏脚石。", "7. 基本考虑 第一个2011-2013年联合国妇女战略计划(见UNW/ 2006/9)阐述了实体在支持会员国和联合国系统其他实体实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力方面的愿景、任务和优先事项,这符合大会第64/289号决议确立的一般原则。 该计划以2009年和2010年标志的里程碑所产生的行动势头为基础,其中包括《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》通过30周年、《千年宣言》和安全理事会关于妇女与和平与安全的第1325(2000)号决议十周年以及《北京行动纲要》执行进度15年审查。 该计划还致力于支持会员国消除这些全球规范和政策承诺与妇女日常现实之间长期存在的执行差距,在国家优先事项范围内,并与其他利益攸关方合作。", "8. 联合国妇女利用制定战略计划的进程,与包括各国政府、民间社会和学术界、联合国系统和国际发展组织的合作伙伴在内的大约5 000个伙伴进行协商。 协商确认了实体的主要专题领域,有助于澄清利益攸关方的需要以及联合国合作伙伴对联合国妇女作用的期望,特别是在协调和加强体制方面。 副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任与会员国和民间社会进行的协商,包括在妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议和执行局会议期间进行的协商,以及她的国家访问,都大大有助于塑造实体的战略方向。", "9 September 2005 在制定战略计划时,联合国妇女进行了实地能力评估,作为根据国家要求加强在实地提供协调、领导和专门知识的能力的基础。 完成这项评估是澄清目前联合国各实体在外地支持妇女平等和赋权方面的现状和向会员国提出标准支助模式的关键因素。", "10. 2011年6月30日,联合国妇女执行局认可了联合国妇女慈善机构2011-2013年战略计划(见第2011/3号决定)。 战略计划为联合国妇女对会员国的支持及其与妇女组织和网络、其他民间社会组织、学术界和专家、大众媒体和私营部门的伙伴关系提供了框架和方向;并为建立机构能力以履行其创始决议规定的职能作出了努力。 该框架允许根据会员国和联合国系统的要求灵活应对国家优先事项和需求。 战略计划所载的统一成果框架有三个相互关联的组成部分,即:发展成果框架;管理成果框架;综合资源框架。 它注重成果、指标和目标,使联合国妇女能够衡量国家、区域和全球各级的业绩和贡献。 副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任将从2012年年度会议开始向执行局提交2011-2013年战略计划年度进展报告,并在2012年和2013年常会上提交最新情况。", "联合国妇女远景、任务说明和专题优先事项\n联合国妇女的设想是,在一个社会没有性别歧视的世界里,男女享有平等的机会,确保妇女和女童的全面经济和社会发展,以便她们能够领导她们想要看到的变革,实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力,并在所有促进发展、人权、和平与安全的努力中维护妇女权利。\n任务说明\n根据《联合国宪章》所载的平等愿景,实体将致力于消除对妇女和女童的歧视;赋予妇女权力;实现男女平等,作为发展、人权、人道主义行动以及和平与安全的伙伴。 实体将妇女权利置于所有工作的核心,将领导和协调联合国系统的努力,确保把两性平等和两性平等主流化的承诺转化为全世界的行动。 它将提供有力和一致的领导,支持会员国的优先事项和努力,与民间社会和其他相关行为体建立有效的伙伴关系。\n(a) 扩大妇女的领导和参与;(b) 消除暴力侵害妇女行为;(c) 加强执行妇女与和平与安全议程;(d) 增强妇女的经济能力;\n(e) 使两性平等优先事项成为各级国家规划和预算编制工作的核心。", "B. 出席情况 联合国妇女的协调作用", "注 大会在其第64/289号决议中强调,联合国妇女在联合国系统的协调和问责制方面,包括在两性平等主流化方面的协调和问责方面,发挥着额外作用(尤其见第53和58段)。 虽然前四个实体都进行了一定程度的协调,但这些努力并不全面,结果往往缺乏问责制。", "12. 联合国妇女在制定协调战略方面取得进展,以加强领导、协调和问责,促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力,支持整个联合国系统的两性平等主流化。 该战略以现有的联合国两性平等和赋予妇女权力协调机制为基础,并通过联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)、方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会和机构间妇女和两性平等网络等机制,概述了联合国妇女在各级的工作。 该战略还涉及实体在区域一级的协调办法,特别是与各区域委员会和区域协调机制合作。 关于国家一级的协调,联合国妇女将与联合国发展集团、区域主任小组和联合国国家工作队直接合作。", "13. 按照大会第64/289号决议第69(b)段的规定,联合国妇女于2010年秋天成为行政首长协调会的正式成员,在协调两性平等和赋予妇女权力方面发挥其领导作用方面达到了里程碑。 在参与所有相关机制时,联合国妇女正在为整个联合国系统创造新的机会,以便战略性地努力促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力,并处理妇女权利和需要。 它将更有力和更系统地注重支持整个联合国系统的两性平等主流化。 实体还参加了其他协调机制,包括经济和社会事务执行委员会及和平与安全执行委员会。 根据联合国相关立法授权,联合国妇女继续报告将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案主流的进展情况(见经济及社会理事会第2010/29号决议和秘书长2011年5月11日的报告(E/2006/114))。", "十四、任 务 机构间妇女和两性平等网络可在确保联合国全系统的努力取得具体成果方面发挥重要作用。 作为该网络的主席和秘书处,联合国妇女特别强调加强该网络,以提高其影响力和效力。 它对网络年度会议和闭会期间工作的更多支持已经产生具体成果,特别是因为它涉及网络查明整个联合国系统所关切的新问题,以及涉及联合国妇女五个重点领域的合作正在扩大。 该网络的工作队和常设委员会,例如关于妇女与和平与安全以及增强妇女经济能力问题的工作队和常设委员会,正在从实体的更大支持中受益,特别是在有效落实和执行这些机构提出的协定和行动建议方面。", "15 然而,尽管取得了进展,但很显然,有效的协调成果需要一个制度化的全系统两性平等问责机制。 虽然有些联合国实体设有问责机制,但需要一个共同机制,使联合国系统能够对两性平等工作负责。 为此,联合国妇女倡议与联合国系统各实体进行协商,以建立这一机制,供行政首长协调会核准。", "C. 与民间社会的互动", "161 为组建联合国妇女而合并的4个实体与非政府组织和民间社会组织保持了活跃的关系。 根据第64/289号决议第55段,联合国妇女继续在各级与这些组织进行有效协商,以促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力。", "17. 在联合国妇女处,在政府间支助和战略伙伴关系局内设立了民间社会科,以便与民间社会保持和建立有效的伙伴关系,并协调和促进非政府组织有意义地参与妇女地位委员会的年度会议。 在第五十五届会议上,联合国妇女协调了具有经济及社会理事会咨商地位的352个非政府组织的1 665名代表的参与,包括根据相关规则和既定惯例,与其他秘书处服务机构合作和协调,通过现场登记程序和处理非政府组织的书面和口头发言提供便利。 应执行局的邀请,具有理事会咨商地位的非政府组织也可参加与其活动有关的问题的审议(见理事会议事规则第16.3条)。", "第18条 联合国妇女组织、网络和其他民间社会组织的参与和伙伴关系是其2011-2013年战略计划的一个关键要素,并在2011年初作为上述外地能力评估的一部分征求民间社会行动者的意见,并在2011年1月至4月初就战略计划举行的伙伴协商期间,联合国妇女慈善组织与广泛而多样的网络和组织进行了接触。", "191 联合国妇女目前正在努力设立一个民间社会咨询小组,作为民间社会和实体就关键政策问题进行对话的一个常设机制。 还正在考虑建立区域和国家民间社会机制,使这一协商和咨询职能更接近实地,并设立特设专题工作组以包容的方式审议具体关切。", "页: 1 过渡安排", "20.20 第64/289号决议第81至88段概述的所有过渡安排在2010年底圆满完成,从而使联合国妇女能够在2011年1月1日全面投入运作。 秘书长任命米歇尔·巴切莱特女士(智利)为第一位副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任。 Bachelet女士于2010年9月19日就职,负责巩固前四个实体的机构和业务安排、伙伴关系和品牌。 涉及联合国总部、外地办事处和联络处地点的4个前实体的资产和负债清单已经完成,所有资产和负债均已从前4个实体转给联合国妇女。", "21.21。 应大会的要求(见第64/289号决议第87段),经济及社会理事会于2010年7月20日解散提高妇女地位研训所(见理事会第2010/7号决议)。 大会已经解散妇发基金(见第64/289号决议第86段)。", "第22章 在结构和组织上巩固联合国妇女的同时,设在总部的联合国妇女工作人员的办公房舍的合并进展良好。 在2011年第一季度签署了新房地(东42街220号)的租约。 空间正在改善,以遵守安全、火灾、环境和建筑法规,并适应联合国妇女的需要。 自2011年初以来,纽约总部约30名工作人员位于新地点的临时区。 预计大多数总部工作人员将于2011年9月迁至新办事处。", "23. 会议报告。 正在顺利完成实体信息技术系统的整合工作。 所有电子邮件领域都已统一到,预计到2011年7月,将联合国妇女迁移到微软交换信使系统。 桌面软件已经标准化,正在对同一软件版本进行桌面调整。 联合国采购处妇女的知识管理和统一通信平台预计将于2011年推出。 预计新的方案和业务手册将于2011年8月完成。", "24. 第24段。 在过渡期间,四个前实体的活动没有中断,因为以前的业务安排在继续,直到它们以适用的新安排取代。 例如,在联合国总部,与妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议有关的安排顺利地从秘书处的应用程序转移到联合国妇女使用的Atlas系统。 总部及原提高妇女地位研训所所在地的工作人员的薪金和其他支出也有效过渡,自2011年1月以来通过Atlas系统处理和支付。", "四、结 论 治理联合国妇女", "258. 大会第64/289号决议规定,大会、经济及社会理事会和妇女地位委员会应构成联合国妇女规范性支助职能的多层次政府间治理结构,并向其提供规范性政策指导,大会、理事会和联合国妇女执行局应构成其业务活动的多层次政府间治理结构,包括提供业务政策指导。 此外,妇女地位委员会和联合国妇女执行局将密切合作,在其各自领域提供一致的指导和指导。 根据该决议,政府间治理结构正在为联合国妇女提供指导。", "A. 导 言 联合国妇女执行局", "262. 报 告 经济及社会理事会根据第64/289号决议,于2010年11月10日选举联合国妇女执行局第一任。 该实体担任执行局秘书处。", "。 执行局由41名成员组成,任期三年。 [3] 经济及社会理事会根据第64/289号决议第60(a)至(e)段,决定错开从五个区域集团选出的执行局35名成员的任期,为成员举行第一次选举抽签,任期两年和三年。 大会还决定根据第64/289号决议第60(f)段选举执行局六个捐助国,任期三年(理事会第2010/35号决议和理事会第2010/201 F号决定)。 成员的选举是根据2008、2009和2010日历年度会员国每年平均自愿捐款清单进行的,该清单是提供给有统计数据的前妇发基金核心预算的。 秘书长根据第64/289号决议第62段提供了这份名单。", "第28次会议 执行局已经采取了重要的组织、程序和实质性行动,这些行动有助于联合国妇女取得成果的能力。 在选举之后,执行局于2010年12月15日和22日举行组织会议,选出主席团,任期一年。 执行局第一届常会(2011年1月24日至26日)通过了议事规则(见UNW/2011/6)以及由自愿资源供资的2010-2011两年期支助预算(见UNW/ 2007/8,第2011/1号决定)。", "29. 。 执行局2011年4月8日第一届常会续会通过了《联合国妇女财务条例》(见UNW/ 228/Add.1,第2011/2号决定)。 执行局在2011年6月27日至30日的第一年会上审议并核可了2011-2013年联合国妇女战略计划(见第2011/3号决定)。", "30. 。 按照大会的授权,执行局将通过经济及社会理事会实质性会议每年向大会报告其方案和活动。 根据其他执行局的惯例,这些报告今后将涵盖一个日历年。 2011年,将向理事会提交组织、第一次和续会常会和年度会议的成果。", "313. 执行局还承担其职能,促进关于两性平等主流化和赋予妇女权力的业务活动之间的有效协调和一致性(见第64/289号决议第66段)。 1. 执行局于2011年2月4日和7日首次参加了联合国开发计划署(开发署)/联合国人口基金(人口基金)、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)、联合国妇女和世界粮食计划署(粮食计划署)执行局联席会议。 通过各机构的工作将两性平等观点纳入主流的讨论,并设想与联合国妇女合作,为执行局成员提供了一个早期机会,与各基金和方案及实体的行政首长就今后合作与协调的方向交换意见。 连同经济及社会理事会年度会议的业务活动部分,执行局每年联席会议将是在联合国系统业务工作中加强两性平等主流化和赋予妇女权力的重要机会。", "B. 妇女地位委员会", "323 妇女地位委员会向作为委员会秘书处的联合国妇女提供规范性政策指导。 委员会于2011年3月14日成功完成了第五十五届会议,第一次会议由联合国妇女提供服务。 委员会举行了一般性讨论;举行了一次高级别圆桌会议;举行了五次互动小组讨论。 会员国和其他利益攸关方认为这是一个优先事项,是一个审查主题,并讨论了一个新出现的问题。 委员会通过了关于优先主题的商定结论和几项决议。 会议吸引了来自各国政府、非政府组织和联合国系统的大量与会者。 联合国各实体和会员国举办了约60次平行活动,非政府组织组织了200多次活动。", "33. 联合国妇女将继续在《北京宣言和行动纲要》的框架内,支持全球一级关于两性平等和赋予妇女权力的政府间进程,包括12个重大关切领域、大会第二十三届特别会议成果和相关文书、标准和决议。 此外,它将参与一系列部门性政府间进程,以便在分析和结果中加强对两性平等观点的关注。", "C. 妇女地位委员会与联合国妇女执行局的工作关系", "343. 事实和争论 大会强调必须建立基于成果的具体报告机制,并强调联合国妇女工作的规范和业务方面必须协调一致、一致和协调,因此请妇女地位委员会和实体执行局密切合作,在其各自领域提供协调一致的指导和指导。 委员会还请经济及社会理事会在亚太经社会和执行局之间建立适当和具体的联系,以确保委员会制定的总体政策指导与执行局核准的业务战略和业务活动保持一致(见第64/289号决议第67(a)和(b)段)。", "353. 这一进程已经启动并正在进行之中。 联合国妇女支持有关政府间机构努力落实大会的指示。 特别是,经济及社会理事会主席团于2011年1月14日与妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议主席团和执行局主席团举行了第一次会议,就委员会与执行局之间的关系以及两个机构之间有效联系的可能方式和框架开展对话。 在随后于2月25日举行的两个主席团会议上,成员们就工作关系的方式交换了意见,重点是在现有良好做法范例的基础上,开展简单、有效和注重成果的互动。 委员会第五十五届会议主席团向委员会第五十六届会议新当选主席团通报了在这方面采取的步骤。", "363. 。 1. 经济及社会理事会主席团在筹备2011年实质性会议时,于2011年6月10日会晤了委员会主席和执行局主席,讨论第64/289号决议第67段的执行情况。", "D. 大会第64/289号决议第67(c)和(d)段的执行情况", "378 根据第67(c)和(d)段,请副秘书长/执行主任向妇女地位委员会提交年度报告,说明联合国妇女工作的规范方面以及委员会提供的政策指导的执行情况,提交业务活动年度报告,供执行局审议,并在经济及社会理事会年度实质性会议业务活动部分期间向经济及社会理事会报告这些活动。", "页: 1 这一任务为副秘书长/执行主任提供了一个机会,向政府间机构全面介绍实体的工作以及通过整合其任务和职能而产生的影响和成果。 尽管根据任务规定向妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议提交了第一份报告(E/CN.6/ 2001/2),但该报告是在联合国妇女开始运作之前定稿的,报告侧重于过渡进程的关键方面。 副秘书长/执行主任今后根据任务规定提交的报告将对委员会规范指导的执行进展情况、差距和挑战作出重要评估(见第64/289号决议第67(c)段)。 同样,按照联合国各基金和方案的行政首长的惯例,副秘书长/执行主任将在其年度实质性会议业务活动部分向执行局和经济及社会理事会报告联合国妇女的业务活动。 该报告将首次提交2012年执行局第一届常会,随后提交理事会2012年实质性会议。", "五. 行政和人力资源", "39 为了执行大会关于与联合国妇女有关的人事问题的第64/289号决议第72段,秘书长于2011年1月1日就人力资源管理相关事项向副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任下放了正式权力(见ST/SGB/192)。 副秘书长/执行主任根据《联合国工作人员条例和细则》行使这一权力,包括通过签发任用书任命联合国妇女工作人员。", "40. 2011年3月,秘书长任命拉克什米·普里女士(印度)为主管政府间支助和战略伙伴关系的助理秘书长和副执行主任;约翰·洪德拉先生(加拿大)为主管政策和方案的助理秘书长和副执行主任。 在2011年1月公布了6个D-2职等的高级职位。 高级管理小组的任命于2011年6月24日公布。", "41 在战略性人力资源管理的支持下,建立一个有活力的创新组织,是副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任自上任以来的优先事项。 为此,她建立了双支柱组织结构(政府间支助和战略伙伴关系;政策和方案),作为确保实体之间职能和专题联系的最有效途径。 这一结构包括规范支助、宣传、协调、业务和能力发展、培训和研究职能,包括沟通和与民间社会联系的职能,以及伙伴关系的动员。 它还旨在回应促进联合国系统各级有效协调和一致性的任务。", "42 副秘书长办公室/执行主任以及管理和行政司对这两个支柱结构进行了补充。 这一结构作为2011年订正经常预算的一部分提交大会,并作为2011年订正支助预算的一部分提交执行局。 根据新的组织结构图,已经配置了联合国妇女工作人员。", "434 联合国妇女致力于建立一支有凝聚力的劳动力队伍,目的是成为那些希望为妇女带来变化的人的首选雇主。 联合国妇女正在制定一个全面的人力资源管理框架,以便在《联合国工作人员条例和工作人员细则》的参数范围内提供符合实体要求的应对性优质人力资源。 这一框架将支持人力资源规划和政策、组织设计、征聘和人员配置和学习以及人才、业绩和员工队伍管理。", "444 将四个前联合国实体并入联合国妇女机构,是实现一支团结的员工队伍的重要里程碑。 2010年12月至2011年1月对总部职位进行了调整,使94%经审查的总部职位(159个职位中有150个)得到统一或匹配。 副秘书长/执行主任于2011年2月4日宣布了这项工作的成果。", "454 总部职位的统一工作是根据副秘书长/执行主任于2010年12月6日发布的合并过程人力资源准则进行的。 人力资源过渡小组包括前妇发基金人力资源中心、秘书处人力资源管理厅以及一名高级人力资源和改革管理专家。 开发署人力资源办公室和联合国妇女过渡小组的代表支持该方案。 该小组负责解决人力资源问题,确保所作决定符合工作人员和本组织的最佳利益。", "46 在统一工作之后,进行了两个阶段的竞争性甄选过程,向内部和外部候选人开放,以填补总部不结盟、新的空缺和既定的核心职位。 联合国妇女人力资源科举办了以能力为基础的面试技能专门讲习班,以便在竞争性甄选过程中向工作人员提供适当支助。 涉及外地职位的合并进程预计将于2011年7月启动。", "474. 147 为了在过渡期间加强信息流动和透明度,前四个实体的工作人员参加了联合国工作人员工会、开发署/人口基金工作人员代表大会和联合国项目事务厅(项目厅)就人力资源政策、程序和合并过程准则进行协商。 根据最佳做法,前四个实体中每个实体都指定工作人员观察员观察并跟踪巩固进程,向联合国采购处妇女工作人员通报情况,并反映整个执行阶段工作人员的反馈意见。", "六、结 论 筹资", "A. 导 言 经常预算资源", "488. 住房 大会核准了关于使用2010-2011两年期经常预算资源的订正提案,其中授权联合国妇女使用这些资源,这是在2011年1月1日成功落实的关键步骤。 根据第64/289号决议第75段,为规范政府间进程服务所需的资源由经常预算提供,并由大会批准。 修订后的提议(A/63/531)要求增加3个员额,从42个增加到45个,由经常预算供资;并核准使用“赠款模式”来管理联合国经常预算中联合国妇女的年度份额。 在行政和预算问题咨询委员会(A/63/593)审议后,大会根据2010-2011两年期方案预算第37款(联合国妇女)设立了3个新员额(副秘书长、D-2和一般事务(其他职等))。 大会还核准使用与联合国妇女经常预算部分有关的赠款安排,并决定在今后的经常预算提案中要求由经常预算赠款供资的员额按员额要求(大会第56/59号决议,第三节)。 六)", "49. 联合国妇女2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算是根据《方案规划、预算内方案部分、执行情况监测和评价方法条例和细则》(ST/SGB/2000/8)编制的。 将通过行政和预算问题咨询委员会及方案和协调委员会提交大会的这项提案(A/62/ 6(Sect.17))要求增加两个方案支助员额,即1个行政干事和1个预算和财务干事,用于原先主要由经济和社会事务部执行办公室提供的服务。 由经常预算供资的员额的职能将根据第56/59号决议的有关规定,在下一个两年期拟议方案预算中提供。 届时,联合国妇女的工作将持续两年,使其能够找到最有效的方式来完成任务和职能,满足不断变化的需求。 分析还将为2010-2011两年期拟议方案预算提供信息。", "50 。 设立联合国妇女股,编制2010-2011两年期核定经常预算资源的使用订正提案和2012-2013年拟议方案预算,也需要修订以前指导次级方案2(性别问题和提高妇女地位)工作的战略框架(见A/63/6/Rev.1;A/65/6/Rev.1和A/65/6(Prog.7))。 因此,将向大会提交2010-2011两年期和2012-2013两年期订正战略框架(A/66/82),其中反映通过方案和协调委员会设立联合国妇女所产生的方案方面的修订,供第六十六届会议审议(A/66/82)(见A节)。 大会第56/259号决议第六节第10段。", "51 根据大会核准使用与联合国经常预算中妇女有关的赠款安排,这一模式目前正在实施。 在秘书处方案规划和预算司发出6 957 100美元拨款建议后,联合国妇女授权为大会第六十五届会议核准的2010-2011两年期余额支出。", "B. 支助预算自愿资源", "52 此外,副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任向执行局提交了一份关于为2010-2011两年期支助预算使用自愿资源的建议(见第64/289号决议第77段)。 执行局2011年1月第一届常会核准了两年期支助预算(见UNW/ 188,第2011/1号决定)。", "532. 移民 2010-2011两年期核定支助预算为5 150万美元,为联合国更有效地回应会员国提出的支助请求奠定了基础。 其中包括联合国总部增设8个员额、外地24个新员额以及从方案预算资金中改变供资来源,以支持117个外地员额的预算供资。 执行局还核准为支助预算追加250万美元的经费,用于支付联合国规定的安保费用,30万美元用于采用《国际公共部门会计准则》和加强Atlas系统的费用,500万美元用于支持改革管理,300万美元用于搬迁到新房地和有关技术安装。", "542. 执行局将在定于2011年12月5日至7日举行的2011年第二届常会上审议2012-2013两年期支助预算。 下一个两年期支助预算的编制将充分考虑到执行局关于2011-2013年战略计划的讨论结果。", "555. 255 根据第64/289号决议第79段,在行政和预算问题咨询委员会审查后,副秘书长/执行主任向执行局提交了联合国妇女拟议财务条例和细则。 在其第2011/2号决定(见UNW/ 2007/8/Add.1)中,联合国妇女执行局通过了《财务条例》(UNW/ 2001/5和Rev.1和Add.1)并随着《财务细则》生效。", "C. 对联合国妇女的自愿捐款", "565. 妇 女 在设立联合国妇女办事处时,大会强调,必须确保为实体提供充足的资金,并请会员国提供核心、多年、可预测、稳定和可持续的自愿捐款(见第64/289号决议第80段)。 因此,大会明确承认,缺乏资源是联合国系统有效支持实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力目标的能力的一个主要差距。", "57 成立一年后,联合国妇女的资源状况正在改善,尽管实体的资源仍然不足。 联合国妇女战略计划(2011-2013年)的前提是资源水平,使其能够取得宏伟成果,满足预期和需求。 因此,实体正在制定一项资源调动战略,以实现其雄心勃勃但现实的筹资目标。 该战略旨在从会员国获得更大的投资。 与此同时,联合国妇女正在努力扩大和深化其资源基础,包括利用非传统资金来源,如私营部门和基金会。 根据截至2011年6月1日的认捐和收到的捐款,对未指定用途(核心)资源的自愿捐款预计将达到1.25亿美元,对专用(非核心)资源的捐款预计2011年将达到1亿美元。 这将要求保留所有书面和口头保证。", "58 在2011-2013年期间向联合国妇女提供的自愿捐款总额(3年)达到12亿美元。 年度捐款的目标是在2011年增加3亿美元,2012年增加4亿美元,2013年增加5亿美元。 达到这一水平,将表明会员国和其他捐助者致力于解决联合国为两性平等和赋予妇女权力工作严重缺乏资源的问题。 这些预测与秘书长估计(A/64/588)一致,即联合国采购处妇女开办阶段所需资金约为每年5亿美元,确认满足这一供资需求将取决于会员国的回应。 需要实现这些目标,以便把联合国妇女应对任务的核心能力放在前面,并在资源、交付能力和为妇女取得的成果之间启动良性循环。", "59 财务目标预测,2011-2013年自愿未指定用途(核心)资源将达到6亿美元:2011年为1.5亿美元,2012年为2亿美元,2013年为2.5亿美元。 财政目标建立在对以往趋势、2011年已经作出的承诺和其他认捐的分析基础上。 自愿未指定用途(核心)资源水平指标反映了联合国妇女对核心和非核心资源之间取得有利平衡的承诺。 这借鉴了会员国的认识,即核心资源由于其统一性质,构成联合国系统发展方面业务活动的基石,是有效财务规划和有效支持业务活动的必要条件(见大会第62/208号决议)。", "60 。 专用(非核心)资源的捐款目标将达到6亿美元:2011年为1.5亿美元,2012年为2亿美元,2013年为2.5亿美元。 非核心捐款的预测包括为联合国妇女管理和管理的两个信托基金、两性平等基金和联合国消除暴力侵害妇女行为信托基金提供资金。 这些资金支持联合国妇女的主要优先事项。", "61 建立了在线登记册,以提供关于认捐和收到的捐款的资料( 201101/2011_plants_UN_women_core_resources.pdf)。 登记册是根据第64/289号决议设立的,目的是确保关于供资的报告透明,并确保会员国易于获取信息。", "D. 扩大联合国妇女的能力", "62 。 根据大会的指示(第64/289号决议,第88段),根据副秘书长/联合国妇女执行主任向执行局提出的建议,扩大联合国妇女的能力。 初步提议作为2011年订正支助预算的一部分提交给审计委员会。 执行局在第2011/1号决定中核可一项预算经费,作为审议联合国妇女战略计划(2011-2013年)之前的一项临时措施,用于通过设立新员额、提升现有员额或从方案转入支助预算,加强总共34个办事处。 作为2012-2013两年期支助预算的一部分,联合国妇女将进一步提出扩大其能力的建议。", "63/63。 联合国妇女战略的一个基本方面是,设想最终向75个国家的会员国提供标准支助模式,并铭记这一点,实体根据各国政府的请求提出了扩大本国存在的标准。 关注领域包括:两性平等状况;国家发展和收入水平;特定国家妇女面临的积极冲突和冲突后局势以及其他形式的不安全;特定国家内部的高度不平等(见UNW/ 229,附件四)。 联合国妇女的目标是在2012年加强对另外20个国家和2013年对另外21个国家的支持。 根据联合国对最不发达国家/低收入经济体给予特别关注的承诺,联合国采购处妇女打算到2013年底通过多国企业覆盖的国家或次区域办事处覆盖这些国家。", "7) 总结和结论", "644. 在大会设立联合国妇女委员会一年之后,实体有效运作的核心要素已经到位。 特别是在实体的治理结构方面,即设立和开展联合国妇女执行局的业务,以及编制有关政府间机构的有关规划和预算编制的主要文书和决定。", "656.65 联合国妇女顺利承担了支持政府间规范进程的责任,妇女地位委员会成功举行了届会,并将在整个政府间日历期间继续行使其规范支助职能。", "66. 在建立必要的行政框架和巩固其工作人员资源方面,特别是在总部,联合国妇女取得了出色进展。 总部即将完成统一进程,并任命了高级管理小组。 尽管联合国妇女已开始巩固和加强其外地办事处的结构,但它尚未充分建立其在实地的存在。 随着这一领域的进一步进展,联合国采购处妇女将能够根据第64/289号决议第51(b)段的要求,通过规范支助职能和业务活动,就两性平等、赋予妇女权力和权利以及两性平等主流化问题向所有会员国、各级发展和所有区域提供指导和技术支助。", "67 为实现各项目标调动必要资源仍然是一项挑战,但是,如果联合国妇女要达到利益攸关方的期望,这些资源是至关重要的。 预计捐款的提供将发出明确信号,表明政治意愿和承诺支持实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力。", "686.68 有效的协调和问责框架的组成部分正在建立之中,但需要进一步阐述联合国妇女在领导、协调和促进联合国两性平等工作问责制方面的作用,以便该框架充分有效。 联合国妇女扩大了与民间社会的协商,并建立了支持这种互动的机制。", "69 根据大会第64/289号决议相关部分的执行进度报告将提交第六十七届会议。 大会第五十八届会议将根据一份全面报告审查联合国妇女的工作。", "*** 性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室和秘书处提高妇女地位司、联合国妇女发展基金(妇发基金)和提高妇女地位国际研究训练所(提高妇女地位研训所)。", "*** 以上是:关于利用经常预算资源为联合国妇女提供规范性支助的订正提案(A/61/ 531);关于使用自愿资源为2010-2011两年期支助预算的提案(UNW/ 2008/3);2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算(A/59/ (Sect.17));2011-2013年联合国妇女战略计划(UNW/99)。", "[3] 组成如下:(a) 非洲国家10个(安哥拉、佛得角、刚果、科特迪瓦、刚果民主共和国、埃塞俄比亚、莱索托、阿拉伯利比亚民众国、尼日利亚和坦桑尼亚联合共和国);(b) 亚洲国家10个(孟加拉国、中国、印度、印度尼西亚、日本、哈萨克斯坦、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、大韩民国和东帝汶);(c) 东欧国家4个(爱沙尼亚、匈牙利、俄罗斯联邦和乌克兰);(d) 拉丁美洲和加勒比国家6个(阿根廷、巴西、多米尼加共和国、萨尔瓦多、格林纳达和秘鲁);(e) 西欧和其他国家5个(丹麦、卢森堡、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、瑞典)。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 145", "Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire,[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1528 (2004) of 27 February 2004, by which the Council established the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire for an initial period of twelve months as from 4 April 2004, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation, the latest of which was resolution 1981 (2011) of 13 May 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation until 31 July 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 58/310 of 18 June 2004 on the financing of the Operation and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/273 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Operation with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Operation with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 81.9 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only fifty-one Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Operation in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Takes note of paragraphs 1 and 36 of the report of the Advisory Committee;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269, and 65/289;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Operation is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "13. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "14. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Operation for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "15. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire the amount of 517,850,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 486,726,400 dollars for the maintenance of the Operation, 26,374,200 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 4,750,100 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "16. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 43,154,225 dollars for the period from 1 to 31 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "17. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 16 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,121,350 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 893,616 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 186,142 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 41,592 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "18. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 474,696,475 dollars for the period from 1 August 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 43,154,225 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Operation;", "19. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 18 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 12,334,850 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 9,829,784 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 2,047,558 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 457,508 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "20. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 16 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 25,042,400 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "21. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 25,042,400 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 20 above;", "22. Further decides that the increase of 852,800 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 25,042,400 dollars referred to in paragraphs 20 and 21 above;", "23. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "24. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Operation under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "25. Invites voluntary contributions to the Operation in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "26. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire”.", "[1] A/65/615 and A/65/736 and Corr.1.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.14.", "[3] A/65/615." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目145", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月27日第1528(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定自2004年4月4日起设立联合国科特迪瓦行动,最初为期12个月,以及安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年5月13日第1981(2011)号决议,其中安理会把该行动的任务延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会关于该行动经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/310号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/273号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该行动提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科特迪瓦行动摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 190万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有51个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告第1段和第36段;", "11. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该行动;", "13. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "14. 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间该行动财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15. 决定批款517 850 700美元给联合国科特迪瓦行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费486 726 400美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的26 374 200美元以及给联合国后勤基地的4 750 100美元;", "批款的筹措", "16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊43 154 225美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第16段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 121 350美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数893 616美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额186 142美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额41 592美元;", "18. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊474 696 475美元,每月43 154 225美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", "19. 又决定,根据第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内12 334 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 829 784美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 047 558美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额457 508美元;", "20. 决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第16段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "21. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第20段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "22. 还决定,上文第20和21段提及的25 042 400美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额852 800美元;", "23. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "25. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "26. 决定将题为“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/615和A/65/736及Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.14。", "[3] A/65/615。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目145", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科特迪瓦行动经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月27日第1528(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国科特迪瓦行动,自2004年4月4日起,最初为期12个月,以及安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年5月13日第1981(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务期限延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾其2004年6月18日关于该行动经费筹措的第58/310号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/273号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该行动首长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科特迪瓦行动摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 190万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有五十一个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 1. 注意到咨询委员会报告第1和第36段;", "注 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第56/89号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 第12段。 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该行动;", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "十四、任 务 1. 注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15 10. 决定批款517 850 700美元给联合国科特迪瓦行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费486 726 400美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的26 374 200美元,以及给联合国后勤基地的4 750 100美元;", "批款的筹措", "161 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊43 154 225美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "17. 第17条。 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第16段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 121 350美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数893 616美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额186 142美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额41 592美元;", "第18条 15. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊474 696 475美元,每月43 154 225美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", "191 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内12 334 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 829 784美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 047 558美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额457 508美元;", "20.20 20. 决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第16段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "21.21。 18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,按照上文第20段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计25 042 400美元中各自应分的数额;", "第22章 17. 还决定,上文第20和第21段提及的25 042 400美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额852 800美元;", "23. 会议报告。 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "24. 第24段。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "258. 3. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "262. 报 告 9. 决定将题为“联合国科特迪瓦行动经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/615。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 146", "Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 186 (1964) of 4 March 1964, regarding the establishment of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force, the latest of which was resolution 1986 (2011) of 13 June 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force until 15 December 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 47/236 of 14 September 1993 on the financing of the Force and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/274 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Force by certain Governments,", "Noting that voluntary contributions were insufficient to cover all the costs of the Force, including those incurred by troop-contributing Governments prior to 16 June 1993, and regretting the absence of an adequate response to appeals for voluntary contributions, including that contained in the letter dated 17 May 1994 from the Secretary-General to all Member States,[3]", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Force with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 17.9 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Force in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "5. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "6 Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "7. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "8. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "9. Notes the progress that has been made thus far by the host Government and the Force with respect to the renovation of the accommodations for military contingent personnel, as well as other personnel of the Force, and requests the Secretary-General to continue to make every effort, in coordination with the host Government, to ensure that the renovations are completed as scheduled, without any further delays, and to report thereon in the context of the next budget submission;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Force is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure accurate planning of flight hours, in order to avoid underexpenditure owing to the lower number of actual flight hours compared to the planned hours;", "13. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "14. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[4]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "15. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus the amount of 60,121,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 56,512,000 dollars for the maintenance of the Force, 3,058,400 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 550,800 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "16. Notes with appreciation that a one-third share of the net appropriation, equivalent to 19,114,267 dollars, will be funded through voluntary contributions from the Government of Cyprus and the amount of 6.5 million dollars from the Government of Greece;", "17. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 34,506,933 dollars at a monthly rate of 2,875,578 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force;", "18. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 2,721,000 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,404,200 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 259,000 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 57,800 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 1,361,709 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "20. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 1,361,709 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 19 above;", "21. Also decides that the increase of 255,600 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 1,361,709 dollars referred to in paragraphs 19 and 20 above;", "22. Further decides, taking into account its voluntary contribution for the financial period ended 30 June 2010, that one third of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 828,604 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be returned to the Government of Cyprus;", "23. Decides, taking into account its voluntary contribution for the financial period ended 30 June 2010, that the prorated share of other income in the amount of 297,987 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be returned to the Government of Greece;", "24. Also decides to continue to maintain as separate the account established for the Force for the period prior to 16 June 1993, invites Member States to make voluntary contributions to that account, and requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts in appealing for voluntary contributions to the account;", "25. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "26. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Force under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "27. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "28. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus”.", "[1] A/65/625 and A/65/706.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.2", "[3] S/1994/647.", "[4] A/65/625." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目146", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队的1964年3月4日第186(1964)号决议,以及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月13日第1986(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该部队的任务延长至2011年12月15日,", "又回顾大会关于该部队经费筹措的1993年9月14日第47/236号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/274号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有一些国家政府向该部队作出自愿捐助,", "注意到自愿捐助不足以应付该部队的全部费用,包括部队派遣国政府1993年6月16日之前产生的费用,并对吁请自愿捐助的各项呼吁,包括1994年5月17日秘书长给全体会员国的信[3] 中的呼吁未获适当响应感到遗憾,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 790万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "5. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待,一视同仁;", "6. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "8. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "9. 注意到东道国政府和该部队迄今在军事特遣队人员以及该部队其他人员宿舍翻新方面取得的进展,请秘书长继续尽一切努力与东道国政府协作,确保翻新工程不再有任何拖延并按时完工,并在提交下一个预算时报告有关情况;", "10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 还请秘书长确保准确规划飞行时数,以避免因实际飞行时数低于计划时数而出现支出节余的情况;", "13. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "14. 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间该部队财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15. 决定批款60 121 200美元给联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费56 512 000美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的3 058 400美元以及给联合国后勤基地的550 800美元;", "批款的筹措", "16. 赞赏地注意到此项批款净额的三分之一,即19 114 267美元,将由塞浦路斯政府的自愿捐款提供,650万美元由希腊政府提供;", "17. 决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊34 506 933美元,每月2 875 578美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "18. 又决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 729 500美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 404 200美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额267 500美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额57 800美元;", "19. 还决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "20. 决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "21. 又决定,上文第19和第20段提及的1 361 709美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额255 600美元;", "22. 还决定,考虑到塞浦路斯政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入的三分之一,即828 604美元,应退还塞浦路斯政府;", "23. 决定,考虑到希腊政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,2010年6月30日终了财政期间其他收入按比例应分的数额,即297 987美元,应退还希腊政府;", "24. 又决定,为该部队1993年6月16日以前期间设立的账户应继续单独开设,邀请会员国向该账户作出自愿捐款,并请秘书长继续努力,呼吁向该账户自愿捐款;", "25. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "26. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "27. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "28. 决定将题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/625和A/65/706。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.2。", "[3] S/1994/647。", "[4] A/65/625。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目146", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会1964年3月4日关于设立联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队的第186(1964)号决议,以及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月13日第1986(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年12月15日,", "又回顾其1993年9月14日关于该部队经费筹措的第47/236号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/274号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到某些国家政府已向该部队作出自愿捐助,", "注意到自愿捐助不足以支付该部队的所有费用,包括部队派遣国政府在1993年6月16日之前产生的费用,并对吁请自愿捐助的呼吁,包括1994年5月17日秘书长给全体会员国的信[3]所载呼吁未获适当回应表示遗憾,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 790万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "5. 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "6月 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "7. 基本考虑 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "8.8 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "9 September 2005 5. 注意到东道国政府和该部队迄今在军事特遣队人员以及该部队其他人员的住宿翻新方面取得的进展,请秘书长继续与东道国政府协调,尽力确保翻修工作按期完成,不再发生任何进一步拖延,并在提交下次预算时报告有关情况;", "10.10 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "注 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 第12段。 8. 还请秘书长确保准确规划飞行时数,以避免因实际飞行时数低于计划飞行时数而出现支出节余;", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "十四、任 务 1. 注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15 10. 决定批款60 121 200美元给联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费56 512 000美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的3 058 400美元,以及给联合国后勤基地的550 800美元;", "批款的筹措", "161 2. 赞赏地注意到此项批款净额的三分之一,即19 114 267美元,将由塞浦路斯政府的自愿捐款提供,650万美元由希腊政府提供;", "17. 第17条。 15. 决定,考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊34 506 933美元,每月2 875 578美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "第18条 18. 又决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 721 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 404 200美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额259 000美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额57 800美元;", "191 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "20.20 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入1 361 709美元中各自应分的数额;", "21.21。 19. 又决定,上文第19和第20段提及的1 361 709美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额255 600美元;", "第22章 15. 还决定,考虑到塞浦路斯政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入的三分之一,即828 604美元,应退还塞浦路斯政府;", "23. 会议报告。 2. 决定,考虑到希腊政府对2010年6月30日终了财政期间的自愿捐款,将2010年6月30日终了财政期间其他收入297 987美元按比例分摊的份额退还希腊政府;", "24. 第24段。 17. 又决定,为该部队1993年6月16日以前期间设立的账户应继续单独开设,请会员国向该账户自愿捐款,并请秘书长继续努力呼吁向该账户自愿捐款;", "258. 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "262. 报 告 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "。 5. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "第28次会议 9. 决定将题为“联合国驻塞浦路斯维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] S/1994/647。", "[4] A/63/625。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda items 147 and 148", "Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo,[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolutions 1258 (1999) of 6 August 1999 and 1279 (1999) of 30 November 1999 regarding, respectively, the deployment to the region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo of military liaison personnel and the establishment of the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1925 (2010) of 28 May 2010, by which the Council decided to extend the deployment of the Mission until 30 June 2010,", "Recalling also resolution 1925 (2010), by which the Council decided that, as of 1 July 2010, the Mission would bear the title of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and by which it decided that the Stabilization Mission would be deployed until 30 June 2011 and authorized the continuation until that date of up to 19,815 military personnel, 760 military observers, 391 police personnel and 1,050 personnel of formed police units, and recalling further its resolution 1991 (2011), by which the Council decided to extend the mandate of the Mission until 30 June 2012,", "Recalling further its resolution 54/260 A of 7 April 2000 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/255 of 24 December 2010,", "Recalling its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 288.1 million United States dollars, representing some 3 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-four Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Decides not to abolish the child protection posts, requests the Secretary-General to make every effort to fill them, and also requests the Secretary-General to identify an equivalent number of posts at the same level that have been vacant for more than a year to offset the financial impact of retaining the child protection posts, without impacting operational requirements and mandate implementation and to report thereon in the context of the performance report;", "13. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the United Nations Organization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "14. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "15. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo the amount of 1,507,538,900 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 1,416,926,000 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 76,783,900 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 13,829,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "16. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 1,507,538,900 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in General Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "17. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 16 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of the amount of 39,936,800 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 31,980,500 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 6,503,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 1,453,000 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "18. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 16 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 35,075,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "19. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 35,075,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 18 above;", "20. Further decides that the increase of 1,841,600 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 35,075,700 dollars referred to in paragraphs 18 and 19 above;", "21. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "22. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "23. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "24. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo”.", "[1] A/65/682 and A/65/744.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.8.", "[3] A/65/682." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目147和148", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团和联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于在刚果民主共和国地区部署军事联络人员的1999年8月6日第1258(1999)号和关于设立联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团的1999年11月30日第1279(1999)号决议,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年5月28日第1925(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的部署延长至2010年6月30日,", "又回顾第1925(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定,自2010年7月1日起该特派团改称为联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团,又决定稳定特派团部署至2011年6月30日,并授权继续部署至多19 815名军事人员、760名军事观察员、391名警务人员和1 050名建制警察单位人员,直到该日为止;还回顾第1991(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2012年6月30日,", "还回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的2000年4月7日第54/260 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/255号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团提供自愿捐助,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款2.881亿美元,约占摊款总额的3%,关切地注意到只有44个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近的一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地执行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296 号、第60/266 号、第61/276 号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "12. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长找出同等数目的空缺超过一年的同职等员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额产生的财务影响,但不得影响业务需要以及任务执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "13. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "14. 表示注意到秘书长关于特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15. 决定,批款1 507 538 900美元给联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费1 416 926 000美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的76 783 900美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的13 829 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊1 507 538 900美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费;", "17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第16段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内39 936 800美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数31 980 500美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额6 503 300美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 453 000美元;", "18. 决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第16段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计35 075 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "19. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第18段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计35 075 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "20. 还决定,上文第18和19段提及的35 075 700美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额1 841 600美元;", "21. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "22. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "23. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "24. 决定将题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/682和A/65/744。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.8。", "[3] A/65/682。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目147和148", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团和联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团和联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费筹措的报告 *** 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,2", "回顾安全理事会1999年8月6日第1258(1999)号和1999年11月30日第1279(1999)号决议,这两项决议分别涉及在刚果民主共和国地区部署军事联络人员和设立联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年5月28日第1925(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的部署延长至2010年6月30日,", "又回顾第1925(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定,截至2010年7月1日,该特派团将掌握联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团的名称,其中安理会决定部署稳定部队,直至2011年6月30日,并授权继续维持至多19 815名军事人员、760名军事观察员、391名警务人员和1 050名建制警察部队人员的任期,并回顾其第1991(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延长至2012年6月30日,", "还回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2000年4月7日第54/260 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第56/255号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款2.881亿美元,约占摊款总额的3%,关切地注意到只有44个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "注 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "12. 第12段。 11. 决定不要裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长确定同样数目的空缺超过一年的员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额的财务影响,同时不影响业务要求和任务的执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "十四、任 务 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "15 10. 决定批款1 507 538 900美元给联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费1 416 926 000美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的76 783 900美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的13 829 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "161 18. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 507 538 900美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费;", "17. 第17条。 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第16段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内39 936 800美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数31 9810 500美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额6 503 300美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 453 000美元;", "第18条 20. 决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第16段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计35 075 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "191 18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第18段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计35 075 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "20.20 17. 还决定上文第18和第19段提及的35 075 700美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额1 841 600美元;", "21.21。 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "第22章 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "23. 会议报告。 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "24. 第24段。 9. 决定将题为“联合国组织刚果民主共和国特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/65/682。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 150", "Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1704 (2006) of 25 August 2006, by which the Council decided to establish a follow-on mission in Timor-Leste, the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste, for an initial period of six months, with the intention to renew it for further periods, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1969 (2011) of 24 February 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 26 February 2012,", "Recalling also its resolutions 61/249 A of 22 December 2006 and 61/249 B of 2 April 2007 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/276 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 56.1 million United States dollars, representing some 6.3 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-two Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste the amount of 208,603,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 196,077,500 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 10,614,500 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 1,911,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 137,270,825 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 26 February 2012, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 6,760,632 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 6,036,914 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 591,583 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 132,135 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 71,332,875 dollars for the period from 27 February to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 17,383,641 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "18. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,513,168 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 3,137,086 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 307,417 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 68,665 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 17,795,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "20. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 17,795,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 19 above;", "21. Also decides that the increase of 947,800 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 17,795,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 19 and 20 above;", "22. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "23. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "24. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "25. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor-Leste”.", "[1] A/65/687 and A/65/746.", "[2] A/65/743/Add. 6.", "[3] A/65/687." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目150", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2006年8月25日第1704(2004)号决议,安理会在其中决定,在东帝汶成立一个后续特派团——联合国东帝汶综合特派团,最初为期6个月,并打算延长若干期,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年2月24日第1969(2011)号决议,安理会在其中将该特派团的任务延长至2012年2月26日,", "又回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2006年12月22日第61/249 A号和2007年4月2日第61/249 B号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/276号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国东帝汶综合特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 610万美元,约占摊款总额的6.3%,关切地注意到只有42个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近的一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面遇到拖延;", "6. 强调在财政和行政安排方面对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地执行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维和预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长确保充分执行第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "12. 注意到批款总额已根据第65/289号决议的规定进行了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款208 603 700美元给联合国东帝汶综合特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团维持费196 077 500美元、给维护和平行动支助账户的10 614 500美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的1 911 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊137 270 825美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年2月26日期间的经费;", "16. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 760 632美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 036 914美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额591 583美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额132 135美元;", "17. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊71 332 875美元,每月17 383 641美元,充作2012年2月27日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 513 168美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 137 086美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额307 417美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额68 665美元;", "19. 还决定对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "20. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "21. 又决定,上文第19和20段所述17 795 500美元所产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额947 800美元;", "22. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "23. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "24. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "25. 决定将题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/687和A/65/746。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.6。", "[3] A/65/687。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目150", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2006年8月25日第1704(2006)号决议,其中安理会决定在东帝汶设立一个后续特派团,即联合国东帝汶综合特派团,最初为期六个月,并打算继续延长,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年2月24日第1969(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2012年2月26日,", "又回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2006年12月22日第61/249 A号和2007年4月2日第61/249 B号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/276号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国东帝汶综合特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 610万美元,约占摊款总额的6.3%,关切地注意到只有42个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 8. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "注 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "12. 第12段。 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "十四、任 务 10. 决定批款208 603 700美元给联合国东帝汶综合特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费196 077 500美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的10 614 500美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的1 911 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15 18. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊137 270 825美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年2月26日期间的经费;", "161 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 760 632美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 036 914美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额591 583美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额132 135美元;", "17. 第17条。 15. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊71 332 875美元,每月17 383 641美元,充作2012年2月27日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "第18条 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 513 168美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 137 086美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额307 417美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额68 665美元;", "191 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "20.20 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第19段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计17 795 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "21.21。 17. 又决定,上文第19和第20段提及的17 795 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额947 800美元;", "第22章 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "23. 会议报告。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "24. 第24段。 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "258. 9. 决定将题为“联合国东帝汶综合特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/687。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 153", "Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1529 (2004) of 29 February 2004, by which the Council declared its readiness to establish a United Nations stabilization force to support continuation of a peaceful and constitutional political process and the maintenance of a secure and stable environment in Haiti,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1542 (2004) of 30 April 2004, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for an initial period of six months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1944 (2010) of 14 October 2010, by which the Security Council decided to extend the mandate of the Mission until 15 October 2011 and to maintain the current overall force levels, which consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and of a police component of up to 4,391 police,", "Recalling further its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Recalling its resolution 58/311 of 18 June 2004 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/256 of 24 December 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 129.8 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-six Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Affirms that qualified candidates who are of Haitian origin and are holders of other nationalities are eligible to apply for international posts in the Mission, in compliance with the relevant United Nations legislative mandates and guidelines on recruitment and selection;", "11. Expresses deep concern over the continuing high vacancy rate in the Mission, especially in the National temporary positions, and its negative impact on the work of the Mission;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to keep under review the Mission requirements for the “tiger team”;", "13. Regrets that the share of procurement activities awarded to local vendors has substantially decreased during the current financial year, and reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the Mission increase procurement opportunities for local vendors;", "14. Recalls paragraph 41 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the efficient, expeditious and full implementation of the total amount allocated to quick-impact projects for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 in order, inter alia, to contribute to the recovery effort and foster better relations with the local communities;", "15. Requests the Secretary-General, in submitting his next budget proposal for the Mission, to fully review current needs assessments on the ground regarding quick-impact projects, taking into account the related guidelines of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat on quick-impact projects;", "16. Recalls paragraph 7, section III, of its resolution 64/269;", "17. Reaffirms the important role of the expanded community violence reduction approach in the post-earthquake context, in particular in assisting the displaced people and those living in violence-affected neighbourhoods;", "18. Requests the Secretary-General to strengthen coordination among the Mission, the United Nations country team and other United Nations entities, including in addressing the root causes of unexpected emergencies, such as the situation resulting from the cholera outbreak;", "19. Also requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to put into effect measures to mitigate the environmental impact of the Mission on Haiti;", "20. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "21. Requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "22. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of its resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "23. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "24. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti the amount of 844,258,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 793,517,100 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 42,997,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 7,744,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "25. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 246,242,100 dollars for the period from 1 July to 15 October 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "26. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 25 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 6,569,900 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 5,270,400 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 1,062,200 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 237,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "27. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 598,016,600 dollars for the period from 16 October 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 70,354,892 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "28. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 27 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 15,955,400 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 12,799,600 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,579,500 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 576,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "29. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 25 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 26,755,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "30. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 26,755,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 29 above;", "31. Also decides that the increase in the estimated staff assessment income of 85,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 26,755,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 29 and 30 above;", "32. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "33. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "34. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "35. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti”.", "[1] A/65/703 and Corr.1 and A/65/776.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.15.", "[3] A/65/703 and Corr.1." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目153", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月29日第1529(2004)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备在海地建立一支联合国稳定部队,协助继续推进和平与宪政进程,并协助维护安全稳定的环境,", "又回顾安全理事会2004年4月30日第1542(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国海地稳定特派团,最初为期6个月,及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年10月14日第1944(2010)号决议,其中安全理事会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2011年10月15日,并继续维持现有的总兵力,目前有一个最多有8 940名各级官兵的军事部门和一个最多有4 391名警察的警察部门,", "还回顾大会2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/311号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/256号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101 (XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.298亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有46个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 申明原籍海地并具有其他国籍的合格候选人有资格依照联合国关于征聘与甄选的有关立法授权和准则,申请该特派团的国际员额;", "11. 表示深为关切特派团空缺率持续较高,尤其是本国临时职位的空缺率持续较高,及其对该特派团工作的消极影响;", "12. 请秘书长持续审查该特派团对“老虎小组”的需要;", "13. 遗憾地注意到,给予当地供应商的采购活动份额在本财政年度大幅减少,再次请秘书长确保该特派团增加当地供应商的采购机会;", "14. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 第41段,请秘书长确保有效率、迅速和充分地落实分配给2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间速效项目的总额,以便除其他外,促进恢复工作,并与当地社区营造更好的关系;", "15. 请秘书长在提交该特派团下一个拟议预算时,充分审查实地关于速效项目当前需要的评估,同时考虑到秘书处维持和平行动部关于速效项目的相关准则;", "16. 回顾其第64/269号决议第三节第7段;", "17. 重申进一步减少社区暴力的做法在地震后情况下的重要作用,尤其在援助流离失所者和居住在暴力频发社区的人们方面;", "18. 请秘书长加强该特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他联合国实体之间的协调,包括在处理诸如霍乱爆发造成的状况等突发紧急事件的根源方面加强协调;", "19. 又请秘书长加大努力,实施措施,以减轻该特派团对海地的环境影响;", "20. 还请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "21. 请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "22. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24. 决定批款844 258 700美元给联合国海地稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费793 517 100美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的42 997 600美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的7 744 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "25. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊246 242 100 美元,充作2011年7月1日至10月15日期间的经费;", "26. 还决定,根据大会1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 569 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数5 270 400美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 062 200美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额237 300美元;", "27. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊598 016 600美元,每月70 354 892美元,充作2011年10月16日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "28. 又决定,根据大会第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第27段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 955 400美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数12 799 600美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 579 500美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额576 300美元;", "29. 还决定,对于已履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "30. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第29段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "31. 又决定,上文第29和第30段提及的26 755 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额85 500美元;", "32. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "33. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "34. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "35. 决定将题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/703 和 Corr.1以及A/65/776。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.15。", "[3] A/65/703和Corr.1。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目153", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月29日第1529(2004)号决议,其中安理会宣布随时准备建立一支联合国稳定部队,支持继续在海地开展和平与宪政进程,维持一个安全和稳定的环境,", "又回顾安全理事会2004年4月30日第1542(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国海地稳定特派团,最初为期六个月,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年10月14日第1944(2010)号决议,其中安全理事会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2011年10月15日,并维持目前的总体兵力,包括最多8 940名各级官兵的军事部分和最多4 391名警察的警察部分,", "还回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/311号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第56/56号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.298亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有46个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 2. 申明符合联合国有关法定任务和征聘和甄选准则的合格海地籍候选人和其他国籍的候选人有资格申请该特派团的国际职位;", "注 3. 深为关切特派团空缺率,特别是本国临时职位空缺率居高不下,对特派团工作产生不利影响;", "12. 第12段。 5. 请秘书长不断审查该特派团对“主持人小组”的需求;", "13 August 2001 5. 感到遗憾的是,在本财政年度,授予当地供应商的采购活动份额大幅下降,再次请秘书长确保该特派团增加当地供应商的采购机会;", "十四、任 务 8. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 第41段,请秘书长确保高效、迅速和全面执行分配给速效项目的2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间总额,以便除其他外,促进复原工作,促进与当地社区建立更好的关系;", "15 8. 请秘书长在其为该特派团提出的下一个拟议预算时,充分考虑到秘书处维持和平行动部关于速效项目的相关准则,全面审查当前对速效项目的实地需求评估;", "161 1. 回顾其第64/269号决议第7段第三节;", "17. 第17条。 1. 重申扩大后的减少社区暴力做法在地震后背景下的重要作用,特别是在帮助流离失所者和生活在受暴力影响的社区的人方面;", "第18条 8. 请秘书长加强该特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他联合国实体之间的协调,包括处理突发紧急情况的根源,例如霍乱爆发造成的局势;", "191 8. 又请秘书长加紧努力,采取措施减轻该特派团对海地的环境影响;", "20.20 8. 还请秘书长继续确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第59/189号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "21.21。 8. 请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "第22章 1. 注意到批款总额已根据其第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 会议报告。 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24. 第24段。 10. 决定批款844 258 700美元给联合国海地稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费793 517 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的42 997 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的7 744 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "258. 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊246 242 100美元,充作2011年7月1日至10月15日期间的经费;", "262. 报 告 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 569 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数5 270 400美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 062 200美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额237 300美元;", "。 10. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊598 016 600美元,每月70 354 892美元,充作2011年10月16日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "第28次会议 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第27段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 955 400美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数12 799 600美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 579 500美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额576 300美元;", "29. 。 20. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第25段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "30. 。 2. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第29段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "313. 22. 又决定,上文第29和第30段提及的26 755 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额85 500美元;", "323 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "336. 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "343. 事实和争论 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "353. 9. 决定将题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/203和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 154", "Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1244 (1999) of 10 June 1999 regarding the establishment of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo,", "Recalling also its resolution 53/241 of 28 July 1999 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/279 of 24 June 2010,", "Acknowledging the complexity of the Mission,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolution of the Security Council,", "Mindful also of the need to ensure coordination and cooperation with the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011 as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 38.2 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only one hundred and one Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Takes note of paragraph 29 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, decides that the two posts of Forensic Anthropologist Officer and Legal Officer in the Rule of Law Liaison Office should not be converted to National Officer posts and also decides to establish the Reporting Officer post in the Office for Community Support and Facilitation as an international P-2 post;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo the amount of 47,802,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 44,914,800 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 2,446,700 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 440,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 47,802,200 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 4,634,800 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 4,381,300 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 207,200 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 46,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 8,297,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "18. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 8,297,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 17 above;", "19. Further decides that the increase of 1,054,300 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 8,297,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18 above;", "20. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "22. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "23. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo”.", "[1] A/65/621 and A/65/711.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.4.", "[3] A/65/621." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目154", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费筹措的报告,[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1999年6月10日关于设立联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团的第1244(1999)号决议,", "又回顾其1999年7月28日关于该特派团经费筹措的第53/241号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/279号决议,", "确认该特派团任务的复杂性,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "又意识到需要确保与欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团的协调与合作,", "1. 请秘书长责成特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289 号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团的摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款3 820万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有101个会员国足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国尤其是拖欠国确保缴纳所欠摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告第29段,决定法治联络办公室的法证人类学干事和法律干事2个员额不改划为本国干事员额,又决定在社区支助和促进办公室设立1个P-2职等报告干事国际员额;", "11. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最经济的方式管理该特派团;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款47 802 200美元给联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团特别账户,充作该特派团2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费44 914 800美元,维持和平行动支助账户2 446 700美元以及联合国后勤基地440 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊47 802 200 美元;", "16. 还决定,根据大会1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内4 634 800 美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数4 381 300美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额207 200美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额46 300美元;", "17. 决定,对于已履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "19. 还决定在上文第17和18段所述8 297 100美元产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增额1 054 300美元;", "20. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些 捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 决定将题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/621和A/65/711。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.4。", "[3] A/65/621。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目154", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会1999年6月10日关于设立联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团的第1244(1999)号决议,", "又回顾其1999年7月28日关于该特派团经费筹措的第53/241号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/279号决议,", "确认该特派团任务的复杂性,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "又念及需要确保同欧洲联盟驻科索沃法治特派团进行协调与合作,", "页: 1 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款3 820万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有一百一会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 第四届会议 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本考虑 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9 September 2005 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10.10 1. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告 第29段,决定法治联络处法医人类学家干事和法律干事这两个员额不应改划为本国干事员额,还决定在社区支助和便利办公室设立报告干事员额,作为国际P-2员额;", "注 1. 请秘书长确保第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第56/89号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "12. 第12段。 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13 August 2001 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "十四、任 务 10. 决定批款47 802 200美元给联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费44 914 800美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 446 700美元,以及给联合国后勤基地的440 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "15 15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊47 802 200美元;", "161 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内4 634 800美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数4 381 300美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额207 200美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额46 300美元;", "17. 第17条。 20. 决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "第18条 18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计8 297 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "191 17. 还决定,上文第17和第18段提及的8 297 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额1 054 300美元;", "20.20 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21.21。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "第22章 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 会议报告。 9. 决定将题为“联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/621。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 155", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1497 (2003) of 1 August 2003, by which the Council declared its readiness to establish a United Nations stabilization force to support the transitional government and to assist in the implementation of a comprehensive peace agreement in Liberia,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1509 (2003) of 19 September 2003, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Mission in Liberia for a period of twelve months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1938 (2010) of 15 September 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 September 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Recalling its resolution 58/261 A of 23 December 2003 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/280 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in Liberia as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 88 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only eighty-five Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandate;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Notes with appreciation the immediate assistance of the United Nations Mission in Liberia to the mission in Côte d’Ivoire during the post-election crisis;", "11. Also notes with appreciation that the United Nations entities with field presence in Liberia have advanced in developing coordination mechanisms and in this regard encourages more effective cooperation among the Mission, the United Nations country team and other United Nations entities with field presence, in line with their respective roles and mandates as adopted by the relevant intergovernmental bodies;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to implement the initiative “delivering as one” in accordance with the relevant mandates adopted by the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the executive boards of United Nations funds and programmes and the governing bodies of the specialized agencies;", "13. Recalls paragraph 24 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and encourages the Secretary-General to take all necessary steps to provide the support required for the Liberia National Police, to ensure that the capacity-building process would be concluded in a proper and timely manner;", "14. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "15. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "16. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "18. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission in Liberia the amount of 559,147,030 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 513,404,030 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 12,155,900 dollars for electoral support to be provided by the Mission, 28,461,200 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 5,125,900 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "Financing of the appropriation", "19. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 136,747,783 dollars for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "20. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 3,806,125 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 3,068,850 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 602,650 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 134,625 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 12,155,900 dollars for electoral support to be provided by the Mission, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "22. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 40,900 dollars of estimated staff assessment income approved for the Mission;", "23. Further decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 410,243,347 dollars for the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 45,582,593 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "24. Decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 11,418,375 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 9,206,550 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 1,807,950 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 403,875 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "25. Also decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 32,775,600 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "26. Further decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 32,775,600 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 25 above;", "27. Decides that the increase of 361,900 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 32,775,600 dollars referred to in paragraphs 25 and 26 above;", "28. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "29. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "30. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "31. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia”.", "[1] A/65/620 and A/65/727.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.7.", "[3] A/65/620." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目155", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措的报告、[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2003年8月1日第1497(2003)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备设立一支联合国稳定部队,以支助过渡政府并协助执行利比里亚全面和平协定,", "又回顾安全理事会2003年9月19日第1509(2003)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国利比里亚特派团,任期为12个月,及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年9月15日第1938(2010)号决议,其中安理会将特派团的任务延长至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2003年12月23日第58/261号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/280号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号决议、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国利比里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 800万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有85个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财务状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关的法定任务为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 赞赏地注意到联利特派团在选举后危机期间立即向科特迪瓦特派团提供援助;", "11. 又赞赏地注意到在利比里亚有实地存在的联合国机构在建立协调机制方面取得进展,并为此鼓励特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他有实地存在的联合国实体依照有关政府间机构关于其各自作用和任务的规定,彼此开展更加切实有效的合作;", "12. 请秘书长根据大会、经济及社会理事会、联合国各基金和方案的执行局及专门机构的理事机构通过的相关授权,执行“一体行动”倡议;", "13. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告第24段,² 并鼓励秘书长采取一切必要措施,向利比里亚国家警察提供必要支助,以确保妥善及时地完成能力建设进程;", "14. 请秘书长确保其第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "15. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "16. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总数作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间的预算估计数", "18. 决定批款559 147 030美元给联合国利比里亚特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费513 404 030美元,用于特派团提供选举支助的12 155 900美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的28 461 200美元和给联合国后勤基地的5 125 900美元;", "批款的筹措", "19. 又决定,按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到2009年12月24日大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊136 747 783美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日的经费;", "20. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 825 750美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 806 125美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额602 650美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额134 625美元;", "21. 决定,按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊12 155 900美元,充作该特派团提供选举支助的经费;", "22. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内40 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 还决定,按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊410 243 347美元,每月45 582 593美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "24. 决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内11 418 375美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的该笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 206 550美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 807 950美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额403 875美元;", "25. 又决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应根据大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 还决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "27. 决定在上文第25和26段所述32 775 600美元所产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额361 900美元;", "28. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5段和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31. 决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/620和A/65/727。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.7。", "[3] A/65/620。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目155", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2003年8月1日第1497(2003)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备在利比里亚建立一支联合国稳定部队,以支持过渡政府并协助执行全面和平协定,", "又回顾安全理事会2003年9月19日第1509(2003)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国利比里亚特派团,为期十二个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年9月15日第1938(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2003年12月23日第58/261 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/280号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国利比里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 800万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有85个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 赞赏地注意到联合国利比里亚特派团在选举后危机期间立即向科特迪瓦特派团提供援助;", "11个 4. 又赞赏地注意到在利比里亚有实地存在的联合国实体已推进建立协调机制,并在此方面鼓励特派团、联合国国家工作队和有实地存在的联合国其他实体按照相关政府间机构通过的各自的作用和任务开展更有效的合作;", "12个 9. 请秘书长按照大会、经济及社会理事会、联合国各基金和方案的执行局以及各专门机构的理事机构所通过有关任务规定,执行“一体行动,履行使命”的倡议;", "13个 7. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 第24段,鼓励秘书长采取一切必要步骤,为利比里亚国家警察提供所需的支助,确保适当和及时地完成能力建设进程;", "14个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "15个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "16号. 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17岁。 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "18岁。 15. 决定批款559 147 030美元给联合国利比里亚特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费513 404 030美元,该特派团提供的选举支助费12 155 900美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的28 461 200美元和给联合国后勤基地的5 125 900美元;", "批款的筹措", " 19. 19. 16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊136 747 783美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "20号. 19. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 806 125美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 068 850美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额602 650美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额134 625美元;", "21岁 16. 决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊12 155 900美元,充作该特派团提供选举支助的经费;", "22号. 21. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数40 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 联合国 16. 还决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊410 243 347美元,每月45 582 593美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "24 (韩语). 23. 决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内11 418 375美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 206 550美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 807 950美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额403 875美元;", "25岁 19. 又决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 联合国 25. 还决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "27个 25. 决定,上文第25和26段提及的32 775 600美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额361 900美元;", "28岁 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 国家 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30岁。 20. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31岁 23. 决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/620和A/65/727。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.7。", "[3] A/65/620。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 156 (a)", "Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East: United Nations Disengagement Observer Force", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 350 (1974) of 31 May 1974 regarding the establishment of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force, the latest of which was resolution 1994 (2011) of 30 June 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 3211 B (XXIX) of 29 November 1974 on the financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/281 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Force with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 18.3 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-nine Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure the payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Force in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Force is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force the amount of 53,753,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 50,526,100 dollars for the maintenance of the Force, 2,734,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 492,500 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 53,753,200 dollars at a monthly rate of 4,479,434 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,810,000 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 1,526,700 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 231,600 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 51,700 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 852,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "18. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 852,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 17 above;", "19. Further decides that the increase of 106,400 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 852,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18 above;", "20. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Force under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "22. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "23. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East”, the sub-item entitled “United Nations Disengagement Observer Force”.", "[1] A/65/596 and A/65/710.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3.", "[3] A/65/596." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目156(a)", "联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:", "中东:联合国脱离接触观察员部队", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国脱离接触观察员部队的1974年5月31日第350(1974)号决议及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月30日第1994(2011)号决议,", "又回顾大会关于联合国紧急部队和联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的1974年11月29日第3211 B(XXIX)号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/281号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国脱离接触观察员部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 830万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有49个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平行动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 注意到批款总额已根据第65/289号决议的规定进行了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款53 753 200美元给联合国脱离接触观察员部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费50 526 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 734 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的492 500美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊53 753 200美元,每月4 479 434美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "16. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 810 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数1 526 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额231 600美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额51 700美元;", "17. 决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "19. 还决定,上文第17和18段提及的852 500美元贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计增额106 400美元;", "20. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的分项。", "[1] A/65/596和A/65/710。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3。", "[3] A/65/596。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目156(a)", "联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措:联合国脱离接触观察员部队", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1974年5月31日关于设立联合国脱离接触观察员部队的第350(1974)号决议及其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月30日第1994(2011)号决议,", "又回顾其关于联合国紧急部队和联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的1974年11月29日第3211 B(XXIX)号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/281号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国脱离接触观察员部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 830万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有49个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11个 12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12个 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13个 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14个 16. 决定批款53 753 200美元给联合国脱离接触观察员部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费50 526 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 734 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的492 500美元;", "批款的筹措", "15个 16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊53 753 200美元,每月4 479 434美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "16号. 15. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 810 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数1 526 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额231 600美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额51 700美元;", "17岁。 15. 决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "18岁。 17. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", " 19. 19. 17. 还决定,上文第17和18段提及的852 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额106 400美元;", "20号. 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21岁 23. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22号. 23. 请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "23. 联合国 24. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的分项目。", "[1] A/65/596和A/65/710。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3。", "[3] A/65/596。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 157", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1590 (2005) of 24 March 2005, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for an initial period of six months as from 24 March 2005, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1978 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate until 9 July 2011,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1990 (2011), by which the Council established the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei for an initial period of six months from 27 June 2011;", "Recalling further its resolution 59/292 of 21 April 2005 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/257 of 24 December 2010,", "Recalling its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Trust Fund in Support of the Peace Process in the Sudan,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 133.1 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Reaffirms section XX of resolution 61/276, and encourages the Secretary-General, where feasible, to enhance regional and inter-mission cooperation with a view to achieving greater synergies in the use of the resources of the Organization and the implementation of mandates of the missions, while bearing in mind that individual missions are responsible for the preparation and implementation of their own budgets and for controlling their own assets and logistical operations;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that future budget submissions contain sufficient information, explanation and justification of the proposed resource requirements relating to operational costs in order to allow Member States to take well-informed decisions;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Further requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Authorizes the Secretary-General to draw upon the resources approved for the Mission in entering into commitments for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011 for the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei and any further missions established by the Security Council before 31 December 2011 in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement;", "15. Notes the intention of the Security Council, as stated in its resolution 1978 (2011), to establish a successor mission to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan, and authorizes the Secretary-General to draw upon the resources approved for the Mission in entering into commitments for a successor mission for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011;", "16. Also notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "18. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission in the Sudan the amount of 513,330,150 dollars for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011, inclusive of 482,460,550 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 26,158,400 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 4,711,200 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "19. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 24,838,556 dollars for the period from 1 July to 9 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "20. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 794,816 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 663,668 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 107,201 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 23,947 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 488,491,594 dollars for the period from 10 July to 31 December 2011, for the administrative liquidation of the Mission, the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, a successor mission to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan as stated in resolution 1978 (2011) and any further missions established by the Security Council before 31 December 2011 in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "22. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 15,631,384 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 13,052,132 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,108,299 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 470,953 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "23. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 52,052,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "24. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 52,052,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 23 above;", "25. Also decides that the increase of 2,702,700 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 52,052,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 23 and 24 above;", "26. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "27. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "28. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "29. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan”.", "[1] A/65/630 and Corr.1 and A/65/731.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.10.", "[3] A/65/630 and Corr.1." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目157", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2005年3月24日第1590(2005)号决议,安理会在其中决定设立联合国苏丹特派团,任期从2005年3月24日开始,最初为6个月,并回顾安理会其后决定延长该特派团任务期限的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1978(2011)号决议,安理会在其中将任务期限延长至2011年7月9日,", "又回顾安全理事会第1990(2011)号决议,安理会在其中设立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,任期从2011年6月27日开始,最初为6个月,", "还回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2005年4月21日第59/292号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/257号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101 (XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已向支助苏丹和平进程信托基金提供的自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国苏丹特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.331亿美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财务状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因一些会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面遇到拖延;", "6. 强调在财政和行政安排方面对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团应予以平等对待,一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维和预算以相关法定任务为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 重申其第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由每个特派团自己负责;", "11. 请秘书长确保在今后提交的预算中提供充足的资料、解释和理由,以说明与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源,从而使会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "12. 又请秘书长确保大会第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/ 269号和第65/289号决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 还请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14. 授权秘书长利用为特派团核准的资源,为联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队及安理会在2011年12月31日前设立的任何其他特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项,以支持落实《全面和平协定》;", "15. 注意到安全理事会打算根据其第1978(2011)号决议的规定,设立联合国苏丹特派团的继承特派团,并授权秘书长利用为该特派团核准的资源,为继承特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "16. 还注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总数作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "18. 决定批款513 330 150美元给联合国苏丹特派团特别账户,充作该特派团2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费482 460 550美元、给维持和平行动支助帐户的26 158 400美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的4 711 200美元;", "批款的筹措", "19. 又决定,按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊24 838 556美元,充作2011年7月1日至7月9日的经费;", "20. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内794 816美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数663 668美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额107 201美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额23 947美元;", "21. 决定,按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊488 491 594美元,充作2011年7月10日至12月31日期间该特派团的行政清理结束工作、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队、第1978(2011)号决议规定设立的联合国苏丹特派团的继承特派团及安理会在2011年12月31日前设立的任何其他特派团的经费,以支持落实《全面和平协定》;", "22. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 631 384美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入13 052 132美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 108 299美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额470 953美元;", "23. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,并考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "24. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第23段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "25. 又决定,在上文第23和24段所述52 052 100美元所产生的贷项中加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 702 700美元;", "26. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "27. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "28. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "29. 决定将题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "––––––––––––––", "[1] A/65/630和Corr.1及A/65/731。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.10。", "[3] A/65/630和Corr.1。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目157", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2005年3月24日第1590(2005)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国苏丹特派团,自2005年3月24日起,最初为期六个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1978(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年7月9日,", "又回顾安全理事会第1990(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,自2011年6月27日起,最初为期六个月;", "还回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的2005年4月21日第59/292号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/257号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支助苏丹和平进程信托基金提供自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国苏丹特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.331亿美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 17. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由各特派团自己负责;", "11个 6. 请秘书长确保今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、解释和理由,使会员国能作出充分知情的决定;", "12个 10. 又请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 11. 还请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14个 2. 授权秘书长利用为特派团核准的资源,为联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队和安全理事会为支助执行《全面和平协议》而于2011年12月31日之前设立的任何其他特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "15个 注意到安全理事会第1978(2011)号决议表示打算设立联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团,并授权秘书长利用为该特派团核准的资源为后续特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "16号. 2. 又注意到已按照第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17岁。 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "18岁。 14. 决定批款513 330 150美元给联合国苏丹特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费482 460 550美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的26 158 400美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的4 711 200美元;", "批款的筹措", " 19. 19. 16. 又决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊24 838 556美元,充作2011年7月1日至7月9日期间的经费;", "20号. 19. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内794 816美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数663 668美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额107 201美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额23 947美元;", "21岁 10. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊488 491 594美元,充作2011年7月10日至12月31日期间该特派团、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队、第1978(2011)号决议规定的联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团和安全理事会为支助执行《全面和平协定》而于2011年12月31日之前设立的任何其他特派团的行政清理结束费用;", "22号. 21. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 631 384美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数13 052 132美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 108 299美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额470 953美元;", "23. 联合国 19. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "24 (韩语). 23. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第23段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "25岁 24. 又决定,上文第23和24段提及的52 052 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 702 700美元;", "26. 联合国 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "27个 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "28岁 20. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "29. 国家 24. 决定将题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/630和Corr.1和A/65/731。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.10。", "[3] A/65/630和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 158", "Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 690 (1991) of 29 April 1991, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1979 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 April 2012,", "Recalling also its resolution 45/266 of 17 May 1991 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/284 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 44.3 million United States dollars, representing some 5 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only ninety-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Notes the consistent underutilization of the budget for flight hours, and encourages the Secretary-General to take this trend into account in future budget submissions;", "11. Welcomes the initiative to implement two quick-impact projects as part of the effort to enhance relations with the local population, and encourages the timely implementation of the projects;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of its resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "15. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "16. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara the amount of 65,398,400 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 61,449,400 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 3,346,300 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 602,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "17. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 54,498,667 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 April 2012, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "18. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 2,590,083 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,301,083 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 236,250 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 52,750 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 10,899,733 dollars for the period from 1 May to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 5,449,866 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "20. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 518,017 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 460,217 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 47,250 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 10,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,386,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "22. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,386,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 21 above;", "23. Also decides that the increase of 138,900 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 2,386,700 dollars referred to in paragraphs 21 and 22 above;", "24. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "25. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "26. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "27. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara”.", "[1] A/65/665 and A/65/720 and Corr.1.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5.", "[3] A/65/665." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目158", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1991年4月29日关于设立联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团的第690(1991)号决议及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1979(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延至2012年4月30日,", "又回顾其1991年5月17日关于该特派团经费筹措的第45/266号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/284号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到该特派团已获得自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的经费,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议所规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款4 430万美元,约占摊款总额的5%,关切地注意到只有97个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国特别是拖欠国确保缴纳所欠摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近的一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 注意到飞行时数预算长期存在使用不足,并鼓励秘书长在今后的预算报告中考虑到这一趋势;", "11. 欢迎主动提出执行2个速效项目,作为改善与当地居民关系的努力的一部分,并鼓励及时执行这2个项目;", "12. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最经济的方式管理该特派团;", "14. 注意到已按照其第65/289号决议的规定调整批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "15. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "16. 决定批款65 398 400美元给联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团特别账户,作为2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团维持费61 449 400美元、维持和平行动支助账户3 346 300美元和意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地602 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年7月1日至2012年4月30日期间的经费54 498 667美元;", "18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 590 083美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 301 083美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额236 250美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额52 750美元;", "19. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年5月1日至6月30日期间的经费10 899 733美元,每月5 449 866 美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务期限为前提;", "20. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内518 017美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数460 217美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额47 250美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额10 550美元;", "21. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "22. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第21段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 又决定在上文第21和22段提及的2 386 700 美元所产生的贷项中,加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额138 900美元;", "24. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "25. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "26. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "27. 决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/665、A/65/720和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5。", "[3] A/65/665。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目158", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1991年4月29日第690(1991)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1979(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2012年4月30日,", "又回顾其1991年5月17日关于该特派团经费筹措的第45/266号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/284号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款4 430万美元,约占摊款总额的5%,关切地注意到只有97个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 4. 注意到飞行时数预算一直未得到充分利用,鼓励秘书长在今后提交的预算中考虑到这一趋势;", "11个 2. 欢迎采取举措,执行两个速效项目,以努力加强同当地居民的关系,并鼓励及时执行这些项目;", "12个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14个 注意到已根据大会第65/289号决议的规定调整了批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "15个 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "16号. 15. 决定批款65 398 400美元给联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费61 449 400美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的3 346 300美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的602 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "17岁。 24. 又决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊54 498 667美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年4月30日期间的经费;", "18岁。 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 590 083美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 301 083美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额236 250美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额52 750美元;", " 19. 19. 16. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊10 899 733美元,每月5 449 866美元,充作2012年5月1日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "20号. 19. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内518 017美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数460 217美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额47 250美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额10 550美元;", "21岁 17. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "22号. 21. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第21段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 联合国 22. 又决定,上文第21和22段提及的2 386 700美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额138 900美元;", "24 (韩语). 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "25岁 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "26. 联合国 20. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "27个 23. 决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/665和A/65/720和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5。", "[3] A/65/665。" ]
[ "Second regular session 2011", "6 – 9 September 2011, New York", "Item 4 of the provisional agenda", "United Nations Office for Project Services", "United Nations Office for Project Services budget estimates for the biennium 2012-2013", "Summary", "The budget estimates of the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) for the biennium 2012-2013 total $148.7 million. The resources are geared towards implementing the UNOPS 2010-2013 strategic plan (DP/2009/36). Recognizing the significant uncertainties associated with the revenue projections, UNOPS continues to be prudent in its budgeting and therefore targets zero real growth in management resources for the biennium. This reflects UNOPS focus on cost-effectiveness.", "For UNOPS, at its current stage of organizational maturity, a fully replenished operational reserve represents a significant measure of the organization’s financial sustainability and the viability of its business model as a fully self-financing service provider in the United Nations.", "The transition to International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) in 2012 adds to the challenges associated with the preparation of this budget. It is estimated that introduction of IPSAS will affect actual net revenue for 2012-2013 by approximately $13 million, owing mainly to delayed revenue recognition.", "With these budget estimates, UNOPS is targeting the highly ambitious goal of generating sufficient margins that the operational reserves will remain above the minimum requirement at the end of 2013 in spite of the effect on actual results of IPSAS-related accounting treatments. This translates into a target of zero net revenue for the upcoming biennium after accounting for IPSAS implications and regular provisions.", "The format of the UNOPS budget aligns with the harmonized results-based budget approach of UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF. The presentation is centered on the UNOPS management results framework aimed at enhancing and sustaining UNOPS contributions to the United Nations and its partners as outlined in UNOPS strategic plan.", "The budget estimates support key priorities aimed at increasing UNOPS efficiency and effectiveness. UNOPS management and implementation support practices were developed in response to partner demand in certain areas and their continued strengthening remains a priority. Efforts to enhance the quality of UNOPS deliverables through continuous improvement, as well as enhanced transparency and accountability, are demonstrated through further adoption of international best practice standards. Resources are also directed to improving UNOPS ability to help develop partners’ implementation capacity in areas of the UNOPS mandate and core competencies.", "Elements of a decision", "The Executive Board may wish to: (a) approve the net revenue target, recognizing the accounting effects of transition to IPSAS; and (b) endorse the refined management results and the associated targeting of resources.", "Contents", "I. Strategic context 4", "UNOPS mandate reaffirmed by the Executive Board and the General Assembly 4", "Operational results define the areas where UNOPS contributes to partners’ results 4", "Managements results sustain and enhance contributions to the United Nations and other partners 5", "II. Financial context 7", "Projections for the biennium 2010-2011 indicate achievement of net revenue target 7", "Transition to IPSAS delays revenue recognition and changes treatment of assets 7", "Budget preparation and implementation reflect realities on the ground 8", "Projections for the biennium 2012-2013 indicate reduction of fees and stable gross revenue 8", "Operational reserve at minimum requirement, with a cushion for uncertain future 11", "III. Management results and budget framework 12", "Corporate goals drive performance throughout the organization 12", "Management results and budget aligned with UNOPS global structure 13", "UNOPS management results and budget in harmonized functional clusters 16", "IV. Estimates for the budget for the biennium 2012-2013 25", "Zero real growth in management resources 25", "Staff costs reflect consolidation of core capacity 25", "Non-staff costs reflect curtailing of costs 26", "Provisions for potential liabilities and future risks 26", "Tables", "Table 1. Resources for management results by functional cluster 17", "Table 2. Posts by category and location 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 26", "Figures", "Leadership and corporate direction 19", "Corporate external relations and partnerships, communications and resource mobilization 20", "Field/country office oversight, management and operations support 20", "Corporate human resources management 21", "Staff and premises security 22", "Corporate financial, information and communications technology and administrative management 22", "Corporate oversight and assurance 23", "Summary tables", "Summary table 1. Resource plan 28", "Summary table 2. Proposed changes in senior posts 28", "Summary table 3. Budget estimates by expenditure category 29", "Annexes (available on the Executive Board Webpage)", "Annex I. Methodological note on UNOPS management results and budget framework", "Annex II. Technical note on UNOPS operational reserve", "Annex III.Terminology", "Figure I.", "UNOPS global structure", "[]", "I. Strategic context", "1. Central to UNOPS are its commitment to United Nations coherence objectives and contribution to its partners’ results aimed at improving people’s lives, the path towards which is chartered in the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed goals.", "UNOPS mandate reaffirmed by the Executive Board and the General Assembly", "2. UNOPS contributes by expanding the capacity of the United Nations system and its partners to implement peacebuilding, development and humanitarian operations that matter for people in need. In doing so, UNOPS is guided by the triennial comprehensive policy review and subsequent policy reviews performed by the General Assembly. UNOPS mandate was clarified by recent Executive Board decisions 2009/25 and 2010/21.", "3. The General Assembly in its resolution 65/176 reaffirmed UNOPS mandate as contained in Executive Board decision 2009/25, which states, inter alia, “UNOPS acts as a service provider to United Nations system agencies, funds and programmes, international and regional financial institutions, intergovernmental organizations, donor and recipient Governments, non-governmental organizations, foundations and private sector organizations… UNOPS is a central resource for the United Nations system in procurement and contracts management as well as in civil works and physical infrastructure development, including the related capacity development activities.”", "Operational results define the areas where UNOPS contributes to partners’ results", "4. The UNOPS strategic plan 2010-2013 (DP/2009/36) was endorsed in 2009, aligning the planning period with key United Nations partners. The strategic plan presents UNOPS operational results framework comprising four contribution goals, defining the areas where UNOPS contributes to partners’ results; and three cross-cutting concerns for UNOPS operations.", "(a) UNOPS contribution goals:", "1. Rebuilding peace and stability after conflict", "2. Early recovery of communities affected by natural disasters", "3. Ability of people to develop economies and obtain social services", "4. Environmental sustainability and adaptation to climate change", "(b) Cross-cutting operational concerns:", "1. Gender equality and the empowerment of women", "2. National capacity development", "3. Environmental sustainability", "The strategic plan presents the steps that UNOPS is taking in pursuit of its vision: “to always satisfy partners with management services that meet world class standards of quality, speed and cost-effectiveness”. An important related feature of the strategic plan is to focus the work of UNOPS where it can contribute the most to the results of partners, which in turn will help build operational excellence in these areas. The thrust of the vision was further confirmed by the General Assembly, which recognized in its resolution 65/176 “the potential for value-adding contributions that United Nations Office for Project Services can make in providing efficient, cost-effective services to partners in the areas of project management, human resources, financial management and common/shared services”.", "5. The strategic plan builds upon the lessons learned in the implementation of the UNOPS business strategy 2007-2009, which focused on rebuilding financial stability through improved client satisfaction, the introduction of world class business practices and performance, and enhanced workforce competence and motivation.", "6. Much has been achieved: UNOPS is already an active and more appreciated member of United Nations country teams; financial viability has been proven for five consecutive years; and there is greater accountability and transparency, as well as enhanced management of risks, internal controls and oversight. UNOPS received an unqualified external audit for the period 2008-2009 and achieved the operational reserves minimum requirement at the end of 2009, two years ahead of the target set out in the 2010-2011 budget estimates. With that, UNOPS took significant steps towards completing the financial clean-up of the organization that has been in process since 2006. Outstanding issues pertain to historic liabilities and UNOPS is working systematically with the involved parties to resolve these issues.", "Management results sustain and enhance contributions to the United Nations and other partners", "7. Building on these achievements, the 2010-2011 budget estimates prioritize certain strategic initiatives aimed at increasing UNOPS efficiency and effectiveness and contributions to partners’ results. These include continued improvement of business practices in line with world-class standards, preparations to implement IPSAS, and other measures to further enhance transparency and accountability. Priority is also attached to strengthening project management as a practice area offering policy guidance, tools, and training to personnel worldwide, as well as strengthening knowledge management in UNOPS focus areas, and UNOPS ability to help build national implementation capacity within its mandate areas.", "8. In line with the ambition stated in the strategic plan, UNOPS set out to achieve external certification of core management functions, business processes and personnel. In June 2011, this work resulted in UNOPS gaining the prestigious ISO 9001 quality management system certification. UNOPS is the first United Nations organization to have its global management systems certified to ISO 9001. As part of the process, UNOPS documented core business practices in its Practice and Quality Management System. During a series of ISO assessments in 2011 the organization demonstrated that it consistently follows and refines these processes at all levels.", "9. During 2011, UNOPS was officially awarded the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply Certification in Procurement Policies and Procedures. This is a major achievement and UNOPS currently is the only United Nations body to have this recognition. This certification demonstrates that UNOPS has sound procurement policies, processes and procedures, verified and monitored by an independent body.", "10. The above-mentioned certifications illustrate how UNOPS partners benefit from business practices which reflect leading international standards. UNOPS will continue to prioritize such efforts to enhance and demonstrate the quality, speed and cost-effectiveness of the way it works. These efforts are expected to continue to yield benefits with regard to the quality of UNOPS deliverables, as well as both revenue and expenditure patterns in the current and future budget estimates.", "11. UNOPS management results framework, as articulated in the strategic plan 2010-2013, reflects the results that UNOPS as a self-financed organization must strive towards in order to sustain and enhance its ability to contribute to the United Nations and its partners. The presentation of the budget estimates is centred on this framework, which has been updated to enable effective implementation and communication of UNOPS management strategy. With a view to improving the methodology, UNOPS will continue examining lessons learned from its own implementation of results-based budgeting and management, and by studying experiences in UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF, among others.", "12. In this context, as part of its annual report on 2011, UNOPS is planning to include an assessment of its strategic plan. This will be an opportunity to further explore how UNOPS will create greater value for partners and simultaneously a strategic positioning of the organization that will keep it relevant for many years to come.", "II. Financial context", "13. This section first provides a summary of the interim financial results and projections for the biennium 2010-2011. It then outlines the main budget-related implications of the transition to IPSAS in 2012, before describing the process followed for the preparation of these budget estimates. This leads to a presentation of projections for the biennium 2012-2013, as well as status and expected development in the operational reserve.", "Projections for the biennium 2010-2011 indicate achievement of net revenue target", "14. As reflected in the financial highlights presented in the annual report for 2010, at the mid-point of the biennium UNOPS is well positioned to achieve its net revenue target for 2010-2011. UNOPS achieved significant growth in gross revenue in 2010 while maintaining mangement expenditure at the same level as in 2009, a tribute to UNOPS consistent focus on cost-effectiveness.", "15. Through its management information systems, UNOPS monitors results on an ongoing basis and financial performance against targets in real time. In the first months of 2011, UNOPS has experienced a reduction in business acquisitions and delivery that may be caused by the financial crisis affecting partners’ budgets. UNOPS will continue its prudent management practices, ensuring continued financial sustainability even in the event of a potential reduction in the revenue trend. The outcome of accounting provisions are particularly difficult to estimate in advance, as in many cases this requires agreements with partner organizations, arbitration settlements with contractors, or financial commitments by donors.", "16. At the time of budget preparation, it was necessary to make certain assumptions regarding expected opening balances for the next biennium. Based on these, UNOPS is reasonably confident that it will meet, or exceed, the net revenue target set for the 2010 – 2011 biennium.", "17. The actual financial performance of UNOPS in 2010-2011, to be reflected in the certified financial statement for the biennium, will depend on revenue generated and expenditures incurred until the last day of 2011. It will also be influenced by determinations of write-offs or bad debt provisions for historic liabilities. The actual result, and any impact on future planning, will be reported to the Executive Board in 2012.", "Transition to IPSAS delays revenue recognition and changes treatment of assets", "18. The accounting impact of the introduction of IPSAS in 2012 is diffucult to assess and therefore needs to be closely monitored and carefully managed. It is currently estimated that the transition from UN System Accounting Standards (UNSAS) to IPSAS will affect actual net revenue for 2012-2013 by approximately $13 million, owing mainly to delayed recognition of revenue under IPSAS and different treatment of assets.", "19. By comparing the accounting practices currently applied by UNOPS –UNSAS, with those that will be applied under IPSAS, it becomes clear that some of the revenue that under UNSAS would have been accounted for in the 2012-2013 biennium now will be accounted for in the following biennium. The negative effect on revenue for 2012-2013 is estimated to be $12 million – a one-off effect that will not affect the results of bienniums after 2013.", "20. Under IPSAS, UNOPS administrative assets will no longer be fully expensed on acquistion but will instead be capitalized and depreciated over the useful life. The net effect of this change in accounting practices is estimated to be $1 million in additional cost over the biennium 2012-2013.", "Budget preparation and implementation reflect realities on the ground", "21. In order to ensure ownership and reflect realities ‘on the ground’, all UNOPS regions were involved in developing the budget estimates. The revenue projections were prepared through a two-pronged process: At the corporate level, the projections were based on analysis of past performance, combined with assumptions provided by senior management. This analysis was complemented by a bottom-up exercise where regions were asked to provide projections for the areas contributing most significantly to revenue, as well as areas where significant change may be expected. The fact that these two scenarios on aggregate gave virtually the same results provides assurance that the estimates represent the best possible prediction at the current point in time.", "22. In line with the organizational structure, implementation of the budget will be decentralized to regional offices, operations centres, project centres and clusters, which will be held accountable for reaching annual target agreements. The status of various entities in the organizational structure will also be revised based on the annual target-setting exercise, and reviews and adjustments during implementation.", "23. Monitoring of, and reporting on, budget implementation is an integral part of UNOPS comprehensive performance management system. Data are collected and analysed to allow results to be reported at different levels, including core activity and corporate function, for the whole organization, by region and by entity.", "24. To allow the flexibility required to meet changing demands for UNOPS services by its partners, financial regulation 14.02 grants the Executive Director authority to redeploy funds within the approved biennial management budget, as well as to increase or reduce funds, including the number of posts in the staffing table, provided the net revenue target for the biennium established by the Executive Board is met.", "Projections for the biennium 2012-13 indicate reduction of fees and stable gross revenue", "25. The nature of UNOPS, as a fully self-financing service provider, causes significant uncertainty in predictions of delivery and, accordingly, revenue, which will finance the UNOPS budget. At the time of preparing the 2012-2013 budget estimates, most of UNOPS partners faced funding constraints. In view of this, UNOPS is conservative in its budgeting.", "26. In UNOPS every engagement must cover its full costs, including direct charges, contributions to corporate overheads covering all corporate functions contained in this budget proposal and to the operational reserves as a buffer for management of financial risks and liabilities. If the operational reserves continue to be fully replenished and once all historic liabilities are met, UNOPS may reduce the fees for its implemenation services from the current levels of a minimum of 4 per cent for transactional services, such as standard procurement, and a minimum of 7 per cent for project implementation services. Recent times have seen a gradual reduction in the average fees to an estimated level of 5.61 per cent in 2010, compared to 5.68 in 2009. For the upcoming biennium, it is expected that the average fee will continue to be reduced, to 5.5 per cent, slightly below the average of 2009 and 2010 actuals. The actual fee rate will depend on the volume and composition of services actually delivered in the budget period.", "Figure II", "Budget estimates as share of total expenditure 2012-2013", "[]", "27. For the biennium 2012-2013, the total gross revenue target is set at $148.7 million. This revenue is composed of $118.5 million in estimated revenue from project implementation services, $20.2 million from advisory and transactional services and $10.0 million in miscellaneous income. The estimated revenue from project implementation services was determined after considering the estimated $12 million in delayed revenue recognition for the biennium under IPSAS. Figure III illustrates how these projections compare with past performance. Notably, in the figure, revenue for 2010-2011 are a combination of 2010 actuals and 2011 estimates; 2012-2013 data are the budget estimates; while data for previous years are actuals.", "28. Considering the significant expected accounting effects of the transition to IPSAS in 2012, adding up to a total negative effect of $13 million, UNOPS plans for a net zero contribution to the operational reserves over the biennium. According to estimates, the operational reserves will remain above the target determined by the Executive Board at the end of the biennium. Section IV elaborates on the cost estimates for the 2012-2013 management budget.", "Figure III", "Gross revenue trends, by source of revenue", "(In millions of United States dollars)", "[]", "Operational reserve at minimum requirement, with a cushion for uncertain future", "29. As a fully self-financed organization, it is important for UNOPS that the operational reserve remains above the minimum requirement in order to provide a security cushion against uncertainties associated with revenue predictions and consequences of the IPSAS implementation; and for future investments beyond this budget period, such as the eventual replacement of the organization’s enterprise resource management system.", "30. The operational reserve minimum requirement is based on 4 per cent of the rolling average of the combined mangement budget and project expenditures for the last three years of operations. UNOPS achieved the operational reserve requirement at the end of 2009, two years ahead of the target set out in the budget estimates for the biennium 2010-2011. Accordingly, the opening balance for the operational reserve for the period 2010-2011 was $42.7 million, $0.6 million above the minimum requirement.", "31. As reflected in the interim financial results presented as part of the annual report, at the end of 2010 the operational reserve was $56.7 million. It is currently estimated that the closing balance at the end of the biennium 2010-2011 will be of the magnitude of $57 million or $10 million above the estimated minimum reserve requirement at that time. Notably, there is still significant uncertainty related to the financial results for 2011 and actuals reflected are expected to differ from estimates made at this time.", "32. With these budget estimates, UNOPS is targeting the highly ambitious goal of accumulating sufficient margins in 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 such that the operational reserves, in spite of the significant effect of IPSAS-related accounting treatments, at the end of 2013 will remain above the minimum requirement as mandated by the Executive Board. In the light of potential fluctuations in delivery and revenue over the coming years, achievement of this objective will require careful financial management.", "33. Throughout the budget period, UNOPS will carefully monitor revenue and expenditure patterns, and, in line with financial regulation 14.02, make upwards or downwards adjustments to the budget as necessary to align management expenditure with evolving realities. If, for this or other reasons, the net revenue target is not achieved, UNOPS will reduce the operational reserve in accordance with their intended use according to UNOPS financial regulation 22.02.", "34. In this context, UNOPS in 2012 is planning to perform a review of the operational reserve and the mandated minimum requirement, among others, owing to the transition to IPSAS. More information on the operational reserve and its intended use, is contained in the technical note provided in annex II to the present document.", "III. Management results and budget framework", "35. UNOPS management results framework, as articulated in the strategic plan 2010-2013, establishes the management results towards which UNOPS as a self-financed organization must strive in order to sustain and enhance its ability to contribute to the United Nations and its partners.", "Corporate goals drive performance throughout the organization", "36. In UNOPS the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is the central management tool used to drive improved performance and organizational maturity at all levels of the organization. Accordingly, the management results framework of the 2010-2013 strategic plan is structured around the four perspectives of UNOPS BSC: Partner, Business Process, People and Finance.", "37. The management results framework was refined as part of the budget preparation and comprises four corporate goals, one for each BSC perspective. Each corporate goal is operationalized by three action-oriented corporate drivers, providing direction for how the goal is achieved. Each corporate driver is in turn further operationalized by performance measures (indicators), which are used to ascertain progress towards achieving the corporate goal. The management results framework is expressed in direct and action-oriented language, still in generic terms, which makes it dynamic and applicable in all of UNOPS functional areas, and the entities in which they are performed.", "Figure IV", "Management results framework", "[]", "38. The four corporate goals and their respective corporate drivers will facilitate more effective implementation and communication of UNOPS management results framework and management strategy, the execution of which will enable UNOPS to enhance and sustain its contributions to the United Nations and its partners.", "39. A set of indicators associated with corporate goals and corporate drivers will enable UNOPS to monitor performance against its corporate goals. More elaborate descriptions of each corporate goal and corporate driver, including related performance measures, are contained in annex I to the present document.", "Management results and budget aligned with UNOPS global structure", "40. UNOPS organizational structure aims at driving efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of services to partners and clearly defines corporate functions, authorities and accountabilities. The results and budget framework for the biennium 2012-2013 is directly aligned with the UNOPS global structure, and is intended to enable more coordinated decision-making and integrate key functional roles within and around management practices and implementation support practices.", "41. UNOPS management budget framework is structured according to 13 corporate functions, which describe the functional areas of the organization. The framework further identifies five core activities which describe the types of work that UNOPS personnel engage in, across the organization. Each of the five core activities are in turn linked to one or more of the above-mentioned 12 corporate drivers and their respective performance measures, all of which are founded on the four perspectives of the UNOPS BSC.", "Figure V", "Aligning the organization’s core activities and corporate functions", "[]", "42. This set-up and alignment of UNOPS management results and budget framework reflect the strong linkages and dependencies among and across UNOPS functional and geographical areas. It recognizes that in all organizational entities management and other personnel, regardless of their primary functional area, engage in activities for the purpose of achieving results associated with the four perspectives of the UNOPS BSC. They interact with and service partners; engage in business processes; and interact with their peers and managers, and all activities have financial implications.", "Figure VI", "Cascading the Balanced Scorecard across corporate functions and entities in the global structure", "[]", "43. The management results and budget framework presented will further enhance UNOPS ability to manage and monitor progress towards corporate goals within its functions and entities, and for the organization as a whole. At the same time, the framework will be an important means of identifying and prioritizing areas for improvement. The linkage of core activities and corporate drivers in turn provides an opportunity for further aligning the organization for effective implementation of strategy, across all corporate functions and geographical entities, down to the smallest, yet most important component in creating value for partners: UNOPS individual personnel.", "UNOPS management results and budget in harmonized functional clusters", "44. UNOPS management results and budget framework maps to the seven harmonized clusters of the common management resources budget framework as illustrated in figure VII. The overall relationship of the harmonized functional clusters and UNOPS corporate functions and core activities is illustrated in figure VII. Annex I to the present document contains a detailed description of UNOPS management results and budget framework, including the organization’s corporate goals, corporate drivers, core activities and corporate functions.", "Figure VII", "Harmonized functional clusters and UNOPS corporate functions and core activities", "[]", "45. UNOPS has developed its budget for the biennium 2012-2013 in alignment with the harmonized approach adopted by UNDP, UNFPA and UNICEF based on decisions 2010/32 and 2011/10, in which the Executive Board approved the harmonized approaches for cost-classification and results-based budgeting. For the purposes of the UNOPS budget, the key feature of the common framework is the structuring of management resources by seven functional clusters.", "46. In preparing the budget, UNOPS has significantly enhanced the linkages between management results, corporate functions and core activities, and associated performance indicators. UNOPS will continue to align its performance management and organizational structure behind the framework used in reporting to the Executive Board.", "47. This section describes UNOPS managements results and budget framework, through the lens of the seven harmonized functional clusters. Table 1 provides a summary of performance indicators and resources per functional cluster.", "Table 1. Resources for management results by functional cluster", "Harmonizedfunctionalcluster\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\t2012-2013managementresources\nLeadershipand corporatedirection\tUNOPS contributions toUnited NationsDevelopment AssistanceFrameworks\tNewmeasure\t75%\t75%\t$20,956,681\n\tTimely implementationof improvementinitiatives agreedthrough UNOPS QualityManagement Reviewprocess Newmeasure\t90%\t90%\n\tAchievement of netrevenue target approvedby the Executive Board $5million\tBiennialtarget\t$0million\n\tAchievement of minimumoperational reservesrequirement 100%\tBiennialtarget\t100%\nCorporateexternalrelations andpartnerships,communicationsand resourcemobilization\tTotal businessacquisition\t$1.5billion\t$1.53billion\t$1.58billion\t$15,572,524\n\tAverage number ofmonthly visits to UNOPSpublic website 70,000\t71,500\t73,000\n\tPercentage of regionalentities’ websitescompliant withcorporate standards Newmeasure\t85%\t90%\n\tPercentage of personnelsatisfied with UNOPSintranet 79%\t80%\t80%\nField/countryofficeoversight,managementandoperationssupport\tShare of globalportfolio of projectsdelivering on track (onschedule, withinbudget)\tNewmeasure\tTBD*\tTBD*\t$68,373,522\n\tAverage duration ofprocurement throughformal solicitation(number of days) 88\t87\t85\n\tImplementation rate ofaccumulated internalaudit recommendation 71%\t76%\t80%\nCorporatehumanresourcesmanagement\tAverage duration ofstaff recruitment(number of days)\tNewmeasure\t100\t80\t$6,795,842\n\tPerformance appraisalcompletion rate 60%\t85%\t90%\n\tGender distribution ofincumbents of postsfunded through themanagement budget(percentage of femaleincumbents) 42%\t44%\t45%\n\tPerformance on UNOPSpersonnel attitudeindex 78%\t79%\t80%\nStaff andpremisessecurity\tPercentage of UNOPSpersonnel satisfiedwith overall access toUN/UNOPS safety andsecurity information\t77%\t78%\t80%\t$1,129,321\n\tPercentage of regionalentities meetingminimum securityassurance measures Newmeasure\t71%\t82%\n\tPercentage of regionalentities meetingBusiness Continuity andDisaster RecoveryPlanning requirements 80%\t91%\t97%\nCorporatefinancial,informationandcommunicationstechnologyandadministrativemanagement\tTimely recurrentcorporate financialclosure\tNewmeasure\t75%\t100%\t$23,063,711\n\tRate of implementationof prior biennia UnitedNations Board ofAuditorsrecommendations 90%\t82%\t90%\n\tPercentage of entitiesmeeting financial dataquality standards 95%\t96%\t97%\nCorporateoversight andassurance\tHeadquarters Contractsand Property Committeeaverage processing timefor procurement cases(number of days)\t8\t8\t8\t$3,845,104\n\tLevel of implementationof risk-based internalaudit plan for InternalAudit andInvestigations Groupinternal audits 70%\t75%\t80%\n\tShare of requiredpersonnel filing offinancial disclosure 95%\t98%\t99%", "* To be determined.", "Leadership and corporate direction", "48. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Leadership and corporate direction” spans the corporate function, Corporate Strategic Management and Leadership and the core activity, Lead and Manage Strategy. This association emphazises that UNOPS as a global organization with real time connectivity must ensure that responsibility for leadership and strategic management is assumed at headquarters as well as by key positions throughout the regional structure and functional areas.", "49. Issues and narrative. This harmonized functional cluster articulates the accountabilities of the Executive Director to the Executive Board for implementing the 2010-2013 strategic plan and relevant targets set in the biennial budget and UNOPS corporate BSC. It enables the Executive Director to hold managers throughout the organization accountable for their contributions to these results. Adoption of UNOPS core values throughout the organization continues to be of special importance as well as further strengthening of corporate performance management tools and frameworks to monitor and drive achievement of operational and management results. Furthermore, emphasis will be placed on enhancing transparency and accountability measures.", "50. UNOPS management will investigate opportunities for implementing additional relevant external certifications of UNOPS processes and people, while maintaining existing certifications in the areas of project management, human resources and finance, as well as internal certification schemes.", "51. Accountability and funding level. Strategic management and leadership must take place and is funded within all entities of the global structure as well as within all functional areas. Thus, accountability lies with the Executive Office, as well as management across the organization’s practices and regional entities. In addition, the Corporate Performance and Management Group is dedicated to this function. The estimtated funding level is $20.9 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nRecognizedvalue\tBuildsustainablepartnerships\tUNOPS contributions toUnited NationsDevelopment AssistanceFrameworks\tNewmeasure\t75%\t75%\nProcessexcellence\tInnovate\tTimely implementation ofimprovement initiativesagreed through UNOPSQuality Management Reviewprocess\tNewmeasure\t90%\t90%\nFinancialsustainability\tStewardfinancialresources\tAchievement of netrevenue target approvedby the Executive Board\t$5million\tBiennialtarget\t$0million\n\tInvestforsustainability\tAchievement ofoperational reserverequirement\t100%\tBiennialtarget\t100%", "Corporate external relations and partnerships, communications and resource mobilization", "52. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Corporate external relations and partnerships, communications and resource mobilization” comprises two of UNOPS corporate functions: Partnerships, Products and Service Quality Management; and Communications.", "53. Issues and narrative. While partner relations are primarily decentralized to the country level, ways to leverage country knowledge and experience across regions will be explored in order to enhance existing and new engagements’ value added to partners. These efforts will be focused on the areas of UNOPS implementation support practices and will, in turn, facilitate sharing of knowledge and skills throughout the regions. UNOPS will focus its portfolio in order to target opportunities where it can enhance its value to partners. In developing products and services, special priority will be given to service Member States’ call to help build national implementation capacity within UNOPS mandate areas. Communication efforts will be made to obtain additional knowledge of partner needs and convey how UNOPS can address those needs.", "54. Accountability and funding level. Accountability lies with the Outreach and Partnerships Group and management across the organization’s regional entities. The estimated funding level is $15.6 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nRecognizedvalue\tBuildsustainablepartnerships\tTotal businessacquisition\t$1.5billion\t$1.53billion\t$1.58billion\n\tCommunicateefficientlyandtransparently\tAverage number of monthlyvisits to UNOPS publicwebsite\t70,000\t71,500\t73,000\n Percentage of regionalentities’ websitescompliant with corporatestandards\tNewmeasure\t85%\t90%\n Percentage of personnelsatisfied with UNOPSIntranet\t79%\t80%\t80%", "Field/country office oversight, management and operations support", "55. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Field/country office oversight, management and operations support” comprises three of UNOPS corporate functions: Project Management; Procurement and Supply Chain; and Legal. In addition, the core activity Process and Record is part of this functional cluster.", "56. Issues and narrative. Project management continues to be the UNOPS primary modality for delivering value both externally and internally. Having established Prince2 as the project management methodology of the organization, UNOPS focuses on strengthening key aspects of its project management practice; skills development and experience-sharing to make practices more consistent, clearer career paths for practitioners, tools to facilitate and support development of engagements and project delivery, and more efficient and effective controls.", "57. As mentioned above, in 2011 UNOPS was awarded ISO 9001 certification for quality management. While this is a major milestone, it also sets a base for continuing improvement. UNOPS will also seek to enhance its engagement in relevant United Nations working groups related to good business practices, particularly in the context of the High-Level Committee on Management.", "58. UNOPS will ensure that there are adequate resources dedicated to the provision of advice and development of guidance on implementation of UNOPS policies, particularly for the organization’s management practices: project management, finance, human resources, and procurement and supply chain. This will serve to mitigate risk for the organization and its partners, as well as transparency of process and accountability.", "59. As part of the drive for process excellence UNOPS will further harness its ability to provide efficient and effective operational capacity through transactional or support services, internally as well as externally.", "60. Accountability and funding level. Accountability lies with management across the organization’s regional entities, the Project Management Practice, the Procurement and Supply Chain Practice Group, the Legal Practice Group and all practices enabling transactional services, process support and records maintenance in support of operations. The estimated funding level is $68.4 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nRecognizedvalue\tDeliverworld-classproductsandservicesaddingsustainablevalue\tShare of global portfolioof projects delivering ontrack (on schedule,within budget)\tNewmeasure\tTBD*\tTBD*\nProcessexcellence\tComplywithprocess\tImplementation rate ofaccumulated internalaudit recommendation\t71%\t76%\t80%\n\tImproveprocessefficiencyandeffectiveness\tAverage duration ofprocurement throughformal solicitation(number of days)\t88\t87\t85", "* To be determined.", "Corporate human resources management", "61. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Corporate human resources management” covers the UNOPS corporate function Human Resources.", "62. Issues and narrative. UNOPS will continue its work on harmonizing post levels with the United Nations, and align functional titles and job descriptions within the organization. In addition, UNOPS will seek to improve career development opportunities and modalities for UNOPS personnel. In this connection, UNOPS will strengthen personnel performance management and monitoring and, if necessary, adjust the recent implementation of the UNOPS recognition, rewards and sanctions policy. UNOPS will also continue its work on a talent roster, which will facilitate attraction of talent and career development of personnel.", "63. Accountability and funding level. Accountability lies with the Human Resource Practice Group. The estimated funding level is $6.8 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nProcessexcellence\tImproveprocessefficiencyandeffectiveness\tAverage duration of staffrecruitment(number of days)\tNewmeasure\t100\t80\nPeopleexcellence\tRecruitandrecognizetalent\tPerformance on UNOPSpersonnel attitude index\t78%\t79%\t80%\n\tDeveloptalent\tPerformance appraisalcompletion rate\t60%\t85%\t90%\n\tEmbraceUnitedNationsvalues\tGender distribution ofincumbents of posts fundedthrough the managementbudget (percentage offemale incumbents)\t42%\t44%\t45%", "Staff and premises security", "64. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Staff and premises security” covers UNOPS corporate function, Security.", "65. Issues and narrative. Security is vital for UNOPS. It sets the ground parameters within which UNOPS personnel can plan and implement operations in order to contribute to the United Nations and other partners. As a consequence, UNOPS made a significant investment in its security function in the past biennium. This investment will enable further coordinated and structured distribution of information on safety and security as well as assessment of adherence to minimum security standards. Importantly, the majority of UNOPS security costs are covered directly in the relevant project budgets.", "66. Accountability and funding level. Accountability lies with UNOPS Safety and Security in the Corporate Support Group. The estimated funding level is $1.1 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nProcessexcellence\tImproveprocessefficiencyandeffectiveness\tPercentage of regionalentities meeting minimumsecurity assurancemeasures\tNewmeasure\t71%\t82%\n Percentage of regionalentities meeting BusinessContinuity and DisasterRecovery Planningrequirements\t80%\t91%\t97%\nPeopleexcellence\tRecruitandrecognizetalent\tPercentage of UNOPSpersonnel satisfied withoverall access to UnitedNations/UNOPS safety andsecurity information\t77%\t78%\t80%", "Corporate financial, information and communications technology and administrative management", "67. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Corporate financial, information and communications technology and administrative management” comprises three of UNOPS corporate functions: finance; information and communications technology; and general administration.", "68. Issues and narrative. Building on its demonstrated financial stability, UNOPS will continue to work on strengthening financial risk management, internal controls and oversight. Implementation of IPSAS will provide enhanced transparency and UNOPS will closely monitor the implementation, continuously reviewing its impact on cost and revenue for the organization. In addition, UNOPS will review its pricing principles and strategic investments in order to ensure the sustainability of the organization.", "69. While supporting and maintaining existing systems and infrastructure, UNOPS will carry on exploring and developing more efficient and effective ways of supporting its operations worldwide. This includes automating workflows and making tools for transactional services available as a basis for real-time information management in addition to identifying cost-effective approaches to expand information and communications technology development capacity.", "70. UNOPS will continue strengthening articulation and implementation of administrative policies and procedures. At UNOPS headquarters in Copenhagen, time and resources will be dedicated to coordinate and facilitate UNOPS move from its current headquarters premises to the UN City premises, which UNOPS will share with the other United Nations organizations present in Denmark.", "71. Accountability and funding level. Accountability lies with the Finance Practice Group and the Corporate Support Group. The proposed funding level is $23.1 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nProcessexcellence\tImproveprocessefficiencyandeffectiveness\tTimely recurrentcorporate financialclosure\tNewmeasure\t75%\t100%\nFinancialsustainability\tEnsurefinancialcontrol\tRate of implementation ofUnited Nations Board ofAuditors recommendationsfor prior bienniums\t90%\t82%\t90%\n Percentage of entitiesmeeting financial dataquality standards\t95%\t96%\t97%", "Corporate oversight and assurance", "72. Definition. The harmonized functional cluster “Corporate oversight and assurance” comprises UNOPS corporate functions: Internal Audit and Investigations, Contract and Property Review, and Ethics.", "73. Issues and narrative. The Internal Audit and Investigations Group will continue to assist UNOPS management to assess and improve the adequacy, efficiency and effectiveness of UNOPS control systems, business practices and use of resources to achieve results. The Group provides the Executive Director and UNOPS governing bodies with reasonable assurance on UNOPS governance and risk management processes, and internal controls of its performance in supporting the accountability framework. Their reports are vital for the continuous improvement of the organization. Furthermore, the Group plays an important role in enabling and assuring the quality of project audits funded directly through the contracts with partners.", "74. UNOPS will continue exercising assurance on UNOPS procurement function. The assurance function will be made more efficient through establishment of additional Local Contract and Property Committees based in the Regional Offices.", "75. Accountability and funding level. Accountability lies with the Internal Audit and Investigations Group, the Executive Chief Procurement Officer, the Headquarters Contracts and Property Committee, and the Ethics Officer. This functional cluster also includes costs associated with external oversight provided by the United Nations Board of Auditors; and costs of services which may be rendered by the Investigation Division of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on a fee basis. The estimated funding level is $3.8 million.", "Corporategoal\tCorporatedriver\tPerformance indicator\tBaseline\tTarget2012\tTarget2013\nProcessexcellence\tImproveprocessefficiencyandeffectiveness\tHeadquarters Contract andProperty Committeeaverage processing timefor procurement cases(number of days)\t8\t8\t8\nFinancialsustainability\tEnsurefinancialcontrol\tLevel of implementationof risk-based internalaudit plan for theInternal Audit andInvestigations Groupinternal audits\t70%\t75%\t80%\n Share of requiredpersonnel filing offinancial disclosure\t95%\t98%\t99%", "IV. Budget estimates for the biennium 2012-2013", "76. The budget estimates of $148.7 million for the biennium 2012-2013 consist of $139.7 million in management resources, $1.0 million in estimated additional one-off expenditure due to the transition to IPSAS and an earmarking for potential provisions in the amount of $8.0 million. For comparison, in its 2010-2011 budget estimates UNOPS budgeted for $130.2 million in management resources and $5.0 million earmarked for potential provisions.", "Zero real growth in management resources", "77. The full, average effect of inflation for 2012-2013 is estimated at 3.6 per cent per year, reflecting the combined impact of a 3.0 per cent annual inflation rate at headquarters in Copenhagen, and a 3.9 per cent average annual inflation rate for all other locations. The inflation rates are derived from the United Nations Secretariat for New York and Geneva, from the Danish Statistical Agency for Copenhagen and other reliable, public sources for other locations.", "78. The zero real growth in management resources reflects UNOPS efforts to continuously curtail costs through increased efficiency and effectiveness, offsetting the increase otherwise required. In line with these efforts, the number of posts in the budget has been kept stable compared to the 2011, reflecting the outcome of the reclassification exercise initiated in 2009.", "79. In preparing these budget estimates, UNOPS performed a thorough review of actual expenditure in various cost categories over the last years. The outcome of this review, adjustments of the staffing table and other priorities set for the biennium 2012-2013, formed the basis on which biennial costs were estimated.", "Staff costs reflect consolidation of core capacity", "80. The 2012-2013 budget reflects a consolidation of core capacity; the number of posts has been kept to what is in place in 2011 and vacancy rates are expected to be somewhat lower. Altogether this explains the $3.4 million in volume increases associated with posts and staff costs as reflected in summary table 3.", "81. Table 2 provides an overview of UNOPS posts, comparing the 2010-2011 and 2012-2013 budget estimates. The addition of net 21 posts in the table primarily reflects completion of the UNOPS reclassification exercise initated in 2009 in line with Executive Board decision 2009/5. The reclassification exercise further aligned UNOPS staffing with the overall organizational structure, and resulted in UNOPS grade levels comparable with those of other United Nations organizations, as well as conversion of some individual contractor agreements to posts in the core structure funded by the management budget. The upgrades of three D-1 level posts for Operations Centre Directors have already been implemented under the authority of the Executive Director owing to the increased size of the operations in those countries.", "82. The proposed upgrade of the Executive Director position from the Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) to the Under-Secretary-General (USG) level is in recognition of the enhanced accountability and responsibility of the position. The accountability arrangements for the organization changed significantly with the implementation of Executive Board decision 2008/35 regarding the governance structure of UNOPS whereby the Executive Director reports to the Executive Board and the Secretary-General directly (instead of through the former Management Coordination Committee). UNOPS mandate was clarified by recent Executive Board decisions 2009/25 and 2010/21.   General Assembly resolution 65/176, “Renaming of the Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Population Fund to include the United Nations Office for Project Services” confirmed the above Executive Board decisions. Furthermore, the  substantial growth of UNOPS in recent years has increased the responsibilities associated with the position.", "Table 2. Posts by category and location, 2010-2011 and 2012-2013", "2010 -2011 2012-2013 Change budget budget", "Head-quarters Regions Total Head-quarters Regions Total Head-quarters Regions Total", "USG/ASG 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0", "D-2 3 5 8 3 5 8 0 0 0", "D-1 7 12 19 7 15 22 0 3 3", "Other 51 96 147 57 95 152 6 -1 5 international professionals", "All other 53 116 169 55 127 182 2 11 13", "Total 116 229 345 124 242 366 8 13 21", "Non-staff costs reflect curtailing of costs", "83. As reflected in summary table 3, the budget for consultants has been reduced significantly, by $2.1 million, or 9 per cent, in real terms. While UNOPS plans to continue to leverage the flexibility offered by consultant contracts, alongside the strengthening of its core capacity it plans to reduce the overall level of international consultants, local consultants and contractual services funded by the management budget.", "84. In line with the ambition of UNOPS to aggressively curtail costs, it plans for an 11 per cent reduction in operating expenses in real terms. In anticipation of the scheduled move of UNOPS headquarters to the new UN City in Copenhagen, costs in the expenditure category for furniture and equipment have been increased. Finally, costs for reimbursements have been slightly increased, inter alia in anticipation of one-off costs associated with making Atlas support IPSAS – a cost to be shared among the Atlas partner agencies.", "Provisions for potential liabilities and future risks", "85. The budget for the biennium 2012-2013 includes an earmarking for potential provisions in the amount of $8 million, compared with $5 million in the 2010-2011 budget. This increase is based on an assessment of historic liabilities, write-offs made over the last few years and the desire to make adequate provisions for such potential liabilities and future risks. The provisions for 2012-2013 also provide for potential merit rewards associated with UNOPS three-year performance management pilot on Recognition, Rewards and Sanctions in accordance with UNOPS Financial Regulations and Rules, rule 130.05 and as endorsed by the International Civil Service Commission.", "Summary tables", "Summary table 1. Resource plan", "2010-2011 2010 2012-2013 (actuals) - 2011 (estimates)", "1. Resources available Budget Budget estimates estimates", "Operational 42.7 42.7 57.0 reserve beginning of period", "Management fees 125.3 129.2 118.5", "Advisory and reimbursable 6.3 13.2 20.2 services income", "Miscellaneous income 8.5 19.0 10.0", "Total income 140.2 161.4 148.7", "Total 182.9 204.1 205.7 available", "2. Use of resources", "Management resources 130.2 131.1 139.7", "Provisions 5.0 16.0 8.0", "Implications of IPSAS n/a n/a 1.0", "Total use of 135.2 147.1 148.7 resources", "3. Balance of resources", "Net revenue 5.0 14.3 0.0", "Operational 47.7 57.0 57.0 reserve end of period", "Summary table 2. Proposed changes in senior posts", "USG/ASG D-2 D-1 Total", "2010 – 2011 posts 2 8 19 29", "A. Increases and decreases", "Headquarters 0 0 0 0", "Field 0 0 3 3", "Total increases and 0 0 3 3 decreases", "B. Reclassifications", "Total changes (net) 0 0 0 0", "2012 – 2013 posts 2 8 22 32", "Summary table 3. Budget estimates by expenditure category", "(in millions of dollars)", "Expenditure category 2010 Volume Cost 2012 -20 13 (actuals) increase\n 2011 Amount $ Percentage increase budget (estimates) amount $ estimates", "Posts a/ 45.4 2.2 4.8% 3.3 50.9", "Common staff costs 26.7 1.3 4.8% 2.0 30.0", "Travel 7.2 -0.1 -1.5% 0.5 7.6", "Consultants b/ 23.4 -2.1 -9.0% 1.7 23.0", "Operating expenses c/ 24.8 -2.7 -11.1% 1.8 23.8", "Furniture and 0.7 0.2 34.7% 0.1 1.0 equipment", "Reimbursements 2.8 0.3 11.5% 0.2 3.4", "Total expenditure 131.1 -0.9 -0.7% 9.6 139.7", "a/ Includes costs for posts (local and international), and learning costs.", "b/ Includes international consultants, local consultants, contractual services and company contracts.", "c/ Includes general operation expenses, material and goods, communication and audiovisual equipment, hospitality, information technology equipment, rental and maintenance, and miscellaneous expenses." ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目4", "联合国项目事务厅", "联合国项目事务厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数", "摘要", "联合国项目事务厅(项目厅)2012-2013两年期预算估计数共计1.487亿美元。这些资源将用于执行项目厅2010-2013年战略计划(DP/2009/36)。项目厅认识到收入预测具有很大的不确定性,继续审慎地进行预算编制,因此目标是做到该两年期管理资源的零实际增长。这反映出项目厅注重成本效益。", "就项目厅而言,在当前所处的组织成熟阶段,得到充分补充的业务准备金是一个重要衡量尺度,显示该机构作为联合国一个完全自筹资金的服务提供者在财务上的可持续性及其经营模式的可行性。", "在2012年过渡到国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)加大了本预算的编制难度。据估计,采用公共部门会计准则将对2012-2013年实际净收入带来约1 300万美元的影响,主要原因是对收入的确认延迟。", "根据这些预算估计数,项目厅力图实现一个非常高远的目标:尽管由于实行公共部门会计准则而进行的会计处理方法对实际结果会产生影响,但是将创造充足的留量,使2013年底的业务准备金保持在最低要求之上。这意味着在计及公共部门会计准则所带来的影响和经常经费之后,下一个两年期的目标是净收入为零。", "项目厅的预算格式与开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会统一实行的成果预算制方法相一致。列报方式围绕的是项目厅管理成果框架,目的是按照项目厅战略计划,增进和保持项目厅对联合国及其伙伴的贡献。", "预算估计数支持以提高项目厅效率和成效为目的的重要优先事项。项目厅的管理和执行支助做法是根据特定领域的伙伴提出的要求制定的,继续加强这些做法仍然属于优先事项。通过不断作出改进以及提高透明度和加强问责制,为提高项目厅所交付成果的质量进行了努力,这些努力体现在进一步采用国际最佳做法标准当中。资源还将用于使项目厅能够更好地帮助伙伴加强在项目厅任务领域和核心能力范围内的执行能力。", "决定要点", "谨提议执行局:(a) 考虑到过渡到公共部门会计准则对会计工作的影响,批准净收入目标;(b) 核准经过完善的管理成果和与此相关的资源定向。", "目录", "页次\n1.战略背景 6\n执行局和大会所重申的项目厅的任务 6\n业务成果确定了项目厅为伙伴的成果做出贡献的领域 6\n管理成果有助于保持和增进对联合国和其他伙伴的贡献 7\n2.财务背景 8\n2010-2011两年期的预测表明,实现了净收入目标 8\n向公共部门会计准则的过渡延迟了收入确认,改变了资产处理办法 9\n预算编制和执行反映实地的现实情况 9\n2012-13两年期预测表明收费减少,总收入稳定 9\n业务准备金的最低要求,为今后的不确定做准备 11\n3.管理成果和预算框架 12\n确立整体目标,以此推动整个项目厅的业绩 12\n与项目厅全球结构相对应的管理成果和预算 13\n项目厅各整合后职能组群的管理成果和预算 15\n4. 2012-2013两年期预算估计数 23\n管理资源的零实际增长 23\n工作人员费用反映了核心能力的整合 23\n非工作人员费用反映了费用的削减 24\n潜在负债和未来风险的备用款 25\n 表 表1. 17 \n按职能组群分列的管理成果资源 表2. 24 \n2010-2011年和2012-2013年按职类和地点开列的员额 \n 图 图一. 5 \n项目厅全球组织结构图 图二. 10 \n预算估计数占2012-2013年开支总额比例 图三. 11 \n收入毛额趋势,按收入来源分析 图四. 13 \n管理成果框架 图五. 14 \n项目厅的核心活动与整体职能的对应 \n图六.全球结构中的整体职能和实体自上而下适用平衡计分卡的流程 15图七. 16 \n整合后的职能组群与项目厅的整体职能和核心活动 \n汇总表 汇总表1. 26 \n资源计划 汇总表2. 26 \n高级员额拟议变动 \n汇总表3.按支出类别开列的预算估计数 27\n附件(见执行局网页)", "图一 项目厅全球组织结构图", "[]", "一. 战略背景", "1. 项目厅的核心任务是致力于联合国一致性目标和为其伙伴以改善人民生活为目的的成果作出贡献,千年发展目标和其他国际商定目标为后者指明了路线。", "执行局和大会所重申的项目厅的任务", "2. 项目厅作出贡献的方式是扩充联合国系统及其伙伴的能力,以便实施对于困境中的人们十分重要的建设和平、发展和人道主义行动。在此过程中,指导项目厅工作的是三年度全面政策审查和其后大会进行的政策审查。执行局最近通过的第2009/25号和第2010/21号决定廓清了项目厅的任务。", "3. 大会第65/176号决议重申了执行局第2009/25号决定所载项目厅的任务,即“项目厅向联合国系统各机构、基金和方案、国际和区域金融机构、政府间组织、捐助国和受援国政府以及非政府组织提供服务……项目厅是联合国系统在采购与合同管理以及土木工程和有形基础设施发展,包括相关能力建设活动方面的核心资源。”", "业务成果确定了项目厅为伙伴的成果做出贡献的领域", "4. 项目厅2010-2013年战略计划(DP/2009/36)于2009年获得核准,将计划所涉期间与重要联合国伙伴的相一致。战略计划列有由四项贡献目标组成的项目厅业务成果框架,确定了项目厅可以为伙伴的成果做出贡献的各个领域,并列出了与项目厅的业务有关的三个跨领域问题。", "(a) 项目厅的贡献目标:", "1. 在冲突后重建和平与稳定", "2. 受自然灾害影响的社区的尽早恢复", "3. 民众发展经济和获得社会服务的能力", "4. 环境可持续性和适应气候变化", "(b) 跨领域的业务问题:", "1. 性别平等和妇女赋权", "2. 国家能力建设", "3. 环境可持续性", "战略计划提出了项目厅为努力实现其愿景而采取的步骤:“通过具备世界级标准的质量、速度和成本效益的管理服务始终满足伙伴的需要”。战略计划的一个重要的相关特点是将项目厅工作的重点放在它能为伙伴的成果做出最大贡献的领域,这样又有助于在这些领域的业务上具有出色业绩。大会进一步确认了上述愿景的要旨,大会第65/176号决议确认了“联合国项目事务厅可以在项目管理、人力资源、财务管理和共同/共享服务等领域向发展伙伴提供具有成本效益的高效服务,因此可能带来增值”。", "5. 项目厅2007-2009年业务战略的重点是通过提高客户的满意度,采用世界级的业务做法和执行手段以及增进工作人员队伍的能力和干劲来重建财务稳定性。本战略计划就是根据在执行该业务战略过程中所取得的经验教训制定的。", "6. 到目前为止已经取得不少成绩:项目厅已经成为联合国国家工作队的一个积极而又更受欢迎的成员;财务可行性已经连续五年得到证明;问责制和透明度得到加强,风险管理、内部控制和监督也得到加强。项目厅在2008-2009年期间获得了无保留外部审计意见,在2009年底达到了业务准备金最低要求,这比2010-2011预算估计数中所列目标提前了两年。因此,项目厅为完成2006年以来一直进行的对本单位进行财务清理的任务取得了重大进展。仍然有待解决的问题涉及历史上的负债,项目厅正在与有关方面进行系统性合作,以解决这些问题。", "管理成果有助于保持和增进对联合国和其他伙伴的贡献", "7. 在取得上述成绩的基础上,2010-2011预算估计数将一些战略举措列为优先事项,这些举措的目的是提高项目厅的效率和成效,增进对伙伴成果的贡献。它们包括根据世界级标准不断改进业务作法,为实行公共部门会计准则做准备,采取其他措施,进一步提高透明度和加强问责制。优先事项还包括加强项目管理,将其作为向世界各地的人员提供政策指导、工具和培训的一个业务领域,以及加强项目厅重点领域的知识管理,并使项目厅能够更好地在其任务领域内帮助建设国家执行能力。", "8. 根据战略计划中所显示的雄心,项目厅着手对核心管理职能、业务流程和人员进行外部认证。2011年6月,通过开展这项工作,项目厅取得了久负盛名的ISO 9001质量管理系统认证。项目厅是全球管理系统取得ISO 9001认证的第一个联合国组织。作为这项工作的一部分,项目厅在其做法和质量管理系统中记载了核心业务做法。在2011年进行的一系列ISO评估过程中,项目厅展现出该单位一贯在各级遵循和完善这些流程。", "9. 2011年,项目厅被正式授予英国皇家采购与供应学会采购政策和程序认证。这是一项重大成就,项目厅目前是获得这项殊荣的唯一的一个联合国机构。这项认证表明,项目厅的采购政策、流程和程序是稳健的,而且得到独立机构的核查和监督。", "10. 上述认证表明项目厅的伙伴可以从达到国际领先标准的业务做法中获得什么样的益处。项目厅将继续优先开展这些工作,提高并展现其工作方式的质量、速度和成本效益。预计这些工作将继续在项目厅所交付成果的质量方面产生效益,并在当前和今后的预算估计数中的收入和支出情况方面产生效益。", "11. 2010-2013年战略计划所列明的项目厅管理成果框架反映出,项目厅作为自筹资金的组织,为保持和加强自身对联合国及其伙伴作出贡献的能力而必须努力实现的成果。预算估计数的列报是围绕这一框架进行的,这一框架已经经过更新,以便能够有效地执行和宣传项目厅管理战略。为改进工作方法,项目厅将继续研究自身在执行成果预算编制和成果管理制的过程中取得的经验教训,并学习开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会等机构的经验。", "12. 为此,作为其2011年年度报告的一部分,项目厅计划列入关于其战略计划的评估结果。借此机会,可以进一步探讨项目厅将如何为伙伴创造更大的价值,同时对自身进行战略定位,以便在今后若干年内一直做到与时俱进。", "二. 财务背景", "13. 本节首先概括中期财务结果和2010-2011两年期预测,然后概述2012年向公共部门会计准则过渡引起的与预算有关的主要问题,再介绍这些预算估计数的编制流程。随后将列报2012-2013年两年期的预测以及业务准备金的现状和预期发展。", "2010-2011两年期的预测表明,实现了净收入目标", "14. 如2010年年度报告中提出的财务要点所示,在2010-2011两年期的中点,项目厅已可望实现该两年期的净收入目标。项目厅在2010年的收入毛额大量增长,管理支出则保持在2009年水平,这归功于项目厅一贯注重成本效益。", "15. 项目厅通过管理信息系统,不断监测成果,并按照目标实时监测财务表现。项目厅在2011年头几个月得到的业务和交付的产出都有所减少,原因可能是伙伴的预算受金融危机影响。项目厅将继续进行审慎管理,确保即使在收入趋势可能下降的情况下,继续保持财政可持续性。会计规定的结果特别难于预先估计,因为在许多情况下,这需要与伙伴组织商定协议,与承包商经仲裁解决纠纷,或由捐助者做出财政承诺。", "16. 在编制预算时,需要作出一定的假设,预测下一个两年期的期初结余。在此基础上,项目厅有理由相信,它将达到或超过2010年-2011两年期的净收入目标。", "17. 项目厅2010-2011年的实际财务表现将列入经认证的两年期财务报表,取决于直到2011年最后一天的收入和开支。实际财务表现还将取决于为历史负债确定的注销额或坏账备抵。实际的结果和对未来规划产生的任何影响将在2012年向执行局汇报。", "向公共部门会计准则的过渡延迟了收入确认,改变了资产处理办法", "18. 2012年引进公共部门会计准则给会计带来的影响很难评估,因此需要进行密切监测和精心管理。据目前估计,由于从联合国系统会计准则过渡到公共部门会计准则,将给2012-2013年实际净收入带来大约1 300万美元的影响,主要是由于根据公共部门会计准则延迟确认收入和对资产的处理办法有所不同。", "19. 通过比较项目厅目前根据联合国系统会计准则使用的会计方法与将根据公共部门会计准则使用的会计方法,会清楚看到,联合国系统会计准则下的一些收入本将算在2012-2013两年期,但现在则要算在下一个两年期。2012-2013年收入所受负面影响估计为1 200万美元——这是一次性影响,不会影响2013年后的两年期的结果。", "20. 根据公共部门会计准则,项目厅的行政资产将不再于购置的时候全额归入支出,而将在整个有用年限期间资本化和折旧。这一会计方法变化所产生的净效应估计将使2012-2013两年期的成本增加100万美元。", "预算编制和执行反映实地的现实情况", "21. 为确保得到认同和反映“实地”的现实情况,项目厅所有区域办事处都参与了预算估计数的编制。收入预测是通过双管齐下的过程得出的:在全组织层面,预测的依据是分析过去的表现以及高级管理人员的假设。除这项分析之外,还进行了自下而上的工作,要求各区域提供关于收入最大来源的预测以及关于可能发生重大变化的方面的预测。这两种情景预测得出的汇总结果几乎相同,这让人放心地认为,在当前,这些估计数是能够得到的最准确预测。", "22. 依照组织结构,预算的执行将分散到各区域办事处、业务中心、项目中心和组群,由其负责达成年度目标协议。对于组织结构内各实体的地位,也将根据年度目标设定情况以及实施过程中的审查和调整来加以修订。", "23. 监测和报告预算执行情况是项目厅全面绩效管理体系的一个必要组成部分。对数据进行收集和分析,以便报告各级数据,包括关于核心活动和机构职能、整个组织以及不同区域和实体的数据。", "24. 为具有必要的灵活性,以满足伙伴对项目厅服务不断变化的需求,财务条例第14.02条授权执行主任在核准的两年期管理预算内调配资金,增减资金,包括增减人员配置表上的员额数;不过,条件是要实现执行局设立的两年期净收入目标。", "2012-13两年期预测表明收费减少,总收入稳定", "25. 项目厅的性质是一个完全自筹资金的服务提供者,这使得交付服务的预测有很大的不确定性,因此,用于为项目厅预算出资的收入也很不确定。在编制2012-2013年预算估计数时,项目厅大多数伙伴面临资金限制。鉴于此,项目厅在编制预算时比较保守。", "26. 项目厅参与的每项活动都必须自己支付全部费用,包括直接费用、对本拟议预算所列所有项目厅职能的本机构管理费用的出资和业务准备金出资,后者将用作管理财务风险和负债的缓冲资金。如果业务准备金继续得到充分补充,所有历史负债一旦全部付清,项目厅可减少其执行服务收费,使其低于当前水平,目前往来业务服务,如标准的采购,最低收费是4%,;项目执行服务最低收费是7%。最近已把平均收费逐渐减少到2010年的约5.61%,2009年则为5.68%。对于下一个两年期,预计平均收费将继续减至5.5%,略低于2009年和2010年实际水平的平均数。实际费率将取决于预算期间内实际提供的服务的数量和组成。", "图二 预算估计数占2012-2013年开支总额比例", "[]", "27. 2012-2013两年期,总收入毛额目标是1.487亿美元,其中包括1.185亿美元的项目执行服务估计收入,咨询和往来业务服务2 020万美元,杂项收入1 000万美元。项目执行服务估计收入是考虑了该两年期由于执行公共部门会计准则而延迟确认的收入1 200万美元。图三把这些预测与过去的表现进行了比较。图中值得注意的是,2010-2011年的收入是2010年实际数和2011年估计数的结合,2012-2013年的数据则是自预算估计数;其他年份的数据则为实际数。", "28. 鉴于2012年向公共部门会计准则过渡预计将产生重大会计影响,加起来的负面影响总计1 300万美元,项目厅计划在该两年期内对业务准备金实行零净出资。据估计,业务准备金在两年期结束时仍将高于执行局确定的目标。第四节阐述了2012-2013年管理预算的费用估计数。", "图三 收入毛额趋势,按收入来源分析", "(百万美元)", "业务准备金的最低要求,为今后的不确定做准备", "29. 作为一个完全自筹资金的组织,项目厅的业务准备金要高于最低要求,以作为安全缓冲,防备收入预测和公共部门会计准则执行后果引起的不确定性,并作为本预算期间之后的投资,如最终替换本组织的企业资源管理系统。", "30. 业务准备金最低要求的依据是,最近3年业务的管理预算和项目支出滚动平均数的4%。项目厅在2009年底达到了业务准备金要求,比2010-2011两年期预算估计数所列目标提前了两年。因此,2010-2011年期间业务准备金的期初余额为4 270万美元,比最低要求高60万美元。", "31. 如年度报告所载中期财务结果所示,2010年底业务准备金为5 670万美元。目前估计,2010-2011两年期结束时的期末余额将是5 700万美元,比当时的最低准备金要求高1 000万美元。值得注意的是,2011年财务结果仍有很大不确定性,实际数字预计将不同于此时的估计数。", "32. 通过这些预算估计数,项目厅雄心勃勃,力求在2010-2011年和2012-2013年积累足够的留量,这样,即使与公共部门会计准则相关的会计处理方法产生重大影响,到2013年年底,业务准备金将继续高于执行局规定的最低要求。鉴于今后几年交付和收入的潜在波动,实现这一目标将需要精心的财务管理。", "33. 在整个预算期间,项目厅将认真监测收入和支出情况,根据财务条例第14.02条对预算进行必要的上下调整,使管理开支符合不断变化的现实。如果出于此原因或其他原因,净收入目标未能实现,项目厅将根据财务条例第22.02条,按照拟定用途减少业务准备金。", "34. 在这种背景下,因向公共部门会计准则过渡,项目厅计划在2012年审查业务准备金和规定的最低要求以及其他事项。关于业务准备金及其拟定用途的补充资料载于本文件附件二中的技术说明。", "三. 管理成果和预算框架", "35. 2010-2013年战略计划说明的项目厅管理成果框架规定了项目厅作为自筹资金的组织必须努力取得的管理成果,以期保持并提高能力,为联合国及其伙伴作出贡献。", "确立整体目标,以此推动整个项目厅的业绩", "36. 平衡计分卡是项目厅在各级提高业绩和促进组织成熟的核心管理工具。因此,2010-2013年战略计划的管理成果框架是围绕项目厅平衡计分卡的以下四个出发点制定:伙伴、业务流程、人和财务。", "37. 项目厅在编制预算的过程中完善了管理成果框架,在其中确立了四个整体目标,平衡计分卡的每个出发点一个目标。每个整体目标都通过三个注重行动的整体推动力来落实,后者为实现目标提供方向。每个整体推动力又通过业绩计量(指标)来具体落实,后者将衡量在实现整体目标方面取得的进展。成果管理框架的表述采用直接和注重行动的语言,但依然普遍适用,从而使其富有活力,并能适用于项目厅的所有职能领域和发挥这些职能的实体。", "图四 管理成果框架", "38. 四个整体目标及其各自的整体推动力将有助于更有效地实施和宣传项目厅的管理成果框架和管理战略,从而将使项目厅更好地并持续地为联合国及其伙伴作出贡献。", "39. 与整体目标和整体推动力有关的一套指标将使项目厅能够对照整体目标,监测实际业绩。本文件附件一进一步详细说明了每个整体目标和整体推动力,包括有关的业绩计量。", "与项目厅全球结构相对应的管理成果和预算", "40. 项目厅的组织结构旨在提高为伙伴提供服务的效率和成效,明确界定该组织各项职能、权限和责任。 2012-2013两年期的成果和预算框架与项目厅的全球结构直接对应,目的是根据和围绕管理业务和执行支助业务进一步协调决策,整合重要职能。", "41. 项目厅的管理预算框架是围绕说明项目厅职能领域的13个整体职能制定的。该框架还确定了五个核心活动,用以说明项目厅人员在整个项目厅从事的工作类型。其中每个核心活动都与上述12个整体推动力中的一个或多个及其各自的业绩计量相联系。这些都以项目厅平衡计分卡的四个出发点为基础。", "图五 项目厅的核心活动与整体职能的对应", "[]", "42. 项目厅管理成果和预算框架的这种安排和对应反映了项目厅各职能领域和地域之间强有力的联系和相互依靠,认识到在各组织实体中,无论管理人员和其他工作人员的首要职能领域是什么,其从事的活动都是为了实现与项目厅平衡计分卡的四个出发点有关的成果。他们与伙伴交流并为其服务,参加业务流程,与同伴和管理人员互动,而且所有活动都涉及经费问题。", "图六 全球结构中的整体职能和实体自上而下适用平衡计分卡的流程", "[]", "43. 所提出的管理成果和预算框架将进一步加强项目厅的能力,使其能管理和监测各职能和实体以及整个项目厅在实现整体目标方面的进展情况。与此同时,该框架将成为确定需要改善的领域并按轻重缓急加以改善的重要手段。反过来,将核心活动和整体推动力联系在一起也能使项目厅进一步理顺整个组织,使所有的项目厅职能和区域实体都能有效地实施战略,直至最小但在为伙伴创造价值方面最为重要的组成部分:项目厅的每个人员。", "项目厅各整合后职能组群的管理成果和预算", "44. 如图七所示,项目厅的管理成果和预算框架与公用管理资源预算框架的七个整合组群相对应。图七列示了整合后的职能组群与项目厅整体职能和核心活动的总体关系。本文件附件一详细说明了项目厅的管理成果和预算框架,包括项目厅的整体目标、整体推动力、核心活动和整体职能。", "图七 整合后的职能组群与项目厅的整体职能和核心活动", "45. 项目厅已经按照开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会根据第2010/32和2011/10号决定采取的统一方法编制了2012-2013两年期的预算。执行局在决定中核可了费用分类和成果预算编制的统一方法。对项目厅的预算而言,共同框架的一个主要特征是按照七个职能组群安排管理资源。", "46. 项目厅在编制预算时极大地加强了管理成果、整体职能和核心活动与有关的业绩指标之间的联系。项目厅将继续使业绩管理与向执行局报告时采用的框架背后的组织结构对应起来。", "47. 本节通过七个整合后的职能组群来说明项目厅的管理成果和预算框架。表1概括了每个职能组的业绩指标和资源。", "表1 按职能组群分列的管理成果资源", "整合后的职能组群 业绩指标 基线 2012年目标 2013年目标 2012-2013年 管理资源", "领导和整体方向 项目厅对联合国发展援助框架的贡献 新计量 75% 75% 20 956 681 美元", "及时实施通过项目厅质量管理审查进程商定的改进举措 新计量 90% 90%", "实现执行局核可的净收入目标 500万美元 两年期目标 0百万美元", "满足最低业务准备金要求 100% 两年期目标 100%", "整体对外关系和伙伴关系,沟通和资源筹集 获得的业务总额 15亿美元 15.3亿美元 15.8亿美元 15 572 524 美元", "每月访问项目厅公共网站的平均次数 70 000 71 500 73 000", "区域实体网站符合整体标准的百分比 新计量 85% 90%", "对项目厅内联网表示满意的人员百分比 79% 80% 80%", "外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助 顺利交付(如期、未超过预算)的项目在全球组合中所占份额 新计量 待定 待定 68 373 522 美元", "通过正式招标进行采购的平均时间(天数) 88 87 85", "累计内部审计建议的执行率 71% 76% 80%", "整体人力资源管理 征聘工作人员的平均时间(天数) 新计量 100 80 6 795 842 美元", "考绩完成率 60% 85% 90%", "管理预算供资员额任职者的性别分布(女性百分比) 42% 44% 45%", "项目厅人员态度指数的表现 78% 79% 80%", "工作人员和房地安全 项目厅人员对查阅联合国/项目厅安全与安保资料的总体方便程度表示满意的百分比 77% 78% 80% 1 129 321 美元", "符合最低安全保证措施的区域实体的百分比 新计量 71% 82%", "达到业务连续性和灾后恢复规划要求的区域实体的百分比 80% 91% 97%", "整体财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理 及时进行经常性的整体财务结算 新计量 75% 100% 23 063 711 美元", "联合国审计委员会为已往两年期所提建议的执行率 90% 82% 90%", "符合财务数据质量标准的实体的百分比 95% 96% 97%", "整体监督和保证 总部合同和财产委员会处理采购案的平均时间(天数) 8 8 8 3 845 104 美元", "内部审计和调查小组在内部审计中对基于风险的内部审计计划的执行水平 70% 75% 80%", "按要求披露财务的人员所占比例 95% 98% 99%", "领导和整体方向", "48. 定义。整合后的职能组群“领导和整体方向” 包括称为“整体战略管理和领导”的整体职能以及称为“领导和管理战略”的核心活动。将这两者结合在一起强调了项目厅作为一个实时连接在一起的全球组织,必须确保总部以及整个区域结构和各个职能领域中的重要职位任职者都担当起领导和战略管理的责任。", "49. 问题和说明。这一整合后的职能组群表明执行主任在执行2010-2013年战略计划、两年期预算中规定的有关目标以及项目厅整体平衡计分卡方面对执行局所负的责任。它使执行主任能够责成项目厅的所有主管为这些成果作出贡献。在整个项目厅适用核心价值依然特别重要,进一步加强整体业绩管理工具和框架,以监测和推动取得业务成果和管理成果也是如此。而且,今后将强调加强透明度和问责措施。", "50. 项目厅管理层将寻找机会,增加对项目厅的流程和人员的相关外部认证,同时维持项目管理、人力资源和财务领域的现有认证以及内部认证制度。", "51. 问责和供资数额。必须建立战略管理和领导,而且必须在全球结构的所有实体以及所有职能领域中为此提供资金。因此,责任在于执行办公室以及项目厅各业务部门和区域实体的管理层。除此之外,还有整体业绩和管理小组专门负责这一职能。供资数额估计为2 090万美元。", "整体目标\t整体推动力\t业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n公认价值\t建立可持续的伙伴关系\t项目厅为联合国发展援助框架作出贡献\t新计量\t75%\t75%\n流程优化\t革新\t及时实施通过项目厅质量管理审查流程商定的改进举措\t新计量\t90%\t90%\n财务可持续性\t管理资源\t实现执行局核准的净收入目标\t500万美元\t两年期目标\t0百万美元\n\t努力实现可持续性\t满足业务准备金要求\t100%\t两年期目标\t100%", "整体对外关系和伙伴关系、沟通和资源筹集", "52. 定义。整合后的职能组群“整体对外关系和伙伴关系、沟通和资源调动”包括项目厅的两个整体职能:伙伴关系、产品和服务质量管理;沟通。", "53. 问题和说明。尽管伙伴关系主要下放在国家一级,但仍将探讨如何使国家的知识和经验在各个区域发挥杠杆效应,以便使伙伴更多地得益于现有的和新的伙伴关系。这方面的努力将主要着重于项目厅为执行工作提供支助的业务领域,使之进而推动各区域的知识和技能交流。项目厅将使其业务组合突出重点,针对那些能够使自己为伙伴带来更多价值的机会。在开发产品和服务时,将特别优先关注会员国要求提供的服务,以便在项目厅的任务领域中帮助建设国家的执行能力。还将努力进行沟通,以更多地了解伙伴的需要,并说明项目厅可满足这些需要的途径。", "54. 问责和供资数额。责任由外联和伙伴关系小组以及项目厅各区域实体的管理层担负。供资数额估计数为1 560万美元。", "整体目标\t整体推动力\t业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n公认价值\t建立可持续的伙伴关系\t获得业务总额\t15亿美元\t15.3亿美元\t15.8亿美元\n\t有效和透明地进行沟通\t每月访问项目厅公共网站的平均次数\t70000\t71500\t73000\n 符合整体标准的区域实体网站百分比\t新计量\t85%\t90%\n 对项目厅内联网感到满意的人员百分比\t79%\t80%\t80%", "外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助", "55. 定义。整合后的职能组群“外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助”包括项目厅的三个整体职能:项目管理;采购和供应链;法律。此外,称为“处理和记录”的核心活动也是该职能组群的一部分。", "56. 问题和说明。项目管理依然是项目厅在外部和内部取得良好的成本效益的主要手段。项目厅在把Prince2 确立为全组织的项目管理方法后,着重加强其在项目管理做法、技能发展和经验交流这几个主要方面的内容,使业务做法更为一致,工作人员的职业发展道路更为明确,提供帮助和支持发展合作关系和交付项目的工具,更高效和有效地进行控制。", "57. 如上文所述,项目厅因质量管理而在2011年荣获ISO 9001认证。这是一个重大里程碑,同时也为继续改善奠定了基础。项目厅还将设法加强与联合国有关工作组在良好业务做法方面的合作,特别是在管理问题高级别委员会中进行这种合作。", "58. 项目厅将确保有足够的资金专门用于为执行项目厅的政策提供咨询意见和制定指南的工作,特别是确保项目厅的管理业务,即项目管理、财务、人力资源、采购和供应链工作,获得足够的资金。这将有助于减少项目厅及其伙伴的风险,并有助于流程的透明和问责制。", "59. 作为优化流程努力的一部分,项目厅将进一步利用其能力,通过往来业务服务或支助服务,在内部和外部提供高效率和高效益的业务能力。", "60. 问责和供资数额。由项目厅各区域实体、项目管理业务、采购和供应链业务小组、法律业务小组和所有增强往来业务服务、流程支持和记录维护能力以支持作业的各个业务的管理部门负责。供资数额估计为6 840万美元。", "整体目标 整体推动力 业绩指标 基线 目标 目标 \n 2012 2013 \n公认价值\t交付世界一流的产品和服务,增加可持续的价值\t全球一揽子项目在轨(按计划、在预算内)交付的比额\t新计量\t待定\t待定\n流程优化\t遵守流程\t累计内部审计建议的执行率\t71%\t76%\t80%\n\t提高流程效率及效益\t通过正式招标进行采购的平均时间(天数)\t88\t87\t85", "整体人力资源管理", "61. 定义。整合后的职能组群“整体人力资源管理”涵盖项目厅的人力资源整体职能。", "62. 问题和说明。项目厅将继续努力与联合国统一员额职等,并在项目厅内部调整职称和职务说明。此外,项目厅将致力于为其人员改进职业发展机会和方式。在这方面,项目厅将加强人员业绩管理和监测,并在必要时调整最近执行的项目厅表彰、奖励和惩罚政策。项目厅还将继续努力建立一个人才名册,以帮助吸引人才和促进人员职业发展。", "63. 问责和供资数额。由人力资源业务小组负责。供资数额估计为680万美元。", "整体目标\t整体推动力\t业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n流程优化\t提高流程效率及效益\t人员征聘平均耗时(天数)\t新标准\t100\t80\n人员优化\t征聘和表彰人才\t项目厅人员态度指数的表现\t78%\t79%\t80%\n 培养人才 考绩完成率 60% 85% 90% \n\t接受联合国的价值观\t管理预算供资员额任职者的性别分布(女性百分比)\t42%\t44%\t45%", "工作人员和房地安保", "64. 定义。整合后的职能组群“工作人员和房地安保”涵盖项目厅的安保整体职能。", "65. 问题和说明。安保对于项目厅至关重要。它设定了项目厅人员可在其范围内规划和执行业务从而为联合国和其他合作伙伴作出贡献的实地界限。因此,项目厅在过去一个两年期为其安保职能作出了重大投入。通过这项投入,将能够对安全保障信息的分发作出进一步协调和组织以及对遵守最低安保标准的情况进行评估。重要的是,项目厅大部分安保费用直接由相关的项目预算支付。", "66. 问责和供资数额。由整体支助小组中的项目厅安全和安保部分负责。供资数额估计为110万美元。", "整体目标\t整体推动力\t业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n流程优化\t提高流程效率及效益\t符合最低安全保证措施的区域实体的百分比\t新计量\t71%\t82%\n 达到业务连续性和灾后恢复规划要求的区域实体的百分比\t80%\t91%\t97%\n人员优化\t征聘和表彰人才\t对获取联合国/项目厅安全和安保信息的总体情况表示满意的项目厅人员百分比\t77%\t78%\t80%", "整体财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理", "67. 定义。整合后的职能组群“整体财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理” 包含项目厅的三个整体职能:财务;信息和通信技术;一般行政。", "68. 问题和说明。项目厅将在已展现的财务稳定基础上再接再厉,继续致力于加强财务风险管理、内部控制和监督工作。公共部门会计准则的实施将提高透明度,项目厅将密切监测其落实情况,同时不断审查它对项目厅的费用和收入的影响。此外,项目厅还将审查其定价原则和战略投资,以确保项目厅的可持续性。", "69. 在支持和维护现有系统和基础设施的同时,项目厅将开展探索并开发效率和效益更好的方法支持其全球业务。这包括工作流程自动化和为往来业务服务提供工具,作为实时信息管理的基础,而且还要找到具成本效益的办法以扩大信息和通信技术的开发能力。", "70. 项目厅将继续加强行政政策和程序的阐述和执行。在哥本哈根项目厅总部,将专门拨出时间和资源用于协调和帮助项目厅从目前的总部迁至联合国城,项目厅将在那里与联合国驻丹麦的其他组织合用房地。", "71. 问责和供资数额。由财务业务小组和整体支助小组负责。拟议供资数额为2 310万美元。", "整体目标\t整体推动力\t业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n流程优化\t提高流程效率及效益\t及时进行经常性的整体财务结算\t新标准\t75%\t100%\n财务可持续性\t确保财务控制\t联合国审计委员会为以往两年期所提建议的执行率\t90%\t82%\t90%\n 符合财务数据质量标准的实体的百分比\t95%\t96%\t97%", "整体监督和保证", "72. 定义。整合后职能组群“整体监督和保证”包含项目厅以下整体职能:内部审计和调查、合同和财产审查以及道德操守。", "73. 问题和说明。内部审计和调查小组将继续协助项目厅管理部门评估和提高项目厅控制系统、业务做法和资源利用的充分性、效率和效益,以取得成果。该小组为执行主任和项目厅各理事会就项目厅的治理和风险管理流程以及支持问责框架的业绩内部控制措施提供合理保证。其报告对于项目厅的不断改善至关重要。此外,该小组在加强和确保通过与合作伙伴的合同直接供资的项目审计的质量方面发挥着重要作用。", "74. 项目厅将继续为其采购职能提供保证。将通过在各区域办事处设立更多当地合同和财产委员会的办法提高这一保证职能的效率。", "75. 问责和供资数额。由内部审计和调查小组、执行首席采购干事、总部合同和财产委员会以及道德操守干事负责。这一职能组群还包括与由联合国审计委员会提供的外部监督有关的费用,以及可由内部监督事务厅调查司按收费办法提供服务的费用。估计供资数额为380万美元。", "整体目标\t整体推动力\t业绩指标\t基线\t2012年目标\t2013年目标 \n流程优化\t提高流程效率及效益\t总部合同和财产委员会处理采购案的平均时间(天数)\t8\t8\t8\n财务可持续性\t确保财务控制\t内部审计和调查小组在内部审计中对基于风险的内部审计计划的执行水平\t70%\t75%\t80%\n 按要求披露财务的人员所占比例\t95%\t98%\t99%", "四. 2012-2013两年期预算估计数", "76. 2012-2013两年期预算估计数1.487亿美元包括1.397亿美元管理资源、因过渡到公共部门会计准则而估计会增加的一次性支出100万美元和数额为800万美元的备用款。作为比较,在项目厅2010-2011年预算估计数中,编入预算的管理资源为1.302亿美元,备用款为500万美元。", "管理资源的零实际增长", "77. 2012-2013年通货膨胀的全面平均影响估计为每年3.6%,这反映了总部所在地哥本哈根3.0%的年通胀率和所有其他地点年均3.9%通胀率的综合影响。这些通胀率的来源是:纽约和日内瓦的数据取自联合国秘书处,哥本哈根的数据取自丹麦统计局,其他地点的数据取自可靠的公共来源。", "78. 管理资源的零实际增长反映了项目厅为通过提高效率和效益不断削减费用而作出的努力,同时也抵销了本来需要的增加。由于这些努力,预算中的员额与2011年相比保持了稳定,反映了2009年启动的改叙工作的成果。", "79. 在编制这些预算估计数时,项目厅对过去几年各类费用的实际支出进行了一次彻底审查。这次审查的结果、人员配置表调整数和2012-2013两年期其他既定优先事项构成了两年期费用估计数的依据。", "工作人员费用反映了核心能力的整合", "80. 2012-2013年预算反映了核心能力的整合;员额数保持在2011年的水平,空缺率预计将略有降低。综上而言,这是与汇总表3所示员额和工作人员费用有关的数额增加340万美元的原因。", "81. 表2列出了项目厅员额的概况,同时比较了2010-2011年和2012-2013年的预算估计数。表中净增21个员额的主要原因是,根据执行局第2009/5号决定于2009年启动的项目厅改叙工作已经完成。改叙工作根据总体组织结构进一步调整了项目厅人员配置,从而使项目厅的职等与联合国其他组织的职等具有可比性,并使一些个体承包协议改划为由管理预算供资的核心结构中的员额。三个业务中心主任的D-1职等员额的提高职等工作已根据执行主任的授权实施,原因是这些国家的业务规模增大。", "82. 拟把执行主任职位从助理秘书长职等提高到副秘书长职等,以确认该职位所承担问责和责任的增加。由于实施关于项目厅治理结构的执行局第2008/35号决定,项目厅的问责安排发生了很大变化,根据该决定,执行主任直接向执行局和秘书长汇报工作(而不是通过先前的管理协调委员会汇报)。执行局最近的第2009/25号和第2010/21号决定说明了项目厅的任务规定。大会第65/176号决议,“重新命名联合国开发计划署/联合国人口基金执行局,使之包括联合国项目事务厅”,确认了执行局的上述决定。此外,项目厅近年来的大幅度成长也增加了与该职位有关的责任。", "表2. 2010-2011年和2012-2013年按职类和地点开列的员额", "2010-2011年预算 2012-2013年预算 变动\n 总部 区域 共计 总部 区域 共计 总部 区域 共计", "副秘书长/助理秘书长 2 0 2 2 0 2 0 0 0", "D-2 3 5 8 3 5 8 0 0 0", "D-1 7 12 19 7 15 22 0 3 3", "其他国际专业人员 51 96 147 57 95 152 6 -1 5", "所有其他 53 116 169 55 127 182 2 11 13", "共计 116 229 345 124 242 366 8 13 21", "非工作人员费用反映了费用的削减", "83. 如汇总表3所示,咨询人预算已大为减少,按实际价格计算减少210万美元,减幅为9%。虽然项目厅计划在加强其核心能力的同时继续利用咨询人合同所提供的灵活性,但计划减少管理预算供资的国际咨询人、当地咨询人以及订约承办事务的总体水平。", "84. 根据其大力削减费用的愿望,项目厅计划按实际价格计算把业务费用减少11%。因预期项目厅总部将按计划迁至哥本哈根新的联合国城,家具和设备类的支出已经增加。最后,偿还的费用略有增加,原因之一是预计要支付与使用Atlas系统支持公共部门会计准则有关的一次性费用——这笔费用由Atlas系统各伙伴机构分担。", "潜在负债和未来风险的备用款", "85. 2012-2013年两年期预算列有一笔数额为800万美元的备用款,相比之下2010-2011年预算中为500万美元。这一增加的依据是对历史负债、过去几年所作核销以及为此类潜在负债和未来风险提供足够备用款的愿望所作的评估。2012-2013年经费还为可能发放的绩优奖提供了资金,这一奖励关系到项目厅根据其财务条例和细则的细则130.05以及国际公务员制度委员会的认可,就表彰、奖励和惩罚开展的一项3年期业绩管理试点工作。", "汇总表", "汇总表1. 资源计划", "2010-2011年预算估计数\t2010年(实际数)-2011年(估计数)\t2012-2013年预算估计数 \n 1. 可用资源 \n 期初业务准备金 42.7 42.7 57.0 \n 管理费 125.3 129.2 118.5 \n 咨询和收费服务收入 6.3 13.2 20.2 \n 杂项收入 8.5 19.0 10.0 \n 收入共计 140.2 161.4 148.7 \n 可用资源共计 182.9 161.4 148.7 \n 2. 资源使用 \n 管理资源 130.2 131.1 139.7 \n 备用款 5.0 16.0 8.0 \n公共部门会计准则的影响\t不详\t不详\t1.0\n 资源使用共计 135.2 147.1 148.7 \n 3. 资源余额 \n 净收入 5.0 14.3 0.0 \n 期末业务准备金 47.7 57.0 57.0", "汇总表2. 高级员额拟议变动", "副秘书长/ D-2 D-1 共计 助理秘书长", "2010–2011年员额 2 8 19 29", "A. 增减", "总部 0 0 0 0", "外地 0 0 3 3", "增减共计 0 0 3 3", "B. 改叙", "变动共计(净额) 0 0 0 0", "2012–2013年员额 2 8 22 32", "汇总表3.按支出类别开列的预算估计数", "(百万美元)", "2010年(实际数) 数量增加 费用 2012-2013年\n 支出类别 2011年(估计数) 数额 百分比 增加额 预算估计数", "员额^(a) 45.4 2.2 4.8% 3.3 50.9", "一般工作人员费用 26.7 1.3 4.8% 2.0 30.0", "差旅费 7.2 -0.1 -1.5% 0.5 7.6", "咨询人^(b) 23.4 -2.1 -9.0% 1.7 23.0", "业务费用^(c) 24.8 -2.7 -11.1% 1.8 23.8", "家具和设备 0.7 0.2 34.7% 0.1 1.0", "偿还 2.8 0.3 11.5% 0.2 3.4", "支出共计 131.1 -0.9 -0.7% 9.6 139.7", "^(a) 包括(本地和国际)员额费用和学习费用。", "^(b) 包括国际咨询人、当地咨询人、订约承办事务和公司合同。", "^(c) 包括一般业务费用、材料和货物、通信和视听设备、招待费、信息技术设备、租金和维修费以及杂项开支。" ]
[ "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月6日至9日,纽约", "临时议程项目4", "联合国项目事务厅", "联合国项目事务厅2012-2013两年期预算估计数", "内容提要", "联合国项目事务厅(项目厅)2012-2013两年期预算估计数共计1.487亿美元。 这些资源用于执行项目厅2010-2013年战略计划(DP/2009/36)。 项目厅认识到与收入预测有关的重大不确定性,因此在编制预算时继续谨慎行事,因此目标是本两年期管理资源的实际零增长。 这反映出项目厅注重成本效益。", "对于项目厅来说,在其组织成熟的现阶段,充分补充的业务准备金是衡量该组织财务可持续性和作为联合国完全自筹资金的服务提供者的业务模式可行性的重要尺度。", "2012年向国际公共部门会计准则(公共部门会计准则)的过渡增加了编制本预算方面的挑战。 据估计,采用公共部门会计准则将影响2012-2013年的实际净收入约1 300万美元,主要原因是收入确认延迟。", "有了这些预算估计数,项目厅的目标是实现一个雄心勃勃的目标,即创造足够的幅度,使业务准备金在2013年底将维持在最低需求之上,尽管对公共部门会计准则相关会计处理的实际结果产生影响。 这转化为在计及《公共部门会计准则》所涉问题和定期备抵后,下一个两年期净收入为零的目标。", "项目厅的预算格式符合开发署、人口基金和儿童基金会统一的成果预算编制办法。 报告的重点是项目厅的管理成果框架,其目的是按照项目厅战略计划所述,加强并维持项目厅对联合国及其伙伴的贡献。", "概算支持旨在提高项目厅效率和效力的关键优先事项。 项目厅的管理和执行支助做法是根据某些领域的伙伴需求制定的,继续予以加强仍然是一个优先事项。 通过进一步采用国际最佳做法标准,通过不断改进以及提高透明度和加强问责制来提高项目厅交付品的质量。 还将资源用于提高项目厅的能力,帮助发展合作伙伴在项目厅任务和核心能力领域的执行能力。", "决定要点", "执行局不妨:(a) 核准净收入目标,确认向公共部门会计准则过渡的会计影响;(b) 认可经改进的管理成果和相关的资源目标。", "目录", "一. 战略背景 4", "执行局和大会重申的项目厅任务 4", "业务成果界定项目厅对伙伴成果作出贡献的领域4", "B. 管理成果维持并增强对联合国和其他伙伴的贡献 5", "二. A. 财务状况 7", "2010-2011两年期预测显示实现净收入目标7", "向公共部门会计准则的过渡延误了收入确认和资产变更处理", "A. 预算编制和执行反映实地实际情况 8", "2012-2013两年期预测显示收费和稳定总收入减少 8", "最低要求的业务准备金,为不确定的未来提供缓冲", "三. 管理成果和预算框架 12", "整体目标推动整个组织的业绩", "管理成果和预算与项目厅全球结构保持一致", "项目厅在统一职能分组中的管理成果和预算", "四、结 论 2012-2013两年期预算估计数 25", "管理资源实际零增长", "工作人员费用反映核心能力的合并", "非工作人员费用反映费用减少", "潜在负债和未来风险准备金 26", "表格", "表1. 按职能组分列的管理成果资源 17", "表2. 2010-2011年和2012-2013年按职类和地点分列的员额", "图", "领导和公司领导 19", "企业对外关系和伙伴关系、通信和资源调动 20", "外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助", "整体人力资源管理", "工作人员和房地安保", "机构财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理 22", "公司监督和保证 23", "总表", "总表 1. 资源计划 28", "总表 2. 高级职位的拟议变动 28", "总表 3. 按支出类别分列的概算 29", "附件(见执行局网页)", "关于项目厅管理成果和预算框架的方法说明", "页:1 关于项目厅业务准备金的技术说明", "页:1 术语", "图一。", "项目厅全球结构", "[]", "一. 战略背景", "1. 联合国 项目厅的核心是致力于联合国的一致性目标,并致力于促进其合作伙伴改善人民生活的成果,这是千年发展目标和其他国际商定目标所确定的道路。", "执行局和大会重申的项目厅任务", "2. 项目厅通过扩大联合国系统及其伙伴的能力来作出贡献,以开展对需要帮助的人至关重要的建设和平、发展和人道主义行动。 为此,项目厅以大会进行的三年期全面政策审查和随后的政策审查为指导。 执行局最近的第2009/25和2010/21号决定明确了项目厅的任务。", "3个 大会第65/176号决议重申了执行局第2009/25号决定所载项目厅的任务,该决定除其他外,规定“项目厅向联合国系统各机构、基金和方案、国际和区域金融机构、政府间组织、捐助国和受援国政府、非政府组织、基金会和私营部门组织提供服务......”。 项目厅是联合国系统在采购和合同管理以及土木工程和有形基础设施发展,包括相关能力发展活动方面的中心资源。 “", "业务成果界定项目厅对伙伴成果作出贡献的领域", " 4.四. 项目厅2010-2013年战略计划(DP/2009/36)于2009年得到核准,使规划期与联合国主要伙伴保持一致。 战略计划提出了项目厅的业务成果框架,其中包括四个贡献目标,界定了项目厅对伙伴成果作出贡献的领域;以及项目厅业务的三个贯穿各领域的关切问题。", "(a) 项目厅的贡献目标:", "1. 联合国 冲突后重建和平与稳定", "2. 联合国 受自然灾害影响的社区的早期恢复", "3个 人民发展经济和获得社会服务的能力", "4. 环境可持续性和适应气候变化", "(b) 贯穿各领域的业务问题:", "1. 联合国 性别平等和增强妇女权能", "2. 国家能力发展", "3. 环境可持续性", "战略计划介绍了项目厅为实现其愿景而正在采取的步骤:“始终使合作伙伴对符合世界质量、速度和成本效益标准的管理服务感到满意”。 战略计划的一个重要相关特点是把项目厅的工作重点放在它能为合作伙伴的成果作出最大贡献的地方,这反过来又会帮助在这些领域建立业务上的优秀水平。 大会第65/176号决议确认“联合国项目事务厅在项目管理、人力资源、财务管理和共同/共享服务领域向合作伙伴提供高效、有成本效益的服务方面可以作出增值贡献”。", "5 (韩语). 战略计划借鉴了在执行项目厅2007-2009年业务战略过程中吸取的经验教训,该战略的重点是通过提高客户满意度、采用世界级业务做法和业绩以及增强员工队伍的能力和积极性来重建财务稳定。", "6. 国家 已经取得了很大成就:项目厅已经是联合国国家工作队的积极和受人赞赏的成员;连续五年证明了财务可行性;问责制和透明度得到增强,风险管理、内部控制和监督得到加强。 项目厅在2008-2009年期间接受了无保留的外部审计,并在2009年底达到业务准备金最低要求,比2010-2011年概算中的目标提前了两年。 因此,项目厅采取重大步骤,完成自2006年以来一直在进行的财务清理。 与历史负债有关的未决问题,项目厅正与有关各方有系统合作来解决这些问题。", "管理成果保持并加强对联合国和其他伙伴的贡献", "7. 联合国 在取得这些成就的基础上,2010-2011年概算优先考虑了某些旨在提高项目厅效率和效力的战略举措,并为合作伙伴的成果作出贡献。 其中包括继续按照世界一流的标准改进业务做法,筹备实施公共部门会计准则,以及采取其他措施来进一步加强透明度和问责制。 优先事项还包括加强项目管理,将其作为向全世界人员提供政策指导、工具和培训的实践领域,以及加强项目厅重点领域的知识管理,以及项目厅在其任务领域内帮助建设国家执行能力的能力。", "8. 联合国 根据战略计划所述目标,项目厅着手对核心管理职能、业务流程和人员进行外部认证。 2011年6月,这项工作导致项目厅获得了著名的ISO 9001质量管理系统认证。 项目厅是第一个获得ISO 9001认证的全球管理系统的联合国组织。 作为这一进程的一部分,项目厅在其业务和质量管理系统中记录了核心业务做法。 在2011年标准化组织的一系列评估中,该组织表明,它一贯在各级跟踪和完善这些进程。", "9. 国家 2011年期间,项目厅正式被授予采购政策和程序采购和供应认证特许协会。 这是一个重大成就,项目厅目前是获得这一承认的唯一联合国机构。 这一认证表明,项目厅有健全的采购政策、流程和程序,由一个独立机构加以核实和监测。", "10个 上述认证说明项目厅伙伴如何从反映主要国际标准的业务做法中受益。 项目厅将继续优先进行这些努力,以提高和显示其工作方式的质量、速度和成本效益。 预计这些努力将继续对项目厅交付品的质量以及当前和今后概算的收入和支出模式产生效益。", "11个 如2010-2013年战略计划所阐明的,项目厅管理成果框架反映了项目厅作为一个自筹资金的组织所必须争取的成果,以便保持并加强其为联合国及其合作伙伴作出贡献的能力。 概算的列报以这一框架为中心,这一框架已经得到更新,以便能够有效执行和交流项目厅的管理战略。 为了改进方法,项目厅将继续审查从自己执行成果预算制和管理中吸取的经验教训,并研究开发计划署、人口基金和儿童基金会等方面的经验。", "12个 在这方面,项目厅计划在2011年年度报告中列入对其战略计划的评估。 这将是一次机会,可以进一步探讨项目厅如何为合作伙伴创造更大的价值,同时确定该组织的战略定位,使其在未来许多年具有相关性。", "二. 财务背景", "13个 本节首先概述2010-2011两年期临时财务结果和预测。 然后,报告概述了2012年向公共部门会计准则过渡所涉主要预算问题,并介绍了编制这些概算所遵循的程序。 这导致列报2012-2013两年期的预测以及业务准备金的状况和预期发展。", "2010-2011两年期预测显示实现净收入目标", "14个 如2010年年度报告所介绍的财务要点所示,在两年期中点,项目厅完全有能力实现其2010-2011年净收入目标。 项目厅在2010年实现了收入毛额的大幅增长,同时把管理支出维持在2009年的水平上,这要归功于项目厅始终注重成本效益。", "15个 项目厅通过其管理信息系统,实时监测成果和财务执行情况。 2011年头几个月,项目厅的业务采购和交付减少,这可能是影响合作伙伴预算的财政危机所造成。 项目厅将继续采取审慎的管理做法,即使在收入趋势可能减少的情况下,确保持续的财务可持续性。 会计规定的结果特别难以预先估计,因为在许多情况下,这需要与伙伴组织达成协议,与承包商进行仲裁解决,或捐助者作出财政承诺。", "16号. 在编制预算时,有必要对下一个两年期的预期期初余额作出某些假设。 据此,项目厅有理由相信,它将达到或超过为2010-2011两年期确定的净收入目标。", "17岁。 项目厅2010-2011年的实际财务执行情况将反映在经核证的两年期财务报表中,将取决于2011年最后一天之前产生的收入和支出。 它还将受到注销或为历史负债提供坏账准备金的确定的影响。 将在2012年向执行局报告实际结果以及对今后规划的任何影响。", "向公共部门会计准则过渡延误了收入确认和资产处理的改变", "18岁。 2012年采用公共部门会计准则的会计影响难以评估,因此需要密切监测和认真管理。 目前估计,从《联合国系统会计准则》向《公共部门会计准则》的过渡将影响2012-2013年的实际净收入约1 300万美元,主要原因是根据《公共部门会计准则》确认的收入延迟和资产处理不同。", " 19. 19. 通过将项目厅-联合国系统会计准则目前采用的会计做法同根据公共部门会计准则将采用的会计做法进行比较,可以清楚看出,2012-2013两年期根据联合国系统会计准则本应核算的部分收入现在将在下一个两年期核算。 2012-2013年对收入的负面影响估计为1 200万美元 -- -- 这一一次性影响不会影响2013年以后的两年期成果。", "20号. 根据《公共部门会计准则》,项目厅的行政资产将不再全部计入资产支出,而是在使用年限内资本化并折旧。 2012-2013两年期会计做法的这一变化的净影响估计为100万美元的额外费用。", "预算编制和执行反映实地实际情况", "21岁 为了确保自主权和反映 \" 实地 \" 现实,项目厅所有区域都参与编制概算。 收入预测是通过一个双管齐下的过程编制的: 在机构一级,预测是根据对以往业绩的分析以及高级管理层提供的假设作出的。 这一分析还辅以自下而上的工作,其中要求各区域对对收入贡献最大的领域以及预期会发生重大变化的领域作出预测。 这两种假设的总体结果几乎相同,这保证了估计数是目前可能的最佳预测。", "22号. 根据组织结构,预算的执行将下放给区域办事处、业务中心、项目中心和群组,由它们负责达成年度目标协定。 还将根据年度目标制定工作以及执行过程中的审查和调整,修订各实体在组织结构中的地位。", "23. 联合国 监测和报告预算执行情况是项目厅全面业绩管理制度的组成部分。 收集和分析数据,以便报告整个组织、按区域和按实体分列的不同级别的成果,包括核心活动和整体职能。", "24 (韩语). 为了能够灵活地满足合作伙伴对项目厅服务不断变化的需求,财务条例14.02授权执行主任在核定的两年期管理预算范围内调拨资金,并增加或减少资金,包括员额配置表中的员额数目,条件是达到执行局为两年期确定的净收入目标。", "2012-13两年期预测显示,收费和稳定总收入减少", "25岁 项目厅作为一个完全自筹资金的服务提供者,其性质在预测交付额以及相应的收入方面造成了很大的不确定性,收入将为项目厅的预算提供资金。 在编制2012-2013年概算时,项目厅大多数伙伴面临资金限制。 有鉴于此,项目厅的预算编制是保守的。", "26. 联合国 在项目厅,每一项业务都必须支付其全部费用,包括直接收费、为本拟议预算所载所有机构职能提供机构间接费用的捐款以及作为管理财务风险和负债缓冲的业务准备金。 如果业务准备金继续得到充分补充,一旦所有历史负债都得到偿付,项目厅就可以减少其执行服务的费用,从目前标准采购等交易服务的最低4%到项目执行服务的最低7%。 近期,2010年平均收费逐渐降至5.61%,而2009年为5.68%。 在即将到来的两年期,预计平均收费将继续被降低到5.5%,略低于2009年和2010年的实际平均数。 实际费率将取决于预算期间实际提供的服务的数量和构成。", "图二", "2012-2013年预算估计数占支出总额的份额", "[]", "27个 2012-2013两年期总收入目标为1.487亿美元。 这一收入包括来自项目执行事务的估计收入1.185亿美元、来自咨询和往来业务服务的2 020万美元和1 000万美元杂项收入。 项目执行服务的估计收入是在考虑根据《公共部门会计准则》确认的两年期延迟收入估计1 200万美元之后确定的。 图三显示这些预测与以往业绩的比较情况。 值得注意的是,在图中,2010-2011年的收入是2010年实际数和2011年估计数的组合;2012-2013年的数据是预算估计数;而前几年的数据是实际数。", "28岁 考虑到2012年向公共部门会计准则过渡的预期重大会计影响,加上1 300万美元的总负面影响,项目厅计划在两年期内对业务准备金的净捐款为零。 根据估计,业务准备金将继续高于执行局在两年期结束时确定的目标。 第四节详述了2012-2013年管理预算的费用估计数。", "图三", "按收入来源开列的总收入趋势", "(单位:百万美元)", "[]", "最低要求的业务准备金,为不确定的未来提供缓冲", "29. 国家 作为一个完全自筹资金的组织,项目厅必须保持业务准备金高于最低要求,以便提供一种安全缓冲,防止因收入预测和执行《国际公共部门会计准则》的后果而产生的不确定性;并为本预算期后的未来投资提供缓冲措施,例如最终更换项目厅的企业资源管理系统。", "30岁。 业务准备金的最低要求是根据过去三年业务合并预算与项目支出滚动平均数的4%计算的。 项目厅在2009年底实现了业务准备金需求,比2010-2011两年期概算所设定的目标提前了两年。 因此,2010-2011年期间业务准备金期初余额为4 270万美元,比最低要求多出60万美元。", "31岁 如作为年度报告一部分提出的临时财务结果所示,截至2010年底,业务准备金为5 670万美元。 目前估计,2010-2011两年期末期终余额将超过当时估计的最低准备金需要额5 700万美元或1 000万美元。 值得注意的是,2011年的财务结果仍然有很大的不确定性,预计反映的实际数字与当时的估计数有所不同。", "32. 联合国 有了这些预算估计数,项目厅的目标是在2010-2011年和2012-2013年实现高度雄心勃勃的目标,即积累足够的差额,这样,尽管与公共部门会计准则有关的会计处理产生了重大影响,但在2013年底,业务准备金仍将高于执行局规定的最低要求。 鉴于今后几年执行额和收入可能起伏不定,实现这一目标需要认真进行财务管理。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 在整个预算期间,项目厅将认真监测收入和支出模式,并依照财务条例14.02,对预算作必要的上下调整,使管理支出符合不断变化的现实。 如果由于这一原因或其他原因,净收入目标未能实现,项目厅将根据项目厅财务条例22.02的规定,按照业务准备金的预期用途减少业务准备金。", "34. 国家 在这方面,由于向公共部门会计准则过渡,项目厅正计划于2012年对业务准备金和法定最低要求进行审查。 关于业务准备金及其预期用途的更多资料载于本文件附件二的技术说明。", "三. 管理成果和预算框架", "35. 联合国 如2010-2013年战略计划所阐明的,项目厅管理成果框架确立了管理成果,项目厅作为一个自筹资金的组织必须为此而努力,以维持并加强其为联合国及其合作伙伴作出贡献的能力。", "整体目标推动整个组织的业绩", "36. 在项目厅,平衡计分卡(BSC)是用于推动提高项目厅各级业绩和组织成熟度的中央管理工具。 因此,2010-2013年战略计划的管理成果框架是围绕项目厅业连方案的四个角度制定的:伙伴、业务流程、人员和财务。", "37. 联合国 管理成果框架在预算编制过程中得到完善,包括四个整体目标,每个两年期支助预算的视角各一个。 每项整体目标都由三个面向行动的整体驱动力实现,为实现目标提供了方向。 反过来,每个整体驱动力又通过业绩计量(指标)进一步运作,这些指标用于确定在实现整体目标方面取得的进展。 管理成果框架以直接和面向行动的语言表述,仍以通用语表述,使其具有活力并适用于项目厅的所有职能领域以及执行该框架的实体。", "图四", "管理成果框架", "[]", "38. 国家 四个整体目标及其各自的整体驱动因素将促进项目厅管理成果框架和管理战略得到更有效的执行和沟通,而执行该框架和管理战略将使项目厅能够加强并维持其对联合国及其合作伙伴的贡献。", "39. 联合国 一套与整体目标和整体驱动因素有关的指标将使项目厅能够对照其整体目标监测业绩。 本文件附件一更详细地描述了每个整体目标和整体驱动因素,包括相关的业绩计量。", "管理成果和预算与项目厅全球结构保持一致", " 40. 40. 项目厅的组织结构旨在推动向合作伙伴提供服务的效率和成效,并明确界定整体职能、权力和问责制。 2012-2013两年期的成果和预算框架与项目厅的全球结构直接一致,旨在使决策更加协调,并整合管理做法和执行支助做法内部和周围的主要职能作用。", "41. 国家 项目厅管理预算框架是按照13个整体职能结构的,这些职能说明了项目厅的职能领域。 该框架还确定了五项核心活动,说明项目厅工作人员在整个组织从事的工作类型。 五项核心活动都与上述12个整体驱动因素中的一个或多个及其各自的业绩计量相联系,所有这些活动都以项目厅房舍管理处的四个观点为基础。", "图五", "调整本组织的核心活动和整体职能", "[]", "42. 国家 项目厅管理成果和预算框架的这种设置和调整反映了项目厅职能和地理区域之间强有力的联系和依赖。 它认识到,在所有组织实体中,管理层和其他人员,不论其主要职能领域如何,都从事活动,以取得与项目厅房舍管理处四个方面有关的成果。 他们与合作伙伴互动并提供服务;参与业务流程;与同行和管理人员互动,所有活动都涉及经费问题。", "图六", "将平衡计分卡分到全球结构中各个机构职能和实体", "[]", "43. 东帝汶 提出的管理成果和预算框架将进一步提高项目厅管理和监测其职能和实体内部以及整个组织实现整体目标的进展情况的能力。 同时,该框架将是确定需要改进的领域并确定其优先次序的重要手段。 核心活动与整体驱动力之间的联系反过来又提供了一个机会,可以进一步调整组织,以在所有机构职能和地域实体中有效执行战略,直至为合作伙伴创造价值的最小但最重要的组成部分:项目厅个人人员。", "项目厅统一职能分组的管理成果和预算", "44. 国家 如图七所示,项目厅管理成果和预算框架为共同管理资源预算框架的七个统一分组绘制了地图。 统一职能分组与项目厅整体职能和核心活动的总体关系见图七。 页:1 本文件一至一载有项目厅管理成果和预算框架的详细说明,包括项目厅的整体目标、整体驱动因素、核心活动和整体职能。", "图七", "统一职能分组和项目厅的整体职能和核心活动", "[]", "45. 国家 项目厅已根据开发署、人口基金和儿基会根据第2010/32和2011/10号决定采用的统一办法编制了2012-2013两年期预算,执行局在这两项决定中核准了费用分类和成果预算编制的统一办法。 就项目厅预算而言,共同框架的主要特点是按七个职能组群安排管理资源。", "46. 经常预算: 在编制预算时,项目厅已大大加强了管理成果、机构职能和核心活动以及相关业绩指标之间的联系。 项目厅将继续调整其业绩管理和组织结构,以配合向执行局报告所采用的框架。", "47. 国家 本节从七个统一职能分组的角度,介绍项目厅的管理成果和预算框架。 表1汇总了每个职能组的业绩指标和资源。", "表1. 按职能组分列的管理成果资源", "协调功能集群 2012-2013年目标管理资源\n项目厅对联合国发展援助框架的贡献\n通过项目厅质量管理审查程序商定的改进举措得到及时实施\n实现执行局核准的净收入目标(500万美元)\n实现最低业务准备金要求\n公司外部关系和伙伴关系、通信和资源调动 业务购置总额15亿15.3亿美元15.8亿美元 15 572 524美元\n每月平均访问项目厅公共网站的次数\n符合公司标准的区域实体网站百分比\n对项目厅内部网表示满意的人员百分比\n外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助 全球项目组合在如期交付项目中所占的份额(如期,在预算范围内) 新计量标准 TBD* TBD* 68 373 522美元\n通过正式招标采购的平均期限(天数) 88 87 85\n累计内部审计建议执行率 71% 76% 80%\n机构人力资源管理 新措施100 80 6 795 842美元\n考绩完成率60% 85% 90%\n由管理预算供资的员额任职者的性别分布(女性任职者的百分比)\n项目厅人员态度指数的表现\n工作人员和安保 项目厅人员对全面获取联合国/项目厅安全和安保信息表示满意的百分比\n达到最低安全保障措施的区域实体百分比\n符合业务连续性和灾难恢复规划要求的区域实体百分比\n公司财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理 及时进行公司财务结算\n以往两年期联合国审计委员会建议的执行率 90% 82% 90%\n达到财务数据质量标准的实体百分比 95% 96% 97%\n公司监督和保证 总部合同和财产委员会采购案件平均处理时间(天数)\n内部审计和调查小组内部审计基于风险的内部审计计划的执行水平\n要求人员申报财务披露的比例 95% 98% 99%", "* 联合国 待定。", "领导和整体领导", "48. 定义。 统一的“领导和整体方向”职能群组涵盖整体职能、整体战略管理和领导以及核心活动、领导和管理战略。 这一协会强调,项目厅作为一个具有实时连通性的全球组织,必须确保总部以及各区域结构和职能领域的关键职位承担领导和战略管理的责任。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 问题和说明。 这一统一的职能组别阐明了执行主任对执行局执行2010-2013年战略计划和两年期预算及项目厅整体两年期支助预算所设定的相关目标的责任。 它使执行主任能够要求整个组织的管理人员对其对这些成果的贡献负责。 在整个组织内采用项目厅的核心价值,以及进一步加强机构业绩管理工具和框架,以监测和推动实现业务和管理成果,仍然特别重要。 此外,还将强调加强透明度和问责制措施。", " 50. 50. 项目厅管理层将调查对项目厅进程和人员实施更多相关外部认证的机会,同时维持项目管理、人力资源和财务以及内部认证计划等领域的现有认证。", "51. 联合国 问责和供资数额。 战略管理和领导必须在全球结构的所有实体以及所有职能领域进行并获得资金。 因此,问责制由执行办公室以及整个组织的做法和区域实体的管理层负责。 此外,全机构业绩和管理小组专门履行这一职能。 预计供资水平为2 090万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n可持续伙伴关系 项目厅对联合国发展援助框架的捐款\n通过项目厅质量管理审查程序商定的改进举措得到及时实施\n财政可持续性 管理财政资源 实现执行局核准的净收入目标(500万美元)\n实现业务准备金要求", "公司对外关系和伙伴关系、通信和资源调动", "52. 定义。 统一的职能分组“企业对外关系和伙伴关系、通信和资源调动”包括项目厅的两个整体职能:伙伴关系、产品和服务质量管理;通信。", "53. 联合国 问题和说明。 虽然伙伴关系主要下放到国家一级,但将探讨利用各区域国家知识和经验的方法,以增进现有和新的参与对伙伴的增值。 这些努力将侧重于项目厅执行支助活动领域,并进而促进各区域分享知识和技能。 项目厅将注重其投资组合,以便抓住机会,提高对合作伙伴的价值。 在开发产品和服务时,将特别优先考虑为会员国发出的帮助在项目厅任务领域内建立国家执行能力的呼吁提供服务。 将进行沟通努力,以获得更多关于伙伴需要的知识并传达项目厅如何满足这些需要。", "54. 联合国 问责和供资数额。 问责制由外联和伙伴关系小组以及本组织各区域实体的管理层负责。 经费数额估计为1 560万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n可持续伙伴关系 业务购置总额15亿15.3亿美元\n高效和透明地交流 每月访问项目厅公共网站的次数\n符合公司标准的区域实体网站百分比\n对项目厅满意的人员百分比", "外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助", "55. 定义。 统一的职能分组“外地/国家办事处监督、管理和业务支助”包括项目厅的三项机构职能: 项目管理;采购和供应链;和法律。 此外,核心活性进程和记录也是这个功能集群的一部分.", "56. (中文(简体) ). 问题和说明。 项目管理仍然是项目厅对外和内部交付价值的主要方式。 项目厅将Prince2确定为本组织的项目管理方法,其重点是加强其项目管理做法的关键方面;技能发展和经验交流,使做法更加一致、更明确的从业人员职业道路;促进和支持发展聘用和项目交付的工具;以及更有效率和更有效的控制。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 如上所述,2011年,项目厅获得了ISO 9001质量管理认证。 虽然这是一个重要的里程碑,但也为继续改进奠定了基础。 项目厅还将设法加强参与联合国有关良好业务做法的工作组,特别是在管理问题高级别委员会范围内。", "58. 联合国 项目厅将保证有足够的资源专门就项目厅政策的执行,特别是项目管理、财务、人力资源以及采购和供应链的管理做法提供咨询并制订指导。 这将有助于减轻本组织及其合作伙伴的风险,并降低程序透明度和问责制。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 作为推动流程优化的一部分,项目厅将进一步利用其能力,通过内部和外部的交易或支助服务,提供高效率和高效力的业务能力。", "60. 联合国 问责和供资数额。 问责制在于本组织各区域实体的管理层、项目管理做法、采购和供应链做法小组、法律做法小组以及所有有助于交易服务、流程支助和记录维护以支持业务的做法。 经费数额估计为6 840万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n具有公认价值的 \" 交付世界级产品和服务 \" 全球项目组合(在预算范围内按期交付)\n遵守程序 累计内部审计建议执行率 71% 76% 80%\n提高流程效率和有效性 通过正式招标采购的平均期限(天数) 88 87 85", "* 联合国 待定。", "机构人力资源管理", "61. 定义。 统一的职能分组“公司人力资源管理”涵盖项目厅的整体职能人力资源。", "62. 联合国 问题和说明。 项目厅将继续努力与联合国统一员额职等,并统一本组织内部的职称和职务说明。 此外,项目厅将设法改善项目厅工作人员的职业发展机会和方式。 在这方面,项目厅将加强人员业绩管理和监测,并视需要调整项目厅承认、奖惩政策的最新执行情况。 项目厅还将继续编制人才名册,这将有助于吸引人才和人员职业发展。", "63. 国家 问责和供资数额。 问责制由人力资源业务小组负责。 经费数额估计为680万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n加工精华 提高流程效率和有效性 平均征聘时间(天数)\n人民才能 招募和承认 项目厅人员态度指数的表现\n考绩完成率60% 85% 90%\n拥抱联合值 通过管理预算供资的员额的性别分布(女性任职者的百分比)", "工作人员和房地安保", "64. 定义。 统一的职能分组“工作人员和房地安保”涵盖项目厅整体职能(安保)。", "65. 国家 问题和说明。 安全对项目厅至关重要。 它规定了项目厅人员可以规划和执行业务,为联合国和其他伙伴作出贡献的地盘参数。 因此,项目厅在上个两年期对其安保职能进行了大量投资。 这项投资将有助于进一步协调和有条不紊地分发关于安全和安保的信息并评估遵守最低安保标准的情况。 重要的是,项目厅的大部分安保费用直接由相关项目预算支付。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 问责和供资数额。 问责制由项目厅机构支助小组的安全和安保部门负责。 经费数额估计为110万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n加工精华 提高流程效率和有效性 达到最低安全保障措施的区域实体百分比 新措施 71% 82%\n满足商业持续和灾后恢复规划要求的区域实体百分比\n人民才能 招募和承认 项目厅人员对全面获取联合国/项目厅安全和安保信息表示满意的百分比", "机构财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理", "67. 定义。 统一的职能分组“公司财务、信息和通信技术及行政管理”包括项目厅的三项机构职能:财务、信息和通信技术以及一般行政。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 问题和说明。 项目厅将在其已显示的财务稳定的基础上继续努力加强财务风险管理、内部控制和监督。 实施公共部门会计准则将提高透明度,项目厅将密切监测执行情况,并不断审查其对本组织费用和收入的影响。 此外,项目厅将审查其定价原则和战略投资,以确保本组织的可持续性。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 项目厅将在支持和维护现有系统和基础设施的同时,继续探索和开发更高效、更有效的方法,以支持其在世界各地的业务。 这包括使工作流程自动化,提供交易服务工具,作为实时信息管理的基础,以及确定具有成本效益的方法来扩大信息和通信技术开发能力。", "70. 联合国 项目厅将继续加强行政政策和程序的阐明和执行。 在项目厅哥本哈根总部,将专门拨出时间和资源来协调和便利项目厅从目前的总部房地迁入联合国城房地,项目厅将与在丹麦的其他联合国组织分享这些房地。", "71. 联合国 问责和供资数额。 问责制由财务业务小组和公司支助小组负责。 拟议供资额为2 310万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n加工精华 提高流程效率和有效性 及时经常性公司财务结算\n财政可持续性 确保财务控制 联合国审计委员会以往两年期建议的执行率 90% 82% 90%\n达到财务数据质量标准的实体百分比 95% 96% 97%", "公司监督和保证", "72. 定义。 统一的职能分组“公司监督和保证”包括项目厅的整体职能:内部审计和调查、合同和财产审查以及道德操守。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 问题和说明。 内部审计和调查小组将继续协助项目厅管理层评估和提高项目厅控制系统、业务做法和资源使用情况的充分性、效率和效力,以取得成果。 该小组向执行主任和项目厅理事机构提供关于项目厅治理和风险管理程序的合理保证,以及关于项目厅在支持问责制框架方面业绩的内部控制。 他们的报告对不断改进本组织至关重要。 此外,小组在通过与合作伙伴的合同直接供资的项目审计的促成和质量方面发挥着重要作用。", "74. 国家 项目厅将继续对项目厅的采购职能作出保证。 将通过在区域办事处增设地方合同和财产委员会来提高保证职能的效率。", "75. 国家 问责和供资数额。 由内部审计和调查小组、执行首席采购干事、总部合同和财产委员会以及道德操守干事负责。 这一职能组还包括与联合国审计委员会提供的外部监督有关的费用;以及内部监督事务厅调查司可能以收费方式提供的服务费用。 经费数额估计为380万美元。", "公司目标 2012年目标\n加工精华 B. 提高总部处理效率和效益 合同和财产委员会平均处理采购案的时间(天数) 8 - 8 8\n财政可持续性 确保财务控制 内部审计和调查小组内部审计基于风险的内部审计计划的执行水平\n要求人员申报财务披露的比例 95% 98% 99%", "四、结 论 2012-2013两年期预算估计数", "76. 联合国 2012-2013两年期1.487亿美元的概算包括1.397亿美元管理资源,100万美元由于向公共部门会计准则过渡而增加的一次性支出估计数,以及800万美元的潜在经费专用款。 作为比较,项目厅在2010-2011年概算中编列了1.302亿美元管理资源和500万美元,用于可能的经费。", "管理资源实际增长为零", "77. 国家 2012-2013年通货膨胀的全部平均影响估计为每年3.6%,反映了哥本哈根总部3.0%的年通货膨胀率和所有其他地点3.9%的年平均通货膨胀率的综合影响。 通货膨胀率取自纽约和日内瓦联合国秘书处、哥本哈根丹麦统计局和其他地点的其他可靠公共来源。", "78. 国家 管理资源的实际零增长反映了项目厅通过提高效率和效益不断削减费用的努力,抵消了本来需要的增加。 根据这些努力,与2011年相比,预算中的员额数目保持稳定,反映了2009年开始的改叙工作的结果。", "79. 联合国 在编制这些概算时,项目厅对过去几年不同费用类别的实际支出进行了彻底审查。 这次审查的结果、人员配置表的调整和为2012-2013两年期确定的其他优先事项构成估计两年期费用的基础。", "工作人员费用反映核心能力的整合", "80个 2012-2013年预算显示核心能力得到巩固;员额数目一直保持在2011年的水平上,预计空缺率将略低。 因此,如总表3所示,与员额和人事费有关的数额增加了340万美元。", "81个 表2提供了项目厅员额概况,比较了2010-2011和2012-2013年预算估计数。 表中增加的21个净员额主要反映了项目厅按照执行局第2009/5号决定于2009年启动的改叙工作已经完成。 改叙工作使项目厅的人员配置与整个组织结构更加一致,使项目厅的职等与联合国其他组织的职等相当,并将一些个体订约人协议转为由管理预算供资的核心结构的员额。 业务中心主任3个D-1职等员额的升级已在执行主任的授权下实施,因为这些国家的业务规模已扩大。", "82. 拟议将执行主任职位从助理秘书长(ASG)提升为副秘书长(USG)职等,以确认该职位的问责制和责任得到加强。 随着执行局关于项目厅治理结构的第2008/35号决定的执行,本组织的问责制安排发生了重大变化,执行主任直接(而不是通过前管理协调委员会)向执行局和秘书长报告。 执行局最近的第2009/25和2010/21号决定明确了项目厅的任务。 大会第65/176号决议“联合国开发计划署和联合国人口基金执行局更名为包括联合国项目事务厅”确认了执行局的上述决定。 此外,项目厅近年来大幅增加,增加了与该职位有关的责任。", "表2. 2010-2011年和2012-2013年按职类和地点开列的员额", "2010-2011两年期 预算变动", "总部 共计", "副秘书长/助理秘书长", "D-2 3 5 8 3 5 8 0 0 0", "D-1 7 12 19 7 15 22 0 3 3", "其他 51 96 147 57 95 152 6 - 1 5 国际专业人员", "所有其他 53 116 169 55 127 182 2 11 13", "总计 116 229 345 124 242 366 8 13 21", "非工作人员费用反映费用减少", "83个 如总表3所示,顾问预算按实值计算已大幅度减少了210万美元,即9%。 项目厅计划继续利用咨询人合同提供的灵活性,同时加强其核心能力,并计划减少由管理预算供资的国际咨询人、当地咨询人和订约承办事务的总体水平。", "第八十四会. 根据项目厅大力削减费用的雄心,项目厅计划按实际价值将业务费用减少11%。 预计项目厅总部将按计划迁入哥本哈根新的联合国城市,家具和设备支出类别的费用增加。 最后,偿还费用略有增加,除其他外,因为预计与使Atlas支助公共部门会计准则有关的一次性费用 -- -- 费用由Atlas伙伴机构分担。", "潜在负债和未来风险准备金", "85. 2012-2013两年期预算包括一笔800万美元的潜在经费专款,而2010-2011年预算为500万美元。 这一增加是基于对历史负债的评估、过去几年的注销以及对这种潜在负债和未来风险作出适当准备的愿望。 2012-2013年经费还根据项目厅《财务条例和细则》及细则130.05并获得国际公务员制度委员会的认可,为项目厅关于表彰、奖励和制裁的三年期业绩管理试点工作提供了可能的功绩奖励。", "总表", "总表 1. 资源计划", "2010-2011年、2012-2013年(实际数)-2011年(估计数)", "1. 联合国 预算估计数", "业务准备金", "管理费", "咨询和可偿还费用", "杂项收入 8.5 19.0 10.0", "收入共计", "可用资源共计", "2. 联合国 资源使用", "管理资源", "备抵 5.0 16.0 8.0", "公共部门会计准则的影响n/an/a1.0", "共使用135.2147.1 148.7资源", "3个 资源余额", "净收入 5.0 14.3 0.0", "期末准备金", "总表 2. 高级职位的拟议变动", "副秘书长/助理秘书长 D-2 D-1 共计", "2010-2011年 员额 2 8 19 29", "A类. 增减", "总部 0 0 0 0", "战地 0 0 3 3", "增加总额和减少额", "B. 改叙", "变动共计(净额)", "2012-2013年员额 2 8 22 32", "总表 3. 按支出类别分列的概算", "(单位:百万美元)", "支出类别 2010年 量 成本 2012-20 13 (实际)增加\n2011年预算增加百分比(估计数)", "员额a/ 45.4 2.2% 4.8% 3.3 50.9", "一般人事费", "旅行 7.2-0.1-1.5% 0.5 7.6", "顾问b 23.4 -2.1 - 9.0% 1.7 23.0", "业务费用c 24.8 - 2.7 - 11.1% 1.8 23.8", "家具和0.7 0.2 34.7% 0.1 1.0设备", "偿还款 2.8 0.3 11.5% 0.2 3.4", "总支出", "a 包括(当地和国际)员额费用和学习费用。", "b 包括国际顾问、当地顾问、订约承办事务和公司合同。", "c 包括一般业务费用、材料和货物、通信和视听设备、招待费、信息技术设备、租金和维修费以及杂项费用。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 160", "Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1863 (2009) of 16 January 2009, by which the Council expressed its intent to establish a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia as a follow-on force to the African Union Mission in Somalia, subject to its further decision by 1 June 2009, and requested the Secretary-General, in order for the forces of the Mission to be incorporated into a United Nations peacekeeping operation, to provide a United Nations logistical support package to the Mission, including equipment and services,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1964 (2010) of 22 December 2010, by which the Council requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package to the Mission until 30 September 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 64/287 of 24 June 2010 on the financing of support to the African Union Mission in Somalia,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the United Nations Trust Fund established to support the Mission,", "1. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "2. Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate measures to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and transparency with regard to the use of United Nations resources, bearing in mind the specific nature of the support package;", "3. Stresses the importance of strict adherence to the existing United Nations procurement rules and regulations;", "4. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289 of 30 June 2011;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "5. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support of the African Union Mission in Somalia for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "6. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the support provided to the African Union Mission in Somalia the amount of 309,690,900 United States dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 291,092,700 dollars for the maintenance of the entity, 15,759,800 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 2,838,400 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base, at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "7. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 77,422,725 dollars for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "8. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,255,950 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 847,700 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 333,700 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 74,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "9. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 232,268,175 dollars for the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 25,807,575 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate;", "10. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 9 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,767,850 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,543,100 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 1,001,100 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 223,650 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "11. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the entity, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 54,457,900 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated by the General Assembly in resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "12. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the entity, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 54,457,900 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 11 above;", "13. Also decides that the decrease of 433,400 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be set off against the credits from the amount of 54,457,900 dollars referred to in paragraphs 11 and 12 above;", "14. Invites voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund established to support the African Union Mission in Somalia;", "15. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)”.", "[1] ** Second reissue for technical reasons on 15 August 2011.", "A/65/619 and A/65/809.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.16.", "[3] A/65/619." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目160", "安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议 引起的活动的经费筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2009年1月16日第1863(2009)号决议,其中安理会表示打算设立联合国索马里维持和平行动,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的接替部队,但须安理会至迟于2009年6月1日作出进一步决定,并请秘书长为便于非洲联盟驻索马里特派团部队并入联合国维持和平行动,向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供一揽子联合国后勤支助,其中包括设备与服务,", "又回顾安全理事会2010年12月22日第1964(2010)号决议,其中安理会请秘书长继续为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)提供一揽子后勤支助,直至2011年9月30日为止,", "还回顾大会关于安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措的2010年6月24日第64/287号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到联合国支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团信托基金已获得自愿捐助,", "1. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2. 请秘书长采取适当措施,确保有成效、高效率和透明地使用联合国资源,同时铭记一揽子支助的特定性质;", "3. 着重指出严格遵守现行联合国采购细则和条例的重要性;", "4. 注意到已按照2011年6月30日第65/289号决议的规定调整批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "5. 表示注意到秘书长关于2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团财政执行情况报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "6. 决定批款309 690 900美元给支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团特别账户,作为2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该实体维持费291 092 700美元,维护和平行动支助账户15 759 800美元和联合国后勤基地2 838 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "7. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年7月1日至9月30日期间经费77 492 750美元;", "8. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第7段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 266 800美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数847 700美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额344 550美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额74 550美元;", "9. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,分摊2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间经费232 268 175美元,每月25 807 575美元,但以安全理事会决定延长任务期限为前提;", "10. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第9段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 767 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 543 100美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 001 100美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额223 650美元;", "11. 还决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第7段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "12. 决定,对于尚未履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第11段规定的办法,从其所欠款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "13. 又决定从上文第11和12段提及的54 457 900美元所产生的贷项中,减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的减少额433 400美元;", "14. 邀请各方为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团而设立的联合国信托基金提供自愿捐助;", "15. 决定在其第六十六届会议期间继续审议题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措”的项目。", "[1] ^(**) 由于技术原因,于2011年8月15日第二次重新印发。", "A/65/619和A/65/809。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.16。", "[3] A/65/619。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目160", "安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2009年1月16日第1863(2009)号决议,其中安理会表示打算在索马里设立一个联合国维持和平行动,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的后继部队,但须至迟于2009年6月1日作出进一步决定,并请秘书长为将该特派团部队纳入联合国维持和平行动,向该特派团提供一揽子联合国后勤支助,包括提供装备和服务,", "又回顾安全理事会2010年12月22日第1964(2010)号决议,其中安理会请秘书长继续向该特派团提供一揽子后勤支助,直至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾大会关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措的2010年6月24日第64/287号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支助该特派团的联合国信托基金作出自愿捐助,", "1. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2. 联合国 4. 请秘书长采取适当措施,确保联合国资源使用的效力、效率和透明度,同时铭记一揽子支助的特定性质;", "3个 3. 着重指出严格遵守联合国现行采购细则和条例的重要性;", " 4.四. 注意到已按照2011年6月30日第65/289号决议的规定调整了批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "5 (韩语). 表示注意到秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "6. 国家 16. 决定批款309 690 900美元给非洲联盟驻索马里特派团支助账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该实体的维持费291 092 700美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的15 759 800美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的2 838 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "7. 联合国 24. 又决定,考虑到2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊77 422 725美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "8. 联合国 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第7段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 255 950美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数847 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额333 700美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额74 550美元;", "9. 国家 15. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊232 268 175美元,每月25 807 575美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "10个 19. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第9段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 767 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 543 100美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 001 100美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额223 650美元;", "11个 14. 还决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第7段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "12个 11. 决定,对于尚未履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第11段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "13个 12. 又决定,上文第11和12段提及的54 457 900美元所产生的贷项,应减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的减少额433 400美元;", "14. 邀请各方向为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团而设的联合国信托基金提供自愿捐助;", "15个 24. 决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] ** 2011年8月15日因技术原因第二次再发.", "A/65/619和A/65/809。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.16。", "[3] A/65/619。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 143", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations", "Draft resolution submitted by the Rapporteur of the Committee following informal consultations[1]", "Strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolutions 45/258 of 3 May 1991, 47/218 A of 23 December 1992, 48/226 A of 23 December 1993, 55/238 of 23 December 2000, 56/241 of 24 December 2001, 56/293 of 27 June 2002, 57/318 of 18 June 2003, 58/298 of 18 June 2004, 59/301 of 22 June 2005, 60/268 of 30 June 2006, 61/245 and 61/246 of 22 December 2006, 61/256 of 15 March 2007, 61/279 of 29 June 2007, 62/250 of 20 June 2008, 63/287 of 30 June 2009 and 64/271 of 24 June 2010, its decisions 48/489 of 8 July 1994, 49/469 of 23 December 1994 and 50/473 of 23 December 1995 and its other relevant resolutions,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on strengthening the capacity of the United Nations to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations,[2] on the budget performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010[3] and on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012,[4] the preliminary report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the implementation of the pilot project designated by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/287,[5] the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the budget of the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012[6] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[7] as well as the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the thematic evaluation of cooperation between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support and regional organizations,[8]", "Recognizing the importance of the United Nations being able to respond and deploy rapidly to a peacekeeping operation upon the adoption of a relevant resolution of the Security Council, within thirty days for traditional peacekeeping operations and ninety days for complex peacekeeping operations,", "Recognizing also the need for adequate support during all phases of peacekeeping operations, including the liquidation and termination phases,", "Mindful that the level of the support account should broadly correspond to the mandate, number, size and complexity of peacekeeping missions,", "1. Reaffirms its role in carrying out a thorough analysis and approval of human and financial resources and policies with a view to ensuring the full, effective and efficient implementation of all mandated programmes and activities and the implementation of policies in this regard;", "2. Also reaffirms that the Fifth Committee is the appropriate Main Committee of the General Assembly entrusted with responsibility for administrative and budgetary matters;", "3. Further reaffirms rule 153 of its rules of procedure;", "4. Reaffirms that the support account funds shall be used for the sole purpose of financing human resources and non-human resource requirements for backstopping and supporting peacekeeping operations at Headquarters, and that any changes in this limitation require the prior approval of the General Assembly;", "5. Also reaffirms the need for adequate funding for the backstopping of peacekeeping operations, as well as the need for full justification for that funding in support account budget submissions;", "6. Emphasizes the importance of interaction and coordination with troop- and police-contributing countries;", "7. Recalls section I, paragraph 6, of resolution 55/238, paragraph 11 of resolution 56/241, paragraph 19 of resolution 61/279 and paragraph 22 of resolution 62/250, and requests the Secretary-General to make further concrete efforts to ensure the proper representation of troop-contributing countries in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support, taking into account their contribution to United Nations peacekeeping;", "8. Recognizes the significant role of the Police Division of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in contributing to peacekeeping operations, including their peacekeeping efforts, and the increase in the policing dimension in a number of operations;", "9. Reaffirms the need for effective and efficient administration and financial management of peacekeeping operations, and urges the Secretary-General to continue to identify measures to increase the productivity and efficiency of the support account;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, and other relevant resolutions;", "11. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁶ subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "12. Takes note of the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the thematic evaluation of cooperation between the Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Department of Field Support and regional organizations;⁷", "13. Reaffirms its role with regard to the structure of the Secretariat, and stresses that proposals that amend the overall departmental structure, as well as the format of the budgets of the Organization and the biennial programme plan, are subject to review and approval by the General Assembly;", "14. Notes the overall benefits of the restructuring of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and the Department of Field Support, and requests the Secretary-General to assess these benefits and to continue to make every effort to enhance the capacity of the Organization to manage and sustain peacekeeping operations;", "15. Underlines the crucial importance of ensuring that the lessons learned and best practices of peacekeeping missions are adequately captured, processed and incorporated into guidelines and policies, particularly with regard to peacebuilding efforts by peacekeepers and peacekeeping operations in transition, and in this regard recognizes the significant role of the Peacekeeping Best Practices Section and best practices officers on the ground;", "16. Notes that the strategy for early peacebuilding is still being developed by the Secretariat, and in this regard requests the Secretary-General to consult closely, throughout the process of the preparation of the strategy, with Member States, the Peacebuilding Commission, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and all other relevant Secretariat entities, and underlines that specific peacebuilding tasks undertaken by peacekeeping missions should be based on the priorities of the country concerned and on the specific context;", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012³ and the report of the Independent Audit Advisory Committee on the budget of the Office of Internal Oversight Services under the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;⁵", "18. Decides to maintain, for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, the funding mechanism for the support account used in the period from 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, as approved in paragraph 3 of its resolution 50/221 B of 7 June 1996;", "19. Takes note of paragraphs 44 and 55 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁶", "20. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to review the level of the support account on a regular basis, taking into consideration the number, size and complexity of peacekeeping operations;", "21. Emphasizes that support functions should be scalable to the size and scope of peacekeeping operations;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General to fill all vacancies in an expeditious manner;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "23. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;²", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "24. Approves the support account requirements in the amount of 344,792,400 United States dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 47,185,200 dollars for the enterprise resource planning project pursuant to its resolution 64/243 of 24 December 2009, including 1,294 continuing posts and 1 new temporary post, as well as the redeployment, reassignment and reclassification of posts as set out in annex I to the present resolution and 151 continuing and 11 new general temporary assistance positions as set out in annex II, as well as their related post and non-post requirements;", "Financing of the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "25. Decides that the requirements for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 shall be financed as follows:", "(a) An additional amount of 24,444,900 dollars, to be appropriated and assessed in respect of the financial period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;", "(b) The total amount of 6,048,000 dollars, comprising interest income of 2,161,000 dollars, other miscellaneous income of 1,359,000 dollars and the cancellation of prior-period obligations of 2,528,000 dollars, to be applied to the resources required for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(c) The amount of 3,377,000 dollars, representing the excess of the authorized level of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, to be applied to the resources required for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(d) The balance of 359,812,300 dollars, to be prorated among the budgets of the active peacekeeping operations for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(e) The net estimated staff assessment income of 30,474,500 dollars, comprising the amount of 29,685,000 dollars for the financial period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the increase of 789,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, to be set off against the balance referred to in subparagraph (d) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations.", "Annex I", "A. Support account posts to be established for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "Organizationalunit Number\tLevel\tFunction\tStatus \nDepartmentofPeacekeepingOperations \nPolicy,EvaluationandTrainingDivision\tPeacekeepingBestPracticesSection\t1\tP-4\tChildProtectionAdviser\tConversionfromgeneraltemporaryassistance\n Total 1", "B. Redeployment, reassignment, reclassification, restructuring and abolition of posts under the support account for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "Redeployments", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Operations/Africa I Division/ United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad integrated operational team", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-5 Senior Political Affairs Officer) to the Africa II Division, United Nations Mission in Liberia/United Nations Operation in Côte d’Ivoire integrated operational team", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-3 Political Affairs Officer) to the Africa I Division, United Nations Mission in the Sudan integrated operational team", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Military Affairs/Military Planning Service", "Redeployment of 2 posts (1 P-4 Capability Development Officer and 1 P-4 Military Policy and Doctrine Officer) to the Office of the Military Adviser, Policy and Doctrine Team", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions/Police Division", "Redeployment of 16 posts (1 P-5 Chief of Section, 6 P-4 Selection and Recruitment Officers, 7 P-3 Selection and Recruitment Officers and 2 General Service (Other level) Administrative Assistants) from the Mission Management and Support Section to the Selection and Recruitment Section", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Office of the Director/Field Finance Procedures Management Unit", "Redeployment of 5 posts (1 P-4 Administrative Management Officer, 2 P-3 Administrative Officers, 1 General Service (Other level) Finance Assistant and 1 General Service (Other level) Team Assistant) to the Front Office/Office of the Director (Field Budget and Finance Division restructuring)", "Redeployment of 2 posts (1 P-4 Finance Officer and 1 General Service (Other level) Finance Assistant) to the Budget and Performance Reporting Service (Field Budget and Finance Division restructuring)", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Office of the Director/Field System Support Unit", "Redeployment of 4 posts (1 P-4 Chief, 1 P-3 Systems Analyst, 1 P-2 Associate Programme Analyst and 1 General Service (Other level) Computer Information Systems Assistant) to the Budget and Performance Reporting Service (Field Budget and Finance Division restructuring)", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-3 Programme Analyst) to the Office of the Chief/Communications and Information Technology Services (United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy)", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Memorandums of Understanding and Claims Management Section", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-3 Finance and Budget Officer) to the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (global field support strategy)", "Department of Field Support/Field Personnel Division/Field Personnel Operations Service", "Redeployment of 2 posts (2 General Service (Other level) Human Resources Assistants) to the Field Central Review Board (United Nations Logistics Base)", "Department of Field Support/Logistics Support Division/Specialist Support Service/Supply Section", "Redeployment of 3 posts (1 P-4 Chief Contracts Management Unit, 1 P-3 Contracts Officer and 1 P-2 Associate Contracts Officer) to the Office of the Director (United Nations Logistics Base)", "Department of Field Support/Information and Communications Technology Division/Field Communications and Information Technology Operations Service", "Redeployment of 2 posts (1 P-4 Strategic Deployment Stock Telecommunications Officer and 1 General Service (Other level) Information and Communications Technology Assistant) to the Assets Management Section/Communications and Information Technology Services (United Nations Logistics Base)", "Department of Field Support/Information and Communications Technology Division/Field Communications and Information Technology Operations Service/Logistics and Administration Unit", "Redeployment of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Administrative Assistant) to Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (global field support strategy)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Redeployment of 1 post (P-4 Resident Auditor) to the Internal Audit Division/Regional Audit Centre (Entebbe, Uganda)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Redeployment of 1 post (Field Service Audit Assistant) to the Internal Audit Division/Regional Audit Centre (Entebbe)", "Reassignments", "Department of Field Support/Logistics Support Division/Specialist Support Service/Engineering Section", "Reassignment of 1 post (P-4 Engineer) to the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (P-4 Programme Officer) (global field support strategy)", "Department of Field Support/Field Personnel Division/Field Personnel Operations Services", "Reassignment of 1 post (P-4 Human Resources Officer) to the Office of the Under-Secretary-General/Programme Implementation Coordination Team (P-4 Programme Officer) (global field support strategy)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Reassignment of 1 post (P-5 Chief Resident Officer) to the Inspection and Evaluation Division (P-5 Senior Evaluation Officer)", "Reclassifications", "Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services/United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "Reclassification of 1 post (National General Service Administrative Assistant to Field Service)", "Office of the United Nations Ombudsman and Mediation Services/United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo", "Reclassification of 1 post (National General Service Administrative Assistant to Field Service)", "Restructuring", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations", "Change name from “Peacekeeping Best Practices Section” to “Policy and Best Practices Service”", "Establish the Protection Coordination Team in the Policy, Evaluation and Training Division/Policy and Best Practices Service", "Establish the Selection and Recruitment Section in the Office of Rule of Law and Security Institutions/Police Division", "Department of Field Support", "Discontinue the Field Finance Procedures Management Unit and the Field System Support Unit of the Field Budget and Finance Division", "Abolition", "Department of Peacekeeping Operations/Office of Operations/Africa I Division/ United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad integrated operational team", "Abolition of 1 post (P-4 Political Affairs Officer)", "Department of Field Support/Field Budget and Finance Division/Office of the Director/Field System Support Unit", "Abolition of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Information Management Assistant)", "Department of Field Support/Field Personnel Division/Guidance and Organizational Design Section", "Abolition of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Team Assistant)", "Department of Field Support/Logistics Support Division/Operational Support Service", "Abolition of 1 post (General Service (Other level) Team Assistant)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad", "Abolition of 1 post (P-5 Chief Resident Officer)", "Abolition of 3 posts (1 P-4 Resident Auditor, 1 P-3 Resident Auditor and 1 Field Service Audit Assistant)", "Office of Internal Oversight Services/Internal Audit Division/United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo", "Abolition of 1 post (National General Service Administrative Assistant)", "Annex II", "Support account general temporary assistance positions to be established for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "Organizationalunit Numberofpositions\tPositionlevel\tFunction^(a)\tStatus \nDepartmentofPeacekeepingOperations \nOffice oftheUnder-Secretary-General\tFrontOffice\t1\tP-4\tOrganizationalResilienceOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant —OrganizationalResilience\tContinuation\n\tExecutiveOffice\t—\t4months,3 P-3\tAdministrativeOfficer\t—\n —\t4months,3 GS(OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\n\tPublicAffairsSection\t1\tP-3\tInternalCommunicationsOfficer\tContinuation\nOffice ofOperations\tAfricaIIDivision\t1\tD-1\tPrincipalOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tPoliticalAffairsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tPoliticalAffairsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\n\tAfricaIDivision\t1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\nOffice ofMilitaryAffairs\tMilitaryPlanningService\t1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\n\tCurrentMilitaryOperationsService\t1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\nOffice ofRule of LawandSecurityInstitutions\tCriminalLaw andJudicialAdvisoryService\t1\tP-4\tJudicialOfficer(Islamiclaw)\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tCorrectionsOfficer(forcegeneration)\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tJudicialOfficer\tNew\nPolicy,EvaluationandTrainingDivision\tPartnershipsTeam\t1\tP-5\tSeniorCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tTeamAssistant\tContinuation\n\tPeacekeepingBestPracticesSection\t1\tP-4\tCoordinationOfficer(protectionofcivilians)\tNew\n 2\tP-3\tCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n\tIntegratedTrainingService\t1\tP-4\tTrainingOfficer(SMART)\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tTrainingOfficer(SMART)\tContinuation\n 2\tP-4\tTrainingCoordinationOfficer\tContinuation\n Subtotal 23 \nDepartmentof FieldSupport \nOffice oftheUnder-Secretary-General\tSupportfor theAfricanUnionMissioninSomaliaHeadquarterssupportteam\t1\tP-5\tSeniorSupportOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tSupportOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n\tFrontOffice/ProgrammeImplementationCoordinationTeam\t1\tD-1\tTeam Leader\tContinuationFieldPersonnelDivision\tRecruitment,OutreachandCareerDevelopment\t12\tP-3\tHumanResourcesOfficer\tContinuation \n\tSection/OccupationalGroup \n 4\tGS (OL)\tHumanResourcesAssistant\tContinuation\tQualityAssuranceandInformationManagement\t1\tP-3\tHumanResourcesOfficer\tContinuation \n\tSection/AdministrationofJustice LogisticsSupportDivision\tAirTransport\t1\tP-3\tAirTransportOfficer\tContinuation Section/ Airfieldsand Air \n\tTerminalsUnit \n\tSpecialistSupportService\t1\tP-3\tWaterEngineer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tBoundaryAnalyst\tContinuation\n Subtotal 24 \nDepartmentofManagement \nOffice oftheUnder-Secretary-General\tExecutiveOffice\t—\t4months,3 P-4\tAdministrativeOfficer\t—\n —\t4months,3 GS(OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\tHeadquartersCommitteeon\t1\tP-4\tCapacityDevelopmentOfficer\tContinuation \n Contracts \n 1\tGS (OL)\tTraining andAnalysisAssistant\tContinuation\nOffice ofProgrammePlanning,Budget andAccounts\tAccountsDivision\t1\tP-4\tPolicyGuidance andTrainingOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tStrategicDeploymentStocksOfficer\tContinuation\n 3\tGS (OL)\tFinanceAssistant(peacekeepingaccounts)\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tFinanceAssistant(insurance)\tContinuation 1\tP-4\tAccountingPolicyAnalyst\tNew \n (InternationalPublicSectorAccountingStandards) 2\tP-3\tAccountingPolicyAnalyst\tNew \n (InternationalPublicSectorAccountingStandards)\t\n\tTreasury\t1\tP-3\tFinanceOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-2\tAssociateFinanceOfficer\tContinuation\n\tFinancialInformationOperationsService\t1\tP-4\tInformationSystemsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-2\tInformationSystemsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInformationSystemsAssistant\tContinuation\tPeacekeepingFinancing\t2\tP-3\tFinance andBudgetOfficer\tContinuation \n Division \nOffice ofHumanResourcesManagement\tHumanResourcesPolicyService\t1\tP-2\tAssociateLegalOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tLegalOfficer\tContinuation\tLearning,DevelopmentandHuman\t2\tP-3\tHumanResourcesOfficer\tContinuation Resources Services \n Division \n 1\tGS (OL)\tHumanResourcesAssistant\tContinuation\n\tHumanResourcesInformationSystemsSection(NewYork)\t1\tP-4\tDataWarehouseProjectManager\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tIMIS HelpDeskAssistant\tContinuation\n\tHumanResourcesInformationSystemsSection(Bangkok)/InspiraCentreofExcellence\t1\tP-4\tChief\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tHelp DeskManager\tNew\n 1\tP-3\tDevelopmentandProductionSupportAnalyst\tContinuation\n 1\tP-2\tAssociateApplicationsSupportOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tDatabaseAdministrator\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (PL)\tCustomerSupportRepresentative\tContinuation\n 6\tGS (OL)\tCustomerSupportRepresentative\tContinuation\tStrategicPlanningand\t—\t6monthsP-4\tHumanResourcesOfficer\t— Staffing \n Division Office ofCentralSupportServices\tOfficeof theAssistant\t1\tP-3\tAdministrativeOfficer\tContinuation \n\tSecretary-General \n\tProcurementDivision\t1\tP-3\tProcurementOfficer(vendorregistration)\tNew 3\tGS (OL)\tProcurementAssistant(vendor\tContinuation \n registration) \n 3\tP-3\tProcurementOfficer(engineering,logistics,vehicles)\tContinuation\tFacilitiesandCommercial\t1\tP-3\tSpacePlanningOfficer\tContinuation Services \n Division \n 1\tP-2\tAssociateInformationManagementOfficer\tContinuation\n Subtotal 48 \nOffice ofInternalOversightServices \nExecutiveOffice —\t4months,P-3\tAuditor\t—\n —\t4months,P-3\tInvestigator\t—\n —\t4months,3 GS(OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\nInternalAuditDivision\tNewYork\t1\tP-4\tAuditor\tContinuation\n\tSupportforAMISOM\t1\tP-4\tResidentAuditor\tContinuation\nInvestigationsDivision\tNewYork\t1\tP-5\tSeniorInvestigator\tContinuation\n 3\tP-4\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-3\tAdministrativeOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tOfficeAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInformationTechnologyAssistant\tContinuation\nInvestigationsDivision\tVienna\t1\tD-1\tDeputyDirector\tContinuation\n 1\tP-5\tSeniorInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tForensicInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 7\tP-3\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (PL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInformationTechnologyAssistant\tContinuation\nInvestigationsDivision\tNairobi\t1\tD-1\tDeputyDirector\tContinuation\n 1\tP-5\tSeniorInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tForensicInvestigator\tContinuation\n 3\tP-4\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1 P-4 Investigator New\n 6\tP-3\tInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1 P-3 Investigator New\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n 3\tGS (OL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tInvestigationAssistant\tNew\nInvestigationsDivision\tUnitedNationsStabilizationMissioninHaiti\t1\tP-4\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\tUnitedNationsOrganizationMissionin theDemocratic\t1\tP-4\tChiefResidentInvestigator\tContinuation \n\tRepublicof theCongo \n 1\tP-3\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tNGS\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n\tUnitedNationsMissioninLiberia\t1\tP-4\tChiefResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 2\tP-3\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 1\tNGS\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n\tUnitedNationsMissionin theSudan\t1\tP-4\tChiefResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\n 2\tP-3\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation\tUnitedNationsOperationin Côte\t1\tP-4\tResidentInvestigator\tContinuation \n d’Ivoire \n Subtotal 56 \nExecutiveOffice oftheSecretary-General —\t6months,GS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\n —\t6months,GS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\t—\n Subtotal — \nOffice oftheUnitedNationsOmbudsmanandMediationServices 1\tP-4\tCase Officer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n Subtotal 2 \nEthicsOffice 1\tP-3\tEthicsOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tGS (OL)\tAdministrativeAssistant\tContinuation\n Subtotal 2 \nOffice ofLegalAffairs \nGeneralLegalDivision 1\tP-4\tLegalOfficer\tContinuation\n 1\tP-4\tLegalOfficer\tNew\n 1\tP-3\tLegalOfficer\tNew\nOffice ofthe LegalCounsel —\t6months,P-4\tLegalOfficer\t—\n Subtotal 3 \nOffice ofInformationandCommunicationsTechnology FieldSystemsSection 1\tP-4\tProjectManager(customerrelationshipmanagement/troop\tContinuation \n contributionsmanagement) 1\tP-3\tInformationSystemsOfficer(customerrelationshipmanagement/troop\tContinuation \n contributionsmanagement)\t\n 1\tP-4\tProjectManager(rationsmanagementsystem)\tContinuation\n Subtotal 3 AdvisoryCommitteeonAdministrativeandBudgetaryQuestions 1\tP-4\tAdministrativeManagementOfficer\tContinuation \n secretariat \n Subtotal 1 Total 162\tpositions(ofwhich11 arenew) \n and 92personmonths(positionsof lessthan 12monthsduration)^(b)", "Abbreviations: GS (OL), General Service (Other level); GS (PL), General Service (Principal level); NGS, National General Service.", "^(a) The specific assignment of the general temporary assistance positions is set out in the report of the Secretary-General on the budget for the support account for peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 (A/65/761) and referenced in the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions (A/65/827), with the exception of 1 P-4 position for the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in the Office of Operations/Africa II Division, 1 P-3 position for the Department of Field Support in the Air Transport Section/Airfields and Air Terminals Unit and 1 P-4, 1 P-3 and 1 General Service (Other level) positions for the Office of Internal Oversight Services in the Investigations Division/Nairobi.", "^(b) Person months are indicated in the column entitled “Position level”.", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 2 August 2011.", "[2] A/65/624 and Corr.1.", "[3] A/65/610 and Add.1.", "[4] A/65/761, Corr.1 and 2.", "[5] A/65/765.", "[6] A/65/734.", "[7] A/65/827.", "[8] A/65/762." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会报告员在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力", "大会,", "回顾其1991年5月3日第45/258号、1992年12月23日第47/218 A号、1993年12月23日第48/226 A号、2000年12月23日第55/238号、2001年12月24日第56/241号、2002年6月27日第56/293号、2003年6月18日第57/318号、2004年6月18日第58/298号、2005年6月22日第59/301号、2006年6月30日第60/268号、2006年12月22日第61/245号和第61/246号、2007年3月15日第61/256号、2007年6月29日第61/279号、2008年6月20日第62/250号、2009年6月30日第63/287号和2010年6月24日第64/271号决议,1994年7月8日第48/489号、1994年12月23日第49/469号和1995年12月23日第50/473号决定及其他有关决议,", "审议了秘书长关于提高联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告、[1] 关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况的报告[2] 和关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、[3] 内部监督事务厅关于大会第63/287号决议指定试点项目执行情况的初步报告、[4] 独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅的预算的报告[5] 和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[6] 以及内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与各区域组织之间合作的专题评价的报告,[7]", "确认联合国必须有能力在安全理事会通过相关决议后迅速作出反应并迅速部署维持和平行动,传统维持和平行动在30天内部署,复合维持和平行动在90天内部署,", "又确认必须在维持和平行动的所有阶段包括清理和结束阶段提供适当支助,", "意识到支助账户的经费数额应与维持和平特派团的任务、数目、规模和复杂性大致相称,", "1. 重申其所起的一项作用是透彻分析和核准人力资源和财政资源及政策,以确保所有授权方案和活动得到充分、高实效、高效率的落实,这方面的政策得到执行;", "2. 又重申第五委员会是大会授权主管行政和预算事项的主要委员会;", "3. 还重申其《议事规则》第153条;", "4. 重申支助账户资金只能用于在总部为支助维和行动的所需人力及非人力资源提供经费,这项限制的任何改变,须经大会事先批准;", "5. 又重申支助维和行动的工作需要有适当的经费,但在提出支助账户预算时需要就所要求的经费提出充分理由;", "6. 强调与部队和警察派遣国进行互动和协调的重要性;", "7. 回顾其第55/238号决议第一节第6段、第56/241号决议第11段、第61/279号决议第19段和第62/250号决议第22段,请秘书长考虑到部队派遣国对联合国维持和平工作的贡献,做出进一步具体努力,确保这些国家有适当数目的人员在维持和平行动部和外勤支助部任职;", "8. 确认维持和平行动部警务司在帮助维持和平行动包括其维持和平努力方面的重要作用,以及在一些行动中警务层面有所扩大;", "9. 重申维持和平行动需要高成效、高效率的行政和财政管理,敦促秘书长继续确定可提高支助账户成效和效率的措施;", "10. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他有关决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告⁶ 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "12. 表示注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与各区域组织之间合作的专题评价的报告;⁷", "13. 重申大会在秘书处结构问题上的作用,并强调指出,修改总体部门结构及联合国预算和两年期方案计划格式的提议,须经大会审查和核准;", "14. 注意到改组维持和平行动部和外勤支助部的总体好处,请秘书长评估这些好处并继续尽一切努力,提高联合国管理和持续开展维和行动的能力;", "15. 着重指出至关重要的是确保维持和平特派团的经验教训和最佳做法得到充分汲取、处理并纳入各种准则和政策中,特别是在维持和平人员的建设和平努力和过渡期中的维持和平行动方面,在这方面,确认维和最佳做法科和当地最佳做法干事的重要作用;", "16. 注意到秘书处仍在制定早期建设和平战略,在这方面,请秘书长在制定这一战略的整个过程中与会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案机构以及秘书处所有其他有关实体密切协商,并着重指出维持和平特派团执行的具体建设和平任务应建立在有关国家的优先事项和具体情况的基础上;", "17. 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告³ 和独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下的内部监督事务厅预算的报告;⁵", "18. 决定在2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间维持经大会1996年6月7日第50/221 B号决议第3段核准并在2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间使用的支助账户经费筹措机制;", "19. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告第44和55段;⁶", "20. 再次请秘书长考虑到维持和平行动的数目、规模和复杂性,定期审查支助账户的经费数额;", "21. 强调支助职能应可按照维持和平行动的规模和范围进行调整;", "22. 请秘书长迅速填补所有空缺;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;²", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间预算估计数", "24. 核准支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源344 792 400美元,其中包括大会2009年12月24日第64/243号决议核定的企业资源规划项目的47 185 200美元,包括1 294个续设员额、1个新设临时员额以及本决议附件一所载员额的调动、职能改变和改叙,附件二所载151个续设职位和11个新设一般临时人员职位及其相关所需员额和非员额资源;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日财政期间与2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间维持和平行动支助账户经费的筹措", "25. 决定按下列方式筹措维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需经费:", "(a) 为2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日财政期间追加批款和分摊24 444 900美元;", "(b) 将包括利息收入(2 161 000美元)、其他杂项收入(1 359 000美元)和上期债务核销(2 528 000美元)在内共计6 048 000美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的所需经费;", "(c) 将2010年6月30日终了财政期间维持和平准备基金核定额的超出部分3 377 000美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需经费;", "(d) 差额359 812 300美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的预算按比例分摊;", "(e) 工作人员薪金税收入净估计数30 474 500美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的29 685 000美元及2010年6月30日终了财政期间的增加额789 500美元,将按比例分摊给各在役维持和平行动预算,部分抵消上文(d)分段所述的差额。", "附件一", "A. 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户员额", "组织单位 数目\t职等\t职务\t状况 \n 维持和平行动部 \n政策、评价和培训司\t维和最佳做法科\t1\tP-4\t儿童保护顾问\t一般临时人员改划\n 共计 1", "B. 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间支助账户项下员额的调动、职能改变、改叙、改组和裁撤", "调动", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-5高级政治事务干事)调至非洲二司联合国利比亚特派团/联合国科特迪瓦行动统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-3政治事务干事)调至非洲一司联合国苏丹特派团统筹行动小组", "维持和平行动部/军事厅军事规划处", "将2个员额(1个P-4能力发展干事、1个P-4军事政策理论干事)调至军事顾问厅政策理论小组", "维持和平行动部/法治和安全机构厅/警务司", "从特派团管理与支助科调16个员额(1个P-5科长、6个P-4选聘干事、7个P-3选聘干事、2个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)到甄选与征聘科", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤财务程序管理股", "将5个员额(1个P-4行政管理干事、2个P-3行政干事、1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理、1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)调至前沿办公室/司长办公室(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将2个员额(一个P-4财务干事、1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外地系统支助股", "将4个员额(1个P-4处长、1个P-3系统分析员、1个P-2协理方案分析员、1个一般事务(其他职等)计算机信息系统助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将1个员额(1个P-3方案分析员)调至处长办公室/通信和信息技术处(意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/谅解备忘录和索偿要求管理科", "将1个员额(1个P-3财务和预算干事)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "将2个员额(2个一般事务(其他职等)人力资源助理)调至外地中央审查理事会(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/供应科", "将3个员额(1个P-4合同管理股股长、1个P-3合同干事、1个P-2协理合同干事)调至主任直属办公室(后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外勤通信和信息技术业务处", "将2个员额(1个战略部署物资储存电信干事、1个一般事务(其他职等)信息和通信技术助理)调至资产管理科/通信和信息技术处(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外勤通信和信息技术业务处/后勤和行政股", "将1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "将1个员额(P-4驻地审计员)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(乌干达恩德培)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "将1个员额(外勤事务助理审计员)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(恩德培)", "职能改变", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/工程科", "1个员额(P-4工程师)改派到副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "1个员额(P-4人力资源干事)改派到副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)改派到检查和评价司(P-5高级评价干事)", "改叙", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国苏丹特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务行政助理改为外勤事务)", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务行政助理改为外勤事务)", "改组", "维持和平行动部", "“维和最佳做法科”改名为“政策和最佳做法处”", "在政策、评价和培训司/政策和最佳做法处设立保护协调组", "在法治和安全机构厅/警务司设立选聘科", "外勤支助部", "撤销外勤预算和财务司的外勤财务程序管理股和外地系统支助股", "裁撤", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "裁撤1个员额(P-4政治事务干事)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外地系统支助股", "裁撤1个员额(1个一般事务(其他职等)信息管理助理)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/指导和组织设计科", "裁撤1个员额(1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/行动支助处", "裁撤1个员额(1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团", "裁撤1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)", "裁撤3个员额(1个P-4驻地审计员、1个P-3驻地审计员、1个外勤事务助理审计员)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行动当局特派团", "裁撤1个员额(本国一般事务行政助理)", "附件二", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户一般临时人员职位", "组织单位 职位数\t职位职等\t职务^(a)\t状况 \n 维持和平行动部 \n副秘书长办公室\t前沿办公室\t1\tP-4\t组织复原力干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t小组助理-组织复原力\t续设\n\t执行办公室\t—\t4个月,3个P-3\t行政干事\t—\n —\t4个月,3个GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n\t公共事务科\t1\tP-3\t内部通信干事\t续设 行动厅 非洲二司 1 D-1 特等干事 \n 续设\n 1\tP-4\t政治事务干事\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t政治事务干事\t续设 1 GS(OL) 小组助理 \n 续设 非洲一司 1 GS(OL) 小组助理 \n 续设 军事厅 军事规划处 1 GS(OL) 小组助理 \n 续设 当前军事行动处 1 GS(OL) 小组助理 \n 续设\n法治与安全机构厅\t刑法和司法咨询处\t1\tP-4\t司法干事-伊斯兰法\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t惩教干事-部队组建\t续设 1 P-4 司法干事 \n 新设\n政策、评价和培训司\t伙伴关系小组\t1\tP-5\t高级协调干事\t续设 1 P-4 协调干事 \n 续设 1 GS(OL) 小组助理 \n 续设\n\t维和最佳做法科\t1\tP-4\t协调干事-平民保护\t新设 2 P-3 协调干事 \n 续设\n\t综合培训处\t1\tP-4\t训练干事-高级行政管理和资源培训方案\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t训练干事-高级行政管理和资源培训方案\t续设\n 2\tP-4\t训练协调干事\t续设\n\t小计\t23 \n 外勤支助部 \n副秘书长办公室\t非洲联盟驻索马里特派团总部支助小组\t1\tP-5\t高级支助干事\t续设 1 P-4 支助干事 \n 续设 1 GS(OL) 行政助理 \n 续设\n\t前沿办公室/方案执行协调组\t1\tD-1\t组长\t续设\n外勤人事司\t征聘、外展和职业发展科——职业类\t12\tP-3\t人力资源干事\t续设\n 4\tGS(OL)\t人力资源助理\t续设\n\t质量保证和信息管理科——司法\t1\tP-3\t人力资源干事\t续设\n后勤支助司\t空运科/机场和航站楼股\t1\tP-3\t空运干事\t续设 专家支助处 1 P-3 水工程师 \n 续设 1 P-3 边界分析员 \n 续设\n\t小计\t24 \n 管理事务部 \n副秘书长办公室\t执行办公室\t—\t4个月,3个P-4\t行政干事\t—\n —\t4个月,3个GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n\t总部合同委员会\t1\tP-4\t能力发展干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t训练和分析助理\t续设\n方案规划、预算和账户厅\t账户司\t1\tP-4\t政策指导和训练干事\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t战略部署物资储存干事\t续设\n 3\tGS(OL)\t财务助理-维持和平账户\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t财务助理-保险\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t会计政策分析员-国际公共部门会计准则\t新设\n 2\tP-3\t会计政策分析员-公共部门会计准则\t新设 财务处 1 P-3 财务干事 \n 续设\n 1\tP-2\t协理财务干事\t续设\n\t财务信息业务处\t1\tP-4\t信息系统干事\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t信息系统干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t信息系统助理\t续设\n\t维持和平经费筹措司\t2\tP-3\t财务和预算干事\t续设\n人力资源管理厅\t人力资源政策处\t1\tP-2\t协理法律干事\t续设 1 P-3 法律干事 \n 续设\n\t学习、发展与人力资源事务司\t2\tP-3\t人力资源干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t人力资源助理\t续设\n\t人力资源信息系统科(纽约)\t1\tP-4\t数据仓库项目主管\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t综合管理信息系统服务台助理\t续设\n\t人力资源信息系统科(曼谷)——Inspira英才中心\t1\tP-4\t主管\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t服务台管理人员\t新设\n 1\tP-3\t开发和生产支助分析员\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t应用程序支助协理干事\t续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t数据库管理员\t续设 1 GS(OL) 行政助理 \n 续设\n 1\tGS(PL)\t客户支助代表\t续设\n 6\tGS(OL)\t客户支助代表\t续设\n\t战略规划和人员配置司\t—\t6个月P-4\t人力资源干事\t—\n中央支助事务厅\t助理秘书长办公室\t1\tP-3\t行政干事\t续设\n\t采购司\t1\tP-3\t采购干事-供应商登记\t新设\n 3\tGS(OL)\t采购助理-供应商登记\t续设\n 3\tP-3\t采购干事-工程/后勤/车辆\t续设\n\t设施和商务司\t1\tP-3\t空间规划干事\t续设\n 1\tP-2\t信息管理协理干事\t续设\n\t小计\t48 \n 内部监督事务厅 \n执行办公室 —\t4个月,P-3\t审计员\t—\n —\t4个月,P-3\t调查员\t—\n —\t4个月,3个GS(OL)\t行政助理\t— 内部审计司 纽约 1 P-4 审计员 \n 续设 非索特派团支助 1 P-4 驻地审计员 \n 续设 调查司 纽约 1 P-5 高级调查员 \n 续设 3 P-4 调查员 \n 续设 1 P-3 调查员 \n 续设 1 P-3 行政干事 \n 续设 1 GS(OL) 行政助理 \n 续设 1 GS(OL) 办公室助理 \n 续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t信息技术助理\t续设 调查司 维也纳 1 D-1 副司长 \n 续设 1 P-5 高级调查员 \n 续设 1 P-4 法证调查员 \n 续设 1 P-4 调查员 \n 续设 7 P-3 调查员 \n 续设 1 GS(PL) 调查助理 \n 续设 1 GS(OL) 调查助理 \n 续设\n 1\tGS(OL)\t信息技术助理\t续设 调查司 内罗毕 1 D-1 副司长 \n 续设 1 P-5 高级调查员 \n 续设 1 P-4 法证调查员 \n 续设 3 P-4 调查员 \n 续设 1 P-4 调查员 \n 新设 6 P-3 调查员 \n 续设 1 P-3 调查员 \n 新设 1 GS(OL) 行政助理 \n 续设 3 GS(OL) 调查助理 \n 续设 1 GS(OL) 调查助理 \n 新设\n调查司\t联合国海地稳定特派团\t1\tP-4\t驻地调查员\t续设\n\t联合国刚果民主共和国特派团\t1\tP-4\t首席驻地调查员\t续设 1 P-3 驻地调查员 \n 续设 1 NGS 行政助理 \n 续设\n\t联合国利比里亚特派团\t1\tP-4\t首席驻地调查员\t续设 2 P-3 驻地调查员 \n 续设 1 NGS 行政助理 \n 续设\n\t联合国苏丹特派团\t1\tP-4\t首席驻地调查员\t续设 2 P-3 驻地调查员 \n 续设\n\t联合国科特迪瓦行动\t1\tP-4\t驻地调查员\t续设\n\t小计\t56 \n秘书长办公厅 —\t6个月,GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n —\t6个月,GS(OL)\t行政助理\t—\n 小计 — \n联合国监察员和调解事务办公室 1\tP-4\t办案干事\t续设 1 GS(OL) 行政助理 \n 续设\n 小计 2 \n道德操守办公室 1\tP-3\t道德操守干事\t续设 1 GS(OL) 行政助理 \n 续设\n 小计 2 \n 法律事务厅 一般法律事务司 1 P-4 法律干事 \n 续设 1 P-4 法律干事 \n 新设 1 P-3 法律干事 \n 新设\n法律顾问办公室 —\t6个月,P-4\t法律干事\t—\n 小计 3 \n信息和通信技术厅 \n外地系统事务科 1\tP-4\t项目管理员-客户关系管理-部队派遣管理\t续设\n 1\tP-3\t信息系统干事-客户关系管理-部队派遣管理\t续设\n 1\tP-4\t项目管理员-口粮系统管理\t续设\n 小计 3 \n行政和预算问题咨询委员会秘书处 1\tP-4\t行政管理干事\t续设\n 小计 1 共计\t162\t职位(其中11个为新设) \n 和92个人月(任期少于12个月的职位)^(b)", "缩写:GS(OL):一般事务(其他职等);GS(PL):一般事务(特等);NGS:本国一般事务。", "^(a) 秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户预算的报告(A/65/761)列出了一般临时人员职位的具体任务,行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/65/827)提到了这些情况,但维持和平部行动厅/非洲二司的1个P-4职位、外勤支助部空运科/机场和航站楼股的一个P-3职位和内部监督事务厅调查司/内罗毕的1个P-4、1个P-3和1个一般事务(其他职等)职位除外。", "^(b) 人月数据列于“职位职等”一栏。", "[1] ^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年8月2日重新印发。", "A/65/624和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/610和Add.1。", "[3] A/65/761,Corr.1和2。", "[4] A/65/765。", "[5] A/65/734。", "[6] A/65/827。", "[7] A/65/762。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会报告员在非正式协商后提出的决议草案[1]", "加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力", "大会,", "回顾其1991年5月3日第45/258号、1992年12月23日第47/218 A号、1993年12月23日第48/226 A号、2000年12月23日第55/238号、2001年12月24日第56/241号、2002年6月27日第56/293号、2003年6月18日第57/318号、2004年6月18日第58/298号、2005年6月22日第59/301号、2006年6月30日第60/268号、2006年12月22日第61/245和61/246号、2007年3月15日第61/256号、2007年6月29日第61/279号、2008年6月20日第62/250号、2009年6月30日第63/287号和2010年6月24日第64/271号决议以及其他有关决议,", "审议了秘书长关于加强联合国管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力的报告、[2] 2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户预算执行情况的报告[3]和关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户预算的报告[4]、内部监督事务厅关于大会第63/287号决议所指定试点项目执行情况的初步报告[5]、独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅预算的报告[6]、行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告[7]以及内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与区域组织之间合作的专题评价报告,[8]", "确认联合国必须能够在安全理事会通过相关决议后迅速作出反应并部署维持和平行动,传统维持和平行动在30天内部署,复杂维持和平行动在90天内部署,", "又认识到必须在维持和平行动的所有阶段,包括在清理结束和结束阶段,提供适当支助,", "意识到支助账户的经费数额应与维持和平特派团的任务、数目、规模和复杂性大致相适应,", "1. 联合国 1. 重申大会在透彻分析和核准人力资源和财政资源及政策方面的作用,以确保所有已获授权的方案和活动得到全面、高成效和高效率地执行,这方面的政策得到执行;", "2. 联合国 2. 又重申第五委员会是大会授权主管行政和预算事项的主要委员会;", "3个 4. 还重申其议事规则第一五三条;", " 4.四. 2. 重申支助账户资金应仅用于为总部支助和支援维持和平行动的人力资源和非人力资源需求供资,如要改变这一限制,须经大会事先核准;", "5 (韩语). 2. 又重申维持和平行动支助工作需要适当经费,在提交支助账户预算时需要为此项经费提出充分理由;", "6. 国家 5. 强调同部队和警察派遣国进行互动和协调的重要性;", "7. 联合国 11. 回顾第55/238号决议第一节第6段、第56/241号决议第11段、第61/279号决议第19段和第62/250号决议第22段,请秘书长考虑到部队派遣国对联合国维持和平工作的贡献,进一步作出具体努力,确保这些国家有适当数目的人员在维持和平行动部和外勤支助部任职;", "8. 联合国 2. 确认维持和平行动部警务司在为维持和平行动,包括其维持和平努力作贡献方面所起的重要作用,以及若干行动的警务工作有所增加;", "9. 国家 2. 重申维持和平行动需要高成效和高效率地进行行政和财务管理,并敦促秘书长继续确定提高支助账户生产力和效率的措施;", "10个 10. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11个 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告6 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "12个 1. 表示注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动部/外勤支助部与区域组织之间合作的专题评价报告;7", "13个 2. 重申其在秘书处结构方面的作用,并着重指出,修改总体部门结构以及本组织预算和两年期方案计划格式的提议,须经大会审查和核准;", "14个 8. 注意到维持和平行动部和外勤支助部改组的总体益处,请秘书长评估这些益处,并继续尽一切努力提高本组织管理和持续开展维持和平行动的能力;", "15个 9. 着重指出,必须确保维持和平特派团的经验教训和最佳做法得到充分总结、处理并纳入准则和政策,特别是在维持和平人员和过渡中的维持和平行动建设和平努力方面,并在这方面确认维持和平最佳做法科和实地最佳做法干事的重要作用;", "16号. 8. 注意到秘书处仍在拟订早期建设和平战略,在这方面请秘书长在拟订该战略的整个过程中同会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及秘书处所有其他相关实体密切协商,并着重指出维持和平特派团所执行的具体建设和平任务应以有关国家的优先事项和具体情况为依据;", "17岁。 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告3 和独立审计咨询委员会关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户下内部监督事务厅预算的报告;5", "18岁。 10. 决定在2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间维持其1996年6月7日第50/221 B号决议第3段核准的2010年7月1日至2011年6月30日期间使用的支助账户筹资机制;", " 19. 19. 1. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告6 第44和55段;", "20号. 8. 再次请秘书长考虑到维持和平行动的数目、规模和复杂性,定期审查支助账户的数额;", "21岁 7. 强调支助职能应可视维持和平行动的规模和范围而调整;", "22号. 7. 请秘书长迅速填补所有空缺;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 联合国 2. 表示注意到秘书长关于维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;2", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24 (韩语). 核准支助账户2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源344 792 400美元,包括根据大会2009年12月24日第64/243号决议为企业资源规划项目提供47 185 200美元,包括1 294个续设员额和1个新设临时员额,以及本决议附件一所列员额的调动、改派和改叙以及附件二所列151个续设和11个新设一般临时人员职位及其相关员额和非员额所需资源;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户经费的筹措", "25岁 15. 决定按下列方式筹措维持和平行动支助账户2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日财政期间和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间所需经费:", "(a) 国家 2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日财政期间追加批款和摊款24 444 900美元;", "(b) 国家 总额6 048 000美元,包括利息收入2 161 000美元、其他杂项收入1 359 000美元和上期债务核销额2 528 000美元,将用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源;", "(c)) 将2010年6月30日终了财政期间维持和平准备基金核定额盈余3 377 000美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间所需资源;", "(d) 国家 缺额359 812 300美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的预算按比例分摊;", "(e) 协助 工作人员薪金税收入估计数净额30 474 500美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日财政期间的29 685 000美元和2010年6月30日终了财政期间的增加额789 500美元,由上文(d)分段所述缺额中按比例分摊。", "页:1", "A类. 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户员额", "职级\n维持和平行动部\n政策、评价和 培训司维持和平最佳做法 第1款 P-4 儿童保护顾问\n共计1", "B. 2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间支助账户下员额的调动、改派、改叙、重组和裁撤", "调动", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-5高级政治事务干事)调至联合国利比里亚特派团/联合国科特迪瓦行动非洲二司统筹行动小组", "将1个员额(P-3政治事务干事)调至联合国苏丹特派团统筹行动小组非洲一司", "维持和平行动部/军事厅/军事规划处", "将2个员额(1个P-4能力发展干事和1个P-4军事政策和理论干事)调至军事顾问办公室政策和理论小组", "维持和平行动部/法治和安全机构厅/警务司", "从特派团管理和支助科将16个员额(1个P-5科长、6个P-4甄选和征聘干事、7个P-3甄选和征聘干事和2个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)调至甄选和征聘科", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤财务程序管理股", "将5个员额(1个P-4行政管理干事、2个P-3行政干事、1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理和1个一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)调至前沿办公室/司长办公室(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将2个员额(1个P-4财务干事和1个一般事务(其他职等)财务助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤系统支助股", "调动4个员额 (1个P-4 1个P-3系统分析员、1个P-2协理方案分析员和1个一般事务(其他职等)计算机信息系统助理)调至预算和执行情况报告处(外勤预算和财务司改组)", "将1个员额(P-3方案分析员)调至通信和信息技术处处长办公室(意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/谅解备忘录和索偿管理科", "将1个员额(P-3财务和预算干事)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "将2个员额(2个一般事务(其他职等)人力资源助理)调至外地中央审查委员会(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/供应科", "将3个员额(1个P-4首席合同管理股、1个P-3合同干事和1个P-2协理合同干事)调至主任办公室(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外地通信和信息技术业务处", "将2个员额(1个P-4战略部署物资储存电信干事和1个一般事务(其他职等)信息和通信技术助理)调至资产管理科/通信和信息技术处(联合国后勤基地)", "外勤支助部/信息和通信技术司/外地通信和信息技术业务处/后勤和行政股", "将1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)行政助理)调至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "将1个员额(P-4驻地审计员)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(乌干达恩德培)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "将1个员额(外勤事务审计助理)调至内部审计司/区域审计中心(恩德培)", "调任", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/专家支助处/工程科", "将1个员额(P-4工程师)改派至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/外勤人事业务处", "将1个员额(P-4人力资源干事)改派至副秘书长办公室/方案执行协调小组(P-4方案干事)(全球外勤支助战略)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "将1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)改派至检查和评价司(P-5高级评价干事)", "改叙", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国苏丹特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务人员行政助理改叙为外勤人员)", "联合国监察员和调解事务办公室/联合国组织刚果民主共和国稳定特派团", "改叙1个员额(本国一般事务人员行政助理改叙为外勤人员)", "改组", "维持和平行动部", "将名称从“维持和平最佳做法科”改为“政策和最佳做法处”", "在政策、评价和培训司/政策和最佳做法处设立保护协调小组", "在法治和安全机构厅/警务司设立甄选和征聘科", "外勤支助部", "撤销外勤预算和财务司外勤财务程序管理股和外勤系统支助股", "裁撤", "维持和平行动部/行动厅/非洲一司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团统筹行动小组", "裁撤1个员额(P-4政治事务干事)", "外勤支助部/外勤预算和财务司/司长办公室/外勤系统支助股", "裁撤1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)信息管理助理)", "外勤支助部/外勤人事司/指导和组织设计科", "裁撤1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "外勤支助部/后勤支助司/业务支助处", "裁撤1个员额(一般事务(其他职等)小组助理)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团", "裁撤1个员额(P-5首席驻地干事)", "裁撤3个员额(1个P-4驻地审计员、1个P-3驻地审计员和1个外勤事务审计助理)", "内部监督事务厅/内部审计司/联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团", "裁撤1个员额(本国一般事务人员行政助理)", "页:1", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间将设立的支助账户一般临时人员职位", "职位数目 职位职等 职能 □ (a) 状况\n维持和平行动部\n副秘书长办公室 前沿办公室 续设\n1个GS(OL)团队助理——组织复原力\n执行办公室——4个月,3个P-3行政干事——\n- 4个月,3个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理\nP-3 内部通信干事\n非洲二司 1名D-1特等干事\n1名P-4政治干事 续设\n1名P-3政治干事 续设\n1个GS(OL)团队助理\n1个GS(OL)\n军事顾问办公室 军事规划处 1个一般事务(其他职等)\n当前军事 业务处 1个一般事务(其他职等)\n法治和安全办公室 刑法和司法咨询服务机构 1名P-4司法干事(伊斯兰法)\n1名P-3惩教干事(部队组建) 续设\n1名P-4司法干事 新设\n政策、评价和 培训司伙伴关系小组 1个P-5高级协调干事\n1个P-4协调干事\n1个GS(OL)团队助理\n第1款 P-4 协调干事(保护平民) 新设\n2个P-3协调干事\n综合培训服务 1名P-4培训干事(SMART) 续设\n1名P-3培训干事(SMART) 续设\n2名P-4培训协调干事\n小计23\n外勤支助部\n支助非洲特派团副秘书长办公室 1名P-5高级支助干事 续设\n1名P-4支助干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n前沿办公室/方案执行 协调 第1小组D-1组长 页:1 征聘、外联和护理人员发展\n科/业务 组\n4个GS(OL)人力资源助理 管理层 1个P-3人力资源干事\n司法后勤科 1个P-3空运干事 续设科/机场和航空\n终端 单位\n专家支助服务 1个P-3水工程师 续设\n1个P-3 边界分析\n小计24\n部门 管理层\n副秘书长办公室 执行办公室——4个月,3个P-4行政干事\n4个月,3个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理——总部委员会 1个P-4 能力发展干事 续设\n合同\n1个GS(OL)培训和分析助理\n方案办公室 规划、预算和账户司 1个P-4政策 指导和培训干事\n1名P-4战略部署干事 续设\n3个GS(OL)财务助理(维持和平账户) 续设\n1个GS(OL)财务助理(保险) 分析员New\n(国际公共部门会计标准) 2个P-3 会计政策 分析员New\n(国际公共部门会计标准)\n1个P-3财务干事\n1名P-2协理财务干事 续设\n财务信息 业务 1个P-4级信息系统干事 续设\n1名P-2级信息系统干事 续设\n1个GS(OL) 信息系统助理 2个P-3 财务和预算干事\n页:1\n人力资源管理办公室 1名P-2协理法律干事 续设\n1名P-3法律干事 继续学习、发展与人文 2名P-3人力资源干事 继续资源服务\n页:1\n1个GS(OL)人力资源助理\n人力资源信息系统科(新约克) 1个P-4数据站 项目 经理 续设\n1名一般事务人员(其他职等)\n人力资源信息系统科(曼谷)/InspiraCentreof 卓越 1个P-4\n1个P-3 服务台管理员 新设\n1个P-3 发展和生产支助分析继续\n1名P-2协理申请支助干事 续设\n1个GS(OL)数据库管理员 续设\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n1个GS(PL)客户支助代表 续设\n6个GS(OL) 客户支助代表继续战略 规划和6个月P-4人力资源干事-人员配置\n助理秘书长办公室 1个P-3行政干事\n秘书长\n采购助理(供应商登记) 续设\n登记)\n3名P-3采购干事(工程、后勤、车辆) 1个P-3 空间规划干事续设事务\n页:1\n1名P-2协理信息管理干事 续设\n小计 48\n内部监督事务办公室\n执行办公室——4个月,P-3审计员——\n4个月,P-3调查员\n- 4个月,3个一般事务(其他职等)行政助理\n内部审计司 纽约\n支助非索特派团 1个P-4 驻地审计员 续设\n调查 1名P-5高级调查员 续设\n3个P-4调查员\n1名P-3调查员 续设\n1名P-3行政干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n1个GS(OL)办公室助理续设\n1个GS(OL)信息技术助理 续设\n调查 维也纳分部 1个D-1副手 司长 续设\n1名P-5高级调查员 续设\n1名P-4法医调查员 续设\n1个P-4调查员 续设\n7个P-3调查员 续设\n1名一般事务人员(特等)调查助理\n1个GS(OL)调查助理\n1个GS(OL)信息技术助理 续设\n调查 内罗毕 司长 续设\n1名P-5高级调查员 续设\n1名P-4法医调查员 续设\n3个P-4调查员\n1个P-4调查员 新设\n6名P-3调查员 续设\n1个P-3 调查员 新设\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n3个GS(OL)调查助理\n1个GS(OL)调查助理New\n调查 海地特派团 调查员 续设的联合国组织 朝鲜民主主义人民共和国 1个P-4 首席驻地 调查员 续设\n刚果共和国\n1个P-3 驻地调查员 续设\n1 NGS 行政科 续设助理\n联利支助团 1个P-4 首席驻地 调查员 续设\n2个P-3驻地调查员 续设\n1 NGS 行政科 续设助理\n联合国苏丹特派团 1个P-4 首席驻地 调查员 续设\n2个P-3 驻地 调查员 继续部署联合国 1个P-4驻地调查员 续设\n科特迪瓦\n小计 56\n秘书长办公厅——6个月,一般事务(其他职等)行政助理——\n6个月,一般事务(其他职等)行政助理\n小计 -\n联合国监察员和医务处 1个P-4办案干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n小计2\n道德操守办公室 1名P-3道德操守干事\n1个GS(OL)行政助理\n小计2\n法律事务办公室\n一般法律司 1名P-4法律干事 续设\n1名P-4法律干事 新设\n1名P-3法律干事 新设\n法律顾问办公室——6个月,P-4法律干事\n小计3\n信息和通信技术办公室 第1款 P-4 项目管理(客户关系管理/部队) 续设\n捐款管理) 1个P-3 信息系统干事(客户关系管理/部队) 续设\n捐款管理)\n1个P-4项目管理员(口粮管理系统) 续设\n小计3 行政和预算问题咨询委员会 1个P-4 行政管理干事 续设\n秘书处\n总计162个职位(其中11个为新职位)\n和92个人月(位置少于12个月)^(b)", "缩写:GS(OL):一般事务人员(其他职等);GS(PL):一般事务人员(特等);NGS:本国一般事务人员。", "^(a) 一般临时人员职位的具体分配载于秘书长关于2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间维持和平行动支助账户预算的报告(A/65/761),行政和预算问题咨询委员会的相关报告(A/65/827)提及了这些职位,但行动厅/非洲二司维持和平行动部1个P-4职位、空运科/机场和航空站股外勤支助部1个P-3职位以及调查司/内罗毕内部监督事务厅1个P-4、1个P-3和1个一般事务(其他职等)职位除外。", "^(b) 人员月数列在 \" 员额水平 \" 一栏。", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年8月2日重新印发.", "[2] A/65/624和Corr.1。", "[3] A/65/610和Add.1。", "[4] A/65/761,Corr.1和2。", "[5] A/65/765。", "[6] A/65/734。", "[7] A/65/827。", "[8] A/65/762。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 143", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling section XIV of its resolution 49/233 A of 23 December 1994 and its resolution 62/231 of 22 December 2007,", "Recalling also its decision 50/500 of 17 September 1996 on the financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/270 of 24 June 2010,", "Recalling further its resolution 56/292 of 27 June 2002 concerning the establishment of the strategic deployment stocks and its subsequent resolutions on the status of the implementation of the strategic deployment stocks, the latest of which was resolution 64/270,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Logistics Base[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Reiterating the importance of establishing an accurate inventory of assets,", "1. Notes with appreciation the facilities provided by the Government of Italy to the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy, and by the Government of Spain to the secondary active telecommunications facility at Valencia, Spain;", "2. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "3. Takes note of paragraph 22 of the report of the Advisory Committee and decides not to transfer the airfield and air terminal standards function to the United Nations Logistics Base;", "4. Also takes note of paragraph 30 of the report of the Advisory Committee;", "5. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "6. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the United Nations Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "7. Approves the cost estimates for the United Nations Logistics Base amounting to 68,512,500 United States dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "Financing of the budget estimates", "8. Decides that the requirements for the United Nations Logistics Base for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 shall be financed as follows:", "(a) The unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,559,200 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, and an unutilized fund balance from the 1996/97 to 2003/04 periods in the amount of 1,149,900 dollars, to be applied against the resources required for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(b) The balance of 64,803,400 dollars to be prorated among the budgets of the active peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012;", "(c) The estimated staff assessment income of 6,808,200 dollars, comprising the amount of 6,249,900 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 and the increase of 558,300 dollars in respect of the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010, to be offset against the balance referred to in subparagraph (b) above, to be prorated among the budgets of the individual active peacekeeping operations;", "9. Also decides to consider at its sixty-sixth session the question of the financing of the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy.", "[1] A/65/642 and A/65/760.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.12.", "[3] A/65/642." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政 和预算问题", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号决议第十四节和2007年12月22日第62/231号决议,", "又回顾其关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费筹措的1996年9月17日第50/500号决定及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/270号决议,", "还回顾其关于建立战略部署物资储存的2002年6月27日第56/292号决议及其后关于战略部署物资储存落实情况的各项决议,最近的是第64/270号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国后勤基地经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "重申准确清点资产的重要性,", "1. 赞赏地注意到意大利政府为意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地提供设施以及西班牙政府为西班牙巴伦西亚二级运行状态通信设施提供设施;", "2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "3. 表示注意到咨询委员会报告第22段,决定不把简易机场和航站标准职能调至联合国后勤基地;", "4. 又表示注意到咨询委员会报告第30段;", "5. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号决议和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "6. 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国后勤基地2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "7. 核准联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间费用估计数68 512 500美元;", "预算估计数的筹措", "8. 决定按下列方式筹措联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费:", "(a) 将2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入2 559 200美元以及1996/97年至2003/04年期间未用资金余额1 149 900美元用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费;", "(b) 缺额64 803 400美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算按比例分摊;", "(c) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 808 200美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的6 249 900美元以及2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间增加额558 300美元,减去上文(b)分段所述的缺额,将按比例分配给各在役维和行动预算;", "9. 又决定在其第六十六届会议期间审议意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措问题。", "[1] A/65/642和A/65/670。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.12。", "[3] A/65/642。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号决议第十四节和2007年12月22日第62/231号决议,", "又回顾其1996年9月17日关于意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费筹措的第50/500号决定及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/270号决议,", "还回顾其2002年6月27日关于设立战略部署储备的第56/292号决议及其后关于战略部署储备执行情况的各项决议,最近的是第64/270号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国后勤基地经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "重申准确清点资产的重要性,", "1. 联合国 1. 赞赏地注意到意大利政府为意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地和西班牙政府为西班牙巴伦西亚二级运行状态电信设施提供设施;", "2. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "3个 11. 表示注意到咨询委员会报告第22段,并决定不将机场和航空站标准职能移交给联合国后勤基地;", " 4.四. 2. 又注意到咨询委员会报告第30段;", "5 (韩语). 10. 请秘书长确保大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "6. 国家 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国后勤基地2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "7. 联合国 核准联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间费用估计数68 512 500美元;", "预算估计数的筹措", "8. 联合国 决定按下列方式筹措联合国后勤基地2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间所需经费:", "(a) 国家 2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 559 200美元,以及1996/97至2003/04年期间未用资金余额1 149 900美元,将用作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间所需资源;", "(b) 国家 缺额64 803 400美元由在役维持和平行动2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算按比例分摊;", "(c)) 工作人员薪金税收入估计数6 808 200美元,即2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间6 249 900美元和2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间增加额558 300美元,由上文(b)分段所述缺额抵消,由各在役维持和平行动预算按比例分摊;", "9. 国家 23. 又决定大会第六十六届会议审议意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地经费的筹措问题。", "[1] A/65/642和A/65/760。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.12。", "[3] A/65/642。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 143", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Cross-cutting issues", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolutions 49/233 A of 23 December 1994, 49/233 B of 31 March 1995, 51/218 E of 17 June 1997, 57/290 B of 18 June 2003, 58/315 of 1 July 2004, 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 and 61/279 of 29 June 2007 and 64/269 of 24 June 2010,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations: budget performance for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and budget for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012,[1] on the progress of training in peacekeeping,[2] on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse,[3] on United Nations air operations,[4] on progress in the implementation of the global field support strategy and on its standardized funding model[5] and on the welfare and recreation needs of all categories of personnel and detailed implications,[6] as well as the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping operations[7] and the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[8]", "General", "1. Reaffirms its resolutions 57/290 B, 59/296, 60/266, 61/276 and 64/269, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of their relevant provisions;", "2. Appreciates the efforts of all peacekeeping personnel in the field and at Headquarters;", "3. Takes note of the reports of the Secretary-General on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations: budget performance for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and budget for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012,¹ on the progress of training in peacekeeping,² on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse,³ on United Nations air operations,⁴ on progress in the implementation of the global field support strategy and on its standardized funding model⁵ and on the welfare and recreation needs of all categories of personnel and detailed implications,⁶ as well as the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁸", "4. Also takes note of the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on peacekeeping operations;⁷", "5. Endorses the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[9] subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "I Budget presentation and financial management", "6. Takes note of paragraph 24 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁹", "7. Reiterates that the delegation of authority on the part of the Secretary-General should be in order to facilitate the better management of the Organization, but stresses that the overall responsibility for management of the Organization rests with the Secretary-General as its Chief Administrative Officer;", "8. Affirms the need for the Secretary-General to ensure that the delegation of authority to the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Department of Field Support and field missions is in strict compliance with relevant resolutions and decisions, as well as with relevant rules and procedures of the General Assembly on this matter;", "9. Stresses that heads of departments report and are accountable to the Secretary-General;", "10. Reiterates the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States, inter alia, for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates and the use of human and financial resources;", "11. Notes that the senior managers’ compacts are meant to improve the management of the Organization, inter alia, by increasing accountability and transparency at the senior level, and in this regard urges the Secretary-General to implement measures that adequately address the performance of senior managers, especially with regard to achieving goals and targets;", "12. Recalls paragraph 4 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and emphasizes that all field missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates and that the transition of peacekeeping operations to peacebuilding may entail a change in resource requirements;", "13. Welcomes the timely issuance of budget proposals for peacekeeping operations by the Secretary-General;", "14. Recalls paragraph 10 of section I of its resolution 64/269 of 24 June 2010;", "15. Stresses the importance of further steps by the Secretary-General towards improving budget presentations and making more accurate forecasts;", "16. Takes note of paragraph 5 of report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ emphasizes that all field missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates, and stresses that the current level of peacekeeping activity should have scalable implications on resource requirements, taking into consideration the number, size and complexity of peacekeeping operations;", "17. Requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to achieve economies of scale within and between field missions without undermining their operational requirements and the implementation of their respective mandates and to report thereon in the context of the overview report;", "18. Notes the establishment of a resource efficiency group in the Department of Field Support, in this regard concurs with the recommendations contained in paragraph 28 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and encourages further such initiatives by the Secretary-General, both at Headquarters and at the mission level;", "19. Recalls paragraph 59 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and requests the Secretary-General to provide information in this regard and in the context of the next overview report on peacekeeping operations for its consideration;", "II Personnel issues", "20. Expresses its appreciation to all United Nations personnel performing functions related to peacekeeping, in particular those serving at hardship duty stations under some of the most difficult conditions;", "21. Pays tribute to all United Nations peacekeepers who have been wounded in the line of duty or who have made the ultimate sacrifice while working in the pursuit of peace;", "22. Requests the Secretary-General to provide, in the context of the next report on the overview of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations, updates on the implementation in United Nations field missions of human resources management reforms, in particular those contained in its resolution 65/247 of 24 December 2010;", "23. Notes the variety of human resources management initiatives that the Organization has undertaken since the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 63/250 of 24 December 2008, and recognizes that the continued implementation of the reform initiatives will better equip the Organization to address a variable and demanding environment in which integration and harmonization will provide the basis for longer-term efficiencies in productivity and an improved work environment that will, in turn, better enable the Organization to meet its mandates;", "24. Recalls paragraph 47 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁹", "25. Recognizes the importance of welfare and recreation for personnel serving in peacekeeping operations, bearing in mind that welfare and recreation also contribute to strengthening morale and discipline;", "26. Takes note of paragraph 52 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;", "27. Recalls section VII of its resolution 63/250, and reiterates its request contained in paragraph 34 of section II of its resolution 65/247;", "28. Recognizes the need of the Organization for a mechanism to address rapidly changing situations in the field, and in this regard requests comprehensive information regarding the use of the temporary duty assignment mechanism and its implications for the regular recruitment process;", "29. Notes the use by the Secretary-General of temporary vacancy announcements to address the issue of lengthy recruitment processes, stresses the need to expedite the filling of vacancies through the regular recruitment process, and requests the Secretary-General to provide information on the impact of using temporary vacancy announcements on the regular recruitment process in the field and at Headquarters in the context of his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "30. Recalls paragraph 19 of section C of its resolution 65/248 of 24 December 2010;", "31. Emphasizes the importance of further steps to make training programmes more relevant and cost-effective through, inter alia, the training of trainers and the use of videoconferencing and e-learning where feasible, and stresses that travel for training purposes should be kept under close review;", "32. Notes the increasing role of national staff in peacekeeping operations and the need to build national capacities and to provide professional development opportunities for national staff, and emphasizes that national staff should be fully included in all relevant training programmes;", "33. Recalls paragraph 132 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ notes the generally positive findings of the evaluation of the Senior Mission Administration and Resource Training Programme carried out in 2010, and looks forward to additional information on the impact of the training programme on improved performance;", "34. Also recalls paragraph 4 of section II of its resolution 64/269, and requests the Secretary-General to take urgent measures to eliminate the existing backlog of death and disability claims pending for more than three months and to report on the progress made to the General Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session;", "35. Further recalls paragraph 55 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ requests the Secretary-General to ensure cost-effectiveness and a high level of service to troop- and police-contributing countries, without affecting their operational requirements, underscores the need for close coordination with troop- and police-contributing countries, and requests the Secretary-General to include further information in his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "III Operational requirements", "36. Underlines the need for the United Nations to improve the management of its ground transportation in order to achieve maximum operational efficiency, and urges the Secretary-General to accelerate and strengthen his efforts in this regard, with concrete proposals, and to report thereon in his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "37. Notes that fuel is a major item of expenditure and that its management is vulnerable to serious risk of fraud and abuse;", "38. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all peacekeeping missions are provided with the necessary fuel supplies in an uninterrupted manner to ensure their smooth functioning, without jeopardizing safety, and that measures aimed at increasing efficiencies, including the use of turnkey contracts, must not undermine the operational needs and safety of the mission;", "39. Also requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its resumed sixty-seventh session in the context of its overview report on all aspects of fuel management, including on the implementation of the Department of Field Support Fuel Operations Manual, the feasibility of introducing a global electronic fuel management system, the status of strategic reserve stocks of fuel for contingency purposes, the preparation and application of standard operating procedures for fuel management and the results of the assessment of fuel support costs and performance for several missions, including the comparison of turnkey and in-house models, as well as on efforts aimed at factoring in the cost of fuel when awarding contracts for vehicles and aircraft;", "40. Stresses that the effective management of rations means ensuring that United Nations peacekeepers receive sufficient rations of appropriate quality for three meals per day, including planning, organizing and controlling the operations from the initial requisition to the final payment to suppliers, as well as accurate and reliable record-keeping and filing;", "41. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all missions monitor and evaluate the quality management systems of rations contractors to ensure that food quality and hygienic conditions are in accordance with established standards;", "42. Urges the Secretary-General to continue to implement the new standard ratios for personal information and communications technology equipment on the basis of the 2010 review and to ensure the most appropriate level of service with regard to satellite communications and Internet services in each location within missions, taking into account operational requirements;", "43. Recalls paragraph 61 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and requests the Secretary-General to submit a comprehensive assessment of the efficiencies and effectiveness, including savings achieved and impact, of turnkey arrangements in his next overview report on peacekeeping operations;", "44. Requests the Secretary-General to continue to ensure that the utilization of systems contracts is subject to prior full analysis of all costs, in accordance with current practice;", "45. Emphasizes that concerted efforts should be made to identify potential vendors in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and to increase the representation from those countries in the bidding for and award of contracts so as to develop a supplier base that is more representative of the membership of the Organization;", "46. Requests the Secretary-General to provide a comprehensive analysis of the administrative and budgetary aspects of the role and implementation of the integrated operational teams at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session;", "IV Air operations", "47. Stresses that efforts to explore possibilities for economies of scale and efficiencies in air operations must not undermine safety and operational requirements or rotation and troop deployment cycles for each peacekeeping operation;", "48. Recalls paragraph 77 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and stresses the need to evaluate the full range and overall cost efficiency of factors involved in air services, including fuel consumption, maintenance costs and safety and security considerations;", "49. Also recalls paragraph 13 of the report of the Secretary-General,[10] and stresses that the procurement process should ensure that acquired air assets correspond to the operational requirements of missions;", "50. Recognizes the launch of a pilot project on making the transition to the request for proposals methodology for the acquisition of air services, notes that best value for money is one of the four key principles to be considered in United Nations procurement, along with fairness, integrity and transparency; effective international competition; and the interest of the United Nations, according to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations,[11] and reiterates its request to the Secretary-General in paragraph 25 of its resolution 62/269 of 20 June 2008 to report to the General Assembly on clear guidelines for the implementation of the best value for money methodology in United Nations procurement, including all specifics of the weighted evaluation techniques, and to provide a report on the results of the pilot project;", "51. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure full transparency in developing the request for proposals methodology, and emphasizes that the development of requests for proposals shall be driven by the operational demands of the Organization;", "52. Takes note of the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards, requests the Secretary-General to continue to ensure compliance with the Standards and Recommended Practices of the International Civil Aviation Organization with the objective of meeting the operational requirements of mandate delivery in the field, and also requests the Secretary-General to report, in the context of the next peacekeeping overview report, on the differences between the International Civil Aviation Organization Standards and Recommended Practices and the United Nations Common Aviation Safety Standards;", "53. Recalls paragraph 21 of section VI of its resolution 64/269;", "54. Requests the Secretary-General to provide an update on the status of the memorandum of understanding with the World Food Programme and its financial implications, as well as a detailed analysis of the governance of United Nations air operations and overall resource levels, including information on the effective and efficient provision of backstopping functions and information and communications technology support, in the context of his next peacekeeping overview report;", "V Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation", "55. Recalls section IV of its resolution 64/269;", "56. Reaffirms the need for full implementation of the United Nations policy of zero tolerance for sexual exploitation and abuse in peacekeeping operations;", "57. Stresses that in the case of any violations of standards, appropriate action will be taken within the authority of the Secretary-General, while criminal and disciplinary responsibility in respect of members of national contingents will depend on the national law of the Member State;", "58. Emphasizes that all acts of sexual exploitation and abuse should be investigated and punished without delay in accordance with due process of law as well as with memorandums of understanding that have been concluded between the United Nations and Member States;", "59. Confirms that no payment, including payment under paragraph 72 below, will be made in respect of individual peacekeepers who have been repatriated for disciplinary reasons, such as violation of the United Nations policy of zero tolerance;", "60. Recalls its resolution 62/214 of 21 December 2007 containing the United Nations Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel, calls for its continued implementation, and in this regard stresses the importance of addressing, in a comprehensive manner, the needs of all victims of sexual exploitation and abuse;", "61. Takes note of paragraphs 10 and 18 of the report of the Secretary-General on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse;³", "62. Expresses concern at the number of investigations that have not been completed, and encourages continued efforts to address the backlog, in accordance and with memorandums of understanding, where applicable;", "63. Remains concerned about the new cases of sexual exploitation and abuse reported, and notes the continuing decline in the number of allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, but regrets that the proportion of allegations involving the most egregious forms of sexual exploitation and abuse has not decreased;", "64. Requests the Secretary-General to continue his efforts with regard to standardized training and awareness-raising on sexual exploitation and abuse matters;", "65. Welcomes the efforts of the Conduct and Discipline Unit at United Nations Headquarters and of the conduct and discipline teams in the field, and notes with appreciation the regularly updated website dedicated to conduct and discipline, including statistical information, which helps the Department of Field Support to evaluate progress and Member States to gain a better understanding of the policies of the United Nations in dealing with conduct and discipline issues;", "66. Requests an update on progress in implementing the United Nations Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel in the next overview report;", "67. Encourages the Inter-Agency Standing Committee task force to strengthen its leadership role on the implementation of the Comprehensive Strategy on Assistance and Support to Victims of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse by United Nations Staff and Related Personnel;", "68. Notes with appreciation the actions taken to prevent unsubstantiated allegations of misconduct from damaging the credibility of any United Nations peacekeeping mission or troop- or police-contributing country or United Nations peacekeeping personnel, and requests that the Secretary-General take appropriate measures in this regard and that he continue to ensure that prompt actions are taken to restore the image and credibility of any United Nations peacekeeping mission, troop- or police-contributing country or United Nations peacekeeping personnel when allegations of misconduct are, ultimately, legally unproven;", "VI Other issues", "69. Notes with concern the difficulties experienced by Member States in providing the data requested through the survey questionnaire under the provisions of resolution 63/285 of 30 June 2009, and in this regard requests the Secretary-General to intensify the efforts of the Secretariat, in particular the Department of Field Support and the Department of Management, to work closely with troop-contributing countries with a view to facilitating data collection and assisting in the completion of the questionnaire, in order to maintain the process within the envisaged time frame;", "70. Notes that the last review of troop costs was in 1992, with a subsequent ad hoc increase in 2002, and that troop-contributing countries have expressed concern that this has placed a difficult financial burden on them, which they assert could jeopardize the sustainability of participation in peacekeeping operations;", "71. Recalls that all United Nations peacekeepers must act in a manner that preserves the image, credibility, impartiality and integrity of the United Nations;", "72. Decides to provide, on an exceptional basis, a one-time supplemental payment of 85,000,000 United States dollars to troop-contributing countries for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, without prejudice to the integrity of the process set forth in its resolution 63/285;", "73. Requests the Secretary-General to establish, by October 2011, a senior advisory group consisting of five eminent persons of relevant experience appointed by the Secretary-General, five representatives from major troop contributors, five representatives from major financial contributors and one member from each regional group, to consider rates of reimbursement to troop-contributing countries and related issues;", "74. Decides that the senior advisory group shall complete its work as soon as is practicable;", "75. Notes with concern the recurrence of problems previously identified by the Board of Auditors in regard to the management of expendable and non‑expendable property;", "76. Stresses the importance of the Secretary-General’s stewardship of the management of assets for peacekeeping, including expendable and non-expendable property and strategic deployment stocks, and reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General to strengthen internal controls in the management of those assets to ensure adequate safeguards that would prevent waste and financial loss to the Organization;", "77. Recalls section I, paragraph 14, of its resolution 64/269, and requests the Secretary-General to submit the report requested in that paragraph to the General Assembly at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session;", "78. Notes that the strategy for early peacebuilding is still being developed by the Secretariat, in this regard requests the Secretary-General to consult closely with Member States, the Peacebuilding Commission, United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and all relevant Secretariat entities throughout the process of preparing the strategy, and underlines that specific peacebuilding tasks undertaken by peacekeeping missions should be based on priorities of the country concerned and on the specific context, in accordance with the principle of national ownership;", "VII Global field support strategy", "79. Expresses its appreciation for the inclusive and participatory approach taken by the Secretary-General in developing and implementing the global field support strategy, and encourages the Secretary-General to continue to intensify close consultations with Member States, in particular troop-contributing countries, in the implementation of the global field support strategy;", "80. Recognizes the challenges faced by the Organization in providing logistical, administrative and information and communications technology support for peacekeeping operations, and expresses its appreciation for the efforts made by the Secretary-General to present an integrated approach to enable more timely mission start-up and deployment and to improve quality, efficiency and economy of scale in the delivery of services to field missions;", "81. Recalls paragraph 143 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁹", "82. Also recalls paragraph 156 of the report of Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and encourages the Secretary-General to continue to work in close consultation with Member States, in particular troop- and police-contributing countries, in further developing predefined modules and service packages;", "83. Requests the Secretary-General, in a manner consistent with the objectives of the global field support strategy, to take into account the risks involved in using single-source or multifunctional contracts in developing further proposals related to logistics modules, as well as applicable limitations on the number of United Nations commodities codes per vendor;", "84. Recalls paragraph 157 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁹ and requests the Secretary-General to include all relevant information regarding the development and implementation of predefined modules and service packages in his next annual progress report;", "85. Emphasizes the importance of enabling capacities in the effective deployment of service packages in field missions, and requests the Secretary-General to provide information on various options available for enabling capacities in his next progress report for its consideration;", "86. Recalls paragraphs 12 and 14 of its resolution 64/269, and emphasizes the role of the Global Service Centre at Brindisi, Italy, in delivering and managing predefined modules and service packages;", "87. Reaffirms paragraph 16 of section VI of its resolution 64/269, in which it stressed that functions primarily involving interactions with Member States, particularly troop-contributing countries, would continue to be located at Headquarters;", "88. Notes with appreciation the performance of the Transportation and Movements Integrated Control Centre;", "89. Notes the results achieved to date in enhancing effective service delivery through the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe, Uganda;", "90. Recognizes the potential of the Peacekeeping Reserve Fund and the strategic deployment stocks in playing a crucial role in rapid mission start-up and expansion, and requests the Secretary-General to inform the General Assembly on the implementation of paragraphs 8 and 9 of section VI of its resolution 64/269;", "91. Requests the Secretary-General to provide to the Assembly, on an annual basis and in a consolidated manner, information on the financial and human resources provided by client missions to the Regional Service Centre at Entebbe and on the shares of the resource requirements for the individual client missions provided in their respective budget proposals, as well as information on the vacancy rates, expenditures and budget performance of the Centre.", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons on 5 August 2011.", "A/65/715.", "[2] A/65/644 and Corr.1.", "[3] A/65/742.", "[4] A/65/738.", "[5] A/65/643 and A/65/696 and Corr.1.", "[6] A/63/675 and Corr.1.", "[7] A/65/271 (Part II).", "[8] A/65/743 and A/63/746 (sect. II).", "[9] A/65/743.", "[10] A/65/760.", "[11] ST/SGB/2003/7." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费 筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "共有问题", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号、1995年3月31日第49/233 B号、1997年6月17日第51/218 E号、2003年6月18日第57/290 B号、2004年7月1日第58/315号、2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号和第61/279号以及2010年6月24日第64/269号决议,", "审议了秘书长题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算”、[1] “维持和平培训工作进展情况”、[2] “防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施”、[3] “联合国空中行动”、[4] “执行全球外勤支助战略的进展情况和该战略的标准化筹资模式”、[5] “所有各类人员的福利和娱乐需求问题及具体影响”[6] 的各项报告、内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告[7] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[8]", "1. 重申其第57/290 B号、第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号和第64/269号决议,并请秘书长确保全面执行其有关规定;", "2. 赞赏外地和总部所有维持和平人员所作努力;", "3. 注意到秘书长题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算”、¹ “维持和平培训工作进展情况”、² “防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施”、³ “联合国空中行动”、⁴ “执行全球外勤支助战略的进展情况和该战略的标准化筹资模式”、⁵ “所有各类人员的福利和娱乐需求问题及具体影响”⁶ 的报告以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告;⁸", "4. 又注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告;⁷", "5. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁸所载各项建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保这些结论和建议得到充分落实;", "一 预算列报问题和财务管理", "6. 注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告[9] 第24段;", "7. 重申秘书长下放权力应以有利于更好地管理本组织为目的,但着重指出,管理本组织的总体责任由作为行政首长的秘书长担负;", "8. 申明秘书长必须确保在授权给秘书处的维持和平行动部和外勤支助部以及外地特派团时,严格遵守相关决议和决定以及与此相关的大会规则和程序;", "9. 着重指出各部厅首长应向秘书长汇报工作并接受秘书长的问责;", "10. 重申必须加强本组织内部的问责制,必须确保秘书长除其他外在高效率、高效力地执行立法授权及利用人力资源和财政资源方面进一步接受会员国的问责;", "11. 指出高级主管契约意在改进本组织的管理,除其他外包括增强高级别人员的问责制和透明度,并在这方面敦促秘书长实施有关措施,适当处理高级主管的业绩问题,尤其是实现各项目标和指标方面的业绩;", "12. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第4段,强调应向所有外地特派团提供适当资源以便其切实、高效地执行各自的任务,并强调,随着从维持和平过渡到建设和平,所需资源可能会有改变;", "13. 欢迎秘书长及时提交维持和平行动拟议预算;", "14. 回顾其2010年6月24日第64/269号决议第一节第10段;", "15. 着重指出秘书长必须采取进一步措施,改进预算的列报方式并作出更准确的预报;", "16. 注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第5段,强调应向所有外地特派团提供适当资源以便其切实、高效地执行各自的任务,并强调考虑到维持行动的数目、规模和复杂性,现有维和行动水平应对所需资源产生可扩缩影响;", "17. 请秘书长加紧努力,在外地特派团内部及其相互间实现规模效益,但不得损害其业务需求及其各自任务的执行,并在概览报告中就此提出汇报;", "18. 注意到外勤支助部设立资源使用效率小组,在这方面,赞同行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第28段的建议,鼓励秘书长在总部和特派团采取更多这类举措;", "19. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第59段,请秘书长结合下一次维持和平行动概览报告提供这方面的资料,供其审议;", "二 人事问题", "20. 表示感谢所有履行维持和平相关职责的联合国人员,特别是那些在条件恶劣的艰苦地区工作的人员;", "21. 赞扬所有在执行公务时负伤的联合国维和人员或为了争取和平做出巨大牺牲的维和人员;", "22. 请秘书长结合下一份关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措问题的概览报告,提供在联合国外地特派团落实人力资源管理改革措施的最新情况,尤其是2010年12月24日第65/247号决议所载改革措施的落实情况;", "23. 注意到自大会通过2008年12月24日第63/250号决议以来本组织采取的各项人力资源管理举措,并确认改革举措的持续实施将使本组织能更好地应对多变、高要求的环境,在这种环境下,统筹与协调将为提升生产力的长期效率和改善工作环境奠定基础,进而能使本组织更好地执行各项任务;", "24. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第47段;", "25. 确认福利和娱乐生活对维和人员十分重要,意识到福利和娱乐有利于提高士气,严明纪律;", "26. 注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告第52段;", "27. 回顾其第63/250号决议第七节,重申其第65/247号决议第二节第34段所载请求;", "28. 确认本组织需要建立应对外地急速变化局势的机制,在这方面请求提供全面信息,说明临时派任机制的使用情况及其对正规征聘过程的影响;", "29. 注意到秘书长利用临时空缺通知解决招聘过程漫长的问题,着重指出需要加快通过正规招聘程序填补空缺,并请秘书长结合下一次关于维和行动的概览报告提供信息,说明由于利用临时空缺通知而对外地和总部正规招聘工作造成的影响;", "30. 回顾其2010年12月24日第65/248号决议C节第19段;", "31. 强调需要采取进一步措施,除其他外通过训练培训员和在可行条件下利用电视会议和在线学习手段,使培训方案更具相关性,更有成本效益;着重指出,应仔细审核为培训进行的旅行;", "32. 注意到本国工作人员在维持和平行动中发挥的作用越来越大,有必要建立国家能力和为本国工作人员提供职业发展机会,并强调应将本国工作人员充分纳入所有相关培训方案;", "33. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第132段,注意到2010年对特派团高级行政管理和资源培训方案进行的评价结论普遍良好,期待获得有关培训方案对提高业绩所产生影响的更多信息;", "34. 回顾第64/269号决议第二节第4段,请秘书长采取紧急措施,结清目前已积压三个月以上的死亡和伤残索赔案,并向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议报告取得的进展;", "35. 又回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第55段,并请秘书长确保向部队和警察派遣国提供的服务成本效益好,水平高,同时不影响其业务需求,并着重指出,需要与部队和警察派遣国密切协调,并请秘书长在下一次关于维和行动的概览报告中列入更多信息;", "三 业务需求", "36. 强调联合国需要改进对其地面运输的管理,以达到最高的业务效率,并敦促秘书长加快和加强他在这方面的努力,拿出具体提议,并在下一次关于维和行动的概览报告中就此提出汇报;", "37. 注意到燃料是一个大支出项目,而且在燃料管理中容易发生严重的欺诈和滥权;", "38. 请秘书长为确保特派团的顺利运转,在不危及安全的情况下,不间断地为所有维持和平特派团提供必要燃料,务必确保提高效率的措施,包括利用统包合同的措施,不损害行动需要和特派团的安全;", "39. 请秘书长结合其概览报告,向大会第六十七届会议续会介绍燃料管理的方方面面,包括:外勤支助部燃料作业手册的落实情况;推出全球电子燃油管理系统的可行性;应急战略燃料储备状况;燃料管理标准作业程序的拟定和适用情况;若干特派团的燃料支持费用和业绩评估结果,包括统包合同与内部模式的比较结果;为在授予机动车和飞机合同时考虑到燃料成本因素所作努力;", "40. 着重指出有效的口粮管理意味着确保联合国维和人员能够得到一日三餐所需质量适当的足够口粮,包括对从最初请购到最后支付供应商的全程进行规划、组织和控制,以及准确和可靠的记账和存档;", "41. 请秘书长确保所有特派团都对口粮承包商的质量管理系统进行监测和评估,以确保食品质量和卫生条件符合规定的标准;", "42. 促请秘书长继续根据2010年的审查结果,对个人信息和通信技术设备实行新的标准比率,确保考虑到业务需要,使特派团内的每个地点都能得到最适当的卫星通信和因特网服务;", "43. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第61段,请秘书长在下一次关于维和行动的概览报告中提出关于效率和效力的全面评估,包括评估统包安排节约的资金和产生的影响;", "44. 请秘书长继续确保按现行做法,在使用系统合同前全面分析各项费用;", "45. 强调应协调努力,确定发展中国家和经济转型国家中的潜在供应商,增加这些国家参加投标和获得合同的比例,以形成更能体现本组织成员情况的供应商基础;", "46. 请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议提交一项综合分析,从行政和预算方面分析统筹行动小组的作用;", "四 空中业务", "47. 着重指出,在努力探讨各种可能性,以增进空中业务的规模效益和效率时,不得损及每个维持和平行动的安全和业务需求或部队轮调与部署周期;", "48. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第77段,着重指出应评价空中服务所涉各种成本效益因素,包括燃料消耗、保养费用以及安全和安保方面的考虑因素;", "49. 又回顾秘书长的报告[10] 第13段,着重指出采购过程应确保采购的空中资产与特派团的业务需求相匹配;", "50. 确认启动了一个在空中服务采购中向招标书方法过渡的试点项目,注意到根据《联合国财务条例和细则》,最高性价比是联合国采购工作应考虑的四项主要原则之一,其他三项原则是:公平、诚信和透明度;有效的国际竞争;联合国的利益;重申其2008年6月20日第62/269号决议第25段所载请求,请秘书长向大会报告联合国采购工作中执行最高性价比方法的明确指导方针,包括加权估标技术的所有细节,并提交关于试点项目结果的报告;", "51. 请秘书长在制定招标书方法时确保充分的透明度,并强调应根据本组织的业务要求拟定招标书;", "52. 注意到联合国航空安全通用标准,请秘书长继续确保遵守国际民用航空组织的标准和建议的做法,进而满足在外地完成任务的业务需要,还请秘书长结合下一次关于维和行动的概览报告,说明国际民航组织标准和建议办法与联合国航空安全通用标准之间的不同之处;", "53. 回顾其第64/269号决议第六节第21段;", "54. 请秘书长结合下一次维和行动概览报告,说明与世界粮食计划署之间的谅解备忘录及其所涉经费问题的最新情况,并详细分析联合国空中业务的治理情况和整体资源水平,包括说明切实高效地发挥支持职能以及提供信息和通信技术支持的情况;", "五 防止性剥削的特别保护措施", "55. 回顾其第64/269号决议第四节;", "56. 重申必须在维和行动中全面执行联合国对性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策;", "57. 着重指出将在秘书长的权限范围内对任何违反这些标准的情况采取适当行动,国家特遣队成员的刑事和纪律责任则视乎会员国的本国法律而定;", "58. 强调应毫不迟延地根据适当法律程序以及联合国同会员国之间签订的谅解备忘录调查和惩处所有性剥削和性虐待行为;", "59. 确认不向因违纪,例如违反联合国零容忍政策而被遣返的维和人员支付任何费用,包括下文第72段所述费用;", "60. 回顾载有联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略的2007年12月21日第62/214号决议,呼吁继续执行该战略,在这方面着重指出,必须以综合方式解决所有性剥削和性虐待受害者的需要;", "61. 注意到关于“防止性剥削和性虐待的特别保护措施”的秘书长报告³ 第10和第18段;", "62. 表示关切尚未结束的调查数目,鼓励继续努力,酌情根据谅解备忘录解决积压的案件;", "63. 继续关注新报告的性剥削和性虐待案件,注意到性剥削和性虐待指控数目持续下降,但感到遗憾的是,关于最严重形式的性剥削和性虐待的指控所占比例没有降低;", "64. 请秘书长继续努力,就性剥削和性虐待问题开展标准化的培训和提高认识工作;", "65. 欢迎联合国总部行为和纪律股和外地行为和纪律小组的努力,赞赏地注意到定期更新行为和纪律网站,包括更新统计资料,这有助于外勤支助部评价进展情况,并有助于会员国更好地理解联合国处理行为和纪律问题的政策;", "66. 请求在下一次概览报告中汇报联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略的最新执行进展情况;", "67. 鼓励机构间常设委员会工作队加强在执行关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略过程中的领导作用;", "68. 赞赏地注意到为防止由于无事实根据的不当行为指控而使联合国维持和平行动或部队/警察派遣国或联合国维和人员信誉受损而采取的行动;请秘书长就此采取适当步骤,并请他继续确保迅速采取行动,在不当行为指控最终未能依法证实的情况下,恢复联合国任何维持和平特派团、部队派遣国或联合国维和人员的形象和信誉;", "六 其他问题", "69. 关切地注意到会员国在根据2009年6月30日第A/63/285号决议的规定通过调查问卷提供数据方面遇到的困难,就此请秘书长促使秘书处、特别是外勤支助部和管理事务部加紧努力,与部队派遣国进行密切合作,为收集数据提供便利,协助填写调查问卷,以便在预定期限内完成这项工作;", "70. 注意到上次审查部队费用的时间是1992年,此后在2002年临时增加了部队费用,而部队派遣国表示关切的是,这已给其造成严重的财政负担,声称这可能使其无法持续参加维持和平行动;", "71. 回顾联合国维和人员的行为举止必须维护联合国的形象、信誉、公正和廉正;", "72. 决定作为例外,在2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间向部队派遣国一次性补充支付85 000 000美元,但以不损害第63/285号决议所定程序的完整性为前提;", "73. 请秘书长在2011年10月之前设立一个高级咨询小组,由秘书长任命的具有相关经验的5位知名人士、主要部队派遣国的5位代表、主要财政捐助国的5位代表和每个区域集团的1位成员组成,负责审议向部队派遣国偿还费用比率和其他相关问题;", "74. 决定高级咨询小组应尽快完成工作;", "75. 关切地注意到再次发生审计委员会以前查出的与消耗性和非消耗性财产管理有关的问题;", "76. 强调秘书长必须指导管理维持和平资产,包括消耗性和非消耗性财产以及战略部署物资储存;再次请秘书长加强为管理这些资产加强内部控制,以确保有适当的保障措施,防止给本组织造成浪费和财务损失;", "77. 回顾其第64/269号决议第一节第14段,请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议提交该段要求的报告;", "78. 注意到秘书处仍在制定及早建设和平的战略,就此请秘书长在拟定这项战略的整个过程中与会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及秘书处所有相关实体密切磋商,着重指出维持和平特派团执行的具体的建设和平任务应基于相关国家的优先事项,并在特定背景下遵循国家自主权原则;", "七 全球外勤支助战略", "79. 表示赞赏秘书长在制定和执行全球外勤支助战略时采取包容性和参与性做法,鼓励秘书长在执行全球外勤支助战略时继续加紧与会员国,尤其是部队派遣国的密切协商;", "80. 认识到本组织在为维持和平行动提供后勤、行政及信息和通信技术支助方面所面临的挑战,表示赞赏秘书长努力提出综合办法,使特派团能够更及时开办和部署,并改进为外地特派团提供服务的质量、效率和规模效益;", "81. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第143段;", "82. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第156段,鼓励秘书长与会员国,特别是部队和警察派遣国继续密切协商,以进一步发展预定模块和成套服务;", "83. 请秘书长以符合全球外勤支助战略的各项目标的方式,在拟订与后勤模块有关的进一步提议时考虑到使用单一来源或签订多功能合同所涉风险,并考虑到对每个供应商的联合国商品编码数目实行的限制;", "84. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告⁹ 第157段,请秘书长在其下一份年度进展报告中纳入所有相关信息,说明预定模块和成套服务的拟定和落实情况;", "85. 强调必须具备在外地特派团切实有效提供成套服务的能力,请秘书长在其下一份年度进展报告中提供信息,说明建设这些能力的各项备选办法,供其审议;", "86. 回顾其第64/269号决议第12和第14段,强调意大利布林迪西全球服务中心在提供和管理预定模块和成套服务方面的作用;", "87. 重申其第64/269号决议第六节第16段,其中着重指出,主要涉及与会员国特别是部队派遣国之间互动的职能将继续留在总部;", "88. 赞赏地注意到运输和调度综合控制中心的运行状况;", "89. 注意到迄今在通过乌干达恩德培区域服务中心提高服务效率方面取得的成果;", "90. 认识到维持和平准备基金和战略部署物资储存在特派团的快速开办和扩大方面可以发挥关键作用,请秘书长向大会通报第64/269号决议第六节第8和第9段的执行情况;", "91. 请秘书长每年以综合方式向大会通报客户特派团向恩德培区域服务中心提供的财政和人力资源,以及在每个客户特派团的拟议预算中为其提出的所需资源所占的份额,并说明该中心的空缺率、支出和预算执行情况。", "[1] ^(*) 由于技术原因于2011年8月5日重新印发。", "A/65/715。", "[2] A/65/644和Corr.1。", "[3] A/65/742。", "[4] A/65/738。", "[5] A/65/643和A/65/696和Corr.1。", "[6] A/63/675和Corr.1。", "[7] A/65/271 (Part II)。", "[8] A/65/743和A/63/746(第四.B节)。", "[9] A/65/743。", "[10] A/65/760。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "共有问题", "大会,", "回顾其1994年12月23日第49/233 A号、1995年3月31日第49/233 B号、1997年6月17日第51/218 E号、2003年6月18日第57/290 B号、2004年7月1日第58/315号、2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号和第61/279号和2010年6月24日第64/269号决议,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、 [1] 关于维持和平培训进展情况的报告、 [2] 关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别措施的报告、 [3] 关于联合国空中业务的报告、 [4] 关于全球外勤支助战略执行进展情况及其标准化筹资模式的报告[5] 和关于各类人员的福利和娱乐需要及详细影响的报告,[6] 以及内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告[7] 和行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[8]", "常规", "1. 联合国 1. 重申其第57/290 B、59/296、60/266、61/276和64/269号决议,并请秘书长确保这些决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "2. 联合国 2. 赞赏外地和总部所有维持和平人员的努力;", "3个 表示注意到秘书长关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览:2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间预算执行情况和2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算的报告、1 关于维持和平培训进展情况的报告、2 关于防止性剥削和性虐待特别措施的报告、3 关于联合国空中业务的报告、4 关于全球外勤支助战略执行进展情况及其标准化筹资模式的报告5 和关于所有职类人员的福利和娱乐需要及详细影响的报告,6 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告;8", " 4.四. 2. 又注意到内部监督事务厅关于维持和平行动的报告;7", "5 (韩语). 9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告 [9] 所载建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "一 预算列报和财务管理", "6. 国家 12. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第24段;", "7. 联合国 2. 重申秘书长下放权力应有助于更好地管理本组织,但强调管理本组织的总体责任在于秘书长作为行政首长;", "8. 联合国 10. 申明秘书长需要确保向维持和平行动部、外勤支助部和外地特派团下放权力时严格遵守大会关于这个问题的相关决议和决定以及相关规则和程序;", "9. 国家 1. 着重指出各部门主管向秘书长报告工作并接受秘书长的问责;", "10个 3. 重申必须加强本组织内部的问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高成效和高效率地执行法定任务以及使用人力和财政资源方面进一步接受会员国的问责;", "11个 6. 注意到高级管理人员契约旨在通过提高高层问责制和透明度等办法改善本组织的管理,并在这方面敦促秘书长采取措施,充分处理高级管理人员的业绩问题,特别是在实现目标和指标方面;", "12个 4. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第4段,并强调指出,应为所有外地特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效和有效率地完成各自的任务,而维持和平行动向建设和平过渡可能需要改变所需资源;", "13个 1. 欢迎秘书长及时印发了维持和平行动拟议预算;", "14个 1. 回顾其2010年6月24日第64/269号决议第一节第10段;", "15个 5. 着重指出秘书长必须采取进一步措施来改进预算的列报方式并作出更准确的预测;", "16号. 9. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第5段,强调应为所有外地特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效和有效率地完成各自的任务,并着重指出,考虑到维持和平行动的数目、规模和复杂性,目前的维持和平活动规模应对所需资源产生可扩展的影响;", "17岁。 4. 请秘书长加紧努力,在外地特派团内部和之间实现规模经济效益,而不损害其业务需要和各自任务的执行情况,并在概览报告中报告有关情况;", "18岁。 11. 注意到外勤支助部已设立一个资源使用效率小组,在这方面同意行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第28段所载建议,并鼓励秘书长在总部和特派团一级进一步采取此类举措;", " 19. 19. 10. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第59段,并请秘书长提供这方面的资料并结合下一次维持和平行动概览报告来审议;", "二. 人事问题", "20号. 1. 表示赞赏所有履行与维持和平有关职能的联合国人员,特别是在艰苦工作地点工作并处境最困难的人员;", "21岁 1. 赞扬所有因公受伤或为追求和平而作出最后牺牲的联合国维持和平人员;", "22号. 13. 请秘书长在下一次关于联合国维持和平行动经费筹措概览的报告中提供最新资料,说明联合国外地特派团实施人力资源管理改革的情况,特别是大会2010年12月24日第65/247号决议所载改革的情况;", "23. 联合国 5. 注意到自大会通过2008年12月24日第63/250号决议以来,本组织采取了各种人力资源管理举措,并承认继续实施改革举措将使本组织能够更好地应对一个变化多端、要求高的环境,在这种环境中,整合和统一将为提高生产率的长期效率和改善工作环境提供基础,从而使本组织能更好地完成任务;", "24 (韩语). 7. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第47段;", "25岁 5. 确认福利和娱乐对维持和平行动人员的重要性,同时铭记福利和娱乐也有助于加强士气和纪律;", "26. 联合国 1. 表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告第52段;", "27个 2. 回顾其第63/250号决议第七节,并重申其第65/247号决议第二节第34段的要求;", "28岁 4. 认识到本组织需要有一个机制来应对迅速变化的外地情况,并在这方面要求提供关于临时派任机制的使用及其对经常征聘进程的影响的全面信息;", "29. 国家 10. 注意到秘书长利用临时空缺通知处理冗长的征聘过程问题,强调需要通过经常征聘程序加快填补空缺,请秘书长在下一次维持和平行动概览报告中提供临时空缺通知对外地和总部经常征聘过程的影响;", "30岁。 1. 回顾其2010年12月24日第65/248号决议C节第19段;", "31岁 15. 强调必须采取进一步措施,除其他外,通过培训培训员以及在可行的情况下使用视频会议和电子学习,使培训方案更具相关性和成本效益,并着重指出应密切审查为培训目的进行的旅行;", "32. 联合国 4. 注意到本国工作人员在维持和平行动中的作用越来越大,需要建设国家能力和为本国工作人员提供专业发展机会,并强调应将本国工作人员充分纳入所有相关培训方案;", "33. (中文(简体) ). 11. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第132段,注意到2010年对特派团高级行政管理和资源培训方案进行的评价得出的普遍积极结论,并期待着获得更多关于培训方案对改进业绩所产生影响的信息;", "34. 国家 11. 又回顾其第64/269号决议第二节第4段,请秘书长采取紧急措施,消除目前积压三个月多的死亡和伤残索赔案,并向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议报告进展情况;", "35. 联合国 11. 还回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第55段,请秘书长确保向部队和警察派遣国提供成本效益高和高水平的服务,但不影响其业务需要,强调需要同部队和警察派遣国密切协调,并请秘书长在下一份关于维持和平行动的概览报告中提供更多资料;", "三. 所需业务费用", "36. (中文(简体) ). 9. 着重指出联合国需要改善其陆运管理,以达到最高业务效率,敦促秘书长加快并加强其在这方面的努力,并提出具体建议,并在其关于维持和平行动的下一次概览报告中报告有关情况;", "37. 联合国 1. 注意到燃料是主要支出项目,燃料管理容易发生严重欺诈和滥用;", "38. 国家 10. 请秘书长确保向所有维持和平特派团不间断地提供必要的燃料供应,以确保它们顺利运作,而不损害安全,并确保旨在提高效率的措施,包括使用统包合同,不得损害特派团的业务需要和安全;", "39. 联合国 14. 又请秘书长在大会第六十七届会议续会上就燃料管理的所有方面,包括外勤支助部燃料业务手册的执行情况、采用全球电子燃料管理系统的可行性、应急燃料战略储备状况、燃料管理标准作业程序的编写和应用、燃料支助费用和若干特派团的绩效评估结果,包括统包模式和内部模式的比较,以及在授予车辆和飞机合同时考虑燃料费用的努力等,向大会第六十七届会议续会提出报告;", " 40. 40. 6. 着重指出,有效管理口粮意味着确保联合国维和人员获得足够、质量适当的口粮,每天三餐,包括规划、组织和控制从最初请购到最后向供应商付款的行动,以及准确和可靠的记录和存档;", "41. 国家 8. 请秘书长确保各特派团监测和评价口粮承包商的质量管理系统,以确保食品质量和卫生条件符合既定标准;", "42. 国家 10. 敦促秘书长根据2010年的审查,继续执行个人信息和通信技术设备的新标准比率,并确保在特派团每个地点提供最适当的卫星通信和因特网服务,同时考虑到业务需要;", "43. 东帝汶 11. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第61段,请秘书长在下一次关于维持和平行动概览报告中就统包安排的效率和效力,包括实现的节约和影响提出全面评估;", "44. 国家 6. 请秘书长继续确保按照现行做法,在使用系统合同之前全面分析所有费用;", "45. 国家 7. 强调应作出协调一致的努力,查明发展中国家和经济转型国家的潜在供应商,并增加这些国家在合同投标和授予方面的任职人数,以建立一个更能代表本组织会员国的供应商基础;", "46. 经常预算: 12. 请秘书长在大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议上全面分析统筹行动小组的作用和执行情况所涉行政和预算问题;", "四、结 论 空中业务", "47. 国家 6. 强调为探索空中业务的规模效益和效率的可能性而作的努力不得损害每个维持和平行动的安全和业务需要或轮调和部队部署周期;", " 48. 48. 10. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第77段,并着重指出需要评价航空服务所涉因素的全面和总体成本效益,包括燃料消耗、维护费用以及安全和安保因素;", "49. (中文(简体) ). 2. 又回顾秘书长的报告 第13段,[10]并着重指出采购过程应确保购置的航空资产符合特派团的业务需要;", " 50. 50. 11. 确认已启动一个试点项目,向采购航空服务征求建议书方法过渡,注意到最高性价比是联合国采购中要考虑的四项主要原则之一,同时根据《联合国财务条例和细则》,[11] 有效的国际竞争以及联合国的利益,并再次请秘书长在2008年6月20日第62/269号决议第25段中向大会报告在联合国采购中采用最高性价比方法的明确准则,包括加权评价技术的所有细节,并报告试点项目的成果;", "51. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟订征求建议书方法时具有充分的透明度,并强调指出,征求建议书的拟订取由本组织的业务需要;", "52. (中文(简体) ). 2. 注意到联合国共同航空安全标准,请秘书长继续确保遵守国际民用航空组织的《标准和建议做法》,以达到在外地执行任务的业务需要,又请秘书长在下一次维持和平概览报告中报告国际民用航空组织的标准和建议做法与联合国共同航空安全标准之间的差异;", "53. 联合国 1. 回顾其第64/269号决议第六节第21段;", "54. 联合国 13. 请秘书长在下一份维持和平概览报告中提供与世界粮食计划署的谅解备忘录的最新状况及其所涉经费问题,并详细分析联合国空中业务治理和总体资源水平,包括关于切实有效地提供支助职能以及信息和通信技术支助的信息;", "五 防止性剥削的特别措施", "55. 国家 1. 回顾其第64/269号决议第四节;", "56. (中文(简体) ). 1. 重申需要全面执行联合国对维持和平行动中性剥削和性虐待的零容忍政策;", "57. 萨尔瓦多 6. 强调在出现任何违反标准行为时,将在秘书长权力范围内采取适当行动,而国家特遣队成员的刑事责任和纪律责任将取决于会员国的国内法;", "58. 联合国 7. 强调应按照适当法律程序以及联合国同会员国所缔结的谅解备忘录,毫不拖延地调查和惩处所有性剥削和性虐待行为;", "59. (中文(简体) ). 3. 确认对因违反联合国零容忍政策等纪律原因被遣返的维和人员个人不支付任何款项,包括下文第72段规定的款项;", "60. 联合国 11. 回顾其载有《联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略》的2007年12月21日第62/214号决议,呼吁继续执行该战略,并在这方面强调必须以综合方式满足所有受性剥削和性虐待受害人的需要;", "61. 国家 1. 注意到秘书长关于防止性剥削和性虐待的特别措施的报告3 第10和18段;", "62. 联合国 3. 表示关切尚未完成的调查数目,鼓励继续努力,酌情根据谅解备忘录解决积压问题;", "63. 国家 3. 仍然关切所报新的性剥削和性虐待案件,并注意到性剥削和性虐待指控数量持续减少,但感到遗憾的是,涉及最恶劣形式的性剥削和性虐待的指控比例没有下降;", "64. (中文(简体) ). 10. 请秘书长继续努力就性剥削和性虐待问题开展标准化培训和提高认识;", "65. 国家 12. 欢迎联合国总部行为和纪律股以及外地行为和纪律小组的努力,并赞赏地注意到定期更新的行为和纪律专门网站,包括统计信息,这有助于外勤支助部评价进展情况并协助会员国更好地了解联合国在处理行为和纪律问题方面的政策;", "66. (中文(简体) ). 4. 请在下一份概览报告中提供最新资料,说明执行《联合国关于援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略》的进展情况;", "67. (中文(简体) ). 5. 鼓励机构间常设委员会工作队加强其在执行《援助和支持受联合国工作人员和有关人员性剥削和性虐待受害人的全面战略》方面的领导作用;", "68. (中文(简体) ). 11. 赞赏地注意到为防止未经证实的不当行为指控损害任何联合国维持和平特派团或部队或警察派遣国或联合国维持和平人员的公信力而采取的行动,请秘书长在这方面采取适当措施,并请秘书长继续确保迅速采取行动,在不当行为指控最终在法律上无法证实时,恢复任何联合国维持和平特派团、部队或警察派遣国或联合国维持和平人员的形象和公信力;", "六. 其他问题", "69. (中文(简体) ). 12. 关切地注意到会员国难以按照2009年6月30日第63/285号决议的规定通过调查表提供所要求数据,为此请秘书长加强秘书处、特别是外勤支助部和管理事务部同出兵国密切合作,以便利数据收集和协助填写调查表,以保持这一进程在所设想时限内进行;", "70. 联合国 4. 注意到上次审查部队费用是在1992年,其后在2002年临时增加,而部队派遣国已表示关切,因为这给它们带来困难的财政负担,它们声称这可能危及参加维持和平行动的可持续性;", "71. 联合国 5. 回顾所有联合国维和人员的行动方式必须维护联合国的形象、信誉、公正和完整;", "72. 联合国 10. 决定作为特例,在不妨碍大会第63/285号决议所定程序完整性的情况下,向部队派遣国提供2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间一次性补充付款85 000 000美元;", "73 (中文(简体) ). 8. 请秘书长在2011年10月前设立一个由秘书长任命的五名具有相关经验的知名人士、五名主要出兵国代表、五名主要出兵国代表和每个区域集团一名成员组成的高级咨询小组,以审议部队派遣国的偿还率和相关问题;", "74. 国家 2. 决定高级咨询小组应尽快完成其工作;", "75. 国家 2. 关切地注意到审计委员会以前发现的与消耗性和非消耗性财产管理有关的问题再次发生;", "76. 联合国 强调秘书长必须指导管理维持和平资产,包括消耗性和非消耗性财产以及战略部署物资储存,并再请秘书长加强管理这些资产的内部控制,以确保采取适当的保障措施,防止给本组织造成浪费和经济损失;", "77. 国家 5. 回顾其第64/269号决议第一节第14段,并请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议续会第二期会议提交该段所要求提交的报告;", "78. 国家 4. 注意到秘书处仍在制订早期建设和平战略,为此请秘书长在编写该战略的整个过程中同会员国、建设和平委员会、联合国各机构、基金和方案以及秘书处所有相关实体密切协商,并着重指出,维持和平特派团所执行的具体建设和平任务应根据有关国家的优先事项和具体情况,并遵循国家自主权原则;", "页:1 全球外勤支助战略", "79. 联合国 1. 赞赏秘书长在制订和执行全球外勤支助战略时采取包容性和参与性办法,并鼓励秘书长在执行全球外勤支助战略时继续加紧同会员国、特别是部队派遣国密切协商;", "80个 13. 确认本组织在为维持和平行动提供后勤、行政和信息和通信技术支助方面面临的挑战,并赞赏秘书长努力提出综合办法来更及时地开办和部署特派团,并改进向外地特派团提供服务的质量、效率和规模经济;", "81个 11. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第143段;", "82. 7. 又回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第156段,并鼓励秘书长同会员国,特别是出兵国和出兵国密切协商,进一步制订预先界定的模块和成套服务;", "83个 4. 请秘书长以符合全球外勤支助战略目标的方式,在制订与后勤单元有关的进一步建议时考虑到使用单一来源或多功能合同所涉及的风险,并考虑到对每个供应商联合国商品编码数目的适用限制;", "第八十四会. 10. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告9 第157段,请秘书长在其下一份年度进展报告中提供所有关于制定和执行预先界定的模块和成套服务的信息;", "85. 9. 强调使能能力在外地特派团有效部署成套服务的重要性,请秘书长在下一份进度报告中提供使能能力的各种可选办法的资料,供其审议;", "86号. 10. 回顾其第64/269号决议第12和14段,并着重指出意大利布林迪西全球服务中心在提供和管理预先确定的模块和成套服务方面的作用;", "87个 2. 重申其第64/269号决议第六节第16段,其中大会强调,主要涉及同会员国、特别是同部队派遣国互动的职能将继续设在总部;", "88个 1. 赞赏地注意到运输和调度综合控制中心的业绩;", "89. 国家 注意到迄今在通过乌干达恩德培区域服务中心加强有效提供服务方面取得的成果;", "90. (中文(简体) ). 8. 确认维持和平准备基金和战略部署储备在快速开办和扩大特派团方面发挥关键作用的潜力,并请秘书长向大会通报大会第64/269号决议第六节第8和9段的执行情况;", "91. 联合国 请秘书长每年以综合方式向大会提供资料,说明客户特派团向恩德培区域服务中心提供的财政和人力资源,以及各客户特派团在各自拟议预算中提供的所需资源份额,并提供关于该中心空缺率、支出和预算执行情况的资料。", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年8月5日重新印发.", "A/65/715。", "[2] A/65/644和Corr.1。", "[3] A/65/742。", "[4] A/65/738。", "[5] A/65/643和A/65/696和Corr.1。", "[6] A/63/675和Corr.1。", "[7] A/65/271(Part II)。", "[8] A/65/743和A/63/746(第二节)。", "[9] A/65/743。", "[10] A/65/760。", "[11] ST/SGB/2003/7。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 159", "Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1769 (2007) of 31 July 2007, by which the Council established the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur for an initial period of twelve months as from 31 July 2007, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation, the latest of which was resolution 1935 (2010) of 30 July 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate until 31 July 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 62/232 A of 22 December 2007 on the financing of the Operation and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/285 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in its resolutions 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Operation with the necessary financial resources to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "Noting the hybrid nature of the Operation, and in that regard stressing the importance of ensuring full coordination of efforts between the African Union and the United Nations at the strategic level, unity of command at the operational level and clear delegation of authority and accountability lines,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Operation with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 262.5 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only seventy-nine Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Operation in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to take steps to ensure that all personnel adhere fully to the security procedures in place;", "11. Reaffirms section XX of resolution 61/276, and encourages the Secretary-General, where feasible, to enhance regional and inter-mission cooperation with a view to achieving greater synergies in the use of the resources of the Organization and the implementation of mandates of the missions, while bearing in mind that individual missions are responsible for the preparation and implementation of their own budgets and for controlling their own assets and logistical operations;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Operation is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure that future budget submissions contain sufficient information, explanation and justification of the proposed resource requirements relating to operational costs in order to allow Member States to take well-informed decisions;", "15. Stresses the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States, inter alia, for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates on procurement and the related use of financial and human resources, as well as the provision of necessary information on procurement-related matters to enable Member States to make well-informed decisions;", "16. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all procurement projects for the Organization are in full compliance with relevant resolutions;", "17. Decides not to abolish the child protection posts, requests the Secretary-General to make every effort to fill them, and also requests the Secretary-General to identify an equivalent number of posts at the same level that have been vacant for more than one year to offset the financial impact of retaining the child protection posts, without affecting operational requirements or mandate implementation, and to report thereon in the context of the performance report;", "18. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "19. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Operation for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "20. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur the amount of 1,797,327,600 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 1,689,305,500 dollars for the maintenance of the Operation, 91,536,100 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 16,486,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "21. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 149,777,300 dollars for the period from 1 to 31 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "22. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,137,200 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,346,816 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 646,050 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 144,334 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "23. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 1,647,550,300 dollars for the period from 1 August 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 149,777,300 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Operation;", "24. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be offset against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 34,509,200 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 25,814,984 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 7,106,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 1,587,666 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "25. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 175,974,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "26. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be offset against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 175,974,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 25 above;", "27. Also decides that the increase of 2,223,700 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 175,974,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 25 and 26 above;", "28. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "29. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Operation under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "30. Invites voluntary contributions to the Operation in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedures and practices established by the General Assembly;", "31. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur”.", "[1] A/65/631 and A/65/740.", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13.", "[3] A/65/631." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目159", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "委员会副主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年7月31日第1769(2007)号决议,其中安理会决定自2007年7月31日起设立非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,最初为期12个月,并回顾安理会延长该行动任务期限的其后各项决议,最近的是2010年7月30日第1935(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务期延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会2007年12月22日关于该行动经费筹措的第62/232 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/285号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "注意到该行动属混合性质,为此强调指出,必须确保非洲联盟与联合国在战略层面充分协调,在行动层面统一指挥,还须具有明确的授权和问责线,", "1. 请秘书长责成该行动主管完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269 号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动截至2011年4月30日的摊款情况,包括2.625亿美元的未缴摊款,占摊款总额约4%,关切地注意到只有79个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并敦促所有其他会员国,特别是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并敦促所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向他们提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待,一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长采取步骤确保所有人员全面遵守现行安保程序;", "11. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行、资产和后勤业务的控制,由各特派团自己负责;", "12. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269号和65/289号决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效、最经济的方式管理该行动;", "14. 还请秘书长确保在今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、说明和理由,以使会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "15. 强调指出必须加强联合国内部问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高实效、高效率地执行采购方面的立法授权及在使用相应财政和人力资源方面更多地接受会员国的问责,并提供有关采购事项的必要资料,以便会员国能够作出知情的决定;", "16. 请秘书长确保为联合国实施的所有采购项目完全符合相关决议;", "17. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,并请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,找出相同数量、相同职等并已空置一年以上的员额,在不影响业务要求和任务执行的情况下,用以抵消保留儿童保护员额所致的财政影响,并在执行情况报告中报告相关情况;", "18. 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "19. 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "20. 决定为非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动特别账户批款1 797 327 600美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费1 689 305 500美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的91 536 100美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的16 486 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "21. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊149 777 300美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "22. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 137 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 346 816 美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额646 050美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额144 344美元;", "23. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 647 550 300美元,每月149 777 300美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务期为前提;", "24. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内34 509 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数25 814 984美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额7 106 550美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 587 666美元;", "25. 还决定,对于已履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第21段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "27. 又决定,上文第25和26段提及的175 974 100美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额2 223 700美元;", "28. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法得到适当管理;", "31. 决定在大会第六十六届会议临时议程中列入题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目。", "[1] A/65/631和A/65/740。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13。", "[3] A/65/631。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目159", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "委员会副主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年7月31日第1769(2007)号决议,其中安理会决定设立非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,自2007年7月31日起,最初为期12个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年7月30日第1935(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会关于该行动经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/232 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/285号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "注意到该行动属混合性质,为此强调必须确保非洲联盟与联合国在战略层面充分协调,在行动层面实现统一指挥,并有明确的授权和问责线,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款2.625亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有79个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 6. 请秘书长采取步骤,确保所有人员全面遵守已确立的安保程序;", "11个 17. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由各特派团自己负责;", "12个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该行动;", "14个 10. 还请秘书长确保今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、解释和理由,使会员国能作出充分知情的决定;", "15个 6. 着重指出必须加强本组织内部的问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高成效和高效率地执行关于采购的法定任务以及相关使用财政和人力资源方面,在提供与采购有关事项的必要信息使会员国能作出充分知情的决定方面,进一步接受会员国的问责;", "16号. 11. 请秘书长确保为本组织进行的所有采购项目都完全符合相关决议;", "17岁。 10. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长确定相同职等空缺已超过一年的员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额所产生的财政影响,但不影响业务需要或任务的执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "18岁。 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", " 19. 19. 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "20号. 16. 决定批款1 797 327 600美元给非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费1 689 305 500美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的91 536 100美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的16 486 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "21岁 24. 又决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊149 777 300美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "22号. 21. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 137 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 346 816美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额646 050美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额144 334美元;", "23. 联合国 14. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 647 550 300美元,每月149 777 300美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", "24 (韩语). 23. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内34 509 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数25 814 984美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额7 106 550美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 587 666美元;", "25岁 21. 还决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第21段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 联合国 25. 决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "27个 25. 又决定,上文第25和26段提及的175 974 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 223 700美元;", "28岁 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 国家 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30岁。 23. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31岁 24. 决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "[1] A/65/631和A/65/740。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13。", "[3] A/65/631。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Fifth Committee", "Agenda item 143", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations", "Draft resolution submitted by the Chair of the Committee following informal consultations", "Closed peacekeeping missions", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2008 and 30 June 2009,[1] and the related reports of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Having also considered the report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2010[3] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[4]", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the updated financial position of closed peacekeeping missions as at 30 June 2010³ and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,⁴ subject to the provisions of the current resolution;", "2. Stresses that all Member States should fulfil their financial obligations as set out in the Charter of the United Nations on time, in full and without conditions;", "3. Urges Member States that are in arrears in their payments of assessed contributions to closed peacekeeping missions to pay those contributions expeditiously;", "4. Urges all Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions in full;", "5. Decides to return the amount of 70,600 United States dollars, reflecting two thirds of the adjusted net credits available in the account of the United Nations Iraq-Kuwait Observation Mission, to the Government of Kuwait;", "6. Requests the Secretary-General to return 78.01 per cent of the 230,745,000 dollars net cash available for credit to Member States as at 30 June 2010, in the amount of 180 million dollars, based on the scale applicable to each mission’s last assessment;", "7. Decides to consider at the second part of its resumed sixty-sixth session the position of closed peacekeeping missions, including the remaining amounts owed to Member States, following the implementation of paragraphs 5 and 6 above, determined to have been $50,674,400 as at 30 June 2010, under the agenda item entitled “Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations”, and requests the Secretary-General to submit to it for its consideration and approval concrete proposals and alternatives to address the issue of outstanding dues owed to Member States from closed peacekeeping missions that are in net cash deficit.", "[1] A/63/581 and A/64/605.", "[2] A/63/856 and A/64/659 and Corr.1.", "[3] A/65/556.", "[4] A/65/775." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "已结束的维持和平特派团", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2008年6月30日和2009年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告,[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "又审议了秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告[3] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[4]", "1. 表示注意到秘书长关于已结束的维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日的最新财务状况的报告³ 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,⁴ 但以符合本决议的规定为前提;", "2. 着重指出所有会员国都应当按时、足额、无条件地履行《联合国宪章》规定的财政义务;", "3. 促请拖欠已结束的维持和平特派团摊款的会员国尽快缴纳摊款;", "4. 促请所有会员国尽力确保足额缴纳摊款;", "5. 决定将联合国伊拉克-科威特观察团账户现有的调整后贷记账款净额的三分之二,即70 600美元退还科威特政府;", "6. 请秘书长根据各特派团最后一次经费分摊适用的比额表,归还截至2010年6月30日可计作各会员国贷项的现金净额230 745 000美元的78.01%,即1.80亿美元;", "7. 决定在其第六十六届会议续会第二期会议上在题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的议程项目下审议已结束的维持和平特派团的财务状况,包括在执行上文第5和6段后仍欠会员国的数额,该数额确定为截至2010年6月30日的50 674 400美元;请秘书长向大会提出处理已结束但有现金净额赤字的维持和平特派团所欠各会员国的款项问题的具体提议和备选办法,供大会审议和核准。", "[1] A/63/581和A/64/605。", "[2] A/63/856和A/64/659和Corr.1。", "[3] A/65/556。", "[4] A/65/775。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "第五委员会", "议程项目143", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "委员会主席在非正式协商后提出的决议草案", "已结束维持和平特派团", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于已结束维持和平特派团截至2008年6月30日和2009年6月30日最新财务状况的报告 *** 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "又审议了秘书长关于已结束维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日最新财务状况的报告[3] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "1. 导言 1. 表示注意到秘书长关于已结束维持和平特派团截至2010年6月30日最新财务状况的报告3 及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,4 但以符合本决议的规定为前提;", "2. 结 论 1. 强调所有会员国均应按时、足额、无条件地履行《联合国宪章》规定的财政义务;", "3. 。 2. 敦促拖欠已结束维持和平特派团摊款的会员国迅速缴纳这些摊款;", "4. . 2. 促请所有会员国尽力确保足额缴纳摊款;", "5. 结 论 1. 决定将联合国伊拉克-科威特观察团账户现有调整净贷项的三分之二70 600美元退还科威特政府;", "6. 任务 5. 请秘书长根据每个特派团上一次摊款适用的比额表,退还截至2010年6月30日可贷记会员国账下的230 745 000美元净额的78.1%;", "7. 基本生活 10. 决定在第六十六届会议续会第二期会议在题为“联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题”的议程项目下审议已结束维持和平特派团的立场,包括上文第5和第6段执行后确定截至2010年6月30日为50 674 400美元的拖欠会员国的款项,并请秘书长提出具体提议和备选方案,供大会审议和核准,以解决已结束维持和平特派团所欠会员国现金净短缺的欠款问题。", "*** A/63/581和A/64/605。", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/556。", "[4] A/62/275。" ]
[ "United Nations", "Report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination", "Fifty-first session (6 June-1 July 2011)", "General Assembly", "Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 16", "General Assembly Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 16", "[] United Nations • New York, 2011", "Report of the Committee for Programme and Coordination", "Fifty-first session (6 June-1 July 2011)", "A/66/16", "ISSN 0255-2213", "Note", "Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.", "[5 July 2011]", "Contents", "Chapter PageI.Organization 1 of the \nsession \nA.Agenda 1B.Election 2 of \nofficers \nC.Attendance 3\nD. Documentation 3E.Adoption 4 of the report of the \nCommittee II. Programme 5 \nquestions A. Programme 5 budget for the biennium 2010-2011 and proposed programme budget for the biennium \n2012-2013 \nB.Evaluation 141. Strengthening 14 the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy \ndirectives 2. Programme 16 evaluation of the Department of Economic and Social \nAffairs 3. Triennial 18 review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee at its forty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of political affairs: field special political missions led by the Department of Political Affairs but supported by the Department of Field \nSupport III.Coordination 20 \nquestions A.Annual 20 overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination for \n2010/11 B.United 23 Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s \nDevelopment IV.Provisional 28 agenda for the fifty-second session of the \nCommittee \nAnnexes I.Agenda 30 for the fifty-first session of the \nCommittee II. Documents 31 before the Committee at its fifty-first \nsession", "Chapter I", "Organization of the session", "1. The Committee for Programme and Coordination held its organizational session (1st meeting) on 28 April 2011 and its substantive session from 6 June to 1 July 2011 at United Nations Headquarters. It held a total of 10 meetings and some 20 informal consultations.", "2. At its 2nd meeting, on 6 June, several delegations raised concerns over the delays and difficulties encountered by some Member States in obtaining entry visas from the host country. The Committee recalled General Assembly resolution 65/244, in which the Assembly endorsed the conclusions and recommendations of the Committee on the proposed strategic framework for the period 2012-2013, contained in chapter II, section A, of its report on the work of its fiftieth session (A/65/16). In particular the Committee recalled its recommendation under programme 6, Legal affairs, concerning the host country’s legal obligation to grant entry visas to the officials of all Member States attending United Nations meetings.", "A. Agenda", "3. The agenda for the fifty-first session, adopted by the Committee at its organizational session (1st meeting), is contained in annex I to the present report.", "Selection of reports of the Joint Inspection Unit", "4. At its 1st meeting, on 28 April, the attention of the Committee was drawn to the note by the Secretariat (E/AC.51/2011/L.2), containing the information that there were no relevant reports of the Joint Inspection Unit available for consideration by the Committee. At its 2nd meeting, on 6 June, the Committee was further informed, in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 2008 (LX) and General Assembly resolution 59/267, that no relevant reports of the Joint Inspection Unit would be available for the fifty-first session.", "5. In the discussion, it was recalled that also at its fiftieth session, the Committee had received no reports of the Joint Inspection Unit concerning the economic, social and human rights programmes of the United Nations system in accordance with paragraph 6 of the annex to Economic and Social Council resolution 2008 (LX). In this regard, it was further pointed out that one of the key mandates of the Committee is to assist the Economic and Social Council and the General Assembly on coordination.", "6. The Committee expressed concern with the absence of reports of the Joint Inspection Unit, which is not consistent with the recommendation adopted at its forty-seventh session and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 62/224, recognizing the need to enhance the dialogue of the Committee for Programme and Coordination with the Joint Inspection Unit on coordination issues (see A/62/16, para. 153).", "7. The Committee also emphasized that the recommendation adopted at its forty-ninth session, which was endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 64/229, on the need to enhance its coordination role through improved cooperation with the Joint Inspection Unit, among other United Nations entities, in order to increase planning efficiency and to prevent duplication of efforts within the United Nations system, has not been fully implemented.", "8. The Committee recommended to the General Assembly that it urge the Joint Inspection Unit to intensify its efforts to introduce to the Committee reports that are relevant to the function of the Committee, bearing in mind paragraphs 4 (d) and (e) of article 11 of the statute of the Unit.", "Programme of work", "9. At its 2nd meeting, on 6 June, the attention of the Committee was drawn to the note by the Secretariat on the status of documentation (E/AC.51/2011/L.1/Rev.1), listing the documents for consideration by the Committee.", "10. Also at its 2nd meeting, the Committee had before it an informal paper setting out a tentative and provisional programme of work for its fifty-first session. The Committee approved the programme of work, with the understanding that adjustments would be made by the Bureau, as necessary, during the course of the session.", "B. Election of officers", "11. At its 1st meeting, on 28 April, the Committee elected, by acclamation, Gastón Lasarte (Uruguay) Chair of the Committee for the fifty-first session.", "12. At the same meeting, the Committee elected, by acclamation, the following members of the Bureau for the fifty-first session: Vice-Chair: Chull-joo Park (Republic of Korea); and Rapporteur: Vladimir Pavlovich (Belarus).", "13. At its 2nd meeting, on 6 June, the Committee elected, by acclamation, the following members of the Bureau for the fifty-first session: Vice-Chairs: Felix A. Datuowei (Nigeria) and Isi Yanouka (Israel).", "14. Also at its 2nd meeting, the Committee was informed that Vladimir Pavlovich (Belarus), who was elected Rapporteur of the Committee for Programme and Coordination for its fifty-first session, would be unable to attend the session and had requested that the necessary arrangements be made for his replacement.", "15. At its 7th meeting, on 15 June, the Committee elected, by acclamation, Igor Krasnov (Belarus) Rapporteur of the Committee.", "16. The members of the Bureau for the fifty-first session of the Committee are:", "Chair: Gastón Lasarte (Uruguay)", "Vice-Chairs: Isi Yanouka (Israel) Chull-joo Park (Republic of Korea) Felix A. Datuowei (Nigeria)", "Rapporteur: Igor Krasnov (Belarus)", "C. Attendance", "17. The following States Members of the United Nations were represented on the Committee:", "Algeria Iran (Islamic Republic of)", "Antigua and Barbuda Israel", "Argentina Italy", "Armenia Kazakhstan", "Belarus Namibia", "Benin Nigeria", "Brazil Pakistan", "Central African Republic Republic of Korea", "China Russian Federation", "Comoros South Africa", "Cuba Spain", "Eritrea Ukraine", "Guinea Uruguay", "Haiti Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)", "India", "18. The following States Members of the United Nations were represented by observers:", "Austria Nicaragua", "Egypt Senegal", "France Switzerland", "Japan United Kingdom of Great Britain and", "Kenya Northern Ireland", "Mexico United Republic of Tanzania", "Morocco United States of America", "19. The following intergovernmental organizations were represented as observers:", "European Union", "20. The following funds and programmes were represented:", "Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations", "21. Also present at the session were the Under-Secretary-General for Internal Oversight Services; the Assistant Secretary-General and Controller, Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts; the Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Executive Director of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women; the Secretary of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination and Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-agency Affairs of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs; the Director of the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa; and other senior officials of the Secretariat.", "D. Documentation", "22. The list of documents before the Committee at its fifty-first session is set out in annex II to the present report.", "E. Adoption of the report of the Committee", "23. At its 10th meeting, on 1 July 2011, the Rapporteur introduced the draft report of the Committee (E/AC.51/2011/L.4 and Add.1-6).", "24. At the same meeting, the Committee adopted the draft report on the work of its fifty-first session (E/AC.51/2011/L.4 and Add.1-6).", "25. Before the closure of the session, statements were made by the representatives of Argentina, Algeria, South Africa and Belarus.", "Chapter II", "Programme questions", "A. Programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 and proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013", "26. At its 7th, 8th and 9th meetings, on 15 and 16 June 2011, the Committee considered the consolidated report on the changes to the biennial programme plan as reflected in the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 and the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (A/66/82). The Committee also had before it the strategic framework for the period 2012-2013 (A/65/6/Rev.1) and the relevant sections of the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 (A/66/6 (Sects. 3, 15, 17 and 22)).", "27. Representatives of the Secretary-General introduced the consolidated report and responded to queries raised during its consideration by the Committee.", "Discussion", "28. General appreciation was expressed for the presentation of the report, which provides a guideline for strategic planning, budgeting, management and accountability for the Organization.", "29. The view was expressed that there were a few inconsistencies in the strategic frameworks contained in the proposed programme budget fascicles for the biennium 2012-2013 in the following sections: 14 (Environment), 26 (Palestine refugees) and 30 (Office of Information and Communications Technology), when compared with the approved strategic framework for the period 2012-2013 as contained in document A/65/6/Rev.1. The Committee was informed that steps had been taken to resolve the matter.", "30. Clarification was sought as to the reasons why the consolidated report of the Secretary-General on the changes to the biennial programme plan as reflected in the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 and the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013 did not reflect the programme changes for section 16 (International drug control, crime and terrorism prevention and criminal justice) that arose from the revised estimates resulting from resolutions and decisions adopted by the Economic and Social Council at its substantive session of 2010 as approved under section VII of General Assembly resolution 65/259.", "Programme 2 Political affairs", "Subprogramme 10 United Nations Office to the African Union", "Discussion", "31. Delegations noted that it was not clear whether the intended goals of the United Nations Office to the African Union fell under the responsibility of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations or that of the Department of Political Affairs, under which the Office was established.", "32. While appreciation was expressed for the creation of the Office as a positive and an important step, the view was also expressed that the Office must not neglect the spectrum of activities other than peacekeeping, such as peacebuilding, conflict resolution and conflict prevention. Concern was expressed that development-related issues were not adequately reflected in the strategic framework of the Office.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "33. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly approve the changes to the narrative of programme 2, Political affairs, subprogramme 10, as contained in the consolidated report of the Secretary-General (A/66/82), subject to the following modification:", "Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat", "At the end of expected accomplishment (c), add the words “in Africa”.", "Programme 7 Economic and social affairs", "Subprogramme 2 Gender issues and advancement of women", "Discussion", "34. Appreciation and support were expressed for the subprogramme under consideration, its presentation, overall orientation, objectives and subprogrammes. The important role and efforts of the subprogramme in key focus areas were emphasized. Support was expressed for the normative and operational work of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN‑Women).", "35. The view was expressed that the subprogramme should observe the principle of universality while delivering its work. The view was also expressed that support to Member States at the national level should be provided at their request; the work of UN-Women should be carried out in coordination with other United Nations agencies, funds and programmes in order to avoid duplication of work, and, in the provision of support to Member States, all relevant gender-related issues should be addressed. The view was further expressed that UN-Women should work with United Nations agencies, funds and programmes and the Offices of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General on Violence against Children in the areas of peace and security. The view was expressed that the strategic framework of the programme should be developed taking into full consideration the mandates given by legislative bodies, in line with its strategic plan.", "36. The view was expressed that the United Nations Secretariat should continue its efforts to achieve gender parity in its staff recruitment. Support was expressed for addressing gender issues in line with the Millennium Development Goals, for investment in education as a key element in the empowerment of women and for enhancing capacity-building activities.", "37. The view was also expressed that the resolutions and agreed conclusions of the Commission on the Status of Women should be included under the list of legislative mandates in future proposed strategic frameworks.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "38. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly approve the changes to the narrative of programme 7, Economic and social affairs, subprogramme 2, Gender issues and advancement women, as set out in the consolidated report of the Secretary-General (A/66/82), subject to the following modifications:", "Biennial programme plan for the period 2012-2013", "(a) Intergovernmental support and strategic partnerships", "Objective of the Organization", "Replace the text of the objective with the following:", "“To strengthen the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment and advancement of women, including women’s full enjoyment of their human rights”.", "Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat", "At the end of expected accomplishment (a), add the words “and enhanced support of UN-Women for the participation of non‑governmental organizations in the work of the Commission on the Status of Women”.", "Revise the text of expected accomplishment (c) to read:", "“(c) Enhanced capacity of UN-Women to support Member States, upon their request, in their efforts to achieve national and internationally agreed gender equality priorities”.", "Indicators of achievement", "Replace indicator of achievement (a) (i) with the following:", "“(a) (i) Increased number of activities of UN-Women aimed at supporting the participation of Member States and non-governmental organizations accredited by the Economic and Social Council in the Commission on the Status of Women, including assistance for reporting on actions taken in areas related to the priority theme of the Commission”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (a) (ii) with the following:", "“(a) (ii) Percentage of required documents submitted by UN‑Women on time for consideration by the Commission on the Status of Women in compliance with relevant rules and regulations on the issuance of documentation”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (b) (i) with the following:", "“(b) (i) Number of initiatives, supported by UN-Women, of United Nations entities that incorporate gender perspectives in their policies, programmes and projects”.", "Revise indicator of achievement (b) (ii) to read as follows:", "“(b) (ii) Number of United Nations country teams, supported by UN-Women, that are applying performance indicators on gender equality in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (b) (iii) with the following:", "“(b) (iii) Number of human resources policy measures advocated and/or assisted by UN-Women in United Nations system entities that incorporate gender perspectives in their implementation”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (c) (i) with the following:", "“(c) (i) Number of activities by UN-Women to attract voluntary contributions to support achieving the goals of gender equality and the empowerment and advancement of women”.", "(b) Policy and programme activities", "Objective of the Organization", "Replace the text of the objective with the following:", "“To enhance the elimination of discrimination against women and girls and the achievement of gender equality in, inter alia, the fields of development, human rights and peace and security, including by leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in its work in these areas”.", "Expected accomplishments of the Secretariat", "Replace expected accomplishment (b) with the following:", "“(b) Enhanced policy support for the implementation of the women and peace and security agenda by the United Nations system”.", "In expected accomplishment (c), replace the words “Strengthened commitment by countries to eliminate” with the words “Enhanced international support for efforts that contribute to eliminating”.", "Replace expected accomplishment (d) with the following:", "“(d) Enhanced capacity of UN-Women to effectively support, upon the request of Member States, national mechanisms for gender equality, service delivery institutions and civil society organizations, in order to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment and to protect women’s human rights”.", "Replace expected accomplishment (f) with the following:", "“(f) Enhanced capacity of UN-Women to lead and coordinate the United Nations system in supporting Member States at the country level in order to implement their national commitments to eliminate discrimination against women and girls, empower women and achieve gender equality”.", "Indicators of achievement", "Redesignate indicator of achievement (a) as (a) (i) and replace the text, as follows:", "“(a) (i) Increased number of policies and actions taken and/or supported by UN-Women, upon the request of Member States, at the national and regional levels to implement the Beijing Platform for Action, the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the 2005 World Summit”.", "Add a new indicator of achievement (a) (ii) reading as follows:", "“(a) (ii) Number of activities by UN-Women aimed at the incorporation of gender perspectives in the resolutions and decisions of the functional commissions of the Economic and Social Council”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (b) with the following:", "“(b) Number of activities by UN-Women to support the initiatives by United Nations system entities related to the implementation of the women and peace and security agenda”.", "In indicator of achievement (c) (i), replace the words “Number of countries” with the words “Number of initiatives taken by countries, upon their request, and supported by UN-Women, at the national, regional and international levels”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (c) (ii) with the following:", "“(c) (ii) Number of countries requesting assistance from UN‑Women in the compilation of their gender-responsive budgets”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (d) (i) with the following:", "“(d) (i) Number of UN-Women activities related to strengthening capacity development provided, upon the request of Member States, to national mechanisms for gender equality, service delivery institutions and civil society organizations”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (d) (ii) with the following:", "“(d) (ii) Number of UN-Women activities to support countries, upon their request, aimed at increasing the availability of their national sex-disaggregated data”.", "In indicator of achievement (e), replace the words “Amount of funds secured through” with the words “Number of activities of UN-Women to mobilize resources from”.", "Revise indicator of achievement (f) (i) to read as follows:", "“(f) (i) Number of United Nations programmes at the country level formulated and implemented with the participation and/or assistance of UN-Women”.", "Replace indicator of achievement (f) (ii) with the following:", "“(f) (ii) Number of United Nations coordinated mechanisms on gender equality led or co-led by UN-Women”.", "Strategy", "Replace the second sentence of paragraph 20 with the following:", "“The fulfilment of the objective will result from expanding support to Member States, upon their request; strengthening coherence between the normative support provided to global intergovernmental processes and the technical and thematic advice provided to national partners at the country level; and leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in its work on gender equality and the empowerment and advancement of women.”", "Replace paragraph 21 with the following:", "“21. The key focus areas for UN-Women are: (a) increasing women’s leadership and participation in all sectors of society, as well as in humanitarian assistance activities; (b) preventing violence against women and girls and expanding their access to response services in order to enable countries to protect women and girls, and promote the role of men and boys in preventing and eliminating violence against women and girls; (c) strengthening the implementation of the women and peace and security agenda through the promotion of women’s full and equal participation and representation in conflict prevention and conflict resolution and peace processes; (d) increasing women’s access to economic empowerment, including in the context of global economic and food crises, as well as natural disasters and other challenges, by working with Governments and relevant multilateral institutions to ensure the full realization of women’s economic rights and enhance women’s full and equal access to economic resources and social protection; and (e) assisting countries in strengthening, upon their request, the responsiveness of plans and budgets to gender equality at all levels, by working in close collaboration with other relevant United Nations entities.”", "Legislative mandates", "Replace the list of legislative mandates with the following:", "General Assembly resolutions", "34/180 Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women\n 50/42 Fourth World Conference on Women", "50/203 Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action", "54/4 Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women", "54/134 International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women", "S-23/2 Political declaration", "S-23/3 Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action", "55/2 United Nations Millennium Declaration", "59/164 Improvement of the status of women in the United Nations system", "60/1 2005 World Summit Outcome", "64/139 Violence against women migrant workers", "64/140 Improvement of the situation of women in rural areas", "64/217 Women in development", "64/289 System-wide coherence", "65/1 Keeping the promise: united to achieve the Millennium Development Goals", "65/187 Intensification of efforts to eliminate all forms of violence against women", "65/189 International Widows’ Day", "65/190 Trafficking in women and girls", "65/191 Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly", "65/259 Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011", "Economic and Social Council resolutions and decisions", "76 (V) Communications concerning the status of women\n 304 (XI) Report of the Commission on the Status of Women (fourth session)", "1992/19 Communications on the status of women", "1996/6 Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women", "1996/31 Consultative relationship between the United Nations and non‑governmental organizations", "1999/257 Enabling the Commission on the Status of Women to continue to carry out its mandate", "2005/232 Declaration of the Commission on the Status of Women on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women", "2006/9 Future organization and methods of work of the Commission on the Status of Women", "2009/15 Future organization and methods of work of the Commission on the Status of Women", "2009/16 Working Group on Communications on the Status of Women of the Commission on the Status of Women", "2010/6 Situation of and assistance to Palestinian women", "2010/29 Mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system", "Economic and Social Council agreed conclusion and ministerial declaration", "1997/2 Mainstreaming the gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system\n Ministerial declaration on implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to gender equality and empowerment of women (2010) (see A/65/3/Rev.1)", "Security Council resolutions", "1325 Women and peace and security (2000)\n 1820 Women and peace and security (2008)", "1888 Women and peace and security (2009)", "1889 Women and peace and security (2009)", "1960 Women and peace and security (2010)", "Biennial programme plan for the period 2010-2011[1]", "Replace the biennial programme plan for 2010-2011 with the biennial programme plan for 2012-2013, as modified by the Committee under the heading “Biennial programme plan for the period 2012-2013” above.", "Programme 12 Human settlements", "Subprogramme 3 Regional and technical cooperation", "Discussion", "39. Clarification was sought as to the reason for changing indicator of achievement (d) relating to expected accomplishment (d) under subprogramme 3, Regional and technical cooperation, for the biennium 2012-2013.", "40. Concerning the recommendation to change indicator of achievement (d) relating to expected accomplishment (d) under subprogramme 3, Regional and technical cooperation, some delegations emphasized the need for accurate and reliable national statistical data as a key tool to implement the five substantive focus areas of the medium-term strategic and institutional plan of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) at the country and regional levels.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "41. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly approve the changes to the narrative of programme 12, Human settlements, reflected in subprogramme 3, as contained in the consolidated report of the Secretary-General (A/66/82).", "Programme 18 Economic and social development in Western Asia", "Subprogramme 6 Advancement of women", "Subprogramme 7 Conflict mitigation and development", "Discussion", "42. Under subprogramme 6, Advancement of women, clarification was sought as to the reasons for and the background of the proposed changes, especially with regard to the relationship to the newly established United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women).", "43. Under subprogramme 7, Conflict mitigation and development, a question was raised regarding the contribution of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) to its member States with regard to countries in crisis and conflict situations.", "44. The Committee was informed of Economic and Social Council resolutions 2011/3 and 2011/4 of 18 May 2011 and took note of them.", "45. Some delegations stressed that consideration should be given to the specificity and non-overlapping of the respective mandates and functions of ESCWA and other United Nations entities active in the region.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "46. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly approve the changes to the narrative of programme 18, Economic and social development in Western Asia, reflected in subprogrammes 6 and 7, as contained in the consolidated report of the Secretary-General (A/66/82).", "B. Evaluation", "1. Strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives", "47. At its 6th meeting, on 8 June 2011, the Committee considered the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) on strengthening the role of evaluation and the application of evaluation findings on programme design, delivery and policy directives (A/66/71).", "48. The representative of OIOS introduced the report and responded to questions raised during the Committee’s consideration of the report.", "Discussion", "49. Delegations expressed appreciation for the report, which enabled them to understand how programmes of the United Nations Secretariat had been implemented and evaluated. They also observed that the report was comprehensive and would go a long way towards energizing evaluation processes in the Secretariat. Delegations also expressed their support for the evaluation function, noting its importance for reflection and improvement of work. The role of evaluation is a very substantive management function for any organization — the United Nations is no exception. Delegations thanked OIOS and line units in departments for the evaluation activities conducted.", "50. Delegations observed that evaluations provide input for wiser decision-making on programme planning and design, and increased effectiveness and efficiency. They expressed appreciation for the active role of OIOS in strengthening accountability and welcomed the measures OIOS had taken to improve its own evaluation activities.", "51. Delegations noted that the quality of the 2008-2009 self-evaluations was “satisfactory” overall, but varied widely. Concern was expressed regarding nine reports on six programmes that were rated “poor”. Further clarification was sought as to the reasons for the ratings and corrective measures taken.", "52. Several delegations expressed concern about the removal of the expected accomplishment “effective self-evaluation of all programmes and subprogrammes on a regular basis” from the 2010 senior managers’ compacts with the Secretary-General and sought clarification for this action. Delegations emphasized that self-evaluation should be fully accepted as a management function.", "53. Delegations noted in particular the observation contained in the report that management staff frequently did not seem to be aware of their duties with regard to self-evaluation. The view was expressed that the Committee needed to insist on a firm commitment by all staff to evaluation. Delegations also emphasized that it was important to have well-trained evaluators, and sought clarification on the use of consultants for evaluations.", "54. Concern was expressed by some delegations at the reduction in the proportion of resources envisaged for monitoring and evaluation activities in programme resources in 2010-2011 compared with the biennium 2008-2009. This would affect the quality of evaluation activities. The view was expressed that the Secretariat should attach great importance to evaluation and come up with recommendations accordingly. Other delegations noted that the lack of resources, as referred to in the report of OIOS, seemed to be an arbitrary statement and did not appear to be the main obstacle to conducting evaluations in the Secretariat.", "55. Further concern was expressed that elements of evaluation culture were mentioned by focal points as being among the three biggest obstacles that programmes faced in managing and conducting self-evaluations in 2008-2009 (A/66/71, para. 51), and it was noted that a lack of sufficient financial resources was reported by 56 per cent of focal points as the biggest obstacle that their programmes faced (A/66/71, para. 45).", "56. With reference to paragraphs 6 and 71 (e) of the report, which stated that OIOS had engaged outside expertise to undertake the quality assessment of a sample of departmental evaluations and of its own evaluation and inspection reports in 2008-2009, some delegations expressed concern as to why OIOS needed to hire external consultants for such work. Further clarification was sought as to whether this was typical practice for evaluation units of programmes to assess their work when the Joint Inspection Unit or the Board of Auditors could undertake that task.", "57. Noting in particular paragraph 43 of the report, the Committee stressed the importance of sufficient financial and staffing resources, as well as sufficient competencies and leadership support to ensure adequate evaluation capacities at the central, programme and subprogramme levels throughout the Secretariat.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "58. The Committee emphasized that evaluation was a key function for the adoption of budgetary decisions, since it not only helped to improve programme design and execution, as well as the formulation of policy directives, but also contributed to transparency, effective implementation of intergovernmental mandates and the maximization of the use of resources. At the same time, it allowed Member States to follow up on programme outcomes in a systematic way.", "59. Although it recognized its primary responsibilities for the coordination and programming functions, the Committee underlined the importance of the role it could and should play in evaluation.", "60. The Committee noted that the effectiveness of evaluation depended on, among other factors, the quality of management indicators. It thus reiterated the need to improve the formulation of the desired outcomes, as well as the qualitative aspects of indicators, bearing in mind that they must be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound.", "61. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to take concrete measures in the competent bodies and at the appropriate levels in order to ensure that evaluation had the greatest possible impact on the medium- and long-term strategic planning of the United Nations system.", "62. The Committee also recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to ensure that OIOS evaluation reports also focus on programme impact and results achieved, by improving the methodology for conducting assessments and, in particular, ensuring regular follow-up on the progress made and more comprehensive conclusions.", "63. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to ensure that a more systematic approach to evaluating activities is adopted by OIOS, including in terms of the better exploitation of complementarities and synergies among all activities and of the strengthening of coordination among all relevant departments, in order to achieve more effective evaluation results and the more efficient use of available resources.", "64. The Committee stressed that appropriately balanced competencies and strong commitment from staff at all managerial levels, including senior leadership support, as well as sufficient financial and staffing resources, were among the main elements required to the ensure adequate conduct of evaluation activities in the Secretariat.", "65. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to make better use of in-house expertise to carry out evaluations in the different entities of the Secretariat, in particular the experience accumulated by the internal and external oversight bodies.", "66. The Committee selected the programme evaluations of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the United Nations Environment Programme and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for consideration at its fifty-third session in 2013 and the thematic evaluation of the internal justice system of the Secretariat for consideration by the relevant intergovernmental body.", "2. Programme evaluation of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs", "67. At its 3rd meeting, on 7 June 2011, the Committee considered the report of OIOS on the programme evaluation of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs (E/AC.51/2011/2).", "68. The Acting Director of the Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS introduced the report, and representatives of OIOS and the Department responded to questions raised during the Committee’s consideration of the report.", "Discussion", "69. Delegations expressed appreciation for the report and noted the significance of its being the first evaluation of the Department as a whole since its reorganization in 1997. They also underscored the importance of the Department’s work in the economic and social development areas through its provision of support to the Economic and Social Council and other intergovernmental processes and its contributions to the attainment of internationally agreed development goals, among its many other functions.", "70. Several delegations expressed concern regarding some of the methodology used in reaching the report’s conclusions, citing the low response rates for the Member State and staff surveys and the limited number of publications that were reviewed by the expert panel. In response, OIOS acknowledged the challenges in attaining high response rates in its surveys and explained that, since it triangulated data from multiple sources, none of the report’s results were based on a single source. In addition, it was explained that the publications had been chosen in consultation with the Department as representing its key publications, and that data on the quality and utility of the publications had been obtained from a large survey of Department stakeholders.", "71. Clarification was sought on the question posed to the Committee, as reflected in the report, on evaluating the merits of having the Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Inter-Agency Affairs placed within the Executive Office of the Secretary-General rather than within the Department. OIOS responded that, currently, the Assistant Secretary-General was responsible for Secretariat-wide coordination issues but not for Department coordination issues, which had been identified as a challenge by senior leadership of the Department. The Assistant Secretary-General represented the entire Secretariat on the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination. Thus, placement of the post in the Office of the Secretary-General would be more appropriate and would also bring to bear the authority of the Secretary-General on Secretariat coordination issues.", "72. Queries were raised regarding some of the report’s results on the varying degree of the visibility of the Department and the relatively low level of resources allocated to it. A number of delegations concurred with the report’s results regarding the challenges related to the Department’s visibility, such as its role in the upcoming United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. With respect to resource allocation, the view was expressed that more support should be provided to development-related work. Questions were also raised regarding the mainstreaming of human rights issues into the Department’s work, noting in particular that this was not a part of its mandate.", "73. The view was expressed that the Department should wait for the Committee’s deliberations on the evaluation recommendations before it proceeded with their implementation.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "74. The Committee recalled the importance of the role played by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs within the development pillar of the United Nations system. In that regard, it highlighted the valuable support that the Department provides to the intergovernmental decision-making process and the global statistical system, as well as its impact on the progress made in achieving the Millennium Development Goals.", "75. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to take the necessary measures to enable the Department to sharpen its strategic focus, continuing its work of planning already begun, through more explicit identification of its priorities and critical activities. In that regard, the Committee noted the need for the Department to further clarify its specific role in the work of capacity-building, taking into account the need to stimulate cooperation with United Nations entities based in the field.", "76. The Committee took note of the report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services on the programme evaluation of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs and recommended that the General Assembly endorse the conclusions and recommendations contained in paragraphs 76 to 80 of the report.", "77. The Committee expressed concern about the questions raised in the report of OIOS concerning the placement of posts and their titles, which disregarded the relevant mandates of the General Assembly, in particular the provisions of its resolution 58/269 regarding the respective roles of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and the Fifth Committee in the budget process.", "3. Triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee at its forty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of political affairs: field special political missions led by the Department of Political Affairs but supported by the Department of Field Support", "78. At its 4th meeting, on 7 June 2011, the Committee considered the report of OIOS on the triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee for Programme and Coordination at its forty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluation of political affairs: field special political missions led by the Department of Political Affairs but supported by the Department of Field Support (E/AC.51/2011/3).", "79. The Acting Director of the Inspection and Evaluation Division of OIOS introduced the report and responded to questions raised during the Committee’s consideration of the report.", "Discussion", "80. Delegations expressed appreciation for the report and emphasized that special political missions had become crucial for the Organization’s work in supporting peace and security. Some delegations noted with concern that there had been an increase in the number of special political missions and that they currently accounted for 30 per cent of the regular budget. Delegations also stressed that strategic oversight remained the primary responsibility of Member States.", "81. Delegations acknowledged the successful implementation of three of the four recommendations endorsed by the Committee. Delegations noted that, while the report of OIOS acknowledged the compliance of the Department of Political Affairs with developing guidelines, harmonization in strategic planning was lacking. They requested the Department to further clarify how it planned to approach those issues and to elaborate on how special political missions should interact with United Nations funds and programmes to avoid redundancy and competition.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "82. The Committee noted the efforts under way to strengthen the Department of Political Affairs in accordance with the overall objective of programme 2, Political affairs, of the strategic framework for the period 2012-2013 (A/65/6/Rev.1), as endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 65/244, in order to maintain international peace and security.", "83. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to ensure that special political missions and other resident United Nations entities strengthen their cooperation and coordination in order to achieve the expected outcomes and enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of the Organization’s work.", "84. The Committee took note of the progress made to improve mission strategic planning in respect of the definition and application of the guidelines on the role and respective responsibilities of field special political missions, as well as better coordination and cooperation in support of such missions between the Department of Political Affairs and the Department of Field Support.", "85. The Committee noted with concern that recommendation 2 contained in the report of OIOS (E/AC.51/2008/2) and endorsed by the General Assembly in its resolution 63/247, upon the recommendation of the Committee at its forty-eighth session, had not been fully implemented.", "86. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of comprehensive strategic planning, which provides for the alignment of planning documents with the budget, in the context of the results-based-budgeting process, particularly in respect of the need to have more meaningful indicators of achievement and better linkage between the objectives, activities and achievements of missions.", "Chapter III Coordination questions", "A. Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination for 2010/11", "87. At its 4th meeting, on 7 June 2011, the Committee considered the annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) for 2010/11 (E/2011/104).", "88. The Secretary of CEB introduced the report and responded verbally and in written form to questions raised during the Committee’s consideration of the report.", "Discussion", "89. Delegations thanked the Secretary of CEB for his presentation, welcomed the comprehensive annual overview report of CEB for 2010/11 and commended the work of the Board and its three pillars (the High-level Committee on Programmes, the High-level Committee on Management and the United Nations Development Group) in strengthening coordination of various areas within the United Nations system.", "90. Delegations commended the work of CEB in ensuring greater coherence and coordination in areas such as climate change and sustainable development; preparations for major conferences, such as the 2012 United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development; the empowerment of women; and disaster risk reduction. In addition, measures adopted by the Board to follow up on intergovernmental decisions related to sustainable energy for all were noted.", "91. Delegations expressed their appreciation and support for the increased dialogue between CEB and executive heads and intergovernmental organs, particularly the Economic and Social Council. CEB was urged to continue its efforts in that regard, as well as efforts to enhance the transparency of its decisions and work for Member States, including aligning its decisions with those of intergovernmental bodies of the United Nations.", "92. With regard to operational issues, some delegations welcomed the efforts of CEB in enhancing the country-level coherence, effectiveness and efficiency of the United Nations development system. However, operational activities for development of the United Nations system in helping countries to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, must continue to be in accordance with the national priorities, development strategies and needs of Member States. In that regard, it was important to take into account the particular circumstances and issues presented in national priorities and development strategies in aligning the United Nations Development Assistance Framework cycle and common country assessments with national processes, as opposed to moving towards a “one size fits all” approach.", "93. Several delegations expressed the view that the concept of an “integrated implementation framework” should be discussed in the Economic and Social Council as the primary body concerned with the implementation of internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals. Some delegations expressed concern that they had not been informed of the concept prior to the Committee’s meeting and sought clarification regarding its formulation, as well as when it would be presented to Member States for adoption. Delegations expressed the need for the concept to facilitate synergies and align with the Millennium Development Goals.", "94. Some delegations welcomed efforts by the Board in implementing major outcomes of intergovernmental decisions, including piloting the “delivering as one” concept. Another group of delegations called attention to the fact that there was no single model for United Nations assistance provided by the specialized agencies, funds and programmes on the ground. Delegations reiterated their call to the Secretary-General to ensure that the work of CEB was consistent with key General Assembly decisions on operational issues with which the United Nations Development Group was concerned.", "95. On support to developing countries, several delegations took note of the statement of support by CEB to the Fourth United Nations Conference on the Least Developed Countries. A few delegations expressed interest in how the United Nations system intended to promote the development of productive capacities in the light of the adoption of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020 (A/CONF.219/3).", "96. On staff safety and security, the view was expressed that information provided in the report was cursory and that such work should be pursued in line with the overall efforts within intergovernmental bodies on reforming the management of safety and security. More information was sought on the efforts of CEB to treat this issue with paramount importance and the measures taken within the United Nations system to protect staff.", "97. Two decisions of the Committee at its fiftieth session relating to the work of CEB were recalled. The Board was asked to provide more information with regard to the degree to which it had enhanced the participation of developing countries in the procurement process of the United Nations system and efforts to strengthen cooperation between CEB and other inter-organizational bodies such as the International Civil Service Commission and the Joint Inspection Unit, including information on the frequent participation of those two bodies in the work of CEB.", "98. Some delegations raised points related to the “Principals Group” established under the auspices of the Secretary-General. The view was expressed that the Group should focus on processes of creating synergies between the various policy strands in providing concise and coherent advice and messaging related to sustainable development. Furthermore, several points related to the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS) were raised. Specifically, delegations requested that the Secretariat provide a written response to better clarify the information conveyed in paragraph 61 of the annual overview report as well as on the status of implementation and achievability of IPSAS among involved entities and taking into account relevant General Assembly resolutions and guidelines.", "99. Delegations also sought further clarification as to why the topics of sustainable energy and biodiversity were presented together in the annual overview report.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "100. The Committee recommended once again that the General Assembly bring to the attention of the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of CEB, the need for the Board to continue to act in accordance with its mandate of enhancing system-wide coordination and in conformity with the intergovernmental mandates of its member organizations.", "101. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of CEB, to report to the Assembly on the occurrence of direct and substantive dialogue between CEB and Member States, in accordance with paragraph 4 of its resolution 64/289, in order to enhance the Board’s transparency and accountability to Member States.", "102. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly take note of the efforts of the Secretary-General concerning change management and request that he ensure that the focus of these efforts is the effective and efficient implementation of mandates approved by intergovernmental organs.", "103. The Committee noted with interest the role of CEB in the preparations for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 2012, and in this regard recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of CEB, to report on the challenges and opportunities for the United Nations system resulting from that global event.", "104. The Committee reiterated its recommendations contained in its reports on its forty-seventh session (A/62/16, para. 114), forty-eighth session (A/63/16, paras. 407 and 408), forty-ninth session (A/64/16, para. 124) and fiftieth session (A/65/16, para. 369), in which it stated that any criteria and methodology for the comprehensive evaluation of the eight “delivering as one” pilot projects should first be considered and approved by the General Assembly and that United Nations support for “delivering as one” pilot projects should not prejudice the outcome of the intergovernmental deliberations of the Assembly on system-wide coherence.", "105. The Committee also reiterated its recommendation that the General Assembly bring to the attention of the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of CEB, the need to continue to better address the issue of increasing the participation of developing countries and economies in transition in the procurement processes of the United Nations.", "106. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General, in his capacity as Chair of CEB, to ensure that projects funded by the High-level Committee on Management Plan of Action are implemented in accordance with relevant provisions of the General Assembly resolutions concerning administrative and budgetary matters, as well as the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations (ST/SGB/2003/7).", "107. The Committee recommended continuous cooperation between CEB, the International Civil Service Commission and the Joint Inspection Unit and encouraged CEB to strengthen that cooperation through the more frequent participation of the Joint Inspection Unit and the Commission in the meetings of the High-level Committee on Management, the High-level Committee on Programmes and the United Nations Development Group.", "B. United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development", "108. At its 5th meeting, on 8 June 2011, the Committee for Programme and Coordination considered the report of the Secretary-General on United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (E/AC.51/2011/4).", "109. The Director of the Office of the Special Adviser to the Secretary-General on Africa introduced the report and responded to questions raised during the Committee’s consideration of the report.", "Discussions", "110. Overall support and satisfaction were expressed for the work of the Office, in particular its important coordination role. Delegations emphasized the need to strengthen support in the infrastructure cluster, in particular in the areas of energy, transportation, water and sanitation. In this regard, delegations acknowledged the work of the high-level sub-committee on the Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative, which was aimed at further strengthening the development of infrastructure on the African continent. Delegations also emphasized the need to improve road and railway connectivity, in particular in support of the efforts of the regional economic commissions to advance regional integration by promoting regional infrastructure projects. Delegations overwhelmingly noted that investment in infrastructure would bring multiple benefits to the African continent.", "111. With respect to governance, delegations expressed their appreciation to the United Nations system, in particular the United Nations Development Programme for partnering with Africa in the continued roll-out of the African Peer Review Mechanism. Delegations also acknowledged the work of UN-Women in increasing the voice of women in governance and related processes. In this regard, delegations stated that investment in higher education was a key element in facilitating the empowerment of women and therefore urged UN-Women and other key stakeholders to continue to address that issue as a matter of priority.", "112. In the area of peace and security, delegations welcomed the establishment of the United Nations Office to the African Union, Addis Ababa, and stressed the need to strengthen the Office to enable it to deliver its mandate in close collaboration with the regional economic commissions. Delegations also commended the collaboration among UN-Women, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and the United Nations Children’s Fund in the protection of women and children in situations of armed conflict. Delegations further stressed the need to improve the growing bonds between the United Nations Security Council and the African Union Peace and Security Council. In this regard, delegations expressed their continued support for the African Union Peace Support Team of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations in assisting the African Union in building capacity for peacekeeping operations on the continent.", "113. With regard to agriculture, food security and rural development, delegations welcomed the efforts of the United Nations in those areas, in particular the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme. Delegations welcomed the progress being made in the formulation of a comprehensive and integrated capacity-building programme for the African Union Commission and the Planning and Coordinating Agency on Food Security of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development. Delegations also recognized the important linkages among trade, infrastructure, industry and technology in the enhancement of agricultural productivity.", "114. In respect of industry, trade and market access, delegations stressed that trade facilitation was one of the key components of the development of African economies. In this regard, delegations commended the efforts of the United Nations, in particular the good work being done by key institutions such as the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the World Trade Organization, the International Trade Centre, the World Bank and the World Customs Organization, to facilitate trade in Africa. Moreover, delegations expressed the view that trade facilitation went hand in hand with the improvement of regional infrastructure development. Delegations also welcomed the Enhanced Integrated Framework for Trade-Related Technical Assistance to Least Developed Countries.", "115. In terms of the environment, population and urbanization, delegations acknowledged that the consequences of climate change were having a negative ripple effect on the continent. In this regard, delegations stressed the importance of reaching an African common position on climate change, especially in preparation for the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development. With respect to social and human development, delegations took note of the assistance being provided by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS in drawing up a comprehensive compendium of continental and global commitments on HIV/AIDS, noting that it was a very focused approach to a serious health problem facing Africa. Concerning science and technology, delegations stressed the importance of capacity-building through the training of teachers in science, engineering and technology. Furthermore, delegations called for the use of institutions of distance learning to facilitate the training of local teachers on the continent.", "116. With regard to communications, advocacy and outreach, delegations fully recognized the need for advocacy and support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development at the global, continental, regional and national levels. In this regard, delegations stressed the importance of the Vaal Consensus, intended to facilitate an open and active channel of communication to further enhance support for the continent and its New Partnership for Africa’s Development programme.", "117. Delegations noted that the primary objective of advocacy was entrusted to the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa. However, owing to the fact that a separate Under-Secretary-General had not been appointed, the mandate of the Office was conflated with those relating to small island and landlocked developing countries. Delegations expressed the view that this arrangement remained of concern to them.", "118. Some delegations expressed concern about the adverse impacts of the economic and financial crises on developing countries in general and on Africa’s development in particular. In this regard, appropriate responses should be formulated to mitigate the socio-economic impact and to ensure that progress would be made towards the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015.", "119. Delegations also acknowledged the importance of South-South cooperation in advancing Africa’s development agenda and underlined the complementary aspects of South-South and North-South cooperation.", "120. Furthermore, some delegations recalled paragraph 103 of the report of the Secretary-General and expressed concern regarding the call for United Nations entities to align their planning, programming and budget cycles with the nine clusters in order to facilitate joint planning and programming of the activities of the Regional Coordination Mechanism.", "Conclusions and recommendations", "121. The Committee welcomed the annual report of the Secretary-General on United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (E/AC.51/2011/4) and recommended that the General Assembly endorse the conclusions and recommendations contained in its paragraphs 99 to 105.", "122. In recommending that the General Assembly endorse the recommendation contained in paragraph 103 of the report, the Committee also requested the Assembly to reaffirm the current budget cycles as established by its relevant resolutions. Furthermore, the Committee recommended that consideration be given to the budgetary cycles adopted by the respective governing bodies of the organizations comprising the United Nations system.", "123. The Committee recognized that the Secretary-General’s reporting on United Nations support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development had continued to improve and that the most recent report better responded to the previous calls to report tangible action and results in respect of United Nations system support for projects of the Partnership across the African continent, while stressing that future reports should further enhance the focus on the impact, in both quantitative and qualitative terms, of the activities implemented by entities of the United Nations system in support of the Partnership, with respect to the resources mobilized.", "124. The Committee took note of the decision taken in 2001 by African leaders, based on the common vision and the firm and shared conviction that they had a duty to eradicate poverty and to place their countries on a path of sustainable growth and development, to initiate the New Partnership for Africa’s Development programme for the sustainable development and social revival of Africa, and recommended that the tenth anniversary of the programme be utilized by the United Nations system to recommit to the Partnership through a monitoring mechanism, building on existing mechanisms, to follow up on all commitments related to the development of Africa and regularly evaluate the impact of its support for the programme in order to obtain a better sense of the gaps that needed to be filled and the progress that could be built upon.", "125. The Committee noted that the United Nations system needed to renew its commitment to the New Partnership for Africa’s Development through the rationalization of a results-based system to monitor and evaluate the impact of its support of the implementation of the programme. In that regard, the Committee reaffirmed the need to improve the overall coordination of all development programmes and projects in Africa.", "126. The Committee recommended that the United Nations system continue to promote greater coherence in its work in support of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, on the basis of the agreed clusters of the Regional Coordination Mechanism in Africa, and called upon the United Nations system to continue to mainstream the special needs of Africa into all of its normative and operational activities, including the financing of programmes and projects, resource mobilization and humanitarian assistance.", "127. The Committee recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to adopt the measures necessary to promote the creation of synergies between the United Nations entities participating in the cluster system in order to eliminate the duplication of work and the inefficient use of resources.", "128. The Committee also recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to advocate the measures necessary to improve the monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in order to ensure the full incorporation of predetermined targets, expected accomplishments and indicators of achievement into the workplans of the clusters and sub-clusters.", "129. The Committee recommended that the United Nations system coordinate closely with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development Planning and Coordinating Agency, as the technical body of the African Union, and other structures of the African Union Commission and the Partnership in order to further strengthen the implementation of the African Union/New Partnership for Africa’s Development African Action Plan 2010-2015.", "130. The Committee welcomed the support provided by the United Nations system for the work of the high-level subcommittee on the Presidential Infrastructure Champion Initiative, which was aimed at promoting regional infrastructure development through political advocacy. The Committee recognized that technical coordination and support for the Initiative, in collaboration with regional economic commissions, the African Development Bank and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, was important given the criticality of infrastructure for the advancement of Africa’s regional integration agenda.", "131. The Committee reiterated that the primary objective of the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa was to promote advocacy and support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development at the international, continental and regional levels. In this regard, the Committee noted that this critical Office was still not being led at the legislatively mandated level of Under-Secretary-General. The Committee once again recalled General Assembly resolutions 57/7 and 57/300 by which the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa had been established, as well as recommendations of the Committee for Programme and Coordination and the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, subsequently endorsed by the Assembly in its resolutions 62/236, 63/260, 64/243 and 65/244 and the decisions contained therein, urging the Secretary-General to fill the vacant post of Under-Secretary-General in charge of the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa.", "132. The Committee recalled the consensus political declaration on South-South cooperation adopted at the High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation, held in Nairobi from 1 to 3 December 2009, and once again reaffirmed the urgent need for the Office of the Special Adviser on Africa to also pursue the principles underpinning South-South cooperation in its efforts to advance the African agenda and the objectives of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development, bearing in mind that South-South cooperation was not a substitute for, but rather a complement to, North-South cooperation.", "Chapter IV Provisional agenda for the fifty-second session of the Committee", "133. In pursuance of paragraph 2 (e) of Economic and Social Council resolution 1979/41 and paragraph 2 of General Assembly resolution 34/50, the Committee shall submit to the Council and to the Assembly, for their review, the provisional agenda for its fifty-second session, together with the required documentation.", "134. In its decision 1983/163, the Economic and Social Council requested the Secretary-General to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and expert bodies, before decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process such documentation on time and within its approved resources, and to draw the attention of intergovernmental bodies to areas where duplication of documentation was likely to occur and/or where opportunities for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation.", "135. The draft provisional agenda for the fifty-second session of the Committee is set out below. It has been prepared on the basis of existing legislative mandates and will be completed at the end of the present session in the light of the recommendations adopted by the Committee.", "Draft provisional agenda for the fifty-second session of the Committee", "1. Election of officers.", "2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.", "3. Programme questions:", "(a) Programme performance;", "Documentation", "Report of the Secretary-General on programme performance for the biennium 2010-2011", "(b) Programme planning;", "Documentation", "Report of the Secretary-General on the proposed strategic framework for the period 2014-2015: part one, plan outline, and part two, biennial programme plan (General Assembly resolutions 59/275, 62/224 and 65/244)", "(c) Evaluation.", "Documentation", "Triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee for Programme and Coordination at its forty-ninth session on the thematic evaluation of United Nations coordinating bodies: report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services", "Triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee for Programme and Coordination at its forty-ninth session on the thematic evaluation of lessons learned: protocols and practices: report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services", "Triennial review of the implementation of recommendations made by the Committee for Programme and Coordination at its forty-ninth session on the evaluation of United Nations support for least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, small island developing States and Africa: report of the Office of Internal Oversight Services", "4. Coordination questions:", "(a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination;", "Documentation", "Annual overview report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination for 2011/12", "(b) New Partnership for Africa’s Development.", "Documentation", "United Nations system support for the New Partnership for Africa’s Development: report of the Secretary-General (General Assembly resolution 59/275)", "5. Report(s) of the Joint Inspection Unit.", "6. Provisional agenda for the fifty-third session.", "7. Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-second session.", "Annex I", "Agenda for the fifty-first session of the Committee", "1. Election of officers.", "2. Adoption of the agenda and organization of work.", "3. Programme questions:", "(a) Proposed programme budget for the biennium 2012-2013;", "(b) Evaluation.", "4. Coordination questions:", "(a) Report of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination;", "(b) New Partnership for Africa’s Development.", "5. Report(s) of the Joint Inspection Unit.", "6. Provisional agenda for the fifty-second session.", "7. Adoption of the report of the Committee on its fifty-first session.", "Annex II", "Documents before the Committee at its fifty-first session", "A/66/82\tReport of the Secretary-General: consolidatedreport on the changes to the biennial programmeplan as reflected in the programme budget forthe biennium 2010-2011 and the proposedprogramme budget for the biennium 2012-2013(General Assembly resolutions 58/269, 62/224and 64/229)\n A/65/6/Rev.1 Strategic framework for the period 2012-2013 \nA/66/6 (Sect. 3)\tProposed programme budget for the biennium2012-2013: Political affairs\nA/66/6 (Sect.15)\tProposed programme budget for the biennium2012-2013: Human settlements\nA/66/6 (Sect.17)\tProposed programme budget for the biennium2012-2013: UN-Women\nA/66/6 (Sect.22)\tProposed programme budget for the biennium2012-2013: Economic and social development inWestern Asia\nA/66/71\tReport of the Office of Internal OversightServices on strengthening the role ofevaluation and the application of evaluationfindings on programme design, delivery andpolicy directives (General Assembly resolution62/224)\nE/2011/104\tAnnual overview report of the United NationsSystem Chief Executives Board for Coordinationfor 2010/11 (Economic and Social Councilresolution 2008 (LX))\nE/AC.51/2011/1\tAnnotated provisional agenda of the Committeefor Programme and Coordination\nE/AC.51/2011/2\tReport of the Office of Internal OversightServices on programme evaluation of theDepartment of Economic and Social Affairs(General Assembly resolution 64/229)\nE/AC.51/2011/3\tReport of the Office of Internal OversightServices on the triennial review of theimplementation of recommendations made by theCommittee for Programme and Coordination at itsforty-eighth session on the in-depth evaluationof political affairs: field special politicalmissions led by the Department of PoliticalAffairs but supported by the Department ofField Support (General Assembly resolution63/247)\nE/AC.51/2011/4\tReport of the Secretary-General on UnitedNations system support for the New Partnershipfor Africa’s Development (General Assemblyresolutions 59/275)\nE/AC.51/2011/L.1and Rev.1\tNote by the Secretariat: status ofdocumentation\nE/AC.51/2011/L.2\tNote by the Secretariat: reports of the JointInspection Unit (Economic and Social Councilresolution 2008 (LX) and General Assemblyresolution 59/267)\nE/AC.51/2011/L.3\tNote by the Secretariat: provisional agenda anddocumentation for the fifty-second session ofthe Committee (Economic and Social Councilresolution 1894 (LVII))\nE/AC.51/2011/L.4and Add.1-6\tDraft report of the Committee\nE/AC.51/2011/INF/1\tList of delegations", "060711", "*1140057*", "[]", "[1] The strategic framework for the biennium 2010-2011 has been revised pursuant to sect. VI, para. 10, of General Assembly resolution 65/259." ]
[ "联 合 国", "方案和协调委员会的报告", "第五十一届会议", "(2011年6月6日至7月1日)", "大 会", "正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第16号", "大 会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第16号", "[] 联合国 • 2011年,纽约", "方案和协调委员会的报告", "第五十一届会议", "(2011年6月6日至7月1日)", "A/66/16", "说明", "ISSN 0255-2264", "联合国文件都用英文大写字母附加数字编号。凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。", "[2011年7月5日]", "目录", "章次 段次\t页次\n1.会议安排 1-25\t1\nA.议程 3-10\t1\nB.选举主席团成员 11-16\t2\nC.出席情况 17-21\t3\nD.文件 22\t4\nE.通过委员会的报告 23-25\t4\n2.方案问题 26-86\t5\nA. 2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算 26-46\t5\nB.评价 47-86\t121.加强评价的作用并执行关于方案设计、交付和政策指示的 47-65\t12 \n评价结果 \n2.经济和社会事务部方案评价 66-77\t14\n3.方案和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务所提建议执行情况三年期审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支持的外地特别政治任务 78-86\t16\n3.协调问题 87-132\t17\nA.联合国系统行政首长协调理事会2010/11年度概览报告 87-107\t17\nB.联合国系统支助非洲发展新伙伴关系 108-132\t19\n4.委员会第五十二届会议临时议程 133-135\t23 \n 附件 \n1.委员会第五十一届会议议程 25\n2.委员会第五十一届会议收到的文件 26", "第一章 会议安排", "1. 方案和协调委员会于2011年4月28日在联合国总部举行了组织会议(第1次会议),并于2011年6月6日至7月1日在总部举行了实质性会议。委员会共举行了10次会议和约20次非正式协商。", "2. 在6月6日第2次会议上,若干代表团对一些会员国在获得东道国入境签证方面遭遇拖延和困难表示关切。委员会回顾大会第65/244号决议,其中大会认可委员会第五十届会议工作报告(A/65/16)第二章A节载列的委员会关于2012-2013年期间拟议战略框架的结论和建议。委员会特别回顾方案6(法律事务)项下的建议,内容涉及东道国有法律义务给予出席联合国会议的所有会员国官员入境签证。", "A. 议程", "3. 委员会组织会议(第1次会议)通过的第五十一届会议议程载于本报告附件一。", "选择联合检查组的报告", "4. 在4月28日第1次会议上,委员会被提请注意秘书处的说明(E/AC.51/2011/ L.2),其中指出,没有可供委员会审议的联合检查组有关报告。在6月6日第2次会议上,委员会还获悉,依照经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议和大会第59/267号决议,没有可供委员会第五十一届会议审议的联合检查组有关报告。", "5. 委员会在讨论中回顾,委员会第五十届会议也没有收到联合检查组依照经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议附件第6段规定,提交的关于联合国系统经济、社会及人权各项方案的报告。讨论中还指出,委员会在这方面的关键任务之一是协助经济及社会理事会和大会进行协调。", "6. 委员会对联合检查组不提交报告表示关切,这不符合委员会第四十七届会议通过并得到大会第62/224号决议认可的建议,建议确认需要加强方案和协调委员会与联合检查组就协调问题进行的对话(见A/62/16,第153段)。", "7. 委员会又强调,其四十九届会议通过并得到大会第64/229号决议认可的建议没有得到充分落实,该建议内容涉及需要通过增强与联合检查组以及其他联合国实体的合作,加强委员会的协调作用,以便提高规划效率,避免联合国系统内的重复工作。", "8. 委员会建议大会敦促联合检查组加大努力,向委员会提交与委员会职能有关的报告,同时考虑到检查组章程第11条第4(d)和(e)款的规定。", "工作方案", "9. 在6月6日第2次会议上,委员会被提请注意秘书处关于文件编制情况的说明(E/AC.51/2011/L.1/Rev.1),其中列有供委员会审议的文件清单。", "10. 也在第2次会议上,委员会收到一份列有委员会第五十一届会议暂定临时工作方案的非正式文件。委员会核可该工作方案,并达成谅解,即主席团将在届会期间会视需要作出调整。", "B. 选举主席团成员", "11. 在4月28日第1次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选举加斯东·拉萨特(乌拉圭)为委员会第五十一届会议主席。", "12. 在同次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选出第五十一届会议主席团以下成员:副主席:朴哲珠(大韩民国);和报告员:弗拉基米尔·帕夫洛维奇(白俄罗斯)。", "13. 在6月6日第2次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选出第五十一届会议主席团以下成员:副主席:费利克斯·阿伊巴瑙赫·达图奥韦伊(尼日利亚)和伊西·亚努卡(以色列)。", "14. 也在第2次会议上,委员会获悉,当选为方案和协调委员会第五十一届会议报告员的弗拉基米尔·帕夫洛维奇(白俄罗斯)无法参加该届会议,请求作出接替其职位的必要安排。", "15. 在6月15日第7次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选举伊戈尔·克拉斯诺夫(白俄罗斯)为委员会报告员。", "16. 委员会第五十一届会议主席团成员如下:", "主席:", "加斯东·拉萨特(乌拉圭)", "副主席:", "伊西·亚努卡(以色列)", "朴哲珠(大韩民国);", "费利克斯·阿伊巴瑙赫·达图奥韦伊(尼日利亚)", "报告员:", "伊戈尔·克拉斯诺夫(白俄罗斯)", "C. 出席情况", "17. 联合国下列会员国派代表出席了委员会会议:", "阿尔及利亚 伊朗伊斯兰共和国 \n 安提瓜和巴布达 以色列 \n 阿根廷 意大利 \n 亚美尼亚 哈萨克斯坦 \n 白俄罗斯 纳米比亚 \n 贝宁 尼日利亚 \n 巴西 巴基斯坦 \n 中非共和国 大韩民国 \n 中国 俄罗斯联邦 \n 科摩罗 南非 \n 古巴 西班牙 \n 厄立特里亚 乌克兰 \n 几内亚 乌拉圭 \n 海地 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国 \n 印度", "18. 联合国下列会员国派观察员出席了会议:", "奥地利 尼加拉瓜\n 埃及 塞内加尔", "法国 瑞士", "日本 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "肯尼亚 坦桑尼亚联合共和国", "墨西哥 美利坚合众国", "摩洛哥", "19. 下列政府间组织派观察员出席了会议:", "欧洲联盟", "20. 下列基金和方案的代表出席了会议:", "联合国粮食及农业组织", "21. 出席会议的还有:主管内部监督事务副秘书长;助理秘书长兼主计长(方案规划、预算和账户厅);助理秘书长兼联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署副执行主任;经济和社会事务部联合国系统行政首长协调理事会秘书兼主管政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长;非洲问题特别顾问办公室主任;以及秘书处其他高级官员。", "D. 文件", "22. 委员会第五十一届会议的文件清单载列于本报告附件二。", "E. 通过委员会的报告", "23. 在2011年7月1日第10次会议上,报告员介绍了委员会决议草案(E/AC.51/ 2011/L.4和Add.1-6)。", "24. 在同次会议上,委员会通过第五十一届会议工作报告草稿(E/AC.51/2011/ L.4和Add.1-6)。", "25. 本届会议结束前,阿根廷、阿尔及利亚、南非和白俄罗斯代表发了言。", "第二章 方案问题", "A. 2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算", "26. 在2011年6月15日和16日第7、8和9次会议上,委员会审议了关于2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中反映的两年期方案计划变化的合并报告(A/66/82)。委员会还收到了2012-2013年期间战略框架(A/65/6/Rev.1)和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算的相关款次(A/66/6(第3、15、17和22款))。", "27. 秘书长代表介绍了合并报告并回答了委员会在审议报告期间提出的各种问题。", "讨论情况", "28. 委员会对报告的列报方式表示赞赏。该报告为战略规划、预算编制、管理和对本组织负责提供了指导方针。", "29. 委员会认为,2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算分册下列几款中的战略框架与文件A/65/6/Rev.1所载的2012-2013年期间核定战略框架有些不一致:第14款(环境)、第26款(巴勒斯坦难民)和第30款(信息和通信技术厅)。委员会获悉,已经采取步骤解决这一问题。", "30. 与会者要求说明为什么秘书长关于2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中反映的两年期方案计划变化的合并报告的报告没有反映第16款(国际药物管制、预防犯罪和恐怖主义及刑事司法)的方案变化。这些变化是因为经济及社会理事会2010年实质性会议通过的决议和决定引起、经大会第65/259号决议第七节核可的订正估计数而产生的。", "方案2 政治事务", "次级方案10 联合国驻非洲联盟办事处", "讨论情况", "31. 有代表团指出,尚不清楚联合国驻非洲联盟办事处的预定目标是维持和平行动部的责任,还是政治事务部的责任。该办事处设在政治事务部。", "32. 有代表表示赞赏设立联合国驻非洲联盟办事处,认为这是一个积极和重要的步骤,同时还有代表表示该办事处不能忽视维持和平以外的各种活动,如建设和平、解决冲突和预防冲突。有代表对与发展有关的问题没有适当地反映在办事处战略框架中表示关切。", "结论和建议", "33. 委员会建议大会核准秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)中对方案2(政治事务)次级方案10的说明所作的改动,但须作以下修改:", "秘书处的预期成绩", "在预期成绩(c)句首加上“非洲的”。", "方案7 经济和社会事务", "次级方案2 性别问题和提高妇女地位", "讨论情况", "34. 委员会对审议的次级方案,其列报方式、整体方向、目标以及各次级方案表示赞赏和支持,强调了该次级方案在关键重点领域的重要作用和成就。委员会对联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)的规范性工作和业务工作表示支持。", "35. 委员会认为,该次级方案应在完成工作时遵守普遍性原则。委员会还认为,应在会员国提出请求时为其提供国家一级的支持;妇女署应与联合国其他机构、基金和方案协作开展工作以避免工作重叠;在为会员国提供支持时,应解决所有与性别平等有关的问题。此外,委员会还认为,妇女署应在和平与安全领域与联合国各机构、基金和方案以及负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表办公室、负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表办公室和负责暴力侵害儿童问题秘书长特别代表办公室合作。委员会认为,该方案战略框架的制订应全面考虑立法机构给予的授权并与战略计划一致。", "36. 委员会认为,联合国秘书处应继续努力在征聘工作人员工作中实现性别均衡。委员会表示支持按照千年发展目标来解决性别平等问题;支持将教育投资作为增强妇女权能的一项要素;支持加强能力建设活动。", "37. 委员会还表示,妇女地位委员会的决议和商定结论应纳入今后拟议战略框架的立法授权清单。", "结论和建议", "38. 委员会建议大会核可秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)中对方案7(经济和社会事务)次级方案2(性别平等问题和提高妇女地位)的方案说明所作的改动,但须作以下修改:", "2012-2013两年期方案计划", "(a) 政府间支助和战略伙伴关系", "本组织目标", "将目标改为:“加强实现性别平等和妇女赋权及提高妇女地位,包括妇女充分享有人权”。", "秘书处预期成绩", "在预期成绩(a)结尾处增加:“妇女署支持非政府组织参与妇女地位委员会的工作得到加强”。", "将预期成绩(c)改为:“妇女署应会员国请求,支持其努力完成国家和国际商定的性别平等优先事项的能力得到加强”。", "绩效指标", "将绩效指标(a)㈠改为:“旨在支持会员国和经济及社会理事会认可的非政府组织参加妇女地位委员会,包括协助报告在委员会优先主题相关领域采取行动的妇女署活动数目增加”。", "将绩效指标(a)㈡改为:“妇女署按照文件印发相关细则和条例,及时向妇女地位委员会提交审议所需文件的百分比”。", "将绩效指标(b)㈠改为:“在妇女署支持下,联合国各实体将性别平等观点纳入其政策、方案和项目的举措数目”。", "将绩效指标(b)㈡改为:“在妇女署支持下,联合国发展援助框架中采用性别平等业绩指标的联合国国家工作队数目”。", "将绩效指标(b)㈢改为:“妇女署在联合国系统各实体中倡导和(或)协助的人力资源政策措施在其落实过程中纳入性别平等观点的数目。”", "将绩效指标(c)㈠改为:“为支持实现性别平等和妇女赋权及提高妇女地位目标,妇女署吸引自愿捐助的活动数目”。", "(b) 政策和方案活动", "本组织的目标", "将本组织的目标改为:“除其他外,通过领导、协调并促进联合国系统在这些领域工作的问责制等途径在发展、人权、和平与安全领域增强消除对妇女和女孩的歧视,实现性别平等”。", "秘书处预期成绩", "将预期成绩(b)改为:“加强对联合国系统落实妇女与和平与安全议程的政策支持”。", "将预期成绩(c)中的“各国加强承诺……消除”改为“加强国际社会对有利于消除……的工作的支持”。", "将预期成绩(d)改为:“妇女署应会员国请求有效支持促进性别平等国家机制、服务机构和民间社会组织的能力得到增强,以促进性别平等,增强妇女权能并保护妇女人权”。", "将预期成绩(f)改为:“妇女署领导和协调联合国系统在国家一级支助会员国履行消除对妇女和女孩的歧视、妇女赋权和实现性别平等方面的国家承诺的能力得到增强”。", "绩效指标", "将绩效指标(a)改为(a)㈠,并将内容改为“妇女署应会员国的请求,为实施《北京行动纲要》、大会第二十三届特别会议成果、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和2005年世界首脑会议而在国家和区域两级采取和(或)支持的政策和行动数目增加”。", "增加一个新的绩效指标(a)㈡,内容是:“妇女署力求在经济及社会理事会职司委员会的决议和决定中纳入性别观点的活动数目”。", "将绩效指标(b)的内容改为“妇女署为支持联合国系统实体有关落实妇女与和平与安全这一议程的举措而开展的活动数目”。", "将绩效指标(c)㈠中的“国家数目”改为“国家采取、且妇女署应其请求在国家、区域和国际各级支持的主动行动的数目”。", "将绩效指标(c)㈡中的内容改为:“请求妇女署帮助编制促进性别平等的预算的国家数目”。", "将绩效指标(d)㈠中的内容改为:“妇女署应会员国请求,在加强性别平等能力建设方面向国家机制、服务机构和民间社会组织提供的活动”。", "将绩效指标(d)㈡中的内容改为:“妇女署应国家请求向其提供支持的活动数目,目的是改善按性别分列的国家数据的提供情况”。", "将绩效指标(e)中的“获得的资金数额”改为:“妇女署筹集资金的活动数目”。", "将绩效指标(f)㈠改为:“在妇女署参与和(或)协助下制订和实施的联合国国家一级的方案数目”。", "将绩效指标(f)㈡中的内容改为:“妇女署牵头或共同牵头的联合国性别平等协调机制的数目”。", "战略", "将第20段第2句改为:", "“要实现该目标,就必须应会员国的请求,扩大对会员国的支持;加强为全球政府间进程提供的规范性支助的协调以及在国家一级向国家合作伙伴提供的技术和专题咨询的协调;在性别平等、增强妇女权能和提高妇女地位的工作中发挥联合国系统的领导作用,加强协调和促进问责制。”", "将第21段改为:", "“妇女署的主要重点领域是:(a) 在社会各部门以及人道主义援助活动方面,增强妇女的领导作用和参与;(b) 防止暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为,扩大她们获得应对服务的机会,使国家能够保护妇女和女孩,促进男子和男孩在防止和消除暴力侵害妇女和女孩方面的作用;(c) 通过促使让妇女充分和平等地参与预防冲突、解决冲突与和平进程,加强落实妇女与和平与安全的议程;(d) 与各国政府和有关多边伙伴机构合作,在全球经济和粮食危机以及自然灾害和其他挑战等情况下,增强妇女经济权能,以确保充分实现妇女的经济权利,改善其充分和平等地享有经济资源和社会保护的权利;(e) 与联合国其他有关实体密切合作,应国家请求,协助它们加强各级的计划和预算对促进性别平等问题的关注。”", "立法授权", "将立法授权的清单改为:", "大会决议", "34/180 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约\t\n50/42 第四次妇女问题世界会议\t\n50/203 第四次妇女问题世界会议的后续行动和充分执行《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》\t\n54/4 消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书\t\n54/134 消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日\t\nS-23/2 政治宣言\t\nS-23/3 执行《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》的进一步行动和倡议\t\n55/2 联合国千年宣言\t\n59/164 提高妇女在联合国系统的地位\t\n60/1 2005年世界首脑会议成果\t\n64/139 暴力侵害移徙女工行为\t\n64/140 改善农村地区妇女的境况\t\n64/217 妇女参与发展\t\n64/289 全系统一致性问题\t\n65/1 履行诺言:团结一致实现千年发展目标\t\n65/187 加紧努力消除一切形式的暴力侵害妇女行为\t\n65/189 国际寡妇日\t\n65/190 贩运妇女和女孩\t\n65/191 第四次妇女问题世界会议的后续行动及充分执行《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》和大会第二十三届特别会议的成果\t\n65/259 与2010-2011两年期方案预算有关的问题\t\n经济及社会理事会的决议和决定 \n 76(V) 关于妇女地位的来文 \n 304(XI) 妇女地位委员会的报告(第四届会议) \n 1992/19 关于妇女地位的来文 \n 1996/6 第四次妇女问题世界会议的后续行动 \n 1996/31 联合国与非政府组织之间的咨商关系 \n 1999/257 使妇女地位委员会能继续执行其任务 \n2005/232 妇女地位委员会在第四次妇女问题世界会议十周年发表的宣言\n 2006/9 妇女地位委员会今后的工作安排和方法 \n 2009/15 妇女地位委员会今后的工作安排和工作方法 \n 2009/16 妇女地位委员会妇女地位来文工作组 \n 2010/6 巴勒斯坦妇女状况和向巴勒斯坦妇女提供援助 \n 2010/29 将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流 \n经济及社会理事会的商定结论和部长宣言 1997/2 将性别观点纳入联合国系统内所有政策和方案的主流 \n 理事会2010年高级别部分关于落实两性平等和妇女赋权方面的国际商定目标和承诺部长级宣言\t\n安全理事会决议 \n1325(2000) 妇女与和平与安全\t\n1820(2008) 妇女与和平与安全\t\n1888(2009) 妇女与和平与安全\t\n1889(2009) 妇女与和平与安全\t\n1960(2010) 妇女与和平与安全", "2010-2011两年期方案计划[1]", "按照委员会在上文“2012-2013两年期方案计划”这一标题下的修正,将2010-2011两年期方案计划改为2012-2013两年期方案计划。", "方案12 人类住区", "次级方案3 区域和技术合作", "讨论情况", "39. 有代表要求说明2012-2013两年期次级方案3(区域和技术合作)下预期成果(d)绩效指标(d)改动的原因。", "40. 至于改动次级方案3(区域和技术合作)下预期成果(d)绩效指标(d)的建议,一些代表团强调,必须提供准确和可靠的国家统计数据,因为这是在国家和区域两级执行联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)中期战略和体制计划5个实质性重点领域的重要工具。", "结论和建议", "41. 委员会建议大会核准秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)中对方案12(人类住区)次级方案3的说明所作的改动。", "方案18 西亚经济和社会发展", "次级方案6 提高妇女地位", "次级方案7 减少冲突与发展", "讨论情况", "42. 在次级方案6(提高妇女地位)下,有代表要求说明拟议改动的原因和背景,特别是与新设立的实体联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)的关系。", "43. 在次级方案7(减少冲突与发展)下,有代表提出西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)在处理处于危机和冲突局势国家问题时可对其成员国作出的贡献问题。", "44. 委员会获悉,经济及社会理事会2011年5月18日通过了第2011/3号和第2011/4号决议,并注意到这些决议。", "45. 一些代表团强调,应考虑到西亚经社会和在该区域活动的联合国其他实体各自任务和职能的特殊性,两者不应重叠。", "结论和建议", "46. 委员会建议大会核准秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)中对方案18(西亚经济和社会发展)次级方案6和7的说明所作的改动。", "B. 评价", "1. 加强评价的作用并执行关于方案设计、交付和政策指示的评价结果", "47. 2011年6月8日,委员会第6次会议审议了内部监督事务厅(监督厅)关于加强评价的作用并执行关于方案设计、交付和政策指示的评价结果的报告(A/66/71)。", "48. 监督厅代表介绍了该报告,对在委员会审议报告期间提出的问题作出了答复。", "讨论情况", "49. 各国代表团表示赞赏这份报告。报告使他们得以了解秘书处各项方案是如何执行和评价的。他们还注意到,报告十分全面,的确能够重振秘书处的评价进程。代表团还表示支持评价职能,指出审视和改进工作重要性。对很多组织来说,评价具有非常重要的实质性管理功能,联合国也不例外。各国代表团感谢监督厅和各部门单位开展的评价活动。", "50. 代表团指出,评价就方案为规划和设计作出明智决定提供了投入,使效果更加明显,效率提高。他们表示赞赏监督厅在加强问责制方面发挥了积极作用,欢迎监督厅为改进自身评价活动而采取的各项举措。", "51. 代表团指出,总的说来,2008-2009年自我评价报告的质量“令人满意”,但报告质量参差不齐。有人对关于六个方案的九份报告被评为“很差”表示关切。此外,还要求对评分理由和所采取的补救措施予以澄清。", "52. 有若干代表团对在2010 年秘书长与高级主管所订契约中删除预期成绩“经常对所有方案和次级方案进行有效的自我评价”表示关切,要求对此作出澄清。代表团强调,自我评价应充分视为管理职能。", "53. 代表团特别注意到报告所载意见,例如管理层工作人员似乎常常不了解他们有进行自我评价的责任。有人认为,委员会应坚持让所有工作人员坚定承诺进行评价。代表团强调,配备训练有素的评价人员十分重要,要求对使用咨询人进行评价予以澄清。", "54. 一些代表团对与2008-2009两年期相比,2010-2011年方案资源中监测和评价活动预期资源削减表示关切。这将影响到评价活动的质量。有人表示,秘书处应高度重视评价工作,并提出相应的建议。与此同时,其他代表团指出,监督厅报告中提到资源匮乏,这似乎是一种任意的说法,并不构成在秘书处内进行评价的主要障碍。", "55. 此外,有协调人提出,评价文化的某些内容是2008-2009年方案管理和进行自我评价面临的三大障碍(A/66/71,第51段)。有代表团对此表示关切,56%的协调人报告财政资源不足是其方案面临的最大障碍。", "56. 关于报告第6和第71(e)段,其中提到,监督厅请外部顾问分别对部门评价、自身评价以及2008-2009年检查报告进行质量评估。一些代表团对监督厅为何要雇用外部顾问从事这项工作表示关切。要求对方案评价部门在联合检查组和审计委员会承担这项任务对其工作进行评估时,采取这种做法是否典型予以澄清。", "57. 委员会特别注意到报告第43段,强调提供充分的财力和人力资源,充分的能力和领导支持,对在整个秘书处中央、方案和次级方案中确保有充分评价能力十分重要。", "结论和建议", "58. 委员会强调,评价对通过预算决定具有关键作用,因为它不仅有助于改进方案设计和执行,以及制定政策指示,而且还有助于提高透明度,切实有效地执行政府间任务和最大限度地利用资源。同时,它使会员国能有系统有步骤地落实方案成果。", "59. 虽然它承认对协调和方案拟定职能负有首要责任,但委员会仍强调它在评价中能够和应当发挥的作用。", "60. 委员会指出,评价的效果除其他因素外取决于管理指标的质量。委员会重申有必要完善预期结果的制定以及指标质量,同时铭记,这些指标必须具体、可衡量、可实现、相关和有时限。", "61. 委员会建议大会请秘书长在主管机构和适当级别上采取具体措施,确保评价对联合国系统中长期战略规划产生尽可能大的影响。", "62. 委员会还建议大会请秘书长确保监督厅的评估报告也侧重方案影响和取得的成果,同时改进评估方法,特别是确保时常关注取得的进展,以提出更全面的结论。", "63. 委员会建议大会请秘书长确保监督厅在评价活动中更加系统化,包括更好地利用所有活动的互补性和协同作用,加强各相关部门的协调,以取得更有效的评价结果,更有效地利用现有资源。", "64. 委员会强调,适当的平衡能力和所有管理阶层的工作人员,包括高层领导的支持,以及足够的财政和人力资源和坚定的承诺,是确保联合国秘书处适当开展评价活动的主要要素。", "65. 委员会建议大会请秘书长更好地利用内部知识专长,在秘书处不同实体内开展评价工作,尤其是借鉴内部和外部监督机构积累的各种经验。", "66. 委员会选定联合国难民事务高级专员办事处、人道主义事务协调厅,联合国环境规划署和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的方案评价,供2013年委员会第五十三届会议审议,以及秘书处内部司法系统的专题评价,供相关政府间机构审议。", "2. 经济和社会事务部方案评价", "67. 2011年6月7日,委员会第3次会议审议了内部监督事务厅(监督厅)关于经济和社会事务部方案评价的报告(E/AC.51/2011/2)。", "68. 监督厅检查和评价司代理司长介绍了该报告,监督厅和该部的代表答复了委员会在审议该报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "69. 有代表团对报告给予好评,并指出该报告作为自该部1997年重组以来所进行的首次总体评价的重要意义。这些代表团还强调指出,除许多其他职能外,通过向经济及社会理事会及其他政府间进程提供支助,并为实现国际商定的发展目标作出贡献,该部在经济和社会发展领域做出十分重要的工作。", "70. 几个代表团对报告得出结论所采用的一些方法表示关切,提出会员国和工作人员调查答复率较低,专家小组所审查的出版物数量也有限。对此,监督厅承认其调查在获得较高答复率方面面临困难,并解释说,监督厅从多方来源收集数据,报告的结果均建立在不止一个来源的基础上。此外,该厅还解释说,出版物的选择是经与该部协商作出的,代表了其关键出版物,而且关于这些出版物的质量和用途的数据,也是经对该部利益攸关方进行大规模调查后得出的。", "71. 有代表团要求说明该报告所载向委员会提出的问题,即如何评价将负责政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长设在秘书长办公厅而不是该部内的好处。监督厅答复称,目前助理秘书长负责全秘书处协调问题,不负责该部协调问题,该部高层领导人认为这是一个挑战。这位助理秘书长在联合国系统行政首长协调理事会代表整个秘书处。因此,将这个员额安排在秘书长办公厅更为恰当,还可发挥秘书长在秘书处协调问题方面的权威。", "72. 有代表团询问该报告中一些关于该部能见度差异和分配给该部资源相对较少的结果。一些代表团赞同报告关于该部面临有关能见度挑战的结果,例如其在即将举行的联合国可持续发展大会中所起的作用。在资源分配方面,有代表团表示,应增加对有关发展工作的支助。还有代表团提出关于将人权问题纳入该部工作主流的问题,并特别指出这不是其任务的一部分。", "73. 有代表团表示,该部应等待委员会审议评价建议后再加以执行。", "结论和建议", "74. 委员会回顾了经济和社会事务部在联合国系统发展支柱内所发挥的重要作用。在这方面,委员会强调了该部向政府间决策过程和全球统计系统提供的宝贵支助,以及其对实现千年发展目标所取得进展起到的影响。", "75. 委员会建议大会请秘书长采取必要措施,使该部得以突出其战略重点,通过更明确地确定其优先事项和重要活动,继续已开展的规划工作。在这方面,委员会指出,该部必须进一步澄清其在能力建设工作中的具体作用,并考虑到促进与实地派驻的联合国实体合作的必要性。", "76. 委员会注意到内部监督事务厅关于经济和社会事务部方案评价的报告,并建议大会认可该报告第76至80段所载结论和建议。", "77. 委员会表示关注监督厅报告提出的关于员额及其名称安排的问题,这种安排忽视了大会有关任务规定,特别是其第58/269号决议中关于方案和协调委员会和第五委员会在预算流程中分别所起作用的规定。", "3. 方案和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务所提建议执行情况三年期审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支持的外地特别政治任务", "78. 委员会在2011年6月7日第4次会议上,审议了内部监督事务厅的报告,其中谈及方案和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务所提建议执行情况三年期审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支持的外地特别政治任务(E/AC.51/2011/3)。", "79. 监督厅检查和评价司代理司长介绍了该报告,回答了在委员会审议报告时提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "80. 各国代表团对报告表示赞赏,并强调特别政治任务对于本组织支持和平与安全的工作至关重要。一些代表团关切地注意到,特别政治任务数量增多,现已占到经常预算总额的30%。各国代表团还强调,战略监督仍是会员国的首要责任。", "81. 各国代表团确认,委员会认可的4项建议中有3项得到成功执行。各国代表团注意到,监督厅的报告承认政治部遵守了正在制定中的准则,但在战略规划中,缺乏协调。代表团要求政治部进一步澄清该部是如何使特别政治任务与联合国基金和方案互动的,从而避免重复和竞争。", "结论和建议", "82. 委员会注意到,正按照大会第65/244号决议核准的2012-2013年期间战略框架方案2(A/65/6/Rev.1)的总体目标,努力加强政治事务部。", "83. 委员会建议大会请秘书长确保特别政治任务与驻地所在之联合国其他机构的合作和协调,以实现预期成果,提高本组织的效率和效益。", "84. 委员会注意到,在改善外地特别政治任务的作用和各自职责指南的定义和应用的战略规划方面,取得了进展,政治事务部和外勤支助部之间在支助这些任务上也进行了更好的协调与合作。", "85. 委员会关切地注意到,虽然大会根据委员会第四十八届会议的建议,在其第63/247号决议中认可了监督厅报告(E/AC.51/2008/2)所载建议2,但该建议未得到充分执行。", "86. 委员会建议大会请秘书长确保充分执行全面战略规划,其中规定规划文件与预算必须目标一致,并结合成果预算编制过程,特别有必要制定有效的绩效指标,把任务的目标、活动和成就更好地联系起来。", "第三章 协调问题", "A. 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会2010/11年度概览报告", "87. 在2011年6月7日第4次会议上,方案和协调委员会审议了联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长理事会)2010/11年度概览报告(E/2011/104)。", "88. 行政首长理事会秘书介绍了报告,并以口头和书面形式回答了在该委员会审议报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "89. 各国代表团感谢行政首长理事会秘书介绍报告,欢迎行政首长理事会2010/11年度综合概览报告,并对行政首长理事会及其三大支柱(方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会和联合国发展集团)加强联合国系统各领域的协调工作表示赞扬。", "90. 各国代表团赞扬行政首长理事会确保在气候变化和可持续发展、筹备2012年联合国可持续发展大会等重要会议、妇女赋权和减少灾害风险等领域加强一致性和协调性的工作。此外,各国代表团注意到行政首长理事会就人人享有可持续能源的政府间决定的后续行动采取的措施。", "91. 各国代表团对行政首长理事会与政府间机构、特别是与经济及社会理事会的行政首长加强对话表示赞赏和支持。有些国家代表团敦促行政首长理事会继续为此作出努力,并努力提高其决定和工作对会员国的透明度,包括使其决定与联合国政府间机构的决定保持一致。", "92. 在业务问题上,有些国家代表团欢迎行政首长理事会努力加强联合国发展系统在国家一级的协调一致、成效和效率。不过,联合国系统必须继续根据会员国的国家优先事项、发展战略和需求开展发展业务活动,以帮助各国实现千年发展目标等国际商定发展目标。为此,在让国家进程与联合国发展援助框架的周期和共同国家评估保持一致时,必须考虑到各国优先事项和发展战略中提出的具体情况和问题,而不能采取“一刀切”的做法。", "93. 有些国家代表团认为,经济及社会理事会作为实现千年发展目标等国际商定发展目标的主要机构,应讨论“综合执行框架”这一概念。有些国家代表团对该委员会会前没有通报这项概念表示关切,并希望说明它的拟议情况以及何时将该概念提交会员国通过。有些国家代表团表示,这项概念应促进它与千年发展目标的协同增效作用并与其保持一致。", "94. 一些国家代表团欢迎行政首长理事会努力落实政府间决定的主要成果,包括试推行“一体行动”概念。另一些国家代表团提请注意,联合国各专门机构、基金和方案在实地提供的联合国援助没有统一模式。此外,有些国家代表团再次吁请秘书长确保行政首长理事会的工作符合大会关于联合国发展集团所关切业务问题的各项主要决定。", "95. 关于支助发展中国家的问题,几个国家代表团注意到行政首长理事会提交给第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的支持声明。鉴于《伊斯坦布尔2011-2020十年支援最不发达国家行动纲领》(A/CONF.219/3)已获得通过,几个国家代表团想知道联合国系统打算如何促进生产能力的发展。", "96. 在工作人员安全保障问题上,有些国家代表团表示,报告提供的资料很粗略,这方面的工作应根据政府间机构在安全和安保管理改革方面的总体工作进行。有些国家代表团希望获得更多资料,以说明行政首长理事会如何努力处理这一至关重要的问题和联合国系统内部采取的保护工作人员措施。", "97. 有些国家代表团回顾了该委员会第五十届会议作出的与行政首长理事会工作有关的两项决定,并要求行政首长理事会提供更多资料,说明它在多大程度上促使发展中国家更多参与联合国系统的采购工作,并说明行政首长理事会如何努力与国际公务员制度委员会和联合检查组等其他组织间机构加强合作,包括说明这两个机构是否经常参与行政首长理事会的工作。", "98. 有些国家代表团提出与秘书长主持下设立的“首长小组”有关的几个问题。这些国家代表团认为,该“小组”在提供与可持续发展有关的简洁、一致的咨询意见和消息时,应重点发挥不同政策之间的协同增效作用。此外,有些国家代表团提出了与实施《国际公共部门会计准则》(《公共部门会计准则》)有关的几个问题。具体而言,这些国家代表团请秘书处提供书面答复,以便更好地澄清年度概览报告第61段传达的信息,并说明《公共部门会计准则》在有关实体的实施和实现情况,同时考虑到大会有关决议和准则。", "99. 有些国家代表团还要求进一步说明年度概览报告为何将可持续能源和生物多样性这两个主题一并阐述。", "结论和建议", "100. 该委员会再次建议大会提请秘书长以行政首长理事会主席的身份注意,行政首长理事会需继续根据其加强全系统协调的任务并根据其成员组织的政府间任务开展工作。", "101. 该委员会建议大会请秘书长以行政首长理事会主席的身份,根据大会第64/289号决议第4段的规定,向大会报告行政首长理事会与会员国进行直接和实质性对话的情况,以便加强行政首长理事会对会员国的透明度和问责制。", "102. 该委员会建议大会注意到秘书长在改革管理方面作出的努力,并请秘书长确保这些努力的重点是高成效和高效率地执行政府间机构核定的任务。", "103. 联合国可持续发展大会将于2012年在巴西里约热内卢举行,该委员会饶有兴趣地注意到行政首长理事会在筹备这次会议方面发挥的作用,并为此建议大会请秘书长以行政首长理事会主席的身份报告这次全球会议给联合国系统带来的挑战和机遇。", "104. 该委员会重申其第四十七届会议报告(A/62/16,第114段)、第四十八届会议报告(A/63/16,第407和408段)、第四十九届会议报告(A/64/16,第124段)和第五十届会议报告(A/65/16,第369段)所载建议,其中该委员会指出八个“一体行动”试点项目全面评估的标准和方法,应该首先由大会进行审议并核准,联合国对“一体行动”试点项目的支持,不应影响大会就全系统一致性问题举行的政府间审议的结果。", "105. 该委员会还再次建议大会提请秘书长以行政首长理事会主席的身份注意,需要继续更好地解决让发展中国家和经济转型国家更多参与联合国采购工作的问题。", "106. 该委员会建议,大会应请秘书长以行政首长理事会主席的身份,根据大会关于行政和预算事项的决议以及《联合国财务条例和细则》(ST/SGB/2003/7)的有关规定,确保《管理问题高级别委员会行动计划》供资的项目得到执行。", "107. 该委员会建议行政首长理事会、国际公务员制度委员会和联合检查组继续进行合作,并鼓励行政首长理事会通过联合检查组和公务员制度委员会更多参加管理问题高级别委员会、方案问题高级别委员会和联合国发展集团的会议,加强这一合作。", "B. 联合国系统支助非洲发展新伙伴关系", "108. 在2011年6月8日第5次会议上,方案和协调委员会审议了秘书长关于联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助的报告(E/AC.51/2011/4)。", "109. 秘书长非洲问题特别顾问办公室主任介绍了秘书长的报告,对委员会审议报告期间提出的问题作了答复。", "讨论情况", "110. 大家总体上对办公室的工作(特别是其重要的协调作用)表示支持和满意。各国代表团强调必须加强对基础设施部门,尤其是能源、交通、水和卫生领域的支助。在这方面,各国代表团承认关于主席基础设施行动倡议的高级别小组委员会的工作;该倡议试图进一步加强非洲大陆的基础设施建设。各国代表团还强调要改善公路和铁路链的连接性,尤其是支助各区域经济委员会促进区域基础设施项目、从而推进区域一体化的努力。绝大多数代表团注意到,对基础设施进行投资,将为非洲大陆带来诸多裨益。", "111. 就治理而言,各国代表团对联合国系统、特别是联合国开发计划署同非洲结成伙伴关系,继续推行非洲同行审议机制表示赞赏。各国代表团还承认联合国妇女署努力加大妇女在治理和有关进程中的发言权。在这方面。各国代表团指出,对高等教育进行投资,是便利提高妇女地位的关键要素,因而敦促妇女署和其他重要利益攸关方继续把这一问题作为优先事项加以处理。", "112. 在和平与安全领域,各国代表团欢迎在亚的斯亚贝巴设立联合国驻非洲联盟办事处,强调必须加强该办事处,使之能同区域经济委员会密切协作,以执行其任务。各国代表团还赞扬妇女署、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处和联合国儿童基金会在武装冲突中保护妇女儿童方面进行协作。各国代表团进一步强调必须增进联合国安全理事会与非洲联盟和平与安全理事会之间日益增强的联系。在此方面,各国代表团表示继续支持维持和平行动部非洲联盟和平支助小组协助非洲联盟在非洲大陆建设维和行动能力。", "113. 就农业、粮食安全和农村发展而言,各国代表团欢迎联合国在此方面的努力,尤其是非洲农业发展综合方案。各国代表团欢迎在为非洲联盟委员会和非洲发展新伙伴关系粮食安全规划和协调机构制定全面综合的能力建设方案方面正在取得进展。各国代表团还承认贸易、基础设施、工业和技术之间在增进农业生产力方面有着重要联系。", "114. 就工业、贸易和市场准入而言,各国代表团强调促进贸易是发展非洲经济体的主要内容之一。在此方面,各国代表团赞扬联合国为促进非洲贸易所作努力,尤其是联合国贸易和发展会议、世界贸易组织、国际贸易中心、世界银行和世界海关组织等主要机构所作的良好工作。此外,各国代表团表示,促进贸易,同区域基础设施建设的改善,是一环套一环。各国代表团还欢迎在贸易方面向最不发达国家提供技术援助的加强综合框架。", "115. 在环境、人口和城市化方面,各国代表团承认,气候变化的后果对非洲大陆产生消极的波纹效应。在此方面,各国代表团强调必须就气候变化达成非洲共同立场,尤其是要迎接联合国可持续发展大会(里约+20大会)。在社会发展和人的发展方面,各国代表团注意到联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署在起草关于非洲大陆或全球有关艾滋病毒/艾滋病的承诺的全面汇编方面提供援助,指出这是针对非洲面临的严重保健问题所采取的重点突出的办法。就科学技术而言,各国代表团强调必须在科学、工程和技术方面培训教师,进行能力建设。此外,各国代表团吁请利用远程学习机构,便利对非洲大陆的当地教师进行培训。", "116. 就通讯、宣传和推广而言,各国代表团充分认识到,在全球、非洲大陆、区域和各国级别上,必须对非洲发展新伙伴关系进行宣传和支持。在此方面,各国代表团强调瓦尔共识的重要性;该共识旨在便利设立开放和积极的通讯渠道,以进一步加强对非洲大陆及其非洲发展新伙伴关系方案的支助。", "117. 各国代表团指出,宣传这一主要目的交由非洲问题特别顾问办公室负责。然而,由于没有单独委任副秘书长,该办公室的任务同小岛屿国家、内陆国家和发展中国家的任务混为一谈。各国代表团表示,它们对此项安排依然感到关切。", "118. 一些代表团对经济危机和金融危机对广大发展中国家、特别是对非洲的发展造成消极影响感到关注。在此方面,应当拟定适当对策,以减缓社会经济影响并确保在2015年前实现千年发展目标方面取得进展。", "119. 各国代表团还承认南南合作对于推进非洲发展议程的重要性,强调南南合作和南北合作具有互补性。", "120. 此外,有些代表团回顾秘书长报告第103段,并对以下呼吁表示关切,即:有人呼吁联合国各实体将其规划、方案和预算周期同9个集群相统一,以便利区域协调机制9个活动部门的联合规划和方案工作。", "结论和建议", "121. 委员会欢迎秘书长关于联合国系统支助非洲发展新伙伴关系的年度报告,建议大会赞成该报告第99至105段所载的结论和建议。", "122. 委员会在建议大会赞同该报告第103段所载建议时,还请大会重新肯定大会有关决议所定的现有预算周期。此外,委员会建议也应当考虑到联合国系统各成员组织各自的理事会所采纳的预算周期。", "123. 委员会认识到秘书长关于联合国支助非洲发展新伙伴关系的报告工作继续得到改进,最新近的报告(E/AC.51/2011/4)对以前关于要报道联合国系统支助全非洲的新伙伴关系项目方面有形行动和成果的呼吁作了更好的回应,同时强调今后的报告应在质和量两方面进一步侧重于联合国系统各实体联系所调动的资源、而开展支助新伙伴关系的活动的影响。", "124. 委员会注意到非洲领导人2001年根据共同展望和坚定和共享的信念所作的决定;这一信念即:他们有责任消除贫穷,让其各自的国家走上可持续增长和发展之路,启动非洲发展新伙伴关系这一促进非洲可持续发展和社会振兴的方案,建议联合国系统利用该方案十周年、通过以现有机制为基础的监测机制,对新伙伴关系重新作出承诺,对涉及非洲发展的所有承诺采取后续行动,并定期评价其对该方案的支助的影响,以便进一步了解还需要填补哪些空缺,有什么进展可以发扬光大。", "125. 委员会注意到,联合国系统需要通过对注重成果的制度加以合理化,来振兴其对新伙伴关系的承诺,以监测和评价其在支助实施新伙伴关系方案方面的影响。在此方面,委员会重申必须改进非洲所有发展方案和项目的全面协调。", "126. 委员会建议联合国系统以非洲区域协调机制商定的集群为基础,继续增进其支助非洲发展新伙伴关系的工作的连贯性,吁请联合国系统继续把非洲的特别需求纳入其所有规范和业务活动的主流,包括为各方案和项目供资、调动资源以及人道主义援助。", "127. 委员会建议大会请秘书长采取必要措施,促进联合国参加集群系统的实体之间产生协同效应,以消除重复劳动和资源利用效率低的情况。", "128. 委员会建议大会请秘书长提倡采取必要措施,改进监测和评价机制,以便确保把事先确定的指标、预期成果和绩效指标纳入集群和子集群的工作计划中。", "129. 委员会建议联合国系统同非洲发展新伙伴关系规划和协调机构(作为非洲联盟的技术机构)和非洲联盟委员会和新伙伴关系的其他结构密切协作,以便进一步加强非洲联盟/非洲发展新伙伴关系2010-2015年非洲行动计划的实施。", "130. 委员会欢迎联合国系统对关于主席基础设施行动倡议的高级别小组委员会的工作给予支助;该倡议旨在通过政治倡导,促进区域基础设施建设。委员会认识到,鉴于基础设施对于推动非洲区域一体化议程而言至关重要,必须协同区域经济委员会、非洲开发银行和联合国非洲经济委员会,向该倡议提供技术协调和支助。", "131. 委员会重申,非洲问题特别顾问办公室首要目的在于在国际、非洲大陆和区域各级促进为非洲发展新伙伴关系进行倡导和提供支助。在这方面,委员会注意到,领导这一极其重要的办公室的、法定副秘书长级的职务依然空缺。委员会再度回顾大会设立非洲问题特别顾问办公室的第57/7号决议和第57/300号决议,以及方案和协调委员会和行预咨委会的建议(大会后来通过第62/236、63/260、64/243和65/244号决议及其中各项决定,对这些建议表示赞同),并敦请秘书长填补负责非洲问题特别顾问办公室的副秘书长职位的空缺。", "132. 委员会回顾联合国南南合作问题高级别会议2009年12月1日至3日在肯尼亚内罗毕通过的南南合作共识政治宣言;再度重申了非洲问题特别顾问办公室在推进非洲议程和非洲发展新伙伴关系各项目标的努力中,也亟须实施南南合作的各项根本原则,同时铭记南南合作并不取代南北合作,而是对南北合作的补充。", "第四章 委员会第五十二届会议临时议程", "133. 根据经济及社会理事会第1979/41号决议第2(e)段和大会第34/50号决议第2段,委员会应向理事会和大会提交其第五十二届会议临时议程以及所要求的文件清单,供其审查。", "134. 经济及社会理事会在其第1983/163号决定中,要求秘书长在各项决定通过之前,提请政府间机构和专家机构注意已超出秘书处在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理能力的文件需求,并提请政府间机构注意在一些领域文件有可能重复和(或)有可能将涉及相关或类似主题的文件加以合并,以使文件工作合理化。", "135. 委员会第五十二届会议临时议程草案见下文。该草案是在现有法定任务的基础上拟订的,将在本届会议结束时,根据委员会通过的建议最终完成。", "委员会第五十二届会议临时议程草案", "1. 选举主席团成员。", "2. 通过议程和工作安排。", "3. 方案问题:", "(a) 方案执行情况;", "文件", "秘书长关于2010-2011两年期方案执行情况的报告", "(b) 方案规划;", "文件", "秘书长关于2014-2015年期间拟议战略框架的报告:第一部分(计划大纲)和第二部分(两年期方案计划)(大会第59/275号、第62/224号和第65/244号决议)", "(c) 评价。", "文件", "关于方案和协调委员会第四十九届会议就“对联合国协调机构的专题评价:内部监督事务厅的报告”所提各项建议执行情况的三年期审查", "关于方案和协调委员会第四十九届会议就“对经验教训的专题评价:规程和做法:内部监督事务厅的报告”所提各项建议执行情况的三年期审查", "关于方案和协调委员会第四十九届会议就“评价联合国对最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲的支持:内部监督事务厅的报告”所提各项建议执行情况的三年期审查", "4. 协调问题:", "(a) 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的报告;", "文件", "联合国系统行政首长协调理事会2011/12年度概览报告", "(b) 非洲发展新伙伴关系。", "文件", "秘书长关于联合国系统支持非洲发展新伙伴关系的报告(大会第59/275号决议)", "5. 联合检查组的报告。", "6. 第五十三届会议临时议程。", "7. 通过委员会第五十二届会议的报告。", "附件一", "委员会第五十一届会议议程", "1. 选举主席团成员。", "2. 通过议程和工作安排。", "3. 方案问题:", "(a) 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算;", "(b) 评价。", "4. 协调问题:", "(a) 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的报告;", "(b) 非洲发展新伙伴关系。", "5. 联合检查组的报告。", "6. 第五十二届会议临时议程。", "7. 通过委员会第五十一届会议的报告。", "附件二", "委员会第五十一届会议收到的文件", "A/66/82\t秘书长的报告:关于2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中反映的两年期方案计划变化的合并报告(大会第58/269号、第62/224号和第64/229号决议)\n A/65/6/Rev.1 2012-2013年期间战略框架 \n A/66/6(Sect.3) 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算:政治事务 \n A/66/6(Sect.15) 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算:人类住区 \n A/66/6(Sect.17) 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算:妇女署 \n A/66/6(Sect.22) 2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算:西亚经济和社会发展\nA/66/71\t内部监督事务厅关于加强评价的作用并执行关于方案设计、交付和政策指示的评价结果的报告(大会第62/224号决议)\nE/2011/104\t联合国系统行政首长协调理事会2010/11年度概览报告(经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议)\n E/AC.51/2011/1 方案和协调委员会附加说明的临时议程 \nE/AC.51/2011/2\t内部监督事务厅关于经济和社会事务部的方案评价的报告(大会第64/229号决议)\nE/AC.51/2011/3\t内部监督事务厅关于方案和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务所提建议执行情况三年度审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支持的外地特别政治任务的报告(大会第63/247号决议)\nE/AC.51/2011/4\t秘书长关于联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助的报告(大会第59/275号决议)\nE/AC.51/2011/L.1和Rev.1\t秘书处的说明:文件编制情况\nE/AC.51/2011/L.2\t秘书处的说明:联合检查组的报告(经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议和大会第59/267号决议)", "E/AC.51/2011/L.3\t秘书处的说明:委员会第五十二届会议的临时议程和文件(经济及社会理事会第1894(LVII)号文件)\nE/AC.51/2011/L.4和Add.1-6\t委员会的报告草稿\nE/AC.51/2011/INF/1\t代表团名单", "11-40056 (C) 060711 060711", "*1140056*", "[1] 2010-2011两年期战略框架已根据大会第65/259号决议第六节第10段修正。" ]
[ "联 合 国", "方案和协调委员会的报告", "第五十一届会议 (2011年6月6日至7月1日)", "大 会", "正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第16号", "大 会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第16号", "联合国 • 2011年,纽约", "方案和协调委员会的报告", "第五十一届会议 (2011年6月6日至7月1日)", "A/66/16", "页: 1", "说明", "联合国文件都用英文大写字母附加数字编号。 凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。", "[2011年7月5日]", "目录", "章 次 页 次\n届会\nA. 选举主席团成员 2\n主席团成员\nC.Attendance 3\nD. 文件3E 通过报告4\n第二委员会,方案5\nA. 2010-2011两年期方案预算和两年期拟议方案预算\n2008-2009年\nB.Evaluation 141. 加强评价的作用以及评价结论在方案设计、交付和政策方面的应用\n指示 2. 方案16 对经济和社会事务部的评价\n事务 3. 对委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务所提建议执行情况的三年期18次审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支助的外地特别政治任务\n三、协调 20\nA. 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会年度20次概览报告\n2008/09 B. 联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助\n第四编. 第五十二届会议临时议程\n委员会\n附件一. 第五十一届会议议程30\n第二委员会。 委员会第五十一届会议收到的文件31\n届会", "第一章", "会议安排", "1. 导言 方案和协调委员会于2011年4月28日举行了组织会议(第1次会议),并于2011年6月6日至7月1日在联合国总部举行了实质性会议。 委员会共举行了10次会议和约20次非正式协商。", "2. 结 论 6. 在6月6日第2次会议上,若干代表团对一些会员国在从东道国获得入境签证方面遇到的拖延和困难表示关切。 3. 委员会回顾大会第56/44号决议,其中大会认可委员会第五十届会议工作报告(A/65/16)第二章A节所载的委员会关于2012-2013年期间拟议战略框架的结论和建议。 委员会特别回顾其在方案6(法律事务)下的建议,即东道国有法律义务向出席联合国会议的所有会员国的官员发放入境签证。", "A. 议程", "3. 。 委员会组织会议(第1次会议)通过的第五十一届会议议程载于本报告附件一。", "选择联合检查组的报告", "4. . 4. 在4月28日第1次会议上,提请委员会注意秘书处的说明(E/AC.51/ 2001/L.2),其中载有联合检查组没有相关报告可供委员会审议的资料。 5. 在6月6日第2次会议上,委员会进一步获悉,根据经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议和大会第59/267号决议,联合检查组的任何相关报告将提供给第五十一届会议。", "5. 结 论 讨论中回顾,委员会第五十届会议也没有收到联合检查组根据经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议附件第6段提交的关于联合国系统经济、社会和人权方案的报告。 在这方面,还指出,委员会的主要任务之一是协助经济及社会理事会和大会进行协调。", "6. 任务 委员会表示关切联合检查组没有提交报告,这不符合其第四十七届会议通过并经大会第62/224号决议核可的建议,认识到必须加强方案和协调委员会与联合检查组关于协调问题的对话(见A/62/16,第153段)。", "7. 基本生活 委员会还强调,大会第64/229号决议赞同的委员会第四十九届会议通过的关于通过改进与联合检查组和其他联合国实体的合作来加强其协调作用,以提高规划效率,防止联合国系统内工作重复的建议没有得到充分执行。", "8.8 委员会建议大会促请联合检查组加紧努力,向委员会介绍与委员会职能相关的报告,同时铭记联检组章程第11条第4款(d)项和(e)项。", "工作方案", "9.9 5. 在6月6日第2次会议上,提请委员会注意秘书处关于文件编制情况的说明(E/AC.51/L.1/Rev.1),其中列有供委员会审议的文件。", "10. 其他事项。 5. 在第2次会议上,委员会还收到了一份非正式文件,其中载有第五十一届会议暂定和临时工作方案。 委员会核准了工作方案,但有一项谅解,即主席团将在届会期间视需要作出调整。", "B. 选举主席团成员", "注 4. 在4月28日第1次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选举加斯塔翁·拉萨尔特(乌拉圭)为委员会第五十一届会议主席。", "12. 第12段。 5. 在同次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选出第五十一届会议主席团成员如下: 副主席: Chull-joo Park(大韩民国);报告员:Vladimir Pavlovich(白俄罗斯)。", "13 August 2001 4. 在6月6日第2次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选出第五十一届会议主席团成员如下: 副主席:Felix A. Datuowei(尼日利亚)和Isi Yanouka(以色列)。", "十四、任 务 5. 在第2次会议上,委员会还获悉,当选方案和协调委员会第五十一届会议报告员的弗拉基米尔·帕夫洛维奇(白俄罗斯)将无法出席本届会议,并要求为接替他作出必要安排。", "15. 第十五条 4. 在6月15日第7次会议上,委员会以鼓掌方式选举Igor Krasnov(白俄罗斯)为委员会报告员。", "161 5. 委员会第五十一届会议主席团成员如下:", "主 席:Gastón Lasarte(乌拉圭)", "副主席: Isi Yanouka (以色列) Chull-joo Park(大韩民国) Felix A. Datuowei(尼日利亚)", "报告员:伊戈尔·克拉斯诺夫(白俄罗斯)", "C. 出席情况", "17. 第17条。 5. 联合国下列会员国派代表出席了委员会会议:", "阿尔及利亚 伊朗伊斯兰共和国", "安提瓜和巴布达 以色列", "阿根廷", "亚美尼亚", "白俄罗斯 纳米比亚", "贝宁 尼日利亚", "巴西 巴基斯坦", "中非共和国", "中国 俄罗斯联邦", "科摩罗 南非", "古巴 西班牙", "厄立特里亚", "几内亚 乌拉圭", "委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国", "印度", "第18条 3. 下列联合国会员国派观察员出席了会议:", "奥地利 尼加拉瓜", "埃及 塞内加尔", "法国", "日本 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国", "肯尼亚 爱尔兰", "墨西哥 坦桑尼亚联合共和国", "摩洛哥 美利坚合众国", "191 5. 以下政府间组织派观察员出席了会议:", "欧洲联盟", "20.20 5. 下列基金和方案派代表出席了会议:", "联合国粮食及农业组织", "21.21。 出席会议的还有主管内部监督事务副秘书长、助理秘书长兼方案规划、预算和账户厅主计长、助理秘书长兼联合国两性平等和赋予妇女权力实体副执行主任、联合国系统行政首长协调理事会秘书、经济和社会事务部主管政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长、非洲问题特别顾问办公室主任和秘书处其他高级官员。", "D. 文件", "222. 委员会第五十一届会议收到的文件清单载于本报告附件二。", "E. 导 言 通过委员会的报告", "23. 会议报告。 5. 在2011年7月1日第10次会议上,报告员介绍了委员会的报告草案(E/AC.51/ 2001/L.4和Add.1-6)。", "24. 第24段。 5. 在同次会议上,委员会通过了第五十一届会议工作报告草稿(E/AC.51/ 2001/L.4和Add.1-6)。", "25. 。 在会议结束前,阿根廷、阿尔及利亚、南非和白俄罗斯代表发了言。", "第二章", "方案问题", "A. 导 言 2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算", "262. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病 1. 在2011年6月15日和16日第7、8和9次会议上,委员会审议了关于2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中反映的两年期方案计划变化的综合报告(A/66/82)。 委员会还收到了2012-2013年期间战略框架(A/65/6/Rev.1)和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算相关各款(A/63/ (第3、15、17和22款))。", "。 秘书长的代表介绍了综合报告,并回答了在委员会审议该报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "第28次会议 与会者普遍赞赏该报告的介绍,该报告为本组织的战略规划、预算编制、管理和问责制提供了指导方针。", "29. 。 6. 据认为,与A/65/6/Rev.1号文件所载的2012-2013年期间核定战略框架相比,2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算各分节中的战略框架有一些不一致之处:14(环境)、26(巴勒斯坦难民)和30(信息和通信技术厅)。 委员会获悉,已采取步骤解决这一问题。", "30. 任务 有人要求澄清,为什么秘书长关于2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中反映的两年期方案计划变化的综合报告没有反映第16款(国际药物管制、预防犯罪和恐怖主义及刑事司法)方案变动的原因,这些变动是根据大会第56/59号决议第七节核准的经济及社会理事会2010年实质性会议通过的决议和决定引起的订正概算引起的。", "方案2 政治事务", "次级方案10", "讨论情况", "313. 各代表团指出,不清楚联合国西非办事处对非洲联盟的预期目标是否由维持和平行动部或政治事务部负责,根据该部设立。", "323 虽然对设立该办公室表示赞赏,认为这是一个积极和重要的步骤,但也有人认为,该厅不应忽视维持和平以外的活动,例如建设和平、解决冲突和预防冲突。 有与会者表示关切,认为与发展有关的问题没有在该厅的战略框架中得到充分反映。", "结论和建议", "336 委员会建议大会核准秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)所载对方案2(政治事务)次级方案10的说明的改动,但须作以下修改:", "秘书处预期成绩", "在预期成绩(c)末尾添加“非洲”。", "方案7 经济和社会事务", "次级方案2 社会发展 2 性别问题和提高妇女地位", "讨论情况", "344. 事实 与会者对正在审议的次级方案、其列报方式、总体方向、目标和次级方案表示赞赏和支持。 强调了本次级方案在主要重点领域的重要作用和努力。 有人表示支持联合国两性平等和赋予妇女权力实体(联合国妇女实体)的规范和业务工作。", "353. 据认为,本次级方案在开展工作时应遵守普遍性原则。 还有人认为,应会员国的请求,应向其提供国家一级的支助;联合国妇女的工作应与联合国其他机构、基金和方案协调进行,以避免工作重复;在向会员国提供支助时,应处理所有相关的性别问题。 还有人表示,联合国妇女应与联合国各机构、基金和方案以及负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表办公室、负责儿童和武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表以及负责和平与安全领域暴力侵害儿童行为问题的秘书长特别代表合作。 有与会者认为,应根据其战略计划,充分考虑到立法机构赋予的任务,制定该方案的战略框架。", "363. 。 据认为,联合国秘书处应继续努力实现其工作人员征聘中的两性均等。 有人表示支持按照千年发展目标处理两性平等问题,支持将教育投资作为赋予妇女权力和增强能力建设活动的关键因素。", "378 还有人认为,妇女地位委员会的决议和商定结论应列入今后拟议战略框架的立法授权清单。", "结论和建议", "页: 1 委员会建议大会核准对秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)所载方案7(经济和社会事务)、次级方案2(性别问题和提高妇女地位)的说明所作的修改,但须作以下修改:", "2012-2013两年期方案计划", "(a) 政府间支助和战略伙伴关系", "本组织的目标", "将目标案文改为:", "“加强实现两性平等、赋予妇女权力和提高妇女地位,包括妇女充分享有人权”。", "秘书处预期成绩", "在预期成绩(a)末尾添加“并增强联合国妇女对非政府组织参加妇女地位委员会工作的支持”。", "将预期成绩(c)案文改为:", "“(c) 增强联合国妇女的能力,应会员国请求,支持它们努力实现国家和国际商定的两性平等优先事项”。", "绩效指标", "将绩效指标(a)(一)改为:", "“(a)(一) 联合国妇女为支持会员国和经济及社会理事会认可的非政府组织参加妇女地位委员会而开展的活动有所增加,包括协助报告在与委员会优先主题有关的领域采取的行动”。", "将绩效指标(a)(二)改为:", "“(a)(二) 联合国采购处妇女按时提交妇女地位委员会审议的所需文件的百分比", "将绩效指标(b)(一)改为:", "“(b)(一) 联合国各实体在其政策、方案和项目中纳入两性平等观点的倡议数目,由联合国妇女支助”。", "将绩效指标(b)(二)修改如下:", "“(b)(二) 在联合国发展援助框架中适用两性平等业绩指标的联合国国家工作队数目,由联合国妇女支助”。", "将绩效指标(b)(三)改为:", "“(b)(三) 在联合国系统实体中倡导和(或)得到联合国妇女协助、将两性平等观点纳入其执行工作的人力资源政策措施的数目”。", "将绩效指标(c)(一)改为:", "“(c)(一) 吸引自愿捐款支持实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力及提高妇女地位目标的活动数目”。", "(b) 政策和方案活动", "本组织的目标", "将目标案文改为:", "“在发展、人权、和平与安全等领域,包括通过领导、协调和促进联合国系统在这些领域的工作的问责制,进一步消除对妇女和女孩的歧视和实现两性平等”。", "秘书处预期成绩", "将预期成绩(b)改为:", "“(b) 联合国系统在执行妇女与和平与安全议程方面加强政策支持”。", "在预期成绩(c)中,将“各国加紧承诺消除”改为“加强对有助于消除的努力的国际支持”。", "将预期成绩(d)改为:", "“(d) 应会员国的请求,提高联合国妇女有效支持国家两性平等机制、提供服务机构和民间社会组织的能力,以促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力,并保护妇女的人权。”", "将预期成绩(f)改为:", "“(f) 提高联合国妇女领导和协调联合国系统在国家一级支持会员国的能力,以履行消除对妇女和女孩歧视、赋予妇女权力和实现两性平等的国家承诺”。", "绩效指标", "将绩效指标(a)改为(a)(一),并替换如下:", "“(a)(一) 应会员国的请求,在国家和区域一级为执行《北京行动纲要》、大会第二十三届特别会议成果、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和2005年世界首脑会议而采取和(或)得到联合国妇女支持的政策和行动数目增加”。", "增加一个新的绩效指标(a)(二),内容如下:", "“(a)(二) 旨在将性别观点纳入经济及社会理事会各职司委员会决议和决定的活动数目”。", "将绩效指标(b)改为:", "“(b) 联合国妇女支持联合国系统各实体有关执行妇女与和平与安全议程的倡议的活动数目”。", "在绩效指标(c)(一)中,将“国家数目”改为“各国根据要求并在联合国妇女的支持下在国家、区域和国际各级采取举措的数目”。", "将绩效指标(c)(二)改为:", "“(c)(二) 要求联合国采购处妇女协助编制促进两性平等预算的国家数目”。", "将绩效指标(d)(一)改为:", "“(d)(一) 应会员国请求向国家两性平等机制、提供服务机构和民间社会组织提供的与加强能力发展有关的联合国妇女活动数目”。", "将绩效指标(d)(二)改为:", "“(d)(二) 应各国要求,旨在增加本国按性别分列的数据的联合国妇女活动数目”。", "在绩效指标(e)中,将“通过获得的资金数量”改为“联合国妇女动员资源的活动数量”。", "将绩效指标(f)(一)修改如下:", "“(f) (一) 在联合国妇女的参与和(或)协助下制定和执行的联合国国家一级方案的数目”。", "将绩效指标(f)(二)改为:", "“(f)(二) 由联合国妇女领导或共同领导的联合国两性平等协调机制的数目”。", "战略", "第20段第二句改为:", "“这一目标的实现将产生于应会员国请求扩大对会员国的支助;加强向全球政府间进程提供规范性支助与在国家一级向国家伙伴提供技术和专题咨询之间的连贯性;领导、协调和促进联合国系统在两性平等和妇女赋权和提高妇女地位工作中的问责制。 ......", "第21段改为:", "“21。 联合国妇女的主要重点领域是:(a) 提高妇女在社会所有部门以及人道主义援助活动中的领导作用和参与;(b) 防止暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为,扩大她们获得应对服务的机会,以便各国能够保护妇女和女孩,促进男子和男孩在预防和消除暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为方面的作用;(c) 通过促进妇女充分、平等地参与预防冲突、解决冲突和和平进程,加强执行妇女与和平与安全议程;(d) 使妇女有更多机会获得经济权力,包括在全球经济和粮食危机背景下获得经济权力,同时通过与有关经济实体合作,确保获得经济权利和其他社会保护。 ......", "立法授权", "将立法授权清单改为:", "大会决议", "34/180 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》\n50/42 第四次妇女问题世界会议", "50/203 第四次妇女问题世界会议的后续行动和全面执行北京宣言和行动纲要", "54/4 《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约任择议定书》", "纽约总部 消除对妇女的暴力行为国际日", "S-23/2 政治宣言", "S-23/3 执行《北京宣言和行动纲要》的进一步行动和倡议", "55/2 联合国千年宣言", "59/164 提高妇女在联合国系统的地位", "2005年 世界首脑会议成果文件", "64/139 暴力侵害移徙女工", "64/140 改善农村地区妇女的状况", "* E/CN.6/2009/1。 妇女参与发展", "* E/CN.6/2009/1。 全系统一致性", "165 履行承诺:团结一致实现千年发展目标", "16587 加紧努力消除一切形式的暴力侵害妇女行为", "国际寡妇日", "16590 贩运妇女和女童", "65/91 第四次妇女问题世界会议的后续行动及全面执行《北京宣言和行动纲要》及大会第二十三届特别会议成果", "第59条 与2010-2011两年期方案预算有关的问题", "经济及社会理事会决议和决定", "76(V) 关于妇女地位的来文\n304(XI) 妇女地位委员会的报告(第四届会议)", "1992/19 关于妇女地位的来文", "1996/6 第四次妇女问题世界会议的后续行动", "第三届会议 联合国同非政府组织的协商关系", "1999/257 授权妇女地位委员会继续执行其任务", "2005/232 妇女地位委员会在第四次妇女问题世界会议十周年之际发表的宣言", "2006/9 妇女地位委员会今后的工作安排和方法", "2009/15 妇女地位委员会今后的工作安排和方法", "2009/16 妇女地位委员会妇女地位来文工作组", "2010/6 巴勒斯坦妇女状况和向巴勒斯坦妇女提供援助", "2010/29 将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流", "经济及社会理事会商定结论和部长宣言", "1997/2 将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流\n关于执行两性平等和赋予妇女权力方面国际商定目标和承诺的部长宣言(2010年)(见A/61/3/Rev.1)", "安全理事会决议", "妇女与和平与安全(2000年)\n1820 妇女与和平与安全(2008年)", "1888 妇女与和平与安全(2009年)", "1889 妇女与和平与安全(2009年)", "1960年 妇女与和平与安全(2010年)", "2010-2011年期间两年期方案计划?", "将2010-2011两年期方案计划改为委员会在上述“2012-2013两年期方案计划”标题下修改的2012-2013两年期方案计划。", "方案12 人类住区", "次级方案3 区域和技术合作", "讨论情况", "39 有人要求说明为何改变次级方案3(区域和技术合作)下的预期成绩(d)的绩效指标(d)。", "404 关于改变次级方案3(区域和技术合作)预期成绩(d)下的绩效指标(d)的建议,一些代表团强调,需要准确和可靠的国家统计数据,作为在国家和区域两级执行联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)中期战略和体制计划五个实质性重点领域的关键工具。", "结论和建议", "41 委员会建议大会核准秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)所载次级方案3中反映的方案12(人类住区)说明的改动。", "方案18 西亚经济和社会发展", "次级方案6 提高妇女地位", "次级方案7 减少冲突与发展", "讨论情况", "42 在次级方案6(提高妇女地位)下,有人要求澄清拟议变动的原因和背景,特别是与新成立的联合国两性平等和赋予妇女权力实体的关系。", "434 在次级方案7“减少冲突与发展”下,有与会者就西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)对其成员国在危机和冲突局势中国家的贡献提出了问题。", "444 委员会得知经济及社会理事会2011年5月18日第2011/3号和第2011/4号决议,并注意到这些决议。", "454 一些代表团强调,应考虑西亚经社会和在该区域开展活动的其他联合国实体各自的任务和职能的具体性和不重叠性。", "结论和建议", "46 委员会建议大会核准秘书长合并报告(A/66/82)所载次级方案6和7所反映的对方案18(西亚经济和社会发展)的说明的改动。", "B. 评价", "1. 导言 加强评价的作用以及评价结论在方案设计、交付和政策指示方面的应用", "474. 147 1. 在2011年6月8日第6次会议上,委员会审议了内部监督事务厅(监督厅)关于加强评价的作用以及评价结论对方案设计、交付和政策指示的适用的报告(A/63/11)。", "148 监督厅代表介绍了该报告,并回答了委员会审议报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "494. 农村妇女 各代表团对报告表示赞赏,报告使他们了解联合国秘书处的方案是如何执行和评价的。 他们还指出,该报告是全面的,将大大有助于加强秘书处的评价进程。 各代表团还对评价职能表示支持,指出评价职能对思考和改进工作十分重要。 评价的作用对于任何组织来说都是非常实质性的管理职能,联合国也不例外。 各代表团感谢监督厅和各部门职能单位开展的评价活动。", "50 。 各代表团指出,评价为更明智的方案规划和设计决策以及提高效力和效率提供了投入。 他们表示赞赏监督厅在加强问责制方面的积极作用,并欢迎监督厅为改进其评价活动所采取的措施。", "51 各代表团指出,2008-2009年自我评价的质量总体上是“满意的”,但差异很大。 与会者对关于6个被评为“穷人”的方案的9份报告表示关切。 有人要求进一步澄清评级的原因和采取的纠正措施。", "52. 结 论 若干代表团对2010年高级管理人员与秘书长签订的契约中删除预期成绩“对所有方案和次级方案定期进行有效自我评价”表示关切,并要求澄清这一行动。 各代表团强调,自我评价应被完全接受为管理职能。", "532. 各代表团特别注意到报告中的意见,即管理人员往往不知道他们在自我评价方面的职责。 据认为,委员会需要坚持所有工作人员对评价作出坚定承诺。 各代表团还强调,必须有训练有素的评价员,并要求澄清使用咨询人进行评价的情况。", "544 一些代表团对与2008-2009两年期相比,2010-2011年方案资源中用于监测和评价活动的资源比例减少表示关切。 这将影响到评价活动的质量。 有与会者认为,秘书处应高度重视评价并相应提出建议。 其他代表团指出,监督厅报告中提到的资源缺乏似乎是任意性的,似乎并不是在秘书处进行评价的主要障碍。", "555 还有与会者表示关切,协调人提到评价文化的要素是2008-2009年方案管理和进行自我评价面临的三大障碍之一(A/63/11,第51段),并指出,56%的协调人报告说,缺乏充足的财政资源是其方案面临的最大障碍(A/63/11,第45段)。", "565. 妇 女 报告第6段和第71(e)段说,监督厅聘请外部专家对2008-2009年部门评价样本和自己的评价和检查报告进行质量评估,对此,一些代表团表示关切,监督厅为何需要雇用外部咨询人从事这项工作。 有人要求进一步澄清,在联合检查组或审计委员会能够执行这项任务时,评价方案单位评估其工作的典型做法是否属于这种惯例。", "57 委员会特别注意到报告第43段,强调必须有充足的财政和人力资源以及足够的能力和领导能力支助,以确保在整个秘书处中央、方案和次级方案各级有足够的评价能力。", "结论和建议", "58 委员会强调,评价是通过预算决定的关键职能,因为它不仅有助于改进方案设计和执行,也有助于制定政策指示,而且还有助于透明度、有效执行政府间任务和最大限度地利用资源。 同时,它使会员国能够系统地跟踪方案成果。", "59 虽然委员会承认其在协调和方案拟订职能方面的主要责任,但强调它在评价中能够和应该发挥的作用的重要性。", "60 。 委员会注意到,评价的有效性除其他外取决于管理指标的质量。 因此,它重申需要改进预期成果的拟订,以及指标的质量方面,同时铭记指标必须具体、可衡量、可实现、相关和有时限。", "61 委员会建议大会请秘书长在主管机构和适当级别采取具体措施,以确保评价对联合国系统中长期战略规划产生尽可能大的影响。", "62 。 委员会还建议大会请秘书长确保监督厅评价报告也注重方案影响和取得的成果,改进进行评估的方法,特别是确保定期跟踪所取得的进展和更全面的结论。", "63/63。 委员会建议大会请秘书长确保监督厅采用更系统的方法评价各项活动,包括更好地利用所有活动之间的互补性和协同作用,加强所有相关部门之间的协调,以便取得更有效的评价成果,更有效地利用现有资源。", "646. 委员会强调,适当平衡的能力以及包括高级领导支助在内的各级管理人员的有力承诺,以及足够的财政和人力资源,是确保秘书处充分开展评价活动所需的主要内容。", "656.65 委员会建议大会请秘书长更好地利用内部专门知识,在秘书处不同实体进行评价,特别是内部和外部监督机构积累的经验。", "66 委员会选定联合国难民事务高级专员办事处、人道主义事务协调厅、联合国环境规划署和联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的方案评价,供2013年第五十三届会议审议,并选定对秘书处内部司法系统的专题评价,供相关政府间机构审议。", "2. 对经济和社会事务部的方案评价", "67 在2011年6月7日第3次会议上,委员会审议了监督厅关于经济和社会事务部方案评价的报告(E/AC.51/2)。", "686 686 监督厅检查和评价司代理司长介绍了该报告,监督厅和该部的代表回答了委员会审议报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "69 各代表团对报告表示赞赏,并指出该报告是自1997年改组以来对整个部的第一次评价的重要性。 他们还强调了经社部在经济和社会发展领域的工作的重要性,该部向经济及社会理事会和其他政府间进程提供支助,并为实现国际商定的发展目标作出贡献,其中包括许多其他职能。", "70. 远东 若干代表团对报告结论所用的一些方法表示关切,指出会员国和工作人员调查的答复率低,专家小组审查的出版物数量有限。 对此,监督厅承认在其调查中实现高反应率的挑战,并解释说,由于它从多个来源对数据进行三角分析,报告的结果没有一个基于单一来源。 此外,据解释,这些出版物是与新闻部协商选定,作为该部的主要出版物,并且从对该部利益攸关方的大规模调查中获得了出版物质量和效用的数据。", "71 有人要求澄清报告所反映的向该委员会提出的问题,即评价是否有必要将主管政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长安置在秘书长办公厅内,而不是在该部内。 监督厅答复说,助理秘书长目前负责全秘书处的协调问题,但不负责该部的协调问题,因为该部高层领导认为这是一个挑战。 助理秘书长代表整个秘书处出席联合国系统行政首长协调理事会。 因此,将这一员额列入秘书长办公厅更为合适,并将在秘书处协调问题上行使秘书长的权力。", "72. 第72段。 有人询问报告中关于该部知名度不同以及分配给该部的资源相对较少的一些结果。 一些代表团赞同报告关于该部可见度方面的挑战的结果,例如该部在即将举行的联合国可持续发展会议中的作用。 关于资源分配,有人认为应更多地支持与发展有关的工作。 还就将人权问题纳入该部工作的主流提出了问题,尤其注意到这不是该部任务的一部分。", "73 据认为,该部在着手执行评价建议之前,应等到委员会审议。", "结论和建议", "74 委员会回顾经济和社会事务部在联合国系统发展支柱中的作用的重要性。 在这方面,它强调了该部为政府间决策进程和全球统计系统提供的宝贵支持及其对实现千年发展目标进展情况的影响。", "757. 委员会建议大会请秘书长采取必要措施,使该部能够突出其战略重点,继续其已经开始的规划工作,更明确地确定其优先事项和关键活动。 在这方面,委员会注意到,该部需要进一步阐明其在能力建设工作中的具体作用,同时考虑到需要促进与设在外地的联合国实体的合作。", "76 委员会注意到内部监督事务厅关于经济和社会事务部方案评价的报告,建议大会核准报告第76至80段所载的结论和建议。", "77国集团 委员会表示关切监督厅报告中就员额及其职衔的配置提出的问题,这些问题无视大会的相关任务,特别是大会关于方案和协调委员会和第五委员会在预算过程中各自作用的第58/269号决议的规定。", "3. 。 委员会第四十八届会议关于深入评价政治事务的建议执行情况三年期审查:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支助的外地特别政治任务", "第78次会议 1. 在2011年6月7日第4次会议上,委员会审议了监督厅关于方案和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务:由政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支助的外地特别政治任务所提建议执行情况的三年期审查报告(E/AC.51/ 2008/3)。", "79 监督厅检查和评价司代理司长介绍了该报告,并回答了委员会审议报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "808 各代表团对报告表示赞赏,并强调特别政治任务对于本组织支持和平与安全的工作至关重要。 一些代表团关切地注意到,特别政治任务的数量有所增加,目前占经常预算的30%。 各代表团还强调,战略监督仍然是会员国的首要责任。", "页: 1 各代表团承认委员会认可的四项建议中有三项得到成功执行。 各代表团指出,虽然监督厅的报告承认政治事务部遵守制定准则,但战略规划缺乏协调。 他们请政治事务部进一步澄清它计划如何处理这些问题,并详细说明特别政治任务应如何与联合国各基金和方案互动,以避免 red余和竞争。", "结论和建议", "页: 1 委员会注意到,为按照大会第60/244号决议核可的2012-2013年期间战略框架方案2(政治事务)的总体目标(A/65/6/Rev.1),加强政治事务部,以维持国际和平与安全。", "83 委员会建议大会请秘书长确保特别政治任务和其他联合国驻地实体加强合作与协调,以实现预期结果,提高本组织工作的效力和效率。", "84 委员会注意到,在界定和适用关于外地特别政治任务的作用和各自责任的准则方面,在改进特派团战略规划方面取得的进展,以及在政治事务部和外勤支助部之间更好地开展协调与合作,支持这些特派团。", "页: 1 委员会关切地注意到,监督厅的报告(E/AC.51/2008/2)所载并经大会第63/247号决议根据委员会第四十八届会议的建议核可的建议2尚未得到充分执行。", "86 委员会建议大会请秘书长确保全面战略规划的充分执行,其中规定在成果预算制进程范围内使规划文件与预算保持一致,特别是在需要制定更有意义的绩效指标以及特派团的目标、活动和成就之间有更好的联系方面。", "第三章 协调问题", "A. 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会2010/2010年度概览报告", "87 1. 在2011年6月7日第4次会议上,委员会审议了联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)的2010-2011年年度概览报告(E/2006/104)。", "888 行政首长协调会秘书介绍了该报告,并以口头和书面形式回答了委员会审议报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论情况", "89 各代表团感谢行政首长协调会秘书的介绍,欢迎行政首长理事会关于2010-2011年年度综合概览报告,并赞扬行政首长协调会及其三个支柱(方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会和联合国发展集团)在加强联合国系统内各领域的协调方面所做的工作。", "909 400 各代表团赞扬行政首长协调会努力确保在气候变化和可持续发展、筹备2012年联合国可持续发展会议等重要会议、赋予妇女权力以及减少灾害风险等领域加强一致性和协调。 此外,还注意到理事会为贯彻落实与人人享有可持续能源有关的政府间决定而采取的措施。", "91 各代表团对行政首长协调会与行政首长和政府间机构,特别是经济及社会理事会之间加强对话表示赞赏和支持。 与会者敦促行政首长协调会在这方面继续努力,并努力提高其决定和工作的透明度,包括使其决定与联合国政府间机构的决定保持一致。", "92 关于业务问题,一些代表团欢迎行政首长协调会努力提高联合国发展系统在国家一级的一致性、效力和效率。 然而,联合国系统在帮助各国实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面的发展业务活动必须继续符合会员国的国家优先事项、发展战略和需要。 在这方面,必须考虑到国家优先事项和发展战略中提出的具体情况和问题,使联合国发展援助框架周期和共同国家评估与国家进程保持一致,而不是转向“一刀切”的办法。", "93 几个代表团认为,经济及社会理事会应当讨论“综合执行框架”的概念,因为经济及社会理事会是负责落实包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的主要机构。 一些代表团表示关切说,在委员会开会之前他们没有被告知这一概念,并要求澄清这一概念的表述,以及何时将这一概念提交会员国通过。 各代表团表示,这一概念需要促进协同作用,并与千年发展目标保持一致。", "94 一些代表团欢迎麻管局努力落实政府间决定的主要成果,包括试行“一体行动”概念。 另一组代表团提请注意,当地各专门机构、基金和方案提供的联合国援助没有一个单一的模式。 各代表团再次呼吁秘书长确保行政首长协调会的工作符合大会关于联合国发展集团所关切的业务问题的主要决定。", "95 关于对发展中国家的支持,若干代表团注意到行政首长协调会对第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的支持声明。 一些代表团表示,鉴于通过了《2011-2020年支援最不发达国家伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》(A/CONF.219/3),联合国系统打算如何促进生产能力的发展。", "96 关于工作人员的安全和安保,有与会者认为,报告中提供的信息是粗略的,应当按照政府间机构在改革安全和安保管理方面的总体努力开展这项工作。 有人要求提供更多资料,说明行政首长协调会为高度重视这一问题所作的努力以及联合国系统内为保护工作人员而采取的措施。", "97 回顾了委员会第五十届会议关于行政首长协调会工作的两项决定。 要求审计委员会提供更多资料,说明其在多大程度上加强了发展中国家对联合国系统采购过程的参与,以及为加强行政首长协调会与国际公务员制度委员会和联合检查组等其他组织间机构之间的合作而作出的努力,包括这两个机构经常参与行政首长协调会工作的信息。", "98 一些代表团提出了与秘书长主持下设立的“主要群体”有关的问题。 据认为,专家组应侧重于在提供与可持续发展有关的简明和一致的咨询意见和信息方面,在各政策领域之间建立协同效应的进程。 此外,还提出了与执行《国际公共部门会计准则》有关的几个要点。 具体来说,各代表团请秘书处提供书面答复,以更好地澄清年度概览报告第61段中所传达的信息,并说明有关实体执行《公共部门会计准则》的情况和《公共部门会计准则》的可核查性,同时考虑到大会相关决议和准则。", "99 各代表团还要求进一步澄清,为什么可持续能源和生物多样性专题在年度概览报告中一并提出。", "结论和建议", "100. 男性 委员会再次建议,大会提请秘书长以行政首长协调会主席的身份,注意理事会需要继续根据其加强全系统协调的任务和成员组织的政府间任务行事。", "101 委员会建议大会请秘书长以行政首长协调会主席的身份,按照大会第64/289号决议第4段的规定,向大会报告行政首长协调会与会员国之间开展直接实质性对话的情况,以便提高行政首长协调会对会员国的透明度和问责制。", "102 委员会建议大会注意到秘书长在改革管理方面所作的努力,并请他确保这些努力的重点是有效和高效地执行政府间机构核准的任务。", "103 委员会感兴趣地注意到行政首长协调会在筹备定于2012年在巴西里约热内卢举行的联合国可持续发展会议方面的作用,并在这方面建议大会请秘书长以行政首长协调会主席的身份,就这次全球活动给联合国系统带来的挑战和机会提出报告。", "挪 威 委员会重申其第四十七届会议的报告(A/62/16,第114段)、第四十八届会议的报告(A/63/16,第407和408段)、第四十九届会议的报告(A/64/16,第124段)和第五十届会议的报告(A/60/66,第369段)所载建议,其中表示,大会应首先审议并核准对八个“一体行动”试点项目进行全面评价的任何标准和方法,联合国对“一体行动”试点项目的支助不应影响大会关于全系统一致性的政府间审议的结果。", "105 委员会还重申其建议,即大会提请秘书长以行政首长协调会主席的身份注意,需要继续更好地处理增加发展中国家和经济转型国家参与联合国采购进程的问题。", "页: 1 委员会建议大会请秘书长以行政首长协调会主席的身份,确保管理问题高级别委员会行动计划供资的项目按照大会关于行政和预算事项的相关决议以及《联合国财务条例和细则》(ST/SGB/2003/7)的有关规定予以执行。", "107 委员会建议行政首长协调会、国际公务员制度委员会和联合检查组继续合作,并鼓励行政首长协调会通过联合检查组和委员会更经常地参加管理问题高级别委员会、方案问题高级别委员会和联合国发展集团的会议来加强这种合作。", "B. 联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助", "108 1. 方案和协调委员会在2011年6月8日第5次会议上审议了秘书长关于联合国系统支持非洲发展新伙伴关系的报告(E/AC.51/24)。", "匈牙利 秘书长非洲问题特别顾问办公室主任介绍了该报告,并回答了委员会审议报告期间提出的问题。", "讨论", "110 与会者对该办公室的工作,特别是其重要的协调作用,表示总体上的支持和满意。 各代表团强调,必须加强对基础设施集群的支持,特别是在能源、运输、水和卫生领域。 在这方面,各代表团承认总统基础设施倡议高级别小组委员会的工作,其目的是进一步加强非洲大陆基础设施的发展。 各代表团还强调,需要改善公路和铁路连接,特别是支持区域经济委员会通过促进区域基础设施项目推动区域一体化的努力。 绝大多数代表团指出,对基础设施的投资将给非洲大陆带来多重好处。", "111 关于治理,各代表团感谢联合国系统,特别是联合国开发计划署与非洲合作,继续推出非洲同行审议机制。 各代表团还承认联合国妇女为提高妇女在治理和相关进程中的发言权所做的工作。 在这方面,各代表团指出,对高等教育的投资是促进赋予妇女权力的一个关键因素,因此敦促联合国妇女和其他主要利益攸关方继续优先处理这一问题。", "112 在和平与安全领域,各代表团欢迎设立联合国驻亚的斯亚贝巴非洲联盟办事处,并强调需要加强该办事处,使其能够与区域经济委员会密切合作完成任务。 各代表团还赞扬联合国妇女、联合国难民事务高级专员办事处和联合国儿童基金会在保护武装冲突局势中的妇女和儿童方面的合作。 各代表团还强调,需要改善联合国安全理事会与非洲联盟和平与安全理事会之间日益增长的联系。 在这方面,各代表团表示继续支持维持和平行动部非洲联盟和平支助小组协助非洲联盟建设非洲大陆维持和平行动的能力。", "113 关于农业、粮食保障和农村发展,各代表团欢迎联合国在这些领域的努力,特别是《非洲农业发展综合方案》。 各代表团欢迎在为非洲联盟委员会和非洲发展新伙伴关系粮食保障规划和协调局制定全面综合能力建设方案方面取得的进展。 各代表团还认识到贸易、基础设施、工业和技术在提高农业生产力方面的重要联系。", "114 关于工业、贸易和市场准入,各代表团强调,贸易便利化是非洲经济发展的关键组成部分之一。 在这方面,各代表团赞扬联合国的努力,特别是联合国贸易和发展会议、世界贸易组织、国际贸易中心、世界银行和世界海关组织等关键机构为促进非洲贸易所做的良好工作。 此外,各代表团认为,贸易便利化与改善区域基础设施发展并行不悖。 各代表团还欢迎《向最不发达国家提供与贸易有关的技术援助的强化综合框架》。", "115 在环境、人口和城市化方面,各代表团承认气候变化的后果对非洲大陆产生了消极的连锁反应。 在这方面,各代表团强调必须就气候变化问题达成非洲共同立场,特别是在筹备联合国可持续发展会议方面。 在社会和人类发展方面,各代表团注意到联合国艾滋病毒/艾滋病联合规划署正在提供援助,以编写非洲大陆和全球关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病的承诺的综合简编,并指出,这是对非洲面临的严重健康问题采取重点非常突出的办法。 关于科学和技术,各代表团强调通过培训科学、工程和技术方面的教师进行能力建设的重要性。 此外,各代表团呼吁利用远程学习机构,为非洲大陆当地教师的培训提供便利。", "116 关于通信、宣传和外联,各代表团充分认识到需要在全球、大陆、区域和国家各级宣传和支持非洲发展新伙伴关系。 在这方面,各代表团强调了《瓦拉尔共识》的重要性,该《共识》旨在促进开放和积极的沟通渠道,以进一步加强对非洲大陆及其非洲发展新伙伴关系方案的支持。", "117 各代表团指出,宣传的主要目标是委托非洲问题特别顾问办公室。 然而,由于没有任命一位单独的副秘书长,办事处的任务与涉及小岛屿发展中国家和内陆发展中国家的任务相配。 各代表团认为,这些安排仍然令人关切。", "118 一些代表团对经济和金融危机对发展中国家,特别是对非洲发展的不利影响表示关切。 在这方面,应制定适当的对策,减轻社会经济影响,并确保在2015年之前实现千年发展目标方面取得进展。", "119 各代表团还承认南南合作对于推动非洲发展议程的重要性,并强调南南合作和南北合作的互补性。", "120 此外,一些代表团回顾秘书长报告第103段,并对呼吁联合国各实体将其规划、方案和预算周期与九个专题组保持一致表示关切,以促进区域协调机制活动的联合规划和方案拟订。", "结论和建议", "毛里求斯 委员会欢迎秘书长关于联合国系统支持非洲发展新伙伴关系的年度报告(E/AC.51/ 2001/4),并建议大会核准其第99至105段所载结论和建议。", "122 在建议大会认可报告第103段所载建议时,委员会还请大会重申有关决议规定的当前预算周期。 此外,委员会建议考虑联合国系统各组织理事机构通过的预算周期。", "123 委员会确认,秘书长关于联合国支持非洲发展新伙伴关系的报告继续改进,最近的报告更好地回应了以往关于联合国系统支持整个非洲大陆伙伴关系项目方面的具体行动和成果的呼吁,同时强调今后的报告应进一步着重注意联合国系统各实体在筹集资源方面为支持伙伴关系而开展的活动在数量和质量上的影响。", "124 委员会注意到非洲领导人2001年根据共同愿景和坚定和共同的信念作出的决定,即他们有责任消除贫穷,让本国走上可持续增长和发展的道路,启动非洲发展新伙伴关系的非洲可持续发展和社会复兴发展方案,建议联合国系统利用该方案十周年,通过现有机制的监测机制,重新致力于伙伴关系,落实与非洲发展有关的所有承诺,并定期评价其对该方案的支助所产生的影响,以便更好地了解需要填补的差距和取得的进展。", "125 255. 委员会注意到,联合国系统需要重申其对非洲发展新伙伴关系的承诺,使基于成果的制度合理化,监测和评价其支持执行该方案的影响。 在这方面,委员会重申需要改善非洲所有发展方案和项目的总体协调。", "126 委员会建议联合国系统根据非洲区域协调机制商定组别,继续促进其支持非洲发展新伙伴关系的工作更加协调一致,并吁请联合国系统继续将非洲的特殊需要纳入其所有规范和业务活动的主流,包括方案和项目的资金筹措、资源调动和人道主义援助。", "127 委员会建议大会请秘书长采取必要措施,促进参与分组制度的联合国各实体之间的协同增效作用,以消除工作重复和资源的低效率使用。", "页: 1 委员会还建议大会请秘书长采取必要措施,改进监测和评价机制,以确保将预定目标、预期成绩和绩效指标充分纳入各组和分组的工作计划。", "129 委员会建议联合国系统与作为非洲联盟技术机构的非洲发展新伙伴关系规划和协调机构以及非洲联盟委员会和伙伴关系的其他结构密切协调,以进一步加强执行非洲联盟/非洲发展新伙伴关系《2010-2015年非洲发展行动计划》。", "130 委员会欢迎联合国系统支持总统基础设施倡议高级别小组委员会的工作,该小组委员会旨在通过政治宣传促进区域基础设施发展。 委员会认识到,鉴于基础设施对于推动非洲区域一体化议程至关重要,与区域经济委员会、非洲开发银行和联合国非洲经济委员会合作,对该倡议进行技术协调和支持十分重要。", "注 委员会重申,非洲问题特别顾问办公室的主要目标是在国际、大陆和区域各级促进宣传和支持非洲发展新伙伴关系。 在这方面,委员会注意到,这一关键办公室仍未在副秘书长的立法授权一级领导。 委员会再次回顾设立非洲问题特别顾问办公室的大会第57/7号和第57/300号决议,以及方案和协调委员会及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的建议,后经大会第62/236、63/260、64/243和56/44号决议核可,以及其中所载决定,敦促秘书长填补负责非洲问题特别顾问办公室的副秘书长职位空缺。", "页: 1 委员会回顾了2009年12月1日至3日在内罗毕举行的联合国南南合作问题高级别会议通过的关于南南合作的协商一致政治宣言,并再次重申非洲问题特别顾问办公室迫切需要在努力促进非洲议程和非洲发展新伙伴关系的目标时,也坚持南南合作的基本原则,同时铭记南南合作不是南北合作的替代,而是南北合作的补充。", "第四章 委员会第五十二届会议临时议程", "页: 1 根据经济及社会理事会第1979/41号决议第2(e)段和大会第34/50号决议第2段,委员会应向理事会和大会提交第五十二届会议临时议程以及所需文件,供其审查。", "134 1. 经济及社会理事会在第1983/163号决定中,请秘书长在决定通过之前,提请政府间机构和专家机构注意超出秘书处在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理此类文件的能力的任何文件要求,并提请政府间机构注意文件可能重复的领域和/或涉及相关或类似主题的文件合并或合并的机会,以期使文件合理化。", "135 委员会第五十二届会议临时议程草案如下。 报告是根据现有法定任务编写的,将根据委员会通过的建议在本届会议结束时完成。", "委员会第五十二届会议临时议程草案", "1. 导言 1. 选举主席团成员。", "2. 通过议程和工作安排。", "3. 。 方案问题:", "(a) 方案业绩;", "文件", "秘书长关于2010-2011两年期方案执行情况的报告", "(b) 方案规划;", "文件", "秘书长关于2010-2011年期间拟议战略框架的报告:第一部分,计划大纲和第二部分,两年期方案计划(大会第59/275、62/224和59/144号决议)", "(c) 评价。", "文件", "方案和协调委员会第四十九届会议就联合国协调机构的专题评价所提建议执行情况三年期审查:内部监督事务厅的报告", "方案和协调委员会第四十九届会议就经验教训专题评价所提建议执行情况三年期审查:议定书和做法:内部监督事务厅的报告", "方案和协调委员会第四十九届会议就评价联合国对最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲的支助所提建议执行情况三年期审查:内部监督事务厅的报告", "4. . 协调问题:", "(a) 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的报告;", "文件", "联合国系统行政首长协调理事会2007/2007年度概览报告", "(b) 非洲发展新伙伴关系。", "文件", "联合国系统对非洲发展新伙伴关系的支助:秘书长的报告(大会第59/275号决议)", "5. 联合检查组的报告。", "6. 任务 6. 第五十三届会议临时议程。", "7. 基本生活 7. 通过委员会第五十二届会议的报告。", "附件一", "委员会第五十一届会议议程", "1. 导言 1. 选举主席团成员。", "2. 通过议程和工作安排。", "3. 。 方案问题:", "(a)2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算;", "(b) 评价。", "4. . 协调问题:", "(a) 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会的报告;", "(b) 非洲发展新伙伴关系。", "5. 联合检查组的报告。", "6. 任务 8. 第五十二届会议临时议程。", "7. 基本生活 7. 通过委员会第五十一届会议的报告。", "附件二", "委员会第五十一届会议收到的文件", "A/66/82。 秘书长的报告:关于2010-2011两年期方案预算和2012-2013两年期拟议方案预算中反映的两年期方案计划变化的合并报告(大会第58/269号、第62/224号和第64/229号决议)\nA/65/6/Rev.1 2012-2013年期间战略框架\nA/C.5/62/23。\nA/59/L.10。\nA/59/L.15。\nA/63/L.10。\nA/63/11。 内部监督事务厅关于加强评价的作用以及评价调查对方案设计、交付和政策指示的适用的报告(大会第62/224号决议)\nE/2008/104 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会年度概览报告(经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议)\nE/AC.51/ 方案和协调委员会附加说明的临时议程\nE/AC.51/ 内部监督事务厅关于经济和社会事务部方案评价的报告(大会第64/229号决议)\nE/AC.51/2008/1 内部监督事务厅关于方案和协调委员会第四十八届会议就深入评价政治事务:政治事务部领导、外勤支助部支助的外地特别政治任务所提建议执行情况的三年期审查报告(大会第63/247号决议)\nE/AC.51/ 秘书长关于联合国系统支持非洲发展新伙伴关系的报告(大会第59/275号决议)\nE/AC.51/L.1and Rev.1 秘书处的说明:文件编制状况\nE/AC.51/L.2 秘书处的说明:联合检查股的报告(经济及社会理事会第2008(LX)号决议和大会第59/267号决议)\nE/AC.51/L.3 秘书处的说明:委员会第五十二届会议临时议程和文件(经济及社会理事会第1894(LVII)号决议)\nE/AC.51/L.4and Add.1-6 委员会报告草稿\nE/AC.51/2008/INF/1 代表团名单", "060711", "*1140057*", "[]", "*** 2010-2011两年期战略框架已根据第三节修订。 见第60/1号决议。" ]
[ "United Nations Children’s Fund", "Executive Board", "Second regular session 2011", "12-15 September 2011", "Item 7 of the provisional agenda[1]", "Medium-term strategic plan: planned financial estimates for the period 2011-2014", "Summary", "A four-year financial plan forms part of the medium-term strategic plan (MTSP), which is presented, usually for a fixed period of four years, in accordance with Executive Board decision 2000/3. The financial plan is reviewed and revised annually on a rolling basis. The current MTSP covers 2006-2013.", "The estimates presented in this year’s financial plan reflect the lagged impact of the global economic downturn and of the prevailing slow recovery. Total income is forecast to be $3,228 million in 2011, a decline of 12 per cent from 2010. It is projected to remain in the same range in 2012 before starting to grow modestly thereafter.", "A decline of 6 per cent in total expenditure is estimated for 2011, falling to $3,417 million in 2011. Total expenditure is expected to increase by 3 per cent in 2012 and remain steady in 2013 and 2014.", "This financial framework of income and expenditure estimates provides a basis for determining the level of regular resources programme submissions to be approved for 2012. Allocations of regular resources during the period under review will be managed through the modified system for allocation as revised by the Executive Board in 2008 through decision 2008/15.", "UNICEF recommends that the Executive Board approve the framework of planned financial estimates for 2011-2014 and approve the preparation of programme expenditure submissions to the Executive Board of up to $1,236 million from regular resources in 2012, subject to the availability of resources and the continued validity of these planned financial estimates.", "In the present document, UNICEF also addresses the request made by the Executive Board in its decision 2011/4 for detailed information on the level of unspent funds, on the cash balance policy and on steps taken to ensure a more appropriate level of liquidity.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 4II. Financial 4 review, \n 2010 \nA.Income 4\nB.Expenditures 5C. Trust 5 \nfunds D.Reserves 6 and \nliquidity III.Planned 7 financial estimates for \n2011-2014 \nA.Income 7\nB.Expenditures 8C.Funded 10 \nreserves D. Liquidity 10 after \nreserves IV. Draft 11 \ndecision \nFigure Incomeby 4 \nfundtype,2006-2010 \nTable Programmeassistancein 5 \n 2010 \nAnnex \nPlannedfinancialestimatestables 121.UNICEF 13 income \nestimates 2.UNICEF 14 planned financial estimates — regular and other \nresources 3.UNICEF 15 planned financial estimates — regular \nresources 4.Regular 16 resources — yearly phasing of estimated \nexpenditures 5.UNICEF 17 planned financial estimates — other \nresources 6.UNICEF 18 planned financial estimates — trust \nfunds", "I. Introduction", "1. A four-year financial plan forms part of the MTSP in accordance with Executive Board decision 2000/3. The financial plan is preceded by a review of the financial performance of UNICEF in the previous year, with highlights of the financial trends that evolved during a recent multi-year period. The purpose of the review is to provide key high-level information on income, expenditure and liquidity as baseline to the financial plan.", "II. Financial review, 2010", "A. Income", "2. Except for 2009, when it declined 4 per cent, total income continued its upward trend, rising 32 per cent between 2006 and 2010. Total income is the sum of “regular resources” (core resources), “other resources — regular” and “other resources — emergency”.", "[]3. As shown in the following graph, this remarkable income growth is the result of a robust increase of other resources income. In fact, regular resources income, which finances the core activities of UNICEF, has been declining since 2007. The share of regular resources income as a percentage of total income stood at 26 per cent in 2010, compared to 38 per cent in 2006.", "4. Other resources for regular, non-emergency programmes are up 11 per cent from 2009 and 51 per cent from 2006.", "5. Other resources income for emergencies increased sharply, by 54 per cent in 2010 compared to 2009. This was the result of a generous response to support humanitarian relief operations in Haiti and Pakistan.", "B. Expenditures", "6. Total UNICEF expenditures reached $3,653 million in 2010, an increase of 11 per cent compared to 2009 and of 55 per cent in relation to 2006, the first year of the current MTSP. The majority (92 per cent) of these expenditures were made towards programme assistance. Programme assistance expenditure grew by 14 per cent in 2010 and by a cumulative total of 58 per cent in the period 2006-2010.", "7. The top 10 countries with the largest programme assistance in 2010 are shown in the following table. They accounted for 42 per cent of the total programme expenditure.", "Programme assistance in 2010\n (in millions of United States dollars)", "Assisted country Total RR ORR ORE", "Pakistan 192 17 43 132", "Sudan 171 14 73 84", "Haiti 166 2 6 158", "Democratic Republic of Congo 161 58 44 59", "Zimbabwe 139 6 80 53", "India 137 42 95 0", "Ethiopia 135 43 52 40", "Afghanistan 116 39 55 22", "Nigeria 111 54 52 5", "Somalia 81 10 32 39", "Total 1 409 285 532 592", "C. Trust funds", "8. Trust funds are financial resources entrusted to UNICEF by governments, United Nations organizations and non-governmental organizations for pre‑determined purposes. Trust funds, which are not recognized as UNICEF income, cover primarily the cost of procurement of supplies but also other services undertaken by UNICEF on behalf of these entities.", "9. Receipts for trust funds represented an average of 22 per cent of the total UNICEF financial resources in the period 2006-2010. Procurement services enhance UNICEF strategies to support children, as they ensure the availability of essential supplies, such as vaccines and insecticide-treated bednets, for countries that need them the most.", "D. Reserves and liquidity", "Cash held for reserves", "10. Reserves in cash amounted to $289 million as at 31 December 2010. They comprise reserves for: procurement services, capital assets, after-service health insurance (ASHI) and staff separation. The latter two reserves, ASHI and the Separation Fund, account for 97 per cent of the total cash held for reserves.", "11. In 2003, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a funded reserve for ASHI (decision 2003/11). The reserve was increased by $30 million each year thereafter, bringing the balance to $240 million as at 31 December 2010. As requested by the Executive Board in its decision 2007/16 and in cooperation with other United Nations agencies, an actuary was engaged to perform actuarial valuations of the liability. Based on the latest study, issued in March 2010, the liability was valued at $464 million as at 31 December 2009. Therefore, the current reserve is equivalent to 52 per cent of the liability. These figures will be updated in the new actuarial study scheduled for the end of 2011.", "12. In 2006, the Executive Board approved the establishment of a separation fund to cover separation and termination liabilities. The fund is built upon a monthly basis by the net of total contributions less payments made. There was an increase of $11 million in the reserve in 2010.", "Liquidity after reserves", "13. Total unspent cash balance, after reserves, at the end of 2010 was $2,734 million: $422 million of regular resources, $1,845 million of other resources and $467 million of trust funds. Details are in tables 3, 5 and 6.", "14. Unspent cash balance from other resources in 2010 is 30 per cent greater than the 2006 figure, while other resources income grew 58 percent in the same period. Similarly, unspent cash balance from trust funds increased by 45 per cent between 2006 and 2010, while total receipts increased by 17 per cent. Contributions for both other resources and trust funds are received in full before implementation begins and are normally governed by multi-year agreements.", "15. The unspent cash balance from regular resources, after reserves, declined from a high of $652 million in 2008 to $422 million in 2010 after compensation for the continuous decline of regular resources income during this period.", "16. UNICEF Financial Regulations and Rules indicate that to ensure liquidity, the Comptroller shall maintain balances of cash at the levels approved by the Executive Board. The minimum year-end balance of regular resources cash was established as 10 per cent of projected regular resources income for the following year by the Executive Board in 1987 (decision 1987/14). In 2003, the Executive Board recommended the continuation of this policy. Actual figures of the regular resources working capital confirm that the liquidity requirement was met over the period 2006-2010. This liquidity floor is currently in the order of $100 million.", "17. UNICEF also met the requirement of a prudent level of liquidity for regular resources defined as the equivalent of expenditure for three to six months, i.e., $270 million to $540 million. This prudent guideline concurs with the general practice of non-profit organizations, including the United Nations community.", "III. Planned financial estimates for 2011-2014", "18. This section provides the aggregate financial estimates for the period 2011-2014, taking into consideration evolving global conditions and the strategic priorities of UNICEF. The financial plan forms part of the MTSP and is reviewed and revised annually on a rolling basis.", "A. Income", "19. UNICEF income comes from governments, intergovernmental organizations, the private sector and inter-organizational arrangements. The share of private contributions in UNICEF total income has been approximately 30 per cent since 2006 and is expected to remain around that level in the medium term.", "20. Despite the anticipated slow growth of the global economy in the next few years and the continuing fiscal challenges facing many donor governments, UNICEF expects contributions from both governments and private citizens and organizations to remain stable and even to grow modestly.", "21. In 2010, UNICEF responded to several major humanitarian emergencies that led to a large inflow of donations, and total income in 2011 is expected to decline to $3.2 billion, close to the level of 2009. Total income is then expected to grow slightly in 2012, 2013 and 2014, as shown in table 1.", "Regular resources income", "22. Reflecting potential currency-exchange gains and the recovery, albeit slow, of the global economy, UNICEF regular resources income is projected to increase 6 per cent in 2011 to $1,027 million, and to continue to grow modestly for the remainder of the forecast period.", "23. Regular resources contributions from governments are estimated to total $620 million for 2011, an increase of $44 million over the 2010 figure. Because of fiscal uncertainties in many countries, regular resources contributions from governments are projected to be between $615 million and $630 million during the forecast period.", "24. Income projections for the private sector are based on the strategic plan for mobilization of private sector support for the implementation of the MTSP priorities, taking into consideration the impact of recent operating experience and circumstances on private fundraising income for UNICEF. A modest growth is forecast in private sector contributions to regular resources in 2011-2014 after a marked decline in 2010. The forecast amount for 2014 is $418 million, while the actual regular resources income from the private sector was $334 million in 2010.", "25. Interest on cash balance and return on low-risk investments contribute to regular resources under the “other income” category. Income from investment is anticipated to decrease again in 2011 due to low global interest rates, before reversing direction in 2012.", "26. Under the proposed financial plan, UNICEF intends to invigorate fundraising efforts for regular resources income. Accordingly, the share of regular resources as a percentage of total income is expected to reach 33 per cent in 2014, from 26 per cent in 2010, thus enhancing financial predictability and core programme activities.", "Other resources income", "27. Other resources contributions are estimated to total $2,201 million in 2011 and remain at about that level for the remainder of the planning period, as shown in table 1. The 2011 projection represents a decrease of 19 per cent compared to 2010 but mirrors the actual other resources income received in 2009. The income peak in 2010 reflected large contributions received to support emergencies in Haiti and Pakistan.", "B. Expenditures", "28. Income fluctuations are not expected to significantly affect programme assistance, as shown in table 2. Reduction in projected programme assistance for 2011 is explained by the exceptionally high other resources income received in 2010 for emergencies.", "29. A decline of 6 per cent in total expenditure is estimated for 2011, falling to $3,417 million in 2011, as table 2 shows. Total expenditure is expected to increase by 3 per cent in 2012 and remain steady in 2013 and 2014.", "30. Total expenditures for any given year in the forecast period are estimated to be higher than previous years except 2010.", "Regular resources expenditures", "31. Regular resources expenditures comprise three components: programme assistance, institutional budget and miscellaneous charges.", "Programme assistance", "32. UNICEF will make every effort to maintain programme assistance from regular resources at $796 million per year during the planning period, as shown in table 3. This level corresponds to the actual expenditures for 2010 and is $27 million greater than the 2009 figure. Despite the anaemic growth in projected regular resources income, UNICEF intends to maintain the 2010 level of programme expenditures. This will be made possible in part by reducing further the working capital and in part by controlling or reducing administrative costs.", "33. Allocations of regular resources to country programmes will be managed according to the modified system for allocation approved by the Executive Board in 2008, which favours countries in greatest need. Table 4 indicates how regular resources expenditures on approved, new and future proposals for programmes will be phased each year from 2011 through 2014. At the beginning of 2011, the balance of programme commitments approved in prior years to be implemented from 2011 onwards was $1,759 million. The amount of regular resources for programmes proposed to the Executive Board for approval in 2011 totals $1,157 million for programme cycles that start in 2012.", "34. For 2012, the estimated total regular resources for programme proposals to be approved by the Executive Board is $1,236 million for programmes cycles that start in 2013. The level of planned programme expenditures will be continuously reviewed and adjusted based on updated information on projected income.", "Institutional budget", "35. The primary objective of the institutional budget for 2012-2013, previously referred to as the biennial support budget, is to finance development effectiveness and management activities that enhance the ability of UNICEF to deliver quality results for children. The institutional budget also finances United Nations development coordination and special purpose activities, such as the roll-out of the single Enterprise Resource Planning system (known as VISION, the Virtual Integrated System of Information)in a financial environment compliant with International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS).", "36. The institutional budget is funded from regular resources and from recoveries from other resources and is approved by the Executive Board separately from the financial plan included in the present document. Both the institutional budget and the financial plan will be presented to the Executive Board for approval at its second regular session of 2011.", "37. The net institutional budget is the portion of the institutional budget funded from regular resources. Net institutional budget expenditure is estimated at $342 million for 2011 (see table 3). Projected expenditures are estimated at $306 million and $294 million per year for the next biennium. This decreasing projection reflects strategic efforts to curb administrative costs and maximize the direct use of resources in programme activities.", "Other resources expenditures", "38. Other resources programme expenditures are projected based on income forecasts and fund balances available. The planned figures also consider the intentions of UNICEF to accelerate the utilization of other resources available.", "39. As table 5 shows, programme assistance for regular (non-emergency) programmes funded from other resources is anticipated to decrease by 5 per cent in 2011 and increase afterwards to $1,689 million per year in 2012, 2013 and 2014.", "40. Programme assistance for emergencies in 2011 is estimated to be 25 per cent lower than that for 2010, when two major emergencies occurred. Emergency spending is projected to be $711 million per year in 2012, 2013 and 2014.", "C. Funded reserves", "After-service health insurance", "41. In 2008 (decision 2008/20), the Executive Board approved annual transfers of $30 million for the period 2010-2011 to continue funding the ASHI liability. This annual transfer may be suspended for 2011 due to the projected deficits (income minus expenditure) in regular resources and the imperative of UNICEF to maintain strong programme assistance. The suspension will have no significant impact on the organization’s ability to fund this liability, and the transfers will resume if permitted by year-end unexpended balances from regular resources.", "42. In the meantime, UNICEF is working to develop a more systematic and progressive strategy to avoid the ongoing need for such annual transfers. This strategy is envisaged to focus on the recognition of ASHI entitlements in the period (month) they were earned or became due to staff members.", "43. With the shift to IPSAS in 2012, UNICEF will be required to show the accrued ASHI liability and associated accrued expenses on the face of the financial statements, regardless of the level of funding. This requirement will aid transparency.", "D. Liquidity after reserves", "44. Total liquidity, after reserves, at the end of 2014 is projected at $1,904 million. This figure comprises projected regular resources working capital of $191 million, projected cash balance available from other resources of $1,181 million, and projected closing cash balance from trust funds of $532 million.", "45. The projected 2014 total liquidity after reserves represents a 30 per cent reduction compared to the 2010 actual level.", "46. The projected regular resources working capital as shown in the bottom line of table 3 confirms that the regular resources liquidity requirement established by the Executive Board will be met over the period 2011-2014.", "47. The more demanding requirement of maintaining a prudent level of liquidity for regular resources, defined as the equivalent of expenditure for three to six months ($270-$540 million), is planned to be met only in 2011 and fall below this threshold over the period 2012-2014. Adjustments to projected income levels and expenditures may become necessary to ensure maintenance of this liquidity guideline.", "48. Other resources programmes and trust fund operations are fully funded, as donor contributions are received in full for multi-year programmes before implementation begins. As a result, the year-end cash balance available for other resources is normally higher than that for regular resources. UNICEF intends to accelerate programme implementation during the forecast period, which is reflected in the 36 per cent reduction of the other resources cash balance by the year 2014 as compared to the 2010 actual level (see table 5).", "IV. Draft decision", "1. UNICEF recommends that the Executive Board adopt the following draft decision:", "The Executive Board", "1. Takes note of the planned financial estimates for 2011-2014 as contained in document E/ICEF/2010/AB/L.5 as a flexible framework for supporting UNICEF programmes;", "2. Approves the framework of planned financial estimates for 2011-2014 and approves the preparation of programme expenditure submissions to the Executive Board of up to $1,236 million from regular resources in 2012, subject to the availability of resources and the continued validity of these planned financial estimates;", "3. Approves the suspension of the annual transfer of $30 million to the after-service health insurance reserve for 2011 in view of the impact of the global economic downturn, should income and expenditure projections in the present report materialize, and requests UNICEF to continue making annual transfers to the after-service health insurance reserve, as per Executive Board decision 2008/20, if end-of-year working capital from regular resources so permits.", "Annex", "Planned financial estimates tables[2]", "1. UNICEF income estimates", "2. UNICEF planned financial estimates — regular and other resources", "3. UNICEF planned financial estimates — regular resources", "4. Regular resources — yearly phasing of estimated expenditures", "5. UNICEF planned financial estimates — other resources", "6. UNICEF planned financial estimates — trust funds", "Table 1. UNICEF income estimates\n (in millions of United States dollars)", "Plan Actual Estimate Plan", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "Regular resources", "Governments 591 576 620 615 620 630", "Private sector 360 334 370 404 400 418", "Other income 30 55 37 40 50 50", "Total - 981 965 1 027 1 059 1 070 1 098 regular resources", "Growth -9% 6% 3% 1% 3% percentage", "Other resources", "Regular", "Governments 871 991 914 848 854 884", "Private sector 490 507 531 548 589 601", "Inter-organizational 142 196 116 123 106 106 arrangements", "Subtotal - 1 503 1 694 1 561 1 519 1 549 1 591 programmes", "Growth 11% -8% -3% 2% 3% percentage", "Emergencies", "Governments 345 516 459 466 466 466", "Private sector 251 346 51 51 51 51", "Inter-organizational 145 161 130 130 130 130 arrangements", "Subtotal - 741 1 023 640 647 647 647 emergencies", "Growth 54% -37% 1% 0% 0% percentage", "Total - 2 244 2 717 2 201 2 166 2 196 2 238 other resources", "Growth 24% -19% -2% 1% 2% percentage", "Total income 3 225 3 682 3 228 3 225 3 266 3 336", "Growth 13% -12% 0% 1% 2% percentage", "Table 2. UNICEF planned financial estimates - regular and other resources\n (in millions of United States dollars)", "Plan Actual Estimate Plan", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. Income 3 225 3 682 3 228 3 225 3 266 3 336", "Growth 13% -12% 0% 1% 2% percentage", "2. Expenditure", "(a) Programme 3 018 3 355 3 053 3 196 3 196 3 196 assistance", "Growth percentage - 14% -9% 5% 0% 0% in programme assistance", "(b) Net biennial 368 276 342 306 294 294 institutional budget, including security", "Growth percentage -   -14% 24% -11% -4% 0% in net institutional budget and security requirements", "Subtotal - 3 386 3 631 3 395 3 502 3 490 3 490 expenditure excluding write-offs and reimbursement", "(c) Write-offs and 5 3 3 3 3 3 miscellaneous charges", "(d) Transfer to 19 19 19 14 14 14 institutional budget (reimbursement)", "Total 3 410 3 653 3 417 3 519 3 507 3 507 expenditure", "Growth 11% -6% 3% 0% 0% percentage", "3. Income less (185) 29 (189) (294) (241) (171) expenditure", "4. Opening 2 928 2 928 2 982 2 802 2 516 2 283 reserves and fund balances", "5. Increase in 25 9 8 8 8 reserves", "6. Closing 2 743 2 982 2 802 2 516 2 283 2 120 reserves and fund balances", "comprising:", "7. Net assets 398 426 426 426 426 426", "8. Year-end cash balance", "(a) Convertible 2 334 2 542 2 362 2 076 1 843 1 680 currencies", "(b) Non-convertible 11 14 14 14 14 14 currencies", "Total cash 2 345 2 556 2 376 2 090 1 857 1 694 balance, including reserves", "9. Reserves", "(a) After-service 210 240 240 240 240 240 health insurance", "(b) Field office 8 8 8 7 6 5 accommodation and staff housing", "(c) Separation and 28 39 48 57 66 75 termination liabilities", "(d) Procurement 2 2 2 2 2 2 services", "Total funded 248 289 298 306 314 322 reserves", "10. Total cash 2 097 2 267 2 078 1 784 1 543 1 372 balance available", "Table 3. UNICEF planned financial estimates - regular resources\n (in millions of United States dollars)", "Plan Actual Estimate Plan", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. Income 981 965 1 027 1 059 1 070 1 098", "Growth -9% 6% 3% 1% 3% percentage", "2. Expenditure", "(a) Programme 796 796 796 796 796 796 assistance", "Growth percentage 4% 0% 0% 0% 0%\n assistance", "(b) Net biennial 368 276 342 306 294 294 institutional budget, including security", "Growth percentage   -14% 24% -11% -4% 0%\n institutional budget and security requirements", "Subtotal - 1 164 1 072 1 138 1 102 1 090 1 090 expenditure excluding write-offs and reimbursement", "(c) Write-offs and 1 2 1 1 1 1 miscellaneous charges", "(d) Transfer to 19 19 19 14 14 14 institutional budget (reimbursement)", "Total 1 184 1 093 1 158 1 117 1 105 1 105 expenditure", "Growth -1% 6% -4% -1% 0% percentage", "3. Income less (203) (128) (131) (58) (35) (7) expenditure", "4. Opening 1 093 1 093 990 868 818 791 reserves and fund balances", "5. Increase in 25 9 8 8 8 reserves", "6. Closing 890 990 868 818 791 792 reserves and fund balances", "comprising:", "7. Net assets 259 279 279 279 279 279", "8. Year-end cash balance", "(a) Convertible 620 697 575 525 498 499 currencies", "(b) Non-convertible 11 14 14 14 14 14 currencies", "Total cash 631 711 589 539 512 513 balance, including reserves", "9. Reserves", "(a) After-service 210 240 240 240 240 240 health insurance", "(b) Field office 8 8 8 7 6 5 accommodation and staff housing", "(c) Separation and 28 39 48 57 66 75 termination liabilities", "(d) Procurement 2 2 2 2 2 2 services", "Total funded 248 289 298 306 314 322 reserves", "10. Total working 383 422 291 233 198 191 capital", "Table 4. Regular resources - yearly phasing of estimated expenditures\n (in millions of United States dollars)", "Beyond Total", "2011 2012 2013 2014 2014 recommendations", "Programme", "1. Programme balances 713 385 215 162 284 1,759 available from funds approved in prior years", "2. Programmes to be submitted to 2011", "Executive Board 328 218 204 407 1,157 sessions", "3. Programmes to be prepared for 2012", "Executive Board 280 239 717 1,236 sessions", "4. Programmes to be prepared for future", "Executive Board 108 1,470 1,578 sessions", "5. Amount set aside 50 50 50 50 150", "6. Estimated allocation 3 3 3 3 of net income from sale of greeting cards in countries with UNICEF programmes", "Subtotal 766 766 766 766", "7. Additional emergency 30 30 30 30 requirements", "Total - programme 796 796 796 796 assistance", "Institutional", "8. Net institutional 342 306 294 294 budget, including security", "Other", "9. Write-offs and 1 1 1 1 miscellaneous", "10. Transfer to 19 14 14 14 institutional budget costs (reimbursement)", "Total expenditure 1,158 1,117 1,105 1,105", "Table 5. UNICEF planned financial estimates - other resources\n (In millions of United States dollars)", "Plan Actual Estimate Plan", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. Income 2 244 2 717 2 201 2 166 2 196 2 238", "Growth 24% -19% -2% 1% 2% percentage", "2. Expenditure", "(a) Programme assistance 1 496 1 654 1 579 1 689 1 689 1 689", "Growth 12% -5% 7% 0% 0% percentage", "(b) Programme assistance 726 905 678 711 711 711", "Growth   30% -25% 5% 0% 0% percentage", "Subtotal - 2 222 2 559 2 257 2 400 2 400 2 400 expenditure excluding write-offs", "(c) Write-offs and 4 1 2 2 2 2 miscellaneous charges", "Total 2 226 2 560 2 259 2 402 2 402 2 402 expenditure", "Growth 17% -12% 6% 0% 0% percentage", "3. Income less 18 157 (58) (236) (206) (164) expenditure", "4. Opening fund 1 835 1 835 1 992 1 934 1 698 1 492 balances", "5. Closing fund 1 853 1 992 1 934 1 698 1 492 1 328 balances", "comprising:", "6. Net assets 139 147 147 147 147 147", "7. Year-end cash balance", "(a) Convertible 1 714 1 845 1 787 1 551 1 345 1 181 currencies", "(b) Non-convertible - - - - - - currencies", "8. Total cash 1 714 1 845 1 787 1 551 1 345 1 181 balance available", "Table 6. UNICEF planned financial estimates - trust funds: procurement services and other activities\n (in millions of United States dollars)", "Plan Actual Estimate Plan", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. Opening balance:", "Procurement 391 391 407 414 477 487 services", "Other activities 47 47 60 34 32 30", "438 438 467 448 509 517", "2. Receipts:", "Procurement 1 270 903 974 1 177 1 148 1 205 services", "Other activities 74 59 68 60 65 70", "Total 1 344 962 1 042 1 237 1 213 1 275", "3. Disbursements:", "Procurement 1 344 887 967 1 114 1 138 1 185 services", "Other activities 77 46 94 62 67 75", "Total 1 421 933 1 061 1 176 1 205 1 260", "4. Closing balance:", "Procurement 317 407 414 477 487 507 services", "Other activities 44 60 34 32 30 25", "Total 361 467 448 509 517 532", "[1] * E/ICEF/2011/13.", "[2] Tables may not add due to rounding." ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "临时议程^(*) 项目7", "中期战略计划:2011-2014年财务概算计划", "摘要", "四年财务计划是中期战略计划的组成部分,根据执行局第2000/3号决定,通常固定每四年提交一次。财务计划按滚动方式每年进行审查和修订。本中期战略计划涵盖2006-2013年。", "今年的财务计划概算反映了全球经济下滑和普遍性缓慢恢复的滞后影响。2011年总收入预计为32.28亿美元,与2010年相比下降12%。2012年预计将保持在同样的幅度内,之后开始略有增长。", "2011年总支出估计将下降6%,下降到34.17亿美元。总支出在2012年预计将增加3%,在2013年和2014年保持稳定。", "本收入和支出概算财务框架为确定将予核准的2012年经常资源方案预算提案的数额提供了基础。本报告所述期间经常资源的分配工作将通过执行局2008年第2008/15号决定所修订的修改后分配制度加以管理。", "儿童基金会建议执行局核准2011-2014年财务概算计划框架,并核准编制提交给执行局的方案支出预算提案,即多达12.36亿美元的2012年经常资源方案支出,但须视资源供应和这些财务概算计划是否继续有效情况而定。", "在本文件中,儿基会还处理执行局第2011/4号决定提出的要求,即提供详细资料,说明未用资金数额、现金余额政策和为确保更适当的流动资金水平而采取的步骤。", "目录", "页次\n1.导言 3\n2.2010年财务审查 3\nA.收入 3\nB.支出 4\nC.信托基金 4\nD.准备金和流动资金 5\n3.2011-2014年财务概算计划 6\nA.收入 6\nB.支出 7\nC.资金到位的准备金 8\nD.扣除准备金后的流动资金 8\n4.决定草案 9\n图:按资金类别分列的收入,2006-2010年 3\n表:2010年方案援助情况 4\n附件:财务概算计划表 10\n1.儿童基金会收入估计数 11\n2.儿童基金会财务概算计划——经常资源和其他资源 12\n3.儿童基金会财务概算计划——经常资源 13\n4.经常资源:每年分期支出估计数 14\n5.儿童基金会财务概算计划——其他资源 15\n6.儿童基金会财务概算计划——信托基金 16", "一. 导言", "1. 根据执行局第2000/3号决定,四年财务计划是中期战略计划的组成部分。财务计划开头是儿童基金会上一年的财务执行情况审查,其中突出显示最近一个多年期间的金融趋势。该审查的目的是提供有关收入、支出和流动资金等方面的关键高层次信息,作为财务计划的基线。", "二. 2010年财务审查", "A. 收入", "2. 2009年,收入下降了4%。除这一年以外,总收入继续呈上升趋势,在2006至2010年期间上升32%。总收入是“经常资源”(核心资源)、“其他资源-经常方案”和“其他资源-紧急情况”之和。", "3. 下图显示,这一显著的收入增长是其他资源收入强劲增长的结果。事实上,为儿童基金会核心活动供资的经常资源收入自2007年以来一直在下降。经常资源收入占总收入的百分比份额2010年为26%,2006年为38%。", "按资金类别分列的收入,2006-2010年", "(以百万美元计)", "[]", "4. 用于经常、非紧急情况方案的其他资源与2009年相比增长11%,与2006年相比增长51%。", "5. 用于紧急情况的其他资源收入大幅增加,2010年比2009年增加54%。这是国际社会慷慨出手,支持海地和巴基斯坦的人道主义救济行动的结果。", "B. 支出", "6. 儿童基金会的总支出2010年达到36.53亿美元,比2009年增加11%,比本中期战略计划的第一年2006年增加55%。这些支出的绝大部分(92%)用于方案援助。方案援助支出在2010年增长了14%,在2006-2010年期间累计增长58%。", "7. 下表列举2010年十大方案援助国,这些国家占方案支出总额的42%。", "2010年方案援助情况", "(以百万美元计)", "受援国 共计 经常资源 其他资源- 其他资源- 经常方案 紧急情况", "巴基斯坦 192 17 43 132", "苏丹 171 14 73 84", "海地 166 2 6 158", "刚果民主共和国 161 58 44 59", "津巴布韦 139 6 80 53", "印度 137 42 95 0", "埃塞俄比亚 135 43 52 40", "阿富汗 116 39 55 22", "尼日利亚 111 54 52 5", "索马里 81 10 32 39", "共计 1 409 285 532 592", "C. 信托基金", "8. 信托基金是各国政府、联合国组织和非政府组织为预先确定的用途委托给儿童基金会的财政资源。信托基金不列为儿童基金会的收入,主要用于支付采购各种用品的费用,但也可用于支付儿童基金会代表这些实体订约的其他服务的费用。", "9. 信托基金进项占2006-2010年期间儿童基金会财政资源总额的平均22%。采购事务增强了儿童基金会的支助儿童战略,因为此类事务确保为最需要的国家供应疫苗和驱虫蚊帐等必备用品。", "D. 准备金和流动资金", "留作准备金的现金", "10. 现金准备金数额截至2010年12月31日达到2.89亿美元,其中包括采购事务、资本资产、离职后健康保险和工作人员离职等项准备金。后两笔准备金(离职后健康保险和离职基金)占留作准备金的现金总额的97%。", "11. 2003年,执行局核准为离职后健康保险设立一个资金到位的准备金(第2003/11号决定)。该准备金之后每年增加3 000万美元,截至2010年12月31日的余额为2.4亿美元。根据执行局第2007/16号决定的要求,并同联合国其他机构合作,聘请精算师对负债进行了精算估值。根据2010年3月发布的最新研究报告,截至2009年12月31日的负债估值为4.64亿美元。因此,当前的准备金相当于负债的52%。定于2011年底进行的新精算研究将对这些数字加以更新。", "12. 2006年,执行局核准设立一个离职基金,以支付离职和解雇负债。该基金将以捐款总额扣除付款后的净值逐月增加。2010年,该准备金增加了1 100万美元。", "扣除准备金后的流动资金数额", "13. 2010年底,扣除准备金后的未动用现金余额总额为27.34亿美元:其中经常资源4.22亿美元,其他资源18.45亿美元,信托基金4.67亿美元。详细资料列于表3、表5和表6。", "14. 2010年的其他资源未动用现金余额比2006年数字增长30%,而其他资源收入在同一时期增长58%。同样,信托基金的未动用现金余额在2006年至2010年期间增加45%,总进项增加17%。其他资源和信托基金捐款在开始实施以前即全额收到,并且通常根据多年期协议加以管理。", "15. 扣除准备金后的经常资源未动用现金余额,在弥补经常资源收入在2008-2010年期间持续下降的数额之后,从2008年的6.52亿美元下降到2010年的4.22亿美元。", "16. 《儿童基金会财务条例和细则》规定,为了确保流动性,主计长应将现金余额保持在执行局核准的水平。执行局在1987年做出决定,将经常资源现金的最低年底余额定为下一年经常资源预计收入的10%(第1987/14号决定)。2003年,执行局建议延续这一政策。经常资源周转资金的实际数字证实,2006-2010年期间达到了流动性要求。这一最低流动资金限额目前为大约1亿美元。", "17. 儿童基金会还达到了相当于3至6个月支出的经常资源流动性审慎规定水平的要求,即2.7亿美元至5.4亿美元。这一审慎准则符合包括联合国系统在内的非营利性组织的惯例。", "三. 2011-2014年财务概算计划", "18. 本节提出2011-2014年期间财务总概算,同时考虑到不断变化的全球情况和儿童基金会的战略重点。财务计划是中期战略计划的组成部分,按滚动方式每年进行审查和修订。", "A. 收入", "19. 儿童基金会的收入来自各国政府、政府间组织、私营部门和组织间安排。私人捐款在儿童基金会总收入中所占份额自2006年以来一直是大约30%,预计中期内将保持在这一水平上下。", "20. 尽管全球经济在未来几年预计缓慢增长,并且许多捐助国政府面临持续的财政挑战,但儿童基金会预期各国政府以及公民个人和组织的捐款将保持稳定,甚至略有增长。", "21. 2010年,儿童基金会采取措施应对几个主要的人道主义紧急情况,导致捐款大量流入,但2011年的总收入预计将下降至32亿美元,接近2009年的水平。如表1所示,总收入预计在2012、2013和2014年将略有增长。", "经常资源收入", "22. 儿童基金会的经常资源收入反映潜在的货币兑换收益以及全球经济虽然缓慢但正在出现的复苏,预计在2010年将增长6%,达到10.27亿美元,并且在预测期的其余时间将继续略有增长。", "23. 各国政府的经常资源捐款总额2011年估计达到6.2亿美元,比2010年增长4 400万美元。由于许多国家的财政存在不确定因素,各国政府的经常资源捐款在预测期内预计为6.15亿美元至6.3亿美元之间。", "24. 私营部门收入预测的依据是动员私营部门支持实施中期战略计划优先事项的战略计划,同时考虑到最近业务经验和情况对儿童基金会私人筹款收入的影响。预测私营部门对经常资源的捐款在2010年显著下降之后,在2011至2014年期间会略有增长。2014年的预测金额为4.18亿美元,而2010年来自于私营部门的实际经常资源收入是3.34亿美元。", "25. 现金余额利息和低风险投资的收益为“其他收入”类别下的经常资源作出了贡献。由于全球利率都较低,投资收入预期在2011年再次下降,之后在2012年才会好转。", "26. 根据拟议财务计划,儿童基金会打算加强经常资源收入的筹款活动。据此,经常资源占总收入的百分比份额预计将从2010年的26%达到2014年的33%,从而增强财务可预测性及核心方案活动。", "其他资源收入", "27. 表1显示,其他资源捐款总额在2011年估计将达到22.01亿美元,在规划期间的其余时期将保持在大约这一水平。2011年的预测同2010年相比下降19%,但其中反映了2009年收到的实际其他资源收入。2010年的收入高峰反映所收到的用于支持海地和巴基斯坦紧急情况的大笔捐款。", "B. 支出", "28. 表2显示,收入波动预计不会对方案援助产生重大影响。导致2011年预计方案援助减少的原因是,2010年收到的用于紧急情况的其他资源收入特别高。", "29. 表2显示,2011年的总支出估计下降6%,下降到34.17亿美元。2012年总支出预期增加3%,2013年和2014年保持稳定。", "30. 预测期内任何一年的总支出估计都将高于往年,但2010年除外。", "经常资源支出", "31. 经常资源支出包括三个组成部分:方案援助、机构预算和杂项费用。", "方案援助", "32. 表3 显示,儿童基金会将尽力把由经常资源供资的方案援助数额保持在每年7.96亿美元。这一数额同2010年的实际支出相当,比2009年的数字高2 700万美元。尽管所预测的经常资源收入增长乏力,但儿童基金会打算维持2010年的方案支出水平。要做到这一点,一方面需要进一步减少周转资金,另一方面需要控制或减少行政费用。", "33. 对国家方案的经常资源分配将按照执行局2008年核准的修改后分配制度加以管理,这一制度向最需要的国家倾斜。表4显示2011年至2014年期间按年度分阶段落实已核定的、新的和未来的方案提案的经常资源支出情况。2011年初,以前年份核定的方案承付款余额为17.59亿美元,从2011年起开始落实。2011年向执行局提出的方案经常资源共计11.57亿美元,用于2012年开始的方案周期。", "34. 2012年,有待执行局核准的用于2013年开始的方案周期的方案提案经常资源估计总数为12.36亿美元。将根据有关收入预测的最新资料,不断审查及调整已纳入计划的方案支出数额。", "机构预算", "35. 2012-2013年机构预算(以前称为两年期支助预算)的首要目标是为发展成效和管理活动供资,提高儿童基金会为儿童交付高质量成果的能力。机构预算还为联合国的发展协调和特殊目的活动供资,诸如在符合国际公共部门会计准则的财务环境中推出单一的企业资源规划系统(即VISION系统,一个虚拟的综合信息系统)。", "36. 机构预算的经费来自于经常资源和其他资源的回收款项,并由执行局在本文件载列的财务计划以外另行核准。机构预算和财务计划都将提交执行局2011年第二届常会核准。", "37. 机构预算净额是机构预算中由经常资源供资的部分。2011年机构预算净支出估计为3.42亿美元(见表3)。下一个两年期的预计支出估计分别为3.06亿美元和2.94亿美元。预测数额减少反映出,将做出战略努力,以便控制行政费用,将资源最大限度地直接用于方案活动。", "其他资源支出", "38. 其他资源方案支出是在收入预测和可动用的基金结余基础上预估的。计划数字还考虑到儿童基金会打算加快利用可动用的其他资源。", "39. 表5显示,由其他资源供资的经常(非紧急)方案援助在2011年预计将减少,之后将增加,在2012年、2013年和2014年每年将增加到16.89亿美元。", "40. 2011年,紧急情况方案援助估计将比发生两次重大紧急情况的2010年低25%。紧急情况开支在2012年、2013年和2014年预计每年将达到7.11亿美元。", "C. 资金到位的准备金", "离职后健康保险", "41. 2008年(第2008/20号决定),执行局核准每年为2010-2011年年度转账3 000万美元,以便继续为离职后健康保险的负债注资。由于经常资源预计将出现赤字(收入减去支出),并且儿童基金会必须保持强有力的方案援助,2011年的年度转账可能暂停。这样做将不会对儿童基金会为这一负债供资的能力产生重大影响,如果经常资源的年末未用余额允许,将恢复转账。", "42. 与此同时,儿童基金会正努力制定一个更系统和渐进的战略,以避免目前这种每年都需要转账的情况。这一战略设想将注重认可工作人员赢得权利或者应向工作人员兑现权利期间(月份)的离职后健康保险权利。", "43. 2012年,儿童基金会将转而执行《国际公共部门会计准则》,在财务报表上将需要列示离职后健康保险应计负债及相关累计支出,无论资金额度是多少。这项规定将有助于透明度。", "D. 扣除准备金后的流动资金", "44. 2014年底,扣除准备金后的流动资金总额预计为19.04亿美元。这个数字中包括预计经常资源流动资本1.91亿美元、其他资源提供的预计现金余额11.81亿美元、以及信托基金的预计期末现金余额5.32亿美元。", "45. 2014年扣除准备金后的预计流动资金总额与2010年实际水平相比减少了30%。", "46. 表3底行显示的预计经常资源流动资本证实,2011-2014年期间将达到执行局规定的经常资源流动性要求。", "47. 更为苛刻的保持相当于3至6个月支出的经常资源流动性审慎水平要求(2.7亿美元至5.4亿美元)只能在2011年达到,在2012-2014年期间将低于这一门槛。为确保维持这一流动性准则,可能需要对预计收入额和支出进行调整。", "48. 其他资源方案和信托基金业务的资金充足,因为在多年期方案开始执行之前,就全额收到了捐助方的捐款。因此,其他资源的年底现金余额通常高于经常资源余额。儿童基金会打算在预测期内加快方案的实施,这反映在,其他资源现金余额到2014年将比2010年实际数额下降36%(见表5)。", "四. 决定草案", "1. 儿童基金会建议执行局核可下列决定草案:", "执行局", "1. 注意到E/ICEF/2010/AB/L.5号文件所载2011-2014年财务概算计划是支助儿童基金会各项方案的灵活框架;", "2. 核准2011-2014年财务概算计划框架,并核准编制最高额度为12.36亿美元的经常资源方案支出,提交执行局2012年会议。但这一数额须视资源供应情况而定,并须以财务概算计划继续有效为条件;", "3. 鉴于全球经济下滑的影响,核准如本报告的收入和支出预测得以实现,则2011年暂停向离职后健康保险准备金的3 000万美元年度转账,并请儿童基金会按照第2008/20号决定,在年末经常资源流动资本允许的情况下,继续向离职后健康保险准备金进行年度转账。", "附件", "财务概算计划表[1]", "1. 儿童基金会收入估计数", "2. 儿童基金会财务概算计划——经常资源和其他资源", "3. 儿童基金会财务概算计划——经常资源", "4. 经常资源:每年分期支出估计数", "5. 儿童基金会财务概算计划——其他资源", "6. 儿童基金会财务概算计划——信托基金", "表1 儿童基金会收入估计数", "(以百万美元计)", "2010年 2010年 2011年 计划 计划 实际数 估计数\n 2012年 2013年 2014年", "经常资源", "政府 591 576 620 615 620 630", "私营部门 360 334 370 404 400 418", "其他收入 30 55 37 40 50 50", "经常资源共计 981 965 1 027 1 059 1 070 1 098", "增长(%) -9% 6% 3% 1% 3%", "其他资源", "经常性", "政府 871 991 914 848 854 884", "私营部门 490 507 531 548 589 601", "组织间安排 142 196 116 123 106 106", "方案小计 1 503 1 694 1 561 1 519 1 549 1 591", "增长(%) 11% -8% -3% 2% 3%", "紧急情况", "政府 345 516 459 466 466 466", "私营部门 251 346 51 51 51 51", "组织间安排 145 161 130 130 130 130", "紧急情况小计 741 1 023 640 647 647 647", "增长(%) 54% -37% 1% 0% 0%", "其他资源共计 2 244 2 717 2 201 2 166 2 196 2 238", "增长(%) 24% -19% -2% 1% 2%", "收入共计 3 225 3 682 3 228 3 225 3 266 3 336", "增长(%) 13% -12% 0% 1% 2%", "表2. 儿童基金会财务概算计划——经常资源和其他资源", "(以百万美元计)", "计划 \n\t2010年计划\t2010年实际数\t2011年估计数 2012年\t2013年\t2014年 \n1. 收入\t3 225\t3 682\t3228 3 225\t3 266\t3 336\n 增长(%) 13% -12% 0% 1% 2% \n 2. 支出 \n(a) 方案援助\t3 018\t3 355\t3053 3 196\t3 196\t3 196\n 增长(%)——方案援助 14% -9% 5% 0% 0% \n(b)两年期机构预算净额,包括安保\t368\t276\t342 306\t294\t294\n增长(%)——机构预算净额和安保所需经费 -14%\t24% -11%\t-4%\t0%\n支出小计(不包括注销和偿还)\t3 386\t3 631\t3395 3 502\t3 490\t3 490\n (c) 注销和杂项费用 5 3 3 3 3 3 \n(d)向机构预算转帐(偿还)\t19\t19\t19 14\t14\t14\n支出共计\t3 410\t3 653\t3417 3 519\t3 507\t3 507\n 增长(%) 11% -6% 3% 0% 0% \n3. 收入减支出\t(185)\t29\t(189) (294)\t(241)\t(171)\n4.期初储备金和基金余额\t2 928\t2 928\t2982 2 802\t2 516\t2 283\n 5. 准备金增长 25 9 8 8 8 \n6.期终准备金和基金余额\t2 743\t2 982\t2802 2 516\t2 283\t2 120\n 包括: \n 7. 资产净额 398 426 426 426 426 426 \n 8. 年终现金余额 \n(a) 可兑换货币\t2 334\t2 542\t2362 2 076\t1 843\t1 680\n (b) 不可兑换货币 11 14 14 14 14 14 \n现金余额共计,包括准备金\t2 345\t2 556\t2376 2 090\t1 857\t1 694\n 9. 准备金 \n (a) 离职后健康保险 210 240 240 240 240 240 \n(b)外地办事处办公房地和工作人员住房\t8\t8\t8 7\t6\t5\n (c) 离职和解雇负债 28 39 48 57 66 75 \n (d) 采购业务 2 2 2 2 2 2 \n 资金到位的准备金共计 248 289 298 306 314 322 \n10.可动用现金余额共计\t2 097\t2 267\t2078 1 784\t1 543\t1 372", "表3 儿童基金会财务概算计划——经常资源", "(以百万美元计)", "计划 \n\t2010年计划\t2010年实际数\t2011年估计数 2012年 2013年\t2014年 \n1. 收入\t981\t965\t1027 1059 1 070\t1 098\n增长(%) -9%\t6% 3% 1%\t3%\n 2. 支出 \n(a) 方案援助\t796\t796\t796 796 796\t796\n增长(%)——方案援助 4%\t0% 0% 0%\t0%\n(b)两年期机构预算净额,包括安保\t368\t276\t342 306 294\t294\n增长(%)——机构预算净额和安保所需经费 -14%\t24% -11% -4%\t0%\n支出小计(不包括注销和偿还)\t1 164\t1 072\t1138 1102 1 090\t1 090\n (c) 注销和杂项费用 1 2 1 1 1 1 \n(d) 向机构预算转帐(偿还)\t19\t19\t19 14 14\t14\n支出共计\t1 184\t1 093\t1158 1117 1 105\t1 105\n增长(%) -1%\t6% -4% -1%\t0%\n3. 收入减支出\t(203)\t(128)\t(131) (58) (35)\t(7)\n4.期初准备金和基金余额\t1 093\t1 093\t990 868 818\t791\n 5. 准备金增长 25 9 8 8 8 \n6.期终准备金和基金余额\t890\t990\t868 818 791\t792\n 包括: \n7. 资产净额\t259\t279\t279 279 279\t279\n 8. 年终现金余额 \n(a) 可兑换货币\t620\t697\t575 525 498\t499\n(b) 不可兑换货币\t11\t14\t14 14 14\t14\n现金余额共计,包括准备金\t631\t711\t589 539 512\t513\n 9. 准备金 \n(a) 离职后健康保险\t210\t240\t240 240 240\t240\n(b)外地办事处办公房地和工作人员住房\t8\t8\t8 7 6\t5\n(c) 离职和解雇负债\t28\t39\t48 57 66\t75\n (d) 采购业务 2 2 2 2 2 2 \n资金到位的准备金共计\t248\t289\t298 306 314\t322\n10. 流动资本共计\t383\t422\t291 233 198\t191", "表4. 经常资源:每年分期支出估计数", "(以百万美元计)", "2011年\t2012年\t2013年\t2014年\t2014年以后\t建议共计 \n 方案 \n1.可由前几年核定资金提供的方案余额\t713\t385\t215\t162\t284\t1 759\n2.提交执行局2011年各届会议的方案 328\t218\t204\t407\t1 157\n3.为执行局2012年各届会议编制的方案 280\t239\t717\t1 236\n4.为执行局今后各届会议编制的方案 108\t1470\t1 578\n 5. 预留金额 50 50 50 50 150 \n6.在有儿童基金会方案的国家销售贺卡净收入的分配估计数\t3\t3\t3\t3 \n 小计 766 766 766 766 7. 30 30 30 30 \n 紧急状况所需额外经费 \n 方案援助共计 796 796 796 796 \n 机构 \n8.机构预算净额,包括安保\t342\t306\t294\t294 \n 其他 \n 9. 注销和杂项 1 1 1 1 10. 19 14 14 14 \n 向机构预算转帐(偿还) \n支出共计\t1158\t1117\t1105\t1105", "表5 儿童基金会财务概算计划——其他资源", "(以百万美元计)", "计划\n 2010年 2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年 2014年 计划 实际数 估计数", "1. 收入 2 244 2 717 2 201 2 166 2 196 2 238", "增长(%) 24% -19% -2% 1% 2%", "2. 支出", "(a) 方案援助——经常资源 1 496 1 654 1 579 1 689 1 689 1 689", "增长(%) 12% -5% 7% 0% 0%", "(b) 方案援助——紧急情况 726 905 678 711 711 711", "增长(%) 30% -25% 5% 0% 0%", "支出小计(不包括注销) 2 222 2 559 2 257 2 400 2 400 2 400", "(c) 注销和杂项费用 4 1 2 2 2 2", "支出共计 2 226 2 560 2 259 2 402 2 402 2 402", "增长(%) 17% -12% 6% 0% 0%", "3. 收入减支出 18 157 (58) (236) (206) (164)", "4. 期初基金余额 1 835 1 835 1 992 1 934 1 698 1 492", "5. 期终基金余额 1 853 1 992 1 934 1 698 1 492 1 328", "包括:", "6. 资产净额 139 147 147 147 147 147", "7. 年终现金余额", "(a) 可兑换货币 1 714 1 845 1 787 1 551 1 345 1 181", "(b) 不可兑换货币 — — — — — —", "8. 可动用现金余额共计 1 714 1 845 1 787 1 551 1 345 1 181", "表6 儿童基金会财务概算计划——信托基金:采购业务和其他活动", "(以百万美元计)", "计划\n 2010年 2010年 2011年 2012年 2013年 2014年 计划 实际数 估计数", "1. 期初结余:", "采购业务 391 391 407 414 477 487", "其他活动 47 47 60 34 32 30", "438 438 467 448 509 517", "2. 收款", "采购业务 1 270 903 974 1 177 1 148 1 205", "其他活动 74 59 68 60 65 70", "共计 1 344 962 1 042 1 237 1 213 1 275", "3. 付款", "采购业务 1 344 887 967 1 114 1 138 1 185", "其他活动 77 46 94 62 67 75", "共计 1 421 933 1 061 1 176 1 205 1 260", "4. 期终结余", "采购业务 317 407 414 477 487 507", "其他活动 44 60 34 32 30 25", "共计 361 467 448 509 517 532", "[1] 因四舍五入,表内数字加起来不一定等于总数。" ]
[ "联合国儿童基金会", "执行局", "2011年第二届常会", "2011年9月12日至15日", "临时议程∗ 项目7", "中期战略计划:2011-2014年期间计划财务概算", "内容提要", "根据执行局第2000/3号决定,四年期财政计划是中期战略计划的一部分,通常为四年。 每年对财务计划进行滚动审查和修订。 目前的中期战略计划涵盖2006-2013年。", "今年财政计划提出的估计数反映了全球经济下滑和当前缓慢复苏的滞后影响。 预计2011年总收入为32.8亿美元,比2010年减少12%。 预计2012年将保持同一范围,然后在2012年开始适度增长。", "估计2011年总支出下降6%,2011年降至34.17亿美元。 预计2012年总支出将增加3%,2013年和2014年保持稳定。", "这一收支估算财务框架为确定2012年核定经常资源方案提交额奠定了基础。 在审查所涉期间,经常资源的分配将通过经执行局2008年第2008/15号决定修订的分配制度加以管理。", "儿童基金会建议执行局核准2011-2014年计划财务概算框架,并核准编制2012年从经常资源中向执行局提交的方案支出,数额不超过12.36亿美元,但须视可用资源情况以及计划的财务估计数是否继续有效而定。", "在本文件中,儿童基金会还述及执行局第2011/4号决定提出的要求,要求提供关于未动用资金数额、现金结余政策以及为确保更适当的流动资金水平而采取的步骤的详细资料。", "目录", "页 次\n页: 1 财务4审查,\n2010年\nA.Income 4\nB. 支出5C. 信托基金 5\nD. 保留6和\n流动资金三。 计划7\n2011-2014年\nA.Income 7\nB. 支出 8C.Funded 10\nD. 准备金\n准备金四。 草案11\n决定\n图4\n2006-2010年基金类型\n表 方案支助 5月\n2010年\n附件\n计划财务估算表121. 儿童基金会 13\n估计数2. 儿童基金会14个计划的财务估计数——经常和其他估计数\n3. 儿童基金会15个财务概算计划——经常预算\n资源 4. 岛屿16资源——每年估计的阶段\n5. 儿童基金会17个财务概算计划——其他\n6. 儿童基金会18个财务概算计划——信托\n资金", "一. 导言", "1. 导言 根据执行局第2000/3号决定,四年财政计划是中期战略计划的一部分。 在财务计划之前,先审查儿童基金会前一年的财务执行情况,其中重点介绍了最近多年期间演变的财务趋势。 审查的目的是向财务计划提供关于收入、支出和流动资金的重要高级别信息。", "附件二。 2010年财务审查", "A. 收入", "2. 结 论 除2009年下降了4%外,总收入继续呈上升趋势,在2006年至2010年期间增长了32%。 收入总额是“经常资源”(核心资源)、“其他资源——经常资源”和“其他资源——紧急情况”的总和。", "[]3. 如下表所示,这一显著收入增长是其他资源收入强劲增长的结果。 事实上,为儿童基金会核心活动供资的经常资源收入自2007年以来一直在下降。 经常资源收入占总收入的百分比在2010年为26%,2006年为38%。", "4. . 经常资源、非紧急方案其他资源从2009年起增加了11%,从2006年起增加了51%。", "5. 结 论 与2009年相比,紧急情况的其他资源收入急剧增加,2010年为54%。 这是为支持海地和巴基斯坦的人道主义救济行动而做出的慷慨反应的结果。", "B. 支出", "6. 任务 儿童基金会2010年支出总额达到36.53亿美元,比2009年增加11%,比2006年增加55%,这是当前中期战略计划的第一年。 大部分支出(92%)用于方案援助。 方案援助支出在2010年增长了14%,在2006-2010年期间累计增长58%。", "7. 基本生活 下表显示2010年方案援助最多的10个国家。 占方案支出总额的42%。", "2010年方案援助\n(单位:百万美元)", "援助国", "巴基斯坦 192 17 43 132", "苏丹 171 14 73 84", "海地166 2 615", "刚果民主共和国161 58 44 59", "津巴布韦 139 6 80 53", "印度137 42 95", "埃塞俄比亚 135 43 52 40", "A. 阿富汗................... 116 39 55 22", "尼日利亚 111 54 52 5", "索马里.............................................. 81 10", "共计 1 409 285 532 592", "C. 信托基金", "8.8 信托基金是各国政府、联合国组织和非政府组织为预先确定的目的委托给儿童基金会的财政资源。 信托基金没有被确认为儿童基金会的收入,主要用于支付儿童基金会代表这些实体采购用品和其他服务的费用。", "9.9 信托基金的收款平均占儿童基金会2006-2010年期间财政资源总额的22%。 采购服务加强了儿童基金会支助儿童的战略,因为这些战略确保向最需要的国家提供疫苗和驱虫蚊帐等必需品。", "D. 准备金和基金结余", "储备现金", "10. 其他事项。 截至2010年12月31日,现金储备为2.89亿美元。 其中包括采购服务、资本资产、离职后健康保险和工作人员离职的准备金。 后两个储备金,即离职后健康保险和离职基金,占储备现金总额的97%。", "注 2003年,执行局核准为离职后健康保险设立一个资金到位的储备金(第2003/11号决定)。 此后,储备金每年增加3 000万美元,使截至2010年12月31日的结余达到2.4亿美元。 按照执行局第2007/16号决定的要求,并与联合国其他机构合作,聘用一名精算师对负债进行精算估值。 根据2010年3月印发的最新研究,截至2009年12月31日,负债价值为4.64亿美元。 因此,目前的储备金相当于负债的52%。 这些数字将在定于2011年底进行的新的精算研究中更新。", "12. 第12段。 2006年,执行局核准设立离职基金,以支付离职和解雇负债。 该基金按捐款总额减去付款后净额每月建立。 准备金在2010年增加了1 100万美元。", "准备金后的流动", "13 August 2001 在准备金之后,截至2010年底的未用余额总额为27.34亿美元:经常资源4.22亿美元,其他资源18.45亿美元,信托基金4.6亿美元。 详情见表3、5和6。", "十四、任 务 2010年其他资源的未用余额比2006年的数字高出30%,而同期其他资源收入增长了58%。 同样,2006年至2010年期间,信托基金的未用余额增加了45%,收款总额增加了17%。 其他资源和信托基金的捐款在开始执行之前全部收到,通常由多年协议管理。", "15. 第十五条 经常资源在准备金之后的未用余额从2008年的6.52亿美元高降至2010年的4.22亿美元,原因是在此期间经常资源收入持续下降。", "161 儿童基金会《财务条例和细则》指出,为确保流动资金,主计长应在执行局核准的水平上保持现金结余。 经常资源现金的年终最低结余是执行局1987年确定的下一年度经常资源预计收入的10%(第1987/14号决定)。 2003年,执行局建议继续执行这项政策。 经常资源周转资金的实际数字证实,流动资金需求在2006-2010年期间得到满足。 这一流动资金数额目前为1亿美元。", "17. 第17条。 儿童基金会还满足了对经常资源的审慎流动要求,即3至6个月的相当于支出,即2.7亿美元至5.4亿美元。 这一审慎准则符合包括联合国大家庭在内的非营利组织的一般做法。", "页: 1 2011-2014年计划财务概算", "第18条 本节考虑到不断变化的全球条件和儿童基金会的战略优先事项,提供2011-2014年期间的总体财务估计数。 财务计划是中期战略计划的一部分,每年进行一次审查和修订。", "A. 收入", "191 儿童基金会的收入来自各国政府、政府间组织、私营部门和组织间安排。 自2006年以来,私人捐款在儿童基金会总收入中所占的份额约为30%,预计中期将保持这一水平。", "20.20 尽管全球经济预计今后几年增长缓慢,而且许多捐助国政府仍面临财政挑战,儿童基金会期望政府和私人公民及组织的捐款保持稳定,甚至略有增长。", "21.21。 2010年,儿童基金会对导致大量捐款流入的若干重大人道主义紧急情况作出了反应,预计2011年总收入将降至32亿美元,接近2009年的水平。 如表1所示,预计2012、2013和2014年总收入将略有增长。", "经常资源收入", "222. 反映潜在货币兑换收益和全球经济复苏(尽管缓慢),儿童基金会经常资源收入预计2011年将增长6%,达到10.27亿美元,并在预测期剩余时间内继续适度增长。", "23. 会议报告。 政府2011年经常资源捐款总额估计为6.2亿美元,比2010年增加4 400万美元。 由于许多国家的财政不稳定,预计各国政府的经常资源捐款在预测期内将达到6.15亿美元至6.3亿美元。", "24. 第24段。 私营部门的收入预测是根据调动私营部门支助以执行中期战略计划优先事项的战略计划进行的,同时考虑到最近的业务经验和情况对儿童基金会私人筹资收入的影响。 在2010年明显下降之后,预计2011-2014年私营部门对经常资源的捐款略有增长。 预计2014年为4.18亿美元,而私营部门的实际经常资源收入在2010年为3.34亿美元。", "25. 。 现金结余和低风险投资收益方面的利息有助于“其他收入”类别下的经常资源。 由于全球利率低,预计2011年的投资收入将再次下降,然后在2012年扭转方向。", "262. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病 根据拟议财务计划,儿童基金会打算振兴经常资源收入的筹资工作。 因此,经常资源在总收入中所占的份额预计将从2010年的26%增加到2014年的33%,从而提高财政可预测性和核心方案活动。", "其他资源收入", "。 如表所示,其他资源捐款估计在2011年共计21.2亿美元,在规划期间的剩余时间里仍保持接近这一水平。 1. 导言 与2010年相比,2011年预测数减少了19%,但反映了2009年收到的其他资源实际收入。 2010年收入高峰反映了为支持海地和巴基斯坦的紧急情况而收到的大量捐款。", "B. 支出", "第28次会议 如表所示,收入波动不会严重影响方案援助。 2. 预测的2011年方案援助减少的原因是2010年收到的用于紧急情况的其他资源收入非常高。", "29. 。 如表2所示,2011年总支出下降6%,2011年降至34.17亿美元。 预计2012年总支出将增加3%,2013年和2014年保持稳定。", "30. 任务 除2010年外,预测期间任何一年的支出总额估计都高于往年。", "经常资源支出", "313. 经常资源支出包括三个部分:方案援助、机构预算和杂项费用。", "方案援助", "323 如表所示,儿童基金会将尽一切努力,在规划期间保持每年7.96亿美元的经常资源方案援助。 3. 。 这一数额相当于2010年实际支出,比2009年的数字高出2 700万美元。 尽管经常资源预计收入增长缓慢,儿童基金会打算维持2010年方案支出水平。 这样做的部分办法是进一步减少周转资金,部分是通过控制或减少行政费用。", "336 国家方案经常资源的分配将按照执行局2008年核准的订正分配制度加以管理,这一制度有利于最需要的国家。 表4显示,从2011年到2014年,每年将分阶段实施核定、新的和未来的方案经常资源支出。 在2011年初,从2011年起执行的往年核定方案承付款余额为17.59亿美元。 提交执行局2011年核准的方案经常资源总额1 157万美元,用于2012年开始的方案周期。", "344. 事实 在2012年,拟由执行局核准的方案提案的经常资源总额估计为12.36亿美元,用于从2013年开始的方案周期。 将继续根据预测收入最新资料审查并调整计划方案支出数额。", "机构预算", "353. 以前称为两年期支助预算的2012-2013年机构预算的主要目标是为发展实效和管理活动提供资金,提高儿童基金会为儿童交付高质量成果的能力。 机构预算还资助联合国发展协调和特别用途活动,例如在一个符合《国际公共部门会计准则》的财务环境中推出单一企业资源规划系统(称为“远景规划:虚拟综合信息系统”)。", "363. 。 机构预算由经常资源和从其他资源回收供资,由执行局与本文件所载财务计划分别核准。 机构预算和财政计划都将提交执行局2011年第二届常会核准。", "378 机构预算净额是由经常资源供资的机构预算的一部分。 2011年机构预算支出净额估计为3.42亿美元(见表3)。 下一个两年期预计支出为每年3.06亿美元和2.94亿美元。 这一下降的预测反映了在遏制行政费用和最大限度地直接利用方案活动资源方面的战略努力。", "其他资源支出", "页: 1 其他资源方案支出是根据收入预测和可用资金余额预测的。 计划的数字还考虑了儿童基金会加快利用现有资源的意图。", "39 如表5所示,预计由其他资源供资的经常(非紧急)方案的方案援助在2011年将减少5%,其后在2012、2013和2014年将增至每年16.89亿美元。", "404 估计2011年紧急情况方案援助比2010年少25%,当时发生了两起重大紧急情况。 预计2012年、2013年和2014年紧急支出为7.11亿美元。", "C. 准备金", "离职后健康保险", "41 2008年(第2008/20号决定),执行局核准为2010-2011年期间每年转账3 000万美元,以继续为离职后健康保险负债供资。 由于经常资源的预测赤字(收入减去支出)以及儿童基金会必须维持强有力的方案援助,这一年度转账可能会在2011年暂停。 暂停将对本组织为这一负债供资的能力没有重大影响,如果年终经常资源未用余额允许,将恢复转账。", "42 与此同时,儿童基金会正在努力制定一项更加系统和渐进的战略,以避免目前这种年度转移的需要。 该战略将侧重于在工作人员获得或领取的(月)期间承认离职后健康保险权利。", "434 随着2012年向《公共部门会计准则》的转变,儿童基金会将须在财务报表正文中显示应计离职后健康保险负债和相关应计支出,不论供资水平如何。 这一要求将有助于透明度。", "D. 准备金后的流动", "444 在准备金之后,预计到2014年底的流动资金总额将达到19.04亿美元。 这一数字包括1.91亿美元的经常资源周转资金预测数、其他资源可用现金结余预测数11.81亿美元以及信托基金预计现金结余5.32亿美元。", "454 与2010年实际数额相比,预计2014年准备金之后的流动资金总额减少了30%。", "46 如表3底线所示,预计经常资源周转金确认,2011-2014年期间将满足执行局确定的经常资源流动需求。", "474. 147 更严格的要求是保持经常资源的审慎流动水平,即3至6个月的支出(2.7-5.4亿美元),计划在2011年完成,在2012至2014年期间低于这一门槛值。 可能需要调整预计收入水平和支出,以确保维持这一流动资金准则。", "148 其他资源方案和信托基金业务经费充分到位,因为捐助者的捐款在开始实施之前全部收到多年方案。 因此,其他资源的年终现金结余通常高于经常资源。 儿童基金会打算在预测期间加快方案执行,与2010年实际数额相比,其他资源现金结余在2014年减少了36%(见表5)。", "四. 导言 决定草案", "1. 导言 儿童基金会建议执行局通过以下决定草案:", "执行局", "1. 导言 1. 注意到E/ICEF/ 2010AB/L.5号文件所载2011-2014年财务概算计划,作为支持儿童基金会各项方案的灵活框架;", "2. 结 论 2. 核准2011-2014年计划财务概算框架,并核准编制2012年从经常资源中向执行局提交的不超过12.36亿美元的方案支出,但须视可用资源情况以及计划的财务估计数是否继续有效而定;", "3. 。 3. 核准鉴于全球经济下滑的影响,如果本报告的收入和支出预测实现,中止每年向2011年离职后健康保险准备金转账3 000万美元,并请儿童基金会继续按照执行局第2008/20号决定每年向离职后健康保险准备金转账,条件是经常资源提供年终周转资金。", "附件", "附表1.2", "1. 导言 儿童基金会收入估计数", "2. 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——经常资源和其他资源", "3. 。 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——经常资源", "4. . 经常资源——支出估计数每年的逐步减少", "5. 结 论 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——其他资源", "6. 任务 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——信托基金", "表1 儿童基金会收入估计数\n(单位:百万美元)", "实际估计计划", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "经常资源", "政府591 576 620 615 620 630", "私营部门..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................", "B. 其他收入 30 - 55 40 50", "经常资源", "增长率——9%", "其他资源", "经常预算", "政府 871 991 914 848 854 884", "私营部门490 507 531 548 589 601", "组织间安排 142 196 116 123 106", "1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 D-1, 1 P-4, 1 P-3, 1 P-2, 1 P-2, 1 GS, 1 GS", "增长率11%-8% - 3%", "紧急情况", "政府 345 516 459 466 466 466", "A. 私营部门 251 346 51 51 51", "组织间安排 145 161 130 130", "紧急情况", "增长54% - 37% 0%", "其他资源", "增长率 24% - 19% - 1%", "收入总额3 225 3 682 3 228 3 225 326 326", "13%-12% 0% 2%", "表2 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——经常资源和其他资源\n(单位:百万美元)", "实际估计计划", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. 收入 3 225 3 682 3 228 3 225 3 266 3 336", "13%-12% 0% 2%", "2. 支出", "(a) 方案3 018 3 355 3 053 3 196 3 196 3 196", "增长率——14%-9%", "(b) 两年期净额 368 276 342 306 294", "增长率——24%-11%-0%", "不包括核销和偿还在内的支出", "(c) 核销和5 3 3 3 3", "(d) 转入19 19 14", "总开支", "增长率11% - 6% 0%", "3. 。 收入低于(185)29(189)(294)(241)(171)", "4. 期初 2 928 2 982 2 802 2 516 2 283 准备金和基金结余", "5. 结 论 B. 增加25 9 8 8 8", "6. 结 论 2 743 2 982 2 802 2 516 2 283 2 120准备金和基金结余", "包括:", "7. 净资产 398 426 426 426 426 426 426", "8.8 年终现金结余", "(a) 可兑换货币2 334 2 542 2 362 2 076 1 843 1 680", "(b) 不可兑换11 14 16", "现金总额 2 345 2 556 2 376 2 090 1 857 1 694美元,包括准备金", "9.9 准备金", "(a) 离职后健康保险 210 240 240 240", "(b) 外地办事处 8 8 8 7 6 5 住宿和工作人员住房", "(c) 离职和28 39 48 57 66 75", "(d) 采购 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3", "资金总额 248 289 298 306 314 322", "10. 现金总额 2 097 2 267 2 078 1 784 1 543 1 372", "表3 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——经常资源\n(单位:百万美元)", "实际估计计划", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. 收入 981 965 1 027 1 059 1 070 1 098", "增长率——9%", "2. 支出", "(a) 方案796 796 796 796 796 796 796", "4%\n援助", "(b) 两年期净额 368 276 342 306 294", "增长率——24% - 11% - 0%\nB. 机构预算和安保要求", "页: 1", "(c) 核销和1 2 1", "(d) 转入19 19 14", "共计 1 184 1 093 1 158 1 117 1 105 1 105", "增长率-1% - 4% - 0%", "3. 。 收入减少(203)(128)(131)(58)(35)(7) 支出", "4. 期初 1 093 1 093 990 868 818 791 准备金和基金结余", "5. 结 论 B. 增加25 9 8 8 8", "6. 关闭890 990 868 818 791 792 准备金和基金结余", "包括:", "7. 净资产 259 279 279 279 279 279", "8.8 年终现金结余", "(a) 更改620 697 575 525 498 499 货币", "(b) 不可兑换11 14 16", "现金总额 631 711 589 539 512 513美元,包括准备金", "9.9 准备金", "(a) 离职后健康保险 210 240 240 240", "(b) 外地办事处 8 8 8 7 6 5 住宿和工作人员住房", "(c) 离职和28 39 48 57 66 75", "(d) 采购 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3", "资金总额 248 289 298 306 314 322", "10. 总计383 422 291 233 198 191", "表1 4. 经常资源——估计支出的逐年递增\n(单位:百万美元)", "超过总数", "2010-2011年建议", "方案", "1. 方案结余 713 385 215 162 284 1,759美元,可动用往年核定资金", "2. 结 论 提交2011年的方案", "执行局 328 218 204 407", "3. 。 编制2012年方案", "执行局280 239 717 1,236届会议", "4. . 今后准备的方案", "执行局108", "5. 结 论 预留款 50 50 50 50 50 150", "6. 任务 儿童基金会方案国家贺卡销售净收入估计数3 3", "页 次", "7. 额外应急30 30", "共计——方案796 796 796", "体制", "8.8 包括安保在内的机构预算净额 342 306 294", "其他", "9. 核销和1", "10. 其他事项。 转入1914年机构预算费用(偿还)", "总开支", "表5. 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——其他资源\n(单位:百万美元)", "实际估计计划", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. 收入 2 244 2 717 2 201 2 166 2 196 2 238", "增长率 24% - 19% - 1%", "2. 支出", "(a) 方案援助 1 496 1 654 1 579 1 689 1 689 1 689", "2%", "(b) 方案援助 726 905 678 711 711 711", "增长率30% - 25% 0%", "不包括核销的支出", "(c) 核销和4 1 2 2 2", "共计 2 226 2 560 2 259 2 402 2 402 2 402", "增长率 17% - 12% 0%", "3. 。 收入低于18157(58)(236)(206)(164)", "4. 期初基金 1 835 1 835 1 992 1 934 1 698 1 492", "5. 关闭基金 1 853 1 992 1 934 1 698 1 492 1 328", "包括:", "6. 净资产 139 147 147 147", "7. 基本生活 年终现金结余", "(a) 兑换1 714 1 845 1 787 1 551 1 345 1 181", "(b) 不可兑换—— - - - - 货币", "8. 现金总额 1 714 1 845 1 787 1 551 1 345 1 181", "表6 儿童基金会计划的财务估计数——信托基金:采购服务和其他活动\n(单位:百万美元)", "实际估计计划", "2010 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014", "1. 导言 期初余额:", "采购391 391 407 414 477 487", "其他活动 47 60 34 30", "438 438 467 448 509 517", "2. 结 论 收到:", "采购1 270 903 974 1 177 1 148 1 205", "其他活动 74 59 68 60 65 70", "共计 1 344 962 1 042 1 237 1 213", "3. 。 支付:", "采购1 344 887 967 1 114 1 138 1 185", "其他活动 77 46 94 62 67 75", "共计 1 421 933 1 061 1 176 1 205 1 260", "4. . 结 论:", "采购317 407 414 477 487 507", "其他活动 44 60 34 30", "共计 361 467 448 509 517 532", "页: 1", "*** 由于四舍五入,表数不得增加。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 2 (b)", "High-level segment: annual ministerial review: Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to education", "Draft ministerial declaration of the 2011 high-level segment of the Economic and Social Council", "Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to education", "We, the Ministers and Heads of Delegations, participating in the high-level segment of the substantive session of the Economic and Social Council, held in Geneva from 4 to 8 July 2011,", "Having considered the theme of the annual ministerial review of the high-level segment, “Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to education”,", "Recalling the high-level plenary meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals, and its outcome document,[1]", "Reaffirming the commitments made at the World Education Forum[2] to reach the six Education for All goals,", "Recalling the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, especially those related to education,", "Recalling also the agreed conclusions of the fifty-fifth session of the Commission on the Status of Women on access and participation of women and girls in education, training and science and technology, including for the promotion of women’s equal access to full employment and decent work,[3]", "Reaffirming the leading role of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in education, including in the implementation of the Education for All action plan and the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014),", "Reaffirming also the right to education and the need for its full realization, and that education is essential for human development, sustainable development, world peace, just and democratic societies and the promotion of all human rights, including the right to development, and noting that culture contributes effectively to education and development,", "Recalling that commitments made at the international level emphasize inclusive quality learning, including early childhood education, and universal access to complete, free and compulsory primary education as well as access to secondary, tertiary and vocational education and training and lifelong learning, as well as equal access to education and successful schooling for girls and women,", "Noting the progress made on some education-related development goals since 2000, particularly the significant increases in enrolment and gender parity in schooling in many countries,", "Expressing concern about insufficient progress and persistent educational inequities among and within countries, expressing concern also about the high dropout rate, especially of girls in secondary education, and stressing that access to education, including at the primary level, needs to be accelerated, particularly for out-of-school children, rural populations and people living in vulnerable situations,", "Expressing deep concern about the persistence of the gender gap in education and that, according to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, nearly two thirds of the world’s non-literate adults are women,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General,[4] the regional meetings and other preparatory processes, the national voluntary presentations and the deliberations held during the high-level segment,", "Have adopted the following declaration:", "1. We reaffirm our commitment to the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and other internationally agreed development goals, particularly those related to education, including the Education for All goals.", "2. We also reaffirm our commitment to realizing the right of everyone to education, and emphasize that education shall be directed to the full development of the human personality and the sense of its dignity and shall strengthen respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms.", "3. We call for a people-centred, holistic approach to the development of educational systems and for prioritizing education in the design and implementation of national development strategies, recognizing the interlinkages between education and the advancement of all the other Millennium Development Goals. We also recognize that education plays a fundamental role in creating an inclusive society and reducing inequity and inequality, as well as for achieving sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, poverty eradication and sustainable development.", "4. We emphasize that education and sustainable development are interlinked and mutually reinforcing, and stress the need to recognize the important role of education for sustainable development, including as a contribution to the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development, to be convened in 2012.", "5. We reaffirm the need to redouble efforts to drastically reduce the intolerably high number of the non-literate population, with a special focus on women, including the further implementation of the International Plan of Action for the United Nations Literacy Decade,[5] and promote lifelong learning with the ultimate goal of preventing and breaking the cycle of low literacy and creating a fully literate world.", "6. We are concerned about insufficient progress on specific Education for All goals: quality of education, early childhood care and education, skills development and adult literacy; and call for more effective and efficient international cooperation in order to achieve those goals.", "7. We call for continued efforts by Member States to promote human rights education and training.", "8. We recognize that the international community has been challenged by multiple and interrelated crises, including the ongoing impact of the financial and economic crisis, volatile energy and food prices and ongoing concerns over food security, as well as the increasing challenges posed by climate change and the loss of biodiversity, all of which have increased vulnerabilities and inequalities and have adversely affected development gains, in particular in developing countries. We call for enhanced cooperation and concerted action to address those challenges, taking into account the positive role that education can play in that respect.", "9. We recognize that providing quality education for children, youth and adults helps to develop the knowledge and skills that people and countries need to flourish, and that additional measures are required to improve the quality of education and to ensure positive learning outcomes for all. Therefore, we emphasize the need to promote and improve the quality and relevance of teaching and learning, including through:", "(a) Aligning education policies, curricula, training, and teaching and learning approaches with the priorities identified in national development strategies. Education and training should contribute to sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth by developing requisite skills, in line with the labour market requirements and development needs of countries, taking into account the importance of gender equality and the empowerment of women in promoting sustainable development;", "(b) Ensuring that educational curricula, methodologies and training yield high levels of literacy, numeracy and life skills;", "(c) Enhancing teachers’ training and their continued professional development in order to improve their pedagogical capacity to conduct student-centred lessons as well as to promote creative and critical thinking;", "(d) Improving the recruitment, deployment, retention and working conditions of teachers, raising the status of the profession, enhancing the management and leadership of schools, and ensuring an effective student/teacher ratio;", "(e) Emphasizing the importance of literacy for lifelong learning, focusing on high-quality literacy instruction in the early years of schooling and on promoting second-chance educational opportunities and adult literacy programmes, as well as recognizing the important contribution of innovative pedagogical initiatives in the area of literacy, including South-South and triangular cooperation in that regard;", "(f) Encouraging support for the development of the potential and talents of children and young people;", "(g) Encouraging the provision and mainstreaming of skills development and training in technical, technological and vocational schools, taking into account national and local development needs, and in cooperation with relevant economic actors;", "(h) Strengthening opportunities for learners to take advantage of and contribute to scientific and technological innovation, and developing strategies to increase girls’ and women’s participation in science and technology education;", "(i) Stepping up efforts to build more classrooms and improve the material conditions of school buildings and infrastructure, where necessary, as well as the quality, content and relevance of the curriculum, pedagogy and learning and teaching materials, harnessing the capabilities of information and communications technology;", "(j) Scaling up efforts to integrate the principles embodied in the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development (2005-2014) into formal and non-formal, as well as informal, education and training;", "(k) Ensuring that education, delivered in a violence-free school environment, actively supports the promotion of peace, tolerance, responsible citizenship, social cohesion, gender equality and the empowerment of women, while stressing the importance that the organization of schools, the behaviour and approach of teachers and the engagement of parents and the wider community have in that respect;", "(l) Developing gender-sensitive curricula for educational programmes at all levels and taking concrete measures to ensure that educational materials portray women, men, youth, girls and boys in positive and non-stereotypical roles;", "(m) Encouraging the use, and improvement where necessary, of learning assessment systems that allow learning progress and outcomes to be tracked at the classroom, local and national levels.", "10. We stress the importance of maternal health and education to children’s well-being, recognizing their positive impact on children’s enrolment, learning and grade progression rates, particularly for girls.", "11. We note that quality education can provide the knowledge, capacity, attitudes, skills, ethical values and understanding necessary for lifelong learning, employment and better physical and mental health, including through the prevention and control of maternal mortality, HIV and AIDS and other communicable and non‑communicable diseases.", "12. We emphasize the role of education and health literacy in improving health outcomes over a lifetime, and urge Governments to ensure that health education starts early in life and that special attention is paid to encouraging, in a gender-sensitive manner, health-enhancing behaviour among adolescents and young people, especially by discouraging the use of tobacco and alcohol, encouraging physical activity and a balanced diet, and providing access to information on sexual and reproductive health that is consistent with their evolving needs and capacities, so that they can make responsible and informed decisions on all issues related to their health and well-being and understand the synergies between the various health-related behaviours.", "13. We reaffirm the importance of investment in early childhood care and education, recognizing its potential to bolster learning outcomes in later years, as well as its particularly strong effects on reducing economic, social, gender and learning disparities, and in that regard take note of the Moscow Framework for Action and Cooperation, adopted at the World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education, held in Moscow from 27 to 29 September 2010.", "14. We stress the need to take measures to prevent and eliminate all forms of violence in any educational setting, including gender-based violence, bullying and cyber-bullying, and recognize the need for the development of a safe and supportive educational environment, counselling and complaint and reporting mechanisms to address those issues effectively. We recognize the need to protect children and young people from other risks they face in the educational environment and encourage the taking of effective measures in that regard. We also stress the importance of girls and boys getting to school safely.", "15. We reaffirm our commitment to removing barriers, outside and within educational systems, so as to provide equitable educational and learning opportunities for all children.", "16. We reaffirm our commitment to giving greater focus to the transition from primary education and access to secondary education, vocational training and non-formal education and entry into the labour market.", "17. We encourage programmes to promote universal access to secondary education and to expand access to quality higher education which is relevant to the needs of the labour market, in accordance with each country’s specific realities and development challenges.", "18. We call for the development of inclusive policies that ensure access to education for vulnerable children and young people often excluded from educational systems, such as the poorest children in cities and remote areas, children affected by and living with HIV, refugees and children of migrants. We call for the effective allocation of educational resources to ensure equal opportunities for children and young people living in vulnerable situations through education that takes into account diversity, local languages and mother-tongue education, as appropriate.", "19. We also call for ensuring full and equal access to quality formal and non‑formal education and vocational training at all levels, including to free and compulsory primary education, and for providing educational opportunities, including in science and technology, from early childhood and throughout the life cycle, including lifelong learning and retraining, human rights education and learning, and adult and distance education and e-learning, including in information and communications technology and entrepreneurial skills.", "20. We re-emphasize the need to implement national and international commitments to closing the gender gap in education by promoting access by girls and women to quality education at all levels, particularly the secondary level, and in all disciplines, particularly science and technology, and to promoting their academic and social achievement.", "21. We stress the importance of ensuring the availability of affordable transportation to enable all communities, particularly those in rural areas, to gain access to education.", "22. We stress the importance of ensuring that persons with disabilities, in particular children and youth, have equal opportunities to participate fully in education and in community life, including through the removal of barriers that impede the realization of their rights, and of fostering, at all levels of the educational system, including among all children from an early age, an attitude of respect for the rights of persons with disabilities.", "23. We stress the need to take effective measures to allow indigenous peoples to have non-discriminatory access to all levels and forms of education provided by States, and to promote access for indigenous individuals, particularly children and youth, to education in their own languages, when possible, as addressed in the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.[6]", "24. We reaffirm our commitment to promote appropriate and targeted evidence-based measures, especially to support the poorest and most vulnerable families in overcoming multiple barriers to school entry, attendance and achievement, including through, inter alia, the abolition of school fees, conditional cash and food transfers, school feeding programmes, textbook provision and separate sanitation facilities for boys and girls, noting the strong impact of such measures with regard to improved educational outcomes as well as the increased enrolment and retention of girls. We also encourage the implementation of programmes to improve the nutritional status of young children, to address under-nutrition in children under five and to provide adequate nutrition to schoolchildren.", "25. We emphasize the importance of promoting social responsibility and responsible citizenship by encouraging youth, the private sector and civil society to contribute positively to their societies by engaging in education-related programmes.", "26. We underline the particular vulnerability of young people to various violent ideologies and urge the appropriate authorities to provide age-appropriate education that fosters mutual tolerance and understanding, promotes peace and counters incitement to violence, including terrorism.", "27. We express concern over the persistently high levels of youth unemployment worldwide and recognize the need to design education and training programmes that improve employability and individual capacities through skills development. We emphasize the need to improve the quality and relevance of post-primary levels of education, including joint educational and skills development programmes for out-of-school children, by enhancing school-to-work transition for both youth and adults through the development of technical and vocational education and training programmes, apprenticeships and entrepreneurship education.", "28. We stress the need to strengthen public policies for the provision of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for education, including the promotion of ICT training for education that is relevant and of high quality; the incorporation of ICTs in teacher training and professional development, as well as in educational management; and the use, where appropriate, of innovative new ICT platforms in education that draw on advances in mobile education, open education resources and social networks, and note the need to improve cyber-security measures and for appropriate safeguards, especially for children and young people.", "29. We express the need to overcome the urban-rural education gap and to improve access to quality education for the rural population through increased investment in and the full use of modern technologies, including the establishment of remote education systems and training, including, inter alia, sustainable agricultural productivity.", "30. We express grave concern that a large number of the world’s out-of-school children live in States affected by armed conflict and natural disasters, and recognize the special challenges faced by those countries in meeting the education-related development goals, particularly with regard to access and quality of learning. We call for scaled-up efforts at the national and international levels to increase access to education in a safe and secure environment for children and teachers living in armed conflict and post-conflict settings, as well as those affected by natural disasters.", "31. We acknowledge that protecting schools and providing education in humanitarian emergencies should remain a key priority for the international community, and recognize that ensuring the right to education in emergency situations requires specifically designed, flexible and inclusive approaches consistent with protection needs, conflict mitigation initiatives and disaster risk reduction considerations.", "32. We stress the need to promote the right to education and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular the education-related goals, and the Education for All goals for people, in particular children and youth, living under foreign occupation, by removing obstacles to their full realization.", "33. We note the importance of including educational service delivery in humanitarian response systems in emergencies, including in armed conflict, post-conflict situations and natural disasters. We call for continuing efforts to strengthen fund-raising for the education cluster in the Inter-Agency Standing Committee humanitarian response system.", "34. We call for the provision in emergency situations of quality education that is gender-sensitive, centred on learners, rights-based, protective, adaptable, inclusive, participatory and reflective of the specific living conditions of women, children and youth, and that pays due regard, as appropriate, to their linguistic and cultural identity, mindful that quality education can foster tolerance, mutual understanding and respect for the human rights of others.", "35. We underline that support for education in emergency contexts should specifically address the gender-specific needs of girls in such contexts, inter alia their increased vulnerability to gender-based violence.", "36. We express serious concern that the least developed countries are starkly lagging behind in meeting most of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, despite having made some progress towards reaching the Millennium Development Goals, particularly in the field of universal primary education and gender equality in school enrolment. We recognize that education plays an important role in eradicating poverty and hunger and in promoting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and sustainable development. We call for particular attention to and well-targeted support measures in favour of the least developed countries, in line with the Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020,[7] adopted by the Fourth United Nations Conference for the Least Developed Countries, held in Istanbul from 9 to 13 May 2011, in order to enable them to achieve the education-related Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All goals.", "37. We recognize the specific challenges faced by the middle-income countries in maintaining progress towards their educational goals, and stress the need for their efforts to be adequately supported by the international community and the United Nations system, through various means, taking into account the needs and the capacity to mobilize domestic resources of those countries.", "38. We reaffirm the importance of national commitments to education, recognizing that each country has primary responsibility for and ownership of its own economic and social development, and that development strategies, national policies and domestic resources are critical to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and the Education for All goals. We are therefore determined to develop and strengthen comprehensive, multisectoral approaches towards improved educational outcomes and educational equity among and within countries.", "39. We recognize the need for accountability and transparency in national educational systems in the delivery of educational services, which should ensure the efficient allocation and use of resources, including through:", "(a) Protecting and sustaining social investment in response to the ongoing, adverse impacts of the global financial and economic crisis;", "(b) Improving the transparency of decision-making and policy processes in regard to education, through greater stakeholder participation and governance, including through the increased involvement of local-level educational authorities;", "(c) Strengthening national efforts to ensure predictable, long-term financing of the educational sector.", "40. We recognize the need to enhance national capacity for strategic planning, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of qualitative and quantitative targets, as appropriate, in order to achieve the education-related goals, including through:", "(a) Improving the quality of data, including through the collection and analysis of data disaggregated by sex, age, disability, location and other relevant factors in order to, inter alia, better target marginalized communities;", "(b) Enhancing national capacity to perform regular student assessments in order to monitor overall progress in learning achievement.", "41. We reaffirm the need for donors to fulfil their commitments to education, in particular basic education, emphasizing the importance of international financing as a critical supplementary source to domestic financing. We underline that the fulfilment of all official development assistance commitments is crucial, including the commitment by many developed countries to achieve the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance to developing countries by 2015, as well as the target of 0.15 to 0.20 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance to the least developed countries, and we recall the commitment to reach a level of at least 0.5 per cent of gross national product for official development assistance by 2010, and urge developed countries that have not yet done so to fulfil their commitments for official development assistance to developing countries. We call for the substantial replenishment of the Education for All Fast Track Initiative. We reaffirm the need for donor resources to be predictable and aligned with countries’ national priorities, as well as channelled in ways that strengthen national educational systems.", "42. We encourage the private sector and foundations to increase their contribution to the financing of the education sector.", "43. We urge further exploration of new innovative finance mechanisms and the strengthening and scaling up of existing ones, where appropriate, given their potential to contribute to the development of educational systems. Such voluntary mechanisms should be effective and be aimed at mobilizing resources that are stable and predictable, which should supplement, and not be a substitute for, traditional sources of financing for development and be disbursed in accordance with the priorities of developing countries and not unduly burden them. We welcome the ongoing work of the Leading Group on Innovative Financing for Development and the Task Force on Innovative Financing for Education.", "44. We reaffirm the need for Governments to take the lead in education, while emphasizing the significant progress that can be made through strong partnerships of national Governments, official institutions and local authorities with relevant stakeholders, including, as appropriate, the private sector, foundations, teachers’ unions and civil society, and highlight the importance of parents, as well as communities participating in decision-making at schools for improving the learning environment comprehensively.", "45. We call on the international community, including the United Nations system, especially the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, to strengthen the coordination and implementation of existing policies, programmes and follow-up mechanisms for Education for All by strengthening regional and international partnerships and cooperation, including North-South, South-South and triangular cooperation, based on the sharing of knowledge and good practices in the education sector. In that context, we take note of the Millennium Development Goals Follow-up Meeting, held in Tokyo, on 2 and 3 June 2011, and its outcomes, including the good practice list compiled by participants.", "46. We request the Economic and Social Council to continue its role in the follow-up of the progress in education-related development goals.", "[1] * Reissued for technical reasons.", "See General Assembly resolution 65/1.", "[2] See United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Final Report of the World Education Forum, Dakar, Senegal, 26-28 April 2000 (Paris, 2000).", "[3] Official Records of the Economic and Social Council, 2011, Supplement No. 9 (E/2011/27), chap. I, sect. A.", "[4] E/2011/82, E/2011/83.", "[5] See A/57/218 and Corr.1.", "[6] General Assembly resolution 61/295, annex.", "[7] A/CONF.219/3." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程项目2(b)", "高级别部分:年度部长级审查:落实教育方面的 国际商定目标和承诺", "经济及社会理事会2011年高级别部分部长声明草稿", "落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺", "我们,出席2011年7月4日至8日在日内瓦举行的经济及社会理事会实质性会议高级别部分的各国部长和代表团团长,", "审议了高级别部分年度部长级审查的主题:“落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺”,", "回顾关于千年发展目标的大会第六十五届会议高级别全体会议及其成果文件,[1]", "重申在世界教育论坛上[2] 所作出的关于达到全民教育六项目标的承诺,", "回顾联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议成果,尤其是有关教育的成果,", "又回顾妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议关于妇女和女孩获得和参加教育、培训和科技活动,包括推动妇女平等获得充分就业和体面工作的商定结论,[3]", "重申联合国教育、科学及文化组织在教育方面,包括落实全民教育行动计划和联合国教育促进可持续发展十年(2005-2014年)方面具有领导作用,", "又重申教育权和必须充分实现这一权利,并重申教育对于人类发展、可持续发展、世界和平、公正和民主的社会和促进全部人权,包括发展权都至关重要,同时指出文化可以有效地促进教育和发展,", "回顾在国际上作出的承诺强调包容性优质教育,包括儿童早期教育、普及完整、免费、义务初等教育以及提供中等、高等和职业教育和培训及终身学习机会以及女孩和妇女平等获得教育和完成学业,", "注意到自2000年以来在一些与教育有关的发展目标方面所取得的进展,尤其是许多国家在学校教育的入学率和两性平等方面情况大有改善,", "表示关切进展不足而且各国内部和各国之间长期存在教育不公平现象,还表示关切中等教育辍学率较高,女孩更是如此,并强调必须更迅速地提供教育机会,包括初等教育机会,对于失学儿童、农村人口和脆弱人群而言尤其如此,", "深表关切在教育方面两性差距长期存在,根据联合国教育、科学及文化组织的资料,妇女在全世界成人文盲中约占2/3,", "审议了秘书长的报告、[4] 以及各次区域会议和其他参与性进程的报告、各国自愿陈述和高级别部分的审议情况,", "兹通过以下宣言:", "1. 我们重申,将致力于实现千年发展目标和其他国际商定发展目标,尤其是与教育有关的各项目标,包括全民教育目标。", "2. 我们还重申,将积极致力于实现全民教育权,并再次强调,教育的目的在于充分发展人格及人的尊严感,加强对人权和各项基本自由的尊重。", "3. 我们呼吁在发展教育系统时采取以人为本的综合办法,在制定和执行国家发展战略的过程中将教育放在优先地位,认识到教育与推进其他各项千年发展目标之间的关系。我们还认识到,教育在构建包容性社会和减少不公平和不平等现象及实现持续、包容和公平的经济增长、消除贫困和实现可持续发展方面具有根本性作用。", "4. 我们强调,教育与可持续发展是相互联系、相辅相成的,强调教育对于可持续发展具有重要作用,包括教育对将于2012年召开的联合国可持续发展大会有所贡献。", "5. 我们重申必须加倍努力,大幅度减少高得令人无法接受的文盲人口,特别要关注妇女,包括进一步执行《联合国扫盲十年国际行动计划》,[5] 推动终身学习,最终目标是防止并打破文化水平低所造成的怪圈,创造一个没有文盲的世界。", "6. 令我们关切的是,在一些全民教育目标方面,包括教育质量、儿童早期护理和教育、技能发展和成人识字等方面取得的进展不足;呼吁开展更为有效和高效的国际合作,以实现这些目标。", "7. 我们呼吁会员国继续推动人权教育和培训。", "8. 我们认识到,国际社会一直面临相互关联的多重危机,包括金融和经济危机、能源和粮食价格波动的持续影响和对粮食安全一直放心不下,以及气候变化和生物多样性丧失所构成的日益严峻的挑战,所有这些都加剧了脆弱性和不平等性,对发展成果造成了不利影响,对发展中国家而言尤为如此。我们呼吁加强合作,共同采取行动,应对这些挑战,同时考虑到教育在这一方面可以发挥积极作用。", "9. 我们认识到,为儿童、青年和成人提供优质教育有助于发展各国和各国人民实现繁荣所需要的知识和技能,而且必须采取更多的措施,提高教育质量,确保人人取得积极的学习成果。因此,我们强调必须提高和改进授课与学习的质量和实用性,包括:", "(a) 将教育政策、课程安排、培训、授课和学习方法与在国家发展战略中所确定的优先事项结合起来。教育和培训应继续促进持续、普惠和公平的经济增长,发展必要的技能,符合劳动力市场的要求和各国的发展需要,同时考虑到两性平等和妇女赋权对推动可持续发展的重要性;", "(b) 确保教学课程、方法和培训可以带来较高的识字率、识数率和生活技能;", "(c) 加强对教师的培训和教师的持续专业发展,以提高他们的教学能力,在授课时以学生为中心,鼓励创造性思维和明辨思维;", "(d) 改善教师的招聘、分配、留任和工作条件,提高教师的地位,加强对学校的管理和领导,保持适当的学生/教师比例;", "(e) 强调识字对终身学习的重要性,重点是在早期在校学习期间进行高质量的识字指导和推动二次教育机会和成人识字计划,并认识到创造性识字教学举措,包括在这一领域进行南南合作和三角合作的重要贡献;", "(f) 鼓励对儿童和青年的潜质和才能的开发予以支持;", "(g) 鼓励提供技能发展和培训并将其纳入专科、技术和职业学校的主流,同时考虑到国家和地方发展需要并与相关的经济行为体进行合作;", "(h) 加强学习者利用和推动科技创新的机会,制定让女孩和妇女更多地参与科技教育的战略;", "(i) 进一步努力修建更多的教室,根据需要改善学校建筑和基础设施的物质条件,强化课程安排、教法及教学和学习材料的质量、内容和实用性,发挥信息通信技术的作用;", "(j) 进一步努力将联合国教育促进可持续发展十年(2005-2014年)所体现的各项原则纳入正规和非正规以及非正式教育和培训;", "(k) 确保在无暴力希望的学校环境中所提供的教育有利于促进和平、容忍、负责任的公民行为、社会凝聚力、两性平等和妇女赋权,同时强调,在这一方面,学校的组织秩序、教师的行为和方法及吸纳家长和更广泛的社区的参与十分重要;", "(l) 为各级教育计划编制对性别问题有敏感认识的的课程,采取具体步骤,确保教学材料以正面和非先入为主的方式展现妇女、男子、青年、女孩和男孩的形象;", "(m) 鼓励通过学习评估系统跟踪教室、地方和国家各级所取得的学习进展和成果,并对评估系统加以必要的改进。", "10. 我们强调孕产妇保健和教育对儿童福利的重要性,认识到这些对儿童,特别是女孩入学、学习及升级比率产生的积极影响。", "11. 我们注意到,优质教育可以传授知识、能力、态度、技能、道德价值观及提高理解力,这些对于终身学习、就业都至关重要,通过预防和控制孕产妇死亡、防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病及其他传染性和非传染性疾病等措施可以确保身心更加健康。", "12. 我们强调教育和健康有助于改善人一生的健康状况,并敦促各国政府确保尽早开展健康教育,而且应特别关注以对性别问题有敏感认识的方式鼓励青少年开展对健康有益活动,特别是不鼓励吸烟和饮酒,鼓励参加体育活动,平衡饮食,根据青少年不断变化的需求和能力向他们提供有关性健康和生殖健康方面的资料,使他们能够在与之健康和福利相关的所有问题方面作出负责、知情决定,并了解各种有益健康行为之间可相互促进。", "13. 我们重申,重视幼儿保育和教育的重要性,认识到这有助于提高以后的学习成果,特别是这将对缩小经济、社会、两性及学习差异产生重大影响,在此方面注意到在2010年9月27日至29日在莫斯科举行的世界幼儿期照料和教育会议上通过的莫斯科行动与合作框架。", "14. 我们强调,有必要采取各项措施,预防和消除任何教育环境一切形式的暴力行为,包括性别暴力、欺凌和网络欺凌,强调有必要营造安全、有利的教育环境,而且咨询、投诉和报告机构能够有效解决这些问题。我们认识到有必要保护儿童和青年人免遭他们在教育环境中面临的其他风险,并鼓励在此方面采取有效措施。我们还强调女孩和男孩安全到校的重要性。", "15. 我们重申致力于消除教育系统内外的各种壁垒,以便为所有儿童提供公平的教育和学习机会。", "16. 我们重申致力于更多关注从初等教育过渡和接受中学教育、职业培训和非正规教育及进入劳动力市场。", "17. 我们鼓励开展各方案,促进普及中学教育,并根据各国的具体现实和发展挑战,扩大与劳动力市场需求相关的优质高等教育。", "18. 我们呼吁制定各项包容性政策,确保往往被排除在教育系统之外的脆弱儿童和年轻人能够获得受教育机会,这些人包括城市和偏远地区的最贫穷儿童、受艾滋病毒影响及感染了艾滋病毒的儿童、难民及移民儿童。我们呼吁有效分配教育资源,在教育中考虑到多样性,酌情以当地语言和母语授课,确保脆弱儿童和青年人可以获得平等机会。", "19. 我们还呼吁确保人人能够平等地获得各级优质正规和非正规教育和职业培训,其中包括获得免费义务初等教育,以及从幼儿期开始和在整个生命周期,提供各种教育机会,包括终身学习、再培训、人权教育与学习、成人教育、远程教育、在线学习,包括学习科学和技术,学习信息和通信技术及创业技能。", "20. 我们再次强调,有必要在国家和国际层面履行承诺,消除教育中的性别差距,促进女孩和妇女获得各级优质教育,特别是中学教育,学习各学科知识,特别是科学和技术,以及促进女孩和妇女在学业和社会中取得成绩。", "21. 我们强调,有必要确保提供负担得起的交通方式,使所有社区,特别是农村地区的社区都能获得受教育的机会。", "22. 我们强调有必要通过消除阻碍实现残疾人权利的各种壁垒,以及在各级教育系统从小就培养所有儿童尊重残疾人权利的态度等办法确保残疾人,特别是残疾儿童和残疾青年能够获得充分受教育和参与社区生活的平等机会。", "23. 我们强调,有必要采取有效措施,使得正如《联合国土著人民权利宣言》所述,土著居民能够不受歧视地获得国家提供的各级和各形式的教育,使土著个人,特别是土著儿童和土著青年能够尽可能获得以其母语教授的教育。[6]", "24. 我们重申致力于促进采取适当、有针对性的循证措施,特别是通过取消学校费用,有条件地进行现金和食物转移,开展供餐方案,提供课本,为男孩和女孩提供分开的卫生设施等措施,特别支持最贫穷和最脆弱家庭克服入学、上学及完成学业方面面临的多重障碍。注意到这些措施将对提高教育成果,对提高女孩入学率和保留率产生极大影响。我们还鼓励通过各种方案,提高幼儿的营养状况,解决5岁以下儿童营养不良问题,并为在校儿童提供充足营养。", "25. 我们强调,有必要通过鼓励青年人、私营部门及民间社会参与教育方面的方案,为社会作出积极贡献,从而促进社会责任和培养负责任的公民。", "26. 我们强调,青年人特别容易受到各种暴力意识形态的影响,并敦促有关部门提供与年龄相称的教育,其中包括强调相互容忍和理解,促进和平,反对煽动包括恐怖主义在内的暴力行为。", "27. 我们对世界各地青年失业率长期处于高位表示关切,并认识到有必要设计教育和培训方案,通过发展技能提高受雇条件和个人能力。我们强调有必要提高小学后各级教育的质量和相关性,包括针对校外儿童开展的联合教育和技能发展方案,通过发展技术与职业教育培训方案、学徒和创业教育,使青年和成年人更好地适应从学校到工作的转变。", "28. 我们强调,有必要加强各项公共政策,以便在教育中采用信息和通信技术,包括在教育中开展更多相关和优质的信息和通信技术培训,将信息和通信技术纳入教师培训、职业发展及教育管理,同时在教育中酌情使用创新的新型信息和通信技术平台,借鉴移动教育、开放式教育资源和社会网络方面取得的进展,同时注意到有必要改善网络安全方面的各项措施,进行适当保护,尤其是针对儿童和青年人进行适当的保护。", "29. 我们表示有必要通过加大投资,充分利用现代技术,特别是可持续农业生产力,建立远程教育体系及开展培训,克服城乡教育差距,使农村人口能获得更多优质教育。", "30. 我们表示严重关切的是,世界上大量辍学儿童居住在受武装冲突和自然灾害影响的国家中,并认识到这些国家在实现与教育相关的发展目标,特别是有关获得学习机会和学习质量的目标方面面临的特殊挑战。我们呼吁在国家或国际层面加大努力,使居住在武装冲突和冲突后情况下以及受自然灾害影响的儿童和教师能够更多地在安全有保障的环境中接受教育,传授知识。", "31. 我们认为在人道主义紧急情况下,保护学校和提供教育仍是国际社会的关键优先事项,并认识到为确保在紧急情况下受教育的权利,就必须结合保护需要、减少冲突倡议和减少灾害风险的考量,采取特别制定、灵活和具有包容性的办法。", "32. 我们强调必须促进教育权,促进实现与教育有关的千年发展目标,尤其是通过消除对生活在外国占领下的儿童和青少年接受教育的障碍,实现全民教育目标。", "33. 我们注意到,把教育服务纳入紧急情况人道主义应急系统十分重要,也包括纳入武装冲突、冲突后局势和自然灾害的应急系统。我们呼吁继续努力加强机构间常设委员会人道主义应急系统教育分组的集资工作。", "34. 我们呼吁在紧急情况下提供的优质教育应对性别问题有敏感认识的;以学生为本;以权利为基础;具有保护性;适应性强;具有包容性和参与性;反映妇女、儿童和青年的特定生活条件;适当并酌情考虑到他们的语言和文化特征,铭记优质教育可促进宽容、相互理解和尊重他人的人权。", "35. 我们强调对紧急情况下的教育提供的支持应专门针对女孩在这种环境下的特殊需要,尤其是她们更容易受到基于性别的暴力行为。", "36. 我们严重关切最不发达国家在实现国际商定的大多数发展目标、包括千年发展目标方面明显落后,尽管在实现千年发展目标上取得了一些进展,特别是在普及初等教育和入学方面两性平等领域。我们认识到,在消除贫穷和饥饿,促进可持续、包容性的和公平的经济增长以及可持续发展方面,教育具有重要作用。我们呼吁按照2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔举行的联合国关于最不发达国家问题会议通过的《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》,特别重视有利于最不发达国家的、目标明确的支助措施,以便使这些国家实现与教育有关的千年发展目标和全民教育目标。", "37. 我们认识到中等收入国家在保持其实现教育目标方面的进展所面临的特定挑战,强调他们的努力必须得到国际社会和联合国系统的充分支助,包括采取各种手段,同时考虑到这些国家调集国内资源的需要和能力。", "38. 我们重申各国对教育作出承诺的重要性,认识到各国对本国经济和社会发展负有首要责任和自主权,发展战略、国家政策和国内资源对于实现千年发展目标和全民教育的目标至关重要。因此,我们决心制定和加强全面的和多部门办法,以改善国际国内教育成果和教育的公平性。", "39. 我们认识到,各国教育系统在提供教育服务方面必须具备问责制和透明度,教育服务应确保通过以下方面有效分配和利用资源:", "(a) 保护和维持社会投资,以应对全球金融和经济危机的持续不利影响;", "(b) 通过让利益攸关方更广泛的参与以及治理,包括让地方一级教育机构更多参与,改进有关教育的决定决策进程的透明度;", "(c) 加强各国的努力,确保教育部门具有可预见的长期供资。", "40. 我们认识到有必要提高各国在战略规划、执行、监测和评价数量质量目标方面的能力,酌情通过以下方面实现与教育有关的目标:", "(a) 提高数据质量,包括通过收集和分析按性别、年龄、残疾、地点和其他相关因素分列的数据,以便除其他外,尤其是更好地针对边缘化社区;", "(b) 提高各国定期评估学生的能力,以便监测学习成绩的整体进展。", "41. 我们重申,捐助方必须履行其对教育的承诺,特别是对基础教育的承诺,强调国际筹资作为国内筹资的关键补充资源十分重要。我们强调履行所有官方发展援助承诺至关重要,包括许多发达国家承诺,在2015年前实现将其国内生产总值的0.7%用于为发展中国家提供的官方发展援助,并将其国内生产总值的0.15%至0.20%用于对最不发达国家提供的官方发展援助。我们记得曾作出承诺,在2010年之前至少将国内生产总值0.5%用于官方发展援助,并敦促尚未履行这些承诺的发达国家,履行其为发展中国家提供官方发展援助的承诺。我们呼吁为“全民教育快车道倡议”提供大量补充资金。我们重申,捐助方提供的资源必须是可预见的,并符合各国国内优先事项,输送方式应能加强各国教育系统。", "42. 我们鼓励私营部门和基金会增加其捐助,为教育部门供资。", "43. 我们敦促进一步探索新的创新型融资机制,鉴于现有机制具有为教育系统发展做贡献的潜力,应酌情加强和扩大现有机制。这种自愿机制应有效率,目的是调集稳定和可预见的资源,应补充、而不能替代资助发展的传统资金来源,需按照发展中国家的优先事项加以分配,而不是给他们施加不适当的负担。我们欢迎创新发展筹资问题领导小组和关于发展和教育创新筹资工作队正开展的工作。", "44. 我们重申,各国政府有必要亲自领导教育工作,同时强调通过各国政府、官方机构和地方当局与有关利益攸关方,酌情包括私营部门、基金会、教师工会和民间社会之间建立强有力的伙伴关系,可取得重大进展,并强调家长和社区参与学校决策的重要性,以全面改善学习环境。", "45. 我们呼吁国际社会,包括联合国系统,特别是联合国教育、科学及文化组织根据分享教育领域的知识和良好做法的原则,通过加强区域和国际伙伴关系与合作,包括南北合作、南南合作和三角合作,加强协调和执行现有的全民教育政策、方案和后续机制。在这方面,我们注意到2011年6月2日和3日在东京举行的千年发展目标后续会议及其成果,包括与会者汇编的良好做法一览表。", "46. 我们要求经济和社会理事会继续在实现与教育有关的发展目标取得进展的后续行动方面发挥作用。", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年7月7日重新印发。", "见大会第65/1号决议。", "[2] 见联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《世界教育论坛的最后报告,2000年4月26日至28日,塞内加尔达喀尔》(2000年,巴黎)。", "[3] 《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2011年,补编第9号》(E/2011/27),第一章A节。", "[4] E/2011/82,E/2011/83。", "[5] 见A/57/218和Corr.1。", "[6] 大会第61/295号决议,附件。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目2(b)", "高级别部分:年度部长级审查 落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺", "经济及社会理事会2011年高级别部分部长宣言草案", "落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺", "我们,部长和代表团团长,参加2011年7月4日至8日在日内瓦举行的经济及社会理事会实质性会议高级别部分,", "审议了高级别部分年度部长级审查的主题:“落实教育方面的国际商定目标和承诺”,", "回顾大会第六十五届会议关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议及其成果文件,1", "重申世界教育论坛承诺实现全民教育的六项目标,", "回顾联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议的成果,特别是与教育有关的成果,", "又回顾妇女地位委员会第五十五届会议关于妇女和女孩获得和参与教育、培训、科学和技术,包括促进妇女平等获得充分就业和体面工作的商定结论,[3]", "重申联合国教育、科学及文化组织在教育,包括执行全民教育行动计划和联合国教育促进可持续发展十年(2005-2014年)方面的领导作用,", "又重申受教育权和充分实现这项权利的必要性,并重申教育对于人类发展、可持续发展、世界和平、公正和民主社会以及促进包括发展权在内的各项人权至关重要,并注意到文化对教育和发展作出有效贡献,", "回顾在国际一级作出的承诺强调包容性的高质量学习,包括幼儿教育,普及完整、免费和义务初等教育,以及获得中等、高等教育、职业教育、培训和终身学习的机会,以及女孩和妇女平等获得教育和成功入学的机会,", "注意到自2000年以来在实现一些与教育有关的发展目标方面取得的进展,特别是许多国家入学率和男女入学率大幅提高,", "表示关切各国国内和各国之间进展不足,教育不平等现象长期存在,又表示关切辍学率高,特别是中学女生辍学率高,着重指出需要加快获得教育的机会,包括初级教育的机会,特别是对失学儿童、农村人口和弱势群体而言,", "深为关切教育领域持续存在性别差距,据联合国教育、科学及文化组织称,世界上近三分之二的不识字成年人是妇女,", "审议了秘书长的报告、[4] 区域会议和其他筹备进程、国家自愿情况介绍以及高级别部分期间的审议情况,", "通过以下声明:", "1. 导言 我们重申致力于实现千年发展目标和其他国际商定的发展目标,特别是与教育有关的目标,包括全民教育目标。", "2. 结 论 我们还重申,我们致力于实现人人受教育的权利,并强调教育的方向应是充分发展人的个性和尊严感,并加强对人权和基本自由的尊重。", "3. 。 我们呼吁以人为中心的综合方法发展教育体系,在制定和执行国家发展战略时优先考虑教育,同时认识到教育与推进所有其他千年发展目标之间的相互联系。 我们还认识到,教育在建立包容性社会、减少不平等和不平等以及实现持续、包容和公平的经济增长、消除贫穷和可持续发展方面发挥着根本作用。", "4. . 我们强调,教育和可持续发展是相互关联和相辅相成的,强调必须认识到教育促进可持续发展的重要作用,包括对将于2012年召开的联合国可持续发展会议的贡献。", "5. 结 论 我们重申,必须加倍努力,大幅减少文盲人数过多,特别注重妇女,包括进一步执行《联合国扫盲十年国际行动计划》,促进终身学习,最终目标是预防和打破低识字率循环,创造一个完全识字的世界。", "6. 任务 我们感到关切的是,在全民教育具体目标方面进展不足:教育质量、幼儿保育和教育、技能发展和成人扫盲;呼吁开展更加有效和有效的国际合作,以实现这些目标。", "7. 基本生活 我们呼吁会员国继续努力促进人权教育和培训。", "8.8 我们认识到,国际社会受到多重和相互关联的危机的挑战,包括金融和经济危机的持续影响、能源和粮食价格的动荡以及对粮食保障的持续关切,以及气候变化和生物多样性的丧失所构成的日益严峻的挑战,所有这些都增加了脆弱性和不平等,并严重影响了发展收益,特别是在发展中国家。 我们呼吁加强合作和一致行动,应对这些挑战,同时考虑到教育在这方面可以发挥的积极作用。", "9.9 我们认识到,向儿童、青年和成年人提供优质教育有助于发展人们和国家所需的知识和技能,需要采取进一步措施,提高教育质量,确保人人获得积极的学习成果。 因此,我们强调必须促进和提高教学的质量和相关性,包括通过:", "(a) 将教育政策、课程、培训以及教学方法与国家发展战略确定的优先事项结合起来。 教育和培训应有助于持续、包容和公平的经济增长,根据劳动力市场的要求和各国的发展需要,发展必要的技能,同时考虑到两性平等和赋予妇女权力对促进可持续发展的重要性;", "(b) 确保教育课程、方法和培训能产生高水平的识字、算术和生活技能;", "(c) 加强教师的培训及其继续职业发展,以提高教师的教学能力,以学习以学生为中心的经验教训,并促进创造性和批判性思维;", "(d) 改善教师的征聘、部署、留用和工作条件,提高专业地位,加强学校的管理与领导,确保学生/教师的有效比例;", "(e) 强调识字对终身学习的重要性,注重早期教育中的高质量扫盲教育,促进第二次教育机会和成人扫盲方案,并确认扫盲领域创新教学举措的重要贡献,包括南南合作和三角合作;", "(f) 鼓励支持发展儿童和青年的潜力和才能;", "(g) 鼓励向技术、技术和职业学校提供技能发展和培训并将其纳入主流,同时考虑到国家和地方的发展需要,并与相关经济行为体合作;", "(h) 加强学习者利用和促进科技创新的机会,并制定战略,增加女孩和妇女对科学和技术教育的参与;", "(一) 加紧努力,建设更多的教室,必要时改善学校建筑和基础设施的物质条件,以及课程、教学、学习和教材的质量、内容和相关性,利用信息和通信技术的能力;", "(j) 加紧努力,将联合国教育促进可持续发展十年(2005-2014年)所载各项原则纳入正规和非正规以及非正式教育和培训;", "(k) 确保学校在无暴力学校环境中提供的教育,积极支持促进和平、容忍、负责任的公民权、社会凝聚力、两性平等和赋予妇女权力,同时强调学校的组织、教师的行为和态度以及父母和广大社区参与在这方面的重要性;", "(l) 为各级教育方案制定对性别问题有敏感认识的课程,并采取具体措施,确保教材将妇女、男子、青年、女孩和男孩描绘成正面和非定型角色;", "(m) 鼓励使用并在必要时改进学习评估系统,使学习进展和成果能够在教室、地方和国家各级得到跟踪。", "10. 其他事项。 我们强调产妇健康和教育对儿童福祉的重要性,认识到这对儿童入学率、学习率和升学率,特别是对女孩而言,具有积极影响。", "注 我们注意到,优质教育可以提供终生学习、就业以及改善身心健康所必需的知识、能力、态度、技能、道德价值和理解,包括通过预防和控制产妇死亡率、艾滋病毒和艾滋病以及其他传染性和非传染性疾病。", "12. 第12段。 我们强调教育和卫生知识在一生改善健康成果方面的作用,敦促各国政府确保健康教育从一生就开始,特别注意以对性别问题有敏感认识的方式鼓励青少年和年轻人加强健康的行为,特别是劝阻使用烟草和酒精,鼓励体育活动和均衡饮食,提供符合其不断发展的需要和能力的有关性健康和生殖健康的信息,以便他们能够就与他们的健康和福祉有关的所有问题作出负责任的知情决定,并理解与健康有关的各种行为之间的协同作用。", "13 August 2001 我们重申在幼儿保育和教育方面进行投资的重要性,认识到这种投资在以后几年里有可能加强学习成果,而且对减少经济、社会、性别和学习差距产生特别重大的影响,并在这方面注意到2010年9月27日至29日在莫斯科举行的世界幼儿保育和教育会议通过的《莫斯科行动框架》。", "十四、任 务 我们强调,必须采取措施,防止和消除任何教育环境中的一切形式暴力,包括基于性别的暴力、欺凌和网络欺压,并认识到需要发展安全和支持的教育环境、咨询和申诉以及报告机制,以有效地解决这些问题。 我们认识到,必须保护儿童和青年免受他们在教育环境中面临的其他风险,并鼓励在这方面采取有效措施。 我们还强调女孩和男孩安全上学的重要性。", "15. 第十五条 我们重申致力于消除教育系统内外的障碍,以便为所有儿童提供平等的教育和学习机会。", "161 我们重申,我们致力于进一步重视从初级教育、接受中等教育、职业培训和非正规教育以及进入劳工市场的过渡。", "17. 第17条。 我们鼓励根据每个国家的具体现实和发展挑战,制定方案,促进普及中等教育,扩大获得与劳动力市场需求相关的高质量高等教育的机会。", "第18条 我们呼吁制定包容性政策,确保经常被排除在教育系统之外的弱势儿童和年轻人,如城市和偏远地区的最贫穷儿童、受艾滋病毒影响和感染艾滋病毒的儿童、难民和移民儿童获得教育。 我们呼吁有效地分配教育资源,通过酌情考虑到多样性、当地语言和母语教育的教育,确保弱势儿童和青年的平等机会。", "191 我们还呼吁确保各级充分和平等地获得高质量的正规和非正规教育和职业培训,包括免费和义务初等教育,并提供包括科学和技术在内的教育机会,从幼儿期到整个生命周期,包括终身学习和再培训、人权教育和学习,以及成人和远程教育和电子学习,包括信息和通信技术和创业技能。", "20.20 我们再次强调,必须履行国家和国际承诺,通过促进女孩和妇女获得各级,特别是中学和所有学科,特别是科学和技术的高质量教育,缩小教育中的性别差距,并促进她们的学术和社会成就。", "21.21。 我们强调,必须确保提供负担得起的交通,使所有社区,特别是农村地区的社区能够获得教育。", "222. 我们强调,必须确保残疾人,特别是儿童和青年有平等机会充分参与教育和社区生活,包括消除妨碍实现其权利的障碍,并在各级教育系统,包括从幼年起的所有儿童中培养尊重残疾人权利的态度。", "23. 会议报告。 我们强调,需要采取有效措施,使土著人民能够不受歧视地获得国家提供的所有各级和各种形式的教育,并如《联合国土著人民权利宣言》所述,促进土著个人,特别是儿童和青年,尽可能以自己的语言接受教育。 [6]", "24. 第24段。 我们重申致力于促进适当和有针对性的循证措施,特别是支持最贫穷和最弱势家庭克服入学、出勤和成就方面的多重障碍,除其他外,包括取消学费、有条件的现金和粮食转移、学校供餐方案、课本供应和为男孩和女孩提供单独的卫生设施,同时注意到这些措施对改善教育成果以及提高女童入学率和保留率的严重影响。 我们还鼓励执行改善幼儿营养状况的方案,解决五岁以下儿童营养不良问题,并向学童提供适当的营养。", "25. 。 我们强调,必须通过鼓励青年、私营部门和民间社会通过参与与教育有关的方案,积极促进社会责任感和负责任的公民权。", "262. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病 我们强调年轻人特别容易受到各种暴力意识形态的影响,敦促有关当局提供适龄的教育,促进相互容忍和理解,促进和平,打击煽动暴力,包括恐怖主义。", "。 我们对全世界青年失业率居高不下表示关切,并认识到需要制定教育和培训方案,通过技能发展提高就业能力和个人能力。 我们强调,必须通过制定技术和职业教育和培训方案、学徒和创业教育,提高青年和成人的上学到工作的过渡,提高小学后教育的质量和相关性,包括为失学儿童提供联合教育和技能发展方案。", "第28次会议 我们强调,需要加强提供教育信息和通信技术的公共政策,包括促进具有相关性和高质量教育的信通技术培训;将信通技术纳入教师培训和专业发展以及教育管理;酌情利用流动教育、开放教育资源和社会网络的进步,在教育中使用新的信息和通信技术平台;并注意到需要改进网络安全措施和适当的保障措施,特别是儿童和青年。", "29. 。 我们表示,必须克服城乡教育差距,通过增加对现代技术的投资和充分利用,包括建立远程教育体系和培训,除其他外包括可持续农业生产力,改善农村人口获得优质教育的机会。", "30. 任务 我们严重关切世界上大量失学儿童生活在受武装冲突影响和自然灾害的国家,并认识到这些国家在实现与教育有关的发展目标,特别是在学习机会和质量方面所面临的特殊挑战。 我们呼吁在国家和国际两级加紧努力,为生活在武装冲突和冲突后环境中的儿童和教师以及受自然灾害影响的儿童提供在安全和有保障的环境中接受教育的机会。", "313. 我们承认,保护学校和在人道主义紧急情况下提供教育,仍然是国际社会的一项关键优先事项,并承认,确保紧急状况下的受教育权,需要特别设计、灵活和包容的办法,符合保护需要、减轻冲突举措和减少灾害风险的考虑。", "323 我们强调,必须消除对生活在外国占领下的人民,特别是儿童和青年的受教育权和实现千年发展目标,尤其是与教育有关的目标,消除阻碍他们充分实现的目标的障碍。", "336 我们注意到,在紧急情况下,包括在武装冲突、冲突后局势中和自然灾害中,必须把教育服务的提供纳入人道主义应急系统。 我们呼吁继续努力,加强机构间常设委员会人道主义应急系统教育分组的筹资工作。", "344. 事实 我们呼吁在紧急状况下提供对性别问题有敏感认识的高质量教育,以学习者、基于权利的、保护性、适应性、包容性、参与性和反映妇女、儿童和青年的具体生活条件为中心,并适当顾及她们的语言和文化特征,同时铭记优质教育能够促进宽容、相互理解和尊重他人的人权。", "353. 我们强调,对紧急状况下的教育的支持应具体满足女童在这种背景下的与性别有关的需要,特别是使她们更加容易遭受基于性别的暴力。", "363. 。 我们表示严重关切的是,最不发达国家在实现包括千年发展目标在内的大多数国际商定发展目标方面严重滞后,尽管在实现《千年发展目标》方面取得了一些进展,特别是在普及初级教育和入学方面两性平等方面。 我们认识到,教育在消除贫穷和饥饿、促进持久、包容和公平的经济增长和可持续发展方面发挥着重要作用。 我们呼吁根据2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家会议所通过的《2011-2020年最不发达国家十年行动纲领》[7],特别注意并针对最不发达国家采取目标明确的支助措施,以使它们能够实现与教育有关的千年发展目标和全民教育目标。", "378 我们认识到中等收入国家在保持实现教育目标的进展方面所面临的具体挑战,强调它们的努力需要得到国际社会和联合国系统的充分支持,通过各种手段,同时考虑到这些国家筹集国内资源的需要和能力。", "页: 1 我们重申各国对教育的承诺的重要性,认识到每个国家都对本国的经济和社会发展负有首要责任和自主权,发展战略、国家政策和国内资源对于实现千年发展目标和全民教育目标至关重要。 因此,我们决心制定和加强全面、多部门的办法,改善各国之间和各国内部的教育成果和教育平等。", "39 我们承认,在提供教育服务方面,国家教育系统需要问责制和透明度,这应当确保资源的有效分配和使用,包括通过:", "(a) 保护和维持社会投资,以应对全球金融和经济危机的持续不利影响;", "(b) 通过提高利益攸关方的参与和治理,包括通过增加地方教育当局的参与,提高教育决策和政策进程的透明度;", "(c) 加强国家努力,确保教育部门得到可预测的长期资助。", "404 我们认识到,需要酌情提高国家战略规划、执行、监测和评价质量和数量目标的能力,以实现与教育有关的目标,包括通过:", "(a) 提高数据质量,包括收集和分析按性别、年龄、残疾、地点和其他相关因素分列的数据,以便除其他外更好地针对边缘化社区;", "(b) 提高国家定期评估学生的能力,以监测学习成绩的总体进展。", "41 我们重申,捐助方必须履行其对教育、特别是基础教育的承诺,强调国际筹资作为国内筹资的重要补充来源的重要性。 我们强调,履行所有官方发展援助承诺至关重要,包括许多发达国家承诺到2015年实现将国民生产总值的0.7%用于对发展中国家的官方发展援助的目标,以及将国民生产总值的 0.1至0.20%用于向最不发达国家提供官方发展援助的目标,我们回顾到2010年官方发展援助达到至少占国民生产总值0.5%的承诺,并敦促尚未这样做的发达国家履行承诺,向发展中国家提供官方发展援助。 我们呼吁大力补充全民教育快车道倡议。 我们重申,捐助方资源必须具有可预测性,符合各国的国家优先事项,并以加强国家教育系统的方式提供。", "42 我们鼓励私营部门和基金会增加对教育部门筹资的贡献。", "434 我们敦促进一步探讨新的创新金融机制,酌情加强和扩大现有机制,因为这些机制有可能促进教育系统的发展。 这种自愿机制应当有效,旨在调动稳定和可预测的资源,这些资源应当补充而不是替代传统的发展筹资来源,并应根据发展中国家的优先重点加以分配,而不是给它们造成不适当的负担。 我们欢迎创新性发展筹资领导小组和创新性教育筹资工作队正在进行的工作。", "444 我们重申,各国政府必须带头开展教育工作,同时强调通过各国政府、官方机构和地方当局与相关的利益攸关方(酌情包括私营部门、基金会、教师工会和民间社会)结成强有力的伙伴关系可以取得重大进展,并强调父母以及社区必须全面参与学校的决策,改善学习环境。", "454 我们呼吁国际社会,包括联合国系统,特别是联合国教育、科学及文化组织,在分享教育部门的知识和良好做法的基础上,加强区域和国际伙伴关系和合作,包括北南、南南和三角合作,以加强现有全民教育政策、方案和后续机制的协调和执行。 在这方面,我们注意到2011年6月2日和3日在东京举行的千年发展目标后续会议及其成果,包括与会者汇编的良好做法清单。", "46 我们请经济及社会理事会继续发挥作用,落实与教育有关的发展目标。", "* 由于技术原因重新印发。", "见大会第165号决议。", "*** 见联合国教育、科学及文化组织,《世界教育论坛最后报告》,2000年4月26日至28日,塞内加尔达喀尔(2000年,巴黎)。", "[3] 《经济及社会理事会正式记录,2011年,补编第9号》(E/2006/27),第一章,A节。 页: 1 A. 导 言", "[4] E/2006/82, E/CN.4/2006/83。", "[5] 见A/57/218和Corr.1。", "[6] 大会第61/295号决议,附件。", "[7] A/CONF.219/3。" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year Agenda items 34, 39, 66 and 75 Protracted conflicts in the GUAMarea and their implications forinternational peace, securityand development The situation in the occupiedterritories of Azerbaijan Elimination of racism, racialdiscrimination, xenophobia andrelated intolerance \nResponsibility of States forinternationally wrongful acts", "Letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Upon instructions from my Government, I have the honour to draw your attention to the ongoing violations of the ceasefire by the military forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan, recorded for the period of 1 May to 1 June 2011 (see annex).", "I should be grateful if you would have the present letter and its annex circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda items 34, 39, 66 75, and of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Garen Nazarian Ambassador Permanent Representative", "Annex to the letter dated 1 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Armenia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "Violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan from 1 May 2011 to 1 June 2011", "Firing \n FromAzerbaijaniside\t\nNo.\tDirection\tDate, time\tType of weapon\tAmmunition \n1.\tChinari\t02.05.1119.15\tSVD\t4\n2.\tBerdavan\t02.05.1116.15\tSVD\t4\n3.\tBerdavan\t02.05.1122.10\tAK\t30\n4.\tShavarshavan\t02.05.1123.45\tAK\t1\n5.\tParavaqar\t02.05.1123.30\tAK\t3\n6.\tBerdavan\t03.05.1112.50\tAK\t5\n7.\tQioroghlu-Dagh\t05.05.1100.30\tSVD\t2\n8.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t04.05.1110.45\tAK\t6\n9.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t04.05.1111.05\tSVD\t1\n10.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t04.05.1111.45\tSVD\t4\n11.\tAygepar\t05.05.1101.05\tAK\t12\n12.\tBerqaber\t04.05.1116.35\tAKPK\t205\n13.\tBerdavan\t04.05.1115.15\tAKPKSVD\t202015\n14.\tBerdavan\t04.05.1116.20\tAKPKSVD\t302015\n15.\tBerdavan\t04.05.1116.35\tSVD\t1\n16.\tBerdavan\t04.05.1121.45\tPK\t30\n17.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t05.05.1115.20\tAK\t5\n18.\tVoskevan\t06.05.1103.35\tAK\t3\n19.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t06.05.1112.40\tAK\t1\n20.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t06.05.1119.10\tAK\t3\n21.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t06.05.1123.10\tAK\t2\n22.\tBardzruni\t06.05.1114.20\tSVDPK\t715\n23.\tMovses\t07.05.1117.50\tPK\t17\n24.\tMovses\t07.05.1119.00\tPK\t30\n25.\tBerqaber\t07.05.1116.40\tSVD\t2\n26.\tSevakavan\t07.05.1111.15\tPK\t15\n27.\tSevakavan\t07.05.1111.45\tPK\t20\n28.\tMovses\t08.05.1110.45\tAK\t25\n29.\tMarigyukh\t08.05.1117.15\tAK\t20\n30.\tVoskepar\t08.05.1117.30\tAK\t8\n31.\tArcvaberd\t09.05.1110.00\tSVD\t2\n32.\tChinari\t10.05.1111.15\tmachine gun12.7 mm\t8\n33.\tMovses\t10.05.1112.00\tAK\t3\n34.\tVazashen\t10.05.1116.35\tPK\t30\n35.\tChinari\t11.05.1116.15\tAK\t20\n36.\tMovses\t11.05.1109.30\tAK\t2\n37.\tAygepar\t11.05.1119.25\tSVD\t1\n38.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t11.05.1120.00\tAK\t10\n39.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t11.05.1120.30\tSVD\t1\n40.\tTigranashen\t11.05.1110.40\tAK\t4\n41.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1100.10\tAK\t5\n42.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1100.35\tPK\t20\n43.\tArcvaberd\t12.05.1120.15\tSVD\t13\n44.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t12.05.1121.25\tAK\t15\n45.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t12.05.1121.40\tAK\t20\n46.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1107.45\tAK\t20\n47.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1108.15\tAK\t10\n48.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1109.10\tPK\t10\n49.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1111.25\tsniper weapon12.7 mm\t5\n50.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1111.46\tsniper weapon12.7 mm\t3\n51.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1111.58\tPK\t6\n52.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1112.25\tsniper weapon12.7 mm\t3\n53.\tTigranashen\t12.05.1112.27\tmachine gun12.7 mm\t9\n54.\tChinari\t13.05.1109.30\tPK\t20\n55.\tChinari\t13.05.1109.30\tPK\t20\n56.\tBarekamavan\t14.05.1100.05\tRPK\t7\n57.\tDovegh\t14.05.1100.05\tAK\t9\n58.\tMovses\t14.05.1110.45\tAK\t22\n59.\tMovses\t14.05.1114.40\tAK\t2\n60.\tAygepar\t15.05.1103.30\tAK\t50\n61.\tVazashen\t14.05.1122.30\tAK\t3\n62.\tVazashen\t14.05.1122.35\tSVD\t5\n63.\tSevakavan\t14.05.1112.05\tSVD\t2\n64.\tBardzruni\t14.05.1115.00\tSVDAK\t2020\n65.\tKhndzorut\t15.05.1119.05\tAK\t15\n66.\tN. Karmirakhbyur\t16.05.1111.50\tAK\t10\n67.\tAygepar\t16.05.1113.05\tAK\t1\n68.\tAygepar\t16.05.1118.50\tSVD\t2\n69.\tVazashen\t16.05.1119.30\tSVDAK\t105\n70.\tVazashen\t16.05.1119.30\tSVDAK\t1050\n71.\tSevakavan\t16.05.1112.30\tsniper weapon12.7 mmPK\t610\n72.\tSevakavan\t16.05.1112.45\tsniper weapon12.7 mm\t2\n73.\tKhndzorut\t16.05.1119.45\tAK\t2\n74.\tKhndzorut\t16.05.1119.45\tAK\t2\n75.\tKhndzorut\t16.05.1121.45\tAKSVD\t304\n76.\tBardzruni\t16.05.1123.10\tPKsniper weapon12.7 mm\t243\n77.\tKoti\t18.05.1103.30\tAK\t5\n78.\tEraskh\t17.05.1111.55-12.00\tsniper weapon12.7 mmPK\t1420\n79.\tKhndzorut\t17.05.1109.30\tAK\t5\n80.\tNazinkhanyal\t18.05.1111.00\tPK\t22\n81.\tBerqaber\t18.05.1117.05\tPKSVD\t5020\n82.\tKoti\t18.05.1119.55\tAK\t3\n83.\tVahan\t19.05.1120.50\tsniper weapon12.7 mm\t2\n84.\tMovses\t19.05.1115.30\tAKPK\t158\n85.\tYanshagk\t20.05.1116.45\tsniper weapon12.7 mm\t3\n86.\tChinari\t20.05.1119.45\tAK\t3\n87.\tVazashen\t20.05.1121.00\tAK\t3\n88.\tVazashen\t20.05.1121.50\tAK\t5\n89.\tAygepar\t20.05.1110.25\tAK\t3\n90.\tBerdavan\t20.05.1120.40\tSVD\t2\n91.\tAgarak\t20.05.1116.10\tmachine gun12.7 mm\t25\n92.\tChinari\t21.05.1113.15\tSVD\t23\n93.\tMovses\t21.05.1111.50\tSVD\t3\n94.\tVazashen\t21.05.1110.30\tAK\t8\n95.\tN. Karmir\t22.05.1119.05\tAK\t8\n96.\tKhndzorut\t22.05.1120.15\tAK\t5\n97.\tChinari\t23.05.1118.00\tAK\t5\n98.\tChinari\t23.05.1119.30\tAKêì¸\t1515\n99.\tAygepar\t23.05.1111.30\tAK\t2\n100.\tN. Karmir\t23.05.1118.10\tAK\t3\n101.\tN. Karmir\t23.05.1118.50\tAK\t10\n102.\tAygepar\t23.05.1119.35\tAK\t1\n103.\tAygepar\t24.05.1113.40\tAK\t1\n104.\tAygepar\t25.05.1110.30\tPK\t1\n105.\tAygepar\t25.05.1113.25\tAK\t2\n106.\tAygepar\t25.05.1122.40\tAK\t4\n107.\tMartiros\t25.05.1118.35\tAK\t2\n108.\tKhndzorut\t25.05.1122.50\tAK\t2\n109.\tVahan\t26.05.1111.30\tPKAK\t2525\n110.\tAygedzor\t26.05.1117.40\tPK\t30\n111.\tVazashen\t26.05.1121.25\tAK\t30\n112.\tKhndzorut\t26.05.1121.25\tAK\t2\n113.\tKhndzorut\t26.05.1123.00\tPK\t6\n114.\tBarekamavan\t27.05.1118.25\tmachine gun12.7 mm\t2\n115.\tBaganis\t27.05.1123.50\tAK\t10\n116.\tBarekamavan\t29.05.1121.45\tSVD\t3\n117.\tBarekamavan\t29.05.1122.25\tSVD\t3\n118.\tBarekamavan\t29.05.1122.45\tSVD\t3\n119.\tVazashen\t30.05.1119.30\tAK\t15\n120.\tBaganis\t30.05.1118.40\tAK\t2\n121.\tEraskhavan\t30.05.1117.10\tAK\t1\n122.\tKhndzorut\t30.05.1122.50\tAK\t1\n123.\tKhndzorut\t30.05.1123.00\tAK\t1\n124.\tSevakavan\t31.05.1121.05\tAK\t15", "The violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the borderline of Armenia from 1 May 2011 to 1 June 2011:", "Number of violations — 124", "Shots — about 1,499", "PK ~ (278), RPK ~ (7), SVD — (207), sniper weapon 12.7 mm — (27), machine gun 12.7 mm — (44), AK ~ (726).", "The violations of the ceasefire by the armed forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan on the borderline of Nagorno Karabakh from 1 May 2011 to 1 June 2011:", "Number of violations — 1,395", "Shots — about 5,844", "SPG-17 — (9), PK ~ (1,100), RPK ~ (150), sniper weapon Istigal 14.5 mm — (5), SVD — (885), machine gun 12.7 mm ~ (199), sniper weapon 12.7 mm — (22), UTYOS-12.7 mm ~ (98), AK ~ (3,385)." ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目34、39、66和75", "古阿姆集团地区旷日持久的冲突及其 对国际和平、安全与发展的影响", "被占领阿塞拜疆领土的局势", "消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外 心理和相关不容忍行为", "国家对国际不法行为的责任", "2011年7月1日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示,谨提请你注意2011年5月1日至6月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国军事部队持续违反停火的记录(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目34、39、66、75项下的文件和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "常驻代表", "大使", "加伦·纳扎里安(签名)", "2011年7月1日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "2011年5月1日至6月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装军队违反停火情况", "编号 (方向) 日期/时间 开枪射击 \n 从阿塞拜疆一侧\t\n 武器类型 弹药 \n 1. 1. Chinari 2011年5月2日 SVD 狙击步枪 4 \n 19时15分 2. Berdavan 2011年5月2日 SVD 狙击步枪 4 \n 16时15分 3. Berdavan 2011年5月2日 AK步枪 30 \n 22时10分 4. Shavarshavan 2011年5月2日 AK步枪 1 \n 23时45分 5. Paravaqar 2011年5月2日 AK步枪 3 \n 23时30分 6. Berdavan 2011年5月3日 AK步枪 5 \n 12时50分 \n7.\tQioroghlu-Dagh\t2011年5月5日00时30分\tSVD 狙击步枪\t2\n8.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月4日10时45分\tAK步枪\t6\n9.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月4日11时05分\tSVD 狙击步枪\t1\n10.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月4日11时45分\tSVD 狙击步枪\t4 11. Aygepar 2011年5月5日 AK步枪 12 \n 01时05分 12. Berqaber 2011年5月4日 AK步枪 20 \n 16时35分 PK步枪 5 13. Berdavan 2011年5月4日 AK步枪 20 15时15分 PK步枪 20 \n SVD 狙击步枪 15 14. Berdavan 2011年5月4日 AK步枪 30 16时20分 PK步枪 20 \n SVD 狙击步枪 15 15. Berdavan 2011年5月4日 SVD 狙击步枪 1 \n 16时35分 16. Berdavan 2011年5月4日 PK步枪 30 \n 21时45分 \n17.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月5日15时20分\tAK步枪\t5 18. Voskevan 2011年5月6日 AK步枪 3 \n 03时35分 \n19.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月6日12时40分\tAK步枪\t1\n20.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月6日19时10分\tAK步枪\t3\n21.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月6日23时10分\tAK步枪\t2 22. Bardzruni 2011年5月6日 SVD 狙击步枪 7 \n 14时20分 PK步枪 15 23. Movses 2011年5月7日 PK步枪 17 \n 17时50分 24. Movses 2011年5月7日 PK步枪 30 \n 19时00分 25. Berqaber 2011年5月7日 SVD 狙击步枪 2 \n 16时40分 26. SevAKavan 2011年5月7日 PK步枪 15 \n 11时15分 27. SevAKavan 2011年5月7日 PK步枪 20 \n 11时45分 28. Movses 2011年5月8日 AK步枪 25 \n 10时45分 29. Marigyukh 2011年5月8日 AK步枪 20 \n 17时15分 30. Voskepar 2011年5月8日 AK步枪 8 \n 17时30分 31. Arcvaberd 2011年5月9日 SVD 狙击步枪 2 \n 10时00分 32. Chinari 2011年5月10日 12.7毫米机枪 8 \n 11时15分 33. Movses 2011年5月10日 AK步枪 3 \n 12时00分 34. Vazashen 2011年5月10日 PK步枪 30 \n 16时35分 35. Chinari 2011年5月11日 AK步枪 20 \n 16时15分 36. Movses 2011年5月11日 AK步枪 2 \n 09时30分 37. Aygepar 2011年5月11日 SVD 狙击步枪 1 \n 19时25分 \n38.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月11日20时00分\tAK步枪\t10\n39.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月11日20时30分\tSVD 狙击步枪\t1 40. Tigranashen 2011年5月11日 AK步枪 4 \n 10时40分 41. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 AK步枪 5 \n 00时10分 42. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 PK步枪 20 \n 00时35分 43. Arcvaberd 2011年5月12日 SVD 狙击步枪 13 \n 20时15分 \n44.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月12日21时25分\tAK步枪\t15\n45.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月12日21时40分\tAK步枪\t20 46. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 AK步枪 20 \n 07时45分 47. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 AK步枪 10 \n 08时15分 48. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 PK步枪 10 \n 09时10分 \n49.\tTigranashen\t2011年5月12日11时25分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t5\n50.\tTigranashen\t2011年5月12日11时46分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t3 51. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 PK步枪 6 \n 11时58分 \n52.\tTigranashen\t2011年5月12日12时25分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t3 53. Tigranashen 2011年5月12日 12.7毫米机枪 9 \n 12时27分 54. Chinari 2011年5月13日 PK步枪 20 \n 09时30分 55. Chinari 2011年5月13日 PK步枪 20 \n 09时30分 56. Barekamavan 2011年5月14日 RPK步枪 7 \n 00时05分 57. Dovegh 2011年5月14日 AK步枪 9 \n 00时05分 58. Movses 2011年5月14日 AK步枪 22 \n 10时45分 59. Movses 2011年5月14日 AK步枪 2 \n 14时40分 60. Aygepar 2011年5月15日 AK步枪 50 \n 03时30分 61. Vazashen 2011年5月14日 AK步枪 3 \n 22时30分 62. Vazashen 2011年5月14日 SVD 狙击步枪 5 \n 22时35分 63. Sevakavan 2011年5月14日 SVD 狙击步枪 2 \n 12时05分 64. Bardzruni 2011年5月14日 SVD 狙击步枪 20 \n 15时00分 AK步枪 20 65. Khndzorut 2011年5月15日 AK步枪 15 \n 19时05分 \n66.\tN.Karmirakhbyur\t2011年5月16日11时50分\tAK步枪\t10 67. Aygepar 2011年5月16日 AK步枪 1 \n 13时05分 68. Aygepar 2011年5月16日 SVD 狙击步枪 2 \n 18时50分 69. Vazashen 2011年5月16日 SVD 狙击步枪 10 \n 19时30分 AK步枪 5 70. Vazashen 2011年5月16日 SVD 狙击步枪 10 \n 19时30分 AK步枪 50 \n71.\tSevakavan\t2011年5月16日12时30分\t12.7毫米狙击武器PK步枪\t610\n72.\tSevakavan\t2011年5月16日12时45分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t2 73. Khndzorut 2011年5月16日 AK步枪 2 \n 19时45分 74. Khndzorut 2011年5月16日 AK步枪 2 \n 19时45分 75. Khndzorut 2011年5月16日 AK步枪 30 \n 21时45分 SVD 狙击步枪 4 76. Bardzruni 2011年5月16日 PK步枪 24 \n 23时10分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t3 77. Koti 2011年5月18日 AK步枪 5 \n 03时30分 \n78.\tEraskh\t2011年5月17日11时55分至12时00分\t12.7毫米狙击武器PK步枪\t1420 79. Khndzorut 2011年5月17日 AK步枪 5 \n 09时30分 80. Nazinkhanyal 2011年5月18日 PK步枪 22 \n 11时00分 81. Berqaber 2011年5月18日 PK步枪 50 \n 17时05分 SVD 狙击步枪 20 82. Koti 2011年5月18日 AK步枪 3 \n 19时55分 \n83.\tVahan\t2011年5月19日20时50分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t2 84. Movses 2011年5月19日 AK步枪 15 \n 15时30分 PK步枪 8 \n85.\tYanshagk\t2011年5月20日16时45分\t12.7毫米狙击武器\t3 86. Chinari 2011年5月20日 AK步枪 3 \n 19时45分 87. Vazashen 2011年5月20日 AK步枪 3 \n 21时00分 88. Vazashen 2011年5月20日 AK步枪 5 \n 21时50分 89. Aygepar 2011年5月20日 AK步枪 3 \n 10时25分 90. Berdavan 2011年5月20日 SVD 狙击步枪 2 \n 20时40分 91. Agarak 2011年5月20日 12.7毫米机枪 25 \n 16时10分 92. Chinari 2011年5月21日 SVD 狙击步枪 23 \n 13时15分 93. Movses 2011年5月21日 SVD 狙击步枪 3 \n 11时50分 94. Vazashen 2011年5月21日 AK步枪 8 \n 10时30分 95. N.Karmir 2011年5月22日 AK步枪 8 \n 19时05分 96. Khndzorut 2011年5月22日 AK步枪 5 \n 20时15分 97. Chinari 2011年5月23日 AK步枪 5 \n 18时00分 98. Chinari 2011年5月23日 AK步枪 15 \n 19时30分 êì¸ 15 99. Aygepar 2011年5月23日 AK步枪 2 \n 11时30分 100. N.Karmir 2011年5月23日 AK步枪 3 \n 18时10分 101. N.Karmir 2011年5月23日 AK步枪 10 \n 18时50分 102. Aygepar 2011年5月23日 AK步枪 1 \n 19时35分 103. Aygepar 2011年5月24日 AK步枪 1 \n 13时40分 104. Aygepar 2011年5月25日 PK步枪 1 \n 10时30分 105. Aygepar 2011年5月25日 AK步枪 2 \n 13时25分 106. Aygepar 2011年5月25日 AK步枪 4 \n 22时40分 107. Martiros 2011年5月25日 AK步枪 2 \n 18时35分 108. Khndzorut 2011年5月25日 AK步枪 2 \n 22时50分 109. Vahan 2011年5月26日 PK步枪 25 \n 11时30分 AK步枪 25 110. Aygedzor 2011年5月26日 PK步枪 30 \n 17时40分 111. Vazashen 2011年5月26日 AK步枪 30 \n 21时25分 112. Khndzorut 2011年5月26日 AK步枪 2 \n 21时25分 113. Khndzorut 2011年5月26日 PK步枪 6 \n 23时00分 114. Barekamavan 2011年5月27日 12.7毫米机枪 2 \n 18时25分 115. Baganis 2011年5月27日 AK步枪 10 \n 23时50分 116. Barekamavan 2011年5月29日 SVD 狙击步枪 3 \n 21时45分 117. Barekamavan 2011年5月29日 SVD 狙击步枪 3 \n 22时25分 118. Barekamavan 2011年5月29日 SVD 狙击步枪 3 \n 22时45分 119. Vazashen 2011年5月30日 AK步枪 15 \n 19时30分 120. Baganis 2011年5月30日 AK步枪 2 \n 18时40分 121. Eraskhavan 2011年5月30日 AK步枪 1 \n 17时10分 122. Khndzorut 2011年5月30日 AK步枪 1 \n 22时50分 123. Khndzorut 2011年5月30日 AK步枪 1 \n 23时00分 124. Sevakavan 2011年5月31日 AK步枪 15 \n 21时05分", "2011年5月1日至6月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在亚美尼亚边境的违反停火情况:", "违反次数——124次", "开枪射击——约1 499次", "PK步枪~(278次),RPK步枪~(7次),SVD狙击步枪——(207次),12.7毫米狙击武器——(27次),12.7毫米机枪——(44次),AK步枪~(726次)。", "2011年5月1日至6月1日期间阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫边境的违反停火情况:", "违反次数——1 395次", "开枪射击——约5 844次", "SPG-17——(9次),PK步枪~(1 100次),RPK步枪~(150次),14.5毫米Istigal狙击武器——(5),SVD狙击步枪——(885),12.7毫米机枪~(199次),12.7毫米狙击武器——(22次),12.7毫米UTYOS机枪~(98次),AK步枪~(3 385次)。" ]
[ "安全理事会 第六十五届会议 议程项目34、39、66和75 阿塞拜疆被占领土的局势\n国家对国际不法行为的责任", "2011年7月1日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "奉我国政府指示,谨提请你注意2011年5月1日至6月1日期间记录的阿塞拜疆共和国军队持续违反停火的情况(见附件)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会议程项目34、39、66、75的文件和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "加伦·纳扎里安(签名)", "2011年7月1日亚美尼亚常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信的附件", "阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在2011年5月1日至2011年6月1日期间违反停火的情况", "信用\n阿塞拜疆\n页: 1\n1. 中国ri 02.05.1119.15 4)\n2. Berdavan 02.05.1116.15 SVD 4)\n3. Berdavan 02.05.1122.10 AK 30\n4. Shavarshavan 02.05.1123.45AK 页: 1\n5. Paravaqar 02.05.1123.30AK 3月\n6. Berdavan 03.05.1112.50 AK 5月\n7. Qioroghlu-Dagh 05.05.1100.30 SVD 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n8. N. Karmirakhbyur 04.05.1110.45 AK 6月\n9. N. Karmirakhbyur 04.05.1111.05 SVD 页: 1\n10. N. Karmirakhbyur 04.05.1111.45 SVD 4)\n11. Aygepar 05.1101.05AK 12\n12. Berqaber 04.05.1116.35 AKPK 205\n13. Berdavan 04.05.1115 AKPKSVD 202015\n14. Berdavan 04.05.1116.20 AKPKSVD 302015\n15. Berdavan 04.05.1116.35 SVD 页: 1\n16. Berdavan 04.05.1121.45PK 30\n17. N. Karmirakhbyur 05.05.1115.20 AK 5月\n18. Voskevan 06.05.1103.35AK 3月\n19. N. Karmirakhbyur 06.05.1112.40 AK 页: 1\n20. N. Karmirakhbyur 06.05.1119.10 AK 3月\n21. N. Karmirakhbyur 06.05.1123.10 AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n22. Bardzruni 06.05.1114.20 SVDPK 715\n23. Movses 07.05.1117.50PK 17\n24. Movses 07.05.1119.00PK 30\n25. Berqaber 07.05.1116.40 SVD 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n26. Sevakavan 07.05.1111.15PK 15\n27. Sevakavan 07.05.1111.45PK 20\n28. Movses 08.05.1110.45AK 25\n29. Marigyukh 08.05.1117.15AK 20\n30. Voskepar 08.05.1117.30AK 页: 1\n31. Arcvaberd 09.05.1110.00 SVD 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n32. 中国\n33. Movses 10.05.1112.00AK 3月\n34. Vazashen 10.05.1116.35PK 30\n35. 中国ri 11.05.1116.15AK 20\n36. Movses 11.05.1109.30 AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n37. Aygepar 11.05.1119.25 页: 1\n38. N. Karmirakhbyur 11.05.1120.00 AK 10\n39. N. Karmirakhbyur 11.05.1120.30 SVD 页: 1\n40. Tigranashen 11.05.1110.40AK 4)\n41. Tigranashen 12.05.1100.10 AK 5月\n42. Tigranashen 12.05.1100.35PK 20\n43. Arcvaberd 12.05.1120.15 SVD 13\n44. N. Karmirakhbyur 12.05.1121.25 AK 15\n45. N. Karmirakhbyur 12.05.1121.40 AK 20\n46. Tigranashen 12.05.1107.45AK 20\n47. Tigranashen 12.05.1108.15AK 10\n48. Tigranashen 12.05.1109.10PK 10\n49. Tigranashen 12.05.1111.25 狙击手武器12.7毫米\n50. Tigranashen 12.05.1111.46 狙击武器12.7毫米 3\n51. Tigranashen 12.05.1111.58PK 6月\n52. Tigranashen 12.05.1112.25 狙击武器12.7毫米\n53. Tigranashen 12.05.1112.27机关枪\n54. 中国13.05.1109.30 PK 20\n55. 中国13.05.1109.30 PK 20\n56. Barekamavan 14.05.1100.05 RPK 7月\n57. Dovegh 14.05.1100.05AK 9\n58. Movses 14.05.1110.45AK 22\n59. Movses 14.05.1114.40AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n60. Aygepar 15.05.1103.30 AK 50\n61. Vazashen 14.05.1122.30 AK 3月\n62. Vazashen 14.05.1122.35 SVD 5月\n63. Sevakavan 14.05.1112.05 SVD 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n646. Bardzruni 14.05.1115.00 SVDAK2020\n65. Khndzorut 15.05.1119.05AK 15\n66. N. Karmirakhbyur 16.05.1111.50 AK 10\n67. Aygepar 16.05.1113.05AK 页: 1\n68. Aygepar 16.05.1118.50 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n69. Vazashen 16.05.1119.30 SVDAK 105\n70. Vazashen 16.05.1119.30 SVDAK 1050\n71. Sevakavan 16.05.1112.30 狙击武器12.7毫米PK 610\n72. Sevakavan 16.05.1112.45 狙击手武器12.7毫米 2\n73. Khndzorut 16.05.1119.45AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n74. Khndzorut 16.05.1119.45AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n75. Khndzorut 16.05.1121.45AKSVD 304\n76. Bardzruni 16.05.1123.10 PKsniper weapons12.7mm 243\n77. Koti 18.05.1103.30 AK 5月\n78. Eraskh 17.05.1111.55-12.00 sniper weapons12.7毫米PK 1420\n79. Khndzorut 17.05.1109.30AK 5月\n80. Nazinkhanyal 18.05.1111.00PK 22\n81. Berqaber 18.05.1117.05 PKSVD 5020\n82. Koti 18.05.1119.55 AK 3月\n83. Vahan 19.05.1120.50 狙击武器12.7毫米\n84. Movses 19.05.1115.30 AKPK 158\n85. Yanshagk 20.05.1116.45 sniper weapons12.7mm 3\n86. 中国 3月\n87. Vazashen 20.05.1121.00AK 3月\n88. Vazashen 20.05.1121.50AK 5月\n89. Aygepar 20.05.1110.25AK 3月\n90. Berdavan 20.05.1120.40 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n91. Agarak 20.05.1116.10机关枪\n92. 中国\n93. Movses 21.05.1111.50 SVD 3月\n94. Vazashen 21.05.1110.30 AK 页: 1\n95 N. Karmir 22.05.1119.05 AK 页: 1\n96. Khndzorut 22.05.1120.15AK 5月\n97. Chinari 23.05.1118.00AK 5月\n98. 中国\n99. Aygepar 23.05.1111.30 AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n100. 男性 N. Karmir 23.05.1118.10 AK 3月\n101 N. Karmir 23.05.1118.50 AK 10\n102. Aygepar 23.05.1119.35 AK 页: 1\n103. Aygepar 24.05.1113.40 AK 页: 1\n104. Aygepar 25.05.1110.30 PK 页: 1\n105. Aygepar 25.05.1113.25 AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n106 Aygepar 25.05.1122.40 AK 4)\n107. Martiros 25.05.1118.35 AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n108. Khndzorut 25.05.1122.50AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n109. Vahan 26.05.1111.30 PKAK 2525\n110. Aygedzor 26.05.1117.40PK 30\n111. Vazashen 26.05.1121.25AK 304\n112. Khndzorut 26.05.1121.25AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n113. Khndzorut 26.05.1123.00PK 6月\n114. Barekamavan 27.05.1118.25机关枪\n115 Baganis 27.05.1123.50 AK 10\n116. Barekamavan 29.05.1121.45 SVD 3月\n117. Barekamavan 29.05.1122.25 SVD 3月\n118. Barekamavan 29.05.1122.45 SVD 3月\n119 Vazashen 30.05.1119.30 AK 15\n120 Baganis 30.05.1118.40 AK 2 P-4, 2 P-3, 2 FS, 2 NS\n121. Eraskhavan 30.05.1117.10 AK 页: 1\n122. Khndzorut 30.05.1122.50AK 页: 1\n123. Khndzorut 30.05.1123.00AK 页: 1\n124. Sevakavan 31.05.1121.05AK 15", "阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队于2011年5月1日至2011年6月1日在亚美尼亚边界侵犯停火:", "侵犯次数——124", "射击——约1 499", "PK ~(278), RPK ~ (7), SVD——(207),狙击武器12.7毫米——(27),机关枪12.7毫米——(44),AK ~(726)。", "阿塞拜疆共和国武装部队在纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫边界沿线于2011年5月1日至2011年6月1日违反停火:", "侵犯次数——1 395", "射击——约5 844", "SPG-17- (9), PK ~ (1,100), RPK ~ (150), sniper weapons Istigal 14.5毫米-(5), SVD- (885),机关枪12.7毫米 ~(199),狙击武器12.7毫米——(22),UTYOS-12.7毫米 ~(98),AK ~(3 385)。" ]
[ "Letter dated 5 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council", "I have the honour, in Ethiopia’s capacity as the current Chair of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), to transmit the communiqué of the thirty-ninth extraordinary session of the IGAD Council of Ministers, held in Malabo on 28 June 2011. The extraordinary session was held to consider the security and political situation in Somalia and the Sudan and Eritrea’s activities in the region. In this regard, it would be greatly appreciated if the communiqué could be circulated as a document of the Security Council (see annex).", "(Signed) Tekeda Alemu Ambassador Permanent Representative", "Annex to the letter dated 5 July 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the United Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council", "Communiqué of the thirty-ninth extraordinary session of the IGAD Council of Ministers on the security and political situation in Somalia and the Sudan and Eritrea’s activities in the region", "The thirty-ninth extraordinary meeting of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Council of Ministers was convened on the sidelines of the African Union summit in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on 28 June 2011, to discuss the developments in Somalia and the Sudan and the activities of Eritrea in the region and to chart the way forward, ahead of an extraordinary IGAD summit scheduled for 4 July 2011. The Council was chaired by H.E. Halle Mariam Desalegn, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the current Chair of the IGAD Council of Ministers. In attendance were H.E. Mohamed A. Omaar, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia; H.E. Mahamoud Ali Youssouf, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Djibouti; H.E. Salah Wanassy, State Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Sudan; H.E. Richard Onyonka, Assistant Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kenya; H.E. Amb. James Mugume, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda; and H.E. Mahboub M. Maalim, Executive Secretary of IGAD.", "The meeting was also attended and briefed by H.E. Deng Alor, Minister for Regional Cooperation of the Government of Southern Sudan; H.E. Boubacar Gaoussou Diarra, Special Representative of the African Union Commission for Somalia; Hon. Kipruto arap Kirwa, IGAD Facilitator for Somalia Peace and National Reconciliation; H.E. Lissane Yohannes, IGAD Special Envoy to the Assessment and Evaluation Commission and H.E. Amb. Augustine Mahiga, Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia.", "After deliberating at length o the prevailing political and security situation in Somalia and the Sudan and Eritrea’s activities in the region, the Council:", "On Somalia:", "1. Welcomes the signing of the Kampala Accord and urges all parties to work towards its full implementation as part of the wider programme of reconciliation and outreach; and directs the parties to the Accord to include, as an integral component, a strategy for effective implementation of the various agreements entered into by the Transitional Federal Government and other entities that are supportive and desirous of genuine peace and national reconciliation;", "2. Congratulates the President and the Speaker of the Transitional Federal Government for their efforts in breaking the political impasse, as well as the Government of the Republic of Uganda and the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia for their tireless efforts in the realization of the Accord;", "3. Welcomes the nomination and confirmation by Parliament of a new Prime Minister for the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia, and requests the expeditious establishment of the Cabinet as stipulated in the Kampala Accord;", "4. Expresses appreciation to the troop-contributing countries to the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM), namely, Uganda and Burundi, for the sacrifices they continue to make to advance the cause of peace and stability in Somalia, calls upon them to continue supporting the Transitional Federal Government forces so as to bring the whole of Mogadishu under the control of Government forces, and urges those African countries that have pledged troops to make them available immediately;", "5. Urges the Governments of IGAD member States, individually and collectively, to identify specific areas of support to the Transitional Federal Government and intensify their efforts in providing logistical support and advice to the Transitional Federal Government and Ahlu Sunna Wal Jama’a forces in order to enable them to gain control of more areas;", "6. Recalls the decisions of IGAD Heads of State and Government contained in their communiqué issued on 30 January 2011 in Addis Ababa, and calls on all parties to mobilize more resources to improve the operational capacity of AMISOM and the Transitional Federal Government to enhance the ongoing coordination plan between IGAD military experts with the Transitional Federal Government and AMISOM forces;", "7. Calls upon the transitional federal institutions, as a matter of priority, to intensify their cooperation, beginning with a speedy formation of the Government followed by a collaborative implementation of the Kampala Accord, within a stipulated time frame;", "8. Calls upon the African Union, the United Nations and members of the international community working on Somalia to relocate to Mogadishu and support the transitional federal institutions concretely to consolidate the new liberated areas and districts;", "9. Reiterates its previous calls to the international community to scale up its efforts in humanitarian assistance to the needy women and innocent children;", "On the Sudan:", "10. Congratulates the parties to the Sudan Peace Process, who have manifested a high level of courage and commitment to engage in the negotiations, and urges them to maintain this level of commitment not only for finalizing the outstanding issues but also for the spirit of cooperation after 9 July 2011;", "11. Welcomes the Abyei interim administration and the temporary security arrangements, and also welcomes Security Council resolution 1990 (2011), which supports the deployment of security forces to demilitarize the border areas;", "12. Also welcomes the recent signing of the agreement on political and security principles that would pave the way for a final settlement in the South Kordofan and Blue Nile States, congratulates the parties on reaching an agreement on the general principles for the cessation of hostilities, and urges them to uphold the agreement;", "13. Welcomes and acknowledges the intensive engagement of the parties as affirmed above and the firm engagement and determination of the African Union High-level Implementation Panel under the leadership of President Thabo Mbeki and members of the Panel; President Pierre Buoyoya and President Abubaker Abdulsalam, and commends the efforts of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi for his continued and unstinting support for the negotiations, as IGAD Chairman, in facilitating the negotiations;", "14. Commends the African Union High-level Implementation Panel and IGAD at the highest level and their representations on the ground, who have set the example for the cooperation and integration of continental and subregional organizations and the African Economic Community for not only rendering support to the Joint Secretarial Committee of the two parties, as per the conclusions of the Mekelle Memorandum of Understanding, but also and significantly for the funding it made available for the negotiations that have taken place since February 2011;", "15. Calls upon the African Union High-level Implementation Panel to further continue its engagement with the parties and, to this end, IGAD has, with the recommendation of the African Economic Community and the support of the Government of the Sudan, the Government of Southern Sudan and the donors that have been supporting the African Economic Community accepted a new arrangement that would allow channelling of funds and necessary support after 9 July 2011;", "16. Recalls the previous decision of the Summit, that called on the international community to take all necessary measures to ensure the creation of two viable States, including cancellation of debts;", "17. Expresses gratitude and appreciation to the Federal Democratic Government of Ethiopia, which supported the negotiations, and the IGAD Secretariat, which supported the organization of the negotiations in collaboration with the African Union High-level Implementation Panel;", "On the State of Eritrea:", "18. Strongly condemns the activities of the State of Eritrea, which has taken an active part in destabilizing the region by supporting extremist and other subversive elements;", "19. Calls on the Security Council to take all appropriate measures to ensure that the regime in Asmara desists from its destabilization activities in the Horn of Africa;", "20. Calls on the African Union and the Security Council to fully implement the existing sanctions and impose additional sanctions selectively on the Eritrean regime, especially on those economic and mining sectors that the regime draws on, including the Eritrean diaspora, as well as to ensure compliance with previous decisions of the United Nations;", "21. Decides to remain seized of the matters.", "Done in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea, on 28 June 2011" ]
[ "2011年7月5日埃塞俄比亚常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信", "谨以政府间发展管理局(伊加特)轮值主席的名义,转递2011年6月28日在马拉博举行的伊加特部长理事会第三十九届特别会议的公报。特别会议审议了索马里和苏丹的安全政治局势以及厄立特里亚在该区域的活动。为此,请将公报作为安全理事会文件分发为荷(见附件)。", "常驻代表", "大使", "泰凯达·阿莱穆(签名)", "2011年7月5日埃塞俄比亚常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信的附件", "伊加特部长理事会第39届特别会议关于索马里和苏丹安全政治局势以及厄立特里亚在该区域的活动的公报", "政府间发展管理局(伊加特)部长理事会第三十九届特别会议于2011年6月28日在赤道几内亚马拉博举行。特别会议在非洲联盟首脑会议期间举行,讨论了索马里和苏丹的事态发展以及厄立特里亚在该区域的活动,并为定于2011年7月4日召开的伊加特特别首脑会议进行准备。埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国副总理兼外长、伊加特部长理事会轮值主席海勒·马利亚姆·德赛莱恩主持会议。出席会议的有:索马里过渡联邦政府副总理兼外长穆罕默德·奥马尔、吉布提共和国外长马哈穆德·阿里·优素福、苏丹共和国外交国务部长萨拉赫·瓦纳西、肯尼亚共和国外长助理理查德·翁永卡、乌干达共和国外交部常务秘书詹姆斯·穆古梅大使和伊加特执行秘书马赫布博·马阿力姆。", "参加会议并在会上发言的还有南苏丹政府区域合作部长邓·阿洛尔、非洲联盟委员会索马里问题特别代表布巴卡·加乌苏·迪亚拉、伊加特索马里和平与民族和解促进者基普洛托·阿拉普·基尔瓦、伊加特评估和评价委员会特使利桑内·尤哈内斯和联合国秘书长索马里问题特别代表奥古斯丁·马希加。", "在详细讨论了索马里和苏丹的政治安全局势以及厄立特里亚在本区域的活动后,理事会:", "关于索马里:", "1. 欢迎签署《坎帕拉协议》,敦促各方全面执行,并把《协议》作为广泛和解与外联方案的一部分;指示各方把《协议》作为切实执行过渡联邦政府和其他实体之间支持和希望实现真正和平与民族和解的各项协议的战略的组成部分;", "2. 祝贺过渡联邦政府总统和议长努力打破政治僵局,祝贺乌干达共和国政府和联合国秘书长特别代表为订立《协议》所作的不懈努力;", "3. 欢迎索马里议会任命并确认过渡联邦政府新总理,要求按照《坎帕拉协议》的规定迅速成立内阁;", "4. 表示赞赏非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)部队派遣国乌干达和布隆迪为推进索马里和平与稳定事业继续作出牺牲,呼吁两国继续支持过渡联邦政府部队,使政府部队能够控制整个摩加迪沙,敦促承诺派遣部队的非洲国家立即派遣部队;", "5. 敦促伊加特成员国政府以单独和集体的方式确定对过渡联邦政府的具体支持领域,加大为过渡联邦政府和“先知的信徒”提供后勤支持和建议的力度,以使其扩大控制地区;", "6. 回顾伊加特国家元首和政府首脑亚的斯亚贝巴公报所载各项决定,呼吁各方增加资源改善非索特派团和过渡联邦政府的行动能力,加强伊加特军事专家与过渡联邦政府和非索特派团部队的协调;", "7. 呼吁过渡联邦机构作为优先事项加强合作,迅速组建政府,在规定的时间框架内合作执行《坎帕拉协议》;", "8. 呼吁非洲联盟、联合国和努力解决索马里问题的国际社会成员,向摩加迪沙派驻机构,为过渡联邦政府提供具体支持,以巩固新的解放地区和大区;", "9. 重申以往对国际社会发出的各项呼吁,增加对贫困妇女和无辜儿童的人道主义援助;", "关于苏丹:", "10. 祝贺苏丹和平进程各方为进行谈判而展现出的高度勇气和承诺,敦促各方保持这种最终解决未决问题的承诺,并在2011年7月9日后保持合作精神;", "11. 欢迎阿卜耶伊临时行政机构和临时安全安排,并欢迎联合国安全理事会第1990(2011)号决议支持部署安全部队,实现边界地区非军事化;", "12. 又欢迎最近签署政治和安全原则协议,为最终解决南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州问题创造条件,祝贺各方达成《停止敌对行动总原则协议》,敦促各方遵守《协议》;", "13. 欢迎并感谢各方开展的上述各项积极工作,以及塔博·姆贝基总统领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组及小组成员、皮埃尔·布约亚总统和阿布杜萨拉姆·阿布巴卡尔总统的坚定承诺和决心,并赞扬梅勒斯·泽纳维总理以伊加特主席的身份作为推动谈判的补充力量始终不懈地支持谈判;", "14. 赞扬非盟执行小组和伊加特驻地最高领导和代表,为非洲大陆和次区域合作与一体化树立榜样,根据《默克莱谅解备忘录》的结论支持联合秘书处委员会,并为2011年2月以来进行的谈判提供大量资金;", "15. 呼吁非盟高级别执行小组继续与各方接触,为此伊加特根据非洲经济共同体的建议并在苏丹政府、南苏丹政府和支持非经共体的捐助方的支持下,接受了一项为2011年7月9日后划拨资金并提供必要支持的新安排;", "16. 回顾首脑会议以往各项决定,呼吁国际社会采取一切必要措施,确保建立两个有生存能力的国家,包括取消债务;", "17. 表示感谢和赞赏埃塞俄比亚联邦民主政府支持谈判,感谢和赞赏伊加特秘书处与非盟高级别执行小组合作为组织谈判提供支持;", "关于厄立特里亚国:", "18. 强烈谴责厄立特里亚国支持极端分子和其他颠覆分子,积极从事破坏本区域稳定的活动;", "19. 呼吁安全理事会采取各项适当措施,确保阿斯马拉当局停止在非洲之角的破坏稳定活动;", "20. 呼吁非洲联盟和联合国安全理事会全面执行现有各项制裁措施,并有选择地专门对厄立特里亚当局利用的经济和矿业部门实施新的制裁,包括厄立特里亚的外侨,并确保遵守联合国以往各项决定;", "21. 决定继续处理这些事项。", "2011年6月28日,于赤道几内亚马拉博" ]
[ "2011年7月5日埃塞俄比亚常驻联合国代表给安全理事会主席的信", "谨以埃塞俄比亚作为政府间发展管理局(伊加特)现任主席的名义,转递2011年6月28日在马拉博举行的伊加特部长理事会第三十九届特别会议的公报。 举行了特别会议,审议索马里、苏丹和厄立特里亚在该区域的活动的安全和政治局势。 在这方面,谨请将公报作为安全理事会的文件分发为荷(见附件)。", "特克达·阿莱穆(签名)", "2011年7月5日埃塞俄比亚常驻联合国代表 letter", "伊加特部长理事会第三十九届特别会议关于索马里和苏丹及厄立特里亚在该区域活动的公报", "政府间发展管理局(伊加特)第三十九次特别会议 部长会议于2011年6月28日在赤道几内亚马拉博举行的非洲联盟首脑会议期间召开,讨论索马里和苏丹的事态发展以及厄立特里亚在该区域的活动,并在定于2011年7月4日举行的政府间发展管理局特别首脑会议之前,规划前进的道路。 安理会由埃塞俄比亚联邦民主共和国副总理兼外交部长哈雷·玛丽亚姆·德萨莱阁下和伊加特部长理事会现任主席担任主席。 出席会议的有索马里过渡联邦政府副总理兼外交部长穆罕默德·奥马亚尔阁下、吉布提共和国外交部长马哈穆德·阿里·优素福阁下、苏丹共和国外交部长萨拉赫·万斯西阁下、肯尼亚共和国助理外交部长理查德·奥隆卡阁下、安巴布先生阁下。 James Mugume, 乌干达共和国外交部常务秘书;Mahboub M. Maalim阁下,伊加特执行秘书。", "出席会议的还有苏丹南部政府区域合作部长登·阿尔罗阁下、非洲联盟索马里问题委员会特别代表布巴卡尔·加苏·迪亚拉阁下、伊加特索马里和平与民族和解调解人基普托·阿拉普·基瓦阁下、政府间发展管理局评估和评价委员会特使莱萨纳·约汉内斯阁下和安姆布先生阁下。 秘书长索马里问题特别代表奥古斯丁·马希格。", "安理会详细讨论了索马里、苏丹和厄立特里亚在该区域普遍存在的政治和安全局势,其后:", "关于索马里:", "1. 导言 2. 欢迎签署《坎帕拉协定》,敦促所有各方努力全面执行该协定,将其作为更广泛的和解和外联方案的一部分;指示《协定》各方将有效执行过渡联邦政府和其他实体缔结的各项协议的战略作为一个组成部分,支持并希望实现真正的和平与民族和解;", "2. 结 论 3. 祝贺过渡联邦政府总统和议长努力打破政治僵局,祝贺乌干达共和国政府和负责索马里问题的秘书长特别代表为实现《协议》所作的不懈努力;", "3. 。 2. 欢迎议会提名和认可索马里过渡联邦政府新总理,并请迅速按照《坎帕拉协定》的规定设立内阁;", "4. . 1. 表示赞赏非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)部队派遣国,即乌干达和布隆迪,为推进索马里和平与稳定事业继续作出的牺牲,吁请它们继续支持过渡联邦政府部队,使整个摩加迪沙受到政府部队的控制,并敦促已承诺派遣部队的非洲国家立即提供部队;", "5. 结 论 5. 敦促伊加特成员国政府单独和集体地确定向过渡联邦政府提供支助的具体领域,加紧努力,向过渡联邦政府和阿赫卢·孙娜·瓦尔·贾马部队提供后勤支助和咨询,使它们能够控制更多的地区;", "6. 任务 5. 回顾伊加特国家元首和政府首脑在2011年1月30日在亚的斯亚贝巴发表的公报中作出的决定,吁请所有各方调动更多资源,提高非索特派团和过渡联邦政府的行动能力,加强伊加特军事专家与过渡联邦政府和非索特派团部队之间正在进行的协调计划;", "7. 基本生活 3. 吁请过渡联邦机构作为优先事项加强合作,首先是迅速组建政府,然后在规定时限内合作执行《坎帕拉协议》;", "8.8 5. 吁请非洲联盟、联合国和从事索马里工作的国际社会成员迁至摩加迪沙,具体支持过渡联邦机构巩固新的解放区和区;", "9.9 1. 重申以往吁请国际社会加紧努力,向贫穷妇女和儿童提供人道主义援助;", "关于苏丹:", "10. 其他事项。 3. 祝贺苏丹和平进程各方表现出高度的勇气和承诺,参加谈判,敦促他们不仅为完成未决问题,而且为2011年7月9日之后的合作精神继续作出这一承诺;", "注 2. 欢迎阿卜耶伊临时行政当局和临时安全安排,并欢迎安全理事会第1990(2011)号决议,该决议支持部署安全部队,使边境地区非军事化;", "12. 第12段。 2. 又欢迎最近签署了关于政治和安全原则的协议,为南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州最终解决铺平道路,祝贺双方就停止敌对行动的一般原则达成协议,并敦促双方坚持该协议;", "13 August 2001 2. 欢迎并确认上述各方的密集参与,以及由塔博·姆贝基总统和小组成员领导的非洲联盟高级别执行小组的坚定参与和决心;皮埃尔·布约亚总统和阿布贝克·阿卜杜勒萨拉姆总统,赞扬梅莱斯·泽纳维总理作为伊加特主席继续为谈判提供坚定的支持;", "十四、任 务 3. 赞扬非洲联盟高级别执行小组和伊加特最高层及其在当地的代表,他们树立了非洲大陆和次区域组织与非洲经济共同体合作和一体化的榜样,不仅根据《马凯莱谅解备忘录》的结论,向双方联合秘书委员会提供支持,而且为2011年2月以来的谈判提供了大量资金;", "15. 第十五条 5. 吁请非洲联盟高级别执行小组继续与各方接触,为此,伊加特根据非洲经济共同体的建议,并在苏丹政府、苏丹南部政府和支持非洲经济共同体的捐助方的支持下,接受了新的安排,以便在2011年7月9日之后输送资金和必要的支助;", "161 2. 回顾首脑会议以往决定,其中呼吁国际社会采取一切必要措施,确保建立两个有生存能力的国家,包括取消债务;", "17. 第17条。 2. 感谢和赞赏支持谈判的埃塞俄比亚联邦民主政府和伊加特秘书处与非洲联盟高级别执行小组合作组织谈判;", "关于厄立特里亚国:", "第18条 2. 强烈谴责厄立特里亚国的活动,该国通过支持极端主义分子和其他颠覆分子,积极参与破坏该区域的稳定;", "191 5. 吁请安全理事会采取一切适当措施,确保阿斯马拉政权停止在非洲之角的破坏稳定活动;", "20.20 3. 吁请非洲联盟和安全理事会全面执行现有制裁,有选择地对厄立特里亚政权施加额外制裁,特别是对厄立特里亚政权所利用经济和采矿部门,包括厄立特里亚侨民,并确保遵守联合国以往的决定;", "21.21。 6. 决定继续处理此案。", "2011年6月28日在赤道几内亚马拉博举行" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/885)]", "65/301. Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1497 (2003) of 1 August 2003, by which the Council declared its readiness to establish a United Nations stabilization force to support the transitional government and to assist in the implementation of a comprehensive peace agreement in Liberia,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1509 (2003) of 19 September 2003, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Mission in Liberia for a period of twelve months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1938 (2010) of 15 September 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 September 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Recalling its resolution 58/261 A of 23 December 2003 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/280 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in Liberia as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 88 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only eighty-five Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Notes with appreciation the immediate assistance of the United Nations Mission in Liberia to the mission in Côte d’Ivoire during the post-election crisis;", "11. Also notes with appreciation that the United Nations entities with field presence in Liberia have advanced in developing coordination mechanisms and in this regard encourages more effective cooperation among the Mission, the United Nations country team and other United Nations entities with field presence, in line with their respective roles and mandates as adopted by the relevant intergovernmental bodies;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to implement the initiative “Delivering as one” in accordance with the relevant mandates adopted by the General Assembly, the Economic and Social Council and the executive boards of United Nations funds and programmes and the governing bodies of the specialized agencies;", "13. Recalls paragraph 24 of the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² and encourages the Secretary-General to take all steps necessary to provide the support required for the Liberia National Police to ensure that the capacity-building process is concluded in a proper and timely manner;", "14. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "15. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "16. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "18. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission in Liberia the amount of 559,147,030 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 513,404,030 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 12,155,900 dollars for electoral support to be provided by the Mission, 28,461,200 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 5,125,900 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base, at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "19. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 136,747,783 dollars for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "20. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 3,806,125 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 3,068,850 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 602,650 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 134,625 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 12,155,900 dollars for electoral support to be provided by the Mission, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "22. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 40,900 dollars of estimated staff assessment income approved for the Mission;", "23. Further decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 410,243,347 dollars for the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 45,582,593 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "24. Decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 11,418,375 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 9,206,550 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 1,807,950 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 403,875 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "25. Also decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against the apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 32,775,600 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "26. Further decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 32,775,600 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 25 above;", "27. Decides that the increase of 361,900 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 32,775,600 dollars referred to in paragraphs 25 and 26 above;", "28. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "29. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "30. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "31. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in Liberia”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  A/65/620 and A/65/727.", "[2]  A/65/743/Add.7.", "[3]  A/65/620." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/885)通过]", "65/301. 联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2003年8月1日第1497(2003)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备在利比里亚设立一支联合国稳定部队,以支助过渡政府并协助执行全面和平协定,", "又回顾安全理事会2003年9月19日第1509(2003)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国利比里亚特派团,为期12个月,并回顾其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年9月15日第1938(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾大会2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2003年12月23日第58/261A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/280号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国利比里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 800万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有85个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 赞赏地注意到联合国利比里亚特派团在选举后危机期间立即向科特迪瓦特派团提供援助;", "11. 又赞赏地注意到在利比里亚有实地存在的联合国实体在建立协调机制方面取得进展,并为此鼓励特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他有实地存在的联合国实体依照有关政府间机构关于其各自作用和任务的规定,彼此开展更加有效的合作;", "12. 请秘书长根据大会、经济及社会理事会、联合国各基金和方案的执行局及专门机构的理事机构通过的相关授权,执行“一体行动”倡议;", "13. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 第24段,并鼓励秘书长采取一切必要措施,向利比里亚国家警察提供必要支助,以确保妥善、及时地完成能力建设进程;", "14. 请秘书长确保其第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "15. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "16. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的预算估计数", "18. 决定批款559 147 030美元给联合国利比里亚特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费513 404 030美元、用于特派团提供选举支助的12 155 900美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的28 461 200美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的5 125 900美元;", "批款的筹措", "19. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊136 747 783美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "20. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 806 125美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 068 850美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额602 650美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额134 625美元;", "21. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊12 155 900美元,充作该特派团提供选举支助的经费;", "22. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内的该特派团核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数40 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 还决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊410 243 347美元,每月45 582 593美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "24. 决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内11 418 375美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 206 550美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 807 950美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额403 875美元;", "25. 又决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 还决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "27. 决定,上文第25和26段提及的32 775 600美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额361 900美元;", "28. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5段和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31. 决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/620和A/65/727。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.7。", "[3] A/65/620。" ]
[ "大会2011年6月30日通过的决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/885)通过]", "65/301。 联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国利比里亚特派团经费筹措的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2003年8月1日第1497(2003)号决议,其中安理会宣布随时准备建立一支联合国稳定部队,支持过渡政府并协助执行利比里亚全面和平协定,", "又回顾安全理事会2003年9月19日第1509(2003)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国利比里亚特派团,为期十二个月,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年9月15日第1938(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2003年12月23日第58/261 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/280号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S‐IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 导言 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第56/89号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 结 论 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国利比里亚特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款8 800万美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有八十五个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 。 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. . 2. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 结 论 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 任务 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 基本生活 7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8.8 8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9.9 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 其他事项。 2. 赞赏地注意到联合国利比里亚特派团在选举后危机期间立即向科特迪瓦特派团提供援助;", "注 2. 又赞赏地注意到在利比里亚派驻外地的联合国实体在建立协调机制方面有所进展,并在这方面鼓励特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他有外地存在的联合国实体按照相关政府间机构通过的各自的作用和任务,开展更有效的合作;", "12. 第12段。 8. 请秘书长按照大会、经济及社会理事会、联合国各基金和方案的执行局以及专门机构理事机构通过的有关任务执行“一体行动,履行使命”倡议;", "13 August 2001 5. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 第24段,鼓励秘书长采取一切必要步骤,向利比里亚国家警察提供必要的支助,以确保以适当和及时的方式完成能力建设进程;", "十四、任 务 1. 请秘书长确保第59/296号、第60/266号、第61/276号、第64/269号和第56/89号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "15. 第十五条 8. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "161 1. 注意到批款总额已依照第56/89号决议的规定作了调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 第17条。 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "第18条 15. 决定批款559 147 030美元给联合国利比里亚特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费513 404 030美元,该特派团将提供选举支助的12 155 900美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的28 461 200美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的5 125 900美元;", "批款的筹措", "191 17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊136 747 783美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "20.20 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 806 125美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数3 068 850美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额602 650美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额134 625美元;", "21.21。 15. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊12 155 900美元,充作该特派团提供选举支助;", "222. 18. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内40 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项是该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数;", "23. 会议报告。 17. 还决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊410 243 347美元,每月45 582 593美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "24. 第24段。 18. 决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内11 418 375美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数9 206 550美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 807 950美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额403 875美元;", "25. 。 18. 又决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "262. 艾滋病毒/艾滋病 20. 还决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计32 775 600美元中各自应分的数额;", "。 2. 决定上文第25和第26段提及的32 775 600美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额361 900美元;", "第28次会议 6. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 。 8. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 任务 5. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "313. 9. 决定将题为“联合国利比里亚特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "第106次全体会议", "页: 1", "页: 1", "[3] A/63/620。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 1 July 2011", "[without reference to a Main Committee (A/65/L.82 and Add.1)]", "65/307. Improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response", "The General Assembly,", "Reaffirming its resolution 46/182 of 19 December 1991 and the guiding principles contained in the annex thereto, other relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council and agreed conclusions of the Council,", "Recalling the aim to improve the predictability and the effective use of civil and military defence assets for natural disaster response, based on humanitarian principles, while emphasizing the fundamentally civilian character of humanitarian assistance, and reaffirming the leading role of civilian organizations in implementing humanitarian assistance,", "Recognizing that building national and local preparedness and response capacity is critical to a more predictable and effective response,", "Recognizing also the importance of promoting preparedness for disaster response through regional and international partnerships,", "Taking note in this regard of the letter from Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim bin Jabr Al‑Thani, Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Qatar, to the President of the General Assembly and the concept paper attached thereto, entitled “HOPEFOR initiative: a global cooperative framework to improve the effectiveness of military and civil defence assets in relief operations”,[1]", "Taking note of the calls by Mr. Leonel Fernández Reyna, President of the Dominican Republic, and Mr. Abdullah Gül, President of Turkey, at the general debate of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly, on 23 September 2010, on the need to more effectively address the issue of disaster response,[2]", "1. Reaffirms the principles of neutrality, humanity, impartiality and independence for the provision of humanitarian assistance;", "2. Emphasizes the fundamentally civilian character of humanitarian assistance, and reaffirms the need in situations of natural disaster in which military capacity and assets are used to support the implementation of humanitarian assistance, for such use to be undertaken with the consent of the affected State and in conformity with international law, including international humanitarian law, as well as humanitarian principles;", "3. Recalls in this regard the revised guidelines on the use of military and civil defence assets in disaster relief, and stresses the value of their use and of the development by the United Nations, in consultation with States and other relevant actors, of further guidance on civil-military relations in the context of humanitarian activities;", "4. Takes note with appreciation of the initiative of Qatar, the Dominican Republic and Turkey, to reflect, in close coordination with the Emergency Relief Coordinator, on improving the effectiveness and coordination of military and civil defence assets for natural disaster response;", "5. Also takes note with appreciation of the HOPEFOR initiative by Qatar, which aims to improve humanitarian civil-military coordination and ensure that the use of military and civil defence assets in support of natural disaster relief operations is undertaken in an appropriate, effective and coordinated manner, in accordance with the principles contained in paragraph 2 of the present resolution, and as the last resort as defined in the Oslo Guidelines;", "6. Takes note with interest of the decision of Qatar, the Dominican Republic and Turkey to co-convene an international conference, to be held in Doha in 2011, to discuss the concept of the HOPEFOR initiative and consider the options outlined in the paper thereon¹ and steps for their implementation, as appropriate, in close collaboration with Member States, regional and international organizations and the Emergency Relief Coordinator.", "107th plenary meeting 1 July 2011", "[1]  See A/65/772, annex.", "[2]  See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Plenary Meetings, 11th and 12th meetings (A/65/PV.11 and 12), and corrigendum." ]
[ "2011年7月1日大会决议", "[未经发交主要委员会而通过(A/65/L.82和Add.1)]", "65/307. 改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调", "大会,", "重申其1991年12月19日第46/182号决议及其附件中的指导原则、大会和经济及社会理事会的其他有关决议和理事会的商定结论,", "回顾以人道主义原则为基础,改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的可预测性和实效这一目的,同时强调人道主义援助基本上属民事性质,重申民事组织在提供人道主义援助方面的主导作用,", "确认建设国家和地方的备灾能力和应对能力对于更可预测和更为有效的应对行动至关重要,", "又确认必须通过区域和国际的伙伴关系,提高备灾应对能力,", "在这方面注意到卡塔尔首相兼外交大臣谢赫哈马德·本·贾西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给大会主席的信及其附件中所附题为“HOPEFOR倡议:提高救济行动中军事和民防资产实效的全球合作框架”的概念文件,[1]", "注意到多米尼加共和国总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯•雷纳先生和土耳其总统阿卜杜拉·居尔先生在2010年9月23日大会第六十五届会议一般性辩论上发出的关于需要更有效地应对灾害问题的呼吁,[2]", "1. 重申提供人道主义援助的中立、人道、公正和独立原则;", "2. 强调人道主义援助基本上属民事性质,重申在发生自然灾害的情况下,如需动用军事能力和资产支持提供人道主义援助,则需获得受灾国的同意方可动用,且要符合包括国际人道主义法在内的国际法以及人道主义原则;", "3. 在这方面回顾经修正的《动用军事和民防资产救灾指导方针》,强调推行这些指导方针的价值,并强调联合国需要与会员国和其他有关行为体磋商,就人道主义活动中的军民关系制定进一步的指导;", "4. 赞赏地注意到卡塔尔、多米尼加共和国和土耳其提出的关于与紧急救济协调员密切协调,考虑改善动用军事和民防资产应对自然灾害的实效和协调的倡议;", "5. 又赞赏地注意到卡塔尔的HOPEFOR倡议,¹ 其目的是改善军民人道主义活动的协调,确保动用军事和民防资产支持自然灾害救助行动一事按照本决议第2段中的原则,以妥善、有效和协调的方式进行,,且是《奥斯陆指导方针》所定义的最后手段;", "6. 感兴趣地注意到卡塔尔、多米尼加共和国和土耳其决定于2011年在多哈联合举办一次国际会议,讨论HOPEFOR倡议的概念,并审议该文件中概述的备选方案¹ 以及与会员国、区域和国际组织及紧急救济协调员密切协作,酌情实施备选方案的步骤。", "2011年7月1日", "第107次全体会议", "[1] 见A/65/772,附件。", "[2] 见《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,全体会议》,第11和12次会议(A/65/PV.11和12)和更正。" ]
[ "大会2011年7月1日通过的决议", "[未经发交主要委员会而通过(A/65/L.82和Add.1)]", "65/307。 提高军事和民防资产对自然灾害应对的效力和协调", "大会,", "重申其1991年12月19日第46/182号决议及其附件所载的指导原则、大会和经济及社会理事会的其他相关决议以及理事会的商定结论,", "回顾旨在根据人道主义原则,提高用于应对自然灾害的民用和军用防御资产的可预测性和有效利用,同时强调人道主义援助的民事性质,并重申民间组织在执行人道主义援助方面的领导作用,", "认识到建设国家和地方备灾和反应能力对于更可预测和更有效的反应至关重要,", "又认识到通过区域和国际伙伴关系促进备灾工作的重要性,", "在这方面注意到卡塔尔首相兼外交部长谢赫哈马德·本·贾西姆·本·贾贝尔·阿勒萨尼给大会主席的信及其所附的题为“驻科部队倡议:提高救济行动中军事和民防资产效力的全球合作框架”的概念文件,", "注意到多米尼加共和国总统莱昂内尔·费尔南德斯·雷纳先生和土耳其总统阿卜杜拉·居尔先生在2010年9月23日大会第六十五届会议一般性辩论上呼吁更有效地处理救灾问题,", "1. 导言 1. 重申提供人道主义援助的中立、人道、公正和独立的原则;", "2. 结 论 2. 强调人道主义援助具有根本的民事性质,重申在发生自然灾害时,需要利用军事能力和资产支持人道主义援助的执行,以便在受灾国同意下,依照国际法,包括国际人道主义法,以及人道主义原则,使用这种援助;", "3. 。 5. 在这方面回顾关于利用军事和民防资源进行救灾的订正准则,强调利用这些资产的价值,并强调联合国与各国和其他相关行为体协商,制订进一步指导人道主义活动中的军民关系;", "4. . 1. 赞赏地注意到卡塔尔、多米尼加共和国和土耳其主动与紧急救济协调员密切协调,思考如何提高军事和民防资产的效力和协调,以应对自然灾害;", "5. 结 论 2. 又赞赏地注意到卡塔尔的“红利伙伴关系”倡议,该倡议旨在改善人道主义军民协调,确保按照本决议第2段所载原则,以适当、有效和协调的方式利用军事和民防资源支持自然灾害救济行动,这是《奥斯陆指导方针》所界定的最后手段;", "6. 任务 2. 感兴趣地注意到卡塔尔、多米尼加共和国和土耳其决定与各会员国、区域和国际组织以及紧急救济协调员密切合作,于2011年在多哈共同召开一次国际会议,讨论“伙伴关系倡议”的概念,并审议该文件1 概述的备选办法以及酌情为执行这些备选办法而采取的步骤。", "第107次全体会议", "页: 1", "*** 见《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,全体会议》,第11次和第12次会议(A/65/PV.11和12),和更正。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/594/Add.1)]", "65/243. Financial reports and audited financial statements, and reports of the Board of Auditors", "B[1]", "The General Assembly,", "Recalling its resolutions 64/268 of 24 June 2010 and 65/243 A of 24 December 2010,", "Having considered the financial report and audited financial statements for the twelve-month period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010 and the report of the Board of Auditors on the United Nations peacekeeping operations[2] and the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010,[3] as well as the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions on the report of the Board of Auditors on the accounts of the United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010,[4]", "1. Accepts the audited financial statements of the United Nations peacekeeping operations for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;²", "2. Takes note of the observations and endorses the recommendations contained in the report of the Board of Auditors;[5]", "3. Also takes note of the observations and endorses the recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions;⁴", "4. Commends the Board of Auditors for the continued high quality of its report and the streamlined format thereof;", "5. Notes the enhanced coordination among the Board of Auditors, the Secretary-General and the Advisory Committee, and welcomes the timely submission of the relevant reports on peacekeeping operations;", "6. Notes with encouragement that there were improvements in the financial and administrative management of peacekeeping operations, and expects that these trends will be sustained in future financial periods;", "7. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations for the financial period ended 30 June 2010;³", "8. Recalls paragraph 7 of resolution 64/268, and reiterates the need to strengthen administrative and institutional measures to address the root causes of recurring issues and to minimize the ageing of the Board’s previous recommendations;", "9. Notes with concern the recurrence of problems previously identified by the Board of Auditors in regard to the management of expendable and non‑expendable property;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors and the related recommendations of the Advisory Committee in a prompt and timely manner;", "11. Stresses the importance of the Secretary-General’s stewardship of the management of assets for peacekeeping, including expendable and non-expendable property and strategic deployment stocks, and reiterates its requests to the Secretary-General to strengthen internal controls in the management of those assets to ensure adequate safeguards that would prevent waste and financial loss to the Organization;", "12. Notes paragraphs 27 to 34 of the report of the Board of Auditors,⁵ expresses concern over the creation of a large amount of unliquidated obligations at the end of the financial year and the risk of applying the amount reserved during the current-year budget to the following year, and notes with concern the increase in the cancellation of unliquidated obligations over the previous financial year;", "13. Requests the Secretary-General to adhere to the criteria for the creation and cancellation of obligations and to strengthen internal controls in the management of these matters, and also requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Office of Internal Oversight Services with assisting in that regard;", "14. Also requests the Secretary-General to continue to indicate an expected time frame for the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors and the priorities for their implementation, including the office holders to be held accountable and measures taken in that regard;", "15. Recalls section D of its resolution 64/259 of 29 March 2010, and requests the Secretary-General to reinforce his efforts to ensure that managers are effectively held accountable for the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors through the identification of priorities, clear time frames and an assessment of actions taken in that regard, in the context of the assessment of managers’ performance mechanisms, including sanctions in case of recurrent non‑compliance, and to continue to report thereon in the context of the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board;", "16. Requests the Secretary-General to provide, in his next report on the implementation of the recommendations of the Board of Auditors concerning United Nations peacekeeping operations, a full explanation for the delays in the implementation of all outstanding recommendations of the Board, the root causes of the recurring issues and the measures to be taken;", "17. Recalls paragraph 5 of its resolution 65/243 A, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure that adequate and specific plans for peacekeeping operations are in place to address matters relating to expendable and non-expendable property in order to serve as a basis for preparations for the implementation of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards;", "18. Stresses that the leadership and commitment of senior managers to the implementation strategy of the enterprise resource planning project, Umoja, will be critical to the successful adoption of the International Public Sector Accounting Standards, and requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary measures to this end;", "19. Recalls paragraphs 32 and 33 of the report of the Advisory Committee⁴ and paragraph 14 of resolution 64/268, and welcomes the willingness of the Board of Auditors to conduct performance audits;", "20. Requests the Advisory Committee to request the Board of Auditors to submit to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session, in coordination with the Office of Internal Oversight Services and the Administration, a comprehensive proposal in this regard, including its impact with respect to the Financial Regulations and Rules of the United Nations.[6]", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  Resolution 65/243, in section VI of the Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 49, vol. I (A/65/49 (Vol.I)), becomes resolution 65/243 A.", "[2]  Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 5, vol. II (A/65/5 (Vol.II).", "[3]  A/65/719.", "[4]  A/65/782.", "[5]  Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 5, vol. II (A/65/5 (Vol.II)), chap. II.", "[6]  ST/SGB/2003/7 and Amend.1." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/594/Add.1)通过]", "65/243. 财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "B [1]", "大会,", "回顾其2010年6月24日第64/268号和2010年12月24日第65/243A号决议,", "审议了关于联合国维持和平行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日12个月期间的财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告、[2] 秘书长关于执行审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提各种建议执行情况的报告[3] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会就审计委员会关于2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动账户的报告所提出的报告,[4]", "1. 接受2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日联合国维持和平行动的已审计财务报表;²", "2. 表示注意到审计委员会报告[5] 所载意见并认可其中各项建议;", "3. 又表示注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告⁴ 所载意见并认可其中各项建议;", "4. 赞扬审计委员会的报告仍然是质量上乘、格式简化;", "5. 注意到审计委员会、秘书长及咨询委员会之间加强了协调,并欢迎及时提交维持和平行动的有关报告;", "6. 欣慰地注意到维持和平行动的财务和行政管理有所改善,并希望这种趋势在未来财政期间得到持续;", "7. 表示注意到秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议³ 执行情况的报告;", "8. 回顾其第64/268号决议第7段,重申需要加强行政和体制措施,以解决问题反复出现的根本原因,并尽量减少审计委员会以往建议执行滞后的情况;", "9. 关切地注意到审计委员会先前查出的消耗性和非消耗性财产管理问题再次出现;", "10. 请秘书长确保迅速及时地全面执行审计委员会的建议和咨询委员会的有关建议;", "11. 强调指出秘书长领导包括消耗性和非消耗性财产以及战略部署储备在内的维持和平资产管理工作的重要性,并再次请秘书长加强这些资产管理的内部控制,确保有足够的保障措施,防止浪费和给本组织造成经济损失;", "12. 注意到审计委员会报告⁵ 第27至34段,表示关注在财政年度结束时生成大量未清债务以及把本年度预算保留的数额用于下一年度的风险,并关切地注意到未清债务注销比上个财政年度有所增加;", "13. 请秘书长坚持注立和注销债务的标准,加强对管理这些事项的内部控制,又请秘书长委托内部监督事务厅给予协助;", "14. 又请秘书长继续说明执行审计委员会建议的预计时限以及执行工作的优先次序,包括在这方面将承担问责的官员及采取的措施;", "15. 回顾其2010年3月29日第64/259号决议D节,并请秘书长在评估管理人员业绩评价机制过程中,确定优先事项,制订明确时限和评估在这方面采取的行动,加大力度以确保管理人员在执行审计委员会建议方面有效接受问责,包括一再违规时进行处罚,并在秘书长关于审计委员会建议执行情况的报告中继续就此提出报告;", "16. 请秘书长在关于审计委员会就联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的下一次报告中,充分说明所有尚未执行的审计委员会建议为何未及时执行、有些问题一再出现的根本原因和应采取的措施;", "17. 回顾其第65/243A号决议第5段,并请秘书长确保为维持和平行动制定适当而具体的处理消耗性和非消耗性财产相关事项的计划,作为筹备实施国际公共部门会计准则的依据;", "18. 强调指出高级管理人员对企业资源规划项目“团结”执行战略的领导和决心对于成功采用国际公共部门会计准则至关重要,并请秘书长为此采取一切必要措施;", "19. 回顾咨询委员会的报告⁴ 第32和33段和大会第64/268号决议第14段,并欢迎审计委员会愿意进行业绩审计;", "20. 请咨询委员会请审计委员会与内部监督事务厅和行政部门协调,向大会第六十六届会议就此提出全面建议,包括其对《联合国财务条例和细则》[6] 的影响。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] * 由于技术原因于2011年12月22日重新印发。", "《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》第一卷(A/65/49(Vol.I))第六节所载第65/243号决议成为第65/243A号决议。", "[2] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》第二卷(A/65/5(Vol.II))。", "[3] A/65/719。", "[4] A/65/782。", "[5] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》第二卷(A/65/5(Vol.II)),第二章。", "[6] ST/SGB/2003/7和Amend.1。" ]
[ "大会2011年6月30日通过的决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/63/594/Add.1)通过]", "页: 1 财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会的报告", "页: 1", "大会,", "回顾其2010年6月24日第64/268号和2010年12月24日第59/143 A号决议,", "审议了2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日12个月期间财务报告和已审计财务报表以及审计委员会关于联合国维持和平行动的报告, 并审议了秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的报告[3]以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会关于审计委员会关于2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动账户的报告的报告的报告[4],", "1. 导言 1. 接受联合国维持和平行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间已审计财务报表;2", "2. 结 论 1. 注意到审计委员会报告所载的意见并认可其中的建议;[5]", "3. 。 2. 又注意到行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告4 所载意见并认可其中的各项建议;", "4. . 3. 赞扬审计委员会的报告继续高质量,格式简化;", "5. 结 论 2. 注意到审计委员会、秘书长和咨询委员会之间加强协调,并欢迎及时提交有关维持和平行动的报告;", "6. 任务 4. 鼓励注意到维持和平行动的财务和行政管理有所改善,并期待这些趋势在今后财政期间持续下去;", "7. 基本生活 1. 注意到秘书长关于审计委员会就2010年6月30日终了财政期间联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的报告;3", "8.8 3. 回顾第64/268号决议第7段,并重申需要加强行政和体制措施,解决一再出现问题的根源,尽量减少审计委员会以往建议的滞后情况;", "9.9 2. 关切地注意到审计委员会以往确定的关于消耗性和非消耗性财产管理的问题一再出现;", "10. 其他事项。 8. 请秘书长确保迅速、及时地全面执行审计委员会的建议和咨询委员会的相关建议;", "注 8. 着重指出秘书长必须管理维持和平资产,包括消耗性财产和非消耗性财产以及战略部署物资储存的管理,再次请秘书长加强这些资产的管理内部控制,确保充分保障措施,防止浪费和本组织财政损失;", "12. 第12段。 5. 注意到审计委员会报告第27至34段,5 对在财政年度结束时产生大量未清债务以及将本年度预算期间保留的数额转入下一年度的风险表示关切,并关切地注意到上个财政年度注销的未清债务有所增加;", "13 August 2001 8. 请秘书长遵守产生和取消债务的标准,加强管理这些事项的内部管制,并请秘书长委托内部监督事务厅在这方面提供协助;", "十四、任 务 8. 又请秘书长继续说明执行审计委员会建议的预期时限及其执行工作的优先次序,包括在这方面将接受问责的官员和采取的措施;", "15. 第十五条 10. 回顾其2010年3月29日第64/259号决议D节,请秘书长加强努力,确保管理人员通过确定优先事项、确定明确时限和评估在这方面采取的行动,对管理人员的业绩机制进行评估,包括经常出现不遵守情事时实行制裁,切实追究其执行审计委员会建议的责任,并在秘书长关于审计委员会建议执行情况的报告中报告有关情况;", "161 8. 请秘书长在其关于审计委员会就联合国维持和平行动所提建议执行情况的下一次报告中,充分说明审计委员会所有尚未执行的建议的延迟执行、一再出现问题的根源以及将要采取的措施;", "17. 第17条。 10. 回顾其第55/143 A号决议第5段,请秘书长确保制订维持和平行动的适当和具体计划,处理与消耗性和非消耗性财产有关的事项,以作为筹备执行《国际公共部门会计准则》的基础;", "第18条 6. 着重指出高级管理人员对企业资源规划项目“团结”的执行战略的领导和承诺,对于成功采用国际公共部门会计准则至关重要,并请秘书长为此采取一切必要措施;", "191 5. 回顾咨询委员会的报告4 第32和33段以及第64/268号决议第14段,并欢迎审计委员会愿意进行业绩审计;", "20.20 6. 请咨询委员会请审计委员会与内部监督事务厅和行政当局协调,就此向大会第六十六届会议提交一份全面提案,包括其对《联合国财务条例和细则》的影响。 [6]", "第106次全体会议", "*** 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》,第一卷(A/62/69(Vol.I))第六节第56/84 A号决议。", "*** 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》,第二卷(A/63/5(Vol.II)。", "[3] A/63/219。", "[4] A/63/282。", "[5] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》,第二卷(A/63/5(Vol.II)),第二章。 附件二。", "[6] ST/SGB/2003/7和Amend.1。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/653/Add.1)]", "65/254. Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad", "B[1]", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010[2] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1778 (2007) of 25 September 2007, by which the Council established in the Central African Republic and Chad a multidimensional presence, including the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1923 (2010) of 25 May 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 31 December 2010, decided to reduce the military component of the Mission to 2,200 military personnel and called upon the Secretary-General to complete the withdrawal of all uniformed and civilian components, other than those required for the liquidation of the Mission, by 31 December 2010,", "Recalling also its resolution 62/233 A of 22 December 2007 on the financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/254 A of 24 December 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "1. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 57.1 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only ninety-five Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "2. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "3. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,³ and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "4. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;²", "5. Decides to defer until its sixty-sixth session action on the unencumbered balance of 149,947,800 dollars as well as the other income and adjustments in the amount of 13,466,100 dollars and the increase of 1,527,100 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income, and requests the Secretary-General to report to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session updated information on the cash position of the Mission;", "6. Also decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Central African Republic and Chad”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  Resolution 65/254, in section VI of the Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 49, vol. I (A/65/49 (Vol. I)), becomes resolution 65/254 A.", "[2]  A/65/638.", "[3]  A/65/743/Add.11." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/653/Add.1)通过]", "65/254. 联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "B [1]", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的财政执行情况报告[2] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[3]", "回顾安全理事会2007年9月25日第1778(2007)号决议,安理会据此在中非共和国和乍得境内建立一个多层面存在,包括设立联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务期限的各项决议,最近一项是2010年5月25日第1923(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延长至2010年12月31日,并决定将特派团的军事部门减至2 200名军事人员,同时呼吁秘书长至迟于2010年12月31日完成除特派团清理结束工作所需人员之外所有军警和文职部门的撤离,", "又回顾大会关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/233A号决议及其后有关决议,最近一项是2010年12月24日第65/254A号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已向该特派团作出的自愿捐助,", "1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日该特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 710万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有95个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "3. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告³ 的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保充分落实;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的财政执行情况报告", "4. 表示注意到秘书长该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间的财政执行情况报告;²", "5. 决定推迟到第六十六届会议再采取行动处理未支配余额149 947 800美元以及其他收入和调整数13 466 100美元及工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额1 527 100美元,并请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告特派团现金状况的最新资料;", "6. 又决定将题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》第一卷(A/65/49/Vol.I)第六节所载第65/254号决议成为第65/254A号决议。", "[2] A/65/638。", "[3] A/65/743/Add.11。" ]
[ "大会2011年6月30日通过的决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/653/Add.1)通过]", "页: 1 联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措", "页: 1", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,", "回顾安全理事会2007年9月25日第1778(2007)号决议,其中安理会设立在中非共和国和乍得的多层面存在,包括联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团,以及安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年5月25日第1923(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2010年12月31日,决定将该特派团的军事部分减至2 200名军事人员,并吁请秘书长至迟于2010年12月31日完成除特派团清理结束所需人员外的所有军警和文职部分的撤离,", "又回顾大会关于联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/233 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第56/54 A号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S‐IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "1. 导言 1. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 710万美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有九十五个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "2. 结 论 2. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "3. 。 1. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告3 所载的结论和建议,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "4. . 1. 注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;2", "5. 结 论 15. 决定将未支配余额149 947 800美元以及其他收入和调整数13 466 100美元和工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额1 527 100美元推迟到第六十六届会议采取行动,并请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议报告该特派团现金状况的最新信息;", "6. 任务 19. 又决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程中列入题为“联合国中非共和国和乍得特派团经费的筹措”的项目。", "第106次全体会议", "*** 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》,第一卷(A/62/69(Vol.I)),第六节第62/54 A号决议。", "页: 1", "[3] A/62/643/Add.11。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/655/Add.1)]", "65/256. Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti", "B[1]", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti[2] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1529 (2004) of 29 February 2004, by which the Council declared its readiness to establish a United Nations stabilization force to support continuation of a peaceful and constitutional political process and the maintenance of a secure and stable environment in Haiti,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1542 (2004) of 30 April 2004, by which the Council decided to establish the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti for an initial period of six months, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1944 (2010) of 14 October 2010, by which the Council decided to extend the mandate of the Mission until 15 October 2011 and to maintain the current overall force levels, which consist of a military component of up to 8,940 troops of all ranks and of a police component of up to 4,391 police,", "Recalling further its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Recalling its resolution 58/311 of 18 June 2004 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/256 A of 24 December 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 129.8 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-six Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,³ subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Affirms that qualified candidates who are of Haitian origin and are holders of other nationalities are eligible to apply for international posts in the Mission, in compliance with the relevant United Nations legislative mandates and guidelines on recruitment and selection;", "11. Expresses deep concern over the continuing high vacancy rate in the Mission, especially in the National temporary positions, and its negative impact on the work of the Mission;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to keep under review the Mission requirements for the “tiger team”;", "13. Regrets that the share of procurement activities awarded to local vendors has substantially decreased during the current financial year, and reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to ensure that the Mission increases procurement opportunities for local vendors;", "14. Recalls paragraph 41 of the report of the Advisory Committee,³ and requests the Secretary-General to ensure the efficient, expeditious and full implementation of the total amount allocated to quick-impact projects for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012 in order, inter alia, to contribute to the recovery effort and foster better relations with the local communities;", "15. Requests the Secretary-General, in submitting his next budget proposal for the Mission, to fully review current needs assessments on the ground regarding quick-impact projects, taking into account the related guidelines of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations of the Secretariat on quick-impact projects;", "16. Recalls paragraph 7 of section III of resolution 64/269;", "17. Reaffirms the important role of the expanded community violence reduction approach in the post-earthquake context, in particular in assisting the displaced people and those living in violence-affected neighbourhoods;", "18. Requests the Secretary-General to strengthen coordination among the Mission, the United Nations country team and other United Nations entities, including in addressing the root causes of unexpected emergencies, such as the situation resulting from the cholera outbreak;", "19. Also requests the Secretary-General to intensify his efforts to put into effect measures to mitigate the environmental impact of the Mission on Haiti;", "20. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "21. Requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "22. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "23. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[4]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "24. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti the amount of 844,258,700 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 793,517,100 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 42,997,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 7,744,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "25. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 246,242,100 dollars for the period from 1 July to 15 October 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "26. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 25 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 6,569,900 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 5,270,400 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 1,062,200 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 237,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "27. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 598,016,600 dollars for the period from 16 October 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 70,354,892 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in its resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "28. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 27 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 15,955,400 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 12,799,600 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,579,500 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 576,300 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "29. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against the apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 25 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 26,755,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in its resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in its resolution 64/248;", "30. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 26,755,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 29 above;", "31. Also decides that the increase in the estimated staff assessment income of 85,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 26,755,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 29 and 30 above;", "32. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "33. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "34. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "35. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  Resolution 65/256, in section VI of the Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 49, vol. I (A/65/49 (Vol. I)), becomes resolution 65/256 A.", "[2]  A/65/703 and Corr.1 and A/65/776.", "[3]  A/65/743/Add.15.", "[4]  A/65/703 and Corr.1." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/655/Add.1)通过]", "65/256. 联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "B [1]", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团经费筹措的报告[2] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[3]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月29日第1529(2004)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备在海地建立一支联合国稳定部队,协助继续推进和平与宪政进程,并协助维护安全稳定的环境,", "又回顾安全理事会2004年4月30日第1542(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国海地稳定特派团,最初为期6个月,及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年10月14日第1944(2010)号决议,其中安全理事会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2011年10月15日,并继续维持现有的总兵力,目前有一个最多有8 940名各级官兵的军事部门和一个最多有4 391名警察的警察部门,", "还回顾大会2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/311号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/256A号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S–IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII) 号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.298亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有46个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告³ 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 申明原籍海地并具有其他国籍的合格候选人有资格依照联合国关于征聘与甄选的有关立法授权和准则,申请该特派团的国际员额;", "11. 表示深为关切特派团空缺率持续较高,尤其是本国临时职位的空缺率持续较高,及其对该特派团工作的消极影响;", "12. 请秘书长持续审查该特派团对“老虎小组”的需要;", "13. 遗憾地注意到,给予当地供应商的采购活动份额在本财政年度大幅减少,再次请秘书长确保该特派团增加当地供应商的采购机会;", "14. 回顾行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告³ 第41段,请秘书长确保有效率、迅速和充分地落实分配给2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间速效项目的总额,以便除其他外,促进恢复工作,并与当地社区营造更好的关系;", "15. 请秘书长在提交该特派团下一个拟议预算时,充分审查实地关于速效项目当前需要的评估,同时考虑到秘书处维持和平行动部关于速效项目的相关准则;", "16. 回顾其第64/269号决议第三节第7段;", "17. 重申进一步减少社区暴力的做法在地震后的重要作用,尤其在援助流离失所者和暴力频发社区居民方面的重要作用;", "18. 请秘书长加强该特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他联合国实体之间的协调,包括在处理诸如霍乱爆发造成的状况等突发紧急事件的根源方面加强协调;", "19. 又请秘书长加大努力,实行措施,以减轻该特派团对海地的环境影响;", "20. 还请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "21. 请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "22. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24. 决定批款844 258 700美元给联合国海地稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费793 517 100美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的42 997 600美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的7 744 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "25. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊246 242 100 美元,充作2011年7月1日至10月15日期间的经费;", "26. 还决定,根据大会1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 569 900 美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数5 270 400美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 062 200美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额237 300美元;", "27. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊598 016 600美元,每月70 354 892 美元,充作2011年10月16日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "28. 又决定,根据大会第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第27段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 955 400 美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数12 799 600美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额 2 579 500美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额576 300美元;", "29. 还决定,对于已履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "30. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第29段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除其在2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "31. 又决定,上文第29和30段提及的26 755 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额85 500美元;", "32. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "33. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "34. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "35. 决定将题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》第一卷(A/65/49/(Vol.I))第六节所载第65/256号决议成为第65/256A号决议。", "[2] A/65/703 和 Corr.1; A/65/776。", "[3] A/65/743/Add.15。", "[4] A/65/703 和 Corr.1。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/655/Add.1)通", "65/256 (英语). 联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措", "B [1]", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国海地稳定特派团经费筹措的报告[2] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[3]", "回顾安全理事会2004年2月29日第1529(2004)号决议,其中安理会宣布准备在海地建立一支联合国稳定部队,支持继续推进和平与宪政进程并维持安全稳定的环境,", "又回顾安全理事会2004年4月30日第1542(2004)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国海地稳定特派团,最初为期六个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年10月14日第1944(2010)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务延长至2011年10月15日,并维持由最多由8 940名各级官兵组成的军事部分和最多由4 391名警察组成的警察部分目前的总兵力,", "还回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "回顾其关于该特派团经费筹措的2004年6月18日第58/311号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/256 A号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国海地稳定特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.298亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有46个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告3 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 4. 申明海地籍、持有其他国籍的合格候选人有资格按照联合国有关法定任务和征聘和甄选准则申请特派团的国际员额;", "11个 4. 表示深为关切该特派团的空缺率,特别是本国临时职位的空缺率居高不下,并对特派团的工作产生不利影响;", "12个 5. 请秘书长不断审查特派团对“老虎小组”的需求;", "13个 5. 感到遗憾的是,授予当地供应商的采购活动份额在本财政年度大幅减少,并再次请秘书长确保特派团增加当地供应商的采购机会;", "14个 10. 回顾行预咨委会报告 第41段,并请秘书长确保高效、迅速和全面执行分配给2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间速效项目的总额,以便除其他外为恢复工作作出贡献并增进同地方社区的关系;", "15个 7. 请秘书长在提交该特派团下一份拟议预算时,考虑到秘书处维持和平行动部关于速效项目的相关准则,全面审查目前在实地进行的速效项目需要评估;", "16号. 2. 回顾第64/269号决议第三节第7段;", "17岁。 4. 重申扩大减少社区暴力办法在地震后背景下的重要作用,特别是在援助流离失所者和生活在受暴力影响街区的人方面;", "18岁。 9. 请秘书长加强该特派团、联合国国家工作队和其他联合国实体之间的协调,包括消除霍乱爆发等突发紧急情况的根源;", " 19. 19. 11. 又请秘书长加紧努力,实施各项措施来减轻该特派团对海地的环境影响;", "20号. 10. 还请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "21岁 9. 请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "22号. 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "23. 联合国 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[4]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "24 (韩语). 14. 决定批款844 258 700美元给联合国海地稳定特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费793 517 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的42 997 600美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的7 744 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "25岁 16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊246 242 100美元,充作2011年7月1日至10月15日期间的经费;", "26. 联合国 25. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第25段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内6 569 900美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数5 270 400美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 062 200美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额237 300美元;", "27个 14. 决定,考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊598 016 600美元,每月70 354 892美元,充作2011年10月16日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "28岁 19. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第27段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 955 400美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数12 799 600美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 579 500美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额576 300美元;", "29. 国家 25. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第25段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "30岁。 29. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第29段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计26 755 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "31岁 22. 又决定,上文第29和30段提及的26 755 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数所增加的款额85 500美元;", "32. 联合国 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "33. (中文(简体) ). 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "34. 国家 23. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "35. 联合国 24. 决定将题为“联合国海地稳定特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》,第一卷(A/65/49(Vol.I))第六节中第65/256号决议改为第65/256 A号决议。", "[2] A/65/703和Corr.1和A/65/776。", "[3] A/65/743/Add.15。", "[4] A/65/703和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/656/Add.1)]", "65/257. Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan", "B[1]", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan[2] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[3]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1590 (2005) of 24 March 2005, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission in the Sudan for an initial period of six months as from 24 March 2005, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1978 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 9 July 2011,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1990 (2011) of 27 June 2011, by which the Council established the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei for an initial period of six months from 27 June 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 59/292 of 21 April 2005 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 65/257 A of 24 December 2010,", "Recalling its resolution 58/315 of 1 July 2004,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Trust Fund in Support of the Peace Process in the Sudan,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 133.1 million United States dollars, representing some 2 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,³ subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Reaffirms section XX of resolution 61/276, and encourages the Secretary-General, where feasible, to enhance regional and inter-mission cooperation with a view to achieving greater synergies in the use of the resources of the Organization and the implementation of mandates of the missions, while bearing in mind that individual missions are responsible for the preparation and implementation of their own budgets and for controlling their own assets and logistical operations;", "11. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that future budget submissions contain sufficient information, explanation and justification of the proposed resource requirements relating to operational costs in order to allow Member States to take well-informed decisions;", "12. Also requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Further requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Authorizes the Secretary-General to draw upon the resources approved for the Mission in entering into commitments for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011 for the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei and any further missions established by the Security Council before 31 December 2011 in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement;[4]", "15. Notes the intention of the Security Council, as stated in its resolution 1978 (2011), to establish a successor mission to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan, and authorizes the Secretary-General to draw upon the resources approved for the Mission in entering into commitments for a successor mission for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011;", "16. Also notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "17. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[5]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "18. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission in the Sudan the amount of 513,330,150 dollars for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2011, inclusive of 482,460,550 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 26,158,400 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 4,711,200 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "19. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 24,838,556 dollars for the period from 1 to 9 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in its resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "20. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 794,816 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 663,668 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 107,201 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 23,947 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 488,491,594 dollars for the period from 10 July to 31 December 2011, for the administrative liquidation of the Mission, the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei, a successor mission to the United Nations Mission in the Sudan as stated in Security Council resolution 1978 (2011) and any further missions established by the Council before 31 December 2011 in support of the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "22. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 15,631,384 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 13,052,132 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 2,108,299 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 470,953 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "23. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against the apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 52,052,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "24. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 52,052,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 23 above;", "25. Also decides that the increase of 2,702,700 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 52,052,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 23 and 24 above;", "26. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "27. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "28. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "29. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  Resolution 65/257, in section VI of the Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 49, vol. I (A/65/49 (Vol. I)), becomes resolution 65/257 A.", "[2]  A/65/630 and Corr.1 and A/65/731.", "[3]  A/65/743/Add.10.", "[4]  S/2005/78, annex.", "[5]  A/65/630 and Corr.1." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/656/Add.1)通过]", "65/257. 联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "B[1]", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团经费筹措的报告[2] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[3]", "回顾安全理事会2005年3月24日第1590(2005)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国苏丹特派团,自2005年3月24日起,最初为期六个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1978(2011)号决议,其中安理会将特派团任务延长到2011年7月9日,", "又回顾安全理事会2011年6月27日第1990(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,最初为期六个月,从2011年6月27日开始,", "还回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的2005年4月21日第59/292号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/257A号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支持苏丹和平进程信托基金作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国苏丹特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.331亿美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告³ 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行、资产和后勤业务的控制,由各特派团自己负责;", "11. 请秘书长确保在今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、说明和理由,以使会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "12. 又请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的有关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 还请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14. 授权秘书长利用为该特派团核准的资源,为联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队及安全理事会在2011年12月31日前为支持落实《全面和平协定》[4]设立的任何其他特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "15. 注意到安全理事会第1978(2011)号决议表示打算设立联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团,并授权秘书长利用为该特派团核准的资源承付后续特派团2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "16. 又注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[5]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "18. 决定批款513 330 150美元给联合国苏丹特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费482 460 550美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的26 158 400美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的4 711 200美元;", "批款的筹措", "19. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊24 838 556美元,充作2011年7月1日至9日期间的经费;", "20. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内794 816美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数663 668美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额107 201美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额23 947美元;", "21. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊488 491 594美元,充作2011年7月10日至12月31日期间的经费,用于该特派团的行政清理结束工作、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队、安全理事会第1978(2011)号决议所述的联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团及安理会在2011年12月31日前为支持落实《全面和平协定》设立的任何其他特派团;", "22. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 631 384美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数13 052 132美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 108 299美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额470 953美元;", "23. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到其第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "24. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第23段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "25. 又决定,上文第23和24段提及的52 052 100美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额2 702 700美元;", "26. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "27. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "28. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "29. 决定将题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》第一卷(A/65/49/Vol.I)第六节所载第65/257号决议成为第65/257A号决议。", "[2] A/65/630和Corr.1及A/65/731。", "[3] A/65/743/Add.10。", "[4] S/2005/78,附件。", "[5] A/65/630和Corr.1。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/656/Add.1)通", "65/257 (英语). 联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措", "B [1]", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国苏丹特派团经费筹措的报告[2] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[3]", "回顾安全理事会2005年3月24日第1590(2005)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国苏丹特派团,自2005年3月24日起,最初为期六个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1978(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2011年7月9日,", "又回顾安全理事会2011年6月27日第1990(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队,自2011年6月27日起,最初为期六个月,", "还回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的2005年4月21日第59/292号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年12月24日第65/257 A号决议,", "回顾其2004年7月1日第58/315号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支助苏丹和平进程信托基金提供自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国苏丹特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1.331亿美元,约占摊款总额的2%,关切地注意到只有47个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告3 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 17. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由各特派团自己负责;", "11个 6. 请秘书长确保今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、解释和理由,使会员国能作出充分知情的决定;", "12个 10. 又请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 11. 还请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14个 授权秘书长利用为特派团核准的资源,为2011年7月1日至12月31日期间联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队和安全理事会为支助执行《全面和平协定》而于2011年12月31日之前设立的任何其他特派团承付款项;[4]", "15个 注意到安全理事会第1978(2011)号决议表示打算设立联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团,并授权秘书长利用为该特派团核准的资源为后续特派团承付2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的款项;", "16号. 2. 又注意到已按照第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "17岁。 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[5]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "18岁。 14. 决定批款513 330 150美元给联合国苏丹特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至12月31日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费482 460 550美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的26 158 400美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的4 711 200美元;", "批款的筹措", " 19. 19. 24. 又决定,考虑到其2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊24 838 556美元,充作2011年7月1日至9日期间的经费;", "20号. 19. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内794 816美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数663 668美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额107 201美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额23 947美元;", "21岁 10. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国分摊488 491 594美元,充作2011年7月10日至12月31日期间特派团、联合国阿卜耶伊临时安全部队、安全理事会第1978(2011)号决议所述联合国苏丹特派团的后续特派团和安理会在2011年12月31日之前为支持执行《全面和平协定》而设立的任何其他特派团的行政清理结束费用;", "22号. 21. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内15 631 384美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数13 052 132美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 108 299美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额470 953美元;", "23. 联合国 19. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第19段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "24 (韩语). 23. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第23段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计52 052 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "25岁 24. 又决定,上文第23和24段提及的52 052 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 702 700美元;", "26. 联合国 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "27个 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "28岁 23. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "29. 国家 24. 决定将题为“联合国苏丹特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第49号》,第一卷(A/65/49(Vol.I))第六节第65/257号决议改为第65/257 A号决议。", "[2] A/65/630和Corr.1和A/65/731。", "[3] A/65/743/Add.10。", "[4] S/2005/78,附件。", "[5] A/65/630和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/886)]", "65/302. Financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 350 (1974) of 31 May 1974 regarding the establishment of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force, the latest of which was resolution 1994 (2011) of 30 June 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 3211 B (XXIX) of 29 November 1974 on the financing of the United Nations Emergency Force and of the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/281 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Force with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 18.3 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only forty-nine Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure the payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Force in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "11. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Force is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "12. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "13. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "14. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force the amount of 53,753,200 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 50,526,100 dollars for the maintenance of the Force, 2,734,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 492,500 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "15. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 53,753,200 dollars at a monthly rate of 4,479,434 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force;", "16. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,810,000 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 1,526,700 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 231,600 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 51,700 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "17. Decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be set off against the apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 15 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 852,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248;", "18. Also decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the amount of 852,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 17 above;", "19. Further decides that the increase of 106,400 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 852,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 17 and 18 above;", "20. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "21. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Force under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "22. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "23. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East”, the sub-item entitled “United Nations Disengagement Observer Force”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  A/65/596 and A/65/710.", "[2]  A/65/743/Add.3.", "[3]  A/65/596." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/886)通过]", "65/302. 联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国脱离接触观察员部队的1974年5月31日第350(1974)号决议及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月30日第1994(2011)号决议,", "又回顾大会关于联合国紧急部队和联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的1974年11月29日第3211B(XXIX)号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/281号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国脱离接触观察员部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 830万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有49个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13. 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14. 决定批款53 753 200美元给联合国脱离接触观察员部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费50 526 100美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的2 734 600美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的492 500美元;", "批款的筹措", "15. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊53 753 200美元,每月4 479 434美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "16. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 810 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数1 526 700美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额231 600美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额51 700美元;", "17. 决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "18. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "19. 还决定,上文第17和18段提及的852 500美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额106 400美元;", "20. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "23. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的分项。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/596和A/65/710。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3。", "[3] A/65/596。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/886)通", "65/302 (英语). 联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1974年5月31日关于设立联合国脱离接触观察员部队的第350(1974)号决议及其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年6月30日第1994(2011)号决议,", "又回顾其关于联合国紧急部队和联合国脱离接触观察员部队经费筹措的1974年11月29日第3211 B(XXIX)号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/281号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国脱离接触观察员部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款1 830万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有49个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 10. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "11个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该部队;", "12个 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "13个 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "14个 16. 决定批款53 753 200美元给联合国脱离接触观察员部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费50 526 100美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的2 734 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的492 500美元;", "批款的筹措", "15个 16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊53 753 200美元,每月4 479 434美元,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "16号. 15. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第15段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 810 000美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数1 526 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额231 600美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额51 700美元;", "17岁。 15. 决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第15段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "18岁。 17. 又决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第17段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入852 500美元中各自应分的数额;", " 19. 19. 17. 还决定,上文第17和18段提及的852 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额106 400美元;", "20号. 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "21岁 23. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "22号. 23. 请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "23. 联合国 24. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国脱离接触观察员部队”的分项目。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/596和A/65/710。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.3。", "[3] A/65/596。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/880)]", "65/303. Financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 425 (1978) of 19 March 1978 regarding the establishment of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force, the latest of which was resolution 1937 (2010) of 30 August 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Force until 31 August 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution S‑8/2 of 21 April 1978 on the financing of the Force and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/282 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming its resolutions 51/233 of 13 June 1997, 52/237 of 26 June 1998, 53/227 of 8 June 1999, 54/267 of 15 June 2000, 55/180 A of 19 December 2000, 55/180 B of 14 June 2001, 56/214 A of 21 December 2001, 56/214 B of 27 June 2002, 57/325 of 18 June 2003, 58/307 of 18 June 2004, 59/307 of 22 June 2005, 60/278 of 30 June 2006, 61/250 A of 22 December 2006, 61/250 B of 2 April 2007, 61/250 C of 29 June 2007, 62/265 of 20 June 2008, 63/298 of 30 June 2009 and 64/282 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming also the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Force,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Force with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 59.5 million United States dollars, representing some 1 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only ninety-one Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Force in full;", "4. Expresses deep concern that Israel did not comply with resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227, 54/267, 55/180 A, 55/180 B, 56/214 A, 56/214 B, 57/325, 58/307, 59/307, 60/278, 61/250 A, 61/250 B, 61/250 C, 62/265, 63/298 and 64/282;", "5. Stresses once again that Israel should strictly abide by resolutions 51/233, 52/237, 53/227, 54/267, 55/180 A, 55/180 B, 56/214 A, 56/214 B, 57/325, 58/307, 59/307, 60/278, 61/250 A, 61/250 B, 61/250 C, 62/265, 63/298 and 64/282;", "6. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "7. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "8. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "9. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "11. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "12. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "13. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "14. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Force is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "15. Reiterates its request to the Secretary-General to take the measures necessary to ensure the full implementation of paragraph 8 of resolution 51/233, paragraph 5 of resolution 52/237, paragraph 11 of resolution 53/227, paragraph 14 of resolution 54/267, paragraph 14 of resolution 55/180 A, paragraph 15 of resolution 55/180 B, paragraph 13 of resolution 56/214 A, paragraph 13 of resolution 56/214 B, paragraph 14 of resolution 57/325, paragraph 13 of resolution 58/307, paragraph 13 of resolution 59/307, paragraph 17 of resolution 60/278, paragraph 21 of resolution 61/250 A, paragraph 20 of resolution 61/250 B, paragraph 20 of resolution 61/250 C, paragraph 21 of resolution 62/265, paragraph 19 of resolution 63/298 and paragraph 18 of resolution 64/282, stresses once again that Israel shall pay the amount of 1,117,005 dollars resulting from the incident at Qana on 18 April 1996, and requests the Secretary-General to report on this matter to the General Assembly at its sixty-sixth session;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "16. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Force for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "17. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon the amount of 580,331,600 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 545,470,600 dollars for the maintenance of the Force, 29,540,600 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 5,320,400 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "18. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 96,721,900 dollars for the period from 1 July to 31 August 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "19. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 18 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund in the amount of 2,558,100 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,047,900 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 417,000 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 93,200 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "20. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 483,609,700 dollars for the period from 1 September 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 48,360,967 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Force;", "21. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 20 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 12,790,300 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 10,239,500 dollars approved for the Force, the prorated share of 2,085,000 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 465,800 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "22. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be set off against the apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 18 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 62,951,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "23. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Force, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 62,951,500 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 22 above;", "24. Also decides that the increase of 1,081,300 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 62,951,500 dollars referred to in paragraphs 22 and 23 above;", "25. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "26. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Force under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "27. Invites voluntary contributions to the Force in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "28. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations peacekeeping forces in the Middle East”, the sub-item entitled “United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  A/65/608 and Corr.1 and A/65/756.", "[2]  A/65/743/Add.9.", "[3]  A/65/608 and Corr.1." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/880)通过]", "65/303. 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队的1978年3月19日第425(1978)号决议及安理会其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年8月30日第1937(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该部队的任务延长至2011年8月31日,", "又回顾大会关于该部队经费筹措的1978年4月21日S-8/2号决议及其后的各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/282号决议,", "重申其1997年6月13日第51/233号、1998年6月26日第52/237号、1999年6月8日第53/227号、2000年6月15日第54/267号、2000年12月19日第55/180A号、2001年6月14日第55/180B号、2001年12月21日第56/214A号、2002年6月27日第56/214B号、2003年6月18日第57/325号、2004年6月18日第58/307号、2005年6月22日第59/307号、2006年6月30日第60/278号、2006年12月22日第61/250A号、2007年4月2日第61/250B号、2007年6月29日第61/250C号、2008年6月20日第62/265号、2009年6月30日第63/298号和2010年6月24日第64/282号决议,", "又重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该部队作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 950万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有91个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", "4. 深表关切以色列没有遵守第51/233、52/237、53/227、54/267、55/180A、55/180B、56/214A、56/214B、57/325、58/307、59/307、60/278、61/250A、61/250B、61/250C、62/265、63/298和64/282号决议;", "5. 再次着重指出以色列应严格遵守第51/233、52/237、53/227、54/267、55/180A、55/180B、56/214A、56/214B、57/325、58/307、59/307、60/278、61/250A、61/250B、61/250C、62/265、63/298和64/282号决议;", "6. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "7. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "8. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "9. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "10. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "11. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "12. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "13. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "14. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该部队;", "15. 再次请秘书长采取必要措施,确保充分执行第51/233号决议第8段、第52/237号决议第5段、第53/227号决议第11段、第54/267号决议第14段、第55/180A号决议第14段、第55/180B号决议第15段、第56/214A号决议第13段、第56/214B号决议第13段、第57/325号决议第14段、第58/307号决议第13段、第59/307号决议第13段、第60/278号决议第17段、第61/250A号决议第21段、第61/250B号决议第20段、第61/250C号决议第20段、第62/265号决议第21段、第63/298号决议第19段和第64/282号决议第18段,再次着重指出,以色列应支付因1996年4月18日卡纳事件而引起的1 117 005美元,并请秘书长就此事向大会第六十六届会议提交报告;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "16. 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "17. 决定批款580 331 600美元给联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费545 470 600美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的29 540 600美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的5 320 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "18. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照其2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊96 721 900美元,充作2011年7月1日至8月31日期间的经费;", "19. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 558 100美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 047 900美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额417 000美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额93 200美元;", "20. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊483 609 700美元,每月48 360 967美元,充作2011年9月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "21. 又决定,根据第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第20段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内12 790 300美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数10 239 500美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 085 000美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额465 800美元;", "22. 还决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第18段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计62 951 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第22段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计62 951 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "24. 又决定,上文第22和23段提及的62 951 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额1 081 300美元;", "25. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "26. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和第6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "27. 邀请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "28. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程中题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队”的分项。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/608和Corr.1;A/65/756。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.9。", "[3] A/65/608和Corr.1。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/880)通", "65/303 (英语). 联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1978年3月19日关于设立联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队的第425(1978)号决议及其后延长该部队任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年8月30日第1937(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该部队的任务延长至2011年8月31日,", "又回顾其1978年4月21日关于该部队经费筹措的S-8/2号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/282号决议,", "重申其1997年6月13日第51/233号、1998年6月26日第52/237号、1999年6月8日第53/227号、2000年6月15日第54/267号、2000年12月19日第55/180 A号、2001年6月14日第55/180 B号、2001年12月21日第56/214 A号、2002年6月27日第56/214 B号、2003年6月18日第57/325号、2004年6月18日第58/307号、2005年6月22日第59/307号、2006年6月30日第60/278号、2006年12月22日第61/250 A号、2007年4月2日第61/250 B号、2007年6月29日第61/250 C号、2008年6月20日第62/265号、2009年6月30日第63/298号和2010年6月24日第64/282号决议,", "又重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该部队作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该部队提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款5 950万美元,约占摊款总额的1%,关切地注意到只有91个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该部队分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 2. 深表关切以色列没有遵守第51/233、52/237、53/227、54/267、55/180 A、55/180 B、56/214 A、56/214 B、57/325、58/307、59/307、60/278、61/250 A、61/250 B、61/250 C、62/265、63/298和64/282号决议;", "5 (韩语). 2. 再次强调以色列应严格遵守第51/233、52/237、53/227、54/267、55/180 A、55/180 B、56/214 A、56/214 B、57/325、58/307、59/307、60/278、61/250 A、61/250 B、61/250 C、62/265、63/298和64/282号决议;", "6. 国家 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "7. 联合国 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "8. 联合国 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "9. 国家 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "10个 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "11个 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "12个 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "13个 10. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "14个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该部队;", "15个 14. 再次请秘书长采取必要措施,确保充分执行第51/233号决议第8段、第52/237号决议第5段、第53/227号决议第11段、第54/267号决议第14段、第55/180 A号决议第14段、第55/180 B号决议第15段、第56/214 A号决议第13段、第56/214 B号决议第13段、第57/325号决议第14段、第58/307号决议第13段、第59/307号决议第13段、第60/278号决议第17段、第61/250 A号决议第21段、第61/250 B号决议第20段、第61/250 C号决议第20段、第62/265号决议第21段、第63/298号决议第19段和第64/282号决议第18段,再次强调以色列应支付因1996年4月18日卡纳事件而发生的1 117 005美元,并请秘书长就此事向大会第六十六届会议提出报告;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "16号. 表示注意到秘书长关于该部队2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "17岁。 16. 决定批款580 331 600美元给联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该部队的维持费545 470 600美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的29 540 600美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的5 320 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "18岁。 16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊96 721 900美元,充作2011年7月1日至8月31日期间的经费;", " 19. 19. 18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第18段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 558 100美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 047 900美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额417 000美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额93 200美元;", "20号. 16. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊483 609 700美元,每月48 360 967美元,充作2011年9月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该部队的任务为前提;", "21岁 20. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第20段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内12 790 300美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该部队的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数10 239 500美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额2 085 000美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额465 800美元;", "22号. 18. 还决定,对于已经履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第18段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计62 951 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 联合国 22. 决定,对于尚未履行对该部队财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第22段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计62 951 500美元中各自应分的数额;", "24 (韩语). 22. 又决定,上文第22和23段提及的62 951 500美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数所增加的1 081 300美元;", "25岁 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "26. 联合国 23. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该部队的所有人员的安全和安保;", "27个 23. 请各方向该部队自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将酌情按照大会规定的程序和做法管理;", "28岁 24. 决定在其第六十六届会议临时议程题为“联合国中东维持和平部队经费的筹措”的项目下列入题为“联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队”的分项目。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/608和Corr.1和A/65/756。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.9。", "[3] A/65/608和Corr.1。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/887)]", "65/304. Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 690 (1991) of 29 April 1991, by which the Council established the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission, the latest of which was resolution 1979 (2011) of 27 April 2011, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Mission until 30 April 2012,", "Recalling also its resolution 45/266 of 17 May 1991 on the financing of the Mission and its subsequent resolutions and decisions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/284 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the Mission,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Mission with the financial resources necessary to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 44.3 million United States dollars, representing some 5 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only ninety-seven Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Mission in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Notes the consistent underutilization of the budget for flight hours, and encourages the Secretary-General to take this trend into account in future budget submissions;", "11. Welcomes the initiative to implement two quick-impact projects as part of the effort to enhance relations with the local population, and encourages the timely implementation of the projects;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of its resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all necessary action to ensure that the Mission is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "15. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Mission for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "16. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara the amount of 65,398,400 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 61,449,400 dollars for the maintenance of the Mission, 3,346,300 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 602,700 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "17. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 54,498,667 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 April 2012, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "18. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 2,590,083 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,301,083 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 236,250 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 52,750 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "19. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 10,899,733 dollars for the period from 1 May to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 5,449,866 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Mission;", "20. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 19 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 518,017 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 460,217 dollars approved for the Mission, the prorated share of 47,250 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 10,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "21. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 17 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,386,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "22. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Mission, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 2,386,700 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 21 above;", "23. Also decides that the increase of 138,900 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 2,386,700 dollars referred to in paragraphs 21 and 22 above;", "24. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "25. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Mission under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "26. Invites voluntary contributions to the Mission in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "27. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the United Nations Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  A/65/665 and A/65/720 and Corr.1.", "[2]  A/65/743/Add.5.", "[3]  A/65/665." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/887)通过]", "65/304. 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会关于设立联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团的1991年4月29日第690(1991)号决议及其后安理会延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1979(2011)号决议,其中安理会决定将该特派团的任务期限延至2012年4月30日,", "又回顾大会关于该特派团经费筹措的1991年5月17日第45/266号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/284号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款4 430万美元,约占摊款总额的5%,关切地注意到只有97个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,特别是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近的一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地履行各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 注意到为飞行时数编列的预算一贯未得到充分使用,并鼓励秘书长在今后提交的预算中考虑到这一趋势;", "11. 欣见提出执行二个速效项目,作为改善与当地居民关系的努力的一部分,并鼓励及时执行这些项目;", "12. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "15. 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "16. 决定批款65 398 400美元给联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费61 449 400美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的3 346 300美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的602 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "17. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊54 498 667美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年4月30日期间的经费;", "18. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 590 083美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 301 083美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额236 250美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额52 750美元;", "19. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊10 899 733美元,每月5 449 866 美元,充作2012年5月1日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "20. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内518 017美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数460 217美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额47 250美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额10 550美元;", "21. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "22. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第21段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 又决定,上文第21和22段提及的2 386 700 美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额138 900美元;", "24. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "25. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "26. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "27. 决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入其第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/665;A/65/720和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5。", "[3] A/65/665。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/887)通", "65/304 (英语). 联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会1991年4月29日第690(1991)号决议,其中安理会决定设立联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团,并回顾安理会其后延长该特派团任务的各项决议,最近的是2011年4月27日第1979(2011)号决议,其中安理会将该特派团的任务延长至2012年4月30日,", "又回顾其1991年5月17日关于该特派团经费筹措的第45/266号决议及其后各项有关决议和决定,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/284号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向该特派团作出自愿捐助,", "意识到必须为该特派团提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团摊款的缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款4 430万美元,约占摊款总额的5%,关切地注意到只有97个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该特派团分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 4. 注意到飞行时数预算一直未得到充分利用,鼓励秘书长在今后提交的预算中考虑到这一趋势;", "11个 2. 欢迎采取举措,执行两个速效项目,以努力加强同当地居民的关系,并鼓励及时执行这些项目;", "12个 10. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 12. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该特派团;", "14个 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "15个 表示注意到秘书长关于该特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "16号. 15. 决定批款65 398 400美元给联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该特派团的维持费61 449 400美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的3 346 300美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的602 700美元;", "批款的筹措", "17岁。 16. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊54 498 667美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年4月30日期间的经费;", "18岁。 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第17段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内2 590 083美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 301 083美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额236 250美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额52 750美元;", " 19. 19. 14. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊10 899 733美元,每月5 449 866美元,充作2012年5月1日至6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "20号. 19. 又决定,根据第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第19段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内518 017美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该特派团的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数460 217美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额47 250美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额10 550美元;", "21岁 17. 还决定,对于已经履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第17段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "22号. 21. 决定,对于尚未履行对该特派团财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第21段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计2 386 700美元中各自应分的数额;", "23. 联合国 22. 又决定,上文第21和22段提及的2 386 700美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额138 900美元;", "24 (韩语). 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "25岁 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该特派团的所有人员的安全和安保;", "26. 联合国 23. 邀请各方向该特派团自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "27个 23. 决定将题为“联合国西撒哈拉全民投票特派团经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/665和A/65/720和Corr.1。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.5。", "[3] A/65/665。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/888)]", "65/305. Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1769 (2007) of 31 July 2007, by which the Council established the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur for an initial period of twelve months from 31 July 2007, and the subsequent resolutions by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation, the latest of which was resolution 1935 (2010) of 30 July 2010, by which the Council extended the mandate of the Operation until 31 July 2011,", "Recalling also its resolution 62/232 A of 22 December 2007 on the financing of the Operation and its subsequent resolutions thereon, the latest of which was resolution 64/285 of 24 June 2010,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in its resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Mindful of the fact that it is essential to provide the Operation with the necessary financial resources to enable it to fulfil its responsibilities under the relevant resolutions of the Security Council,", "Noting the hybrid nature of the Operation, and in that regard stressing the importance of ensuring full coordination of efforts between the African Union and the United Nations at the strategic level, unity of command at the operational level and clear delegation of authority and accountability lines,", "1. Requests the Secretary-General to entrust the Head of Mission with the task of formulating future budget proposals in full accordance with the provisions of General Assembly resolutions 59/296 of 22 June 2005, 60/266 of 30 June 2006, 61/276 of 29 June 2007, 64/269 of 24 June 2010 and 65/289 of 30 June 2011, as well as other relevant resolutions;", "2. Takes note of the status of contributions to the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur as at 30 April 2011, including the contributions outstanding in the amount of 262.5 million United States dollars, representing some 4 per cent of the total assessed contributions, notes with concern that only seventy-nine Member States have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States, in particular those in arrears, to ensure payment of their outstanding assessed contributions;", "3. Expresses its appreciation to those Member States which have paid their assessed contributions in full, and urges all other Member States to make every possible effort to ensure payment of their assessed contributions to the Operation in full;", "4. Expresses concern at the financial situation with regard to peacekeeping activities, in particular as regards the reimbursements to troop contributors that bear additional burdens owing to overdue payments by Member States of their assessments;", "5. Also expresses concern at the delay experienced by the Secretary-General in deploying and providing adequate resources to some recent peacekeeping missions, in particular those in Africa;", "6. Emphasizes that all future and existing peacekeeping missions shall be given equal and non-discriminatory treatment in respect of financial and administrative arrangements;", "7. Also emphasizes that all peacekeeping missions shall be provided with adequate resources for the effective and efficient discharge of their respective mandates;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that proposed peacekeeping budgets are based on the relevant legislative mandates;", "9. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "10. Requests the Secretary-General to take steps to ensure that all personnel adhere fully to the security procedures in place;", "11. Reaffirms section XX of resolution 61/276, and encourages the Secretary-General, where feasible, to enhance regional and inter-mission cooperation with a view to achieving greater synergies in the use of the resources of the Organization and the implementation of the mandates of the missions, while bearing in mind that individual missions are responsible for the preparation and implementation of their own budgets and for controlling their own assets and logistical operations;", "12. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure the full implementation of the relevant provisions of resolutions 59/296, 60/266, 61/276, 64/269 and 65/289;", "13. Also requests the Secretary-General to take all action necessary to ensure that the Operation is administered with a maximum of efficiency and economy;", "14. Further requests the Secretary-General to ensure that future budget submissions contain sufficient information, explanation and justification of the proposed resource requirements relating to operational costs in order to allow Member States to take well-informed decisions;", "15. Stresses the importance of strengthened accountability in the Organization and of ensuring greater accountability of the Secretary-General to Member States, inter alia, for the effective and efficient implementation of legislative mandates on procurement and the related use of financial and human resources, as well as the provision of necessary information on procurement-related matters to enable Member States to make well-informed decisions;", "16. Requests the Secretary-General to ensure that all procurement projects for the Organization are in full compliance with relevant resolutions;", "17. Decides not to abolish the child protection posts, requests the Secretary-General to make every effort to fill them, and also requests the Secretary-General to identify an equivalent number of posts at the same level that have been vacant for more than one year to offset the financial impact of retaining the child protection posts, without affecting operational requirements or mandate implementation, and to report thereon in the context of the performance report;", "18. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of resolution 65/289;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "19. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the Operation for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "20. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur the amount of 1,797,327,600 dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of 1,689,305,500 dollars for the maintenance of the Operation, 91,536,100 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 16,486,000 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "21. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 149,777,300 dollars for the period from 1 to 31 July 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "22. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,137,200 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,346,816 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 646,050 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 144,334 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "23. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 1,647,550,300 dollars for the period from 1 August 2011 to 30 June 2012, at a monthly rate of 149,777,300 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate of the Operation;", "24. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 23 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 34,509,200 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 25,814,984 dollars approved for the Operation, the prorated share of 7,106,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 1,587,666 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "25. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 21 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 175,974,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "26. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the Operation, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 175,974,100 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 25 above;", "27. Also decides that the increase of 2,223,700 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be added to the credits from the amount of 175,974,100 dollars referred to in paragraphs 25 and 26 above;", "28. Emphasizes that no peacekeeping mission shall be financed by borrowing funds from other active peacekeeping missions;", "29. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue to take additional measures to ensure the safety and security of all personnel participating in the Operation under the auspices of the United Nations, bearing in mind paragraphs 5 and 6 of Security Council resolution 1502 (2003) of 26 August 2003;", "30. Invites voluntary contributions to the Operation in cash and in the form of services and supplies acceptable to the Secretary-General, to be administered, as appropriate, in accordance with the procedure and practices established by the General Assembly;", "31. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the African Union-United Nations Hybrid Operation in Darfur”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  A/65/631 and A/65/740.", "[2]  A/65/743/Add.13.", "[3]  A/65/631." ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/888)通过]", "65/305. 非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年7月31日第1769(2007)号决议,其中安理会决定自2007年7月31日起设立非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,最初为期12个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该行动任务期限的各项决议,最近的是2010年7月30日第1935(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务期限延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会2007年12月22日关于该行动经费筹措的第62/232A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/285号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须向该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "注意到该行动属混合性质,为此着重指出,必须确保非洲联盟与联合国在战略层面充分协调,在行动层面统一指挥,还须具有明确的授权和问责线,", "1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269 号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 表示注意到非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动截至2011年4月30日的摊款情况,包括2.625亿美元的未缴摊款,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有79个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,特别是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", "4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是向部队派遣国偿还费用的情况,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团,特别是在非洲的特派团,及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待,一视同仁;", "7. 又强调应向所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告² 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10. 请秘书长采取步骤确保所有人员全面遵守现行安保程序;", "11. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行、资产和后勤业务的控制,由各特派团自己负责;", "12. 请秘书长确保大会第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的有关规定得到充分执行;¹", "13. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率、最节省的方式管理该行动;", "14. 还请秘书长确保在今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、说明和理由,以使会员国能在充分知情的情况下作出决定;", "15. 着重指出必须加强联合国内部问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高实效、高效率地执行采购方面的立法授权及相应使用财政和人力资源方面,并在提供有关采购事项的必要资料,以便会员国能够作出知情的决定方面,更多地接受会员国的问责;", "16. 请秘书长确保为联合国实施的所有采购项目完全符合相关决议;", "17. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长找出同等数目的空缺超过一年的同职等员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额产生的财务影响,但不得影响业务需要或任务执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "18. 注意到已根据第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "19. 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "20. 决定为非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动特别账户批款1 797 327 600美元,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费1 689 305 500美元、给维持和平行动支助账户的91 536 100美元以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的16 486 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "21. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊149 777 300美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "22. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 137 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 346 816 美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额646 050美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额144 334美元;", "23. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 647 550 300美元,每月149 777 300美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务期限为前提;", "24. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内34 509 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数25 814 984美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额7 106 550美元和联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 587 666美元;", "25. 还决定,对于已履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第21段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "27. 又决定,上文第25和26段提及的175 974 100美元所产生的贷项应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数增加额2 223 700美元;", "28. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31. 决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年6月30日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/631和A/65/740。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13。", "[3] A/65/631。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/888)通", "65/305 (英语). 非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2007年7月31日第1769(2007)号决议,其中安理会决定设立非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动,自2007年7月31日起,最初为期十二个月,并回顾安理会其后延长该行动任务的各项决议,最近的是2010年7月30日第1935(2010)号决议,其中安理会将该行动的任务延长至2011年7月31日,", "又回顾大会关于该行动经费筹措的2007年12月22日第62/232 A号决议及其后各项有关决议,最近的是2010年6月24日第64/285号决议,", "重申其1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "意识到必须为该行动提供必要的财政资源,使其能够履行安全理事会有关决议规定的职责,", "注意到该行动属混合性质,为此强调必须确保非洲联盟与联合国在战略层面充分协调,在行动层面实现统一指挥,并有明确的授权和问责线,", "1. 联合国 1. 请秘书长责成该特派团团长完全按照大会2005年6月22日第59/296号、2006年6月30日第60/266号、2007年6月29日第61/276号、2010年6月24日第64/269号和2011年6月30日第65/289号决议以及其他相关决议的规定编制今后的拟议预算;", "2. 联合国 2. 表示注意到截至2011年4月30日非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动摊款缴纳情况,包括未缴摊款2.625亿美元,约占摊款总额的4%,关切地注意到只有79个会员国已足额缴纳摊款,并促请所有其他会员国,尤其是拖欠国,确保缴纳未缴摊款;", "3个 3. 表示赞赏已足额缴纳摊款的会员国,并促请所有其他会员国尽力确保足额缴纳为该行动分摊的款项;", " 4.四. 4. 表示关切维持和平活动的财政状况,特别是在偿还费用给部队派遣国方面,这些国家因会员国逾期未缴摊款而承受额外负担;", "5 (韩语). 5. 又表示关切秘书长在部署最近一些维持和平特派团特别是在非洲的特派团及向其提供适当资源方面受到耽搁;", "6. 国家 6. 强调对今后和现有的所有维持和平特派团,在财政和行政安排方面应予平等对待、一视同仁;", "7. 联合国 6. 又强调应为所有维持和平特派团提供适当资源,使其能够有成效、有效率地完成各自的任务;", "8. 联合国 7. 请秘书长确保拟议维持和平预算以相关立法授权为依据;", "9. 国家 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "10个 6. 请秘书长采取步骤,确保所有人员全面遵守已确立的安保程序;", "11个 7. 重申第61/276号决议第二十节,鼓励秘书长在可行的情况下加强区域合作和特派团间合作,以期在使用联合国资源和执行各特派团任务方面实现更大的协同增效,同时铭记,预算的编制和执行以及资产和后勤业务的控制由各特派团自己负责;", "12个 10. 请秘书长确保第59/296、60/266、61/276、64/269和65/289号决议的相关规定得到充分执行;", "13个 11. 又请秘书长采取一切必要行动,确保以最有效率和最节省的方式管理该行动;", "14个 10. 还请秘书长确保今后提交的预算中就与业务费用有关的拟议所需资源提供充足的资料、解释和理由,使会员国能作出充分知情的决定;", "15个 6. 着重指出必须加强本组织内部的问责制,并确保秘书长除其他外在高成效和高效率地执行关于采购的法定任务以及相关使用财政和人力资源方面,在提供与采购有关事项的必要信息使会员国能作出充分知情的决定方面,进一步接受会员国的问责;", "16号. 11. 请秘书长确保为本组织进行的所有采购项目都完全符合相关决议;", "17岁。 10. 决定不裁撤儿童保护员额,请秘书长尽一切努力填补这些员额,又请秘书长确定相同职等空缺已超过一年的员额,以抵消保留儿童保护员额所产生的财政影响,但不影响业务需要或任务的执行,并在执行情况报告中报告有关情况;", "18岁。 注意到批款总额已按照第65/289号决议的规定进行调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", " 19. 19. 表示注意到秘书长关于该行动2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "20号. 16. 决定批款1 797 327 600美元给非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该行动的维持费1 689 305 500美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的91 536 100美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的16 486 000美元;", "批款的筹措", "21岁 19. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊149 777 300美元,充作2011年7月1日至31日期间的经费;", "22号. 21. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第21段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 137 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 346 816美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额646 050美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额144 334美元;", "23. 联合国 14. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊1 647 550 300美元,每月149 777 300美元,充作2011年8月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该行动的任务为前提;", "24 (韩语). 23. 又决定,根据第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第23段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内34 509 200美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该行动的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数25 814 984美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额7 106 550美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 587 666美元;", "25岁 21. 还决定,对于已经履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第21段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "26. 联合国 25. 决定,对于尚未履行对该行动财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第25段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计175 974 100美元中各自应分的数额;", "27个 25. 又决定,上文第25和26段提及的175 974 100美元所产生的贷项,应加上2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的增加额2 223 700美元;", "28岁 17. 强调任何维持和平特派团都不得借用其他在役维持和平特派团的经费;", "29. 国家 24. 鼓励秘书长铭记安全理事会2003年8月26日第1502(2003)号决议第5和6段,继续采取进一步措施,确保在联合国主持下参与该行动的所有人员的安全和安保;", "30岁。 23. 邀请各方向该行动自愿捐助现金以及秘书长可以接受的服务和用品,这些捐助将按照大会规定的程序和做法适当管理;", "31岁 24. 决定将题为“非洲联盟-联合国达尔富尔混合行动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/631和A/65/740。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.13。", "[3] A/65/631。" ]
[ "Resolution adopted by the General Assembly on 30 June 2011", "[on the report of the Fifth Committee (A/65/889)]", "65/306. Financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia", "The General Assembly,", "Having considered the reports of the Secretary-General on the financing of support of the African Union Mission in Somalia[1] and the related report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,[2]", "Recalling Security Council resolution 1863 (2009) of 16 January 2009, by which the Council expressed its intent to establish a United Nations peacekeeping operation in Somalia as a follow-on force to the African Union Mission in Somalia, subject to its further decision by 1 June 2009, and requested the Secretary-General, in order for the forces of the Mission to be incorporated into a United Nations peacekeeping operation, to provide a United Nations logistical support package to the Mission, including equipment and services,", "Recalling also Security Council resolution 1964 (2010) of 22 December 2010, by which the Council requested the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package to the African Union Mission in Somalia until 30 September 2011,", "Recalling further its resolution 64/287 of 24 June 2010 on the financing of support to the African Union Mission in Somalia,", "Reaffirming the general principles underlying the financing of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as stated in General Assembly resolutions 1874 (S‑IV) of 27 June 1963, 3101 (XXVIII) of 11 December 1973 and 55/235 of 23 December 2000,", "Noting with appreciation that voluntary contributions have been made to the United Nations Trust Fund established to support the African Union Mission in Somalia,", "1. Endorses the conclusions and recommendations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions,² subject to the provisions of the present resolution, and requests the Secretary-General to ensure their full implementation;", "2. Requests the Secretary-General to take appropriate measures to ensure effectiveness, efficiency and transparency with regard to the use of United Nations resources, bearing in mind the specific nature of the support package;", "3. Stresses the importance of strict adherence to the existing United Nations procurement rules and regulations;", "4. Notes that the overall level of appropriation has been adjusted in accordance with the terms of General Assembly resolution 65/289 of 30 June 2011;", "Financial performance report for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010", "5. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General on the financial performance of the support of the African Union Mission in Somalia for the period from 1 July 2009 to 30 June 2010;[3]", "Budget estimates for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012", "6. Decides to appropriate to the Special Account for the support provided to the African Union Mission in Somalia the amount of 309,690,900 United States dollars for the period from 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2012, inclusive of the amount of 291,092,700 dollars for the maintenance of the entity, 15,759,800 dollars for the support account for peacekeeping operations and 2,838,400 dollars for the United Nations Logistics Base at Brindisi, Italy;", "Financing of the appropriation", "7. Also decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 77,422,725 dollars for the period from 1 July to 30 September 2011, in accordance with the levels updated in General Assembly resolution 64/249 of 24 December 2009, and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011, as set out in Assembly resolution 64/248 of 24 December 2009;", "8. Further decides that, in accordance with the provisions of its resolution 973 (X) of 15 December 1955, there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 1,255,950 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 847,700 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 333,700 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 74,550 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "9. Decides to apportion among Member States the amount of 232,268,175 dollars for the period from 1 October 2011 to 30 June 2012 at a monthly rate of 25,807,575 dollars, in accordance with the levels updated in resolution 64/249 and taking into account the scale of assessments for 2011 and 2012, as set out in resolution 64/248, subject to a decision of the Security Council to extend the mandate;", "10. Also decides that, in accordance with the provisions of resolution 973 (X), there shall be set off against the apportionment among Member States, as provided for in paragraph 9 above, their respective share in the Tax Equalization Fund of 3,767,850 dollars, comprising the estimated staff assessment income of 2,543,100 dollars approved for the entity, the prorated share of 1,001,100 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the support account and the prorated share of 223,650 dollars of the estimated staff assessment income approved for the United Nations Logistics Base;", "11. Further decides that, for Member States that have fulfilled their financial obligations to the entity, there shall be set off against their apportionment, as provided for in paragraph 7 above, their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 54,457,900 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the levels updated by the General Assembly in resolution 64/249, taking into account the scale of assessments for 2010, as set out in resolution 64/248;", "12. Decides that, for Member States that have not fulfilled their financial obligations to the entity, there shall be set off against their outstanding obligations their respective share of the unencumbered balance and other income in the total amount of 54,457,900 dollars in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010, in accordance with the scheme set out in paragraph 11 above;", "13. Also decides that the decrease of 433,400 dollars in the estimated staff assessment income in respect of the financial period ended 30 June 2010 shall be set off against the credits from the amount of 54,457,900 dollars referred to in paragraphs 11 and 12 above;", "14. Invites voluntary contributions to the United Nations Trust Fund established to support the African Union Mission in Somalia;", "15. Decides to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session the item entitled “Financing of the activities arising from Security Council resolution 1863 (2009)”.", "106th plenary meeting 30 June 2011", "[1]  A/65/619 and A/65/809.", "[2]  A/65/743/Add.16.", "[3]  A/65/619." ]
[ "2011年7月1日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/889)通过]", "65/306. 支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2009年1月16日第1863(2009)号决议,其中安理会表示打算设立联合国索马里维持和平行动,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的接替部队,但须安理会至迟于2009年6月1日作出进一步决定,并请秘书长为便于非洲联盟驻索马里特派团部队并入联合国维持和平行动,向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供一揽子联合国后勤支助,其中包括设备与服务,", "又回顾安全理事会2010年12月22日第1964(2010)号决议,其中安理会请秘书长继续为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供一揽子后勤支助,直至2011年9月30日为止,", "还回顾大会关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的2010年6月24日第64/287号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的联合国信托基金作出自愿捐助,", "1. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会的报告² 所载结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2. 请秘书长采取适当措施,确保有成效、高效率和透明地使用联合国资源,同时铭记一揽子支助的特定性质;", "3. 着重指出严格遵守现行联合国采购细则和条例的重要性;", "4. 注意到已根据大会2011年6月30日第65/289号决议的规定对批款总额作出调整;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "5. 表示注意到秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "6. 决定批款309 690 900美元给支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团特别账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该实体的维持费291 092 700美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的15 759 800美元,以及给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的2 838 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "7. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊 77 422 725美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "8. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第7段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 255 950美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数847 700美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额333 700美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额74 550美元;", "9. 决定,考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊232 268 175美元,每月25 807 575美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长任务为前提;", "10. 又决定,根据其第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第9段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 767 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 543 100美元、支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 001 100美元以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额223 650美元;", "11. 还决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第7段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "12. 决定,对于尚未履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第11段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "13. 又决定,上文第11和12段提及的54 457 900美元所产生的贷项应减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的减少额433 400美元;", "14. 邀请各方向为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团设立的联合国信托基金作出自愿捐助;", "15. 决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动的经费筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "2011年7月1日", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/619和A/65/809。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.16。", "[3] A/65/619。" ]
[ "2011年6月30日大会决议", "[根据第五委员会的报告(A/65/889)通", "65/306 (英语). 支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费的筹措", "大会,", "审议了秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团经费筹措的报告[1] 以及行政和预算问题咨询委员会的有关报告,[2]", "回顾安全理事会2009年1月16日第1863(2009)号决议,其中安理会表示打算在索马里设立一个联合国维持和平行动,作为非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的后继部队,但须至迟于2009年6月1日作出进一步决定,并请秘书长为将该特派团部队纳入联合国维持和平行动,向该特派团提供一揽子联合国后勤支助,包括提供装备和服务,", "又回顾安全理事会2010年12月22日第1964(2010)号决议,其中安理会请秘书长继续向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供一揽子后勤支助,直至2011年9月30日,", "还回顾大会关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团的经费筹措的2010年6月24日第64/287号决议,", "重申大会1963年6月27日第1874(S-IV)号、1973年12月11日第3101(XXVIII)号和2000年12月23日第55/235号决议阐述的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则,", "赞赏地注意到已有国家向为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团而设的联合国信托基金作出自愿捐助,", "1. 联合国 2. 认可行政和预算问题咨询委员会报告2 所载的结论和建议,但以符合本决议的规定为前提,并请秘书长确保予以充分落实;", "2. 联合国 4. 请秘书长采取适当措施,确保联合国资源使用的效力、效率和透明度,同时铭记一揽子支助的特定性质;", "3个 3. 着重指出严格遵守联合国现行采购细则和条例的重要性;", " 4.四. 注意到已根据大会2011年6月30日第65/289号决议的规定调整了批款总额;", "2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况报告", "5 (韩语). 表示注意到秘书长关于支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团2009年7月1日至2010年6月30日期间财政执行情况的报告;[3]", "2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间预算估计数", "6. 国家 15. 决定批款309 690 900美元给非洲联盟驻索马里特派团支助账户,充作2011年7月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,其中包括该实体的维持费291 092 700美元,给维持和平行动支助账户的15 759 800美元和给意大利布林迪西联合国后勤基地的2 838 400美元;", "批款的筹措", "7. 联合国 14. 又决定,考虑到大会2009年12月24日第64/248号决议规定的2011年分摊比额表,由会员国按照大会2009年12月24日第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊77 422 725美元,充作2011年7月1日至9月30日期间的经费;", "8. 联合国 17. 还决定,根据其1955年12月15日第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第7段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内1 255 950美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数847 700美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额333 700美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额74 550美元;", "9. 国家 14. 决定,考虑到第64/248号决议规定的2011年和2012年分摊比额表,由会员国按照第64/249号决议修订的等级分摊232 268 175美元,每月25 807 575美元,充作2011年10月1日至2012年6月30日期间的经费,但以安全理事会决定延长该特派团的任务为前提;", "10个 19. 又决定,根据第973(X)号决议的规定,从上文第9段规定的会员国摊款中减除会员国在衡平征税基金内3 767 850美元中各自应分的数额,基金内的这笔款项包括该实体的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数2 543 100美元,支助账户的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额1 001 100美元,以及联合国后勤基地的核定工作人员薪金税收入估计数中按比例应分的数额223 650美元;", "11个 14. 还决定,对于已经履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应考虑到大会第64/248号决议规定的2010年分摊比额表,并按照大会第64/249号决议修订的等级,从上文第7段规定的摊款中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "12个 11. 决定,对于尚未履行对该实体财政义务的会员国,应按照上文第11段规定的办法,从其所欠款项中减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间未支配余额和其他收入共计54 457 900美元中各自应分的数额;", "13个 12. 又决定,上文第11和12段提及的54 457 900美元所产生的贷项,应减除2010年6月30日终了财政期间工作人员薪金税收入估计数的减少额433 400美元;", "14. 邀请各方向为支助非洲联盟驻索马里特派团而设的联合国信托基金提供自愿捐助;", "15个 24. 决定将题为“安全理事会第1863(2009)号决议引起的活动经费的筹措”的项目列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "第106次全体会议", "[1] A/65/619和A/65/809。", "[2] A/65/743/Add.16。", "[3] A/65/619。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6573rd meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Wednesday, 6 July 2011, at 10 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994", "Identical letters dated 20 May 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council (S/2011/329)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6573次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月6日星期三上午10时举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭", "2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2011/329)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6573次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月6日星期三上午10时举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭", "2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2011/329)。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6574th meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Wednesday, 6 July 2011, at 10.20 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. The situation in Afghanistan", "Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security (S/2011/381)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6574次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月6日星期三上午10时20分举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 阿富汗局势", "秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告(S/2011/381)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6574次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月6日星期三上午10时20分举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 联合国 阿富汗局势", "秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告(S/2011/381)。" ]
[ "Portugal: draft resolution", "The Security Council,", "Taking note of the letter to the President of the Council from the Secretary-General dated 20 May 2011 (S/2011/329), attaching a letter from the President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (“the International Tribunal”) dated 5 May 2011,", "Recalling its resolution 955 (1994) of 8 November 1994, 1503 (2003) of 28 August 2003 and 1534 (2004) of 26 March 2004, and its previous resolutions concerning the International Tribunal,", "Recalling also its resolution 1966 (2010) of 22 December 2010, establishing the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (“the Mechanism”) and requesting the International Tribunal to take all possible measures to expeditiously complete all its remaining work no later than 31 December 2014, prepare its closure and ensure a smooth transition to the Mechanism,", "Recalling further that the branch of the Mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda shall commence functioning on 1 July 2012,", "Taking note of the assessments by the International Tribunal in its Completion Strategy Report (S/2011/317),", "Noting that, upon the completion of the cases to which they are assigned, four permanent judges will be redeployed from the Trial Chambers to the Appeals Chamber and two permanent judges will leave the International Tribunal,", "Noting the concerns expressed by the President and Prosecutor of the International Tribunal about staffing, and reaffirming that staff retention is essential for the timely completion of the International Tribunal’s work,", "Urging the International Tribunal to take all possible measures to complete its work expeditiously as requested in resolution 1966 (2010),", "Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,", "1. Decides that, notwithstanding article 13, paragraph 1, and article 12 quater, paragraph 2 (a), of the Statute of the International Tribunal, ad litem judges may be eligible for election as, and may vote in the election of, the President of the International Tribunal;", "2. Decides in this regard that, notwithstanding article 12 quater, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Tribunal, an ad litem judge elected as President of the International Tribunal may exercise the same powers as a permanent judge, which will not alter his or her status or give rise to any additional allowances or benefits other than those which already exist, and will effect no changes of the current terms and conditions of service as an ad litem judge;", "3. Decides that, notwithstanding article 12 quater, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Tribunal, an ad litem judge elected as Vice President of the International Tribunal may act as President when required to do so by under the Statute or the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, which will not alter his or her status or give rise to any additional allowances or benefits other than those which already exist, and will effect no changes of the current terms and conditions of service as an ad litem judge;", "4. Decides, in light of the exceptional circumstances, that notwithstanding article 12 bis, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the International Tribunal, Judge Dennis Byron may work part-time and engage in another judicial occupation from 1 September 2011 until the completion of the case to which he is assigned; takes note of the intention of the International Tribunal to complete the case by December 2011; and underscores that this exceptional authorization shall not be considered as establishing a precedent. The President of the International Tribunal shall have the responsibility to ensure that this arrangement is compatible with the independence and impartiality of the judge, does not give rise to conflicts of interest and does not delay the delivery of the judgment;", "5. Reaffirms the necessity of trial of persons indicted by the International Tribunal and reiterates its call on all States, especially the States of the Great Lakes region, to intensify cooperation with and render all necessary assistance to the International Tribunal, and in particular calls upon relevant States to increase their efforts to bring Felicien Kabuga, Augustin Bizimana, Protais Mpiranya and other indictees of the International Tribunal to justice;", "6. Reiterates the importance of the International Tribunal being adequately staffed to complete its work expeditiously and calls upon relevant United Nations bodies to intensify cooperation with the Secretariat and the Registrar of the International Tribunal and to take a flexible approach in order to find practicable solutions to address this issue as the International Tribunal approaches the completion of its work, and at the same time calls upon the International Tribunal to renew its efforts to focus on its core functions;", "7. Commends States that have accepted the relocation of acquitted persons or convicted persons who have completed serving their sentences to their territories, and calls upon other States in a position to do so to cooperate with and render all necessary assistance to the International Tribunal in the relocation of acquitted persons and convicted persons who have completed serving their sentences;", "8. Decides to remain seized of the matter." ]
[ "葡萄牙:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "注意到2011年5月20日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/329),内附2011年5月5日卢旺达问题国际法庭(“国际法庭”)庭长的信,", "回顾1994年11月8日第955(1994)号、2003年8月28日第1503(2003)号和2004年3月26日第1534(2004)号决议以及以往关于国际法庭的各项决议,", "又回顾安理会2010年12月22日第1966(2010)号决议设立了刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(“余留机制”),并请国际法庭采取一切可能措施,快速且不迟于2014年12月31日完成全部剩余工作,为关闭法庭做准备并确保顺利过渡到余留机制,", "还回顾余留机制的卢旺达问题国际法庭分支将于2012年7月1日开始运作,", "注意到国际法庭在其关于《完成工作战略》的报告(S/2011/317)中所作评估,", "注意到,在指派其审理的案件结案后,四名常任法官将从审判分庭调至上诉分庭工作,两名常任法官将离开国际法庭,", "注意到国际法庭庭长和检察官对工作人员配置问题表示关切,并重申工作人员的留用对于及时完成国际法庭的工作至关重要,", "敦促国际法庭采取一切可能措施,迅速完成第1966(2010)号决议要求的工作,", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 决定,虽有国际法庭规约第13条第1款和第12条之四第2款(a)的规定,审案法官有资格当选或投票选举国际法庭庭长;", "2. 为此决定,虽有国际法庭规约第12条之四第2款的规定,当选为国际法庭庭长的审案法官可以行使与常任法官相同的权力,这不会改变其地位,也不会除已有津贴或福利外另外增加津贴或福利,目前作为审案法官拥有的服务条件亦不会改变;", "3. 决定,虽有国际法庭规约第12条之四第2款的规定,当选为国际法庭副庭长的审案法官可以根据规约与程序和证据规则,在必要时代行庭长职务,这不会改变其地位,也不会除已有津贴或福利外另外增加津贴或福利,目前作为审案法官拥有的服务条件亦不会改变;", "4. 决定,虽有国际法庭规约第12条之二第3款的规定,但丹尼斯·拜伦法官可自2011年9月1日起,部分时间工作并从事另一项司法工作,直至指派其审理的案件结案;注意到国际法庭打算于2011年12月结案;强调不得将这项特别授权视为开创先例。国际法庭庭长有责任确保这项安排符合法官的独立性和公正性,不会导致利益冲突,也不会延误判决;", "5. 重申必须审判被国际法庭定罪的人,再次呼吁所有国家,特别是大湖区各国,加强同国际法庭的合作并为之提供一切必要协助,尤其呼吁有关国家进一步做出努力,将菲利西安·卡布加、Protais Mpiranya和其他被国际法庭定罪的人绳之以法;", "6. 重申国际法庭必须有足够的工作人员来迅速完成工作,呼吁联合国有关机构在国际法庭即将完成其工作之际加强同秘书处和国际法庭书记官长的合作,采取灵活方式寻找实际可行的办法解决这一问题,并同时呼吁国际法庭再次作出努力,注重履行核心职能;", "7. 赞扬同意在其境内安置被宣告无罪人员或服满刑期的被定罪者的国家,呼吁其他有能力这样做的国家与国际法庭合作并提供一切必要援助,以重新安置被宣告无罪人员或服满刑期的被定罪者;", "8. 决定继续处理此案。" ]
[ "葡萄牙:决议草案", "安全理事会,", "注意到2011年5月20日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/329),其中附有2011年5月5日卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭(“国际法庭”)庭长的信,", "回顾其1994年11月8日第955(1994)号、2003年8月28日第1503(2003)号和2004年3月26日第1534(2004)号决议以及以往关于国际法庭的各项决议,", "又回顾其2010年12月22日关于设立刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(“余留机制”)的第1966(2010)号决议,请国际法庭采取一切可能措施,至迟于2014年12月31日迅速完成所余所有工作,为关闭法庭做准备,并确保向余留机制平稳过渡,", "还回顾余留机制卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭分支机构应于2012年7月1日开始运作,", "注意到国际法庭在《完成工作战略》报告(S/2011/317)中所作的评估,", "注意到指派给他们的案件一经结案,审判分庭的四名常任法官将调往上诉分庭,两名常任法官将离开国际法庭,", "注意到国际法庭庭长和检察官对员额配置所表示的关切,并重申留住工作人员对及时完成国际法庭的工作至关重要,", "敦促国际法庭采取一切可能措施,迅速按照第1966(2010)号决议的要求完成工作,", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 联合国 1. 决定,尽管有《国际法庭规约》第13条第1款和第12之四条第2款(a)项的规定,审案法官仍可当选为国际法庭庭长,并可参加选举;", "2. 联合国 3. 在这方面决定,尽管有《国际法庭规约》第12之四条第2款的规定,被选为国际法庭庭长的审案法官可行使与常任法官相同的权力,这不会改变其地位或产生除已存在的津贴或福利以外的任何额外津贴或福利,也不会改变目前审案法官的服务条件;", "3个 4. 决定,尽管有《国际法庭规约》第12之四条第2款的规定,但根据《规约》或《程序和证据规则》的规定,当选国际委员会副主席的审案法官可按要求代理庭长,这不会改变其地位或产生除已存在的津贴或福利以外的任何额外津贴或福利,也不会改变审案法官的现行服务条件;", " 4.四. 鉴于特殊情况,决定尽管有《国际法庭规约》第12条之二第3款的规定,丹尼斯·拜伦法官可在2011年9月1日至被指派审理的案件结案期间从事兼职工作并从事另一项司法工作;注意到国际法庭打算在2011年12月前完成该案;并着重指出,这一特别授权不应被视为开创先例。 国际法庭庭长有责任确保这一安排符合法官的独立性和公正性,不引起利益冲突,不拖延判决的作出;", "5 (韩语). 7. 重申必须审判被国际法庭起诉的人,并再次呼吁所有国家,特别是大湖区国家,同国际法庭加强合作并向其提供所有必要援助,并特别吁请有关国家加紧努力,将Felicien Kabuga、Augustin Bizimana、Protais Mpiranya和国际法庭其他被起诉者绳之以法;", "6. 国家 5. 重申国际法庭必须有足够的工作人员来迅速完成工作,吁请联合国有关机构同国际法庭秘书处和书记官长加强合作,并采取一种灵活的做法,以便在国际法庭即将完成工作时找到实际可行的解决办法来解决这一问题,同时吁请国际法庭重新努力地注重其核心职能;", "7. 联合国 3. 赞扬已同意将已宣告无罪的人或已服满刑期的人迁移到本国领土的国家,并吁请有能力这样做的其他国家同国际法庭合作并给予一切必要协助,以将宣告无罪的人和已服满刑期的被定罪人迁移到本国领土;", "8. 联合国 5. 决定继续处理此案。" ]
[ "Resolution 1995 (2011)", "Adopted by the Security Council at its 6573rd meeting, on 6 July 2011", "The Security Council,", "Taking note of the letter to the President of the Council from the Secretary-General dated 20 May 2011 (S/2011/329), attaching a letter from the President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (“the International Tribunal”) dated 5 May 2011,", "Recalling its resolution 955 (1994) of 8 November 1994, 1503 (2003) of 28 August 2003 and 1534 (2004) of 26 March 2004, and its previous resolutions concerning the International Tribunal,", "Recalling also its resolution 1966 (2010) of 22 December 2010, establishing the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (“the Mechanism”) and requesting the International Tribunal to take all possible measures to expeditiously complete all its remaining work no later than 31 December 2014, prepare its closure and ensure a smooth transition to the Mechanism,", "Recalling further that the branch of the Mechanism for the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda shall commence functioning on 1 July 2012,", "Taking note of the assessments by the International Tribunal in its Completion Strategy Report (S/2011/317),", "Noting that, upon the completion of the cases to which they are assigned, four permanent judges will be redeployed from the Trial Chambers to the Appeals Chamber and two permanent judges will leave the International Tribunal,", "Noting the concerns expressed by the President and Prosecutor of the International Tribunal about staffing, and reaffirming that staff retention is essential for the timely completion of the International Tribunal’s work,", "Urging the International Tribunal to take all possible measures to complete its work expeditiously as requested in resolution 1966 (2010),", "Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,", "1. Decides that, notwithstanding article 13, paragraph 1, and article 12 quater, paragraph 2 (a), of the Statute of the International Tribunal, ad litem judges may be eligible for election as, and may vote in the election of, the President of the International Tribunal;", "2. Decides in this regard that, notwithstanding article 12 quater, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Tribunal, an ad litem judge elected as President of the International Tribunal may exercise the same powers as a permanent judge, which will not alter his or her status or give rise to any additional allowances or benefits other than those which already exist, and will effect no changes of the current terms and conditions of service as an ad litem judge;", "3. Decides that, notwithstanding article 12 quater, paragraph 2, of the Statute of the International Tribunal, an ad litem judge elected as Vice President of the International Tribunal may act as President when required to do so by under the Statute or the Rules of Procedure and Evidence, which will not alter his or her status or give rise to any additional allowances or benefits other than those which already exist, and will effect no changes of the current terms and conditions of service as an ad litem judge;", "4. Decides, in light of the exceptional circumstances, that notwithstanding article 12 bis, paragraph 3, of the Statute of the International Tribunal, Judge Dennis Byron may work part-time and engage in another judicial occupation from 1 September 2011 until the completion of the case to which he is assigned; takes note of the intention of the International Tribunal to complete the case by December 2011; and underscores that this exceptional authorization shall not be considered as establishing a precedent. The President of the International Tribunal shall have the responsibility to ensure that this arrangement is compatible with the independence and impartiality of the judge, does not give rise to conflicts of interest and does not delay the delivery of the judgment;", "5. Reaffirms the necessity of trial of persons indicted by the International Tribunal and reiterates its call on all States, especially the States of the Great Lakes region, to intensify cooperation with and render all necessary assistance to the International Tribunal, and in particular calls upon relevant States to increase their efforts to bring Felicien Kabuga, Augustin Bizimana, Protais Mpiranya and other indictees of the International Tribunal to justice;", "6. Reiterates the importance of the International Tribunal being adequately staffed to complete its work expeditiously and calls upon relevant United Nations bodies to intensify cooperation with the Secretariat and the Registrar of the International Tribunal and to take a flexible approach in order to find practicable solutions to address this issue as the International Tribunal approaches the completion of its work, and at the same time calls upon the International Tribunal to renew its efforts to focus on its core functions;", "7. Commends States that have accepted the relocation of acquitted persons or convicted persons who have completed serving their sentences to their territories, and calls upon other States in a position to do so to cooperate with and render all necessary assistance to the International Tribunal in the relocation of acquitted persons and convicted persons who have completed serving their sentences;", "8. Decides to remain seized of the matter." ]
[ "第1995(2011)号决议", "安全理事会2011年7月6日第6573次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "注意到2011年5月20日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/329),内附2011年5月5日卢旺达问题国际法庭(“国际法庭”)庭长的信,", "回顾1994年11月8日第955(1994)号、2003年8月28日第1503(2003)号和2004年3月26日第1534(2004)号决议以及以往关于国际法庭的各项决议,", "又回顾安理会2010年12月22日第1966(2010)号决议设立了刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(“余留机制”),并请国际法庭采取一切可能措施,快速且不迟于2014年12月31日完成全部剩余工作,为关闭法庭做准备并确保顺利过渡到余留机制,", "还回顾余留机制的卢旺达问题国际法庭分支将于2012年7月1日开始运作,", "注意到国际法庭在其关于《完成工作战略》的报告(S/2011/317)中所作评估,", "注意到,在指派其审理的案件结案后,四名常任法官将从审判分庭调至上诉分庭工作,两名常任法官将离开国际法庭,", "注意到国际法庭庭长和检察官对工作人员配置问题表示关切,并重申工作人员的留用对于及时完成国际法庭的工作至关重要,", "敦促国际法庭采取一切可能措施,迅速完成第1966(2010)号决议要求的工作,", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 决定,虽有国际法庭规约第13条第1款和第12条之四第2款(a)的规定,审案法官有资格当选或投票选举国际法庭庭长;", "2. 为此决定,虽有国际法庭规约第12条之四第2款的规定,当选为国际法庭庭长的审案法官可以行使与常任法官相同的权力,这不会改变其地位,也不会除已有津贴或福利外另外增加津贴或福利,目前作为审案法官拥有的服务条件亦不会改变;", "3. 决定,虽有国际法庭规约第12条之四第2款的规定,当选为国际法庭副庭长的审案法官可以根据规约与程序和证据规则,在必要时代行庭长职务,这不会改变其地位,也不会除已有津贴或福利外另外增加津贴或福利,目前作为审案法官拥有的服务条件亦不会改变;", "4. 决定,虽有国际法庭规约第12条之二第3款的规定,但丹尼斯·拜伦法官可自2011年9月1日起,部分时间工作并从事另一项司法工作,直至指派其审理的案件结案;注意到国际法庭打算于2011年12月结案;强调不得将这项特别授权视为开创先例。国际法庭庭长有责任确保这项安排符合法官的独立性和公正性,不会导致利益冲突,也不会延误判决;", "5. 重申必须审判被国际法庭定罪的人,再次呼吁所有国家,特别是大湖区各国,加强同国际法庭的合作并为之提供一切必要协助,尤其呼吁有关国家进一步做出努力,将菲利西安·卡布加、Protais Mpiranya和其他被国际法庭定罪的人绳之以法;", "6. 重申国际法庭必须有足够的工作人员来迅速完成工作,呼吁联合国有关机构在国际法庭即将完成其工作之际加强同秘书处和国际法庭书记官长的合作,采取灵活方式寻找实际可行的办法解决这一问题,并同时呼吁国际法庭再次作出努力,注重履行核心职能;", "7. 赞扬同意在其境内安置被宣告无罪人员或服满刑期的被定罪者的国家,呼吁其他有能力这样做的国家与国际法庭合作并提供一切必要援助,以重新安置被宣告无罪人员或服满刑期的被定罪者;", "8. 决定继续处理此案。" ]
[ "第1995(2011)号决议", "2011年7月6日安全理事会第6573次会议通过", "安全理事会,", "注意到2011年5月20日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信(S/2011/329),其中附有2011年5月5日卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭(“国际法庭”)庭长的信,", "回顾其1994年11月8日第955(1994)号、2003年8月28日第1503(2003)号和2004年3月26日第1534(2004)号决议以及以往关于国际法庭的各项决议,", "又回顾其2010年12月22日关于设立刑事法庭余留事项国际处理机制(“余留机制”)的第1966(2010)号决议,请国际法庭采取一切可能措施,至迟于2014年12月31日迅速完成所余所有工作,为关闭法庭做准备,并确保向余留机制平稳过渡,", "还回顾余留机制卢旺达问题国际刑事法庭分支机构应于2012年7月1日开始运作,", "注意到国际法庭在《完成工作战略》报告(S/2011/317)中所作的评估,", "注意到指派给他们的案件一经结案,审判分庭的四名常任法官将调往上诉分庭,两名常任法官将离开国际法庭,", "注意到国际法庭庭长和检察官对员额配置所表示的关切,并重申留住工作人员对及时完成国际法庭的工作至关重要,", "敦促国际法庭采取一切可能措施,迅速按照第1966(2010)号决议的要求完成工作,", "根据《联合国宪章》第七章采取行动,", "1. 联合国 1. 决定,尽管有《国际法庭规约》第13条第1款和第12之四条第2款(a)项的规定,审案法官仍可当选为国际法庭庭长,并可参加选举;", "2. 联合国 3. 在这方面决定,尽管有《国际法庭规约》第12之四条第2款的规定,被选为国际法庭庭长的审案法官可行使与常任法官相同的权力,这不会改变其地位或产生除已存在的津贴或福利以外的任何额外津贴或福利,也不会改变目前审案法官的服务条件;", "3个 4. 决定,尽管有《国际法庭规约》第12之四条第2款的规定,但根据《规约》或《程序和证据规则》的规定,当选国际委员会副主席的审案法官可按要求代理庭长,这不会改变其地位或产生除已存在的津贴或福利以外的任何额外津贴或福利,也不会改变审案法官的现行服务条件;", " 4.四. 鉴于特殊情况,决定尽管有《国际法庭规约》第12条之二第3款的规定,丹尼斯·拜伦法官可在2011年9月1日至被指派审理的案件结案期间从事兼职工作并从事另一项司法工作;注意到国际法庭打算在2011年12月前完成该案;并着重指出,这一特别授权不应被视为开创先例。 国际法庭庭长有责任确保这一安排符合法官的独立性和公正性,不引起利益冲突,不拖延判决的作出;", "5 (韩语). 7. 重申必须审判被国际法庭起诉的人,并再次呼吁所有国家,特别是大湖区国家,同国际法庭加强合作并向其提供所有必要援助,并特别吁请有关国家加紧努力,将Felicien Kabuga、Augustin Bizimana、Protais Mpiranya和国际法庭其他被起诉者绳之以法;", "6. 国家 5. 重申国际法庭必须有足够的工作人员来迅速完成工作,吁请联合国有关机构同国际法庭秘书处和书记官长加强合作,并采取一种灵活的做法,以便在国际法庭即将完成工作时找到实际可行的解决办法来解决这一问题,同时吁请国际法庭重新努力地注重其核心职能;", "7. 联合国 3. 赞扬已同意将已宣告无罪的人或已服满刑期的人迁移到本国领土的国家,并吁请有能力这样做的其他国家同国际法庭合作并给予一切必要协助,以将宣告无罪的人和已服满刑期的被定罪人迁移到本国领土;", "8. 联合国 5. 决定继续处理此案。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMs. Čolaković\n Brazil Mrs. Viotti \n China Ms. Guo Xiaomei \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Briens \n Gabon Mr. Messone \n India Mr. Vinay Kumar \n Lebanon Ms. Ziade \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Moraes Cabral \n Russian Federation Mr. Pankin \n South Africa Mr. Crowley \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMs. Sheard\n United States of America Ms. Rice", "Agenda", "International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994", "Identical letters dated 20 May 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council (S/2011/329)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m.", "Expression of thanks to the retiring President", "The President: As this is the first meeting of the Security Council for the month of July, I should like to take this opportunity to pay tribute, on behalf of the Council, to His Excellency Mr. Nelson Messone, Permanent Representative of Gabon to the United Nations, for his service as President of the Security Council for the month of June 2011. I am sure I speak for all members of the Council in expressing deep appreciation to Ambassador Messone and his delegation for the great diplomatic skill with which they conducted the Council’s business last month.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "International Criminal Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Genocide and Other Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of Rwanda and Rwandan Citizens Responsible for Genocide and Other Such Violations Committed in the Territory of Neighbouring States between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 1994", "Identical letters dated 20 May 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the General Assembly and the President of the Security Council (S/2011/329)", "The President: The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "Members of the Council have before them document S/2011/410, which contains the text of a draft resolution submitted by Portugal.", "I wish to draw the attention of members of the Council to document S/2011/329, which contains the text of a letter dated 20 May 2011 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council.", "It is my understanding that the Council is ready to proceed to the vote on the draft resolution before it. I shall put the draft resolution to the vote now.", "A vote was taken by show of hands.", "In favour:", "Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, China, Colombia, France, Gabon, Germany, India, Lebanon, Nigeria, Portugal, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and United States of America", "The President: There were 15 votes in favour. The draft resolution has been adopted unanimously as resolution 1995 (2011).", "The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda. The Security Council will remain seized of the matter.", "The meeting rose at 10.20 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 乔拉科维奇女士 \n 巴西 维奥蒂夫人 \n 中国 郭晓梅女士 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 布里安先生 \n 加蓬 梅索尼先生 \n 印度 维奈·库马尔先生 \n 黎巴嫩 齐亚德女士 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 克劳利先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 希尔德女士 \n 美利坚合众国 赖斯女士", "议程项目", "起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭", "2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2011/329)", "上午10时15分开会。", "向卸任主席致谢", "主席(以英语发言):由于这是2011年7月份安全理事会的第一次会议,我谨借此机会代表安理会赞扬加蓬常驻联合国代表纳尔逊·梅索尼先生阁下在2011年6月份担任安全理事会主席期间所提供的服务。梅索尼大使及其代表团以出色的外交技巧主持了安理会上个月的工作,我相信我是代表安全理事会全体成员向他们表示最深切谢意的。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭", "2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2011/329)", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前摆着文件S/2011/410,其中载有葡萄牙提交的一项决议草案案文。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/329,其中载有2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信文本。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。我现在就把这项决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国、美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):有15票赞成。决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1995(2011)号决议。", "安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。安全理事会将继续处理此案。", "上午10时20分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 维奥蒂夫人\n中国 郭晓梅女士\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 布林斯先生\n加蓬 梅索尼先生\n印度 维奈·库马尔先生\n齐亚德女士\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生\n南非 克罗利先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 Rice女士", "议程项目", "起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭", "2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2011/329)", "上午10时15分宣布开会", "向卸任主席致谢", "主席: 由于这是安全理事会7月份的第一次会议,我谨借此机会代表安理会赞扬加蓬常驻联合国代表纳尔逊·梅索内先生阁下在2011年6月担任安全理事会主席期间所做的工作。 我相信,我代表安理会全体成员对梅索内大使及其代表团上个月主持安理会工作的出色外交技巧深表感谢。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "起诉应对1994年1月1日至12月31日期间在卢旺达境内的种族灭绝和其他严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者和应对这一期间邻国境内种族灭绝和其他这类违法行为负责的卢旺达公民的国际刑事法庭", "2011年5月20日秘书长给大会主席和安全理事会主席的同文信(S/2011/329)", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "安理会成员面前有文件S/2011/410,其中载有葡萄牙提交的一项决议草案的文本。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/329,其中载有2011年5月20日秘书长给安全理事会主席的信。", "我的理解是,安理会现在准备对其面前的决议草案进行表决。 我现在将决议草案付诸表决。", "进行了举手表决。", "赞成:", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、巴西、中国、哥伦比亚、法国、加蓬、德国、印度、黎巴嫩、尼日利亚、葡萄牙、俄罗斯联邦、南非、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和美利坚合众国", "主席(以英语发言):有15票赞成。 决议草案获得一致通过,成为第1995(2011)号决议。", "安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。 安全理事会将继续处理此案。", "上午10时20分散会。" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMs. Čolaković\n Brazil Mrs. Viotti \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Araud \n Gabon Mr. Messone \n India Mr. Vinay Kumar \n Lebanon Ms. Ziade \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Moraes Cabral \n Russian Federation Mr. Pankin \n South Africa Mr. Crowley \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tSir Mark LyallGrant\n United States of America Ms. Rice", "Agenda", "The situation in Afghanistan", "Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security (S/2011/381)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.20 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "The situation in Afghanistan", "Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security (S/2011/381)", "The President: In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representatives of Afghanistan, Canada, Japan, Pakistan and Turkey to participate in this meeting.", "Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Mr. Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, to participate in this meeting.", "Under rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite His Excellency Mr. Pedro Serrano, Acting Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the United Nations, to participate in this meeting.", "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "I wish to draw the attention of Council members to document S/2011/381, which contains the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security.", "I now give the floor to Mr. De Mistura.", "Mr. De Mistura: The last time I briefed the Security Council (see S/PV.6497), as the Council is aware, I insisted, against the rules, on allowing Ambassador Tanin to speak first, as a sign of attention and respect to the growing need for the Afghan people to be recognized as a sovereign country. But this time, Ambassador Tanin has insisted, with me, to go back to the rules, to show that Afghanistan intends to stick to international rules. Therefore, with his permission, I will apply the old approach and take the floor as he kindly requested me to do.", "We meet today at the moment when we are at a special crossroads. July is a significant month in 2011, as decisions have been taken that relate to the beginning of transition. Transition has been announced, but it is also going to be based on the decisions taken at upcoming meetings of the international community with the Afghan authorities, starting approximately in mid-July. This is also the month when we are starting to see the gradual implementation of the decision announced in the speech by President Obama with regard to a gradual redeployment of international forces, in particular those of the United States. In other words, we are at a crossroads between national sovereignty and what comes with it, namely, responsibility and accountability, and between continuing conflict and a politically inclusive dialogue.", "First of all, on the transition, it is like a train that is moving forward. According to every indicator I have — and as we heard at the meeting we had on the transition conference in Kabul — it is also on track. The transition will also of course address seven areas, provinces and cities. As usual, we will see that the devil in the details. But the transition is on track.", "An issue on which we are working — and on which we should be working more, as was recognized in the meeting to which I referred — has to do with the fact that transition cannot be, and should not be, only about security. It has to be about something more. It needs to be a transition to something that the Afghan people recognize and identify with. That is why we are working together in order to ensure that the results in the social, economic and human rights aspects are linked to the transition. In that sense, while the transition is irreversible like a Swiss train, we need at the same time to make sure that it becomes solidly irreversible with regard to the socio-economic aspect.", "In that context, one element that has been discussed in the past few days, and which may come up again, is the idea of seeing whether we could have some of the projects that may emerge that are related to transition linked to some type of transition dividend. In other words, there will undoubtedly be some savings on the military side. Some of it may be utilized to ensure that local Afghan authorities and the people in the areas that are being transitioned feel that there is continuing interest and substantive support for their development. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) will do its part in that regard, based on its very clear mandate, in particular to facilitate that aspect of the transition.", "That leads me to my second point, which is normally the first one in Afghanistan, that is, security. As the Council knows — and there have been many reminders of this — the security situation has been an issue of concern recently. But we have to look at it in context. God knows I do so with care and caution, having just experienced tragedy on 1 April. There have been attacks on the Intercontinental Hotel. Many of us have been there and we know its iconic value. It was shocking. There have been attacks inside the city and in military hospitals, and even in the Ministry of Defence. There were attacks in Kandahar for two days, as well as attacks in Herat on the Italian provincial reconstruction team.", "But let us put it into context. All the attacks were taken care of in an effective way by the Afghan military and police — albeit perhaps sometimes in a rather confusing way, as we are all in the process of training. Even at the Intercontinental Hotel, in a way, the end of the attack was supported by International Security Assistance Force helicopters. Again, however, the Afghan forces were up front.", "I think that is an important point, because there is a perception of improvement in terms of the security situation, which is true. There has been a surge and there has been an improvement in the perception of the momentum being reversed. It is also true, however, that there is a constant attempt by anti-government forces — during the spring offensive, as they call it, and in the summer — to try to reverse that perception by giving signals of dramatic surgical attacks. But I must say that, so far, the first impression still prevails. The Afghans have been able to handle it. That does not mean that in the next few weeks or perhaps months, as the summer is not over, there may not be moments of great difficulty in the security situation.", "That is why it is so important, first, to address the issue of civilian casualties, which is affecting the Afghan people, and, secondly, to actually go into the other phase, namely, a political search — as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and, recently, President Obama have indicated, and as has President Karzai several times. Everybody recognizes that no military solution is conceivable in Afghanistan. We now need to move more effectively into a political search.", "That means reconciliation. Where are we on that? Well, as is clear for all to see, there have been a lot of contacts. Unfortunately, there have also been leaks to the media, which have not helped those contacts. But there is clearly a need for dialogue, and we are getting indications that this will be resumed in a more concrete way very soon.", "Meanwhile, the United Nations is doing its part, in close coordination with Afghan authorities and international stakeholders. We are focusing specifically only on what we are mandated to do, and where we perhaps have added value, that is, on confidence-building measures. These are important, because they are the measures that prepare for substantive discussion, which can only be carried out by the Afghans with the Afghans. They will actually have to do what we have always said, namely, ensure that this is Afghan-led.", "But confidence-building measures do matter, especially at this stage. They include issues such as looking at civilian casualties and giving the Taliban a chance, if they want to be involved, to actually qualify by doing so with facts and not with words and by reducing the tremendous negative impact that they are having on the civilian population, especially in the most recent period.", "Secondly, and I know this is personal judgment, but it is one based on the perception held by many in Kabul, the decision that the Council courageously took to split the list of the Committee established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) between Al-Qaida and the Taliban is certainly an indicator in the right direction, if we want to continue to push for reconciliation. To give one example, some of the members of the High Peace Council, which is the ultimate authority and to which we will refer when there is a substantive discussion, happen to still be on the list. That is very difficult to manage when we, as the United Nations and UNAMA, assist them logistically and substantively and try to travel with them and bring them around in order to make sure that we have meetings.", "One area for confidence-building measures is certainly the possibility of establishing a venue — let us not call it an office — where meetings could eventually take place between the Taliban and stakeholders, in particular Afghan partners, without a feeling of insecurity and with an atmosphere of sufficient discretion. That is not yet there, but it is one of the areas.", "Let me mention an additional area, which has come up in the past few weeks. It has to do with education. If there is one area that the international community and the Afghan authorities should be proud of, in terms of improvement after the departure of the Taliban, it is education. Seven million children are currently enrolled and going to school, many of them girls. We continuously witnessed the tragic decisions taken during the Taliban’s rule regarding schools in general and girls in particular. There are some indicators that they appear for the first time to be sending messages — even publicly through the Internet — that they might have learned from that mistake. We hope that this is not just a tactical decision and that they are in fact indicating their interest in not attacking schools.", "There have been some contraindications. Some teachers have been affected recently, but on the whole our own research indicates that some 400 schools, newly established in certain areas that could clearly be influenced by a Taliban presence, have seen a substantial reduction of attacks. Minister Wardak has drawn my attention to this. We, together with UNICEF, will continue studying the situation; if this is a trend, we will recognize it as a confidence-building measure. But it needs to be verified.", "There is one area that I think we need to refer to when we talk about reconciliation. That is reintegration. The institutional architecture is there, and all members of the Council have contributed substantially — some very substantially — to actually making sure that this is a real and well-prepared eventuality. So far, there has been some traction and momentum. More than 1,800 people are currently in the programme. But challenges exist.", "First of all, it is clear that until real reconciliation takes place, it will be very difficult to see major momentum. But having it ready in order to attract and respond to possible changes is very important, and the proof is that figure of 1,800. We have some concerns and are working on how to ensure that there is sufficient vetting. I must share with the Council the fact that one of the preliminary indicators of the attack in Mazar-e-Sharif was that three out of the five people who violently and brutally killed my colleagues were actually reintegrated ex-Taliban. That shows, first of all, that we need to be very careful about vetting and that none of this is waterproof until there is a final reconciliation.", "My next point is that, regardless of whether or not reconciliation takes place, without a regional context it will never be totally sustainable. That is why, over the past few months, we have been looking with great satisfaction and interest at the substantial increase in bilateral, trilateral and multilateral meetings, from the Shanghai process to the several meetings that have taken place between the Afghan, Pakistani and United States authorities. The same applies to the meetings taking place in Istanbul, in which Iran was included in addition to Pakistan and Afghanistan. We therefore hope and believe that the Istanbul meeting to take place on 2 November will be quite an opportunity for this to be addressed.", "As members of the Council know, there is an international contact group. It is informal, but is growing in its impact and influence. We had a very good and constructive meeting in Kabul, where, apart from other major issues related to transition, Deputy Foreign Minister Ludin came up with an initiative that we are planning to support. The initiative will seek to determine whether we may come to some understanding in Istanbul on stability, along the lines of what was done in the Balkans some time ago or during the Helsinki process. In other words, it will seek something in writing that reassures all sides about mutually reinforced stability.", "That would make more sense, of course, if there were also a mechanism to support it and a financial trust fund for regional incentives. All that may be on the table by the time of the Istanbul meeting, but we are certainly working seriously with the Afghan and Turkish authorities and all participants, regional and beyond, to get something moving in that regard.", "There is no question that, at the moment, there are some clouds related to regional understandings, such as that currently prevailing on the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan. This should not be overly dramatized and should, frankly, be left to the Afghans and Pakistanis to discuss. They have recently held very constructive and useful meetings, both in Islamabad and in Afghanistan, and they will be neighbours forever. We will be there for a while, but they will always be there. So while we are looking at these events with concern, we are also hopeful that this type of bilateral discussion will be a move in the right direction.", "There is another issue that is important in the context of the regional environment, and that is the concern of some regional neighbours over the ongoing ambiguity about the nature of the strategic pact or understanding that may be discussed between the Afghan authorities and, in particular, the United States. Some countries have been very concerned about the possibility of permanent, large foreign bases in Afghanistan. We have been trying to reassure everyone that this does not actually seem to be the case and that it is actually up to the Afghan authorities to reassure the neighbours about the real nature of whatever strategic agreement may be reached. Having travelled in the region, I recognize that it is still an issue that we believe would be better resolved with clarity before Istanbul. We hope it will. There have been statements issued by the United States authorities — even from the highest levels in the Pentagon — trying very rightly to offer reassurance in that regard, but some additional homework would probably help to dissipate that cloud.", "That leads me to another issue — counternarcotics. At a time of possible gradual changes of focus on the part of the international community in Afghanistan, there is a concern that the so-called economic environment will be changing. That is proven by facts. The military drawdown will also reduce the impact of everything that is financially linked to a substantial military presence. The particular fear of my colleagues in the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, to which I draw the Council’s attention, is that the narco-economy may then become more appealing to some Afghans. There is therefore an important need for us not to forget that aspect, which as Council members know is substantively affecting not only Afghanistan but also, again, its neighbours.", "That leads me to the issue of human rights. If there is one area where I believe the United Nations will be remembered in Afghanistan, it is probably the way it has held the fort and raised high the flag about the need to respect human rights. That is why the civilian casualties report is so important and has been a major irritant, frankly, particularly to the Taliban, who have told us many times that it is hurting them. We have been telling them that there is a way to avoid that — by not hurting civilians.", "This has also had an impact on the interventions of the International Security Assistance Force and NATO, particularly air raids. I know that the errors that have been made are increasingly drawing the attention of the United States and NATO authorities, whereas the horrors that the Taliban have been perpetrating in many places — such as the recent attacks on the bank and a hospital — have also drawn attention, and they are annoyed by that. We hope that this will help everyone, and the Taliban in particular, to understand that there is a moment when the popular support that they believe they enjoy is being affected by the level of civilian casualties they have been causing.", "The issue of women is still very important. We have 69 women in Parliament. We count on them to be able to defend what has been achieved by women in Afghanistan, but we remain worried about the reports we are getting about the many cases of concern, such as the judiciary sometimes punishing women when they move out of their homes or decide not to marry.", "The same thing obviously applies to the issue of children. There have been cases of children used as suicide bombers. There have been cases of children being attacked in a way that has drawn the attention of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict.", "On the humanitarian side, there is one area to which I need to draw the Council’s attention. At the moment, the welfare programme is having a difficulty with resources. It is one of our own stars, trying to show the Afghan people that we will not abandon them at any time, as well as actually providing food to more than 6 million children. At the moment, it has had to substantially reduce the number of beneficiaries due to a lack of resources. I draw attention to that because it is an important issue for all.", "Aid coherence is crucial, and it is also important to recognize that there is a body for aid coherence. It is called the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board (JCMB). The JCMB is the best body; there is no need to invent a new one. The United Nations specializes in creating new bodies, so I would be reluctant to suggest one. Rather, the JCMB should be reinforced. The JCMB has the possibility and potential to deal with aid coherence. But there is a cloud — it is the Kabul Bank. I do not need to remind the Council of that, but it is an important issue that is, in a way, an obstacle to progress at the moment on the JCMB and even to the follow-up to the Kabul Conference.", "That issue is not the Council’s responsibility, but that of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The IMF is engaged and, to be fair to Minister Zakhilwal, eight out of the 10 indicators that were requested to be deployed in order to reassure the international community and the IMF have been addressed, but two remain. We hope and have been contributing to drawing the attention of the IMF to the possible consequences of an Afghan default, so to speak, which is not imminent if that is not approved but is certainly of concern. At the same time, Kabul Bank is a serious issue to the Afghan authorities — $800 million is not something to gloss over. Therefore, serious attention is being focused at the moment.", "The same applies to the issue with which the Council is very familiar — the parliamentary crisis. We were hoping that would not take place 10 months after the elections and six months after the President had solemnly inaugurated the Parliament. We would then have been going through an election that, while imperfect, would be handled by the Afghan institutions during a continued political process.", "Unfortunately, this has not been the case. A special court has indicated that 61 members of Parliament should perhaps leave their positions. There is a current tension, as the Council is aware. Our position is the position of the Security Council — 22 December. We will not change it. The second position is that, indeed, the judiciary has the right to prosecute anyone who has committed a crime, but not to change the outcome of elections, and that the solution must be an Afghan solution and a political solution, but not a judicial solution.", "We are hopeful and will continue to work on behalf of the Council, together with the Afghan authorities, to avoid prolongation of that institutional crisis. Afghanistan needs checks and balances; it needs a Parliament, an executive and a judiciary that all work together. At the moment there is a cloud, but since I am an optimist, I am not expecting much rain, yet, on that issue.", "The last point I will make, with the Council’s permission, is a message. This is a transition period in every sense. But there is also a message, which we must be certain the Afghans hear, that 2014 will not be 1989. They are worried, and rightly so, that for the third time during their recent history they will be graciously abandoned by the international community. I know that is not our intention and certainly not that of the United Nations or UNAMA. We are going to review our footprint. We will review the way that we must work, because transition is taking place everywhere. But we will be there — if everything is there and if the Afghans want us — for a long time. And I think that, from the international point of view, we need to constantly reassure the Afghans of that. That will help them to pass through the transition in this difficult period.", "The President: I thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan de Mistura for his briefing.", "I now give the floor to the representative of Afghanistan.", "Mr. Tanin (Afghanistan): At the outset, allow me to begin by congratulating you, Sir, on your assumption of the presidency of the Council for the month of July. I would like also to express appreciation for your personal role and Germany’s prime role in dealing with Afghanistan in the Council.", "I would like to extend my warmest welcome to my good friend, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan de Mistura, back to the Council. I thank him for his kind remarks and compliments, for his comprehensive briefing and for his introduction of the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/381).", "As the world enters a post-bin Laden era, Afghanistan, the greatest victim of terrorism, is today at a critical juncture in its quest for peace and stability. Consistent with the outcome of the NATO Lisbon Summit, we have begun the transition process. In the coming days, we will implement the first stage of this process in seven Afghan provinces: Kabul, Panjshir, Bamiyan, the municipalities of Herat in Herat province, Mazar-e-Sharif in Balkh province, Mehtar Lam in Laghman province and Lashkar Gah in Helmand province.", "Transition is a rousing call for Afghans to take the lead in national ownership and leadership and for the Government of Afghanistan to assume its sovereign responsibilities. From our point of view, transition is a carefully formulated comprehensive strategy that presupposes not only a gradual transfer of security responsibilities to Afghan authorities until the end of 2014, but also a conscientious drawdown of international forces, the accelerated training of the Afghan Army and Police, the strengthening of governance, a new regional agenda for multifaceted cooperation, and the prospect of securing a renewed strategic partnership with the United States and NATO.", "The Afghan Government continues its crucial efforts to ensure that the transition process is smooth and viable. However, there should be no doubt that, if the transition process is to succeed and remain sustainable, certain preconditions must be met. First and foremost, we look to our international partners to expedite the training and equipping of our security forces and to provide them with the necessary enablers.", "Last month, United States President Obama announced the gradual drawdown of United States forces from Afghanistan. We welcome the decision and consider it to be in accordance with the recent emerging consensus between Afghanistan and the international community to move from a primarily military engagement to a more solid and enduring partnership beyond 2014. President Obama’s announcement is a testament, first, to the steady ability of Afghan security forces and, secondly, to the changed momentum of the war, despite the recent vicious attacks by the Taliban.", "Contrary to some interpretations, we do not see the drawdown of international forces as an end game or, as some have put it, the beginning of international disengagement from Afghanistan. In the past 10 years, much blood and sweat have been shed and many sacrifices made in order to realize our common objective of lasting peace and security in the country and the region.", "The recent display of a promotional psychodrama of so-called sophisticated attacks, such as the one carried out last week in the Kabul Intercontinental Hotel or the slaughter of a dozen civilians in a hospital in Logar province is a conspicuously well-orchestrated attempt by the enemies of Afghanistan, designed to incite fear among the people, to hinder international support for Afghanistan, and to convince a war-weary audience in some countries that the war is unwinnable.", "Moreover, the recent campaign seeks to sabotage the future of peace talks and undermine the prospect of reconciliation. Those who provide terrorists and extremists with money, arms and strategic guidance are equally responsible for the continued killing and brutal butchery of innocent civilians in Afghanistan. It is therefore imperative to stress the necessity of eliminating the sanctuaries that continue to produce and prepare the ruthless killers and agents of the unending destruction of Afghanistan.", "Acts of terror, however, will not shake our determination to secure peace and stability in Afghanistan. We are pleased to see that an environment conducive to constructive outreach and dialogue with members of the armed opposition is now in place. The reconciliation process will be pursued as a priority, consistent with the understanding that there is no purely military solution and that the transition requires an inclusive settlement. Reconciliation aims to bring peace, prosperity and unity to the country. It is not about ceding any territorial control or accommodating any representation outside the authority of the Afghan Government. The High Peace Council is engaged in discussions with the Taliban and key actors in the region to end the violence and achieve a lasting peace. This is an effort in which all sectors of society, including women, are involved.", "In addition, we are beginning to focus on the regional dimensions of the reconciliation process. We again underscore Pakistan’s significant role in achieving peace and reconciliation, and in this context we emphasize the importance of constructive collaboration between our two countries. We must take the necessary confidence-building measures for that collaboration to continue. The recent armed violations of Afghanistan’s eastern border through hundreds of instances of shelling and artillery fire in Kunar and Nangarhar provinces, which killed dozens of people, including women and children, have been the cause of serious alarm and concern for the people and Government of Afghanistan, and run the risk of undermining the spirit of cooperation between Afghanistan and Pakistan. We urge that such attacks cease immediately.", "The Security Council’s recent decision to separate the Taliban sanctions regime from that of Al‑Qaida was an astute move in support of our peace and reconciliation initiative. It gives new impetus to our Afghan-led reconciliation process. We also appreciate the Council’s decision to meet our de-listing requests, and urge increased focus on acceding to our additional requests, which remain unmet.", "The recent eleventh meeting of the International Contact Group on Afghanistan, held in Kabul with broad participation from more than 50 countries and international and regional organizations, focused on reconciliation, regional cooperation, the transition to Afghan leadership and ownership, and international support beyond 2014. The meeting was held as part of the lead-up to the forthcoming Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan, aimed at creating a stability compact, and to the international conference to be held in Bonn later this year, which will review progress on the transition goals and seek the long-term support of the international community in advancing the political process, including reconciliation and regional partnership.", "A decade of international and regional interaction in Afghanistan is now leading to the emergence of a new silk road, defining the shared benefits of regional cooperation. This year we have engaged in increasingly concrete cooperation with our neighbours in the region, expanding the horizons of understanding and the scope of joint efforts. During President Karzai’s visit to Islamabad last month, a promising future of close cooperation and the realization of a common vision with Pakistan was envisaged for peace as well as for development. That visit was followed by an extensive discussion with the trilateral framework of the Core Group of Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States, which recently held its third meeting in Kabul.", "During the most recent visit of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, India offered its support for Afghan-led reconciliation efforts and announced a significant increase in its assistance to Afghanistan. We also continue to conduct numerous exchanges with Iran, Russia, China, countries of Central and South Asia and the Arab world. The opportunities that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan can offer for prosperity and security in the region are ever more evident. We will continue our constructive engagement with regional partners to realize our common goals.", "Securing Afghanistan and its future is about empowering the country, enabling it to stand on its own feet and take charge of its own destiny. In this regard, we look forward to the upcoming review of the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan as essential to aligning the role of the United Nations with the evolving needs of transition. We are convinced that a more harmonized, streamlined and coordinated United Nations, based on the Delivering as One approach, is vital to furthering the efficiency and effectiveness of the Organization in Afghanistan. We look forward to a lasting partnership with the United Nations during transition and beyond.", "The Government of Afghanistan will continue to improve governance, enhance its fight against corruption and strengthen transparency and accountability in our national institutions. To that end, we will build on existing measures in order to ensure that anyone involved in illegal activities will be held accountable. The Afghan Government’s recent apprehension of two senior executives of Kabul Bank implicated in financial mismanagement is testimony to our firm commitment to accountability and the rule of law. We have presented the Attorney-General’s office with a list of all the accused individuals. A comprehensive investigation of the Kabul Bank fiasco is under way and should lead to reparation of debts and the bringing to justice of all the culprits in the case. We are convinced that the final outcome of the investigation will respond to the concerns both of the Afghan people and our international partners.", "Ongoing consultations are under way to resolve the dispute that arose from irregularities occurring during our parliamentary elections. We are not facing a constitutional crisis. The Government of Afghanistan is fully committed to resolving the issue within the framework of a legal and political solution.", "Far too many innocent Afghans have lost their lives as a result of prolonged violence, insecurity and fighting. The civilian casualties are not just about figures and numbers; they are about the loss of the innocent lives of men, women, children, village elders, health workers, teachers and aid workers. The Taliban has been primarily responsible for such killings and has displayed a total lack of conscience in pulling the trigger on innocent civilians or those who protect local people. However, the number of casualties caused by NATO forces, despite their own repeated calls for a commitment to protecting civilians, remains significant. We reiterate our call for an immediate end to civilian casualties.", "As we move forward, we must think beyond ending the war and towards ensuring sustainable progress across all sectors: security, governance and development. Our goal remains a vision of a peaceful, stable, democratic and prosperous Afghanistan. For that to be achieved, we must build on the gains of the past and forge a feasible framework of cooperation with the region and a long-term partnership between Afghanistan and the international community. The coming years will be crucial to our joint success. Together, we will be able to accomplish the task we began 10 years ago.", "The President: I now give the floor to the members of the Council.", "Mrs. Viotti (Brazil): I thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, for his briefing and his outstanding work in very difficult conditions. I also thank Ambassador Zahir Tanin for his statement.", "Although the situation in Afghanistan has shown progress, the recent rise in security incidents is a painful reminder of the many challenges still ahead. Brazil is both saddened and alarmed by the recent signs of hostility against the presence of the United Nations in Afghanistan. We condemn in the strongest terms the brutal attack on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). I take this opportunity to reiterate Brazil’s confidence in the work of the United Nations in helping to lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development in Afghanistan and our support for the Afghan Government in the spirit of transition. We welcome the security enhancement project being implemented by UNAMA throughout the country.", "Brazil is also concerned at the rising civil unrest in Afghanistan. After several years of war and violence, Afghan society should no longer have to endure the burden of war. The increase in conflict-related casualties should not be treated as a mere unintended consequence of the conflict. All concerned must continue to do their utmost to protect civilians and comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law. There can be no military solution to this conflict, and I think that we all agree on that. The Kabul process must be closely followed until the transition to full Afghan leadership and responsibility has been achieved.", "Despite the current difficulties, the transition towards Afghan security responsibility must continue to advance. In the same vein, the implementation of the national priority programmes outlined by the Afghan Government is essential to building the capacity and infrastructure that Afghanistan requires in order to promote its social and economic development as the international military presence draws down.", "In any scenario, reconciliation efforts remain central to a political solution to the conflict in Afghanistan. Dialogue is the path to a solid foundation for the country’s future. Brazil supports the implementation of the measures agreed to at the Review Conference of the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme. Through an enhanced presence in Kabul, Brazil stands ready to work together with the Afghan people and their Government towards a future of peace and development.", "Ms. Čolaković (Bosnia and Herzegovina): On behalf of my delegation, I would like to thank Mr. Staffan de Mistura for his comprehensive briefing and Ambassador Tanin for his statement.", "We welcome the fact that the Government of Afghanistan has continued to implement the Kabul process, including the successful elaboration of 11 national priority programmes, out of 22. We express the hope that the financing issues related to those programmes will be successfully resolved in coordination with donors. The Afghan authorities must now show tangible results in other important national priority programmes, including those in the areas of justice and subnational governance, which are crucial for the better functioning of the State. We would like to commend the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for its important support for the implementation of the Kabul process.", "With respect to the taking over of the responsibility of the Afghan authorities for security in the country, Bosnia and Herzegovina hopes that the recent incidents in Kabul and other areas will not have a negative impact on the transition which was announced in March by President Karzai and is supposed to start this month. We also took note of the recent announcement by the United States President, Mr. Barack Obama, followed by the United Kingdom and Germany, of a partial withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan. That means that the coming period will be crucial to Afghanistan’s future and to assessing the work which has been done by the international community over these many years. In this regard, we particularly welcome UNAMA’s role in facilitating dialogue among development partners and the International Security Assistance Force to ensure that the development perspective is taken into account in the transition planning.", "Another important element for Afghanistan’s future is the Afghan-led reconciliation and reintegration process. It is encouraging to see that efforts to strengthen this process have continued to receive strong support from the international community, including the valuable work of the Special Representative and of UNAMA. Furthermore, the adoption of resolution 1988 (2011) and the establishment of the Taliban sanction regime also represent positive steps in support of reconciliation efforts.", "We reiterate our position that reconciliation and integration are crucial elements of the peace process. We fully understand that such a process can be very sensitive in terms of the human and political aspects and that, consequently, it has the potential to encounter diverse obstacles. Nonetheless, we continue to believe that there is no alternative to an Afghan-led reconciliation and reintegration process and that such a process must be a priority in future. The progress that has been reported on the reintegration of insurgents is an encouraging sign, particularly because it includes Kandahar, which until now had not experienced significant progress in this field.", "Although political developments in Afghanistan continue to advance in the right direction, the security situation in Afghanistan remains for us a cause of great concern. In particular, United Nations statistics show that last May was the deadliest month for civilians, with the number of persons killed representing a significant increase compared with 2010. Bosnia and Herzegovina condemns in the strongest possible terms the deadly attack carried out against Logar hospital on 25 June. It is simply not possible to justify such a crime against innocent civilians. We also condemn the recent attack against a hotel in Kabul and reiterate our condemnation of the deadly attack against the UNAMA compound in Mazar-e-Sharif, where three UNAMA staff members were among the casualties. It is important to continue to call upon all parties to the conflict to strictly comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law and protect civilians while strongly stressing that killing civilians and innocent people is a crime.", "We have also witnessed, as a direct result of the ongoing conflict, a considerable increase in the number of displaced persons. We share the Secretary-General’s view that conflict-related displacements and the failure to provide reintegration support are not only humanitarian issues but important security concerns given their potential for destabilization. United Nations agencies have played a crucial role in supporting the return of Afghan refugees and displaced persons, as well as in the sustainable reintegration of those persons. In that context, we must not forget about the issue of the removal of unexploded explosive devices, since only 27 per cent of the areas contaminated with mines has been cleared.", "We also commend the efforts of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in addressing the problem of illicit drug production, which remains a lifeline for anti-Government forces and terrorists. We are actively participating in the Paris Pact process as part of joint international efforts to suppress, if not eliminate, drug trafficking, which has a major impact on the security of both the countries of supply and the countries of demand.", "Finally, we consider that all of the important issues relating to sustainable peace and stability in Afghanistan can only benefit from regional cooperation, including that of its neighbouring countries: Iran, Pakistan and India. We welcome the reinforcement of dialogue and cooperation. We also commend the efforts of Turkey aimed at supporting Afghan stability and economic development and the forthcoming Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan, to be held on 2 November 2011, as well as the commitments made by Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries during the Fourth Conference of the Least Developed Countries, held in Istanbul, to the sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of Afghanistan.", "In conclusion, our thanks go to the Special Representative, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, the staff of UNAMA and all United Nations personnel in Afghanistan for their tireless and dedicated work.", "Mr. Osorio (Colombia) (spoke in Spanish): Allow me, first of all, to congratulate you, Mr. President, and wish you every success as you and your country assume the presidency of the Security Council this month. I would also like to thank the representative of Gabon, our good friend Ambassador Nelson Messone, who conducted our work last month with great equanimity and seriousness.", "I would like to welcome and thank Mr. Staffan de Mistura, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), and to thank him for his very comprehensive and serious presentation, which very clearly illustrated the various aspects of the current situation in Afghanistan, the reality factors that should be closely borne in mind in the future and the outlook on the process of transition and future consolidation. I would also like to welcome Ambassador Zahir Tanin.", "I would like to highlight the very important contribution of UNAMA in improving the stabilization and democratization process, as well as its determination to work in coordination with the Government in order to lay the foundations for sustainable peace and development in Afghanistan. We consider it appropriate that, in accordance with its mandate, UNAMA continues to focus on supporting the Government in critical areas such as facilitating the political process for peace and reconciliation, security, governance, economic development and regional cooperation.", "My delegation deeply regrets the increase in the number of security incidents, most especially the attacks on United Nations personnel and facilities that took place on 1 April. We welcome and support the activities conducted by the Special Representative to improve the safety of staff and the Government’s commitment to continuing to support UNAMA. Nevertheless, of major concern is the increased frequency of public demonstrations against the international civilian and military presence. The greatest of attention should be paid to this situation.", "Along the same lines, we commend the efforts geared to a transition towards greater Afghan responsibility and leadership and to continue to work in accordance with the timetable for Afghan forces to take the lead in security matters by the year 2014. That goal should be guided by progress on the ground. In that regard, the efforts of the International Security Assistance Force and of the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan are an important contribution to the creation of conditions that will enable national authorities to gradually assume responsibility for security and governance. We endorse continuing to build relationships with local authorities and community leaders that allow, as indicated by Special Representative De Mistura, the establishment of inclusive dialogue processes to facilitate reconciliation with all segments of the population.", "The adoption of resolution 1988 (2011), by which the Security Council established an independent sanctions regime for individuals and entities associated with the Taliban and recognized a central role for the Government in delisting requests, was a decision that undoubtedly will contribute to the reconciliation process in Afghanistan and will help to build confidence between the parties.", "Afghanistan faces many problems that could threaten the sustainability of the progress made so far. Violence remains one of the main factors, affecting progress and resulting in increased humanitarian needs and a number of civilian casualties and internally displaced persons. We reiterate our call on all parties to the conflict to fulfil their obligations under international humanitarian and human rights law and to take all necessary measures in order to ensure the protection of civilians.", "We emphasize the importance of the joint regional initiatives taken to combat the various aspects of the world drug problem that affect Afghanistan and the region. Constructive and ongoing participation by various actors, within and outside the region, involved in the implementation of common strategies in the fight against the world drug problem in all its aspects under the principle of shared responsibility and in a balanced manner contributes to stabilization and the promotion of mutual trust between neighbouring countries and beyond the region. My country, Colombia, reiterates its readiness to strengthen bilateral cooperation with Afghanistan in order to address this and other manifestations of organized crime.", "Security is an essential condition for strengthening the rule of law, the exercise of fundamental freedoms and the establishment of foundations for economic development. Accordingly, the strengthening of the integrated strategic framework in order to achieve greater coherence in the Organization’s efforts and in the implementation of programmes in support of the Kabul Process is a positive step forward to ensure unity in the United Nations and in the international community’s actions in order to contribute to the exercise of Afghan sovereignty in all aspects of the future of its people.", "Mr. Moraes Cabral (Portugal): I would like to thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for his very comprehensive briefing as usual, as well as Ambassador Tanin for his very useful intervention.", "I must begin my statement by recalling the attacks in Mazar-e-Sharif. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and indeed the entire international effort in support of the Government and people of Afghanistan were brutally attacked in Mazar-e-Sharif last April. I hereby convey to the Special Representative Portugal’s highest appreciation for the courage shown in the face of adversity and for the constant commitment that UNAMA’s personnel showed to their mission. We commend their dedication. That is the guarantee that the losses suffered will not have been in vain.", "The report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/381), the Special Representative’s briefing and Ambassador Tanin’s statement have, I believe, covered the essential aspects of the situation in Afghanistan and shown us what it takes to make the transition a success.", "Last spring was a hard time indeed. The security assessment indicates that insecurity persists and that the rising number of casualties, especially those involving civilians, is a clear sign that the battle for the future of Afghanistan continues. The recent attack on the Intercontinental Hotel underlines this situation in a very symbolic way. But this is a battle that must be won, not only on the ground against the enemy but also in terms of public opinion — Afghan public opinion, first and foremost, but also international public opinion.", "Civilian casualties are evidently the cruellest face of war. Limiting civilian casualties must therefore rank at the highest level in the military command’s priorities as a fundamental element in the war in Afghanistan, as in any other war. We are aware that significant efforts had been and are being made to decrease civilian casualties caused by military operations. We call upon military commanders to pursue these efforts with steadfast commitment.", "It is clear, nevertheless, that it is the insurgents who are responsible for the vast majority of civilian casualties and for the growing numbers of innocent victims. I recall the Special Representative’s mentioning last March the offer made to insurgents to bring forward their own numbers of civilian casualties, which went unheeded. I also recall the multiple steps already being taken to try to address damage to civilians caused by national and international forces. It would be extremely useful to build upon what is already on the ground and integrate the valuable advice, expertise and goodwill we are able to contribute in order to adequately compensate civilians for their justified grievances.", "The Special Representative reports that a draft regulation on the women’s protection centres is now under consideration by the Technical Legislative Review Committee of the Council of Ministers. Portugal is encouraged by the fact that this process has been allowed to proceed with the required inclusiveness so that the amendments that fully protect women’s human rights were incorporated in the final version of the draft law. We are also pleased to see that UNAMA continues to raise awareness and monitor the implementation of the Law on the Elimination of Violence against Women. We commend UNAMA’s continued efforts in terms of the protection and promotion of human rights as well as the role played by UN-Women. Portugal reiterates the importance it attaches to the participation of women in Afghan Government institutions, including the civil service.", "Concerning the protection of children, which was mentioned by the Special Representative, I would also like to highly commend the initiative of UNAMA and UNICEF, in partnership with the Office of the Special Representative, on violence against children. The broad range of partners assembled by the United Nations agency and the Special Representative is an encouraging sign of public commitment to the rights of children.", "Finally, we take note of the multiple efforts being made by the Afghan Government, both internally and externally. Abroad, recent regional steps towards increased cooperation, at both the bilateral and multilateral levels, are to be welcomed as Afghanistan reassumes its role as a fundamental crossroads of Asia. This shows how Afghanistan’s neighbours can and should play a crucial role in the process of stabilization of that country, and indeed of the region, as underlined by Mr. De Mistura and Ambassador Tanin.", "On the home front, significant challenges remain. We entirely second the affirmation in the report that", "“[i]t is vital that the transition be managed so as to lead to an improvement in security, as well as better access to essential services for the population” (S/2011/381, para. 69).", "Transition is not only security, as Staffan de Mistura underlined. Military success on the ground must translate into an effective governance framework and into strengthening the rule of law, institutions and public services in order to protect those gains from erosion caused by lack of accountability and disconnection from the population’s needs. In this regard, the inauguration of the joint independent anti-corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee can only be applauded and its work strongly encouraged.", "Recent developments at the institutional level, namely in the Parliament, have highlighted the need for renewed capacity for political compromise and adherence to the Constitution. The historical moment Afghanistan is living requires undivided focus and commitment. I am sure that decision-makers in Afghanistan are working hard so that this phase remains contained within the bounds of a growing constitutional democracy.", "I conclude by saying that the transition is set to begin this month, and this is something to commemorate. Vast amounts of resources and political will are concurring to make July 2011 a point of departure rather than a point of arrival for Afghanistan and its people. It is up to us to continue to support, as allies and friends, the Government of Afghanistan and its people so as to achieve the success they deserve.", "Ms. Rice (United States of America): Let me begin by congratulating you, Mr. President, on assuming the presidency of the Council and by thanking the Ambassador of Gabon for his very able leadership last month.", "I thank both Special Representative De Mistura and Ambassador Tanin. I want to thank Special Representative De Mistura for his briefing this morning and for his continued exceptional service in Afghanistan. I ask him to convey to the staff of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) the deep and abiding gratitude of the United States for the critical work they do in the face of considerable hardship. That hardship was again made tragically clear on 1 April, when a mob attacked the UNAMA compound in Mazar-e-Sharif, resulting in the deaths of seven United Nations staff members. We reiterate to their families and loved ones our deepest condolences. As always, we stand with the United Nations in the face of such a brutal assault, and again we urge fellow Member States to provide the United Nations with the resources it needs to reinforce its facilities and protect its staff.", "Let me briefly highlight three top priorities for my Government in Afghanistan. First, as President Obama recently said, July marks the beginning of a responsible transition that will see Afghan forces gradually taking the lead in securing their own country. By 2014, this process of transition will be complete and the Afghan people will be responsible for their own security. As Afghan security forces move into the lead, the United States will continue to reduce its military footprint, and our mission will change from combat to support. As President Obama announced last month, the United States will withdraw 10,000 troops from Afghanistan by the end of this year. The remaining 23,000 surge troops he announced in December 2009 will leave Afghanistan by the end of summer 2012.", "President Obama made this decision from a position of strength. We have made significant progress towards our goals. The United States military surge, together with additional troops committed by our allies and partners, has helped stabilize more of the country and shifted the momentum away from the insurgency. Afghan security forces have improved in quality and grown by more than 100,000 troops. In some areas, these improvements have already allowed for the transition of responsibility for security to the Afghan National Security Forces.", "In the face of violence, terror and intimidation, as Ambassador Tanin noted, Afghans are defending their country, establishing local police forces, reopening markets and schools, and creating new opportunities for women and girls. We will continue to support them as they reclaim their country after decades of strife, long after our military mission has ended.", "Secondly, even as we pursue this transition to Afghan security responsibility, we are redoubling our efforts to pursue a peaceful end to this conflict. We support Afghan-led initiatives to reconcile the Afghan people, including the Taliban. We have taken tangible steps to advance Afghan reconciliation and reintegration initiatives, including support to the Afghan High Peace Council and provincial police and reintegration councils.", "As Secretary of State Clinton said in February and as President Obama reiterated in June, the necessary outcomes of any negotiation would have to include a commitment by reconciling insurgents to renounce violence, abandon any alliance with Al-Qaida and abide by the Afghan Constitution, including its protections for women. As evidence of our seriousness, we champion the Council’s decision to split the sanctions regime pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) and to establish distinct sanctions for Al-Qaida and the Taliban. Resolution 1988 (2011) is an important tool for promoting reconciliation while isolating extremists, and it sends a clear message to the Taliban: There is a future for those willing to rejoin the fold of peaceful Afghan society.", "Finally, let me touch briefly on an important part of Afghanistan’s democratic development — its electoral system. Last year’s parliamentary elections, the first run by Afghans since the fall of the Taliban in 2001, represented a historic step for the Afghan people. Afghan electoral institutions — the Independent Election Commission and the Electoral Complaints Commission — demonstrated professionalism throughout the process. They performed admirably, despite a difficult security environment and allegations of fraud.", "We are consulting closely with Afghan officials and our international partners, including UNAMA, on the recent announcement by the special elections tribunal, which called for the electoral results of 62 seats in the Wolesi Jerga to be overturned. We urge Afghanistan’s political leaders and all Afghan institutions to act within their clearly defined areas of competence, in accordance with the Afghan Constitution and electoral law, preserving the necessary system of checks and balances between the judicial, executive and legislative branches. The United States has been clear and consistent about the need for Afghanistan to detect and deal with fraud related to the election process, in accordance with the Afghan Constitution and democratic principles, as provided for by the mechanisms of the Independent Election Commission. It is important that Afghanistan’s Parliament fulfil its constitutional role on behalf of the Afghan people.", "Meanwhile, we must continue to strengthen the capacity of Afghanistan’s electoral institutions. Long-term electoral reform remains key to the country’s democratic future. As we look to the 2014 presidential elections and beyond, we must ensure that we learn the lessons of the past several years, for the benefit of Afghanistan’s democratic future.", "The year 2011 will be a pivotal one, capped by an international gathering in Bonn that will mark 10 years since the international community joined with the Afghan people to help chart a new path together. The past decade has seen great hardship and sacrifice, but it has also produced real progress. With common purpose and sustained commitment, we will continue to help the Afghan people build a more peaceful and prosperous future.", "Mr. Wang Min (China) (spoke in Chinese): I wish to thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General De Mistura for his briefing and Ambassador Tanin, Permanent Representative of Afghanistan, for his statement.", "One year ago, the Kabul International Conference on Afghanistan was successfully convened. Over the past year, through the efforts of the Afghan Government and people and with the help of the international community, positive progress has been achieved in the Afghan peace and reconstruction process. Meanwhile, Afghanistan is undergoing a critical period of transition whereby continued efforts are needed to achieve comprehensive and balanced development in all sectors — security, political, economic and social. In that connection, I would like to underscore the following five points.", "First, China supports Afghanistan in its continued efforts to push through the Kabul process with the help of the international community. In order to achieve Afghan peace, stability and development, there is a need to fully respect its independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and to support its ownership and leadership, so as to genuinely achieve an Afghanistan run by Afghans.", "Secondly, China is seriously concerned about the recent worsening in the security situation and the rising number of civilian casualties. We have noted that a certain country has announced that it plans to withdraw its troops from Afghanistan. We hope that in the transfer of security responsibilities to the Afghan Government, the parties concerned will earnestly assume responsibilities to help Afghanistan to strengthen its security capacity-building to ensure a peaceful and stable transition.", "Thirdly, China supports Afghanistan in its national reconciliation efforts, fully respects the Afghan Government and people in their choice of their own accord and hopes to see progress in its peace and reintegration programme.", "Fourthly, with regard to peace and reconstruction, Afghanistan still needs the sustained attention and support of the international community. The international community must deliver on and fulfil its commitment to help Afghanistan and to continue to provide the country with assistance. The parties need to respect and implement the priorities identified by Afghans themselves in the context of the Afghan National Development Strategy.", "Fifthly, China appreciates the active efforts of the United Nations to push through the Afghan peace and reconstruction process. We support the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in its continued efforts to play a central and leading role in coordinating aid to Afghanistan. We hope that UNAMA will strengthen its communication, coordination and cooperation with the Afghan Government.", "As a friendly neighbour, China has consistently committed itself to friendly and good-neighbourly relations with Afghanistan. We attach great importance to our participation in reconstruction efforts in Afghanistan. China will continue to provide assistance to Afghanistan within its capabilities and will work with the international community to contribute to peace, stability and development in Afghanistan.", "Sir Mark Lyall Grant (United Kingdom): I should like to take this opportunity to congratulate you, Mr. President, on assuming the presidency of the Security Council for this month. I also congratulate Ambassador Messone and the Gabonese delegation on their stewardship of the Council during the month of June.", "I also wish to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2011/381), Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan De Mistura for his informative briefing this morning and Ambassador Tanin for his statement.", "As other speakers have done, I extend the United Kingdom’s condolences over the shocking deaths, in Mazar-e-Sharif in April, of staff of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA). It is vital that dedicated United Nations staff can carry out their work in a safe and secure environment, with the full support of the Afghan Government and the international community. I would also like to pay tribute to all other international personnel for the sacrifices they have made in this campaign.", "The British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has just returned from a visit to Afghanistan, where he saw at first hand the progress that the Afghan Government and the international community have made in preparing for the transition to Afghan-led security responsibility across the country. It is encouraging that the first areas are on track to begin the transition process on 20 July. The Afghan National Security Forces will continue to grow in size and capability as they prepare to take the security lead in all provinces by the end of 2014. The United States surge has helped to prepare for transition and, as Ambassador Rice has confirmed, will be drawn down as originally planned. Other international forces will also begin to withdraw as conditions allow. My Prime Minister announced earlier today that United Kingdom force levels will be reduced by a further 500, from 9,500 to 9,000, by the end of 2012. These are signs of progress, improved security and the growing strength of Afghan forces. But it does not signal the end of international support for Afghanistan.", "The United Kingdom deeply regrets all civilian casualties that result from the actions of international and Afghan Government forces. When such casualties occur, it is despite the strong preventive measures that have been put in place. As the Secretary-General notes in his report, the vast majority of casualties are caused by the insurgents, who deliberately use violent tactics designed to intimidate the population. In the past quarter, the insurgency has continued to assassinate Government employees and to deliberately attack civilian targets, including hospitals, markets and the Intercontinental Hotel. Insurgent-related civilian casualties outnumber Afghan and international forces casualties by a ratio of approximately eight to one. We condemn such attacks in the strongest possible terms.", "An Afghan-led political process is needed to underpin the military progress. To be durable, any political settlement must be inclusive and must respect the interests and rights of all Afghan citizens. The death of Osama bin Laden gives the Taliban an opportunity to make a decisive break with Al-Qaida. The British Foreign Secretary has called for the Taliban to make that break and participate in a political process. We urge the international community to call for the same outcome.", "Fundamental to any political settlement and crucial to the future stability of Afghanistan is the safeguarding of democratic principles, including free and credible elections. The United Kingdom remains fully committed to working with the Afghan Government, Parliament and people to strengthen Afghan democracy and representative institutions. We are therefore deeply concerned that the dispute between the Special Court and Parliament remains unresolved. We call upon all parties involved to work together to find a solution in line with Afghan law and to respect the separation of powers that is guaranteed by the Constitution.", "The current situation illustrates the need for further progress on electoral reform. We continue to support the role of the United Nations in assisting the Afghan Government, institutions and people as they take forward commitments made at the London and Kabul Conferences last year. This continues to form a vital part of the mandate of UNAMA.", "Irreversible transition and progress on the political track must be supported by governance and development progress. Putting in place the necessary measures to allow an International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme will be crucial if we are to make progress on these issues. Following the incident of the Kabul Bank, we call for a rapid resolution to negotiations on a new IMF programme, and for those who have broken the law to be brought to justice. The Afghan people deserve no less.", "Since the Secretary-General issued his quarterly report, important progress has been made preparing for the Afghan-led Bonn conference. Members of the International Contact Group had a constructive dialogue in Kabul. We now need to focus on translating these discussions into tangible outcomes, particularly on regional cooperation. We welcome the work led by Turkey in this area and look forward to the Istanbul Conference in November.", "Finally, despite the challenges, significant progress has been made on the road to a secure and viable Afghanistan. As Afghanistan moves from being a post-conflict country to one with more traditional development needs, UNAMA and the wider United Nations family will play an increasingly important role. We therefore welcome the forthcoming review of United Nations activities. We hope that the Secretary-General will include an assessment of the delivery of UNAMA against its current mandate, its role in the post-transition landscape, and how the United Nations can support the Afghan Government in bringing about the emergence of a strong, durable and self-sustainable Afghan State.", "Mr. Messone (Gabon) (spoke in French): I, too, would like to congratulate you, Mr. President, on your assumption of the presidency of the Council for the month of July. I take this opportunity to thank all of the Permanent Representatives and their delegations for the cooperation and support they offered me during Gabon’s presidency of the Council in June.", "I would like to thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan de Mistura and Ambassador Tanin for the briefings they have just provided on the situation in Afghanistan on the basis of the report of the Secretary-General before us (S/2011/381).", "First and foremost, I would like to express our strong condemnation of the recent acts of violence, which undermine the progress and achievements made since March. In fact, since our most recent debate on 17 March (see S/PV.6497), the situation in Afghanistan has seen major progress, particularly in the political transition process.", "We are pleased to note the progress achieved in national reconciliation. In this regard, we welcome the fact that the Afghan Government has, at the request of the Security Council, committed itself to facilitating the reintegration of moderate insurgents, pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011). We also welcome the establishment by the Government of a joint independent committee to promote transparency and accountability within the Administration. We believe that this is an important element in the process of transferring responsibility, which was referred to by Ambassador Tanin a moment ago.", "Despite these efforts, a number of obstacles remain, particularly in the areas of security and good governance. My delegation takes this opportunity to call once again on the new Afghan Government to do its utmost to strengthen its capacity to fight terrorism and corruption, which remain the major obstacles to peace and stability in the country.", "As we stressed at the most recent debate, the security and protection of civilians must be priorities of the Government in its efforts to establish a sovereign State based on solid and stable constitutional institutions. The Afghan authorities should assume their full responsibilities in this area.", "The withdrawal announced this month of a large number of troops from some international forces, particularly those of the United States and NATO, confirm the major challenge that the Government has to meet in its attempts to fully assume it sovereign prerogatives. Here, we reaffirm our full support to the staff of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) and the United Nations for their assistance to the Afghan Government to that end.", "In conclusion, we pay tribute to Mr. Staffan de Mistura for his unceasing efforts to support peace and stability in that country. With respect to the impending transition, we share his view that security must remain a priority, but that improved security must yield transition dividends based on improved coherence of international assistance and on inclusive and participatory dialogue. In closing, we reaffirm our support to UNAMA and United Nations personnel in Afghanistan.", "Mr. Crowley (South Africa): Allow me to add the voice of my delegation to those of others who have congratulated you, Mr. President, on assuming the presidency of the Security Council for the month of July, and to thank Ambassador Nelson Messone for his excellent stewardship of the Security Council during the month of June.", "We thank the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Afghanistan, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, for introducing the report of the Secretary-General on Afghanistan (S/2011/381). We also appreciate the participation of the Permanent Representative of Afghanistan, Ambassador Zahir Tanin, in this debate.", "My delegation welcomes the relatively positive developments that have taken place over the past few months in Afghanistan, particularly with regard to the progress towards greater Afghan leadership and ownership. These include progress in the implementation of the Kabul process, momentum on reintegration and reconciliation efforts, and cooperation between Afghans and their neighbours.", "Despite these positive developments, Afghanistan continues to face critical challenges in its endeavour to achieve stability and development. Key among them are the security situation, the worsening humanitarian situation, human rights deficiencies and continuing civilian casualties. South Africa stresses that, given the magnitude of these challenges, a comprehensive strategy incorporating security, humanitarian issues, good governance and socio-economic development is required. In this regard, we would like to underscore the central role of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) in supporting the Government of Afghanistan and in coordinating international assistance to the country. Crucially, the continued role played by bilateral partners remains indispensable.", "We are particularly concerned over the attacks directed against the United Nations and its personnel. South Africa condemns in the strongest terms the violent attacks against the United Nations operations centre in Mazar-e-Sharif on 1 April, which resulted in the death and injury of United Nations staff.", "South Africa continues to welcome efforts to strengthen political outreach activities. Political dialogue and reconciliation among people and leaders remain critical to the long-term stability of Afghanistan. We are pleased that the High Peace Council has intensified its efforts to lead reconciliation efforts. This, together with efforts to reintegrate insurgents, including the Taliban, should be encouraged.", "My delegation remains concerned by the plight of children caught up in conflict in Afghanistan, and in this connection we strongly condemn the attack on a school on Sunday by a suspected militant on a motorcycle, who threw a hand grenade at the gates of the school.", "With regard to the role of women, my delegation is of the view that Afghan women have a significant role to play in securing the peace and stability of the country. Their role in building a new Afghan society should be welcomed.", "National ownership and leadership remain crucial to political security and socio-economic progress in Afghanistan. On its part, the international community should continue its supportive role in the country’s transition from conflict to stability and prosperity. South Africa therefore continues to support the presence and role of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA).", "In conclusion, we commend Special Representative De Mistura for completing the integrated strategic framework for a comprehensive review of UNAMA’s mandated activities and the United Nations support to Afghanistan, and thank UNAMA and its personnel for their efforts in executing the mandate of the Security Council for a more peaceful and stable Afghanistan.", "Mrs. Ogwu (Nigeria): I want to thank Special Representative De Mistura for his very inspiring and lucid briefing. I also want to thank Ambassador Tanin not only for his comprehensive briefing, but also for the tremendous courage that he has demonstrated even in trying times.", "Nigeria welcomes the steady progress being made in Afghanistan. The quest for honourable peace and stability has been steadfast. A new Constitution is in place; several elections have been held; economic growth seems promising; the new counter-insurgency strategy bolsters recent military gains; and donor commitment to funding civilian reconstruction remains very strong. We believe that these political developments should be consolidated through a rigorous reconciliation and reintegration process involving Taliban and non-Taliban insurgents, especially in the Kandahar area.", "As the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/381) cautions, we must be vigilant in ensuring that the reconciling parties are indeed genuinely committed not only to the new code of conduct delineated by the Government, but also to upholding the Constitution. The political process must be led and driven by Afghans and in accordance with the Constitution. It must promote not only lasting peace and stability, but also the protection of the interests of women. A successful political process will serve to underpin the ongoing efforts of the Government to improve governance and accountability, including the unimpeded participation of women in the peace process.", "The Government should remain committed to its anti-corruption agenda and its obligations arising from the London and Kabul conferences. A greater commitment of the Government to its anti-corruption agenda and its obligations arising from the London and Kabul Conferences will strengthen these efforts.", "On the security sector, the recent attacks on the United Nations operations centre in Mazar-e-Sharif and on the capital’s premier hotel are tragic reminders of the tense and fragile security situation in the country. We condemn such cowardly acts, which indiscriminately target innocent civilians, security forces and the personnel of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). The perpetrators of those attacks must be brought to justice. Indeed, such attacks undermine the capacity of the Afghan security forces and raise questions about the readiness of the Afghan authorities and security forces to meet the security challenges ahead. We support the urgent strengthening of the implementation phase of the security transition process through enhanced training and capacity-building and greater cooperation between the United Nations and ISAF forces.", "The participation of the Afghan Government in the listing and de-listing process will provide a more secure platform for the fight against terrorism, especially against the background of the Kabul communiqué. That is why Nigeria supported the decision to split the Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions regimes. In this regard, we wish to reiterate that such de-listing requests should be addressed by the Committee on a case-by-case basis, and especially on their own merits.", "In the economic sphere, Nigeria commends the Government’s continued commitment to implementing the national priority programme in accordance with the Kabul process. Implementing the programme and meeting the Government’s set benchmarks will require greater coordination and timely international assistance on the part of the donor community. We support the channelling of donor funds and other assistance to the country through the Afghan budget system in order to ensure greater coherence and efficiency.", "The current socio-economic growth and the Government’s prioritized programme, including education and health care, will suffer reversals if a viable solution to the continued impasse on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) programme is not urgently found. We therefore support the setting-up of an appropriate mechanism that the Government and donors alike can utilize to advance and implement the IMF programme.", "On regional cooperation, we welcome the growing cooperation between Afghanistan and its neighbours, especially in overcoming counter-terrorism challenges and combating drugs, arms, human trafficking and organized crime. We welcome the revival of the tripartite meeting between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the United States. Both developments reaffirm the commitment of regional partners to Afghanistan’s stability, economic development, territorial integrity and sovereignty. It is our hope that the tripartite initiative will be sustained as we all look forward to the Istanbul Conference scheduled for 2 November and the international conference of foreign ministers scheduled to take place in Bonn at the end of this year. Through these conferences, the international community can renew its commitment to and support the Afghan-led peace process.", "The future and destiny of Afghanistan may defy imagination, but the international community must be eternally vigilant to make certain that it is a future of peace, security and, indeed, genuine reconciliation and development. In this formidable endeavour, we commend Special Representative Staffan de Mistura for his inspiring and exceptional leadership of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan. The distinctive accomplishments of the staff of the Mission and their invaluable contributions to the concerted global effort to restore democracy, peace and security to Afghanistan will endure eternally.", "Mr. Pankin (Russian Federation) (spoke in Russian): Allow me to congratulate you, Sir, on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council for July. I wish you every success. I also wish to thank the Gabonese delegation for its June presidency and work.", "We are grateful to Mr. Staffan de Mistura for his substantive and frank analysis of the situation in Afghanistan and for introducing the report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/381). We welcome the statement made by Ambassador Tanin, Permanent Representative of Afghanistan.", "We agree with their assessment of the measures being taken by the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), pursuant to its mandate. We share their evaluation of the ongoing difficult security situation in Afghanistan, as reflected in a number of serious incidents over the course of recent months. I refer first and foremost to the tragic attack in April on the United Nations office in Mazar-e-Sharif and the deaths of United Nations staff. We were also shocked by the killing of former Deputy Minister of the Interior Daoud in Takhar province in May and by the attacks in June on the hospital in Logar province and the car of the Governors of Badakhshan and Parwan provinces, as well as by the recent Taliban attack on the Intercontinental Hotel that led to the deaths of innocent civilians. We strongly condemn all of these terrorist acts.", "These insurgent attacks show that the Taliban movement is pursuing its attempts to destabilize the situation in Afghanistan and to undermine the efforts of the international community towards the post-conflict reconstruction of the country. The leadership of the Taliban is neither acting on behalf of the Afghan people nor working towards lasting peace and a prosperous, independent Afghanistan.", "The Russian Federation is particularly concerned about the situation in northern Afghanistan, where a number of high-profile terrorist acts have taken place. Those acts have had repercussions in Central Asian States, including our partners in the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Collective Security Treaty Organization and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. In the light of the continued efforts of terrorists of the Taliban and Al-Qaida, a targeted and measured approach is necessary to implement the plan for national reconciliation.", "We hope that the recent changes to the sanctions regime pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) will boost the efforts of the Afghan Government to implement its national reconciliation strategy, give added impulse to addressing the problem of an Afghan settlement and enhance regional security — conditions that were all agreed to by the international community.", "In that context, we note the reaffirmation in resolution 1988 (2011) of the important principles of national reconciliation in Afghanistan, including the renunciation of violence, respect for the Afghan Constitution and the renunciation of ties to Al-Qaida and other terrorist organizations. Under these criteria, it is unacceptable to de-list Taliban leaders from the United Nations sanctions regime list. A dialogue with Taliban leaders can be carried out only under Afghan leadership. Any contact with them, in particular outside official channels, could send the wrong signal from the international community in the context of an Afghan settlement.", "We are also particularly concerned about the consequences of implementing a plan for the long-term enhancement of the military presence in Afghanistan after 2014. We believe that the establishment of a neutral status for Afghanistan is necessary. The Presidents of the Russian Federation and the United States spoke in favour of this idea in their joint statement of 24 June 2010, and members of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization also supported it in the Astana Declaration of 15 June. Of course, the initiative on this issue lies with the Afghan people themselves — not in the near future, but when the stabilization of Afghanistan is complete. The establishment of Afghanistan’s neutral status, if accepted, could, we believe, facilitate dialogue on reconciliation.", "We are concerned about the drug trafficking situation in Afghanistan. There is no doubt whatsoever that drug trafficking in Afghanistan is a threat to international peace and security, as reflected in resolutions 1943 (2010) and 1974 (2011). Neutralizing this threat requires joint efforts and the pooling of all possible capacities. Unfortunately, the coalition forces have not focused sufficient enough attention on this issue. My country believes that the foreign military presence in Afghanistan can and should play a more proactive role in dealing with drug manufacture and trafficking, particularly since they have assumed responsibility for security in Afghanistan. Our recommendations remain valid with respect to real-time interaction on that track among our partners in NATO, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.", "We are deeply concerned over the death of civilians through the indiscriminate or disproportionate use of force by military forces. Under the norms of international humanitarian law, the responsibility for guaranteeing the security of the civilian population lies with all parties, including the international forces. The Russian Federation will continue to favour the central coordinating role of the United Nations in international efforts to ensure a solution to the situation in Afghanistan. Effective and impartial United Nations support for the implementation of the provisions of the outcome document of the Kabul Conference on Afghan ownership of the country’s administration will guarantee long-term stability in Afghanistan.", "Another important aspect of achieving long-term stability is United Nations control of the manner in which the international forces implement Security Council mandates. Those forces are on Afghan territory under the auspices of the Security Council and can withdraw only pursuant to a decision of the Security Council upon fulfilment of their mandate. They do not have the right to leave Afghanistan without fulfilling their anti-terrorism tasks or establishing an effective Afghan army and police.", "My country believes that the drawdown of United States forces announced by United States President Barack Obama will be offset by an increase in the capacities of the Afghan National Security Forces, which should be ready to control security and effectively counter extremism and drug trafficking.", "Ms. Ziade (Lebanon) (spoke in Arabic): I wish at the outset to express Lebanon’s gratitude to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, Mr. Staffan de Mistura, for his briefing and to Ambassador Tanin of Afghanistan for his statement. I also commend the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) for its efforts in Afghanistan, in particular in view of the difficult circumstances on the ground.", "Ten years after the international military intervention in Afghanistan, we are now bearing witness to the dawn of a new era with the transfer of authority to the Afghan people. Yet, the security situation remains alarming. Violence against international and Afghan forces and against the Afghan people continues at an accelerated pace. This situation has led to a greater need for vigilance at the security level during the transitional phase in order to return power to the hands of the Afghans and to ensure the safety of civilians and their property. All parties are called upon to respect international humanitarian law and to make every effort to spare the lives of innocents.", "In the context of the search for a political solution to the crisis, Lebanon commends efforts to achieve reconciliation and reintegration. Specifically, we underscore the role played by the High Peace Council and the Security Council’s support for the reconciliation process through its unanimous adoption of resolution 1988 (2011), which splits the sanctions regimes for the Taliban and Al-Qaida and provides members of the Taliban with the opportunity to disassociate themselves from terrorist ideology and respect the Constitution in order to participate in the peace process.", "No less important than the security and safety situation is the issue of strengthening respect for human rights in Afghanistan. Specifically, efforts should continue to be made to enforce laws regarding acts of violence against women in every province. Women should be protected against discrimination, injustice and coercion, and should be integrated into public life. These are things that the Organization has repeatedly called for.", "Moreover, we would like to underscore the significance of the allegations in the Secretary-General’s report (S/2011/381) concerning the ill treatment and abuse of detainees, who are often deprived of legitimate defence counsel as well as being arbitrarily detained without charge or trial. It is essential to good governance that such gaps in the areas of the rule of law and institutions be dealt with.", "We should also emphasize the importance of continued commitment to the Kabul Process, particularly in the context of social and economic development. The reform of public institutions is also crucial to transparency and accountability. We would also like to add our voice to the call made by Secretary-General in his report concerning the need for the creation of an International Monetary Fund country programme. The lack of such a programme is having a generally negative effect on projects and programmes around the country.", "In addition, efforts within Afghanistan should be accompanied by dialogue and regional cooperation. Neighbouring countries can — indeed, it is in their interest to do so — strengthen their ties with Afghanistan and contribute to improving the safety and security situation by monitoring borders and combating drug-trafficking and transnational organized crime.", "We would like to emphasize our appreciation for the international community’s efforts in general and in particular those of the United Nations, through all its agencies. United Nations staff are working courageously and determinedly under very difficult circumstances to build an Afghan State that is capable of protecting its own people and institutions, with a view to safeguarding the lives and prosperity of all Afghan men, women and children.", "Mr. Vinay Kumar (India): At the outset, I would like to congratulate you, Sir, on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council, and to commend the Permanent Representative of Gabon and his team for having steered the work of the Council in June. I would also like to thank you, Sir, for scheduling today’s debate on Afghanistan. And I thank Ambassador Zahir Tanin, Permanent Representative of Afghanistan, for his statement. We are grateful for the Secretary-General’s latest report (S/2011/381) and appreciate the briefing by Special Representative Staffan de Mistura.", "Afghanistan is at the beginning of the implementation stage of the transition whereby its security forces will start to assume their responsibilities in seven key areas, including Kabul. This is a critical phase for both Afghanistan and the international community. We are deeply concerned that the challenges confronting Afghanistan, particularly on the security front, do not appear to be receding. On the contrary, the overall security environment continues to deteriorate. The Secretary-General’s report notes that there has been a 51 per cent increase in security incidents compared with the same period in 2010, characterized by a significant increase in suicide attacks, abductions and assassinations. The terrorist attacks on the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) compound in Mazar-e-Sharif and the Government buildings in Kandahar, and the coordinated suicide attack at the highly secure Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul and on a hospital in Logar, confirm a change in tactics whereby the Taliban and other opposition groups are opting for soft civilian targets.", "As was pointed out in our statement on this subject on 17 March (see S/PV.6497), such attacks point to a dangerous osmosis of ideologies, ambitions, training and operations among the terrorism syndicate in the region, with suicide terrorism as its main technique and targets not limited to Afghanistan. The international community, in its hurry to withdraw from a combat role in Afghanistan, will ignore this at its own peril. It therefore becomes crucial that the transition be linked to the realities on the ground rather than to a rigid timetable.", "A constant assessment and review of the evolving situation, in coordination with the Afghan Government, is essential in that regard. We appreciate the enhanced collaboration between the International Security Assistance Force and the Afghan National Security Forces in building the requisite strength and capabilities of the Afghan forces, which, along with adequate enablers, is essential to the transition of security responsibilities. It is important that the transition be Afghan-owned. It must also be planned and implemented in a systematic manner and must ensure the protection and promotion of the human rights of all Afghans.", "For the security and stabilization of Afghanistan, it is important to isolate and root out the terrorism syndicate that includes elements of Al-Qaida, the Taliban, Lashkar-e-Taiba and other terrorist and extremist groups operating within and outside Afghanistan’s borders. These groups are ideologically and operationally fused, and their bonds have strengthened over the years. As the Secretary-General’s report points out, the insurgency in Afghanistan remains resilient, demonstrating a capability for launching multiple complex attacks. The insurgents’ continued resilience, their changing tactics, their numbers and their spread to areas previously considered safe are a grim reminder that security gains will remain transient unless the international community is able to deal firmly with safe havens for terrorist groups outside Afghanistan’s borders.", "India fully supports an Afghan-led, inclusive and transparent process of reconciliation, adhering to the guidelines enunciated by the Afghan Government in the Kabul and London communiqués. This must be accompanied by an inclusive political process and intra-Afghan dialogue. It is important that the antecedents of those willing to reintegrate be ascertained, and that it be ensured that they are genuinely reconciled.", "We support the views and decisions of the Government and people of Afghanistan as they seek to build a more secure, stable and prosperous future and a strong democracy in their country. The Afghan people must be allowed to rebuild their land in conditions of peace and security, free from interference by their neighbours, and they must be the arbiters of their own destiny. It is our expectation that the new sanctions regime established pursuant to resolution 1988 (2011) will enable the Afghan Government to have a greater say in confronting the challenges posed by those who constitute a threat to the country’s peace, security and stability.", "Afghan ownership and leadership are vital to development and reconstruction in Afghanistan. This also implies greater coherence, coordination and further streamlining of the international community’s development efforts, including aligning assistance with Afghan national priorities and increasingly working through Afghan institutions. We are happy to note that UNAMA continues to align its priorities with those of the Afghan Government.", "India and Afghanistan share a strategic partnership based on a strong foundation of rich bonds in history and civilization, and on the shared pursuit of regional peace and prosperity. India remains committed to partnering with the Government and people of Afghanistan in the building of a peaceful, stable, democratic and prosperous nation. India’s assistance programme is spread throughout Afghanistan and covers almost the entire gamut of economic and social development activities. Assisting Afghanistan with its reconstruction efforts, with capacity-building and skills for developing human resources, and with building its public institutions is a special priority area for India. As Ambassador Tanin mentioned in his statement, during his last visit to Afghanistan, from 11 to 13 May, our Prime Minister announced additional assistance of $500 million over and above India’s existing commitment of $1.5 billion.", "Afghanistan’s stability and economic development depend greatly on its neighbours and the region as a whole. Closer economic integration with India and other countries in the region is the key to Afghanistan’s future prosperity. The area of Afghanistan south of the Hindu Kush all the way up to the Ganges delta form a part of a single geographic and economic basin, with the plains of India constituting the centre of its economic gravity. It is by far Afghanistan’s largest regional market — a potential source of investment, skills, training, technology and expertise and a model of democracy and national institution-building in a culturally comfortable context.", "Afghanistan has immense potential as a land bridge linking Central, West and South Asia and emerging as a trade, transport and energy hub. The recent developments in regional cooperation, including the signing of the agreement on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India gas pipeline project, would provide added impetus to regional cooperation. Growing economic interdependence would catalyse peace and prosperity in the region at large and in Afghanistan in particular. Afghanistan, as a member of the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) since 2005, is becoming an increasingly active SAARC member. India, as a neighbour, will continue its efforts towards the greater integration of Afghanistan into the regional framework.", "In conclusion, we commend the good work done by UNAMA and we think that at this critical juncture, it is imperative that the international community continue to remain steadfast in its support for the Government of Afghanistan as per its priorities.", "Mr. Araud (France) (spoke in French): I should of course like, Sir, to congratulate you on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council and to thank the representative of Gabon for his skilful conduct of the work of the Council during the month of June. I wish also to thank Mr. De Mistura for his presentation on the situation in Afghanistan and would like to associate myself with the statement to be made later by the representative of the European Union. In addition, I should like to thank Ambassador Tanin for his statement.", "I should like at the outset to start by paying tribute to all United Nations staff working in Afghanistan. The Security Council reacted in the aftermath of the 1 April attack against United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) headquarters in Mazar-e-Sharif, an attack that was all the more revolting given that the men and women who were murdered there were working for the stabilization, security and development of Afghanistan.", "The attack should not make us deviate from our main goal, which is to help the Afghan Government move ahead on the path towards full sovereignty. In that regard, the transition process has begun. This new phase of our commitment is leading, as of this year, to the gradual and orderly transfer of security responsibilities to the Afghan authorities. France will remain committed, along with its allies, alongside the Afghan people so as to ensure that the transition process is completed, as scheduled, at the end of 2014, be it in our area of deployment or with respect to the training of the Afghan security forces. Our commitment in Afghanistan is long-term and will be adapted so as to take account of the new context of transition. The planned redeployment of French troops will take place in close cooperation with our allies and the Afghan authorities. However, we must be careful to ensure that that the transition process also leads to the assumption of responsibility by the Afghan Government for both governance and development.", "Much remains to be done, and time is of the essence. We must ensure greater involvement of the Afghan people in the planning and implementation of development projects. For its part, the Afghan Government must wage a more resolute combat against corruption and nepotism, as evidenced by the Kabul Bank situation.", "Progress has also been noted in the area of budget performance through the decentralization of public expenditures and the further strengthening of capacities in the planning and implementation of development projects in the provinces and districts.", "Turning to the issue of security, we have resumed the military initiative and thereby made it possible for the Government of Afghanistan to regain a foothold in several areas. The country’s army and police force are growing stronger with our support — financially and in terms of training, making it possible for the allies to envision a gradual withdrawal of some of the combat forces in Afghanistan.", "Our military and training efforts are starting to bear fruit, at the cost, however, of very arduous combat. Military gains will be short-lived if they do not take place in a context that reinforces the legitimacy of the Afghan authorities and that makes it possible to envisage a political solution to the conflict. Unfortunately, the court-created uncertainty that affects the legislative powers is detrimental to the proper functioning of democratic institutions and is distracting them from the real concerns of the Afghan voters. We call on all Afghan institutions to work in the context of their respective competencies, as set out in the Constitution and on the basis of the principle of the separation of powers. The Special Representative of the Secretary-General must continue to monitor the situation and electoral reform, which the country needs.", "We have, however, also noted the progress made on the path to inter-Afghan reconciliation. We continue to support the efforts of President Karzai and the High Peace Council to develop a peace process involving all segments of Afghan society. Such a process must be supported by regional efforts that take into account the security interests of Afghanistan’s neighbours while respecting its sovereignty. The United Nations can from that point of view play a useful role.", "By separating the sanctions regime of the United Nations for Al-Qaida and the Taliban, the Security Council took a very significant decision which, we hope, will motivate the Afghan people to turn their backs on international terrorism, undertake direct dialogue and look to the future together.", "France would like to conclude by reaffirming its full support for the efforts of Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan de Mistura. The Security Council, through its resolution 1974 (2011), renewed the mandate of UNAMA and confirmed that the priorities it outlined two years ago were the right ones. The Council also requested that a full review of the activities of UNAMA and of the United Nations in Afghanistan be carried out by the end of 2011. This will represent an opportunity to reflect on the evolution of the commitment of the United Nations in that country. The review must take place in a context of full transparency, working with the Afghan authorities. That process, the second Bonn Conference and the renewal of UNAMA’s mandate in 2012 all represent opportunities to reiterate our commitment to the common goal of a democratic, independent and prosperous Afghanistan that has definitively turned its back on violence and instability.", "The President: I shall now make a statement in my capacity as the representative of Germany.", "Let me join others in warmly welcoming and thanking the Special Representative for his briefing today. We equally thank Ambassador Tanin for his statement.", "My Government aligns itself with the statement to be made later by the European Union (EU).", "I will touch upon three issues today.", "First, with respect to transition, Germany welcomes the fact that the process of security transition is progressing, in line with the improved quality and quantity of the Afghan security forces. My delegation welcomes in particular the beginning of a security transition in the first tranche of seven districts and municipalities to Afghan security responsibility this month.", "It is important to underline that, as per the agreement between NATO and the Afghan Government, the transition period will continue to be gradual and condition-based. The number of security incidents in recent months illustrates clearly the magnitude of the challenges still ahead of us. We believe, however, that the strategy and need for timeliness agreed between Afghanistan and the international community will continue to serve us well, and we intend to stay the course.", "Germany condemns the ongoing violence, and particularly, in the strongest terms, the latest attack on a hospital in Logar. We note with continued serious concern a further increase in civilian casualties, up to 90 per cent of which are now caused by insurgents. We commend the professional reaction by the Afghan security forces during last week’s heinous attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul.", "Here in the Council, I would like to stress in particular the security of the United Nations. Like everyone here today, Germany greatly appreciates the work of the Special Representative of the Secretary-General and of other colleagues of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) under most challenging circumstances. But as we expect UNAMA to continue with its indispensable work, we have a shared responsibility to do everything we can to protect United Nations staff and operations. Mazar-e-Sharif was another shocking experience for the United Nations community, and we extend our condolences to all the families of the victims. Germany calls for maximum efforts, including by the Afghan Government, to protect international support operations in Afghanistan.", "Secondly, with regard to the Kabul process, the transition agenda described in the process will, over time, also change the nature of international support. However, it is the strong expectation of the international community that United Nations resources and expertise are made use of to preserve the progress achieved and to build a sustainable partnership with a viable State based on Afghan leadership, democratic principles and respect for human rights and reliable governmental and non-governmental institutions, founded on a firm constitutional basis.", "One of the determining factors for the success of the Kabul process is a solution to the Kabul Bank crisis. There is no substitute for credible financial institutions. Germany concurs with the report’s assertion that the absence of an International Monetary Fund programme seriously endangers the Kabul process and the ability to increasingly channel development support through the Government budget.", "Thirdly, let me briefly touch upon preparations for the international conference on Afghanistan to be held in Bonn in December, which some members have mentioned and which Germany looks forward to hosting upon the request of the Afghan Government. On the whole, the conference is about shifting more weight onto the long-term and political components within our common Afghanistan strategy. As was decided by President Karzai, the three main aims of the conference to be chaired by Afghanistan are to further define the civilian aspects of the transition process until 2014, to strongly confirm and define long-term international support for Afghanistan beyond 2014, and to contribute to the political process of reconciliation, including its regional dimension. We expect that the Bonn conference will be an important milestone on the way to a stable Afghanistan at peace with itself and its neighbours.", "In that context, Germany considers the recent split of the sanctions regime under resolution 1267 (1999) into separate Al-Qaida and Taliban regimes as an important stepping stone.", "Let me end by reiterating continued and long-term German support to our Afghan friends and by underlining our appreciation for UNAMA’s role and the wider support of the United Nations. Germany considers UNAMA and the United Nations system as co-partners in a successful transition in the interest of all Afghans.", "I now resume my functions as President of the Security Council.", "I now give the floor to the representative of Japan.", "Mr. Nishida (Japan): I would like to thank Special Representative De Mistura for his very comprehensive and informative briefing. I would also like to express my gratitude to all the men and women of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) who have demonstrated a deep commitment to fulfilling this very difficult mission. I also thank Ambassador Tanin for his statement.", "At the outset, I would like to express my deep regret over the 1 April attack on UNAMA in Mazar-e-Sharif. I offer my deepest condolences to the families of the United Nations personnel who died in that attack.", "As Special Representative De Mistura stated at the last Council debate on this topic in March (see S/PV.6497), 2011 is a crucial year. It is a year of transition, leading up to 2014. Japan is determined to continue to cooperate with UNAMA during this very important year and beyond.", "As stated in the recent report of the Secretary-General (S/2011/381), the security situation in Afghanistan continues to be challenging. We are concerned about the security risks that were highlighted by the recent attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul. I express my deep condolences for the deceased. Security remains a priority that we must tackle.", "Japan supports President Obama’s announcement regarding United States policy on Afghanistan. The transition is scheduled to start in seven areas this month. It is indispensable for peace and security in Afghanistan to conduct a smooth transition during the drawdown of United States and other international forces.", "The transition and sustainable security are interlinked with the country’s political process and development. In that context, Japan continues to play its role in strengthening the Afghan National Security Forces through assistance to the Afghan police, such as through our continued funding of police salaries and efforts undertaken to enhance administrative capacity in both central and provincial Governments. Japan recently decided to support the Literacy for Empowering Afghan Police programme and will start to train Afghan National Police in cooperation with Turkey this month.", "There remain other concerns. The situation regarding the Kabul Bank is a serious issue that affects international donors that are providing funds and the framework of international assistance as a whole. The disqualification by the Special Court of parliamentarians elected last year, and previously confirmed by the Independent Election Commission, has resulted in tensions between Parliament and the Court that may seriously affect the stability and reconstruction of Afghanistan. This development comes at a critical time for maintaining solidarity in the country. We sincerely hope that the Afghan Government, Parliament and courts will act within their respective competences and address these issues properly and expeditiously.", "We welcomed the successful Review Conference of the Afghanistan Peace and Reintegration Programme, held in Kabul on 10 and 11 May. Further progress in the reintegration process constitutes an important pillar of the political process. We highly appreciate the significant roles played in this process by UNAMA and the countries concerned. Japan is determined to continue to contribute, as evidenced by our $50 million contribution to the reintegration fund for achieving irreversible progress in the Afghan-led Reintegration Programme.", "In that context, the recent adoption of Security Council resolutions splitting the Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions list was a positive step towards promoting reconciliation in the country. Further progress in the political process requires Afghan ownership with continued support of the international community.", "For long-term stability in Afghanistan, we have to accelerate regional cooperation among the country’s neighbours. Japan is ready to play an active role in the economic development of the broader area, which can enable surrounding neighbours to pave the way for integrating Afghanistan into the regional and global economy.", "Despite having been affected by the March earthquake, Japan is determined to implement our assistance to Afghanistan which, in view of the importance of Afghanistan, we committed to in November 2009. While the drawdown of the military presence will soon begin, long-term engagement with Afghanistan is still very important. I would like to stress once again that coordination between responsible Afghan ownership and support from the international community are now more necessary than ever in order to realize a sustainable economy. This should be based on a mid- to long-term perspective so that, after the full transition to Afghan leadership beyond 2014, Afghanistan can become self-reliant for its economic development.", "I believe that there is a solid commitment by the international community for the reconstruction of Afghanistan. We expect further progress during the Afghanistan conference in Bonn in December. On the Afghan side, the country needs to strengthen its capacity for achieving real Afghan ownership and leadership. A comprehensive review of the UNAMA mandate and of United Nations support in Afghanistan, which is requested in resolution 1974 (2011), will be a very important task for the United Nations in steering the future course of Afghanistan. UNAMA continues to play an important role and Japan continues to do its utmost to contribute to its activities.", "In conclusion, we would like to express our sincere appreciation for the dedication of Special Representative De Mistura and to reiterate our commitment to support the efforts of UNAMA.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Canada.", "Mr. Rivard (Canada): Afghanistan is entering into a pivotal period, and it is likely that its long-term transformation into a secure and stable democracy will be greatly influenced by events and decisions made in the near term.", "An improved security situation remains paramount to our efforts in Afghanistan. While counter-insurgency efforts have been successful in reversing insurgent momentum in southern Afghanistan, violence is increasing in areas that were previously considered secure. Security will need to improve significantly in order to provide the space needed for Afghanistan to grow and develop.", "All civilian deaths resulting from the violence are tragic, and we take every step possible to avoid civilian casualties due to the operations of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF). However, the overwhelming majority of those deaths are caused by the insurgency. Indeed, civilians are often the primary targets of insurgents. That was tragically illustrated in the recent attack on the Intercontinental Hotel in Kabul and the recent use by insurgents of an 8-year-old girl as a suicide bomber. We condemn these tactics of desperation, which contravene international law, and we demand that they cease.", "The Government of Afghanistan and ISAF have recently begun the process of transitioning lead security responsibility from the international community to Afghan authorities. Canada, through the NATO Training Mission-Afghanistan, is committed to increasing the number and improving the quality of personnel of the Afghan National Security Forces, who will be crucial to maintaining peace in the country. To that end, Canada will provide up to 950 Canadian Forces personnel and up to 45 civilian police from 2011 to 2014 to help train the National Security Forces. We may be drawing down in Kandahar, but we remain committed to supporting Afghanistan.", "(spoke in French)", "Stability and security in Afghanistan cannot be achieved by military means alone. There is a need for a process of political reconciliation between the Government of Afghanistan and the insurgency. For lasting reconciliation to be possible, it will be necessary for insurgents to renounce violence, sever ties with Al-Qaida and recognize the Afghan Constitution. While we agree that the time for peace talks is now, there are Afghans who are genuinely afraid that the gains made over the past 10 years in democratization, human rights and the delivery of basic services could be lost. The ongoing discussions must be cognizant of this concern and ensure that peace will benefit all Afghan citizens.", "Canada shares the view of many Afghans and members of the international community that, over the longer term, lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan will require an inclusive healing process. This must involve all parts of Afghan society, including Afghan women, in long-term efforts that seek to rebuild relationships and resolve historical grievances that, if left unaddressed, could undermine durable peace in Afghanistan.", "Canada, alongside our international partners, is working closely with the Government of Afghanistan to ensure that the civilian aspects of transition — strengthening governance and development — are coordinated in such a way as to support the success and irreversibility of the overall transition. Successful transition will depend on concerted effort and the serious political commitment of Afghanistan’s leadership to ensure effective, inclusive and accountable governance.", "Afghan Government capacity to provide services and opportunities to ordinary Afghans must continue to be built and nurtured. In that respect, the Afghan Government-led Kabul process and the national priority programmes continue to be important tools for both the Afghan Government and the international community. Now, we must facilitate implementation of the national priority programmes, linking them to the security transition and ensuring that they provide tangible benefits in areas such as access to health care and education for ordinary Afghans. It will now be important for the programmes to be fiscally sustainable and realistic. In that regard, the international community will need to help Afghanistan increase its capacity to generate revenue during this period. The private sector will also have an important role to play in the country’s development.", "It is also crucial that Afghans be able to trust their elected officials to represent their interests at the district, provincial and national levels. Corruption erodes confidence in democratic institutions and undermines efforts to stabilize the country. It remains a serious issue and could be a major obstacle to successful transition in the coming years. The Afghan Government must therefore take concrete and visible actions to combat corruption and prevent it from derailing the transition agenda.", "(spoke in English)", "Countries of the region also have a significant role in Afghanistan’s success or failure, as well as in the overall stability of South and Central Asia. It is crucial for Afghanistan and its neighbours to overcome the deep-seated historical distrust and conflicting interests that are often at odds with regional stability and economic logic. Political differences continue to block progress on what could be win-win initiatives on the economic front, which could contribute enormously to lasting stability and prosperity in the region.", "We look forward to the Afghan-led Afghanistan conference in Bonn in December, which will focus on issues of importance to the transition process. There are several such conferences on Afghanistan scheduled for 2011 and, while it is of absolute importance that we continue to have an open and candid dialogue, we need to muster real political will to see tangible progress.", "In the past 10 years, significant, quantifiable progress has been made in Afghanistan in key areas. We are all focused on the same goal — the transition of responsibility for security, governance and development to the Government of Afghanistan. The Afghan Government and the international community are united in their determination to meet this objective, and Canada will continue to play its active role.", "The President: I now give the floor to the representative of Pakistan.", "Mr. Haroon (Pakistan): We would like to congratulate you, Mr. President, on your assumption of the Council’s presidency for the month of July, as well as to thank you for convening today’s debate.", "I would like to especially mention with appreciation the briefing by Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan de Mistura. Pakistan always values the work of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), which is ably led by Special Representative De Mistura. I hope that the rumours of his not continuing in his post are not true.", "The Secretary-General’s quarterly reports are an important barometer of political and security developments in Afghanistan. I would like to emphasize that they provide useful indicators to gauge the progress and setbacks in our collective efforts for peace in Afghanistan.", "First, the period under review marks the beginning of implementation of the transition towards greater Afghan leadership and ownership, as envisaged in the Kabul Process. This is a point that Pakistan drives home in every meeting held in the Security Council. Secondly, it coincides with the start of the comprehensive review of UNAMA’s mandate as set out in resolution 1974 (2011). We believe that UNAMA’s priorities in this period should continue to be defined along the lines of facilitating national reconciliation, supporting governance and promoting socio-economic development in Afghanistan, which is perhaps the least so far to show an upward incline in its graph.", "With regard to the ongoing comprehensive review of the UNAMA mandate, which is to be completed in 2011, I must emphasize that Afghan ownership and respect for the sovereignty of Afghanistan in all areas must be ensured. Greater harmonization of UNAMA’s work with the goals of transition as well as coordination within United Nations bodies have to be essential ingredients of the new mandate.", "Is Afghanistan heating up as we come closer to hypothetical withdrawal dates? Well, I would like to reiterate that the Secretary-General’s report has documented a 51 per cent increase in security-related incidents in Afghanistan during the reporting period. The report rightly expresses concern at the human cost of the conflict, characterized by a steady rise in civilian casualties resulting not only from the insurgency but also from military operations.", "Allow me to concede that the security challenges in Afghanistan are complicated by three decades of war, the capacity of Afghan security forces, the presence of foreign forces and the exploitation of socio-political complexity by criminals and drug traffickers. The problem of security in Afghanistan does not lend itself to near-facile explanations exemplified by externalization and a self-defeating blame game.", "Violence and instability in both Afghanistan and Pakistan are a threat. We are therefore extending all possible cooperation to Afghanistan in the areas of security and intelligence. A viable mechanism for such cooperation is the Tripartite Commission, which meets regularly and includes the United States and the International Security Assistance Force.", "The number of our military and paramilitary personnel deployed along the border with Afghanistan is greater than that of all international troops present inside the whole of Afghanistan. Pakistan’s commitment to peace in Afghanistan is unwavering. The cause of regional and international peace will not be served if Afghanistan becomes a theatre of proxy wars or if its land is used for extraterritorial subversive activity.", "A long-term solution to security challenges in Afghanistan lies in workable reconciliation and reintegration processes. An Afghanistan at peace with itself can best ensure its own security. The Secretary-General’s reports and the briefings by his Special Representative have rightly pointed out the linkages between reconciliation and security.", "Pakistan supports an Afghan-led and inclusive reconciliation process, with a view to bringing the opposition groups into the political mainstream. We believe that the engagement of the Organization of the Islamic Conference and UNAMA with the reconciliation process is going to be helpful.", "We emphasize the need to ensure that the newly created Afghanistan-specific Sanctions Committee contributes effectively to curbing the insurgency and promoting reconciliation in Afghanistan. This must be seen to happen. We hope that UNAMA’s cooperation with the Security Council Sanctions Committee on Afghanistan will go a long way towards adding professional and political input for listing and de‑listing.", "Pakistan will continue to assist the Afghan-led reconciliation process, including through the Afghanistan-Pakistan Joint Commission for Reconciliation and Peace in Afghanistan. The first meeting of the Joint Commission was held in Islamabad last month, on the eve of the visit of President Hamid Karzai. Both our countries have affirmed the resolve to work closely for lasting reconciliation and peace in Afghanistan. As a follow-up to the Islamabad meeting, the first working-level meeting of the Joint Commission was held last week in Kabul. It has been decided to set up specialized working groups to move forward in a responsible and sure-footed manner. Make no mistake, this process is very active and shall produce beneficial results.", "Our quest for peace and stability in Afghanistan is dovetailing into a long-term cooperative partnership. Today’s Washington Post headlines of hundreds of militants crossing over from Afghanistan to attack a Pakistani border village, with some killed, will not deter us from this process. My advice to my friend is that all peace processes normally come to the point where this sort of activity takes place through militants who would like to prove the peace process to be otherwise. We will not succumb to it.", "Despite the utmost efforts of those militants crossing over to create havoc and derail the process, let me reaffirm that we will not let that happen. The Islamabad declaration signed during the visit of President Karzai to Pakistan last month documents the contours of this partnership in the areas of trade and the economy, transport connectivity, and project cooperation in infrastructure, energy and minerals, as well as in enhancing parliamentary exchange and people-to-people contact. International assistance in these areas, especially corporate-sector engagement, can catalyse rich dividends for peace and prosperity in the region.", "The Secretary-General’s report has noted that just over 19,000 refugees returned to Afghanistan from Pakistan in the past three months. This figure can hardly be called encouraging. We need greater attention on this issue. But of course, no matter what happens, we are hosts to the largest refugee population in the world.", "I would like to conclude by reiterating our support for the objectives and efforts of UNAMA, especially those of Special Representative of the Secretary-General De Mistura. We are confident that the redoubtable people of Afghanistan will overcome all pressing challenges and seize new opportunities for a brighter and prosperous future. Pakistan shall remain their committed and steadfast partner.", "The President: I now give the floor to Mr. Pedro Serrano.", "Mr. Serrano: I would like to thank you very much, Mr. President, for giving me the floor to speak on behalf of the European Union (EU).", "The candidate countries Turkey, Croatia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro and Iceland, the countries of the Stabilization and Association Process and potential candidates Albania, Serbia and the European Free Trade Association country Norway, member of the European Economic Area, as well as the Republic of Moldova and Georgia, align themselves with this declaration.", "I would like to thank Special Representative of the Secretary-General Staffan de Mistura for his briefing and the Secretary-General for his comprehensive report (S/2011/381) on the situation in Afghanistan and its implications for international peace and security. Our thanks also go to Ambassador Tanin for his presentation.", "This month of July marks the start of the transition to an Afghan security lead. The European Union welcomes the impending handover of security responsibility from the International Security Assistance Force to Afghan forces in seven areas of the country. In that context, we are encouraged by the Secretary-General’s assessment that the performance of these forces has improved as a result of focused training and capacity-building efforts. At the same time, we can read that insecurity is on the rise, which is an indication that the insurgency remains resilient, making transition harder. The statistic of a 51 per cent increase in security-related incidents over the same period in 2010 underscores just how much harder. That is why it is important to recall that the transition process does not signify withdrawal, but a gradual shift to a genuine supporting role, and is not calendar-driven but conditions-based. By carefully managing the transition, we are slowly but surely fulfilling the wish of the Afghan people to take responsibility for their own security.", "Creating the conditions for a successful transition throughout the country requires further progress towards good governance and development and on the political track. The stakes for better governance are high, and measures such as improving transparency of and oversight over public finances and fighting corruption therefore deserve high priority.", "On the one hand, the European Union welcomes positive steps, such as the launch of the joint independent anti-corruption Monitoring and Evaluation Committee. On the other, we notice that, out of all the national priority programmes of the Kabul process, the ones dealing with public administration and subnational governance were among the least advanced. This is especially unfortunate, since for several reasons, these programmes are also among the most important.", "As the Secretary-General remarks, in a post-transition Afghanistan, with donors working more through the central Government, less development funding will flow directly to local authorities. Without a stronger and more reliable connection to the centre and without better subnational governance, there is a risk that these provinces and districts will be starved for aid.", "A more immediate impediment in the area of governance to the disbursement and distribution of development funding is the continuing lack of an agreement with the International Monetary Fund on the consequences of the Kabul Bank collapse. If Afghanistan is to take full responsibility for its own development and if more development funds are to be channelled through Afghan institutions — which President Karzai has called an integral part of the transition — then this bank crisis needs to be resolved. This is an issue of great concern for the European Union and its member States, which are jointly spending more than €1 billion a year in Afghanistan.", "Resolving the Kabul Bank crisis and, more generally, implementing governance and other commitments of the Kabul process, such as the modernization of the justice sector and electoral reform, require resolving the controversy between the Afghan executive branch and Parliament. The European Union calls for this to be done in a way that is both quick and consistent with the separation of powers.", "Further steps towards more effective and legitimate Government institutions are vital not only to development cooperation, but also to progress on the political track. Better governance would help convince all Afghans that settling differences by force should no longer be an option in the future and that the political arena should be the only place to fight.", "In this context, the European Union welcomes the recent decision of the Security Council to split the Al‑Qaida and Taliban sanctions regimes — a decision sure to boost reconciliation and reintegration efforts. On the ground, these Afghan-led efforts benefit from the support of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), which continues to promote confidence-building measures through advocacy on access to basic services, detainee release and the protection of civilians. Civilians, as the report confirms, still bear the brunt of the conflict, with 80 to 90 per cent of the civilian casualties linked to anti‑Government elements.", "Reconciliation should not only be Afghan-led, but should also never stray from its fundamental principles: the rejection of Al-Qaida, renunciation of violence and respect for the Constitution. Securing peace at the cost of international law and inalienable human rights, including women’s rights and the rights of religious minorities, would lead to a pyrrhic victory. This does not amount to some utopian ambition to make Afghanistan a perfect place; it simply amounts to upholding the values that this world body and the European Union were founded on.", "At our most recent debate on this item (S/PV.6497), when its mandate was on the agenda, we spoke extensively about UNAMA. That is why today I will limit myself, in conclusion, to once again expressing the European Union’s support for its crucial role during the transition, including as co-chair of the Joint Coordination and Monitoring Board, a body in need of further strengthening.", "We commend Staffan de Mistura and his staff for their commitment and courage, and condemn in the strongest terms attacks perpetrated against UNAMA. The United Nations is doing important work in Afghanistan for all Afghans, and we strongly support its continued engagement there in the short and long terms. We count on UNAMA in the new phase ahead — a phase of great opportunity and also great peril. Nevertheless, as they say in Afghanistan — and I hope this is accurate — there is a path to the top of even the highest mountain.", "The President: I give the floor to the representative of Turkey.", "Mr. Çorman (Turkey): Let me begin by warmly greeting Ambassador Tanin and Special Representative of the Secretary-General De Mistura. I would also like to thank the Secretary-General for his report (S/2011/381) and his Special Representative for his insightful briefing.", "We are grateful for the dedicated and outstanding work that the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) is carrying out in fulfilment of its mandate, under the effective leadership of Special Representative De Mistura, in the face of very real and serious threats, as evidenced most recently by the attack against the UNAMA compound in Mazar-e-Sharif on 1 April. We strongly condemn and deplore this heinous attack, and extend once again our condolences to the bereaved families of those who lost their lives, as well as to the UNAMA personnel and the entire United Nations family.", "We also condemn the recent spate of attacks by insurgents against Afghan targets, which have resulted in an increased loss of innocent civilian lives. These attacks cannot be tolerated, and they will not deter the Afghans and the international community from the pursuit of a peaceful, secure and democratic Afghanistan.", "Afghanistan is going through an historic period of transformation. Afghanistan’s neighbours and other relevant actors in the region and beyond should respect Afghanistan’s sovereignty and continue making their multidimensional contributions towards solidifying it. The transition of security responsibilities, the peace process and economic development are all at the core of efforts towards realizing the ultimate goal of full Afghan ownership. If one of these processes fails, the overall body of work will also falter.", "Afghan leadership of all processes related to Afghanistan is a fundamental principle. Security is a primary enabler that would facilitate development, governance, the rule of law and institutional capacity-building. In the past six months, military operations have reached unprecedented levels, yet lasting peace and stability in Afghanistan can be founded only on a political solution. Therefore, the necessary time and space must be given to the Afghan peace process when windows of opportunity for reconciliation arise.", "The prospects for peace in Afghanistan are stronger than ever, and let me underscore that the durability of peace in Afghanistan requires that it encompass all segments of society, because enhanced national unity is the single most important basis upon which lasting peace and stability would take hold. While the training of the Afghan National Security Forces is essential to fulfilling the transition by the end of 2014, civilian capacity-building and economic sustainability will be just as important post-2014. We urge all donors to intensify their contributions to civilian capacity development and economic viability.", "A benign regional order is an indispensable pillar of Afghan peace, sovereignty, development and prosperity. In turn, Afghanistan’s peace, sovereignty and prosperity would constitute indispensable pillars of the peace and prosperity of its neighbourhood. In this regard, we will continue to pursue efforts in support of the regional dimension discussed at the regional countries’ meeting, hosted by His Excellency Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkey, in Istanbul on 10 May, which is referenced in the Secretary-General’s report.", "The preparations for the Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan, to be held in Istanbul on 2 November 2011, have been launched. The meetings of the International Contact Group’s regional cooperation working group, held respectively in Istanbul and Kabul on 3 and 26 June under the co-chairmanship of Turkey and UNAMA, have been useful in eliciting broad support in the region and beyond for the upcoming Istanbul Conference.", "A set of commonalities are already emerging. The 2002 Kabul Declaration on Good-neighbourly Relations (S/2002/1416) was a groundbreaking document. The 2007 Istanbul Statement on Friendship and Cooperation in the “Heart of Asia” (S/2010/70, annex) went even beyond the Kabul Declaration by setting up a common regional vision, and constituted a welcome milestone.", "But since Istanbul last year, the regional work, as well as circumstances and requirements, have moved on significantly, and we hope that all of this will be put on paper in a format that will then be undersigned by the Istanbul Conference participants. We know that this is what Afghanistan wants from the regional meetings.", "We therefore intend the Istanbul Conference to be a turning point in the regional dimension.", "As always, we look forward to the strong support of the international community, the importance of which has already been emphasized in the Secretary-General’s report. We will be working closely with Afghanistan, the United Nations and all other relevant countries and organizations in the run-up to the Istanbul Conference on Afghanistan, which is slated to be one of the top international events of this year.", "The President: I give the floor to Special Representative De Mistura to respond to the comments that have been made.", "Mr. De Mistura: I have three brief points. First, I thank Council members for all their comments. We have taken due note of the comments, advice and support offered by each member of the Security Council and beyond.", "Secondly, on behalf of all my 900-plus colleagues, I also wish to thank all participants for their very kind and warm words regarding the sacrifice that my colleagues are making and the sad events that took place in Mazar-e-Sharif. It does help.", "Lastly, I believe that Ambassador Tanin and I will bring back to Kabul a strong message of support and of the consistent interest and engagement of the international community in Afghanistan. I think that that will help us during the difficult months ahead leading up the Istanbul Conference and Bonn.", "The President: The Security Council has thus concluded the present stage of its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "The meeting rose at 1.15 p.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 乔拉科维奇女士 \n 巴西 维奥蒂夫人 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 阿罗德先生 \n 加蓬 梅索尼先生 \n 印度 维奈·库马尔先生 \n 黎巴嫩 齐亚德女士 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n 俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生 \n 南非 克劳利先生 \n\t大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\t马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士\n 美利坚合众国 赖斯女士", "议程项目", "阿富汗局势", "秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告(S/2011/381)", "上午10时20分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "阿富汗局势", "秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告(S/2011/381)", "主席(以英语发言):按照安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我邀请阿富汗、加拿大、日本、巴基斯坦和土耳其的代表参加本次会议。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团团长斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生参加本次会议。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团代理团长佩德罗·塞拉诺先生阁下参加本次会议。", "安理会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "我提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/381,其中载有秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告。", "我现在请德米斯图拉先生发言。", "德米斯图拉先生(以英语发言):上次我向安全理事会通报情况时(见S/PV.6497),正如安理会所知,我不顾规则,坚持要求让塔宁大使先发言,以此显示重视和尊重承认阿富汗为主权国家的日益增长的需要。但这次,塔宁大使坚持要求我重新按照规则办事,以显示阿富汗有意遵守国际规则。因此,经其允许,我将根据他的要求,按照过去做法首先发言。", "我们今天开会正值一个特别的十字路口。2011年7月是一个特殊的月份,因为已经做出开始过渡的决定。已经宣布要开始过渡,但其依据将是在国际社会同阿富汗当局将要举行的会议上作出的决定,这些会议将在7月中旬左右开始。7月也是我们将开始看到逐步执行奥巴马总统讲话宣布的国际部队,特别是美国部队逐步撤离的决定的一个月。换句话说,我们现在处在国家主权与其相应责任义务和持续冲突与包容性政治对话的十字路口。", "首先,关于过渡,它好比一列正向前行驶的火车。根据我所了解的各种迹象,而且正如我们在喀布尔过渡会议上所闻,过渡工作已经走上轨道。当然,过渡还将涉及7个地区和省市。一如既往,我们将发现恶魔藏在细节里。但过渡工作已经走上轨道。", "我们现在正在处理,而且在我之前提到的会议上承认我们应该进一步解决的一个问题,涉及过渡不能也不应该仅仅是关于安全的事实。其内涵应该更广,必须是阿富汗人民能够认识并认同的过渡。这正是我们现在共同努力,以确保过社会、经济和人权方面的成果与过渡挂钩的原因。在此意义上,虽然过渡像瑞士火车一样不可逆转,但我们同时也需要确保过渡的社会经济方面同样坚固而不可逆。", "在这方面,过去几天讨论,今后还可能再出现的一个设想是,我们能否把可能执行的一些与过渡有关的项目同某种“过渡红利”挂钩。换句话说,军事方面无疑会有所节省。其中部分资源可被用来确保阿富汗地方当局和过渡地区人民感受到对其发展的持续关心和实质性支持。联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)将根据其明确的任务规定,在这方面发挥作用,尤其是促进过渡的这方面工作。", "下面我要谈第二点,在阿富汗这通常排在第一,那就是安全。正如安理会所知,而且这方面不乏提醒,近来安全局势令人关注。但我们必须全面看待该问题。上帝知道我必须言语谨慎,4月1日刚发生悲剧。洲际酒店遭受了袭击。我们很多人住过这家酒店,知道它的象征性意义。这令人震惊。市内、军事医院,甚至国防部遭受了袭击。坎大哈连续两天遭受袭击,在赫拉特的意大利省重建小组遭受了袭击。", "但是,让我们全面认识这一问题。阿富汗军队和警察有效地处理了所有这些袭击事件,尽管有时处理过程相当混乱,因为大家都在学习训练的过程中。即使在洲际酒店,在某种程度上,最后是在国际安全援助部队直升机的支持下结束袭击的。但阿富汗部队依然冲在第一线。", "我认为这一点很重要,因为已经出现安全局势好转的认识,这也是事实。出现过高潮,人们对阿富汗局势在被扭转的认识有好转。但同样,反政府势力不断企图扭转人们的这种认识,发出戏剧性、外科手术式袭击的信号,如在他们称之为的“春季攻势”中,以及夏季。但我必须指出,到目前为止,第一印象依然占上风。阿富汗人一直能够驾驭局势。这并不意味着,在今后数周或可能数月,安全局势不会出现严重困难时刻,因为夏季还没有结束。", "因此十分重要的是,首先要解决平民伤亡问题,它影响到阿富汗人民;其次,实际进入另一个阶段,即寻求政治解决,正如希拉里·克林顿国务卿和奥巴马总统最近,以及卡尔扎伊总统一再表示的那样。大家都承认,不能想象用军事办法解决阿富汗问题。我们现在需要更有效地寻求政治解决办法。", "这意味着实现和解。这方面情况如何?大家都可以看到,已经进行了大量接触。不幸的是,也有向媒体泄漏消息的情况,这无助于这方面接触。但是显然需要对话,我们得到迹象显示,不久即将以更具体的方式恢复对话。", "与此同时,联合国正在尽自己的努力,与阿富汗当局和国际利益攸关方密切协调。我们仅集中于我们授权规定的任务和我们也许有增值效应的具体领域,即建立信任措施。建立信任措施是重要的,因为这些措施可为实质性讨论铺路,而实质性讨论只能由阿富汗人与阿富汗人进行。他们必须实施我们一贯倡导的,即确保这一切均由阿富汗人主导。", "但建立信任措施确实重要,尤其是在现在这个阶段。它们包括诸如解决平民伤亡问题和给塔利班一次机会,如果他们确实想要参加,让他们用事实而非言论切实表明他们有资格参加,减少他们对平民造成的巨大负面影响,尤其是在最近这段时间。", "其次,我知道这是我个人的判断,但是是建立在喀布尔许多人的认识基础上的,即安理会作出勇敢的决定,将第1267(1999)号决议所设委员会名单一分为二,区别对待基地组织和塔利班,方向显然是正确的,这样我们才能继续推动和解。举一个例子:高级和平委员会是最高权威机构,我们将实质性讨论提交该委员会,但该高级和平委员会中的一些成员居然依然被列在名单上。当我们作为联合国或联阿援助团为他们提供后勤或实质性援助,设法陪同他们出行或说服他们,确保会议举行时,这一问题很难处理。", "建立信任措施领域之一肯定是可能设立一个地点,让我们不要将其称之为一个机构,让塔利班和利益攸关方,特别是阿富汗合作伙伴之间最终能够举行会议而无不安全感,并有足够的谨慎气氛。现在还做不到,但是是努力领域之一。", "让我再补充一个过去几周已经提出的领域。它涉及教育。在塔利班垮台后,如果有一个领域的改进国际社会和阿富汗当局应引以为豪的,那就是教育。阿富汗现在700万儿童入学、上学,其中许多是女孩。在塔利班执政时期,我们不断看到就大到学校小到女童问题所作的悲剧性决定。有一些迹象表明,他们似乎第一次发出这样的信息——甚至是公开通过因特网发出信息——即他们或许已从这一错误当中汲取教训。我们希望这不只是一个战术决定,而是确实表明他们不愿袭击学校。", "也有一些反面迹象。一些老师最近受到影响,但总体来说,我们自己的研究表明,在塔利班存在明显影响的某些地区新建的大约400所学校,其遭受的袭击大量减少。瓦尔达克部长提请我注意这一点。我们将与儿童基金会一起,继续研究这种情况。如果这是一种趋势,我们将视之为建立信任措施。但这一点尚需核实。", "有一个方面的问题,我认为我们在讨论和解问题时必须要提到。这就是重返社会问题。体制性架构是存在的,安理会所有成员都为切实确保这项工作最终得以妥善完成作出了大量贡献——有些成员作出了非常大的贡献。迄今为止,已经出现了一些动能和势头。1 800多人目前参与了重返社会方案。但仍然存在着挑战。", "首先,显然在真正实现和解之前,将很难看到强劲势头。但是做好准备以便吸引有关人员和应对可能出现的变化,这一点非常重要。证据就是1 800这个数字。我们有些担心,而且正在想办法确保对有关人员进行充分审查。我必须向安理会介绍的一点是,马扎里沙里夫遇袭事件的一个初步迹象是,以暴力手段残暴杀害我的同事的五个人中有三人其实是重返社会的前塔利班分子。这首先表明,我们必须非常仔细地进行审查,而在最终实现和解之前,审查工作不会没有漏洞。", "我接下来要说的一点是,无论是否实现和解,如果不从区域角度解决问题,和解就无法永远保持下去。所以,在过去几个月中,我们一直非常满意地关注着双边、三边和多边会议大量增加的现象,从上海进程到阿富汗、巴基斯坦与美国当局举行的一些会议。对于在伊斯坦布尔召开的会议也是如此,除了巴基斯坦和阿富汗之外,伊朗也参加了这些会议。因此,我们希望并相信11月2日举行的伊斯坦布尔会议将是处理该问题的一个好机会。", "正如安理会成员所知,目前存在着一个国际联络小组。它是一个非正式的组织,但其影响力正在不断增强。我们曾在喀布尔开过一次非常好、很具建设性的会议。鲁丁副外长在会上除了谈到与过渡有关的其它主要问题之外,还提出了一项我们计划给予支持的倡议。该倡议将确定我们能否在伊斯坦布尔根据早些时候的巴尔干模式或是赫尔辛基进程模式就稳定问题达成某种程度的谅解。换句话说,它将寻求达成某种书面文件,使各方能够对彼此稳定会得到加强这一点感到放心。", "当然,如果还能有一项支持该机制和用于在区域范围采取激励措施的财政信托资金则会更有意义。到举行伊斯坦布尔会议时,这一切可能都会被提出来讨论,但我们肯定会与阿富汗和土耳其当局、该地区及其之外的所有与会者合作,在这方面把某些工作做起来。", "在区域谅解问题上此刻无疑还存在着一些阴影,比如阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境目前的局势。这一点不应过分渲染,而且坦率地说,应当由阿富汗人和巴基斯坦人来讨论。他们最近在伊斯兰堡和阿富汗都举行了很具建设性、很有益的会议,他们永远都会是邻居。我们在那里只会停留一段时间,但他们将永远在那里。所以,我们在关切地看待这些事件的同时,也希望此类双边讨论是正确之举。", "还有另一个问题对于区域环境来说具有重要意义,这就是某些区域邻国担心阿富汗当局与特别是美国达成的战略协约或谅解的性质依然模糊。一些国家非常担心,外国会在阿富汗设立大型永久性基地。我们一直在努力让所有人放心,其实情况并非如此,实际上应当由阿富汗当局来说明可能达成的任何战略协议的真正性质,从而让邻国感到放心。我曾经去过该地区,因此我知道,我们认为在伊斯坦布尔会议之前最好能够明确解决该问题。我们希望能够如此。美国当局——甚至是五角大楼最高领导层——发表了一些声明,试图在这方面让人们放心,这样做非常正确,但再多做一些工作可能会有助于消除这种疑虑。", "因此,我要谈谈另一个问题——缉毒问题。在国际社会对阿富汗工作重点可能逐步转变的情况下,人们担心所谓的经济环境将发生变化。事实证明了这一点。军队缩编还将削弱与强大军事存在有着资金联系的一切工作的成效。我的联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室的同事的具体担心就是,我要提请安理会关注这一点,毒品经济对于某些阿富汗人的吸引力到时会增强。因此,重要的一点是,我们绝不能忘记这方面的问题。正如安理会成员所知,该问题不仅对阿富汗而且还会对其邻国造成实质性影响。", "因此,我要谈谈人权问题。如果说有什么东西我认为会让人们记住联合国在阿富汗开展的工作,那恐怕就是坚守阵地,高举必须尊重人权的旗帜。所以,平民伤亡问题才如此重要,而且坦率地说,特别令塔利班非常头疼。他们曾多次对我们说,这个问题对他们造成了伤害。我们一直告诉他们,这是可以避免的——那就是不要伤害平民。", "这对国际安全援助部队和北约的介入特别是空袭也产生了影响。我知道犯下的这些错误正引起美国和北约当局日益关注,而塔利班在很多地方实施的恐怖行径——比如最近袭击银行和医院——也已引起人们的关注,他们因此感到恼火。我们希望这将有助于所有人特别是塔利班明白,他们认为自己拥有的民众支持有时候会因为其导致的严重平民伤亡而受到影响。", "妇女问题仍然十分重要。议会里有69名妇女。我们期望她们能够捍卫阿富汗妇女取得的成就,但我们仍担心我们收到的有关很多令人关切的案件的报告,比如在妇女离家居住或决定不结婚时,司法机关有时会惩罚她们。", "儿童问题显然也是如此。发生了利用儿童作为人体炸弹的事件。还发生了袭击儿童的事件,其严重程度引起了负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表的关注。", "在人道主义方面,我需要提请安理会注意一个领域。此时此刻,福利方案正面临资源困难。这是我们自己的亮点方案之一,力求向阿富汗人民表明,我们任何时候都不会放弃他们,同时实际上为600多万儿童提供食品。此刻,由于缺乏资源,该方案不得不大幅削减受惠者人数。我提请大家注意这个问题,是因为它对我们每一个人来说都是一个重要问题。", "援助的协调一致性至关重要,同样重要的是要承认存在一个负责援助协调性的机构。它叫做协调和监察联合委员会(协监委)。协监委是一个极好的机构——没有必要再创建一个新机构。联合国擅长设立新机构,所以我不愿建议设立一个新机构。恰恰相反,应该加强协监委。协监委有可能也有潜力处理援助协调性问题。但是有一片阴云——那就是喀布尔银行问题。我无需提醒安理会这一点,但是这是一个从某种程度上说目前阻碍在协监委方面取得进展、甚至阻碍后续执行喀布尔会议的重要问题。", "这个问题不归安理会管,而是由国际货币基金组织(基金组织)负责。基金组织已经介入,并且为Zakhilwal部长说句公平话,为确保让国际社会和基金组织放心而要求制订的10个指标中的8个已得到处理,但还有2个指标有待处理。我们希望并一直促使基金组织注意阿富汗拖欠可能造成的后果,如果不批准,那么拖欠就不会即将发生,但这无疑是一个令人关切的问题。与此同时,喀布尔银行对于阿富汗当局来说是一个严重问题——8亿美元不是一个掩盖得了的数字。因此,眼下正重点严肃关注这件事。", "安理会非常熟悉的问题——议会危机——也是如此。我们原本希望,在举行选举10个月、总统庄严宣布议会就职后6个月不会发生这种事。那样的话,我们原本会经历一场虽不完美、但却是由阿富汗机构在持续的政治进程中举行的选举。", "不幸的是,事情并非如此。一个特别法庭表示,有61名议员也许应离职。安理会知道,当前局势紧张。我们的立场就是安全理事会的立场——12月22日。我们不会改变它。第二个立场是,事实上,司法机构有权起诉任何犯罪人,但无权改变选举结果,并且解决办法必须是阿富汗人主导的政治解决办法,而不是司法解决办法。", "我们充满希望,并将继续以安理会的名义,与阿富汗当局共同努力,避免这场机构危机久拖不决。阿富汗需要制衡;它需要议会、行政部门和司法机构携手努力。此时此刻,天空中有一片阴云,但是,因为我是一个乐观主义者,所以我预计在该问题上不会“下太大的雨”。", "经安理会允许,我想说的最后一点是发出一个信息。从任何意义上来说,这都是一个过渡阶段。但是还有一个我们必须确保阿富汗人听到的信息,即2014年将不同于1989年。他们担心,也有理由担心,在其近代史中第三次被国际社会彬彬有礼地抛弃。我知道这不是我们的本意,当然也不是联合国或联阿援助团的本意。我们将审视我们的足迹。我们将审查我们必须以怎样的方式来工作,因为到处都在进行过渡。但是我们将长期驻留在那里——如果所有人都在那里,而且如果阿富汗人民想要我们长期驻留。我认为,从国际角度来看,我们需要不断向阿富汗人保证这样做。这将帮助他们在这个困难时期完成过渡。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的通报。", "我现在请阿富汗代表发言。", "塔宁先生(阿富汗)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先,请允许我祝贺你担任7月份安全理事会主席。我还要对你个人发挥的作用以及德国在安理会处理阿富汗问题上发挥的重要作用表示赞赏。", "我愿热烈欢迎我的好友、秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉回到安理会。我感谢他的客气话和溢美之词,感谢他的全面通报,以及感谢他介绍了秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)。", "随着世界进入一个后本·拉丹时代,恐怖主义最大的受害者阿富汗今天正处在寻求和平与稳定的紧要关头。根据北约里斯本首脑会议的成果,我们开始了过渡进程。在今后几天,我们将在阿富汗7个省份:喀布尔、潘杰希尔、巴米扬、赫拉特省赫拉特市、巴尔赫省马扎里沙里夫市、拉格曼省米特拉姆市以及赫尔曼德省拉什卡尔加市实施该进程的第一个阶段。", "过渡振奋人心地要求阿富汗人在国家自主权和领导权上发挥主导作用,并要求阿富汗政府承担起其主权职责。我们认为,过渡是一个谨慎制定的全面战略,它不仅预先假定在2014年底前逐渐向阿富汗当局移交安全职责,而且还预先假定国际部队妥善缩编、加快对阿富汗军队和警察的培训、加强治理、制定关于多层面合作的新区域议程,以及确保与美国和北约重建战略伙伴关系的前景。", "阿富汗政府继续做出关键努力,以确保过渡进程顺利、可行。但是,毫无疑问,要想过渡进程取得成功并保持可持续性,就必须满足一些先决条件。首先也是最重要的是,我们指望我们的国际伙伴加速培训和装备我国安全部队,并为其提供必要的成功要素。", "上个月,美国总统奥巴马宣布将从阿富汗逐步撤出美国部队。我们欢迎这一决定,认为它符合阿富汗和国际社会最近达成的共识,即从主要为军事介入转为2014年以后更加坚实和持久的伙伴关系。奥巴马总统的宣布首先证明阿富汗安全部队具有稳定的能力,其次也证明战争势头发生了变化,尽管最近塔利班发起了猛烈袭击。", "与一些解释恰恰相反,国际部队没有在最后阶段进行缩编,或者像某些人所说的那样,国际社会开始与阿富汗脱离接触。过去10年,为实现我们的共同目标,实现我国和地区的持久和平与安全,我们抛洒了大量汗水和热血,并做出了许多牺牲。", "最近上演的所谓“精密袭击”的宣传心理剧,如上周对喀布尔洲际饭店的袭击以及在洛加尔省一家医院残杀12名平民的事件,显然是阿富汗的敌人精心策划的企图,目的是激起人们的恐惧,阻止对阿富汗的国际支助,并使一些国家饱经战乱的人们相信,战争是打不赢的。", "此外,最近的运动寻求破坏和平会谈的前途,并且削弱和解的前景。那些为恐怖分子和极端分子提供资金、武器和战略指导的人对持续杀戮和残害阿富汗无辜平民的行为负有同等责任。因此迫切要强调的是,必须铲除继续制造和培养冷酷无情的杀手和无休止破坏阿富汗分子的庇护所。", "不过,恐怖行径不会动摇我们确保阿富汗和平与稳定的决心。我们高兴地看到,目前已经存在一个有利于与武装反对派成员进行建设性接触和对话的环境。我们将把和解进程作为一个优先事项来推进,这符合没有纯粹的军事解决办法和过渡需要包容各方的解决方案的认识。和解旨在给国家带来和平、繁荣和团结。和解不是要放弃任何领土控制权,也不是要顾及阿富汗政府权威以外的任何代表。高级和平委员会正在与塔利班以及本区域的其它重要行为体接触,以便结束暴力,实现持久和平。这是一项包括妇女在内的社会各界都参与其中的努力。", "此外,我们正开始把重点放在和解进程的区域层面上。我们再次强调,巴基斯坦在实现和平与和解方面具有重要作用,在这方面,我们强调,我们两国之间的建设性协作非常重要。我们必须采取必要的建立信任措施,使这种协作继续下去。最近在库纳尔省和楠格哈尔省发生了数百起炮击事件,造成数十人死亡,其中包括妇女和女孩,这些对阿富汗东部边界的武装侵犯令阿富汗人民和政府深感不安和关切,并且有可能有损阿富汗与巴基斯坦之间的合作精神。我们敦促立即停止此类袭击。", "安全理事会最近决定把制裁塔利班制度与制裁基地组织制度分开,这是支持我们的和平与和解倡议的明智举动。它为我们的由阿富汗主导的和解进程提供了新动力。我们也赞赏安理会决定满足我们的除名请求,并要促请安理会更多地关注我们提出的额外请求,这些请求尚未得到满足。", "最近阿富汗问题国际联络小组第十次会议在喀布尔举行,得到了50多个国家以及国际和区域组织的广泛参与,其重点是和解、区域合作、向阿富汗行使领导权和自主权过渡以及2014年以后的国际支持。这次会议是即将举行的旨在制订一项稳定契约的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议的前奏的组成部分,也是将于今年晚些时候在波恩举行的国际会议的先导,该会议将审查在过渡目标方面取得的进展,并且寻求国际社会在推动政治进程,包括和解与区域合作关系方面的长期支持。", "在阿富汗历时十年之久的国际和区域互动交流目前带来了一条新的丝绸之路,界定了区域合作的共同利益。今年,我们与本区域的邻国进行了越来越具体的合作,扩大了理解的领域和共同努力的范围。在卡尔扎伊总统上个月访问伊斯兰堡期间,他构想了与巴基斯坦开展紧密合作和实现共同愿景,以求促进和平与发展的富有希望的前景。在这次访问之后,与阿富汗、巴基斯坦和美国核心小组三方框架进行了广泛讨论,该框架最近在喀布尔举行了第三次会议。", "在曼莫汉·辛格总理最近的一次访问中,印度提出支持阿富汗和解进程,并且宣布大幅增加对阿富汗的援助。我们还与伊朗、俄罗斯、中国、中亚和南亚各国以及阿拉伯世界开展大量交流。一个和平与稳定的阿富汗能够为区域繁荣与安全提供的机会比以往更为显而易见。我们将继续与区域伙伴进行建设性接触,以实现我们的共同目标。", "确保阿富汗的安全和它的未来事关增强这个国家的力量,使它能够自力更生,并且掌握自己的命运。在这方面,我们期待着即将对联阿援助团任务规定进行的审查,这对使联合国的作用与过渡期不断变化的需求保持一致至关重要。我们坚信,,一个以“一体行动”办法为基础、更加和谐、精简和协调的联合国对提高本组织在阿富汗的效率和效力来说至关重要。我们期待着与联合国在过渡期和过渡期之后保持持久伙伴关系。", "阿富汗政府将继续改善治理,加强打击腐败,并且加强我们国家机构的透明度和问责制。为此,我们将在现有措施的基础上再接再厉,以确保对一切参与非法活动的人追究责任。阿富汗政府最近逮捕了喀布尔银行涉及金融管理不当行为的两名高级主管,证明我们坚定致力于问责和法治。我们已经向检察长办公室提交了所有被指控个人的名单。对喀布尔银行案的全面调查目前正在进行,而且应当导致债务得到清偿,并且把案中所有罪犯绳之以法。我们坚信,最后的调查结果将满足阿富汗人民和我们国际伙伴的要求。", "目前正在继续进行协商,以解决由于议会选举期间不正常现象而产生的争议。我们没有面临宪政危机。阿富汗政府充分致力于在法律和政治解决的框架内解决这个问题。", "太多无辜的阿富汗人因旷日持久的暴力、不安全和战事丧生。平民伤亡不仅仅是数字,它们意味着男男女女、儿童、村中长者、卫生工作者、教师和援助工作人员无辜生命的丧失。塔利班对这些杀戮行为负有主要责任,而且表明,它们在对无辜平民或那些保护当地居民的人叩动扳机时完全丧失了良知。不过,尽管北约部队本身多次要求致力于保护平民,但它造成的平民伤亡依然惨重。我们再次呼吁立即制止平民伤亡的情况。", "在我们向前推进的时候,我们必须考虑战争结束后的阶段,并且以确保在所有领域——安全、治理和发展——都取得可持续进展为方向。我们的目标依然是建立一个和平、稳定、民主和繁荣的阿富汗的愿景。为了实现这一目标,我们必须在过去取得成就的基础上更进一步,并且建立一个与本区域合作的可行框架以及阿富汗与国际社会之间的长期伙伴关系。未来几年对我们取得共同成功将至关重要。携手合作,我们将能够实现我们在10年前开始的任务。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请安理会成员发言。", "维奥蒂夫人(巴西)(以英语发言):我感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生所作的通报和他在非常艰苦的条件下进行的出色工作。我也感谢查希尔·塔宁大使所作的发言。", "虽然阿富汗的局势出现了进展,但最近安全事件增多令人痛苦地注意到,前方仍然存在诸多挑战。", "巴西对最近阿富汗境内敌视联合国人员的迹象感到悲痛,也感到震惊。我们强烈谴责对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)进行这种残暴的袭击。我借此机会重申巴西对联合国工作的信心,帮助奠定阿富汗持久和平与发展的基础和我们支持阿富汗政府进行过渡努力。我们欣悉联阿援助团在阿富汗各地执行加强安全的项目。", "巴西也对阿富汗内乱的升级感到关切。在经历多年的战争和暴力之后,阿富汗社会不应继续被迫承受战争的祸害。冲突伤亡的增加不应仅仅被当作冲突的意外后果。有关各方必须继续竭尽全力保护平民并遵守国际人道主义法规定的义务。这场冲突不可能有军事解决办法,而我认为我们都同意这种看法。必须密切关注喀布尔进程,直到完成向阿富汗完全承担领导和责任的过渡。", "尽管面临当前的困难,必须继续推动向阿富汗承担安全责任的过渡。本着同样的精神,执行阿富汗政府阐述的国家优先方案对于建立阿富汗所需的能力和基础设施至关重要,以便在国际军事部队缩小编制时促进其社会和经济的发展。", "在任何情况下,达成和解依然是政治解决阿富汗冲突的核心。对话是为该国的未来奠定坚实基础的途径。巴西支持执行阿富汗和平和重返社会方案审查会议商定的措施。巴西通过加强在喀布尔的部署,随时准备同阿富汗人民及其政府一道为未来的和平与发展作出努力。", "乔拉科维奇女士(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)(以英语发言):我谨代表我国代表团感谢斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生的全面通报和塔宁大使的发言。", "我们欣见,阿富汗政府继续开展喀布尔进程,包括成功地拟定了22个国家优先方案中的11个方案。我们希望能够同捐助国进行协调,成功地解决这些方案的供资问题。阿富汗政府现在必须在其他重要国家优先方案中取得具体成果,包括在司法和省级治理领域中,它们对国家的更好运作都至关重要。我们赞扬联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)对执行喀布尔进程提供的重要支持。", "至于阿富汗政府接管国家安全的问题,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那希望,最近在喀布尔和其他地区发生的事件不会对卡尔扎伊总统3月宣布和定于本月开始的过渡工作造成负面影响。我们也注意到,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马先生最近宣布将从阿富汗部分撤军,随后联合王国和德国也作出同样宣布。这意味着今后对阿富汗的未来以及对评估国际社会这么多年来已经完成的工作都极端重要。在这方面,我们特别欢迎联阿援助团发挥作用,协助发展伙伴和国际安全援助部队开展对话,做到把发展工作纳入过渡规划之中。", "实现阿富汗未来的另一个重要因素就是阿富汗人民领导开展和解与重返社会进程。看到为加强这一进程所作的努力继续获得国际社会的有力支持,包括特别代表和联阿援助团所做的宝贵工作,这让我们感到鼓舞。此外,第1988(2011)号决议的通过和塔利班制裁制度的建立也是支持开展和解努力的积极步骤。", "我们重申,和解与融合是和平进程的关键要素。我们完全理解,在人员和政治层面,这样一个进程可能非常敏感,因此,有可能遭遇各种障碍。然而,我们继续认为,除了由阿富汗人民领导开展和解与重返社会的进程之外,别无选择,并且这个进程今后必须成为优先事项。据报反叛分子重返社会工作取得了进展,这种迹象令人鼓舞,尤其是其中包括了至今未取得该领域重大进展的坎大哈。", "尽管阿富汗的政治事态发展继续朝着正确方向前进,但我们仍然对阿富汗的安全局势感到严重关切。具体而言,联合国的统计数字显示,今年5月是平民死亡人数最多的一月,同2010年相比伤亡人数大大增加。波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那强烈谴责6月25日对洛加尔医院进行的袭击,造成重大伤亡。根本不可能为这种针对无辜平民犯下的罪行进行辩护。我们也谴责最近对喀布尔一家旅馆发动的袭击,并再次谴责对联阿援助团在马扎里沙里夫的驻地的袭击,造成联阿援助团3名人员的伤亡。必须继续要求冲突各方严格遵守国际人道主义法规定的义务并保护平民,同时大力强调,杀害平民和无辜人民的做法是犯罪行为。", "我们还看到,当前的冲突直接导致流离失所的人数大量增加。我们同意秘书长的看法,鉴于它们破坏稳定的可能性,冲突引起的流离失所以及未向重返社会工作提供支助,不仅仅是人道主义问题,而且也是严重的安全关切。联合国各个机构发挥了关键的作用,支持阿富汗难民和流离失所者返回家园以及这些人可持续地重返社会。在这方面,我们绝不能忘记清除未爆弹药的问题,因为只有27%的雷区获得清除。", "我们也赞扬联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室为解决毒品生产问题所作的努力。生产毒品仍然是反政府部队和恐怖分子的生命线。我们积极参加《巴黎公约》进程中的联合国际努力,以便查禁甚或取缔毒品贩运,它对供应国和需求国双方的安全都造成重大影响。", "最后,我们认为,区域合作,包括同邻国伊朗、巴基斯坦和印度的合作,只会有利于解决与阿富汗持久和平与稳定有关的所有重要问题。我们欢迎加强对话与合作。我们也赞扬土耳其为支持阿富汗稳定和经济发展作出的努力,以及将于2011年11月2日举行的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议,并赞扬阿富汗的邻国在伊斯坦布尔举行的最不发达国家第四次会议期间,对阿富汗的主权、独立和领土完整作出的承诺。", "最后,我们感谢特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生、联阿援助团工作人员和阿富汗境内全体联合国人员所做的坚持不懈和兢兢业业的工作。", "奥索里奥先生(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言):主席先生,首先请允许我在你和贵国担任本月份安全理事会主席之际向你表示祝贺并祝愿你取得圆满成功。我还要感谢加蓬代表、我们的好朋友内尔松·梅索尼大使上个月极为沉着、认真地主持我们的工作。", "我要欢迎并感谢秘书长特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)团长斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生,并感谢他作非常全面、认真的介绍。他的介绍非常清楚地阐明了阿富汗目前局势的各个方面、今后应当密切注意的现实因素以及对过渡和未来巩固进程的看法。我还要欢迎查希尔·塔宁大使。", "我要强调联阿援助团在改进阿富汗稳定和民主化进程方面所做的非常重要的贡献,及其同阿富汗政府齐心协力,以便为阿富汗的可持续和平与发展奠定基础的决心。我们认为,联阿援助团应当根据其任务授权,继续注重在至关重要的方面支持阿富汗政府,例如协助促进和平与和解、安全、治理、经济发展和区域合作的政治进程。", "我国代表团对安全事故数量的增加,尤其是对4月1日发生的袭击联合国工作人员和设施的事件深感遗憾。我们欢迎并支持特别代表为改善工作人员安全状况所开展的活动,欢迎并支持阿富汗政府承诺继续支持联阿援助团。不过,令人十分关切的是,反对国际民事和军事存在的公众示威日益频繁。对这一局面应当予以最大关注。", "同样,我们赞扬有关方面作出努力,争取让阿富汗人承担更大的责任和发挥更大的领导作用,并继续按照时间表行事,以便阿富汗部队至迟到2014年在安全事务中发挥主导作用。这一目标应当以实地的进展为指南。在这方面,国际安全援助部队和北约组织阿富汗训练团的努力十分有助于创造条件,使阿富汗国家当局能够逐步承担起安全和治理责任。我们支持继续同地方当局和社区领导人建立关系。正如德米斯图拉特别代表指出的那样,这有助于建立包容各方的对话进程,从而促进与人口各部分的和解。", "安全理事会通过第1988(2011)号决议,针对与塔利班有联系的个人和实体建立了一个独立的制裁制度,并确认阿富汗政府在除名申请中的中心作用。这项决定无疑将促进阿富汗的和解进程,并将有助于各方之间建立信任。", "阿富汗面临许多问题。这些问题可能威胁迄今所取得进展的可持续性。暴力仍然是主要因素之一。它影响进展,并导致人道主义需求增加,平民伤亡和境内流离失所人数上升。我们再次呼吁冲突各方履行其依照国际人道主义和人权法所承担的义务,并采取一切必要措施,确保平民受到保护。", "我们强调,必须采取联合区域举措来处理影响阿富汗和该区域的世界毒品问题的各个方面。根据共同承担责任的原则以平衡的方式参与执行全面处理世界毒品问题的共同战略的区域内外各种行为体的建设性和持续参与,有助于稳定局势和促进各邻国与周围地区的互信。我国哥伦比亚重申,它随时准备加强与阿富汗的双边合作,以便处理有组织犯罪的这一表现及其他表现。", "安全是加强法治、行使基本自由和奠定经济发展基础的必要条件。因此,加强综合战略框架,以期在本组织的努力中以及在执行支持喀布尔进程的方案方面做到更加协调一致,是一个积极的前进步骤,可确保联合国内部团结一致,国际社会行动步调一致,从而为阿富汗在其人民未来的所有方面行使主权做出贡献。", "莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生(葡萄牙)(以英语发言):我要感谢秘书长特别代表一如既往作非常全面的通报,并感谢塔宁大使作非常有益的发言。", "在我发言的开头,我必须回顾在马扎里沙里夫发生的袭击事件。联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)乃至支持阿富汗政府和人民的整个国际努力于今年4月在马扎里沙里夫遭到残暴袭击。我在此向特别代表转达葡萄牙对联阿援助团工作人员面对逆境所显示出的勇气以及他们对自己的使命所表现出的持续承诺的最高赞赏。我们赞扬他们的奉献精神。这种精神可保障遭受的损失不会白费。", "我认为,秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)、特别代表的通报和塔宁大使的发言已涵盖阿富汗局势的基本方面,并向我们表明需要作出什么努力才能使过渡取得成功。", "今年的春天确实艰难。安全评估表明,不安全状况持续存在,伤亡人数尤其是平民伤亡人数不断增加。这清楚地表明,争夺阿富汗未来的战斗仍在继续。最近对洲际酒店发动的袭击以极具象征性的方式凸显了这一局面。但我们必须打赢这场战斗,不仅要在实地打败敌人,而且还要赢得舆论,首先是阿富汗舆论,另外还有国际舆论。", "平民伤亡显然是战争最残酷的一面。因此,如在任何其他战争中一样,在阿富汗战争中,限制平民伤亡必须作为一项根本要求列在军事指挥部门优先事项的首位。我们了解到,有关方面已经并且正在作出巨大努力,以减少军事行动造成的平民伤亡。我们呼吁军事指挥官坚定不移地推进这些努力。", "但很显然的是,正是反叛分子应对绝大多数平民伤亡和无辜受害者人数不断增加负责。我记得,特别代表曾于今年3月提及向反叛分子提出要求公布他们自己的平民伤亡人数的建议,但这一建议未得到理睬。我还记得,有关方面已在采取多重步骤,试图处理国家和国际部队给平民造成的损失。在实地已有条件基础之上再接再厉,并整合我们能够贡献的宝贵建议、专长和善意,将会极有助益,以根据平民有道理的诉说对其适当赔偿。", "特别代表报告说,部长会议技术立法审查委员会目前正在审议关于妇女保护中心的规章草案。葡萄牙感到鼓舞的是,这一进程得以在有必要的包容性的情况下进行,这样,充分保护妇女人权的修正案被纳入法律草案的最后版本。我们还高兴地看到,联阿援助团继续提高人们的认识,并监测关于消除针对妇女的暴力的法律的执行。我们赞扬联阿援助团在保护和促进人权方面所作的持续努力以及妇女署所发挥的作用。葡萄牙重申对妇女加入阿富汗政府机构包括担任公务员问题的重视。", "关于特别代表提到的保护儿童问题,我也要高度赞扬联阿援助团和儿童基金会与特别代表办公室进行伙伴合作,共同提出防止儿童遭到暴力毒害的倡议。联合国机构和特别代表组成的合作伙伴范围之广令人鼓舞,说明公众对儿童权利的承诺。", "最后,我们注意到阿富汗政府在国内和国外采取的多重努力。在国外,随着阿富汗重新恢复亚洲重要通道的作用,最近采取区域步骤,加强双边和多边合作值得欢迎。这说明,正如德米斯图拉先生和塔宁大使强调,阿富汗邻国能够而且应该在阿富汗乃至该地区的稳定进程发挥重要作用。", "在国内,阿富汗仍然存在着重大挑战。我们完全赞同报告确认:", "“过渡进程必须导致安全的改善以及民众得到更好的基本服务”(S/2011/381,第69段)。", "正如斯塔凡·德米斯图拉强调的那样,过渡不仅是安全问题。必须把地面军事成就转化为有效的治理框架,转化为加强法制、体制机构和公共服务,以便保护这些成就,以免因为缺乏问责制和与人民需要脱节而受到侵蚀。在这方面,联合独立反腐败监督和评价委员会宣誓就职必须得到称赞,其工作必须得到坚决鼓励。", "在机构方面,主要是议会最近的各项发展,突出需要恢复政治妥协和遵守宪法的能力。阿富汗正经历历史性的时刻,需要专注和承诺,不可分心。我相信,阿富汗决策者正在努力,继续在宪法民主成长的框架内完成本阶段工作。", "最后我指出,本月过渡即将开始,这值得庆祝。大量资源和政治意愿将使2011年7月成为阿富汗和阿富汗人民的出发点,而非终点站。作为盟友和朋友,我们有责任继续支持阿富汗政府和人民实现他们应该实现的成就。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国)(以英语发言):主席先生,首先让我祝贺你担任安理会主席并感谢加蓬大使上月份非常干练的领导。", "我感谢特别代表德米斯图拉和塔宁大使。我要感谢特别代表德米斯图拉今天上午的通报和他在阿富汗继续所作的出色服务。我请他向联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)工作人员转达美国对他们的深刻而永远的感谢,感谢他们面对严重困难完成重要工作。4月1日发生悲剧,马扎里沙里夫的联阿援助团驻地遭受暴徒袭击,造成7名联合国工作人员死亡,再次突出了这种困难。我们再次向死者家属和亲人表示我们最深切的慰问。面对这种野蛮袭击,我们一如以往同联合国站在一起,并再次敦促其他会员国为联合国提供联合国所需必要资源,以加强联合国设施和保护联合国工作人员。", "让我简单地强调我国政府在阿富汗的三大优先目标。首先,正如奥巴马总统最近指出,7月标志着负责任的过渡的开始,将看到阿富汗部队逐步领导阿富汗本国安全工作。到2014年将完成这一过渡进程,由阿富汗人民负责他们自己的安全。随着阿富汗安全部队逐步接管,美国将继续减少其军事作为,我们的任务将从作战改为支持。正如奥巴马总统上月宣布的那样,到今年年底将有1万美国官兵撤出阿富汗。他在2009年12月宣布增派的其余23 000名官兵将在2012年夏天结束前撤出阿富汗。", "奥巴马总统是从实力作出这项决定的。我们已经在实现我们目标方面取得重大进展。美国军队激增,加上我国盟友与合作伙伴增派部队,有助于阿富汗更多地区实现稳定,转变了叛乱的势头。阿富汗安全部队素质提高,兵力增加了10多万。在部分地区,因为这些改进,已经完成了向阿富汗国家安全部队移交安全责任的工作。", "正如塔宁大使指出的那样,面对暴力、恐怖和恐吓,阿富汗通过建立地方警察部队、重新开放市场和学校以及为妇女和女孩创造新的机会来捍卫他们自己的国家。在我们军事行动结束之后的漫长岁月中,我们将继续支持他们在几十年的冲突之后重新开创的国家。", "其次,即使我们实现这一对阿富汗安全过渡的责任,我们正在加倍努力设法和平结束这场冲突。我们支持阿富汗领导的倡议,对阿富汗人民包括塔利班开展协调。我们已采取切实措施,推动阿富汗和解和重返社会的措施,包括支持阿富汗高级和平委员会和省警察和重返社会委员会。", "正如国务卿克林顿在2月表示和奥巴马总统在6月重申的那样,任何谈判的必要成果必须包括促使叛乱分子放弃暴力、不与基地组织结盟、遵守阿富汗宪法和包括保护妇女的承诺。为了证明我们态度认真,我们带头主张安理会决定将第1267(1999)号决议所设制裁制度一分为二,区别对待基地组织和塔利班。第1988(2011)号决议是促进和解同时孤立极端分子的重要工具。该决议向塔利班发出了一个明确的信息:愿意重新加入阿富汗和平社会的人前途光明。", "最后,让我简单地谈谈阿富汗民主发展的一个重要组成部分——阿富汗的选举制度。去年议会选举是2001年塔利班垮台后阿富汗领导的第一次议会选举,代表着阿富汗人民迈出的历史性一步。在整个过程中,阿富汗选举机构——独立选举委员会和选举投诉委员会——表现出专业作法。他们的表现令人钦佩,尽管安全环境困难且有作弊的指控。", "特别选举法庭最近宣布,要求推翻人民院62名议员的选举结果。我们正就此事与阿富汗官员和国际合作伙伴包括联阿援助团进行密切磋商。我们敦促阿富汗政治领导人和阿富汗所有机构按照各自明确规定在职权范围行事,遵守《阿富汗宪法》和选举法,维护司法、行政和立法部门之间必要的相互制衡。美国一贯明确表示,阿富汗需要通过独立选举委员会提供的机制,按照《阿富汗宪法》和民主原则,发现和处理选举过程中出现的作弊行为。重要的是,阿富汗议会代表阿富汗人民履行其宪法规定作用。", "同时,我们必须继续加强阿富汗选举机构的能力。长期选举改革仍是该国民主未来的关键。我们在展望2014年总统选举和之后时期时,必须确保我们汲取了过去几年的经验教训,以利于阿富汗的民主未来。", "2011年将是关键的一年,其高潮将是在波恩举行国际会议,纪念国际社会与阿富汗人民齐心协力,帮助共同开辟新道路10周年。在过去10年中,人们遭受了巨大困难,作出了巨大牺牲,但也取得了实实在在的进展。我们将继续本着共同目的和持续承诺,帮助阿富汗人民建设更加和平、更加繁荣的未来。", "王民先生(中国):我感谢秘书长特别代表德米斯图拉先生的通报和阿富汗常驻代表塔宁大使的发言。", "一年前,阿富汗问题喀布尔国际会议成功举行。一年来,经过阿富汗政府和人民的努力,在国际社会的帮助下,阿富汗和平重建取得了积极进展。同时,阿富汗正处于承上启下的关键时刻,实现安全、政治、经济、社会等领域的全面、平衡发展,需要继续作出努力。在此,我愿强调以下五点:", "第一,中方支持阿富汗在国际社会帮助下继续推进“喀布尔进程”。实现阿富汗的和平、稳定和发展,需要充分尊重阿富汗的独立、主权和领土完整,发挥阿富汗政府和人民的自主性和主导权,真正实现“阿人治阿”。", "第二,中方对近期阿富汗安全形势恶化、平民伤亡增加表示严重关切。我们注意到有关国家宣布了自阿富汗撤军的计划。我们希望有关方面在向阿富汗移交安全权力的过程中,切实承担起责任,帮助阿富汗加强安全能力建设,确保实现和平、稳定过渡。", "第三,中方支持阿富汗的民族和解努力,充分尊重阿富汗政府和人民的自主选择,希望阿富汗和平与再融合计划取得进展。", "第四,阿富汗的和平重建需要国际社会给予持续关注和支持。国际社会应切实兑现和履行援助阿富汗的承诺,继续向阿富汗政府和人民提供帮助。各方对阿富汗的援助应尊重阿富汗自己确定的优先领域,密切结合阿富汗《国家发展战略》加以落实。", "第五,中方赞赏联合国在推进阿富汗和平重建进程中做出的积极努力,支持联阿援助团继续为国际社会帮助阿富汗和平重建发挥中心协调作用,并希望联阿援助团与阿富汗政府加强沟通、协调与合作。", "中国和阿富汗是友好邻邦,中方一贯致力于发展中阿睦邻友好,重视并积极参与阿富汗重建进程。中方将继续向阿富汗提供力所能及的帮助,同国际社会一道,共同为阿富汗早日实现和平、稳定和发展作出贡献。", "马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国)(以英语发言):主席先生,我要借此机会祝贺你担任安全理事会本月主席。我也祝贺梅索尼大使和加蓬代表团指导了安理会6月份的工作。", "我还要感谢秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)、秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉今天上午的翔实通报,以及塔宁大使的发言。", "和其他发言者一样,我对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)工作人员4月份在马扎里沙里夫惨遭杀害致以联合王国的哀悼。恪尽职守的联合国工作人员必须能够在安全环境下开展工作,并得到阿富汗政府和国际社会的全力支持。我还要赞扬所有其他国际人员在这场斗争中所作的牺牲。", "英国首相大卫·卡梅伦刚刚结束对阿富汗的访问回国。他在那里亲眼看到了阿富汗政府和国际社会在筹备向由阿富汗领导的全国安全职责过渡方面所取得的进展。令人鼓舞的是,首批地区有望于7月20日启动过渡进程。在阿富汗国家安全部队准备于2014年年底前接管所有省份的安全工作时,其规模和能力将继续壮大。美国增兵对于准备过渡有所助益,而且正如赖斯大使确认的那样,美军将按原计划缩编。其它国际部队也将在条件允许时开始撤出。我国首相今天早些时候宣布,到2012年底,联合王国的兵力将再削减500人,从9 500人减至9 000人。这些迹象表明取得了进展、安全局势改善、阿富汗部队力量增强。但这并不意味着国际社会将停止对阿富汗的支持。", "联合王国对国际部队和阿富汗政府部队的行动造成的所有平民伤亡深表遗憾。虽然发生了此类伤亡,但都采取了事先制定的大力预防措施。正如秘书长在其报告中指出的那样,绝大多数伤亡是反叛分子造成的,他们蓄意使用旨在恫吓民众的暴力战术。上个季度,反叛分子继续暗杀政府雇员和蓄意袭击平民目标,包括医院、市场和洲际酒店。反叛分子造成的平民伤亡超过了阿富汗和国际部队造成的伤亡,其比例约为8比1。我们以最强烈的措辞谴责此类袭击。", "需要开展阿富汗人领导的政治进程以支持军事上进展。任何政治解决要想持久,都必须具有包容性,必须尊重所有阿富汗公民的权益。奥萨玛·本·拉登的死亡使塔利班有机会与基地组织果断决裂。英国外交大臣呼吁塔利班实施这种决裂并参与政治进程。我们敦促国际社会发出同样的呼吁。", "捍卫民主原则,包括自由、可信的选举原则,对于任何政治解决都至关重要,对于阿富汗未来稳定都非常关键。联合王国仍充分致力于同阿富汗政府、议会和人民共同努力,以便加强阿富汗民主和代议制机构。因此,我们对特别法院与议会仍未能解决争端深感关切。我们呼吁有关各方共同努力,找到符合阿富汗法律的解决办法,遵守《宪法》所保障的分权原则。", "目前局势表明,有必要在选举改革上取得进一步进展。我们继续支持联合国发挥作用,协助阿富汗政府、机构和人民落实去年在伦敦和喀布尔会议上做出的承诺。这仍是联阿援助团任务授权中的一个重要部分。", "实现不可逆转的过渡并在政治轨道上取得进展必须得到治理和发展进步的支持。如果我们要在这些问题上取得进展,至关重要的是要采取必要措施,实施国际货币基金组织(基金组织)的方案。继喀布尔银行事件后,我们呼吁迅速解决关于一项新的基金组织方案的谈判,并呼吁将那些违法者绳之以法。阿富汗人民理应得到这些。", "自秘书长发表其季度报告以来,在筹备由阿富汗人主导的波恩会议方面取得了重要进展。国际联络小组的成员在喀布尔开展了一次建设性对话。现在我们需侧重于将这些讨论转化为切实成果,特别是在区域合作方面的具体成果。我们欢迎在土耳其领导下在该领域所做的工作,并期待着将于11月份召开的伊斯坦布尔会议。", "最后,尽管存在挑战,但是在建设一个安全和有生存能力的阿富汗的道路上已取得了显著进展。随着阿富汗从一个冲突后国家变成一个具有更多传统发展需求的国家,联阿援助团和广大联合国大家庭将发挥日益重要的作用。因此,我们欢迎即将对联合国活动开展审查。我们希望,秘书长能加入对联阿援助团当前任务授权执行情况的评估意见、它在过渡后局势中的作用以及联合国怎样支持阿富汗政府建设一个强大、持久和自身可持续的阿富汗国。", "梅索尼先生(加篷)(以法语发言):主席先生,我也要祝贺你担任7月份安理会主席。我借此机会感谢所有常驻代表及其代表团在加篷担任6月份安理会主席期间给予我的合作与支持。", "我还要感谢斯塔凡·德米斯图拉秘书长特别代表和塔宁大使刚才基于我们面前的秘书长报告(S/2011/381),通报了阿富汗的局势。", "首先,我要表示,我们强烈谴责最近的暴力行径,它们削弱了自3月份以来取得的进展和成就。事实上,自我们3月17日最近一次举办辩论会(见S/PV.6497)以来,阿富汗局势,特别是在政治过渡进程方面取得了重大进展。", "我们高兴地注意到在民族和解上取得的进展。在这方面,我们欢迎阿富汗政府在安全理事会的要求下,根据第1988(2011)号决议,致力于为温和的叛乱分子提供重返社会的便利条件。我们也欢迎政府成立一个联合独立委员会,以提高行政当局内部的透明度和问责度。我们认为,这是移交责任过程中的一个重要因素,刚才塔宁大使也提及这一点。", "尽管做出了这些努力,但是特别是在安全和善治方面仍存在若干障碍。我国代表团借此机会再次呼吁阿富汗新政府尽最大努力,加强其反恐和反腐能力,这仍是该国实现和平与稳定的主要障碍。", "正如我们在最近一次辩论会上强调的那样,平民的安全与保护必须是政府基于坚实稳定的宪法机构,努力建立主权国家工作中的优先事项。阿富汗当局应承担起这方面的完全责任。", "本月宣布一些国际部队特别是美国和北约军队撤出大批部队,这证实政府在努力充分承担起其主权特权上不得不应对的严峻挑战。在此,我们重申我们充分支持联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的工作人员以及联合国为此向阿富汗政府提供援助。", "最后,我们赞扬斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生不懈努力支持该国的和平与稳定。关于即将到来的过渡,我们赞同他的观点,认为安全必须仍是一个优先事项,但是安全的改进必须在加强国际援助协调性、开展包容各方和参与式对话的基础上,产生有利于过渡的红利。最后,我们重申我们对联阿援助团以及联合国驻阿富汗的工作人员的支持。", "克劳利先生(南非)(以英语发言):主席先生,请允许我表示,我国代表团同其他国家的代表团一样祝贺你担任7月份安全理事会主席,并感谢内尔松 ·梅索尼大使在6月份出色领导安全理事会的工作。", "我们感谢负责阿富汗问题的秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生介绍秘书长关于阿富汗问题的报告(S/2011/381)。我们也感谢阿富汗常驻代表查希尔·塔宁大使参加本次辩论会。", "我国代表团欢迎过去数月阿富汗发生的较为积极的事态发展,特别是在加强阿富汗领导权和自主权方面取得的进展。这包括在落实喀布尔进程中取得的进展、在重返社会与和解工作上的势头以及阿富汗与其邻国的合作等。", "尽管出现了这些积极的事态发展,阿富汗在努力实现稳定与发展方面仍面临关键挑战。其中主要有安全局势、不断恶化的人道主义局势、人权缺失以及平民继续伤亡。南非强调,鉴于这些挑战十分严峻,需制定涵盖安全、人道主义问题、善治和社会经济发展的全面战略。在这方面,我们愿强调联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)在支持阿富汗政府、协调对该国的国际援助方面发挥的核心作用。至关重要的是,双边伙伴继续发挥的作用仍然是不可或缺的。", "我们对针对联合国及其工作人员发动袭击尤感关切。南非最强烈地谴责4月1日对联合国位于马扎里沙里夫的业务中心的暴力袭击,它造成联合国工作人员的死伤。", "南非继续欢迎努力加强政治外联活动。人民和领导人中的政治对话与和解对于阿富汗的长期稳定仍是至关重要的。我们高兴地看到,高级和平委员会加紧努力,领导和解工作。这些工作以及整编包括塔利班在内的叛乱分子的努力都应得到鼓励。", "陷于冲突中的阿富汗儿童的困境依然令我国代表团感到关切,在这方面,我们强烈谴责上周日一名骑摩托车的疑似武装分子袭击一所学校的行为,此人向学校大门投掷了一枚手榴弹。", "关于妇女的作用,我国代表团认为,阿富汗妇女可以在确保该国的和平与稳定方面发挥重要作用。应当欢迎她们在建立一个新的阿富汗社会方面发挥作用。", "国家自主权和领导权依然是阿富汗政治安全和社会经济进步的关键所在。就国际社会而言,它应当继续在该国从冲突过渡到稳定与繁荣的过程中发挥支助作用。因此,南非继续支持联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)驻留该国并发挥作用。", "最后,我们赞扬特别代表德米斯图拉完成了全面审查联阿援助团授权任务活动及联合国对阿富汗支助的综合战略框架,并要感谢联阿援助团及其工作人员努力执行安全理事会的任务规定,以便建立一个更和平和更稳定的阿富汗。", "奥格武夫人(尼日利亚)(以英语发言):我谨感谢特别代表德米斯图拉非常激励人心和明晰的通报。我也感谢塔宁大使,不仅因为他作了全面的通报,还因为他即便在艰难时刻也展现出了非凡的勇气。", "尼日利亚欣见在阿富汗取得的稳步进展。阿富汗一直在坚定寻求可贵的和平与稳定。新的《宪法》已经制订完成,举行了几次选举,经济增长前景看好,打击叛乱活动的新战略增强了最近的军事成就,而且,捐助方依然非常有力地致力于为民事重建提供资金。我们认为,应当通过有力的和解与融合进程,把塔利班和非塔利班叛乱分子,特别是坎大哈地区的叛乱分子包括进来,巩固这些政治进展。", "正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)提醒我们的那样,我们在确保和解各方确实不仅真正致力于遵守阿富汗政府确定的新的行为守则,也致力于在维护《宪法》方面保持警惕。政治进程必须由阿富汗人领导和推动,并且必须符合《宪法》。这一进程必须不仅促进持久和平与稳定,还必须推动保护妇女权益。政治进程的成功将有利于巩固阿富汗政府当前改善治理与问责的努力,包括使妇女不受阻碍地参加和平进程。", "阿富汗政府应当继续致力执行其反腐败的工作以及伦敦会议和喀布尔会议赋予它的各项义务。阿富汗政府更坚定地致力于进行反腐败工作以及伦敦会议和喀布尔会议产生的义务都将加强这些努力。", "关于安全部门,最近对位于马扎里沙里夫的联合国行动中心和对该国首都一家高级酒店的袭击令人遗憾地提醒我们,该国的安全局势紧张而且脆弱。我们谴责这些懦夫般的行为,它们不分青红皂白,把平民、安全部队以及国际安全援助部队(安援部队)作为目标。必须把这些袭击的罪魁祸首绳之以法。事实上,这些袭击破坏阿富汗安全部队的能力,并且令人怀疑阿富汗政府和安全部队是否已经作好应对今后安全挑战的准备。我们支持通过加强培训和能力建设以及增进联合国与安援部队之间的合作,紧急加强安全过渡进程的执行阶段。", "阿富汗政府参与列名和除名进程将为打击恐怖主义提供一个更有保证的平台,在《喀布尔公报》的背景下尤其如此。正因为这个原因,尼日利亚支持把制裁基地组织与制裁塔利班的制度分开的决定。在这方面,我们重申,这些除名请求应当由委员会在个案基础上,特别是要根据这些案件本身的情况来予以处理。", "在经济领域,尼日利亚赞扬阿富汗政府遵照喀布尔进程,继续致力执行国家优先方案。执行这一方案和实现阿富汗政府制订的基准将需要国际社会加强协调,并且及时提供国际援助。我们支持通过阿富汗预算体系来为该国提供捐助资金和其它援助,以提高协调一致和效率。", "如果不立即找到解决国际货币基金组织(基金组织)方案方面持续僵局的可行办法,目前的社会经济增长以及包括教育和保健部门在内的阿富汗政府优先方案将无法继续推行。因此,我们支持建立一个阿富汗政府和捐助方可以用来推动和执行基金组织方案的适当机制。", "在区域合作方面,我们欣见阿富汗与其邻国加强了合作,特别是在克服反恐挑战以及打击毒品、武器和人口贩运以及有组织犯罪领域。我们欣见阿富汗、巴基斯坦与美国之间的三方会议恢复工作。这两项进展都证实,区域伙伴都致力于阿富汗的稳定、经济发展、领土完整和主权。我们希望,在我们大家期待着定于11月2日举行的伊斯坦布尔会议和定于今年底在波恩举行的外长国际会议的时候,这一三方举措将得到持续。通过这两次会议,国际社会可以对由阿富汗领导的进程作出新的承诺,并且予以支持。", "阿富汗的未来和命运或许难以想象,但是,国际社会必须永远保持警惕,以确保一个和平、安全而且确实是真正和解与发展的未来。在这一艰巨的努力中,我们赞扬特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉对联合国阿富汗援助团进行的令人鼓舞的出色领导。特派团工作人员取得的杰出成就和他们为恢复阿富汗和平、民主与安全的全球一致努力作出的宝贵贡献将永载史册。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言):主席先生,请允许我祝贺你担任安全理事会7月份的主席。我祝愿你一切顺利。我也感谢加蓬代表团6月份担任主席和所做的工作。", "我们感谢斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生深入和坦诚分析了阿富汗局势,并且介绍了秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)。我们欢迎阿富汗常驻代表塔宁大使的发言。", "我们赞同他们对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)根据其任务授权正在采取的措施所作的评估。我们同意他们对阿富汗目前严峻安全局势的评估意见,最近几个月发生的许多安全事件体现了这种严峻性。我首先要谈一谈4月份联合国驻马扎里沙里夫办事处遇袭和联合国工作人员丧生的不幸事件。我们也对内政部前任副部长达乌德5月在塔哈尔省遇害、6月洛加尔省医院和巴达赫尚省和帕尔万省省长座车遇袭以及最近塔利班对洲际酒店的袭击造成无辜平民伤亡感到震惊。我们强烈谴责所有这些恐怖行径。", "反叛分子的这些袭击表明塔利班运动企图颠覆阿富汗局势,破坏国际社会为该国冲突后重建所作的努力。塔利班领导人既不为阿富汗人民采取行动,也没有为持久和平和繁荣、独立的阿富汗作出努力。", "俄罗斯联邦对阿富汗北部的局势特别感到关切,那里发生了几起备受瞩目的恐怖行径。这些行动在中亚各国引起反响,包括我们在独立国家联合体、集体安全条约组织和上海合作组织中的伙伴。鉴于塔利班和基地组织恐怖分子的持续活动,必须采取有目的和有节制的方法,执行全国和解计划。", "我们希望,最近根据第1207(1999)号决议对制裁制度作出的改变,将促进阿富汗政府为执行其全国和解战略所作的努力、为实现阿富汗解决办法提供更大的动力并且增进区域安全——这些都是国际社会商定的条件。", "在这方面,我们注意到,第1988(2011)号决议重申阿富汗全国和解的重要原则,包括放弃暴力、遵守《阿富汗宪法》以及放弃同基地组织和其他恐怖组织的联系。根据这些标准,把塔利班领导人从联合国制裁制度的名单上除名是不可接受的。只能在阿富汗人的领导下同塔利班领导人进行对话。同他们的任何接触,特别是在官方渠道之外的接触,可能发出国际社会在阿富汗解决办法方面的错误信号。", "我们也对在2014年之后执行长期加强在阿富汗的军事存在的计划特别感到关切。我们认为,必须确立阿富汗的中立地位。俄罗斯联邦和美国两国总统在2010年6月24日的联合声明中表示支持这一想法,并且上海合作组织的成员也在6月15日《阿斯塔纳宣言》中支持它。当然,这一问题的主动权掌握在阿富汗人民自己手中——不是在最近的未来,而是在阿富汗稳定工作完成之后。我们认为,确立阿富汗的中立地位,如获接受,能够促进有关和解的对话。", "我们对阿富汗境内毒品贩运的情况感到关切。毫无疑问,正如第1943(2010)号和第1974(2011)号决议指出,阿富汗境内的毒品贩运是对国际和平与安全的威胁。为了消除这一威胁,必须作出共同努力和汇总各种可能的能力。不幸的是,联盟部队没有把足够的精力投入这个问题。我国认为,目前在阿富汗的外国军队能够并应发挥更加积极的作用,处理毒品的生产和贩运,尤其因为它们承担了阿富汗的安全责任。我们的建议仍然有效,即我们在北约、上海合作组织以及集体安全条约组织中的伙伴在这方面进行实时互动。", "我们对于军队滥用或不成比例地使用武力造成平民死亡深感关切。根据国际人道主义法准则,所有各方,包括国际部队,承担着确保平民百姓安全的责任。俄罗斯联邦将继续赞成联合国在国际努力中的核心协调作用,以确保解决阿富汗局势。联合国有效和不偏袒地支持执行喀布尔会议结果文件中有关阿富汗在国家管理方面的自主性的规定,将确保阿富汗的长期稳定。", "实现长期稳定的另一个重要方面就是联合国控制国际部队执行安全理事会授权任务的方式。这些部队根据安全理事会的授权进入阿富汗领土,它们只能在完成任务之后按照安全理事会的决定撤离。它们无权在没有完成反恐任务或建立有效的阿富汗军队和警察之前离开阿富汗。", "我国认为,将通过增加阿富汗国家安全部队的能力来弥补美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马宣布的美国部队的缩编,前者应当准备掌管安全和有效抗击极端主义和毒品贩运。", "齐亚德女士(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言):首先,我谨表示,黎巴嫩感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生的通报并感谢阿富汗塔宁大使的发言。我也赞扬联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)在阿富汗所作的努力,尤其鉴于实地的困难情况。", "在对阿富汗进行国际军事干预十年之后,我们现在目睹向阿富汗人民移交权力的新时代的来临。然而,安全局势依然惊人。对国际和阿富汗部队的暴力以及对阿富汗人民的暴力,继续加快步伐。这种局面导致在过渡阶段更加需要在安全层面保持警惕,以便把权力交还阿富汗人民手中,并确保平民及其财产的安全。所有各方应当遵守国际人道主义法,竭尽全力保护无辜者的生命。", "在寻求以政治办法解决危机的努力中,黎巴嫩赞扬为实现和解和重返社会所作的努力。我们特别强调高级和平委员会发挥的作用和安全理事会一致通过第1988(2011)号决议对和解进程表示的支持,该决议把针对塔利班和基地组织的制裁制度分开,向塔利班成员提供了脱离恐怖主义意识形态并遵守《宪法》的机会,以便参加和平进程。", "阿富汗尊重人权的问题同安全与安保问题一样重要。具体而言,应当继续作出努力,以便在每个省都执行关于暴力侵害妇女行为的法律。应当保护妇女免遭歧视、不公正及胁迫,并且应当让她们融入公共生活。这些是本组织一再要求做到的事情。", "此外,我们要强调秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)中关于被关押者受到折磨和虐待的指控的重要性。这些被关押者往往没有辩护律师,并且在未受指控或审判的情况下被任意关押。对善治来说至关重要的是,应弥补法治和机构方面存在的这种差距。", "我们还应强调,必须继续致力于落实喀布尔进程,特别是在社会和经济发展框架内这样做。公共机构改革对于透明度和问责制也至关重要。我们还要赞同秘书长在其报告中发出的关于必须建立国际货币基金组织国别方案的呼吁。缺乏这样一项方案正对该国各地的项目和方案产生普遍的负面影响。", "此外,阿富汗国内的努力应当伴以对话和区域合作。阿富汗各邻国可通过监测边界和打击毒品贩运与跨国有组织犯罪活动来加强其同阿富汗的联系,并为改进安全保障状况作出贡献。事实上,这样做也符合各邻国的利益。", "我们要强调,我们赞赏广大国际社会特别是联合国通过其各机构所作的努力。联合国工作人员正在非常困难的情况下为建立一个能够保护本国人民和机构的阿富汗国家政权作出勇敢而坚毅的努力,以捍卫全体阿富汗人民的生命和繁荣。", "维奈·库马尔先生(印度)(以英语发言):主席先生,我首先要祝贺你担任安全理事会主席,并赞扬加蓬常驻代表及其工作团队于6月份指导安理会工作。主席先生,我还要感谢你召开今天这次关于阿富汗问题的辩论会。我感谢阿富汗常驻代表查希尔·塔宁大使的发言。我们感谢秘书长的最近报告(S/2011/381),并感谢特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的通报。", "阿富汗正处于过渡执行阶段的起点。由此,阿富汗安全部队将开始承担其在包括喀布尔在内的七个关键地区的责任。这对于阿富汗和国际社会都是一个至关重要的阶段。我们深感关切的是,阿富汗特别是在安全方面所面临的挑战似乎并未消退。相反,总体安全环境继续恶化。秘书长的报告指出,安全事故与2010年同期相比增加了51%,并呈现出自杀式袭击、绑架和暗杀事件大幅增加的特点。对位于马扎里·沙里夫(Mazar-e Sharif)的联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)驻地和位于坎大哈的政府大楼发动的恐怖袭击,对位于喀布尔的安保程度高的洲际大酒店和位于洛迦的一所医院发动的协调自杀式袭击都确认,塔利班和其他反对派团体据以选择软民用目标的策略有所改变。", "正如我们在3月17日关于这一议题的发言(见S/PV.6497)中指出的那样,这种袭击表明,该区域恐怖主义联盟已将意识形态、抱负、训练及行动危险地揉合在一起,以自杀式恐怖袭击作为其主要作案手法,袭击目标不限于阿富汗。国际社会仓促退出在阿富汗境内的战斗作用,无异于坐视该国灭亡。因此,现在变得至关重要的是,过渡应当同实地的现实而不是同僵硬的时间表挂钩。", "在这方面,同阿富汗政府协调,对不断演变的局势进行持续不断的评估和审查至关重要。我们赞赏加强国际安全援助部队与阿富汗国家安全部队之间的协作,以建设阿富汗部队必要的实力和能力。此举加上适当的辅助手段,对于安全责任的过渡至关重要。重要的是,过渡进程应由阿富汗人主导。过渡还必须以有系统的方式予以规划和执行,并且必须确保保护和促进全体阿富汗人的人权。", "为了阿富汗的安全和稳定,必须孤立和根除包括基地组织、塔利班、虔诚军以及在阿富汗境内外活动的其它恐怖主义和极端团体成员在内的恐怖主义联盟。这些团体在思想和行动上融为一体,它们之间的联系逐年增强。正如秘书长的报告指出的那样,阿富汗境内的叛乱分子仍然顽强,表现出能够开展多重复杂袭击的能力。叛乱分子继续负隅顽抗、不断改变战术、人数众多,以及向先前被认为是安全的地区扩散。所有这些都无情地提醒我们,除非国际社会能够坚决处理位于阿富汗境外的恐怖分子的安全避风港,否则安全成果仍将转瞬即逝。", "印度全力支持由阿富汗人领导、包容各方、透明、遵守阿富汗政府在喀布尔和伦敦会议公报中宣布的指导方针的和解进程。这一进程必须伴以包容各方的政治进程和阿富汗人之间的对话。重要的是,应查明那些愿意重返社会的人的前科,并确保他们真正回心转意。", "我们支持阿富汗政府和人民在寻求在他们的国家建立更安全、更稳定和更繁荣的未来以及强有力的民主制度时所表达的看法和所作的决定。必须让阿富汗人民在不受其邻国干涉的情况下,在和平与安全的条件中重建其国度。他们必须是自己命运的主宰。我们期望,根据第1988(2011)号决议建立的新制裁制度,将使阿富汗政府能够在应对由对该国的和平、安全与稳定构成威胁的那些人构成的挑战方面拥有更大发言权。", "阿富汗的自主权和领导权对于阿富汗的发展和重建至关重要。这也意味着国际社会的发展努力必须更加协调一致和进一步精简,包括使援助同阿富汗国家优先事项保持一致,并日益通过阿富汗机构开展工作。", "印度与阿富汗有着基于丰富的历史和文明联系这一牢固基础和基于共同寻求区域和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系。印度继续致力于与阿富汗政府和人民合作,以便建设一个和平、稳定、民主和多元化的国家。印度的援助方案遍布阿富汗全国各地,并几乎涵盖全部经济和社会发展活动。协助阿富汗开展其重建努力、进行能力建设和培养开发人力资源技能,以及建设其公共机构,是印度特别重视的方面。正如塔宁大使在其发言中提到的那样,在5月11日至13日对阿富汗进行的最近一次访问期间,我国总理宣布,印度除已认捐的15亿美元外,再提供5亿美元援助。", "阿富汗的稳定和经济发展在很大程度上有赖于阿富汗邻国和整个地区。加强同印度和该地区其他国家的经济一体化是阿富汗未来繁荣的关键。兴都库什以南阿富汗地区直至恒河三角洲这个地区构成一个单一的地理和经济盆地,而印度平原构成其经济重心。这是阿富汗最大的地区市场,是潜在投资、技能、培训、技术和专业知识的来源,可提供作为民主和国家机构建设的模式,而且其文化环境适宜。", "阿富汗具有成为连接中亚、西亚和南亚的陆上桥梁和贸易、运输、能源新兴枢纽的巨大潜力。最近区域合作方面的发展,包括土库曼斯坦-阿富汗-巴基斯坦-印度天然气管道项目协议的签署,将进一步推动区域合作。经济相互依存性的提高将促进整个地区特别是阿富汗的和平与繁荣。2005年阿富汗加入南亚区域合作联盟(南盟),现正成为南盟日趋活跃的成员。印度作为阿富汗的邻国,将持续努力促进阿富汗进一步融入该区域框架。", "最后,我们赞扬联阿援助团所作的良好工作。我们认为,在这个关键时刻,国际社会必须继续坚定不移地支持阿富汗政府实现其优先目标。", "阿罗德先生(法国)(以法语发言):主席先生,我理所当然地要祝贺你担任安全理事会主席并感谢加蓬代表娴熟地主持安理会6月份工作。我也要感谢德米斯图拉先生介绍阿富汗局势,并赞同欧洲联盟代表稍后要做的发言。此外,我谨感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "首先,我谨向在阿富汗工作的所有联合国工作人员表示敬意。4月1日马扎尔沙里夫联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)总部遭到袭击后,安全理事会作出了反应。这次袭击因为被害男女都是在那里帮助阿富汗稳定、安全和发展的人,因此令人倍感反感。", "我们不能因为这次袭击而偏离我们的主要目标,即帮助阿富汗政府取得进展,恢复充分主权。在这方面,过渡进程已经开始。今年,我们承诺的这一新阶段将导致向阿富汗当局逐步有序地移交安全责任。法国将连同它的盟国,继续承诺同阿富汗人民站在一起,确保按计划到2014年底完成过渡进程,包括在我们部署区域或培训阿富汗安全部队方面。我们在阿富汗的承诺是长期的,并将根据情况作出调整,以适应新的过渡情况。法国将与盟国和阿富汗当局密切合作,按计划撤离部队。但我们必须谨慎,确保过渡进程同时导致阿富汗政府承担治理和发展的责任。", "还有许多工作要做,时间是关键。我们必须确保阿富汗人民进一步参与发展项目的规划和执行。就其本身而言,阿富汗政府必须更加坚决打击腐败和裙带关系,从喀布尔银行问题可见一斑。", "通过公共支出权力下放和进一步加强省、区规划和执行发展项目的能力,预算执行方面也已取得进展。", "关于安全问题,我们已经重新掌握军事主动权,从而使阿富汗政府能够在若干地区重新恢复立足点。在我们的财政支持和培训帮助下,阿富汗军队和警察部队日益壮大,使盟军能够设想从阿富汗撤离部分作战部队。", "我们的军事和培训工作已开始见效,但以非常艰苦的战斗为代价。如果不能加强阿富汗当局的合法性,使之能够设想用政治办法解决冲突,军事成就将是短暂的。不幸的是,法院造成的不肯定状况影响到立法权力,不利于民主机构的正常运作,使他们不能集中精力解决阿富汗选民真正关心的问题。我们呼吁阿富汗所有机构在三权分立的原则基础上,按照《宪法》规定的各自职权范围行事。秘书长特别代表必须继续监测局势的发展和该国需要的选举改革。", "但我们也注意到,阿富汗内部和解之路取得进展。我们继续支持卡尔扎伊总统和高级和平委员会努力发展一个由阿富汗社会所有各阶层参加的和平进程。这一进程必须得到区域努力的支持,兼顾阿富汗邻国的安全利益,同时尊重阿富汗主权。从这个角度看,联合国可以发挥有益的作用。", "通过将联合国对基地组织和塔利班的制裁制度一分为二,安全理事会作出了一个非常重要的决定。我们希望这可激励阿富汗人民摒弃国际恐怖主义,开始直接对话,共同展望未来。", "最后,法国谨重申,我们充分支持秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的努力。安理会通过第1974(2011)号决议延长了联阿援助团的任务期限,并确认安理会两年前提出的各项优先事项是正确的。安理会还要求在2011年年底前完成对联阿援助团和联合国在阿富汗活动的一次全面审查。这将提供机会审视联合国对阿富汗承诺的发展演变。这次审查必须在完全透明的情况下进行,与阿富汗当局合作。这一过程、第二次波恩会议和2012年延长联阿援助团的任务期限,都代表着重申我们对建立一个彻底摒弃暴力和不稳定,民主、独立、繁荣的阿富汗的共同目标的承诺。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在以德国代表的身份发言。", "让我同其他发言者一起热烈欢迎并感谢特别代表今天所作的通报。我们同样感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "我国政府赞同欧洲联盟(欧盟)稍后要做的发言。", "今天,我要谈一谈三个问题。", "第一,关于过渡,德国欢迎在阿富汗安全部队数量和质量提高的情况下,开始安全过渡进程。我国代表团特别欢迎本月开始在第一批七个地区和城市向阿富汗移交安全责任的安全过渡。", "必须强调,根据北约和阿富汗政府达成的协议,过渡进程将继续是逐步和视情况而定的进程。最近几个月安全事件频发,明确显示我们今后的挑战严重。但我们认为,阿富汗与国际社会商定的战略和时间安排将继续有效地指导我们的工作。我们打算继续按此行事。", "德国谴责目前持续不断的暴力,并以最强烈的措辞谴责最近发生的袭击洛加尔医院的事件。我们继续严重关切地注意到,平民伤亡进一步增加,其中高达90%是由叛乱分子造成的。我们赞扬阿富汗安全部队在上周喀布尔洲际酒店遭受令人发指的袭击过程中所作的专业反应。", "在安理会这里,我愿特别强调联合国的安全问题。和今天在这里的所有人一样,德国非常赞赏秘书长特别代表以及联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)其他同事在极为艰难环境下所开展的工作。但是,我们在期望联阿援助团继续开展其不可或缺的工作的同时,也有责任尽我们所能,来保护联合国工作人员和行动。马扎里沙里夫事件是令联合国大家庭感到震惊的又一个事件,我们向所有遇害者家人表示慰问。德国呼吁尽最大努力,包括阿富汗政府要尽最大努力,来保护在阿富汗的国际支助行动。", "第二,关于喀布尔进程,该进程所描述的移交工作也将随着时间的推移,改变国际支持的性质。然而,国际社会强烈期望能够利用联合国的资源和专长,保持已经取得的进展,并与建立在阿富汗人领导、民主原则、尊重人权以及可靠的政府和非政府机构基础上的可生存的国家建立可持续的伙伴关系,而这些政府和非政府机构要建立在坚实的宪法基础上。", "喀布尔进程取得成功的一个决定性因素是,要解决喀布尔银行的危机。可信的金融机构是无法替代的。德国赞同报告的论述,即没有国际货币基金组织方案严重危及喀布尔进程,危及通过政府预算不断加大支持发展的能力。", "第三,我要简要谈谈将于12月在波恩举行的阿富汗问题国际会议的筹备情况。一些成员提到了该会议,而德国期待着应阿富汗政府请求主办该会议。总的来说,会议是为了更加突出我们阿富汗共同战略中的长期政治内容的分量。正如卡尔扎伊总统决定的那样,将由阿富汗主持的该会议的三个主要目的是,进一步确定2014年之前的移交工作所涉及的民事问题;大力确认并确定2014年之后对阿的长期国际支持;以及促进和解政治进程,包括区域和解进程。我们期望波恩会议将成为建设稳定的、和平并与邻国和平相处的阿富汗道路上的一个重要里程碑。", "在这方面,德国认为最近将第1267(1999)号决议规定的制裁制度分拆为单立的制裁基地组织和制裁塔利班制度,是一块重要的垫脚石。", "最后,我要重申德国继续长期支持我们的阿富汗朋友,并强调我们赞赏联阿援助团的作用以及联合国给予的更大范围的支持。德国认为联阿援助团和联合国系统是着眼于所有阿富汗人利益的成功交接工作的伙伴。", "我现在继续行使安全理事会主席职能。", "我现在请日本代表发言。", "西田先生(日本)(以英语发言):我愿感谢德米斯图拉特别代表十分全面而翔实的通报。我还愿表示,我感谢联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的所有男女工作人员,他们表明了对完成这项十分艰难的任务的大力承诺。我也感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "首先,我愿表示,我对联阿援助团4月1日在马扎里沙里夫遭受袭击深表遗憾。我向在袭击中牺牲的联合国工作人员的家人致以最深切的慰问。", "德米斯图拉特别代表在安理会3月份就本议题举行的上次辩论会(见S/PV.6497)上曾表示,2011年是至关重要的一年。它是2014年之前的移交工作年。日本决心在这一非常重要的年度中以及此后继续与联阿援助团合作。", "正如秘书长最近报告(S/2011/381)所言,阿富汗安全局势依然具有挑战性。我们对于喀布尔洲际酒店最近遇袭所凸显出的安全威胁感到关切。我对死者深表哀悼。安全仍是我们必须处理的优先问题。", "日本支持奥巴马总统就美国对阿政策所作的宣示。定于本月在七个地区启动移交工作。在美国和其它国际部队缩编期间平稳移交工作,对于阿富汗的和平与安全是不可或缺的。", "移交责任和可持续安全与该国政治进程和发展存在着相互联系。有鉴于此,日本继续通过向阿富汗警察提供援助,比如通过继续为警察发薪提供资金,以及采取努力加强中央和省级政府的行政能力,在加强阿富汗国家安全部队方面发挥作用。日本最近决定支持“开展扫盲以增强阿富汗警察能力”的方案,并将于本月开始同土耳其合作训练阿富汗国家警察。", "仍存在着其它令人关切的问题。喀布尔银行的状况是一个严重问题,影响到了提供资金乃至国际援助框架的国际捐助者。特别法院取消去年选出且先前得到独立选举委员会确认的议员的资格,致使议会与法院之间关系紧张,从而可能严重影响阿富汗的稳定与重建。这种情况发生在对于维护该国团结具有关键意义的时候。我们衷心希望阿富汗政府、议会和法院能够在各自职权范围内行事,迅速、妥善处理这些问题。", "我们对5月10日和11日在喀布尔成功举行阿富汗和平与再融合方案审查会议表示了欢迎。再融合进程取得进一步进展,是政治进程的重要支柱。我们高度赞赏联阿援助团和有关国家在该进程中发挥重大作用。日本决心继续作出贡献,这体现为我们向再融合基金提供了5 000万美元的捐助,用于在阿富汗人领导的《再融合方案》方面取得不可逆转的进展。", "在这方面,安全理事会最近通过决议,将基地组织和塔利班制裁清单一分为二,是为促进该国和解所采取的积极步骤。政治进程要取得更多进展,阿富汗人就必须在国际社会的继续支持下发挥自主权。", "阿富汗要想实现长期稳定,我们就必须加快该国邻国之间的区域合作。日本愿意在更大范围的经济发展中发挥积极作用,经济发展能够使周边邻国为阿富汗融入区域和全球经济铺平道路。", "日本尽管受到3月份地震的影响,但仍决心开展对阿援助。鉴于阿富汗的重要性,我们于2009年11月承诺提供这种援助。虽然军事存在的缩编工作很快就会开始,但长期介入阿富汗问题仍十分重要。我愿再次强调,为实现可持续的经济,此刻阿富汗负责任的主导与国际社会的支助比以往任何时候都更有必要。这应着眼于中长期视角,以便到2014年完全过渡到阿富汗领导之后,阿富汗的经济发展能够自力更生。", "我相信,国际社会坚定地致力于阿富汗的重建。我们期待着在12月份的波恩阿富汗问题会议上取得进一步进展。从阿富汗的角度来说,该国需加强其实现真正阿富汗主导和领导的能力。第1974(2011)号决议要求全面审查联阿援助团的任务授权以及联合国对阿富汗的支助,这将是联合国指引阿富汗未来方向的一个非常重要的任务。联阿援助团继续发挥着重要作用,日本也将继续尽其最大努力,为其活动做出贡献。", "最后,我们愿诚挚赞赏德米斯图拉特别代表的奉献精神,并重申我们致力于支持联阿援助团的工作。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请加拿大代表发言。", "里瓦德先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):阿富汗正进入一个关键时期,很有可能它转型成为一个安全稳定民主政体的长期进程将受到近期事件与决定的重大影响。", "改善安全局势对于我们在阿富汗开展的工作仍是最为重要的事。尽管戡乱努力成功逆转了阿富汗南部的叛乱势头,但是在先前认为安全的地方,暴力却有所上升。需大幅加强安全,以便为阿富汗的增长与发展提供所需空间。", "所有暴力导致的平民伤亡都是惨痛的悲剧,我们采取各种可能步骤避免国际安全援助部队(安援部队)的行动导致平民伤亡。然而,绝大多数死亡都是叛乱分子造成的。事实上,平民常常是叛乱分子的主要目标。最近喀布尔洲际饭店遭袭以及最近叛乱分子利用一名8岁女童作为人体炸弹都惨痛地证明了这一点。我们谴责这些违反国际法的不择手段的做法,并要求停止这种做法。", "最近,阿富汗政府和安援部队启动了将主要安全责任从国际社会过渡给阿富汗当局的进程。加拿大致力于通过北约驻阿富汗培训特派团来增加阿富汗国家安全部队的人数并提高其人员素质,这对于维护该国的和平至关重要。为此,加拿大从2011年至2014年期间将提供950人的加拿大部队和45人的民警来协助培训国家安全部队。我们可能会在坎大哈进行缩编,但是我们仍致力于支助阿富汗。", "(以法语发言)", "光靠军事手段不可能实现阿富汗的稳定与安全,阿富汗政府和叛乱分子需要开展政治和解进程。为实现持久和解,叛乱分子就有必要放弃暴力,断绝与基地组织的联系,并承认《阿富汗宪法》。尽管我们赞同现在就应举行和谈,但是有些阿富汗人确实害怕过去10年来在民主化、人权和提供基本服务方面取得的成果可能会付诸东流。当前的讨论应认识到这种关切,确保和平将为所有阿富汗公民造福。", "加拿大赞同许多阿富汗人和国际社会成员的观点,认为从长期来看,阿富汗的持久和平与稳定将要求一个包容各方的疗养进程。这必须让包括阿富汗妇女在内的阿富汗社会各阶层参与旨在重建关系、解决历史宿怨的长期工作,如果不处理这些宿怨,阿富汗的持久和平就有可能遭到破坏。", "加拿大与我们的国际伙伴一道,正与阿富汗政府密切合作,确保协调过渡中的民事层面,即加强治理与发展,以支持整体过渡取得成功并不可逆转。成功过渡将取决于采取协调一致的努力以及阿富汗领导层做出认真的政治承诺,确保进行有效、包容各方和职责分明的治理。", "必须继续建设和培养阿富汗政府为普通阿富汗人提供服务和机会的能力。在这方面,由阿富汗政府主导的喀布尔进程以及国家优先方案仍是阿富汗政府和国际社会的重要工具。现在,我们必须推动国家优先方案的实施,将它们与安全过渡挂钩,并确保它们在为普通阿富汗人提供医疗保健和教育等方面产生切实裨益。现在重要的是,这些方案要具有财政上的可持续性和现实性。在这方面,国际社会需要帮助阿富汗提高它在此期间创收的能力。私营部门对于该国的发展也将发挥重要作用。", "同样至关重要的是,阿富汗人要能够信任他们选举出来的官员,在区、省和国家一级代表他们的利益。腐败侵蚀了对民主机构的信心,并削弱稳定该国的努力。腐败仍是严重问题,并有可能成为未来数年实现成功过渡的主要障碍。因此,阿富汗政府必须采取具体和明显行动,以打击腐败,防止它使过渡议程脱离轨道。", "(以英语发言)", "区域国家对于阿富汗的成败乃至对南亚和中亚的整体稳定也发挥着重要作用。至关重要的是,阿富汗及其邻国要克服历史上根深蒂固的不信任和利益冲突,这些常常不符合区域稳定和经济逻辑。政治分歧仍阻挠着在本可以实现双赢、为区域持久稳定与繁荣做出巨大贡献的经济举措取得进展。", "我们期待着12月份将在波恩召开的由阿富汗人主导的阿富汗问题会议,它将着重讨论对于过渡进程十分重要的问题。有好几个此类关于阿富汗问题的会议定于2011年召开。绝对重要的是,我们要继续开展公开和坦诚的对话,同时我们还需凝聚真正的政治意愿以实现切实进展。", "过去10年,阿富汗在关键领域取得了显著和可以量化的进展。我们都聚焦于同一个目标,即将安全、治理和发展的责任过渡给阿富汗政府。阿富汗政府及国际社会团结一致,决心实现这个目标,加拿大也将继续发挥积极作用。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴基斯坦代表发言。", "哈龙先生(巴基斯坦)(以英语发言):主席先生,我们愿祝贺你担任7月份安理会的主席并感谢你召开今天的辩论会。", "我愿特别赞赏地提及斯塔凡·德米斯图拉秘书长特别代表的通报。巴基斯坦一贯珍视德米斯图拉特别代表有力领导下的联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的工作。我希望,他不再继续担任该职的传言不是真的。", "秘书长的季度报告是阿富汗政治和安全事态发展的重要晴雨表。我愿强调,这些报告提供了有益指标,以衡量我们在促进阿富汗实现和平的集体努力中取得的进展和遭遇的挫折。", "第一,审查所述期间标志着开始实施向更大阿富汗领导权和自主权的过渡,这也是喀布尔进程所构想的。这是巴基斯坦在安全理事会召开的每一次会议上都要表明的一点。其次,本次会议适逢开始根据第1974(2011)号决议的要求,对联阿援助团任务规定进行全面审查。我们认为,应当继续根据在阿富汗推动民族和解、支持治理以及促进社会经济发展——这或许是至少迄今在图表上表明向上趋势的一个领域——的原则,确定联阿援助团在现阶段的优先事项。", "关于当前对联阿援助团任务规定进行的全面审查——审查应当于2011年完成——我必须强调,必须在各个领域确保阿富汗自主权和尊重阿富汗的主权。联阿援助团工作与过渡期目标之间更加一致以及联合国各机构内部的协调必须成为新任务规定的基本组成部分。", "随着我们离假定的撤离日期越来越近,阿富汗是否正在发烧?我要再次指出,秘书长的报告记录说,安全方面的事件在本报告所述期间增加了51%。报告恰当地对冲突造成的人的损失表示了关切,其特点是不仅叛乱活动,而且军事行动造成的平民伤亡都在不断增加。", "请允许我承认,阿富汗的安全挑战由于三十年的战争、阿富汗安全部队的能力、外国部队的驻留以及罪犯和毒品贩子利用社会政治复杂情况而变得复杂。阿富汗的安全问题不是轻而易举便可解释得清的,例如仅仅归咎于外部因素和进行自拆台脚的指责。", "阿富汗和巴基斯坦境内的暴力和不稳定是一个威胁。因此,我们正在安全和情报领域给予阿富汗一切可能的合作。开展这种合作的一个可行机制是三方委员会,该委员会定期举行会晤,并且包括美国和国际安全援助部队。", "部署在与阿富汗交界地区的我国军事和准军事人员的人数比在阿富汗全境部署的所有国际部队都要多。巴基斯坦对阿富汗和平的承诺坚定不移。如果阿富汗成为代理战争的舞台,或者它的领土被用来开展域外颠覆活动,这将不利于区域和国际和平事业。", "阿富汗安全挑战的长期解决办法在于切实可行的和解和再融合进程。一个自身和平的阿富汗可以最好地确保自己的安全。秘书长的报告及其特别代表所作的通报正确指出了和解与安全之间的联系。", "巴基斯坦支持一个由阿富汗主导的包容性和解进程,以便把反对团体纳入政治主流。我们认为,伊斯兰会议组织和联阿援助团参与和解进程将有所裨益。", "我们强调,必须确保新创建的针对阿富汗的制裁委员会切实有效地帮助遏制叛乱活动,并且促进阿富汗的和解。必须确保做到这一点。我们希望,联阿援助团与安全理事会阿富汗制裁委员会的合作在为列名和除名进程增加专业和政治投入方面将发挥巨大的促进作用。", "巴基斯坦将继续协助由阿富汗主导的和解进程,包括通过阿富汗与巴基斯坦之间的阿富汗和解与和平联合委员会来这样做。该联合委员会的第一次会议于上月在哈米德·卡尔扎伊总统到访前夕在伊斯兰堡举行。我们两国都确认决心紧密合作,以促进阿富汗的长期和解与和平。作为伊斯兰堡会议的后续,联合委员会的第一次工作层面会议于上周在喀布尔举行。会议决定设立专门工作组,以便以负责任和扎实的方式向前推进。请不要误解,这一进程非常积极,而且将产生有益成果。", "我们寻求阿富汗和平与稳定的努力与长期的合作伙伴关系相契合。今天《华盛顿邮报》的头条新闻报道有数百名武装分子从阿富汗越境袭击了巴基斯坦的一个边境村庄,造成一些人丧生,但这不会阻止我们开展这一进程。我给我的朋友的建议是,一切和平进程自然会走到出现此类行为的时候,武装分子希望通过这些行为证明和平进程并不和平。我们将不会屈服于此。", "尽管这些越境武装分子竭力制造混乱并破坏和平进程,请允许我重申,我们将不会容许这种情况发生。在卡尔扎伊总统上个月访问巴基斯坦期间签署的《伊斯兰堡宣言》载有贸易和经济、交通连接性和基础设施、能源和矿产项目合作领域以及加强议会交流和民间往来方面伙伴关系的概述。这些领域的国际援助,特别是企业部门的参与可以促进产生丰厚的区域和平及繁荣红利。", "秘书长的报告指出,过去三个月中,只有19 000多名难民从巴基斯坦返回阿富汗。这个数字难以令人感到鼓舞。我们需要更多地关注这个问题。但是当然,无论发生什么事情,我们都是世界上这一最大难民人口的收容国。", "最后,我要重申,我们支持联阿援助团的目标和努力,特别是秘书长特别代表德米斯图拉的努力。我们坚信,可敬的阿富汗人民将战胜一切巨大挑战,并且抓住新机会创造更美好和繁荣的未来。巴基斯坦将继续做他们坚定和执着的伙伴。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请佩德罗·塞拉诺先生发言。", "塞拉诺先生(以英语发言):主席先生,我要深切感谢你给我机会代表欧洲联盟(欧盟)发言。", "候选国土耳其、克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、黑山和冰岛,参与稳定与结盟进程的可能的候选国阿尔巴尼亚、塞尔维亚和欧洲自由贸易联盟成员国挪威,参加欧洲经济区的成员国以及摩尔多瓦共和国和格鲁吉亚赞同这一发言。", "我要感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉所作的通报和秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全影响的全面报告(S/2011/381)。我们也感谢塔宁大使所作的发言。", "7月份标志着向由阿富汗主导的安全的过渡阶段的开始。欧洲联盟欣见,国际安全援助部队即将在该国7个地区向阿富汗部队移交安全责任。在这方面,秘书长关于由于重点突出的训练和能力建设努力,这些部队的表现已有所改善的评估意见令我们感到鼓舞。与此同时,我们可以在报告中看到,不安全状况在增加,这表明叛乱分子依然负隅顽抗,使过渡更加困难。安全方面的事件与2010年同期相比增加了51%,这一数据凸显出过渡有多么困难。因此必须要回顾的是,过渡进程并不意味着撤出,而是逐步转向真正的辅助作用,过渡也不是根据日历来进行的,而是视情况而定。通过谨慎管理过渡进程,我们正在缓慢但坚实地满足阿富汗人民为自身安全负起责任的愿望。", "创造有利于在该国全境进行成功过渡的条件需要朝着善治和发展方向,并在政治轨道上进一步取得进展。改善治理事关重大,因此,增进公共财政的透明度和监督以及反腐败工作,应当成为高度优先事项。", "一方面,欧洲联盟欢迎启动联合独立反腐监测和评估委员会等积极步骤。另一方面,我们注意到,在喀布尔进程的所有国家优先方案中,有关公共行政和国家以下各级治理的方案进展最少。这是特别不幸的,因为由于几个原因,这些方案也是最重要的。", "正如秘书长指出的那样,在过渡后的阿富汗,捐助者更多通过中央政府进行工作,直接流向地方政府的发展资金将减少。如果没有同中央的更强大和更可靠的联系,没有更好的国家以下各级治理,这些省份和地区将面临得不到援助的风险。", "在治理领域中,发展资金的拨款和分配所面临的一个更直接的障碍,就是继续未同国际货币基金组织就喀布尔银行崩溃的后果达成协议。如果阿富汗要对其本身的发展承担全部责任,并且如果要通过阿富汗机构提供更多的发展资金——卡尔扎伊总统把它称作过渡的组成部分——那么就需要解决这场银行危机。这是一个欧洲联盟及其成员国深感关切的问题,它们每年总共在阿富汗花费10亿多欧元。", "为了解决喀布尔银行危机以及更全面地执行喀布尔进程的治理和其他承诺,例如司法部门现代化和选举改革,就需要解决阿富汗行政部门同议会之间的争议。欧洲联盟要求在这样做时,既要迅速,又要符合权力分立。", "为了建立更加有效和合法的政府机构而采取进一步的步骤,不仅对于发展合作,而且还对政治轨道上的进展,是至关重要的。更好的治理将有助于说服所有阿富汗人,以武力解决分歧今后不再应是一个选项,政治舞台应当成为唯一的角斗场。", "在这方面,欧洲联盟欣见安全理事会最近决定把基地组织制裁制度同塔利班制裁制度分开,这项决定必定促进和解与重返社会的努力。在实地,由阿富汗人领导的这些努力受益于联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的支持,联阿援助团继续通过提倡基本服务、释放被拘留者和保护平民,促进建立信任措施。正如报告证实的那样,平民仍然在冲突中遭到主要打击,80%至90%的平民伤亡同反政府分子有关。", "和解工作不仅应当由阿富汗人领导,而且也决不能偏离其基本原则:反对基地组织、放弃暴力和尊重《宪法》。为确保和平而牺牲国际法和不可剥夺的人权,包括妇女的权利和宗教少数的权利,将导致得不偿失的胜利。这并非是某种乌托邦式的野心,要把阿富汗变为一个完美的地方,这只不过是要捍卫本世界组织和欧洲联盟的基本价值。", "在我们最近关于本项目的辩论中(S/PV.6497),当它的任务期限被提上议程时,我们对联阿援助团作了详尽的发言。这就是为什么我今天在发言的最后,将仅限于再次表示欧洲联盟对它在过渡时期的关键作用的支持,包括作为联合协调和监测委员会的共同主席,这个机构需要得到进一步的加强。", "我们赞扬斯塔凡·德米斯图拉及其工作人员的承诺和勇气,并最强烈地谴责对联阿援助团的袭击。联合国在阿富汗为全体阿富汗人做重要的工作,我们大力支持它在短期和长期内继续参与那里的工作。在今后的新阶段里——一个存在极大机遇但也面临巨大危险的阶段,我们要依靠联阿援助团。但是,正如阿富汗人所说——我希望这一说法是准确的——即便最高的山峰,也有一条登顶的路径。", "主席(以英语发言):我请土耳其代表发言。", "乔尔曼先生(土耳其)(以英语发言):首先,请允许我向塔宁大使和秘书长特别代表德米斯图拉表示热烈的问候。我也谨感谢秘书长提出他的报告(S/2011/381),并感谢特别代表颇具见地的通报。", "我们感谢联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)在德米斯图拉特别代表的有效领导下,为完成任务所做的兢兢业业和出色的工作,正如最近在4月1日对联阿援助团在马扎里沙里夫的驻地的袭击所证明,他们面临非常真实和严重的威胁。我们强烈谴责和痛惜这一令人发指的袭击,并再次向丧生者的遗属以及联阿援助团人员和整个联合国大家庭表示慰问。", "我们也谴责反叛分子最近对阿富汗目标发动的一连串袭击,导致更多的无辜平民丧生。这些袭击是不可容忍的,阻挡不了阿富汗人民和国际社会建设和平、安全和民主的阿富汗的努力。", "阿富汗正在经历一个历史性的转变时期。阿富汗的邻国和区域内外的其他相关行为方,应当尊重阿富汗的主权,并且继续为巩固它作出多方面的贡献。移交安全责任、和平进程和经济发展,都是实现阿富汗完全当家作主的最终目标的核心努力。如果其中一个进程遭遇失败,整体工作也将出错。", "由阿富汗人领导阿富汗的所有进程,是一个基本原则。安全是一个主要的有利因素,将促进发展、治理、法治和机构能力建设。过去6个月里,军事行动达到前所未有的程度,然而,只能通过政治解决才能实现阿富汗的持久和平与稳定。因此,在和解的机会之窗打开时,必须给予阿富汗和平进程必要的时间和空间。", "阿富汗的和平前景比以往更加光明,请允许我强调,为了阿富汗和平的持久性,必须容纳社会的所有阶层,因为增进全国团结是唯一最重要的基础,持久和平与稳定将在此基础上稳固发展。尽管培训阿富汗国家安全部队,对于在2014年底完成过渡是至关重要的,但是,民事能力建设和经济可持续性在2014年以后将是同样重要的。我们敦促所有捐助方增加对发展民事能力和经济可行性的捐助。", "一个良性的区域秩序,是阿富汗和平、主权、发展与繁荣的不可或缺的支柱。反过来,阿富汗的和平、主权与繁荣,将成为其邻近地区的和平与繁荣的不可或缺的支柱。在这方面,我们将继续努力支持在秘书长报告中提到的、5月10日由土耳其外交部长阿赫梅特·达武特奥卢阁下在伊斯坦布尔主持的区域国家会议上讨论的区域层面。", "为2011年11月2日在伊斯坦布尔举行的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议所做的筹备工作已经开始。在土耳其和联阿援助团的共同主持下,分别于6月3日和26日在伊斯坦布尔和喀布尔举行的国际接触小组区域合作工作组会议是有益的,吸引了区域内外对即将举行的伊斯坦布尔会议的广泛支持。", "已经出现一系列共同点。2002年《喀布尔友好睦邻关系宣言》(S/2002/1416)是一份突破性的文件。2007年《关于“亚洲心脏”友谊与合作的伊斯坦布尔声明》(S/2010/70,附件)甚至超越了《喀布尔声明》,提出了一个共同的区域构想,是一个可喜的里程碑。", "然而,自去年的伊斯坦布尔会议以来,区域工作以及情况和需求已经大有进展,并且我们希望所有这一切将能够以某种形式写在纸上,然后伊斯坦布尔会议的与会者将能够签字。我们知道,这是阿富汗想要从区域会议中得到的收获。", "因此,我们想要使伊斯坦布尔会议成为区域层面的一个转折点。", "我们一如既往,期待着国际社会的大力支持,而其重要性已在秘书长的报告中得到强调。在举行关于阿富汗问题的伊斯坦布尔会议之前,我们将同阿富汗、联合国以及所有其他有关国家和组织密切合作,因为该会议将是今年头等国际大事之一。", "主席(以英语发言):我请德米斯图拉特别代表回答各位所做的评论。", "德米斯图拉先生(以英语发言):我要简略谈三点。第一,我感谢安理会成员所做的一切评论。我还适当地注意到每一个安理会成员和其他代表所做的评论、提出的建议和表示的支持。", "第二,我还要代表我的全体900多位同事,感谢所有与会者就我的同事们正在作出的牺牲和在Mazar-e-Sharif发生的不幸事件所说的非常友好、温馨的话。这确实有助益。", "最后,我相信,塔宁大使和我本人将带回喀布尔一个强烈信号:国际社会支持、持续不断地关心和介入阿富汗。我认为,在举行伊斯坦布尔会议和波恩会议之前困难的数月期间,这将对我们有所帮助。", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午1时15分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那\n巴西 维奥蒂夫人\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 阿罗先生\n加蓬 梅索尼先生\n印度 维奈·库马尔先生\n齐亚德女士\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生\n俄罗斯联邦 潘金先生\n南非 克罗利先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 Rice女士", "议程项目", "阿富汗局势", "秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告(S/2011/381)", "上午10时20分宣布开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "阿富汗局势", "秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告(S/2011/381)", "主席(以英语发言):根据安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我请阿富汗、加拿大、日本、巴基斯坦和土耳其代表参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团团长斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生参加本次会议。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请欧洲联盟驻联合国代表团代理团长佩德罗·塞拉诺先生阁下参加本次会议。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/381,其中载有秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的报告。", "我现在请德米斯图拉先生发言。", "德米斯图拉先生: 我上次向安全理事会作简报(见S/PV.6497),正如安理会所知,我坚持反对允许塔宁大使首先发言的规则,以表明人们日益需要承认阿富汗人民是一个主权国家。 但这次,塔宁大使坚持与我一起回到规则上来,表明阿富汗打算坚持国际规则。 因此,经他允许,我将采用旧做法并按他的要求发言。", "我们今天是在我们处于特殊十字路口的时刻开会的。 7月是2011年的一个重要月份,因为已经就过渡的开始作出决定。 已经宣布过渡,但过渡还将以国际社会即将同阿富汗当局举行的会议所作出的决定为基础,大约从7月中旬开始。 这也是我们开始看到奥巴马总统在发言中所宣布的关于逐步重新部署国际部队,特别是美国部队的决定得到逐步执行的月份。 换句话说,我们正处于国家主权与随之而来的责任和问责制、持续冲突与政治包容性对话之间的十字路口。", "首先,在过渡阶段,它就像一辆正在前进的火车。 根据我的每一项指标——正如我们在喀布尔过渡会议上听到的那样——它也步入正轨。 当然,过渡还将涉及七个地区、省和城市。 和往常一样,我们会在细节中看到魔鬼。 但是,过渡已经走上正轨。", "我们正在处理的一个问题——正如我所提到的会议所认识到的那样,我们应该就这个问题进行更多的工作——涉及的事实是,过渡不能而且不应该只涉及安全。 肯定还有别的事 这需要向阿富汗人民承认和认同的东西过渡。 因此,我们正在共同努力,以确保社会、经济和人权方面的结果与过渡相联系。 从这个意义上讲,虽然过渡像瑞士火车一样不可逆转,但我们同时需要确保过渡在社会经济方面变得不可逆转。", "在这方面,过去几天中讨论过、而且可能再次出现的一个内容是,我们是否能够有与过渡有关的一些项目与某种过渡红利相联系。 换句话说,军事方面无疑会节省一些经费。 其中一些可以用来确保过渡地区的阿富汗地方当局和人民感到他们的发展继续受到关注和实质性支持。 联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)将根据其非常明确的任务在这方面尽出自己的责任,特别是促进过渡的这一方面。", "这让我想到我的第二点,这通常是阿富汗的第一点,即安全。 正如安理会所知——人们多次提醒注意这一点——安全局势最近一直是令人关切的问题。 但是,我们必须从背景来看待这个问题。 天晓得,我在4月1日刚刚经历了悲剧之后,小心谨慎地这样做。 洲际酒店遭到袭击. 我们许多人都去过那里,我们知道它的标志性价值。 这是令人震惊的。 市内和军医院,甚至国防部都发生了攻击. 在坎大哈发生了两天的袭击,在赫拉特袭击了意大利省级重建队。", "但是,让我们把它放在背景中。 所有袭击都由阿富汗军队和警察以有效方式处理——尽管有时可能相当混乱,因为我们都在训练过程中。 甚至在洲际酒店,在某种程度上,袭击的结束得到了国际安全援助部队直升机的支持. 然而,阿富汗部队再次站在前列。", "我认为这是一个重要的问题,因为人们觉得安全局势确实有所改善。 势头急剧回升,人们对势头正在逆转的看法有所改善。 然而,反政府部队也在不断试图通过发出戏剧性外科袭击的信号来扭转这种看法,这是事实。 但我必须说,迄今为止,第一印象仍然普遍存在。 阿富汗人已经能够应付了。 这并不意味着,在今后几周或也许几个月里,由于夏天还没有结束,安全局势可能不会出现很大的困难。", "正因为如此,第一,解决正在影响阿富汗人民的平民伤亡问题,第二,实际上进入另一个阶段,即政治探索——正如国务卿希拉里·克林顿和最近奥巴马总统所指出,以及卡尔扎伊总统多次指出的那样。 每个人都认识到,在阿富汗不可能有军事解决办法。 我们现在需要更有效地开展政治探索。", "这意味着和解。 我们在哪里呢? 正如大家所看到的, 有许多接触。 不幸的是,媒体也遭到泄露,这些消息无助于这些接触。 但是,显然需要对话,而且我们正得到一些迹象,即将以更具体的方式恢复对话。", "与此同时,联合国与阿富汗当局和国际利益攸关方密切协调,尽了自己的职责。 我们只具体侧重于我们的任务,以及我们可能具有附加值的地方,即建立信任措施。 这些都是重要的,因为它们是准备实质性讨论的措施,而实质性讨论只能由阿富汗人同阿富汗人进行。 他们实际上必须照我们一贯说的去做,即确保这是由阿富汗领导的。", "但是,建立信任措施确实很重要,特别是在现阶段。 这些问题包括:审查平民伤亡情况;如果塔利班想要参与,让他们有机会以事实而不是言辞来证明他们确实有资格这样做;减少他们对平民造成的巨大负面影响,特别是在最近一段时期。", "第二,我知道这是个人的判断,但它是基于喀布尔许多人的看法,如果我们希望继续推动和解,安理会勇敢地决定将第1267(1999)号决议所设委员会名单分给 \" 基地 \" 组织和塔利班,这无疑是一个正确方向的指标。 举例来说,高级和平委员会的一些成员恰好仍在名单上,该委员会是最高权威,我们将在进行实质性讨论时提及它。 如果我们作为联合国和联阿援助团,在后勤和实质性方面向他们提供协助,并试图与他们一起旅行,带他们回来,以确保我们举行会议,这非常困难。", "建立信任措施的一个领域当然是建立一个场所——让我们不要称之为办事处——的可能性,在那里,塔利班和利益攸关方,特别是阿富汗伙伴之间最终可以举行会议,而不必感到不安全,并有足够的酌处权。 这还没有,但这是其中的一个领域。", "让我提及过去几周出现的另一个领域。 与教育有关。 如果说国际社会和阿富汗当局应该为塔利班撤离后情况有所改善而自豪的一个领域,那就是教育。 目前有700万儿童入学和上学,其中许多是女孩。 我们不断目睹塔利班统治期间就学校、特别是女童作出悲惨决定。 有一些迹象表明,他们第一次发出信息,甚至通过因特网公开发出,他们可能从这一错误中吸取了教训。 我们希望,这不仅仅是一项战术决定,事实上,他们表示有兴趣不攻击学校。", "有一些反对意见。 一些教师最近受到影响,但总的来说,我们自己的研究表明,在塔利班存在显然会影响的某些地区新建的大约400所学校,袭击已大大减少。 沃达克部长提醒我注意这一点。 我们同儿童基金会一道将继续研究这一局势;如果这是一个趋势,我们将承认这是一种建立信任措施。 但它需要核实。", "我认为,在谈论和解时,需要提及一个领域。 这就是重返社会。 体制结构已经存在,安理会所有成员都作出了实质性——一些非常实质性——贡献,以确保这是真正和准备充分的可能。 迄今为止,出现了一些动力和势头。 目前有1 800多人参加该方案。 但挑战依然存在。", "首先,在真正实现和解之前,显然很难看到重大势头。 但是,为了吸引和应对可能的变化而准备就绪是非常重要的,证据是1800个数字。 我们有一些关切,并正在设法确保进行充分的审查。 我必须告诉安理会,马扎里沙里夫被袭击的初步指标之一是,在暴力和残忍地杀害我的同事的5人中,有3人实际上已经重返社会。 这表明,首先,我们需要非常小心地进行审查,而且在最终和解之前,这些审查都不防水。", "我要谈的下一点是,无论和解是否实现,如果没有区域背景,它永远不可能完全持续。 这就是为什么在过去几个月中,我们非常满意地和感兴趣地看到双边、三边和多边会议大幅增加,从上海进程到阿富汗、巴基斯坦和美国当局之间的若干会议。 在伊斯坦布尔举行的会议也是如此,除巴基斯坦和阿富汗外,伊朗也参加了这些会议。 因此,我们希望并相信,将于11月2日举行的伊斯坦布尔会议将是解决这一问题的良机。", "安理会成员知道,有一个国际联络小组。 它是非正式的,但其影响和影响力正在增加。 我们在喀布尔举行了一次非常好和建设性的会议,除了与过渡有关的其他重大问题外,副外长卢丁提出了一项我们计划支持的倡议。 该倡议将力求确定,我们是否可以在伊斯坦布尔就稳定问题达成某种谅解,其依据是不久前在巴尔干地区或在赫尔辛基进程中所做的工作。 换句话说,它将寻求使各方确信相互加强的稳定的书面手段。", "当然,如果也有一个支持该机制的机制和一个区域奖励的财政信托基金,那就更有意义了。 在伊斯坦布尔会议之前,所有这一切可能都摆在桌面上,但我们肯定正在同阿富汗和土耳其当局以及区域和以外所有参与者认真合作,以便在这方面有所进展。", "毫无疑问,目前存在着一些与区域谅解有关的云层,例如目前在阿富汗和巴基斯坦边界上存在的谅解。 这不应过于戏剧化,坦率地说,应该留给阿富汗人和巴基斯坦人讨论。 他们最近在伊斯兰堡和阿富汗举行了非常有建设性和有益的会议,他们将永远是邻国。 我们将在那里呆一阵子,但他们将永远在那里。 因此,在我们关切地看待这些事件的同时,我们也希望,这种双边讨论将是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。", "还有一个问题对区域环境很重要,即一些区域邻国对阿富汗当局,特别是美国之间可能讨论的战略协定或谅解的性质仍然模糊不清感到关切。 一些国家对在阿富汗建立永久性的、大型的外国基地的可能性非常关切。 我们一直想向大家保证,这似乎不是事实,实际上应由阿富汗当局向邻国保证可能达成的任何战略协定的真正性质。 我访问过该地区,我认识到,这个问题仍然是我们认为在伊斯坦布尔之前得到更明确解决的一个问题。 我们希望它会。 美国当局——甚至来自五角大楼最高层的当局——发表了声明,非常正确地试图在这方面提供保证,但一些额外的家庭作业也许有助于消除这种云雾。", "这让我想到另一个问题——禁毒。 在国际社会可能逐步改变对阿富汗的关注之际,人们担心所谓的经济环境将会发生变化。 事实证明了这一点。 军事缩编还将减少与大量军事存在有关的各方面的影响。 我提请安理会注意,我在联合国毒品和犯罪办事处的同事特别担心毒品经济可能会对一些阿富汗人更有吸引力。 因此,我们非常需要不要忘记这一方面,正如安理会成员所知道的那样,它不仅对阿富汗,而且对其邻国都产生了实质性的影响。", "这让我想到人权问题。 如果有一个领域我认为联合国将在阿富汗被铭记,那很可能就是它保持要塞和高举起需要尊重人权的旗帜的方式。 这就是为什么平民伤亡报告如此重要,而且坦率地说,它是一个重大的刺激因素,特别是对塔利班而言,他们多次告诉我们,它正在伤害他们。 我们一直告诉他们,有办法避免这种情况——不伤害平民。", "这也影响到国际安全援助部队和北约的干预,特别是空袭。 我知道,所犯错误正日益引起美国和北约当局的注意,而塔利班在许多地方所犯下的恐怖行径——例如最近对银行和医院的袭击——也引起了人们的注意,他们对此感到不快。 我们希望,这将帮助每个人,特别是塔利班,了解他们相信得到的民众支持正受到他们造成的平民伤亡程度的影响。", "妇女问题仍然非常重要。 议会中有69名女性。 我们指望她们能够捍卫阿富汗妇女取得的成就,但我们仍然担心我们收到的有关许多令人关切案件的报告,例如司法部门有时在妇女搬出家或决定不结婚时惩罚她们。", "这显然也适用于儿童问题。 有儿童被作为自杀炸弹手的情况。 发生了一些儿童受到攻击的事件,引起负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表的注意。", "在人道主义方面,我需要提请安理会注意一个领域。 目前,福利方案面临资源困难。 这是我们自己的明星之一,试图向阿富汗人民表明,我们不会在任何时候抛弃他们,并且实际上向600多万儿童提供食物。 目前,由于缺乏资源,它不得不大幅度减少受益者人数。 我提请注意这一点,因为这对所有国家都是一个重要问题。", "援助的一致性至关重要,还必须认识到有一个援助一致性的机构。 它称为协调和监测联合委员会。 协监委是最佳机构;不需要发明新机构. 联合国专门设立新的机构,因此,我不愿建议设立一个机构。 相反,应该加强协监会。 协监委具有处理援助一致性问题的可能性和潜力。 但有一个云——这是喀布尔银行。 我不需要提醒安理会注意这一点,但是,这是一个重要问题,在某种程度上,它阻碍着联合监委会目前的进展,甚至阻碍喀布尔会议的后续行动。", "这个问题不是安理会的责任,而是国际货币基金组织(货币基金组织)的责任。 货币基金组织正在参与,对扎克希尔瓦尔部长来说,为了让国际社会和货币基金组织放心,要求部署的10项指标中有8项已得到处理,但仍有两项。 我们希望并且一直在帮助提请货币基金组织注意阿富汗违约的可能后果,也就是说,如果得不到批准,那当然是令人关切的。 与此同时,喀布尔银行对阿富汗当局来说是一个严重问题——8亿美元不是什么可掩盖的。 因此,目前正在认真关注这个问题。", "安理会非常熟悉的问题——议会危机——也是如此。 我们希望这不会在选举后10个月和总统庄严宣布议会成立后6个月举行。 然后,我们将进行选举,选举虽然不完美,但将由阿富汗各机构在持续政治进程中处理。", "不幸的是,情况并非如此。 一个特别法庭指出,61名议员也许应该离开其职位。 正如安理会所意识到的那样,目前存在着紧张局势。 我们的立场是安全理事会的立场——12月22日。 我们不会改变它。 第二种立场是,事实上,司法机构有权起诉任何犯罪的人,但不改变选举结果,解决办法必须是阿富汗的解决办法和政治解决办法,而不是司法解决办法。", "我们满怀希望,并将继续代表安理会同阿富汗当局一起努力,以避免这一体制危机被延长。 阿富汗需要制衡;它需要一个议会、一个行政和司法机构,大家共同努力。 目前有一片云,但由于我是一个乐观主义者,我并没有期望在这个问题上降下多少雨。", "经安理会允许,我最后要说的是一个信息。 这是一个从各种意义上讲的过渡时期。 但是,我们也必须确信,阿富汗人听到的信息是,2014年不会是1989年。 他们担心并且正确地担心,在他们最近的历史上,他们第三次会被国际社会慷慨地抛弃。 我知道这不是我们的意图,当然也不是联合国或联阿援助团的意图。 我们将审查我们的足迹。 我们将审查我们必须如何开展工作,因为过渡正在各地进行。 但是,如果一切都在那里,如果阿富汗人想要我们,我们将在那里呆了很长时间。 我认为,从国际角度来看,我们需要不断向阿富汗人保证这一点。 这将有助于他们在这一困难时期通过过渡。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的通报。", "我现在请阿富汗代表发言。", "塔宁先生(阿富汗): 主席先生,首先请允许我祝贺你担任安理会7月份主席。 我还要对你在安理会处理阿富汗问题上的个人作用和德国的主要作用表示赞赏。", "我最热烈地欢迎我的好朋友、秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉回到安理会。 我感谢他的友好发言和赞扬,感谢他的全面通报并介绍秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)。", "随着世界进入后本·拉丹时代,恐怖主义的最大受害者阿富汗今天正处于寻求和平与稳定的关键时刻。 根据北约里斯本首脑会议的结果,我们开始了过渡进程。 今后几天,我们将在阿富汗7个省份开展这一进程的第一阶段工作:喀布尔、潘杰希尔、巴米扬、赫拉特省赫拉特市、巴尔赫省马扎里沙里夫市、拉格曼省梅赫塔尔兰和赫尔曼德省的拉什卡尔加赫。", "过渡唤起人们的呼声,呼吁阿富汗人在国家自主权和领导权方面起带头作用,呼吁阿富汗政府承担主权责任。 我们认为,过渡是一项精心制定的全面战略,其先决条件不仅是在2014年底前逐步将安全责任移交给阿富汗当局,而且国际部队必须自觉缩编,阿富汗军队和警察必须加快培训,加强治理,制定多层面合作的新区域议程,以及确保与美国和北约建立新的战略伙伴关系的前景。", "阿富汗政府继续作出关键努力,确保过渡进程平稳可行。 然而,毫无疑问,如果过渡进程要取得成功并持续下去,就必须满足某些先决条件。 首先,我们期待我们的国际伙伴加快对我们安全部队的训练和装备,并为他们提供必要的促进手段。", "上个月,美国总统奥巴马宣布美国部队逐步从阿富汗缩编. 我们欢迎这一决定,认为这一决定符合阿富汗和国际社会最近达成的共识,即从以军事为主的介入转向2014年后更牢固和持久的伙伴关系。 奥巴马总统的宣布首先证明了阿富汗安全部队的稳定能力,其次也证明了尽管塔利班最近发动了恶毒袭击,但战争势头已经发生变化。", "与一些解释相反,我们不认为国际部队的缩编是结束游戏,或像有些人所说的那样,是国际撤离阿富汗的开始。 在过去十年中,为了实现我们在该国和该地区实现持久和平与安全的共同目标,我们流出了很多血和汗并作出了许多牺牲。", "最近展示了所谓的尖端攻击的宣扬性心理戏剧,例如上周在喀布尔洲际饭店进行的攻击,或者在洛加尔省的一所医院屠杀了十几名平民,这是阿富汗敌人明显精心策划的企图,其目的是在人民中煽动恐惧,阻碍国际社会对阿富汗的支持,并说服一些国家饱受战争折磨的听众,战争是无法取胜的。", "此外,最近的运动试图破坏和平谈判的未来并破坏和解的前景。 那些向恐怖分子和极端分子提供金钱、武器和战略指导的人对阿富汗境内无辜平民被持续杀害和被残酷屠杀同样负有责任。 因此,必须强调必须消除继续制造和使无情的杀手和代理人为无休止地破坏阿富汗作准备的避难所。", "然而,恐怖行为不会动摇我们确保阿富汗和平与稳定的决心。 我们高兴地看到,有利于与武装反对派成员开展建设性外联和对话的环境已经建立。 和解进程将作为一个优先事项来进行,这符合一项谅解,即没有纯粹的军事解决办法,过渡需要包容各方的解决办法。 和解的目的是给国家带来和平、繁荣和统一。 这并不是要放弃任何领土控制,也不是要接纳阿富汗政府权力之外的任何代表。 高级和平委员会正在与塔利班和该区域主要行动者进行讨论,以结束暴力并实现持久和平。 包括妇女在内的社会所有部门都参与了这项努力。", "此外,我们正开始注重和解进程的区域层面。 我们再次强调巴基斯坦在实现和平与和解方面的重要作用,在这方面,我们强调我们两国之间建设性合作的重要性。 我们必须采取必要的建立信任措施,以继续开展这种合作。 最近,在库纳尔省和楠格哈尔省发生了数百起炮击和大炮射击事件,导致包括妇女和儿童在内的数十人丧生,武装侵犯阿富汗东部边界,使阿富汗人民和政府深感震惊和关切,并有可能破坏阿富汗同巴基斯坦之间的合作精神。 我们敦促立即停止这种攻击。", "安全理事会最近决定把塔利班制裁制度同 \" 基地 \" 组织制裁制度分开,这是支持我们和平与和解倡议的明智之举。 它为我们由阿富汗主导的和解进程提供了新的动力。 我们还赞赏安理会决定满足我们的除名请求,并敦促更加注重加入我们尚未得到满足的其他请求。", "最近,阿富汗问题国际联络小组第十一次会议在喀布尔举行,有50多个国家以及国际和区域组织广泛参与,重点讨论了和解、区域合作、向阿富汗领导权和自主权过渡以及2014年后的国际支助。 这次会议是即将举行的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议以及今年晚些时候将在波恩举行的国际会议的一部分,该会议将审查过渡目标的进展情况并寻求国际社会的长期支持来推动政治进程,包括和解和区域伙伴关系。", "阿富汗十年的国际和区域互动正在导致一条新的丝绸之路的出现,确定了区域合作的共同好处。 今年,我们同本区域邻国进行了日益具体的合作,扩大了理解的视野和共同努力的范围。 在卡尔扎伊总统上月访问伊斯兰堡期间,设想了同巴基斯坦进行密切合作并实现共同愿景的充满希望的未来。 这次访问之后,与阿富汗、巴基斯坦和美国核心小组的三边框架进行了广泛讨论,该小组最近在喀布尔举行了第三次会议。", "在曼莫汉·辛格总理最近的访问期间,印度表示支持由阿富汗主导的和解努力并宣布大幅增加对阿富汗的援助。 我们还继续与伊朗、俄罗斯、中国、中亚和南亚国家以及阿拉伯世界进行多次交流。 一个和平与稳定的阿富汗能够为该区域的繁荣和安全提供的机会比以往任何时候都更加明显。 我们将继续与区域伙伴进行建设性接触,以实现我们的共同目标。", "保障阿富汗及其未来,就是赋予该国权力,使其能够自立,掌握自己的命运。 在这方面,我们期待着即将进行的对联合国阿富汗援助团任务规定的审查,认为它对于使联合国的作用适应不断变化的过渡需要至关重要。 我们相信,一个基于 \" 一体行动 \" 办法的更加协调、精简和协调的联合国,对于提高本组织在阿富汗的效率和效力至关重要。 我们期待着在过渡期间及其后与联合国建立持久的伙伴关系。", "阿富汗政府将继续改善治理,加强反腐斗争,加强我国国家机构的透明度和问责制。 为此,我们将以现有措施为基础,确保追究任何参与非法活动的人的责任。 阿富汗政府最近逮捕喀布尔银行两名高级行政人员,他们涉嫌财务管理不善,这证明我们坚定地致力于问责制和法治。 我们向检察长办公室提供了所有被告的名单。 正在对喀布尔银行的倒闭情况进行全面调查,应导致对债务的补偿,并将该案的所有罪犯绳之以法。 我们相信,调查的最后结果将回应阿富汗人民和我们的国际伙伴的关切。", "目前正在进行协商,以解决因我国议会选举期间出现违规行为而引发的争端。 我们没有面临宪法危机。 阿富汗政府充分致力于在法律和政治解决方案框架内解决这一问题。", "太多无辜的人了 阿富汗人因长期的暴力、不安全和战斗而丧生。 平民伤亡不仅涉及数字和数字,还涉及男女老幼、村长、保健工作者、教师和援助工作者无辜生命的损失。 塔利班对这种杀戮行为负有主要责任,并且完全没有良心地对无辜平民或保护当地人民的人扣下扳机。 然而,尽管北约部队一再呼吁承诺保护平民,但伤亡人数仍然很大。 我们再次呼吁立即停止平民伤亡。", "在我们向前迈进的时候,我们必须超越结束战争,考虑确保安全、治理和发展等所有部门的可持续进展。 我们的目标仍然是建立一个和平、稳定、民主和繁荣的阿富汗。 为了实现这一目标,我们必须在过去成果的基础上再接再厉,并建立一个同该区域合作的可行框架,以及阿富汗同国际社会之间的长期伙伴关系。 今后几年对我们的共同成功至关重要。 我们将共同完成十年前开始的任务。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请安理会成员发言。", "维奥蒂夫人(巴西): 我感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生的通报和他在非常困难的条件下所做的出色工作。 我还要感谢查希尔·塔宁大使的发言。", "尽管阿富汗局势已取得进展,但最近安全事件的增加令人痛苦地提醒我们,今后仍有许多挑战。 巴西对最近敌视联合国在阿富汗存在的迹象感到悲痛和震惊。 我们最强烈地谴责对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的野蛮袭击。 我借此机会重申,巴西相信联合国在帮助为阿富汗可持续和平与发展奠定基础方面所做的工作,并且我们本着过渡精神支持阿富汗政府。 我们欢迎联阿援助团在全国各地执行的加强安全项目。", "巴西还关切阿富汗日益严重的内乱。 在经历了几年的战争和暴力之后,阿富汗社会不应再承受战争的负担了。 与冲突有关的伤亡人数的增加不应仅仅视为冲突的意外后果。 有关各方必须继续尽最大努力保护平民并遵守国际人道主义法规定的义务。 这场冲突不可能通过军事手段解决,我认为我们大家都同意这一点。 必须密切关注喀布尔进程,直至实现向阿富汗全面领导和责任的过渡。", "尽管目前存在困难,向阿富汗安全责任过渡必须继续取得进展。 同样,执行阿富汗政府概述的国家优先方案对于建设阿富汗所需的能力和基础设施至关重要,以便随着国际军事力量的缩减而促进其社会和经济发展。", "无论如何,和解努力仍然是政治解决阿富汗冲突的核心。 对话是为国家未来奠定坚实基础的道路。 巴西支持执行阿富汗和平与重返社会方案审查会议所商定的措施。 通过加强在喀布尔的存在,巴西随时准备同阿富汗人民及其政府一起为和平与发展的未来而努力。", "乔拉科维奇女士(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那)(以英语发言): 我谨代表我国代表团感谢斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生的全面通报和塔宁大使的发言。", "我们欢迎阿富汗政府继续执行喀布尔进程,包括成功制定22个国家优先方案中的11个。 我们希望同捐助者协调,成功地解决同这些方案有关的筹资问题。 阿富汗当局现在必须在其他重要的国家优先方案中,包括在司法和国家以下各级治理领域,显示具体结果,这对于国家更好地运作至关重要。 我们要赞扬联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)为执行喀布尔进程提供的重要支持。", "关于接管阿富汗当局对该国安全的责任,波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那希望最近在喀布尔和其他地区所发生的事件不会对卡尔扎伊总统3月份宣布的、本月开始的过渡产生不利影响。 我们还注意到美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马先生最近宣布,联合王国和德国随后宣布部分部队从阿富汗撤出。 这意味着,下一阶段对阿富汗的未来以及对评估国际社会多年来所开展工作至关重要。 在这方面,我们特别欢迎联阿援助团发挥作用,促进发展伙伴同国际安全援助部队之间的对话,确保在过渡规划中考虑到发展观点。", "阿富汗未来的另一个重要因素是由阿富汗主导的和解和重返社会进程。 令人鼓舞的是,加强这一进程的努力继续得到国际社会的大力支持,包括特别代表和联阿援助团的宝贵工作。 此外,通过第1988(2011)号决议和建立塔利班制裁制度也是支持和解努力的积极步骤。", "我们重申我们的立场,即和解和一体化是和平进程的关键要素。 我们完全理解,这一进程在人和政治方面可能非常敏感,因此有可能遇到各种障碍。 然而,我们仍然认为,除了由阿富汗主导的和解和重返社会进程之外没有其他选择,这一进程必须成为今后的优先事项。 据报在叛乱分子重返社会方面取得的进展是一个令人鼓舞的迹象,特别是因为它包括坎大哈,迄今为止,坎大哈在这一领域没有取得重大进展。", "尽管阿富汗的政治事态发展继续朝着正确的方向发展,但阿富汗的安全局势仍然令我们深感关切。 特别是,联合国的统计数字表明,今年5月是平民死亡人数最多的月份,与2010年相比,死亡人数大幅增加。 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那最强烈地谴责6月25日对洛加尔医院进行的致命袭击。 为这种针对无辜平民的罪行辩解是完全不可能的。 我们还谴责最近对喀布尔一家旅馆的袭击,并再次谴责对马扎里沙里夫联阿援助团大院的致命袭击,其中三名联阿援助团工作人员伤亡。 必须继续呼吁冲突各方严格遵守国际人道主义法规定的义务并保护平民,同时大力强调杀害平民和无辜人民是一种罪行。", "我们还看到,作为持续冲突的直接结果,流离失所者人数大幅增加。 我们赞同秘书长的看法,即与冲突有关的流离失所和未能提供重返社会支助不仅是人道主义问题,而且是重要的安全关切,因为它们有可能破坏稳定。 联合国各机构在支持阿富汗难民和流离失所者回返以及在这些人可持续重返社会方面发挥了关键作用。 在这方面,我们决不能忘记清除未爆炸爆炸装置的问题,因为只有27%被地雷污染的地区已经清除了地雷。", "我们还赞扬联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处为解决非法毒品生产问题而作的努力,非法毒品生产仍然是反政府部队和恐怖分子的生命线。 我们正在积极参加《巴黎公约》进程,作为联合国际努力的一部分,以制止,如果不是消除的话,对供应国和需求国的安全都有重大影响的毒品贩运。", "最后,我们认为,与阿富汗可持续和平与稳定有关的所有重要问题只能从区域合作中受益,包括与其邻国伊朗、巴基斯坦和印度的合作。 我们欢迎加强对话与合作。 我们还赞扬土耳其为支持阿富汗稳定和经济发展而作的努力和即将于2011年11月2日举行的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议,以及阿富汗邻国在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次最不发达国家会议期间对阿富汗主权、独立和领土完整所作的承诺。", "最后,我们感谢特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生、联阿援助团工作人员和驻阿富汗的所有联合国人员,感谢他们不懈和专心致志地工作。", "奥索里奥先生(哥伦比亚)(以西班牙语发言): 主席先生,首先请允许我祝贺你,并祝你在你和贵国担任本月份安全理事会主席时取得圆满成功。 我还要感谢加蓬代表、我们的好朋友纳尔逊·梅索尼大使,他非常冷静和认真地主持了我们上个月的工作。", "我要欢迎并感谢秘书长的特别代表兼联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)团长斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生,并感谢他非常全面和认真的介绍,非常清楚地说明了阿富汗目前局势的各个方面、今后应仔细铭记的现实因素以及对过渡进程和未来巩固的前景。 我还要欢迎查希尔·塔宁大使。", "我要强调联阿援助团对改善稳定和民主化进程作出的非常重要的贡献,以及它决心同阿富汗政府协调,为阿富汗的可持续和平与发展奠定基础。 我们认为,联阿援助团根据其任务规定,继续侧重于在关键领域支持政府,例如促进和平与和解的政治进程、安全、治理、经济发展和区域合作。", "我国代表团深感遗憾的是,安全事件增加,特别是4月1日对联合国人员和设施的袭击。 我们欢迎并支持特别代表为改善工作人员安全而开展的活动,以及政府承诺继续支持联阿援助团。 然而,令人严重关切的是,反对国际民事和军事存在的公众示威活动日益频繁。 应最高度地注意这种情况。", "同样,我们赞扬为向阿富汗承担更大责任和发挥领导作用过渡而作的努力,并继续努力按照阿富汗部队在2014年之前在安全问题上起带头作用的时间表开展工作。 这一目标应以实地的进展为指针。 在这方面,国际安全援助部队和北约阿富汗训练团的努力为创造条件作出重要贡献,使国家当局能够逐步承担安全和治理的责任。 我们赞成继续与地方当局和社区领导人建立关系,以便如德米斯图拉特别代表所指出,建立包容性对话进程,促进同各阶层人民的和解。", "安全理事会通过第1988(2011)号决议,对与塔利班有关联的个人和实体建立了独立的制裁制度并承认政府在除名请求中的核心作用,这一决定无疑将促进阿富汗的和解进程并将有助于在各方之间建立信任。", "阿富汗面临许多问题,可能威胁到迄今所取得进展的可持续性。 暴力仍然是影响进展并导致人道主义需求增加和一些平民伤亡和境内流离失所者的主要因素之一。 我们再次呼吁冲突各方履行国际人道主义法和人权法规定的义务,并采取一切必要措施,确保保护平民。", "我们强调为打击影响阿富汗和本地区的世界毒品问题各个方面而采取的联合区域倡议的重要性。 区域内外参与执行共同战略,根据分担责任的原则,以平衡的方式,从各方面同世界毒品问题作斗争的各种行动者建设性地持续地参与,有助于稳定和促进邻国之间和区域以外的相互信任。 我国哥伦比亚重申,它准备同阿富汗加强双边合作,以对付有组织犯罪的这一表现和其他表现。", "安全是加强法治、行使基本自由和为经济发展奠定基础的必要条件。 因此,加强综合战略框架,使本组织的努力和执行支持喀布尔进程的方案更加协调一致,是朝着确保联合国和国际社会行动团结一致,为阿富汗人民在其未来所有方面行使主权作出贡献的一个积极步骤。", "莫赖斯·卡布拉尔先生(葡萄牙): 我要感谢秘书长特别代表一如既往地作了非常全面的通报,并感谢塔宁大使非常有益的发言。", "我首先必须回顾对马扎里沙里夫的袭击。 联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)以及事实上支持阿富汗政府和人民的整个国际努力今年4月在马扎里沙里夫遭到野蛮袭击。 我在此向特别代表转达葡萄牙对面对逆境所表现出的勇气以及联阿援助团人员对其使命的一贯承诺表示最深切的赞赏。 我们赞扬他们的奉献精神。 这是保证遭受的损失不会白费。", "我认为,秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)、特别代表的通报和塔宁大使的发言都涵盖了阿富汗局势的基本方面,并向我们展示了使过渡取得成功所需的条件。", "去年春天确实很难过。 安全评估表明,不安全状况依然存在,伤亡人数,特别是涉及平民的伤亡人数不断增加,这清楚地表明为阿富汗未来而战仍在继续。 最近对洲际饭店的袭击以非常象征性的方式强调了这种情况。 但这是一场必须取胜的战斗,不仅在实地同敌人作对,而且在舆论方面——阿富汗舆论,首先是国际舆论.", "平民伤亡显然是最残酷的战争。 因此,限制平民伤亡必须同任何其他战争一样,作为阿富汗战争的一个基本要素,在军事指挥部的优先事项中处于最高级别。 我们知道,已经并正在作出重大努力来减少由军事行动造成的平民伤亡。 我们呼吁军事指挥官以坚定的承诺来开展这些努力。", "然而,显然,对绝大多数平民伤亡和越来越多的无辜受害者负有责任的是叛乱分子。 我回顾特别代表去年3月提到向叛乱分子提出的提出他们自己的平民伤亡人数的提议,这些伤亡人数无人理睬。 我还回顾,为努力解决国家和国际部队给平民所造成的损害,已经采取了多项步骤。 在已经在实地开展的工作上再接再厉,整合我们能够提供的宝贵建议、专门知识和善意,以充分补偿平民的合理不满,将极为有益。", "特别代表报告说,部长会议技术立法审查委员会正在审议关于妇女保护中心的条例草案。 葡萄牙感到鼓舞的是,允许这一进程以必要的包容性进行,从而将充分保护妇女人权的修正案纳入法律草案的最后文本。 我们还高兴地看到,联阿援助团继续提高认识和监测《消除对妇女的暴力行为法》的执行情况。 我们赞扬联阿援助团为保护和促进人权而作的持续努力以及妇女署发挥的作用。 葡萄牙重申,它重视妇女参与阿富汗政府机构,包括公务员制度。", "关于特别代表提到的保护儿童问题,我还要高度赞扬联阿援助团和儿童基金会同特别代表办公室合作就暴力侵害儿童问题提出的倡议。 联合国机构和特别代表汇集了广泛的伙伴,这是公众对儿童权利作出承诺的令人鼓舞的迹象。", "最后,我们注意到阿富汗政府在内部和外部所作的多方面的努力。 国外最近为加强双边和多边一级合作而采取的区域步骤将受到欢迎,因为阿富汗重新发挥其作为亚洲根本十字路口的作用。 这表明,正如德米斯图拉先生和塔宁大使所强调,阿富汗的邻国能够而且应该如何在该国乃至该区域的稳定进程中发挥关键作用。", "在国内方面,仍然存在重大挑战。 我们完全赞成报告中的断言:", "“必须管理过渡,以改善安全,使人民更好地获得基本服务”(S/2011/381,第69段)。", "正如斯塔凡·德米斯图拉所强调,过渡不仅是安全。 当地的军事成功必须转化为有效的施政框架并加强法治、机构和公共服务,以保护这些成果免遭由于缺乏问责制和与人民需要脱节而造成的侵蚀。 在这方面,联合独立反腐败监测和评价委员会的成立只能得到赞扬并大力鼓励其工作。", "体制一级,即议会的最近事态发展突出表明,必须恢复政治妥协和遵守《宪法》的能力。 阿富汗正在生活的历史时刻需要集中关注和承诺。 我确信,阿富汗的决策者正在努力工作,以便这一阶段仍然受到日益加强的宪政民主的限制。", "最后,我要说,过渡定于本月开始,这是值得纪念的。 大量资源和政治意愿同意使2011年7月成为阿富汗及其人民的一个起点,而不是一个到达点。 我们有责任作为盟友和朋友继续支持阿富汗政府及其人民,以取得他们应得的成功。", "赖斯女士(美利坚合众国): 主席先生,首先请允许我祝贺你担任安理会主席,并感谢加蓬大使上个月非常干练地领导了安理会。", "我感谢特别代表德米斯图拉和塔宁大使。 我要感谢特别代表德米斯图拉今天上午的通报和他在阿富汗继续出色地服务。 我请他向联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)工作人员转达美国对他们在相当困难的情况下所做的重要工作的深切和永久的感谢。 4月1日,一群暴徒袭击了马扎里沙里夫的联阿援助团大院,造成7名联合国工作人员死亡。 我们向他们的家人和亲人再次表示最深切的慰问。 我们一如既往地与联合国站在一起,面对这种野蛮的攻击,我们再次敦促其他会员国向联合国提供它加强其设施和保护其工作人员所需的资源。", "让我简要地强调我国政府在阿富汗的三个最优先事项。 第一,正如奥巴马总统最近所说,7月标志着负责任的过渡的开始,阿富汗部队将逐步带头确保本国安全。 到2014年,这一过渡进程将完成,阿富汗人民将对自己的安全负责。 随着阿富汗安全部队进入领先地位,美国将继续减少其军事足迹,而我们的任务将从战斗转变为支持。 正如奥巴马总统上月所宣布的那样,美国将在今年年底之前从阿富汗撤出一万名军队. 他于2009年12月宣布的其余23 000名增援部队将于2012年夏季末离开阿富汗。", "奥巴马总统从强权地位做出这一决定. 我们在实现我们的目标方面取得了重大进展。 美国的军事激增,加上我们盟国和伙伴的增派部队,帮助稳定了该国更多的地区,并扭转了叛乱的势头。 阿富汗安全部队的素质已经提高并增加了10万多部队。 在一些方面,这些改进已经使得安全责任能够移交给阿富汗国家安全部队。", "正如塔宁大使所指出,面对暴力、恐怖和恐吓,阿富汗人正在保卫自己的国家,建立地方警察部队,重新开放市场和学校,并为妇女和女童创造新的机会。 在我们的军事任务结束很久之后,我们将继续支持他们在几十年的纷争后收复国家。", "第二,即使在我们努力向阿富汗安全责任过渡时,我们也正在加倍努力以和平结束这场冲突。 我们支持由阿富汗主导的使包括塔利班在内的阿富汗人民和解的倡议。 我们已采取具体步骤来推动阿富汗和解和重返社会倡议,包括支持阿富汗高级和平委员会以及省级警察和重返社会委员会。", "正如克林顿国务卿2月所言,正如奥巴马总统6月所重申的,任何谈判的必要结果都必须包括一项承诺,即让叛乱分子和解,放弃暴力,放弃同基地组织的任何联盟并遵守《阿富汗宪法》,包括保护妇女。 作为我们认真态度的证明,我们支持安理会决定根据第1267(1999)号决议分裂制裁制度并确立对基地组织和塔利班的明确制裁。 第1988(2011)号决议是在孤立极端分子的同时促进和解的重要工具,它向塔利班发出了明确的信息: 那些愿意重新加入和平的阿富汗社会的人有前途。", "最后,请允许我简要地谈谈阿富汗民主发展的一个重要部分——其选举制度。 去年的议会选举是2001年塔利班倒台以来阿富汗人首次进行的,对阿富汗人民来说是一个历史性的步骤。 阿富汗选举机构——独立选举委员会和选举投诉委员会——在整个进程中表现出了专业精神。 尽管安全环境艰难,并有欺诈指控,但他们的表现令人钦佩。", "我们正在同阿富汗官员和我们的国际伙伴,包括联阿援助团,就特别选举法庭最近宣布推翻Wolesi Jerga62个席位的选举结果一事进行密切协商。 我们敦促阿富汗政治领导人和所有阿富汗机构根据《阿富汗宪法》和选举法,在其明确界定的职权范围内采取行动,维持司法、行政和立法部门之间必要的制衡制度。 美国一直明确和一贯地认为,阿富汗需要根据《阿富汗宪法》和独立选举委员会机制规定的民主原则,发现并处理与选举进程有关的欺诈行为。 阿富汗议会必须代表阿富汗人民履行其宪法作用。", "与此同时,我们必须继续加强阿富汗选举机构的能力。 长期选举改革仍然是该国民主未来的关键。 当我们展望2014年的总统选举及其后,我们必须确保我们吸取过去几年的教训,以利于阿富汗的民主未来。", "2011年将是关键的一年,在波恩举行的一次国际集会将封顶,这标志着自国际社会同阿富汗人民一道帮助规划一条新道路以来的十年。 在过去十年中,我们经历了巨大的困难和牺牲,但也取得了真正的进展。 本着共同目标和持续承诺,我们将继续帮助阿富汗人民建设一个更和平与更繁荣的未来。", "王民先生(中国): 我谨感谢秘书长特别代表德米斯图拉的通报和阿富汗常驻代表塔宁大使的发言。", "一年前,喀布尔阿富汗问题国际会议成功召开。 在过去一年中,通过阿富汗政府和人民的努力,并在国际社会的帮助下,阿富汗和平与重建进程取得了积极进展。 与此同时,阿富汗正经历一个关键的过渡时期,需要继续努力在安全、政治、经济和社会等所有部门实现全面和平衡的发展。 在这方面,我要强调以下五点。", "第一,中国支持阿富汗在国际社会的帮助下,继续努力推进喀布尔进程。 为了实现阿富汗的和平、稳定和发展,需要充分尊重其独立、主权和领土完整,支持其所有权和领导权,以真正实现由阿富汗人管理的阿富汗。", "第二,中方对最近安全局势恶化和平民伤亡增加表示严重关切。 我们注意到,某个国家宣布,它计划从阿富汗撤出部队。 我们希望,在向阿富汗政府移交安全责任时,有关各方将认真承担责任,帮助阿富汗加强其安全能力建设,以确保和平和稳定的过渡。", "第三,中方支持阿富汗的民族和解努力,充分尊重阿富汗政府和人民自主选择,并希望看到和平与重返社会方案取得进展。", "第四,关于和平与重建,阿富汗仍然需要国际社会的持续关注和支持。 国际社会必须兑现并履行其帮助阿富汗并继续向该国提供援助的承诺。 各方需要尊重和执行阿富汗人自己在阿富汗国家发展战略中确定的优先事项。", "第五,中方赞赏联合国为推进阿富汗和平与重建进程而做出的积极努力。 我们支持联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)继续努力,在协调对阿富汗的援助方面发挥核心和领导作用。 我们希望联阿援助团将加强与阿富汗政府的沟通、协调与合作。", "作为友好邻国,中国一贯致力于同阿富汗的友好睦邻关系。 我们非常重视我们参与阿富汗重建努力。 中国将继续在力所能及的范围内向阿富汗提供援助,并与国际社会一道为阿富汗的和平、稳定和发展出力。", "马克·莱尔·格兰特爵士(联合王国): 主席先生,我要借此机会祝贺你担任本月份安全理事会主席。 我还祝贺梅索内大使和加蓬代表团在6月份对安理会的领导。", "我还要感谢秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)、秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉今天上午所作的内容翔实的通报和塔宁大使的发言。", "正如其他发言者所做的那样,我代表联合王国对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)工作人员于4月份在马扎里沙里夫令人震惊地死亡表示哀悼。 具有献身精神的联合国工作人员必须在阿富汗政府和国际社会的充分支持下,在安全的环境中开展工作。 我还要赞扬所有其他国际人员在这场运动中作出的牺牲。", "英国首相戴维·卡梅伦刚刚从访问阿富汗返回,他亲眼看到阿富汗政府和国际社会在筹备向阿富汗领导的阿富汗全国安全责任过渡方面取得的进展。 令人鼓舞的是,第一批地区正在按计划于7月20日开始过渡进程。 阿富汗国家安全部队在准备到2014年底在所有省份发挥安全领导作用时,将继续扩大规模和能力。 美国的激增有助于为过渡做准备,正如赖斯大使所确认,将按计划缩编。 其他国际部队也将在条件允许时开始撤出。 我国首相今天早些时候宣布,到2012年底,联合王国的兵力将再减少500人,从9 500人减至9 000人。 这些都是进步、安全改善和阿富汗部队日益壮大的迹象。 但这并不意味着对阿富汗的国际支持已经结束。", "联合王国对国际和阿富汗政府部队的行动造成的所有平民伤亡深表遗憾。 当这种伤亡发生时,尽管采取了强有力的预防措施。 正如秘书长在其报告中所指出,绝大多数伤亡是叛乱分子造成的,他们故意使用旨在恐吓民众的暴力策略。 在过去一个季度,叛乱继续暗杀政府雇员并蓄意袭击平民目标,包括医院、市场和洲际旅馆。 与叛乱有关的平民伤亡人数比阿富汗和国际部队的伤亡人数大约多出8:1。 我们最强烈地谴责这种袭击。", "需要一个由阿富汗主导的政治进程来巩固军事进展。 为了持久,任何政治解决办法都必须具有包容性并必须尊重阿富汗所有公民的利益和权利。 乌萨马·本·拉丹的死亡使塔利班有机会同基地组织决裂。 英国外交大臣呼吁塔利班打破这一僵局并参与政治进程。 我们敦促国际社会要求取得同样的结果。", "维护民主原则,包括自由和可信的选举,是任何政治解决的根本,也是阿富汗未来稳定的关键。 联合王国仍然充分致力于同阿富汗政府、议会和人民合作,加强阿富汗的民主和代表机构。 因此,我们对特别法庭同议会之间的争端仍未解决深感关切。 我们呼吁有关各方共同努力,以找到符合阿富汗法律的解决办法并尊重《宪法》所保障的分权。", "目前的局势表明,选举改革需要取得进一步进展。 我们继续支持联合国发挥作用,协助阿富汗政府、机构和人民履行去年在伦敦和喀布尔会议上作出的承诺。 这仍然是联阿援助团任务的重要组成部分。", "施政和发展方面的进展必须支持不可逆转的过渡和政治轨道上的进展。 如果我们要在这些问题上取得进展,就必须采取必要措施,允许国际货币基金组织(货币基金组织)的方案。 在喀布尔银行事件发生后,我们呼吁迅速解决关于货币基金组织新方案的谈判,并把违法者绳之以法。 阿富汗人民应该得到同样的待遇。", "自秘书长发表季度报告以来,阿富汗主导的波恩会议的筹备工作已取得重大进展。 国际联络小组的成员在喀布尔进行了建设性对话。 我们现在需要侧重于将这些讨论转化为具体结果,特别是区域合作。 我们欢迎土耳其在这方面所领导的工作并期待着11月的伊斯坦布尔会议。", "最后,尽管面临各种挑战,在通往一个安全和有生存能力的阿富汗的道路上已取得重大进展。 随着阿富汗从冲突后国家转变为具有更传统发展需要的国家,联阿援助团和更广泛的联合国大家庭将发挥越来越重要的作用。 因此,我们欢迎即将对联合国活动进行的审查。 我们希望,秘书长将对照联阿援助团目前的任务规定、联阿援助团在过渡后局势中的作用,以及联合国如何支持阿富汗政府建立一个强大、持久和自我维持的阿富汗国家。", "梅索尼先生(加蓬)(以法语发言): 主席先生,我也要祝贺你担任安理会7月份主席。 我借此机会感谢所有常驻代表及其代表团在加蓬担任安理会主席期间给予我的合作和支持。", "我要感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉和塔宁大使刚才根据我们面前的秘书长报告(S/2011/381)就阿富汗局势所作的通报。", "首先,我要表示,我们强烈谴责最近发生的破坏自3月以来所取得进展和成就的暴力行为。 事实上,自从我们最近于3月17日进行辩论(见S/PV.6497)以来,阿富汗局势已取得重大进展,特别是在政治过渡进程中。", "我们高兴地注意到在民族和解方面取得的进展。 在这方面,我们欢迎阿富汗政府应安全理事会的要求,根据第1988(2011)号决议承诺为温和叛乱分子重返社会提供便利。 我们还欢迎政府设立一个联合独立委员会,以促进行政当局内部的透明度和问责制。 我们认为,这是塔宁大使刚才提到的移交责任进程中的一个重要因素。", "尽管作出了这些努力,仍然存在一些障碍,特别是在安全和善政方面。 我国代表团借此机会再次呼吁阿富汗新政府尽最大努力加强其打击恐怖主义和腐败的能力,这些仍然是该国和平与稳定的主要障碍。", "正如我们在最近一次辩论中所强调,安全和保护平民必须成为政府努力建立一个以牢固和稳定的宪政体制为基础的主权国家的优先事项。 阿富汗当局应在这方面承担全部责任。", "本月宣布撤出一些国际部队,特别是美国和北约部队的大量部队,这证实了政府必须迎接的重大挑战,即它要充分行使主权特权。 在此,我们重申,我们全力支持联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)和联合国工作人员为此向阿富汗政府提供援助。", "最后,我们赞扬斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生为支持该国的和平与稳定所做出的不懈努力。 关于即将到来的过渡,我们同意他的看法,即安全必须仍然是优先事项,但改善安全必须产生过渡红利,其基础是国际援助更加协调一致,以及包容性和参与性对话。 最后,我们重申支持联阿援助团和联合国驻阿富汗人员。", "克罗利先生(南非): 主席先生,请允许我同其他代表团一样,祝贺你担任7月份安全理事会主席,并感谢纳尔逊·梅松大使在6月份出色地领导了安全理事会。", "我们感谢负责阿富汗问题的秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生介绍秘书长关于阿富汗问题的报告(S/2011/381)。 我们也赞赏阿富汗常驻代表查希尔·塔宁大使参加本次辩论会。", "我国代表团欢迎过去几个月来在阿富汗发生的相对积极的事态发展,特别是在加强阿富汗领导权和自主权方面取得进展方面。 其中包括在执行喀布尔进程方面取得的进展、重返社会与和解努力的势头以及阿富汗人同其邻国之间的合作。", "尽管取得了这些积极进展,但阿富汗在实现稳定和发展的努力中仍然面临严峻挑战。 其中的关键是安全局势、不断恶化的人道主义局势、人权缺陷和持续的平民伤亡。 南非强调,鉴于这些挑战的严重性,需要一项包含安全、人道主义问题、善政和社会经济发展的全面战略。 在这方面,我们要强调联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)在支持阿富汗政府和协调向该国提供国际援助方面的中心作用。 至关重要的是,双边伙伴继续发挥的作用仍然不可或缺。", "我们尤其关切针对联合国及其人员的袭击。 南非最强烈地谴责4月1日对马扎里沙里夫联合国行动中心的暴力袭击,这次袭击造成联合国工作人员伤亡。", "南非继续欢迎努力加强政治外联活动。 人民和领导人之间的政治对话与和解仍然是阿富汗长期稳定的关键。 我们感到高兴的是,高级和平委员会已加紧努力,领导和解努力。 应该鼓励这样做,同时努力使包括塔利班在内的叛乱分子重返社会。", "我国代表团仍然对陷入阿富汗冲突的儿童的困境感到关切,在这方面,我们强烈谴责一名疑似好战分子用摩托车袭击一所学校,向学校大门投掷手榴弹。", "关于妇女的作用,我国代表团认为,阿富汗妇女在确保该国的和平与稳定方面可发挥重要作用。 他们在阿富汗建设新社会方面的作用应当受到欢迎。", "国家自主权和领导权仍然是阿富汗政治安全和社会经济进步的关键。 国际社会应该继续在该国从冲突向稳定和繁荣的过渡中发挥支持作用。 因此,南非继续支持联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的存在和作用。", "最后,我们赞扬特别代表德米斯图拉完成了全面审查联阿援助团已获授权的活动和联合国对阿富汗的支助的综合战略框架,并感谢联阿援助团及其人员努力执行安全理事会的任务,建设一个更加和平与稳定的阿富汗。", "奥格武夫人(尼日利亚): 我要感谢特别代表德米斯图拉非常鼓舞人心和清晰的通报。 我还要感谢塔宁大使的全面通报,也感谢他甚至在艰难时刻所表现出来的巨大勇气。", "尼日利亚欢迎阿富汗正在取得稳步进展。 对光荣和平与稳定的追求是坚定不移的。 新《宪法》已经出台;已举行了几次选举;经济增长似乎大有希望;新的平叛战略加强了最近取得的军事成果;捐助者对资助平民重建的承诺仍然非常坚定。 我们认为,应通过塔利班和非塔利班叛乱分子参与的严格和解和重返社会进程来巩固这些政治事态发展,特别是在坎大哈地区。", "正如秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)所告诫的那样,我们必须保持警惕,确保和解各方不仅真正致力于政府确定的新行为守则,而且致力于维护《宪法》。 政治进程必须由阿富汗人领导和推动,并符合《宪法》。 它不仅必须促进持久和平与稳定,而且还必须保护妇女的利益。 一个成功的政治进程将有助于支持政府目前为改善治理和问责制而作的努力,包括妇女不受阻碍地参与和平进程。", "政府应继续致力于其反腐败议程以及伦敦和喀布尔会议所产生的义务。 政府加大对反腐败议程和伦敦会议和喀布尔会议所产生的义务的承诺将加强这些努力。", "关于安全部门,最近对马扎里沙里夫联合国行动中心和首都第一旅馆的袭击悲惨地提醒人们注意该国紧张而脆弱的安全局势。 我们谴责这种不分青红皂白地以无辜平民、安全部队和国际安全援助部队(安援部队)人员为目标的懦弱行径。 这些袭击的肇事者必须被绳之以法。 事实上,这种袭击会削弱阿富汗安全部队的能力,并使人们怀疑阿富汗当局和安全部队是否准备好应对今后的安全挑战。 我们支持通过加强培训和能力建设以及加强联合国和安援部队之间的合作,紧急加强安全过渡进程的执行阶段。", "阿富汗政府参与列名和除名进程将为打击恐怖主义提供更安全的平台,特别是在喀布尔公报的背景下。 因此,尼日利亚支持分裂基地组织和塔利班制裁制度的决定。 在这方面,我们想重申,这种除名请求应由委员会逐案处理,特别是根据它们本身的案情处理。", "在经济领域,尼日利亚赞扬政府继续致力于根据喀布尔进程执行国家优先方案。 执行该方案并达到政府规定的基准,将需要捐助界加强协调并及时提供国际援助。 我们支持通过阿富汗预算系统向该国输送捐助资金和其他援助,以确保更大的一致性和效率。", "如果不紧急找到解决国际货币基金组织(货币基金组织)方案持续僵局的可行办法,目前的社会-经济增长以及政府的优先方案,包括教育和保健,将出现倒退。 因此,我们支持建立一个适当的机制,政府和捐助者都可以利用该机制来推动和执行货币基金组织的方案。", "关于区域合作,我们欢迎阿富汗与其邻国之间日益加强的合作,特别是在克服反恐挑战和打击毒品、武器、人口贩运和有组织犯罪方面的合作。 我们欢迎恢复阿富汗、巴基斯坦和美国三方会议。 这两个事态发展都重申区域伙伴对阿富汗稳定、经济发展、领土完整和主权的承诺。 我们希望,在我们都期待着定于11月2日举行的伊斯坦布尔会议和定于今年年底在波恩举行的外交部长国际会议时,三方倡议将持续下去。 通过这些会议,国际社会可以重申其对由阿富汗主导的和平进程的承诺和支持。", "阿富汗的未来和命运可能无法想象,但国际社会必须永远保持警惕,以确保阿富汗是一个和平、安全和真正和解与发展的未来。 在这一艰巨的努力中,我们赞扬特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉对联合国阿富汗援助团的鼓舞人心和出色的领导。 援助团工作人员的独特成就及其对为恢复阿富汗民主、和平与安全而作的全球一致努力的宝贵贡献将永远持续下去。", "潘金先生(俄罗斯联邦)(以俄语发言): 主席先生,请允许我祝贺你担任7月份安全理事会主席。 我祝你一切顺利。 我还要感谢加蓬代表团6月份担任主席并开展工作。", "我们感谢斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生对阿富汗局势的实质性和坦率的分析并介绍秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)。 我们欢迎阿富汗常驻代表塔宁大使的发言。", "我们同意他们对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)根据其任务规定所采取措施的评估。 我们赞同他们对阿富汗目前困难安全局势的评价,这反映在最近几个月发生的一些严重事件上。 我首先指的是4月份对联合国驻马扎里沙里夫办事处的悲惨袭击和联合国工作人员的死亡。 我们还对5月塔哈尔省前内政部副部长达乌德被害和6月洛加尔省医院和巴达赫尚省和帕尔万省省长的汽车被袭击,以及塔利班最近对洲际旅馆的袭击导致无辜平民死亡感到震惊。 我们强烈谴责所有这些恐怖主义行为。", "这些叛乱袭击表明,塔利班运动企图破坏阿富汗局势的稳定并破坏国际社会为该国冲突后重建而作的努力。 塔利班领导人既不代表阿富汗人民行事,也不为实现持久和平和繁荣、独立的阿富汗而努力。", "俄罗斯联邦特别关切阿富汗北部的局势,那里发生了多起引人注目的恐怖主义行为。 这些行为已对中亚国家产生影响,包括我们在独立国家联合体、集体安全条约组织和上海合作组织的伙伴。 鉴于塔利班和 \" 基地 \" 组织恐怖分子的持续努力,必须采取有针对性和有分寸的办法来实施民族和解计划。", "我们希望,最近根据第1267(1999)号决议对制裁制度作出的修改将促进阿富汗政府执行其民族和解战略的努力,为解决阿富汗问题提供更大的动力,并增强区域安全——国际社会都同意这些条件。", "在这方面,我们注意到第1988(2011)号决议重申阿富汗民族和解的重要原则,包括放弃暴力、尊重《阿富汗宪法》和放弃同基地组织和其他恐怖组织的联系。 根据这些标准,将塔利班领导人从联合国制裁制度名单上除名是不可接受的。 只有在阿富汗的领导下,才能同塔利班领导人进行对话。 与他们的任何接触,特别是在官方渠道之外的任何接触,都可能在解决阿富汗问题方面从国际社会发出错误的信号。", "我们还特别关注执行2014年后长期加强阿富汗境内军事存在的计划的后果。 我们认为,必须为阿富汗建立中立地位。 俄罗斯联邦总统和美国总统在2010年6月24日的联合声明中表示支持这一想法,上海合作组织成员国在6月15日的《阿斯塔纳宣言》中也支持这一想法。 当然,关于这个问题的倡议在于阿富汗人民自己——不是在最近的将来,而是在阿富汗实现完全稳定的时候。 我们认为,建立阿富汗的中立地位如果得到接受,将有助于就和解进行对话。", "我们对阿富汗的贩毒情况感到关切。 毫无疑问,正如第1943(2010)和1974(2011)号决议所反映,阿富汗境内的毒品贩运是对国际和平与安全的威胁。 消除这一威胁需要共同努力并汇集一切可能的能力。 不幸的是,联军没有充分关注这一问题。 我国认为,外国驻阿富汗军事存在能够而且应当在处理毒品制造和贩运方面发挥更积极的作用,特别是因为它们已经承担起阿富汗安全的责任。 我们关于我们北约、上海合作组织和集体安全条约组织伙伴之间在这一轨道上的实时互动的建议仍然有效。", "我们对军队不分青红皂白地或不成比例地使用武力造成平民死亡深感关切。 根据国际人道主义法准则,保障平民安全的责任在于所有各方,包括国际部队。 俄罗斯联邦将继续支持联合国在确保解决阿富汗局势的国际努力中发挥核心协调作用。 联合国有效而公正地支持喀布尔会议成果文件中关于阿富汗当家作主管理国家的规定的执行,将保证阿富汗的长期稳定。", "实现长期稳定的另一个重要方面是联合国控制国际部队执行安全理事会任务的方式。 这些部队在阿富汗领土上由安全理事会主持,只有在他们完成任务后,才能根据安全理事会的决定撤出。 他们无权离开阿富汗,不完成反恐怖主义任务或建立一支有效的阿富汗军队和警察。", "我国认为,美国总统巴拉克·奥巴马宣布的美国部队缩编将被阿富汗国家安全部队能力的提高所抵消,阿富汗国家安全部队应当随时准备控制安全并有效打击极端主义和毒品贩运.", "齐亚德女士(黎巴嫩)(以阿拉伯语发言): 首先,我谨表示黎巴嫩感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉先生的通报和阿富汗的塔宁大使的发言。 我还赞扬联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)在阿富汗所作的努力,特别是考虑到当地的困难情况。", "在对阿富汗进行国际军事干预十年后,我们现在正在见证向阿富汗人民移交权力的新时代的到来。 然而,安全局势仍然令人震惊。 针对国际和阿富汗部队以及阿富汗人民的暴力继续加速进行。 这种情况已导致在过渡阶段更需要在安全一级保持警惕,以便将权力交还给阿富汗人,并确保平民及其财产的安全。 呼吁所有各方尊重国际人道主义法并尽一切努力使无辜者免于死亡。", "在寻求危机的政治解决方面,黎巴嫩赞扬为实现和解和重返社会而作的努力。 具体而言,我们强调高级和平委员会和安全理事会通过一致通过第1988(2011)号决议支持和解进程所发挥的作用,该决议分裂了对塔利班和基地组织的制裁制度,并为塔利班成员提供机会,使其脱离恐怖主义意识形态并尊重《宪法》,以便参与和平进程。", "在阿富汗加强尊重人权的问题,与安保和安全局势同样重要。 具体而言,应继续努力在各省执行关于暴力侵害妇女行为的法律。 应保护妇女不受歧视、不公正和胁迫,并应将她们纳入公共生活。 这些都是本组织一再呼吁的。", "此外,我们要强调秘书长报告(S/2011/381)中关于虐待和虐待被拘留者的指控的重要性,被拘留者往往被剥夺合法辩护律师,而且未经指控或审判被任意拘留。 处理法治和机构领域的这种差距对于善政至关重要。", "我们还应当强调,必须继续致力于喀布尔进程,特别是在社会和经济发展方面。 公共机构的改革对于透明度和问责制也至关重要。 我们还想同秘书长一道,在其报告中呼吁需要建立一个国际货币基金组织国家方案。 缺乏这种方案对全国的项目和方案普遍产生了不利影响。", "此外,阿富汗境内的努力应伴有对话和区域合作。 邻国可以——事实上,这样做符合它们的利益——加强它们同阿富汗的关系,并通过监测边界和打击贩毒和跨国有组织犯罪来帮助改善安全状况。", "我们要强调,我们赞赏国际社会通过其所有机构所作的努力,特别是联合国的努力。 联合国工作人员正在非常困难的情况下勇敢和坚定地工作,以建立一个能够保护本国人民和机构并保障所有阿富汗男女老幼的生命和繁荣的阿富汗国家。", "维奈·库马尔先生(印度): 主席先生,首先我要祝贺你担任安全理事会主席,并赞扬加蓬常驻代表及其团队指导了安理会6月份的工作。 主席先生,我还要感谢你安排今天关于阿富汗的辩论。 我感谢阿富汗常驻代表查希尔·塔宁大使的发言。 我们感谢秘书长的最新报告(S/2011/381)并赞赏特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉所作的通报。", "阿富汗正处于过渡执行阶段,其安全部队将在包括喀布尔在内的七个关键领域开始承担责任。 这对阿富汗和国际社会来说都是一个关键阶段。 我们深感关切的是,阿富汗面临的挑战,特别是在安全方面面临的挑战,似乎没有退缩。 相反,总体安全环境继续恶化。 秘书长的报告指出,与2010年同期相比,安全事件增加了51%,自杀式袭击、绑架和暗杀事件大幅增加。 对联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)马扎里沙里夫大院和坎大哈政府大楼的恐怖袭击,以及对喀布尔高度安全的洲际饭店和洛加尔的一家医院的协同自杀袭击,都证实塔利班和其他反对派团体选择软平民目标的战术发生了变化。", "正如我们3月17日关于这一问题的发言所指出(见S/PV.6497),这种攻击表明该区域恐怖主义集团意识形态、野心、训练和行动的危险渗透,自杀式恐怖主义是其主要技术和目标,不限于阿富汗。 国际社会急于退出在阿富汗的战斗作用,将不顾自身危险而无视这一点。 因此,过渡必须与实地的现实相联系,而不是与僵硬的时间表挂钩。", "在这方面,必须同阿富汗政府协调,不断评估和审查不断变化的局势。 我们赞赏国际安全援助部队同阿富汗国家安全部队加强协作,建设阿富汗部队的必要力量和能力,这些力量和适当的促进手段对移交安全责任至关重要。 过渡必须由阿富汗自己掌握。 还必须系统地规划和实施这一计划,必须确保保护和促进所有阿富汗人的人权。", "为了阿富汗的安全与稳定,必须孤立并铲除恐怖主义辛迪加,其中包括基地组织、塔利班、拉什卡尔-塔伊巴组织以及在阿富汗境内外活动的其他恐怖主义和极端主义团体。 这些团体在思想和业务上相互融合,这些年来其联系得到加强。 正如秘书长的报告所指出,阿富汗的叛乱仍然具有复原力,显示出发动多起复杂攻击的能力。 叛乱分子继续坚韧不拔,其战术不断变化,人数众多并蔓延到以前认为安全的地区,这令人发指地提醒我们,除非国际社会能够坚定地处理阿富汗境外恐怖主义集团的安全避难所问题,否则安全方面的成果仍将是短暂的。", "印度完全支持由阿富汗领导、包容各方和透明的和解进程,遵守阿富汗政府在喀布尔和伦敦公报所阐明的指导方针。 与此同时,必须开展包容各方的政治进程并开展阿富汗内部对话。 必须查明愿意重返社会者的先例,并确保他们真正和解。", "我们支持阿富汗政府和人民的观点和决定,他们谋求在其国家建立一个更安全、更稳定和更繁荣的未来和一个更强大的民主。 必须允许阿富汗人民在和平与安全的条件下重建自己的土地,不受邻国的干涉,他们必须是自己命运的仲裁者。 我们期望,根据第1988(2011)号决议所建立的新制裁制度将使阿富汗政府在应对那些威胁该国和平、安全与稳定的人所构成的挑战方面有更大的发言权。", "阿富汗的自主权和领导权对于阿富汗的发展和重建至关重要。 这也意味着国际社会的发展工作更加一致、协调和进一步精简,包括使援助与阿富汗的国家优先事项相一致,并越来越多地通过阿富汗机构开展工作。 我们高兴地注意到,联阿援助团继续使其优先事项与阿富汗政府的优先事项保持一致。", "印度和阿富汗有着基于历史和文明中丰富纽带的坚实基础和基于共同追求区域和平与繁荣的战略伙伴关系。 印度仍然致力于同阿富汗政府和人民合作,建设一个和平、稳定、民主和繁荣的国家。 印度的援助方案遍及阿富汗,几乎涵盖所有经济和社会发展活动。 协助阿富汗的重建努力、能力建设和开发人力资源的技能以及建设其公共机构是印度的一个特别优先领域。 正如塔宁大使在发言中所提到,在他上次于5月11日至13日访问阿富汗期间,我国总理宣布除了印度现有的15亿美元承诺外,再提供5亿美元的援助。", "阿富汗的稳定和经济发展在很大程度上取决于其邻国和整个区域。 与印度和该地区其他国家更密切的经济一体化是阿富汗未来繁荣的关键。 阿富汗自兴都库什以南一直到恒河三角洲的地区构成一个单一的地缘和经济盆地的一部分,而印度平原是其经济重心的中心. 它是迄今阿富汗最大的区域市场,是投资、技能、培训、技术和专门知识的潜在来源,也是在文化上舒适的环境中民主和国家体制建设的模式。", "阿富汗作为连接中亚、西亚和南亚的陆地桥梁具有巨大潜力,并正在成为一个贸易、运输和能源枢纽。 区域合作的最新发展,包括签署土库曼斯坦-阿富汗-巴基斯坦-印度天然气管道项目协定,将进一步推动区域合作。 经济日益相互依存将促进整个区域,特别是阿富汗的和平与繁荣。 自2005年以来,阿富汗作为南亚区域合作联盟(南盟)的成员,正在成为日益积极的南盟成员。 印度作为邻国将继续努力使阿富汗进一步融入区域框架。", "最后,我们赞扬联阿援助团所做的出色工作,我们认为,在这一关键时刻,国际社会必须继续坚定地支持阿富汗政府,按照其优先事项行事。", "阿罗先生(法国)(以法语发言): 主席先生,我当然要祝贺你担任安全理事会主席,并感谢加蓬代表干练地主持了安理会6月份的工作。 我还要感谢德米斯图拉先生介绍阿富汗局势,并赞同欧洲联盟代表稍后将作的发言。 此外,我要感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "首先,我要向在阿富汗工作的全体联合国工作人员表示敬意。 安全理事会在4月1日联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)驻马扎里沙里夫总部被袭击后作出反应,鉴于在那里被谋杀的男女都在为阿富汗的稳定、安全和发展而努力,这次袭击更加令人反感。", "袭击不应使我们偏离我们的主要目标,即帮助阿富汗政府朝着实现充分主权的道路前进。 在这方面,过渡进程已经开始。 从今年起,我们承诺的这一新阶段正导致向阿富汗当局逐步和有秩序地移交安全责任。 法国将继续承诺同其盟国一道同阿富汗人民一道确保按计划于2014年底完成过渡进程,无论是在我们部署地区,还是在培训阿富汗安全部队方面。 我们在阿富汗的承诺是长期的,并将加以调整,以考虑到新的过渡环境。 计划重新部署法国部队将与我们的盟友和阿富汗当局密切合作。 然而,我们必须谨慎地确保过渡进程也导致阿富汗政府承担施政和发展的责任。", "仍有许多工作要做,时间至关重要。 我们必须确保阿富汗人民更多地参与规划和执行发展项目。 阿富汗政府必须更加坚决地打击腐败和裙带关系,喀布尔银行的情况就证明了这一点。", "通过下放公共开支和进一步加强各省和地区规划和执行发展项目的能力,在预算执行情况方面也取得了进展。", "关于安全问题,我们恢复了军事倡议,从而使阿富汗政府能够在几个地区重新立足。 我国的军队和警察部队在我们的支援下——在财政和训练方面——越来越强大,使盟国能够设想在阿富汗逐步撤出一些战斗部队。", "然而,我们的军事和训练努力正在以非常艰苦的战斗为代价而开始取得成果。 如果军事成果不能在加强阿富汗当局合法性和能够设想以政治办法解决冲突的背景下实现,那么军事成果将是短暂的。 不幸的是,法院制造的影响到立法权的不确定性不利于民主机构的正常运作,并正在转移这些机构对阿富汗选民真正关切的注意力。 我们呼吁阿富汗所有机构按照《宪法》的规定,在分权原则基础上,在各自权限范围内开展工作。 秘书长特别代表必须继续监测该国需要的局势和选举改革。", "然而,我们还注意到阿富汗和解道路上取得的进展。 我们继续支持卡尔扎伊总统和高级和平委员会努力发展阿富汗社会各阶层参与的和平进程。 这一进程必须得到考虑到阿富汗邻国安全利益并尊重其主权的区域努力的支持。 从这个角度来看,联合国可以发挥有益的作用。", "安全理事会把联合国制裁基地组织和塔利班的制度分开,作出了一项非常重要的决定,我们希望,这项决定将促使阿富汗人民放弃国际恐怖主义,进行直接对话并共同展望未来。", "最后,法国想重申,它完全支持秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的努力。 安全理事会第1974(2011)号决议延长了联阿援助团的任务期限,并证实其两年前概述的优先事项是正确的。 安理会还要求在2011年底前全面审查联阿援助团和联合国在阿富汗的活动。 这将是一个反思联合国在该国的承诺演变情况的机会。 审查必须在充分透明的背景下进行,与阿富汗当局合作。 这一进程、第二次波恩会议和2012年联阿援助团任务期限的延长,都为重申我们对一个民主、独立和繁荣的阿富汗这一共同目标的承诺提供了机会,这个阿富汗已经彻底放弃了暴力和不稳定。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在以德国代表的身份发言。", "让我同其他人一道热烈欢迎和感谢特别代表今天的通报。 我们同样感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "我国政府赞同欧洲联盟(欧盟)稍后将作的发言。", "我今天将谈三个问题。", "第一,关于过渡,德国欢迎阿富汗安全部队质量和数量正在提高的情况下,安全过渡进程正在取得进展。 我国代表团尤其欢迎本月开始在七个地区和城市的第一阶段向阿富汗安全责任的安全过渡。", "必须强调,根据北约和阿富汗政府之间的协定,过渡期将继续是渐进的,以条件为基础。 近几个月来发生的安全事件数目清楚地表明了我们面前的挑战的严重性。 然而,我们认为,阿富汗同国际社会之间商定的战略和及时性需要将继续为我们提供良好服务,我们打算坚持下去。", "德国谴责正在发生的暴力,特别是最强烈地谴责最近对洛加尔一家医院的袭击。 我们继续严重关切地注意到,平民伤亡人数进一步增加,其中多达90%是叛乱分子造成的。 我们赞扬阿富汗安全部队在上星期对喀布尔洲际饭店的令人发指的袭击中作出的专业反应。", "我要在安理会这里特别强调联合国的安全。 同今天在座的各位一样,德国高度赞赏秘书长特别代表和联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)其他同事在最有挑战性的情况下所做的工作。 但是,在我们期望联阿援助团继续其不可或缺的工作时,我们负有共同的责任,尽我们所能保护联合国工作人员和行动。 马扎里沙里夫是联合国大家庭又一次令人震惊的经历,我们向所有受害者家属表示慰问。 德国呼吁作出最大努力,包括阿富汗政府的努力,以保护阿富汗境内的国际支助行动。", "第二,关于喀布尔进程,该进程所描述的过渡议程也将随着时间的推移而改变国际支持的性质。 然而,国际社会强烈期望利用联合国的资源和专门知识来维护已取得的进展,并在阿富汗领导、民主原则和尊重人权以及可靠的政府和非政府机构的基础上同一个有生存能力的国家建立可持续的伙伴关系。", "喀布尔进程取得成功的决定因素之一是解决喀布尔银行危机。 可信的金融机构是无可替代的。 德国同意报告的说法,即没有国际货币基金组织的方案将严重地危及喀布尔进程和通过政府预算提供发展支助的能力。", "第三,请允许我简要地谈谈将于12月在波恩举行的阿富汗问题国际会议的筹备工作。 一些成员已经提到,德国期待着应阿富汗政府的请求主办这次会议。 总的来说,会议是要更多地重视我们阿富汗共同战略中的长期和政治组成部分。 正如卡尔扎伊总统所决定的,由阿富汗主持的会议的三个主要目的是进一步界定到2014年的过渡进程的民政方面,有力确认和界定2014年后对阿富汗的长期国际支持,为包括区域层面在内的政治进程作出贡献。 我们期望波恩会议将成为实现阿富汗及其邻国和平稳定道路上的一个重要里程碑。", "在这方面,德国认为,最近根据第1267(1999)号决议把制裁制度分成单独的基地组织和塔利班制度,是一个重要的基石。", "最后,我要重申德国对我们阿富汗朋友的持续和长期支持,并强调指出,我们赞赏联阿援助团的作用和联合国的更广泛支持。 德国认为,为了所有阿富汗人的利益,联阿援助团和联合国系统是成功过渡的共同伙伴。", "我现在恢复行使安全理事会主席的职能。", "我现在请日本代表发言。", "西田先生(日本): 我要感谢特别代表德米斯图拉所作的非常全面和翔实的通报。 我还要感谢联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的全体男女工作人员,他们对完成这一非常困难的任务表现出了坚定的承诺。 我也感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "首先,我要对4月1日在马扎里沙里夫发生的对联阿援助团的袭击深表遗憾。 我向在这次袭击中丧生的联合国人员的家属表示最深切的慰问。", "正如德米斯图拉特别代表在3月安理会上次关于这一专题的辩论(见S/PV.6497)中指出的那样,2011年是关键的一年。 这是一个过渡年,直到2014年。 日本决心在这一非常重要的一年及其后继续与联阿援助团合作。", "正如秘书长最近的报告(S/2011/381)所指出,阿富汗的安全局势仍然具有挑战性。 我们对最近喀布尔洲际饭店被袭击所突出的安全风险感到关切。 我对死者表示深切哀悼。 安全仍然是我们必须处理的优先事项。", "日本提供支持 奥巴马总统宣布美国对阿富汗的政策. 过渡定于本月从七个领域开始。 在美国和其他国际部队缩编期间,阿富汗的和平与安全必须顺利过渡。", "过渡和可持续安全与国家的政治进程和发展相互关联。 在这方面,日本继续发挥作用,通过向阿富汗警察提供援助来加强阿富汗国家安全部队,例如继续资助警察薪金,并努力提高中央政府和省级政府的行政能力。 日本最近决定支持增强阿富汗警察能力扫盲方案,并将于本月同土耳其合作,开始培训阿富汗国家警察。", "还有其他关切。 喀布尔银行的情况是一个严重问题,影响到提供资金的国际捐助者和整个国际援助框架。 特别法庭取消了去年当选的议员的资格,而且独立选举委员会先前也确认了这一点,这导致议会与法院之间的紧张关系,可能严重影响阿富汗的稳定和重建。 这一事态发展是在该国维持团结的关键时刻出现的。 我们真诚希望阿富汗政府、议会和法院在各自职权范围内采取行动并适当和迅速地处理这些问题。", "我们欢迎5月10日和11日在喀布尔成功举行的阿富汗和平与重返社会方案审查会议。 重返社会进程取得进一步进展是政治进程的一个重要支柱。 我们高度赞赏联阿援助团和有关国家在这一进程中所发挥的重要作用。 日本决心继续提供捐款,我们向重返社会基金提供5 000万美元捐款,以在阿富汗主导的重返社会方案中取得不可逆转的进展就是证明。", "在这方面,安全理事会最近通过了将基地组织和塔利班制裁名单分开的决议,这是朝着促进该国和解迈出的积极步骤。 在政治进程中取得进一步进展,需要阿富汗在国际社会的持续支持下当家作主。", "为了阿富汗的长期稳定,我们必须加快阿富汗邻国之间的区域合作。 日本准备在更广泛地区的经济发展中发挥积极作用,这将使周边邻国能够为阿富汗融入区域和全球经济铺平道路。", "尽管遭受了3月地震的影响,日本仍决心执行我们对阿富汗的援助,鉴于阿富汗的重要性,2009年11月我们承诺援助阿富汗。 虽然军事存在的缩编将很快开始,但与阿富汗的长期接触仍然非常重要。 我要再次强调,为了实现可持续经济,现在比以往任何时候都更需要在阿富汗负责任的所有权与国际社会的支持之间进行协调。 这应从中长期角度出发,使阿富汗在2014年以后完全过渡到阿富汗领导层之后,能够自力更生地进行经济发展。", "我认为,国际社会坚定致力于阿富汗的重建。 我们期望12月在波恩举行的阿富汗会议期间取得进一步的进展。 在阿富汗方面,该国需要加强其实现阿富汗真正自主权和领导作用的能力。 第1974(2011)号决议要求对联阿援助团的任务和联合国在阿富汗的支助进行全面审查,这将是联合国指导阿富汗未来工作的一项非常重要的任务。 联阿援助团继续发挥重要作用,日本继续尽最大努力为其活动作出贡献。", "最后,我们要对特别代表德米斯图拉的献身精神表示真诚的感谢,并再次承诺支持联阿援助团的努力。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请加拿大代表发言。", "里瓦德先生(加拿大)(以英语发言):阿富汗正进入一个关键时期,其长期向安全和稳定的民主转变很可能会受近期所发生的事件和所作出的决定的极大影响。", "安全局势的改善仍然是我们在阿富汗努力的关键。 虽然反叛乱努力成功地扭转了阿富汗南部的叛乱势头,但在以前认为安全的地区,暴力正在增加。 安全需要大大改善,以便为阿富汗的增长和发展提供所需的空间。", "暴力造成的所有平民死亡都是悲惨的,我们尽了一切可能避免因国际安全援助部队(安援部队)的行动而造成平民伤亡。 然而,这些死亡绝大多数是叛乱造成的。 事实上,平民往往是叛乱分子的主要目标。 最近对喀布尔洲际饭店的袭击以及叛乱分子最近利用一名8岁女孩作为自杀炸弹手,不幸地说明了这一点。 我们谴责这些违反国际法的绝望策略,并要求停止这些策略。", "阿富汗政府和安援部队最近开始从国际社会向阿富汗当局移交主要的安全责任。 加拿大通过北约阿富汗训练团,致力于增加阿富汗国家安全部队人员的人数并提高其素质,这对维持该国和平至关重要。 为此,2011至2014年,加拿大将提供至多950名加拿大部队人员和至多45名民警,帮助培训国家安全部队。 我们可能在坎大哈缩编,但我们仍然致力于支持阿富汗。", "(以法语发言)", "仅靠军事手段无法实现阿富汗的稳定与安全。 阿富汗政府和叛乱之间需要政治和解进程。 为了实现持久的和解,叛乱分子必须放弃暴力,切断同基地组织的联系并承认《阿富汗宪法》。 虽然我们同意,和平会谈的时机已经到来,但有些阿富汗人确实担心,过去十年在民主化、人权和提供基本服务等方面取得的进展可能丧失。 正在进行的讨论必须认识到这一关切,并确保和平将惠及阿富汗所有公民。", "加拿大同意许多阿富汗人和国际社会成员的看法,即从长远来看,阿富汗的持久和平与稳定将需要一个包容性的愈合进程。 这必须使阿富汗社会各阶层,包括阿富汗妇女参与长期努力,努力重建关系并解决历史冤情,如果这些问题得不到解决,可能会破坏阿富汗的持久和平。", "加拿大正同我们的国际伙伴一道同阿富汗政府密切合作,以确保过渡的民事方面——加强治理和发展——得到协调,从而支持整个过渡的成功和不可逆转性。 成功过渡将取决于阿富汗领导人的一致努力和认真的政治承诺,以确保有效、包容和负责任的治理。", "必须继续建设和培养阿富汗政府向普通阿富汗人提供服务和机会的能力。 在这方面,阿富汗政府领导的喀布尔进程和国家优先方案仍然是阿富汗政府和国际社会的重要工具。 现在,我们必须促进执行国家优先方案,将它们同安全过渡联系起来,并确保这些方案在诸如普通阿富汗人获得保健和教育等领域提供切实好处。 这些方案现在必须在财政上可持续并切合实际。 在这方面,国际社会需要帮助阿富汗提高其在此期间创收的能力。 私营部门也将在国家发展方面发挥重要作用。", "至关重要的是,阿富汗人必须能够信任其当选官员,在地区、省和国家各级代表他们的利益。 腐败侵蚀对民主体制的信心并破坏稳定国家的努力。 这仍然是一个严重问题,可能成为今后几年成功过渡的主要障碍。 因此,阿富汗政府必须采取具体而明显的行动来打击腐败并预防其破坏过渡议程。", "(以英语发言)", "该区域各国在阿富汗的成败以及南亚和中亚的总体稳定方面也发挥着重要作用。 阿富汗及其邻国必须克服根深蒂固的历史不信任和相互冲突的利益,它们往往与区域稳定和经济逻辑相悖。 政治分歧继续阻碍在经济领域可以双赢的举措上取得进展,这可极大地促进该区域的持久稳定和繁荣。", "我们期待着12月在波恩由阿富汗领导的阿富汗会议,这次会议将集中讨论对过渡进程具有重要意义的问题。 计划于2011年举行几次关于阿富汗问题的此类会议,尽管我们继续进行公开和坦率的对话至关重要,但我们需要凝聚真正的政治意愿,以看到切实的进展。", "过去十年来,阿富汗在关键领域取得了可量化的重大进展。 我们都侧重于同一目标——把安全、治理和发展的责任移交给阿富汗政府。 阿富汗政府和国际社会团结一致,决心实现这一目标,加拿大将继续发挥积极作用。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请巴基斯坦代表发言。", "哈龙先生(巴基斯坦): 主席先生,我们要祝贺你担任7月份安理会主席,并感谢你召开今天的辩论会。", "我要特别赞赏地提及秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的通报。 巴基斯坦始终珍视由德米斯图拉特别代表干练地领导的联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的工作。 我希望关于他没有继续任职的谣言不属实.", "秘书长的季度报告是阿富汗政治和安全事态发展的重要晴雨表。 我要强调,它们为衡量我们在阿富汗实现和平的集体努力的进展和挫折提供了有益的指标。", "首先,本报告所述期间标志着开始按照喀布尔进程的设想,向阿富汗更大的领导权和自主权过渡。 这是巴基斯坦在安全理事会所举行的每次会议上所要做的。 第二,它恰逢第1974(2011)号决议规定的联阿援助团任务全面审查的开始。 我们认为,联阿援助团在此期间的优先事项应继续按照促进民族和解、支持施政和促进阿富汗社会经济发展的思路来界定,这或许是迄今在图表中显示上升趋势的最低限度。", "关于将于2011年完成的对联阿援助团任务的持续全面审查,我必须强调指出,必须确保阿富汗在所有领域拥有自主权并尊重阿富汗的主权。 联阿援助团的工作同过渡目标更加相协调,以及联合国各机构内部的协调,必须是新任务的基本内容。", "随着我们接近假定的撤离日期,阿富汗是否正在变暖? 我要重申,秘书长的报告记录了报告所述期间阿富汗境内与安全有关的事件增加了51%。 报告正确地表达了对冲突造成的人的代价的关切,其特点是,不仅由于叛乱,而且由于军事行动,平民伤亡稳步上升。", "请允许我承认,阿富汗的安全挑战由于三十年的战争、阿富汗安全部队的能力、外国部队的存在以及犯罪分子和贩毒分子利用社会政治复杂性而复杂化。 阿富汗的安全问题无法用外部化和自欺欺人的行为来解释。", "阿富汗和巴基斯坦的暴力和不稳定是一个威胁。 因此,我们正在安全和情报领域向阿富汗提供一切可能的合作。 三方委员会是这种合作的一个可行机制,该委员会定期开会,包括美国和国际安全援助部队。", "我国沿同阿富汗接壤的边界部署的军事和准军事人员的人数超过了在阿富汗全境的所有国际部队的人数。 巴基斯坦对阿富汗和平的承诺是毫不动摇的。 如果阿富汗成为傀儡战争的战场,或者如果其土地被用于域外颠覆活动,区域和国际和平事业就不会得到实现。", "阿富汗安全挑战的长期解决办法在于可行的和解和重返社会进程。 一个和平自在的阿富汗最能确保自己的安全。 秘书长的报告及其特别代表的简报正确地指出了和解与安全之间的联系。", "巴基斯坦支持阿富汗主导的包容各方的和解进程,以期将反对派团体纳入政治主流。 我们认为,伊斯兰会议组织和联阿援助团参与和解进程将是有益的。", "我们强调,需要确保新成立的针对阿富汗的制裁委员会为遏制叛乱和促进阿富汗的和解作出有效贡献。 必须看到这种情况。 我们希望,联阿援助团同安全理事会阿富汗制裁委员会的合作将大大有助于为列名和除名增加专业和政治投入。", "巴基斯坦将继续支持由阿富汗主导的和解进程,包括通过阿富汗-巴基斯坦阿富汗和解与和平联合委员会。 上个月,在哈米德·卡尔扎伊总统访问前夕,联合委员会第一次会议在伊斯兰堡举行。 我们两国都申明了为阿富汗持久和解与和平而密切合作的决心。 作为伊斯兰堡会议的后续行动,上星期在喀布尔举行了联合委员会第一次工作级会议。 现决定成立专门工作组,以负责和有把握的方式向前迈进. 没有错误,这一进程非常活跃,并将产生有益的结果。", "我们寻求阿富汗和平与稳定的努力正在发展成一种长期合作伙伴关系。 今天的华盛顿 刊登数百名武装分子从阿富汗越境袭击巴基斯坦边境村庄的头条新闻,其中一些人被炸死,这不会阻止我们开展这一进程。 我对我的朋友的建议是,所有和平进程通常都是通过好战分子进行的,这些好战分子想证明和平进程不是这样。 我们不会屈服于它。", "尽管那些越过边界的好战分子竭尽全力制造混乱并破坏这一进程,但让我重申,我们不会让这种情况发生。 卡尔扎伊总统上月访问巴基斯坦期间签署的《伊斯兰堡宣言》记录了这一伙伴关系在贸易和经济、运输连通性、基础设施、能源和矿物项目合作以及加强议会交流和人民与人民接触等领域的轮廓。 这些领域的国际援助,特别是企业部门的参与,可促进该区域和平与繁荣的丰厚红利。", "秘书长的报告指出,在过去三个月里,有19 000多难民从巴基斯坦返回阿富汗。 这一数字很难说是令人鼓舞的。 我们需要对这一问题给予更多的关注。 当然,不管发生什么,我们是世界上最大的难民人口的东道国。", "最后,我要重申,我们支持联阿援助团的目标和努力,特别是秘书长特别代表德米斯图拉的目标和努力。 我们相信,重新获得民主的阿富汗人民将克服所有紧迫挑战并抓住新的机会来建设一个更光明和繁荣的未来。 巴基斯坦将继续是他们坚定不移的伙伴。", "主席(以英语发言):我现在请佩德罗·塞拉诺先生发言。", "塞拉诺先生: 主席先生,我非常感谢你让我代表欧洲联盟发言。", "候选国土耳其、克罗地亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、黑山和冰岛、稳定与结盟进程国及潜在候选国阿尔巴尼亚、塞尔维亚和欧洲自由贸易联盟成员国挪威、欧洲经济区成员国以及摩尔多瓦共和国和格鲁吉亚赞同本发言。", "我要感谢秘书长特别代表斯塔凡·德米斯图拉的通报和秘书长关于阿富汗局势及其对国际和平与安全的影响的全面报告(S/2011/381)。 我们还感谢塔宁大使的发言。", "今年7月标志着开始向阿富汗安全领导者过渡。 欧洲联盟欢迎国际安全援助部队即将在该国七个地区向阿富汗部队移交安全责任。 在这方面,秘书长评估说,由于集中的培训和能力建设努力,这些部队的业绩有所改善,我们对此感到鼓舞。 与此同时,我们可以看到,不安全正在增加,这表明叛乱仍然具有复原力,使过渡更加困难。 2010年同期安全相关事件增加51%的统计数字突出表明,情况更加困难。 因此,必须回顾,过渡进程并不意味着退出,而是逐步转向真正的支助作用,而不是由日历驱动,而是基于条件。 通过认真管理过渡,我们正在缓慢但肯定地实现阿富汗人民为自己的安全承担责任的愿望。", "为在全国成功过渡创造条件,需要朝着善政和发展以及在政治轨道上取得进一步进展。 改善治理的利害关系很大,因此,提高公共财政的透明度和监督性以及打击腐败等措施值得高度重视。", "一方面,欧洲联盟欢迎采取积极步骤,例如启动联合独立的反腐败监测和评价委员会。 另一方面,我们注意到,在喀布尔进程的所有国家优先方案中,涉及公共行政和国家以下各级治理的方案属于最不先进的方案。 这尤其令人遗憾,因为出于若干原因,这些方案也是最重要的方案之一。", "正如秘书长所指出,在过渡后的阿富汗,捐助方通过中央政府开展更多工作,发展资金将减少,直接流向地方当局。 如果没有与该中心建立更有力和更可靠的联系,没有更好的国家以下各级治理,这些省份和地区就有可能挨饿,无法获得援助。", "治理领域更直接地阻碍发展资金的支付和分配的一个障碍是,仍未同国际货币基金组织就喀布尔银行倒闭的后果达成协议。 如果阿富汗要对其自身的发展负起全部责任,如果更多的发展资金要通过阿富汗机构来提供——卡尔扎伊总统称之为过渡的一个组成部分——那么,这一银行危机需要解决。 这是欧洲联盟及其成员国极为关切的问题,它们每年在阿富汗共同支出超过10亿欧元。", "解决喀布尔银行危机,以及更广泛地落实喀布尔进程的治理和其他承诺,如司法部门现代化和选举改革,需要解决阿富汗行政部门同议会之间的争议。 欧洲联盟呼吁以迅速和符合分权的方式做到这一点。", "进一步采取步骤来建立更有效和合法的政府机构,不仅对发展合作至关重要,而且对在政治轨道上取得进展也至关重要。 更好的治理将有助于使所有阿富汗人相信,通过武力解决分歧今后不应再是一个选择,而政治舞台应当是战斗的唯一场所。", "在这方面,欧洲联盟欢迎安全理事会最近决定分裂对 \" 基地 \" 组织和塔利班的制裁制度,这项决定肯定会促进和解和重返社会的努力。 在当地,这些由阿富汗人主导的努力得益于联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的支持。 联阿援助团通过宣传获得基本服务、释放被拘留者和保护平民,继续促进建立信任措施。 报告证实,平民在冲突中仍然首当其冲,80%至90%的平民伤亡与反政府分子有关。", "和解不仅应该由阿富汗主导,而且决不能偏离其基本原则:拒绝基地组织、放弃暴力和尊重《宪法》。 以国际法和不可剥夺的人权为代价确保和平,包括妇女权利和宗教少数群体的权利,将会导致一场胜利。 这不等于某种乌托邦的雄心壮志,使阿富汗成为一个完美的地方;这仅仅是维护本世界机构和欧洲联盟所建立的价值。", "在最近关于这个项目的辩论(S/PV.6497)中,当其任务列入议程时,我们广泛谈到联阿援助团。 因此,我今天最后将再次表示欧洲联盟支持它在过渡期间的关键作用,包括作为协调和监察联合委员会这个需要进一步加强的机构的共同主席。", "我们赞扬斯塔凡·德米斯图拉及其工作人员的承诺和勇气,并最强烈地谴责对联阿援助团的袭击。 联合国正在阿富汗为所有阿富汗人开展重要工作,我们坚决支持联合国继续在那里进行短期和长期接触。 我们指望联阿援助团在今后的新阶段——一个充满巨大机会和巨大危险的阶段。 然而,正如他们在阿富汗所说的那样——我希望这是准确的——有一条通往甚至最高山顶的道路。", "主席(以英语发言):我请土耳其代表发言。", "乔尔曼先生(土耳其): 首先,我要热烈欢迎塔宁大使和秘书长特别代表德米斯图拉。 我还要感谢秘书长的报告(S/2011/381)和秘书长特别代表富有洞察力的通报。", "我们感谢联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)在特别代表德米斯图拉的有效领导下,在面临非常真实和严重的威胁时,在执行其任务方面所做的奉献和出色的工作,最近4月1日对联阿援助团马扎里沙里夫大院的袭击就证明了这一点。 我们强烈谴责并谴责这一令人发指的袭击,并再次向丧生者家属以及联阿援助团人员和整个联合国大家庭表示慰问。", "我们还谴责叛乱分子最近对阿富汗目标发动的一连串袭击,这些袭击已使无辜平民丧生。 这些攻击是不能容忍的,它们不会阻止阿富汗人和国际社会追求和平、安全和民主的阿富汗。", "阿富汗正在经历一个历史性的转型时期。 阿富汗的邻国和该区域内外的其他有关行动者应尊重阿富汗的主权,并继续为巩固主权作出多层面的贡献。 安全责任的过渡、和平进程和经济发展都是实现阿富汗完全当家作主这一最终目标的努力的核心。 如果其中一个进程失败,整个工作也将动摇。", "阿富汗领导与阿富汗有关的所有进程是一项基本原则。 安全是促进发展、治理、法治和机构能力建设的主要促进因素。 在过去六个月中,军事行动已达到了前所未有的地步,但阿富汗的持久和平与稳定只能以政治解决办法为基础。 因此,当出现和解机会之窗时,必须给阿富汗和平进程必要的时间和空间。", "阿富汗的和平前景比以往任何时候都更光明,我要强调,阿富汗和平的持久性要求它包括社会各阶层,因为加强民族团结是建立持久和平与稳定的唯一最重要基础。 虽然培训阿富汗国家安全部队对到2014年底实现过渡至关重要,但文职能力建设和经济可持续性在2014年后同样重要。 我们敦促所有捐助者加强对民事能力发展和经济活力的贡献。", "一个良性的区域秩序是阿富汗和平、主权、发展和繁荣所不可或缺的支柱。 反过来,阿富汗的和平、主权和繁荣将是其邻国和平与繁荣所不可或缺的支柱。 在这方面,我们将继续作出努力,支持5月10日土耳其外交部长阿赫梅特·达武特奥卢阁下在伊斯坦布尔主办的区域国家会议上讨论的区域层面问题,秘书长的报告提到了这个问题。", "将于2011年11月2日在伊斯坦布尔举行的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议的筹备工作已经启动。 由土耳其和联阿援助团共同主持的国际联络小组区域合作工作组分别于6月3日和26日在伊斯坦布尔和喀布尔举行了会议,这些会议有助于在本区域内外为即将举行的伊斯坦布尔会议赢得广泛支持。", "一套共同点已经出现。 2002年《喀布尔睦邻友好关系宣言》(S/2002/1416)是一份开创性的文件。 2007年《关于“亚洲之心”中的友谊与合作的伊斯坦布尔声明》(S/2010/70,附件)确立了共同的区域愿景,甚至超越了《喀布尔宣言》,成为受欢迎的里程碑。", "但自从去年伊斯坦布尔会议以来,区域工作以及各种情况和要求已取得重大进展,我们希望所有这一切将以伊斯坦布尔会议与会者随后签署的形式被写入文件。 我们知道,这是阿富汗从区域会议中想要的。", "因此,我们打算使伊斯坦布尔会议成为区域层面的一个转折点。", "我们一如既往地期待着国际社会的大力支持,秘书长的报告已经强调了这种支持的重要性。 我们将同阿富汗、联合国和所有其他有关国家和组织密切合作,筹备定于今年举行的阿富汗问题伊斯坦布尔会议。", "主席(以英语发言):我请德米斯图拉特别代表对所发表的评论作出答复。", "德米斯图拉先生: 我要简单谈三点。 首先,我感谢安理会成员的所有评论。 我们已适当注意到安全理事会每个成员和其他成员提出的意见、建议和支持。", "第二,我还要代表我所有900多位同事,感谢所有与会者对我的同事正在作出的牺牲以及在马扎里沙里夫发生的悲惨事件所说的非常友好和热情的话。 这确实有帮助。", "最后,我认为,塔宁大使和我将带回喀布尔一个强有力的信息,表明国际社会在阿富汗的一贯关心和参与。 我认为,这将帮助我们在伊斯坦布尔会议和波恩会议之前的艰难几个月中开展工作。", "主席(以英语发言):安全理事会就此结束现阶段对其议程项目的审议。", "下午1时15分散会。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Item 15 of the provisional agenda", "United Nations research and training institutes", "Draft decision submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Miloš Koterec (Slovakia), on the basis of informal consultations", "United Nations System Staff College in Turin, Italy", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling General Assembly resolutions 54/228 of 22 December 1999, 55/207 of 20 December 2000, 55/258 of 14 June 2001, 55/278 of 12 July 2001, 58/224 of 23 December 2003 and 60/214 of 22 December 2005,", "Recalling also its resolution 2009/10 of 27 July 2009, in which it approved amendments to the statute of the United Nations System Staff College,", "Reaffirming the role of the Staff College as an institution for system-wide knowledge management, training and continuous learning for the staff of the United Nations system, in particular in the areas of economic and social development, peace and security and internal management,", "Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations System Staff College,[1] submitted pursuant to paragraph 8 of resolution 60/214,", "1. Takes note of the report of the Secretary-General;", "2. Welcomes the progress made by the United Nations System Staff College, over the past two years, in providing high-quality learning and training to the United Nations system;", "3. Calls upon all organizations of the United Nations system to make full and effective use of the services provided by the Staff College;", "4. Encourages Member States to continue to support the Staff College by recognizing its unique inter-agency mandate and its important role in fostering system-wide coherence and strategic leadership.", "[1] E/2011/116." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程项目15", "联合国研究和训练机构", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷奇(斯洛伐克)根据非正式协商提交的决定草案", "意大利都灵联合国系统职员学院", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾大会1999年12月22日第54/228号、2000年12月20日第55/207号、2001年6月14日第55/258号、2001年7月12日第55/278号、2003年12月23日第58/224号和2005年12月22日第60/214号决议,", "又回顾理事会2009年7月27日第2009/10号决议,其中核准了对联合国系统职员学院章程的修改,", "重申职员学院是为联合国系统工作人员开设的全系统知识管理、培训和不断学习的学校,特别是在经济与社会发展、和平与安全和内部管理方面,", "审议了秘书长根据第60/214号决议第8段提交的关于联合国系统职员学院的报告,[1]", "1. 表示注意到秘书长的报告;", "2. 欣见联合国系统职员学院过去两年在为联合国系统提供高质量学习和培训方面取得的进展;", "3. 吁请联合国系统各组织充分、有效地利用职员学院提供的服务;", "4. 鼓励会员国继续支持职员学院,承认它独特的机构间任务规定及其在促进全系统一致性和战略领导能力方面的重要作用。", "[1] E/2011/116。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "临时议程项目15", "联合国研究和训练机构", "理事会副主席米洛什·科捷雷克(斯洛伐克)在非正式协商基础上提出的决定草案", "意大利都灵联合国系统职员学院", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾大会1999年12月22日第54/228号、2000年12月20日第55/207号、2001年6月14日第55/258号、2001年7月12日第55/278号、2003年12月23日第58/224号和2005年12月22日第60/214号决议,", "又回顾其2009年7月27日第2009/10号决议,其中核准了《联合国系统职员学院章程》修正案,", "重申职员学院作为联合国系统工作人员特别是在经济和社会发展、和平与安全以及内部管理等领域进行知识管理、培训和不断学习的机构的作用,", "审议了秘书长依照第60/214号决议第8段提交的关于联合国系统职员学院的报告,[1]", "1. 联合国 1. 注意到秘书长的报告;", "2. 联合国 1. 欢迎联合国系统职员学院过去两年在向联合国系统提供高质量学习和培训方面取得的进展;", "3个 5. 吁请联合国系统所有组织充分而有效地利用职员学院提供的服务;", " 4.四. 鼓励会员国继续支持职员学院,承认其独特的机构间任务及其在促进全系统一致性和战略领导方面的重要作用。", "[1] E/2011/116。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 130", "Programme planning", "Programme performance report of the United Nations for the biennium 2008-2009", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Corrigendum", "After paragraph 654 insert the following paragraphs and renumber the subsequent paragraphs accordingly:", "Subprogramme 3 Economic development and integration", "(a) Increased knowledge among stakeholders in the region of the issues that should be taken into account in designing and implementing suitable macroeconomic policies and strategies for sustainable economic growth, employment creation and poverty alleviation in line with the Millennium Development Goals", "655. Two documents submitted to ESCWA at its twenty-fifth session, in May 2008 (E/ESCWA/25/4(Part II)/A and B, on strengthening regional cooperation for achieving the Millennium Development Goals and achievements and progress made in attaining the Millennium Development Goals in the Arab countries: challenges and policies) facilitated substantive discussions on the necessary future actions for the achievement of the Goals. ESCWA contributed to the publication World Economic Situation and Prospects in 2009 and 2010. The 2009 issue received intensive media attention for the analysis of the global financial crisis and its impact. The regional economic forecasts of December 2008 and November 2009 focused on assessing the impact of the global financial crisis and food inflation. The survey of economic and social developments in the ESCWA region, 2007-2008 (E/ESCWA/EDGD/2008/3), called for policy measures in the light of the rights-based development strategies reflecting the increasing fluctuations of regional capital flows.", "(b) Enhanced capacity of the member countries to negotiate and implement subregional, regional and multilateral trade and investment agreements designed to promote interregional and intraregional trade and investment flows", "656. As at January 2009, one country (the Syrian Arab Republic) issued a new law to promote trade liberalization. Four national training workshops (two in Egypt and two in Oman) contributed to upgrading the negotiation skills of 90 Government officials on bilateral investment agreements and double taxation avoidance. ESCWA assisted the Syrian Arab Republic in developing a database on foreign direct investment statistics. The target of three countries accepting and/or adopting trade negotiation proposals and facilitation schemes or measures was reached. The target of four countries negotiating and implementing trade agreements designed to promote interregional and intraregional trade flows with ESCWA support was also reached. The target of 11 countries integrating the Monterrey Consensus into their economic strategies and policies was reached.", "(c) Strengthened capacity of member countries to formulate and implement policies and programmes for improving transport infrastructure and logistics within the framework of the Integrated Transport System in the Arab Mashreq", "657. ESCWA continued to support and follow up with member countries on the implementation of the ESCWA transport agreements. The number of countries that adopted the road agreement increased to 12. Those that acceded to the railways agreement increased to 9 and those that acceded to the memorandum of understanding rose to 10. The percentage of length of the road network that met the requirements of the international roads agreement rose from 50 per cent at the end of 2007 to 55 per cent in December 2008. The policy measures adopted by member countries in relation to the implementation of the Integrated Transport System in the Arab Mashreq increased to 40 (31 treaties and 9 National Transport and Trade Facilitation Committees) in 2009 compared with 31 (24 treaties and 7 National Transport and Trade Facilitation Committees) in 2007.", "(d) Greater participation in the multilateral trading system", "658. ESCWA assessed trade policy trends in member countries, trade facilitation, services liberalization measures and accession processes, and provided related policy advocacy and advice. The target to have 10 rules, regulations and policies in conformity with World Trade Organization rules and regulations was met. ESCWA assessed trade policy options in the member countries, their implications on trade and economic performance and future prospects to improve trade performance in the region. In addition, ESCWA provided a forum for the Arab business community to brief them on the latest developments concerning the World Trade Organization negotiations and discuss their respective implications and issues of concern in the light of the world economic crisis. The Forum is the third in a series, and the demand for it demonstrates its success.", "(e) Increased facilitation of transboundary flows of goods, services, persons and capital among member countries", "659. The Transport Committee plays a vital role in enhancing harmonization and in facilitating agreements on subregional/regional cooperation. Key developments in this area are: the unified convention on multimodal transport among the Arab countries, prepared jointly by ESCWA and the League of Arab States; the adoption of the Arab Railways Network based on the Agreement on International Railways in the Arab Mashreq by using the same numbering and classification of railway routes, the Economic and Social Arab Summit (Kuwait, January 2009) and cooperation between ESCWA and the League of Arab States to prepare the terms of reference of the Arab Transport and Trade Facilitation Committee (August 2009). In 2008, Iraq took positive steps in establishing a National Transport and Trade Facilitation Committee.", "Subprogramme 4 Information and communication technology for regional integration", "(a) Increased implementation of the Regional Plan of Action for Building the Information Society, particularly in relation to the information and communication technology sector", "660. ESCWA monitored progress of the information society of the member countries and provided indicators for its measurement. The Expert Group Meeting on Developing the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) sector in the ESCWA region highlighted obstacles in the development of a self-reliant and sustainable ICT sector and solutions to overcome them in order to build a flourishing regional ICT sector. The outcomes of the regional conference, a follow-up to the World Summit on the Information Society, were the Regional Programme of Action and the Arab ICT Strategy; a road map for the implementation and follow-up of future activities related to the World Summit on the Information Society; and the creation of the Global Alliance for ICT and Development Arab Region Network.", "(b) Enhanced capacity of member countries to provide e-services in Arabic targeting socio-economic development", "661. Within the project entitled “Development of an Arabic domain names system”, the published draft was refined and posted on the Internet Engineering Task Force website under the title “Linguistic guidelines for the use of Arabic characters in Internet domains”. ESCWA defined a template for cyberlegislation that will assist ESCWA member countries in the assessment and development of cyberlegislation at the national level. ESCWA partnered with the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Iraq in implementing the project on ICT for education in Iraq, which is expected to increase the ICT literacy of teachers and staff and establish several learning centres throughout the country. The study on building trust in e-services stressed the importance of cybersecurity to ensure the protection of data and privacy.", "Subprogramme 5 Statistics for evidence-based policymaking", "(a) Strengthened capacity of member countries to improve the national institutional framework for official statistics", "662. ESCWA member countries reached a 67 per cent rate of implementation of the fundamental principles of official statistics. This is attributable mainly to the work of ESCWA, such as advocacy for the application of the principles, the establishment of a virtual library on national statistical systems, the sharing of information on best practices, the dissemination of guidelines and the provision of technical support for building the capacity of national statistical offices, as well as the forum of the Statistical Committee. The subprogramme increased the capacity of concerned officials in the areas of revisions and classifications of international standards in economic and social statistics. This was done particularly in two areas: (a) the update of statistical systems for national accounts according to the latest international recommendations; and (b) the revised 2008 System of National Accounts according to each country’s needs, including the measurement of informal sector activities.", "(b) Strengthened capacity of member countries to participate effectively in the 2010 round of population censuses, household surveys and other surveys as a statistical requisite for the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals by 2015", "663. The following members of ESCWA have completed the 2010 round of population and housing censuses: Jordan (2005), the United Arab Emirates (2005), Kuwait (2005), Egypt (2006), Palestine (2007) and the Sudan (2008). On average, six countries in the region provided ESCWA with at least 60 per cent of the information needed for monitoring the Millennium Development Goals, including gender-disaggregated figures. ESCWA, as the secretariat of the regional task force on population and housing censuses, organized a meeting in March 2009 that focused on census media, planning census in a governorate, metadata and good practices and reviewed the Arabic translation of Principles and Recommendations for Population and Housing Censuses. The virtual library has been updated to serve as knowledge base for sharing information and providing users with resourceful tools on five thematic areas (namely, population and housing censuses, the Millennium Development Goals, gender, health and national statistical systems).", "Subprogramme 6 Advancement of women", "(a) Strengthened capacity of national mechanisms and civil society institutions for the empowerment and advancement of women to address gender imbalances and mainstream a gender perspective, with special emphasis on the participation of women in legislative and executive authorities", "664. ESCWA advocacy contributed to the inclusion of a gender perspective in the 2008 national plan of Saudi Arabia. ESCWA provided advisory services to Saudi Arabia, among other countries, on how to mainstream a gender perspective in national policies and programmes, thus, complementing the Commission’s normative and analytical work. Furthermore, training on a broad spectrum of gender issues, such as gender budgeting, gender mainstreaming, implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women, resolutions and their gender-sensitive implementation, gender in politics, lobbying and elections, and violence against women, contributed to building national capacity in those areas. ESCWA also contributed to the timely submission of reports to the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women by Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, an important tool for monitoring progress on women’s issues. The submission of the report by Bahrain can be directly linked to ESCWA advisory services.", "Subprogramme 7 Conflict mitigation and development", "(a) Increased understanding by member countries of the impact of conflict on socio-economic development in the region", "665. ESCWA promoted the concept of development under crisis and explored the potential for private sector resilience in countries affected by conflict. ESCWA activities contributed to raising awareness of the important role that the private sector could play in conflict mitigation and development, building on regional experiences. Six public and civic entities provided positive feedback concerning the usefulness of the topics discussed. The subprogramme laid the foundation for a regional response to mitigate the impact of conflict as well as other pressing global challenges. This was translated into increasing interest and support among member countries on the creation of an intergovernmental committee on emerging issues and development under crisis. Out of 14 member countries, 11 joined the task force, reflecting on the positive impact of ESCWA in promoting increased understanding and pre-emptive and responsive capacities of member countries.", "(b) Enhanced capacity of member countries to identify, assess, predict and respond to socio-economic and political issues and challenges posed by conflict and instability in the region", "666. Tailored techniques for management and emergency preparedness in Iraq were implemented through building the capacity of 89 Iraqi officials (including 21 women). A training module and an e-caravan were used to train 730 residents (including 392 women) of post-conflict areas of southern Lebanon to improve their employment prospects. On 30 June 2009, the subprogramme recorded 15 requests for technical assistance from member countries. Reflecting upon the success of the subprogramme’s accomplishments in terms of implementing capacity-building modules and enhancing the capacity of member States to assess and respond to socio-economic and political challenges posed by conflict and instability in the region, ESCWA conducted 15 workshops involving 113 youth; a total of 51 workshops were implemented, benefiting a total of 484 participants, of which 230 were women." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目130", "方案规划", "联合国2008-2009两年期方案执行情况报告", "秘书长的报告", "更正", "在第654段后加入以下各段,并相应地重新排列之后各段的段次。", "次级方案3", "经济发展和一体化", "(a) 该区域的利益相关者更好地了解在制定和实施适当宏观经济政策和战略时应考虑的各种问题,以依照千年发展目标促进可持续经济增长、创造就业和减缓贫穷", "655. 2008年5月向西亚经社会第二十五届会议提交的两份文件(E/ESCWA/ 25/4(Part II)/A and B,分别述及为实现千年发展目标增强区域合作以及阿拉伯国家在实现千年发展目标方面的成就和进展:挑战和政策)有助于对今后为实现各项目标采取的必要行动开展实质性讨论。西亚经社会为出版2009年和2010年《世界经济形势与展望》提供便利。2009年刊由于对全球金融危机及其影响作出分析,受到了媒体的密切关注。2008年12月和2009年11月的区域经济预测把重点放在评价全球金融危机和粮食价格上涨的影响。2007-2008年西亚经社会区域经济和社会发展调查(E/ESCWA/EDGD/2008/3)呼吁根据基于权利的发展战略采取政策措施,以反映日益加剧的区域资本波动。", "(b) 增强成员国就次区域、区域和多边贸易投资协定开展谈判和落实协定的能力,以促进区域间和区域内的贸易和投资流动", "656. 截至2009年1月,1个国家(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)颁布一项新的法律,以促进贸易自由化。4个国家培训讲习班(埃及和阿曼各举办两个)有助于提升90名政府官员在双边投资协定和避免双重征税方面的谈判技巧。西亚经社会协助阿拉伯叙利亚共和国建立一个外国直接投资统计数据库。让3个国家接受和(或)采纳贸易谈判建议和促进贸易办法或措施的目标已经达到。在西亚经社会支助下,并达到了让4个国家为促进区域间和区域内贸易流动开展贸易协定谈判和执行协定的目标。达到了让11个国家把《蒙特雷共识》纳入本国经济战略和政策的目标。", "(c) 加强成员国拟订和执行政策和方案的能力,以在阿拉伯马什雷克综合运输系统的框架范围内改善运输基础设施和物流", "657. 西亚经社会继续支持和后续跟踪成员国执行西亚经社会运输协定的工作。通过公路协定的国家增加到12个。加入铁路协定的国家增至9个,加入谅解备忘录国家的数量增至10个。符合国际公路协定要求的公路网长度所占的百分比从2007年底的50%增加到2008年12月的55%。在实施阿伯马什雷克综合运输系统方面,成员国采取的政策措施在2009年增加到40项(31项条约和9个国家运输和贸易促进委员会),相比之下,在2007年共有31项(24项条约和7个国家运输和贸易促进委员会)。", "(d) 扩大对多边贸易系统的参与", "658. 西亚经社会评价了成员国的贸易政策趋势、贸易促进情况、服务自由化措施和加入进程,并提供了有关的政策宣传和咨询。根据世界贸易组织规则和条例制定10项规则、条例和政策的目标已经达到。西亚经社会评价了成员国的贸易政策备选方案、其对贸易和经济表现的影响以及该区域改善贸易表现的未来前景。此外,西亚经社会为阿拉伯工商界举办一次论坛,介绍世界贸易组织谈判的最新动态,并从世界经济危机角度讨论各项谈判的影响和关切的问题。这是系列论坛中的第三次论坛,而且要求举办论坛的呼声表明,论坛是成功的。", "(e) 进一步促进成员国之间货物、服务、人员和资本的跨界流动", "659. 运输委员会在加强协调以及促进达成次区域/区域合作协定方面发挥关键作用。这方面的主要动态有:西亚经社会和阿拉伯国家联盟共同编写关于阿拉伯国家之间多式联运的统一公约;利用与铁路干线相同样的编号和分类,在《阿拉伯马什雷克国际铁路协定》的基础上通过阿拉伯铁路网络;阿拉伯经济和社会首脑会议(2009年1月,科威特);西亚经社会和阿拉伯国家联盟合作编写阿拉伯运输和贸易促进委员会的职权范围(2009年8月)。2008年,伊拉克在设立国家运输和贸易促进委员会方面采取积极步骤。", "次级方案4", "信息和通信技术促进区域一体化", "(a) 扩大实施《促进建设信息社会区域行动计划》,特别是在信息和通信技术部门", "660. 西亚经社会监测成员国建设信息社会的进展情况,并提供了计量指标。关于在西亚经社会区域发展信息和通信技术部门的专家组会议着重指出了在发展自主和可持续的信息和通信技术部门方面存在的障碍以及克服障碍的办法,以期建设蓬勃发展的区域信息和通信技术部门。区域会议是信息社会世界首脑会议的后续行动,其成果包括:《区域行动纲领》和《阿拉伯信息和通信技术战略》;今后有关信息社会世界首脑会议的活动的执行和后续落实路线图;建立信息和通信技术与发展全球联盟的阿拉伯区域网络。", "(b) 以社会经济发展为目标,提高成员国用阿拉伯文提供电子服务的能力", "661. 在题为“建立阿拉伯文域名系统”的项目范围内,对已公布的草案加以完善,并以“在因特网域使用阿拉伯字母的语言学指导原则”为题,登载在因特网工程任务组的网站上。西亚经社会制定了网络立法模板,用于协助西亚经社会成员国评价和拟订国家一级的网络立法。西亚经社会与联合国教育、科学及文化组织合作,在伊拉克执行信息和通信技术促进教育项目;该项目将增强教师和工作人员使用信息和通信技术的能力,并在全国建立若干学习中心。关于建设对电子服务的信任的研究强调了网络安全的重要性,以确保保护数据和隐私。", "次级方案5", "统计数据促进循证决策", "(a) 增强成员国改善官方统计数字国家机制框架的能力", "662. 西亚经社会成员国的官方统计数字基本原则执行率达到67%。其主要原因是,西亚经社会在倡导运用原则、建立关于国家统计系统的虚拟图书馆、共享关于最佳做法的信息、传播指导原则、为建设国家统计署的能力提供技术支助、举办统计委员会论坛等方面开展工作。次级方案增强了有关官员在经济和社会统计数字国际标准的订正和分类方面的能力。这特别是表现在两个方面:(a) 根据最新国际建议,更新国民账户统计系统;(b) 根据各国需要,订正国民账户体系,包括计量非正规部门的活动。", "(b) 加强成员国切实参与2010年人口普查、家庭调查及其他调查的能力,将此作为到2015年实现千年发展目标的统计要求", "663. 以下西亚经社会成员已完成2010年人口和家庭普查:约旦(2005年)、阿拉伯联合酋长国(2005年)、科威特(2005年)、埃及(2006年)、巴勒斯坦(2007年)和苏丹(2008年)。该区域平均有6个国家向西亚经社会提供了至少60%监测千年发展目标的所需资料,包括按性别分列的数字。西亚经社会作为人口和家庭普查区域任务组的秘书处,组织召开了2009年3月的会议。会议侧重于人口普查手段、省级人口普查规划、元数据和良好做法,并审查了《人口和家庭普查的原则和建议》的阿拉伯文译文。对虚拟图书馆进行更新,以将其作为在五个专题领域(即人口和家庭普查、千年发展目标、性别、健康和国家统计系统)共享信息以及向用户提供有用工具的知识库。", "次级方案6", "提高妇女地位", "(a) 加强国家机制和民间社会机构赋予妇女权力和提高妇女地位的能力,以消除性别失衡并将性别观点纳入主流,特别强调妇女参与立法和行政机构", "664. 西亚经社会的倡导工作有助于将性别观点纳入2008年沙特阿拉伯国家计划。西亚经社会向沙特阿拉伯等国提供咨询服务,介绍如何将性别观点纳入国家政策和方案的主流,这一工作与委员会的规范和分析工作相辅相成。此外,就以下广泛性别问题提供培训:将性别平等观点纳入预算编制;性别平等主流化;执行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》;各项决议及以对性别问题有敏感认识的方式执行决议;政治、游说和选举中的性别问题;暴力侵害妇女。这些培训有助于建设这些领域的国家能力。西亚经社会还协助巴林和沙特阿拉伯向消除对妇女歧视委员会及时提交报告——这些报告是监测妇女问题进展情况的重要工具。巴林提交的报告可以说与西亚经社会的咨询服务直接相关。", "次级方案7", "减缓冲突与发展", "(a) 成员国更加了解冲突对该区域社会经济发展的影响", "665. 西亚经社会推广在危机中求发展理念,并探讨了受冲突影响国家的私营部门建立复原能力的潜力。西亚经社会的活动有助于让人们更好地认识到私营部门在减缓冲突与发展中所发挥的重要作用,从而在区域经验的基础上更进一步。6个公共和民间实体对所讨论专题的有用性提供了积极反馈。次级方案为拟定减缓冲突及其他紧迫全球挑战的影响的区域对策奠定基础。由于这一努力,成员国对设立新出现问题及在危机中求发展政府间委员会有了更大兴趣,并提供了更多支助。在14个成员国中,有11个国家参加了任务组,这体现了西亚经社会在推动增进了解以及增强成员国的先制能力和应对能力方面产生的积极影响。", "(b) 加强成员国查明、评价、预测和应对社会经济和政治问题以及区域冲突和动荡带来的挑战的能力", "666. 通过对89位伊拉克官员(包括21名妇女)进行能力建设,在伊拉克落实了量身定制的管理和应急技巧。通过采用培训模块和电子大篷车的方式,对黎巴嫩南部冲突后地区的730名居民(包括392名妇女)进行培训,以改善其就业前景。2009年6月30日,本次级方案收到成员国提出的15项技术援助请求。西亚经社会举办了15个讲习班,共有113名青年参与;共举办51个讲习班,受益人数共计484人,其中230人为妇女。这体现了次级方案在安装能力建设模块以及在增强成员国评价和应对该区域的冲突和动荡带来的社会经济和政治挑战的能力方面所取得的成就。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目130", "方案规划", "联合国2008-2009两年期方案执行情况报告", "秘书长的报告", "页:1", "在第654段后插入以下段落并相应重新编号:", "次级方案3 经济发展和一体化", "(a) 区域内利益有关者对在按照千年发展目标设计和执行促进可持续经济增长、创造就业和减贫的适当宏观经济政策和战略时应考虑到的问题有更深入的了解", "655 (英语). 2008年5月,向西亚经社会第二十五届会议提交了两份文件(E/ESCWA/25/4(Part II)/A和B),内容是加强区域合作以实现千年发展目标,阿拉伯国家实现千年发展目标的成就和进展:挑战和政策),这些文件促进了关于为实现千年发展目标而需要的未来行动的实质性讨论。 西亚经社会为2009年和2010年的出版物《世界经济形势与展望》作出了贡献。 2009年问题在分析全球金融危机及其影响方面受到媒体的高度重视。 2008年12月和2009年11月的区域经济预测侧重于评估全球金融危机和粮食危机的影响。 2007-2008年西亚经社会区域经济和社会发展概览(E/ESCWA/EDGD/2008/3)要求根据反映区域资本流动日益波动的基于权利的发展战略采取政策措施。", "(b) 成员国谈判和执行旨在促进区域间和区域内贸易和投资流动的次区域、区域和多边贸易和投资协定的能力得到提高", "656号. 截至2009年1月,一个国家(阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)颁布了促进贸易自由化的新法律。 四次国家培训讲习班(两次在埃及,两次在阿曼)有助于提高90名政府官员关于双边投资协定和避免双重征税的谈判技能。 西亚经社会协助阿拉伯叙利亚共和国开发了外国直接投资统计数据库。 实现了三个国家接受和(或)通过贸易谈判建议和便利化计划或措施的目标。 还实现了四个国家在西亚经社会支持下谈判和执行旨在促进区域间和区域内贸易流动的贸易协定的目标。 11个国家将《蒙特雷共识》纳入其经济战略和政策的目标已经实现。", "(c) 成员国在阿拉伯马什雷克综合运输系统框架内制订和执行改善运输基础设施和物流的政策和方案的能力得到提高", "657. (英语). 西亚经社会继续支持成员国执行西亚经社会运输协定并采取后续行动。 通过公路协定的国家增加到12个。 加入铁路协定的国家增至9个,加入谅解备忘录的国家增至10个。 符合国际公路协定要求的公路网长度百分比从2007年底的50%上升到2008年12月的55%。 成员国为执行阿拉伯马什雷克综合运输系统而采取的政策措施,2009年增至40个(31个条约和9个国家运输和贸易便利化委员会),而2007年增至31个(24个条约和7个国家运输和贸易便利化委员会)。", "(d) 更多地参与多边贸易体系", "658号. 西亚经社会评估了成员国的贸易政策趋势、贸易便利化、服务自由化措施和加入进程,并提供了相关的政策宣传和咨询意见。 符合世界贸易组织规则和条例的10个规则、条例和政策的目标已经实现。 西亚经社会评估了成员国的贸易政策备选方案、其对贸易和经济业绩的影响以及改善该区域贸易业绩的未来前景。 此外,西亚经社会为阿拉伯商业界提供了一个论坛,向他们介绍世界贸易组织谈判的最新动态,并讨论在世界经济危机的背景下它们各自的影响和所关切的问题。 该论坛是一系列论坛中的第三个,对它的需求表明它取得了成功。", "(e) 成员国之间货物、服务、人员和资本的跨界流动更加便利", "659号. 运输委员会在加强协调和促进次区域/区域合作协定方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 这方面的主要发展是:由西亚经社会和阿拉伯国家联盟联合拟订的阿拉伯国家间多式联运统一公约;根据《阿拉伯马什雷克国际铁路协定》通过阿拉伯铁路网,对铁路路线进行同样的编号和分类;阿拉伯经济和社会首脑会议(2009年1月,科威特);西亚经社会同阿拉伯国家联盟合作拟订阿拉伯运输和贸易便利化委员会的职权范围(2009年8月)。 2008年,伊拉克为建立国家运输和贸易便利化委员会采取了积极步骤。", "次级方案4 信息和通信技术促进区域一体化", "(a) 《建设信息社会区域行动计划》得到更多执行,特别是在信息和通信技术部门", "660 (英语). 西亚经社会监测了成员国信息社会的进展,并提供了衡量信息社会的指标。 西亚经社会区域发展信息和通信技术(信通技术)部门专家组会议强调了在发展一个自力更生和可持续的信通技术部门方面遇到的障碍,以及克服这些障碍以建立一个繁荣的区域信通技术部门的解决办法。 作为信息社会世界首脑会议后续行动的区域会议的成果有:《区域行动纲领》和《阿拉伯信息和通信技术战略》;执行和落实与信息社会世界首脑会议有关的未来活动的路线图;以及建立全球信息和通信技术与发展联盟阿拉伯区域网络。", "(b) 成员国提供以社会经济发展为目标的阿拉伯文电子服务的能力得到提高", "661 (英语). 在题为“开发阿拉伯域名系统”的项目内,对已出版的草案进行了修订并张贴在因特网工程工作队的网站上,其标题是“因特网域使用阿拉伯字符的语言学准则”。 西亚经社会确定了网络立法模板,将协助西亚经社会成员国评估和发展国家一级的网络立法。 西亚经社会与在伊拉克的联合国教育、科学及文化组织合作,在伊拉克实施信息和通信技术促进教育项目,预计该项目将提高教师和工作人员的信息和通信技术知识水平,并在全国建立若干学习中心。 关于建立对电子服务的信任的研究强调了网络安全对确保保护数据和隐私的重要性。", "次级方案 5 循证决策统计", "(a) 成员国改进官方统计国家体制框架的能力得到提高", "662 (英语). 西亚经社会成员国的官方统计基本原则执行率达到67%。 这主要归功于西亚经社会的工作,例如倡导应用这些原则,建立关于国家统计系统的虚拟图书馆,分享关于最佳做法的信息,传播准则,为国家统计局的能力建设提供技术支助,以及统计委员会的论坛。 本次级方案提高了有关官员在经济和社会统计国际标准的修订和分类方面的能力。 特别是在两个领域这样做:(a) 根据最新的国际建议更新国民账户统计系统;(b) 根据每个国家的需要修订2008年国民账户体系,包括衡量非正规部门的活动。", "(b) 成员国有效参与2010年一轮人口普查、住户调查和其他调查的能力得到提高,以此作为到2015年实现千年发展目标所需的统计", "663 (英语). 西亚经社会下列成员完成了2010年的人口和住房普查:约旦(2005年)、阿拉伯联合酋长国(2005年)、科威特(2005年)、埃及(2006年)、巴勒斯坦(2007年)和苏丹(2008年)。 平均而言,该区域有六个国家向西亚经社会提供了监测千年发展目标所需的至少60%的信息,包括按性别分列的数据。 西亚经社会作为人口和住房普查区域工作队的秘书处,于2009年3月组织了一次会议,重点讨论普查媒体、省普查规划、元数据和良好做法,并审查了人口和住房普查原则和建议的阿拉伯文译本。 虚拟图书馆已经更新,以作为分享信息的知识库,并为用户提供五个专题领域(即人口和住房普查、千年发展目标、性别、卫生和国家统计系统)的实用工具。", "次级方案6 提高妇女地位", "(a) 增强妇女权力和提高妇女地位的国家机制和民间社会机构的能力得到增强,以解决性别失衡问题并将性别观点纳入主流,并特别强调妇女参与立法和行政当局", "664 (英语). 西亚经社会的宣传有助于将两性平等观点纳入2008年沙特阿拉伯国家计划。 西亚经社会向沙特阿拉伯等国家提供咨询服务,说明如何将性别观点纳入国家政策和方案的主流,从而补充了委员会的规范和分析工作。 此外,关于广泛的性别问题的培训,如将两性平等观点纳入预算编制、将性别观点纳入主流、执行《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》、决议及其对性别问题有敏感认识的执行、政治中的两性平等问题、游说和选举以及对妇女的暴力行为等,都有助于在这些领域建设国家能力。 西亚经社会还协助巴林和沙特阿拉伯及时向消除对妇女歧视委员会提交报告,这是监测妇女问题进展情况的重要工具。 巴林提交报告可同西亚经社会的咨询服务直接挂钩。", "次级方案7 减少冲突与发展", "(a) 成员国进一步了解冲突对该区域社会经济发展的影响", "665 (英语). 西亚经社会宣传危机下的发展概念并探讨受冲突影响国家的私营部门复原力潜力。 西亚经社会的活动有助于提高人们对私营部门在区域经验的基础上在减轻冲突和发展方面可发挥的重要作用的认识。 6个公共和民间实体就所讨论专题的有用性提供了积极反馈。 本次级方案为采取区域对策来减轻冲突的影响以及其他紧迫的全球挑战奠定了基础。 这已转化为成员国对设立危机下的新问题与发展政府间委员会的兴趣和支持日益增加。 在14个成员国中,11个国家加入了工作队,反思了西亚经社会在促进成员国加深理解和先发制人和反应能力方面的积极影响。", "(b) 成员国查明、评估、预测和应对该区域冲突和不稳定造成的社会经济和政治问题及挑战的能力得到提高", "666 (英语). 通过建设89名伊拉克官员(包括21名妇女)的能力,在伊拉克实施了适合的管理和应急准备技术。 一个培训单元和一个电子车厢用于培训黎巴嫩南部冲突后地区的730名居民(包括392名妇女),以改善她们的就业前景。 2009年6月30日,本次级方案记录了成员国提出的15项技术援助请求。 西亚经社会考虑到次级方案在实施能力建设单元和加强成员国评估和应对该区域冲突和不稳定所构成的社会经济和政治挑战的能力方面取得的成就,举办了15个讲习班,有113名青年参加;共举办了51个讲习班,使484名参加者受益,其中230名是妇女。" ]
[ "Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict", "Conclusions on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic", "1. At its 30th meeting, on 2 May 2011, the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict examined the second report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic (S/2011/241), covering the period from December 2008 to December 2010, which was introduced by the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict. The Permanent Representative of the Central African Republic to the United Nations also addressed the Working Group.", "2. The members of the Working Group welcomed the report of the Secretary-General, submitted in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), and responded favourably to the analysis and the recommendations contained therein.", "3. They welcomed the steps taken by the Central African Republic to ensure the protection of children, in particular the signing of the N’Djamena Declaration to end the use of child soldiers, efforts made to ensure greater protection of civilians, the signing of the Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the collaboration with the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA).", "4. However, the members of the Working Group expressed concern about the fact that children continued to be recruited and used by armed groups, including by self-defence militias.", "5. They noted with grave concern that the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) remained responsible for violations and abuses committed against children, including the recruitment and use of children, the killing and maiming of children, rape and other sexual violence and the abduction of children to serve as combatants, spies, sex slaves and porters.", "6. They encouraged the Government of the Central African Republic to implement the recommendations contained in the report of the Secretary-General, underlining in particular the urgent need for the Government to facilitate the completion by armed groups of time-bound action plans developed in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), and called on the Central African Republic to rigorously investigate and prosecute crimes committed against children and to translate the commitments made into national law.", "7. The Chair of the Central African Republic configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission, the Permanent Representative of Belgium to the United Nations, briefed the Working Group on his recent visit to the Central African Republic and on the wider peacebuilding challenges in the country.", "8. The Permanent Representative of the Central African Republic:", "(a) Welcomed the second report of the Secretary-General and the positive developments in his country since the first report (S/2009/66);", "(b) Reaffirmed the commitment of his Government to eradicate the recruitment and use of children by armed groups and listed the measures taken by his Government to enhance the protection of children in the Central African Republic, which included the signing of the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the endorsement of the Principles and Guidelines on Children Associated with Armed Forces or Armed Groups (Paris Principles);", "(c) Noted that the United Nations programme to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate children associated with the armed groups that had signed the peace agreement with the Government in 2008 had not been fully implemented due to a lack of resources;", "(d) Underlined the contribution of the Peacebuilding Commission to the protection of children in the Central African Republic;", "(e) Stressed that LRA continued to pose a significant security threat and expressed the hope that, with support from the international community, affected States would put an end to the threat constituted by this armed group;", "(f) Expressed regret that children were present within the ranks of local self-defence militias despite a prohibition of the recruitment of children by the Central African Republic, noted that his Government should take the pending administrative steps to establish a national council for child protection, and called upon the United Nations to support the proper functioning of the monitoring and reporting mechanism in the Central African Republic, as requested by the Security Council.", "9. Further to the meeting and subject to and consistent with applicable international law and relevant Security Council resolutions, including Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), the Working Group agreed to the following direct action.", "Public statements issued by the Chair of the Working Group", "10. The Working Group agreed to address a message to all the parties to the armed conflict in the Central African Republic mentioned in the report of the Secretary-General, through public statements by its Chair:", "I. To all armed groups", "(a) Expressing deep concern regarding the continuing violations and abuses committed against children in the Central African Republic, and urging them to immediately implement the previous conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in the Central African Republic (S/AC.51/2009/2);", "(b) Strongly urging them to immediately halt the recruitment and use of children, as well as violations and abuses against children, as called for in Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), and to release all children still within their ranks;", "(c) Urging them to develop as soon as possible time-bound action plans in line with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009);", "(d) Emphasizing that the full implementation of an action plan in line with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004), 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009), confirmed by the task force on monitoring and reporting, is an important step for a party to conflict to take in order to be de-listed from the annexes of the report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict;", "To the Armée populaire pour la restauration de la république et de la démocratie", "(e) Welcoming the separation of children from the ranks of the Armée populaire pour la restauration de la république de la démocratie (APRD) since June 2008, and calling on APRD to ensure the comprehensive and definitive release of all remaining children;", "To the Union des forces démocratiques pour le rassemblement, the Front démocratique du peuple centrafricain and the Mouvement des libérateurs centrafricains pour la justice", "(f) Expressing deep concern at the ongoing recruitment and use of children and other violations and abuses committed against children, and calling on the Union des forces démocratiques pour le rassemblement, the Front démocratique du peuple centrafricain and the Mouvement des libérateurs centrafricains pour la justice to immediately cease the continuing violations and abuses committed against children and to enter into a dialogue with the United Nations;", "To the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix", "(g) Expressing deep concern at the lack of humanitarian access to areas under the control of the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix (CPJP) in the north-eastern part of the country, as well as persistent reports of the recruitment and use of children and of violations and abuses against children in those areas, and urging CPJP to allow humanitarian actors to deliver assistance to the displaced and other populations in need;", "(h) Welcoming the announcement of a ceasefire by CPJP, and encouraging CPJP to enter into a dialogue with the Government towards the signature of the Libreville Comprehensive Peace Agreement;", "To LRA (to be addressed through the Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for LRA-affected areas)", "(i) Strongly condemning the continued perpetration of violations and abuses committed against children, including the recruitment and use of children, rape and other sexual violence, and abductions by LRA in the south-eastern and eastern parts of the Central African Republic;", "II. To the Government of the Central African Republic", "(j) Expressing serious concern at the recruitment and use of children by local self-defence militias, and calling on the Government to reiterate its prohibition of the recruitment and use of children, to work to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of all children associated with these groups and to refuse any support for any militias that recruit and use children.", "Recommendations to the Security Council", "11. The Working Group agreed to recommend the following letters to the Security Council:", "Letter to the Government of the Central African Republic", "(a) Welcoming the steps taken by the Government to enhance the protection of children in the Central African Republic, in particular the signing of the N’Djamena Declaration to end the recruitment and use of children by armed forces and groups and of the two Optional Protocols to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, on the involvement of children in armed conflict and on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography, and encouraging the Government to ratify the Optional Protocols and undertake the necessary reforms to translate their provisions into national law, including by taking feasible measures to prevent the recruitment and use of children by armed groups, such as the adoption of legal measures necessary to prohibit and criminalize such practices and by undertaking the reforms to national law necessary to bring domestic legislation in line with the obligations of the parties to the Convention on the Rights of the Child;", "(b) Commending the efforts of the Government to address the threat of LRA in collaboration with States in the region, under the auspices of the African Union, and urging the Government and its partners to follow up on the steps agreed upon during the African Union ministerial meeting on LRA, held in Bangui on 13 and 14 October 2010, including the establishment of a joint operations centre, the conduct of joint patrols on the borders of LRA-affected countries and the deployment of troops to facilitate access to and protection of vulnerable communities;", "(c) Welcoming the decision of the Government to create a national council for child protection, and encouraging the Government to ensure that the body is able to function as soon as possible and thus to actively help in the adoption of measures to end and prevent violations and abuses against children;", "(d) Also welcoming the Government’s ongoing efforts to build a protective environment and develop accountability for violence against children, and urging it to investigate rigorously and prosecute crimes committed against children;", "(e) Expressing deep concern regarding the slow progress in the implementation of the recommendations contained in the conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict on children and armed conflict in the Central African Republic (S/AC.51/2009/2), including those pertaining to the development of concrete and time-bound action plans to halt the recruitment and use of children in violation of applicable international law by the parties concerned, in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1539 (2004) and 1612 (2005), and urging the Government of the Central African Republic to facilitate, as appropriate, the preparation of such action plans;", "(f) Expressing serious concern at the use of children by local self-defence militias, and calling on the Government to work to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of all children associated with these groups, in particular through the immediate issuance of clear orders, including at the local level, and the refusal of any support for any militias that recruit and use children;", "Letter to the Secretary-General", "(g) Noting that the collaboration between the Government and the Mission for the Consolidation of Peace in the Central African Republic (MICOPAX) in support of the effort of the Forces armées centrafricaines to protect civilians and regain control over conflict-affected areas is an important step towards protecting children;", "(h) Underlining the concomitant need for the international community to support the Government in its efforts to professionalize and strengthen its defence and security forces, including its oversight mechanisms;", "(i) Encouraging further collaboration between MICOPAX, BINUCA and relevant child protection actors on the training and capacity-building of Central African law enforcement and armed forces personnel, in the context of a holistic, nationally driven approach to security sector reform;", "(j) Stressing that a strengthened monitoring and reporting mechanism is necessary to ensure adequate follow-up to the implementation of the Secretary-General’s recommendation that sufficient resources and capacity be dedicated to the mechanism and the conclusions of the Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict in the Central African Republic, in accordance with Security Council resolutions 1612 (2005) and 1882 (2009);", "(k) Requesting the Secretary-General, through BINUCA and the United Nations country team, to strengthen the monitoring and reporting mechanism on violations and abuses against children through regular meetings of the Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting and to promote the strengthening of information networks, in order to ensure the fulfilment of reporting obligations to the Security Council;", "(l) Also requesting the Secretary-General to urge the Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting to strengthen monitoring and reporting activities and to deploy resources and ensure sufficient capacity for this purpose, as necessary;", "(m) Noting the release of children from the ranks of APRD, and the latter’s attempts to conclude an action plan with the United Nations, and requesting that the United Nations country team renew its efforts to develop and implement an action plan with APRD to prevent the further recruitment and use of children with a view to de-listing APRD from the annexes to the annual report of the Secretary-General on children and armed conflict;", "(n) Calling upon United Nations agencies, funds and programmes to support the Government in the development and implementation of long-term reintegration programmes for children formerly associated with armed forces and groups, taking into account the Paris Principles, which have been endorsed by the Government of the Central African Republic, in order to ensure that the separation of children from armed groups is maintained in the Central African Republic;", "(o) Welcoming the specific allocation of funds from the Peacebuilding Fund for child reintegration.", "Direct action by the Working Group", "12. The Working Group also agreed that the Chair should address letters as follows:", "To the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission", "(a) Welcoming the engagement of the Peacebuilding Commission with the Central African Republic, in particular its support for the reintegration of children formerly associated with armed groups, and encouraging the Commission to remain committed to children in the Central African Republic, including with regard to the socio-economic reintegration of former child combatants and the building of national capacity to protect children;", "To the World Bank and donors", "(b) Highlighting the critical needs related to child protection in the Central African Republic, and calling on the donor community to provide sustained resources to support child protection programmes in the country;", "(c) Encouraging donors to support the reintegration of children who have been released from armed groups, and stressing that psychosocial support and assistance to victims of gender-based violence, in particular victims of LRA, is required;", "(d) Appealing to the donor community to support the functioning of the monitoring and reporting mechanism on violations and abuses committed against children in the Central African Republic, including through the funding of child protection capacity and training for partners;", "(e) Underlining the need for the international community to support the Government in its efforts to professionalize and strengthen its defence and security forces, including its oversight mechanisms, and welcoming in this regard the collaboration between the Government and MICOPAX." ]
[ "儿童与武装冲突问题工作组", "中非共和国儿童与武装冲突问题的结论", "1. 2011年5月2日,儿童与武装冲突问题工作组第30次会议审查了负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表介绍的秘书长关于中非共和国境内儿童与武装冲突问题的第二次报告(S/2011/241),所述期间为 2008年12月至2010年12月。中非共和国常驻联合国代表也在工作组会议上发了言。", "2. 工作组成员欣见秘书长根据安全理事会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议提交的报告,并对报告中的分析和建议作出积极回应。", "3. 工作组成员欢迎中非共和国政府采取措施,确保儿童得到保护,尤其是签署《恩贾梅纳宣言》,以停止使用儿童兵;欢迎开展工作以确保加强对平民的保护;欢迎签署《儿童权利公约》任择议定书以及与联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处(中非建和办)的协作。", "4. 但是,工作组成员对包括民兵自卫队在内的武装团体继续征募和使用儿童表示关切。", "5. 工作组成员极为关切地注意到上帝抵抗军(上帝军)依然应对包括征募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童、对儿童实施强奸及其他性暴力和拐骗儿童用作战斗员、间谍、性奴隶和搬运工等侵犯和虐待儿童行为负责。", "6. 工作组成员鼓励中非共和国政府落实秘书长报告所载建议,特别强调中非共和国政府迫切需要推动各武装团体完成按照安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议制定的有时限的行动计划;呼吁中非共和国严格调查并起诉对儿童犯下的罪行并将所做承诺转化为国家法律。", "7. 建设和平委员会中非共和国组合主席、比利时常驻联合国代表向工作组简要介绍了他最近对中非共和国的访问,以及该国更广泛的建设和平挑战。", "8. 中非共和国常驻代表:", "(a) 欣见秘书长第二次报告,以及第一次报告(S/2009/66)以来中非共和国取得的积极进展;", "(b) 重申中非共和国政府承诺,消除武装团体征募和使用儿童现象;列举了政府为促进在中非共和国保护儿童所采取的措施,其中包括签署《儿童权利公约》的两项任择议定书以及支持《关于与武装部队或武装团体有关联的儿童的原则和准则》(《巴黎原则》);", "(c) 注意到关于同2008年与政府签署了和平协议的武装团体有关联的儿童解除武装、复员和重返社会的联合国方案由于缺乏资源而未全面落实;", "(d) 着重指出建设和平委员会为中非共和国儿童保护工作所做贡献;", "(e) 强调指出上帝军继续造成重大安全威胁,并表示希望受影响国在国际社会支助下结束该武装团体造成的威胁;", "(f) 对尽管政府禁止征募儿童,当地民兵自卫队队伍中仍有儿童表示遗憾;注意到中非共和国政府应采取有待落实的行政措施,建立全国儿童保护委员会,并呼吁联合国按照安理会要求支持中非共和国监察和报告机制的正常运转。", "9. 继这次会议后,在不违反适用的国际法和安全理事会有关决议、包括安全理事会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议并符合其规定的前提下,工作组商定了下列直接行动。", "工作组主席发表的公开声明", "10. 工作组商定,通过工作组主席发表公开声明,向秘书长报告提到的中非共和国武装冲突各方传达下列信息:", "一. 致各武装团体", "(a) 深切关注中非共和国儿童继续受到侵犯和虐待,敦促各武装团体立即落实中非共和国儿童与武装冲突问题工作组先前的结论(S/AC.51/2009/2);", "(b) 强烈敦促各武装团体按照安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议的呼吁,立即停止征募和使用儿童,停止侵犯和虐待儿童,释放所有仍在其队伍中的儿童;", "(c) 敦促各武装团体按照安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议尽快制定有时限的行动计划;", "(d) 强调根据安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议全面执行行动计划,并经监察和报告工作队确认,是冲突一方争取从秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的报告附件名单中除名而应采取的重要步骤;", "致复兴共和与民主军", "(e) 欣见儿童自2008年6月以来脱离复兴民主人民军队伍,呼吁复兴民主人民军确保全面和决定性释放仍在队伍中的所有儿童;", "致民主力量团结联盟、中非人民民主阵线和中非争取和平正义解放运动", "(f) 深切关注继续征募和使用儿童及其他侵犯和虐待儿童的行为。呼吁民主力量团结联盟、中非人民民主阵线和中非争取和平正义解放运动立即停止持续存在的侵犯和虐待儿童行为,并与联合国进行对话;", "致争取正义与和平爱国者同盟", "(g) 深切关注中非共和国东北部争取正义与和平爱国者同盟(爱国者同盟)控制地区无法获得人道主义援助,以及这些地区征募和使用儿童及侵犯和虐待儿童行为的持续报道;敦促爱国者同盟允许人道主义行为体向流离失所人口和其他有需要的人民提供援助;", "(h) 欣见争取正义与和平爱国者同盟宣布停火,鼓励争取正义与和平爱国者同盟与政府进行对话以签署《利伯维尔全面和平协定》;", "致上帝抵抗军(将由秘书长受上帝抵抗军影响区问题特使办公室传达)", "(i) 强烈谴责上帝抵抗军在中非共和国东南部和东部继续侵犯和虐待儿童,包括征募和使用儿童、强奸和其他性暴力及拐骗儿童;", "二. 致中非共和国政府", "(j) 严重关切当地民兵自卫队征募和使用儿童,呼吁政府重申禁止征募和使用儿童,并开展工作以确保立即无条件释放所有与这些团体有关的儿童,并拒绝对任何招募和使用儿童的民兵组织予以支持。", "给安全理事会的建议", "11. 工作组商定向安全理事会建议如下:", "给中非共和国政府的信", "(a) 欣见政府为在中非共和国加强儿童保护所采取的步骤,特别是签署了武装部队和团体停止招募和使用儿童的《恩贾梅纳宣言》,以及签署了《儿童权利公约》关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题和关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的两项任择议定书,并鼓励政府批准这两份任择议定书和进行必要改革以将议定书的规定纳入国家法律,办法包括采取切实可行的措施防止武装团体的招募和使用,例如通过必要法律措施禁止这种行为和把这种行为定为刑事罪,并对国家法律进行必要改革以使国内立法符合《儿童权利公约》所规定的义务;", "(b) 赞扬政府在非洲联盟主持下与该区域各国协作努力解决上帝军的威胁,并敦促政府及其合作伙伴贯彻落实2010年10月13日和14日在班吉就上帝军问题举行非洲联盟部长级会议期间所商定的步骤,包括建立一个联合行动中心、在受上帝军影响的各国边境开展联合巡逻并部署部队为出入脆弱社区提供便利和保护这些社区;", "(c) 欣见政府决定创建一个全国保护儿童理事会,并鼓励政府确保该机构得以尽快运作,从而积极协助采取措施制止和防止对儿童的侵犯和虐待;", "(d) 还欣见政府持续努力以营造一个保护环境和逐步建立对暴力侵害儿童的行为追究责任的制度,并敦促政府大力调查和起诉对儿童犯下的罪行;", "(e) 深切关注儿童与武装冲突问题工作组关于中非共和国儿童与武装冲突问题的结论(S/AC.51/2009/2)所载各项建议(包括关于按照安全理事会第1539(2004)号和第1612(2005)号决议制订有时限的具体行动计划以制止有关各方违反适用国际法招募和使用儿童的建议)的执行进展缓慢,并敦促中非共和国政府酌情协助编制此类行动计划;", "(f) 严重关切地方民兵自卫队使用儿童的做法,呼吁政府开展工作确保立即和无条件释放与这些团体有关联的所有儿童,特别是立即发布明确的命令,包括在地方一级这样做,并拒绝对任何招募和使用儿童的民兵组织予以支持;", "给秘书长的信", "(g) 指出政府与中非共和国巩固和平特派团(中非巩固和平特派团)之间为支持中非共和国武装部队努力保护平民和重新取得对受冲突影响地区的控制而开展的协作是保护儿童的重要一步;", "(h) 强调同时需要国际社会支持政府努力使其国防和安全部队、包括其监督机制专业化并加强其能力;", "(i) 鼓励中非巩固和平特派团、中非建和办和相关儿童保护行为体之间在一个综合的、国家驱动的安全部门改革办法的背景中就中非执法和武装部队人员的培训和能力建设开展进一步协作;", "(j) 强调必须加强监察和报告机制,以确保按照安全理事会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,就秘书长专为该机制分配足够资源和能力之建议的执行和中非共和国境内儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论采取适当的后续行动;", "(k) 请秘书长通过中非建和办和联合国国家工作队加强关于侵犯和虐待儿童行为的监察和报告机制,办法是定期举行监察和报告工作队会议和促进加强信息网络,以确保履行向安全理事会报告的义务;", "(l) 还请秘书长敦促监察和报告工作队加强监察和报告活动,并为此配备必要资源以确保充分能力;", "(m) 注意到复兴共和与民主人民军从其队伍中释放了儿童而且复兴共和与民主人民军试图同联合国订立一项行动计划,并请联合国国家工作队再次努力同复兴共和与民主人民军一道制订和落实一项行动计划,防止进一步招募和使用儿童,以期将复兴共和与民主人民军从联合国秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突问题的年度报告附件中除名;", "(n) 呼吁联合国各机构、基金和方案支持政府为曾与武装部队和团体有关联的儿童制订和实施长期重返社会方案,同时考虑到中非共和国政府已认可的巴黎原则和准则,以在中非共和国确保儿童与武装团体的持久分离;", "(o) 欢迎通过建设和平基金为儿童重返社会分配专项资金。", "工作组的直接行动", "12. 工作组还商定由主席致函", "建设和平委员会主席", "(a) 欢迎建设和平委员会对中非共和国开展工作,特别是支持曾与武装团体有关联的儿童重返社会,并鼓励委员会继续其对中非共和国儿童的承诺,包括关于前儿童兵重新融入社会经济生活以及建设国家能力以保护儿童方面的承诺;", "世界银行和其他捐助方", "(b) 强调亟需在中非共和国保护儿童,并呼吁捐助界提供持续资源,以支持该国的儿童保护方案;", "(c) 鼓励捐助方支持从武装团体获释的儿童重返社会,强调需要为基于性别的暴力受害者、特别是上帝军的受害者提供心理支持和援助;", "(d) 呼吁捐助界支持监察和报告机制针对在中非共和国境内所犯侵害和虐待儿童的行为履行职能,办法包括为保护儿童的能力和合作伙伴的培训提供经费;", "(e) 强调国际社会需要支持政府努力使其国防和安全部队、包括其监督机制专业化并加强其能力,并在这方面欢迎政府同中非巩固和平特派团之间开展协作。" ]
[ "儿童与武装冲突问题工作组", "关于中非共和国境内儿童与武装冲突问题的结论", "1. 联合国 在2011年5月2日第30次会议上,儿童与武装冲突问题工作组审议了秘书长关于中非共和国境内儿童与武装冲突问题的第二次报告(S/2011/241),报告所涉期间为2008年12月至2010年12月,由负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表作介绍。 中非共和国常驻联合国代表也向工作组作了发言。", "2. 联合国 工作组成员欢迎秘书长根据安全理事会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议提交的报告,并对报告所载的分析和建议作出了积极反应。", "3个 他们欢迎中非共和国为确保保护儿童所采取的步骤,特别是签署了关于停止使用儿童兵的《恩贾梅纳宣言》,努力确保加强对平民的保护,签署了《儿童权利公约任择议定书》并与联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处(中非建和办)合作。", " 4.四. 然而,工作组成员对武装团体,包括自卫民兵继续招募和使用儿童表示关切。", "5 (韩语). 他们严重关切地注意到,上帝抵抗军(上帝军)仍应对侵犯和虐待儿童负责,包括招募和使用儿童、杀害和残害儿童、强奸和其他性暴力以及绑架儿童充当战斗人员、间谍、性奴隶和搬运工。", "6. 国家 他们鼓励中非共和国政府执行秘书长报告中的建议,并特别强调政府迫切需要协助武装团体完成根据安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议制定的有时限行动计划,呼吁中非共和国严格调查和起诉侵害儿童的罪行,将所作承诺转化为国家法律。", "7. 联合国 建设和平委员会中非共和国组合主席、比利时常驻联合国代表向工作组介绍了他最近对中非共和国的访问以及该国更广泛的建设和平挑战。", "8. 联合国 中非共和国常驻代表:", "(a) 欢迎秘书长的第二次报告以及自第一次报告(S/2009/66)以来该国的积极事态发展;", "(b) 重申中非共和国政府承诺消除武装团体招募和使用儿童的行为,并列举了中非共和国政府为加强在中非共和国保护儿童而采取的措施,其中包括签署《儿童权利公约》的两项任择议定书并核可《关于与武装部队或武装团体有关系的儿童的原则和准则》(《巴黎原则》);", "(c) 注意到由于缺乏资源,联合国与2008年与政府签署和平协定的武装团体有关联的儿童解除武装、复员和重返社会方案没有得到充分执行;", "(d) 国家 强调建设和平委员会对保护中非共和国儿童的贡献;", "(e) 强调上帝军继续构成重大安全威胁,并表示希望,在国际社会的支持下,受影响国家将结束该武装团体所构成的威胁;", "(f) 表示遗憾的是,尽管中非共和国禁止招募儿童,但当地自卫民兵队伍中仍然有儿童;指出中非共和国政府应采取有待采取的行政措施,以建立一个全国儿童保护理事会;呼吁联合国支持按照安全理事会的要求,在中非共和国适当运作监测和报告机制。", "9. 国家 继这次会议后,在遵守并符合适用的国际法和安全理事会相关决议,包括安理会第1612(2005)和1882(2009)号决议的情况下,工作组同意采取以下直接行动。", "工作组主席发表的公开声明", "10个 工作组商定通过工作组主席的公开声明,向秘书长报告中提到的中非共和国武装冲突各方发出一个信息:", "我当然知道 I. 对所有武装团体", "(a) 对中非共和国境内继续发生侵犯和虐待儿童事件深表关切,敦促他们立即执行中非共和国儿童与武装冲突问题工作组以往的结论(S/AC.51/2009/2);", "(b) 强烈敦促他们按照安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议的要求,立即停止招募和使用儿童以及侵犯和虐待儿童,并释放仍在其队伍中的所有儿童;", "(c) 敦促它们根据安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,尽快制定有时限的行动计划;", "(d) 强调根据安全理事会第1539(2004)号、第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议全面执行经监测和报告工作队确认的行动计划,是冲突一方为从秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的报告附件中除名而可采取的一个重要步骤;", "给复兴共和国和民主人民军", "(e) 欢迎自2008年6月以来将儿童从恢复民主人民军队伍中分离出来,并呼吁复兴共和与民主军确保全面和最终释放所有剩余儿童;", "致民主力量团结联盟、中非人民民主阵线和中非争取正义解放运动", "(f) 深为关切目前招募和使用儿童以及其他侵犯和虐待儿童的行为,呼吁民主力量团结联盟、中非人民民主阵线和中非争取正义解放运动立即停止继续侵犯和虐待儿童并与联合国进行对话;", "《争取正义与和平爱国者公约》", "(g) 表示深为关切该国东北部缺乏人道主义援助进入《争取正义与和平爱国者公约》所控制地区的机会,并不断有关于这些地区招募和使用儿童以及侵犯和虐待儿童的报告,敦促爱国者同盟允许人道主义行为体向流离失所者和其他有需要的人口提供援助;", "(h) 欢迎爱国者同盟宣布停火,并鼓励爱国者同盟同政府进行对话以签署《利伯维尔全面和平协定》;", "给上帝军 (将通过秘书长受上帝军影响地区问题特使办公室处理)", "(一) 强烈谴责上帝军在中非共和国东南部和东部继续侵犯和虐待儿童,包括招募和使用儿童、强奸和其他性暴力和绑架;", "二. 致中非共和国政府", "(j) 表示严重关切当地自卫民兵招募和使用儿童,呼吁政府重申禁止招募和使用儿童,努力确保立即无条件释放所有与这些团体有关系的儿童,并拒绝支持任何招募和使用儿童的民兵。", "给安全理事会的建议", "11个 工作组同意向安全理事会建议下列信件:", "给中非共和国政府的信", "(a) 欢迎中非共和国政府采取步骤,加强对中非共和国儿童的保护,特别是签署了《恩贾梅纳宣言》,以制止武装部队和武装团体招募和使用儿童;欢迎政府签署了《儿童权利公约》关于儿童卷入武装冲突问题的任择议定书和关于买卖儿童、儿童卖淫和儿童色情制品问题的两项任择议定书;鼓励政府批准两项任择议定书并进行必要的改革,将这些规定转化为国内法,包括采取可行措施,防止武装团体招募和使用儿童,例如采取必要的法律措施禁止这种做法并按刑事罪论处;改革必要的国家法律,使国内立法符合《儿童权利公约》缔约国的义务;", "(b) 赞扬政府在非洲联盟主持下,同该区域各国合作,努力消除上帝军的威胁,敦促政府及其伙伴就2010年10月13日和14日在班吉举行的非洲联盟上帝军问题部长级会议上商定的步骤采取后续行动,包括建立一个联合行动中心,在受上帝军影响国家的边界上进行联合巡逻并部署部队来协助接触并保护弱势社区;", "(c) 欢迎政府决定设立一个全国儿童保护理事会,并鼓励政府确保该机构能尽快运作,从而积极帮助采取措施,制止和防止侵犯和虐待儿童;", "(d) 国家 也欢迎政府正为建立保护性环境并追究对儿童的暴力行为的责任而作的努力,并敦促它严格地调查并起诉对儿童犯下的罪行;", "(e) 表示深为关切儿童与武装冲突问题工作组关于中非共和国境内儿童与武装冲突问题的结论(S/AC.51/2009/2)所载建议的执行工作进展缓慢,包括根据安全理事会第1539(2004)和1612(2005)号决议,制定具体和有时限行动计划,以制止有关各方违反可适用的国际法招募和使用儿童,并敦促中非共和国政府酌情为制定此类行动计划提供便利;", "(f) 表示严重关切当地自卫民兵使用儿童,呼吁政府努力确保立即无条件释放所有与这些团体有关联的儿童,特别是立即发布明确命令,包括在地方一级发布命令,并拒绝向招募和使用儿童的任何民兵提供任何支持;", "给秘书长的信", "(g) 注意到政府与中非共和国巩固和平特派团(中非巩固和平特派团)合作,支持中非武装部队努力保护平民并重新控制受冲突影响地区,是保护儿童的一个重要步骤;", "(h) 强调国际社会同时需要支持该国政府努力使其国防和安全部队,包括其监督机制专业化并加强其安全部队;", "(一) 鼓励中非巩固和平特派团、中非建和办和相关儿童保护行为体进一步协作,以国家驱动的整体安全部门改革办法为背景,为中部非洲执法和武装部队人员提供培训和能力建设;", "(j) 强调必须加强监测和报告机制,以确保按照安全理事会第1612(2005)号和第1882(2009)号决议,对秘书长的建议采取适当后续行动,即为该机制和中非共和国儿童与武装冲突问题工作组的结论提供充足的资源和能力;", "(k) 请秘书长通过中非建和办和联合国国家工作队,通过监测和报告工作队的定期会议,加强关于侵犯和虐待儿童行为的监测和报告机制,并推进加强信息网络,以确保履行给安全理事会的报告义务;", "(l) 国家 4. 又请秘书长敦促监测和报告工作队加强监测和报告活动,必要时为此目的部署资源并确保有足够的能力;", "(m) 注意到复兴共和与民主军释放了儿童,复兴共和与民主军试图与联合国缔结一项行动计划,并请联合国国家工作队继续努力同复兴共和与民主军一起制定和实施一项行动计划,防止进一步招募和使用儿童,以期将复兴共和与民主军从秘书长关于儿童与武装冲突的年度报告附件中除名;", "(n) 吁请联合国各机构、基金和方案支持该国政府为以前与武装部队和武装团体有关系的儿童制定和实施长期重返社会方案,同时考虑到中非共和国政府所核可的《巴黎原则》,以确保中非共和国境内儿童继续与武装团体分离;", "(o) 欢迎建设和平基金为儿童重返社会专门拨款。", "工作组的直接行动", "12个 工作组还商定由主席致函如下:", "致建设和平委员会主席", "(a) 欢迎建设和平委员会与中非共和国接触,特别是支持以前与武装团体有关系的儿童重返社会,并鼓励委员会继续致力于中非共和国的儿童,包括前儿童兵重新融入社会经济生活和建设保护儿童的国家能力;", "致世界银行和捐助方", "(b) 强调中非共和国与儿童保护有关的迫切需要,并呼吁捐助界提供持续资源,支持该国的儿童保护方案;", "(c) 鼓励捐助方支持从武装团体释放出的儿童重返社会,并强调需要为性别暴力受害者,特别是上帝军受害者提供心理支持和援助;", "(d) 呼吁捐助界支持中非共和国境内侵犯和虐待儿童行为监测和报告机制的运作,包括为此为儿童保护能力提供资金并培训合作伙伴;", "(e) 强调国际社会需要支持政府努力使其国防和安全部队,包括其监督机制专业化并加强其安全部队,并在这方面欢迎政府与中非巩固和平特派团之间的合作。" ]
[ "Report of the Secretary-General concerning the credentials of the alternate representatives of South Africa on the Security Council", "Pursuant to rule 15 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the Secretary-General wishes to report that he has received a letter dated 28 April 2011 from the Permanent Representative of South Africa to the United Nations stating that Ms. Ruvama Naidoo and Ms. Nichola Nokulunga Sabelo have been appointed alternate representatives of South Africa on the Security Council.", "In the opinion of the Secretary-General, that communication constitutes adequate provisional credentials." ]
[ "秘书长关于南非出席安全理事会候补代表的全权证书的报告", "依照安全理事会暂行议事规则第15条的规定,秘书长谨报告,他收到南非常驻联合国代表2011年4月28日的来信,内称鲁瓦玛·奈杜女士和尼科拉·诺库隆加·萨贝洛女士已被任命为南非出席安全理事会的候补代表。", "秘书长认为,这份来文构成适当的临时全权证书。" ]
[ "秘书长关于南非出席安全理事会候补代表的全权证书的报告", "依照安全理事会暂行议事规则第15条的规定,秘书长谨报告,他收到南非常驻联合国代表2011年4月28日的信,内称已任命鲁瓦马·奈杜女士和尼科拉·诺库伦加·萨贝洛女士为南非出席安全理事会的候补代表。", "秘书长认为,这份来文构成适当的临时全权证书。" ]
[ "Report of the Secretary-General concerning the credentials of the alternate representative of Germany on the Security Council", "Pursuant to rule 15 of the provisional rules of procedure of the Security Council, the Secretary-General wishes to report that he has received a letter dated 20 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Germany to the United Nations stating that Mr. Martin Huth has been appointed alternate representative of Germany on the Security Council.", "In the opinion of the Secretary-General, that communication constitutes adequate provisional credentials." ]
[ "秘书长关于德国出席安全理事会候补代表的全权证书的报告", "依照安全理事会暂行议事规则第15条的规定,秘书长谨报告,他收到德国常驻联合国代表2011年6月20日的来信,内称马丁·胡特先生已被任命为德国出席安全理事会的候补代表。", "秘书长认为,这份来文构成适当的临时全权证书。" ]
[ "秘书长关于德国出席安全理事会候补代表的全权证书的报告", "依照安全理事会暂行议事规则第15条的规定,秘书长谨报告,他收到德国常驻联合国代表2011年6月20日的信,内称马丁·胡特先生已被任命为德国出席安全理事会的候补代表。", "秘书长认为,这份来文构成适当的临时全权证书。" ]
[ "Sixty-fifth session", "Agenda item 126", "International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991", "Draft decision submitted by the President of the General Assembly", "International Tribunal for the Prosecution of Persons Responsible for Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law Committed in the Territory of the Former Yugoslavia since 1991", "The General Assembly, having considered the letter from the Secretary-General dated 29 June 2011,[1] transmitting a letter from the President of the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia dated 8 June 2011, and taking note of the letter from the President of the Security Council dated 29 June 2011,[2] transmitting the text of Council resolution 1993 (2011) of 29 June 2011:", "(a) Decides to extend the terms of office of the following permanent judges at the International Tribunal, who are members of the Trial Chambers, until 31 December 2012 or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned, if sooner:", "Jean-Claude Antonetti (France) Guy Delvoie (Belgium) Burton Hall (Bahamas) Christoph Flügge (Germany) O-Gon Kwon (Republic of Korea) Bakone Justice Moloto (South Africa) Howard Morrison (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) Alphons Orie (Netherlands)", "(b) Decides to extend the terms of office of the following ad litem judges at the International Tribunal, who are members of the Trial Chambers, until 31 December 2012 or until the completion of the cases to which they are assigned, if sooner:", "Melville Baird (Trinidad and Tobago) Elizabeth Gwaunza (Zimbabwe) Frederik Harhoff (Denmark) Flavia Lattanzi (Italy) Antoine Kesia-Mbe Mindua (Democratic Republic of the Congo) Prisca Matimba Nyambe (Zambia) Michèle Picard (France) Árpád Prandler (Hungary) Stefan Trechsel (Switzerland)", "(c) Reaffirms the necessity for the trial of persons indicted by the International Tribunal, reiterates its call upon all States, especially the States of the former Yugoslavia, to intensify cooperation with and render all necessary assistance to the International Tribunal, and in particular calls for the arrest of Goran Hadžić;", "(d) Reiterates the importance of the International Tribunal being adequately staffed to complete its work expeditiously, calls upon relevant United Nations bodies to intensify cooperation with the Secretariat and the Registrar of the International Tribunal and to take a flexible approach in order to find practicable solutions to address this issue as the International Tribunal approaches the completion of its work, and at the same time calls upon the International Tribunal to renew its efforts to focus on its core functions;", "(e) Commends States that have concluded agreements for the enforcement of sentences of persons convicted by the International Tribunal or have otherwise accepted such convicted persons to serve their sentences in their territories, and calls upon States to renew their commitment to the enforcement of sentences and to look positively on requests from the International Tribunal in this regard;", "(f) Calls upon States that have not concluded agreements for the enforcement of sentences of persons convicted by the International Tribunal or otherwise accepted such convicted persons to serve their sentences in their respective territories and that are able to do so to consider concluding these agreements or accepting such persons;", "(g) Decides to remain seized of the matter.", "[1] A/65/893.", "[2] A/65/894." ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目126", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内 所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为 负责者的国际法庭", "大会主席提交的决定草案", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭", "大会审议了2011年6月29日转递2011年6月8日前南斯拉夫问题法庭庭长来信的秘书长的信,[1] 并注意到2011年6月29日转递安全理事会2011年6月29日第1993(2011)号决议全文的安理会主席的信;[2]", "(a) 决定将担任审判分庭法官的下列国际法庭常任法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束:", "让-克洛德·安东内蒂(法国)", "居伊·德尔瓦(比利时)", "伯顿·霍尔(巴哈马)", "克里斯托夫·弗吕格(德国)", "权敖昆(大韩民国)", "巴克内·贾斯蒂斯·莫洛托(南非)", "霍华德·莫里森(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)", "阿方索·奥里(荷兰)", "(b) 决定将担任审判分庭法官的下列国际法庭审案法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束:", "梅尔维尔·贝尔德(特立尼达和多巴哥)", "伊丽莎白·瓜温扎(津巴布韦)", "弗雷德里克·哈霍夫(丹麦)", "弗拉维亚·拉坦齐(意大利)", "安托万·凯西亚-姆贝·明杜瓦(刚果民主共和国)", "普里斯卡·马蒂姆巴·尼亚姆贝(赞比亚)", "米歇尔·皮卡尔(法国)", "阿帕德·普兰德勒(匈牙利)", "斯特凡·特雷希塞尔(瑞士)", "(c) 重申必须审判已由国际法庭起诉的人,再次吁请所有国家,特别是前南斯拉夫各国,加强同国际法庭的合作并为法庭提供一切必要协助,尤其呼吁逮捕戈兰·哈季奇;", "(d) 重申国际法庭必须有足够的工作人员来迅速完成工作,促请联合国有关机构在国际法庭即将完成其工作之际,加强同秘书处和国际法庭书记官长合作,采取灵活方式寻找实际可行的办法解决这一问题,同时促请国际法庭再次作出努力,注重履行核心职能,", "(e) 赞扬有关国家缔结协议执行国际法庭对已定罪人员的判决,或以其他方式接受这类已定罪人员在本国领土服刑,并促请各国再次承诺执行判决,积极对待国际法庭这方面的要求;", "(f) 促请那些有能力但尚未缔结协议执行国际法庭对已定罪人员的判决、也未以其他方式接受这类已定罪人员在本国领土服刑的国家考虑缔结这类协议或接受这类人员;", "(g) 决定继续处理此案。", "[1] A/65/893。", "[2] A/65/894。" ]
[ "第六十五届会议", "议程项目126", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭", "大会主席提出的决定草案", "起诉应对1991年以来前南斯拉夫境内所犯严重违反国际人道主义法行为负责者的国际法庭", "大会,审议了2011年6月29日秘书长的信,[1] 其中转递了2011年6月8日前南斯拉夫问题国际法庭庭长的信,并注意到2011年6月29日安全理事会主席的信,[2] 其中转递了安理会2011年6月29日第1993(2011)号决议:", "(a) 决定将国际法庭担任审判分庭法官的下列常任法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束:", "让-克洛德·安托内蒂(法国)", "(b) 决定将国际法庭担任审判分庭法官的下列审案法官的任期延长至2012年12月31日,如指派其审理的案件在此之前结案,任期则提前结束:", "梅尔维尔·贝尔德(特立尼达和多巴哥) 伊丽莎白·瓜恩扎(津巴布韦) 弗雷德里克·哈霍夫(丹麦) 弗拉维亚·拉坦齐(意大利) 安托万·凯西亚-姆贝·明杜瓦(刚果民主共和国) 普里斯卡·马廷巴·尼亚姆贝(赞比亚) 米歇尔·皮卡尔(法国) 阿帕德·普兰德勒(匈牙利) 斯特凡·特雷希塞尔(瑞士)", "(c) 重申必须审判被国际法庭起诉的人,并再次呼吁所有国家,特别是前南斯拉夫各国,加强与国际法庭的合作并向其提供所有必要协助,特别是呼吁逮捕戈兰·哈季奇;", "(d) 重申国际法庭必须有足够的工作人员来迅速完成工作,吁请联合国有关机构加强同秘书处和国际法庭书记官长的合作,并采取一种灵活的做法,以便在国际法庭即将完成工作时找到解决这一问题的切实可行的解决办法,同时吁请国际法庭再次努力注重其核心职能;", "(e) 赞扬已就执行被国际法庭定罪者的判决缔结协定或以其他方式接受这些被定罪者在其境内服刑的国家,并吁请各国再次承诺执行判决并积极回应国际法庭在这方面的请求;", "(f) 吁请尚未缔结协定来执行被国际法庭定罪者所判刑罚或以其他方式接受这些被定罪者在各自领土内服刑并有能力这样做的国家考虑缔结这些协定或接受这些人;", "(g) 决定继续处理此案。", "[1] A/65/893 (英语).", "[2] A/65/894。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 15", "United Nations research and training institutes", "Report of the Council of the United Nations University on the work of the University", "Contents", "PageI.Mission 3 and vision of the United Nations \nUniversity II. Activities 4 and achievements in \n 2010 III.Thematic 4 cluster 1: Peace, security and human \nrights IV.Thematic 6 cluster 2: Human and socio-economic development and good \ngovernance V.Thematic 10 cluster 3: Global health, population and sustainable \nlivelihoods VI.Thematic 12 cluster 4: Global change and sustainable \ndevelopment VII.Thematic 17 cluster 5: Science, technology, innovation and \nsociety VIII.2010 18 institutional \nhighlights IX. Institutional 19 \npriorities \nAnnexes I.Members 22 of the Council of the United Nations \nUniversity II. United 24 Nations University \nsystem", "Abbreviations", "FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations", "GEF Global Environment Facility", "UNDP United Nations Development Programme", "UNEP United Nations Environment Programme", "UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization", "UNHCR Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees", "UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund", "UNIFEM United Nations Development Fund for Women", "UNITAR United Nations Institute for Training and Research", "UNU United Nations University", "UNU/BIOLAC UNU Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean", "UNU/CRIS UNU Comparative Regional Integration Studies", "UNU/EHS UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security", "UNU/ESD UNU Environment and Sustainable Development Programme", "UNU/FAP UNU Financial Assistance Programme", "UNU/FNP UNU Food and Nutrition Programme for Human and Social Development", "UNU/FTP UNU Fisheries Training Programme", "UNU/GTP UNU Geothermal Training Programme", "UNU/IAS UNU Institute of Advanced Studies", "UNU/IIGH UNU International Institute for Global Health", "UNU/IIST UNU International Institute for Software Technology", "UNU/ILI UNU International Leadership Institute", "UNU/INRA UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa", "UNU/INTECH UNU Institute for New Technologies", "UNU/INWEH UNU International Network on Water, Environment and Health", "UNU/ISP UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace", "UNU/MERIT UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Training Centre on Innovation and Technology", "UNU/ONY UNU Office in New York", "UNU/ViE UNU Vice-Rectorate in Europe", "UNU/WIDER UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research", "UNW-DPC UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development", "I. Mission and vision of the United Nations University", "1. In 1969, Secretary-General U Thant proposed “the establishment of a United Nations university, truly international and devoted to the Charter objectives of peace and progress”. In its annual session that year, the General Assembly authorized an expert study on the feasibility of such a university. After considering the question further at its next two annual sessions, the General Assembly approved the establishment of the United Nations University (UNU) in December 1972 and adopted the Charter of the United Nations University in December 1973 (36 years later, in December 2009, the General Assembly amended that Charter to explicitly grant UNU permission to award postgraduate degrees).", "2. Through the generosity of the Government of Japan, which provided headquarters facilities in Tokyo and contributed $100 million to establish an endowment fund, UNU was able to launch its academic work in September 1975. UNU has since grown to become a global research and teaching organization with institutes and programmes in a dozen countries worldwide (see annex II) as well as administrative and services units in Tokyo (headquarters), Bonn, Germany, Kuala Lumpur, New York and Paris. In carrying out its work, UNU maintains close cooperative relationships with other United Nations system organizations (agencies, programmes, commissions, funds and convention secretariats) as well as with leading universities and research institutes in Member States.", "3. The mission of UNU is to contribute, through collaborative research, teaching, capacity development and advisory services, to efforts to resolve the pressing global problems of human survival, development and welfare that are the concern of the United Nations, its peoples and Member States. The overarching theme of the work of UNU is “sustainability”, ensuring that today’s problems are addressed in a manner that fulfils the needs of present generations without endangering those of future generations. UNU contributes directly to the advancement of knowledge relevant to the role and work of the United Nations and to the application of that knowledge in formulating sound principles, policies, strategies and programmes for action. UNU provides open-minded fresh perspectives on the key global challenges of today and tomorrow. In particular, UNU emphasizes (a) the increasing need for advanced research and education focusing on the problems that affect developing and transitional countries and their peoples, and (b) the importance of helping those countries strengthen their capacity for self-reliant human and social development.", "4. The characteristics that set UNU apart from traditional universities and research institutions include its global structure; close collaboration with many United Nations and governmental offices; collaborative partnerships with top universities in many countries; an academic focus on problems/themes (rather than on disciplines) and on user needs; and a commitment to the concept of sustainability and to bridging the gaps between the developed and developing worlds. It is the totality of these characteristics that enables UNU to exploit its comparative advantages as both a United Nations organization and a high-level research and teaching institution.", "II. Activities and achievements in 2010", "5. The overarching goal of UNU is to contribute to global sustainable development, that is, development that will enable present generations to live in decency, safety, good health and freedom without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. UNU employs a systems-oriented, interdisciplinary, problem-solving approach that integrates the methodology and rigour of the natural and physical sciences with the insights of the social sciences and humanities, focusing on those areas in which it has the potential to make a real contribution and bring “additionality” to the effort.", "6. The United Nations University strategic plan 2009-2012 prescribes five interdependent thematic clusters that collectively define the programme space of UNU academic activities. Within the programmatic scope of its five thematic clusters, UNU undertakes three basic types of functions: research and study, teaching and capacity development, and knowledge-sharing and transfer. The following sections highlight a broad selection of projects and activities undertaken by the University in 2010.", "III. Thematic cluster 1: Peace, security and human rights", "7. The evolving nature of conflict has seen human security displace territorial security as a central concern. The work of UNU within this thematic cluster focuses on the difficult and complex challenges of ensuring peace and security for nations, groups and individuals, and on the vital role of fostering and protecting human rights and dignity.", "Research and study", "8. 2030 global order. This research project, undertaken jointly by the UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP) and the University of California, Santa Barbara, identifies and analyses future threats, aspirations and adjustments given current trends and intrusions of unanticipated developments. It considers the local and global character of such challenges as intervention, nationalism, gender equality, climate change, and scarcity of water and other natural resources, and whether and how these challenges can be met.", "9. Gender violence and conflict in Africa. This UNU-ISP project, which focuses on those parts of Africa where the problems of sexual violence and exploitation of women, girls and children are most prevalent, traces the often-missing policy linkages between HIV/AIDS, wars/conflicts, and victims in reconstructing post-war societies.", "10. Human rights regimes in the Americas. This joint research project of UNU-ISP, Oxford University and El Colegio de Mexico examined the evolution of human rights institutions, norms and practices in South, Central and North America. Project findings were disseminated through publication in 2010 of the UNU Press book Human Rights Regimes in the Americas.", "11. Peacebuilding in conflict-affected societies: comparative experiences and local perspectives. This research project, a joint undertaking of UNU-ISP and McMaster University (Canada), seeks to deepen our understanding of peacebuilding challenges and to recommend ways for improving United Nations and intergovernmental approaches to peacebuilding.", "12. Political violence in South and South-East Asia. This UNU-ISP project, which explored the sources and manifestations of political violence and the myriad roles that it plays in everyday life resulted in the book Political Violence in South and Southeast Asia: Critical Perspectives (UNU Press, 2010).", "13. Regional security: the capacity of international organizations. UNU Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS) was mandated by the Department of Political Affairs unit in cooperation with regional organizations to conduct a first-ever systematic global survey of the integral capacities of all regional organizations with a security mandate. The project concluded with publication of a book by the same title (Routledge, 2009).", "Teaching and capacity development", "14. Training for civilian peacebuilders. UNU-ISP delivered expert training for both experienced senior peacebuilders and trainees through a series of courses, together with the Hiroshima Peacebuilders Centre and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.", "15. UNU international courses. This six-week UNU international courses (UNU-IC) programme in Tokyo for postgraduate students and professionals offered courses on “The United Nations system: pressing issues and sustainable solutions” and “Peace and human rights”.", "Knowledge-sharing and transfer", "16. Education for disarmament and non-proliferation. UNU-ISP and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan collaborated to promote the vital role of education in disarmament and non-proliferation, providing important inputs to the Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. UNU-ISP was also a key contributor at the twenty-second United Nations Conference on Disarmament Issues.", "17. Emotions in international relations. While passions, emotions and sentiments undeniably influence our thinking and behaviour, there has been little research into their role within international relations. This project by UNU-ISP and the University of Lausanne looks at how sociology, anthropology, history and psychology have addressed the issue of human emotions.", "18. The European Union and traditional and new security issues. UNU-CRIS organized a three-day workshop in Belgium on how traditional and new security issues affect the European Union.", "19. Responsibility to protect and protection of civilians. This research project, undertaken by UNU-ISP in partnership with Griffith University (Australia) and the Asia Pacific Civil-Military Centre of Excellence, with support from the Australian Government Responsibility to Protect Fund, involved a comprehensive literature review to inform the drafting of a handbook on the relationship between the responsibility to protect and the protection of civilians in armed conflict situations and detailed interviews with senior United Nations officials and leading humanitarian experts.", "20. Women making peace. UNU-ISP organized an expert workshop to assess progress made towards integrating women’s voices, perspectives and skills in conflict prevention and peacebuilding. The workshop conclusions were shared through a public forum and publication of a UNU policy brief.", "IV. Thematic cluster 2: Human and socio-economic development and good governance", "21. While alleviating poverty, minimizing inequality and enhancing educational opportunities are crucial steps to achieving social and economic development, ensuring good governance is the underlying key. The work of UNU within this thematic cluster focuses on the full range of components that contribute to sustainable human and socio-economic development.", "Research and study", "22. Capacity-building in the case-mix system in the Philippines. This UNU International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH) project, funded by the World Health Organization, the European Union and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Zusammenarbeit, supports an overall reform in the Philippines Health Insurance Corporation, the Government agency that runs the national health insurance programme. The aim is to enhance coverage and improve operational efficiency by introducing package payment based on the case-mix system.", "23. Comparing the European Union with other regional organizations. This Jean Monnet project, coordinated by UNU-CRIS and the College of Europe and funded by the Lifelong Learning Programme of the European Commission, sought to advance current debates on the topic of contemporary forms of comparative regionalism.", "24. Development frameworks for sustainable electronic governance. The research of the UNU International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST) in this area focused on such topics as how to ensure sustained technology leadership in government, how to assess readiness for transformation in government enabled by information and communications technology, how to integrate electronic government and public administration reform and how to coordinate governmental development and use of information technology capabilities.", "25. Evaluation of case-mix system implementation in Indonesia. The case-mix system, implemented in Indonesia with support from UNU-IIGH and the University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre, is used as the provider payment mechanism in the governmental social health insurance programme. This three-year UNU-IIGH study compares the impact of this payment mechanism with the fee-for-service tariff that is still being used by local government and municipal health insurance programmes.", "26. Information engineering for sustainability. UNU-IIST has achieved several important research outcomes in this area, including: (a) new techniques to exploit true process concurrency; (b) substantial progress in refinement of component and object systems notation for the model-driven design of component-based software; (c) a simplified design for web-service-based computing; and (d) modelling and simulation of the dynamics of a population of mosquito, Aedes albopictus.", "27. GARNET/GR:EEN. To continue some of the activities of the Excellence on Global Governance Regionalization and Regulation: the Role of the European Union (GARNET) network, which completed its five-year mission in 2010, many of the GARNET research institutes have joined forces again through the Global Re‑ordering: Evolution through European Networks (GR:EEN) project. The Framework 7 GR:EEN contract signed by the European Commission is coordinated by the University of Warwick (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and involves 15 other universities in the world, including UNU-CRIS.", "28. Inclusive wealth report. This project, jointly carried out by the International Human Dimensions Programme on Global Environmental Change (IHDP) (hosted by the UNU Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU-ViE)), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Bank, seeks to promote alternative indicators for measuring the success of societies by moving beyond conventional measures such as gross domestic product (GDP) and to develop a report on wealth and changes in the wealth of nations.", "29. Land inequality and decentralized governance in least developed countries. This UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER) project investigates issues concerning the evolution of land inequality and the role of policies concerning land rights and the accountability of local governments in developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America.", "30. The Middle East and North Africa and climate change. This UNU-WIDER research project, conducted in collaboration with Purdue University (United States of America), seeks to measure the impact of climate change directly on agriculture, and indirectly through its linkages with other sectors, and to examine the potential of alternative mitigation policies.", "31. New directions in development economics. This project serves as an instrument for UNU-WIDER to: (a) conduct small-scale projects or studies on topics of immediate policy importance; (b) experiment with the application of new analytical techniques to development issues; and (c) build new research ideas that may then constitute the basis of larger projects.", "32. Optimal social security, poverty and development. The UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) is collaborating on this Brookings Institution research project, which is part of the African Growth Initiative research programme. The research will develop a growth model for social security demand and study its welfare implications in terms of optimal (social) choice.", "33. Tools and techniques for evidence-based policy in higher education and research. This UNU-IIST programme seeks to develop and disseminate tools and techniques to assist in formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating relevant policies.", "Teaching and capacity development", "34. Biosciences as a tool for mankind. This UNU Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC) pilot “training the trainers” seminar, held in Brazil, sought to stimulate high schoolteachers to develop new curricula for the teaching of biology and biotechnology.", "35. Caribbean training programme on bioinformatics. The focus of this two-week course in Trinidad and Tobago, co-sponsored by UNU-BIOLAC and the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, was on the application of structural and computational biology in biomedical sciences.", "36. Computer school. This week-long computer school, organized and taught by UNU-IIST personnel at University Kebangsaan Malaysia, included courses in functional and high-level programming and in model checking.", "37. Contemporary information engineering. UNU-IIST organized two seminars on this topic for the master of science programme in mathematical modelling at the University of Dar-es-Salaam.", "38. Education for sustainable development in Africa. The aim of this UNU-ISP project is to develop and test a graduate-level education programme for professionals. Three working groups are elaborating curriculum outlines and holding workshops for selective course testing. Universities in four African countries are participating, with support from Japanese universities, the UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), the UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UNEP and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat).", "39. Functional programming. UNU-IIST organized a three-week course on this topic at the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences.", "40. Intelligent medical training systems. As an alternative to the traditional apprenticeship approach to clinical competence, which can subject patients to discomfort, risk of complications and prolonged procedure times, UNU-IIST has developed a virtual reality dental training environment (simulator) that incorporates realistic tactile feedback and provides detailed information on the performance of procedures.", "41. Peer production approaches to e-learning. This UNU-IIST research project seeks to: (a) design a framework for geographically distributed pilot studies that enable students to participate in free and open-source software projects both as learners and as researchers; and (b) create pilot projects with academics and former students. The objective is to build a UNU postgraduate e-learning programme in open-source approaches to software engineering.", "42. Sustainable management of marginal drylands, phase 2. The current phase of this project, jointly managed by the UNU International Network on Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH) and UNESCO, and launched with funding from the Flemish Government of Belgium, involves a collaborative network of researchers and institutions in nine countries. It emphasizes training, capacity-building and interaction with landowners and farmers.", "43. UNU-WIDER visiting scholars (sabbatical) programme. This programme offers researchers and scholars an opportunity to spend about three months at UNU-WIDER.", "Knowledge-sharing and transfer", "44. Impact of case-mix on technical efficiency of service delivery in three teaching hospitals in Malaysia. This study by UNU-IIGH in collaboration with University Kebangsaan Malaysia tested the hypothesis that hospitals and clinical departments implementing the case-mix system will have a higher level of technical efficiency than those that do not.", "45. Global citizens’ conference on the United Nations Decade of Education for Sustainable Development. The conference “Mainstream, link and collaborate: dialogues toward an expanded education for sustainable development movement in Asia”, co-organized by UNU-IAS, sought to promote activities related to education for sustainable development in Japan, strengthen networking among multiple actors and increase the visibility of efforts related to education for sustainable development.", "46. Leadership skills for women academicians. A five-day workshop on “Research data management for women academicians”, organized in Kenya by UNU-INRA, sought to help improve the leadership skills of female social scientists and academic staff working in the fields of natural and agricultural sciences.", "47. Marine area management in the Pacific. The UNU-IAS report “Traditional Marine Management Areas of the Pacific in the Context of National and International Law and Policy” highlights successful community-based solutions to marine management based on both traditional knowledge and scientific information.", "48. Promoting entrepreneurial capacity. The UNU policy brief “Promoting entrepreneurship in developing countries: policy challenges” reports on this UNU-WIDER research project, which focused on understanding how entrepreneurship matters for development, how entrepreneurs function in high-growth as well as conflict environments, and how female entrepreneurship differs across countries at various stages of development.", "49. Post-conflict countries and foreign investment. This UNU-ISP project explored various approaches to encouraging and regulating foreign investment in post-conflict countries and sought to identify ways in which policymakers can design a foreign investment strategy that brings meaningful economic development as part of the wider peacebuilding process. The project findings were published in the book Foreign Direct Investment in Post Conflict Countries: Opportunities and Challenges (Adonis and Abbey, 2010).", "50. The promotion of regional integration by the European Union. This Jean Monnet event, co-organized by UNU-CRIS as part of the project, “Comparing the European Union with other regional organizations”, focused on interacting with civil society.", "51. Sustainability and policymaking. This UNU-ISP project explores how governance structures and processes can produce “sustainable” policies that better address both the short- and long-term needs of society, particularly in the context of the global environmental and financial crises. A major conference was held at UNU headquarters in Tokyo prior to the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings in Yokohama.", "52. Trends and innovations in governance. This project, jointly implemented by UNU-ISP and the East-West Center, culminated in two UNU Press books published in 2010: Engaging Civil Society: Emerging Trends in Democratic Governance and Building Trust in Government: Innovations in Governance Reform in Asia.", "53. U Thant Distinguished Lecture. Rafael Correa, President of Ecuador, delivered the seventeenth U Thant Distinguished Lecture at UNU headquarters in Tokyo. His topic was “The challenges of Ecuador and the Latin American region in the twenty-first century”.", "54. UNU global seminar. The topic of the first UNU global seminar in the Caribbean region, held in Trinidad and Tobago, was “Regional governance: challenges and opportunities”.", "55. UNU-WIDER twenty-fifth anniversary conference. This three-day UNU-WIDER anniversary conference in Helsinki focused on “The triple crisis: finance, food and climate change”.", "V. Thematic cluster 3: Global health, population and sustainable livelihoods", "56. Problems that affect human health can have profound regional or global political, social and economic impacts; in severe cases, they can diminish the sustainability of lives and livelihoods. The work of UNU in this thematic cluster focuses on improving human lives by reducing economic disparities both among and within nations, and on protecting against localized and transnational threats to human health, lifestyles and livelihoods.", "Research and study", "57. Clinical and economic burden of pneumococcal disease in Malaysia. Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumococcus) is a leading cause of serious bacterial illness and death worldwide. This UNU-IIGH research project seeks to estimate the annual incidence of pneumococcal diseases and impute the related economic burden for supporting decision-making of the Ministry of Health in Malaysia.", "58. Economic burden and cost-effectiveness of diabetes mellitus management in Malaysia. Although the prevalence of type 2 diabetes in Malaysia has grown tremendously in the past three decades, from 2.1 per cent in 1982 to 14.9 per cent in 2006, there has been no systematic cost-of-illness study to assess its economic impact and evaluate the diabetes care programme delivery. This UNU-IIGH research project seeks to estimate the national economic burden of diabetes and its complications, and to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of diabetes management.", "59. Knowledge, attitudes, practices and empowerment (KAPE). The KAPE project, conducted jointly by UNU-INWEH and McMaster University (Canada), focuses on the provision of safe water and sanitation to marginalized communities in the Lake Victoria basin of Kenya.", "60. Saving lives. The aim of this project, undertaken by the UNU Food and Nutrition Programme for Human and Social Development (UNU-FNP), Cornell University (United States), the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Food Policy Research Institute, is to estimate the numbers of lives currently being saved by public health interventions.", "61. Solutions to polluted lakeshore drinking water in rural African communities. The objective of this UNU-INWEH project, funded by the Arab Gulf Program for Development, was to develop an integrated planning framework for providing safe drinking water to lakeside communities, based on a synthesis of regional Great Lakes experiences.", "Teaching and capacity development", "62. Standardized polymerase chain reaction strategies for diagnosis and monitoring of Chagas disease patients. This week-long international training course was held in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela as part of the UNU-BIOLAC priority on vector control of emerging diseases.", "63. Distant-learning programme on the case-mix system for developing countries. This UNU-IIGH training programme seeks to support use of the case-mix system as a tool to improve the efficiency and quality of care.", "64. Fisheries training short courses. In 2010, the UNU Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP) developed and delivered four short courses focused on fisheries in partnership with local universities and regional and international organizations: regional courses were delivered in Barbados, Belize and Viet Nam, and a national course in Uganda.", "65. Improving traditional food fermentation and food technology. This annual one-year training programme, conducted under the UNU-Kirin Fellowship Programme, gives fellows an opportunity to study the latest techniques and methodologies at the National Food Research Institute in Japan and to apply them to a research project with direct relevance to their work at their home institutions.", "66. Master of public health programmes. UNU-IIGH collaborates with local partners to conduct these programmes in four countries: Malaysia, Nepal, Sudan and Yemen.", "67. Postgraduate training in fisheries. UNU-FTP fellows seeking a master of science or PhD degree in a fisheries-related area can study at Icelandic universities on scholarships funded by the Government of Iceland and administered by UNU-FTP.", "68. UNICEF/UNU NutritionWorks. This joint UNU and UNICEF project, carried out by Cornell NutritionWorks, seeks to design an electronic learning course for capacity-building focused on preventing undernutrition in infants and young children.", "69. UNU-BIOLAC cancer course. This 25-day course, held in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, addressed a range of cancer-related topics, such as the molecular biology of human infection diseases, a model of cancer transformation induced by human papillomavirus (HPV), new-generation vaccine control by interfering RNAs and anti-HPV vaccines.", "70. UNU-IIGH fellowship and internship programmes. The fellowship programme enables young scholars from developing countries to conduct postdoctoral research and contribute to the research activities of UNU-IIGH, while the internship programme allows PhD students to work for up to 12 months at the Institute.", "71. UNU fisheries training programme. The annual six-month UNU-FTP postgraduate training programme for fisheries professionals introduces various aspects of fisheries, including global developments and international instruments affecting fisheries and aquaculture.", "Knowledge-sharing and transfer", "72. Cornell/UNU Africa Series. Two volumes in the Cornell/UNU Africa series were published by Cornell University Press in 2010: The African Food System and its Interactions with Human Health and Nutrition and The Socioeconomic Dimensions of HIV/AIDS in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities, and Misconceptions. The books were derived from a series of symposiums organized in recent years by UNU-FNP, the UNU Office in New York (UNU-ONY) and Cornell University.", "73. Food and nutrition. The Food and Nutrition Bulletin, published quarterly by UNU Press in cooperation with UNU-FNP, features policy analyses, state-of-the-art summaries and original scientific articles relating to multidisciplinary efforts to alleviate the problems of hunger and malnutrition in the developing world.", "74. Reducing water loss in cities around the world. In this UN-Water Decade Programme on Capacity Development (UNW-DPC) video, which resulted from a series of regional workshops held with UN-Habitat from 2008 to 2010, water experts discuss the challenges of water loss faced every day, solutions to increase efficiency in urban water supply systems and approaches to developing capacities.", "75. The role of water and sanitation in child and maternal health. This public panel discussion in Ottawa was organized by UNU-INWEH in collaboration with Carleton University (Canada).", "76. UNU-FTP annual lectures. In January, Steve Otwell of the University of Florida (United States) gave a series of lectures in Reykjavik on seafood safety problems, the current status of regulatory practices, the health benefits of seafood and common quality problems in warm climates.", "77. UNU Global Seminar. The topic of the Shonan Session of the twenty-sixth UNU Global Seminar series, held in September in Japan, was “Toward a sustainable global society”.", "VI. Thematic cluster 4: Global change and sustainable development", "78. Large-scale changes resulting from or exacerbated by human activities are affecting the global environment to an unprecedented extent, while at the same time, complex global factors (including environmental deterioration and climate change) are increasingly disrupting human activities and lifestyles, creating new risks and vulnerabilities. The work of UNU in this thematic cluster is based on the premise that environmental issues must be addressed in the context of the social and economic drivers that will shape future global population composition and consumption patterns.", "Research and study", "79. Climate change-related extreme events. Within the framework of the project Critical Infrastructure and Population/Civil Protection in the Context of Climate Change-Related Extreme Events, the UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS) is cooperating with several representative communities in Germany to develop methods for assessing vulnerability to climate change-related extreme events such as high-intensity rainfall, storms, droughts and heat waves.", "80. Comparative studies on development strategies considering impacts of adaptation to climate change. This UNU-ISP project aims to contribute to the implementation of appropriate adaptation strategies for climate change in developing countries, with a focus on rice production and mitigation of natural disasters in Asia.", "81. Coral reef connectivity and large-scale ecological processes. This UNU-INWEH project focused on understanding coral reef ecology, existing threats and ways to improve the situation. Initial efforts were in the western Caribbean.", "82. Development under climate change. This UNU-WIDER project sets out a research and capacity-building programme on sustaining economic development in the context of climate change. In collaboration with its partners, including the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Colorado (United States), UNU-WIDER has developed an analytical framework that integrates comprehensive biophysical and economic analysis.", "83. Ensuring impacts from sustainable land management. This UNU-INWEH project, funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF), aimed to provide a scientific-technical basis for selecting indicators to record the performance, results and best practices of sustainable land management projects in the GEF land degradation focal area.", "84. GEF IW: science. This project executed by UNU-INWEH as part of a global GEF initiative, focused on synthesizing scientific findings from the GEF international waters portfolio, in order to extract scientific knowledge, identify programme gaps, improve science-to-policy bridging and contribute to strategies for the future allocation of resources. Project partners included UNU-EHS, UNW-DPC, UNEP, UNESCO, the Scottish Association for Marine Science, the Canadian Water Network and the Land-Ocean Interactions in the Coastal Zone network.", "85. Global vulnerability to disease. This joint initiative of UNU-INWEH, UNU-IIGH and UNU-EHS in collaboration with other partners, seeks to measure, map and mitigate the vulnerability of individuals and communities to water-related diseases in the face of global environmental change. Partially funded by the Canadian Institutes for Health Research, the project launched a proof-of-concept initiative in Malaysia to identify the risk of and mitigate/manage vulnerability to dengue fever and chikungunya.", "86. Methods for the improvement of vulnerability assessment in Europe. This three-year UNU-EHS research effort, funded by the European Commission, seeks to create knowledge, frameworks and methods for assessing vulnerability to natural hazards (such as floods, temperature extremes, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, wildfires and storms) in Europe, so as to help improve societal and environmental resilience.", "87. Munich climate insurance initiative. This Munich Re initiative of insurers, climate change and adaptation experts, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and policy researchers, hosted by UNU-EHS, seeks to find solutions to the risks posed by climate change, both on the negotiating floor and on the ground in developing countries. A UNU-EHS policy brief has been published.", "88. Water-related information system. Within the multidisciplinary Water-related Information System for the Sustainable Development of the Mekong Delta (WISDOM) project, a bilateral initiative of the Governments of Germany and Viet Nam, UNU-EHS carries out research on (a) vulnerability assessment linked to water-related hazards and (b) water quality monitoring and modelling of agrochemicals.", "Teaching and capacity development", "89. Biodiversity of mangrove ecosystems. This annual two-week training course in India, delivered by UNU-INWEH in collaboration with UNESCO and Annamalai University, focuses on mangrove ecosystems and integrated coastal ecosystem management.", "90. Biotechnology courses. UNU-BIOLAC organized two week-long courses in Costa Rica entitled “Biotechnology applications to conservation and exploitation of agro-forestry resources” and “Microbial applied bioinformatics”.", "91. Biotechnology of mycorrhizas. This week-long UNU-BIOLAC workshop in El Salvador focused on the symbiotic relationship between fungi and plant roots.", "92. Environmental monitoring and governance in the Asian coastal hydrosphere. This UNU-ISP capacity-building initiative, supported by Shimadzu Corporation, provides 10 developing Asian countries with the scientific knowledge and technology to monitor chemical pollutants in the coastal environment. The current phase focuses on persistent organic pollutants.", "93. Integrated dryland management. The joint master of science programme on integrated dryland management, implemented by UNU in cooperation with partners in China, Japan, the Syrian Arab Republic and Tunisia, has been renewed for another three years.", "94. Munich Re Foundation Chair on Social Vulnerability. The Munich Re Foundation Chair on Social Vulnerability at UNU-EHS held a summer academy on “New policy and institutional frameworks to better protect climate-related migrants”.", "95. Optimization and enhancement of groundwater recharge through reservoirs, breakers and dams in the United Arab Emirates. This project, undertaken by UNU-INWEH in collaboration with the Government of the United Arab Emirates to examine the effectiveness of dams in recharging groundwater aquifers (a major source of freshwater supply), entails a significant capacity development component.", "96. Sustainable rural livelihoods. UNU-INRA made substantial contributions to developing a training toolkit on community action planning, a finalized version of which will be launched by the Government of Ghana.", "97. Traditional knowledge and wisdom in satoyama/satoumi. This year-long project by UNU-IAS and the Ishikawa Prefecture documented traditional knowledge in satoyama/satoumi landscapes and explored their potential for sustainable resource management and biodiversity conservation.", "98. University Network for Climate and Ecosystems Change Adaptation Research (UN-CECAR). The coordinating committee of UN-CECAR consists of representatives from more than 20 Asian universities, with UNU-ISP acting as the secretariat. In September, UN-CECAR held a three-week postgraduate programme on building resilience to climate change in Tokyo.", "99. UNU international courses. The six-week UNU-IC programme in Tokyo offered courses on global change and sustainability and on international cooperation and development.", "Knowledge-sharing and transfer", "100. Africa Day symposium. The topic of this annual symposium, convened in Tokyo by UNU and the African Diplomatic Corps in Japan, was “Environment: challenges for Africa, the role of Japan”.", "101. Climate change. In 2010, a number of distinguished lecturers made presentations related to climate change at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo. The speakers included President Felipe Calderón Hinojosa of Mexico, who delivered the sixteenth U Thant Distinguished Lecture on “Preserving our common heritage: promoting a fair agreement on climate change”; Patricia Espinosa, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico and the Chair of the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC COP16), who lectured on “Towards Cancun 2010”; President Álvaro Colom Caballeros of Guatemala, who spoke on “Climate change and the Mayan vision”; Erik Solheim, Minister for International Development of Norway, who delivered the 2010 Fridtjof Nansen Memorial Lecture on “Climate change and loss of nature’s diversity: new actions and alliances in response to key global challenges”; and UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova, who spoke about “Climate change and education: UNESCO’s role in the 2010s”.", "102. Development under climate change. UNU-WIDER organized a special session on this topic at the Poverty, Equity and Growth Network annual conference in Johannesburg, South Africa.", "103. Enhancing development through policy coherence. Policy coherence implies that donors, in pursuing domestic policy objectives, should avoid actions that adversely affect the development prospects of poor countries. This UNU-WIDER policy brief asserts that the completion of pending international commitments is fundamental, while monitoring and evaluation for policy coherence remains a challenge.", "104. Foreign Aid for Development: Issues, Challenges, and the New Agenda (Oxford University Press, 2010). In this UNU-WIDER book, leading aid experts review the progress so far, identify the challenges ahead, and discuss the emerging policy agenda in foreign aid.", "105. Globalization and poverty. The UNU-WIDER book The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America, and Africa (Oxford University Press, 2010) presents case studies that illustrate the differential effects of globalization on growth, inequality and poverty. The UNU-WIDER policy brief “Linking globalization to poverty in Asia, Latin America and Africa” similarly notes that the impact of globalization on poverty reduction has been uneven.", "106. Health risk and health-care cost assessment of arsenicosis in Cambodia. This project, a joint effort by UNU-IIGH, the UNU and Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Republic of Korea) joint programme, Hong Kong Baptist University and University Kebangsaan Malaysia, sampled water, food, hair and nails for arsenic; undertook a health survey and clinical assessment; and assessed the economic burden of arsenicosis (arsenic poisoning).", "107. Japan-CARICOM public symposium. The topic of this event at UNU Headquarters in Tokyo was “Climate change and biodiversity”. The symposium, co‑organized by UNU, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan and the Inter-American Development Bank, featured presentations by several foreign ministers from the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), as well as Japanese academics and experts.", "108. Our World 2.0. This bilingual (English and Japanese) web-based magazine by the UNU Media Centre, which is part of The Guardian Environment Network, features articles and video briefs on four significant global challenges: climate change, food security, peak oil and biodiversity.", "109. Responding to the triple crisis: entrepreneurship, innovation and structural change. This UNU-WIDER session at the Annual Bank Conference on Development Economics in Stockholm focused on how to deal with the simultaneous combination of global financial turmoil, unchecked climate change and hunger exacerbated by higher global food prices and a lack of alternative energy sources.", "110. Satoyama and satoumi assessment. During the fourteenth meeting of the Convention on Biological Diversity Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice and the third meeting of the Working Group on the Review of Implementation, held at UNEP Headquarters in Nairobi, UNU-IAS organized three side events to explain its international saitoyama initiative. UNU-IAS also organized a symposium on “Sub-global assessment of satoyama and satoumi in Japan” in cooperation with the Japanese Ministry of the Environment, with support from the Global Environment Outreach Centre.", "111. South-South integration in a North-South context. UNU-WIDER and UNU-CRIS jointly organized a session on this topic at the annual Global Development Network conference in the Czech Republic, entitled “Regional and global integration: quo vadis?”.", "112. Southern engines of global growth. This UNU-WIDER project published two books, Southern Engines of Global Growth (Oxford University Press, 2010) and The Rise of China and India: Impacts, Prospects and Implications (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), and a UNU policy brief.", "113. UNU global seminar. The Republic of Korea session of this six-day seminar focused on the theme “Climate change: social and ethical dimensions”.", "114. World Atlas of Mangroves. The second edition of this volume was published by the International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems in collaboration with UNU-INWEH and other United Nations entities.", "VII. Thematic cluster 5: Science, technology, innovation and society", "115. An enduring gap between the capabilities of developed and developing countries to develop and utilize innovation systems that facilitate scientific research and technological advancement puts the latter at a substantial competitive disadvantage. The work of UNU in this thematic cluster focuses on the social and ethical impacts of scientific and technological innovations, and on their broad societal impacts. A particular aim is to help developing nations determine what is feasible and most needed, within the constraints that they face, and how to achieve their aims with the least negative impact.", "Research and study", "116. Analysis of the evolution of the costs of research. This UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Training Centre on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT) project analyses the reasons, interdependencies and dynamics of the development of research costs in different disciplines (of science and technology) and organizations, such as public research organizations and private companies. The focus is on the trends, drivers and impacts of research costs, both in Europe and in selected non-European countries.", "117. Dialogue on science for sustainability (D4S). UNU-ViE is an implementation partner in D4S, an international initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research that represents a series of structured bilateral science policy dialogues on sustainability-related subjects between Germany and key emerging economies.", "118. The regional impact of technological change in 2020. This UNU-MERIT study aims to improve our understanding of the relationship between the shift towards a knowledge-based economy and regional disparities in income and knowledge potential in Europe. The focus is on what the situation might be 10 years from now and the policy implications for today.", "Teaching and capacity development", "119. Building African capacity in science, technology and innovation indicators. UNU-MERIT coordinated a three-day training workshop in South Africa for participants of three case study teams associated with this UNU project in capacity-building in areas related to science, technology and innovation, and relevant indicators.", "120. Design and evaluation of innovation policy in developing countries. This week-long training programme in Senegal, jointly organized by UNU-MERIT and the Consortium pour la recherche économique et sociale, sought to contribute to capacity-building for development and assessment of the policy impact of innovation and technological development in the Senegalese context.", "121. Geothermal postgraduate training. Fellows of the UNU Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP), who qualify for a postgraduate degree in geothermal science and engineering, can apply for a UNU-GTP fellowship (funded by the Government of Iceland) for master of science studies at the University of Iceland.", "122. Geothermal training short courses. In 2010, UNU-GTP organized a short course on “Exploration for geothermal resources” in Kenya (in collaboration with the Geothermal Development Company (Kenya) and Kenya Electricity Generating Company, and funded by the Government of Iceland). UNU-GTP also developed four externally financed geothermal training short courses: two in Indonesia (both in cooperation with Iceland GeoSurvey) and two in Kenya.", "123. UNU geothermal training programme. The annual six-month session of UNU-GTP in Iceland provides participants with background knowledge on geothermal energy resources and technology, and explores the interrelationships between various disciplines in geothermal development projects, from initial exploration to implementation and utilization.", "Knowledge-sharing and transfer", "124. Green technologies. A two-day symposium on “Science, technology and innovation for sustainable development”, held at UNU-IAS in June, focused on emerging green technologies and related policy regimes.", "125. Micro evidence on innovation and development. The fourth annual Conference on Micro Evidence on Innovation in Developing Economies, entitled “Micro-based evidence research on innovation and technological change”, was organized in Estonia by UNU-MERIT and the University of Tartu.", "126. Solving the e-waste problem (StEP) initiative. The operating unit of UNU-ISP in Germany, SCYCLE (Sustainable Cycles), develops environmentally safe and just solutions for the sustainable handling of e-waste as part of the StEP initiative (a consortium of members from industry, government, international organizations, NGOs and academia). SCYCLE organized the NVMP-StEP e-waste summer school and co-published (with UNEP) a report entitled “From e-waste to resources”.", "127. Technological change. The UNU-MERIT report entitled “The Regional Impact of Technological Change in 2020” highlights the great diversity in development pathways and trajectories of innovation and technological change across European regions.", "128. UNU-GTP annual lectures. Roland Horne (Stanford University, United States) gave a series of lectures on reservoir engineering and well testing in Reykjavik.", "129. Urban biodiversity. A UNU-IAS policy report entitled “Cities, biodiversity and governance: perspectives and challenges of the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity at the city level” was launched at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity, held in Nagoya, Japan. A UNU-IAS and UNU Media Studio video documentary on the four seasons of biodiversity in Kanazawa, commissioned by the Kanazawa city government, was screened at the closing ceremony of the International Year of Biodiversity.", "VIII. 2010 institutional highlights", "130. During the year, UNU welcomed 14 new Council members (replacing members whose six-year tenure ended in 2010). Three new institute directors also joined UNU: Peter F. Haddawy as Director of UNU-IIST, Elias Takor Ayuk as Director of UNU-INRA and Jakob Rhyner as Director of UNU-EHS (and concurrently as Vice-Rector in Europe).", "131. The Iceland-based UNU Land Restoration Training Programme (UNU-LRT) became operational in 2010, as did the UNU-ISP Sustainable Cycles operating unit in Germany, part of the StEP initiative. UNU also made good progress on the establishment of two new institutes: the UNU International Institute for the Alliance of Civilizations (UNU-IIAOC), which will be located in Barcelona, Spain, and the UNU Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES), which will be established in Dresden, Germany. Both institutes are expected to become operational in 2012.", "132. Staffing. As at 31 December 2010, the global UNU system had a staff of 576, more than one third (206) of whom were developing country nationals. The UNU staff comprised 322 men and 254 women, and included nationals of some 76 countries.", "133. Financing. UNU receives no funds from the regular United Nations budget; it is financed entirely by investment income derived from its endowment fund and by voluntary contributions from Governments as well as from agencies, international organizations, foundations and other sources. In 2010, UNU received $36.9 million in contributions from 21 Governments and more than 100 other sources. The overall budget of UNU in 2010 was $52.4 million.", "IX. Institutional priorities", "134. Within the framework set out in the United Nations University strategic plan 2009-2012, the Office of the Rector designated five strategic priority initiatives for the UNU system in 2010: postgraduate programmes, twin institutes, quality assurance, communications and fund-raising.", "135. UNU postgraduate programmes initiative. Work on the UNU postgraduate programmes initiative, enabled by the December 2009 amendment of the UNU Charter, proceeded at a good pace in 2010, with the development of a university postgraduate programmes and awards statute that establishes a legislative framework, as well as relevant regulations, policies and institutional support structures. Templates have been developed for (a) stand-alone UNU institute master’s degree programmes, (b) inter-institute (intra-UNU) master’s degree programmes and (c) joint or double degree master’s programmes in cooperation with other universities.", "136. In the first quarter of the year, two of three proposed UNU postgraduate programmes received conditional approval from the Office of the Rector. In September, UNU-ISP launched a master of science programme in sustainability, development and peace with five students. It is a practical, user-focused programme that addresses pressing global issues of sustainability, climate change, development, peacebuilding and human rights through an innovative transdisciplinary approach. Also in September, UNU-MERIT welcomed eight new students to its PhD programme in economics and policy studies of technical change.", "137. Other UNU units continued to work on developing their own postgraduate degree programmes. These included stand-alone or joint/double degree master’s degree programmes in global and regional governance (UNU-CRIS), the geography of environmental risks and human security (UNU-EHS), international nutrition and policy (UNU-FNP), international environmental governance and public policy for sustainable development (UNU-IAS), ICT for sustainable development, and e‑governance (UNU-IIST), and development economics and a joint Finnish master of science degree in economics (UNU-WIDER). UNU-IIGH is involved in joint postgraduate degree programmes with four partner institutions, but these have not yet been vetted as UNU postgraduate degree programmes.", "138. Twin institutes initiative. As a strategic step towards strengthening the presence of UNU in developing countries and countries with economies in transition and intensifying research and teaching interaction between developed and developing countries, UNU is in the process of adopting a “twin institutes” structure wherein each UNU institute will have two locations: one in a developed country and the other in a developing country. Each location (“twinning partner”) will have its own researchers, teachers and students, but the locations will implement a shared research and teaching agenda and devote more than half of their time to joint projects.", "139. Basic funding of the developed country twinning partner will be covered by the host country. The developing host country will be expected to fund at least 30 per cent of the cost of its twinning partner, with the remaining financing coming from joint research and teaching projects supported by funding agencies or other donors. Each developing country twinning partner will operate initially as an affiliated programme and gradually be transformed into a fully fledged twin of the developed country UNU institute.", "140. To date, UNU has authorized three twinning partner arrangements (although legal agreements are still pending): UNU-MERIT has designated Renmin University in Beijing and the Consortium pour la recherche économique et sociale in Dakar as twinning partners, while UNU-CRIS has established the Tsinghua Institute of Comparative Regional Integration Studies (Tsinghua-CRIS) at Tsinghua University in Beijing as a twinning partner. Several other UNU units have also made progress in identifying or building up twinning partner candidates.", "141. Quality assurance initiative. A draft United Nations University statute on quality assurance was tabled at the mid-year meeting of the Bureau of the UNU Council. The aim of the UNU quality assurance framework is to enhance the effectiveness of its research and teaching activities, as well as its knowledge-sharing/outreach activities and administrative functions. During the latter half of the year, the Office of the Rector developed a modular system to guide quality assurance, which was encapsulated in a UNU quality assurance handbook tabled at the 2010 session of the UNU Council.", "142. Communications initiative. With a view to enhancing UNU internal and external communications, communications staff drafted documents on “Next steps towards developing a UNU communications strategy” and “Articulating UNU’s core messages”. Based on a review of communications needs and resources, the UNU Media Studio and UNU Office of Communications (in Tokyo) were merged. The first major project of the new UNU Media Centre was a ground-up renovation and redesign of the main UNU website.", "143. Fund-raising initiative. A new unit, the UNU Development Office, was created at the UNU office in New York. This unit will be responsible for mobilizing large-scale contributions and grants from foundations, the private sector and other entities. Priorities in fund-raising will be: (a) to endow a scholarship programme to assist promising students from developing countries to study in UNU postgraduate programmes and (b) to strengthen the financial situation of selected UNU institutes in developing countries.", "Annex I", "Members of the Council of the United Nations University", "The UNU Council, the governing board of the University, is composed of 24 appointed members (who serve six-year terms), the Rector, and three ex officio members.", "Appointed members (as at 31 December 2010)", "Continuing members (2007-2013)", "• Juan Ramón de la Fuente (Mexico) (Chair of the Council), President, International Association of Universities; former Rector, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM)", "• Paolo Blasi (Italy), Professor of Physics, University of Florence; former Rector, University of Florence", "• Angela Cropper (Trinidad and Tobago), United Nations Assistant Secretary-General; Deputy Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme", "• Louise Fresco (Netherlands), Professor of Foundations of Sustainable Development in International Perspective, University of Amsterdam", "• Fadia Kiwan (Lebanon), Professor of Political Science and Director, Faculty of Law and Political Science, St. Joseph University, Beirut", "• Goolam Mohamedbhai (Mauritius), former Secretary-General, Association of African Universities; former President, International Association of Universities", "• Francisco Komlavi Seddoh (Togo), former Rector, University of Lomé, Togo; former Minister of Education and Scientific Research; former Director, Division of Higher Education, UNESCO", "• Gita Sen (India), Professor, Centre for Public Policy, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore; Adjunct Professor at the Center for Population and International Health, Harvard University", "• Ivan Wilhelm (Czech Republic), former Rector, Charles University, Prague", "• Margret Wintermantel (Germany), President, German Rectors’ Conference", "New members (2010-2016)", "• Nobuyasu Abe (Japan), Director, Center for the Promotion of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, Japan Institute of International Affairs; former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Disarmament Affairs", "• J. Michael Adams (United States of America), President, Fairleigh Dickinson University", "• Jean-Pierre Bourguignon (France), Director, Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques; Research Director, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique", "• Rahma Bourqia (Morocco), President, Hassan II University Mohammedia, Casablanca", "• Cristovam Buarque (Brazil), Member, Federal Senate; Professor, University of Brasilia", "• Fiona Caldicott (United Kingdom), immediate past Principal, Somerville College, Oxford; immediate past Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Personnel and Equal Opportunities, University of Oxford; Chairman, Oxford Radcliffe National Health Service Trust, Oxford", "• Gajaraj Dhanarajan (Malaysia), Honorary Director, Institute for Research and Innovation, Wawasan Open University", "• Mohamed H. A. Hassan (Sudan), Executive Director, the Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS), Trieste", "• Zellynne Doloris Jennings-Craig (Jamaica), Director, School of Education and Deputy Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Education, University of the West Indies", "• Jin Xiaoming (China), Director General, Department of International Cooperation, Ministry of Science and Technology", "• Konstantin Khudoley (Russian Federation), Vice-President of the University Council and Senate, Vice-Rector for International Affairs, St. Petersburg State University", "• Lily Kong (Singapore), Vice-President for University and Global Relations, Director of Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore", "• Lydia Shouleva (Bulgaria), former Member of the European Parliament; former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy", "• Mala Singh (South Africa), Professor of International Higher Education Policy, Centre for Higher Education Research and Information, the Open University, UK", "UNU Rector", "• Konrad Osterwalder (Switzerland)", "Ex officio members", "• Ban Ki-moon (Republic of Korea), Secretary-General, United Nations", "• Irina Bokova (Bulgaria), Director-General, UNESCO, Paris", "• Carlos Lopes (Guinea-Bissau), Executive Director, UNITAR", "Annex II", "United Nations University system", "UNU Centre", "UNU Centre, Tokyo; UNU Centre, Kuala Lumpur; UNU Vice-Rectorate in Europe (UNU/ViE, Bonn); UNU Office at the United Nations (UNU-ONY, New York); UNU Office at UNESCO (Paris); UNU Development Office (New York)", "Institutes", "• UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies (UNU-CRIS), Bruges, Belgium", "• UNU Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), Bonn, Germany", "• UNU Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS), Yokohama, Japan", "• UNU International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH), Kuala Lumpur", "• UNU International Institute for Software Technology (UNU-IIST), Macao, China", "• UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA), Accra", "• UNU Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH), Hamilton, Ontario, Canada", "• UNU Institute for Sustainability and Peace (UNU-ISP), Tokyo", "• UNU Maastricht Economic and Social Research Institute on Innovation and Technology (UNU-MERIT), Maastricht, Netherlands", "• UNU World Institute for Development Economics Research (UNU-WIDER), Helsinki", "Programmes", "• UNU Programme for Biotechnology in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNU-BIOLAC), Caracas", "• UNU Food and Nutrition Programme for Human and Social Development (UNU-FNP), Ithaca, New York, United States of America", "• UNU Fisheries Training Programme (UNU-FTP), UNU Geothermal Training Programme (UNU-GTP), UNU Land Restoration Training Programme (UNU-LRT), Reykjavik" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目15", "联合国训练研究所", "联合国大学理事会学校工作报告", "目录", "页次\n1.联合国大学的任务和远景 3\n2.2010年活动和成就 3\n3.专题组1:和平、安全与人权 4\n4.专题组2:人类、社会经济发展和良政 5\n5.专题组3:全球卫生、人口和可持续生计 9\n6.专题组4:全球变化和可持续发展 12\n7.专题组5:科学、技术、创新与社会 16\n8.2010年机构要闻 18\n9.机构优先事项 18 \n 附件 10.一. 21 \n联合国大学理事会成员 11.二. 23 \n联合国大学系统", "缩略语", "粮农组织 联合国粮食及农业组织", "全环基金 全球环境基金", "开发署 联合国开发计划署", "环境署 联合国环境规划署", "教科文组织 联合国教育、科学及文化组织", "难民署 联合国难民事务高级专员办事处", "儿基会 联合国儿童基金会", "妇发基金 联合国妇女发展基金", "训研所 联合国训练研究所", "联合国大学 联合国大学", "联合国大学拉加生技方案 联合国大学拉丁美洲和加勒比生物技术方案", "联合国大学比较研究方案 联合国大学区域一体化比较研究方案", "联合国大学环境人类安全所 联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所", "联合国大学环境与可持续发展方案 联合国大学环境与可持续发展方案", "联合国大学资助方案 联合国大学财务资助方案", "联合国大学粮食营养方案 联合国大学粮食与营养促进人类和社会发展方案", "联合国大学渔业培训方案 联合国大学渔业培训方案", "联合国大学地热培训方案 联合国大学地热培训方案", "联合国大学高研所 联合国大学高等研究所", "联合国大学全球健康所 联合国大学国际全球健康研究所", "联合国大学软件所 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所", "联合国大学领导艺术所 联合国大学国际领导艺术研究所", "联合国大学自然资源所 联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所", "联合国大学水环卫网 联合国大学国际水、环境和卫生网", "联合国大学经社研培中心 联合国大学马斯特里赫特经济和社会研究及创新与技术培训中心", "联合国大学发展经济学所 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究所", "一. 联合国大学的任务和远景", "1. 1969年,联合国秘书长吴丹提议“建立一所真正国际性的联合国大学,致力于《宪章》的和平与进步目标”。当年的大会年度会议授权就这样一所大学的可行性进行专家研究。大会在其后两届年度会议进一步审议了这个问题,并于1972年12月批准建立联合国大学,1973年12月通过了《联合国大学章程》。(36年后,即2009年12月,大会修订了该《章程》,明确许可联合国大学授予研究生学位。)", "2. 由于日本政府慷慨捐助,在东京提供总部设施并出资1亿美元设立一个捐赠基金,联合国大学于1975年9月得以启动学术工作。从此,联合国大学发展成为一个全球性研究和教学组织,在全球十几个国家建立了研究所和方案(见附件2),还在东京(总部)、波恩、德国、吉隆坡、纽约和巴黎设有行政和服务单位。联合国大学在工作中与联合国系统其他组织(机构、方案、委员会、基金和公约秘书处)以及会员国的著名大学和研究所保持紧密合作关系。", "3. 联合国大学的任务是通过合作研究、教育、能力建设和咨询服务,为努力解决联合国及其各国人民和会员国关心的人类生存、发展和福祉等全球紧迫问题做出贡献。“可持续能力”是联合国大学工作的总主题:确保以满足当代需求却又不危及后代的方式来解决当今的问题。联合国大学直接为以下工作作出贡献:促进与联合国的作用和工作有关的知识;利用这些知识制定完善的原则、政策、战略和行动方案。联合国大学为当前及今后重要的全球挑战提供思路开阔的新观点。尤其是,联合国大学强调:(a) 越来越需要开展高层次研究和教育,其重点是影响发展中国家和转型国家及其人民的问题以及(b) 必须帮助这些国家加强能力,自力更生地进行人类和社会发展。", "4. 联合国大学有别于传统大学和研究机构的特色包括:大学的全球结构;与联合国许多部门和政府办事处的密切合作;与许多国家顶尖大学的协作伙伴关系;学术关注点为问题/专题(而不是学科)和用户需求;致力于可持续能力的概念以及缩小发达国家和发展中国家之间的差距。正是以上这些综合特色使联合国大学可利用自身既作为联合国组织又是高层次研究和教学机构的比较优势。", "二. 2010年活动和成就", "5. 联合国大学的总体目标是为全球可持续发展作出贡献,即这种发展使当前世代以体面、安全、享有良好健康和自由的方式生活,同时不损害后代享有同样生活的能力。联合国大学采用面向系统的、跨学科的、解决问题的方法,将自然和物理科学的方法和严谨与社会科学及人文科学的洞察力结合起来,侧重于联合国大学可做出真正贡献并带来“附加值”的领域。", "6. 联合国大学2009至2012年战略计划确定了5个相互依存的专题组,这些专题组构成了联合国大学学术活动的方案空间。在5个专题组的方案范围内,联合国大学履行三种基本职能:研究和学习、教学和能力发展以及知识共享和转移。以下各节着重介绍大学2010年开展的广泛项目和活动。", "三. 专题组1:和平、安全与人权", "7. 冲突的性质不断变化,人类安全已取代领土安全,成为重点关切事项。在这个专题组内,联合国大学的工作侧重于确保国家、集团和个人的和平与安全方面面临的艰巨而又复杂的挑战,以及促进和保护人权及尊严的关键作用。", "研究与学习", "8. 2030年的全球秩序——由联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉分校联合开展的这一研究项目查明和分析未来的威胁、愿望以及在考虑到现存趋势以及受意外事态发展侵扰时的调整。该项目审议干涉、民族主义、性别平等、气候变化、缺水和缺少其他自然资源等挑战具有的局部和全球特点,以及能否和如何应对这些挑战。", "9. 非洲的性别暴力和冲突——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目关注非洲部分地区最普遍的对妇女、女孩和儿童的性暴力和性剥削问题,探讨艾滋病毒/艾滋病、战争/冲突和战后社会重建过程中的受害者几方之间经常缺失的政策联系。", "10. 美洲人权制度——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和牛津大学及墨西哥学院开展的这一联合研究项目研究南美洲、中美洲和北美洲人权机构、规范和实践的演变。项目成果已通过联合国大学出版社2010年出版的《美洲人权制度》一书得以传播。", "11. 受冲突影响社会的建设和平:比较经验和地方观点——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和麦克马斯特大学(加拿大)联合开展的这一研究项目力求加深我们对建设和平挑战的认识,并提出改善联合国和政府间建设和平举措的建议。", "12. 南亚和东南亚的政治暴力——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目探讨政治暴力的来源和表现形式及其在日常生活中的各种作用,项目成果是《南亚和东南亚的政治暴力:重要观点》一书(联合国大学出版社,2010年)。", "13. 区域安全:国际组织的能力——政治事务部区域组织合作股授权联合国大学区域一体化比较研究方案(联合国大学比较研究方案)对所有肩负安全任务的区域组织的综合能力进行首次系统的全球调查。该项目以出版同一标题的书籍结束(Routledge,2009年)。", "教学和能力发展", "14. 对建设和平文职工作人员的培训——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所同广岛建设和平者中心和日本外务省一起,通过一系列课程为经验丰富的资深建设和平工作人员和受训人员提供了专家培训。", "15. 联合国大学国际课程——联合国大学国际课程方案,为期六周系指在东京为研究生和专业人员开设的题为“联合国系统:紧迫问题和可持续解决方案”以及“和平与人权”的课程。", "知识共享和转移", "16. 裁军和防扩散方面的教育——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所与日本外务省开展合作,以促进教育在裁军和防扩散方面的重要作用,为不扩散核武器条约缔约国审议大会提供了重要投入。联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所还是第22次联合国裁军问题会议的重要贡献者。", "17. 国际关系中的情感——虽然感情、情绪和情感无可否认地影响我们的思维和行为,但关于其在国际关系中作用的研究却很少。联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和洛桑大学开展的项目,研究社会学、人类学、历史和心理学如何处理人类的情绪问题。", "18. 欧洲联盟与传统的和新的安全问题——联合国大学比较研究方案就传统的和新的安全问题如何影响欧洲联盟的主题,在比利时组织了为期三天的讲习班。", "19. 保护责任和平民保护——此研究项目由联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和格里菲斯大学(澳大利亚)以及亚太地区军民英才中心开展,得到澳大利亚政府保护责任基金的支助;项目涉及进行全面文献审查,以便为起草关于武装冲突局势中保护责任与平民保护之间关系的手册提供资料;与联合国高级官员和走在前列的人道主义专家进行详细访谈。", "20. 妇女缔造和平——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所组织专家讲习班,评估在将妇女的声音、观点和技能纳入预防冲突和建设和平工作方面取得的进展。通过公开论坛和出版联合国大学政策简报分享了讲习班成果。", "四. 专题组2:人类、社会经济发展和良政", "21. 虽然减贫、减少不平等和增加教育机会是实现社会及经济发展的关键,但确保良政是基本要素。联合国大学在该专题组中的工作侧重于为可持续人类和社会经济发展作贡献的各方面因素。", "研究和学习", "22. 菲律宾病例组合系统能力建设——联合国大学国际全球健康研究所(联合国大学全球健康所)的这一项目由世界卫生组织、欧洲联盟和德国合作公司(Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Zusammenarbeit)资助,支持菲律宾医疗保险公司这一管理国家医疗保险方案的政府机构的全面改革。项目目的是通过引入基于病例组合系统的一揽子支付来提高覆盖率并增强运营效率。", "23. 欧洲联盟与其他区域组织之比较——由联合国大学比较研究方案和欧洲学院协调、由欧洲联盟委员会终身学习方案资助的“让·莫内”项目力求推动当前就比较区域主义的当代表现形式这一专题进行的辩论。", "24. 可持续电子政务发展框架——联合国大学国际软件技术研究所(联合国大学软件所)在这方面的研究侧重于下列专题:如何确保政府保持技术领先地位;如何评估政府是否在信息和通讯技术带动的转型方面做好准备;如何整合电子政务和公共管理改革以及如何协调政府开发和利用信息技术的能力。", "25. 评价病例组合系统在印度尼西亚的实施——印度尼西亚在联合国大学全球健康所和马来西亚国民大学医学中心支持下,实施的病例组合系统,是政府社会医疗保险方案中的供方支付机制。此项为期三年的联合国大学全球健康所研究,将此种支付机制的影响与地方政府及市医疗保险方案仍在使用的收费服务费率进行了比较。", "26. 信息工程促进可持续发展——联合国大学软件所在这方面取得几项重要研究成果,包括:(a) 利用真正的并发进程的新技术;(b) 在为组件式软件模型驱动设计改善组件和对象系统表示法方面取得很大进展;(c) 为基于网络服务的计算简化了设计;(d) 建模并模拟某一蚊子种群,亚洲虎蚊(Aedes albopictus)的动态。", "27. GARNET/GR:EEN——为继续开展“全球治理、区域化和管理:欧洲联盟的作用(GARNET)英才网络”(2010年完成了其5年期任务)内的一些活动,许多GARNET研究所在全球秩序“重新调整:通过欧洲网络进化式发展(网络欧洲发展)”项目中再次联合起来。欧洲联盟委员会签署的网络欧洲发展第七框架计划合同由华威大学(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)协调,有包括联合国大学比较研究方案在内的世界上其他15所大学参加。", "28. 财富综合报告——国际全球环境变化人文因素计划(由联合国大学欧洲分部副校长主办)、联合国环境署(环境署)和世界银行联合开展的这一项目力求超越传统的、诸如国内生产总值等衡量方式,促进衡量社会成功的替代指标,并编制关于财富和国家财富变化的报告。", "29. 最不发达国家的土地不平等和分权治理——联合国大学世界发展经济学研究所(联合国大学发展经济学所)的这一项目调查以下方面的问题:土地不平等的发展、土地权利政策的作用以及亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲发展中国家地方政府的问责制。", "30. 中东、北非和气候变化——联合国大学发展经济学所的这一研究项目与普渡大学(美利坚合众国)合作进行,旨在衡量气候变化对农业的直接影响以及与其他部门的联系使农业受到的气候变化间接影响,同时审视减缓气候变化方面替代政策的潜力。", "31. 发展经济学新方向——联合国大学发展经济学所的这一项目用于:(a) 就政策方面的当务之急开展小规模项目或研究;(b) 就把新分析方法用于发展问题进行实验;(c) 建立可能成为较大型项目基础的新研究思路。", "32. 最佳社会保障、贫穷和发展——联合国大学马斯特里赫特经济和社会研究及创新与技术培训中心(联合国大学/经社研培中心)正在协作开展布鲁金斯学会的这个研究项目,该项目是非洲增长倡议研究方案的一部分。这项研究将开发社会保障需求增长模型并研究其在最优(社会)选择方面的福利影响。", "33. 高等教育和研究领域循证决策的手段和方法——联合国大学软件所的这一方案力求开发和传播有助于制定、实施、监测和评估相关政策的手段和方法。", "教学和能力发展", "34. 生物科学是人类的工具——联合国大学拉丁美洲和加勒比生物技术方案(联合国大学拉加生技方案)在巴西举行了“对培训员进行培训”试点研讨会,寻求激励高中教师开发教授生物学和生物技术的新教学大纲。", "35. 生物信息学加勒比培训方案——联合国大学拉加生技方案与国际遗传工程和生物技术中心在特立尼达和多巴哥共同发起了此次为期两周的课程,侧重于在生物医学科学中应用结构生物学和计算生物学。", "36. 电脑学校——联合国大学软件所人员在马来西亚国民大学组织并教授了为期一周的电脑学校,其中包括功能编程、高级编程和模型检测课程。", "37. 当代信息工程——联合国大学软件所就此专题为达累斯萨拉姆大学数学建模科学硕士课程举办了两次研讨会。", "38. 教育促进非洲可持续发展——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所这一项目的目的是开发和测试为专业人员设立的研究生教育方案。三个工作组正在拟订教学大纲概要并就选修课测试举行讲习班。四个非洲国家的大学正在参加此项目;日本各大学、联合国大学高等研究所(联合国大学高研所)、联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所(联合国大学自然资源所)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、环境署和联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)为此项目提供了支助。", "39. 功能编程——联合国大学软件所就该专题在非洲数学科学研究所组织了为期三周的课程。", "40. 智能医疗培训系统——培养临床能力的传统学徒方法可使患者不适,存在并发症风险并延长诊疗程序时间,联合国大学软件所作为备选方法,开发了融入了现实触觉反馈的仿真牙科训练环境(模拟器),可提供程序表现方面的详细信息。", "41. 电子学习的同侪制作方法——联合国大学软件所的这一研究项目力求:(a) 为分布在各地、使学生以学习者和研究人员双重身份参与免费公开源码软件项目的试验性研究,设计框架;(b) 同大学教师及校友一起打造试点项目。目标是在联合国大学建立以公开源方法开展软件工程的电子学习研究方案。", "42. 贫瘠干地的可持续管理,第二阶段——该项目现阶段由联合国大学国际水、环境和卫生网(联合国大学水环卫网)以及教科文组织联合管理;项目在比利时佛兰芒政府的资助下启动,涉及一个由9个国家的研究人员和机构组成的协作网络。该项目强调培训、能力建设和与土地所有者及农民之间的互动。", "43. 联合国大学发展经济学所访问学者(研修假)方案——该方案为研究人员和学者提供在联合国大学发展经济学所研修3个月的机会。", "知识共享和转移", "44. 病例组合对马来西亚三所教学医院服务提供的技术效率的影响——联合国大学全球健康所与马来西亚国民大学合作进行的这一研究验证如下假设:实施病例组合系统的医院和临床科室与不实施该系统的医院和临床科室相比,其技术效率更高。", "45. 联合国教育促进可持续发展十年全球公民会议¬——联合国高研所联合举办的“主流、联系和协作:开展对话以扩展教育,促进亚洲可持续发展运动”会议力求推动日本的教育促进可持续发展活动,加强多个行为体之间的联系,提高教育促进可持续发展工作的知名度。", "46. 女院士领导技能——联合国大学自然资源所在肯尼亚举办了题为“女院士的研究数据管理”为期五天的讲习班,力求帮助提高自然和农业科学领域的女社会科学家和学术人员的领导技能。", "47. 太平洋海洋管理——联合国大学高研所的报告“国内和国际法及政策中的太平洋传统海洋管理区”强调了以传统知识和科学信息为基础的、成功的海洋管理社区解决方案。", "48. 促进企业经营能力——联合国大学政策简报“促进发展中国家的创业精神:政策挑战”报告了联合国大学发展经济学所的这一研究项目;该项目侧重于了解创业精神对于发展的重要性,企业家如何在高增长以及冲突环境中发挥作用以及各国女企业家精神在不同发展阶段的差异。", "49. 冲突后国家和外国投资——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目探讨了在冲突后国家鼓励和规范外国投资的各种办法,项目还力求找出各种方法,使决策者制订在更广泛的建设和平进程中可带来有意义的经济发展的外国投资战略。该项目的研究结果发表在《冲突后国家的外国直接投资:机遇和挑战》一书中(Adonis and Abbey,2010年)。", "50. 欧洲联盟促进区域一体化——作为“欧洲联盟与其他区域组织之比较”项目的一部分,由联合国大学比较研究方案联合举办的“让·莫内“活动重点关注“与民间社会的互动”。", "51. 可持续发展和决策——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目探讨治理结构和流程如何产生可更好满足社会短期和长期需求的“可持续”的政策,特别是在全球环境和金融危机的背景下。横滨亚洲太平洋经济合作会议之前,在东京联合国大学总部举行了一次重要会议。", "52. 治理方面的趋势和创新——由联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和东西方中心联合实施的这一项目,最终以联合国大学出版社2010年出版的两本书:《民间社会参与:民主治理的新趋势》和《建立对政府的信任:亚洲治理改革创新》结束。", "53. 吴丹名人讲座——厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔·科雷亚在联合国大学总部东京作了第17届吴丹名人讲座。讲座主题是“二十一世纪厄瓜多尔和拉丁美洲地区的挑战”。", "54. 联合国大学全球研讨会——联合国大学在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的第一次加勒比区域全球研讨会的主题是“区域治理:挑战和机遇”。", "55. 联合国大学发展经济学所25周年大会——为期三天的联合国大学发展经济学所周年大会在赫尔辛基举行,主题是“三重危机:金融、粮食和气候变化”。", "五. 专题组3:全球卫生、人口和可持续生计", "56. 影响人类健康的问题可产生深刻的区域或全球政治、社会和经济影响;严重情况下,这些问题可降低生命和生计的可持续性。联合国大学在这个专题组内的工作侧重于通过减少国家内和国家间的经济差距来改善人类生活,并侧重于开展保护工作以防局部和跨国威胁影响人类健康、生活方式和生计。", "研究和学习", "57. 马来西亚肺炎球菌疾病的临床和经济负担——肺炎链球菌(肺炎球菌)是全世界严重细菌性疾病和死亡的主要原因。联合国大学全球健康所的这一研究项目旨在估计每年肺炎球菌疾病的发生率并推算相关经济负担,以支持马来西亚卫生部的决策。", "58. 马来西亚糖尿病管理的经济负担和成本效益——虽然过去三十年马来西亚2型糖尿病的流行率大幅增加,即从1982年的2.1%增加到2006年的14.9%,但是还未对疾病成本进行系统研究,以评估其经济影响并评价糖尿病护理方案的交付情况。联合国大学全球健康所的这一研究项目力求估计糖尿病及其并发症给全国造成的经济负担,并评价糖尿病管理的成本效益。", "59. 知识、态度、实践和赋权(KAPE)——联合国大学水环卫网和麦克马斯特大学(加拿大)联合开展的KAPE项目,重点是为肯尼亚维多利亚湖盆地的边缘化社区提供安全用水和卫生设施。", "60. 拯救生命——联合国大学粮食与营养促进人类和社会发展方案(联合国大学粮食营养方案)、康奈尔大学(美国)、联合国儿童基金会(儿基会)和国际粮食政策研究所进行的这一项目,目的是估计公共卫生干预措施目前拯救了多少生命。", "61. 非洲农村社区湖岸饮用水污染解决方案——由阿拉伯湾发展方案资助的联合国大学水环卫网项目将综合大湖区经验,并在此基础上制订为湖畔社区提供饮用水的综合规划框架。", "教学和能力发展", "62. 诊断和监测南美锥虫病患者的标准化聚合酶链式反应战略——这个为期一周的国际培训课程在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国举行,该课程是联合国大学拉加生技方案在新出现疾病病媒控制领域重点工作的一部分。", "63. 发展中国家病例组合系统远程学习方案——联合国大学全球健康所的这一培训方案力求支持利用病例组合系统这一工具来提高护理效率和质量。", "64. 渔业培训短期课程——2010年,联合国大学渔业培训方案与当地大学和区域及国际组织一起开发并提供了4个侧重于渔业的短期课程:在巴巴多斯、伯利兹和越南开设了区域课程,在乌干达开设了国家课程。", "65. 改进传统的食品发酵和食品技术——每年在联合国大学麒麟研究金方案下进行的为期一年的培训方案使研究员有机会研究国家食品研究所(日本)的最新技术和方法,并将其应用于与研究员本国研究所工作直接相关的研究项目。", "66. 公共健康硕士方案——联合国大学全球健康所与当地伙伴协作在马来西亚、尼泊尔、苏丹和也门四个国家执行了这些方案。", "67. 渔业研究生培训——寻求获得渔业相关领域科学硕士或博士学位的联合国大学渔业培训方案研究员可利用由冰岛政府资助、联合国大学渔业培训方案管理的奖学金在冰岛的大学学习。", "68. 儿基会/联合国大学营养工作——联合国大学和儿基会的这一联合项目由康奈尔营养工作方案进行,力求设计一个能力建设方面的电子学习课程,侧重于预防婴幼儿营养不良。", "69. 联合国大学拉加生技方案癌症课程——在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国举行的为期25天的此一课程涉及一系列与癌症相关的专题,如人类感染疾病的分子生物学、人类乳头瘤病毒诱发的癌症转化模式、通过干扰核糖核酸进行新一代疫苗控制以及抗人类乳头瘤病毒疫苗。", "70. 联合国大学全球健康所研究金和实习方案——研究金方案使发展中国家的年轻学者可进行博士后研究,并有助于联合国大学全球健康所的研究活动,而实习方案使博士生可在该所工作长达12个月。", "71. 联合国大学渔业培训方案——联合国大学渔业培训方案每年为期6个月的渔业领域专业人员研究生培训方案介绍有关渔业的各方面,包括影响渔业和水产养殖的全球发展及国际文书。", "知识共享和转移", "72. 康奈尔/联合国大学非洲系列——康奈尔/联合国大学非洲系列的2卷图书由康奈尔大学出版社于2010年出版:即《非洲粮食系统及其与人类健康和营养之间的相互作用》和《非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病的社会经济特征:挑战、机遇和误解》。这些书是联合国大学粮食营养方案、联合国大学纽约办事处和康奈尔大学近年来举办的一系列专题讨论会的成果。", "73. 食品和营养——食品和营养简报由联合国大学出版社与联合国大学粮食营养方案每季度合作出版,提供政策分析、最新摘要和关于在减轻发展中国家饥饿和营养不良问题方面开展多学科工作的原创科学文章。", "74. 减少世界各地城市的水流失——联合国水机制能力发展十年方案的这一录像制品是2008年至2010年与联合国人居署召开的一系列区域讲习班的成果;其中水领域的专家讨论每天面临的水流失挑战以及提高城市供水系统效率的解决方案和开发能力的办法。", "75. 水和卫生设施在儿童和孕产妇保健中的作用——联合国大学水环卫网与卡尔顿大学(加拿大)合作在渥太华举行了这一公开小组讨论。", "76. 联合国大学渔业培训方案年度讲座——1月,佛罗里达大学(美国)Steve Otwell在雷克雅未克就以下问题作了系列讲座:海产品安全、当前监管实践状况、海产品的健康益处以及温带气候中常见的质量问题。", "77. 联合国大学全球研讨会——联合国大学第二十六届全球研讨会沼南町会议于9月在日本举行,其主题是“迈向可持续的全球社会”。", "六. 专题组4:全球变化和可持续发展", "78. 人类活动导致或加剧的大规模变化对全球环境的影响达到前所未有的程度,同时,复杂的全球因素(包括环境恶化和气候变化)正在日益破坏人类的活动和生活方式,带来新的风险和脆弱性。联合国大学在这一专题组的工作所依据的是,必须在决定今后全球人口组成和消费模式的社会、经济驱动因素的背景下来解决环境问题。", "研究和学习", "79. 与气候变化相关的极端事件——联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所(联合国大学环境人类安全所)正与德国几个有代表性的社区合作,在“关键基础设施和气候变化相关的极端事件中民众/平民保护”这一项目框架内,开发对高强度降雨、风暴、干旱和热浪等与气候变化有关的极端事件的脆弱性评估方法。", "80. 就考虑适应气候变化影响的发展战略进行比较研究——联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所这一项目的目的是为发展中国家落实适当的气候变化适应战略作出贡献,其重点是水稻生产和减轻亚洲的自然灾害。", "81. 珊瑚礁连结和大规模生态进程——联合国大学水环卫网的这一项目侧重于了解珊瑚礁生态、现有威胁和改善此种状况的方法。最初工作在西加勒比展开。", "82. 气候变化下的发展——联合国大学发展经济学所的这一项目启动了在气候变化背景下保持经济发展的研究和能力建设方案。联合国大学发展经济学所与包括国际粮食政策研究所、麻省理工学院和科罗拉多大学(美国)在内的合作伙伴协作,制订了纳入全面的生物物理和经济分析的分析框架。", "83. 确保可持续土地管理的影响——联合国大学水环卫网的这一项目由全球环境基金(全环基金)资助,目标是为选定指标提供科学技术基础,借以记录全环基金土地退化重点区域,以便可持续土地管理项目业绩、成果和最佳做法。", "84. 全球环境基金国际水域项目:科学——由联合国大学水环卫网实施的这一项目是全环基金全球举措的一部分,侧重于综合全环基金国际水域一揽子项目的科学研究结果,以便提取科学知识,确定方案差距,改善科学与政策之间的联系并为今后的资源分配战略作贡献。项目伙伴包括联合国大学环境人类安全所、联合国水机制能力发展十年方案、环境署、教科文组织、苏格兰海洋科学协会、加拿大水网和沿海地带陆地-海洋的相互作用网络。", "85. 全球疾病脆弱性——联合国大学水环卫网、联合国大学全球健康所和联合国大学环境人类安全所与其他伙伴合作开展的这一联合倡议,力求在全球环境变化中,衡量、绘制和减少个人及社区对与水有关的疾病的脆弱性。该项目由加拿大健康研究所提供部分资金,在马来西亚启动了验证概念举措以确定登革热和基孔肯雅病的危险,并减少/管理对这些疾病的脆弱性。", "86. 改善欧洲脆弱性评估方法——联合国大学环境人类安全所这一为期三年的研究工作由欧洲联盟委员会资助,力求建立评估欧洲自然灾害(如洪水、极端气温、干旱、塌方、地震、野火和风暴)脆弱性的知识、框架和方法,以便帮助改善社会和环境复原力。", "87. 慕尼黑气候保险倡议——联合国大学环境人类安全所主办的、由保险人、气候变化和适应专家、非政府组织和政策研究人员组成的慕尼黑再保险公司倡议,力求在谈判中以及在发展中国家实地为气候变化带来的风险寻找解决方案。已发表联合国大学环境人类安全所的一份政策简报。", "88. 与水有关的信息系统——促进越南湄公河三角洲可持续发展的与水有关的信息系统这一多学科项目是德国和越南政府的一项双边倡议;联合国大学环境人类安全所在该项目中开展了以下研究:(a) 与水有关的危害的脆弱性评估;(b) 水质监测和农用化学品建模。", "教学和能力发展", "89. 红树生态系统的生物多样性——这是联合国大学水环卫网与教科文组织和安纳马莱大学合作在印度举办的年度训练班,为期2周,重点是红树生态系统和综合海岸生态系统管理。", "90. 生物技术课程——联合国大学拉加生技方案在哥斯达黎加组织了两次为期1周的课程,题为“养护和开发农业森林资源方面的生物技术应用”和“微生物应用生物信息学”。", "91. 菌根生物技术——这是联合国大学拉加生技方案在萨尔瓦多举办的讲习班,为期1周,重点是真菌和植物根部的共生关系。", "92. 亚洲海岸水圈的环境监测与治理——这是岛津公司支助的联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的能力建设举措,为亚洲10个发展中国家提供监测海岸环境中化学污染物的科学知识和技术。现阶段的重点是持久性有机污染物。", "93. 综合干地管理——联合国大学与中国、日本、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和突尼斯等国伙伴合作实施综合干地管理联合理学硕士方案,该方案已再次延长3年。", "94. 慕尼黑再保险基金会社会脆弱性主席——设在联合国大学环境人类安全所的慕尼黑再保险基金会社会脆弱性主席举办了一个夏季课程,内容是“采用新政策和体制框架,更好地保护气候移民”。", "95. 在阿拉伯联合酋长国通过水库、消浪设施和堤坝优化并改善地下水补给——联合国大学水环卫网与阿拉伯联合酋长国政府合作开展这一项目,以检查堤坝在地下水含水层补给(淡水供应的一个重要来源)方面的实效,该项目有一个重要的能力发展部分。", "96. 可持续农村生计——联合国大学非洲自然资源所为开发社区行动规划培训工具包做出重要贡献,最终版工具包将由加纳政府首发。", "97. 里山/里海的传统知识和智慧——这是联合国大学高研所与石川县开展的为期1年的项目,记录了里山/里海景区的传统知识,探讨了这些地方在可持续资源管理和生物多样性养护方面的潜力。", "98. 气候和生态系统变化适应研究大学网络(UN-CECAR)——气候和生态系统变化适应研究大学网络的协调委员会由亚洲20多个大学的代表组成,联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所是秘书处。9月,该网络在东京举办了一个为期3周的研究生课程,内容涉及建设应对气候变化的复原力。", "99. 联合国大学国际课程——在东京举办的联合国大学国际课程为期6周,课程内容涉及“全球性变化与可持续能力”和“国际合作与发展”。", "知识分享与转让", "100. “非洲日”专题讨论会——联合国大学与驻日本的非洲外交使团在东京举行这次年度专题讨论会,其专题是“环境:非洲的挑战,日本的作用”。", "101. 气候变化——2010年,数位著名演讲者在东京联合国大学总部就气候变化有关问题发表演讲。演讲者包括:墨西哥总统费利佩·卡尔德隆·伊诺霍萨,他主讲第十六次吴丹名人讲座,内容是“保护我们的共同遗产:推动达成一个公平的气候变化协议”;墨西哥外交部长兼联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议第十六届会议主席帕特里夏·埃斯皮诺萨,演讲内容是“走向2010年坎昆会议”;危地马拉总统阿尔瓦罗·科洛姆·卡瓦列罗斯,演讲内容是“气候变化与玛雅愿景”;挪威国际发展大臣埃里克·索尔海姆,他主讲2010年弗里乔夫·南森纪念讲座,内容是“气候变化和自然多样性的丧失:应对重大全球挑战的新行动和新联盟”;以及教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃,演讲内容是“气候变化与教育:教科文组织在2010年代的作用”。", "102. 气候变化下的发展问题——在南非约翰内斯堡召开的贫穷、公平和增长网络年度会议上,联合国大学发展经济学所就这一专题举行了一次特别会议。", "103. 通过政策协调提升发展——政策协调意味着,捐助国在谋求实现国内政策目标的时候,应避免采取对穷国发展前景产生不利影响的行动。联合国大学发展经济学所这一政策简报认为,完成尚未履行的国际承诺极其重要,而监测和评价政策协调仍是一个挑战。", "104. 《外援促进发展:问题、挑战和新议程》(Foreign Aid for Development: Issues, Challenges, and the New Agenda)(牛津大学出版社,2010年)——在联合国大学发展经济学所的这本书中,著名援助专家回顾了迄今为止的进展,指出了今后的挑战,并讨论了外援方面的新兴政策议程。", "105. 全球化与贫穷问题——联合国大学发展经济学所《全球化下的亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的穷人》(The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America, and Africa)(牛津大学出版社,2010年)一书介绍案例研究,说明全球化对增长、不平等和贫穷产生的差别影响。同样,联合国大学发展经济学所“将全球化与亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲的贫穷问题联系起来”的政策简报也指出,全球化对减少贫穷的影响是不均衡的。", "106. 评估柬埔寨砷中毒的健康风险和医疗费用——这一项目是联合国大学全球健康所、联合国大学与光州科学技术学院(大韩民国)联合方案、香港浸会大学和马来西亚国民大学的共同努力,项目采集了水、食物、毛发和指甲样本,分析含砷情况;开展了一次健康调查和临床评估;并评估了砷中毒产生的经济负担。", "107. 日本-加共体公开专题讨论会——在东京联合国大学总部举行的这一活动的专题是“气候变化与生物多样性”。联合国大学、日本外务省和美洲开发银行共同举办这个专题讨论会,加勒比共同体(加共体)数位外交部长以及日本的学者和专家在会上发言。", "108. 《我们的世界2.0》(Our World 2.0)——联合国大学媒体中心的这份双语(英文和日文)网络杂志是“《卫报》环境网络”的成员,杂志刊登的文章和视频短片涉及四项重大全球挑战:气候变化、粮食安全、石油峰值和生物多样性。", "109. 应对三重危机的办法:企业家精神、创新和结构改革——联合国大学发展经济学所在斯德哥尔摩的世行发展经济学年会上举办这次会议,会议重点关注如何应对以下三个问题同时交织在一起产生的后果,即:全球金融动荡,无遏制的气候变化,以及全球粮食价格上涨和缺乏替代能源资源导致饥饿现象加剧。", "110. 里山和里海评估——在内罗毕环境署总部召开《生物多样性公约》的科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构第十四次会议以及审查执行情况工作组第三次会议期间,联合国大学高研所举行了3次会外活动,解释国际里山倡议。联合国大学高研所还与日本环境省合作,并在全球环境推广中心支助下,举办了一个有关“日本里山和里海次全球评估”的专题讨论会。", "111. 北南框架内的南南一体化——在捷克共和国举行的题为“区域和全球一体化:去向何方?”的全球发展网络年度会议上,联合国大学发展经济学所和联合国大学比较研究方案联合举行了有关这一专题的会议。", "112. 全球增长的南部动力——联合国大学发展经济学所这一项目出版了两本专著,即《全球增长的南部动力》(Southern Engines of Global Growth)(牛津大学出版社,2010年)和《中国和印度的崛起:影响、展望与含意》(The Rise of China and India: Impacts, Prospects and Implications)(Palgrave Macmillan出版社,2010年),以及一份联合国大学政策简报。", "113. 联合国大学全球研讨会——在大韩民国召开的这届研讨会为期6天,重点关注的主题是“气候变化:社会与道德层面的问题”。", "114. 《世界红树图集》(World Atlas of Mangroves)——该卷第二版由国际红树生态系统学会与联合国大学水环卫网以及联合国其他实体合作出版。", "七. 专题组5:科学、技术、创新与社会", "115. 在开发和利用推动科学研究与技术进步的创新系统方面,发达国家与发展中国家的能力长期存在差距,使后者处于严重的竞争劣势。联合国大学这一专题组的工作重点关注科技创新的社会和道德影响及其广泛的社会影响。一项具体目标是,帮助发展中国家确定,在其面临各种制约的情况下,什么是可行和最需要的,以及如何实现自己的目标,同时最大程度地减少负面影响。", "研究和学习", "116. 分析研究费用的演变——这是联合国大学马斯特里赫特经济和社会研究及创新与技术培训中心(联合国大学经社研培中心)的项目,项目分析不同学科(科学和技术领域)和各种组织(如公共研究组织和私营公司)研究费用演变的原因、相互依存性和动态。重点是欧洲和某些非欧洲国家研究费用变化的趋势、驱动因素及影响。", "117. 可持续发展科学对话(D4S)——联合国大学欧洲分部副校长办公室是D4S的一个实施伙伴,D4S是德国联邦教育和研究部的一项国际倡议,涉及德国与关键新兴经济体之间就可持续性相关主题开展一系列有组织的双边科学政策对话。", "118. 2020年技术变革的区域影响——联合国大学经社研培中心这项研究旨在使我们更好地理解以下二者之间的关系:一个是向知识型经济的转移,另一个是欧洲在收入和知识潜力方面存在的区域差异。研究重点关注10年后可能出现的状况以及对现在的政策影响。", "教学和能力发展", "119. 建设非洲在科学、技术和创新指标方面的能力——由联合国大学经社研培中心协调,在南非为联合国大学这一科学、技术和创新以及相关指标等领域的能力建设项目有关的3个案例研究小组的参加者举办了一次为期3天的培训讲习班。", "120. 设计和评价发展中国家的创新政策——在塞内加尔举办为期1周的培训课程,由联合国大学经社研培中心与经济社会研究联合会共同举办,着眼于推动发展和评估塞舌尔创新与技术发展的政策影响的能力建设。", "121. 地热研究生培训——有资格获得地热科学与工程研究生学位的联合国大学地热培训方案的研究人员,可申请联合国大学地热培训方案的奖助金(由冰岛政府资助),到冰岛大学攻读理学硕士。", "122. 地热短期培训班——2010年,联合国大学地热培训方案在肯尼亚举办一次“探索地热资源”短期培训班(与肯尼亚地热开发公司和肯尼亚发电公司合作,由冰岛政府资助)。联合国大学地热培训方案还举办了4个外部资助的地热问题短期培训班:2个在印度尼西亚(均与冰岛地质勘查研究所合作),2个在肯尼亚。", "123. 联合国大学地热培训方案——联合国大学地热培训方案每年在冰岛举办培训,每期6个月,为参加者提供地热能源资源和技术的背景知识,并探讨地热开发项目所涉各学科之间的相互关系,从最初的勘探一直到实施和利用。", "知识分享与转让", "124. 绿色技术——6月,在联合国大学高研所举行了一个“推动可持续发展的科学、技术和创新”专题讨论会,为期2天,重点关注新兴绿色技术以及相关的政策机制。", "125. 创新与发展的微观证据——联合国大学经社研培中心与塔图大学在爱沙尼亚举办了发展中经济体创新微观证据第四次年会,题为“创新和技术变革的微观证据研究”。", "126. 解决电子废物问题(StEP)倡议——作为解决电子废物问题倡议(一个由产业、政府、国际组织、非政府组织和学术界成员组成的联合会)的一部分,联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所在德国的业务单位SCYCLE(可持续循环)努力开发在环境方面安全和公正的解决方案,以可持续地处理电子废物。SCYCLE举办了荷兰金属及电子产品回收协会(NVMP)-解决电子废物问题倡议的电子废物问题暑期班,并与环境署合作出版了题为“从电子废物到资源”的报告。", "127. 技术变革——联合国大学经社研培中心题为“2020年技术变革的区域影响”的报告突出说明,在欧洲各区域,发展路径以及创新和技术变革的轨迹多种多样。", "128. 联合国大学地热培训方案年度讲座——Roland Horne(美国斯坦福大学)在雷克雅未克就“水库工程和试井”问题做了一系列讲座。", "129. 城市生物多样性——在日本名古屋召开的生物多样性公约缔约方会议第十届会议上,发布了联合国大学高研所题为“城市、生物多样性和治理:在城市一级执行《生物多样性公约》的展望与挑战”的政策报告。在“国际生物多样性年”闭幕式上,放映了金泽市政府委托联合国大学高研所和联合国大学媒体工作室制作的金泽市四季生物多样性记录影片。", "八. 2010年机构要闻", "130. 这一年,联合国大学欢迎14位新的理事会成员就职(接替2010年结束6年任期的成员)。3位新任研究所所长也加入联合国大学,即:联合国大学软件所所长Peter F. Haddawy;联合国大学非洲自然资源所所长Elias Takor Ayuk和联合国大学环境人类安全所所长Jakob Rhyner(同时兼任欧洲分部副校长)。", "131. 2010年,设在冰岛的联合国大学土地恢复培训方案开始运作,联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所在德国的可持续循环业务单位也开始运作,该单位是解决电子废物问题倡议的一个组成部分。联合国大学还在组建两个新研究所方面取得良好进展,即:将位于西班牙巴塞罗那的联合国大学不同文明联盟国际研究所(UNU-IIAOC);和将设立于德国德累斯顿的联合国大学物质通量与资源综合管理研究所(UNU-FLORES)。预期这两个研究所都将在2012年开始运作。", "132. 人员配置——截至2010年12月31日,联合国大学全球系统有576名工作人员,其中三分之一以上(206人)是发展中国家的国民。联合国大学工作人员包括322名男性和254名女性,人员来自约76个国家。", "133. 资金情况——联合国大学不从联合国经常预算获得资金;资金全部来自于捐助基金的投资收入以及各国政府和机构、国际组织、基金会以及其他来源的自愿捐助。2010年,联合国大学从21个国家政府和100多个其他来源收到3 690万美元捐助。联合国大学2010年总预算为5 240万美元。", "九. 机构优先事项", "134. 在联合国大学2009至2012年战略计划规定的框架内,校长办公室指定了联合国大学系统2010年的5项战略优先举措,即:研究生方案、结对研究所、质量保证、沟通和筹资。", "135. 联合国大学研究生方案举措——2009年12月《联合国大学宪章》得到修订,使联合国大学研究生方案举措的工作能够在2010年以良好的速度向前推进,确立法律框架的大学研究生方案与奖学金章程得以制定,相关的条例、政策和机构支持架构也得以确立。还为(a) 联合国大学各研究所的独立硕士学位方案;(b) 研究所间(联合国大学内部)的硕士学位方案;以及(c) 与其他大学合作开设的联合硕士方案或双学位硕士方案,开发出模板。", "136. 2010年第一季度,校长办公室有条件核准了3项拟议的联合国大学研究生方案中的2项。9月,联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所启动了可持续能力、发展与和平的理科硕士方案,有5名学生。这是一个重点关注用户的实用方案,采用创新的跨学科方法,研究可持续能力、气候变化、发展、建设和平以及人权等紧迫的全球问题。联合国大学经社研培中心也在9月,欢迎8名新生参加其技术变革的经济学和政策研究博士方案。", "137. 联合国大学其他单位继续努力开发自己的研究生学位方案。这些方案包括独立硕士学位课程、联合硕士学位课程或双学位硕士课程,涉及:全球和区域治理(联合国大学比较研究方案);环境风险地理学与人的安全(联合国大学环境人类安全所);国际营养与政策(联合国大学粮食营养方案);国际环境治理与可持续发展的公共政策(联合国大学高研所);信通技术促进可持续发展以及电子政务(联合国大学软件所);发展经济学和一个芬兰经济学联合理学硕士学位(联合国大学发展经济学所)。联合国大学全球健康所与4个伙伴机构合作提供联合研究生学位课程,但这些课程还没有作为联合国大学的研究生学位方案得到审查。", "138. 结对研究所举措——为增强联合国大学在发展中国家和经济转型国家的存在,并加强发达国家与发展中国家在科研和教学方面的互动,联合国大学作为一项战略措施,正在采用“结对研究所”结构,即联合国大学每一所研究所都有两个工作地点:一个在发达国家,另一个在发展中国家。每一个工作地点(“结对伙伴”)有自己的研究人员、教师和学生,但两个地点实施共同的研究和教学议程,并将一半以上的时间用于开展联合项目。", "139. 发达国家“结对伙伴”的基本经费由东道国承担。要求发展中东道国至少为设在该国的“结对伙伴”提供30%的经费,剩余资金将来自供资机构或其他捐助方支助的联合研究和教学项目。发展中国家的“结对伙伴”将首先作为关联方案运作,然后,逐步转变为发达国家联合国大学研究所完全成熟的结对伙伴。", "140. 迄今为止,联合国大学已授权建立3个结对伙伴安排(但法律协议仍有待完成):联合国大学经社研培中心已指定北京的人民大学与达喀尔的经济社会研究联合会为结对伙伴,联合国大学比较研究方案在北京的清华大学设立了比较区域一体化研究所,以作为一个结对伙伴。在确定或吸引更多结对伙伴申请机构方面,联合国大学若干其他单位也已取得进展。", "141. 质量保证举措——在联合国大学理事会主席团年中会议上,提交讨论了联合国大学质量保证章程草案。联合国大学质量保证框架的目的是,增强研究和教学活动以及知识共享/外联活动和行政管理职能的实效。在2010年下半年,校长办公室开发出指导质量保证工作的模块系统,提交联合国大学理事会2010年会议讨论的联合国大学质量保证手册概括介绍了该模块系统。", "142. 沟通举措——为提升联合国大学的内部和外部沟通,负责沟通的工作人员起草了有关“制定联合国大学沟通战略的下一步举措”和“明确阐述联合国大学核心讯息”的文件。在审查沟通需要和资源的基础上,联合国大学媒体工作室与联合国大学沟通办公室(东京)合并为一个单位。新成立的联合国大学媒体中心的第一个重大项目是彻底改造和重新设计联合国大学的主网站。", "143. 筹资举措——在联合国大学纽约办事处成立了一个新单位,即联合国大学发展办公室。该单位将负责动员基金会、私营部门和其他实体提供大规模捐款和赠款。筹资方面的优先事项是:(a) 捐助建立一个奖学金方案,帮助有希望的发展中国家学生就读联合国大学的研究生方案;(b) 改善某些设在发展中国家的联合国大学研究所的财务状况。", "附件一", "联合国大学理事会成员", "联合国大学理事会是大学的管理机构,成员包括24名任命成员(任期为6年)、校长和3名当然成员。", "任命成员(截至2010年12月31日)", "继续任职的成员(2007至2013年)", "• Juan Ramón de la Fuente(墨西哥)(理事会主席),国际大学协会会长;墨西哥国家自治大学前任校长(墨自治大学)", "• Paolo Blasi(意大利),佛罗伦萨大学物理学教授;佛罗伦萨大学前任校长", "• 安杰拉·克罗珀(特立尼达和多巴哥),联合国助理秘书长;联合国环境规划署副执行主任", "• Louise Fresco(荷兰),国际视野中的可持续发展基金会教授,阿姆斯特丹大学", "• Fadia Kiwan(黎巴嫩),圣约瑟夫大学法律和政治科学系政治学教授兼主任,贝鲁特", "• Goolam Mohamedbhai(毛里求斯),非洲大学协会前任秘书长;国际大学协会前任会长", "• Francisco Komlavi Seddoh(多哥),洛美大学前任校长,多哥;教育与科学研究部前任部长;教科文组织高等教育司前任司长", "• 吉塔·森(印度),印度管理学院公共政策中心教授,班加罗尔;哈佛大学人口与国际卫生中心兼职教授", "• Ivan Wilhelm(捷克共和国),查尔斯大学前任校长,布拉格", "• Margret Wintermantel(德国),德国校长会议主席", "新成员(2010至2016年)", "• 阿部信泰(日本),日本国际问题研究所促进裁军和不扩散中心主任;前联合国主管裁军事务副秘书长", "• J·迈克尔·亚当斯(美利坚合众国),费尔利·迪金森大学校长", "• Jean-Pierre Bourguignon(法国),高级科学研究所主任;国家科学研究中心研究主任", "• Rahma Bourqia(摩洛哥),哈桑二世大学校长,穆罕默迪耶,卡萨布兰卡", "• Cristovam Buarque(巴西),联邦参议院议员;巴西利亚大学教授", "• Fiona Caldicott(联合王国),萨默维尔学院前任院长,牛津;牛津大学主管人事和平等机会的前任副校长;牛津拉德克利夫国民医疗服务信托机构主席,牛津", "• Gajaraj Dhanarajan(马来西亚),宏愿开放大学研究与创新研究所名誉主任", "• Mohamed H.A. Hassan(苏丹),发展中世界科学院执行主任,的里雅斯特", "• Zellynne Doloris Jennings-Craig(牙买加),西印度群岛大学教育学院院长兼人文科学与教育学学院副主任", "• 靳晓明(中国),科学技术部国际合作司司长", "• Konstantin Khudoley(俄罗斯联邦),圣彼得堡国立大学董事会副主席,主管国际事务的副校长", "• 江莉莉(新加坡),新加坡国立大学主管大学与环球联系事务的副校长,亚洲研究所所长", "• Lydia Shouleva(保加利亚),欧洲议会前议员;前副总理兼经济部长", "• Mala Singh(南非),开放大学高等教育研究与信息中心国际高等教育政策教授,联合王国", "联合国大学校长", "• 康拉德·奥斯特瓦德(瑞士)", "当然成员", "• 潘基文(大韩民国),联合国秘书长", "• 伊琳娜·博科娃(保加利亚),教科文组织总干事,巴黎", "• 卡洛斯·洛佩斯(几内亚比绍),训研所执行主任", "附件二", "联合国大学系统", "联合国大学中心", "联合国大学东京中心;联合国大学吉隆坡中心;联合国大学欧洲分部副校长办公室(联合国大学欧洲分部,波恩);联合国大学驻联合国办事处(联合国大学纽约办事处,纽约);联合国大学驻教科文组织办事处(巴黎);联合国大学发展办公室(纽约)。", "研究所", "• 联合国大学区域一体化比较研究所(联合国大学比较研究所),比利时,布鲁日", "• 联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所(联合国大学环境人类安全所),德国,波恩", "• 联合国大学高等研究所(联合国大学高研所),日本,横滨", "• 联合国大学国际全球健康研究所(联合国大学全球健康所),吉隆坡", "• 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所(联合国大学软件所),中国,澳门", "• 联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所(联合国大学自然资源所),阿克拉", "• 联合国大学水、环境和卫生研究所(联合国大学水环卫所),加拿大,安大略省,汉密尔顿", "• 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所,东京", "• 联合国大学马斯特里赫特经济和社会研究及创新与技术培训中心(联合国大学经社研培中心),荷兰,马斯特里赫特", "• 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究所(联合国大学发展经济学所),赫尔辛基", "方案", "• 联合国大学拉丁美洲和加勒比生物技术方案(联合国大学拉加生技方案),加拉加斯", "• 联合国大学粮食与营养促进人类和社会发展方案(联合国大学粮食营养方案),伊萨卡,美利坚合众国,纽约州", "• 联合国大学渔业培训方案;联合国大学地热培训方案;联合国大学土地恢复培训方案;雷克雅未克" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目15", "联合国研究和训练机构", "联合国大学理事会关于大学工作的报告", "目录", "任务3和联合国愿景\n大学二. 活动4和成果\n2010. 三 (中文(简体) ). 专题4组 1:和平、安全和人类\n权利 专题6 第2组:人类和社会经济发展与良好\n五、专题10 第3组:全球卫生、人口和可持续发展\n六. 专题12 第4组:全球变化与可持续\n七. 专题17 第5组:科学、技术、创新和\n2010年 18\n要点九. 体制 18\n优先事项\n一、联合国理事会成员. 22\n联合国大学\n系统", "简称", "联合国粮食及农业组织", "GEF 全球环境基金", "开发计划署 联合国开发计划署", "环境规划署 联合国环境规划署", "联合国教科文组织.", "联合国难民事务高级专员办事处", "儿童基金会 联合国儿童基金会", "妇发基金 联合国妇女发展基金", "训研所 联合国训练研究所", "联合国大学 联合国大学", "联合国大学拉丁美洲和加勒比生物技术方案", "联合国大学/比较研究方案 区域一体化比较研究", "联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所", "联合国大学环境和可持续发展方案", "联合国大学/联合国大学财务援助方案", "联合国大学/粮食营养方案", "联合国大学渔业培训方案", "联合国大学地热培训方案", "联合国大学/高研所", "联合国大学/全球卫生研究所", "联合国大学/软件技术研究所", "联合国大学/领导才能研究所", "联合国大学/非洲自然资源研究所", "联合国大学新技术研究所", "联合国大学/水环卫网 联合国大学水、环境和卫生国际网络", "联合国大学可持续性与和平研究所", "联合国大学/经社研训中心", "联合国大学纽约办事处", "联合国大学/ViE 联合国大学在欧洲的副校长", "联合国大学/发展经济学所 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究所", "联合国水机制能力建设十年方案", "一. 联合国大学的使命和远景", "1. 1969年,吴丹秘书长提议 \" 建立一所真正国际并致力于《宪章》和平与进步目标的联合国大学 \" 。 在当年的年会上,大会授权就这所大学的可行性进行专家研究。 大会在其下两届年会上进一步审议了这个问题后,于1972年12月批准设立联合国大学,并于1973年12月(36年后,即2009年12月)通过《联合国大学章程》,大会修正了《章程》,明确准许联合国大学授予研究生学位。", "2. 联合国 通过日本政府慷慨解囊,联合国大学得以于1975年9月开展学术工作,日本政府在东京提供了总部设施并捐助了1亿美元,用于设立捐赠基金。 联合国大学现已发展成为一个全球研究和教学组织,在全世界十几个国家设有研究所和方案(见附件二),并在东京(总部)、德国波恩、吉隆坡、纽约和巴黎设有行政和服务单位。 在开展工作时,联合国大学同联合国系统其他组织(各机构、方案、委员会、基金和公约秘书处)以及会员国的主要大学和研究机构保持密切的合作关系。", "3个 联合国大学的任务是通过合作研究、教学、能力发展和咨询服务来协助解决联合国、其人民和会员国所关切的人类生存、发展和福利等紧迫的全球问题。 联合国大学工作的总主题是 \" 可持续性 \" ,确保以不危及子孙后代需要的方式解决今天的问题。 联合国大学直接协助增进与联合国作用和工作有关的知识,并协助将这种知识用于制订健全的原则、政策、战略和行动纲领。 联合国大学对今天和明天的主要全球挑战提出开放的新观点。 联合国大学特别强调:(a) 越来越需要开展高级研究和教育,重点是影响发展中国家和转型期国家及其人民的问题;(b) 必须帮助这些国家加强自力更生的人类发展和社会发展能力。", " 4.四. 联合国大学不同于传统大学和研究机构的特点包括:其全球结构;同许多联合国和政府办事处密切合作;同许多国家的顶尖大学结成合作伙伴关系;学术上注重问题/主题(而不是学科)和用户需要;致力于可持续性概念并缩小发达和发展中世界之间的差距。 正是所有这些特点使联合国大学能够利用其作为一个联合国组织和高级别研究和教学机构的相对优势。", "二. 2010年的活动和成就", "5 (韩语). 联合国大学的首要目标是为全球可持续发展作出贡献,即使当代人能够过上体面、安全、健康和自由的生活而不损害后代人这样做的能力的发展。 联合国大学采用面向系统、跨学科、解决问题的办法,将自然科学和物理科学的方法和严谨性与社会科学和人文科学的洞察力结合起来,侧重于它有可能作出真正贡献并给这一努力带来“额外性”的领域。", "6. 国家 2009-2012年联合国大学战略计划规定了五个相互依存的专题组,共同界定联合国大学学术活动的方案空间。 联合国大学在其五个专题组的方案范围内,承担了三种基本职能:研究与研究、教学与能力发展以及知识共享和转让。 以下各节重点介绍联合国大学2010年开展的广泛项目和活动。", "三. 专题组 1:和平、安全和人权", "7. 联合国 冲突性质不断变化,使 \" 人的安全 \" 取代了 \" 领土安全 \" ,成为主要关切。 联合国大学在这个专题组内的工作重点是确保国家、团体和个人的和平与安全所面临的困难而复杂的挑战,以及促进和保护人权和尊严的重要作用。", "研究与研究", "8. 2030年全球秩序。 这一研究项目由联合国大学可持续性与和平研究所(联合国大学可持续发展与和平所)和加利福尼亚大学圣巴巴拉联合进行,根据目前的趋势和意外事态发展的侵入情况,查明并分析未来的威胁、愿望和调整。 报告审议了干预、民族主义、性别平等、气候变化、缺水和其他自然资源等挑战的地方性和全球性,以及是否能够以及如何应对这些挑战。", "9. 国家 非洲的性别暴力和冲突。 联合国大学-可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目侧重于非洲那些对妇女、女童和儿童的性暴力和性剥削问题最普遍的地区,它追溯到艾滋病毒/艾滋病、战争/冲突以及战后社会重建中受害者之间常常缺乏的政策联系。", "10. 美洲人权制度。 联合国大学可持续发展研究所、牛津大学和墨西哥学院的这一联合研究项目审查了南方、中美洲和北美人权机构、规范和做法的演变情况。 通过联合国大学2010年出版的《美洲人权制度》一书传播了项目结果。", "11个 在受冲突影响的社会中建设和平:比较经验和地方观点。 这一研究项目是联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和麦克马斯特大学(加拿大)联合开展的,旨在加深我们对建设和平挑战的理解并就如何改进联合国和政府间建设和平办法提出建议。", "12. 南亚和东南亚的政治暴力。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目探讨了政治暴力的来源和表现及其在日常生活中所发挥的各种作用,产生了一书《南亚和东南亚的政治暴力:关键观点》(联合国大学出版社,2010年)。", "13个 区域安全:国际组织的能力。 政治事务部股与区域组织合作,授权联合国大学区域一体化比较研究(联合国大学区域一体化比较研究)对所有负有安全任务的区域组织的整体能力进行首次系统的全球调查。 该项目最后出版了一本同名书(Routledge,2009年)。", "教学和能力发展", "14个 为平民和平建设者提供培训。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所与广岛建设和平中心及日本外务省一道,通过一系列课程,为有经验的建设和平高级人员和受训人员提供了专家培训。", "15个 联合国大学国际课程。 在东京为研究生和专业人员举办的为期六周的联合国大学国际课程提供了“联合国系统:紧迫问题和可持续解决办法”和“和平与人权”课程。", "知识共享和转让", "16号. 裁军和不扩散教育。 联合国大学可持续发展研究所同日本外务省合作,促进教育在裁军和不扩散方面的关键作用,为不扩散核武器条约缔约国审议大会提供重要投入。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所也是第二十二次联合国裁军问题会议的主要贡献者。", "17岁。 国际关系中的情感. 虽然激情、情感和情感无可否认地影响着我们的思维和行为,但很少研究它们在国际关系中的作用。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和洛桑大学的这一项目审视了社会学、人类学、历史和心理学如何解决人类情绪问题。", "18岁。 欧洲联盟以及传统和新的安全问题。 研究所在比利时举办了一次为期三天的讲习班,讨论传统和新的安全问题如何影响欧洲联盟。", "19. 保护平民的责任。 联合国大学可持续发展研究所与格里菲斯大学(澳大利亚)和亚太军民英才中心合作,在澳大利亚政府保护责任基金的支持下,开展了这一研究项目,其中包括对文献进行全面审查,以便为起草关于保护责任与在武装冲突局势中保护平民之间关系的手册提供信息,并与联合国高级官员和主要人道主义专家进行详细访谈。", "20号. 妇女建立和平。 联合国大学可持续发展研究所举办了一次专家讲习班,评估在将妇女的声音、观点和技能纳入预防冲突和建设和平工作方面取得的进展。 通过公开论坛和出版联合国大学政策简报分享了讲习班的结论。", "四、结 论 专题组2:人类和社会经济发展及善政", "21岁 虽然减少贫穷、尽量减少不平等和增加教育机会是实现社会和经济发展的关键步骤,但确保善政是关键所在。 联合国大学在这个专题组内的工作重点是促进人类和社会经济发展的所有组成部分。", "研究与研究", "22. 菲律宾案件混合系统的能力建设。 由世界卫生组织、欧洲联盟和德国技术合作署资助的联合国大学国际全球卫生研究所(联合国大学全球卫生所)项目支持菲律宾健康保险公司的全面改革,菲律宾健康保险公司是实施国家健康保险方案的政府机构。 目的是通过采用基于案件混合系统的一揽子付款,扩大覆盖面并改进业务效率。", "23. 联合国 将欧洲联盟与其他区域组织进行比较。 这个由联合国大学比较研究方案和欧洲学院协调、由欧洲联盟委员会终身学习方案资助的Jean Monnet项目力求推动目前关于当代比较区域主义形式专题的辩论。", "24 (韩语). 可持续电子治理的发展框架。 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所(软件所)在这一领域的研究侧重于以下问题:如何确保在政府中持续发挥技术领导作用;如何评估信息和通信技术促成的政府转型准备情况;如何将电子政府和公共行政改革结合起来;以及如何协调政府发展和使用信息技术能力。", "25岁 印度尼西亚案例混合系统实施情况评价。 在联合国大学全球健康研究所和马来西亚Kebangsaan大学医疗中心的支持下,在印度尼西亚实施的病例混合系统被用作政府社会健康保险方案的提供者支付机制。 这项为期三年的联合国大学全球健康研究所研究将这种支付机制的影响同地方政府和市健康保险方案仍在使用的收费服务费进行比较。", "26. 信息工程促进可持续性。 联合国大学软件所在这一领域取得了一些重要的研究成果,包括:(a) 利用真实过程货币的新技术;(b) 在改进组件驱动设计元件的元件和对象系统标记方面取得实质性进展;(c) 简化了基于网络服务的计算设计;(d) 模拟和模拟蚊子群的动态。", "27个 GARNET/GREEN(英语:GRENET/GREEN). 为了继续 \" 全球治理区域化和监管:欧洲联盟(GARNET)网络的作用 \" 的一些活动,该网络于2010年完成了五年的任务,许多GARNET研究机构通过全球重组再次联合起来: 通过欧洲网络演变项目。 欧洲联盟委员会签署的框架7GREEN合同由沃里克大学(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)协调,涉及世界其他15所大学,包括联合国大学比较研究方案。", "28岁 包容性财富报告。 这个项目由全球环境变化国际人的方面方案(由联合国大学欧洲副校长主持)、联合国环境规划署(环境规划署)和世界银行共同实施,目的是通过超越诸如国内生产总值(国内总产值)等常规措施,促进衡量社会成功的替代指标,并编写一份关于财富和国家财富变化的报告。", "29. 国家 最不发达国家土地不平等和权力下放治理。 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究所(发展经济学所)的这一项目调查了与土地不平等的演变有关的问题,以及亚洲、非洲和拉丁美洲发展中国家地方政府在土地权利和问责制方面政策的作用。", "30岁。 中东和北非与气候变化。 联合国大学发展经济学所与Purdue University(美利坚合众国)合作开展的这一研究项目力求通过气候变化与其他部门的联系,直接衡量气候变化对农业的影响,并研究其他缓解政策的潜力。", "31岁 发展经济学的新方向. 这个项目是联合国大学发展经济学所的一个工具,以便:(a) 就具有直接政策重要性的专题进行小规模项目或研究;(b) 试验在发展问题上应用新的分析技术;(c) 提出新的研究想法,然后作为大型项目的基础。", "32. 联合国 优化社会保障,扶贫开发. 联合国大学马斯特里赫特经济和社会研究创新和技术培训中心正在就布鲁金斯研究所的研究项目进行合作,该项目是非洲增长倡议研究方案的一部分。 这项研究将开发一个社会保障需求增长模式,并研究其在最佳(社会)选择方面的福利影响。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 高等教育和研究中循证政策的工具和技术。 联合国大学软件所的这一方案力求开发和传播各种工具和技术,以协助制定、执行、监测和评价有关政策。", "教学和能力发展", "34. 国家 生物科学是人类的工具 联合国大学拉丁美洲和加勒比生物技术方案(联合国大学拉加生物技术方案)在巴西举行了“培训培训员”试点研讨会,旨在激励高中教师制定新的生物和生物技术教学课程。", "35. 联合国 加勒比生物信息学培训方案。 由联合国大学拉加生技所和国际遗传工程和生物技术中心联合赞助,在特立尼达和多巴哥举办的这一为期两周的课程的重点是生物医学应用结构和计算生物学。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 计算机学校. 这个为期一周的计算机学校由马来西亚Kebangsaan大学的联合国大学软件所人员组织和教授,包括功能和高级编程以及模型检查课程。", "37. 联合国 当代信息工程. 联合国大学软件所为达累斯萨拉姆大学数学模型科学硕士方案举办了两次关于这一主题的研讨会。", "38. 国家 非洲可持续发展教育。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目的目的是为专业人员制订和测试研究生一级的教育方案。 三个工作组正在拟订课程大纲并举办讲习班,进行选择性课程测试。 在日本大学、联合国大学高等研究所(高研所)、联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所(联合国大学非洲自然资源所)、联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)、环境规划署和联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)的支助下,四个非洲国家的大学正在参与。", "39. 职能方案拟订。 联合国大学软件所在非洲数学科学研究所举办了为期三周的关于这一主题的课程。", "40. 智能医疗培训系统。 传统的临床能力学徒方法可能会使病人感到不适、有并发症的风险和长时间的手术时间,作为这一方法的替代办法,联合国大学软件所开发了一个虚拟现实的牙科培训环境(模拟器),其中包括现实的触觉反馈,并提供关于程序表现的详细资料。", "41. 国家 电子学习的同伴生产方法。 联合国大学软件所的这一研究项目旨在:(a) 设计一个按地域分布的试点研究框架,使学生能够作为学习者和研究人员参与自由和开放源软件项目;(b) 与学者和前学生一起创建试点项目。 目标是建立联合国大学软件工程开放源码方法研究生电子学习方案。", "42. 国家 边缘干地的可持续管理,阶段 2. 联合国 该项目的目前阶段由联合国大学国际水、环境和卫生网(联合国大学水环卫网)和教科文组织共同管理,由比利时弗拉芒政府提供资金发起,涉及9个国家的研究人员和机构协作网络。 它强调培训、能力建设和与地主和农民的互动。", "43. 东帝汶 联合国大学发展经济学所访问学者(休假)方案。 该方案使研究人员和学者有机会在联合国大学发展经济学所工作约三个月。", "知识共享和转让", "44. 国家 病例组合对马来西亚三所教学医院提供服务技术效率的影响. 联合国大学全球健康研究所与马来西亚Kebangsaan大学合作进行的这项研究测试了一个假设,即实施病例混合系统的医院和临床部门的技术效率将高于那些不具备技术效率的医院和临床部门。", "45. 联合国教育促进可持续发展十年全球公民会议。 由联合国大学高研所共同举办的“主流、联系和协作:为扩大亚洲可持续发展教育运动而进行对话”会议力求促进与日本可持续发展教育有关的活动,加强多个行动者之间的网络联系并增加有关可持续发展教育工作的能见度。", "46. 经常预算: 女学者的领导能力。 联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所在肯尼亚举办了为期五天的“女学者数据研究管理”讲习班,目的是帮助提高从事自然和农业科学领域工作的女社会科学家和学术工作人员的领导技能。", "47. 国家 太平洋海域管理. 联合国大学高研所的“国家和国际法律及政策背景下的太平洋传统海洋管理区”报告强调了基于传统知识和科学信息的成功基于社区的海洋管理解决方案。", " 48. 48. 提升创业能力. 联合国大学的政策简报“促进发展中国家的创业:政策挑战”报告了联合国大学发展经济学所的这一研究项目,其重点是了解创业如何对发展至关重要,企业家如何在高增长和冲突环境中发挥作用,以及处于不同发展阶段的各国女性创业有何不同。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 冲突后国家和外国投资。 联合国大学-可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目探讨了鼓励和管理在冲突后国家的外国投资的各种办法,并力求确定决策者如何设计外国投资战略,作为更广泛的建设和平进程的一部分,带来有意义的经济发展。 项目结果已发表在《冲突后国家的外国直接投资: 机会和挑战(阿多尼斯和阿比,2010年)。", " 50. 50. 欧洲联盟促进区域一体化。 作为“欧洲联盟与其他区域组织的对等”项目的一部分,联合国大学比较研究方案联合举办了让·蒙内活动,重点是与民间社会的互动。", "51. 联合国 可持续性和决策。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目探讨施政结构和进程如何能够制定“可持续”政策,更好地满足社会的短期和长期需要,特别是在全球环境和金融危机的背景下。 在横滨亚太经济合作组织会议之前,在东京联合国大学总部举行了一次重要会议。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 治理的趋势和创新。 该项目由联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所和东西方中心共同实施,最终于2010年出版了两本联合国大学出版社书籍: 使民间社会参与:民主治理的新趋势和政府信任的建立:亚洲治理改革的创新。", "53. 吴丹杰出讲座。 厄瓜多尔总统拉斐尔·科雷亚在东京联合国大学总部作了第十七次吴丹杰出讲座。 他的主题是“厄瓜多尔和拉丁美洲区域在二十一世纪的挑战”。", "54. 联合国 联合国大学全球研讨会。 在特立尼达和多巴哥举行的联合国大学加勒比区域第一次全球研讨会的主题是“区域治理:挑战和机遇”。", "55. 联合国大学发展经济学所二十五周年会议。 在赫尔辛基举行的为期三天的联合国大学-发展经济学所周年纪念会重点讨论了“三重危机:金融、粮食和气候变化”。", " V. 专题组3:全球卫生、人口和可持续生计", "56. (中文(简体) ). 影响人类健康的问题可能产生深刻的区域或全球政治、社会和经济影响;在严重的情况下,这些问题会削弱生命和生计的可持续性。 联合国大学在这一专题组中的工作重点是通过缩小国家之间和国家内部的经济差距来改善人类生活,并保护人类健康、生活方式和生计免受局部和跨国威胁。", "研究与研究", "57. 马来西亚肺炎球菌疾病的临床和经济负担。 链球菌肺炎(英語:pneumococcus)是全世界细菌疾病严重和死亡的主要原因. 联合国大学-全球健康研究所的这一研究项目旨在估计肺炎球菌疾病的年度发病率,并估算支持马来西亚卫生部决策的相关经济负担。", "58. 联合国 马来西亚糖尿病管理的经济负担和成本效益。 虽然马来西亚2型糖尿病的流行率在过去30年中大幅增长,从1982年的2.1%增至2006年的14.9%,但没有进行系统疾病成本研究以评估其经济影响并评价糖尿病护理方案的交付情况。 联合国大学全球健康研究所的这一研究项目旨在估计糖尿病及其并发症造成的国民经济负担,并评价糖尿病管理的成本效益。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 知识、态度、做法和赋权。 由联合国大学-水环卫网和麦克马斯特大学(加拿大)联合开展的KAPE项目侧重于向肯尼亚维多利亚湖流域边缘化社区提供安全用水和卫生设施。", "60. 联合国 救出众生. 这个项目由联合国大学人类和社会发展粮食和营养方案(联合国大学-营养方案)、康奈尔大学(美国)、联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)和国际粮食政策研究所执行,目的是估计目前通过公共卫生措施所挽救的生命数量。", "61. 国家 非洲农村社区被污染的湖岸饮用水的解决办法。 由阿拉伯湾发展方案资助的联合国大学-水环卫网项目的目标是,根据大湖区区域经验的综合,为向湖边社区提供安全饮用水制定一个综合规划框架。", "教学和能力发展", "62. 联合国 标准化聚合酶链反应策略,用于诊断和监测南美锥虫病患者. 在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国举办了为期一周的国际培训班,作为联合国大学拉加生物技术方案关于控制新发疾病的病媒优先事项的一部分。", "63. 国家 发展中国家案例组合系统的远程学习方案。 联合国大学全球健康研究所的培训方案力求支持使用病例混合系统,作为提高护理效率和质量的工具。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 渔业培训短期课程。 2010年,联合国大学渔业培训方案(联合国大学渔业培训方案)与当地大学和区域及国际组织合作,制定并举办了以渔业为重点的四个短期课程:在巴巴多斯、伯利兹和越南举办了区域课程;在乌干达举办了国家课程。", "65. 国家 完善传统食品发酵和食品技术. 在联合国大学基林研究金方案下开展的这一为期一年的年度培训方案使研究人员有机会研究日本国家粮食研究所的最新技术和方法,并将其应用于一个与其在本国机构的工作直接有关的研究项目。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 公共卫生方案硕士。 联合国大学全球倡议与当地伙伴合作,在四个国家开展这些方案:马来西亚、尼泊尔、苏丹和也门。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 渔业研究生培训。 联合国大学渔业技术方案研究员在渔业相关领域寻求理学硕士或博士学位,可在冰岛政府资助、联合国大学渔业技术方案管理的奖学金上到冰岛大学学习。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 儿童基金会/联合国大学营养工作。 由康奈尔营养工作公司开展的联合国大学和儿童基金会联合项目力求设计一个能力建设电子学习课程,重点是防止婴儿和幼儿营养不足。", "69. 联合国大学-拉加生物技术方案癌症课程。 这次为期25天的课程在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国举办,涉及一系列与癌症有关的课题,如人类感染疾病的分子生物学、由人乳头瘤病毒引起的癌症转化模型、干扰RNA的新一代疫苗控制和抗HPV疫苗。", "70. 联合国大学国际地球研究所的研究金和实习方案。 研究金方案使发展中国家的年轻学者能够进行博士后研究并参与联合国大学全球健康研究所的研究活动,而实习方案则允许博士生在该所工作长达12个月。", "71. 联合国 联合国大学渔业培训方案。 联合国大学渔业培训方案每年为期六个月的渔业专业人员研究生培训方案介绍了渔业的各个方面,包括影响渔业和水产养殖的全球发展和国际文书。", "知识共享和转让", "72. 康奈尔/联合国大学非洲系列。 2010年,康奈尔大学出版社出版了康奈尔/联合国大学非洲系列的两卷: 非洲粮食系统及其与人类健康和营养的相互作用以及非洲艾滋病毒/艾滋病的社会经济方面:挑战、机会和误解。 这些书籍取自联合国大学 -- -- 新方案、联合国大学纽约办事处和康奈尔大学近年来举办的一系列专题讨论会。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 食物与营养. 《粮食和营养公报》由联合国大学出版社与联合国大学 -- -- 国家营养方案合作,每季度出版一次,内容包括政策分析、最新摘要和与减轻发展中世界饥饿和营养不良问题的多学科努力有关的原始科学文章。", "74. 国家 减少世界各地城市缺水. 在2008至2010年与人居署举办的一系列区域讲习班产生的联合国水十年能力发展方案录像中,水专家讨论了每天面临的缺水挑战、提高城市供水系统效率的解决办法和能力发展办法。", "75. 国家 水和卫生在儿童和产妇保健中的作用。 这次在渥太华举行的公开小组讨论由联合国大学水环卫网与Carleton大学(加拿大)合作举办。", "76. 联合国大学财经方案年度讲座。 1月,美国佛罗里达大学的史蒂夫·奥特韦尔在雷克雅未克就海鲜安全问题,监管做法的现状,海鲜的健康效益和温暖气候中常见的质量问题等进行了一系列讲座.", "77. 联合国大学全球讨论会。 9月在日本举行的联合国大学第二十六届全球讨论会系列的Shonan会主题是“建立一个可持续的全球社会”。", "六、结 论 第4组:全球变化和可持续发展", "78. 国家 人类活动导致或加剧的大规模变化正在以前所未有的程度影响全球环境,而与此同时,复杂的全球因素(包括环境恶化和气候变化)正在日益扰乱人类活动和生活方式,造成新的风险和脆弱性。 联合国大学在这一专题组中开展工作的前提是,环境问题必须在社会和经济驱动力的背景下加以解决,这些驱动力将决定未来的全球人口构成和消费模式。", "研究与研究", "79. 与气候变化有关的极端事件。 联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所(联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所)在气候变化相关极端事件背景下的关键基础设施和人口/平民保护项目框架内,正同德国的几个有代表性的社区合作,以制定评估易受与气候变化相关极端事件(如高强度降雨、风暴、干旱和热浪)影响程度的方法。", "80个 关于考虑到适应气候变化的影响的发展战略的比较研究。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所的这一项目旨在协助发展中国家执行适当的气候变化适应战略,重点是亚洲稻米生产和减轻自然灾害。", "81个 珊瑚礁的连通性和大规模生态进程。 联合国大学-水环卫网的这一项目的重点是了解珊瑚礁生态、现有威胁以及改善状况的方法。 最初的努力是在西加勒比。", "82. 气候变化下的发展。 联合国大学发展经济学所的这一项目提出了关于在气候变化背景下维持经济发展的研究和能力建设方案。 联合国大学发展经济学所同国际粮食政策研究所、麻省理工学院和科罗拉多大学(美国)等伙伴合作,制定了一个分析框架,将生物物理和经济综合分析结合起来。", "83个 确保可持续土地管理的影响。 由全球环境基金(环境基金)资助的联合国大学-水环卫网项目旨在为选择指标提供科技基础,以记录环境基金土地退化重点领域可持续土地管理项目的业绩、成果和最佳做法。", "第八十四会. 全环基金井:科学。 这个项目由联合国大学水环卫网作为全球环境基金全球倡议的一部分执行,其重点是综合全球环境基金国际水域组合的科学结论,以获取科学知识,查明方案差距,改进科学与政策的衔接,并促成未来资源分配战略。 项目伙伴包括联合国大学环境与人类安全研究所、联合国大学水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水和水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、水、", "85. 全球易受疾病影响的情况。 联合国大学-水环卫网、联合国大学-全球健康研究所和联合国大学-环境与健康研究所与其他伙伴合作开展的这项联合倡议,旨在衡量、绘制和减轻个人和社区面对全球环境变化而易受与水有关的疾病的脆弱性。 该项目由加拿大卫生研究所提供部分资金,在马来西亚发起了一项概念证明倡议,以查明并减轻受登革热和克昆贡亚感染/管理的风险。", "86号. 改进欧洲脆弱性评估的方法。 由欧洲联盟委员会资助的联合国大学环境与人的安全研究所这一为期三年的研究工作,旨在创造知识、框架和方法,评估欧洲易受自然灾害(如洪水、极端温度、干旱、山崩、地震、野火和风暴)影响的程度,以帮助提高社会和环境复原力。", "87. 慕尼黑气候保险倡议。 这个慕尼黑 由联合国大学环境人类安全所主办的保险商、气候变化和适应问题专家、非政府组织和政策研究者的倡议,寻求解决气候变化在发展中国家谈判层和实地造成的风险。 联合国大学环境人类安全所的政策简报已经出版。", "88. 与水有关的信息系统。 在德国和越南政府的双边倡议 -- -- 湄公河三角洲可持续发展多学科与水有关的信息系统项目中,联合国大学环境人类安全所就(a) 与与水有关的危害有关的脆弱性评估;(b) 水质监测和农用化学品建模进行研究。", "教学和能力发展", "89. 红树林生态系统的生物多样性。 联合国大学水环卫网与教科文组织和安纳马莱大学合作在印度举办了为期两周的年度培训班,重点是红树林生态系统和综合沿海生态系统管理。", "90. (中文(简体) ). 生物技术课程。 联合国大学-拉加生物技术研究所在哥斯达黎加举办了两期为期一周的课程,题为“生物技术在保护和开发农林资源方面的应用”和“微型应用生物信息学”。", "91. 联合国 Mycorrhizas的生物技术。 在萨尔瓦多举办的为期一周的联合国大学-拉加生物技术方案讲习班侧重于真菌与植物根的共生关系。", "92. 亚洲沿海水圈的环境监测和治理。 由Shimadzu公司支持的联合国大学可持续发展方案能力建设倡议为10个亚洲发展中国家提供了科学知识和技术,以监测沿海环境中的化学污染物。 现阶段的重点是持久性有机污染物。", "93. 国家 旱地综合管理。 联合国大学同中国、日本、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和突尼斯的伙伴合作执行的旱地综合管理联合科学硕士方案又延长了三年。", "94. 国家 慕尼黑雷基金会社会脆弱性问题主席。 慕尼黑再基金会在联合国大学环境与健康研究所举办的社会脆弱性问题讲座举办了一个关于“更好地保护与气候有关的移民的新政策和体制框架”的暑期学院。", "95号. 通过阿拉伯联合酋长国的水库、断路器和水坝优化和加强地下水补给。 这个项目由联合国大学水环卫网同阿拉伯联合酋长国政府合作进行,以审查大坝对地下水蓄水层(淡水供应的一个主要来源)进行补给的有效性。", "96. (中文(简体) ). 可持续的农村生计。 联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所为开发社区行动规划培训工具包作出了重大贡献,加纳政府将推出该工具包的定稿。", "97. 国家 佐藤山/佐藤山的传统知识与智慧. 联合国大学高研所和石川县这一为期一年的项目记录了佐藤山/佐藤山地貌的传统知识,并探讨了其可持续资源管理和保护生物多样性的潜力。", "98 (英语). 气候和生态系统变化适应研究大学网络(UN-CECAR)。 中心协调委员会由20多所亚洲大学的代表组成,联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所担任秘书处。 9月,联合国气候研究中心在东京举办了为期三周的关于建设应对气候变化能力的研究生课程。", "99号. 联合国大学国际课程。 在东京举办的为期六周的联合国大学国际学院方案开设了关于全球变化和可持续性以及国际合作与发展的课程。", "知识共享和转让", "一百个 非洲日专题讨论会。 这次年度专题讨论会由联合国大学和非洲驻日本外交使团在东京召开,主题是“环境:非洲面临的挑战,日本的作用”。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 气候变化。 2010年,一些著名讲师在东京联合国大学总部作了与气候变化有关的演讲。 发言者包括:墨西哥总统费利佩·卡尔德隆·伊诺霍萨,他主持了关于“保护我们共同遗产:促进就气候变化达成公平协议”的第十六届乌丹杰出讲座;墨西哥外交部长兼联合国气候变化框架公约缔约方会议第十六届会议主席帕特里夏·埃斯皮诺萨,他讲了“迈向2010年坎昆”;危地马拉总统阿尔瓦罗·科洛姆·卡瓦列罗斯,他讲了“气候变化和玛雅远景”;挪威国际发展部长埃里克·索尔海姆,他讲了2010年弗里德乔夫·南森纪念讲座,题为“气候变化和自然多样性的丧失:为应对重大全球挑战而采取的新行动和联盟”;教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃,他讲了“气候变化和教育:教科文组织在2010年代的作用”。", "102. 国家 气候变化下的发展。 联合国大学发展经济学所在南非约翰内斯堡举行的贫穷、公平和增长网络年度会议上就这一主题组织了一次特别会议。", "第103页。 通过政策协调促进发展。 政策一致性意味着,捐助方在追求国内政策目标时,应避免采取对穷国的发展前景产生不利影响的行动。 联合国大学发展经济学所的政策简报称,完成有待作出的国际承诺至关重要,而监测和评价政策一致性仍然是一个挑战。", "104 (韩语). 《外国援助促进发展:问题、挑战和新议程》(牛津大学出版社,2010年)。 在联合国大学发展经济学所的这本书中,主要的援助专家审查了迄今取得的进展,确定了今后的挑战并讨论了新出现的外援政策议程。", "105. (中文(简体) ). 全球化与贫穷。 联合国大学发展经济学所的《亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲全球化下的穷人》(牛津大学出版社,2010年)介绍了一些案例研究,说明全球化对增长、不平等和贫穷的不同影响。 联合国大学发展经济学所的政策简报“将全球化同亚洲、拉丁美洲和非洲贫穷联系起来”,同样指出全球化对减少贫穷的影响不均衡。", "106. (中文(简体) ). 柬埔寨砷中毒的健康风险和保健费用评估。 这个项目是联合国大学-全球健康研究所、联合国大学和光州科学技术研究所(大韩民国)的联合方案、香港浸信会大学和马来西亚克邦萨大学的共同努力,对砷水、食物、头发和指甲进行了抽样;进行了健康调查和临床评估;并评估了砷中毒(砷中毒)的经济负担。", "107 (韩语). 日本-加共体公共专题讨论会。 东京联合国大学总部的这项活动的主题是“气候变化和生物多样性”。 讨论会由联合国大学、日本外相和美洲开发银行共同举办,加勒比共同体(加共体)的几位外交部长以及日本学者和专家作了专题介绍。", "108. (中文(简体) ). 我们的世界2.0。 联合国大学媒体中心是《卫报环境网络》的一部分,该双语(英文和日文)网络杂志刊登了有关四项重大全球挑战的文章和录像简报:气候变化、粮食安全、高峰石油和生物多样性。", "第109页. 应对三重危机:创业、创新和结构改革。 在斯德哥尔摩举行的世界银行发展经济学年度会议上,联合国大学发展经济学所的这次会议重点讨论了如何同时应对全球金融动荡、不受控制的气候变化以及因全球粮食价格上涨和缺乏替代能源而加剧的饥饿。", "110. 佐藤山和佐藤山的评估。 在《生物多样性公约》科学、技术和工艺咨询附属机构第十四次会议和在内罗毕环境署总部举行的执行情况审查工作组第三次会议期间,联合国大学高研所组织了三次会外活动,解释其国际赛托山倡议。 联合国大学高研所还同日本环境部合作,在全球环境外联中心的支助下,举办了一次关于“日本佐藤山和佐藤山全球次级评估”的专题讨论会。", "111. 南北一体化。 在捷克共和国举行的全球发展网络年度会议上,联合国大学发展经济学所和联合国大学比较研究方案联合举办了一次关于这一主题的会议,题为“区域和全球一体化:现状如何?”", "112号. 全球增长的南方引擎. 联合国大学发展经济学所的这一项目出版了两本书:《南方全球增长引擎》(牛津大学出版社,2010年)和《中国和印度的崛起:影响、前景和影响》(Palgrave Macmillan,2010年),以及联合国大学的政策简报。", "113号. 联合国大学全球研讨会。 这次为期六天的研讨会的大韩民国会议重点讨论了“气候变化:社会和道德层面”这一主题。", "114 (韩语). 世界红树林地图集. 本卷第二版由国际红树林生态系统学会与联合国大学-水环卫网和联合国其他实体合作出版。", "页:1 专题组5:科学、技术、创新和社会", "115. (中文(简体) ). 发达国家和发展中国家发展和利用促进科学研究和技术进步的创新系统的能力之间长期存在差距,使后者在竞争上处于非常不利的地位。 联合国大学在本专题组中的工作重点是科学和技术革新的社会和道德影响及其广泛的社会影响。 具体目的是帮助发展中国家确定在它们面临的限制范围内哪些是可行的,哪些是最需要的,以及如何以最小的消极影响来实现其目标。", "研究与研究", "116 (英语). 研究成本演变分析. 联合国大学马斯特里赫特经济和社会研究培训中心创新和技术项目分析了不同学科(科学和技术)以及公共研究组织和私营公司等组织研究成本发展的原因、相互依存性和动态。 重点是研究成本在欧洲和某些非欧洲国家的趋势、驱动因素和影响。", "117号 关于科学促进可持续性的对话(D4S)。 联合国大学ViE是德国联邦教育和研究部的一项国际倡议D4S的执行伙伴,它代表了德国与主要新兴经济体之间关于可持续性相关主题的一系列结构化双边科学政策对话。", "118. 2020年技术变革的区域影响. 联合国大学-经社研培中心这项研究旨在增进我们对向以知识为基础的经济转变与欧洲收入和知识潜力方面的区域差异之间的关系的理解。 重点是10年后的情况以及今天的政策影响。", "教学和能力发展", "119. 建设非洲科技创新指标能力. 联合国大学-经社研培中心在南非协调了一个为期三天的培训讲习班,为与联合国大学该项目有关的三个个案研究小组的参加者举办了科学、技术和创新及相关指标方面的能力建设讲习班。", "120号. 发展中国家创新政策的设计和评价。 这个为期一周的培训方案由联合国大学-经社研培所和经济和社会研究联合会联合在塞内加尔举办,旨在为塞内加尔的发展能力建设以及创新和技术发展的政策影响评估作出贡献。", "121. (中文(简体) ). 地热研究生培养. 有资格获得地热科学和工程研究生学位的联合国大学地热培训方案(联合国大学地热培训方案)研究员可以申请联合国大学地热培训方案研究金(由冰岛政府资助),以获得冰岛大学的科学研究硕士学位。", "122. (中文(简体) ). 地热训练短期课程. 2010年,联合国大学地热方案在肯尼亚举办了一个关于“地热资源开发”的短期课程(与地热开发公司(肯尼亚)和肯尼亚发电公司合作,由冰岛政府资助)。 联合国大学地热方案还开发了4个外部资助的地热培训短期课程:2个在印度尼西亚(与冰岛地理调查组织合作),2个在肯尼亚。", "123. 国家 联合国大学地热培训方案。 在冰岛举办的为期六个月的联合国大学地热技术方案年度会议向与会者提供关于地热能资源和技术的背景知识,并探讨地热开发项目各学科之间的相互关系,从初步勘探到执行和利用。", "知识共享和转让", "124. (中文(简体) ). 绿色科技. 6月在联合国大学高研所举行了为期两天的关于“科学、技术和创新促进可持续发展”的专题讨论会,重点讨论新兴绿色技术和有关政策制度。", "125. (中文(简体) ). 关于创新与发展的微观证据。 联合国大学-经社研培所和塔尔图大学在爱沙尼亚举办了第四次发展中经济体创新微观证据年度会议,题为“关于创新和技术变革的微观证据研究”。", "126. (中文(简体) ). 解决电子废物问题倡议。 联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所在德国的业务单位,可持续循环(SCYCLE),为可持续处理电子废物制定环境上安全和公正的解决办法,作为可持续处理电子废物倡议的一部分(由来自工业界、政府、国际组织、非政府组织和学术界的成员组成的联合会)。 SCYCLE组织了NVMP-StEP电子废物暑期学校,并与环境署共同发表了题为“从电子废物到资源”的报告。", "127 (韩语). 技术变革。 联合国大学-经社研培中心题为“2020年技术变革的区域影响”的报告强调了整个欧洲区域在发展途径和创新及技术变革的轨迹方面的巨大多样性。", "128. (英语). 联合国大学全球贸易点年度讲座。 罗兰·霍恩(英语:Roland Horne (Stanford University, University, United States))在雷克雅未克进行了一系列关于水库工程和水井测试的讲座.", "129. 城市生物多样性。 在日本名古屋举行的生物多样性公约缔约方会议第十次会议上,联合国大学高研所发表了题为“城市、生物多样性和治理:在城市一级执行《生物多样性公约》的前景和挑战”的政策报告。 在国际生物多样性年闭幕式上放映了由金泽市政府委托的联合国大学高研所和联合国大学媒体工作室关于金泽四季生物多样性的录像纪录片。", "八. 2010年机构大事记", "130. (中文(简体) ). 在这一年中,联合国大学欢迎14个新的理事会成员(取代任期于2010年结束的6年的成员)。 三个新的研究所所长也加入了联合国大学: Peter F. Haddawy担任联合国大学软件所主任,Elias Takor Ayuk担任联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所主任,Jakob Rhyner担任联合国大学环境与健康研究所主任(同时担任欧洲副校长)。", "131. 国家 设在冰岛的联合国大学土地恢复培训方案(联合国大学土地恢复培训方案)于2010年开始运作,在德国的联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所可持续循环业务股也开始运作。 联合国大学在设立两个新研究所方面也取得了良好进展:将设在西班牙巴塞罗那的联合国大学国际不同文明联盟研究所和将设在德国德累斯顿的联合国大学材料通量和资源综合管理研究所。 这两个研究所预计将于2012年开始运作。", "132. (中文(简体) ). 人员配置。 截至2010年12月31日,联合国大学全球系统有576名工作人员,其中三分之一以上(206名)是发展中国家国民。 联合国大学的工作人员由322名男性和254名女性组成,其中包括大约76个国家的国民。", "133. (中文(简体) ). 筹资。 联合国大学没有从联合国经常预算收到任何资金;其资金完全来自其捐赠基金的投资收入以及各国政府以及各机构、国际组织、基金会和其他来源的自愿捐款。 2010年,联合国大学收到21个政府和100多个其他来源的3 690万美元捐款。 联合国大学2010年的总预算为5 240万美元。", "第九编. 机构优先事项", "134. 在联合国大学2009-2012年战略计划的框架内,校长办公室在2010年为联合国大学系统指定了五个优先战略举措:研究生方案、双所研究所、质量保证、通信和筹资。", "135. (中文(简体) ). 联合国大学研究生方案倡议。 由2009年12月《联合国大学章程》修正案促成的联合国大学研究生方案倡议工作在2010年以良好速度进行,制定了大学研究生方案和奖励章程,确立了立法框架以及相关条例、政策和机构支助结构。 为(a) 联合国大学研究所的独立硕士学位方案、(b) 学院间(联合国大学内部)硕士学位方案以及(c) 与其他大学合作的联合或双学位硕士方案制定了模板。", "136. (中文(简体) ). 本年第一季度,联合国大学三个拟议研究生方案中有两个得到校长办公室有条件的批准。 9月,联合国大学可持续发展与和平研究所与5名学生共同开办了一个可持续性、发展与和平科学硕士课程。 这是一个以用户为重点的实用方案,通过创新的跨学科方法,解决可持续性、气候变化、发展、建设和平和人权等紧迫的全球问题。 9月,联合国大学经社研培中心欢迎8名新学生参加其经济学和技术变革政策研究博士课程。", "137号. 联合国大学其他单位继续制订自己的研究生学位方案。 这些方案包括全球和区域治理(联合国大学区域治理方案)、环境风险和人类安全地理(联合国大学环境与安全方案)、国际营养和政策(联合国大学营养和政策方案)、国际环境治理和可持续发展公共政策(联合国大学高研所)、信通技术促进可持续发展和电子政务(联合国大学信息技术所)以及发展经济学和芬兰经济学联合硕士学位(联合国大学-发展经济学所)。 联合国大学全球健康研究所与四个伙伴机构共同参与联合研究生学位方案,但这些方案尚未作为联合国大学研究生学位方案加以审查。", "138. 双所倡议。 作为一项战略步骤,为了加强联合国大学在发展中国家和经济转型国家的存在并强化发达国家和发展中国家之间的研究和教学互动,联合国大学正在采用“双所研究所”结构,每个联合国大学研究所将有两个地点:一个设在发达国家,另一个设在发展中国家。 每个地点(“结对伙伴”)都有自己的研究人员、教师和学生,但地点将执行共同的研究和教学议程,并将一半以上的时间用于联合项目。", "139. (中文(简体) ). 发达国家结对伙伴的基本资金将由东道国提供。 预计发展中东道国将至少为其结对伙伴费用的30%提供资金,其余资金来自由供资机构或其他捐助方支助的联合研究和教学项目。 每个发展中国家结对伙伴最初将作为一个附属方案运作,并逐渐转变为发达国家联合国大学研究所的正式双胞胎。", "140. 国家 迄今为止,联合国大学已授权作出三项结对伙伴安排(虽然法律协议尚未达成):联合国大学-经社研培中心已指定北京任民大学和达喀尔经济和社会研究联合会为结对伙伴,而联合国大学-比较研究方案已在北京清华大学建立了清华区域一体化比较研究所(清华-比较研究所)。 联合国大学其他几个单位在寻找或培养结对伙伴候选人方面也取得了进展。", "141 (英语). 质量保证举措。 联合国大学理事会主席团年中会议提出了关于质量保证的联合国大学章程草案。 联合国大学质量保证框架的目的是提高其研究和教学活动以及知识共享/外联活动和行政职能的效力。 在下半年,校长办公室开发了一个模块系统,用以指导质量保证,该系统被概括在联合国大学理事会2010年届会提出的联合国大学质量保证手册中。", "142. (中文(简体) ). 传播倡议。 为了加强联合国大学的内部和外部通信,通信工作人员起草了关于 \" 制定联合国大学通信战略的下一步 \" 和 \" 阐述联合国大学的核心信息 \" 的文件。 根据对传播需要和资源的审查,合并了联合国大学媒体工作室和联合国大学通信办公室(东京)。 新的联合国大学媒体中心的第一个重大项目是对联合国大学主要网站进行地面翻新和重新设计。", "143. (中文(简体) ). 筹资倡议。 联合国大学纽约办事处新设了联合国大学发展办公室。 该股将负责调动基金会、私营部门和其他实体的大规模捐款和赠款。 筹资的优先事项是:(a) 提供奖学金方案,协助发展中国家有前途的学生参加联合国大学研究生方案;(b) 加强发展中国家某些联合国大学研究所的财务状况。", "页:1", "联合国大学理事会成员", "联合国大学理事会是联合国大学的理事会,由24名任命成员(任期六年)、校长和3名当然成员组成。", "任命成员(截至2010年12月31日)", "继续成员(2007-2013年)", "• Juan Ramón de la Fuente(墨西哥)(理事会主席),国际大学协会会长;墨西哥国立自治大学前校长", "• Paolo Blasi(意大利),佛罗伦萨大学物理学教授;佛罗伦萨大学前校长", "• Angela Cropper(特立尼达和多巴哥),联合国助理秘书长;联合国环境规划署副执行主任", "• Louise Fresco(荷兰),阿姆斯特丹大学国际视角可持续发展基金会教授", "• Fadia Kiwan(黎巴嫩),政治学教授,贝鲁特圣约瑟夫大学法律和政治学系主任", "• Goolam Mohamedbhai(毛里求斯),非洲大学协会前秘书长;国际大学协会前会长", "• Francisco Komlavi Seddoh(多哥),多哥洛美大学前校长;前教育和科学研究部长;前教科文组织高等教育司司长", "• Gita Sen(印度),班加罗尔印度管理研究所公共政策中心教授;哈佛大学人口与国际卫生中心兼职教授", "• Ivan Wilhelm(捷克共和国),布拉格查尔斯大学前校长", "* Margret Wintermantel(德国),德国校长,主席 会议", "新成员(2010-2016年)", "• 安倍信泰(日本),日本国际事务研究所促进裁军和不扩散中心主任;前联合国主管裁军事务副秘书长", "• J. Michael Adams(美利坚合众国),费尔利·迪金森大学校长", "• Jean-Pierre Bourguignon(法国),高级科学研究所所长;国家科学研究中心研究主任", "• Rahma Bourqia(摩洛哥),卡萨布兰卡哈桑二世大学校长", "• Cristovam Buarque(巴西),联邦参议院议员;巴西利亚大学教授", "• Fiona Caldicott(联合王国),曾任牛津索默维尔学院校长;曾任牛津大学人事和平等机会副校长;牛津拉德克利夫国家保健服务信托会会长", "• Gajaraj Dhanarajan(马来西亚),瓦瓦桑开放大学研究和创新研究所名誉所长", "二. 支助 Mohamed H. A. Hassan(苏丹),发展中国家科学院执行主任,里雅斯特", "• Zellynne Doloris Jennings-Craig(牙买加),西印度群岛大学教育学院院长和人文和教育学院副院长", "• 龚晓明(中国),科技部国际合作司司长", "• Konstantin Khudoley(俄罗斯联邦),圣彼得堡国立大学国际事务副校长,大学理事会和参议院副主席", "• Lily Kong(新加坡),新加坡国立大学,大学和全球关系副院长,亚洲研究所所长", "• Lydia Shouleva(保加利亚),前欧洲议会议员;前副总理兼经济部长", "• Mala Singh(南非),联合王国开放大学高等教育研究和信息中心国际高等教育政策教授", "联合国大学校长", "• 孔拉德·奥斯特瓦尔德(瑞士)", "当然成员", "• 潘基文(大韩民国),联合国秘书长", "• Irina Bokova(保加利亚),教科文组织总干事,巴黎", "• Carlos Lopes(几内亚比绍),训研所执行主任", "页:1", "联合国大学系统", "联合国大学中心", "联合国大学东京中心;联合国大学吉隆坡中心;联合国大学欧洲副校长(联合国大学/维也纳大学,波恩);联合国大学联合国办事处(联合国大学纽约办事处,纽约);联合国大学教科文组织办事处(巴黎);联合国大学发展办公室(纽约)", "研究所", "• 联合国大学区域一体化比较研究所,比利时布鲁日", "• 联合国大学环境和人类安全研究所,德国波恩", "• 联合国大学高等研究所(联合国大学高研所),日本横滨", "• 联合国大学国际全球卫生研究所,吉隆坡", "• 联合国大学国际软件技术研究所(软件所),中国澳门", "• 阿克拉联合国大学非洲自然资源研究所(联合国大学非洲自然资源所)", "• 加拿大安大略省汉密尔顿联合国大学水、环境和卫生研究所(联合国大学水环卫网)", "• 联合国大学可持续性与和平研究所,东京", "• 联合国大学马斯特里赫特创新与技术经济和社会研究所,荷兰马斯特里赫特", "• 联合国大学世界发展经济学研究所,赫尔辛基", "方案", "• 加拉加斯联合国大学拉丁美洲和加勒比生物技术方案(拉加生物技术方案)", "• 联合国大学人类和社会发展粮食和营养方案,美利坚合众国纽约伊萨卡", "• 联合国大学渔业培训方案、联合国大学地热培训方案、联合国大学土地恢复培训方案、雷克雅未克" ]
[ "President:\tMr. Wittig\t(Germany) \nMembers:\tBosnia and Herzegovina\tMr. Vukašinović\n Brazil Mrs. Dunlop \n China Mr. Wang Min \n Colombia Mr. Osorio \n France Mr. Briens \n\tGabon\tMr. MoungaraMoussotsi\n India Mr. Kumar \n Lebanon Mr. Assaf \n Nigeria Mrs. Ogwu \n Portugal Mr. Vaz Patto \n Russian Federation Mr. Zhukov \n South Africa Mr. Mashabane \n\tUnited Kingdom of Great Britain andNorthern Ireland\tMr. Parham\n United States of America Mr. Grant", "Agenda", "The situation in the Central African Republic", "Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country (S/2011/311)", "The meeting was called to order at 10.15 a.m.", "Adoption of the agenda", "The agenda was adopted.", "The situation in the Central African Republic", "Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country (S/2011/311)", "The President: In accordance with rule 37 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite the representative of the Central African Republic to participate in this meeting.", "It is so decided.", "In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite Ms. Margaret Vogt, Special Representative of the Secretary-General and head of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic, to participate in this meeting.", "It is so decided.", "In accordance with rule 39 of the Council’s provisional rules of procedure, I invite His Excellency Mr. Jan Grauls, Chairman of the country-specific configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission on the Central African Republic and Permanent Representative of Belgium, to participate in this meeting.", "It is so decided.", "The Security Council will now begin its consideration of the item on its agenda.", "I wish to draw the attention of Council members to document S/2011/311, which contains the report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country.", "I now give the floor to Ms. Vogt.", "Ms. Vogt: It is an honour for me to address the Council in my new capacity as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General in the Central African Republic and to present the fifth report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA) (S/2011/311). The report before the Council provides an account of the main developments during the first half of this year and the peacebuilding challenges that lie ahead for the people of the Central African Republic and its Government. It also describes the main activities of BINUCA in support of the Government’s peace consolidation efforts in accordance with the mandate entrusted to it by the Security Council.", "Much has been accomplished over the last two years, since the establishment of BINUCA as an integrated peacebuilding office in January 2010. A number of governance institutions have been established, and some key legislation has been instituted. Freedom of the press has been expanded, despite recent setbacks, when two journalists were arrested for articles they had published. The overall security situation remains calm but is unstable, especially outside of Bangui.", "Despite these advances, the Central African Republic still faces serious challenges. It is afflicted with extreme poverty, weak national institutions, corruption, a high rate of violent crime perpetrated by armed movements and brigands, human rights violations and impunity.", "As noted in the report, BINUCA and the United Nations system have spared no effort in providing timely and integrated support to the Government and the people of the Central African Republic in addressing those challenges.", "In the current context, and as the Secretary-General’s report highlights, the two most immediate challenges are the political dispensation following the legislative and presidential elections and the implementation of peace agreements with rebel groups, and the sustainable disarmament and reintegration of former combatants, as part of the overall security sector reform.", "The reporting period was dominated by the presidential and legislative elections. International and national observers characterized the elections as inclusive and peaceful while noting a number of irregularities. The Constitutional Court has addressed some of these irregularities by overturning results in nine electoral districts and ordering a rerun in 13 others. On 29 June, the Minister for Territorial Administration announced that the 13 by-elections would be held in approximately two months.", "The composition of a new Government, headed by incumbent Prime Minister Touadera, is a positive step, in our view, towards the establishment of an inclusive cabinet. It comprises representatives of civil society and the opposition parties, including six women.", "The Government has pledged to address immediate challenges. In this regard, it announced the establishment of a new, professional and independent body to manage future elections and the revision of the electoral code. This commitment was again publicly stated at the recent partners’ roundtable in Brussels. I believe that we should hold them to this promise.", "As a result of the boycott of the electoral process by the opposition, the Parliament and other institutions are dominated by the ruling party. This situation constitutes a considerable challenge to ongoing efforts towards stability and national reconciliation. As mentioned in the Secretary-General’s report, a major challenge would be for the Government to provide political space and engage the opposition outside the Parliament on issues related to the development of the country. The Government has committed itself to undertaking political reforms, including of the electoral process, to address some of the difficulties that plagued the last elections. BINUCA will work closely with regional and international partners to support the Government in addressing these issues.", "In May, we witnessed positive developments on the implementation of the peace agreements with armed movements and rebel groups. The Government announced its intention to disarm, demobilize and reintegrate all combatants by the end of the year. Concrete steps have been taken in this regard. On 12 June, in another positive step, the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix (CPJP) joined the Libreville peace process and signed a ceasefire agreement with the Government. On 13 June, Baba Laddé, the Chadian rebel leader of the Front populaire pour le redressement (FPR), signed a communiqué with the Chadian Government to start negotiations with a view to signing a peace agreement within a month to lay down its arms and for the safe passage of his group back to Chad.", "The implementation of such an agreement, if followed through, could lead to the repatriation to Chad of about 400-500 elements of the FPR, which is one of the issues raised by the Armée populaire pour la restauration de la démocratie (APRD) as a precondition to disarm. We have to remember that the FPR is really a Chadian group operating in the Central African Republic; it is not a national rebel group of that country. This agreement was facilitated by the National Mediator of the Central African Republic. Here, we see the Central African Republic playing a positive role in trying to get some of these rebel groups back to their countries.", "There were subsequently clashes between elements of the FPR and the APRD politico-military movement, in the course of which APRD hostages were taken by the FPR. Eighteen hostages were subsequently released on 29 June in Kagabandoro following the intervention of the National Mediator. The successful implementation of this agreement will partially depend on the compliance of the disparate groups that belong to the FPR. We shall see whether they will follow what their leaders sign.", "Bringing the FPR into a peace process is an important element in unblocking the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process in the north-west of the country. President Bozizé and the leaders of the politico-military groups announced the launch of a national DDR process on 25 June in Bocaranga, and over 340 APRD combatants were disarmed on that occasion. The Government indicated its intention to proceed with similar disarmament exercises in other locations in the hope of completing the process by the end of the year. The launch at Bocaranga was conducted without the support of the international community, and especially without international military observers, as the mandate of the observers had expired just days before the event. President Bozizé, expressing great frustration with the slow pace of support by the international community, has appealed for assistance for the entire DDR/security sector reform (SSR) processes, but argues that both the Government and the politico-military groups were ready to secure their country and to enable the people to resume their normal lives.", "Support to DDR and overall security sector reform remains a core priority for the Central African Republic and BINUCA. I met with President Bozizé and Prime Minister Touadera in the margins of the partners’ roundtable meeting held in Brussels. They both emphasized the political importance of SSR and DDR, and restated their commitment to implementing the terms of the agreements signed with all politico-military groups. It is imperative that the international community do everything possible to support the DDR and SSR processes and to provide the necessary resources for their timely completion. BINUCA, the United Nations country team and partners, along with the Government, will undertake a review of the overall DDR and SSR processes in the near future.", "The Central African Republic is at the crossroads of critical conflict zones, impacted by insecurity from the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Sudan, with the possibility of an upsurge of insecurity across the Sudanese border as that country grapples with security challenges that will necessarily attend the creation of the new State of Southern Sudan. The Central African Republic also suffers from cross-border criminal elements roaming the Sahel and exploiting the weak ability of the national security forces to secure the Republic’s territory and people. An implosion in the Central African Republic would have cataclysmic impact throughout the region, negating investments made in securing the neighbouring countries. I intend to work closely with my colleagues in the region to provide a holistic response to these challenges.", "In the meantime, the Government has taken an important step to secure the north-eastern Vakaga province by signing an agreement for joint border patrols with Chadian and Sudanese security forces. It is important that this agreement be implemented and that the joint patrols receive adequate support from the international community. This joint force will partially address the security vacuum in areas occupied by rebels, heavily armed poachers and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).", "In the south-east, the LRA continues to kill, take hostages and impede normal daily life. Security needs to be improved in the north-eastern part of the country to help address the deteriorating humanitarian situation. Humanitarian workers are coming under increasing attacks from armed criminals. We must not allow the criminality in certain parts of neighbouring Darfur to become a model for the Central African Republic.", "Efforts to provide security for Central Africans and consolidate peace must be complemented by the promotion of good governance and the rule of law. The Government must extend its authority into each of the regions and provide health and education services to all of its citizens as it works to create economic opportunities.", "Another subject of great concern to the Secretary-General is the protection of women and children. More needs to be done to prevent sexual exploitation and to promote children’s and women’s rights. We must also ensure that we put an end to the recruitment and use of child soldiers, and more broadly work to see that children’s rights are respected and enforced. I intend to establish a protection unit within my office to help coordinate these issues, as befits the importance attached to them in our mandate.", "I would like to highlight the need for the promotion of a culture in which human rights are respected throughout the country. Concrete steps must be taken to tackle corruption and the pervasive impunity affecting law enforcement institutions. The Government must be supported in strengthening the judicial system to end mob justice. On a positive note, the Government recently granted BINUCA access to prisons and detention centres. Also, an independent national human rights commission is expected to be established shortly.", "The Government of the Central African Republic presented its second Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) for the period leading up to December 2015 at the partners’ round table that was held in Brussels. That conference was held largely due to the efforts of Ambassador Grauls, and I wish to put on record that his personal engagement in seeing that meeting through was instrumental to the success of that effort. The document outlines the Government’s strategy and programme towards peace consolidation, including good governance, rule of law, social services and economic development. I encourage traditional and new partners to financially support the programmes contained in the second PRSP.", "Looking ahead, the main challenge would be to ensure continued support to peace consolidation efforts in the Central African Republic, in particular to efforts towards political dialogue, DDR and SSR. I would like to thank the members of the Council and of the Peacebuilding Commission, the United Nations family and especially my predecessor, Special Representative of the Secretary-General Zewde and all other partners who have been so steadfast in their support of the Central African Republic.", "The President: I thank Ms. Vogt for her briefing.", "I now give the floor to Mr. Grauls.", "Mr. Grauls (spoke in French): I thank you, Sir, for permitting me to address the Security Council in my capacity as Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission country-specific configuration for the Central African Republic. First, I would like to pay tribute to Ms. Sahle-Work Zewde, the former Special Representative of the Secretary-General for the Central African Republic, for her efforts to support the peacebuilding process in the country. I would like also to take this opportunity to wish Ms. Vogt every success as the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General and Head of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in the Central African Republic (BINUCA) in Bangui. I already feel that it will be a privilege to work with her.", "At the outset, I wish to inform the Council in detail of the main activities of the Peacebuilding Commission over the past six months, and then of the priority actions to be undertaken by the country-specific configuration in the coming months.", "Let me turn first to the activities of the past six months. Without losing sight of other sectors, our configuration focused mainly on the electoral process and preparations for the partners’ round table that was held in Brussels three weeks ago. With respect to the elections, the Peacebuilding Commission played an important role from the outset in mobilizing donors. As a result of those efforts, it has been possible to overcome the $7.5 million shortfall in the electoral budget.", "Moreover, the Commission provided advice through BINUCA to some of the actors involved in preparing the elections, including the Independent Electoral Commission, the Government and the opposition. The recommendations also covered measures to be taken with respect to irregularities noted in large part during the first round of parliamentary elections. In the light of that, the boycott of the second round of the parliamentary elections by a coalition of opposition parties was a particularly regrettable incident.", "I wish to draw the Council’s attention to the policy statement presented by the Government of the Central African Republic to the National Assembly in Bangui on 18 May. This communication should be studied by the Council because it contains extremely important political engagements that should be recalled here. The Government has committed itself, notably, to complete the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration of rebels before the end of 2011; to combat corruption; to bolster governance and the rule of law; and to revise the 2009 electoral code and to establish a permanent and independent secretariat responsible for future elections. The Commission trusts that the Central African authorities will not tarry in implementing these political commitments.", "After the conclusion of the election process, the Government of the Central African Republic and the Peacebuilding Commission organized in Brussels on 16 and 17 June a round table of partners, with the support of the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank and the African Development Bank. The Chairperson of the African Union Commission, Mr. Jean Ping, decided to travel expressly to Brussels to attend the round table. Approximately 160 participants represented some 30 Governments and 35 international, regional and subregional organizations; observers represented Central African civil society, international non‑governmental organizations and the private sector. For a forgotten country such as the Central African Republic, this was truly an unprecedented number of participants.", "The main purpose of the round table was to make partners aware of the priorities of the second-generation Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP). This excellent document was drawn up by the Central African authorities with the technical assistance of the World Bank.", "Development needs obviously remain vast in the Central African Republic. The message of the participants at the round table was very clear. They all encouraged the national authorities to define priority areas for action in the second PRSP and to focus on measures to restore stability in the country and to target vulnerable populations in particular. It was clear to all that this event was but a first step on a long road intended to strengthen links with existing partners and to develop new ones from a broad spectrum of potential new partners. Naturally, the Commission, cooperating with the Central African authorities, will ensure a targeted follow-up to the work of the round table.", "I also welcome a number of decisive developments in the weeks and days prior to the round table to which the Special Representative of the Secretary-General has already referred. These include the signing of a ceasefire agreement with the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix, the only remaining rebel group that did not sign the 2008 Libreville peace accords; the signing of a tripartite agreement among the Central African Republic, Chad and the Sudan that should contribute to stabilizing the situation in the north-east of the country; and further progress towards national reconciliation.", "I would now like to turn towards the future. One of the main priorities for the road ahead will be security sector reform, as the Special Representative of the Secretary-General has also noted. Here I welcome the fact that the new Special Representative of the Secretary-General has made support for the Government in creating a strategy for national security sector reform (SSR) a priority for BINUCA. The list of existing SSR projects, as presented at the round table in Brussels, still needs to be prioritized and guided by a strategy, such as was sketched out during the national seminar on security sector reform in April 2008. In the coming months, the Commission will focus on getting effective SSR under way.", "The areas of good governance, the rule of law and judicial reform will also be part of our peacebuilding priorities for the coming year. The United Nations Development Programme has already begun implementing a multi-year programme that must be completed and refined. Transparent management of natural resources is an issue that requires urgent attention in order to generate increased State revenue and encourage private investment. For its part, the Commission will pursue its efforts to mobilize the support of existing and potential partners for peacebuilding projects.", "Before concluding, I would also like to emphasize an issue that is important both to me personally and to the German presidency of the Council — the situation of women and children in areas of conflict in the Central African Republic. That situation is still very serious in some areas. During my last visit to Bangui in April, I had the opportunity to stress the urgency of setting up a reporting and monitoring mechanism for children and armed conflict. On my return to New York, I briefed the Security Council’s Working Group on Children and Armed Conflict, which you chair, Mr. President. I encouraged the Special Representatives of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict and on Sexual Violence in Conflict to again visit the Central African Republic this year in order to assess the situation on the ground, which, I reiterate, remains very worrying and deserves the full attention not only of the Commission but also of the Council.", "The President: I thank Mr. Grauls for his briefing.", "I now give the floor to the representative of the Central African Republic.", "Mr. Doubane (Central African Republic) (spoke in French): On behalf of the Government of the Central African Republic, I would like to congratulate you, Mr. President, on your assumption of the presidency of the Security Council this month. We are encouraged by your country’s commitment to supporting States weakened by violence of every kind in their quest for peace, stability and development. I also commend you for your commitment to the issue of women and children in conflict.", "On behalf of the Central African Republic, I again congratulate the Secretary-General on his successful re-election as head of our shared Organization, enabling him to continue, consolidate and complete the many projects begun during his first term. We also take note of his report of 16 May (S/2011/311), which has just been introduced, on the political, security and social and economic situation in the Central African Republic, as well as the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office there. That virtually exhaustive report comes at the right moment, considering what is currently at stake both nationally and internationally.", "Here I would like to thank and express our deep respect for Ms. Margaret Vogt, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, for the clarity, depth and above all the concision of her briefing. I cannot fail to include in our thanks her predecessor, Ms. Sahle-Work Zewde, who in difficult and unusual circumstances skilfully led her mission before, during and after the elections last January.", "We have witnessed a series of encouraging events since those elections, as has already been mentioned and which is worth repeating. These range from the Constitutional Court’s partial cancellation of a quarter of the National Assembly seats, to the round table for Central African Republic donors held in Brussels three weeks ago. They also include the formation of the Government and its general policy statement, affirmed by the Parliament; the tripartite Sudan-Chad-Central African Republic summit; the signing of a ceasefire agreement with the Convention des patriotes pour la justice et la paix, the last rebel group remaining outside the Libreville peace accords; the imminent return to its own country of a foreign politico-military movement; and the start of the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration (DDR) process.", "We in the Central African Republic are certain that these events, with the agreement, efforts and cooperation of all stakeholders, offer hope of a return to peace. They are visible signs of that return to peace and essential factors in a lasting recovery. The President of the Republic and his Government will do their utmost to maintain dialogue with the political players and civil society, as was recommended in the inclusive political dialogue. They are determined to pursue the DDR process, which from now on should be coupled with the security sector reform programme with the aim of restructuring the defence and security forces effectively. In my fragile nation, peace is priceless, and any consolidation of democratic gains requires it.", "If these measures are to be achieved, they must of course continue in coordination with our bilateral and multilateral partners, particularly the United Nations through the Peacebuilding Commission in its Central African Republic country-specific configuration, chaired in masterly fashion by Ambassador Grauls, whom we hold in great esteem and whom I would like to commend here.", "While they are committed, to the extent possible, to carrying out the report’s recommendations, the highest Central African authorities recall nevertheless that, in an accurate assessment of the situation in the Central African Republic — which lies at the very heart of the African continent — requires internal and", "external factors alike to be taken into account, as, thankfully, has been done here. The situation with regard to the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), a cruel, barbarous rebel group from a non-bordering country, is a perfect example. The LRA’s atrocities, destruction, pillaging, forced conscription and deportation of men, women and children have made it deserving of eradication once and for all through the comprehensive mobilization of efforts and shared resources.", "That is why, while recognizing the full value of the United Nations and African Union initiatives on this issue, the Central African Republic vests great hope in the creation, within the next 48 hours, of a new bordering State that will drastically overturn certain principles and alter the geography of the area, albeit with foreseeable consequences. We remain convinced that that State will join us in our tireless struggle against a cross-border enemy with nebulous ambitions that disturb the tranquillity essential to the development of the subregion.", "In conclusion, as it has done in the past, my country will continue to cooperate with all States without exception. At times, discerning friends and observers, justifiably weary of the issue of the Central African Republic, question its will and its ability to recover or merely to move forward.", "The Central African Republic is definitely not a hopeless case; its failure is even less a foregone conclusion. With its limited means and working tirelessly, it is fighting to remain on its feet. It is fighting to build the rule of law. My State is fighting daily to remain a good father to its population, which aspires only to live and prosper in peace.", "The Central African Republic expresses its undying gratitude to the international community of which it is fortunate to be a part, whose unwavering and many forms of support have never failed it, and on which it hopes to be able to rely throughout this painstaking process.", "The President: There are no further speakers on my list. I now invite Council members to informal consultations in order to continue our discussion on this subject.", "The meeting rose at 10.50 a.m." ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国) \n 成员: 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生 \n 巴西 邓洛普夫人 \n 中国 王民先生 \n 哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生 \n 法国 布里安先生 \n 加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索奇先生 \n 印度 库马尔先生 \n 黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生 \n 尼日利亚 奥格武夫人 \n 葡萄牙 瓦斯·帕托先生 \n 俄罗斯联邦 茹科夫先生 \n 南非 马沙巴内先生 \n 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 帕勒姆先生 \n 美利坚合众国 格兰特先生", "议程项目", "中非共和国局势", "秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处 活动的报告(S/2011/311)", "上午10时15分开会。", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "中非共和国局势", "秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告(S/2011/311)", "主席(以英语发言):按照安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我邀请中非共和国代表参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处主任玛格丽特·沃格特女士参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "按照安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请建设和平委员会中非共和国国别组合主席、比利时常驻代表扬·格罗斯先生阁下参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/311,其中载有秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告。", "我现在请沃格特女士发言。", "沃格特女士(以英语发言):我谨以秘书长中非共和国问题特别代表的新身份向安理会发言,并介绍秘书长关于联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处(中非建和办)活动的报告(S/2011/311)。摆在安理会面前的报告叙述了今年上半年出现的主要事态发展及中非共和国人民和政府面临的建设和平挑战。报告还描述了中非建和办按照安全理事会赋予它的任务授权在支持中非共和国政府巩固和平努力方面所开展的主要活动。", "自2010年1月设立中非建和办作为一个综合建设和平办事处起,过去两年来,取得了许多成就。设立了若干个治理机构。实施了一些关键立法。新闻自由得到扩大,但最近出现了倒退,有两名记者因他们发表的文章而被捕。总体安全局势依然平静,但并不稳定,尤其在班吉以外。", "尽管取得了这些进展,但中非共和国仍然面临严重挑战。它目前受到极度贫困、国家机构薄弱、腐败、武装运动和土匪实施的暴力犯罪率高、侵犯人权行为和有罪不罚现象等问题困扰。", "正如报告指出的那样,中非建和办和联合国系统一直不遗余力地向中非共和国政府和人民及时提供综合支助,协助他们应对这些挑战。", "在目前背景下,正如秘书长的报告强调指出的那样,两项最紧迫的挑战是,在举行议会和总统选举及执行与反叛团体的和平协议之后的政治管理,以及前战斗人员的可持续解除武装和重返社会,作为总体安全部门改革的一部分。", "报告所述期间的主要事件是总统和议会选举。国际和国家观察员将选举形容为是包容与和平的,同时指出了若干违规现象。宪法法院处理了其中一些违规现象。它推翻了9个选区的选举结果,并责令其他13个选区重新选举。6月29日,领土管理部长宣布,13个选区的重新选举将在大约两个月后举行。", "组建由在任总理图瓦德拉领导的新政府在我们看来是朝着建立包容各方的内阁方向迈出的积极一步。它包含了民间社会和反对党代表,其中有6名妇女。", "政府承诺应对近期的挑战。在这方面,它宣布成立了新的专业性独立机构,来负责今后的选举和修订选举法。最近在布鲁塞尔举行的伙伴圆桌会议再次公开申明了该承诺。我认为我们应当要求他们遵守该承诺。", "由于反对派抵制选举进程,议会和其它机构均为执政党所控。这种状况对正在开展的稳定和全国和解工作造成了相当大的挑战。正如秘书长报告提到的那样,一大挑战将是政府要提供政治空间,在议会外就与国家发展相关问题与反对派接触。政府已承诺开展政治改革,包括改革选举进程,以便处理曾困扰上次选举的某些难题。中非建和办将与区域和国际伙伴密切合作,支持政府处理这些问题。", "5月份,我们看到在执行与武装运动和反叛团体达成的和平协议方面出现了一些积极情况。政府宣布打算最迟于年底针对所有战斗员开展解除武装、复员和重返社会方案。在这方面已经采取了一些具体步骤。6月12日,又采取了一项积极步骤,即争取正义与和平爱国者同盟(爱国者同盟)加入利伯维尔和平进程,并与政府签署停火协议。6月13日,人民除弊阵线(人民阵线)的乍得反叛运动领导人Baba Laddé 与乍得政府签署开始谈判的公报,以便在月内签署和平协议,放下武器并使其团体能够安全返回乍得。", "此类协议的执行工作如能开展到底,会使大约400至500名人民阵线成员得以回国。该问题是复兴民主人民军(复兴军)提出的问题之一,是其解除武装的前提条件。我们必须记住,人民阵线事实上是在中非共和国活动的一个乍得组织;而不是该国的全国性反叛团体。该协议是由中非共和国国家调解人促成的。在此,我们看到中非共和国对于努力使这些反叛团体中的某些团体回到本国起到了积极作用。", "此后,人民阵线人员与复兴军政治军事运动的人员发生冲突,在冲突过程中,人民阵线将复兴军人员劫为人质。在国家调解人进行干预后,18名人质随后于6月29日在Kagabandoro获释。成功执行该协议将部分取决于隶属人民阵线的各种团体的遵守情况。它们是否会遵守其领导人签署的协议,我们将拭目以待。", "调动人民阵线参与和平进程,是在该国西北部启动解除武装、复员和重返社会(复员方案)进程的一个重要内容。博齐泽总统和政治军事团体的领导人6月25日在博卡兰加宣布启动全国复员方案进程,当时340多名复兴军战斗人员放下了武器。政府表示打算在其它地方着手开展类似的解除武装工作,希望到年底时完成这项工作。在博卡兰加启动该工作时,国际社会特别是国际军事观察员并未给予支持,因为观察员任期在几天前刚刚到期。博齐泽总统对国际社会支持速度缓慢深表沮丧,呼吁协助整个复员方案/安全部门改革进程,但表示政府和政治军事团体均愿保障国家的安全并使人民能够恢复正常生活。", "支持复员方案和安全部门整体改革,仍是中非共和国和中非建和办的核心优先工作。我在布鲁塞尔举行的伙伴圆桌会议的外围会见了博齐泽总统和图瓦德拉总理。他们均强调了安全部门改革和复员方案在政治上的重要意义,并重申致力于执行与所有政治军事团体所签协议的条款。国际社会必须尽一切可能支持复员方案和安全部门改革,并为按时完成这些工作提供必要的资源。中非建和办、联合国国家工作队和伙伴,将与政府一道在近期对整个复员方案和安全部门改革工作进行审查。", "中非共和国位于关键冲突区的交汇处,受到刚果民主共和国和苏丹不安全局势的影响,而在苏丹应对必将伴随着新国家南苏丹的成立而出现的安全挑战时,苏丹边境两侧的不安全状况有可能加剧。中非共和国也受到越境犯罪分子的影响,他们在萨赫勒地区横行霸道,利用国家安全部队力量较弱这一点,抢夺该国领土和民众。中非共和国发生爆炸性局面,将对整个区域产生灾变影响,致使在确保邻国安全方面所作的投入付诸东流。我打算与我在该区域的同事密切合作,对这些挑战采取整体对策。", "与此同时,政府为确保西北部瓦卡加省的安全采取了重要步骤,签署了一项关于同乍得和苏丹武装部队联合开展边界巡逻的协议。该协议必须得到执行,联合巡逻必须得到国际社会的充分支持。该联合部队将在部分程度上解决反叛分子、全副武装的偷猎者和上帝抵抗军(上帝军)占领地区所存在的安全真空问题。", "在东南部,上帝军继续杀人、劫持人质和妨碍人们的正常日常生活。必须改善该国东北部安全形势, 以帮助应对日益恶化的人道主义状况。人道主义工作者正越来越多地受到武装犯罪分子的袭击。我们绝不能允许邻近的达尔富尔某些地区的犯罪行为成为中非共和国的样板。", "在努力确保中非人安全和巩固和平的同时,还必须促进善政和法治。政府必须将其权力扩大到每个地区,向所有公民提供卫生和教育服务,同时努力创造经济机会。", "秘书长非常关切的另一个问题是保护妇女和儿童问题。需要做更多工作,来防止性剥削以及促进儿童和妇女的权利。我们还必须确保制止征召和使用儿童兵的做法,以及从更大范围来说,努力确保儿童权利得到尊重和落实。我打算在我的办公室内成立一个保护科,以帮助协调这些问题,这也符合我们在授权中对其给予的重视。", "我愿强调,必须推动全国各地尊重人权的风气。必须采取具体步骤,处理影响执法机构的腐败和普遍存在的有罪不罚现象。必须支持政府加强司法体系,以杜绝暴民惩罚。从积极的角度来看,政府最近允许中非建和办进入监狱和拘留中心。而且,预计不久后还将成立一个独立的全国人权委员会。", "在布鲁塞尔召开的伙伴圆桌会议上,中非共和国政府提出了2015年12月以前期间的第二份减贫战略文件。该会议很大程度上是在格罗斯大使的努力下召开的,我愿正式指出,他本人亲自介入以确保会议顺利进行对于该项工作取得成功至关重要。该文件概述了政府巩固和平的战略与方案,其中包括善治、法治、社会服务和经济发展等。我鼓励传统伙伴和新伙伴们为第二份减贫战略文件中所载的方案提供财政支助。", "展望未来,主要挑战将是确保继续支持中非共和国巩固和平的努力,特别是支持政治对话、复员方案以及安全部门改革的努力。我愿感谢安理会和建设和平委员会各成员、联合国大家庭和特别是我的前任佐迪秘书长特别代表,以及其它所有坚定不移支持中非共和国的伙伴们。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢沃格特女士的通报。", "我现在请格罗斯先生发言。", "格罗斯先生(比利时)(以法语发言):主席先生,我感谢你允许我以建设和平委员会中非共和国国别组合主席的身份向安全理事会发言。首先,我愿赞扬前任负责中非共和国秘书长特别代表萨赫勒-沃克·祖德女士努力支持该国的建设和平进程。我还愿借此机会,祝愿新任秘书长特别代表兼驻班吉的联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处(中非建和办)主任沃格特女士取得圆满成功。我已经感到能与她共事将是我的荣幸。", "首先,我愿详细通告安理会建设和平委员会过去6个月来的主要活动,然后再通告国别组合在今后数月将采取的优先行动。", "请允许我先谈一下过去6个月的活动。我们组合在不忽略其它部门的同时,主要侧重于选举进程和3周前在布鲁塞尔召开的伙伴圆桌会议的筹备工作。关于选举,建设和平委员会从一开始就在调动捐助者方面发挥了重要作用。正因付出这些努力,才得以填补选举预算中750万美元的缺口。", "此外,委员会还通过中非建和办为参与筹备选举的一些行为体,包括独立选举委员会、政府以及反对派提供了建议。建议中还涵盖了将针对主要是在首轮议会选举中发现的不合规定之处采取的措施。有鉴于此,反对党联盟抵制第二轮议会选举是令人尤感遗憾的事件。", "我愿提请安理会注意5月18日中非共和国政府在班吉向国民议会提出的政策声明。安理会应研究这份文件,因为它载有应在此回顾的极为重要的政治承诺。政府已特别承诺在2011年年底前完成反叛分子的解除武装、复员和重返社会;打击腐败;加强治理和法治;并修订2009年的选举法和成立永久性的独立秘书处来负责未来的选举。委员会相信,中非共和国当局将不加延误地履行这些政治承诺。", "选举进程结束后,中非共和国政府和建设和平委员会在联合国开发计划署、世界银行和非洲开发银行的支助下,于6月16日和17日在布鲁塞尔召开了一个伙伴圆桌会议。非洲联盟委员会主席让·平先生决定专程前往布鲁塞尔参加圆桌会议。约160位与会者代表了30个国家的政府和35个国际、区域和次区域组织;观察员则代表了中非共和国民间社会、国际非政府组织和私营部门。对于像中非共和国这样一个被遗忘的国家来说,与会者人数之多确实前所未有。", "圆桌会议的主要目的是让伙伴们了解第二代减贫战略文件中的优先事项。这份出色的文件是中非当局在世界银行的技术协助下编写的。", "中非共和国的发展需求显然依然巨大。圆桌会议与会者们发出的信息非常清楚。他们都鼓励国家当局在第二个减贫战略文件中界定优先行动领域,侧重于恢复该国稳定的措施,并特别针对弱势人口。大家都明白,这项活动只是在加强与现有伙伴的联系并与广大潜在新伙伴建立新联系这一漫长道路上迈出的第一步。自然,委员会将与中非当局合作,确保有针对性地后续执行圆桌会议的工作。", "我还欢迎秘书长特别代表提及的在圆桌会议前数周和数日出现的若干决定性事态发展。这包括与唯一没有签署2008年利伯维尔和平协定的反叛团体争取正义与和平爱国者同盟签署了停火协议;中非共和国、乍得和苏丹签署了应有助于稳定该国东北部局势的三方协议;以及,在民族和解方面取得的进一步进展。", "现在我想展望一下未来。如秘书长特别代表也已指出的那样,今后工作中的主要优先事项之一将是安全部门改革。在这方面,我欣见新任秘书长特别代表已经把支持中非共和国政府制定一项国家安全部门改革战略作为中非建和办的优先事项。在布鲁塞尔举行的圆桌会议上提交的现有安全部门改革项目清单,仍然需要由一项在2008年4月安全部门改革国家研讨会上草拟的战略来确定优先顺序并提供指导。在今后几个月中,委员会将把重点放在开始推行有效的安全部门改革上。", "善治、法治和司法改革也将成为我们今后一年中建设和平优先事项的一部分。联合国开发计划署已开始执行一项多年期方案,必须完成和完善这一方案。对自然资源进行透明的管理是急需关注的一个问题,以便增加国家收入,并且鼓励私人投资。就建设和平委员会而言,委员会将努力动员现有和潜在的伙伴支持建设和平项目。", "在结束发言前,我还要强调一个对我个人和对安理会主席国德国来说都很重要的问题,即中非共和国冲突地区妇女和儿童的状况。在一些地区,情况依然严重。在我上一次于4月份访问班吉期间,我有机会强调了建立一个儿童与武装冲突问题报告与监测机制的紧迫性。一回到纽约,我就向由主席先生你担任主席的安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组作了通报。我鼓励负责儿童与武装冲突及冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表今年再次访问中非共和国,以便评估实地局势。我要再次指出,实地局势依然令人非常不安,应当受到不仅委员会,而且还有安理会的充分重视。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢格罗斯先生的通报。", "我现在请中非共和国代表发言。", "杜巴纳先生(中非共和国)(以法语发言):主席先生,我谨代表中非共和国政府祝贺你担任安全理事会本月份主席。令我们感到鼓舞的是,贵国致力于支持因各种暴力而遭到削弱的国家努力寻求和平、稳定与发展,我也赞扬你致力于处理冲突中妇女与儿童的问题。", "我谨代表中非共和国,再次祝贺秘书长成功连任我们这个共同组织领导人,这使他能够继续开展、巩固以及完成在他第一个任期内开始的许多项目。我们也注意到刚才介绍的其5月16日关于中非共和国政治、安全、社会和经济情况以及联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告(S/2011/311)。考虑到目前在国内和国际上关系重大,这份确实全面详尽的报告提交得正是时候。", "在这里,我要向秘书长特别代表玛格丽特·沃格特女士表示感谢和深切的敬意,她清晰、深刻、特别是简明扼要地作了通报。我还必须感谢她的前任萨赫勒-沃克·祖德女士,她在今年1月选举之前、期间以及之后,在艰苦和非同寻常的环境下娴熟地领导了特派团。", "我们看到,在举行这些选举之后出现了一系列令人鼓舞的事件。报告提到了这些事件,它们值得重提一下。这些事件包括宪法法院部分撤销了国民议会的四分之一席位和三周前在布鲁塞尔举行的中非共和国捐助方圆桌会议。这些事件还包括组建了中非共和国政府和通过了得到议会核可的总体政策宣言;举行了苏丹、乍得与中非共和国的三方首脑会议;与仍未加入《利伯维尔和平协议》的最后一个叛乱团体——“争取正义与和平爱国者同盟”——签署了停火协议;一个外国政治军事运动团体即将返回其所属国;以及解除武装、复员和重返社会进程启动。", "我们中非共和国人相信,通过所有利益攸关方的协议、努力及合作,这些事件让我们对恢复和平抱有希望。它们是恢复和平的明显迹象,也是持久复原的基本要素。中非共和国总统及其政府将竭尽全力,根据包容各方的政治对话提出的建议,与政治行为体和民间社会保持对话。总统和政府下决心推行解除武装、复员和重返社会进程。该进程从现在起应当与安全部门改革方案相辅相成,以求切实有效地重组国防和安全部队。在我的脆弱国家中,和平弥足珍贵,而且,巩固民主成果需要和平。", "要执行这些措施,就必须继续与我们的双边和多边伙伴、特别是联合国协调,尤其是通过建设和平委员会,在委员会的中非共和国国别组合中这样做。该国别组合由格罗斯大使干练地主持,我们非常尊重他,并且要在这里赞扬他。", "中非共和国最高当局最大限度地致力于执行报告提出的各项建议。不过,我们要提醒大家,在准确评估位于非洲大陆中心的中非共和国局势时,需要把内部和外部因素都考虑进去,令人欣慰的是,在这方面已经这样做了。有关上帝抵抗军的情况就是一个很好的例子,这是一个来自并非我们邻国的凶残野蛮的叛乱团体。上帝抵抗军犯下暴行、进行破坏、劫掠、强制征兵,以及驱逐男人、妇女和儿童出境,这要求通过全面发动力量和共同资源,一劳永逸地铲除这个团体。", "正因为如此,尽管我们承认,联合国和非洲联盟在这个问题上采取的举措非常宝贵,但中非共和国对在48小时之后将创建一个新邻国——尽管这会产生可预见的后果——寄予厚望,创建一个新邻国将彻底推翻某些原则,并且改变该地区的地理组成,我们依然坚信,这个国家将与我们一起不懈地努力打击一个跨境敌人,这个敌人居心叵测,企图扰乱次区域发展不可或缺的安定局面。", "最后,我国将一如既往,无一例外地继续与各国合作。有的时候,有辨别能力的朋友和观察家——他们对中非共和国问题感到厌倦是有道理的——质疑中非共和国是否有复原、或者仅仅是向前推进的意愿和能力。", "中非共和国的情况绝非无望,它的失败更是远非定局。它以有限的资源不懈努力,尽力站稳脚跟。它在努力建设法治。我的国家每天努力当好人民的父母官,我们的人民只想在和平的环境中安居乐业。", "中非共和国向国际社会表示其道不尽的感激之情,我国有幸成为国际社会的一部分,总是获得它坚定不移和多种形式的支助,并且我国希望在这一艰苦的进程中能够依靠国际社会。", "主席(以英语发言):我的名单上没有其他发言者了。我现在请安理会成员进行非正式磋商,以便继续讨论这个问题。", "上午10时50分散会。" ]
[ "主席: 维蒂希先生 (德国)\n成员:波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 武卡希诺维奇先生\n巴西 邓洛普女士\n中国 王敏先生\n哥伦比亚 奥索里奥先生\n法国 布林斯先生\n加蓬 蒙加拉·穆索齐先生\n印度 Kumar先生\n黎巴嫩 阿萨夫先生\n尼日利亚 奥格武女士\n葡萄牙 瓦斯·帕托先生\n俄罗斯联邦 朱可夫先生\n南非 马沙巴内先生\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n美利坚合众国 格兰特先生", "议程项目", "中非共和国局势", "秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告(S/2011/311)", "上午10时15分宣布开会", "通过议程", "议程通过。", "中非共和国局势", "秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告(S/2011/311)", "主席(以英语发言):根据安理会暂行议事规则第37条,我请中非共和国代表参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请秘书长特别代表兼联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处主任玛格丽特·沃克特女士参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "根据安理会暂行议事规则第39条,我邀请建设和平委员会中非共和国国别组合主席、比利时常驻代表扬·格罗斯先生阁下参加本次会议。", "就这样决定。", "安全理事会现在开始审议其议程上的项目。", "我谨提请安理会成员注意文件S/2011/311,其中载有秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告。", "我现在请沃克特女士发言。", "沃克特女士: 我荣幸地以秘书长中非共和国问题特别代表的新身份在安理会发言,并介绍秘书长关于联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处(中非建和办)活动的第五次报告(S/2011/311)。 安理会面前的报告叙述了今年上半年的主要事态发展以及中非共和国人民及其政府面临的建设和平挑战。 报告还介绍了中非建和办根据安全理事会赋予的任务支持政府巩固和平努力的主要活动。", "自2010年1月中非建和办作为建设和平综合办事处成立以来,过去两年取得了很大成就。 已经建立了一些治理机构,并制定了一些关键立法。 尽管最近出现挫折,两名记者因发表文章而被捕,但新闻自由已经扩大。 总体安全局势仍然平静,但不稳定,特别是在班吉以外地区。", "尽管取得了这些进展,中非共和国仍然面临严峻挑战。 它遭受了极端贫困、国家机构薄弱、腐败、武装运动和强盗犯下的高暴力犯罪率、侵犯人权行为和有罪不罚现象等。", "如报告所述,中非建和办和联合国系统不遗余力地为中非共和国政府和人民应对这些挑战提供及时和综合的支助。", "在目前情况下,正如秘书长的报告所强调,两个最直接的挑战是在立法和总统选举之后实行政治管理,执行同反叛团体的和平协定,以及作为整个安全部门改革的一部分,前战斗人员的可持续解除武装和重返社会。", "在本报告所述期间,总统和立法选举占主导地位。 国际和国内观察员称选举具有包容性并和平进行,同时注意到一些违规行为。 宪法法院通过推翻9个选区的选举结果并下令在另外13个选区重新运作,解决了其中一些违规行为。 6月29日,领土管理部长宣布,13次补选将在约两个月后举行.", "我们认为,由现任总理图瓦德拉为首的新政府的组成是朝着建立一个包容各方的内阁迈出的积极步骤。 该委员会由民间社会和反对党的代表组成,其中包括六名妇女。", "政府承诺解决眼前的挑战。 在这方面,它宣布设立一个新的、专业的和独立的机构来管理今后的选举并修订选举法。 最近在布鲁塞尔举行的伙伴圆桌会议上再次公开表明了这一承诺。 我认为,我们应该信守这一承诺。", "由于反对党抵制选举进程,议会和其他机构被执政党所主导. 这种情况对目前实现稳定和民族和解的努力构成相当大的挑战。 正如秘书长报告中所提到的那样,一个重大挑战是政府提供政治空间,让议会以外的反对派参与有关国家发展的问题。 政府承诺进行政治改革,包括选举进程改革,以解决困扰上届选举的一些困难。 中非建和办将与区域和国际伙伴密切合作,支持政府解决这些问题。", "5月,我们看到在执行同武装运动和叛乱团体的和平协定方面出现了积极的事态发展。 政府宣布打算在年底前使所有战斗人员解除武装、复员和重返社会。 在这方面已采取具体步骤。 6月12日,在又一积极步骤中,争取正义与和平爱国者同盟加入了利伯维尔和平进程并与政府签署了停火协定。 6月13日,人民救济阵线乍得反叛领导人巴巴·拉德同乍得政府签署公报,开始谈判,以期在一个月内签署和平协定,放下武器并安全地将他的团体送回乍得。", "执行这样一项协定,如果执行完毕,可导致遣返大约400-500名苏丹人民阵线成员,这是恢复民主人民军作为解除武装的先决条件所提出的问题之一。 我们必须记住,革命人民阵线确实是一个在中非共和国活动的乍得团体;它不是该国的国家叛乱团体。 该协定由中非共和国国家调解人促成。 在这方面,我们看到中非共和国在努力使其中一些反叛团体返回其国家方面发挥了积极作用。", "随后,人民革命军与复兴共和与民主军政治-军事运动成员发生冲突,复兴共和与民主军在冲突中被人民革命军扣为人质。 在国家调解人的干预下,18名人质随后于6月29日在卡加班多罗获释。 该协定的成功执行部分取决于属于《联邦减贫战略》的不同群体的遵守情况。 我将看他们是否遵循自己领袖的旨意。", "将人民革命阵线纳入和平进程是解除该国西北部解除武装、复员和重返社会(复员方案)的障碍的一个重要因素。 博齐泽总统和政治军事团体领导人于6月25日在博卡兰加宣布启动全国复员方案进程,340多名复兴共和与民主军战斗人员当时被解除武装。 政府表示打算在其他地点进行类似的解除武装工作,希望在今年年底前完成这一进程。 在博卡兰加的发射没有国际社会的支持,特别是没有国际军事观察员的支持,因为观察员的任期在活动前几天就已过。 博齐泽总统对国际社会的支持步伐缓慢表示非常失望,他呼吁为整个复员方案/安全部门改革进程提供援助,但他认为,政府和政治军事团体都准备保障国家安全并让人民恢复正常生活。", "支持复员方案和整个安全部门改革仍然是中非共和国和中非建和办的核心优先事项。 在布鲁塞尔举行的伙伴圆桌会议期间,我会见了博齐泽总统和图瓦德拉总理。 他们都强调安全部门改革和复员方案的政治重要性,并再次承诺执行同所有政治-军事团体签署的协定的条款。 国际社会必须尽一切可能支持复员方案和安全部门改革进程,并提供必要的资源来及时完成这一进程。 中非建和办、联合国国家工作队和合作伙伴以及该国政府将在不久的将来对解除武装、复员和重返社会和安全部门改革的总体进程进行审查。", "中非共和国处于关键冲突地区的十字路口,受到来自刚果民主共和国和苏丹的不安全局势的影响,该国面临安全挑战,而安全挑战必然涉及建立新的苏丹南方国家,因此,苏丹边界的不安全状况可能急剧增加。 中非共和国还受到跨界犯罪分子在萨赫勒地区行走并利用国家安全部队薄弱的能力来保障共和国领土和人民的安全。 中非共和国的内爆将给整个区域带来灾难性影响,从而抵消了为保障邻国安全而作的投资。 我打算同我在该区域的同事密切合作,以全面应对这些挑战。", "与此同时,政府采取了一项重要步骤,与乍得和苏丹安全部队签署了联合边境巡逻协议,以确保瓦卡加省东北部的安全。 该协定必须得到执行,联合巡逻必须得到国际社会的充分支持。 这支联合部队将部分解决反叛分子、全副武装的偷猎者和上帝抵抗军所占领地区的安全真空问题。", "在东南部,上帝军继续杀人、劫持人质并阻碍正常的日常生活。 需要改善该国东北部的安全,以帮助解决不断恶化的人道主义局势。 人道主义工作人员受到武装罪犯越来越多的袭击。 我们决不能允许邻国达尔富尔某些地区的犯罪行为成为中非共和国的榜样。", "为中非人提供安全和巩固和平的努力必须辅之以促进善政和法治。 政府在努力创造经济机会时,必须将其权力扩展到每个地区,并向所有公民提供保健和教育服务。", "秘书长极为关切的另一个问题是保护妇女和儿童。 需要做更多的工作来防止性剥削和促进儿童和妇女的权利。 我们还必须确保停止招募和使用儿童兵,并更广泛地努力确保儿童权利得到尊重和执行。 我打算在我的办公室内设立一个保护单位来帮助协调这些问题,这符合我们任务中对这些问题的重视。", "我要强调,必须在全国促进尊重人权的文化。 必须采取具体步骤来对付腐败和普遍存在的影响到执法机构的有罪不罚现象。 必须支持政府加强司法系统,以结束暴民司法。 一个积极的方面是,政府最近准许中非建和办进入监狱和拘留中心。 此外,预计不久将设立一个独立的国家人权委员会。", "中非共和国政府在布鲁塞尔举行的伙伴圆桌会议上提交了截至2015年12月的第二份减贫战略文件。 这次会议主要由于格罗斯大使的努力而召开,我要正式指出,他亲自参与这次会议,对这项工作的成功至关重要。 该文件概述了政府巩固和平的战略和方案,包括善政、法治、社会服务和经济发展。 我鼓励传统伙伴和新伙伴为第二个减贫战略文件所载的方案提供财政支助。", "展望未来,主要挑战将是确保继续支持中非共和国巩固和平的努力,特别是支持为政治对话、复员方案和安全部门改革而作的努力。 我要感谢安理会成员和建设和平委员会成员、联合国大家庭,特别是我的前任、秘书长特别代表祖德和所有其他伙伴,他们一直如此坚定地支持中非共和国。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢沃格特女士的通报。", "我现在请格罗斯先生发言。", "格罗斯先生(以法语发言): 主席先生,我感谢你允许我以建设和平委员会中非共和国国别组合主席的身份在安全理事会发言。 首先,我要赞扬秘书长中非共和国问题前特别代表萨赫勒-沃克·祖德女士为支持该国建设和平进程而作的努力。 我还要借此机会祝愿沃格特女士作为新任秘书长特别代表兼联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处(中非建和办)负责人在班吉取得圆满成功。 我已经觉得和她合作会是一种荣幸", "首先,我谨向安理会详细通报建设和平委员会过去六个月来的主要活动,然后通报国别组合今后几个月将采取的优先行动。", "让我首先谈谈过去六个月的活动。 在不忽略其他部门的情况下,我们的组合主要侧重于选举进程和三周前在布鲁塞尔举行的伙伴圆桌会议的筹备工作。 关于选举,建设和平委员会从一开始就在动员捐助者方面发挥了重要作用。 由于这些努力,能够克服选举预算的750万美元短缺。", "此外,委员会通过中非建和办向一些参与筹备选举的行为体,包括独立选举委员会、政府和反对派提供咨询。 这些建议还涉及针对第一轮议会选举期间发现的违规行为采取的措施。 有鉴于此,反对党联盟抵制第二轮议会选举尤其令人遗憾。", "我谨提请安理会注意中非共和国政府5月18日在班吉向国民议会提出的政策声明。 安理会应研究这份来文,因为它包含了在这里应当回顾的极其重要的政治活动。 政府承诺,特别是在2011年底前完成叛乱分子的解除武装、复员和重返社会;打击腐败;加强治理和法治;修订2009年《选举法》并设立一个常设和独立秘书处,负责今后的选举。 委员会相信,中非共和国当局不会拖延履行这些政治承诺。", "选举进程结束后,中非共和国政府和建设和平委员会在联合国开发计划署、世界银行和非洲开发银行的支持下,于6月16日和17日在布鲁塞尔组织了一次伙伴圆桌会议。 非洲联盟委员会主席让·平先生决定明确前往布鲁塞尔参加圆桌会议。 大约160名与会者代表大约30个政府和35个国际、区域和次区域组织;观察员代表中非民间社会、国际非政府组织和私营部门。 对像中非共和国这样的被遗忘的国家来说,这确实是前所未有的参与者。", "圆桌会议的主要目的是使合作伙伴了解第二代减贫战略文件的优先事项。 中非当局在世界银行的技术援助下起草了这份出色的文件。", "中非共和国的发展需求显然仍然很大。 圆桌会议与会者的发言非常明确。 他们都鼓励国家当局在第二份减贫战略文件中确定优先行动领域,并着重采取措施恢复国家稳定,特别是针对弱势人口。 众所周知,这次活动只是漫长道路上的第一步,目的是加强与现有伙伴的联系,从广泛的潜在新伙伴中发展出新的伙伴。 当然,委员会同中非当局合作,将确保对圆桌会议的工作采取有针对性的后续行动。", "我还欢迎在秘书长特别代表已经提到的圆桌会议之前的几个星期和几天中出现了一些决定性的事态发展。 其中包括同争取正义与和平爱国者联盟签署停火协定,该联盟是唯一尚未签署2008年利伯维尔和平协定的反叛团体;中非共和国、乍得和苏丹之间签署三方协定,这将有助于稳定该国东北部的局势;并朝着民族和解取得进一步进展。", "我现在想转向未来。 如秘书长特别代表所指出,今后工作的主要优先事项之一将是安全部门改革。 在这方面,我欢迎新任秘书长特别代表支持政府制定国家安全部门改革战略,以此作为中非建和办的优先事项。 在布鲁塞尔圆桌会议上提出的现有安全部门改革项目清单仍需要按2008年4月安全部门改革全国研讨会所勾画的战略确定优先次序并提供指导。 在今后几个月里,委员会将着重开展有效的安全部门改革。", "善政、法治和司法改革领域也将是我们来年建设和平优先事项的一部分。 联合国开发计划署已经开始执行一项必须完成和完善的多年方案。 自然资源的透明管理是一个需要紧急注意的问题,以便增加国家收入和鼓励私人投资。 委员会将继续努力为建设和平项目调动现有和潜在伙伴的支持。", "在结束发言之前,我还要强调一个对我个人和对担任安理会主席的德国都很重要的问题——中非共和国冲突地区妇女和儿童的状况。 这种情况在一些地区仍然非常严重。 在4月份我上次访问班吉期间,我有机会强调建立一个儿童与武装冲突问题报告和监测机制的紧迫性。 主席先生,我回到纽约后,向由你主持的安全理事会儿童与武装冲突问题工作组作了简报。 我鼓励负责儿童与武装冲突问题的秘书长特别代表和负责冲突中性暴力问题的秘书长特别代表今年再次访问中非共和国,以评估当地局势,我重申,那里的局势仍然非常令人担忧,不仅值得委员会而且值得安理会充分关注。", "主席(以英语发言):我感谢格罗斯先生的通报。", "我现在请中非共和国代表发言。", "杜班先生(中非共和国)(以法语发言): 主席先生,我谨代表中非共和国政府祝贺你担任本月份安全理事会主席。 我们感到鼓舞的是,贵国承诺支持被各种暴力所削弱的国家寻求和平、稳定和发展。 我还赞扬你致力于冲突中的妇女和儿童问题。", "我代表中非共和国再次祝贺秘书长成功地再次当选为我们共同组织的领导人,使他能够继续、巩固并完成他第一个任期内开始的许多项目。 我们还注意到他刚才介绍的5月16日关于中非共和国政治、安全、社会和经济局势的报告(S/2011/311),以及在那里的联合国建设和平综合办事处的活动。 这份几乎是详尽无遗的报告恰逢其时,考虑到目前在国家和国际两级都处于危险之中。", "在此,我谨感谢并深切尊重秘书长特别代表玛格丽特·沃格特女士的清楚、深入、尤其是她的通报。 在我们的感谢中,我不能不包括她的前任萨赫勒-沃克·祖德女士,她在困难和不寻常的情况下干练地领导了她今年1月选举之前、期间和之后的任务。", "正如已经提到并值得重复的那样,自这些选举以来,我们看到了一系列令人鼓舞的事件。 从宪法法院部分取消国民议会四分之一席位,到三周前在布鲁塞尔举行的中非共和国捐助者圆桌会议。 这些行动还包括组成政府及其经议会确认的总政策声明;苏丹-乍得-中非共和国三方首脑会议;同利伯维尔和平协定之外的最后反叛团体争取正义与和平爱国者公约签署停火协定;外国政治-军事运动即将返回本国;以及开始解除武装、复员和重返社会(复员方案)进程。", "我们中非共和国确信,在所有利益攸关方的同意、努力与合作下,这些事件为恢复和平带来了希望。 它们是恢复和平的明显迹象,也是持久恢复的重要因素。 共和国总统及其政府将尽最大努力,按照包容性政治对话的建议,与政治角色和民间社会保持对话。 他们决心推进解除武装、复员和重返社会进程,从现在起,这一进程应与安全部门改革方案相配合,以有效重组国防和安全部队。 在我们脆弱的国家,和平是无价之宝,任何巩固民主成果都需要和平。", "要实现这些措施,当然必须继续同我们的双边和多边伙伴协调,特别是同建设和平委员会中非共和国国别组合的联合国协调,该组合由格罗斯大使主持,我们非常尊重格罗斯大使,我要在此赞扬他。", "中非共和国最高当局虽然致力于尽可能地执行报告的建议,但回顾,在准确评估位于非洲大陆核心的中非共和国的局势时,需要内部和内部的和内部的。", "值得考虑的外部因素,如所幸的是,已经在这里做了。 上帝抵抗军(上帝军)是一个来自一个非边境国家的残酷而野蛮的反叛团体,其局势就是一个很好的例子。 上帝抵抗军的暴行、破坏、掠夺、强迫征召和驱逐男女老幼,通过全面动员努力和分享资源,使上帝军应一劳永逸地被消灭。", "正因为如此,中非共和国认识到联合国和非洲联盟关于这一问题的倡议的全部价值,因此对在今后48小时内建立一个新的接壤国家寄予了极大的希望,它将大大推翻某些原则并改变该地区的地理,尽管其后果可以预见。 我们仍然相信,这个国家将同我们一道同我们一道同有着模糊野心的跨界敌人进行不懈的斗争,这种野心扰乱了次区域发展所必需的安宁。", "最后,同过去一样,我国将继续无一例外地同所有国家合作。 有时,朋友和观察者有理由对中非共和国问题感到厌倦,怀疑中非共和国恢复或仅仅向前迈进的意愿和能力。", "中非共和国肯定不是一个没有希望的情况;它的失败更不是一种预先得出的结论。 它以有限的手段并孜孜不倦地工作,正为继续站稳脚跟而奋斗。 它正在努力建立法治。 我国每天都在努力为人民做一个好父亲,他们只希望和平地生活和繁荣。", "中非共和国对它有幸成为其中一部分的国际社会表示不朽的感谢,国际社会坚定不移和多种形式的支持从未辜负它,它希望能够在这一艰难进程中依赖国际社会。", "主席(以英语发言):我的名单上没有其他发言者了。 我现在请安理会成员进行非正式磋商,以继续我们对这一问题的讨论。", "上午10时50分散会。" ]
[ "Provisional agenda for the 6575th meeting of the Security Council", "To be held on Thursday, 7 July 2011, at 10 a.m.", "1. Adoption of the agenda.", "2. The situation in the Central African Republic", "Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in the Central African Republic and on the activities of the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Office in that country (S/2011/311)." ]
[ "安全理事会第6575次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月7日星期四上午10时举行", "1. 通过议程。", "2. 中非共和国局势", "秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告(S/2011/311)。" ]
[ "安全理事会第6575次会议临时议程", "定于2011年7月7日星期四上午10时举行", "1. 联合国 1. 通过议程。", "2. 联合国 中非共和国局势", "秘书长关于中非共和国局势和联合国中非共和国建设和平综合办事处活动的报告(S/2011/311)。" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Tenth emergency special session Sixty-sixth year Agenda item 5 \nIllegal Israeli actions in OccupiedEast Jerusalem and the rest of theOccupied Palestinian Territory", "Identical letters dated 6 July 2011 from the Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council", "I regret to inform you that the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, has continued to deteriorate as result of ongoing illegal policies and actions and relentless provocations by Israel, the occupying Power, and its illegal settlers. The situation is highly volatile and unsustainable and requires urgent redress by the international community to bring a halt to the massive violations that continue to be perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people and to salvage the chances for peace that remain before us.", "Far from seeking to make peace, Israel is actually intensifying its violations of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in all areas with the aim of entrenching its control of the Palestinian land and its subjugation of the Palestinian people. The occupying Power’s illegal and aggressive actions continue to exacerbate the already harsh conditions being endured by the Palestinian civilian population under its occupation, and to undermine the international efforts to resume peace negotiations on the basis of the two-State solution based on the pre-June 1967 borders.", "In the Gaza Strip, the Palestinian civilian population continues to be collectively punished by the occupying Power’s ruthless, illegitimate blockade that has now entered its fifth year. Reconstruction of damaged and destroyed homes and vital infrastructure continues to be impeded by the blockade and Israel’s ongoing restrictions on entry of construction and other essential materials, further delaying and complicating recovery efforts. The blockade continues to deepen poverty in Gaza, as restoration of livelihoods and the normal functioning of businesses also continue to be obstructed, due to continued severe restrictions on imports and exports, ensuring that the unemployment level, which now stands at around a shocking 65 per cent of the population, remains high, and that aid dependency also remains staggering at nearly 80 per cent.", "In this regard, it must be clarified that, despite so-called “measures to ease” the blockade, Israel continues to impose a land, air and naval blockade on the Gaza Strip in total defiance of the repeated calls by the international community, including by Member States in United Nations resolutions and official statements and declarations and by civil society from all corners of the world. In this regard, the Palestinian people and their leadership recognize with deepest respect and gratitude the efforts of the hundreds of civil society activists, including those partaking in the Freedom Flotilla, who are exerting noble efforts to draw attention to Israel’s cruel blockade of the Gaza Strip, to mobilize international action to compel the occupying Power to end the blockade, and to deliver needed humanitarian aid and moral support to the Palestinian people in Gaza.", "The occupying Power also continues to commit acts of military aggression against the Gaza Strip. In recent days, the Israeli occupying forces launched air strikes against areas in central Gaza. In such an attack yesterday, 5 July, the occupying forces killed two Palestinian men, Mohammed Sa’eed Abu Jazar and Kamal Abu Muammar, and wounded one man and today another man was also wounded in a separate airstrike that also caused substantial damage to property. In this regard, it must be underscored that such military attacks against civilian areas are unlawful under international humanitarian law and constitute grave acts of terror, provocation and incitement against the Palestinian people.", "At the same time, Israel has been unrelenting in its illegal drive to colonize the rest of the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially areas in and around Occupied East Jerusalem. In the recent period, land confiscations, settlement construction and home demolitions have intensified as the occupying Power clearly seeks to create even more illegal facts on the ground and forcibly alter the demographic composition of the Territory in the face of mounting international demands and pressure to bring an end to the occupation that began in 1967. Indeed, Israel, the occupying Power, continues to flagrantly violate its legal obligations under the Fourth Geneva Convention and under relevant United Nations resolutions and to blatantly defy the international community’s continuous calls for an immediate cessation of all settlement activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.", "While it is not possible in such a brief letter to enumerate in detail the scope and scale of Israel’s colonization activities in the recent period, the following regrettable developments give an indication of the severity and extent of such violations, which continue to receive the support of Israeli officials, including the Prime Minister, Defence and other Ministers, Knesset parliamentarians and others:", "• On 19 June, it was reported that Israel approved the expansion of 2,000 units in the illegal settlement of “Ramat Shlomo”. This was announced in addition to the early declaration to construct another 1,500 units in the illegal settlements of “Har Homa” (Jabal Abu Ghneim) and “Pisgat Ze’ev”.", "• At the start of this month, tenders were issued for the construction of 300 units in the illegal settlement of “Beitar Elit” in addition to another 40 units and 46 units in the illegal settlements of “Efrat” and “Shomron” in the Bethlehem and Nablus areas respectively.", "• On 1 July, confiscation orders were issued for another 189 dunums of land in the village of Qaryut near Nablus, an area that is surrounded by seven illegal Israeli settlements.", "• Demolition of Palestinian homes and structures in East Jerusalem and the Jordan Valley continued, with a report revealing that demolitions in the Jordan Valley alone have displaced and left homeless more than 700 Palestinians since the start of this year. A recent report by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East has shown that in the month of May alone, home demolitions in the West Bank and particularly in East Jerusalem displaced 67 children, a record high this year.", "• The Israeli Interior Minister announced recently the intention to further expand the municipal boundaries of Occupied East Jerusalem, with the aim of incorporating within the City’s boundaries yet another illegal settlement.", "• On 3 July, the Israeli Transport Minister provocatively proposed the “Hebrewizing” of road signs and town names, especially in Occupied East Jerusalem, with the aim of further Judaizing the city.", "At the same time, illegal Israeli settlers, many of them armed extremists, have intensified their acts of terror and destruction throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory. On 7 June, settlers set fire to a mosque in the village of Al-Mughayyir near Ramallah and defiled its walls with graffiti. This shocking act of terror was claimed to have been committed as part of the settlers’ so-called “price tag” policy aimed at sabotaging any attempts to cease settlement construction or dismantle so-called “outposts”. Settlers also continued to attack Palestinian agricultural properties, with armed settlers torching dozens of Palestinian olive trees in Bil’in and setting fire to at least 15 dunums of farmland in an area south of Nablus in mid-June. These depraved acts followed the provocations and incitement exhibited by extremist settlers during the so-called “Jerusalem Day” events in early June, when, under the protection of the occupying forces, settlers marched through the city harassing, intimidating and threatening the Palestinian civilian population.", "In addition to all of the above, Israel, the occupying Power, continues to raid West Bank villages and to detain and imprison Palestinian civilians, adding to the thousands who remain in Israeli jails and exacerbating the hardships endured by their families. Last month, the Israeli Prime Minister declared Israel’s plans to further “toughen” conditions on Palestinians prisoners, who already suffer under inhumane and unhygienic conditions in violation of international humanitarian and human rights law.", "This is just a synopsis of the extremely disturbing and deplorable conditions being endured by the Palestinian people under Israel’s occupation. It is a situation that continues to heighten tensions and sensitivities and to mar the hopes for a peaceful and secure future, free from foreign occupation and all of its attendant brutalities. It is a situation that is undermining all regional and international efforts aimed at justly and peacefully resolving the conflict and is threatening to destroy the two-State solution, making it less and less viable with each passing day.", "Nevertheless, the Palestinian people and their leadership remain committed to the two-State solution on the basis of the pre-June 1967 borders and remain committed to peaceful, diplomatic, political and non-violent means to achieve this goal and to achieve the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people and their legitimate national aspirations. Accordingly, the Palestinian leadership will continue to exert all efforts to gain support for its continuing endeavour to bring a complete end to the Israeli military occupation in all its manifestations and to ensure the realization of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination and freedom in their independent State of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital at the earliest possible date.", "We call upon the international community, including the Security Council, to uphold their responsibilities in this regard and to act upon their legal obligations to address the ongoing violations being committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. Only serious, coordinated action can compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease forthwith all its illegal activities and to commit to peaceful negotiations based on the internationally-endorsed parameters enshrined in the relevant United Nations resolutions, the Madrid terms of reference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet road map.", "This letter is in follow-up to our previous 394 letters regarding the ongoing crisis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, since 28 September 2000. These letters, dated from 29 September 2000 (A/55/432-S/2000/921) to 6 June 2011 (A/ES-10/521-S/2011/343) constitute a basic record of the crimes being committed by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people since September 2000. For all of these war crimes, acts of State terrorism and systematic human rights violations committed against the Palestinian people, Israel, the occupying Power, must be held accountable and the perpetrators must be brought to justice.", "I should be grateful if you would arrange to have the text of the present letter distributed as a document of the tenth emergency special session of the General Assembly, under agenda item 5, and of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Riyad Mansour Ambassador Permanent Observer of Palestine to the United Nations" ]
[ "大 会 安全理事会", "第十届紧急特别会议 第六十六年", "议程项目5", "以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷和 其余被占领巴勒斯坦领土的非法行动", "巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信", "我遗憾地通知你,由于占领国以色列及其定居者当前的非法政策和行动及持续不断的挑衅,包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土局势继续恶化,极其动荡不安和不可持续。国际社会必须采取紧急纠正行动,阻止以色列继续大规模侵犯巴勒斯坦人民,挽回尚存的和平机遇。", "在巴勒斯坦被占领土所有地区,以色列远未谋求建立和平,实际上加紧违反国际法,包括人道和人权法,旨在巩固对巴勒斯坦领土的控制及对巴勒斯坦人民的镇压。占领国的非法和侵略行动继续加剧以色列占领下巴勒斯坦平民已经恶劣的处境,破坏国际社会努力根据基于1967年6月以前边界的两国解决办法恢复和谈。", "在加沙地带,巴勒斯坦平民继续遭到占领国无情、非法封锁的集体惩罚,封锁已经进入第五个年头。以色列实行封锁,限制建筑材料和其他主要材料入境,继续阻碍被破坏或损毁的家园和重要基础设施的重建,这使复原努力进一步延迟和复杂化。封锁继续加剧加沙贫穷,因为恢复生计和正常商业运作的努力继续受到阻挠,原因是继续严格限制进出口,确保失业率居高不下(目前约为令人震惊的65%),援助依赖率仍在80%左右。", "在此方面,必须说明尽管实行所谓的“放松封锁措施”,以色列继续对加沙地带实行陆海空封锁,全然不顾国际社会的多次呼吁,包括会员国在联合国决议、正式声明和宣言中及世界各地民间社会发出的呼吁。在此方面,巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人怀着最深切的尊敬和感激之情,赞赏数以百计民间社会积极分子所作的努力,包括参加自由船队者,他们进行崇高的努力,提请注意以色列对加沙地带的残酷封锁,动员国际社会采取行动迫使占领国结束封锁,并向加沙巴勒斯坦人民提供必要的人道援助和道德支持。", "占领国还继续对加沙地带采取军事侵略行为。近日,以色列占领部队对加沙中部地区发动空袭。在昨天(7月5日)的袭击中,占领部队打死2名巴勒斯坦男子(Mohammed Sa’eed Abu Jazar和Kamal Abu Muammar),1名男子受伤;今天,又有1名男子在另一空袭中受伤,空袭造成巨大财产损失。在此方面,必须认识到,根据国际人道法,对平民地区进行此类军事攻击非法,构成针对巴勒斯坦人民的严重恐怖、挑衅和煽动行为。", "同时,以色列人一直持续不断地在其余巴勒斯坦被占领土非法推行殖民化,特别是在被占东耶路撒冷内和周边地区。最近,面对国际社会日益施压,要求结束始于1967年的占领,占领国加紧征用土地、建造定居点和拆毁住房,显然努力造成更多的非法既定事实,强行改变被占领土的人口组成。事实上,占领国以色列继续公然违反《日内瓦历史公约》和联合国相关决议规定的法律义务,悍然藐视国际社会持续呼吁立即停止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的所有定居点活动。", "虽然不可能在如此简短的信中详细列举以色列殖民化活动的范围和规模,但下列令人遗憾的事态发展说明此类侵犯行为的严重性和范围,这些行为继续得到以色列官员,包括总理、国防部长和其他部长及其他方面的支持:", "• 6月19日,据报以色列宣布核准在“Ramat Shlomo”非法定居点扩建2 000个单位。此前,以色列曾宣布在“霍马山“(阿布古奈姆山)和“Pisgat Ze’ev”非法定居点另建1 500个单位。", "• 本月初,在伯利恒和纳布卢斯地区的“Efrat”和“Shomron”非法定居点分别另建40个单位和46个单位,此外,还为在“Beitar Elit”非法定居点建造300个单位进行投标。", "• 7月1日,下令征用纳布卢斯附近Qaryut村另外189 德南土地,该地区被7个以色列非法定居点包围。", "• 继续拆毁在东耶路撒冷和约旦河谷的巴勒斯坦人住房和机构,据报自今年初以来,仅在约旦河谷就有700多巴勒斯坦人流离失所,无家可归。联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处最近一份报告指出,仅在5月份,在西岸特别是东耶路撒冷拆毁住房就使67名儿童流离失所,创今年新高。", "• 以色列内政部长最近宣布,打算进一步扩大被占东耶路撒冷城界,旨在在城界内再建一个非法定居点。", "• 7月3日,以色列交通部长挑衅地提议路标和城镇名“希伯来化”,特别是在被占东耶路撒冷,旨在进一步使该城犹太化。", "与此同时,以色列非法定居者,其中许多人是武装极端分子,加紧在整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上的恐怖和破坏行为。6月7日,定居者放火焚烧拉马拉附近Al-Mughayyir村的一个清真寺,并在清真寺墙壁上涂鸦。据称,这种令人震惊的恐怖行为是定居者所谓“价签”政策的一部分,旨在破坏为停建定居点或拆除所谓“前哨”所作的任何努力。定居者还继续攻击巴勒斯坦农业财产,6月中旬武装定居者用火炬点燃Bil’in数十棵巴勒斯坦人的橄榄树,并放火焚烧纳布卢斯南部地区至少15德南农田。在实施这些邪恶行径之前,极端定居者在6月初所谓的“耶路撒冷日”事件中进行挑衅和煽动,定居者在占领部队的保护下,在城内游行,骚扰、恐吓和威胁巴勒斯坦平民。", "除了上述所有情况,占领国以色列继续袭击西岸村庄,拘留和监禁巴勒斯坦平民,进一步增加其在以色列监狱中的人数(已有数千人),并使他们的家庭更加艰苦。上个月,以色列总理宣布,以色列计划进一步“强化”巴勒斯坦囚犯已经不人道和不卫生的条件,这有悖国际人道和人权法。", "这只是概述以色列占领下的巴勒斯坦人民极其令人不安的恶劣处境。这一情形继续加剧紧张局势和敏感度,破坏对和平与安全的未来以及摆脱外国占领和伴随外国占领的残暴行径的希望。这一情形破坏所有旨在公正、和平解决冲突的区域和国际努力,威胁破坏两国解决办法,使之日益不可行。", "然而,巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人仍致力于采取基于1967年6月以前边界的两国解决办法,仍致力于以和平、外交、政治和非暴力手段实现这一目标,并实现巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的权利及其合法民族愿望。因此,巴勒斯坦领导人将继续全力以赴争取支持,继续努力完全终止一切形式的以色列军事占领,确保尽早在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国实现巴勒斯坦人民自决权和自由。", "我们呼吁国际社会,包括安全理事会,在这一方面负起责任,并根据其法律义务,处理以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的侵犯行为。只有采取严肃、协调的行动,才能迫使占领国以色列立即停止其所有非法活动,承诺根据联合国相关决议所载的国际认可的各项要素、包括土地换和平原则在内的马德里框架、阿拉伯和平倡议和四方路线图进行和平谈判。", "自2000年9月28日以来,我们已就包括东耶路撒冷在内被占巴勒斯坦领土的持续危机向你发出394封信,本函是上述信函的后续。这些信函的日期从2000年9月29日(A/55/432-S/2000/921)至2011年6月6日(A/ES-10/521-S/2011/343),其中基本记录了占领国以色列自2000年9月以来对巴勒斯坦人民实施的犯罪行为。必须追究占领国以色列对巴勒斯坦人民犯下的所有这些战争罪行、国家恐怖主义行为和系统侵犯人权行为的责任,必须将肇事者绳之以法。", "请将本信作为大会第十届紧急特别会议议程项目5和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员", "大使", "里亚德·曼苏尔(签名)" ]
[ "大会 安全理事会第十届紧急特别会议\n以色列在被占领的东耶路撒冷和其余", "2011年7月6日巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员给秘书长和安全理事会主席的同文信", "我遗憾地通知你,由于占领国以色列及其非法定居者的持续非法政策和行动以及无情的挑衅,包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土的局势继续恶化。 局势非常动荡和难以为继,需要国际社会紧急纠正,以制止以色列继续对巴勒斯坦人民犯下的大规模侵犯行为并挽救我们面前的和平机会。", "以色列并非寻求实现和平,而是实际上在被占领巴勒斯坦领土上加紧在所有地区违反国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,以巩固其对巴勒斯坦土地的控制并征服巴勒斯坦人民。 占领国的非法和侵略行动继续加剧其占领下巴勒斯坦平民已经忍受的严酷条件,并破坏以1967年6月之前边界为基础的两国解决办法为基础恢复和平谈判的国际努力。", "在加沙地带,巴勒斯坦平民继续受到占领国残忍和非法封锁的集体惩罚,这种封锁现已进入第五个年头。 封锁和以色列继续限制建筑和其他基本材料的进入,进一步拖延和使恢复工作复杂化,继续阻碍被破坏和被毁坏的房屋和重要基础设施的重建。 封锁继续加深了加沙的贫穷,因为恢复生计和企业的正常运作也继续受到阻碍,因为进出口继续受到严格限制,确保失业率仍然很高,失业率目前占人口的65%左右,令人震惊,对援助的依赖程度也仍然惊人地接近80%。", "在这方面,必须澄清的是,尽管采取了所谓的“缓解”封锁的措施,但以色列继续对加沙地带实行陆地、空中和海上封锁,完全无视国际社会,包括会员国在联合国决议和正式声明和宣言中以及世界各个角落的民间社会一再发出的呼吁。 在这方面,巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人最深切地尊重和感激地承认数百名民间社会活动分子,包括在自由船队中活动的人所作的努力,他们正在作出崇高努力来提请注意以色列对加沙地带的残酷封锁,动员国际行动来迫使占领国结束封锁,并向加沙的巴勒斯坦人民提供所需的人道主义援助和道义支持。", "占领国还继续对加沙地带实施军事侵略。 最近几天,以色列占领军对加沙中部地区发动了空袭。 在昨天7月5日的一次袭击中,占领军杀害了两名巴勒斯坦男子:穆罕默德·萨希德·阿布·贾扎尔和卡迈勒·阿布·穆阿迈尔,并打伤了一名男子,而今天还有一名男子在一次单独的空袭中受伤,这次空袭也给财产造成重大破坏。 在这方面,必须强调,根据国际人道主义法,这种对平民地区进行的军事袭击是非法的,是对巴勒斯坦人民的严重恐怖、挑衅和煽动行为。", "与此同时,以色列坚持不懈地非法驱使其余被占领巴勒斯坦领土,特别是被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围地区殖民化。 在最近一段时期,没收土地、建造定居点和拆毁房屋的情况加剧,因为占领国显然企图在当地制造更非法的事实并强行改变该领土的人口组成,因为国际社会要求和压力越来越大,要求结束自1967年开始的占领。 事实上,占领国以色列继续公然违反其根据《日内瓦第四公约》和联合国有关决议所负有的法律义务,并公然无视国际社会不断要求立即停止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的一切定居点活动。", "虽然在如此简短的信中无法详细列举以色列近段时期的殖民活动的范围和规模,但以下令人遗憾的事态发展表明了这种侵犯行为的严重性和程度,这些侵犯行为继续得到以色列官员的支持,包括总理、国防部长和其他部长、议会议员和其他人:", "二. 支助 6月19日,据报道,以色列批准在“Ramat Shlomo”非法定居点扩大2 000个单元。 此外,还宣布在 \" Har Homa \" (Jabal Abu Ghneim)和 \" Pisgat Ze ' ev \" 的非法定居点再建造1 500个单元。", "二. 支助 本月初,为在伯利恒和纳布卢斯地区“Efrat”和“Shomron”两个非法定居点分别建造“Beitar Elit”非法定居点的300个单元以及另外40个单元和46个单元招标。", "二. 支助 7月1日,对纳布卢斯附近的Qaryut村另外189德南的土地发出了没收令,该地区被7个非法的以色列定居点所包围。", "• 拆除东耶路撒冷和约旦河谷巴勒斯坦人的房屋和结构的工作仍在继续,有报告显示,自今年年初以来,仅在约旦河谷就拆毁房屋,造成700多名巴勒斯坦人流离失所并无家可归。 联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处最近的一份报告显示,仅在5月份,西岸、特别是东耶路撒冷的房屋被拆毁,造成67名儿童流离失所,这是今年创纪录的高峰。", "二. 支助 以色列内政部长最近宣布,打算进一步扩大被占领的东耶路撒冷的市政边界,目的是在该城边界内纳入另一个非法定居点。", "二. 支助 7月3日,以色列交通部长挑衅性地提议“拆除”道路标志和城镇名称,特别是在被占领的东耶路撒冷,目的是使该市进一步犹太化。", "与此同时,以色列非法定居者,其中许多是武装极端分子,在整个巴勒斯坦被占领土上加强了恐怖和破坏行动。 6月7日,定居者放火焚烧拉马拉附近的Al-Mughayyir村的一座清真寺并用涂鸦玷污了隔离墙。 这一令人震惊的恐怖行为据称是定居者所谓的 \" 价格标签 \" 政策的一部分所为,其目的是破坏任何停止建造定居点或拆除所谓 \" 出站站 \" 的企图。 定居者还继续袭击巴勒斯坦的农业地产,武装定居者于6月中旬在比林烧毁了数十棵巴勒斯坦橄榄树,并放火焚烧了纳布卢斯以南地区的至少15德南农田。 在6月初所谓的“耶路撒冷日”活动期间,极端主义定居者挑衅和煽动,定居者在占领军的保护下从该城出走,骚扰、恐吓和威胁巴勒斯坦平民。", "除上述所有情况外,占领国以色列还继续袭击西岸村庄并拘留和监禁巴勒斯坦平民,使仍被关押在以色列监狱中的数千人雪上加霜,并加重了他们的家人所承受的苦难。 上个月,以色列总理宣布,以色列计划进一步 \" 严厉 \" 监禁巴勒斯坦囚犯,他们已经在不人道和不卫生的条件下遭受苦难,违反了国际人道主义法和人权法。", "这只是巴勒斯坦人民在以色列占领下所经历的极其令人不安的悲惨状况的概述。 这种局势继续加剧紧张局势和敏感性,破坏对一个没有外国占领及其所伴随的暴行的和平与安全未来的希望。 这种局势正在破坏所有旨在公正而和平解决冲突的区域和国际努力,并威胁要破坏两国解决方案,使其越来越不可行。", "然而,巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人仍然致力于以1967年6月之前的边界为基础的两国解决办法,并继续致力于以和平、外交、政治和非暴力手段来实现这一目标并实现巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的权利及其合法的民族愿望。 因此,巴勒斯坦领导人将继续竭尽全力,争取各方支持其持续努力,以彻底结束以色列一切形式的军事占领,并确保巴勒斯坦人民在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国实现自决和自由的权利。", "我们呼吁国际社会,包括安全理事会,履行它们在这方面的责任,并履行其法律义务,处理以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上正在犯下的侵权行为。 只有认真而协调地采取行动,才能迫使占领国以色列立即停止其所有非法活动,并致力于在联合国有关决议、马德里框架,包括以土地换和平原则、《阿拉伯和平倡议》和四方路线图所载得到国际认可的参数基础上进行和平谈判。", "自2000年9月28日以来,我们已就包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的持续危机发出394封信,本函是此后的又一封信。 从2000年9月29日(A/55/432-S/2000/921)到2011年6月6日(A/ES-10/521-S/2011/343)的这些信函是占领国以色列自2000年9月以来对巴勒斯坦人民所犯罪行的基本记录。 占领国以色列必须为其对巴勒斯坦人民犯下的所有这些战争罪行、国家恐怖主义行为和系统侵犯人权行为负责,必须将肇事者绳之以法。", "请将本函作为大会第十届紧急特别会议议程项目5和安全理事会的文件分发为荷。", "巴勒斯坦常驻联合国观察员" ]
[ "United Nations", "Report of the Board of Auditors", "for the year ended 31 December 2010", "Volume V Capital master plan", "General Assembly", "Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 5", "General Assembly Official Records Sixty-sixth Session Supplement No. 5", "[] United Nations • New York, 2011", "Report of the Board of Auditors", "for the year ended 31 December 2010", "Volume V Capital master plan", "A/66/5 (Vol. V)", "ISSN 0257-0815", "Note", "Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of capital letters combined with figures. Mention of such a symbol indicates a reference to a United Nations document.", "Contents", "PageLetterof iv \ntransmittal \nSummary 1A.Mandate, 5 scope and \nmethodology B.Findings 5 and \nrecommendations 1. Follow-up 5 of previous recommendations of the Board of \nAuditors 2.Background 6 and financial \nposition 3.Main 8 areas of \nprogress 4.Change 10 \ncontrol 5.Handover 14 of buildings to the Facilities Management \nService 6.Project 15 \ntimescales 7.Budget 18 \nmanagement 8.Benefits 25 of the capital master \n plan 9.Succession 26 planning and team \nstability \n10.Procurement 27\nC.Acknowledgement 28\nAnnexes I.Status 29 of implementation of recommendations for the year ended 31 December \n 2009 II.Project 31 \ntimetable III.Notable 32 areas of uncertainty within the capital master plan \nschedule IV.Details 34 of the costs of the enhanced security \nupgrade", "The President of the General Assembly of the United Nations New York", "Letter of transmittal", "[12 July 2011]", "I have the honour to transmit to you the report of the Board of Auditors on the capital master plan for the year ended 31 December 2010.", "(Signed) Liu Jiayi Auditor-General of China Chairman, United Nations Board of Auditors", "Report of the Board of Auditors on the capital master plan for the year ended 31 December 2010", "Summary \nThe $2 billion refurbishment of the United Nations Headquarters inNew York, the capital master plan, is a complex, high-value andhigh-profile refurbishment project involving the modernization,securing and architectural preservation of an iconic 1950scampus-style development. There are governance and stakeholdermanagement challenges involved in the project and at all times vitalUnited Nations operations must be sustained, many of which mustremain within the campus during construction.\nIn its resolution 57/292, the General Assembly stressed theimportance of oversight of the development and implementation of thecapital master plan, and requested the Board of Auditors to producean annual report on the project. The present report contains thefindings and recommendations of the Board’s annual review of progressof the capital master plan in compliance with the Assembly’s request. Overall conclusion of the Board \nThe Board recognizes that there have been important areas of progressregarding the capital master plan. More than 6,000 staff have beenmoved from their previous locations into temporary offices andimportant elements of the construction work went broadly as planned.The Board has also seen evidence of areas of good practice within thecapital master plan, for example, in the integrated team workingbetween the Office of the Capital Master Plan, its professionaladvisers and the main contractor. Budget and timetable risks \nDespite these examples of progress, major challenges lie ahead forthe capital master plan. The project, as at 31 March 2011, isforecasting a $79 million (4 per cent) overexpenditure against budgetand vital parts of the project are now behind schedule. The Boardnotes that this cost forecast does not include a provision for themost likely costs of identified risks and a robust and auditableestimate of the cost of all change orders until project completion,nor does the forecast reflect all projected swing space rental costs.The Board is therefore of the view that this situation is more likelyto worsen than improve, but that further overexpenditure and delaycan be minimized if the Administration is able to take quick and firmaction to fully address the concerns raised in the present report.The project is facing the following considerable cost and timepressures: • It is increasingly clear that the “associated costs” (which arerelated to the project, but not in the core scope or budget) cannotbe absorbed by the project, as the General Assembly had previouslyrequested, unless there is a significant reduction in scope • The approach taken to estimating future costs, such as the mostlikely cost of identified risks or future change orders, is notsufficiently analytical. This gives rise to uncertainty as towhether the remaining contingency allowance is sufficient to seethe project through to completion, or whether the current reportedoverrun will increase further • While the first migrations of staff back into the SecretariatBuilding on current plans are projected to begin three months afterthe completion projection published in September 2007 (acceleratedstrategy), the project has a history of time slippages. Pastforecasts have tended to be optimistic and the schedule for theConference and General Assembly Buildings has slipped considerablyfrom earlier estimates, for reasons discussed below \n• There remains no viable design solution for security requirementsrelating to the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and South Annex Buildings,and these elements of the project are currently on hold.\nAs the project approaches completion, some risks will pass and theprobability of unexpected cost increases will diminish. However, thecapacity of the capital master plan to absorb further time or costpressure is now limited and the Board concludes that at the time ofsubmission of the present report, there are significant additionalrisks of further cost increases and delays. Benefit and efficiency opportunities \nThe Administration is working to realize the wider opportunities forimproved communications and team-working presented by the capitalmaster plan throughco-locating senior management in the Secretariat Building andadopting open-plan rather than cellular office space. The Board isconcerned, however, that the Administration does not have astructured process for defining the desired benefits to be achievedfrom the project, or for maximizing them; nor is it taking fulladvantage of the potential for improved office solutions, such asflexible desk-use policies which could offer a major cost-savingopportunity by allowing more staff to be housed in the Secretariat,thus reducing ongoing rental cost liabilities and potential costoverruns. Such benefits remain achievable, but the Administrationwould need to adopt a rigorous, highly supportive, change managementapproach to handle the inevitable cultural changes necessary in staffworking practices.\nOverall, the Board concludes that despite the progress within thecapital master plan, the project is entering a critical phase wherethe flexibility to manage unexpected problems and pressures on costand time is greatly reduced. It is now clear the project will bedelivered late. The first migrations of staff back into theSecretariat Building will begin three months after the completionprojection issued by the Office of the Capital Master Plan inSeptember 2007 (accelerated strategy). The General Assembly andConference Buildings are now projected to be delayed by a year, andthere is the potential for scope reductions to the planned work onthe Library and South Annex Buildings. The current cost forecast is$79 million (4 per cent) overbudget and there are significant risksthat, if not firmly mitigated, could further increase delays andincrease costs beyond the overexpenditure which is currentlyforecast. The Administration will have to act decisively if it is torealize the full benefits and opportunities presented by this once ina generation refurbishment. Main findings and recommendations \nThe project completion date has slipped from mid-2013 to mid-2014 andthe cost forecast is some 4 per cent over the current revised budgetapproved by the General Assembly, taking account of commitments fordonations and the funds for security enhancements. The Office of theCapital Master Plan is reporting the forecast final cost for thewhole project as $2,061 million, some $79 million over budget, andthe completion of the General Assembly Building in mid-2014 will be ayear later than the date set out in the revised accelerated scheduleowing mainly to the security-related scope changes. Significantpressures have had and continue to have an impact on the cost,schedule and the scope of the project, including new securityrequirements necessitating some $100 million of protective work,supported by host nation funding.\nThe overall cost forecast does not explicitly allow for the cost ofchange orders, or make provision for the most likely costs of therisks in the risk register. Accurate and transparent cost forecastingon a project such as this is vital if management and those chargedwith governance are to act quickly and effectively to maintain fullbudgetary control. At the time of submission of the present report,the cost forecast does not include a robustly calculated andauditable estimate for the cost of all change orders until projectcompletion and there is no provision for the most likely costs ofidentified risks. The full cost for renting temporary swing spacealso needs to be assessed and reflected in the cost forecast. As aresult, the Board cannot provide assurance on the accuracy of theforecast costs to complete the project.\nThe lack of a workable design solution in the Dag HammarskjöldLibrary and South Annex Buildings has put these elements of theproject on hold. Following an assessment of the resilience of thebuildings to explosive impact, the Office of the Capital Master Planhas put the design on hold pending further discussions withauthorities of New York City and adjacent property owners whose plansmay have a bearing on the solution. The Board was informed by theOffice that the latest forecast cost for renovating the Library andthe South Annex Buildings, as originally intended, is $65 million.The agreed budgets for the capital master plan do not separatelyidentify the costs for these buildings.\nThe Office of the Capital Master Plan has no capacity to absorb theassociated costs (some $146 million) within its budget. Theassociated costs are made necessary by the project, but are notwithin the project’s direct scope of responsibility, nor were theyincluded in the original budget for the capital master plan. Althoughthe General Assembly had requested that the capital master planabsorb these costs, the Board concludes that this is no longer arealistic request without reductions in the scope of the plan or anincrease in the cost overrun already reported by the project.\nThe capital master plan lacks effective control over the volume ofchanges to the project and continues to experience a large number ofchanges driven by the end occupiers and incomplete designs. Changesare a common feature of all construction projects, but can lead torisks of delay and increased costs. Effective change control istherefore a well-recognized success factor, where typically theeventual occupants or users are adequately consulted early in thedesign phase and the change process, after the design is finalized,is characterized by clear rules, strong governance and robustmanagement to minimize changes. The designs for some phases of thecapital master plan were not completed at the time of initialcontract bidding and, in order to protect the project schedule,contracts are knowingly awarded on the basis of incomplete designs.In such circumstances it is even more essential that effectiveprocedures are in place to minimize and control changes, and toforecast the likely costs of future changes and process change ordersefficiently. The Office of the Capital Master Plan has a robustprocess in place to handle change orders once they have arisen, butthe Administration has not established an effective system tominimize the volume of changes from the outset and the continuingrate of changes and the increasing time it is taking to resolvechanges, if not tackled now, will lead to further cost increases anddelays.\nThe handover process from the Office of the Capital Master Plan tothe Facilities Management Service is a critical risk area. Drawing onthe lessons from the handover of the North Lawn Building, which wasnot a smooth process, the Facilities Management Service is recruitingmore staff to work with the capital master plan, providing additionaltraining to its operational staff and engaging a consultant tosupport the handover process. Despite such positive actions, theBoard regards the readiness of the Service as a high-risk areabecause any delays at the handover stage in the project willinevitably increase costs.\nIn light of the foregoing findings the Board makes detailedrecommendations in the main body of the present report. TheAdministration accepted all of the Board’s recommendations with oneexception: the recommendation that greater certainty is establishedon the funding for associated costs. The Administration considersthat the General Assembly, in its resolution 65/269, makes it clearthat the costs are absorbed into the budget of the capital masterplan. The comments of both the Administration and the Board on thisissue are reflected in paragraphs 80 to 82. In summary, the main recommendations are that: • The Office of the Capital Master Plan strengthen its approach toforecasting future costs by including a robustly calculated andauditable estimate for the cost of all change orders until projectcompletion and by allowing for the most likely costs of identifiedrisks • The Administration review the situation regarding the Library andSouth Annex Buildings, and decide a way forward • The Administration and those responsible for governance rapidlyresolve the untenable situation arising from the associated costs • The Administration establish effective change control governanceto minimize occupier-driven changes \n• The Administration monitor, on a quarterly basis, thecommissioning arrangements between the Facilities ManagementService and the Office of the Capital Master Plan. Implementation of previous recommendations \nOf the 20 recommendations the Board made in its report for the yearended 31 December 2009 (A/65/5 (Vol. V)), 9 (45 per cent) were fullyimplemented, 5 (25 per cent) were under implementation, 5 (25 percent) were not implemented, of which 3 have now been superseded bynew recommendations, and 1 (5 per cent) has been overtaken by events.The Board reiterates the recommendations from its previous reportthat have not been superseded or overtaken by events, but have notyet been fully implemented.", "A. Mandate, scope and methodology", "1. The capital master plan is the refurbishment of the United Nations Headquarters campus complex in New York. It was established pursuant to General Assembly resolution 55/238 and initially funded through an appropriation from the United Nations regular budget. The Assembly then established a special account for the capital master plan in section II, para. 24, of its resolution 57/292. Subsequently, appropriations were made to the special account from assessments on Member States. The financial position of the capital master plan is reported as part of statement IX, United Nations capital assets and construction in progress, of the financial statements of the United Nations (see A/66/5 (Vol. I)). Any unexpended balances of appropriations are carried forward into the succeeding biennium until the project is completed.", "2. The General Assembly, in its resolution 57/292, stressed the importance of oversight of the development and implementation of the capital master plan, and requested the Board of Auditors to submit an annual report to the Assembly on the project.", "3. In drafting the present report, the Board of Auditors examined the progress of the capital master plan since the preparation of its previous report (A/65/5 (Vol. V)) and the way in which risks associated with the project have been determined and are being managed. The primary objectives of the Board’s examination were:", "• To assess progress in implementing the Board’s previous recommendations", "• To assess progress within the capital master plan since the Board’s previous annual report", "• To assess whether the capital master plan is likely to be delivered within budget and within its intended schedule", "• To make new recommendations aimed at further strengthening the management of the capital master plan.", "4. The Board has worked closely with the Office of Internal Oversight Services to understand the results of recent internal audits, coordinate its respective audit work and minimize the demands placed upon the Office of the Capital Master Plan.", "5. The present report addresses matters which, in the view of the Board, should be brought to the attention of the General Assembly. The Board’s observations and conclusions were discussed with the Administration, whose views have been appropriately reflected in the report.", "B. Findings and recommendations", "1. Follow-up of previous recommendations of the Board of Auditors", "6. Of the 20 recommendations the Board of Auditors made in its report for the year ended 31 December 2009 (A/65/5 (Vol. V)), 9 (45 per cent) were fully implemented, 5 (25 per cent) were under implementation and 5 (25 per cent) were not implemented. The five that have not been implemented relate to the following matters:", "• Thirteen areas around the campus had been sponsored by Member States prior to the capital master plan and it was not clear whether they would remain as sponsors of those areas after the refurbishment. The Board previously recommended refining the policy regarding the handling and restoration of those sponsorships during and after the capital master plan project to provide clarity on this issue. The Board reiterates its previous recommendation", "• The Board noted that the recommendation to establish a post-contract-award review process has been implemented, but that the process is not working as intended. The Board covers this point again in section B.10 of the present report", "• The remaining three recommendations relate to cost forecasting and contingency setting, and have now been superseded by new recommendations in this present report.", "7. The Board reiterates the recommendations from its previous report that have not been superseded but have not yet been fully implemented (see A/65/5 (Vol. V), paras. 31, 62, 67, 112, 118, 129 and 147). It also considers that one (5 per cent) of the recommendations from that report has now been overtaken by events. It concerns delays in the contract negotiations for the Conference Building. Changes to the Conference Building plans to include new security requirements mean that this recommendation has been overtaken by events.", "2. Background and financial position", "8. The need for a total refurbishment of the United Nations Headquarters in New York was identified during the late 1990s. In June 2000 the Secretary-General’s report on the capital master plan (A/55/117) clearly articulated the need for refurbishment and presented a range of potential approaches. The preferred option was a six-year refurbishment costing some $964 million and involving construction activity of up to 30 per cent of the campus at any one time.", "9. From 2000 onward, further design and construction cost estimates were developed, and in February 2003 the Secretary-General established the Office of the Capital Master Plan to deliver the project. The General Assembly provides formal oversight to the project and while the Secretary-General is responsible for delivery of the project’s objectives, this responsibility is delegated to the Under-Secretary-General for Management, who is also responsible for providing a range of services that support the operations of the United Nations in New York. The Executive Director of the capital master plan reports to the Under-Secretary-General for Management.", "10. In November 2005, in his third annual progress report on the implementation of the capital master plan (A/60/550), the Secretary-General proposed a budget of $1,588 million to deliver the capital master plan. In his fourth annual progress report of October 2006 (A/61/549), the Secretary-General explained that the budget had increased to $1,646 million because changes in market conditions had increased construction costs and professional fees. In his report the Secretary-General also recognized the need for additional scope, including extra blast security and information technology backup systems and security. With the additional scope, the projected total cost for the project was $1,877 million. On 22 December 2006, in its resolution 61/251, the General Assembly decided to approve the revised project budget and the proposed phased approach to construction (strategy IV).", "11. In September 2007 the Secretary-General, in his fifth annual progress report (A/62/364), noted delays in implementing strategy IV, referring to the complexities of United Nations decision-making and the resignation of the Executive Director of the capital master plan. The Secretary-General estimated the final cost of the project to be $2,096 million, some $220 million over budget, mainly because of slippage in the schedule and the associated impact of price inflation on construction and rental costs.", "12. The Secretary-General then proposed accelerated strategy IV, involving a shorter period of renovation, fewer phases of construction and less disruption to United Nations operations. The revised estimated final cost was $2,067 million, some $190 million above the budget. The General Assembly took note of the Secretary-General’s proposal on the accelerated strategy IV in its resolution 62/87.", "13. Accelerated strategy IV is now being implemented. In October 2010, in his eighth annual progress report (A/65/511), the Secretary-General stated that 75 per cent of the capital master plan commitments had been procured and locked in, and the projected cost was $1,957 million, some $80 million above the budget.", "14. Cumulative expenditure on the capital master plan as at 31 December 2010 was $1,335 million (see table 1). The decrease in expenditure in 2010 ($406 million in 2010 compared to $584 million in 2009) reflects the delay to construction activity caused by the need for the Office of the Capital Master Plan to address the enhanced security upgrade, described in section B.3 below:", "Table 1 Capital master plan expenditure", "Expenditure Share of the (thousands of total United States (percentage) dollars)\n Item Pre-2007^(a) 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total Pre-2007^(a) 2007 2008 2009 2010 Total", "Salaries and 8 414 3 236 3 999 5 005 5 080 25 734 12.2 7.0 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.9 other staff expenditure", "Travel 74 25 30 35 9 173 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0", "Contractual 58 425 30 279 105 21 145 23 920 238 838 84.6 65.3 45.8 3.6 5.9 17.9 services 069", "Operating 1 865 9 912 20 189 35 626 84 835 152 427 2.7 21.4 8.8 6.1 20.9 11.6 expenses", "Acquisitions 284 2 942 100 522 292 917 729 0.4 6.3 43.7 89.4 72.0 68.7 324 030 149", "Subtotal 69 062 46 394 229 583 405 1 334 100 100 100 100 100 100 611 841 993 901", "Cancellation 1 531 10 1 438 2 055 7 062 12 096 — — — — — — of prior-period obligations", "Total 67 531 46 384 228 581 398 1 322 — — — — — — 173 786 931 805", "Source: Interim financial statements of the United Nations for the 12-month period of the biennium 2010-2011 ended 31 December 2010 and calculations by the Board of Auditors.", "^(a) The pre-2007 period covers 2001 to 2006.", "15. Section B.7 of the present report sets out how the budget for the capital master plan has now been revised to include additional scope and sources of funding. The latest forecast from the consultant programme managers in the Office of the Capital Master Plan at the end of February 2011 was that the projected cost is now $2,061 million, some $79 million above the revised budget. The Board notes that this forecast does not include a provision for the most likely costs of identified risks and a robust and auditable estimate for the cost of all change orders until project completion, nor does it reflect all projected swing space rental costs.", "3. Main areas of progress", "16. The capital master plan is a large and challenging refurbishment project. Such projects have particular risks over new-builds because the condition of existing structures is often difficult to survey accurately. The late discovery of unanticipated problems with the existing conditions can lead to additional work and cost and time slippages. In the case of old buildings, such as the United Nations campus, the lack of original “as built” construction records can be particularly challenging. Moreover, the governance, communications and stakeholder management are also complex. Such complexities require rigorous project controls and processes. The Board has seen evidence of areas of good practice within the capital master plan, for example, in the integrated team working between the Office of the Capital Master Plan, its professional advisers and the main contractor.", "17. In its aforementioned report for the year ended 31 December 2009, the Board reported that the capital master plan was approximately six months behind the initial schedule for accelerated strategy IV and the Office of the Capital Master Plan was projecting a final cost of $1,972 million, which was $95.2 million above the $1,877 million budget. The Board, however, notes that the whole project was affected in 2010 by a change in the design which was required to achieve greater structural protection against explosive impact. In the years prior to 2010 the growing frequency and intensity of terrorism threats, sometimes specifically against the United Nations, meant that security standards were constantly under review, with an associated ongoing and changing appreciation of the effect on the design standards relating to the capital master plan.", "18. In general, the United Nations bears the cost of maintaining a secure environment within its site boundaries and the relevant host country (or any relevant political subdivision) is responsible for maintaining security beyond the United Nations site limits. In New York a specific complexity arises because the United Nations buildings overhang the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive. The physical boundary is not vertical, hence the security responsibilities of the United Nations and the host country are less clear-cut than usual. There was a need to arrive at a clear understanding about the respective responsibilities of the host country and the United Nations and about the necessity to take joint action, and within the United Nations, while there was a growing understanding that changes might be required to the Conference Building, the nature and extent remained unclear for some time.", "19. The situation crystallized in late 2010 with agreement by the host country authorities and the United Nations on the design requirements, physical solution and respective responsibilities, followed by agreement in January 2011 with the host country on a financial contribution to the estimated $100 million of additional costs for what is termed the “enhanced security upgrade”.[1] The implementation of the security enhancements was authorized by the General Assembly in April 2011 in its resolution 65/269. The search for a solution to the security issues has been the main contributory factor to a nine-month delay in the Conference Building completion date, which created a knock-on nine-month delay to the General Assembly completion date. The Board comments in the relevant sections of the present report on the impact of the enhanced security upgrade on the project schedule, scope and costs.", "20. At the time of submission of the present report, the capital master plan is being delivered under 22 “guaranteed maximum price” contracts, including 7 guaranteed maximum price proposals which have been bundled into 1 guaranteed maximum price contract. Changes to the contracts are priced and evaluated on an individual basis, and the contracts are large enough so that any one change order is unlikely to be disruptive. The multicontract arrangement does, however, create the following risks:", "• If the intended scope within a guaranteed maximum price contract has to change, the costs of the changes can represent reduced value for money, in particular if the changes create disruption and reduced efficiency for the suppliers", "• Ensuring coordination between the various designs and construction contracts, achieving efficient and smooth timing of the flow of the work, and avoiding gaps in scope or inconsistencies between the packages becomes much more challenging.", "21. The Board recognizes that the United Nations continues to bear the risks in the areas outlined above, but notes that the capital master plan team is taking reasonable steps to minimize the financial and schedule risk. A single guaranteed maximum price contract for the full scope of the project would have been impractical given that the design was not ready at the outset and indeed is still not complete. If a single guaranteed maximum price contract approach had been pursued, contractors are likely to have submitted higher prices in order to reflect increased risks, which would not have represented value for money. The project team fully understands the risks of the multiple guaranteed maximum price contract approach, and the importance of minimizing change orders and coordinating the interfaces between the guaranteed maximum price contracts carefully in order to contain costs and protect the schedule.", "22. Although the project is now predicting significant delays, with the General Assembly and Conference Buildings projected to be delayed by a year, the Board acknowledges the progress achieved given the complexities and challenges faced by the project team. The achievements include the completion of the North Lawn Building and the decant of staff into temporary swing space office accommodation, involving some 6,000 person moves, while maintaining United Nation operations and the continuance of General Assembly business.", "23. Progress highlights since the Board’s last report include the completion of a new technology centre in the second basement level of the North Lawn Building as well as other vital infrastructure works. Hoists on the Secretariat and Conference Buildings have also been erected, enabling asbestos removal and other demolition to commence. At the time of the audit, asbestos removal and demolition was complete on 21 of the 39 floors of the Secretariat Building and installation of the new glass curtain wall on 18 floors of that building had been completed by the end of April 2011.", "4. Change control", "24. Once the work has started in any construction project, changes can and do occur. High levels of changes are a risk because of the potential to increase costs and delay project delivery. Indeed, effective change control is a well-recognized feature of successful construction projects where once, often after extensive consultation, the design is finalized, clear rules and strong governance and management are established to minimize changes. Both the Board and the Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS) have raised concerns in previous reports about the level of change within the capital master plan. In light of this the Board again analysed the extent of change within the project.", "25. The Board found that the capital master plan continues to experience a significant level of change, from a variety of sources. The design for the plan was not completed on time and in order to protect the project schedule, guaranteed maximum price contracts are knowingly awarded on the basis of incomplete designs. This is a strategy which can necessitate a high volume of change orders as the design develops further and it is therefore essential that effective procedures are in place to minimize unnecessary changes, forecast the likely costs of future changes and process change orders efficiently. Other changes are being generated by the future users in the various Headquarters departments.", "26. The Office of the Capital Master Plan has a robust process in place to handle change orders once they have arisen. However, the Administration has not established an effective system to minimize the volume of changes from the outset and, as a result, the project is characterized by large amounts of ongoing and costly change. The total volume and value of change orders continues to increase within the capital master plan, and as at 5 April 2011, the construction manager had issued 1,116 change order requests, with a value of some $103 million. Figures I and II demonstrate a continuing trend in both the number and value of change orders since the project began. These figures also show that changes have occurred at a fairly constant rate and while it is inevitable that this rate will decline as the project nears completion, there is no sign yet of such a decrease.", "Figure I Cumulative number of change orders", "[]", "Source: Analysis of change order data held by the Office of the Capital Master Plan.", "Figure II Cumulative value of change orders", "[]", "Source: Analysis of change order data held by the Office of the Capital Master Plan.", "27. The Board is of the view that without action by the Administration to address the reasons for the changes, the trends demonstrated in figures I and II are likely to continue. With the project’s schedule under pressure, there comes a point at which this rate of change will result in additional delays. Moreover, with the remaining contingency now at a reduced level, the trend in changes represents a serious pressure on the ability of the capital master project to complete the work within the allocated budget. The Board comments on these issues later in the present report.", "28. The capital master plan requires approval of contractors’ cost estimates before the work begins. Where approval timescales are judged to delay work that is on the critical path, there is an accelerated procedure called the “change order value to be determined” process. This process, to protect the critical path, involves initiating work before contractors provide firm prices. The procedure was established in March 2010 following recommendations from OIOS that the Office of the Capital Master Plan should stop using work authorization forms to commence works that will be included as changes to a guaranteed maximum price contract and ensure that change orders are approved in advance of associated works commencing.", "29. The Board was informed by the Office of the Capital Master Plan of improvements made to the change order process in response to interim recommendations from the Board, such as, for example, weekly meetings between the construction manager and the Office to prioritize change orders. The Board found, however, that the change order authorization process remains labour-intensive and time-consuming. Change orders may be initiated at the request of the Office or the construction manager. The construction manager obtains cost estimates from trade contractors for the required work and, once it is content with the estimates, passes them to the Office for approval. The orders are then subject to review by the designers, consultant programme manager, project managers and Director of Construction in the Office prior to approval. Change orders may be approved using the established procurement procedures, or by the capital master plan Executive Director under his delegated authority.", "30. The Executive Director was granted delegated authority to approve change orders, subject to an ex post facto review by the Post-Award Contract Review Committee, following a recommendation from OIOS (see A/63/266). The delegation of authority is limited so that the total of change orders approved by the Executive Director for a contract cannot exceed 10 per cent of its value and a single order cannot exceed $5 million. The delegated authority does not extend to authority to make major changes to the project scope and the Board notes that the General Assembly, in its resolution 65/269, authorized the work for the enhanced security upgrade.", "31. On many major public sector projects, the Board is aware that delegated authority levels are used, within project teams, to increase the speed of the change order process by ensuring that the lower-value change orders are evaluated by lower-level staff and the higher-value change orders are evaluated by senior management. Within the capital master plan project team there are no such delegated authorities, which is unusual. When the Board examined this issue in November 2010, change orders, together with allowance requests, were taking an average of 114 working days in elapsed time to resolve.[2] As at 5 April 2011, the Board found that the process was taking on average four days longer than in November 2010, that is, 118 days. The Office of the Capital Master Plan informed the Board that the majority of the processing time relates to the evaluation of the legitimacy of change order requests by the architectural and engineering firms, and cost review by the programme management firm.", "32. The Board considers that the change order process continues to be too time-consuming. The consequential delays are problematic for trade contractors, as the process delays payments to them and adversely affects their cash flow. The construction manager regards this as a risk, potentially reducing trade contractors’ goodwill and increasing the prospect of claims as a result of delays and disruption.", "33. The Board recommends that the Office of the Capital Master Plan significantly reduce the processing time and backlogs in the change order approvals process so that contractors get paid within the timescales stated in their contracts or, where contracts are silent on this matter, within 30 days after completing a change order. The latter arrangement is consistent with the time allowed to make payment under a guaranteed maximum price contract.", "Managing changes requested by occupiers", "34. The Board notes that the process of moving staff into temporary swing space resulted in a large number of changes, providing useful insights about user behaviour and the effectiveness of the project’s demand-led change management processes. While occupiers wanted many modifications to their spaces, under the current arrangements they are not accountable for the costs of the changes they requested. There is a risk that occupiers will continue to request large numbers of changes, in particular during the ongoing process of agreeing to final floor plans within the Secretariat Building, as acknowledged in the project’s risk register.", "35. The Board recognizes that many departments may not be familiar with engineering drawings or floor layouts, hence the need for potential changes sometimes only emerges when each area approaches completion. Nevertheless, the Board considers that if the volume of changes experienced to date continues, the chances of completing the project according to the current time and budgets will be at risk.", "36. There are many examples of international good practice where projects have succeeded in minimizing changes driven by the eventual building occupants by ensuring that occupants are adequately consulted early in the design phase and that the change process after finalization of the design is characterized by clear rules, strong governance and robust management. The capital master plan is not following good practice in this regard and this is directly contributing to additional cost and time pressures.", "37. The Board found that the Administration has not established from the outset of the project a robust occupier-related change control mechanism and clear accountabilities to control the level, nature and costs of changes being requested by occupier departments and offices, and to ensure that the cost implications of changes are appreciated fully. The Office of the Capital Master Plan instead relies on the goodwill and cooperation of occupier departments and seeks to achieve this by providing information packs relating to the physical layouts of their spaces. The Board, however, considers that relying on cooperation is insufficient at this stage of the project. There is now an increasing risk of delays associated with any major changes to the Secretariat Building floor plans in particular, potentially preventing the completion of that building in the time specified within the schedule.", "38. The Board recommends that the Administration, working with the Office of the Capital Master Plan:", "(a) Immediately review the change orders trends and identify the reasons and source of requests for changes;", "(b) Establish clear rules, strong governance and robust management to minimize occupier-driven changes.", "5. Handover of buildings to the Facilities Management Service", "39. On any project, the handover from the construction to live building operations involves what is called a “commissioning phase”. This involves testing the functions of the building, including its plant and building control systems, and often involves substantial training for the facility management function and its suppliers. In the case of the United Nations, the commissioning phase represents a bigger challenge than usual, because antiquated systems are being replaced by unfamiliar state-of-the-art computer-driven ones that will control modern plant and machinery. The incumbent staff in the Facilities Management Service will have to acquire new skills ahead of the commissioning process.", "40. It is vitally important that the Facilities Management Service is ready to take responsibility for buildings promptly at the dates agreed with the Office of the Capital Master Plan. Failure to do so is very likely to result in prolonged or disruptive handover sequences, additional costs from, for example, longer temporary office rentals, and potential disruptions in the delivery of United Nations business.", "41. In November 2010 the Board noted that a full transfer of responsibility from the Office of the Capital Master Plan to the Facilities Management Service was not achieved for the North Lawn Building until 10 months after the planned handover date. A combination of issues arising both within the Service (including lack of preparedness and lack of resources) and within the Office (including ongoing changes and incomplete “as built” drawings) meant that the handover to the Service had to be delayed.", "42. The risk register of the capital master plan identifies a specific risk regarding handover and commissioning within the basements which house the United Nations technology, information technology, security control rooms and other critical mechanical and electrical systems. As such, they have far greater significance than any of the work handed over so far because of the complexity of the infrastructure technology and because the campus buildings cannot function without that infrastructure.", "43. In an interim management letter on the capital master plan in early 2010 the Board recommended tightening the planning for commissioning and handover. The Board notes that, subsequently, the Office of the Capital Master Plan and the Facilities Management Service have built on the lessons learned from the experiences associated with the North Lawn Building and have now developed a jointly agreed handover process between the two parties. The Service is also:", "• Recruiting more staff specifically dedicated to working with the Office of the Capital Master Plan", "• Providing additional training to its operational staff on managing modern building management systems", "• Engaging a consultant to support the handover process.", "44. The Board also notes that the Facilities Management Service is embarking on a major internal project to update its procurement approach and the way it delivers its services. In the long run the Board regards this as the right approach. Having fewer suppliers each with simpler performance measures that are related more to service provision will increase clarity of responsibility and reduce management effort. In the short term, however, and in particular in the run-up to the commissioning process in 2012, this potentially represents an additional management burden at a time of significant demand and risk.", "45. The Board also notes that as a result of slippages in the overall project schedule in 2010, the commissioning sequence has been changed significantly. The intended sequence in which the Conference Building was to be commissioned ahead of the Secretariat Building has had to be reversed and there is now little or no gap between the two sequences, increasing the risk of problems occurring during handover. The Board considers that, in line with international good practice in construction and taking account of the cost implications, there could be benefits in retaining at least one senior official from the Office of the Capital Master Plan supported by resources from the construction manager, for at least the first year after completion, to support handover to the Facilities Management Service, facilitate a transfer of knowledge to the new team and assist if any difficulties should arise in the early stages post-handover.", "46. While recognizing the progress made since November 2010, the Board recommends that the Under-Secretary-General for Management should, as a high priority management action, review jointly the state of readiness for commissioning and handover within the Facilities Management Service and the Office of the Capital Master Plan on a quarterly basis.", "47. The Board also recommends that the Administration consider ways to retain expertise from the Office of the Capital Master Plan to support the handover to the Facilities Management Service.", "6. Project timescales", "48. The first migrations of staff back into the Secretariat Building will begin three months after the completion projection issued by the Office of the Capital Master Plan in the accelerated strategy IV, the General Assembly and Conference Buildings are projected to be delayed by a year and there is the potential for scope reductions to the planned work on the Library and South Annex Buildings. The strategy aimed to complete all aspects of the capital master plan by mid-2013 (see annex II), the Secretary-General, in his eighth annual report (A/65/511) showed the completion date had slipped to late 2013 and the Board found that the most recent schedule indicates the project has slipped further and the General Assembly Building is now projected to be completed in mid-2014.", "49. Over time, the forecasts of the Office of the Capital Master Plan have proved to be optimistic (see figure III). The Board is concerned that the pattern of slippage will continue, increasing the risk of higher contractor costs and overheads. The Board notes that delays to the Secretariat Building will potentially have the greatest impact on cost and disruption to United Nations operations because it houses the majority of staff being moved back from the swing space. It is therefore imperative that the Administration keep delays to the Secretariat Building to a minimum.", "Figure III Anticipated completion dates for the three main buildings of the capital master plan", "[]", "Source: United Nations Board of Auditors (see note).", "Note: The anticipated completion dates are taken from the Secretary-General’s annual reports, except for April 2011 data, which were obtained during the Board’s fieldwork. The annual reports state anticipated completion dates in the form of early, mid or late parts of the year. The graph plots “early” as 28 February, “mid” as 30 June and “late” as 31 October.", "50. The Board examined the controls and management processes of the Office of the Capital Master Plan in November 2010 and found that while schedules existed for each individual building, integration between the schedules was a manual process, as the schedule was still under development. The Board highlighted the need for a fully integrated schedule and in April 2011 noted that work to integrate the schedule had been completed. In process terms, the Board believes that the Office now has the right tools and techniques in place to enable realistic forecasting of the project schedule.", "51. In practical terms, however, the schedule is extremely tight and little potential remains to absorb additional delays or scope changes. Given the trend of slippage seen so far (see figure III) and other pressures on the schedule, it may be realistic to expect further slippages in future. The six main pressures are described below.", "52. The importance of the “quiet period” over Christmas 2012. In early 2011 the forecast completion date for the Conference Building slipped to early 2013. The Office of the Capital Master Plan, working with the construction manager, altered its approach to bring forward the completion date to 21 December 2012 in order to take advantage of the “quiet period” over Christmas to move vital broadcast services. Missing this window would push back the Conference Building work to the next “quiet period”, in mid-2013, potentially increasing costs and delaying the General Assembly Building. Alternatively, it may become necessary to initiate costly night and weekend working in order to protect the schedule.", "53. The risks of delays associated with excessive change orders. As the project moves towards its completion phase, the Headquarters departments need to stick to decisions and resist making changes. As explained in section B.4, changes from the occupiers are costly and have the potential to delay project completion.", "54. Dependencies on third parties. The schedule’s critical path contains many dependencies on the work of other parties who are not under the direct control of the Administration. For example, the structural reinforcement work above the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive requires permits and timely lane closures from the host city authorities, utility companies have to complete work on the Drive and on First Avenue, and the host city electrical utility has to complete essential critical path connections in the basement vault. Such third-party dependencies, while inevitable, create inherent uncertainties and raise the risks of cost increases and schedule delay.", "55. Although plans are in place for the three main buildings, there are major uncertainties about the intentions for the Dag Hammarskjöld Library and South Annex Buildings. The Library and South Annex are part of the capital master plan’s scope of work approved by the General Assembly under accelerated strategy IV. The Board was informed by the Office of the Capital Master Plan that the latest forecast cost for renovating those buildings as originally intended is $65 million. The agreed budgets for the capital master plan do not separately identify the costs for those buildings. The new security requirements mean that the original plans for renovating those buildings are no longer viable and the proximity of the buildings to Forty‑second Street has so far ruled out a practical solution. Design work has halted and at the time of the present report, the Office does not have a viable solution for the two buildings.", "56. The situation is further complicated by the possibility of development plans in neighbouring blocks which might significantly or perhaps totally remove the assessed security risk. It is too early to judge at the moment and the net result of this uncertainty is that the schedule cannot be calculated for the two buildings. If the Library and South Annex are to be refurbished within the timescales of the capital master plan, procurement needs to be completed by January 2013, which means that the design work must be well under way within 2011. However, this state of affairs depends on the Administration fully reviewing the situation regarding the Library and South Annex Buildings, and confirming the approach to be taken on this part of the capital master plan scope.", "57. Financial donations, while welcomed by the project, create a schedule risk. Donations from Member States help to fund specific room designs and are of financial and historic importance to the capital master plan. Five Member States have donated a total of $6 million and another three Member States are considering further donations. Each Member State will nominate an architect or designer to work with the Office of the Capital Master Plan in specifying the area to be donated. The joint design development activity between the project team and the Member State’s nominee could potentially delay completion unless governed by a strong framework with agreed timescales for design decisions.", "58. Delays in approving guaranteed maximum price contracts. The process for approving contracts is time-consuming, involving numerous iterative steps as well as negotiations between the concerned parties, although the Board notes that the Office of the Capital Master Plan uses “task orders” to commence early works, while guaranteed maximum price contracts are still in the review process. The Board found that the average time elapsed from the moment the construction manager submits guaranteed maximum price contracts to approval from the Administration is 113 days. The current schedule for the Conference Building and Permanent Broadcast Facility assumes contract approvals within 42 days in order to meet the forecast building completion dates. Unless the procurement process can accelerate to meet schedule requirements, the completion dates are at risk of further slippage.", "59. The Board recommends that the Administration:", "(a) Resolve the security issues and lack of a viable design solution for the Library and South Annex Buildings as a matter of urgency;", "(b) Confirm whether the two buildings are to remain in scope and, if so, what the approach to resolving the security challenges should be;", "(c) Seek approval for the proposed course of action for the two buildings from the General Assembly.", "60. The Board also recommends that the Administration prioritize the approvals process and timing for the remaining guaranteed maximum price contracts and amendments so as to achieve the 42-day elapsed time period assumed in the schedule.", "7. Budget management", "Latest budget and anticipated final cost", "61. Following the approval of the $1,877 million budget for the capital master plan in 2006, two sources of additional funding have arisen. First, as mentioned above, additional specific commitments for donations totalling $6 million have been received from five countries. Secondly, the host country has made a contribution of $100 million towards the costs of the enhanced security upgrade. The total revised budget for the capital master plan is therefore currently some $1,983 million.", "62. The latest forecast (as at the end of February 2011) of the anticipated final cost of the project is reported by the consultant programme managers of the Office of the Capital Master Plan as $2,061 million, some $79 million (4 per cent) above the revised budget. The Board notes that this cost forecast does not include a provision for the most likely costs of identified risks and a robust and auditable estimate for the cost of all change orders until project completion, nor does it reflect all projected swing space rental costs. The Board is therefore of the view that this situation is more likely to worsen than improve, but that further overexpenditure and delay can be minimized if the Administration is able to take quick and firm action to fully address the concerns raised in the present report. Table 2 below shows how the main costs have changed over time.", "Table 2 Anticipated expenditure of the capital master plan (Thousands of United States dollars)", "Strategy Accelerated IV strategy\n Item of expenditure October September October September January September February 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2010 2011", "Construction 935 300 964 625 1 032 900 1 057 402 1 045 605 1 016 920 1 094 121", "Enhanced security — — — — — — 82 185 upgrade construction", "Professional fees, 231 000 234 508 280 340 302 365 311 772 316 549 302 069 management costs", "Enhanced security — — — — — — 10 713 upgrade fees", "Swing space fit-out and 214 487 389 858 425 695 426 881 450 919 421 113 468 936 rental", "Contingency and forward 495 900 477 819 235 236 181 423 163 587 202 209 96 628 price escalation", "Additional contingency — — — — — — 6 659 for the enhanced security upgrade", "Total project cost 1 876 700 2 066 810 1 974 171 1 968 071 1 971 884 1 956 791 2 061 311", "Budget 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 982 700", "Variance against budget 0 190 110 97 471 91 371 95 184 80 091 78 611", "Source: A/62/364, A/65/5 (Vol. V), A/65/511 and the monthly cost report for March 2011 of the project’s consultant programme manager.", "63. Figure IV illustrates graphically the cost changes set out in table 2.", "Figure IV Trends in project costs over time", "[]", "Source: Analysis of data held by the Office of the Capital Master Plan.", "64. The main points to note are:", "• Anticipated final construction costs and management fees, relating mainly to the enhanced security upgrade, have risen recently", "• The contingency balance has been diminishing over time and, at the end of March 2011, stood at $96 million. The rate of decline in the total balance of contingency has been diminishing in recent years despite the ongoing pressure from change orders, because recent contract prices have been lower than expected prices. The resultant savings have supported the contingency fund.", "Forecasting, contingency funds and cost uncertainties", "65. On any major project, it is very important to have an accurate and current forecast of the future final cost so that the client and those responsible for governance and funding have a realistic expectation of whether or not the project will reach completion within the allocated budget and can take early and appropriate action if costs are seen to be escalating.", "66. The Board found that the approach taken by the Office of the Capital Master Plan to recording actual costs is robust. The actual costs are recorded in detail and are challenged first by the construction manager, then by the consultant programme manager and lastly by the Office team. Audit trails are in place and the Procurement Division is appropriately involved in the main processes.", "67. The Board found that the approach to planning and allowing for the costs of future guaranteed maximum price work is also robust. Costs are estimated by the construction manager and the independent cost consultant and, in general, there have been few surprises in this area. In practice, the estimated costs have been higher than the prices actually incurred in the market, with the “buyout savings” held within the project’s contingency fund.", "68. The Board found, however, that the approach taken to estimating future costs, such as the most likely cost of identified risks or future change orders, is not sufficiently analytical. This gives rise to uncertainty as to whether the remaining contingency allowance is sufficient to see the project through to completion, or whether the current reported overrun will increase further. The main deficiencies in approach are:", "• No specific or quantified allowance is made for the ongoing effect of change orders. The change order trend is evident enough, but the project team is not using it to help predict the future costs of changes. The reported contingency is the difference between the original contingency sums and the costs of changes committed to date. As a result of this balancing sum approach, the opportunity is missed to make a more informed forecast of the future costs of changes, which in turn means the overall cost forecast is not as robust as it should be", "• While the risk register contains many items which, should they materialize, would have an adverse impact on costs, the Office of the Capital Master Plan has not made a probability-based, or indeed any, allowance for their potential cost effects.", "69. Given the continuing pattern of change orders, the scale and nature of the remaining risks, and the continuing pressure on the schedule, the Board is concerned that the remaining $96 million of contingency may be insufficient and that the budget may be exceeded by an amount greater than currently stated. The Board is also aware of other factors that place additional pressure on the budget, for example:", "• The current cost forecast includes swing space rent until 30 September 2012, but full migration of staff back into the Secretariat Building is not due to be completed until December 2012 and the leased swing space is not due to be released until April 2013. The current cost forecast therefore does not include all projected swing space costs. The Office of the Capital Master Plan and the Facilities Management Service are currently deciding which leased spaces will be retained or terminated. The most recent modelling carried out within the Office suggests the unbudgeted rental costs from September to December 2012 will total $22.2 million. In addition, there could be costs of up to $23.7 million for early termination of the leases. It has not yet been decided how such costs would be divided between the Office and the Service", "• The Board has already noted the potential need to initiate night or weekend working in order to observe critical dates. The Office of the Capital Master Plan informed the Board that at least two of the guaranteed maximum price contracts included a provision whereby overtime would be required and allowances were made within the contracts to that effect. This was not the case of all the contracts and acceleration work on the North Lawn Building and within the basements has so far cost more than $5 million and $3 million, respectively. While these costs were funded from the contingency funds under the change order process, there is a risk that ongoing and future acceleration will add to the total project cost", "• Two claims have so far been submitted by trade contractors for additional payment. While the first claim appears unlikely to add to the anticipated final cost, the second claim is likely to be addressed with change orders and has some potential to result in additional project costs. There is also the risk of claims for additional payment made by trade contractors who are being asked to accelerate their work in the Secretariat Building. Negotiations are ongoing with the trade contractors about whether they will agree to accelerate the work without requiring additional fees", "• While the host country has contributed $100 million for the enhanced security upgrade, the latest version of the risk register of the capital master plan seen by the Board identifies an uncertainty regarding the full extent of those costs. A breakdown of costs can be found in annex IV to the present report. The Board notes that the recent procurement exercise for the steelwork in the Conference Building has been in line with expectations. Nevertheless, the costs of the enhanced security upgrade is a high-risk area given the dependency on third-party approvals and the need for lane closures along the Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive.", "70. The Board recommends that the Office of the Capital Master Plan strengthen the approach to cost forecasting by including a robustly calculated and auditable estimate for the costs of all change orders until project completion, allowing for the most likely costs of the items in the risk register and for other known issues, such as prolonged property rentals arising from the schedule slippage.", "Provision for cost escalation", "71. The cost forecasts for the project provided by the Secretary-General have in the past included a provision for future cost inflation (“cost escalation”). The Board observes that the cost escalation allowance is no longer reported at a summary level, although specific allowances remain at subproject levels, ranging from 1 to 3 per cent. On this basis, the anticipated final cost of the project contains approximately $17 million for cost escalation.", "72. The Board also notes that the Turner building cost index[3] for 2009 and 2010 shows that construction cost inflation has in fact been negative in recent years (implying that the overall forecast for the project should be reported as falling). The Board’s conclusion is that the project has been overcautious in its estimates of future construction cost inflation in recent years, a conclusion supported by the fact that the project has been achieving actual contracted prices below the forecast cost estimates (termed “buyout savings” by the project team, with the savings augmenting the contingency fund, as noted in para. 67).", "73. The Board recommends that the Office of the Capital Master Plan:", "(a) Review its approach to allowing for the effects of future construction price inflation in line with published indices;", "(b) Clarify and simplify its reporting in this area when little or no inflation is expected.", "Associated costs", "74. In addition to the costs included within the capital master plan budget, there is a range of other “associated costs” for goods or services which, though made necessary by the work of the plan, are not directly attributable to the plan’s refurbishment operations and were therefore excluded from the original budget. The major associated costs are for:", "• Acquisition of furniture throughout the campus ($44 million)", "• Provision of a new permanent broadcast facility ($40 million)", "• Additional security resources for site security during construction and security training ($28 million)", "• Logistical management, asset tracking, audio-visual migration and temporary additional staffing within the Office of Central Support Services ($20 million)", "• Archiving ($2.7 million)", "• Construction of the primary security command centre and physical security systems ($1.8 million).", "75. The most recent forecast for the associated costs was reported to the General Assembly in March 2011 and amounted to $158.9 million.[4] The Assembly requested in April 2011 that the Secretary-General spend $13 million less on specific associated costs, reducing the anticipated final expenditure to approximately $145.9 million (see resolution 65/269). The Board notes that the sum of $145.9 million is for associated costs until December 2012; delays in the project schedule beyond that date will potentially increase the associated costs and there now is a need to revisit the cost assumptions in line with the latest scheduled completion dates.", "76. One of the major components of the associated costs is the campus-wide procurement of furniture. An estimate given to the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions in February 2011 put the furniture and systems furniture[5] costs at $55 million. The Office of the Capital Master Plan is developing an alternative strategy involving greater reuse of existing furniture and less purchasing of new furniture to reduce the costs by some $11 million. The Office informed the Board it was confident that could be achieved in terms of the physical procurement, but it was assessing the practicalities and risks associated with that option and whether the benefits outweighed the potential costs.", "77. The General Assembly has previously requested the Office of the Capital Master Plan to absorb the associated costs and the majority of costs for a secondary off-site data centre within its budget (see resolutions 63/270 and 65/269). The Office has so far been meeting the associated costs from the project’s cash reserves and its projections show that regardless of other cost pressures, if the project continues to fund the associated costs, it will begin to experience serious cash flow problems in 2012.", "78. The Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions, in its report on the capital master plan (A/65/725), noted concern that there may be difficulty in absorbing the associated costs and recommended that the General Assembly request the Secretary-General to make proposals, by no later than the second quarter of 2011, on how best to deal with the associated costs, including through improved cost-efficiency measures.", "79. The Board is concerned about the continued lack of clarity regarding the associated costs and considers that the project is unlikely to be able to absorb the associated costs without either a reduction in the scope of the capital master plan or a potential increase in the anticipated final cost to approximately $2,227 million (see table 3). The Office of the Capital Master Plan informed the Board that the Under-Secretary-General for Management would provide the General Assembly with a strategy to fund the associated costs in the autumn of 2011.", "Table 3 Capital master plan anticipated final costs (Millions of United States dollars)", "Anticipated final costs", "Capital master plan current 2 061.3 forecast", "Associated costs 145.9", "Secondary data centre 19.8", "Total 2 227.0", "Source: The data relating to the secondary data centre is contained in supplementary information provided to the General Assembly by the Office of the Capital Master Plan in March 2011. The budget for the centre, unlike the forecasted associated costs which are reviewed and approved by the Assembly each year, includes $20.97 million of finite funding approved by the Assembly. Further explanation of the associated costs figure is presented in section B.7 of the present report.", "80. The Board recommends, for the sake of project certainty, that the Administration and those responsible for governance clarify the question of budgetary responsibility for the associated costs by making a clear decision about the way in which they will be funded.", "81. The Board also recommends that the Administration, when assessing the associated costs forecasts, take into account the full impact of the most recent scheduled completion dates.", "82. The Administration informed the Board that, following discussions on associated costs with the General Assembly during the first resumed part of the sixty-fifth session, revised forecasts for associated costs would be presented to the Assembly at the main part of its sixty-sixth session, in the context of the Secretary-General’s ninth annual progress report. The Administration also stated that the Assembly had been clear that the associated costs must be absorbed into the budget for the capital master plan (see resolution 65/269). The Board remains of the view that in practice this will lead either to a reduction in project scope or to an increase in the project budget and that there remains a need for greater clarity and certainty on the way in which this matter will be resolved.", "8. Benefits of the capital master plan", "83. When any organization embarks on a major office refurbishment, it is usually the case that significant operational efficiency savings can be achieved, for example in terms of more efficient and productive use of space and methods of work, or in terms of energy efficiencies. In the case of the capital master plan, the main benefit is offices fit for their intended purpose (for example, by removing asbestos and by replacing antiquated heating and ventilation systems). Substantial energy savings have also been identified.", "84. The Board notes that energy efficiency is a major objective of the project and that the Office of the Capital Master Plan regularly monitors achievement of that objective as part of the ongoing design process. The Board sees too that the Administration has grasped many of the wider potential benefits of the capital master plan, for example, by taking the opportunity to group the main senior management teams in the Secretariat Building as a means of achieving more effective teamwork, rather than simply populating the building as before. The Administration also intends to implement a more modern open plan office space approach (rather than the cellular office layout used previously) for many grades of staff, which could improve interactions, teamwork and communication.", "85. The Board is, however, concerned that the Administration is missing the opportunity for more efficient use of the space and real savings by adopting a policy of allocating one desk to one person. In practice, 100 per cent of an organization’s staff are never seated at their desks at the same time. Desks and rooms lie unoccupied because staff are away on business, in meetings or conferences, on sick leave or holiday, and it is not untypical for desk occupancy levels to be in the range of 30 to 50 per cent in public sector organizations. This means that an organization does not need to pay for enough desks and space to house all of its staff simultaneously and can achieve significant savings by reducing the amount of office space for which it pays.", "86. In many business and public sector organizations it is now common practice to use “hot desking”, which is a method of using desk space flexibility so that staff can access their computers and work at any desk that is free, rather than allocating a specific desk for each staff member. This can typically enable organizations to reduce their desk numbers by 30 per cent and thereby achieve significant savings in office rental, furniture and energy costs. If managed well and with good use of available information and communications technology, there is no negative impact on operational effectiveness, with in practice benefits realized through the ability to easily move staff and restructure teams flexibly.", "87. Given the potential cost overruns reported earlier, the Board considers that this is a cost reduction opportunity that the Administration should examine before the seating allocations in the off-campus buildings are finalized. The adoption of a flexible desk use policy would allow more departmental staff to be based within the Secretariat Building and allow the United Nations to dispose of a greater amount of the property that it currently rents. It would not be unrealistic to expect an ongoing reduction of at least 10 to 20 per cent of the current rental costs by adopting such a policy.", "88. The Board also notes that the capital master plan provides a significant opportunity to streamline office records management through greater digitization or off-site archiving of records and information. Despite the fact that the Office of the Capital Master Plan issued records management guidelines in 2008 which presented guidance on digitization, the floor plans of the Secretariat Building contain large numbers of filing cabinets. Projections from the consultant programme managers show that filing cabinets for the compound will cost from $3.2 million to $6.4 million and will take up significant floor space.", "89. The Board concludes that the Administration is not addressing the full range of potential benefits that could be delivered by the project.", "90. The Board recommends that the Administration:", "(a) Establish a small senior management group, supported by an independent space planning expert authority, to review all of the potential benefits arising from the project;", "(b) Ensure that the group works towards the benefits in a systematic and coherent way.", "91. The Board also recommends that the Administration consider ways in which to use space more efficiently through, for example, “hot desking” and reduced physical filing space as a policy, and ensure a rapid conclusion aligned with the scheduled moves of staff and office furniture within the United Nations campus and other properties.", "9. Succession planning and team stability", "92. The capital master plan is very reliant on a small number of senior individuals, an issue recognized in the project’s risk register, which mentions the potential for loss of knowledge and the impact on decision-making and progress should senior members of the team depart at short notice. This risk will be more acute as the project’s completion date approaches, when individuals, especially those on fixed-term contracts, understandably focus on their own work continuity. This has the potential to result in an unplanned reduction in project staff.", "93. Within the Office of the Capital Master Plan, 13 of the 26 staff are on permanent contracts, 11 have fixed-term contracts and 2 have short-term, generally temporary assistance, contracts. Those with permanent contracts will be looking for suitable internal posts and given the long recruitment times within the United Nations, their chosen departure dates may not always align with the remaining requirements of the capital master plan.", "94. The Board found that the Administration has no plan in place to enable it to react quickly to fill other vacancies in the project’s leadership team if they should arise. The Board was informed by the Administration that current United Nations human resources management rules and regulations did not allow for such planning and rapid response. The Board is of the view, however, that the inability to quickly replace critical staff is a real risk and requires an effective mitigation strategy.", "95. The Board recommends that the Administration establish a risk mitigation strategy to fill unexpected vacancies in critical positions within the Office of the Capital Master Plan management team at short notice.", "96. The Board also recommends that the Administration consider whether a similar arrangement should apply to other teams involved in major business transformation programmes elsewhere in the United Nations.", "10. Procurement", "International procurement", "97. The Administration informed the Board that it had been keen from the outset to encourage the widest levels of participation by vendors on an international basis in the capital master plan. The Board notes that the Office of the Capital Master Plan continues to explore ways to increase participation from vendors from developing countries and countries with economies in transition. This includes placing advertisements, holding road show events and using notes verbales to ask missions to encourage bids from vendors.", "98. As at 26 April 2011, just over $12 million of goods and labour within the capital master plan had been procured from vendors from developing countries and countries with economies in transition, representing 2 per cent of the total goods and labour procured within the project. The Board recognizes that the Office of the Capital Master Plan follows the United Nation procurement rules that do not permit favouring bidders from any particular country. Awards are made on the basis of the lowest price or best value for money and the Administration informed the Board that vendors from the host nation had gained the majority of contract awards owing to the relative advantage of sourcing labour and materials locally rather than from overseas.", "Post-Award Review Committee", "99. The Board has previously commented on the need for ongoing scrutiny of awarded and amended contracts to ensure alignment with the United Nations procurement rules and regulations, to provide learning opportunities for future procurements and to maintain independent control over the regularity of contractual changes in a situation where the Executive Director of the capital master plan has a significant level of delegated authority. The Board, in its progress report for the year ended 31 December 2008 (A/64/5 (Vol. V)), recommended that the Administration “take appropriate measures to regularize the transactions that occurred under the authority granted to the Director of the Procurement Division in accordance with the memorandum of the United Nations Controller and approved on 15 November 2007”.", "100. The Board also recommended that “as long as no ex post facto review procedure is secured, [the Administration] make every effort to involve the Headquarters Committee on Contracts in the adjudication process prior to signing or amending contracts that are within the scope of the authority of that Committee”. More generally, the Board recommended that the Administration “consider ways and means to increase significantly the level of internal control over amendments to contracts relating to the capital master plan”.", "101. The Administration’s response was to set up the Post-Award Review Committee, which reports to the Department of Management, so as to provide review and comment on procurements within the United Nations. The Committee has interpreted its remit as retrospectively reviewing all contract amendments of values from $0.5 million to $5 million in order to decide whether procurement actions were appropriate. The Committee was established in October 2009 but did not become operational until April 2010 owing to a delay in agreeing on its operating procedures and membership.", "102. The Board is aware that the Committee is revisiting its operating procedures because there is a considerable backlog in its work. At the time of the Board’s audit, the Committee had considered only 13 of the 154 relevant contract amendments.[6] The backlog is currently growing and the Board is concerned that the Administration is not deriving either enhanced control or timely value from this review process. The Board is also concerned that the backlog is likely to become unmanageable if the present trend continues and notes the concern of the Office of the Capital Master Plan that the impact of handling the backlog could also impact the ability of the Procurement Division to process new contracts and amendments in a timely manner, which in turn could impact the capital master plan schedule.", "103. The Board recommends that the Administration urgently review the effectiveness of the Post-Award Review Committee, with a view to streamlining its operation, and balance appropriately the need for assurance and control with the need to protect the project schedule and work of the Procurement Division.", "C. Acknowledgement", "104. The Board of Auditors wishes to express its appreciation for the cooperation and assistance extended to its staff by the Under-Secretary-General for Management and the Assistant Secretary-General for the capital master plan, and members of their staff.", "(Signed) Liu Jiayi Auditor-General of China Chairman, United Nations Board of Auditors", "(Signed) Amyas Morse Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (Lead auditor)", "(Signed) Terence Nombembe Auditor-General of South Africa", "12 July 2011", "Annex I", "Status of implementation of recommendations for the year ended 31 December 2009[7]", "Summary of therecommendation\tParagraphreference\tFinancialperiodfirstmade\tImplemented\tUnderimplementation\tNotimplemented\tOvertakenbyevents \n1.\tRefine thedonations policyto clarify thestatus of pastsponsorships\t31\t2009 X\t\n2.\tReviewunliquidatedobligationscorresponding tothe rentsassociated withthe capitalmaster plan\t43\t2009\tX \n3.\tReview the rentpartition betweenthe capitalmaster plan fundand other funds\t44\t2009\tX \n4.\tInclude ananalysis of thetrends in thetotal cost of theproject and theircauses in theannual progressreport\t51\t2009\tX 5.\tDetail theeconomicassumptions usedto arrive at thecost estimate forthe project\t57\t2009(firstmadein X \n 2007) \n6.\tReassess themerits of thevalue engineeringprogramme\t62\t2009 X \n7.\tReduce to astrict minimumrequests forchange orders\t67\t2009 X \n8.\tEstablish atypology of thecauses ofconstruction costoverruns\t73\t2009\tX 9.\tDistinguishbetween theprovision forcontingencies andthat for forwardpricingescalation\t79\t2009(firstmadein X \n 2008) \n10.\tReassess theappropriatenessof the scope andthe level of theprovision forcontingencies\t84\t2009 X\t\n11.\tExtend the scopeof the provisionfor forward priceescalation toincludeprofessional feesand managementcosts\t87\t2009\tX 12.\tMake provisionfor delays in theschedule of theproject andcontinue toconsider ways tomitigate delays\t99\t2009(firstmadein\tX \n 2008) \n13.\tDefine once andfor all the mainmeasures relatingto refurbishingworkspaces\t102\t2009\tX \n14.\tPerform acost/benefitanalysis for thegradual move backinto part of theSecretariatBuilding\t104\t2009\tX \n15.\tPerform acost/benefitanalysis onpostponingnegotiations oncontracts relatedto the ConferenceBuilding\t110\t2009 X\n16.\tPrevent anyfunctional changein the projectrelating to theConferenceBuilding afterthe signing ofthe workcontracts\t112\t2009 X \n17.\tPerform acost/benefitanalysis onpostponingnegotiations oncontractsrelating to theGeneral AssemblyBuilding\t115\t2009\tX \n18.\tReduce to astrict minimumrequests forchange orderswith regard tothe use andconfiguration ofbasement rooms\t118\t2009 X \n19.\tExpedite thefunctioning ofthe Post-AwardReview Committee\t129\t2009 X\t\n20.\tImprove themanagement of thefiles for theamendments\t147\t2009 X \n Total 9 5 2 4 \n\tPercentage shareof total 45\t25\t10\t20", "Annex II", "Project timetable", "The project timetable until March 2011 is as follows. Changes to the schedule subsequent to that date are discussed in annex III and in section B.6 of the present report.", "[TABLE]", "Note: The schedule reported in the Secretary-General’s annual progress reports does not mention the work within the basements of the compound. The master schedule suggests this work will continue for the duration of the project and will be completed in mid-2014.", "^(a) See A/62/364 (initial schedule for accelerated strategy IV).", "^(b) See A/63/477.", "^(c) See A/64/346.", "^(d) See A/65/511.", "^(e) Supplementary information provided to the General Assembly by the Office of the Capital Master Plan in March 2011.", "Annex III", "Notable areas of uncertainty within the capital master plan schedule", "Aspect ofthe capitalmaster plan\tAreas of uncertainty \nEnhancedsecurityupgrade atFranklin D.RooseveltDrive\tThe upgrade will involve lane closures andstructural work for which permits are required fromstate and city authorities. The Office of theCapital Master Plan is liaising with theauthorities to develop the necessary workingschedules. The Board, however, highlights thisissue as a risk to the schedule because securingthe permits is on the critical path for the entireproject. According to the Office, one day’s delayin this work translates into one day’s delay incompleting the project.\n\tFor the work to progress according to schedule, itis essential that the permits allow work to becarried out at least four nights per week. Evenwhen the permits are agreed, there is considerableuncertainty about the timescales for the plannedwork in this area. Some of the work can onlyprogress at night and the nature of much of thiswork makes it difficult to estimate activitydurations accurately.\nConferenceBuilding\tThe initial assessment of the impact on theschedule of the enhanced security upgrade meantdelaying the completion date for the ConferenceBuilding to 2013. As this date was unacceptable,the construction manager was asked to revise theschedule to reduce the time allowed for individualtasks and programmed overlapping activities toproduce an expected completion date of 21 December2012. This is described as an “aggressive schedule”by the construction manager in his monthly reportdated March 2011 and the company has set out anumber of critical actions that the Administrationmust complete if this date is to be observed.\n\tThe overall schedule for the capital master plan,however, does not yet include all aspects of theenhanced security upgrade work. The constructionmanager is updating the schedule, but planning atthe time of the present report relies on“construction document” drawings that are 60 percent complete. The completed drawings for theConference Building will not be produced until atleast 27 May 2011.\n\tThe schedule for the Conference Building allowsonly six weeks from the date the constructionmanager submits the first amendment to theguaranteed maximum price contract until theAdministration approves and signs the amendment.This process has typically been taking 113 days, orapproximately 16 weeks (see section B.6). While itmay be expected to take less time to approve anamendment to a guaranteed maximum price contractthan to approve a new guaranteed maximum pricecontract, the Board believes that the provision ofsuch a short timescale within the schedule remainsa risk.\n\tSimilarly, the schedule for the permanent broadcastfacility within the Conference Building allows onlysix weeks for approval and sign off on theguaranteed maximum price contract. Without thepermanent broadcast facility, the ConferenceBuilding will not be able to provide its corefunctions. Again, the Board believes the provisionof this short, six-week period remains a risk to anactivity on the project’s critical path.\nGeneralAssemblyBuilding\tThe General Assembly Building is scheduled to becompleted in mid-2014, in time for the generaldebate in late 2014. The design is at the 100 percent “construction document” phase, although aneven more detailed set of construction documentswill be developed during 2011, at which point theschedule for this building will become morecertain.\nDagHammarskjöldLibrary andSouth AnnexBuildings\tRenovation of the Library and South Annex Buildingsis within the scope of the project. However, theOffice of the Capital Master Plan has been unableto come up with a satisfactory design solution forthese buildings in response to recent securityassessments. Design work is on hold and it isunclear how progress will now be made on thisissue. While the high-level summary projectschedule shows indicative dates for completing thiswork, the procurement and construction activitiesfor these buildings are not shown within thedetailed overall schedule of the capital masterplan.\nAdditionalsecuritymeasures onFirst Avenue\tAs part of the enhanced security upgrade,additional security measures are to be installed onFirst Avenue. This is additional scope to thecapital master plan project. Installation ofbollards, planters and anti-ram, devices and theconstruction of security screening buildings isplanned to take place on land owned by authoritiesof New York City. This work will therefore requirecareful liaison with the authorities, as well aswith utility companies.\nNorth LawnBuildingdemolition\tWhile the General Assembly reaffirmed in itsresolution 65/269 that the North Lawn Buildingshould be demolished, this demolition work is notincluded in the project’s monthly schedule and thetimescales for this work are not included in theSecretary-General’s annual progress report. TheBoard understands, however, that this work wouldlikely take place in late 2014, after thecompletion of the General Assembly Building.\nBasementinfrastructure\tThe work on the basements of the United Nationscampus has proven difficult and has resulted in asignificant amount of change. The ongoing rate ofchanges creates significant uncertainty in theschedule. There is a specific uncertainty about theschedule for the loading dock. The designintentions are not yet set out and potentialchanges to traffic flows on Forty-eighth Streetwould require approval from the authorities of NewYork City.\nSecretariatBuilding\tThe schedule for the Secretariat Building wasoriginally based on a top-down construction andfit-out. The Office of the Capital Master Plan hasnow changed its plans and has asked theconstruction manager to first complete floors 17 to27, and to work to a shorter timescale forcompleting the first 10 floors. The guaranteedmaximum price contract includes a date of 3September 2012 for completing the entire building,but the Office and the construction manager hadinformally agreed to complete the first 10 floorsby 1 July 2012. The Office now wants this datebrought forward to 1 June 2012. This is achallenging schedule, with minimal room for erroror delay. If any problems do occur, there could bea need to commit additional funding to accelerateelements of the project; but even this would beconstrained by the capacity of the single externalhoist in the Secretariat Building.", "Annex IV", "Details of the costs of the enhanced security upgrade", "(Millions of United States dollars)", "Area affected by the Predicted cost of Work to be carried out in the upgrade the upgrade upgrade", "Conference Building 89.53 Significant structural strengthening on Franklin D. Roosevelt Drive and within the Conference Building and associated basements", "First Avenue and 31.96 Installation of protective visitor and bollards and, potentially, gates staff security and other structures on the screening facilities sidewalk. The construction of two security screening buildings that will be positioned as far as possible from the campus buildings, potentially on city-owned land", "Work originally (21.93) The budget before the enhanced budgeted for security upgrade has included but no longer provisions for some structural required work (design and management costs) that is no longer required", "Total 99.56^(a)", "Source: Capital master plan high-level cost summary for enhanced security upgrade monthly tracking report, April 2011.", "^(a) Consists of construction costs ($82,185,000), professional fees and management costs ($10,713,000), and contingency ($6,659,000) (source: supplementary information provided to the General Assembly by the Office of the Capital Master Plan in March 2011).", "280711", "*1140392*", "[]", "[1] Of the protective work amounting to $100 million, $70 million relates to works to the Conference Building and $30 million to works to First Avenue.", "[2] Construction contracts within the project contain allowances to cover specific uncertainties. Before the construction manager is permitted to spend these allowance sums, he or she must obtain approval from the United Nations through an allowance request.", "[3] The Turner building cost index is a reference for changes in construction costs for the United States market. The average index was showing significant deflation for 2009 of -8.4 per cent and for 2010 of -4.0 per cent. The index is determined by the following factors: labour rates and productivity; material prices; and the competitive condition of the marketplace.", "[4] Supplementary information provided to the General Assembly by the Office of the Capital Master Plan in March 2011.", "[5] Systems furniture is a term used to describe immovable items of furniture within an office space such as cubicles, panelling, work surfaces and shelving. See A/65/511/Add.1, para. 44.", "[6] Each contract amendment considered by the Committee has included reviews of several change orders.", "[7] See Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 5 (A/65/5), Vol. V." ]
[ "联 合 国", "2010年12月31日终了年度", "审计委员会的报告", "第五卷 基本建设总计划", "大 会", "正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第5号(第五卷)", "大 会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第5号(第五卷)", "[] 联合国 • 2011年,纽约", "2010年12月31日终了年度", "审计委员会的报告", "第五卷 基本建设总计划", "A/66/5 (Vol.V)", "说明", "ISSN 0257-1285", "联合国文件都用英文大写字母附加数字编号。凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。", "目录", "页次\n送文函 iv\n摘要 v\nA.任务、范围和方法 1\nB.审计结果和建议 1\n1.审计委员会以往建议的执行情况 1\n2.背景和财务状况 2\n3.主要进展领域 3\n4.控制变更 5\n5.将大楼移交给设施管理处 9\n6.项目时标 10\n7.预算管理 13\n8.基本建设总计划的益处 19\n9.更替规划和团队稳定性 21\n10.采购 21\nC.鸣谢 23 \n 附件 \n一.审计委员会关于2009年12月31日终了年度的各项建议执行情况 24\n二.项目时间表 25三. 26 \n基本建设总计划时间表中重大不确定之处 四. 28 \n强化安保升级费用细目", "送文函", "纽约", "联合国大会主席", "谨转递审计委员会关于基本建设总计划2010年12月31日终了年度的报告。", "中国审计长", "兼联合国审计委员会主席", "刘家义(签名)", "2011年7月12日", "审计委员会关于基本建设总计划2010年12月31日终了年度的报告", "摘要 \n耗资20亿美元翻修纽约联合国总部的基本建设总计划是一个复杂、高价值和令人瞩目的翻修项目,涉及对1950年代标志性的庭院式建筑群进行现代化改造、安保强化和建筑保护。这一项目面临治理和利益攸关方管理方面的挑战,并且联合国的重要业务活动无时无刻不能中断,其中的许多在施工期间仍必须在场院内进行。\n大会第57/292号决议强调必须监督基本建设总计划的拟订和执行,并请审计委员会每年就该项目编写报告。本报告载有审计委员会依照大会要求对基本建设总计划进展情况进行的年度审查的结果和建议。\n 审计委员会的总结论 \n审计委员会确认,基本建设总计划在一些方面取得了重要进展。6000多名工作人员从原来的办公地点搬迁到临时办公地点,重要的施工工作也大体按计划进行。审计委员会还看到基本建设总计划中一些好的做法,例如基本建设总计划办公室与专业顾问和主要承包人之间统一的团队合作。\n 预算和时间表风险 \n尽管取得了上述进展,基本建设总计划仍面临重大挑战。2011年3月31日的预测表明,该项目的支出将比预算超出7900万美元(4%),并且,项目的重要组成部分目前进度落后。审计委员会注意到,该费用预测没有为已查明风险最有可能发生的费用做出拨备,没有对项目完成之前所有变更单的费用做出可审计的有力估算,也未反映所有预计的周转办公楼租金费用。审计委员会因此认为,这种情况很有可能恶化而非改善,但如果行政当局能够采取迅速、坚决的行动全面解决本报告提出的关切事项,则能最大限度地减少进一步超支和延迟。\n 该项目面临以下重大费用和时间压力: \n•日益明显的是,“连带费用”,即与项目有关但不在核心工程或预算之内的费用,无法按大会之前所要求的那样由项目预算匀支,除非工程显著缩小\n•对已查明风险最有可能发生的费用或今后的变更单费用等未来费用进行估算的方法分析性不足。这使得剩余应急筹备金能否足以支撑到项目完成以及当前列报的超支是否会进一步增加的问题具有不确定性\n•根据现有计划,预计第一批工作人员将在2007年9月发布的预期完工日期三个月之后开始搬迁回秘书处大厦(加速战略),但该项目曾经发生过延迟的情况。以往的预测往往较为乐观,由于下文所述原因,会议和大会大楼的进度大大滞后于之前所作的估计\n•仍没有可行的设计方案来解决与达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼有关的安保要求,因此上述项目组成部分目前处于停滞状态\n随着项目逐渐接近完成,有些风险将不复存在,意外费用增加的可能性也将降低。但是,基本建设总计划消化更多时间或费用压力的能力如今比较有限,而审计委员会的结论是,在本报告提交之时,仍存在大量其他风险,可能会产生进一步的费用增加和延迟。\n 效益和效率机会 \n行政当局正在通过秘书处大厦中高级管理人员合用办公地点和采用开放式而非蜂窝式办公空间的方式,实现基本建设总计划提供的增进沟通和团队合作的更广泛机会。但审计委员会关切的是,行政当局没有拟订结构化的程序来界定或尽可能扩大应从该项目中获取的预期效益,也没有充分利用改进办公解决方案的潜力,例如,灵活的办公桌使用政策可以提供节省费用的重要机会,因为它能增加秘书处大厦容纳的工作人员数量,进而减少当前的租金费用负债和可能的费用超支。这些效益仍然可以实现,但行政当局需要采取缜密的、高度扶持性的改革管理办法,以应付工作人员的工作方式所面临的不可避免的所需文化改变。\n总体上,审计委员会的结论是,虽然基本建设总计划取得了进展,但该项目正在步入一个关键阶段,管理突发问题以及费用和时间压力的灵活度大大降低。现在,项目很显然会延迟交付。第一批工作人员将于基本建设总计划办公室于2007年9月发布的预计完工日期之后三个月开始搬迁回秘书处大厦(加速战略)。目前预计大会和会议楼将会延迟一年,图书馆和南配楼计划工程的规模可能会缩小。目前的预测是费用将超出预算7900万美元(4%),而且还存在一些重大风险,如果不坚决减少这些风险,会进一步加剧延迟并导致费用增加,超过目前预测的超支额。行政当局必须果断采取行动,才能充分实现几十年一遇的翻修所带来的效益和机会。\n 主要结果和建议 \n项目完工日期从2013年中推迟到2014年中,预测的费用比大会核准的当前订正预算高出约4%,其中已计入捐赠承付款和加强安保的资金。根据基本建设总计划办公室的报告,预测整个项目的最终费用为20.61亿美元,超出预算7900万美元,大会楼将于2014年中完工,比订正后的加速时间表所列日期晚了一年,其主要原因是与安保有关的工程变化。项目的费用、时间表和工程已经并继续受到重大压力的影响,其中包括根据新安保要求需开展的约1亿美元的防护工程,由东道国供资。\n总体的费用预测没有明确为变更单费用留出余地,或者为风险登记册中的风险最有可能发生的费用做出拨备。管理层和负责治理的人员若要迅速、有效采取行动以保持完全的预算控制,对此类项目进行准确和透明的费用预测至关重要。在本报告提交之时,费用预测中缺乏对项目完成之前所有变更单费用所做的可审计的有力估算,也没有为已查明风险最有可能发生的费用做出拨备。还需要评估租用临时周转空间的全部费用,并将其反映在费用预测中。因此,审计委员会不能保证对完成项目所需费用做出的预测是准确的。\n达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼缺乏可行的设计解决方案,导致这些项目组成部分被搁置。对上述大楼经受爆炸冲击的复原力做出评估之后,基本建设总计划办公室已搁置上述大楼的设计,直到与纽约市当局以及毗邻的业主进行进一步讨论,因为后者的计划可能会对解决方案产生影响。基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,最新的费用预测显示,按最初设想翻修图书馆和南配楼的费用将为6500万美元。基本建设总计划的商定预算没有单独列出这些大楼的费用。\n基本建设总计划办公室没有能力在其预算中匀支约1.46亿美元的连带费用。连带费用是项目所需的费用,但不在项目的直接责任范围内,也没有包含在基本建设总计划的最初预算中。尽管大会曾要求基本建设总计划匀支这些费用,但审计委员会的结论是,如果基本建设总计划的规模不缩减或者该项目已经列报的费用超支额不减少,上述要求就不再是一个现实的要求。\n基本建设总计划缺乏对项目变更数量的有效控制,该计划继续面临因最终使用者和不完整设计所导致的大量变更。发生变更是所有建设项目的共同特点,但变更可能导致延迟和费用增加的风险。因此,有效的变更控制是公认的成功要素,通常应在设计的早期阶段充分征询最终使用者或用户的意见,在设计最终确定之后进行变更的程序则具有规则明确、治理严格和管理有力的特点,以尽可能减少变更。最初进行合同竞标时,基本建设总计划某些阶段的设计仍未完成,并且,为了保证项目进度,合同是有意根据不完整的设计授予的。在这种情况下,就更需建立有效程序,以便最大限度地减少并控制变更,预测未来变更可能产生的费用并且高效率地处理变更单。基本建设总计划办公室制订了一旦发生变更则立即处理变更单的有力程序,但行政当局没有建立有效制度,从最开始就最大限度地减少变更数量,而且变更率居高不下和解决变更所需时间越来越长的问题如果现在不加处理,将导致进一步的费用增加和延迟。\n从基本建设总计划办公室到设施管理处的移交过程是一个关键风险领域。设施管理处从不太顺利的北草坪会议大楼移交过程中汲取教训,正在征聘更多工作人员参与基本建设总计划工作,为业务人员提供更多培训,并聘请了一名咨询人为移交过程提供支持。尽管采取了上述积极行动,审计委员会还是认为设施管理处的准备工作是一个高风险领域,因为项目移交阶段的任何延迟都将不可避免地增加费用。\n鉴于以上结果,审计委员会在本报告正文中提出了详细建议。行政当局接受了审计委员会几乎所有的建议,只有一个例外,即关于增强连带费用供资确定性的建议。行政当局认为大会第65/269号决议已经明确规定从基本建设总计划的预算中匀支连带费用。行政当局和审计委员会关于该问题的评论意见列于第80至82段。\n 主要建议摘要如下: \n•基本建设总计划办公室应加强对未来费用的预测办法,做法是在费用预测中对项目完成之前所有变更单费用做出可审计的有力估算,并为已查明风险最有可能发生的费用作出备抵\n • 行政当局应审查图书馆和南配楼的情况,决定前进方向 \n • 行政当局及负有治理职责的人员应迅速解决连带费用难以维持的情况 \n•行政当局应建立有效的变更控制治理机制,最大限度地减少因使用者导致的变更\n•行政当局应每季度监测设施管理处与基本建设总计划办公室之间的交付使用安排\n 以往建议的执行情况 \n审计委员会在关于2009年12月31日终了年度的报告(A/65/5(Vol.V))中提出的20项建议中,有9项(45%)得到充分执行,5项(25%)正在执行,5项(25%)未得到执行,其中有3项现已被新建议所取代,1项(5%)因事态发展而不能执行。审计委员会重申上一份报告中没有被取代或因事态发展而不能执行、但尚未得到充分执行的建议。", "A. 任务、范围和方法", "1. 基本建设总计划是翻修纽约联合国总部建筑群计划。总计划是根据大会第55/238号决议制订的,最初资金来自联合国经常预算批款。后来大会第57/292号决议第二节第24段设立了基本建设总计划特别账户。其后,以向会员国摊款的方式批款给特别账户。基本建设总计划的财务状况作为联合国财务报表中的报表九(联合国资本资产和在建工程)的一项内容报告(见A/66/5(Vol.I))。批款的任何未用余额均结转到下一个两年期,直到项目完成。", "2. 大会第57/292号决议强调对基本建设总计划的制订和实施进行监督的重要性,并请审计委员会每年向大会提交一份关于该项目报告。", "3. 审计委员会在草拟本报告时审查了自编写上次报告(A/65/5(Vol.V))以来基本建设总计划的进展情况,以及与项目有关的各种风险的确认与管理方式。审计委员会进行审查的首要目标是:", "• 评估审计委员会以往各项建议的执行进展情况", "• 评估自审计委员会上一次年度报告以来基本建设总计划的进展情况", "• 评估基本建设总计划是否可能在预算和预期时限内交付", "• 就进一步加强基本建设总计划的管理提出新的建议。", "4. 审计委员会同内部监督事务厅密切合作,以了解最近内部审计的结果,协调其各自的审计工作,并尽量减少对基本建设总计划办公室提出的需求。", "5. 本报告论述审计委员会认为应提请大会注意的各项问题。已同行政当局讨论了审计委员会的意见和结论,行政当局的看法已在报告中得到适当反映。", "B. 审计结果和建议", "1. 审计委员会以往建议的执行情况", "6. 审计委员会在其关于2009年12月31日终了年度的报告(A/65/5(Vol.V))提出的20项建议中,有9项建议(45%)得到充分执行,5项建议(25%)正在执行,5项建议(25%)没有执行。没有执行的5项建议与下述问题有关:", "• 在基本建设总计划之前,建筑群内的13个区域由会员国赞助,不清楚在翻修之后这些国家是否仍然会作为这些区域的赞助者。审计委员会先前建议在基本建设总计划项目期间和之后细化关于处理和恢复这些赞助的政策,以澄清这一问题。委员会重申其先前的建议", "• 审计委员会注意到,已执行了关于设立合同授予后审查程序的建议,但该程序目前未按设想发挥作用。审计委员会在本报告B.10节再次述及这一点", "• 其余三项建议涉及的是费用预测和设立应急款项,现已被本报告中新的建议取代。", "7. 审计委员会重申其先前报告中提出的尚未得到全面执行也未被取代的各项建议(见A/65/5(Vol.V),第31、62、67、112、118、129和147段)。审计委员会还认为,上述报告的建议中有一项(5%)现已因事态发展而不能执行。该项建议涉及会议楼合同谈判的拖延问题。会议楼设计发生了变动,纳入了新的安保要求,因此该项建议已因事态发展而不能执行。", "2. 背景和财务状况", "8. 纽约联合国总部需要全面翻修,这在1990年代末得到确认。2000年6月,秘书长在关于基本建设总计划的报告(A/55/117)中明确阐述了翻修需要,并提出了一系列可能采取的办法。首选的办法是一个六年期的翻修计划,费用约为9.64亿美元,期间总部大院中随时有至多30%的部分在进行修建。", "9. 从2000年起,提出了多个新的设计和修建费用估计数,2003年2月,秘书长设立了交付该项目的基本建设总计划办公室。大会对该项目进行正式监督,秘书长负责实现项目的各项目标,并将这一职责授予主管管理事务副秘书长,后者还负责提供一系列服务,支助纽约联合国总部的业务。基本建设总计划执行主任向主管管理事务副秘书长报告。", "10. 2005年11月,秘书长在其基本建设总计划执行情况第三次年度进展报告(A/60/550)中提了一项15.88亿美元的预算,用以交付基本建设总计划。秘书长在其2006年10月的第四次年度进展情况报告(A/61/549)中解释说,预算增至16.46亿美元,原因是市场条件发生了变化,建筑费用和专业费用增加。秘书长报告还确认了需要增加工程范围,包括额外的爆炸防护措施和信息技术备份系统和安保措施。加上新增工程,项目的预计总费用为18.77亿美元。2006年12月22日,大会在其第61/251号决议中决定核可该项目订正预算以及提议的分阶段修建办法(战略四)。", "11. 2007年9月,秘书长在第五次年度进展报告(A/62/364)中指出,战略四执行延迟的原因是联合国决策的复杂性以及基本建设总计划执行主任的辞职。秘书长估计,项目的最终费用将为20.96亿美元,超出预算约2.2亿美元,主要是由于进度拖延及价格膨胀对建筑和租赁费用的相关影响。", "12. 秘书长后来提出了加速战略四,缩短翻新期,减少修建阶段并减少对联合国工作的干扰。经订正的最后费用估计数为20.67亿美元,超出预算约1.90亿美元。大会在其第62/87号决议中表示注意到秘书长关于加速战略四的提议。", "13. 加速战略四目前正在执行。秘书长在2010年10月的第八次进展情况年度报告(A/65/511)中说,基本建设总计划75%的承付款已经完成和锁定,预测费用为19.57亿美元,超出预算约8 000万美元。", "14. 截至2010年12月31日,基本建设总计划累计支出13.35亿美元(见表1)。2010年期间的支出(4.06亿美元)与2009年(5.84亿美元)相比减少,原因是修建活动因基本建设总计划办公室需要解决强化安保升级问题而推延,详情见下文B.3节。", "表1 基本建设总计划支出情况", "支出(千美元) 占总额份额(百分比)\n 项目 2007年前^(a) 2007 2008 2009 2010 共计 2007年前^(a) 2007 2008 2009 2010 共计", "薪金和其他工作人员支出 8 414 3 236 3 999 5 005 5 080 25 734 12.2 7.0 1.7 0.9 1.3 1.9", "差旅 74 25 30 35 9 173 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0", "订约承办事务 58 425 30 279 105 21 145 23 920 238 84.6 65.3 45.8 3.6 5.9 17.9 069 838", "业务费用 1 865 9 912 20 189 35 626 84 835 152 2.7 21.4 8.8 6.1 20.9 11.6 427", "购置 284 2 942 100 522 292 917 0.4 6.3 43.7 89.4 72.0 68.7 324 030 149 729", "小计 69 062 46 394 229 583 405 1 334 100 100 100 100 100 100 611 841 993 901", "上期债务核销额 1 531 10 1 438 2 055 7 062 12 096 — — — — — —", "共计 67 531 46 384 228 581 398 1 322 — — — — — — 173 786 931 805", "来源:联合国2010-2011两年期2010年12月31日终了的12个月期间临时财务报表,审计委员会的计算。", "^(a) 2007年前期间包括2001年至2006年。", "15. 本报告B.7节说明现已如何修订基本建设总计划预算,以包括新增工程和资金来源。基本建设总计划办公室方案管理咨询人在2011年2月底的最新预测是,预测费用现为20.61亿美元,超出订正预算约7 900万美元。审计委员会注意到,这一预测不包括已确认风险很可能发生的费用的备抵和对项目完成前所有变更单费用的可审计的有力估算,也不包括所有预测的周转办公楼租赁费用。", "3. 主要进展领域", "16. 基本建设总计划是一项规模浩大、挑战重重的翻修项目。这类项目相对新建筑而言具有特殊的风险,因为往往难以对现有建筑结构的状况进行准确的勘察。后来在现有状况方面发现的未预见问题可能会导致额外的工程和费用以及时间的拖延。就联合国大院等老建筑而言,缺少原始“竣工”建筑记录可造成特别的困难。而且,治理、沟通和利益攸关方的管理也较复杂。这些复杂的问题需要严格的项目控制和程序。审计委员会看到基本建设总计划内实行良好做法之处,例如,基本建设总计划办公室与其专业顾问和主要承包商之间的一体化合作。", "17. 在上述关于2009年12月31日终了年度的报告中,审计委员会报告说,基本建设总计划比加速战略四原定时间表延迟了约6个月,基本建设总计划办公室预测的最后费用为19.72亿美元,比18.77亿美元的预算超出9 520万美元。不过,审计委员会指出,整个项目在2010年受设计变更的影响,需要作出这一变更是为了加强针对爆炸冲击力的结构保护。在2010年前的几年中,恐怖主义威胁的频率和严重程度不断增加,其中有时是专门针对联合国的威胁,这意味着安保标准不断受到审查,因而对基本建设总计划设计标准所受影响的理解也在不断形成和改变。", "18. 大致上讲,联合国承担维持其场地界线以内的安全环境的费用,相关的东道国(或任何相关的政治区分单位)负责联合国场地界线以外的安保。在纽约出现了特殊的复杂情况,因为联合国大楼悬在富兰克林·罗斯福行车道之上。实物界线非垂直,因此联合国与东道国之间安保责任的区分不如通常情况清楚。需要就东道国与联合国各自的责任和采取联合行动的必要性达成明确的谅解;在联合国内,虽然人们日益理解可能需要就会议楼作出变更,但变更的性质和程度一直不明了。", "19. 2010年后期,东道国当局与联合国就设计需要、具体解决办法和各自的责任达成了协议,使局面明朗化;随后又在2011年1月与东道国就对所谓“强化安保升级”的1亿美元额外费用估计数的一笔捐助达成协议。[1] 大会在2011年4月的第65/269号决议中批准执行加强安保的措施。寻找上述安保问题解决方法是造成会议楼翻修完工日期拖延九个月的主要因素,这一拖延又进而造成大会大楼完工日期拖延九个月。审计委员会在本报告有关章节就强化安保升级对项目进度、工程和费用的影响作了评论。", "20. 在提交本报告时,基本建设总计划正在22项“最高限价保证”合同下进行交付,其中包括被捆绑成一个最高限价保证合同的7项最高限价保证建议书。对合同的变更单独作出定价和评估,因为合同相当大,一个变更单不大会引起混乱。但是,多合同安排的确会造成以下风险:", "• 如果一项最高限价保证合同内的预定工程必须变更,则变更造成的费用可能会体现为资金效益降低,特别是如果变更造成混乱并降低供应商的效率", "• 更加难以确保各种设计和建筑合同之间的协调、高效率和顺畅地安排工作流程的时机及避免工程上的差距或成套合同之间的不一致性。", "21. 审计委员会认识到,联合国继续在上述领域担有风险,但指出,基本建设总计划小组正在采取合理的措施来尽量减少资金和进度上的风险。包含项目全部工程的一个单一最高限价保证合同是不可行的,因为最开始时设计尚未完成,事实上至今仍然没有完成。如果采取一个单一的最高限价保证合同的办法,承包商就可能提出更高的价格来反映更多的风险,这样就不能实现资金效益。项目小组完全理解多个最高限价保证合同办法的风险,也完全理解尽可能减少变更单并细致协调各最高限价保证合同之间的衔接以控制费用和保证进度的重要性。", "22. 虽然目前预计项目会有很大的拖延,大会楼和会议楼的完工预计将会推迟一年,但考虑到项目小组所面对的复杂问题和挑战,审计委员会承认取得的进展。成绩包括建成北草坪会议大楼并将约6 000名工作人员转入临时的周转办公地,同时维持联合国的日常工作和继续开展大会事务。", "23. 自审计委员会上次报告以来取得的进展主要是完成了北草坪会议大楼地下二层新的技术中心以及其他重大基础结构工程。在秘书处大楼和会议楼也已架设了升降机,可以开始清除石棉和其他拆除工程。在进行本次审计时,秘书处大楼39个楼层中已有21层完成了石棉清除和其他拆除工作;到2011年4月底,该大楼有18个楼层已完成新玻璃幕墙的安装。", "4. 控制变更", "24. 任何建筑项目在工程开始后都可能会发生变更。大量变更是一种风险,因为可能会增加费用和推迟项目交付。事实上,有效的变更控制是成功建筑项目的一个公认特征,也就是在敲定设计方案前往往进行广泛协商,一旦敲定后便建立明确的规则并实行有效的治理和管理,以尽量减少变更。审计委员会和内部监督事务厅(监督厅)均在以前的报告中对基本建设总计划的变更次数表示过关切。有鉴于此,审计委员会再次分析了项目的变更情况。", "25. 审计委员会发现,基本建设总计划继续有相当多的变更,变更源于各个方面。基本建设总计划的设计没有按时完成,为了保证项目如期完成,有意按不完整的设计方案授予了诸项最高限价保证合同。这一战略可能造成的结果是,随着设计进一步展开,需要提出大量变更单,因此十分重要的是,要建立有效的程序来尽量减少不必要的变更、预测未来变更可能产生的费用并有效率地处理变更单。其他一些变更源于总部各部门中的未来用户。", "26. 基本建设总计划办公室具备一个处理出现的变更单的有力程序。不过,行政当局没有从一开始就设立一个有效的制度来尽量减少变更,因此,大量、不断和耗资的变更成了该项目的特征。基本建设总计划变更单的总量和价值继续增加,截至2011年4月5日,施工管理方共提出了1 116项变更单要求,价值约达1.03亿美元。图一和图二显示自项目开始以来变更单的数量和价值的持续趋势。这些图还显示,变更发生率一直保持大体不变,虽然发生率在项目接近完成时必然会下降,但是目前尚无下降迹象。", "图一 变更单累计数量", "来源:对基本建设总计划办公室变更单数据的分析。", "图二 变更单累计价值", "来源:对基本建设总计划办公室变更单数据的分析。", "27. 审计委员会认为,如果行政当局不采取行动解决出现变更的原因,图一和图二显示的趋势很可能会继续。项目的期限已经很紧迫,这样的变更率最终会造成更多的拖延。而且,剩余的应急款现已减少,这种变更趋势给基本建设总计划项目在预算拨款内完工的能力造成严重压力。审计委员会在本报告后面部份对这些问题作了评论。", "28. 基本建设总计划要求在开工前需核准承包商的费用估计数。虽然核准时间表被认为拖延处在关键路径上的工作,但存在一个称为“变更单价值待定”的加速程序。为保护关键路径,这一程序涉及在承包商提供确定价格前开工。该程序建立于2010年3月,此前监督厅建议基本建设总计划办公室应对将列为最高限价保证合同变更的工程不再使用工程授权表来核准开工,并确保变更单在相关工程开始前得到核可。", "29. 基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,根据审计委员会的临时建议,对变更单程序作出了改进,例如,施工管理方和办公室每周举行会议来确定变更单的轻重缓急。但审计委员会认为,变更单批准程序仍然费时费力。可在基本建设总计划办公室或施工管理方的要求下提出变更单。施工管理方从行业承包商获得所需工程的费用估计数,如果管理方对得到的估计数满意,就将其送办公室核批。变更单然后经设计者、方案管理咨询人、项目管理人和办公室的施工主任审查后核批。可按既定的采购程序或由基本建设总计划执行主任根据其所获授权批准变更单。", "30. 执行主任获得批准变更单的授权,但根据监督厅的建议须由授标后合同审查委员会作事后审查(见A/63/266)。授权是有限的,执行主任就一项合同批准的所有变更单不能超过合同价值的10%,单项变更单的价值不能超过500万美元。授权不包括对项目范围作重大更改的权力,而且审计委员会注意到,大会在第65/269号决议中批准了强化安保升级工程。", "31. 审计委员会了解到,许多重要的公共部门项目采取在项目小组内分级授权的办法,以加快变更单的处理速度,也就是做到由较低级别的工作人员对价值较低的变更单作评估,价值较高的变更单则由高级管理层来评估。在基本建设总计划项目小组内没有这种分级授权,这不同于常规。审计委员会在2010年11月审查这一问题时,变更单和应急筹备金要求的处理当时平均需要114个工作日。[2] 审计委员会发现,截至2011年4月5日,这项工作比2010年11月时平均多花四天的时间,即需要118天。基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,大部份处理时间用于评价建筑和工程公司提出的变更单要求的正当性和方案管理公司的费用审查。", "32. 审计委员会认为,变更单程序仍然太费时。由此产生的拖延给行业承包商造成问题,因为该程序拖延对其付款并对他们的现金流造成不利影响。施工管理方将此看作一种风险,可能会削弱行业承包商的商誉,并增加因拖延和混乱而提出索赔的可能性。", "33. 审计委员会建议基本建设总计划办公室显著减少变更单批准流程的处理时间和积压的数量,从而使承包商在其合同规定的时限内得到付款,如果合同中没有写明,则在变更单完成后30天内得到付款。后一种安排符合最高限价保证合同所规定的支付时限。", "管理用户提出的变更要求", "34. 审计委员会注意到,在将工作人员搬迁到临时周转办公楼的过程中,曾作过许多变更。这对了解用户的行为和该项目管理根据要求进行的变更的成效很有帮助。虽然用户要求对其空间作出许多修改,但根据目前的安排,他们无须对其所要求的变更带来的费用承担问责。如同项目的风险登记册所确认的,用户很可能继续提出大量的变更要求,尤其是在目前商定秘书处大楼最终平面图的过程中。", "35. 审计委员会认识到,许多部门也许并不熟悉工程图或楼面布局,因此,有时一直到每处几近完工时才提出可能需要变更。不管怎样,审计委员会认为,如果今后一直像迄今那样提出大量变更,那么按照目前的时间和预算完成项目的可能性将会受到影响。", "36. 国际上有许多良好做法,可以使项目最大限度地减少大楼最终用户提出的变更要求。那就是在项目的早期设计阶段,就确保与用户充分协商,在设计确定后的变更阶段,则确定明确的规则,进行有力的治理和稳健的管理。基本建设总计划没有遵循这方面的良好做法,直接导致费用的增加和时间上的压力。", "37. 审计委员会发现,行政当局没有在项目一开始就建立一个强有力的机制控制与用户有关的变更,也没有建立明确的问责制,控制各部厅用户提出的变更数量、性质和费用,并确保它们充分认识到变更所涉及的费用。相反,基本建设总计划办公室仰仗部门用户的善意与合作,试图通过提供有关其空间实际布局的资料达到这一目的。但审计委员会认为,在项目的这一阶段光靠合作是不够的。如今,尤其对秘书处大楼平面图所作的任何重大变更都会增加延期风险,有可能使该大楼无法在时间表规定的时间内完成。", "38. 审计委员会建议行政当局与基本建设总计划办公室一起:", "(a) 立即审查变更要求趋势,并查明变更要求的理由和提出者;", "(b) 制定明确的规则, 实行有力的治理和稳健的管理,将用户要求的变更减少到最低限度。", "5. 将大楼移交给设施管理处", "39. 对任何项目来说,施工单位将大楼交付实际使用后都有一个所谓的“调试阶段”。这涉及测试大楼的功能,包括成套设备和大楼控制系统的功能,还常常包括为设施管理部门及其供应商提供大量培训。对联合国来说,调试阶段的挑战非同寻常,因为陈旧的系统正在被陌生的先进计算机主导系统所取代,后者将控制现代化的设备和机器。设施管理处的现有工作人员必须在调试阶段之前掌握新技术。", "40. 设施管理处务必要准备好按照与基本建设总计划办公室商定的日期迅速接管大楼的管理责任。如果做不到,则很可能导致拖延或打乱移交流程,致使费用因为延长临时办公地的租用时间等原因而增加,并可能妨碍联合国开展业务。", "41. 2010年11月,审计委员会曾指出,基本建设总计划办公室在将北草坪大楼的责任全部移交给设施管理处时,比计划的移交日期晚了10个月。设施管理处和基本建设总计划办公室都有各种问题(前者包括缺乏准备和缺乏资源,后者包括不断变更和竣工图不完整)。这些问题加起来就意味着不得不推迟移交工作。", "42. 基本建设总计划的风险登记册专门指出了联合国的技术、信息技术、安全控制室和其他重要机械系统和电气系统所在的地下室的移交和调试风险。由于基础设施技术的复杂性,又由于总部楼区没有这一基础设施就无法运作,因此,它们要比迄今已经移交的任何工作都重要得多。", "43. 审计委员会在2010年年初关于基本建设总计划的一封临时致管理当局函中,建议抓紧调试和移交方面的规划工作。审计委员会注意到,基本建设总计划办公室和设施管理处之后吸取了北草坪大楼的经验教训,如今双方已经制订了一个共同商定的移交程序。设施管理处还在:", "• 征聘更多的工作人员,专门与基本建设总计划办公室协同工作", "• 对其业务人员进一步进行管理现代化大楼控制系统的培训", "• 聘用一名咨询人,帮助移交工作。", "44. 审计委员会还注意到,设施管理处内部正在开展一个更新采购办法和提供服务方式的重大项目。审计委员会认为,从长计议,这是一个正确的做法。减少供应商,简化每个供应商的业绩计量,并将业绩计量与提供的服务更多地挂钩,这些将进一步明确责任,减少管理强度。但在短期内,特别是在2012年调试阶段开始前,此举可能会在需求和风险都相当大的时候增加管理负担。", "45. 审计委员会还注意到,由于项目的总体进度在2010年出现拖延,已对调试流程作出重大修改。原先打算会议楼在秘书处大楼之前调试,如今不得不调换顺序,而且现在两个大楼的调试间隔很短或者没有间隔,从而增加了在移交期间出现问题的风险。审计委员会认为,根据施工方面的国际良好做法,并考虑到所涉费用,宜至少在完工后的第一年期间,保留至少一名基本建设总计划办公室的高级官员,在施工管理方资源的支助下,支持向设施管理处的移交工作,帮助将知识传授给新的团队,并且协助解决移交后不久可能出现的任何难题。", "46. 审计委员会确认2010年11月以来取得的进展,同时建议主管管理事务副秘书长作为一项高度优先的管理行动,每季度联合审查设施管理处和基本建设总计划办公室在调试和移交方面的准备情况。", "47. 审计委员会还建议行政当局考虑采取哪些方法留住基本建设总计划办公室的专门人才,以帮助向设施管理处移交的工作。", "6. 项目时标", "48. 在基本建设总计划办公室在加速战略四中发布的预测完工日期后3个月,第一批工作人员将开始搬回秘书处大楼。大会楼和会议楼的完工预计将推迟一年,而且有可能削减计划为图书馆楼和南配楼进行的工程。该战略的目的是到2013年年中完成基本建设总计划的全部工作(见附件二)。秘书长在第八次年度报告(A/65/511)中表明,完工日期已推至2013年下半年。审计委员会发现,最新进度表显示,项目已再次推迟。按照目前的预测,大会楼将于2014年年中完工。", "49. 事实证明,基本建设总计划办公室的预测历来过于乐观(见图三)。审计委员会担心一推再推的情况会继续下去,致使承包商费用和间接费用增加的风险加大。审计委员会注意到,由于大多数工作人员都是从周转办公楼搬回秘书处大楼,因此,秘书处大楼误期有可能对费用和联合国业务造成最严重的影响。因此,行政当局必须尽量减少秘书处大楼的延误。", "图三 基本建设总计划中三栋主楼的预期完工日期", "[]", "50. 审计委员会在2010年11月审查了基本建设总计划办公室的控制和管理工作,发现虽然每栋楼都有时间表,但却用手工汇总各时间表,因为时间表仍在编制中。审计委员会强调需要有一个全面汇总的时间表,并在2011年4月注意到,汇总时间表的工作已经完成。从程序上说,审计委员会相信,基本建设总计划办公室如今已经具备正确的工具和技术,能够对项目的时间表作出符合现实的预测。", "51. 但从实际情况来说,时间表极其紧张,几乎没有对再度拖延或工程变更的缓冲余地。鉴于迄今所见的拖延趋势(见图三)和时间表方面的其他压力,预料今后会再度拖延也许并非不现实。以下说明六大压力。", "52. 2012年圣诞节这段“空闲时期”甚为重要。2011年初将会议楼的预计完工日期推迟到2013年初。基本建设总计划办公室经与施工管理方合作,改变了办法,把完工日期提前到2012年12月21日,以便利用圣诞节这段“空闲时期”,搬迁重要的广播部门。如果错过这段时间,就得把会议楼的工作推迟到下一个“空闲时期”,即2013年年中,这有可能增加费用,并推迟大会楼的完工日期。保住这一时间表的另一个办法是,可能不得不花大钱在晚上和周末开工。", "53. 变更要求过多造成的延误风险。随着项目行将进入完工阶段,总部各部门需坚持原来的决定,避免提出变更。如B.4节中所释,用户要求的变更不仅昂贵,而且有可能推迟项目完工日期。", "54. 依靠第三方。时间表的关键路径有许多取决于行政当局不能直接控制的其他各方的工作。例如,富兰克林·罗斯福行车道上方的结构加固工作需要东道市当局签发许可证而且及时关闭车道;水电公司必须完成行车道和第一马路上的作业;东道市的电力公司必须完成地下室拱顶重要的关键路径接线。依靠第三方完成的这些工作虽然不可避免,但必定会造成不确定性,加大费用增加和时间表延误的风险。", "55. 虽然三栋主楼都有计划,但关于达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼的意向还很不确定。图书馆和南配楼是大会在加速战略四中批准的基本建设总计划工程范围的一部分。审计委员会从基本建设总计划办公室获悉,按原定设想翻新这两栋大楼的最新预测费用是6 500万美元。基本建设总计划的商定预算没有为这两栋大楼分别确定费用。新的安保要求意味着翻新这两栋大楼的原定计划已不再可行。由于这两栋楼临近第42街,因此至今没有找到切实的解决办法。设计工作已经停顿,截至本报告提交之时,基本建设总计划办公室尚无关于这两栋大楼的可行方案。", "56. 更复杂的是,邻近街区可能有开发计划,或许会极大地排除或有可能完全排除所评估的安保风险。目前作出判断还为时过早,但这种不确定性的最终结果是此刻无法算出这两栋大楼的时间表。如果图书馆和南配楼要在基本建设总计划的时标内翻修,则必须至迟在2013年1月完成所需的采购。这意味着设计工作必须在2011年进行到相当程度。但此事取决于行政当局充分审查图书馆和南配楼的情况,确定如何处理基本建设总计划的这部分工程。", "57. 项目欢迎捐助资金,但这造成进度风险。会员国的捐助有助于为特定的室内设计提供资金,对基本建设总计划具有财政和历史意义。五个会员国总共捐助了600万美元,还有三个会员国正在考虑另作捐助。每个会员国都将推荐一名建筑师或设计师,与基本建设总计划办公室合作,详细规划捐助的空间。项目组与会员国的推荐人联合进行设计有可能推迟完工,除非有双方为设计决定商定的严格时限作指导。", "58. 审批最高限价保证合同方面的延误。审批合同的工作很费时,涉及到许多来来回回的步骤及其有关方之间的谈判。但审计委员会注意到,基本建设总计划办公室使用“任务订单”,在最高限价保证合同还在审查时就开始进行早期工程。审计委员会发现,从施工管理方提交最高限价保证合同到行政当局批准合同平均需要113天时间。为了赶上大楼的预测完工日期,会议楼和永久广播设施现有时间表假定的审批合同时间是42天。除非能够加快采购进程以求满足时间表要求,否则完工日期可能再度推迟。", "59. 审计委员会建议行政当局:", "(a) 紧急解决图书馆和南配楼的安保问题和没有可行设计方案的问题;", "(b) 确认这两栋楼是否仍在工程范围内,如果是这样,应如何解决安保方面的挑战;", "(c) 争取大会批准这两栋楼的拟议行动方案。", "60. 审计委员会还建议行政当局优先安排剩余最高限价保证合同和修正案的审批工作和时间,以便能够按照时间表的假设,在42天的期限内完成审批。", "7. 预算管理", "最新预算和预计最后费用", "61. 2006年批准18.77亿美元的基本建设总计划之后,又出现了两个供资来源。其一是五个会员国承诺提供共计600万美元的捐款,如上文所述。其二是东道国捐助1亿美元,用于强化安保升级。因此,基本建设总计划的订正预算目前共计19.83 亿美元左右。", "62. 据基本建设总计划办公室的咨询方案经理报告,项目预期最后费用的最新预测(截至2011年2月底)是20.61亿美元,比订正预算高出约7 900万美元(4%)。审计委员会注意到,这一预测费用没有包括已确认风险很可能产生的费用的备抵,没有关于项目完工前所有变更单所涉费用的可审计的有力估算,也没有反映所有预计的周转空间租用费用。因此,审计委员会认为,情况更有可能越来越糟而不是越来越好,但如果行政当局能够迅速而坚决地采取行动,充分解决本报告提出的关切问题,就能够尽量减少更多的超支和拖延。下表2显示主要费用历年的变化情况。", "表2 基本建设总计划的预期支出", "(千美元)", "战略四 加速战略", "支出项目 2006年10月 2007年9月 2008年10月 2009年9月 2010年1月 2010年9月 2011年2月", "建筑 935 300 964 625 1 032 900 1 057 402 1 045 605 1 016 920 1 094 121", "强化安保升级建筑 — — — — — — 82 185", "专业人员费、管理费 231 000 234 508 280 340 302 365 311 772 316 549 302 069", "强化安保升级费 — — — — — — 10713", "装修和租用周转空间 214 487 389 858 425 695 426 881 450 919 421 113 468 936", "意外开支和预估费用上涨 495 900 477 819 235 236 181 423 163 587 202 209 96 628", "用于强化安保升级的额外应急款 — — — — — — 6 659", "项目费用共计 1 876 700 2 066 810 1 974 171 1 968 071 1 971 884 1 956 791 2 061 311", "预算 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 982 700", "同与预算的差异 0 190 110 97 471 91 371 95 184 80 091 78 611", "来源:A/62/364、A/65/5(Vol.V)、A/65/511和项目的咨询方案经理2011年3月的每月费用报告。", "63. 图四用图表形式说明表2的费用变化。", "图四 历年的项目费用趋势", "[]", "来源:基本建设总计划办公室保存的数据分析。", "64. 应注意的要点是:", "• 预期最后建筑费用和管理费用近年来有所上涨,主要与强化安保升级有关", "• 意外开支历年来有所减少,2011年3月底为9 600万美元。近年来,由于合同价格低于预期价格,因此,尽管持续存在变更单的压力,但意外开支总额近年来呈缓慢下降趋势。由此产生的节余支撑了应急基金。", "预测、应急基金和费用不确定性", "65. 对任何重大项目来说,十分重要的是作出关于将来的最后费用的准确且最新预测,以便使客户以及治理和筹资负责人对所涉项目能否在预算拨款范围内完成有一个切合实际的期盼,而且如果发现费用不断上涨,可尽早采取适当行动。", "66. 审计委员会认为基本建设总计划办公室在记录实际费用方面采用的办法是有力的。对每项实际费用都进行详细记录,然后由施工管理方、咨询方案主管以及该办公室团队逐级审查。已建立了审计跟踪,而且采购司适当参与主要进程。", "67. 审计委员会认为,在规划今后最高限价保证工程和为工程费用提取备抵方面采用的办法也是有力的。由施工管理方和独立费用咨询人对费用进行估算,在这方面总的来说很少出现重大出入。实际上,估计费用总是高于实际市场价格,“价差节余”存入项目的应急基金。", "68. 不过,审计委员会认为,估计未来费用(例如已查明风险很可能发生的费用或今后的变更单)的办法欠缺分析性。这就造成了一种不确定性,无法确定剩余的应急准备金是否足以维持到项目完工,或者目前报告的超支是否会继续增加。该办法的主要缺欠如下:", "• 没有为应对变更单产生的持续影响规定具体或者量化的备抵。变更单趋势很明显,但是项目小组没有根据这种趋势预测变更的未来费用。所报告的应急基金数额是原应急基金总额与到目前为止变更所涉承付费用之间的差额。由于采取这种平衡总和的办法,错过了对未来变更费用作出更知情预测的良机,而这意味着总体费用预测未达到应有的准确度。", "• 风险登记册载列众多项目,这些风险一旦发生,将对费用产生不利影响,而基本建设总计划办公室却没有为应对这些风险可能造成的费用建立基于可能性的备抵或任何形式的备抵。", "69. 鉴于变更单方面的情况依旧、余下风险的规模和性质以及时间表方面继续面临的压力,审计委员会担心应急基金剩余的9 600万美元可能不够,且超出预算的数额可能高于目前报告的数额。审计委员会还注意到对预算造成额外压力的其他因素,例如:", "• 目前的费用预测包括直至2012年9月30日的周转办公楼租金,但是工作人员到2012年12月才能全部搬回秘书处大楼,周转办公楼租约到2013年4月才结束。因此,目前费用预测并未将所有周转办公楼预测费用都包括在内。基本建设总计划办公室和设施管理处目前正在就保留或终止哪些租约作出决定。该办公室最新建模表明,未编列预算的2012年9月至12月租金费用总额将达到2 220万美元。另外,提前终止租约所涉违约金可达2 370万美元。尚未就该办公室与管理处如何分担这些费用作出决定", "• 审计委员会已经注意到,为了遵守关键日期,可能需要夜间或周末开工。基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,至少两份最高限价保证合同包括了一项关于可能需要加班的规定,并为此在合同范围内留出了备抵。并非所有合同都是这种情况,北草坪会议大楼和地下层的加快工程迄今的费用分别为500多万美元和300多万美元。按照变更单程序,这些费用均出自应急基金,但是正在进行的和未来的加快工程所涉费用很可能导致项目总费用增加", "• 迄今为止,行业承包商提出了两项额外付款要求。第一项要求看来不会增加预计最后费用,第二项要求有可能通过变更单来解决,因此有可能导致项目费用增加。另一个风险是,一些行业承包商被要求加快其在秘书处大楼的工程,这些承包商可能会要求额外付款。正在与行业承包商进行谈判,争取承包商同意在不要求支付额外费用的情况下加快工程进度", "• 虽然东道国为强化安保升级捐助了1亿美元,但审计委员会看到的基本建设总计划风险登记册最新版本确认这方面的费用总额存在不确定性。费用细目见本报告附件四。审计委员会注意到,最近会议楼钢结构的采购活动与预期相符。尽管如此,强化安保升级工程所涉费用是一个高风险领域,因为须经第三方批准,且须在富兰克林·罗斯福行车道封路。", "70. 审计委员会建议基本建设总计划办公室加强费用预测办法,将准确计算的项目竣工前所有变更单费用的可审计估计数都包括在内,并提取备抵,以应付风险登记册所列项目很可能发生的费用以及其他已知问题,例如因为进度延误导致延长办公楼租约。", "费用上涨准备金", "71. 秘书长过去提供的项目费用预测包括一笔应付未来费用通胀(“费用上涨”)的准备金。审计委员会注意到,现不再报告费用上涨准备金总数,尽管在次级项目一级依然列出具体准备金,占费用的1%至1%。据此,该项目预计最后费用中包括一笔应付费用上涨的款项,大约为1 700万美元。", "72. 审计委员会还注意到,2009年和2010年特纳建筑费用指数[3] 表明,近年来建筑费用通胀实际为负值(意味着报告的项目预测总额应呈下降趋势)。审计委员会的结论是,该项目近年对未来建筑费用通胀的估计过于谨慎,支持这一结论的事实是,该项目实际合同价格一直低于预测费用估计数(项目小组称其为“价差节余”,这些节余扩充了应急基金,如第67段所述)。", "73. 审计委员会建议基本建设总计划办公室:", "` (a) 审查其根据公布的指数就未来建筑费用通胀的影响编列准备金的办法;", "(b) 在预计通货膨胀率很低或为零时,澄清并简化其在这方面的报告。", "连带费用", "74. 除了基本建设总计划预算已经包括的费用外,还有各种用于货物或服务的其他“连带费用”,尽管是该计划的工程所需,但是并非总计划的翻修业务直接产生的费用,因此未列入最初预算。主要连带费用用于:", "• 整个楼群的家具购置(4 400万美元)", "• 新的永久性广播设施所需经费(4 000万美元)", "• 施工期间工地安保和安保培训所需额外安保资源(2 800万美元)", "• 后勤管理、资产追踪、视听设备迁移和中央支助事务厅临时额外人员编制(2 000万美元)", "• 建立档案(270万美元)", "• 修建初级安保指挥中心和实体安保系统(180万美元)。", "75. 2011年3月,向大会报告了连带费用的最新预测,数额为1.589亿美元。[4] 2011年4月大会要求秘书长将具体连带费用减少1300万美元,从而将最后支出预计数额降至大约1.459亿美元(见第65/269号决议)。审计委员会指出,上述1.459亿美元为直至2012年12月的连带费用;如果项目时间表拖延,超过该日期,将可能导致连带费用增加,因此有必要根据最新竣工时间表重新考虑费用假设。", "76. 连带费用的主要构成部分之一是整个楼群的家具购置。根据2011年2月向行政和预算问题咨询委员会提供的估计数,家具和系统家具[5] 费用为5 500万美元。基本建设总计划办公室正在拟订一项替代战略,其中包括提高现有家具的再利用率,少买新家具,将这方面的费用减少大约1 100万美元。该办公室告知审计委员会,就实物采购而言,该办公室有信心实现上述目标,但是目前正在评估该选择的可行性和所涉风险,评估其所带来的好处是否超过可能造成的费用。", "77. 大会曾要求基本建设总计划办公室在其预算范围内匀支连带费用以及二级外部数据中心的大部分费用(见大会第63/270和65/269号决议)。到目前为止,基本建设总计划办公室一直用该项目的现金储备支付连带费用,而预测表明无论其他费用压力如何,如果该项目继续为连带费用提供资金,2012年该项目将开始面临严重的现金流问题。", "78. 行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其关于基本建设总计划的报告(A/65/725)中关切地注意到匀支连带费用可能有困难,并建议大会请秘书长至迟于2011年第二季度提出提案,说明如何最有效地解决连带费用问题,包括为此改进费用——效率措施。", "79. 审计委员会对连带费用问题依然没有得到明确的解决表示关切,认为该项目可能无法匀支连带费用,除非缩小基本建设总计划的工程范围,或者把预计最后费用增至约22.27亿美元(见表3)。基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,主管管理事务副秘书长将于2011年秋向大会提出为连带费用供资的战略。", "表3 基本建设总计划预计最后费用", "(百万美元)", "预计最后费用", "基本建设总计划目前预测 2 061.3", "连带费用 145.9", "二级数据中心 19.8", "共计 2 227.0", "来源:与二级数据中心有关的数据载于基本建设总计划办公室2011年3月向大会提供的补充资料。数据中心的预算包括大会批准的2 097万美元限定资金,这与预测连带费用不同,后者由大会每年审查和批准。关于连带费用数额的进一步说明见本报告B部分第七节。", "80. 审计委员会建议,为项目的确定性起见,行政当局和负责治理的人员应澄清连带费用的预算责任问题,就连带费用的供资方式作出明确决定。", "81. 审计委员会还建议行政当局在评估连带费用预测数时考虑到最新竣工时间表的全面影响。", "82. 行政当局告知审计委员会,将在第六十五届会议续会第一期会议期间与大会讨论连带费用之后,在大会第六十六届会议主要会期会议上在秘书长第九次年度进展报告中向大会提出经订正的连带费用预计数。行政当局还指出,大会一直明确规定连带费用必须在基本建设总计划预算范围内匀支(见第65/269号决议)。审计委员会依然认为,实际上这将导致项目工程范围缩小,或项目预算增加,依然需要更加明确、确定地说明解决这个问题的方式。", "8. 基本建设总计划的益处", "83. 任何组织进行大规模的办公楼翻修通常都会因为提高业务效率而节省大量费用,例如通过效率和产出率更高的空间利用和工作方法或者能效的提高。就基本建设总计划而言,主要益处是使办公室适合预定用途(例如通过拆除石棉、更换陈旧的供热和通风系统等途径)。还确认将节省大量能源。", "84. 审计委员会注意到,能效是该项目的主要目的之一,而且基本建设总计划办公室定期监测实现该目标方面的情况,将其作为进行中的设计进程的一部分。审计委员会还注意到,行政当局抓住了基本建设总计划许多潜在的范围更广的益处,例如,借此机会将主要高级管理团队集中在秘书处大楼,以利开展更有效的团队协作,而不是像以前那样简单地将人员安置在大楼。行政当局还打算为许多职等的工作人员采用一种更现代的开放式办公空间办法(而不是以前采用的蜂窝式办公空间布局),这种办法可改善互动、团队协作以及沟通。", "85. 但是,审计委员会感到关切的是,行政当局未能利用这个机会促进更有效率地使用办公空间和实际节省费用,而是实行给每人分配一个办公桌的政策。实际上,从来没有一个组织100%的工作人员都同时坐在办公桌前的情况。因为工作人员出差、开会、请病假或休假,造成办公桌和办公室闲置。公共部门组织办公桌占用率为30%至50%的情况并非罕见。这意味着一个组织没有必要为足以供所有工作人员同时使用的办公桌和办公空间支付费用,可通过减少其支付费用的办公空间节省大量经费。", "86. 现在许多商业组织和公共部门组织都普遍采用了“办公桌轮用”做法,通过这种方法可灵活地使用办公桌空间,工作人员可以在任何空闲的办公桌使用计算机和工作,而不是为每个工作人员分配一个办公桌。各组织通过采取这种做法通常可减少30%的办公桌,从而大大节省办公空间租金、家具和能源费用。如果管理得当,并充分利用现有信息和通信技术,对业务成效并无负面影响,实际上因为能够方便地调移工作人员和灵活地重组团队而有所获益。", "87. 鉴于先前报告说费用可能超支,审计委员会认为,行政当局在最终确定联合国大院外办公楼座位分配办法之前应先研究如何利用这个减少费用的机会。如采用灵活的办公桌使用政策,秘书处大楼将可容纳更多的各部工作人员,联合国将得以进一步减少目前租用的办公楼。通过采取这样一项政策可使目前租金费用持续减少至少10%至20%,这并非不切合实际的期盼。", "88. 审计委员会还指出,基本建设总计划提供了一个重要的机会,促进记录和资料的数字化或者场外存档,从而简化办公记录管理。尽管基本建设总计划办公室在2008年发布了记录管理准则以指导数字化工作,但是秘书处大楼的楼层平面图上依然标有大量文件柜。咨询方案主管的预测表明,大楼的文件柜采购费用可达320万至640万美元,而且将占用大量楼层空间。", "89. 审计委员会的结论是,行政当局未能充分利用该项目可能提供的各种益处。", "90. 审计委员会建议行政当局:", "(a) 设立一个小规模的高级管理小组,负责审查该项目可能提供的各种益处,由一个独立的空间规划专家机构提供支助;", "(b) 确保该小组以系统、协调的方式审查各种益处。", "91. 审计委员会还建议行政当局考虑采取何种方式更有效率地使用空间,例如,采用“办公桌轮用”和减少实物文件柜空间的政策,并确保按照时间表迅速完成工作人员和办公室家具在联合国大院和其他办公楼内的搬迁。", "9. 更替规划和团队稳定性", "92. 基本建设总计划高度依赖少数的资深人员,这个问题被列入项目的风险登记册,其中提及一旦该团队的资深成员突然离开,可能失去相关知识,对决策和进度造成影响。随着项目完工日期邻近,这种风险将会加剧,因为此时个人,特别是那些持定期合同的个人,势必会关注自己今后的工作。这有可能导致项目工作人员的计划外减员。", "93. 基本建设总计划办公室共有26名工作人员,其中13人持长期合同,11人持定期合同,2人持短期合同,通常是临时人员合同。那些持长期合同的人将会寻找合适的内部职位,鉴于联合国内部征聘周期长,他们选定的离开日期可能不总是与基本建设总计划的剩余需要相一致。", "94. 审计委员会发现行政当局未制定有关计划,以使其在项目领导班子出现其他空缺时能够迅速填补。行政当局告知审计委员会,现行联合国人力资源管理细则和条例的规定使其无法制定这类计划,或作出快速反应。但是,审计委员会认为,确实存在无法迅速更替主要工作人员的风险,需要制定有效的减轻风险战略。", "95. 审计委员会建议行政当局制定一项减轻风险战略,以便在基本建设总计划办公室管理小组重要职位出现意外空缺时能够迅速填补。", "96. 审计委员会还建议行政当局考虑是否对参与联合国其他部门主要业务转型方案的其他小组也适用类似的安排。", "10. 采购", "国际采购", "97. 行政当局告知审计委员会,它从一开始就注意鼓励世界各地供应商最广泛地参与基本建设总计划。审计委员会注意到,基本建设总计划办公室继续探索让发展中国家和经济转型国家的供应商更多参与的各种途径。这包括登广告、举行巡回展和向各代表团发出普通照会,请其鼓励供应商投标。", "98. 截至2011年4月26日,从发展中国家和经济转型国家供应商采购的基本建设总计划物资和劳务略超过1 200万美元,占项目物资和劳务采购总量的2%。审计委员会确认,基本建设总计划办公室遵守联合国关于不得偏向任何特定国家投标者的采购规则。授予合同依据的是最低价格或最高性价比,行政当局告知审计委员会,东道国的供应商获得了大部分合同,原因是它们具有从当地而不是海外获取劳务和物资的相对优势。", "授标后审查委员会", "99. 审计委员会以前曾评论说,在基本建设总计划执行主任被授予很大权力的情况下,需要不断审查合同的授予和修订,以确保其符合联合国采购细则和条例,为今后的采购提供学习机会并对合同更改的合规性保持独立的管控。审计委员会在关于2008年12月31日终了年度的进展情况报告(A/64/5(Vol.V))中建议行政当局“采取适当措施,规范根据2007年11月15日核准的联合国主计长备忘录授予采购司司长的权力所进行的交易”。", "100. 审计委员会还建议,“只要不能保证事后审查程序,[行政当局]就应尽一切努力,让总部合同委员会在签署或修改总部合同委员会权力范围内的合同前,参与裁定过程”。审计委员会从更大的范围建议行政当局“考虑以何种方式和手段,大大加强对有关基本建设总计划的合同修改的内部控制”。", "101. 行政当局的回应是设立了向管理事务部报告的授标后审查委员会,对联合国内的采购进行审查和评论。该委员会将其职权范围理解为追溯审查价值在50万至500万美元的所有合同修改,以确定采购活动是否恰当。该委员会成立于2009年10月,但直到2010年4月才开始活动,原因是在就委员会的工作程序和成员达成一致意见方面出现拖延。", "102. 审计委员会了解到,授标后审查委员会在重审其工作程序,原因是其工作有很多积压。审计委员会作审计时,该委员会仅审查了154项相关合同修改中的13项。[6] 积压量目前还在增加,审计委员会担心,行政当局并没有从这个审查程序中获得更多的管控或时效价值。审计委员会还担心,如果当前的趋势继续下去,积压的工作可能会变得无法处理,并注意到基本建设总计划办公室的担心,即处理积压的工作也可能影响到采购司及时处理新合同和修订的能力,这又会影响到基本建设总计划的时间表。", "103. 审计委员会建议行政当局紧急审查授标后审查委员会的成效,以简化其工作,并在保证和管控的需要与维持项目时间表和保证采购司工作的需要之间找到恰当平衡。", "C. 鸣谢", "104. 审计委员会对主管管理事务副秘书长和主管基本建设总计划事务助理秘书长及其工作人员向审计委员会工作人员提供的合作和协助表示感谢。", "中国审计长 联合国审计委员会主席 刘家义(签名)", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国主计长兼审计长 (审计组长) 埃米亚斯·莫尔斯(签名)", "南非审计长 特伦斯·农本贝(签名)", "2011年7月12日", "附件一", "审计委员会关于2009年12月31日终了年度的各项建议执行情况^(a)", "建议概述 段落 首次提出建议的 已执行 执行中 未执行 因事态发展 财政期间 而不能执行", "1 完善捐助政策以明确以往赞助方的地位 31 2009 X", "2 审查与基本建设总计划相关的租金方面未清债务 43 2009 X", "3 审查基本建设总计划基金与其他基金的租金分担 44 2009 X", "4 在年度进展情况报告中列入关于项目总费用趋势及其原因的分析 51 2009 X", "5 详细说明用来估算项目费用的经济情况假定 57 2009 X (2007年首次提出)", "6 重新评估价值评估工程方案的益处 62 2009 X", "7 尽量减少变更单要求 67 2009 X", "8 对建筑费用超支的原因进行分类 73 2009 X", "9 将为意外开支编列的经费与为预估费用上涨编列的经费区分开来 79 2009 X (2008年首次提出)", "10 重新评估意外开支准备金的范围和金额是否适当 84 2009 X", "11 扩大预估费用上涨准备金的范围,将专业人员费和管理费纳入其中 87 2009 X", "12 为项目时间表的拖延编列经费,并继续考虑如何减轻拖延的情况 99 2009 X 2008年首次提出", "13 一次性确定与翻修工作空间有关的所有主要措施 102 2009 X", "14 对逐步迁回秘书处大厦部分楼层的做法进行成本效益分析 104 2009 X", "15 对推迟会议楼合同谈判进行成本效益分析 110 2009 X", "16 防止在签订工程合同后项目出现任何有关会议楼功能的变化 112 2009 X", "17 对推迟大会大楼合同谈判一事进行成本效益分析 115 2009 X", "18 把就地下室房间的使用和配置提出的变更单要求减少到最低限度 118 2009 X", "19 加快让授标后审查委员会投入运作 129 2009 X", "20 改进对修改文件的管理 147 2009 X", "共计 9 5 2 4", "占总数的百分比 45 25 10 20", "^(a) 见《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5),第五卷。", "附件二", "项目时间表", "截至2011年3月的项目时间表见下文。该日期之后的时间表变动见本报告附件三和B.6节。", "基本建设 2007年9月^(a) 2008年10月^(b) 2009年9月^(c) 2010年10月^(d) 2011年3月^(e) 总计划的方面", "开工 完成 开工 完成 开工 完成 开工 完成 开工 完成", "基本建设总计划 2008年初 2013年中 2008年初 2013年中 2008年底 2013年底 2008年中 2013年底 2008年中 2014年中 项目总时间表", "修建北草坪 2008年初 2009年中 2008年初 2009年中 2008年中 2009年底 2008年中 2009年底 2008年中 2009年底 会议大楼", "秘书处大厦 2009年初 2012年初 2009年初 2012年初 2009年底 2012年中 2010年初 2012年中 2010年初 2012年中", "会议楼 2009年中 2011年中 2009年中 2011年中 2009年底 2011年底 2010年初 2012年初 2010年初 2012年底", "大会大楼 2011年中 2013年中 2011年中 2013年中 2011年底 2013年底 2012年初 2013年底 2012年底 2014年中", "南配楼 2011年初 2012年初 2011年初 2012年初 2011年底 2013年初 2012年初 2013年中 待定 待定", "图书馆楼 2012年初 2013年初 2012年初 2013年初 2013年初 2013年底 2012年初 2013年底 待定 待定", "庭院园林设计 2011年中 2013年中 2009年中 2013年中 2011年中 2013年底 2011年中 2011年底 2011年中 2014年中", "拆除北草坪 2013年中 2013年中 2013年中 2013年中 — — — — — — 会议大楼", "说明:秘书长年度进展情况报告中报告的进度表没有提到楼群地下层的工程。总进度表显示,这些工程将在整个项目期间持续进行,并在2014年年中完成。", "^(a) 见A/62/364(加速战略四最初时间表)。", "^(b) 见A/63/477。", "^(c) 见A/64/346。", "^(d) 见A/65/511。", "^(e) 基本建设总计划办公室2011年3月向大会提供的补充信息。", "附件三", "基本建设总计划时间表中重大不确定之处", "基本建设总计划的方面\t不确定之处 \n富兰克林·罗斯福行车道的强化安保升级\t升级将涉及车道的关闭和结构性工程,需要州和市当局的许可。基本建设总计划办公室正在同上述当局联系,以拟订必要的工作时间表。不过,审计委员会强调这一问题是时间表的一个风险,因为得到许可对整个项目来说是一个关卡。据基本建设总计划办公室说,这一工作拖延一天,项目的完成就会拖延一天。\n\t为使工程按计划进行,至关重要的是,工程许可应允许一周至少四个晚上可以开工。即使商定了工程许可,这方面计划工程的时间表仍有许多不确定之处。一些施工只能在晚上进行,而且由于该工程大部分内容的性质,难以精确估计施工活动所需时间。\n会议楼\t对强化安保升级对时间表产生的影响的最初评估是,会议楼的完工将推迟到2013年。因这一日期不可接受,遂要求施工管理方修订时间表,减少给予每项任务的时间,并计划一些施工活动同时进行,由此将预计完工时间定在2012年12月21日。施工管理方在其2011年3月的月报中将此称为“抢时间进度表”,该公司还列出了为按时完工行政当局必须完成的一些关键行动。\n\t但是,基本建设总计划的总时间表尚不包括强化安保升级工程的所有方面。施工管理方正在更新时间表,但在提交本报告时,规划工作所依据的是当时图纸完成了60%的“施工文件”。最早在2011年5月27日才会产生完整的会议楼图纸。\n\t会议楼时间表只给出六周的时间,用于从施工管理方提交对最高限价保证合同的第一次修正到行政当局核可并签署该修正的过程。这一过程通常需要113天,或约16周(见B.6节)。虽然相对批准一项新的最高限价保证合同而言,批准一项最高限价保证合同的修正可能会需要较少的时间,但审计委员会认为,在时间表中给予这么短的时限是一种风险。\n\t同样,会议楼永久广播设施时间表中给予批准和签署最高限价保证合同的时间只有六周。如果没有永久广播设施,会议楼就不能够提供核心职能。审计委员会同样认为,给予这么短的六周时间对项目关键路径上的这项活动造成风险。\n大会大楼\t大会大楼定于2014年年中完工,以供2014年下半年进行一般性辩论所用。设计处在100%完成施工文件的阶段,不过,将在2011年期间编制一套更加详细的施工文件,届时该大楼的时间表就会更加确定。\n达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼\t图书馆和南配楼的翻新属于项目的范围。但是,基本建设总计划办公室尚不能针对最近的安保评估就这些建筑提出令人满意的设计方案。设计工作已暂缓,现不清楚这方面的进展将会如何。虽然项目的高级总时间表显示了这项工程的指示性完工日期,但基本建设总计划的详细总时间表没有显示与这些建筑相关的采购和施工活动。\n第一大道新增安保措施\t作为强化安保升级的一个部份,将在第一大道增加新的安保措施。这是基本建设总计划项目的一个新增工程。计划在纽约市政当局拥有的土地上安装护柱、移动花坛和抗冲击装置和建造安检楼。因此,这项工程将需要同市政当局和公用事业公司进行周密联络。\n拆除北草坪会议大楼\t虽然大会在第65/269号决议中重申应拆除北草坪会议大楼,但拆除工作没有列入项目的每月时间表,秘书长的年度进展情况报告中也没有包括这项工程的时间表。不过,审计委员会的理解是,这项工程可能将在大会大楼完工后、在2014年下半年进行。\n地下楼层基础设施\t事实证明联合国楼群地下楼层的工程很困难,并有相当多的变更。不断的变更给时间表造成很大的不确定性。一个具体的不确定之处是装卸码头的时间表。设计意图尚未确定,而且工程可能会造成第四十八街交通流量的变化,因此需要有纽约市政当局的批准。\n秘书处大厦\t秘书处大厦的时间表原先是按自上而下的建筑和装修次序而定的。基本建设总计划办公室现在改变了计划,已请施工管理方先完成17至27层的施工,然后在较短的时限内完成1至10层的施工。最高限价保证合同中列出的整个大楼完工日期是2012年9月3日,但基本建设总计划办公室和施工管理方已非正式商定在2012年7月1日之前完成1至10层的施工。该办公室现想要将这一日期提前至2012年6月1日。这一时间表极具挑战,几乎没有出岔或延迟的余地。如果出现任何问题,就可能需要拨出更多资金来加速项目的构成成分;但这也会因秘书处大厦仅有一架外部升降机而受到限制。", "附件四", "强化安保升级费用细目", "(百万美元)", "受升级影响的地点\t预计升级费用\t升级工程 \n会议楼\t89.53\t富兰克林·罗斯福行车道和会议楼及相关地下楼层重大结构加固\n第一大道及参观者和工作人员安检设施\t31.96\t在人行道上安装护柱并可能安装大门和其他装置。在尽量远离楼群的地方建两栋安检楼,可能建在纽约市拥有的土地上\n原已编入预算但现不再需要的工程\t(21.93)\t强化安保升级之前的预算包括了一些结构性工程(设计和管理费用)的款项,这些工程已不再需要\n 共计 99.56^(a)", "来源:基本建设总计划强化安保升级高级费用概算每月跟踪报告(2011年4月)。", "^(a) 包括建筑费用(82 185 000美元)、专业人员费和管理费(10 713 000美元)以及应急款(6 659 000美元)(来源:基本建设总计划办公室在2011年3月向大会提供的补充资料)。", "11-40391 (C) 0580811 080811", "*1140391*", "[1] 在用于安保工程的1亿美元中,7 000万美元用于会议楼工程,3 000万美元用于第一大道工程。", "[2] 项目的建筑合同中包括用于具体不确定因素的宽限额。施工管理方须通过宽限申请获得联合国的批准方可使用这些宽限款。", "[3] 特纳建筑费用指数是显示美国市场建筑费用变化情况的一个参照数。平均指数表明2009年出现-8.4%的严重通货紧缩2010年为-4.0%。该指数由以下因素决定:劳工费用和生产率;材料价格;市场竞争条件。", "[4] 基本建设总计划办公室于2011年3月向大会提供的补充资料。", "[5] 系统家具系指办公空间内不可移动的家具,例如隔间、隔板、工作台面和搁架。见A/65/ 511/Add.1,第44段。", "[6] 授标后审查委员会对每一项合同修改的审查均包括审查若干项变更单。" ]
A_66_5 (VOL. V)
[ "联 合 国", "审计委员会的报告", "2010年12月31日终了年度", "第五卷 基本建设总计划", "大 会", "正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第5号", "大 会 正式记录 第六十六届会议 补编第5号", "[联合国]2011年,纽约", "审计委员会的报告", "2010年12月31日终了年度", "第五卷 基本建设总计划", "A/66/5(第五卷)", "ISSN 0257-0815 (英语).", "说明", "联合国文件都用英文大写字母附加数字编号。 凡是提到这种编号,就是指联合国的某一个文件。", "目录", "页面通讯. iv\n发送\nA. 任务、5个范围和\nB. 调查结果5和\n建议 1. 审计委员会以往建议的后续行动5\n2. 背景 6 和财务\n3. 主要8个领域\n进展 4. 变化 10\n控制 5. 将14个建筑物移交给设施管理部门\n服务6. 项目15\n7. 预算. 18\n管理层 8. 基本建设总计划25周年\n9. 继任26个规划和团队\n稳定\n10. 采购. 27\nC. 承认. 28\n12月31日终了年度各项建议的执行情况\n二. 项目31\n三. 基本建设总计划内的32个不确定领域\n(单位:千美元) 加强安保费用详情34\n升级", "联合国大会主席", "联合国", "[2011年7月12日]", "谨转递审计委员会关于基本建设总计划2010年12月31日终了年度的报告。", "刘家义(签名)", "审计委员会关于基本建设总计划2010年12月31日终了年度的报告", "内容提要\n纽约联合国总部的20亿美元翻修,即基本建设总计划,是一个复杂、高价值和引人注目的翻修项目,涉及1950年建筑风格的标志性开发的现代化、保障和建筑保护。 该项目涉及治理和利益攸关方管理方面的挑战,无论何时,都必须维持重要的联合国行动,其中许多必须在施工期间留在校园内。\n大会第57/292号决议强调对基本建设总计划的拟订和执行进行监督的重要性,并请审计委员会就该项目编写一份年度报告。 本报告载有审计委员会按照大会要求对基本建设总计划进展情况进行年度审查的结果和建议。 审计委员会的总体结论\n审计委员会认识到,在基本建设总计划方面有一些重要的进展领域。 6 000多名工作人员被从以前地点迁入临时办公室,建筑工程的重要内容大致按计划进行。 审计委员会还看到基本建设总计划中的良好做法领域的证据,例如在基本建设总计划办公室、其专业顾问和主要承包商之间工作的统筹小组。 预算和时间表风险\n尽管取得了这些进展,基本建设总计划仍面临重大挑战。 截至2011年3月31日,预计该项目预算超支7 900万美元(4%),项目的关键部分现在落后于计划。 审计委员会指出,这一费用预测不包括确定风险的最可能费用,也不包括对所有变更单费用进行可靠和可审计的估计,直至项目完成,也不包括预测反映所有预计周转空间租金费用。 因此,审计委员会认为,这种情况比改善更有可能恶化,但如果行政当局能够迅速采取坚决行动,充分解决本报告所关切的问题,就可以将进一步超支和拖延减少到最低程度。 该项目面临以下相当大的费用和时间压力: 越来越明显的是,“连带费用”(与项目有关,但不在核心范围或预算中)不能象大会以前要求的那样被项目所吸收,除非范围被大幅度缩小...... 估计未来费用的办法,如最可能确定的风险或未来变更单的费用,没有充分的分析。 这导致无法确定其余的意外开支备抵是否足以使项目完成,或目前的报告超支是否会进一步增加。 虽然根据目前的计划,工作人员首次返回秘书处的工作预计将在2007年9月公布的完成预测(加速战略)后三个月开始,但该项目有时间滞后的历史。 预测往往较为乐观,会议和大会大楼的时间表大大低于先前的估计,原因如下:\n二. 支助 与达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼有关的安保要求仍然没有可行的设计解决办法,该项目的这些内容目前被搁置。\n随着项目接近完成,一些风险会过去,意外费用增加的可能性会减少。 但是,基本建设总计划吸收更多时间或成本压力的能力现在有限,审计委员会的结论是,在提交本报告时,还有大量额外风险,即费用会进一步增加和拖延。 效益和效率机会\n行政当局正在努力通过在秘书处大楼内同地办公并采用开放式计划而不是手机办公空间,实现基本建设总计划提出的改进通信和团队工作的更广泛机会。 然而,审计委员会感到关切的是,行政当局没有结构化的程序来界定项目应实现的预期效益,或尽量扩大这些效益;它也没有充分利用改进办公室解决办法的潜力,例如灵活的办公桌使用政策,这种政策可以通过让更多的工作人员在秘书处办公来提供节省费用的重大机会,从而减少目前的租金负债和潜在的费用超支。 这种好处仍然是可以实现的,但行政当局需要采取严格的、高度支持的变革管理办法,以处理工作人员工作做法中不可避免的必要文化变革。\n总体而言,审计委员会的结论是,尽管基本建设总计划取得了进展,但该项目正进入一个关键阶段,管理出乎意料的问题的灵活性以及对成本和时间的压力已大大减少。 现在很清楚,该项目将延迟交付。 在基本建设总计划办公室2007年9月发布完成预测(加速战略)后三个月,将开始工作人员首次迁回秘书处大楼。 大会大楼和会议楼目前预计会推迟一年,图书馆和南配楼的计划工程规模有可能缩小。 目前的费用预测为7 900万美元(4%)超出预算,而且存在重大风险,如果不坚决减轻这些风险,就可能进一步增加拖延并增加费用,超出目前预计的超支。 行政当局必须果断行动,才能实现这一一代人的翻修所带来的全部好处和机会。 主要结论和建议\n项目完成日期从2013年中滑至2014年中,费用预测比大会目前核准的订正预算大约高出4%,其中考虑到对加强安全保障的承诺和资金。 基本建设总计划办公室报告说,整个项目的预计最终费用为20.61亿美元,比预算约多出7 900万美元,大会大楼在2014年年中完工将比订正的加速时间表中规定的日期晚一年,主要原因是安保相关范围的变化。 重大压力已经并继续对项目的费用、时间安排和范围产生影响,包括新的安全要求,需要大约1亿美元的保护性工作,并由东道国供资。\n总体成本预测没有明确考虑到变更单的成本,或在风险登记册中为风险的最可能成本编列经费。 对这样一个项目进行准确和透明的费用预测至关重要,这样管理层和负责治理的人员才能迅速和有效地采取行动,保持全面的预算控制。 在提交本报告时,费用预测不包括在项目完成之前所有更改单费用的可靠计算和可接受估计数,也没有为最可能确定的风险费用编列经费。 租用临时回旋空间的全部费用也需要评估和反映在费用预测中。 因此,审计委员会无法保证完成项目的预测费用的准确性。\n由于达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼缺乏可行的设计解决方案,该项目的这些内容被搁置了。 基本建设总计划办公室在评估了建筑物对爆炸影响的承受能力后,暂停了设计,等待与纽约市当局和邻近财产所有者进一步讨论,其计划可能对解决方案产生影响。 该办公室告知审计委员会,翻修图书馆和南配楼的最新预测费用为6 500万美元。 基本建设总计划的商定预算没有分别列出这些建筑物的费用。\n基本建设总计划办公室没有能力在其预算内匀支相关费用(约1.46亿美元)。 连带费用是项目所必需,但不属于项目的直接责任范围,也没有列入基本建设总计划的最初预算。 虽然大会要求基本建设总计划承担这些费用,但审计委员会的结论是,如果不减少计划范围,不增加项目已报告的费用超支,这已不再是无稽之谈的要求。\n基本建设总计划缺乏对项目变动量的有效控制,并继续经历由最终用户和不完整的设计所驱动的大量变动。 改变是所有建筑项目的共同特点,但可能导致延误和费用增加。 因此,有效的改变控制是一个公认的成功因素,通常在设计阶段和设计完成后的改变过程的早期就充分咨询了事件占用者或用户,其特点是有明确的规则、强有力的治理和强有力的管理,以尽量减少变化。 基本建设总计划一些阶段的设计在初始合同招标时尚未完成,为了保护项目时间表,合同是在设计不完整的基础上故意授予的。 在这种情况下,更有必要制定有效程序,以尽量减少和控制变化,预测未来变化的可能成本并高效地处理变化订单。 基本建设总计划办公室有一个强有力的程序,一旦变更单出现,就处理这些变更单,但行政当局尚未建立一个有效的系统,从一开始就尽量减少变更的数量,如果现在不解决,变革的持续速度和解决变更问题所需的时间会增加费用和延误。\n基本建设总计划办公室向设施管理处移交工作是一个重大风险领域。 设施管理处借鉴北草坪大楼移交工作的经验教训(这不是一个平稳的进程),正在征聘更多工作人员与基本建设总计划合作,为其业务工作人员提供额外培训并聘请一名咨询人支持移交工作。 尽管采取了这些积极行动,理事会仍将该处的准备状态视为一个高风险领域,因为项目移交阶段的任何拖延都会大大增加费用。\n根据上述审计结果,审计委员会在本报告正文中提出了详细建议。 行政当局接受审计委员会的所有建议,但有一个例外:建议在为连带费用供资方面确定更多的确定性。 行政当局认为,大会第65/269号决议明确指出,这些费用由基本建设总计划预算匀支。 行政当局和审计委员会对这个问题的评论载于第80至82段。 总而言之,主要建议是:基本建设总计划办公室加强预测未来费用的方法,包括对所有变更单费用进行严格计算和可接受估计,直至项目完成,并允许最可能发生的已查明风险费用。 行政当局审查图书馆和南配楼的情况,并决定前进的方向。 行政当局和负责治理的人员迅速解决连带费用引起的无法维持的局面。 行政当局建立有效的变革控制治理,以尽量减少用户驱动的变革\n二. 支助 行政当局每季度监测设施管理处同基本建设总计划办公室之间的委托安排。 以往建议的执行情况\n审计委员会在其关于2009年12月31日的报告(A/65/5(Vol.V))中提出的20项建议中,9项(45%)已充分执行,5项(25%)正在执行,5项(25%)未执行,其中3项现已被新建议所取代,1项(5%)已因事态发展而过时。 审计委员会重申其上次报告中的建议,这些建议尚未被事态发展所取代或取代,但尚未得到充分执行。", "A类. 任务、范围和方法", "1. 联合国 基本建设总计划是翻修纽约联合国总部大院。 该办公室是根据大会第55/238号决议设立的,最初由联合国经常预算批款供资。 然后,大会第57/292号决议第二节第24段为基本建设总计划设立了一个特别账户。 随后,从会员国摊款中为特别账户拨款。 基本建设总计划的财务状况作为联合国财务报表报表九(联合国资本资产和在建工程)的一部分列报(见A/66/5(Vol.I))。 任何未用经费余额将转入下一个两年期,直至项目完成。", "2. 联合国 大会第57/292号决议强调必须监督基本建设总计划的制定和执行,并请审计委员会就该项目向大会提交年度报告。", "3个 在起草本报告时,审计委员会审查了自编写上次报告(A/65/5(Vol.V))以来基本建设总计划的进展情况,以及确定和管理与该项目有关的风险的方式。 委员会审查的主要目标是:", "二. 支助 评估执行委员会先前建议的进展情况", "二. 支助 评估自审计委员会上一份年度报告以来基本建设总计划的进展情况", "二. 支助 评估基本建设总计划能否在预算和预定时间表内交付", "二. 支助 提出旨在进一步加强基本建设总计划管理的新建议。", " 4.四. 审计委员会同内部监督事务厅密切合作,了解最近内部审计的结果,协调各自的审计工作并尽量减少对基本建设总计划办公室的要求。", "5 (韩语). 本报告述及审计委员会认为应提请大会注意的事项。 委员会的意见和结论已同行政当局讨论,行政当局的意见已适当反映在本报告中。", "B. 审计结果和建议", "1. 联合国 审计委员会以往建议的后续行动", "6. 国家 在审计委员会关于2009年12月31日终了年度的报告(A/65/5(Vol.V))中提出的20项建议中,9项(45%)已充分执行,5项(25%)正在执行,5项(25%)未执行。 尚未执行的五个项目涉及以下事项:", "二. 支助 在基本建设总计划之前,园区周围有13个地区得到了会员国的赞助,在翻修后,它们是否将继续作为这些地区的赞助者尚不清楚。 审计委员会曾建议改进关于基本建设总计划项目期间和之后这些担保的处理和恢复的政策,以澄清这一问题。 审计委员会重申其先前的建议。", "二. 支助 审计委员会注意到,关于建立合同授予后审查程序的建议已经得到落实,但这一进程并未如预期的那样发挥作用。 审计委员会在本报告B.10节中再次述及这一点。", "二. 支助 其余三项建议涉及费用预测和应急安排,现已被本报告中的新建议所取代。", "7. 联合国 审计委员会重申其上次报告中尚未被取代但尚未充分执行的建议(见A/65/5(Vol.V),第31、62、67、112、118、129和147段)。 委员会还认为,该报告提出的一项建议(5%)现已被事态发展所取代。 它涉及会议楼合同谈判的拖延。 改变会议楼计划以列入新的安保要求意味着这项建议因事态发展而过时。", "2. 背景和财务状况", "8. 联合国 在1990年代后期,确定需要对纽约联合国总部进行全面翻修。 2000年6月,秘书长关于基本建设总计划的报告(A/55/117)明确阐述了翻修的必要性并提出了各种可能的办法。 首选方案是为期六年的翻修,耗资约9.64亿美元,涉及任何时候最多占校园30%的建筑活动。", "9. 国家 从2000年起,进一步拟订了设计和建筑费用估计数,秘书长于2003年2月设立了基本建设总计划办公室来交付该项目。 大会对项目进行正式监督,虽然秘书长负责项目目标的实现,但这一责任已下放给主管管理事务副秘书长,他还负责提供一系列服务,支助联合国在纽约的业务。 基本建设总计划执行主任向主管管理事务副秘书长报告。", "10个 2. 2005年11月,秘书长在其关于基本建设总计划执行情况的第三次年度进展报告(A/60/550)中,提出了执行基本建设总计划的预算15.88亿美元。 秘书长在2006年10月的第四次年度进展报告(A/61/549)中解释说,预算已增至16.46亿美元,因为市场条件的变化增加了建筑成本和专业费。 秘书长在其报告中还认识到需要扩大范围,包括增加爆破安保和信息技术备份系统及安保。 扩大范围后,项目预计总费用为18.77亿美元。 2006年12月22日,大会第61/251号决议决定核准订正项目预算和拟议的分阶段施工办法(战略四)。", "11个 2007年9月,秘书长在其第五次年度进展报告(A/62/364)中注意到战略四的执行出现延误,并提到联合国决策的复杂性和基本建设总计划执行主任辞职。 秘书长估计,该项目的最后费用为20.96亿美元,比预算多出2.2亿美元,主要原因是进度延误以及价格通货膨胀对建筑和租金费用的影响。", "12个 秘书长随后提出了加速战略四,涉及较短的翻修期、较少的施工阶段和较少地干扰联合国业务。 订正最后费用估计数为20.67亿美元,比预算多出1.9亿美元。 大会在其第62/87号决议中注意到秘书长关于加速战略四的建议。", "13个 目前正在执行加速战略四。 2010年10月,秘书长在其第八次年度进展报告(A/65/511)中说,75%的基本建设总计划承付款已经采购并锁定,预计费用为19.57亿美元,比预算多出约8 000万美元。", "14个 截至2010年12月31日,基本建设总计划的累计支出为13.35亿美元(见表1)。 2010年支出减少(2010年为4.06亿美元,而2009年为5.84亿美元),是因为基本建设总计划办公室需要解决下文B.3节所述加强安保升级问题,导致施工活动延迟:", "表1 基本建设总计划支出", "支出 占美元总额(千美元)的份额(百分比)\n项目2007^(a) 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 2007年 ^(a) 2007年 2008年 2009年 2010年 总计 共计", "薪金和8 414 3 236 3 999 5 005 5 080 25 734 12.2 7.0 1.7 0.9 1.3 其他工作人员支出", "旅费 74 25 30 35 9 173 0.1 0.0 0.0", "合同 58 425 30 279 105 21 145 23 920 238 838 84.6 65.3 45.8 3.6 17.9 服务 069", "运营 1 865 9 9 912 20 189 35 626 84 835 152 427 2.7 21.4 8.8 6.1 20.9 11.6 费用", "购置 284 2 942 100 522 292 917 729 0.4 6.3 43.7 89.4 72.0 68.7 324 030 149", "小计 69 062 46 394 229 583 405 1 334 100 100 100 100 100 611 841 993 901", "上期债务的注销额", "共计 67 531 46 384 228 581 398 1 322 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 173 786 931 805", "资料来源:2010年12月31日终了的2010-2011两年期12个月期间联合国临时财务报表和审计委员会的计算。", "^(a) 2007年之前的期间为2001至2006年。", "15个 本报告B.7节说明了基本建设总计划预算现已如何修订,以纳入更多的供资范围和来源。 截至2011年2月底,基本建设总计划办公室咨询人方案主管的最新预测是,目前预计费用为20.61亿美元,比订正预算多出约7 900万美元。 审计委员会注意到,这一预测没有包括确定风险最可能发生的费用以及项目完成前所有变更单费用的可靠和可审计估计数,也没有反映所有预计周转空间租金费用。", "3个 主要进展领域", "16号. 基本建设总计划是一个具有挑战性的大型翻修项目。 这些项目对新建项目具有特殊风险,因为现有结构的状况往往难以准确调查。 在现有条件下发现出乎意料的问题很晚,这可能导致更多的工作、费用和时间延误。 就联合国校园等旧建筑而言,缺乏原有的“已建”建筑记录可能尤其具有挑战性。 此外,治理、通信和利益攸关方管理也十分复杂。 这种复杂性要求严格的项目控制和进程。 审计委员会看到基本建设总计划内良好做法领域的证据,例如基本建设总计划办公室、其专业顾问和主要承包商之间的统筹小组。", "17岁。 在上述关于2009年12月31日终了年度的报告中,审计委员会报告说,基本建设总计划比加速战略四的初步时间表晚了大约六个月,基本建设总计划办公室预计最后费用为19.72亿美元,比18.77亿美元的预算高出9 520万美元。 然而,审计委员会注意到,整个项目在2010年受到设计改变的影响,而设计改变是为了加强结构保护,防止爆炸。 在2010年之前的几年里,恐怖主义威胁的频率和强度不断上升,有时是针对联合国的,这意味着不断对安全标准进行审查,同时不断改变对基本建设总计划设计标准的影响的认识。", "18岁。 一般而言,联合国承担在场地界限内维持安全环境的费用,有关东道国(或任何有关的政治分区)负责维持超出联合国场地限度的安全。 在纽约,由于联合国大楼在富兰克林·D·罗斯福出行道上架,情况特别复杂。 实际边界不是纵向的,因此联合国和东道国的安全责任不如通常明确。 有必要就东道国和联合国各自的责任、采取联合行动的必要性以及在联合国内部达成明确的谅解,尽管人们日益认识到可能需要对会议楼进行修改,但一段时间以来,其性质和范围仍然不明确。", " 19. 19. 情况在2010年底变得具体化,东道国当局和联合国就设计要求、实际解决办法和各自责任达成了协议,随后在2011年1月与东道国达成了协议,为所谓的“加强安保升级”追加费用约1亿美元。 [1] 2011年4月,大会第65/269号决议授权实施加强安保措施。 设法解决安全问题是会议楼竣工日期被推迟9个月的主要原因,这给大会竣工日期造成9个月的延误。 审计委员会在本报告有关章节中就加强安保升级对项目时间表、范围和费用的影响作出评论。", "20号. 在提交本报告时,基本建设总计划是根据22个“保证最高价”合同交付的,包括7个保证最高价提议,这些提议已并入1个保证最高价合同。 对合同的更改是逐个定价和评价的,合同规模已足够大,因此任何变更单都不大可能造成干扰。 然而,多合同安排确实造成了以下风险:", "二. 支助 如果保证最高限价合同的预期范围必须改变,变化的成本可能意味着金钱价值下降,特别是如果变化给供应商造成干扰并降低效率的话。", "二. 支助 确保各种设计与施工合同之间的协调,实现高效而平稳地安排工程流动时间,并避免包件在范围上的差距或不一致,变得更具挑战性.", "21岁 审计委员会认识到,联合国继续承担上述领域的风险,但注意到基本建设总计划小组正在采取合理步骤来尽量减少财务和时间表风险。 鉴于设计一开始就没有准备好,而且实际上仍未完成,为项目的全部范围订立单一的最高限价保证合同是不切实际的。 如果采用单一的保证最高价合同办法,承包商很可能提交较高的价格,以反映风险的增加,而这不代表物有所值。 项目组充分理解多种最高限价保证合同办法的风险,以及尽量减少变更单和协调最高限价保证合同间接口的重要性,以控制成本并保护进度.", "22号. 虽然该项目目前预测会出现重大延误,预计大会大楼和会议大楼将推迟一年,但鉴于项目小组面临的复杂性和挑战,审计委员会承认已取得的进展。 这些成就包括:北草坪大楼竣工,工作人员迁入临时回旋空间办公用房,涉及约6 000人搬迁,同时维持联合国业务并继续开展大会业务。", "23. 联合国 自委员会上次报告以来取得的进展重点包括在北草坪大楼地下二层完成一个新的技术中心以及其他重要基础设施工程。 秘书处大楼和会议楼也安装了人员,以便开始清除石棉和其他拆除工作。 在审计时,秘书处大楼39个楼层中的21个已拆除和拆除了石棉,到2011年4月底,该楼18个楼层的新玻璃幕墙已安装完毕。", " 4.四. 更改控制", "24 (韩语). 一旦工程在任何建筑项目中开工,就可以并确实发生改变。 高水平的变化是一种风险,因为有可能增加成本并拖延项目交付。 实际上,有效的改变控制是成功的建筑项目的一个公认的特点,在这种项目中,往往经过广泛磋商之后,设计工作最后敲定,制定了明确的规则并建立了强有力的治理和管理,以尽量减少变化。 审计委员会和内部监督事务厅(监督厅)在前几次报告中都对基本建设总计划内的变化程度表示关切。 有鉴于此,审计委员会再次分析了项目的变化程度。", "25岁 审计委员会发现,基本建设总计划继续经历来自各种来源的重大变化。 计划的设计没有按时完成,为了保护项目时间表,保证最高价合同是在不完全的设计基础上故意授予的。 这是一项战略,随着设计进一步发展,可能需要大量变更单,因此,必须制定有效程序来尽量减少不必要的变更,预测未来变更的可能费用并高效地处理变更单。 总部各部门的未来用户正在产生其他变化。", "26. 联合国 基本建设总计划办公室有一个强有力的程序,一旦变更单出现,即予以处理。 然而,行政当局尚未建立一个有效的系统,从一开始就将变化的数量减少到最低程度,因此,该项目的特点是正在进行大量费用高昂的变化。 基本建设总计划内的变更单总量和价值继续增加,截至2011年4月5日,施工经理已发出1 116份变更单请求,价值约为1.03亿美元。 图一和图二显示,自项目开始以来,变更单的数量和价值都呈持续趋势。 这些数字还表明,变化的速度相当稳定,虽然随着项目接近完成,这一速度势必会下降,但还没有这种下降的迹象。", "图一 变更单累计数", "[]", "资料来源:基本建设总计划办公室持有的变更单数据分析。", "图二 变更单累计价值", "[]", "资料来源:基本建设总计划办公室持有的变更单数据分析。", "27个 审计委员会认为,如果行政当局不采取行动处理这些变化的原因,图一和图二显示的趋势很可能继续下去。 由于项目时间表承受了压力,因此出现了一个变化速度将造成额外延误的时刻。 此外,由于剩余的意外开支现已减少,变化趋势对基本建设总计划在所分配的预算内完成工作的能力造成严重压力。 委员会在本报告后期对这些问题作出评论。", "28岁 基本建设总计划要求在工程开始前核准承包商的费用估计数。 如果核准时限被判断为延误了在关键道路上的工作,则有一个称为“有待确定的变更单价值”进程的加速程序。 为了保护关键的道路,这一进程涉及在承包商提供确定价格之前启动工程。 该程序是2010年3月根据监督厅的建议设立的,监督厅建议基本建设总计划办公室应停止使用工作授权表启动工程,这些工程将作为对最高限价保证合同的修改纳入其中,并确保变更单在相关工程开始之前获得批准。", "29. 国家 基本建设总计划办公室向审计委员会通报了根据审计委员会临时建议对变更单流程作出的改进,例如,施工经理与该办公室每周举行会议,确定变更单的优先次序。 然而,审计委员会发现,变更单核准程序仍然是劳力密集和费时的。 应办公室或施工经理的要求,可提出变更单。 施工经理从贸易承包商那里获得所需工作的费用估计,一旦符合估计,就将其送交办公室核准。 然后,这些命令须经设计人员、方案管理员顾问、项目经理和办公室建筑主任审查后才能批准。 变更单可以使用既定采购程序核准,也可以由基本建设总计划执行主任授权核准。", "30岁。 根据监督厅的建议(见A/63/266),授予执行主任核准变更单的权力,但须经授标后合同审查委员会事后审查。 授权有限,因此执行主任核准的合同变更单总额不能超过合同价值的10%,单一订单不能超过500万美元。 下放的权力不包括对项目范围作重大修改的权力,审计委员会注意到,大会第65/269号决议授权加强安保升级工作。", "31岁 在许多主要公共部门项目中,审计委员会意识到,在项目小组内,授权水平被用来提高变更单进程的速度,确保较低价值的变更单由较低职等工作人员评价,较高价值的变更单由高级管理层评价。 基本建设总计划项目组内没有这种授权,这是不寻常的。 委员会在2010年11月审查该问题时,变更单以及津贴申请平均需要114个工作日才能解决。 [2] 截至2011年4月5日,审计委员会发现这一进程平均比2010年11月多出4天,即118天。 基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,大多数处理时间涉及建筑和工程公司更改订单请求的合法性评价以及方案管理公司的费用审查。", "32. 联合国 审计委员会认为,变更单程序仍然太费时。 对贸易承包商来说,由此造成的拖延是有问题的,因为这一过程拖延了对承包商的付款,并对他们的现金流动产生不利影响。 施工经理认为这是一种风险,有可能减少贸易承包商的商誉,并由于延误和中断而增加索赔的可能性。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会建议基本建设总计划办公室大幅缩短变更单核准过程的处理时间和积压时间,以便承包商在合同规定的时限内获得付款,或在完成变更单后30天内获得付款。 后一种安排符合根据最高限价保证合同付款的时间。", "管理用户要求的更改", "34. 国家 委员会注意到,工作人员迁入临时回旋空间的过程导致大量变化,使人们对用户的行为和项目以需求为主导的改革管理程序的有效性有了有益的见解。 虽然占领者希望对其空间进行许多修改,但按照目前的安排,他们不对其要求的修改费用负责。 如项目风险登记册所确认,特别是在秘书处大楼内商定最后楼层计划的持续过程中,用户可能继续要求进行大量修改。", "35. 联合国 委员会认识到,许多部门可能不熟悉工程图纸或地上布局,因此,有时只有在每个领域接近完成时才需要进行可能的改变。 尽管如此,审计委员会认为,如果迄今所经历的变化数量继续下去,按照目前的时间和预算完成项目的机会将面临风险。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 有许多国际良好做法的例子表明,各项目确保设计阶段早期充分征求用户的意见,从而将最终大楼占用者推动的变化降到最低程度,并确保设计完成后的改革进程具有明确的规则、强有力的治理和健全的管理。 基本建设总计划在这方面没有遵循良好做法,这直接造成额外费用和时间压力。", "37. 联合国 审计委员会发现,行政当局从项目一开始就没有建立与用户有关的强有力的变革控制机制,也没有建立明确的问责制,以控制用户部厅要求的变革的水平、性质和费用,并确保充分了解变革所涉费用。 基本建设总计划办公室则依靠占用部门的良好意愿与合作,通过提供有关其空间实际布局的信息包来实现这一目标。 但是,审计委员会认为,在项目现阶段依靠合作是不够的。 特别是秘书处大楼楼层计划的任何重大变动,现在出现延误的风险越来越大,有可能使大楼无法在时间表规定的时间内完工。", "38. 国家 审计委员会建议行政当局同基本建设总计划办公室合作:", "(a) 立即审查变更单的趋势并查明更改申请的理由和来源;", "(b) 制定明确的规则、强有力的治理和强有力的管理,以尽量减少用户驱动的变化。", "5 (韩语). 向设施管理处移交建筑物", "39. 联合国 在任何项目中,从建筑向现场建筑业务的移交都涉及所谓的“交付使用阶段”。 这涉及测试大楼的功能,包括其厂房和建筑控制系统,并往往涉及对设施管理职能及其供应商的实质性培训。 就联合国而言,试运行阶段是一项比平时更大的挑战,因为过时的系统正在被不熟悉的、控制现代工厂和机械的先进计算机驱动系统所取代。 设施管理处在职工作人员必须在启用程序之前掌握新的技能。", " 40. 40. 至关重要的是,设施管理处应准备在与基本建设总计划办公室商定的日期迅速承担建筑物的责任。 如不这样做,很可能造成移交顺序的延长或干扰,例如,长期临时办公租金造成的额外费用,以及联合国业务交付可能中断。", "41. 国家 2010年11月,审计委员会注意到,直到计划移交日期后10个月,北草坪大楼的责任才从基本建设总计划办公室全面移交给设施管理处。 该处内部(包括缺乏准备和缺乏资源)和该厅内部(包括正在进行的改变和不完整的“已建”图纸)产生的问题加在一起,意味着必须推迟向该处的移交。", "42. 国家 基本建设总计划的风险登记册确定了联合国技术、信息技术、安全控制室和其他关键机械和电气系统的地下室内移交和启用的具体风险。 因此,由于基础设施技术的复杂性,以及校园建筑没有基础设施就无法运作,因此这些建筑比迄今移交的任何工程都重要得多。", "43. 东帝汶 在2010年初关于基本建设总计划的临时管理信件中,审计委员会建议加强委托和移交的规划。 审计委员会注意到,基本建设总计划办公室和设施管理处后来借鉴了从与北草坪大楼有关的经验教训,现已在双方之间建立了共同商定的移交进程。 该处还有:", "二. 支助 征聘更多专门从事基本建设总计划办公室工作的工作人员", "二. 支助 向其业务工作人员提供管理现代建筑管理系统的额外培训", "二. 支助 聘请一名顾问支持移交进程。", "44. 国家 审计委员会还注意到,设施管理处正在进行一个重大内部项目,以更新其采购办法和提供服务的方式。 从长远来看,审计委员会认为这是正确的做法。 减少每个供应商,采取与提供服务更相关的较简单的业绩计量,将提高责任的清晰度并减少管理工作。 然而,从短期来看,特别是在2012年交付使用进程之前,这有可能在面临巨大需求和风险时构成额外的管理负担。", "45. 国家 审计委员会还注意到,由于2010年整个项目时间表出现延误,交付使用顺序已发生重大变化。 会议楼在秘书处大楼之前的预定交付使用顺序必须扭转,现在这两个顺序之间几乎没有或没有间隔,增加了移交期间出现问题的风险。 审计委员会认为,按照国际建筑良好做法并考虑到所涉费用问题,基本建设总计划办公室至少有一名高级官员在施工经理资源支持下至少留任一年,以支持向设施管理处移交工作,为向新团队转让知识提供便利,并在移交后的早期阶段出现任何困难时提供协助。", "46. 经常预算: 审计委员会确认自2010年11月以来取得的进展,同时建议主管管理事务副秘书长作为高度优先的管理行动,每季度联合审查设施管理处和基本建设总计划办公室内交付和移交的准备情况。", "47. 国家 审计委员会还建议行政当局考虑如何保留基本建设总计划办公室的专门知识,以支持向设施管理处移交工作。", "6. 国家 项目时间表", " 48. 48. 工作人员首次迁回秘书处大楼的工作将在基本建设总计划办公室在加速战略四中公布的完工预测后三个月开始,预计大会大楼和会议大楼将推迟一年,图书馆和南配楼的计划工程规模有可能缩小。 该战略旨在到2013年中完成基本建设总计划的所有方面(见附件二),秘书长在其第八次年度报告(A/65/511)中显示,完成日期已滑至2013年后期,审计委员会发现,最新时间表显示,该项目已进一步滑入,大会大楼预计将于2014年中完工。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 随着时间的推移,基本建设总计划办公室的预测证明是乐观的(见图三)。 审计委员会感到关切的是,拖延的情况会继续下去,增加了承包商费用和间接费用增加的风险。 委员会注意到,秘书处大楼的延误可能会对联合国业务的费用和中断产生最大影响,因为它容纳了从回旋空间迁回的大多数工作人员。 因此,行政当局必须尽量减少秘书处大楼的延误。", "图三 基本建设总计划三个主要建筑的预计完工日期", "[]", "资料来源:联合国审计委员会(见附注)。", "注:预计完成日期取自秘书长的年度报告,但2011年4月的数据除外,这些数据是在审计委员会实地工作期间获得的。 年度报告以年初、中或后半年的形式说明了预期完成日期。 该图“早”为2月28日,“中”为6月30日,“晚”为10月31日。", " 50. 50. 审计委员会于2010年11月审查了基本建设总计划办公室的控制和管理程序,发现虽然每个大楼都有时间表,但时间表之间的整合是一个人工过程,因为时间表仍在编制之中。 审计委员会强调,需要制定全面综合的时间表,2011年4月注意到,整合时间表的工作已经完成。 就程序而言,审计委员会认为,该厅现已具备适当的工具和技术,能够对项目时间表作出切合实际的预测。", "51. 联合国 但实际上,时间表极为紧凑,在消化额外拖延或范围变化方面几乎没有任何潜力。 鉴于迄今出现的滑坡趋势(见图三)和时间表上的其他压力,预计今后会进一步滑坡可能是现实的。 六种主要压力介绍如下。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 2012年圣诞节的“平静期”的重要性。 2011年初,会议楼的预计完工日期滑至2013年初。 基本建设总计划办公室与施工经理合作,改变做法,将完工日期提前到2012年12月21日,以便利用圣诞节的“平静期”推动重要的广播服务。 失去这个窗口将把会议楼的工作推回2013年年中下一个“平静时期”,可能会增加费用并拖延大会大楼。 或者,为了保护日程安排,可能需要投入昂贵的夜间和周末工作。", "53. 联合国 与过多变更单有关的延误风险。 随着项目进入完成阶段,总部各部门需要坚持决定并抵制变革。 如B.4节所解释的那样,改变占用者的做法代价高昂,有可能拖延项目的完成。", "54. 联合国 对第三方的依赖。 该时间表的关键路径包括许多依赖不受行政当局直接控制的其他各方的工作。 例如,富兰克林·D·罗斯福道上方的结构加固工程需要东道市当局的许可并及时关闭车道,公用事业公司必须完成该道和第一大道的工程,而东道市电力公司必须完成地下室金库中至关重要的路径连接. 这种第三方依赖性虽然是不可避免的,但却造成了固有的不确定性并增加了费用增加和时间表延误的风险。", "55. 国家 虽然已经为三个主要建筑制订了计划,但达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼的意向存在重大不确定性。 图书馆和南配楼是大会在加速战略四下核准的基本建设总计划工作范围的一部分。 基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,翻修这些建筑物的最新预计费用为6 500万美元。 基本建设总计划的商定预算没有单独列出这些建筑物的费用。 新的安保要求意味着,这些建筑的翻修原计划已不再可行,而且这些建筑靠近第四十二街,迄今无法找到实际的解决办法。 设计工作已停止,在本报告编写时,该办公室没有为这两所建筑找到可行的解决办法。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 由于在相邻街区有可能制定发展计划,从而可能大幅度地或也许完全消除评估的安全风险,使情况更加复杂。 现在判断为时尚早,这种不确定性的净结果是不能计算两座建筑的时间表. 如果要在基本建设总计划的时限内翻修图书馆和南配楼,采购工作需要到2013年1月完成,这意味着设计工作必须在2011年内顺利进行。 但是,这种状况取决于行政当局是否全面审查图书馆和南配楼的情况,并证实将就基本建设总计划的这一部分范围采取的办法。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 财政捐款虽然受到该项目的欢迎,但造成了时间表风险。 会员国的捐款有助于为具体的房间设计提供资金,对基本建设总计划具有财政和历史意义。 5个会员国共捐助了600万美元,另有3个会员国正在考虑进一步捐助。 每个会员国将提名一名建筑师或设计师,与基本建设总计划办公室合作,确定捐赠的领域。 项目小组同会员国提名者之间的联合设计开发活动可能会推迟完成,除非有一个有商定的设计决定时间表的强有力的框架。", "58. 联合国 推迟批准最高限价保证合同。 批准合同的过程很费时,涉及许多迭接步骤以及有关各方之间的谈判,尽管审计委员会注意到,基本建设总计划办公室使用“任务订单”开始早期工程,而保证最高价合同仍在审查过程中。 委员会发现,从施工经理提交最高限价保证合同到行政当局批准的平均时间为113天。 会议楼和永久广播设施目前的时间安排假定在42天内核准合同,以便达到大楼完工的预计日期。 除非采购过程能够加速达到时间表的要求,否则完成日期有可能被进一步拖延。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会建议行政当局:", "(a) 紧急解决图书馆和南配楼的安全问题和缺乏可行的设计解决办法;", "(b) 确认这两所大楼是否仍应保留在范围之内,如果保留,解决安全挑战的办法应如何;", "(c) 争取大会核准关于这两栋大楼的拟议行动方案。", "60. 联合国 审计委员会还建议行政当局优先批准其余最高限价保证合同和修正案的程序和时间,以达到时间表中假定的42天时限。", "7. 联合国 预算管理", "最近预算和预计最后费用", "61. 国家 在2006年核准基本建设总计划18.77亿美元预算后,出现了两个额外供资来源。 第一,如上所述,已经从五个国家收到了总额为600万美元的额外具体捐款承诺。 第二,东道国为加强安保升级费用捐助了一亿美元。 因此,基本建设总计划的订正预算总额目前约为19.83亿美元。", "62. 联合国 基本建设总计划办公室的咨询人方案主管报告,项目预计最后费用的最新预测(截至2011年2月底)为20.61亿美元,比订正预算多出约7 900万美元(4%)。 审计委员会注意到,这一费用预测没有为查明风险的最可能费用编列经费,也没有为项目完成前所有变更单的费用提供可靠和可审计的估计数,也没有反映所有预计周转空间租金费用。 因此,审计委员会认为,这种情况比改善更可能恶化,但如果行政当局能够迅速采取坚决行动,充分解决本报告所关切的问题,就可以将进一步超支和拖延减少到最低程度。 下文表2显示主要费用随时间演变的情况。", "表2 基本建设总计划的预期支出", "战略加速IV战略\n支出项目", "建筑 935 300 964 625 1 032 900 1 057 402 1 045 605 1 016 920 1 094 121", "加强安全————————————82·185升级建设.", "专业费,231 000 234 508 280 340 302 365 311 772 316 549 302 069 管理费用", "加强安保——————————10 713个升级费.", "周转空间装修和214 487 389 858 425 695 426 881 450 919 421 113 468 936 租金", "应急和远期 价格上涨", "用于加强安保升级的额外应急————————————6 659", "项目费用共计 1 876 700 2 066 810 1 974 171 1 968 071 1 971 884 1 956 791 2 061 311", "预算 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 876 700 1 982 700", "预算差额", "资料来源:项目咨询人方案主管2011年3月的A/62/364、A/65/5(Vol.V)、A/65/511和每月费用报告。", "63. 国家 图四以图表方式说明了表2所列费用变动情况。", "图四 项目费用随时间演变的趋势", "[]", "资料来源:基本建设总计划办公室持有的数据分析。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 需要注意的要点是:", "二. 支助 与加强安保升级有关的预计最后建筑费用和管理费最近有所增加", "二. 支助 意外开支余额逐渐减少,截至2011年3月底为9 600万美元。 尽管不断受到更改单的压力,但近年来意外开支总余额的下降速度正在下降,因为最近的合同价格低于预期价格。 由此产生的节余为应急基金提供了支持。", "预测、应急基金和费用不确定性", "65. 国家 对于任何重大项目,必须准确和及时地预测未来最终费用,以便客户和负责治理和供资的人能够现实地预期项目是否将在分配的预算内完成,并在费用增加的情况下尽早采取适当行动。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会发现,基本建设总计划办公室记录实际费用的做法很有力。 实际费用详细记录,先由施工经理提出质疑,再由咨询人方案主管提出质疑,最后由办公室小组提出质疑。 审计线索已经到位,采购司适当参与了主要进程。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会发现,规划和允许未来最高限价保证工作费用的办法也很有力。 费用由施工经理和独立费用顾问估算,这方面一般没有多少意外。 实际上,估计费用高于市场实际发生的价格, \" 购货节余 \" 在项目的应急基金内。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 然而,审计委员会发现,估计未来费用,如查明风险或未来变更单的最可能费用的方法,没有充分的分析。 这就产生了以下不确定性:剩余的应急津贴是否足以使项目完成,或目前报告的超支是否会进一步增加。 方法的主要缺陷是:", "二. 支助 没有为变更单的持续影响提供具体或量化的备抵。 变更订单的趋势已经足够明显,但项目组并没有利用它来帮助预测未来变更的成本. 报告的意外开支是原意外开支数额与迄今承诺的变动费用之间的差额。 由于采用这种平衡总和办法,没有机会对未来变化的成本作出更知情的预测,这反过来意味着总体成本预测没有达到应有的水平。", "二. 支助 虽然风险登记册中包含许多项目,一旦实现,将对费用产生不利影响,但基本建设总计划办公室没有考虑到其潜在的成本影响,甚至没有考虑到这种影响。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 鉴于变更单的持续模式、所余风险的规模和性质以及时间表的持续压力,审计委员会感到关切的是,剩余的9 600万美元应急资金可能不足,超出预算的数额可能高于目前所述数额。 审计委员会还意识到给预算带来额外压力的其他因素,例如:", "二. 支助 目前的费用预测包括到2012年9月30日的回旋空间租金,但工作人员全部迁回秘书处大楼的工作要到2012年12月才能完成,租赁回旋空间要到2013年4月才能释放。 因此,目前的费用预测不包括所有预计回旋空间费用。 基本建设总计划办公室和设施管理处目前正在决定保留或终止哪些租赁空间。 该厅最近进行的模拟表明,2012年9月至12月未编入预算的租金费用共计2 220万美元。 此外,提前终止租约的费用可能高达2 370万美元。 尚未决定如何在该厅和该处之间分摊这些费用。", "二. 支助 审计委员会已注意到,可能需要开始夜间或周末工作,以观察重要日期。 基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,在保证价格上限合同中,至少有两项合同规定需要加班,并在合同中为此提供津贴。 北草坪大楼和地下室内的所有合同和加速工程都不是这样,迄今分别花费了500多万美元和300多万美元。 虽然这些费用由变更单程序下的应急基金供资,但目前和今后的加速速度有可能增加项目费用总额", "二. 支助 迄今为止,贸易承包商提出了两项索赔,要求额外付款。 虽然第一项索赔似乎不可能增加预期的最后费用,但第二项索赔很可能用变更单处理,并有可能增加项目费用。 还有贸易承包商要求加快其在秘书处大楼的工作,要求他们支付额外款项的风险。 正在与贸易承包商谈判,讨论它们是否同意加快工作,而不需要额外费用", "二. 支助 虽然东道国为加强安保升级捐助了1亿美元,但审计委员会看到的基本建设总计划最新版风险登记册发现,这些费用的总额不确定。 费用细目见本报告附件四。 审计委员会注意到,会议楼钢铁工程的近期采购活动符合预期。 尽管如此,鉴于依赖第三方批准和需要关闭富兰克林·罗斯福道沿线的车道,强化安保升级的费用是一个高风险领域.", "70. 联合国 审计委员会建议基本建设总计划办公室加强费用预测方法,包括对所有变更单费用进行严格计算和可审计的估计数,直至项目完成为止,从而能够支付风险登记册中最可能的项目费用,并解决其他已知问题,例如时间表延误造成的长期财产租赁。", "费用增加经费", "71. 联合国 秘书长提出的项目费用预测过去包括了未来费用通货膨胀(“费用上涨”)。 委员会注意到,费用上涨津贴不再以汇总方式报告,但具体津贴仍保持在次级项目一级,从1%到3%不等。 在此基础上,该项目的预计最后费用大约为1 700万美元,用于费用增加。", "72. 联合国 审计委员会还注意到,2009年和2010年特纳大楼费用指数[3]显示,近年来建筑费用通货膨胀实际上一直为负数(这意味着该项目的总体预测应报告为下降)。 委员会的结论是,该项目对近年来未来建筑费用通货膨胀的估计过于谨慎,其结论得到以下事实的支持:该项目的实际合同价格一直低于预测费用估计数(项目小组称之为 \" 采购节余 \" ,节余增加了应急基金,见第67段)。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会建议基本建设总计划办公室:", "(a) 审查如何根据公布的指数考虑到未来建筑价格通货膨胀的影响;", "(b) 在预计通货膨胀很小或没有通货膨胀的情况下,澄清并简化这方面的报告。", "连带费用", "74. 国家 除了列入基本建设总计划预算的费用外,还有一系列其他 \" 连带费用 \" ,这些物品或服务虽然是计划工作所必需,但并不直接归因于计划的翻修业务,因此未列入原预算。 主要连带费用是:", "• 在整个校园购置家具(4 400万美元)", "• 提供新的永久广播设施(4 000万美元)", "• 为施工期间现场安保和安全培训增加安保资源(2 800万美元)", "• 中央支助事务厅内后勤管理、资产追踪、视听迁移和临时增设工作人员(2 000万美元)", "• 存档(270万美元)", "二. 支助 建造主要安全指挥中心和实体安全系统(180万美元)。", "75. 国家 连带费用的最新预测于2011年3月向大会报告,数额为1.589亿美元。 [4] 2011年4月,大会请秘书长将具体连带费用支出减少1 300万美元,将预计最后支出减至约1.459亿美元(见第65/269号决议)。 审计委员会注意到,1.459亿美元是截至2012年12月的连带费用;在此日期后项目时间表被推迟,可能会增加连带费用,现在需要按照最近排定的完成日期重新审查费用假设。", "76. 联合国 连带费用的一个主要组成部分是全区采购家具。 2011年2月向行政和预算问题咨询委员会提供的估计数表明,家具和系统家具[5] 费用为5 500万美元。 基本建设总计划办公室正在制定一项备选战略,增加现有家具的再利用,并减少购买新家具,将费用减少约1 100万美元。 该厅告知审计委员会,它相信在实物采购方面是可以实现的,但它正在评估与该选择有关的实际和风险,以及收益是否超过潜在成本。", "77. 国家 大会以前曾请基本建设总计划办公室在其预算中匀支一个场外二级数据中心的连带费用和大多数费用(见第63/270和65/269号决议)。 该办公室迄今一直在支付项目现金储备的连带费用,其预测显示,无论其他费用压力如何,如果该项目继续支付连带费用,2012年将开始出现严重的现金流动问题。", "78. 国家 行政和预算问题咨询委员会在其关于基本建设总计划的报告(A/65/725)中指出了对可能难以匀支连带费用的关切,并建议大会请秘书长至迟于2011年第二季度就如何最好地处理连带费用提出建议,包括通过改进成本效益措施。", "79. 联合国 审计委员会对连带费用仍然不明确感到关切,并认为,如果不缩小基本建设总计划的范围,或预期最后费用可能增至约22.27亿美元,该项目就不可能匀支连带费用(见表3)。 基本建设总计划办公室告知审计委员会,主管管理事务副秘书长将向大会提供2011年秋季连带费用供资战略。", "表3 基本建设总计划预计最后费用", "预期最后费用", "基本建设总计划目前的2 061.3预测", "连带费用 145.9", "二级数据中心 19.8 国家", "共计 2 227.0", "资料来源: 二级数据中心的相关数据载于基本建设总计划办公室2011年3月向大会提交的补充资料中。 与大会每年审查和核准的预计连带费用不同,该中心的预算包括大会核定的2 097万美元的有限资金。 本报告B.7节进一步解释了连带费用数字。", "80个 委员会建议,为了项目的确定性,行政当局和负责治理者应澄清连带费用的预算责任问题,明确决定如何为连带费用供资。", "81个 委员会还建议行政当局在评估连带费用预测时,考虑到最近排定的完成日期的全面影响。", "82. 行政当局告知审计委员会,在第六十五届会议续会第一期会议同大会讨论连带费用后,将在秘书长第九次年度进展报告中向大会第六十六届会议主要会期提交连带费用订正预测。 行政当局还表示,大会已明确表示,连带费用必须纳入基本建设总计划预算(见第65/269号决议)。 审计委员会仍然认为,在实践中,这将导致项目范围的缩小或项目预算的增加,而且在解决这一问题的方式上仍需要更加明确和确定。", "8. 联合国 基本建设总计划的效益", "83个 当任何组织开始重大办公室翻修时,通常可以节省大量业务效率,例如,提高场地和工作方法的使用效率和生产力,或提高能源效率。 就基本建设总计划而言,主要的好处是办事处适合其预期目的(例如取出石棉并更换陈旧的取暖和通风系统)。 还确定了大量节能。", "第八十四会. 审计委员会注意到,能源效率是该项目的主要目标,基本建设总计划办公室定期监测这一目标的实现情况,作为正在进行的设计工作的一部分。 审计委员会也认为,行政当局已经掌握了基本建设总计划的许多更广泛的潜在好处,例如,利用机会,将秘书处大楼的主要高级管理团队分组,作为实现更有效的团队协作的手段,而不是像以前那样将大楼挤满。 行政当局还打算对许多职等工作人员采取更现代化的开放计划办公空间办法(而不是以前使用的手机办公室布局),这可以改善互动、团队协作和沟通。", "85. 然而,审计委员会感到关切的是,行政当局没有机会通过采取将一个办公桌分配给一个人的政策,更有效地利用办公空间和实际节省经费。 实际上,一个组织的全体工作人员从未同时坐在办公桌前。 办公桌和会议室无人使用,因为工作人员出差、在会议、病假或假日上班,公共部门组织的办公桌占用率在30%至50%之间并非不寻常。 这意味着一个组织不需要支付足够的办公桌和办公用地,以同时容纳其所有工作人员,并且能够通过减少其支付的办公用地而节省大量费用。", "86号. 在许多商业和公共部门组织,现在通常的做法是使用“热服务台”,这是一种使用办公桌空间灵活性的方法,使工作人员能够免费使用计算机,在任何办公桌工作,而不是为每个工作人员分配一个专门的办公桌。 这通常可以使各组织的办公桌数目减少30%,从而在办公室租金、家具和能源费用方面实现大量节省。 如果管理得当,并妥善利用现有信息和通信技术,对业务效力没有负面影响,在实践中,通过能够方便地调动工作人员和灵活重组团队,实现了效益。", "87个 鉴于早些时候报告的潜在费用超支情况,审计委员会认为,这是一次减少费用的机会,行政当局应在最后确定营地外建筑物的座位分配之前审查。 采取灵活的办公桌使用政策,将使更多的部门工作人员在秘书处大楼内办公,并使联合国能够处置其目前租用的更多财产。 通过采取这一政策,预期目前至少将租金减少10%至20%是不现实的。", "88个 审计委员会还注意到,基本建设总计划为通过增加记录和信息的数字化或异地存档来精简办公室记录管理提供了重要机会。 尽管基本建设总计划办公室于2008年发布了记录管理准则,为数字化提供了指导,但秘书处大楼的楼层计划载有大量档案柜。 咨询人方案主管的预测表明,大院的备案柜将花费从320万美元到640万美元,并将占用大量楼层空间。", "89. 国家 审计委员会的结论是,行政当局没有处理项目可能带来的各种潜在好处。", "90. (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会建议行政当局:", "(a) 设立一个小型高级管理小组,由独立的空间规划专家当局提供支持,以审查该项目产生的所有潜在惠益;", "(b) 确保该小组以系统而一致的方式努力实现惠益。", "91. 联合国 审计委员会还建议行政当局考虑如何更有效地利用空间,例如,作为一项政策,通过“热台式办公”和减少实际备案空间,并确保迅速完成与联合国大院内和其他财产内工作人员和办公家具的预定搬迁。", "9. 国家 继任规划和团队稳定", "92. (中文(简体) ). 基本建设总计划非常依赖少数高级人员,这个问题在项目的风险登记册中得到承认,其中提到知识可能丧失,如果小组高级成员在短时间内离开,将对决策和进展产生影响。 随着项目完成日期的到来,这种风险将更为严重,因为个人,特别是定期合同人员,可以理解地把重点放在自己的工作连续性上。 这有可能导致计划外减少项目工作人员。", "93. 国家 在基本建设总计划办公室内,26名工作人员中有13人持有长期合同,11人持有定期合同,2人持有短期一般临时助理合同。 持有长期合同的人员将寻找合适的内部员额,鉴于联合国内部征聘时间很长,他们选定的离职日期可能并不总是符合基本建设总计划的其余需要。", "94. 国家 委员会发现,行政当局没有制定计划,使其能够迅速作出反应,以填补项目领导小组中出现的其他空缺。 行政当局告知审计委员会,联合国现行人力资源管理规则和条例不允许进行这种规划和快速反应。 但是,审计委员会认为,不能迅速替换关键工作人员是一个真正的风险,需要制定有效的缓解战略。", "95号. 审计委员会建议行政当局制定一项减少风险战略,以尽快填补基本建设总计划办公室管理小组关键职位的出乎意料的空缺。", "96. (中文(简体) ). 审计委员会还建议行政当局考虑是否应当对参与联合国其他地方重大业务改革方案的其他小组适用类似的安排。", "10个 采购", "国际采购", "97. 国家 行政当局告知委员会,它从一开始就热切希望鼓励供应商在国际上最广泛地参与基本建设总计划。 审计委员会注意到,基本建设总计划办公室正在继续探讨如何增加发展中国家和经济转型国家供应商的参与。 这包括刊登广告、举办路展活动以及利用普通照会要求特派团鼓励供应商投标。", "98 (英语). 截至2011年4月26日,基本建设总计划内向发展中国家和经济转型国家的供应商采购了1 200多万美元的货物和劳动力,占该项目内采购的货物和劳动力总数的2%。 审计委员会确认,基本建设总计划办公室遵循联合国采购规则,不允许偏袒任何特定国家的投标人。 合同是根据最低价格或最高性价比授予的,行政当局告知审计委员会,东道国的供应商由于在当地而不是从海外采购劳动力和材料的相对优势而获得了大多数合同授予。", "授标后审查委员会", "99号. 审计委员会以前曾评论过,需要不断审查授予和修正的合同,以确保与联合国采购细则和条例保持一致,为今后的采购提供学习机会,并在基本建设总计划执行主任有相当程度的授权的情况下,对合同变更的规律性保持独立控制。 审计委员会在其关于2008年12月31日终了年度的进度报告(A/64/5(Vol.V))中建议行政当局“采取适当措施,使根据2007年11月15日核准的联合国主计长备忘录授予采购司司长的授权进行的交易合法化”。", "一百个 审计委员会还建议,“只要没有事后审查程序,[行政当局]就尽一切努力,在签署或修订属于总部合同委员会职权范围的合同之前,让该委员会参与裁决过程”。 更笼统地说,审计委员会建议行政当局“考虑以何种方式和手段来大幅度地增加对基本建设总计划合同修正案的内部控制”。", "101. (中文(简体) ). 行政当局的回应是设立授标后审查委员会,向管理事务部报告,以便对联合国内部的采购进行审查并提出意见。 委员会将其职权范围解释为追溯审查价值从50万美元到500万美元的所有合同修正,以便决定采购行动是否适当。 该委员会于2009年10月成立,但由于在商定运作程序和成员方面出现延误,直到2010年4月才开始运作。", "102. 国家 审计委员会知道,委员会正在重新审查其业务程序,因为其工作有相当大的积压。 在审计委员会进行审计时,委员会只审议了154项有关合同修正案中的13项。 [6] 目前积压情况正在增加,审计委员会感到关切的是,行政当局没有从这一审查进程中获得加强控制或及时的价值。 审计委员会还感到关切的是,如果目前的趋势继续下去,积压工作很可能无法管理,并注意到基本建设总计划办公室的关切,即处理积压工作的影响还可能影响到采购司及时处理新合同和修正的能力,而这又会影响到基本建设总计划的时间表。", "第103页。 委员会建议行政当局紧急审查授标后审查委员会的效力,以精简其业务,并适当平衡保证和控制的需要与保护项目时间表和采购司工作的需要。", "C. 致谢", "104 (韩语). 审计委员会感谢主管管理事务副秘书长和主管基本建设总计划助理秘书长及其工作人员给予审计委员会工作人员的合作和协助。", "刘家义(签名)", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国主计长兼审计长", "特伦斯·农本贝(签名)", "2011年7月12日 第1次全体会议", "页:1", "2009年12月31日终了年度各项建议的执行情况 [7]", "建议摘要 财政期间首次执行 未执行\n1. 联合国 完善捐款政策,以澄清过去提案国的地位 2009年31日 页:1\n2. 与资本主计划有关的租金对应的未清偿债务审查 43\n3个 审查基本建设总计划基金与其他基金之间的租金分配情况 44 2009 X\n 4.四. 将项目总成本趋势及其原因的分析纳入年度进展报告。 详细计算2009年项目57(首次编制X)费用估计数所用的经济假设\n纽约\n6. 国家 重新评估价值工程方案的利弊 页:1\n7. 联合国 将修改令减少到最低程度 67 2009 X\n8. 联合国 73,2009 X 9. 建立建筑成本超支原因分类法。 79 2009年(首次编制X)\n联合国\n10个 重新评估意外开支准备金的范围和数额的适当性\n11个 扩大远期价格上涨规定的范围,将专业收费和管理费用包括在内 87 2009 X 12. 为项目时间表上的拖延预留资金,并继续考虑如何拖延99 2009年(首次制作的X)\n联合国\n13个 一劳永逸地界定与翻修工作空间有关的所有主要措施 102 2009 X\n14个 对重新进入秘书处大楼104部分的分级搬迁进行成本/效益分析 页:1\n15个 对与会议楼有关的合同推迟谈判进行成本/效益分析\n16号. 防止与会议楼有关的项目在工作合同签署后发生任何功能改变 112 2009 X\n17岁。 就推迟谈判与大会大楼有关的合同进行成本/效益分析\n18岁。 将关于使用和配置地下室的变更订单减少到最低程度 118 2009 X\n 19. 19. 加快运行 授标后审查委员会 129 页:1\n20号. 改进修正案档案的管理 147 2009 X\n共计 9 5 2 4\n占总数的百分比 45-25 10 20", "页:1", "项目时间表", "截至2011年3月的项目时间表如下: 本报告附件三和B.6节讨论了该日期之后对时间表的修改。", "[表", "注:秘书长年度进度报告所报时间表未提及大院地下室内的工作。 总时间表建议,这项工作将在项目期间继续进行并将于2014年中完成。", "^(a) 见A/62/364(加速战略四的初步时间表)。", "^(b) 见A/63/477。", "^(c) 见A/64/346。", "^(d) 见A/65/511。", "^(e) 基本建设总计划办公室2011年3月向大会提供的补充资料。", "联合国", "三. 基本建设总计划时间表中存在重大不确定性的领域", "资本主计划的前景\n加强法兰克林D. 罗斯福的安保升级 驱动 升级将涉及封闭车道和结构工程,为此需要州和城市当局颁发许可证。 首都总计划办公室正在与当局联络,以制定必要的工作计划。 然而,审计委员会强调,这个问题对时间表是一种风险,因为获得许可证对整个项目来说是关键。 据办事处说,由于这项工作拖延了一天,导致项目拖延了一天。\n要使工作按计划进行,必须获得许可证,每周至少4个晚上完成工作。 即使就许可证达成协议,这方面规划工作的时间尺度也相当不确定。 有些工作只能在晚上取得进展,而且由于这项工作的很多性质,很难准确估计活动时间。\n会议大楼 初步评估对加强安保升级时间表的影响意味着会议楼的完工日期将推迟到2013年。 由于这一日期是不可接受的,施工经理被要求修订时间表,以缩短个人任务和已列入方案的重叠活动的时间,从而将预计完成日期定为2012年12月21日。 施工经理在2011年3月的月度报告中将此描述为“进攻性时间表”,该公司提出了行政当局如要遵守这一日期就必须完成的若干重要行动。\n然而,基本建设总计划的总体时间表尚未包括加强安保升级工作的所有方面。 施工经理正在更新时间表,但在编写本报告时,规划工作依赖于“施工文件”图纸,图纸已完成60%。 到2011年5月27日,会议楼竣工图纸才制作完毕。\n会议楼时间表规定,自施工经理提交保证的最高限价合同第一次修正案之日起至行政当局批准并签署修正案之日止,只允许六周。 这一过程通常需要113天,或约16周(见B.6节)。 虽然与核准新的最高限价保证合同相比,批准确定最高限价保证合同所需的时间可能要少一些,但审计委员会认为,在时间表内规定这样短的时间尺度仍然是一个风险。\n同样,会议楼内永久性广播设施的时间表只允许6周时间核准并签署保证的最高价格合同。 如果没有永久的广播设施,会议楼将无法提供其核心职能。 审计委员会再次认为,提供这一短而六个星期的期限,仍然有可能使项目的关键路径失去活力。\n大会大楼 大会大楼定于2014年年中完工,以便2014年底进行一般性辩论。 设计处于100%的“施工文件”阶段,尽管2011年将制定一套更为详细的施工文件,届时这座建筑的时间表将变得更加确定。\n达格·哈马舍尔德图书馆和南配楼翻修项目范围内的图书馆和南配楼。 然而,基本建设总计划办公室未能针对最近的安全评估,为这些建筑提出令人满意的设计解决方案。 设计工作被搁置,目前尚不清楚如何在这个问题上取得进展。 虽然高级别项目概要时间表列出了完成这项工作的指示性日期,但这些大楼的采购和施工活动没有在基本建设总计划详细总时间表中列出。\n第一大道的其他安全措施 作为加强安保升级措施的一部分,将在第一大道安装额外的安保措施。 这是基本建设总计划项目的额外范围。 计划在纽约市当局拥有的地皮上安装波拉尔德、种植厂和反拉姆、装置并建造安全检查楼。 因此,这项工作需要与当局以及公用事业公司进行认真的联络。\n北草坪建筑拆除 虽然大会第65/269号决议重申应拆除北草坪大楼,但该项目的每月时间表没有列入这一拆除工程,秘书长的年度进展报告没有列入这项工作的时间表。 不过,董事会知道,这项工作可望在大会大楼完工后于2014年底进行。\n地下基础设施 事实证明,联合国营地地下室的工作很困难,并导致重大变化。 持续变化的速度在时间表中造成了重大的不确定性。 装载码头的时间表有具体的不确定性。 设计意图尚未确定,48街交通流量的潜在变化需要纽约市当局批准。\n秘书处大楼 秘书处大楼的时间表最初是根据自上而下建造和装修的。 基本建设总计划办公室现已改变计划,要求施工经理首先完成17至27层,并缩短完成前10层的时间表。 最高限价合同包括2012年9月3日完成整个大楼的日期,但办公室和施工经理已非正式同意在2012年7月1日前完成头10层。 监督厅现在希望这一日期提前到2012年6月1日。 这是有挑战性的日程安排 最少的误差延迟空间 如果确实发生任何问题,可能就需要投入额外资金来加快项目进度;但即使是这样,也会受到秘书处大楼内单一外部论者能力的制约。", "联合国", "强化安保升级费用详情", "(单位:百万美元)", "受升级工作预计费用影响的地区", "89.53 富兰克林·罗斯福道和会议楼内部及相关地下室的重大结构加强", "第一大道和31.96号 在检查设施人行道上安装保护性访客和柱子,并可能安装大门工作人员安全和其他结构。 建造两所安全检查大楼,尽可能从校园大楼入地,可能设在城市拥有的地上", "最初工作(21.93) 在加强安保升级预算之前的预算已经包括但不再为不再需要的一些所需结构工作(设计和管理费用)编列经费", "共计 99.56^(a)", "资料来源:基本建设总计划强化安保升级每月跟踪报告高水平费用汇总,2011年4月。", "^(a) 包括建筑费用(82 185 000美元)、专业费和管理费用(10 713 000美元)和意外开支(6 659 000美元)(资料来源:基本建设总计划办公室2011年3月提供的补充资料)。", "280711", "*1140392*", "[]", "[1] 在价值一亿美元的防护工程中,7000万美元涉及会议大楼的工程,3000万美元涉及第一大道的工程.", "[2] 项目内的建筑合同载有弥补具体不确定性的备抵。 施工经理在获准使用这些津贴数额之前,必须通过申请津贴获得联合国批准。", "[3] 特纳大楼成本指数是美国市场建筑成本变化的参考. 2009年的平均指数大幅通货紧缩为-8.4%,2010年为-4.0%。 该指数由下列因素决定:劳动率和生产率;物质价格;市场的竞争条件。", "[4] 2011年3月,基本建设总计划办公室向大会提供的补充资料。", "[5] System家具是一个术语,用来描述办公空间内不可移动的家具项目,如隔间,面板,工作表面和外壳等. 见A/65/511/Add.1,第44段。", "[6] 委员会审议的每项合同修正案都包括审查若干变更单。", "[7] 见《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第5号》(A/65/5),第五卷。" ]
[ "Peacebuilding Commission", "Fifth session", "Organizational Committee", "Letter dated 6 July 2011 from the Chair of the Peacebuilding Commission addressed to the Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso to the United Nations", "I have the honour to refer to the letter dated 16 June 2011 expressing the interest of Burkina Faso in participating in the Guinea configuration of the Peacebuilding Commission.", "I am pleased to inform you that the request contained in your aforementioned letter has met with no objection from the members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission. Therefore, Burkina Faso is invited to participate in all future meetings of the Guinea configuration, in accordance with paragraph 7 (b) of General Assembly resolution 60/180 and Security Council resolution 1645 (2005).", "(Signed) Eugène-Richard Gasana Chair" ]
[ "建设和平委员会", "第五届会议", "组织委员会", "2011年7月6日建设和平委员会主席给布基纳法索常驻联合国代表的信", "谨提及2011年6月16日的信,信中表示布基纳法索有兴趣参与建设和平委员会几内亚组合。", "我很高兴地通知你,建设和平委员会组织委员会成员对你上述信件中的请求没有异议。因此,根据大会第60/180号决议第7(b)段和安全理事会第1645(2005)号决议,邀请布基纳法索出席几内亚组合今后所有的会议。", "主席", "欧仁-理查德·加萨纳(签名)" ]
[ "建设和平委员会", "第五届会议", "组织委员会", "2011年7月6日建设和平委员会主席给布基纳法索常驻联合国代表的信", "谨提及2011年6月16日的信,其中表示布基纳法索有兴趣参加建设和平委员会几内亚组合。", "我高兴地通知你,建设和平委员会组织委员会成员对你上述信中的请求没有异议。 因此,根据大会第60/180号决议第7(b)段和安全理事会第1645(2005)号决议,邀请布基纳法索参加几内亚组合今后的所有会议。", "欧仁-理查德·加萨纳(签名)" ]
[ "General Assembly Security Council Sixty-fifth session Sixty-sixth year Agenda items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14,15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24,25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36,37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50,51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64,65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76,82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90,91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99,100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106,107, 108, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117,118, 119, 120, 128, 131, 133, 134,135, 136, 143 and 162 Report of the Economic and SocialCouncil Implementation of the Declaration ofCommitment on HIV/AIDS and thePolitical Declaration on HIV/AIDS Sport for peace and development 2001-2010: Decade to Roll BackMalaria in Developing Countries,Particularly in Africa Integrated and coordinatedimplementation of and follow-up tothe outcomes of the major UnitedNations conferences and summits inthe economic, social and relatedfields Global Agenda for Dialogue amongCivilizations Culture of peace Information and communicationstechnologies for development Macroeconomic policy questions Follow-up to and implementation ofthe outcome of the 2002International Conference onFinancing for Development and the2008 Review Conference Sustainable development Implementation of the outcome of theUnited Nations Conference on HumanSettlements (Habitat II) andstrengthening of the United NationsHuman Settlements Programme(UN-Habitat) Globalization and interdependence Groups of countries in specialsituations Eradication of poverty and otherdevelopment issues Operational activities fordevelopment: operational activitiesfor development of the UnitedNations system Agriculture development and foodsecurity Social development Advancement of women Report of the Security Council Report of the PeacebuildingCommission Elimination of unilateralextraterritorial coercive economicmeasures as a means of political andeconomic compulsion Prevention of armed conflict The situation in the Middle East Question of Palestine The situation in Afghanistan Question of the Comorian island ofMayotte Necessity of ending the economic,commercial and financial embargoimposed by the United States ofAmerica against Cuba The situation in Central America:progress in fashioning a region ofpeace, freedom, democracy anddevelopment Armed Israeli aggression against theIraqi nuclear installations and itsgrave consequences for theestablished international systemconcerning the peaceful uses ofnuclear energy, thenon-proliferation of nuclear weaponsand international peace and security Consequences of the Iraqi occupationof and aggression against Kuwait Effects of atomic radiation International cooperation in thepeaceful uses of outer space United Nations Relief and WorksAgency for Palestine Refugees in theNear East Report of the Special Committee toInvestigate Israeli PracticesAffecting the Human Rights of thePalestinian People and Other Arabsof the Occupied Territories Comprehensive review of the wholequestion of peacekeeping operationsin all their aspects \n Questions relating to information Permanent sovereignty of thePalestinian people in the OccupiedPalestinian Territory, includingEast Jerusalem, and of the Arabpopulation in the occupied SyrianGolan over their natural resources Report of the United Nations HighCommissioner for Refugees, questionsrelating to refugees, returnees anddisplaced persons and humanitarianquestions New Partnership for Africa’sDevelopment: progress inimplementation and internationalsupport Report of the Human Rights Council Promotion and protection of therights of children Indigenous issues Elimination of racism, racialdiscrimination, xenophobia andrelated intolerance Right of peoples toself-determination Promotion and protection of humanrights Strengthening of the coordination ofhumanitarian and disaster reliefassistance of the United Nations,including special economicassistance Report of the International Court ofJustice Report of the International CriminalCourt Oceans and the law of the sea Criminal accountability of UnitedNations officials and experts onmission Status of the Protocols Additionalto the Geneva Conventions of 1949and relating to the protection ofvictims of armed conflicts Consideration of effective measuresto enhance the protection, securityand safety of diplomatic andconsular missions andrepresentatives Report of the Special Committee onthe Charter of the United Nationsand on the Strengthening of the Roleof the Organization The rule of law at the national andinternational levels The scope and application of theprinciple of universal jurisdiction Report of the International AtomicEnergy Agency Reduction of military budgets African Nuclear-Weapon-Free ZoneTreaty Consolidation of the regimeestablished by the Treaty for theProhibition of Nuclear Weapons inLatin America and the Caribbean(Treaty of Tlatelolco) Maintenance of internationalsecurity — good-neighbourliness,stability and development inSouth-Eastern Europe Developments in the field ofinformation and telecommunicationsin the context of internationalsecurity Establishment of anuclear-weapon-free zone in theregion of the Middle East Conclusion of effectiveinternational arrangements to assurenon-nuclear-weapon States againstthe use or threat of use of nuclearweapons Prevention of an arms race in outerspace Role of science and technology inthe context of internationalsecurity and disarmament General and complete disarmament Review and implementation of theConcluding Document of the TwelfthSpecial Session of the GeneralAssembly Review of the implementation of therecommendations and decisionsadopted by the General Assembly atits tenth special session The risk of nuclear proliferation inthe Middle East Convention on Prohibitions orRestrictions on the Use of CertainConventional Weapons Which May BeDeemed to Be Excessively Injuriousor to Have Indiscriminate Effects Strengthening of security andcooperation in the Mediterraneanregion Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-BanTreaty Convention on the Prohibition of theDevelopment, Production andStockpiling of Bacteriological(Biological) and Toxin Weapons andon Their Destruction Crime prevention and criminaljustice International drug control Measures to eliminate internationalterrorism Report of the Secretary-General onthe work of the Organization Report of the Secretary-General onthe Peacebuilding Fund Admission of new Members to theUnited Nations Follow-up to the outcome of theMillennium Summit Follow-up to the commemoration ofthe two-hundredth anniversary of theabolition of the transatlantic slavetrade Implementation of the resolutions ofthe United Nations Revitalization of the work of theGeneral Assembly Question of equitable representationon and increase in the membership ofthe Security Council and relatedmatters Strengthening of the United Nationssystem Review of the efficiency of theadministrative and financialfunctioning of the United Nations Improving the financial situation ofthe United Nations Scale of assessments for theapportionment of the expenses of theUnited Nations Human resources management Joint Inspection Unit United Nations common system Administrative and budgetary aspectsof the financing of the UnitedNations peacekeeping operations \nFollow-up to the high-level meetingheld on 24 September 2010:revitalizing the work of theConference on Disarmament and takingforward multilateral disarmamentnegotiations", "Letter dated 29 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General", "I have the honour to transmit to you, in my capacity as Chair of the Coordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Movement, the outcome documents of the sixteenth Ministerial Conference of the Non-Aligned Movement, held in Bali, from 23 to 27 May 2011, as follows:", "Final Document (annex I)", "Bali Commemorative Declaration on the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement (annex II)", "Declaration on Palestinian political prisoners (annex III)", "Declaration on Palestine (annex IV)", "Statement on the total elimination of nuclear weapons (annex V).", "I kindly request that the present letter and its annexes be issued and circulated as a document of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly under agenda items 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 33, 36, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 76, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 128, 131, 133, 134, 135, 136, 143 and 162, as well as official documents of the Security Council.", "(Signed) Maged A. Abdelaziz Ambassador and Permanent Representative", "Annex I", "[]\tXVI Ministerial Conference and CommemorativeMeeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Bali – Indonesia \n 23 – 27 May 2011", "Final Document", "FINAL DOCUMENT", "TABLE OF CONTENTS", "General Assembly 1", "Sixty-fifth session 1", "Report of the Economic and Social Council 1", "Implementation of the Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS and the Political Declaration on HIV/AIDS 1", "Sport for peace and development 1", "2001-2010: Decade to Roll Back Malaria in Developing Countries, Particularly in Africa 1", "Integrated and coordinated implementation of and follow-up to the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields 1", "Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilizations 1", "Culture of peace 1", "Information and communications technologies for development 1", "Macroeconomic policy questions 1", "Follow-up to and implementation of the outcome of the 2002 International Conference on Financing for Development and the 2008 Review Conference 1", "Sustainable development 1", "Implementation of the outcome of the United Nations Conference on Human Settlements (Habitat II) and strengthening of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) 1", "Globalization and interdependence 1", "Groups of countries in special situations 2", "Eradication of poverty and other development issues 2", "Operational activities for development: operational activities for development of the United Nations system 2", "Agriculture development and food security 2", "Social development 2", "Advancement of women 2", "Report of the Security Council 2", "Report of the Peacebuilding Commission 2", "Elimination of unilateral extraterritorial coercive economic measures as a means of political and economic compulsion 2", "Prevention of armed conflict 2", "The situation in the Middle East 2", "Question of Palestine 2", "The situation in Afghanistan 2", "Question of the Comorian island of Mayotte 2", "Necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba 2", "The situation in Central America: progress in fashioning a region of peace, freedom, democracy and development 2", "Armed Israeli aggression against the Iraqi nuclear installations and its grave consequences for the established international system concerning the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and international peace and security 2", "Consequences of the Iraqi occupation of and aggression against Kuwait 2", "Effects of atomic radiation 2", "International cooperation in the peaceful uses of outer space 2", "United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East 2", "Report of the Special Committee to Investigate Israeli Practices Affecting the Human Rights of the Palestinian People and Other Arabs of the Occupied Territories 2", "Comprehensive review of the whole question of peacekeeping operations in all their aspects 2", "Questions relating to information 3", "Security Council 1", "Sixty-sixth year 1", "Permanent sovereignty of the Palestinian people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and of the Arab population in the occupied Syrian Golan over their natural resources 3", "Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, questions relating to refugees, returnees and displaced persons and humanitarian questions 3", "’New Partnership for Africas Development: progress in implementation and international support 3", "Report of the Human Rights Council 3", "Promotion and protection of the rights of children 3", "Indigenous issues 3", "Elimination of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance 3", "Right of peoples to self-determination 3", "Promotion and protection of human rights 3", "Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance 3", "Report of the International Court of Justice 3", "Report of the International Criminal Court 3", "Oceans and the law of the sea 3", "Criminal accountability of United Nations officials and experts on mission 3", "Status of the Protocols Additional to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and relating to the protection of victims of armed conflicts 3", "Consideration of effective measures to enhance the protection, security and safety of diplomatic and consular missions and representatives 3", "Report of the Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization 3", "The rule of law at the national and international levels 3", "The scope and application of the principle of universal jurisdiction 3", "Report of the International Atomic Energy Agency 3", "Reduction of military budgets 3", "African Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone Treaty 4", "Consolidation of the regime established by the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean (Treaty of Tlatelolco) 4", "Maintenance of international security — good-neighbourliness, stability and development in South-Eastern Europe 4", "Developments in the field of information and telecommunications in the context of international security 4", "Establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East 4", "Conclusion of effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons 4", "Prevention of an arms race in outer space 4", "Role of science and technology in the context of international security and disarmament 4", "General and complete disarmament 4", "Review and implementation of the Concluding Document of the Twelfth Special Session of the General Assembly 4", "Review of the implementation of the recommendations and decisions adopted by the General Assembly at its tenth special session 4", "The risk of nuclear proliferation in the Middle East 4", "Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects 4", "Strengthening of security and cooperation in the Mediterranean region 4", "Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty 4", "Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on Their Destruction 4", "Crime prevention and criminal justice 4", "International drug control 4", "Measures to eliminate international terrorism 4", "Report of the Secretary-General on the work of the Organization 4", "Report of the Secretary-General on the Peacebuilding Fund 4", "Admission of new Members to the United Nations 5", "Follow-up to the outcome of the Millennium Summit 5", "Follow-up to the commemoration of the two-hundredth anniversary of the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade 5", "Implementation of the resolutions of the United Nations 5", "Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly 5", "Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters 5", "Strengthening of the United Nations system 5", "Review of the efficiency of the administrative and financial functioning of the United Nations 5", "Improving the financial situation of the United Nations 5", "Scale of assessments for the apportionment of the expenses of the United Nations 5", "Human resources management 5", "Joint Inspection Unit 5", "United Nations common system 5", "Administrative and budgetary aspects of the financing of the United Nations peacekeeping operations 5", "Follow-up to the high-level meeting held on 24 September 2010: revitalizing the work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking forward multilateral disarmament negotiations 5", "Letter dated 29 June 2011 from the Permanent Representative of Egypt to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General 5", "Annex I 7", "CHAPTER I: GLOBAL ISSUES 12", "Review of the International Situation 12", "Non-Aligned Movement: Role and Methods of Work 14", "INTRODUCTION", "1. The Ministers of the Movement of Non-Aligned Countries[1], met under the Chairmanship of H.E. Mr. Marty Natalegawa, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, in Bali, Indonesia on 25 and 26 May 2011, to review the progress and implementation of the Sharm El Sheikh Plan of Action adopted at the XV Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement held on 15^(th) and 16^(th) July 2009, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, and to prepare for the upcoming NAM Summit in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in 2012, as well as to address existing, new and emerging issues of collective concern and interest. In this regard, they reaffirmed and underscored the Movement’s abiding faith in and strong commitment to its founding principles[2], ideals and purposes, particularly in establishing a peaceful and prosperous world and a just and equitable world order as well as to the purposes and principles enshrined in the United Nations Charter.", "2. The Ministers affirmed the continued relevance and validity of all principled positions and decisions of the Movement as contained in the substantive outcome documents[3] of the 15^(th) NAM Summit held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, on 15^(th) and 16^(th) July 2009, including the Sharm El Sheikh Final Document and the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, and the preceding fourteen Summit Conferences of the Movement[4], as well as all preceding Ministerial Conferences or Meetings of the Movement. Likewise, they expressed their determination to preserve and act in keeping with the Bandung Principles and the purposes and principles of the Non-Aligned Movement in the present international juncture as agreed in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture[5] adopted in the 14^(th) NAM Summit in Havana.", "3. The Ministers acknowledged the NAM Chair’s Report on the Movement’s activities covering from the 15^(th) NAM Summit held in Sharm El Sheikh to date, which showed significant progress in implementing the NAM Plan of Action as stipulated in the Sharm El Sheikh Final Document and the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, which contributed positively in the process of strengthening and revitalizing the Non-Aligned Movement.", "CHAPTER I: GLOBAL ISSUES", "Review of the International Situation", "4. The Ministers emphasized that the present global scenario presents great challenges in the areas of peace and security, economic development and social progress, human rights and the rule of law to Non-Aligned Countries. They affirmed that many new areas of concern and challenges have emerged, particularly the current global financial and economic crisis, which warrant the renewal of commitment by the international community to uphold and defend the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations (UN) and the principles of international law. In taking stock of developments at the international level since the XV Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Movement, they noted that the collective desire of the Movement to establish a peaceful and prosperous world as well as a just and equitable world order remains encumbered by fundamental impediments. These impediments are in the form of, inter alia, the severe adverse impact of the global financial and economic crises on the economic growth and development of developing countries which could lead to increasing poverty and deprivation in these countries, the continuing lack of resources and underdevelopment of the majority of the developing world, on the one hand, and in the form of, inter alia, the continuing unequal terms of trade, the lack of cooperation from developed countries, as well as coercive and unilateral measures imposed by some of them, on the other hand. The rich and powerful countries continue to exercise an inordinate influence in determining the nature and direction of international relations, including economic and trade relations, as well as the rules governing these relations, many of which are at the expense of developing countries.", "5. The Ministers reaffirmed that the Movement will remain guided in its endeavours by its Founding Principles, the principles enshrined in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture adopted in the 14^(th) NAM Summit in Havana, the UN Charter and international law. To this end, the Movement will continue to uphold the principles of sovereignty and the sovereign equality of States, territorial integrity and non-intervention in the internal affairs of any State; take effective measures for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of peace, to defend, promote and encourage the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered; refrain in international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter; develop friendly relations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and the self-determination of peoples in their struggle against foreign occupation; achieve international cooperation based on solidarity among peoples and governments in solving international problems of a political, economic, social, cultural or humanitarian character; and promote and encourage the respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion.", "6. The Ministers noted that the existing, new and emerging threats and challenges, including the multiple inter-related and mutually reinforcing current global crises, continue to impede efforts by States to attain greater economic development and social progress, peace and security, and enjoyment of human rights and the rule of law. Global peace and security continue to elude humankind as a result of, inter alia, increasing tendency by certain States to resort to unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures, non-fulfilment of the commitments and obligations assumed under the relevant international legally binding instruments especially on weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons treaties, terrorism, conflicts, violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, the use of double standards in international relations, the continuing failure and unwillingness of the majority of the developed countries to fulfil their commitments in the economic and social fields. They underscored the need for the international community to collectively redress these situations in accordance with the UN Charter and the principles of international law.", "7. The Ministers underlined that Globalisation continues to present opportunities, challenges and risks to the future and viability of developing countries, and that the process of globalisation and trade liberalisation has produced uneven benefits among and within States while the global economy has been characterised by slow and lopsided growth and instability. Furthermore, it has made the developing countries more vulnerable to the adverse impact of the financial and economic crises, climate change, recurrent food crisis and energy prices volatility. In its present form, globalisation perpetuates or even increases the marginalisation of developing countries. Therefore, globalisation must be transformed into a positive force for change for all peoples, benefiting all countries, and contributing to the prosperity and empowerment of developing countries, not their continued impoverishment and dependence on the developed world. In addition, greater efforts must be made to generate a global strategy to prioritise and mainstream the development dimension into global processes, and in the relevant multilateral institutions in order to enable developing countries to benefit from the opportunities offered by globalisation and trade liberalisation, including through the creation of an enabling external economic environment for development which requires greater coherence between the international trading, monetary and financial systems that should be universal, open, equitable, non-coercive, rule-based, predictable and non-discriminatory.", "8. The revolution in information and communication technologies continues to change the world rapidly and in a fundamental way, thus creating a vast and widening digital divide between the developed and developing countries, which must be bridged if the latter are to benefit from the globalisation process. These new technological innovations must be made more easily available to developing countries in their efforts to modernise and revitalise their economies in pursuit of their developmental goals and well being of their populations. In this context, the achievement of these goals requires an enabling international environment and the honouring of commitments and pledges made by States, in particular the developed countries. In addition, the Movement underscores the need to prevent all discriminatory practices and policies that hinder access by developing countries to the benefits of information and communication technologies and to networks established in developed countries.", "9. The future will present as many challenges and opportunities as the past and the Movement must continue to remain strong, cohesive and resilient in order to address them and preserve the historic legacy of the Movement. The continued relevance and validity of the Movement will depend, in large measure, on the unity and solidarity of each of its Member Countries as well as their ability to influence these changes positively. In this regard, the process of the revitalisation and strengthening of the Movement must continue to be pro-active, advanced and consolidated.", "10. The Ministers recalled the decision of the Summit of the Organization of African Unity (OAU), held in Algiers in July 1999, calling for the restoration of constitutional legality in States whose governments had come to power through unconstitutional means, as well as the principles enshrined in the Constitutive Act of the African Union adopted in 2000 in Lomé, and in this context, encouraged the Non-Aligned Countries to continue to uphold the democratic ideals consistent with the Founding Principles of the Movement.", "11. The Ministers welcomed the designation by the UN General Assembly of April 22 as International Day of Mother Earth, and recognised that the earth and its ecosystems are home to humanity. They undertake to raise awareness about this issue.", "Non-Aligned Movement: Role and Methods of Work", "12. Recognising the aspirations of their peoples, the Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s irrevocable political and moral commitment and determination to and full respect for the Bandung Principles and those adopted at the Havana Summit in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the NAM in the Present International Juncture and the UN Charter as well as for their preservation and promotion, with a view to further consolidate and enhance the Movement’s role and position as the principal political platform representing the developing world in multilateral forums, in particular the United Nations. In this context, they stressed that achieving the principles, ideals and purposes of the Movement hinges upon the unity, solidarity and cohesion among its membership, firmly rooted on mutual respect, respect for diversity and tolerance.", "13. The Ministers reaffirmed that within the implementation of the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration, which reflects the institutional positions of the Movement vis-a-vis various international issues, and the documents adopted by the previous NAM Summits and Ministerial Conferences, due consideration should be given to maximizing the ability of the Movement to deal with the current rapidly evolving global situations, crises and challenges.", "14. The Ministers determined that if any member of the Movement suffers harm, whether this is economic, political or military in nature, or in terms of its security, or if a Member suffers harm as a result of the imposition of unilateral sanctions or embargos, the Movement should express its solidarity with the affected country through the provision of moral, material and other forms of assistance. To this end, the Ministers will continue to review the Movement’s existing mechanisms and explore new mechanisms for rendering such assistance, if necessary.", "15. The Ministers recalled that the Movement has been playing a key active, effective and central role, over the years, on issues of concern and vital importance to its members, such as decolonisation, apartheid, the situation in the Middle East including the Question of Palestine, the maintenance of international peace and security, and disarmament. After half of a century of its existence, and having undergone many challenges and vicissitudes, it is timely and appropriate to sustain and further consolidate the process of strengthening and revitalising the Movement and to continue to undertake actions that allow the Movement to effectively and efficiently address the main current challenges facing its Member Countries, as well as to forge a common vision of the future. In the context of existing and new threats and challenges, it is imperative for the Movement to continue to promote multilateralism, especially by strengthening the central role of the United Nations, including in Global Governance, defending the interests of developing countries and preventing their marginalisation.", "16. The Ministers welcomed the initiative by the Arab Republic of Egypt for holding the NAM First Ladies Summit, in the context of the XV Non-Aligned Movement Summit in Sharm El Sheikh on 15^(th) and 16^(th) July 2009, under the theme of “The Role of Women in Crisis Management”, and for holding the Second NAM First Ladies Summit, in conjunction with the World Food Summit in Rome on 15^(th) November 2009, under the theme of “ Food Security and Women’s access to Resources”, which reflected the great importance attached by the Movement to the active and equal participation of women in addressing the current global crises and challenges.", "17. Recognising that the year 2011 is witnessing the 50^(th) Anniversary of the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement, the Ministers expressed their satisfaction at the performance and achievement of the Movement over the past fifty years in preserving and promoting its ideals, principles and purposes as well as in pursuing the collective concerns and interests of its membership. In recognition of the wisdom and far-sightedness of the Founding Fathers[6], leaders of the Founding Countries[7] and other past leaders of the Movement, they reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to safeguard, uphold and further consolidate its principles, ideals and purposes.", "18. In this regard, and in following the directives of the XV NAM Summit to commemorate the fiftieth Anniversary of the Movement in 2011, to highlight its achievements and further enhance its role in the future, the Ministers Expressed appreciation to the generous offer by the Republic of Indonesia, the birth place of the historical Bandung Principles, to host the main commemorative event of the 50^(th) Anniversary of the establishment of the Movement on 25 May 2011, in conjunction with the NAM 16^(th) Ministerial Conference, with a view to adopt a Commemorative Declaration on the achievements of the Movement over the past fifty Years and a plan of action for further achievements in the future in order to ensure the continuity and revitalization of the positive role played by the Movement in a rapidly changing world.", "19. The Ministers also welcomed the proposal by the Republic of Serbia to organize another official commemorative ministerial meeting, for the Former Chairs of the Movement and open to any other interested NAM Member and Observer, in Belgrade on the 5^(th) and the 6^(th) of September 2011, to celebrate the place and the historical legacy of the City that hosted the First Summit of the Non-Aligned Movement in 1961[8].", "20. The Ministers decided to organise a high-level commemorative event of the 50^(th) Anniversary of the establishment of the Movement at the United Nations Headquarters during the 66^(th) Session of the United Nations General Assembly in September 2011.", "21. The Ministers further called upon all Member and Observer Countries of the Movement to commemorate with their peoples, and with other NAM Countries the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement, the way they deem appropriate at the national level. For purposes of information dissemination, NAM Member and Observer Countries are encouraged to inform the Chair of the Movement about the events held at the national level.", "22. While recognizing with satisfaction that the membership of the Movement has grown from 25 Members in 1961 to 120 States Members and 17 Observers in 2011, the Ministers welcomed the recent admission of the Republic of Fiji and the Republic of Azerbaijan as full Members in the Movement in 2011, and the Republic of Argentina as an Observer in the Movement in 2009.", "23. In rededicating the Movement to its principles, ideals and purposes, and consistent with the afore-mentioned principled positions, which should be defended, preserved and promoted through greater efforts by the Movement and the existing mechanisms and arrangements of the Movement, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Continue making progress in the process of revitalizing and strengthening the Movement with a view to achieving the purposes outlined in both the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture and the Document on the Methodology of the Non-Aligned Movement adopted at the 14^(th) NAM Summit in Havana, which will enable the Movement to deal effectively with the challenges looming ahead. Consolidate the pro-active approach in the working dynamic of the Movement, maintaining and increasing our capacity to bring forth on behalf of the NAM concrete proposals in the debates and presentation of resolutions and other initiatives at the various United Nations organs and other international fora where NAM is represented. The NAM Plan of Action adopted at the 15^(th) NAM Summit held in Sharm El Sheikh shall be reviewed when necessary during Ministerial Meetings in order to evaluate its implementation and to update it, accordingly;", "2. Disseminate the outcome documents of the 16^(th) Non-Aligned Movement Ministerial Conference as official documents of the United Nations system, as appropriate;", "3. Expand the Movement’s scope wherever its members consider it more appropriate within the UN agencies or at other relevant international organizations or bodies, in accordance to the relevant decisions by the NAM Summits and/or Ministerial Conferences~~;~~", "4. Strengthen and manifest the unity and solidarity among the membership of the Movement, particularly with those Non-Aligned Countries whose peoples are living under colonial or alien domination or foreign occupation, and with those experiencing external threats of use of force, acts of aggression or unilateral coercive measures, living in abject poverty or suffering ill-health, and victims of natural disasters, bearing in mind that the Movement cannot afford lack of unity and solidarity under those circumstances;", "5. Sustain the process of reviewing, analysing and strengthening the positions of the Movement on international issues, with a view to further ensure the adherence to and promotion of its Founding Principles and the principles adopted at the 14^(th) NAM Summit, as well as further consolidate the common denominators among its membership;", "6. Continue to review the role of the Movement in the context of current realities and improve, as appropriate, its structure and methods of work, including through strengthening existing mechanisms and arrangements[9] and, creating new ones, as appropriate and utilising them to the fullest, convening of regular meetings of such mechanisms and arrangements, generating a more focused and concise documentation, strengthening the role of the Chair as spokesperson of the Movement, working towards establishing a Back-up mechanism to assist the Chair, through taking full advantage of and maximum benefit from the Movement’s existing mechanisms and arrangements, with the aim to continue promoting a more coordinated, effective and efficient Movement capable of responding in a timely manner to international developments affecting it and its Member Countries;", "7. Requested the Coordinating Bureau to continue consideration, as appropriate, of all proposals on enhancing the role and methods of work of the Movement, including the proposal by the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya regarding the establishment of the Peace and Security Council and Permanent Secretariat and without prejudice to the purposes, principles and the role of the Movement and to report to the 16^(th) Summit in Tehran, the Islamic Republic of Iran, in 2012;", "8. Continue to support the important and active role of the NAM Coordinating Bureau in New York, and its Working Groups and Caucuses, as well as to maintain the current mechanism of the NAM Troika to assist the work of the Chair in order to enable the Movement to speak with one voice and to respond in a timely manner to international developments, and to promote the sharing of experiences and brainstorming on particular issues of interest to the Movement by the NAM Troika and the Former Chairs of the Movement. The activities and deliberations of the NAM Troika and/or the Former Chairs of the Movement shall be reported to the Coordinating Bureau;", "9. Improve the coordination of the work of the existing mechanisms of the Movement in New York, Geneva, Nairobi, Vienna, Paris and The Hague in the work of the relevant UN organs and agencies, upon identifying their respective priority areas of concern and competence, bearing in mind the position of the Coordinating Bureau in New York as the focal point for coordination of the Movement and should continue to act as such;", "10. Expand and reinforce the ability and capacity of the Movement for initiative, representation and negotiation, as well as its ethical, political and moral strength and influence;", "11. Continue to strengthen the coordination and cooperation as well as formulation of common positions and strategies on economic development and social progress issues with the Group of 77 and China (G-77) through the Joint Coordinating Committee of the G-77 and NAM (JCC)[10] in advancing the collective concerns and interests of developing countries at the relevant international forums particularly in the context of UN reform, and in expanding and deepening South-South cooperation. Such coordination must be guided by the Terms of Reference, adopted between both fora in 1994;", "12. Promote coordination and cooperation between the G-77 and the NAM, wherever possible at all relevant multilateral fora to address issues of common concern to both groupings subject to their respective competencies;", "13. Expedite its decision-making and improve its working methods, in conformity with the relevant provisions of the Cartagena Document on Methodology of the Movement[11] and the Document on the Methodology of the Non-Aligned Movement adopted at the 14^(th) NAM Summit in Havana, through determined and timely action in order to contribute more effectively in the multilateral process, with the aim of enhancing its role and stature as a leading global force;", "14. Be more proactive in addressing international developments which could adversely impact on the Movement and its Member Countries;", "15. Encourage the interaction of the Ministers responsible for portfolios of relevance to the Movement, such as food production and agriculture, energy, culture, education, health, human resources, environment, information and communications, industry, science and technology, social progress, women and children, with the aim of enhancing the effectiveness of the Movement and increasing the cooperation among its Member Countries in these areas;", "16. Expand and deepen its interaction and cooperation with parliamentarians, civil society, including non-governmental organisations, and the private sector of Non-Aligned Countries on the recognition that they can perform a constructive role towards the attainment of the principles, ideals and purposes of the Movement;", "17. Support, as a further manifestation of solidarity of the Movement, the candidatures of Non-Aligned Countries vis-à-vis non member countries, where appropriate, to the United Nations organs and bodies, including the Security Council and Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC), as well as all subsidiary bodies of the General Assembly and the ECOSOC, bearing in mind the ensuing obligation of such Countries whose candidatures are successful owing to such support, to defend, preserve and promote the concerns and interests of the Movement in those organs and bodies, without prejudice to their sovereign rights. The Ministers also agreed to consider working towards ensuring adequate representation of NAM in all international fora; and", "International Law", "24. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the continued relevance and validity of the Movement’s principled positions concerning international law, as follows:", "1. The Ministers reemphasized that the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the principles of international law are indispensable in preserving and promoting peace and security, the rule of law, economic development and social progress, and human rights for all. In this context, UN Member States should renew their commitment to defend, preserve and promote the UN Charter and international law, with the aim of making further progress to achieving full respect for international law;", "2. The Ministers remained concern at the unilateral exercise of extra-territorial criminal and civil jurisdiction of national courts not emanating from international treaties and other obligations arising from international law, including international humanitarian law. In this regard, they condemned the enactment of politically motivated laws at the national level directed against other States, and stressed the negative impact of such measures on the rule of international law as well as on international relations, and called for the cessation of all such measures;", "3. The Ministers while realizing the negative effects on international relations of the abuse of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction, called upon States to refrain from such abuse, and also recognized the need for further consideration of the Principle of Universal Jurisdiction with a view to better identify its scope and application, and took note in this regard of the establishment of the working Group in the sixth Committee in accordance with resolution 65/33 to undertake a thorough discussion aimed at identifying the scope and application of this Principle; and to establish a mechanism to monitor such application and to prevent its abuse in the future;", "4. The Ministers reiterated the need to eliminate unilateral application of economic and trade measures by one State against another that affect the free flow of international trade. They urged States that have and continue to apply such laws and measures to refrain from promulgating and applying them in conformity with their obligations under the Charter of the United Nations and international law, which, inter alia, reaffirm the freedom of trade and navigation.", "25. Recognising the serious danger and threats posed by the actions and measures which seek to undermine international law and international legal instruments, as well as consistent with and guided by the Movement’s principled positions thereof, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Identify and pursue measures that may contribute towards achieving a peaceful and prosperous world as well as a just and equitable world order based on the UN Charter and international law;", "2. Conduct external relations based on the ideals, principles and purposes of the Movement, the UN Charter and international law, as well as the “Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the Charter of the UN”, the “Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security”, and the “Declaration on the Enhancement of Effectiveness of the Principles of Refraining from the Threat or Use of Force in International Relations”;", "3. Firmly oppose the unilateral evaluation and certification of the conduct of States as a means of exerting pressure on Non-Aligned Countries and other developing countries;", "4. Refrain from recognising, adopting or implementing extra-territorial or unilateral coercive measures or laws, including unilateral economic sanctions, other intimidating measures, and arbitrary travel restrictions, that seek to exert pressure on Non-Aligned Countries – threatening their sovereignty and independence, and their freedom of trade and investment – and prevent them from exercising their right to decide, by their own free will, their own political, economic and social systems, where such measures or laws constitute flagrant violations of the UN Charter, international law, the multilateral trading system as well as the norms and principles governing friendly relations among States;[12] and in this regard, oppose and condemn these measures or laws and their continued application, persevere with efforts to effectively reverse them and urge other States to do likewise, as called for by the General Assembly and other UN organs; request States applying these measures or laws to revoke them fully and immediately;", "5. Support, in accordance with international law, the claim of affected states, including the targeted states, to compensation for the damage incurred as a consequence of the implementation of extraterritorial or unilateral coercive measures or laws;", "6. Oppose, while reiterating the utmost importance of preserving the delicate balance of rights and obligations of States as stipulated in the various international legally binding instruments to which they are party, the actions by a certain group of States to unilaterally reinterpret, redefine, redraft or apply selectively the provisions of these instruments to conform with their own views and interests and which might affect the rights of their States Parties as defined therein, and in this context, work towards ensuring that the integrity of these instruments is preserved by their States Parties;", "7. Oppose all attempts to introduce new concepts of international law aimed at internationalising certain elements contained in the so-called extra-territorial laws of certain States through multilateral agreements;", "8. Endeavour to generate further progress to achieve full respect for international law and, in this regard, commend the role of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in promoting the peaceful settlement of international disputes, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the UN Charter and the Statute of the ICJ;", "9. Urge the Security Council to make greater use of the ICJ, the principal judicial organ of the UN, as a source of advisory opinions and interpretation of relevant norms of international law, and on controversial issues, further urge the Council to use the ICJ as a source of interpreting relevant international law, and also urge the Council to consider its decisions be reviewed by the ICJ, bearing in mind the need to ensure their adherence to the UN Charter, and international law;", "10. Invite also the General Assembly, the other organs of the United Nations and the specialized agencies duly authorized, to request advisory opinions of the International Court of Justice on legal questions arising within the scope of their activities;", "11. Continue to call for full respect of the ICJ advisory opinion of 9 July 2004 by Israel, the occupying Power, Member States and the United Nations and to consider the possibilities for requesting a further advisory opinion from the ICJ regarding the prolonged Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territory since 1967;", "12. The Non-Aligned States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) shall continue to preserve the integrity of the Statute and ensure that the ICC remains impartial and fully independent of political organs of the UN, which should not instruct or impede the functions of the ICC, bearing in mind the relevant provisions of the Rome Statute;", "13. The Non-Aligned States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC call upon those States, which have not yet done so, to consider to ratify or accede to the Rome Statute of the ICC;", "14. The Non-Aligned States Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC welcomed the Review Conference of the Rome Statute, which was held in Kampala, Uganda, from 31 May to 11 June 2010, at which States parties reaffirmed their commitment to the Rome Statute and adopted amendments to the Statute to define the crime of aggression and to establish conditions under which the Court could exercise jurisdiction with respect to that crime;", "15. The Non-Aligned States continued to underscore the necessity of the independence of the ICC in accordance with its judicial nature. They stated that the Security Council’s responsibilities under the Charter of the UN should not limit the role of the Court as a judicial body. The Court should be empowered to pronounce on acts of aggression independently;", "16. The Non-Aligned State Parties to the Rome Statute of the ICC oppose all actions, in particular through the Security Council, aimed at establishing a process to grant immunity to the staff members of UN peacekeeping operations, which violate the relevant provisions of the Rome Statute of the ICC and damage the credibility and independence of the ICC;", "17. Call upon the Non-Aligned States Parties to the relevant treaties to work collectively to increase and enhance their representation and coordination in the bodies established through those treaties, and support the candidatures of their experts as a further manifestation of solidarity among them;", "25.18 The Ministers noted that 10^(th) December 2012 will mark the 30^(th) Anniversary of the adoption of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, signed in Montego Bay, Jamaica, and which entered into force on 14^(th) November 1994, and also recalled the significant contribution, by member states of the Non-Aligned Movement towards its conclusion and eventual adoption;", "25.19 The Ministers recalled the historic significance of the Convention as one of the most comprehensive legal instruments negotiated under the auspices of the United Nations, and emphasized its importance as the primary instrument which, inter alia, confers rights on coastal states for the exploration and exploitation of the living and non-living marine resources within national jurisdiction, as well as establishes a framework for access by other states to these resources; and defines the rights and responsibilities of states in their use of the world’s oceans, including their general obligations to protect and preserve the marine environment. They also recalled the importance of the designation by the Convention of the seabed, subsoil and ocean floor beyond national jurisdiction as the common heritage of mankind, as well as the establishment of the International Seabed Authority, to organize, control and administer all activities of the state parties in the Area on behalf of the international community and in accordance with the pertinent provisions of the Convention; and", "25.20 In this regard, the Ministers expressed support for the convening of a commemorative meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on Monday, 10^(th) December 2012, to mark the 30^(th) Anniversary of the adoption of the Convention.", "Promotion and Preservation of Multilateralism", "26. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the promotion and preservation of multilateralism and the multilateral process, as follows:", "1. The Movement reaffirmed that the UN, its Charter, and international law remain indispensable tools and central in the preservation and maintenance of international peace and security and the strengthening of international cooperation. While acknowledging its limitations, the UN, which represents near universal membership and a well-founded international legitimacy, and through it, multilateralism, remains the central multilateral forum for addressing the pressing global issues and challenges presently confronting all States. The responsibility for managing and achieving worldwide economic development and social progress as well as responding to threats to international peace and security must be shared among all States and exercised multilaterally through the UN, which must play the central role thereof;", "2. Remain seized of and active in further deliberations in the UN General Assembly on the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity, in accordance with paragraphs 138,139 and 140 of the 2005 Summit Outcome Document, bearing in mind the principles of the UN Charter and international law, including respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, non-interference in their internal affairs, as well as respect for fundamental human rights. Note has been taken of the presentation by the Secretary General of the Report “Early warning, assessment, and the responsibility to protect” (A/64/864).", "3. The Movement also reaffirmed the commitment to discuss and define human security in the UN General Assembly, in conformity with the principles enshrined in the Charter. The Movement stressed that the national ownership and leadership, and capacity building are essential elements in the consideration of this issue. The Movement also affirmed that particular attention should be given to peoples under foreign occupation to ensure their unhindered accessibility to humanitarian assistance and that the occupying powers fulfill their obligations under international law and international humanitarian law; and", "4. The Movement reiterated its strong concern at the growing resort to unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures that undermine the UN Charter and international law, and further reiterated its commitment to promoting, preserving and strengthening multilateralism and the multilateral decision making process through the UN, by strictly adhering to its Charter and international law, with the aim of creating a just and equitable world order and global democratic governance, and not one based on monopoly by the powerful few.", "5. The NAM Ministers underlined the critical role of the host countries of the United Nations Headquarters and Offices in preserving multilateralism and facilitating multilateral diplomacy and inter-governmental norm making processes, and called upon all States which host the United Nations Headquarters and Offices to facilitate, in accordance with their obligation under the related Headquarters Agreements, the presence of the representatives of the Member States in the relevant meetings of the United Nations.", "6. The NAM Ministers expressed their serious concern about the denial of or the delay in the issuance of entry visas to the representatives of any NAM Member States by the host country of the United Nations Headquarters, and reiterated that political observations shall not interfere with the provision of facilities required under the Headquarters Agreement for the Member States to participate in the United Nations activities.", "27. The Ministers reaffirmed the role of South-South cooperation, as a complement to North-South Cooperation in the overall context of multilateralism as a continuing process, vital to confronting threats and challenges facing developing countries in advancing economic development and social progress, promoting and preserving peace and security, and promoting and protecting all human rights, in particular the right to development, and the rule of law.", "28. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Promote and work towards creating a multi-polar world through the strengthening of multilateralism through the UN and the multilateral processes, which are indispensable in promoting and preserving the interests of Non-Aligned Countries;", "2. Initiate further vigorous transparent and inclusive initiatives to achieve the realisation of multilateral cooperation in the areas of economic development and social progress, peace and security, and human rights for all and the rule of law, including through enhancing the Movement’s unity, solidarity and cohesiveness on issues of collective concern and interests with the aim of shaping the multilateral agenda to embrace development as a fundamental priority, which should take into account the need for the developing and developed countries, and international institutions to intensify partnerships and coordinate their efforts and resources to effectively address all imbalances in the global agenda;", "3. Strengthen the articulation of the NAM’s agreed positions and its relevant agreements in the UN Security Council, through the NAM Coordinating Bureau and the NAM Caucus in the Security Council, in accordance with the Movement’s principles. In this context, the Ministers encouraged participation, whenever appropriate, by NAM Observers who are members of the Council in the meetings of the NAM Caucus in the Council, and exchange of views, whenever appropriate, with like-minded non-NAM Members on issues of common concern;", "4. Work towards achieving a universal, rule-based, open, non-discriminatory and equitable multilateral trading system, stressing the value of multilateralism to achieve a balanced, development oriented and, successful conclusion of the Doha round of negotiations, according to its mandate and urge all States to fulfil their commitments to shape globalisation as a positive force and that its benefits are shared evenly by all;", "5. Strengthen the comparative advantages of existing multilateral arrangements and institutions without compromising the principle of equitable geographical representation and equal partnerships, and promote the democratisation of the system of international governance in order to increase the participation of Non-Aligned Countries in international decision making;", "6. The Ministers stated that the United Nations is the only global body with universal membership and unquestioned legitimacy and is therefore well positioned to address global economic governance with the objective of reaching sustainable and socially balanced economic development. The role of the UN in global economic governance should thus be strengthened. For the United Nations to fulfil its role in global economic governance, the political will of all Member States to commit to the UN processes, to multilateralism and its underlying values is critical. Member States must commit to working in solidarity on coordinated and comprehensive global responses to global economic governance issues and to undertaking actions aimed at strengthening the role of the UN Development System in responding to global crises and their impact on development. For this the UN must also be equipped with the necessary resources and capabilities to effectively and quickly address global challenges;", "7. In this regard, welcome the decision adopted by the General Assembly in its Resolution 65/94 to include in the provisional agenda of its sixty-sixth session, under the item entitled “Strengthening of the United Nations System”, a new sub-item, entitled “Central role of the United Nations system in global governance”.", "8. Oppose unilateralism and unilaterally imposed measures by certain States – which can lead to the erosion and violation of the UN Charter international law and human rights, the use and threat of use of force, and pressure and coercive measures as a means to achieving their national policy objectives; and", "9. Strengthen South-South, North-South and triangular cooperation, including through enhancing the capacities of relevant institutions and mechanisms, as indispensable means to promote and preserve multilateralism and the multilateral process.", "Peaceful Settlement of Disputes, and Non-Use or Threat of Use of Force", "29. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the Movement’s principled positions concerning peaceful settlement of disputes, and non-use or threat of use of force, as follows:", "1. It is incumbent upon all States to defend, preserve and promote the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the principles of international law, in particular pacific settlement of disputes and the non-use or threat of use of force; and", "2. The Movement reiterated the basic principle of the UN Charter that all States shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, or in any other manner inconsistent with the purposes of the UN. The Movement stressed that the UN Charter contains sufficient provisions regarding the use of force to maintain and preserve international peace and security, and that achieving this goal by the Security Council should be strictly done in full conformity with the relevant Charter provisions. Resorting to Chapter VII of the Charter as an umbrella for addressing issues that do not pose a threat to international peace and security must be avoided and in this regard, the Council should fully utilise the relevant Charter provisions, where appropriate, including Chapters VI and VIII. In addition, and consistent with the practice of the UN and international law, as pronounced by the ICJ, Article 51 of the UN Charter is restrictive and should not be re-written or re-interpreted.", "30. The Ministers expressed their serious concern and complete dismay at the victimisation of innocent civilians in instances where force has been employed or sanctions have been imposed, including those authorised by the Security Council. In the spirit of the UN Charter, they called on all States to advance the principle of the non-use of force and peaceful settlement of disputes as a means of achieving collective security rather than the threat of force or use of force, bearing in mind “that armed force shall not be used, save in the common interest” as stipulated in the UN Charter.", "31. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Call upon the international community to renew its commitment to uphold and defend the principles of the UN Charter and international law as well as the means envisaged in the UN Charter for the pacific settlement of dispute and non-resort to the threat or use of force;", "2. Promote and preserve dialogue among civilizations, culture of peace and inter-faith dialogue, which would contribute towards peace and security, taking into account the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Cooperation among States in accordance with the UN Charter, the Declaration on the Strengthening of International Security, and the Declaration on the Enhancement of Effectiveness of the Principles of Refraining from the Threat of Use of Force in International Relations;", "3. Strengthen the role of the Movement in peaceful settlement of disputes, conflict prevention and resolution, confidence building, and post-conflict peacebuilding and rehabilitation in or between Non-Aligned Countries, in particular through seriously identifying concrete measures to expedite the creation of a NAM mechanism in this regard, whose terms of reference must be in conformity with its Founding Principles, the UN Charter and international law. Any such mechanism should be based on the consent of the States concerned;", "4. Oppose and condemn labelling of NAM countries and peoples by certain States through use of pejorative terms as well as systematic vilification of other States, their traditions and culture , to exert political pressure;", "5. Oppose and condemn the categorisation of countries as good or evil based on unilateral and unjustified criteria, and the adoption of the doctrine of pre-emptive attack, including attack by nuclear weapons by certain States, which is inconsistent with international law, in particular the international legally-binding instruments concerning nuclear disarmament; and further oppose and condemn all unilateral military actions, or use of force or threat of use of force against the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of Non-Aligned Countries, which constitute acts of aggression and blatant violations of the principles of the UN Charter, including non-interference in the internal affairs of States; and", "6. Promote, in ensuring international peace and security, the diversity of approaches to development consistent with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law as a core value of the Non-Aligned Countries.", "Culture of Peace, Dialogue among Civilisations, Religions and Cultures, and Cultural Diversity", "32. The Ministers noted that the world today is composed of States with diverse political, economic, social and cultural systems and religions determined by their history, traditions, values and cultural diversity, whose stability can be guaranteed by the universal recognition of their right to freely determine their own approach towards progressive development. In this context, they emphasized that respect for the diversity of such systems and approach is a core value which relations and cooperation among States in an increasingly globalising world should be based on, with the aim of contributing to establishing a peaceful and prosperous world, a just and equitable world order, and an environment conducive to exchanging human experiences. They underscored that the promotion of dialogue among civilisations and the culture of peace globally, in particular through the full implementation of the Global Agenda for Dialogue among Civilisations and its Programme of Action and the Declaration and Programme of Action on Culture of Peace could contribute towards that end.", "33. The Ministers welcomed the First, Second and third Forums of Alliance of Civilizations held from 15th to 16th of January 2008 in Madrid, from 6 to 7 of April 2009 in Istanbul, and from 27 to 29 May 2010 in Rio De Janeiro respectively, and welcomed the decision made by the Government of State of Qatar to host the fourth forum of the Alliance from 11 to 13 December 2011, and called for strengthening international partnerships and generate ideas aimed at building trust and cooperation among diverse actors and stakeholders in the promotion of dialogue among civilizations.", "34. The Ministers reaffirmed that dialogue among cultures, civilisations and religions should be a durable process and that, in the current international environment, it is not an option but an imperative, sound and productive tool to promote economic and social development, peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law in guaranteeing a better life for all. They further reaffirmed in this context that tolerance, mutual understanding and respect are fundamental values of international relations.", "35. Bearing in mind that the current challenges facing international community need to be resolutely addressed by all nations through multilateralism. The Ministers welcomed the initiative of “Coalition for Peace” based on high ethical values, justice and friendship in order to denounce acts of aggression, and to reinforce and promote stability, tranquillity and durable peace throughout the world.", "36. The Ministers recognized the valuable contributions of all religions and beliefs to modern civilization and the contribution that dialogue among civilizations can make to an improved awareness and understanding of common values of tolerance and peaceful coexistence.", "37. The Ministers reiterated the need to continue working towards the promotion of dialogue and understanding among civilizations, cultures and religions and reaffirmed their commitment to work together to prevent cultural homogenization and domination or incitement to hatred and discrimination, combat defamation of religions and develop better ways for promoting tolerance, respect for and protection of the freedom of religion and belief, including the right to preserve one’s cultural identity. They stressed the role which the General Assembly and the relevant UN organs can play in that respect in particular through furthering the much-needed dialogue on those important and sensitive issues.", "38. The Ministers recognised the ever-increasing significance and relevance of a culture of living in harmony with nature, which is inherent in nomadic civilisation, in today’s world. They, therefore, welcomed the efforts of States to preserve and develop nomadic culture and traditions in modern societies.", "39. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the Convention on the protection and promotion of Diversity of cultural expressions by UNESCO, which entered into force in 18 March 2007, as a major contribution to the international community in the definition of a framework of the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity and called upon United Nations Member States to consider becoming parties to this Convention.", "40. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to enhancing dialogue among civilizations and religions, through supporting efforts made at the international level towards reducing confrontation, enhancing dialogue, promoting respect for diversity based on justice, fraternity and equality, and oppose all attempts of uniculturalism or the imposition of particular models of political, economic, social, legal or cultural systems, and promote dialogue among civilizations, culture of peace and inter-faith dialogue, which will contribute towards peace, security, stability and development.", "41. The Ministers welcomed the fruitful efforts of the NAM Members, including the initiatives by the People’s Democratic Republic of Algeria, the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Republic of Indonesia, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Islamic Republic of Iran, the Republic of the Philippines, the State of Qatar, the Republic of Senegal and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, in exploring the opportunities for co-existence and cooperation among religions, cultures and civilisations through holding numerous conferences and forums in order to identify and develop strategies and programmes, at the national, regional and international levels that contribute to rapprochement among religions, cultures and civilisations[13], including other inter-governmental processes and initiatives.", "42. The Ministers welcomed the initiative launched by His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan during the 65^(th) Session of the General Assembly and the subsequent adoption of the General Assembly resolution proclaiming the first week of February of every year the World Interfaith Harmony Week between all religions, faiths and beliefs.", "43. The Ministers expressed their appreciation of the efforts of the Philippines in hosting the special non-Aligned Ministerial Meeting on Interfaith Dialogue and cooperation for Peace and Development, held on 16-18 March 2010 in Manila, and stress the importance of enhancing efforts to promote respect for the diversity of religions, beliefs, cultures and societies as contained in its Manila Declaration and Program of Action on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace and Development.", "44. The Ministers welcomed the Philippines’ establishment of the “Interfaith Dialogue E-Portal: The Experience of the Non-Aligned Movement” pursuant to the 2010 Manila Declaration, acknowledge the E-Portal’s key role as an e-resource center that raises the level of awareness and understanding on the Movement’s interfaith dialogue efforts, and encouraged NAM member states to contribute to the growth and development of the body of information on interfaith dialogue by sharing developments of the Program of Action of the Manila Declaration in their respective countries through the E-Portal.", "45. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to the Tehran Declaration and Programme of Action (TDPA) adopted at the Non – Aligned Movement Ministerial Meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity held in Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran, on 3^(rd) and 4^(th) September 2007, and recognized the important role of the NAM Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity established in Tehran, and encouraged Member States of the NAM to provide necessary assistance on a voluntary basis to the Centre towards achieving its established goals and objectives, inter alia, further promotion of human rights and cultural diversity.", "46. The Ministers welcomed the convening of the first High Level Dialogue of the General Assembly on Inter-religious and Intercultural Cooperation for Peace held on 4 – 5 October 2007 at the joint initiative of Pakistan and Philippines and the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on Inter-Faith Dialogue on the initiative of King Abdullah Bin Abdul Aziz Al-Saud, the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, held on 12-13 November 2008, under agenda item “Culture of Peace”.", "47. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Emphasize the need to continue strengthening the dialogue among civilizations, culture of peace and inter-cultural dialogue, inter alia through the World Programme for the Dialogue among Civilizations and the Alliance of Civilizations;", "2. Oppose all attempts to impose on any State any particular model of political, economic, legal or cultural system, which may lead to global instability and weaken the security of States and their peoples;", "3. Strive to prevent and mitigate cultural homogenization as well as uniculturalism in the context of globalization, through increased intercultural dialogue and exchange guided by enhancing respect for and observance of cultural diversity;", "4. Promote a culture of peace based on respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, right to self-determination of peoples under foreign occupation and colonial domination, prevention of violence, promotion of non-violence, strict adherence to the principles of international relations as enshrined in the UN Charter, and full realisation of the right to development;", "5. Promote respect for the diversity of religions, beliefs, and cultures, and for prophets, religious symbols and Personalities, as part of the universal respect for peoples and civilizations and common heritage belonging to humankind;", "6. Promote the important role of education in the promotion of a culture of peace and dialogue among civilizations, religions and cultures, and the role of civil society, faith-based non-governmental organizations and media as appropriate, in promoting interfaith, intercultural and inter-civilizational dialogue and understanding towards fostering cultural diversity, and the realization of internationally agreed goals, including the Millennium Development Goals;", "7. Continue to enhance the efforts of the NAM members in promoting the culture of peace, and dialogue among civilisations, religions and cultures, through various activities, including international and regional conferences and forums;", "8. Call for the implementation of Manila Declaration and Programme of Action on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace and Development adopted by the Special NAM Ministerial Meeting on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace and Development held from 16-18 March 2010 in Manila, Philippines, on the initiative of the Government of the Philippines;", "9. Initiate discussions with a view to elaborate an international instrument on the elimination of all forms of religious intolerance, including ways to eliminate defamation of religions, and discrimination based on religion or belief;", "10. Contribute to the implementation of the agreements contained in the Tehran Declaration and Programme of Action on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity and, in this context, continue to promote a NAM initiative on the subject in the Human Rights Council or the United Nations General Assembly as soon as possible and in this context, enhance the activities of the NAM Center for Human Rights and Cultural Diversity and consider the approval of its charter;", "11. Recognize the importance of respect and understanding for religious and cultural diversity throughout the world, of choosing negotiations over confrontation and of working together and not against each other.", "Defamation of Religions", "48. The Ministers reaffirmed their strong belief in the need to stress moderation of all religions and beliefs and to promote understanding through dialogue within and across religions. In this connection, they are deeply alarmed at the rising trends of discriminatory national laws and policies adopted and exercised against any religion, stigmatizing groups of people on the basis of religions under variety of pretexts relating to security and illegal immigration, particularly people from certain ethnicities and religious minorities following the events of 11 September 2001.", "49. The Ministers, bearing in mind that defamation of religions is being wrongly justified on the ground of the right to freedom of expression, emphasized that everyone has the right to hold opinions without interference and the right to freedom of expression, and that exercise of these rights carries with it special duties and responsibilities and may therefore be subject to limitations as are provided for by law and are necessary for respect of the rights and reputations of others, protection of national security or of public order, public health or morals.", "50. The Ministers considered, in this regard, the importance of promoting full respect of all religions and cultures among all States, with a view to promoting and ensuring the full enjoyment of the right to freedom of expression while preventing abuses and incitement to religious hatred that could contribute to undermining the ongoing efforts to foster a culture of peace based on mutual respect and tolerance among religions, cultures and civilisations, as provided for in the international human rights instruments to which States are parties.", "51. The Ministers expressed concern at the negative stereotyping of religions, insults to and defamation of religious personalities, holy books, scriptures and symbols, which impede the enjoyment of human rights including the right to worship and manifest religion without fear of coercion, violence or reprisal. They deplored all acts of ideological and physical violence and assaults, and incitements thereto, against persons on the basis of their religion or belief, and those acts directed against the holy symbols, sites or places of worship of all religions. The Ministers underlined the need to address these disturbing instances through appropriate measures at the national and international level, including legal measures, to provide adequate protection against acts of religious hatred that constitute incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence resulting from defamation of religions in conformity with existing instruments of international law. They also underlined the unacceptability of any attempt to restrict the freedom of worship by any religious group in any circumstance.", "52. The Ministers underlined the important role of education in the promotion of tolerance and the elimination of discrimination based on religion or belief.", "Right to Self-Determination and Decolonisation", "53. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the right to self-determination of peoples under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination, as follows:", "1. The Movement stressed the fundamental and inalienable right of all peoples, including all non-self governing territories, as well as those territories under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination to self determination, the exercise of which, in the case of peoples under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination, remains valid and essential to ensure the eradication of all these situations and to guarantee universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms;", "2. The Movement reaffirmed the right of the people of Puerto Rico to self-determination and independence on the basis of General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), and expressed its unwavering support to the resolutions on Puerto Rico adopted by the UN Special Committee on Decolonisation; and called for their immediate implementation; and", "3. The Movement remained concerned at the loss, destruction, removal, theft, pillage, illicit movement or misappropriation of and any acts of vandalism or damage, directed against cultural property in areas of armed conflict and territories that are occupied.", "54. Recalling the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, the Ministers welcomed the General Assembly resolution A/RES/65/119 declaring the period 2011-2020 as the Third International Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism and called to speed up the process of decolonization towards the complete elimination of colonialism in this decade.", "55. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to preserve, defend and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Strongly support the work and activities of the UN Special Committee on Decolonisation, underlining the necessity of reinforcing the importance of its decisions and again urge the Administering Powers to grant their full support to the activities of the Committee and fully cooperate with this UN body;", "2. Request the colonialist countries to pay full compensation for the economic, social and cultural consequences of their occupation, bearing in mind the right of all people who were or are still subjected to colonial rule or occupation to receive fair compensation for the human and material losses they suffered as a result of colonial rule or occupation;", "3. Strongly condemn the ongoing brutal suppression of the legitimate aspirations to self-determination of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation in various regions of the world;", "4. Urge UN Member States to fully implement the decisions and resolutions of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) concerning the return of cultural properties to the peoples who were or still under colonial rule or occupation, and in this regard, further urge UNESCO to identify the stolen or illegally exported cultural properties in accordance with the relevant conventions on the subject, and also urge the process of returning these properties to their countries of origin, in compliance with the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly, be expedited, bearing in mind the right of the Non-Aligned Countries to maintain and conserve their national heritage as it constitutes the foundation of their cultural identity;", "5. Renew its call to UN Member States to speed up the process of decolonisation towards the complete elimination of colonialism, and including by supporting the effective implementation of the Plan of Action of the Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism (2011-2020);", "6. The Ministers expressed grave concern over the decision by the United Kingdom, the Administering Power, to suspend the Constitution of the Turks and Caicos Islands, the democratically elected House of Assembly and the Cabinet, and to postpone previously scheduled elections to be held in July 2011, which will result in the continuation of the imposition of direct rule for an undetermined period. In this regard, they called for the urgent restoration of the constitutional government in the Turks and Caicos Islands and for the elections to be held as soon as possible, pursuant to the Constitutional Order of 2006;", "7. Work towards the full implementation of the principle of self-determination with respect to the remaining territories within the framework of the Programme of Action of the Special Committee on Decolonisation, in accordance with the wishes of the people consistent with the UN Charter and the relevant UN resolutions;[14]", "8. Oppose any attempt aimed at the partial or total disruption of the national unity and the territorial integrity of a State, which is incompatible with the UN Charter;", "9. Call on the Government of the United States to assume its responsibility to expedite a process that will allow the Puerto Rican people to fully exercise their inalienable right to self-determination and independence, and urges the Government of the United States to return the occupied land and installations on Vieques Island and at the Roosevelt Roads Naval Station to the Puerto Rican people, who constitute a Latin American and Caribbean nation; and", "10. Work actively to have the U.N. General Assembly to consider the question of Puerto Rico in all its aspects.", "United Nations: Follow-up to the 2005 World Summit Outcome, the Millennium Declaration and the Outcomes of the Major United Nations Summits and Conferences", "56. The Ministers reaffirmed that the UN Charter provides a balance among the purposes and principles of the Organisation that encompass all pertinent issues, including economic and social development, peace and security, and human rights and rule of law, and that the Millennium Declaration, the 2005 World Summit Outcome, as well as the outcome of the 2010 High Level Plenary Meeting on MDGs provide the twenty-first century perspective of that balance. They further reaffirmed that the existing, new and emerging threats and challenges faced by all States in these areas are inter-connected and that these could be addressed by acting at a sufficiently early stage with the full range of available peaceful means as envisaged in the UN Charter and in a manner that would ensure the preservation of its purposes and principles, the intergovernmental character of the Organisation and the required balance among its principal organs, as well as the neutrality and impartiality of its undertakings in these areas.", "57. The Ministers took note of the outcome of the 2010 MDGs Summit and reiterated their concerns that the document did not fully take into account the interests of developing countries, especially on critical and crucial issues relating to development. They also expressed their disappointment at the lack of implementation by developed countries of many of their commitments, especially with regard to official development assistance. They stressed the need to scale up the global partnership for development to mobilize the additional resources urgently needed to address the remaining gaps and continuing challenges, in order to ensure that no country will fall short of the MDGs simply because of lack of resources. The Ministers reiterated their commitment to strengthening efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, and emphasized the crucial role of the global partnership for development in support of national development strategies and policies.", "58. The Ministers remained concerned by the lack of and/or uneven progress made by least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States in achieving the internationally agreed development goals including the Millennium Development Goals, and in this regard reiterated the importance of strengthening global partnership in the follow-up to and implementation of the Istanbul Programme of Action for the Least Developed Countries for the Decade 2011-2020, adopted in the Fourth United Nations LDCs Conference at Istanbul on 9-13 of May 2011, the Almaty Programme of Action: Addressing the Special Needs of Landlocked Developing Countries within a New Global Framework for Transit Transport Cooperation for Landlocked and Transit Developing Countries and the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States.", "59. The Ministers drew particular attention to the importance of the fulfilment, without further delay, of the commitments by several donor countries to reach the target of 0.7 per cent of gross national product (GNP) for official development assistance (ODA) to developing countries by 2015 and to reach the level of at least 0.5 per cent of GNP for ODA by 2010, as well as the target of 0.15 per cent to 0.2 per cent of GNP for ODA to the least developed countries (LDCs) by 2010, and expressed concern at the overall decline in Official Development Assistance. They agreed to highlight the importance of the ECOSOC’s Development Cooperation Forum as the focal point within the United Nations system for holistic consideration of issues of international development cooperation with participation of all relevant stakeholders, including for monitoring the progress made towards achieving those targets. They reiterated the need to establish as soon as possible, ODA timetables by those developed countries, which have not yet done so, in order to assist developing countries to meet the MDG’s target in a timely manner.", "60. The Ministers reaffirmed that economic and social development are the centrepiece of the objectives and operational activities of the UN. The achievement of the internationally Agreed Development Goals (IADG), including the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), should continue to be the relevant framework of the development activities of the UN system and other relevant international organizations.", "61. The Ministers underlined the insufficient and uneven progress achieved in the effective implementation of the Internationally Agreed Development Goals including the MDG’s, and noted with deep concern that many countries, particularly from Africa, have fallen behind and are unlikely to achieve those Goals by the target date. In this regard, the Ministers stressed the importance of securing the effective and full implementation of the agreed development goals and commitments, including the strengthening of the global partnership for development, based on the recognition of national ownership and development strategies. They further emphasized that economic and social development must be at the highest priority of the United Nations Agenda.", "62. The Ministers emphasized the need for a timely, effective, comprehensive and durable solution to the debt problems of developing countries and called for the continued formulation and implementation of initiatives to address significant debt relief for middle-income developing countries.", "63. The Ministers stressed the important role of the United Nations in addressing issues concerning international trade and development, as well as the persistent systemic inequities in international economic relations, in particular the slow progress in enhancing the voice and participation of developing countries in the International, Financial and Monetary Institutions, which are to the detriment of developing countries. They also underlined the need for a comprehensive and structural reform of the global financial and economic governance and architecture in order to establish an equitable, transparent and democratic international system that strengthens and broadens the participation of developing countries in international economic decision making and norm setting. In that context, they also underscored the need to strengthen and implement the development dimension in the series of international economic, financial and trade negotiations. The Ministers reiterated the call for the international community, the United Nations system, and international organizations and institutions, including the Bretton Woods institutions and the World Trade Organization, to translate all commitments made at the major United Nations conferences and summits, in the economic, social and related fields into concrete and specific actions in order to, inter alia, achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, within the agreed timeframes, and calls for the efficient use of monitoring and follow-up mechanisms to ensure that these commitments and actions are effectively implemented.", "64. The Ministers stressed the need for the United Nations to play a fundamental role in the promotion of international cooperation for development and the coherence, coordination and implementation of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and actions agreed upon by the international community, and resolves to strengthen coordination within the United Nations system in close cooperation with all other multilateral financial, trade and development institutions in order to support sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, poverty and hunger eradication and sustainable development.", "65. The Ministers stressed that sub-regional, regional, interregional and international cooperation plays an important role in helping developing countries to integrate into the global economy and to achieve their development objectives and the millennium Development Goals as well as in promoting the global partnership for development. The Ministers also recognized the need to enhance synergies and complementarities among regional, sub-regional and interregional cooperation processes and emphasized the role that the United Nations as well as other relevant international institutions can play in supporting such cooperation.", "66. The Ministers welcomed the Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health undertaken by a broad coalition of partners, which aims at supporting national plans and strategies in health matters, in order to significantly reduce the number of maternal, new born and under-five child deaths as a matter of immediate concern by scaling up a priority package of high-impact interventions, so as to reduce maternal and child mortality in accordance with Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5, and also took note of the various national, regional and international initiatives on all the MDGs, including those undertaken bilaterally and through South-South cooperation.", "67. Consistent with, and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Ministers agreed to continue to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Actively engage in the follow-up process and the implementation of the commitments contained in the Millennium Declaration and the outcomes of its subsequent reviews, including the 2010 MDG’s Summit, as well as the international development goals agreed at the major UN conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, in a manner that would advance the principled positions of the Movement towards the issues under consideration. To this end, the Movement shall insist, in close cooperation and coordination with the Group of 77 and China, that the follow-up process of these conferences and summits, must remain inclusive, open-ended and transparent in order to ensure that the interests and priorities of the Non-Aligned Countries are duly taken into account in the final outcome of that process;", "2. Call for international support to strengthen South-South cooperation, which complements, and does not substitute, North-South cooperation, including regional, inter-regional and triangular cooperation and in this context, the Ministers welcomed the holding of the High-level United Nations Conference on South-South Cooperation in Nairobi, Kenya, from 1 to 3 December 2009, and called for the implementation of the Nairobi outcome document approved through United Nations General Assembly Resolution 64/222;", "3. Start preparation for the convening of a meeting of the United Nations General Assembly during its sixty-eighth session, at the highest appropriate political level, devoted to the issue of poverty eradication;", "4. Reiterate the importance of a strengthened and more effective intergovernmental inclusive mechanism, in order to provide for adequate follow up of the implementation of the mandates agreed to in Monterrey and in Doha, in addition to holding a follow up Financing for Development Conference in 2013, and recalling the mandate of the Doha Declaration on Financing for Development, urged ECOSOC to reach a speedy conclusion on the establishment of such a mechanism, with a view to final action by the General Assembly as early as possible at its 66^(th) session.", "United Nations: Institutional Reform", "A. Reform of the United Nations", "68. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the institutional reform of the UN, as follows:", "1. The UN remains the central and indispensable forum for addressing issues relating to international cooperation for economic development and social progress, peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law, based on dialogue, cooperation and consensus-building amongst States. In this context, the Movement attaches great importance to the strengthening of the role of the UN and stresses that efforts should be made to develop its full potential;", "2. The purpose of reform is to maintain the central role of the United Nations in development, through making the UN development system more responsive, efficient and effective in its support to developing countries to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, on the basis of their national development strategies, and that reform efforts should enhance organisational efficiency and achieve concrete development results;", "3. The reform of the UN, which remains a collective agenda and high priority for the Movement, is a dynamic and ongoing process and not an end in itself in accordance with the parameters for the objective and scope of the review exercise set out by the 2005 World Summit Outcome and the Millennium Declaration. Reform of the UN must be comprehensive, transparent, inclusive and balanced and pursued in an effective and accountable manner, fully respecting the political nature of the Organisation as well as its intergovernmental, universal and democratic character, consistent with the Charter. In this context, the voice of every Member State must be heard and respected during the reform process irrespective of the contributions made to the budget of the Organisation, while stressing that any reform measure should be decided by Member States through an intergovernmental process in accordance with the Charter;", "4. The Ministers stressed the central role of the United Nations in Global Governance and that it could only be achieved through strictly observing the delicate balance in the Charter between the principal organs of the United Nations, revitalizing the work of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, and the reform of the Security Council, including its expansion, democratization, improving its transparency, accountability and working methods;", "5. The Ministers emphasized the need for the payment of assessed contributions by major contributors, which is critical to the financial stability of the Organization, to be made timely, in full and without conditions so as to enable the UN to carry out its mandates effectively. A reformed UN must be responsive to the entire membership, faithful to its founding principles and capable of carrying out its mandate;", "6. The impact of UN reform on developing countries is yet to be felt given the continuous decline in the resources made available to the UN for multilateral development cooperation. The Ministers, while recognizing the steps taken by the General Assembly when adopted its resolution 63/260 aimed at improving the effective and efficient delivery of the mandates of the development-related activities, underscored the need for a substantially larger allocation of resources to strengthen the development pillar of the United Nations, which includes that Department of Economic and Social Affairs, UNCTAD, Regional Commissions and the Development Account. In this context, the Ministers expressed particular concern at the fact that the current system of financing of the Development Account has failed to work and stressed the need to address the perennial issue of the funding mechanism for the Account, as a matter of priority, in order to provide a predictable and sustainable funding to the Account. The success of UN reform can only be judged in terms of a collective assessment of the potential improvements in the functioning of the Organisation while preserving the interests of all developing countries. In this context, UN reform shall be strictly approved by the General Assembly and its ultimate goal shall not be to cut in the UN budget and resources. Should reforms however release part of existing resources, such resources shall be ultimately redirected to support activities and programmes related to international cooperation for development;", "7. The objectives of UN reform, which should include the strengthening of the General Assembly and the ECOSOC as well as reforming the Security Council and other relevant UN bodies while addressing at the same time the systemic issues which may arise as a result, are:", "(a) to strengthen multilateralism and the inclusive multilateral decision-making process, providing the UN with a substantive capacity to fully and effectively meet the purposes and principles enshrined in its Charter, and at consolidating its democratic and inter-governmental character and its transparency in the discussion and implementation of decisions by Member States;", "(b) to strengthen and update the role of the Organisation, as the pre-eminent and indispensable forum, by developing its full potential in addressing threats and challenges to economic development and social progress, peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law which could be achieved through the implementation of all of its mandates, decisions and resolutions, bearing in mind that a stronger UN that responds more effectively to their collective needs is in their common interest;", "(c) to promote greater democracy, effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, non-selectivity, inclusiveness, impartiality and accountability within the UN system;", "(d) to strengthen the role of the Organisation in promoting international cooperation in the maintenance of international peace and security and in particular for development and in implementing the internationally-agreed development goals, in the economic, social and related fields, including the Millennium Development Goals, through the provision of adequate resources and effective follow-up mechanisms. In this context, any UN reform proposal should also address systemic issues and requirement for additional human and financial resources that may arise as a result; and", "(e) to mainstream the development dimension within the General Assembly, ECOSOC and the economic sectors of the UN system, including in the areas of sustainable development, policy space, South-South cooperation social and environmental responsibility and accountability, bearing in mind the aim of enabling the full participation of peoples from the South in the international decision and rule-making economic processes, and ensuring their access to and full enjoyment of the benefits of the international economy.", "1. In acknowledging the interconnectedness of economic and social development, peace and security, and human rights and the rule of law, efforts should be made to ensure that any effort to transform the UN into a more effective instrument for preventing conflict should take into account the need for a balanced coherent and comprehensive approach, in accordance with its Charter and international law, in order to enhance conflict prevention and resolution and post-conflict peace-building strategies with the aim of achieving sustained economic growth and sustainable development. In this context, it is critical that all principal organs of the UN play an active role in evolving and implementing a more effective collective security system, in accordance with their respective functions and powers;", "2. It is indispensable for UN Member States to develop common perceptions and agreed approaches to address existing, new and emerging threats and challenges to international peace and security as well as the root causes of conflict. Such common perceptions and approaches to collective security would only be legitimate if they are developed in accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter and by all Member States acting together. The active participation of each and every principal organ of the UN is crucial, acting both in the exercise of its respective functions and powers, without upsetting the balance as established by the Charter thereof;", "3. Efforts to strengthen the contribution of civil society, non-governmental organisations and the private sector to the work of the UN and its bodies through the established consultative arrangements should continue to be pursued, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions and should serve the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. Such contribution should seek, inter alia, to address in particular the obstacles that developing countries are experiencing in mobilising the resources and in obtaining the technology and capability needed to implement their sustainable development programmes;", "4. The Ministers reiterated the Movement’s principled position regarding the review of mandates of the United Nations programme and activities, as contained in the Final Document of the 14th NAM Summit in Havana, as well as the joint letter, dated 3 January 2007, signed by the Chairs of NAM and the Group of 77 and China, issued as an official document of the United Nations (A/61/693); and", "5. The Ministers acknowledged the conclusion of the mandate review process and took note of resolution 62/278, in particular, paragraph 4 by which the General Assembly call upon its relevant bodies and subsidiary organs, within their respective mandates and in accordance with the established regulations and rules governing programme planning, to continue improving the implementation of mandates and addressing the continuing validity of legislative decisions and the effective coordination among units of the Secretariat and other structures of the United Nations system.", "69. The Ministers expressed satisfaction over the high level of coordination and activism reached by the JCC, between NAM and G-77 and China, in following up various aspects of the UN reform, which has placed them as key players, also contributing to the advancement of the interests of the developing countries, and called in this regard for further cooperation and coordination, including through the JCC in related areas of common concern.", "70. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to continue to pursue the following measures:", "1. Promote the concerns and interests of developing countries in the reform process, ensure its successful outcome, and promote and preserve the integrity and respective functions and powers of the General Assembly, the ECOSOC, and the Security Council as defined in the Charter;", "2. Oppose proposals that seek; (a) to transform the democratic and intergovernmental nature of the UN as well as its oversight and monitoring processes including any proposal that seeks to undermine the role of the Fifth Committee of the General Assembly, as the main committee for administrative and budgetary issues; (b) to impose an artificial cap on budget levels; (c) to fund more activities from within the existing pool of resources; or (d) to redefine the Charter-based functions and powers of its principal organs on budgetary related issues;", "3. Engage constructively in consultations and work towards, in particular through ensuring the implementation of the relevant UN decisions and resolutions thereof: (a) revitalising the work of the General Assembly, in view of its central role and position as the chief deliberative, policy making and representative organ of the UN; (b) strengthening the role of the ECOSOC as a principal body for coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and recommendations on issues of economic and social development, and monitoring the implementation of development programmes; (c) democratising the Security Council as an effective forum in the maintenance of international peace and security; and (d) reforming the Secretariat and its management in order to ensure the efficient and effective implementation of all mandates and to provide the highest level of accountability and transparency, at all levels, within the Secretariat and from the Secretariat to Member States through the establishment of a clear and implementable accountability framework;", "4. Enhance the global partnership for development that is necessary to fully realize the outcomes of all major UN summits and conferences in the economic, social and related fields;", "5. Oppose the tendency to equate reform of the UN with greater empowerment of the Security Council, mindful of the need to keep the balance among the functions and powers of the principal organs of the UN;", "6. Ensure that the UN is provided with sufficient resources and on a timely basis needed to fully implement all mandated programmes and activities, in accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions, including evolving a mechanism to monitor their effective implementation;", "7. Promote, in close cooperation with the Group of 77 and China, the allocations of additional resources to further strengthen the development pillar of the United Nations;", "8. Maintain close inter-governmental oversight and review of all proposals, which are yet to be considered and acted upon by the General Assembly, as well as those, which are being implemented; and", "9. Preserve the unity of purpose and action achieved by NAM and the G-77 and China through the JCC in following up on the various aspects of the UN reform in order for the interests and concerns of developing countries to be adequately reflected in the final outcome of this process.", "B. Relationship among the Principal Organs of the United Nations", "71. The Ministers underscored the need for UN Member States to fully respect the functions and powers of each principal organ of the UN, in particular the General Assembly, and to maintain the balance among these organs within their respective Charter-based functions and powers. They stressed that the Security Council must fully observe all Charter provisions as well as all General Assembly resolutions, which clarify its relationship with the latter organ and other principal organs. In this context, they affirmed that Article 24 of the Charter does not necessarily provide the Security Council with the competence to address issues which fall within the functions and powers of the General Assembly and the ECOSOC, including in the areas of norm-setting, legislation, administrative and budgetary matters, and establishing definitions, bearing in mind that the Assembly is primarily tasked with the progressive development of international law and its codification.[15] The Ministers expressed their grave concern over the increasing and continuing encroachment by the Council on issues which clearly fall within the functions and powers of other principal organs of the UN and their subsidiary bodies. They further stressed that close cooperation and coordination among all principal organs is highly indispensable in order to enable the UN to remain relevant and capable of meeting the existing, new and emerging threats and challenges.", "72. The Ministers stressed that while Member States have conferred on the Security Council the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security pursuant to Article 24 (1) of the UN Charter and in carrying out its duties under this responsibility, the Council acts on their behalf. In this context, they further stressed that the Council should report and be accountable to the General Assembly in accordance with Article 24 (3) of the Charter.", "73. The Ministers reiterated their concern over the continuing encroachment by the Security Council on the functions and powers of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council through addressing issues which traditionally fall within the competence of the latter organs, and the attempts to enter areas of norm-setting, administrative and budgetary matters and establishing definitions which fall within the purview of the Assembly.", "74. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers will continue to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Urge all States to uphold the primacy of and full respect for the provisions of the UN Charter pertaining to the functions and powers of the Assembly, call on the Presidents of the General Assembly, the ECOSOC and the Security Council to conduct regular discussions and coordination among themselves regarding the agenda and programme of work of the respective principal organs that they represent in order to establish increased coherence and complementarity among these organs in a mutually reinforcing manner, respectful of each others’ mandates, and with a view to generating a mutual understanding among them, with whom the members of the respective organs that they represent have vested in good faith their trust and confidence;", "2. Welcome as a step forward the informal meetings between the July’s Presidents of the Council, and UN Member States on the preparation of the annual report of the Security Council, including those convened by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam in 2008, Uganda in 2009, and Nigeria in 2010, and call for more regular interactions between future July’s Presidency of the Security Council and the wider membership of the United Nations, which can help enhance the quality of such reports;", "3. Call the Security Council to submit a more explanatory, comprehensive and analytical annual report to the General Assembly, assessing the work of the Council, including such cases in which the Council has failed to act, and the views expressed by its members during the consideration of the agenda items under its consideration. Further call on the Security Council to elaborate the circumstances under which it adopts different outcomes whether resolutions, presidential statements, press statements or elements to the press;", "4. Call on the Security Council, pursuant to Articles 15 (1) and 24 (3) of the UN Charter, to submit special reports for the consideration of the General Assembly;", "5. Call on the Security Council to ensure that its monthly assessments are comprehensive and analytical, and issued in a timely fashion. The General Assembly may consider proposing parameters for the elaboration of such assessments;", "6. Call on the Security Council to fully take into account the recommendations of the General Assembly on matters relating to international peace and security, consistent with Article 11 (2) of the Charter; and", "7. Oppose and stop attempts to shift issues under the agenda of the General Assembly or the ECOSOC to the Security Council, and the encroachment by the latter on the functions and powers of the Assembly.", "C. Revitalisation of the Work of the General Assembly", "75. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the principled positions of the Movement concerning the revitalisation of the work of the General Assembly, as follows:", "1. The role and authority of the General Assembly, including in questions related to international peace and security, as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the UN,[16] and its inter-governmental and democratic character as well as that of its subsidiary bodies, which have immensely contributed to the promotion of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and the goals of the Organisation, must be respected. Its prerogative as the chief oversight organ of the UN, including on management and procurement for peacekeeping operations, must also be respected; and", "2. The revitalization of the work of the General Assembly – which must be guided by the principles of democracy, transparency and accountability and achieved through open-ended and inclusive consultations – is a critical component of the comprehensive reform of the UN, and its objectives should continue to strengthen the role and position of the General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the United Nation, bearing in mind that the improvement of its procedural and working methods is only a first step towards a more substantive improvements and revitalization of the Assembly; and to restore and enhance the role and authority of the General Assembly, including in the maintenance of international peace and security as provided for in the Charter, through, inter alia, fully respecting its functions and powers and strengthening its relationship and coordination with other principal organs, in particular the Security Council.", "76. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to continue to implement the following measures, among others:", "1. Support all ongoing and continuous efforts to strengthen the central role and authority of the Assembly, taking into account the criteria of relevance and efficiency; oppose any reform proposal that seeks to challenge the central role and authority of the General Assembly as the chief deliberative, policy-making and representative organ of the UN; and oppose any approach that seeks to or could result in undermining or minimizing the achievements of the General Assembly, diminishing its current role and functioning, or raising questions about its relevance and credibility;", "2. Stress the importance of implementing all previous resolutions on the revitalization of the work of the General Assembly, as well as the continuous follow-up on the effective implementation of these resolutions;", "3. Call on UN Member States to renew their commitment and political will to implement General Assembly decisions and resolutions on a non-selective and non-discriminatory basis, since the failure to do so is at the root of many unresolved questions;", "4. Ensure that the UN is provided with the resources needed to fully implement all mandated programmes and activities, in accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions;", "5. Reaffirm the role and authority of the General Assembly, including on questions relating to international peace and security, as stipulated in Articles 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 35 of the Charter of the UN, where appropriate using the procedures set forth in rules 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the rules of procedure of the General Assembly, which enable swift and urgent action by the Assembly, bearing in mind that the Security Council has primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security in accordance with Article 24 of the Charter;", "6. The Ministers reiterated the role of the General Assembly in the maintenance of international peace and security and expressed grave concern at instances wherein the Security Council fails to address cases involving genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes or ceasefire between belligerent parties, in fulfilment of its primary responsibility in this regard;", "7. The Ministers emphasized that in such instances where the Security Council has not fulfilled its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, the General Assembly should take appropriate measures in accordance with the Charter to address the issue. To this extent, the Ministers recalled the decision taken at the 14^(th) NAM Summit authorizing representatives of the Movement Member States to the UN in New York to work on an appropriate draft resolution to be submitted to the General Assembly on this issue;", "8. Promote and preserve the role and mandate of the General Assembly in setting the priorities of the UN and in considering all budgetary and administrative issues and reform, including its absolute authority to allocate and reallocate financial and human resources, and in the appointment of senior officials in the Secretariat in accordance with the Charter and General Assembly resolutions thereof, through ensuring, inter alia, the full adherence by UN Member States to such resolutions;", "9. Ensure that that the General Assembly should remain the principal organ that reviews the work of all its subsidiary organs and bodies;", "10. Identify measures to simplify the Uniting for Peace procedure to enable swifter and urgent action by the General Assembly, in recognition of its role on issues relating to international peace and security as set out in the Charter;", "11. Strengthen the role of the General Assembly in accordance with article 97 of the UN Charter in the selection of the Secretary General of the Organisation;", "12. Stress the need to enhance and strengthen the role of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, through the allocation of sufficient human and financial resources from the regular budget of the United Nations, and to provide the President of the General Assembly with adequate protocol and security services, as well as adequate office space, with a view to enabling the President to carry out his/her functions in a manner commensurate with the dignity and stature of the Office;", "13. The Ministers commended the ongoing work of the NAM Working Group on the revitalization of the General Assembly under the chairmanship of Algeria, in coordinating issues of common concern to the Movement. They encouraged all NAM delegations to continue to actively participate in the Working Group with a view to promote and achieve the objectives of the Movement.", "D. Selection and Appointment of the Secretary-General of the United Nations.", "77. The Ministers underlined the central role of the General Assembly in the process of selecting and appointing the Secretary-General of the UN, and expressed support to efforts aimed at reinforcing and strengthening the role of the Assembly in this regard, and agreed that all Non-Aligned Countries shall engage actively in these efforts.", "78. The Ministers reaffirmed the need for greater transparency and inclusiveness in the selection and appointment process of the SG. In this regard, they noted the outdated nature of resolution 11(1) of January 1946 on the terms of appointments of the Secretary General, and emphasized that it is the General Assembly’s prerogative and ability to debate and to vote on the appointment of the SG, and in this context, called upon the General Assembly to address both the nomination and appointment of the SG in accordance with resolutions 51/241, 60/286 and 64/301.", "79. Recalling the role of the principal organs as enshrined in Article 97 of the UN Charter, the Ministers called upon the President of the General Assembly to consult with Member States to identify potential candidates endorsed by a Member State and, upon informing all Member States of the results, forward these results to the Security Council.", "80. In this context, the Ministers agreed that formal presentation of candidatures for the position of Secretary-General should be done in a manner that allows sufficient time for interaction with Member States in the General Assembly and the Security Council, and requested that, during the selection process of the SG, the PGA convenes a meeting of the General Assembly for an exchange of views and dialogue with all candidates.", "81. The Ministers acknowledged the report of the Joint Inspection Unit (JIU/REP/2009/8) which noted that conducting hearings/meetings with candidates running for the post of executive heads of the organizations of the United Nations common system, could improve their selection processes, in order to enhance transparency and credibility of the selection process and to make the process more inclusive of all nationalities.", "E. Question of Equitable Representation on and Increase in the Membership of the Security Council, and other Matters Related to the Security Council", "82. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council, and other matters related to the Security Council, in particular the directives of the Movement adopted during its 11^(th), 12^(th), 13^(th), 14^(th) and 15^(th) Summits, which have been reflected in the Movement’s position and negotiating papers, and the decisions of the Ministerial Conferences and Meetings, as follows:", "1. The Movement, while noting with appreciation efforts undertaken, notes with concern the lack of concrete results in the intergovernmental negotiations in the informal plenary of the General Assembly on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council, and other matters related to the Council, based on General Assembly decisions 62/557, 63/565 and 64/568, and notes that the negotiations have shown that while a convergence of views has emerged, major differences still exist, and while there have been some improvements made to the working methods of the Council, they have not satisfied even the minimum expectations of the general membership of the UN, leaving much room for improvement;", "2. In this context, the Ministers reiterated that General Assembly Decision 62/557 is and shall continue to be the basis of Intergovernmental Negotiations on the Security Council reform;", "3. Reform of the Security Council should be comprehensive, addressing all substantive issues relating, inter alia, to the question of the membership, regional representation, the Council’s agenda, its working methods and decision-making process, including the veto, and should garner the widest possible political acceptance by Member States;", "4. In recent years, the Security Council has been too quick to threaten or authorise enforcement action in some cases while being silent and inactive in others. Furthermore, the Council has been increasingly resorting to Chapter VII of the Charter as an umbrella for addressing issues that do not necessarily pose an immediate threat to international peace and security. A careful review of these trends indicates that the Council could have opted for alternative provisions to respond more appropriately to particular cases. Instead of excessive and quick use of Chapter VII, efforts should be made to fully utilize the provisions of Chapters VI and VIII for the pacific settlement of disputes. Chapter VII should be invoked, as intended, as a measure of last resort. Unfortunately, provisions of Articles 41 and 42 in some cases have been too quickly resorted to while the other options had not been fully exhausted;", "5. The Security Council-imposed sanctions remain an issue of serious concern to Non-Aligned Countries. In accordance with the UN Charter, sanctions should be considered to be imposed only after all means of peaceful settlement of disputes under Chapter VI of the Charter have been exhausted and a thorough consideration undertaken of the short-term and long-term effects of such sanctions. Sanctions are a blunt instrument, the use of which raises fundamental ethical questions of whether sufferings inflicted on vulnerable groups in the target country are legitimate means of exerting pressure. The objectives of sanctions are not to punish or otherwise exact retribution on the populace. In this regard, the objectives of sanctions regimes should be clearly defined, and that its imposition should be for a specified timeframe and be based on tenable legal grounds, and that it should be lifted as soon as the objectives are achieved. The conditions demanded of the State or party on which sanctions are imposed should be clearly defined and subject to periodic review. Sanctions should be imposed only when there exists a threat to international peace and security or an act of aggression, in accordance with the Charter, and that it is not applicable “preventively” in instances of mere violation of international law, norms or standards. Targeted sanctions may be a better alternative so long as the population of targeted State concerned is not victimised whether directly or indirectly;", "6. Transparency, openness and consistency are key elements that the Security Council should observe in all its activities, approaches and procedures. Regrettably, the Council has neglected these important factors on numerous occasions. Such instances include unscheduled open debates with selective notification, reluctance in convening open debates on some issues of high significance, repeatedly restricting participation in some of the open debates and discriminating between members and non-members of the Council particularly with regard to sequencing and time limits of statements during the open debates, failure to submit special reports to the General Assembly as required under Article 24 of the Charter, submission of annual reports still lacking sufficient information and analytical content, and lack of minimal parameters for the elaboration of the monthly assessment by the Security Council Presidencies. The Council must comply with the provisions of Article 31 of the Charter, which allow any non-Council member to participate in discussions on matters affecting it. Rule 48 of the Provisional Rules of Procedure of the Council should be thoroughly observed. Closed meetings and informal consultations should be kept to a minimum and as the exception they were meant to be;", "7. The reform of the Security Council should be addressed in an early, comprehensive, transparent and balanced manner, without setting artificial deadlines. It should ensure that the agenda of the Council reflects the needs and interests of both developing and developed countries, in an objective, rational, non-selective and non-arbitrary manner;", "8. The enlargement of the Council, as a body primarily responsible for the maintenance of international peace and security, and the reform of its working methods should lead to a democratic, more representative, more accountable and more effective Council;", "9. The Rules of Procedure of the Security Council, which have remained provisional for more than 60 years, should be formalised in order to improve its transparency and accountability;", "10. The Ministers acknowledge the historical injustices against Africa with regard to its representation in the Security Council and expressed support for increased and enhanced representation for Africa in the reformed Security Council. The Ministers took note of the African common position as reflected in the Ezulwini Consensus and the Sirte Declaration;", "11. The Ministers renewed the directives to the Permanent Representatives in New York to continue to develop the elements of the position of the Movement on Security Council reform, taking into account all the options and views of Member States and groups, and to present a comprehensive report to the the XVI Summit of the Movement.", "83. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Call on the Council to increase the number of public meetings, in accordance with Articles 31 and 32 of the Charter, and that these meetings should provide real opportunities to take into account the views and contributions of the wider membership of the UN, particularly non-Council members whose affairs are under the discussion of the Council;", "2. Call on the Security Council to allow briefings by the Special Envoys or Representatives of the Secretary-General and the UN Secretariat to take place in public meetings, unless in exceptional circumstances;", "3. Call on the Security Council to further enhance its relationship with the UN Secretariat and troop contributing countries (TCC), including through a sustained, regular and timely interaction. Meetings with TCCs should be held not only in the drawing up of mandates, but also in their implementation, when considering a change in, or renewal of, or completion of a mission mandate, or when there is a rapid deterioration of the situation on the ground. In this context, the Security Council Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations should involve TCCs more frequently and intensively in its deliberations, especially in the very early stages of mission planning;", "4. Call upon the Security Council to uphold the primacy of and respect for the Charter in connection with its functions and powers and stresses once again that the decision by the Security Council to initiate formal or informal discussions on the situation in any Member State of the United Nations or any issue that does not constitute a threat to international peace and security is contrary to Article 24 of the Charter;", "5. Call on the Council to establish its subsidiary organs in accordance with the letter and spirit of the UN Charter, and that these organs should function in a manner that would provide adequate and timely information on their activities to the general UN membership;", "6. Reject any attempts to use the Security Council to pursue national political agendas and stressed the necessity of non-selectivity and impartiality in the work of the Council, and the need for the Council to strictly keep within the powers and functions accorded to it by the Member States under the UN Charter;", "7. Call on the Council to avoid resorting to Chapter VII of the Charter as an umbrella for addressing issues that do not necessarily pose a threat to international peace and security, and to fully utilise the provisions of other relevant Chapters, where appropriate, including Chapters VI and VIII, before invoking Chapter VII which should be a measure of last resort, if necessary;", "8. Oppose attempts through the imposition or prolongation of sanctions or their extension by the Security Council against any State under the pretext or with the aim of achieving the political objectives of one or a few States, rather than in the general interest of the international community; and", "9. Urge the Non-Aligned Countries, which are members of the Security Council,[17] to promote and defend, as deemed possible, the aforementioned positions and objectives during their tenure of membership in the Council, and to this end to, while noting with satisfaction recent positive steps in that regard, stress the need for the consolidation of the NAM Caucus in the Council with the principal objective of coordinating and defending the positions of the Movement in the Security Council, and call upon the members of the Caucus to provide timely briefings and to engage in close consultation with the Non-Aligned Countries, particularly those whose interests and concerns are under consideration by the Council, as well as to keep the Movement continuously updated of all relevant developments and issues with which the Council is actively seized.", "F. Strengthening of the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)", "84. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 61/16, which strengthens the role of the ECOSOC as a principal body for the promotion of international economic cooperation, coordination, policy review, policy dialogue and formulation of recommendations on issues of economic and social development as well as for the full implementation of the international development goals agreed at the major UN conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields, including the Millennium Development Goals, and expressed their resolve and commitment to promote greater efforts geared toward this end. They particularly welcomed ECOSOC’s role in undertaking regular and periodic review and assessment of international economic and development policies and their impact on development, and called for full implementation of this role. The Ministers stressed the importance of the review of the implementation of General Assembly Resolution 61/16 with the aim of further strengthening the ECOSOC by building on the reforms launched, consolidating the achievements realised and addressing the challenges that emerged.", "G. The Human Rights Council", "85. The Ministers stressed that the Human Rights Council should provide equal treatment to both civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights, as well as the right to development They further stressed that the Council should not allow confrontational approaches, exploitation of human rights for political purposes, selective targeting of individual countries for extraneous considerations and double standards in the conduct of its work, which should comply with the UN Charter, international law and relevant UN resolutions.", "86. The Ministers reaffirmed that universality, transparency, impartiality, objectivity and non-selectivity should be guiding principles for the work of the Council and its method of work. The Council in performing its responsibilities should, bear in mind, in accordance with Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, the significance of national and regional particularities and various historical, cultural and religious backgrounds of the Member States.", "87. The Ministers emphasized the importance of implementing a constructive approach in the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, and in this regard, they urged the Human Rights Council[18] to focus on constructive international dialogue and cooperation, capacity building and technical assistance to ensure the realisation of all human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the right to development.", "88. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to General Assembly Resolution 62/219 on 22 December 2007, endorsing the Human Rights Council’s decision to adopt resolution 5/1 entitled Institutional Building of the Human Rights Council and resolution 5/2 entitled Code of Conduct for Special Procedures Mandate-Holders of the Human Rights Council, including their annexes and appendices.", "89. The Ministers expressed satisfaction over the active role carried out by the Geneva Chapter during the current process of the review of the Human Rights Council’s work and functioning, through, inter alia, the presentation of a NAM position paper on the review of the work and functioning of this body in order to ensure that the Movement’s positions be reflected in the report to be presented by the Council for the consideration by the General Assembly. In this regard, the Ministers called upon NAM Members to intensify their efforts and to actively engage in presenting and defending the positions of the Movement during the review process of the Human Rights Council in the General Assembly in 2011.", "90. In this regard, the Ministers stressed the importance of the coordination between both chapters of review in New York and Geneva, and expressed their appreciation for the role played by representatives of NAM member countries, in their personal capacity, as facilitators and co-facilitators of the process.", "91. The Ministers reaffirmed that in accordance with the General Assembly Resolution 60/251, the review of the Status of the Human Rights Council by the General Assembly in New York, shall build on the report presented by the Council to the General Assembly containing its results and recommendations regarding the review of work and functioning in Geneva.", "92. The Ministers also reaffirmed that the review processes in New York and Geneva should be all inclusive and transparent, and that these processes aim at reviewing work and functioning of the council in Geneva, and the status of the council in New York with the aim of promoting and consolidating the cooperative approach and constructive dialogue, improving the efficiency of its work and its relationship with the General Assembly. They reaffirmed further, that the review processes do not aim at reforming the council, but should be focused on making the necessary fine-tunings to improve its work and functioning. The outcome of the review should be in accordance with GA resolution 60/251 and in line with the Institutional Building Package. Consequently, issues related to the reform of the council such as its composition, geographical distribution of its membership, and membership criteria do not fall within the mandates of both review processes in Geneva and New York.", "93. The Ministers stressed the need to preserve the positive developments achieved since the establishment of the Human Rights Council, including its institutional building package. In this regard, they reaffirmed the need that all proposals and initiatives, including in the context of the review of the Human Rights Council, should respect the principles of non-selectivity, non-politicization, objectivity and impartiality in the consideration of human rights situations, to avoid the problems which plagued the former Human Rights Commission.", "94. The Ministers emphasized the need to develop effective working relationship between the Human Rights Council and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in line with the spirit of General Assembly resolution 48/141. They further stressed that the Human Rights Council, being the expert inter-governmental body on human rights issues, should have an oversight role in reviewing the work of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, including its activities under country engagement and establishing its field offices. In this connection, they welcomed the President’ statement adopted in the 15th session of the Human Rights Council (PRST 15/2).", "95. The Ministers emphasized the role of the Human Rights Council as the United Nations organ responsible for consideration of human rights situations in all countries in the context of the Universal Periodic Review based on cooperation and constructive dialogue. The Ministers expressed their deep concern over the continuation of the practice of selective adoption of country–specific resolutions in the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly, which is a tool that exploits human rights for political purposes breaches the principles of universality, objectivity and non-selectivity in addressing human rights issues which undermine cooperation as the essential principle to effectively promote and protect all universally recognized human rights for all.", "96. The Ministers reaffirmed the need to promote greater coherence and complementarity between the work of the Third Committee and the Human Rights Council, and avoid unnecessary duplication and overlapping in their activities as well as create a working and constructive relationship between them in addressing human rights situations.", "97. The Ministers stressed that the Universal Periodic Review is the main inter-governmental mechanism to review human rights issues at the national level in all countries without distinction.", "98. The Ministers recalled the General Assembly resolution 60/251 which established the Human Rights Council as a subsidiary body of the General Assembly, and in this regard, stresses the importance of the general debate on and consideration of the report of the Council in the Third Committee.", "99. The Ministers reiterated the importance of ensuring the implementation of the Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council as an action-oriented, cooperative mechanism based on objective and reliable information and interactive dialogue with full involvement of the countries under review and conducted in an impartial, transparent, non-selective, constructive, non-confrontational and non-politicized manner. They further urged all NAM members to continue to coordinate their efforts to support NAM Members States under review.", "100. The Ministers reiterated that the Non-Aligned Movement should continue to closely coordinate its position on the following priority areas:", "a) Foster international cooperation and constructive dialogue in the Human Rights Council and prevent the occurrence of practices of double standards, selectivity and political manipulation which discredited the Commission on Human Rights,", "b) Continue working towards the enhancement and improvement, as appropriate, of the work of human rights mechanisms, including treaty bodies, special procedures, expert bodies and the confidential procedure, bearing in mind that while mandate holders exercise their functions in full respect for and strict observance of their mandate, they must observe the Code of Conduct for the Special Procedures Mandate Holders of the Human Rights Council contained in HRC Resolution 5/2 of 18 June 2007 and reaffirmed in its resolution 11/11 of 18 June 2009, as well as the need to preserve all these mechanisms and bodies from politicization and double standards, so as to enhance the effectiveness of the system,", "c) Encourage the presentation of experts from NAM countries as candidates for special procedures mandate-holders,", "d) Develop the relationship of the Human Rights Council with other entities of the United Nations system, as appropriate, in accordance with the General Assembly resolutions 48/141, 60/251 and 62/219,", "e) Determine the Council’s reporting procedures to the United Nations General Assembly, for purposes of universal endorsement of all its programs and activities, in its capacity as subsidiary organ of the General Assembly. In this regard, initiate discussions among NAM Members to explore common grounds on the issue,", "f) Engaging actively in the negotiation process, while promoting and defending the common Position of NAM during the review process of the Human Rights Council,", "g) Opposing attempts to use the review process to reform the Human Rights Council by rejecting proposals related to the Council’s composition, geographical distribution of its membership, membership criteria and current agenda,", "h) Ensuring that the review process of the Human Rights Council contribute to improving the efficiency of the Council in order to be able to carry out, on the basis of cooperation and non-confrontation, its mandated role to promote all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all,", "i) Preserving the Universal Periodic Review as the only mechanism to review human rights situation at the national level in all countries on equal footing,", "j) Rejecting the establishment of any additional country-specific tools which would lead to politicization, double standards and selectivity in dealing with human rights issues,", "k) Ensure that the Universal Periodic Review be conducted by the Human Rights Council as a result-oriented, cooperative mechanism, based on an interactive dialogue, with the full involvement of the country under review and with consideration given to its capacity-building needs and that such a mechanism shall complement and not duplicate the work of treaty bodies, bearing in mind the need to eradicate selectivity, double standards and politicisation in the consideration of human rights issues. It should aim at strengthening the Member States capacity, upon their request, to implement their obligations, on promotion and protection of human rights. It should not be used as a tool to coerce States and subject them to politically motivated country-specific resolutions,", "l) Ensure also that the Universal Periodic Review be conducted in an objective manner, on the basis of credible and reliable information, and taking duly into consideration information, comments and observations of the country under review. It should not be used as a tool to interfere in the internal affairs of States or to question their political, economic, and social systems, their sovereign rights, and their national, religious and cultural particularities. It must continue to be implemented in accordance with UNGA resolutions 60/251 and 62/219,", "m) Support NGOs participation in the work of the Human Rights Council, based inter alia on ECOSOC resolution 1996/31 and the modalities established by the Human Rights Council, taking into consideration that NGOs should conform at all times to the principles governing the establishment and nature of their consultative relations with ECOSOC, and that they are responsible for the actions of their accredited representatives during their participation in the work of the Human Rights Council.", "H. Post-Conflict Peacebuilding Activities and the Operationalisation of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC)", "101. The Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) recalled the 14th Summit Conference of Heads of State or Government of the Non-Aligned Movement held in Havana, Cuba September 2006 at which the Heads of State or Government of the Movement reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning post-conflict peacebuilding activities and had welcomed the establishment of the Peacebuilding Commission (PBC) as by General Assembly resolution 60/180; as a coordinated, coherent and integrated institutional mechanism, to address the special needs of countries emerging from conflict, towards recovery, reintegration and reconstruction at their request in accordance with the principle of national ownership”, in laying the foundation for sustainable development.", "102. In pursuit of this mandate, the Ministers reaffirmed the Non-Aligned Movement’s commitment to an efficient and effective Peacebuilding Commission, which fully utilises the advantages and benefits arising from the diversity of its composition. They also acknowledged the work undertaken by the Commission since it started its operations with respect to the five countries on its agenda, namely: Burundi, Sierra Leone, Guinea-Bissau, the Central African Republic and Liberia. They also acknowledged the progress achieved so far, in the elaboration of the strategic frameworks for peacebuilding, for these countries.", "103. The Ministers emphasized the role of the NAM Caucus within the Peacebuilding Commission aimed at coordinating positions of Non-Aligned countries in the Commission and to keep the Movement informed of the activities carried out by the Commission. In this connection, they lauded the efforts of the Caucus in the rapid progress of the Commission, specifically towards the entrenchment of the principle of national ownership, the need for capacity building and drawing recognition to, and signalling the importance of the economic recovery and development dimension in the peace building process.", "104. The Ministers expressed concern at several instances in which the Security Council denied the coordinator of the NAM Caucus in the PBC an opportunity to address members of the Security Council on matters related to the competence of the PBC. They urged the Security Council, the General Assembly and ECOSOC to utilize the expertise of the PBC, including the coordinator of the NAM Caucus of the PBC, as the representative of the largest grouping within the PBC, by ensuring participation in discussions on all issues of relevance to, or falling within, the competence of the PBC. Furthermore, they stressed on the necessity to promote the institutional relation between the PBC and the General Assembly, the Security Council and the ECOSOC.", "105. The Ministers reiterated that, without prejudice to the functions and powers of the other principal organs of the UN in relation to post-conflict peacebuilding activities, the General Assembly must play the key role in the formulation and implementation of such activities and functions. They underlined the central role of the PBC in providing the United Nations with policy guidance and strategies in its post-conflict peacebuilding activities. In this regard they reaffirmed the work of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission as the central organ of the Commission, with responsibilities as described in the General Assembly’s resolution 60/180. As well as considering the organizational committee a suitable platform for strategy and policy discussions to promote the rules and working methods of the Commission and to reinforce the coherence of the Commission’s Configurations and to facilitate a result oriented engagement with relevant actors and stakeholders. In this connection also, they urged the NAM Caucus in the Commission to encourage work towards the further development of rules of procedure and methods of work, suitable for the efficient and proper functioning of the Commission. They emphasized that the provisional rules of procedure of the PBC need to be regularly revisited in the light of the experience gained by the Commission since its operationalization, and the developments in the work of the Commission. They emphasized as well the importance for NAM Member States to actively participate in the review process of the arrangements set out in General Assembly resolution A/Res/180 which is scheduled to take place in 2010, to ensure that they are appropriate to fulfill the agreed functions of the Peacebuilding Commission. The Ministers reaffirmed the necessity to provide necessary and timely resources, in order to help ensure predictable financing for recovery activities and sustained financial investment, over the medium to long-term. They reiterated the fundamental role of the PBC in the conception, with the consent of the countries under the consideration of the PBC, and in conformity with the principle of national ownership, of integrated strategies for post conflict peacebuilding and recovery.", "106. The Ministers emphasized that the Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) must continue to be used as a catalytic mechanism geared towards providing critical support during the early stages of the peace building process to avert relapse into conflict. They stressed the need for closer synergy between the PBC and the PBF, through a strengthened strategic relationship, to ensure greater coherence and coordination and the avoidance of duplication. The Ministers took note of the recommendations and the revised terms of reference of the Peace Building Fund as contained in General Assembly resolution 63/282 and its annex, and reaffirmed the roles of the General Assembly and the Peacebuilding Commission to provide policy guidance on the use of the Fund to maximize its impact and improve its functioning, to make the Fund more efficient, transparent, flexible and to facilitate the disbursement of funds, particularly for quick-impact and emergency projects. They reiterated as well the importance of increasing the funding target of the PBF, to make it more capable of financing additional projects in post conflict countries. They stressed the necessity of having a mechanism to assess whether allocations from the PBF are directed to the appropriate channels leading to peacebuilding.", "107. The Ministers welcomed the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 65/7 of 29 October 2010, on the review process of the Peacebuilding Commission, and affirm the principal role of the Commission in taking forward and implementing the recommendations contained in the report of the Co-Facilitators on the review process[19].", "108. The Ministers took note of the Secretary-General’s initiative regarding the review of international civilian capacities, in support of national capacities for post-conflict peacebuilding, and took note that efforts to broaden and deepen the pool of experts, giving particular attention to mobilizing capacities from developing countries, in particular among women, are vital for successful United Nations peacebuilding endeavors. The Ministers in this regard underscored the importance of civilian capacity that exists already within the developing world and expressed readiness to support national civilian capacity and institution building in support of peacebuilding activities in post-conflict situations, including through peacekeeping operations in accordance with their mandates. In this regard, they reaffirmed the fundamental principle of national ownership.", "109. The Ministers commended the continuing work of the NAM caucus in the PBC, under the coordination of Bangladesh, and requested the caucus to continue its efforts to strengthen the position and role of the Movement in the affairs of the PBC and to continue to keep the Coordinating Bureau of the Movement abreast of the activities undertaken by the Commission, on a regular basis. They further encouraged the non-aligned members of the Peacebuilding Commission and the Non-Aligned countries which are on its agenda, to actively participate in the NAM Caucus to ensure its purposeful contribution to the Peacebuilding activities of the United Nations.", "I. United Nations Secretariat and Management Reform", "110. Recognizing that the reform of the UN is a collective agenda of its membership, the Ministers stressed that the voice of every Member State must be heard and respected during the reform process, irrespective of its level of contribution to the budget of the Organisation.", "111. The Ministers recognized that in order to advance the reform process of the Secretariat and Management, the United Nations must be equipped with the necessary and sufficient resources to allow its full implementation, avoiding any delay in this task.", "112. The Ministers stressed the importance of ensuring that the Secretariat meets the highest standards of accountability, transparency, integrity and ethical conduct. The Ministers, therefore, urged the Secretary-General, as a matter of priority, to fully implement General Assembly resolution 64/259 “Towards an accountability system in the United Nations Secretariat”.", "113. The Ministers stressed the need to increase the representation of developing countries, in particular at the senior levels, and to achieve gender balance, improve geographic distribution, in particular from member States not or underrepresented, in the Secretariat, and enhance transparency in the recruitment process.", "114. The Ministers reiterated that the objectives of the reform of the Secretariat of the UN and its management are as follows:", "(a) to respond more efficiently and effectively to the needs of Member States;", "(b) to further strengthen and update the role, capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of the UN and thus, improving its performance in order to realize the full potential of the Organisation, in accordance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter;", "(c) to ensure the effective enforcement of greater accountability and transparency measures within the Secretariat as well as accountability of the Secretariat towards Member States in particular at the senior managers level, and to fully implement, in this regard General Assembly resolution 64/259;", "(d) To better reflect the international character of the United Nations Secretariat as a fundamental principle through better observance of equitable geographic representation at all levels of the Secretariat, including senior managerial level, as well as to achieve the targeted gender balance among all staff members, in accordance with article 101 of the Charter;", "(e) The final result of the reform process should be to ensure that the UN is able to implement all its mandates more effectively and efficiently.", "115. The Ministers emphasized that the reform of the Secretariat of the UN and its management should not:", "(a) change the intergovernmental nature and mechanisms of the decision-making, oversight and monitoring processes of the Organisation;", "(b) be a cost-cutting exercise of the Organisation;", "(c) affect the accomplishment of the mandates through the reduction of the budget levels of the Organisation;", "(d) fund more activities from within the existing pool of resources of the Organisation; and", "(e) Change and/or encroach on the mandate of the Fifth Committee, as the main Committee for the administrative and budgetary issues;", "(f) Redefine the functions and powers of the principal organs of the Organisation;", "(g) Undermine the need to fully observe the principle of the geographical distribution of the appointment to the posts in the U.N. Secretariat, in particular the D level and above.", "116. The Ministers strongly rejected attempts to impose conditionalities to the reform process which negatively impact the confidence atmosphere needed for the negotiations.", "117. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of the General Assembly resolutions 65/247 and 65/248 on the Human Resources Management and the United Nations Common System which finalized the establishment of the new contractual arrangements and harmonized the conditions of service in the field of the United Nations and expect that the implementation of such resolutions brings about a better and more transparent recruitment process of personnel to the secretariats of the organizations of the United Nations common system, while creating more opportunities to recruit young professional staff from developing countries.", "J. United Nations System-wide Coherence", "118. The Ministers acknowledged the adoption by the General Assembly of its resolution 64/289 of 2 July 2010 on System-Wide Coherence which provided a comprehensive review of the various aspects of the operational activities for development of the United Nations, including governance and funding, and established the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women “UN Women”. In this regard, the Ministers:", "a) Reiterated their position that development cooperation should be demand-driven and be pursued on the basis of the national strategies and plans of developing countries in accordance with established intergovernmental mandates. In this regard, they emphasized that UN development cooperation should be voluntary and grant-based in nature and that there should be no “one size-fits all” approach. Likewise, they highlighted that the nature of development cooperation should be responsive to the specific needs, priorities and conditions of each country, always under the consent of the recipient Country.", "b) Acknowledged that strengthening the role and capacity of the UN development system to assist countries in achieving their development goals requires continued improvement in its effectiveness, efficiency, coherence and impact, along with a significant increase in resources.", "c) Noted the progress made by Pilot Countries in their own country led evaluations in implementing “the Delivering as One” approach, and looked Forward to receiving the outcome of the independent evaluation of the lessons learned from pilot countries, covering all aspects of the initiative, at the 66^(th) session of the General Assembly, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 64/289.", "d) Acknowledged also that General Assembly resolution 62/208 of 19 December 2007 on the Triennial comprehensive policy review of operational activities for development of the United Nations system constitutes the intergovernmental agreed guiding policy framework for addressing the UN operational activities for development.", "e) Underscored that the fundamental characteristics of the UN operational activities for development must remain, inter alia, their universal, voluntary and grant nature, their neutrality and their multilateralism, as well as their ability to respond to the development needs of program countries in a flexible manner.", "f) Called upon the United Nations funds, programmes and specialized agencies to harmonize and simplify their rules and procedures, wherever this can lead to a significant reduction in the administrative and procedural burden on the organizations and national partners.", "g) Recognized the main role of the General Assembly and the ECOSOC in the operational activities for development.", "119. The Ministers commended the effective coordination between NAM and G-77, through the Joint Coordinating Committee, in the consultations on the System-wide Coherence, and in this regard undertook to continue to work together with the G-77, through the JCC, with a view to continue defending, preserving and promoting the interests of developing countries and promoting the integrated, intergovernmental, inclusive and transparent nature of all relevant negotiation processes, without the imposition of artificial deadlines for decision-making.", "United Nations: Financial Situation and Arrangement", "120. The Ministers reiterated the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the financial situation and arrangement of the UN, as contained in the Final Document of the 14th NAM Summit as follows:", "1. The Movement remained concerned at the financial situation of the UN as a result of the failure on the part of some Member States, especially major contributing States, to meet their assessed contributions in full, on time and without conditions, in accordance with the Charter and relevant General Assembly resolutions;", "2. The Movement reiterated that it remains crucial to ensure that all decisions on the priority-setting of the UN are adopted in an inclusive and transparent manner in the intergovernmental bodies, and that the Organisation should be provided with the resources needed for the full and effective implementation of all mandated programmes and activities as well as those required to guarantee the quality of services needed for the functioning of its inter-governmental machinery;", "3. The principle of capacity to pay of Member States should remain as the fundamental criterion in the apportionment of the expenses of the Organisation;", "4. The general principles governing the financing of UN peacekeeping operations, as set out in the relevant General Assembly resolutions, should be adhered to. A proper balance should be struck between the level and urgency with which peacekeeping activities are funded on the one hand, and availability of resources needed for full implementation of all mandated programmes and activities by the General Assembly, in particular in the area of development, on the other; and", "5. To strike a balance in reflecting the agreed priorities of the Organization in the allocation of resources to the United Nations regular budget; which is persistently to the detriment of the development activities;", "6. The existing reporting procedures on budget and financial cycle should be maintained and the role of the Member States in programme evaluation of the Organisation should be strengthened. In this regard, reaffirm the functions of the Committee on Program and Coordination (CPC), as the main subsidiary organ of ECOSOC and the General Assembly for planning, programming, monitoring, evaluation and coordination and its vital role in program design by ensuring that the Secretariat accurately interprets and translates legislative mandates into programs and sub-programs.", "121. The Ministers reaffirm that the financial stability of the UN should not be jeopardized by any arbitrary measure. They also stressed that measures to ensure financial discipline should be taken in full compliance with relevant General Assembly resolutions, in particular 41/213 and 42/211, as well as relevant rules and regulations of the Organization. In this regard reaffirm the financial rules and regulations of the United Nations.", "122. The Ministers stressed that any efforts to use financial contributions to push for the adoption of certain proposals are counterproductive and violate the obligations of the Member States to provide resources for the Organization, as enshrined in its Charter. The Ministers, in this context, rejected all unilateral coercive measures contrary to the international law, which obstruct and sometimes impede payments of assessed contributions from Members of the Non-Aligned Movement to the budgets of the Organization.", "123. The Ministers stressed that the level of resources to be approved by the General Assembly must be commensurate with all mandated programmes and activities in order to ensure their full and effective implementation. They also reaffirmed the priorities of the Organization as approved by the General Assembly and the need for the Secretary-General to reflect these priorities when presenting proposed programme budgets.", "124. The Ministers stressed that the ceiling is the main distortionary element of the scale of assessments, affecting the principle of capacity to pay and noted with concern that despite the arrangement to reduce the ceiling from 25% to 22% in 2000 as a compromise, the major contributor is far from honoring its commitment to pay all its arrears. In this context, the Ministers urged the General Assembly to undertake a review of this arrangement, in accordance with paragraph 2 of General Assembly resolution 55/5 C.", "125. The Ministers, while recalling General Assembly resolutions 64/248 and 65/246, rejected any change to the elements of the current methodology for the preparation of the scale of assessments aimed at increasing the contributions of developing countries. In this regard, they emphasized that the core elements of the current methodology of the scale of assessments, such as base period, Gross National Income, conversion rates, low per capita income adjustment, gradient, floor, ceiling for Least Developed Countries and debt stock adjustment must be kept intact and are not negotiable.", "126. The Ministers rejected the use of programmatic and budgetary documents by several authorial departments of the Secretariat and some Member States to promote concepts and approaches that are not adopted by the General Assembly or are under its review. In this context, the Ministers urged the Secretary General to ensure that, when presenting such documents, the programmatic aspects and the resources requirements are consistent with the legislative mandates of the General Assembly.", "127. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to reiterate the following measure, among others:", "1. Urge all UN Member States in arrears, in particular the major contributing States, to settle their outstanding dues without further delay and to pay their future assessments in full, on time and without imposing preconditions in accordance with the Charter and relevant General Assembly resolutions, mindful at the same time of the special situation faced by some developing countries that hamper their ability to pay their assessed contributions.", "United Nations: Peacekeeping Operations", "128. The Ministers reaffirmed the guiding principles of United Nations peacekeeping operations (UNPKOs) adopted at the 11th Ministerial Conference of NAM held in Cairo in 1994, and reiterated the Movement’s position on UNPKOs adopted by the 12th Summit held in Durban in 1998, and which have been further reiterated at the 13^(th) Summit held in Kuala Lumpur in 2003, the 14th Ministerial Conference held in Durban in 2004, the 14th Summit held in Havana in September 2006, and the 15th Ministerial Conference in Tehran, and the 15^(th) NAM Summit in Sharm EL Sheikh July 2009.", "129. The Ministers commended the Movement’s significant and major contribution to the maintenance of international peace and security under the auspices of the United Nations. Noting that peacekeeping has become the flagship activity of the Organisation, the Ministers expressed satisfaction that the Non-Aligned Countries currently provide more than 80% of peacekeeping personnel in the field. They reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning UNPKOs, as follows:", "1. The Ministers reiterated that the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security rests with the UN and that the role of regional arrangements, in that regard, should be in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Charter, and should not in any way substitute the role of the UN, or circumvent the full application of the guiding principles of UNPKOs;", "2. The Ministers emphasized that the establishment of any peacekeeping operation or extension of mandate of existing operations should strictly observe the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, and those principles that have evolved to govern such operations and have become basic principles thereof, namely the consent of the parties, the non-use of force except in self-defence and impartiality. The Ministers believed that these basic principles have guided UN peacekeeping operations over the last five decades without controversy, still remain relevant and should be preserved. The Ministers also emphasized that the respect for the principles of sovereign equality, political independence, territorial integrity of all States and non-intervention in matters that are essentially within their domestic jurisdiction should also be upheld in this regard;", "3. The Ministers stressed that implementation of all mandated tasks should be supported by a comprehensive peace process, provision of adequate resources, based on national ownership and the support of the international community;", "4. The Ministers continued to emphasize that UN peacekeeping operation should be provided from the outset with political support, full and optimal human, financial and logistical resources, and clearly defined and achievable mandates and exit strategies;", "5. The Ministers called upon the Security Council, while mandating UNPKOs, to authorize optimal troop strengths in order to achieve the mandated tasks;", "6. The Ministers stressed that UNPKOs should not be used as a substitute for addressing the root causes of conflict, which should be addressed in a coherent, well-planned, coordinated and comprehensive manner, with other political, social, economic and developmental instruments. They further stressed that, due consideration should be given by the UN to the manner in which those efforts can be carried out from the early stage of UN engagement in post conflict situations and continue without interruption after the departure of UNPKOs, so as to ensure a smooth transition to lasting peace and security;", "7. The Ministers, while recognising the ongoing surge in peacekeeping which requires a genuine and concerted response by the entire membership of the UN, in particular the developed countries, called upon these countries to participate in and share the burden of UNPKOs;", "8. The Ministers emphasized that in the context of the comprehensive approach and the objective of a lasting peace and security, UN peacekeeping operations should be accompanied by a parallel and inclusive peace process that is well planned and carefully designed, supported by the consent and adherence of the parties concerned;", "9. The Ministers reaffirmed that the General Assembly has the primary role within the UN in formulating concepts, policies and budgetary matters related to peacekeeping. In this regard, the Ministers emphasized that the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations is the only UN forum mandated to review comprehensively the whole question of UNPKOs in all their aspects. Further, the Ministers agreed to continue to promote and safeguard the collective positions and priorities of the Movement on peacekeeping;", "10. The Ministers stressed that the UN’s engagement in increasingly demanding and complex multidimensional peacekeeping operations should be consistent with the agreed principles, guidelines and terminology governing peacekeeping. They emphasized the importance of consistency in the use of agreed peacekeeping terminology and underlined that any discussion of the above should be done through the inter-governmental process;", "11. The Ministers stressed that the development of concepts, policies and strategies should be an intergovernmental process, and should run parallel to similar progress in increasing capacity development, planning and Oversight. In this regard, they reaffirmed the central role of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C34). They also stressed that policy development in Peacekeeping must be matched with the necessary resources in order to guarantee the effectiveness of Peacekeeping operations;", "12. The Ministers recognized that there are a range of important mandated tasks, including but not limited to, support to political processes, support to the restoration and extension of state authority and protection of civilians. The Ministers acknowledged that the protection of civilians is currently mandated in a number of United Nations peacekeeping missions. They stressed that the protection of civilians is the primary responsibility of the host country and, accordingly, emphasized that relevant peacekeeping missions with this mandate should conduct their tasks without prejudice to the primary responsibility of the host Government to protect civilians;", "13. The Ministers emphasized the need to continue consultations by the Secretariat with Member States on the implementation of the Global Field Support Strategy, in order to ensure effective and efficient delivery of field support services . They underscored the importance of achieving progress in the implementation of the strategy within the agreed time frame;", "14. The Ministers, while taking note of the efforts exerted by the Department of Peacekeeping (DPKO) and the Department of Field Support (DFS), emphasized the importance of preserving unity of command in mission at all levels, as well as coherence in policy and strategy, and clear command structures in the field and up to, and including, at headquarters;", "15. The Ministers called upon the UN Secretariat and concerned parties to accord the highest priority to the safety and security of UN peacekeepers in the field in light of the worsening security situation prevailing in many field missions. In this context, they condemned in the strongest terms the killing and targeted attacks of UN peacekeepers, and all acts of violence against them;", "16. The Ministers underlined the need for an effective triangular cooperation between Troop Contributing Countries (TCC’s), the Secretariat and the Security Council. The Ministers stressed that Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) should be involved early and fully, in all aspects and stages of UNPKOs and called for more frequent and substantive interaction among the Security Council, the UN Secretariat and the TCCs. They called for the full and effective implementation of the existing mechanisms laid down in Security Council Resolution 1353 (2001) and in the Note of the President of the Security Council dated 14 January 2002 (S/2002/56) and the Presidential Statement dated 5 August 2009 (PRST/2009/24);", "17. The Ministers expressed the view that further development of the mechanisms, referred to in paragraph 99.12 above, towards achieving peacekeeping objectives should be considered;", "18. The Ministers underscored in particular that the experience and expertise of troop contributing countries can be drawn upon when the Security Council implements, extends or adjusts UN peacekeeping mandates. Troop contributing countries are best placed to contribute to an objective assessment of the situation on the ground. In this regard, enhanced and better interaction between Troop Contributing Countries and the Security Council Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations could also contribute to a more inclusive and substantial consultation and decision making process;", "19. The Ministers emphasized that any invitation by the UN Secretariat to the meetings on establishing a new UN peacekeeping mission or expanding an ongoing UNPKO should be transparent and encompass all current and potential Troop Contributing Countries;", "20. The Ministers stressed that Peacekeeping efforts should be accompanied by Peacebuilding activities, in such a manner as to facilitate the economic revitalization, development and to enable national capacity building, on the basis of national ownership, to pave the way towards a seamless exit strategy, to prevent recurrence of armed conflicts and to support critical tasks in order to achieve sustainable peace;", "21. The Ministers expressed the need for integrated peacebuilding strategies and programmes that are consistent and in line with host-country strategies and programmes to ensure national ownership;", "22. The Ministers expressed support for continuing efforts to strengthen African peacekeeping capabilities and emphasized the importance of implementing the 10 years plan for capacity building and the Joint Action Plan for United Nations Support to the African Union Peacekeeping in the short, medium and long terms in all relevant the areas. They further took note of the Report prepared by the AU-UN Panel on modalities for support to AU peacekeeping operations and the report by the Secretary General of the UN “Support to African Union PeaceKeeping operations authorized by the United Nations”, and recommend the enhancement of an effective partnership between the UN and the African Union in order to improve planning, deployment and management of African peacekeeping operations;", "23. The Ministers remained concerned over the staffing and structure of the Department of Peacekeeping Operations and Department of Field Support whereby NAM Member Countries are insufficiently represented, particularly at senior and professional levels. The Ministers urged the Secretary-General to further enhance his efforts in accordance with Article 101 of the Charter, the United Nations Staff Regulations and Rules and relevant General Assembly resolutions to attain equitable geographical distributions and gender representation at all levels. In this regard, the Ministers believed that appropriate representation in the Department of Peacekeeping Operations, the Department of Field Support and in the field should also take into account the contributions of Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs), in particular at the professional and leadership level in Headquarters as well in the field missions;", "24. The Ministers underscored the importance of the rapid and effective deployment of the UNPKOs including their reinforcement as necessary. In this regard, the Ministers stressed upon the need for enhanced rapidly deployable capacities for any new UN peacekeeping missions or for reinforcing existing UN peacekeeping missions if in crisis. The Ministers stressed on the development of such mechanisms, including through the development of the Global Field Support Strategy, in close consultation with Troop Contributing Countries;", "25. The Ministers reaffirmed that the funding of UNPKOs through voluntary contributions should not influence the UN Security Council decisions to establish UNPKOs or affect their mandates;", "26. The Ministers expressed concern over the significant amounts of outstanding reimbursements that the United Nations currently owes to the Troop Contributing Countries, which may adversely affect the UN peacekeeping capacity;", "27. The Ministers noted the outcome of the 2011 session of the UN Contingent Owned Equipment working group. They stressed on the need for the increase in reimbursement rates of COE to be based on actual expenses and investments by Troop Contributing Countries;", "28. The Ministers while noting the process initiated by General Assembly through resolution 63/285 to review the reimbursement to troop contributing countries on account of troop costs, which has not been revised since 1992, underlined the need for the General Assembly to consider, as an interim measure, an ad hoc increase in troop costs, to cushion troop contributing countries from the difficulties arising out of inflation factors. They also emphasized the need for a permanent mechanism for reviewing the reimbursement of troop costs;", "29. The Ministers emphasized the need for ensuring payment of timely and adequate compensation for death and disabilities of peacekeepers while serving in UN Field Missions;", "30. The Ministers stressed again that all UN Member States must pay their assessed contributions in full, on time and without condition. They reaffirmed the obligation of Member States, under article 17 of the UN Charter, to bear their expenses to the Organisation as apportioned by the General Assembly, bearing in mind the special responsibility of the Permanent Members of the Security Council, as indicated in General Assembly resolution 1874 (S-IV) of 27 June 1963;", "31. The Ministers reemphasized the critical importance of timely, efficient, transparent and cost-effective procurement of goods and services in support of UNPKOs, and reiterated the view that there is a need to ensure greater UN procurement from Non-Aligned Countries;", "32. The Ministers acknowledged the outstanding contribution and sacrifices of peacekeepers, and stressed that all UN peacekeeping personnel perform their duties in a manner that preserve the image, credibility, impartiality, and integrity of the UN. They stressed the importance of maintaining a policy of zero tolerance on all forms of misconduct, including sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations peacekeeping missions;", "33. The Ministers emphasized that due process and national requirements must always be observed during investigations of misconduct. They further stressed that the UN should ensure that steps are taken to restore the image and credibility of any UN peacekeeping mission, Troop Contributing Countries or UN peacekeeping personnel when allegations of misconduct are ultimately found to be unproven;", "34. The Ministers noted the importance of security sector reform (SSR) among other important components in the context of UN peacekeeping and post conflict situations, and stressed that SSR should be integrated in the broad framework of UN Rule of Law activities, thus ensuring that SSR activities and structures are not duplicating the work carried out in the Rule of Law area. They reaffirmed that the development of a UN approach to SSR must take place within the General Assembly, and stressed that the formulation of strategies to SSR, including its scope and mandate, should be carried out through the intergovernmental process; and", "35. The Ministers emphasized that SSR should be undertaken at the request of the country concerned, and underlined the primary responsibility and the sovereign right of the country concerned in determining its national priorities in this regard.", "130. The Ministers commended the ongoing work of the NAM Working Group on Peacekeeping Operations, under the chairmanship of Morocco, in coordinating issues of common concern to the Movement in the field of peacekeeping. They encouraged all NAM delegations to continue to actively participate in the working group with a view to promote and achieve the objectives of the Movement, in particular the Troop Contributing Countries, in the work of the Special committee on Peacekeeping Operations.", "131. The Ministers, deeply aware of the risks inherent in peacekeeping, reserved their most profound thoughts and respect for those UN peacekeepers that have lost their lives while in the service of peace. They emphasized that their sacrifice should stand as an enduring testimony of the unique work carried out by them in favor of peace and stability.", "Disarmament and International Security", "132. The Ministers reaffirmed and reiterated the long-standing principled positions of the Movement on disarmament and international security, including the decisions taken at the XII Summit in Durban in 1998, the XIII Summit in Kuala Lumpur in 2003, the XIV Summit in Havana in 2006, the XIII Ministerial Conference in Cartagena in 2000, the XIV Ministerial Conference in Durban in 2004, the Ministerial Meeting held in Putrajaya, Malaysia, in 2006, the XV Ministerial Conference held in Teheran, Islamic Republic of Iran, in 2008 and the XV Summit in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, in July 2009.", "133. The Ministers reiterated their continued concern over the current difficult and complex situation in the field of disarmament and international security. In this regard, they called for renewed efforts to resolve the current impasse in achieving nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects.", "134. Reaffirming the absolute validity of multilateral diplomacy in the field of disarmament and non-proliferation, the Ministers reiterated their determination to promote multilateralism as the core principle of negotiations in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 65/54 on Promotion of multilateralism in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation.", "135. The Ministers reiterated their strong concern at the growing resort to unilateralism and in this context, underlined that multilateralism and multilaterally agreed solutions, in accordance with the UN Charter, provide the only sustainable method of addressing disarmament and international security issues.", "136. The Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s principled positions on nuclear disarmament, which remains its highest priority, and on the related issue of nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects and stressed the importance that efforts aiming at nuclear non-proliferation should be parallel to simultaneous efforts aiming at nuclear disarmament. They stressed their concern at the threat to humanity posed by the continued existence of nuclear weapons and of their possible use or threat of use. They reiterated deep concern over the slow pace of progress towards nuclear disarmament and the lack of progress by the Nuclear-Weapon States (NWS) to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals in accordance with their relevant multilateral legal obligations. They underscored the need for the NWS to implement the unequivocal undertaking that they provided in 2000 and further reiterated in 2010 so as to accomplish the total elimination of nuclear weapons, and emphasized, in this regard, the urgent need to commence negotiations on comprehensive and complete nuclear disarmament without delay.", "137. The Ministers, while noting the recent statements by NWS of their intention to pursue actions in achieving a world free of nuclear weapons, reaffirmed the need for urgent concrete actions by the NWS to achieve this goal in accordance with their nuclear disarmament legal obligations.", "138. The Ministers remained deeply concerned at strategic defence doctrines of NWS, including the “NATO Alliance Strategic Concept”, which not only set out rationales for the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, but also maintain unjustifiable concepts on international security based on promoting and developing military alliances and nuclear deterrence policies.", "139. The Ministers reiterated that improvements in existing nuclear weapons and the development of new types of nuclear weapons as envisaged in the United States Nuclear Posture Review contravene the security assurances provided by the NWS. They further reaffirmed that these improvements as well as the development of new types of such weapons violate the commitments undertaken by the NWS at the time of the conclusion of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).", "140. The Ministers emphasized that progress in nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation in all its aspects is essential to strengthening international peace and security. They reaffirmed that efforts toward nuclear disarmament, global and regional approaches and confidence building measures complement each other and should, wherever possible, be pursued simultaneously to promote regional and international peace and security. In this context, they stressed that nuclear disarmament, as the highest priority established by SSODI and as a multilateral legal obligation, should not be made conditional on confidence building measures or other disarmament efforts.", "141. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance and the relevance of the UN Disarmament Commission (UNDC) as the sole specialised, deliberative body within the UN multilateral disarmament machinery. They continued to fully support the work of the UNDC and expressed regret that UNDC was unable to reach agreement on recommendations on its two agenda items during substantive sessions of its three-year cycle ending in April 2008 due to the lack of political will and inflexible positions of certain Nuclear Weapons States, despite NAM’s constructive role and concrete proposals throughout the deliberations, especially in the Working Group on “Recommendations for achieving the objective of nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons”. The Ministers, while recalling the proposals submitted by the Movement, during the 2009 and 2010 substantive sessions, called upon UN Member States to display the necessary political will and flexibility in order to achieve agreement on its recommendations in the UNDC’s 2011 sessions.", "142. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the Conference on Disarmament (CD) as the sole multilateral negotiating body on disarmament, and reiterated their call on the CD to agree on a balanced and comprehensive program of work by, inter alia, establishing an ad hoc committee on nuclear disarmament as soon as possible and as the highest priority. They emphasized the necessity to start negotiations without further delay on a phased programme for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons with a specified framework of time, including a Nuclear Weapons Convention. They reaffirmed the importance of the unanimous conclusion of the ICJ that there exists an obligation to pursue in good faith and to bring to a conclusion negotiations leading to nuclear disarmament in all its aspects under strict and effective international control.", "143. The Ministers, noted the adoption of the Program of Work for the 2009 session (CD/1864) by the CD on 29 May 2009 which was not implemented. They expressed their appreciation to the Members and Presidents of the Conference, in particular Algeria, for their tireless efforts in this regard and called on the Conference on Disarmament to agree by consensus on a balanced and comprehensive programme of work without further delay. The Ministers agreed to continue coordination of efforts at the NAM Chapter in Geneva.", "144. The Ministers took note of the High Level Meeting on revitalising the work of the Conference on Disarmament and taking forward multilateral disarmament negotiations, held on September 24, 2010 at which NAM presented its positions, which remain valid in the way forward. The Ministers believed that any possible follow-up should be inclusive, Member States driven, and should strengthen role and work of the CD, as mandated by the First Special Session of the UN General Assembly devoted to Disarmament (SSOD-I) and efforts aimed at achieving nuclear disarmament.", "145. The Ministers welcomed efforts of NAM Member States in advancing the goal of nuclear disarmament. In this regard, they noted the convening by the Islamic Republic of Iran of an International Conference on Disarmament and Non-Proliferation, in Tehran, on 17-18 April 2010, under the theme: “Nuclear Energy for everyone, Nuclear Weapon for no one.”", "146. The Ministers reiterated their support for the convening of the Fourth Special Session of the UN General Assembly devoted to Disarmament (SSOD-IV) and expressed their deep concern, over the fact that the SSOD IV is yet to be convened, despite efforts for many years in this regard. In this context, They welcomed the overwhelming support received by Non-Aligned Movement’s UNGA resolution 65/66 entitled “Convening of the fourth special session of the General Assembly devoted to disarmament” They urged the UN Secretary-General to make available all necessary technical, financial and human resources to implement the resolution. They stressed the importance of active participation in the open-ended working group established by the resolution to consider and reach consensus on the objectives and agenda, including the possible establishment of the preparatory committee for SSOD-IV.", "147. The Ministers again called for an international conference to identify ways and means of eliminating nuclear dangers, at the earliest possible date, with the objective of an agreement on a phased programme for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons with a specified framework of time, to prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use, and to provide for their destruction.", "148. The Ministers reaffirmed that the total elimination of nuclear weapons is the only absolute guarantee against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons and reaffirmed further that Non-Nuclear-Weapon States (NNWS) should be effectively assured by NWS against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. Pending the total elimination of nuclear weapons, they reaffirmed the need for the conclusion of a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on security assurances to NNWS as a matter of high priority. They noted the lack of progress since the establishment in 1998 of an Ad Hoc Committee in the Conference on Disarmament to negotiate universal, unconditional and legally binding security assurances to all NNWS. They expressed concern that despite long standing request by NNWS to receive such legally binding assurances, no tangible progress has been achieved in this regard. The Ministers further stressed the significance and positive security implications of the conclusion of a universal, unconditional and legally binding instrument on NSA.", "149. The Ministers stressed the significance of achieving universal adherence to the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), including by all NWS, which, inter alia, should contribute to the process of nuclear disarmament. They reiterated that if the objectives of the Treaty were to be fully realized, the continued commitment of all States signatories, especially the NWS, to nuclear disarmament would be essential.", "150. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of the application of the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiability by NWS in all measures related to the fulfilment of their nuclear disarmament obligations.", "151. The Ministers, while noting the conclusion of the New START Treaty between the Russian Federation and the United States, stressed that reductions in deployments and in operational status cannot substitute for irreversible cuts in, and the total elimination of, nuclear weapons. In this context they called on the United States and the Russian Federation to apply the principles of transparency, irreversibility and verifiability to such cuts, to further reduce their nuclear arsenals, both warheads and delivery systems, thus contributing to the fulfilment of their nuclear disarmament obligations and facilitating the realisation of a world free of nuclear weapons at an earliest date.", "152. The Ministers agreed that there remains an ever growing and most pressing need for concrete actions by Nuclear-Weapon States, to take further substantive and practical measures urgently, according to their multilaterally agreed commitments, to attain the goal of complete nuclear disarmament within a specified framework of time.", "153. The Ministers continued to be concerned over the negative implications of the development and deployment of anti-ballistic missile (ABM) defence systems and the threat of weaponization of outer space which have, inter alia, contributed to the further erosion of an international climate conducive to the promotion of disarmament and the strengthening of international security. The abrogation of the ABM Treaty brought new challenges to strategic stability and the prevention of the arms race in outer space. They remained seriously concerned at the negative security consequences of the deployment of strategic missile defence systems which could trigger an arms race(s) and lead to the further development of advanced missile systems and an increase in the number of nuclear weapons.", "154. The Ministers recognized the common interest of all mankind in the exploration and use of outer space for peaceful purposes, and emphasized that prevention of an arms race in outer space, including a ban to deploy or use weapons therein, would avert a grave danger for international peace and security. They further emphasized the paramount importance of strict compliance with existing arms limitation and disarmament agreements relevant to outer space, including bilateral agreements, and with the existing legal regime concerning the use of outer space. They also reemphasized the urgent need for the commencement of substantive work in the CD, inter alia, on the prevention of an arms race in outer space, taking note of the joint Russian-Chinese initiative of a draft treaty on the “Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in Outer Space, the Threat or Use of Force Against Outer Space Objects” (PPWT) presented in the Conference on Disarmament on 12 February 2008. They noted that this initiative is a constructive contribution to the work of the Conference, and is a good basis for further discussion toward adopting an international binding instrument.", "155. The Ministers remained convinced of the need for a multilaterally negotiated, universal, comprehensive, transparent, and non-discriminatory approach toward the issue of missiles in all its aspects as a contribution to international peace and security. They expressed their support for efforts to be continued within the UN to explore further the issue of missiles in all its aspects. In this regard, they emphasized the contribution of peaceful uses of space technologies, including space launch vehicle technologies, to human advancement, such as for telecommunications and data gathering on natural disasters. They also emphasized the need to keep the issue of missiles in all its aspects on the agenda of the UN General Assembly and welcomed that the Panel of Governmental Experts established in accordance with Resolution 59/67 successfully concluded its work in 2008 and submitted its report to the 63^(rd) session of the UN General Assembly. Pending the achievement of such a universal approach related to delivery systems for weapons of mass destruction, any initiative to address these concerns effectively and in a sustainable and comprehensive manner should be through an inclusive process of negotiations in a forum where all States could participate as equals. They stressed the importance of the security concerns of all States at regional and global levels in any approach to the issue of missiles in all its aspects.", "156. The Ministers believed that the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones (NWFZs) created by the treaties of Tlatelolco, Rarotonga, Bangkok, Pelindaba, the Central Asian nuclear-weapon-free zone treaty as well as Mongolia’s nuclear-weapon-free-status are positive steps and important measures towards strengthening global nuclear disarmament and nuclear non-proliferation and they welcomed the entry into force of the Treaty on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Central Asia on 21 March 2009 and the Treaty on a nuclear-weapon-free zone in Africa on 15 July 2009 which represented effective contributions to strengthening regional and global peace and security. They reiterated that in the context of NWFZs, it is essential that NWS should provide unconditional assurances against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons to all States of the zone. They urged States to conclude agreements freely arrived at among the States of the region concerned with a view to establishing new NWFZs in regions where they do not exist, in accordance with the provisions of the Final Document of the First Special Session of the General Assembly devoted to Disarmament (SSOD-I) and the principles adopted by the 1999 UN Disarmament Commission.", "157. Recalling the convening and the outcome of the Second Conference of the States Parties and Signatories to Treaties that Established Nuclear Weapon Free Zones and Mongolia held in New York, on 30 April 2010, the Ministers called on the States parties and signatories to the Treaties of NWFZs to implement further ways and means of co-operation among themselves, their treaty agencies and other interested States. They expressed their support for Mongolia’s policy aimed at institutionalizing its nuclear-weapons-free status and for the measures taken by Mongolia to consolidate and strengthen this status. In this regard they welcomed the start of the talks by Mongolia with its two neighbours to conclude the required legal instrument and expressed their hope that it would soon result in the conclusion of an international instrument institutionalizing the status.", "158. The Ministers reiterated their support for the establishment in the Middle East of a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction. As a priority step to this end, they reaffirmed the need for the speedy establishment of a NWFZ in the Middle East in accordance with the Security Council Resolution 487 (1981) and paragraph 14 of the Security Council Resolution 687 (1991) and the relevant General Assembly resolutions adopted by consensus. They called upon all parties concerned to take urgent and practical steps towards the fulfilment of the proposal initiated by Iran in 1974 for the establishment of such a zone and, pending its establishment, they demanded on Israel, the only country in the region that has not joined the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) nor declared its intention to do so, to renounce possession of nuclear weapons, to accede to the NPT without further delay, to place promptly all its nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) full-scope safeguards according to Security Council Resolution 487 (1981) and to conduct its nuclear related activities in conformity with the non-proliferation regime. They called for the earliest implementation of relevant IAEA resolutions on “Application of IAEA Safeguards in the Middle East”. They expressed great concern over the acquisition of nuclear capability by Israel which poses a serious and continuing threat to the security of neighbouring and other States, and condemned Israel for continuing to develop and stockpile nuclear arsenals. In this context they also condemned the statement made by the then Prime Minister of Israel on 11 December 2006, related to the possession of nuclear weapons by Israel. They urged the continued consideration of the issue of Israeli nuclear capabilities in the context of the IAEA, including at the General Conference. They were of the view that stability cannot be achieved in a region where massive imbalances in military capabilities are maintained particularly through the possession of nuclear weapons, which allow one party to threaten its neighbours, and the region. They further welcomed the initiative by the Arab Republic of Egypt, on the establishment of a zone free from weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East, and in this context, they took into consideration the draft resolution tabled by the Syrian Arab Republic, on behalf of the Arab Group, before the Security Council on 29 December 2003 on the establishment of a zone free of all weapons of mass destruction in the Middle East. They stressed that necessary steps should be taken in different international fora for the establishment of this zone. They also called for the total and complete prohibition of the transfer of all nuclear-related equipment, information, material and facilities, resources or devices and the extension of assistance in the nuclear related scientific or technological fields to Israel. In this regard, they expressed their serious concern over the continuing development whereby Israeli scientists are provided access to the nuclear facilities of one NWS. This development will have potentially serious negative implications on security in the region as well as the reliability of the global non-proliferation regime.", "159. The Ministers reiterated their support for the efforts of the Arab Group in Vienna to keep the question of the Israeli Nuclear capabilities under consideration of the General Conference of the IAEA.", "160. The Ministers underscored the Movement’s principled position concerning non-use or threat of use of force against the territorial integrity of any State. In this regard, they condemned the Israeli attack against a Syrian facility on September 6, 2007, which constitutes a flagrant violation of the UN Charter and welcomed Syria’s cooperation with the IAEA in this regard.", "161. The Ministers emphasized the importance of the observance of environmental norms in the preparation and implementation of disarmament and arms limitation agreements, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption of General Assembly Resolution 65/53 on this matter without a vote. They reaffirmed that international disarmament forums should take fully into account the relevant environmental norms in negotiating treaties and agreements on disarmament and arms limitation and that all States, through their actions, should contribute fully to ensuring compliance with the aforementioned norms in the implementation of treaties and conventions to which they are parties.", "162. The Ministers emphasized the importance of the UN activities at the regional level to increase the stability and security of its Member States, which could be promoted in a substantive manner by the maintenance and revitalization of the three regional centres for peace and disarmament.", "163. The Ministers of States Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), while reaffirming the package of agreements of the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the NPT and the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the NPT, and recognizing the crucial role of the NPT in nuclear disarmament, nuclear non-proliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, were of the view that the “Conclusions and Recommendations for Follow-on actions” of the 2010 Review Conference of the NPT, represent an outcome that can be built upon and further enhanced in the near future, to fully address the priorities of the Movement, in particular to realise a world free from nuclear weapons. They called upon NWS to implement fully and effectively their obligations under the Treaty, in particular in the area of nuclear disarmament, and the outcomes of its Review Conferences, in particular the 1995 Review and Extension Conference, the 2000 Review Conference and the 2010 Review Conference.", "164. The Ministers of States Parties to the NPT stressed the importance of the review of the operation of the Treaty in the framework of the NPT Review Conferences and in this context emphasized that the inclusion of the Review Part of the Final Document of the 2010 NPT Review Conference as an opinion of the President and not as a consensus language should not be considered as a precedent to be followed in the future without prejudice to the prerogatives of the Review Conference.", "165. The Ministers of the States Parties to the NPT commended the Chairmanship of H.E. Libran N. Cabactulan of the Philippines, of the 2010 NPT Review Conference and the active engagement of NAM States Parties to the Treaty in its deliberations. They highlighted the importance of implementing the action plans adopted by the conference on nuclear disarmament, on nuclear non-proliferation, on peaceful uses of nuclear energy and on the implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle-East. The Ministers noted with concern the lack of agreement on a number of key priorities of NAM States Parties to the NPT, including inter alia, to begin negotiations on a Nuclear-Weapons-Convention and to commence negotiations on a legally binding instrument on unconditional Negative Security Assurances to Non-Nuclear-Weapon States. The Ministers of these States Parties to the NPT agreed to continue their collective efforts in pursuing the realization of the aforementioned NAM priorities in the next review process.", "166. In this context, the Ministers of States Parties to the NPT welcomed the adoption by consensus of a detailed plan of action on “the Middle East, particularly implementation of the 1995 resolution on the Middle East” in the “Conclusions and Recommendations for Follow-on actions” of 2010 NPT Review Conference. The Ministers urged the UN Secretary General and the co-sponsors of the 1995 Resolution, in consultation with the States of the region, to commence immediately necessary preparations to convene a conference in 2012, to be attended by all States of the Middle East on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction. They stressed the importance of the full implementation of all aspects of the agreed plan of action and the active and constructive engagement of all parties concerned to allow for the success of the conference in launching a regional negotiation process aimed at fully realizing the objectives of the 1995 resolution and the establishment of the zone.", "167. The Ministers of States Parties to the NPT expressed deep concern over the delay in the implementation of the measures contained in the Action Plan adopted by the 2010 NPT Review Conference on the implementation of the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East, in close consultation and coordination with the States of the Middle East. They strongly urged the United Nations Secretary-General and the three cosponsors of the 1995 Resolution on the Middle East to start immediately the full implementation of the Action Plan on the Middle East. They stressed the importance of the immediate appointment of a facilitator, the designation of a host country and the confirmation of the date of the Conference. The Ministers requested the Secretary-General, in implementation of his mandate to convene the Conference, to exert maximum efforts with a view to Convening the Conference at the earliest possible date prior to the First Preparatory Committee of the 2015 NPT Review Conference, to be held in May 2012. The Ministers further stressed the importance of availing all financial means necessary for the activities of the facilitator and convening of the Conference, as soon as possible, including the regular budget of the United Nations.", "168. The Ministers of state parties to the NPT reaffirmed the urgency and importance of Israel’s accession to the Treaty on Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the placement of all its nuclear facilities under IAEA comprehensive safeguards according to the relevant international instruments and decisions, including operative paragraph 5 of Security Council resolution 487 (1981). They called on Israel, as the only non-NPT party in the Middle East, to accede, without further delay, to the Treaty as a non-nuclear-weapon State.", "169. The Ministers of States Parties to the NPT reiterated their call for the firm commitment by all States Parties to the Treaty to the implementation of all the provisions of the Treaty and called for the full implementation of the 13 practical steps for systematic and progressive efforts to implement Article VI of the Treaty, particularly an unequivocal undertaking by the NWS to accomplish the total elimination of their nuclear arsenals leading to nuclear disarmament. Pending the total elimination of nuclear weapons, they also recalled that the Final Document of the 2000 Review Conference of the NPT reiterated that legally binding security assurances by the five NWS to the non-NWS parties to the Treaty would strengthen the nuclear non-proliferation regime. They underlined the agreement by consensus at the 2010 Review Conference of the NPT on practical steps for systematic and progressive efforts to eliminate nuclear weapons; the implementation of the resolution on the Middle East adopted by the 1995 Review and Extension Conference of the NPT; and on a legally binding international instrument on unconditional security assurances to non nuclear weapon states.", "170. The Ministers of the States Parties to the NPT called upon the NWS to implement their commitments not to use or threaten to use nuclear weapons against non-NWS parties to the Treaty or NWFZs at any time or under any circumstances, pending the conclusion of a legally binding instrument on security assurances.", "171. The Ministers reaffirmed the inalienable right of developing countries to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination. They continued to note with concern that undue restrictions on exports to developing countries of material, equipment and technology, for peaceful purposes persist. They again emphasized that proliferation concerns are best addressed through multilaterally negotiated, universal, comprehensive and non-discriminatory agreements. Non-proliferation control arrangements should be transparent and open to participation by all States, and should ensure that they do not impose restrictions on access to material, equipment and technology for peaceful purposes required by developing countries for their continued development. The Ministers expressed their full confidence in the impartiality and professionalism of the IAEA and strongly rejected attempts by any State to politicize the work of the IAEA, including its technical co-operation programme, in violation of its Statute, as well as any undue pressure or interference in the Agency’s activities which could jeopardize the efficiency and credibility of the IAEA.", "172. The Ministers of the States Parties to the NPT emphasized once more that nothing in the Treaty shall be interpreted as affecting the inalienable right of all the parties to the Treaty to develop research, production and use of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination and in conformity with Articles I, II, III and IV of the Treaty. They stressed that this right constitutes one of the fundamental objectives of the Treaty. In this connection, they confirmed that each country’s choices and decision in the field of peaceful uses of nuclear energy should be respected without jeopardizing its policies or international co-operation agreements and arrangements for peaceful uses of nuclear energy and its fuel-cycle policies.", "173. The Ministers stressed particularly the responsibility of developed countries to promote the legitimate need of nuclear energy of the developing countries, by allowing them to participate to the fullest extent possible in the transfer of nuclear equipment, materials, scientific and technological information for peaceful purposes with a view to achieving the largest benefits and applying pertinent elements of sustainable development in their activities.", "174. The Ministers took note of the adoption, through a vote, in 2010, of two proposals on the multilateral approaches to the nuclear fuel cycle, in the IAEA Board of Governors. They highlighted that this issue should be conducted through wide, integral and transparent consultations and negotiations, focusing on its technical, legal, political and economical implications, before any decision is taken about this complex and sensitive matter. The Ministers emphasized that decisions should be made by consensus, with the participation of all IAEA member States, and any proposal from IAEA must be consistent with its Statute, without any prejudice to the inalienable right of its member States to research, develop and use for peaceful purposes of nuclear sciences, in all its aspects.", "175. The Ministers emphasizing the importance of the positive role played by the Non-Aligned Members in the IAEA, stressed the necessity that all members of the IAEA strictly observe its Statute. They stressed that any undue pressure or interference in the Agency’s activities, especially its verification process, which could jeopardize the efficiency and credibility of the Agency, should be avoided. They recognised that the IAEA is the sole competent authority for verification of compliance with the obligations under the respective safeguard agreements of the Member States. They also reaffirmed that a clear distinction has to be made between the legal obligations of Member States under their respective safeguards agreements and their voluntary undertakings, in order to ensure that such voluntary undertakings are not turned into legal safeguards obligations.", "176. The Ministers reaffirmed the inviolability of peaceful nuclear activities and that any attack or threat of attack against peaceful nuclear facilities –operational or under construction- poses a great danger to human beings and the environment, and constitutes a grave violation of international law, principles and purposes of the UN Charter and regulations of the IAEA. They recognised the urgent need for a comprehensive multilaterally negotiated instrument prohibiting attacks or threat of attacks on nuclear facilities devoted to peaceful uses of nuclear energy.", "177. The Ministers affirmed the need to strengthen the Radiological Safety and Protection Systems at facilities utilising radioactive materials as well as at radioactive waste management facilities, including the safe transportation of these materials. They reaffirmed the need to strengthen existing international regulations relating to safety and security of transportation of such materials. The Ministers noted efforts of the IAEA in this regard including convening an “International Conference on the safe and secure transport of radioactive material: The next fifty years- creating a safe, secure and sustainable framework” in Vienna from the 17^(th) to the 21^(st) of October 2011. While reiterating the need to take appropriate measures to prevent any dumping of nuclear or radioactive wastes, they called for effective implementation of the Code of Practice on the International Transboundary Movement of Radioactive Waste of the IAEA as a means of enhancing the protection of all States from the dumping of radioactive wastes on their territories.", "178. The Ministers stressed that the issue of proliferation should be resolved through political and diplomatic means, and that measures and initiatives taken in this regard should be within the framework of international law; relevant conventions; the UN Charter, and should contribute to the promotion of international peace, security and stability.", "179. The Ministers of the NAM States Parties to the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) reaffirmed that the possibility of any use of bacteriological (biological) agents and toxins as weapons should be completely excluded, and the conviction that such use would be repugnant to the conscience of humankind. They recognised the particular importance of strengthening the Convention through multilateral negotiations for a legally binding Protocol and universal adherence to the Convention. They reiterated their call to promote international cooperation for peaceful purposes, including scientific-technical exchange, and to adopt concrete actions in this regard such as those contained in the Plan of Action to implement the Article X submitted by the NAM States Parties at the Sixth Review Conference, and the additional NAM States Parties’ proposal on a mechanism for the full implementation of Article X of the Convention presented more recently. They underlined the importance to maintain close coordination among the NAM States Parties to the Convention and highlighted that the Convention on Biological and Toxin Weapons forms a whole and that, although it is possible to consider certain aspects separately, it is critical to deal with all of the issues interrelated to this Convention in a balanced and comprehensive manner.", "180. The Ministers of the NAM States Parties to the BTWC stressed the importance of the active participation by NAM States Parties to the BTWC in the Seventh BTWC Review Conference, to be held at the end of 2011, to advance their positions on this Convention, particularly those on Article X of the BTWC, especially by emphasizing the need for enhancing international cooperation, assistance and exchange in biological sciences and technology for peaceful purposes. They further encouraged the BTWC States Parties to provide information, as set forth in paragraph 54 of the Final Document of the Sixth BTWC Review Conference, on how Article X of the BTWC on the issue of international assistance and cooperation is being implemented.", "181. The Ministers of the States Parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) invited all States that have not yet signed or ratified the Convention to do so as soon as possible with a view to its universality. They reaffirmed that the effective contribution of the Convention to international and regional peace and security can be enhanced through its full implementation. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of international cooperation in the field of chemical activities for purposes not prohibited under the Chemical Weapons Convention. They reiterated their call on the developed countries to promote international cooperation for the benefit of States Parties through the transfer of technology, material and equipment for peaceful purposes in the chemical field and the removal of all and any discriminatory restrictions that are contrary to the letter and spirit of the Convention. They recalled that the full, balanced, effective and non-discriminatory implementation of all provisions of the Convention in particular economic and technical development through international cooperation, is fundamental to the achievement of its object and purpose. While expressing their serious concern on the recent indications by certain possessor states parties that they will not meet their obligations regarding the deadlines for the total elimination of chemical weapons and that 36.28% of chemical weapons still remained to be destroyed as of 31^(st) January 2011, they called upon States having declared possession of chemical weapons to ensure full and complete compliance with the final extended deadline (29th of April 2012) for the destruction of their chemical weapons, in order to uphold the credibility and integrity of the Convention. They stressed that the obligation and responsibility for the destruction of chemical weapons lies solely with the possessor States Parties and that fulfilment of this obligation is fundamental to achieve the object and purpose of the Convention. In this regard, they called on the relevant possessor States Parties to intensify the rate of destruction of their chemical weapon stockpiles by taking every necessary measure to meet their final extended deadlines for the destruction of their chemical weapons in accordance with the provisions of the Convention.", "182. The Ministers of the States Parties to the CWC reaffirmed that the implementation of the Article X of the CWC on assistance and protection against chemical weapons make a significant contribution to countering the threats of use of chemical weapons. They stressed the importance of achieving and maintaining a high level of readiness of the OPCW to provide timely and needed assistance and protection against use or threat of use of chemical weapons, including assistance to the victims of chemical weapons.", "183. The Ministers of the States Parties to the CWC, while paying due respect to the chemical weapons victims and their families, declare their firm conviction that international support to provide special care and assistance to all victims suffering the effects of exposure to chemical weapons is an urgent humanitarian need and that the States Parties to the Convention as well as the OPCW should pay urgent attention to meeting these needs including through the possible establishment of an international support network.", "184. The Ministers once again condemned the Israeli military aggression against the Gaza Strip in 2009 and the occupying power’s indiscriminate shelling and bombing of Palestinian civilian areas, and expressed their grave concern over the reported use in civilian areas of harmful and potentially fatal incendiary weapons, such as white phosphorous. In this regard, they reiterated their call for a thorough investigation of this serious matter by relevant bodies under the appropriate international conventions and agreements.", "185. The Ministers regretted unsubstantiated allegations of non-compliance with relevant instruments on weapons of mass destruction and called on States Parties to such instruments that make such allegations to follow procedures set out in those instruments and to provide necessary substantiation for their allegations. They called upon all States parties to the respective international instruments to implement fully and in a transparent manner all their obligations under these instruments.", "186. The Ministers expressed their satisfaction with the consensus among States on measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction. They welcomed the adoption by consensus of the General Assembly Resolution 65/62 entitled “Measures to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction” and underlined the need for this threat to humanity to be addressed within the UN framework and through international co-operation. While stressing that the most effective way of preventing terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction is through the total elimination of such weapons, they emphasized that progress was urgently needed in the area of disarmament and non-proliferation in order to help maintain international peace and security and to contribute to global efforts against terrorism. They called upon all Member States to support international efforts to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery. They also urged all Member States to take and strengthen national measures, as appropriate, to prevent terrorists from acquiring weapons of mass destruction, their means of delivery and materials and technologies related to their manufacture.", "187. While noting the adoption of resolution 1540 (2004), resolution 1673 (2006) and resolution 1810 (2008) by the Security Council, the Ministers underlined the need to ensure that any action by the Security Council does not undermine the UN Charter and existing multilateral treaties on weapons of mass destruction and of international Organisations established in this regard, as well as the role of the General Assembly. They further cautioned against the continuing practice of the Security Council to utilize its authority to define the legislative requirements for Member States in implementing Security Council decisions. In this regard, the Ministers stressed the importance of the issue of non-state actors acquiring weapons of mass destruction to be addressed in an inclusive manner by the General Assembly, taking into account the views of all Member States.", "188. Mindful of the threat posed to humankind by the existing weapons of mass destruction particularly Nuclear Weapons and underlining the need for the total elimination of such weapons, the Ministers reaffirmed the need to prevent the emergence of new types of weapons of mass destruction and therefore supported the necessity of monitoring the situation and triggering international action as required.", "189. The Ministers reaffirmed the sovereign right of States to acquire, manufacture, export, import and retain conventional arms for their self-defence and security needs. They expressed their concern about unilateral coercive measures and emphasized that no undue restriction should be placed on the transfer of such arms.", "190. The Ministers recognised the significant imbalance in the production, possession and trade in conventional weapons between the industrialized and the Non-Aligned Countries, and called for a significant reduction in the production, possession and trade of conventional weapons by the industrialized states with a view to enhancing international and regional peace and security.", "191. The Ministers remained deeply concerned over the illicit transfer, manufacture and circulation of small arms and light weapons (SALW) and their excessive accumulation and uncontrolled spread in many regions of the world. They recognized the need to establish and maintain controls over private ownership of small arms. They called on all States, in particular major producing States, to ensure that the supply of small arms and light weapons is limited only to Governments or to entities duly authorized by Governments and to implement legal restrictions and prohibitions preventing the illicit trade of small arms and light weapons. They encouraged all initiatives by States to mobilize resources and expertise as well as to provide assistance to strengthen the full implementation of the UN Program of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in SALW in All Its Aspects.", "192. The Ministers emphasized the importance of a prompt and full implementation of the Programme of Action, and in this regard, stressed that international assistance and cooperation is an essential aspect in the full implementation of the Programme of Action. They expressed disappointment at the inability of the UN Conference to Review the Progress made in the Implementation of the Programme of Action to Prevent, Combat and Eradicate the Illicit Trade in SALW in All its Aspects, held in New York, from 26 June to 7 July 2006, to agree on a final Document. The Ministers noted the fourth Biennial Meeting of States held in New York, from 14 to 18 June 2010 which considered the national, regional and global implementation of the Programme of Action. They encouraged all States to consider, as appropriate, the recommendations of the Final Document of the aforementioned Meeting, while emphasizing that the procedure followed to adopt the BMS 4 final outcome should not represent a precedent for the future. They reaffirmed the total validity of the Programme of Action and encouraged the NAM delegations to coordinate efforts in the UN with a view to reaching agreement on a follow-up to the Programme of Action in order to ensure its full implementation. They called for the full implementation of the international instrument to enable States to identify and trace in a timely and reliable manner the illicit small arms and light weapons, which was adopted by the General Assembly.", "193. The Ministers continued to deplore the use, in contravention of international humanitarian law of anti-personnel mines in conflict situations aimed at maiming, killing and terrorising innocent civilians, denying them access to farmland, causing famine and forcing them to flee their homes eventually leading to de-population and preventing the return of civilians to their place of original residence. They called upon all States in the position to do so, to provide the necessary financial, technical and humanitarian assistance to landmine clearance operations, the social and economic rehabilitation of victims as well as to ensure full access of affected countries to material equipment, technology and financial resources for mine clearance.", "194. The Ministers of the States Parties to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Use, Stockpiling, Production and Transfer of Anti-Personnel Mines and on Their Destruction (the Mine Ban Convention) invited those States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Convention.", "195. The Ministers expressed concern about the explosive remnants of the Second World War, particularly in the form of landmines which continue to cause human and material damage and obstruct development plans in some Non-Aligned Countries. They called on the States primarily responsible for laying these mines and leaving explosives outside their territories during Second World War to cooperate with the affected countries and provide mine action support to affected countries, including information exchange, maps indicating the locations of mines and explosives, technical assistance for mine clearance, defrayal of the costs of clearance and compensation for any losses caused by mines-laid.", "196. The Ministers of the States Parties to the Mine Ban Convention recognized the significance of the Second Review Conference held in Cartagena, Colombia, between 30 November and 4 December 2009. Furthermore, they welcomed the regional conferences and workshops in preparation for the Conference and appreciated the efforts of the host States in that regard.", "197. The Ministers of States Parties to the Convention on Prohibition or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May be deemed to be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects (CCW) and its Protocols encouraged States to become parties to the Convention and its Protocols.", "198. The Ministers recognized the adverse humanitarian impact caused by the use of cluster munitions and expressed sympathy with the cluster munitions-affected countries. They called upon all States in a position to do so, to consider providing the necessary financial, technical and humanitarian assistance to unexploded cluster munitions clearance operations, the social and economic rehabilitation of victims as well as to ensure full access of affected countries to material equipment, technology and financial resources for unexploded cluster munitions clearance. They took note of the continued consideration of the issue of cluster munitions in the context of the CCW. While recognizing different views on the issue, the Ministers of States Parties to the Convention on Cluster Munitions, invited those States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Convention.", "199. The Ministers noted the entry into force of the Convention on Cluster Munitions on 1 August 2010 and the outcome of the First Meeting of States Parties to the Convention held from 9 to 12 November 2010 in Vientiane, Lao People’s Democratic Republic, and noted the intention of the States Parties to the Convention to convene its next meeting in Lebanon in September 2011.", "200. The Ministers underlined the importance of the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 65/55, taking into consideration the possible harmful effects to human health and the environment, caused by the use of weapons and munitions containing depleted uranium.", "201. The Ministers stressed the importance of the symbiotic relationship between disarmament and development and the important role of security in this connection, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption without a vote of General Assembly Resolution 65/52. They also expressed concern at the increasing global military expenditure, which could otherwise be spent on development needs. They further stressed the importance of the reduction of military expenditures, in accordance with the principle of undiminished security at the lowest level of armaments, and urged all States to devote resources made available from there to economic and social development, in particular in the fight against poverty. They expressed firm support for unilateral, bilateral, regional and multilateral measures adopted by some governments aimed at reducing military expenditures, thereby contributing to strengthening regional and international peace and security and recognised that confidence building measures assisted in this regard.", "202. The Ministers commended the ongoing work of the NAM Working Group on disarmament, under the chairmanship of Indonesia, in coordinating issues of common concern to the Movement in the field of disarmament. They encouraged NAM delegations to continue to actively participate in the Working Group with a view to promote and achieve the objectives of the Movement.", "203. Consistent with and guided by the aforementioned principled positions and affirming the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Ministers agreed to:", "1. Continue to pursue the positions and priorities of the Movement, as appropriate, in the relevant international fora; and", "2. Task the NAM Coordinating Bureau to undertake efforts, as appropriate, with a view to achieving the objectives of the Movement at disarmament and international security meetings.", "Terrorism", "204. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled position concerning terrorism, as follows:", "1. Terrorist acts constitute one of the most flagrant violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, in particular the right to life, leading to the lack of the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedom of peoples, and that such acts endanger the territorial integrity and stability of States as well as national, regional and international security, de-stabilise legitimately constituted governments or the prevailing constitutional order and political unity of States, affect the stability of nations and the very basis of societies, as well as create adverse consequences on the economic and social development and cause the destruction of the physical and economic infrastructure of States;", "2. Terrorism cannot and should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilisation or ethnic group, and that these attributions should not be used to justify terrorism or counter-terrorism measures that include, inter alia, profiling of terror suspects and intrusion on individual privacy;", "3. Criminal acts intended or calculated to provoke a state of terror in the general public, a group of persons or particular persons for whatever purposes, wherever, by whomever, against whomsoever committed are, in any circumstance, unjustifiable, whatever the considerations or factors that may be invoked to justify them;", "4. Terrorism should not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation. The brutalisation of people remaining under foreign occupation should continue to be denounced as the gravest form of terrorism, and that the use of State power for the suppression and violence against peoples struggling against foreign occupation in exercising their inalienable right to self-determination should continue to be condemned. In this regard and in accordance with the UN Charter, international law and the relevant UN resolutions, the struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation does not constitute terrorism;[20]", "5. The Movement reaffirmed its principled position under international law and in accordance with General Assembly resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992 as well as other relevant UN resolutions on the legitimacy of the struggle of people under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for national liberation and self-determination, which does not constitute terrorism, and once again called for the definition of terrorism to differentiate it from the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self determination and national liberation;", "6. The financing of terrorism is a matter of grave concern that must be fought with determination In this regard, the Ministers Strongly condemn criminal incidences of hostage-taking with resultant demands for ransoms and/or other political concessions by terrorist groups, and called upon all States to cooperate actively in order to address this issue, including its legal aspects.", "205. Acknowledging the serious danger and threats posed by terrorism and terrorist acts to the international community, consistent with and guided by the Movement’s principled positions thereof as well as affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures:", "1. Strongly and unequivocally condemn, as criminal, and reject terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, as well as all acts, methods and practices of terrorism wherever, by whomever, against whomsoever committed, including those in which States are directly or indirectly involved, which are unjustifiable whatever the considerations or factors that may be invoked to justify them, and in this context, reaffirm their support for the provisions contained in General Assembly resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992 and other relevant UN resolutions;", "2. Resolve to take speedy and effective measures to eliminate international terrorism, and in this context, urge all States, consistent with the UN Charter, to fulfil their obligations under international law and international humanitarian law combating terrorism, including by prosecuting or, where appropriate, extraditing the perpetrators of terrorist acts; by preventing the organisation, instigation or financing of terrorist acts against other States from within or outside their territories or by organisations based in their territories; by refraining from organising, instigating, assisting, financing or participating in terrorist acts in the territories of other States; by refraining from encouraging activities within their territories directed towards the commission of such acts; by refraining from allowing the use of their territories for planning, training or financing for such acts; or by refraining from supplying arms or other weapons that could be used for terrorist acts in other States;", "3. Condemn any form of, and refrain from extending, political, diplomatic, moral or material support for terrorism, and in this context, urge all States, consistent with the UN Charter and in fulfilling their obligations under international law, to ensure that refugee status or any other legal status is not abused by the perpetrators, organisers or facilitators of terrorist acts and that claims of political motivation by them are not recognised as grounds for refusing requests for their extradition;", "4. Urge all States, which have not yet done so, to consider to ratify or accede to the thirteen international and UN conventions and protocols relating to combating terrorism;", "5. Observe and implement the provisions of all international conventions as well as regional and bilateral instruments relating to terrorism to which their countries are party, taking into account the recommendations of the Final Document of the UN Conference on the Prevention of Crime and Criminal Justice held in Cairo, Egypt in 1995 and the International Conference on Combating Terrorism held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in 2005;", "6. Oppose attempts to equate the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation with terrorism, in order to prolong occupation and oppression of innocent people with impunity;", "7. Further call on all States to endorse in principle the convening of an international conference under the auspices of the UN to define terrorism, to differentiate it from the struggle for national liberation and to reach comprehensive and effective measures for concerted action. They also denounced the brutalisation of peoples kept under foreign occupation as the gravest form of terrorism. They condemned the use of State power for the suppression and violence against innocent victims struggling against foreign occupation to exercise their inalienable right to self-determination. They stressed the sanctity of this right and urged that in this era of enlarged freedom and democracy, people under foreign occupation should be allowed to freely determine their destiny. In this context, they also reaffirmed their support for General Assembly Resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992 as well as other relevant UN resolutions and the principled position of the Movement that the struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination does not constitute terrorism;", "8. Call upon all states to respect all human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, and to reaffirm their commitment in this respect to prevent human rights violations in consistency with the rule of law and their obligation under international law, in particular international human rights law, international refugee law and international humanitarian law, and in accordance with relevant General Assembly resolutions;", "9. While reaffirming the Movement’s principled position on combating international terrorism, and in the light of the previous initiatives and considerations adopted by NAM, and of their conviction that multilateral cooperation under the UN auspices is the most effective means to combat international terrorism, the Ministers reiterated their call for an International Summit Conference under the auspices of the UN to formulate a joint organised response of the international community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations including identifying its root causes;", "10. Further reiterate the importance of the conclusion of a Comprehensive Convention for Combating International Terrorism and, in this respect, noting the negotiations in the Ad Hoc Committee on Terrorism established by General Assembly Resolution 51/210, for elaboration of a Comprehensive Convention on International Terrorism and the continuing efforts to that end, and call upon all States to co-operate in resolving the outstanding issues;", "11. Call for a transparent, comprehensive and balanced implementation of the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and agree to actively engage in future meetings concerning the reviews of the UN Global Counter Terrorism Strategy and its implementation, and further call for the enhanced engagement of Member States in the work of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force, and support any initiatives by NAM Members States aimed at enhancing the effective implementation in a manner that would advance the principled position of the Non-Aligned Movement;", "12. Recall the second biannual review of the United Nations Global Counter Terrorism Strategy of 8 September 2010 that decided, inter alia, that the task force shall interact with Member States on quarterly basis, in order to receive briefings and comprehensive reports on its current and future work, as to ensure transparency and to enable Member States to assess the work being undertaken by the Task Force, and provide policy guidance and feedback on the Counter-Terrorism Strategy implementation efforts as reflected in General Assembly resolution 64/297 of 8 September 2010, and welcome the progress achieved towards finalizing the institutionalization of the Counter-Terrorism Implementation Task Force, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 64/235 of 24 December 2009;", "13. Strongly condemn the grave acts of terrorism which targeted Iraqi civilians on almost a daily basis in different parts of the country and call for enhancement of international cooperation to support Iraqi capacity building programs to combat all forms of terrorism;", "14. The Ministers strongly condemned a number of terrorist attacks against Iranian scientists, which resulted in the loss of valuable human resources essential to the development of any country;", "15. The Ministers strongly condemned the heinous terrorist attack in Islamabad, Pakistan on the Marriot Hotel on September 20, 2008 and the terrorist attack on the visiting Sri Lankan Cricket Team in Lahore, on March 3, 2009, which represented intensification of international terrorism, causing colossal loss of life, destruction and damage, and called for international cooperation in accordance with the obligations of all Member States under relevant international law against the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism;", "16. The Ministers strongly condemned the heinous terrorist attack in Mumbai, India, between November 26 and 29, 2008, which represented an escalation of international terrorism, causing extensive loss of life, destruction and damage, and called for international cooperation of all Member States, in accordance with relevant international law, against the perpetrators, organizers, financiers and sponsors of these reprehensible acts of terrorism;", "17. Hold a NAM Ministerial Meeting on the issue of terrorism at the most appropriate date, based on the progress of the discussions and negotiations on this issue at the United Nations;", "18. Support national, regional and international efforts and arrangements that seek to implement, where appropriate, the pertinent international legally binding instruments, as well as the relevant UN resolutions,[21] including General Assembly resolution 46/51 and Security Council resolution 1373, and regional arrangements and instruments relating to combating terrorism;[22] strengthen the cooperation with all States in this regard, emphasizing that such cooperation should be in conformity with the UN Charter, international law and the relevant international conventions; and in this context, urge the relevant UN organs to promote ways and means to support and strengthen such cooperation;", "19. Reject actions and measures, the use or threat of use of force in particular by armed forces, which violate the UN Charter and international law especially the relevant international conventions, imposed or threatened to be imposed by any State against any Non-Aligned Country under the pretext of combating terrorism or to pursue its political aims, including by directly or indirectly categorising them as terrorism sponsoring-States. They called upon the Security Council to promote legitimacy and credibility of the Al-Qaida and Taliban sanctions regime, in particular by addressing the concerns of due process and transparency in its listing and delisting procedure and in granting exemption, and in this regard, took note of the appointment of an Ombudsperson to assist the sanctions regime in considering delisting requests. They further totally reject the use of the term “axis of evil” by a certain State to target other States under the pretext of combating terrorism, as well as the unilateral preparation of lists accusing States of allegedly supporting terrorism, which are inconsistent with international law and constitute on their part a form of psychological and political terrorism and in this context, underscoring the need to exercise solidarity with the Non-Aligned Countries that are affected by such actions and measures; and", "20. Introduce comprehensive qualitative changes to national laws and legislations of Non-Aligned Countries, in order to criminalise all terrorist acts as well as support, financing or instigation of such acts;", "21. Reaffirm their support to the proposal of The Custodian of The Two Holy Mosques, King Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud to establish the International Centre to combat terrorism adopted by the International Conference to combat terrorism held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in February 2005. The Riyadh Conference asserted that elimination of terrorism is only possible through a coordinated international efforts and cooperation. The Conference called upon the United Nations to establish the centre to exchange information and share expertise, and coordinate efforts to monitor the activities of terrorist organization and individuals closely;", "22. The Ministers noted the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to organize “the International Conference on Global Fight against Terrorism” in Tehran on 25-26 June 2011, aimed at promoting international cooperation in combating terrorism.", "Democracy [23]", "206. The Ministers reiterated that democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of the people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives. They reaffirmed that while all democracies share common features, there is no single model of democracy, that it does not belong to any country or region, and further reaffirmed the necessity of due respect for sovereignty and the right to self-determination, and their rejection to any attempt to breakdown constitutional and democratic orders legitimately established by the peoples. They expressed their conviction that international co-operation for the promotion of democracy, on the basis of respect for the principles enshrined in the UN Charter as well as those of transparency, impartiality, non-selectivity and inclusiveness, could contribute to the attainment of the goal of democracy consolidation at national, regional and international levels.", "207. The Ministers reaffirmed that democracy, development and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. The international community should support the strengthening and promotion of democracy, development and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms in the entire world, without distinction between developed and developing countries, in compliance with the purposes and principles of the UN Charter.", "208. The Ministers recalled the constitutional processes that have been taking place recently in several Latin American countries as an expression of respect to and strengthening of democracy based on the freely expressed will and participation of the people of those countries to determine their own political, economic, legal, social and cultural systems.", "209. The Ministers recalled the pledge by the leaders of UN Member States, as reaffirmed in the 2005 World Summit Outcome, and noted the important role of the UN in the promotion and strengthening of democratic practices in Member States which have sought legal, technical and financial assistance. The Ministers took note of the work of the UN Democracy Fund.", "210. The Ministers stressed the importance of the Bali Democracy Forum initiated by the government of the Republic of Indonesia which has concluded its third annual meeting on 10 and 11 December 2010, as an intergovernmental forum to promote democracy, in its Member and Observer States from all regions, that is home-grown and not imposing, based on the principles of equal participation, sharing of experiences and best practices, dialogue and international cooperation. The Ministers also took note of the activities organized by the Institute for Peace and Democracy as the implementing agency of the Bali Democracy Forum.", "211. The Ministers welcomed the decision of the Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela to host the Seventh International Conference of New or Restored Democracies.", "212. The Ministers congratulated Mongolia for its Chairmanship of the Community of Democracies in 2011-2013 and welcomed its intention to continue working together with the Bali Democracy Forum and the International Conference of New or Restored Democracies and other relevant forums.", "213. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to promote, defend and preserve these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Work collectively for the promotion of democracy and for more inclusive political processes allowing genuine participation by all citizens in all countries, including seeking assistance from the UN on a voluntary basis;", "2. Promote, while recognizing the importance of the promotion of democracy at the national level, the democratisation of the system of international governance in order to increase the participation of developing countries in international decision-making; and", "3. Oppose and condemn any politically motivated attempt or misuse of the international co-operation for the promotion of democracy, including the marginalisation or exclusion of Non-Aligned Countries from the full participation and equal opportunities of membership in the intergovernmental bodies of the UN system.", "North-South Dialogue and Cooperation", "214. In acknowledging the need for an increased interaction between the leaders of developing and developed world, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Generate, expand and deepen a more dynamic relationship and co-operation with developed and industrialised countries, in particular with the Group of Eight, firmly rooted on mutual respect, mutuality of benefits, shared and differentiated responsibilities, constructive engagement and dialogue, broad partnership and genuine interdependence, with the aim of forging compatible or complementary responses or initiatives on global issues and generate greater understanding between the North and the South;", "2. Continue to hold Ministerial Meetings between the NAM Troika and the European Union, within the framework of ordinary sessions of the General Assembly, aimed at facilitating comprehensive and transparent exchange of views of common interest to be addressed in the UNGA sessions;", "3. Taking note of the successful Ministerial meetings held by the Chair of the NAM with others interested parties, to continue to hold meetings, including at the Ministerial level, between the Chair of NAM and other interested parties, as appropriate, on issues of common interest;", "4. Ensure that the views of developing countries are fully taken into account before decisions on relevant issues[24] affecting them and the international community are made by developed countries, which could be achieved through, inter alia, institutionalising established contacts between the leaders at the highest level of developing and developed countries, and in this context, request the Chair of the Movement to coordinate with the Chair of the Group of 77 and China to identify measures that could contribute towards achieving this objective including through strengthening of the Joint Coordination Committee; and", "5. Call on international meetings and conferences, including the annual Summits of the Group of Eight to take into account the interests and concerns of developing countries, especially in the current situation and serious adverse impacts of the global economic and financial crises on their development, and request the Chair of the Movement to continue to convey those interests and concerns;", "6. Highlight the importance of North South Cooperation being aligned with national development priorities of recipient countries as well as the importance of increasing the efficiency of development assistance.", "Role of Regional Organisations", "215. The Ministers underscored the important role that regional arrangements and agencies, composed of Non-Aligned and other developing countries, can play in the promotion of regional peace and security as well as economic and social development through cooperation among countries in the region.", "216. The Ministers called for the intensification of the process of consultations, cooperation, and coordination between the UN and regional and sub-regional organisations, arrangements, or agencies, in accordance with Chapter VIII of the UN Charter, as well as on their mandate, scope and composition, which is useful and can contribute to the maintenance of international peace and security.", "217. The Ministers recalled the UN Declaration on the New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and called on the international community to renew commitment for NEPAD and other related initiatives for Africa, noting in this regard the efforts exerted by the African Union and other regional economic communities in the area of economic integration, as well as ongoing efforts by the African Union in the operationalisation of the provision contained in General Assembly resolution 59/213 highlighting the particular areas of required support by the UN system to the African Union, in the social, economic, political, peace and security areas, and express their full commitment to continue to advocate the necessity for continued international support required to meet the special needs of Africa as contained in the Millennium Declaration, the 2005 World Outcome Summit and the outcome document of the High-level Plenary Meeting of the sixty-fifth session of the General Assembly on the Millennium Development Goals.", "218. The Ministers highlighted the importance of the Declaration on the New Asian African Strategic Partnership (NAASP) adopted in Indonesia in 2005, and called on the international community to enhance cooperation under the framework of the NAASP as one of the measures to deepen partnership between developing countries, particularly between Asia and Africa.", "219. The Ministers welcomed the efforts by ASEAN Member States to build and strengthen an ASEAN Community and to enhance and maintain ASEAN Centrality and its role in the evolving regional architecture as recognized in the “ASEAN Leaders’ Joint Statement on the ASEAN Community in A Global Community of Nations”, adopted in the 18^(th) ASEAN Summit in Jakarta, Indonesia, in May 2011.", "CHAPTER II:", "REGIONAL AND SUB-REGIONAL POLITICAL ISSUES", "Middle East", "Peace Process", "220. The Ministers expressed their deep regret at the lack of progress in the Middle East peace process and their serious concern about the continuing dangerous impasse due to ongoing illegal Israeli policies, which continue to obstruct the achievement of a just, lasting, comprehensive and peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the core of the Arab-Israeli conflict. They stressed the need for urgent efforts to resume and advance a Middle East peace process based on Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 425, 1397, 1515 and 1850, the Madrid terms of reference, including the principle of land for peace, and the Arab Peace Initiative. They rejected attempts to alter the terms of reference of the peace process, including the imposition of unilateral measures and schemes by Israel, the occupying Power, aimed at forcibly and illegally imposing a unilateral solution. They affirmed that such illegal measures, including in particular the construction and expansion of settlements and the Wall, are totally contradictory to the peace process and must be ceased completely for the resumption of credible peace negotiations. In this regard, they stressed the need for intensified and coordinated efforts by the international community to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to cease its illegal policies and genuinely commit to the peace process on the basis of its agreed terms of reference, stressing also the need to ensure respect for international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law, the key to a peaceful solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole.", "221. On this basis, the Ministers stressed the need for international and regional efforts to promote the resumption, in a timely and appropriate manner, of substantial and accelerated negotiations between the parties on all tracks of the peace process for the achievement of a comprehensive, just, lasting and peaceful settlement, based on the relevant U.N. resolutions and in accordance with the rules and principles of international law enshrined therein. In this regard, they reiterated the necessity and urgency of ending the prolonged and unlawful Israeli occupation of all of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem. They further reaffirmed their long-standing position in support of the achievement of the independence of the State of Palestine in all of the Palestinian Territory occupied by Israel in 1967, including East Jerusalem as its capital.", "222. The Ministers recalled the historic role to be played by and the obligations of the international community, including the UN Security Council and General Assembly, towards advancing a just and comprehensive peace settlement of the Arab-Israeli conflict, as a whole, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and regional stability. They called upon the international community, particularly the Quartet, in light of the responsibilities undertaken by its members, to intensify and coordinate efforts and actions to support and promote negotiations on all final status issues, including full implementation of the provisions of the Road Map for a permanent two-State solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. They also called upon the Security Council to engage the Quartet, considering the Council’s Charter authority and responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, and called on the members of the NAM Caucus of the Council to remain active in this regard.", "223. The Ministers reaffirmed their support for the Arab Peace Initiative, which was adopted by the XIV Arab Summit in Beirut in March 2002, and welcomed the resolutions of the XXII Arab Summit in Sirte in March 2010 which reaffirmed the commitment by all Arab states to the Arab Peace Initiative and stressed that this peace initiative will not remain on the table for long. The Ministers called upon Israel, the occupying Power, to seriously respond to this important initiative and to reciprocate in word and deed.", "Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem", "224. The Ministers reaffirmed their adherence to the positions concerning Palestine adopted by the XV Summit of Heads of State or Government held in Sharm El Sheikh in July 2009, as well as by the recent NAM Ministerial Conferences and Meetings, including the XV Ministerial Conference held in Havana in April 2009, which constitute the guidelines for the Non-Aligned Countries on the question of Palestine. In this regard, they further reaffirmed their adherence to the principled positions set forth in the Declarations on Palestine adopted by the NAM Committee on Palestine during the XV Summit as well as during previous and subsequent Ministerial Conferences and Meetings. In this regard, the Ministers reaffirmed their long-standing support and solidarity with the just cause of Palestine and strong commitment to continue supporting the Palestinian people and their leadership. They underscored the need to provide political, economic and humanitarian support to assist the Palestinian people and to reinforce bolster their resilience and efforts aimed at achieving their legitimate national aspirations, including their inalienable right to self-determination and freedom in their independent State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital.", "225. The Ministers expressed their deep regret that the question of Palestine remains unresolved after the passage of more than sixty-three years since the 1948 Al-Nakba[25] that befell the Palestinian people, by which they became a stateless and dispossessed people, displaced and dispersed from their homeland of Palestine, and that more than half of the Palestinian people continue to live in exile in refugee camps throughout the region and in the Diaspora, denied their right to return in accordance with General Assembly resolution 194 (III). The Ministers also expressed their deep regret that since 1967, for nearly forty four years now, the Palestinian people have continuously suffered under the brutal Israeli military occupation of their land and continue to be denied their fundamental human rights, including the right to self-determination.", "226. The Ministers reiterated their regret at the lack of progress made to resolve the final status issues regarding the question of Palestine, despite increased international and regional efforts, including by the Quartet, and by the League of Arab States and all other concerned Member States, and despite a resumption of the peace process in September 2010. They also expressed their grave concern about the critical political, economic, social humanitarian and security situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as a result of ongoing unlawful policies and practices by Israel, the occupying Power, foremost among them its continuing settlement campaign in the West Bank and its nearly four-year blockade of the Gaza Strip.", "227. In this regard, the Ministers condemned Israel’s continuing military occupation of the Palestinian Territory in breach of international law and UN resolutions. They condemned the continuing brutal Israeli military campaign against the Palestinian people, particularly in the Gaza Strip, by which the occupying Power has continued to commit grave human rights violations and reported war crimes, including by use of excessive and indiscriminate force that has killed and injured thousands of Palestinian civilians, including children, and has caused vast destruction of properties, infrastructure and agricultural lands. They condemned also Israel’s unlawful and arbitrary detention and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinian civilians, including hundreds of women and children and numerous elected officials, who continue to be held under harsh, inhumane conditions and to be subjected to physical and mental ill-treatment, including reported torture and denied access to proper medical care and family visits. They called for proper international access to those prisoners and detainees and the inspection of their current conditions, and reiterated the call for their immediate release. They condemned also illegal Israeli settlement activities by which the occupying Power has continued to colonize the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, in grave breach of international law. They also condemned Israel’s imposition of collective punishment on the Palestinian people by various illegal means and measures. The Ministers reiterated their demand that Israel, the occupying Power, immediately cease all such violations of international law, including international humanitarian and human rights law.", "228. The Ministers reiterated their strong condemnation of the December 2008- January 2009 Israeli military aggression against the Palestinian civilian population in the Gaza Strip, which resulted in the killing of more than 1,400 Palestinians, including hundreds of children and women, and the injury of more than 5,500 Palestinians. They condemned also Israel’s wanton destruction of thousands of Palestinian homes; business properties; vital civilian infrastructure; mosques; public institutions, farms; and several UN facilities. The Ministers called upon Israel, the occupying Power, to cease immediately its military aggression against the Palestinian people.", "229. The Ministers also reiterated their calls upon the international community, including the Security Council, to ensure that thorough investigations are carried out of all the crimes and violations committed by Israel, the occupying Power, in the Gaza Strip and that serious follow-up efforts are undertaken to hold accountable the perpetrators of such crimes and bring an end to Israel’s impunity and defiance of the law and to realize justice for the victims. In this connection, they called for immediate action to follow-up the findings contained in the report of the “United Nations Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict” (Goldstone Report). The Ministers reaffirmed the obligations of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions with regard to penal sanctions, grave breaches and responsibilities, and called for reconvening the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention on measures to enforce the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to ensure its respect in accordance with common article 1, as called for by the relevant resolutions of the General Assembly and the Human Rights Council.", "230. The Ministers also condemned the Israeli military attack of 31 May 2010 in international waters on the maritime convoy of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, “Gaza Freedom Flotilla”, in which nine Turkish civilians were killed. They stressed the need for an independent, impartial, credible and transparent international investigation of the Israeli attack in accordance with international standards based on the call made by the Security Council on 1 June 2010, towards establishing the facts of this deplorable attack and ensuring accountability. They welcomed the UN Secretary-General’s establishment of a Panel of Inquiry and called for the completion of that inquiry and the issuance of its results in a speedy manner. They also welcomed the dispatch by the Human Rights Council of a Fact-Finding Mission, which determined that the Israeli attack was carried out in violation of international law, including humanitarian and human rights law and called for immediate action to follow up on the findings.", "231. The Ministers reiterated their condemnation of Israel’s inhumane, unlawful closure and blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has resulted in the virtual imprisonment of the entire Palestinian civilian population there by obstructing their freedom of movement, including the movement of sick persons, students and humanitarian personnel; obstructing access to humanitarian aid and all essential goods, including food, medicines, fuel, electricity and construction materials; and obstructing all commercial flows, particularly exports. They expressed serious concern about the grave socio-economic conditions and the continuing humanitarian crisis due to the blockade, which has caused widespread deprivation, poverty and hardship in addition to the vast trauma and suffering inflicted by the military aggression. The Ministers stressed that, in addition to violating countless provisions of human rights law, such collective punishment measures by Israel are tantamount to grave breaches of international humanitarian law, by which it is bound as the occupying Power and with which it must scrupulously comply.", "232. The Ministers demanded that Israel cease such illegal practices against the Palestinian people and that it immediately, end its illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip. They called on Israel to promptly and unconditionally open all its crossing points with the Strip in accordance with International Humanitarian Law and all United Nations resolutions, including relevant Security Council resolutions. They called for an end to the isolation imposed on the Gaza Strip by ensuring the sustained and regular movement of persons and goods between Gaza and the outside world as well as by restoring the link, unity and movement between Gaza and the West Bank, emphasizing that Gaza remains an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The Ministers stressed the urgency of reconstruction in Gaza, and called upon the international community to exert serious efforts to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to allow for the entry of all necessary construction materials for the repair of destroyed and damaged Palestinian properties and infrastructure and UN facilities, including UNRWA schools. They also stressed the necessity of sustained commercial flows, including both imports and exports, to promote the recovery of livelihoods, businesses, and industry in Gaza and its economic viability.", "233. The Ministers reiterated their strong condemnation of Israel’s continuing intensive campaign of settler colonization, including vast land confiscations; the construction and expansion of illegal settlements, settlement “outposts” and settlement infrastructure; the transfer of more Israeli settlers; the construction of the Wall; home demolitions; excavations; and the imposition of arbitrary and racist residency and movement restrictions via a permit regime and hundreds of checkpoints throughout the Occupied Palestinian Territory, especially in and around Occupied East Jerusalem. They reiterated that such policies and measures by Israel, the occupying Power, constitute grave breaches of international law and flagrant defiance of UN resolutions and the 9 July 2004 Advisory Opinion of the International Court of Justice. They also reiterated their call for the expeditious operation of the “United Nations Register of Damage caused by the Construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory” and the speedy fulfilment of its mandate.", "234. The Ministers stressed the incompatibility of peace process negotiations with such illegal colonization activities, which are clearly aimed at the illegal creation of facts on the ground and acquisition and de facto annexation of more Palestinian land and forcibly imposing a unilateral solution. They deplored the continuation of settlement activities in defiance of the unanimous international demands upon Israel to immediately halt this unlawful practice and abide by its legal obligations as well as by its Road Map obligation to freeze all settlement activities, including so-called “natural growth”. Moreover, they expressed their deep concern about the extensive physical, economic and social devastation being caused by the Israeli settlements, Wall and network of checkpoints, which are severing the Palestinian Territory into separate areas, including several walled cantons; isolating East Jerusalem from the rest of the Territory; displacing thousands of Palestinians from their homes and completely destroying some communities. They stressed that this illegal Israeli colonization campaign in its entirety is gravely undermining the contiguity, integrity, viability and unity of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and jeopardizing the prospects for physically achieving the two-State solution for peace on the basis of the 1967 borders. The Ministers concluded that the continuation of illegal Israeli settlement activities remains the major obstacle to peace, impairing all efforts to revive negotiations aimed at bringing an end to the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and achieving a peace on the basis of the two-State solution.", "235. The Ministers demanded that Israel, the occupying Power, immediately cease all of its colonization activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. They reaffirmed all relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions, including those relating to Jerusalem and confirming that it is an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory; demanded their full implementation; and considered that all Israeli measures aimed at altering the legal, geographic and demographic character and status of Jerusalem and of the Occupied Palestinian Territory as a whole are null and void and have no legal validity whatsoever. They further reaffirmed that these unlawful measures will not be recognized by the international community and cannot alter the terms of reference of the peace process nor negate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. The Ministers stressed that a full cessation of all Israeli settlement activities is necessary for fostering an environment conducive for advancing peace negotiations towards the achievement of a just and lasting solution on the basis of the relevant UN resolutions, the Madrid terms of reference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Road Map. In the face of continued Israeli defiance, the Ministers called for urgent action and practical measures by the international community, including in particular by the Security Council, to compel the occupying Power to cease completely its settlement campaign in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to abide by all of its obligations under international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, UN resolutions, the Advisory Opinion and its obligations under the Road Map in this regard. The Ministers deplored the recent failure of the Security Council to uphold its responsibilities in this regard due to a veto by a permanent member, and reiterated their call for serious Security Council action, in accordance with its Charter mandate, to bring a halt to Israeli settlement activities and to ensure compliance by Israel with all of its legal obligations and commitments, which are essential for the promotion of peace and security.", "236. The Ministers reaffirmed their support for the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of President Mahmoud Abbas and emphasized the importance of protecting and strengthening the national, democratic institutions of the Palestinian Authority, including the Palestinian Legislative Council which shall constitute a vital foundation for the future independent Palestinian State. They reiterated the importance of Palestinian unity for the realization of the just, legitimate national rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people. In this connection, they welcomed the signing of the Reconciliation Agreement by all Palestinian political factions in Cairo, on 4 May 2011, aimed at ending the division since June 2007. They commended the serious efforts undertaken in this regard by the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the League of Arab States and all other concerned regional parties. They called on the international community to respect and support the Palestinian reconciliation, and stressed the importance of the implementation of the provisions of the Reconciliation Agreement as soon as possible. They further stressed the need for mobilization of all Palestinian capabilities to preserve the unity and integrity of the Palestinian Territory, end the occupation and achieve the independence.", "237. The Ministers called for urgent efforts to support the rehabilitation and development of Palestinian national institutions and called for continued support by the Movement for the efforts to implement the plan launched by Prime Minister Salam Fayyad in August 2009, “Palestine: Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State”. They looked forward to the completion of this plan in August 2011 with the implementation of the second phase, “Homestretch to Freedom”, paving the way for the independence of the State of Palestine. In this connection, the Ministers strongly welcomed the important step taken in the recent period, including by several Members of the Movement, in extending official recognition to the State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders. They considered that such recognition constitutes a significant contribution generation momentum towards the ultimate realization of independence. They expressed the hope that all Members of the Movement would extend recognition to Palestine at this time, remaining at the forefront of support for this historic march of the Palestinian people to end the Israeli occupation and to realize their human rights, including to self-determination in their independent State.", "238. The Ministers called for intensification of efforts by the entire international community, in particular the Security Council and the Quartet, to address the current political and humanitarian crisis, in order to ameliorate the situation on the ground and to help resume and reinvigorate the peace process towards the achievement of a settlement that guarantees an end of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, that began in 1967, and the establishment of the sovereign, independent, and viable state of Palestine within a specified timeframe as well as a just solution for the Palestine refugee problem based on General Assembly resolution 194 (III). They stressed that such a settlement is essential for the promotion of comprehensive peace and security in the region. They called upon the Security Council, considering its Charter authority for the maintenance of international peace and security, to actively engage the Quartet for advancement of such a peace settlement. They stressed the continuing importance of the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Road Map and called for its full and honest implementation.", "239. The Ministers noted that many efforts have been taken, in support of the Palestinian people in their struggle for full independence by the international community, including the Asian and African countries through the New Asian African Strategic Partnership (NAASP) Capacity Building Programs for Palestine.", "240. The Ministers reaffirmed the necessity of upholding international law, including the Fourth Geneva Convention, and the purposes and principles of the UN Charter with regard to the question of Palestine under all circumstances. They also reaffirmed the permanent responsibility of the UN towards the question of Palestine until it is resolved in all its aspects on the basis of international law and stressed the need for all relevant UN organs, committees and agencies to exert efforts to this end. They once more called upon the UN not to reward illegal actions and intransigence and to increase its efforts towards the attainment of a just, comprehensive and lasting peace settlement, based on the two-State solution, and the realization of the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. In this context, the Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to a peaceful solution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to the right of the Palestinian people to exercise self-determination and sovereignty in their independent State of Palestine, on the basis of the 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital.", "241. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures:", "1. Continue holding meetings at the ministerial level of the NAM Committee on Palestine, within the framework of the Coordinating Bureau Ministerial Meetings that take place at the outset of UNGA regular sessions and during any other Ministerial Meetings of the Movement, whenever necessary and in accordance with the developments on this issue;", "2. Maintain regular contacts and dialogue at the ministerial level between the NAM Ministerial Delegation on Palestine and the members of the Quartet and the Members of the UN Security Council, with a view to coordinating and enhancing the role played by NAM in the international efforts seeking a solution to the question of Palestine and lasting peace in the region;", "3. Continue to actively participate in the UN Security Council, including via a proactive role of the NAM Caucus of the Council, and General Assembly meetings addressing the question of Palestine;", "4. Convene a parallel forum of civil society, preferably within UN premises, intended to mobilize international public opinion on this issue and thus make a substantial contribution to attaining a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.", "Occupied Syrian Golan", "242. The Ministers reaffirmed that all measures and actions taken, or to be taken by Israel, the occupying Power, such as its illegal decision of 14 December 1981 that purports to alter the legal, physical and demographic status of the occupied Syrian Golan and its institutional structure, as well as the Israeli measures to apply its jurisdiction and administration there, are null and void and have no legal effect. They further reaffirmed that all such measures and actions, including the illegality of Israeli settlement construction and expansion activities in the Occupied Syrian Golan since 1967, constitute a flagrant violation of international law, international conventions, the Charter and decisions of the UN, particularly Security Council Resolution 497 (1981), the Fourth Geneva Convention of 12 August 1949 on the Protection of Civilians in Time of War, and the defiance of will of the international community. They reiterated the Movement’s demand that Israel comply with Security Council Resolution 497 (1981) and withdraw fully from the occupied Syrian Golan to the lines of 4 June 1967, in implementation of Security Council Resolutions 242 and 338, and that Israel should adhere to the Madrid terms of reference based on the principle of land for peace and international legitimacy, which are in their entirety considered to be a primary and basic element in the negotiation process that should be adhered to, including the immediate commencement of the demarcation of the 4 June 1967 line.", "243. The Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s unwavering support and solidarity with the Syrian just demand and rights to restore the full Syrian sovereignty over the occupied Syrian Golan on the basis of the terms of reference of the Arab Peace Initiative, the Madrid Peace Process, as well as the principle of land for peace and in accordance with relevant Security Council Resolutions. They again demanded that Israel respect all its commitments and pledges.", "244. The Ministers reiterated their demand for Israel to comply immediately and unconditionally with the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention on the Protection of Civilians in Times of War, dated 12 August 1949, and to apply them to the Syrian detainees in the occupied Syrian Golan. They strongly condemned the Israeli brutal practices in Israeli occupation prisons, and expressed their grave concern at the inhuman conditions of the Syrian detainees in the occupied Syrian Golan which have led to the deterioration of their physical health and put their lives at risk, in a blatant violation of international humanitarian law.", "245. The Ministers called upon Israel, the occupying power, to reopen the Quneitra entry point, to facilitate the visits of the Syrian citizens under Israeli occupation to their motherland, Syria.", "Lebanon, the Remaining Occupied Lebanese Lands, and the Consequences of the Israeli Aggression against Lebanon", "246. The Ministers reiterated their congratulations to the people and leaders of Lebanon and welcomed and strongly supported the agreement reached in Doha on May 21 under the auspices of His Highness Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al-Thani, Emir of Qatar, pursuant to the efforts of the Ministerial Committee of the Arab League, chaired by the Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Qatar Sheikh Hamad Bin Jassim Bin Jabor Al-Thani, and the Secretary General of the Arab League, Amr Musa, which constituted an essential step towards the return to the normal functioning of Lebanese democratic institutions, and the complete restoration of Lebanon’s unity and stability.", "247. The Ministers highly valued the important role of the President of the Republic in convening and chairing the National Dialogue sessions to continue the consolidation of national reconciliation, to reinforce the authority of the State over all its territories in a manner that guarantees its sovereignty and security, and to implement the previous decisions of the National Dialogue. The Ministers welcomed the commencement of the rebuilding of the Nahr El Bared Camp and, in this regard, called on the donor countries to increase their assistance and to honour their previous commitments.", "248. The Ministers expressed strong condemnation of the relentless Israeli aggression launched against Lebanon in 2006 and the serious violations by Israel of the Lebanese territorial integrity and sovereignty, and in this regard charged Israel with full responsibility for the consequences of its aggression.", "249. The Ministers expressed solidarity with and support for the Government and people of Lebanon, hailed their heroic resistance to the Israeli aggression, and emphasized the primordial importance of Lebanon’s national unity and stability.", "250. The Ministers, emphasizing the principles of International Humanitarian Law, condemned the targeting of civilians wherever it may occur.", "251. The Ministers in particular strongly condemned the indiscriminate and massive Israeli air strikes and shelling on Lebanese towns and villages in 2006 targeting civilians, civil infrastructure and private properties which constitute a serious breach of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and international humanitarian law, and blatant and flagrant violations of human rights.", "252. The Ministers were strongly convinced that there should be no impunity for the Israeli violations of international law and international humanitarian law and human rights, and that Israel should be held accountable for its apparent commission of large scale crimes committed against Lebanon and its population. They also renewed their support to Lebanon in its demand for the removal of hundreds of thousands of land mines left behind by Israeli occupation; and held Israel responsible for their planting and for the death and injury of civilians they have caused; and emphasized the necessity to have Israel provide the United Nations with the full correct information and maps related to the sites of unexploded munitions, including cluster bombs fired indiscriminately on populated civilian areas during its aggression against Lebanon in the summer of 2006, which resulted so far in the killing and wounding of more than 357 civilians including 34 children and 70 youths, and to deliver information concerning the date of the dumping of the cluster bombs used during the Israeli raids and their quantity and types; and calls upon the international community and the United Nations to continue providing financial and technical support for Lebanon to remove the cluster bombs and mines planted by Israel as a result of its aggression and during its occupation of the Lebanese territories.", "253. The Ministers expressed their support to the position of the Government of Lebanon which calls on the international community for the full implementation of Security Council resolution 1701(2006) and to put an end to the ongoing Israeli violations to this resolution and to the continuous threats and acts of espionage it is exercising against Lebanon; and which reiterates Lebanon’s demand based on this resolution, for a permanent cease-fire and to adhere to the Truce Agreement, as provided for in the Taef agreement , also demanded Israel to compensate Lebanon for the damage it has inflicted as a result of its obsessive aggression upon it, and to release the prisoners and return the bodies of martyrs.", "254. The Ministers emphasized the necessity to have Israel withdraw from all Lebanese territories including Shebaa Farms, Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese part of Al Ghajar village up until behind the Blue line, in accordance with relevant international resolutions and in particular resolution 1701; and expressed their support for Lebanon’s right, including its people, army and resistance, to liberate or return the Shebaa Farms and Kfarshouba Hills and the Lebanese village of Al Ghajar, and to defend Lebanon against any aggression by all legitimate means available, and further emphasized Lebanon’s commitment to Security Council Resolution 1701.", "255. The Ministers reiterated the right of Lebanon to its oil and water and gas resources, especially those located within its exclusive economic zone, which South-West boundaries were delineated according to the maps that were deposited by the government of Lebanon to the Secretariat of the United Nations on 9/7/2010 and 12/10/2010.", "256. The Ministers urged the international community to support Lebanon on all levels to assist the Lebanese Government in facing the tremendous burden resulting from the human, social and economic tragedy, inflicted upon Lebanon as a result of the 2006 Israeli aggression, and in enhancing the Lebanese national economy.", "257. The Ministers held Israel responsible for the loss of lives and suffering as well as the destruction of properties and infrastructure in Lebanon, and demanded Israel to compensate the Republic of Lebanon and its people for the losses sustained resulting from Israel’s aggression in 2006.", "258. The Ministers, pursuant to the failure of other means, emphasized the necessity of resolving the Arab-Israeli conflict based on relevant UN Resolutions leading to the establishment of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East as was called for by the Arab Peace Initiative of Beirut in 2002.", "Africa", "259. The Ministers acknowledged the decisions by the Fifteenth ordinary session of the Heads of State and Government of the Assembly of the African Union held from July 25-27, 2010 in Kampala, Uganda, and expressed their support for effective implementation of the decisions to promote peace, stability and socio-economic development in Africa. The Ministers also acknowledged the decisions by the Sixteenth ordinary session of the Heads of State and Government of the Assembly of the African Union held from January 30 - 31, 2011 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, which was convened under the theme “Towards Greater Unity and Integration through Shared Values”.", "Chagos Archipelago", "260. The Ministers reaffirmed that the Chagos Archipelago, including Diego Garcia, which was unlawfully excised by the former colonial power from the territory of Mauritius in violation of UN Resolutions 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and 2066 (XX) of 16 December 1965, forms an integral part of the territory of the Republic of Mauritius.", "261. The Ministers further noted with grave concern that despite the strong opposition expressed by the Republic of Mauritius, the United Kingdom purported to establish a ‘Marine Protected Area’ around the Chagos Archipelago, further impeding the exercise of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Mauritius over the Chagos Archipelago in accordance with UN General Assembly resolution 2066(XX) as well as the right of return of Mauritian citizens who were forcibly removed from the Archipelago by the United Kingdom.", "262. Cognizant that the Government of the Republic of Mauritius is committed to taking all appropriate measures to protect the legitimate rights of the Republic of Mauritius under international law with regard to its sovereignty and territorial integrity over the Chagos Archipelago, the Ministers resolved to fully support such measures including any action that may be taken in this regard at the United Nations General Assembly.", "Libyan Arab Jamahiriya", "263. The Ministers expressed deep concern for the current grave situation in the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya and its dire humanitarian consequences. They requested urgent measures, including, as stipulated in operative paragraph 1 of the UN Security Council’s resolution 1973, the establishment of an immediate cease-fire and a complete end to violence and all attacks against, and abuses of, civilians and to achieve peaceful and durable solution through dialogue and negotiations reflecting the will of the Libyan people, taking into consideration the decisions and recommendations of the African Union, the League of Arab States and the Organisation of Islamic Conference in this regard. The Ministers expressed their strong commitment to the respect for the sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity of Libya. The Ministers requested all parties concerned to exercise maximum restraint and to abide by their obligations under international law, international humanitarian law, and international human rights law, particularly laws governing refugees, displaced persons and displaced migrant workers.", "Somalia", "264. The Ministers reaffirmed their respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, consistent with the Charter of the United Nations.", "265. The Ministers welcomed the positive political developments and progress made in the Djibouti peace process, including the appointment of H.E. Mohammed Abdullahi Mohammed as the Prime Minister of the TFG of Somalia and the formation of the new technocratic cabinet and assured their commitment and support.", "266. The Ministers commended the Somali Government’s effort at reaching out to those outside the Djibouti peace process and re-establishing security and rule of law in Mogadishu. They reiterated their call for the peaceful resolution of the Somali conflict as the only way to a durable peace and genuine reconciliation and called upon all parties that had not yet joined the political process to do so, and urged the Somali stakeholders to take expeditious action and show progress in the accomplishment of the remaining tasks of the transitional period including the drafting and approval of the Constitution as well as expanding the authority of the state, promoting the reconciliation process and improving the livelihood of the population by providing essential services.", "267. The Ministers condemned most vehemently the barbaric acts and human rights abuse by Al-Shabab on the civilian population, including extra-judicial executions, torture, stoning, decapitation, amputation and floggings; and holds the leaders of the terrorist group responsible for all the criminal acts committed by their militia.", "268. The Ministers stressed the importance of re- establishing, training and retention of Somali security forces and welcomed the Secretary General’s proposal for a partnership between the Somali Government, the United Nations, AMISOM and other international partners to develop a program of assistance to rebuild Somali Security Forces.", "269. The Ministers commended the contribution of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) to lasting peace and stability in Somalia, expressed their appreciation for the continued commitment of the Government of Uganda and Burundi in Somalia and called upon the members and international community to provide resources for it to better fulfill its mandate.", "270. The Ministers paid tribute to the AU Partners and member states, for providing financial and logistical support to AMISOM.", "271. The Ministers also welcomed the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1964 (2010), adopted by the UN Security Council on 22 December 2010, notably requesting the Secretary-General to continue to provide a logistical support package for AMISOM as called for by resolution 1863 (2009) for a maximum of 12,000 troops. The Ministers supported AU’s call to the Security Council to provide greater support to AMISOM and fully assume its responsibilities towards Somalia and its people, including the imposition of a naval blockade and no-fly zone to prevent the entry into Somalia of foreign fighters and the delivery of ammunitions and equipment to the armed groups opposed to the TFG and the deployment of a UN Peacekeeping operation to take over from AMISOM and to support the long-term stabilization and reconstruction of Somalia. The Ministers also supported AU’S call for the provision of funding through UN assessed contributions for the payment of troop allowances and the reimbursement for contingent owned equipment (COE). The Ministers renewed their call to the international community as a whole to provide the necessary political, financial and technical support to the enhanced AMISOM, and to the Transitional Federal Institutions (TFIs).", "272. The Ministers expressed their concern at the continuing acts of piracy and armed robbery off the coast of Somalia and Gulf of Aden and condemned those acts which hamper the delivery of humanitarian aid to Somalia and pose a threat to commercial maritime and international navigation in the region. In this context, they commended the efforts of the Transitional Federal Government of Somalia and the international community to fight piracy while reiterating the need to address the root causes of piracy on the mainland.", "273. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of Security Council Resolution 1816 (2008), and stressed that this resolution should be implemented in a manner fully consistent with International Law, including the United Nation Convention on the Law of the Sea. They also welcomed the serious efforts by NAM countries and others, that have deployed their naval vessels in the territorial waters of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden, , to assist in countering acts of piracy and armed robbery, and welcomed as well the establishment of the Contact Group on Piracy off the Coast of Somalia which held its first meeting in New York on January 14, 2009, and urges the Contact Group on Piracy to continue strengthening its work with the participation of all interested States in countering piracy and armed robbery in the sea off the coastal region of Somalia.", "274. In this context, the Ministers welcomed the outcomes of the High-Level Public-Private Counter-Piracy Conference convened under the title “Global Challenge, Regional Responses: Forging a Common Approach to Maritime Piracy” held on 18-19 April 2011, in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with the aim to bringing together concerned parties from governments, private sector, and NGOS in partnership to combating maritime piracy. The Ministers welcomed as well the outcomes of the pledging conference, co-chaired by the United Nations and the United Arab Emirates, held on 19 April 2011, in support of the “Trust Fund to Support Initiatives of States Countering Piracy off the Coast of Somalia, established by the UN Secretary-General.", "The Sudan", "275. The Ministers commended the African Union (AU), the IGAD and the Friends of IGAD for their indispensable role and efforts, which had culminated in the achievement of a Comprehensive Peace Agreement in January 2005 in The Sudan, hence ending one of the longest running wars in the African continent and thereby contributing to regional peace, and called on donors to fulfil their commitments made in Oslo in 2005 and 2008 to help implement that agreement. They welcomed the signing on 5 May 2006 of the Darfur Peace Agreement in Abuja, Nigeria as a historic step towards lasting peace in Darfur, and further commended the AU for its leading role and efforts in sustaining peace and stability in the Darfur region. They encouraged the political process as a priority and emphasized the need to focus on developmental assistance in Darfur as peace and development are mutually reinforced. They expressed the Movement’s resolve, therefore, to support The Sudan as well as the AU and IGAD in their efforts to sustain and reinforce peace in that country, and called on the international community to do likewise.", "276. The Ministers reiterated their commitment to the sovereignty, unity, independence and territorial integrity of The Sudan.", "277. The Ministers noted with satisfaction the sustained efforts being made by the Government of the Sudan, the African Union, the League of Arab States and the United Nations and the State of Qatar to reactivate the political process leading to a lasting peace in Darfur and expressed their support to the Doha peace process on Darfur. They expressed their conviction that no action should be taken that could jeopardize the delicate nature of the process underway in the Sudan. In that context, the Ministers expressed deep concern over the recent move by the International Criminal Court (ICC) against the Honorable President of the Sudan, and considered that this action could seriously undermine the ongoing efforts aimed at facilitating the early resolution of the conflict in Darfur and the promotion of long-lasting peace and reconciliation in the Sudan and could lead to greater destabilization with far reaching consequences for the country and the region. Therefore, they decided to support steps in the United Nations and elsewhere aimed at defusing this new and dangerous situation and preventing its recurrence.", "278. The Ministers commended the Government of the Republic of the Sudan for respecting its commitments towards the implementation of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).", "279. The Ministers welcomed the successful holding of the election in April 2010 and of the referendum on the self-determination of Southern Sudan on 9 January 2011. They commended the parties to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) as well as the Sudanese people for this achievement, and called upon the leaders to continue to demonstrate the same leadership and commitment in resolving the outstanding issues in the implementation of the CPA.", "280. The Ministers appreciated the Government of the Republic of the Sudan’s approval of a new strategy for Darfur. They urged the rebel factions to join the peace process without prior conditions or delay so that a comprehensive solution to the conflict in Darfur can be concluded.", "The Great Lakes Region", "281. The Ministers welcomed efforts by the countries of the Great Lakes region of Africa to establish a framework for sustainable development, durable peace and stability in the region. Following the signing of the Dar-es-Salam Declaration on Peace, Stability, Democracy and Good Governance, they further welcomed the coming into force of the Pact on Security, Stability and Development of the Great Lakes region signed on 15 December 2006 in Nairobi and entered into force on 21 June 2008.", "282. In this regard, the Ministers reiterated the importance of continued support of the international community towards convening the Third Summit of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region in Kinshasa at which the Special Fund (SFRD) for Reconstruction and Development will be launched. They also took note with satisfaction of the positive development in Burundi and in the Democratic Republic of Congo.", "Zimbabwe", "283. The Ministers noted the progress that has been made by the Inclusive Government in implementing the Global Political Agreement and in rebuilding the country’s economy since 13 February 2009.", "284. The Ministers commended regional efforts at facilitating the implementation of the Global Political Agreement. In that regard, they paid tribute to the Southern African Development Community (SADC) for facilitating the Zimbabwe political dialogue and its efforts to help Zimbabwe rebuild its economy.", "285. The Ministers noted that national and regional efforts to rebuild Zimbabwe’s economy were being hampered by economic sanctions imposed on the country. The Ministers also noted that the continuation of sanctions had become an obstacle to the full implementation of the Global Political Agreement. In that regard, they called for the immediate lifting of the arbitrary and unilateral sanctions by those States and parties that have imposed the economically crippling measures on Zimbabwe.", "Western Sahara", "286. The Ministers reaffirmed the previous positions of the Non-Aligned Movement on the question of Western Sahara.", "287. The Ministers reaffirmed all resolutions adopted by the General Assembly and the Security Council on Western Sahara. They reaffirmed UN General Assembly resolution 65/112, adopted without a vote, and reiterated that, in accordance with the said resolution, they continued to support strongly the efforts of the Secretary General and his Personal Envoy to achieve a mutually acceptable political solution which will provide self-determination for the people of Western Sahara in the context of arrangements consistent with the principles and purposes of the Charter of the United Nations and General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and other relevant resolutions. The Ministers recognized that all available options for self-determination are valid as long as they are in accordance with the freely expressed wishes of the people concerned and in conformity with the clearly defined principles contained in General Assembly Resolutions.", "288. Bearing in mind the above, the Ministers welcomed the four rounds of negotiation and the subsequent rounds of informal talks held under the auspices of the Secretary General and welcomed the commitment of the parties to continue to show political will and work in an atmosphere propitious for dialogue, in order to enter into a more intensive phase of negotiations, thus ensuring implementation of Security Council resolutions 1754, 1783 and 1813, 1871, 1920 and 1979 and the success of negotiations. They took note of efforts and developments since 2006.", "289. They called upon the parties and the States in the region to cooperate fully with the Secretary General and his Personal Envoy, and with each other, and reaffirmed the responsibility of the United Nations towards the people of Western Sahara. They further welcomed the commitment of the parties to continue the process of negotiations through United Nations sponsored talks.", "Comorian Island of Mayotte", "290. The Ministers reiterated once again the unquestionable sovereignty of the Union of Comoros over the island of Mayotte. In this regard, they condemned and considered null and void the referendum of March 29^(th), 2009, as well as the overall process focusing on transforming the Comorian Island of Mayotte as the 101^(st) French overseas department, and declared that it has no effects on the Union of Comoros and Members States of the Non-Aligned Movement.", "291. The Ministers urged the Government of France to abolish the so called “Balladur Visa” which is illegal, and seriously constrains access by the people of Comoros to the island of Mayotte, and is a cause of many loss of lives and missing persons.", "Djibouti/Eritrea:", "292. The Ministers recalling the principles of good neighborliness, non interference and regional cooperation expressed their concerns on the situation between the two neighboring countries and called on both members to solve their differences through bilateral and collective diplomatic and peaceful means and to engage actively in dealing with Security Council resolution 1862 (2009).", "293. The Ministers welcomed the agreement concerning peaceful settlement of the border dispute between the State of Eritrea and the Republic of Djibouti, in which they entrust the State of Qatar to undertake mediation efforts to reach a resolution to the border dispute between their countries through peaceful means.", "Asia", "Afghanistan", "294. The Ministers reiterated their commitment to the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity of Afghanistan, welcomed the achievements made since the establishment of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan in 2002 and the ongoing democratic process in the country. They recognised that the challenges faced by the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its people are enormous. Recognising the interconnected nature of the challenges in Afghanistan, they noted that sustainable progress on development, security and governance was mutually reinforcing. They further recognised that the establishment of peace and security remains essential for the reconstruction, humanitarian relief efforts and sustainable development in that country.", "295. The Ministers welcomed all efforts to increase regional economic cooperation in particular through the Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan (RECCA) for the promotion of the regional economic cooperation between Afghanistan, its neighbours and among the countries of the region. They welcomed the Fourth Regional Economic Cooperation Conference on Afghanistan held in Istanbul from 2 - 3 November 2010 as well as the meeting of the regional organisations hosted by the Government of Afghanistan on 19 July 2010 in Kabul and recognized the important role of the Economic Cooperation Organization and the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation in promoting Afghanistan’s development.", "296. The Ministers Commended Afghanistan for the excellent arrangement and holding of Kabul Conference (July 2010) and welcomed the launch of Kabul Process as a renewed commitment by the international community to Afghanistan to secure a strong international engagement for increased Afghan ownership and leadership in the areas of security, governance, developments and effective delivery of commitments made in London Compact and reaffirmed at the Kabul Conference to implement the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) and its National Priority Programmes, in this regard stressed on the importance of complete coordination between political and developmental activities of International Organization active in Afghanistan and channelling international Aid and resources through the core budget of the Government of Afghanistan and in greater alignment with Afghan priorities.", "297. The Ministers expressed their deep concern that the terrorist groups including former Taliban cadres were regrouping in the Southern and South Eastern parts of Afghanistan. Equally of concern was that the efforts of the international community to fight terrorism were being undermined by support, protection and shelter that these forces of destabilization continue to receive.", "298. The Ministers also recalled the importance of the Kabul Declaration of 22 December 2002 on Good-Neighbourly Relations, in which a commitment to constructive and supportive bilateral relationships based on the principles of territorial integrity, mutual respect, friendly relations, cooperation and non-interference in each others’ internal affairs have been reaffirmed, and noted that regional cooperation constituted an effective means to promote security and development in Afghanistan.", "299. The Ministers welcomed the Afghan-Pakistan Joint Peace Jirga process, for the purpose of bringing sustainable peace and normalcy in Afghanistan and in the region.", "300. The Ministers expressed deep appreciation to countries, in particular the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Islamic Republic of Iran for hosting a large number of Afghans and acknowledge the huge burden they have shouldered in this regard.", "301. The Ministers welcomed the successful organization of the trilateral Summits of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and the Republic of Turkey in Istanbul in January 2010, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and Islamic Republic of Iran and the Republic of Tajikistan in Tehran in August 2010, the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Islamic Republic of Iran and Islamic Republic of Pakistan in January 2010, and expressed their support for such regional initiatives that are aimed at exploring regional potentials for the welfare, stability and development of Afghanistan and the rest of the region.", "302. The Ministers expressed the Movement’s resolve therefore to:", "1. Call upon the International Community to extend its full support for the implementation of the Afghanistan Compact adopted by London Conference and reaffirmed at the Kabul Conference to fulfill expeditiously its financial commitments announced at the International Donor Conferences for the Reconstruction of Afghanistan, held in Tokyo in January 2002, Berlin in March 2004, London in January-February 2006 ,Paris in June 2009 and lastly Kabul Conference in July 2010;", "2. Strongly condemn the terrorist and criminal acts committed by the Taliban, Al-Qaida and other extremist groups, including the rising trend of suicide attacks, against the Afghan people;", "3. Strongly condemn the suicide terrorist attack on the Indian Embassy in Kabul on 7th July 2008 in which around 60 Afghan nationals, including women and children, and four Indian nationals lost their lives and many other Afghan and Indian nationals were injured. The Ministers reaffirmed their conviction that this attack once again underlined the need for strengthening international cooperation in the global fight against terrorism. The Ministers also reaffirmed their conviction that this incident and any such incident would not deter the Afghan nation and the international community in their struggle against forces of terrorism in reconstruction and development of Afghanistan;", "4. Support the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan and its leadership in defending and preserving its sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and national unity, including through eliminating the threats to its peace and security;", "5. Welcome the holding of recent parliamentary election in Afghanistan as a crucial step towards consolidating democracy in Afghanistan;", "6. Contribute to the peace, security, reconstruction, humanitarian relief efforts and sustainable development in Afghanistan, mindful of the concrete measures already taken by Non-Aligned Countries thereof; and", "7. Support efforts by the international donor community, including Non-Aligned Countries, geared toward ensuring the successful implementation of the Afghanistan National Development Strategy (ANDS) the relevant provisions of Afghanistan Compact adopted in London, 31 January-1 February 2006 and Paris Conference June 12-14 2008, as well as and the detailed National Priority Programmes presented at the Kabul Conference in July 2010;", "8. Call on the international community and relevant UN agencies for the provision of enhanced assistance to the Afghan refugees and internally displaced persons to facilitate their voluntary, safe and dignified return and sustainable reintegration into the society of origin so as to contribute to the stability of Afghanistan;", "9. Calls upon the International community to increase its assistance to enhance the capacity of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan to carry out its National Drug Control Strategy, aimed at elimination of production and trafficking of narcotics and create alternative livelihood for the farmers by strengthen crop substitution program in Afghanistan.", "Iraq", "303. The Ministers reiterated respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and national unity of Iraq. The Ministers welcomed the progress resulted from the Iraqi political process.", "304. The Ministers expressed their support to the Iraqi government in its efforts to achieve security, stability and prosperity for the Iraqi people. They welcomed the improvement of both the security situation as well as living conditions within Iraq and reaffirmed their determination to support Iraq against any external interference in Iraqi internal affairs.", "305. The Ministers condemned all acts of terrorism in Iraq and recognized that these acts supported by organized crime are targeting the Iraqi infrastructure~~,~~ and that the frequent victims of these crimes are the Iraqi people. The Ministers deplored all acts of terror aiming at creating sectarian conflict, and called upon the international community and all states especially the regional states to extend all possible assistance to the Iraqi government in its effort to defeat and eliminate terrorism.", "306. The Ministers welcomed the commitment of Paris Club to substantially reduce Iraq’s foreign debts and urge the other creditors to follow suit.", "307. The Ministers called upon all states to cooperate and coordinate their efforts in combating the illegal trade and trafficking of Iraqi antiques, and in returning the recovered art works to Iraqi museums.", "308. The Ministers welcomed the Security Council adoption of resolutions (1956) (1957) (1958), which terminated the sanctions imposed on Iraq in fields of disarmament as well as the closure of oil for food program, which represents a turning point for Iraq on its efforts of restoring its role in the international community. The Ministers welcomed Iraq’s reintegration into the region and encouraged all regional states to deepen and broaden their relationships and to conduct those relationships in a spirit of partnership and cooperation.", "Iraq and Kuwait", "309. The Ministers welcomed the progress made by the Governments of Iraq and Kuwait towards the resolution of the outstanding issues between both countries, and encouraged their future cooperation and called on Iraq to quickly fulfill its remaining obligations under the Security Council Resolutions pertaining to the situation between Iraq and Kuwait.", "Southeast Asia", "310. The Ministers were pleased to note the considerable progress in the implementation of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Charter which provides the legal and institutional framework for the realization of the ASEAN Community in 2015 and beyond. The Ministers noted with satisfaction that further progress has been made in developing legal documents necessary for the implementation of the Charter, notably the adoption of the Rules for Reference of Unresolved Disputes to the Summit and the Rules of Authorisation for Legal Transactions under Domestic Laws and the ongoing work to expeditiously finalise the remaining guidelines, Terms of Reference and Rules of Procedure in order to fully bring the Charter into full implementation. The Ministers welcomed the significant development in the promotion and protection of human rights in the region by the establishment of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights, and the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection on the Rights of Women and Children.", "311. The Ministers noted with satisfaction that ASEAN has made further headway and significant progress in implementing the Roadmap for an ASEAN Community (2009-2015) which comprises the blueprints for the ASEAN Political-Security Community (APSC), the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC), and the 2nd Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI) Work Plan (2009-2015). The Ministers also noted significant follow-ups to the important decisions of the 17th ASEAN Summit held in Hanoi, October 2010, including those related to the realization of the ASEAN Community, ASEAN Connectivity, and ASEAN centrality in an evolving regional architecture.", "312. The Ministers welcomed the signing of the Third Protocol amending the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia (TAC) on 23 July 2010 in Hanoi, enabling accession by not only States but also regional organizations whose members are sovereign States, and the accession of States outside Southeast Asia to the TAC, which is considered as the key code of conduct governing relations between states and a diplomatic instrument for the promotion of peace and stability in the region. The Ministers further welcomed the effort of ASEAN in preserving Southeast Asia as a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone and free of all other weapons of mass destruction as enshrined in the ASEAN Charter and the SEANWFZ Treaty.", "313. The Ministers affirmed the importance of the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) as the main multilateral political and security forum in the region, and reiterated their support for ASEAN as the primary driving force of the ARF. The Ministers also took note of the continued relevance of the ARF in promoting and maintaining peace, security and stability in the region and its vital role in building confidence and trust amongst its participants.", "314. The Ministers welcomed new developments in the evolving regional architecture, including the decisions of the ASEAN Leaders at their 17^(th) Summit regarding the East Asia Summit and the convening of the 1^(st) ASEAN Defense Ministerial Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus). They were of the view that these developments will further contribute to a favorable environment for further promoting dialogue and cooperation in the region.", "315. The Ministers reiterated the call to solve all sovereignty and territorial disputes in the South China Sea by peaceful means without resorting to force and/or threat to use force, and urged all parties to exercise restraint with a view to creating a positive climate for the eventual resolution of all contentious issues. In this context, they reaffirmed their support for the principles contained in the 1992 ASEAN Declaration on the South China Sea as well as the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea and stressed the need for the full implementation of such principles by all concerned. They expressed their hope that all parties concerned would refrain from any actions that may undermine peace, stability, trust and confidence in the region. They further reaffirmed their respect for and commitment to the freedom of navigation in and over-flight above the South China Sea as provided for by the universally recognised principles of international law. To this end, they welcomed the efforts by the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and China to effectively implement the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea[26] as an important step to achieve a Code of Conduct in the South China Sea, which would help to create a conducive environment for the maintenance of international peace and stability in the region. They further welcomed the positive contribution of the ongoing bilateral and multilateral consultations among the parties concerned at the intergovernmental level, the extensive consultations at the ASEAN-China Dialogue, the regular exchange of views in the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), and the informal Workshops on Managing Potential Conflicts in the South China Sea and encouraged their continuance.", "Syrian Arab Republic", "316. The Ministers expressed deep concern over the imposition of unilateral sanctions against the Syrian Arab Republic by the Government of the United States, and reaffirmed that the so-called “Syria Accountability Act” is contrary to international law and a violation of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter. They called on the Government of the United States to declare that Act as null and void, and further called on the two countries to dialogue based on respect and mutual interest for the best of the two nations and the peoples.", "317. The Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement condemned the act of aggression committed by forces of the United States of America in Iraq against the Syrian Arab Republic on Sunday, 26 October 2008, which targeted a civilian building in the city of Abu Kamal and resulted in the death of eight Syrian civilians and injured one person. The Ministers considered this act as a grave violation of international law and Syrian sovereignty and a violation of the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations. They further expressed the solidarity of the Movement with the people and Government of the Syrian Arab Republic.", "Latin America and the Caribbean", "318. The Ministers welcomed the positive political, economic, social changes and achievements in the region which are contributing to the wellbeing of its peoples and to the reduction of poverty, as well as to the regional solidarity, integration, and cooperation with other regions. In this regard the Ministers emphasized that the democratically elected governments must be supported and respected and stressed their rejection to any destabilization attempt against those governments and their democratic systems. The Ministers recognized the commitment of the states of the region to the principles of sovereignty, territorial integrity, and non-intervention in the internal affairs of any state.", "Community of Latin American and Caribbean States", "319. The Ministers welcomed the decision to establish the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, adopted by the Heads of States and Governments of that region, in Cancun, México, on February 23th, 2010, as a historical step in the development and integration of Latin America and the Caribbean.", "South American Union of Nations UNASUR", "320. The Ministers welcomed the entry into force of the constitutive treaty of the South American Union of Nations UNASUR as a contribution to the cultural, social, economic and political integration of the region.", "First Summit of the Latin American and Caribbean States Community LACSC", "321. The Ministers welcomed the convening of the First Summit of Latin American and Caribbean States Community to be held in Caracas, Venezuela, on July 5, 2011, as an important additional step in the quest for integration and unity among the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean and in the context of the bicentennial celebrations of the struggles for independence of many countries in the region.", "ALBA – TCP – PETROCARIBE", "322. The Ministers welcomed and encouraged original initiatives such as the “Bolivarian Alternative for the People of Our America-People’s Trade Treaty” (ALBA-TCP), PETROCARIBE and the Framework Agreement of the Single System of Regional Payments Compensation (SUCRE for its Spanish Acronym), which are promoted in this region under the principles of cooperation, complementarity covering energy, social justice; food sovereignty, monetary and economic sectors; these experiences demonstrate, inter alia, that a new international economic order is progressively emerging. They welcomed the decision adopted during the VI Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Maracay, Venezuela, on 24th June 2009, to transform it into the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of our America-People-People’s Trade Treaty (ALBA-TCP), with a view to strengthening the cooperation and solidarity among its members.", "Summits of Arab and South American countries", "323. The Ministers welcomed the successful Second Summit of Arab and South American countries, held in Doha, Qatar on 31st March 2009 including its follow-up mechanisms to advance their mutual interests forward, and also welcomed the Third Summit of the Arab and South American Countries to be held in Lima, Peru, on a date to be determined, and considers that this will give further impetus to the ongoing efforts to strengthen the relations and solidarity and cooperation between the two regions.", "Second Africa-South America Summit", "324. The Ministers welcomed the holding of the Second Africa-South America Summit of Heads of State and Governments (ASA), in Margarita Island, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on 26^(th) and 27^(th) September 2009, as an expression of strengthening friendship, solidarity and South-South cooperation between both regions. The Ministers underscored the importance of this historic Summit as the first to be held following the establishment of the Union of South American Countries (UNASUR).", "Central America a Mine-Free Zone", "325. The Ministers welcomed with satisfaction that Nicaragua was declared a Mine Free Country on 18 June 2010, and thus resulting in the recognition of Central America as the first zone in the world free of landmines.", "Zone of Peace: Gulf of Fonseca", "326. The Ministers welcomed the decision recently taken by the Heads of States of El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua to establish a “Zone of peace, sustainable development and security in the Gulf of Fonseca”, and agreed that this decision constitutes an important step forward to strengthen the integration and unity process of the Central American nations and peoples.", "Belize and Guatemala", "327. The Ministers welcomed the decisive step taken by Belize and Guatemala in signing, on 8 December 2008, a Special Agreement to submit Guatemala’s territorial differendum to the International Court of Justice, subject to the approval of their citizens in national referenda, as a means of reaching a definitive, honorable and permanent solution to their long-standing dispute, and called on the international community to support both countries in this endeavor.", "Cuba", "328. The Ministers once again reiterated their call to the Government of the United States of America to put an end to the economic, commercial and financial embargo against Cuba which, in addition to being unilateral and contrary to the UN Charter and international law, and to the principle of neighbourliness, is causing huge material losses and economic damage to the people of Cuba. They once again urged strict compliance with the Resolutions 47/19, 48/16, 49/9, 50/10, 51/17, 52/10, 53/4, 54/21, 55/20, 56/9, 57/11, 58/7, 59/11, 60/12, 61/11, 62/3, 63/7, 64/6 and 65/6 of the UN General Assembly. They expressed deep concern over the widening of the extra-territorial nature of the embargo against Cuba and rejected the reinforcement of the measures adopted by the US government, aimed at tightening the embargo, as well as all other recent measures carried-out by the Government of the United States against the people of Cuba. They also urged the Government of the United States to return the territory now occupied by the Guantanamo Naval Base to Cuban sovereignty, and to put an end to aggressive radio and television transmission against Cuba. They reiterated that those measures constitute a violation of Cuba’s sovereignty and a massive violation of the human rights of its people.", "Panama", "329. The Ministers recalled the firm support and solidarity offered by the Movement to the people and Government of Panama in its struggle for the recovery of the Canal and exerts effective sovereignty over all its territory. In this occasion, the Ministers conveyed to the Government of Panama their recognition for the efficient operation and administration of the Panama Canal under Panamanian control and congratulated the nation for the beginning of the construction of the third set of locks of this strategic pathway serving world trade and communications.", "Venezuela", "330. The Ministers expressed support for the Constitutional Government of President Hugo Chavez Frias, who was democratically elected and ratified by the majority of the Venezuelan people. They recognised the proven impartiality and reliability of the Electoral Constitutional Power in guaranteeing fair, transparent and trustworthy elections in December 2006. They viewed with concern the aggressive policies of the Government of the United States against Venezuela and stated the inalienable right of the people of Venezuela to determine their own form of Government and to choose their own economic, political and social system free from outside intervention, subversion, coercion, and constraint of any kind whatsoever. They welcomed the holding and results of the Constitutional Referendum held on 15 February 2009 and considered it an additional demonstration of the fairness of the democratic process being carried-out in the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", "331. The Ministers expressed their concern over the increase of the action by the Government of the United States of America, aimed at affecting the stability of Venezuela, including the recent establishment of an office to increase intelligence gathering and espionage against Venezuela and Cuba.", "332. The Ministers expressed support for the extradition request that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela interposed to the Government of the United States for bringing to justice those responsible for the terrorist attack on a Cubana de Aviación aircraft in October 1976, which caused the death to 73 innocent civilians.", "333. The Ministers urged the government of the United States of America to comply with the request to extradite Luis Posada Carriles, indicted for charges of terrorism in Venezuela, or to try him as terrorist according to its obligations as State Party to the relevant international instrument against terrorism and its relevant domestic laws.", "334. In this context, the Ministers also rejected the protection given by the United States of America to Venezuelan citizens Raul Diaz Pena, Jose Antonio Colina, and German Rodolfo Varela, accused and sentenced for perpetrating terrorist acts in Venezuela, in contravention of relevant United Nations Security Council and General Assembly resolutions related to measures to eliminate terrorism in all its forms, which impedes the efforts of the Venezuelan authorities to bring them to justice.", "335. The Ministers condemned attempts at undermining the constitutional and legitimate government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and, in particular, recent conspiracies geared at attempting against the life of president Hugo Chavez Frias.", "Guyana and Venezuela", "336. The Ministers took note of the deepening friendly relations between the Republic of Guyana and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. They welcomed the appointment by the Secretary General of the United Nations of Professor Norman Girvan as his Personal Representative to support him in his role as Good Officer to assist Guyana and Venezuela in the search for a solution to the controversy in the context of the Geneva Agreement of February 17, 1966.", "Ecuador", "337. The Ministers reiterated their deep concern over the regrettable events of 30 September 2010 in which certain members of law enforcement took part in an attempt of coup d’etat in Ecuador and declare their utter rejection of any attempt to destabilize the democratic order in Ecuador. They also reiterate their full support to the consolidation of the new political, economic and social structure in Ecuador, based on equity, justice, sustainability and democratic participation, under the political authority of the legitimately elected government of the constitutional President of the Republic of Ecuador, Eco. Rafael Correa Delgado.", "CHAPTER III:", "DEVELOPMENT, SOCIAL AND HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUES", "Introduction", "338. The Ministers associated themselves with and reaffirmed all of the positions of the Group of 77 and China concerning economic and social development issues and other related issues, as contained in the outcome documents of the First and Second South Summit held in Havana, Cuba in 2000, and Doha, Qatar in 2005, respectively, and the Annual Ministerial Meeting of the G-77 and China held in New York in September 2010. Likewise, they reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to work towards the full implementation of the decisions and recommendations contained in those documents, and called on the international community, including international financial institutions as well as regional development banks, to support efforts of developing countries, toward that end.", "339. The Ministers renewed their commitment to achieve sustainable development in a balanced manner on its three pillars: economic development, social development and protection of the environment, according to the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, Agenda 21, the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, the Johannesburg Declaration on Sustainable Development and the Plan of Implementation of the World Summit on Sustainable Development. They stressed in this regard the importance of the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD), to be held in Brazil in 2012, in order to assess the implementation gap in achieving sustainable development, and identify the obstacles and ways and means to address them.", "340. The Ministers highlighted that United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) to be held in 2012, should give equal weight to each of the three pillars of Sustainable development, and reaffirmed that the objective of the Conference is to secure renewed political commitment for sustainable development, assess progress to date and the remaining gaps in the implementation of the outcomes of the major Summits on sustainable development and address new and emerging challenges. The Ministers called for the Bureau of the preparatory Committee of the Conference to take all possible measures to ensure the full participation of developing countries throughout the preparatory process of the Conference.", "341. The Ministers expressed concern on the lack of the provision of financial resources to assist national and regional preparation and participation by developing countries in the UNCSD as well as other major United Nations meetings and conferences. In this regard, they urged developed countries to generously contribute to support full participation by developing countries in those meetings.", "342. The Ministers emphasized that economic and social development should remain the centrepiece of the deliberations at the UN, and that the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs, should continue to be the over-arching framework of the UN. They further emphasized the need for a strengthened and enhanced global partnership for development based on the recognition of national leadership and ownership of development strategies for the full implementation of the outcomes of the major UN conferences and summits in the economic, social and related fields. They also stressed the need to strengthen the existing mechanisms and establish where needed, effective mechanisms to review and follow-up the implementation of the outcomes of all the major UN conferences and summits in the social, economic and related fields.", "343. The Ministers reaffirmed the central role of the United Nations in global governance. In this context, the Ministers welcomed the decision of the President of the General Assembly to designate “Reaffirming the Central Role of the United Nations in Global Governance”, as the theme of the sixty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly.", "344. The Ministers expressed deep concern over the multiple inter-related and mutually exacerbating current global crises, in particular the world financial and economic crisis, the food crisis, the environmental crises, the volatile energy prices, and the challenges posed by climate change, which reversed many important developmental gains in developing countries and have undermined the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, in particular, poverty eradication.", "345. The Ministers reaffirmed the Declaration and Programme of Action on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order[27] and the validity of their major principles by which the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed its determination to work urgently for the establishment of an international economic order based on equity, sovereign equality, interdependence, common interest and cooperation among all States, irrespective of their economic and social systems, which shall correct inequalities and redress existing injustices, make it possible to eliminate the widening gap between the developed and the developing countries, and ensure steadily accelerating economic and social development and peace and justice for present and future generations;", "346. The Ministers underscored the need for the international community, in particular developed countries, to assist developing countries efforts to fully implement all internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs, in particular their ongoing efforts to halve the number of people living in poverty and hunger by 2015. They further called on the international community to continue supporting developing countries efforts aimed at integrating the principles of sustainable development into their national development strategies.", "347. The Ministers stressed that each country has the sovereign right to determine its own development priorities and strategies, and called upon the international community to categorically reject any conditionality in the provision of development assistance.", "348. The Ministers insisted on the need for undertaking concrete actions and measures at all levels for the full implementation of Agenda 21 and the Johannesburg Programme of Implementation, based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities as set out in Principle 7 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development. They further called for the early and full implementation of the Bali Strategic Plan for Capacity Building and Technology Support for the developing countries.", "349. Bearing in mind that the ways in which the challenges and potential of young people are addressed will influence current social and economic conditions and the well-being and livelihood of future generations, Ministers stressed the need for further efforts to promote interests of the youth, inter alia, by supporting young people to develop their potential and talents and tackling the negative impact of social challenges facing the youth.", "350. The Ministers recognized that climate change poses serious risks and challenges in particular to developing countries, and called for urgent global action to address climate change on the basis of equity and in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities. They reaffirmed that efforts to address climate change should promote the integration of all three components of sustainable development that is economic development, social development and environmental protection, as interdependent and mutually reinforcing pillars, in an integrated, coordinated and balanced manner.", "351. The Ministers welcomed the convening of a high level meeting on the theme: “Addressing desertification, land degradation and drought in the context of sustainable development and poverty eradication” on 20 September 2011, prior to the general debate of the 66th Session of the UN General Assembly, in order to raise awareness at the highest political level and to reaffirm the fulfilment of all commitments to the convention and its 10 years strategic plan and framework (2008-2018).", "352. The Ministers emphasized the need for enhanced policy space for developing countries, to allow them to undertake their own development strategies and policies, in accordance with the principle of national ownership and leadership of the development process. In that regard, the Ministers recognised that the increasing interdependence of national economies in a globalising world and the emergence of rule-based regimes for international economic relations have meant that the space for national economic policy, i.e. the scope for domestic policies, especially in the areas of trade, investment, and industrial development, is now often framed by international disciplines, commitments and global market considerations. It is for each government to evaluate the trade-off between the benefits of accepting international rules and commitments and the constraints posed by the loss of policy space, and emphasized that it is particularly important for developing countries, bearing in mind development goals and objectives, that all countries take into account the need for appropriate balance between national policy space and international disciplines and commitments.", "353. The Ministers expressed the need to encourage greater direct investment, including foreign direct investment, to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, especially in the context of the economic and financial crisis, to support their development activities, in line with their national priorities. In this regard, they urged developed countries to take measures to increase investment flows, particularly foreign direct investments, to developing countries and avoid protectionist measures, which impede such flows.", "354. Noting the interdependence of nations and the varying levels of Human development world-wide, the Ministers reaffirmed the need for a New Global Human Order aimed at reversing growing disparities between rich and poor, both among and within countries, through the promotion of poverty eradication, full and productive employment and decent work, and social integration. In this context, they welcomed the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 62/213 on the role of the United Nations in promoting a new Global Human Order and in particular the request contained therein for a report by the Secretary General assessing the implications of growing inequality for development.", "Current global crises, in particular the world financial and economic crisis", "355. The Ministers expressed their deep concern at the ongoing global financial and economic crisis and its negative impact on the world economy. They also recognized that the crisis has further accentuated the deficiencies and imbalances in the global financial and economic governance systems. In this context, they urged the international community to work on a vigorous, coordinated and comprehensive global response to the crisis, particularly to minimize the negative effects on the development efforts of developing countries and to ensure that development assistance commitments are not compromised, and to undertake immediate actions and initiatives to overcome these challenges. In this regard, they recognized the central role of the United Nations.", "356. The Ministers expressed the need to enhance regional and sub-regional efforts including, inter alia, through regional development banks, such as the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, the Bank of the South, the Bank of ALBA, “Corporacion Andina de Fomento” CAF and the Interamerican Development Bank as part of a global coordinated efficient response to deal with the current economic and financial crisis. In this context they also noted the “Chiang Mai Initiative Multilateralization” that aims to assist ASEAN+3 countries to address liquidity problems.", "357. The Ministers are convinced that the international financial and economic crisis and the resulting downturn in global economic growth severely affect in particular the economies of developing countries, inter alia, through decrease in trade and FDI and increased contractions and high costs of credit, thereby negatively impacting on the realization of the right to development, constraining social investment, deepening poverty and raising unemployment rates. The Ministers also urged that fiscal policies adopted by developed countries should not undermine global growth, particularly in developing countries. The Ministers emphasized the need to address the crisis with the goal of promoting human development including through actions aimed at supporting sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, increased trade, through enhanced market access for developing countries, poverty eradication and sustainable development.", "358. The Ministers recognized that the financial and economic crisis has exacerbated the challenges and impediments to achieving the IADGs including MDGs, especially the access of developing countries to financial resources. In this regard, the Ministers urged the developed countries to fulfil their ODA commitments in a timely and predictable manner, as has been agreed in the Major United Nations Conferences and Summits. They also underscored the need for additional financial resources to address the crisis. Failure to do so will severely jeopardize the achievement of the IADGs, including the MDGs.", "359. The Ministers stressed that the financial and economic crisis had exacerbated the ongoing global food crisis, and also undermined the efforts of developing countries to achieve food security. They expressed their concern that this situation is eroding progress already achieved and is pushing millions of people into degrading poverty and hunger. In this regard, they urged develop countries to fulfil their commitments to support developing countries to face the crisis.", "360. The Ministers further highlighted the urgent need for a substantive and comprehensive reform of the international economic and financial system and architecture, including policies, mandates, scope and governance, to better enable it to respond and prevent financial and economic emergencies, effectively promote development and equitably serve the needs of Member States, particularly developing countries. International Financial Institutions in particular must have a clear development orientation. The Ministers called on all Member States to participate in an open, inclusive and transparent dialogue for a new international economic and financial system and architecture.", "361. The Ministers also expressed deep concern at the inadequate voice and representation of developing countries in the Bretton Woods Institutions, including the existing lack of representation of developing countries at the top leadership positions at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund.", "362. In this context, and as one of the main challenges featuring the current international situation since the 14th NAM Summit held in Havana, the Ministers underlined their deep concern with the scope and seriousness of the international financial and economic crisis affecting the world today and its severe adverse impact on development, including the realization of sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth and poverty eradication and sustainable development, particularly for developing countries, as well as for the attainment of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals and therefore the Ministers recognized the need to work collectively in order to reform the international financial and monetary architecture and economic governance structures with a view to improving the functioning of the international economic system and mitigating the impacts of the crisis on development.", "363. The Ministers stressed in that regard that the global financial and economic crisis is not over and the recovery is uneven and uncertain, and there is no guarantee that the relapse will not occur. The Ministers underlined that the systemic problems facing the global economy have to be resolved, including through the full accomplishment of the reform of the global financial system and architecture.", "364. The Ministers expressed concern at the volatility in currency exchange rates and its adverse impact on international trade, economic growth and development, and emphasized the importance of examining this problem including the possibility of evolving to a more stable international monetary system.", "365. The Ministers expressed concern that the world financial and economic crisis is still threatening the debt sustainability in some developing countries, inter alia, through its impact on the real economy and the increase in borrowing undertaken in order to mitigate the negative impacts of the crisis, and in that regard called upon all Governments to promote and contribute to the discussions, including within the United Nations and other appropriate forums, on the need and feasibility of new sovereign debt restructuring and debt resolution mechanisms that take into account the multiple dimensions of debt sustainability and its role on the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.", "366. The Ministers welcomed the convening of the United Nations Conference on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, held on 24-30 June 2009 in New York, the outcome of which was subsequently endorsed by General Assembly resolution 63/303 on 9 July 2009. The Ministers took note of the progress report of the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group of the General Assembly to follow up on the issues contained in the Outcome of the UN Conference on the World Financial and Economic crisis and its Impact on Development and expressed their support for extending the mandate of the working group.", "367. The Ministers welcomed the convening of a Special Session of the Human Rights Council on the impact of the global economic and financial crisis on the universal realization and effective enjoyment of human rights, held in Geneva on 20 February 2009, and encouraged all States to work for the implementation of the resolution adopted in that session.", "Africa", "368. The Ministers called on the international community to implement its commitment to address the special needs of Africa, which is the only continent not on track to meet the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, and its resolve to strengthen cooperation with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development by providing coherent support for the programmes drawn up by African leaders within that framework, including by mobilizing internal and external financial resources and facilitating approval of such programmes by the multilateral financial institutions; to support the African commitment to ensure that by 2015 all children have access to complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality, as well as to basic health care; to support the building of an international infrastructure consortium involving the African Union, the World Bank and the African Development Bank, with the New Partnership for Africa’s Development as the main framework, to facilitate public and private infrastructure investment in Africa.", "369. The Ministers expressed their concern over the development and scope of the current financial and economic crisis on Africa which continues to slow down economic growth, worsen balance of payment situation and turn around the efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), and in this regard, welcomed the Addis Ababa Declarations on the International Financial Crisis adopted at the 12th Ordinary Session of the General Assembly of the African Union Heads of State and Government on 3rd of February 2009 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.", "370. In this context, the Ministers supported and encouraged national and regional initiatives in the field of human development, such as the first African Conference on Human Development which was held in Rabat, Morocco, in April 2007. This Conference aimed at combating poverty and vulnerability and enhancing the social and living standards of the most disadvantaged African Nations within the context of achieving the Millennium Development Goals.", "371. The Ministers further called for a comprehensive and durable solution to the external debt problems of African countries, including, inter alia, cancellation or restructuring for heavily indebted African countries not part of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative that have unsustainable debt burdens; to make efforts to fully integrate African countries in the international trading system, including through targeted trade capacity-building programmes; to support the efforts of commodity-dependent African countries to restructure, diversify and strengthen the competitiveness of their commodity sectors and decide to work towards market-based arrangements with the participation of the private sector for commodity price-risk management; to supplement the efforts of African countries, individually and collectively, to increase agricultural productivity, in a sustainable way, as set out in the Comprehensive African Agricultural Development Plan of the New Partnership for Africa’s Development as part of an African “Green Revolution”; as recommended by African Ministers at the High Level Meeting on “African Agriculture in the 21st Century: Meeting the Challenges, Making a sustainable Green Revolution”, held in Windhoek from 9 to 10 February 2009.", "372. The Ministers reaffirmed the political declaration on “Africa’s development needs: state of implementation of various commitments, challenges and the way forward”, adopted at the high-level meeting of the General Assembly on 22 September 2008. They stressed their commitment to provide and strengthen support to the special needs of Africa and stress that eradicating poverty, particularly in Africa, is the greatest global challenge facing the world today. They underlined the importance of accelerating sustainable broad-based economic growth, which is pivotal to bringing Africa into the mainstream of the global economy. They recalled the commitment of all States to establish a monitoring mechanism to follow up on all commitments related to the development of Africa as contained in the political declaration on “Africa’s development needs” and stressed that all commitments to and by Africa should be effectively implemented and given appropriate follow-up by the international community and Africa itself. They underscored the urgency of addressing the special needs of Africa based on a partnership among equals.", "373. The Ministers recognised that special attention should be given to Africa, specially that it is the most continent lagging behind in achieving the MDGs. Despite progress made by some African countries, the situation in others remains a grave concern. The Ministers called for the full and timely implementation of all commitments made to enable African countries to achieve the MDGs by 2015.", "374. The Ministers called for the full implementation as a matter of urgency of the “Political Declaration on Africa’s Development needs” adopted by GA resolution 63/1 of 22 September 2008, as reaffirmed by the Doha Declaration on financing for development, and of all commitments made to Africa by the international community. The Ministers expressed concern that the pledge made by the G.8 at Gleneagles to double the Official Development Assistance (ODA) towards Africa from US $ 25 billion to US $ 50 billion by 2010 was not reached.", "375. The Ministers stressed the need to strengthen cooperation with African countries through North-South cooperation, triangular cooperation and an enhanced South/South partnership, especially in agriculture, education, health and environment as well as the exchange of experiences and know-how in all these sectors.", "376. The Ministers welcomed the recent steps undertaken by the African countries to achieve full Integration of NEPAD into the Structures and Processes of the African Union on the basis of the 13- points conclusion of Algiers, Algeria, NEPAD Heads of State and Government Implementing Committee (HSGIC), Brainstorming Summit, of March 2007, and the outcomes of the Dakar, Senegal, NEPAD Review Summit of April 2008.", "Least Developed Countries, Landlocked Developing Countries, and Small Island Developing States", "377. The Ministers recalled the special needs of the least developed countries (LDCs), the small island developing states (SIDS), and the landlocked developing countries (LLDCs) within a new global framework for transit transport cooperation for landlocked and transit developing countries, and reaffirmed the need for continued support and assistance for their endeavours, particularly in their efforts to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, the Istanbul Programme of Action for the LDCs for the Decade 2011-2020 adopted in the fourth United Nations LDCs Conference held in Istanbul, the Mauritius Strategy for the Further Implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of SIDS (MSI), and the Almaty Programme of Action.", "378. The Ministers welcomed the holding of the High-Level Review Meeting on the implementation of the MSI at the United Nations Headquarters in New York on 24-25 September 2010 and recalled its outcome document.", "379. The Ministers welcomed the outcome of the Fourth United Nations Conference on Least Developed Countries, especially the Political Declaration and the Istanbul Programme of Action, 2011-2020, and called for scaled up partnership for development, as well as the necessary comprehensive support architecture to LDCs in their efforts to ensure that at least half of them graduate from that status by 2020. In this regard the Ministers called for effective arrangements for implementation, follow-up, monitoring and evaluation of the commitments made under the Istanbul Programme of Action.", "380. The Ministers welcomed the India-LDC Ministerial Meeting held on 18-19 February, 2011 in New Delhi and the focus it put on the role of South-South cooperation in the development of LDCs, as a complement to, but not as a substitute for, North-South cooperation.", "381. The Ministers also recalled the results of the first Summit Meeting of LLDCs on 14 September 2006 in Havana and emphasized the need for greater cooperation of the international community towards the full implementation of the declaration of the Ministers of Land-locked Developing Countries.", "382. The Ministers reaffirmed the special needs of and challenges faced by the landlocked developing countries caused by their lack of territorial access to the sea, aggravated by the remoteness from world markets and also the concern that the economic growth and social well-being of land-locked developing countries remain very vulnerable to external shocks as well as the multiple challenges the international community faces including the financial and economic crisis and climate changes.", "383. The Ministers stressed the need for the international community to enhance development assistance to landlocked developing countries to help them overcome their vulnerabilities, build resilience and set themselves on a path of sustainable social and economic development. They also stress the urgent need to address the special development needs of and challenges faced by the landlocked and transit developing countries through the full, timely and effective implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action, as contained in the Declaration on the midterm review of the Almaty Programme of Action.", "384. The Ministers Expressed concern that the economic growth and social well-being of landlocked developing countries remain highly vulnerable to external shocks and to the multiple challenges the international community faces, and invites the international community to assist landlocked developing countries in strengthening their resilience and protecting the advances made towards the realization of the Millennium Development Goals and the priorities of the Almaty Programme of Action.", "385. The Ministers Welcomed the progress made since the establishment of the international think tank for the landlocked developing countries in Ulaanbaatar to enhance analytical capability within landlocked developing countries and to promote the exchange of experiences and best practices needed to maximize their coordinated efforts for the full and effective implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action and the Millennium Development Goals, in that regard, also welcomes the endorsement of the multilateral agreement on the establishment of the international think tank for landlocked developing countries by the Ninth Annual Ministerial Meeting of Landlocked Developing Countries, and invites relevant organizations of the United Nations system, Member States, and relevant international and regional organizations, to assist the landlocked developing countries in implementing the activities of the international think tank.", "386. The Ministers also welcomed the Ulaanbaatar Declaration adopted at the Asia-Pacific High-level Policy Dialogue on the Implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action and other development gaps faced by the Landlocked Developing Countries held in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia from 12-14 April 2011 which renewed the commitments for the successful implementation of the Almaty Programme of Action within the overarching framework of achieving the MDGs.", "387. The Ministers emphasized the need to continue to pay special attention to the situation of developing countries emerging from conflict, in particular LDCs, with a view to enabling them to rehabilitate and reconstruct, as appropriate, their political, social and economic infrastructures and to assist them in achieving their development objectives.", "Middle Income Developing Countries", "388. The Ministers recognised the important role that Middle-Income Developing Countries play in the promotion of global economic growth and development. However, they still face significant development challenges, especially in the area of poverty eradication, and in achieving the Internationally Agreed Development Goals, including the MDGs. In this regard, the Ministers stressed the need for enhanced support by the United Nations System, the international financial institutions and all other stakeholders, for their development efforts, in order to address those challenges, including by working in competent multilateral and international fora and also through bilateral arrangements on measures to enhance international cooperation with MICs and help them meet, inter alia, their socio-economic development and financial technical and technological development requirements.", "389. The Ministers recalled the international Conferences on Development Cooperation with Middle Income Countries held in March 2007 in Madrid, Spain, in October 2007 in San Salvador, El Salvador, and in August 2008 in Windhoek, Namibia, as well as the regional conference on the theme “increasing the competitiveness of African Middle Income countries” held in Cairo, Egypt, in March 2008, and in this regard the Heads of State and Government welcomed the adoption of GA resolution 64/208 of 21 December 2009 on “Development Cooperation with Middle Income Countries”. The Heads of State and Government emphasized the need for the UN to conduct a comprehensive review of existing practices of the international cooperation system, including the UN Funds, programmes and agencies, the international financial institutions and other international organization, including the organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, on their development cooperation with middle income countries, with a view to achieving more effective development cooperation and fostering international support for the development of these countries.", "Low Income Developing Countries", "390. The Ministers further recognized that low-income developing countries could also play an important role in the promotion of world economic growth, although they face important development challenges and special needs in the sphere of trade facilitation and the promotion of direct foreign investment flow, resist the adverse impacts of climate change and the eradication of poverty and require the urgent attention of the international community. In this regard, they stressed the need for the United Nations system to enhance its support to Low Income Developing Countries.", "Trade", "391. The Ministers expressed serious concern over the adverse impacts of the current global financial and economic crisis on global trade through, inter alia, rising protectionism, in particular, in developed countries which have serious adverse impact on the exports of developing countries. They also expressed their utmost concern at the lack of substantial progress on the trade negotiations of the World Trade Organization and considered it a serious setback for the Doha Round. In this regard, they called upon all members of the World Trade Organization, in particular the developed countries to demonstrate the flexibility and political will necessary for breaking the current impasse in the negotiations, and to intensify negotiations in 2011 in order to achieve an early and successful conclusion of the round with an outcome that is consistent with the development mandate of the Doha Ministerial Declaration, the decision of the General Council of the World Trade Organization of 1 August 2004 and the Hong Kong Ministerial Declaration, which places development at the heart of the multilateral trading system.", "392. The Ministers also reiterated the importance of fully responding to the concerns raised by developing countries in paragraph 8 of the Doha Plan of Action, in particular, regarding the realisation of all areas of the Doha Work Programme, especially in Agriculture, Non-Agriculture Market Access, Services, Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), Rules as well as operational and meaningful special and differential treatment for developing countries. They also called for action to accelerate the work on the development related mandate concerning the TRIPS Agreement and the implementation related issues in the Doha Ministerial Declaration, especially on the issues of making intellectual property rules of TRIPS supportive of the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity as well as trade-related aspects of the TRIPS and Public Health.", "393. The Ministers stressed that the use of agricultural subsidies by developed countries impedes the promotion of agricultural production in developing countries and urged the developed countries to eliminate all forms of agricultural subsidies and other market-distorting measures.", "394. The Ministers invited donors and beneficiary countries to implement the recommendations of the Task Force on the Aid for Trade Initiative established by the Director-General of the World Trade Organization, which aims to support developing and least developed countries in building their supply and export capacities, including development of infrastructure and institutions, and the need to increase their exports, and stressed in this regard the urgent need for its effective operationalization with sufficient additional, non-conditional and predictable funding.", "395. The Ministers stressed the importance of facilitating the accession of all developing countries, in particular the LDCs, as well as countries with economies in transition, that apply for membership in the World Trade Organisation (WTO), consistent with its criteria and taking into account their development level, bearing in mind paragraph 21 of General Assembly resolution 55/182 and subsequent developments, and called for the effective and faithful application of the WTO guidelines on accession by the LDCs.", "396. The Ministers emphasized that accession process of developing countries to WTO should be accelerated without political impediments and in an expeditious and transparent manner.", "397. The Ministers underscored the important role of UNCTAD as the focal point within the UN system for the integrated treatment of trade and development and interrelated issues in the areas of finance, technology, investment and sustainable development, and it should conduct research into an analysis of macroeconomic policies, trade, investment, finance, debt, poverty, international migration and emerging issues, and their interdependence, as referred to in the Accra Accord adopted in the 12th Conference of UNCTAD. Such research should be used to help developing countries to meet their development goals including poverty eradication to improve the welfare of their citizens and to address the opportunities and challenges created by globalization. They further reiterated the need to continue the operationalization of UNCTAD’s relevant functions in the areas of globalization, policy space and corporate responsibility and the reinvigoration of its intergovernmental machinery.", "398. The Ministers took note of the UNCTAD-UNDP Creative Economy Report 2008 that provides empirical evidence and in-depth analysis showing that the creative industries, linking economic, cultural, technological and social aspects of development at both the macro and micro levels, are among the most dynamic emerging sectors in world trade that could offer to developing countries new opportunities in the world economy. The Ministers therefore encouraged UNCTAD to develop a technical assistance programme in creative economy in order to enhance and strengthen developing countries capacity to compete in these sectors.", "399. The Ministers agreed to work towards a full implementation of the recommendations of the XII session of the UNCTAD’s ministerial conference, held in Accra, Ghana from 20 to 25 April 2008.", "400. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures:", "1. Continue the coordination and cooperation between the G-77 and NAM, within their respective mandates, to strengthen the role of UNCTAD as the UN body in charge of an integrated treatment of trade, development and related matters in the field of finances, technology, investment and sustainable development;", "2. Continue promoting the rejection of and the adoption of concrete actions against the enforcement of unilateral coercive economic measures at the several multilateral fora where NAM and G-77 are involved.", "401. The Ministers, Expressed deep concern at the imposition of laws and other forms of coercive economic measures, including unilateral sanctions, against developing countries, which undermine international law and the rules of the World Trade Organization and also severely threaten freedom of trade and investment.", "South-South Cooperation", "402. Recognising the increasing importance of South-South Cooperation and the changing context of North-South interdependence and terms of engagement, the Ministers called for a more energetic effort to deepen and enhance South-South cooperation, including triangular cooperation, bearing in mind that such cooperation is not a substitute for, but rather a complement to, North- South cooperation.", "403. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitments to fully implement the Havana Programme of Action, the Marrakech Plan of Implementation of South-South cooperation and the Doha Plan of Action that taken together represent a comprehensive framework for intensified cooperation among developing countries.", "404. The Ministers welcomed the Nairobi outcome document of the High-level UN Conference on South-South Cooperation held from 1 to 3 December 2009 in Nairobi, Kenya, which was endorsed by General Assembly resolution 64/222 of 21 December 2009, and look forward to its full and effective implementation. In this regard, the Ministers conveyed their appreciation to the Republic of Kenya and its people for the excellent organization and hosting of the High-level Conference on South-South Cooperation.", "405. The Ministers welcomed the offer made by the Government of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya to host the third South Summit in September 2011 and looked forward to its successful deliberations and outcome.", "406. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of strengthening the current institutional mechanisms for South-South Cooperation and expressed their support for the principles on which South-South Cooperation is based, which were adopted by the G77 and China in its different Summits and Conferences including at its annual meeting in New York on 28 September 2010.", "407. The Ministers reiterated their position that South-South cooperation is a collective endeavour of developing countries based on the principles of solidarity and on the premises, conditions and objectives that are specific to the historic and political context of developing countries and to their needs and expectations and as such South-South cooperation deserves its own separate and independent promotion as reaffirmed in the Nairobi outcome document and the Development Platform for the South of the G77.", "408. The Ministers stressed that the General Assembly High-level Committee on South-South Cooperation is the central multilateral policy-making body in the UN system to review and assess global and system-wide progress on and support for South-South development cooperation, including triangular cooperation, and to provide overall guidance on future directions. In this regard, this policy making body could be complemented by other relevant South-South cooperation initiatives and dialogue platforms.", "409. The Ministers reaffirmed the role of South-South cooperation in the overall context of multilateralism, as a continuing process vital to confront the challenges faced by the South and as valuable contribution to development, and the need to further strengthen it, including through enhancing the capacities of the institutions and the arrangements that promote such cooperation.", "410. The Ministers are committed to support and promote mechanisms aimed at enhancing intra/interregional trade, investment and cooperation among developing countries.", "411. In this context, the Ministers welcomed the holding of the second Africa-South America Summit in September 2009 in Nueva Esparta State, Venezuela, which reaffirmed the commitment made in the first African South American Conference held in Marrakech, Morocco, to foster South-South Cooperation as a major objective of both regions.", "412. The Ministers emphasized the importance of further strengthening coordination and cooperation at the regional, sub-regional, interregional and bilateral levels, particularly in the context of the negative impact of the current financial and economic crisis.", "413. The Ministers welcomed the successful conclusion of the third round of the Global System of Trade preferences by the adoption on the 15th of December 2010 of the Sao Paulo Protocol, and invited all the parties involved to ratify its agreement as soon as possible, and encouraged other developing countries to consider acceding to the GSTP and its protocols.", "414. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to further reinforce the following measures, among others:", "1. Strengthen national capacities in order to enhance the individual and collective resilience of Non-Aligned Countries, which could be achieved particularly through expanding, deepening and enriching South-South cooperation in all areas of relations among them, including through undertaking concrete projects and programmes, pooling of resources, and tapping the contributions of eminent personalities and institutions of the South. In this regard, the South Fund for Development and Humanitarian Assistance established by the Second South Summit of the Group of 77 and China could greatly contribute to achieving the goals and objectives of South-South cooperation;", "2. Encourage Member States to elaborate South-South cooperation arrangements, including sectoral cooperation arrangements, and other partnerships that promote South-South cooperation;", "3. Promote on a voluntary basis trade and investment agreements among developing countries as a tool for strengthening South-South economic cooperation;", "4. Promote and strengthen regional and sub-regional integration through groupings and other arrangements on the basis of mutual benefit, complementarities and solidarity among developing countries with a view to facilitating and accelerating the economic growth and development of their economies;", "5. Recognize the positive contribution of the Non-Aligned Movement Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation (NAM-CSSTC)[28] to the efforts of organizing training programmes and enhancing the capacity of the Non-Aligned Movement Member Countries in achieving the Internationally Agreed Developments Goals, including the MDG’s;", "6. Encourage the Centre to continue to provide training and capacity building programs for developing countries, and in this regard, further encourage member states of NAM to provide necessary assistance on a voluntary basis to the Centre towards achieving its established goals and objectives;", "7. Strengthen the capability of developing countries to evaluate international economic issues, through the establishment of a NAM network of coordination and cooperation between academic and specialized centres of research and economic studies;", "8. Reaffirm the central role of the South Centre as the think tank of the countries of the South, and emphasize its importance in enhancing South-South Cooperation through promoting solidarity and mutual understanding among the countries and peoples of the South; as well as providing the intellectual and policy support required by developing countries for collective and individual action in the international arena. In this context, the Members of the Movement are called upon to further support the South Centre, and the Centre should establish South-South networks among relevant institutions to facilitate the exchange of programmes, academia, and in supporting the Joint Coordinating Committee in the negotiating processes of major United Nations Conferences in the Economic and Social fields;", "9. Encourage the NAM Business Forum on South-South Cooperation, consistent with its terms of reference, to continue with its initiatives to enhance South-South trade and business relations. In this context, they welcomed the success of the Second NAM Business Forum and the General Meeting of the NAM Business Council for South-South Cooperation, held in Havana, Cuba, on November 2007;", "10. Encourage UN Member States to support international development funds aimed at financing the implementation of South-South Cooperation projects, such as the Perez Guerrero Trust Fund for Economic and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries.", "415. The Ministers stressed the importance of the full and effective implementation of the United Nations Development Programme fourth cooperation framework for South-South Cooperation, in support of national development priorities. The Ministers invited the UN Secretary-General, in consultation with Member States, to take concrete measures to further strengthen the Special Unit for South-South Cooperation, as a separate entity and a focal point for South-South cooperation within the United Nations system, as reaffirmed by General Assembly resolution 58/220 of 23 December 2003 on Economic and Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries, so as to enable it to carry out its full responsibilities, in particular through mobilization of resources for the advancement of South-South cooperation, including through triangular cooperation", "416. The Ministers welcomed the cooperation initiatives and the substantial financial contributions made by some NAM countries, including inter alia OPEC countries based on solidarity and principles of friendship among states, which are conducive to the realization of human rights, in particular economic, social and cultural rights, and the right to development, as well as initiatives for scientific and research programs on energy, environment and climate change, as decided at the OPEC Summit in Riyadh in November 2007. In this regard, they encouraged member states to consider supporting and engaging in those mechanisms of cooperation or other relevant regional or sub-regional arrangements of a cooperative nature.", "417. The Ministers also welcomed regional initiatives of South-South cooperation by some NAM members in the field of sustainable development and in this regard, they took note, inter alia, of the Mesoamerica Project on Integration and Development.", "418. The Ministers also took note of some regional cooperation initiatives in the financial and economic fields, such as those undertaken by some countries of the Latin American region, like the Bank of the South, as well as initiatives of ALBA countries such as the Bank of the ALBA, the Common Reserve Fund, the Common Account Unit, and the use of the SUCRE as their currency unit.", "Food Security", "419. The Ministers expressed their deep concern at the high volatility in global food prices, including in basic food commodities, due to, inter alia, structural and systemic problems. The resulting and ongoing food crisis pose a serious challenge to the fight against poverty and hunger, as well as to the efforts by developing countries to attain food security and achieve the objectives of halving the number of undernourished people by 2015 and other development goals. The multiple and complex causes of this crisis require a comprehensive, coordinated and sustained response by the international community. The Ministers also emphasized the importance of strengthening the FAO Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture to help addressing and preventing recurrence of food crisis.", "420. The Ministers emphasized that achieving food security would require strengthening and revitalizing the agriculture sector in developing countries, including through the empowerment of small and medium scale farmers, providing technical and financial assistance, access to and transfer of technology, capacity building and exchange of knowledge and experience. The Ministers underlined the need to address the economic, social and environmental challenges to sustainable agriculture. They also emphasized the implementation of and compliance with the provisions of the UNCCD, as well as the Ten Year Strategic Plan (2008-2018) as a basis for our collective efforts to combat desertification and land degradation to addressing food security.", "421. The Ministers underscored that subsidies and other market distortions by developed countries have severely harmed the agricultural sector in developing countries, thereby limiting the ability of this key sector to contribute meaningfully to poverty eradication and sustained, inclusive and equitable economic growth, sustainable development, food security and rural development. The Ministers, therefore, called for the immediate elimination of all forms of agricultural subsidies and other market-distorting measures by developed countries. They urged the developed countries to demonstrate the necessary flexibility and political will to address meaningfully these key concerns of developing countries at the Doha Round of Trade Negotiations.", "422. The Ministers expressed their support for improving food security and nutrition in Least Developed Countries, through the exchange of experiences, know-how and best practices.", "423. The Ministers also called for short-term actions, including humanitarian assistance for ensuring the implementation of effective social safety nets. Short-term actions must include, inter alia, emergency aid measures to enhance capacity and effective delivery of food aid and ensure greater financial support to developing countries, particularly for food purchases.", "424. the Ministers called for improving transparency, information sharing, as appropriate, and financial regulations, with a view to contributing to markets stability and minimizing excessive price volatility and to prevent speculative investment in food market.", "425. The Ministers, therefore, called upon the Food and Agriculture Organization –FAO– in collaboration with relevant UN entities to continue addressing global and regional food security, in particular, through the full and timely implementation and operationalization of short term responses. In this regard, they reaffirmed the central role of the Committee on Food Security of FAO for agriculture, food security and nutrition.", "426. The Ministers expressed the conviction that South-South cooperation, including investment in agriculture and food security is more needed today than ever. In this regard, they welcomed the South-South initiatives to enhance and expand exchange of human resources, experiences and know-how in these areas to support agriculture and livestock production to increase the availability of food.", "427. The Ministers called upon Member States to continue actively engaged in the promotion of the realization of the right to food in all countries. In this regard, they welcomed the holding, at the initiative of NAM, of a Special Session of the Human Rights Council in 2008 on “The negative impact on the realization of the right to food of the worsening of the world food crisis, caused inter alia by the soaring food prices” and urged all Member States to pay special attention to the implementation of UN resolutions on the right to food adopted yearly by the General Assembly and Human Rights Council.", "428. The Ministers reaffirmed that eradication of poverty is the greatest global challenge facing the world today. They reiterated the importance of developing countries determining their own food security strategies in their efforts to eradicate poverty and hunger. In this context, they recognized that agriculture plays a crucial role in addressing the needs of a growing global population and is inextricably linked to poverty eradication, especially in developing countries, and stressed that integrated and sustainable agriculture and rural development approaches are therefore essential to achieving enhanced food security in an environmentally sustainable way.", "429. The Ministers also reiterated that food should not be used as an instrument for political and economic pressure. They reaffirmed the importance of international cooperation and solidarity as well as the necessity of refraining from undertaking such unilateral coercive measures that endanger food security and are not in accordance with international law and the UN Charter.", "430. The Ministers stressed the importance of the Rome Declaration on World Food Security (13-17 November 2006) and the World Food Summit Plan of Action, the Declaration of the World Food Summit: five years later, including the goal of achieving food security for all through an ongoing effort to eradicate hunger in all countries, with an immediate view to reducing by half the number of undernourished people by no later than 2015, as well as the commitment to achieving the Millennium Development Goals.", "431. The Ministers reaffirmed the Declaration of the World Food Summit on 15 November 2009, and the importance of the Second NAM First Ladies Summit, convened by Egypt, at the FAO headquarters in Rome in view of its role in addressing many aspects of hunger and malnutrition and identifying concrete steps that NAM First Ladies could initiate to address these issues, including through the exchange of national experiences in ensuring women access to resources, particularly land and credit, as well as human capital and knowledge.", "432. The Ministers noted the results of the Group of Eight Summit held in L’Aquila, Italy, from 8 to 10 July 2009, and called for the immediate implementation of the commitments made by the countries represented at that Summit towards a goal of mobilizing 20 billion United States dollars over three years.", "433. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the Bolivian initiative to promote the declaration of UN’s International Year of Quinoa in recognition of its high nutritional value and its potential contribution to eradication of hunger.", "International Migration and Development", "434. The Ministers reaffirmed the responsibility of Governments to safeguard and protect the rights of migrants in accordance with international and domestic laws, including applying and where needed reinforcing existing laws against all illegal or violent acts; in particular acts of incitement to ethnic, racial and religious discrimination and crimes perpetrated with racist or xenophobic motivation by individuals or groups against migrants, especially in the context of the global economic crisis that increases the vulnerability of migrants in host countries.", "435. The Ministers agreed to effectively promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants regardless of their immigration status, especially those of women and children, in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all relevant international instruments to which they are party. They also noted the ASEAN Declaration on the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of the Migrant Workers of 13 January 2007 as a positive step in safeguarding the fundamental rights and dignity of migrant workers.", "436. The Ministers expressed concern at the legislation adopted by some States that results in measures and practices, that may restrict the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants and reaffirmed that, when exercising their sovereign right to enact and implement migratory and border security measures, States have the duty to comply with their obligations under international law, including international human rights law, in order to ensure full respect for the human rights of migrants. In this regard, the Ministers also acknowledged that special measures in the treatment of migrants should be implemented specially in the cases of the elderly, women and children. Furthermore, they acknowledged the need for increased cooperation and partnership between North and South for the protection of migrants, and enhancing their contribution in achieving development.", "437. The Ministers recognised that trafficking in persons and smuggling of migrants continue to pose a serious challenge to humanity and require concerted international response, based on cooperation and sharing of information, as appropriate and urged to that end, all States to devise, enforce and strengthen effective measures to prevent, combat and eliminate all forms of trafficking in persons to counter the demand for trafficked victims and to protect the victims, in particular women and children subjected to forced labour, or sexual or commercial exploitation, violence and sexual abuse.", "438. The Ministers recognized that effective action to prevent and combat the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air requires a comprehensive approach, at the national, regional and international levels, and to that end, urged all States to adopt effective measures, inter alia, protecting the human rights and fundamental freedoms of smuggled migrants, especially women and children, in accordance with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and national laws.", "439. The Ministers highlighted the importance of awareness campaigns to change the negative public perception towards migration in the framework of the efforts to protect migrants and their rights and in this regard encouraged States to acknowledge the important social, economic and cultural contribution provided by migrants and migration to development, as well as the complex interrelationship between migration and development.", "440. The Ministers welcomed the convening of the Third Ministerial Conference of the Bali process organized by the government of Indonesia held in Bali, 14-15 April 2009, to invigorate the regional consultative process on smuggling of migrants, trafficking in persons and related transnational crimes, that further promoted dialogue and cooperation amongst its participating states, encompassing sending, transit and destination countries. The Ministers highlighted the signature of the Declaration of Principles and General Guidelines of the South American Conference on Migration and the South American Human Development Plan of Migration, as well as the commitment of the members of this Conference to applying effective and swift mechanisms of regularization to the citizens of the region, in the Tenth South American Conference on Migration, celebrated on the 25^(th) and 26^(th) of October 2010 in Cochabamba, Bolivia.", "441. The Ministers recognized the implications of the migration of highly skilled persons and those with advanced education, and semi-skilled persons, on the development efforts of developing countries.", "442. The Ministers acknowledged the importance of bilateral and multilateral labour migration agreements as an effective tool in fostering a secure, regular and orderly process of migration.", "443. The Ministers took note of the first Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, held in Brussels, Belgium, on 9-11 July 2007, which focused on the central theme of “Migration and socio-economic development”, and the Second Meeting of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, held in Manila, the Philippines, from 27 to 30 November 2008, which focused on the central theme of “Protection and Empowerment of Migrants for Development”, in recognition of the importance of this issue, of the third Meeting of the Global Forum held in Athens, Greece, from 2 to 5 November 2009 with the overarching theme of “Integrating Migration Policies into Development Strategies for the Benefit of All”, as well as of the fourth Meeting of the Global Forum held in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, from 8 to 10 November 2010 with the central theme “Partnerships for Migration and Human Development: Shared Prosperity – Shared Responsibly”.", "444. The Ministers acknowledged that the Global Forum meetings have an important role to play in bringing all the stakeholders together in an attempt to harness the full developmental benefits of international migration. They also recognized that the exchange of expertise, consultation and closer cooperation between the GFMD and the United Nations system could have a positive impact.", "445. The Ministers recognized the relationship between international migration, the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants and development.", "446. The Ministers encouraged efforts by Member States and the international community to promote a balanced and comprehensive approach to international migration and development, particularly by building partnerships and ensuring coordinated action to develop capacities, including for the management of migration. In this regard, the Ministers requested all Member States, in accordance with their relevant international obligations and commitments, to promote cooperation at all levels in addressing the challenge of undocumented or irregular migration, so as to foster a secure, regular and orderly process of migration.", "447. The Ministers noted the results of the High-Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development in September 2006 in New York, held for purpose of discussing the multidimensional aspects of international migration and development, which recognized the relationship between international migration, development and human rights. In this context, the Ministers welcomed the decision of the General Assembly to hold a one-day informal thematic debate in 2011 on international migration and development and another High-level Dialogue on International Migration in 2013.", "448. The Ministers welcomed the assessment process underway of the work and contributions of the Global Forum on Migration and Development, in the perspective of the High Level Dialogue on International Migration and Development to be held during the 68th session of the General Assembly in 2013.", "449. The Ministers, recognizing the critical linkages between international migration and development, reiterated the importance of effective initiatives to promote safe migration and facilitate free movement of labour. In this context, they emphasized that the Doha development round should conclude with a comprehensive solution to the concerns expressed by developing countries, taking into account their interests and objectives regarding the positive impacts of labour migration both in countries of origin and destination.", "450. The Ministers underlined the importance of addressing the complex and varied root causes of migration including through addressing the development dimension in international migration policies.", "451. The Ministers took note of the initiatives undertaken by Member States, relevant regional and international inter-governmental organisations at the regional and international levels to promote dialogue and cooperation on international migration and development, including their contribution to comprehensively address international migration.", "452. The Ministers welcomed the programmes adopted by some host countries that allow migrants to integrate fully into their societies, facilitate family reunification and promote a harmonious, tolerant and respectful environment, and urged States to consider, as appropriate, adopting similar programmes, and, in case of repatriation, to ensure that the mechanisms they implement allow for the identification and special protection of persons in vulnerable situations, particularly women and children, and to take into account, in conformity with their international obligations and commitments, the principle of the best interest of the child and family reunification.", "453. The Ministers noted that efforts of full integration of migrants in the host countries should be encouraged, including family reunification in accordance with the laws and the specific criteria of each member state. Furthermore, the Ministers encouraged destination countries to facilitate the links of migrants with their countries of origin, including on economic, cultural and human levels.", "454. The Ministers emphasized the need for countries of destination of migrants to adopt policies to reduce the cost of transferring migrants’ remittances to developing countries without any bias or discrimination.", "455. The Ministers underlined that remittances cannot be considered as a substitute for foreign direct investment, ODA, debt relief or other public sources of finance for development. They are typically wages transferred to families, mainly to meet part of the needs of the recipient households. A large portion of migrants’ incomes is spent in destination countries of migrants and constitutes an important stimulus to domestic demand in the economies of destination countries of migrants. Furthermore, the disposal of remittances and deployment thereof is an individual choice.", "456. The Ministers further underscored the need for the international community to address the negative impact the migration of highly skilled personnel and those with advanced education from many developing countries has on the development efforts of their country of origin.", "457. The Ministers invited all states that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, adopted by General Assembly resolution 45/158 of 18 December 1990, as a matter of priority.", "458. The Ministers called upon all relevant bodies, agencies, funds and programmes of the United Nations system and other relevant intergovernmental, regional and sub-regional organizations, within their respective mandates, to continue to address the issue of international migration and development, with a view to integrating migration issues, in a more coherent and comprehensive way, within the broader context of the implementation of internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.", "Water", "459. The Ministers recognized the importance of water and sanitation for social, economic and environmental development, and that water is a key to sustainable development. They recalled what was agreed by the 13th Session of the UN Commission on Sustainable Development in 2005 and the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in November 2002 that recognised the importance of water as a vital and finite natural resource, which has an economic, social and environmental function, and acknowledged the right to water for all.", "460. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of integrated water resources management and its sustainable use.", "461. The Ministers called for increased assistance to developing countries by the United Nations, Multilateral Development Banks, Regional Organizations and other donors in their efforts to prepare integrated water resources management and water efficiency plans as part of their national development strategies and to provide access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation in accordance with the principle of the Millennium Declaration and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation, halving by 2015 of the proportion of the population without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation.", "462. The Ministers emphasized the need to improve water resource management and scientific understanding of the water cycle through cooperation in joint observation and research, and for this purpose, reiterated the need to encourage and promote knowledge-sharing and provide capacity-building and the transfer of technology, as mutually agreed, including remote-sensing and satellite technologies, particularly to developing countries and countries with economies in transition.", "463. The Ministers stressed the need to intensify water pollution prevention to reduce health hazards and protect ecosystems by introducing technologies for affordable sanitation and industrial and domestic wastewater treatment, by mitigating the effects of groundwater contamination and by establishing, at the national level, monitoring systems and effective legal frameworks.", "464. The Ministers acknowledged the importance of equitable, safe and clean drinking water and sanitation as an integral component of the realization of all human rights, and in this regard, they welcomed the adoption of the General Assembly resolution 64/292 on “the human right to water and sanitation” and all relevant resolutions of the Human Rights Council.", "465. The Ministers welcomed the holding of the first Ministerial Forum on Water of the Group of 77 held in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, 23-25 February 2009, and noted the Muscat Declaration on Water adopted by the meeting.", "Biological Diversity", "466. The Ministers highlighted that we live in a planet with limited resources and intense human activity, in particular, the unsustainable patterns of production and consumption from developed countries, are affecting the functioning of Earth Systems. In this regard they expressed that the land, forests, rivers, sea, biodiversity, atmosphere, glaciers and other components are vital parts of those systems that need to be preserved, and regenerated to maintain the balance of life.", "467. The Ministers recognized the importance of Strengthening the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the establishment of an a fair and just international regime on access and benefit sharing that respect the sovereign rights, of States over their natural resources and promotes the fair and equitable benefit sharing from the utilization of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge in the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity and other related international instruments.", "468. The Ministers Recognized the important outcomes of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity and its fifth meeting serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety, held in Nagoya, Japan, from 18 to 29 October 2010, which represents a significant contribution towards the comprehensive implementation of the three objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity as an essential condition for the protection of life on earth, human wellbeing and sustainable development.", "469. The Ministers took note further the adoption by the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity of the Nagoya Protocol on Access to Genetic Resources and the Fair and Equitable Share of Benefits Arising from their Utilization, as well as its potential role to contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity, poverty eradication, environmental sustainability and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.", "470. The Ministers called upon the international community to support developing countries in their efforts to conserve and manage their biological resources including all types of forests on a sustainable basis, through international financial mechanisms, as well as through technical assistance, capacity building and transfer of technology, and in this regard stressed the need to create a global fund on forests to provide predictable adequate financial resources, without conditionality and fully respect their sovereign right over their resources.", "471. The Ministers reaffirmed the importance of measures to ensure the sustainable management of marine biodiversity and ecosystems, including fish stocks, which contribute to food security and hunger and poverty eradication efforts, including through ecosystem approaches to ocean management, and to address the adverse effects of climate change on the marine environment and marine biodiversity.", "472. The Ministers recognized that millions of the world’s inhabitants depend on the health of coral reefs and related marine ecosystems for sustainable livelihoods and development as they are a primary source of food and income and also provide for protection from storms, tsunamis and coastal erosion.", "473. In this regard, the Ministers took note of regional initiatives, including the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security, the Micronesia Challenge, the Caribbean Challenge, the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape Project, and the Indian Ocean Challenge, West-African Conservation Challenge and the Regional Initiative for the Conservation and Wise Use of Mangroves and Coral Reefs for the Americas Region. aimed to among other promoting cooperation to protect the coral reefs and related ecosystems.", "474. The Ministers requested developed countries parties, international organizations and other relevant stakeholders to take all practicable steps to promote, facilitate and finance, as appropriate, the transfer of, or access to, environmentally sound technologies and know-how to developing countries, to enable them to take all necessary actions including comprehensive for the coastal zones management and protection of coral reefs and related ecosystems. They called on all countries to promote and cooperate in the full, open and prompt exchange of relevant scientific, technological, technical, socio-economic and legal information related to the protection of coral reefs and related marine ecosystems.", "The Dead Sea", "475. The Ministers once again expressed concern over the continuous deterioration and degradation of the unique ecosystem of the Dead Sea and emphasized the importance of working progressively towards reversing this environmental catastrophe. They drew attention of the international community to the need for international action to protect the Dead Sea and prevent any further environmental degradation of its ecosystem through concessional grants.", "The Caribbean Sea", "476. The Ministers reiterated their concern over the continued shipment of hazardous wastes through the waters of the Caribbean Sea. In recognition of the cooperative efforts of Caribbean States to promote an integrated management approach to the Caribbean Sea in the context of sustainable development of the oceans and seas, they welcomed the United Nations General Assembly resolution 65/155 entitled “Towards the sustainable development of the Caribbean Sea for present and future generation”, and stressed the importance to continue working on the implementation of the declaration of Mauritius (January 2005). In this regard, they expressed support for the regional initiatives aimed at having the Caribbean Sea declared a “special area”, and they pledged their support to assist in promoting the sustainable development of this group of especially vulnerable countries, for which international cooperation continues to be an essential factor, and drew the attention of the international community to the need for international action for the Caribbean Sea to be considered as a special area within the context of sustainable development.", "Illegal Fishing and Dumping of Toxic and Hazardous Waste", "477. The Ministers decried in the strongest terms the continuing acts of illegal fishing and dumping of toxic and hazardous waste in the lands and territorial seas of African states and other developing countries. The Ministers demanded an immediate stop to these practices and called on all governments to act in accordance to their legal obligations under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the Basel Convention on the Control of Trans-boundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, and all relevant international instruments.", "Lake Chad and the River Niger", "478. The Ministers expressed serious concern over the phenomenal drying-up of Lake Chad and the shrinking of the River Niger, largely due to climate change and rapidly growing population, thereby posing serious danger to biodiversity, as well as threatening food security and the livelihood of the peoples living within the vicinities of the Lake and the River in the West and Central African sub-Regions. They acknowledged the concerted efforts by the affected countries to reverse the trend and redress the challenges posed, and therefore called on the international community and development partners to intensify their support, through concrete financial and technical assistance, for the collaborative frameworks of action by the affected countries, aimed at rescuing Lake Chad and River Niger.", "Energy", "479. The Ministers underlined the importance of access to energy for all. They emphasized the need to diversify energy by developing advanced, cleaner, more efficient, affordable and cost-effective energy technologies, including fossil fuel technologies and renewable energy technologies, and their transfer to developing countries on concessional terms as mutually agreed in order to promote sustainable energy systems with the objective of increasing its contribution to total energy supply, recognizing the role of national initiatives and priorities and voluntary targets, where they exist, and ensuring that energy policies are supportive to developing countries’ efforts to eradicate poverty, and regularly evaluate available data to review progress to this end. In this regard, the Ministers welcomed the celebration of 2012 as the “International Year of Sustainable Energy for All”.", "480. The Ministers stressed the importance of enhancing international Cooperation through partnership in clean and renewable Energy, particularly during the year 2012, International Year of Sustainable Energy For All. They called upon the developed countries to transfer more efficient and environmentally sound technologies to developing countries, and for the United Nations to promote and facilitate this.", "481. The Ministers emphasized the need to accelerate the development, dissemination and deployment of affordable and cleaner energy efficiency and energy conservation technologies, new and renewable energy technologies as well as the transfer of such technologies, in particular to developing countries, on favourable terms, including on concessional and preferential terms. The Ministers welcomed the thematic debate of the General Assembly on energy efficiency and energy conservation, new and renewable sources of energy, held on 18 June 2009. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the proposals made at the debate, inter alia, on shaping the comprehensive United Nations energy agenda with a focus on eradicating poverty and achieving the Millennium Development Goals, elaboration and adoption by the General Assembly of recommendations, including those related to the global intellectual property rights system, that facilitate dissemination, deployment and transfer of advanced energy technologies to developing countries and countries with economies in transition, as well as the establishment of an international centre for the transfer of advanced energy technologies, a database of advanced energy technologies and a fully supported multilateral fund to finance development, transfer and application of advanced energy technologies as well as capacity building. The Ministers called for effective international measures to develop, disseminate and deploy such technologies to developing countries and countries with economies in transition.", "482. The Ministers welcomed the establishment of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), and the choice of the United Arab Emirates as the headquarter of the Agency. They also welcomed with appreciation the entering into force of the Statute of the Agency, and the holding of the inaugural session of its Assembly held from 4-5 April 2011 in Abu Dhabi, the United Arab Emirates. They also encouraged Member States of NAM, and other countries who have not yet done so to consider joining IRENA. The Ministers expressed their aspiration to see IRENA in the near future playing an important and positive role towards promoting the sustainable use of different forms of renewable energy.", "483. The Ministers noted the challenges to development that exist for a number of member states of the Movement in relation to the international energy market. They also took note of the various and varied complex destabilizing factors in the energy market and appreciated the efforts of NAM countries to stabilize it for the benefit of all. In this context, they supported efforts to improve the functioning, transparency and information about energy markets with respect to both supply and demand, with the aim of achieving greater stability and predictability in the interest of both energy producing and consuming states. They agreed to enhance cooperation with a view to improving access to all environmentally safe and sound energy sources including alternative sources of energy by developing countries. They underscored the need for increased North-South collaboration as well as continued South-South Cooperation as part of a long-term strategy towards sustainable development. They also underscored the sovereign right of States over the management of their energy resources. They welcomed the progress of the dialogue between energy producing and consuming countries, in particular, within the International Energy Forum (IEF) and supported all efforts to strengthen such dialogue. They welcomed the signing of the Charter of the IEF in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, February 2011.", "Climate Change", "484. The Ministers expressed their concern about the increased adverse impacts of climate change, and called for the widest cooperation by all countries and their participation in an effective and appropriate international response, taking into consideration the historical responsibilities of developed countries, and in accordance with the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities as well as social and economic conditions. In this regard, the Ministers reiterated that the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change and its Kyoto Protocol remains the central multilateral framework for cooperative action to address climate change. The Ministers further stressed that the process of work under the UNFCCC must be open, party-driven, inclusive and transparent and strengthen multilateralism in order to achieve an agreed outcome as mandated by the Bali Action Plan based on the principles and provisions of the convention.", "485. The Ministers recognized the importance of the negotiation process on climate change within the framework of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC and the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.", "486. The Ministers took note of the 15^(th) Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, and the 5^(th) Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol, held in Copenhagen in December 2009. They also took note of the 16^(th) Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC, and the 6^(th) Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol held in Cancun in December 2010.", "487. The Ministers recognized the crucial negotiations underway in the two tracks process of the Ad hoc Working Group on Long term Cooperative Actions under the Convention (AWG LCA) and the Ad hoc Working Group on Further Commitments for Annex I Parties under the Kyoto Protocol (AWG KP) as mandated by the Bali Action Plan, and reaffirmed the urgent need to reach an agreed outcome at the 17^(th) Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 17) and the 7^(th) Session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP-7) to be held in Durban, South Africa, in line with the Bali Action Plan, that would enable the full, effective and sustained implementation of the UNFCCC through long term cooperative action now, up to and beyond 2012, in accordance with the provisions of the principles of the Convention, in particular the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities.", "488. The Ministers affirmed their unwavering commitment to cooperate and contribute constructively towards a successful COP-17/CMP-7 of the UNFCCC to ensure that the agreed outcome will incorporate long-term cooperative actions to address climate change in accordance with principles and provisions of the Convention and the Bali Action Plan, as well as an unequivocal commitment of Parties to the second commitment period of the Kyoto Protocol in order to achieve the ultimate objective of the Convention.", "489. The Ministers reaffirmed the fundamental principle that developed countries shall take the lead in combating climate change, and expressed their serious concern at the deadlock in negotiations under the AWG-KP, and re-emphasised the urgent need for the establishment of quantified emission reduction commitments for the 2nd and subsequent commitment periods under the Kyoto Protocol. They urged developed countries to undertake ambitious and enhanced commitments under the Kyoto Protocol in the subsequent commitment periods and to ensure that there is no gap between the first and the subsequent commitment periods.", "490. The Ministers took note with interest the Government of Ecuador’s initiative on the concept of Avoided Net Emissions as an alternative mechanism of reducing CO2 emissions, in addition to carbon market mechanisms, under the voluntary mitigation of the UNFCCC.", "491. The Ministers also reaffirmed that urgent actions were needed to support adaptation and voluntary mitigation measures undertaken by developing countries, and to strengthen cooperation at the global level to address, inter alia, desertification, land degradation and deforestation, and called upon the international community to prioritize the needs of the developing countries, taking into account the needs of those that are particularly vulnerable, in accordance with the criteria set in the UNFCCC, and to provide long-term, adequate, scaled-up, predictable, new and additional finance, technology development and support as well as capacity-building. Priority will be given to particularly vulnerable developing countries, especially low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas, LDC’s, SIDS and Africa, land-locked countries, and developing country parties with areas prone to floods, drought and desertification, with fragile ecosystems, and facing increased frequency of extreme and catastrophic events and trends linked to climate change.", "492. The Ministers expressed their concern that dust and sand storms in the last few years inflicted substantial damages to the socio-economic situation of the inhabitants, especially in Africa and Asia. They recognized efforts and cooperation of member states at the regional international levels to control and reduce the negative effects on human settlements in vulnerable regions. In this regard, the Ministers welcomed the initiative of the Islamic Republic of Iran to host a regional Ministerial environmental session on 29 September 2010, in Tehran, in which Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Syrian Arab Republic, and Qatar agreed to cooperate to bring dust and sand storms in their region under control over the next five years.", "493. The Ministers urged the international community to assist developing countries to address the adverse impact of climate change, particularly through new, additional, grant-based and predictable financial resources, capacity building, and access to and transfer of technology on concessional and preferential terms. The Ministers reaffirmed that developed countries’ commitments to provide developing countries with financing and the transfer of technology for climate change should be carried out under the UNFCCC and its Conference of the parties.", "494. The Ministers encouraged the intensification of South-South cooperation to support developing countries in addressing the impacts of climate change through technical cooperation and capacity building programs.", "495. The Ministers emphasized that oceans and coasts provide valuable resources and services to support humankind and that the sustainable use of marine living resource will enhance global food security and increase resilience to climate change for present and future generations; they further emphasized the need to develop comprehensive adaption measure to address climate related impacts on oceans and coasts, including through greater capacity building, enhanced scientific monitoring activities and to promote environmentally sound policies for integrated coastal and ocean management.", "Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms[29]", "496. The Ministers reaffirmed the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning human rights and fundamental freedoms, as follows:", "1. The Ministers reaffirmed the significant importance the Movement attaches to the promotion and protection of human rights and commitment to fulfil obligations to promote universal respect for, and observance and protection of all universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, in accordance with the UN Charter, other instruments relating to human rights, as appropriate, and international law. They further reaffirmed that all human rights, in particular the right to development, are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, and that human rights issues must be addressed within the global context through a constructive, non-confrontational, non-politicized and non-selective dialogue-based approach, in a fair and equal manner, with objectivity, respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, impartiality, non-selectivity and transparency as the guiding principles, taking into account the political, historical, social, religious and cultural particularities of each country. In this regard, they reiterated the Movement’s dismay and unequivocal condemnation of gross and systematic violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms and situations that constitute serious obstacles to their full enjoyment, as well as violent acts and activities that infringe upon their full enjoyment;", "2. The Ministers also reaffirmed their opposition to all unilateral coercive measures, including those measures used as tools for political or economic and financial pressure against any country, in particular against developing countries. They reaffirmed that under no circumstances should people be deprived of their own means of subsistence and development. The Ministers further expressed their concern at the continued imposition of such measures which hinder the well being of population of the affected countries and that create obstacles to the full realization of their human rights;", "3. The Ministers further reaffirm that, bearing in mind the UN Charter, economic and financial sanctions always have a negative impact on the rights recognized in the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in particular the realization of the right to development. They often cause significant disruption in the distribution of food, pharmaceuticals and sanitation supplies, jeopardize the quality of food and the availability of clean drinking water, severely interfere with the functioning of basic health and education systems, and undermine the right to work, and they are serious obstacles to development of the targeted States;", "4. The Ministers expressed concern that defamation of religions is being wrongly justified on the ground of the right to freedom of expression, neglecting the restrictions clearly articulated in the relevant human rights instruments including paragraph 29 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as paragraph 3 of Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), including in this regard the relevant recommendations of the treaty bodies, and stressed the need for all States to continue international efforts to enhance dialogue and broaden understanding among civilisations, cultures and religions, and emphasizing that States, regional organisations, non-governmental Organisations, religious bodies and the media have an important role to play in promoting tolerance, respect for and freedom of religion and belief. They reaffirmed the obligation of all States Parties to the Covenant under article 20 which prohibits the advocacy of racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence. They also welcomed the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the Right to freedom of opinion and expression as revised by the HRC resolution 7/36;", "5. The Ministers reaffirmed that the freedom of thought, expression and dissemination of ideas and information, are fundamental for the exercise of democracy. They further expressed that these freedoms should be exercised with responsibility, in accordance with the relevant national legislative framework, and UN instruments;", "6. The Ministers affirmed that while it is necessary to harmonise guidelines on reporting procedure of human rights treaty bodies, greater efforts should be made to ensure that their work would be more effective, objective, transparent and accountable, as well as to ensure a more balanced membership therein, in accordance with the principle of equitable geographical representation, gender balance, as well as ensuring that members nominated to serve with the treaty bodies will serve in their personal capacity, of high moral character, acknowledged impartiality, and possess competence in the field of human rights;", "7. The Ministers expressed concern at the non‑representation and under-representation of Non-Aligned Countries in the staffing of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), bearing in mind the fundamental importance of the need to adhere to the principle of equitable geographical distribution;", "8. They reaffirmed that the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights should discharge her duties in compliance with the mandate established under the UNGA Resolution 48/141, including reporting annually to the General Assembly, a universal organ of the United Nations;", "9. The Ministers re-emphasized that the exploitation and the use of human rights as an instrument for political purposes, including selective targeting of individual Countries for extraneous considerations, which is contrary to the Founding Principles of the Movement and the UN Charter, should be prohibited. They urged that, in the discussion on human rights, adequate attention be given to the issues of poverty, underdevelopment, marginalisation, instability and foreign occupation that engender social and economic exclusion and violation of human dignity and human rights, which cannot be divorced from any meaningful discussion relating to human rights;", "10. The Ministers reaffirmed that democracy and good governance at the national and international levels, development and respect for all human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the right to development, are interdependent and mutually reinforcing. Adoption, for any cause or consideration, of coercive unilateral measures, rules and policies against the developing countries constitute flagrant violations of the basic rights of their populations. It is essential for States to promote efforts to combat extreme poverty and hunger (MDGs 1) as well as foster participation by the poorest members of society in decision-making processes;", "11. The Ministers reaffirmed that hunger constitutes a violation of human dignity and called for urgent measures at the national, regional and international levels for its elimination. They also reaffirmed the right of everyone to have access to safe and nutritious food consistent with the right to food and the fundamental right of everyone to be free from hunger, so as to be able to fully develop and maintain his or her physical and mental capacities. The Ministers recognized the importance of food security for the realization of the right to food for all;", "12. The Ministers renewed their concern at the gross violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, in particular the right to life and the right to development, resulting from terrorist acts including those perpetrated by foreign occupying powers in territories under foreign occupation, and reiterated their condemnation of all acts, methods and practices of terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, in accordance with the relevant UN resolutions;", "13. The Ministers underlined their growing concern and dismay at the flagrant disregard for life and the accompanying wanton destruction of property, as recently evidenced in Occupied Palestinian Territory and other occupied Arab territories, including the occupied Syrian Golan and Lebanon. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of Human Rights Council resolution 5/1, whereby it decided to include the “Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestinian Territory and other occupied Arab territories” as a permanent agenda item in the Council;", "14. The Ministers also welcomed the recent resolutions adopted at the regular and Special sessions of the Human Rights Council and the Resumed Tenth Emergency Special session of the General Assembly on the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, in particular in the Gaza Strip;", "15. The Ministers reaffirmed the right of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation to struggle for national liberation and self-determination;", "16. The Ministers reiterated the need for efforts to further strengthen and promote respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms and for the establishment of democratic institutions and sound economic policies responsive to the needs of the people. In this context, they reiterated the need for the core principles, such as equity, non-discrimination, transparency, accountability, participation and international co-operation, including partnership and commitments in the international financial, monetary and trading systems, and full and effective participation of developing countries in decision-making and norm setting; and", "17. The Ministers welcomed the recent election of women at the highest political level and underlined the importance of promoting equal participation of women in the political systems of NAM Members, in accordance with Millennium Development Goal No. 3 “Promote Gender Equality and Empower Women”. In this regard, the Ministers noted with great interest the United Nations new policy to enhance women participation in leading UN senior officials’ structures;", "18. The Ministers welcomed the Third Conference of the States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities held in New York from 1 to 3 September 2010, and expressed their commitment to promote the full enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms on an equal basis for persons with disabilities. The Ministers invited all States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol;", "19. The Ministers expressed deep concern over the “Common Standards and Procedures for returning illegally-staying Third-Country Nationals”, known as the return directive, adopted by the European Parliament on June 18, 2008. They emphasized the view that this Directive constitutes a serious violation of relevant international human rights instruments, in particular the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and relevant ILO conventions. They also underscored the discriminatory nature of this Directive, which has the effect of criminalizing migration and exacerbating social tensions, racism, racial discrimination and xenophobia and entail mistreatment of migrants and their families;", "20. The Ministers underscored the need for all States to address the issue of international migration through a cooperative dialogue on an equal footing, and in this regard, strongly urged the European Union and its member States to refrain from taking any type of measures that stigmatize certain groups or individuals, including third-country nationals and their families and invite these States to consider signing and ratifying the International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of their Families;", "21. The Ministers expressed concern at legislation and its interpretation, practices and measures adopted by some States, as well as legislative initiatives, that may lead to a discriminatory treatment and restrict the human rights and fundamental freedoms of migrants, and reaffirms that, when exercising their sovereign right to enact and implement migratory and border security measures, States have the duty to comply with their obligations under international law, including international human rights law, in order to ensure full respect for the human rights of migrants;", "22. The Ministers strongly condemned the manifestations and acts of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance against migrants and the stereotypes often applied to them, including on the basis of religion or belief, and urged States to apply and, where needed, reinforce the existing laws when xenophobic or intolerant acts, manifestations or expressions against migrants, in order to eradicate impunity for those who commit xenophobic and racist acts;", "23. The Ministers also reaffirmed the duty of States to effectively promote and protect the human rights and fundamental freedoms of all migrants, especially those of women, and children, regardless of their immigration status, in conformity with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the international instruments to which they are party.", "497. The Ministers recognized the importance of Human Rights Learning and Education for the promotion and protection of human rights, and in this regard, welcomed the adoption by consensus of HRC resolution 16/1, pertaining to the United Nations declaration on human rights education and training.", "498. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the adoption of the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights by the General Assembly, as a positive and important step towards realizing equal treatment of all human rights.", "499. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures and initiatives, among others:", "1. Promote and protect all universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms for all peoples, in particular the right to development, and to provide an effective framework thereof including remedies to redress grievances on or violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the relevant Founding Principles of the Movement, the UN Charter and international human rights instruments, consistent with the obligations of States regardless of their political, economic and cultural systems;", "2. To consider signing and ratifying the Optional Protocol of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural rights in order to allow its entry into force;", "3. Promote the democratisation of the system of international governance in order to increase the effective participation of developing countries in international decision-making;", "4. Urge developed countries to engage in effective partnerships such as the NEPAD and other similar initiatives with the developing countries, particularly the LDCs, for the purposes of the realisation of their right to development including the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals;", "5. Stress adherence to the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and to the Founding Principles of the Movement, and oppose and condemn selectivity and double standards in the promotion and protection of human rights as well as all attempts to exploit or use human rights as an instrument for political purposes;", "6. Reaffirm the need to preserve the mechanism of Universal Periodic Review of the Human Rights Council from politicisation and double standards, and to prevent its misuse and manipulation in order to preserve the cooperative approach in the Human Rights Council;", "7. Reinforce the presence of the Non-Aligned Movement by advancing its position during the deliberations taking place in the main international fora, particularly the Human Rights Council, the ECOSOC, and the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly as a contribution to the enhancement of the coordination and cooperation among the above mentioned UN entities in the promotion and protection of all human rights;", "8. Update and introduce at the Third Committee of the General Assembly and at the Human Rights Council, as appropriate, draft resolutions on: the Right to Development; Human Rights and Unilateral Coercive Measures; the promotion of the principle of equitable geographical distribution in the membership of the human rights treaty bodies, Human Rights and Cultural Diversity, and Enhancement of International Cooperation in the field of human rights, and consider sponsoring other initiatives that promote respect for the principled positions of the Movement in this field of the international cooperation;", "9. Promote and protect all universally recognized human rights, in particular the right to development as a universal and inalienable right and as an integral part of all universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms;", "10. The Ministers reaffirmed the objective of making the right to development a reality for everyone as set out in the UN Millennium Declaration, and give due consideration to the negative impact of unilateral economic and financial coercive measures on the realization of the right to development;", "11. Urge all States to ensure greater protection for their populations in combating terrorism and transnational crimes, and in this regard, further urge all States to ensure that their national laws or legislations particularly concerning the combat against terrorism do not limit individual rights and that these are not discriminatory or xenophobic; and urge all States to ensure that any measure taken to combat terrorism complies with their obligations under international law, in particular international human rights, refugees and humanitarian law;", "12. Strive for greater acceptance, operationalisation and realisation of the right to development at the international level, urge all States to undertake at the national level necessary policy formulation and institute measures required for the implementation of the right to development as a fundamental human right, and further urge all States to expand and deepen mutually benefiting cooperation with each other in ensuring development and eliminating obstacles to development, in the context of promoting an effective international co-operation for the realisation of the right to development, bearing in mind that lasting progress towards the implementation of the right to development requires effective development policies at the national level as well as equitable economic relations and a favourable economic environment at the international level;", "13. Urge the UN human rights machinery to ensure the operationalisation of the right to development as a priority, including through the elaboration of a Convention on the Right to Development by the relevant machinery, taking into account the recommendations of relevant initiatives;[30]", "14. Propose and work towards the convening of a United Nations-sponsored High-Level International Conference on the Right to Development;", "15. Mainstream the right to development in the policies and operational activities of the UN and its specialised agencies, programmes and funds as well as in policies and strategies of the international financial and multilateral trading systems, taking into account in this regard that the core principles of the international economic, commercial and financial spheres, such as equity, non-discrimination, transparency, accountability, participation and international co-operation, including effective partnerships for development, are indispensable in achieving the right to development and preventing discriminatory treatment to the issues of concern to the developing countries arising out of political or other non-economic considerations;", "16. Advance the common positions and improve the coordination of the Movement at the relevant inter-governmental fora, in particular the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council as well as the Human Rights Council, with the aim of strengthening international co-operation and co-ordination in the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms;", "17. Participate actively in the review process of the Human Rights Council to ensure that NAM positions are duly taken into consideration and incorporated in the final outcome document of the process;", "18. To consider convening a NAM meeting on the issue of protecting the Human Rights of civilians in international armed conflict;", "19. Encourage the existing independent national human rights institutions, including Ombudsmen where they exist, to perform their constructive role, on the basis of impartiality and objectivity, in the promotion and protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in their Countries, and request in this context, the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights to provide greater assistance, upon request, by interested Governments in the establishment and operations of their national institutions. The Ministers also welcomed the adoption by consensus at the 65^(th) General Assembly of the resolution A/RES/65/207 entitled “the role of the ombudsman, mediator and other national human rights institutions in the promotion and protection of human rights”;", "20. Call upon the NAM members Countries and the international community to support the objective and effective functioning of the Human Rights Council established as a subsidiary body of the General Assembly of the UN, and emphasize the strong need to ensure that the work of the Council will be devoid of any politicisation, double standards and selectivity; and", "21. Defend and promote NAM positions in the context of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and to that end:", "(a) Continue holding the meetings of NAM Labour Ministers within the framework of each International Labour Conference;", "(b) Continue to promote transparency and a more democratic participation of all actors in ILO mechanisms and procedures;", "(c) Follow up and underpin the agreements contained in the two Declarations of NAM Ministers of Labour, adopted at the Ministerial meeting held in Geneva in the context of the 96th International Labour Conference, in June 2007, regarding the reform of the working methods of the Committee of Application of Standards and the expansion of the Committee on Freedom of Association;", "(d) Reaffirm their determination and commitment to the full implementation of the NAM Declarations adopted at the meeting of the NAM Ministers of Labour, held on 15 June 2009, in Geneva, regarding the follow up of the two NAM Declarations of June 2007 above mentioned, and the “90^(th) Anniversary of the International Labour Organization and the International Financial and Economic crisis”;", "(e) welcome in this respect the Global Jobs Pact adopted by the 98th Session of the International Labour Conference held in June 2009 particularly its emphasis on the social dimension of the current global financial and economic crisis and by highlighting a social approach to the crisis by placing employment and labor issues, together with social protection at the heart of stimulus packages and other relevant policies to confront the crisis.", "Racism, Racial Discrimination and Slavery", "500. The Ministers reaffirmed their condemnation of all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, including the platforms and activities related thereto, which constitute serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as impede equal opportunity. They reminded the international community to preserve its recognition that slavery and slave trade, including trans-Atlantic slave trade, are crimes against humanity, and that the legacies of slavery, slave trade, colonialism, foreign occupation, alien domination, genocide and other forms of servitude have manifested themselves in poverty, underdevelopment, marginalisation, social exclusion and economic disparities for the developing world.", "501. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of General Assembly resolutions 61/19 and 62/122 related to the abolition of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and its consequences, as well as General Assembly resolution 63/5 and 64/15 related to the Permanent memorial to and remembrance of the victims of slavery and the transatlantic slave trade.", "502. The Ministers welcomed further the adoption by the General Assembly of resolution 65/239 and recalled the designating 25 March as the annual International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade, and reaffirms the importance of the programme of educational outreach on the transatlantic slave trade and slavery, relating to the diverse educational outreach strategy to increase awareness of and to educate future generations about the causes, consequences, lessons and legacy of the transatlantic slave trade and to communicate the dangers of racism and prejudice, and encourages continued action in this regard. They endorsed and supported the ongoing efforts towards the erection of a Permanent Memorial to the victims of slavery and the trans-Atlantic slave trade, to be prominently placed at the United Nations Headquarters. They also welcomed the establishment of a fund for this purpose, and expressed appreciation to those of its members that have already made contributions towards it and encouraged others to follow suit.", "503. The Ministers expressed grave concern at the negative effects on human rights and development posed by contemporary forms of slavery and trafficking in persons and at the increasing vulnerability of States to such crimes. They reaffirmed the need to work collectively to combat contemporary forms of slavery and trafficking in persons.", "504. The Ministers expressed dismay at instances of religious and cultural prejudices, misunderstanding, intolerance and discrimination on the basis of religion or belief or different systems, which undermine the enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms and hinder the promotion of the culture of peace. Pluralism, tolerance, and understanding of religious and cultural diversity are essential for peace and harmony. Acts of prejudice, discrimination, stereotyping, and racial, religious and sectarian profiling are affronts to human dignity and equality, and should be condoned. Respect for democracy and human rights and the promotion of understanding and tolerance by governments as well as between and among minorities are central to the promotion and protection of human rights. They reaffirmed that States have the duty to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms without discrimination and in full equality before the law.", "505. In this context, the Ministers welcomed the contributions of Member States towards the celebration in 2010 of the International Year for the Rapprochement of Cultures, proclaimed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), through different activities and initiatives at the national, regional and international levels, in coordination with UNESCO. They also called upon all States to consider the possibility of proclaiming a United Nations decade for interreligious and intercultural dialogue, understanding and cooperation for peace.", "506. In recalling the Movement’s opposition to all forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance and expressing serious concern on the resurgence of contemporary forms of such abhorrent crimes in various parts of the world, the Ministers took note of the ongoing progress made by States at the national, regional and international levels, focusing on the comprehensive follow-up to the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the effective implementation of the Durban Declaration and Program of Action. To this end, the Ministers urged the Human Rights Council, through the Intergovernmental Working Group established to that effect, to finalize the elaboration of complementary standards to the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Racial Discrimination.", "507. The Ministers endorsed the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference held in Geneva, 20-24 April 2009. In this regard, they reaffirmed the validity of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action (DDPA) as it was adopted at the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance in 2001, as the instructive document which constitutes a solid foundation on the struggle against racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.", "508. The Ministers reiterated the call on developed countries, the United Nations and its specialized agencies, as well as international financial institutions, to honour the commitments contained at Section IV of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action entitled “Provision of Effective Remedies, Recourse, Redress, and Other Measures at the National, Regional and International Levels”.", "509. The Ministers emphasized the need to address with greater resolve and political will all forms and manifestations of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance, in all spheres of life and in all parts of the world, including all those under foreign occupation.", "510. The Ministers noted the resolve of the Durban Review Conference to, as stipulated in art. 20 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, fully and effectively prohibit any advocacy of national, racial, or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence and implement it through all necessary legislative, policy and judicial measures.", "511. The Ministers called on all Member States, including those that did not participate at the World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance (2001) as well as the Durban Review Conference (2009), to implement all the provisions of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action and the outcome document of the Durban Review Conference to fight the scourge of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance.", "512. The Ministers welcomed the forthcoming high level meeting of the General Assembly to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the adoption of the Durban Declaration and Programme of Action, to be held on 21st of September 2011 in New York with the participation of Heads of States and government. The Ministers looked forward to the adoption of the political declaration. The Ministers encouraged all member states of the United Nations to participate in the meeting at the highest possible level.", "International Humanitarian Law", "513. The Ministers urged that due priority should continue to be given to promoting knowledge of, respect for and observance of States Parties’ obligations assumed under International Humanitarian Law, in particular those of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their 1977 Protocols, and they encouraged States to consider ratifying or acceding to the two 1977 Additional Protocols. In this regard, while taking into account the magnitude and persistence of the violations and breaches of International Law, including International Humanitarian Law, being committed by Israel, the Occupying Power, in the Occupied Palestinian territory, the Ministers called for the Government of Switzerland, as the depositary of the Geneva Conventions, to speedily arrange for a Conference for the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to adopt legal measures to ensure respect for and compliance with the Conventions in this situation.", "514. The Ministers called upon all parties to armed conflict to redouble their efforts to comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law, by, inter alia, prohibiting the targeting of civilian populations, civilian property and certain special property during an armed conflict, and obliging parties to any conflict to ensure general protection against dangers arising from military operations for civilian installations, hospitals and relief materials, means of transportation and distribution of such relief materials.", "515. The Ministers reiterated the Movement’s condemnation of the increasing attacks on the safety and security of humanitarian personnel and urged the Governments of UN Member States to ensure respect for the protection of the personnel of humanitarian organisations in conformity with the relevant international law. Humanitarian agencies and their personnel should respect for the International Humanitarian Law and the laws of the countries they work in and the guiding principles of humanitarian assistance set forth in the General Assembly resolution 46/182 and its Annex and non-interference, as well as cultural, religious and other values of the population in the countries where they operate.", "516. The Ministers recalled the protection granted by international humanitarian law and relevant human rights instruments to persons captured in connection with international armed conflicts.", "517. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Invite those States, which have not yet done so, to consider ratifying the 1954 Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict and its two Additional Protocols;", "2. Urge States to comply fully with the provisions of international humanitarian law, in particular as provided in the Geneva Conventions, in order to protect and assist civilians in occupied territories, and further urge the international community and the relevant organisations within the UN system to strengthen humanitarian assistance to civilians under foreign occupation; and", "3. Stress that all detainees or persons captured in connection with international armed conflicts must be treated humanely and with respect for their inherent dignity granted by international humanitarian law and relevant human rights instruments.", "518. In this regard, The Ministers noted the holding of the Regional Workshop on International Humanitarian Law and the Protection of Civilians hosted by the Government of Indonesia on 8-9 November 2010.", "Humanitarian Assistance", "519. The Ministers reaffirmed that the provision of humanitarian assistance must not be politicised and must be in full respect of the principles of humanity, neutrality and impartiality as set forth in General Assembly Resolution 46/182 and its annex as providing the guiding principles for the coordination of humanitarian assistance, and emphasized that all UN humanitarian entities and associated organisations must act in accordance with their respective mandates, international humanitarian law and national law. They further reaffirmed that the sovereignty, territorial integrity and national unity of States must be fully respected in accordance with the UN Charter. In this context, they stressed that humanitarian assistance should be provided under the principle of request and consent of the affected country.", "520. The Ministers reaffirmed the Movement’s commitment to enhance international cooperation to provide humanitarian assistance in full compliance with the UN Charter, and in this regard, they reiterated the rejection by the Movement of the so-called “right” of humanitarian intervention, which has no basis either in the UN Charter or in international law.", "521. The Ministers emphasized the fundamentally civilian character of humanitarian assistance, and reaffirmed the need, in situations where military capacity and assets are used to support the implementation of humanitarian assistance, for their use to be undertaken with the consent of the affected State and in conformity with national law, international law, including humanitarian law, and in full respect of the principles set for in General Assembly Resolution 46/182.", "522. The Ministers called upon the international community to provide full support, including financial resources, for emergency humanitarian assistance at all levels and stressed the need to maintain the follow-up, oversight and review by the General Assembly of the activities undertaken by the UN Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) to ensure its functioning according to the agreed principles contained in the relevant UN resolutions, in particular General Assembly Resolution 46/182. They reaffirmed the importance of the prompt allocation of CERF’s resources as part of the emergency humanitarian assistance to the affected country.", "523. The Ministers reaffirmed that in strengthening the coordination of humanitarian assistance in the field, United Nations humanitarian entities must continue to work in close coordination with national Governments and in line with national policies and programmes being implemented for the provision of assistance to affected populations, and the Ministers also reaffirmed that the United Nations humanitarian entities must coordinate their work of providing humanitarian assistance to affected civilians living under foreign occupation in accordance with the provisions of international humanitarian law.", "524. The Ministers urged efforts to enhance cooperation and coordination of United Nations humanitarian entities, other relevant humanitarian organizations and donor countries with the affected State, with a view to planning and delivering emergency humanitarian assistance in ways that are supportive of early recovery as well as sustainable rehabilitation, reconstruction efforts.", "525. The Ministers expressed their concern over the human suffering and economic impact caused by the natural disasters throughout the world, in particular the tragic loss of life caused by natural disasters Haiti and Pakistan and many parts of the African continent. They encouraged the international community, national authorities and non-governmental organisations, to promote closer cooperation to respond to natural disasters by strengthening emergency preparedness and disaster mitigation and response management measures such as regional disaster, early warning systems as well as exchange of information.", "526. The Ministers encourage the United Nations System to make every effort to accelerate its full integration and mainstreaming of risk-reduction into all its programmes and activities to ensure that it contributes to the achievement of the Hyogo Framework for Action as well as to the Millennium Development Goals. Furthermore, the Ministers acknowledge the importance of the work of the United Nations in disaster risk reduction and the growing demands on the Secretariat of the Strategy and the need for increased, timely, stable and predictable resources for the implementation of the Strategy; and in this regard requests that the SG consider how best to support implementation of the natural disaster reduction strategy taking into account the important role played by the ISDR Secretariat, with a view to ensuring adequate resources for the operation of the Strategy Secretariat.", "527. The Ministers also expressed their concerns about the capacity and coordination limitation constraining the international humanitarian response system to the challenges posed by large magnitude of some of the most recent natural disasters.", "528. The Ministers noted the holding of the Humanitarian Partnership Workshop for the Asia Pacific Region 2010: Strengthening Disaster Preparedness and Response Capacity hosted by the Government of Indonesia on 4-6 August 2010.", "529. The Ministers expressed their solidarity with Colombia, Haiti, Indonesia, Pakistan, El Salvador, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, for the severe negative impacts caused by the earthquakes, hurricanes, and floods that affected the Caribbean and Asian regions in 2009 and 2010, and reiterated their intention to enhance their coordination and cooperation in the area of disaster risk reduction among NAM countries in the future.", "530. The Ministers further encouraged States to implement commitments related to assistance for developing countries that are prone to natural disasters and for disaster-stricken states in the transition phase towards sustainable physical, social and economic recovery, for risk-reduction activities in post-disaster recovery and for rehabilitation processes.", "531. The Ministers recognized the importance of the Non-Aligned Movement to coordinate its positions on humanitarian assistance, and in this regard they requested the Coordinating Bureau to operationalize the NAM Contact Group on humanitarian affairs as decided at the 14th NAM Summit in Havana in 2006 as well as to consider the establishment of a NAM Working Group on humanitarian assistance and to discuss, agree and determine the terms of reference of such a Group as soon as possible. The Ministers agreed on the importance of strengthening mechanisms to provide aid and assistance to affected member states of the Movement, including the possibility of establishing an agency for disaster mitigation and displaced persons.", "532. The Ministers call upon UN Member States, in this regard, to comply fully with the provisions of the international humanitarian law, in particular as provided in the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949 for the protection of victims of war, in order to protect and assist civilians in occupied territories, and urges the international community and the relevant organizations of the United Nations system to strengthen humanitarian and other assistance to civilians under foreign occupation.", "533. The Ministers expressed their support to provision of education in humanitarian emergency situations to all affected populations, including in order to contribute to a smooth transition from relief to development.", "Information and Communication Technology", "534. The Ministers reiterated the need for the implementation and follow up of the outcomes of the both phases of the World Summit on Information Society (WSIS), held in Geneva and Tunis. In this context, they stressed the importance of the contribution of the Non-Aligned Countries toward achieving the development oriented outcomes of the Summits, the Tunis commitment and the full implementation of the agenda for the Information Society, and urged UN Member States, relevant UN bodies and other intergovernmental organisations, as well as civil society, including non-governmental organisations and private sector in implementation of the outcomes.", "535. The Ministers reaffirmed that in order to transform the digital divide to digital opportunities, these activities should ensure the imperative of universal, inclusive and non-discriminatory access to information and knowledge related to ICT, and should result in supporting national efforts in developing countries in the area of building, improving and strengthening capacities to facilitate their genuine involvement in all aspects of the information society and knowledge economy. They encouraged all the States to contribute actively to ensuring that the Information Society is founded on and stimulates respect for cultural identity, cultural and linguistic diversity, traditions and religions and ethical values.", "536. The Ministers expressed concern over the digital divide in access to ICT tools and broadband connectivity between developed and developing countries, which affects many economically and socially relevant applications in areas such as, inter alia, government, business, health and education, and further expressed concern with regard to the special challenges faced in the area of broadband connectivity by developing countries.", "537. The Ministers called for the responsible use and treatment of information by the media in accordance with codes of conduct and professional ethics Media in all their forms have an important role in the Information Society and ICTs should play a supportive role in this regard. They reaffirmed the necessity of reducing international imbalances affecting the media, particularly as regards infrastructure, technical resources and the development of human skills.", "538. The Ministers highly commended Malaysia for chairing the Sixth Conference of Ministers of Information of the Non-Aligned Countries (COMINAC-VI), and highly commended the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela for successfully hosting the 7th Conference of Ministers of Information of the Non-Aligned Countries (COMINAC-VII), held in Isla Margarita, 2-4 July 2008 and for the substantive outcome document and Programme of Action, adopted by the Conference and they expressed the Movement’s resolve and commitment to implement the decisions and recommendations contained therein.", "539. The Ministers concurred on the importance of strengthening and consolidating the work of the NAM News Network (NNN). The Ministers expressed their appreciation to Malaysia for launching and supporting the NNN since its inception in 2003.", "540. The Ministers stressed the importance of voluntary financing to the Digital Solidarity Fund (DSF) established in Geneva as an innovative financial mechanism of a voluntary nature open to interested stakeholders with the objective of transforming the digital divide into digital opportunities for the developing world by focusing mainly on specific and urgent needs at the local level and seeking new voluntary sources of “solidarity” finance. The DSF will complement existing mechanisms for funding the Information Society, which should continue to be fully utilized to fund the growth of new ICT infrastructure and services.", "541. The Ministers expressed their opposition to the dissemination of discriminatory and distorted information of events taking place in developing countries. In this regard, they strongly supported the efforts made to revitalise the Broadcasting Organizations of Non Aligned Countries (BONAC), as an effective medium for transmitting factual news of events of the developing countries to the world. They also took note of the valuable experience of “The new south TV” (TELESUR) in this respect.", "542. The Ministers reiterated their support for Tunis Agenda for Information Society, especially its development content and stressed the importance of effective participation of equitable and effective representation from developing countries in the implementation of the outcomes of the WSIS process, including for the Internet Governance Forum and for Enhanced Cooperation.", "543. The Ministers underlined the conclusion of the World Summit on the Information Society that internet governance, carried out according to the Geneva principles, constitutes a core issue of the Information Society agenda and that all governments should have an equal role and responsibility for international Internet governance and invited the Member States, to maximize their participation in decisions regarding Internet governance, in order to reflect their interests in related processes. They also reaffirmed the WSIS conviction on the need for enhanced cooperation, to enable governments, on an equal footing, to carry out their roles and responsibilities in international public policy issues pertaining to the Internet. The Ministers expressed their deep concern over the long delay in starting the process towards enhanced cooperation by the UN Secretary General, as referred to in paragraphs 69 to 71 of the Tunis Agenda for the Information Society of the second phase of the Summit. They therefore, once again, strongly urged the UN Secretary General to start this process urgently.", "544. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures and initiatives, among others:", "1. Work for the full implementation and follow-up of the outcomes of both phases of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), and in this context, promote effective and equitable participation of NAM countries in this process;", "2. Increase cooperation to promote a New World Information and Communication Order, based on universal, inclusive and non-discriminatory access to information and knowledge relating to ICT, as an essential requirement to reduce the growing digital divide between developed and developing countries;", "3. Consider holding a NAM workshop on the appropriate use and management of the internet to share best practices and lessons learned in this area;", "4. Call for an immediate end to the misuse of media for inciting and launching campaigns against NAM members, including, inter alia, the hostile use of radio and electronic transmissions contrary to the principles of the International Law, as well as the dissemination of discriminatory and distorted information of events in developing countries, and campaigns that defame religions, cultures and symbols;", "5. Support and strengthen the implementation of the Isla Margarita Declaration and Programme of Action;", "6. Coordinate NAM efforts in the issues related to communication and information at the United Nations and relevant international organizations and agencies, including UNESCO, particularly in the context of the Intergovernmental Program for the Development of Communications (IPDC);", "7. Support and strengthen the role of ITU in assisting its member States, particularly developing countries.", "Advancement of Women", "545. The Ministers recommitted the Movement to the implementation of the Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women as well as fully supported the outcome of the five-year review and appraisal contained in “Further Actions and Initiatives” to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by the 23rd Special Session of the UN General Assembly of June 2000.", "546. The Ministers welcomed the outcome of the 54th session of the CSW coincided with the 15th annual review of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, and also welcomed the Outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly that took place in 2010.", "547. The Ministers expressed their resolve to eliminate all forms of discrimination and violence against women and the girl child especially in situations of armed conflict and foreign occupation, including the systematic use of abduction and rape by the parties to the conflict, including as an instrument of war, as well as the trafficking in and victimization of women and the girl child. They expressed their abhorrence at the continuation of such acts. In this regard, they called upon States to take the necessary measures against the perpetrators of such acts and to ensure adherence to international law and domestic legislation, including legislating the protection of women and the girl child in situations of armed conflict. They further invited States, which have not done so, to consider ratifying or acceding to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and encouraged States Parties to consider signing, ratifying or acceding to its Optional Protocol.", "548. The Ministers reaffirmed the primary and essential role of the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council, as well as the central role of the Commission on the Status of Women that has a broad mandate covering all dimensions related to women’s development, human rights and fundamental freedoms.", "549. The Ministers reaffirmed and underscored the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the institutional reform of the UN and stressed that the purpose of the reform, including in the area of gender, is to make the UN development system more efficient and effective in its support to developing countries to achieve the internationally agreed development goals, on the basis of their national development strategies and that reform efforts should enhance organisational efficiency and achieve concrete development results.", "550. The Ministers expressed their appreciation to the significant role played by Egypt in the field of the advancement of women and women’s empowerment. In this regard, they welcomed Egypt’s initiative to invite for NAM First Ladies summits as a main forum to discuss women issues.", "551. The Ministers welcomed the establishment of the United Nations entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN WOMEN), as an important ongoing effort by the United Nations to strengthen its system-wide capacity to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment, and took note with appreciation of the significant role played by the Joint Coordinating Committee in negotiating and adopting General Assembly resolution 64/289 entitled “System-Wide Coherence” in July 2010 establishing the new entity. The Ministers also welcomed the appointment of the first Under-Secretary General for UN Women and the election of the first Executive Board of UN Women. They further expressed their appreciation to UNIFEM, INSTRAW, DAW and the Office of the Special Advisor for Gender Issues and the Advancement of Women for all their efforts.", "552. The Ministers reiterated the request to the Executive Director of UN Women to pay special attention to the situation of women living under foreign occupation and their suffering by, inter alia, appointing a focal point to address their situations in full conformity with international law including international humanitarian law and human rights law.", "553. The Ministers in order to promote the human rights of women expressed their resolve to take appropriate measures at the national, regional and international levels to improve the quality of life and achieve gender equality and empowerment of women, bearing in mind the inherent potential of women, through inter alia adopting proper socio- economic strategies and programmes and provisions of government services to all women particularly women with disabilities and women in rural areas, including access to health, education and justice services and strengthening family well-being.", "554. The Ministers reaffirmed their compromise to actively promote the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and social spheres, ensuring full representation and full and equal participation of women as critical factor in the eradication of poverty.", "555. The Ministers welcomed the generous offer of the State of Qatar to host the Third NAM Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women in Doha in the first half of November 2011.", "556. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the functioning of the NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women in Kuala Lumpur (NIEW) and reaffirmed their continued support to its activities. The Ministers expressed appreciation for the efforts of Egypt and Guatemala to launch the NAM regional offices in Cairo and Guatemala City, and looked forward to the commencement of their activities at the earliest possible date.", "557. The Ministers encouraged NAM Member States to enhance their cooperation with the Institute and its regional offices, including through financial contributions, in order to strengthen their work and activities.", "558. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of the Resolution 64/14 on improvement of the situation of women in rural areas and recognized the important role played by rural women in their societies and the need to fully implement the relevant provisions of that resolution in order to empower rural women and improve their situation.", "559. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions and affirming the need to defend, preserve and promote these positions, the Heads of State and Government agreed to undertake the following measure and initiatives, among others:", "1. Hold the Third NAM Ministerial Meeting on the Advancement of Women in the first half of November 2011, in Doha, State of Qatar. In this regard, they urged all NAM members to participate actively in the Meeting.", "Indigenous Peoples", "560. The Ministers took note with deep appreciation of the adoption of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by the General Assembly. Likewise, they reiterated their support for the need to promote the economic, political and cultural rights of the indigenous peoples and their commitment to give special attention to the efforts made at the national and multilateral levels in order to improve their living conditions through civil participation. Likewise, in face of undue appropriation and use of the traditional indigenous knowledge, they agreed to promote the defence of the bio-cultural collective heritage to allow indigenous peoples to have appropriate legal instruments on intellectual property so that their traditional knowledge is protected against unauthorized or inappropriate use by third parties.", "561. The Ministers also supported the need to promote within the UN system, in particular its agencies, funds and programmes, the rights of indigenous peoples, through a series of policies and programmes for the improvement of indigenous peoples’ well-being around the world and, where applicable, through the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.", "562. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the adoption of the Human Rights Council resolution 6/36 of 14 December 2007 that established the expert mechanism on the rights of indigenous peoples to provide the Council with thematic expertise on the rights of indigenous peoples.", "563. The Ministers also took note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General in July 2009 on Midterm assessment of the progress made in the achievement of the goal and objectives of the Second International Decade of the World’s Indigenous People, which stressed that further efforts must be made to transform initiatives at the policy level into effective action for and with indigenous peoples.", "564. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of the General Assembly Resolution 65/198 of 21 December 2010 that decides to organize a high-level plenary meeting of the General Assembly, to be known as the World Conference on Indigenous Peoples, to be held in 2014, in order to share perspectives and best practices on the realization of the rights of Indigenous peoples, including to pursue the objectives of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, and also invites members states to fully participate in this event. The Ministers looked forward to the consultations on the modalities for the meeting, including on the participation of relevant stakeholders.", "565. The Ministers reaffirmed that all cultures have the right to exist and to preserve their traditional practices that are inherent to their identity. In this context, they acknowledged the right of the Andean indigenous peoples to fully enjoy their traditional and millenarian rights, and took note of the right of the government of Bolivia to defend and protect these practices for its peoples. In this context, the Ministers noted the ongoing discussions on some of these traditional practices, which may require scientific evaluation, in this regard.", "Illiteracy", "566. The Ministers expressed their deep concern over the fact that around 69 million children of primary school age remain out of school, had no access to primary education, 796 million adults are illiterate and more than two-thirds of these illiterates can be found among persons with disabilities, particularly children in Africa and Asia. Without accelerated progress towards education for all, national and internationally agreed targets for poverty reduction would be missed, and inequalities between countries and within societies would widen. In this regard, they reiterated the Movement’s continued support and full commitment to cooperate in attaining the MDGs and the goals of the UN Literacy Decade (2003-2012).", "567. In this context, the Ministers decided to give priority attention to the development of cooperation schemes among NAM Members States, as well as to the strengthening of regional and international cooperation to effectively address and eradicate illiteracy, in the achievement of the MDG on Universal primary Education by 2015. The Ministers acknowledged the progress made in the implementation of various literacy initiatives recognized by the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), including, “YO SI PUEDO” literacy method.", "568. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of Resolution 65/183 on United Nations Literacy Decade: education for all. The Ministers emphasized the need to further scale up efforts to address the objectives of the Decade and to implement the International Plan of Action for the Decade, bearing in mind that the United Nations Literacy Decade will come to its completion in a years’ time and the 2015 target date for achieving the Education for All goals and the Millennium Development Goals is approaching.", "569. The Ministers decided to create literate environments and societies, eradicating illiteracy, including among women and girls and eliminating the gender gap in literacy, inter alia, by intensifying efforts to implement effectively the International Plan of Action for the United Nations Literacy Decade and integrating substantially those efforts in the Education for All process and other activities of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), as well as other literacy initiatives within the framework of the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals.", "570. The Ministers also decided, in the implementation of the International Plan of Action in the final phase of the Decade, to give adequate attention to the cultural diversity of minorities, indigenous peoples, and persons with disabilities, as well as to design and deliver high-quality literacy programmes for youth and adults.", "Health, HIV/AIDS, Malaria, Tuberculosis and other communicable diseases", "571. The Ministers expressed their concern at the global threat posed by health epidemics, such as HIV and AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases. In this context, they called on the Member States of the United Nations at the national, regional and international levels to enhance their cooperation to confront and combat these scourges.", "572. The Ministers recognized that the spread of HIV/AIDS constitutes a global emergency and poses one of the most formidable challenges to the development, progress and stability of their respective societies and the world at large, and requires an exceptional and comprehensive global response. They welcomed the political declaration on HIV/AIDS adopted by the High-Level Meeting on HIV/AIDS of the United Nations General Assembly on 2 June 2006, and called on Member States of the United Nations to significantly scale up their efforts towards the goal of universal access to comprehensive prevention programmes, treatment, care and support by 2010, and towards halting and reversing the spread of the pandemic by 2015, and thereby, called upon all States, especially developed countries to implement fully these commitments, and urged the international organizations, non-governmental organizations and the business sector to support national efforts and priorities.", "573. The Ministers expressed grave concern over the slow progress being made in reducing maternal and child mortality and improving the health of women and children, especially in Africa. In this regard, the Ministers welcomed the convening of the fifteenth ordinary session of the Summit of the African Union in Kampala from 19 to 27 July 2010, with the theme “Maternal, infant and child health and development in Africa”, the launch of the African Union Campaign on Accelerated Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Africa; and the slogan “Africa cares: no woman should die while giving life”. The Ministers welcomed and encouraged all efforts at the national, regional and international levels to address this challenge and called on all partners to meet their obligations in that regard. The Ministers welcomed the report of the United Nations Commission on Information and Accountability for Women’s and Children’s Health entitled “Keeping Promises, Measuring Results” and called on all partners to consider its recommendations towards ensuring rapid progress in maternal and child health.", "574. The Ministers recognized the achievement of South-South cooperation in the fight against HIV and AIDS and decided to give priority attention to the development of cooperation schemes among NAM Member States, as well as to the strengthening of regional and international cooperation to effectively address HIV and AIDS in the fulfilment of MDGs 6 and 8. In this regard, they welcomed the organization of the High-Level Meeting of the General Assembly on HIV/AIDS in New York, from 8 to 10 June 2011.", "575. The Ministers expressed grave concern over the serious threat posed by the spread of Avian Influenza since its first major reported outbreak, which has potential to produce severe impact not only on public health worldwide but also on the global economy. They reiterated that it is imperative that concerted actions be undertaken at the national, regional and international levels to address and deal with this challenge in an effective and timely manner. In this regard the Ministers expressed their support to the adoption of the Ha Noi Declaration of the 7th International Ministerial Conference on ‘Animal and Pandemic Influenza: The Way Forward’ held in Ha Noi in April 2010.", "576. The Ministers further expressed deep concern over the threat posed by the emergence and spread of Swine flu A (H1N1); and requested the World Health Organization and the International Financial Organizations to provide full logistical and financial support to the affected countries, in order to combat this epidemic promptly and effectively as well as provide adequate assistance to affected countries to prevent further outbreak of this disease. In this regard, they called upon the World Health Organization, in coordination with affected countries, to ensure a systematic and proper follow-up in order to effectively contain the further spread of this epidemic.", "577. In this context, the Ministers welcomed the adoption by consensus of the World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution 64/57 on pandemic influenza preparedness: sharing of influenza viruses and access to vaccine and other benefits.", "578. The Ministers highlighted the organization of the Fourth Meeting of NAM Ministers of Health, held on 18 May 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland, within the framework of the 64^(th) World Health Assembly, and expressed their support to the Declaration on “Strengthening the International Health System: Reinforcing Global Solidarity against Pandemics, Addressing Health System and Financing and Universal Coverage, and Combating Non-Communicable Diseases” adopted therein, and their determination and commitment to fully implement their decisions and recommendations and consistently follow up on these issues, as well as on those contained in previous NAM Declarations related to strengthening the international health system and reinforcing the global solidarity against pandemics (2010), Health and Financial Crisis (2009) and Migration and Training Qualified Health Personnel, Diseases disproportionately affecting developing countries, and Responsible practices at the international level for sharing of avian influenza viruses and ensuring benefits sharing (2008), on an equal footing, in ways that would protect the interest of developing countries.", "579. The Ministers considered the adoption of the “Code of practice on the international recruitment of health personnel” as a positive development that requires further consolidation through practical measures to address the effects of the migration of the health workers from developing countries.", "580. The Ministers underscored the need for concerted action and a coordinated response at the national, regional and global levels in order to adequately address the developmental and other challenges posed by non-communicable diseases, in particular the four most prominent non-communicable diseases namely cardiovascular diseases cancers, chronic respiratory diseases and diabetes; In this regard the Ministers welcomed the upcoming high level meeting of the GA on the prevention and control of non-communicable diseases to be held on 19 and 20 September 2011 in New York with the participation of Heads of States and government and encourage all NAM Members to be represented at that level as well as actively participate in the said meeting.", "581. The Ministers expressed deep concern at the potentially adverse impact of the current international economic and financial crisis on the health systems in developing countries. In this context, they called upon donor countries to honor their commitments to allocate 0.7 % of their gross domestic product as official development assistance, and urged donors to support international cooperation programmes on health, including those aimed at supporting the achievement of the MDGs and strengthening national health systems through capacity building and technology transfer. The Ministers reiterated the need to make the full use of the flexibilities available under the WTO TRIPS Agreement, including those recognized by the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health and the WTO decision of 30 August 2003, in order to address the public health needs of their populations. They further recognized that South-South cooperation does not substitute, but compliments North-South cooperation; and, in this regard, reaffirmed their determination to exploring more effective South-South cooperation, as well as triangular cooperation, allowing for the mobilization of additional resources necessary for the implementation of health-related development programmes, including.", "582. The Ministers appreciated active participation on the Fourth Ministerial Meeting of NAM Ministers of Health, held on the 18^(th) of May 2011, in Geneva, Switzerland, on the margins of the 64^(th) World Health Assembly. They also welcomed the outcome of the meeting entitled “strengthening the international health system: reinforcing global solidarity against pandemic, addressing health system financing and universal coverage, and combating non-communicable diseases.”", "583. The Ministers welcomed the evolving partnerships between a variety of stakeholders at the local, national, regional and global levels aimed at addressing the multifaceted determinants of global health and the commitments and initiatives to accelerate progress on the health-related Millennium Development Goals, including those announced at the high-level meeting on the Millennium Development Goals, held at United Nations Headquarters in New York, from 20 to 22 September 2010.", "584. The Ministers recognized the close relationship between foreign policy and global health and their interdependence, and in that regard also recognized that global health challenges require concerted and sustained efforts by the international community. The Ministers welcomed the adoption of the General Assembly resolution 64/108 and look forward to continuing discussions on the subject, especially the impact of non-health issues on global health. In this context, the Ministers noted with satisfaction the adoption of the 2009 ECOSOC Ministerial Declaration entitled “Implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to global public health”.", "Transnational Organised Crime", "585. The Ministers reiterated the Movement’s commitment to co-ordinate the efforts and strategies at national, regional and international levels against transnational crime and to develop the methods most effective in combating crime of this nature. They reaffirmed that international efforts against transnational crime should be carried out with the necessary respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.", "586. The Ministers reaffirmed that organised criminal activities adversely affect development, political stability and social and cultural values.", "587. The Ministers reiterated that responding to the threat posed by transnational organised crime requires close cooperation at international level. They renewed their commitment to fight all forms of transnational organized crime by strengthening national legal frameworks, where applicable, and cooperation mechanisms, in particular through the exchange of information, mutual legal assistance and extradition in accordance with domestic law and international instruments as appropriate.", "588. The Ministers recalled that the Vienna Declaration on Crime and Justice and the Bangkok Declaration recognized that comprehensive crime prevention strategies must address, inter alia, the root causes and risk factors of crime.", "589. The Ministers expressed their concern over the loss, destruction and removal of the cultural property and the increased involvement of organised criminal groups in trafficking in looted, stolen or smuggled cultural property. The Ministers underlined the importance of national, regional and international initiatives for the protection of cultural property, in particular the work of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and its Intergovernmental Committee for Promoting the Return of Cultural Property to its Countries of Origin or its Restitution in Case of Illicit Appropriation, and Stressed the importance of fostering international law enforcement cooperation to combat trafficking in cultural property and in particular the need to exchange information and experiences in order to operate in a more effective way.", "590. The Ministers furthermore urged States parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime to enhance broad cooperation in preventing and combating criminal offences against cultural property, especially in returning such proceeds of crime or property to their legitimate owners, in accordance with article 14, paragraph 2, of the Convention, and invited States parties to exchange information on all aspects of criminal offences against cultural property, in accordance with their national laws, and to coordinate administrative and other measures taken, as appropriate, for the prevention, early detection and punishment of such offences”.", "591. Consistent with and guided by the afore-mentioned principled positions, the Ministers agreed to undertake the following measures, among others:", "1. Take necessary steps at the national and international levels for the implementation of the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime and the international instruments against illicit drug trafficking, where appropriate;", "2. Call for adequate financial and technical assistance and cooperation to enable developing countries and countries with economies in transition to implement those treaties;", "3. Strengthen international cooperation and technical assistance for capacity-building in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, upon their request, for effective implementation of the obligations set forth in existing international crime prevention instruments; and", "4. Adopt further measures and strengthen international cooperation in order to prevent, combat, punish and eradicate all forms of transnational organized crime more effectively, in accordance with international law;", "5. Strengthen coordination and cooperation, as well as the formulation of common strategies with the Group of 77 and China, through the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC), on issues relative to transnational organized crime to address the collective concerns and promote the common interests of developing countries in international fora;", "6. Express appreciation for convening the special High Level Meeting of the General Assembly on transnational organized crime held in New York on 17 and 21 June 2010, which reaffirmed the political commitment of the international community to tackle transnational organized crime;", "7. Take note of the Salvador Declaration adopted by the Twelfth United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held in Salvador de Bahia, Brazil from 12 to 19 April 2010;", "8. Take note of the outcome of the Fifth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime held in Vienna from 18 to 22 October 2010, in particular the decision of the Conference to establish an open-ended intergovernmental working group to: (a) Consider and explore options with regard to, and propose the establishment of, a mechanism or mechanisms to assist the Conference in reviewing implementation of the Convention and the Protocols thereto; (b) Prepare the terms of reference for such a review mechanism or mechanisms, guidelines for governmental experts and a blueprint for country review reports for consideration and possible adoption at the sixth session of the Conference.", "592. The Ministers expressed their concerns regarding the growing links between illicit trafficking in firearms, illicit drug trafficking, and trafficking in persons, in the Sahel-Saharan region where the hostage taking, involving ransom payments, and terrorist acts are a threat to regional security.", "Trafficking in Persons", "593. The Ministers expressed concern that trafficking in persons is increasingly becoming a global scourge affecting all countries around the world and requires a concerted national and international response. They stressed the importance of the 2000 United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime and its Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children.", "594. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the role of the United Nations Global initiative to fight human trafficking (UNGIFT) to coordinate actions between the United Nations system, civil society, non-governmental organizations and the private sector, in order to assist Governments, upon their request, to ensure the prosecution and prevention of human trafficking, as well as to ensure that victims are accorded all the necessary remedies and their human rights are fully protected.", "595. The Ministers recognised that slavery and trafficking in persons continues to pose a serious challenge to humanity and requires a concerted international response. To that end, they urged all States to devise, enforce and strengthen effective measures to combat and eliminate all forms of slavery and trafficking in persons to counter demand for trafficked victims and to protect the victims and to bring perpetrators to justice.", "596. The Ministers also recognized that 2010 marks the 10^(th) anniversary of the adoption of the United Nations convention for Transnational Organized Crime and its supplementing protocols, particularly the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children (Palermo Protocol), and in this regard welcomed the convening of Luxor International Forum “ End Human Trafficking Now: Enforcing the UN Protocol” co-organized by Egypt and the UN GIFT in December 2010, with the aim to promote dialogue, highlight priority issues, and mobilize the highest level of political support to engage in concrete actions that will assume complementarily between the legal and cooperation frameworks and participation of private sector, civil society, and NGOs in order to combat trafficking in persons.", "597. The Ministers also welcomed Luxor Implementation Guidelines to the Athens Ethical Principles: Comprehensive Compliance Programme for business “ Luxor Protocol “ signed by private sector in order to enhance their contribution to the eradication of human trafficking worldwide, as well as the launch of the E-learning Tool against human trafficking, an electronic training program to raise awareness of business men around the world in cooperation with UN GIFT and Microsoft.", "598. The Ministers reiterated their invitation to all States that have not yet done so to consider becoming parties to the Protocol to Prevent, Suppress and Punish Trafficking in Persons, Especially Women and Children, supplementing the UN Convention against Transnational Organised Crime, and following its entry into force, to implement the Protocol effectively, including by incorporating its provisions into national legislation and by strengthening criminal justice systems. They expressed the Movement’s resolve to strengthen the capacity of the UN and other international organisations to provide assistance to Member States, upon request, in implementing the Protocol.", "599. The Ministers welcomed the adoption by consensus of the United Nations Global Plan of Action on Trafficking in Persons, especially women and children, by the United Nations General Assembly in resolution 64/293 on 30 July 2010, and acknowledged the role of NAM Member States in leading the negotiations process to implement Sharm El Sheikh Declaration in this regard. They also expressed their commitment to extend further cooperation with all relevant United Nations entities in order to ensure the full and effective implementation of the Global plan of action.", "600. The Ministers also welcomed the official launch of the United Nations Voluntary Trust Fund for victims of trafficking in persons, Especially Women and Children, as well as the selection of half of the members of its Board of Trustees from NAM member states, and in this regard, they encouraged all states, civil society, non-governmental organizations, and the private sector to contribute to the newly created trust fund, as well as to the United Nations Trust Fund on Contemporary Forms of Slavery.", "601. Bearing in mind the increased development of the phenomenon of trafficking in persons, the Ministers invited the States to prevent and fight this phenomenon by the reinforcement of the legislation in this field raising awareness and the setting up of national and local institutions dedicated to the fight against this scourge.", "602. Recognizing that all countries are affected by trafficking in persons, the Ministers urged all States to encourage national efforts being made to combat this scourge and to work together in a collaborative manner and within a regional and international framework without imposing unilateral requirements on other States.", "603. The Ministers reiterated their concern about the seriousness of trafficking in human organs and the increasing involvement of organized criminal groups in this crime and they agreed to coordinate their efforts to fight this crime.", "Drug Trafficking", "604. The Ministers expressed grave concern at the worsening problem of illicit drug trafficking worldwide on account of its transnational and global nature, which constitutes a serious threat to the entire international community. They reiterated that more effective measures must be taken to prevent, combat and eradicate the world drug problem in all its aspects. They further, recognized that no single government can combat this menace alone successfully, given that criminal organisations linked to drug trafficking operate collectively in the territory of several countries and are multiplying traffic routes and distribution methods, therefore cooperation, co-ordination and committed action by all countries are essential to curb this crime. The world drug problem constitutes today a threat to the public health, and to the socioeconomic stability of States.", "605. Consistent with the said position, the Ministers reiterated that the fight against the world drug problem is a common and shared responsibility that should be tackled in a multilateral framework and that can only be dealt with effectively through meaningful international cooperation, and, it demands an integrated and balanced approach and should be carried out in full conformity with the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter and other provisions of international law, in particular the respect for national sovereignty and the territorial integrity of States, the principle of non-intervention in their internal affairs; and based on the principles of equal rights and mutual respect. Likewise, the Heads of State and Government expressed concern over the financial situation of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), while welcoming the draft resolution of the 53^(rd) session of the Narcotic Drugs Commission, on “realignment of the functions of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime and changes of the strategic framework”, which was adopted by the General Assembly upon recommendation by ECOSOC.", "606. The Ministers called for increased efforts to prevent and combat all aspects of the world drug problem, including reduction of the demand. They also recognized the importance of appropriate or suitable strategies, international cooperation, capacity building, collection of accurate and reliable drug data and increase sustainable alternative development programmes and strategies, in tackling the world drug problem while respecting the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States.", "607. The Ministers welcomed the realization of the 53^(rd) session of the Commission on Narcotic Drug held in March 2010, to follow up the political declaration and plan of action on the international cooperation for a comprehensive and balanced strategy adopted in 2009.", "Corruption", "608. The Ministers stressed that corruption practices, including lack of sound international corporate governance, bribery, money laundering and transfer abroad of illegally acquired funds and assets undermine the economic and political stability and security of societies, undermines social justice and severely endangers the efforts of developing countries for sustainable development. They recognised that the UN Convention against Corruption provides universally accepted norms to prevent and combat corrupt practices, establishes the principle of asset recovery and transfer of assets of illicit origin and mechanism for international cooperation in this regard.", "609. The Ministers welcomed the significant number of States that have already ratified or acceded to the United Nations Convention against Corruption and in this regard urged all States, that have not yet done so to consider ratifying or acceding to the Convention as a matter of priority, and calls upon all States parties to fully implement the Convention as soon as possible, including through international cooperation as outlined in the Convention.", "610. Consistent with the aforementioned positions, the Ministers stressed in particular the implementation of the provisions on asset recovery contained in Chapter V of the UN Convention against Corruption, which require States Parties to return assets obtained through corruption. The Ministers emphasized that one of the high priorities in the fight against corruption is to ensure the return of illegally acquired assets to the country of origin. The Ministers, therefore, urged all States Parties and relevant international organizations, consistent with the principles of the Convention, in particular Chapter V, to facilitate the quick return of such assets, and to assist requesting States to build human, legal and institutional capacity to facilitate tracing, confiscation and recovery of such assets.", "611. The Ministers, noting the results of the third session of the Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, held in Doha, Qatar, from 9 to 13 November 2009, reaffirmed the importance of coordinating positions on these issues, in particular through the promotion of best practices in combating corruption.", "612. The Ministers took note with appreciation of the outcome of the 3rd session of the Conference of States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, which took place in Qatar from 9th to 13th November, 2009, in particular the recent establishment of a Mechanism to review the implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption, and the adoption of its terms of reference, and stressed the importance to promote dialogue and international cooperation in this field.", "613. The Ministers welcomed the organization of the 4^(th) Conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention against Corruption, in Marrakesh, Morocco, from 24 to 28 October 2011, and called for an active participation and involvement of NAM Members in its work.", "Bali, Indonesia", "May 2011", "Annex I: Member Countries of the Non–Aligned Movement", "Afghanistan Gambia Panama Algeria Ghana Papua New Guinea Angola Grenada Peru Antigua and Barbuda Guatemala Philippines Azerbaijan Guinea Qatar Bahamas Guinea-Bissau Rwanda Bahrain Guyana Saint Kitts and Nevis Bangladesh Haiti Saint Lucia BarbadosBelarusBelizeBeninBhutanBoliviaBotswanaBrunei DarussalamBurkina FasoBurundiCambodiaCameroonCape VerdeCentral AfricanRepublic HondurasIndiaIndonesiaIran (IslamicRepublic of)IraqJamaicaJordanKenyaKuwaitLao Peoples’DemocraticRepublicLebanonLesothoLiberia Saint Vincent and theGrenadinesSao Tome and PrincipeSaudi ArabiaSenegalSeychellesSierra LeoneSingaporeSomaliaSouth AfricaSri LankaSudanSurinameSwazilandSyrian Arab Republic ChadChileColombiaComorosCongoCôte d’IvoireCubaDemocratic People’sRepublic of KoreaDemocratic Republicof the CongoDjiboutiDominica,Commonwealth of Libyan ArabJamahiriyaMadagascarMalawiMalaysiaMaldivesMaliMauritaniaMauritiusMongoliaMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmar ThailandTimor LesteTogoTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkmenistanUgandaUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Republic ofTanzaniaUzbekistanVanuatuVenezuela Dominican Republic Namibia Vietnam Ecuador Nepal Yemen Egypt Nicaragua Zambia Equatorial Guinea Niger Zimbabwe Eritrea Nigeria Ethiopia Oman Fiji Pakistan \n Gabon Palestine", "Annex II: The Founding Principles of the Non-Aligned Movement", "1. Respect for fundamental human rights and for the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations.", "2. Respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all nations.", "3. Recognition of the equality of all races and of the equality of all nations, large and small.", "4. Abstention from intervention or interference in the internal affairs of another country.", "5. Respect for the right of each nation to defend itself singly or collectively, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.", "6. Abstention from the use of arrangements of collective defence to serve the particular interests of any of the big powers, and abstention by any country from exerting pressures on other countries.", "7. Refraining from acts or threats of aggression or the use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any country.", "8. Settlement of all international disputes by peaceful means, such as negotiation, conciliation, arbitration or judicial settlement as well as other peaceful means of the parties own choice, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations.", "9. Promotion of mutual interests and co-operation.", "10. Respect for justice and international obligations.", "Annex III: The Principles enshrined in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture adopted in the 14th NAM Summit in Havana.", "a. Respect for the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and International Law.", "b. Respect for sovereignty, sovereign equality and territorial integrity of all States.", "c. Recognition of the equality of all races, religions, cultures and all nations, both big and small.", "d. Promotion of a dialogue among peoples, civilizations, cultures and religions based on the respect of religions, their symbols and values, the promotion and the consolidation of tolerance and freedom of belief.", "e. Respect for and promotion of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, including the effective implementation of the right of peoples to peace and development.", "f. Respect for the equality of rights of States, including the inalienable right of each State to determine freely its political, social, economic and cultural system, without any kind of interference whatsoever from any other State.", "g. Reaffirmation of the validity and relevance of the Movement’s principled positions concerning the right to self-determination of peoples under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination.", "h. Non-interference in the internal affairs of States. No State or group of States has the right to intervene either directly or indirectly, whatever the motive, in the internal affairs of any other State.", "i. Rejection of unconstitutional change of Governments.", "j. Rejection of attempts at regime change.", "k. Condemnation of the use of mercenaries in all situations, especially in conflict situations.", "l. Refraining by all countries from exerting pressure or coercion on other countries, including resorting to aggression or other acts involving the use of direct or indirect force, and the application and/or promotion of any coercive unilateral measure that goes against International Law or is in any way incompatible with it, for the purpose of coercing any other State to subordinate its sovereign rights, or to gain any benefit whatsoever.", "m. Total rejection of aggression as a dangerous and serious breach of International Law, which entails international responsibility for the aggressor.", "n. Respect for the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.", "o. condemnation of genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and systematic and gross violations of human rights, in accordance with the UN Charter and International Law.", "p. Rejection of and opposition to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations, committed by whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes, as it constitutes one of the most serious threats to international peace and security. In this context, terrorism should not be equated with the legitimate struggle of peoples under colonial or alien domination and foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation.", "q. Promotion of pacific settlement of disputes and abjuring, under any circumstances, from taking part in coalitions, agreements or any other kind of unilateral coercive initiative in violation of the principles of International Law and the Charter of the United Nations.", "r. Defence and consolidation of democracy, reaffirming that democracy is a universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political, economic, social, and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their life.", "s. Promotion and defence of multilateralism and multilateral organisations as the appropriate frameworks to resolve, through dialogue and cooperation, the problems affecting humankind.", "t. Support to efforts by countries suffering internal conflicts to achieve peace, justice, equality and development.", "u. The duty of each State to fully and in good faith comply with the international treaties to which it is a party, as well as to honour the commitments made in the framework of international organisations, and to live in peace with other States.", "v. Peaceful settlement of all international conflicts in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.", "w. Defence and promotion of shared interests, justice and cooperation, regardless of the differences existing in the political, economic and social systems of the States, on the basis of mutual respect and the equality of rights.", "x. Solidarity as a fundamental component of relations among nations in all circumstances.", "y. Respect for the political, economic, social and cultural diversity of countries and peoples.", "Annex II", "XVI Ministerial Conference and Commemorative Meeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Bali – Indonesia \n 23 – 27 May 2011", "BALI COMMEMORATIVE DECLARATION", "ON THE 50TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE ESTABLISHMENT OF", "THE NON-ALIGNED MOVEMENT", "We, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), while solemnly paying tribute to the founders of the Movement and former leaders of its Member States, for their vision, leadership and dedication to strengthen the Movement and promote a more peaceful and equitable world order, have gathered in Bali, Indonesia, on the 25^(th) of May 2011, at the Main Commemorative Event of the 50th Anniversary of the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement, to reiterate our deepest commitment to the Bandung Principles as well as the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture adopted by the XIV NAM Summit in Havana.", "We reiterate our strong commitment to the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, international law, international humanitarian law and human rights law, and reaffirm the implementation of the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration adopted by the XV NAM Summit held in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, which reflects the institutional positions of the Movement vis- à -vis various international issues as well as the documents adopted by the previous NAM Summits and Ministerial Conferences.", "We express appreciation to the Government of the Republic of Indonesia, the birth place of the historic Bandung Principles, for hosting the Main Commemorative Event of the 50^(th) Anniversary of the establishment of the Non-Aligned Movement.", "We recognize, as our Movement celebrates this historic landmark event that our role and objectives remain as enduring and essential as ever and that, in our complex and interwoven world, our responsibilities to the world and to our individual Member States are even more monumental today.", "We deeply value the prominent and dynamic role of the Movement over the past 50 years on vital issues of common concern to its Members, assured that the Movement has evolved from a forum garnering solidarity and uniting the visions of its Members to a forum resolutely advancing the causes of justice, peace and prosperity, while staying true to its founding principle of serving as an independent and objective voice amid the tides of international politics.", "We recall the valiant struggle of the Non-Aligned Movement against colonization and apartheid which denied many Member States of their independence as well as economic and political rights thus hindering their development in conditions of peace and security.", "We emphasize that interlinkages between development peace and security are mutually reinforcing. We commit to poverty eradication and a balanced integration of economic growth, social development and environmental protection, these three being indispensable pillars of sustainable development.", "We reiterate our commitment to strengthen the collective actions of the Non-Aligned Movement and enhance its leading role in defending and promoting the interests of the developing countries. We also stress that the Non-Aligned Movement, the Membership of which has soared to 120, by utilizing its diverse strengths and unity, should continue to inspire and influence global issues with the aim of improving the lives of peoples everywhere, and contribute significantly at the United Nations and other international forums in developing adequate and sustainable responses to issues pertaining to peace and security, development, human rights, democracy, disarmament, terrorism, and gender equality and empowerment.", "We agree to continue to explore ways and means to enhance the role of the Movement, through strengthening its existing mechanisms, including the primary mechanism of the NAM Coordinating Bureau in New York and its Working Groups and Caucuses, as well as the Former Chairs, the Troika, and different Chapters where the Movement is represented, in order to realize a more coordinated and efficient Movement capable of responding in an effective and timely manner to a rapidly changing international environment.", "We emphasize that the remarkable accomplishments of the Non-Aligned Movement achieved so far should be used as a basis for promoting its objectives and principles in the next 50 years and beyond, and resolve to:", "promote disarmament, international security and stability, bearing in mind that total and complete nuclear disarmament remains the only route to a world free from nuclear weapons, while the inalienable right of all States to peaceful uses of nuclear energy should be assured.", "multilateralism through the United Nations and other multilateral processes, and participating actively in the process of the reform of the United Nations and its principal organs.", "adversely affect the economy and people, in contravention of international law and in breach of the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter.", "other breaches of peace, to defend, promote and encourage the settlement of international disputes by peaceful means in such a manner that international peace and security, and justice, are not endangered.", "freely expressed will of the people to determine their own political, economic, social and cultural systems, with the understanding that there is neither one model of democracy nor it is defined by any particular civilization, region or country.", "Governments or the attempt at regime change.", "States, territorial integrity and non-intervention in the internal affairs of any State.", "including all non-self-governing territories, as well as those territories under foreign occupation and colonial or alien domination, to self determination, in accordance with the UN Charter and international law.", "relevant United Nations resolutions, the Madrid Terms of Reference, land-for-peace, and the Arab Peace Initiative in its entirety.", "Palestinian people to realize freedom, peace and justice, in line with the long-standing international consensus recognizing the Palestinian people as a nation and recognizing their inalienable right to self-determination, with the achievement of the independence of the State of Palestine on the basis of the 4^(th) of June 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and a just solution to all other aspects of the question of Palestine in accordance with international law and United Nations resolutions.", "exacerbating crises, particularly the global financial and economic crisis, the food and energy crises, together with climate change, on the developing countries, and enhance efforts to ensure the attainment of the Internationally Agreed Development Goals, including the Millennium Development Goals by 2015, taking into account, inter alia, the special needs of Africa, LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, in line with the related declarations of various United Nations conferences, and emphasize in this regard the need for scaling up the global partnership and finance for development.", "levels to enhance the productive capacity of the Member States of the Movement and induce the generation of productive employment and decent work in their economies in order to accelerate progress towards eradicating poverty.", "coordination and cooperation with the Group of 77 and China (G-77), through the Joint Coordinating Committee (JCC), including in the formulation of common positions and strategies on economic development and issues of social progress, and at the same time strengthen North-South cooperation and partnership.", "whomever, wherever and for whatever purposes in accordance with the principles of the United Nations Charter, international law and the relevant international conventions while stressing that terrorism should not be associated with any religion, nationality, civilization or ethnic group.", "trafficking in human-beings, illicit small arms and light weapons, piracy and illicit drugs, including through enhanced international and regional cooperation and partnerships.", "human rights and fundamental freedoms, including the right to development, based on a cooperative, balanced, non-selective, impartial, objective, and transparent approach focused on constructive dialogue and capacity building, with a view to energizing universal commitment to both civil and political rights and economic, social and cultural rights and the right to development.", "tolerance and understanding among peoples of different cultures, religions and beliefs.", "empowerment of women and to take the necessary action towards the full advancement and empowerment of women in the Non-Aligned Movement countries, including by strengthening the role of the NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women and its regional centres in this regard, and enhancing its cooperation with the UN Women.", "programs at all levels in order to build their capacities, address their problems and fulfill their aspirations.", "global threats posed by health epidemics such as HIV&AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases, as well as those posed by non-communicable diseases, and improve humanitarian response to natural disasters and emergencies by building appropriate capacities at all levels.", "peacekeeping operations and integrated peace-building, and ensure that countries undergoing and emerging from conflicts are assisted to foster sustainable peace and development, including through a vigorous United Nations architecture that utilises a more integrated and coherent approach, without prejudice to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the respective countries.", "We stress the need to enhance the role of the Non-Aligned Movement as a key driving force in addressing international issues of common concern to its Members. The Movement should therefore focus on issues that further unite rather than divide, and deal with global issues by further consolidating the common denominator among its membership.", "We underscore that based on its founding principles, the Non-Aligned Movement should continue being open to dialogue with other interested Groupings and partners, and generate synergies to work for a peaceful and prosperous world for all, including among parliaments and civil societies in the States Members of the Movement.", "Annex III", "XVI Ministerial Conference and CommemorativeMeeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Bali – Indonesia \n 23 – 27 May 2011", "Declaration on Palestine Political Prisoners", "1. The Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) considered the critical situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, in particular the grave situation of Palestinian political prisoners being detained or imprisoned by Israel, the occupying Power. The Ministers expressed grave concern that there are currently more than 6,000 Palestinians held in 22 prisons and detentions camps in Israel and in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and that 300 of these prisoners are children under the age of 18. The Ministers also expressed grave concern that among the prisoners were also 37 women as well as 10 members of the Palestinian Legislative Council.[31]", "2. The Ministers condemned the holding of the prisoners as a blatant contravention of the Fourth Geneva Convention, which governs situations of foreign occupation and which they reaffirmed is applicable to the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as affirmed in numerous Security Council, General Assembly and Human Rights Council resolutions as well as by the International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion of July 2004. The Ministers conveyed their strong support for the need to raise awareness of and internationalize the issue of Palestinian political prisoners. They stressed that Palestinian political prisoners held by Israel, the occupying Power, should be treated as Prisoners of War, when applicable.", "3. The Ministers deplored that continuing arrests of Palestinian civilians, including through use of brutal force in military raids, the arbitrary use of administrative detentions, forcible interrogations and the transfer of prisoners to Israel. They condemned all such illegal policies and practices by Israel, the occupying Power, clearly aimed at intimidating, dehumanizing and subjugating the Palestinian people. They also condemned the extremely poor, unhygienic, undignified, and in some cases life-threatening conditions under which Palestinian prisoners are being held by the occupying Power. They expressed deep concern in particular at the situation of the most vulnerable groups in Israeli detention, including Palestinian women and children as well as ill, disabled and paralyzed Palestinian detainees and the policy of deliberate medical neglect, from which 200 persons have died. They condemned Israel’s continued use of torture and other international prohibited measures, which it authorizes through legislative and judicial decisions, as well as other forms of physical and psychological mistreatment against Palestinian prisoners, including the use of solitary confinement, which deprives Palestinian prisoners of most basic humanitarian needs.", "4. The Ministers noted the devastating effect of detention upon Palestinian prisoners and their families and stressed in this regard the urgent need for speedy reintegration of former prisoners into society. The Ministers condemned the Israeli practice of withholding the bodies of Palestinian prisoners who were killed or died while in Israeli detention and their burial in military graveyards.", "5. The Ministers stressed that under article 147 of the Fourth Geneva Convention the aforementioned Israeli practices constitute serious violations of international humanitarian law and in many cases amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity which, pursuant to article 146 of the same Convention, should be subject to international criminal prosecution, in accordance with universal jurisdiction, and referred in this regard to the relevant provisions of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court.", "6. The Ministers demanded that Israel, the occupying Power to guarantee that appropriate standards of detention were maintained, that all detainees are brought to trial without delay, and that minors’ and prisoners’ visiting rights are guaranteed, in full compliance with international Treaties and Conventions, including the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the United Nations Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, to which Israel is State Party. In this regard, the Ministers commended the consistent and valuable work of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) aimed at alleviating the detrimental consequences of the treatment of Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and detention facilities and inspecting their conditions, and called upon Israel to grant it the necessary access. In this connection, the Ministers stressed the need to ensure implementation of the World Health Organization resolution of May 2010, in which it decided that a fact-finding mission, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), be sent to investigate the deteriorating health conditions of prisoners.", "7. The Ministers demanded that Israel to release without any preconditions Palestinian prisoners arrested in relation to their activities opposing the occupation, so-called “political offenses” and that the occupying Power clearly and immediately define such “political offenses”. The Ministers furthermore demanded that Israel cease the arbitrary arrest of Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as well as their unlawful transfer to prisons inside Israel.", "8. The Ministers expressed grave concern that, in most cases, prisoners are denied access to legal counsel as well as family visitation rights, contrary to international humanitarian and human rights law. They further expressed grave concern at Israel’s continued practice of administrative detention in violation of fundamental human rights, noting that Israel uses administrative detentions orders in a highly arbitrary manner, with the right to appeal, but without charge, trial or right to defense, with a total of 20,000 orders for administrative arrest issued since 2000. The Ministers called on Israel to fully respect the rule of law in its treatment of all Palestinian prisoners and detainees and to adhere to international standards for due process.", "9. The Ministers welcomed international efforts to raise awareness of the plight of the Palestinian political prisoners, including through the convening of the meetings held respectively in Algeria in December 2010 and in Morocco in January 2011, as well as the convening of the “United Nations International Meeting on Palestinian Political Prisoners” in Austria in March 2011. The Ministers endorsed the international calls for an immediate release of Palestinian political prisoners, including children and women, and for proper international inspection of their current conditions. They stressed that addressing the plight of these prisoners should be a priority for the United Nations General Assembly, Security Council, Human Rights organs and the international community. In this regard, the Ministers considered the proposal by the Minister of Prisoners Affairs of the Palestinian National Authority for international action with regard to the issue of Palestinian prisoners, including the possibility of requesting the General Assembly to adopt a resolution asking the International Court of Justice to issue an Advisory Opinion to determine the legal status of Palestinian prisoners and detainees held by the occupying Power and the nature of the legal responsibilities of the occupying Power and third parties by virtue of international law.", "10. The Ministers agreed that the issue of Palestinian prisoners has a major impact on both the Palestinian society and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and that this issue is a central one and practical and effective benchmark in the construction of a just peace in the region. In this context, the Ministers stressed that the release of a substantial number of Palestinian prisoners, as well as the immediate release of the arbitrarily, illegally imprisoned members of the Palestinian Legislative Council, could constitute a positive step towards fostering the climate of mutual trust necessary for the resumption of permanent status negotiations.", "11. The Ministers stressed the important role played by the United Nations and the international community at large in raising awareness of the question of Palestinian political prisoners imprisoned and detained by Israel and in calling for an urgent solution to this issue. They underscored the urgent need for and the obligation of the international community to use all available mechanisms to ensure the occupying Power’s compliance with international law. They urged all the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to fulfill their obligation in accordance with common article 1 to respect and ensure respect for the Convention in all circumstances. The Ministers also urged the High Contracting Parties to take all appropriate steps for the convening of a Conference to address this serious issue.", "Annex IV", "XVI Ministerial Conference and CommemorativeMeeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Bali – Indonesia \n 23 – 27 May 2011", "Declaration on Palestine", "1. The Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement Committee on Palestine considered with urgency the question of Palestine. They expressed deep regret that the question remains unresolved after the passage of more than sixty-three years since the 1948 Al-Nakba, by which the majority of the Palestinian people were expelled or fled from their homeland, becoming a stateless, dispossessed people, nearly five million of whom continue to tragically live in exile in refugee camps throughout the region, constituting the largest refugee population and most protracted refugee problem in the world. They also expressed deep regret that since 1967, for forty-four years, the Palestinian people have suffered under the brutal Israeli military occupation of their land and continue to be denied their fundamental human rights, including to self-determination and freedom, enduring constant hardship and affronts to their human dignity.", "2. The Ministers expressed grave concern about the critical political, socio-economic, human rights, humanitarian, and security situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, as a result of Israel’s continuing military occupation and illegal actions and provocations against the Palestinian people and their land. They expressed grave concern at and strongly condemned in particular Israel’s unlawful and aggressive use of military force against the defenseless Palestinian civilian population, including non-violent, peaceful protesters; settlement colonization campaign in the West Bank; blockade of the Gaza Strip; detention and imprisonment of thousands of Palestinians; and all other measures of collective punishment against the Palestinian people, constituting grave breaches of international humanitarian law and violations of human rights law and United Nations (UN) resolutions, for which the occupying Power must be held accountable.", "3. The Ministers expressed deep concern at the lack of progress in the Middle East peace process, stressing that the current dangerous impasse is the result of impunity and intransigence by Israel, the occupying Power, which continues to obstruct the achievement of a just, lasting, comprehensive and peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole. They underscored the grave impact of the continuation of this conflict on the prospects for realizing regional and international peace and security.", "4. In light of this disturbing situation, the Ministers stressed the importance of adhering to and upholding the principled positions and strategies adopted by the Movement and upholding the relevant UN resolutions regarding the question of Palestine. They reaffirmed their long-standing support and solidarity with the just cause of Palestine and their strong commitment to supporting the Palestinian people and their leadership. They underscored the need to continue providing political, economic and humanitarian support to assist the Palestinian people and to bolster their resilience towards the achievement of their national aspirations and inalienable human rights.", "5. The Ministers stressed the urgency of undertaking efforts to help advance a fair and credible peace process that is firmly based on the relevant UN resolutions, including Security Council resolutions 242, 338, 425, 1397, 1515 and 1850, the Madrid terms of reference, including the principle of land for peace, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap, bearing in mind the objective of achieving a peace settlement by September 2011. They stressed that the peace process must ensure an end to the occupation of the Palestinian Territory and the other Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including East Jerusalem; the exercise by the Palestinian people of their right to self-determination in an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital; and a just solution for the plight of the Palestinian refugees based on General Assembly resolution 194 (III).", "6. The Ministers recalled the historic role and obligations of the international community, in particular the UN Security Council and General Assembly, in this regard. They called on the Security Council, considering its Charter authority for the maintenance of international peace and security, to uphold its responsibilities and to act forthwith to promote a just, lasting and comprehensive resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict. They expressed appreciation to the members of the NAM Caucus of the Council for their efforts concerning Palestine, and urged them to continue to be actively involved in order to enhance the role played by the Movement in the drive for peace. They called for the intensification of international and regional efforts, including by the Quartet, the League of Arab States and all other concerned Member States, with a view to realizing this year the achievement of a peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine in all its aspects.", "7. Turning to full consideration of the situation on the ground, the Ministers condemned all of Israel’s illegal policies and practices in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, by which the occupying Power continues to commit human rights violations and war crimes and inflict immense suffering on the Palestinian people. They demanded that Israel immediately and fully cease all these violations of international law.", "8. The Ministers reiterated their strong condemnation of Israel’s unlawful campaign of settlement colonization in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including in and around Occupied East Jerusalem, which continues in flagrant defiance of international law and the unanimous international calls for cessation. They reiterated the demand for the immediate, complete cessation of all Israeli settlement activities, which constitute grave breaches of international humanitarian law and flagrant defiance of UN resolutions, the 9 July 2004 International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion, and obligations under the Quartet Roadmap. They stressed the incompatibility of the peace process with colonization activities deliberately aimed at illegal acquisition and de facto annexation of more Palestinian land.", "9. The Ministers condemned Israel’s intensifying land confiscations; construction and expansion of settlements, settlement “outposts” and related infrastructure; transfer of more Israeli settlers; construction of the Wall; home demolitions; excavations; and imposition of arbitrary, racist residency and movement restrictions via a permit regime and hundreds of checkpoints. They condemned escalating violence and terror by radical, extremist Israeli settlers against Palestinian civilians and properties. They deplored the physical, economic and social devastation being caused by the Israeli settlements and settlers, the Wall and the checkpoints, which are fragmenting the Palestinian Territory into isolated, walled cantons; severing East Jerusalem from the rest of the Territory; displacing thousands of Palestinians; damaging the fabric of the Palestinian society; and destroying some communities in their entirety. They cautioned that Israel’s illegal colonization campaign is undermining the contiguity, integrity, viability and unity of the Occupied Palestinian Territory and gravely jeopardizing the prospects for physically achieving the two-State solution for peace on the basis of the pre-1967 borders.", "10. The Ministers expressed grave concern at the situation in Occupied East Jerusalem, where the Israeli colonization campaign is most intense, aimed at illegally altering the City’s demographic composition, character and legal status. They called for an immediate end to the construction of settlements and the Wall, home demolitions, evictions and excavations in and around the City, including near Al-Haram Al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary); the closure of Palestinian institutions; the revocation of Palestinian residency rights, including military orders regarding deportations; settler violence; and all other measures aimed at de-populating the City of its Palestinian inhabitants and entrenching Israel’s illegal annexation of East Jerusalem, which is completely rejected and not recognized by the international community.", "11. The Ministers reaffirmed the validity of the relevant Security Council and General Assembly resolutions demanding the complete cessation of these illegal Israeli policies and practices. They called for full respect and implementation of those resolutions to bring an end to the Israeli settlement campaign in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, which remains the major obstacle to peace. They stressed the urgency of ending settlement activities also for promoting an environment conducive for the conduct of credible negotiations aimed at realizing the two-State solution on the basis of the 1967 borders. In this regard, they deplored the recent failure of the Security Council to uphold its responsibilities due to a veto by a permanent member, and reiterated the call for serious Council action to ensure compliance by Israel with relevant resolutions and all of its legal obligations.", "12. In this connection, the Ministers reiterated their call on the High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention to uphold their obligations to respect and ensure respect of the Convention in all circumstances. They called upon Member States and the UN to uphold their obligations in accordance with the ICJ Advisory Opinion and the demands made in General Assembly resolution ES-10/15, including not to recognize the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the Wall or render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by such construction. They called upon the Security Council and General Assembly to consider further action to bring an end to the illegal situation resulting from the construction of the Wall in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem. They called again for the expeditious operation of the “United Nations Register of Damage” and the speedy fulfillment of its mandate. Moreover, they reiterated the call for specific actions to be taken, including legislative measures, collectively, regionally and individually by States, to prevent any products of Israeli settlements from entering their markets, consistent with obligations under international treaties; to decline entry to Israeli settlers; and to impose sanctions on companies and entities involved in the illegal construction of settlements and the Wall and other colonization activities in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem.", "13. Turning to the grave situation in the Gaza Strip, the Ministers reiterated their strong condemnation of Israel’s military aggression of December 2008-January 2009, which caused death and injury to thousands of Palestinian civilians; vast destruction to tens of thousands of homes, economic and agricultural properties, vital civilian infrastructure, and UN facilities; and severe trauma among the civilian population. They reiterated the need to ensure accountability for the crimes committed by Israel, the occupying Power, against the Palestinian people in Gaza. They called on the international community, including the Security Council, to pursue serious efforts to end Israel’s impunity and to realize justice for the victims. They called for follow-up of the findings and recommendations of the UN Fact-Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict. They also reaffirmed the obligations of the High Contracting Parties to the Geneva Conventions regarding penal sanctions, grave breaches and responsibilities, and called for the speedy reconvening of the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Geneva Convention on measures to enforce the Convention in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and to ensure its respect in accordance with common article 1, as called for by relevant General Assembly and Human Rights Council resolutions.", "14. The Ministers reiterated their condemnation of Israel’s unlawful blockade of the Gaza Strip, by which it continues to collectively punish the Palestinian people and to obstruct the freedom of movement of the civilian population, humanitarian access, entry of essential goods, and the reconstruction of Gaza. They expressed deep concern about the dire humanitarian and socio-economic conditions caused by the blockade, including poverty, unemployment, declining health conditions, and decay of infrastructure and institutions in all sectors. They stressed the importance of the work of non-governmental organizations, civil society and peace groups, particularly on the Palestinian and Israeli sides, and encouraged them to continue to provide relief and assistance in Gaza.", "15. In this connection, the Ministers reiterated their condemnation of the Israeli military attack on 31 May 2010 in international waters on the maritime convoy of humanitarian aid destined for the Gaza Strip, “Gaza Freedom Flotilla”, in which nine Turkish civilians were killed. They stressed the need for an independent, impartial, credible and transparent international investigation of the Israeli attack in accordance with international standards on the basis of the call made by the Security Council on 1 June 2010. They welcomed the UN Secretary-General’s establishment of a Panel of Inquiry and the Human Rights Council’s Fact-Finding Mission and called for immediate follow-up action on the findings towards ensuring accountability for this deplorable attack.", "16. The Ministers reiterated the demand that Israel immediately and fully end its illegal blockade of Gaza in accordance with international humanitarian law, UN resolutions and the November 2005 Agreement on Movement and Access. They stressed the need to ensure the sustained and regular movement of persons and goods, including commercial flows, between Gaza and the outside world and to restore the link, unity and movement between Gaza and the West Bank, stressing that the Gaza Strip remains an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian Territory. In this connection, the Ministers welcomed the decision of the Egyptian Government to open the Rafah border crossing point, effective Saturday, 28^(th) May 2011. They also stressed the urgency of serious international efforts to compel Israel, the occupying Power, to allow for the entry of all necessary construction materials for reconstruction of destroyed Palestinian properties and infrastructure and UN facilities, including United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) schools. In this regard, they stressed the need for full support of the Agency to fulfil its mandate to provide assistance to the Palestine refugees in all fields of operation.", "17. The Ministers condemned the continuing arrests, arbitrary detentions and forced interrogations being carried out by Israel, the occupying Power. They expressed grave concern about the inhumane conditions under which Palestinian political prisoners are being held, including physical and mental ill-treatment, reported torture and denial of access to proper medical care and family visits. They reiterated the call for the immediate release of all the Palestinians illegally detained and imprisoned by Israel, including children, women and elected officials, and called for international access to them and proper inspection of their conditions. They welcomed the segment of the Ministerial Conference for examining the issue of the Palestinian political prisoners and raising international awareness and action on this critical issue.", "18. The Ministers reaffirmed their support for the Palestine Liberation Organization, the sole and legitimate representative of the Palestinian people, and the Palestinian Authority under the leadership of President Mahmoud Abbas, and emphasized the importance of protecting and strengthening the national and democratic institutions of the Palestinian Authority, including the Palestinian Legislative Council, which shall constitute a vital foundation for the future independent Palestinian State. They reiterated the importance of Palestinian unity for the realization of the just, legitimate national rights and aspirations of the Palestinian people. In this connection, they welcomed the signing of the Reconciliation Agreement by all Palestinian political factions in Cairo, on 4 May 2011, aimed at ending the division since June 2007. They commended the serious efforts undertaken in this regard by the Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the League of Arab States and all other concerned regional parties. They called on the international community to respect and support the Palestinian reconciliation, and stressed the importance of the implementation of the provisions of the Reconciliation Agreement as soon as possible. They further stressed the need for mobilization of all Palestinian capabilities to preserve the unity and integrity of the Palestinian Territory, end the occupation and achieve the independence.", "19. The Ministers stressed the need to support the rehabilitation and development of Palestinian national institutions. They called for the Movement to strongly support the efforts of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad to implement the plan launched in August 2009, “Palestine: Ending the Occupation, Establishing the State”, and looked forward to its completion in August 2011 with the implementation of the second phase, “Homestretch to Freedom”, paving the way for the independence of the State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital. In this regard, the Ministers strongly welcomed the important step recently taken by several States extending recognition to the State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 borders. They urged the Members of the Movement that have not yet extended recognition to the State of Palestine to do so as soon as possible, consistent with the State-building efforts being undertaken on the ground and as a positive contribution towards making a reality Palestine’s independence on the basis of international law and UN resolutions.", "20. The Ministers called upon the Members of the Movement to remain at the forefront of support for the historic march of the Palestinian people to freedom and peace. They reaffirmed the long-standing international consensus recognizing the Palestinian people as a nation and recognizing their inalienable right to self-determination and independence in their State of Palestine, with East Jerusalem as its capital. They reaffirmed the permanent responsibility of the UN towards the question of Palestine until it is justly resolved in all its aspects on the basis of international law and called for the redoubling of international efforts to this end. They called once again on the UN, including the Security Council, to assume its responsibilities and act on the basis of its own resolutions to compel Israel to cease its illegal policies, respect international law and bring an end to its unlawful forty-four year occupation of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967. They stressed the importance of regular contacts and dialogue by the Movement at the Ministerial level with the members of the Security Council, the Quartet, and other relevant parties in the peace process in order to convey the Movement’s principled positions, uphold international law and UN resolutions, and promote the realization of a just, lasting, comprehensive and peaceful settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the Arab-Israeli conflict as a whole.", "21. The Ministers in this context, stressed the importance of charting and implementing an action plan by the NAM Committee on Palestine, in coordination with other groupings, to intensify efforts towards universal recognition of the State of Palestine on the basis of the 1967 border with East Jerusalem as its capital, by members and non members of the Movement, and intensifying efforts with the Security Council, the General Assembly and the Secretary General of the United Nations, as well as the Quartet and other relevant parties towards the establishment of the Palestinian independent state with East Jerusalem as its capital, its recognition as a state and its admission as a Member of the United Nations as soon as possible. The Ministers stand ready to support the implementation of this action plan, including through convening a special meeting of the Committee, if needed, to continue engaging on this important issue.", "Annex V", "XVI Ministerial Conference and CommemorativeMeeting of the Non-Aligned Movement Bali – Indonesia \n 23 – 27 May 2011", "Statement on the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons", "The Ministers of the Non-Aligned Movement met at the XVI Ministerial Conference, in Bali, Indonesia, 25-27 May 2011, reiterated their deep concern at the threat to humanity posed by the continued existence of nuclear weapons and of their possible use or threat of use; and reaffirmed that nuclear disarmament remains the highest priority of the Movement in the field of disarmament.", "The Ministers underlined the importance of the active participation of the members of the Movement in elaborating concrete proposals to achieve Global Nuclear Disarmament and total elimination of nuclear weapons, with a specified framework of time.", "The Ministers, in the framework of the 50^(th) anniversary of the Non-Aligned Movement, declared their firm commitment to work for convening a high level international conference to identify ways and means of eliminating nuclear weapons at the earliest possible date, with the objective of an agreement on a phased programme for the complete elimination of nuclear weapons with a specified framework of time, to prohibit their development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use, and to provide for their destruction.", "[1] The list of NAM Member Countries appears in Annex I.", "[2] The ten Founding Principles of NAM appears in Annex II.", "[3] The substantive documents adopted at the 15^(th) NAM Summit in Sharm El Sheikh are: the Sharm El Sheikh Final Document; the Sharm El Sheikh Declaration; the Special Declaration of the Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba; the Special Declaration on Nelson Mandela International Day – 18 July; the Declaration on Palestine; and the Sharm El Sheikh Plan of Action of the Non-Aligned Movement (2009-2012). All these documents can be downloaded from", "[4] The preceding fourteen NAM Summit Conferences were held in Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1961; Cairo, United Arab Republic in 1964; Lusaka, Zambia in 1970; Algiers, Algeria in 1973; Colombo, Sri Lanka in 1976; Havana, Cuba in 1979; New Delhi, India in 1983; Harare, Zimbabwe in 1986; Belgrade, Yugoslavia in 1989; Jakarta, Indonesia in 1992; Cartagena de Indias, Colombia in 1995, Durban, South Africa in 1998, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in 2003 and Havana, Cuba in 2006 . All the substantive outcome documents of these Summit Conferences can be downloaded from", "[5] The principles enshrined in the Declaration on the Purposes and Principles and the Role of the Non-Aligned Movement in the Present International Juncture appear in Annex III.", "[6] The Founding Fathers of the NAM were President Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, President Ahmad Soekarno of Indonesia, President Gamal Abdul Nasser of the United Arab Republic, President Josip Broz Tito of Yugoslavia and Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru of India.", "[7] The 25 Founding Countries of the Movement are Afghanistan, Algeria, Arab Republic of Yemen, Burma (now Myanmar), Cambodia, Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), Congo, Cuba, Cyprus, Ethiopia, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Mali, Morocco, Nepal, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Tunisia, United Arab Republic (now Egypt and Syrian Arab Republic) and Yugoslavia.", "[8] With due respect to the fact that the inaugural Summit of the Movement was held in 1961 in Belgrade, then the Capital of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, which was a founding member of the NAM until its dissolution, followed by the establishment and admission of six new Members in the United Nations (Bosnia and Herzegovina/ The Republic of Croatia/ The Republic of Slovenia/ Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia/ The Republic of Serbia/ The Republic of Montenegro).", "[9] The existing mechanisms and arrangements include: the Former Chair Countries and Troika (at the Summit, Ministerial and Ambassadorial levels); the Committee on Palestine (at the Ministerial and Ambassadorial level); the Coordinating Bureau in New York and its subsidiary bodies (Working Groups on Disarmament, Human Rights, Legal Matters, Peacekeeping Operations, Reform of the UN and GA Revitalization, Reform of the Security Council, and Information); the NAM Chapters in Geneva, the Hague, Vienna and UNESCO (Paris), Nairobi; and the NAM Caucuses in the Security Council and in the Peace Building Commission.", "[10] The JCC of the G-77 and NAM was established in 1994 with the primary objective to enhance collaboration, avoid duplication of efforts and provide greater efficiency in the attainment of the common goals of the developing countries, as well as to harmonize and coordinate the activities of both groupings in the economic and social fields within the context of South-South and North-South cooperation.", "[11] The Cartagena Document on Methodology of the Movement was adopted by the Ministerial Meeting of the NAM Committee on Methodology, held in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia from 14 to 16 May 1996. Subsequently, it was endorsed by the Heads of State or Government of the Movement during their XII Summit, held in Durban, South Africa from 29 August to 3 September 1998.", "[12] These include the “Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations” adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October 1970.", "[13] The conferences, forums and initiatives by the Republic of Indonesia, inter alia, “Building Interfaith Harmony within the International Community” (2005); by the Kingdom of Morocco, inter alia, the “Rabat Declaration on Encouraging Dialogue among Cultures and Civilisations through Effective and Sustainable Initiatives” (2005), Judeo-Muslim Congress (2005-2006), and the “International Charter to Prevent any Defamation of Religions, Beliefs, Sacred Values and Prophets, while Respecting the Freedom of Expression” (2006); by the Republic of the Philippines, inter alia, the Conference on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace (2005), Informal Summit on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace (2005), Regional Conference of Asian and Pacific Countries on Interfaith Dialogue and Cooperation for Peace (2006), Launching of the Tri-Partite Forum on Interfaith Cooperation for Peace (2005); by the State of Qatar, inter alia, the Inter-Faith Dialogue Conference (2006), Alliance of Civilisation (2006), US-Islamic World Forum (2006), Conference for Religions Dialogue (2005), Islamic-American Dialogue (2004), Forum on Islam-Christian Dialogue (2003) and Dialogue Among Civilisations and Senegal, International Conference on Islam Christianity Dialogue held in 2007, and by Jordan on \"World Interfaith Harmony Week\" (2010).", "[14] The relevant UN resolutions include General Assembly resolution 65/119, which proclaims 2011 to 2020 decade as the Third Decade for the Eradication of Colonialism.", "[15] In accordance with Article 13 (1) of the UN Charter.", "[16] As affirmed in the Millennium Declaration, and reaffirmed in the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document as well as in other relevant General Assembly resolutions.", "[17] Members of the NAM Caucus in the Security Council, comprising the Non-Aligned Countries currently members of the Security Council, are Colombia (2011-2012), Gabon (2010-2011), India (2011-2012), Lebanon (2010-2011), Nigeria (2010-2011) and South Africa (2011-2012).", "[18] The 26 Non-Aligned Countries which are currently members of the 47-member of the Human Rights Council are Angola (2010-2013), Bahrain (2008-2011), Bangladesh (2009-2012), Burkina Faso (2008-2011), Cameroon (2009-2012), Chile (2008-2011), Cuba (2009-2012), Djibouti (2009-2012), Ecuador (2010-2013), Gabon (2008-2011), Ghana (2008-2011), Guatemala (2010-2013), Jordan (2009-2012), Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (2010-2013), Malaysia (2010-2013), Maldives (2010-2013), Mauritania (2010-2013), Mauritius (2009-2012), Nigeria (2009-2012), Pakistan (2008-2011), Qatar (2010-2013), Saudi Arabia (2009-2012), Senegal (2009-2012), Thailand (2010-2013), Uganda (2010-2013), Zambia (2008-2011).", "[19] A/64/868.", "[20] In accordance with General Assembly resolution 46/51 of 27 January 1992.", "[21] These include General Assembly resolution 46/51 and Security Council resolution 1373.", "[22] These include the OAU Convention on the Prevention and Combating of Terrorism, which was adopted in Algiers in July 1999 and entered into force on 6 December 2003, and its Plan of Action, which was adopted by the 2nd Ordinary Session of the AU Assembly in Maputo on 12 July 2003; the Arab Convention to Combat Terrorism, which entered into force on 7 May 1999; the OIC Convention on Combating International Terrorism, which was adopted in Ouagadougou on 1 July 1999; the OIC Declaration on Terrorism, which was adopted by the Extraordinary Session of the Islamic Conference of Foreign Ministers in Kuala Lumpur on 3 April 2002; the ASEAN Declarations on Terrorism adopted by the 7th and 8th ASEAN Summits in 2001 and 2002 respectively; the ASEAN Joint Declarations to Combat International Terrorism with the USA of 1 August 2002, with the EU of 28 January 2003, with India of 8 October 2003 and with Russia of 2 July 2004, and the ASEAN-China Joint Declaration on Co-operation in the Field of Non-Traditional Security Issues (4 November 2002); the Protocol on the Suppression of Financing of Terrorism to the SAARC Regional Convention on Suppression of Terrorism, which was adopted at the SAARC Summit in Islamabad in January 2004.", "[23] This section should be read in conjunction with the section on Human Rights under Chapter III of the Document.", "[24] The relevant issues include peace and security questions, including international terrorism, trade and finance policies, external debt and debt forgiveness/cancellation, the environment including climate change, and energy security.", "[25] This is the term commonly used to refer to the catastrophe and tragedy that befell the Palestinian people in 1948, by which they lost their homeland and by which the majority of Palestinians were forcibly uprooted from their homes and displaced, becoming refugees, whose plight continues until this day.", "[26] The Declaration was signed on 4 November 2002 during the ASEAN-China Summit in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.", "[27] See resolution 3201 (S-VI).", "[28] Information concerning the NAM Centre for South-South Technical Cooperation, initiated by Indonesia and Brunei Darussalam, and located in Jakarta, Indonesia, can be obtained from its website at", "[29] This section should be read in conjunction with the section on Democracy under Chapter I of the document.", "[30] The recommendations of relevant initiatives include the High-level Seminar on the Operationalisation of the Right to Development (Geneva, February 2004) held under the framework of the Commission on Human Rights Working Group on the Right to Development, and the High-level Task Force on the Operationalisation of the Right to Development, as well as the recommendations of the 8th session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Development regarding the “roadmap”, endorsed by the HRC through its Resolution 4/4, adopted by consensus in its 4th session.", "[31] Outcome Report of United Nations Meeting on the Question of Palestine on the Plight of Palestinian Political Prisoners, Vienna, March 2011, Document CPR/IMQP/2011/20" ]
[ "大会 安全理事会", "第六十五届会议 第六十六年", "议程项目9、10、11、12、13、14、15、17、18、19、 20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、 33、36、37、38、40、41、42、47、48、49、50、51、 52、53、54、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、 69、70、73、74、76、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、 89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、100、 101、102、103、104、105、106、107、108、109、114、 115、116、117、118、119、120、128、131、133、134、 135、136、143和162", "经济及社会理事会的报告", "《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》和《关于艾滋 病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》的执行情况", "体育促进和平与发展", "2001-2010年:发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟疾十年", "联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议成 果的统筹协调执行及后续行动", "不同文明对话全球议程", "和平文化", "信息和通信技术促进发展", "宏观经济政策问题", "2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的 后续行动和执行情况", "可持续发展", "联合国人类住区会议(人居二)成果的执行情况和加强联合 国人类住区规划署(人居署)", "全球化和相互依存", "处境特殊的各类国家组", "消除贫穷和其他发展问题", "发展方面的业务活动:联合国系统发展方面的业务活动", "农业发展与粮食安全", "社会发展", "提高妇女地位", "安全理事会的报告", "建设和平委员会的报告", "消除以单方面治外强制性经济措施作为政治和经济胁 迫的手段", "预防武装冲突", "中东局势", "巴勒斯坦问题", "阿富汗局势", "科摩罗马约特岛问题", "必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁", "中美洲局势:形成和平、自由、民主和发展区域的进展", "以色列对伊拉克核设施的武装侵略及其对已确立的关于和 平利用核能、不扩散核武器及国际和平与安全的国际制度 的严重后果", "伊拉克占领和侵略科威特的后果", "原子辐射的影响", "和平利用外层空间的国际合作", "联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处", "调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权的 行为特别委员会的报告", "整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查", "有关信息的问题", "包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的巴勒斯坦人民 和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯居民对其自然资源的永久主权", "联合国难民事务高级专员的报告:与难民、回返者和流离失 所者有关的问题以及人道主义问题", "非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持", "人权理事会的报告", "促进和保护儿童权利", "土著问题", "消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为", "人民自决的权利", "促进和保护人权", "加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调", "国际法院的报告", "国际刑事法院的报告", "海洋和海洋法", "追究联合国官员和特派团专家的刑事责任", "1949年日内瓦四公约关于保护武装冲突受难者的附加议定书 的现况", "考虑有效措施以加强对外交和领事使团和代表的保护、安全 及保障", "联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会的报告", "国家和国际的法治", "普遍管辖权原则的范围和适用", "国际原子能机构的报告", "裁减军事预算", "非洲无核武器区条约", "巩固《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约》(《特拉特洛尔科条约》) 所建立的制度", "维持国际安全——东南欧的睦邻关系、稳定和发展", "从国际安全的角度来看信息和通信领域的发展", "建立中东无核武器区", "缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有 效国际安排", "防止外层空间的军备竞赛", "科学和技术在国际安全和裁军领域的作用", "全面彻底裁军", "审查和执行大会第十二届特别会议的《结论文件》", "审查大会第十届特别会议通过的建议和决定的执行情况", "中东的核扩散危险", "禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀 滥伤作用的常规武器公约", "加强地中海区域的安全和合作", "全面禁止核试验条约", "关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器 和销毁此种武器的公约", "预防犯罪和刑事司法", "国际药物管制", "消除国际恐怖主义的措施", "秘书长关于联合国工作的报告", "秘书长关于建设和平基金的报告", "接纳新会员加入联合国", "千年首脑会议成果的后续行动", "纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动", "执行联合国的各项决议", "大会工作的振兴", "安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及有关 事项", "加强联合国系统", "审查联合国行政和财政业务效率", "改善联合国财政情况", "联合国经费分摊比额表", "人力资源管理", "联合检查组", "联合国共同制度", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题", "2010年9月24日高级别会议后续行动:振兴裁军谈判会议 工作和推动多边裁军谈判", "2011年6月29日埃及常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨以不结盟运动协调局主席的身份,随函附上不结盟运动在2011年5月23日至27日在巴厘召开的第16次部长级会议的成果文件,即,《最后文件》(附件一)、关于不结盟运动成立五十周年的巴厘纪念宣言(附件二)、关于巴勒斯坦政治犯的宣言(附件三)、关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言(附件四)以及彻底销毁核武器的声明(附件五)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目9、10、11、12、13、14、15、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、33、36、37、38、40、41、42、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、73、74、76、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、100、101、102、103、104、105、106、107、108、109、114、115、116、117、118、119、120、128、131、133、134、135、136、143、162的文件以及安全理事会的正式文件分发为荷。", "大使兼常驻代表", "马吉德·阿卜杜拉齐兹(签名)", "附件一", "第16次不结盟运动部长级会议暨纪念会议", "印度尼西亚巴厘", "2011年5月23日至27日", "最后文件", "目录", "第一章:全球问题 12", "国际局势回顾 12", "不结盟运动:作用和工作方法 13", "国际法 18", "促进和维护多边主义 21", "和平解决争端,以及不使用武力或进行武力威胁 23", "和平文化、不同文明间的对话、宗教与文化,以及文化多样性. 25", "诽谤宗教 28", "自决权和非殖民化 29", "联合国:2005年世界首脑会议成果、《千年宣言》及联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的后续行动 30", "联合国:体制改革 33", "A. 联合国改革 33", "B. 联合国主要机构之间的关系 37", "C. 大会工作的振兴 38", "D. 甄选和任命联合国秘书长 40", "E. 安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及其他有关安全理事会的事项 40", "F. 加强经济及社会理事会(经社理事会) 43", "G. 人权理事会 44", "H. 冲突后建设和平活动和建设和平委员会的运作 47", "I. 联合国秘书处及管理改革 49", "J. 联合国全系统协调 51", "联合国:财务状况及安排 52", "联合国:维持和平行动 53", "裁军与国际安全 ...58", "恐怖主义..... 70", "民主 74", "南北对话与合作 76", "区域性组织的作用 76", "第二章:区域和次区域的政治问题 78", "中东 78", "和平进程 78", "巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷 79", "被占领的叙利亚戈兰 84", "黎巴嫩、仍然被占领的黎巴嫩领土和以色列侵略黎巴嫩的后果 84", "非洲 86", "查戈斯群岛 86", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国 87", "索马里 87", "苏丹 88", "大湖区 89", "津巴布韦 89", "西撒哈拉 90", "科摩罗马约群岛 90", "吉布提/厄立特里亚 91", "亚洲 91", "阿富汗 91", "伊拉克 93", "伊拉克和科威特 93", "东南亚 94", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 95", "拉丁美洲和加勒比 95", "拉丁美洲和加勒比国家共同体 95", "南美洲国家联盟 95", "第一次拉丁美洲和加勒比共同体首脑会议 96", "我美洲人民玻利瓦尔抉择–人民贸易条约–加勒比石油组织 96", "阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议 96", "第二届非洲–南美洲首脑会议 96", "中美洲:无雷区 96", "和平区:丰塞卡湾 96", "伯利兹和危地马拉 97", "古巴 97", "巴拿马 97", "委内瑞拉 97", "圭亚那和委内瑞拉 98", "厄瓜多尔 98", "第三章:发展、社会和人权问题 99", "导言 99", "当前的全球危机,特别是世界金融和经济危机 101", "非洲 103", "最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家 105", "中等收入发展中国家 106", "低收入发展中国家 107", "贸易 .107", "南南合作 108", "粮食安全 111", "国际移徙与发展 113", "水 116", "生物多样性 117", "死海 118", "加勒比海 118", "非法捕鱼和倾弃有毒及有害废物 118", "乍得湖和尼日尔河 119", "能源 119", "气候变化 120", "人权和基本自由 122", "种族主义、种族歧视及奴役 128", "国际人道主义法 130", "人道主义援助 .131", "信息和通信技术 133", "提高妇女地位 135", "土著人民 137", "文盲 137", "保健、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病和其他传染病 138", "跨国有组织犯罪 140", "人口贩运 142", "贩运毒品 143", "腐败 144", "附件一:不结盟运动成员国 146", "附件二:不结盟运动的基本原则 148", "附件三:哈瓦那第14次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《关于目前国际形势下不结盟运动的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》所载的原则 149", "导言", "1. 不结盟运动国家的部长[1] 于2011年5月25日和26日在印度尼西亚巴厘举行会议,会议由印度尼西亚共和国外交部长马蒂·纳塔莱加瓦先生阁下主持,主要目的是审查2009年7月15日和16日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开的第15次不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑会议通过的《沙姆沙伊赫行动计划》的进展和执行情况,筹备即将于2012年在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的不结盟运动首脑会议,并解决共同关心和感兴趣的现有、新的和新出现的问题。为此目的,他们重申并强调了不结盟运动对其创立原则、[2] 理念和宗旨的持久信仰及坚定承诺,特别是对建立和平与繁荣的世界和公平与公正的世界秩序,以及载于《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则的信仰和承诺。", "2. 部长们重申了2009年7月15日至16日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15次不结盟运动首脑会议[3] 和以往14次不结盟运动首脑会议以及以往所有不结盟运动部长级会议[4] 的实质性成果文件,包括《沙姆沙伊赫最后文件》和《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》中所载的不结盟运动的所有原则立场和决定的持续相关性和有效性。同样地,他们表示决心维护并按照万隆原则以及在哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用宣言》[5] 中所商定的不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则行事。", "3. 部长们承认不结盟运动主席关于不结盟运动从沙姆沙伊赫举行第15次首脑会议至今所开展活动的报告,其中介绍了在执行《沙姆沙伊赫最后文件》和《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》阐述的执行《不结盟运动行动计划》过程中所取得的重大进展,该行动计划为加强并振兴不结盟运动的进程做出了积极贡献。", "2.", "第一章:全球问题", "国际局势回顾", "4. 部长们强调,当前的全球状况在和平与安全、经济发展和社会进步、人权与法治领域对不结盟国家构成了极大的挑战。他们申明,出现了很多新的令人关切的领域和挑战,特别是目前的全球金融危机和经济危机,要求国际社会重新承诺对《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法原则的支持与保护。在盘点自第15次不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑会议以来在国际一级的发展状况时,部长们指出,不结盟运动关于建立和平与繁荣的世界以及公平与公正的世界秩序的集体愿望仍然受到一些基本障碍的阻碍。这些障碍的形式有,一方面,除其他外,全球金融和经济危机对发展中国家经济增长与发展严重的不利影响,这可能会导致这些国家贫穷和匮乏的日益增加、发展中世界绝大多数国家处于持续缺乏资源和不发达的状态;另一方面,除其他外,贸易条件持续不平等、发达国家缺乏合作,一些发达国家施加强制和单方面措施。富裕且强大的国家继续在决定国际关系的性质与方向上发挥着过度的影响,包括经济和贸易关系,以及管理这些关系的规则,其中很多规则以牺牲发展中国家为代价。", "5. 部长们重申,不结盟运动的各项努力将仍然遵循其创立原则、在哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用宣言》所载原则、《联合国宪章》以及国际法的指导。为此目的,不结盟运动将继续支持国家主权与主权平等、领土完整和不干涉任何国家内政的原则;采取有效措施抑制侵略或其他破坏和平的行为,维护、促进并鼓励以不危及国际和平与安全以及正义的方式和平解决国际争端;在国际关系中避免使用武力或进行武力威胁或以任何其他不符合《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则的方式破坏任何国家的领土完整或政治独立;在尊重平等权利和人民在反抗外国占领中的自决权原则的基础上发展友好关系;在人民与政府团结的基础上实现国际合作,解决政治、经济、社会、文化或人道主义性质的国际问题;以及促进并鼓励对所有人的人权和基本自由的尊重,不分种族、性别、语言或宗教。", "6. 部长们注意到,现有、新的和新出现的威胁与挑战,包括目前多重的既相互关联又互相促进的全球危机,继续阻碍着各国实现更多经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全,以及享受人权与法治的努力。除其他外,由于某些国家日益倾向于诉诸单边主义和单方面施加的措施、不履行有关具有法律约束力的国际文书特别是关于大规模毁灭性武器和传统武器的条约下的承诺和义务、恐怖主义、冲突、侵犯人权和国际人道主义法、在国际关系中采用双重标准、绝大多数发达国家继续未能以及不愿意履行其在经济和社会领域的承诺,人类仍然无法实现国际和平与安全。他们强调,国际社会必须按照《联合国宪章》和国际法原则共同纠正这些状况。", "7. 部长们强调,全球化继续为发展中国家的未来和自立提供机遇,同时也提出了挑战和风险。全球化和贸易自由化的进程在各国之间和内部所产生的惠益并不均匀,而全球经济的特点则是缓慢而不平衡的增长和不稳定。此外,这一进程使发展中国家越来越容易受到金融和经济危机的不利影响。当前形式的全球化使发展中国家的被边缘化永远存在,甚至增加了发展中国家的被边缘化。因此,全球化必须被转化为一股积极力量,改变每个人生活、施惠于所有国家,并且促进发展中国家繁荣和赋权,而不是持续贫穷和依赖于发达国家。此外,应当加大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面优先纳入全球进程和有关多边机构,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化所提供的机会中获益,包括通过为发展创造一个有利的外部经济环境,这要求国际贸易、货币和金融体系之间加强一致性,使之具有普遍、开放、平等、非胁迫性、基于规则、可预测和非歧视性。", "8. 信息和通信技术革命继续快速地从根本上改变着世界,并在发达国家和发展中国家之间形成了一条巨大且日益扩大的数字鸿沟。如果发展中国家想从全球化进程中获益,则必须缩小这一鸿沟。应当使发展中国家更容易获得这些新的技术创新,以使其经济现代化和重新振兴,追求发展目标和人民的福祉。在此背景之下,这些目标的实现需要一个有利的国际环境,以及各国特别是发达国家恪守其承诺。此外,不结盟运动强调必须防止一切阻碍发展中国家享受信息和通信技术惠益以及访问发达国家建立的网络的歧视性做法和政策。", "9. 未来将和过去一样会出现许多挑战和机遇。不结盟运动必须继续保持强大、团结和富有活力,以应对这些挑战和机遇,并保存不结盟运动的历史遗产。不结盟运动继续保有相关性及有效性将在很大程度上取决于每一个不结盟运动成员国的统一和团结,以及其积极影响这些改变的能力。在这方面,振兴和加强不结盟运动的进程必须继续加以推进,并予以巩固。", "10. 各位部长回顾了1999年7月在阿尔及尔举行的非洲统一组织(非统组织)首脑会议上的决定,其中呼吁恢复那些政府通过非制宪方式掌权的国家的宪政合法性,以及2000年在洛美通过的《非洲联盟组织法》所载各项原则,并在此背景之下,鼓励不结盟国家继续维护符合不结盟运动创立原则的民主理念。", "11. 各位部长欢迎联合国大会将4月22日指定为“国际地球母亲日”,并承认地球及其生态系统是人类的家园。他们同意提高对这一事项的认识。", "不结盟运动:作用和工作方法", "12. 在承认其人民的期望的同时,各位部长重申了不结盟运动对万隆原则和那些在哈瓦那首脑会议上通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用宣言》所载原则、《联合国宪章》及其维护与促进的不可动摇的政治和道德承诺和决心以及充分尊重,以进一步巩固和加强不结盟运动作为在多边论坛,特别是联合国中代表发展中国家的主要政治平台的作用和立场。在此背景之下,他们强调,实现不结盟运动的原则、理念和宗旨取决于其成员之间在互相尊重、尊重多样性和忍让的坚定基础之上的统一、团结和凝聚力。", "13. 各位部长重申,在落实体现了不结盟运动在纷繁国际问题上的机构地位的《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》和以往各次不结盟运动首脑会议及部长级会议通过的各项文件的过程中,应当适当考虑最大限度地发挥不结盟运动处理当前迅速演变的国际局势、危机和挑战的能力。", "14. 各位部长决定,如果不结盟运动的任何成员遭受损害,不管是经济、政治还是军事性质的损害,或安全方面的损害,以及如果一成员因被施加单边制裁或禁运而遭受损害,那么不结盟运动应通过提供道义、物质和其他形式的援助对受影响国家表示声援。为此目的,各位部长将继续对不结盟运动的现有机制进行审查,并在必要时探索提供此种援助的新机制。", "15. 各位部长回顾,多年来,不结盟运动在其成员关心和十分重要的问题方面一直发挥着关键的积极而有效的作用,比如非殖民化、种族隔离、包括巴勒斯坦问题在内的中东局势、维护国际和平与安全,以及裁军。在建立大约半个世纪以来,并且在经历了很多挑战和动荡之后,现在应当维持和进一步巩固不结盟运动的加强和振兴进程,同时继续开展行动,使不结盟运动有效应对当今所面临的主要挑战,并培养对未来的共同观点。在现有和新出现的威胁和挑战的背景之下,不结盟运动必须继续促进多边主义,特别是通过加强包括全球治理在内的联合国的核心作用、维护发展中国家的利益和防止其被边缘化。", "16. 各位部长欢迎阿拉伯埃及共和国在2009年7月15日和16日在沙姆沙伊赫举行第15次不结盟运动首脑会议的背景下举行不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议的倡议,会议的主题是“妇女在危机管理中的作用”,并与2009年11月15日在罗马举行的世界粮食首脑会议同时举行第2次不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议,会议的主题是“粮食保障和妇女获得资源”,体现了不结盟运动极其重视妇女积极和平等地参与解决当前的国际危机和挑战。", "17. 各位部长认识到2011年迎来不结盟运动成立50周年,表示满意不结盟运动在过去的五十年里在维护和促进其理念、原则和宗旨以及处理其成员的集体关切和利益方面所取得的成绩和成就。他们承认创始者、[6] 创始国领导人[7] 以及不结盟运动的其他已故领袖的智慧与远见,重申不结盟运动致力于维护、支持和进一步巩固其原则、理念和宗旨。", "18. 在这方面,遵照第15次不结盟运动首脑会议关于2011年纪念不结盟运动成立五十周年的指示,即突出强调不结盟运动的成就并进一步增强其今后的作用,各位部长对印度尼西亚共和国的慷慨之举表示赞赏,该国是万隆原则的诞生地,将在2011年5月25日主办不结盟运动成立五十周年的主纪念活动,同时举办第16次不结盟运动部长级会议,以期通过一项关于不结盟运动在过去五十年取得的成就的纪念宣言和一项在今后进一步取得成就的行动计划,确保不结盟运动在迅速变化的世界里继续发挥振兴的积极作用。", "19. 各位部长还欢迎塞尔维亚共和国提议2011年9月5日和6日在巴格达为不结盟运动的前任主席另行组织正式的部长级纪念会议,所有其他有兴趣的不结盟运动成员国和观察员均可参加,以庆祝这座在1961年主办了第1次不结盟运动首脑会议的城市的举办地和历史遗产。[8]", "20. 各位部长决定在2011年9月联合国大会第六十六届会议期间在联合国总部组织一次不结盟运动成立五十周年高级别纪念活动。", "21. 各位部长进一步呼吁不结盟运动所有成员国和观察国在国家一级采取其认为适当的方式,与其人民及其他不结盟运动国家共同纪念不结盟运动的成立。为传播信息起见,鼓励不结盟运动成员国和观察国向不结盟运动主席通报在国家一级举办的各项活动。", "22. 各位部长满意地认可不结盟运动的成员国从1961年的25位发展到2011年拥有120位成员国和17位观察国,并欢迎不结盟运动最近于2011年接纳斐济共和国和阿塞拜疆共和国为正式成员,于2009年接纳阿根廷共和国为观察国。", "23. 在使不结盟运动重新致力于其原则、理念和宗旨,并根据上述应通过不结盟运动及其现有机制和安排进一步努力维护、保护和促进的原则立场,各位部长商定采取以下措施,除其他外:", "1. 继续在振兴和加强不结盟运动进程中取得进展,以实现《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用宣言》以及在哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的《不结盟运动方法文件》中所列宗旨,这将使不结盟运动有效应对前方的各种挑战。巩固不结盟运动工作中的积极方法、保持并增加我们代表不结盟运动在不结盟运动有代表的联合国各个机构和其他国际论坛的辩论和决议介绍中提出具体建议的能力。在部长级会议期间,必要时应当对在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15次不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的《不结盟运动行动计划》进行审查,以评价其执行情况并做出相应的更新;", "2. 酌情将第16次不结盟运动部长级会议的成果文件作为联合国系统正式文件予以分发;", "3. 按照不结盟运动首脑会议和/或部长级会议上通过的相关决定,在成员国认为适当的情况下扩大不结盟运动在联合国机构或其他有关国际组织或机构内的范围;", "4. 加强并证明不结盟运动各成员之间的统一与团结,特别是与那些人民生活在殖民或外国统治或外国占领下的不结盟国家,以及那些经历外来的使用武力威胁、侵略行为或单边胁迫性措施的国家、生活在极端贫穷或遭受病痛,以及自然灾害的受害者,同时铭记,在这些情况下不结盟运动不能没有统一和团结;", "5. 维持对不结盟运动关于国际问题立场的审查、分析和加强的进程,以进一步确保坚持和促进其创始原则以及在第14次不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的原则,并进一步巩固其成员之间的共同点;", "6. 继续审查不结盟运动在当前现实中的作用,并酌情改进其结构和工作方法,包括通过加强现有的机制和安排,[9] 酌情建立新的机制和安排,并充分利用之,召集此种机制与安排的常会,编制更突出重点和简明的文件,加强主席作为不结盟运动发言人的作用,通过充分利用不结盟运动现有机制和安排并享有其最大效益,致力于建立一个备用机制来协助主席,目的在于继续促进一个更加协调、有效和高效的不结盟运动,能够及时应对影响它及其成员国的国际发展局势;", "7. 请协调局继续酌情考虑所有关于加强不结盟运动的作用和工作方法的提案,包括阿拉伯利比亚民众国关于在不妨碍不结盟运动的宗旨、原则和作用的前提下建立和平与安全理事会及常设秘书处的提案,并向即将于2012年在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的第16次首脑会议报告;", "8. 继续支持纽约的不结盟运动协调局及其工作组和核心小组发挥重要而积极的作用,同时维持现有的不结盟运动“三驾马车”机制,协助主席开展工作,以使不结盟运动以一个声音说话,及时应对国际发展局势,并促进不结盟运动“三驾马车”与前任主席就不结盟运动感兴趣的具体问题交流经验和集思广益。不结盟运动“三驾马车”和/或前任主席之间的活动和讨论应当向协调局报告;", "9. 在确定了各自的优先关切和职能领域之后,改进不结盟运动在纽约、日内瓦、内罗毕、维也纳、巴黎和海牙现有机制在联合国有关机关和机构工作中的协调,同时铭记纽约协调局作为不结盟运动协调的协调中心的地位并应继续发挥这种作用;", "10. 扩大并增强不结盟运动发起倡议、代表和谈判的能力及其在伦理、政治和道德上的力量与影响力;", "11. 通过77国集团和不结盟运动联合协调委员会(联协委)[10] 继续加强与77国集团加中国的协调与合作,以及拟订关于经济发展和社会进步问题的共同立场和战略,推动特别是在联合国改革的背景之下发展中国家在有关国际论坛上的共同关切和利益,扩大并深化南南合作。此种协调必须受这两个论坛1994年通过的职权范围的指导;", "12. 可能时,在所有相关多边论坛上促进77国集团和不结盟运动之间的协调与合作,以根据其各自的能力解决双方共同关心的问题;", "13. 按照不结盟运动《卡塔赫纳方法文件》[11] 有关规定和在哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的《不结盟运动方法文件》,通过采取坚决而及时的行动,加速其决策过程并改进其工作方法,以促进更有效的多边进程,目的是加强其作为全球主导力量的作用和重要性;", "14. 更加积极地应对国际发展局势,因为它有可能对不结盟运动及其成员国产生不利影响;", "15. 鼓励负责与不结盟运动有关的一揽子项目的部长之间进行互动,比如粮食生产和农业、能源、文化、教育、保健、人力资源、环境、信息和通信、工业、科学和技术、社会进步、妇女与儿童,目的是增强不结盟运动的有效性,并增进其成员国之间在这些领域的合作;", "16. 扩大并深化与不结盟国家的议员、民间社会,包括非政府组织和私营部门的互动与合作,并承认其可以在实现不结盟运动的原则、理念和宗旨方面发挥建设性作用;", "17. 作为进一步声援不结盟运动的表现,酌情支持不结盟国家和非成员国加入联合国机关和机构,包括安全理事会和经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)以及大会和经社理事会所有附属机构的候选资格,同时铭记成功获得候选资格的国家对这一支持的义务,维护、保护和促进不结盟运动在这些机关和机构中的关切和利益,同时不影响其主权权利。各位部长还商定考虑努力确保不结盟运动在所有国际论坛中的代表性。", "国际法", "24. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于国际法的原则立场的持续相关性和有效性,内容如下:", "1. 各位部长重新强调,《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则和国际法的原则对维护并促进和平与安全、法治、经济发展和社会进步以及人人享有人权至关重要。在此背景之下,联合国各会员国应重申其对维护、保护和促进《联合国宪章》和国际法的承诺,目的是在实现充分尊重国际法方面取得更多进展;", "2. 各位部长仍然关切不是按照国际条约和其他源自于国际法,包括国际人道主义法的义务而成立的国家法院单方面行使域外刑事和民事管辖权。在这方面,他们谴责在国家一级制定含有政治动机的针对其他国家的法律,并强调了此种措施对国际法规则和国际关系的负面影响,呼吁停止所有这样的措施;", "3. 各位部长在意识到滥用普遍管辖权原则对国际关系的负面影响的同时,呼吁各国避免此种滥用,并承认有必要进一步审查普遍管辖权原则以更好地确认其范围和执行情况,同时在这方面注意到依据第65/33号决议在第六委员会成立工作组详细开展讨论以查明该原则的范围和执行情况;并建立一个机制来监督该原则的执行情况,防止在将来再出现滥用现象;", "4. 各位部长重申,必须消除一个国家对另一个国家单方面适用经济和贸易措施而影响自由国际贸易流动的做法。他们敦促已经并将继续适用这种法律和措施的国家不要颁布和适用此种法律和措施,遵守其在《联合国宪章》和国际法下的义务,特别是重申贸易和航运自由。", "25. 各位部长确认那些寻求破坏国际法和国际法律文书的行动和措施所构成的严重危险和威胁,根据并遵循不结盟运动的原则立场,商定采取以下措施,除其他外,包括:", "1. 确定并实行可能促进在《联合国宪章》和国际法基础上实现一个和平与繁荣的世界以及建立一个公平公正的世界秩序的措施;", "2. 在以下基础之上开展对外关系:不结盟运动的理念、原则和宗旨、《联合国宪章》和国际法,以及《关于各国依〈联合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》、《加强国际安全宣言》和《加强在国际关系上不使用武力或进行武力威胁原则的效力宣言》;", "3. 坚决反对单方面评价并核准一些国家的行为作为向不结盟国家和其他发展中国家施加压力的方式;", "4. 不承认、通过或执行试图对不结盟国家施加压力的域外或单方面胁迫性措施或法律,包括单方面经济制裁、其他恐吓措施和任意的旅行限制措施,威胁不结盟国家的主权和独立及其贸易和投资自由,使其无法按照自己的自由意愿行使决定自己国家的政治、经济和社会制度的权利。这种措施或法律公然违反了《联合国宪章》、国际法、多边贸易体制以及国家之间友好关系的规范和原则;[12] 在这方面,根据大会和其他联合国机关的要求,反对并谴责这些措施或法律及其持续适用,坚决致力于有效纠正之,并敦促其他国家也这么做;请适用这些措施或法律的国家彻底并立即废除之;", "5. 依照国际法的规定,支持受影响国家,包括特定国家对由于执行域外或单方面胁迫性措施或法律所导致的损失进行索赔;", "6. 在重申维护各国在其加入的各种具有法律约束力的国际文书所规定的权利和义务之间的微妙平衡的至关重要性的同时,反对某些国家集团单方面重新解释、重新定义、重新起草或有选择性地适用这些文书条款,以符合其自身观点和利益并有可能影响各缔约方权利的行为,在此背景之下,致力于确保各缔约方保护这些文书的完整性;", "7. 反对任何列入国际法新概念的企图,其目的在于通过多边协定的方式将所谓的某些国家的域外法律所载的某些内容国际化;", "8. 努力在实现充分尊重国际法方面取得更多进展,在这方面,赞赏国际法院在按照《联合国宪章》和《国际法院规约》有关规定促进和平解决国际争端方面的作用;", "9. 敦促安全理事会更多地利用国际法院这一联合国的主要司法机构,作为国际法有关规范咨询意见和解释的来源。在存在争议的问题上,进一步敦促安理会将国际法院作为解释有关国际法的来源,还敦促安理会考虑由国际法院审查其决定,同时铭记必须确保他们遵守《联合国宪章》和国际法;", "10. 还邀请大会、正式授权的联合国其他机构和专门机构,就其活动范围内所产生的法律问题征求国际法院的咨询意见;", "11. 继续呼吁占领国以色列、各成员国和联合国充分尊重国际法院2004年7月9日的咨询意见,并考虑进一步向国际法院征求关于自1967年以来以色列长期占领巴勒斯坦领土问题的咨询意见;", "12. 属于《国际刑事法院罗马规约》缔约国的不结盟国家应当继续维护《规约》的完整性,并确保国际刑事法院始终保持公正性,完全独立于联合国各政治机关,后者不应命令或阻止国际刑事法院行使职能,同时铭记《罗马规约》的有关规定;", "13. 属于《国际刑事法院罗马规约》缔约国的不结盟国家呼吁那些尚未这么做的国家考虑批准或加入《国际刑事法院罗马规约》;", "14. 属于《国际刑事法院罗马规约》缔约国的不结盟国家欢迎2010年5月31日至6月11日在乌干达坎帕拉举行罗马规约审议大会,各缔约国在会上重申对《罗马规约》的承诺并通过了《规约修正案》,对侵略罪进行了界定并确定了国际法院对此类罪行行使管辖权的条件;", "15. 不结盟国家继续强调国际刑事法院根据其司法性质保持其独立性的必要性。这些国家指出,安全理事会在《联合国宪章》下的责任不应限制国际法院作为一个司法机构的作用。国际法院应当被赋予独立宣判侵略行为的权利;", "16. 属于《国际刑事法院罗马规约》缔约国的不结盟国家反对一切旨在建立一个向联合国维持和平行动工作人员给予豁免的进程的行动,特别是通过安全理事会给予该豁免的行动,因为这违反了《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的有关条款,并损害了国际刑事法院的公信力和独立性;", "17. 呼吁加入有关条约的不结盟国家开展合作,以增加并促进其在通过这些条约建立的机构中的代表和协调,并支持其专家获得候选人资格,进一步体现彼此之间的团结;", "18. 各位部长注意到2012年12月10日是1982年在牙买加蒙特哥湾签署并于1994年11月14日生效的《联合国海洋法公约》通过30周年,并忆及不结盟运动成员国为缔结和最终通过该公约做出了重大贡献;", "19. 各位部长忆及该公约作为在联合国主持下谈判达成的最全面的法律文书之一的历史重要性,并强调其作为特别是赋予沿海国家探查和开发其国家管辖范围内的生物和非生物海洋资源的权利的主要法律文件的重要意义,以及该公约在建立其他国家获取这些资源的框架方面的重要性;并对各国利用全球海域的权利和责任,包括其保护和养护海洋环境的基本义务做出了界定。各国部长还忆及该公约在指定国家管辖范围之外的、属于人类共同遗产的海床、海底土和洋底方面具有重要意义,以及建立国际海底管理局代表国际社会并依据该公约的针对性条款对各缔约国在该领域的所有活动进行组织、控制和管理的重要性;以及", "20. 在这方面,各位部长表示支持在2012年12月10日星期一召开联合国大会纪念会议,以纪念该公约通过30周年。", "促进和维护多边主义", "26. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于促进和维护多边主义和多边进程的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "1. 不结盟运动重申,联合国、《联合国宪章》和国际法仍然是维护和维持国际和平与安全以及加强国际合作所不可或缺的工具与核心所在。尽管承认联合国存在着局限性,但联合国的会员国几乎遍及全球,并拥有坚实的国际合法性,通过联合国体现了多边主义,因此它仍然是解决当前所有国家面临的紧迫的全球问题和挑战的主要多边论坛。所有国家必须分担管理并实现全世界经济发展和社会进步以及应对国际和平与安全的各种威胁的责任,并通过必须发挥核心作用的联合国来履行其责任;", "2. 继续处理并积极参与联合国大会依据《2005年首脑会议成果文件》第138、139和140段进一步审议关于每一个国家均有责任保护人民免遭灭绝种族、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪之害的问题,同时铭记《联合国宪章》和国际法的原则,其中包括尊重国家主权和领土完整、不干涉他国内政,以及尊重基本人权。不结盟运动注意到秘书长介绍的关于“预警、评估及保护责任”的报告(A/64/864);", "3. 不结盟运动还重申了按照《宪章》所载各项原则在联合国大会上讨论和定义人类安全的承诺。不结盟运动强调,国家自主权和领导以及能力建设是审议这一问题的基本要点。不结盟运动还确认,应当特别关注生活在外国占领之下的人民,以确保他们不受阻碍地获得人道主义援助,占领国履行其在国际法和国际人道主义法下的义务;", "4. 不结盟运动重申对越来越多地使用单边主义和单方面施加破坏《联合国宪章》和国际法的措施表示严重关切,并进一步重申其通过联合国促进、维护和加强多边主义和多边决策进程的承诺,严格遵守《宪章》和国际法,目的是建立一个公正公平的世界秩序和全球民主施政,而不是少数强权国家霸权基础之上的世界秩序;", "5. 不结盟运动各位部长强调联合国总部和办事处的东道国在维护多边主义、促进多边外交和政府间规范制定过程中的关键作用,并呼吁联合国总部和办事处的所有东道国依据相关的总部协定为其规定的义务,促进不结盟运动成员国的代表出席联合国相关会议;以及", "6. 不结盟运动的各位部长表示严重关切联合国总部的东道国拒绝或拖延向任何不结盟运动成员国的代表发放入境签证,并重申政治观点不应干扰依据总部协定为不结盟运动成员国参加联合国活动提供必要便利。", "27. 各位部长确认了南南合作作为南北合作的一种补充,在整个连续性多边主义进程范围内的作用,它对于应对发展中国家在推动经济发展和社会进步、促进和维护和平与安全,以及促进和保护所有人权,特别是发展权和法治方面所遇到的各种威胁和挑战而言至关重要。", "28. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 促进并致力于通过联合国和多边进程加强多边主义来建设一个多极化的世界,联合国和多边进程对于促进和维护不结盟国家的利益而言必不可少;", "2. 发起更有力、透明和包容广泛的倡议,以实现在经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全,以及人人享有人权以及法治领域的多边合作,包括通过加强不结盟运动关于共同关切和利益问题的统一、团结和凝聚力,目的是形成多边议程,将发展列为优先事项,同时应考虑到,发展中国家和发达国家以及国际机构必须加强伙伴关系,并协调其努力和资源,切实解决全球议程中的所有失衡现象;", "3. 按照不结盟运动原则,通过不结盟运动协调局和安全理事会内的不结盟运动核心小组,在联合国安全理事会中加强对不结盟运动的共同立场及其有关协定的维护。在此背景之下,各位部长鼓励身为安理会理事国的不结盟运动观察员酌情参加安理会内的不结盟运动核心小组的会议,并酌情与观点类似的非不结盟运动成员国就共同关切的问题交换看法;", "4. 致力于实现一个普遍的、基于规则的、开放、不歧视的公平多边贸易体制,强调多边主义对于按照任务要求实现平衡、发展导向和成功地完成多哈回合谈判的价值,并敦促所有国家履行其关于将全球化转化成积极力量并使人人公平分享全球化所带来的益处的承诺;", "5. 加强现行多边安排和机构的相对优势,同时不损害公平地域代表性原则和平等伙伴关系,并促进国际施政体系的民主化,以增加不结盟国家对国际决策过程的参与;", "6. 各位部长表示联合国是唯一在全世界拥有成员、其合法性不容质疑的全球机构,因此联合国完全能够解决全球经济治理问题,以实现可持续、社会均衡的经济发展目标。鉴于此,联合国在全球经济治理中的作用应当强化。为便于联合国发挥其在全球经济治理中的作用,不结盟运动的所有成员国必须拿出政治意愿,对联合国的各项进程、多边主义及其基本价值观做出承诺。不结盟运动成员国必须承诺同心协力,全球协调、全面地应对全球经济治理问题,并采取行动加强联合国发展系统在应对全球危机及其对发展的影响方面的作用。为此,联合国还必须配备必要的资源和能力以迅速有效地应对全球挑战;", "7. 在这方面,欢迎大会在其第65/94号决议中通过一项决定,在大会第六十六届会议临时议程项目“加强联合国系统”下列入分项“联合国系统在全球治理中的核心作用”;", "8. 反对某些国家将实施单边主义和单方面施加措施作为实现其国家政策目标的手段——这可能会损害或违反《联合国宪章》、国际法和人权——使用武力或进行武力威胁,以及压力和胁迫性措施;以及", "9. 加强南南合作与三角合作,包括通过增强有关机构和机制的能力,作为促进和维护多边主义和多边进程的一种必不可少的手段。", "和平解决争端,以及不使用武力或进行武力威胁", "29. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于和平解决争端、不使用武力或进行武力威胁的原则立场,内容如下:", "1. 所有国家都有责任保护、维护并促进《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法的原则,特别是和平解决争端和不使用武力或进行武力威胁;以及", "2. 不结盟运动重申了《联合国宪章》的基本原则,即各会员国在其国际关系上不得威胁使用武力或使用武力,或以与联合国宗旨不符之任何其他方法,侵害任何国家之领土完整或政治独立。不结盟运动强调,《联合国宪章》载有关于使用武力来保持和维护国际和平与安全的充足规定,安全理事会实现这一目标应当完全遵照《宪章》有关规定予以严格执行。必须避免将《宪章》第七章作为解决并不对国际和平与安全构成威胁的问题之庇护伞,在这方面,安理会应酌情充分利用《宪章》有关条款,包括第六章和第八章。此外,按照联合国和国际法的做法,如国际法院所宣告的,《联合国宪章》第五十一条具有约束性,不应当进行重写或重新解释。", "30. 各位部长对使用武力或施加制裁,包括在获得安全理事会授权的情况下无辜平民受害表示严重关切和极度失望。本着《联合国宪章》的精神,他们呼吁各国推进不使用武力与和平解决争端的原则作为实现集体安全的手段,而不是进行武力威胁或使用武力,同时铭记《联合国宪章》中所规定的“非为公共利益,不得使用武力”。", "31. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 呼吁国际社会重申其承诺支持和维护《联合国宪章》各项原则和国际法,以及《联合国宪章》中所载关于和平解决争端和不诉诸武力威胁或使用威胁的手段;", "2. 促进并保护不同文明间的对话、和平文化和宗教间对话,这将促进和平与安全,同时考虑到《关于各国依〈联合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》、《加强国际安全宣言》和《加强在国际关系上不使用武力或进行武力威胁原则的效力宣言》;", "3. 加强不结盟运动在不结盟国家内部或之间和平解决争端、预防和解决冲突、信心建设及冲突后和平建设和复原中的作用,特别是通过认真查明具体措施以加速创建一个这方面的不结盟运动机制,其职权范围必须符合其创始原则、《联合国宪章》和国际法。任何这种机制都应当建立在有关国家同意的基础之上;", "4. 反对并谴责某些国家通过使用轻蔑措辞以及系统性地诽谤其他国家、其传统和文化,对不结盟运动国家和人民贴标签,以施加政治压力;", "5. 反对并谴责根据单方面和不合理的标准对国家进行好或坏的分类,并通过“先发制人”式袭击包括某些国家核武器袭击的理论,因为它不符合国际法,特别是有关核裁军的具有法律约束力的国际文书;进一步反对并谴责所有破坏不结盟国家的主权、领土完整和独立的单方面军事行动,或使用武力或进行武力威胁,因为这构成了侵略行为,是对《联合国宪章》原则,包括不干涉别国内政的公然违反;以及", "6. 在确保国际和平与安全的同时,促进符合《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则以及国际法的发展办法的多样性作为不结盟国家的核心价值。", "和平文化、不同文明间的对话、宗教与文化,以及文化多样性", "32. 各位部长注意到,当今世界各国具有各种政治、经济、社会和文化制度和宗教,由其各自的历史、传统、价值观和文化多样性决定,这些国家的稳定要求普遍承认其自由决定其逐渐发展方法的权利。在此背景之下,他们强调,尊重此种制度和方法的多样性是一项核心价值,也是各国在日益全球化的世界中相互关系与合作的基础,目的是促进建立一个和平而繁荣的世界,一个公正而平等的世界秩序,以及一个有利于交换人类经验的环境。他们强调,促进不同文明间的对话和全球和平文化,特别是通过充分执行《不同文明对话全球议程》及其《行动纲领》以及《和平文化宣言和行动纲领》可促进实现这一目的。", "33. 各位部长欢迎分别于2008年1月15日至16日在马德里、2009年4月6日至7日在伊斯坦布尔、2010年5月27日至29日在里约热内卢举行的第一次、第二次和第三次不同文明联盟论坛,并欢迎卡塔尔国政府决定于2011年12月11日至13日主办第四次联盟论坛,同时呼吁加强国际伙伴关系,产生旨在在不同行为者和利益攸关方之间建立信任与合作的想法,促进不同文明之间的对话。", "34. 各位部长重申,不同文化、文明和宗教间对话应当是一个持久进程,在当前的国际环境下,促进经济和社会发展、和平与安全,以及人权和法治,以保障人人提高生活水平并不是一种选择,而是势在必行的、合理而有效的工具。在此背景之下,他们进一步重申,容忍是国际关系的基本价值观。", "35. 各位部长铭记,国际社会目前所面临的各种挑战必须通过多边主义由各国一起解决,他们欢迎基于极高的道德观、正义和友谊的“和平联盟”,以谴责侵略行为,加强并促进全世界范围内的稳定、安定与持久和平。", "36. 各位部长确认各种宗教和信仰对现代文明的宝贵贡献以及不同文明间的对话可以促进对容忍与和平共处这些共同价值观的认识和理解。", "37. 各位部长重申,必须继续致力于促进不同文明、文化和宗教间的对话和理解,并重申,他们致力于携手合作,防止文化同质化与统治或煽动仇恨与歧视、打击宗教诽谤,并制定更好的方法以促进容忍、尊重和保护宗教和信仰自由,包括保护文化特性的权利。他们强调了大会和有关联合国机关在这一方面可以发挥的作用,特别是通过促进就那些重要而敏感的问题进行必要对话。", "38. 各位部长确认游牧文明与生俱来的与自然和谐共处的文化对当今世界的重要性和相关性在日益增加。因此,他们欢迎各国努力在现代社会中保护和发展游牧文化和传统。", "39. 各位部长重申,2007年3月18日生效的教科文组织《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》的重要性,它是对国际社会定义《世界文化多样性宣言》框架的一个主要贡献,并呼吁联合国各会员国考虑加入该公约。", "40. 各位部长重申其承诺加强不同文明和宗教之间的对话,通过支持国际一级所做的努力,在公正、博爱、平等的基础上减少对抗、加强对话、促进尊重多样性,并反对所有单一文化或施加特定政治、经济、社会、法律或文化制度模式的企图,促进不同文明之间的对话、和平文化和宗教间对话,这将有助于实现和平、安全、稳定和发展。", "41. 各位部长欢迎不结盟运动成员国所做的富有成效的努力,其中包括阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国、阿拉伯埃及共和国、印度尼西亚共和国、摩洛哥王国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、菲律宾共和国、卡塔尔国、塞内加尔共和国和约旦哈希姆王国倡议通过举办各种会议和论坛探索不同宗教、文化和文明间共存与合作的机会,以查明和制定国家、区域和国际级别可以促进不同宗教、文化和文明[13] 之间和睦的战略和方案,包括其他政府间进程和倡议。", "42. 各位部长欢迎约旦国王陛下阿卜杜拉二世在大会第六十五届会议期间发起的倡议以及大会随后通过一项决议宣布每年2月第一个星期为所有宗教、信仰之间的世界不同信仰间和谐周。", "43. 各位部长表示赞赏菲律宾于2010年3月16日至18日在马尼拉主办不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展不结盟运动部长级特别会议,并强调加强努力促进尊重《不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展马尼拉宣言和行动纲领》所载的宗教、信仰、文化和社会多样性的重要意义。", "44. 各位部长欢迎菲律宾依据2010年《马尼拉宣言》建立“宗教间对话电子门户网站:不结盟运动的经验”,并认可该电子门户网站作为提高对不结盟运动的宗教间对话努力的认识和了解水平的电子资源中心的关键作用,各位部长还鼓励不结盟运动成员国利用电子门户网站交流《马尼拉宣言和行动纲领》在各国的发展情况,以促进宗教间对话信息量的增加和发展。", "45. 各位部长重申他们对2007年9月3日和4日在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的人权和文化多样性问题不结盟运动部长级会议上通过的《德黑兰宣言和行动纲领》的承诺,并确认了在德黑兰成立的人权和文化多样性不结盟运动中心的重要作用,还鼓励不结盟运动成员国在自愿基础上向该中心提供必要援助,以期实现其既定目标和宗旨,特别是进一步促进人权和文化多样性。", "46. 各位部长欢迎在巴基斯坦和菲律宾的联合倡议下于2007年10月4日至5日举行首届不同宗教间和文化间合作促进和平大会高级别对话,以及在国王兼两座清真寺管理者阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒–阿齐兹·阿勒沙特的倡议下在“和平文化”议程项目下于2008年11月12日至13日举行不同信仰间对话大会高级别会议。", "47. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "47.1 强调必须继续通过不同文明间对话世界方案和文明联盟等途径加强不同文明间对话、和平文化和文化间对话;", "47.2 反对一切向任何国家施加任何特殊的政治、经济、法律或文化制度模式的企图,因为这可能会导致全球不稳定,并损害各国及其人民的安全;", "47.3 通过增进尊重和遵守文化多样性增加文化间对话和交流,努力防止并减轻全球化背景之下的文化同质化和单一文化主义;", "47.4 在尊重国家主权和领土完整、不干涉国家内政、外国占领和殖民统治下人民的自决权、预防暴力、促进非暴力、严格遵守载于《联合国宪章》的国际关系原则以及完全实现发展权的基础上促进和平文化;", "47.5 促进尊重宗教、信仰和文化多样性,以及先知、宗教符号和名人,作为普遍尊重人民、文明和属于全人类的共同遗产的一部分;", "47.6 促进教育在促进和平文化和不同文化、宗教和文化间对话中的重要作用,并酌情促进民间社会、非政府信仰组织和媒体在推动宗教间、文化间和不同文明间对话和理解以培养文化多样性、实现国际商定目标,包括千年发展目标方面的作用;", "47.7 通过各种活动继续增强不结盟运动成员国努力促进和平文化以及不同文明、宗教和文化间对话,包括通过组织国际和区域会议和论坛;", "47.8 呼吁执行在菲律宾政府倡议下于2010年3月16日至18日在菲律宾马尼拉举行的不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展不结盟运动部长级特别会议通过的《不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展马尼拉宣言和行动纲领》;", "47.9 发起各种讨论,以拟订一个关于消除一切形式的宗教不容忍,包括消除宗教诽谤和基于宗教或信仰的歧视的国际文书;", "47.10 促进《关于人权和文化多样性问题的德黑兰宣言和行动纲领》所载协定的执行,并在此背景之下,继续尽快促进关于人权理事会或联合国大会主题的不结盟运动倡议,在此背景之下,加强不结盟运动人权和文化多样性中心的活动并考虑批准其宪章;", "47.11 认可尊重和理解世界各地宗教和文化多样性的重要性,并承认选择谈判而不是对抗、选择同心协力而不是敌对的重要意义。", "诽谤宗教", "48. 各位部长重申了他们对必须强调所有宗教和信仰的温和性和通过宗教内和宗教间对话增进理解的坚定信仰。在这方面,他们深感震惊的是,通过和实施反对任何宗教、打着各种与安全和非法移民有关的幌子对具有不同宗教信仰的人群,特别是在2001年“9·11”事件之后对来自某些种族和宗教少数群体的人民实行污名化的歧视性国家法律和政策的趋势日益增加。", "49. 各位部长铭记,诽谤宗教在表达自由权的基础上被错误地认为是正当的,他们强调,人人都有持有各种意见而不受干涉的权利和表达自由权,行使这些权利的同时也必须履行特殊的职责,因此,可能会受到法律所规定的尊重他人权利和名誉、保护国家安全或维护公共秩序、公共卫生或道义所必须的限制。", "50. 在这方面,各位部长认为,促进充分尊重各国间所有宗教和文化十分重要,以促进并确保充分享受言论自由权,同时防止滥用并煽动宗教仇恨,因为这可能会破坏进行中努力在不同宗教、文化和文明间互相尊重和容忍的基础上促进和平文化,如各国均为缔约方的国际人权文书中所规定的那样。", "51. 各位部长表示关切对宗教的负面陈规定型、侮辱和诽谤宗教人物、圣书、经文和符号,这阻碍了对人权的享有,包括敬神和表现宗教而不用担心胁迫、暴力或报复的权利。他们谴责一切基于宗教或信仰煽动对人们实行意识形态和身体方面的暴力和攻击,以及针对神圣符号、所有宗教的朝拜场所或地方实施的行为。各位部长强调,必须通过国家和国际级别的适当措施解决这些令人不安的事态,包括按照现有国际法律文书提供适当保护免遭构成煽动因诽谤宗教而产生的歧视、敌意或暴力行为的法律措施。他们还强调,在任何情况下限制任何宗教团体敬神自由的任何企图都是不可接受的。", "52. 各位部长强调了教育在促进容忍和消除基于宗教或信仰的歧视方面的重要作用。", "自决权和非殖民化", "53. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于外国占领和殖民或外国统治下人民自决权的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "53.1 不结盟运动强调所有民族的基本而不可剥夺的权利,包括所有非自治领土,以及那些在外国占领和殖民或外国统治下领土的自决权。在外国占领和殖民或外国统治下人民行使自决权对于确保消除这些情况和保证普遍尊重人权和基本自由而言依然有效,且必不可少;", "2. 按照大会第1514(XV)号决议,不结盟运动重申波多黎各人民的自决权和独立权,并表达了其对联合国非殖民化特别委员会通过的关于波多黎各的各项决议的坚定支持;同时呼吁立即执行之;并", "3. 不结盟运动仍然关切在武装冲突地区和被占领土上文化财产的损失、毁坏、拆除、偷窃、掠夺、非法移动或挪用,以及任何故意破坏或损坏文化财产的行为。", "54. 忆及《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》五十周年,各位部长欢迎大会A/RES/65/119号决议宣布2011-2020年为第三个铲除殖民主义国际十年,并呼吁加速非殖民化进程,在这十年彻底铲除殖民主义。", "55. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 强烈支持联合国非殖民化特别委员会的工作和活动,强调必须增强其决定的重要性,并再次敦促管理国全力支持委员会的各种活动并与该联合国机构进行充分的合作;", "2. 请殖民国家对其占领所造成的经济、社会和文化后果予以充分赔偿,同时铭记所有曾经处于或仍然处于殖民统治或占领下的人民对因殖民统治或占领所造成的人员和财产损失获得公平赔偿的权利;", "3. 强烈谴责对世界各地处于殖民或外国统治和外国占领下人民对自决的合法期望的残忍压制;", "4. 敦促联合国各会员国全面实施联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)关于将文化财产归还曾经或依然处于殖民统治或占领下人民的各项决定和决议,在这方面,进一步敦促教科文组织按照这一问题的相关公约,查明被盗或非法出口的文化财产,还敦促按照大会有关决议,加速将这些财产归还其来源国的进程,同时铭记不结盟国家保存和保护其民族遗产的权利,因为这是其文化特性的基础;", "5. 重新呼吁联合国各会员国加速非殖民化进程,以完全实现消除殖民主义,包括通过支持有效实施《铲除殖民主义十年行动计划》(2011-2020年);", "6. 各位部长表示严重关切最近由管理国联合王国关于中止《特克斯和凯科斯群岛宪法》、民选议会和内阁以及将之前确定的选举推迟至2011年7月举行的决定,这一决定将导致联合王国在不确定的时期内继续实施直接统治。在这方面,呼吁按照2006年的宪法令,紧急恢复特克斯和凯科斯群岛的宪法政府并尽快举行选举;", "7. 根据人民的期望并按照《联合国宪章》和有关联合国决议,[14] 致力于在《非殖民化特别委员会行动纲领》的框架内充分执行有关剩余领土的自决原则;", "8. 反对任何旨在部分或完全破坏一个国家的民族团结和领土完整的企图,因为这与《联合国宪章》不符;以及", "9. 呼吁美国政府承担其责任,加速使波多黎各人民充分行使其不可剥夺的自决权和独立权的进程,并敦促美国政府将被占领土地和别克斯岛和罗斯福路海军基地的设备归还给波多黎各人民,波多黎各人民建立了一个拉丁美洲和加勒比国家;并", "10. 积极促使联合国大会全盘审议波多黎各问题。", "联合国:2005年世界首脑会议成果、《千年宣言》及联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的后续行动", "56. 各位部长重申,《联合国宪章》在联合国的各项宗旨和原则之间建立了一个平衡,这些宗旨和原则包含了所有相关问题,包括经济和社会发展、和平与安全以及人权和法治。《千年宣言》、2005年世界首脑会议成果和2010年千年发展目标高级别全体会议的成果为这一平衡提供了21世纪的视角。他们进一步重申,各国在这些领域所面临的现有、新的和新出现的威胁和挑战之间相互关联,可以通过尽可能早地按照《联合国宪章》中所设想的一系列广泛的可用和平手段加以解决,确保维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则、联合国的政府间性质和主要机构之间所需的平衡,以及联合国在这些领域的工作的中立性和公正性。", "57. 各位部长注意到2010年千年发展目标首脑会议的成果,并重申他们关切该文件没有充分考虑发展中国家的利益,特别是在与发展相关的关键重要问题。他们还对发达国家未能遵守多项承诺,特别是官方发展援助承诺表示失望。他们强调必须扩大全球发展伙伴关系以调集更多急需的资源解决遗留的差距和持续存在的挑战,从而确保没有一个国家仅因为缺乏资源而不能实现千年发展目标。各位部长重申他们承诺加强努力在2015年之前实现千年发展目标,并强调全球发展伙伴关系在支持国家发展战略和政策中的关键作用。", "58. 各位部长依然关切,最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定的发展目标方面缺少进展和/或进展不均,在这方面,重申2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家会议通过的《2011–2020十年伊斯坦布尔支援最不发达国家行动纲领》、《阿拉木图行动纲领:在内陆和过境发展中国家过境运输合作全球新框架下满足内陆发展中国家的特别需要》以及《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》的执行和后续行动方面加强全球伙伴关系的重要性。", "59. 各位部长提请特别注意,一些捐助国必须尽快履行承诺,在2015年之前实现将国民生产总值(国产总值)的0.7%作为对发展中国家官方发展援助的目标,在2010年之前实现至少将国产总值的0.5%用于官方发展援助的水平,以及在2010年之前将国产总值的0.15%到0.2%作为对最不发达国家的官方发展援助,并对总体官方发展援助有所下降表示关切。他们商定,强调将经社理事会发展合作论坛作为联合国系统内的协调中心,在所有有关利益攸关方参加的前提下,综合审议各种国际发展合作问题,包括监测在实现这些目标方面取得的进展。他们强调,这些发达国家尚未建立一个关于官方发展援助的时间表,因此必须尽快制定一个这样的时间表,以协助发展中国家及时实现千年发展目标。", "60. 各位部长重申,经济和社会发展是联合国各项目标和业务活动的中心。实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定的发展目标应当继续成为联合国系统和其他相关国际机构发展活动的相关框架。", "61. 各位部长强调了在有效落实包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定的发展目标方面所取得进展不充分和不均匀,并深为关切地指出,很多国家,特别是非洲国家已落在后面,并且不太可能在预计日期之前实现这些目标。在这方面,各位部长强调,重要的是确保有效和充分执行商定的发展目标和承诺,包括在承认国家自主权和发展战略的基础上加强全球发展伙伴关系。他们进一步强调,经济和社会发展必须被列为联合国议程的最高优先事项。", "62. 各位部长强调,必须及时、有效、全面而持久地解决发展中国家的债务问题,并呼吁继续制订和执行减免中等收入发展中国家重大债务问题的各种倡议。", "63. 他们强调,联合国在解决有关国际贸易和发展的问题,以及国际经济关系中持久的系统不平等,特别是在增强发展中国家在国际、金融和货币机构中的发言权和参与方面进展缓慢(这对发展中国家不利)方面可发挥重要作用。他们还强调,必须对全球金融和经济治理和架构进行全面的结构改革,以建立一个公平、透明和民主的国际体系,加强并扩大发展中国家对国际经济决策和规则制定的参与。在此背景之下,他们还强调,必须加强并实施一系列国际经济、金融和贸易谈判的发展层面。各位部长再次呼吁国际社会、联合国系统和各种国际组织和机构,包括布雷顿森林机构和世界贸易组织将联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议上所作的经济、社会和相关领域的所有承诺都转化为具体行动,以便特别是在商定的时限内实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定的发展目标,并呼吁有效利用监测和后续机制,以确保这些承诺和行动得到切实履行。", "64. 各位部长强调,联合国必须在促进国际发展合作、包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定的发展目标的一致、协调和执行,以及国际社会商定的行动方面发挥基本作用,并决心与所有其他多边金融、贸易和发展机构紧密合作,加强联合国系统内的协调,以支持持久、包容和公平的经济增长、消除贫穷和饥饿,以及可持续发展。", "65. 各位部长强调,次区域、区域、区域间和国际合作在帮助发展中国家融入全球经济并实现其发展目标和千年发展目标以及促进全球发展伙伴关系方面都发挥了重要作用。各位部长还承认有必要加强区域、次区域和区域间合作进程的协同性和互补性,并强调了联合国与其他相关国际机构在支持此类合作方面的作用。", "66. 各位部长欢迎全球妇女儿童健康战略广泛团结各位伙伴,旨在支持健康事务方面的国家计划和战略,以便作为一项立即关切事项,通过扩大影响广泛的一揽子优先干预措施,大幅降低产妇、新生儿和5岁以下儿童死亡率,从而按照千年发展目标4和5的规定降低产妇和儿童死亡率,同时注意到国家、区域和国际在所有千年发展目标方面的举措,包括双边举措和通过南南合作。", "67. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "67.1 积极参与载于《千年宣言》以及其后续审议,包括2010年千年发展目标首脑会议的成果的承诺,以及在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议上商定的经济、社会和相关领域的国际发展目标的后续进程和执行,推动不结盟运动对审议问题的原则立场。为此目的,不结盟运动应当与77国集团加中国紧密合作,坚持这些会议和首脑会议进程的后续进程必须保持包容各方、不限成员名额和透明,以确保不结盟国家的利益和优先事项在该进程的最后成果中得到适当考虑;", "2. 呼吁国际社会支持补充而不是替代南北合作的南南合作,包括区域、区域间和三角合作,在此背景之下,各位部长欢迎2009年12月1日至3日在肯尼亚内罗毕举行联合国南南合作高级别合作会议,并呼吁执行联合国大会第64/222号决议批准的内罗毕成果文件;", "3. 开始筹备工作以便在联合国大会第六十八届会议期间酌情在最高政治级别上召开一次专门讨论消除贫穷问题的会议;", "4. 重申建立一个强化且更为有效的政府间包容性机制的重要性,以便在执行蒙特雷和多哈商定的任务后采取适当的后续行动,同时在2013年举行发展筹资问题后续会议,回顾《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》,敦促经社理事会就建立此种机制迅速达成结论,以便大会尽快在第六十六届会议上最后确定行动。", "联合国:体制改革", "A. 联合国改革", "68. 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于联合国体制改革的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "1. 联合国仍然是各国之间在对话、合作和建立共识的基础之上探讨有关国际合作促进经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全,以及人权和法治问题所必不可少的主要论坛。在此背景之下,不结盟运动高度重视加强联合国的作用,并强调,应当努力充分发挥其潜力;", "2. 改革的目的是使联合国发展系统在支助发展中国家在其国家发展战略基础之上实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标方面更加顺应民意、有效和高效。改革工作应当增强组织效率,并取得具体的发展成果;", "3. 联合国改革仍然是不结盟运动的一项集体议程和高度优先事项,按照2005年世界首脑会议成果和《千年宣言》所列的目标和审查工作参数,改革是一个动态的进行中过程,其本身并不是目的。联合国改革必须以有效和负责的方式全面、透明、包容和平衡地开展,并且按照《宪章》充分尊重联合国的政治性质及其政府间、普遍和民主的特性。在此背景之下,改革期间,每一个会员国的意见都必须得到倾听并得到尊重,不管其向联合国缴纳的会费为多少,同时强调,任何改革措施都应当由各会员国根据《宪章》通过政府间进程加以决定;", "68.4 各位部长强调联合国在全球治理中的核心作用,要取得这一成效只能通过联合国主要机构之间严格遵守《宪章》所载的微妙平衡、振兴大会和经济及社会理事会的工作、改革安全理事会,包括扩大其规模、实行民主化、增强透明度、问责及改进工作方法;", "5. 各位部长强调,主要分摊国必须及时、全额并无条件地缴纳其分摊的会费,这对于联合国的财务稳定至关重要,以使联合国能够有效开展其任务。改革后的联合国必须顺应所有会员的意见,忠于其创始原则,并能够开展其任务;", "6. 鉴于联合国用于多边发展合作的资源持续减少,联合国改革对发展中国家的影响尚未显现。各位部长确认大会在通过其第63/260号决议时采取的旨在改善与发展有关的活动有效执行的措施,强调必须划拨更多的资金,以加强联合国的发展支柱,包括经济和社会事务部、贸发会议、各区域委员会和发展账户。在此背景之下,各位部长表示特别关切一个事实,即目前的发展账户筹资系统未能发挥作用,强调必须把账户供资机制的长期问题作为优先事项加以解决,向账户提供可预测和可持续的供资。联合国改革的成功只能通过在维护发展中国家利益的同时集体评估联合国发挥职能方面的可能进展加以判断。在此背景之下,联合国改革应当经过大会的严格核准,其最终目标不应当占用联合国预算和资源。然而,若改革释放了部分现有资源,这种资源最终应被转用于支助与国际发展合作相关的各种活动和方案;", "7. 联合国改革的目标应当包括加强大会和经社理事会,以及改革安全理事会和其他有关联合国机构,同时解决可能因此而导致的以下系统问题:", "(a) 加强多边主义和包容广泛的多边决策进程,向联合国提供实质性能力,以充分而有效地实现《宪章》所载的各项宗旨和原则,并在各会员国讨论和执行各项决定中巩固其民主和政府间性质及其透明度;", "(b) 加强并改进联合国作为重要而又不可缺少的论坛的作用,在应对经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全,以及人权和法治的各种威胁和挑战方面充分发挥其潜力,这可以通过执行联合国所有任务授权、决定和决议来实现,同时铭记,一个更强大的、能更有效地满足其集体需要的联合国符合其共同利益;", "(c) 促进提高联合国系统内的民主、有效性、效率、透明度、不偏袒、包容性、公正性和问责;", "(d) 通过提供充足的资源和有效的后续机制,增强联合国在促进在维护国际和平与安全,特别是发展以及执行经济、社会和相关领域包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定的发展目标方面的国际合作。在此背景之下,任何联合国改革的提议还应解决系统问题以及可能因此导致的申请额外人力和财政资源的问题;以及", "(e) 将发展层面纳入大会、经社理事会和联合国系统经济部门,包括可持续发展、政策空间、南南合作、社会和环境责任领域的主流,同时铭记使南方国家人民能够充分参与国际决定和规则制定经济进程的目的,并确保其获得并充分享有国际经济的惠益;", "8. 在确认经济和社会发展、和平与安全,以及人权和法治之间相互关联的同时,应当致力于确保任何旨在将联合国转型成为更加有效的预防冲突的工具的努力都考虑到必须按照《宪章》和国际法制定一个平衡协调而全面的方法,以增进冲突预防和解决以及冲突后和平建设战略,目的在于实现可持续的经济增长和可持续发展。在此背景之下,联合国所有主要机构在按照其各自的职权制定和执行一个更加有效的集体安全体系方面发挥积极作用至关重要;", "9. 联合国各会员国发展共同的认识和商定的办法对解决国际和平与安全所面临的现有、新的和新出现的各种威胁和挑战以及冲突根源而言必不可少。这种针对集体安全的共同认识和办法只有在联合国所有会员国按照《宪章》的宗旨和原则共同制定才具有合法性。联合国每一个主要机构的积极参与都十分关键,既行使其各自的职权,同时又不影响由《宪章》所确立的平衡;", "10. 应当继续依据联合国相关决议,通过已经确立的协商安排开展努力,加强民间社会、非政府组织和私营机构对联合国及其各机构工作的贡献,并服务于《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。这种努力应当寻求,特别是,解决发展中国家在调集资源和获得落实可持续发展方案所需技术和能力方面遇到的障碍;", "11. 各位部长强调,在哈瓦那召开的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议《最后文件》以及由不结盟运动和77国集团加中国主席签署的2007年1月3日的联合致信中所载的不结盟运动关于审查联合国方案和活动任务的原则立场已作为联合国正式文件予以分发(A/61/693);以及;", "68.12 各位部长确认任务审查进程的结论,并注意到第62/278号决议,特别是第4段,其中大会呼吁其有关机构和附属机关在其各自的任务授权范围内并按照既定的方案规划条例和细则,继续改进其任务的执行情况,并解决立法决定的持续有效性以及秘书处和联合国系统其他机构各部门之间的有效协调问题。", "69. 各位部长对国际刑事法院在不结盟运动和77国集团加中国之间就联合国改革各个方面采取后续行动实现较高水平的协调和行动表示满意,这使其成为主要行为者,同时促进了发展中国家利益的提高,各位部长呼吁在这方面进一步合作和协调,包括通过联合协调委员会在共同关注的相关领域发挥作用。", "70. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 在改革进程中促进发展中国家的关切和利益问题,确保改革取得成功成果,促进和保护《宪章》中所规定的大会、经社理事会和安全理事会的完整性和各自的职权;", "2. 反对寻求以下目标的提议:(a) 改变联合国民主和政府间性质及其监督和监测进程,包括任何寻求破坏作为负责行政和预算问题的主要委员会的大会第五委员会的作用的提议;(b) 对预算规模实施人为限制;(c) 从现有资源中资助更多的活动;或(d) 重新定义《宪章》规定的联合国主要机构在与预算有关的问题上的职能和职权;", "3. 积极参与各种协商,并致力于特别是通过确保执行联合国有关决定和决议实现:(a) 鉴于大会作为联合国主要的审议、决策和最具代表性的机构的主要作用和立场,重振大会的工作;(b) 加强经社理事作为经济和社会发展问题协调、政策审查、政策对话和建议的主要机构的作用,并监测各种发展方案的执行情况;(c) 使安全理事会民主化,成为维持国际和平与安全的有效论坛;以及(d) 通过建立明确和可执行的问责框架,改革秘书处及其管理,以确保在秘书处各级以及从秘书处到会员国都有效执行所有任务,并提供最高级别的问责和透明度;", "4. 加强充分实现联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议在经济、社会和相关领域中成果所需的全球发展伙伴关系;", "5. 反对将联合国改革等同于赋予安全理事会以更大的权利的倾向,并铭记必须在联合国各主要机构的职权之间保持平衡;", "6. 按照联合国有关决议,包括改进监测其有效执行的机制,确保及时向联合国提供充分执行已获授权的方案和活动所需的充足资源;", "6. 与77国集团加中国紧密合作,促进额外资源的分配,以进一步增强联合国的发展支柱;", "7. 对尚未得到大会审议和采取行动的所有提议,以及那些正在执行的提议保持紧密的政府间监督和审查;以及", "8. 维护由不结盟运动和77国集团加中国通过国际刑事法院就联合国改革各个方面采取后续行动所实现的宗旨和行动的统一性,以使发展中国家的利益和关切在该进程的最后成果中能够得到适当体现。", "B. 联合国主要机构之间的关系", "71. 各位部长强调,联合国各会员国必须充分尊重每一个联合国主要机构,特别是大会的职权,并在其各自基于《宪章》的职权内保持这些主要机构的平衡。他们强调,安全理事会必须充分遵守《宪章》的所有条款,以及大会的各项决议,其中阐明了安理会与大会以及其他主要机构之间的联系。在此背景之下,各位部长确认,《宪章》第二十四条不一定赋予了安全理事会处理属于大会和经社理事会职权范围内问题的权限,包括在规则制定、立法、行政和预算问题领域的权限以及规定定义的权限,同时铭记,大会的主要任务是促进国际法之逐渐发展与编纂。[15] 各位部长表示严重关切安理会日益而持续地侵犯明显属于联合国其他主要机构及其附属机构职权的问题。他们进一步强调,各主要机构之间的紧密合作与协调对于使联合国保持相关性以及有能力应对现有、新的和新出现的威胁和挑战而言不可或缺。", "72. 各位部长强调,尽管根据《联合国宪章》第二十四条第一项,各会员国将维持国际和平与安全之主要责任,授予安全理事会,并同意安全理事会于履行此项责任下之职务时,即系代表各会员国。在此背景之下,他们进一步强调,安理会应按照《联合国宪章》第二十四条第三项,安全理事会应向大会报告并对大会负责。", "73. 各位部长重申其关切安全理事会通过处理通常属于大会和经社理事会管辖权的问题持续侵占大会和经社理事会的职权,并试图进入属于大会职权范围的规则制定、行政和预算问题以及确定定义领域。", "74. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长将继续采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 敦促各国维护《联合国宪章》中有关大会职权条款的绝对重要性及对其予以充分尊重,呼吁大会、经社理事会和安全理事会主席就其各自所代表的主要机构的议程和工作方案举行定期讨论和协调,以相辅相成地增进这些机构之间的一致性和互补性,尊重彼此的任务,以促进相互理解。各机构所代表的成员国秉承善意赋予了这些机构以信任和信心;", "2. 欢迎安理会7月主席与联合国各会员国举行非正式会议讨论编写安全理事会年度报告的问题,包括与越南社会主义共和国、乌干达和尼日利亚分别于2008年、2009年和2010年举行会议,这是朝前迈出的一步,呼吁安全理事会未来7月的主席与联合国更广泛的会员国之间进行更多的定期互动,这可帮助提高这种报告的质量;", "3. 呼吁安全理事会向大会提交更加全面、解释性和分析性的年度报告,评估安理会的工作,包括安理会未能采取行动的情况,以及其成员在审议安理会所审议的议程项目期间表达的观点。此外还呼吁安全理事会拟订通过不同成果的条件,无论是决议、主席声明、新闻谈话还是新闻稿;", "4. 呼吁安全理事会按照《联合国宪章》第十五条第一项和第二十四条第三项提交特别报告,供大会审议;", "5. 呼吁安全理事会确保其月度评估全面而富于分析性,并及时发布。大会可考虑提出制定这种评估的参数;", "6. 呼吁安全理事会按照《宪章》第十一条第二项,充分考虑大会关于国际和平与安全事项的建议;以及", "7. 反对并停止将大会或经社理事会议程下的事项转至安全理事会,以及安理会侵占大会职权的企图。", "C. 大会工作的振兴", "75. 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于振兴大会工作的原则性立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "75.1 大会作为联合国主要的审议、决策和代表性机构包括在有关国际和平与安全的问题中的作用和权利,[16] 政府间和民主性质,及其附属机构的作用和职权,直接促进了《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及联合国的目标,必须得到尊重。联合国作为联合国主要监督机构,包括监督维持和平行动管理和采购的特权也必须得到尊重;以及", "75.2 大会工作的振兴是联合国全面改革的一个关键组成部分,它必须遵照民主、透明和问责的原则,并通过不限成员名额和包容广泛的协商加以实现,其目标应当是继续加强大会作为联合国主要审议、决策和代表性机构的作用和立场,同时铭记,大会程序和工作方法的改进只是朝着大会更加实质性的进展和重振所迈出的第一步;恢复和增强大会的作用和权利,包括在《宪章》规定的维护国际和平与安全方面,除其他外,充分尊重其职权并加强其与其他主要机构,特别是安全理事会的关系和协调。", "76. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 支持所有旨在加强大会中心作用和权利的进行中和持续的努力,同时考虑到相关性和效率的标准;反对任何寻求挑战大会作为联合国主要的审议、决策和代表性机构的主要作用和权利的改革提议;反对任何寻求或可能导致破坏或最小化大会的成就、削弱其当前作用和职能或质疑其相关性和公信力的方法;", "2. 强调执行以往所有关于振兴大会的工作的决议以及继续切实执行这些决议的后续工作的重要性;", "3. 呼吁联合国各会员国重申其承诺和政治意愿,在非选择性和非歧视性基础上执行大会各项决定和决议,因为未能这么做是很多未解决问题的根源所在;", "4. 按照大会有关决议,确保向联合国提供充分执行所有已获授权的方案和活动所需的资源;", "5. 重申大会的作用和权利,包括《联合国宪章》第十、十一、十二、十三、十四和三十五条中所规定的有关国际和平与安全的问题的作用和权利,并酌情运用大会议事规则第7、8、9和10条所列的程序,使大会能够开展迅速而紧急的行动,同时铭记,按照《宪章》第二十四条,安全理事会的主要责任是维持国际和平与安全;", "6. 各位部长重申了大会在维持国际和平与安全方面的作用,并表示严重关切安全理事会未能解决一些涉及大屠杀、危害人类罪、战争罪或交战各方停火的案件,从而未能履行其在这一方面的主要责任;", "7. 各位部长强调,在安全理事会未能履行其维持国际和平与安全这一主要责任的情况下,大会应按照《宪章》采取适当措施,以解决这一问题。对此,各位部长回顾了在第14次不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的决定,授权不结盟运动各成员国驻纽约联合国的代表就此问题拟订适当的决议草案,并提交至大会;", "7. 促进并维护大会在确定联合国优先事项和审议所有预算和行政问题和改革问题中的作用和任务授权,包括其对分配和再分配财政和人力资源的绝对权利,以及按照《宪章》和大会决议任命秘书处高级官员的权利,方法是,除其他外,通过确保联合国各会员国充分遵守这些决议;", "8. 确保大会依然是对联合国所有附属机构的工作进行审查的主要机构。", "9. 查明简化联合一致共策和平程序的措施,使大会能够采取迅速紧急的行动,并确认其在有关《宪章》所列的国际和平与安全问题上的作用;", "10. 按照《联合国宪章》第九十七条的规定,加强大会在甄选联合国秘书长中的作用;", "11. 强调必须通过从联合国经常预算中分配充足的人力和财力资源来扩大和加强大会主席办公室的作用,并为大会主席提供适当的协议和保安服务以及适足的办公空间,以便大会主席以符合其办公室尊严和形象的方式履行其职责;以及", "12. 各位部长赞赏在阿尔及利亚的主持下,不结盟运动大会振兴工作组进行中的工作,协调不结盟运动共同关心的问题。他们鼓励所有的不结盟运动代表团继续积极参与工作组,以促进并实现不结盟运动的各项目标。", "D. 甄选和任命联合国秘书长", "77. 各位部长强调了大会在甄选和任命联合国秘书长过程中的主要作用,表示支持旨在巩固并加强大会在这一方面作用的努力,并商定所有的不结盟国家都应积极参与这些努力。", "78. 各位部长重申秘书长的甄选和任命过程必须更加透明和更具包容性。在这方面,他们提到1946年1月关于秘书长的任命条件的第11(1)号决议已经过期,并强调大会应预先开展调查和讨论,投票决定秘书长的任命事宜,在此背景之下,各位部长呼吁大会依据第51/241、第60/286和第64/301号决议解决秘书长的提名和任命问题。", "79. 在回顾了《联合国宪章》第九十七条所载的主要机构的作用的同时,各位部长呼吁大会主席与各会员国开展协商,以查明会员国核可的可能候选人,在将结果告知所有会员国之后,这些结果将被转递至安全理事会。", "80. 在此背景之下,各位部长商定,正式呈交秘书长职位候选人应当留出充足的时间与大会各会员国和安全理事会理事国进行互动,并要求在甄选秘书长的过程中,议员全球行动联盟召集一次大会会议,以便与所有的候选人进行意见交流和对话。", "81. 各位部长认可了联合检查组的报告(JIU/REP/2009/8),其中提到与参加联合国系统共同制度各组织行政首长职位竞选的候选人举行听证/会议,以改进其选举进程,从而增强选举进程的透明度和公信力,使不同国籍的人士都能参与选举进程。", "E. 安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及其他有关安全理事会的事项", "82. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及其他有关安全理事会的事项,特别是不结盟运动在第11、12、13、14和15次首脑会议上通过的并列入不结盟运动立场和谈判文件中的指示,以及各次部长级会议的决定的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "1. 不结盟运动在赞赏地注意到所开展的努力的同时,关切地注意到大会非正式全体会议依据大会第62/557、63/565和64/568号决议举行的关于安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题以及其他有关安理会的事项的政府间讨论缺乏具体成果,并注意到谈判显示虽然出现了观念上的统一,但主要分歧依然存在,虽然在改进安理会工作方式方面取得一定进展,但连联合国普通会员国的最低期望都不能满足,因此仍有很大的改进空间;", "2. 在此背景之下,不结盟运动重申大会第62/557号决定是而且将继续是关于安理会改革的政府间谈判的基础;", "3. 安全理事会改革应当全面,处理与成员、区域代表性、安理会议程、安理会工作方法和决策进程,包括否决问题有关的所有实质性问题,并最有可能获得各成员国的政治接受;", "4. 近年来,安全理事会在一些情况下威胁或授权执行行动过快,却在其他一些情况下保持缄默或并不活跃。此外,安理会在处理那些不一定对国际和平与安全构成直接威胁的问题时越来越多地诉诸《宪章》第七章,将《宪章》作为保护伞。对这些趋势的仔细审查表明,安理会本可以选择备选条款以更妥善地应对特殊情况。不应过度和过快地使用第七章,而应努力充分利用第六章和第八章条款,以和平解决争端。第七章应作为最后手段予以援引。遗憾的是,在一些情况下,在其他选择办法还没有全部使用时,就过快地使用第四十一和四十二条规定;", "5. 安全理事会施加的制裁仍然是不结盟国家的一个严重关切。根据《联合国宪章》,只有在《宪章》第六章下的所有和平解决争端手段全部用尽并彻底审议了此种制裁的短期和长期影响之后才可以考虑实施制裁。制裁是一种笨拙的工具,使用制裁会引发基本的民族问题,比如使目标国家的弱势群体蒙受苦难是否是施加压力的合法手段。制裁的目的并不是惩罚,或从普通民众榨取报偿。在这方面,应当对制裁制度的目的进行明确定义,同时,制裁应当在合理合法的基础上在特定的时间期限内进行,并在目标达到之后立即解除。施加制裁的国家或一方所要求的条件应当明确定义,并进行定期审查。按照《宪章》,制裁只能在国际和平与安全受到威胁或出现侵略行为时才可施加,不适用于在只违反国际法、规范或标准情况下进行“预防性”制裁。只要相关目标国的人口没有直接或间接地受害,定点制裁或许是一个更好的备选办法;", "6. 安全理事会在其所有的活动、方法和程序中都应遵守透明、公开和一致性这几个基本要素。遗憾的是,安理会在无数场合都忽略了这些重要要素。这些情况包括选择性通知计划外公开辩论、不愿就一些十分重要的问题进行公开辩论、一再限制参与一些公开辩论以及安理会理事国和非理事国之间的歧视,特别是关于公开辩论期间发言的排序和时间限制、未能向大会提交《宪章》第二十四条所要求的特别报告、提交的年度报告仍然缺乏充足的信息和分析性内容,并缺少安全理事会主席拟订月度评估所需的最少参数。安理会必须遵守《宪章》第三十一条的规定,其中允许任何非安理会理事国参与对其受到影响的问题的讨论。应充分遵守安理会临时议事规则第48条。闭门会议和非正式协商应当被减至最少,除非必须进行;", "7. 安全理事会的改革应当尽早、全面、透明和平衡,并且不应人为地设置最后期限。应当确保安理会的议程客观、合理、非选择性和非任意地反映发展中国家和发达国家的需求和利益;", "8. 作为负责维持国际和平与安全的主要机构,安理会的扩大及其工作方法的改革应使其更加民主、更具代表性、更加负责和更加有效;", "9. 安全理事会议事规则60多年来一直是临时的,应当正式化,以改进其透明度和问责;", "10. 各位部长承认,关于非洲在安全理事会的代表性,历史上一直是不公平的,并表示支持增加和扩大非洲在改革后安全理事会中的代表性。各位部长注意到《埃祖尔韦尼共识》和《苏尔特宣言》中所体现的非洲共同立场;", "11. 各位部长更新了对常驻纽约代表的指示,以继续发展不结盟运动关于安全理事会改革的立场要点,同时考虑到各成员国和集团的所有选择办法和观点,并向第15次不结盟运动首脑会议提交综合报告。", "83. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 呼吁安理会按照《联合国宪章》第三十一和三十二条,增加公开会议的次数,这些会议应当提供实实在在的机会,考虑到联合国更广泛会员国的观点和贡献,特别是那些安理会正对其事务进行讨论的非安理会理事国的观点和贡献;", "2. 呼吁安全理事会允许秘书长和联合国秘书处特使或特别代表在公开会议上做情况介绍,特殊情况除外;", "3. 呼吁安全理事会进一步加强其与联合国秘书处和部队派遣国之间的关系,包括通过持续、定期和及时的互动。在审议变动、延长或完成特派团任务时或者在当地局势急剧恶化的情况下,都应该在起草任务授权及任务执行阶段与部队派遣国举行会议。在此背景之下,安全理事会维持和平行动工作组应当让部队派遣国更加频繁、密集地参与审议,特别是在特派团规划的最早期阶段;", "83.4 呼吁安全理事会维护并尊重《宪章》与其职权相关方面的至高重要性,并再次强调,安全理事会就任一联合国会员国局势或任何不对国际和平与安全构成威胁的任何问题发起正式或非正式讨论的决定均属违反《宪章》第二十四条;", "5. 呼吁安理会按照《联合国宪章》的文字和精神建立其附属机构,而这些机构应当向联合国一般会员国提供关于其活动的充足而及时的信息;", "6. 拒绝任何利用安全理事会推行国家政治议程的企图,并强调安理会工作中非选择性和公正性的必要性,以及安理会必须严格按照会员国遵照《联合国宪章》赋予的职权行事;", "7. 呼吁安理会不要诉诸《宪章》第七章,将其作为处理不一定对国际和平和安全构成威胁的问题的保护伞,并酌情充分运用其他相关章节的条款,包括第六章和第八章,必要时援引第七章作为最后手段;", "8. 反对安全理事会打着实现一个或几个国家政治目标的幌子或以此为目标,而不是为了实现国际社会的总体利益,企图对任何国家施加或延长制裁;以及", "9. 敦促属于安全理事会理事国的不结盟国家,[17] 在其安理会理事国任期内,必要时促进和维护上述各立场和目标,为此,尽管满意地注意到最近这方面的积极步骤,但强调必须巩固安理会内的不结盟运动核心小组,主要目标是协调和维护不结盟运动在安全理事会的立场,并呼吁核心小组各成员及时提供情况介绍,并与不结盟国家紧密磋商,特别是那些安理会正对其利益和关切进行审议的国家,以及随时向不结盟运动通报所有相关发展情况和安理会积极处理的事项。", "F. 加强经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)", "84. 各位部长欢迎通过大会第61/16号决议,该决议加强了经社理事会作为促进国际经济合作、协调、政策审查、政策对话和拟订关于经济和社会发展问题的建议以及充分实施在联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议上商定的经济、社会及相关领域的国际发展目标,包括千年发展目标的主要机构的作用,并表示他们决定并致力于加大为实现这一目标所做的努力。他们特别欢迎经社理事会在对国际经济和发展政策及其对发展的影响经常开展定期审查和评估中的作用,呼吁充分发挥这一作用。各位部长强调审查大会第61/16号决议执行情况的重要意义,目的是通过依靠已启动的改革、巩固已取得的成绩和解决新出现的挑战来进一步加强经社理事会。", "G. 人权理事会", "85. 各位部长强调,人权理事会应当同等对待公民和政治权利与经济、社会和文化权利以及发展权。他们进一步强调,人权理事会在开展其工作时不应允许采取对抗办法,滥用人权以满足政治目的,出于一些无关考虑和采用双重标准,选择性地针对个别国家,而应当遵守《联合国宪章》、国际法和联合国有关决议。", "86. 各位部长强调,理事会及其工作方法的指导原则应当是普遍性、透明性、公正性、客观性和非选择性。按照《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》,理事会在履行其职责时应铭记国家和区域的特征,以及各成员国的各种历史、文化和宗教背景。", "87. 各位部长强调了在促进和保护所有人权和基本自由方面实施建设性办法的重要性,在这方面,他们敦促人权理事会[18] 将重点放在建设性国际对话与合作、能力建设和技术援助上,以确保实现所有人权和基本自由,特别是发展权。", "88. 各位部长重申了对大会2007年12月22日第62/219号决议的承诺,核可人权理事会的决定,通过题为“人权理事会体制建设”的第5/1号决议和题为“人权理事会特别程序任务执行人行为守则”的第5/2号决议,包括其附件和附录。", "89. 各位部长表示满意日内瓦分会在当前的人权理事会工作和职能审查进程中所发挥的积极作用,除其他外,提交了不结盟运动关于审查该机构工作和职能的立场文件,以确保不结盟运动的立场得以在理事会即将提交大会审议的报告中有所体现。在这方面,各位部长呼吁不结盟运动成员国携手合作,积极参与,以期在即将于2011年之前在大会开展的人权理事会审查进程中介绍并维护不结盟运动的立场。", "90. 在这方面,各位部长强调纽约与日内瓦分会在审查时必须进行协调,并表示他们赞赏不结盟运动成员国代表作为该进程的调解人和共同调解人以个人身份发挥的作用。", "91. 各位部长重申,依据大会第60/251号决议,大会在纽约对人权理事会的地位进行的审议,应当以理事会提交大会的报告为基础,该报告中载有关于日内瓦进行的工作和职能审查的结果和建议。", "92. 各位部长还重申纽约和日内瓦的审查进程应当具有包容性和透明度,这些进程旨在对理事会在日内瓦的工作和职能进行审查,并审查理事会在纽约的地位,以便促进和巩固合作办法和建设性对话,提高其工作效率并改善与大会的关系。各位部长进一步重申,审查进程不能以改革理事会为目的,而应侧重于采取必要的调整措施,改进理事会的工作和职能。审查成果应与大会第60/251号决议保持一致,并与一揽子体制建设相符。因此,与改革理事会有关的问题,例如理事会的人员构成、成员地域分配、成员标准,都不属于日内瓦和纽约的审查进程的任务规定。", "93. 各位部长重申有必要保护自人权理事会建立以来取得的积极成果,包括其一揽子体制建设。在这方面,各位部长重申所有提案和倡议,包括在人权理事会审查的背景下,都应当尊重在审查人权状况时的非选择性、非政治化、客观和公正原则,以避免出现困扰了之前的人权委员会的各种问题。", "94. 各位部长强调,必须本着大会第48/141号决议的精神,在人权理事会和人权事务高级专员办事处之间发展有效的工作关系。他们进一步强调,人权理事会作为人权问题的专门政府间机构,应当在审查人权事务高级专员办事处工作方面发挥监督作用,包括办事处在国家参与下的各种活动和建立其外地办事处。在这方面,他们欢迎人权理事会第十五届会议通过的主席声明(PRST 15/2)。", "95. 各位部长强调人权理事会作为联合国负责审查各国人权状况的机构在基于合作和建设性对话的普遍定期审查中的作用。各位部长对联合国大会第三委员会持续有选择地通过针对具体国家的决议的做法表示深切关注,这种做法是将人权用于政治目的,违反了在解决人权问题时应遵守的普遍性、客观性和非选择性原则,破坏了合作这一有效促进和保护所有公认的所有人人权的重要工具。", "96. 各位部长重申必须促使第三委员会的工作与人权理事会的工作之间更加协调一致和互补,并避免双方活动不必要的重复和重叠,同时在它们之间创建用于处理人权状况的建设性的工作关系。", "97. 各位部长强调普遍定期审查是在各国无区别地审查国家一级的人权问题的主要政府间机制。", "98. 各位部长忆及大会第60/251号决议将人权理事会确立为大会的附属机构,并在这方面强调第三委员会对理事会报告的一般性辩论和审议的重要意义。", "99. 各位部长重申必须确保落实作为重视行动的合作机制的人权理事会的普遍定期审查,该审查以客观、可靠的信息和相互对话为基础,所有接受审查的国家都充分参与,审查是以公正、透明、非选择性、建设性、非对抗性和非政治化的方式开展的。他们进一步敦促所有不结盟运动成员国继续协同努力,为接受审查的不结盟国家成员国提供支持。", "100. 各位部长重申,不结盟运动应继续密切协调其关于以下重点领域的立场:", "(a) 促进人权理事会的国际合作和建设性对话,防止出现双重标准、选择性和政治操纵,这些都使人权委员会名誉受损;", "(b) 继续努力加强并酌情改进各人权机制的工作,包括条约机构、特别程序、专家机构和保密程序,同时铭记,在履行其任务时,任务执行人应当充分尊重和严格遵守人权理事会2007年6月18日第5/2号决议中所载并在2009年6月18日第11/11号决议中重申的《人权理事会特别程序任务执行人行为守则》,同时必须保护所有这些机制和机构免遭政治化和双重标准,以增进系统的有效性;", "(c) 鼓励介绍来自不结盟运动国家的专家作为特别程序任务执行人的候选人;", "(d) 按照大会第48/141、60/251和62/219号决议,酌情发展人权理事会与联合国系统其他实体的关系;", "(e) 确定理事会向联合国大会报告的程序,目的是以大会附属机构的身份普遍核可其所有的方案和活动。在这方面,在不结盟运动成员国之间发起了讨论,以探索关于这一问题的共同点;", "(f) 鼓励积极参与谈判进程,同时在人权理事会的审议进程中促进和捍卫不结盟运动的共同立场;", "(g) 反对通过驳回与理事会的人员构成、成员地域分配、成员标准和当前议程有关的提案利用审查进程改革人权理事会的企图;", "(h) 确保人权理事会的审查进程有助于提高理事会的效率,以便理事会能够基于合作和非对抗原则发挥其法定作用,促进所有人权和所有人的基本自由;", "(i) 保留普遍定期审议作为在平等基础上审查所有国家的国家一级人权状况的唯一机制;", "(j) 反对建立任何附加的针对具体国家的工具,因为这将导致在处理人权问题时的政治化、双重标准和选择性;", "(k) 确保人权理事会开展的普遍定期审查是一个基于互动对话的注重成果的合作机制,接受审查的国家充分参与的机制,并考虑其能力建设需要,这样的机制应补充而不是复制条约机构的工作,同时铭记,在审议人权问题时必须消除选择性、双重标准和政治化。应成员国的要求,审查应加强其履行促进和保护人权义务的能力。不应将审查用作胁迫各国的工具,使他们屈从于带有政治动机的针对具体国家的决议;", "(1) 还鼓励在可信可靠信息的基础上客观地开展普遍定期审查,同时适当考虑接受审查的国家的信息、评论和意见。不应将审查用作干涉国家内政或质疑其政治、经济和社会制度、主权权利及其民族、宗教和文化特性的工具。必须继续按照联合国大会第60/251和62/219号决议开展审查;", "(m) 除其他外,在经社理事会第1996/31号决议和人权理事会所确定模式的基础上,支持非政府组织参与人权理事会的工作,同时考虑到,非政府组织应始终遵守其与经社理事会磋商关系建立和性质的原则,并在其参与人权理事会工作中对其派遣代表的行动负责。", "H. 冲突后建设和平活动和建设和平委员会的运作", "101. 不结盟运动各位部长回顾了2006年9月在古巴哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动国家元首或政府首脑会议,不结盟运动国家元首或政府首脑重申并强调了不结盟运动关于冲突后和平建设活动的原则立场的有效性和相关性,并欢迎按照大会第60/180号决议成立建设和平委员会,作为一个协调、一致和综合的体制机制,以解决冲突后国家的特别需要,根据国家自主权的原则并应其要求,实现复原、重返社会和重建,为可持续发展奠定基础。", "102. 为执行这一任务,各位部长重申,不结盟运动致力于建立一个有效的建设和平委员会,充分利用其多元化组成所带来的优势和益处。他们还确认委员会自运作以来对议程上的五个国家开展的工作,这五个国家是:布隆迪、塞拉利昂、几内亚比绍、中非共和国和利比里亚。他们还确认迄今为止在为这些国家拟订建设和平战略框架方面所取得的进展。", "103. 各位部长强调为协调不结盟运动国家在委员会中的立场并向不结盟运动通报委员会开展的活动情况而在建设和平委员会成立的不结盟运动核心小组的作用。在这方面,他们赞赏核心小组在委员会取得快速进展方面所做的努力,特别是努力保证国家自主权的原则、能力建设的必要性,以及提请承认并指出经济复苏和发展层面在建设和平进程中的重要性。", "104. 各位部长表示关切,在一些情况下,安全理事会拒绝给予建设和平委员会内的不结盟运动核心小组协调员向安全理事会理事国介绍关于建设和平委员会权限相关事项的机会。他们敦促安全理事会、大会和经社理事会利用建设和平委员会,包括建设和平委员会内的不结盟运动核心小组协调员的专门知识,作为建设和平委员会内最大的分组代表,确保其参与所有与建设和平委员会权限相关或属于该权限范围内事项的讨论。此外,他们强调,必须促进建设和平委员会和大会、安全理事会和经社理事会之间的机构关系。", "105. 各位部长重申,在不影响其他联合国主要机构在冲突后建设和平活动中职权的前提下,大会必须在拟订和实施这种活动和职能方面发挥关键作用。他们强调了建设和平委员会在向联合国冲突后建设和平活动提供政策指导和战略方面的主要作用。在这方面,他们重申了作为委员会主要机构的建设和平委员会组织委员会的工作,其责任载于大会第60/180号决议中。同时考虑组织委员会是一个战略和政策讨论的合适平台,以促进委员会的规则和工作方法,增强委员会配置的协调,以及促进与有关行为者和利益攸关方之间注重成果的接触。在这方面,他们还敦促委员会内的不结盟运动核心小组鼓励进一步制定适合委员会有效和适当运作的议事规则和工作方法。他们强调,鉴于委员会自运作以来所积累的经验以及委员会工作的发展情况,建设和平委员会临时议事规则应当进行定期修订。他们还强调了不结盟运动成员国积极参加定于2010年举行的对大会A/Res/180号决议中所列安排的审查进程的重要性,以确保这些安排适合于履行商定的建设和平委员会职能。各位部长重申,必须提供必要和及时的资源,以帮助确保向复原活动提供可预测的资金,以及中长期的持续金融投资。他们重申了建设和平委员会在获得建设和平委员会审议下国家的同意,并按照国家自主权原则的情况下,在构想冲突后建设和平和复原综合战略中的基本作用。", "106. 各位部长强调,建设和平基金必须继续作为和平建设进程早期提供关键性支持的推动性支助机制,以避免再度陷入冲突。他们强调,建设和平委员会和建设和平基金之间必须通过加强战略关系形成更为紧密的协同作用,以确保更大的协调一致,并避免出现重复。各位部长注意到大会第63/282号决议及其附件所载建议和修订后的建设和平基金职权范围,并重申大会和建设和平委员会在提供政策指导,运用该基金最大限度地发挥其影响并改进其职能方面的作用,以使基金更加有效、透明、灵活,并便利资金的支付,特别是快速和紧急项目。他们还强调了增加建设和平基金供资目标的重要性,使其更有能力为冲突后国家的更多项目提供支助。他们强调,必须有一个机制来评估是否建设和平基金分配的款项被转入合适的渠道,用于建设和平。", "107. 各位部长欢迎大会于2010年10月29日通过关于建设和平委员会审查进程的第65/7号决议,并重申委员会在采纳和落实共同调解人有关审查进程的报告中所载建议方面的重要作用。[19]", "108. 各位部长注意到秘书长关于审查国际民事能力的倡议,以增强国家在冲突后建设和平的能力,同时注意到为扩大和深化专家库所做的努力,并特别注意到从发展中国家调集能力,特别是调集妇女的能力,对于联合国成功开展建设和平努力至关重要。在这方面,各位部长强调发展中国家已然存在的民事能力的重要意义,并表示准备支助国家民事能力和机构建设,以支持冲突后局势下的建设和平活动,包括按照任务授权开展维持和平行动。在这方面,各位部长重申国家自主权的基本原则。", "109. 各位部长赞赏建设和平委员会内的不结盟运动核心小组在孟加拉国协调下进行的持续不断的工作,请核心小组继续努力加强不结盟运动在建设和平委员会事务中的立场和作用,继续定期向不结盟运动协调局通报委员会开展的各种活动情况。他们进一步鼓励建设和平委员会的不结盟成员和议程上的不结盟国家积极参与不结盟运动核心小组,以确保其为联合国建设和平活动做出有意义的贡献。", "I. 联合国秘书处及管理改革", "110. 各位部长确认联合国改革是其会员国的集体议程,强调在改革进程中必须使所有会员国的声音都得到倾听和尊重,不论其对联合国预算的贡献水平如何。", "111. 各位部长确认,为推动秘书处及管理改革进程,联合国必须配备必要和充足的资源,以全面实施改革进程,避免任何拖延。", "112. 各位部长强调确保秘书处符合问责、透明、廉正和道德行为最高标准的重要意义。各位部长因此敦促秘书长作为优先事项充分执行大会第64/259号决议“在联合国秘书处实行问责制度”。", "113. 各位部长强调有必要增加发展中国家的代表权,特别是在高级别的代表权,以实现性别均衡并改进地理分配,尤其是没有代表权或代表权不足的不结盟运动成员国在秘书处的代表权,并加强征聘过程的透明度。", "114. 各位部长重申,联合国秘书处及管理改革的目标如下:", "(a) 提高应对会员国需要的效率和效力;", "(b) 根据《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,进一步增强和改进联合国的作用、能力、有效性和效率,从而改善其业绩,以充分实现联合国的潜力;", "(c) 确保秘书处内部切实执行更多的问责和透明措施,以及秘书处对各会员国的问责,特别是在高级管理层一级,并在这方面充分落实大会第64/259号决议;", "(d) 依据《宪章》第一零一条,更好地体现作为基本原则的联合国秘书处的国际性质,方法是通过在秘书处各级,包括高级管理层更好地实现公平地域代表性,以及在所有工作人员当中实现目标明确的性别均衡;", "(e) 改革进程的最后成果应确保联合国有能力更切实、更有效地履行其所有任务。", "115. 各位部长强调,联合国秘书处及管理改革不应:", "(a) 改变联合国决策、监督和监测进程的政府间性质和机制;", "(a) 成为联合国削减成本的行为;", "(b) 因削减联合国的预算水平而影响任务的完成;", "(c) 利用联合国现有资源资助更多活动;", "(d) 改变和/或超出作为负责行政和预算问题的主要委员会的第五委员会的授权;", "(e) 重新定义联合国各主要机构的职权;以及", "(f) 削弱充分遵守联合国秘书处员额任命地理分配原则的需求,特别是D级及以上员额。", "116. 各位部长强烈反对对改革进程施加各种条件的企图,因为这对谈判所需的信心氛围产生不利影响。", "117. 各位部长欢迎通过关于人力资源管理和联合国共同制度的大会第65/247和第65/248号决议,这两项决议最后形成了新的合同安排并统一了联合国领域的服务条件,预计执行这两项决议将产生更好、透明度更高的联合国共同制度各组织秘书处工作人员的征聘过程,同时为征聘发展中国家的青年专业人员创造更多机会。", "J. 联合国全系统协调", "118. 各位部长认可通过大会2010年7月2日关于联合国全系统协调的第64/289号决议,该决议对联合国发展方面的业务活动的各个方面进行了全面审查,包括治理和筹资、并且建立了联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能实体“联合国妇女署”。在这方面,各位部长:", "(a) 重申了他们的立场,即发展合作应当以需求为驱动,并依据既定的政府间任务授权在发展中国家的国家战略和计划基础上开展,在这方面,他们强调,联合国发展合作的性质应是自愿和基于捐赠,不应有“放之四海而皆准”的办法。同样地,他们强调,发展合作的性质应当是顺应每一个国家的特定需求、优先事项和实际情况,并且应一直取得受援国的同意;", "(b) 承认加强联合国发展系统协助各国实现其发展目标的作用和能力要求继续改善其有效性、效率、协调性和影响,同时大幅增加资源;", "(c) 注意到试点国家在采用“一体行动”办法的过程中在自己国家主导的评估中取得的进展,并依据大会第64/289号决议,期待在大会第六十六届会议上获悉试点国家对该倡议各方面经验教训的独立评估的结果;", "(d) 还承认大会2007年12月19日关于联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查的第62/208号决议构成了处理联合国发展方面的业务活动的政府间商定指导政策框架;", "(e) 强调联合国发展方面业务活动的基本特征仍然必须是普遍性、自愿性和捐赠性、中立性和多边性,以及能够灵活地应对方案国的发展需求;", "(f) 呼吁联合国各基金、方案和专门机构协调并简化其规则和程序,因为这将大幅降低各组织和国家伙伴的行政和会议程序负担;", "(g) 承认大会和经社理事会在发展方面的业务活动中的主要作用。", "119. 各位部长赞赏不结盟运动和77国集团在关于全系统协调的协商中通过联合协调委员会进行的有效协调,在这方面,强调继续通过联合协调委员会与77国集团合作,目的是继续维护、保护并促进发展中国家的利益并促进所有相关谈判进程的综合、政府间、包容广泛和透明的性质,同时不对决策施加人为的最后期限。", "联合国:财务状况及安排", "120. 各位部长重申了载于第14次不结盟运动首脑会议最后文件的不结盟运动关于联合国财务状况及安排的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "1. 不结盟运动仍然关切因一些会员国,特别是主要捐助国未能按照《宪章》和大会有关决议全额、及时和不带条件地缴纳其分摊的会费使联合国所处的财务状况;", "2. 不结盟运动重申,至关重要的仍然是,确保政府间机构包容而透明地通过所有关于联合国制定优先次序的决定,向联合国提供为全面而有效地开展所有已授权方案和活动所需的资源以及那些为保证联合国政府间机构运作所需服务质量的资源;", "3. 会员国支付能力原则应当继续作为分摊联合国开支的基本标准;", "3. 应遵守大会有关决议中所列的关于为联合国维持和平行动筹措资金的一般性原则。在资助维持和平行动的规模和紧急程度与全面开展所有大会已授权方案和活动所需的资源供应之间应取得适当的平衡,特别是在发展领域;以及", "4. 在向联合国经常预算分配资源时平衡体现联合国议定的优先事项;分配资源时通常不利于发展活动;", "5. 应保持现有预算和财务周期报告程序,加强会员国在联合国方案评价中的作用。在这方面,重申作为经社理事会和大会规划、拟订方案、监测、评估和协调主要附属机构的方案与协调委员会(方案协调会)的职能及其通过确保秘书处准确解释并将立法任务转化为方案和次级方案的关键作用。", "121. 各位部长重申,联合国的财务稳定性不应遭到任何任意措施的破坏。他们还强调,确保财务纪律的措施应充分遵守大会有关决议,特别是第41/213和第42/211号决议,以及联合国有关细则和条例。在这方面重申联合国财务细则和条例。", "122. 各位部长强调,任何使用财务捐款推动通过特定提案的做法都会产生不良后果,并且违反了《宪章》所载的会员国向联合国提供资源的义务。在此背景之下,各位部长反对所有与国际法不符的单边强制措施,因为它阻碍并且有时妨碍不结盟运动会员国向联合国预算支付分摊的会费。", "123. 各位部长强调,大会批准的资源规模必须与所有已授权方案和活动相符,以确保其充分和有效实施。他们还重申了大会核准的联合国优先事项,以及秘书长在提交拟议方案预算时体现这些优先事项的必要性。", "124. 各位部长强调,最高比率是导致经费分摊比额表被曲解的主要因素,影响了支付能力原则,同时关切地注意到,尽管2000年安排将最高比率从25%下降至22%作为妥协,但是主要摊款国仍然远远没有履行其支付欠款的承诺。在此背景之下,各位部长敦促大会按照大会第55/5 C号决议第2段对该安排进行审查。", "125. 各位部长在忆及大会第64/248和第65/246号决议的同时,反对任何旨在增加发展中国家摊款以改变现行经费分摊比额表编制方法要素的做法。在这方面,他们强调现行经费分摊比额表方法的核心要素,例如基准期间、国民总收入、汇率、低人均收入调整、会费梯度、最低比率、最不发达国家最高比率和债务存量调整都不得更改且不可谈判。", "126. 各位部长反对秘书处几个主管部门和一些会员国利用方案和预算文件推动未获大会通过或正由大会审议的概念和办法。在此背景之下,各位部长敦促秘书长在提交此类文件时确保方案方面和资源需求符合大会的立法授权。", "127. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意重申以下措施,其中包括:", "127.1 敦促所有拖欠会费的联合国会员国,特别是主要摊款国按照《宪章》和大会有关决议不加拖延地支付其未缴分摊会费,并全额、及时且不附加任何前提条件地支付其未来摊款,同时铭记一些发展中国家所面临的阻碍其支付分摊会费能力的特殊情况。", "联合国:维持和平行动", "128. 各位部长重申了1994年在开罗举行的第11次不结盟运动部长级会议上通过的联合国维持和平行动指导原则,并重申了1998年在德班举行的第12次首脑会议上通过的不结盟运动关于联合国维持和平行动的立场,后来2003年在吉隆坡举行的第13次首脑会议、2004年在德班举行的第14次部长级会议、2006年9月在哈瓦那举行的第14次首脑会议、在德黑兰举行的第15次部长级会议以及2009年7月在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15次不结盟运动首脑会议进一步重申了这一立场。", "129. 各位部长赞赏不结盟运动在联合国主持下对维持国际和平与安全所做的重大贡献。在注意到维持和平已成为联合国最重要的活动的同时,各位部长表示满意,目前,80%以上的外地维持和平人员由不结盟国家提供。他们重申并强调了不结盟运动关于维持和平行动的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "1. 各位部长重申,维持国际和平与安全是联合国的主要责任,在这方面,区域安排的作用应符合《宪章》第八章,并且在任何情况下均不得替代联合国的作用,或阻挠全面适用维持和平行动的各项指导原则;", "2. 各位部长强调,建立任何维持和平行动或延长现有行动的任务都应严格遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,这些原则已经在指导这种行动且成为这些行动的基本原则,即各方同意、除自卫和出于公正外不使用武力。各位部长认为,毫无争议,在过去五十年里指导联合国维持和平行动的这些基本原则依然切合实际,应当予以保持。各位部长还强调,在这方面,尊重各国主权平等、政治独立、领土完整和不干涉他国内政的原则也应得到维护;", "3. 各位部长强调所有授权任务的执行均应获得以下支助:全面的和平进程、提供充足资源、基于国家自主权和国际社会的支持;", "4. 各位部长继续强调,联合国维持和平行动自一开始应获得政治支持、充分和最佳的人力、财政和后勤资源,以及明确界定和可实现的任务和撤出战略;", "5. 各位部长呼吁安全理事会在规定联合国维持和平行动的任务的同时,授权最佳部队力量,以完成已获授权的任务;", "6. 各位部长强调,联合国维持和平行动不应被用作解决冲突根源的替代品,因为冲突根源应一致、明确规划、协调和全面地加以解决,辅以其他的政治、社会、经济和发展工具。他们进一步强调,联合国应适当考虑在联合国参与冲突后局势早期开展这些努力的方式,在联合国维持和平行动离开后继续不受干扰地进行,以确保顺利过渡到持久和平与安全;", "7. 各位部长确认不断激增的维持和平行动,要求所有联合国会员国,特别是发达国家真正地协调一致应对,呼吁这些国家参与并分担联合国维持和平行动的负担;", "8. 各位部长强调,在全面方式和持久和平与安全目标范围内,联合国维持和平行动应辅以明确规划和精心设计的、并行的、包容广泛的和平进程,同时获得有关各方的同意和遵守;", "9. 各位部长重申,大会在联合国内的主要作用是拟订有关维持和平的概念、政策和预算问题。在这方面,各位部长强调,维持和平行动特别委员会是授权全盘审查联合国维持和平行动各个方面问题的唯一联合国论坛。此外,各位部长商定继续促进和维护不结盟运动关于维持和平的集体立场和优先事项;", "10. 各位部长强调,联合国日益介入复杂而费事的多层面维持和平行动应与商定的维持和平行动原则、准则和术语相一致。他们强调了运用商定的维持和平行动术语一致性的重要性,并强调任何关于上述问题的讨论应通过政府间进程开展;", "11. 各位部长强调,概念、政策和战略的发展应当是一个政府间进程,并应当与增强能力发展、规划和监督方面的类似进程并行实施。在这方面,他们重申维持和平行动特别委员会的核心作用(C34)。他们还强调维持和平方面的政策发展必须与必要的资源相符,以保障维持和平行动的有效性;", "12. 各位部长承认有许多重要的授权任务,包括但不限于支持政治进程、支持恢复和扩大国家权力及保护平民。各位部长承认目前许多联合国维持和平特派团都承担着保护平民的任务。他们强调保护平民要由东道国承担首要责任,并相应地强调承担这一授权任务的相关维持和平特派团应当在不影响东道国政府保护平民的首要责任的情况下执行任务;", "13. 各位部长强调秘书处有必要就全球外勤支助战略继续与成员国协商,以确保切实有效地提供外勤支助服务。他们强调在商定时限内在执行该战略方面取得进展的重要意义;", "14. 各位部长注意到对维持和平行动部(维和部)进行了重组,并建立了外勤支助部,强调,重要的是维护各级特派团统一指挥、政策和战略的一致性,以及外地和总部明确的指挥结构;", "15. 鉴于很多外勤特派团安全状况不断恶化,各位部长呼吁联合国秘书处和有关各方将联合国外地维持和平人员的安全保障列为最优先事项。在此背景之下,他们最严厉地谴责杀害和定点袭击联合国维持和平人员,以及针对他们的各种暴力行为;", "16. 各位部长强调部队派遣国、秘书处和安全理事会之间必须开展有效的三方合作。各位部长强调,部队派遣国应当早日和充分参与联合国维持和平行动的各个方面和阶段,并呼吁安全理事会、联合国秘书处和部队派遣国之间举行更频繁的实质性互动。他们呼吁全面而有效地执行安全理事会第1353(2001)号决议、安全理事会2002年1月14日的主席声明(S/2002/56)以及2009年8月5日的主席声明(PRST/2009/24)中所列的现有机制;", "17. 各位部长表示,应考虑上文第129.16段中所提到的进一步制定机制,以实现维持和平行动的目标;", "18. 各位部长特别强调,当安全理事会执行、延长或调整联合国维持和平行动任务时,可以利用部队派遣国的经验和专门知识。部队派遣国最有资格促进对当地局势进行客观评估。在这方面,增进部队派遣国和安全理事会维持和平行动工作组之间的良好互动也能促进更加包容广泛和实质性的磋商和决策进程;", "19. 各位部长强调,联合国秘书处关于参加建立新的联合国维持和平特派团或扩展现有的联合国维持和平特派团的会议的任何邀请都应当是透明的,包括所有当前的和潜在的部队派遣国;", "20. 各位部长强调维持和平努力应当伴随维持和平活动而行,并采取促进经济振兴、发展和实现国家能力建设的方式,其基础是国家自主权,目的是为无缝退出战略铺平道路,防止重新出现武装冲突并为关键任务提供支助,以实现可持续和平;", "21. 各位部长表示有必要执行符合并遵守东道国战略和方案的综合的维和战略和方案,以确保国家自主权;", "22. 各位部长表示支持继续努力加强非洲维持和平能力,并强调了在短期、中期和长期内在所有有关领域执行10年能力建设计划和联合国支助非洲联盟维持和平联合行动计划的重要性。他们进一步注意到非盟-联合国支助非盟维持和平行动模式小组编写的报告以及联合国秘书长的报告“支助联合国授权的非洲联盟维持和平行动”,并建议增进联合国与非洲联盟之间的有效伙伴关系,以改进非洲维持和平行动的规划、部署和管理;", "23. 各位部长依然关切维持和平行动部和外勤支助部的人员配置和机构,不结盟运动成员国在其中的代表性不足,特别是在高级和专业人员职等。各位部长敦促秘书长按照《联合国宪章》第一零一条、联合国工作人员条例和工作人员细则和大会有关决议进一步加大努力,在各级实现公平的地域分配和两性平等。在这方面,各位部长认为,在维持和平行动部、外勤支助部和外地的适当代表还应考虑到部队派遣国的贡献,特别是在总部和外地特派团的专业人员和领导职等;", "24. 各位部长强调了快速和有效地部署联合国维持和平行动,包括必要时加强之的重要性。在这方面,各位部长强调,必须增强快速部署任何新的联合国维持和平特派团的能力和危机下增强现有联合国维持和平特派团的能力。各位部长强调这样的机制需要在与部队派遣国的紧密磋商下通过制定全球外勤支助战略来建立;", "25. 各位部长重申,通过自愿捐款为联合国维持和平行动提供资金不应影响联合国安全理事会建立联合国维持和平行动的决定或影响其任务;", "26. 各位部长表示关切,联合国目前拖欠部队派遣国大量未付偿还款项,这可能对联合国维持和平行动能力产生不利影响;", "27. 各位部长注意到联合国特遣队所属装备工作组2011年届会的成果。他们强调必须在部队派遣国的实际支出和投资的基础上增加特遣队所属装备的偿还率;", "28. 在注意到大会通过第63/285号决议启动的部队派遣国部队支出费用偿还审查进程的同时(1992年以来未订正过),各位部长强调大会必须考虑作为临时措施临时增加部队费用,以帮助部队派遣国应对通货膨胀因素带来的困难。他们还强调有必要建立永久的部队费用偿还审查机制;", "29. 各位部长强调有必要确保及时、充足地为在联合国外地特派团服务的维和人员的死亡和残疾支付赔偿;", "30. 各位部长再次强调,所有的联合国会员国必须全额、及时而不带条件地支付其分摊的会费。他们重申了会员国在《联合国宪章》第十七条下的义务,即承担由大会分配的联合国的支出,同时铭记1963年6月27日大会第1874(S-IV)号决议所载的安全理事会常任理事国的特殊责任;", "31. 各位部长再度强调了以及时、有效、透明和成本有效的方式采购货物和服务以支持联合国维持和平行动的至关重要性,并重申了一个观点,即必须确保联合国加大从不结盟国家进行的采购;", "32. 各位部长确认了应收欠款和维持和平人员的牺牲,并强调,所有联合国维持和平人员在履行其职责时必须维护联合国的形象、公信力、公正性和完整性。他们强调了对一切形式的不当行为,包括在联合国维持和平特派团内的性剥削和性虐待实施零容忍政策的重要性;", "33. 各位部长强调,在调查不当行为期间应始终遵守必要的程序和国家要求。他们进一步强调,联合国应确保采取步骤,在对不当行为的指控最后被证明是毫无根据时,恢复任何联合国维持和平特派团、部队派遣国或联合国维持和平人员的形象和公信力;", "34. 各位部长注意到在联合国维持和平和冲突后局势范围内安全部门改革的重要性,强调安全部门改革应当列入联合国法治活动的广泛框架之中,从而确保安全部门改革活动和结构不是重复在法治领域的工作。他们重申,制定安全部门改革的联合国方法必须在大会内进行,并强调拟订安全部门改革的战略,包括其范围和任务,应当通过政府间进程开展;以及", "35. 各位部长强调,安全部门改革应当应有关国家的要求开展,并强调了有关国家在确定这方面的国家优先事项中的首要责任和主权权利。", "130. 各位部长赞赏不结盟运动维持和平行动工作组在摩洛哥主持下在协调不结盟运动在维持和平领域的共同关切事项方面的进行中工作。他们鼓励所有的不结盟运动代表团继续积极参与工作组,目的是在维持和平运动特别委员会工作中促进和实现不结盟运动,特别是部队派遣国的各项目标。", "131. 各位部长深刻地意识到维持和平行动中所固有的风险,保留其对那些在执行维持和平任务时丧生的联合国维持和平人员最深切的思念和敬意。他们强调,他们的牺牲是他们为维持和平与稳定所做的独特工作的永久证明。", "裁军与国际安全", "132. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于裁军与国际安全的长期原则立场,包括在1998年德班举行的第12次首脑会议、2003年吉隆坡举行的第13次首脑会议、2006年哈瓦那举行的第14次首脑会议、2000年卡塔赫纳举行第13次部长级会议、2004年德班举行的第14次部长级会议、2006年马来西亚布特拉加亚举行的部长级会议、2008年伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的第15次部长级会议以及2009年7月在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15次首脑会议上通过的各项决定。", "133. 各位部长重申,他们继续关切当前在裁军与国际安全领域艰难而复杂的局势。在这方面,他们呼吁加大努力,解决当前在实现核裁军和核不扩散方面僵局的各个方面。", "134. 各位部长重申了多边外交在裁军和不扩散领域的绝对有效性,同时重申,他们决定促进多边主义作为裁军和不扩散领域的核心谈判原则,在这方面,他们欢迎通过关于在裁军和不扩散领域促进多边主义的大会第65/54号决议。", "135. 各位部长重申,他们对越来越多地诉诸单边主义表示严重关切,在此背景之下,强调多边主义和按照《联合国宪章》制定的多边商定的解决办法为解决裁军和国际安全问题提供了唯一的可持续方法。", "136. 各位部长重申了不结盟运动关于不结盟运动最高优先事项的核裁军的原则立场,以及对核不扩散问题各方面的原则立场,同时强调,致力于核不扩散的努力应当辅以核裁军努力,这至关重要。他们强调,他们关切核武器的持续存在及可能或威胁使用核武器对人类构成的威胁。他们重申,严重关切在核裁军方面取得的进展缓慢,以及核武器国家在按照其相关的法定相互义务实现全面销毁其核武库方面缺乏进展。他们强调,核武器国家必须实施2000年规定的并在2010年进一步重申的明确任务,以实现全面销毁核武器,在这方面,强调迫切需要不加拖延地开始就核裁军问题进行全面、彻底的谈判。", "137. 各位部长注意到核武器国家最近表示欲开展行动,实现一个无核武器的世界,重申核武器国家必须依据其法定核裁军义务采取紧急的具体行动实现这一目标。", "138. 各位部长依然深为关切核武器国家的战略防御理论,包括“北约联盟战略概念”,它不仅为使用或威胁使用核武器规定了基本原理,而且保持了在促进和发展军事联盟和核威慑政策基础上的不合理国际安全概念。", "139. 各位部长重申,现有核武器的改善和《联合国核态势评估》中所设想的新型核武器与核武器国家的安全保障相抵触。他们进一步重申,这些改善和发展这种新型武器违反了核武器国家在缔结《全面禁止核试验条约》(《全面禁试条约》)时所做的承诺。", "140. 各位部长强调,核裁军和核不扩散各方面的进展对加强国际和平与安全至关重要。他们重申,核裁军努力、全球和区域办法和建立信心措施之间互为补充,可能时应同时推进,以促进区域和国际和平与安全。在此背景之下,他们强调核裁军是联合国专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议确立的最高优先事项和多边法律义务,不应当把建立信任措施或其他裁军努力作为前提条件。", "141. 各位部长重申联合国裁军审议委员会(裁审会)作为联合国多边裁军制度内唯一的专门审议机构的重要性和相关性。他们继续充分支持裁审会的工作,并表示遗憾,由于某些核武器国家缺少政治意愿和灵活的立场,裁审会未能在2008年4月结束的三年周期实质性会议期间就其两项议程项目的建议达成一致意见,尽管不结盟运动在整个审议过程中发挥了建设性的作用并提出了具体的建议,特别是在关于“实现核裁军和不扩散核武器建议”的工作组。各位部长回顾了由不结盟运动在2009年和2010年实质性会议期间提出的建议,呼吁联合国各会员国表现出必要的政治意愿和灵活性,以便在裁审会2011年届会上就其建议达成一致意见。", "142. 各位部长重申了裁军谈判会议作为关于裁军问题的唯一多边谈判机构的重要性,并重申,他们呼吁裁军谈判会议商定一个平衡而全面的工作方案,除其他外,尽快建立一个关于核裁军的特设委员会,并将其列为最高优先事项。他们强调,必须开启关于具有具体时限的全面销毁核武器的分阶段方案的谈判,包括一份《核武器公约》。他们重申了国际法院协商一致结论的重要性,即有义务在严格而有效的国际监督下,诚意地开展谈判,并达成关于各方面核裁军的结论。", "143. 各位部长注意到裁军谈判会议于2009年5月29日通过的2009年届会工作方案没有得到执行。他们表示赞赏裁军谈判会议成员国和主席国,特别是阿尔及利亚在这方面所做的不懈努力,并呼吁裁军谈判会议立即协商一致地商定平衡而全面的工作方案。各位部长商定继续协调日内瓦的不结盟运动分会的努力。", "144. 各位部长注意到2010年9月24日举行的关于裁军谈判会议工作振兴和推动多边裁军谈判的高级别会议,不结盟运动在会议上陈述了自己的立场,其立场在今后仍然有效。各位部长相信任何可能的后续工作都应当具有包容性并由会员国推动,而且应当加强联合国大会第一届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议授权的裁军谈判会议的作用和工作以及旨在实现核裁军的努力。", "145. 各位部长欢迎不结盟运动成员国为推进核裁军目标所做的努力。在这方面,他们注意到伊朗伊斯兰共和国于2010年4月17日至18日在德黑兰召开了题为“核能为大家、禁止核武器”的国际裁军和不扩散会议。", "146. 各位部长重申支持召开联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议,并表示他们严重关切,尽管多年来一直在这方面努力,但联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议仍然未能召开。在此背景之下,他们欢迎不结盟运动从联合国大会第65/66号决议“召开联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议”中获得的鼎力支持,他们敦促联合国秘书长提供所有必要的技术、财务和人类资源以执行这一决议。他们强调积极参与该决议建立的不限成员名额工作组以审议并达成关于各项目标和议程的决议的重要意义,包括可能建立联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议筹备委员会。", "147. 各位部长再次呼吁召开国际会议,以尽早查明消除核威胁的方法和手段,目的在于达成一项有具体时限的关于全面销毁核武器的分阶段方案的协定,以禁止发展、生产、购置、试验、储存、转移、使用和威胁使用核武器,并规定销毁核武器。", "148. 各位部长重申,全面销毁核武器是打击使用或威胁使用核武器的唯一绝对保障,并进一步重申,核武器国家应向非核武器国家保证不使用或威胁使用核武器。在全面销毁核武器之前,他们重申,必须作为高度优先事项达成一项关于对非核武器国家的安全保证的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束力文书。他们注意到,自1998年在裁军谈判会议上建立一个特设委员会以就面向所有非核武器国家的普遍、无条件和具有法律约束力的安全保证进行谈判以来,一直没有取得进展。他们表示关切的是,尽管非核武器国家长期以来一直请求得到具有法律约束力的保证,但在这方面没有取得实质性进展。各位部长进一步强调就核安全账户缔结一份普遍、无条件和具有法律约束力的文书具有重要的积极安全影响。", "149. 各位部长强调了普遍加入《全面禁止试验条约》(《全面禁试条约》)的重要性,这包括所有核武器国家,这些国家尤其应当为推进核裁军进程做出贡献。他们重申,所有签署国,特别是核武器国家,都必须继续致力于核裁军,只有这样,才能充分实现《条约》的各项目标。", "150. 各位部长重申核武器国家在所有与履行其核裁军义务有关的措施中落实透明、不可变更和可核查原则的重要意义。", "151. 各位部长注意到俄罗斯联邦与美国之间签署了新的《削减和限制进攻性战略武器条约》,并强调指出,减少部署和降低备战状况,不能替代不可逆转地裁减和彻底消除核武器。在此背景之下,他们吁请美国和俄罗斯联邦对此类裁减适用透明、不可逆转和可核查原则,并进一步削减核武库,包括弹头和运载系统,从而推动履行其核裁军义务并促进尽早实现一个无核武器的世界。", "152. 各位部长商定,核武器国家采取具体行动的需求仍然日益增加而且最为紧迫,即这些国家依据其多边商定的承诺紧急采取进一步的实质性具体措施,在明确的时限内实现完成核裁军的目标。", "153. 各位部长依然关切研制和部署反弹道导弹防御系统所造成的负面影响以及外层空间武器化带来的威胁,特别是更加严重地破坏了有利于促进裁军和加强国际安全的国际氛围。废止《反弹道导弹条约》给战略稳定和防止外层空间军备竞赛带来了新的挑战。他们始终严重关切部署战略导弹防御系统的负面安全后果,即可能引起军备竞赛并导致进一步研制先进的导弹系统和增加核武器数量。", "154. 各位部长确认,为和平目的开发和利用外层空间符合全人类的共同利益,并着重指出,防止外层空间军备竞赛,包括禁止在外层空间部署或使用武器,将会避免一个国际和平与安全的严重威胁。他们进一步强调,至关重要的是应严格遵守现行的外层空间军备管制和裁军协定,包括双边协定,以及外层空间利用方面的现行法律制度。他们还再次强调急需在裁谈会着手进行实质性工作,特别是防止外层空间出现军备竞赛。同时注意到2008年2月12日提交给裁军谈判会议的关于《防止在外空放置武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力条约》草案的俄中联合倡议。他们指出该倡议有利于裁谈会的工作,并且为今后旨在通过具有约束力的国际文书的讨论奠定了良好基础。", "155. 各位部长依然认为,有必要通过多边谈判,达成一项普遍、全面、透明和不歧视的办法,处理导弹问题的各个方面,促进国际和平与安全。他们表示支持联合国继续做出努力,进一步探讨导弹问题的各个方面。在这方面,他们强调和平使用空间技术,包括空间运载火箭技术,能够推动人类进步,诸如电信业务及自然灾害方面的数据收集工作。他们还强调需要在联合国大会议程中列入导弹问题的各个方面,并对根据大会第59/67号决议设立的政府专家组在2008年成功开展各项工作以及向联合国大会第六十三届会议提交报告表示欢迎。在针对大规模毁灭性武器运载系统建立这种普遍机制之前,应在一个所有国家都能平等参加的论坛中开展包括有关各方的谈判工作,在此基础上采取行动,持续而全面地有效解决这些令人关切的问题。他们强调,各国采取的办法考虑到区域和全球安全关切对于全面解决导弹问题至关重要。", "156. 各位部长认为,按照《特拉特洛尔科条约》、《拉罗通加条约》、《曼谷条约》、《佩林达巴条约》和《中亚无核武器区条约》建立无核武器区及确立蒙古国的无核武器地位是加强全球核裁军和核不扩散的积极步骤和重要措施。他们欢迎《中亚无核武器区条约》于2009年3月21日生效以及《非洲无核武器区条约》于2009年7月15日生效,这是对加强区域和全球和平与稳定的有效贡献。他们重申,对于无核武器区来说,核武器国家必须无条件地做出保证,不对该地区所有国家使用或威胁使用核武器。他们敦促有关区域各国自由缔结协议,以期根据第一届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议(第一届裁军特别联大)《最后文件》规定及1999年联合国裁军审议委员会通过的原则,在没有建立无核武器区的地区建立新的无核武器区。", "156. 他们回顾2010年4月30日在纽约召开建立无核武器区条约缔约国和签署国及蒙古第二次会议及其成果,并呼吁无核武器区条约缔约国和签署国相互间、其条约机构和其他有关国家之间进一步开展各种方式方法的合作。他们表示支持蒙古将其无核武器地位制度化的政策以及蒙古为巩固和加强这种地位而采取的措施。在这方面,他们欢迎蒙古开始与两个邻国开展会谈,以缔结所需的法律文书,并表示希望尽快达成将无核武器地位制度化的国际文书。", "157. 各位部长申明支持在中东建立无一切大规模毁灭性武器区。为此,作为一项优先步骤,他们重申应根据安全理事会第487(1981)号决议和安全理事会第687(1991)号决议第14段以及协商一致通过的大会相关决议,加速建立中东无核武器区。他们呼吁有关各方尽快采取实际步骤,落实伊朗1974年提出的建立无核武器区的提案,在此之前,他们要求该地区唯一未加入也未宣布打算加入《不扩散核武器条约》(《不扩散条约》)的国家以色列放弃拥有核武器,毫不拖延地加入《不扩散条约》,并根据安全理事会第487(1981)号决议,迅速将其所有核设施置于国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的全面保障监督之下,同时依照不扩散制度的要求开展与核有关的活动。他们要求及早执行原子能机构关于“原子能机构保障监督制度在中东实施情况”的相关决议。他们对以色列获取核能力的情况表示极为关注,因为这对邻国和其他国家的安全构成了持续的严重威胁。他们谴责以色列继续发展和储备核武库。在此背景之下,他们还谴责时任以色列总理2006年12月11日所做的关于以色列拥有核武器的发言。他们敦促继续在原子能机构,包括其大会上审议以色列核能力问题。他们认为,在军事能力持续严重失衡的区域,特别是在一方拥有核武器对邻国和整个区域构成威胁的情况下,不可能实现稳定。他们还欢迎阿拉伯埃及共和国总统提出建立中东无大规模毁灭性武器区的倡议。在此背景之下,他们考虑到了阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表阿拉伯集团于2003年12月29日向安全理事会提出的建立中东无大规模毁灭性武器区的决议草案。他们强调应在不同的国际论坛采取必要步骤,促进建立无大规模毁灭性武器区。他们还呼吁完全禁止向以色列转让所有与核有关的设备、信息、材料、设施、资源或装置,禁止在核科学和核技术领域向以色列提供援助。在这方面,他们对以色列科学家依然能够进入一个核武器国家的核设施表示严重关注。这种情况有可能对中东安全以及全球不扩散制度的可靠性产生严重的负面影响。", "159. 各位部长重申支持阿拉伯集团为确保原子能机构大会继续审议以色列核能力问题而在维也纳所做的种种努力。", "160. 各位部长强调了不结盟运动在不使用或威胁使用武力来侵犯任何国家的领土完整方面的原则立场。在这方面,他们谴责以色列于2007年9月6日对叙利亚设施实施的袭击,这是对《联合国宪章》的公然侵犯,并欢迎叙利亚在此方面与原子能机构开展合作。", "161. 各位部长强调,在拟订和执行裁军和军备限制协定的过程中必须遵守环境准则。在这方面,他们欢迎不经表决通过了关于该问题的大会第65/53号决议。他们重申,国际裁军论坛在通过谈判达成裁军和军备限制条约及协定时,应充分考虑到有关的环境准则,而且所有国家都应采取行动,充分确保按上述准则执行他们所加入的条约和公约。", "162. 各位部长强调指出,联合国在区域一级开展的活动对增强会员国的稳定与安全至关重要。为了切实增强这种稳定与安全,应保持和振兴现有的三个和平与裁军区域中心。", "163. 《不扩散核武器条约》(《不扩散条约》)缔约国的部长重申了不扩散条约1995年审议和延期大会的一揽子协定以及不扩散条约2000年审议大会的《最后文件》,并认识到《不扩散条约》在核裁军、核不扩散和和平利用核能源方面的重要作用,并认为不扩散条约2010年审议大会的“关于后续行动的结论和建议”体现了在不远的将来能够依靠并进一步加强的结果,以全面解决不结盟运动的优先事项,特别是实现一个无核武器的国家。他们呼吁核武器国家全面和有效地遵守《条约》规定的义务,尤其是在核裁军方面的义务,以及审议大会,尤其是1995年审议和延期大会、2000年审议大会和2010年审议大会的成果。", "165. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长强调在不扩散条约审议大会框架内审查条约运行情况的重要性,并在此背景之下强调,虽然不扩散条约2010年审议大会的《最后文件》审议部分中的结论部分被视为是主席的意见而不是协商一致的措辞,但不能认为这为今后开创了先例,不影响审议大会的预审查。", "164. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长赞扬由菲律宾的利夫兰·卡瓦克图兰阁下担任2010年不扩散条约审议大会主席,并要求作为《不扩散条约》缔约国的不结盟国家积极参与会议的审议工作。他们强调执行审议大会就核裁军、核不扩散、和平利用核能以及执行1995年中东决议通过的行动计划的重要意义。各位部长关切地注意到,作为《不扩散条约》缔约国的不结盟国家在多个关键优先事项上缺少一致意见,特别是在开始就核武器公约谈判以及开始谈判一项对无核武器国家做出无条件的消极安全保证的具有法律约束力的法律文书。《不扩散条约》的这些缔约国的部长商定在下一次审议进程中继续集体努力推进实现前述不结盟运动的优先事项。", "166. 在此背景之下,《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长欢迎以协商一致方式在不扩散条约2010年审议大会“关于后续行动的结论和建议”中通过关于“中东问题,特别是执行1995年中东问题决议”的详细行动计划。各位部长敦促联合国秘书长和1995年决议的共同提案国在与该区域各国协商之后立即开展必要的筹备工作,以便在2012年召开一次由中东所有国家参加的会议,商讨建立中东无核武器和所有其他大规模毁灭性武器区的问题。他们强调充分执行商定行动计划的各个方面以及相关各方积极地、建设性地参与的重要意义,以便会议能够成功发起区域谈判进程,旨在充分实现1995年决议的各项目标并建立无核武器和所有其他大规模毁灭性武器区。", "167. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长在与中东各国密切协商和协调之后,对延迟执行不扩散条约2010年审议大会就执行1995年中东问题决议通过的行动计划所载各项措施表示深切关切。他们强烈敦促联合国秘书长和1995年中东问题决议的三个共同提案国立即开始充分落实中东问题行动计划。他们强调立即任命调解人、指定东道国和确认会议日期的重要性。各位部长要求秘书长执行其召集会议的任务,做出最大努力,以期尽早在即将于2012年5月举行的核不扩散条约2015年审议大会第一次筹备委员会之前召集会议。各位部长进一步强调援用所有必要的财政措施,包括联合国经常预算促进调解人的活动和召集审议大会的重要性。", "168. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长重申以色列依据相关国际文书和决定,包括安全理事会第487(1981)号决议执行部分第5段加入《不扩散核武器条约》以及将其所有核设施置于原子能机构全面保障之下的紧迫性和重要性。他们呼吁以色列作为中东唯一的《不扩散条约》非缔约国毫不迟延地作为无核武器国家加入该条约。", "169. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长再次呼吁《条约》所有缔约国做出坚决执行《条约》各项规定的承诺,并要求充分落实有关《条约》第六条的13项实际步骤,为执行该条做出系统而循序渐进的努力,特别是,核武器国家应明确承诺彻底销毁其核武库,从而实现核裁军。在彻底销毁核武器之前,他们还回顾了不扩散条约2000年审议大会《最后文件》重申五个核武器国家对《条约》的无核武器缔约国做出具有法律约束力的安全保证,将加强核不扩散制度。他们强调指出了不扩散条约2010年审议大会以协商一致方式商定循序渐进地努力消除核武器的实际步骤;执行不扩散核武器条约1995年缔约国审议和延期大会通过的中东问题决议以及关于对无核武器国家的无条件安全保证的国际文书的决议。", "170. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长要求核武器国家在缔结具有法律约束力的安全保证文书之前履行承诺,在任何时候和任何情况下都不对《条约》无核武器缔约国和无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。", "171. 各位部长重申,发展中国家应能在不受歧视的情况下,为和平目的研发、生产和利用核能,这是他们不可剥夺的权利。他们继续关切地注意到,现在依然过度限制为和平目的向发展中国家出口材料、设备和技术。他们再次强调指出,解决扩散问题的最佳途径是通过多边谈判,缔结普遍、全面的和非歧视性的协议。不扩散管制安排应该透明,允许所有缔约国参加,并应确保不限制发展中国家为和平目的获得所需要的材料、设备和技术,使其能够继续得到发展。各位部长表示对原子能机构的公正性和专业精神有充分的信心,并坚决反对任何国家违反《原子能机构规约》,将原子能机构的工作政治化,包括将其技术合作方案政治化的企图,以及任何过度施压或干预该机构活动的企图,因为这将降低原子能机构的工作效率和信誉。", "172. 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长再次强调指出,《条约》的任何规定都不得解释为会影响《条约》所有缔约国行使不可剥夺的权利,在不受歧视的情况下,依照《条约》第一、第二、第三条和第四条,为和平目的研发、生产和利用核能。他们着重指出,此项权利是《条约》的基本目标之一。在这方面,他们确认,各国在和平利用核能领域做出的选择和决定应受到尊重,不应损害其和平利用核能的政策或国际合作协定和安排以及其核燃料循环政策。", "173. 各位部长特别强调指出,发达国家有责任促进发展中国家对核能的合理需要得到满足,允许发展中国家为和平目的充分参与转让核设备、核材料及核科学和技术信息,以期获得最大利益,并将可持续发展的相关要素纳入其各项活动。", "174. 各位部长注意到原子能机构理事会2010年以投票方式通过了两项关于核燃料循环多边解决方案的提案。他们强调,在对这一复杂敏感的事项做出任何决定之前,应当通过广泛、综合和透明的谈判与磋商来解决这个问题,重点是其技术、法律、政治和经济影响。各位部长强调应当在原子能机构所有成员国都参与的情况下以协商一致方式做出决定,而且原子能机构的任何提案都必须符合其《规约》,并且提案的所有方面都不影响其成员国为和平目的研究、开发和利用核科学的不可剥夺的权利。", "175. 各位部长强调,不结盟运动成员国必须在原子能机构发挥积极作用,而且原子能机构所有成员国都应严格遵守其《规约》。他们着重指出,应避免对原子能机构的活动,特别是其核查工作过度施加任何压力或进行干涉,这会降低原子能机构的工作效率和信誉。他们确认,原子能机构是核查会员国根据各自保障协定履行其义务情况的唯一主管机构。他们还重申,应明确区分会员国根据各自保障协定承担的法定义务与他们自愿做出的承诺,以确保自愿承诺不会转变为法定的保障义务。", "176. 各位部长重申和平核活动的不可侵犯性,认为攻击或威胁攻击和平核设施——正在运营或建设中的设施——对人类和环境构成了极大的威胁,并严重违反国际法、《联合国宪章》的原则和宗旨以及原子能机构的各项规定。他们确认迫切需要通过多边谈判达成一项全面文书,禁止攻击或威胁攻击和平利用核能的核设施。", "177. 各位部长申明,使用放射性材料的设施和放射性废物管理设施应加强辐射安全和保护制度,包括这些材料的安全运输。他们重申,需要加强关于此种物质安全和运输安全的现行国际条例。各位部长注意到原子能机构在这方面做出的努力,包括2011年10月17日至21日在维也纳召开“放射性材料的安全和有保护运输国际会议:下一个五十年——创建安全、有保护和可持续的框架”。他们重申,应采取适当的措施,防止倾倒核废物或放射性废物,并要求有效执行原子能机构《关于放射性废物国际越境转移的业务守则》,以此加强对所有国家的保护,以免在其境内倾倒放射性废物。", "178. 各位部长强调应通过政治和外交途径解决扩散问题,在此方面,应根据国际法、有关公约和《联合国宪章》采取措施和行动,并应为促进国际和平、安全与稳定做出贡献。", "179. 加入《生物和毒素武器公约》的不结盟国家的部长重申,应完全排除将细菌(生物)制剂和毒素用作武器的可能性,坚信这样做违背人类良知。他们确认,尤为重要的是通过多边谈判达成一项具有法律约束力的议定书以及普遍加入《公约》来加强《公约》。他们再次呼吁为和平目的促进国际合作,包括科技交流,并在这方面采取具体行动,例如不结盟国家成员国在第六次审议大会上提交的“关于执行第十条的行动计划”和不结盟国家成员国最近提交的关于《公约》第十条全面执行机制的增补提案的各项行动。他们着重指出加入《公约》的不结盟国家保持密切协调的重要意义,并强调虽然可能会对某些方面进行单独审议,但《生物和毒素武器公约》是一个整体,并且必须要采用平衡而全面的方式来处理与《公约》相互关联的所有问题。", "180. 加入《生物和毒素武器公约》的不结盟国家的部长强调,为了促进其关于《公约》的立场,特别是关于《公约》第十条的立场,不结盟运动缔约国积极参与即将于2011年底举行的生物和毒素武器公约缔约国第七届审议大会非常重要,特别是通过强调必须加强生物科学和技术领域用于和平目的的国际合作、援助和交流。他们还鼓励《生物和毒素武器公约》缔约国按照生物和毒素武器公约缔约国第六届审议大会《最后文件》第54段的要求,提供关于国际援助与合作问题的《生物和毒素武器公约》第十条执行情况的信息。", "181. 《化学武器公约》缔约国的部长请尚未签署或批准《公约》的所有国家尽快予以签署或批准,以实现《公约》的普遍性。他们重申,可通过充分执行来增强《公约》对国际和区域和平与安全所做的积极贡献。各位部长重申在化学活动领域开展国际合作的重要性,因为这促使《公约》不会对此类活动进行限制。他们再次呼吁发达国家为了缔约国的利益促进国际合作,为和平目的转让化学领域的技术、材料和设备,并取消一切有悖《公约》文字和精神的歧视性限制。他们回顾说,通过开展国际合作充分、均衡、有效和非歧视地执行《公约》的各项规定,特别是经济和技术发展方面的规定,是实现其目标和宗旨的关键。他们对某些拥有化学武器的缔约国近期暗示不会履行其关于全面销毁化学武器的最后期限的义务,以及截至2011年1月31日仍有超过36.28%的化学武器未被销毁深表关切,并呼吁声明拥有化学武器的国家要确保充分、全面恪守最后在销毁化学武器方面所延长的期限(2012年4月29日),以维护《公约》的可信度和统一性。他们强调,销毁化学武器的义务和职责仅与拥有的缔约国相关,并且履行该义务对于实现《公约》目标和宗旨是一个关键。在这方面,他们吁请相关拥有国采取各项必要措施,加快销毁其化学武器库存的速度,以根据《公约》的规定在最后延长的期限前销毁其化学武器。", "182. 《化学武器公约》缔约国的部长重申,执行关于援助和防止使用化学武器的《化学武器公约》第十条可大大有助于应对使用化学武器带来的威胁。他们强调,必须要实现并保持禁止化学武器组织的充分准备状态,以提供及时和所需的援助,防止使用或威胁使用化学武器,包括援助化学武器受害者。", "183. 《化学武器公约》缔约国的部长对化学武器受害者及其家人给予了适当关注,并声明其坚信,国际支助是一项紧急的人道主义需求,可以向所有遭受化学武器的受害者提供特殊护理和援助,《公约》缔约国和禁止化学武器组织应立即着重于满足这些需求,有可能包括通过设立一个国际支助网络。", "184. 各位部长再次谴责2009年以色列对加沙地带发起军事侵略,以及占领国对巴勒斯坦平民地区进行狂轰滥炸,并对所报告的在平民区使用有害且可能致命的燃烧武器,例如白磷表示严重关切。在这方面,他们再次呼吁相关机构根据适当的国际公约和协定彻底调查这起严重事件。", "185. 各位部长对毫无根据地指控某些国家未遵守关于大规模毁灭性武器的文书表示遗憾,并呼吁进行这种指控的文书缔约国遵守文书中规定的程序,为其指控提供必要的证据。他们呼吁有关国际文书的所有缔约国,以透明方式充分履行他们根据这些文书所承担的全部义务。", "186. 各位部长表示满意的是,各国就防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施达成了共识。他们欢迎以协商一致方式通过大会题为“防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施”的第65/62号决议,并着重指出,应在联合国框架内,通过国际合作消除对人类的这一威胁。他们强调防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的最有效途径是彻底消除这种武器,他们还强调,急需在裁军和不扩散领域取得进展,以帮助维护国际和平与安全,并促进打击恐怖主义的全球努力。他们呼吁所有会员国支持国际社会做出努力,防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具。他们还敦促各会员国采取并酌情加强国家措施,防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具以及与其生产这类武器有关的材料和技术。", "187. 各位部长注意到安全理事会通过了第1540(2004)、第1673(2006)和第1810(2008)号决议,强调应确保安全理事会采取的任何行动都无损于《联合国宪章》、关于大规模毁灭性武器和有关国际组织的现有多边条约以及大会的作用。他们还告诫安全理事会不要继续利用其权威规定会员国在执行安全理事会决定方面的立法要求。在这方面,各位部长着重指出,对于处理非国家行为体获取大规模毁灭性武器的问题,大会应采取包容性的做法,考虑到所有成员国的意见。", "188. 各位部长铭记现有的大规模毁灭性武器,特别是核武器对人类造成了威胁,强调需要全部消除这些武器,同时还重申需要防止出现新式大规模毁灭性武器,因此其支持有必要对这一局势进行监测,并在需要时开展国际行动。", "189. 各位部长重申,为自卫和安全需要获取、生产、出口、进口和保留常规武器是各国的主权权利。他们对单方面的强制性措施表示关注,强调不应过度限制转让常规武器。", "190. 各位部长认识到,在常规武器的生产、拥有和交易方面,工业化国家与不结盟国家之间存在着严重的不平衡,他们呼吁工业化国家大幅削减常规武器的生产、拥有和交易,以期加强国际和区域的和平与安全。", "191. 各位部长仍然深表关切的是,小武器和轻武器在世界许多地区非法转让、生产和流通,而且过度积累和无节制地扩散。他们认识到,有必要确立和保持对私人拥有小武器的管制。他们呼吁所有国家,特别是主要生产国,确保只向政府或得到政府正式授权的实体提供小武器和轻武器,并实施法律限制和禁令,防止非法买卖小武器和轻武器。他们鼓励各国采取一切举措,调动资源和专门知识,并提供援助,以便更加充分地执行《联合国从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的行动纲领》。", "192. 各位部长强调立即充分执行《行动纲领》的重要性,关于这一点,他们着重指出,国际援助与合作是充分执行《行动纲领》的一个必要部分。他们对2006年6月26日至7月7日在纽约举行的联合国审查《从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的行动纲领》执行进度会议未能达成最后文件表示失望。各位部长注意到2010年6月14日至18日在纽约举行了第四次缔约国两年期会议,会议审议了《行动纲领》在国家、区域和全球的执行情况。他们鼓励各国酌情考虑上述会议《最后文件》的建议,同时强调,通过第四次缔约国两年期会议最后文件所遵循的程序不应当构成今后的一个先例。他们重申《行动纲领》完全有效,鼓励不结盟运动国家代表团协调在联合国的努力,以便就贯彻落实《行动纲领》达成协议,确保予以充分执行。他们呼吁充分执行大会通过的此项国际文书,以使各国能够以及时、可靠的方式查明和跟踪非法小武器和轻武器。", "193. 各位部长仍感痛惜的是,在冲突局势下,有人违反国际人道主义法,使用杀伤人员地雷,残害、杀害、恐吓无辜平民;不让他们下地耕种、制造饥荒,迫使他们逃离,最终导致人口衰减,并阻止平民返回原居住地。他们呼吁所有有能力的国家为扫雷行动及受害者重新融入社会经济生活提供必要的财政、技术和人道主义援助,并确保受影响的国家能够充分获得扫雷的物质设备、技术和资金。", "194. 《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》(《禁雷公约》)缔约国部长请尚未加入《公约》的国家考虑加入。", "195. 各位部长对第二次世界大战遗留爆炸物表示关注,特别是地雷,因为这些地雷继续在一些不结盟运动国家造成人员和物质损失,阻碍这些国家执行发展计划。他们呼吁第二次世界大战期间在其境外埋设这些地雷和活性爆炸物的主要责任国与受影响国家合作,并支持他们进行扫雷活动,包括开展信息交流、绘制地图标明地雷和爆炸物的位置、为扫雷提供技术援助、支付扫雷费用,以及赔偿所埋设地雷造成的任何损失。", "196. 《禁雷公约》缔约国的部长认识到2009年11月30日至12月4日在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳举行的第二次审议大会的重要性。此外,他们欢迎为大会做筹备工作的区域会议和讲习班,赞赏主办国为此所做的努力。", "197. 《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》(《特定常规武器公约》)及其议定书缔约国的部长鼓励各国加入《公约》及其《议定书》。", "198. 各位部长认识到使用集束弹药给人道主义带来了不利影响,并表示同情受集束弹药影响的国家。他们呼吁所有有能力的国家考虑提供必要的财政、技术和人道主义援助,以开展扫除未爆炸集束弹药的行动、帮助受害人重新恢复社会经济生活,以及确保受影响国家充分获取扫除未爆炸集束弹药所需的物质设备、技术和资金。他们注意到在《特定常规武器公约》范围内继续审议集束弹药问题。《集束弹药公约》缔约国部长认识到在这个问题上存在不同意见,但还是请尚未加入《公约》的国家考虑加入。", "199. 各位部长注意到《集束弹药公约》于2010年8月1日生效,并注意到2010年11月9日至12日在越南、老挝人民民主共和国举行的公约缔约国第一次会议的成果,还注意到《公约》缔约国打算于2011年9月在黎巴嫩召开下一次会议。", "200. 各位部长强调大会通过第65/55号决议的重要意义,并考虑到使用含贫铀的武器和弹药可能会对人类健康和环境带来有害影响。", "201. 各位部长强调了裁军与发展之间的重要共生关系以及安全在这方面所起的重要作用。在这方面,他们欢迎以不表决方式通过了大会第65/52号决议。他们还对全球军事开支日益增加表示关注,这项开支可以用于发展需要。他们还强调指出,必须根据在最低军备水平上安全不受减损的原则削减军事开支,并敦促各国将用于军备的资源转用于经济和社会发展,特别是用在消除贫穷方面。他们表示坚决支持一些国家政府采取双边、区域和多边措施,削减军事开支,从而进一步加强区域和国际的和平与安全,并认识到建立信任措施在此方面有所助益。", "202. 各位部长称赞不结盟运动裁军工作组在印度尼西亚的主持下继续开展工作,协调处理不结盟运动在裁军领域共同关心的问题。他们鼓励不结盟运动所有国家代表团继续积极参加工作组,以期促进和实现不结盟运动的各项目标。", "203. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意:", "1. 继续在有关国际论坛酌情推行不结盟运动的立场和优先事项;以及", "2. 让不结盟运动协调局负责在裁军和国际安全会议上酌情努力实现不结盟运动的各项目标。", "恐怖主义", "204. 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动有关恐怖主义原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "1. 恐怖行为公然违反包括国际人道主义法和人权法在内的国际法,尤其是侵犯生命权,导致人民不能充分享受人权和基本自由;这种行为危及各国的领土完整和稳定以及国家、区域和国际安全,颠覆合法组建的政府或现行宪法秩序以及国家政治统一,影响国家稳定和社会根基,并造成经济和社会发展不良后果,破坏各国的物质和和经济基础设施;", "2. 恐怖主义不能也不应与任何宗教、国籍、文明或族裔群体联系起来,这些特性不能成为恐怖主义措施或反恐怖主义措施的理由,特别是包括根据这些恐怖分子嫌疑人的情况介绍或侵犯个人隐私;", "3. 不论出于何种目的、在任何地点、由任何人、针对任何人进行的旨在故意或蓄意使公众、群体或特定人群陷入恐怖状态的犯罪行为在任何情况下无论以何种考虑或因素作为理由都是无可开脱的;", "4. 恐怖主义不应等同于人民在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下争取自治和民族解放的合法斗争。残酷对待仍处于外国占领下的人民应继续被谴责为最严重的恐怖主义,而利用国家力量镇压和暴力对待反抗外国占领的人民行使其不可剥夺的自决权利应继续受到谴责。在这方面,按照《联合国宪章》、国际法和联合国有关决议,在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的斗争并不构成恐怖主义;[20]", "5. 不结盟运动重申其原则立场,认为根据国际法,并按照大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议以及其他联合国有关决议,在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取民族解放和自决的斗争具有合法性,不构成恐怖主义,并再次呼吁制定关于恐怖主义的定义,以区别于在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的合法斗争;", "6. 资助恐怖主义行为令人严重关切,必须坚决打击之。在这方面,各位部长强烈谴责恐怖主义团伙劫持人质并索取赎金和/或其他政治让步的犯罪事件,呼吁所有国家积极合作,以解决这个问题,包括其法律方面。", "205. 各位部长承认恐怖主义和恐怖行为对国际社会构成严重危险和威胁,根据并遵循不结盟运动的有关原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,同意采取以下措施:", "1. 强烈地、明确地谴责恐怖主义犯罪,并拒绝一切形式和表现的恐怖主义及其一切行为、方法和做法,无论在何地由何人针对何人所为,包括国家直接或间接参与,无论以何种考虑或因素作为理由都是无可开脱的,并在这方面重申他们支持大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议和其他有关联合国决议中的规定;", "2. 决心迅速采取有效措施来消除国际恐怖主义,并在这方面敦促所有国家,根据《联合国宪章》履行其按照国际法和国际人道主义法打击恐怖主义的义务,包括起诉或酌情引渡实施恐怖行为者;防止在其境内或境外或由在其境内的机构组织煽动或资助针对别国的恐怖行为;不组织、煽动、帮助、资助或参与在其他国家境内的恐怖活动;不鼓动在其境内旨在实施此种行为的活动;不允许使用领土规划、训练或资助此种行为;以及不提供可能用于在其他国家的恐怖行为的枪支或其他武器;", "3. 谴责任何形式的恐怖主义,不向其提供政治、外交、道义或者物质支持,并在这方面敦促各国根据《联合国宪章》并履行其国际法义务,确保难民地位或其他任何法律地位不被恐怖行为的犯罪者、组织者和协助者滥用,不承认他们提出的政治动机可以作为拒绝引渡的理由;", "4. 敦促所有尚未这样做的国家考虑批准或加入与打击恐怖主义有关的13个联合国公约和议定书;", "5. 遵守并执行本国缔结的所有关于打击恐怖主义的国际公约以及区域和双边文书的规定,同时考虑到1995年在埃及开罗举行的联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会《最后文件》以及2005年在沙特阿拉伯利雅得举行的国际打击恐怖主义会议提出的建议;", "6. 反对将在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的合法斗争与恐怖主义等同看待,以便延长占领并压迫无辜人民而不受惩罚;", "7. 进一步呼吁所有国家原则上同意由联合国主持召开一次国际会议,以界定恐怖主义,将其与争取民族解放区分开来,并达成一致行动的全面有效措施。他们还谴责残酷对待在外国占领下的人民是形式最为严重的恐怖主义。他们谴责使用国家力量镇压和暴力对待反抗外国占领、行使不可剥夺自决权利的无辜受害者。他们强调这是神圣的权利,并敦促在这个扩大自由和民主的时代,应允许外国占领下的人民自由决定他们的命运。在这方面,他们还重申支持大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议,以及其他联合国有关决议和不结盟运动的原则立场,认为人民在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下争取自决的斗争并不构成恐怖主义;", "8. 吁请所有国家在打击恐怖主义的同时尊重所有人权和基本自由,还重申,在这方面其承诺要根据法治、国际法,特别是国际人权法、国际难民法和国际人道主义法中关于该国的各项义务以及相关的大会决议,防止侵犯人权的行为;", "9. 各位部长重申不结盟运动关于打击国际恐怖主义的原则立场,鉴于不结盟运动以往采取的倡议和考虑,并坚信在联合国主持下开展多边合作是打击国际恐怖主义最有效的手段,再次呼吁在联合国主持下召开国际首脑会议,以制定国际社会对一切形式和表现的恐怖主义的有组织联合回应,包括查明其根源;", "10. 进一步重申缔结一个打击国际恐怖主义的全面公约的重要性,在这方面,注意到根据大会第51/210号决议设立的恐怖主义问题特设委员会正在谈判拟订一个关于国际恐怖主义的全面公约并在这方面继续努力,还呼吁所有国家合作解决悬而未决的问题;", "11. 要求以透明和全面和平的方式执行《联合国全球反恐战略》,同意积极参与以后审查《联合国全球反恐战略》及其执行情况的会议,并进一步呼吁加强成员国参与反恐执行工作队的工作,并支持不结盟运动成员国旨在以增进不结盟运动原则立场的方式加强有效执行的任何倡议;", "12. 回顾2010年9月8日对《联合国全球反恐战略》的第二次半年审查,审查决定,除其他外,工作队应当每季度与成员国互动一次,从而收到关于目前和今后工作的情况介绍和报告,确保透明度,使成员国能够对工作队开展的工作进行评估,并提供政策指导和关于大会2010年9月8日第64/297号决议所体现的反恐战略执行情况的反馈,欢迎在按照大会2009年12月24日第64/235号决议最后确定反恐执行工作队体制化方面取得的进展;", "205.13 强烈谴责在伊拉克各个地方几乎每天针对平民实施的严重恐怖主义行动,呼吁加强国际合作,支持伊拉克打击一切形式恐怖主义的能力建设方案;", "205.14 各位部长强烈谴责针对伊朗科学家的一系列恐怖袭击事件,其后果是导致对于任何国家发展来说必不可少的宝贵的人力资源造成损失;", "205.15 各位部长强烈谴责2008年9月20日在巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡万豪酒店发生的令人发指的恐怖袭击事件,以及2009年3月3日在拉合尔发生的对来访的斯里兰卡板球队实施的恐怖袭击,这些事件表明国际恐怖主义在升级,造成了巨大的人员伤亡、破坏和损毁,呼吁所有成员国根据打击这些必须受到谴责的恐怖主义行为实施者、组织者、资助者和赞助者的相关国际法规定,开展国际合作;", "205.16 各位部长强烈谴责2008年11月26日至29日发生在印度孟买的令人发指的恐怖袭击事件,该事件表明国际恐怖主义在升级,造成了大量人员伤亡、破坏和损毁,呼吁所有成员国根据打击这些必须受到谴责的恐怖主义行为实施者、组织者、资助者和赞助者的相关国际法规定,开展国际合作;", "17. 在最为合适的时间,根据联合国关于恐怖主义问题的讨论和谈判的进展情况,就此问题举行一次不结盟运动部长级会议;", "18. 支持国家、区域和国际努力和安排,设法酌情落实有法律约束力的国际文书和联合国有关决议,[21] 包括大会第46/51号决议和安全理事会第1373号决议,以及与打击恐怖主义有关的区域安排和文书;[22] 加强与各国在这方面的合作,强调这种合作应符合《联合国宪章》、国际法和有关国际公约;并在这方面敦促联合国有关机构促进支持和加强这种合作的途径和方法;", "19. 拒绝任何国家对任何不结盟国家以打击恐怖主义为借口或为推行其政治目的,违反《联合国宪章》和国际法,特别是有关国际公约,施加或威胁施加行动和措施,使用或威胁使用武力,特别是武装部队,包括将其直接或间接列为恐怖主义赞助国。他们还吁请安全理事会提高对基地组织和塔利班的制裁制度的合法性和公信力,尤其在列入名单和除名程序以及授予免除中,解决适当程序和透明度的关切问题,在这方面,注意到任命了一名监察员,以协助制裁制度审议除名申请。他们还完全拒绝使用某国以打击恐怖主义为借口针对其他国家使用“邪恶轴心”一词,并单方制定涉嫌支持恐怖主义的国家名单,这些都不符合国际法,其本身构成了一种心理和政治恐怖主义。在这方面,他们强调必须声援受这类行动和措施影响的不结盟国家;", "20. 全面推行改变不结盟国家的国家法律和立法的性质,以便将所有恐怖行为以及对这种行为的支持、资助或煽动定为犯罪行为;", "21. 重申其支持2005年2月在沙特阿拉伯利雅得举行的国际反恐会议通过的两圣寺护法、阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·萨乌德国王建立国际反恐中心的提案。利雅得会议声称只有通过协调国际努力和开展合作,才可能消除恐怖主义。会议吁请联合国设立中心,用于交流信息、共享专长、协调努力,以密切监测恐怖组织和个人的行动;以及", "22. 各位部长注意到伊朗伊斯兰共和国的倡议,2011年6月25至26日在德黑兰举行旨在促进国际反恐合作的“全球反恐国际会议”。", "民主[23]", "206. 各位部长重申,民主是一种普遍的价值观,基于人民决定其自己的政治、经济、社会和文化制度所自由表达的意志以及充分参与其生活的各个方面。他们重申,尽管所有民主国家都拥有共同特点,但没有一种单一的民主模式,民主也不属于任何国家或地区,还进一步重申必须适当尊重主权和自决权利,反对任何企图破坏由人民合法建立的宪政和民主秩序的做法。他们表示坚信,在尊重《联合国宪章》的原则以及透明、不偏袒和包容原则的基础上,国际合作促进民主能够有助于实现在国家、区域和国际一级巩固民主的目标。", "207. 各位部长重申,民主、发展与尊重所有人权和基本自由是相互依存和相辅相成的。国际社会应按照《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,支持在全世界(不论是发达国家还是发展中国家)加强并促进民主、发展以及尊重所有人权和基本自由。", "208. 各位部长回顾近期在几个拉丁美洲国家进行的宪法程序,该程序体现了尊重和巩固基于这些国家的人民自由表达意志和参与决定政治、经济、法律、社会和文化制度的民主。", "209. 各位部长回顾了在《2005年世界首脑会议成果文件》中重申的联合国会员国领导人所做的承诺,并指出联合国可以发挥重要作用,促进和加强寻求法律、技术和财政援助的各会员国的民主实践。各位部长注意到联合国民主基金的工作。", "210. 各位部长强调印度尼西亚共和国发起的巴厘民主论坛的重要性,该论坛于2010年12月10日和11日举行了第三次会议,它是一个政府间论坛,旨在促进其区域成员国和观察国依据平等参与、共享经验和最佳做法、对话和国际合作的原则而建立的本土民主而不是强加的民主。各位部长还注意到作为巴厘民主论坛执行机构的和平民主研究所组织的活动。", "211. 各位部长欢迎委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国政府决定主办第七次新民主或恢复民主国际会议。", "212. 各位部长祝贺蒙古担任2011-2013年民主政体共同体的主席国,并欢迎其打算继续与巴厘民主论坛和新民主或恢复民主国际会议以及其他相关论坛合作。", "213. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 集体努力促进民主和更具包容性的政治进程,让包括自愿寻求联合国协助的国家在内的所有国家的全体公民都能够真正参与;", "2. 认识到在国家一级促进民主的重要性,促进国际治理制度的民主化,以增加发展中国家参与国际决策;以及", "3. 反对并谴责任何怀有政治动机的企图或滥用旨在促进民主的国际合作,包括边缘化或排斥不结盟国家,使其在联合国系统政府间机构中不能充分参与并享有平等成员机会。", "南北对话与合作", "214. 承认需要增加发展中国家和发达国家领导人的互动,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 与发达国家和工业化国家,特别是八国集团形成、扩大和深化更富活力的关系和合作,这种关系和合作牢牢植根于相互尊重、互利互惠、共同和区别责任、建设性接触和对话、广泛的合作关系和真正的相互依存,目的是建立对全球性问题兼容互补的回应或倡议,并促进南北之间的理解;", "2. 在大会常会框架内在不结盟运动“三驾马车”和欧洲联盟之间继续举行部长级会议,旨在促进就联合国大会即将处理的共同关心的问题全面和透明地交换意见;", "3. 注意到不结盟运动主席和其他有关方成功举行了部长级会议,还注意到不结盟运动主席和其他有关方将继续酌情就共同关心的问题举行会议,其中包括部长级会议;", "4. 确保发达国家在就影响发展中国家和国际社会的有关问题[24] 做出决定前充分考虑其意见,除其他外,这一点可通过建立发展中国家和发达国家最高领导人之间的制度化接触而实现。为此,请不结盟运动主席与77国集团加中国主席协调,确定有利于实现这些目标的措施,包括通过加强联合协调委员会;", "5. 呼吁国际会议和大会,包括八国集团年度首脑会议考虑到发展中国家的利益和关切,尤其是在当前全球经济和金融危机形势和对其发展造成严重负面影响的情况下,并请不结盟运动主席继续转达这些利益和关切;以及", "6. 强调南北合作与受援国的国家优先发展重点联系起来的重要性,以及提高发展援助效率的重要性。", "区域性组织的作用", "215. 各位部长强调不结盟国家和其他发展中国家组成的区域安排和机构通过本区域国家间合作在促进区域和平与安全以及经济和社会发展方面发挥的重要作用。", "216. 各位部长呼吁加强联合国与区域、次区域组织、安排或机构之间按照《联合国宪章》第八章及其任务、范围和组成进行的协商、合作与协调进程,这些都大有裨益并有助于促进维护国际和平与安全。", "217. 各位部长回顾《联合国非洲发展新伙伴关系宣言》,并呼吁国际社会对非洲发展新伙伴关系和其他相关倡议重新做出承诺,在这方面注意到非洲联盟和其他区域经济共同体在经济一体化方面的努力以及非洲联盟为落实大会第59/213号决议所载规定正在进行的努力(该决议强调需要联合国系统为非洲联盟在社会、经济、政治、和平与安全等方面提供所需支持的特定领域),并表示决心继续倡导按照《千年宣言》、《2005年世界首脑会议成果文件》和大会第六十五届会议关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议成果文件所载的非洲特殊需要提供国际社会持续支持的必要性。", "218. 各位部长强调了2005年在印度尼西亚通过的《亚非新型战略伙伴关系宣言》的重要性,并呼吁国际社会在这一新型战略伙伴关系框架内加强合作,作为深化发展中国家,特别是亚非发展中国家之间的伙伴关系的重要步骤。", "219. 各位部长欢迎东盟成员国努力建设并加强东盟共同体,以加强并维护东盟的中心地位及其在不断变化的区域结构中的作用,2011年5月在印度尼西塔雅加达举行的第18次东盟首脑会议通过的《东盟领导人关于全球国家一体化中的东盟共同体的联合声明》确认了这一点。", "第二章:区域和次区域的政治问题", "中东", "和平进程", "220. 各位部长对中东和平进程缺乏进展深表遗憾,并严重关切以色列非法政策所导致的持续危险僵局,这继续阻挠以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突实现公正、持久、全面与和平的解决,巴以冲突是阿拉伯-以色列冲突的核心。他们强调需要立即努力恢复和推进依据安全理事会第242、338、425、1397、1515和1850号决议、马德里框架(包括以土地换和平的原则)和《阿拉伯和平倡议》启动的中东和平进程。他们反对改变和平进程职权范围的企图,其中包括占领国以色列为单方面非法解决问题而强加的片面措施和计划。他们申明这些非法措施,尤其包括建造和扩大定居点和隔离墙完全违背了和平进程,为了恢复可信的和平谈判必须彻底停止。在这方面,他们强调,国际社会需增强和协调努力,迫使占领国以色列停止其非法政策并在其商定的职权范围基础上真正地致力于和平进程,强调还需要确保尊重国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法,这是和平解决整个巴以冲突和阿以冲突的关键。", "221. 在此基础之上,各位部长强调有必要做出国际和区域努力,及时并适当地推动恢复和平进程所有当事方之间的快速和实质性谈判,根据联合国有关决议并按照其中所载的国际法规则和原则,达成全面、公正、持久、和平的解决办法。在这方面,他们重申以色列必须立即停止自1967年以来对所有阿拉伯被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷的长期非法占领。他们进一步重申支持在1967年占领的所有巴勒斯坦领土内建立独立的巴勒斯坦国的一贯立场,包括把东耶路撒冷作为其首都。", "222. 各位部长回顾国际社会,包括联合国安全理事会和大会为推进以公正、全面的方式和平解决包括以巴冲突在内的整个阿以冲突以及区域稳定所发挥的历史作用和义务。他们呼吁国际社会,特别是四方鉴于其成员担负的责任,加强并协调其努力和行动,支持和促进各方就最后地位问题开展的谈判,包括全面执行《路线图》的规定,实现巴以冲突的永久性两国解决办法。他们还呼吁安全理事会与四方接触,考虑到《宪章》赋予安理会维护国际和平与安全的权利和责任,并呼吁不结盟运动核心小组成员国继续在这方面积极开展活动。", "223. 各位部长重申,其支持2002年3月在贝鲁特举行的第14次阿拉伯首脑会议通过的《阿拉伯和平倡议》,欢迎2010年3月在苏尔特举行的第21次阿拉伯首脑会议通过的决议,决议重申所有阿拉伯国家为《阿拉伯和平倡议》做出的承诺,并强调和平倡议不会被讨论太久。各位部长呼吁占领国以色列认真回应这一重要倡议,并以语言和行动加以证明。", "巴勒斯坦被占领土,包括东耶路撒冷", "224. 各位部长重申坚持2009年7月在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15次国家元首和政府首脑会议,以及近期举行的不结盟运动部长级会议,其中包括2009年4月在哈瓦那举行的第15次部长级会议通过的不结盟运动关于巴勒斯坦的立场,这是不结盟国家在巴勒斯坦问题上的指导方针。在这方面,他们进一步重申其恪守不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会在第15次首脑会议以及之前和之后的部长级会议通过的《关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言》所载的原则立场。在这方面,各位部长重申其长期支持和声援巴勒斯坦的正义事业,并坚定地致力于继续支持巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人。他们强调指出,需要提供政治、经济和人道主义支持,以援助巴勒斯坦人民、增强其复原力和努力实现其合法的民族愿望,包括其不可剥夺的自决权和建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国的自由。", "225. 各位部长深表遗憾,自1948年灾难[25] 降临巴勒斯坦人民以来,已过去了六十三年,但是巴勒斯坦问题仍未得到解决,此次灾害使巴勒斯坦人民沦为一无所有的无国籍人口,并被驱逐出了其巴勒斯坦的家园,成为了流离失所者,并且超过一半的巴勒斯坦人口继续流亡在该区域和散居地的难民营,大会第194(III)号决议规定的回归权利也被剥夺。各位部长还深表遗憾,自1967年以来对巴勒斯坦土地实施漫长和残暴的占领至今达近四十二年,在此期间,巴勒斯坦人民一直遭受苦难,继续被剥夺基本人权,包括自决权。", "226. 各位部长再次表示遗憾,尽管四方、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他有关成员国所做的国际和区域努力有所加强,且在2010年9月恢复了和平进程,但在解决巴勒斯坦最后地位问题上没有取得进展。他们还表示严重关切因占领国以色列正在采取的非法政策和做法(其中最重要的是在西岸连续修建定居点以及对加沙地带封锁将近四年)而导致包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土严重的政治、经济、社会、人道主义和安全局势。", "227. 在这方面,各位部长谴责以色列违反国际法和联合国决议,对巴勒斯坦领土继续进行军事占领。他们谴责以色列继续对巴勒斯坦人民,特别是在加沙地带继续进行残暴的军事行动,占领国在那里继续严重侵犯人权并犯下战争罪,包括过度使用武力和滥用武力,造成包括儿童在内的上千名巴勒斯坦平民伤亡,大规模毁坏财产、基础设施和农田。他们还谴责以色列非法和任意关押和监禁成千上万巴勒斯坦平民的行为,包括成百上千的妇女和儿童以及诸多当选的政府官员,他们继续被关押在严酷的不人道条件下,并受到身体和精神虐待,包括报告的酷刑,还被剥夺获得适当医疗和家属探视的权利。他们呼吁国际社会适当接触这些囚犯和被拘留者并对他们目前的状况进行检查,再次要求立即释放这些成员。他们还谴责以色列的非法定居活动,占领国违反国际法,继续对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土进行殖民统治。他们还谴责以色列以各种非法手段和措施,继续对巴勒斯坦人民进行集体惩罚。各位部长重申,要求占领国以色列立即结束所有此类违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法的行为。", "228. 各位部长重申强烈谴责2008年12月至2009年1月以色列对加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民的军事侵略,造成1 400多名巴勒斯坦平民死亡,其中包括上百名儿童和妇女,以及5 500多名巴勒斯坦人受伤。他们还谴责以色列肆意破坏上千所巴勒斯坦人房屋、商店、重要民用基础设施、清真寺、公共机构、农场以及几外联合国设施。各位部长呼吁占领国以色列立即停止其对巴勒斯坦人民的军事侵略。", "229. 各位部长再次吁请包括安全理事会在内的国际社会确保对占领国以色列在加沙地带所犯的所有罪行和侵犯人权事件进行彻底调查,开展严格的后续工作追究犯罪实施者的责任,结束以色列有罪不罚和藐视法律的行为,为受害者伸张正义。在这方面,他们吁请立即行动,跟踪“联合国加沙冲突问题实地调查团”报告(《戈德斯通报告》)中所载的调查结果。各位部长重申《日内瓦公约》缔约国在刑事制裁、严重违反和责任方面的义务,并呼吁重新召开日内瓦第四公约缔约国会议,讨论在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上执行《公约》的措施,并按照大会和人权理事会有关决议的要求,确保按照共同的第1条执行《公约》。", "230. 各位部长还谴责2010年5月31日以色列在国际水域袭击了一支前往加沙地带的人道主义救援船队“加沙自由船队”,其中9名土耳其平民被打死。他们强调,需要按照基于安全理事会2010年6月1日所做呼吁的国际标准,对以色列的袭击进行独立、公正、可信和透明的国际调查,争取彻底查明这一恶劣的袭击事件真相并确保问责。他们欢迎联合国秘书长成立一个调查小组,呼吁完成该调查,并尽快公布调查结果。他们还欢迎人权理事会派遣一个实况调查团,它确信以色列的袭击违反了国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,并呼吁立即行动,跟踪调查结果。", "231. 各位部长再次谴责以色列不人道、非法关闭和封锁加沙地带的行为,这实际上监禁了该地区的所有巴勒斯坦人民,因为这限制了行动自由,包括病人、学生和人道主义工作人员的行动;限制获得人道主义援助和所有必需品,包括食品、药品、燃料、电力和建筑材料;还限制了所有商业流动,特别是出口。他们表示严重关切因封锁造成的严重的社会经济状况和持续的人道主义危机,封锁造成的广泛物质匮乏、生活贫穷和苦难,此外还有军事侵略导致的大量创伤和痛苦。各位部长强调,除违反了不计其数的人权法条款外,以色列的此类集体惩罚措施相当于严重违反了国际人道主义法律,作为占领国,以色列应受到该法律的约束,并必须谨慎遵守该法律。", "232. 各位部长要求以色列根据国际人道主义法和联合国所有决议,包括安全理事会的相关决议,立即结束这种非法行为,结束对加沙地带的非法封锁,并立即无条件地开放加沙地带所有的过境点。他们呼吁结束对加沙地带的隔离,确保人员和货物在加沙和外界之间的持续和定期流动,并恢复加沙地带和西岸之间的联系、团结和流动,强调加沙仍然是巴勒斯坦被占领土不可分割的一部分。各位部长强调加沙重建的紧迫性,并呼吁国际社会施加压力,迫使占领国以色列允许所有用于修复遭到破坏和受损的巴勒斯坦财产和基础设施及联合国设施,包括近东救济工程处学校所必需的建筑材料进入。他们还强调必须维持商业流动,包括进出口,以促进加沙地带的生计、商业和工业及其经济活力的恢复。", "233. 各位部长重申,其强烈谴责以色列通过许可证制度和数以百计的检查站,在整个巴勒斯坦被占领土,尤其是在被占领东耶路撒冷及周边地区继续大力推行殖民定居活动,包括没收大片土地、修建和扩大非法定居点、定居“前哨”和定居基础设施、转移更多的以色列定居者、建造隔离墙、拆毁房屋、挖掘、施行专制和种族主义居住管辖以及进行流动限制。他们重申占领国以色列实施的此类政策和措施严重违反了国际法,并公然藐视联合国决议和国际法院2004年7月9日的咨询意见。他们还再次呼吁快速将《联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙造成的损失登记册》投入运行,并迅速履行其各项任务。", "234. 各位部长强调,和平进程谈判与这种旨在在当地造成非法事实以及获得和事实上吞并更多巴勒斯坦土地并单方面解决问题的非法殖民行为不相容。他们谴责以色列不顾国际社会一致要求其立即停止这种非法行径、履行其法律义务及其路线图义务(冻结所有定居点活动,包括所谓的“自然增长”)继续修建定居点。此外,他们表示深为关切以色列定居、隔离墙和检查站网络导致的广泛的物质、经济和社会破坏,将巴勒斯坦领土分割为好几个独立的区域,其中包括若干筑以围墙的驻扎区;造成东耶路撒冷从领土中分离;成千上万名巴勒斯坦人背井离乡,一些社区被完全摧毁。他们强调所有的以色列非法殖民活动严重破坏了巴勒斯坦被占领土的毗连性、完整性、可行性和统一性,造成在1967年边界基础上实现两国和平解决办法的希望破灭。各位部长得出结论,继续推行非法的以色列定居活动仍然是和平的主要障碍,损害了旨在恢复为结束以色列占领包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土的谈判并实现基于两国解决办法的和平的所有努力。", "235. 各位部长要求占领国以色列立即结束其对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土的所有殖民活动。他们重申包括关于耶路撒冷问题在内的安全理事会和大会的所有相关决议,声明耶路撒冷是巴勒斯坦被占领土不可分割的一部分;要求全面执行这些决议;认为以色列旨在改变耶路撒冷和整个巴勒斯坦被占领土的法律、地域和人口性质和地位的所有措施均无效,不具备法律效力。他们进一步重申,这些非法措施不可能得到国际社会的公认,也不能改变和平进程的职权范围,或否定巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的权利。各位部长强调,必须全面停止以色列的所有定居活动,以培育有利于推进和平谈判的氛围,最终按照联合国有关决议、马德里框架(包括以土地换和平)、《阿拉伯和平倡议》和四方路线图实现公平和持久的解决。面对以色列继续违抗法律的行为,各位部长呼吁国际社会,特别是安全理事会采取紧急行动和实际措施,迫使占领国完全停止其在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的定居活动,并遵守其在国际法下的所有义务,包括《日内瓦第四公约》、联合国决议、咨询意见和路线图在这方面规定的义务。各位部长对安全理事会最近因一个常任理事国投否决票而未能履行其在这方面的责任表示遗憾,再次呼吁安全理事会根据《宪章》所赋予的任务授权采取行动,制止以色列的定居活动,并确保以色列遵守其所有的法律义务和承诺,这对促进和平与安全至关重要。", "236. 各位部长重申其支持巴勒斯坦解放组织,它是巴勒斯坦人民的唯一合法代表,并支持由穆罕默德·阿巴斯主席领导的巴勒斯坦权力机构,还强调了保护和加强巴勒斯坦权力机构的国家和民主机构的重要意义,包括巴勒斯坦立法委员会,这构成了今后独立的巴勒斯坦国的一个重要基石。他们重申巴勒斯坦人团结对于实现巴勒斯坦人民公正、合法的民族权利和抱负至关重要。在这方面,他们欢迎所有的巴勒斯坦政治派别于2011年5月4日在开罗签署《民族和解协定》,目的是结束自2007年6月以来的分裂状态。他们赞扬阿拉伯埃及共和国政府、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他有关区域各方在这方面所做的认真努力。他们呼吁国际社会尊重并支持巴勒斯坦的和解,并强调必须尽快执行《和解协定》的规定。他们进一步强调必须调集所有巴勒斯坦人的能力,以维护巴勒斯坦领土的统一和完整,结束占领并实现独立。", "237. 各位部长呼吁采取紧急措施,支持巴勒斯坦民族机构的复原和发展,并呼吁不结盟运动继续支持实施总理法耶兹于2009年8月发起的计划“巴勒斯坦:结束占领,建立国家”。他们期待2011年8月在实施第二阶段“向自由进发”之后完成这一计划,从而为巴勒斯坦国的独立铺平道路。在这方面,各位部长热烈欢迎最近一段时间里采取的重要步骤,,包括不结盟运动一些成员国采取的措施,旨在正式承认基于1967年边界的巴勒斯坦国。他们认为这种承认对形成最终实现独立的势头做出了重要贡献。他们表示希望不结盟运动的所有成员国现在能够承认巴勒斯坦,站在最前沿支持巴勒斯坦人民结束以色列占领并落实其人权,包括在其独立的国家实现自决的历史性进程。", "238. 各位部长要求整个国际社会,特别是安全理事会和四方加强努力,解决目前的政治和人道主义危机,以改善当地局势,并帮助恢复和重振和平进程以实现解决,从而保证在指定期限内结束以色列自1967年开始的对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土的占领,建立主权、独立和可行的巴勒斯坦国,以及根据大会第194(III)号决议,公正解决巴勒斯坦难民问题。他们强调这种解决办法对于促进该区域的全面和平与安全至关重要。他们吁请安全理事会积极加入四方推动和平解决,并考虑到《宪章》在维护国际和平与安全方面赋予安全理事会的授权。他们强调《阿拉伯和平倡议》和四方路线图仍然十分重要,并要求充分、如实地执行。", "239. 各位部长注意到,国际社会已经做出了许多努力,以支持巴勒斯坦人民为赢得彻底独立所做的斗争,包括亚非国家通过《亚非新型战略伙伴关系巴勒斯坦能力建设方案》。", "240. 各位部长重申无论在何种情况下对巴勒斯坦问题均有必要恪守国际法,包括《日内瓦第四公约》以及《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。他们还重申,联合国对巴勒斯坦问题始终负有责任,直至该问题根据国际法在所有方面得到解决,并强调所有相关的联合国机关、委员会和机构为此目的付诸努力。他们再次呼吁联合国不要鼓励非法行动和顽固不化的态度,应加紧努力根据两国解决办法,公正、全面和持久地和平解决问题,实现巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的权利。在这方面,各位部长重申他们决心和平解决以巴冲突,实现巴勒斯坦人民的自决权利,根据1967年边界恢复巴勒斯坦独立国家的主权,并以东耶路撒冷作为其首都。", "241. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施:", "1. 在联合国大会常会开始时或不结盟运动任何其他部长级会议期间举行的协调局部长级会议框架内,必要时根据巴勒斯坦问题的事态发展,继续举行不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会部长级会议;", "2. 在不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题部长级代表团与四方成员之间,以及与联合国安全理事会成员保持定期的部长级接触和对话,以期协调和加强不结盟运动在寻求解决巴勒斯坦问题和在整个区域实现持久和平的国际社会努力中的作用;", "3. 继续积极参与涉及巴勒斯坦问题的联合国安全理事会和大会的各次会议,包括通过安理会内的不结盟运动核心小组发挥积极作用;", "4. 举行一次民间社会并行论坛,最好是在联合国房地内,旨在就这个问题动员国际舆论,从而为在中东实现公正、持久和全面的和平做出实质性贡献。", "被占领的叙利亚戈兰", "242. 各位部长重申,占领国以色列采取的或将要采取的所有措施和行动,例如1981年12月14日做出的有关旨在从法律、地理和人口方面改变被占领的叙利亚戈兰现状及其体制结构的非法决定,以及以色列在那里实施管辖权和管理权的措施,都是无效的,没有任何法律效力。他们进一步重申,所有这类措施和行动,包括以色列自1967年以来在被占领的叙利亚戈兰非法修建定居点和扩大活动,都公然违反了国际法、各项国际公约、《宪章》和联合国决定,特别是安全理事会第497(1981)号决议、1949年8月12日的《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦第四公约》,并藐视国际社会的意愿。他们重申不结盟运动的要求,以色列必须遵守安全理事会第497(1981)号决议,从被占领的叙利亚戈兰全面撤至1967年6月4日的界线,以执行安全理事会第242号和第338号决议,并要求以色列恪守根据以土地换和平的原则和国际合法性制定的马德里框架,该框架整体上被视为谈判进程中应遵守的主要和基本元素,包括立即开始划定1967年6月4日的界线。", "243. 各位部长重申,不结盟运动坚定支持和声援叙利亚的公正要求和权利,即按照《阿拉伯和平倡议》的框架、马德里和平进程和以土地换和平的原则以及安全理事会的相关决议,恢复叙利亚对被占领的叙利亚戈兰的全部主权。他们再次要求以色列遵守其做出的所有承诺和保证。", "244. 各位部长重申,他们要求以色列立即无条件遵守1949年8月12日的《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦第四公约》,并将其适用于被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚被羁押者。他们强烈谴责以色列在其占领区监狱中所采取的残忍做法,并对被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚被羁押者所遭遇的不人道待遇深表关切,因为这将会导致其身体健康状况恶化,并使其生命面临风险,同时这也公然违反了国际人道主义法。", "245. 各位部长吁请占领国以色列重新开放库奈特拉入境点,以便于遭受以色列占领的叙利亚人民可进入其祖国,叙利亚。", "黎巴嫩、仍然被占领的黎巴嫩领土和以色列侵略黎巴嫩的后果", "246. 各位部长重申对黎巴嫩人民和领袖表示祝贺,还欢迎和大力支持在卡塔尔埃米尔谢赫·哈马德·本·哈立法·阿勒萨尼殿下主持下通过由卡塔尔首相兼外交部长谢赫·哈马德·本·贾西姆·贾布尔·阿勒萨担任主席的阿拉伯联盟部长级委员会和阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿姆尔·穆萨的努力于5月21日在多哈达成的一致,这是使黎巴嫩民主机构恢复正常运作,以及完全恢复黎巴嫩统一与稳定的关键一步。", "247. 各位部长高度评价共和国总统在召开和主持全国对话会议中发挥的重要作用,通过保障主权和安全并执行全国对话之前的决定,继续巩固民族和解、加强国家在全部领土内的权利。各位部长欢迎开始重建巴里德河难民营,在这方面,呼吁捐助国增加援助,并履行其先前的承诺。", "248. 各位部长表示强烈谴责以色列于2006年对黎巴嫩发动的野蛮侵略,以色列严重侵犯了黎巴嫩的领土完整和主权,对此认为以色列应对其侵略的一切后果承担全部责任。", "249. 各位部长对黎巴嫩政府和人民表示声援和支持,为他们对以色列侵略的英勇抵抗欢呼,并强调黎巴嫩国家统一和稳定的根本重要性。", "250. 各位部长强调国际人道主义法的各项原则,谴责在任何情况下对平民袭击的做法。", "251. 各位部长特别强烈谴责2006年以色列以平民、民用基础设施和私人财产为目标,对黎巴嫩村镇进行大规模狂轰滥炸,严重违反了《联合国宪章》、国际法和国际人道主义法的各项原则,是对人权肆无忌惮的公然侵犯。", "252. 各位部长坚信,以色列违反国际法和国际人道主义法以及侵犯人权的行为不应逍遥法外,应该追究以色列对黎巴嫩及其人民明显实施大规模犯罪的责任。他们还重申其支持黎巴嫩要求清除因以色列占领留下的几十万枚地雷;使以色列对其埋设地雷和造成的平民伤亡负责;并强调必须让以色列向联合国交出与未爆弹药位置有关的完整而正确的信息和地图,包括在2006年夏季入侵黎巴嫩期间对平民人口居住区投掷的集束炸弹,目前为止导致包括34名儿童和70名青年在内的超过357名平民伤亡,提供以色列空袭期间投掷集束炸弹的日期及其数量和类型信息;并呼吁国际社会和联合国继续为黎巴嫩提供财政和技术支持,以清除以色列在侵略和占领黎巴嫩领土期间埋设的集束炸弹和地雷。", "253. 各位部长表示他们支持黎巴嫩政府的立场,呼吁国际社会充分执行安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议,制止以色列不断违反该决议以及对黎巴嫩持续进行威胁和间谍行为;重申黎巴嫩基于这一决议的要求,要求永久停火并遵守《塔伊夫协定》中规定的《休战协定》,还要求以色列对其野蛮入侵黎巴嫩造成的损失予以赔偿,释放囚犯并归还烈士遗体。", "254. 各位部长强调,必须让以色列按照有关的国际决议,特别是第1701号决议,撤出所有的黎巴嫩领土,包括沙巴阿农场、Kfarshouba丘陵和铝盖杰尔村属于黎巴嫩部分,撤到蓝线之后;并表示其支持黎巴嫩,包括其人民、军队和抵抗力量有权解放或收回沙巴阿农场、Kfarshouba丘陵和铝盖杰尔村属于黎巴嫩部分,以及通过所有可用的合法手段保卫黎巴嫩抵御外来侵略,并进一步强调黎巴嫩对安全理事会第1701号决议的承诺。", "255. 各位部长重申黎巴嫩对其石油和水、天然气资源的权利,特别是那些位于其专属经济区内的资源,其西南边界是根据黎巴嫩政府于2010年9月7日和2010年12月10日向联合国秘书处交存的地图划定的。", "256. 各位部长敦促国际社会从各级支持黎巴嫩,协助黎巴嫩政府应对因2006年以色列入侵造成的人民、社会和经济悲剧所带来的沉重负担,并加强黎巴嫩的国民经济。", "257. 各位部长要求以色列对黎巴嫩境内的生命损失和苦难以及财产和基础设施的破坏承担责任,要求以色列对黎巴嫩共和国及其人民由于2006年以色列入侵而蒙受的持续损失做出赔偿。", "258. 鉴于其他手段失败,各位部长强调解决阿以冲突必须依照联合国有关决议,促成在中东建立2002年《贝鲁特阿拉伯和平倡议》所要求的公正、持久和全面的和平。", "非洲", "259. 各位部长承认2010年7月25至27日在乌干达坎帕拉举行的非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑大会第十五届常会的决定,并表示支持切实执行旨在促进非洲和平、稳定和社会经济发展的决定。各位部长还承认2011年1月30至31日在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴举行的主题为“推广共同价值观,加强团结和融合”的非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑大会第十六届常会的决定。", "查戈斯群岛", "260. 各位部长重申,查戈斯群岛,包括迪戈加西亚以前由毛里求斯领土上的前非法殖民政权非法占领,这违反了大会1960年12月14日第1514(XV)号决议和1965年12月16日第2066(XX)号决议。该群岛是毛里求斯共和国领土不可分割的一部分。", "261. 各位部长还严重关切地注意到,尽管毛里求斯共和国表示强烈反对,但联合王国试图在查戈斯群岛周围建立一个“海洋保护区”,这进一步妨碍了毛里求斯共和国按照联合国大会第2066(XX)号决议对查戈斯群岛行使主权和查戈斯群岛领土完整,以及被联合王国强行驱逐离开查戈斯群岛的毛里求斯公民的重返权利。", "262. 各位部长认识到毛里求斯共和国政府致力于采取一切适当措施,根据国际法保护毛里求斯共和国在对查戈斯群岛的主权和领土完整方面的合法权利,决心全力支持这种措施,包括联合国大会在这方面可能采取的任何行动。", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", "263. 各位部长对阿拉伯利比亚民众国当前严峻的形势及其可怕的人道主义后果深表关切。他们要求采取紧急措施,包括联合国安全理事会第1973号决议执行部分第1段所规定的,立即停火并彻底结束一切针对平民的暴力、袭击和虐待,并通过反映利比亚人民意愿的对话和谈判实现和平而持久的解决,同时考虑到非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟和伊斯兰会议组织在这方面的决定和建议。各位部长表示其尊重利比亚的主权、统一、独立和领土完整的坚定承诺。各位部长请有关各方保持最大程度的克制,并遵守其在国际法、国际人道主义法和国际人权法,特别是有关难民、流离失所者和流离失所的移徙工人的法律下的义务。", "索马里", "264. 各位部长重申,遵循《联合国宪章》,尊重索马里的主权、领土完整、政治独立和团结。", "265. 各位部长欢迎吉布提和平进程中取得的积极的政治发展与进步,包括任命穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德阁下为索马里过渡政府总理和组建新的技术官僚内阁,并保证获得其承诺和支持。", "266. 各位部长表扬索马里政府在吉布提和平进程外之外取得的成绩,以及在摩加迪沙重建安全和法制方面的努力。他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是取得持久和平和真正和解的唯一办法,吁请所有尚未加入该政治进程的各方加入进程,并敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动,并显示在完成过渡期剩余任务方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进程,并通过提供必要的服务提高人民的生活水平。", "267. 各位部长最严厉地谴责伊斯兰激进组织青年党对平民的野蛮行径和人权侵犯,包括法外处决、酷刑、被投石处死、断头、截肢和鞭笞;并认为恐怖组织领导人应当对其民兵所犯的所有犯罪行为负责。", "268. 各位部长强调重建、训练和留用索马里安全部队的重要性,欢迎秘书长提出索马里政府、联合国、非洲联盟驻索马里特派团和其他国际伙伴之间建立伙伴关系的提案,以制定重建索马里安全部队的援助方案。", "269. 各位部长表扬非洲联盟驻索马里特派团为索马里的持久和平与稳定所做的贡献,表示赞赏乌干达和布隆迪政府在索马里继续做出承诺,吁请其成员和国际社会提供资源,从而更好地履行任务。", "270. 各位部长对非洲联盟伙伴和成员国向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供财政和后勤支持表示敬意。", "271. 各位部长还欢迎联合国安全理事会于2010年12月22日通过的安全理事会第1964(2010)号决议,特别是请秘书长继续向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供后勤支持,第1863(2009)号决议要求最多提供12 000人的部队。各位部长支持非洲联盟呼吁安全理事会向非洲联盟驻索马里特派团提供更大的支持,并承担起对索马里及其人民的全部责任,包括实行海上封锁和禁飞区,阻止外国武装分子进入索马里并向反对过渡政府的武装团伙提供弹药和设备,部署联合国维持和平行动以接替非洲联盟驻索马里特派团,以及支持索马里的长期稳定和重建。各位部长还支持非盟呼吁通过联合国摊款提供资金,以支付部队津贴并偿还特遣队所属装备费用。各位部长再次呼吁整个国际社会为增强的非洲联盟驻索马里特派团和过渡联邦机构提供必要的政治、财政和技术支持。", "272. 各位部长表示关切在索马里海岸和亚丁湾继续进行的海盗和武装抢劫行为,谴责这些行为阻碍了向索马里运送人道主义援助,并对该区域的商业海运和国际航海造成了威胁。在这方面,他们表扬索马里过渡联邦政府和国际社会为打击海盗所做的努力,同时重申必须解决大陆上出现海盗的根源问题。", "273. 各位部长欢迎通过安全理事会第1816(2008)号决议,并强调在执行该决议时应充分遵守国际法,包括《联合国海洋法公约》。他们还欢迎不结盟运动国家和其他向索马里领水和亚丁湾派遣海军舰艇的国家为协助打击海盗和武装抢劫行为所做的认真努力,欢迎成立打击索马里海域海盗联络小组,该小组于2009年1月14日在纽约召开了第一次会议,敦促海盗联络小组继续加强由有关国家参与的在索马里沿海地区海域打击海盗和武装抢劫的工作。", "274. 在此背景之下,各位部长欢迎2011年4月18日至19日在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜举行的题为“全球挑战与区域对策:采取共同做法打击海盗行为”的公私合作打击海盗高级别会议的成果,此次会议旨在汇集来自政府、私营部门和非政府组织的有关各方,合作打击海盗行为。各位部长还欢迎2011年4月19日举行的、由联合国和阿拉伯联合酋长国共同主持的认捐会议的成果,以支助由联合国秘书长设立的“支持各国采取举措打击索马里沿海海盗行为信托基金”。", "苏丹", "275. 各位部长赞扬非洲联盟(非盟)、伊加特和伊加特之友所发挥的不可或缺的作用和做出的努力,其最终成果是2005年1月在苏丹签署了《全面和平协定》,结束了非洲大陆历时最久的战争之一,从而对区域和平做出贡献,并呼吁各捐助方履行其于2005年和2008年在奥斯陆做出的帮助执行该协定的承诺。他们欢迎2006年5月5日在尼日利亚阿布贾签署的《达尔富尔和平协定》,这是向实现达尔富尔持久和平迈出的历史性一步,并进一步赞扬非盟在维持达尔富尔和平与稳定方面发挥的领导作用和做出的努力。他们鼓励将政治进程作为一项优先事项,并强调需要侧重于向达尔富尔提供发展援助,因为和平与发展能够相互增强。因此,他们表示不结盟运动决心支持苏丹、非盟和伊加特对维持和加强该国的和平做出的努力,并呼吁国际社会也这样做。", "276. 各位部长重申对苏丹主权、统一、独立和领土完整的承诺。", "277. 各位部长满意地注意到,在恢复能够促使达尔富尔实现持久和平的政治进程方面,苏丹政府、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、联合国和卡塔尔国做出了持续努力,他们表示他们支持达尔富尔问题多哈和平进程。他们表示相信,采取的行动都不应对苏丹正在进行的进程的微妙性带来危害。在这方面,各位部长对国际刑事法院对苏丹值得尊敬的总统的指控深表关切,并认为这一行为可能会严重破坏为促进早日解决达尔富尔冲突并推动苏丹实现持久和平与和解而正在做出的努力,并会进一步导致该国和该区域的不稳定情况,还会造成影响深远的后果。因此,他们决定支持联合国及其他机构采取措施,结束这一新的危险局势,并防止其再次出现。", "278. 各位部长赞扬苏丹共和国政府尊重其履行《全面和平协定》的承诺。", "279. 各位部长欢迎成功举行2010年4月的选举和2011年1月9日关于南部苏丹自决的全民投票。他们赞赏《全面和平协定》各方和苏丹人民取得的这一成就,并呼吁领导人在解决执行《全面和平协定》的未决问题过程中继续展现同样的领导力和承诺。", "280. 各位部长赞赏苏丹共和国政府批准达尔富尔问题的新战略。他们敦促各派叛军在不带先决条件的情况下立即加入和平进程,以便找到达尔富尔冲突的全面解决办法。", "大湖区", "281. 各位部长欢迎非洲大湖区各国努力在该区域建立可持续发展、持久和平与稳定的框架。在签署《关于和平、稳定、民主和善治的达雷斯萨拉姆宣言》后,他们还欢迎2006年12月15日在内罗毕签署的《大湖区安全、稳定和发展条约》于2008年6月21日生效。", "282. 在这方面,各位部长重申国际社会必须继续支持在金沙萨举行大湖区问题国际会议第三次首脑会议,将在该会议上启动重建与发展特别基金。他们还满意地注意到布隆迪和刚果民主共和国取得了积极发展。", "津巴布韦", "283. 各位部长注意到自2009年2月13日以来由所有派别参加的联合政府在执行《全球政治协定》和重建本国经济方面取得的进展。", "284. 各位部长表扬促进执行《全球政治协定》所做的区域努力。在这方面,他们称赞南部非洲发展共同体(南共体)促进津巴布韦政治对话以及努力帮助津巴布韦重建其经济。", "285. 各位部长注意到,重建津巴布韦经济的国家和区域努力正受到该国所受到的经济制裁的阻碍。各位部长还注意到,持续制裁已经成为充分执行《全球政治协定》的障碍。在这方面,他们呼吁立即解除对津巴布韦实施使其经济瘫痪的措施的国家所施加的任意和单方面制裁。", "西撒哈拉", "286. 各位部长重申不结盟运动关于西撒哈拉问题先前的立场。", "287. 各位部长重申大会和安全理事会有关西撒哈拉问题的所有决议。他们重申联合国大会未经表决通过的第65/112号决议,并重申,根据该决议,他们继续大力支持秘书长及其个人特使做出努力,实现双方可以接受的政治解决办法,在符合《联合国宪章》的原则和宗旨、大会1960年12月14日第1514(XV)号决议以及其他相关决议的安排范围内,使西撒哈拉人民实现自决。各位部长认识到只要是按符合相关人群可自由表达意愿的规定,以及大会决议所载的明确界定的原则,现有的各项自决备选办法都是有效的。", "288. 各位部长铭记上述所有内容,并欢迎在秘书长主持下进行的四轮谈判和之后的几轮非正式会谈,还欢迎各方承诺继续表示其政治意愿,并在有利于对话的环境中开展工作,以促使谈判进入强化阶段,从而确保执行安全理事会第1754、1783和1813、1871、1920和1979号决议以及谈判获得成功。他们注意到自2006年以来做出了种种努力,并取得了发展。", "289. 他们呼吁该区域各方和各国与秘书长及其个人特使充分合作及相互配合,并重申联合国对西撒哈拉人民的责任。他们还欢迎各方承诺继续通过联合国主持的会谈来开展谈判。", "科摩罗马约特岛", "290. 各位部长再次重申科摩罗联盟对马约特岛的主权不可置疑。在这方面,他们谴责2009年3月29日的全民投票和侧重于将科摩罗马约特岛改造成第101个法国海外省的整个过程并认为投票和改造过程无效,还宣布它对科摩罗联盟和不结盟运动成员国没有影响。", "291. 各位部长敦促法国政府废除所谓的“巴拉迪尔签证”,因为它是非法的,严重限制了科摩罗人进出马约特岛,并且是许多人丧命和失踪的主要原因。", "吉布提/厄立特里亚", "292. 各位部长回顾了睦邻友好、互不干涉和区域合作的原则,表示关切两个邻国之间的形势,呼吁双方通过双边和集体的外交与和平措施解决分歧,积极参与执行安全理事会第1862(2009)号决议。", "293. 各位部长欢迎厄立特里亚国和吉布提共和国就和平解决边界问题达成协定,其中他们委托卡塔尔国进行调解努力,通过和平手段解决两国之间的边界争端。", "亚洲", "阿富汗", "294. 各位部长重申对阿富汗主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的承诺,并欢迎自2002年成立阿富汗伊斯兰共和国以来取得的成就,以及该国正在进行的民主进程。他们认识到阿富汗伊斯兰共和国及其人民面临的挑战是巨大的。认识到阿富汗的挑战的相互关联性,他们注意到发展、安全和施政取得可持续进展是相辅相成的。他们进一步认识到建立和平与安全对于该国的重建、人道主义救济工作和可持续发展仍然是必不可少的。", "295. 各位部长欢迎旨在增加区域经济合作,特别是通过阿富汗区域经济合作会议的所有努力,以促进阿富汗、其邻国以及该区域各国之间的区域经济合作。他们欢迎2010年11月2日至3日在伊斯坦布尔举行的关于阿富汗的第四次区域经济合作会议和2010年7月19日在喀布尔举行的由阿富汗政府主办的区域组织会议,以及经济合作组织和东南亚区域合作协会在促进阿富汗发展方面发挥的重要作用。", "296. 各位部长赞扬阿富汗出色安排和举行了喀布尔会议(2010年7月),并欢迎发起喀布尔进程,作为国际社会再次向阿富汗承诺,确保国际社会努力增加阿富汗在安全、治理、发展和有效执行《伦敦契约》中的承诺领域的自主权和领导权,并在喀布尔会议上重申执行《阿富汗国家发展战略》及其国家优先方案。在这方面,他们强调必须对活跃于阿富汗的国际组织开展的政治和发展活动进行全面协调,并主要通过阿富汗政府的核心预算来提供国际援助和资源,使其更加符合阿富汗的优先事项。", "297. 各位部长对包括前塔利班骨干分子在内的恐怖组织团伙在阿富汗南部和东南部重新集结深表忧虑。同样令人忧虑的是,由于这些破坏稳定的势力继续得到支持、保护和庇护,国际社会打击恐怖主义的努力受到削弱。", "298. 各位部长还回顾了2002年12月22日《喀布尔睦邻友好关系宣言》的重要性,其中重申根据领土完整、相互尊重、友好关系、合作和互不干涉内政原则建立建设性和支持性双边关系的承诺,并指出区域合作是促进阿富汗安全与发展的有效手段。", "299. 各位部长欢迎阿富汗-巴基斯坦联合支尔格和平进程,以使阿富汗和该区域得以保持可持续和平和正常局势。", "300. 各位部长对收留大批阿富汗人的国家,特别是巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国和伊朗伊斯兰共和国深表赞赏,并承认他们在此方面承担了巨大责任。", "301. 各位部长欢迎2010年1月在伊斯坦布尔成功举行阿富汗伊斯兰共和国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国和土耳其共和国三方首脑会议,2010年8月在德黑兰举行阿富汗伊斯兰共和国、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和塔吉克斯坦共和国三方首脑会议,2010年1月举行阿富汗伊斯兰共和国、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国三方首脑会议,并表示其支持这种旨在探索阿富汗和该区域其他国家福利、稳定和发展潜力的区域倡议。", "302. 因此,各位部长表达了不结盟运动的决心:", "302.1 吁请国际社会全力支持执行伦敦会议通过的《阿富汗契约》,并在喀布尔会议上重申将快速履行其于2002年1月在东京、2004年3月在柏林、2006年1-2月在伦敦、2009年6月在巴黎以及2010年7月最后一次在喀布尔举行的阿富汗重建国际捐助方会议上宣布的财政承诺;", "2. 强烈谴责塔利班、基地组织和其他极端主义团体针对阿富汗人民开展的恐怖主义行为和犯罪行为,包括自杀式恐怖袭击日趋增多;", "3. 强烈谴责2008年7月7日针对喀布尔印度大使馆实施的自杀式恐怖主义袭击,其中包括妇女和儿童在内的约60名阿富汗国民和4名印度国民丧失了生命,许多其他阿富汗及印度国民受伤。各位部长重申,其确信这一袭击行为再次强调必须增强全球打击恐怖主义方面的国际合作。各位部长还重申,其确信该事件以及任何此类事件将不会阻止阿富汗民族及国际社会在阿富汗重建和发展过程中打击恐怖势力的斗争;", "4. 支持阿富汗伊斯兰共和国及其领导层捍卫和维护其主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一,包括消除对其和平与安全构成的威胁;", "5. 欢迎最近在阿富汗举行议会选举,作为朝着巩固阿富汗民主迈出的关键一步;", "6. 促进阿富汗的和平、安全、重建、人道主义救济工作和可持续发展,铭记不结盟国家已采取的具体措施;", "7. 支持包括不结盟国家在内的国际捐助者所做的努力,以便确保2006年1月31日至2月1日在伦敦会议通过的《阿富汗国家发展战略》和2008年6月12日至14日在巴黎会议通过的《阿富汗契约》的有关规定以及2010年7月在喀布尔会议上提出的详细的《国家优先方案》得到顺利执行;", "8. 吁请国际社会和相关的联合国机构进一步向阿富汗难民和境内流离失所者提供援助,帮助其自愿、安全和有尊严及可持续地返回和融入原有社会,从而促进阿富汗的稳定;以及", "9. 吁请国际社会增加援助,增强伊朗伊斯兰共和国执行其《国家药物管制战略》的能力,该战略旨在消除生产和贩运麻醉品的行为,并通过增强阿富汗的作物替代方案为农民创造替代生计。", "伊拉克", "303. 各位部长重申尊重伊拉克的主权、领土完整、政治独立和民族团结。各位部长欢迎伊拉克政治进程取得的进展。", "304. 各位部长表示支持伊拉克政府努力为伊拉克人民实现安全、稳定和繁荣。他们欢迎伊拉克境内安全局势和生活条件的改善,并重申其决心支持伊拉克抵御外部对伊拉克内政的干涉。", "305. 各位部长谴责在伊拉克进行的所有恐怖主义活动,认识到这些活动得到有组织犯罪的支持,目标是伊拉克的基础设施,而伊拉克人民通常是这些罪行的受害者。各位部长对旨在煽动宗派冲突的一切恐怖主义活动感到遗憾,并吁请国际社会和各国,尤其是本区域各国,尽可能协助伊拉克政府努力战胜和消除恐怖主义。", "306. 各位部长欢迎巴黎俱乐部有关大幅削减伊拉克外债的承诺,并敦促其他债权人效仿。", "307. 各位部长吁请所有国家开展合作,并协调其努力,以打击伊拉克古董非法贸易和走私活动,向伊拉克博物馆归还追回的艺术品。", "308. 各位部长欢迎安全理事会通过第(1956)号、(1957)号和(1958)号决议,这些决议终止了对伊拉克在裁军领域实施的制裁并关闭了石油换粮食方案,成为伊拉克努力恢复其在国际社会中的作用的一个转折点。各位部长欢迎伊拉克重返该区域,鼓励所有区域国家深化并扩大彼此之间的关系,并本着伙伴关系与合作精神发展这种关系。", "伊拉克和科威特", "309. 各位部长欢迎伊拉克政府和科威特政府在解决两国之间的未决问题方面取得的进展,鼓励它们在今后开展合作,并呼吁伊拉克迅速履行其在有关伊拉克和科威特局势的安全理事会决议下的义务。", "东南亚", "310. 各位部长高兴地注意到,在执行《东南亚国家联盟(东盟)宪章》方面取得了巨大进展。该宪章规定了在2015年及以后落实东盟共同体的法律和体制框架。各位部长满意地注意到,在制定执行该宪章所需的法律文件方面取得了更多进展,特别是通过了为首脑会议制定的《未决争端参考规则》和《国内法下授权合法交易规则》以及为加速确定其余准则、《职权范围》和议事规则正在进行的工作,以便使该宪章得到充分执行。各位部长欢迎该区域在促进和保护人权方面取得的显著进展,建立了东盟政府间人权委员会和东盟促进和保护妇女和儿童权利委员会。", "311. 各位部长满意地注意到,东盟在实施东盟共同体路线图(2009-2015年)方面取得了显著进展,该路线图包括东盟政治安全共同体、东盟经济共同体和东盟社会文化共同体的蓝图以及东盟一体化工作计划(2009-2015年)第二倡议。各位部长还注意到2010年10月在河内举行的第17次东盟首脑会议重要决定的重要后续工作,包括与实现东盟共同体、东盟连接计划和东盟在不断变化的区域结构中保持核心地位有关的后续工作。", "312. 各位部长欢迎2010年7月23日在河内签署修正《东南亚友好条约》的《第三议定书》,这一举措使得国家和成员国为主权国家的区域组织都能加入,使得东南亚以外的国家也能加入《东南亚友好条约》,该条约被认为是国家间关系的主要行为守则以及促进该区域和平与稳定的外交文书。各位部长还欢迎东盟努力维护东南亚作为一个无核武器区,也没有《东盟宪章》和《东南亚无核武器区条约》中所述的所有其他大规模毁灭性武器。", "313. 各位部长肯定了东盟区域论坛作为该区域主要的多边政治和安全论坛的重要性,并重申其支持东盟作为东盟区域论坛的主要推动力。各位部长还注意到东盟区域论坛在促进和维持该区域和平、安全和稳定方面仍然具有意义,并在建立其参与者信心和信任方面发挥关键作用。", "314. 各位部长欢迎不断变化的区域结构中的新发展,包括东盟领导人在其第17次首脑会议上通过的关于东亚首脑会议的决定以及召开第一届东盟国防部长扩大会议。他们认为,这些事态发展将为进一步促进本区域的对话与合作创造有利环境。", "315. 各位部长再次呼吁以和平方式而不是诉诸武力和/或威胁使用武力的办法解决南海的所有主权和领土争端,并敦促所有各方保持克制,以便为所有有争议问题的最终解决创造一种良好的氛围。在这方面,他们重申支持1992年《东盟南海声明》和1982年《联合国海洋法公约》中所载的原则,并强调有关各方必须全面落实这些原则。他们表示希望,有关各方均避免采取可能损害该区域和平、稳定、信任和信心的任何行动。他们进一步重申尊重并承诺在南海实行普遍公认的国际法原则所规定的航行自由和飞越自由。为此目的,他们欢迎东南亚国家联盟(东盟)和中国努力切实执行《南海各国行为宣言》,[26] 这是朝着达成南海行为守则的一个重要步骤,将有助于创造一种维护该区域国际和平与稳定的有利环境。他们进一步欢迎有关各方在政府间一级继续开展双边和多边协商、东盟-中国对话论坛的广泛磋商、东盟区域论坛定期交换意见和关于控制南海潜在冲突的非正式讲习班做出的积极贡献,并鼓励继续开展这些活动。", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国", "316. 各位部长就美国政府对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国实施单方面制裁深表关切,他们重申所谓的《叙利亚责任法》违背了国际法,也违反了《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。他们呼吁美国政府宣布该法无效,并进一步呼吁两国本着两国和人民的最佳利益,在尊重和互利的基础上进行对话。", "317. 不结盟运动部长谴责2008年10月26日周日美利坚合众国驻伊拉克部队对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国发动的侵略,袭击以阿布卡迈勒市的一栋民用建筑为目标,造成八名叙利亚平民死亡,另有一人受伤。各位部长认为该行为严重违反了国际法,侵犯了叙利亚主权,违反了《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。他们又表示不结盟运动与阿拉伯叙利亚共和国人民和政府保持团结。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比", "318. 各位部长欢迎该区域在政治、经济和社会方面发生的积极变化,以及取得的成就,这有助于提高其人民的福利,减少贫穷,并促进区域团结、统一以及与其他区域的合作。在这方面,各位部长强调,必须支持和尊重民主选举的政府,并着重指出其反对任何试图导致政府和民主制度出现不稳定的行为。各位部长认识到,该区域各国承诺遵守主权、领土完整及不干涉别国内政的原则。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比国家共同体", "319. 各位部长欢迎该区域国家元首和政府首脑2010年2月23日在墨西哥坎昆通过的建立拉丁美洲和加勒比国家共同体的决定,作为拉丁美洲和加勒比发展和一体化的一个历史性步骤。", "南美洲国家联盟", "320. 各位部长欢迎拉丁美洲和加勒比国家共同体组织条约生效,这是对该区域文化、社会、经济和政治一体化的贡献。", "第一次拉丁美洲和加勒比共同体首脑会议", "321. 各位部长欢迎2011年7月5日将在委内瑞拉加拉加斯举行第一次拉丁美洲和加勒比共同体首脑会议,这是拉丁美洲和加勒比人民追求一体化和统一以及该区域许多国家庆祝独立斗争两百周年背景下的一项重要的额外步骤。", "我美洲人民玻利瓦尔抉择–人民贸易条约-加勒比石油组织", "322. 各位部长欢迎和鼓励“我美洲人民玻利维亚抉择-人民贸易条约”、加勒比石油组织、区域支付补偿单一体系框架协定(西班牙语缩写为SUCRE)等原始倡议,在合作、互补能源和社会正义的原则下,这些倡议在该区域的粮食主权方面以及货币和经济部门得到了推广。除其他外,这些经验表明,一个新的国际经济秩序正在逐渐形成。他们欢迎2009年6月24日在委内瑞拉马拉凯举行的第六次国家元首和政府首脑会议通过的决定,将其改为“我美洲人民玻利维亚抉择-人民贸易条约-加勒比石油组织”,目的是加强其成员国之间的合作与团结。", "阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议", "323. 各位部长欢迎2009年3月31日在卡塔尔多哈成功举行的第二届阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议,包括其旨在促进共同利益的后续机制,还欢迎即将在秘鲁首都利马举行的第三届阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议(日期待定),并认为这将进一步推动进行中的旨在加强两个区域之间团结与合作的努力。", "第二届非洲-南美洲首脑会议", "324. 各位部长欢迎2009年9月26日和27日在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国举行第二届非洲-南美洲国家元首和政府首脑会议,这体现了非洲与南美洲之间的友谊、团结和南南合作得到加强。各位部长强调继南美洲国家联盟成立之后第一次召开这个具有历史意义的首脑会议的重要性。", "中美洲:无雷区", "325. 各位部长热烈欢迎尼加拉瓜于2010年6月18日被宣布为无雷国家,从而使中美洲成为获得承认的世界上首个无雷区。", "和平区:丰塞卡湾", "326. 各位部长欢迎萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜国家元首最近做出的关于建立“丰塞卡湾和平、可持续发展和安全区”的决定,并一致认为该决定是为增强中美洲国家和人民统一与团结进程而迈出的重要一步。", "伯利兹和危地马拉", "327. 各位部长欢迎2008年12月8日伯利兹和危地马拉签署一项《特别协定》向国际法院提交危地马拉的领土争端供全国公民投票核准所采取的决定性步骤,从而为长期存在的争端找到一种可靠、体面和永久的解决办法,并吁请国际社会支持两国在这方面的工作。", "古巴", "328. 各位部长再次呼吁美利坚合众国政府停止对古巴的经济、商业和金融禁运,这种禁运除了属于单方面行为而且违背《联合国宪章》和国际法以及和睦关系原则之外,还给古巴人民造成了巨大的物质和经济损失。他们再次敦促严格遵守联合国大会第47/19号、第48/16号、第49/9号、第50/10号、第51/17号、第52/10号、第53/4号、第54/21号、第55/20号、第56/9号、第57/11号、第58/7号、第59/11号、第60/12号、第61/11号、第62/3号、第63/7号、第64/6号和第65/6号决议。他们对扩大对古巴的域外禁运深表关切,并拒绝美国政府采取旨在加强禁运的强化措施,以及美国政府最近针对古巴人民采取的所有其他措施。他们还敦促美国政府向古巴归还关塔那摩海军基地目前占领的领土,并停止针对古巴的具有侵略性的无线电广播和电视播放。他们重申这些措施侵犯古巴的主权,大规模侵犯了其人民的人权。", "巴拿马", "329. 各位部长回顾不结盟运动曾坚定支持和声援巴拿马人民和政府为收回运河以及对所有领土有效行使主权而开展的斗争。借此机会,各位部长向巴拿马政府转达对巴拿马运河在巴拿马人控制下的有效运作和管理表示赞赏,并祝贺该国修建了服务于世界贸易和交通的战略水道的第三套船闸。", "委内瑞拉", "330. 各位部长表示支持经过民主选举、赢得了委内瑞拉大多数选民拥护的乌戈·查韦斯·弗里亚斯总统的立宪政府。他们认识到经证明选举宪政权利是公正和可靠的,这确保2006年12月举行的选举是公平、透明和可信的。他们关切地看待美国政府对委内瑞拉的侵略性政策,并指出委内瑞拉人民具有不可剥夺的权利,在不受外界任何干预、颠覆、胁迫和制约的情况下,决定自己的政府形式,选择自己的经济、政治和社会制度。他们欢迎2009年2月15日举行的立宪公民投票及投票结果,认为这再次展示了在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国进行的民主进程的公平公正。", "331. 各位部长表示关切美利坚合众国加强采取行动以影响委内瑞拉的稳定,包括最近建立了一个机构,增加针对委内瑞拉和古巴的情报搜集和间谍活动。", "332. 各位部长表示支持委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国向美国政府提出的引渡请求,以便将1976年10月对古巴航空公司的飞机进行恐怖攻击的负责人绳之以法,这次攻击造成73名无辜平民死亡。", "333. 各位部长敦促美利坚合众国政府满足引渡Luis Posada Carriles的请求,此人被指控在委内瑞拉实施恐怖主义,或者按照委内瑞拉加入的有关打击恐怖主义的国际文书及相关国内法律将其作为恐怖分子进行审判。", "334. 在此背景之下,各位部长还反对美利坚合众国向委内瑞拉公民Raul Diaz Pena、Jose Antonio Colina和German Rodolfo Varela提供保护,他们被指控并判决在委内瑞拉从事恐怖主义活动,违反了关于采取措施消除一切形式恐怖主义的联合国安全理事会和大会决议,妨碍了委内瑞拉当局将这些人绳之以法的努力。", "335. 各位部长谴责破坏委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国宪法和合法政府的企图,特别是最近旨在暗杀总统乌戈·查韦斯·弗里亚斯的阴谋。", "圭亚那和委内瑞拉", "336. 各位部长注意到圭亚那共和国和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国之间的友好关系在深化。他们欢迎联合国秘书长任命诺曼·格文教授为他的个人代表,支持他发挥斡旋作用以协助圭亚那和委内瑞拉在1966年2月17日《日内瓦协定》的范围内寻求争端的解决办法。", "厄瓜多尔", "337. 各位部长再次对2010年9月30日发生的令人遗憾的事件深表关切,其中执法部门的某些成员参与了厄瓜多尔的未遂政变,并宣布其坚决反对任何旨在破坏厄瓜多尔民主秩序的企图。他们还重申全力支持巩固在厄瓜多尔共和国宪法总统拉斐尔·科雷亚·德尔加多的合法民选政府政治领导下、以公平、正义、可持续性和民主参与为基础的厄瓜多尔新的政治、经济和社会结构。", "第三章:发展、社会和人权问题", "导言", "338. 各位部长赞同并重申分别于2000年在古巴哈瓦那和2005年在卡塔尔多哈举行的第一届和第二届南方首脑会议以及2010年9月在纽约举行的77国集团加中国年度部长级会议成果文件中所载的77国集团加中国对各经济和社会发展问题以及其他相关问题的所有立场。同样,他们重申不结盟运动承诺致力于充分执行上述文件所载的决定和建议,并呼吁国际社会,包括国际金融机构和区域开发银行支持发展中国家为此所做的努力。", "339. 各位部长重申他们致力于以平衡方式实现《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》、《21世纪议程》、《进一步执行〈21世纪议程〉方案》、《约翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言》和《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》中所载的可持续发展的三大支柱:经济发展、社会发展和环境保护。在这方面,他们强调将于2012年在巴西举行的联合国可持续发展会议的重要性,此次会议旨在评估在实现可持续发展方面的执行差距,找到障碍和解决这些障碍的方式方法。", "340. 各位部长强调指出,将于2012年举行的联合国可持续发展会议应给予可持续发展的三大支柱同等重视,并重申会议的目的在于确保为可持续发展提供新的政治承诺,评估迄今在落实各次主要的可持续发展问题首脑会议成果方面取得的进展,并应对新的和新出现的挑战。各位部长呼吁会议筹备委员会主席团采取一切可能的措施,确保发展中国家能够充分参与会议的整个筹备进程。", "341. 各位部长表示关注缺少财政资源来援助发展中国家在国家和区域两级筹备和参加持发委和其他联合国各次主要会议。在这方面,他们敦促发达国家慷慨捐助,以支持发展中国家充分参加这些会议。", "342. 各位部长强调,应把经济和社会发展继续作为联合国审议工作的核心内容,把实现国际商定的目标,包括千年发展目标继续作为联合国的首要框架。他们又强调,需要在承认国家对旨在充分落实经济、社会和有关领域主要联合国会议和各届首脑会议成果文件的各项发展战略拥有领导权和自主权基础上,加强和改善全球发展伙伴关系。他们又强调,需要加强现有机制,并在必要时建立有效机制,审查经济、社会和有关领域各次主要联合国会议和首脑会议成果的落实情况并采取后续行动。", "343. 各位部长重申联合国在全球治理中的核心作用。在此背景之下,各位部长欢迎大会主席决定指定“重申联合国在全球治理中的作用”为联合国大会第六十五届会议的主题。", "344. 各位部长深表关切当前各种紧密联系又相互恶化的全球危机,尤其是世界金融和经济危机、粮食危机、环境危机、动荡的能源价格以及气候变化带来的挑战,这些挑战扭转了发展中国家许多重要的发展成果,影响了千年发展目标的实现,特别是消除贫穷。", "345. 各位部长重申《建立新的国际经济秩序宣言和行动纲领》[27] 及其主要原则的有效性,联合国大会据此宣布决心紧急开展工作,建立一个国际经济秩序,其基础是所有国家,不论其经济和社会制度为何,彼此公平、主权平等、相互依存,具有共同利益、相互合作,这一经济秩序应消除不平等,纠正现有的不公平现象,从而可以消除发达国家和发展中国家之间日益扩大的差距,并确保稳步加快经济和社会发展,使今世后代享有和平与正义。", "346. 各位部长强调国际社会,特别是发达国家必须帮助发展中国家努力充分实现所有国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标,特别是发展中国家为到2015年将贫困和饥饿人口减半正在进行的努力。他们还呼吁国际社会继续支持发展发展中国家的努力,将可持续发展的原则纳入国家发展战略。", "347. 各位部长着重指出,每个国家都拥有决定其本国发展优先次序和战略的主权权利,并吁请国际社会坚决抵制提供发展援助的任何附带条件。", "348. 各位部长强调,必须根据《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》原则7所规定的共同但有区别的责任原则,在各级采取具体行动和措施,全面落实《21世纪议程》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》。他们又要求为发展中国家早日全面执行《巴厘能力建设和技术支持战略计划》。", "349. 各位部长铭记解决青年人挑战和潜力的方式将影响到当前的社会和经济条件以及子孙后代的福祉和生计,强调需要进一步努力促进青年人的利益,除其他外,支持青年人发展其潜力和才华,并解决青年人面临的社会挑战的负面影响。", "350. 各位部长认识到气候变化带来了巨大风险和挑战,对于发展中国家尤为如此,并要求在平等的基础上并根据共同但有区别的责任原则和各自的能力,采取全球紧急行动以应对气候变化。他们重申,应对气候变化方面的种种努力应通过综合、协调和平衡的方式推动可持续发展的三个组成部分(经济发展、社会发展和环境保护)之间的相互融合,它们是相互依赖并相得益彰的三大支柱。", "351. 各位部长欢迎在联合国大会第六十六届会议一般性辩论之前于2011年9月20日举行主题为“在可持续发展和消除贫穷的背景下应对荒漠化、土地退化和干旱”的高级别会议,以提高最高政治级别上的认识,并重申履行《公约》的所有承诺及其十年期战略规划和框架(2008-2018年)。", "352. 各位部长强调需要加强发展中国家的政策空间,根据发展进程的国家自主权和领导权原则,让他们制定本国的发展战略和政策。在这方面,各位部长认识到,各国经济在全球化世界中日趋相互依赖,有章可循的国际经济关系制度脱颖而出,这意味着,目前尤其是在贸易、投资和工业发展等领域的国家经济政策空间,即国内政策的范围,经常受到国际规范、承诺和全球市场因素的制约。各国政府应该权衡接受国际规则和承诺所带来的好处和政策空间丧失所造成的制约这两者之间的利害得失,并强调对发展中国家尤其重要,各国应铭记各类发展目标和目的,顾及必须在国家政策空间和国际规范与承诺之间建立适当均衡。", "353. 各位部长表示尤其在经济和金融危机的背景下,必须鼓励加强根据其国家优先事项对发展中国家和经济转型国家的直接投资,包括外国直接投资,以支持这些国家的发展活动。在这方面,他们敦促发达国家采取措施向发展中国家增加投资,尤其是外国直接投资,并避免阻碍这种流动的保护主义措施。", "354. 各位部长注意到各国之间相互依赖且全世界范围内的人类发展程度参差不齐,并重申需要建立全球人类新秩序,以通过推动消除贫穷、充分就业和获得生产性就业及体面工作,以及社会融入,来扭转国内和各国之间日益扩大的贫富差距。在此背景之下,他们欢迎大会通过了关于联合国在促进全球人类新秩序方面的作用的第62/213号决议,特别是该决议请秘书长提交报告,并在报告中评估日益加剧的不平等对发展的差距。", "当前的全球危机,特别是世界金融和经济危机", "355. 各位部长对正在发展的全球金融和经济危机及其对世界经济的负面影响深表关切。他们还认识到,危机进一步突显了全球金融和经济治理体系中的缺陷和不平衡。在此背景之下,他们敦促国际社会开展合作,针对危机采取有力、协调和全面的全球应对措施,特别是尽可能降低对发展中国家发展努力的消极影响,确保不会累及发展援助承诺,并立即采取行动和措施来应对这些挑战。在这方面,他们认识到联合国的核心作用。", "356. 各位部长表示,必须加强区域和次区域一级的努力,除其他外,包括利用区域开发银行,如非洲开发银行、亚洲开发银行、南方银行、阿尔巴银行、安第斯开发公司和国际开发银行作为全球协调有效应对措施的一部分,以解决当前的经济和金融危机。在此背景之下,他们还注意到旨在帮助东盟+3国家解决流动资金问题的《清迈倡议多边化协议》。", "357. 各位部长相信,国际金融和经济危机以及由此导致的全球经济增长下滑严重影响了特别是发展中国家的经济,此外还包括贸易和外国直接投资的减少以及信贷紧缩的加重和信贷成本的上升,因而给发展权的实现造成了消极影响,抑制了社会投资,加剧了贫穷,并且增加了失业率。各位部长还呼吁发达国家通过的财政政策不应损害全球增长,特别是发展中国家的增长。各位部长强调,解决危机必须以促进人类发展为目标,包括通过采取旨在支持经济持续、包容和公平增长、增加贸易活动,增加发展中国家的市场准入、减少贫穷和可持续发展的行动。", "358. 各位部长认识到,经济和金融危机加剧了实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定目标所面临的挑战和障碍,特别是在发展中国家获取财政资源的机会。在这方面,各位部长敦促发达国家按照联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议所商定的,以及时和可预测的方式履行其官方发展援助承诺。他们还强调,必须有额外的财政资源来应对危机。如果不采取上述措施,将严重危及包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的实现。", "359. 各位部长强调,金融和经济危机加重了正在发生的全球粮食危机,并且损害了发展中国家实现粮食安全的努力。他们表示关切,这种状况会侵蚀已取得的进展,把数百万人推向有辱尊严的贫穷和饥饿。在这方面,他们敦促发达国家履行其支持中国家应对危机的承诺。", "360. 各位部长还强调,迫切需要对国际经济和金融体制和结构,包括政策、任务授权、范围和治理进行实质性的全面改革,使其能够更好地应对并防止金融和经济突发情况,有效促进发展并公平服务于成员国,特别是发展中国家的需要。具体而言,国际金融机构必须有一个明确的发展方向。各位部长呼吁所有成员国参加开放、包容和透明的对话,以建立新的国际经济和金融体制和结构。", "361. 各位部长还深表关切,发展中国家在布雷顿森林机构的发言权和代表性不足,包括发展中国家目前在世界银行和国际货币基金组织最高领导职位上缺乏代表。", "362. 在此背景之下,面对哈瓦那第14次不结盟运动首脑会议以来国际局势所面临的重要挑战之一,各位部长强调深切关注影响当今世界的国际金融和经济危机的范围和严重性,及其对发展,包括实现持续、包容和公平的经济增长、消除贫穷和可持续发展,特别是对发展中国家的不利影响,关注其对包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的实现的不利影响。因此,各位部长认识到,必须开展合作,改革国际金融和货币结构以及经济治理结构,以期改善国际经济体系的功能,缓解危机对发展的影响。", "363. 在这方面,各位部长强调,全球金融和经济危机尚未结束,经济复苏既不均衡、也存在不确定性,不能保证不会复发。各位部长强调,必须解决全球经济面临的系统性问题,包括通过彻底完成全球金融体制和结构改革。", "364. 各位部长对货币汇率的不稳定性及其对国际贸易、经济增长和发展的不利影响表示关切,强调必须对这一问题进行审查,包括建立更加稳定的国际货币体系的可能性。", "365. 各位部长表示关切,世界金融和经济危机仍在威胁一些发展中国家的债务可持续性,除其他外,通过影响实体经济以及为减轻危机负面影响而增加借款。在这方面,他们呼吁各国政府推动并促进讨论,包括在联合国和其他适当论坛内,讨论新的主权债务重组和债务解决机制的必要性和可行性,并考虑到债务可持续性的多个层面,及其在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面的作用。", "366. 各位部长欢迎2009年6月24至30日在纽约举行的联合国世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响会议,会议成果后来在大会2009年7月9日第63/303号决议中获得核准。各位部长注意到大会不限成员名额特设工作组的进度报告,以跟踪《联合国世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响会议的成果文件》所载问题的后续工作,并表示其支持延长工作组的任务授权。", "367. 各位部长欢迎人权理事会于2009年2月20日在日内瓦就全球经济和金融危机对普遍实现和切实享受人权的影响召开专门会议,鼓励各国采取措施落实会议通过的决议。", "非洲", "368. 各位部长呼吁国际社会履行其承诺,以满足非洲这块唯一没有走上到2015年之前实现千年发展目标轨道的大陆的特殊需求,以及落实其加强与非洲发展新伙伴关系的合作的决定,方法是为非洲领导人在该框架内起草的各项方案提供一致的支持,包括调集内部和外部财政资源以及推动多边金融机构批准此类方案;支持非洲的承诺,以确保到2015年所有儿童都能获得完整、免费和义务的优质初等教育,以及基本保健;支持以非洲发展新伙伴关系为框架,建立有非洲联盟、世界银行和非洲开发银行参与的国际基础设施银团,以促进非洲的公共和私营基础设施投资。", "369. 各位部长对当前金融和经济危机在非洲的发展和范围表示关切,危机使经济继续减缓、收支状况更加恶化,并且扭转了实现千年发展目标的努力。在这方面,他们欢迎2009年2月3日在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴举行的非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑大会第12届常会通过的《关于国际金融危机的亚的斯亚贝巴宣言》。", "370. 在此背景之下,各位部长支持并鼓励人类发展领域的国家和区域倡议,例如2007年4月在摩洛哥拉巴特举行的第一届非洲人类发展会议。此次会议的目的是在实现千年发展目标的背景下,在最落后的非洲国家抗击贫穷和脆弱性,提高社会和生活水平。", "371. 各位部长又呼吁全面、持久地解决非洲国家的外债问题,除其他外包括针对不属于重债穷国倡议但又背负不可持续债务负担的重债非洲国家的债务解除或结构调整;采取措施将非洲国家全面纳入国际贸易体系,包括通过有针对性的贸易能力建设方案;支持依赖商品的非洲国家重组、实现多样化和加强其商品部门竞争力的努力,及其在私营部门参与下建立基于市场的、商品价格风险管理安排的决定;对非洲国家的个别或集体努力进行补充,以便按照非洲发展新伙伴关系《非洲农业发展综合计划》的设想,以一种可持续的方式提高农业生产率,该计划是非洲“绿色革命”的一部分;以上所述均为非洲国家部长在2009年2月9日至10日在温得和克举行的关于“21世纪的非洲农业:迎接挑战,发起可持续的绿色革命”的高级别会议上提出的建议。", "372. 各位部长重申了2008年9月22日在大会高级别会议上通过的关于“非洲的发展需求:各种承诺的落实情况、挑战和前进的道路”的政治宣言。他们强调,他们致力于提供并加强对非洲的特殊需求的支持,强调特别是在非洲消除贫穷是当今世界面临的最大的全球性挑战。他们强调不断加快的、可持续的和基础广泛的经济增长十分重要,这是将非洲纳入全球经济主流的关键。他们回顾各国承诺建立一个监测机制,以落实与非洲发展相关的所有承诺,如关于“非洲发展需求”的政治宣言所载的那样,并强调应当有效执行非洲所做的和给予非洲的各项承诺,并由国际社会和非洲自身采取适当的后续行动。他们强调了在平等伙伴关系基础上解决非洲特殊需求的紧迫性。", "373. 各位部长认识到,应当对非洲给予特殊关注,特别是因为它是在实现千年发展目标方面最为滞后的一块大陆。尽管一些非洲国家取得了进展,但其他非洲国家的情况仍然令人严重关切。各位部长呼吁充分、及时地履行所有承诺,以使非洲国家能够在2015年之前实现千年发展目标。", "374. 各位部长呼吁作为紧急事项全面落实大会2008年9月22日第63/1号决议通过的“关于非洲发展需求的政治宣言,如《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》所重申的,以及国际社会对非洲所做的所有承诺。各位部长表示关切,八国集团在格伦伊格尔斯做出的承诺没有兑现,即到2010年将给予非洲的官方发展援助增加一倍,由250亿美元增加到500亿美元。", "375. 各位部长强调必须需要通过南北合作、三角合作和改善的南/南合作伙伴关系加强与非洲国家的合作,特别是在农业、教育、卫生和环境领域以及交流所有这些部门的经验和知识。", "376. 各位部长欢迎非洲国家最近采取的步骤,根据在阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔举行的新伙伴关系国家元首和政府首脑执行委员会的13点结论、2007年3月的集思广益首脑会议和2008年4月在塞纳加尔达喀尔举行的新伙伴关系审查首脑会议成果,将新伙伴关系充分纳入非洲联盟的结构和进程。", "最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家", "377. 在有关内陆和过境发展中国家过境运输合作的新全球框架范围内,各位部长回顾了最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和内陆发展中国家的特殊需求,重申必须继续支持和援助这些国家的努力,特别是在实现国际商定的发展目标方面的努力,包括《千年宣言》、在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议通过的《2011-2020十年期伊斯坦布尔支援最不发达国家行动纲领》、《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展巴巴多斯行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》和《阿拉木图行动纲领》所载的目标。", "378. 各位部长欢迎2010年9月24日至25日在纽约联合国总部举行的毛里求斯战略执行情况高级别审查会议并回顾其成果文件。", "379. 各位部长欢迎第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,特别是《政治宣言》和《2011-2020十年期伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》,并呼吁扩大发展伙伴关系,以及为最不发达国家提供必要的全面支持结构,以努力确保到2020年至少有半数最不发达国家脱离最不发达国家地位。在这方面,各位部长呼吁制定旨在执行、跟踪、监测和评价在《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》中所做承诺的有效安排。", "380. 各位部长欢迎2011年2月18日至19日在新德里举行的印度-最不发达国家部长级会议,会议重点关注南南合作在最不发达国家发展中的作用,即作为南北合作的补充,而不是替代。", "381. 各位部长还回顾了2006年9月14日在哈瓦那举行的第一届内陆发展中国家首脑会议的成果,强调必须加强国际社会的合作,以全面执行内陆发展中国家部长宣言。", "382. 各位部长重申内陆发展中国家因领土没有海口而面临的特殊需求和挑战,而远离世界市场加剧了这些需要和挑战,他们还关切内陆发展中国家的经济增长和社会福祉仍然极易受到国际社会面临的外部冲击和多重挑战,包括金融和经济危机及气候变化的影响。", "383. 各位部长强调,国际社会需要加大对内陆发展中国家的发展援助,以帮助其克服脆弱性、培养适应能力并走上可持续的社会和经济发展道路。他们还强调迫切需要通过充分、及时和有效执行《阿拉木图行动纲领中期审查宣言》中所载的《阿拉木图行动纲领》,应对内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家的特殊发展需要和挑战。", "384. 各位部长表示关切,内陆发展中国家的经济增长和社会福祉仍然极易受到国际社会面临的外部冲击和多重挑战的影响,并请国际社会协助内陆发展中国家加强其适应能力并保护在实现千年发展目标和《阿拉木图行动纲领》优先事项方面取得的进展。", "385. 各位部长欢迎自在乌兰巴托建立内陆发展中国家国际智囊团以来取得的进展,该智囊团旨在加强内陆发展中国家的分析能力,并促进经验和最佳做法交流,最大限度地进行协调,以充分、有效执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》和千年发展目标。在这方面,他们还欢迎第九届内陆发展中国家年度部长级会议核可关于建立内陆发展中国家国际智囊团的多边协定,并请联合国系统有关组织、会员国和有关国际和区域组织协助内陆发展中国家执行国际智囊团的活动。", "386. 各位部长还欢迎2011年4月12日至14日在蒙古乌兰巴托举行的关于《阿拉木图行动纲领》执行情况和内陆发展中国家面临的其他发展差距的亚太高级别政策对话上通过的《乌兰巴托宣言》,该宣言再次承诺在实现千年发展目标总体框架内成功落实《阿拉木图行动纲领》。", "387. 各位部长强调,必须继续对冲突后发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家的状况给予特别关注,以使其能够适当地恢复和重建其政治、社会和经济基础设施,并帮助其实现发展目标。", "中等收入发展中国家", "388. 各位部长确认中等收入发展中国家在促进全球经济增长和发展方面的重要作用。但是,他们仍然面临着巨大的发展挑战,特别是在消除贫穷和实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标领域。在这方面,各位部长强调必须加强联合国系统、国际金融机构和所有其他利益攸关方对这些国家发展努力的支持,以期解决所面临的挑战,方法有建立适当的多边和国际论坛以及就各种措施达成双边安排,从而加强与中等收入发展中国家的国际合作,帮助他们满足特别是其社会经济发展及金融技术和科技发展需求。", "389. 各位部长回顾了2007年3月在西班牙马德里、2007年10月在萨瓦尔多圣萨尔瓦多和2008年8月在纳米比亚温特和克举行的关于同中等收入国家开展发展合作的国际会议,以及2008年3月在埃及开罗举行的主题为“增强非洲中等收入国家的竞争力”的区域会议。在这方面,国家元首和政府首脑欢迎通过题为“同中等收入国家开展发展合作”的大会2009年12月21日第64/208号决议。国家元首和政府首脑强调,联合国必须对国际合作体系的现行做法进行全面审查,包括联合国基金、各种方案和机构、国际金融机构和其他国际组织,包括经济合作与发展组织及其与中等收入国家的发展合作,以期实现更有效的发展合作并鼓励国际社会对这些国家发展的支持。", "低收入发展中国家", "390. 各位部长还认识到,低收入发展中国家也可以在促进世界经济增长方面发挥重要作用,尽管它们在贸易便利化和促进外国直接投资流动、抵御气候变化不利影响和消除贫穷方面面临严峻的发展挑战和特殊需要,并要求国际社会予以迫切关注。在这方面,他们强调联合国系统必须加大对低收入发展中国家的支持。", "贸易", "391. 各位部长表示严重关切,当前的全球金融和经济危机已开始通过不断显现的保护主义威胁到全球贸易,特别是在发达国家,给发展中国家的出口造成了极为不利的影响。他们还对世界贸易组织的贸易谈判缺乏实质性进展深表关切,认为这是多哈回合的严重倒退。在这方面,他们呼吁世界贸易组织的所有成员,特别是发达国家表现出灵活性和必要的政治意愿,以打破当前的谈判僵局,并在2011年加紧谈判,以早日实现多哈回合谈判的圆满结束,并使其成果符合《多哈部长级宣言》的发展任务、世界贸易组织总理事会2004年8月1日的决定以及视发展为多边贸易体系核心的《香港部长级宣言》。", "393. 各位部长还重申,必须对发展中国家在《多哈行动计划》第8段中提出的关切给予充分响应,特别是关于全面落实《多哈工作方案》,尤其是在以下方面:农业、非农业市场准入、服务、与贸易有关的知识产权、各种规则以及针对发展中国家的业务和有意义的特殊且有差别的待遇。他们还呼吁采取行动,加快制定与贸易有关的知识产权协议方面与发展相关的任务规定,尽快落实《多哈部长级宣言》中与执行相关的问题,特别是关于制定支持《生物多样性公约》目标的与贸易有关的知识产权协议规则的问题,以及与贸易有关的知识产权协议和公共卫生在贸易方面的问题。", "394. 各位部长强调,发达国家实施农业补贴妨碍了发展中国家农业生产的进步,敦促发达国家取消一切形式的农业补贴和其他市场扭曲措施。", "395. 各位部长请捐助方和受益国执行世界贸易组织总干事建立的贸易援助计划工作队的建议,旨在支持发展中国家和最不发达国家建设其供应和出口能力,包括建设基础设施和体制建设,支持扩大其出口需要。在这方面,各位部长强调,迫切需要让工作队有效运作起来,并为其提供充足的额外、无条件和可预测的供资。", "396. 各位部长强调,有必要在根据大会第55/182号决议第21段考虑其发展水平和后续发展的同时,为所有申请加入世贸组织(世贸组织)且符合其标准的所有发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家和经济转型国家入世提供便利,并且呼吁最不发达国家正确有效地适用世贸组织关于入世的准则。", "397. 各位部长强调,应当消除各种政治障碍,快速、透明地加快发展中国家加入世贸组织的程序。", "398. 各位部长强调了贸发会议的重要作用,它是联合国系统内在金融、技术、投资和可持续发展方面统筹解决贸易和发展以及相关问题的协调中心,并且应如第十二届贸发会议通过的《阿克拉协定》所述,就一项宏观经济政策、贸易、投资、金融、债务、贫穷、国际移徙和新出现的问题及其相互影响的分析进行研究。应利用这一研究帮助发展中国家实现包括消除贫穷在内的发展目标,从而改善其公民福利,应对全球化带来的机遇和挑战。他们还重申,需要继续具体落实贸发会议规定的全球化、政策空间和企业责任方面的相关职能,并振兴其政府间机构。", "399. 各位部长注意到贸发会议-开发署《2008年创意经济报告》,其中提供的经验证据和深入分析表明,创意产业将发展在宏观和微观层面上的经济、文化、技术和社会方面联系在一起,是世界贸易中新出现的最具活力的行业之一,能够在世界经济环境下为发展中国家提供新的机遇。因此,各位部长鼓励贸发会议制定一份创意经济技术援助方案,以提高和加强发展中国家在这些行业的竞争力。", "400. 各位部长商定致力于全面执行2008年4月20至25日在加纳阿克拉举行的第十二届贸发会议部长级会议的建议。", "401. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施:", "400.1 在各自的授权任务范围内继续77国集团与不结盟运动之间的协调与合作,加强贸发会议作为负责在金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域统筹解决贸易、发展和相关问题的联合国机构的作用;", "400.2 继续促进拒绝在不结盟运动和77国集团参与的一些多边论坛实施单方面胁迫性经济措施,并采取具体行动应对之。", "401. 各位部长对施加法律和其他形式的胁迫性经济措施深表关切,包括对发展中国家的单方面制裁,这破坏了国际法和世界贸易组织的规则,也严重威胁了贸易和投资自由。", "南南合作", "402. 认识到南南合作日趋重要,南北相互依存环境和接触条件不断变化,各位部长要求更积极地努力深化和改善南南合作,包括三角合作,同时铭记此类合作并非取代南北合作,而是南北合作的补充。", "403. 各位部长重申,其承诺充分执行《哈瓦那行动纲领》、《马拉喀什南南合作执行计划》和《多哈行动计划》,这些文件体现了增强发展中国家合作的一个综合框架。", "404. 各位部长欢迎2009年12月1日至3日在肯尼亚内罗毕举行的联合国南南合作问题高级别会议的成果文件,该文件后来由大会2009年12月21日第64/222号决议通过,并期待着其获得充分、有效的执行。在这方面,各位部长对肯尼亚共和国及其人民出色组织并主办此次南南合作问题高级别会议表示赞赏。", "405. 各位部长欢迎阿拉伯利比亚民众国政府主动提出在2011年9月主办第三届南方首脑会议,并期待着会议成功审议并取得成果。", "406. 各位部长重申必须加强目前的南南合作体制机制,并表示其支持南南合作的基本原则,这些原则是由77国集团加中国在不同的首脑会议和大会上通过的,包括2010年9月28日在纽约举行的年度会议。", "407. 各位部长重申其立场,南南合作是发展中国家的集体努力,其依据是团结的原则,以及根据发展中国家具体的历史和政治背景及其需求和期望制定的前提、条件和目标。因此,如《内罗毕成果文件》和77国南方发展平台中所重申的,南南合作应当得到单独和独立的促进。", "408. 各位部长强调,大会南南合作问题高级别委员会是联合国系统主要的多边决策机构,旨在审查和评估全球和全系统的南南发展合作,包括三方合作方面的进展以及获得的支持,并对未来的方向提供总体指导。在这方面,可以对该决策机构辅以其他相关的南南合作倡议和对话平台。", "409. 各位部长重申南南合作在总体多边主义环境下的作用,并将其视作对正视南方所面临的挑战至为重要的一个持续过程和对发展做出的宝贵贡献。并重申必须进一步加强南南合作,包括提高各机构和安排促进南南合作的能力。", "410. 各位部长承诺支持并促进能够增强发展中国家区域内/区域间贸易、投资和合作的机制。", "411. 在此背景之下,各位部长欢迎2009年9月在委内瑞拉新埃斯帕塔州举行第二届非洲-南美洲首脑会议,会上重申了在摩洛哥马拉喀什举行的第一届非洲-南非洲会议上所做的承诺,即促进作为这两区主要目标的南南合作。", "412. 各位部长强调必须进一步加强区域、次区域、区域间和双边各级的协调与合作,特别是在当前金融和经济危机的消极影响下。", "413. 各位部长欢迎全球贸易优惠制度的第三轮谈判取得圆满成功,2010年12月15日通过了《圣保罗议定书》,并请所有有关各方尽快批准其协定,并鼓励其他发展中国家考虑加入全球贸易优惠制度及其议定书。", "414. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意进一步加强以下措施,其中包括:", "1. 加强国家能力,以提高不结盟国家的单独和集体复原力,可以特别通过在所有相互关系领域中扩大、深化和充实南南合作,包括实施具体的项目和方案、汇集资源和利用南方杰出人士和机构的作用,实现这一目标。在这方面,77国集团加中国第二届南方首脑会议设立的南方发展和人道主义援助基金可以大大有助于实现南南合作的各类目标;", "2. 鼓励成员国制定南南合作安排,包括部门合作安排,以及促进南南合作的其他伙伴关系;", "3. 在自愿基础上促进发展中国家彼此缔结贸易和投资协定,以此作为加强南南经济合作的工具;", "4. 促进和加强发展中国家在互利、相辅相成和团结基础上通过分组和其他安排建立区域和次区域一体化,以期促进和加快经济增长及其经济发展;", "5. 认识到不结盟运动南南合作技术合作中心[28] 为努力组织培训方案并加强不结盟运动成员国实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的能力所做的积极贡献;", "5. 鼓励该中心继续为发展中国家提供培训和能力建设方案,在这方面,进一步鼓励不结盟运动成员国在自愿基础上给该中心提供必要协助,以实现其各类既定目标;", "6. 通过在科研和经济研究的学术和专科中心之间建立不结盟运动协调和合作网络,加强发展中国家评价国际经济问题的能力;", "7. 重申南方中心作为南方国家智囊团的中心作用,并强调其在通过促进南方国家和人民之间的团结和互相理解,以及提供发展中国家在国际舞台上采取个别和集体行动所需的智力和政策支持,促进南南合作的重要性;在此背景之下,吁请不结盟运动成员国进一步支持南方中心,该中心应当建立有关机构之间的南南网络,以促进各方案和学术界的交流,并支持联合协调委员会参与联合国经济和社会领域各次主要会议的谈判过程;", "8. 鼓励不结盟运动南南合作问题商业论坛按照其权限,继续采取各项举措,改善南南贸易和商业关系。在此背景之下,他们欢迎2007年11月在古巴哈瓦那举行的第二届不结盟运动商业论坛和不结盟运动南南合作商界理事会大会取得成功;", "414.10 鼓励联合国会员国向发展中国家间经济和技术合作佩雷斯•格雷罗信托基金等旨在为执行南南合作项目筹措资金的各国际发展基金提供资助。", "415. 各位部长强调充分、有效地执行联合国开发计划署南南合作第四个合作框架的重要性,以支持国家发展优先事项。各位部长请联合国秘书长与会员国协商,采取具体措施,进一步加强南南合作特设局这一联合国系统内促进南南合作的单独实体和协调中心,如关于发展中国家之间经济和技术合作的大会2003年12月23日第58/220号决议所重申的,以使其能够履行其全部责任,特别是通过调集资源推动南南合作,包括通过三角合作。", "416. 各位部长欢迎一些不结盟运动国家根据国家团结和友好的原则开展的合作举措,以及提供的巨额财政捐助,其中包括欧佩克国家,这些活动有利于实现人权,特别是经济、社会和文化权利及发展权,他们还欢迎2007年11月在利雅得举行的欧佩克首脑会议决定的关于能源、环境和气候变化的科学研究方案。在这方面,他们鼓励成员国考虑支持和参与这些合作机制,或其他相关的区域和次区域合作性安排。", "417. 各位部长还欢迎一些不结盟运动成员国提出的可持续发展领域南南合作区域倡议,在这方面他们特别注意到中美洲一体化和发展项目。", "418. 各位部长还注意到金融和经济领域的一些区域合作倡议,例如拉丁美洲区域一些国家所采取的措施,如南方银行,以及美洲玻利瓦尔替代方案成员国的一些举措,如美洲玻利瓦尔替代方案银行、共同储备基金、共同记账单位以及使用苏克雷作为国家货币单位。", "粮食安全", "419. 各位部长深表关切全球粮食,包括基本食品价格的巨大波动,包括除其他外,由结构性和体系问题引发的基本粮食商品的价格波动。作为结果和正在发展的粮食危机给消除贫穷和饥饿带来了严峻挑战,同时也威胁到发展中国家获得粮食安全以及实现到2015年营养不良人口减少一半和其他发展目标的努力。此次危机的原因是多重的和复杂的,这就要求国际社会采取全面、协调和持续的应对措施。各位部长还强调,必须加强粮农组织全球粮农信息和预警系统,以帮助解决和防止再次出现粮食危机。", "420. 各位部长强调,实现粮食安全需要加强并振兴发展中国家的农业部门,包括通过对中小农场主的赋权,提供技术和财政援助、技术获得和转让、能力建设以及知识和经验交流。各位部长强调,需要应对可持续农业的经济、社会和环境挑战。他们还强调执行和遵守《防治沙漠化公约》条款以及《十年战略计划》(2008-2018年),以此为基础共同努力抵御荒漠化和土地退化,以解决粮食安全问题。", "421. 各位部长强调,发达国家的补贴和其他扭曲市场的做法严重损害了发展中国家的农业部门,从而制约了这一重要部门对消除贫穷、持续、包容和平等的经济增长、可持续发展、粮食安全和农村发展做出有意义贡献的能力。因此,各位部长呼吁发达国家立即消除各种形式的农业补贴和其他扭曲市场的措施。他们敦促发达国家在多哈回合贸易谈判中表现出必要的灵活性和政治意愿,以有效解决发展中国家的重要关切。", "422. 各位部长表示其支持通过交流经验、技巧和最佳做法改善最不发达国家的粮食安全和营养状况。", "423. 各位部长还呼吁采取包括人道主义援助在内的短期行动,以确保落实有效的社会安全网络。短期行动除其他外必须包括各种紧急援助措施,以提高能力和有效提供粮食援助,并确保给予发展中国家更多的财政支助,特别是在食品采购方面。", "423. 各位部长呼吁酌情提高透明度、加强信息共享,以及金融管制,以促进市场稳定,并最大限度地减少过度的价格波动,防止粮食市场的投机性投资。", "424. 因此,各位部长呼吁粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)与相关联合国实体合作,继续解决全球和区域粮食保障问题,特别是通过全面、及时地贯彻实施短期应对措施。在这方面,他们重申了粮农组织粮食保障委员会对农业、粮食安全和营养的中心作用。", "425. 各位部长表示确信,今天比以往任何时候都更需要南南合作,包括对农业和粮食安全的投资。在这方面,他们欢迎旨在加强和扩大这些领域的人力资源、经验和专门知识交流的南南倡议,以支持农业和畜牧业生产,增加粮食供应。", "426. 各位部长呼吁成员国继续积极参与促进在所有国家实现食物权。在这方面,他们欢迎在不结盟运动倡议下2008年举行人权理事会关于“由粮价飞涨引起的世界粮食危机恶化对实现食物权的负面影响”的特别会议,并敦促所有成员国特别注意大会和人权理事会通过的关于食物权的联合国决议的执行情况。", "427. 各位部长重申,消除贫穷是当今世界面临的最大的全球性挑战。他们重申,发展中国家必须在消除贫穷和饥饿的努力中确定自身的粮食安全战略。在此背景之下,他们认识到,农业在满足日益增加的全球人口需要方面发挥着至关重要的作用,与消除贫穷密不可分,特别是在发展中国家。因此,他们强调,可持续的农业和农村发展综合方法对于以环境上可持续的方式加强粮食安全至关重要。", "428. 各位部长还重申,粮食不应被当作施加政治和经济压力的工具。他们重申国际合作与团结的重要性,以及必须避免危及粮食安全且不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》的单方面胁迫性措施。", "430. 各位部长强调了《世界粮食安全罗马宣言》(2006年11月13至17日)、《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》和《世界粮食首脑会议宣言》的重要性;五年过后,包括通过不断努力消除所有国家的饥饿而实现人人享有粮食安全以便到2015年将营养不良者人数减半的目标,以及实现千年发展目标的承诺。", "431. 各位部长重申2009年11月15日《世界粮食首脑会议宣言》以及第二次不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议的重要性,此次会议由埃及在罗马粮农组织总部召开,因为考虑到粮农组织在解决饥饿和营养不良的许多方面以及确定可由不结盟运动第一夫人发起以解决这些问题的具体步骤方面所发挥的作用,包括通过交流确保妇女获取资源,特别是土地和信贷以及人力资本和知识的国家经验。", "432. 各位部长注意到2009年7月8日至10日在意大利拉奎拉举行的八国集团首脑会议的成果,并呼吁立即履行派代表参加首脑会议的国家所做的承诺,即实现在三年里调集200亿美元的目标。", "433. 各位部长赞赏地注意到玻利维亚的倡议,该倡议旨在宣布联合国国际藜年,以承认其较高的营养价值及其对消除饥饿的潜在贡献。", "国际移徙与发展", "434. 各位部长重申各国政府有责任按照国际法和国内法的规定捍卫并保护移徙者的权利,包括适用并在必要时加强现行法律打击所有非法行为或暴力行为;特别是煽动民族、种族和宗教歧视的行为和个人或团体对移徙者实施的具有种族主义或仇外心理动机的罪行,尤其是在全球经济危机增加了东道国移徙者脆弱性的背景下;", "435. 各位部长同意,按照《世界人权宣言》及其加入的国际文书,有效促进和保护所有移民的人权和基本自由,不论其移民身份如何,特别是妇女和儿童。他们还指出,2007年1月13日《东盟关于促进和保护移徙工人权利的宣言》是维护移徙工人基本权利和尊严的一项积极举措。", "436. 各位部长表示关切根据一些国家通过的立法而采取的措施和做法可能会限制移徙工人的人权和基本自由,并重申在行使主权权利颁布和执行移徙和边境安全措施时,各国有责任遵循包括国际人权法在内的国际法中关于该国的各项义务,以确保充分尊重移民的人权。在这方面,各位部长还承认,对待移徙者的特殊措施应特别适用于老人、妇女和儿童。此外,他们承认必须加强南北双方在保护移徙者方面的合作与伙伴关系,并促进其对实现发展的贡献。", "437. 各位部长认识到,贩运人口和走私移徙者仍对人类构成严重挑战,需要国际社会在合作与信息共享的基础上做出协调一致的回应,并敦促所有国家为此制定、实行和加强有效措施,防止、打击和消除各种形式的贩运人口行为,打压对被贩运受害者的需求和保护受害者,特别是被强迫劳动、受到性剥削或商业剥削、暴力和性虐待的妇女和儿童。", "438. 各位部长认识到,采取有效行动预防和打击陆、海和空偷运移民需要国家、区域和国际各级的综合方法,为此,敦促各国根据《世界人权宣言》和国家法律,除其他外采取有效措施,保护被偷运移民特别是妇女和儿童的人权和基本自由。", "439. 各位部长突出强调,必须开展提高认识运动,在努力保护移徙者及其权利的框架内改变公众对移徙的负面印象,在这方面,鼓励各国承认移徙者及移徙对发展做出的重要社会、经济和文化贡献,以及移徙与发展之间复杂的相互关系。", "440. 各位部长欢迎2009年4月14至15日印度尼西亚政府在巴厘启动的巴厘进程召开第三次部长级会议,以推动有关偷运人口、贩运人口和相关跨国犯罪的区域协商进程,进一步推动了包括始发国、过境国和目的地国在内的参与国的对话与合作。各位部长突出强调了《南美洲移徙大会原则和一般准则宣言》和《南美洲移徙者人力开发计划》已经签署,以及此次会议成员在2010年10月25日和26日在玻利维亚科恰班巴举行的第十届南美洲移徙问题会议上所做的适用使该区域公民合法化的有效快速机制的承诺。", "441. 各位部长确认高技术人才、接受过高等教育者以及半技术人员的移徙对发展中国家发展努力的影响。", "442. 各位部长承认双边和多边劳工移徙协定作为有效工具在促进安全、正常和有序移徙过程中的重要性。", "443. 各位部长注意到全球移徙与发展论坛于2007年7月9日至11日在比利时布鲁塞尔举行的第一次会议,其关注的核心主题是“移徙与社会经济发展”,以及于2008年11月27日至30日在菲律宾马尼拉举行的全球移徙与发展论坛第二次会议,其关注的核心主题是“保护移民并增强其权能以促进发展”,并认识到这一问题的重要性,还注意到2009年11月2日至5日在希腊雅典举行的全球论坛第三次会议,最重要的主题是“将移徙政策纳入发展战略,使人人受益”,以及2010年11月8日至10日在墨西哥瓦拉塔港举行的全球论坛第四次会议,核心主题是“移徙与人类发展的伙伴关系:共享繁荣、分担责任”。", "444. 各位部长承认,全球论坛会议在汇聚所有利益攸关方共同努力利用国际移徙所带来的各种发展惠益方面可发挥重要作用。他们还认识到,全球移徙与发展论坛与联合国系统交流专门知识、举行磋商和更为密切的合作可产生积极影响。", "445. 各位部长认识到国际移徙、促进和保护移徙者人权和基本自由与发展之间的关系。", "446. 各位部长鼓励成员国和国际社会促进对国际移徙和发展问题采取均衡和全面的办法,特别是建立伙伴关系和确保采取协调一致的行动来增强能力,包括管理移徙活动的能力。在这方面,各位部长请所有成员国根据其相关的国际义务和承诺,促进各级在解决无证和非正常移徙挑战中的合作,从而建立一种安全、规范和有序的移徙程序。", "447. 各位部长注意到2006年9月在纽约举行的国际移徙与发展高级别对话的成果,对话旨在讨论国际移徙与发展的方方面面,其中确认了国际移徙与发展和人权的关系。在此背景之下,各位部长欢迎大会关于在2011年就国际移徙与发展举行一次为期一天的的非正式专题辩论以及在2013年举行新的国际移徙高级别对话的决定。", "448. 各位部长欢迎从将在2013年联合国大会第六十八届会议期间举行的国际移徙与发展高级别对话的角度对移徙与发展全球论坛的工作和贡献进行评估。", "449. 各位部长认识到国际移徙与发展之间的重要联系,重申必须采取有效举措,促进安全移民和便利劳动力自由移动。在这方面,他们强调多哈发展回合结束时应对发展中国家关切的问题达成全面解决办法,考虑到有关劳动力移徙在始发国和接受国积极影响方面的利益和目标。", "450. 各位部长强调,必须解决移徙的复杂多样的根源,包括通过解决国际移徙政策中的发展方面。", "451. 各位部长注意到成员国、有关区域政府间组织和国际政府间组织为促进国际移徙与发展问题的对话与合作而在区域和国际各级采取的主动行动,包括为全面解决国际移徙问题做出的贡献。", "452. 各位部长欢迎一些东道国采取的方案,以使移徙者充分融入其社会、促进家庭团圆、促进和谐、容忍和相互尊重的环境,并敦促各国酌情考虑采取类似的方案,并且在被遣返的情况下,确保其采用的机制能够识别和特别保护处于脆弱境地的人员,特别是妇女和儿童,并按照其国际义务和承诺考虑到儿童和家庭团圆最佳利益的原则。", "453. 各位部长注意到,应当鼓励努力使移徙者充分融入东道国,包括按照各成员国的法律和具体标准使家庭团圆。此外,各位部长鼓励目的地国促进移徙者与其始发国保持联系,包括在经济、文化和人力方面。", "454. 各位部长强调,移徙目的地国须实施各项政策,在没有偏见或歧视的情况下,降低移徙者向发展中国家汇款的成本。", "455. 各位部长强调,不能将汇款视为外国直接投资、官方发展援助、债务减免或发展方面其他公共财政资源的替代。汇款通常是转交给家庭的工资,主要是为了满足接受家庭的部分需求。移民收入的大部分是在移民目的地国支出的,成为刺激移民目的地国经济内需的重要因素。此外,汇款的处置和安排也是个人选择。", "456. 各位部长进一步强调,国际社会必须处理许多发展中国家的高技能人员和受过高等教育者移居国外给原籍国发展努力造成的消极影响。", "457. 各位部长请尚未这么做的所有国家考虑作为优先事项加入大会1990年12月18日第45/158号决议通过的《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》。", "458. 各位部长吁请联合国系统内的所有有关机构、组织、基金和方案以及其他相关的政府间、区域和次区域组织在各自的任务规定范围内继续探讨国际移徙与发展问题,以在实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标这一较为广泛的背景下,通过更为一致和全面的方式纳入移徙问题。", "水", "459. 各位部长认识到水和卫生设施对社会、经济和环境发展的重要性,并认为水是可持续发展的关键。他们回顾2005年联合国可持续发展委员会第十三届会议和2002年11月联合国经济、社会和文化权利委员会上所商定的内容,即认识到水的重要性,水是一种重要且绝对有限的自然资源,具有经济、社会和环境功能,并承认人人享有水权。", "460. 各位部长重申了水资源综合管理及其可持续利用的重要性。", "461. 各位部长呼吁联合国、多边开发银行、区域组织和其他捐助方增加对发展中国家的援助,以努力拟订水资源管理和水效率综合计划,以此作为其国家发展战略的组成部分,并根据《千年宣言》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》的原则,提供享有安全饮水和基本卫生的机会,到2015年将无法持续获得安全饮用水以及没有获得基本卫生条件的人口比例减少一半。", "462. 各位部长强调,必须改善水资源管理,并通过在联合观测和研究方面展开合作,改善对水循环的科学了解,为此目的,重申必须鼓励和促进分享知识,并根据彼此共同达成的协议,特别为发展中国家和经济转型国家开展能力建设和向其转让技术,包括遥感和卫星技术。", "463. 各位部长强调,需要加强水污染防治,以减少健康危害并保护生态系统,引入负担得起的卫生设施和工业及生活污水处理技术、减轻地下水污染的影响,以及在国家一级建立监测系统和有效的法律框架。", "464. 各位部长承认,公平、安全和清洁的饮用水和卫生设施是实现所有人权不可分割的组成部分,在这方面,他们欢迎通过关于“享有水和卫生设施的人权”的大会第64/292号决议和人权理事会的所有有关决议。", "464. 各位部长欢迎2009年2月23日至25日在阿曼苏丹国马斯喀特举行的77国集团第一次部长级水论坛,并注意到会议通过的《关于水的马斯喀特宣言》。", "生物多样性", "466. 各位部长强调,我们生活在一个资源有限但人类活动密集的星球,特别是,发达国家不可持续的生产和消费模式正在影响地球系统的运作。在这方面,他们表示,土地、森林、河流、海洋、生物多样性、大气、冰川等是这些系统的重要组成部分,需要养护和再生,以保持生活的平衡。", "467. 各位部长认识到,必须加强生物多样性的保护和可持续利用,以及建立一种公平公正的获取和惠益分享国际机制,尊重各国对其自然资源的主权权利,以及在《生物多样性公约》和其他相关国际文书框架内公正和公平地分享利用遗传资源和相关传统知识而产生的惠益。", "468. 各位部长认识到2010年10月18日至29日在日本名古屋举行的生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十届会议及作为卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书缔约方会议的第五次会议的重要成果,这些成果代表了对全面落实《生物多样性公约》三大目标的重要贡献,该公约是保护地球生命、人类福祉和可持续发展的基本条件。", "469. 各位部长还注意到生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十届会议通过《关于遗传资源的获取及公平公正地分享其利用所产生的惠益的名古屋议定书》,及其在促进养护和可持续利用生物多样性、消除贫穷、环境可持续性和实现千年发展目标方面的潜在作用。", "470. 各位部长呼吁国际社会通过国际金融机制以及技术援助、能力建设和技术转让,支持发展中国家以可持续的方式养护和管理其生物多样性资源,包括各种森林资源的努力。在这方面,他们强调需要设立一个全球森林基金,不带任何条件并在充分尊重其对资源的主权权利的基础上提供可预测的充足的财政资源。", "471. 各位部长重申,必须采取措施确保海洋生物多样性和生态系统,包括鱼群的可持续管理,促进粮食安全、消除饥饿和贫穷,包括通过生态系统方法进行海洋管理,以及应对气候变化对海洋环境和海洋生物多样性的不利影响。", "472. 各位部长认识到,数以百万计的世界居民依赖珊瑚礁及有关海洋生态系统的健康来维持可持续的生计和发展,因为它们是主要的食物和收入来源,同时还提供不受风暴、海啸和海岸侵蚀的保护。", "472. 在这方面,各位部长注意到一些区域倡议,包括关于珊瑚礁、渔业和粮食安全的珊瑚三角倡议、密克罗尼西亚挑战、加勒比挑战、东部热带太平洋海景项目,以及印度洋挑战、西非养护挑战、养护和明智利用美洲区域红树林和珊瑚礁的区域倡议。除其他外,这些倡议旨在促进合作,以保护珊瑚礁和相关生态系统。", "473. 各位部长请发达国家缔约方、国际组织和其他相关的利益攸关方采取一切切实可行的步骤,酌情促进、便利和资助向发展中国家转移或提供无害环境的技术和专门知识,使其能够采取一切必要行动,包括沿海地区综合管理和保护珊瑚礁及相关生态系统。他们呼吁所有国家促进并配合全面、公开和迅速地交流有关保护珊瑚礁及相关生态系统的相关科学、技术、社会经济和法律信息。", "死海", "475. 各位部长再次对死海独特的生态系统持续恶化和退化表示关切,并强调必须逐步致力于扭转这一环境灾难。他们提请国际社会注意,需要采取国际行动,提供优惠赠款,保护死海和防止其生态系统环境进一步退化。", "加勒比海", "476. 各位部长重申对继续通过加勒比海水域运送有害废物表示关切。他们确认加勒比国家在海洋可持续发展范围内为促进综合管理加勒比海开展的合作努力,欢迎联合国大会题为“为今世后代努力实现加勒比海的可持续发展”的第65/155号决议,并强调必须继续努力执行《毛里求斯宣言》(2005年1月)。在这方面,他们表示支持旨在将加勒比海宣布为“特区”的区域倡议,并承诺支持协助促进这个特别易受伤害国家集团的可持续发展,国际合作对这些国家仍然是个基本因素,并提请国际社会注意需要采取国际行动,使加勒比海成为可持续发展方面的特区。", "非法捕鱼和倾弃有毒及有害废物", "477. 各位部长以最严厉的措辞谴责在非洲国家和其他发展中国家的陆地或领海继续进行非法捕鱼和倾弃有毒及有害废物的做法。各位部长要求立即停止这些做法,并呼吁所有国家政府按照《联合国海洋法公约》、《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》以及所有有关国际文书规定的法律义务行事。", "乍得湖和尼日尔河", "478. 各位部长对主要由气候变化和人口快速增长引起的乍得湖出现明显干涸及尼日尔河水量缩减问题深表关切。这严重危及生物多样性,并对中西非次区域该湖和河流流域人口的粮食安全和生计造成了威胁。他们确认,受影响国家应做出共同努力,扭转这一趋势,应对由此带来的种种挑战,因此,吁请国际社会和发展伙伴通过提供具体的财政和技术援助,进一步支助受影响国家旨在拯救乍得湖和尼日尔河的合作性行动框架。", "能源", "479. 各位部长强调人人获得能源的重要性。他们强调必须使能源多样化,开发先进的、更清洁的、效能较高的、廉价的和成本效益高的能源技术,包括化石燃料技术和可再生能源技术,并且以彼此商定的优惠条件向发展中国家转让此类技术,以促进可持续能源系统,增加其对能源供应总量的贡献,同时确认国家倡议和优先事项以及自定目标(若有)的作用,并确保能源政策支持发展中国家旨在消除贫穷的各项努力,并定期评价可用的数据,以审查这一目标的进展情况。在这方面,各位部长欢迎将2012年宣布为“人人享有可持续能源国际年”。", "480. 各位部长强调,必须通过清洁和可再生能源领域的伙伴关系,特别是在2012年“人人享有可持续能源国际年”期间促进国际合作。他们呼吁发达国家将更多有效和无害环境的技术转让给发展中国家,并呼吁联合国为此提供便利和帮助。", "481. 各位部长强调,必须加紧开发、传播和应用廉价的和清洁的提高能效和节约能源技术、新的和可再生能源技术,并以优惠条件,包括减让和特惠条件,特别向发展中国家转让此类技术。各位部长欢迎大会将于2009年6月18日举行的关于能源效率和能源保护以及新能源和可再生能源的专题辩论。各位部长赞赏地注意到辩论中提出的建议,除其他外,制定重点关注消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标的联合国综合能源议程,大会拟订并通过建议,包括与全球知识产权体系有关的建议,以促进先进能源技术传播、部署和转让至发展中国家和经济转型国家,并建立一个转让先进能源技术的国际中心、关于先进能源技术的数据库以及一个获得完全支持的多边基金,以资助开发、转让和适用先进能源技术和能力建设。各位部长呼吁制定有效的国际措施,以开发这种技术并向发展中国家和经济转型国家传播和部署。", "482. 各位部长欢迎成立国际可再生能源机构并选择阿拉伯联合酋长国作为该机构的总部。他们还赞赏地欢迎该机构《规约》生效,并于2011年4月4日至5日在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比举行其大会首届会议。他们还鼓励不结盟运动成员国和其他尚未加入的国家考虑加入国际可再生能源机构。各位部长表示期望看到该机构在不远的将来能够在促进可持续利用不同形式的可再生能源方面发挥重要而积极的作用。", "483. 各位部长注意到不结盟运动的一些成员国在国际能源市场方面面临的发展挑战。他们还注意到能源市场上五花八门的、复杂的不稳定因素,并赞赏不结盟运动国家做出努力,稳定能源市场以惠及所有人。在此背景之下,他们支持做出努力,改善能源市场供需方面的运作情况、透明度及相关信息,以便为了能源生产国和消费国的利益,提高稳定性和可预测性。他们同意加强合作,以期改善发展中国家获得替代能源等各类无害环境的可靠能源的机会。他们强调,必须加强南北协作,继续开展南南合作,作为实现可持续发展的长期战略的组成部分。他们还着重指出国家拥有管理本国能源的主权权利。他们欢迎能源生产国和消费国之间对话,特别是在国际能源论坛框架内的对话取得的进展,并支持所有旨在加强这种对话的努力。他们欢迎2011年2月在沙特阿拉伯利雅得签署《国际能源论坛宪章》。", "气候变化", "484. 各位部长对气候变化的不利影响不断增加表示关切,并呼吁各国根据其共同但有区别的责任原则、各自的能力以及社会和经济状况,尽可能进行最广泛的合作,并参与有效和适当的国际应对措施,同时考虑到发达国家的历史责任。在这方面,各位部长重申,《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》仍是开展合作行动应对气候变化的核心多边框架。各位部长进一步强调,《气候公约》下的工作进程必须是公开的、由当事方驱动的、包容的和透明的,而且工作进程必须促进多边主义,以便根据该公约的原则和条款实现《巴厘行动计划》批准的商定成果。", "485. 各位部长认识到,在气候公约缔约方大会和京都议定书缔约方会议框架内推进气候变化谈判进程至关重要。", "486. 各位部长注意到2009年12月在哥本哈根举行的气候公约缔约方大会第十五届会议和京都议定书缔约方会议第五次会议。他们还注意到2010年12月在坎昆举行的气候公约缔约方大会第十六届会议和京都议定书缔约方会议第六次会议。", "487. 各位部长认识到《巴厘行动计划》批准的气候公约之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组和京都议定书附件一缔约方进一步承诺问题特设工作组双轨进程正在进行关键谈判,并重申,按照《巴厘行动计划》的规定,迫切需要在将于南非德班举行的气候公约缔约方大会第十七届会议和作为京都议定书缔约方会议的缔约方大会第七次会议上达成商定的成果,以便能够按照《公约》各项原则的规定,特别是共同但有区别的责任原则以及各自的能力,通过从现在开始一直延续到2012年以及之后的长期合作行动,促进全面、有效和持续地执行《气候公约》。", "488. 各位部长申明它们坚定不移地致力于合作,并为气候公约缔约方大会第十七届会议和作为京都议定书缔约方会议的缔约国大会第七次会议成功举行做出建设性贡献,以确保商定的成果将根据公约的原则和条款、《巴厘行动计划》及缔约方对《京都议定书》第二承诺期所做的明确承诺,纳入应对气候变化的长期合作行动,从而实现《公约》的最终目标。", "489. 各位部长重申了基本原则,即发达国家应带头抗击气候变化,对京都议定书附件一缔约方进一步承诺问题特设工作组谈判陷入僵局深表关切,并再次强调迫切需要针对《京都议定书》第二及后续承诺期做出量化减排承诺。他们敦促发达国家在《京都议定书》后续承诺期中做出有抱负且加强的承诺,并确保第一承诺期与后续承诺期之间没有空白。", "490. 各位部长感兴趣地注意到,厄瓜多尔政府根据《气候公约》的自愿减缓措施,提出了“避免净排放”概念,并以此作为各种碳市场机制之外的削减二氧化碳排放量的替代机制。", "491. 各位部长还重申,必须采取紧急行动,支持发展中国家采取的适应和自愿减缓措施,并加强全球一级的合作,以便除其他外应对荒漠化、土地退化和砍伐森林问题,呼吁国际社会根据《气候公约》所列标准,将发展中国家的需求列为优先事项,同时考虑到特别易受影响国家的需要,并提供长期的、适足的、按比例增加的、可预测的、新的额外供资、技术开发和支助以及能力建设。将优先关注特别易受影响的发展中国家,特别是低洼沿海、干旱和半干旱区域、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及洪涝、干旱和荒漠化多发地区、生态系统脆弱以及与气候变化相关的极端和灾难性事件和趋势发生次数增多的发展中国家缔约方。", "492. 各位部长表示关切过去几年发生的沙尘暴对居民的社会经济状况造成了严重破坏,特别是对非洲和亚洲的居民而言。他们认识到会员国为控制和减轻对脆弱区域的人类住区的负面影响所做的努力与合作。在这方面,各位部长欢迎伊朗伊斯兰共和国提出的于2010年9月29日在德黑兰主持召开一次区域部长级环境会议的倡议。会议期间,伊朗、伊拉克、土耳其、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和卡塔尔同意合作,以便在今后五年控制住其所在区域的沙尘暴。", "493. 各位部长敦促国际社会协助发展中国家应对气候变化的不利影响,特别是通过新的、额外的、以赠款为基础的和可预见的财政资源、能力建设,以及以减让和特惠条件获取和转让技术。各位部长重申,发达国家应在《气候公约》及其缔约方会议框架内履行向发展中国家提供资金以及转让气候变化相关技术的承诺。", "494. 各位部长鼓励加强南南合作,以支持发展中国家通过技术合作和能力建设方案应对气候变化的影响。", "495. 各位部长强调,海洋和海岸提供支助人类的宝贵资源和服务,可持续利用海洋生物资源也将增强全球的粮食安全以及提高今世后代适应气候变化的能力;他们进一步强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对海洋和海岸造成的气候相关影响,包括通过加强能力建设、促进科学监测活动以及宣传实现海岸和海洋综合管理的无害环境政策。", "人权和基本自由[29]⁹", "496. 各位部长重申不结盟运动关于人权和基本自由的原则立场的有效性和相关性,内容如下:", "496.1 各位部长重申,不结盟运动极为重视增进和保护人权,并根据《联合国宪章》、有关人权的其他适当文书和国际法的规定,承诺履行义务,增进对普遍认可的所有人权和各项基本自由的普遍尊重、遵守和保护。他们进一步重申,所有人权特别是发展权都具有普遍性,而且是不可剥夺、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的,必须在全球范围内通过建设性的、以对话为基础的以及采取公正、平等和客观的方式,以尊重国家主权和领土完整、不干涉别国内政、公正、不偏袒和透明性为其指导原则,处理人权问题,同时考虑到各国的政治、历史、社会、宗教和文化特点。在这方面,他们重申,不结盟运动关切并明确谴责有计划地公然侵犯人权和基本自由、严重妨碍其充分享受的情况以及妨碍其充分享受的暴力行为和行动;", "496.2 各位部长还重申,其反对所有的单方面胁迫性措施,包括向任何国家,特别是发展中国家施加政治或经济和财政压力的措施。他们重申,在任何情况下都不应剥夺人口的生存和发展途径。各位部长还对仍继续强制实施此类措施的做法表示关切,这破坏了受影响国家人口的福利,并妨碍全面实现其人权的工作;", "496.3 各位部长还重申,要铭记《联合国宪章》,并且经济和金融制裁会对《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》认可的各项权利,特别是发展权的实现带来不利影响。它们通常会严重破坏粮食、药物和卫生供应品分配,危害粮食质量,不利于清洁饮用水的获得,严重干扰基本保健和教育体系的运行,并破坏工作权,这一切都严重阻碍了目标国家的发展;", "496.4 各位部长表示关切以言论自由权为借口错误地为污蔑宗教行为辩解,这种做法忽视了有关人权文书,包括《世界人权宣言》第29段和《公民及政治权利国际公约》第19条第3款所明确规定的限制,包括条约机构在这方面的有关建议,强调各国必须继续展开国际努力,增强对话,并扩大不同文明、文化和宗教之间的了解,以及强调在促进容忍和对宗教及信仰自由的尊重方面,国家、区域组织、非政府组织、宗教团体和媒体可起重要作用。他们重申,根据第20条,《公约》所有缔约国有义务禁止倡导构成煽动歧视、敌对和暴力的种族或宗教仇恨行为。他们还欢迎人权理事会第7/36号决议对增进和保护见解和言论自由权问题特别报告员的任务所做的修正;", "496.5 各位部长重申,思想、言论及思想和信息传播自由对行使民主至关重要。他们还表示,应根据相关的国家立法框架和联合国各项文书,负责任地行使这些自由;", "496.6 各位部长申明虽有必要统一人权条约机构报告程序准则,但应更加努力,务使其工作更为有效、客观、透明和负责,以及根据公平地域代表性和两性平等的原则确保其成员更为均衡,并确保被提名的成员以个人身份在条约机构任职,道德高尚、办事公正,并具备人权领域的能力;", "496.7 各位部长表示关切,在联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)的人员配置中,不结盟国家无人任职和任职人数不足,要考虑到遵守公平地域分配原则至关重要;", "496.8 他们重申,联合国人权事务高级专员应根据联合国大会第48/141号决议规定的任务履行其职责,包括向大会这一联合国普遍机构提交年度报告;", "496.9 各位部长再次强调,应当禁止为政治目的将人权作为一项工具进行利用的行为,包括基于不相干的因素有选择性地针对个别国家,这种行为违反不结盟运动的基本原则和《联合国宪章》。他们促请在讨论人权问题时适当注意贫穷、不发达、边缘化、不稳定和外国占领问题,这些问题造成社会与经济上的排斥以及对人的尊严和人权的侵犯,关于人权的任何有意义的讨论都不能不谈到这些问题;", "496.10 各位部长重申,国家和国际两级的民主和善治、发展、对人权和基本自由特别是发展权的尊重,是相互依存、互为补充的。为任何目的或基于任何考虑对发展中国家采取胁迫性的单方面措施、规则和政策是对其人民各项基本权利的公然侵犯。各国必须加紧努力与赤贫和饥饿作斗争(千年发展目标1),以及争取社会最贫穷阶层参与决策进程;", "496.11 各位部长重申,饥饿侵犯了人的尊严,要求在国家、区域和国际各级采取紧急措施消除这一现象。他们还重申,根据食物权人人都有权获得安全和营养食品并可享有远离饥饿的基本权利,从而能够得到全面发展,并保持他或她的身体和精神能力。各位部长确认粮食安全对于实现所有人的食物权的重要性;", "496.12 各位部长再度表示关切恐怖行为包括外来占领国在被外国占领领土的恐怖行为导致人权和基本自由,特别是生命权和发展权受到公然侵犯,重申根据联合国有关决议谴责各种形式的恐怖行为、方法和做法;", "496.13 各位部长强调,对于最近在巴勒斯坦及其他被占领阿拉伯领土,包括被占领的叙利亚戈兰和黎巴嫩,发生的公然漠视生命和伴随的肆意破坏财产行为日益关切和不安。各位部长欢迎通过人权理事会第5/1号决议,决定将“巴勒斯坦和其他被占领阿拉伯领土的人权局势”列为理事会的一项长期议程项目;", "496.14 各位部长还欢迎最近人权理事会常会和特别会议以及大会第十届紧急特别会议续会通过的关于巴勒斯坦被占领土,特别是加沙地带的决议;", "496.15 各位部长重申在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民有权为争取民族解放和自决进行斗争;", "496.16 各位部长重申必须努力进一步加强和增进对人权和基本自由的尊重,必须制定符合人民需要的民主机制和健全的经济政策。在这方面,他们重申需要公平、不歧视、透明、问责、参与和国际合作等核心原则,包括国际财政、金融和贸易制度的伙伴关系和承诺,以及发展中国家必须充分和有效地参与决策和制订规范;", "496.17 各位部长对最近妇女在最高政治层当选表示欢迎,并强调,按照“促进两性平等和增强妇女权能”的千年发展目标3在不结盟国家政治制度中促进妇女平等参与的重要性。在这方面,各位部长感兴趣地注意到联合国促进妇女参与领导联合国高级官员结构的新政策;", "496.18 各位部长欢迎2010年9月1日至3日在纽约举行的残疾人权利公约缔约国第三届会议,并承诺要促进残疾人在平等基础上充分享有人权和基本自由。各位部长请尚未这样做的所有国家考虑加入《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》;", "496.19 各位部长对欧洲议会2008年6月18日通过的《遣返非法停留的第三国国民的共同标准和程序》(被称为《遣返指令》)深表关切。他们强调该指令严重违反了相关的国际人权文书,特别是《世界人权宣言》以及相关的劳工组织公约。他们还强调该指令具有歧视性,会对移徙行为进行定罪,加剧社会紧张程度、种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理,并会引起虐待移民及其家庭成员的行为;", "496.20 各位部长强调,所有国家必须通过在平等基础上开展合作性对话来解决国际移徙问题,在这方面,他们强烈敦促欧洲联盟及其成员国避免采取任何羞辱某些群体或个人的措施,包括第三国国民及其家庭成员,并请这些国家考虑签署和批准《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》;", "496.21 各位部长表示关切一些国家制定的立法及其阐释、做法和措施以及立法举措,因为这可能引起歧视性待遇并限制移民的人权和基本自由,还重申在行使主权以制定和执行迁徙和边境安全措施时,各国有责任履行包括国际人权法在内的国际法规定的义务,以确保充分尊重移民的人权;", "496.22 各位部长强烈谴责针对移民的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍的表现和行为,以及经常适用于他们的陈规定型观念,包括以宗教或信仰为由,并敦促各国适用且在必要时加强应对针对移民的仇外和不容忍行为、表现和表达方式的现有法律,以便消除仇外和种族主义行为实施者有罪不罚现象;以及", "496.23 各位部长还重申,各国有责任有效促进和保护所有移民,特别是妇女和儿童移民的人权和基本自由,无论其移民地位如何,应遵守《世界人权宣言》及其签署的各项国际文书。", "497. 各位部长确认人权学习和教育对促进和保护人权的重要意义,在这方面,欢迎人权理事会以协商一致的方式通过第16/1号决议,该决议涉及《联合国人权教育和训练宣言》。", "498. 各位部长赞赏地注意到大会通过了《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》,这是实现平等对待所有人权的积极而重要的一步。", "499. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "499.1 根据不结盟运动的有关基本原则、《联合国宪章》和符合会员国(不论其政治、经济和文化制度)的义务的国际人权文书,促进和保护所有民族的一切人权和基本自由,特别是发展权,并提供一套有效的构架,包括关于人权和基本自由的控告和受到侵犯的补救办法;", "499.2 考虑签署和批准《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》,以使其生效;", "499.3 推动国际施政制度的民主化,以加强发展中国家对国际决策的有效参与;", "499.4 敦促发达国家与发展中国国家,特别是最不发达国家建立有效的伙伴关系,如新伙伴关系和其他类似倡议,以落实其发展权利,包括实现千年发展目标;", "499.5 强调遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,反对并谴责在促进和保护人权方面的选择性和双重标准,以及任何利用或使用人权作为政治工具的企图;", "499.6 重申必须使人权理事会普遍定期审议机制免于政治化和双重标准,并防止对这一机制的滥用和操纵,以保证人权理事会的合作方式;", "499.7 加强不结盟运动的存在,办法是在各国际主要论坛,特别是人权理事会、经社理事会和联合国大会第三委员会的审议期间推动不结盟运动的立场,以此帮助加强上述联合国各实体在增进和保护所有人权方面的协调与合作;", "499.8 酌情在大会第三委员会和人权理事会更新和提出关于以下问题的决议草案:发展权;人权和单方面胁迫性措施;增强关于人权条约机构成员构成的公平地域分配原则、人权和文化多样性,以及在人权领域增进国际合作并考虑提出在国际合作领域促进遵守不结盟运动原则立场的其他举措;", "499.9 促进和保护所有的公认人权,特别是发展权,这是一项普遍的、不可剥夺的权利,是普遍认可的所有人权和基本自由不可分割的一部分;", "499.10 各位部长重申了《联合国千年宣言》中使人人真正享有发展权的目标,并适当考虑了单方面胁迫性经济和财政措施给实现发展权带来的不利影响;", "499.11 敦促所有国家在打击恐怖主义和跨国犯罪方面确保给予其人民更多的保护,在这方面,进一步敦促所有国家确保其国家法律或立法,特别是有关打击恐怖主义的法律和立法不会限制个人的权利,并确保这些法律和立法没有歧视性或仇外性质;以及敦促各国确保采取的打击恐怖主义的任何措施符合国际法规定的义务,特别是国际人权、难民和人道主义法;", "499.12 争取发展权在国际一级得到更多国家接受、并力求行使和实现发展权;敦促所有国家在国家一级开展必要的政策拟订工作,并制定必要措施,行使作为一项基本人权的发展权,进一步敦促所有国家在推动国际有效合作以实现发展权的范畴内,扩大并深化互惠合作,以确保发展并消除发展障碍,同时铭记,为了在行使发展权方面持续取得进展,必须在国家一级实行有效的发展政策,在国际一级建立公平的经济关系和有利的经济环境;", "499.13 敦促联合国人权机制作为一项优先事项确保行使发展权,包括由有关机构拟订《发展权公约》,同时考虑到有关倡议的建议;[30]", "499.14 建议并致力于举行由联合国赞助的发展权高级别国际会议;", "499.15 将发展权纳入联合国及其专门机构、方案和基金的业务活动以及国际金融与多边贸易体制的政策和战略的主流,同时考虑到国际经济、商业和财政领域的核心原则,如公正、非歧视、透明、问责、参与和国际合作,包括有效的发展伙伴关系等原则,对于实现发展权、防止基于政治或其他非经济因素歧视性对待发展中国家所关注的问题,这些原则是必不可少的;", "499.16 在相关的政府间论坛,特别是在大会和经济及社会理事会与人权理事会,推进不结盟运动的共同立场,并改进不结盟运动的协调,其目的是在增进和保护所有人权和基本自由方面加强国际合作与协调;", "499.17 积极参与人权理事会的审议进程,确保不结盟运动的立场得到适当考虑并纳入该进程的最后成果文件中;", "499.18 考虑就保护陷入国际武装冲突的平民人权问题召开不结盟运动会议;", "499.19 鼓励国家现有独立人权机构,包括监察员(如果有)在不偏袒和客观的基础上发挥建设性作用,以增进和保护其本国的所有人权和基本自由,并在这方面要求联合国人权事务高级专员办事处按照有关国家的要求,为其本国机构的设立和运作给予更多援助。各位部长还欢迎大会第六十五届会议以协商一致方式通过题为“监察员、调解员和其他国家人权机构在促进和保护人权方面的作用”的A/RES/65/207号决议;", "499.20 呼吁不结盟运动成员国和国际社会支持人权理事会的目标和有效运作,人权理事会是作为联合国大会的一个附属机构设立的,强调极需确保人权理事会的工作完全没有政治化、双重标准和选择性;以及", "499.21 维护和促进不结盟运动在国际劳工组织(劳工组织)范围内的立场,并为此:", "(a) 在每一次国际劳工大会框架内继续举行不结盟运动劳工部长会议;", "(b) 继续提高透明度和所有行为体更民主地参与劳工组织的机制和程序;", "(c) 继续开展和支持在2007年6月国际劳工组织第九十六届大会背景下在日内瓦举行的部长级会议通过的两份不结盟运动劳动部长宣言所载的有关改革标准适用委员会的工作方法和扩大结社自由委员会的协定;", "(d) 重申其决心并承诺充分执行2009年6月15日在日内瓦举行的不结盟运动劳动部长会议上通过的不结盟运动宣言,涉及贯彻落实于2007年6月通过的上述两份不结盟运动宣言以及“国际劳工组织九十周年纪念日及国际金融和经济危机”一事;", "(e) 在这方面欢迎2009年6月举行的国际劳工第九十八届大会通过的《全球就业契约》,该契约特别强调当前的全球金融和经济危机的社会层面,并通过将就业和劳工问题以及社会保护问题置于一揽子刺激计划和其他对抗危机的相关政策的核心,突出应对危机的社会办法。", "种族主义、种族歧视及奴役", "500. 各位部长重申,他们谴责一切形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为,包括与此有关的政纲与活动,因为它们严重侵犯人权和基本自由,是争取机会均等的障碍。他们提请国际社会注意,继续确认奴役和贩卖奴隶,包括跨越大西洋贩卖奴隶属于危害人类罪,奴役、贩卖奴隶、殖民主义、外国占领、外来统治、灭绝种族和其他形式的奴役遗产表现为贫穷、不发达、边缘化、社会排斥和发展中国家的经济差距。", "501. 各位部长欢迎通过大会关于废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为及其后果的第61/19号决议及第62/122号决议,以及关于奴隶制受害者和跨大西洋奴隶贸易永久性纪念馆和纪念碑的第63/5号和第64/15号决议。", "502. 各位部长还欢迎大会通过第65/239号决议,回顾将每年3月25日指定为奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶受害者国际纪念日,并重申关于跨大西洋奴隶贸易和奴隶制教育宣传方案的重要性,该方案涉及各种教育宣传战略,以期后代对跨大西洋奴隶贸易的原因、后果、教训和遗产获得认识和教育,以及就种族主义和偏见带来的危险进行交流,并鼓励在这方面继续采取行动。他们赞成并支持在联合国总部显眼处建立一座奴隶制度和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行动受害者永久纪念碑方面正在进行的种种努力。他们还欢迎为此设立一项基金,并对已经为基金捐款的会员国表示赞赏,鼓励其他会员国也加以效仿。", "503. 各位部长严重关切当代形式的奴役和人口贩运活动对人权和发展产生的不利影响,关切国家越来越易受这种罪行的影响。他们重申必须群策群力打击当代形式的奴役和人口贩运活动。", "504. 各位部长对宗教和文化偏见、误解、不容忍以及基于宗教、信仰或不同制度的歧视事例表示失望,这种事例妨害所有人权和基本自由的享受,妨碍促进和平文化。多元主义、容忍和对宗教和文化多样性的了解是和平与和谐的必要条件。偏见、歧视、陈规定型观念以及依种族、宗教和宗派定性的行为侮蔑人的尊严和平等,不应予以宽恕。尊重民主和人权、促进各国政府的了解和容忍,以及增进少数族裔之间的了解和容忍,对于人权的增进和保护至关重要。他们重申各国有义务确保所有人权和基本自由得到充分享受而不受差别待遇,法律面前完全平等。", "505. 在此背景下,各位部长欢迎各国与联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)协作,通过在国家、区域和国际各级的各种活动和倡议,为教科文组织宣布的2010国际文化和睦年纪念活动的筹备做出积极贡献。他们还呼吁各国考虑能否宣布联合国为了和平而促进宗教间和文化间的对话、了解与合作十年。", "506. 回顾不结盟运动反对一切形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为,表示严重关切世界各地当代形式的这种令人痛恨的罪行重新抬头,各位部长注意到各国在国家、区域和国际各级正在取得进展,重点是为反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议采取全面后续行动和有效执行《德班宣言和行动纲领》。为此,各位部长敦促人权理事会通过为此设立的政府间工作组着手拟订《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》的补充标准。", "507. 各位部长赞成2009年4月20日至24日在日内瓦举行的德班审查会议的成果文件。在这方面,他们重申了《德班宣言和行动纲领》自2001年在反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议上获得通过以来作为一项指示性文件的有效性,成为了反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为的坚实基础。", "508. 各位部长再次呼吁发达国家、联合国及其专门机构以及国际金融机构遵守《德班宣言和行动纲领》第四部分“在国家、区域和国际三级规定有效的补救、追索、补偿、赔偿和其他措施”中所载的承诺。", "509. 各位部长强调必须以更大的决心和政治意愿来解决世界上所有地方和生活中各个领域的一切形式和表现的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为,包括在外国占领的所有情况下。", "510. 各位部长注意到德班审查会议决心如《公民及政治权利国际公约》第20条所述,全面有效地禁止任何鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨,构成煽动歧视、敌对或暴力的行为,并采取一切必要的立法、政策和司法措施加以实施。", "511. 各位部长呼吁所有成员国,包括没有参加反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议(2001年)和德班审查会议(2009年)的国家,贯彻执行《德班宣言和行动纲领》的所有规定和德班审查会议的成果文件,以抵抗种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为的灾祸。", "512. 各位部长欢迎2011年9月21日即将在纽约召开的大会高级别会议,以纪念《德班宣言和行动纲领》通过十周年,届时国家元首和政府首脑将出席会议。各位部长期待通过该政治宣言,并鼓励联合国所有会员国尽量参加级别最高的会议。", "国际人道主义法", "513. 各位部长敦促各国将促进了解、尊重和遵守国际人道主义法,特别是《1949年日内瓦四公约》及其《1977年议定书》规定的义务继续作为适当优先事项,他们鼓励各国考虑批准或加入两项《1977年附加议定书》。在这方面,考虑到以色列作为占领国在巴勒斯坦被占领土上广泛而持续地侵犯和违反包括国际人道主义法在内的国际法,各位部长呼吁瑞士政府作为《日内瓦公约》保存国尽快安排《日内瓦第四公约》缔约国会议,以采取法律措施确保在此种状态下尊重和遵守《日内瓦公约》。", "514. 各位部长呼吁武装冲突各方加倍努力,遵守国际人道主义法规定的义务,特别是禁止在武装冲突期间以平民人口、平民财产和某些特别财产为攻击对象,任何冲突的当事方都必须确保广泛防止民用设施、医院和救济物资、交通工具和此种救济物资的分发受到军事行动造成的危险。", "515. 各位部长重申,不结盟运动谴责对人道主义人员安全和安保的越来越严重的攻击行为,并敦促联合国各会员国政府根据有关国际法,确保尊重对人道主义组织人员的保护。人道主义机构及其人员在工作中应尊重国际人道主义法和所在国的法律及大会第46/182号决议及其附件中所载的人道主义援助指导原则和不干涉原则,以及所在国人民的文化、宗教和其他价值观。", "516. 各位部长回顾国际人道主义法和相关人权文书对在国际武装冲突中被俘人员的保护。", "517. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "517.1 请尚未批准《1954年关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其两项《附加议定书》的国家考虑予以批准;", "517.2 敦促各国充分遵守国际人道主义法的各项规定,尤其是《日内瓦公约》的规定,以保护及帮助被占领土上的平民,并进一步敦促国际社会和联合国系统相关组织加强对遭受外国占领的平民的人道主义援助;以及", "517.3 强调必须以人道方式对待在国际武装冲突中所有被拘押或被俘人员,并且尊重国际人道主义法和相关人权文书赋予他们的固有尊严。", "518. 在这方面,各位部长注意到印度尼西亚政府于2010年11月8日至9日主持召开国际人道主义法和保护平民区域讲习班。", "人道主义援助", "519. 各位部长重申,不能把提供人道主义援助政治化,并且必须充分尊重为人道主义援助协调工作提供指导原则的大会第46/182号决议及其附件所规定的人道、中立和公正原则,并强调指出,联合国所有人道主义实体和相关组织在开展业务时都必须按照各自的任务授权、国际人道主义法和所在国法律行事。他们进一步重申,必须根据《联合国宪章》充分尊重各国的主权、领土完整和国家统一。在此背景之下,他们着重指出,提供人道主义援助应该遵照“应受害国家请求并经其同意”这一原则。", "520. 各位部长重申,不结盟运动决心加强国际合作,在充分遵守《联合国宪章》的情况下提供人道主义援助,并在这方面重申,不结盟运动拒绝接受所谓的人道主义干预“权”,这种说法无论在《联合国宪章》还是在国际法中都没有依据。", "521. 各位部长强调人道主义援助属于民政活动的基本性质,重申在利用军事能力和资产支助人道主义援助活动的局势中,利用这些能力和资产必须得到受灾国同意,必须符合国家法律和国际法,包括国际人道主义法,并且充分尊重大会第46/182号决议规定的各项原则。", "522. 各位部长呼吁国际社会在各个层次上充分支持紧急人道主义援助,包括财政资源,并着重指出,必须由大会对联合国中央应急基金所开展的各项活动进行跟踪、监督和审查,确保该基金的运转符合联合国相关决议,特别是大会第46/182号决议所载的商定原则。他们重申必须迅速调拨中央应急基金,作为向受灾国家提供的紧急人道主义援助的一部分。", "523. 各位部长重申,在加强实地人道主义协调的过程中,联合国人道主义实体必须继续与国家政府保持密切协调,并且遵循正在执行的关于向受灾人口提供援助的国家政策和方案。各位部长还重申,联合国人道主义实体必须根据国际人道主义法的规定,协调其向生活在外国占领下的受灾平民提供人道主义援助的工作。", "524. 各位部长敦促联合国人道主义实体、其他相关人道主义组织和捐助国努力加强与受灾国家的合作与协调,目的是以各种支持尽快复原以及可持续的恢复与重建努力的方式计划和提供紧急人道主义援助。", "525. 各位部长对世界各地发生的自然灾害所造成的人类灾难和经济后果表示关切,特别是自然灾害在海地、巴基斯坦和非洲大陆的很多地区造成重大人员伤亡。他们鼓励国际社会、国家当局和非政府组织加强紧急备灾、减灾和抗灾管理措施,如区域灾害预警系统以及信息交流,以此推动开展更紧密的合作,应对自然灾害。", "526. 各位部长鼓励联合国系统竭尽所能加速其全面整合,并将减少风险纳入其所有方案和活动的主流,确保其为《兵库行动框架》和千年发展目标的实现做出贡献。此外,各位部长承认联合国在减少灾害风险方面所做工作的重要性、对战略秘书处提出的要求越来越高,以及为执行该战略提供更多的、及时、稳定和可预测资源的必要性;在这方面,请秘书长考虑如何最好地为执行减少自然灾害战略提供支助,同时考虑到国际减少灾害战略秘书处起到的重要作用,以确保为战略秘书处的运行提供充足资源。", "527. 各位部长还对能力和协调限制表示关切,它们制约了国际人道主义应急系统应对一些最近发生的严重自然灾害带来的挑战的能力。", "528. 各位部长注意到印度尼西亚政府于2010年8月4日至6日主持召开2010年亚太区域人道主义伙伴关系讲习班:提高备灾和救灾能力。", "529. 各位部长对哥伦比亚、海地、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、萨尔瓦多、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯表示声援,2009和2010年影响加勒比和亚洲区域的地震、飓风和洪水给这些国家带来了严重的负面影响,并重申他们打算加强未来不结盟运动国家在减少灾害风险领域的协调与合作。", "530. 各位部长还鼓励各国履行承诺,援助容易遭受自然灾害的发展中国家,援助处于向可持续的物质、社会和经济恢复过渡的受灾国,援助在灾后恢复和复原过程中开展的减少风险活动。", "531. 各位部长确认不结盟运动在协调其对人道主义援助的立场方面具有重要作用,为此,他们请协调局依据2006年在哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议的决定,使不结盟运动人道主义事务联络小组运转起来,同时考虑建立不结盟运动人道主义援助工作组,并尽快就这样一个工作组的职权范围进行讨论、达成协议并做出决定。各位部长一致同意,必须加强向受灾的不结盟运动成员国提供援助和协助的机制,包括就减轻灾情和流离失所者建立一个机构的可能性。", "532. 在这方面,各位部长呼吁联合国会员国全面遵守国际人道主义法的各项规定,特别是1949年8月12日《日内瓦公约》关于保护战争受害者的规定,以保护和援助被占领土的平民,同时敦促国际社会和联合国系统相关组织加强给予外国占领下的平民的人道主义援助和其他援助。", "533. 各位部长表示支持在人道主义紧急状况下向所有受灾人口提供教育,包括以促进从救济向发展平稳过渡为目的。", "信息和通信技术", "534. 各位部长重申需要执行和跟踪在日内瓦和突尼斯举行的信息社会世界首脑会议两个阶段的成果。在此背景之下,他们强调不结盟国家必须推动实现首脑会议以发展为导向的成果,履行突尼斯承诺并充分执行信息社会议程,还敦促联合国会员国、相关联合国机构和其他政府间组织以及民间社会,包括非政府组织和私营部门执行这些成果。", "535. 各位部长重申为将数字鸿沟转变为数字机遇,这些活动应确保必须普遍、包容和无歧视地获得信息和通信技术方面的知识,并应促使支持发展中国家在能力建设、提高和增强方面所做的国家努力,以帮助其真正参与信息社会和知识经济的所有方面。他们鼓励所有国家做出积极贡献,确保信息社会以尊重文化特性、文化和语言多样性、传统和宗教及道德价值观为基石,并促进这种观念。", "536. 各位部长表示关切发达国家与发展中国家在获取信息通信和技术工具和宽带连接方面存在的数字鸿沟,这影响了很多领域的经济和社会相关应用,特别是政府、企业、保健和教育领域,各位部长还表示关切发展中国家在宽带连接领域面临的特殊挑战。", "537. 各位部长要求媒体根据行为守则和专业道德规范负责地利用和对待信息。各种形式的媒体在信息社会均发挥重要的作用,信息和通信技术也应在此方面发挥有利作用。他们重申,有必要减少影响媒体的国际不平衡现象,特别是在基础设施、技术资源和人类技能发展方面。", "538. 各位部长高度赞赏马来西亚主办第六次不结盟国家新闻部长会议,并高度赞扬委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国于2008年7月2日至4日在玛格丽塔岛主办第七次不结盟国家新闻部长会议,赞赏会议通过的实质性成果文件和《行动纲领》,并表示不结盟运动决心并承诺充分实施其中所载的各项决定和建议。", "539. 各位部长赞同增强和巩固不结盟运动新闻网工作的重要性。各位部长对马来西亚启动和自2003年以来支持不结盟运动新闻网的工作表示赞赏。", "540. 各位部长强调,自愿向在日内瓦设立的数字团结基金供资至关重要,该基金是针对相关利益攸关方设立的一项自愿性创新金融机制,其目的是通过主要侧重于地方一级的具体紧急需求,并寻求新的自愿“团结”筹资来源,将发展中国家的数字鸿沟转变为数字机遇。数字团结基金将对资助信息社会的现有各项机制提供补充,应继续充分利用这一机制,资助增加新的信息和通信技术基础设施和服务。", "541. 各位部长表示反对散发有关发展中国家所发生事件的有偏见和扭曲的信息。在这方面,他们大力支持为振兴不结盟国家广播组织所做的努力,该组织是向全世界发送有关发展中国家事件真实消息的有效媒体。他们还注意到“新南方电视台”(TELESUR)在这方面的宝贵经验。", "542. 各位部长重申支持《突尼斯信息社会议程》,尤其是与发展有关的部容,并强调发展中国家的代表公平有效参与实施信息社会世界首脑会议进程各项成果的重要性,其中包括支持因特网治理论坛和加强合作模式。", "543. 各位部长强调,信息社会世界首脑会议的结论指出,根据《日内瓦原则》开展的互联网治理工作是信息社会议程的一个核心问题,在国际互联网治理方面,所有政府均应平等发挥作用并履行职责。他们还请成员国尽最大可能参与互联网治理方面的决定,以反映其在相关过程中的利益。他们还重申,信息社会世界首脑会议坚信需要加强合作,以使各政府在与互联网相关的国际公共政策问题上平等发挥其作用,并履行职责。各位部长表示,他们甚为关切联合国秘书长根据首脑会议第二阶段的《突尼斯信息社会议程》第69至第71段所述在启动增强合作的进程时出现的长期延迟。因此,他们再次强烈敦促联合国秘书长紧急启动这一进程。", "544. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "544.1 开展工作,充分执行并贯彻信息社会世界首脑会议两个阶段的成果,在这方面,推动不结盟运动国家有效、平等参与该进程;", "544.2 在普遍、包容和无歧视地获得与信息和通信技术相关的信息和知识基础上,加强合作,促进世界信息和通信新秩序,这是缩小发达国家与发展中国家日益扩大的数字鸿沟的一个基本要求;", "544.3 考虑就适当利用和管理互联网举办一次不结盟运动讲习班,以便分享该领域的最佳做法和吸取的教训;", "544.4 要求立即结束滥用媒体煽动和发动针对不结盟运动成员国的运动,除其他外包括,违反国际法原则敌对性利用无线电和电子途径进行传播,对发展中国家发生的事件进行歧视性歪曲报道,以及发动亵渎宗教、文化和象征符号的运动;", "544.5 支持和增强执行《玛格丽塔岛宣言和行动纲领》;", "544.6 在联合国、相关国际组织和机构,包括教科文组织协调不结盟运动在与通信和信息有关问题上的工作,特别是根据《科技信息领域合作政府间方案》;", "544.7 支持和增强国际电联在援助其成员国,特别是发展中国家过程中所起的作用。", "提高妇女地位", "545. 各位部长再次承诺不结盟运动将执行第四次妇女问题世界会议通过的《宣言和行动纲要》,并全力支持2000年6月联合国大会第二十三届特别会议通过的执行《北京宣言和行动纲要》“进一步行动和倡议”中所载的五年期审查和评价成果。", "546. 各位部长欢迎与《北京宣言和行动纲要》执行情况第15次年度审查同时举行的妇女地位委员会第五十四届会议取得的成果,还欢迎2010年举行的大会第二十三届特别会议的成果。", "547. 各位部长表示决心消除针对妇女和女童的一切形式歧视和暴力,特别是武装冲突和外国占领情形下的歧视和暴力,其中包括冲突各方蓄意把劫持和强奸作为一种战争工具的做法,以及贩卖及伤害妇女和女童的行为。他们对这类行为持续不断表示憎恶。在这方面,他们呼吁各国采取必要措施打击犯下此类罪行的人,确保遵守国际法和国内法,包括针对在武装冲突中保护妇女和女童问题制定法律。他们还请尚未批准或加入《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的国家考虑批准或加入该公约,并鼓励所有成员国考虑签署、批准或加入该公约《任择议定书》。", "548. 各位部长重申了大会和经济及社会理事会的主要和基础作用,妇女地位委员会也发挥了重要作用,该委员会的任务较为广泛,涉及与妇女发展、人权和基本自由相关的所有层面。", "549. 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于联合国体制改革的原则立场的有效性和相关性,并强调包括性别领域在内的改革的目的是联合国发展系统在根据其国家发展战略支助发展中国家实现国际商定的发展目标方面更加有力和有效,改革工作也应提高组织效率,并取得具体的发展成果。", "550. 各位部长表示赞赏埃及在提高妇女地位和增强妇女权能方面起到的重要作用。在这方面,他们欢迎埃及提出的请不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议作为讨论妇女问题的主要论坛的倡议。", "551. 各位部长欢迎联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能署(妇女署)的建立,作为联合国为加强全系统能力以实现两性平等和妇女赋权持续做出的重要努力,各位部长赞赏地注意到在2010年7月建立这一新实体时联合协调委员会在谈判和通过题为“全系统一致性”的大会第64/289号决议时起到的重要作用。各位部长还欢迎任命妇女署第一副秘书长以及选举妇女署第一执行局。他们还对妇发基金、研训所、提高妇女地位司以及两性平等问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室所做的一切努力表示赞赏。", "552. 各位部长再次要求妇女署执行主任特别关注生活在外国占领下的妇女状况及其遭受的痛苦,特别是通过全面按照包括国际人道主义法和人权法在内的国际法,任命一位协调员来应对其处境。", "553. 为促进妇女的人权,各位部长表示决心在国家、区域和国际各级采取合理措施,提高妇女的生活质量,实现两性平等,并增强妇女权能,同时还铭记妇女的内在潜力,采取的方法除其他外包括,通过合理的社会经济战略和方案,向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女和农村妇女提供政府服务,包括保健、教育和司法服务,并增强家庭福祉。", "554. 各位部长重申其致力于积极推动将社会性别观点纳入所有政治、经济和社会领域政策和方案的拟订、执行、监测和评价工作的主流,并确保妇女作为重要行为者充分代表以及全面和平等地参与消除贫穷的工作。", "555. 各位部长欢迎卡塔尔国慷慨地提出2011年11月上半月在多哈主办第3次不结盟运动提高妇女地位问题部长级会议。", "556. 各位部长赞赏地注意到在吉隆坡建立不结盟运动提高妇女地位国际研究训练所(提高妇女地位研训所)并投入运转,重申他们继续支持该研究训练所的活动。各位部长表示赞赏埃及和危地马拉为在开罗和危地马拉城开设不结盟运动区域办事处所做的努力,并期待尽早开始活动。", "557. 各位部长鼓励不结盟运动成员国加强与该研究训练所和区域办事处合作,包括通过财政捐助,以便促进其工作和活动。", "558. 各位部长欢迎通过关于改善农村妇女状况的第64/14号决议,并确认农村妇女在社会中发挥重要作用,需要充分执行该决议中的相关规定,以增强农村妇女的权能,并改善其状况。", "559. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认有必要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "559.1. 2011年11月上半月在卡塔尔国多哈举办第3次不结盟运动提高妇女地位问题部长级会议。在这方面,他们敦促所有不结盟运动成员国积极参加会议。", "土著人民", "560. 各位部长极为赞赏地注意到大会通过了《联合国土著人民权利宣言》。同样,他们重申支持促进土著民族的经济、政治和文化权利,并重申承诺特别关注国家和多边两级通过促使土著民族参与民政事务来改善其生活条件的各项努力。同样,面对不正当的盗用及使用土著民族传统知识,他们同意推动保护生物文化集体遗产,以便土著民族能够拥有适当的知识产权法律文书,保护其传统知识免遭第三方未经授权或不适当的使用。", "561. 各位部长还支持,需要在联合国系统,特别是其机构、基金和方案内实施一系列改善全世界范围内土著人民福祉的政策和方案,并在合理的情况下执行《联合国土著人民权利宣言》来促进土著人民的权利。", "562. 各位部长赞赏地注意到2007年12月14日通过了人权理事会第6/36号决议,该决议设立了关于土著人民权利的专家机制,以向理事会提供关于土著人民权利的专题知识。", "563. 各位部长还赞赏地注意到秘书长2009年7月关于实现在实现第二个世界土著人国际十年的目的和目标方面所获的进展的中期评估报告,报告强调必须进一步努力,以便将政策一级的倡议转化为针对和涉及土著人民的有效行动。", "564. 各位部长欢迎大会通过2010年12月21日第65/198号决议,决定筹备定于2014年举行的大会高级别全体会议,即土著人民问题世界会议,以分享关于落实土著人民权利的观点和最佳做法,包括追求《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的目标,并请各会员国充分参与这一活动。各位部长期待就会议模式,包括相关利益攸关方的参与问题进行磋商。", "565. 各位部长重申,所有文化都有权存在并保护其传统做法,因为这些做法是其特征所固有的。在这方面,他们承认安第斯土著人民有权充分享受其传统和千年权利,并注意到玻利维亚政府为其人民捍卫和保护这些做法的权利。在此背景之下,各位部长注意到关于其中一些传统做法的不断讨论,在这方面可能需要科学评估。", "文盲", "566. 各位部长深表关切,约6 900万小学适龄儿童仍然失学,无法获得初等教育,有7.96亿成年人是文盲,并且这些文盲中有三分之二以上是残疾人,特别是非洲和亚洲儿童。如果不能在实现全民教育方面加速取得进展,国家和国际两级商定的减贫目标将无法实现,国家之间以及社会内部的不平等问题将进一步扩大。在这方面,他们重申不结盟运动继续支持实现千年发展目标和“联合国扫盲十年(2003-2012年)”的各项目标并充分承诺提供合作。", "567. 在此背景之下,各位部长决定优先重视制定不结盟运动成员国之间的合作计划,加强区域和国际合作,有效解决和消除文盲问题,在2015年之前实现关于普及初等教育的千年发展目标。各位部长承认在执行联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)确认的各项扫盲举措方面取得了一些进展,包括“是的,我可以”扫盲方法。", "568. 各位部长欢迎关于“联合国扫盲十年:全民教育”的第65/183号决议获得通过。各位部长强调需要进一步扩大努力,以便实现这十年的目标,并执行《十年期国际行动计划》,同时铭记联合国扫盲十年将在一年后结束,而且实现全民教育目标和千年发展目标的目标日期2015年正在迫近。", "569. 各位部长决定创建无文盲的氛围和社会,消除文盲,包括妇女和女童,并消除扫盲领域存在的两性差距,采用的方法除其他外还包括,增强努力,有效执行《联合国扫盲十年国际行动计划》,并将这些努力切实融入到联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)的全民教育进程及其他活动,以及国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标框架中的其他扫盲举措。", "570. 各位部长还决定,在执行《十年期国际行动计划》的最后阶段,充分关注少数民族、土著人民和残疾人的文化多样性,并为青年和成年人制定和提供优质的扫盲方案。", "保健、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病和其他传染病", "571. 各位部长表示关切艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病和其他传染病等流行病构成的全球威胁。在此背景之下,他们呼吁联合国会员国在国家、区域和国际各级加强应对和打击这些灾祸方面的合作。", "572. 各位部长确认艾滋病毒/艾滋病的传播构成全球性紧急情况,对有关社会乃至全世界的发展、进步和稳定构成最严峻的挑战,必须做出特别的和全面的全球反应。他们欢迎联合国大会关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的高级别会议于2006年6月2日通过关于该问题的政治宣言,并呼吁联合国会员国大力加强努力,实现到2010年人人能受惠于综合预防方案、治疗、护理和支持的目标,以及到2015年抑制和扭转这一流行病的蔓延,因此吁请所有国家,特别是发达国家充分履行这些承诺,并敦促国际组织、非政府组织和企业界支持国家的努力和优先事项。", "573. 各位部长表示严重关切在降低孕产妇和儿童死亡率以及改善妇女和儿童健康方面取得的缓慢进展,特别是在非洲。在这方面,各位部长欢迎2010年7月19日至27日在坎帕拉举行主题为“母婴幼健康与非洲发展”的非洲联盟首脑会议第十五次常会,欢迎非洲联盟发起“加速降低非洲孕产妇死亡率的宣传运动”;以及欢迎“非洲关爱生命:不应让妇女在生育时死亡”口号的提出。各位部长欢迎并鼓励国家、区域和国际一级为应对挑战所做的所有努力,并呼吁所有合作伙伴履行其在这方面的义务。各位部长欢迎联合国妇女和儿童健康信息和问责委员会所做的题为“履行诺言,衡量成果”的报告,并呼吁所有伙伴审议报告提出的确保孕产妇和儿童健康取得快速进展的建议。", "574. 各位部长确认南南合作打击艾滋病毒/艾滋病方面取得的成就,并决定优先重视制定不结盟运动成员国之间的合作计划,以及加强区域和国际合作,有效解决艾滋病毒和艾滋病问题,实现千年发展目标6和目标8。在这方面,他们欢迎大会于2011年6月8日至10日在纽约举行艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题高级别会议。", "575. 各位部长对禽流感自首次大规模爆发以来产生的严重威胁表示严重关切,因为禽流感不仅会对全球公众的健康,而且会对全球经济造成严重影响。他们重申,必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取协调行动,有效及时地应对这一挑战。在这方面,各位部长表示支持2010年4月在河内举行的第7次“动物与大流行性流感:未来方向”国际部长级会议通过《河内宣言》。", "576. 各位部长进一步表示极为关切甲型猪流感(H1N1)疫情出现和蔓延带来的威胁;请世界卫生组织和国际金融组织向受影响国家提供充分的后勤和财政支助,以便迅速有效地抑制该流行病的传播,并向受影响国家提供充分援助,以防该疾病进一步爆发。在这方面,他们吁请世界卫生组织与受影响国家协调,确保有条理并适当地采取后续行动,以便有效遏制该流行病进一步蔓延。", "577. 在这方面,各位部长欢迎以协调一致方式通过关于预防大流行性流感:共同对付流感病毒以及获取疫苗和其他惠益的世界卫生大会(卫生大会)第64/57号决议。", "578. 各位部长强调,在第六十四届世界卫生大会框架内,2011年5月18日在瑞士日内瓦组织召开了第4次不结盟运动卫生部长会议,并表示支持大会通过的宣言“增强国际卫生系统:加强全球团结防范流行病,应对卫生系统、供资和全面免疫,以及抗击非传染性疾病”,并决心和承诺,在平等的基础上,以保护发展中国家利益的方式,充分执行其各项决定和建议,并始终如一地就这些问题和之前的不结盟运动宣言所涉问题采取后续行动。这些问题涉及加强国际卫生系统和加强国际团结防范流行病(2010年)、卫生和金融危机(2009年)以及移民和培训合格保健人员、特别影响发展中国家的疾病以及国际一级的负责任做法,以便共同应对禽流感病毒,确保分享惠益(2008年)。", "579. 各位部长认为,“卫生人员国际招聘行为守则”获得通过是一项积极进展,这需要通过实际措施进一步巩固,以处理发展中国家卫生工作者移民的影响问题。", "580. 各位部长强调,必须在国家、区域和全球各级采取协调一致的行动并做出协调一致的反应,以充分应对非传染性疾病带来的发展和其他方面的挑战,特别是四种最著名的非传染性疾病,即心血管疾病、癌症、慢性呼吸道疾病和糖尿病。在这方面,各位部长欢迎即将于2011年9月19日和20日在纽约举行的关于预防和控制非传染性疾病的大会高级别会议,届时国家元首和政府首脑将参加会议,并且鼓励不结盟运动所有成员国派该级别代表出席并积极参加上述会议。", "581. 各位部长深表关切当前的国际经济和金融危机对发展中国家卫生系统的潜在负面影响。在此背景之下,他们呼吁捐助国履行承诺,将其国内生产总值的0.7%用于官方发展援助,并敦促捐助方支持保健方面的国际合作方案,包括旨在支持实现千年发展目标和通过能力建设和技术转让加强国家卫生系统的方案。各位部长重申必须充分利用世贸组织《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》提供的灵活措施,包括《关于与贸易有关的知识产权协议与公共卫生的多哈宣言》和世贸组织2003年8月30日决定所确认的措施,以期应对其人民的公共卫生需要。他们进一步认识到,南南合作不能取代南北合作,但可以补充南北合作;并在这方面,重申其决心开展更为有效的南南合作和三角合作,并考虑到为执行与健康有关的发展方案调配其他必要资源。", "582. 各位部长赞赏积极参加在第六十四届世界卫生大会期间于2011年5月18日在瑞士日内瓦举行的第4次不结盟运动卫生部长会议。他们还欢迎题为“增强国际卫生系统:加强全球团结防范流行病,应对卫生系统、供资和普遍免疫,以及抗击非传染性疾病”的会议成果文件。", "583. 各位部长欢迎在地方、国家、区域和全球一级各利益攸关方之间不断发展的伙伴关系,旨在解决全球保健的多重决定因素以及各种承诺和倡议,以加快在与保健有关的千年发展目标方面的进展,包括2010年9月20日至22日在纽约联合国总部举行的千年发展目标高级别会议上宣布的承诺和倡议。", "584. 各位部长认识到对外政策与全球健康之间的关系及其相互依存性,在这方面还认识到,全球健康挑战要求国际社会做出一致和持续的努力。各位部长欢迎大会通过第64/108号决议,并期待继续就此问题进行讨论,特别是非健康问题对全球健康的影响。在这方面,各位部长满意地注意到题为“执行全球公共卫生方面的国际商定目标和承诺”的2009年《经社理事会部长宣言》。", "跨国有组织犯罪", "585. 各位部长重申,不结盟运动承诺协调国家、区域和国际各级打击跨国犯罪的努力和战略,并制订打击这种性质犯罪的最有效办法。他们重申,在开展打击跨国犯罪的国际努力时,应对国家主权和领土完整给予必要尊重。", "586. 各位部长重申,有组织犯罪活动对发展、政治稳定以及社会和文化价值观产生不利影响。", "587. 各位部长重申,要应对跨国有组织犯罪带来的威胁,就必须在国际一级开展紧密合作。他们再次承诺通过增强国家法律框架,并在适当情况下出台合作机制,特别是通过交流信息、开展法律互助以及酌情根据国内法和国际文书进行引渡来打击所有形式的跨国有组织犯罪。", "588. 各位部长回顾了《关于犯罪与司法的维也纳宣言》以及《曼谷宣言》,确认全面防止犯罪战略除其他外必须要解决此类行为的根源和风险因素。", "589. 各位部长表示关切文化财产的损失、销毁和转移文化财产的行为,并对有组织犯罪集团越来越多地参与贩卖被掠夺、盗窃或走私的文化财产也表示关切。各位部长强调,必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取举措,保护文化遗产,特别是联合国教育、科学及文化组织及其促使文化遗产送回原有国或归还非法占有文化财产政府间委员会开展的工作,并强调必须促进国际执法合作,打击贩卖文化财产的行为,特别需要交流信息和经验,以更为有效地开展运作。", "590. 各位部长进一步敦促《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》缔约国根据该公约第14条第2款,加强广泛合作,预防和打击针对文化财产的犯罪,特别是在向合法所有人归还这些犯罪所得或财产方面,同时请缔约国根据其国家法律,交换关于针对文化财产犯罪的各方面信息,并酌情协调行政和其他措施,以便预防、及早发现和惩罚这些行为。", "591. 根据并遵循上述原则立场,各位部长同意采取以下措施,其中包括:", "591.1 酌情在国家和国际两级采取必要措施,执行《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》以及关于打击非法贩卖毒品的国际文书;", "591.2 呼吁提供足够资金和技术援助及合作,以便发展中国家和经济转型国家能够执行这些条约;", "591.3 加强旨在促进发展中国家和经济转型国家能力建设的国际合作与技术援助,使其能有效履行现有国际预防犯罪文书规定的义务;", "591.4 采取其他措施并加强国际合作,以便根据国际法更有效地防止、打击、惩罚及消除所有形式的跨国有组织犯罪;", "591.5 与77国集团加中国加强协调与合作,并通过联合协调委员会(联协会)拟订处理与跨国有组织犯罪相关的问题的共同战略,在有关国际论坛上提出发展中国家共同关切的问题,增进发展中国家的共同利益;", "591.6 表示赞赏2010年6月17日至21日在纽约举行跨国有组织犯罪问题大会高级别特别会议。会议重申了国际社会应对跨国有组织犯罪的政治承诺;", "591.7 注意到2010年4月12日至19日在巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多市召开的第十二届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会通过的《萨尔瓦多宣言》;以及", "591.8 注意到2010年10月18日至22日在维也纳举行的《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》第五届缔约方会议的成果,特别是会议做出的设立一个不限成员名额政府间工作组的决定,以期:(a) 考虑并探讨相关选项,以及提出制定一种或多种机制,协助大会审议《公约》及其《议定书》的执行情况;(b) 起草该审议机制的职权范围、政府专家准则以及国家审议报告蓝图,供大会第六届会议审议并可能通过。", "592. 各位部长表示关切萨赫勒-撒哈拉区域非法贩运枪支与非法贩运毒品和人口之间的关联不断增加,涉及赎金的劫持人质问题和恐怖主义行为威胁该区域的安全。", "人口贩运", "593. 各位部长表示关切的是,人口贩运问题正日益成为影响全世界所有国家的一个全球祸患,并要求采取协调一致的国家和国际对策。他们强调了2000年《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其《关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》的重要性。", "594. 各位部长赞赏地注意到《联合国打击人口贩运全球倡议》在协调联合国系统、民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门之间的行动方面起到的作用,以应其要求帮助各国政府确保起诉和防止人口贩运行为,并确保受害者获得所有必要的补救办法,确保其人权得到充分保护。", "595. 各位部长确认奴役和人口贩运仍对人类构成严重威胁,因此需要国际上一致做出回应。为此目的,他们敦促所有国家制定、执行和加强有效措施,打击和杜绝一切形式的奴役和人口贩运,以消除对人口贩运受害者的需求、保护受害者并将行为者绳之以法。", "596. 各位部长还认识到,2010年是《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其补充议定书,特别是《关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的议定书》(《巴勒莫议定书》)通过10周年,在这方面,欢迎埃及和《联合国打击人口贩运全球倡议》于2010年12月联合举办卢克索国际论坛“立即制止人口贩运:执行联合国议定书”,以期促进对话,突出优先问题,并动员最高级别的政治支持,以便参与具体行动,实现法律框架与合作框架的互补,加强私营部门、民间社会和非政府组织的参与,从而打击人口贩运。", "597. 各位部长还欢迎私营部门签署《雅典道德原则卢克索实施准则:全面遵守业务计划》——“卢克索议定书”,以期促进其对消除全世界人口贩运所做的贡献,以及推出针对人口贩运的电子学习工具,即一项电子培训方案,以便提高全球商人同《联合国打击人口贩运全球倡议》和微软公司合作的意识。", "598. 各位部长重申,请尚未加入《打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》的所有国家考虑加入该议定书,并于《议定书》生效后予以有效执行,包括将其条款纳入国家法规中,并加强刑事司法制度。他们表示不结盟运动决心加强联合国和其他国际组织的能力,应会员国要求提供援助以执行该议定书。", "599. 各位部长欢迎联合国大会于2010年7月30日一致通过关于联合国打击贩运人口,特别是妇女和儿童的全球行动计划的第64/293号决议,并承认,在这方面,不结盟运动成员国在引领谈判进程以执行《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》方面所起的作用。他们还表示承诺加强与联合国所有相关实体进一步合作,以便确保全面并有效执行《全球行动计划》。", "600. 各位部长还欢迎正式启动联合国贩运人口特别是贩运妇女和儿童行为受害人自愿信托基金,欢迎从不结盟运动成员国中挑选一半董事会成员,在这方面,他们鼓励所有国家、民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门为新建立的信托基金以及联合国当代形式奴隶制问题信托基金做出贡献。", "601. 各位部长铭记贩运人口现象日益加剧,并请各国通过提高对该领域立法的认识,并设立专门打击这一祸患的国家和地方机构来防止和打击这一祸患。", "602. 在确认各国都受到人口贩运影响的同时,各位部长敦促所有国家鼓励正在开展的打击这一祸患的国家努力,以合作的态度在区域和国际框架下进行工作,而不对其他国家施加任何单边要求。", "603. 各位部长重申他们对贩运人口器官和有组织犯罪团伙越来越多地参与此项犯罪的现象表示关切,他们同意协调打击此项犯罪的各种努力。", "贩运毒品", "604. 鉴于非法贩运毒品问题的跨界性和全球性,并对整个国际社会构成严重威胁,各位部长对日益恶化的全世界非法贩运毒品问题表示严重关切。他们重申必须采取有效措施,全面防止、打击和消除世界毒品问题。他们还确认没有任何一个政府能独自成功打击这种威胁,因为与贩毒活动有牵连的犯罪组织在几个国家的领土内共同运作,其贩运渠道和分销办法也日益复杂,因此所有国家开展合作、协调和专门行动是制止这种犯罪的关键。世界毒品问题目前威胁着公共卫生和各国的社会经济稳定。", "605. 根据上述立场,各位部长重申,打击世界范围内的贩毒问题是一项需要共同分担的责任,这需要在多边框架内解决,只有通过开展积极的国际合作才能有效解决该问题,并且需要采取统一、平衡的解决方法,解决该问题还应充分遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨与原则以及国际法的其他规定,特别要尊重国家主权与领土完整和不干涉其内政原则;并要以权利平等和相互尊重原则为基础。同时,国家元首和政府首脑还对联合国毒品和犯罪问题办事处的财政情况表示关切,尽管欢迎大会根据经社理事会的建议通过的麻醉药品委员会第五十三届会议关于“联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室职能的重新调整和对战略框架的修改”的决议草案。", "606. 各位部长呼吁加大努力预防和打击世界毒品问题的各个方面,包括减少需求。在应对全球毒品问题同时尊重国家主权和领土完整方面,他们还确认合适或适当的战略、国际合作、能力建设、准确和可靠的毒品数据收集以及增加可持续的替代发展方案和战略的重要性。", "607. 各位部长欢迎于2010年3月举行的麻醉药品委员会第五十三届会议,以便为2009年通过的一项全面和平衡战略,贯彻落实关于国际合作的政治宣言和行动计划。", "腐败", "608. 各位部长强调,腐败行径,包括缺少完善的国际法人治理、贿赂、洗钱和向国外转移非法所得资金和资产,会破坏各个社会的经济及政治稳定和安全,破坏社会正义,并严重危害发展中国家实现可持续发展的努力。他们认识到《联合国反腐败公约》为预防和打击腐败行径、确立资产追回及非法来源资产移交原则以及这方面的国际合作机制,提供了普遍接受的准则。", "609. 各位部长欢迎众多国家批准或加入《联合国反腐败公约》,并在这方面敦促所有尚未批准或加入的国家考虑批准或加入该公约,并将此作为优先事项,同时呼吁所有缔约国尽快充分执行《公约》,包括通过《公约》所述的国际合作。", "610. 根据上述立场,各位部长特别强调执行《联合国反腐败公约》第五章所载的关于资产追回的条款,其中要求会员国归还通过腐败手段获得的财产。各位部长强调,打击腐败方面的当务之急之一是确保向原有国归还非法获得的资产。因此,各位部长敦促所有缔约国和相关国际组织遵守《公约》的各项原则,特别是第五章,以推动快速归还此类资产,并帮助请求国建设人力、法律和体制能力,从而促进追回、没收和收回此类资产。", "611. 各位部长注意到2009年11月9日至13日在卡塔尔多哈举行的联合国反腐败公约第三届缔约国会议的成果,并重申就这些问题采取协调立场的重要性,特别是通过推广打击腐败行为的最佳做法。", "612. 各位部长赞赏地注意到2009年11月9日至13日在卡塔尔举行的联合国反腐败公约第三届缔约国会议的成果,特别是最近建立一项机制,审议《联合国反腐败公约》的执行情况及其职权范围的通过,并强调促进该领域的对话与国际合作至关重要。", "613. 各位部长欢迎将于2011年10月24日至28日在摩洛哥马拉喀什举行联合国反腐败公约第四次缔约国会议,并呼吁不结盟运动成员国积极参与并投入这项工作。", "印度尼西亚巴厘", "2011年5月", "附件一:不结盟运动成员国", "阿富汗 冈比亚 巴拿马 阿尔及利亚 加纳 巴布亚新几内亚 安哥拉 格林纳达 秘鲁 安提瓜和巴布达 危地马拉 菲律宾 阿塞拜疆 几内亚 卡塔尔 巴哈马 几内亚比绍 卢旺达 巴林 圭亚那 圣基茨和尼维斯 孟加拉国 海地 圣卢西亚 \n巴巴多斯白俄罗斯伯利兹贝宁不丹玻利维亚博茨瓦纳文莱达鲁萨兰国布基纳法索布隆迪柬埔寨喀麦隆佛得角中非共和国乍得智利哥伦比亚科摩罗刚果科特迪瓦古巴朝鲜民主主义人民共和国刚果民主共和国吉布提多米尼克国多米尼加共和国厄瓜多尔埃及赤道几内亚厄立特里亚埃塞俄比亚斐济加蓬 洪都拉斯印度印度尼西亚伊朗伊斯兰共和国伊拉克牙买加约旦肯尼亚科威特老挝人民民主共和国黎巴嫩莱索托利比里亚阿拉伯利比亚民众国马达加斯加马拉维马来西亚马尔代夫马里毛里塔尼亚毛里求斯蒙古摩洛哥莫桑比克缅甸纳米比亚尼泊尔尼加拉瓜尼日尔尼日利亚阿曼巴基斯坦巴勒斯坦 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯圣多美和普林西比沙特阿拉伯塞内加尔塞舌尔塞拉利昂新加坡索马里南非斯里兰卡苏丹苏里南斯威士兰阿拉伯叙利亚共和国泰国东帝汶多哥特立尼达和多巴哥突尼斯土库曼斯坦乌干达阿拉伯联合酋长国坦桑尼亚联合共和国乌兹别克斯坦瓦努阿图委内瑞拉越南也门赞比亚津巴布韦", "附件二:不结盟运动的基本原则", "1.", "2. 尊重基本人权和《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。", "3. 尊重所有国家的主权和领土完整。", "4. 确认一切种族平等,确认一切大小国家的平等。", "5. 不干预或干涉他国内政。", "6. 尊重每一国家按照《联合国宪章》单独或集体进行自卫的权利。", "7. 不使用集体防御的安排来为任何一个大国的特殊利益服务,任何国家不对其他国家施加压力。", "8. 不以侵略行为或侵略威胁或使用武力来侵犯任何国家的领土完整或政治独立。", "9. 按照《联合国宪章》,通过如谈判、调停、仲裁或司法解决等和平方法以及有关方面自己选择的任何其他和平方法来解决一切国际争端。", "10. 促进相互利益与合作。", "11. 尊重正义和国际义务。", "附件三:哈瓦那第14次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《关于目前国际形势下不结盟运动的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》所载的原则", "a. 尊重《联合国宪章》各项原则和国际法。", "b. 尊重所有国家的主权、主权平等和领土完整。", "c. 确认一切种族、宗教、文化和所有国家,无论大小一律平等。", "d. 在尊重宗教及宗教符号和价值观念、促进和巩固宽容及信仰自由的基础上,促进不同人民、文明、文化和宗教之间的对话。", "e. 尊重和促进所有人的各种人权和基本自由,包括有效落实各国人民的和平和发展权。", "f. 尊重各国权利平等,包括每个国家不受任何国家任何类型的干涉,自由决定其政治、社会、经济和文化制度的不可剥夺的权利。", "g. 重申不结盟运动有关外国占领和殖民或外国统治下的人民自决权利的原则立场是有效和具有现实意义的。", "h. 不干涉国家的内部事务。任何国家或国家集团无论动机如何,都无权直接或间接干涉任何其他国家的内部事务。", "i. 拒绝违宪的政府更替。", "j. 拒绝更换政权的企图。", "k. 谴责在一切情况下特别是在武装冲突局势下使用雇佣兵。", "l. 任何国家都不对其他国家施压或加以胁迫,包括诉诸侵略或涉及直接或间接使用武力的其他行为,不采取和(或)推行违反国际法或以任何方式不符合国际法的旨在胁迫任何他国屈从其主权权利或获得任何收益的任何胁迫性单边措施。", "m. 完全拒绝危险的和严重违背国际法的侵略行为,侵略者须为此承担国际责任。", "n. 尊重根据《联合国宪章》实施单独或集体自卫的固有权利。", "o. 依照《联合国宪章》和国际法,谴责灭绝种族罪、战争罪行、危害人类罪和有计划地公然侵犯人权。", "p. 拒绝和反对一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,无论由谁、在何处和为何目的实施,因其对国际和平与安全构成最严重的威胁。在这方面,恐怖主义不应与殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民为自决和民族解放进行的合法斗争相提并论。", "q. 促进和平解决争端,在任何情况下都不参加违反国际法原则和《联合国宪章》的联盟、协定或任何其他类型的单边胁迫性行动。", "r. 捍卫和巩固民主,重申民主是普遍的价值观念,基于人民为决定自己的政治、经济、社会和文化制度自由表达的意志,以及充分参与其生活的各个方面。", "s. 促进和捍卫多边主义和作为通过对话和合作解决影响人类各种问题的适当框架的多边组织。", "t. 支持受内部冲突之苦的各国努力实现和平、正义、平等和发展。", "u. 每个国家均有义务充分和真诚遵守所加入的国际条约,履行在国际组织框架内做出的承诺,并与其他国家和平相处。", "v. 根据《联合国宪章》和平解决一切国际冲突。", "w. 在相互尊重和权利平等基础上,捍卫和促进共同利益、正义和合作,无论各国政治、经济和社会制度方面有何差异。", "x. 团结是一切情况下国家之间关系的重要组成部分。", "y. 尊重各国和各国人民的政治、经济、社会和文化多样性。", "附件二", "第16次不结盟运动部长级会议暨纪念会议", "印度尼西亚巴厘", "2011年5月23日至27日", "《关于不结盟运动成立五十周年的巴厘纪念性宣言》", "我们,不结盟运动外交部长,谨向不结盟运动创始人及各成员国的前领导人致敬,对其为加强不结盟运动和促进更加和平、更加公平的世界秩序表现出的远见卓识、领导能力和奉献精神致以崇高敬意,我们于2011年5月25日齐聚印度尼西亚巴厘,参加不结盟运动成立五十周年的主要纪念活动,重申我们对万隆原则以及在哈瓦那举行的第14次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《关于目前国际形势下不结盟运动的宗旨和原则及作用》的最深切的承诺。", "我们重申对《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则、国际法、国际人道主义法和人权法的坚定承诺,重申执行在埃及沙姆沙伊赫召开的第15次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》,该宣言反映了不结盟运动对各种国际问题以及之前不结盟运动各次首脑会议和部长级会议通过的文件的机构立场。", "我们对具有历史意义的万隆原则的诞生地印度尼西亚共和国政府主办不结盟运动成立五十周年主要纪念活动表示赞赏。", "我们承认,在不结盟运动庆祝这一具有里程碑意义的历史性事件之际,我们的作用和目标经受住了时间的考验,仍然一如既往地重要;今天,在我们这个错综复杂的世界里,我们对世界和各个成员国的责任变得不可估量。", "我们高度评价不结盟运动在过去五十年里在成员国共同关切的重要问题上发挥了突出的能动作用,确信不结盟运动已从一个凝集团结力量、统一成员国看法的论坛,发展成一个坚定地推进公正、和平和繁荣事业的论坛,同时恪守其作为国际政治潮流中一个独立客观的声音的创立原则。", "我们回顾了不结盟运动为反抗殖民化和种族隔离所做的英勇斗争,殖民化和种族隔离剥夺了许多成员国的独立及经济和政治权利,因而阻碍了这些国家在和平和安定的条件下寻求发展。", "我们强调发展与和平和安全之间的联系是相辅相成的。我们承诺消除贫困并平衡兼顾经济增长、社会发展和环境保护,这是可持续发展的三个不可分割的支柱。", "我们重申,我们致力于加强不结盟运动的集体行动,增强它在捍卫和推动发展中国家的利益方面的领导作用。我们还强调,成员国已猛增至120个的不结盟运动应当利用其各种力量和彼此的团结,继续激励和影响全球问题,以期改善世界各地人民的生活,在联合国和其他国际论坛制定和平与安全、发展、人权、民主、裁军、恐怖主义和两性平等及赋权相关问题的适当和可持续对策时做出重要贡献。", "我们同意通过加强不结盟运动的现有机制,包括纽约不结盟运动协调局这一首要机制及其工作组和核心小组,以及前主席、三驾马车和不结盟运动的各个分部,继续探究加强不结盟运动作用的方式方法,以使不结盟运动更加协调有效,能够更加及时有效地应对快速多变的国际环境。", "我们强调,应当以不结盟运动迄今取得的辉煌成就为基础,在今后五十年及以后促进其目标和原则,并决心:", "我们强调需要加强不结盟运动作为应对其成员国共同关切的国际问题的主要驱动力的作用。因此,不结盟运动应当关注那些促进团结而不是分裂的问题,通过进一步巩固成员国之间的共同点处理全球性问题。", "我们强调,不结盟运动以其创立原则为基础,应继续保持与其他利益相关集团和伙伴进行对话,形成协同效用,以努力为全体人民建设一个和平、繁荣的世界,其中包括不结盟运动成员国议会和民间社会间进行对话。", "附件三", "第16次不结盟运动部长级会议暨纪念会议", "印度尼西亚巴厘", "2011年5月23日至27日", "关于巴勒斯坦政治犯的宣言", "1. 不结盟运动部长审议了包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土的危急局势,特别是占领国以色列拘留或监禁的巴勒斯坦政治犯的严峻形势。各位部长表示严重关切,目前6 000多名巴勒斯坦人被关押在位于以色列和包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的22座监狱和拘留营内,其中300名囚犯是18岁以下的儿童。各位部长还表示严重关切,囚犯当中另有37名妇女和10名巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员。[31]", "2. 各位部长谴责关押囚犯公然违背了管辖外国占领情形的《日内瓦第四公约》,他们重申,正如多项安全理事会、大会和人权理事会决议以及国际法院2004年7月的咨询意见所申明的,该公约适用于包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土。各位部长表示全力支持需要提高对巴勒斯坦政治犯问题的认识并将其国际化。他们强调占领国以色列关押的巴勒斯坦政治犯应酌情被作为战俘对待。", "3. 各位部长强烈反对持续逮捕巴勒斯坦平民的做法,包括通过使用野蛮武力进行军事袭击、任意使用行政拘留、强迫讯问和将囚犯移送至以色列等方式。他们谴责占领国以色列的所有这些非法政策和行径,其目的显然是恐吓、非人性对待和镇压巴勒斯坦人民。他们还谴责占领国正将巴勒斯坦囚犯关押在极度恶劣、不卫生、有损尊严、甚至在有些情况下威胁生命的条件下。他们特别对以色列拘留的包括巴勒斯坦妇女儿童以及患病、残疾和瘫痪的巴勒斯坦被拘留者在内的最脆弱群体的处境和蓄意的医疗疏忽政策表示严重关切,该政策已导致200名囚犯死亡。他们谴责以色列继续通过立法决定和司法判决授权对巴勒斯坦囚犯使用酷刑和其他国际禁止措施,以及其他形式的身体和精神虐待,其中包括采用单独监禁,这剥夺了巴勒斯坦囚犯最基本的人道主义需求。", "4. 各位部长注意到拘留给巴勒斯坦囚犯及其家庭造成毁灭性影响,在这方面强调急需使释放犯快速重返社会。各位部长谴责以色列扣留在以色列拘留期间被杀或死亡的巴勒斯坦囚犯尸体并将其埋葬于军事墓地的做法。", "5. 各位部长强调,根据《日内瓦第四公约》第147条,以色列上述行径严重违反了国际人道主义法,在许多情况下构成战争罪和危害人类罪,根据该公约第146条,按照普遍管辖权,并在这方面援引《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的相关条文,其做法应受到国际刑事诉讼。", "6. 各位部长要求占领国以色列全面遵守《儿童权利公约》、《联合国禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》等以色列加入的国际条约和公约,保证维持适当的拘留标准,毫不拖延地审讯所有被拘留者以及保证未成年人和囚犯的探视权。在这方面,各位部长赞扬红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)始终如一的宝贵工作,旨在减轻巴勒斯坦囚犯在以色列监狱和拘留设施所受待遇的破坏性后果,检查他们的拘留条件,并吁请以色列给予其必要的出入权。在这方面,各位部长强调需要确保执行世界卫生组织2010年5月的决议,该决议决定派出包括红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)在内的实况调查团,调查囚犯们每况愈下的健康状况。", "7. 各位部长要求以色列无条件地释放因参与反对占领活动(所谓的“政治罪行”)而被捕的巴勒斯坦囚犯,并要求占领国立即明确界定这些“政治罪行”。各位部长还要求以色列停止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上任意逮捕巴勒斯坦人以及将其非法移送至以色列国内监狱的做法。", "8. 各位部长表示严重关切在大多数情况下囚犯没有机会获得法律顾问和亲友探视权,这违反了国际人道主义法和人权法。他们对以色列侵犯基本人权的持续行政拘留做法进一步表示严重关切,指出以色列极其任意地使用行政拘留命令,有上诉权但没有起诉权、审判权和辩护权。自2000年以来签发了共20 000份行政逮捕令。各位部长呼吁以色列在对待所有巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者时充分尊重法治,遵守正当程序的国际标准。", "9. 各位部长欢迎旨在提高对巴勒斯坦政治犯困境的认识的各种国际努力,其中包括分别于2010年12月在阿尔及利亚和2011年1月在摩洛哥召开会议,以及2011年3月在奥地利召开“关于巴勒斯坦政治犯的联合国国际会议”。各位部长支持立即释放包括妇女儿童在内的巴勒斯坦政治犯并就其当前处境进行适当国际调查的国际呼吁。他们强调,应对这些囚犯的困境,应成为联合国大会、安全理事会、人权机构和国际社会的一个优先事项。在这方面,各位部长审议了巴勒斯坦民族权力机构囚犯事务部部长提出的对巴勒斯坦囚犯问题采取国际行动的提案,其中包括能否请大会通过一项决议,以请国际法院发布一份咨询意见,依据国际法决定被占领国关押的巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者的法律地位并占领国和第三方的法律责任性质。", "10. 各位部长商定,巴勒斯坦囚犯问题对巴勒斯坦社会和以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突产生了重大影响,这是一个核心问题,是在该区域建设公正和平的基准。在此背景之下,各位部长强调,释放大量巴勒斯坦囚犯以及立即释放被任意非法监禁的巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员,是向培育互信氛围迈出的积极一步,而互信是重启永久地位谈判所必要的。", "11. 各位部长强调联合国和广大国际社会在提高对被以色列监禁和拘留的巴勒斯坦政治犯问题的认识和要求立即解决该问题方面发挥着重要作用。他们强调国际社会急需且有义务使用所有可供使用的机制,以确保占领国遵守国际法。他们敦促《日内瓦第四公约》所有缔约国根据共同的第1条履行其义务:在所有环境下尊重并确保尊重《公约》。各位部长还敦促缔约国采取所有适当步骤,召开一次会议,以应对这一严重问题。", "附件四", "第16次不结盟运动部长级会议暨纪念会议", "印度尼西亚巴厘", "2011年5月23日至27日", "关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言", "1. 不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会部长紧急审议了巴勒斯坦问题。他们深表遗憾,在1948年巴勒斯坦人民经受浩劫过去63年后,巴勒斯坦问题仍未得到解决。那次浩劫使大多数巴勒斯坦人民被驱逐或逃离家园,成为没有国家和流离失所的人民,其中近五百万人继续过着悲惨的流亡生活,栖身于该区域各地的难民营,构成世界上最大的难民人口和持续时间最长的难民问题。他们又深表遗憾,自1967年以来,44年过去了,巴勒斯坦人民继续遭受以色列对其领土的残暴军事占领、各项基本人权,包括自决权和自由继续遭到剥夺,其苦难持续不断、人格尊严遭受侮辱。", "2. 各位部长表示严重关切,由于以色列针对巴勒斯坦人民及其土地的持续军事占领、非法行动和挑衅,包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土在政治、社会经济、人权、人道主义和安全局势方面形势严峻。他们特别表示严重关切并强烈谴责,以色列针对包括非暴力和平示威者在内的手无寸铁的巴勒斯坦平民非法、攻击性地使用军事力量;在西岸开展殖民定居活动;封锁加沙地带;拘留和监禁数以千计的巴勒斯坦人;以及针对巴勒斯坦人民实施所有其他集体惩罚措施,这严重违反了国际人道主义法、人权法和联合国决议,占领国必须对其行为负责。", "3. 各位部长对中东和平进程缺乏进展深表关切,强调当前的危险僵局是占领国以色列有罪不罚和誓不妥协的结果,以色列继续阻挠公正、持久、全面及和平地解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突和整个阿拉伯-以色列冲突。他们强调这一冲突持续不断对实现区域和国际和平与安全造成了严重影响。", "4. 鉴于这一局势令人不安,各位部长强调有必要遵守和捍卫不结盟运动通过的原则立场和战略,维护联合国关于巴勒斯坦问题的相关决议。他们重申对巴勒斯坦正义事业的长期支持和声援,以及对支持巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人的坚定承诺。他们强调需要继续提供政治、经济和人道主义支助,以援助巴勒斯坦人民并支持他们实现民族抱负和不可剥夺的人权的决心。", "5. 各位部长强调急需做出努力,在安全理事会第242、338、425、1397、1515和1850号决议等联合国相关决议、包括土地换和平原则在内的马德里框架、《阿拉伯和平倡议》和四方路线图的坚实基础上,努力帮助推进公平、可信的和平进程,同时铭记在2011年9月之前实现和平解决这一目标。他们强调该和平进程必须确保结束自1967年以来以色列对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土和其他阿拉伯领土的占领;巴勒斯坦人民在以东耶路撒冷为首都、拥有独立、主权和生存能力的巴勒斯坦国内行使自决权;以及根据大会第194(III)号决议公正解决巴勒斯坦难民的困境。", "6. 各位部长回顾了国际社会,特别是联合国安全理事会和大会在这方面的历史作用和义务。考虑到《宪章》赋予安全理事会维护国际和平与安全的权力,他们吁请安全理事会承担起责任,立即采取行动,促进公正、持久和全面解决以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突和阿拉伯-以色列冲突。他们表示赞赏安理会内的不结盟运动核心小组成员国为巴勒斯坦问题所做的相关努力,并敦促他们继续积极参与,以便加强不结盟运动在和平努力中的作用。他们吁请加强国际和区域努力,包括四方、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他相关成员国所做的努力,以期在今年实现和平解决巴勒斯坦问题的所有方面。", "7. 关于全面审议实地局势,各位部长谴责以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上推行的所有非法政策和做法,占领国继续侵犯人权、犯下战争罪,使巴勒斯坦人民遭受了巨大的苦难。他们要求以色列立即全面停止这些违反国际法的行径。", "8. 各位部长再次强烈谴责以色列在包括被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周边在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上开展非法的殖民定居活动,这继续公然无视国际法和国际社会要求停止该运动的一致呼吁。他们再次要求立即全部停止以色列的所有定居活动,这些活动严重违反了国际人道主义法,公然无视联合国决议、国际法院2004年7月9日的咨询意见和四方路线图所载义务。他们强调和平进程与蓄意非法获得和事实上兼并更多巴勒斯坦土地的殖民活动是不相符的。", "9. 各位部长谴责以色列加紧没收土地;建设和扩大定居点、定居者“前哨”和基础设施;转移更多的以色列定居者;建造隔离墙;拆毁房屋;挖掘、实施专制的种族居住并借助许可证制度和数百个检查站对行动进行限制。他们谴责以色列定居者中的激进分子和极端分子针对巴勒斯坦平民和财产的暴力和恐怖活动升级。他们对以色列定居点和定居者、隔离墙和检查站造成物质、经济和社会破坏表示愤慨。这些定居点、定居者、隔离墙和检查站把巴勒斯坦领土分割成由隔离墙隔开的小区;使东耶路撒冷孤立于其他领土;数千巴勒斯坦人离开家园;严重破坏了巴勒斯坦的社会结构;并将一些社区彻底摧毁。他们警告说,以色列的非法殖民运动正在破坏巴勒斯坦被占领土的连续性、完整性、生存能力和统一,并严重破坏在1967年前边界的基础上切实实现两国和平解决方案的前景。", "10. 各位部长对被占领的东耶路撒冷及周边的局势表示严重关切。以色列在那里的殖民运动最凶猛,旨在非法改变该城的人口结构、特点与合法地位。他们吁请立即停止在该城中及其周边,包括Al-Haram Al-Sharif(神圣禁地)附近修建定居点和建造隔离墙、拆毁房屋、驱逐和挖掘;关闭巴勒斯坦机构;通过关于放逐的军事命令等方式取消巴勒斯坦人的居住权;定居者暴力以及旨在减少城内巴勒斯坦居民及巩固以色列对东耶路撒冷的非法吞并的其他措施。国际社会对此完全反对并且决不承认。", "11. 各国部长重申了要求以色列完全停止这些非法政策和做法的安全理事会和大会相关决议的有效性。他们呼吁充分尊重和执行这些决议,终止以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的定居活动,这些活动仍是实现和平的主要障碍。他们强调急需终止定居活动也是为了促进进行可信谈判的有利环境,以期在1967年边界基础上落实两国解决方案。在这方面,他们对近期安全理事会因某一常任理事国行使否决权而未能承担其责任深表遗憾,并再次呼吁安理会采取认真行动,确保以色列遵守相关决定,履行其所有法定义务。", "12. 在这方面,各国部长再次呼吁《日内瓦第四公约》缔约国根据共同的第1条履行义务,即在所有环境下尊重并确保尊重《公约》。他们吁请会员国和联合国根据国际法院咨询意见和大会ES-10/15号决议的各项要求履行各自的义务,其中包括不承认修建隔离墙所造成的非法局势,不为保持这一局势提供援助或协助。他们吁请安全理事会和大会考虑采取进一步行动,终止因在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上修建隔离墙所造成的非法局势。他们再次要求快速将《联合国损失登记册》投入运行,并迅速履行其各项任务。此外,他们再次要求采取具体行动,包括各国采取集体、区域和个别立法措施,遵守国际条约的各项义务,防止以色列定居点的任何产品进入其市场;不允许以色列定居者入境;对在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上参与修建定居点、隔离墙和其他非法殖民活动的公司和实体实施制裁。", "13. 关于加沙地带的严峻局势,各国部长再次强烈谴责以色列2008年12月至2009年1月对加沙地带发动的军事侵略,侵略致使数千名巴勒斯坦平民死伤,数以万计的家园、经济和农业财产、重要的民用基础设施和联合国设施遭到大规模破坏;给平民造成严重的心理创伤。他们重申需要确保占领国以色列为其对加沙的巴勒斯坦人民犯下的罪行承担责任。他们呼吁包括安全理事会在内的国际社会做出认真努力,终止以色列有罪不罚现象,为受害人伸张正义。他们吁吁根据联合国加沙冲突实况调查团的调查结果和建议采取后续行动。他们还重申《日内瓦第四公约》缔约国在刑事制裁、严重违法和责任方面的义务,并呼吁按照大会和人权理事会有关决议的要求,再次迅速召开日内瓦第四公约缔约国会议,探讨采取哪些措施以便在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上执行该公约并确保尊重共同的第1条。", "14. 各国部长再次谴责以色列对加沙地带实施非法封锁,这一行为继续对巴勒斯坦人民进行集体惩罚,阻碍平民自由行动、人道主义准入、基本货物的进入以及加沙重建。他们对封锁造成的悲惨的人道主义和社会经济状况表示严重关切,其中包括贫穷、失业、健康状况恶化以及所有部门的基础设施和机构衰败。他们强调非政府组织、民间社会和和平团体的工作,特别是在巴勒斯坦和以色列方面开展的工作的重要性,鼓励它们继续在加沙提供救济和援助。", "15. 在这方面,各位部长再次谴责以色列2010年5月30日在国际水域上对运往加沙地带的人道主义援助运输船队,“加沙自由船队”发动军事袭击,其间九名土耳其平民惨遭杀害。他们强调需要根据基于安全理事会于2010年6月1日要求的国际标准,对以色列的袭击进行独立、公正、可信和透明的国际调查。他们欢迎联合国秘书长成立调查小组、人权理事会成立实况调查团,呼吁立即就调查结果采取后续行动,确保对这一不幸事件进行问责。", "16. 各位部长再次要求以色列立即根据国际人道主义法、联合国决议和2005年11月《通行进出协定》全面停止对加沙的非法封锁。他们强调需要确保加沙与外界之间人员和货物的持续正常通行,包括商业流动,恢复加沙与西岸的联系、统一和通行,强调加沙地带仍是巴勒斯坦被占领土的一部分。在这方面,各位部长欢迎埃及政府决定开放拉法边界的过境点,该决定于2010年5月28日星期六生效。他们还强调急需国际社会认真努力,迫使占领国以色列允许所有必要建筑材料进入,以重建被毁坏的巴勒斯坦财产和基础设施以及包括联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)的学校在内的联合国设施。在这方面,他们强调需要全力支持近东救济工程处履行其授权任务,在所有业务领域向巴勒斯坦难民提供援助。", "17. 各位部长谴责占领国以色列继续进行逮捕、任意拘留和强迫讯问。他们对在押的巴勒斯坦政治犯所处的非人道环境表示严重关切,其中包括肉体和精神虐待、报告的酷刑以及被剥夺适当的医疗和家人探视。他们再次呼吁立即释放所有被以色列非法拘留和监禁的巴勒斯坦人,包括儿童、妇女和当选官员,并呼吁国际社会接近他们并适当调查其处境。他们欢迎部长级会议一部分用于审查巴勒斯坦政治犯问题和提高国际社会在这一严重问题上的认识和行动。", "18. 各位部长重申支持巴勒斯坦人民的唯一合法代表——巴勒斯坦解放组织,并支持由马哈茂德·阿巴斯主席领导的巴勒斯坦权利机构,他们还强调保护和加强包括巴勒斯坦立法委员会在内的巴勒斯坦权利机构中的国家和民主机构意义重大,因为它们将构成未来独立的巴勒斯坦国的根本基础。他们重申巴勒斯坦统一对于实现巴勒斯坦人民公正、合法的民族权利和抱负至关重要。在这方面,他们欢迎巴勒斯坦所有政治派别于2011年5月4日在开罗签署《和解协定》,旨在结束2007年6月以来的分歧。他们赞扬阿拉伯埃及共和国政府、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他相关的区域各方在这方面认真努力。他们呼吁国际社会尊重并支持巴勒斯坦和解,强调尽快落实《和解协定》条款的重要意义。他们进一步强调需要调集巴勒斯坦的所有能力,维护巴勒斯坦领土的统一性和完整性、结束占领并实现独立。", "19. 各位部长强调需要对恢复和发展巴勒斯坦机构提供支助。他们呼吁不结盟运动大力支持萨拉姆·法耶兹总理执行2009年8月启动的题为“巴勒斯坦:结束占领、建立国家”计划的努力,并期待在2011年8月完成题为“奔向自由的最后冲刺”第二阶段的执行工作,为以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国获得独立铺平道路。在这方面,各位部长热烈欢迎不久前若干国家采取的承认基于1967年边界的巴勒斯坦国的重要步骤。他们敦促尚未承认巴勒斯坦国的不结盟运动成员国尽快承认,与当前实地进行的建国努力保持一致,为根据国际法和联合国决议实现巴勒斯坦独立做出积极贡献。", "20. 各位部长呼吁不结盟运动成员国站在最前沿支持巴勒斯坦人民获得自由与和平的历史性进程。他们重申承认巴勒斯坦人民是一个国家、承认其不可剥夺的自决权和以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国获得独立这一长期国际共识。各位部长重申联合国对巴勒斯坦问题负有长期责任,直至这一问题的方方面面按照国际法得到公正解决,并呼吁国际社会为此目的加倍努力。他们再次呼吁包括安全理事会在内的联合国履行其职责,在其决议基础上采取行动,迫使以色列停止其非法政策,尊重国际法,结束自1967年以来对巴勒斯坦和其他阿拉伯领土长达44年的非法占领。他们强调不结盟运动与安理会理事国、四方及和平进程中的其他相关方定期进行部长级接触和对话的重要性,以便传达不结盟运动的原则立场、捍卫国际法和联合国决议以及推动实现以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突和整个阿拉伯-以色列冲突的公正、持久、全面、和平解决。", "21. 在此背景下,各位部长强调不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会有必要与其他集团协调,制定并执行一份行动计划,以加大努力,推动不结盟运动成员国和非成员国普遍承认基于1967年边界、以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国,安全理事会、大会和联合国秘书长以及四方和其他相关各方加大努力,推动建立一个以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立的巴勒斯坦国,承认它是一个国家并尽快接纳它为联合国会员国。各位部长随时准备为执行该行动计划提供支助,包括在必要时召开委员会特别会议,以继续讨论这一重要问题。", "附件五", "第16次不结盟运动部长级会议暨纪念会议", "印度尼西亚巴厘", "2011年5月23日至27日", "关于彻底消除核武器的声明", "不结盟运动成员国部长于2011年5月25日至27日齐聚印度尼西亚巴厘,参加第16次部长级会议,重申其对核武器的继续存在和可能使用或威胁使用给人类造成的威胁深表关切;重申核载军仍是不结盟运动在载军领域的最重要优先事项。", "各位部长强调不结盟运动成员国积极参与制定具体提案的重要性,以在规定的时间框架内实现全球核载军和彻底消除核武器。", "各位部长在不结盟运动五十周年框架内宣布其致力于召开一次高级别国际会议,以确定尽早消除核武器的方式方法的坚定承诺,目标是商定一项阶段方案,在规定的时间框架内彻底消除核武器,禁止发展、生产、获取、试验、储存、转让、使用或威胁使用核武器以及规定销毁一切核武器。", "——————", "[1] 不结盟运动成员国名单见附件一。", "[2] 不结盟运动的十大创立原则见附件二。", "[3] 在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15次不结盟运动首脑会议通过的实质性文件有:《沙姆沙伊赫最后文件》;《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》;《不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑关于必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁的特别声明》;《关于7月18日纳尔逊•曼德拉国际日的特别声明》;《关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言》;以及《不结盟运动沙姆沙伊赫行动计划》(2009-2012年)。所有这些文件均可从www.namegypt.org下载。", "[4] 之前的14次不结盟运动首脑会议召开的时间和地点分别为:1961年,南斯拉夫,贝尔格莱德;1964年,阿拉伯联合共和国,开罗;1970年,赞比亚,卢萨卡;1973年,阿尔及利亚,阿尔及尔;1976年,斯里兰卡,科伦坡;1979年,古巴,哈瓦那;1983年,印度,新德里;1986年,津巴布韦,哈拉雷;1989年,南斯拉夫,贝尔格莱德;1992年,印度尼西亚,雅加达;1995年,哥伦比亚,卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯;1998年,南非,德班;2003年,马来西亚,吉隆坡,以及2006年,古巴,哈瓦那。所有这些首脑会议的实质性成果文件均可从www.namegypt.org下载。", "[5] 《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用宣言》所载原则见附件三。", "[6] 不结盟运动的创始者是:加纳总统夸梅·恩克鲁玛、印度尼西亚总统艾哈迈德·苏加诺、阿拉伯联合共和国总统贾迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔、南斯拉夫总统约瑟普·布罗兹·铁托和印度首相贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁。", "[7] 25个不结盟运动创始国是:阿富汗、阿尔及利亚、阿拉伯也门共和国、缅甸、柬埔寨、锡兰(现在是斯里兰卡)、刚果、古巴、塞浦路斯、埃塞俄比亚、加纳、几内亚、印度、印度尼西亚、伊拉克、黎巴嫩、马里、摩洛哥、尼泊尔、沙特阿拉伯、索马里、苏丹、突尼斯、阿拉伯联合共和国(现在是埃及和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)以及南斯拉夫。", "[8] 应当尊重的事实是,不结盟运动的首次首脑会议于1961年在贝尔格莱德,当时的南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国首都举行,该国在解体之前一直是不结盟运动的创始成员,解体之后成立了六个国家并被联合国接纳为新的会员国(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那/克罗地亚共和国/斯洛文尼亚共和国/前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国/塞尔维亚共和国/黑山共和国)。", "[9] 现有机制和安排包括前主席国和“三驾马车”(首脑会议、部长和大使级别);巴勒斯坦问题委员会(部长和大使级别);纽约的协调局及其附属机构(裁军工作组、人权工作组、法律事务工作组、维持和平行动工作组、联合国改革和大会振兴工作组、安全理事会改革工作组以及新闻工作组)、设在日内瓦、海牙、维也纳、教科文组织(巴黎)、内罗毕的不结盟运动区域组织;以及安全理事会和建设和平委员会内的不结盟运动核心小组。", "[10] 77国集团和不结盟运动联合协调委员会成立于1994年,其主要目的是加强协调、避免重复努力、提高在实现发展中国家的共同目标方面的效率,以及在南南合作和南北合作的范围内统一并协调77国集团和不结盟运动在经济和社会领域的各种活动。", "[11] 不结盟运动《卡塔赫纳方法文件》是1996年5月14日至16日在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯举行的不结盟运动方法问题委员会部长级会议上通过,随后由不结盟运动国家元首或政府首脑在其1998年8月29日至9月3日在南非德班举行的第12次首脑会议期间核准。", "[12] 这些规范和原则包括大会于1970年10月24日通过的《关于各国依〈联合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》。", "[13] 会议、论坛和倡议包括:印度尼西亚共和国,除其他外,“建设国际社会内不同信仰间和谐”(2005年);摩洛哥王国,除其他外,“关于通过有效和可持续倡议鼓励不同文化和文明间对话的拉巴特宣言”(2005年)、犹太穆斯林大会(2005-2006年),以及“防止任何对宗教、信仰、超验性价值和先知的诽谤,同时尊重表达自由的国际宪章”(2006年);菲律宾共和国,除其他外,不同信仰间合作促进和平大会(2005年)、关于不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平的非正式首脑会议(2005年)、关于不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平的亚洲及太平洋国家区域会议(2006年)、发起不同信仰间合作促进和平三方论坛(2005年);卡塔尔国,除其他外,不同信仰间对话大会(2006年)、文明联盟(2006年)、美国-伊斯兰世界论坛(2006年)、宗教对话大会(2005年)、伊斯兰-美国对话(2004年)、伊斯兰教-基督教对话论坛(2003年)和不同文明间对话;塞内加尔,2007年举行的伊斯兰教-基督教对话国际会议;和约旦,世界宗教间和谐周(2010年)。", "[14] 有关联合国决议包括大会第65/119号决议,该决议宣布2011-2020年为第三个铲除殖民主义十年。", "[15] 根据《联合国宪章》第十三条第一款。", "[16] 《千年宣言》中确认,2005年世界首脑会议成果文件以及其他有关大会决议中重申。", "[17] 安全理事会内的不结盟运动核心小组成员由目前是安全理事会理事国的不结盟国家组成,分别是:哥伦比亚(2011-2012年)、加蓬(2010-2011年)、印度(2011-2012年)、黎巴嫩(2010-2011年)、尼日利亚(2010-2011年)和南非(2011-2012年)。", "[18] 目前属于人权理事会47个成员的26个不结盟国家是:安哥拉(2010-2013年)、巴林(2008-2011年)、孟加拉国(2009-2012年)、布基纳法索(2008-2011年)、喀麦隆(2009-2012年)、智利(2008-2011年)、古巴(2009-2012年)、吉布提(2009-2012年)、厄瓜多尔(2010-2013年)、加蓬(2008-2011年)、加纳(2008-2011年)、危地马拉(2010-2013年)、约旦(2009-2012年)、阿拉伯利比亚民众国(2010-2013年)、马来西亚(2010-2013年)、马尔代夫(2010-2013年)、毛里塔尼亚(2010-2013年)、毛里求斯(2009-2012年)、尼日利亚(2009-2012年)、巴基斯坦(2008-2011年)、卡塔尔(2010-2013年)、沙特阿拉伯(2009-2012年)、塞内加尔(2009-2012年)、泰国(2010-2013年)、乌干达(2010-2013年)、赞比亚(2008-2011年)。", "[19] A/64/868。", "[20] ²⁰ 按照1992年1月27日的大会第46/51号决议。", "[21] ²¹ 包括大会第46/51号决议和安全理事会第1373号决议。", "[22] ²² 包括非统组织1999年7月在阿尔及尔通过并于2003年12月6日生效的《防止和打击恐怖主义公约》及其于2003年7月12日在马普托举行的非洲联盟大会第二届常会上通过的《行动计划》;1999年5月7日生效的《打击恐怖主义阿拉伯公约》;1999年7月1日在瓦加杜古通过的《伊斯兰会议组织打击国际恐怖主义公约》;2002年4月3日在吉隆坡举行的伊斯兰外交部长会议特别会议通过的《伊斯兰会议组织关于恐怖主义的宣言》;第7和第8届东盟首脑会议分别于2001年和2002年通过的《东盟关于恐怖主义的宣言》;2002年8月1日东盟与美国、2003年1月28日与欧盟、2003年10月8日与印度、2004年7月2日与俄罗斯的《打击恐怖主义联合声明》以及《东盟-中国领导人在非传统安全事务领域合作联合宣言》(2002年11月4日);2004年1月在伊斯兰堡举行的南盟首脑会议通过的《制止恐怖主义南盟欧盟公约》的《禁止资助恐怖主义议定书》。", "[23] ²³ 本节应当连同本文件第三章关于人权的一节一起阅读。", "[24] ²⁴ 有关问题包括和平与安全问题,其中包括国际恐怖主义、贸易和金融政策、外债和债务豁免/取消、包括气候变化在内的环境问题和能源安全。", "[25] ²⁵ 该词通常被用于表示1948年降临于巴勒斯坦人民的灾难和悲剧,此后他们便失去了祖国,并且大多数巴勒斯坦人被迫离开家园,流离失所,从而沦为了难民,这种状况一直持续到了今天。", "[26] ²⁶《宣言》是在2002年11月4日在柬埔寨金边举行的东盟-中国首脑会议期间签署的。", "[27] ²⁷ 见第3201(S-VI)号决议。", "[28] ²⁸ 有关不结盟运动南南技术合作中心的资料可从该中心网站www.csstc.org获得,该中心设在印度尼西亚雅加达,是印度尼西亚和文莱达鲁萨兰国发起的。", "[29] ²⁹ 本节应与本文件第一章下有关民主的一节一起阅读。", "[30] ³⁰ 有关倡议的建议包括:实施发展权问题高级别讨论会(日内瓦,2004年2月),讨论会是在人权委员会发展权工作组和实施发展权问题高级别工作队的框架内举行的,还包括发展权政府间工作组第八届会议关于“路线图”的建议,人权理事会通过第4/4号决议核准了该建议,并在第四届会议上一致通过了建议。", "[31] 31 《联合国巴勒斯坦问题会议关于巴勒斯坦政治犯困境的结果报告》,维也纳,2011年3月,CPR/IMQP/2011/20号文件。" ]
[ "大会第六十五届会议 第六十六年 议程项目9、10、11、12、13、14、15、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、33、36、37、38、40、41、42、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、73、74、76、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、91、101、102、103、104、105、106、107、108、109、114、115、116、117、118、119、120、128、131、133、134、135、136、143和162 经济和社会理事会关于《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的胁迫性宣言》和《关于2001-2010年艾滋病毒/艾滋病体育与发展的政治宣言的政治宣言:发展中国家减少其影响十年》的执行情况 -- -- 《关于非洲发展新伙伴关系和关于其他可持续发展问题的2008年联合国各次主要和可持续发展问题世界首脑会议的 中东局势 巴勒斯坦问题 阿富汗局势 科摩罗马约特岛终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁的问题 中美洲局势:形成和平、自由、民主和发展区域的进展 以色列对伊拉克核设施的武装侵略及其对已确立的关于和平利用核能、不扩散核武器及国际和平与安全的国际制度的严重后果 伊拉克占领和侵略科威特的后果 原子辐射对和平利用外层空间的国际合作 联合国巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处在调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权的行为特别委员会的《近东报告》中\n关于包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领的叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯人民对其自然资源的永久主权问题 联合国难民事务高级专员的报告:有关难民、回返者和流离失所者的问题和人道主义问题 非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持 人权理事会促进和保护儿童权利的报告 土著问题 消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍 人民自决权利的促进和保护 加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调 国际法院关于 \" 国际刑事法院海洋和海洋法 \" 的报告 国际原子能机构关于裁减军事预算的报告 维护国际安全——东南欧的睦邻关系、稳定和发展 从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的发展\n2010年9月24日高级别会议的后续行动:振兴裁军谈判会议的工作并推进多边裁军谈判", "2011年6月29日埃及常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "谨以不结盟运动协调局主席的身份向你转递2011年5月23日至27日在巴厘举行的不结盟运动第十六次部长级会议的成果文件如下:", "最后文件(附件一)", "不结盟运动成立五十周年纪念宣言(附件二)", "关于巴勒斯坦政治犯的宣言(附件三)", "关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言(附件四)", "关于彻底消除核武器的声明(附件五)。", "请将本函及其附件作为大会第六十五届会议议程项目9、10、11、12、13、14、15、17、18、19、20、21、22、23、24、25、26、27、28、29、30、31、33、36、37、38、40、41、42、47、48、49、50、51、52、53、54、60、61、62、63、64、65、66、67、68、69、70、73、74、76、82、83、84、85、86、87、88、89、90、91、92、93、94、95、96、97、98、99、100、101、102、103、104、105、106、107、108、109、114、115、116、117、118、119、120、128、131、133、134、135、136、143和162下的文件以及安全理事会的正式文件印发。", "(签名) 马吉德·阿卜杜拉齐兹(签名)", "页:1", "第十六次不结盟运动部长级会议和纪念会-印度尼西亚\n2011年5月23日至27日,日内瓦", "最后文件", "最后文件", "目 录", "大 会 1", "第六十五届会议 1", "经济及社会理事会的报告 1", "《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的承诺宣言》和《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》的执行情况 1", "体育促进和平与发展 1个", "2001-2010:在发展中国家特别是非洲减少疟疾十年1", "联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议结果的统筹协调执行及后续行动 1", "不同文明对话全球议程 1", "和平文化 1", "信息和通信技术促进发展 1", "宏观经济政策问题 1个", "2002年发展筹资问题国际会议以及2008年审查会议成果的后续行动和执行情况 1", "可持续发展 1个", "联合国人类住区会议(人居二)成果的执行情况和加强联合国人类住区规划署(人居署) 1", "全球化和相互依存 1", "处境特殊的各类国家组 2", "消除贫穷和其他发展问题 2", "发展方面的业务活动:联合国系统发展方面的业务活动 2", "农业发展和粮食安全 2个", "社会发展 2个", "提高妇女地位 2", "安全理事会的报告 2", "建设和平委员会的报告 2", "消除以单方面治外强制性经济措施作为政治和经济胁迫的手段 2", "预防武装冲突 2个", "2. 中东局势 2", "巴勒斯坦问题 2", "2. 阿富汗局势 2", "科摩罗马约特岛问题 2", "必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁 2", "中美洲局势:形成和平、自由、民主和发展区域的进展 2", "以色列对伊拉克核设施的武装侵略及其对已确立的关于和平利用核能、不扩散核武器及国际和平与安全的国际制度的严重后果 2", "伊拉克占领和侵略科威特的后果 2", "原子辐射的影响 2", "和平利用外层空间的国际合作 2", "联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处 2", "调查以色列侵害占领区巴勒斯坦人民和其他阿拉伯人人权的行为特别委员会的报告 2", "整个维持和平行动问题所有方面的全盘审查 2", "有关信息的问题 3", "安全理事会 1", "第六十六年 1", "包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的巴勒斯坦人民和被占领叙利亚戈兰的阿拉伯人民对其自然资源的永久主权 3", "联合国难民事务高级专员的报告:有关难民、回返者和流离失所者的问题和人道主义问题 3", "非洲发展新伙伴关系:执行进展情况和国际支持", "人权理事会的报告 3", "促进和保护儿童权利 3", "土著问题 3", "消除种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为 3", "人民自决的权利 3", "促进和保护人权 3", "加强联合国人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调 3", "国际法院的报告 3", "11. 国际刑事法院的报告 3", "海洋和海洋法 3", "追究联合国官员和特派专家的刑事责任 3", "1949年日内瓦四公约关于保护武装冲突受难者的附加议定书的现况 3", "考虑有效措施以加强外交和领事使团和代表的保护和安全 3", "联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会的报告 3", "国内和国际的法治 3", "普遍管辖权原则的范围和适用 3", "国际原子能机构的报告 3", "裁减军事预算 3", "非洲无核武器区条约4", "巩固《拉丁美洲和加勒比禁止核武器条约》(《特拉特洛尔科条约》)所建立的制度 4", "维护国际安全——东南欧的睦邻关系、稳定和发展 4", "从国际安全的角度来看信息和电信领域的发展 4", "建立中东无核武器区. 4", "缔结关于保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器的有效国际安排 4", "防止外层空间的军备竞赛 4", "科学和技术在国际安全和裁军领域的作用 4", "全面彻底裁军 4", "审查和执行大会第十二届特别会议的《结论文件》 4", "审查大会第十届特别会议通过的建议和决定的执行情况 4", "中东的核扩散危险 4", "禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约 4", "7. 加强地中海区域的安全和合作 4", "全面禁止核试验条约 4", "关于禁止发展、生产和储存细菌(生物)及毒素武器和销毁此种武器的公约 4", "预防犯罪和刑事司法 4", "国际药物管制 4", "消除国际恐怖主义的措施 4", "秘书长关于联合国工作的报告 4", "秘书长关于建设和平基金的报告", "接纳新会员加入联合国 5", "千年首脑会议成果的后续行动 5", "纪念废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶二百周年的后续活动 5", "执行联合国各项决议 5", "大会工作的振兴 5", "安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及有关事项 5", "加强联合国系统 5", "审查联合国行政和财政业务效率 5", "改善联合国财政情况 5", "2. 联合国经费分摊比额表 5", "人力资源管理 5", "联合检查组", "联合国共同制度 5", "联合国维持和平行动经费筹措的行政和预算问题 5", "2010年9月24日高级别会议的后续行动:振兴裁军谈判会议的工作和推进多边裁军谈判 5", "2011年6月29日埃及常驻联合国代表给秘书长的信", "一、导 言7", "第一章:全球问题 12", "二、审查国际形势 12", "不结盟运动:作用和工作方法 14", "导言", "1. 联合国 不结盟国家运动的部长们[1] 在印度尼西亚共和国外交部长马蒂·纳塔莱加瓦先生阁下的主持下,于2011年5月25日和26日在印度尼西亚巴厘举行会议,审查2009年7月15日和16日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十五届不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑会议通过的《沙姆沙伊赫行动计划》的进展和执行情况,并筹备即将于2012年在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的不结盟运动首脑会议,并处理现有、新的和新出现的集体关切和感兴趣的问题。 在这方面,他们重申并强调不结盟运动对其创始原则[2]、理想和宗旨的坚定信念和坚定承诺,特别是在建立和平与繁荣的世界和公正与公平的世界秩序以及《联合国宪章》所揭示的宗旨和原则方面。", "2. 联合国 各位部长申明,2009年7月15日(第2次)和16日(第3次)在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的不结盟运动首脑会议的实质性成果文件[3] 所载不结盟运动的所有原则立场和决定,包括沙姆沙伊赫最后文件和沙姆沙伊赫宣言、不结盟运动前十四届首脑会议[4],以及不结盟运动前各次部长级会议等,仍然具有现实意义和有效性。 同样,他们表示决心在目前国际关头维护并遵循万隆原则以及不结盟运动的宗旨和原则,正如在哈瓦那举行的不结盟运动首脑会议第14^(第5次)会议上通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》所商定的那样。", "3个 各位部长确认不结盟运动主席关于不结盟运动活动的报告,该报告涵盖迄今在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15^ (th)个不结盟运动首脑会议,报告显示,在执行《沙姆沙伊赫最后文件》和《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》规定的不结盟运动行动计划方面取得了显著进展,对加强和振兴不结盟运动进程作出了积极贡献。", "第一章:全球问题", "国际局势审查", " 4.四. 各位部长强调,目前的全球形势在和平与安全、经济发展和社会进步、人权和法治等领域对不结盟国家提出了巨大挑战。 他们申明,出现了许多新的关切领域和挑战,特别是当前的全球金融和经济危机,国际社会应再次承诺维护和捍卫《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法原则。 在评估自第十五届不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑会议以来的国际事态发展时,他们指出,不结盟运动建立一个和平和繁荣的世界以及公正和公平的世界秩序的集体愿望仍然受到根本障碍的阻碍。 除其他外,这些障碍表现为全球金融和经济危机对发展中国家经济增长和发展的严重不利影响,这可能导致这些国家的贫穷和匮乏加剧,大多数发展中国家继续缺乏资源并不发达,以及除其他外,贸易条件继续不平等,发达国家不合作,以及其中一些国家强加的胁迫性和单方面措施。 富国和强国在决定国际关系的性质和方向方面,包括经济和贸易关系,以及指导这些关系的规则方面,继续施加过大的影响,其中许多是牺牲了发展中国家的利益。", "5 (韩语). 各位部长重申,不结盟运动的努力将继续遵循其基本原则、《不结盟运动在目前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用宣言》所揭示的原则、在哈瓦那举行的不结盟运动第14^ (th)届首脑会议上通过的《联合国宪章》和国际法。 为此,不结盟运动将继续维护国家主权和主权平等、领土完整和不干涉任何国家内政等原则;采取有效措施制止侵略行为或其他破坏和平的行为;以不危及国际和平与安全及正义的方式捍卫、促进和鼓励以和平手段解决国际争端;在国际关系中不以武力相威胁或使用武力,或以不符合《联合国宪章》宗旨和原则的任何其他方式侵犯任何国家的领土完整或政治独立;在尊重人民反对外国占领的平等权利和自决原则的基础上发展友好关系;在各国人民和各国政府团结的基础上开展国际合作,解决政治、经济、社会、文化或人道主义性质的国际问题;促进和鼓励尊重所有人的人权和基本自由,不分种族、性别、语言或宗教。", "6. 国家 各位部长指出,现有的、新的和正在出现的威胁和挑战,包括多重相互关联的和相互加强的当前全球危机,继续阻碍着各国努力实现更大的经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全以及享有人权和法治。 除其他外,由于某些国家越来越倾向于诉诸单边主义和单方面强加措施,不履行根据有关具有法律约束力的国际文书所作出的承诺和承担的义务,特别是关于大规模毁灭性武器和常规武器条约、恐怖主义、冲突、侵犯人权和违反国际人道主义法、在国际关系中使用双重标准、大多数发达国家继续不履行并不愿意履行其在经济和社会领域的承诺等原因,全球和平与安全仍然遥不可及。 他们强调,国际社会必须根据《联合国宪章》和国际法原则集体纠正这些情况。", "7. 联合国 各位部长强调,全球化继续给发展中国家的未来和生存能力带来机遇、挑战和风险,而全球化和贸易自由化进程在国家之间和国家内部产生的利益参差不齐,而全球经济则以缓慢和不平衡的增长和不稳定为特征。 此外,它使发展中国家更容易受金融和经济危机、气候变化、反复出现的粮食危机和能源价格波动的不利影响。 目前形式的全球化使发展中国家的边缘化永久化甚至加剧。 因此,全球化必须转化为一种有利于各国人民、惠及所有国家并促进发展中国家繁荣和增强权能的积极变革力量,而不是它们继续贫穷和依赖发达世界。 此外,必须作出更大努力,制定一项全球战略,将发展层面作为优先事项并纳入全球进程和有关多边机构的主流,以使发展中国家能够从全球化和贸易自由化提供的机会中获益,包括通过创造有利的外部经济环境来促进发展,这需要国际贸易、货币和金融体系之间更加协调一致,这些体系应当是普遍、开放、公平、非强制性、有章可循、可预测和非歧视性的。", "8. 联合国 信息和通信技术的革命继续迅速和从根本上改变世界,从而在发达国家和发展中国家之间造成巨大和日益扩大的数字鸿沟,而如果发展中国家要从全球化进程中受益,就必须消除这种鸿沟。 必须让发展中国家更容易地利用这些新的技术革新,努力使其经济现代化并振兴,以追求其发展目标和人民的福祉。 在这方面,实现这些目标需要一个有利的国际环境并履行各国,特别是发达国家作出的承诺和保证。 此外,不结盟运动强调,需要防止阻碍发展中国家获得信息和通信技术的好处以及在发达国家建立的网络的一切歧视性做法和政策。", "9. 国家 未来将像过去一样带来许多挑战和机遇,不结盟运动必须继续保持强大、有凝聚力和复原力,以应对这些挑战并维护不结盟运动的历史遗产。 不结盟运动的持续相关性和有效性在很大程度上取决于每个成员国的团结和团结以及它们对这些变化产生积极影响的能力。 在这方面,振兴和加强不结盟运动的进程必须继续积极、推进并巩固。", "10个 各位部长回顾1999年7月在阿尔及尔举行的非洲统一组织(非统组织)首脑会议的决定,其中呼吁在其政府通过违宪手段上台的国家恢复宪法合法性,并回顾2000年在洛美通过的《非洲联盟组织法》所揭示的原则,并在这方面鼓励不结盟国家继续维护符合不结盟运动基本原则的民主理想。", "11个 各位部长欢迎联合国大会将4月22日定为 \" 国际地球母亲日 \" ,并承认地球及其生态系统是人类的家园。 它们承诺提高对这一问题的认识。", "不结盟运动:作用和工作方法", "12个 部长们认识到其人民的愿望,重申不结盟运动对万隆原则、哈瓦那首脑会议在《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》和《联合国宪章》中通过的原则以及维护和促进这些原则的不可撤销的政治和道义承诺和决心,并充分尊重这些原则,以进一步巩固和加强不结盟运动作为多边论坛,特别是联合国中代表发展中世界的主要政治平台的作用和地位。 在这方面,他们强调,实现不结盟运动的原则、理想和宗旨取决于其成员之间的团结、团结和凝聚力,这种团结和团结牢固地扎根于相互尊重、尊重多样性和容忍。", "13个 各位部长重申,在执行反映不结盟运动对各种国际问题的体制立场的《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》以及以往不结盟运动首脑会议和部长级会议所通过文件时,应适当考虑最大限度地提高不结盟运动应对当前迅速变化的全球局势、危机和挑战的能力。", "14个 部长们决定,如果不结盟运动的任何成员遭受损害,无论是经济、政治或军事性质的损害,还是安全方面的损害,或者如果一个成员因实施单方面制裁或禁运而受损害,不结盟运动应通过提供道义、物质和其他形式的援助,向受影响国家表示声援。 为此,部长们将继续审查不结盟运动的现有机制并探讨在必要时提供这种援助的新机制。", "15个 各位部长回顾,多年来,不结盟运动在非殖民化、种族隔离、包括巴勒斯坦问题在内的中东局势、维护国际和平与安全以及裁军等对其成员国具有关切和极端重要性的问题上一直发挥着重要的积极、有效和核心作用。 不结盟运动成立半个世纪后,经历了许多挑战和变化,现在应该维持和进一步巩固加强和振兴不结盟运动的进程,继续采取行动,使不结盟运动能够切实有效地应对其成员国目前面临的主要挑战,并对未来形成共同的愿景。 在当前和新的威胁和挑战的背景下,不结盟运动必须继续促进多边主义,特别是通过加强联合国的核心作用,包括在全球治理中的核心作用,维护发展中国家的利益并预防它们边缘化。", "16号. 各位部长欢迎阿拉伯埃及共和国倡议在2009年7月15日和16日于沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十五届不结盟运动首脑会议上,以“妇女在危机管理中的作用”为主题,举行不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议,并在2009年11月15日于罗马举行的世界粮食首脑会议上,以“粮食安全和妇女获得资源”为主题,举行第二届不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议,这表明不结盟运动高度重视妇女积极而平等地参与应对当前的全球危机和挑战。", "17岁。 各位部长认识到2011年是不结盟运动成立50周年,因此对不结盟运动过去50年来在维护和促进其理想、原则和宗旨以及追求其成员国的集体关切和利益方面的表现和成就表示满意。 他们承认创始国[6]、创始国领导人[7]和不结盟运动其他过去领导人的智慧和远见,重申不结盟运动致力于捍卫、维护和进一步巩固其原则、理想和宗旨。", "18岁。 在这方面,根据第十五届不结盟运动首脑会议关于2011年纪念不结盟运动五十周年以突出其成就并进一步加强其未来作用的指示,部长们表示赞赏历史万隆原则的诞生地印度尼西亚共和国慷慨提出在2011年5月25日主办不结盟运动成立50周年的主要纪念活动,与不结盟运动第16 ()次部长级会议同时举行,以期通过一项关于不结盟运动过去50年所取得成就的纪念宣言和今后进一步成就的行动计划,以确保不结盟运动在迅速变化的世界中发挥积极作用的连续性和振兴。", " 19. 19. 各位部长还欣见塞尔维亚共和国提议于2011年9月5日(第2次)和6日(第6次)在贝尔格莱德为不结盟运动前主席组织另一次正式的部长级纪念会,并向任何其他感兴趣的不结盟运动成员国和观察员开放,以庆祝1961年不结盟运动第一次首脑会议主办城市的地位和历史遗产。", "20号. 部长们决定在2011年9月联合国大会第66()届会议期间在联合国总部组织一次高级别纪念活动,纪念不结盟运动成立50周年。", "21岁 各位部长还吁请不结盟运动所有成员国和观察国同其人民以及其他不结盟运动国家一道,以他们认为适当的方式,在国家一级纪念不结盟运动的成立。 为了传播信息,鼓励不结盟运动成员国和观察员国家向不结盟运动主席通报在国家一级开展的活动。", "22号. 部长们满意地认识到,不结盟运动的成员从1961年的25个增加到2011年的120个和17个观察员,但欢迎斐济共和国和阿塞拜疆共和国最近于2011年被接纳为不结盟运动的正式成员,阿根廷共和国于2009年被接纳为不结盟运动的观察员。", "23. 联合国 在使不结盟运动重新坚持其原则、理想和宗旨,并符合上述原则立场时,部长们同意采取下列措施,其中包括:", "1. 联合国 继续在振兴和加强不结盟运动的进程中取得进展,以期实现《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》和在哈瓦那举行的第14^ (th) 届不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的《不结盟运动方法文件》中概述的宗旨,这将使不结盟运动能有效地应对今后面临的挑战。 巩固不结盟运动工作动态中的积极主动做法,保持并增强我们代表不结盟运动在代表不结盟运动的联合国各机构和其他国际论坛辩论和介绍决议和其他倡议时提出具体建议的能力。 在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15^ (th)个不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的《不结盟运动行动计划》,必要时将在部长级会议期间得到审查,以便评估其执行情况并相应地予以更新;", "2. 联合国 酌情将不结盟运动部长级会议的成果文件作为联合国系统的正式文件散发;", "3个 * 根据不结盟运动首脑会议和(或)部长级会议的有关决定,在其成员认为在联合国机构内或其他有关国际组织或机构内扩大不结盟运动的范围;", " 4.四. 4. 加强和显示不结盟运动成员国之间的团结和团结,特别是不结盟运动成员国的人民生活在殖民或外国统治或外国占领下的国家,以及那些遭受外部武力威胁、侵略行为或单方面胁迫措施、生活在赤贫或健康不佳之中的国家,以及自然灾害的受害者,同时铭记不结盟运动在这种情况下不能缺乏团结和团结;", "5 (韩语). 维持审查、分析和加强不结盟运动在国际问题上的立场的进程,以进一步确保遵守和促进其基本原则和在14^(th)不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的原则,并进一步巩固其成员之间的共同点;", "6. 国家 继续审查不结盟运动在当前现实中发挥的作用,并酌情改进其结构和工作方法,包括加强现有的机制和安排[9],酌情建立新的机制和安排并充分利用这些机制和安排,定期召开此类机制和安排的会议,编制重点更突出、更简明的文件,加强主席作为不结盟运动发言人的作用,努力建立一个后备机制来协助主席,充分利用并最大限度地从不结盟运动现有机制和安排中受益,以继续推动一个能够及时应对影响不结盟运动及其成员国的国际事态发展的更协调、更有成效和更有效的运动;", "7. 联合国 请协调局酌情继续审议关于加强不结盟运动作用和工作方法的所有建议,包括阿拉伯利比亚民众国关于设立和平与安全理事会和常设秘书处并在不影响不结盟运动的宗旨、原则和作用的情况下提出的建议,并向2012年在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的第16^(th)首脑会议提出报告;", "8. 联合国 继续支持不结盟运动纽约协调局及其工作组和核心小组发挥重要而积极的作用,并维持不结盟运动三主席的现行机制来协助主席的工作,使不结盟运动能够以一个声音发言并及时对国际发展作出反应,并促使不结盟运动三主席和不结盟运动前主席就不结盟运动感兴趣的具体问题交流经验和集思广益。 不结盟运动三主席和(或)不结盟运动前主席的活动和审议情况将报告协调局;", "9. 国家 确定不结盟运动在纽约、日内瓦、内罗毕、维也纳、巴黎和海牙的现有机制各自优先关注和主管领域,并铭记纽约协调局作为不结盟运动协调中心的地位后,改进各相关联合国机关和机构工作的协调,并应继续这样做;", "10个 扩大和加强不结盟运动主动、代表性和谈判的能力,以及它的道德、政治和道德力量和影响;", "11个 通过77国集团和不结盟运动联合协调委员会,继续加强同77国集团和中国(77国集团)的协调与合作,并制订关于经济发展和社会进步问题的共同立场和战略,[10] 特别是在联合国改革背景下,在有关国际论坛上促进发展中国家的集体关切和利益,并扩大和深化南南合作。 这种协调必须以两个论坛于1994年通过的职权范围为指导;", "12. 促进77国集团同不结盟运动之间的协调与合作,并尽可能在所有相关多边论坛上处理两个集团共同关心的问题,但须视其各自的权限而定;", "13个 按照《不结盟运动卡塔赫纳方法文件》[11]和在哈瓦那举行的不结盟运动第十四届首脑会议通过的《不结盟运动方法文件》的有关规定,通过果断和及时的行动,加快其决策并改进其工作方法,以更有效地为多边进程作贡献,并加强其作为全球主要力量的作用和地位;", "14个 更积极主动地处理可能对不结盟运动及其成员国产生不利影响的国际事态发展;", "15个 鼓励负责与不结盟运动有关的各部长之间的互动,如粮食生产和农业、能源、文化、教育、卫生、人力资源、环境、信息和通信、工业、科学和技术、社会进步、妇女和儿童,目的是提高不结盟运动的效力并加强其成员国在这些领域的合作;", "16号. 扩大并深化与不结盟国家议员、包括非政府组织在内的民间社会以及私营部门的互动和合作,承认它们能为实现不结盟运动的原则、理想和宗旨发挥建设性作用;", "17岁。 作为不结盟运动声援的进一步体现,支持不结盟国家酌情作为候选国加入联合国机关和机构,包括安全理事会和经济及社会理事会(经社理事会),以及大会和经社理事会的所有附属机构,同时铭记这些国家由于这种支持而获得成功,因此有义务在这些机关和机构中捍卫、维护和促进不结盟运动所关切的问题和利益,而不损害其主权权利。 部长们还同意考虑努力确保不结盟运动在所有国际论坛中有足够的代表性;", "国际法", "24 (韩语). 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于国际法的原则立场依然具有相关性和有效性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 各位部长再次强调,《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法原则对于维护和促进和平与安全、法治、经济发展和社会进步以及所有人的人权是必不可少的。 在这方面,联合国会员国应再次承诺捍卫、维护和促进《联合国宪章》和国际法,以在充分尊重国际法方面取得进一步进展;", "2. 联合国 各位部长仍然关切,国家法院单方面行使域外刑事和民事管辖权,这并非源于国际条约和国际法,包括国际人道主义法所产生的其他义务。 在这方面,他们谴责在国家一级针对其他国家颁布有政治动机的法律,并强调了这种措施对国际法规则和国际关系的负面影响,并呼吁停止所有此类措施;", "3个 各位部长认识到滥用普遍管辖权原则对国际关系的负面影响,呼吁各国避免滥用这一原则,还认识到需要进一步审议普遍管辖权原则,以更好地确定其范围和适用情况,在这方面注意到第六委员会已根据第65/33号决议设立了工作组,以进行彻底讨论,以确定该原则的范围和适用情况;并建立一个机制来监测其适用情况并在今后防止其被滥用;", " 4.四. 各位部长重申需要消除一国对另一国单方面实施影响国际贸易自由流动的经济和贸易措施。 他们敦促已经并且继续实行这种法律和措施的国家不要依照它们根据《联合国宪章》和国际法所承担的义务颁布和适用这些法律和措施,特别是重申贸易和航行自由。", "25岁 部长们认识到旨在破坏国际法和国际法律文书的行动和措施构成的严重危险和威胁,并遵循并遵循不结盟运动的原则立场,商定除其他外采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 确定并推行可能有助于实现一个以《联合国宪章》和国际法为基础的和平与繁荣的世界以及公正和公平的世界秩序的措施;", "2. 联合国 根据不结盟运动的理想、原则和宗旨、《联合国宪章》和国际法,以及“关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言”、“加强国际安全宣言”和“加强在国际关系中不使用或威胁使用武力原则的效力宣言”开展对外关系;", "3个 坚决反对以单方面评价和认证国家行为作为对不结盟国家和其他发展中国家施加压力的手段;", " 4.四. 不承认、通过或实施域外或单方面胁迫性措施或法律,包括单方面经济制裁、其他恐吓措施、任意旅行限制等,这些措施或法律试图对不结盟国家施加压力 -- -- 威胁其主权和独立以及贸易和投资自由 -- -- 并阻止它们行使根据自己的自由意志决定本国政治、经济和社会制度的权利,如果这些措施或法律公然违反了《联合国宪章》、国际法、多边贸易体制以及关于国家间友好关系的规范和原则;[12] 在这方面,反对并谴责这些措施或法律及其继续适用,坚持不懈地努力有效扭转这些措施或法律,并敦促其他国家按照大会和联合国其他机构所呼吁的那样,也这样做;请实施这些措施或法律的国家立即完全取消这些措施或法律;[12] 在这方面,反对并谴责这些措施或法律及其持续适用,并敦促各国也这样做;", "5 (韩语). 支持受影响国家,包括目标国家,根据国际法要求赔偿因实施域外或单方面胁迫性措施或法律而造成的损害;", "6. 国家 5. 反对某些国家在重申保持其作为缔约国的各项具有法律约束力的国际文书所规定的各国权利和义务的微妙平衡的同时,采取行动单方面重新解释、重新界定、重新起草或有选择地适用这些文书的规定,以符合它们自己的观点和利益,并可能影响这些文书所定义的缔约国的权利,并在这方面努力确保其缔约国维护这些文书的完整性;", "7. 联合国 反对一切通过多边协定引进国际法新概念,使某些国家所谓的治外法中的某些内容国际化的企图;", "8. 联合国 努力取得进一步的进展,以充分尊重国际法,并在这一方面赞扬国际法院根据《联合国宪章》和《国际法院规约》的有关规定,在促进和平解决国际争端方面发挥的作用;", "9. 国家 敦促安全理事会更多地利用作为联合国主要司法机关的国际法院作为咨询意见和解释国际法相关规范的来源,并针对有争议问题,还敦促安理会利用国际法院作为解释相关国际法的来源,还敦促安理会考虑由国际法院审查其决定,同时铭记需要确保这些决定符合《联合国宪章》和国际法;", "10个 4. 还请大会、联合国其他机关和经正式授权的专门机构就其活动范围内出现的法律问题征求国际法院的咨询意见;", "11个 4. 继续呼吁占领国以色列、会员国和联合国充分尊重国际法院2004年7月9日的咨询意见,并审议是否可能就自1967年以来以色列对巴勒斯坦领土的长期占领再请国际法院发表咨询意见;", "12. 《国际刑事法院罗马规约》不结盟缔约国应继续维护《规约》的完整性,并确保《规约》保持公正和完全独立于联合国政治机关,这些机关不应指示或妨碍《罗马规约》的有关规定,", "13个 《国际刑事法院罗马规约》不结盟缔约国呼吁尚未批准或加入《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的国家考虑批准或加入;", "14个 《国际刑事法院罗马规约》不结盟缔约国欢迎2010年5月31日至6月11日在乌干达坎帕拉举行的《罗马规约》审查会议,会上缔约国重申对《罗马规约》的承诺,并通过了关于规约的修正案,以界定侵略罪并确立法院可对该罪行行使管辖权的条件;", "15个 不结盟国家继续强调国际刑事法院必须根据其司法性质保持独立。 他们指出,安全理事会根据《联合国宪章》所承担的责任不应限制法院作为一个司法机构的作用。 法院应有权对侵略行为作出独立判决;", "16号. 《国际刑事法院罗马规约》不结盟缔约国反对一切旨在建立给予联合国维持和平行动工作人员豁免权的程序的行动,特别是通过安全理事会,这些行动违反了《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的有关规定并损害了国际刑事法院的信誉和独立性;", "17岁。 呼吁有关条约的不结盟国家缔约国共同努力,增加和加强它们在通过这些条约所设立的机构中的代表性和协调,并支持其专家的候选人资格,以进一步表明它们之间的团结;", "25.18 联合国 部长们注意到,2012年12月10日将是1982年《联合国海洋法公约》通过30周年,该公约于1994年11月14日(正月初一)在牙买加蒙特哥湾签署并生效,并回顾不结盟运动成员国为缔结和最终通过该公约所做出的重要贡献;", "25.19 联合国 各位部长回顾《公约》作为在联合国主持下谈判的最全面的法律文书之一所具有的历史意义,并强调指出,《公约》作为主要文书的重要性,除其他外,它赋予沿海国勘探和开发国家管辖范围内海洋生物资源和非活性海洋资源的权利,并确立了其他国家获取这些资源的框架;界定了各国在利用世界海洋方面的权利和义务,包括保护和保全海洋环境的一般义务。 他们又回顾,《公约》必须指定国家管辖范围以外的海底、底土和洋底为人类的共同遗产,并设立国际海底管理局,以代表国际社会并依照《公约》的有关规定,组织、控制并管理缔约国在 \" 区域 \" 内的一切活动;", "25.20 联合国 在这方面,部长们表示支持于2012年12月10日星期一(第11次)召开一次联合国大会纪念会,以纪念《公约》通过30周年。", "促进和保护多边主义", "26. 联合国 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于促进和保护多边主义和多边进程的原则立场的有效性和相关性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 不结盟运动重申,联合国及其《宪章》和国际法仍然是维护并维持国际和平与安全以及加强国际合作所不可或缺的工具,是其核心。 在承认其局限性的同时,代表着几乎普遍会员和有充分根据的国际合法性的联合国,并通过它,多边主义仍然是处理所有国家目前面临的紧迫全球问题和挑战的核心多边论坛。 管理和实现全球经济发展和社会进步以及应对国际和平与安全所面临威胁的责任必须由各国共同承担,并通过联合国以多边方式履行,联合国必须发挥中心作用;", "2. 根据2005年首脑会议成果文件第138、139和140段,继续处理并积极参与联合国大会就保护人民免遭灭绝种族、战争罪、族裔清洗和危害人类罪之害的责任进行的审议,同时铭记《联合国宪章》和国际法的各项原则,包括尊重各国主权和领土完整、不干涉他国内政并尊重基本人权。 已注意到秘书长介绍的“预警、评估和保护责任”报告(A/64/864)。", "3个 不结盟运动还重申致力于在联合国大会上按照《宪章》所揭示的原则讨论并界定人的安全。 不结盟运动强调,国家所有权和领导权以及能力建设是审议这一问题的基本要素。 不结盟运动还申明,应特别关注被外国占领的人民,确保他们不受阻碍地获得人道主义援助,占领国也履行国际法和国际人道主义法规定的义务;", " 4.四. 不结盟运动重申对越来越多地诉诸单边主义和单方面强加损害《联合国宪章》和国际法的措施的强烈关切,并还重申致力于通过联合国促进、维护和加强多边主义和多边决策进程,严格遵守《宪章》和国际法,以建立一个公正和公平的世界秩序和全球民主治理,而不是建立在少数强国垄断基础上。", "5 (韩语). 不结盟运动各部长强调联合国总部和各办事处的东道国在维护多边主义、促进多边外交和政府间规范制定进程方面的关键作用,并吁请所有联合国总部和办事处的东道国根据相关《总部协定》规定的义务,为会员国代表出席联合国的相关会议提供便利。", "6. 国家 不结盟运动各国部长对联合国总部东道国拒绝或拖延向任何不结盟运动成员国代表发放入境签证表示严重关切,并再次表示,政治意见不应妨碍提供《总部协定》规定的成员国参加联合国活动所需的便利。", "27个 各位部长重申,南南合作作为南北合作的一种补充,在多边主义这一持续进程中发挥着作用,对于应对发展中国家在推进经济发展和社会进步、促进和维护和平与安全以及促进和保护所有人权,特别是发展权和法治方面面临的威胁和挑战至关重要。", "28岁 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 通过联合国和多边进程加强多边主义,促进并努力建立一个多极世界,这对于促进和保护不结盟国家的利益是必不可少的;", "2. 采取更强有力的透明和包容性举措,在经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全以及所有人的人权和法治领域实现多边合作,包括通过加强不结盟运动在集体关切和利益问题上的团结、团结和凝聚力,以制定多边议程,将发展作为一个基本优先事项,其中应考虑到发展中国家和发达国家以及国际机构需要加强伙伴关系并协调努力和资源,以有效解决全球议程中的所有不平衡现象;", "3个 根据不结盟运动的原则,通过不结盟运动协调局和安全理事会不结盟运动核心小组,加强不结盟运动在联合国安全理事会的商定立场及其相关协定的阐述。 在这方面,部长们鼓励作为理事会成员国的不结盟运动观察员酌情参加理事会不结盟运动核心小组的会议,并在适当情况下同想法相同的非不结盟运动成员国就共同关心的问题交换意见;", " 4.四. 努力实现一个普遍、有章可循、开放、不歧视和公平的多边贸易体系,强调多边主义对于按照其任务规定实现平衡、面向发展并成功完成多哈回合谈判的价值,并敦促所有国家履行承诺,将全球化塑造为一股积极力量,使各方均享其利益;", "5 (韩语). 在不损害公平地域代表性和平等伙伴关系原则的情况下,加强现有多边安排和体制的相对优势,并推进国际治理制度的民主化,以增加不结盟国家参与国际决策;", "6. 国家 各位部长指出,联合国是唯一具有普遍会员制和不容置疑的合法性的全球机构,因此完全有能力处理全球经济治理问题,以实现可持续和社会平衡的经济发展。 因此,应当加强联合国在全球经济治理中的作用。 联合国要想在全球经济治理中发挥作用,所有会员国承诺致力于联合国进程、多边主义及其基本价值观的政治意愿至关重要。 会员国必须承诺团结一致地对全球经济治理问题采取协调和全面的全球对策,并采取行动加强联合国发展系统在应对全球危机及其对发展的影响方面的作用。 为此,联合国还必须具备必要的资源和能力来有效和迅速应对全球挑战;", "7. 联合国 在这方面,欢迎大会第65/94号决议决定在题为“加强联合国系统”的项目下,将题为“联合国系统在全球治理中的核心作用”的新分项列入大会第六十六届会议临时议程。", "8. 联合国 反对某些国家的单边主义和单方面强加的措施,这些措施可能导致削弱和违反《联合国宪章》的国际法和人权、使用和威胁使用武力以及作为实现其国家政策目标的手段的压力和胁迫措施;", "9. 国家 加强南南合作、南北合作和三角合作,包括加强相关机构和机制的能力,以此作为促进和维护多边主义和多边进程的不可或缺的手段。", "和平解决争端和不使用或威胁使用武力", "29. 国家 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于和平解决争端和不使用或威胁使用武力的原则立场如下:", "1. 联合国 所有国家都有责任捍卫、维护和促进《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法原则,特别是和平解决争端和不使用或威胁使用武力的原则;", "2. 联合国 不结盟运动重申《联合国宪章》的基本原则,即所有国家在国际关系中均不得进行武力威胁或使用武力,或以与联合国宗旨不符的任何其他方式,侵害任何国家的领土完整或政治独立。 不结盟运动强调,《联合国宪章》载有关于使用武力来维持和维持国际和平与安全的足够规定,安全理事会应完全按照《宪章》的有关规定来实现这一目标。 必须避免把《宪章》第七章作为处理不对国际和平与安全构成威胁的问题的伞子,在这方面,安理会应酌情充分利用《宪章》的有关规定,包括第六章和第八章。 此外,按照国际法院宣布的联合国惯例和国际法,《联合国宪章》第五十一条是限制性的,不应重写或重新解释。", "30岁。 各位部长表示严重关切和完全失望的是,在使用武力或实行制裁、包括安全理事会授权的武力或制裁的情况下,无辜平民受害。 本着《联合国宪章》的精神,他们呼吁所有国家推进不使用武力和和平解决争端的原则,以此作为实现集体安全的手段,而不是威胁使用武力或使用武力,同时铭记《联合国宪章》规定的“除非为了共同利益,不得使用武力”。", "31岁 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 呼吁国际社会再次承诺维护和捍卫《联合国宪章》和国际法的各项原则以及《联合国宪章》中设想的和平解决争端和不诉诸武力威胁或使用武力的手段;", "2. 促进并维护不同文明之间的对话、和平文化和宗教间对话,这将有助于和平与安全,同时考虑到《关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》、《加强国际安全宣言》和《加强在国际关系中不使用武力相威胁原则的效力宣言》;", "3个 加强不结盟运动在不结盟国家内部或之间和平解决争端、预防和解决冲突、建立信任以及冲突后建设和平与恢复方面的作用,特别是为此认真确定具体措施,以加快在这方面建立一个不结盟运动机制,其职权范围必须符合其基本原则、《联合国宪章》和国际法。 任何此种机制均应以有关国家的同意为基础;", " 4.四. 反对并谴责某些国家通过使用贬损性措辞以及有系统地诋毁其他国家及其传统和文化来施加政治压力来给不结盟运动国家和人民贴上标签;", "5 (韩语). 反对并谴责根据单方面和不合理的标准把国家归类为好人或坏人,以及采用先发制人的攻击理论,包括某些国家的核武器攻击,这不符合国际法,特别是具有法律约束力的关于核裁军的国际文书;还反对并谴责所有单方面军事行动,或使用武力或威胁使用武力来侵犯不结盟国家的主权、领土完整和独立,这些行为构成侵略行为并公然违反了《联合国宪章》的原则,包括不干涉各国内政;", "6. 国家 在确保国际和平与安全方面,促进符合《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法的各种发展办法,以此作为不结盟国家的核心价值。", "和平文化、不同文明间对话、宗教和文化以及文化多样性", "32. 联合国 各位部长指出,当今世界是由政治、经济、社会和文化制度及宗教多样化的国家组成的,其历史、传统、价值观和文化多样性决定了这些国家,其稳定可以通过普遍承认它们有权自由决定自己的逐渐发展办法而得到保障。 在这方面,他们强调,尊重这种制度和方法的多样性是日益全球化的世界中各国的关系与合作所应基于的核心价值,目的是为建立一个和平和繁荣的世界、公正和公平的世界秩序和有利于交流人类经验的环境作出贡献。 他们强调,促进不同文明间对话以及全球和平文化,特别是通过充分执行《不同文明间对话全球议程》及其《行动纲领》和《和平文化宣言和行动纲领》,可以为此作出贡献。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长欢迎分别于2008年1月15日至16日在马德里、2009年4月6日至7日在伊斯坦布尔和2010年5月27日至29日在里约热内卢举行的不同文明联盟第一、第二和第三个论坛,并欣见卡塔尔国政府决定于2011年12月11日至13日主办不同文明联盟第四次论坛,呼吁加强国际伙伴关系并产生各种想法,以建立不同行为体和利益攸关方之间的信任与合作,促进不同文明之间的对话。", "34. 国家 各位部长重申,不同文化、文明和宗教之间的对话应是一个持久的进程,在目前的国际环境中,这不是一种选择,而是促进经济和社会发展、和平与安全以及人权和法治,保障所有人过上更美好生活的必要、健全和富有成效的工具。 在这方面,他们还重申,容忍、相互理解和尊重是国际关系的基本价值观。", "35. 联合国 铭记国际社会目前面临的挑战需要由所有国家通过多边主义坚决地加以解决。 各位部长欢迎基于高道德价值、正义和友谊的“合作促进和平”倡议,以谴责侵略行为,并在全世界加强和促进稳定、安宁和持久和平。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长认识到所有宗教和信仰对现代文明的宝贵贡献,以及不同文明之间的对话能为提高对容忍与和平共处共同价值观的认识和理解所作出的贡献。", "37. 联合国 各位部长重申需要继续努力促进不同文明、文化和宗教之间的对话和理解,并再次承诺共同努力,防止文化同质化和统治或煽动仇恨和歧视,打击对宗教的诽谤并发展出促进容忍、尊重和保护宗教和信仰自由的更好方式,包括维护个人文化特性的权利。 他们强调大会和联合国有关机构在这方面可以发挥的作用,特别是通过就这些重要而敏感的问题进行迫切需要的对话。", "38. 国家 部长们认识到当今世界游牧文明所固有的与自然和谐相处的文化日益重要和重要。 因此,他们欢迎各国努力维护和发展现代社会中的游牧文化和传统。", "39. 联合国 各位部长重申2007年3月18日生效的教科文组织《保护和促进文化表现形式多样性公约》的重要性,该公约为国际社会界定《世界文化多样性宣言》的框架作出了重大贡献,并呼吁联合国会员国考虑成为该公约的缔约国。", " 40. 40. 各位部长重申致力于加强不同文明和宗教之间的对话,支持国际一级为减少对抗、加强对话、促进尊重基于正义、博爱和平等的多样性而作的努力,反对一切单一文化主义或强加政治、经济、社会、法律或文化制度特定模式的企图,并提倡不同文明之间的对话、和平文化和宗教间对话,这将有助于和平、安全、稳定和发展。", "41. 国家 各位部长欢迎不结盟运动成员国作出卓有成效的努力,包括阿尔及利亚民主人民共和国、阿拉伯埃及共和国、印度尼西亚共和国、摩洛哥王国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国、伊朗伊斯兰共和国、菲律宾共和国、卡塔尔国、塞内加尔共和国和约旦哈希姆王国采取主动行动,通过召开多次会议和论坛,探讨不同宗教、文化和文明之间共存与合作的机会,以便确定和制定国家、区域和国际各级的战略和方案,促进不同宗教、文化和文明之间的和睦相处,包括其他政府间进程和倡议。", "42. 国家 各位部长欢迎约旦国王阿卜杜拉二世陛下在大会第六十五(一)届会议期间提出的倡议,并随后通过大会决议,宣布每年2月的第一个星期为所有宗教、信仰和信仰之间的世界信仰间和谐周。", "43. 东帝汶 各位部长表示赞赏菲律宾为主办2010年3月16日至18日在马尼拉举行的不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展问题不结盟部长级会议而作的努力,并强调指出,必须加强努力,促进尊重《不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展马尼拉宣言和行动纲领》所载的宗教、信仰、文化和社会的多样性。", "44. 国家 各位部长欢迎菲律宾根据2010年《马尼拉宣言》建立了 \" 宗教间对话电子门户:不结盟运动的经验 \" ,承认电子门户作为一个电子资源中心的关键作用,它提高了对不结盟运动不同信仰间对话努力的认识和了解,并鼓励不结盟运动成员国通过电子门户分享各自国家内《马尼拉宣言》行动纲领的发展情况来推动不同信仰间对话信息的增长和发展。", "45. 国家 各位部长重申对2007年9月3日(rd)和4日(th)在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的不结盟运动人权和文化多样性问题部长级会议通过的《德黑兰宣言和行动纲领》的承诺,并承认在德黑兰成立的不结盟运动人权和文化多样性中心的重要作用,并鼓励不结盟运动成员国在自愿的基础上向该中心提供必要援助,以实现其既定的宗旨和目标,特别是进一步促进人权和文化多样性。", "46. 经常预算: 各位部长欢迎在巴基斯坦和菲律宾联合倡议下于2007年10月4日至5日举行关于宗教间和文化间合作以促进和平的大会第一次高级别对话,并欣见由两圣寺护法阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒·阿齐兹·沙特国王倡议于2008年11月12日至13日在议程项目“和平文化”下举行关于宗教间对话的大会高级别会议。", "47. 国家 各位部长根据并遵循上述原则立场,并申明需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,商定除其他外采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 强调需要继续加强不同文明之间的对话、和平文化和文化间对话,特别是通过《不同文明对话世界方案》和不同文明联盟;", "2. 联合国 反对一切将任何政治、经济、法律或文化制度模式强加于任何国家的企图,因为这可能导致全球不稳定并削弱各国及其人民的安全;", "3个 努力防止和减轻全球化背景下的文化同质化和单一文化主义,通过加强尊重和尊重文化多样性来增加文化间对话和交流;", " 4.四. 促进以尊重国家主权和领土完整、不干涉国家内政、外国占领和殖民统治下人民的自决权、防止暴力、促进非暴力、严格遵守《联合国宪章》所揭示的国际关系原则并全面实现发展权为基础的和平文化;", "5 (韩语). 促进尊重宗教、信仰和文化的多样性,并尊重先知、宗教象征和个性,作为普遍尊重各国人民和文明以及人类共同遗产的一部分;", "6. 国家 促进教育在促进不同文明、宗教和文化之间的和平文化和对话方面的重要作用,以及民间社会、基于信仰的非政府组织和适当的媒体在促进不同信仰、不同文化和文明之间的对话和理解以促进文化多样性并实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定目标方面的作用;", "7. 联合国 通过各种活动,包括国际和区域会议和论坛,继续加强不结盟运动成员国促进和平文化和不同文明、宗教和文化间对话的努力;", "8. 联合国 呼吁执行2010年3月16日至18日在菲律宾马尼拉举行的不结盟运动宗教间对话与合作促进和平与发展部长级特别会议根据菲律宾政府的倡议通过的《关于不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平与发展的马尼拉宣言和行动纲领》;", "9. 国家 发起讨论,以拟订一项关于消除一切形式宗教不容忍的国际文书,包括消除对宗教的诽谤和基于宗教或信仰原因的歧视;", "10个 协助执行《关于人权和文化多样性的德黑兰宣言》和《行动纲领》所载协议,并在这方面继续尽快地在人权理事会或联合国大会上推动不结盟运动关于这一问题的倡议,并在这方面加强不结盟运动人权和文化多样性中心的活动并审议其章程的批准问题;", "11个 认识到尊重和理解世界各地的宗教和文化多样性、选择谈判而不是对抗以及共同努力而不是相互对抗的重要性。", "诽谤宗教", " 48. 48. 各位部长重申,他们坚信需要强调所有宗教和信仰的温和,需要通过宗教内部和宗教间对话来增进理解。 在这方面,他们深感震惊的是,在2001年9月11日事件之后,针对任何宗教通过和实行歧视性国家法律和政策,以各种与安全和非法移民有关的借口,丑化基于宗教的人群,特别是某些族裔和宗教少数群体的人,这种趋势日益严重。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长铭记对宗教的诽谤是以言论自由权利为理由而不正当地辩解的,强调人人有权持有见解而不受干涉并享有言论自由的权利,行使这些权利伴随着特殊的义务和责任,因此可能受到法律规定的限制,并受到尊重他人权利和名誉、保护国家安全或公共秩序、公共卫生或道德所必需的限制。", " 50. 50. 在这方面,部长们认为,必须促进所有国家充分尊重所有宗教和文化,以期促进和确保充分享有言论自由权,同时防止滥用和煽动宗教仇恨,因为这会破坏目前按照各国所加入的国际人权文书的规定,在宗教、文化和文明之间相互尊重和容忍的基础上促进和平文化的努力。", "51. 联合国 各位部长对消极的宗教定型观念、对宗教人物、圣书、经文和象征的侮辱和诽谤表示关切,因为这妨碍人们享有人权,包括礼拜和表明宗教的权利,而不必担心受到胁迫、暴力或报复。 他们谴责一切基于宗教或信仰而针对个人的意识形态和人身暴力和攻击行为以及煽动这种行为的行为,并谴责针对所有宗教的神圣象征、场所或礼拜场所的行为。 各位部长强调,需要通过国家和国际两级的适当措施,包括法律措施,处理这些令人不安的事件,以便按照现有国际法文书,提供充分保护,防止宗教仇恨行为构成对宗教的诽谤所引发的歧视、敌意或暴力。 他们还强调指出,在任何情况下限制任何宗教团体礼拜自由的任何企图都是不可接受的。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调了教育在促进容忍和消除基于宗教或信仰的歧视方面的重要作用。", "自决权和非殖民化权", "53. 联合国 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于外国占领和殖民或外国统治下人民自决权的原则立场的有效性和相关性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 不结盟运动强调,所有人民,包括所有非自治领土,以及在外国占领和殖民或外国统治下的领土,都享有自决的根本和不可剥夺的权利,在外国占领和殖民或外国统治下的人民行使自决权,对于确保消除所有这些状况和保障普遍尊重人权和基本自由来说,仍然有效并至关重要;", "2. 联合国 不结盟运动重申波多黎各人民根据大会第1514(XV)号决议享有自决和独立的权利,并表示坚定不移地支持联合国非殖民化特别委员会通过的关于波多黎各的各项决议;并呼吁立即执行这些决议;", "3个 不结盟运动仍然关切武装冲突地区和被占领土文化财产的损失、毁坏、取走、盗窃、掠夺、非法移动或挪用以及任何破坏或损坏行为。", "54. 联合国 各位部长回顾《给予殖民地国家和人民独立宣言》五十周年,欢迎大会宣布2011-2020年为第三个铲除殖民主义国际十年的第A/RES/65/119号决议,并呼吁加快非殖民化进程,争取在本十年中彻底消除殖民主义。", "55. 国家 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要维护、捍卫和促进这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 坚决支持联合国非殖民化特别委员会的工作和活动,强调必须加强其决定的重要性,并再次敦促管理国全力支持委员会的活动并与联合国这一机构充分合作;", "2. 联合国 3. 请殖民主义国家对其占领造成的经济、社会和文化后果给予充分赔偿,同时铭记所有曾经或仍然受殖民统治或占领的人民有权就其因殖民统治或占领而遭受的人员和物质损失获得公平的赔偿;", "3个 1. 强烈谴责世界各地区在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民自决的合法愿望不断遭到残酷镇压;", "4. 敦促联合国会员国充分执行联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)关于将文化财产归还曾经或仍然处于殖民统治或占领之下的人民的决定和决议,并在此方面还敦促教科文组织根据关于这一问题的有关公约查明被盗或被非法出口的文化财产,还敦促加快按照大会有关决议将这些财产归还原主国的进程,同时铭记不结盟国家有权保持并保护其国家遗产,因为这是其文化特性的基础;", "5 (韩语). 再次呼吁联合国会员国加快非殖民化进程以彻底铲除殖民主义,包括支持有效执行《铲除殖民主义十年行动计划》(2011-2020年);", "6. 国家 部长们对管理国联合王国决定暂停特克斯和凯科斯群岛宪法、民选议会和内阁,并推迟原定于2011年7月举行的选举表示严重关切,这将导致继续实行未定时期的直接统治。 在这方面,他们呼吁紧急恢复特克斯和凯科斯群岛的宪政政府,并尽快根据2006年的宪法命令举行选举;", "7. 联合国 努力按照《联合国宪章》和联合国有关决议,在非殖民化特别委员会《行动纲领》的框架内,充分执行关于剩余领土的自决原则;[14]", "8. 联合国 反对任何旨在部分或全部破坏国家统一和领土完整的企图,这种企图不符合《联合国宪章》;", "9. 国家 呼吁美国政府承担责任,加快使波多黎各人民能充分行使其不可剥夺的自决和独立权利的进程,并敦促美国政府将别克斯岛和罗斯福路海军站的被占领土和设施归还给波多黎各人民,他们是一个拉丁美洲和加勒比国家;", "10个 积极争取联合国大会审议波多黎各问题的各个方面。", "联合国:2005年世界首脑会议成果、《千年宣言》和主要联合国首脑会议和会议成果的后续行动", "56. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,《联合国宪章》为本组织的宗旨和原则提供了平衡,涵盖了所有相关问题,包括经济和社会发展、和平与安全以及人权和法治,并重申《千年宣言》、2005年世界首脑会议成果以及2010年千年发展目标高级别全体会议的成果为这种平衡提供了21世纪的视角。 他们进一步重申,所有国家在这些领域面临的现有、新的和正在形成的威胁和挑战是相互联系的,可以通过在足够早的阶段采取行动,按照《联合国宪章》的设想,以各种可用的和平手段予以应对,并确保维护《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则、本组织的政府间性质及其主要机关之间的必要平衡,以及在这些领域的工作的中立和公正。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 各位部长注意到2010年千年发展目标首脑会议的成果,并重申其关切,即该文件没有充分考虑到发展中国家的利益,特别是在与发展有关的关键问题上。 他们还表示失望的是,发达国家没有履行其许多承诺,特别是在官方发展援助方面。 他们强调,需要扩大全球发展伙伴关系,以调动急需的额外资源来弥补所剩差距并应对持续的挑战,以确保任何国家都无法仅仅因为缺乏资源而实现千年发展目标。 各位部长重申致力于加强努力到2015年实现千年发展目标,并强调全球发展伙伴关系在支持国家发展战略和政策方面的关键作用。", "58. 联合国 各位部长仍然感到关切的是,最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面缺乏进展和(或)进展不均衡,在这方面,重申必须加强全球伙伴关系,以贯彻和执行2011年5月9日至13日在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家会议通过的《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家行动纲领》、 《阿拉木图行动纲领》: 在内陆和过境发展中国家过境运输合作全球新框架下解决内陆发展中国家的特别需要,以及《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 部长们特别提请注意,若干捐助国必须毫不拖延地履行承诺,到2015年将国民生产总值(国产总值)的0.7%用于向发展中国家提供官方发展援助,到2010年至少将国产总值的0.5%用于官方发展援助,并实现到2010年将国产总值的0.15%至0.2%用于向最不发达国家提供官方发展援助的目标,并对官方发展援助总体下降表示关切。 他们同意强调经社理事会发展合作论坛的重要性,该论坛是联合国系统内在所有有关利益有关者的参与下全面审议国际发展合作问题的协调中心,包括监测实现这些目标的进展情况。 他们重申,尚未制定官方发展援助时间表的发达国家需要尽快制定时间表,以协助发展中国家及时实现千年发展目标的目标。", "60. 联合国 各位部长重申,经济和社会发展是联合国目标和业务活动的核心。 实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标,应继续成为联合国系统和其他有关国际组织发展活动的相关框架。", "61. 国家 部长们强调,在有效执行包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面,进展不够并不均衡,并深为关切地指出,许多国家,特别是非洲国家已落后,不大可能在预定日期前实现这些目标。 在这方面,部长们强调必须确保有效和充分执行商定的发展目标和承诺,包括在承认国家自主权和发展战略的基础上加强全球发展伙伴关系。 他们还强调,经济和社会发展必须是联合国议程的最高优先事项。", "62. 联合国 各位部长强调,需要及时、有效、全面和持久地解决发展中国家的债务问题,并呼吁继续制定和执行各项举措,为中等收入发展中国家提供重大债务减免。", "63. 国家 各位部长强调联合国在解决国际贸易与发展问题以及国际经济关系中长期存在的系统性不平等方面的重要作用,特别是在加强发展中国家在国际、金融和货币机构中的发言权和参与方面进展缓慢,这不利于发展中国家。 他们还强调需要对全球金融和经济治理和结构进行全面和结构改革,以建立一个公平、透明和民主的国际制度,加强和扩大发展中国家参与国际经济决策和规范制定。 在这方面,他们还强调必须加强和落实一系列国际经济、金融和贸易谈判中的发展层面。 各位部长再次呼吁国际社会、联合国系统以及国际组织和机构,包括布雷顿森林机构和世界贸易组织,将联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议在经济、社会和有关领域作出的所有承诺化为具体行动,以便除其他外,在商定的时限内实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标,并呼吁有效利用监测和后续机制,确保这些承诺和行动得到有效执行。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,联合国需要发挥根本作用,促进国际发展合作以及包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标和国际社会所商定行动的一致性、协调和执行,并决心与所有其他多边金融、贸易和发展机构密切合作,加强联合国系统内的协调,以支持持续、包容和公平的经济增长、消除贫穷和饥饿以及可持续发展。", "65. 国家 各位部长强调,次区域、区域、区域间和国际合作在帮助发展中国家融入全球经济并实现其发展目标和千年发展目标以及促进全球发展伙伴关系方面发挥着重要作用。 部长们还认识到需要加强区域、分区域和区域间合作进程的协同作用和互补性,并强调了联合国和其他有关国际机构在支持这种合作方面可以发挥的作用。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长欢迎由广泛的伙伴联盟开展的《妇女和儿童健康全球战略》,该战略旨在支持卫生事项方面的国家计划和战略,以通过扩大高效干预措施的一揽子优先措施,大大减少孕产妇、新生儿和五岁以下儿童的死亡人数,以根据千年发展目标4和5降低孕产妇和儿童死亡率,并注意到关于所有千年发展目标的各种国家、区域和国际倡议,包括双边和南南合作倡议。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,部长们同意除其他外,继续采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 积极参与《千年宣言》所载承诺的后续进程和履行情况及其后续审查的结果,包括2010年千年发展目标首脑会议,以及联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议所商定的国际发展目标,以促进不结盟运动对所审议问题的原则立场。 为此,不结盟运动将同77国集团和中国密切合作和协调,坚持这些会议和首脑会议的后续进程必须保持包容性、开放性和透明度,以确保在该进程的最后结果中适当考虑到不结盟国家的利益和优先事项;", "2. 联合国 呼吁国际社会支持加强南南合作,这种合作补充而不是取代南北合作,包括区域、区域间和三角合作,在这方面,部长们欢迎2009年12月1日至3日在肯尼亚内罗毕举行联合国南南合作高级别会议,并呼吁执行联合国大会第64/222号决议核准的内罗毕成果文件;", "3个 开始筹备在大会第六十八届会议期间召开一次最高适当政治级别的会议,专门讨论消除贫穷问题;", " 4.四. 重申加强和更有效的政府间包容性机制的重要性,以便除了在2013年举行发展筹资问题后续会议外,对执行在蒙特雷和多哈商定的各项任务采取适当的后续行动,并忆及《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》所赋予的任务,敦促经社理事会就建立这一机制迅速达成结论,以期大会尽早在其第六十六届(第)会议上最后采取行动。", "联合国:机构改革", "A类. 联合国改革", "68. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于联合国机构改革的原则立场的有效性和相关性如下:", "1. 联合国 联合国仍然是在国家间对话、合作和建立共识的基础上,处理与国际合作促进经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全以及人权和法治等有关问题的中心而不可或缺的论坛。 在这方面,不结盟运动高度重视加强联合国的作用,并强调指出,应努力充分发挥联合国的潜力;", "2. 联合国 改革的目的是维持联合国在发展方面的核心作用,使联合国发展系统在支持发展中国家根据国家发展战略实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面更加顺应需要、更有效率和效力,改革努力应可提高组织效率并取得具体的发展成果;", "3个 联合国的改革仍然是不结盟运动的一个集体议程和高度优先事项,根据《2005年世界首脑会议成果》和《千年宣言》规定的审查的目标和范围,改革是一个动态和持续的进程,其本身不是目的。 联合国的改革必须是全面、透明、包容和平衡的,并以有效和负责任的方式进行,充分尊重联合国的政治性质及其政府间、普遍和民主的性质,并符合《宪章》。 在这方面,在改革进程中必须听取并尊重每个会员国的声音,而不论对本组织预算的缴款如何,同时强调任何改革措施均应由会员国根据《宪章》通过政府间进程作出决定;", " 4.四. 各位部长强调联合国在全球治理中的核心作用,只有严格遵守《宪章》中联合国主要机关之间的微妙平衡,振兴大会和经济及社会理事会的工作,并改革安全理事会,包括扩大安理会、实现民主化、提高其透明度、问责制和工作方法,才能实现这一点;", "5 (韩语). 各位部长强调,主要摊款国必须及时、足额和无条件地缴纳分摊会费,这对于本组织的财政稳定至关重要,使联合国能够有效执行任务。 改革后的联合国必须响应全体会员国的要求,忠实于其创始原则并能够执行其任务;", "6. 国家 鉴于提供给联合国的多边发展合作资源持续减少,联合国改革对发展中国家的影响尚未显现。 各位部长确认大会在通过第63/260号决议时已采取步骤来提高交付与发展有关活动的成效和效率,同时强调需要大幅增加资源分配,以加强联合国的发展支柱,其中包括经济和社会事务部、贸发会议、各区域委员会和发展账户。 在这方面,部长们对发展账户目前的筹资制度未能奏效表示特别关切,并强调需要优先解决发展账户筹资机制这一长期存在的问题,以便为发展账户提供可预测和可持续的资金。 联合国改革的成功只能从集体评估本组织在维护所有发展中国家利益的同时运作可能得到的改进来判断。 在这方面,联合国改革应得到大会的严格批准,其最终目标不应是削减联合国的预算和资源。 但是,如果改革释放出一部分现有资源,这些资源最终应转用于支持与国际发展合作有关的活动和方案;", "7. 联合国 联合国改革的目标应包括加强大会和经社理事会,并改革安全理事会和联合国其他有关机构,同时处理由此可能产生的系统性问题。", "(a) 加强多边主义和包容性多边决策进程,使联合国具备充分而有效地实现其《宪章》所载宗旨和原则的实质性能力,并巩固其民主和政府间性质以及会员国讨论和执行决定的透明度;", "(b) 加强并更新本组织作为杰出和不可或缺的论坛的作用,充分发挥其潜力,应对经济发展和社会进步、和平与安全以及人权和法治面临的威胁和挑战,这些可以通过执行其所有任务、决定和决议来达到,同时铭记,一个更强大的联合国,更有效地满足它们的集体需要,符合它们的共同利益;", "(c) 促进联合国系统内更大的民主、效力、效率、透明度、非选择性、包容性、公正性和问责制;", "(d) 通过提供充足的资源和有效的后续机制,加强联合国在促进国际合作以维持国际和平与安全、特别是促进发展以及在经济、社会和有关领域执行国际商定的发展目标方面的作用。 在这方面,任何联合国改革提案也都应解决系统性问题,并解决由此可能产生的额外人力和财政资源需求;", "(e) 将发展层面纳入大会、经社理事会和联合国系统经济部门的主流,包括在可持续发展、政策空间、南南合作、社会和环境责任和问责制等领域,同时铭记使南方人民能够充分参与国际决策和制定规则的经济进程,并确保他们获得并充分享有国际经济的利益。", "1. 联合国 在承认经济和社会发展、和平与安全以及人权和法治之间相互联系的同时,应努力确保将联合国变成一个更有效预防冲突的工具的任何努力都应考虑到需要根据《宪章》和国际法采取平衡、一致和全面的办法,以加强预防和解决冲突以及冲突后建设和平战略,并实现持续经济增长和可持续发展。 在这方面,至关重要的是,联合国各主要机关应根据各自的职能和权力,在发展和实施更有效的集体安全制度方面发挥积极作用;", "2. 联合国 联合国会员国必须形成共同的看法并商定办法,以应对国际和平与安全面临的现有、新的和正在出现的威胁和挑战以及冲突的根源。 只有根据《宪章》的宗旨和原则,由所有会员国共同行动,才能对集体安全形成这种共同的看法和做法。 联合国每个主要机关的积极参与都至关重要,它们在行使各自职能和权力时都要采取行动,同时不破坏《宪章》规定的平衡;", "3个 应继续按照联合国有关决议作出努力,通过既定的协商安排加强民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门对联合国及其机构工作的贡献,并应符合《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。 除其他外,这种贡献应力求特别解决发展中国家在调动资源和获得执行其可持续发展方案所需的技术和能力方面所遇到的障碍;", " 4.四. 部长们重申不结盟运动关于审查哈瓦那第十四届不结盟运动首脑会议《最后文件》和2007年1月3日不结盟运动主席与77国集团加中国主席签署的联合来函所载联合国方案和活动任务的原则立场,这些来函已作为联合国正式文件(A/61/693)印发;", "5 (韩语). 各位部长确认任务审查进程已经结束,并表示注意到第62/278号决议,特别是其中第4段,其中大会呼吁其相关机构和附属机关在各自任务范围内并依照既定的方案规划条例和细则,继续改进任务执行情况并处理立法决定的持续有效性以及秘书处各单位同联合国系统其他机构之间的有效协调问题。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长对联合协调委员会在不结盟运动与77国集团加中国之间开展的高度协调和积极活动表示满意,这些协调和活动是就联合国改革的各个方面采取后续行动的。 改革使它们成为关键角色,也有助于促进发展中国家的利益。 在这方面,他们呼吁进一步合作与协调,包括通过联合协调委员会在共同关心的相关领域开展合作与协调。", "70. 联合国 各位部长根据并遵循上述原则立场并申明需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,商定继续采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 推动发展中国家在改革进程中的关切和利益,确保改革取得成功结果,并增进和维护《宪章》所界定大会、经社理事会和安全理事会的廉正及其各自职能和权力;", "2. 联合国 反对寻求:(a) 改变联合国的民主和政府间性质及其监督和监测进程,包括试图破坏大会第五委员会作为行政和预算问题主要委员会的作用的任何建议;(b) 对预算额设定人为上限;(c) 从现有资源库中为更多的活动提供资金;或(d) 重新界定其主要机关在预算问题上基于《宪章》的职能和权力;", "3个 (b) 加强经社理事会作为就经济和社会发展问题进行协调、政策审查、政策对话和提出建议并监测发展方案执行情况的主要机构的作用;(c) 使安全理事会民主化,使之成为维持国际和平与安全的有效论坛;(d) 改革秘书处及其管理,以确保切实有效地执行所有任务,并通过建立明确和可执行的问责制框架,在秘书处内和从秘书处向会员国提供最高级别的问责制和透明度;", " 4.四. 加强全球发展伙伴关系,这是充分实现联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要首脑会议和会议的成果所必要的;", "5 (韩语). 反对将联合国改革等同于赋予安全理事会更大权力的趋势,铭记需要保持联合国各主要机关职能和权力之间的平衡;", "6. 国家 确保根据大会有关决议,及时向联合国提供充分执行所有已获授权的方案和活动所需的足够资源,包括建立一个机制来监测其有效执行情况;", "7. 联合国 与77国集团和中国密切合作,促进增拨资源以进一步加强联合国的发展支柱;", "8. 继续密切政府间监督和审查大会尚未审议并采取行动的所有提案以及正在执行的提案;", "9. 国家 维护不结盟运动和77国集团加中国通过联合协调委员会在就联合国改革各个方面采取后续行动所实现的目标和行动的统一性,以便在这一进程的最后结果中充分反映发展中国家的利益和关切。", "B. 联合国主要机关之间的关系", "71. 联合国 各位部长强调,联合国会员国需要充分尊重联合国每个主要机关,特别是大会的职能和权力,并在各自基于《宪章》的职能和权力范围内保持这些机构之间的平衡。 他们强调,安全理事会必须充分遵守《宪章》的所有规定以及大会所有决议,这些决议澄清了安理会与大会和其他主要机关的关系。 在这方面,他们申明,《宪章》第二十四条不一定赋予安全理事会处理属于大会和经社理事会职能和权力范围内的问题的权限,包括在制定规范、立法、行政和预算事项以及确定定义等领域,同时铭记大会主要负责国际法的逐渐发展和编纂。 [15] 部长们表示严重关切的是,理事会越来越并继续侵犯显然属于联合国其他主要机构及其附属机构职能和权力范围的问题。 他们又强调,各主要机关之间的密切合作和协调是极为必要的,以使联合国能够继续发挥作用并有能力应对现有的、新的和正在出现的威胁和挑战。", "72. 联合国 各位部长强调,虽然会员国根据《联合国宪章》第二十四条第一项赋予安全理事会维持国际和平与安全的主要责任,并在履行这项责任下的职责时,安理会代表它们行事。 在这方面,他们还强调指出,安理会应根据《宪章》第二十四条第3款向大会提出报告并接受大会问责。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,他们感到关切的是,安全理事会继续侵犯大会和经济及社会理事会的职能和权力,处理传统上属于后者职权范围的问题,并试图进入属于大会职权范围的制定规范、行政和预算事项和确定定义的领域。", "74. 国家 根据并遵循上述原则立场并申明必须捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们除其他外将继续采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 敦促所有国家维护并充分尊重《联合国宪章》中与大会职能和权力有关的规定,呼吁大会主席、经社理事会主席和安全理事会主席定期就各自所代表的主要机关的议程和工作方案进行讨论和协调,以相互加强的方式加强这些机构之间的协调和互补性,并尊重它们各自的任务规定,并促使它们相互谅解,它们所代表的各机构的成员真诚信任它们;", "2. 联合国 欢迎7月份的安理会主席同联合国会员国就编写安全理事会年度报告举行非正式会议,包括2008年由越南社会主义共和国、2009年由乌干达和2010年由尼日利亚召开的会议,这是向前迈出的一步,并呼吁未来7月份的安全理事会主席与联合国广大会员国之间更经常地互动,这有助于提高这些报告的质量;", "3个 2. 呼吁安全理事会向大会提交一份更具解释性、全面性和分析性的年度报告,评估安理会的工作,包括安理会未能采取行动的情况,以及安理会成员在审议所审议议程项目时所发表的意见。 进一步呼吁安全理事会详细说明它通过不同结果的情况,无论是决议、主席声明、新闻声明还是新闻内容;", "4. 呼吁安全理事会根据《联合国宪章》第十五条第一款和第二十四条第三款,提交特别报告供大会审议;", "5 (韩语). 呼吁安全理事会确保其每月评估是全面和分析性的,并及时发布。 大会可考虑提出拟订这些评估的参数;", "6. 国家 呼吁安全理事会根据《宪章》第十一条第2款,充分考虑大会关于国际和平与安全事项的建议;", "7. 联合国 反对并停止企图将大会或经社理事会议程下的问题转移给安全理事会,以及后者侵犯大会的职能和权力。", "C. 振兴大会工作", "75. 国家 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于振兴大会工作的原则立场的有效性和相关性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 大会作为联合国的主要审议、决策和代表机构的作用和权威,包括在有关国际和平与安全的问题上的作用和权威,[16] 及其政府间和民主性质,以及其附属机构的作用和权威,为促进《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则及本组织的目标作出了重大贡献。 还必须尊重其作为联合国主要监督机构的特权,包括关于维持和平行动的管理和采购的特权;", "2. 联合国 大会工作的振兴 -- -- 必须以民主、透明和问责等原则为指导,并通过不限成员名额和包容各方的协商实现 -- -- 是联合国全面改革的一个关键组成部分,其目标应继续加强大会作为联合国主要审议、决策和代表机构的作用和地位,同时铭记改进大会的程序和工作方法只是朝向更实质性地改进和振兴大会迈出的第一步;恢复并增强大会的作用和权威,包括《宪章》规定的维护国际和平与安全的作用和权威,除其他外,应充分尊重大会的职能和权力并加强其与其他主要机关,特别是安全理事会的关系和协调。", "76. 联合国 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们商定,除其他外,继续实施下列措施:", "1. 联合国 支持所有持续和持续地努力加强大会的中心作用和权威,同时考虑到相关性和效率的标准;反对任何试图挑战大会作为联合国主要审议、决策和代表机构的中心作用和权威的改革建议;反对任何试图或可能导致破坏或削弱大会的成就、削弱其目前的作用和职能、或对其相关性和信誉提出疑问的做法;", "2. 联合国 强调必须执行以往所有关于振兴大会工作的决议,并不断就有效执行这些决议采取后续行动;", "3个 呼吁联合国会员国重申其承诺和政治意愿,在非选择性和非歧视性的基础上执行大会的决定和决议,因为不这样做是许多问题的根源;", " 4.四. 确保按照联合国相关决议,向联合国提供充分执行所有已获授权的方案和活动所需的资源;", "5 (韩语). 重申《联合国宪章》第十条、第十一条、第十二条、第十三条、第十四条和第三十五条规定的大会的作用和权威,包括在国际和平与安全问题上的作用和权威,酌情采用大会议事规则第七、第八、第九和第十条规定的程序,使大会能够迅速采取紧急行动,同时铭记根据《宪章》第二十四条,安全理事会负有维持国际和平与安全的主要责任;", "6. 国家 各位部长重申大会在维护国际和平与安全方面的作用,并表示严重关切安全理事会未能处理涉及灭绝种族、危害人类罪行、战争罪或交战各方之间停火的案件,以履行其在这方面的首要责任;", "7. 联合国 部长们强调,在安全理事会没有履行其维护国际和平与安全的主要责任的情况下,大会应根据《宪章》采取适当措施来解决这一问题。 为此,部长们回顾不结盟运动第14^ (th) 届首脑会议的决定,其中授权不结盟运动成员国驻纽约联合国代表就该问题向大会提出适当决议草案;", "8. 促进并维护大会在确定联合国优先事项、审议所有预算和行政问题及改革方面的作用和任务,包括其分配和再分配财政和人力资源的绝对权力,以及根据《宪章》和大会有关决议任命秘书处高级官员方面的作用和任务,具体做法包括确保联合国会员国充分遵守这些决议;", "9. 国家 确保大会仍然是审查其所有附属机构和机关工作的主要机构;", "10个 确定简化 \" 联合一致共策和平 \" 程序的措施,使大会能够采取更迅速和紧迫的行动,并承认其在《宪章》规定的国际和平与安全问题上的作用;", "11个 根据《联合国宪章》第九十七条加强大会在甄选联合国秘书长方面的作用;", "12个 强调需要通过从联合国经常预算中拨出足够的人力和财力资源来增强和加强大会主席办公室的作用,并向大会主席提供适当的礼宾和安保服务以及充足的办公空间,使主席能够以与办公室尊严和地位相称的方式履行其职能;", "13个 各位部长赞扬由阿尔及利亚担任主席的不结盟运动振兴大会工作组正在协调不结盟运动共同关心的问题。 他们鼓励不结盟运动所有代表团继续积极参加工作组,以促进并实现不结盟运动的目标。", "D. 联合国秘书长的甄选和任命。", "77. 国家 各位部长强调大会在甄选和任命联合国秘书长过程中的中心作用,并表示支持为促进和加强大会在这方面的作用而作的努力,并商定所有不结盟国家应积极参与这些努力。", "78. 国家 各位部长重申,在甄选和任命秘书长的过程中需要提高透明度和包容性。 在这方面,他们注意到1946年1月关于秘书长任用条件的第11(1)号决议的过时性质,并强调指出,大会有权就秘书长的任命进行辩论并进行表决,在这方面,他们呼吁大会根据第51/241号、第60/286号和第64/301号决议处理秘书长的提名和任命问题。", "79. 联合国 部长们回顾《联合国宪章》第九十七条规定的主要机关的作用,呼吁大会主席同会员国协商,确定经会员国认可的可能候选人,并在将结果通知所有会员国后将结果转交安全理事会。", "80个 在这方面,部长们同意,正式提出秘书长职位候选人时,应留出足够的时间同会员国在大会和安全理事会进行互动,并要求在甄选秘书长的过程中,议员全球行动联盟召开一次大会会议,同所有候选人交换意见并进行对话。", "81个 各位部长确认联合检查组的报告(JIU/REP/2009/8),其中指出,与申请联合国共同制度各组织行政首长职位的候选人举行听证会/会议,可以改进他们的甄选程序,以提高甄选过程的透明度和可信度,使甄选过程更加包容所有国籍。", "E. 安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及与安全理事会有关的其他事项", "82. 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题及与安全理事会有关的其他事项的原则立场的有效性和相关性,特别是不结盟运动在11年(第11次)、12年(第12次)、13年(第13次)、14年(第14次)和15年(第15次)首脑会议上通过的指示,这些指示已反映在不结盟运动的立场和谈判文件中,以及部长级会议的决定如下:", "1. 联合国 不结盟运动赞赏地注意到已作出努力,但关切地注意到,在大会非正式全体会议上,根据大会第62/557号、第63/565号和第64/568号决定,就安全理事会席位公平分配和成员数目增加问题以及与安理会有关的其他事项进行的政府间谈判没有取得具体成果,并注意到谈判表明,虽然意见已趋于一致,但仍然存在重大分歧,虽然安理会的工作方法有所改进,但这些分歧甚至没有达到联合国全体会员国的最低期望,因此仍有很大的改进余地;", "2. 联合国 在这方面,部长们重申,大会第62/557号决定现在是而且将继续是安全理事会改革问题政府间谈判的基础;", "3个 安全理事会的改革应当是全面的,处理所有实质性问题,特别是成员、区域代表性、安理会议程、其工作方法和包括否决权在内的决策进程等问题,并应得到会员国尽可能广泛的政治接受;", " 4.四. 近年来,安全理事会在有些情形下威胁或授权采取强制行动时过于迅速,而在另一些情况下则保持沉默和无所作为。 此外,安理会越来越多地诉诸《宪章》第七章,作为处理不一定对国际和平与安全构成直接威胁的问题的伞式工具。 对这些趋势的仔细审查表明,安理会本来可以选择替代条款,对具体案例作出更适当的反应。 应努力充分利用第六章和第八章的规定来和平解决争端,而不是过度和迅速地利用第七章。 第七章应作为最后手段援用。 遗憾的是,在某些情况下,第41和42条的规定被太快地采用,而其他备选办法尚未完全用尽;", "5 (韩语). 安全理事会实施的制裁仍然是不结盟国家所严重关切的问题。 根据《联合国宪章》,只有在用尽了《宪章》第六章规定的所有和平解决争端手段并彻底审议了这种制裁的短期和长期影响之后,才应考虑实施制裁。 制裁是一种钝器,使用制裁会引起根本的道德问题,即目标国家中弱势群体遭受的痛苦是否是施加压力的合法手段。 制裁的目的不是惩罚或以其他方式报复人民。 在这方面,应明确界定制裁制度的目标,制裁制度的实施应有具体时限并有合理的法律依据,一旦目标实现,就应取消制裁。 制裁所针对的国家或当事方所要求的条件应明确界定并接受定期审查。 根据《宪章》,只有在存在对国际和平与安全的威胁或侵略行为时,才应实施制裁,而且制裁不能“预防性地”适用于仅仅违反国际法、规范或标准的情况。 只要目标国家的人口不直接或间接地受害,定向制裁就可能是一个更好的选择;", "6. 国家 透明度、公开性和一致性是安全理事会在其所有活动、做法和程序中应遵守的关键因素。 令人遗憾的是,安理会在许多场合忽略了这些重要因素。 这些情况包括:有选择地通知进行不定期的公开辩论,不愿就一些非常重要的问题举行公开辩论,一再限制参加一些公开辩论,以及歧视安理会成员和非成员,特别是在公开辩论发言的顺序和时间限制方面,没有按照《宪章》第二十四条的要求向大会提交特别报告,提交年度报告仍然缺乏足够的资料和分析内容,以及缺乏安全理事会主席拟订每月评估的最低限度参数。 安理会必须遵守《宪章》第三十一条的规定,该条允许任何非安理会成员参加对其有影响的问题的讨论。 应彻底遵守安理会暂行议事规则第48条。 应将非公开会议和非正式协商保持在最低限度,并将其作为例外;", "7. 联合国 安全理事会的改革应当以早日、全面、透明和平衡的方式进行,而不应人为地设定最后期限。 它应确保理事会的议程客观、合理、非选择性和非任意地反映发展中国家和发达国家的需要和利益;", "8. 联合国 扩大安理会作为一个主要负责维护国际和平与安全的机构,并改革其工作方法,应导致一个民主、更具代表性、更负责和更有效的安理会;", "9. 国家 《安全理事会议事规则》60多年来一直是暂行的,应正式化,以提高透明度并加强其问责制;", "10个 各位部长承认非洲在安全理事会的代表权方面历来受到不公正对待,并表示支持增加和加强非洲在改革后的安全理事会的代表性。 部长们注意到《埃祖尔韦尼共识》和《苏尔特宣言》所反映的非洲共同立场;", "11个 各位部长再次指示常驻纽约代表继续发展不结盟运动关于安全理事会改革的立场要素,同时考虑到会员国和集团的所有选择和意见,并向不结盟运动第十六届首脑会议提交一份全面报告。", "83个 各位部长根据并遵循上述原则立场,并申明需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,商定除其他外采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 呼吁安理会根据《宪章》第三十一和三十二条增加公开会议的次数,这些会议应提供真正的机会,以考虑联合国广大会员国的意见和贡献,特别是安理会正在讨论其事务的非安理会成员的意见和贡献;", "2. 呼吁安全理事会允许秘书长特使或代表及联合国秘书处在公开会议上通报情况,除非情况特殊;", "3个 呼吁安全理事会进一步加强同联合国秘书处和出兵国的关系,包括通过持续、定期和及时的互动。 在考虑改变、延长或完成特派团任务时,或在实地局势迅速恶化时,不仅应在拟定任务规定时,而且在执行任务时,应与部队派遣国举行会议。 在这方面,安全理事会维持和平行动工作组应更经常地、更深入地让部队派遣国参与其审议工作,特别是在特派团规划的早期阶段;", " 4.四. 呼吁安全理事会在其职能和权力方面维护《宪章》的首要地位并尊重《宪章》,并再次强调安全理事会就联合国任何会员国的局势或任何不对国际和平与安全构成威胁的问题开始正式或非正式讨论的决定违反《宪章》第二十四条;", "5 (韩语). 呼吁安理会按照《联合国宪章》的文字和精神设立其附属机构,这些附属机构的运作方式应充分而及时地向联合国全体会员国提供关于其活动的信息;", "6. 国家 反对任何利用安全理事会推行国家政治议程的企图,并着重指出安理会工作必须非选择性和公正性,而安理会必须严格遵守会员国根据《联合国宪章》赋予的权力和职能;", "7. 联合国 呼吁安理会避免诉诸《宪章》第七章,将其作为处理不一定对国际和平与安全构成威胁的问题的伞式工具,并在援引第七章之前,酌情充分利用其他相关各章的规定,包括第六章和第八章的规定,该章应作为必要时最后手段;", "8. 联合国 反对安全理事会以一个或几个国家的政治目的为借口或目的,而不是为了国际社会的普遍利益,对任何国家实施或延长制裁;", "9. 国家 敦促作为安全理事会成员的不结盟国家在担任安理会成员期间,[17] 尽可能地促进并捍卫上述立场和目标,并为此目的,在满意地注意到最近在这方面采取的积极步骤的同时,强调必须巩固安理会中的不结盟运动核心小组,其主要目标是协调和捍卫不结盟运动在安全理事会的立场,呼吁核心小组成员及时通报情况,同不结盟国家,特别是安理会正在审议其利益和关切的国家进行密切协商,并不断向不结盟运动通报安理会积极处理的所有相关事态发展和问题的最新情况。", "F. 加强经济及社会理事会(经社理事会)", "第八十四会. 各位部长欢迎大会第61/16号决议的通过,该决议加强了经社理事会作为促进国际经济合作、协调、政策审查、政策对话和就经济和社会发展问题提出建议以及充分执行联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议所商定的国际发展目标 -- -- 包括千年发展目标 -- -- 的主要机构的作用,并表示决心并致力于推动为此作出更大努力。 他们特别欢迎经社理事会在对国际经济和发展政策及其对发展的影响进行定期和定期审查和评估方面发挥的作用,并呼吁充分发挥这一作用。 各位部长强调,必须审查大会第61/16号决议的执行情况,以进一步加强经社理事会,在所启动的改革基础上再接再厉,巩固已取得的成就并应对所出现的挑战。", "G. 人权理事会", "85. 各位部长强调,人权理事会应平等对待公民权利和政治权利、经济、社会和文化权利以及发展权。 他们进一步强调,理事会不应允许采取对抗性做法、为政治目的利用人权、出于不相干考虑有选择地针对个别国家以及在工作中采取双重标准,这应符合《联合国宪章》、国际法和联合国有关决议。", "86号. 部长们重申,普遍性、透明度、公正性、客观性和非选择性应当是安理会工作及其工作方法的指导原则。 根据《维也纳宣言和行动纲领》,理事会在履行其职责时,应铭记国家和区域特点以及会员国各种历史、文化和宗教背景的重要性。", "87个 各位部长强调在促进和保护所有人权和基本自由方面采取建设性做法的重要性,在这方面,他们敦促人权理事会[18] 把重点放在建设性的国际对话与合作、能力建设和技术援助上,以确保实现所有人权和基本自由,特别是发展权。", "88个 各位部长重申对2007年12月22日大会第62/219号决议的承诺,该决议赞同人权理事会决定通过题为 \" 人权理事会的体制建设 \" 的第5/1号决议和题为 \" 人权理事会特别程序任务负责人行为守则 \" 的第5/2号决议,包括其附件和附录。", "89. 国家 各位部长对日内瓦分会在当前审查人权理事会工作和运作过程中发挥的积极作用表示满意,特别是提出了不结盟运动关于审查该机构工作和运作情况的立场文件,以确保理事会将提交大会审议的报告中反映不结盟运动的立场。 在这方面,部长们呼吁不结盟运动成员加紧努力,并积极参与在2011年人权理事会审议大会期间提出和维护不结盟运动的立场。", "90. (中文(简体) ). 在这方面,部长们强调纽约和日内瓦两部分审查之间的协调的重要性,并表示赞赏不结盟运动成员国代表以个人身份作为该进程的调解人和共同调解人所发挥的作用。", "91. 联合国 各位部长重申,根据大会第60/251号决议,大会在纽约审查人权理事会地位的工作将以理事会向大会提交的报告为基础,其中载有审查结果和关于审查日内瓦工作和运作情况的建议。", "92. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长还重申,纽约和日内瓦的审查进程应具有包容性和透明度,这些进程旨在审查日内瓦理事会的工作和运作情况以及纽约理事会的地位,以促进和巩固合作办法和建设性对话,并提高其工作效率及其同大会的关系。 他们又重申,审查进程的目的不是改革理事会,而应侧重于进行必要的微调,以改进其工作和运作。 审查的结果应符合大会第60/251号决议和体制建设一揽子计划。 因此,与理事会改革有关的问题,如理事会的组成、成员的地域分配和成员标准,不属于日内瓦和纽约两个审查进程的任务范围。", "93. 国家 各位部长强调,需要维护自人权理事会成立以来所取得的积极进展,包括其体制建设一揽子计划。 在这方面,他们重申,所有提议和倡议,包括在人权理事会审查范围内的提议和倡议,在审议人权状况时都必须尊重非选择性、非政治化、客观性和公正性等原则,以避免困扰前人权委员会的问题。", "94. 国家 各位部长强调,需要根据大会第48/141号决议的精神,在人权理事会和人权事务高级专员办事处之间建立有效的工作关系。 他们进一步强调,人权理事会作为人权问题专家政府间机构,应在审查人权事务高级专员办事处的工作,包括其在国家参与下开展的活动和设立外地办事处方面发挥监督作用。 在这方面,他们欢迎人权理事会第十五届会议通过的主席声明(PRST 15/2)。", "95号. 各位部长强调了人权理事会作为联合国负责在合作和建设性对话基础上,在普遍定期审议背景下审议所有国家人权状况的机构的作用。 各位部长对联合国大会第三委员会继续有选择地通过针对具体国家的决议的做法深表关切,这种做法是利用人权达到政治目的的一个工具,它违反了处理人权问题的普遍性、客观性和非选择性原则,破坏了作为有效促进和保护所有普遍公认的所有人的人权的基本原则的合作。", "96. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,需要促进第三委员会和人权理事会工作之间更大的一致性和互补性,避免其活动不必要的重复和重叠,并在它们之间建立处理人权状况的工作和建设性关系。", "97. 国家 各位部长强调,普遍定期审议是所有国家在国家一级不加区别地审查人权问题的主要政府间机制。", "98 (英语). 各位部长回顾大会第60/251号决议,该决议将人权理事会设立为大会的一个附属机构,并在这方面强调,第三委员会必须就人权理事会的报告进行一般性辩论并进行审议。", "99号. 各位部长重申,必须确保落实人权理事会的普遍定期审议,将其作为一个以行动为导向的合作机制,其基础是客观和可靠的信息和互动对话,受审议国的充分参与,并以公正、透明、非选择性、建设性、非对抗性和非政治化的方式进行。 他们还敦促所有不结盟运动成员国继续协调努力,支持接受审议的不结盟运动成员国。", "一百个 各位部长重申,不结盟运动应继续密切协调其在下列优先领域的立场:", "(a) 国家 促进国际合作和在人权理事会进行建设性对话,并避免出现双重标准、选择性和政治操纵等诋毁人权委员会的做法,", "(b) 继续努力酌情加强和改进人权机制,包括条约机构、特别程序、专家机构和保密程序的工作,同时铭记任务负责人在履行职责时充分尊重并严格遵守其任务规定,但必须遵守人权理事会2007年6月18日第5/2号决议所载并经2009年6月18日第11/11号决议重申的《人权理事会特别程序任务负责人行为守则》,并需要保护所有这些机制和机构免受政治化和双重标准之害,以提高本系统的效力,", "(c) 国家 鼓励来自不结盟运动国家的专家作为特别程序任务负责人候选人介绍情况,", "(d) 根据大会第48/141、60/251和62/219号决议,酌情发展人权理事会同联合国系统其他实体的关系,", "(e) 确定理事会向联合国大会提交报告的程序,以便大会附属机构普遍认可理事会的所有方案和活动。 在这方面,启动不结盟运动成员之间的讨论,以探讨在这个问题上的共同点,", "(f) 积极参与谈判进程,同时在人权理事会审议进程中促进和维护不结盟运动的共同立场,", "(g) 反对企图利用审查进程来改革人权理事会,拒绝与理事会的组成、成员地域分配、成员标准和目前议程有关的建议,", "(h) 确保人权理事会的审查进程有助于提高理事会的效率,以便能够在合作和非对抗的基础上履行其促进所有人的所有人权和基本自由的法定作用,", "(一) 保留普遍定期审议作为平等审查所有国家国内人权状况的唯一机制,", "(j) 反对设立任何额外的针对具体国家的工具,以导致在处理人权问题时政治化、双重标准和选择性;", "(k) 确保人权理事会作为一个注重结果的合作机制,在互动对话的基础上,在受审议国的充分参与下,并考虑到其能力建设需要,开展普遍定期审议,并确保这一机制应补充而不是重复条约机构的工作,同时铭记在审议人权问题时需要消除选择性、双重标准和政治化。 它的目的应当是应会员国的请求加强它们履行促进和保护人权义务的能力。 不应利用它作为胁迫国家并迫使它们接受出于政治动机的针对具体国家的决议的工具,", "(一) 还确保在可信和可靠信息的基础上客观地进行普遍定期审议,并适当考虑受审议国的信息、评论和意见。 它不应被用作干涉各国内政或质疑其政治、经济和社会制度、主权权利及其民族、宗教和文化特点的工具。 必须继续按照联合国大会第60/251和62/219号决议予以执行,", "(m) 支持非政府组织参与人权理事会的工作,特别是根据经社理事会第1996/31号决议和人权理事会确定的模式,同时考虑到非政府组织应始终遵守关于与经社理事会建立咨商关系及其性质的原则,并负责其委任代表在参与人权理事会工作期间的行动。", "H. 冲突后 建设和平活动与建设和平委员会的运作", "101. (中文(简体) ). 不结盟运动的部长们回顾2006年9月在古巴哈瓦那举行的第十四届不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑会议,不结盟运动的国家元首和政府首脑在会上重申并强调了不结盟运动关于冲突后建设和平活动的原则立场的有效性和相关性,并欢迎按照大会第60/180号决议设立建设和平委员会,作为一个协调、一致和综合的体制机制,应冲突后国家的要求,满足这些国家的特殊需要,按照国家自主权原则,实现复原、重新融合和重建,为可持续发展奠定基础。", "102. 国家 部长们为完成这一任务,重申不结盟运动承诺建立一个高效率和高效力的建设和平委员会,充分利用其组成多样性所产生的优势和好处。 他们还确认委员会自开始运作以来对其议程上的五个国家,即布隆迪、塞拉利昂、几内亚比绍、中非共和国和利比里亚开展了工作。 他们还确认迄今在拟订这些国家建设和平战略框架方面取得的进展。", "第103页。 各位部长强调不结盟运动核心小组在建设和平委员会中的作用,其目的是协调不结盟国家在委员会的立场并随时向不结盟运动通报委员会开展的活动。 在这方面,他们赞扬核心小组为委员会迅速取得进展而作的努力,特别是努力巩固国家自主权原则,需要进行能力建设并促使人们认识到经济恢复和发展在建设和平进程中的重要性。", "104 (韩语). 各位部长对安全理事会拒绝建设和平委员会不结盟运动核心小组协调员有机会就与建设和平委员会权限有关的事项向安全理事会成员发言的若干情况表示关切。 他们敦促安全理事会、大会和经社理事会利用建设和平委员会的专门知识,包括建设和平委员会不结盟运动核心小组协调员作为建设和平委员会内最大集团的代表,确保参与讨论与建设和平委员会有关或属于其职权范围的所有问题。 此外,他们还强调必须促进建设和平委员会同大会、安全理事会和经社理事会之间的体制关系。", "105. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,在不影响联合国其他主要机关在冲突后建设和平活动方面的职能和权力的情况下,大会必须在制定和执行这些活动和职能方面发挥关键作用。 他们强调建设和平委员会在为冲突后建设和平活动提供政策指导和战略方面的核心作用。 在这方面,他们重申建设和平委员会组织委员会的工作是委员会的核心机构,其职责如大会第60/180号决议所说明。 以及认为组织委员会是战略和政策讨论的适当平台,以促进委员会的规则和工作方法,加强委员会结构的一致性并便利与有关行动者和利益有关者进行注重成果的接触。 在这方面,他们还敦促委员会中的不结盟运动核心小组鼓励为进一步发展适合委员会高效和适当运作的议事规则和工作方法而努力。 他们强调,需要根据委员会自开始运作以来取得的经验以及委员会工作的发展情况,定期重新审议建设和平委员会的暂行议事规则。 他们还强调,不结盟运动成员国必须积极参与定于2010年进行的对大会第A/Res/180号决议规定的安排的审查进程,以确保这些安排适合建设和平委员会履行商定的职能。 各位部长重申,有必要及时提供必要的资源,以帮助确保在中长期内为恢复活动提供可预测的资金和持续的财政投资。 他们重申,建设和平委员会在得到建设和平委员会审议中国家同意后,按照国家自主权原则,构思冲突后建设和平和复原综合战略方面发挥着根本作用。", "106. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,建设和平基金必须继续作为一个催化机制,用于在建设和平进程的早期阶段提供关键支助,以避免重新陷入冲突。 他们强调,建设和平委员会和建设和平基金之间需要通过加强战略关系来更密切地协同增效,以确保更大的一致性和协调并避免重复。 各位部长注意到大会第63/282号决议及其附件中所载的建议和经修订的建设和平基金职权范围,并重申了大会和建设和平委员会的作用,即就该基金的使用提供政策指导,以尽量扩大其影响并改善其运作,使该基金更有效率、更透明、更灵活并便利资金的支付,特别是用于速效项目和紧急项目。 他们还重申,必须增加建设和平基金的供资目标,使其更有能力为冲突后国家的其他项目供资。 他们强调必须有一个机制,评估建设和平基金的拨款是否用于建设和平的适当渠道。", "107 (韩语). 各位部长欢迎大会通过2010年10月29日关于建设和平委员会审查过程的第65/7号决议,并申明委员会在推进和执行共同主持人关于审查过程的报告所载建议方面的主要作用[19]。", "108. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长注意到秘书长关于审查国际民事能力以支持冲突后建设和平的国家能力的倡议,并注意到为扩大和深化专家人才库而作的努力,特别注意调动发展中国家的能力,特别是妇女的能力,对于联合国成功的建设和平努力至关重要。 在这方面,部长们强调发展中世界已经存在的民事能力的重要性,并表示愿意支持国家民事能力和机构建设,以支持冲突后局势中的建设和平活动,包括根据其任务规定通过维持和平行动这样做。 在这方面,他们重申国家自主权的基本原则。", "第109页. 各位部长赞扬建设和平委员会不结盟运动核心小组在孟加拉国的协调下继续开展工作,请核心小组继续努力加强不结盟运动在建设和平委员会事务中的地位和作用,并定期向不结盟运动协调局通报委员会开展的活动。 他们还鼓励建设和平委员会的不结盟成员国和列入其议程的不结盟国家积极参加不结盟运动核心小组,以确保其对联合国建设和平活动作出有目的的贡献。", "一. 联合国秘书处和管理改革", "110. 国家 各位部长认识到联合国改革是其成员的集体议程,强调在改革进程中必须听取并尊重每个会员国的声音,而不论其对本组织预算的分摊额如何。", "111. 各位部长认识到,为了推进秘书处和管理改革进程,联合国必须获得必要和充足的资源,以便充分执行,避免这项工作出现任何拖延。", "112号. 各位部长强调,必须确保秘书处达到问责制、透明度、廉正和道德操守等最高标准。 因此,部长们敦促秘书长作为优先事项,充分执行大会第64/259号决议“在联合国秘书处建立问责制”。", "113号. 各位部长强调,需要增加发展中国家的任职人数,特别是在高级职等,并需要实现性别均衡,改善地域分配,特别是来自没有或任职人数不足的成员国的地域分配,并增加征聘过程的透明度。", "114 (韩语). 各位部长重申,联合国秘书处及其管理层的改革目标如下:", "(a) 更高效和更有效地满足会员国的需要;", "(b) 根据《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,进一步加强并更新联合国的作用、能力、效力和效率,从而提高其业绩,以充分发挥联合国的潜力;", "(c) 确保有效执行秘书处内更大的问责制和透明度措施,并确保秘书处向会员国负责,特别是在高级管理人员一级,并在这方面充分执行大会第64/259号决议;", "(d) 国家 更好地反映联合国秘书处的国际性质,将其作为一项基本原则,在秘书处各级,包括高级管理层,更好地遵守公平地域代表性,并依照《宪章》第一百零一条,在所有工作人员中实现目标明确的性别均衡;", "(e) 协助 改革进程的最后结果应当是确保联合国能够更有成效地执行其所有任务。", "115. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,联合国秘书处及其管理层的改革不应:", "(a) 改变本组织决策、监督和监测进程的政府间性质和机制;", "(b) 成为本组织削减费用的工作;", "(c) 通过减少联合国的预算水平来影响任务的完成;", "(d) 从本组织现有资源库中为更多的活动提供资金;", "(e) 改变和(或)侵犯第五委员会作为行政和预算问题主要委员会的任务;", "(f) 重新界定本组织主要机构的职能和权力;", "(g) 认为必须充分遵守联合国秘书处员额,特别是D级及以上员额的任命地域分配原则。", "116 (英语). 部长们强烈反对对改革进程施加条件的企图,因为这对谈判所需的信任气氛产生了负面影响。", "117号 各位部长欢迎通过关于人力资源管理和联合国共同制度的大会第65/247和65/248号决议,这些决议最终确定了新的合同安排并统一了联合国领域的服务条件,并期望这些决议的执行能为联合国共同制度各组织的秘书处提供更好和更透明的人员征聘程序,同时为从发展中国家征聘年轻专业工作人员创造更多机会。", "J. 联合国全系统一致性", "118. 各位部长确认大会2010年7月2日通过了关于全系统一致性的第64/289号决议,该决议全面审查了联合国发展方面业务活动的各个方面,包括治理和筹资,并设立了联合国促进性别平等和增强妇女权能署“妇女署”。 在这方面,部长们:", "(a) 国家 重申它们的立场,即发展合作应当由需求驱动,并应当根据既定的政府间授权,在发展中国家国家战略和计划的基础上进行。 在这方面,他们强调,联合国发展合作应具有自愿性质并基于赠款,不应采取“一刀切”的做法。 同样,他们也强调,发展合作的性质应顺应每个国家的具体需要、优先事项和条件,始终得到受援国的同意。", "(b) 确认要加强联合国发展系统协助各国实现其发展目标的作用和能力,就需要继续提高其效力、效率、一致性和影响力,同时需要大幅增加资源。", "(c) 国家 注意到试点国家本国在执行“一体行动”办法方面取得的进展,并期待着根据大会第64/289号决议,在大会第66^(th)届会议上收到对试点国家经验教训的独立评价结果,其中涵盖了该倡议的所有方面。", "(d) 国家 又确认大会2007年12月19日关于联合国系统发展方面的业务活动三年期全面政策审查的第62/208号决议是处理联合国发展方面业务活动的政府间商定指导政策框架。", "(e) 强调联合国发展方面业务活动的基本特点,除其他外,必须保持其普遍性、自愿性和赠与性、中立性和多边性,以及灵活应对方案国发展需要的能力。", "(f) 呼吁联合国各基金、方案和专门机构统一并简化其规则和程序,只要这能够使各组织和国家伙伴的行政和程序负担得到大幅度减少。", "g) 确认大会和经社理事会在发展方面业务活动中的主要作用。", "119. 各位部长赞扬不结盟运动和77国集团通过联合协调委员会在全系统一致性问题磋商中开展有效协调,并在这方面承诺通过联合协调委员会继续与77国集团合作,以继续捍卫、维护和促进发展中国家的利益,促进所有相关谈判进程的综合、政府间、包容和透明的性质,而无需人为设定决策期限。", "联合国:财务状况和安排", "120号. 各位部长重申不结盟运动第十四届不结盟运动首脑会议《最后文件》所载关于联合国财务状况和安排的原则立场的有效性和相关性如下:", "1. 联合国 由于一些会员国,特别是主要捐款国未能根据《宪章》和大会有关决议全额、及时和无条件地缴纳其分摊会费,不结盟运动仍然对联合国的财务状况感到关切;", "2. 联合国 不结盟运动重申,确保政府间机构以包容和透明的方式通过所有关于确定联合国优先事项的决定仍然至关重要,并应当为本组织提供所需资源,以充分、有效地执行所有已获授权的方案和活动,并保障其政府间机构运作所需的服务质量;", "3个 会员国支付能力原则应继续作为分摊本组织费用的基本标准;", " 4.四. 应遵守大会有关决议规定的联合国维持和平行动经费筹措一般原则。 在为维持和平活动提供资金的水平和紧迫性与大会充分执行所有已获授权的方案和活动所需的资源,特别是在发展领域,两者之间应取得适当的平衡;", "5 (韩语). 在向联合国经常预算分配资源时平衡反映本组织商定的优先事项;这始终不利于发展活动;", "6. 国家 应维持关于预算和财务周期的现有报告程序并增强会员国在本组织方案评价中的作用。 在这方面,重申方案和协调委员会(方案协调会)作为经社理事会和大会负责规划、方案拟订、监测、评价和协调的主要附属机构的职能及其在方案设计方面的关键作用,确保秘书处准确解释立法授权并将其转化为方案和分方案。", "121. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,联合国的财政稳定不应被任何任意措施所破坏。 他们还强调,在采取措施确保财务纪律时,应充分遵守大会有关决议,特别是41/213和42/211,以及本组织的有关规则和条例。 在这方面,重申联合国财务细则和条例。", "122. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,任何利用财政捐款来推动通过某些建议的努力都是适得其反的,并且违反了会员国为本组织提供资源的义务,这是《宪章》所揭示的。 在这方面,部长们反对违反国际法的一切单方面胁迫性措施,因为这些措施阻碍、有时也阻碍不结盟运动成员国向联合国预算缴纳分摊会费。", "123. 国家 各位部长强调,大会所核准的资源水平必须与所有已获授权的方案和活动相适应,以确保这些方案和活动得到充分和有效的执行。 他们还重申大会所核准的本组织优先事项,并重申秘书长在提出拟议方案预算时需要反映这些优先事项。", "124. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,最高比率是分摊比额表的主要扭曲因素,影响到支付能力原则,并关切地注意到,尽管作为妥协安排,在2000年将最高比率从25%降至22%,但主要分摊国远远没有履行其支付所有欠款的承诺。 在这方面,部长们敦促大会按照大会第55/5 C号决议第2段对这一安排进行审查。", "125. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长回顾大会第64/248和65/246号决议,反对改变现行分摊比额表编制方法中旨在增加发展中国家缴款的内容。 在这方面,他们强调,分摊比额表现行方法的核心要素,如基期、国民总收入、换算率、低人均收入调整、梯度、下限、最不发达国家上限和债务存量调整,必须保持不变,不能谈判。", "126. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长反对秘书处若干授权部门和一些会员国使用方案和预算文件来宣传大会没有通过或正在审查的概念和方法。 在这方面,部长们敦促秘书长在提交这些文件时确保方案部分和所需资源符合大会的法定任务。", "127 (韩语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们同意重申以下措施:", "1. 联合国 敦促所有拖欠会费的联合国会员国,特别是主要缴款国,不再拖延地结清其未缴会费,并依照《宪章》和大会有关决议,按时全额和不附加先决条件地支付其未来的分摊会费,同时要铭记一些发展中国家面临的妨碍其缴纳分摊会费能力的特殊情况。", "联合国:维持和平行动", "128. (英语). 各位部长重申了1994年在开罗举行的不结盟运动第十一次部长级会议通过的联合国维持和平行动指导原则,并重申了1998年在德班举行的第十二次首脑会议通过的不结盟运动关于联合国维持和平行动的立场,2003年在吉隆坡举行的第13^ (th)届首脑会议、2004年在德班举行的第14届部长级会议、2006年9月在哈瓦那举行的第14届首脑会议、2006年9月在德黑兰举行的第15届部长级会议和2009年7月在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15^ (th)届不结盟运动首脑会议进一步重申了这一立场。", "129. 国家 部长们赞扬不结盟运动为在联合国主持下维持国际和平与安全所做出的重大贡献。 部长们注意到维持和平已成为本组织的旗舰活动,对不结盟国家目前在外地提供80%以上的维持和平人员表示满意。 他们重申并强调不结盟运动关于联合国维和行动的原则立场的有效性和相关性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 各位部长重申,维护国际和平与安全的主要责任在于联合国,在这方面,区域安排的作用应符合《宪章》第八章,不应以任何方式取而代之地取代联合国的作用,也不得绕过全面适用联合国维和行动的指导原则;", "2. 联合国 各位部长强调,设立任何维持和平行动或延长现有行动的任务期限,应严格遵守《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,并严格遵守为管理这种行动而发展起来并已成为其基本原则的原则,即各方同意、除自卫外不使用武力和不偏不倚的原则。 部长们认为,这些基本原则在过去50年中毫无争议地指导了联合国维持和平行动,这些原则仍然具有现实意义,应当予以维护。 部长们还强调,在这方面还应坚持尊重各国主权平等、政治独立、领土完整和不干涉本质上属于其国内管辖范围的事务的原则;", "3个 各位部长强调,应以国家自主和国际社会的支持为基础,以全面和平进程、提供足够的资源来支助所有授权任务的执行;", " 4.四. 部长们继续强调,联合国维持和平行动从一开始就应得到政治支持、充分和最佳的人力、财政和后勤资源以及明确界定和可实现的任务和撤出战略;", "5 (韩语). 各位部长呼吁安全理事会在授权联合国维和行动时,授权部队的最佳兵力,以完成所授权的任务;", "6. 国家 各位部长强调,维和行动不应被用来取代解决冲突根源的工作,而应与其他政治、社会、经济和发展手段一道,以协调一致、周密规划、协调和全面的方式解决冲突根源。 他们又强调,联合国应适当考虑从联合国介入冲突后局势的早期阶段开始,在联合国维持和平行动撤离后不间断地继续进行这些努力的方式,以确保平稳地向持久和平与安全过渡;", "7. 联合国 各位部长认识到维持和平活动不断激增,需要联合国全体会员国,特别是发达国家作出真诚而一致的反应,同时呼吁这些国家参与并分担联合国维和行动的负担;", "8. 联合国 各位部长强调,在采取全面做法并实现持久和平与安全的目标方面,联合国维持和平行动应同时开展平行和包容各方的和平进程,这一进程应经过精心规划和精心设计,并得到有关各方的同意和遵守;", "9. 国家 各位部长重申,大会在联合国内在制定与维持和平有关的概念、政策和预算事项方面起主要作用。 在这方面,部长们强调,维持和平行动特别委员会是受权全面审查整个联合国维持和平行动各方面问题的唯一联合国论坛。 此外,部长们还商定继续促进和维护不结盟运动在维持和平方面的集体立场和优先事项;", "10个 部长们强调,联合国参与要求越来越高、越来越复杂的多层面维持和平行动,应符合商定的维持和平原则、指导方针和术语。 他们强调一致使用商定的维持和平术语的重要性,并着重指出,关于上述问题的任何讨论应通过政府间进程进行;", "11个 各位部长强调,概念、政策和战略的制定应是一个政府间进程,并应与在加强能力发展、规划和监督方面取得的类似进展相平行。 在这方面,他们重申维持和平行动特别委员会的中心作用(C34)。 他们也强调,维持和平的政策制定必须与必要的资源相匹配,以保证维持和平行动的效力;", "12个 各位部长认识到,有一系列重要的授权任务,包括但不限于支持政治进程、支持恢复和扩大国家权力并保护平民。 各位部长承认,目前一些联合国维持和平特派团已授权保护平民。 他们强调,保护平民是东道国的首要责任,因此强调负有这一任务的有关维持和平特派团在执行任务时,不应影响东道国政府保护平民的首要责任;", "13个 各位部长强调,秘书处需要继续就全球外勤支助战略的执行情况同会员国协商,以确保切实有效地提供外勤支助服务。 他们强调必须在商定的时限内在执行该战略方面取得进展;", "14个 各位部长注意到维持和平行动部(维和部)和外勤支助部(外勤部)所作的努力,同时强调必须在各级维持特派团的统一指挥,并保持政策和战略的一致性,以及外地直至总部的明确指挥结构;", "15个 各位部长呼吁联合国秘书处和有关各方,鉴于许多外地特派团的安全局势正在恶化,将外地联合国维和人员的安全保障列为最优先事项。 在这方面,他们最强烈地谴责杀害和有针对性地袭击联合国维和人员以及针对他们的一切暴力行为;", "16号. 部长们强调,部队派遣国、秘书处和安全理事会之间必须开展有效的三角合作。 各位部长强调,部队派遣国应尽早全面参与联合国维和行动的所有方面和阶段,并呼吁安全理事会、联合国秘书处和部队派遣国之间更频繁地开展实质性互动。 他们呼吁充分而有效地执行安全理事会第1353(2001)号决议以及安全理事会主席2002年1月14日说明(S/2002/56)和2009年8月5日主席声明(PRST/2009/24)所设立的现有机制;", "17岁。 部长们认为,应考虑进一步发展上文第99.12段提及的机制,以实现维持和平目标;", "18岁。 部长们特别强调,在安全理事会执行、延长或调整联合国维持和平任务时,可以借鉴出兵国的经验和专门知识。 部队派遣国最适合为客观评估实地局势作出贡献。 在这方面,部队派遣国同安全理事会维持和平行动工作组之间加强和更好地互动,也有助于开展更具包容性和实质性的协商和决策进程;", " 19. 19. 部长们强调,联合国秘书处邀请参加关于设立新的联合国维持和平特派团或扩大进行中的联合国维和行动的会议,应当透明,包括所有现有和潜在的部队派遣国;", "20号. 各位部长强调,在开展维持和平努力的同时,应开展建设和平活动,以促进经济振兴和发展,使国家能力建设能够在国家自主权的基础上为无缝撤离战略铺平道路,防止武装冲突再起并支助关键任务以实现可持续和平;", "21岁 部长们表示需要符合东道国战略和方案的建设和平综合战略与方案,以确保国家自主权;", "22号. 各位部长表示支持继续努力加强非洲维持和平能力,并着重指出必须在所有相关领域从短期、中期和长期执行能力建设十年计划和《联合国支持非洲联盟维持和平联合行动计划》。 他们还注意到非盟-联合国小组编写的关于支持非盟维和行动方式的报告和联合国秘书长题为“支持经联合国授权的非洲联盟维和行动”的报告,并建议加强联合国与非洲联盟之间的有效伙伴关系,以改进非洲维和行动的规划、部署和管理;", "23. 联合国 各位部长仍然对维持和平行动部和外勤支助部的人员配置和结构感到关切,不结盟运动成员国的代表人数不足,特别是在高级和专业级别。 各位部长敦促秘书长根据《宪章》第一百零一条、《联合国工作人员条例和细则》和大会有关决议,进一步加强他的努力,以在各级实现公平地域分配和性别代表性。 在这方面,部长们认为,维持和平行动部、外勤支助部和外地的适当代表性还应考虑到部队派遣国的贡献,特别是在总部和外地特派团的专业和领导级别;", "24 (韩语). 各位部长强调迅速和有效部署联合国维和行动的重要性,包括必要时予以加强。 在这方面,部长们强调,需要增强联合国任何新的维持和平特派团的快速部署能力,或在出现危机时加强现有的联合国维持和平特派团。 部长们强调,应与部队派遣国密切协商,制定全球外勤支助战略等机制;", "25岁 各位部长重申,通过自愿捐款为联合国维和行动提供资金不应影响联合国安全理事会设立联合国维和行动的决定或影响其任务授权;", "26. 联合国 各位部长对联合国目前拖欠部队派遣国的大量未偿款项表示关切,因为这可能对联合国维持和平能力产生不利影响;", "27个 各位部长注意到联合国特遣队所属装备工作组2011年届会的成果。 他们强调必须根据部队派遣国的实际支出和投资提高特遣队所属装备的偿还率;", "28岁 各位部长注意到,大会第63/285号决议启动了审查偿还部队派遣国部队费用的进程,自1992年以来,该进程一直没有修订,同时强调,大会需要作为一项临时措施,考虑临时增加部队费用,以缓解部队派遣国因通货膨胀因素而遇到的困难。 他们也强调必须建立一个常设机制来审查偿还部队费用的问题;", "29. 国家 各位部长强调,必须确保及时、充分地支付维和人员在联合国外地特派团任职期间的死亡和残疾赔偿金;", "30岁。 各位部长再次强调,联合国所有会员国都必须足额、及时和无条件地缴纳其分摊会费。 他们重申,根据《联合国宪章》第十七条,会员国有义务承担大会分摊的联合国费用,同时铭记1963年6月27日大会第1874(S-IV)号决议所述的安全理事会常任理事国的特殊责任;", "31岁 各位部长再次强调,及时、高效、透明和有成本效益地采购货物和服务以支持联合国维和行动至关重要,并再次表示需要确保联合国更多地从不结盟国家采购;", "32. 联合国 各位部长承认维和人员的杰出贡献和牺牲,并强调指出,所有联合国维和人员以维护联合国形象、信誉、公正和廉正的方式履行职责。 他们强调必须对联合国维持和平特派团的一切形式的不当行为,包括性剥削和性虐待,维持零容忍政策;", "33. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,在调查不当行为时,必须遵守适当程序和国家要求。 他们进一步强调,联合国应确保采取步骤,在最终发现不当行为指控未经证实时,恢复任何联合国维持和平特派团、出兵国或联合国维持和平人员的形象和信誉;", "34. 国家 各位部长注意到安全部门改革在联合国维持和平和冲突后形势中的重要性,并强调安全部门改革应纳入联合国法治活动的广泛框架,从而确保安全部门改革活动和结构不重复在法治领域开展的工作。 他们重申,必须在大会内制定联合国处理安全部门改革的办法,并强调指出,应通过政府间进程来制定安全部门改革战略,包括其范围和任务;", "35. 联合国 部长们强调,安全部门改革应应有关国家的请求进行,并强调有关国家在确定本国在这方面的优先事项方面负有主要责任并享有主权权利。", "130. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长赞扬由摩洛哥担任主席的不结盟运动维持和平行动工作组正在协调不结盟运动在维持和平领域共同关心的问题。 他们鼓励所有不结盟运动代表团继续积极参加工作组的工作,以促进和实现不结盟运动,特别是部队派遣国在维持和平行动特别委员会工作中的目标。", "131. 国家 各位部长深知维持和平所固有的风险,对在和平事业中牺牲的联合国维和人员表示最深刻的思索和尊重。 他们强调,他们的牺牲应作为他们为和平与稳定所进行独特工作的持久证明。", "裁军和国际安全", "132. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申不结盟运动关于裁军和国际安全的长期原则立场,包括1998年在德班举行的第十二次首脑会议、2003年在吉隆坡举行的第十三次首脑会议、2006年在哈瓦那举行的第十四次首脑会议、2000年在卡塔赫纳举行的第十三次部长级会议、2004年在德班举行的第十四次部长级会议、2006年在马来西亚普特拉贾亚举行的部长级会议、2008年在伊朗伊斯兰共和国德黑兰举行的第十五次部长级会议和2009年7月在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十五届首脑会议所作出的决定。", "133. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,他们继续关切目前裁军和国际安全领域的困难和复杂局势。 在这方面,他们呼吁作出新的努力来打破目前在实现所有方面的核裁军和核不扩散方面的僵局。", "134. 部长们重申多边外交在裁军和不扩散领域的绝对效力,并重申决心促进多边主义,将其作为裁军和不扩散领域谈判的核心原则,在这方面,他们欢迎大会通过关于促进裁军和不扩散领域多边主义的第65/54号决议。", "135. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申对日益诉诸单边主义的强烈关切,并在这方面强调,根据《联合国宪章》,多边主义和多边商定的解决办法是解决裁军和国际安全问题的唯一可持续方法。", "136. (中文(简体) ). 部长们重申不结盟运动关于核裁军的原则立场,核裁军仍然是不结盟运动的最高优先事项,关于核不扩散各方面问题的原则立场,并强调指出,旨在核不扩散的努力应与旨在核裁军的努力同时并举。 他们强调关切核武器的继续存在以及可能使用或威胁使用核武器对人类构成的威胁。 他们重申对核裁军进展缓慢和核武器国家在根据其相关多边法律义务实现彻底消除其核武库方面缺乏进展深表关切。 他们强调,核武器国家需要履行它们在2000年作出并在2010年进一步重申的明确承诺,以全面消除核武器,并在这方面强调,迫切需要立即就全面彻底核裁军开始谈判。", "137号. 各位部长注意到核武器国家最近发表声明,表示它们打算采取行动来建立一个无核武器世界,同时重申核武器国家需要根据其核裁军法律义务采取紧急行动来实现这一目标。", "138. 各位部长仍然深为关切核武器国家的战略防御理论,包括“北约联盟战略概念”,这些理论不仅提出了使用或威胁使用核武器的理由,而且坚持以促进和发展军事联盟和核威慑政策为基础的关于国际安全的不合理概念。", "139. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申,美国《核态势评估报告》中设想的改进现有核武器和研制新型核武器的做法违反了核武器国家提供的安全保证。 他们还重申,这些改进以及新型此类武器的研制违反了核武器国家在缔结《全面禁止核试验条约》(《全面禁试条约》)时所作的承诺。", "140. 国家 各位部长强调,在核裁军和核不扩散的所有方面取得进展,对于加强国际和平与安全至关重要。 他们重申,为实现核裁军而作的努力、全球和区域办法以及建立信任措施是相辅相成的,应尽可能同时进行,以促进区域和国际和平与安全。 在这方面,他们强调,核裁军作为裁军特别联大确定的最高优先事项和多边法律义务,不应以建立信任措施或其他裁军努力为条件。", "141 (英语). 各位部长重申联合国裁军审议委员会(裁审会)作为联合国多边裁军机制内唯一的专门审议机构的重要性和相关性。 他们继续全力支持裁审会的工作,并感到遗憾的是,由于某些核武器国家缺乏政治意愿和不灵活的立场,裁审会未能在2008年4月结束的三年周期实质性会议上就两个议程项目的建议达成协议,尽管不结盟运动在整个审议过程中,特别是在 \" 促进实现核裁军和不扩散核武器目标的建议 \" 工作组中发挥了建设性作用并提出了具体提案。 部长们回顾不结盟运动在2009年和2010年实质性会议上提出的建议,呼吁联合国会员国表现出必要的政治意愿和灵活性,以便在联合国开发公司2011年届会上就其建议达成协议。", "142. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长重申裁军谈判会议(裁谈会)作为唯一的多边裁军谈判机构的重要性,并再次呼吁裁谈会商定一项平衡而全面的工作方案,特别是尽快设立一个核裁军特设委员会,作为最高优先事项。 他们强调,必须不再拖延地开始谈判在规定时限内彻底消除核武器的分阶段方案,包括《核武器公约》。 他们重申,国际法院的一致结论十分重要,即各国有义务真诚地开展并完成谈判,以便在严格有效的国际监督下实现所有方面的核裁军。", "143. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长注意到裁谈会于2009年5月29日通过了2009年届会工作计划(CD/1864),但没有执行。 他们对本会议成员国和主席,特别是阿尔及利亚在这方面作出的不懈努力表示赞赏,并呼吁裁军谈判会议不再拖延地以协商一致的方式商定一个平衡而全面的工作方案。 部长们同意继续协调日内瓦不结盟运动分会的工作。", "144. (中文(简体) ). 部长们注意到2010年9月24日举行的振兴裁军谈判会议工作和推进多边裁军谈判高级别会议,不结盟运动在会上提出了其立场,这些立场在前进的道路上仍然有效。 各位部长认为,任何可能的后续行动都应当是包容性的、由会员国推动的,并应当加强裁谈会的作用和工作,正如第一届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议(第一届裁军特别联大)所授权的那样,以及旨在实现核裁军的努力。", "145 (英语). 各位部长欢迎不结盟运动成员国努力推进核裁军目标。 在这方面,他们注意到伊朗伊斯兰共和国于2010年4月17日至18日在德黑兰召开以“人人享有核能,无人拥有核武器”为主题的裁军和不扩散问题国际会议。 “", "146. 国家 各位部长重申支持召开联合国大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议(第四届裁军特别联大),并深为关切的是,第四届裁军特别联大尽管多年来在这方面的努力仍未召开。 在这方面,他们欢迎不结盟运动题为 \" 召开大会第四届专门讨论裁军问题的特别会议 \" 的第65/66号决议获得压倒性支持。 他们敦促联合国秘书长为执行该决议提供一切必要的技术、财政和人力资源。 他们强调必须积极参加该决议所设立的不限成员名额工作组,以审议目标和议程并达成共识,包括可能设立第四届裁军特别联大筹备委员会。", "147页. 各位部长再次呼吁召开一次国际会议,以尽早确定消除核危险的方式和方法,就一项在规定时限内彻底消除核武器的分阶段方案达成协议,以禁止发展、生产、获取、试验、储存、转让、使用或威胁使用核武器并进行销毁。", " 148. 148. 各位部长重申,彻底消除核武器是防止使用或威胁使用核武器的唯一绝对保障,并还重申核武器国家应切实保证不对无核武器国家使用或威胁使用核武器。 在彻底消除核武器之前,他们重申需要作为高度优先事项缔结一项关于向无核武器国家提供安全保证的普遍、无条件和有法律约束力的文书。 他们指出,自1998年裁军谈判会议设立一个特设委员会谈判向所有无核武器国家提供普遍、无条件和有法律约束力的安全保证以来,缺乏进展。 他们表示关切的是,尽管无核武器国家长期以来一直要求获得这种具有法律约束力的保证,但在这方面没有取得任何实际进展。 各位部长还进一步强调了缔结一项普遍、无条件和有法律约束力的消极安全保证文书的重要性和积极安全影响。", "149 (英语). 各位部长强调实现普遍加入《全面禁止核试验条约》(《全面禁试条约》)的重要性,包括所有核武器国家加入该条约,这尤其应有助于核裁军进程。 他们重申,如果要充分实现《条约》的目标,所有签署国,特别是核武器国家,就必须继续致力于核裁军。", "150 (英语). 各位部长重申,核武器国家必须在与履行其核裁军义务有关的所有措施中适用透明、不可逆转和可核查的原则。", "151 (英语). 各位部长注意到俄罗斯联邦和美国缔结了《新裁武条约》,同时强调,削减部署和降低作战状态不能替代不可逆转地削减和彻底消除核武器。 在这方面,他们呼吁美国和俄罗斯联邦对此种削减适用透明、不可逆转和可核查的原则,以进一步削减其核武库,包括弹头和运载系统,从而促进履行其核裁军义务并尽早实现无核武器世界。", "152. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长一致认为,核武器国家仍日益需要采取具体行动,根据多边商定的承诺,紧急采取进一步的实质性和实际措施,以在规定时限内实现全面核裁军的目标。", "153 (英语). 各位部长继续关注研制和部署反弹道导弹防御系统的负面影响以及外层空间武器化的威胁,这些都进一步破坏了有利于促进裁军和加强国际安全的国际气氛。 废除《反弹道导弹条约》给战略稳定和防止外层空间军备竞赛带来了新的挑战。 他们仍然严重关切部署战略导弹防御系统造成的消极安全后果,这种后果可能引发军备竞赛并导致进一步开发先进的导弹系统并增加核武器的数量。", "154 (英语). 各位部长确认全人类在为和平目的探索和利用外层空间方面具有共同利益,并强调指出,防止外层空间军备竞赛,包括禁止在外层空间部署或使用武器,将可避免给国际和平与安全带来严重危险。 他们进一步强调必须严格遵守与外层空间有关的现有军备限制和裁军协定,包括双边协定,并严格遵守关于利用外层空间的现有法律制度。 他们还再次强调迫切需要在裁谈会中就防止外层空间军备竞赛等问题开展实质性工作,并注意到俄罗斯-中国于2008年2月12日在裁军谈判会议上提出的“防止在外空放置武器、对外空物体使用或威胁使用武力”条约草案的联合倡议。 他们指出,这一倡议是对裁谈会工作的建设性贡献,是进一步讨论通过一项具有约束力的国际文书的良好基础。", "155 (英语). 各位部长仍然深信,必须对导弹问题的各个方面采取多边谈判、普遍、全面、透明和非歧视性的办法,以对国际和平与安全作出贡献。 他们表示支持在联合国内继续努力进一步探讨导弹问题的所有方面。 在这方面,他们强调和平利用空间技术,包括空间运载火箭技术,对人类发展的贡献,如电信和自然灾害数据收集。 他们还强调必须将导弹问题的所有方面保留在联合国大会的议程上,并欣见根据第59/67号决议设立的政府专家组于2008年圆满完成了工作并向联合国大会第六十三届会议提交了报告。 在对大规模毁灭性武器运载系统采取这种普遍办法之前,任何旨在以可持续和全面的方式有效解决这些关切的倡议,都应当通过在所有国家都能平等参与的论坛上的包容性谈判进程来进行。 他们强调,在对导弹问题的所有方面采取的任何办法中,所有国家在区域和全球两级的安全关切都十分重要。", "156 (英语). 各位部长认为,由《特拉特洛尔科条约》、《拉罗通加条约》、《曼谷条约》、《佩林达巴条约》、中亚无核武器区条约以及蒙古的无核武器地位所建立的无核武器区是加强全球核裁军和核不扩散的积极步骤和重要措施,他们欢迎《中亚无核武器区条约》于2009年3月21日生效和《非洲无核武器区条约》于2009年7月15日生效,这是对加强区域和全球和平与安全的有效贡献。 他们重申,在无核武器区方面,核武器国家必须无条件保证不对无核武器区的所有国家使用或威胁使用核武器。 他们敦促各国根据第一届专门讨论裁军问题的大会特别会议(第一届裁军特别联大)《最后文件》的规定和1999年联合国裁军审议委员会通过的原则,在有关区域各国自由缔结协定,以便在没有无核武器区的地区建立新的无核武器区。", "157. (中文(简体) ). 部长们回顾2010年4月30日在纽约举行的建立无核武器区条约缔约国和签署国及蒙古第二次会议及其成果,呼吁无核武器区条约缔约国和签署国进一步落实它们、其条约机构和其他有关国家之间合作的方式方法。 他们表示支持蒙古旨在将其无核武器地位制度化的政策以及蒙古为巩固和加强这一地位所采取措施。 在这方面,他们欢迎蒙古开始同其两个邻国谈判,以缔结必要的法律文书,并表示希望不久能缔结一项国际文书,使这一地位制度化。", "158 (英语). 各位部长重申支持在中东建立无任何大规模毁灭性武器区。 为此,他们重申需要根据安全理事会第487(1981)号决议和安全理事会第687(1991)号决议第14段以及以协商一致方式通过的大会有关决议,迅速建立中东无核武器区。 他们呼吁有关各方采取紧急而切实的步骤,落实伊朗于1974年提出的建立无核武器区的建议,在建立无核武器区之前,他们要求该地区唯一没有加入《不扩散核武器条约》(《不扩散条约》)或宣布打算加入的国家以色列放弃拥有核武器,不再拖延地加入《不扩散条约》,根据安全理事会第487(1981)号决议,迅速将其所有核设施置于国际原子能机构(原子能机构)的全面保障监督之下,并依照不扩散制度开展与核有关的活动。 他们呼吁尽早执行原子能机构关于“在中东实施原子能机构保障监督”的相关决议。 他们对以色列获得核能力表示严重关切,因为这对邻国和其他国家的安全构成严重和持续的威胁,并谴责以色列继续发展和储存核武库。 在这方面,他们还谴责以色列当时的总理于2006年12月11日就以色列拥有核武器发表的声明。 他们敦促在原子能机构范围内,包括在大会上继续审议以色列的核能力问题。 他们认为,在军事能力严重不平衡的区域,特别是拥有核武器,使一方能够威胁邻国和该区域,就不可能实现稳定。 他们还欢迎阿拉伯埃及共和国关于在中东建立无大规模毁灭性武器区的倡议,在这方面,他们考虑到阿拉伯叙利亚共和国代表阿拉伯集团于2003年12月29日向安全理事会提出的关于在中东建立无大规模毁灭性武器区的决议草案。 他们强调,应在不同的国际论坛采取必要步骤来建立无核武器区。 他们还呼吁全面彻底禁止向以色列转让所有与核有关的设备、信息、材料和设施、资源或装置,并禁止在与核有关的科学或技术领域向以色列提供援助。 在这方面,他们对以色列科学家获准进入一个核武器国家的核设施表示严重关切。 这一事态发展可能对该区域的安全以及全球不扩散制度的可靠性产生严重的负面影响。", "159 (英语). 各位部长重申支持阿拉伯集团在维也纳为原子能机构大会继续审议以色列核能力问题而作的努力。", "160 (英语). 部长们强调不结盟运动关于不使用或威胁使用武力侵犯任何国家领土完整的原则立场。 在这方面,他们谴责以色列2007年9月6日对叙利亚设施的袭击,这公然违反了《联合国宪章》,并欢迎叙利亚在这方面与原子能机构合作。", "161 (英语). 各位部长强调在拟订和执行裁军和军备限制协定时遵守环境规范的重要性,在这方面,他们欢迎大会未经表决通过了关于这个问题的第65/53号决议。 他们重申,国际裁军论坛在谈判裁军和军备限制条约和协定时,应充分考虑到有关的环境规范,而所有国家应通过其行动,在执行所加入的条约和公约时,为确保遵守上述规范作出充分贡献。", "162 (英语). 各位部长强调,联合国在区域一级为增进会员国的稳定与安全而开展的活动十分重要,维持和振兴三个和平与裁军区域中心可以从实质上促进这些活动。", "163 (英语). 1. 《不扩散核武器条约》(不扩散条约)缔约国部长重申不扩散条约1995年审议和延期大会的一揽子协定和不扩散条约2000年审议大会的《最后文件》,并承认《不扩散条约》在核裁军、核不扩散及和平利用核能方面的关键作用,同时认为不扩散条约2010年审议大会的“结论和后续行动建议”是一项成果,可在不久的将来加以巩固和进一步加强,以充分处理不结盟运动的优先事项,特别是实现无核武器世界。 他们呼吁核武器国家充分而有效地履行《条约》规定的义务,特别是在核裁军领域,并履行其审议大会,特别是1995年审议和延期大会、2000年审议大会和2010年审议大会的成果。", "164. (中文(简体) ). 《不扩散条约》缔约国部长强调在不扩散条约审议大会框架内审查《条约》实施情况的重要性,并在这方面强调,不应将2010年不扩散条约审议大会《最后文件》审查部分作为主席的意见而不是协商一致的措辞,视为今后在不损害审议大会特权的情况下应遵循的先例。", "165 (英语). 《不扩散条约》缔约国部长赞扬菲律宾的利布兰·卡瓦克图兰阁下担任2010年《不扩散条约》审议大会主席并积极参与审议工作。 他们强调必须执行关于核裁军、核不扩散、和平利用核能和执行1995年中东问题决议等会议通过的行动计划。 各位部长关切地注意到,在《不扩散条约》的不结盟运动缔约国的若干关键优先事项上缺乏一致意见,其中包括开始谈判一项核武器公约并开始谈判一项对无核武器国家无条件消极安全保证的具有法律约束力的文书。 《不扩散条约》这些缔约国的部长同意继续集体努力,争取在下一个审议进程中实现上述不结盟运动优先事项。", "166 (英语). 在这方面,《不扩散条约》缔约国部长欢迎在不扩散条约2010年审议大会的“结论和后续行动建议”中以协商一致方式通过关于“中东,特别是执行1995年关于中东的决议”的详细行动计划。 各位部长敦促联合国秘书长和1995年决议的共同提案国同该区域各国协商,立即开始必要的筹备工作,以于2012年召开一次由中东所有国家参加的关于建立中东无核武器和所有其他大规模毁灭性武器区的会议。 他们强调,必须全面执行所商定的行动计划的所有方面,有关各方必须积极和建设性地参与,使会议能够成功地发起区域谈判进程,以充分实现1995年决议的各项目标并建立无核武器区。", "167. (中文(简体) ). 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长们表示深为关切的是,在同中东各国密切协商和协调下,2010年《不扩散条约》审议大会通过的关于执行1995年中东问题决议的《行动计划》所载措施迟迟得不到执行。 他们强烈敦促联合国秘书长和1995年中东问题决议的三个共同提案国立即开始全面执行中东问题行动计划。 他们强调立即任命一名调解人、指定东道国和确认会议日期的重要性。 部长们请秘书长在履行召开审议大会的任务时尽最大努力,以便在定于2012年5月举行的2015年不扩散条约审议大会筹备委员会第一届会议之前尽早召开审议大会。 部长们还强调必须尽快利用一切必要的财政手段来开展调解人的活动并召开这次会议,包括联合国经常预算。", "168 (英语). 《不扩散条约》缔约国部长重申,以色列加入《不扩散核武器条约》,并依照有关国际文书和决定,包括安全理事会第487(1981)号决议执行部分第5段,将其所有核设施置于原子能机构的全面保障监督之下,具有紧迫性和重要性。 他们呼吁以色列作为中东唯一的非《不扩散条约》缔约国,不再拖延地作为无核武器国家加入《条约》。", "169 (英语). 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长们再次呼吁《条约》所有缔约国坚决承诺执行《条约》的所有规定,并呼吁充分执行13个实际步骤,以系统和逐步地努力执行《条约》第六条,特别是核武器国家明确承诺彻底消除其核武库并实现核裁军。 在彻底消除核武器之前,他们还回顾,不扩散条约2000年审议大会的《最后文件》重申,五个核武器国家向《条约》的无核武器缔约国作出具有法律约束力的安全保证将加强核不扩散制度。 他们强调不扩散条约2010年审议大会以协商一致方式商定采取实际步骤,有系统和逐步地努力消除核武器;执行不扩散条约1995年审议和延期大会通过的关于中东的决议;并商定一项具有法律约束力的向无核武器国家提供无条件安全保证的国际文书。", "170 (英语). 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长们呼吁核武器国家履行承诺,在缔结具有法律约束力的安全保证文书之前,在任何时候和任何情况下不对《条约》的无核武器缔约国或无核武器区使用或威胁使用核武器。", "171 (英语). 各位部长重申,发展中国家拥有不受歧视地为和平目的而研究、生产和使用核能的不可剥夺的权利。 他们继续关切地注意到,继续不适当地限制向发展中国家出口用于和平目的的材料、设备和技术。 他们再次强调,最好通过多边谈判达成普遍、全面和非歧视性的协定来解决扩散问题。 不扩散管制安排应透明并开放供所有国家参加,并应确保不限制发展中国家为和平目的获得持续发展所需的材料、设备和技术。 各位部长表示完全相信原子能机构的公正性和专业精神,并强烈反对任何国家违反原子能机构《规约》,企图将原子能机构的工作,包括其技术合作方案政治化,以及任何可能损害原子能机构效率和信誉的对原子能机构活动的不当压力或干预。", "172 (英语). 《不扩散条约》缔约国的部长们再次强调,《条约》的任何内容均不得被解释为影响《条约》所有缔约国不受歧视地并按照《条约》第一、第二、第三和第四条为和平目的而研究、生产和使用核能的不可剥夺的权利。 他们强调,这项权利是《条约》的基本目标之一。 在这方面,他们确认,每个国家在和平利用核能领域的选择和决定应得到尊重,而不损害其和平利用核能的政策或国际合作协定和安排及其燃料循环政策。", "173 (英语). 各位部长特别强调,发达国家有责任促进发展中国家对核能的合理需要,允许它们尽可能充分地参与为和平目的转让核设备、材料、科学和技术信息,以期实现最大利益,并在其活动中应用可持续发展的有关内容。", "174 (英语). 各位部长注意到原子能机构理事会2010年表决通过了两项关于核燃料循环多边办法的提案。 他们强调,应在就这个复杂而敏感的问题作出任何决定之前,通过广泛、全面和透明的协商和谈判来处理这一问题,并侧重于其技术、法律、政治和经济影响。 各位部长强调,应在原子能机构所有成员国的参与下以协商一致方式作出决定,原子能机构的任何建议都必须符合其《规约》,而不影响其成员国为和平目的研究、发展和利用核科学的不可剥夺权利。", "175 (英语). 各位部长强调不结盟成员国在原子能机构所起积极作用的重要性,并着重指出原子能机构所有成员必须严格遵守其《规约》。 他们强调,应避免对原子能机构的活动,特别是对其核查进程施加任何不当的压力或干涉,因为这会损害原子能机构的效率和信誉。 他们确认,原子能机构是核查成员国遵守各自保障协定所承担义务情况的唯一主管机构。 他们还重申,必须明确区分会员国根据各自的保障监督协定所承担的法律义务和自愿承诺,以确保这些自愿承诺不会被转化为法律保障义务。", "176 (英语). 各位部长重申和平核活动的不可侵犯性,重申对和平核设施——正在运行或正在建设中的设施——的任何攻击或攻击威胁都对人类和环境构成巨大危险,并严重违反国际法、《联合国宪章》的原则和宗旨以及原子能机构的条例。 他们认识到迫切需要通过多边谈判达成一项全面文书,禁止攻击或威胁攻击和平利用核能的核设施。", "177 (英语). 各位部长申明,必须加强使用放射性材料的设施以及放射性废物管理设施的辐射安全和保护制度,包括这些材料的安全运输。 他们重申需要加强现有关于此类材料的安全和运输保障的国际条例。 各位部长注意到原子能机构在这方面的努力,包括于2011年10月17日(第2次)至21日(第2次)在维也纳召开“放射性材料安全和有保障运输问题国际会议:今后50年——建立一个安全、有保障和可持续框架”。 他们重申需要采取适当措施,防止任何倾弃核废料或放射性废料的行为,同时呼吁有效执行原子能机构《关于放射性废料国际越境转移的业务守则》,以此加强对所有国家的保护,防止在其境内倾弃放射性废料。", "178 (英语). 各位部长强调,应通过政治和外交手段解决扩散问题,在这方面采取的措施和举措应在国际法、相关公约和《联合国宪章》的框架内进行,并为促进国际和平、安全与稳定作出贡献。", "179 (英语). 《生物和毒素武器公约》(《生物和毒素武器公约》)不结盟运动缔约国的部长们重申,应完全排除任何将细菌(生物)剂和毒素用作武器的可能性,并坚信这种使用违背人类的良心。 他们确认,通过多边谈判达成一项具有法律约束力的议定书并普遍加入《公约》,加强《公约》特别重要。 他们再次呼吁为和平目的促进国际合作,包括科技交流,并在这方面采取具体行动,例如不结盟运动缔约国在第六次审查会议上提交的执行第十条的行动计划所载列的行动,以及不结盟运动缔约国最近提出的关于全面执行《公约》第十条机制的补充建议。 他们强调《公约》不结盟运动缔约国之间保持密切协调的重要性,并着重指出,《生物和毒素武器公约》是一个整体,尽管可以分别审议某些方面,但以平衡而全面的方式处理与《公约》有关的所有问题至关重要。", "180 (英语). 《生物和毒素武器公约》的不结盟运动缔约国部长强调,《生物和毒素武器公约》的不结盟运动缔约国必须积极参加将于2011年底举行的第七次《生物和毒素武器公约》审查会议,以推进其对《公约》的立场,特别是对《生物和毒素武器公约》第十条的立场,特别是强调必须加强用于和平目的的生物科学和技术方面的国际合作、援助和交流。 他们还鼓励《生物和毒素武器公约》缔约国按照《生物和毒素武器公约》第六次审查会议《最后文件》第54段的规定,提供资料,说明《生物和毒素武器公约》关于国际援助与合作的第十条的执行情况。", "181 (英语). 《化学武器公约》缔约国部长请所有尚未签署或批准《公约》的国家尽快签署或批准,以实现《公约》的普遍性。 他们重申,可以通过全面执行《公约》来增强《公约》对国际和区域和平与安全的有效贡献。 各位部长重申,必须在《化学武器公约》不加禁止的化学活动领域开展国际合作。 他们再次呼吁发达国家促进国际合作,通过转让化学领域用于和平目的的技术、材料和设备来造福缔约国,并消除一切有违《公约》文字和精神的歧视性限制。 他们回顾,通过国际合作充分、平衡、有效和无歧视地执行《公约》的所有条款,特别是经济和技术的发展,对实现《公约》的目标和宗旨至关重要。 某些拥有化学武器的缔约国最近表示,它们将不履行其在全面销毁化学武器最后期限方面的义务,截至2011年1月31日,仍有36.28%的化学武器有待销毁,他们对此表示严重关切,并呼吁已宣布拥有化学武器的国家确保全面、完全地遵守销毁其化学武器的最后延长期限(2012年4月29日),以维护《公约》的公信力和完整性。 他们强调,销毁化学武器的义务和责任完全在于拥有化学武器的缔约国,而履行这项义务是实现《公约》目标和宗旨的根本。 在这方面,他们呼吁有关拥有化学武器的缔约国加快销毁其化学武器储存的速度,采取一切必要措施,按照《公约》的规定,在延长的最后期限内销毁其化学武器。", "182 (英语). 《化学武器公约》缔约国的部长们重申,执行《化学武器公约》关于援助和保护免受化学武器危害的第十条,对打击使用化学武器的威胁作出了重大贡献。 他们强调禁止化学武器组织必须做到并保持高度准备,及时提供所需的援助和保护,防止使用或威胁使用化学武器,包括援助化学武器受害者。", "183 (英语). 《化学武器公约》缔约国的部长们在对化学武器受害者及其家属给予应有的尊重的同时,宣布他们坚信,向遭受化学武器影响的所有受害者提供特别照顾和援助的国际支持是一项紧迫的人道主义需要,《公约》缔约国和禁止化学武器组织应紧急注意满足这些需要,包括可能建立一个国际支助网络。", "184 (英语). 各位部长再次谴责2009年以色列对加沙地带的军事侵略和占领国对巴勒斯坦平民地区的不分青红皂白地炮击和轰炸,并表示严重关切据报在平民地区使用诸如白磷等有害和可能致命的燃烧武器。 在这方面,他们再次呼吁有关机构根据适当的国际公约和协定彻底调查这一严重问题。", "185 (英语). 各位部长对关于不遵守大规模毁灭性武器相关文书的未经证实的指控表示遗憾,并呼吁提出此类指控的文书缔约国遵循这些文书规定的程序,为其指控提供必要的证据。 他们呼吁有关国际文书的所有缔约国以透明的方式充分履行这些文书规定的所有义务。", "186 (英语). 各位部长对各国就防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施所达成的共识表示满意。 他们欢迎大会以协商一致方式通过题为“防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的措施”的第65/62号决议,并强调需要在联合国框架内和通过国际合作来应对对人类的这一威胁。 他们强调,防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器的最有效方式是彻底消除此类武器,同时强调,迫切需要在裁军和不扩散领域取得进展,以帮助维护国际和平与安全,为打击恐怖主义的全球努力作出贡献。 他们呼吁所有会员国支持防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具的国际努力。 他们还敦促所有会员国酌情采取并加强国家措施,防止恐怖分子获取大规模毁灭性武器及其运载工具和与制造这些武器有关的材料和技术。", "187 (英语). 各位部长注意到安全理事会通过了第1540(2004)号、第1673(2006)号和第1810(2008)号决议,并强调需要确保安全理事会的任何行动不损害《联合国宪章》和关于大规模毁灭性武器和在这方面所设立的国际组织的现有多边条约以及大会的作用。 他们还告诫安全理事会不要继续利用其权力确定会员国执行安全理事会决定的立法要求。 在这方面,部长们强调,大会必须以包容的方式处理非国家行为者获取大规模毁灭性武器的问题,同时考虑到所有会员国的意见。", "188 (英语). 各位部长铭记现有大规模毁灭性武器特别是核武器对人类构成的威胁并强调需要彻底消除此类武器,重申需要防止出现新型大规模毁灭性武器,因此支持有必要监测局势并视需要启动国际行动。", "189 (英语). 各位部长重申,各国拥有为自卫和安全需要而获取、制造、出口、进口和保留常规武器的主权。 他们对单方面胁迫性措施表示关切,并强调不应对这种武器的转让施加不适当的限制。", "190 (英语). 各位部长认识到,工业化国家和不结盟国家之间在常规武器的生产、拥有和贸易方面存在着严重的不平衡,并呼吁工业化国家大幅度减少常规武器的生产、拥有和贸易,以期加强国际和区域和平与安全。", "191 (英语). 各位部长仍然深为关切小武器和轻武器在世界许多地区的非法转让、制造和流通及其过度积累和无节制地扩散。 他们确认需要建立和维持对私人拥有小武器的控制。 他们呼吁所有国家,特别是主要生产国,确保小武器和轻武器的供应仅限于政府或政府正式授权的实体,并实行法律限制和禁止,防止小武器和轻武器的非法贸易。 他们鼓励各国采取一切举措,调动资源和专门知识,并提供援助,加强全面执行《联合国从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的行动纲领》。", "192 (英语). 各位部长强调迅速和充分执行《行动纲领》的重要性,并在此方面强调国际援助与合作是充分执行《行动纲领》的一个基本方面。 他们表示失望的是,2006年6月26日至7月7日在纽约举行的联合国审查从各个方面防止、打击和消除小武器和轻武器非法贸易的行动纲领执行进度会议未能就最后文件达成协议。 部长们注意到2010年6月14日至18日在纽约举行的第四次各国两年期会议,会议审议了国家、区域和全球执行《行动纲领》的情况。 他们鼓励所有国家酌情审议上述会议《最后文件》中的各项建议,同时强调通过《房舍管理协定4》最后结果所遵循的程序不应成为今后先例。 他们重申《行动纲领》完全有效,并鼓励不结盟运动代表团协调联合国的努力,以便就《行动纲领》的后续行动达成协议,以确保其得到全面执行。 他们呼吁充分执行大会通过的使各国能及时可靠地查明并追踪非法小武器和轻武器的国际文书。", "193 (英语). 各位部长继续痛惜在冲突局势中违反国际人道主义法使用杀伤人员地雷,以致残、杀害和恐吓无辜平民,不让其进入农田,造成饥荒并迫使他们逃离家园,最终导致人口减少并阻止平民返回原居住地。 他们呼吁所有有能力的国家为扫雷行动、受害者的社会和经济康复提供必要的财政、技术和人道主义援助,并确保受影响国家能够充分获得排雷所需的物质设备、技术和财政资源。", "194 (英语). 《关于禁止使用、储存、生产和转让杀伤人员地雷及销毁此种地雷的公约》(《禁雷公约》)缔约国部长请尚未加入《公约》的国家考虑加入《公约》。", "195 (英语). 各位部长对第二次世界大战的爆炸残留物表示关切,特别是地雷,它们继续给一些不结盟国家造成人员和物质损失并阻碍其发展计划。 他们呼吁在第二次世界大战期间对埋设这些地雷和将爆炸物留在境外负有主要责任的国家同受影响国家合作,向受影响国家提供排雷行动支助,包括信息交流、标明地雷和爆炸物位置的地图、排雷技术援助、支付排雷费用并赔偿所埋有地雷所造成的损失。", "196 (英语). 《禁雷公约》缔约国部长认识到2009年11月30日至12月4日在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳举行的第二次审查会议的重要意义。 此外,他们欢迎为筹备这次会议而举行的区域会议和讲习班,并赞赏东道国在这方面的努力。", "197 (英语). 《禁止或限制使用某些可被认为具有过分伤害力或滥杀滥伤作用的常规武器公约》(《特定常规武器公约》)及其议定书缔约国部长鼓励各国加入《公约》及其议定书。", "198 (英语). 各位部长认识到使用集束弹药造成的人道主义不利影响,并同情受集束弹药影响的国家。 他们呼吁所有有能力的国家考虑向未爆炸集束弹药的清除行动、受害者的社会和经济康复提供必要的财政、技术和人道主义援助,并确保受影响国家能够充分获得清除未爆炸集束弹药的物质设备、技术和财政资源。 他们注意到在《特定常规武器公约》范围内继续审议了集束弹药问题。 《集束弹药公约》缔约国部长承认在这个问题上存在不同意见,同时请尚未加入《公约》的国家考虑加入《公约》。", "199 (英语). 部长们注意到《集束弹药公约》于2010年8月1日生效,并注意到2010年11月9日至12日在老挝人民民主共和国万象举行的公约缔约国第一次会议的成果,并注意到公约缔约国打算于2011年9月在黎巴嫩召开下一次会议。", "200块 各位部长强调大会通过第65/55号决议的重要性,同时考虑到使用贫铀武器弹药对人类健康和环境可能造成的有害影响。", "201 (英语). 各位部长强调裁军和发展之间的共生关系的重要性以及安全在这方面的重要作用,在这方面,他们欢迎不经表决通过大会第65/52号决议。 他们还对全球军事支出不断增加表示关切,否则,这些开支可以用于发展需要。 他们进一步强调必须按照最低军备水平上安全不受减损的原则削减军事开支,并敦促所有国家将从军事开支中提供的资源用于经济和社会发展,特别是用于同贫穷作斗争。 他们表示坚决支持一些国家政府采取单边、双边、区域和多边措施,以减少军费开支,从而有助于加强区域和国际和平与安全,并认识到建立信任措施在这方面有所帮助。", "202 (英语). 各位部长赞扬由印度尼西亚担任主席的不结盟运动裁军问题工作组正在协调不结盟运动在裁军领域共同关心的问题。 他们鼓励不结盟运动代表团继续积极参加工作组,以促进并实现不结盟运动的目标。", "203 (英语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,部长们同意:", "1. 联合国 继续酌情在相关国际论坛上落实不结盟运动的立场和优先事项;", "2. 联合国 责成不结盟运动协调局酌情作出努力,以期在裁军和国际安全会议上实现不结盟运动的目标。", "恐怖主义", "204 (英语). 各位部长重申并强调不结盟运动关于恐怖主义的原则立场的有效性和相关性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 恐怖主义行为是最公然违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法,特别是侵犯生命权的行为之一,导致人民不能充分享受人权和基本自由,而且这种行为会危及国家的领土完整和稳定以及国家、区域和国际安全,破坏合法组成的政府或现行宪法秩序和国家政治统一的稳定,影响国家稳定和社会基础,并给经济和社会发展造成不利后果并破坏各国的物质和经济基础设施;", "2. 联合国 不能也不应将恐怖主义与任何宗教、国籍、文明或族裔群体联系起来,这些属性不应被作为恐怖主义或反恐措施的理由,这些措施除其他外包括恐怖嫌疑人的定性和侵犯个人隐私;", "3个 1. 不论出于何种目的、在何处发生、由何人所为、针对何人实施、旨在或蓄意在一般公众、某一群人或某些人中引起恐怖状态的犯罪行为,无论引用何种考虑或因素作为理由,在任何情况下都是无可辩解的;", " 4.四. 不应把恐怖主义等同于处于殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的合法斗争。 残酷对待仍在外国占领下的人民应继续被谴责为最恶劣形式的恐怖主义,并应继续谴责利用国家权力镇压和暴力侵犯为行使不可剥夺的自决权而反抗外国占领的人民的行为。 在这方面,根据《联合国宪章》、国际法和联合国有关决议,在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的斗争不构成恐怖主义;[20]", "5 (韩语). 不结盟运动重申其根据国际法并根据大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议以及联合国关于处于殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取民族解放和自决的斗争的合法性的其他有关决议的原则立场,这不构成恐怖主义,并再次呼吁对恐怖主义下的定义,以区别于处于殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的合法斗争;", "6. 国家 资助恐怖主义是一个需要坚决打击的严重问题。 在这方面,部长们强烈谴责恐怖主义集团劫持人质并由此要求赎金和(或)作出其他政治让步的犯罪行为,并吁请所有国家积极合作,以解决这一问题,包括其法律方面。", "205 (英语). 各位部长确认恐怖主义和恐怖行为对国际社会构成的严重危险和威胁,符合并遵循不结盟运动的原则立场,并申明需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,商定采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 1. 坚决和毫不含糊地谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,以及一切恐怖主义行为、方法和做法,不论在何处由何人所为、何人所为、何人所为,包括国家直接或间接参与的恐怖主义行为、方法和做法,无论以何种考虑或因素为借口,都是没有道理的,并在这方面重申支持大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议和联合国有关决议;", "2. 联合国 决心迅速采取有效措施来消除国际恐怖主义,并在此方面敦促所有国家依照《联合国宪章》履行其根据国际法和国际人道主义法所应承担的打击恐怖主义的义务,包括起诉或酌情引渡犯下恐怖主义行为的人;防止从本国领土内外或由以本国领土为基地的组织、煽动或资助针对其他国家的恐怖主义行为;不组织、煽动、协助、资助或参与其他国家领土内的恐怖主义行为;不鼓励在本国领土内为犯下此种行为而进行的活动;不允许利用其领土策划、训练或资助此种行为;或不提供可用于其他国家境内恐怖主义行为的武器或其他武器;", "3个 2. 谴责并避免向恐怖主义提供任何形式的政治、外交、道义或物质支持,并在此方面敦促所有国家按照《联合国宪章》并履行国际法规定的义务,确保难民地位或任何其他法律地位不被恐怖主义行为的实施者、组织者或协助者所滥用,并确保不承认其提出的政治动机主张为拒绝引渡请求的理由;", " 4.四. 敦促所有尚未批准或加入有关打击恐怖主义的13个国际及联合国公约和议定书的国家考虑批准或加入这些公约和议定书;", "5 (韩语). 考虑到1995年在埃及开罗举行的联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法会议《最后文件》和2005年在沙特阿拉伯利雅得举行的打击恐怖主义国际会议的建议,遵守和执行本国加入的所有关于恐怖主义的国际公约以及区域和双边文书的规定;", "6. 国家 反对企图将殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的合法斗争同恐怖主义等同起来,以延长占领和压迫无辜人民而不受惩罚;", "7. 联合国 进一步呼吁所有国家原则上赞同在联合国主持下召开一次国际会议,以界定恐怖主义,将其同争取民族解放的斗争区分开来,并达成采取一致行动的全面而有效的措施。 他们还谴责残酷对待被外国占领的人民是最严重的恐怖主义形式。 他们谴责利用国家权力镇压和暴力侵犯为行使不可剥夺的自决权而反抗外国占领的无辜受害者。 他们强调这一权利的神圣性,并敦促在这一扩大自由和民主的时代,应允许被外国占领的人民自由决定自己的命运。 在这方面,他们还重申支持大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议以及联合国其他有关决议和不结盟运动的原则立场,即在殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决的斗争不构成恐怖主义;", "8. 联合国 4. 吁请所有国家在打击恐怖主义的同时尊重所有人权和基本自由,并重申其在这方面的承诺,即以符合法治的方式防止侵犯人权,并根据国际法,特别是国际人权法、国际难民法和国际人道主义法,并依照大会有关决议,防止侵犯人权;", "9. 国家 部长们重申不结盟运动关于打击国际恐怖主义的原则立场,并鉴于不结盟运动以前采取的举措和考虑,并深信在联合国主持下开展多边合作是打击国际恐怖主义的最有效手段,同时再次呼吁在联合国主持下召开一次国际首脑会议,以制定国际社会对一切形式和表现的恐怖主义的联合、有组织的对策,包括查明其根源;", "10个 3. 还重申缔结一项打击国际恐怖主义的全面公约的重要性,并在这方面注意到大会第51/210号决议所设恐怖主义问题特设委员会为拟订一项关于国际恐怖主义的全面公约而进行的谈判以及为此而继续作出的努力,并吁请所有国家合作解决悬而未决的问题;", "11个 呼吁以透明、全面和平衡的方式执行《联合国全球反恐战略》,并商定积极参与今后关于审查《联合国全球反恐战略》及其执行情况的会议,还呼吁加强会员国对反恐执行工作队工作的参与,支持不结盟运动成员国以推进不结盟运动原则立场的方式加强有效执行的任何举措;", "12个 回顾2010年9月8日对《联合国全球反恐战略》的第二次半年期审查,除其他外,决定工作队将每季度与会员国互动,以听取关于其当前和今后工作的情况通报和综合报告,确保透明度并让会员国能评估工作队正在开展的工作,就大会2010年9月8日第64/297号决议所反映执行《反恐战略》的努力提供政策指导和反馈,并欣见根据大会2009年12月24日第64/235号决议在最后确定反恐执行工作队制度化方面取得的进展;", "13个 1. 强烈谴责几乎每天在伊拉克不同地区针对伊拉克平民的严重恐怖主义行为,呼吁加强国际合作,支持伊拉克打击一切形式恐怖主义的能力建设方案;", "14个 各位部长强烈谴责针对伊朗科学家的若干恐怖袭击,这些袭击导致任何国家的发展所必需的宝贵人力资源的损失;", "15个 各位部长强烈谴责2008年9月20日在巴基斯坦伊斯兰堡万豪酒店发生的令人发指的恐怖袭击和2009年3月3日在拉合尔对来访的斯里兰卡板球队的恐怖袭击,这些袭击加剧了国际恐怖主义,造成巨大的生命损失、破坏和破坏,并呼吁根据所有会员国根据相关国际法对这些应受谴责的恐怖主义行为的实施者、组织者、资助者和赞助者所负的义务开展国际合作;", "16号. 各位部长强烈谴责2008年11月26日至29日在印度孟买发生的令人发指的恐怖袭击,这次袭击使国际恐怖主义升级,造成大量人员伤亡、破坏和破坏,并呼吁所有会员国根据有关国际法,对犯下这些应受谴责的恐怖主义行为的人、组织者、资助者和赞助者进行国际合作;", "17岁。 根据联合国就此问题进行的讨论和谈判的进展情况,在最适当的日期举行关于恐怖主义问题的不结盟运动部长级会议;", "18岁。 支持国家、区域和国际努力和安排,力求酌情执行具有法律约束力的有关国际文书和联合国有关决议,[21] 包括大会第46/51号决议和安全理事会第1373号决议,以及与打击恐怖主义有关的区域安排和文书;[22] 加强在这方面同所有国家的合作,强调这种合作应符合《联合国宪章》、国际法和有关国际公约;在这方面,敦促联合国有关机构促进支持和加强这种合作的方式方法;", " 19. 19. 拒绝任何国家以打击恐怖主义或追求其政治目的为借口,对任何不结盟国家施加或威胁施加的行动和措施,特别是武装部队使用武力或威胁使用武力,包括直接或间接将其归类为恐怖主义赞助国。 他们呼吁安全理事会促进基地组织和塔利班制裁制度的合法性和公信力,特别是解决列名和除名程序以及给予豁免方面的适当程序和透明度问题,并在这方面注意到已任命一名监察员,协助制裁制度审议除名请求。 他们还完全反对某个国家以打击恐怖主义为借口,使用“邪恶轴心”一词针对其他国家,以及单方面编制指控据称支持恐怖主义的国家的名单,这不符合国际法,构成一种心理和政治恐怖主义,在这方面强调必须声援受这种行动和措施影响的不结盟国家;", "20号. 对不结盟国家的国家法律和立法进行全面的质量修改,将一切恐怖主义行为以及支持、资助或煽动此种行为定为犯罪;", "21岁 重申支持两圣寺护法阿卜杜拉·本·阿卜杜勒-阿齐兹·沙特国王2005年2月在沙特阿拉伯利雅得举行的打击恐怖主义国际会议通过的关于设立国际反恐中心的建议。 利雅得会议申明,只有通过协调的国际努力和合作,才能消除恐怖主义。 会议呼吁联合国设立中心,以交流信息和分享专门知识,并协调努力来密切监测恐怖组织和个人的活动;", "22号. 各位部长注意到伊朗伊斯兰共和国倡议于2011年6月25-26日在德黑兰组织“全球打击恐怖主义国际会议”,以促进打击恐怖主义方面的国际合作。", "民主[23]", "206 (英语). 各位部长重申,民主是一种普遍价值,其基础是人民自由表达意愿,决定自己的政治、经济、社会和文化制度,并充分参与其生活的各个方面。 他们重申,虽然所有民主国家都有共同的特点,但不存在单一的民主模式,民主不属于任何国家或地区,并进一步重申必须适当尊重主权和自决权,反对任何破坏人民合法建立的宪法和民主秩序的企图。 他们表示相信,在尊重《联合国宪章》所揭示的原则以及透明、公正、非选择性和包容性原则的基础上为增进民主而进行国际合作可有助于实现在国家、区域和国际各级巩固民主的目标。", "2017 (英语). 各位部长重申,民主、发展和尊重所有人权和基本自由是相互依存和相辅相成的。 国际社会应按照《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,支持在全世界加强和促进民主、发展并尊重所有人权和基本自由,不分发达国家与发展中国家。", "2018 (英语). 各位部长回顾了最近在几个拉丁美洲国家开展的宪法进程,以表达尊重和加强基于这些国家的人民自由表达意愿和参与决定本国政治、经济、法律、社会和文化制度的民主。", "209 (英语). 各位部长回顾了2005年世界首脑会议成果文件所重申的联合国会员国领导人的承诺,并指出了联合国在促进和加强寻求法律、技术和财政援助的成员国的民主做法方面的重要作用。 各位部长注意到联合国民主基金的工作。", "210 (英语). 各位部长强调由印度尼西亚共和国政府发起的巴厘民主论坛的重要性,该论坛于2010年12月10日和11日结束了第三次年度会议,作为一个政府间论坛,促进来自所有区域的成员国和观察员国的民主,这种民主是本国产生的,而不是强加的,其基础是平等参与、分享经验和最佳做法、对话和国际合作的原则。 各位部长还注意到作为巴厘民主论坛执行机构的和平与民主研究所所组织的活动。", "211 (英语). 各位部长欢迎委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国政府决定主办第七次新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体国际会议。", "212 (英语). 各位部长祝贺蒙古在2011-2013年担任民主政体共同体主席,并欣见蒙古打算继续与巴厘民主论坛和新的民主政体或恢复民主的政体国际会议以及其他相关论坛合作。", "213 (英语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要促进、捍卫和维护这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 共同努力促进民主和更具包容性的政治进程,使所有国家的所有公民都能真正参与,包括在自愿基础上寻求联合国的援助;", "2. 在认识到在国家一级促进民主的重要性的同时,促进国际治理制度的民主化,以使发展中国家更多地参与国际决策;", "3个 反对并谴责任何出于政治动机企图或滥用促进民主的国际合作,包括将不结盟国家边缘化或排斥在联合国系统政府间机构成员的充分参与和平等机会之外。", "南北对话与合作", "214 (英语). 各位部长承认需要增加发展中国家和发达国家领导人之间的互动,同意采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 与发达国家和工业化国家,特别是与八国集团建立、扩大和深化更有活力的关系与合作,牢固地扎根于相互尊重、互利互惠、共同和有区别的责任、建设性接触和对话、广泛的伙伴关系和真正的相互依存,目的是就全球问题制定相容或互补的对策或倡议并增进南北之间的了解;", "2. 继续在大会常会框架内举行不结盟运动三主席与欧洲联盟之间的部长级会议,目的是促进全面而透明地交流联合国大会各届会议所要讨论的共同关心的观点;", "3个 注意到不结盟运动主席与其他有关各方成功举行了部长级会议,继续酌情就共同关心的问题举行不结盟运动主席与其他有关各方之间的会议,包括部长级会议;", " 4.四. 确保发达国家在就影响它们和国际社会的相关问题[24]作出决定之前充分考虑到发展中国家的意见,这可以通过发展中国家和发达国家最高层领导人之间既定的接触制度化来实现,在这方面,请不结盟运动主席同77国集团加中国主席协调,确定可促进实现这一目标的措施,包括加强联合协调委员会;", "5 (韩语). 呼吁国际会议,包括八国集团年度首脑会议,考虑到发展中国家的利益和关切,特别是在当前局势和全球经济和金融危机对其发展造成严重不利影响的情况下,并请不结盟运动主席继续转达这些利益和关切;", "6. 国家 强调南北合作与受援国国家发展优先事项保持一致的重要性以及提高发展援助效率的重要性。", "区域组织的作用", "215 (英语). 各位部长强调由不结盟国家和其他发展中国家组成的区域安排和机构能够发挥重要作用,通过该区域各国之间的合作,促进区域和平与安全以及经济和社会发展。", "216 (英语). 各位部长呼吁根据《联合国宪章》第八章,加强联合国与区域和次区域组织、安排或机构之间的协商、合作和协调进程,并加强其任务、范围和组成,因为这项工作是有益的,有助于维护国际和平与安全。", "217 (英语). 各位部长回顾《联合国非洲发展新伙伴关系宣言》并呼吁国际社会重申对非洲发展新伙伴关系和其他有关非洲倡议的承诺,在这方面注意到非洲联盟和其他区域经济共同体在经济一体化领域所作的努力,以及非洲联盟为落实大会第59/213号决议所载规定而正在作出的努力,其中强调联合国系统在社会、经济、政治、和平与安全领域需要向非洲联盟提供具体支助,并表示充分承诺继续倡导必须不断提供国际支持,以满足《千年宣言》、2005年世界首脑会议成果和大会第六十五届会议关于千年发展目标的高级别全体会议成果文件所载的非洲特殊需要。", "218 (英语). 各位部长强调了2005年在印度尼西亚通过的《亚洲-非洲新战略伙伴关系宣言》的重要性,并呼吁国际社会加强亚非新战略伙伴关系框架内的合作,以此作为深化发展中国家之间伙伴关系的措施之一,特别是亚洲和非洲之间的伙伴关系。", "219 (英语). 各位部长欢迎东盟成员国努力建立和加强东盟共同体,并增进和维持东盟的中心地位及其在不断发展的区域架构中的作用,2011年5月在印度尼西亚雅加达举行的东盟首脑会议第18^ (th)号决议通过的 \" 关于东盟共同体在全球共同体中的联合声明 \" 确认了这一点。", "第二章:", "区域和分区域政治问题", "中东", "和平进程", "220 (英语). 各位部长对中东和平进程缺乏进展深表遗憾,并严重关切由于以色列持续实施非法政策而持续陷入危险僵局,继续阻碍公正、持久、全面及和平地解决作为阿以冲突核心的以巴冲突。 他们强调,需要根据安全理事会第242、338、425、1397(2002)、1515和1850号决议、马德里框架(包括以土地换和平原则)和阿拉伯和平倡议,紧急努力恢复并推进中东和平进程。 他们反对改变和平进程职权范围的企图,包括占领国以色列强加单方面措施和计划,以强行和非法地强加单方面解决办法。 他们申明,这些非法措施,特别是建造和扩大定居点和隔离墙,完全违背和平进程,必须完全停止,以便恢复可信的和平谈判。 在这方面,他们强调国际社会必须加紧并协调努力,迫使占领国以色列停止其非法政策并根据其商定的职权范围真正致力于和平进程,并强调需要确保尊重国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法,因为这是和平解决以巴冲突和整个阿以冲突的关键。", "221 (英语). 在此基础上,各位部长强调,需要国际和区域努力,促进双方及时、适当地恢复和平进程所有轨道上的实质性和加速谈判,以根据联合国相关决议并遵循其中所载国际法规则和原则,实现全面、公正、持久与和平解决。 在这方面,他们重申必须紧急结束以色列对自1967年以来占领的所有阿拉伯领土,包括东耶路撒冷的长期和非法占领。 他们还重申其支持在1967年被以色列占领的所有巴勒斯坦领土上实现巴勒斯坦国独立的长期立场,包括东耶路撒冷作为其首都。", "222 (英语). 各位部长回顾包括联合国安全理事会和大会在内的国际社会为推动公正和全面解决阿拉伯-以色列冲突,包括以巴冲突以及区域稳定而将发挥的历史作用和承担的义务。 他们呼吁国际社会,特别是四方,根据其成员所承担的责任,加紧并协调各项努力和行动,支持和促进关于所有最后地位问题的谈判,包括充分执行路线图中关于以色列-巴勒斯坦冲突永久性两国解决办法的规定。 他们还呼吁安全理事会同四方接触,考虑《宪章》赋予安理会维持国际和平与安全的权力和责任,并呼吁安理会不结盟运动核心小组成员继续在这方面发挥积极作用。", "223 (英语). 各位部长重申支持2002年3月在贝鲁特举行的第十四届阿拉伯首脑会议通过的《阿拉伯和平倡议》,并欣见2010年3月在苏尔特举行的第二十二届阿拉伯首脑会议的各项决议,这些决议重申所有阿拉伯国家对《阿拉伯和平倡议》的承诺,并强调指出,这项和平倡议不会长期搁置在桌面上。 部长们呼吁占领国以色列对这项重要倡议作出认真反应,并在言行上予以回应。", "包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土", "224 (英语). 各位部长重申,他们坚持2009年7月在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十五届国家元首和政府首脑会议以及最近举行的不结盟运动部长级会议和各种会议,包括2009年4月在哈瓦那举行的第十五届部长级会议所通过的关于巴勒斯坦问题的立场,这些是不结盟国家关于巴勒斯坦问题的指导方针。 在这方面,他们还重申坚持不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会在第十五届首脑会议以及以往和其后各次部长级会议上通过的关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言所阐明的原则立场。 在这方面,部长们重申他们长期支持并声援巴勒斯坦的正义事业,并坚决承诺继续支持巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人。 他们强调,需要提供政治、经济和人道主义支助,以援助巴勒斯坦人民,并加强其复原力和努力实现其合法的民族愿望,包括在其以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国享有不可剥夺的自决权和自由权。", "225 (英语). 各位部长深表遗憾的是,自巴勒斯坦人民遭受1948年的 \" 纳克巴 \" [25] 以来的六十三年多时间里,巴勒斯坦问题仍未得到解决,巴勒斯坦人民成为无国籍和被剥夺权利的人,流离失所并被驱离其巴勒斯坦家园;一半以上的巴勒斯坦人民继续流亡在整个区域的难民营和散居地,根据大会第194(III)号决议被剥夺了返回的权利。 各位部长还深表遗憾的是,自1967年以来,近四十年来,巴勒斯坦人民一直遭受以色列对其土地的野蛮军事占领,并继续被剥夺基本人权,包括自决权。", "226 (英语). 各位部长重申,他们感到遗憾的是,尽管国际和区域,包括四方、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他有关会员国加大了努力,尽管2010年9月恢复了和平进程,但在解决巴勒斯坦问题的最后地位问题方面缺乏进展。 他们还对包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上由于占领国以色列继续推行非法政策和做法,主要是继续在西岸进行定居活动和对加沙地带进行近四年的封锁所造成的严峻的政治、经济、社会人道主义和安全局势表示严重关切。", "227 (英语). 在这方面,部长们谴责以色列继续违反国际法和联合国决议对巴勒斯坦领土进行军事占领。 他们谴责以色列继续对巴勒斯坦人民进行残暴的军事行动,特别是在加沙地带,占领国继续严重侵犯人权并据报犯下战争罪行,包括过度使用武力和不分青红皂白地使用武力,杀害和伤害了包括儿童在内的数千名巴勒斯坦平民,并大规模地毁坏了财产、基础设施和农田。 他们还谴责以色列非法和任意地拘留和监禁数千名巴勒斯坦平民,包括数百名妇女和儿童以及许多当选官员,他们继续被关押在残酷、不人道的条件下,并受到身心虐待,包括据报的酷刑并被剥夺获得适当医疗和家人探访的机会。 他们呼吁国际社会适当接触这些囚犯和被拘留者并检查他们目前的状况,并再次呼吁立即释放他们。 他们还谴责以色列的非法定居活动,占领国继续违反国际法,对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土进行殖民。 他们还谴责以色列通过各种非法手段和措施对巴勒斯坦人民实施集体惩罚。 各位部长再次要求占领国以色列立即停止所有这些违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法的行为。", "228 (英语). 各位部长再次强烈谴责2008年12月至2009年1月以色列对加沙地带巴勒斯坦平民进行军事侵略,造成1 400多名巴勒斯坦人被害,其中包括数百名儿童和妇女,并造成5 500多名巴勒斯坦人受伤。 他们还谴责以色列肆意破坏数千所巴勒斯坦人的家园、商业财产、重要的民用基础设施、清真寺、公共机构、农场和若干联合国设施。 各位部长呼吁占领国以色列立即停止对巴勒斯坦人民的军事侵略。", "229 (英语). 部长们还再次呼吁国际社会,包括安全理事会,确保对占领国以色列在加沙地带所犯下的所有罪行和侵犯行为进行彻底调查,并进行认真的后续努力,以追究这些罪行的肇事者的责任,并结束以色列有罪不罚和蔑视法律的行为并实现为受害者伸张正义。 在这方面,他们呼吁立即采取行动,就“联合国加沙冲突问题实况调查团报告”(金石报告)所载调查结果采取后续行动。 各位部长重申日内瓦四公约缔约国在刑事制裁、严重违约行为和责任方面的义务,并呼吁重新召开日内瓦第四公约缔约国会议,讨论采取措施在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上执行《公约》,并按照大会和人权理事会相关决议所呼吁的共同第1条确保其得到尊重。", "230 (英语). 各位部长还谴责以色列2010年5月31日在国际水域对运往加沙地带的人道主义援助海运车队“加沙自由船队”发动的军事袭击,造成9名土耳其平民丧生。 他们强调,需要根据安全理事会2010年6月1日的呼吁,根据国际标准,对以色列的袭击进行独立、公正、可信和透明的国际调查,以确定这一可耻的袭击的事实并确保追究责任。 他们欢迎联合国秘书长设立一个调查小组,并呼吁迅速完成调查并公布调查结果。 他们还欢迎人权理事会派遣一个实况调查团,确定以色列的袭击违反了国际法,包括人道主义法和人权法,并呼吁立即采取行动,就调查结果采取后续行动。", "231 (英语). 各位部长再次谴责以色列对加沙地带的非人道、非法的封锁和封锁,这种封锁导致实际上监禁了那里的全体巴勒斯坦平民,阻碍他们的行动自由,包括病人、学生和人道主义工作人员的行动自由;阻碍他们获得人道主义援助和所有必需品,包括食品、药品、燃料、电力和建筑材料;并阻碍所有商业流动,特别是出口。 他们对封锁造成的严重社会经济状况和持续的人道主义危机表示严重关切,封锁除了造成军事侵略造成的巨大创伤和痛苦外,还造成了普遍的匮乏、贫穷和困苦。 各位部长强调,以色列这种集体惩罚措施除了违反无数人权法规定外,还严重违反了国际人道主义法,作为占领国,以色列必须严格遵守国际人道主义法。", "232 (英语). 部长们要求以色列停止对巴勒斯坦人民的这种非法行径,并立即停止对巴勒斯坦人民的非法封锁。 他们呼吁以色列根据国际人道主义法和所有联合国决议,包括安全理事会相关决议,立即无条件开放与加沙地带的所有过境点。 他们呼吁结束对加沙地带的孤立,确保人员和货物在加沙与外界之间持续和正常地流动,并恢复加沙与西岸之间的联系、团结和流动,强调加沙仍然是巴勒斯坦被占领土不可分割的一部分。 各位部长强调加沙重建的紧迫性,并呼吁国际社会认真努力迫使占领国以色列允许所有必要的建筑材料进入,以修复被破坏和被破坏的巴勒斯坦财产和基础设施以及联合国设施,包括近东救济工程处的学校。 他们还强调必须有持续的商业流动,包括进出口,以促进加沙的生计、工商业和工业的恢复及其经济活力。", "233 (英语). 各位部长再次强烈谴责以色列继续加紧定居者殖民化运动,包括没收大量土地;建造和扩大非法定居点、定居点 \" 出站点 \" 和定居点基础设施;转移更多的以色列定居者;建造隔离墙;拆毁房屋;挖掘;通过许可证制度和在被占领巴勒斯坦领土各地、特别是在被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围设置数百个检查站实施任意和种族主义的居住和行动限制。 他们重申,占领国以色列的这种政策和措施严重违反国际法并公然藐视联合国决议和2004年7月9日国际法院的咨询意见。 他们还再次呼吁“联合国关于在巴勒斯坦被占领土修建隔离墙所造成的损失登记册”迅速运作并迅速完成任务。", "234 (英语). 各位部长强调,和平进程谈判与这种非法殖民活动不相容,这些活动的目的显然是在当地非法制造事实,获取和事实上吞并更多的巴勒斯坦土地,并强行强加单方面解决办法。 他们谴责以色列无视国际社会一致要求以色列立即停止这种非法做法并遵守其法律义务和路线图义务,冻结所有定居点活动,包括所谓的“自然增长”,继续开展定居点活动。 此外,他们对以色列定居点、隔离墙和检查站网络造成的广泛的物质、经济和社会破坏深表关切,这些定居点、隔离墙和检查站网络将巴勒斯坦领土分割成几个隔离区,包括几个被隔离墙包围的县;将东耶路撒冷同该领土的其余部分隔离;将数千名巴勒斯坦人赶出家园并彻底摧毁一些社区。 他们强调,以色列这一非法殖民运动的整个过程严重损害了巴勒斯坦被占领土的毗连性、完整性、可行性和统一性,并危及在1967年边界基础上实际实现两国和平解决方案的前景。 部长们得出结论认为,以色列继续非法定居活动仍然是实现和平的主要障碍,破坏了为恢复谈判以结束以色列对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土的占领并实现以两国解决方案为基础的和平而作的一切努力。", "235 (英语). 各位部长要求占领国以色列立即停止其在包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土上的所有殖民活动。 他们重申安全理事会和大会的所有相关决议,包括与耶路撒冷有关的决议,并申明耶路撒冷是巴勒斯坦被占领土不可分割的一部分;要求充分执行这些决议;认为以色列旨在改变耶路撒冷和整个巴勒斯坦被占领土的法律、地理和人口特征和地位的所有措施都是无效的,没有任何法律效力。 他们还重申,国际社会不会承认这些非法措施,不能改变和平进程的职权范围,也不能否定巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的权利。 各位部长强调,以色列必须全面停止所有定居点活动,以营造有利于推动和平谈判的环境,以在联合国有关决议、马德里框架,包括以土地换和平原则、阿拉伯和平倡议和四方路线图的基础上实现公正和持久的解决办法。 面对以色列的继续藐视,部长们呼吁国际社会,特别是安全理事会采取紧急行动和实际措施,迫使占领国完全停止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的定居活动,并遵守国际法,包括《日内瓦第四公约》、联合国决议、咨询意见以及路线图在这方面的义务。 各位部长对安全理事会最近由于一个常任理事国的否决而未能履行其在这方面的责任表示遗憾,并再次呼吁安全理事会按照其《宪章》授权采取认真行动,制止以色列的定居点活动,并确保以色列遵守其所有法律义务和承诺,这些义务和承诺对于促进和平与安全至关重要。", "236 (英语). 各位部长重申支持作为巴勒斯坦人民唯一合法代表的巴勒斯坦解放组织以及马哈茂德·阿巴斯主席领导下的巴勒斯坦权力机构,并强调指出,必须保护和加强巴勒斯坦权力机构的国家民主机构,包括巴勒斯坦立法委员会,这将构成未来独立的巴勒斯坦国的重要基础。 他们重申巴勒斯坦团结对于实现巴勒斯坦人民公正、合法的民族权利和愿望的重要性。 在这方面,他们欢迎巴勒斯坦所有政治派别于2011年5月4日在开罗签署《和解协议》,以结束自2007年6月以来的分裂。 他们赞扬阿拉伯埃及共和国政府、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他有关区域方面在这方面作出的认真努力。 他们呼吁国际社会尊重和支持巴勒斯坦的和解,并强调尽快执行《和解协议》各项规定的重要性。 他们进一步强调必须调动巴勒斯坦的所有能力,以维护巴勒斯坦领土的统一和完整,结束占领并实现独立。", "237 (英语). 各位部长呼吁紧急努力支持巴勒斯坦国家机构的恢复和发展,并呼吁不结盟运动继续支持努力执行萨拉姆·法耶兹总理于2009年8月提出的“巴勒斯坦:结束占领,建立国家”计划。 他们期待在2011年8月完成这项计划,实施第二阶段,即“自由之路”,为巴勒斯坦国的独立铺平道路。 在这方面,部长们热烈欢迎最近一个时期采取的重要步骤,包括不结盟运动若干成员在1967年边界的基础上正式承认巴勒斯坦国。 他们认为,这种承认是对最终实现独立的重大贡献。 他们表示希望不结盟运动所有成员此时都承认巴勒斯坦,继续站在支持巴勒斯坦人民结束以色列占领并实现其人权,包括在其独立国家实现自决这一历史性行动的最前沿。", "238 (英语). 各位部长呼吁整个国际社会,特别是安全理事会和四方加紧努力,解决当前的政治和人道主义危机,以便改善当地局势,帮助恢复并重振和平进程,以达成解决办法,保证以色列从1967年开始对包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦领土的占领得到结束,在规定时限内建立主权、独立和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国,并根据大会第194(III)号决议公正解决巴勒斯坦难民问题。 他们强调,这种解决办法对于促进该区域的全面和平与安全至关重要。 他们呼吁安全理事会考虑到《宪章》赋予它维持国际和平与安全的权力,积极参与四方推动这种和平解决。 他们强调《阿拉伯和平倡议》和 \" 四方路线图 \" 的持续重要性,并呼吁充分和诚实地执行《路线图》。", "239 (英语). 各位部长注意到,国际社会,包括亚洲和非洲国家,通过新的亚洲-非洲战略伙伴关系巴勒斯坦能力建设方案,为支持巴勒斯坦人民争取充分独立的斗争,已经作出了许多努力。", "240 (英语). 各位部长重申,必须维护国际法,包括《日内瓦第四公约》,以及《联合国宪章》关于巴勒斯坦问题的宗旨和原则。 他们还重申,联合国对巴勒斯坦问题负有永久责任,直至该问题的所有方面在国际法基础上得到解决,并强调联合国所有相关机关、委员会和机构需要为此而努力。 他们再次呼吁联合国不要奖励非法行动和顽固不化,并加紧努力,以在两国解决方案的基础上实现公正、全面和持久的和平解决,并实现巴勒斯坦人民不可剥夺的权利。 在这方面,部长们重申,他们致力于和平解决以巴冲突,并致力于巴勒斯坦人民在1967年边界的基础上,在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立巴勒斯坦国行使自决和主权的权利。", "241 (英语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 在联合国大会常会开始时举行的协调局部长级会议框架内,以及在不结盟运动任何其他部长级会议期间,继续视需要并根据有关这一问题的事态发展,举行不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会部长级会议;", "2. 在不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题部长级代表团同四方成员和联合国安全理事会各成员之间保持定期部长级接触和对话,以协调和加强不结盟运动在寻求解决巴勒斯坦问题和该区域持久和平的国际努力中发挥的作用;", "3个 继续积极参与联合国安全理事会,包括通过安理会的不结盟运动核心小组发挥先发制人的作用,以及大会讨论巴勒斯坦问题的会议;", " 4.四. 召开民间社会平行论坛,最好是在联合国房地内,以动员国际舆论关注这一问题,从而为在中东实现公正、持久和全面和平作出重大贡献。", "被占领的叙利亚戈兰", "242 (英语). 各位部长重申,占领国以色列已采取或将采取的一切措施和行动,例如1981年12月14日旨在改变被占领的叙利亚戈兰的法律、地理和人口状况及其体制结构的非法决定,以及以色列在那里实施管辖和行政的措施,都是无效的,没有任何法律效力。 他们进一步重申,所有这些措施和行动,包括以色列自1967年以来在被占领的叙利亚戈兰建造定居点和扩张活动的非法性,都公然违反了国际法、国际公约、《宪章》和联合国的决定,特别是安全理事会第497(1981)号决议、1949年8月12日《关于战时保护平民的日内瓦第四公约》,并藐视了国际社会的意愿。 他们重申不结盟运动要求以色列遵守安全理事会第497(1981)号决议,并执行安全理事会第242和338号决议,从被占领的叙利亚戈兰完全撤回到1967年6月4日的分界线上,并要求以色列遵守基于以土地换和平和国际合法性原则的马德里职权范围,这些都被认为是谈判进程中应当遵守的首要和基本要素,包括立即开始划定1967年6月4日分界线。", "243 (英语). 部长们重申,不结盟运动坚定不移地支持和声援叙利亚的正义要求和权利,即根据《阿拉伯和平倡议》、马德里和平进程以及以土地换取和平的原则,并依照安全理事会有关决议,恢复叙利亚对被占领的叙利亚戈兰的全部主权。 他们再次要求以色列遵守其所有承诺和保证。", "244 (英语). 各位部长再次要求以色列立即无条件地遵守1949年8月12日《关于战时保护平民之日内瓦第四公约》的规定,并适用于被占领的叙利亚戈兰的叙利亚被拘留者。 他们强烈谴责以色列在以色列占领监狱中的残暴行径,并表示严重关切被占领的叙利亚戈兰被拘留的叙利亚人的不人道状况,这导致他们的身体健康恶化并危及他们的生命,公然违反了国际人道主义法。", "245 (英语). 部长们呼吁占领国以色列重新开放库奈特拉入境点,为被以色列占领的叙利亚公民访问祖国叙利亚提供便利。", "黎巴嫩、黎巴嫩其余被占领土和以色列侵略黎巴嫩的后果", "246 (英语). 各位部长再次向黎巴嫩人民和领导人表示祝贺,并欣见并坚决支持5月21日在卡塔尔埃米尔谢赫·哈马德·本·哈利法·阿勒萨尼殿下的主持下,根据由卡塔尔总理兼外交大臣谢赫·哈马德·本·贾西姆·本·贾博尔·阿勒萨尼担任主席的阿拉伯联盟部长级委员会和阿拉伯联盟秘书长阿姆·穆萨所作的努力,在多哈达成了协议,这是朝着恢复黎巴嫩民主体制的正常运作以及全面恢复黎巴嫩统一和稳定迈出的重要一步。", "247 (英语). 各位部长高度评价共和国总统在召开和主持全国对话会方面的重要作用,以继续巩固民族和解,以保障国家主权和安全的方式加强国家对其所有领土的权威,并落实全国对话以前的各项决定。 各位部长欢迎开始重建巴里德河难民营,并在这方面呼吁捐助国增加援助并履行其先前的承诺。", "248 (英语). 各位部长强烈谴责2006年以色列对黎巴嫩发动的无情侵略和以色列对黎巴嫩领土完整和主权的严重侵犯,并在此方面责成以色列对其侵略的后果承担全部责任。", "249 (英语). 各位部长对黎巴嫩政府和人民表示声援和支持,赞扬他们对以色列侵略的英勇抵抗,并强调黎巴嫩民族团结和稳定的根本重要性。", "250块. 各位部长强调国际人道主义法的原则,谴责在任何地方以平民为目标的做法。", "251 (英语). 各位部长特别强烈谴责2006年以色列对黎巴嫩城镇和村庄不分青红皂白地进行空袭和炮击,袭击目标是平民、民用基础设施和私人财产,严重违反了《联合国宪章》原则、国际法和国际人道主义法,公然和公然地侵犯人权。", "252 (英语). 各位部长坚信,以色列违反国际法和国际人道主义法及人权的行为不应不受惩罚,以色列显然对黎巴嫩及其人民犯下了大规模罪行,因此应追究以色列的责任。 他们还重申支持黎巴嫩要求去除被以色列占领所留下的数十万枚地雷;要求以色列对其所埋设并造成平民伤亡负责;强调以色列必须向联合国提供与2006年夏季侵略黎巴嫩期间不分青红皂白地向平民居住区发射集束炸弹等未爆炸弹药地点有关的准确信息和地图,这些地点迄今已造成357名平民死伤,其中包括34名儿童和70名青年;并提供关于以色列袭击期间倾弃集束炸弹的日期及其数量和类型的信息;并呼吁国际社会和联合国继续向黎巴嫩提供财政和技术支助,以清除以色列侵略期间和占领黎巴嫩领土期间所埋设的集束炸弹和地雷。", "253 (英语). 各位部长表示支持黎巴嫩政府的立场,即呼吁国际社会全面执行安全理事会第1701(2006)号决议并停止以色列持续违反该决议的行为,停止它不断对黎巴嫩进行威胁和间谍行为;重申黎巴嫩根据该决议要求永久停火并遵守《塔伊夫协定》规定的《停战协定》,并要求以色列赔偿黎巴嫩因对黎巴嫩的顽固侵略而造成的损失,并释放囚犯并归还烈士尸体。", "254 (英语). 部长们强调,以色列必须依照有关国际决议,特别是第1701号决议,从包括沙巴阿农场、克法尔舒巴山和盖杰尔村黎巴嫩部分在内的所有黎巴嫩领土撤至蓝线后方;并表示支持黎巴嫩解放或归还沙巴阿农场和克法尔舒巴山以及黎巴嫩盖杰尔村的权利,并捍卫黎巴嫩免遭一切合法侵略,还强调黎巴嫩对安全理事会第1701号决议的承诺。", "255 (英语). 各位部长重申黎巴嫩对其石油、水和天然气资源的权利,特别是那些位于其专属经济区内的资源的权利,根据黎巴嫩政府于2010年7月9日和2010年10月12日向联合国秘书处交存的地图划定了西南边界。", "256 (英语). 各位部长敦促国际社会在各级支持黎巴嫩,协助黎巴嫩政府应对2006年以色列侵略给黎巴嫩造成的人类、社会和经济悲剧造成的巨大负担,并增强黎巴嫩国民经济。", "257 (英语). 部长们认为以色列应对黎巴嫩境内的生命损失和苦难以及财产和基础设施被破坏负责,并要求以色列赔偿2006年以色列侵略给黎巴嫩共和国及其人民造成的损失。", "258 (英语). 各位部长强调,鉴于其他手段的失败,必须根据联合国有关决议解决阿以冲突,从而按照2002年贝鲁特阿拉伯和平倡议的要求,在中东建立公正、持久和全面和平。", "非洲", "259 (英语). 各位部长确认2010年7月25日至27日在乌干达坎帕拉举行的非洲联盟大会第十五届国家元首和政府首脑常会的决定,并表示支持有效执行促进非洲和平、稳定和社会经济发展的决定。 各位部长还确认2011年1月30-31日在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴举行的非洲联盟大会第十六届国家元首和政府首脑常会的决定,该会议的主题是“通过共同价值实现更大的团结和一体化”。", "查戈斯群岛", "260 (英语). 各位部长重申,查戈斯群岛,包括前殖民国家违反联合国1960年12月14日第1514(XV)号和1965年12月16日第2066(XX)号决议从毛里求斯领土非法割让出去的迭戈加西亚群岛,是毛里求斯共和国领土不可分割的一部分。", "261 (英语). 各位部长还严重关切地注意到,尽管毛里求斯共和国表示强烈反对,联合王国仍想在查戈斯群岛周围建立一个 \" 海洋保护区 \" ,这进一步妨碍毛里求斯共和国根据联合国大会第2066(XX)号决议对查戈斯群岛行使主权和领土完整,并妨碍被联合王国从群岛上强行驱逐的毛里求斯公民返回的权利。", "262 (英语). 各位部长认识到毛里求斯共和国政府承诺采取一切适当措施,保护毛里求斯共和国根据国际法在查戈斯群岛的主权和领土完整方面的合法权利,决心全力支持这些措施,包括联合国大会在这方面可能采取的任何行动。", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国", "263 (英语). 各位部长对阿拉伯利比亚民众国目前的严重局势及其严峻的人道主义后果深表关切。 他们要求采取紧急措施,包括按照联合国安全理事会第1973号决议执行部分第1段的规定,立即停火,并完全停止对平民的暴力攻击和虐待,通过对话和谈判实现和平和持久的解决办法,反映利比亚人民的意愿,同时考虑到非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟和伊斯兰会议组织在这方面的决定和建议。 各位部长表示坚决致力于尊重利比亚的主权、统一、独立和领土完整。 各位部长请有关各方力行最大程度的克制,并遵守其根据国际法、国际人道主义法和国际人权法,特别是关于难民、流离失所者和流离失所移徙工人的法律所应承担的义务。", "索马里", "264 (英语). 各位部长重申,根据《联合国宪章》,尊重索马里的主权、领土完整、政治独立和统一。", "265 (英语). 各位部长欢迎吉布提和平进程中取得的积极政治发展和进展,包括任命穆罕默德·阿卜杜拉希·穆罕默德阁下为索马里过渡联邦政府总理并组建了新的技术官僚内阁,并保证他们的承诺和支持。", "266 (英语). 部长们赞扬索马里政府努力接触吉布提和平进程之外的人并重建摩加迪沙的安全和法治。 他们再次呼吁和平解决索马里冲突,这是实现持久和平与真正和解的唯一途径,并吁请所有尚未加入政治进程的各方加入政治进程,敦促索马里利益攸关方迅速采取行动并显示在完成过渡时期剩余任务方面取得的进展,包括起草和批准《宪法》以及扩大国家权力、促进和解进程并提供必要的服务来改善人民的生活。", "267 (英语). 各位部长最强烈谴责沙巴卜对平民的野蛮行为和侵犯人权行为,包括法外处决、酷刑、石刑、斩首、截肢和笞刑;并要求恐怖主义集团领导人对其民兵所犯下的所有犯罪行为负责。", "268 (英语). 部长们强调重建、培训和保留索马里安全部队的重要性,并欢迎秘书长建议索马里政府、联合国、非索特派团和其他国际伙伴建立伙伴关系,以制定重建索马里安全部队的援助方案。", "269 (英语). 各位部长赞扬非洲联盟驻索马里特派团(非索特派团)为索马里的持久和平与稳定所作出的贡献,对乌干达和布隆迪政府在索马里的持续承诺表示赞赏,并吁请会员国和国际社会为特派团更好地完成任务提供资源。", "270 (英语). 各位部长赞扬非盟伙伴和成员国向非索特派团提供财政和后勤支助。", "271 (英语). 各位部长还欣见联合国安全理事会于2010年12月22日通过安全理事会第1964(2010)号决议,特别是请秘书长继续按照第1863(2009)号决议的要求,为非索特派团提供最多12 000人的一揽子后勤支助。 部长们支持非盟呼吁安全理事会向非索特派团提供更大的支持并充分承担其对索马里及其人民的责任,包括实施海上封锁和禁飞区,以防止外国战斗人员进入索马里,向反对过渡联邦政府的武装团体提供弹药和装备,部署联合国维持和平行动从非索特派团手中接管并支持索马里的长期稳定和重建。 部长们还支持非盟呼吁通过联合国摊款提供资金,以支付部队津贴并偿还特遣队所属装备。 部长们再次呼吁整个国际社会向得到加强的非索特派团和过渡联邦机构提供必要的政治、财政和技术支助。", "272 (英语). 各位部长对索马里沿海和亚丁湾一带持续发生的海盗和武装抢劫行为表示关切,并谴责这些阻碍向索马里运送人道主义援助并威胁该区域商业海上和国际航行的行为。 在这方面,他们赞扬索马里过渡联邦政府和国际社会为打击海盗而作的努力,同时重申需要解决大陆海盗活动的根源。", "273 (英语). 各位部长欢迎安全理事会第1816(2008)号决议的通过,并强调指出,应以完全符合国际法,包括《联合国海洋法公约》的方式执行该决议。 他们还欢迎不结盟运动国家和其他方面为协助打击海盗和武装抢劫行为而在索马里和亚丁湾领海部署海军舰艇的认真努力,并欣见设立了索马里沿海海盗问题联络小组,该小组于2009年1月14日在纽约举行了第一次会议,并敦促海盗问题联络小组继续加强工作,让所有有关国家参与打击索马里沿海海盗和武装抢劫行为。", "274 (英语). 在这方面,部长们欢迎2011年4月18日至19日在阿拉伯联合酋长国迪拜举行的题为“全球挑战、区域对策:制定打击海盗行为的共同办法”的高级别公私部门打击海盗会议的成果,其目的是将各国政府、私营部门和非政府组织的有关各方聚集在一起,共同打击海盗行为。 各位部长还欢迎2011年4月19日由联合国和阿拉伯联合酋长国共同主持的认捐会议的成果,以支持联合国秘书长设立的“支持各国采取举措打击索马里沿海海盗行为信托基金”。", "苏丹", "275 (英语). 各位部长赞扬非洲联盟(非盟)、伊加特和伊加特之友发挥了不可或缺的作用并做出了不可或缺的努力,最终于2005年1月在苏丹达成了《全面和平协定》,从而结束了非洲大陆持续时间最长的战争之一,从而为区域和平作出了贡献,并呼吁捐助方履行2005年和2008年在奥斯陆作出的承诺,帮助执行该协定。 他们欢迎2006年5月5日在尼日利亚阿布贾签署《达尔富尔和平协议》,认为这是朝向达尔富尔持久和平迈出的历史性一步,并还赞扬非盟在维持达尔富尔地区和平与稳定方面发挥的主导作用和作出的努力。 他们鼓励将政治进程作为一个优先事项,并强调需要注重达尔富尔的发展援助,因为和平与发展是相辅相成的。 因此,他们表示不结盟运动决心支持苏丹以及非盟和伊加特努力维持和加强该国的和平,并呼吁国际社会也这样做。", "276 (英语). 各位部长重申对苏丹主权、统一、独立和领土完整的承诺。", "277 (英语). 各位部长满意地注意到苏丹政府、非洲联盟、阿拉伯国家联盟、联合国和卡塔尔国为重新启动导致达尔富尔持久和平的政治进程而正在作出的持续努力,并表示支持达尔富尔问题多哈和平进程。 他们表示深信,不应采取任何可能危及苏丹目前进程的微妙性质的行动。 在这方面,部长们对国际刑事法院(国际刑院)最近对苏丹尊敬的总统采取行动深表关切,认为这一行动会严重破坏目前为促进早日解决达尔富尔冲突和促进苏丹的长期和平与和解而作的努力,并可能导致更大的不稳定,给该国和该区域带来深远的后果。 因此,他们决定支持联合国和其他地方旨在缓和这一新的危险局势并预防其再次发生的步骤。", "278 (英语). 各位部长赞扬苏丹共和国政府遵守其执行《全面和平协定》的承诺。", "279 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2010年4月成功举行选举和2011年1月9日苏丹南方自决问题全民投票。 他们赞扬《全面和平协定》各方和苏丹人民取得这一成就,并呼吁双方领导人继续表现出同样的领导才能和承诺,解决在执行《全面和平协定》方面的未决问题。", "280 (英语). 各位部长赞赏苏丹共和国政府批准了达尔富尔新战略。 他们敦促反叛派别无条件或毫不拖延地加入和平进程,以达成达尔富尔冲突的全面解决。", "大湖区", "281 (英语). 各位部长欢迎非洲大湖区各国努力为该区域的可持续发展、持久和平与稳定建立一个框架。 在签署《关于和平、稳定、民主和善政的达累斯萨拉姆宣言》后,他们还欢迎2006年12月15日在内罗毕签署的《大湖区安全、稳定和发展公约》于2008年6月21日生效。", "282 (英语). 在这方面,部长们重申国际社会必须继续支持在金沙萨召开大湖区问题国际会议第三次首脑会议,届时将启动重建与发展特别基金。 他们还满意地注意到布隆迪和刚果民主共和国的积极事态发展。", "津巴布韦", "283 (英语). 各位部长注意到,自2009年2月13日以来,包容性政府在执行《全球政治协定》和重建国家经济方面取得了进展。", "284 (英语). 各位部长赞扬为促进执行《全球政治协定》而作的区域努力。 在这方面,他们赞扬南部非洲发展共同体(南共体)为津巴布韦政治对话提供便利并努力帮助津巴布韦重建经济。", "285 (英语). 部长们指出,对津巴布韦实施的经济制裁阻碍了该国和区域为重建津巴布韦经济而作的努力。 部长们还指出,继续制裁已成为充分执行《全球政治协定》的障碍。 在这方面,他们呼吁立即取消对津巴布韦实施经济破坏措施的国家和当事方的任意和单方面制裁。", "西撒哈拉", "286 (英语). 各位部长重申不结盟运动以往关于西撒哈拉问题的立场。", "287 (英语). 各位部长重申大会和安全理事会就西撒哈拉问题通过的所有决议。 他们重申未经表决通过的联合国大会第65/112号决议,并再次申明,根据上述决议,他们继续坚决支持秘书长及其个人特使为达成双方都能接受的政治解决办法而作的努力,在符合《联合国宪章》的原则和宗旨以及大会1960年12月14日第1514(XV)号决议和其他有关决议的安排下,为西撒哈拉人民提供自决。 各位部长确认,只要符合有关人民自由表达的意愿并符合大会决议中明确规定的原则,所有自决备选方案都是有效的。", "288 (英语). 考虑到上述情况,部长们欢迎在秘书长主持下举行的四轮谈判和随后的几轮非正式会谈,并欣见双方承诺继续表现出政治意愿,在有利于对话的气氛中努力,以进入更密集的谈判阶段,从而确保安全理事会第1754、1783和1813、1871、1920和1979号决议得到执行并取得成功。 他们注意到自2006年以来的努力和发展。", "289 (英语). 他们呼吁双方和该区域各国同秘书长及其个人特使并彼此充分合作,并重申联合国对西撒哈拉人民的责任。 他们还欢迎双方承诺通过联合国主持的会谈继续谈判进程。", "科摩罗马约特岛", "290 (英语). 各位部长再次重申科摩罗联盟对马约特岛拥有不容置疑的主权。 在这方面,他们谴责和认为2009年3月29日的全民投票以及将科摩罗马约特岛改造成法国海外省的整个进程无效,并宣布对科摩罗联盟和不结盟运动成员国没有影响。", "291 (英语). 各位部长敦促法国政府废除所谓的“巴拉杜尔签证”是非法的,严重限制了科摩罗人民进入马约特岛,这是造成许多人丧生和失踪人员的原因。", "吉布提/厄立特里亚:", "292 (英语). 部长们回顾睦邻友好、互不干涉和区域合作的原则,对两个邻国之间的局势表示关切,呼吁双方通过双边和集体外交及和平手段解决分歧,并积极参与处理安全理事会第1862(2009)号决议。", "293 (英语). 各位部长欢迎关于和平解决厄立特里亚国和吉布提共和国之间边界争端的协定,其中委托卡塔尔国开展调解努力,以和平手段解决两国之间的边界争端。", "亚洲", "阿富汗", "294 (英语). 各位部长重申对阿富汗主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一的承诺,欢迎自2002年阿富汗伊斯兰共和国成立以来所取得的成绩和该国正在进行的民主进程。 他们认识到阿富汗伊斯兰共和国及其人民面临的挑战是巨大的。 他们认识到阿富汗境内挑战的相互关联性,指出发展、安全和治理方面的可持续进展是相辅相成的。 他们还认识到,建立和平与安全对于该国的重建、人道主义救济努力和可持续发展仍然至关重要。", "295 (英语). 各位部长欢迎为加强区域经济合作而作的一切努力,特别是通过阿富汗问题区域经济合作会议,以促进阿富汗及其邻国之间和该区域各国之间的区域经济合作。 他们欢迎2010年11月2日至3日在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次阿富汗问题区域经济合作会议以及阿富汗政府于2010年7月19日在喀布尔主办的区域组织会议,并承认经济合作组织和南亚区域合作联盟在促进阿富汗发展方面的重要作用。", "296 (英语). 各位部长赞扬阿富汗作出了出色的安排并举行了喀布尔会议(2010年7月),欢迎发起喀布尔进程,这是国际社会再次承诺向阿富汗提供强有力的国际参与,以加强阿富汗在安全、治理、发展和有效履行《伦敦契约》中所作承诺方面的自主权和领导权,并在喀布尔会议上重申执行《阿富汗国家发展战略》及其国家优先方案,在这方面强调必须全面协调活跃于阿富汗的国际组织的政治和发展活动,并通过阿富汗政府的核心预算提供国际援助和资源并更符合阿富汗的优先事项。", "297 (英语). 部长们对包括前塔利班干部在内的恐怖主义集团在阿富汗南部和东南部重新集结深表关切。 同样令人关切的是,国际社会打击恐怖主义的努力由于这些破坏稳定的势力继续得到的支持、保护和庇护而受到损害。", "298 (英语). 部长们还回顾2002年12月22日《喀布尔睦邻友好关系宣言》的重要性,其中重申致力于在领土完整、相互尊重、友好关系、合作和互不干涉内政等原则基础上建立建设性和有利的双边关系,并指出区域合作是促进阿富汗安全与发展的有效手段。", "299 (英语). 各位部长欢迎阿富汗-巴基斯坦联合和平支尔格进程,以便在阿富汗和该区域实现可持续的和平与正常。", "300块。 各位部长对各国,特别是巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国和伊朗伊斯兰共和国收容了大批阿富汗人深表感谢,并承认它们在这方面承担了巨大的负担。", "301 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2010年1月在伊斯坦布尔成功举行了阿富汗伊斯兰共和国、巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国和土耳其共和国三边首脑会议,2010年8月在德黑兰成功组织了阿富汗伊斯兰共和国和伊朗伊斯兰共和国及塔吉克斯坦共和国首脑会议,2010年1月成功组织了阿富汗伊斯兰共和国、伊朗伊斯兰共和国和巴基斯坦伊斯兰共和国三边首脑会议,并表示支持旨在探索阿富汗和该区域其他地区福祉、稳定和发展的区域潜力的此类区域举措。", "302 (英语). 因此,部长们表示不结盟运动决心:", "1. 联合国 呼吁国际社会全力支持执行伦敦会议通过的、并在喀布尔会议上重申的《阿富汗契约》,以迅速履行它在2002年1月于东京、2004年3月于柏林、2006年1月至2月于伦敦、2009年6月于巴黎和2010年7月于喀布尔举行的重建阿富汗国际捐助者会议上宣布的财政承诺;", "2. 联合国 1. 强烈谴责塔利班、基地组织和其他极端主义团体对阿富汗人民所犯下的恐怖主义和犯罪行为,包括自杀式袭击的上升趋势;", "3个 强烈谴责2008年7月7日对印度驻喀布尔大使馆的自杀式恐怖袭击,袭击中约有60名阿富汗国民,包括妇女和儿童,有4名印度国民丧生并有许多其他阿富汗和印度国民受伤. 部长们重申,他们坚信这次袭击再次突出表明需要在全球反恐斗争中加强国际合作。 部长们还重申,他们坚信这一事件和任何此类事件都不会震慑阿富汗国家和国际社会在阿富汗重建和发展过程中同恐怖主义势力进行的斗争;", " 4.四. 支持阿富汗伊斯兰共和国及其领导人捍卫和维护其主权、独立、领土完整和国家统一,包括消除对其和平与安全的威胁;", "5 (韩语). 欢迎阿富汗最近举行了议会选举,这是巩固阿富汗民主的关键步骤;", "6. 国家 铭记不结盟国家已经采取的具体措施,为阿富汗的和平、安全、重建、人道主义救济努力和可持续发展作出贡献;", "7. 联合国 支持包括不结盟国家在内的国际捐助界为确保成功执行《阿富汗国家发展战略》、2006年1月31日至2月1日在伦敦通过的《阿富汗契约》和2008年6月12日至14日在巴黎会议上通过的《阿富汗契约》的相关规定以及2010年7月在喀布尔会议上提出的详细国家优先方案而作的努力;", "8. 联合国 呼吁国际社会和联合国有关机构加强对阿富汗难民和国内流离失所者的援助,帮助他们自愿、安全和有尊严地返回并可持续地重新融入原籍社会,为阿富汗的稳定作出贡献;", "9. 国家 2. 呼吁国际社会增加援助,以提高阿富汗伊斯兰共和国执行其国家药物管制战略的能力,该战略旨在通过加强阿富汗的作物替代方案,消除麻醉品的生产和贩运并给农民创造替代生计。", "伊拉克", "303 (英语). 各位部长重申尊重伊拉克的主权、领土完整、政治独立和国家统一。 各位部长欢迎伊拉克政治进程取得的进展。", "304 (英语). 各位部长表示支持伊拉克政府努力实现伊拉克人民的安全、稳定和繁荣。 他们欢迎伊拉克安全局势和生活条件的改善,并重申决心支持伊拉克,防止外部干涉伊拉克内政。", "305 (英语). 各位部长谴责伊拉克境内的一切恐怖主义行为,并承认有组织犯罪所支持的这些行为是针对伊拉克基础设施的,而且这些罪行的经常受害者是伊拉克人民。 各位部长谴责一切旨在制造宗派冲突的恐怖行为,并呼吁国际社会和所有国家,特别是该区域各国,向伊拉克政府提供一切可能的援助,以努力打败并消除恐怖主义。", "306 (英语). 部长们欢迎巴黎俱乐部承诺大幅度减少伊拉克的外债,并敦促其他债权人也这样做。", "307 (英语). 部长们呼吁所有国家在打击非法买卖和贩运伊拉克古董以及将收回的艺术品归还伊拉克博物馆方面进行合作和协调。", "308 (英语). 各位部长欢迎安全理事会通过决议(1956年)(1957年)(1958年),终止了在裁军领域对伊拉克实施的制裁并结束了以石油换粮食方案,这是伊拉克努力恢复其在国际社会中的作用的转折点。 部长们欢迎伊拉克重新融入该区域,并鼓励所有区域国家深化和扩大它们之间的关系并本着伙伴关系与合作的精神进行这种关系。", "伊拉克和科威特", "309 (英语). 各位部长欢迎伊拉克和科威特政府在解决两国间未决问题方面取得的进展,鼓励两国今后开展合作,并呼吁伊拉克迅速履行安全理事会关于伊拉克与科威特间局势的各项决议规定的其余义务。", "东南亚", "310 (英语). 各位部长高兴地注意到,在执行《东南亚国家联盟(东盟)宪章》方面取得了重大进展,该宪章为2015年及其后实现东盟共同体提供了法律和体制框架。 各位部长满意地注意到,在制订执行《宪章》所必要的法律文件方面已取得进一步进展,特别是通过了《将未解决的争端提交首脑会议的规则》和《根据国内法进行合法交易的授权规则》,并正在开展工作,以迅速完成其余的准则、职权范围和议事规则,使《宪章》得到充分执行。 各位部长欢迎通过设立东盟政府间人权委员会和东盟促进和保护妇女和儿童权利委员会,在促进和保护该区域人权方面取得的重大进展。", "311 (英语). 各位部长满意地注意到,东盟在执行东盟共同体路线图(2009-2015年)方面取得了进一步的进展和重大进展,路线图包括东盟政治-安全共同体、东盟经济共同体和东盟社会文化共同体的蓝图,以及东盟一体化第二次倡议工作计划(2009-2015年)。 部长们还注意到2010年10月在河内举行的第十七届东盟首脑会议所做出的重要决定,包括与实现东盟共同体、东盟互联互通和东盟在不断变化的区域架构中的核心地位有关的决定的重要后续行动。", "312 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2010年7月23日在河内签署了修正《东南亚友好合作条约》的《第三议定书》,使成员国不仅能够加入,而且能够加入其主权国家的区域组织,并欢迎东南亚以外的国家加入该《议定书》,该《议定书》被视为指导国家间关系的关键行为守则,是促进该区域和平与稳定的外交文书。 各位部长还欣见东盟努力维护东南亚作为《东盟宪章》和《东南亚无核武器区条约》所揭示的无核武器区和所有其他大规模毁灭性武器。", "313 (英语). 各位部长申明东盟区域论坛作为该区域主要多边政治和安全论坛的重要性,并再次表示支持东盟作为东盟区域论坛的主要推动力。 各位部长还注意到东盟区域论坛在促进和维护该区域的和平、安全与稳定方面继续具有现实意义,并注意到其在建立参与者之间的信任和信心方面的重要作用。", "314 (英语). 各位部长欢迎不断演变的区域结构的新发展,包括东盟领导人在17^ (th)首脑会议上就东亚首脑会议和召开1^ (st)东盟防务部长级会议+(ADMM Plus)作出的决定。 他们认为,这些事态发展将进一步促进有利于进一步促进该区域对话与合作的环境。", "315 (英语). 各位部长再次呼吁以和平方式解决南海的所有主权和领土争端,不诉诸武力和(或)威胁使用武力,并敦促所有各方力行克制,为最终解决所有有争议问题营造积极气氛。 在这方面,他们重申支持1992年《东盟南海宣言》和1982年《联合国海洋法公约》所载列的原则,并强调需要有关各方充分执行这些原则。 他们表示希望有关各方不要采取任何可能破坏该区域和平、稳定、信任和信心的行动。 他们还重申尊重并致力于普遍公认的国际法原则所规定的在南中国海航行和飞越的自由。 为此,他们欢迎东南亚国家联盟(东盟)和中国为有效执行《南海各方行为宣言》[26]而作的努力,认为这是在南海达成《行为守则》的一个重要步骤,这将有助于为维护该区域的国际和平与稳定创造有利环境。 他们还欢迎有关各方在政府间一级正在进行的双边和多边协商、东盟-中国对话的广泛协商、东盟区域论坛的定期意见交流以及管理南海潜在冲突的非正式讲习班的积极贡献,并鼓励继续这样做。", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国", "316 (英语). 各位部长对美国政府对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国实施单方面制裁深表关切,并重申所谓的“叙利亚问责法”违反国际法并违反《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。 他们呼吁美国政府宣布该法案无效,并还吁请两国在尊重和互利的基础上进行对话,以维护两国和两国人民的最佳利益。", "317 (英语). 不结盟运动部长们谴责2008年10月26日星期日美利坚合众国部队在伊拉克对阿拉伯叙利亚共和国的侵略行为,这次侵略针对阿布·卡迈勒市的一栋平民建筑,造成8名叙利亚平民死亡和一人受伤。 部长们认为这种行为严重违反国际法和叙利亚主权,并违反《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。 他们还表示不结盟运动声援阿拉伯叙利亚共和国人民和政府。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比", "318 (英语). 各位部长欢迎该区域的积极政治、经济、社会变化和成就,这些变化和成就正为本区域各国人民的福祉和减贫以及区域团结、一体化和与其他区域的合作作出贡献。 在这方面,部长们强调,必须支持并尊重民选政府,并强调它们反对任何破坏这些政府及其民主制度稳定的企图。 各位部长确认该区域各国对主权、领土完整和不干涉任何国家内政原则的承诺。", "拉丁美洲和加勒比国家共同体", "319 (英语). 各位部长欢迎该区域国家元首和政府首脑于2010年2月23日在墨西哥坎昆通过的建立拉丁美洲和加勒比国家共同体的决定,这是拉丁美洲和加勒比发展和一体化的一个历史性步骤。", "南美洲国家联盟", "320. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长欢迎南美洲国家联盟的组成条约生效,认为这是对该区域文化、社会、经济和政治一体化的贡献。", "拉美及加勒比国家共同体第一届首脑会议", "321 (英语). 各位部长欢迎将于2011年7月5日在委内瑞拉加拉加斯举行拉美及加勒比国家共同体第一次首脑会议,这是在拉丁美洲和加勒比各国人民争取一体化和团结的努力中以及在庆祝该区域许多国家争取独立斗争200周年的背景下又迈出的重要一步。", "阿尔法-特克-彼得罗加里", "322 (英语). 各位部长欢迎并鼓励诸如 \" 我们美洲人民玻利瓦尔替代方案 -- -- 人民贸易条约 \" (ALBA-TCP)、中美洲经济共同体(PETROCARIBE)和单一区域支付补偿制度框架协定(SUCRE for the Spanish Acronym)等原始倡议,这些倡议是在合作、互补、包括能源、社会正义、粮食主权、货币和经济部门的原则下在本区域得到推动的;这些经验表明,新的国际经济秩序正在逐步形成。 他们欢迎2009年6月24日在委内瑞拉马拉凯举行的第六次国家元首和政府首脑会议所通过的决定,即将其改为美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟-人民-人民贸易条约(ALBA-TCP),以加强其成员之间的合作和团结。", "阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议", "323 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2009年3月31日在卡塔尔多哈成功举行的第二次阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议,包括推动两国共同利益的后续机制,还欢迎定于待定日期在秘鲁利马举行的第三次阿拉伯和南美洲国家首脑会议,并认为这将进一步推动目前为加强两个区域之间的关系、团结与合作而作的努力。", "第二届非洲-南美洲首脑会议", "324 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2009年9月26日(第2次)和27日(第2次)在委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国玛格丽塔岛举行第二届非洲-南美洲国家元首和政府首脑会议,以体现两个区域之间的友谊、团结和南南合作。 部长们强调这次历史性首脑会议的重要性,认为这是南美洲国家联盟(南美联盟)成立后举行的第一次首脑会议。", "中美洲无地雷区", "325 (英语). 各位部长满意地欢迎尼加拉瓜于2010年6月18日被宣布为无地雷国家,从而承认中美洲是世界上第一个无地雷区。", "和平区:丰塞卡湾", "326 (英语). 各位部长欢迎萨尔瓦多、洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜国家元首最近作出的建立“丰塞卡湾和平、可持续发展和安全区”的决定,并一致认为这一决定是朝着加强中美洲国家和人民一体化和团结进程迈出的重要一步。", "伯利兹和危地马拉", "327 (英语). 各位部长欢迎伯利兹和危地马拉于2008年12月8日签署一项特别协定,将危地马拉的领土争端提交国际法院,但须经其公民在全民公决中批准,以此作为最终、体面和永久解决两国长期争端的手段,并呼吁国际社会支持两国的这一努力。", "古巴", "328 (英语). 各位部长再次呼吁美利坚合众国政府终止对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁,这种封锁不仅是单方面的,违反了《联合国宪章》和国际法以及睦邻原则,而且还给古巴人民造成巨大的物质损失和经济损失。 他们再次敦促严格遵守联合国大会第47/19、48/16、49/9、50/10、51/17、52/10、53/4、54/21、55/20、56/9、57/11、58/7、59/11、60/12、61/11、62/3、63/7、64/6和65/6号决议。 他们对扩大对古巴的治外法权封锁深表关切,并反对加强美国政府采取的旨在加强封锁的措施以及美国政府最近针对古巴人民采取的所有其他措施。 他们还敦促美国政府将目前被关塔那摩海军基地占领的领土归还古巴主权,并停止对古巴进行侵略性的广播和电视广播。 他们重申,这些措施侵犯了古巴的主权并大规模地侵犯了古巴人民的人权。", "巴拿马", "329 (英语). 各位部长回顾,不结盟运动坚决支持和声援巴拿马人民和政府为恢复运河和对其所有领土行使有效主权而进行的斗争。 在此场合,部长们向巴拿马政府转达了对巴拿马运河在巴拿马控制下有效运行和管理的认可,并祝贺巴拿马开始建造这一服务于世界贸易和通信的战略通道的第三组锁。", "委内瑞拉", "330 (英语). 各位部长表示支持乌戈·查韦斯·弗里亚斯总统的立宪政府,他经民主选举产生,并得到委内瑞拉大多数人民的批准。 他们承认选举宪法权力在保障2006年12月公平、透明和可信赖的选举方面已证明是公正和可靠的。 他们关切地注意到美国政府对委内瑞拉的侵略政策,并申明委内瑞拉人民有不可剥夺的权利决定自己的政府形式和选择自己的经济、政治和社会制度,不受外来干预、颠覆、胁迫和任何形式的限制。 他们欢迎2009年2月15日举行的立宪公民投票及其结果,认为这是委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国民主进程公平性的又一表现。", "331 (英语). 各位部长对美利坚合众国政府增加旨在影响委内瑞拉稳定的行动表示关切,包括最近设立了一个办事处来增加针对委内瑞拉和古巴的情报收集和间谍活动。", "332 (英语). 各位部长表示支持委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国向美国政府提出的引渡请求,要求将1976年10月对古巴航空公司飞机进行恐怖袭击并造成73名无辜平民死亡的责任人绳之以法。", "333 (英语). 各位部长敦促美利坚合众国政府遵守引渡在委内瑞拉被控恐怖主义的路易斯·波萨达·卡里略斯的请求,或根据其作为相关国际反恐文书和有关国内法缔约国所应承担的义务,将他作为恐怖分子加以审判。", "334 (英语). 在这方面,部长们还反对美利坚合众国保护委内瑞拉公民Raul Diaz Pena、Jose Antonio Colina和German Rodolfo Varela,他们被指控并被判刑在委内瑞拉犯下恐怖主义行为,违反了联合国安全理事会和大会关于采取措施消除一切形式恐怖主义的有关决议,这妨碍了委内瑞拉当局将他们绳之以法的努力。", "335 (英语). 各位部长谴责破坏委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国宪法和合法政府的企图,特别是最近企图破坏乌戈·查韦斯·弗里亚斯总统生命的阴谋。", "圭亚那和委内瑞拉", "336 (英语). 各位部长注意到圭亚那共和国同委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国之间的友好关系正在深化。 他们欢迎联合国秘书长任命诺曼·吉尔万教授为他的个人代表,支持他担任好官员,协助圭亚那和委内瑞拉根据1966年2月17日《日内瓦协定》寻求解决争议的办法。", "厄瓜多尔", "337 (英语). 部长们重申对2010年9月30日令人遗憾的事件深表关切,在该事件中,某些执法人员参与了厄瓜多尔的未遂政变并宣布他们完全反对任何破坏厄瓜多尔民主秩序的企图。 他们还重申全力支持巩固厄瓜多尔新的政治、经济和社会结构,其基础是公平、正义、可持续性和民主参与,由厄瓜多尔共和国宪制总统生态合法选举产生的政府行使政治权力。 拉斐尔·科雷亚·德尔加多.", "第三章:", "发展、社会和人权问题", "导言", "338 (英语). 各位部长赞同并重申77国集团加中国关于经济和社会发展问题和其他相关问题的所有立场,这些立场分别载于2000年在古巴哈瓦那和2005年在卡塔尔多哈举行的第一次和第二次南方首脑会议的成果文件以及2010年9月在纽约举行的77国集团加中国年度部长级会议的成果文件。 同样,他们重申不结盟运动致力于充分执行这些文件所载的决定和建议,并呼吁国际社会,包括国际金融机构和区域开发银行,支持发展中国家为此而作的努力。", "339. (英语). 各位部长再次承诺根据《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》、《21世纪议程》、《进一步执行〈21世纪议程〉方案》、《约翰内斯堡可持续发展宣言》和《可持续发展问题世界首脑会议执行计划》,在其三大支柱上以平衡的方式实现可持续发展:经济发展、社会发展和环境保护。 在这方面,他们强调定于2012年在巴西举行的联合国可持续发展大会(持发会)的重要性,以便评估在实现可持续发展方面的执行差距,并找出障碍以及克服这些障碍的方式方法。", "340. (中文(简体) ). 各位部长强调,定于2012年举行的联合国可持续发展大会(持发会)应同等重视可持续发展的三大支柱,并再次申明持发会的目标是为可持续发展重新作出政治承诺,评估迄今取得的进展和在执行可持续发展问题主要首脑会议成果方面仍然存在的差距并应对新出现的挑战。 各位部长呼吁会议筹备委员会主席团采取一切可能的措施,确保发展中国家充分参与会议的筹备进程。", "341 (英语). 各位部长对缺乏财政资源来协助发展中国家进行国家和区域筹备和参与可持续发展委员会以及联合国其他主要会议表示关切。 在这方面,他们敦促发达国家慷慨捐助,以支持发展中国家充分参与这些会议。", "342 (英语). 各位部长强调,经济和社会发展应继续是联合国审议工作的核心,实现国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标,应继续是联合国的首要框架。 他们进一步强调必须在承认国家对发展战略的领导权和自主权的基础上,加强和加强全球发展伙伴关系,以充分执行联合国经济、社会及有关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议的成果。 他们还强调必须加强现有机制,并视需要建立有效机制,以审查和跟踪联合国社会、经济和相关领域各次主要会议和首脑会议成果的落实情况。", "343 (英语). 各位部长重申联合国在全球治理中的核心作用。 在这方面,部长们欢迎大会主席决定将“重申联合国在全球治理中的核心作用”定为联合国大会第六十五届会议的主题。", "344 (英语). 各位部长对当前多重相互关联并相互加剧的全球危机深表关切,特别是世界金融和经济危机、粮食危机、环境危机、波动的能源价格以及气候变化所带来的挑战,这些危机逆转了发展中国家许多重要的发展成果并破坏了千年发展目标的实现,特别是消除贫穷。", "345 (英语). 各位部长重申《建立新的国际经济秩序宣言》和《行动纲领》[27]及其主要原则的有效性,联合国大会在这些原则中宣布,决心紧急开展工作,以建立一个建立在所有国家,不论其经济和社会制度如何,公平、主权平等、相互依存、共同利益和合作基础上的国际经济秩序,该秩序将纠正不平等现象并纠正现有的不公正现象,使发达国家与发展中国家之间日益扩大的差距得以消除,并确保为今世后代稳步加快经济和社会发展及和平与正义;", "346 (英语). 各位部长强调,国际社会,特别是发达国家需要协助发展中国家努力充分落实所有国际商定的发展目标,包括千年发展目标,特别是它们为到2015年将贫穷和饥饿人口减半而正在作出的努力。 他们还呼吁国际社会继续支持发展中国家努力将可持续发展原则纳入其国家发展战略。", "347 (英语). 各位部长强调,每个国家都有决定本国发展优先事项和战略的主权权利,并呼吁国际社会断然拒绝在提供发展援助方面附加任何条件。", "348 (英语). 各位部长坚持认为,需要在各级采取具体行动和措施,以充分执行《21世纪议程》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》,并遵循《关于环境与发展的里约宣言》原则7所阐明的共同但有区别的责任原则。 他们还呼吁早日全面执行《关于向发展中国家提供能力建设和技术支助的巴厘战略计划》。", "349 (英语). 考虑到如何应对青年人的挑战和潜力将影响当前的社会和经济条件以及子孙后代的福祉和生计,部长们强调需要进一步努力促进青年的利益,特别是支持青年人发展其潜力和才智并应对青年面临的社会挑战的负面影响。", "350 (英语). 各位部长认识到,气候变化尤其给发展中国家带来严重风险和挑战,并呼吁根据共同但有区别的责任原则和各自能力,紧急采取全球行动,在公平基础上应对气候变化。 他们重申,应对气候变化的努力应当以综合、协调和平衡的方式,促进可持续发展的所有三个组成部分 -- -- 经济发展、社会发展和环境保护 -- -- 作为相互依存和相辅相成的支柱。", "351 (英语). 各位部长欢迎在第六十六届联合国大会一般性辩论之前,于2011年9月20日召开主题为“在可持续发展和消除贫穷的背景下处理荒漠化、土地退化和干旱问题”的高级别会议,以提高最高政治层面的认识,并重申履行对《公约》及其十年战略规划和框架(2008-2018年)的所有承诺。", "352号 各位部长强调,需要为发展中国家扩大政策空间,以使它们能够根据国家自主和领导发展进程的原则,实施自己的发展战略和政策。 在这方面,部长们认识到,在全球化世界中,各国经济日益相互依存,国际经济关系出现了有章可循的制度,这意味着国家经济政策的空间,即国内政策的范围,特别是在贸易、投资和工业发展领域,现在往往受到国际纪律、承诺和全球市场考虑的制约。 各国政府应评估接受国际规则和承诺的好处与失去政策空间所造成的制约之间的取舍,并强调指出,对发展中国家来说,特别重要的是,考虑到发展目标和目的,所有国家都应考虑到在国家政策空间与国际纪律和承诺之间取得适当平衡的必要性。", "353号. 各位部长表示需要鼓励向发展中国家和经济转型国家提供包括外国直接投资在内的更多直接投资,特别是在经济和金融危机的背景下,以根据本国的优先事项支持这些国家的发展活动。 在这方面,他们敦促发达国家采取措施,增加对发展中国家的投资,特别是外国直接投资,并避免阻碍这种流动的保护主义措施。", "354 (英语). 各位部长注意到各国相互依存和全世界人类发展水平不同,重申需要建立一个新的全球人类秩序,以通过促进消除贫穷、充分的生产性就业和体面工作以及社会融合来扭转各国之间和国家内部日益扩大的贫富差距。 在这方面,他们欢迎大会通过关于联合国在促进全球人类新秩序方面的作用的第62/213号决议,并特别欢迎该决议要求秘书长就日益加剧的不平等对发展的影响提出报告。", "当前全球危机,特别是世界金融和经济危机", "355 (英语). 各位部长对当前的全球金融和经济危机及其对世界经济的负面影响深表关切。 他们还认识到,危机进一步加剧了全球金融和经济治理体系的缺陷和不平衡。 在这方面,他们敦促国际社会努力采取有力、协调和全面的全球对策来应对危机,特别是尽量减少对发展中国家发展努力的不利影响,确保发展援助承诺不受影响,并立即采取行动和倡议来克服这些挑战。 在这方面,他们确认联合国的核心作用。", "356号 各位部长表示,需要加强区域和次区域努力,除其他外,包括通过区域开发银行,如非洲开发银行、亚洲开发银行、南方银行、美洲玻利瓦尔联盟银行、安第斯开发公司联合会和美洲开发银行,作为应对当前经济和金融危机的全球协调有效对策的一部分。 在这方面,他们还注意到旨在协助东盟+3国家解决流动性问题的“清迈倡议多边化”。", "357 (英语). 各位部长深信,国际金融和经济危机以及由此产生的全球经济增长下滑,除其他外,通过减少贸易和外国直接投资以及增加收缩和高额信贷成本,严重影响了发展中国家的经济,从而对实现发展权、限制社会投资、加深贫穷和提高失业率产生不利影响。 部长们还敦促发达国家采取的财政政策不应损害全球增长,特别是发展中国家的增长。 部长们强调,需要以促进人类发展为目标来应对危机,包括采取行动支持持续、包容和公平的经济增长,通过增加发展中国家的市场准入、消除贫穷和可持续发展来增加贸易。", "358号 各位部长认识到,金融和经济危机加剧了实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的挑战和障碍,特别是发展中国家获得财政资源的机会。 在这方面,部长们敦促发达国家按照联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议所商定的那样,及时并可预测地履行其官方发展援助承诺。 他们也强调需要额外的财政资源来应对危机。 如果不这样做,将严重地危及国际商定发展目标,包括千年发展目标的实现。", "359 (英语). 各位部长强调,金融和经济危机加剧了正在发生的全球粮食危机,并破坏了发展中国家实现粮食安全的努力。 他们表示关切的是,这种情况正在侵蚀已经取得的进展并正在使数百万人陷入有辱人格的贫穷和饥饿。 在这方面,他们敦促发展中国家履行承诺,支持发展中国家应对危机。", "360 (英语). 各位部长还着重指出,迫切需要对国际经济和金融体系及架构,包括政策、任务、范围和治理进行实质性和全面改革,以更好地应对和防止金融和经济紧急情况,有效促进发展并公平满足会员国特别是发展中国家的需要。 国际金融机构尤其必须具有明确的发展取向。 各位部长呼吁所有成员国参加公开、包容和透明的对话,以建立新的国际经济和金融体系和结构。", "361 (英语). 各位部长还深为关切发展中国家在布雷顿森林机构中没有足够的发言权和代表性,包括目前在世界银行和国际货币基金组织的最高领导职位上缺乏发展中国家的代表权。", "362 (英语). 在这方面,作为自在哈瓦那举行的第十四届不结盟运动首脑会议以来当前国际局势面临的主要挑战之一,部长们强调,他们深为关切影响当今世界的国际金融和经济危机的范围和严重性及其对发展的影响,包括实现持续、包容和公平的经济增长、消除贫穷和可持续发展,特别是对发展中国家而言,以及实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标,因此,部长们认识到需要共同努力,以改革国际金融和货币结构及经济治理结构,以期改善国际经济体系的运作并减轻危机对发展的影响。", "363 (英语). 部长们在这方面强调,全球金融和经济危机尚未结束,复苏不平衡和不确定,无法保证不会再起。 各位部长强调,必须解决全球经济面临的系统性问题,包括通过全面完成全球金融体系和结构改革。", "364 (英语). 各位部长对货币汇率起伏不定及其对国际贸易、经济增长和发展的不利影响表示关切,并强调有必要研究这一问题,包括研究是否有可能逐步建立一个更稳定的国际货币体系。", "365 (英语). 各位部长表示关切的是,世界金融和经济危机仍然威胁着一些发展中国家的债务可持续性,特别是对实体经济的影响以及为减轻危机的负面影响而增加的借贷,在这方面,呼吁各国政府促进和推动讨论,包括在联合国和其他适当论坛内讨论新的主权债务重组和债务解决机制的必要性和可行性,其中考虑到债务可持续性的多层面及其在实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面的作用。", "366 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2009年6月24日至30日在纽约举行了联合国世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议,其成果随后得到大会2009年7月9日第63/303号决议的认可。 各位部长注意到联合国世界金融和经济危机及其对发展的影响问题会议成果文件所载问题的大会不限成员名额特设工作组的进度报告,并表示支持延长工作组的任务期限。", "367 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2009年2月20日在日内瓦举行的人权理事会关于全球经济和金融危机对普遍实现和切实享有人权的影响的特别会议,并鼓励各国努力执行该届会议通过的决议。", "非洲", "368. (英语). 各位部长呼吁国际社会履行承诺,满足非洲的特殊需要,非洲是唯一没有走上到2015年实现千年发展目标正轨的大陆,并决心加强同非洲发展新伙伴关系的合作,为此向非洲领导人在这一框架内所拟订的方案提供协调一致的支持,包括调动内部和外部财政资源并便利多边金融机构核准这些方案;支持非洲的承诺,即确保到2015年所有儿童都能获得完全、免费和义务的优质初级教育以及基本保健;支持建立一个以非洲发展新伙伴关系为主要框架的国际基础设施财团,以促进非洲的公共和私人基础设施投资。", "369 (英语). 各位部长对非洲当前的金融和经济危机的发展和范围表示关切,这场危机继续减缓经济增长,使国际收支状况恶化并扭转了实现千年发展目标的努力,在这方面,欢迎2009年2月3日在埃塞俄比亚亚的斯亚贝巴举行的非洲联盟国家元首和政府首脑大会第十二届常会通过的《关于国际金融危机的亚的斯亚贝巴宣言》。", "370 (英语). 在这方面,部长们支持并鼓励在人类发展领域采取国家和区域举措,如2007年4月在摩洛哥拉巴特举行的第一次非洲人类发展会议。 这次会议的目的是在实现千年发展目标的背景下同贫困和脆弱性作斗争,提高处境最不利的非洲国家的社会和生活水平。", "371 (英语). 各位部长还吁请全面而持久地解决非洲国家的外债问题,除其他外,包括取消或重组不属于重债穷国倡议的重债非洲国家,这些国家债务负担无法持续;努力使非洲国家充分融入国际贸易体系,包括通过有针对性的贸易能力建设方案;支持依赖商品的非洲国家为调整商品部门的结构、使其多样化并加强其竞争力而作的努力,并决定在私营部门参与下,为商品价格风险管理作出以市场为基础的安排;按照2009年2月9日至10日在温得和克举行的 \" 21世纪非洲农业:迎接挑战,进行可持续的绿色革命 \" 高级别会议上非洲部长们所提出的建议,单独地和集体地补充非洲国家的努力,以可持续的方式提高农业生产力;", "372号. 各位部长重申了2008年9月22日大会高级别会议通过的关于 \" 非洲发展需要:各项承诺执行情况、挑战和前进道路 \" 的政治宣言。 他们强调,他们承诺提供并加强对非洲特殊需要的支助,并强调指出,消除贫穷,特别是非洲的贫穷,是当今世界面临的最严峻的全球挑战。 他们强调必须加快基础广泛的可持续经济增长,这对于将非洲纳入全球经济主流至关重要。 他们回顾所有国家承诺建立一个监测机制,以就 \" 非洲发展需要 \" 的政治宣言所载的与非洲发展有关的所有承诺采取后续行动,并强调国际社会和非洲本身应切实履行对非洲的所有承诺并采取适当的后续行动。 他们强调迫切需要在平等伙伴关系的基础上满足非洲的特殊需要。", "373号. 各位部长认识到,应特别关注非洲,特别是非洲是在实现千年发展目标方面最落后的大陆。 尽管一些非洲国家取得了进展,但其他国家的局势仍然令人严重关切。 各位部长呼吁充分和及时履行所有承诺,使非洲国家能到2015年实现千年发展目标。", "374 (英语). 各位部长呼吁作为紧急事项,全面执行大会2008年9月22日第63/1号决议所通过并经《发展筹资问题多哈宣言》所重申的《关于非洲发展需要的政治宣言》以及国际社会对非洲作出的所有承诺。 各位部长表示关切的是,8国集团在格伦伊格尔斯会议上作出的到2010年将对非洲的官方发展援助从250亿美元增加一倍到500亿美元的承诺未能兑现。", "375 (英语). 部长们强调,需要通过南北合作、三角合作和增强南南伙伴关系,加强与非洲国家的合作,特别是在农业、教育、卫生和环境领域,并交流所有这些部门的经验和专门知识。", "376 (英语). 各位部长欢迎非洲国家最近采取步骤,在2007年3月阿尔及尔、阿尔及利亚、新伙伴关系国家元首和政府首脑执行委员会、集思广益首脑会议以及2008年4月达喀尔、塞内加尔、新伙伴关系审查首脑会议13分结论的基础上,将新伙伴关系全面纳入非洲联盟的结构和进程。", "最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家", "377 (英语). 各位部长回顾最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和内陆发展中国家在内陆发展中国家和过境发展中国家过境运输合作新的全球框架内的特殊需要,并重申需要继续支持和援助它们的努力,特别是支持和援助它们努力实现国际商定的发展目标,包括《千年宣言》、在伊斯坦布尔举行的第四次联合国最不发达国家会议通过的《2011-2020十年期支援最不发达国家伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》、《关于进一步执行小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展巴巴多斯行动纲领的毛里求斯战略》和《阿拉木图行动纲领》中的目标。", "378 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2010年9月24日至25日在纽约联合国总部举行《毛里求斯战略》执行情况高级别审查会议并回顾其成果文件。", "379. (英语). 各位部长欢迎第四次联合国最不发达国家问题会议的成果,特别是《政治宣言》和《2011-2020年伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》,并呼吁扩大发展伙伴关系,并设立必要的全面支助架构,以努力确保到2020年至少有一半最不发达国家脱离这一地位。 在这方面,部长们呼吁为执行、落实、监测和评价根据《伊斯坦布尔行动纲领》所作出的承诺做出有效安排。", "380 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2011年2月18日至19日在新德里举行的印度-最不发达国家部长级会议,会议重点讨论了南南合作在最不发达国家发展中的作用,作为南北合作的补充而不是替代。", "381 (英语). 各位部长还回顾了2006年9月14日在哈瓦那举行的内陆发展中国家第一次首脑会议的结果,并强调需要国际社会加强合作,以充分执行内陆发展中国家部长宣言。", "382 (英语). 各位部长重申内陆发展中国家的特殊需要和面临的挑战,因为这些国家缺乏出海通道,加上远离世界市场,还担心内陆发展中国家的经济增长和社会福利仍然极易受到外部冲击以及包括金融和经济危机和气候变化在内的国际社会面临的多重挑战的影响。", "383号 各位部长强调,国际社会需要增加对内陆发展中国家的发展援助,以帮助它们克服脆弱性,建立复原力并走上可持续社会和经济发展的道路。 他们还强调,迫切需要通过全面、及时和有效执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》中期审查宣言所载的《阿拉木图行动纲领》,解决内陆和过境发展中国家的特殊发展需要和面临的挑战。", "384 (英语). 各位部长表示关切的是,内陆发展中国家的经济增长和社会福祉仍然极易受到外部冲击和国际社会面临的多重挑战的影响,并邀请国际社会协助内陆发展中国家加强复原力并保护在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展和《阿拉木图行动纲领》的优先事项。", "385 (英语). 各位部长欢迎自在乌兰巴托设立内陆发展中国家国际智囊团以来取得的进展,以加强内陆发展中国家内部的分析能力并增进必要的经验和最佳做法的交流,以最大限度地协调努力,充分而有效地执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》和千年发展目标;还欢迎第九届内陆发展中国家部长级年会核可关于设立内陆发展中国家国际智囊团的多边协定;并邀请联合国系统相关组织、会员国以及相关国际和区域组织协助内陆发展中国家开展国际智囊团的活动。", "386号. 部长们还欢迎2011年4月12日至14日在蒙古乌兰巴托举行的《阿拉木图行动纲领》执行情况和内陆发展中国家面临的其他发展差距问题亚太高级别政策对话通过的《乌兰巴托宣言》,其中重申了在实现千年发展目标的总框架内成功执行《阿拉木图行动纲领》的承诺。", "387号 各位部长强调,需要继续特别关注刚刚摆脱冲突的发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家的情况,以使它们能够酌情恢复和重建其政治、社会和经济基础设施并协助它们实现发展目标。", "中等收入发展中国家", "388 (英语). 各位部长认识到中等收入发展中国家在促进全球经济增长和发展方面发挥的重要作用。 然而,它们仍然面临重大的发展挑战,特别是在消除贫困和实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标方面。 在这方面,部长们强调,联合国系统、国际金融机构和所有其他利益攸关方需要加大对发展努力的支持力度,以应对这些挑战,包括在有关的多边和国际论坛上开展工作,并作出双边安排,采取措施,加强与中等收入国家的国际合作并帮助它们满足社会经济发展和金融技术及技术发展等需要。", "389 (英语). 各位部长回顾2007年3月在西班牙马德里、2007年10月在萨尔瓦多圣萨尔瓦多和2008年8月在纳米比亚温得和克举行的与中等收入国家发展合作国际会议,以及2008年3月在埃及开罗举行的以“提高非洲中等收入国家的竞争力”为主题的区域会议,在这方面,各国元首和政府首脑欢迎大会通过2009年12月21日关于“与中等收入国家的发展合作”的第64/208号决议。 各国元首和政府首脑强调,联合国需要全面审查国际合作体系的现行做法,包括联合国各基金、方案和机构、国际金融机构和其他国际组织,包括经济合作与发展组织,审查它们与中等收入国家的发展合作,以期实现更有效的发展合作并促使国际社会支持这些国家的发展。", "低收入发展中国家", "390 (英语). 部长们还认识到,低收入发展中国家也可以在促进世界经济增长方面发挥重要作用,尽管它们在贸易便利化和促进外国直接投资流动方面面临重要的发展挑战和特殊需要,抵制气候变化和消除贫穷的不利影响并需要国际社会紧急关注。 在这方面,他们强调联合国系统需要加强对低收入发展中国家的支助。", "贸易", "391号 各位部长表示严重关切当前的全球金融和经济危机,特别是发达国家的保护主义抬头给全球贸易带来不利影响,对发展中国家出口造成严重不利影响。 他们还表示极为关切世界贸易组织贸易谈判没有取得实质性进展,认为这是多哈回合的严重挫折。 在这方面,他们呼吁世界贸易组织所有成员国,特别是发达国家,表现出打破目前谈判僵局所必要的灵活性和政治意愿,并加紧2011年的谈判,以早日圆满结束谈判,取得符合《多哈部长宣言》、世界贸易组织总理事会2004年8月1日的决定和《香港部长宣言》的发展任务的成果,该宣言将发展置于多边贸易体系的核心。", "392号 各位部长还重申,必须充分回应发展中国家在《多哈行动计划》第8段中提出的关切,特别是实现《多哈工作方案》所有领域,特别是在农业、非农业市场准入、服务、与贸易有关的知识产权、规则以及为发展中国家提供可操作和有意义的特殊和差别待遇方面。 他们还呼吁采取行动,加快与《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》有关的发展任务和《多哈部长宣言》中与执行有关的问题,特别是使《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》的知识产权规则支持《生物多样性公约》的目标以及《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》和公共卫生的贸易相关方面的工作。", "393号 各位部长强调,发达国家使用农业补贴阻碍了发展中国家的农业生产,并敦促发达国家取消一切形式的农业补贴和其他扭曲市场的措施。", "394号 各位部长请捐助方和受益国执行由世界贸易组织总干事设立的贸易援助倡议工作队所提出的建议,该工作队旨在支持发展中国家和最不发达国家建设其供应和出口能力,包括发展基础设施和机构,并需要增加其出口,在这方面强调迫切需要以充足的额外、无条件和可预测的资金来有效实施该倡议。", "395 (英语). 各位部长强调,必须便利所有申请加入世界贸易组织(世贸组织)的发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家以及经济转型国家加入该组织,符合其标准,并考虑到其发展水平,同时铭记大会第55/182号决议第21段和随后的事态发展,并呼吁有效和忠实地适用世贸组织关于最不发达国家加入的准则。", "396号. 各位部长强调,应当以迅速而透明的方式,在没有政治障碍的情况下加快发展中国家加入世贸组织的进程。", "397号. 各位部长强调贸发会议作为联合国系统内综合处理贸易和发展以及金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域相互关联的问题的协调中心所发挥的重要作用,贸发会议应当研究分析贸发会议第十二届会议通过的《阿克拉协议》中提到的宏观经济政策、贸易、投资、金融、债务、贫困、国际移徙和新出现的问题及其相互依存关系。 这种研究应当用来帮助发展中国家实现其发展目标,包括消除贫穷,以改善其公民的福利并应对全球化带来的机遇和挑战。 他们又重申需要继续发挥贸发会议在全球化、政策空间和公司责任领域的相关职能并重振其政府间机构。", "398. (英语). 各位部长注意到贸发会议-开发署《2008年创意经济报告》,该报告提供了经验证据和深入分析,表明创意产业在宏观和微观两个层面将发展的经济、文化、技术和社会方面联系起来,是世界贸易中能为发展中国家提供世界经济新机会的最有活力的新兴部门。 因此,部长们鼓励贸发会议制定创意经济技术援助方案,以提高并加强发展中国家在这些部门竞争的能力。", "399号. 部长们同意为全面执行2008年4月20日至25日在加纳阿克拉举行的贸发会议第十二届部长级会议所提出的建议而努力。", "400个。 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施:", "1. 联合国 继续在77国集团和不结盟运动各自任务范围内开展协调与合作,以加强贸发会议作为负责综合处理金融、技术、投资和可持续发展领域的贸易、发展和相关事项的联合国机构的作用;", "2. 联合国 继续在不结盟运动和77国集团参与的几个多边论坛上推动反对实施单方面胁迫性经济措施的反对和具体行动。", "401号 各位部长深表关切的是,对发展中国家实施法律和其他形式的胁迫性经济措施,包括单方面制裁,破坏了国际法和世界贸易组织的规则,也严重威胁了贸易和投资自由。", "南南合作", "402号 各位部长认识到南南合作日益重要,南北相互依存的环境和接触条件不断变化,呼吁作出更积极的努力来深化和加强南南合作,包括三角合作,同时铭记这种合作不是南北合作的替代,而是南北合作的补充。", "403号 各位部长重申,他们承诺全面执行《哈瓦那行动纲领》、《马拉喀什南南合作执行计划》和《多哈行动计划》,它们共同构成了加强发展中国家之间合作的综合框架。", "404号 各位部长欢迎2009年12月1日至3日在肯尼亚内罗毕举行的联合国南南合作高级别会议的内罗毕成果文件,该文件得到大会2009年12月21日第64/222号决议的认可,并期待着该文件得到全面而有效的执行。 在这方面,部长们感谢肯尼亚共和国及其人民出色地组织和主办了南南合作高级别会议。", "405 (英语). 各位部长欢迎阿拉伯利比亚民众国政府提出于2011年9月主办第三次南方首脑会议,并期待着会议的审议和成果取得成功。", "406号. 各位部长重申加强南南合作现行体制机制的重要性,并表示支持77国集团和中国在各次首脑会议和会议上,包括2010年9月28日在纽约举行的年度会议上所通过南南合作所依据的原则。", "407号 各位部长重申其立场,即南南合作是发展中国家的一项集体努力,其基础是团结原则以及符合发展中国家历史和政治背景及其需要和期望的前提、条件和目标,因此,正如《内罗毕成果文件》和《77国集团南方发展纲要》所重申的那样,南南合作值得单独和独立地促进。", "408号 各位部长强调,大会南南合作高级别委员会是联合国系统的中央多边决策机构,负责审查和评估全球和全系统在南南发展合作,包括三角合作方面的进展和支持,并对未来方向提供总体指导。 在这方面,这一决策机构可得到其他有关南南合作倡议和对话平台的补充。", "409 (英语). 各位部长重申南南合作在多边主义总体背景下的作用,认为南南合作是应对南方所面临挑战所必不可少的持续进程,是对发展的宝贵贡献,并重申需要进一步加强南南合作,包括加强促进这种合作的机构和安排的能力。", "410 (英语). 部长们承诺支持和促进旨在加强发展中国家内部/区域间贸易、投资与合作的机制。", "411. (英语). 在这方面,部长们欢迎2009年9月在委内瑞拉新埃斯帕塔州举行第二次非洲-南美洲首脑会议,会议重申了在摩洛哥马拉喀什举行的第一次非洲-南美洲会议上作出的促进南南合作作为这两个区域主要目标的承诺。", "412 (英语). 各位部长强调必须进一步加强区域、次区域、区域间和双边各级的协调与合作,特别是在当前金融和经济危机的负面影响下。", "413号 各位部长欢迎2010年12月15日通过《圣保罗议定书》,从而圆满完成了全球贸易优惠制度第三轮谈判,请有关各方尽快批准该协议,并鼓励其他发展中国家考虑加入全面贸易优惠制及其议定书。", "414号 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们同意进一步加强以下措施:", "1. 联合国 加强国家能力,以增进不结盟国家的单独和集体复原力,这可通过扩大、深化和丰富在它们之间关系的所有领域的南南合作来实现,包括通过开展具体项目和方案、汇集资源和利用南方知名人士和机构的贡献。 在这方面,77国集团和中国第二次南方首脑会议所设立的南方发展和人道主义援助基金可以极大地促进实现南南合作的宗旨和目标;", "2. 鼓励会员国拟订南南合作安排,包括部门合作安排,以及促进南南合作的其他伙伴关系;", "3个 在自愿的基础上促进发展中国家之间的贸易和投资协定,以此作为加强南南经济合作的工具;", "4. 在发展中国家间互利、互补和团结的基础上,通过分组和其他安排来促进和加强区域和分区域一体化,以期促进并加速其经济的经济增长和发展;", "5 (韩语). 认识到不结盟运动南南技术合作中心[28] 对组织培训方案和加强不结盟运动成员国实现包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的能力的努力作出的积极贡献;", "6. 国家 鼓励中心继续向发展中国家提供培训和能力建设方案,并在此方面进一步鼓励不结盟运动成员国在自愿基础上向中心提供必要援助,以实现其目标;", "7. 联合国 通过在学术和专业研究与经济研究中心之间建立不结盟运动协调与合作网络,加强发展中国家评估国际经济问题的能力;", "8. 联合国 重申南方中心作为南方国家智囊团的中心作用,并着重指出该中心通过促进南方国家和人民之间的团结和相互理解来增强南南合作的重要性;以及为发展中国家在国际舞台上采取集体和个人行动提供所需的知识和政策支持。 在这方面,呼吁不结盟运动成员进一步支持南方中心,中心应在有关机构之间建立南南网络,以促进方案、学术界的交流,并支持联合协调委员会在联合国经济和社会领域主要会议的谈判进程;", "9. 国家 鼓励不结盟运动南南合作商业论坛按照其职权范围,继续采取举措,加强南南贸易和商业关系。 在这方面,他们欢迎第二次不结盟运动商业论坛和2007年11月在古巴哈瓦那举行的不结盟运动南南合作商业理事会大会取得成功;", "10个 鼓励联合国会员国支持旨在资助执行南南合作项目的国际发展基金,例如发展中国家间经济和技术合作佩雷斯·格雷罗信托基金。", "415 (英语). 各位部长强调充分而有效地执行联合国开发计划署南南合作第四个合作框架以支持国家发展优先事项的重要性。 各位部长请联合国秘书长同会员国协商,采取具体措施,进一步加强南南合作特设局,正如大会2003年12月23日关于发展中国家间经济和技术合作的第58/220号决议所重申的那样,作为联合国系统内南南合作的一个单独实体和协调中心,以便它能履行其全部职责,特别是通过调动资源来推进南南合作,包括通过三角合作。", "416号. 各位部长欢迎一些不结盟运动国家的合作举措和提供的大量财政捐助,其中包括欧佩克国家基于团结和国家间友谊原则提出的有利于实现人权,特别是经济、社会和文化权利以及发展权的合作举措以及2007年11月在利雅得举行的欧佩克首脑会议上决定的能源、环境和气候变化科学和研究方案举措。 在这方面,他们鼓励成员国考虑支持和参与这些合作机制或具有合作性质的其他相关区域或次区域安排。", "417. (英语). 各位部长还欢迎一些不结盟运动成员在可持续发展领域提出的南南合作区域倡议,在这方面,他们特别注意到中美洲一体化与发展项目。", "418. (英语). 部长们还注意到金融和经济领域的一些区域合作倡议,例如拉丁美洲区域一些国家,如南方银行采取的倡议,以及美洲玻利瓦尔联盟国家的倡议,如美洲玻利瓦尔联盟银行、共同储备基金、共同账户股,以及使用SUCRE作为其货币单位。", "粮食安全", "419. (英语). 各位部长对全球粮食价格,包括基本粮食商品价格的高度波动深表关切,其原因包括结构和系统问题。 由此产生的和正在发生的粮食危机对同贫穷和饥饿作斗争,以及对发展中国家实现粮食安全并实现到2015年将营养不良人口减半的目标和其他发展目标的努力构成严重挑战。 这场危机的多而复杂的根源需要国际社会作出全面、协调和持续的反应。 各位部长还强调必须加强粮农组织全球粮食和农业信息和预警系统,以帮助处理和防止粮食危机再起。", "420 (英语). 各位部长强调,实现粮食安全需要加强和振兴发展中国家的农业部门,包括通过赋予中小型农民权力,提供技术和财政援助,获得并转让技术,开展能力建设并交流知识和经验。 各位部长强调,需要应对可持续农业面临的经济、社会和环境挑战。 他们还强调执行和遵守《荒漠化公约》的规定以及《十年战略计划》(2008-2018年),以此作为我们共同努力防治荒漠化和土地退化以解决粮食安全问题的基础。", "421. (英语). 各位部长强调,发达国家的补贴和其他市场扭曲严重损害了发展中国家的农业部门,从而限制了这一关键部门为消除贫困和持续、包容和公平的经济增长、可持续发展、粮食安全和农村发展做出有意义的贡献的能力。 因此,部长们呼吁发达国家立即取消一切形式的农业补贴和其他扭曲市场的措施。 他们敦促发达国家表现出必要的灵活性和政治意愿,在多哈回合贸易谈判中有意义地解决发展中国家的这些关键问题。", "422号. 各位部长表示支持通过交流经验、专门知识和最佳做法来改善最不发达国家的粮食安全和营养。", "423号. 部长们还呼吁采取短期行动,包括提供人道主义援助,以确保建立有效的社会安全网。 除其他外,短期行动必须包括紧急援助措施,以加强能力和有效提供粮食援助,并确保向发展中国家提供更多的财政支助,特别是粮食采购方面的支助。", "424 (英语). 部长们呼吁改进透明度、酌情交流信息和财务条例,以期促进市场稳定并尽量减少价格过度波动并预防粮食市场的投机性投资。", "425号 因此,部长们呼吁粮食及农业组织(粮农组织)同相关联合国实体合作,继续处理全球和区域粮食安全问题,特别是通过充分和及时执行和实施短期应对措施。 在这方面,他们重申粮农组织粮食安全委员会在农业、粮食安全和营养方面的中心作用。", "426 (英语). 各位部长表示深信,南南合作,包括对农业和粮食安全的投资,今天比以往任何时候都更加需要。 在这方面,他们欢迎加强和扩大交流这些领域人力资源、经验和专门知识的南南倡议,以支持农业和畜牧业生产,增加粮食供应。", "427. (英语). 各位部长呼吁成员国继续积极参与促进所有国家实现食物权。 在这方面,他们欢迎在不结盟运动的倡议下于2008年举行人权理事会关于“世界粮食危机恶化,特别是由粮食价格飞涨所造成,对实现食物权的负面影响”的特别会议,并敦促所有会员国特别注意执行联合国大会和人权理事会每年通过的关于食物权的各项决议。", "428 (英语). 各位部长重申,消除贫穷是当今世界面临的最严峻的全球挑战。 他们重申发展中国家在消除贫穷和饥饿的努力中确定自己的粮食安全战略的重要性。 在这方面,他们认识到,农业在满足日益增长的全球人口的需求方面发挥着关键作用,它与消除贫穷有着不可分割的联系,在发展中国家尤其如此,并强调,因此,综合和可持续的农业和农村发展办法对于以环境上可持续的方式加强粮食安全至关重要。", "429. (英语). 部长们还重申,不应将粮食用作施加政治和经济压力的手段。 他们重申国际合作和团结的重要性,以及必须避免采取危及粮食安全并不符合国际法和《联合国宪章》的单方面胁迫措施。", "430. (英语). 各位部长强调《关于世界粮食安全的罗马宣言》(2006年11月13日至17日)和《世界粮食首脑会议行动计划》、《世界粮食首脑会议:五年后宣言》的重要性,其中包括通过不断努力在所有国家消除饥饿实现人人享有粮食安全的目标,并立即争取到2015年将营养不良人口减少一半,以及承诺实现千年发展目标。", "431 (英语). 各位部长重申2009年11月15日《世界粮食首脑会议宣言》以及埃及在罗马粮农组织总部召开的第二届不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议的重要性,因为首脑会议在解决饥饿和营养不良问题的许多方面以及确定不结盟运动第一夫人为解决这些问题可采取的具体步骤方面发挥着作用,包括通过交流国家经验来确保妇女获得资源,特别是土地和信贷以及人力资本和知识。", "432号 部长们注意到2009年7月8日至10日在意大利拉奎拉举行的八国集团首脑会议的成果,并呼吁立即履行出席该首脑会议的国家为在三年内调动200亿美元的目标所作出的承诺。", "433 (英语). 各位部长赞赏地注意到玻利维亚倡议促进宣布联合国国际藜麦年,承认其高营养价值及其对消除饥饿的潜在贡献。", "国际移徙与发展", "434号 各位部长重申,各国政府有责任根据国际和国内法律,保障和保护移徙者的权利,包括适用并视需要加强现有法律,以打击所有非法或暴力行为;特别是个人或群体煽动族裔、种族和宗教歧视的行为和出于种族主义或仇外动机对移徙者所犯下的罪行,特别是在全球经济危机的背景下,这场危机增加了移徙者在东道国的脆弱性。", "435 (英语). 各位部长同意根据《世界人权宣言》和他们加入的所有相关国际文书,有效促进和保护所有移民的人权和基本自由,无论其移民身份如何,特别是妇女和儿童的人权和基本自由。 他们还指出,2007年1月13日《东盟促进和保护移徙工人权利宣言》是维护移徙工人基本权利和尊严的一个积极步骤。", "436 (英语). 各位部长对一些国家通过的立法造成可能限制移徙者人权和基本自由的措施和做法表示关切,并重申各国在行使主权权利颁布和执行移徙和边境安全措施时,有义务遵守其根据国际法,包括国际人权法承担的义务,以确保充分尊重移徙者的人权。 在这方面,部长们还认识到,应特别针对老年人、妇女和儿童采取特殊措施对待移徙者。 此外,他们认识到,南北之间需要加强合作和伙伴关系,以保护移徙者,并增强他们对实现发展的贡献。", "437号. 各位部长认识到,贩运人口和偷运移民继续对人类构成严重挑战,需要酌情在合作和信息共享的基础上采取协调一致的国际对策,并敦促所有国家为此制定、执行和加强有效措施,以预防、打击和消除一切形式的贩运人口行为,遏制对被贩运受害者的需求并保护受害者,特别是遭受强迫劳动或性剥削或商业剥削、暴力和性虐待的妇女和儿童。", "438 (英语). 各位部长认识到,要采取有效行动防止和打击从陆、海、空偷运移民,就必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取综合办法,并为此目的敦促所有国家采取有效措施,特别是按照《世界人权宣言》和国家法律,保护被偷运移民特别是妇女和儿童的人权和基本自由。", "439号. 各位部长强调必须开展宣传运动,在保护移徙者及其权利的努力框架内改变公众对移徙的负面看法,并在此方面鼓励各国承认移徙者和移徙对发展所做出的重要社会、经济和文化贡献,以及移徙与发展之间的复杂相互关系。", "440. (英语). 各位部长欢迎印度尼西亚政府于2009年4月14日至15日在巴厘召开巴厘进程第三次部长级会议,以振兴关于偷运移民、贩运人口和相关跨国犯罪的区域协商进程,进一步推动包括始发国、过境国和目的地国在内的参与国之间的对话与合作。 部长们强调签署了《南美洲移徙问题会议原则和一般准则宣言》和《南美洲人类发展移徙计划》,以及这次会议的成员承诺在2010年10月在玻利维亚科恰班巴举行的第十次南美洲移徙问题会议上对该区域公民实施有效和迅速的正规化机制。", "441 (英语). 各位部长认识到高技能人员、受过高等教育人员和半技能人员移徙对发展中国家发展努力的影响。", "442号 各位部长承认双边和多边劳工移徙协定作为促进安全、正常和有秩序的移徙进程的有效工具的重要性。", "443 (英语). 各位部长注意到2007年7月9日至11日在比利时布鲁塞尔举行的全球移民与发展论坛第一次会议,其核心主题是“移徙与社会经济发展”,2008年11月27日至30日在菲律宾马尼拉举行的全球移民与发展论坛第二次会议,其核心主题是“保护移徙者并赋予移徙者权力以促进发展”,认识到这一问题的重要性,注意到2009年11月2日至5日在希腊雅典举行的全球论坛第三次会议,其首要主题是“将移民政策纳入发展战略以造福全人类”,并注意到2010年11月8日至10日在墨西哥瓦亚尔塔港举行的全球论坛第四次会议,其核心主题是“移徙与人类发展的伙伴关系:共同繁荣——共同负责”。", "444 (英语). 各位部长确认,全球论坛会议可发挥重要作用,将所有利益攸关方聚集在一起,努力充分利用国际移徙带来的发展惠益。 他们还认识到,全球移徙与发展论坛同联合国系统之间交流专门知识、进行协商并加强合作,可产生积极影响。", "445 (英语). 各位部长认识到国际移徙、促进和保护移徙者人权和基本自由与发展之间的关系。", "446号. 各位部长鼓励成员国和国际社会努力促进对国际移徙与发展采取平衡而全面的做法,特别是建立伙伴关系和确保采取协调一致的行动来发展能力,包括管理移徙的能力。 在这方面,部长们请所有成员国根据其相关国际义务和承诺,促进各级合作,应对无证或非正常移徙的挑战,以促成安全、正常和有秩序的移徙进程。", "447号 各位部长注意到2006年9月在纽约举行的国际移徙与发展问题高级别对话的成果,对话的目的是讨论国际移徙与发展的多方面的问题,对话承认了国际移徙、发展与人权之间的关系。 在这方面,部长们欢迎大会决定于2011年就国际移徙与发展问题举行为期一天的非正式专题辩论,并于2013年再举行一次国际移徙问题高级别对话。", "448. (英语). 各位部长欢迎全球移民与发展论坛在2013年大会第六十八届会议期间举行的国际移徙与发展问题高级别对话中正在进行的工作和贡献评估进程。", "449. (英语). 各位部长认识到国际移徙与发展之间的关键联系,重申采取有效举措促进安全移徙和便利劳工自由流动的重要性。 在这方面,他们强调,多哈发展回合结束时应全面解决发展中国家所关切的问题,同时考虑到它们在原籍国和目的地国劳工移徙的积极影响方面的利益和目标。", "450号. 各位部长强调,必须解决移徙的复杂而多变的根源,包括通过处理国际移徙政策中的发展问题。", "451号 各位部长注意到成员国、相关区域和国际政府间组织在区域和国际一级为促进国际移徙与发展方面的对话与合作而采取的举措,包括它们对全面解决国际移徙问题的贡献。", "452号 各位部长欢迎一些东道国通过方案,使移徙者能充分融入社会,为家庭团聚提供便利并促成和谐、容忍和相互尊重的环境,并敦促各国酌情考虑通过类似方案,在遣返时,确保它们实施的机制能够识别并特别保护处于弱势的人,特别是妇女和儿童,并根据其国际义务和承诺,考虑到儿童最大利益和家庭团聚的原则。", "453号 各位部长指出,应鼓励努力使移民充分融入东道国,包括根据每个成员国的法律和具体标准实现家庭团聚。 此外,部长们鼓励目的地国为移徙者与其原籍国的联系提供便利,包括在经济、文化和人文层面。", "454号 部长们强调,移民目的地国需要制定政策,在不带任何偏见或歧视的情况下降低移民向发展中国家汇款的费用。", "455 (英语). 各位部长强调,不能将汇款视为外国直接投资、官方发展援助、债务减免或其他公共发展筹资来源的替代物。 工资通常转移给家庭,主要用于满足接受家庭的部分需要。 移民收入的一大部分用于移民目的国,是对移民目的国经济的国内需求的重要刺激。 此外,汇款的处置及其部署是个人的选择。", "456号 各位部长还强调指出,国际社会必须解决许多发展中国家高技能人员和受过高等教育人员移徙对原籍国发展努力的负面影响。", "457. (英语). 各位部长请尚未加入大会1990年12月18日第45/158号决议通过的《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》的所有国家优先考虑加入该公约。", "458. (英语). 各位部长呼吁联合国系统所有相关机构、机构、基金和方案以及其他相关政府间、区域和次区域组织在各自任务范围内继续处理国际移徙与发展问题,以期以更一致和全面的方式将移徙问题纳入落实包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标的更广阔背景下。", "水费", "459. (英语). 各位部长认识到水和卫生对社会、经济和环境发展的重要性,以及水是可持续发展的关键。 他们回顾了2005年联合国可持续发展委员会第十三届会议和2002年11月联合国经济、社会、文化权利委员会商定的内容,其中承认水作为具有经济、社会和环境功能的重要而有限的自然资源的重要性,并承认人人享有水权。", "460 (英语). 各位部长重申水资源综合管理及其可持续利用的重要性。", "461 (英语). 各位部长呼吁联合国、多边开发银行、区域组织和其他捐助方增加对发展中国家的援助,协助它们努力制定水资源综合管理和用水效率计划,作为其国家发展战略的一部分,并依照《千年宣言》和《约翰内斯堡执行计划》的原则提供安全饮用水和基本卫生设施,到2015年将无法持续获得安全饮用水和基本卫生设施的人口比例减半。", "462 (英语). 各位部长强调,需要通过合作进行联合观测和研究来改善水资源管理和对水循环的科学了解,并为此目的重申需要鼓励和促进知识共享,按照相互商定的办法提供能力建设和技术转让,包括遥感和卫星技术,特别是向发展中国家和经济转型国家提供。", "463 (英语). 各位部长强调必须加强水污染预防工作,以降低健康危害并保护生态系统,方法是采用负担得起的环境卫生技术以及工业和家庭废水处理技术,减轻地下水污染的影响,并在国家一级建立监测系统和有效的法律框架。", "464号. 各位部长确认公平、安全和清洁的饮用水和卫生设施作为实现所有人权的一个组成部分的重要性,在这方面,他们欢迎大会通过关于“享有水和卫生设施的人权”的第64/292号决议和人权理事会所有相关决议。", "465 (英语). 各位部长欢迎2009年2月23-25日在阿曼苏丹国马斯喀特举行77国集团第一次部长级水论坛,并注意到会议通过的《马斯喀特水问题宣言》。", "生物多样性", "466 (英语). 部长们强调,我们生活在一个资源有限、人类活动密集的星球上,特别是发达国家不可持续的生产和消费模式正在影响地球系统的运作。 在这方面,他们表示,土地、森林、河流、海洋、生物多样性、大气、冰川和其他组成部分是这些系统的重要部分,需要加以保护并重新产生,以维持生命的平衡。", "467号. 各位部长确认,必须加强生物多样性的养护和可持续利用,并建立一个公平公正的获取和惠益分享国际制度,以尊重各国对其自然资源的主权权利,并促使公平公平地分享在《生物多样性公约》和其他相关国际文书框架内利用遗传资源和相关传统知识所产生的惠益。", "468 (英语). 各位部长确认2010年10月18日至29日在日本名古屋举行的生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十次会议和作为卡塔赫纳生物安全议定书缔约方会议的第五次会议的重要成果,这些成果为全面执行《生物多样性公约》的三项目标作出了重大贡献,这些目标是保护地球上的生命、人类福祉和可持续发展的必要条件。", "469 (英语). 各位部长还注意到生物多样性公约缔约方大会第十次会议通过了《关于获取遗传资源和公正公平分享利用遗传资源所产生惠益的名古屋议定书》,以及该议定书在促进生物多样性的养护和可持续利用、消除贫穷、环境可持续性和实现千年发展目标方面的潜在作用。", "470. 70. 各位部长呼吁国际社会通过国际金融机制,并通过技术援助、能力建设和技术转让,支持发展中国家努力在可持续基础上养护和管理其生物资源,包括所有类型森林,并在这方面强调需要设立一个全球森林基金,以提供可预测的充足财政资源,不附加任何条件并充分尊重其对资源的主权权利。", "471 (英语). 各位部长重申,必须采取措施,确保可持续管理海洋生物多样性和生态系统,包括鱼类种群,这些都有助于粮食安全、消除饥饿和贫穷的努力,包括通过以生态系统方式管理海洋,并应对气候变化对海洋环境和海洋生物多样性的不利影响。", "472 (英语). 各位部长认识到,世界上数百万居民的生计和发展依赖于珊瑚礁和相关海洋生态系统的健康,因为它们是粮食和收入的主要来源,并且还保护人们免受风暴、海啸和海岸侵蚀。", "473 (英语). 在这方面,部长们注意到各项区域倡议,包括珊瑚三角珊瑚礁、渔业和粮食安全倡议、密克罗尼西亚挑战、加勒比挑战、东热带太平洋海景项目、印度洋挑战、西非养护挑战和美洲区域养护和明智地使用红树林和珊瑚礁区域倡议。 目标之一是促进合作以保护珊瑚礁和相关生态系统。", "474 (英语). 各位部长请发达国家缔约方、国际组织和其他相关利益攸关方采取一切可行步骤,酌情促进、便利和资助向发展中国家转让或获取无害环境技术和专门知识,以使它们能够采取一切必要行动,包括全面管理沿海地区和保护珊瑚礁和相关生态系统。 他们呼吁所有国家促进和开展合作,充分、公开和迅速交流与保护珊瑚礁和相关海洋生态系统有关的科学、技术、技术、社会经济和法律信息。", "死海( 死海)", "475号 各位部长再次对死海独特的生态系统持续恶化和退化表示关切,并着重指出必须逐步努力扭转这一环境灾难。 他们提请国际社会注意需要采取国际行动,通过减让性赠款来保护死海并预防其生态系统进一步环境退化。", "加勒比海", "476号 各位部长再次对继续通过加勒比海水域运输危险废物表示关切。 他们认识到加勒比国家为促进在海洋可持续发展范畴内对加勒比海采取综合管理办法而作的合作努力,欢迎联合国大会题为“为今世后代努力实现加勒比海的可持续发展”的第65/155号决议,并着重指出必须继续努力执行毛里求斯宣言(2005年1月)。 在这方面,他们表示支持旨在宣布加勒比海为“特区”的区域倡议,并保证支持协助促进这一特别脆弱的国家的可持续发展,国际合作仍然是这些国家的一个基本因素,并提请国际社会注意,需要为加勒比海采取国际行动,将其作为可持续发展范畴内的一个特区。", "非法捕鱼和倾倒有毒和有害废物", "477. (英语). 各位部长最强烈地谴责继续在非洲国家和其他发展中国家的土地和领海进行非法捕鱼和倾倒有毒和有害废物的行为。 各位部长要求立即停止这些做法,并呼吁各国政府根据《联合国海洋法公约》(《海洋法公约》)、《控制危险废物越境转移及其处置巴塞尔公约》以及所有相关国际文书规定的法律义务采取行动。", "乍得湖和尼日尔河", "478 (英语). 各位部长对乍得湖的干涸和尼日尔河的收缩表示严重关切,这主要是由于气候变化和人口迅速增长,从而对生物多样性构成严重威胁,并威胁到西非和中非分地区的湖泊和河流周边地区人民的粮食安全和生计。 他们承认受影响国家为扭转这一趋势并应对所带来的挑战而做出的一致努力,因此呼吁国际社会和发展伙伴通过提供具体的财政和技术援助,加强对受影响国家旨在拯救乍得湖和尼日尔河的合作行动框架的支持。", "能源", "479. (英语). 各位部长强调人人享有能源的重要性。 他们强调,必须使能源多样化,办法是开发先进、更清洁、更有效率、负担得起和成本效益高的能源技术,包括矿物燃料技术和可再生能源技术,并以相互商定的减让条件向发展中国家转让这些技术,以促进可持续能源系统,从而增加其对能源供应总量的贡献,同时确认国家倡议和优先事项以及现有的自愿目标的作用,确保能源政策支持发展中国家消除贫穷的努力,并定期评价现有数据以审查这方面的进展情况。 在这方面,部长们欢迎将2012年定为“人人享有可持续能源国际年”。", "480. (英语). 各位部长强调必须通过在清洁和可再生能源领域建立伙伴关系来加强国际合作,特别是在2012年,人人享有可持续能源国际年期间。 他们呼吁发达国家向发展中国家转让更有效率和无害环境的技术,并呼吁联合国促进和推动这样做。", "481 (英语). 各位部长强调,需要以优惠条件,包括减让和优惠条件,加快开发、传播和应用负担得起的更清洁的能源效率和节能技术、新能源和可再生能源技术,并特别向发展中国家转让此类技术。 各位部长欢迎2009年6月18日举行的大会关于能源效率和节能、新能源和可再生能源的专题辩论。 各位部长赞赏地注意到在辩论中提出的建议,特别是关于制定以消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标为重点的联合国综合能源议程;大会拟订和通过建议,包括与全球知识产权制度有关的建议;这些建议为向发展中国家和经济转型国家传播、部署和转让先进能源技术提供便利;以及建立一个转让先进能源技术的国际中心;一个先进能源技术数据库;以及一个得到充分支助的多边基金来资助先进能源技术的开发、转让和应用以及能力建设。 部长们呼吁采取有效的国际措施,以开发、传播和向发展中国家和经济转型国家部署这些技术。", "482 (英语). 各位部长欢迎设立国际可再生能源机构,并选择阿拉伯联合酋长国为该机构的总部。 他们还赞赏地欢迎《原子能机构规约》生效并欣见2011年4月4日至5日在阿拉伯联合酋长国阿布扎比举行了原子能机构大会开幕会议。 他们还鼓励不结盟运动成员国和其他尚未加入国际可再生能源机构的国家考虑加入。 各位部长表示希望在不久的将来看到国际可再生能源机构在促进可持续利用不同形式的可再生能源方面发挥重要而积极的作用。", "483 (英语). 各位部长注意到不结盟运动一些成员国在国际能源市场方面面临的发展挑战。 他们还注意到能源市场的各种复杂不稳定因素,并赞赏不结盟运动国家为稳定能源市场以造福所有人而作的努力。 在这方面,他们支持努力改进能源市场在供求两方面的运作、透明度和信息,以便从能源生产国和消费国的利益出发,实现更大的稳定性和可预测性。 他们同意加强合作,以改善发展中国家获得所有环境上安全和无害的能源,包括替代能源的机会。 他们强调需要加强南北合作并继续开展南南合作,作为实现可持续发展的长期战略的一部分。 他们还强调了各国对其能源资源管理的主权权利。 他们欢迎能源生产国和消费国之间的对话取得进展,特别是在国际能源论坛范围内,并支持加强这种对话的一切努力。 他们欢迎2011年2月在沙特阿拉伯利雅得签署《国际能源论坛宪章》。", "气候变化", "484号 各位部长对气候变化的不利影响加剧表示关切,并呼吁所有国家进行最广泛的合作并参与有效和适当的国际反应,同时考虑到发达国家的历史责任,并遵循共同但有区别的责任原则和各自的能力以及社会和经济条件。 在这方面,部长们重申,《联合国气候变化框架公约》及其《京都议定书》仍然是应对气候变化的合作行动的核心多边框架。 各位部长还强调指出,《气候公约》下的工作进程必须是开放的、由缔约方驱动的、包容的和透明的,并加强多边主义,以根据《公约》的原则和规定,实现《巴厘行动计划》规定的商定结果。", "485 (英语). 各位部长确认在《气候公约》缔约方会议和《京都议定书》缔约方会议框架内就气候变化问题开展谈判进程的重要性。", "486页。 各位部长注意到2009年12月在哥本哈根举行的《气候公约》缔约方会议第十五届会议和《京都议定书》缔约方会议第五届会议。 他们还注意到2010年12月在坎昆举行的《气候公约》第16^ (th)届缔约方会议和《京都议定书》缔约方会议。", "487 (英语). 各位部长认识到,按照《巴厘岛行动计划》的授权,《公约》之下的长期合作行动问题特设工作组(长期合作行动特设工作组)和附件一缔约方在《京都议定书》之下的进一步承诺问题特设工作组(进一步承诺特设工作组)在两条轨道上正在进行的重要谈判,并重申迫切需要在《气候公约》缔约方会议第十七届会议和作为《京都议定书》缔约方会议的《公约》缔约方会议(《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议)第七届会议上,按照《巴厘岛行动计划》的规定,通过目前、2012年之前和2012年以后的长期合作行动,使《气候公约》能够充分、有效和持续地得到落实。", "488. (英语). 各位部长申明,他们坚定不移地致力于合作并建设性地促进《气候公约》缔约方会议第十七届会议/《议定书》/《公约》缔约方会议第七届会议取得成功,以确保所商定的结果包括根据《公约》和《巴厘岛行动计划》的原则和规定采取长期合作行动来应对气候变化,以及缔约方对《京都议定书》第二个承诺期的明确承诺,以实现《公约》的最终目标。", "489. (英语). 各位部长重申了发达国家应率先应对气候变化的基本原则,并表示严重关切特设工作组下的谈判陷入僵局,并再次强调迫切需要为《京都议定书》下第二期及其后各承诺期制定量化的减排承诺。 他们敦促发达国家在以后的承诺期内根据《京都议定书》作出雄心勃勃和更大的承诺,并确保第一个承诺期和以后的承诺期之间没有差距。", "490 (英语). 各位部长感兴趣地注意到厄瓜多尔政府在《气候公约》自愿缓解措施下提出的 \" 避免净排放量作为减少二氧化碳排放量的替代机制 \" 的构想。", "491号 各位部长还重申,需要采取紧急行动,支持发展中国家采取的适应和自愿缓解措施,并在全球一级加强合作,以解决荒漠化、土地退化和毁林等问题,并呼吁国际社会根据《气候公约》规定的标准,优先考虑发展中国家的需求,同时考虑到特别脆弱的发展中国家的需要,并提供长期、充足、扩大规模、可预测、新的和额外的资金、技术开发和支持以及能力建设。 将优先考虑特别脆弱的发展中国家,特别是地势低洼的沿海、干旱和半干旱地区、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及易受洪水、干旱和荒漠化、生态系统脆弱、面临与气候变化有关的更频繁的极端和灾难性事件和趋势的发展中国家缔约方。", "492 (英语). 各位部长对过去几年来沙尘暴对居民,特别是非洲和亚洲居民的社会经济状况造成重大损害表示关切。 他们确认成员国在区域国际层面为控制和减少对脆弱区域人类住区的不利影响而作的努力和合作。 在这方面,部长们欢迎伊朗伊斯兰共和国主动提出于2010年9月29日在德黑兰主办一次区域部长级环境会议,伊朗、伊拉克、土耳其、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国和卡塔尔在会上同意合作,在今后五年内控制本区域的沙尘暴。", "493号. 各位部长敦促国际社会协助发展中国家应对气候变化的不利影响,特别是通过新的、额外的、基于赠款的和可预测的财政资源、能力建设以及以减让和优惠条件获得和转让技术。 部长们重申,发达国家承诺向发展中国家提供用于气候变化的资金和技术转让,应在《气候公约》及其《京都议定书》之下履行。 缔约方大会。", "494 (英语). 各位部长鼓励加强南南合作,以通过技术合作和能力建设方案支持发展中国家应对气候变化的影响。", "495 (英语). 各位部长强调,海洋和沿海为支持人类提供了宝贵的资源和服务,可持续地使用海洋生物资源将加强全球粮食安全,并增强今世后代应对气候变化的能力;他们还强调必须制定全面的适应措施,以应对气候变化对海洋和沿海的影响,包括加强能力建设,加强科学监测活动并推行无害环境的沿海和海洋综合管理政策。", "人权和基本自由[29]", "496号. 各位部长重申不结盟运动关于人权和基本自由的原则立场的有效性和相关性,具体如下:", "1. 联合国 各位部长重申,不结盟运动高度重视促进和保护人权,并承诺履行义务,根据《联合国宪章》、其他适当人权文书和国际法,促进普遍尊重、遵守和保护所有普遍公认的所有人的人权和基本自由。 他们进一步重申,所有人权,特别是发展权,都是普遍、不可剥夺、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的;人权问题必须在全球背景下,通过基于对话的建设性、非对抗性、非政治化和非选择性对话办法,以公正和平等的方式加以解决,以客观、尊重国家主权和领土完整、不干涉国家内政、公正、非选择性和透明度为指导原则,同时考虑到每个国家的政治、历史、社会、宗教和文化特点。 在这方面,他们重申不结盟运动对严重和有系统地侵犯人权和基本自由和严重妨碍充分享受人权和基本自由的情况,以及侵犯充分享受人权和基本自由的暴力行为和活动所持的失望和明确谴责;", "2. 联合国 各位部长还重申反对所有单方面胁迫性措施,包括用作对任何国家,特别是发展中国家施加政治或经济和金融压力的手段的措施。 他们重申,在任何情况下都不应剥夺人民自己的生存和发展手段。 部长们还表示关切继续实行这种措施,妨碍受影响国家人民的福祉并阻碍充分实现其人权;", "3个 各位部长还重申,铭记《联合国宪章》,经济和金融制裁总是会给《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约》所承认的权利,特别是实现发展权带来负面影响。 它们常常给食品、药品和卫生用品的分发造成重大干扰,危及食品质量和清洁饮用水的供应,严重干扰基本卫生和教育系统的运作,并损害工作权,是目标国家发展的严重障碍;", " 4.四. 各位部长表示关切的是,以言论自由权为由对宗教的诽谤被错误地辩解,忽视了相关人权文书,包括《世界人权宣言》第29段和《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第19条第3款明确规定的限制,包括条约机构的相关建议,并强调所有国家需要继续在国际上作出努力,加强不同文明、文化和宗教之间的对话并增进彼此之间的了解,并强调各国、区域组织、非政府组织、宗教团体和媒体在促进容忍、尊重以及宗教和信仰自由方面可发挥重要作用。 他们重申《公约》所有缔约国根据第二十条所应承担的义务,该条禁止鼓吹构成煽动歧视、敌视或暴力的种族或宗教仇恨。 他们还欢迎经人权理事会第7/36号决议修订的增进和保护见解和言论自由权问题特别报告员的任务;", "5 (韩语). 各位部长重申,思想、言论和传播思想和信息的自由是行使民主的基础。 他们还表示,应当根据相关的国家立法框架和联合国文书负责任地行使这些自由;", "6. 国家 各位部长申明,虽然有必要协调人权条约机构报告程序准则,但应当作出更大努力,确保这些机构的工作更加有效、客观、透明和负责,并根据公平地域代表性、性别均衡原则,确保这些机构的成员更加均衡,并确保被提名在条约机构任职的成员以个人身份任职,品德高尚,公正无私,在人权领域具有能力;", "7. 联合国 各位部长对人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)的人员配置中不结盟国家无人任职和任职人数不足表示关切,同时铭记必须遵守公平地域分配原则的根本重要性;", "8. 联合国 他们重申,联合国人权事务高级专员应按照联合国大会第48/141号决议规定的任务履行职责,包括每年向作为联合国普遍机构的大会提出报告;", "9. 国家 各位部长再次强调,应禁止利用和利用人权作为达到政治目的的手段,包括出于无关考虑有选择地针对个别国家,这违反了不结盟运动的基本原则和《联合国宪章》。 他们敦促在讨论人权问题时充分注意贫困、发展不足、边缘化、不稳定和外国占领等问题,这些问题造成社会和经济排斥,并侵犯人的尊严和人权,这些问题不能与与人权有关的任何有意义的讨论分开;", "10个 各位部长重申,国家和国际两级的民主和善政、发展以及尊重所有人权和基本自由,特别是发展权,是相互依存和相辅相成的。 出于任何原因或考虑,对发展中国家采取胁迫性的单方面措施、规则和政策,都是对其人民基本权利的公然侵犯。 各国必须促进消除赤贫和饥饿的努力(千年发展目标1)并促使社会最贫穷成员参与决策进程;", "11个 各位部长重申,饥饿是对人类尊严的侵犯,并呼吁在国家、区域和国际各级采取紧急措施消除饥饿。 他们还重申,根据食物权和人人免于饥饿的基本权利,人人有权获得安全和有营养的食物,以便充分发展和维持其身心能力。 各位部长认识到粮食安全对实现所有人的食物权的重要性;", "12个 各位部长再次对恐怖主义行为,包括外国占领国在被外国占领的领土上犯下的恐怖主义行为,严重侵犯人权和基本自由,特别是生命权和发展权的行为表示关切,并再次根据联合国有关决议,谴责一切形式和表现的恐怖主义行为、方法和做法;", "13个 各位部长强调,他们对公然无视生命和随之而来的财产被肆意破坏日益关切和失望,最近在被占领巴勒斯坦领土和包括被占领的叙利亚戈兰和黎巴嫩在内的其他阿拉伯被占领土上就证明了这一点。 各位部长欢迎通过人权理事会第5/1号决议,其中决定将“巴勒斯坦被占领土和其他阿拉伯被占领土的人权状况”作为一个常设议程项目列入理事会;", "14个 各位部长还欢迎人权理事会常会和特别会议以及大会第十届紧急特别会议续会最近就巴勒斯坦被占领土,特别是加沙地带的局势所通过的决议;", "15个 各位部长重申处于殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取民族解放和自决的权利;", "16号. 各位部长重申,需要努力进一步加强和促进尊重人权和基本自由,并需要建立符合人民需要的民主体制和健全的经济政策。 在这方面,他们重申需要核心原则,例如公平、不歧视、透明度、问责制、参与和国际合作,包括在国际金融、货币和贸易制度中的伙伴关系和承诺,以及发展中国家充分而有效地参与决策和规范制定;", "17岁。 各位部长欢迎最近最高政治级别的妇女选举,并着重指出,必须根据千年发展目标3“促进两性平等并赋予妇女权力”促进妇女平等参与不结盟运动成员国的政治制度。 在这方面,部长们非常感兴趣地注意到联合国促进妇女参与领导联合国高级官员结构的新政策;", "18岁。 各位部长欢迎2010年9月1日至3日在纽约举行的《残疾人权利公约》缔约国第三次会议,并致力于促进残疾人在平等基础上充分享有人权和基本自由。 各位部长请所有尚未加入《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》的国家考虑加入这些文书;", " 19. 19. 各位部长对欧洲议会2008年6月18日通过的“遣返非法逗留的第三国国民的共同标准和程序”深表关切。 他们强调,该指令严重违反了相关的国际人权文书,特别是《世界人权宣言》和劳工组织的相关公约。 他们还强调这项指令具有歧视性,其效果是将移徙定为犯罪,并加剧社会紧张局势、种族主义、种族歧视和仇外心理并导致虐待移民及其家属;", "20号. 各位部长强调,所有国家都需要通过平等的合作对话解决国际移徙问题,在这方面,强烈敦促欧洲联盟及其成员国不要采取任何羞辱某些群体或个人,包括第三国国民及其家属的措施,并请这些国家考虑签署和批准《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》;", "21岁 各位部长对一些国家通过的立法及其解释、做法和措施以及立法举措表示关切,它们可能导致歧视性待遇并限制移徙者的人权和基本自由,重申各国在行使主权权利颁布和执行移徙和边境安全措施时,有义务遵守其根据国际法,包括国际人权法所应承担的义务,以确保充分尊重移徙者的人权;", "22号. 各位部长强烈谴责针对移徙者的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为的各种表现和行为,并谴责经常对他们抱有的成见,包括基于宗教或信仰的成见,并敦促各国在对移徙者采取仇外或不容忍行为、表现或言论时,适用并在需要时加强现行法律,以根除实施仇外或种族主义行为者逍遥法外的现象;", "23. 联合国 各位部长还重申,各国有责任根据《世界人权宣言》及其所加入的国际文书,切实促进和保护所有移徙者,特别是妇女和儿童的人权和基本自由,不论其移民身份如何。", "497 (英语). 各位部长认识到人权学习和教育对增进和保护人权的重要性,并在这方面欢迎人权理事会以协商一致方式通过了与《联合国人权教育和培训宣言》有关的第16/1号决议。", "498. (英语). 各位部长赞赏地注意到,大会通过了《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》,这是实现平等对待所有人权的积极而重要的一步。", "499. (英语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施和举措:", "1. 联合国 增进和保护所有各国人民得到普遍承认的一切人权和基本自由,特别是发展权,并提供一个有效的框架,包括根据不结盟运动的相关基本原则、《联合国宪章》和国际人权文书,根据各国不论其政治、经济和文化制度为何所负义务,补救对人权和基本自由的不满或侵犯;", "2. 联合国 考虑签署和批准《经济、社会、文化权利国际公约任择议定书》,以使其生效;", "3个 促进国际治理制度的民主化,以使发展中国家更有效地参与国际决策;", " 4.四. 敦促发达国家与发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家建立有效的伙伴关系,如新伙伴关系和其他类似倡议,以实现发展权,包括实现千年发展目标;", "5 (韩语). 强调坚持《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及不结盟运动的基本原则,反对并谴责在促进和保护人权方面的选择性和双重标准,并谴责一切为政治目的利用或利用人权作为手段的企图;", "6. 国家 重申需要维护人权理事会普遍定期审议机制免遭政治化和双重标准,并需要防止其被滥用和被操纵,以维护人权理事会的合作做法;", "7. 联合国 加强不结盟运动的存在,在主要国际论坛,特别是人权理事会、经社理事会和联合国大会第三委员会进行审议期间推进不结盟运动的立场,为增强上述联合国实体在促进和保护所有人权方面的协调与合作作出贡献;", "8. 在大会第三委员会和人权理事会酌情更新并介绍关于下列问题的决议草案:发展权;人权与单方面胁迫性措施;促进人权条约机构成员名额的公平地域分配原则;人权和文化多样性;加强人权领域的国际合作;考虑发起其他倡议,促进尊重不结盟运动在这一国际合作领域的原则立场;", "9. 国家 增进和保护所有普遍公认的人权,特别是发展权,这是一项普遍和不可剥夺的权利,也是所有普遍公认的人权和基本自由的组成部分;", "10个 各位部长重申《联合国千年宣言》所阐明的实现所有人的发展权的目标,并适当考虑单方面经济和金融胁迫措施对实现发展权的不利影响;", "11个 4. 敦促所有国家在打击恐怖主义和跨国犯罪时,确保更好地保护本国人民,并在此方面还敦促所有国家确保其关于打击恐怖主义的国家法律或立法不限制个人权利,确保这些权利不具有歧视性或仇外心理;并敦促所有国家确保为打击恐怖主义而采取的任何措施都符合其根据国际法,特别是国际人权法、难民法和人道主义法承担的义务;", "12个 4. 努力争取在国际一级更大程度地接受、运用和实现发展权,敦促所有国家在国家一级制订必要的政策并采取必要措施,将发展权作为一项基本人权加以落实,还敦促所有国家在促进实现发展权的有效国际合作范围内,扩大并深化互利合作,确保发展和消除发展障碍,同时铭记要在落实发展权方面取得持久进展,就必须在国家一级制定有效的发展政策并在国际一级建立公平的经济关系和有利的经济环境;", "13个 敦促联合国人权机制确保优先落实发展权,包括由有关机构拟订《发展权公约》,同时考虑到有关倡议的建议;[30]", "14个 提议并努力召开一次由联合国赞助的发展权问题高级别国际会议;", "15个 将发展权纳入联合国及其专门机构、方案和基金的政策和业务活动以及国际金融和多边贸易体系的政策和战略的主流,在这方面考虑到国际经济、商业和金融领域的核心原则,如公平、不歧视、透明、问责、参与和国际合作,包括有效的发展伙伴关系,对于实现发展权和防止因政治或其他非经济考虑而对发展中国家所关切的问题给予歧视性待遇是必不可少的;", "16号. 在相关的政府间论坛,特别是大会和经济及社会理事会以及人权理事会,推进不结盟运动的共同立场并改进协调,以加强国际合作与协调,增进和保护所有人权和基本自由;", "17岁。 积极参与人权理事会的审议进程,以确保不结盟运动的立场得到适当考虑并纳入该进程的最后成果文件;", "18岁。 考虑召开一次关于在国际武装冲突中保护平民人权问题的不结盟运动会议;", " 19. 19. 鼓励现有的独立的国家人权机构,包括现有的监察员,在公正和客观的基础上,在促进和保护本国所有人权和基本自由方面发挥建设性作用,并在这方面请联合国人权事务高级专员办事处应有关国家政府的请求,为国家机构的设立和运作提供更多的援助。 各位部长还欣见大会以协商一致的方式通过了题为“监察员、调解员和其他国家人权机构在促进和保护人权方面的作用”的A/RES/65/207号决议;", "20号. 呼吁不结盟运动成员国和国际社会支持作为联合国大会附属机构而成立的人权理事会的客观和有效运作,并强调需要确保理事会的工作不出现任何政治化、双重标准和选择性;", "21岁 捍卫和促进不结盟运动在国际劳工组织(劳工组织)范围内的立场,并为此目的:", "(a) 继续在每次国际劳工大会框架内举行不结盟运动劳工部长会议;", "(b) 继续提高透明度并促使所有行为者更加民主地参与劳工组织的机制和程序;", "(c) 贯彻和支持2007年6月在日内瓦举行的第96届国际劳工大会通过的不结盟运动劳工部长两项宣言所载关于改革标准适用委员会工作方法和扩大结社自由委员会的协议;", "(d) 重申他们决心并致力于全面执行2009年6月15日在日内瓦举行的不结盟运动劳工部长会议通过的关于上述2007年6月两项不结盟运动宣言的后续行动和“国际劳工组织与国际金融和经济危机90周年”的宣言;", "(e) 在这方面欢迎2009年6月举行的国际劳工大会第九十八届会议通过的《全球就业契约》,特别是其强调当前全球金融和经济危机的社会层面,并着重指出应对危机的社会办法,将就业和劳工问题与社会保护放在一揽子刺激计划和其他相关政策的核心,以应对危机。", "种族主义、种族歧视和奴隶制", "五百来. 各位部长重申,他们谴责一切形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为,包括与此有关的纲领和活动,因为它们严重侵犯了人权和基本自由并阻碍了平等机会。 他们提醒国际社会维持其认识,即奴隶制和奴隶贸易,包括跨大西洋奴隶贸易,是危害人类罪;奴隶制、奴隶贸易、殖民主义、外国占领、外国统治、种族灭绝和其他形式的奴役的后遗症表现在发展中世界的贫穷、不发达、边缘化、社会排斥和经济差距上。", "501号 各位部长欢迎通过关于废除跨大西洋贩卖奴隶及其后果的大会第61/19和62/122号决议,以及关于奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为受害者永久纪念碑和对受害者的纪念的大会第63/5和64/15号决议。", "502号 各位部长还欣见大会通过第65/239号决议,回顾指定3月25日为一年一度的 \" 奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为受害者国际纪念日 \" ,重申关于跨大西洋贩卖奴隶和奴隶制的宣传教育方案的重要性,该方案涉及各种宣传教育战略,以提高人们对跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为的根源、后果、教训和遗产的认识并教育子孙后代,宣传种族主义和偏见的危险,并鼓励在这方面继续采取行动。 他们赞同并支持目前为在联合国总部设立奴隶制和跨大西洋贩卖奴隶行为受害者永久纪念碑而正在作出的努力。 他们还欢迎为此目的设立一个基金,并表示赞赏已经向该基金提供捐款的成员国,并鼓励其他国家也这样做。", "503号 各位部长表示严重关切当代形式奴役和贩运人口对人权和发展造成的消极影响,并严重关切各国日益容易受到此类罪行的伤害。 他们重申需要共同努力打击当代形式的奴役和人口贩运。", "504号 各位部长对基于宗教或信仰或不同体系的宗教和文化偏见、误解、不容忍和歧视等事件表示失望,这些事件会损害所有人权和基本自由的享受并妨碍促进和平文化。 多元主义、宽容以及对宗教和文化多样性的理解对和平与和谐至关重要。 偏见、歧视、陈规定型以及种族、宗教和宗派定性的行为是对人的尊严和平等的侮辱,应予以宽恕。 尊重民主和人权以及促进政府的理解和容忍以及少数群体之间和少数群体之间的理解和容忍是促进和保护人权的核心。 他们重申,各国有义务确保不受歧视地并在法律面前完全平等地充分享有所有人权和基本自由。", "505 (英语). 在这方面,部长们欢迎会员国与教科文组织协调,通过在国家、区域和国际各级开展的各种活动和举措,为2010年庆祝联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)所宣布的国际文化和睦年作出贡献。 他们还呼吁所有国家考虑是否可能宣布联合国宗教间和文化间对话、理解与合作以促进和平十年。", "506号 各位部长回顾不结盟运动反对一切形式的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关的不容忍行为,并表示严重关切当代形式的这种可憎罪行在世界各地重新抬头,同时注意到各国在国家、区域和国际各级不断取得的进展,重点是反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议的全面后续行动和有效执行《德班宣言和行动纲领》。 为此,部长们敦促人权理事会通过为此而成立的政府间工作组,完成拟订《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》补充标准的工作。", "507号 各位部长核可了2009年4月20日至24日在日内瓦举行的德班审查会议的成果文件。 在这方面,他们重申,2001年反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象世界会议通过的《德班宣言和行动纲领》作为指导性文件是反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关的不容忍现象的坚实基础。", "508号 各位部长再次呼吁发达国家、联合国及其专门机构以及国际金融机构履行《德班宣言和行动纲领》题为“在国家、区域和国际各级提供有效补救、补救、补救和其他措施”的第四节所载的承诺。", "509号. 各位部长强调,需要以更大的决心和政治意愿,在所有生活领域和世界各地,包括在外国占领下的所有人,消除一切形式和表现的种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为。", "510 (英语). 各位部长注意到,德班审查会议决心按照《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第二十条的规定,全面有效地禁止任何构成煽动歧视、敌意或暴力的鼓吹民族、种族或宗教仇恨的行为,并通过所有必要立法、政策和司法措施予以实施。", "511. (英语). 各位部长呼吁所有会员国,包括没有参加反对种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和有关不容忍行为世界会议(2001年)和德班审查会议(2009年)的会员国,执行《德班宣言和行动纲领》和德班审查会议成果文件的所有规定,以打击种族主义、种族歧视、仇外心理和相关不容忍行为的祸害。", "512. (英语). 各位部长欢迎即将于2011年9月21日在纽约举行的由国家元首和政府首脑参加的纪念《德班宣言和行动纲领》通过十周年大会高级别会议。 部长们期待着通过政治宣言。 部长们鼓励联合国所有会员国以尽可能高的级别参加会议。", "国际人道主义 法律", "513. (英语). 各位部长敦促继续适当优先重视促进了解、尊重和遵守缔约国根据国际人道主义法承担的义务,特别是1949年日内瓦四公约及其1977年议定书承担的义务,并鼓励各国考虑批准或加入1977年两项附加议定书。 在这方面,考虑到占领国以色列在巴勒斯坦被占领土上严重和持续地违反和违反国际法,包括国际人道主义法,部长们呼吁瑞士政府作为日内瓦四公约的保存国,迅速安排一次日内瓦第四公约缔约国会议,以采取法律措施,确保在这种情况下尊重和遵守这些公约。", "514号 各位部长呼吁武装冲突各方加倍努力,遵守国际人道主义法规定的义务,除其他外,禁止在武装冲突期间以平民、平民财产和某些特殊财产为攻击目标,并责成任何冲突各方确保普遍保护平民设施、医院和救济物资、运输工具以及此类救济物资的分发免受军事行动所造成危险。", "515 (英语). 各位部长重申,不结盟运动谴责对人道主义人员的安全保障的攻击日益增加,并敦促联合国会员国政府确保按照有关国际法保护人道主义组织人员。 人道主义机构及其人员应尊重国际人道主义法及其在各国工作的法律,并遵守大会第46/182号决议及其附件所阐明的人道主义援助指导原则和不干涉原则,以及其活动所在国人民的文化、宗教和其他价值观。", "516. (英语). 各位部长回顾了国际人道主义法和有关人权文书对在国际武装冲突中被俘人员提供的保护。", "517号 各位部长根据并遵循上述原则立场,并申明需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,商定除其他外采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 请尚未批准1954年《关于发生武装冲突时保护文化财产的海牙公约》及其两项附加议定书的国家考虑批准这些文书;", "2. 联合国 敦促各国充分遵守国际人道主义法的规定,特别是日内瓦四公约的规定,以保护和援助被占领土上的平民,并还敦促国际社会和联合国系统内的相关组织加强对外国占领下平民的人道主义援助;", "3个 强调指出,必须人道地对待在国际武装冲突中被俘的所有被拘留者或被俘人员并尊重国际人道主义法和有关人权文书赋予他们的固有尊严。", "518. (英语). 在这方面,部长们注意到印度尼西亚政府于2010年11月8日至9日主办了国际人道主义法和保护平民问题区域讲习班。", "人道主义援助", "519. (英语). 各位部长重申,提供人道主义援助不应政治化,必须充分尊重大会第46/182号决议及其附件所阐明的人道、中立和公正原则,这些原则为协调人道主义援助提供了指导原则,并强调指出,联合国所有人道主义实体和相关组织必须按照各自的任务规定、国际人道主义法和国内法行事。 他们还重申,必须根据《联合国宪章》充分尊重各国的主权、领土完整和国家统一。 在这方面,他们强调,提供人道主义援助应当遵循受灾国请求和同意的原则。", "520 (英语). 各位部长重申不结盟运动承诺加强国际合作,以充分遵守《联合国宪章》提供人道主义援助,在这方面,他们重申不结盟运动拒绝所谓的人道主义干预的 \" 权利 \" ,这在《联合国宪章》或国际法中都没有依据。", "521. (英语). 各位部长强调人道主义援助的基本民事性质,并再次申明,在使用军事能力和资产支持人道主义援助执行的情况下,必须征得受灾国同意,并遵循国内法、国际法,包括人道主义法,并充分尊重大会第46/182号决议所制定的原则,才能使用人道主义援助。", "522 (英语). 各位部长呼吁国际社会为各级紧急人道主义援助提供充分支持,包括提供财政资源,并强调需要继续由大会对联合国中央应急基金(应急基金)所开展活动采取后续行动、进行监督和审查,以确保该基金按照联合国有关决议,特别是大会第46/182号决议所载的商定原则运作。 他们重申必须迅速分配中央应急基金的资源,作为向受影响国家提供紧急人道主义援助的一部分。", "523号 各位部长重申,在加强实地人道主义援助的协调时,联合国人道主义实体必须继续同各国政府密切协调,并遵循正在执行的向受影响人口提供援助的国家政策和方案,部长们还重申,联合国人道主义实体必须根据国际人道主义法的规定,协调工作,向生活在外国占领下的平民提供人道主义援助。", "524. (英语). 各位部长敦促努力加强联合国人道主义实体、其他相关人道主义组织和捐助国同受灾国的合作与协调,以有助于早日恢复以及可持续恢复和重建工作的方式规划和提供紧急人道主义援助。", "525. (英语). 各位部长对世界各地自然灾害,特别是海地和巴基斯坦以及非洲大陆许多地区自然灾害造成的悲惨生命损失所造成的人类痛苦和经济影响表示关切。 他们鼓励国际社会、国家当局和非政府组织通过加强应急准备和减灾及应对管理措施,如区域灾害、预警系统和信息交流等,促进更密切合作应对自然灾害。", "526. (英语). 各位部长鼓励联合国系统尽一切努力,加快将减少风险工作充分纳入其所有方案和活动并将其纳入主流,以确保它有助于实现《兵库行动框架》和千年发展目标。 此外,部长们还确认联合国在减少灾害风险方面工作的重要性,以及对减灾战略秘书处日益增长的要求,以及需要为执行减灾战略提供更多、及时、稳定和可预测的资源;在这方面,请秘书长考虑如何在考虑到减灾战略秘书处所发挥的重要作用的情况下,最好地支持减灾战略的执行,以确保战略秘书处的运作有足够的资源。", "527. (英语). 各位部长还表示关切限制国际人道主义反应系统应对最近一些自然灾害所构成的大规模挑战的能力和协调限制。", "528. (英语). 各位部长注意到,印度尼西亚政府于2010年8月4日至6日主办了2010年亚太区域人道主义伙伴关系讲习班:加强备灾和救灾能力。", "529. (英语). 各位部长表示声援哥伦比亚、海地、印度尼西亚、巴基斯坦、萨尔瓦多、圣卢西亚、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯2009年和2010年地震、飓风和洪水给加勒比和亚洲区域造成严重不利影响,并重申他们打算今后加强不结盟运动国家在减少灾害风险领域的协调与合作。", "530 (英语). 各位部长还鼓励各国履行承诺,向易遭受自然灾害的发展中国家和处于物质、社会和经济可持续恢复过渡阶段的受灾国家提供援助,在灾后恢复中开展减少风险活动并开展恢复进程。", "531. (英语). 各位部长认识到不结盟运动协调其人道主义援助立场的重要性,在这方面,他们请协调局按照2006年在哈瓦那举行的第十四届不结盟运动首脑会议的决定,使不结盟运动人道主义事务联络小组开始运作,并考虑设立一个不结盟运动人道主义援助工作组并尽快讨论、商定和确定该小组的职权范围。 部长们一致认为,必须加强向不结盟运动受影响的成员国提供援助和援助的机制,包括设立一个减灾和流离失所者机构的可能性。", "532号 各位部长呼吁联合国会员国在这方面充分遵守国际人道主义法的规定,特别是1949年8月12日关于保护战争受难者的日内瓦四公约的规定,以保护和援助被占领土上的平民,并敦促国际社会和联合国系统相关组织加强对外国占领下平民的人道主义和其他援助。", "533号 各位部长表示支持在人道主义紧急情况下向所有受影响人口提供教育,包括协助从救济平稳过渡到发展。", "信息和通信技术", "534. (英语). 各位部长重申,必须执行和落实在日内瓦和突尼斯举行的信息社会世界首脑会议这两个阶段的成果。 在这方面,他们强调不结盟国家对实现首脑会议以发展为导向的成果、突尼斯承诺和充分执行信息社会议程所作出的贡献的重要性,并敦促联合国会员国、联合国有关机构和其他政府间组织以及包括非政府组织和私营部门在内的民间社会执行这些成果。", "535 (英语). 各位部长重申,为了将数字鸿沟转化为数字机会,这些活动应确保必须普遍、包容和无歧视地获得与信通技术有关的信息和知识,并导致支持发展中国家在建设、改善和加强能力方面的国家努力,以促使它们真正参与信息社会和知识经济的各个方面。 他们鼓励所有国家作出积极贡献,确保信息社会建立在文化特征、文化和语言多样性、传统和宗教以及道德价值观的基础上并激励对这些价值观的尊重。", "536号 各位部长对发达国家和发展中国家之间在获取信通技术工具和宽带连接方面存在的数字鸿沟表示关切,这一鸿沟影响到诸如政府、企业、卫生和教育等领域的许多经济和社会相关应用,并对发展中国家在宽带连接领域面临的特殊挑战表示关切。", "537. (英语). 各位部长呼吁媒体按照行为守则和职业道德准则负责任地使用和处理信息,一切形式的媒体都在信息社会中发挥重要作用,信通技术应在这方面起支持作用。 他们重申必须减少影响媒体的国际不平衡现象,特别是在基础设施、技术资源和人才技能发展方面。", "538. (英语). 各位部长高度赞扬马来西亚主持第六次不结盟国家新闻部长会议,并高度赞扬委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国成功主办了2008年7月2日至4日在玛格丽塔岛举行的第七次不结盟国家新闻部长会议,并赞扬会议通过的实质性成果文件和《行动纲领》,并表示不结盟运动决心并致力于执行其中所载的各项决定和建议。", "539. (英语). 各位部长一致认为,必须加强和巩固不结盟运动新闻网的工作。 各位部长对马来西亚自2003年成立以来发起和支持国家网络表示赞赏。", "540 (英语). 各位部长强调自愿资助日内瓦设立的数字团结基金的重要性,该基金是一个自愿性质的创新性金融机制,向感兴趣的利益攸关方开放,目的是将数字鸿沟转化为发展中世界的数字机会,主要侧重于地方一级的具体和紧急需要并寻求新的自愿“团结”资金来源。 DSF将补充为信息社会供资的现有机制,应继续充分利用这一机制来为新的信通技术基础设施和服务的增长提供资金。", "541号 各位部长表示反对传播歧视性和歪曲发展中国家所发生事件的信息。 在这方面,他们坚决支持为振兴不结盟国家广播组织(BONAC)而作的努力,该组织是向世界传播发展中国家事件实况的有效媒介。 他们还注意到“南方新电视台”在这方面的宝贵经验。", "542号 各位部长重申支持《信息社会突尼斯议程》,特别是其发展内容,并强调指出,发展中国家必须有效参与落实信息社会世界首脑会议进程的成果,包括因特网治理论坛和加强合作。", "543号 部长们强调信息社会世界首脑会议的结论,即根据日内瓦原则开展的互联网治理是信息社会议程的一个核心问题,各国政府应在国际互联网治理方面发挥平等的作用和责任,并请会员国最大限度地参与互联网治理决策,以体现它们在相关进程中的利益。 他们还重申信息社会世界峰会的信念,即需要加强合作,使各国政府能够在与互联网有关的国际公共政策问题上平等地发挥作用并履行职责。 各位部长对首脑会议第二阶段《信息社会突尼斯议程》第69至71段中提到的联合国秘书长启动加强合作进程的长期拖延深表关切。 因此,他们再次强烈敦促联合国秘书长紧急启动这一进程。", "544. (英语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,并确认需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,部长们商定采取以下措施和举措:", "1. 联合国 努力全面执行和落实信息社会世界首脑会议两个阶段的成果,并在这方面促进不结盟运动国家有效而公平地参与这一进程;", "2. 联合国 加强合作,在普遍、包容和无歧视地获得与信息和通信技术有关的信息和知识的基础上,促进世界信息和通信新秩序,以此作为缩小发达国家和发展中国家之间日益扩大的数字鸿沟的一项基本要求;", "3个 考虑举行一次关于适当使用和管理互联网的不结盟运动讲习班,以分享这一领域的最佳做法和经验教训;", " 4.四. 呼吁立即停止滥用媒体来煽动和发动反对不结盟运动成员国的运动,除其他外,包括敌视性地使用违反国际法原则的广播和电子传播,以及传播歧视性和歪曲发展中国家事件的信息,并开展诋毁宗教、文化和象征的运动;", "5 (韩语). 支持和加强执行《玛格丽塔岛宣言和行动纲领》;", "6. 国家 在联合国和有关国际组织和机构,包括教科文组织,特别是在政府间通信发展方案(通信发展方案)的范围内,协调不结盟运动在有关通信和信息问题上的努力;", "7. 联合国 支持和加强国际电联在援助其成员国特别是发展中国家方面的作用。", "提高妇女地位", "545 (英语). 各位部长再次承诺不结盟运动将执行第四次妇女问题世界会议通过的《宣言》和《行动纲要》,并完全支持2000年6月联合国大会第二十三届特别会议通过的“进一步行动和倡议”所载的五年期审查和评价结果。", "546 (英语). 各位部长欢迎妇女地位委员会第五十四届会议的成果与《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》执行情况第15次年度审查同时举行,还欢迎2010年举行的大会第二十三届特别会议的成果。", "547. (英语). 各位部长表示决心消除对妇女和女童的一切形式歧视和暴力,特别是在武装冲突和外国占领的情况下,包括冲突各方有系统地利用绑架和强奸,包括将其作为战争工具,以及贩运和伤害妇女和女童。 他们对这种行为的继续表示憎恶。 在这方面,他们呼吁各国采取必要措施打击此类行为的肇事者,并确保尊重国际法和国内立法,包括在武装冲突中保护妇女和女童的立法。 他们还请尚未批准或加入《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》的国家考虑批准或加入该公约,并鼓励缔约国考虑签署、批准或加入该公约的《任择议定书》。", "548. (英语). 部长们重申大会和经济及社会理事会的主要和基本作用,以及妇女地位委员会的中心作用,该委员会具有广泛的授权,涉及与妇女发展、人权和基本自由有关的所有方面。", "549. (英语). 各位部长重申并强调了不结盟运动关于联合国机构改革的原则立场的有效性和相关性,并强调指出,改革的目的,包括在两性平等领域,是使联合国发展系统在支持发展中国家根据本国发展战略实现国际商定的发展目标方面更有效率和效力,改革工作应可提高组织效率并取得具体的发展成果。", "550 (英语). 部长们表示赞赏埃及在提高妇女地位和赋予妇女权力方面发挥的重要作用。 在这方面,他们欢迎埃及主动邀请不结盟运动第一夫人首脑会议作为讨论妇女问题的主要论坛。", "551. (英语). 各位部长欢迎设立联合国促进两性平等和增强妇女权能实体(妇女署),这是联合国为加强全系统实现两性平等和增强妇女权能的能力而持续进行的一项重要努力,并赞赏地注意到联合协调委员会在谈判和通过2010年7月大会题为 \" 全系统协调一致 \" 的第64/289号决议方面发挥的重要作用。 部长们还欣见任命了第一位主管妇女署副秘书长并选举了妇女署第一届执行局。 他们还感谢妇发基金、提高妇女地位研训所、提高妇女地位司和性别问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室所作的一切努力。", "552. (英语). 各位部长再次请妇女署执行主任特别注意生活在外国占领下的妇女的状况及其受苦受难的情况,除其他外,任命一名协调人,以完全按照国际法,包括国际人道主义法和人权法处理她们的处境。", "553号 各位部长为了促进妇女的人权,表示决心在国家、区域和国际各级采取适当措施,提高生活质量并实现两性平等并赋予妇女权力,同时铭记妇女的固有潜力,为此除其他外,通过适当的社会经济战略和方案,向所有妇女,特别是残疾妇女和农村妇女提供政府服务,包括获得保健、教育和司法服务,以及加强家庭福祉。", "554. (英语). 各位部长重申其妥协意见,即积极促进将性别观点纳入所有政治、经济和社会领域政策和方案的设计、执行、监测和评价的主流,确保妇女的充分代表性和充分而平等地参与,以此作为消除贫穷的关键因素。", "555号. 各位部长欢迎卡塔尔国慷慨提议于2011年11月上半月在多哈主办第三次不结盟运动提高妇女地位部长级会议。", "556号. 各位部长赞赏地注意到设在吉隆坡的不结盟运动妇女赋权研究所的运作,并重申继续支持其活动。 各位部长对埃及和危地马拉努力在开罗和危地马拉城设立不结盟运动区域办事处表示赞赏,并期待着它们尽早开始开展活动。", "557. (英语). 各位部长鼓励不结盟运动成员国加强与研究所及其区域办事处的合作,包括提供捐款,以加强其工作和活动。", "558. (英语). 各位部长欢迎通过关于改善农村地区妇女状况的第64/14号决议,并承认农村妇女在其社会中所发挥的重要作用,以及需要充分执行该决议的有关规定以赋予农村妇女权力并改善其状况。", "559. (英语). 各国元首和政府首脑根据并遵循上述原则立场,申明需要捍卫、维护和促进这些立场,商定除其他外采取下列措施和举措:", "1. 联合国 2011年11月上半月在卡塔尔国多哈举行第三次不结盟运动提高妇女地位部长级会议。 在这方面,他们敦促所有不结盟运动成员积极参加会议。", "土著人民", "560. (英语). 各位部长十分赞赏地注意到大会通过了《联合国土著人民权利宣言》。 同样,他们重申支持必须促进土著人民的经济、政治和文化权利,并承诺特别注意在国家和多边一级所作的努力,以通过公民参与改善土著人民的生活条件。 同样,面对对传统土著知识的不当侵占和使用,他们同意促进保护生物-文化集体遗产,允许土著人民拥有关于知识产权的适当法律文书,从而保护他们的传统知识不被第三方未经授权或不当使用。", "561 (英语). 部长们还支持需要通过一系列政策和方案,改善世界各地土著人民的福祉,并酌情通过执行《联合国土著人民权利宣言》,在联合国系统内,特别是其各机构、基金和方案促进土著人民的权利。", "562 (英语). 各位部长赞赏地注意到人权理事会2007年12月14日通过的第6/36号决议,该决议设立了土著人民权利专家机制,以向理事会提供土著人民权利方面的专题专门知识。", "563 (英语). 各位部长还赞赏地注意到2009年7月秘书长关于实现第二个世界土著人民国际十年各项目标和目的所取得进展的中期评估报告,其中强调必须进一步努力,将政策层面的举措转化为有利于土著人民和与土著人民一起的有效行动。", "564. (英语). 各位部长欢迎大会2010年12月21日第65/198号决议的通过,其中决定于2014年组织一次大会高级别全体会议,即世界土著人民大会,以交流实现土著人民权利的观点和最佳做法,包括努力实现《联合国土著人民权利宣言》的各项目标,并请会员国充分参与这一活动。 部长们期待就会议方式,包括相关利益攸关方的参与进行协商。", "565号. 各位部长重申,所有文化都有权存在,并保留其特性所固有的传统做法。 在这方面,他们承认安第斯土著人民充分享有其传统和千年权利的权利,并注意到玻利维亚政府有权为其人民维护和保护这些做法。 在这方面,部长们注意到目前正在讨论其中一些传统做法,可能需要在这方面进行科学评估。", "文盲", "566号. 各位部长表示深为关切的是,大约6 900万小学适龄儿童仍然失学,没有机会接受小学教育,7.96亿成年人是文盲,其中三分之二以上的文盲是残疾人,特别是非洲和亚洲的儿童。 如果不加快实现全民教育,国家和国际商定的减贫目标将无法实现,国家之间和社会内部的不平等将扩大。 在这方面,他们重申不结盟运动继续支持并充分承诺为实现千年发展目标和联合国扫盲十年(2003-2012年)的目标而进行合作。", "567. (英语). 在这方面,部长们决定优先重视制定不结盟运动成员国之间的合作计划,以及加强区域和国际合作,以有效解决并消除文盲,到2015年实现普及初级教育的千年发展目标。 各位部长承认在执行联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)承认的各种扫盲举措方面取得的进展,其中包括“YO SI PUEDO”扫盲方法。", "568. (英语). 各位部长欢迎通过关于 \" 联合国扫盲十年:全民教育 \" 的第65/183号决议。 各位部长强调,需要进一步加大努力,以实现扫盲十年的各项目标并落实《扫盲十年国际行动计划》,同时铭记联合国扫盲十年将在一年后完成,实现全民教育目标和千年发展目标的目标日期也即将到来。", "569. (英语). 各位部长决定创造识字的环境和社会,消除文盲,包括妇女和女孩的文盲,并消除识字方面的性别差距,为此,除其他外,应加紧努力,有效执行《联合国扫盲十年国际行动计划》,将这些努力实质性地纳入全民教育进程和联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)的其他活动,以及在包括千年发展目标在内的国际商定发展目标框架内的其他扫盲举措。", "570 (英语). 部长们还决定,在十年最后阶段执行《国际行动计划》时,充分注意少数群体、土著人民和残疾人的文化多样性,并设计和提供高质量的青年和成年人扫盲方案。", "保健、艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病和其他传染病", "571号 各位部长对艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病等流行病和其他传染病造成的全球威胁表示关切。 在这方面,他们呼吁联合国会员国在国家、区域和国际各级加强合作,以对付和打击这些祸害。", "572号 各位部长认识到,艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延是一个全球紧急情况,对其各自社会和整个世界的发展、进步和稳定构成最严峻的挑战之一,需要全球作出特殊和全面的反应。 他们欢迎2006年6月2日联合国大会艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题高级别会议通过的《关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的政治宣言》,呼吁联合国会员国大力加强努力,到2010年实现普及全面预防方案、治疗、护理和支助的目标,到2015年制止并扭转这一流行病的蔓延,并因此吁请所有国家,特别是发达国家,充分履行这些承诺,敦促国际组织、非政府组织和工商界支持各国的努力和优先事项。", "573号 各位部长对特别是在非洲降低孕产妇和儿童死亡率和改善妇女和儿童健康方面进展缓慢表示严重关切。 在这方面,部长们欢迎2010年7月19日至27日在坎帕拉举行非洲联盟首脑会议第十五届常会,主题是“非洲孕产妇、婴儿和儿童健康与发展”,发起非洲联盟加速降低非洲孕产妇死亡率运动;以及口号“非洲关心:任何妇女都不应在献出生命时死亡”。 各位部长欢迎并鼓励在国家、区域和国际各级为迎接这一挑战而作的一切努力,并吁请所有伙伴履行它们在这方面的义务。 部长们欢迎联合国妇女和儿童健康信息和问责委员会题为 \" 履行承诺、衡量成果 \" 的报告,并吁请所有伙伴考虑其建议,以确保在妇幼保健方面取得迅速进展。", "574. (英语). 各位部长确认南南合作在防治艾滋病毒和艾滋病方面取得的成就,并决定优先关注不结盟运动成员国之间制定合作计划,以及加强区域和国际合作,以有效处理艾滋病毒和艾滋病问题,实现千年发展目标6和8。 在这方面,他们欢迎2011年6月8日至10日在纽约举行了关于艾滋病毒/艾滋病问题的大会高级别会议。", "575 (英语). 各位部长对禽流感自首次重大爆发以来的蔓延所构成的严重威胁表示严重关切,因为禽流感不仅可能对全世界公共卫生,而且可能对全球经济产生严重影响。 他们重申,必须在国家、区域和国际各级采取协调一致的行动,以有效而及时的方式应对和应对这一挑战。 在这方面,部长们表示支持2010年4月在河内举行的第七届“禽流感和流感:前进之路”国际部长级会议通过《河内宣言》。", "576 (英语). 各位部长还深为关切A型流感(H1N1)的出现和蔓延所构成的威胁,并请世界卫生组织和国际金融组织向受影响国家提供充分的后勤和财政支助,以迅速和有效地防治这种流行病,并向受影响国家提供足够援助来防止这种疾病的进一步爆发。 在这方面,他们呼吁世界卫生组织同受影响国家协调,确保采取有系统和适当的后续行动,以有效遏制这一流行病的进一步蔓延。", "577. (英语). 在这方面,部长们欢迎世界卫生大会以协商一致方式通过关于 \" 防范大流行性流感:共享流感病毒和获得疫苗及其他好处 \" 的第64/57号决议。", "578. (英语). 各位部长强调2011年5月18日在瑞士日内瓦举行的不结盟运动卫生部长会议第四次会议是在第六十四届世界卫生大会框架内举行的,并表示支持会议通过的《关于加强国际卫生制度:加强全球团结防治大流行病、解决卫生制度与筹资和普遍覆盖以及防治非传染性疾病的宣言》,以及他们决心并承诺充分执行其决定和建议并始终如一地就这些问题采取后续行动,并落实先前不结盟运动宣言所载关于加强国际卫生制度和加强全球团结防治大流行病(2010年)、卫生和金融危机(2009年)和移徙及培训高素质保健人员、不成比例地影响发展中国家的疾病以及在国际一级采取负责任的做法,以平等方式分享禽流感病毒并确保惠益(2008年),以保护发展中国家的利益。", "579. (英语). 各位部长认为,通过“国际征聘保健人员业务守则”是一项积极的事态发展,需要通过实际措施进一步巩固,以解决发展中国家保健人员移徙的影响。", "580. (英语). 各位部长强调,需要在国家、区域和全球各级采取协调一致的行动和协调一致的应对措施,以充分应对非传染性疾病,特别是四起最突出的非传染性疾病,即心血管疾病癌症、慢性呼吸道疾病和糖尿病造成的发展和其他挑战;在这方面,部长们欢迎即将于2011年9月19日和20日在纽约举行的由国家元首和政府首脑参加的预防和控制非传染性疾病问题大会高级别会议,并鼓励所有不结盟运动成员国派代表参加并积极参加上述会议。", "581 (英语). 各位部长对当前国际经济和金融危机对发展中国家卫生系统的潜在不利影响深表关切。 在这方面,他们呼吁捐助国履行承诺,将其国内生产总值的0.7%作为官方发展援助,并敦促捐助者支持卫生方面的国际合作方案,包括旨在支持实现千年发展目标和通过能力建设和技术转让加强国家卫生系统的方案。 各位部长重申,必须充分利用世贸组织《涉贸知识产权协定》规定的灵活性,包括《关于涉贸知识产权协定和公共卫生的多哈宣言》和世贸组织2003年8月30日的决定所承认的灵活性,以解决其人口的公共卫生需要。 他们进一步认识到,南南合作不能取代南北合作,而是称赞南北合作;在这方面,他们重申决心探索更有效的南南合作和三角合作,以便调动更多资源,包括执行与健康有关的发展方案。", "582 (英语). 各位部长赞赏积极参加2011年5月18日(第2次)世界卫生大会期间在瑞士日内瓦举行的第四次不结盟运动卫生部长会议。 他们还欢迎题为“加强国际卫生系统:加强全球团结,防治大流行病、解决卫生系统筹资和全民覆盖以及防治非传染性疾病”的会议成果。 “", "583号 各位部长欢迎地方、国家、区域和全球各级各种利益攸关方之间不断发展的伙伴关系,这些伙伴关系旨在解决全球卫生的多方面决定因素,以及加快实现与卫生有关的千年发展目标的承诺和举措,包括2010年9月20日至22日在纽约联合国总部举行的千年发展目标高级别会议所宣布的承诺和举措。", "584号 各位部长认识到外交政策与全球卫生之间的密切关系及其相互依存关系,并在这方面还认识到,全球卫生挑战需要国际社会作出协调一致的持续努力。 各位部长欢迎通过大会第64/108号决议并期待着继续讨论这一主题,特别是非健康问题对全球卫生的影响。 在这方面,部长们满意地注意到通过了题为“落实全球公共卫生方面的国际商定目标和承诺”的2009年经社理事会部长宣言。", "跨国有组织犯罪", "585 (英语). 部长们重申,不结盟运动承诺在国家、区域和国际各级协调打击跨国犯罪的努力和战略,并制订最有效的方法来打击这种性质的犯罪。 他们重申,在开展打击跨国犯罪的国际努力时,应尊重各国的主权和领土完整。", "586号 各位部长重申,有组织犯罪活动对发展、政治稳定以及社会和文化价值观产生不利影响。", "587. (英语). 各位部长重申,要应对跨国有组织犯罪所构成的威胁,就必须在国际一级开展密切合作。 他们再次承诺通过酌情加强国家法律框架和合作机制,特别是通过根据国内法和国际文书交流信息、司法协助和引渡,打击一切形式的跨国有组织犯罪。", "588. (英语). 各位部长回顾,《关于犯罪与司法的维也纳宣言》和《曼谷宣言》确认,全面的预防犯罪战略必须特别针对犯罪的根源和风险因素。", "589. (英语). 各位部长对文化财产被丢失、毁坏和被取走以及有组织犯罪集团越来越多地参与贩运被掠夺、被窃或被偷运的文化财产表示关切。 各位部长强调国家、区域和国际保护文化财产举措的重要性,特别是联合国教育、科学及文化组织及其促使文化财产送回原主国或归还非法占有文化财产政府间委员会的工作,并着重指出必须促进国际执法合作以打击贩运文化财产,并特别需要交流信息和经验以更有效地运作。", "590 (英语). 各位部长还敦促《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》缔约国在预防和打击侵犯文化财产的刑事犯罪方面加强广泛合作,特别是根据《公约》第14条第2款将此类犯罪所得或财产返还其合法所有人,并请缔约国根据本国法律就侵犯文化财产的刑事犯罪的所有方面交流信息,并适当协调为防止、及早发现和惩罚此类犯罪而采取的行政和其他措施”。", "591. (英语). 根据并遵循上述原则立场,部长们除其他外商定采取下列措施:", "1. 联合国 在国家和国际两级采取必要步骤,酌情执行《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》和打击非法贩毒的国际文书;", "2. 联合国 呼吁提供充足的财政和技术援助与合作,使发展中国家和经济转型国家能够执行这些条约;", "3个 (b) 应发展中国家和经济转型国家的请求,为这些国家的能力建设加强国际合作和技术援助,以有效履行现有各项国际预防犯罪文书所规定的义务;以及", " 4.四. 采取进一步措施并加强国际合作,以根据国际法更有效地预防、打击、惩罚和根除一切形式的跨国有组织犯罪;", "5 (韩语). 通过联合协调委员会,加强与77国集团和中国的协调与合作,并制订关于跨国有组织犯罪问题的共同战略,以解决发展中国家在国际论坛上的集体关切并增进其共同利益;", "6. 国家 表示赞赏2010年6月17日和21日在纽约举行了跨国有组织犯罪问题大会高级别特别会议,会议重申了国际社会打击跨国有组织犯罪的政治承诺;", "7. 联合国 注意到2010年4月12日至19日在巴西巴伊亚州萨尔瓦多举行的第十二届联合国预防犯罪和刑事司法大会通过的《萨尔瓦多宣言》;", "8. 联合国 注意到2010年10月18日至22日在维也纳举行的联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约缔约方第五次会议的成果,特别是缔约方会议决定设立一个不限成员名额政府间工作组,以:(a)审议并探讨关于协助缔约方会议审查《公约》及其各项议定书实施情况的一项或多项机制的可选办法并提议设立此种机制;(b)为这类审查机制拟订职权范围、政府专家准则和国别审议报告蓝图,供缔约方会议第六届会议审议并视可能通过。", "592号 各位部长表示关切的是,在萨赫勒-撒哈拉地区,非法贩运火器、非法贩运毒品和贩运人口之间的联系日益密切,在萨赫勒-撒哈拉地区,劫持人质、支付赎金和恐怖行为对区域安全构成威胁。", "贩运人口", "593号 各位部长表示关切的是,贩运人口正日益成为影响全世界所有国家的全球祸害,需要国家和国际采取协调一致的对策。 他们强调2000年《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其《关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》的重要性。", "594 (英语). 各位部长赞赏地注意到联合国打击人口贩运全球倡议的作用,即协调联合国系统、民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门之间的行动,以便应要求协助各国政府确保起诉和防止人口贩运,并确保受害者获得所有必要补救并充分保护人权。", "595 (英语). 各位部长认识到,奴役和贩运人口继续对人类构成严重挑战,需要国际社会采取协调一致的对策。 为此,他们敦促所有国家制定、执行和加强有效措施,打击并消除一切形式的奴役和贩运人口行为,以遏制对被贩卖受害者的需求并保护受害者并绳之以法。", "596 (英语). 各位部长还认识到,2010年是《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约》及其各项补充议定书,特别是《关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的议定书》(《巴勒莫议定书》)通过十周年,在这方面,他们欢迎埃及和联合国打击人口贩运全球举措于2010年12月共同举办了卢克索国际论坛“立即制止人口贩运:执行联合国议定书”,目的是促进对话,突出优先问题并动员最高级别的政治支持,以采取具体行动,在法律和合作框架以及私营部门、民间社会和非政府组织的参与之间起补充作用,以打击人口贩运。", "597. (英语). 各位部长还欢迎《雅典道德原则》的卢克索执行准则: 由私营部门签署的企业全面合规方案“Luxor议定书”,以加强其对根除全世界人口贩运的贡献,并推出打击人口贩运的电子学习工具,这是一个电子培训方案,目的是与联合国打击人口贩运全球举措和微软公司合作,提高世界各地企业男子的认识。", "598. (英语). 各位部长再次邀请所有尚未加入《联合国打击跨国有组织犯罪公约关于预防、禁止和惩治贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为的补充议定书》的国家考虑加入该议定书,并自《议定书》生效后有效执行该议定书,包括将《议定书》的规定纳入国家立法和加强刑事司法系统。 他们表示,不结盟运动决心加强联合国和其他国际组织的能力,以便应会员国的要求,协助它们执行议定书。", "599. (英语). 各位部长欢迎联合国大会2010年7月30日第64/293号决议以协商一致通过《联合国打击贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童全球行动计划》,并承认不结盟运动成员国在领导谈判进程以执行这方面的《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》方面发挥的作用。 他们还承诺与所有相关联合国实体进一步合作,以确保全面而有效地执行全球行动计划。", "600块 各位部长还欣见联合国贩运人口特别是妇女和儿童行为受害者自愿信托基金正式启动,以及从不结盟运动成员国选出其董事会半数成员,在这方面,他们鼓励所有国家、民间社会、非政府组织和私营部门向新设立的信托基金和联合国当代形式奴隶制问题信托基金捐款。", "601号 各位部长铭记贩运人口现象的日益发展,请各国通过加强这一领域的立法并设立专门打击这一祸害的国家和地方机构来防止和打击这一现象。", "602号 各位部长认识到所有国家都受贩运人口活动的影响,并敦促所有国家鼓励各国为打击这一祸害而作的努力,并协作合作,在区域和国际框架内共同努力,而不会对其他国家强加单方面的要求。", "603号. 各位部长重申,他们对贩运人体器官的严重性和有组织犯罪集团越来越多地参与这一犯罪感到关切,他们同意协调努力来打击这一犯罪。", "贩毒", "604号 各位部长对全世界非法贩毒问题日益恶化表示严重关切,因为它具有跨国性和全球性,对整个国际社会构成严重威胁。 他们重申必须采取更有效的措施,从各方面预防、打击和消除世界毒品问题。 他们还认识到,没有一个政府能够单独成功地打击这一威胁,因为与贩毒有联系的犯罪组织在几个国家的领土上集体活动,而且交通路线和分销方法倍增,因此,所有国家的合作、协调和坚定行动对于遏制这一犯罪至关重要。 世界毒品问题今天对各国的公共卫生和社会经济稳定构成威胁。", "605 (英语). 根据上述立场,部长们重申,打击世界毒品问题是一项共同分担的责任,应在多边框架内处理,只能通过有意义的国际合作来有效处理,并要求采取综合和平衡的做法,并充分遵循《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则以及国际法的其他规定,特别是尊重国家主权和领土完整、不干涉他国内政的原则;并基于平等权利和相互尊重的原则。 同样,各国国家元首和政府首脑对联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(毒品和犯罪问题办公室)的财务状况表示关切,同时欢迎麻醉药品委员会第53^(rd)届会议关于“联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室职能的调整和战略框架的修改”的决议草案,该草案由经社理事会建议由大会通过。", "606号 各位部长呼吁加强努力以防止和打击世界毒品问题的所有方面,包括减少需求。 他们还认识到,在解决世界毒品问题并同时尊重各国主权和领土完整方面,适当或适当的战略、国际合作、能力建设、收集准确和可靠的毒品数据并增加可持续的替代发展方案和战略十分重要。", "607号 各位部长欢迎2010年3月麻醉药品委员会第53^ (rd)届会议的召开,以贯彻2009年通过的开展国际合作以制定全面和平衡战略的政治宣言和行动计划。", "腐败", "608. (英语). 各位部长强调,腐败做法,包括缺乏健全的国际公司治理、受贿、洗钱和将非法获得的资金和资产转移到国外,会破坏社会的经济与政治稳定和安全,破坏社会正义并严重危及发展中国家为实现可持续发展而作的努力。 他们确认《联合国反腐败公约》为防止和打击腐败行为提供了普遍接受的准则,确立了追回资产和转移非法来源资产的原则以及这方面的国际合作机制。", "609号 各位部长欢迎大量国家已经批准或加入《联合国反腐败公约》,并在此方面敦促所有尚未批准或加入《公约》的国家优先考虑批准或加入《公约》,并吁请所有缔约国尽快充分执行《公约》,包括通过《公约》所述国际合作。", "610 (英语). 根据上述立场,部长们特别强调执行《联合国反腐败公约》第五章所载关于资产追回的规定,这些规定要求缔约国返还通过腐败获得的资产。 各位部长强调,打击腐败的高度优先事项之一是确保将非法获得的资产返还来源国。 因此,部长们敦促所有缔约国和相关国际组织按照《公约》的原则,特别是第五章,为迅速返还这些资产提供便利,并援助请求国建立人力、法律和机构能力,为追查、没收和追回这些资产提供便利。", "611. (英语). 各位部长注意到2009年11月9日至13日在卡塔尔多哈举行的联合国反腐败公约缔约国会议第三届会议的成果,重申必须协调关于这些问题的立场,特别是通过促进打击腐败的最佳做法。", "612号 各位部长赞赏地注意到2009年11月9日至13日在卡塔尔举行的《联合国反腐败公约》缔约国会议第三届会议的成果,特别是最近设立了《联合国反腐败公约》执行情况审查机制并通过了其职权范围,并强调指出了促进该领域对话和国际合作的重要性。", "613. (英语). 各位部长欢迎2011年10月24日至28日在摩洛哥马拉喀什举行的联合国反腐败公约缔约国会议第四届会议,并呼吁不结盟运动成员国积极参与其工作。", "印度尼西亚,巴厘", "纽约", "附件一:不结盟运动成员国", "阿富汗 冈比亚 阿尔及利亚 加纳 巴布亚 新几内亚 安哥拉 格林纳达 秘鲁 安提瓜和巴布达 危地马拉 菲律宾 菲律宾 阿塞拜疆 几内亚 卡塔尔 巴哈马 几内亚比绍 卢旺达 巴林 圭亚那 圣基茨和尼维斯 孟加拉国 白俄罗斯 伯利兹 贝宁 玻利维亚 博茨瓦纳 文莱达鲁萨兰国 布基纳法索 布隆迪 柬埔寨 喀麦隆 佛得角 中非共和国 洪都拉斯 黎巴嫩人民民主共和国 圣文森特和格林纳达 圣多美和普林西比 沙特阿拉伯 新加坡 非洲 斯里兰卡 苏丹 苏里南 叙利亚 阿拉伯共和国 乍得 哥伦比亚 刚果 科特迪瓦 古巴 大韩民国 吉布提 多米尼卡,利比亚联邦 马里 毛里求斯 蒙古 摩洛哥 缅甸 特立尼达和多巴哥 突尼斯 土库曼斯坦 阿拉伯联合酋长国 多米尼加共和国 纳米比亚 赞比亚 赤道几内亚 几内亚 尼日尔 津巴布韦 厄立特里亚 尼日利亚 尼日利亚 埃塞俄比亚 阿曼 斐济 巴基斯坦\n加蓬 巴勒斯坦", "附件二:不结盟运动的基本原则", "1. 联合国 尊重基本人权和《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则。", "2. 联合国 尊重所有国家的主权和领土完整。", "3个 承认一切种族平等及一切大小民族平等.", "4. 不干预或干涉他国内政。", "5 (韩语). 尊重每个国家根据《联合国宪章》单独或集体自卫的权利。", "6. 国家 不允许利用集体防卫安排为任何大国的特殊利益服务,任何国家不对其他国家施加压力。", "7. 联合国 不采取侵略行为或威胁进行侵略或使用武力来侵犯任何国家的领土完整或政治独立。", "8. 联合国 按照《联合国宪章》,以谈判、和解、仲裁或司法解决等和平手段以及当事方自行选择的其他和平手段来解决所有国际争端。", "9. 国家 促进互利合作.", "10个 尊重正义和国际义务。", "附件三:在哈瓦那举行的第十四届不结盟运动首脑会议上通过的《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》所揭示的原则。", "(单位:千美元) 尊重《联合国宪章》所揭示的原则和国际法。", "(b) 减少或减少员额。 尊重所有国家的主权、主权平等和领土完整。", "C. 结 论 承认一切种族、宗教、文化和所有国家不论大小一律平等。", "(单位:千美元) 促进各民族、文明、文化和宗教在尊重宗教、其象征和价值、促进和巩固容忍和信仰自由的基础上进行对话。", "e. 资源 尊重并增进所有人的所有人权和基本自由,包括有效执行各国人民的和平与发展权利。", "页:1 尊重各国权利平等,包括每个国家在不受任何其他国家干涉的情况下自由决定其政治、社会、经济和文化制度的不可剥夺的权利。", "(单位:千美元) 重申不结盟运动关于外国占领和殖民或外国统治下人民自决权的原则立场的有效性和相关性。", "缩略语 不干涉他国内政. 任何国家或国家集团都无权直接或间接干涉任何其他国家的内部事务,不论其动机如何。", "一、导 言 拒绝违宪更换政府。", " j. 反对更换政权的企图。", "(原始内容存档于2013-10-12). k. 谴责在所有情况下,特别是在冲突局势中使用雇佣军。", "页:1 所有国家不向其他国家施加压力或胁迫,包括不诉诸侵略或其他涉及使用直接或间接武力的行为,不采取和(或)促进任何违反国际法或以任何形式不符合国际法的单方面胁迫措施,以迫使任何其他国家屈从于其主权权利或获得任何利益。", "m. 完全拒绝将侵略作为危险和严重违反国际法的行为,这就要求侵略者承担国际责任。", "无。 根据《联合国宪章》尊重单独或集体自卫的固有权利。", "o. 根据《联合国宪章》和国际法,谴责灭绝种族罪、战争罪、危害人类罪和有计划和严重侵犯人权的行为。", "页:1 拒绝并反对一切形式和表现的恐怖主义,无论由何人所为、在何处发生并出于何种目的,因为它是对国际和平与安全的最严重威胁之一。 在这方面,不应将恐怖主义等同于处于殖民或外国统治和外国占领下的人民争取自决和民族解放的合法斗争。", "q. 促进和平解决争端,并在任何情况下不参加违反国际法和《联合国宪章》原则的联盟、协定或任何其他形式的单方面胁迫性倡议。", "(单位:千美元) 捍卫和巩固民主,重申民主是一种普遍价值,其基础是人民自由表达意愿,决定自己的政治、经济、社会和文化制度,并充分参与其生活的各个方面。", "编号 促进并捍卫多边主义和多边组织作为通过对话与合作解决影响人类的问题的适当框架。", "T. (中文(简体) ). 支持遭受内部冲突的国家为实现和平、正义、平等和发展而作的努力。", "u. 每个国家有义务充分和诚意地遵守所加入的国际条约,并履行在国际组织框架内作出的承诺并与其他国家和平共处。", "联合国 根据《联合国宪章》和平解决所有国际冲突。", "(中文(简体) ). 在相互尊重和权利平等的基础上,捍卫和促进共同利益、正义与合作,不论各国政治、经济和社会制度存在何种差异。", " x. 团结是所有情况下国家间关系的基本组成部分。", " y. 尊重各国和各国人民的政治、经济、社会和文化多样性。", "页:1", "第十六次不结盟运动部长级会议和纪念会 -- -- 印度尼西亚巴厘\n2011年5月23日至27日,日内瓦", "《巴利宣言》", "第五十届理事会", "不结盟运动", "我们不结盟运动各国外交部长在庄严赞扬不结盟运动创始人及其前成员国领导人为加强不结盟运动和促进更和平更公平的世界秩序所表现出的远见、领导和献身精神的同时,于2011年5月25日(正月初)在印度尼西亚巴厘举行不结盟运动成立50周年主要纪念活动,重申我们对万隆原则以及不结盟运动在哈瓦那第十四届首脑会议所通过当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用的最深切承诺。", "我们重申对《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则、国际法、国际人道主义法和人权法的坚定承诺,并重申执行在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十五届不结盟运动首脑会议通过的《沙姆沙伊赫宣言》,该宣言反映了不结盟运动对各种国际问题的体制立场以及以往不结盟运动首脑会议和部长级会议所通过文件的立场。", "我们对具有历史意义的万隆原则的诞生地印度尼西亚共和国政府主办不结盟运动成立50周年主要纪念活动表示赞赏。", "在我们的不结盟运动庆祝这一具有历史意义的事件时,我们认识到,我们的作用和目标仍然一如既往地持久和重要,而且,在我们复杂而相互交织的世界中,我们对世界和对我们各个会员国的责任今天甚至更加重大。", "我们深切地珍视不结盟运动在过去50年中在其成员国共同关注的重要问题上所发挥的突出而活泼的作用,它保证不结盟运动已经从一个赢得团结和团结其成员国的愿景的论坛演变成为一个坚决推进正义、和平与繁荣事业的论坛,同时坚持其创始原则,在国际政治潮流中充当独立和客观的声音。", "我们回顾不结盟运动反对殖民化和种族隔离的英勇斗争,它剥夺了许多会员国的独立以及经济和政治权利,从而阻碍了它们在和平与安全条件下的发展。", "我们强调,发展和平与安全之间的相互联系是相辅相成的。 我们致力于消除贫穷并均衡地将经济增长、社会发展和环境保护结合起来,这三个是可持续发展不可或缺的支柱。", "我们重申,我们致力于加强不结盟运动的集体行动并加强其在维护和促进发展中国家利益的领导作用。 我们还强调,不结盟运动的成员国已经达到120个,它利用其各种优势和团结,应继续激励和影响全球问题,以期改善世界各地人民的生活,并在联合国和其他国际论坛上作出重大贡献,为和平与安全、发展、人权、民主、裁军、恐怖主义以及两性平等和赋权等问题制定适当和可持续的对策。", "我们同意继续探讨如何加强不结盟运动的作用,加强现有机制,包括纽约不结盟运动协调局及其工作组和核心小组的主要机制,以及不结盟运动前主席、三驾马车和代表不结盟运动的不同分会,以建立一个更协调、更有效率的不结盟运动,能够有效和及时地应对迅速变化的国际环境。", "我们强调,应把不结盟运动迄今取得的显著成就作为在今后50年及其后促进其目标和原则的基础,并决心:", "考虑到全面和彻底的核裁军仍然是实现无核武器世界的唯一途径,同时应保证所有国家和平利用核能的不可剥夺的权利。", "通过联合国和其他多边进程实现多边主义,并积极参与联合国及其主要机构的改革进程。", "违反国际法并违反《联合国宪章》的宗旨和原则,对经济和人民产生不利影响。", "• 其他破坏和平的行为,以和平手段捍卫、促进和鼓励国际争端的解决,其方式不应危及国际和平与安全和正义。", "人民自由表达决定自己的政治、经济、社会和文化制度的意愿,但有一项理解,即不存在一种民主模式,也不由任何特定的文明、区域或国家界定。", "政府或试图改变政权。", "国家、领土完整和不干涉他国内政。", "根据《联合国宪章》和国际法,包括所有非自治领土,以及在外国占领和殖民或外国统治下的领土,实行自决。", "《马德里框架》、《土地换和平》和《阿拉伯和平倡议》全文。", "巴勒斯坦人民按照承认巴勒斯坦人民为民族并承认其不可剥夺的自决权的长期国际共识,实现自由、和平与正义,在1967年6月4日的边界基础上实现以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国的独立,并根据国际法和联合国决议公正解决巴勒斯坦问题的所有其他方面。", "加剧危机,特别是全球金融和经济危机、粮食和能源危机,以及气候变化,并加强努力,确保根据各次联合国会议的相关宣言,在2015年之前实现国际商定发展目标,包括千年发展目标,同时特别考虑到非洲、最不发达国家、内陆发展中国家和小岛屿发展中国家的特殊需要,并在这方面强调需要扩大全球发展伙伴关系和融资。", "提高不结盟运动成员国的生产能力,并促使在其经济中创造生产性就业和体面工作,以加快消除贫穷的进展。", "通过联合协调委员会与77国集团和中国(77国集团)进行协调与合作,包括就经济发展和社会进步问题制定共同立场和战略,同时加强南北合作和伙伴关系。", "根据《联合国宪章》、国际法和有关国际公约的原则,无论在何地和出于何种目的,同时强调不应将恐怖主义同任何宗教、国籍、文明或族裔群体联系起来。", "贩运人口、非法小武器和轻武器、海盗和非法药物,包括通过加强国际和区域合作及伙伴关系。", "人权和基本自由,包括发展权,以合作、平衡、非选择性、公正、客观和透明的方法为基础,侧重于建设性对话和能力建设,以激发对公民权利和政治权利以及经济、社会和文化权利和发展权的普遍承诺。", "不同文化、宗教和信仰的人民之间的容忍和理解。", "并采取必要行动,在不结盟运动国家全面提高妇女地位并赋予妇女权力,包括加强不结盟运动妇女赋权研究所及其区域中心在这方面的作用,并加强其同妇女署的合作。", "在各级制定方案,以建立能力,解决他们的问题并实现他们的愿望。", "艾滋病毒/艾滋病、疟疾、结核病等流行病和其他传染病以及非传染性疾病造成的全球威胁,并通过在各级建立适当能力来改进对自然灾害和紧急情况的人道主义反应。", "(c) 确保正在经历和刚刚摆脱冲突的国家得到援助,以促进可持续和平与发展,包括通过一个强有力的联合国结构,在不损害各自国家主权和领土完整的情况下,采用更综合和一致的办法。", "我们强调,必须加强不结盟运动作为解决其成员国所共同关注的国际问题的主要推动力的作用。 因此,不结盟运动应侧重于进一步团结而不是分裂的问题,并处理全球问题,进一步巩固其成员之间的共同点。", "我们强调,不结盟运动应根据其创始原则,继续开放与其他感兴趣的集团和伙伴进行对话,并产生协同作用,为所有人建立一个和平与繁荣的世界而努力,包括在不结盟运动成员国的议会和民间社会之间。", "联合国", "十六届部长级会议 不结盟运动巴厘-印度尼西亚会议\n2011年5月23日至27日,日内瓦", "关于巴勒斯坦政治犯的宣言", "1. 联合国 不结盟运动部长审议了包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土的危急局势,特别是占领国以色列拘留或监禁巴勒斯坦政治犯的严重情况。 各位部长表示严重关切的是,目前有6 000多名巴勒斯坦人被关押在以色列和包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土的22所监狱和拘留营,其中300人是18岁以下的儿童。 部长们还表示严重关切囚犯中还有37名妇女和10名巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员。 [31]", "2. 联合国 各位部长谴责拘押囚犯的行为,认为这公然违反了《日内瓦第四公约》,该《公约》规范了外国占领的局势,他们重申,正如安全理事会、大会和人权理事会的多项决议以及国际法院2004年7月的咨询意见所申明的,该公约适用于包括东耶路撒冷在内的巴勒斯坦被占领土。 部长们表示坚决支持需要提高对巴勒斯坦政治犯问题的认识并实现国际化。 他们强调,占领国以色列关押的巴勒斯坦政治犯应酌情作为战俘对待。", "3个 各位部长感到遗憾的是,继续逮捕巴勒斯坦平民,包括在军事袭击中使用残暴武力、任意使用行政拘留、强行审讯和将囚犯移送以色列。 他们谴责占领国以色列的所有这些非法政策和做法,这些政策和做法的目的显然是恐吓、非人化和征服巴勒斯坦人民。 他们还谴责占领国关押巴勒斯坦囚犯的极度贫穷、不卫生、不体面和在某些情况下危及生命的条件。 他们尤其对被以色列拘留的最弱势群体,包括巴勒斯坦妇女和儿童以及生病、残疾和瘫痪的巴勒斯坦被拘押者的处境以及蓄意忽视医疗的政策深表关切,200人已经从中死亡。 他们谴责以色列继续使用酷刑和其他被国际禁止的措施,以色列通过立法和司法决定授权使用这些措施,以及其他形式的对巴勒斯坦囚犯的身心虐待,包括使用单独监禁,使巴勒斯坦囚犯丧失了最基本的人道主义需要。", " 4.四. 各位部长注意到拘留对巴勒斯坦囚犯及其家属的破坏性影响,并在此方面强调迫切需要使前囚犯迅速重新融入社会。 各位部长谴责以色列扣留在被以色列拘留期间被杀死或死亡的巴勒斯坦囚犯的尸体并埋葬在军事墓地的做法。", "5 (韩语). 各位部长强调,根据《日内瓦第四公约》第147条,以色列上述做法构成对国际人道主义法的严重违反,在许多情况下构成战争罪和危害人类罪,根据该公约第146条,应根据普遍管辖权对这些罪行进行国际刑事起诉,并在这方面提及《国际刑事法院罗马规约》的有关规定。", "6. 国家 部长们要求占领国以色列保证维持适当的拘留标准,立即将所有被拘留者交付审判,并充分遵照各项国际条约和公约,包括以色列所加入的《儿童权利公约》和《联合国禁止酷刑和其他残忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或处罚公约》,保障未成年人和囚犯的探视权。 在这方面,部长们赞扬红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)为减轻以色列监狱和拘留设施中巴勒斯坦囚犯所受待遇的有害后果并检查其条件而作的一贯而宝贵的工作,并要求以色列给予其必要的准入。 在这方面,部长们强调,需要确保执行世界卫生组织2010年5月的决议,其中决定派遣一个实况调查团,包括红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会),调查囚犯健康状况恶化的情况。", "7. 联合国 各位部长要求以色列不设任何先决条件地释放因反对占领的活动而被捕的巴勒斯坦囚犯,即所谓的“政治罪行”,并要求占领国立即明确界定这种“政治罪行”。 各位部长还要求以色列停止在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上任意逮捕巴勒斯坦人,并停止将他们非法转移到以色列境内的监狱。", "8. 联合国 各位部长表示严重关切的是,在多数情况下,囚犯被剥夺了获得法律顾问以及探亲的权利,这违反了国际人道主义法和人权法。 他们还对以色列违反基本人权继续实行行政拘留的做法表示严重关切,指出自2000年以来,以色列以极任意的方式使用行政拘留令,有上诉权,但没有指控权、审判权或辩护权,总共发出了20 000起行政拘留令。 各位部长呼吁以色列在对待所有巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者时充分尊重法治,并遵守正当程序的国际标准。", "9. 国家 各位部长欢迎国际社会努力提高对巴勒斯坦政治犯困境的认识,包括分别于2010年12月和2011年1月在阿尔及利亚和摩洛哥召开会议,以及2011年3月在奥地利召开“联合国巴勒斯坦政治犯问题国际会议”。 各位部长赞同国际社会呼吁立即释放巴勒斯坦政治犯,包括儿童和妇女,并对他们目前的状况进行适当的国际检查。 他们强调,解决这些囚犯的困境应当是联合国大会、安全理事会、人权机构和国际社会的优先事项。 在这方面,部长们审议了巴勒斯坦民族权力机构囚犯事务部长关于就巴勒斯坦囚犯问题采取国际行动的提议,包括可能请大会通过一项决议,请国际法院发表咨询意见,以确定占领国拘留的巴勒斯坦囚犯和被拘留者的法律地位以及占领国和第三方根据国际法所负法律责任的性质。", "10个 各位部长一致认为,巴勒斯坦囚犯问题对巴勒斯坦社会和以-巴冲突都有重大影响,这个问题是在该地区建立公正和平的一个核心和切实有效的基准。 在这方面,部长们强调,释放大量巴勒斯坦囚犯,以及立即释放被任意非法监禁的巴勒斯坦立法委员会成员,可构成一个积极步骤,促进恢复永久地位谈判所需的相互信任气氛。", "11个 各位部长强调联合国和整个国际社会在提高对被以色列监禁和拘留的巴勒斯坦政治犯问题的认识和呼吁紧急解决这一问题方面发挥的重要作用。 他们强调,国际社会迫切需要并有义务利用一切现有机制确保占领国遵守国际法。 他们敦促《日内瓦第四公约》的所有缔约国根据共同第1条履行其义务,在任何情况下都尊重和确保尊重《公约》。 部长们还敦促各缔约方采取一切适当步骤,召开一次会议来讨论这一严重问题。", "联合国", "十六届部长级会议 不结盟运动巴厘-印度尼西亚会议\n2011年5月23日至27日,日内瓦", "关于巴勒斯坦问题的宣言", "1. 联合国 不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会部长们紧急审议了巴勒斯坦问题。 他们深表遗憾的是,1948年的Al-Nakba事件已经过去63年多,大多数巴勒斯坦人民被赶出家园或逃离家园,成为无国籍、无依无靠的人,其中近500万人继续悲惨地生活在整个区域的难民营中,成为世界上最大的难民人口和最旷日持久的难民问题。 他们还深感遗憾的是,自1967年以来,巴勒斯坦人民在以色列对其土地的野蛮军事占领下遭受了44年的苦难,并继续被剥夺基本人权,包括自决和自由的权利,不断遭受苦难并侮辱了他们的人的尊严。", "2. 联合国 各位部长对由于以色列对巴勒斯坦人民及其土地的持续军事占领和非法行动和挑衅,包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土的政治、社会经济、人权、人道主义和安全局势严峻表示严重关切。 他们表示严重关切并强烈谴责以色列非法和侵略地对无防卫能力的巴勒斯坦平民使用武力,包括非暴力的和平抗议者;在西岸的定居殖民运动;封锁加沙地带;拘留和监禁数千名巴勒斯坦人;以及对巴勒斯坦人民采取所有其他集体惩罚措施,严重违反了国际人道主义法并违反了人权法和联合国决议,对此占领国必须承担责任。", "3个 各位部长对中东和平进程缺乏进展深表关切,强调目前的危险僵局是占领国以色列有罪不罚和顽固不化的结果,这继续阻碍公正、持久、全面及和平地解决以巴冲突和整个阿以冲突。 他们强调这一冲突的持续对实现区域和国际和平与安全的前景产生严重影响。", " 4.四. 鉴于这一令人不安的情况,部长们强调,必须坚持和维护不结盟运动通过的原则立场和战略并维护联合国关于巴勒斯坦问题的有关决议。 他们重申长期支持和声援巴勒斯坦的正义事业,并坚决致力于支持巴勒斯坦人民及其领导人。 他们强调,需要继续提供政治、经济和人道主义支助,以援助巴勒斯坦人民并加强其实现民族愿望和不可剥夺的人权的复原力。", "5 (韩语). 各位部长强调,迫切需要作出努力,帮助推动一个公平和可信的和平进程,该进程应牢牢地以联合国有关决议为基础,包括安全理事会第242、338、425、1397(2002)、1515和1850号决议、马德里框架,包括土地换和平原则、阿拉伯和平倡议和四方路线图,同时铭记到2011年9月实现和平解决的目标。 他们强调,和平进程必须确保结束自1967年以来被以色列占领的巴勒斯坦领土和包括东耶路撒冷在内的其他阿拉伯领土;巴勒斯坦人民在以东耶路撒冷为首都的独立、主权和有生存能力的巴勒斯坦国中行使自决权;并根据大会第194(III)号决议公正解决巴勒斯坦难民的困境。", "6. 国家 各位部长回顾国际社会,特别是联合国安全理事会和大会在这方面的历史性作用和义务。 他们呼吁安全理事会考虑到《宪章》赋予其维护国际和平与安全的权力,履行其责任并立即采取行动促进以巴冲突和阿以冲突得到公正、持久和全面解决。 他们对安理会不结盟运动核心小组成员就巴勒斯坦问题所做出的努力表示赞赏,并敦促他们继续积极参与,以加强不结盟运动在促进和平方面所发挥的作用。 他们呼吁加强国际和区域努力,包括四方、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他有关会员国的努力,以期今年实现和平解决巴勒斯坦问题的所有方面。", "7. 联合国 关于充分考虑当地局势,部长们谴责以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上的一切非法政策和做法,占领国继续侵犯人权并犯下战争罪行并给巴勒斯坦人民造成巨大痛苦。 他们要求以色列立即停止所有这些违反国际法的行为。", "8. 联合国 各位部长重申,他们强烈谴责以色列在被占领巴勒斯坦领土,包括在被占领的东耶路撒冷及其周围非法进行定居点殖民化活动,这种非法行动继续公然蔑视国际法和国际社会一致呼吁停止。 他们重申要求以色列立即全面停止所有定居点活动,因为这些活动严重违反国际人道主义法并公然违反了联合国决议、2004年7月9日国际法院咨询意见和四方路线图规定的义务。 他们强调,和平进程不符合旨在非法获取和事实上吞并更多巴勒斯坦土地的殖民活动。", "9. 国家 部长们谴责以色列加紧没收土地;建造和扩大定居点、定居点 \" 外站 \" 和相关基础设施;转移更多的以色列定居者;建造隔离墙;拆毁房屋;挖掘;通过许可证制度和数百个检查站实施任意、种族主义的居住和行动限制。 他们谴责激进、极端的以色列定居者针对巴勒斯坦平民和财产的暴力和恐怖升级。 他们对以色列定居点和定居者、隔离墙和检查站造成的物质、经济和社会破坏表示遗憾,这些破坏使巴勒斯坦领土被分割成孤立的、被隔离墙包围的地段;将东耶路撒冷同该领土其他部分分割开来;使数千名巴勒斯坦人流离失所;破坏巴勒斯坦社会的结构;并摧毁一些社区。 他们警告说,以色列的非法殖民运动正在破坏巴勒斯坦被占领土的毗连性、完整性、可行性和统一性,并严重损害在1967年以前边界基础上实际实现两国和平解决办法的前景。", "10个 各位部长对被占领的东耶路撒冷的局势表示严重关切,那里的以色列殖民运动最为激烈,其目的是非法改变该市的人口组成、特征和法律地位。 他们呼吁立即停止在该城及其周围,包括 \" 尊贵禁地 \" (Noble Sanctuary)附近,建造定居点和隔离墙、拆毁房屋、驱逐和挖掘房屋;关闭巴勒斯坦机构;取消巴勒斯坦人的居住权,包括有关驱逐出境的军事命令;定居者的暴力行为;以及旨在减少该城巴勒斯坦居民人口并巩固以色列对东耶路撒冷的非法吞并的所有其他措施,国际社会完全反对和不承认这种吞并。", "11个 各位部长重申安全理事会和大会要求以色列完全停止这些非法政策和做法的相关决议的有效性。 他们呼吁充分尊重和执行这些决议,以结束以色列在包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土上进行的定居运动,该活动仍然是和平的主要障碍。 他们强调,迫切需要结束定居点活动,以创造有利于开展可信谈判的环境,以在1967年边界基础上实现两国解决方案。 在这方面,他们痛惜安全理事会最近由于一个常任理事国的否决而未能履行其责任,并再次呼吁安理会采取认真行动,确保以色列遵守有关决议及其所有法律义务。", "12个 在这方面,部长们再次呼吁《日内瓦第四公约》缔约国履行在所有情况下尊重和确保遵守《公约》的义务。 他们呼吁会员国和联合国根据国际法院的咨询意见和大会第ES-10/15号决议的要求履行其义务,包括不承认修建隔离墙造成的非法状况,或提供援助或协助维持修建隔离墙造成的状况。 他们呼吁安全理事会和大会考虑采取进一步行动,以结束在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上修建隔离墙所造成的非法状况。 他们再次呼吁迅速运作“联合国损失登记册”,并迅速完成其任务。 此外,他们再次呼吁各国集体、区域和单独采取具体行动,包括立法措施,根据国际条约规定的义务,防止以色列定居点的任何产品进入其市场;拒绝以色列定居者入境;并制裁在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上参与非法建造定居点和隔离墙及其他殖民活动的公司和实体。", "13个 关于加沙地带的严重局势,部长们重申强烈谴责以色列2008年12月至2009年1月的军事侵略,这种侵略造成数千名巴勒斯坦平民死伤;数以万计的房屋、经济和农业财产、重要的民用基础设施和联合国设施遭到大规模破坏;平民遭受了严重创伤。 他们重申需要确保追究占领国以色列对加沙巴勒斯坦人民所犯下的罪行的责任。 他们呼吁国际社会,包括安全理事会,认真努力结束以色列的有罪不罚现象,为受害者伸张正义。 他们呼吁就联合国加沙冲突实况调查团的调查结果和建议采取后续行动。 他们还重申日内瓦四公约缔约国在刑事制裁、严重违约行为和责任方面的义务,呼吁按照大会和人权理事会有关决议的要求,迅速重新召开日内瓦第四公约缔约国会议,讨论采取措施在包括东耶路撒冷在内的被占领巴勒斯坦领土上执行《公约》,并确保按照共同第1条遵守《公约》。", "14个 各位部长再次谴责以色列对加沙地带的非法封锁,以色列继续对巴勒斯坦人民进行集体惩罚并阻挠平民的行动自由、人道主义准入、基本物资的入境和重建加沙。 他们对封锁造成的严峻的人道主义和社会经济状况深表关切,包括贫穷、失业、健康状况恶化以及所有部门的基础设施和机构倒闭。 他们强调非政府组织、民间社会及和平团体的工作的重要性,特别是在巴勒斯坦和以色列方面,并鼓励它们继续在加沙提供救济和援助。", "15个 在这方面,部长们再次谴责以色列2010年5月31日在国际水域对运往加沙地带的人道主义援助海运船队“加沙自由船队”发动的军事袭击,造成9名土耳其平民丧生。 他们强调必须根据安全理事会2010年6月1日的呼吁,根据国际标准,对以色列的袭击进行独立、公正、可信和透明的国际调查。 他们欢迎联合国秘书长设立一个调查小组和人权理事会实况调查团,并呼吁立即就调查结果采取后续行动,以确保追究这一可耻攻击事件的责任。", "16号. 各位部长重申,要求以色列根据国际人道主义法、联合国决议和2005年11月《通行进出协定》,立即全面终止对加沙的非法封锁。 他们强调,需要确保加沙与外界之间人员和货物的持续和正常流动,包括商业流动,并需要恢复加沙与西岸之间的联系、统一和流动,并强调指出,加沙地带仍然是巴勒斯坦被占领土不可分割的一部分。 在这方面,部长们欢迎埃及政府决定自2011年5月28日星期六起开放拉法过境点。 他们也强调,迫切需要作出认真的国际努力,迫使占领国以色列允许所有必要的建筑材料进入,以重建被摧毁的巴勒斯坦财产和基础设施以及包括联合国近东巴勒斯坦难民救济和工程处(近东救济工程处)学校在内的联合国设施。 在这方面,他们强调需要工程处提供充分支持,以履行其在所有业务地区向巴勒斯坦难民提供援助的任务。", "17岁。 部长们谴责占领国以色列继续进行逮捕、任意拘留和强迫审讯。 他们对关押巴勒斯坦政治犯的不人道条件表示严重关切,包括身心虐待、据报的酷刑以及不准获得适当的医疗和家人探视。 他们再次呼吁立即释放被以色列非法拘留和监禁的所有巴勒斯坦人,包括儿童、妇女和民选官员,并呼吁国际社会接触他们并适当检查他们的状况。 他们欢迎部长级会议审查巴勒斯坦政治犯问题和提高国际社会对这一关键问题的认识并采取行动的部分。", "18岁。 各位部长重申支持作为巴勒斯坦人民唯一合法代表的巴勒斯坦解放组织和由马哈茂德·阿巴斯主席领导的巴勒斯坦权力机构,并强调必须保护和加强巴勒斯坦权力机构的国家和民主机构,包括巴勒斯坦立法会,这将成为未来独立的巴勒斯坦国的重要基础。 他们重申巴勒斯坦团结对于实现巴勒斯坦人民公正、合法的民族权利和愿望的重要性。 在这方面,他们欢迎巴勒斯坦所有政治派别于2011年5月4日在开罗签署《和解协议》,以结束自2007年6月以来的分裂。 他们赞扬阿拉伯埃及共和国政府、阿拉伯国家联盟和所有其他有关区域方面在这方面作出的认真努力。 他们呼吁国际社会尊重和支持巴勒斯坦的和解,并强调尽快执行《和解协议》各项规定的重要性。 他们进一步强调必须调动巴勒斯坦的所有能力,以维护巴勒斯坦领土的统一和完整,结束占领并实现独立。", " 19. 19. 各位部长强调必须支持巴勒斯坦国家机构的恢复和发展。 他们呼吁不结盟运动大力支持萨拉姆·法耶兹总理为执行2009年8月发起的“巴勒斯坦:结束占领,建立国家”计划而作的努力,并期待着在2011年8月完成该计划,实施第二阶段,即“自由之路”,为以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国的独立铺平道路。 在这方面,部长们热烈欢迎若干国家最近采取的重要步骤,在1967年边界的基础上承认巴勒斯坦国。 他们敦促尚未对巴勒斯坦国给予承认的不结盟运动成员国尽快给予承认,这符合当地正在进行的建国努力,并以此作为对根据国际法和联合国决议实现巴勒斯坦独立的积极贡献。", "20号. 各位部长呼吁不结盟运动成员继续站在支持巴勒斯坦人民向自由与和平迈进的前沿。 他们重申长期的国际共识,即承认巴勒斯坦人民是一个民族,承认他们在以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦国享有不可剥夺的自决和独立权利。 他们重申联合国对巴勒斯坦问题负有永久责任,直到这个问题在国际法基础上得到公正解决为止,并呼吁国际社会为此加倍努力。 他们再次呼吁联合国,包括安全理事会,承担起责任,根据自己的决议采取行动,迫使以色列停止其非法政策,尊重国际法并结束自1967年以来对巴勒斯坦和其他阿拉伯领土长达四十四年的非法占领。 他们强调,不结盟运动必须在部长级同安全理事会成员、四方以及和平进程中的其他有关各方进行定期接触和对话,以传达不结盟运动的原则立场,维护国际法和联合国决议,并促使公正、持久、全面、和平地解决以巴冲突和整个阿以冲突。", "21岁 在这方面,部长们强调,不结盟运动巴勒斯坦问题委员会必须与其他集团协调,制定并执行一项行动计划,加紧努力使不结盟运动成员国和非成员国在1967年以东耶路撒冷为首都的边界基础上普遍承认巴勒斯坦国,并加紧努力同安全理事会、大会和联合国秘书长以及四方和其他有关方面一起建立以东耶路撒冷为首都的巴勒斯坦独立国家,承认巴勒斯坦国为一个国家并尽快接纳其为联合国会员国。 部长们随时准备支持执行这项行动计划,包括在必要时召开委员会特别会议,以继续参与处理这一重要问题。", "页:1", "十六届部长级会议 不结盟运动巴厘-印度尼西亚会议\n2011年5月23日至27日,日内瓦", "关于彻底消除核武器的声明", "不结盟运动的部长们于2011年5月25日至27日在印度尼西亚巴厘举行的第十六届部长级会议上,重申深为关切核武器的继续存在以及可能使用或威胁使用核武器对人类构成的威胁;并重申核裁军仍然是不结盟运动在裁军领域的最高优先事项。", "各位部长强调不结盟运动成员国积极参与制定具体提案的重要性,以便在规定时限内实现全球核裁军并彻底消除核武器。", "各位部长在不结盟运动成立50周年的框架内宣布,他们坚决致力于召开一次高级别国际会议,以尽早确定消除核武器的途径和方法,以期就一项在规定时限内彻底消除核武器的分阶段方案达成协议,并禁止发展、生产、获取、试验、储存、转让、使用或威胁使用核武器,并规定予以销毁。", "[1] 不结盟运动成员国名单见附件一。", "[2] 不结盟运动的十项基本原则载于附件二。", "[3] 不结盟运动在沙姆沙伊赫举行的第15^(th)届首脑会议通过的实质性文件有:沙姆沙伊赫最后文件;沙姆沙伊赫宣言;不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑关于必须终止美利坚合众国对古巴的经济、商业和金融封锁的特别宣言;关于7月18日纳尔逊·曼德拉国际日的特别宣言;巴勒斯坦问题宣言;以及不结盟运动沙姆沙伊赫行动计划(2009-2012年)。 所有这些文件均可从www.namegypt.org下载。", "[4] 前十四届不结盟运动首脑会议于1961年在南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德;1964年在阿拉伯联合共和国开罗;1970年在赞比亚卢萨卡;1973年在阿尔及利亚阿尔及尔;1976年在斯里兰卡科伦坡;1979年在古巴哈瓦那;1983年在印度新德里;1986年在津巴布韦哈拉雷;1989年在南斯拉夫贝尔格莱德;1992年在印度尼西亚雅加达;1995年在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳德印第亚斯;1998年在南非德班;2003年在马来西亚吉隆坡;2006年在古巴哈瓦那等地举行。 可从www.namegypt.org下载这些首脑会议的所有实质性成果文件。", "[5] 《关于不结盟运动在当前国际形势下的宗旨和原则及作用的宣言》所揭示的原则载于附件三。", "[6] 不结盟运动的创始人是加纳克瓦梅·恩克鲁马总统、印度尼西亚总统艾哈迈德·苏卡诺、阿拉伯联合共和国总统加迈勒·阿卜杜勒·纳赛尔、南斯拉夫总统约西普·布罗兹·铁托和印度总理贾瓦哈拉尔·尼赫鲁。", "[7] 该运动的25个创始国是阿富汗,阿尔及利亚,阿拉伯也门共和国,缅甸(现为缅甸),柬埔寨,锡兰(现为斯里兰卡),刚果,古巴,塞浦路斯,埃塞俄比亚,加纳,几内亚,印度,印度尼西亚,伊拉克,黎巴嫩,马里,摩洛哥,尼泊尔,沙特阿拉伯,索马里,苏丹,突尼斯,阿拉伯联合共和国(现为埃及和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国)和南斯拉夫.", "[8] 适当顾及1961年在贝尔格莱德举行了不结盟运动首届首脑会议,当时的南斯拉夫社会主义联邦共和国首都是不结盟运动的创始成员,直到其解体为止,随后在联合国设立并接纳了六个新会员国(波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那/克罗地亚共和国/斯洛文尼亚/前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国/塞尔维亚共和国/黑山共和国)。", "[9] 现有机制和安排包括:前主席国家和三主席(首脑会议、部长级和大使级);巴勒斯坦问题委员会(部长级和大使级);纽约协调局及其附属机构(裁军、人权、法律事务、维持和平行动、改革联合国和振兴大会、改革安全理事会和新闻等工作组);在日内瓦、海牙、维也纳和教科文组织(巴黎)、内罗毕的不结盟运动分会;安全理事会和建设和平委员会的不结盟运动核心小组。", "[10] 77国集团和不结盟运动联合协调委员会于1994年成立,主要目标是加强合作,避免重复努力,提高实现发展中国家共同目标的效率,并统一和协调两个集团在南南合作和南北合作范围内在经济和社会领域的活动。", "[11] 1996年5月14日至16日在哥伦比亚卡塔赫纳德印地亚斯举行的不结盟运动方法问题委员会部长级会议通过了《不结盟运动方法问题卡塔赫纳文件》。 随后,不结盟运动国家元首和政府首脑于1998年8月29日至9月3日在南非德班举行的第十二次首脑会议上核可了该声明。", "[12] 其中包括大会1970年10月24日通过的《关于各国依联合国宪章建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》。", "[13] 印度尼西亚共和国的会议、论坛和倡议,特别是“在国际社会内建立不同信仰间和谐”(2005年);摩洛哥王国的会议、论坛和倡议,特别是“关于通过有效和可持续的举措鼓励不同文化和文明间对话的拉巴特宣言”(2005年)、犹太-穆斯林大会(2005-2006年)和“在尊重言论自由的同时防止任何诋毁宗教、信仰、神圣价值和先知的国际宪章”(2006年);菲律宾共和国的会议、特别是信仰间合作促进和平会议(2005年)、不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平非正式首脑会议(2005年)、亚洲及太平洋国家不同信仰间对话与合作促进和平区域会议(2006年)、发起不同信仰间合作促进和平三方论坛(2005年);卡塔尔国的会议,除其他外,包括不同信仰间对话会议(2006年)、文明联盟(2006年)、美国-伊斯兰世界论坛(2006年)、宗教对话会议(2005年)、伊斯兰-美洲对话(2004年)、伊斯兰-基督教对话论坛(2003年)和塞内加尔、2007年举行的伊斯兰-基督教对话国际会议(2010年)、约旦关于“世界不同信仰间和睦周”的会议。", "[14] 联合国有关决议包括大会第65/119号决议,该决议宣布2011至2020年为第三个铲除殖民主义十年。", "[15] 根据《联合国宪章》第十三条第一款。", "[16] 如《千年宣言》所申明,并已在2005年世界首脑会议成果文件和大会有关决议所重申。", "[17] 由目前为安全理事会成员的不结盟国家组成的安全理事会不结盟运动核心小组成员是哥伦比亚(2011-2012年)、加蓬(2010-2011年)、印度(2011-2012年)、黎巴嫩(2010-2011年)、尼日利亚(2010-2011年)和南非(2011-2012年)。", "[18] 目前为人权理事会47个成员的26个不结盟国家是:安哥拉(2010-2013年)、巴林(2008-2011年)、孟加拉国(2009-2012年)、布基纳法索(2008-2011年)、喀麦隆(2009-2012年)、智利(2008-2011年)、古巴(2009-2012年)、吉布提(2009-2012年)、厄瓜多尔(2010-2013年)、加蓬(2008-2011年)、加纳(2008-2011年)、危地马拉(2010-2013年)、约旦(2009-2012年)、阿拉伯利比亚民众国(2010-2013年)、马来西亚(2010-2013年)、马尔代夫(2010-2013年)、毛里塔尼亚(2010-2013年)、毛里求斯(2009-2012年)、尼日利亚(2009-2012年)、巴基斯坦(2008-2011年)、卡塔尔(2010-2013年)、沙特阿拉伯(2009-2012年)、塞内加尔(2009-2012年)、泰国(2010-2013年)、乌干达(2010-2013年)、赞比亚(2008-2011年)。", "[19] A/64/868 (英语).", "[20] 根据大会1992年1月27日第46/51号决议。", "[21] 其中包括大会第46/51号决议和安全理事会第1373号决议。", "[22] 其中包括1999年7月在阿尔及尔通过并于2003年12月6日生效的《非统组织防止和打击恐怖主义公约》及其《行动计划》,2003年7月12日在马普托举行的非洲联盟大会第2届常会通过;1999年5月7日生效的《阿拉伯打击恐怖主义公约》;1999年7月1日在瓦加杜古通过的《伊斯兰会议组织打击国际恐怖主义公约》;2002年4月3日在吉隆坡举行的伊斯兰外交部长会议特别会议通过的《伊斯兰会议组织关于恐怖主义的宣言》;2001年和2002年举行的第七届和第八届东盟首脑会议分别通过的《东盟关于恐怖主义的宣言》;2002年8月1日同美国、2003年1月28日同欧盟、2003年10月8日同印度和2004年7月2日同俄罗斯通过的《东盟-中国在非传统安全问题领域合作的联合宣言》;2004年1月在伊斯兰堡举行的南亚区域合作联盟首脑会议上通过的《关于制止向恐怖主义提供资助的议定书》。", "[23] 本节应与文件第三章下的人权部分一并阅读。", "[24] (简体中文). 相关问题包括和平与安全问题,包括国际恐怖主义、贸易和金融政策、外债和债务减免/取消、环境,包括气候变化和能源安全。", "[25] (中文(简体) ). 这个词通常用来指1948年给巴勒斯坦人民带来的灾难和悲剧,他们因此而失去家园,大多数巴勒斯坦人被强行赶出家园并流离失所,成为难民,他们的困境一直持续到今天。", "[26] 《宣言》于2002年11月4日在柬埔寨金边东盟-中国首脑会议上签署。", "[27] 见第3201(S-VI)号决议。", "[28] 关于设在印度尼西亚雅加达的由印度尼西亚和文莱达鲁萨兰国发起的不结盟运动南南技术合作中心的信息,可查阅其网站。", "[29] 本节应与文件第一章关于民主的一节一并阅读。", "[30] 有关倡议的建议包括在人权委员会发展权问题工作组框架内举行的落实发展权问题高级别研讨会(2004年2月,日内瓦)和落实发展权问题高级别工作队的建议,以及发展权问题政府间工作组第八届会议关于“路线图”的建议,这些建议得到人权理事会第四届会议协商一致通过的第4/4号决议的核可。", "[31] 2011年3月在维也纳举行的联合国巴勒斯坦问题关于巴勒斯坦政治犯受难问题会议的成果报告,CPR/IMQP/2011/20号文件" ]
[ "Sixty-sixth session", "* A/66/50.", "Item 28 (b) of the preliminary list*", "Social development: social development, including questions relating to the world social situation and to youth, ageing, disabled persons and the family", "Status of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto", "Report of the Secretary-General", "Summary", "The present report, submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 64/154, provides an overview of the status of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. It contains information concerning the status of signatures and ratifications of the Convention and its Optional Protocol, the second through the fifth sessions of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the monitoring of the implementation of the Convention through the Conference of States Parties and ongoing efforts by Governments towards ratification and implementation of the Convention. The report also presents an overview of the progress made by the United Nations system towards implementation of the Convention and describes relevant activities by civil society organizations and multi-stakeholder partnerships.", "Contents", "Page\nI.Introduction 3II. Conference 3 of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with \nDisabilities III. Committee 4 on the Rights of Persons with \nDisabilities IV. Activities 5 undertaken in support of the \nConvention \nA.Governments 5B.Regional 9 integration \norganization C.United 9 Nations \nsystem D.Non-governmental 16 \norganizations E. Multi-stakeholder 17 \npartnerships \nAnnex Listof 18 signatures,ratificationsoraccessionsto theConventionon theRightsof Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto,asof1 July \n 2011", "I. Introduction", "1. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was adopted in December 2006 and came into force in May 2008. Since then, the Secretary-General has submitted two reports to the General Assembly that provide information on the status of its ratification and implementation (A/63/264 and A/64/128).", "2. In its resolution 64/154, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to submit to the Assembly, at its sixty-sixth session, a report on the status of the Convention and the Optional Protocol thereto, and on the implementation of the resolution.", "3. As of the date of submission of the present report, there were 102 States parties and 149 signatories to the Convention. For the Optional Protocol, there were 62 States parties and 90 signatories. The list of signatures and ratifications or accessions is contained in the annex to the report.", "4. Among the 102 States parties to the Convention, 26 are from the African Group, 23 are from the Asian Group, 15 are from the Eastern European Group, 22 are from the Latin American and Caribbean Group, and 15 are from the Western European and other Group (including the European Union).", "5. Since the submission of the last report on the status of the Convention to that of the present report, there have been 47 ratifications and 2 accessions, as well as 6 signatures to the Convention. There have also been 17 ratifications, 3 accessions and 5 signatures to the Optional Protocol, including the ratification of the Convention by the European Union, as a regional integration organization.", "6. During the past two years, many countries have taken measures to harmonize national laws, enact new legislation and create national focal points to implement the Convention more fully or to move towards its ratification. The Convention has become increasingly recognized as a tool to promote inclusive development and has generated a new impetus to mainstream disability into the international development agenda. The United Nations system promotes disability-inclusive programming at all levels and encourages multi-stakeholder partnerships to strengthen the mainstreaming of disability and the inclusion of persons with disabilities in development.", "7. Within the United Nations system, there have been increased efforts to promote the ratification and implementation of the Convention. A treaty event was held at United Nations Headquarters in September 2010 to continue promotion of the signing and ratification of the Convention. During the event, the Czech Republic the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Portugal and Turkey ratified the Convention.", "II. Conference of States Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "8. In accordance with article 40 of the Convention and with a decision made at the first session of the Conference of States Parties (see CRPD/CSP/2008/4), the second session of the Conference of States Parties was convened at United Nations Headquarters from 2 to 4 September 2009. The theme of that session was “Legislative measures to implement the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (see CRPD/CSP/2009/SR.2) and included two round-table discussions, “Accessibility and reasonable accommodation” and “Equal recognition before the law, access to justice and support and decision-making”. During the session, an interactive dialogue on United Nations system support for the implementation of the Convention was held, which was followed by an informal meeting on emerging issues co-chaired by the Bureau and civil society, entitled “The global economic crisis, poverty and the implementation of the Convention”.", "9. The third session of the Conference of States Parties was convened at United Nations Headquarters from 1 to 3 September 2010 on the theme “Inclusion of persons with disabilities through implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities” (see CRPD/CSP/2010/3). During the session, elections were held to appoint 12 members of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Two round tables, entitled “Inclusion and living in the community” and “Inclusion and the right to education”, were also held during the session, followed by an “Interactive dialogue on the implementation of the Convention by the United Nations system”. An informal meeting, entitled “Emerging issues: persons with disabilities in situations of risk and humanitarian emergencies”, was co-chaired by the Bureau and civil society.", "10. At the time of the submission of the present report, preparations were under way for the fourth session of the Conference of States Parties, to be held at United Nations Headquarters from 7 to 9 September 2011 under the theme, “Enabling development, realizing the Convention through participation, employment and international cooperation”.", "III. Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "11. The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities[1] began to review reports of States parties at its fourth session, in October 2010, and at its fifth session, in April 2011. The Committee examined the initial report of Tunisia during a public meeting, through an interactive dialogue with a delegation from Tunisia, and adopted its very first concluding observations (CRPD/C/TUN/CO/1). The Committee also carried out a preliminary review of the initial report of Spain and adopted a list of issues in preparation for the consideration of the report (CRPD/C/ESP/Q/1) at its sixth session in September 2011.", "12. The Committee held days of general discussion on article 12 (Equal recognition before the law) of the Convention in 2009 and on article 9 (Accessibility) of the Convention in 2010 to support the formulation by the Committee of general comments on these issues. The days of general discussion were attended by representatives of States parties, civil society and others.", "13. Among its major decisions, the Committee requested that measures be taken to ensure that all persons with disabilities have full access to meetings of human rights bodies. The Committee also requested that all aspects of accessibility should be taken into account, including training, the provision of documents in Braille and easy-to-read and comprehensible formats, the provision of sign-language interpretation and other appropriate forms of support, as well as relevant information and communications technologies and systems.", "14. The Committee issued statements on the natural disasters in Chile, China, Haiti and Pakistan, calling for measures to ensure both the protection and safety of persons with disabilities and their inclusion in decision-making processes.", "IV. Activities undertaken in support of the Convention", "A. Governments", "15. The present section provides a summary of the 41 submissions received from Governments in response to the note verbale of 15 March 2011, in which the Secretariat requested information on progress concerning the Convention and the Optional Protocol. Submissions were received from the following countries: Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Burkina Faso, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Cameroon, Canada, China, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Ethiopia, Georgia, Greece, Grenada, Guyana, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Lithuania, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Mexico, Morocco, the Netherlands, Oman, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Senegal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of).", "1. Progress towards ratification of the Convention", "16. Several States that had signed the Convention reported having taken steps towards ratification, including Congo, Guyana, Indonesia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, the Netherlands and Poland.", "17. The following Governments reported on progress made in their legislative framework towards ratification of the Convention:", "(a) Cameroon adopted its Law No. 2010/002 of 13 April 2010, which promotes the social, economic and political integration of persons with disabilities. The Law includes implementation and enforcement measures;", "(b) Congo is in the process of ratifying the Convention after it was authenticated by the approval of the National Action Plan for Persons with Disabilities;", "(c) Guyana passed the 2010 Persons with Disability Act and is focusing on the implementation of the Act prior to its ratification of the Convention;", "(d) Indonesia has included ratification of the Convention within the National Plan for Human Rights for 2011-2014 and will be discussing the ratification process at the parliamentary level later this year;", "(e) Japan drafted a bill to revise its Basic Law for Disabled Persons to support the social participation and livelihood of persons with disabilities. The Bill was submitted to the Diet in April 2011;", "(f) The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, as part of its national strategy to improve the rights of persons with disabilities, took measures towards analysis and harmonization of its national legislation with a view to ratifying the Convention;", "(g) The Netherlands has decided on the ratification of the Convention, which is expected this year;", "(h) Poland carried out a detailed review of national legislation to determine the changes necessary to comply with the Convention, as a first step towards its ratification.", "2. Harmonization of domestic legislation and practice in compliance with the Convention", "18. Several States parties reported progress in harmonization of domestic legislation in compliance with the Convention:", "(a) Argentina held a National Conference on the New Legal Regime on the Legal Capacity of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities that aimed at generating a forum for debate and analysis on the implication of the paradigm shift as a result of the Convention. Furthermore, in accordance with article 13 of the Convention, certain jurisdictions in Argentina now allow blind persons to act as witnesses to marriages;", "(b) Bosnia and Herzegovina adopted the decision to form a Council for persons with disabilities in order to promote cooperation between the Government and its offices, and associations of persons with disabilities;", "(c) The Philippines created the Persons with Disabilities Affairs Office in April 2010. National Government agencies took measures in support of the implementation of the Accessibility Law and other legislation to further promote the rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities;", "(d) Senegal adopted the Law of Social Orientation on the implementation of the Convention. In May 2011 a technical committee met with the Prime Minister to discuss issues related to the Law;", "(e) Slovenia adopted the Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities in light of the Convention. This two-part Act both prohibits discrimination on the grounds of disability and includes measures to equalize opportunities for persons with disabilities;", "(f) Thailand has enacted new legislation on disability in the area of anti‑discrimination, empowerment, quality of life and education, with a view to enhancing legal standards to ensure the rights of persons with disabilities;", "(g) Turkmenistan introduced a Law on Education which guarantees the necessary conditions to provide educational and professional training for persons with disabilities. The Law on Culture now includes the needs of persons with disabilities in the planning and execution of cultural events.", "3. National implementation and monitoring", "19. Several States parties reported on progress in developing and/or strengthening national frameworks for promotion, protection and monitoring of the Convention:", "(a) The Argentina Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security established a Technical Committee to oversee the monitoring of the implementation of articles 16, 27 and 28 of the Convention;", "(b) Canada is currently preparing its initial report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, which is due in April 2012;", "(c) China submitted its first country report on implementation of the Convention. It also reported that a Mental Health Law and a number of legal decrees, including the Regulations on Rehabilitation and the Regulation on Barrier-free Construction, are also being formulated;", "(d) Congo created a national committee for coordination, monitoring and evaluation of the national plan for persons with disabilities. The Government, in collaboration with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), also organized a seminar on the Convention;", "(e) Costa Rica designated the National Council on Rehabilitation and Special Education (CNREE) as the agency responsible for monitoring implementation of the Convention and preparing related reports;", "(f) Italy established the National Observatory on the Status of Persons with Disabilities, tasked with implementation and monitoring activities related to the Convention;", "(g) Jordan revised its previous social strategy for 2010-2015 to incorporate gender and disability issues;", "(h) The Lithuania Council for the Affairs of the Disabled, within the Ministry of Social Security and Labour, and the Office of Equal Opportunities Ombudsperson are functioning as independent institutions to promote, protect and monitor the implementation of the Convention;", "(i) Oman is drafting its national plan related to the care and the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, as well as their inclusion in the development process;", "(j) Saudi Arabia, through the Prince Salman Centre for Disability Research, created an executive committee for research on disability as well as a committee to report on the implementation of the Convention;", "(k) Spain designated the National Disabilities Council by royal decree as the authority responsible for implementing the Convention. The Council, in turn, created the first independent body, in line with article 33.3 of the Convention;", "(l) The Syrian Arab Republic created a national committee to implement disability policies and strategies in light of the Convention;", "(m) Sweden submitted its first report to the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in January 2011;", "(n) Thailand, through the National Committee for the Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities, set up a subcommittee in each province of the country to implement policies and enhance the protection of persons with disabilities at the local level;", "(o) Turkey held a meeting on the National Implementation and Monitoring of the Convention in European Countries, in Ankara in March 2011.", "4. Other policy measures for implementation of the Convention", "20. Several Governments also reported other measures taken to implement the Convention. The following countries reported on progress in the area of accessibility, community-based rehabilitation, sectoral issues and other policy initiatives:", "(a) Argentina decided that all presidential broadcasts on the national television network must be interpreted in sign language simultaneously, in compliance with article 66 of the new Law on Audio-visual Communication Services. Further measures in Argentina include providing financial support to persons with disabilities for self-employment or microenterprises, and accessible digital broadcasting;", "(b) Australia launched its first disability-specific development aid strategy, “Development for All: Towards a Disability-Inclusive Australian Aid Programme 2009-2014”;", "(c) China issued a National Human Rights Action Plan for 2009-2010, in which a short-term goal of human rights protection includes protection for persons with disabilities. Further measures include increasing the coverage of the social security system and improvements in the education provided for children with special needs;", "(d) Congo will convene a seminar in 2011 on inclusive schools in that country. The Administrative Reform Committee, which addresses the issue of compensation for disability resulting from work-related accidents and diseases, was relaunched in February 2011;", "(e) Costa Rica created the National Register on Disability Statistics (RED) in February 2011 to improve statistics on persons with disabilities. The 2011-2021 National Policy on Disability will be used as a strategy for public institutions in furthering the effective promotion of, respect for and guarantee of, the rights of persons with disabilities. The Government also included questions pertaining to types of disabilities in its recent national census;", "(f) Jordan, in collaboration with Handicap International, organized a data-collection campaign to map the distribution in villages and cities of persons with disabilities;", "(g) Oman is currently developing a database on persons with disabilities in response to a royal decree. The database will be used to further promote the inclusion of persons with disabilities in society and development;", "(h) Turkmenistan, through the National Institute for Democracy and Human Rights, has opened an Information Centre for Human Rights to promote the advancement of human rights, including the rights of persons with disabilities;", "(i) The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, through the José Gregorio Hernández Mission, has included mechanisms for providing care to persons with disabilities in its guidelines related to the member countries of the Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America (ALBA).[2]", "B. Regional integration organization", "21. The European Commission adopted the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 to address inequalities and social exclusion. The overall aim of the Strategy, entitled, “A renewed commitment to a barrier-free Europe”, is to empower persons with disabilities through economic and social development. The strategy operates at the level of the European Union to identify actions that supplement national initiatives and determines the mechanisms needed to implement the Convention, including in European Union institutions.[3]", "C. United Nations system", "22. The United Nations system continues to work collaboratively within its system organizations, as well as with other stakeholders, to promote the ratification and implementation of the Convention at all levels. Furthermore, the organizational plans and strategies of several entities of the United Nations system have been amended to reflect their renewed commitment to the Convention.", "23. Since the last report of the Secretary-General in 2009, the Inter-Agency Support Group for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities[4] has held several meetings, some of them virtual. The Group has finalized and endorsed its strategy and plan of action to mainstream the Convention throughout the work of the United Nations system.", "24. The United Nations Development Group/Inter-Agency Support Group for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Task Team has developed a guidance note on disability for United Nations country teams and implementing partners, entitled “Including the rights of persons with disabilities in United Nations programming at the country level”. The note was endorsed by the United Nations Development Group at its meeting in October 2010.[5] The note has been developed to facilitate the inclusion of disability issues in the common country assessments process, both through the design and implementation of the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and through individual agencies in their areas of work.", "25. The United Nations system also continues the work of implementing the Convention through more recent activities related to accessibility in the areas of human resources, information and physical facilities, awareness-raising, capacity-building and technical cooperation.", "1. Accessibility: human resources, information and physical facilities", "26. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in cooperation with the World Bank, held an Expert Group Meeting, entitled “Innovative and cost-effective approaches for inclusive and accessible development”, at World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C., from 28 to 30 June 2010. The experts examined strategic frameworks and identified priorities for action to strengthen national capacities and institutions. Participants also worked on the identification of innovative and cost-effective approaches to accessibility as a means of promoting disability-inclusive development and furthering the implementation of the Convention.[6]", "27. The Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) recently adopted a resolution on enhancing accessibility for persons with disabilities at ESCAP. The resolution calls for the ESCAP secretariat to develop and implement further disability-inclusive measures in light of the Convention.", "28. The United Nations Interdepartmental Task Force on Accessibility was established jointly by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in October 2010, to develop United Nations Secretariat-wide policy guidelines for improving accessibility in order to accommodate the needs and facilitate the participation of persons with disabilities on United Nations premises. During its first phase, the Task Force will focus on accessibility policies, standards and guidelines for the provision of interpretation and documentation services, and information and communication technologies. In its second phase, the Task Force will focus on human resources and physical facilities.", "(a) Human resources", "29. Offices of the United Nations system continue to make the necessary changes to ensure that their human resources policies are non-discriminatory and more inclusive of persons with disabilities. The Human Resources Network of the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) at its eighteenth session in June 2009 endorsed the policy statement on persons with disabilities in the United Nations workplace. The Network noted that the policy statement represents a paradigm shift, from one that focuses on a person’s disabilities to one that recognizes persons with disabilities for their skills and abilities. It was also agreed that each organization should develop its own policy and report on implementation at the July 2010 session of the Network.", "30. The CEB secretariat compiled the responses from organizations on the implementation of the policy, which were presented at the twentieth session of the Human Resources Network (see CEB/2010/HLCM/HR/28/Rev.1). The United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination High-Level Committee on Management approved the Network decision, fully supported the implementation of policies on persons with disabilities by all organizations and requested the Network to consider ways to measure results, inclusive of best practices from the private sector (see CEB/2010/5).", "31. A number of United Nations system organizations reported to CEB that the policy was being implemented or incorporated into their overall human resources policy. Several other organizations are currently in the process of developing a policy, or have amended their staff rules and regulations to include reasonable measures to accommodate persons with disabilities in their workforce. Furthermore, several offices of the United Nations system have begun developing sensitization programmes for their staff on disability in the workplace.", "32. The United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Executive Directive on prohibition of harassment, sexual harassment and abuse of authority, and the recently promulgated staff-selection policy, incorporate non-discrimination against persons with disabilities as an explicit selection principle. In January 2011 UNICEF conducted a training seminar for its staff on disability awareness and staff development at its headquarters.", "33. The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has developed an training tool to facilitate the integration of persons with disabilities into its workforce. The training course is entitled “Persons with DisAbilities: Ability. CapAbility. EmployAbility”.[7] UNDP has made the online training toolkit available to others, with a view to increasing disability awareness and promoting inclusive employment practices.", "34. The International Labour Organization (ILO) policy on the employment of persons with disabilities, adopted in 2005, includes the provision of reasonable accommodation necessary to enable a person with a disability to enter into, and remain in, employment within ILO. To complement this policy, a financial reserve for reasonable accommodation was established for the biennium 2010-2011. Furthermore, ILO introduced a disability inclusion initiative to increase the ability and confidence of ILO staff to address disability issues in their work and in their workplace.", "35. The World Health Organization (WHO) finalized its policy on the “Employment of persons with disabilities” and conducted a workshop, entitled “Disability Equality Training” for human resources staff and its Staff Association, to help build awareness of, and support for, the policy. WHO also reviewed procedures for achieving reasonable accommodation for new and existing staff with disabilities, targeted outreach activities to advertise employment and internship opportunities to persons with disabilities, and conducted briefings for staff in regional offices on achieving disability equality in recruitment.", "(b) Information", "36. Several organizations of the United Nations system have conducted audits of their information and communications technologies, and have made changes to ensure that they are accessible to persons with disabilities. Some offices have established accessibility guidelines and policies for print documents, and have adopted universal web accessibility standards to improve the accessibility of their information resources. Furthermore, offices have conducted disability sensitization-related training of their staff to reinforce the need for information products to be more accessible to persons with disabilities.", "37. OHCHR makes all relevant documentation available in Braille and in all six official languages, and provides accessible equipment, facilities and services for meetings of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. The Office facilitates disability-awareness training for staff interacting with Committee members and institutes accessibility procedures at sessions of the Human Rights Council.", "38. The Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) has adopted international standards and guidelines for its accessible Information Society Portal for the ESCWA Region (ISPER) and the web component of the ESCWA Statistical Information System (ESIS). ISPER has been developed within the framework of follow-up activities to the World Summit on the Information Society. The web component of ESIS facilitates the exchange of statistical data between ESCWA and its member countries.", "39. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in close collaboration with the Global Initiative for Inclusive Information and Communications Technologies (G3ict), developed and launched in February 2010 an e-Accessibility Policy Toolkit to support States parties in the implementation of the accessibility provisions of the Convention. The online e-Accessibility Policy Toolkit for Persons with Disabilities and its companion handbook present international case studies documenting effective policymaking solutions.[8]", "40. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in partnership with the Inclusive Design Research Centre and the local government in Ontario, Canada, has developed a range of consolidated and publicly reviewed guidelines on how to create accessible office documents using many of the more popular office programmes and suites. The guidelines take the form of step-by-step instruction manuals with ample illustrations and helpful hints. A workshop on creating accessible digital office documents was held in November 2010 as part of the initiative.[9]", "41. The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and ITU collaboratively organized an accessibility workshop at WIPO headquarters for staff of the United Nations system and other international organizations in February 2010. The event brought together over 180 persons from some 32 organizations to promote awareness on accessibility and encourage webmasters within the United Nations system and other international organizations to implement accessibility awareness in their daily work.[10]", "42. In 2010 WIPO launched two initiatives, the trusted intermediary global accessible resources (TIGAR) project and the enabling technologies framework project to facilitate the access to publications by visually impaired persons. The pamphlet, “Accessible Publishing”, provides publishers with guidelines and best practices for producing disability-accessible publications. During 2009 and 2010, WIPO also proposed an international instrument related to copyright exceptions in order to create an enabling legal environment for better access to copyrighted and protected material by visually impaired persons.", "(c) Physical facilities", "43. Several organizations of the United Nations system have taken steps at their headquarters and other facilities around the world to improve accessibility for persons with disabilities during meetings and events. Measures have often commenced with accessibility audits, with input from organizations of persons with disabilities. Actions taken include the provision of ramps in conference rooms, designated parking areas, signage and automatic doors, and the development of access guides and accessible meetings checklists.", "44. The current renovations of United Nations Headquarters are being conducted under the capital master plan, which also addresses physical accessibility of the renovated facilities. The alterations to improve physical accessibility were designed by professional design firms to include ways of making the galleries of the Chambers accessible, improving circulation for mobility-impaired staff and providing ramps (rather than lifts) to podiums. Major areas of improvement in accessibility include entrances, elevators, toilets, safety equipment, signage and other information, and communications technology enhancement.", "45. The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights made a public pledge to promote the principles and rights of the Convention within her Office in order to ensure a welcoming work environment for persons with disabilities. An Interdivisional Disability Task Force was established to schedule and cost the implementation of a plan of action.", "46. UNDP has recently completed an accessibility study of all its offices in New York and has implemented the recommendations of the report. Offices that are moving locations are given a premises relocation checklist that indicates an acceptable minimum level of accessibility. UNDP is developing standard operating procedures for the emergency evacuation of persons with disabilities.", "2. Awareness-raising", "47. Within the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the Division for Social Policy and Development is the focal point on disability. The focal point continues to serve as a clearinghouse for information and resources on the work of the United Nations in the field of disability. It organizes panel discussions, seminars and other events in conjunction with major intergovernmental processes and other public information activities. The Division hosts the accessible website Enable, which continues to provide information in all languages. The United Nations Enable Newsletter, issued several times a year with input from organizations in the United Nations system and civil society, highlights disability-related work and provides an update on the implementation of the Convention, as well as a calendar of events and other news from civil society organizations.", "48. The Special Rapporteur on disability of the Commission for Social Development to monitor the implementation of the Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities promotes the ratification and implementation of the Convention under his recently expanded mandate to include raising awareness of the Convention. During the past year, the Special Rapporteur, in collaboration with the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, co-sponsored two panel discussions on mainstreaming disability in development and promoting disability-inclusive development in the context of poverty eradication. In March 2011 he co-facilitated a seminar in Oslo on mainstreaming disability in development cooperation, to promote the implementation of the Convention, the Standard Rules and other international instruments through international cooperation.", "49. In order to observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, on 3 December, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs organizes a number of events in collaboration with other partners at United Nations Headquarters. At a high-level event in 2009, the Secretary-General designated Mr. Stevie Wonder, an international celebrity and blind person, as a United Nations Messenger of Peace. The ceremony was followed by panel discussions on the theme “Making the Millennium Development Goals disability-inclusive: empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities around the world”.", "50. The Disability Film Festival of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, established in 2009, is a regular activity to commemorate the Day at United Nations Headquarters. The festival features a selection of short films to raise awareness of disability issues.", "51. The United Nations Information Centre in Moscow, in partnership with civil society organizations, held an event in Sochi, the Russian Federation, the future venue of the 2014 Olympic Games. A meeting on cyberspace for persons with disabilities, held in May 2011, highlighted the importance of the Convention and the work of the Group of Friends of the Convention in bringing together experts in usability and accessibility.", "52. ESCAP launched the “Make the Right Real” campaign in October 2010, aimed at accelerating the ratification and implementation of the Convention in the region. Since its launch, there have been country-level campaigns in the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea and the Republic of Korea. The country-level campaigns have enhanced awareness of and initiated key steps for the ratification and implementation of the Convention.", "53. UNICEF, in a collaborative effort, published a learning guide on the Convention, as a companion to its child-friendly publication, It’s About Ability, which promotes Convention principles. The learning guide is available in all six United Nations languages. It’s About Ability has been translated into such additional languages as Armenian, Bulgarian, Italian, Japanese and Montenegrin.", "54. The World Report on Disability, jointly published by WHO and the World Bank, was launched on 9 June 2011 at United Nations Headquarters. The report summarizes both the current situation of persons with disabilities and the best available scientific evidence on disability, and offers directions for policy and practice which can help overcome exclusion. The report has been developed with the full participation of persons with disabilities and their organizations, and will help raise awareness of the rights of persons with disabilities.", "3. Capacity-building and technical cooperation", "55. The United Nations Voluntary Fund on Disability, administered by the Department of Economic and Social Affairs, provides support to catalytic and innovative activities for the implementation of the Convention. In 2010 the Fund supported a global network of persons with disabilities in the development of strategies for implementation of the Convention and a capacity-building project in health and employment for women with disabilities in India.", "56. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs, in collaboration with OHCHR and the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, conducted an international capacity-development workshop in Port of Spain in November 2010. The workshop was aimed at strengthening regional inclusion mechanisms to ensure full involvement of persons with disabilities and their organizations in the decision-making, planning, monitoring and evaluation processes associated with the implementation of the Convention in the Caribbean.", "57. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs, the World Bank, Leonard Cheshire Disability (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) and the Global Partnership for Disability and Development co-sponsored a Southern Common Market (MERCOSUR) meeting on inclusion of the disability perspective in the Millennium Development Goals and inclusive development at the Conference of High-level Authorities of MERCOSUR and Ministries of Foreign Affairs in March 2010. During the Conference, the Department also conducted a training programme for over 100 participants focused on achievement of the Millennium Development Goals through implementation of the Convention.", "58. The Department of Economic and Social Affairs supported the Center on Disability Studies, University of Hawaii, in the convening of the International Forum on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities: Utilizing the Convention to Mobilize for Action, and made a keynote presentation at its plenary session, entitled “Development for All: Inclusive Policies, Programmes and Participation in the Millennium Development Goals”. The Forum was held in conjunction with the twenty-sixth annual Pacific Rim International Conference on Disabilities, held in Honolulu, United States of America, in April 2010.", "59. OHCHR continued to support Government and civil society ratification and implementation of the Convention through some 25 human rights field presences. Activities included workshops, supporting implementation of Universal Periodic Review recommendations on ratification and awareness-raising, and assisting with law and policy reform.", "60. The United Nations Mine Action Service promotes the relevance of the Convention in addressing the rights and needs of victims of landmines and explosive remnants of war, with Governments and at related international meetings. The Service provides technical assistance and support to several programmes in such countries affected by conflict as Afghanistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Sudan.", "61. ESCWA implemented the project, “Knowledge networks through ICT (information and communications technology) access points for disadvantaged communities”, together with other regional commissions of the United Nations. The project worked to empower poor and disadvantaged communities, and more particularly women, by transforming selected existing ICT access points into community hubs of global knowledge networks. Two centres were transformed into knowledge hubs in Salamieh and Barzeh, Syrian Arab Republic.", "62. In December 2010 UNFPA, leading the Group on Disability of the United Nations country team, facilitated the Syrian forum “Disability: Reality and Ambition”, aimed at enhancing networking and cooperation among stakeholders involved in the integration of persons with disabilities into society. UNFPA also supported training on information technology and modern technologies for Syrian youth with vision impairment with a view to enhancing their employment prospects, an initiative that received a national award in 2010.", "63. UNICEF supported the Government of Azerbaijan in the preparation of an implementation plan and the report on the implementation of the Convention. In Viet Nam, UNICEF assisted the Government in developing the draft Law on Persons with Disabilities and undertook a legal analysis of domestic legislation on persons with disabilities in preparation for the ratification of the Convention.", "D. Non-governmental organizations", "64. The role of non-governmental organizations, especially those working with persons with disabilities, is crucial to the successful implementation of the Convention. There are a number of global disability organizations with national and regional chapters around the world. These networks monitor and report on the implementation of the Convention, and assist member organizations in advocating for the compliance of national laws and policies with the Convention.", "65. Civil society organizations, including organizations of persons with disabilities, participate regularly in intergovernmental meetings and expert bodies, such as meetings of the Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Conference of States Parties. A day prior to the opening of the third session of the Conference of States Parties, a civil society forum was organized by the International Disability Alliance (IDA), a network of global and regional organizations of persons with disabilities,[11] with the support of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs.", "66. In December 2010 IDA organized a multi-stakeholder seminar in Geneva to help identify the key challenges of the full and effective implementation of the Convention. The expert seminar brought together IDA members, international non‑governmental organizations, United Nations agencies and representatives of States parties in order to examine the challenges to reforming mainstream and disability-specific legislation in compliance with the Convention.", "67. The International Disability and Development Consortium task team on disability and HIV organized a disability networking zone at the XVIII International AIDS Conference, held in Vienna in 2010. In the zone, persons with disabilities, people living with HIV, researchers, donors and conference attendees shared experiences and raised awareness of the interrelationship between disability and HIV.[12]", "68. The World Network of Users and Survivors of Psychiatry conducted a World Conference and General Assembly of its membership in Kampala in 2009. The Assembly focused on the Convention and its implementation, and adopted the Kampala Declaration on the Convention, which emphasizes legal capacity and the right to make decisions and the right to self-representation.", "69. Inclusion International, a global federation of family-based organizations, advocating for the human rights of persons with intellectual disabilities, released its global report on inclusive education, entitled Better Education for All: When We’re Included Too, at a conference on inclusive education, held in Salamanca, Spain, in October 2009.[13] At the conclusion of the conference, Inclusion International, together with other stakeholders represented in Salamanca, launched a campaign entitled “Initiative 24” to promote the implementation of article 24 of the Convention.", "70. Representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities from five countries in the African region,[14] as well as representatives of regional organizations of persons with disabilities, national human rights institutions and research institutes, met in Kigali in early 2011 at a workshop to develop the capacity of civil society for monitoring the human rights of persons with disabilities. The workshop concluded with a declaration calling for holistic monitoring of the implementation of the Convention in all African countries.", "E. Multi-stakeholder partnerships", "71. Increasingly, diverse global networks, consisting of Governments, United Nations agencies, national and international development organizations, civil society and other relevant organizations, work alongside traditional and non‑traditional stakeholders to promote the implementation of the Convention. These networks mainstream disability issues into economic and social development efforts, and strengthen international cooperation in the field of disability.", "72. The Global Partnership for Disability and Development is a global initiative to accelerate the integration of disability considerations into mainstream social and economic development in the context of the Convention. The Partnership, in collaboration with the World Bank, organized the International Development Partners Forum on Disability and Development in Brussels in September 2010. The event brought together development partners, representatives and disability focal points from Government donor agencies, United Nations agencies, multilateral organizations and private foundations on inclusive development. A follow-up meeting was held in Oslo in March 2011.", "73. In addition, the Global Partnership for Disability and Development organized a number of initiatives promoting new forms of collaboration between traditional and non-traditional stakeholders, to discuss emerging challenges. In response to the earthquake in Haiti, the Partnership initiated a working group to ensure that reconstruction efforts involved persons with disabilities during all stages and that all rebuilt and newly built infrastructure would be fully accessible to, and usable by, persons with disabilities.", "74. The Global Contact Group on AIDS and Disability is an informal, multi‑stakeholder partnership made up of United Nations agencies, civil society and other development partners that work to include a disability perspective in HIV/AIDS advocacy and programming efforts at the international level in order to further the implementation of the Convention. The Group recently promoted the inclusion of disability issues at the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on AIDS held in June 2011.", "75. Pacific Disability Forum, including Governments, development organizations, human rights institutions and civil society organizations in the region, organized the second Pacific Regional Conference on Disability, with the theme “Promoting actions on the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the Pacific Region”, held in Auckland in April 2011.[15] The outcome document included a list of recommendations to all stakeholders on significant and tangible steps to implement the Convention and empower persons with disabilities and their organizations.", "Annex", "List of signatures, ratifications or accessions to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the Optional Protocol thereto, as of 1 July 2011", "A. Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "Participant\tSignature\tRatification oraccession \nAlbania\t22 December2009\t\n Algeria 30 March 2007 4 December 2009 \n Andorra 27 April 2007   \n Antigua and Barbuda 30 March 2007   \n Argentina 30 March 2007 2 September 2008\nArmenia\t30 March 2007\t22 September2010\n Australia 30 March 2007 17 July 2008 \nAustria\t30 March 2007\t26 September2008\n Azerbaijan 9 January 2008 28 January 2009 \n Bahrain 25 June 2007   \n Bangladesh 9 May 2007 30 November 2007\n Barbados 19 July 2007   \n Belgium 30 March 2007 2 July 2009 \n Belize 9 May 2011 2 June 2011 \nBenin\t8 February2008\t\nBhutan\t21 September2010\t\nBolivia (PlurinationalState of)\t13 August 2007\t16 November 2009\n Bosnia and Herzegovina 29 July 2009 12 March 2010 \n Brazil 30 March 2007 1 August 2008 \nBrunei Darussalam\t18 December2007\t\nBulgaria\t27 September2007\t\n Burkina Faso 23 May 2007 23 July 2009 \n Burundi 26 April 2007   \n Cambodia 1 October 2007   \n Cameroon 1 October 2008   \n Canada 30 March 2007 11 March 2010 \n Cape Verde 30 March 2007   \n Central African Republic 9 May 2007   \n Chile 30 March 2007 29 July 2008 \n China 30 March 2007 1 August 2008 \n Colombia 30 March 2007 10 May 2011 \nComoros\t26 September2007\t\n Congo 30 March 2007   \n Cook Islands   8 May 2009^(a) \n Costa Rica 30 March 2007 1 October 2008 \n Côte d’Ivoire 7 June 2007   \n Croatia 30 March 2007 15 August 2007 \n Cuba 26 April 2007 6 September 2007\n Cyprus 30 March 2007 27 June 2011 \nCzech Republic\t30 March 2007\t28 September2009\n Denmark 30 March 2007 24 July 2009 \n Dominica 30 March 2007   \n Dominican Republic 30 March 2007 18 August 2009 \n Ecuador 30 March 2007 3 April 2008 \n Egypt 4 April 2007 14 April 2008 \n El Salvador 30 March 2007 14 December 2007\nEstonia\t25 September2007\t\n Ethiopia 30 March 2007 7 July 2010 \n European Union 30 March 2007 23 December 2010\n Fiji 2 June 2010   \n Finland 30 March 2007   \n France 30 March 2007 18 February 2010\n Gabon 30 March 2007 1 October 2007 \n Georgia 10 July 2009   \n Germany 30 March 2007 24 February 2009\n Ghana 30 March 2007   \n Greece 30 March 2007   \n Grenada 12 July 2010   \n Guatemala 30 March 2007 7 April 2009 \n Guinea 16 May 2007 8 February 2008 \n Guyana 11 April 2007   \n Haiti   23 July 2009^(a)\n Honduras 30 March 2007 14 April 2008 \n Hungary 30 March 2007 20 July 2007 \n Iceland 30 March 2007   \n India 30 March 2007 1 October 2007 \n Indonesia 30 March 2007   \nIran (Islamic Republic of) 23 October2009^(a)\n Ireland 30 March 2007   \n Israel 30 March 2007   \n Italy 30 March 2007 15 May 2009 \n Jamaica 30 March 2007 30 March 2007 \nJapan\t28 September2007\t\n Jordan 30 March 2007 31 March 2008 \nKazakhstan\t11 December2008\t\n Kenya 30 March 2007 19 May 2008 \nLao People’s DemocraticRepublic\t15 January2008\t25 September2009\n Latvia 18 July 2008 1 March 2010 \n Lebanon 14 June 2007   \nLesotho 2 December2008^(a)\n Liberia 30 March 2007   \n Libyan Arab Jamahiriya 1 May 2008   \n Lithuania 30 March 2007 18 August 2010 \n Luxembourg 30 March 2007   \nMadagascar\t25 September2007\t\nMalawi\t27 September2007\t27 August 2009\n Malaysia 8 April 2008 19 July 2010 \n Maldives 2 October 2007 5 April 2010 \n Mali 15 May 2007 7 April 2008 \n Malta 30 March 2007   \nMauritius\t25 September2007\t8 January 2010\n Mexico 30 March 2007 17 December 2007\nMonaco\t23 September2009\t\n Mongolia   13 May 2009^(a) \nMontenegro\t27 September2007\t2 November 2009\n Morocco 30 March 2007 8 April 2009 \n Mozambique 30 March 2007   \n Namibia 25 April 2007 4 December 2007 \n Nepal 3 January 2008 7 May 2010 \n Netherlands 30 March 2007   \nNew Zealand\t30 March 2007\t25 September2008\n Nicaragua 30 March 2007 7 December 2007 \n Niger 30 March 2007 24 June 2008 \nNigeria\t30 March 2007\t24 September2010\n Norway 30 March 2007   \n Oman 17 March 2008 6 January 2009 \nPakistan\t25 September2008\t\n Panama 30 March 2007 7 August 2007 \n Papua New Guinea  2 June 2011 \n Paraguay 30 March 2007 3 September 2008\n Peru 30 March 2007 30 January 2008 \nPhilippines\t25 September2007\t15 April 2008\n Poland 30 March 2007   \nPortugal\t30 March 2007\t23 September2009\n Qatar 9 July 2007 13 May 2008 \n Republic of Korea 30 March 2007 11 December 2008\nRepublic of Moldova\t30 March 2007\t21 September2010\nRomania\t26 September2007\t31 January 2011\nRussian Federation\t24 September2008\t\nRwanda 15 December2008^(a)\nSaint Vincent and theGrenadines 29 October2010^(a)\n San Marino 30 March 2007 22 February 2008\n Saudi Arabia   24 June 2008^(a)\n Senegal 25 April 2007 7 September 2010\nSerbia\t17 December2007\t31 July 2009\n Seychelles 30 March 2007 2 October 2009 \n Sierra Leone 30 March 2007 4 October 2010 \nSlovakia\t26 September2007\t26 May 2010\n Slovenia 30 March 2007 24 April 2008 \nSolomon Islands\t23 September2008\t\n South Africa 30 March 2007 30 November 2007\n Spain 30 March 2007 3 December 2007 \n Sri Lanka 30 March 2007   \n Sudan 30 March 2007 24 April 2009 \n Suriname 30 March 2007   \nSwaziland\t25 September2007\t\n Sweden 30 March 2007 15 December 2008\n Syrian Arab Republic 30 March 2007 10 July 2009 \n Thailand 30 March 2007 29 July 2008 \nThe former YugoslavRepublic of Macedonia\t30 March 2007\t\nTogo\t23 September2008\t1 March 2011\nTonga\t15 November2007\t\nTrinidad and Tobago\t27 September2007\t\n Tunisia 30 March 2007 2 April 2008 \nTurkey\t30 March 2007\t28 September2009\nTurkmenistan 4 September2008^(a)\nUganda\t30 March 2007\t25 September2008\nUkraine\t24 September2008\t4 February 2010\nUnited Arab Emirates\t8 February2008\t19 March 2010\nUnited Kingdom of GreatBritain and NorthernIreland\t30 March 2007\t8 June 2009\n United Republic of Tanzania 30 March 2007 10 November 2009\n United States of America 30 July 2009   \n Uruguay 3 April 2007 11 February 2009\nUzbekistan\t27 February2009\t\n Vanuatu 17 May 2007 23 October 2008 \nViet Nam\t22 October2007\t\n Yemen 30 March 2007 26 March 2009 \n Zambia 9 May 2008 1 February 2010", "^(a) Accession.", "B. Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities", "Participant\tSignature\tRatification oraccession \n Algeria 30 March 2007   \n Andorra 27 April 2007   \n Antigua and Barbuda 30 March 2007   \n Argentina 30 March 2007 2 September 2008\n Armenia 30 March 2007   \nAustralia 21 August2009^(a)\nAustria\t30 March 2007\t26 September2008\n Azerbaijan 9 January 2008 28 January 2009 \n Bangladesh   12 May 2008^(a) \n Belgium 30 March 2007 2 July 2009 \n Benin 8 February 2008   \nBolivia (PlurinationalState of)\t13 August 2007\t16 November 2009\n Bosnia and Herzegovina 29 July 2009 12 March 2010 \n Brazil 30 March 2007 1 August 2008 \nBulgaria\t18 December2008\t\n Burkina Faso 23 May 2007 23 July 2009 \n Burundi 26 April 2007   \n Cambodia 1 October 2007   \n Cameroon 1 October 2008   \n Central African Republic 9 May 2007   \n Chile 30 March 2007 29 July 2008 \n Congo 30 March 2007   \n Cook Islands   8 May 2009^(a) \n Costa Rica 30 March 2007 1 October 2008 \n Côte d’Ivoire 7 June 2007   \n Croatia 30 March 2007 15 August 2007 \n Cyprus 30 March 2007 27 June 2011 \n Czech Republic 30 March 2007   \n Dominican Republic 30 March 2007 18 August 2009 \n Ecuador 30 March 2007 3 April 2008 \n El Salvador 30 March 2007 14 December 2007\n Fiji 2 June 2010   \n Finland 30 March 2007   \nFrance\t23 September2008\t18 February 2010\nGabon\t25 September2007\t\n Georgia 10 July 2009   \n Germany 30 March 2007 24 February 2009\n Ghana 30 March 2007   \nGreece\t27 September2010\t\n Guatemala 30 March 2007 7 April 2009 \n Guinea 31 August 2007 8 February 2008 \n Haiti   23 July 2009^(a)\n Honduras 23 August 2007 16 August 2010 \n Hungary 30 March 2007 20 July 2007 \n Iceland 30 March 2007   \n Italy 30 March 2007 15 May 2009 \n Jamaica 30 March 2007   \n Jordan 30 March 2007   \nKazakhstan\t11 December2008\t\n Latvia 22 January 2010 31 August 2010 \n Lebanon 14 June 2007   \n Liberia 30 March 2007   \n Lithuania 30 March 2007 18 August 2010 \n Luxembourg 30 March 2007   \nMadagascar\t25 September2007\t\n Mali 15 May 2007 7 April 2008 \n Malta 30 March 2007   \nMauritius\t25 September2007\t\n Mexico 30 March 2007 17 December 2007\n Mongolia   13 May 2009^(a) \nMontenegro\t27 September2007\t2 November 2009\n Morocco   8 April 2009^(a)\n Namibia 25 April 2007 4 December 2007 \n Nepal 3 January 2008 7 May 2010 \n Nicaragua 21 October 2008 2 February 2010 \n Niger 2 August 2007 24 June 2008 \nNigeria\t30 March 2007\t24 September2010\n Panama 30 March 2007 7 August 2007 \n Paraguay 30 March 2007 3 September 2008\n Peru 30 March 2007 30 January 2008 \nPortugal\t30 March 2007\t23 September2009\n Qatar 9 July 2007   \nRomania\t25 September2008\t\nRwanda 15 December2008^(a)\nSaint Vincent and theGrenadines 29 October2010^(a)\n San Marino 30 March 2007 22 February 2008\n Saudi Arabia   24 June 2008^(a)\n Senegal 25 April 2007   \nSerbia\t17 December2007\t31 July 2009\n Seychelles 30 March 2007   \n Sierra Leone 30 March 2007   \nSlovakia\t26 September2007\t26 May 2010\n Slovenia 30 March 2007 24 April 2008 \nSolomon Islands\t24 September2009\t\n South Africa 30 March 2007 30 November 2007\n Spain 30 March 2007 3 December 2007 \nSudan 24 April2009^(a)\nSwaziland\t25 September2007\t\n Sweden 30 March 2007 15 December 2008\n Syrian Arab Republic   10 July 2009^(a)\nThe former YugoslavRepublic of Macedonia\t29 July 2009\t\nTogo\t23 September2008\t1 March 2011\n Tunisia 30 March 2007 2 April 2008 \nTurkey\t28 September2009\t\nTurkmenistan 10 November2010^(a)\nUganda\t30 March 2007\t25 September2008\nUkraine\t24 September2008\t4 February 2010\nUnited Arab Emirates\t12 February2008\t\nUnited Kingdom of GreatBritain and NorthernIreland\t26 February2009\t7 August 2009\nUnited Republic of Tanzania\t29 September2008\t10 November 2009\n Yemen 11 April 2007 26 March 2009 \nZambia\t29 September2008", "^(a) Accession.", "[1] More information on the Committee and its work is available on its website at", "[2] ALBA countries include Antigua and Barbuda, the Plurinational State of Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Nicaragua, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.", "[3] See", "[4] See", "[5] See", "[6] See", "[7] See", "[8] See", "[9] See", "[10] See", "[11] More information on IDA is available at", "[12] See", "[13] The 1994 UNESCO World Conference on Special Needs Education had been held in Salamanca. Available at", "[14] Kenya, Rwanda, South Africa, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. See drpi/files/KigaliDeclaration2011.pdf.", "[15] See" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "^(*) A/66/50。", "临时议程^(*) 项目28(b)", "社会发展,包括与世界社会状况 以及与青年,老龄、残疾人和 家庭有关的问题", "残疾人权利公约及其任择议定书的现况", "秘书长的报告", "摘要", "本报告是依照大会第64/154号决议提交的,概述了《残疾人权利公约》的现况。报告所载的资料涉及《公约》及其《任择议定书》的签署和批准现况、残疾人权利委员会第二至第五届会议的情况、通过缔约国会议对公约执行情况进行的监测、以及各国政府为批准和执行公约而进行的努力。本报告也概述了联合国系统为执行《公约》所获的进展,并说明了民间社会组织和多方利益攸关方伙伴进行的有关活动。", "目录", "段次\t页次\n1.导言 1-7\t3\n2.残疾人权利公约缔约方会议 8-10\t3\n3.残疾人权利委员会 11-14\t4\n4.为支持公约而开展的行动 15-75\t4\nA.各国政府 15-20\t4\nB.区域一体化组织 21\t8\nC.联合国系统 22-63\t8\nD.非政府组织 64-70\t14\nE.多方利益攸关方 71-75\t15 \n 附件 \n截至2011年7月1日残疾人权利公约及其任择议定书的签署、批准和加入名单 17", "一. 导言", "1. 《残疾人权利公约》于2006年12月通过,并于2008年5月生效。此后,秘书长向大会提交了两份报告,提供了关于《公约》批准和执行现况的资料(A/63/ 264和A/64/128)。", "2. 大会在其第64/154号决议中请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议提交报告,说明《公约》及其《任择议定书》的现况,和该决议的执行情况。", "3. 截至本报告提交之日,《公约》共有102个缔约国和149个签署国。《任择议定书》共有62个缔约国和90个签署国。签署国和批准国或加入国名单载于本报告附件内。", "4. 《公约》102个缔约国中,26个来自非洲集团、23个来自亚洲集团、15个来自东欧集团、22个来自拉丁美洲和加勒比集团、15个来自西欧和其他集团(包括欧洲联盟)。", "5. 从提交关于《公约》现况的上一次报告至提交本报告为止,共有47国批准,2国加入和6国签署《公约》。还有17国批准、3国加入和5国签署《任择议定书》,包括欧洲联盟以区域一体化组织的身份批准《公约》。", "6. 过去两年,已有许多国家采取措施,协调国家法律、颁布新法规和建立全国联系中心,以便更充分地实施《公约》和向批准《公约》推进。人们日益确认,《公约》是促进普惠性发展的工具,并能触发新动力,将残疾问题纳入国际发展议程主流。联合国系统在所有级别推动包容残疾问题的方案拟订工作,并鼓励多方利益攸关方结为伙伴,加紧努力,将残疾问题纳入主流,并接纳残疾人参与发展。", "7. 联合国系统内正在加紧努力,促进《公约》的批准和执行。2010年9月,在联合国总部举办了一次条约活动,以便继续促进《公约》的签署和批准。活动期间,葡萄牙、老挝人民民主共和国、捷克共和国和土耳其批准了《公约》。", "二. 残疾人权利公约缔约方会议", "8. 依照《公约》第40条的规定和缔约方会议第一届会议所作的决定(见CRDP/CSP/2008/4),缔约方会议第二届会议于2009年9月2日至4日在联合国总部举行。这次会议的主题是“实施《残疾人权利公约》的立法措施”(见CRDP/CSP/2009/SR.2),活动包含两次圆桌讨论会,题为“无障碍环境和合理便利”和“法律面前获得平等承认、获得司法保护和支助以及决策”。会议期间,举行了一次互动对话,论及联合国系统为执行《公约》而提供的支助,其后由主席团和民间社会共同主持了一次非正式会议,主题是“全球经济危机,贫穷和公约的执行情况”。", "9. 第三届缔约方会议于2010年9月1日至3日在联合国总部召开,主题是“通过《残疾人权利公约》的执行使残疾人融入社会”(见CRDP/CSP/2010/3)。会议期间进行了选举,以便任命残疾人委员会的12名成员,还举行了两次圆桌讨论会,主题是“融入社会生活”和“包容和教育权利”。随后进行了关于联合国系统执行公约情况的互动对话。在主席团和民间社会的共同主持下,举行了一次非正式会议,主题是“正在浮现的各项问题:危难情况和人道主义紧急情况下的残疾人”。", "10. 在提交本报告时,正在筹备将于2010年9月7日至9日在联合国总部举行的第四届缔约国会议,主题是“扶持式发展,通过参与、就业和国际合作执行公约”。", "三. 残疾人权利委员会", "11. 残疾人委员会[1] 在其2010年10月第四届会议和2011年4月第五届会议上,开始审查缔约国的报告。委员会在一次公开会议上,通过同突尼斯代表团进行的互动对话,审查了突尼斯的初次报告,并通过其第一份结论意见(CRPD/C/ ESP/Q/1)。委员会还对西班牙的初次报告进行了初步审查,并通过一份问题清单,以便为2010年9月委员会在其第六届会议上审议这份报告(CRPD/C/ESP/Q/1)做好准备。", "12. 委员会于2009年和2010年分别举行了关于公约第12条(在法律面前获得平等承认)和公约第9条(无障碍)的一般性讨论日活动,以便协助委员会讨论关于这些问题的一般性评论。各缔约国、民间社会的代表以及其他人士出席了一般性讨论日的活动。", "13. 除其他重大决定外,委员会要求采取措施,确保所有残疾人都有充分机会出席各人权机构的会议。委员会还要求,应考虑到无障碍的所有方面,包括培训、以盲文和易于阅读及理解的格式提供文件、提供手语传译和其他适当形式的支助,以及有关的信息和通信技术和系统。", "14. 委员会发表了关于智利、中国、海地和巴基斯坦自然灾害的声明,呼吁采取措施,确保残疾人获得安全保护,和把他们纳入决策程序。", "四. 为支持公约而开展的行动", "A. 各国政府", "15. 秘书处于2011年3月15日送交一份普通照会,要求提供有关《公约》及其《任择议定书》所获进展的资料。本节综述了从各国政府收到、回应这份普通照会的41份来文。来文的国家是:安道尔、阿根廷、澳大利亚、布基纳法索、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、加拿大、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、哥斯达黎加、埃塞俄比亚、格鲁吉亚、希腊、格林纳达、圭亚那、意大利、印度尼西亚共和国、意大利、日本、约旦、立陶宛、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、墨西哥、摩洛哥、荷兰、阿曼、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、土耳其、土库曼斯坦和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。", "1. 批准公约所获的进展", "16. 有几个已签署公约的国家报称,正在为批准公约采取步骤,这些国家包括:刚果、圭亚那、印度尼西亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、荷兰和波兰。", "17. 下列各国政府报称,为了批准公约,已在其立法框架方面取得了进展:", "(a) 喀麦隆已通过了2010年4月13日第2010/002号法令。该法令促进残疾人在社会、经济和政治方面融入社会。其内容包括各项实施和强制措施:", "(b) 刚果首先通过批准《残疾人国家行动计划》确认了《公约》,目前正在推进《公约》的批准程序;", "(c) 圭亚那通过了2010年《残疾人法案》,目前正把工作重点针对:在批准公约之前实施这项方案;", "(d) 印度尼西亚将批准公约纳入其2011-2014年国家人权计划的工作,将在今年晚些时候在议会一级商讨批准程序;", "(e) 日本草拟了一项修订《残疾人基本法》的法案,目的是支助残疾人的社会参与和生计。该法案已于2011年4月呈交议会;", "(f) 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国已采取措施,分析和协调其国内立法,以期批准公约,作为其改善残疾人权利国家战略工作的一部分;", "(g) 荷兰已决定批准公约,预期可在今年完成;", "(h) 波兰已对其国内立法进行一次详尽审查,以便决定,遵从公约需要作出哪些更动,以之作为批准公约的头一步。", "2. 遵照公约协调国内立法和惯例", "18. 有几个缔约国报称,已遵照公约在协调国内立法方面取得了进展:", "(a) 阿根廷已就关于智力残疾人法律能力的新法律制度举行一次全国会议,目的是建立一个辩论和分析的论坛,讨论公约所引起变动的各种影响。此外,依照《公约》第13条,阿根廷的某些法院管辖区现在准许盲人担任婚姻仪式的证人;", "(b) 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那通过一项决定,为残疾人设立一个理事会,以便推动政府及其办事处同残疾人协会之间的合作;", "(c) 菲律宾于2010年4月成立残疾人事务处。国家政府机构已采取措施,支助《无障碍法》和其他立法的切实执行,以便进一步促进残疾人的权利和使他们融入社会;", "(d) 塞内加尔通过了关于实施公约的社会取向法。2011年5月,技术委员会同总理举行会议,讨论与该法有关的各项问题;", "(e) 斯洛文尼亚参照公约,通过了《残疾人机会均等法》。这一项分为两个部分的法令不但禁止基于残疾的歧视,还列入促进残疾人机会均等的一些措施;", "(f) 泰国在反歧视、赋权、生活素质和教育等领域,颁布了关于残疾人的新立法,以期改善法令标准,确保残疾人的权利;", "(g) 土库曼斯坦开始实施一项教育法,确保创造必要条件,向残疾人提供教育和专业培训。《文化法》现在把残疾人在文化活动的规划和执行方面的需要也纳入考虑。", "3. 国家实施和监测", "19. 有几个缔约国报称,在制订和/或加强关于宣传、保护和监测公约的国家框架方面取得了进展:", "(a) 阿根廷劳工、就业和社会保障部设立一个技术委员会,以便督导对公约第16、27和第28条执行情况进行的监测;", "(b) 加拿大目前正在编写送交残疾人委员会的初次报告,这份报告将于2012年4月到期;", "(c) 中国提交了关于公约执行情况的第一份国家报告。它还报称,目前也在拟订一项《心理健康法》和若干法令,包括康复条例和无障碍建筑条例;", "(d) 刚果设立了全国委员会,以便协调、监测和评价残疾人国家计划。刚果政府在联合国人口基金(人口基金)的合作下,还主办了一次关于《公约》的研讨会;", "(e) 哥斯达黎加指定康复和特殊教育全国理事会担任监测公约执行情况的负责机构,并编写有关的报告;", "(f) 意大利设立了残疾人状况全国观察站,把执行和监测与公约有关活动的任务托付给它;", "(g) 约旦修订了原先拟订的2010-2015年社会战略,以便纳入性别和残疾问题;", "(h) 立陶宛残疾人和劳工事务理事会和机会均等办事处检察员担当独立机构的职能,促进、保护和监测公约的执行情况;", "(i) 阿曼正在起草一项国家计划,内容涉及残疾人的护理和康复,以及把他们纳入发展进程;", "(j) 沙特阿拉伯通过Salman亲王残疾问题研究中心设立一个执行委员会,进行关于残疾问题的研究,还设立一个委员会,以便就公约的执行情况提出报告;", "(k) 西班牙通过皇家法令指定,由全国残疾问题理事会担任负责执行公约的机构。理事会又依照公约第33.3条,设立了头一个独立机构;", "(l) 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国设立一个全国委员会,以便参照公约执行有关残疾人的政策和战略;", "(m) 瑞典于2011年1月向残疾人权利委员会提交其第一份报告;", "(n) 泰国通过赋予残疾人权力全国委员会,在全国每一个省设立了小组委员会,以便在地方一级执行各项政策和加强对残疾人的保护;", "(o) 土耳其于2011年3月在安卡拉举行一次会议,讨论公约在欧洲各国的国家实施和监测情况。", "4. 为实施公约而采取的其他政策措施", "20. 有几个国家政府还报称,为执行公约采取了其他一些措施。下列各国就无障碍、社区提供康复、部门性问题和其他政策举措等领域内的发展情况提出了报告:", "(a) 阿根廷决定,依照新颁布的《视听通讯服务法》第66条,在全国电视网上广播的所有总统讲话都必须同时提供手语传译。阿根廷采取的其他措施还包括,向残疾人自营职业或开办微型企业提供财政支助和无障碍数字广播服务;", "(b) 澳大利亚启动了头一项专门针对残疾人的发展援助战略,“惠及全民的发展:拟订一项包容残疾问题的2009-2014年澳大利亚援助方案”;", "(c) 中国颁布了《2009-2010年国家人权行动计划》,内容列有包括残疾人的一项人权保护短期目标。其他措施包括:扩大社会保障系统的覆盖面和改善向具有特殊需要的儿童提供的教育;", "(d) 刚果将于2011年举行一次关于该国境内包容性学校的研讨会。行政改革委员会于2011年2月恢复其工作,处理向工作相关意外事故造成伤残提供补偿的问题;", "(e) 哥斯达黎加于2010年2月成立全国伤残统计登记中心,以便改善关于残疾人的统计。《2010-2021年国家残疾政策》将被公营机构当作战略运用,以便进一步有效宣扬、尊重和保证残疾人的权利。政府还在最近举行的全国人口普查中列入与残疾类型相关的问题;", "(f) 约旦在国际残疾协会的合作下,举办了一次数据收集活动,以便用地图标明残疾人在各村庄和城市的分布情况;", "(g) 阿曼正根据皇家法令建立一个关于残疾人的数据库。该数据库将用于进一步推动将残疾人纳入社会和发展;", "(h) 土库曼斯坦通过全国促进民主和人权研究所开办了人权信息中心,宣扬增进人权,包括残疾人的权利;", "(i) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国通过Jose Gregprio Hernandez团,在与美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟成员国[2] 相关的指导方针中,列入向残疾人提供护理的机制。", "B. 区域一体化组织", "21. 欧洲委员会通过了2010-2020年欧洲残疾问题战略,以便处理不平等和社会排斥等问题。这项战略题为“再次向无障碍欧洲作出承诺”,其总目标是:通过经济和社会发展增强残疾人的能力。这项战略在欧洲联盟一级运作,以便确定补充国家举措的行动,和决定切实执行公约所需的机制,包括欧洲联盟范围内的机构。[3]", "C. 联合国系统", "22. 联合国系统在其各组织的范围内,继续同其他利益攸关方协力合作,推动在所有各级批准和实施公约。此外,联合国系统有几个实体的组织计划和战略业已修订,以便反映它们对公约作出的新承诺。", "23. 从秘书长2009年提出上一份报告以来,残疾人权利公约机构间支助小组[4] 已举行了几次会议,有些是虚拟会议。该小组最后确定并核可其战略和行动计划,以便将公约纳入联合国系统所有主流工作。", "24. 联合国发展集团/残疾人权利公约机构间小组已为联合国国家工作队和执行伙伴拟订了关于残疾问题的指导说明,题为“将残疾人权利纳入联合国国家一级的方案拟订工作”。联合国发展集团在其2010年10月的会议上核可了这份说明。[5] 编写这份说明的目的是,通过联合国发展援助框架的设计和实施以及通过个别机构在其各自的工作领域,促进将残疾问题纳入共同国家评估进程。", "25. 联合国系统还通过最近的一些活动,继续推进公约的实施,这些活动涉及人力资源、信息和物质设施、提高认识、能力建设和技术合作等领域的无障碍环境。", "1. 无障碍:人力资源、信息和物质设施", "26. 经济和社会事务部在世界银行的合作下,于2010年6月28日至30日在华盛顿特区世界银行总部举行了一次题为“采用创新和成本效益高的手段来促进普惠性发展和无障碍发展”的专家小组会议。专家们审查了战略框架,并指明为加强国家能力和机构而采取行动的优先顺序。与会者还致力为无障碍环境找到创新和成本效益高的办法,以之作为手段,促进对残疾人具有包容性的发展和进一步推动公约的实施。[6]", "27. 亚洲及太平洋经济委员会(亚太经社会)最近通过了关于在亚太经社会便利残疾人活动的一项无障碍环境决议。这项决议吁请亚太经社会秘书处参照公约,制定和执行包容残疾人的进一步措施。", "28. 联合国关于无障碍环境的部门间工作队于2010年10月由经济和社会事务部、大会和会议管理部以及人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)共同设立,目的是:为改善无障碍环境制定整个联合国秘书处范围内的政策准则,以便配合残疾人的需要和便利他们在联合国房地参与活动。在第一个阶段,工作队把工作重点放在:提供口译和文件服务的无障碍政策、标准和准则,以及信息和通信技术。在第二阶段,工作队的工作将针对人力资源和物质设施。", "(a) 人力资源", "29. 联合国系统各办事处继续努力,进行必要改革,以便确保其人力资源政策对残疾人不具歧视性和对他们更加包容。联合国行政首长协调理事会人力资源网在其2009年6月第18次会议上,核可了关于残疾人在联合国工作场所活动的政策声明。人力资源网指出,这项政策声明标示出下一重大转变:把着重点从认清人是否有残疾转变为确认残疾人的技能和能力。会议还商定,每一个组织都应拟订其本身的政策,并在人力资源网2010年7月届会上就执行情况提出报告。", "30. 行政首长协调理事会秘书处编制了从各组织收到、关于这项政策执行情况的回应。这些回应已提交人力资源网第20届会议审议(见CEB/2010/HLCM/HR/28/ Rev.1)。行政首长协调理事会管理问题高级别委员会核可了人力资源网的决定,全力支持所有组织实施关于残疾人的政策,并要求人力资源网审议衡量成果的方法,同时把私营机构的最佳做法也考虑在内(见CEB/2010/5)。", "31. 联合国系统若干组织向行政首长协调理事会提出报告称,它们正在切实执行这项政策,或已将其纳入其整体人力资源政策。其他一些组织目前正在制定政策的过程中,或已修订其工作人员细则和条例,以便纳入合理的措施,为其工作人员中的残疾人提供便利。此外,联合国系统有几个办事处已开始在工作场所为其工作人员拟订对残疾人敏感的宣传方案。", "32. 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会)关于禁止骚扰、性骚扰和滥用权力的行政指令和最近颁布的工作人员遴选政策都把不得歧视残疾人的规定纳入,作为一项明确的遴选原则。2011年,儿童基金会在其总部为工作人员举办了一次关于加强残疾认识和工作人员发展的培训研讨会。", "33. 联合国开发计划署(开发计划署)研制出在线培训工具,以便利残疾人融入工作人员大军。培训课程题为“残疾人:能力、技能和就业能力”。[7] 开发计划署向其他组织提供这份在线培训工具包,供其利用,以期加强对残疾问题的认识和促进具有包容性的就业实践。", "34. 国际劳工组织(劳工组织)2005年通过的关于残疾人的就业政策就列有一些规定,向残疾人合理地提供一些必要的便利,使他们能加入劳工组织工作或在该组织继续工作。为了配合这项政策,2010-2011两年期已为合理提供便利编列了一笔准备金。此外,劳工组织还发动一项包容残疾人的倡议,加强劳工组织工作人员在其工作上及其工作地点解决残疾问题的能力和信心。", "35. 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)制定了关于“残疾人就业”的政策,并为其人力资源工作人员及工作人员协会举办了一次研讨会,题为“残疾人机会均等培训,以便帮助他们提高对该政策的认识和支持。卫生组织还审查了关于下列事项的程序:合理地便利有残疾的新聘和现有工作人员、向残疾人公布就业和实习机会的有针对性的外联活动,并向各区域办事处的工作人员进行了关于在征聘时实现残疾人享有均等机会的简报。", "(b) 信息", "36. 联合国系统若干组织对其信息和通信技术进行了审查,并作出一些改革,以确保方便残疾人利用。有些办事处还制定了打印文本的易读性准则和政策,并采用了普遍通用的网页易读性标准,以便使其信息资源更方便利用。此外,有些办事处还向其工作人员提供有关提高对残疾人认识的宣传培训,以便强调,有必要使其信息产品更容易被残疾人利用。", "37. 人权高专办以盲文和所有六种正式语文提供所有有关文件,并为残疾人权利委员会的会议提供方便利用的设备、设施和服务。人权高专办为同委员会成员交流的工作人员提供提高残疾认识的培训,并为人权理事会届会制定无障碍程序。", "38. 西亚经济和社会委员会(西亚经社会)已为其西亚经社会区域无障碍信息协会门户网站和西亚经社会统计信息系统的网站组件制定了国际标准和准则。信息协会门户网站是在信息社会世界首脑会议后续活动的框架内建立的。统计信息系统的网站组件为西亚经社会及其成员国之间的统计交流提供便利。", "39. 国际电信联盟(国际电联)同促进包容性信息和通信技术全球倡议密切合作,在2010年2月推出电子无障碍政策工具包,以便协助缔约国切实执行公约的无障碍规定。供残疾人利用的网上电子无障碍政策工具包和伴随的手册列出一些国际案例研究,记录了有效的决策办法。[8]", "40. 联合国教育、科学和文化组织(教科文组织)和包容性设计研究中心以及加拿大安大略省地方政府结为伙伴,制定了范围广泛的一系列经公开审查的综合指南,说明如何利用比较通用的办公程式和软件编写易读性办公文件。指南的编写方法采用了大量插图和逐步指示,并附加有用的提示。作为这项倡议的一部分,2010年7月举办了一次关于如何编写易读性数字办公文件的研讨会。[9]", "41. 世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)和国际电联协力合作,于2010年2月在知识产权组织总部为联合国系统和其他国际组织的工作人员举办了一次无障碍问题研讨会。这项活动把来自32个组织的180名工作人员会聚一堂,宣传无障碍认识和鼓励联合国系统和其他国际组织内的网站管理员在其日常生活中充分发挥其无障碍认识。[10]", "42. 2010年,知识产权组织推出下列两项举措,以便利视觉障碍者阅读出版物:受信任的中介全球方便取用资源项目和易用技术框架项目。题为“出版阅读无障碍文件”的小册为出版商提供了制作残疾人阅读无障碍出版物的准则和最佳做法。2009年和2010年,知识产权组织还建议一项关于版权免责的国际文书,以便创造有利的法律环境,使视障者更容易阅读受版权保护的材料。", "(c) 物质设施", "43. 联合国系统若干组织已在其总部和世界各地的其他设施采取步骤,在举行会议和活动期间,方便残疾人的进出。这些措施通常由无障碍审计开始,并参考残疾人组织的意见。采取的行动包括:会议室提供斜道,指定停车区、标志和自动门,以及拟订进出指示和其他无障碍要点核对清单。", "44. 联合国总部目前正根据基本建设总计划进行装修,该计划还顾及新装修的设施是否方便进出。由专业设计公司设计的改建更方便进出,包括使大厅的画廊进出方便,使行动不便的工作人员容易往返和提供通往讲台的斜道(而非电梯)。进出更方便的主要方面包括:出入口,电梯,厕所,安全设备、标志和其他信息,以及通讯技术的改善。", "45. 联合国人权事务高级专员作出了公开承诺,要在其办公室内促进公约的原则和权利,以便确保受残疾人欢迎的工作环境。设立了一个部门间残疾问题工作队,以便制定行动计划的时间表和执行费用。", "46. 开发计划署最近完成了对其纽约所有办事处进行的无障碍调查,并将该报告的各项建议付诸执行。正在搬迁的办事处都收到一份房地搬迁要点核对清单,其中列出可以接受的无障碍最低标准。开发计划署正在为残疾人的紧急疏散制定标准作业程序。", "2. 提高认识", "47. 在联合国经济和社会事务部,政策和发展司是处理残疾人问题的联系中心。联系中心继续担任资料交流中心,交流关于联合国在残疾问题领域各项工作的信息和资源。它就重要的政府间程序和其他新闻活动举办小组讨论会、研讨会和其他活动。该司主持方便查阅的网站Enable,该网站继续以所有语文提供信息。每年发行几期的《联合国Enable通讯》采用来自联合国系统各组织和民间社会的资料,重点说明有关残疾问题的工作,并就公约的执行情况提供最新资料,以及刊载活动时间表和民间社会组织提供的其他新闻。", "48. 社会发展委员会为了监测《残疾人机会均等标准规则》执行情况而设立的残疾问题特别报告员,最近将其任务规定扩充,纳入提高对公约认识的工作,报告员倡导公约的批准和实施。去年,特别报告员同经济和社会事务部合作,共同赞助了两次小组讨论会,主题分别是将残疾问题纳入发展主流和在消除贫穷的范围内推动包容残疾人的发展。2011年3月,报告员共同推动一项活动,在奥斯陆举办研讨会,讨论:如何将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流和通过国际合作,促进《公约》、《标准规则》和其他国际文书的实施。", "49. 为了庆祝12月3日残疾人国际日,经济和社会事务部会同其他伙伴在联合国总部举办了若干活动。秘书长在2009年高级别活动期间,指派身为盲人的国际著名人士Stevie Wonder担任联合国和平使者。续这项仪式之后,举行了小组讨论,议题是“把残疾问题纳入千年发展目标:增强世界各地残疾人及其社区的能力”。", "50. 于2009年开办的经济和社会事务部残疾电影节是联合国总部庆祝残疾人国际日的一项定期活动。选择一些短片放映,以提高人们对残疾问题的认识,是这个节日的特别活动。", "51. 莫斯科联合国新闻中心同民间社会组织结为伙伴,在俄罗斯联邦索契将供2014年奥运会使用的场馆举办了一次活动。2010年5月为残疾人举行的一次关于网络空间的会议强调指出,《公约》和公约之友小组的工作十分重要,可把研究可用性和无障碍的专家会聚一堂。", "52. 亚太经社会于2010年发起了“促使权利真正实现”的宣传运动,旨在该区域加速《公约》的批准和实施。此后,在老挝人民民主共和国,马来西亚,巴基斯坦,巴布亚新几内亚和大韩民国也发动了国家一级的宣传运动。这些国家一级的宣传运动提高了人们对公约的认识,并启动了批准和实施公约的重大步骤。", "53. 作为一项合作努力,儿童基金会出版了一份关于公约的学习指南,作为宣传公约各项原则的儿童易读刊物《关乎能力》的配套出版物。学习指南已以联合国六种正式语文印发。《关乎能力》还被转译成其他语文,例如亚美尼亚,保加利亚,意大利,日本和黑山等国语文。", "54. 2011年6月9日在联合国总部发表的《世界残疾报告》是由世界卫生组织和世界银行联合出版的。这份报告概述了残疾人的现况以及有关残疾问题最精确的可查科学证据,并提出了有助于克服排斥的政策和做法指示。该报告是在残疾人及其组织的全面参与下编写的,有助于提高对残疾人权利的认识。", "3. 能力建设和技术合作", "55. 由经济和社会事务部经管的联合国残疾问题自愿基金向为促进公约实施而进行的触发和创新活动提供支助。2010年,该基金资助一个残疾人全球网络制定实施公约的战略和促进印度残疾妇女健康和就业的能力建设项目。", "56. 2010年11月,经济和社会事务部在人权高专办和非洲和加勒比经济委员会的合作下在西班牙港举办了一次国际能力发展研讨会,旨在加强区域性包容机制,以确保残疾人及其组织充分参与在加勒比实施公约的相关决策、规划、监测和评价程序。", "57. 2010年3月,在南方共同市场高级别主管机构和外交部会议上,经济和社会事务部、世界银行、大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国Leonard Cheshire残疾人组织以及残疾和发展全球伙伴关系共同主办了南方共同市场关于将残疾观点纳入千年发展目标和包容性发展的会议。会议期间,经社部还为100名与会者举办了培训课程,重点是:通过实施公约实现千年发展目标。", "58. 经济和社会事务部支持夏威夷大学残疾研究中心召开残疾人权利:利用公约调集行动国际论坛,并在全体会议上发表讲话,题为“人人共享的发展:包容性政策、方案和参与千年发展目标”。论坛是同2010年4月在檀香山举行的第26届环太平洋国际残疾会议同时举行的。", "59. 人权高专办继续通过其外地驻留的大约25个人权机构,支助各国政府和民间社会批准和实施公约。活动包括研讨会,向切实执行普遍定期审查关于批准和提高认识的各项建议提供支助,和协助法律和政治改革。", "60. 在为战争遗留地雷和爆炸物的受害者处理与其权利和需要相关的问题时,联合国排雷行动处会同各国政府和有关的国际会议大力倡导公约的相关性。在受冲突影响的国家,例如阿富汗、刚果民主共和国和苏丹,向几项方案提供技术援助和支助。", "61. 西亚经社会会同联合国其他区域委员会,已向题为“通过信息和通信技术接入点为弱势社区提供知识网络”的项目。该项目通过将选定的现有信息和通信技术接入点转变成全球知识网络社区中心,加强贫困和弱势社区,尤其是妇女的能力。在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国Salamieh和Barzeh两地,已将两间中心转变成知识中心。", "62. 2010年12月,人口基金领导联合国国家工作队残疾问题小组,协助叙利亚召开题为“残疾问题:现实和雄心”的论坛,旨在加强利益攸关者之间的联系与与合作,共同参与将残疾人融入社会的工作。人口基金还向叙利亚视障青年提供关于信息技术和现代技术的培训,以期增进其就业前景,此一举措于2010年获得国家奖。", "63. 儿童基金会协助阿塞拜疆政府编制执行计划和关于公约执行情况的报告。在越南,儿童基金会协助政府拟订关于残疾人的法律草案,为批准公约做好准备。", "D. 非政府组织", "64. 非政府组织,特别是同残疾人一起工作的组织,对公约的成功实施发挥了至关重要的作用。有一些全球性残疾组织在世界各地设有国家和区域分会。这些网络监测公约的执行情况和提交报告,协助成员组织,为促进国家法律和政策符合公约规定进行宣传。", "65. 民间社会组织,包括残疾人组织,经常参与政府间会议和专家机构,诸如残疾人权利委员会的会议和缔约国会议。在第三届缔约国会议开幕前一天,担任残疾人全球和区域组织网络的国际残疾人联盟[11] 在经济和社会事务部的支助下,举办了一次民间社会论坛。", "66. 2010年12月,国际残疾人联盟在日内瓦主办了一次多方利益攸关者研讨会,以便查明公约充分有效执行所面对的重大挑战。专家研讨会把国际残疾人联盟成员、国际非政府组织、联合国各机构和缔约国的代表会聚一堂,以便审查在如何改革主流立法和与残疾人相关的特殊立法使其遵守公约方面所面对的挑战。", "67. 国际残疾和发展联盟关于残疾问题和艾滋病毒的工作队2010年在维也纳举行的第十八届国际艾滋病大会上,建立了残疾人士联系区。在这个区内,残疾人、艾滋病毒感染者、研究人员、捐助者和与会者分享经验,并加强了对残疾和艾滋病毒两者间相互关系的认识。[12]", "68. 2009年,世界精神病学用户和幸存者网络在堪培拉举行其成员大会。大会把审议重点针对公约及其执行情况,并通过了关于公约的《堪培拉宣言》,其中强调法律能力、决策权利和自我表达的权利。", "69. 融入社会生活国际组织是一个为智力残疾人士争取权益、基于家庭的全球性联盟。2009年10月,它在西班牙Salamanca举行的关于包容性教育的会议上发表了题为“更完善的全民教育:当我们也包容在内”的全球报告。[13] 在会议闭幕时,融入社会生活国际组织连同派代表参加会议的其他利益攸关方,共同发动了题为“倡议24”的宣传运动,倡导公约第24条的切实执行。", "70. 来自非洲区域五个国家[14] 残疾人组织的代表以及区域性残疾人组织的代表,国家人权机构和研究机构的代表于2011年年头在基加利参加一次研讨会,目的是促进民间社会建设能力,以便监测残疾人的人权。研讨会闭幕时通过一项宣言,呼吁在非洲所有国家对公约的执行情况进行整体监测。", "E. 多方利益攸关方", "71. 由各国政府、联合国机构、国家和国际发展组织、民间社会和其他有关组织组成、形形色色的全球性网络,日益同传统和非传统利益攸关者协力合作,大力倡导将公约付诸执行。这些网络致力将残疾问题纳入经济和社会发展主流,并加强残疾领域的国际合作。", "72. 残疾和发展全球伙伴关系是一项全球举措,致力在公约范围内加紧把残疾考虑纳入社会和经济发展主流。伙伴关系同世界银行合作,于2010年9月在布鲁塞尔举办了一次关于残疾和发展问题的国际发展伙伴论坛。这项活动把发展伙伴,来自有关普惠性发展的政府捐助机构、联合国机构、多边组织和私营基金会的代表和残疾问题联系中心会聚一堂。2011年3月,在奥斯陆举行了一次后续会议。", "73. 此外,残疾和发展全球伙伴关系组织了若干倡议,倡导传统和非传统利益攸关者之间以新的方式合作,商讨新出现的挑战。为了应对海地大地震,伙伴关系设立一个工作组,以确保各阶段的重建努力中都有残疾人参与,而所有重建和新建的基础设施都能便利残疾人进出和利用。", "74. 艾滋病和残疾全球联系小组是由联合国机构、民间社会和其他发展伙伴组成的一个非正式多方利益攸关方伙伴,其工作包括:在国际一级,将残疾观点纳入艾滋病毒/艾滋病宣传和方案规划工作,以便推进公约的实施。该小组最近主张,把残疾问题纳入将于2011年6月举行的大会关于艾滋病的高级别会议。", "75. 太平洋残疾论坛的成员包括该区域各国政府、发展组织、人权机构和民间社会组织。2010年4月,它在奥克兰举行第二届太平洋区域残疾会议,[15] 主题是“在太平洋区域推动关于《残疾人权利公约》的行动”。成果文件包括向所有利益攸关者提出的建议清单,列出为实施公约和增强残疾人及其组织能力的重大实际步骤。", "附件", "截至2011年7月1日残疾人权利公约及其任择议定书的签署、批准和加入名单", "A. 残疾人权利公约", "与会者 签署 批准或加入", "阿尔巴尼亚 2009年12月22日", "阿尔及利亚 2007年3月30日 2009年4月12日", "安道尔 2007年4月27日", "安提瓜和巴布达 2007年3月30日", "阿根廷 2007年3月30日 2008年9月2日", "亚美尼亚 2007年3月30日 2010年9月22日", "澳大利亚 2007年3月30日 2008年7月17日", "奥地利 2007年3月30日 2008年9月26日", "阿塞拜疆 2008年1月9日 2009年1月28日", "巴林 2007年6月25日", "孟加拉国 2007年5月9日 2007年11月30日", "巴巴多斯 2007年7月19日", "比利时 2007年3月30日 2009年7月2日", "伯利兹 2011年5月9日 2011年6月2日", "贝宁 2008年2月8日", "不丹 2010年9月21日", "玻利维亚 2007年8月13日 2009年11月16日", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2009年7月29日 2010年3月12日", "巴西 2007年3月30日 2008年8月1日", "文莱达鲁萨兰国 2007年12月18日", "保加利亚 2007年9月27日", "布基纳法索 2007年5月23日 2009年7月23日", "布隆迪 2007年4月26日", "柬埔寨 2007年10月1日", "喀麦隆 2008年10月1日", "加拿大 2007年3月30日 2010年3月11日", "佛得角 2007年3月30日", "中非共和国 2007年5月9日", "智利 2007年3月30日 2008年7月29日", "中国 2007年3月30日 2008年8月1日", "哥伦比亚 2007年3月30日 2011年5月10日", "科摩罗 2007年7月26日", "刚果共和国 2007年3月30日", "库克群岛 2009年5月8日^(a)", "哥斯达黎加 2007年3月30日 2008年10月1日", "科特迪瓦 2007年6月7日", "克罗地亚 2007年3月30日 2007年8月15日", "古巴 2007年4月26日 2007年9月6日", "塞浦路斯 2007年3月30日  2011年6月27日", "捷克共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年9月28日", "丹麦 2007年3月30日 2009年7月24日", "多米尼克 2007年3月30日", "多米尼加共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年8月18日", "厄瓜多尔 2007年3月30日 2008年4月3日", "埃及 2007年4月4日 2008年4月14日", "萨尔瓦多 2007年3月30日 2007年12月14日", "爱沙尼亚 2007年9月25日", "埃塞俄比亚 2007年3月30日 2010年7月7日", "欧洲联盟 2007年3月30日 2010年12月23日", "斐济 2010年6月2日", "芬兰 2007年3月30日", "法国 2007年3月30日 2010年2月18日", "加蓬 2007年3月30日 2007年10月1日", "格鲁吉亚 2009年7月10日", "德国 2007年3月30日 2009年2月24日", "加纳 2007年3月30日", "希腊 2007年3月30日", "格林纳达 2010年7月12日", "危地马拉 2007年3月30日 2009年4月7日", "几内亚 2007年5月16日 2008年2月8日", "圭亚那 2007年4月11日", "海地 2009年7月23日^(a)", "洪都拉斯 2007年3月30日 2008年4月14日", "匈牙利 2007年3月30日 2007年7月20日", "冰岛 2007年3月30日", "印度 2007年3月30日 2007年10月1日", "印度尼西亚 2007年3月30日", "伊朗伊斯兰共和国 2009年10月23日^(a)", "爱尔兰 2007年3月30日", "以色列 2007年3月30日", "意大利 2007年3月30日 2009年5月15日", "牙买加 2007年3月30日 2007年3月30日", "日本 2007年9月28日", "约旦 2007年3月30日 2008年3月31日", "哈萨克斯坦 2008年12月11日", "肯尼亚 2007年3月30日 2008年5月19日", "老挝 2008年1月15日 2009年9月25日", "拉脱维亚 2008年7月18日 2010年3月1日", "黎巴嫩 2007年6月14日", "莱索托 2008年12月2日^(a)", "利比里亚 2007年3月30日", "阿拉伯利比亚民众国 2008年5月1日", "立陶宛 2007年3月30日 2010年8月18日", "卢森堡 2007年3月30日", "前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 2007年3月30日", "马达加斯加 2007年9月25日", "马拉维 2007年9月27日 2009年8月27日", "马来西亚 2008年4月8日 2010年7月19日", "马尔代夫 2007年10月2日 2010年4月5日", "马里 2007年5月15日 2008年4月7日", "马耳他 2007年3月30日", "毛里求斯 2007年9月25日 2010年1月8日", "墨西哥 2007年3月30日 2007年12月17日", "摩纳哥 2009年9月23日", "蒙古 2009年5月13日^(a)", "黑山 2007年9月27日 2009年11月2日", "摩洛哥 2007年3月30日 2009年4月8日", "莫桑比克 2007年3月30日", "纳米比亚 2007年4月25日 2007年12月4日", "尼泊尔 2008年1月3日 2010年5月7日", "荷兰 2007年3月30日", "新西兰 2007年3月30日 2008年9月25日", "尼加拉瓜 2007年3月30日 2007年12月7日", "尼日尔 2007年3月30日 2008年6月24日", "尼日利亚 2007年3月30日 2010年9月24日", "挪威 2007年3月30日", "阿曼 2008年3月17日 2009年1月6日", "巴基斯坦 2008年9月25日", "巴拿马 2007年3月30日 2007年8月7日", "巴布亚新几内亚  2011年6月2日", "巴拉圭 2007年3月30日 2008年9月3日", "秘鲁 2007年3月30日 2008年1月30日", "菲律宾 2007年9月25日 2008年4月15日", "波兰 2007年3月30日", "葡萄牙 2007年3月30日 2009年9月23日", "卡塔尔 2007年7月9日 2008年5月13日", "大韩民国 2007年3月30日 2008年12月11日", "摩尔多瓦共和国 2007年3月30日 2010年9月21日", "罗马尼亚 2007年9月26日 2011年1月31日", "俄罗斯联邦 2008年9月24日", "卢旺达 2008年12月15日^(a)", "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 2010年10月29日 ^(a)", "圣马力诺 2007年3月30日 2008年2月22日", "沙特阿拉伯 2008年6月24日 ^(a)", "塞内加尔 2007年4月25日 2010年9月7日", "塞尔维亚 2007年12月17日 2009年7月31日", "塞舌尔 2007年3月30日 2009年10月2日", "塞拉利昂 2007年3月30日 2010年10月4日", "斯洛伐克 2007年9月26日 2010年5月26日", "斯洛文尼亚 2007年3月30日 2008年4月24日", "所罗门群岛 2008年9月23日", "南非 2007年3月30日 2007年11月30日", "西班牙 2007年3月30日 2007年12月3日", "斯里兰卡 2007年3月30日", "苏丹 2007年3月30日 2009年4月24日", "苏里南 2007年3月30日", "斯威士兰 2007年9月25日", "瑞典 2007年3月30日 2008年12月15日", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年7月10日", "泰国 2007年3月30日 2008年7月29日", "多哥 2008年9月23日 2011年3月1日", "汤加 2007年11月15日", "特立尼达和多巴哥 2007年9月27日", "突尼斯 2007年3月30日 2008年4月2日", "土耳其 2007年3月30日 2009年9月28日", "土库曼斯坦   2008年9月4日^(a)", "乌干达 2007年3月30日 2008年9月25日", "乌克兰 2008年9月24日 2010年2月4日", "阿拉伯联合酋长国 2008年2月8日 2010年3月19日", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 2007年3月30日 2009年6月8日", "坦桑尼亚联合共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年11月10日", "美利坚合众国 2009年7月30日", "乌拉圭 2007年4月3日 2009年2月11日", "乌兹别克斯坦 2009年2月27日", "瓦努阿图 2007年5月17日 2008年10月23日", "越南 2007年10月22日", "也门 2007年3月30日 2009年3月26日", "赞比亚 2008年5月9日 2010年2月1日", "^(a) =加入。", "B. 残疾人权利公约任择议定书", "与会者 签署 批准或加入", "阿尔及利亚 2007年3月30日", "安道尔 2007年4月27日", "安提瓜和巴布达 2007年3月30日", "阿根廷 2007年3月30日 2008年9月2日", "亚美尼亚 2007年3月30日", "澳大利亚 2009年8月21日^(a)", "奥地利 2007年3月30日 2008年9月26日", "阿塞拜疆 2008年1月9日 2009年1月28日", "孟加拉国 2008年5月12日^(a)", "比利时 2007年3月30日 2009年7月2日", "贝宁 2008年2月8日", "玻利维亚 2007年8月13日 2009年11月16日", "波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2009年7月29日 2010年3月12日", "巴西 2007年3月30日 2008年8月1日", "保加利亚 2008年12月18日", "布基纳法索 2007年5月23日 2009年7月23日", "布隆迪 2007年4月26日", "柬埔寨 2007年10月1日", "喀麦隆 2008年10月1日", "中非共和国 2007年5月9日", "智利 2007年3月30日 2008年7月29日", "刚果共和国 2007年3月30日", "库克群岛 2009年5月8日 ^(a)", "哥斯达黎加 2007年3月30日 2008年10月1日", "科特迪瓦 2007年6月7日", "克罗地亚 2007年3月30日 2007年8月15日", "塞浦路斯 2007年3月30日 2011年6月27日", "捷克共和国 2007年3月30日", "多米尼加共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年8月18日", "厄瓜多尔 2007年3月30日 2008年4月3日", "萨尔瓦多 2007年3月30日 2007年12月14日", "斐济 2010年6月2日", "芬兰 2007年3月30日", "法国 2008年9月23日 2010年2月18日", "加蓬 2007年9月25日", "格鲁吉亚 2009年7月10日", "德国 2007年3月30日 2009年2月24日", "加纳 2007年3月30日", "希腊 2010年9月27日", "危地马拉 2007年3月30日 2009年4月7日", "几内亚 2007年8月31日 2008年2月8日", "海地 2009年7月23日 ^(a)", "洪都拉斯 2007年8月23日 2010年8月16日", "匈牙利 2007年3月30日 2007年7月20日", "冰岛 2007年3月30日", "意大利 2007年3月30日 2009年5月15日", "牙买加 2007年3月30日", "约旦 2007年3月30日", "哈萨克斯坦 2008年12月11日", "拉脱维亚 2010年1月22日 2010年8月31日", "黎巴嫩 2007年6月14日", "利比里亚 2007年3月30日", "立陶宛 2007年3月30日 2010年8月18日", "卢森堡 2007年3月30日", "前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 2009年7月29日", "马达加斯加 2007年9月25日", "马里 2007年5月15日 2008年4月7日", "马耳他 2007年3月30日", "毛里求斯 2007年9月25日", "墨西哥 2007年3月30日 2007年12月17日", "蒙古 2009年5月13日 ^(a)", "黑山 2007年9月27日 2009年11月2日", "摩洛哥 2009年4月8日", "纳米比亚 2007年4月25日 2007年12月4日", "尼泊尔 2008年1月3日 2010年5月7日", "尼加拉瓜 2008年10月21日 2010年2月2日", "尼日尔 2007年8月2日 2008年6月24日", "尼日利亚 2007年3月30日 2010年9月24日", "巴拿马 2007年3月30日 2007年8月7日", "巴拉圭 2007年3月30日 2008年9月3日", "秘鲁 2007年3月30日 2008年1月30日", "葡萄牙 2007年3月30日 2009年9月23日", "卡塔尔 2007年7月9日", "罗马尼亚 2008年9月25日", "卢旺达 2008年12月15日^(a)", "圣文森特和格林纳丁斯 2010年10月29日^(a)", "圣马力诺 2007年3月30日 2008年2月22日", "沙特阿拉伯 2008年6月24日^(a)", "塞内加尔 2007年4月25日", "塞尔维亚 2007年12月17日 2009年7月31日", "塞舌尔 2007年3月30日", "塞拉利昂 2007年3月30日", "斯洛伐克 2007年9月26日 2010年5月26日", "斯洛文尼亚 2007年3月30日 2008年4月24日", "所罗门群岛 2009年9月24日", "南非 2007年3月30日 2007年11月30日", "西班牙 2007年3月30日 2007年12月3日", "苏丹 2009年4月24日 ^(a)", "斯威士兰 2007年9月25日", "瑞典 2007年3月30日 2008年12月15日", "阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2009年7月10日 ^(a)", "多哥 2008年9月23日 2011年3月1日", "突尼斯 2007年3月30日 2008年4月2日", "土耳其 2009年9月28日", "土库曼斯坦 2010年11月10日 ^(a)", "乌干达 2007年3月30日 2008年9月25日", "乌克兰 2008年9月24日 2010年2月4日", "阿拉伯联合酋长国 2008年2月12日", "大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国 2009年2月26日 2009年8月7日", "坦桑尼亚联合共和国 2008年9月29日 2009年11月10日", "也门 2007年4月11日 2009年3月26日", "赞比亚 2008年9月29日", "^(a) =加入。", "[1] 关于委员会及其工作的更多资料,请查阅下列网站 Pages/CRPDIndex.aspx。", "[2] 美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟的成员国包括:安提瓜和巴布达、玻利维亚玻利瓦尔国、古巴、多米尼克、厄瓜多尔、尼加拉瓜、圣文森特和格林纳丁斯和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。", "[3] 见。", "[4] 见http://www.un.ooorg/disabilities/default.asp?navid=46&pid=323。", "[5] 见http://www.un.ooorg/disabilities//documents/iasg/undg_guidance_note.pdf。", "[6] 见。", "[7] 见。", "[8] 见。", "[9] 见。", "[10] 见。", "[11] 关于国际残疾人联盟的更多资料,请参阅。", "[12] 见。", "[13] 1994年教科文组织召开的世界特殊需要教育大会在Salamanca举行,请参阅http://www.inclusion-。", "[14] 肯尼亚、卢旺达、南非、坦桑尼亚联合共和国和乌干达。见 KigaliDeclaration2011.pdf。", "[15] 见。" ]
[ "第六十六届会议", "页:1", "暂定项目表* 项目28(b)", "社会发展:社会发展,包括有关世界社会状况和有关青年、老龄、残疾人和家庭的问题", "《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》的现况", "秘书长的报告", "内容提要", "本报告是根据大会第64/154号决议提交的,概述了《残疾人权利公约》的现况。 报告载有关于《公约》及其《任择议定书》的签署和批准情况、残疾人权利委员会第二届至第五届会议、通过缔约国会议监测《公约》执行情况以及各国政府为批准和执行《公约》而正在作出的努力的资料。 报告还概述了联合国系统在执行《公约》方面取得的进展,并介绍了民间社会组织和多方利益攸关方伙伴关系的相关活动。", "目录", "页次\n一、导 言. 3 《残疾人权利公约》缔约国第三次会议\n残疾三. 委员会第四届会议\n残疾四. 为支持《公约》缔约方会议\n公约\nA. 各国政府 5B. 区域一体化 9\nC. 联合国 9\nD. 非政府组织 16个\n组织 E. 多利益攸关方 17\n伙伴关系\n截至7月1日《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》的18个签署、批准和加入国名单\n2011 (英语).", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 《残疾人权利公约》于2006年12月通过,于2008年5月生效。 自那时以来,秘书长已向大会提交了两份报告,其中介绍了该公约的批准和执行情况(A/63/264和A/64/128)。", "2. 联合国 大会第64/154号决议请秘书长向大会第六十六届会议提交报告,说明《公约》及其《任择议定书》的现况和决议的执行情况。", "3个 截至本报告提交之日,《公约》共有102个缔约国和149个签署国。 《任择议定书》有62个缔约国和90个签署国。 签署和批准或加入名单载于本报告附件。", " 4.四. 在《公约》的102个缔约国中,26个来自非洲集团,23个来自亚洲集团,15个来自东欧集团,22个来自拉丁美洲和加勒比集团,15个来自西欧和其他国家集团(包括欧洲联盟)。", "5 (韩语). 自上次提交《公约》现况报告至本报告以来,已有47个国家批准和2个国家加入,6个国家签署了《公约》。 另有17个国家批准、3个加入和5个签署《任择议定书》,包括欧洲联盟作为一个区域一体化组织批准《公约》。", "6. 国家 在过去两年中,许多国家已采取措施协调国家法律,颁布新的立法并设立国家协调中心,以更充分地执行《公约》或着手批准《公约》。 《公约》已日益被公认为促进包容性发展的工具,并为将残疾问题纳入国际发展议程的主流提供了新的动力。 联合国系统促进各级兼顾残疾问题的方案拟订工作,并鼓励多利益攸关方伙伴关系加强将残疾问题纳入主流和将残疾人纳入发展。", "7. 联合国 在联合国系统内,为促进批准和执行《公约》已加强努力。 2010年9月在联合国总部举行了一次条约活动,以继续促进《公约》的签署和批准。 会议期间,捷克共和国、老挝人民民主共和国、葡萄牙和土耳其批准了《公约》。", "二. 残疾人权利公约缔约国会议", "8. 联合国 根据《公约》第40条和缔约国会议第一届会议上作出的决定(见CRPD/CSP/2008/4),缔约国会议第二届会议于2009年9月2日至4日在联合国总部举行。 该届会议的主题是“执行《残疾人权利公约》的立法措施”(见CRPD/CSP/2009/SR.2),包括两个圆桌讨论会:“无障碍和合理便利”和“法律面前的平等承认、诉诸司法的机会以及支持和决策”。 会议期间,就联合国系统对执行《公约》的支助进行了互动对话,随后举行了由主席团和民间社会共同主持的关于新出现的问题的非正式会议,题为“全球经济危机、贫穷和《公约》的执行情况”。", "9. 国家 缔约国会议第三届会议于2010年9月1日至3日在联合国总部举行,主题是“通过执行《残疾人权利公约》纳入残疾人”(见CRPD/CSP/2010/3)。 会议期间,选举任命了残疾人权利委员会的12名委员。 会议期间还举行了两次圆桌会议,分别题为“融入和生活在社区中”和“融入和受教育权”,会后举行了“关于联合国系统执行《公约》情况的互动对话”。 主席团和民间社会共同主持了题为“新出现的问题:处境危险和人道主义紧急情况下的残疾人”的非正式会议。", "10个 在提交本报告时,正在筹备将于2011年9月7日至9日在联合国总部举行的缔约国会议第四届会议,主题是“有利的发展,通过参与、就业和国际合作实现《公约》”。", "三. 残疾人权利委员会", "11个 残疾人权利委员会在2010年10月第四届会议和2011年4月第五届会议上开始审议缔约国的报告。 委员会在公开会议上,通过与突尼斯代表团的互动对话,审查了突尼斯的初次报告,并通过了第一份结论性意见(CRPD/C/TUN/CO/1)。 委员会还初步审查了西班牙的初次报告,并通过了一项问题单,为2011年9月第六届会议审议报告做准备(CRPD/C/ESP/Q/1)。", "12个 2009年,委员会就《公约》第12条(法律面前的平等承认)和2010年就《公约》第9条(可加入性)举行了一般性讨论日,以支持委员会就这些问题提出一般性意见。 缔约国、民间社会和其他方面的代表出席了一般性讨论日。", "13个 在其重大决定中,委员会要求采取措施,确保所有残疾人都能充分参加人权机构的会议。 委员会还要求考虑无障碍环境的所有方面,包括培训、以盲文和易读易懂的格式提供文件、提供手语口译和其他适当形式的支持以及相关的信息和通信技术和系统。", "14个 委员会就智利、中国、海地和巴基斯坦的自然灾害发表声明,呼吁采取措施,确保残疾人的保护和安全并将其纳入决策进程。", "四、结 论 为支持《公约》而开展的活动", "A. 政府", "15个 本节概述了各国政府针对2011年3月15日的普通照会提交的41份来文。 秘书处在该照会中要求提供关于《公约》和《任择议定书》进展情况的资料。 下列国家提交了材料:安道尔、阿根廷、澳大利亚、布基纳法索、波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那、喀麦隆、加拿大、中国、哥伦比亚、刚果、哥斯达黎加、埃塞俄比亚、格鲁吉亚、希腊、格林纳达、圭亚那、印度尼西亚、意大利、日本、约旦、立陶宛、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、墨西哥、摩洛哥、荷兰、阿曼、秘鲁、菲律宾、波兰、卡塔尔、沙特阿拉伯、塞内加尔、斯洛伐克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞典、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、泰国、土耳其、土库曼斯坦和委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国。", "1. 联合国 批准《公约》方面的进展", "16. 几个已签署《公约》的国家报告说已采取步骤批准《公约》,其中包括刚果、圭亚那、印度尼西亚、前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国、荷兰和波兰。", "17岁。 下列国家的政府报告了它们在批准《公约》的立法框架方面取得的进展:", "(a) 喀麦隆于2010年4月13日通过了第2010/002号法律,促进残疾人的社会、经济和政治融合。 该法包括执行和执法措施;", "(b) 国家 在批准《残疾人国家行动计划》后,刚果正在批准《公约》;", "(c) 圭亚那通过了2010年《残疾人法》,并在批准《公约》之前重点执行该法;", "印度尼西亚将批准《公约》列入2011-2014年国家人权计划,并将在今年晚些时候在议会一级讨论批准进程;", "(e) 日本起草了修订《残疾人基本法》的法案,以支持残疾人的社会参与和生计。 2011年4月向国会提交了该法案;", "(f) 前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国作为改善残疾人权利国家战略的一部分,采取措施分析和统一国家立法,以批准《公约》;", "荷兰已决定批准《公约》,预计今年批准;", "(h) 作为批准《公约》的第一步,波兰对国家立法进行了详细审查,以确定为遵守《公约》所必要的修改。", "2. 根据《公约》协调国内立法和实践", "18岁。 一些缔约国报告了在按照《公约》协调国内立法方面取得的进展:", "(a) 阿根廷举行了一次关于智障者法律能力新法律制度的全国会议,目的是建立一个论坛,就《公约》引起的范式转变的影响进行辩论和分析。 此外,根据《公约》第13条,阿根廷的某些法域现在允许盲人作为婚姻的证人;", "(b) 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那通过了成立残疾人理事会的决定,以促进政府及其办事处与残疾人协会之间的合作;", "菲律宾于2010年4月设立了残疾人事务办公室。 国家政府机构采取措施支持实施《无障碍法》和其他立法,以进一步促进残疾人权利和包容;", "塞内加尔通过了关于执行《公约》的社会取向法。 2011年5月,一个技术委员会同总理会晤,讨论与该法有关的问题;", "(e) 斯洛文尼亚根据《公约》通过了《残疾人平等机会法》。 该法案分为两部分,既禁止基于残疾的歧视,也包括残疾人机会均等的措施;", "(f) 泰国在反歧视、赋权、生活质量和教育领域颁布了关于残疾问题的新立法,以期提高法律标准,确保残疾人权利;", "(g) 土库曼斯坦颁布了《教育法》,保障为残疾人提供教育和职业培训的必要条件。 《文化法》现在将残疾人的需要纳入文化活动的规划和执行。", "3个 国家执行和监测", " 19. 19. 一些缔约国报告了在发展和(或)加强国家框架以促进、保护和监测《公约》方面取得的进展:", "阿根廷劳动、就业和社会保障部设立了一个技术委员会,负责监督《公约》第16、27和28条的执行情况;", "加拿大目前正在编写提交残疾人权利委员会的初次报告,定于2012年4月提交;", "中国提交了关于《公约》执行情况的第一次国家报告。 它还报告说,正在拟订《精神健康法》和若干法令,包括《康复条例》和《无障碍建筑条例》;", "(d) 刚果设立了一个全国残疾人计划协调、监测和评估委员会。 政府还同联合国人口基金(人口基金)合作,举办了一次关于《公约》的研讨会;", "哥斯达黎加指定国家康复和特殊教育委员会(CNREE)为负责监测《公约》执行情况并编写有关报告的机构;", "(f) 意大利设立了国家残疾人状况观察站,其任务是执行和监测与《公约》有关的活动;", "(g) 约旦修订了先前的2010-2015年社会战略,以纳入性别和残疾问题;", "(h) 立陶宛社会保障和劳动部下属的残疾人事务委员会和平等机会监察员办公室作为促进、保护和监测《公约》执行情况的独立机构开展工作;", "(一) 阿曼正在起草与照顾和康复残疾人以及将他们纳入发展进程有关的国家计划;", "(j) 沙特阿拉伯通过萨勒曼亲王残疾研究中心设立了一个残疾研究执行委员会并设立了一个报告《公约》执行情况的委员会;", "(k) 西班牙通过敕令指定全国残疾人理事会为执行《公约》的主管机构。 理事会又根据《公约》第33.3条设立了第一个独立机构;", "(l) 国家 阿拉伯叙利亚共和国设立了一个全国委员会,根据《公约》执行残疾政策和战略;", "(m) 瑞典于2011年1月向残疾人权利委员会提交了第一次报告;", "(n) 泰国通过赋予残疾人权力国家委员会,在全国各省设立一个小组委员会,在地方一级执行政策并增强对残疾人的保护;", "(o) 土耳其于2011年3月在安卡拉举行了一次关于《公约》在欧洲国家的国家执行和监测的会议。", " 4.四. 执行《公约》的其他政策措施", "20号. 一些国家政府还报告了为执行《公约》而采取的其他措施。 下列国家报告了在无障碍环境、社区康复、部门问题和其他政策举措等方面取得的进展:", "(a) 阿根廷决定,根据新的《视听通信服务法》第66条,国家电视网的所有总统广播必须同时以手语翻译。 阿根廷的进一步措施包括向残疾人提供自营职业或微型企业的财政支助以及无障碍数字广播;", "(b) 澳大利亚启动了首个针对残疾人的发展援助战略,即“全民发展:争取2009-2014年包容残疾人的澳大利亚援助方案”;", "(c) 中国发布了2009-2010年国家人权行动计划,其中短期的人权保护目标包括保护残疾人。 进一步的措施包括扩大社会保障制度的覆盖面并改进为有特殊需要的儿童提供的教育;", "(d) 刚果将于2011年举办一次关于该国包容性学校的研讨会。 2011年2月重新启动了行政改革委员会,该委员会负责处理与工作有关的事故和疾病造成的残疾的赔偿问题;", "(e) 哥斯达黎加于2011年2月建立了国家残疾统计登记册,以改进残疾人统计。 2011-2011年国家残疾人政策将作为公共机构推进有效促进、尊重和保障残疾人权利的战略。 政府还在最近全国人口普查中列入了与残疾类型有关的问题;", "(f) 约旦与国际残疾协会合作,组织了一次数据收集运动,以绘制残疾人在村庄和城市的分布图;", "(g) 阿曼目前正在根据一项敕令建立残疾人数据库。 该数据库将用于进一步促进残疾人融入社会和发展;", "(h) 土库曼斯坦通过国家民主和人权研究所开设了一个人权信息中心,以促进人权,包括残疾人权利的提高;", "(一) 委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国通过何塞·格雷戈里奥·埃尔南德斯特派团,在其与美洲人民玻利瓦尔联盟(美洲玻利瓦尔联盟)成员国有关的准则中纳入了向残疾人提供护理的机制。 [2]", "B. 区域一体化组织", "21岁 欧洲联盟委员会通过了《2010-2020年欧洲残疾战略》,以解决不平等和社会排斥问题。 题为“重新承诺建设一个无障碍的欧洲”的该战略的总目标是通过经济和社会发展增强残疾人的能力。 该战略在欧洲联盟一级运作,以确定补充国家举措的行动,并确定执行《公约》所需的机制,包括在欧洲联盟各机构。 [3]", "C. 联合国系统", "22号. 联合国系统继续在其系统内各组织以及同其他利益攸关方协作,促进《公约》在各级的批准和执行。 此外,联合国系统若干实体的组织计划和战略已经得到修订,以反映它们对《公约》的新承诺。", "23. 联合国 自2009年秘书长上次报告以来,《残疾人权利公约》机构间支助小组举行了多次会议,其中一些是虚拟会议。 该小组已最后确定并核可了其将《公约》纳入整个联合国系统工作主流的战略和行动计划。", "24 (韩语). 联合国发展集团/残疾人权利公约机构间支助小组工作队为联合国国家工作队和执行伙伴编写了一份关于残疾问题的指导说明,题为“将残疾人权利纳入联合国国家一级方案拟订工作”。 该说明得到联合国发展集团2010年10月会议的认可。 [5] 编写本说明是为了通过设计和执行联合国发展援助框架以及通过各机构在各自工作领域促进将残疾问题纳入共同国家评估进程。", "25岁 联合国系统还通过在人力资源、信息和物质设施、提高认识、能力建设和技术合作等领域开展与无障碍环境有关的最近活动,继续执行《公约》。", "1. 联合国 无障碍:人力资源、信息和有形设施", "26. 联合国 经济和社会事务部与世界银行合作,于2010年6月28日至30日在哥伦比亚特区华盛顿世界银行总部举行了一次专家组会议,题为“促进包容性和无障碍发展的创新和成本效益高的办法”。 专家们审查了战略框架并确定了加强国家能力和机构的行动重点。 与会者还努力确定无障碍环境的创新和成本效益办法,以此作为促进兼顾残疾问题的发展和进一步执行《公约》的手段。 [6]", "27个 亚洲及太平洋经济社会委员会(亚太经社会)最近通过了一项关于加强残疾人在亚太经社会无障碍环境的决议。 该决议呼吁亚太经社会秘书处根据《公约》制定和实施进一步兼顾残疾问题的措施。", "28岁 联合国无障碍问题部门间工作队由经济和社会事务部、大会和会议管理部和联合国人权事务高级专员办事处(人权高专办)于2010年10月联合设立,以制定全秘书处改善无障碍环境的政策准则,以适应残疾人的需求并便利残疾人在联合国房地的参与。 在第一阶段,工作队将侧重于提供口译和文件服务的无障碍政策、标准和准则以及信息和通信技术。 在第二阶段,工作队将注重人力资源和物质设施。", "(a) 人力资源", "29. 国家 联合国系统各办公室继续进行必要的改革,以确保其人力资源政策不歧视,并更加包容残疾人。 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会(行政首长协调会)人力资源网在2009年6月第十八届会议上核可了关于联合国工作场所残疾人的政策声明。 人力资源网指出,政策声明是一种范式转变,从注重残疾人转向承认残疾人的技能和能力。 会议还商定,每个组织应制定自己的政策,并向理事会2010年7月届会报告执行情况。", "30岁。 行政首长协调会秘书处汇编了各组织对该政策执行情况的答复,这些答复已提交给人力资源网第二十届会议(见CEB/2010/HLCM/HR/28/Rev.1)。 联合国系统行政首长协调理事会管理问题高级别委员会核准了该网络的决定,全力支持所有组织执行关于残疾人的政策,并请该网络考虑如何衡量成果,包括私营部门的最佳做法(见CEB/2010/5)。", "31岁 联合国系统的一些组织向行政首长协调会报告,这项政策正在得到实施或纳入其总体人力资源政策。 其他一些组织目前正在制定一项政策,或修订了其工作人员细则和条例,以纳入合理措施,在劳动力中照顾残疾人。 此外,联合国系统若干办事处已开始为其工作人员制定工作场所残疾问题宣传方案。", "32. 联合国 联合国儿童基金会(儿童基金会) 关于禁止骚扰、性骚扰和滥用权力的行政指示以及最近颁布的工作人员甄选政策将不歧视残疾人作为一项明确的甄选原则。 2011年1月,儿基会在总部为其工作人员举办了残疾意识和工作人员发展培训研讨会。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 联合国开发计划署(开发署)开发了一个培训工具,以促进残疾人融入其劳动力队伍。 培训班题为“残疾人:能力。 能力能力。 就业能力”。 [7] 开发署向其他人提供在线培训工具包,以提高对残疾的认识并推广包容性就业做法。", "34. 国家 2005年通过的国际劳工组织(劳工组织)关于残疾人就业的政策包括提供必要的合理便利,使残疾人能够在劳工组织内就业并继续就业。 为补充这项政策,为2010-2011两年期设立了合理住宿财务准备金。 此外,劳工组织推出了一项包容残疾问题的举措,以提高劳工组织工作人员在其工作和工作场所处理残疾问题的能力和信心。", "35. 联合国 世界卫生组织(卫生组织)最后确定了关于“残疾人就业”的政策,并为人力资源工作人员及其工作人员协会举办了一个题为“残疾人平等培训”的讲习班,以帮助建立对这项政策的认识和支持。 世卫组织还审查了为新的和现有的残疾工作人员提供合理便利的程序,有针对性地开展外联活动,向残疾人宣传就业和实习机会,并向区域办事处工作人员介绍在征聘中实现残疾平等的情况。", "(b) 资料", "36. (中文(简体) ). 联合国系统若干组织对其信息和通信技术进行了审计,并进行了修改,以确保残疾人能够使用这些技术。 一些办事处制定了印刷文件的无障碍准则和政策,并采用了通用的网络无障碍标准来改进其信息资源的无障碍性。 此外,各办事处还对其工作人员进行了与提高对残疾问题认识有关的培训,以强化信息产品更方便残疾人使用的必要性。", "37. 联合国 人权高专办以盲文和所有六种正式语文提供所有相关文件,并为残疾人权利委员会会议提供无障碍设备、设施和服务。 该办公室协助对与委员会成员互动的工作人员进行提高对残疾问题认识的培训,并在人权理事会各届会议上设立无障碍程序。", "38. 国家 西亚经济社会委员会(西亚经社会)为西亚经社会区域无障碍信息社会门户网站(ISPER)和西亚经社会统计信息系统(ESIS)的网络部分通过了国际标准和准则。 研究所是在信息社会世界首脑会议后续活动的框架内制定的。 ESIS的网络部分促进了西亚经社会及其成员国之间统计数据的交流。", "39. 联合国 国际电信联盟(国际电联)与包容性信息和通信技术全球倡议密切合作,于2010年2月开发并推出了电子无障碍政策工具包,以支持缔约国实施《公约》的无障碍规定。 残疾人在线电子无障碍政策工具包及其配套手册介绍了记录有效决策解决方案的国际案例研究。 [8]", " 40. 40. 联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)与包容性设计研究中心和加拿大安大略省地方政府合作,制定了一系列综合和公开审查的准则,说明如何利用许多更受欢迎的办公室方案和套房创建无障碍办公文件。 准则采取分步骤指导手册的形式,附有大量说明和有益的提示。 作为该倡议的一部分,2010年11月举办了关于创建无障碍数字办公文件的讲习班。 [9]", "41. 国家 世界知识产权组织(知识产权组织)和国际电联于2010年2月在知识产权组织总部为联合国系统和其他国际组织的工作人员合作举办了一次无障碍讲习班。 这次活动汇集了来自约32个组织的180多人,以提高人们对无障碍环境的认识,并鼓励联合国系统和其他国际组织的网络技术主管在其日常工作中落实无障碍环境意识。 [10]", "42. 国家 2010年,知识产权组织发起了两项倡议,一个是值得信赖的中介全球无障碍资源项目,另一个是扶持性技术框架项目,以便利视障者获得出版物。 小册子“无障碍出版”向出版商提供制作无障碍出版物的准则和最佳做法。 2009年和2010年,知识产权组织还提出了一项与版权例外有关的国际文书,以创造一个有利的法律环境,使视障者更好地获得版权和保护性材料。", "(c) 物质设施", "43. 东帝汶 联合国系统若干组织已采取步骤,在总部和世界各地其他设施改善残疾人在会议和活动中的无障碍环境。 措施往往从无障碍审计开始,并吸收残疾人组织的投入。 采取的行动包括在会议室、指定停车区、标志和自动门提供坡道,并编制出入指南和无障碍会议核对表。", "44. 国家 联合国总部目前的翻修工作正在基本建设总计划下进行,该计划还涉及翻修设施的实际无障碍环境。 专业设计公司设计了改善实际无障碍环境的改建,包括使各分庭的画廊无障碍、改善流动障碍工作人员的流通和为讲台提供坡道(而不是升降机)。 无障碍环境的主要改进领域包括出入口、电梯、厕所、安全设备、标志和其他信息及通信技术的改进。", "45. 国家 联合国人权事务高级专员公开承诺在其办事处内促进《公约》的原则和权利,以确保残疾人的工作环境受到欢迎。 设立了一个司际残疾工作队,以安排行动计划的执行并支付费用。", "46. 经常预算: 开发署最近完成了对驻纽约所有办事处的无障碍研究,并实施了报告中的建议。 迁入地点的办公室得到一份房地搬迁核对表,其中显示可接受的最低无障碍水平。 开发署正在制订残疾人紧急疏散的标准作业程序。", "2. 提高认识", "47. 国家 在联合国经济和社会事务部内,社会政策和发展司是残疾问题的协调中心。 该协调中心继续充当联合国残疾问题领域工作信息和资源的信息中心。 它结合主要的政府间进程和其他新闻活动,组织小组讨论、研讨会和其他活动。 该司托管了可访问的网站“启用”,该网站继续以所有语文提供信息。 《联合国残疾人通讯》每年发表几次,吸收了联合国系统各组织和民间社会的投入,重点介绍了与残疾问题有关的工作,并介绍了《公约》执行情况的最新情况,以及民间社会组织的活动日历和其他新闻。", " 48. 48. 社会发展委员会残疾问题特别报告员负责监测《残疾人机会均等标准规则》的执行情况,根据最近扩大的任务,促进批准和执行《公约》,包括提高对《公约》的认识。 在过去一年里,特别报告员同经济和社会事务部合作,共同主办了两次小组讨论会,讨论在消除贫穷的背景下将残疾问题纳入发展主流和促进兼顾残疾问题的发展。 2011年3月,他在奥斯陆共同主持了关于将残疾问题纳入发展合作主流的研讨会,以通过国际合作促进《公约》、《标准规则》和其他国际文书的执行。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 为了纪念国际残疾人日,经济和社会事务部与联合国总部其他伙伴合作,于12月3日举办了一些活动。 在2009年的高级别活动中,秘书长指定国际名人和盲人Stevie Wonder先生为联合国和平使者。 仪式后举行了小组讨论,主题是“使千年发展目标包含残疾问题:增强世界各地残疾人及其社区的能力”。", " 50. 50. 经济和社会事务部残疾电影节成立于2009年,是在联合国总部纪念残疾日的一项经常活动。 该节日主要放映一些短片,以提高对残疾问题的认识。", "51. 联合国 莫斯科联合国新闻中心同民间社会组织合作,在俄罗斯联邦索契举行了一次活动,这是2014年奥林匹克运动会的未来地点。 2011年5月举行的残疾人网络空间问题会议强调了《公约》和《公约》之友小组在召集可用性和无障碍性专家方面工作的重要性。", "52. 亚太经社会于2010年10月发起了 \" 真正实现权利 \" 运动,旨在加速本区域批准和执行《公约》。 自发起以来,老挝人民民主共和国、马来西亚、巴基斯坦、巴布亚新几内亚和大韩民国开展了国家一级的运动。 国家一级的运动提高了对《公约》的认识并启动了批准和执行《公约》的关键步骤。", "53. 儿童基金会在共同努力下出版了一本关于《公约》的学习指南,作为促进《公约》原则的对儿童友好的出版物《关于能力》的辅助。 学习指南以联合国所有六种语文提供。 包括亚美尼亚语、保加利亚语、意大利语、日语和黑山语。", "54. 联合国 《世界残疾问题报告》由世卫组织和世界银行联合出版,于2011年6月9日在联合国总部发布。 报告总结了残疾人的现状和关于残疾问题的最佳科学证据,并提出了有助于克服排斥现象的政策和实践方向。 该报告是在残疾人及其组织的充分参与下编写的,将有助于提高对残疾人权利的认识。", "3个 能力建设和技术合作", "55. 国家 由经济和社会事务部经管的联合国残疾问题自愿基金为执行《公约》的催化和创新活动提供支助。 2010年,基金支持全球残疾人网络制定执行《公约》的战略,支持印度残疾妇女保健和就业能力建设项目。", "56. (中文(简体) ). 经济和社会事务部同人权高专办和拉丁美洲和加勒比经济委员会合作,于2010年11月在西班牙港举办了国际能力发展讲习班。 讲习班旨在加强区域包容机制,以确保残疾人及其组织充分参与加勒比与执行《公约》有关的决策、规划、监测和评价进程。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 经济和社会事务部、世界银行、Leonard Cheshire Dublic(大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国)和残疾与发展全球伙伴关系在2010年3月举行的南方共同市场(南共市)高级别当局和外交部会议上共同主办了关于将残疾观点纳入千年发展目标和包容性发展的会议。 会议期间,新闻部还为100多名与会者举办了一个培训方案,重点是通过执行《公约》实现千年发展目标。", "58. 联合国 经济和社会事务部支持夏威夷大学残疾研究中心召开残疾人权利国际论坛: 利用《公约》动员采取行动,并在全体会议上作主旨发言,题为“为所有人谋发展:包容性政策、方案和对千年发展目标的参与”。 该论坛与2010年4月在美利坚合众国檀香山举行的第二十六届环太平洋国际残疾问题年会同时举行。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 人权高专办继续通过约25个人权实地存在支持政府和民间社会批准和执行《公约》。 活动包括讲习班、支持执行普遍定期审议关于批准和提高认识的建议以及协助法律和政策改革。", "60. 联合国 联合国排雷行动处与各国政府和有关国际会议一起,促进《公约》在处理地雷和战争遗留爆炸物受害者的权利和需要方面的相关性。 该处向阿富汗、刚果民主共和国和苏丹等受冲突影响国家的若干方案提供技术援助和支助。", "61. 国家 西亚经社会与联合国其他区域委员会一起实施了“通过信息和通信技术(信息和通信技术)接入点为处境不利的社区建立知识网络”的项目。 该项目通过将选定的现有信通技术接入点转变为全球知识网络的社区中心,努力增强贫穷和弱势社区,特别是妇女的能力。 在阿拉伯叙利亚共和国Salamieh和Barzeh,两个中心被改为知识中心。", "62. 2010年12月,人口基金领导了联合国国家工作队残疾问题小组,为叙利亚论坛 \" 残疾:现实和希望 \" 提供便利,目的是加强参与残疾人融入社会的利益攸关方之间的网络与合作。 人口基金还支持为视力有缺陷的叙利亚青年举办信息技术和现代技术培训,以增进他们的就业前景,2010年这一举措获得国家奖。", "63. 儿童基金会支持阿塞拜疆政府拟订执行计划和公约执行情况报告。 在越南,儿童基金会协助越南政府制定了《残疾人法》草案,并对关于残疾人的国内立法进行了法律分析,为批准《公约》做准备。", "D. 非政府组织", "64. (中文(简体) ). 非政府组织的作用,特别是那些从事残疾人工作的非政府组织的作用,对于《公约》的成功执行至关重要。 一些全球性的残疾人组织在世界各地设有国家和区域分会。 这些网络监测和报告《公约》的执行情况,并协助成员组织倡导国家法律和政策遵守《公约》。", "65. 国家 包括残疾人组织在内的民间社会组织定期参加政府间会议和专家机构,如残疾人权利委员会和缔约国会议等。 在缔约国会议第三届会议开幕前一天,国际残疾联盟(残疾联盟)在经济和社会事务部的支助下,举办了一个民间社会论坛,这是一个由全球和区域残疾人组织组成的网络。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 2010年12月,开发协会在日内瓦组织了一次多利益攸关方研讨会,以帮助确定充分和有效执行《公约》的主要挑战。 专家研讨会使开发协会成员、国际非政府组织、联合国机构和缔约国代表聚集一堂,以审查根据《公约》改革主流和针对残疾人的立法所面临的挑战。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 2010年在维也纳举行的第十八届国际艾滋病大会上,国际残疾与发展联合会残疾和艾滋病毒问题工作队组织了一个残疾网络区。 在该区,残疾人、艾滋病毒感染者、研究人员、捐助者和与会者分享了经验并提高对残疾与艾滋病毒相互关系的认识。 [12]", "68. (中文(简体) ). 精神病学使用者和幸存者世界网络于2009年在坎帕拉举行了一次世界会议和大会。 大会重点讨论了《公约》及其执行情况,并通过了关于《公约》的《坎帕拉宣言》,其中强调法律能力、作出决定的权利和自我代表的权利。", "69. 国际包容组织是一个全球家庭组织联合会,倡导智力残疾人的人权,发表了关于包容性教育的全球报告,题为 \" 改善全民教育: 2009年10月在西班牙萨拉曼卡举行的包容性教育会议上, [13] 会议结束时,融入社会生活国际与在萨拉曼卡派有代表的其他利益攸关方一道发起了一项题为“倡议24”的运动,以促进《公约》第24条的执行。", "70. 联合国 来自非洲区域五个国家的残疾人组织的代表以及残疾人区域组织、国家人权机构和研究机构的代表于2011年初在基加利举行了一次讲习班,以发展民间社会监测残疾人人权的能力。 讲习班结束时发表了一项宣言,呼吁全面监测《公约》在所有非洲国家的执行情况。", "E. 多利益攸关方伙伴关系", "71. 联合国 由各国政府、联合国机构、国家和国际发展组织、民间社会和其他有关组织组成的各种全球网络日益同传统和非传统的利害关系方一起促进《公约》的执行。 这些网络将残疾问题纳入经济和社会发展工作的主流,并增强残疾领域的国际合作。", "72. 联合国 残疾与发展全球伙伴关系是一项全球倡议,旨在加速将残疾问题纳入《公约》范围内的社会和经济发展主流。 伙伴关系与世界银行合作,于2010年9月在布鲁塞尔举办了残疾与发展问题国际发展伙伴论坛。 来自政府捐助机构、联合国机构、多边组织和私人基金会的发展伙伴、代表和残疾问题协调人聚集一堂,讨论包容性发展问题。 2011年3月在奥斯陆举行了一次后续会议。", "73 (中文(简体) ). 此外,残疾与发展全球伙伴关系组织了若干倡议,促进传统和非传统利益攸关方之间新的合作形式,以讨论新出现的挑战。 为了应对海地的地震,伙伴关系启动了一个工作组,以确保重建努力在所有阶段都涉及残疾人,并确保所有重建和新建的基础设施都能够完全方便残疾人使用。", "74. 国家 艾滋病和残疾问题全球联络小组是一个非正式的多利益攸关方伙伴关系,由联合国各机构、民间社会和其他发展伙伴组成,致力于将残疾观点纳入国际一级的艾滋病毒/艾滋病宣传和方案拟订工作,以进一步执行《公约》。 该小组最近推动将残疾问题纳入2011年6月举行的艾滋病问题大会高级别会议。", "75. 国家 太平洋残疾人 包括本区域各国政府、发展组织、人权机构和民间社会组织在内的论坛于2011年4月在奥克兰举办了主题为“促进就《残疾人权利公约》采取行动”的第二届太平洋区域残疾问题会议。 [15] 成果文件载有向所有利益攸关方提出的关于采取重大和切实步骤执行《公约》并增强残疾人及其组织权能的建议清单。", "页:1", "截至2011年7月1日《残疾人权利公约》及其《任择议定书》的签署、批准或加入名单", "A. 《残疾人权利公约》", "批准或加入\n阿尔巴尼亚 2009年12月22日\n阿尔及利亚 2007年3月30日 2009年12月4日\n安道尔 2007年4月27日\n安提瓜和巴布达 2007年3月30日\n阿根廷 2007年3月30日 2008年9月2日\n亚美尼亚 2007年3月30日 2010年9月22日\n澳大利亚 2007年3月30日 2008年7月17日\n奥地利 2007年3月30日\n阿塞拜疆 2008年1月9日 2009年1月28日\n联合国\n孟加拉国 2007年5月9日 2007年11月30日\n巴巴多斯 2007年7月19日\n比利时 2007年3月30日 2009年7月2日\n伯利兹 2011年5月9日 2011年6月2日\n贝宁 2008年2月8日\n不丹 2010年9月21日\n多民族玻利维亚国 2007年8月13日 2009年11月16日\n波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2009年7月29日 2010年3月12日\n巴西 2007年3月30日 2008年8月1日\n文莱达鲁萨兰国 2007年12月18日\n保加利亚 2007年9月27日\n布基纳法索 2007年5月23日 2009年7月23日\n布隆迪 2007年4月26日\n柬埔寨 2007年10月1日\n喀麦隆 2008年10月1日\n加拿大 2007年3月30日 2010年3月11日\n佛得角 2007年3月30日\n中非共和国 2007年5月9日\n智利 2007年3月30日 2008年7月29日\n中国 2007年3月30日 2008年8月1日\n哥伦比亚 2007年3月30日 2011年5月10日\n科摩罗 2007年9月26日\n2007年3月30日刚果\n库克群岛 2009年5月8日 ^(a)\n哥斯达黎加 2007年3月30日 2008年10月1日\n科特迪瓦 2007年6月7日\n克罗地亚 2007年3月30日 2007年8月15日\n古巴 2007年4月26日 2007年9月6日\n塞浦路斯 2007年3月30日 2011年6月27日\n捷克共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年9月28日\n丹麦 2007年3月30日 2009年7月24日\n多米尼克 2007年3月30日\n多米尼加共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年8月18日\n厄瓜多尔 2007年3月30日\n埃及 2007年4月4日 2008年4月14日\n萨尔瓦多 2007年3月30日 2007年12月14日\n爱沙尼亚 2007年9月25日\n埃塞俄比亚 2007年3月30日\n欧洲联盟 2007年3月30日 2010年12月23日\n斐济 2010年6月2日\n芬兰 2007年3月30日\n法国 2007年3月30日 2010年2月18日\n加蓬 2007年3月30日 2007年10月1日\n格鲁吉亚 2009年7月10日\n德国 2007年3月30日 2009年2月24日\n加纳 2007年3月30日\n希腊 2007年3月30日\n格林纳达 2010年7月12日\n危地马拉 2007年3月30日 2009年4月7日\n几内亚 2007年5月16日 2008年2月8日\n圭亚那 2007年4月11日\n2009年7月23日 ^(a)\n洪都拉斯 2007年3月30日 2008年4月14日\n匈牙利 2007年3月30日\n冰岛 2007年3月30日\n2007年3月30日 印度\n印度尼西亚 2007年3月30日\n伊朗伊斯兰共和国,2009年10月23日^(a)\n爱尔兰 2007年3月30日\n以色列 2007年3月30日\n联合国\n牙买加 2007年3月30日\n日本 2007年9月28日\n约旦 2007年3月30日 2008年3月31日\n哈萨克斯坦 2008年12月11日\n肯尼亚 2007年3月30日 2008年5月19日\n老挝人民民主共和国 2008年1月15日 2009年9月25日\n拉脱维亚 2008年7月18日 2010年3月1日\n黎巴嫩 2007年6月14日\n莱索托 2008年12月2日 ^(a)\n利比里亚 2007年3月30日\n阿拉伯利比亚民众国 2008年5月1日\n立陶宛 2007年3月30日 2010年8月18日\n卢森堡 2007年3月30日\n马达加斯加 2007年9月25日\n马拉维 2007年9月27日\n马来西亚 2008年4月8日 2010年7月19日\n马尔代夫 2007年10月2日 2010年4月5日\n马里 2007年5月15日 2008年4月7日\n马耳他 2007年3月30日\n2010年1月8日 毛里求斯\n2007年3月30日 墨西哥\n摩纳哥 2009年9月23日\n蒙古 2009年5月13日 ^(a)\n黑山 2007年9月27日 2009年11月2日\n摩洛哥 2007年3月30日 2009年4月8日\n莫桑比克 2007年3月30日\n纳米比亚 2007年4月25日 2007年12月4日\n尼泊尔 2008年1月3日 2010年5月7日\n荷兰 2007年3月30日\n新西兰 2007年3月30日 2008年9月25日\n尼加拉瓜 2007年3月30日 2007年12月7日\n尼日尔 2007年3月30日 2008年6月24日\n尼日利亚 2007年3月30日 2010年9月24日\n挪威 2007年3月30日\n阿曼 2008年3月17日 2009年1月6日\n巴基斯坦 2008年9月25日\n巴拿马 2007年3月30日\n巴布亚新几内亚 2011年6月2日\n巴拉圭 2007年3月30日 2008年9月3日\n秘鲁 2007年3月30日\n菲律宾 2007年9月25日 2008年4月15日\n波兰 2007年3月30日\n葡萄牙 2007年3月30日 2009年9月23日\n卡塔尔 2007年7月9日 2008年5月13日\n大韩民国 2007年3月30日\n摩尔多瓦共和国 2007年3月30日\n罗马尼亚 2007年9月26日 2011年1月31日\n俄罗斯联邦 2008年9月24日\n卢旺达 2008年12月15日 ^(a)\n圣文森特人和格林纳达人,2010年10月29日^(a)\n圣马力诺 2007年3月30日 2008年2月22日\n沙特阿拉伯 2008年6月24日^(a)\n塞内加尔 2007年4月25日 2010年9月7日\n塞尔维亚 2007年12月17日\n塞舌尔 2007年3月30日 2009年10月2日\n塞拉利昂 2007年3月30日 2010年10月4日\n2010年5月26日 斯洛伐克\n斯洛文尼亚 2007年3月30日 2008年4月24日\n所罗门群岛 2008年9月23日\n南非 2007年3月30日\n2007年3月30日 西班牙\n斯里兰卡 2007年3月30日\n苏丹 2007年3月30日 2009年4月24日\n苏里南 2007年3月30日\n斯威士兰 2007年9月25日\n瑞典 2007年3月30日 2008年12月15日\n阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2007年3月30日\n泰国 2007年3月30日\n前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 2007年3月30日\n多哥 2008年9月23日\n汤加 2007年11月15日\n特立尼达和多巴哥 2007年9月27日\n突尼斯 2007年3月30日 2008年4月2日\n土耳其 2007年3月30日 2009年9月28日\n土库曼斯坦 2008年9月4日^(a)\n乌干达 2007年3月30日 2008年9月25日\n乌克兰 2008年9月24日 2010年2月4日\n阿拉伯联合酋长国 2008年2月8日 2010年3月19日\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国\n坦桑尼亚联合共和国 2007年3月30日\n美利坚合众国 2009年7月30日\n乌拉圭 2007年4月3日 2009年2月11日\n乌兹别克斯坦 2009年2月27日\n瓦努阿图 2007年5月17日 2008年10月23日\n越南 2007年10月22日\n也门 2007年3月30日 2009年3月26日\n赞比亚 2008年5月9日 2010年2月1日", "^(a) 加入。", "B. 《残疾人权利公约任择议定书》", "批准或加入\n阿尔及利亚 2007年3月30日\n安道尔 2007年4月27日\n安提瓜和巴布达 2007年3月30日\n阿根廷 2007年3月30日 2008年9月2日\n亚美尼亚 2007年3月30日\n澳大利亚 2009年8月21日^(a)\n奥地利 2007年3月30日\n阿塞拜疆 2008年1月9日 2009年1月28日\n孟加拉国 2008年5月12日\n比利时 2007年3月30日 2009年7月2日\n贝宁 2008年2月8日\n多民族玻利维亚国 2007年8月13日 2009年11月16日\n波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那 2009年7月29日 2010年3月12日\n巴西 2007年3月30日 2008年8月1日\n保加利亚 2008年12月18日\n布基纳法索 2007年5月23日 2009年7月23日\n布隆迪 2007年4月26日\n柬埔寨 2007年10月1日\n喀麦隆 2008年10月1日\n中非共和国 2007年5月9日\n智利 2007年3月30日 2008年7月29日\n2007年3月30日刚果\n库克群岛 2009年5月8日 ^(a)\n哥斯达黎加 2007年3月30日 2008年10月1日\n科特迪瓦 2007年6月7日\n克罗地亚 2007年3月30日 2007年8月15日\n塞浦路斯 2007年3月30日 2011年6月27日\n捷克共和国 2007年3月30日\n多米尼加共和国 2007年3月30日 2009年8月18日\n厄瓜多尔 2007年3月30日\n萨尔瓦多 2007年3月30日 2007年12月14日\n斐济 2010年6月2日\n芬兰 2007年3月30日\n法国 2008年9月23日 2010年2月18日\n加蓬 2007年9月25日\n格鲁吉亚 2009年7月10日\n德国 2007年3月30日 2009年2月24日\n加纳 2007年3月30日\n希腊 2010年9月27日\n危地马拉 2007年3月30日 2009年4月7日\n几内亚 2007年8月31日 2008年2月8日\n2009年7月23日 ^(a)\n洪都拉斯 2007年8月23日 2010年8月16日\n匈牙利 2007年3月30日\n冰岛 2007年3月30日\n联合国\n牙买加 2007年3月30日\n约旦 2007年3月30日\n哈萨克斯坦 2008年12月11日\n2010年8月31日 拉脱维亚\n黎巴嫩 2007年6月14日\n利比里亚 2007年3月30日\n立陶宛 2007年3月30日 2010年8月18日\n卢森堡 2007年3月30日\n马达加斯加 2007年9月25日\n马里 2007年5月15日 2008年4月7日\n马耳他 2007年3月30日\n毛里求斯 2007年9月25日\n2007年3月30日 墨西哥\n蒙古 2009年5月13日 ^(a)\n黑山 2007年9月27日 2009年11月2日\n摩洛哥 2009年4月8日 ^(a)\n纳米比亚 2007年4月25日 2007年12月4日\n尼泊尔 2008年1月3日 2010年5月7日\n尼加拉瓜 2008年10月21日 2010年2月2日\n尼日尔 2007年8月2日 2008年6月24日\n尼日利亚 2007年3月30日 2010年9月24日\n巴拿马 2007年3月30日\n巴拉圭 2007年3月30日 2008年9月3日\n秘鲁 2007年3月30日\n葡萄牙 2007年3月30日 2009年9月23日\n卡塔尔 2007年7月9日\n罗马尼亚 2008年9月25日\n卢旺达 2008年12月15日 ^(a)\n圣文森特人和格林纳达人,2010年10月29日^(a)\n圣马力诺 2007年3月30日 2008年2月22日\n沙特阿拉伯 2008年6月24日^(a)\n塞内加尔 2007年4月25日\n塞尔维亚 2007年12月17日\n塞舌尔 2007年3月30日\n塞拉利昂 2007年3月30日\n2010年5月26日 斯洛伐克\n斯洛文尼亚 2007年3月30日 2008年4月24日\n所罗门群岛 2009年9月24日\n南非 2007年3月30日\n2007年3月30日 西班牙\n苏丹 2009年4月24日^(a)\n斯威士兰 2007年9月25日\n瑞典 2007年3月30日 2008年12月15日\n阿拉伯叙利亚共和国 2009年7月10日\n前南斯拉夫的马其顿共和国 2009年7月29日\n多哥 2008年9月23日\n突尼斯 2007年3月30日 2008年4月2日\n土耳其 2009年9月28日\n土库曼斯坦 2010年11月10日^(a)\n乌干达 2007年3月30日 2008年9月25日\n乌克兰 2008年9月24日 2010年2月4日\n阿拉伯联合酋长国 2008年2月12日\n大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国和爱尔兰北部 2009年2月26日\n坦桑尼亚联合共和国 2008年9月29日 2009年11月10日\n也门 2007年4月11日 2009年3月26日\n赞比亚 2008年9月29日", "^(a) 加入。", "[1] 关于委员会及其工作的更多资料可查阅其网站:。", "[2] 美洲玻利瓦尔联盟国家包括安提瓜和巴布达,多民族玻利维亚国,古巴,多米尼克,厄瓜多尔,尼加拉瓜,圣文森特和格林纳丁斯,以及委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国.", "[3] 见", "[4] 见", "[5] 见。", "[6] 见。", "[7] 见", "[8] 见。", "[9] 见", "[10] 见 互联网档案馆的存檔,存档日期2013-12-22.", "[11] 关于开发协会的更多信息可在http://www.internationaldisabilityalliance.org查阅。", "[12] 见残疾。", "[13] 1994年教科文组织特殊需要教育世界会议在萨拉曼卡举行。 可查阅。", "[14] 肯尼亚、卢旺达、南非、乌干达和坦桑尼亚联合共和国。 见 (中文(简体) ). drpi/files/Kigali宣言2011.pdf.", "[15] 见 (英语)." ]
[ "Third report of the Secretary-General pursuant to paragraph 6 of resolution 1936 (2010)", "I. Introduction", "1. In paragraph 6 of its resolution 1936 (2010), the Security Council requested the Secretary-General to report to the Council every four months on the progress made towards the fulfilment of the responsibilities of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI). The present report is the third submitted pursuant to that resolution.", "2. The report provides an update on the activities of the United Nations in Iraq since my last report (S/2011/213) of 31 March 2011. It covers key political developments, and regional and international events concerning Iraq.", "II. Summary of key political developments pertaining to Iraq", "A. Political developments", "3. On 12 May 2011, the Council of Representatives approved the nomination of three Vice-Presidents, namely Adel Abdel Mahdi, Tariq al-Hashimi and Khudayr al‑Khuzai. On 27 May, however, Vice-President Abdel Mahdi, a leading figure in the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq and a key component of the National Alliance, announced his resignation, which was accepted on 11 July by the President, Jalal Talabani, citing the need to reduce the size of the Government.", "4. During the reporting period, demonstrations continued in Iraq, protestors calling primarily for job creation, an improvement in the delivery of essential services and an end to corruption. On 8 April and 25 May, the Sadrists organized a large demonstration in Baghdad and demanded that United States military forces leave Iraq by the end of 2011. On 9 April, the eighth anniversary of the fall of the former regime, there were similar demonstrations in other parts of the country.", "5. Since February 2011, in response to public protests, the Government of Iraq has been working to fulfil its pledge to improve the socio-economic situation while also implementing the new government programme. The Government set a 100-day deadline to evaluate ministerial programmes and determine a way to better respond to the needs of the people of Iraq. At the end of this period, from 7 to 12 June, a number of ministers briefed the Council of Ministers on the achievements of their respective ministries. Their presentations were broadcast live on television. On 14 June, the Prime Minister addressed the nation on the progress made by his Government. A further effort to accelerate policy decisions and implementation over the next three months has been agreed upon.", "6. There are continuing disagreements among the main political blocs regarding who should head the country’s top three security ministries — namely the Ministries of Defence, the Interior and National Security. Consensus still has not been reached regarding the establishment of a National Council for Strategic Policies, which was agreed upon as part of the Erbil agreement negotiated in November 2010 to facilitate the government formation process. Political blocs differ over the required legislation, composition and mandate.", "7. In the Kurdistan region, there were demonstrations in the city of Sulemaniyah and adjacent districts over perceived corruption, inadequate services and the lack of political reform in the region. In particular, opposition parties, namely, the Goran party, the Kurdistan Islamic Union and the Kurdistan Islamic Group have complained of the long-standing control of the Kurdistan Regional Government by the two main ruling parties, the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK). In response, President Massoud Barzani of the Kurdistan Regional Government put forward a plan for political reforms and a series of emergency debates on reforms were held in the Kurdistan Regional Parliament. On 4 and 8 June, the leaders of KDP and PUK met with the three opposition parties to discuss the political situation.", "8. In Kirkuk, Kurdish parties holding the two most senior political posts, Governor and Chairman of the Provincial Council, agreed to give up the latter, as a gesture of goodwill in order to move the political process forward and to accommodate a long-standing demand by Turkmen and Arab components. Hassan Turan (Turkmen) was elected to the post of Chairman, Najmaldin O. Karim (Kurdish) was appointed as the new Governor and Rakan Sa’id al-Jubouri (Arab) remained Deputy Governor.", "9. On 31 March, Kurdish Peshmerga troops that had been deployed around the city of Kirkuk since 25 February 2011 withdrew and returned to the Kurdistan region. The incident served as a reminder of the challenges that remain as the United States Forces in Iraq draw down and the combined security mechanism comes to an end. The combined security mechanism was established to encourage Iraqi security forces and Kurdish Peshmerga troops to coordinate their operations, set up joint patrols and checkpoints and exchange information under the auspices of the United States Forces. The Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government have yet to agree on the future of the combined security mechanism or any successor arrangements that could be put into place after the departure of the United States Forces.", "10. The United States Forces in Iraq have continued their planned withdrawal from the country with the intention of completing their departure by 31 December 2011, as envisaged under the status-of-forces agreement signed between the Governments of Iraq and the United States of America. Discussions have been ongoing regarding the possibility of some United States forces remaining beyond 2011 to provide training and support. The Prime Minister has stated that the issue would be decided on a consensus basis through dialogue among the political blocs, as formal agreement would require approval by the Council of Representatives.", "B. Regional developments pertaining to Iraq", "11. Since the formation of the new Government, Iraq has taken steps to strengthen its cooperation with neighbouring countries. A joint ministerial committee consisting of senior officials from Iraq and Kuwait met on 28 and 29 March 2011 in Kuwait to discuss all outstanding issues, both Iraq’s outstanding obligations to the Security Council and other issues of bilateral interest. The minutes of the meeting have yet to be agreed upon.", "12. On 18 May in Baghdad, Iraq hosted a consultative meeting of the Tripartite Commission on Missing Persons led by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). On 22 and 23 May, my High-level Coordinator met with Iraqi officials in Baghdad to discuss the situation concerning missing Kuwaiti persons and third-country nationals, and Kuwaiti property, including archives. A subsequent meeting of the Technical Subcommittee of the Tripartite Commission was held in Kuwait on 8 June.", "13. On 26 and 27 May, an Iraqi delegation, comprising officials from the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Transport, visited Kuwait to ascertain facts relating to the planned construction of the Mubarak al-Kabeer Port on Bubiyan Island in Kuwait. The delegation was sent after several members of the Council of Representatives made statements claiming that the Kuwaiti port would affect the economic and navigational interests of Iraq. The report of the delegation has been presented to the Council of Ministers of Iraq. Iraq and Kuwait continue to clarify the matter bilaterally through diplomatic channels.", "14. The long-standing issue of compensation for Iraqi citizens whose assets remained on Kuwaiti territory after the demarcation of the boundary between Iraq and Kuwait is still pending resolution. This matter was addressed in Security Council resolution 899 (1994), and in September 2009 the United Nations provided the Permanent Mission of Iraq with the proposals and documentation to address the issue.", "15. On 28 and 29 March, the Prime Minister of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, accompanied by high-level government and business representatives, met with Prime Minister Al-Maliki in Baghdad and discussed ways to strengthen bilateral cooperation in the fields of economy, security and energy. Prime Minister Erdoğan also met with Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, and visited Erbil to meet with officials from the Kurdistan Regional Government, including President Massoud Barzani and Prime Minister Barham Saleh.", "16. On 5 May, the League of Arab States announced the postponement of its summit, which was to be held in Baghdad in May 2011, until March 2012. The decision was reached after consultations among the States members, of the League, taking into account the current situation in several Arab countries.", "17. Other high-level visits took place during the reporting period. On 11 May, the Foreign Minister of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Ali Akbar Salehi, visited Baghdad to discuss bilateral matters and exchange views on regional issues. On 31 May, the Foreign Minister of the Syrian Arab Republic, Walid al-Muallem, visited Baghdad. During his visit, a memorandum of understanding was signed on energy cooperation between the two countries. On 31 May, the Prime Minister of Jordan, Marouf Bakhit, visited Iraq to meet Prime Minister Al-Maliki. The two Prime Ministers co‑chaired meetings of the sixth session of the Joint Jordanian-Iraqi Higher Committee. The two sides agreed to increase trade through the removal of obstacles hindering the flow of goods between the two countries.", "C. International developments", "18. On 22 June, the Security Council discussed my thirty-first report pursuant to paragraph 14 of resolution 1284 (1999) regarding the repatriation or return of all Kuwaiti and third-country nationals or their remains, and the return of all Kuwaiti property, including archives, seized by the Saddam regime.", "19. The Government of Iraq has yet to confirm its readiness to continue the Iraq-Kuwait boundary maintenance project and contribute its share of the additional funding required to complete the project. I have yet to receive a response from the Government of Iraq to my note verbale dated 29 April 2011 requesting the Government’s confirmation in this regard.", "20. On 28 April, pursuant to paragraph 4 of Security Council resolution 1956 (2010), the Government of Iraq submitted a report (S/2011/290) to the Security Council confirming that it had completed the arrangements that will ensure the full and effective transition to a new mechanism to replace the Development Fund for Iraq. On 30 June 2011, in accordance with paragraph 1 of resolution 1956 (2010), the termination of arrangements for depositing proceeds from export sales of petroleum, petroleum products and natural gas into the Development Fund for Iraq came into effect, as well as the arrangements for monitoring of the Fund by the International Advisory and Monitoring Board. On 1 July 2011, oversight of the full proceeds from the Fund was transferred from the International Advisory and Monitoring Board to the Government of Iraq’s Committee of Financial Experts, which will exercise authority in accordance with its terms of reference approved by the Council of Ministers.", "III. Activities of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq", "A. Political activities", "21. The standing consultative mechanism met several times during the reporting period. This initiative, which was launched in March 2011 under the auspices of UNAMI, brings together representatives of key political blocs to discuss outstanding issues related to disputed internal territories, including Kirkuk. The participants include representatives of the three main political blocs: Deputy Prime Minister Rowsch Shaways (Kurdistan Alliance), Member of Parliament Hassan al‑Sunaid (National Alliance) and Finance Minister Rafi al-Issawi (Iraqiya). The participants agreed to focus on the following issues: (a) Kirkuk, including power-sharing issues and conducting provincial council elections; (b) Ninewa, the current political stalemate, power-sharing and security issues; (c) the future of the combined security mechanism; and (d) the census. On 25 April, participants agreed that subsequent meetings would be expanded to include local stakeholders from the Kirkuk and Ninewa governorates. On 16 June, a meeting was held that brought together for the first time all members of the Council of Representatives from Kirkuk in order to discuss issues related to power-sharing and the prospects of holding provincial council elections in Kirkuk.", "22. In an effort to advance the dialogue mechanism, my Special Representative travelled to Erbil on 18 May, where he met with officials from the Kurdistan Regional Government, including President Massoud Barzani and Prime Minister Barham Saleh. On 26 May, the standing consultative mechanism reconvened and focused on the future of the combined security mechanism, including a possible liaison role for UNAMI under its mandate. The participants also discussed ways to resolve the political stalemate in Ninewa arising from the Kurdish boycott of the Ninewa Provincial Council after the Hadba List won control following the 2009 governorate elections. My Special Representative held a series of follow-up meetings with key national and local interlocutors, including provincial leaders in Ninewa, to promote consensus.", "23. On 28 and 29 May, my Special Representative visited Diyala, Kirkuk and Ninewa to observe the existing security mechanism in each of the governorates under the combined security mechanism. He met with local commanders from the Iraqi army and police, as well as from the Kurdish Peshmerga. He also received briefings from the local commanders of the United States Forces in Iraq.", "24. My Special Representative continued to encourage progress on the obligations of Iraq to the Security Council pertaining to Kuwait. On 6 June, he visited Kuwait to discuss the outcome of the Joint Ministerial Committee meeting and the further steps needed to address outstanding Chapter VII issues. While in Kuwait, he met with Prime Minister Sheikh Naser Al-Mohammad Al-Ahmed Al-Sabah, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammad Al-Sabah Al‑Salem Al-Sabah, and the Foreign Policy Adviser to the Emir, Mohammad Abulhassan.", "25. In accordance with the UNAMI mandate to promote regional dialogue, and in consultation with key United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, the UNAMI liaison office in Tehran explored ways to support bilateral cooperation between Iraq and the Islamic Republic of Iran in the fields of environmental protection, transboundary water resource management, cooperation on drug control and border demining. Cooperation on environmental protection envisages combating and mitigating the effects of dust storms and improving the management of marshlands. UNAMI also noted the interest of both countries in enhancing their cooperation on demining along the border, under the auspices of the relevant United Nations agencies, in particular the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).", "26. From 10 to 14 June, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, B. Lynn Pascoe, visited Iraq where he met with Prime Minister Al-Maliki, the Speaker of the Council of Representatives and the Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government, as well as a number of other senior Iraqi officials. During the meetings, he reiterated the commitment of the United Nations to continue assisting Iraq and discussed ways the United Nations could focus its efforts to best respond to the needs of the Iraqi people. He emphasized the readiness of UNAMI to provide further assistance in identifying mutually agreeable solutions to pending issues related to the disputed internal territories. He also stressed the commitment of the United Nations country team to assist Iraq by providing technical advice and expertise in addressing development, human rights and humanitarian challenges. During the visit, Prime Minister Al-Maliki confirmed the decision of the Government of Iraq to allocate an extended compound in Baghdad to UNAMI.", "B. Electoral assistance activities", "27. During the reporting period, UNAMI continued to support the Independent High Electoral Commission in its review of technical preparations for forthcoming electoral events, including governorate council elections in the Kurdistan region announced for 10 September 2011. The Commission has expressed concern that recent delays in passage of relevant electoral laws and the release of funding could compromise the planned timeline.", "28. In April 2011, the Board of Commissioners of the Independent High Electoral Commission received from the Council of Representatives a list of 32 questions on alleged financial and administrative irregularities in the Commission. In the days preceding the questioning, one Commissioner resigned. On 12 May, the Council of Representatives voted to withdraw its confidence from another Commissioner, who has since challenged his removal before the Federal Supreme Court. The term of the current Board of Commissioners expires in May 2012. The status of Commission staff and their security of tenure will be important for the credibility of upcoming elections. In May 2011, the Office of the Prime Minister commissioned the establishment of a committee to determine those employees entitled to civil servant status within the Commission, which ideally will resolve a long-standing issue and provide permanence for professional Commission staff.", "29. A United Nations integrated electoral team from UNAMI, UNDP and the United Nations Office for Project Services continued to provide capacity-building assistance. Several key activities have been implemented, including the training of Commission staff on software development, graphic design for ballots and other printed polling materials and electoral procurement, as well as on the development of content and multimedia tools for public-outreach activities. An assessment of the information technology and communications infrastructure of the Commission is also ongoing.", "C. Technical preparations for the census", "30. The United Nations Population Fund continued its capacity-building efforts to prepare the country for a nationwide census, if and when a decision to conduct such a census is made. Some preparatory census-taking stages were completed, including fieldwork numbering and the listing of buildings, dwellings and households in many parts of the country. On 10 July, the Government of Iraq released the findings of the listing and numbering of households, held as the first stage in the census-taking process. The release showed that 31.6 million people in Iraq lived in 4.8 million dwellings, and were contained in 4.7 million households with an average of 6.7 persons per household, of which 7.7 per cent are headed by women.", "D. Development and humanitarian assistance", "31. During the reporting period, the Government of Iraq expressed its commitment to improving the daily lives of the Iraqi people. Key economic and social indicators highlight the many challenges that lie ahead. The country’s poverty index remains high, at 22.9 per cent, with a poverty gap of 4.5 per cent. Poverty levels vary considerably by governorate. Approximately 1.75 million Iraqis are estimated to be either internally displaced or refugees in neighbouring countries, constituting one of the largest displaced populations in the world. School enrolment rates have decreased at primary and secondary levels and include substantial regional and gender disparities. Illiteracy rates among the poor reached 29 per cent for those aged 10 and above (24 per cent urban and 33 per cent rural). In the health system, infant mortality decreased to 35 per 1,000 live births, and under-5 mortality to 41 per 1,000. The national average indicator for global acute malnutrition is 4.7 per cent among children under 5.", "32. Further steps also need to be taken to improve the delivery of essential services. Shortages of water and sanitation services are acutely felt in urban centres where the majority of Iraqis now live. Outside Baghdad, potable water service coverage averages below 70 per cent (48 per cent in rural areas). An estimated 25 per cent of Baghdad residents remain disconnected from the water supply network. Approximately 50 per cent of wastewater collected is discharged into rivers without any treatment. Electricity demand has increased yearly by approximately 6 per cent since 2007. On 17 June 2011, a spokesperson for the Ministry of Electricity stated that power generated by the country’s national grid will meet less than half of summer peak demand, some 15,000 megawatts. The spokesman said Government ministers had recently decided to allocate a further $927 million to increase the country’s electricity-generating capacity.", "33. In this context, the United Nations country team regularly contributed to weekly meetings of the Prime Minister’s Monitoring Committee, which is responsible for coordinating the effort by the Government to respond to public demands calling for jobs, better services and an end to corruption. To date, the Committee has reviewed priority areas such as youth and employment, electricity, social dialogue, health, education, water and sanitation, and issues concerning internally displaced persons. It has been agreed that the Committee will continue its work during the coming months with the support of the United Nations.", "34. On 14 May, Prime Minister Al-Maliki convened a conference to discuss the main issues and challenges highlighted in the “Iraq Briefing Book”, a report jointly prepared by the Iraq Partners’ Forum, which includes the United Nations, the World Bank and bilateral donors, and presented to the Government of Iraq earlier in 2011. The conference focused on the country’s economic transition, the role of the private sector, public sector reform, State-owned enterprise reform and public financial management. Subsequent to the conference, a number of meetings were held with line ministries as well as the Office of the Prime Minister to support the implementation of the recommendations in the Briefing Book. The Government of Iraq has also announced the formation of the Partnership Committee. It will be a high-level inter-ministerial committee chaired by the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Issues that will work with the United Nations and the international community to address the policy and planning recommendations put forward in the Briefing Book as well as overall coordination issues.", "35. The United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) has received funding equivalent to $538 million, which is nearly 30 per cent of the total requirements of $1.902 billion. On 14 June, the first meeting of the Iraq UNDAF Trust Fund Steering Committee, co-chaired by the Government of Iraq and the United Nations, was convened in Baghdad. The Steering Committee reviewed the available funds based on the balance returned in the course of closing the United Nations Development Group Iraq Trust Fund. The Iraq UNDAF Trust Fund, with 16 participating United Nations organizations, was established in January 2011 at the request of the Government of Iraq to facilitate and streamline the provision of donor resources towards UNDAF implementation. The Fund is expected to cover the complete UNDAF cycle for Iraq (January 2011-December 2014).", "36. The Government of Iraq and the World Food Programme are in the final stages of negotiating an agreement to strengthen the public distribution system by procuring and delivering food for 7.5 million Iraqis, which represents nearly 25 per cent of the Iraqi population. The World Food Programme estimates that these efforts will cost close to $1.2 billion. This partnership will have two components: (a) the direct procurement and delivery of 1.5 million tons of commodities that make up the food basket, and (b) capacity-building training for the Ministry of Trade to improve processes that support the public distribution system, such as supply chain management and the procurement and delivery of food to vulnerable segments of the population.", "37. UNAMI continues to seek ways to better support civil society through quick-impact projects. The Quick-Impact Projects Fund, managed and chaired by my Deputy Special Representative for Development and Humanitarian Support, has received over 100 project proposals from Iraqi civil society. The projects relate to the promotion of environmental awareness and water resource management planning, implementing community water and sanitation initiatives, and convening women and youth forums. Of the 40 possible projects to be funded, 5 projects have already been approved, with 25 more to be approved in the next month, leaving a balance of 10 projects to be identified.", "38. The United Nations Integrated Task Force on Water Resource Management supported the University of Basra in organizing a national conference, held on 6 and 7 June 2011, focusing on governance and management of the marshlands. The conference brought together key national partners, including representatives of central and local governments, civil society, the private sector and the international community. In another initiative, in support of capacity-building, the task force organized a high-level training programme for government officials on transboundary water negotiations.", "39. On 21 May, together with representatives from the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), my Special Representative visited a settlement of internally displaced persons in the Al-Awasa area in Baghdad. The visit highlighted continuing efforts by UNHCR to ensure that all internally displaced persons are properly registered and have access to basic services. Related to this, during the visit of the Executive Director of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), Joan Clos, to Iraq from 30 May to 1 June, high-level discussions were held on planning urban renewal, with a particular focus on ways to improve living conditions for internally displaced persons in urban areas.", "40. On 21 and 22 April, flash floods occurred in Ninewa governorate, mostly affecting Sinjar District, where as many as 600 houses partially or totally collapsed. In Erbil, flooding affected nearly 1,000 families. Several organizations, including the United Nations Children’s Fund, the International Organization for Migration, the International Rescue Committee and ICRC provided non-food items to the affected families.", "E. Human rights activities", "41. The reporting period witnessed a significant rise in assassinations of political leaders, government officials and security personnel. On 26 May, the Head of the Accountability and Justice Commission of Iraq (also known as the de‑Baathification Commission), Ali al-Lami, was assassinated in eastern Baghdad. The Commission had previously issued decisions preventing a number of alleged former Baath party loyalists from taking part in the March 2010 elections and from holding public office. Assassination attempts were carried out against a Turkmen Member of Parliament from Kirkuk and the Governor of Ninewa on 12 and 30 May, respectively. On 12 May, a member of the Iraqiya bloc, Row´a al-Ogaidi, and her bodyguard were shot dead in Mosul by an unidentified armed group. On 1 June, the Deputy Human Rights Minister of Iraq, Abdul-Karim Abdullah, escaped an assassination attempt targeting his motorcade in Baghdad. On 20 May, two tribal leaders were shot dead in separate attacks in Mosul.", "42. Honour crimes committed against women are a continuing source of concern. UNAMI recorded the deaths in suspicious circumstances of nine women between April and May in Kirkuk. Police informed UNAMI that three of the deaths were listed as suicides and four as murders carried out by unknown persons, while the causes of death of the other two women were unconfirmed but regarded as suspicious. UNAMI also continued to investigate a case from Mosul involving the honour killing of six women on 28 March.", "43. There continue to be sporadic reports of children experiencing acts of indiscriminate violence and abductions. On 20 May, two children were killed when a bomb detonated in Mosul. On 2 April, in Kirkuk, criminal gangs abducted a 6‑year-old girl who was later released after a ransom was paid. On 21 April, a 12‑year-old boy was abducted in Kirkuk; his fate remains unknown.", "44. During the reporting period, a number of public demonstrations were held, most of them peaceful. However, there were some isolated incidents of violence. On 10 June 2011, protestors who were demonstrating in Baghdad’s Tahrir Square for government reforms were assaulted by unidentified armed men carrying sticks and clubs. Protestors were severely beaten and suffered broken bones and knife wounds. The protestors allege that the armed group acted with impunity despite the presence of Iraqi security forces. The protestors also claim that the Iraqi security forces attempted to control and suppress some of the demonstrations by restricting movements and arresting certain participants and organizers.", "45. The situation in prisons and detention facilities remains of serious concern. UNAMI continued to receive reports of detainees facing abuse, ill-treatment and poor living conditions. According to official statistics from the four different government ministries responsible for detention centres, the number of detainees, security internees and sentenced prisoners increased from 28,956, at the end of December 2009, to 35,653 (34,220 adults and 1,433 juveniles) by the end of December 2010. On 10 May, the Ministry of Human Rights confirmed the death as a result of torture of a detainee under police custody in Basra. On 12 May, the Governor of Ninewa announced the formation of a special commission to investigate cases of alleged violations of detainee rights.", "46. UNAMI continued to provide technical support to the Committee of Experts that was endorsed on 16 June 2011 to select the 11 commissioners and 3 back-up members who will serve on the first Independent High Commission for Human Rights. The secretariat of the Commission has received a total of 3,085 applications. The Committee of Experts has agreed on selection criteria based on best practices from around the world that evaluate the individual skills and the collective needs of the Commission to meet its mandate as articulated by the Human Rights Commission law. UNAMI organized and facilitated a five-day workshop in Beirut from 1 to 6 July 2011 for the Committee of Experts to elaborate on these criteria and procedures for evaluation of the same.", "47. From 5 to 7 June, UNAMI supported the Iraqi Ministry of Human Rights in organizing a national consultative conference on the Government’s draft National Action Plan on Human Rights. The draft plan seeks to implement the 135 recommendations accepted by the Government of Iraq during the universal periodic review of Iraq in February 2010. The conference was held under the auspices of the Prime Minister and chaired by the Minister for Human Rights, Muhammad Shiya' Al-Sudani. The conference gathered a range of stakeholders, including representatives of the Government, the Council of Representatives, the judiciary, civil society and human rights experts.", "48. From 29 May to 7 June 2011, the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights, Ivan Šimonović, visited Iraq and met with the Deputy Prime Minister, Rowsch Shaways, and representatives of the Ministries of Defence and Justice, as well as with journalists and civil society actors in Baghdad. In Erbil, he met with officials from the Kurdistan Regional Government, including the President, Prime Minister and Speaker of Parliament. The Assistant Secretary-General welcomed the Government’s intention to develop a national action plan to implement the recommendations put forward by the United Nations. He called upon the Government of Iraq to ensure that civilians are protected from violence and to hold accountable any person or group suspected of perpetrating acts of violence. He also condemned the numerous cases of enforced disappearances, arbitrary detention and alleged torture that have been reported throughout Iraq.", "49. UNAMI continues to monitor the humanitarian and human rights situation in Camp New Iraq, formerly known as Camp Ashraf, where some 3,400 members of the People’s Mujahedeen Organization of Iran reside. On 7 and 8 April, Iraqi security forces entered the camp and assumed control over the northern side. Violence ensued and 34 residents of the camp died; more than 70 were wounded. On 9 April, the Government of Iraq reiterated its firm determination to close down the camp by the end of 2011. UNAMI and the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights called for restraint and urged the Government of Iraq to refrain from the use of force contrary to international law. They also called for a thorough investigation into the incident which remains pending.", "F. Security, operational and logistical issues", "50. During the reporting period, the United Nations continued to operate in a challenging security environment. On 5 May, a car bomb targeted the Iraqi police headquarters in Hilla, killing 30 policemen. In another incident on 19 May, a complex attack on the Kirkuk Provincial Joint Coordination Centre left 20 people dead and 80 injured, including Iraqi police and civil defence members. This particular attack is believed to have been in response to the recent successful efforts by Iraqi security forces to locate weapons caches and key personnel wanted for terrorist attacks. In Baghdad on 22 May, at least 14 bombs killed 16 people, among them 9 civilians. Mass casualty attacks took place in Tikrit, Salahaddin governorate, on 3 and 6 June. On 3 June, a suicide-bomb attack inside a mosque during Friday prayers killed 17 people and wounded 60; later the same day, another suicide bomber detonated a vest inside the local hospital where victims of the mosque attack were receiving medical treatment, killing 6 people and wounding 16. On 6 June, another attack targeted the convoy of an Iraqi Army Brigade Commander which resulted in 13 people being killed, including the Commander. The Islamic State of Iraq claimed responsibility for the attack.", "51. There have also been increased levels of indirect-fire attacks against the bases of the United States Forces in Iraq as well as against Baghdad International Airport and the International Zone in Baghdad. On 15 May, 11 rockets (107-mm) struck the International Zone, the highest recorded number in a single day in the past two years, followed by 4 additional rockets on 9 June. These incidents, together with ongoing bomb attacks by armed opposition groups, underline the continuing threat United Nations operations face in Iraq.", "52. During the reporting period, UNAMI has been working on the transition of security support from the United States Forces to the Iraqi security forces. On 24 April, the Iraqi National Security Council requested that the Office of the High Commander of the Armed Forces, in coordination with the Ministry of Defence and the Ministry of the Interior, support UNAMI protection requirements.", "53. During the reporting period, UNAMI also took steps to put in place the necessary logistical arrangements to substitute the support of the United States Forces. UNAMI is also continuing preparations to ensure that it is able to sustain its presence in Kirkuk and Basra.", "54. With support from the United Nations standing police capacity, a start-up team of four UNAMI police liaison personnel have been deployed to Baghdad, Erbil and Kirkuk to engage and coordinate UNAMI operations with the Ministry of the Interior and Iraqi police.", "55. From 6 to 30 April 2011, a team from the Department of Field Support conducted a review of the UNAMI office in Kuwait, where some offices of the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) are also housed. The purpose of the review was to determine where synergies and efficiencies could be achieved by merging certain work processes of UNAMI and UNAMA in Kuwait.", "IV. Observations", "56. Iraq continues to make progress in consolidating its young democracy, strengthening the rule of law, developing its institutions and addressing the economic and social challenges of the country. I once again wish to emphasize that these efforts would be considerably enhanced if all major political parties worked together in a spirit of national reconciliation, so that the legitimate aspirations of the Iraqi people for a better life could be addressed without delay.", "57. The Iraq of today is very different from the Iraq of 2003. The Iraqi people can be proud of the progress that they have made over the past eight years. However, the country continues to face considerable political, security and developmental challenges that require the strong support of the United Nations and the international community. I am concerned that, in the light of the many pressing challenges in the region, the important basic needs of the Iraqi people may be forgotten, especially as the country’s poverty index remains high, at 22.9 per cent. As we approach the renewal of the UNAMI mandate in the Security Council, I wish to assure the Government and people of Iraq of my strong personal commitment, and that of the United Nations, to sustain our long-standing support for the country.", "58. Almost 7 months after the Council of Representatives approved the current Iraqi Government, and 16 months after the historic parliamentary elections of March 2010, there are still outstanding issues related to the Government formation process particularly appointments to key security posts. I call on the political leaders of Iraq to put aside their differences and move swiftly to agree on the way forward.", "59. Echoing developments elsewhere in the region, there have been demonstrations in many parts of Iraq calling for better social services, job creation and an end to corruption. To this end, the United Nations country team will continue to progressively expand its presence in Iraq and to provide support through the priorities identified in the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and the National Development Plan 2010-2014.", "60. Although the status of Kirkuk and other disputed internal territories remain divisive issues, I am encouraged by recent efforts by key Iraqi stakeholders to find common ground. Through the standing consultative mechanism under UNAMI auspices, political leaders, members of parliament and local representatives of Kirkuk have engaged in a dialogue on critical issues that will affect the future of Kirkuk and other disputed areas, including future security arrangements. I encourage the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government to continue to use this important forum to find mutually acceptable solutions that ultimately serve the interests of national reconciliation and long-term stability. The United Nations stands ready to assist in this process upon the request of the Government.", "61. The future of Iraq will also depend on the strength of its institutions. In this respect, UNAMI will continue to provide capacity-building assistance to the Independent High Electoral Commission, a body that is central to the future of electoral processes and democratic development in Iraq. In order to ensure the independent and impartial role of the Commission in organizing upcoming election-related processes, it will be important for the Council of Representatives to provide maximum transparency in the selection of election Commissioners in preparation for the transition to the next Board in May 2012.", "62. I firmly believe that, in today’s interdependent world, regional cooperation is essential to the long-term stability and prosperity of Iraq. I understand that recent events in the region pose challenges to the further development of relations between Iraq and some of its neighbours. I therefore urge all countries in the region to increase their engagement with Iraq with a view to quickly resolving outstanding differences and identifying concrete areas of cooperation in the political, security and developmental fields that could be mutually beneficial for all concerned. UNAMI, with the support of the Security Council, is prepared to do all it can to support such efforts.", "63. In particular, I commend the Governments of Iraq and Kuwait for the steps they have taken thus far towards normalizing their relations, and for their continued efforts to address outstanding bilateral issues. I wish to convey my sincere hope that there will be a follow-up to the first Joint Ministerial Committee meeting held in Kuwait in March and that both parties will remain committed to finding viable solutions. I am confident that an open and honest discussion will do much to build confidence between the two countries.", "64. It is almost seven months now since the Security Council lifted a number of Chapter VII mandates on Iraq, a move unanimously hailed as a major step towards the normalization of its international status. I take this opportunity to reiterate my personal commitment to seeing Iraq achieve full normalization of its international status pursuant to Security Council resolution 1859 (2008). I therefore wish to remind the Government of Iraq of the importance of demonstrating to the Security Council tangible and expeditious progress on outstanding obligations pertaining to Kuwait, in particular missing Kuwaiti persons and property, including archives, and the Iraq-Kuwait boundary maintenance project. I would also like to remind the Iraqi authorities that the issue of compensation payments to Iraqi private citizens pursuant to resolution 899 (1994) is still pending. The Department of Political Affairs is awaiting a response to proposals it submitted to the Government of Iraq in this regard. I have consistently stated that progress on these fronts could create a positive momentum and enable the Security Council to take up my report pursuant to resolution 1859 (2008). In this context, both my Special Representative and High-level Coordinator remain committed to assisting Iraq and Kuwait in bringing closure to these long-standing Security Council mandates.", "65. While the human rights situation in the country has improved, considerable challenges still need to be addressed in order to ensure that fundamental rights and freedoms are protected. In this context, I commend the ongoing preparations for establishing an Independent High Commission for Human Rights. I also welcome the consultative process put in place for the development of a national action plan on human rights, which, if implemented, would represent a milestone in strengthening human rights protection mechanisms in the country. As these mechanisms are being put in place, I urge the Government of Iraq to do its utmost to ensure that due process is upheld, and that further efforts are made to improve conditions in detention facilities in accordance with international conventions.", "66. I am concerned by the loss of life at Camp New Iraq during the violent incident on 7 and 8 April. I urge the Iraqi authorities to refrain from the use of force, and to ensure adequate access for camp residents to goods and services. I also welcome the assurances by the Government of Iraq after the incident that it is committed to finding a peaceful solution which is acceptable to all. I therefore encourage all stakeholders involved to increase their efforts to explore options and seek a consensual solution that ensures respect for Iraq’s sovereignty while also being consistent with international human rights law and humanitarian principles. To this end, I call upon Member States to help to support and facilitate the implementation of any arrangement that is acceptable to the Government of Iraq and the camp residents.", "67. While significant progress has been made to improve the security situation in Iraq, the recent spate of assassinations and bombings highlights the threat armed opposition groups still pose to the country’s stability. I take this opportunity to reiterate the recent call by the Assistant Secretary-General for Human Rights upon the Government of Iraq to ensure the protection of civilians from violence and hold accountable any person or group involved in the commission of acts of violence.", "68. I take this opportunity to thank the Government of Iraq and the Kurdistan Regional Government for receiving the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs. It was an important opportunity to discuss the priorities of the new Government and ways that the United Nations could assist. I also express my sincere thanks to the Government of Iraq, and in particular, Prime Minister Al-Maliki, for agreeing to provide UNAMI with an extended compound in Baghdad.", "69. The present report has highlighted developments in Iraq and the current activities of UNAMI pursuant to its broad mandate. At the request of and in consultation with the Government of Iraq, the United Nations will continue to facilitate political dialogue and national reconciliation, support electoral events, facilitate the coordination and delivery of development and humanitarian assistance, promote the protection of human rights and strengthen the rule of law in Iraq. Notwithstanding the challenging operating environment, UNAMI will continue to put in place the necessary arrangements to operate safely and effectively in Iraq.", "70. In conclusion, I wish to express my appreciation to my Special Representative for Iraq, Ad Melkert, all staff serving in UNAMI, both national and international, as well as the personnel of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, for their dedication and tireless efforts to support the people and Government of Iraq." ]
[ "秘书长根据第1936(2010)号决议第6段提出的第三次报告", "一. 导言", "1. 安全理事会在第1936(2010)号决议第6段中请秘书长每隔4个月向安理会报告联合国伊拉克援助团(联伊援助团)履行所有职责的进展情况。本报告是根据这项决议提出的第三次报告。", "2. 本报告提供自2011年3月31日提出上一次报告(S/2011/213)以来联合国在伊拉克开展活动的最新情况。本报告阐述与伊拉克有关的主要政治发展情况以及区域和国际事件。", "二. 伊拉克主要政治发展情况摘要", "A. 政治发展情况", "3. 2011年5月12日,国民议会批准了3名副总统的提名,他们是阿德尔·阿卜杜勒·迈赫迪、塔里克·哈希米和胡达伊尔·胡扎伊。但5月27日,伊拉克最高伊斯兰委员会领导人副总统阿德尔·迈赫迪以缩减政府规模为由宣布辞职,伊拉克最高伊斯兰委员会是民族联盟重要组成部分,7月11日,总统贾拉勒·塔拉巴尼接受了他的辞职。", "4. 在本报告所述期间,伊拉克持续发生示威活动,示威者主要是呼吁增加就业、改善基本服务和杜绝腐败。4月8日和5月25日,萨德尔派在巴格达组织了大规模示威活动,要求美军在2011年底前撤离伊拉克。4月9日,即前政权垮台8周年之际,伊拉克其他地区也发生了类似的示威活动。", "5. 自2011年2月以来,为回应公众的抗议,伊拉克政府一直努力履行改善社会经济局势的承诺,并执行了一项新的政府方案。政府为自己设置了100天的期限,限期评价各部门的计划并决定如何更好地回应伊拉克人民的需求。在期限结束时,6月7日至12日,几位部长向部长会议通报了各自部门取得的成就。对他们的陈述进行了电视直播。6月14日,伊拉克总理就其政府所取得的进展向全国发表演讲。政府同意未来3个月作出进一步努力,加快制定和执行政策。", "6. 在应由谁领导国内3个最重要的安全部门——即国防部、内务部和国家安全部——问题上,伊拉克主要政治集团持续存在分歧。在如何建立国家战略政策委员会的问题上也未取得共识,成立该委员会是2010年11月为推动政府组建进程而谈判缔结的《埃尔比勒协定》的部分商定内容。各政治集团在所需立法、组成方式和任务规定方面都存在分歧。", "7. 在库尔德地区,苏莱曼尼亚市及其周边地区发生了几次示威活动,抗议该地区感受到的腐败、服务不足和政治改革不到位。特别是反对党派(即戈兰党、库尔德伊斯兰联盟和库尔德伊斯兰集团)抱怨称,2个主要执政党(库尔德斯坦民主党和库尔德斯坦爱国联盟)长期把持着库尔德地区政府。库尔德地区政府对此作出了回应,总统马苏德·巴尔扎尼提出了一份政治改革计划,库尔德地区议会还就改革展开了一系列紧急辩论。6月4日和8日,库尔德斯坦民主党和库尔德斯坦爱国联盟的领导人与3个反对党进行了会晤,商讨政治局势。", "8. 在基尔库克,占据2个最高政治职位(即省长和省议会主席)的库尔德党派同意放弃主席职位,以表达善意,从而推进政治进程,并满足土库曼人和阿拉伯人的长期要求。哈桑·图兰(土库曼人)被选为主席,纳贾尔丁·卡里姆(库尔德人)被任命为新省长,拉坎·赛义德·朱布里(阿拉伯人)留任副省长。", "9. 3月31日,自2011年2月25日以来一直部署在基尔库克市周边地区的库尔德佩什梅加部队撤回到了库尔德地区。这起事件提醒我们,随着驻伊美军的缩编和联合安全机制的结束,各种挑战依然存在。建立联合安全机制的初衷是鼓励伊拉克安全部队和库尔德佩什梅加部队在驻伊美军的主持下协调行动、建立联合巡逻队和检查站并交流信息。伊拉克政府和库尔德地区尚未就联合安全机制的未来以及驻伊美军撤离后可以建立的后续安排达成共识。", "10. 根据伊拉克政府和美利坚合众国签订的《部队地位协定》的设想,驻伊美军继续按计划撤离伊拉克,打算至迟于2011年12月31日完成撤离工作。目前正在进行讨论,研究部分美军可否留至2011年以后以提供培训和支助。总理指出,这个问题将通过政治集团之间的对话协商解决,因为正式协议需要国民议会批准。", "B. 与伊拉克有关的区域事态发展", "11. 自新政府组建以来,伊拉克已采取措施,加强其与邻国的合作。2011年3月28日和29日,一个由伊拉克和科威特的高级官员组成的联合部长级委员会在科威特举行会议,讨论所有悬而未决的问题,即伊拉克对安全理事会尚未履行的义务以及双边感兴趣的其他问题。会议会议记录尚待商定。", "12. 5月18日,伊拉克在巴格达举行了由红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)领导的失踪人员问题三方委员会协商会议。5月22日和23日,我的高级协调员在巴格达与伊拉克官员讨论了与科威特失踪人员和第三国国民以及包括档案在内的科威特财产有关的情况。6月8日,三方委员会技术小组委员会在科威特举行后续会议。", "13. 5月26日和27日,由外交部和运输部官员组成的伊拉克代表团访问了科威特,以了解在科威特布比延岛计划修建Mubarak Al-Kabeer港口的有关事实。该代表团是在国民议会几位成员发表讲话称科威特的这个港口将影响到伊拉克经济和航行利益后派出的。代表团的报告已提交给伊拉克部长理事会。伊拉克和科威特双方继续通过外交渠道澄清此事。", "14. 伊拉克和科威特之间的边界划定后如何对有财产留在科威特领土的伊拉克公民进行赔偿这一长期问题仍有待解决。安全理事会第899(1994)号决议处理了这个问题,2009年9月,联合国还向伊拉克常驻联合国代表团提供了解决这一问题的相关建议和文件。", "15. 3月28和29日,土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安在政府和企业高层代表的陪同下,在巴格达与总理马利基会面,并讨论了如何加强在经济、安全和能源等领域的双边合作。埃尔多安总理还会见了大阿亚图拉阿里·西斯坦尼,并访问埃尔比勒,会见了库尔德地区政府官员,包括总统马苏德·巴尔扎尼和总理巴勒姆·萨利赫。", "16. 5月5日,阿拉伯国家联盟宣布将其原定于2011年5月在巴格达举行的首脑会议推迟到2012年3月。联盟成员国考虑到几个阿拉伯国家当前的形势,经协商后作出这一决定。", "17. 在本报告所述期间,还进行了其他高层互访。5月11日,伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长阿里·阿科巴·萨莱希访问了巴格达,讨论双边问题并就地区问题交换意见。5月31日,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国外交部长瓦利德·穆阿利姆访问了巴格达。访问期间,两国签署了一份能源合作谅解备忘录。5月31日,约旦首相马鲁夫·巴希特访问伊拉克,会见了总理马利基。首相和总理共同主持了约旦-伊拉克联合高级委员会第六届会议的会议。双方同意通过消除阻碍两国之间货物流动的障碍来加强贸易。", "C. 国际事态发展", "18. 6月22日,安全理事会讨论了我根据关于遣返或送回所有科威特国民和第三国国民或其遗体并交还萨达姆政权攫取的包括档案在内的所有科威特财产的第1284(1999)号决议第14段提出的第31次报告。", "19. 伊拉克政府尚未确认是否愿意继续执行伊拉克-科威特边界维持项目,并缴纳它在完成该项目所需增拨资金中应承担的份额。伊拉克政府尚未对我2011年要求政府在这方面予以证实的普通照会作出答复。", "20. 4月28日,根据安全理事会第1956(2010)号决议第4段,伊拉克政府向安全理事会提出了一份报告(S/2011/290),说明伊拉克政府已完成有关安排,确保全面切实过渡到新的机制以取代伊拉克发展基金。2011年6月30日,根据第1956(2010)号决议,终止将石油和天然气出口销售所得收益存入伊拉克发展基金的安排生效,同时终止的还有国际咨询和监察委员会对该基金的监测安排。2011年7月1日,该基金的所有收益都从咨监委转给伊拉克政府财务专家委员会,该委员会将根据部长理事会核定的职权范围行驶职权。", "三. 联合国伊拉克援助团的活动", "A. 政治活动", "21. 在本报告所述期间,常设协商机制举行了几次会议。2011年3月在联伊援助团的主持下推出的这项举措使各重要政治集团的代表聚集到一起,讨论与有争议的基尔库克等内部领土有关的悬而未决问题。与会者包括三个主要政治集团的代表:副总理鲁什·沙维斯博士(库尔德斯坦联盟),议会议员哈桑·苏内德(国家联盟)和财政部长拉菲·伊萨维(伊拉克名单)。与会者同意集中讨论以下问题:(a) 基尔库克(包括权力分享问题和举行省议会选举);(b) 尼尼微(目前的政治僵局、分享权力和安全问题);(c) 联合安全机制的未来;(d) 人口普查。与会者于4月25日商定,以后的会议将有所扩大,包括基尔库克省和尼尼微省的当地利益攸关者。6月16日举行了一次会议,国民议会中来自基尔库克的所有议员第一次全部与会,讨论权力共享和举行基尔库克省议会选举的前景等问题。", "22. 为努力推进对话机制,我的特别代表于5月18日前往埃尔比勒,会见了库尔德地地区政府官员,包括总统马苏德·巴尔扎尼和总理巴勒姆·萨利赫。5月26日,常设协商机制重新开会,集中讨论了联合安全机制的未来,包括可能按任务规定为联伊援助团履行联络职能。与会者还讨论了如何才能化解因2009年省级选举后“哈德巴名单”获得控制权,此后库尔德人对尼尼微省议会进行抵制而产生的尼尼微省的政治僵局。为促进共识,我的特别代表与包括尼尼微省领导人在内的国家和地方主要对话人举行了一系列后续会议。", "23. 5月28和29日,我的特别代表访问了迪亚拉、基尔库克和尼尼微,观察根据联合安全机制之下每个省份的现有安全机制。他会见了伊拉克军队和警察的当地指挥官,以及库尔德佩什梅加。他还听取了驻伊美军地方指挥官的情况通报。", "24. 我的特别代表继续鼓励伊拉克进一步履行其对安理会承担的与科威特有关的义务。6月6日,他访问了科威特,讨论部长级联合委员会会议的成果以及为解决悬而未决的第七章问题需要进一步采取哪些步骤。在科威特期间,他会晤了总理谢赫纳赛尔·穆罕默德·艾哈迈德·萨巴赫,副总理兼外交部长谢赫穆罕默德·萨巴赫·萨利姆·萨巴赫和埃米尔的外交政策顾问穆罕默德·阿布哈桑。", "25. 根据联伊援助团促进区域对话的任务规定,经与联合国主要机构、基金和方案协商后,联伊援助团德黑兰联络办公室探讨了如何支持伊拉克和伊朗在环境保护、跨界水资源管理、药物管制合作和边境排雷等领域开展双边合作。环境保护方面的合作旨在消除和减缓沙尘暴的影响和改善沼泽地管理。联伊援助团还指出,两国都愿意在联合国有关机构特别是联合国开发计划署(开发署)的主持下,加强它们在边境排雷方面的合作。", "26. 6月10日至14日,主管政治事务副秘书长林恩·帕斯科访问伊拉克,在那里会见了总理马利基、国民会议议长、库尔德地区总理以及若干其他伊拉克高级官员。他在会见时,重申了联合国对继续援助伊拉克的承诺,并讨论了联合国如何能够集中精力,最有效地满足伊拉克人民的需要。他强调,联伊援助团愿意提供进一步的援助,协助在涉及内部争议领土的悬而未决问题上找出双方都能接受的解决办法。他还强调联合国国家工作队致力于向伊拉克提供援助,为解决发展、人权、人道主义方面的挑战提供技术咨询和专业知识。访问期间,总理马利基确认,伊拉克政府决定在巴格达为联伊援助团划出一个大院。", "B. 选举援助活动", "27. 在本报告所述期间,联伊援助团继续支持独立高级选举委员会审查选举活动的技术准备情况,包括已宣布于2011年9月10日举行的库尔德地区省议会选举的技术准备情况。委员会表示,它担心最近在通过相关选举法和释放资金方面的延误可能会影响计划时间表。", "28. 2011年4月,独立选委会理事会从国民议会那里收到了一份清单,列有就指称的委员会财政和行政违规行为提出的32个问题。在质询前几天,一名理事辞职。5月12日,国民议会经投票撤回对另一名理事的信任,他后来在联邦最高法院对其被撤职提出质疑。本届董事会任期于2012年5月届满。委员会工作人员的地位及其任期保障对于即将举行的选举的公信力很重要。2011年5月,总理办公室委托设立了一个委员会,负责决定哪些雇员在理事会中有权享有公务员身份,希望这一长期问题因此得到解决,并使独立选委会的专业工作人员得到长期任用。", "29. 由联伊援助团、开发署和联合国项目事务厅组成的一个联合国综合选举小组继续提供能力建设援助。该小组举办了几次重大活动,包括对委员会工作人员进行了培训,讲授软件开发、选票和其他印刷投票材料的绘制设计、选举采购以及公众宣传活动内容和多媒体工具的开发。对委员会信息技术和通信基础设施的审查工作也正在进行中。", "C. 人口普查的技术准备", "30. 联合国人口基金继续开展能力建设工作,以便一旦决定举行全国人口普查即在国内进行筹备;国内许多地区的若干普查筹备阶段已经完成,包括实地工作的编号以及建筑物、住宅和家庭的造册。7月10日,伊拉克政府公布了有关住户造册和数字统计的结果,这项工作是作为普查流程的第一阶段进行的。公布的数字表明,伊拉克境内有3 160万人,住在480万栋住宅中,分为470万户,平均每户6.7人,其中女户主家庭占7.7%。", "D. 发展和人道主义援助", "31. 在本报告所述期间,伊拉克政府表示致力于改善伊拉克人民的日常生活。主要经济和社会指标突出表明,面前仍有许多挑战。该国的贫穷指数仍居高不下,为22.9%,贫穷差率为4.5%。各省贫穷水平有很大不同。估计有大约175万名伊拉克人要么在境内流离失所,要么则在邻国沦为难民,成为世界上最大的流离失所群体之一。中小学入学率有所下降,其中包括严重的区域和性别差异。穷人中10岁以上文盲率达到29%(城镇24%,农村33%)。在卫生系统内,婴儿死亡率为每千例活胎35人,5岁以下死亡率为每千例活胎41人。全球严重营养不良指数国内5岁以下儿童平均值为4.7%。", "32. 需要采取进一步步骤改善基础服务。目前大多数伊拉克人居住的城市中心都严重感受到供水和卫生服务的缺乏。在巴格达以外地区,饮用水服务的平均覆盖面低于70%(农村地区48%)。估计25%的巴格达居民仍没有与供水网连接。大约50%的汇集废水未经处理排入江河。自2007年以来,电力需求每年增加大约6%。2011年6月17日,电力部发言人指出,国家电网生产的电力仅能满足夏季高峰需求大约15 000兆瓦的不到一半。该发言人称,政府部长们最近决定再拨出9.27亿美元用于提高国内发电能力。", "33. 在本报告所述期间,联合国国家工作队定期协助总理监测委员会每周举行会议,监测委员会负责协调政府工作以满足公众提出的就业、改善服务和制止腐败等要求。迄今为止,监测委员会对青年和就业、电力、社会对话、保健、教育、水和环境卫生以及与境内流离失所者有关的问题等优先领域进行了审查。各方商定委员会今后几个月将在联合国的支持下继续开展工作。", "34. 5月14日,总理马利基召开了一次会议,讨论《伊拉克情况简介》强调的主要问题和挑战,《伊拉克情况简介》是一份由伊拉克伙伴论坛包括联合国、世界银行和双边捐助者联合编写的报告,2011年早些时候提交给伊拉克政府。会议重点讨论了伊拉克经济转型、私营部门作用、公共部门改革、国有企业改革和公共财政管理。会后又与职能部委和总理办公室举行了几次会议,以支持落实情况简介中的各项建议。伊拉克政府还宣布成立伙伴关系委员会。该委员会将是一个高级部门间委员会,由主管经济问题的副总理主持,与联合国和国际社会合作执行情况简介中提出的各项政策和规划建议,并处理全面协调问题。", "35. 联合国发展援助框架(联发援框架)已收到的资金相当于5.38亿美元,接近19.02亿美元所需资源总额的30%。6月14日,由伊拉克政府和联合国共同主持的伊拉克联发援框架信托基金指导委员会在巴格达召开第一次会议。指导委员会审查了按照关闭联合国发展集团(发展集团)伊拉克信托基金期间返还余额计算的可用资金。伊拉克联发援框架信托基金是应伊拉克政府的要求于2011年1月成立的,有16个联合国组织参加,旨在协助和精简为执行联发援框架而提供捐助资金的工作。该基金预计将为伊拉克联发援框架的整个周期(2011年1月至2014年12月)供资。", "36. 伊拉克政府和世界粮食规划署的协议谈判工作已到最后阶段,协议旨在通过为将近25%的伊拉克人口即750万伊拉克人采购和运交粮食,加强公共分配系统。粮食署估计,这些举措将花费近12亿美元。这种伙伴关系将有两个组成部分:(a) 直接采购和运送150万公吨口粮篮商品,(b)为贸易部提供能力建设培训,以改善支持公共分配系统的流程,如供应链管理和采购以及向弱势人口中群体运送粮食。", "37. 联伊援助团继续设法通过速效项目更好地支持民间社会。由(负责发展和人道主义援助)秘书长副特别代表管理和主持的速效项目基金,已从伊拉克民间社会收到100多个项目提案。这些项目涉及提高环保意识、促进水资源管理规划、落实社区供水和卫生举措以及举办妇女和青年论坛。在可能得到供资的40个项目中,5个项目已经得到批准,25个项目将在下个月批准,10个项目尚待确定。", "38. 联合国水资源管理综合工作队支持巴士拉大学于2011年6月6日和7日举行一次全国会议,重点讨论沼泽地的治理和管理。参加会议的有各主要国家伙伴,包括中央和地方两级政府、民间社会、私营部门和国际社会的代表。另一项支持能力建设的举措是,工作队为政府官员举办了一期关于跨界水谈判的高级培训课程。", "39. 5月21日,我的特别代表与联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民署)的代表一道,走访了巴格达阿瓦萨区的一个境内流离失所者居住点。这次访问突显难民署继续努力确保所有境内流离失所者得到适当登记并获得基本服务。与此相呼应,在联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)执行主任Joan Clos 5月30日至6月1日访问伊拉克期间,就规划城市重建问题举行了高级别讨论,尤其重点讨论了如何改善城市地区境内流离失所者的生活条件。", "40. 4月21日和22日,尼尼微省爆发山洪,主要影响到辛贾尔区,多达600座房屋全部或部分倒塌。在埃尔比勒,水灾波及近1 000个家庭。包括联合国儿童基金会、国际移徙组织、国际救援委员会和红十字委员会在内的一些组织,向受灾家庭提供了非食品物项。", "E. 人权活动", "41. 在本报告所述期间,暗杀政治领袖、政府官员和保安人员的行为明显增多。5月26日,伊拉克问责和司法委员会(又称去复兴党化委员会)主任Ali al-Lami在巴格达东部被暗杀。委员会此前曾发布决定,禁止一些据称前复兴党忠诚者参加2010年3月的选举和担任公职。5月12日和30日分别发生了来自基尔库克的国会土库曼议员和尼尼微省省长暗杀未遂事件。5月12日,伊拉克集团的一名成员Row’a al Ogaidi女士和她的保镖在摩苏尔被一个不明武装团体枪杀。6月1日,伊拉克人权部副部长Abdul-Karim Abdullah躲过了在巴格达针对其车队的未遂暗杀。5月20日,两个部落首领在摩苏尔的不同袭击中被枪杀。", "42. 针对妇女实施的名誉犯罪仍然令人关切。4月和5月期间,联伊援助团在基尔库克记录了9名妇女在可疑情况下死亡。警方告知联伊援助团,其中3人的死亡被列为自杀,4人被身份不明者谋杀,其他2名妇女的死亡原因未经证实,但被视为可疑。联伊援助团还继续调查3月28日摩苏尔的一桩涉及以荣誉为名杀害6名女子的案件。", "43. 仍不时有报道称儿童受到肆意暴力和绑架。5月20日,一枚炸弹在摩苏尔引爆致使2名儿童死亡。在基尔库克,犯罪团伙于4月2日绑架了1名6岁女孩,在支付赎金后释放。4月21日,1名12岁男孩在基尔库克被绑架,仍然下落不明。", "44. 在本报告所述期间,举行了一些公众示威,大多数示威都是和平进行的。然而,发生了一些孤立的暴力事件。2011年6月10日,在巴格达Tahrir广场举行的要求政府进行改革的示威者遭到携带棍棒的不明身份武装人员的袭击。示威者遭到毒打,受到骨折和刀伤。示威者声称,尽管伊拉克安全部队在场,但武装团伙的行动未受惩罚。示威者还声称,伊拉克安全部队试图通过限制行动和逮捕某些参与者和组织者来控制和取缔一些示威活动。", "45. 监狱和拘留设施的情况仍然令人严重关切。联伊援助团继续接到关于被拘留者受到侵犯、虐待和生活条件差的报告。根据来自负责拘留中心的4个不同政府部门的官方统计,截至2010年12月底,被拘留者、因安全原因被羁押者和被判刑的囚犯人数从2009年12月底的28 956人增加到35 653人(成年人34 220人,青少年1 433人)。5月10日,人权部证实了在巴士拉警方下的一名被拘留者死于酷刑。5月12日,尼尼微省省长宣布组成一个特别委员会,调查据称侵犯被拘留者权利的案件。", "46. 联伊援助团继续向2011年6月16日提名的专家委员会提供技术支持,以选出第一个独立高级人权委员会的11名委员和3名候补委员。委员会秘书处收到共3 085份申请。专家委员会根据世界各地的最佳做法商定了甄选标准,用以评价个人技能和委员会的集体需要,以履行人权委员会法为其制订的任务规定。联伊援助团组织和协助专家委员于2011年7月1日至6日在贝鲁特举办了为期5天的讲习班,以制订开展上述评价工作的标准和程序。", "47. 6月5日至7日,联伊援助团支持伊拉克人权部组织了一次关于政府的《国家人权行动计划》草案的全国协商会议。该计划草案旨在落实伊拉克政府在2010年2月伊拉克普遍定期审议期间接受的135项建议。会议由总理主持并由人权部长Muhammad Shiya' Al-Sudani任主席。这次会议聚集了广泛的利益攸关方,包括来自政府、国民议会、司法机构、民间社会的代表和人权专家。", "48. 2011年5月29日至6月7日,主管人权事务助理秘书长伊万·西蒙诺维奇访问了伊拉克,并在巴格达会见了副总理鲁兹·沙维斯、国防部和司法部的代表及记者和民间社会行为者。在埃尔比勒,他会见了库尔德地区政府官员,包括总统、总理和议会议长。助理秘书长欢迎政府打算制定一项落实联合国所提建议的国家行动计划。他吁请伊拉克政府确保平民免受暴力侵害,追究任何涉嫌实施暴力行为的个人或团体的责任。他还谴责据报伊拉克各地发生的许多强迫失踪、任意拘留和指称酷刑的案件。", "49. 联伊援助团继续监测新伊拉克难民营(原阿什拉夫难民营)的人道主义和人权情况,那里居住着约3 400名伊朗人民圣战者组织成员。4月7日和8日,伊拉克安全部队进入难民营,控制了北侧。随后发生了暴力,34名难民营居民死亡,70多人受伤。4月9日,伊拉克政府重申其至迟于2011年底关闭该难民营的坚定决心。联伊援助团和联合国人权事务高级专员呼吁克制,敦促伊拉克政府不要违反国际法而使用武力。他们还呼吁对这一事件进行彻底的调查,调查工作尚未展开。", "F. 安全、行动和后勤问题", "50. 在本报告所述期间,联合国继续在危险的安全环境中开展行动。5月5日,希拉警察总部发生汽车炸弹爆炸,炸死30名警察。5月19日又发生一个事件,基尔库克省级联合协调中心遭到连环袭击,造成20人死亡、80人受伤,包括伊拉克警察和文职国防官员。这起袭击事件被认为是对伊拉克安全部队最近成功发现武器隐藏地和恐怖袭击主要通缉犯而作出的回应。5月22日,巴格达至少有14枚炸弹爆炸,炸死大约16人,其中9人是平民。2011年6月3日和6日,萨拉赫丁省提克里特发生两起袭击事件,造成大批人员伤亡。6月3日,一枚自杀炸弹在清真寺周五礼拜时发生爆炸,炸死17人,炸伤60人。同日稍后,另一名自杀炸弹手在清真寺爆炸受害者接受治疗的一家当地医院内引爆炸弹背心,炸死6人,炸伤16人。6月6日,伊拉克陆军旅指挥官车队也遭到袭击,炸死包括指挥官在内的13人。伊拉克伊斯兰国声称对袭击负责。", "51. 针对驻伊美军基地以及巴格达国际机场和巴格达国际区的间接火力袭击也有所增加。5月15日,国际区受到11枚火箭(107毫米)袭击,创下两年来单日火箭发射最高记录,6月9日又受到4枚火箭的袭击。这些事件以及武装反对团体的持续炸弹袭击事件突出说明,联合国伊拉克行动继续面临威胁。", "52. 在本报告所述期间,联伊援助团努力将美军提供的安全支持移交给伊拉克安全部队。4月24日,伊拉克国家安全委员会要求武装部队最高指挥官办公室与国防部和内政部协调,为联伊援助团的保护需求提供支持。", "53. 在本报告所述期间,联伊援助团还采取步骤建立必要的后勤安排以替代美军的支助。联伊援助团还继续进行准备,确保继续驻留基尔库克和巴斯拉。", "54. 在联合国常备警察能力的支持下,向巴格达、艾尔比勒和基尔库克调派了一个由联伊援助团4名警察联络员组成的先期小组,负责与内政部和伊拉克警察保持接触,并协调联伊援助团的行动。", "55. 2011年4月6日至30日,外勤支助部的一个小组对联伊援助团驻科威特办事处进行了审查,该办事处中还有一些联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的办公室。审查的目的是确定联伊援助团和联阿援助团在科威特的某些工作程序合并后可以取得哪些协同增效作用和提高多少效率。", "四. 意见", "56. 伊拉克继续在巩固新生民主、加强法制、建设机构和克服国家经济社会挑战方面取得进展。我再次强调,如果各主要政党本着民族和解的精神齐心协力,尽快实现伊拉克人民改善生活的正当愿望,这些努力就会大有起色。", "57.今天的伊拉克与2003年的伊拉克大不相同。伊拉克人民可以对八年来取得的进展感到骄傲。但是,伊拉克继续面临巨大的政治、安全和发展挑战,需要联合国和国际社会的大力支持。我关切地注意到,在该区域目前面临诸多紧迫挑战的情况下,特别鉴于该国的贫穷指数仍高达22.9%,伊拉克人民的重大基本需求不应被遗忘。随着安全理事会延长联伊援助团任务期限的日子临近,我向伊拉克政府和人民保证,我本人和联合国将坚定地致力于继续为伊拉克提供长期支持。", "58. 在国民议会批准伊拉克现政府近7个月之后,在2010年3月举行历史性议会选举16个月之后,政府的组建流程尤其是主要安全职位的任命仍然存在一些悬而未决的问题。我呼吁伊拉克政治领导人摒弃歧见,迅速采取行动就今后方针达成一致。", "59. 与该区域其他国家出现的情况相呼应,伊拉克许多地区也发生了示威活动,要求改善社会服务,创造就业机会和制止腐败。为此,联合国国家工作队将继续逐步扩大在伊拉克的存在,并通过联合国发展援助框架和《2010-2014年国家发展计划》确定的重点提供支持。", "60. 虽然基尔库克和其他国内争议领土的地位仍是有争议的问题,但令我感到鼓舞的是,伊拉克主要利益攸关方最近为寻找共同立场作出了努力。通过联伊援助团主持的常设协商机制,基尔库克的政治领袖、议员和地方代表就影响基尔库克和其他争议地区今后地位的重大问题(包括今后的安全安排)进行了对话。我鼓励伊拉克政府和库尔德地区政府继续利用这一重要论坛,找出彼此接受和最终有利于民族和解与长期稳定的解决办法。在这一过程中,联合国将随时准备应政府请求提供协助。", "61. 伊拉克的未来还取决于国家机构的力量。为此,联伊援助团将继续为伊拉克独立高级选举委员会的能力建设提供援助,该机构是伊拉克今后选举进程和民主发展的核心。为了确保委员会在组织即将开始的选举进程方面发挥独立和公正的作用,伊拉克政府必须在甄选选举委员会委员方面提供最大的透明度,准备2012年5月向下届委员会过渡。", "62. 我坚信,在当今相互依存的世界中,区域合作是伊拉克长期稳定与繁荣的基本条件。我的理解是,该地区最近的一些事件对伊拉克与部分邻国关系的今后发展构成挑战。我因此敦促该地区各国加强与伊拉克的接触,以迅速解决未决分歧,寻找政治、安全和发展领域的具体合作领域,使有关各方实现互利双赢。在安全理事会的支持下,联伊援助团准备尽一切力量支持上述努力。", "63. 我尤其赞扬伊拉克和科威特两国政府迄今为实现关系正常化采取的步骤,并赞扬两国为解决未决的双边问题而继续努力。我诚挚希望对3月在科威特举行的部长级联合委员会首次会议采取后续行动,双方应继续努力寻找可行的解决办法。我相信,公开坦诚的讨论对两国之间建立信任十分有益。", "64. 安理会取消根据《宪章》第七章对伊制裁以来已有近七个月的时间,各方一致认为取消制裁是实现伊拉克国际地位正常化的一个重大步骤。我借此机会重申我本人的承诺,希望看到伊拉克根据安全理事会第1859(2008)号决议的规定实现国际地位全面正常化。因此,我提醒伊拉克政府注意,必须在与科威特有关的未决义务,特别是在包括档案在内的科威特失踪人员和财产以及伊拉克科威特边界维持项目方面,向安全理事会展示实际和迅速的进展。我还要提醒伊拉克当局注意,根据第899(1994)号决议向伊拉克公民支付赔款问题仍未解决。政治事务部曾就此向伊拉克政府提出建议,目前仍在等待答复。我一再表示,如果在上述方面取得进展,就能创造有利的势头,使安全理事会能够审议我根据第1859(2008)号决议提交的报告。为此,我的特别代表和高级协调员将一如既往,继续协助伊拉克和科威特最终解决安全理事会任务规定中这些悬而未决的问题。", "65. 虽然该国的人权状况有所改善,但是严峻的挑战依然存在,必须克服这些挑战才能确保基本权利和自由受到保护。在这方面,我对目前为成立独立高级人权委员会而开展的准备工作表示赞扬。我还高兴地看到为拟订国家人权行动计划启动了协商进程,行动计划如得到实施,将成为加强该国人权保护机制工作的一个重要里程碑。随着保护机制逐步建立,我敦促伊拉克政府尽一切努力确保遵守适当程序,并为根据国际公约进一步努力改善监狱条件。", "66. 我关切地注意到,4月7日和8日新伊拉克难民营发生暴力事件,造成人员伤亡。我敦促伊拉克当局避免使用武力,并确保为营地人员提供充足物品和服务。我还高兴地看到伊拉克政府在事件发生后保证,它将致力于积极寻找各方均可接受的和平办法。因此,我鼓励所有相关利益攸关方加紧努力,探索各种选项和设法找出协商一致的解决办法,这种解决办法既要确保伊拉克主权得到尊重,又应符合国际人权法和人道主义原则。为此,我呼吁会员国协助为落实任何伊拉克政府和营地居民均可接受的安排提供支持和便利。", "67. 在改善伊拉克安全局势方面取得了重大进展,但是最近发生的大批暗杀和爆炸事件突出表明,武装反对团体继续对伊拉克稳定构成重大威胁。我借此机会重申主管人权事务助理秘书最近向伊拉克政府发出的呼吁,要求确保平民免于暴力,并追究实施暴力行为的个人和团体的责任。", "68. 我谨借此机会对伊拉克政府和库尔德地区政府接待联合国主管政治事务副秘书长到访表示感谢。这次访问是讨论新政府工作重点和联合国援助方式的一个重要机会,我还对伊拉克政府特别是马利基总理同意在巴格达为联伊援助团提供一个大院表示诚挚感谢。", "69. 本报告重点阐述了伊拉克的事态发展以及联伊援助团最近根据其广泛任务开展的活动。应伊拉克政府请求并在与伊拉克政府协商之后,联合国将继续在伊拉克促进政治对话与民族和解,支持选举活动,推动协调和提供发展援助和人道主义援助,促进保护人权和加强法治。虽然目前的工作环境充满挑战,但联伊援助团将继续制定必要安排,以便在伊拉克安全和有效地开展行动。", "70. 最后,我谨向我的伊拉克问题特别代表阿德·梅尔克特、联伊援助团所有本国和国际工作人员以及联合国机构、基金和方案的人员表示感谢,他们尽职尽责,为支持伊拉克人民和政府作出了不懈努力。" ]
[ "秘书长根据第1936(2010)号决议第6段提交的第三次报告", "一. 导言", "1. 联合国 安全理事会第1936(2010)号决议第6段请秘书长每四个月向安理会报告联合国伊拉克援助团(联伊援助团)履行职责的进展情况。 本报告是依照该决议提交的第三次报告。", "2. 联合国 本报告介绍了自我2011年3月31日上次报告(S/2011/213)以来联合国在伊拉克活动的最新情况。 报告涵盖关键的政治事态发展以及有关伊拉克的区域和国际事件。", "二. 与伊拉克有关的主要政治事态发展摘要", "A. 政治事态发展", "3. 2011年5月12日,国民议会核准提名三名副主席,即阿德尔·阿卜杜勒·马赫迪、塔里克·哈希米和克胡扎伊。 然而,5月27日,副总统阿卜杜勒·马赫迪作为伊拉克伊斯兰最高委员会的领导人物和全国联盟的关键成员宣布辞职,贾拉勒·塔拉巴尼总统于7月11日接受了辞职,并称需要缩小政府的规模.", " 4.四. 在本报告所述期间,伊拉克的示威活动仍在继续,抗议者主要呼吁创造就业,改善基本服务的提供并结束腐败。 4月8日和5月25日,萨德派在巴格达组织大规模示威,并请求美军于2011年底出走伊拉克. 4月9日,即前政权倒台八周年,该国其他地区也发生了类似的示威.", "5 (韩语). 自2011年2月以来,为了应对公众抗议,伊拉克政府一直在努力履行其改善社会经济状况的承诺,同时执行新政府方案。 政府设定了100天的期限,以评估部长方案并确定如何更好地满足伊拉克人民的需要。 在这一时期结束时,即从6月7日至12日,一些部长向部长会议通报了各自部委的成就。 他们的演讲通过电视直播。 6月14日,总理就政府取得的进展向全国发表讲话。 已商定进一步努力在今后三个月内加速作出政策决定和执行。", "6. 国家 各主要政治集团在由谁领导国家最高的三个安全部(即国防部、内政部和国家安全部)的问题上继续有分歧。 尚未就设立国家战略政策理事会达成共识,该理事会是2010年11月谈判达成的埃尔比勒协定的一部分所商定的,目的是促进政府组建进程。 政治集团在必要的立法、组成和任务方面各不相同。", "7. 联合国 在库尔德斯坦地区,苏莱曼尼亚市和相邻的县发生示威,抗议该地区被认为腐败、服务不足和缺乏政治改革。 特别是,反对党,即戈兰党、库尔德斯坦伊斯兰联盟和库尔德斯坦伊斯兰集团,抱怨库尔德斯坦地区政府长期由两个主要执政党库尔德斯坦民主党和库尔德斯坦爱国联盟控制。 作为回应,库尔德斯坦地区政府总统马苏德·巴尔扎尼提出了政治改革计划,库尔德斯坦地区议会就改革问题举行了一系列紧急辩论. 6月4日和8日,KDP和PUK的领导人同三个反对党会面,讨论政治局势.", "8. 联合国 在基尔库克,担任两个最高级政治职务的库尔德政党,即省长和省委员会主席,同意放弃后者,以示善意,以推进政治进程并满足土库曼和阿拉伯部分的长期要求。 Hassan Turan(土耳其人)被选为主席,Najmaldin O. Karim(库尔德人)被任命为新总督,Rakan Sa ' id al-Jubouri(阿拉伯人)仍为副总督。", "9. 3月31日,2011年2月25日以来部署在基尔库克市周围的库尔德人佩什梅加部队撤出并返回库尔德地区。 这一事件提醒我们,随着美国驻伊拉克部队的缩编和联合安全机制的结束,仍然存在各种挑战。 建立联合安全机制的目的是鼓励伊拉克安全部队和库尔德人佩什梅加部队协调行动,在美国部队的主持下建立联合巡逻和检查站并交流信息。 伊拉克政府和库尔德斯坦地区政府尚未就联合安全机制的未来或美国部队撤离后可能作出的任何后续安排达成协议。", "10个 美国驻伊拉克部队继续按计划从该国撤出,并打算按照伊拉克政府同美利坚合众国政府签署的部队地位协定的设想,于2011年12月31日前完成撤离。 目前正在讨论一些美国部队在2011年之后继续提供培训和支助的可能性。 总理表示,这个问题将通过各政治集团之间的对话在协商一致的基础上决定,因为正式协议需要国民议会的批准。", "B. 与伊拉克有关的区域事态发展", "11个 自新政府成立以来,伊拉克已采取步骤加强同邻国的合作。 由伊拉克和科威特高级官员组成的部长级联合委员会于2011年3月28日和29日在科威特举行会议,讨论所有未决问题,包括伊拉克尚未履行的对安全理事会的义务和双边感兴趣的其他问题。 会议记录尚待商定。", "12. 5月18日,伊拉克在巴格达主办了由红十字国际委员会(红十字委员会)领导的失踪人员三方委员会协商会议。 5月22日和23日,我的高级协调员在巴格达同伊拉克官员会晤,讨论科威特失踪人员和第三国国民以及科威特财产,包括档案等情况。 三方委员会技术小组委员会随后于6月8日在科威特举行了会议。", "13个 5月26日和27日,一个由外交部和运输部官员组成的伊拉克代表团访问科威特,查明与科威特Bubiyan岛计划修建的Mubarak al-Kabeer港有关的事实。 代表团是在国民议会若干成员发表声明声称科威特港口会影响伊拉克经济和航行利益之后派出的。 代表团的报告已提交给伊拉克部长会议。 伊拉克和科威特继续通过外交渠道以双边方式澄清此事。", "14个 长期存在的赔偿伊拉克和科威特边界划定后其资产仍留在科威特领土上的伊拉克公民的问题仍有待解决。 安全理事会第899(1994)号决议已处理这一问题,2009年9月,联合国向伊拉克常驻代表团提供了解决这一问题的提议和文件。", "15. 3月28日和29日,土耳其总理雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安在高级政府和商业代表的陪同下,在巴格达会见了马利基总理并讨论了加强经济、安全和能源领域双边合作的途径。 埃尔多安总理还会见了大阿亚图拉阿里·西斯坦尼并访问了埃尔比勒,会见了库尔德斯坦地区政府官员,包括马苏德·巴尔扎尼总统和巴勒姆·萨利赫总理.", "16号. 5月5日,阿拉伯国家联盟宣布将定于2011年5月在巴格达举行的首脑会议推迟到2012年3月。 该决定是在阿盟成员国协商后作出的,其中考虑到若干阿拉伯国家的目前情况。", "17岁。 在本报告所述期间进行了其他高级别访问。 5月11日,伊朗伊斯兰共和国外交部长阿里·阿克巴尔·萨利赫访问巴格达,讨论双边问题并就区域问题交换意见。 5月31日,阿拉伯叙利亚共和国外交部长瓦利德·穆阿莱姆访问了巴格达。 在访问期间,两国签署了关于能源合作的谅解备忘录。 5月31日,约旦总理马鲁夫·巴克希特访问伊拉克,会见马利基总理. 两位总理共同主持了约旦-伊拉克联合高级委员会第六届会议。 双方同意通过消除阻碍两国货物流通的障碍来增加贸易.", "C. 国际动态", "18岁。 6月22日,安全理事会讨论了我根据第1284(1999)号决议第14段提出的关于遣返所有科威特国民和第三国国民或送回其遗体并归还被萨达姆政权夺取的所有科威特财产,包括档案的第三十一次报告。", " 19. 19. 伊拉克政府尚未确认愿意继续执行伊拉克-科威特边界维护项目并捐助完成该项目所需额外资金中的份额。 我尚未收到伊拉克政府对我2011年4月29日普通照会的答复,该照会要求伊拉克政府在这方面予以确认。", "20号. 4月28日,根据安全理事会第1956(2010)号决议第4段,伊拉克政府向安全理事会提交了一份报告(S/2011/290),确认伊拉克政府已完成各项安排,以确保充分和有效地过渡到取代伊拉克发展基金的新机制。 2011年6月30日,根据第1956(2010)号决议第1段,终止将石油、石油产品和天然气出口销售收益存入伊拉克发展基金的安排以及国际咨询和监测委员会监测该基金的安排生效。 2011年7月1日,对该基金全部收益的监督从国际咨询和监察委员会转到伊拉克政府财务专家委员会,该委员会将根据部长理事会核准的职权范围行使权力。", "三. 联合国伊拉克援助团的活动", "A. 政治活动", "21岁 在本报告所述期间,常设协商机制举行了多次会议。 这项倡议由联伊援助团主持于2011年3月发起,主要政治集团的代表聚集一堂,讨论与包括基尔库克在内的有争议内部领土有关的未决问题。 与会者包括三个主要政治集团的代表: 副总理罗施·沙威斯(库尔德斯坦联盟)、议员哈桑·苏奈德(全国联盟)和财政部长拉菲·伊萨维(伊拉克尼亚)。 与会者同意重点讨论以下问题:(a) 基尔库克,包括权力分享问题和举行省议会选举;(b) 尼尼微,当前的政治僵局、权力分享和安全问题;(c) 联合安全机制的未来;(d) 人口普查。 4月25日,与会者商定,以后的会议将扩大到包括基尔库克省和尼尼微省的地方利益攸关方。 6月16日举行了一次会议,来自基尔库克的国民议会所有成员首次聚集一堂,以讨论与权力分享和在基尔库克举行省议会选举的前景有关的问题。", "22号. 为了推动对话机制,我的特别代表于5月18日前往埃尔比勒,会见了库尔德地区政府官员,包括马苏德·巴尔扎尼总统和巴勒姆·萨利赫总理。 5月26日,常设协商机制重新召开会议并重点讨论了联合安全机制的未来,包括联伊援助团根据其任务规定可能发挥的联络作用。 与会者还讨论了如何解决2009年省选举后哈德巴名单获得控制权后库尔德人抵制尼尼微省议会造成的尼尼微政治僵局。 我的特别代表与包括尼尼微省领导人在内的国家和地方主要对话者举行了一系列后续会议,以促成共识。", "23. 5月28日和29日,我的特别代表访问了迪亚拉、基尔库克和尼尼微,以观察联合安全机制下各省的现有安全机制。 他会见了伊拉克军队和警察以及库尔德人Peshmerga的地方指挥官。 他还听取了美国驻伊拉克部队地方指挥官的情况介绍。", "24 (韩语). 我的特别代表继续鼓励伊拉克在安全理事会履行与科威特有关的义务方面取得进展。 6月6日,他访问了科威特,以讨论部长级联合委员会会议的成果和解决第七章未决问题所需要采取的进一步步骤。 在科威特期间,他会见了谢赫·纳赛尔·穆罕默德·艾哈迈德·萨巴赫总理、副总理兼外交部长谢赫·穆罕默德·萨巴赫·萨利姆·萨巴赫和埃米尔的外交政策顾问穆罕默德·阿布哈桑。", "25岁 根据联伊援助团促进区域对话的任务,并与联合国主要机构、基金和方案协商,联伊援助团驻德黑兰联络处探讨如何支持伊拉克和伊朗伊斯兰共和国在环境保护、跨界水资源管理、毒品管制合作和边界排雷等领域的双边合作。 环境保护方面的合作设想打击并减轻沙尘暴的影响并改进沼泽地的管理。 联伊援助团也指出,两国有兴趣在联合国有关机构,特别是联合国开发计划署(开发署)的主持下,加强边界沿线排雷合作。", "26. 6月10日至14日,主管政治事务副秘书长林恩·帕斯科访问了伊拉克,会见了马利基总理、国民议会议长和库尔德斯坦地区政府总理以及其他伊拉克高级官员。 在会议期间,他重申联合国承诺继续援助伊拉克,并讨论了联合国如何集中努力,对伊拉克人民的需求作出最佳反应。 他强调联伊援助团愿意提供进一步援助,为有争议的内部领土方面的未决问题找到相互同意的解决办法。 他还强调指出,联合国国家工作队承诺协助伊拉克,在应对发展、人权和人道主义挑战方面提供技术咨询和专门知识。 访问期间,马利基总理确认伊拉克政府决定在巴格达将一个扩建大院分配给联伊援助团。", "B. 选举援助活动", "27个 在本报告所述期间,联伊援助团继续支持独立高级选举委员会审查即将举行的选举活动,包括库尔德斯坦地区宣布于2011年9月10日举行的省议会选举的技术筹备工作。 委员会表示关切的是,最近迟迟没有通过有关选举法和发放资金,可能会影响计划的时间表。", "28岁 2011年4月,独立高级选举委员会专员委员会从国民议会收到一份32个问题的清单,涉及据称该委员会的财务和行政违规行为。 在讯问前几天,一名专员辞职。 5月12日,国民议会投票决定撤销对另一名专员的信任,该专员此后向联邦最高法院对罢免他提出质疑。 现任专员委员会的任期于2012年5月结束。 委员会工作人员的地位及其任期保障对于即将举行的选举的可信度至关重要。 2011年5月,总理办公室委托设立一个委员会,确定哪些雇员有资格在委员会内获得公务员地位,理想的情况是,这将解决一个长期存在的问题,并为委员会专业人员提供长期任用条件。", "29. 国家 来自联伊援助团、开发署和联合国项目事务厅的联合国综合选举小组继续提供能力建设援助。 已经开展了若干关键活动,包括培训委员会工作人员如何开发软件、选票和其他印刷投票材料的图形设计以及选举采购,以及开发公众宣传活动的内容和多媒体工具。 目前还在评估委员会的信息技术和通信基础设施。", "C. 普查的技术筹备工作", "30岁。 联合国人口基金继续开展能力建设工作,为该国进行全国人口普查做好准备,如果并且一旦决定进行人口普查。 已完成一些人口普查的筹备阶段,包括实地工作编号以及该国许多地方的建筑物、住宅和家庭清单。 7月10日,伊拉克政府公布了作为普查过程第一阶段进行的住户列名和编号调查的结果。 释放表明,伊拉克有3 160万人居住在480万所住房中,有470万个家庭居住,平均每户6.7人,其中7.7%由妇女担任户主。", "D. 发展和人道主义援助", "31岁 在本报告所述期间,伊拉克政府表示致力于改善伊拉克人民的日常生活。 关键的经济和社会指标突出了前面的许多挑战。 该国贫穷指数仍然很高,为22.9%,贫穷差距为4.5%。 各省的贫困程度相差很大。 据估计,约有175万伊拉克人要么是境内流离失所者,要么是在邻国的难民,是世界上流离失所人口最多的国家之一。 初等和中等教育的入学率已经下降,包括严重的区域和性别差距。 10岁及以上人口的文盲率达到29%(城市24%,农村33%)。 在卫生系统中,婴儿死亡率为每1 000名活产死亡35人,5岁以下儿童为每1 000名活产死亡41人。 全球急性营养不良全国平均指标为5岁以下儿童的4.7%。", "32. 联合国 还需要采取进一步措施来改善基本服务的提供。 目前大多数伊拉克人居住的城市中心严重缺乏水和卫生设施。 在巴格达以外地区,饮用水服务覆盖率平均低于70%(农村地区为48%)。 据估计,25%的巴格达居民仍然与供水网络脱节。 所收集的废水中约有50%未经任何处理被排入河流。 自2007年以来,电力需求每年增加约6%。 2011年6月17日,电力部发言人表示,该国国家电网产生的电力将满足不到夏季高峰需求的一半,约1.5万兆瓦. 发言人说,政府部长们最近决定再拨款9.27亿美元来提高该国的发电能力。", "33. (中文(简体) ). 在这方面,联合国国家工作队定期为总理监测委员会的每周会议出力,该委员会负责协调政府的努力,以响应公众对工作、更好的服务和结束腐败的要求。 迄今为止,委员会审查了优先领域,例如青年与就业、电力、社会对话、保健、教育、水和卫生以及有关国内流离失所者的问题。 现已商定,委员会将在今后几个月在联合国的支持下继续开展工作。", "34. 5月14日,马利基总理召开了一次会议,以讨论 \" 伊拉克简报 \" 中强调的主要问题和挑战。 \" 伊拉克简报 \" 是包括联合国、世界银行和双边捐助者在内的伊拉克伙伴论坛联合编写的报告,于2011年早些时候提交伊拉克政府。 会议重点讨论了国家的经济转型、私营部门的作用、公共部门改革、国有企业改革和公共财务管理。 会议之后,与职能部委和总理办公室举行了多次会议,以支持执行《简报》中的建议。 伊拉克政府还宣布成立伙伴关系委员会。 它将是一个高级别部际委员会,由主管经济问题的副总理担任主席,将与联合国和国际社会合作,处理《简报》中提出的政策和规划建议以及总体协调问题。", "35. 联合国 联合国发展援助框架(联发援框架)已收到相当于5.38亿美元的资金,占19.02亿美元所需经费总额的近30%。 6月14日,由伊拉克政府和联合国共同主持的伊拉克联发援框架信托基金指导委员会第一次会议在巴格达召开。 指导委员会根据联合国发展集团伊拉克信托基金关闭期间退还的余额审查了现有资金。 伊拉克联发援框架信托基金由16个参与的联合国组织组成,是应伊拉克政府的请求于2011年1月设立的,目的是为联发援框架的执行促进和简化捐助者资源的提供。 预计基金将涵盖伊拉克整个联发援框架周期(2011年1月至2014年12月)。", "36. (中文(简体) ). 伊拉克政府和世界粮食计划署正在谈判一项协议,通过采购和运送750万伊拉克人(占伊拉克人口的近25%)的食物来加强公共分配系统。 世界粮食计划署估计,这些努力的费用将接近12亿美元。 这一伙伴关系将包括两个部分:(a) 直接采购和交付构成食物篮子的150万吨商品;(b) 为贸易部提供能力建设培训,以改进支持公共分配系统的程序,例如供应链管理以及采购粮食并提供给弱势人口。", "37. 联合国 联伊援助团继续设法通过速效项目更好地支持民间社会。 由我的负责发展和人道主义支助的副特别代表管理和主持的速效项目基金收到了伊拉克民间社会提出的100多份项目提案。 这些项目涉及促进环境意识和水资源管理规划、执行社区水和卫生倡议以及召开妇女和青年论坛。 在40个可能获得资助的项目中,有5个项目已获核准,下个月还有25个项目有待核准,其余10个项目有待确定。", "38. 国家 联合国水资源管理综合工作队支持巴士拉大学于2011年6月6日和7日组织了一次全国会议,重点讨论沼泽地的治理和管理问题。 会议聚集了主要的国家伙伴,包括中央和地方政府、民间社会、私营部门和国际社会的代表。 在另一项举措中,为支持能力建设,工作队为政府官员举办了跨界水谈判高级别培训方案。", "39. 联合国 5月21日,我的特别代表同联合国难民事务高级专员办事处(难民专员办事处)的代表一起访问了巴格达Al-Awasa地区的一个境内流离失所者定居点。 访问强调了难民署为确保所有国内流离失所者得到适当登记并获得基本服务而作的持续努力。 与此相关的是,在联合国人类住区规划署(人居署)执行主任琼·克洛斯于5月30日至6月1日访问伊拉克期间,就规划城市更新问题举行了高级别讨论,并特别强调如何改善城市地区境内流离失所者的生活条件。", " 40. 40. 4月21日和22日,尼尼微省发生山洪暴发,主要影响到辛贾尔区,那里有多达600所房屋被部分或全部倒塌. 在埃尔比勒,洪水使将近1 000个家庭受灾。 包括联合国儿童基金会、国际移徙组织、国际救援委员会和红十字委员会在内的若干组织向受影响家庭提供了非粮食物品。", "E. 人权活动", "41. 国家 在本报告所述期间,暗杀政治领导人、政府官员和安保人员的事件大幅增加。 5月26日,伊拉克问责和司法委员会(又名复兴党化委员会)负责人阿里·拉米在巴格达东部被暗杀. 委员会以前曾发布决定,禁止一些据称忠于复兴党的前党员参加2010年3月的选举并担任公职。 5月12日和30日,对基尔库克的一名土库曼议员和尼尼微总督进行了暗杀。 5月12日,一个身份不明的武装团体在摩苏尔向伊拉克集团成员Row'a al-Ogaidi及其保镖开枪。 6月1日,伊拉克人权部副部长阿卜杜勒-卡里姆·阿卜杜拉在巴格达逃脱了针对他车队的暗杀企图. 5月20日,两名部落领袖在摩苏尔的单独袭击中被枪杀.", "42. 国家 为维护名誉而危害妇女的罪行继续令人关切。 联伊援助团记录了4月至5月期间基尔库克有9名妇女在可疑情况下死亡的情况。 警方告知联伊援助团,其中3起死亡被列为自杀,4起为不明身份者所为,而另外两名妇女的死因未经证实,但被视为可疑。 联伊援助团还继续调查摩苏尔3月28日为维护名誉而杀害6名妇女的案件。", "43. 东帝汶 继续有零星报道说,儿童遭到不分青红皂白的暴力和绑架。 5月20日,一枚炸弹在摩苏尔爆炸,两名儿童被炸死。 4月2日,犯罪团伙在基尔库克绑架了一名6岁女孩,她后来在支付赎金后获释。 4月21日,一名12岁男孩在基尔库克被劫持;他的命运仍然不明。", "44. 国家 在本报告所述期间,举行了多起公众示威,其中大多数是和平示威。 然而,发生了一些孤立的暴力事件。 2011年6月10日,在巴格达塔里尔广场举行政府改革示威的抗议者遭到持棍棒和俱乐部身份不明的武装人员的攻击。 抗议者被毒打并被骨折和刀伤。 抗议者声称,尽管伊拉克安全部队存在,该武装团体仍然逍遥法外。 抗议者还声称,伊拉克安全部队试图通过限制行动和逮捕某些参与者和组织者来控制和镇压一些示威。", "45. 国家 监狱和拘留设施的状况仍然令人严重关切。 联伊援助团继续收到被拘留者面临虐待、虐待和恶劣生活条件的报告。 根据四个负责拘留中心的政府部委的官方统计数据,被拘留者、安全被拘留者和被判刑囚犯的人数从2009年12月底的28 956人增加到2010年12月底的35 653人(34 220名成年人和1 433名青少年)。 5月10日,人权部确认一名在巴士拉被警察拘留的被拘留者被施以酷刑而死亡。 5月12日,尼尼微省长宣布成立一个特别委员会来调查据称侵犯被拘留者权利的案件.", "46. 经常预算: 联伊援助团继续向2011年6月16日获得认可的专家委员会提供技术支持,以遴选将在第一个独立高级人权委员会任职的11名专员和3名后备成员。 委员会秘书处共收到3 085份申请。 专家委员会根据世界各地的最佳做法,商定了甄选标准,评价委员会的个人技能和集体需要,以履行人权委员会法律所阐明的任务。 联伊援助团于2011年7月1日至6日在贝鲁特为专家委员会组织并促成了为期五天的讲习班,以详细制定评估这些标准和程序。", "47. 6月5日至7日,联伊援助团支持伊拉克人权部组织了一次关于政府国家人权行动计划草案的全国协商会议。 该计划草案旨在落实伊拉克政府在2010年2月对伊拉克进行普遍定期审议期间接受的135项建议。 会议由总理主持,由人权部长穆罕默德·希亚·苏丹尼主持. 会议聚集了各种利益攸关方,包括政府、国民议会、司法机构、民间社会和人权专家的代表。", "48. 2011年5月29日至6月7日,主管人权事务助理秘书长伊万·西蒙诺维奇访问了伊拉克并会见了副总理罗施·沙威斯、国防部和司法部的代表以及巴格达的记者和民间社会行为者。 在埃尔比勒,他会见了库尔德斯坦地区政府官员,包括总统、总理和议会议长。 助理秘书长欢迎政府打算制订一项国家行动计划来执行联合国所提出的建议。 他呼吁伊拉克政府确保平民免遭暴力并追究任何涉嫌实施暴力行为的个人或团体的责任。 他还谴责伊拉克各地报告的多起强迫失踪、任意拘留和酷刑指控案件。", "49. (中文(简体) ). 联伊援助团继续监测新伊拉克营地(原名阿什拉夫营地)的人道主义和人权状况,伊朗人民圣战组织约3 400名成员居住在该营地。 4月7日和8日,伊拉克安全部队进入营地并控制了北部。 随后发生暴力并有34名营地居民死亡;70多人受伤。 4月9日,伊拉克政府重申其在2011年底前关闭难民营的坚定决心。 联伊援助团和联合国人权事务高级专员呼吁力行克制,并敦促伊拉克政府避免违反国际法使用武力。 他们还呼吁彻底调查这一悬而未决的事件。", "F. 安全、业务和后勤问题", " 50. 50. 在本报告所述期间,联合国继续在充满挑战的安全环境中运作。 5月5日,一枚汽车炸弹以希拉的伊拉克警察总部为目标,炸死了30名警察. 在5月19日的另一起事件中,对基尔库克省联合协调中心的复杂袭击造成20人死亡和80人受伤,其中包括伊拉克警察和民防人员。 据信,这次特别袭击是针对伊拉克安全部队最近为寻找恐怖分子袭击所要的武器藏匿地和关键人员而作的成功努力。 5月22日,在巴格达,至少有14起炸弹炸死了16人,其中9名是平民。 6月3日和6日,萨拉哈丁省Tikrit发生大规模伤亡袭击。 6月3日,在星期五祈祷期间,一个清真寺内发生自杀炸弹袭击,造成17人死亡,60人受伤;同一天晚些时候,另一名自杀炸弹手在当地医院内引爆了一件背心,清真寺袭击的受害者在那里接受治疗,造成6人死亡,16人受伤。 6月6日,另一起袭击针对伊拉克陆军旅旅长的车队,造成13人死亡,其中包括指挥官。 伊拉克伊斯兰国声称对这次袭击负责。", "51. 联合国 对美国驻伊拉克部队基地以及巴格达国际机场和巴格达国际区的间接射击攻击也有所增加。 5月15日,有11枚火箭(107毫米)击中了国际区,这是过去两年中单日最高记录的数量,其后又于6月9日又发射了4枚火箭。 这些事件,加上武装反对派团体不断进行炸弹袭击,突出表明了联合国在伊拉克的行动继续面临威胁。", "52. (中文(简体) ). 在本报告所述期间,联伊援助团一直在努力从美国部队向伊拉克安全部队提供安保支助。 4月24日,伊拉克国家安全委员会要求武装部队高级指挥官办公室同国防部和内政部协调,支持联伊援助团的保护要求。", "53. 联合国 在本报告所述期间,联伊援助团还采取步骤,作出必要的后勤安排,以取代美国部队的支助。 联伊援助团还正在继续筹备,以确保能够维持其在基尔库克和巴士拉的存在。", "54. 联合国 在联合国常备警察能力的支持下,联伊援助团4名警察联络人员的开办小组已部署到巴格达、埃尔比勒和基尔库克,与内政部和伊拉克警察接触和协调联伊援助团的行动。", "55. 国家 2011年4月6日至30日,外勤支助部的一个小组审查了联伊援助团在科威特的办事处,联合国阿富汗援助团(联阿援助团)的一些办事处也在科威特办公。 审查的目的是确定通过合并联伊援助团和联阿援助团在科威特的某些工作程序可以实现哪些协同增效和效率。", "四、结 论 意 见", "56. (中文(简体) ). 伊拉克继续在巩固其新生的民主、加强法治、发展机构和应对该国经济和社会挑战方面取得进展。 我要再次强调,如果所有主要政党本着民族和解的精神共同努力,这些努力将得到大大加强,使伊拉克人民对更美好生活的正当愿望能够毫不拖延地得到实现。", "57. 萨尔瓦多 今天的伊拉克与2003年的伊拉克截然不同。 伊拉克人民可以为他们在过去八年中取得的进展而感到自豪。 然而,该国继续面临巨大的政治、安全和发展挑战,需要联合国和国际社会提供有力支持。 我感到关切的是,鉴于该区域的许多紧迫挑战,伊拉克人民的重要基本需要可能会被遗忘,特别是因为该国的贫穷指数仍然很高,为22.9%。 在我们即将延长联伊援助团在安全理事会的任务期限之际,我谨向伊拉克政府和人民保证,我本人和联合国将坚定承诺继续我们对该国的长期支持。", "58. 联合国 在国民议会批准伊拉克现政府将近7个月之后,在2010年3月历史性议会选举16个月之后,仍然有与政府组建进程有关的未决问题,特别是关键安全职位的任命问题。 我呼吁伊拉克政治领导人搁置分歧,迅速行动,就前进道路达成一致。", "59. (中文(简体) ). 与该区域其他地方的事态发展相呼应的是,伊拉克许多地方出现了要求改善社会服务、创造就业和结束腐败的示威。 为此,联合国国家工作队将继续逐步扩大其在伊拉克的存在,并通过联合国发展援助框架和2010-2014年国家发展计划中确定的优先事项提供支助。", "60. 联合国 虽然基尔库克和其他有争议内部领土的地位仍然是有分歧的问题,但伊拉克主要利益攸关方最近为找到共同立场而作的努力令我感到鼓舞。 通过联伊援助团主持下的常设协商机制,基尔库克的政治领导人、议员和地方代表就影响基尔库克和其他有争议地区未来的关键问题进行对话,包括未来的安全安排。 我鼓励伊拉克政府和库尔德斯坦地区政府继续利用这一重要论坛,找到双方都能接受的解决办法,最终为民族和解和长期稳定服务。 联合国随时准备应该国政府的请求协助这一进程。", "61. 国家 伊拉克的未来也将取决于其机构的力量。 在这方面,联伊援助团将继续向独立高级选举委员会提供能力建设援助,该委员会是伊拉克选举进程和民主发展未来的核心机构。 为了确保委员会在组织即将举行的选举相关进程方面发挥独立和公正的作用,国民议会必须在选举专员的甄选方面提供最大限度的透明度,为2012年5月过渡到下一届理事会做准备。", "62. 联合国 我坚信,在当今相互依存的世界上,区域合作对伊拉克的长期稳定和繁荣至关重要。 我理解,该区域最近发生的事件对伊拉克同一些邻国的关系的进一步发展构成挑战。 因此,我敦促该区域所有国家增加同伊拉克的接触,以迅速解决悬而未决的分歧,并查明政治、安全和发展领域可以使有关各方互利的具体合作领域。 联伊援助团在安全理事会的支持下,准备竭尽全力支持这些努力。", "63. 国家 我特别赞扬伊拉克和科威特政府迄今为关系正常化所采取的步骤,并继续努力解决悬而未决的双边问题。 我真诚地希望,3月份在科威特举行的第一次部长级联合委员会会议将采取后续行动,双方将继续致力于找到可行的解决办法。 我相信,公开和诚实的讨论将大大有助于建立两国之间的信任。", "64. (中文(简体) ). 自安全理事会解除第七章关于伊拉克的若干任务以来已近七个月,这一举动被一致誉为是走向其国际地位正常化的重大步骤。 我借此机会重申,我个人承诺根据安全理事会第1859(2008)号决议,确保伊拉克的国际地位全面正常化。 因此,我谨提醒伊拉克政府,必须向安全理事会表明,在与科威特有关的未清债务方面,特别是在失踪科威特人和财产,包括档案和伊拉克-科威特边界维护项目方面,必须迅速取得切实进展。 我还要提醒伊拉克当局,根据第899(1994)号决议向伊拉克公民个人支付赔偿的问题仍有待解决。 政治事务部正在等待对它就此向伊拉克政府提出的建议作出答复。 我一贯指出,这些方面的进展可以产生积极的势头,使安全理事会能够审议我根据第1859(2008)号决议提交的报告。 在这方面,我的特别代表和高级协调员都继续致力于协助伊拉克和科威特完成安全理事会的这些长期任务。", "65. 国家 虽然该国的人权状况有所改善,但仍需要应对相当大的挑战,以确保基本权利和自由得到保护。 在这方面,我赞扬正在为设立独立高级人权委员会进行的筹备工作。 我还欢迎为制定国家人权行动计划而展开的协商进程,该计划如得到实施,将成为加强该国人权保护机制的一个里程碑。 随着这些机制的建立,我敦促伊拉克政府尽最大努力,确保维持适当程序,并进一步努力根据国际公约改善拘留设施的条件。", "66. (中文(简体) ). 我对新伊拉克营地在4月7日和8日暴力事件中丧生感到关切。 我敦促伊拉克当局不要使用武力,并确保难民营居民能够充分获得货物和服务。 我还欢迎伊拉克政府在事件发生后保证致力于找到各方都能接受的和平解决方案。 因此,我鼓励所有有关的利益有关者加紧努力,探讨各种备选办法并寻求协商一致的解决办法,以确保尊重伊拉克的主权,同时也符合国际人权法和人道主义原则。 为此,我呼吁会员国帮助支持和协助执行伊拉克政府和难民营居民可接受的任何安排。", "67. (中文(简体) ). 虽然在改善伊拉克安全局势方面已取得重大进展,但最近发生的一连串暗杀和爆炸事件突出表明了武装反对派团体仍然对该国的稳定构成威胁。 我借此机会重申主管人权事务助理秘书长最近呼吁伊拉克政府确保保护平民免遭暴力并追究任何参与暴力行为的个人或团体的责任。", "68. (中文(简体) ). 我借此机会感谢伊拉克政府和库尔德地区政府接待了主管政治事务副秘书长。 这是讨论新政府的优先事项和联合国可以协助的方式的重要机会。 我还真诚感谢伊拉克政府,特别是马利基总理同意向联伊援助团提供巴格达的扩建大院。", "69. (中文(简体) ). 本报告重点介绍了伊拉克的事态发展和联伊援助团目前根据其广泛任务规定开展的活动。 应伊拉克政府的请求并与之协商,联合国将继续促进政治对话和民族和解,支持选举活动,为协调和提供发展和人道主义援助提供便利,促进保护人权并在伊拉克加强法治。 尽管行动环境具有挑战性,联伊援助团将继续作出必要安排,以便在伊拉克安全有效地开展工作。", "70. 联合国 最后,我要感谢我的伊拉克问题特别代表阿德·梅尔克特、联伊援助团的所有工作人员,包括国家和国际工作人员,以及联合国各机构、基金和方案的人员,感谢他们为支持伊拉克人民和政府所做的奉献和不懈努力。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 4", "The role of the United Nations system in implementing the ministerial declaration of the high-level segment of the 2010 substantive session of the Economic and Social Council", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Abulkalam Abdul Momen (Bangladesh), on the basis of informal consultations", "The role of the United Nations system in implementing the internationally agreed goals and commitments in regard to gender equality and the empowerment of women", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Recalling the United Nations Millennium Declaration[1] and the 2005 World Summit Outcome,[2]", "Recalling also the ministerial declaration adopted at the high-level segment of its 2010 substantive session[3] and its resolution 2008/29,", "Reaffirming that the full and effective implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action[4] and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly,[5] the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women[6] by States parties, Member States’ commitments under the Programme of Action of the International Conference on Population and Development,[7] the outcomes of other relevant United Nations summits and conferences, and relevant resolutions, is part of an interconnected framework that underpins the work undertaken to advance gender equality and the empowerment of women and produces essential contributions to the achievement of the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the United Nations Millennium Declaration,", "Welcoming the establishment of UN-Women by the General Assembly in resolution 64/289,", "Reaffirming its agreed conclusions 1997/2 of 18 July 1997 on mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system[8] and subsequent resolutions adopted on the same topic,", "1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General[9] on the theme of the coordination segment;", "2. Recognizes efforts made by the United Nations system to promote more robust and better coordinated efforts to achieve gender equality and the empowerment of women, and encourages further efforts in that regard;", "3. Stresses that the establishment of UN-Women creates an opportunity and a responsibility for the whole United Nations system to scale up its efforts aimed at promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women, and to increase the attention paid to gender issues throughout the work of the United Nations system, and urges UN-Women to leverage effectively on its unique role as a United Nations entity that supports both normative processes and operational activities;", "4. Calls upon UN-Women to fully assume, in accordance with the principle of universality, its role of leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in its work on gender equality and the empowerment of women, and of ensuring more effective coordination, coherence and gender mainstreaming within the United Nations system, and to continue to follow up on and support United Nations entities to advance effectively their work in that regard;", "5. Urges all Member States and other stakeholders to enhance UN-Women and other United Nations system-wide efforts to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women through predictable, stable and sustainable financial support, and encourages them to increase such financial support, as well as encouraging UN-Women to seek to expand its financial support base;", "6. Encourages UN-Women to use existing mechanisms, including the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality and the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, in a proactive and effective way in order to ensure the mainstreaming of a gender perspective across all areas of the United Nations work and, especially, to promote system-wide accountability on gender equality and the empowerment of women at the global, regional and country levels;", "7. Urges the United Nations system, including agencies, funds and programmes, to recognize gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls as essential for achieving all the internationally agreed development goals, including the Millennium Development Goals, and to support action to address the cross-cutting issues identified in the ministerial declaration at the high-level segment of the 2010 substantive session of the Council, so as to close implementation gaps that still persist in the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women in that respect;", "8. Calls upon the United Nations system to give priority to the economic empowerment of women, with UN-Women to play a coordinating role in accordance with its mandate, including through promoting economic and social policies that uphold the rights of women and provide them with opportunities to fully participate in the formal labour force, to receive equal pay for equal work or work of equal value and to benefit from social protections on a non-discriminatory basis, and that promote the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men;", "9. Also calls upon the United Nations system to give priority to programmes that support girls’ and women’s transition from school to work by, inter alia, promoting their equal access to education at all levels, including technical and vocational training, expanding employment opportunities, including in new and non-traditional fields, supporting women’s opportunities in business, trade, information and communication technology and entrepreneurial areas, and facilitating access to job search support services;", "10. Further calls upon the United Nations entities, in their respective areas of competence and in accordance with their mandates, to strengthen women’s participation in international trade, and to promote the contribution that Aid for Trade, including the Enhanced Integrated Framework, can make to that end;", "11. Encourages all relevant United Nations entities to contribute towards the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women in the agricultural sector in order to enhance agricultural productivity, rural and agricultural development, improve food security and eradicate poverty, by promoting full employment and decent work for rural women and men, supporting rural women’s equal access to land and other productive resources, including credit and technology, strengthening rural institutions and women’s groups and enhancing rural women’s and girls’ productive capacities, as well as supporting rural women’s, including indigenous women’s, participation in planning and decision-making, so that they can realize their full potential;", "12. Encourages the United Nations system, including the Bretton Woods institutions, in accordance with their mandates, to include a gender perspective in all responses to the financial and economic crisis, including recovery and stimulus packages, and to put in place appropriate mechanisms to ensure that resources and support reach women;", "13. Calls upon the United Nations system, in particular the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the International Fund for Agricultural Development and the World Food Programme, to ensure that responses to volatile food prices and ongoing concerns over food security consistently integrate a gender perspective, so as to prevent and mitigate any disproportionate negative impact on women;", "14. Urges the United Nations system to work towards the active involvement of men and boys in promoting gender equality and the empowerment of women and the elimination of violence against women, and to make efforts to engage civil society organizations to that end;", "15. Requests the World Health Organization, the United Nations Population Fund, the United Nations Children’s Fund and other relevant United Nations entities to invest in and enhance national capacities to ensure well-functioning health systems that fully address the needs of women and girls and empower women, girls and communities to access them, and to scale up maternal and child mortality reduction strategies and strengthen family planning programmes, which are key to achieving the Millennium Development Goals; and, in that regard, welcomes the Secretary-General’s Global Strategy for Women’s and Children’s Health;", "16. Encourages United Nations entities, including the World Health Organization, to pay increased attention to the gender dimension in responses to HIV/AIDS and other communicable diseases, and non-communicable diseases, including through supporting national multisectoral initiatives that increase the capacity of women and girls to protect themselves from contracting these diseases;", "17. Urges UN-Women and all United Nations entities to promote the full and equal participation of women in decision-making processes at all levels, including in political and economic decision-making processes, and to ensure that programmes and activities carried out by the United Nations system take into account the needs of women and girls, and men and boys;", "18. Calls upon the United Nations system, upon request by Member States to support their efforts, including through national machineries for the advancement of women, to eliminate gender stereotypes in all spheres of life, including in public and political life, to foster the positive portrayal of women and girls as leaders and decision makers at all levels and in all areas and to promote the equal sharing of responsibilities between women and men;", "19. Calls upon UN-Women and all other relevant United Nations entities, in their respective areas of competence and in accordance with their mandates, to strengthen efforts at all levels to end all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls, including through an increased focus on prevention and the training of public officials, in particular those in law enforcement and judicial systems and health service providers, and effective support for victims and survivors, while addressing the linkages between violence against women and other issues;", "20. Urges the United Nations system, including all its entities, to take further measures, in accordance with their agreed mandates, to improve women’s participation during all stages of peace processes, and to support Member States’ efforts in that regard, with their agreement and consent, in post-conflict planning and peacebuilding, including by enhancing women’s engagement in political and economic decision-making, including at early stages of recovery processes, and in that regard, to strengthen efforts to increase the number of women special representatives and special envoys;", "21. Urges UN-Women and other United Nations entities to continue to promote the collection and analysis of relevant, accurate and reliable data, disaggregated by sex and age, to ensure that public policies are effectively grounded and targeted to reach all women, including women living in poverty, older women, migrant women, indigenous women, women with disabilities, women affected by HIV/AIDS, women living in rural or remote areas and women living in urban slums;", "22. Requests the Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of UN‑Women to include information on the implementation of the present resolution in future presentations to be made to the Council or in relevant documentation to be submitted to the Council, including at its substantive session of 2012.", "[1] See General Assembly resolution 55/2.", "[2] See General Assembly resolution 60/1.", "[3] Official Records of the General Assembly, Sixty-fifth Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/65/3/Rev.1), chap. III, sect. F, para. 125.", "[4] Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap. I, resolution 1, annexes I and II.", "[5] General Assembly resolution S-23/2, annex, and resolution S-23/3, annex.", "[6] United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1249, No. 20378.", "[7] Report of the International Conference on Population and Development, Cairo, 5-13 September 1994 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.95.XIII.18), chap. I, resolution 1, annex.", "[8] Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-second Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/52/3/Rev.1), chap. IV, sect. A, para. 4.", "[9] E/2011/85." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目4", "联合国系统在落实经济及社会理事会2010年 实质性会议高级别部分部长宣言方面的作用", "理事会副主席阿布卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明(孟加拉国)在非正式协商的基础上提出的决议草案", "联合国系统在落实有关两性平等和增强妇女力量的国际商定目标和承诺方面的作用", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾《联合国千年宣言》[1] 和《2005年世界首脑会议成果》,[2]", "又回顾其2010年实质性会议高级别部分通过的部长宣言[3] 及其第2008/29号决议,", "重申全面有效地执行《北京宣言和行动纲要》[4] 和大会第二十三届特别会议的成果、[5]《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》缔约国全面有效执行该公约、[6] 以及全面有效执行会员国在《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》中作出的承诺、[7] 其他有关的联合国首脑会议和会议的成果及有关决议,是一个相互关联的框架的一部分;这一框架支持为推动两性平等和增强妇女力量开展的工作,为实现包括《联合国千年宣言》所列目标在内的国际商定发展目标做出重大贡献,", "欢迎大会第64/289号决议设立妇女署,", "重申其1997年7月18日关于将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案主流的第1997/2号商定结论[8] 以及后来就同一议题通过的各项决议,", "1. 赞赏地注意到秘书长关于协调部分的主题的报告;[9]", "2. 确认联合国系统为促进做出更积极更协调的努力以实现两性平等和增强妇女力量作出的努力,鼓励在这方面进一步作出努力;", "3. 强调妇女署的设立为整个联合国系统加紧努力以推动两性平等和增强妇女力量以及在联合国系统工作中始终注意两性平等问题带来了机遇和责任,敦促妇女署有效利用它作为一个支持规范工作和业务活动的联合国实体的独特作用;", "4. 呼吁妇女署根据普遍性原则充分发挥作用,主导和协调联合国系统关于两性平等和增强妇女力量的工作,促进这方面的问责,确保在联合国系统内更有效地开展协调、统一行动和顾及两性平等问题的工作,并继续跟踪和支持联合国各实体切实推进这方面的工作;", "5. 促请所有会员国和其他利益攸关方通过可预测的、稳定的和可持续的财政支助,加强妇女署和联合国系统范围内其他部门促进两性平等和增强妇女力量的努力;鼓励它们增加此类财政支助,并鼓励妇女署争取扩大财政支助的基础;", "6. 鼓励妇女署以积极有效的方式利用现有机制,包括机构间妇女和性别平等网络和联合国系统行政首长协调理事会,以确保将两性平等观点纳入联合国工作的所有领域的主流,特别是在全球、区域和国家各级促进在两性平等和增强妇女力量方面的问责;", "7. 促请联合国系统,包括各机构、基金和方案承认两性平等和增强妇女和女孩力量对实现所有国际商定的发展目标、包括《千年宣言》的各项目标很重要,支持采取行动处理理事会2010年实质性会议高级别部分的部长宣言确定的贯穿各领域的问题,以便消除实现两性平等和增强妇女力量方面仍然存在的执行差距;", "8. 呼吁联合国系统优先重视增强妇女经济力量的问题,妇女署要按照其任务规定发挥协调作用,包括通过推行经济和社会政策,维护妇女的权利,让她们有机会充分进入正规劳动市场、实现同工同酬或同值工作同等报酬以及不受歧视地享有社会保护,并呼吁促进男女平等分担责任;", "9. 又呼吁联合国系统优先重视那些支持女孩和妇女从学习过渡到工作的方案,特别是促进她们平等接受各级教育的机会,包括技术和职业培训的机会,增加就业机会,包括在新的和非传统行业就业的机会,支持妇女在商业、贸易、信息和通信技术以及创业领域获得机会,协助她们获得求职支助服务;", "10. 还呼吁联合国系统实体在其主管的领域按照各自的任务规定,加强妇女在国际贸易中的参与,增加贸易援助,包括优惠综合框架,能够为此作出的贡献;", "11. 鼓励所有相关的联合国实体促进在农业部门实现两性平等和增强妇女力量,以提高农业生产率、农村和农业发展,加强粮食安全和消除贫穷,具体做法是促进农村妇女和男子充分就业和有体面工作、支持农村妇女平等获得土地和其他生产资源,包括信贷和技术、加强农村机构和妇女团体和提高农村妇女和女孩的生产能力,支持农村妇女,包括土著妇女参与规划和决策,以便她们可以发挥全部潜力;", "12. 鼓励联合国系统,包括布雷顿森林机构,按照其任务规定,在所有应对金融和经济危机的对策,包括复苏和刺激一揽子方案中,考虑到性别平等观点,并建立适当机制确保妇女获得资源和支持;", "13. 呼吁联合国系统,特别是联合国粮食及农业组织、国际农业发展基金和世界粮食计划署,确保在应对激烈波动的粮食价格和处理对粮食安全的持续关注时考虑到性别平等观点,以便防止和减轻对妇女产生不成比例的不利影响;", "14. 促请联合国系统努力让男子和男孩积极参与促进两性平等和增强妇女力量,消除暴力侵害妇女行为并为此做出努力,让民间社会组织参与;", "15. 请世界卫生组织、联合国人口基金、联合国儿童基金会和其他相关的联合国实体对各国家能力进行投资,并提高各国能力,以确保保健系统运转良好,充分满足妇女和女孩的需求,增强妇女、女孩和社区利用保健系统的能力,扩大减少妇幼死亡率的战略,加强计划生育方案,因为它们是实现千年发展目标的关键,并为此欢迎秘书长的全球妇女和儿童健康战略;", "16. 鼓励联合国实体,包括世界卫生组织,在防治艾滋病毒/艾滋病等传染和不传染疾病的对策中更加注意性别问题,包括支持国家多部门采取举措增加妇女和女孩保护自己不感染这些疾病的能力;", "17. 促请妇女署和联合国所有实体促进妇女充分平等参加各级决策工作,包括政治和经济决策工作,并确保联合国系统开展的方案和活动考虑到妇女和女孩以及男子和男孩的需求;", "18. 呼吁联合国系统在接获会员国请求时,支持其努力,包括通过旨在提高妇女地位国家机构这样做,在所有生活领域、包括在公共政治生活中消除性别方面的陈旧,推动塑立妇女和女孩在各级和各领域中是领导和决策的形象,促进妇女和男子平等分担责任;", "19. 呼吁妇女署和所有其他相关的联合国实体,在各自主管领域按照其任务规定,加强各级的努力,结束一切形式的歧视和暴力侵害妇女和女孩的行为,包括采用更加注重预防工作和培训公职人员,特别是那些执法和司法系统的人员和公共卫生人员,有效地支持受害人和幸存者,同时处理暴力侵害妇女行为与其他问题的关联的问题;", "20. 促请联合国系统,包括所有其实体,根据商定的任务规定,加强妇女在所有和平进程阶段的参与,支持会员国为此做出的努力,并在征得妇女同意的情况下,让其参与冲突后规划和建设和平工作,包括提高妇女在政治和经济决策过程中,包括在复苏进程的早期阶段的参与,并在这方面进一步做出努力,增加女特别代表和特使的人数;", "21. 促请妇女署和联合国其他实体继续推动收集和分析按性别和年龄分列的相关、准确和可靠数据,以确保公共政策有充分的依据和针对性,可惠及所有妇女,包括生活贫穷妇女、老年妇女、移民妇女、土著妇女、残疾妇女、感染艾滋病/艾滋病毒的妇女、生活在农村或偏远地区以及生活在城市贫民窟中的妇女;", "22. 请副秘书长兼妇女署执行主任在今后提交给理事会的报告或相关文件、包括向其2012年实质性会议提交的文件中,列入有关本决议执行情况的信息。", "[1] 见大会第55/2号决议。", "[2] 见大会第60/1号决议。", "[3] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第3号》(A/65/3/Rev.1),第三章,F节,第125段。", "[4] 《第四次妇女问题世界会议的报告,1995年9月4日至15日,北京》(联合国出版物,出售品编号;E.96.IV.13),第一章,决议1,附件一和二。", "[5] 大会第S-23/2号决议附件和第S-23/3号决议附件。", "[6] 联合国,《条约汇编》,第1249卷,第20378号。", "[7] 《国际人口与发展会议的报告,1994年9月5日至13日,开罗》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.95.XIII.18),第一章,决议一,附件。", "[8] 《大会正式记录,第五十二届会议,补编第3号》(A/52/3/Rev.1),第四章,第4段。", "[9] E/2011/85。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目4", "联合国系统在执行经济及社会理事会2010年实质性会议高级别部分部长宣言方面的作用", "理事会副主席阿布卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明(孟加拉国)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "联合国系统在执行两性平等和妇女赋权方面的国际商定目标和承诺方面的作用", "经济及社会理事会,", "回顾《联合国千年宣言》[1] 和《2005年世界首脑会议成果》,[2]", "又回顾2010年实质性会议高级别部分通过的部长宣言[3]和理事会第2008/29号决议,", "重申缔约国充分和有效地执行《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》[4]和大会第二十三届特别会议的成果[5]、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》[6]、会员国在《国际人口与发展会议行动纲领》[7]下的承诺、联合国其他有关首脑会议和会议的成果以及相关决议,都是一个相互关联的框架的一部分,该框架是为促进两性平等和赋予妇女权力所开展工作的基础,为实现国际商定的发展目标,包括《联合国千年宣言》 所载目标作出重大贡献,", "欢迎大会第64/289号决议设立妇女署,", "重申其1997年7月18日关于将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案主流的第1997/2号商定结论[8]和其后就同一专题通过的决议,", "1. 联合国 1. 赞赏地注意到秘书长关于协调部分主题的报告[9];", "2. 联合国 4. 确认联合国系统已作出努力,促进更有力、更协调地努力实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力,并鼓励在这方面进一步努力;", "3个 4. 强调妇女署的设立为整个联合国系统提供了一个机会和责任,以扩大其旨在促进性别平等和增强妇女权能的努力,并在整个联合国系统的工作中加强对性别平等问题的关注,敦促妇女署有效利用其作为支持规范进程和业务活动的联合国实体的独特作用;", " 4.四. 呼吁妇女署按照普遍性原则,充分发挥领导、协调和促进联合国系统在性别平等和增强妇女权能工作中的问责制的作用,确保联合国系统内更有效的协调、一致性和性别平等主流化,并跟踪和支持联合国各实体有效推进这方面的工作;", "5 (韩语). 敦促所有会员国和其他利益攸关方通过提供可预见、稳定和可持续的财政支助,加强妇女署和联合国全系统的其他努力,以促进性别平等和增强妇女权能,并鼓励它们增加这种财政支助,并鼓励妇女署寻求扩大其财政支助基础;", "6. 国家 鼓励妇女署积极主动地、有效地利用现有机制,包括机构间妇女和性别平等网络和联合国系统行政首长协调理事会,以确保将性别平等视角纳入联合国所有工作领域的主流,特别是在全球、区域和国家各级促进全系统性别平等和增强妇女权能问责制;", "7. 联合国 4. 敦促联合国系统,包括各机构、基金和方案,认识到性别平等和增强妇女权能对于实现包括千年发展目标在内的所有国际商定发展目标至关重要,并支持采取行动,处理理事会2010年实质性会议高级别部分部长宣言所查明的贯穿各领域的问题,以缩小在实现性别平等和增强妇女权能方面仍然存在的执行差距;", "8. 联合国 5. 吁请联合国系统优先重视增强妇女的经济权能,由妇女署根据其任务规定发挥协调作用,包括为此而促进维护妇女权利并使她们有机会充分参与正规劳动力队伍的经济和社会政策,同工同酬或同值工作同等报酬,并不受歧视地从社会保护中受益,同时促进男女平等分担责任;", "9. 国家 5. 又吁请联合国系统优先执行支持女孩和妇女从学校向工作过渡的方案,除其他外,促进她们平等获得各级教育,包括技术和职业培训,扩大就业机会,包括在新的和非传统领域的就业机会,支持妇女在商业、贸易、信息和通信技术及创业领域的机会,并便利她们获得求职支助服务;", "10个 进一步吁请联合国各实体在各自职权范围内并依照其任务规定,加强妇女参与国际贸易,并促使贸易援助,包括增强综合框架,为此目的作出贡献;", "11个 鼓励联合国所有相关实体通过促进农村妇女和男子的充分就业和体面工作,支持农村妇女平等获得土地和其他生产性资源,包括信贷和技术,加强农村机构和妇女团体,提高农村妇女和女孩的生产能力,并支助农村妇女,包括土著妇女参与规划和决策,为农业部门实现两性平等并赋予妇女权力作出贡献,以提高农业生产力、农村和农业发展,改善粮食安全并消除贫穷,以便她们能充分发挥潜力;", "12个 7. 鼓励联合国系统,包括布雷顿森林机构,根据其任务规定,将性别观点纳入应对金融和经济危机的所有对策,包括复苏和一揽子刺激措施,并建立适当的机制,确保妇女获得资源和支助;", "13个 5. 吁请联合国系统,特别是联合国粮食及农业组织、国际农业发展基金和世界粮食计划署,确保始终将两性平等观点纳入应对粮食价格起伏不定和当前对粮食安全的关切的对策,以防止并减轻对妇女产生的任何不成比例的不利影响;", "14个 5. 敦促联合国系统努力促使男子和男孩积极参与促进两性平等、增强妇女权能和消除暴力侵害妇女行为,并努力为此同民间社会组织进行接触;", "15个 4. 请世界卫生组织、联合国人口基金、联合国儿童基金会和联合国其他有关实体投资并增强国家能力,确保保健系统运作良好,能充分满足妇女和女孩的需要并增强妇女、女孩和社区使用这些系统的能力,并推广降低产妇和儿童死亡率的战略并强化计划生育方案,这是实现千年发展目标的关键;在这方面,欢迎秘书长的全球妇女和儿童健康战略;", "16号. 11. 鼓励联合国各实体,包括世界卫生组织,在应对艾滋病毒/艾滋病和其他传染病及非传染性疾病时,更加重视性别层面,包括支持提高妇女和女孩保护自己免受这些疾病感染的能力的国家多部门举措;", "17岁。 敦促妇女署和所有联合国实体促进妇女充分和平等地参与各级决策进程,包括政治和经济决策进程,并确保联合国系统所执行的方案和活动考虑到妇女和女孩以及男子和男孩的需要;", "18岁。 4. 吁请联合国系统应会员国请求,支持它们的努力,包括通过提高妇女地位的国家机构,消除生活各个领域,包括公共和政治生活中的性别定型观念,促进将妇女和女孩正面描绘为各级和各领域的领导人和决策者,并促进男女平等分担责任;", " 19. 19. 呼吁妇女署和联合国所有其他相关实体在各自主管领域并依照其任务规定,加强各级努力,以终止一切形式的歧视和暴力侵害妇女和女孩行为,包括更加注重预防和培训公职人员,特别是执法和司法系统以及保健服务提供人员,并有效支持受害人和幸存者,同时处理暴力侵害妇女行为与其他问题之间的联系;", "20号. 4. 敦促联合国系统,包括其所有实体,根据所商定的任务规定,采取进一步措施,让妇女更好地参与和平进程的所有阶段,并征得会员国同意和同意,支持它们努力参与冲突后规划和建设和平,包括加强妇女参与政治和经济决策,包括在恢复进程的早期阶段,并在这方面加强努力,增加妇女特别代表和特使的人数;", "21岁 敦促妇女署和其他联合国实体继续促进收集和分析按性别和年龄分列的相关、准确和可靠的数据,以确保公共政策有切实的依据并针对所有妇女,包括生活贫困的妇女、老年妇女、移徙妇女、土著妇女、残疾妇女、受艾滋病毒/艾滋病影响的妇女、农村或偏远地区的妇女和生活在城市贫民窟的妇女;", "22号. 请副秘书长兼妇女署执行主任在今后向理事会作的陈述或向理事会提交的相关文件中,包括在2012年实质性会议上,列入关于本决议执行情况的信息。", "[1] 见大会第55/2号决议。", "[2] 见大会第60/1号决议。", "[3] 《大会正式记录,第六十五届会议,补编第3号》(A/65/3/Rev.1),第三章,A节。 页:1", "[4] 《第四次妇女问题世界会议的报告,1995年9月4日至15日,北京》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.96.IV.13),第一章,决议1,附件。 页:1", "[5] 大会第S-23/2号决议,附件和S-23/3号决议,附件。", "[6] 联合国,《条约汇编》,第1249卷,第20378号。", "[7] 《国际人口与发展会议的报告,1994年9月5日至13日,开罗》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.95.XIII.18),第一章,决议1,附件。 页:1", "[8] 《大会正式记录,第五十二届会议,补编第3号》(A/52/3/Rev.1),第四章,A节。 页:1 4.四.", "[9] E/2011/85。" ]
[ "Substantive session of 2011", "Geneva, 4-29 July 2011", "Agenda item 7 (e)", "Coordination, programme and other questions:", "mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies", "and programmes in the United Nations system", "Draft resolution submitted by the Vice-President of the Council, Abulkalam Abdul Momen (Bangladesh), on the basis of informal consultations", "Mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system", "The Economic and Social Council,", "Reaffirming its agreed conclusions 1997/2 of 18 July 1997 on mainstreaming a gender perspective into all policies and programmes in the United Nations system,[1] and recalling its resolutions 2001/41 of 26 July 2001, 2002/23 of 24 July 2002, 2003/49 of 24 July 2003, 2004/4 of 7 July 2004, 2005/31 of 26 July 2005, 2006/36 of 27 July 2006, 2007/33 of 27 July 2007, 2008/34 of 25 July 2008, 2009/12 of 28 July 2009 and 2010/29 of 23 July 2010,", "Reaffirming also the commitment made at the 2005 World Summit to actively promote the mainstreaming of a gender perspective in the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies and programmes in all political, economic and social spheres and to further undertake to strengthen the capabilities of the United Nations system in the area of gender,[2]", "Reaffirming further that gender mainstreaming is a globally accepted strategy for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women and constitutes a critical strategy in the full, effective and accelerated implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action[3] and the outcomes of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly,[4]", "Welcoming the establishment of UN-Women, which consolidates the mandates and functions of the Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women, the Division for the Advancement of Women, the United Nations Development Fund for Women and the International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, with the additional role of leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in its work on gender equality and the empowerment of women, as established under General Assembly resolution 64/289,", "1. Takes note with appreciation of the report of the Secretary-General[5] and the recommendations contained therein,[6] and calls for further and continued efforts to mainstream a gender perspective into all policies and programmes of the United Nations in accordance with all relevant Council resolutions;", "2. Stresses that the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality constitutes a key forum for achieving more effective coordination, coherence and gender mainstreaming across the United Nations system, the exchange and cross‑fertilization of ideas and practical experience on gender mainstreaming within the United Nations system, and looks forward to the continued implementation of the policy and strategy for gender mainstreaming within the United Nations system;", "3. Requests the United Nations system, including its agencies, funds and programmes, within their respective mandates, to continue mainstreaming the issue of gender in accordance with previous Council resolutions, in particular resolution 2008/34, and General Assembly resolution 64/289, including mainstreaming a gender perspective into all operational mechanisms, inter alia the United Nations Development Assistance Framework and other development frameworks, ensuring that managers provide leadership and support, within the United Nations system, to advance gender mainstreaming, strengthening monitoring, reporting and evaluation so as to allow system-wide assessment of progress in gender mainstreaming, and using existing training resources, including institutions and infrastructure, to assist in the development and application of unified training modules and tools on gender mainstreaming and to promote the collection, analysis and use of accurate, reliable, comparable and relevant data, disaggregated by sex and age, during programme development and the evaluation of gender mainstreaming in order to assess progress towards achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women;", "4. Also requests the United Nations system to continue to support Member States, with their agreement and consent, in the implementation of national policies for the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women, inter alia through providing support and capacity development to national machineries for the advancement of women;", "5. Recognizes that large gaps remain between policy and practice and that building United Nations staff capacities alone is not sufficient for the entire United Nations system to meet its commitments and obligations with respect to gender mainstreaming;", "6. Calls upon UN-Women, in accordance with General Assembly resolution 64/289:", "(a) To ensure that its work leads to more effective coordination, coherence and gender mainstreaming across the United Nations system;", "(b) To fully assume its role in leading, coordinating and promoting the accountability of the United Nations system in its work on gender equality and the empowerment of women;", "(c) To continue to support gender mainstreaming across the United Nations system as an integral part of its work;", "(d) To establish concrete results-based reporting mechanisms, as well as to ensure coherence, consistency and coordination between the normative and operational aspects of its work;", "(e) In the context of its work at the field level, to operate as part of the resident coordinator system, within the United Nations country team, leading and coordinating the work of the country team on gender equality and the empowerment of women, under the overall leadership of the resident coordinator;", "(f) Based on the principle of universality, to provide, through its normative support functions and operational activities, guidance and technical support to all Member States, across all levels of development and in all regions, at their request, on gender equality, the empowerment and rights of women and gender mainstreaming;", "7. Requests the United Nations system, including its agencies, funds and programmes within their respective organizational mandates, to continue working collaboratively to enhance gender mainstreaming within the United Nations system, including by:", "(a) Ensuring effective coordination on gender mainstreaming and gender equality and the empowerment of women, within existing coordination mechanisms, including the United Nations System Chief Executives Board for Coordination, the High-Level Committee on Programmes, the High-Level Committee on Management, the United Nations Development Group and the Inter-Agency Network on Women and Gender Equality, led by UN-Women, with clear roles and responsibilities designated for all parts of the system;", "(b) Ensuring strong leadership at the Headquarters level, and providing clear guidance and improved collaboration within the United Nations country teams;", "(c) Enhancing resource mobilization capacity and increasing the predictability of both human and financial resources for gender equality and the empowerment of women;", "(d) Enhancing and strengthening the various accountability frameworks of the United Nations system to ensure more coherent, accurate and effective management, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of each United Nations entity’s gender equality results, including tracking of gender-related resource allocation and expenditure, and results-based approaches within the United Nations system;", "(e) Improving the application of a gender perspective in programming work and enhancing a broader approach to capacity development for all United Nations staff, including the Secretariat staff, including through working on guidelines which could provide specialized instructions on gender mainstreaming and serve as performance indicators against which staff could be assessed;", "(f) Ensuring greater focus on deliverables and the development of clear gender equality outcomes and outputs in programming activities, including in the United Nations development framework, such as the United Nations Development Assistance Framework, so as to ensure that attention is paid to the needs and priorities of women and girls at the country level;", "(g) Ensuring support from United Nations country teams for national efforts to accelerate progress towards achieving the internationally agreed development goals and other commitments related to gender equality and the empowerment of women;", "(h) Ensuring that all personnel, especially in the field, receive training and appropriate follow-up, including tools, guidance and support, for accelerated gender mainstreaming, including by providing ongoing capacity development for resident coordinators and the United Nations country teams to ensure that they are better able to assist national partners in achieving gender equality and the empowerment of women through their development frameworks;", "(i) Enhancing the use of data disaggregated by sex by the United Nations country teams in the preparation of indicators to measure progress, including, where used, the United Nations Development Assistance Framework;", "(j) Ensuring progress, including through managerial and departmental accountability, towards achieving the goal of a 50/50 gender balance at all levels in the Secretariat and throughout the United Nations system, with due regard to the representation of women from developing countries and keeping in mind the principle of equitable geographical representation, in conformity with Article 101, paragraph 3, of the Charter of the United Nations;", "8. Requests the Secretary-General to submit to the Council at its substantive session of 2012 a report on the implementation of the present resolution, with particular emphasis on progress in promoting system-wide accountability on gender equality and the empowerment of women at both the global and country levels.", "[1] Official Records of the General Assembly, Fifty-second Session, Supplement No. 3 (A/52/3/Rev.1), chap. IV, sect. A, para. 4.", "[2] See General Assembly resolution 60/1, para. 59.", "[3] Report of the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 4-15 September 1995 (United Nations publication, Sales No. E.96.IV.13), chap. I, resolution 1, annexes I and II.", "[4] General Assembly resolutions S-23/2, annex, and S-23/3, annex.", "[5] E/2011/114.", "[6] Ibid., sect. VI." ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目7(a)", "协调、方案和其他问题:将性别观点 纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流", "理事会副主席阿布卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明(孟加拉国)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流", "经济及社会理事会,", "重申其关于将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案主流的1997年7月18日第1997/2号商定结论,[1] 并回顾其2001年7月26日第2001/41号、2002年7月24日第2002/23号、2003年7月24日第2003/49号、2004年7月7日第2004/4号、2005年7月26日第2005/31号、2006年7月27日第2006/36号、2007年7月27日第2007/33号、2008年7月25日第2008/34号、2009年7月28日第2009/12号和2010年7月23日第2010/29号决议,", "又重申在2005年世界首脑会议上作出的承诺,即积极推动将性别观点纳入政治、经济和社会各领域政策和方案的制定、执行、监测和评估工作,并进一步着力加强联合国系统在性别平等领域的能力,[2]", "重申性别平等主流化是一项得到普遍接受的促进实现性别平等和妇女赋权的战略,并构成全面、有效和加速执行《北京宣言和行动纲要》[3] 和大会第二十三届特别会议成果[4] 的一个重要战略,", "欣见妇女署的设立,该署合并了性别平等问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室、提高妇女地位司、联合国妇女发展基金和提高妇女地位国际研究训练所的授权任务和职能,并根据大会第64/289号决议的规定,新增了主导和协调联合国系统关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的工作及促进这方面的问责制的作用,", "1. 赞赏地注意到秘书长的报告[5] 及内载各项建议,[6] 并呼吁继续作出进一步努力,依照理事会所有相关决议将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流;", "2. 强调机构间妇女和性别平等网络是在整个联合国系统实现更有效协调、一致化和性别平等主流化的一个重要论坛,以此在联合国系统促进交流和生成关于性别平等主流化的想法和实践,并期待着在联合国系统继续实施性别平等主流化;", "3. 请联合国系统,包括各机构、基金和方案机构,在各自任务规定范围内,依照理事会以往各项决议特别是第2008/34号决议和大会第64/289号决议,继续将性别问题主流化,包括将性别观点纳入所有业务机制特别是联合国发展援助框架和其他发展框架的主流,确保联合国系统内各管理人员发挥领导作用并提供支持,以推进性别问题主流化,加强监测、报告和评价,以便对性别问题主流化方面的进展情况作出全系统评估,并利用现有培训资源包括培训机构和基础设施,协助开发和使用关于性别问题主流化的统一培训单元和工具,推动在拟定方案和评价性别问题主流化工作期间收集、分析和使用按性别和年龄分列的准确、可靠、可比较和切实有用的数据,以便评估在实现性别平等和妇女赋权方面的进展;", "4. 又请联合国系统经与会员国商定和同意,继续支持其落实实现性别平等和妇女赋权的国家政策,包括除其他外,向各国提高妇女地位机构提供支助和能力发展帮助;", "5. 认识到政策与实践之间存在着很大差距,仅仅建设联合国工作人员能力尚不足以让整个联合国系统履行其对性别平等主流化的承诺和义务;", "6. 吁请妇女署依照第A/RES/64/289号决议,做到:", "(a) 确保其工作导致联合国系统更有效的协调、一致化和性别平等主流化;", "(b) 在领导、协调和促进联合国系统在性别平等和妇女赋权工作的问责制方面全面发挥其作用;", "(c) 继续支持整个联合国系统性别平等主流化,将其作为工作的一个组成部分;", "(d) 建立具体的基于成果的报告机制,并确保其政策法规与实际业务的一致、一贯和协调;", "(e) 在外地工作方面,在驻地协调员总体领导下在联合国国家工作队内,作为驻地协调员制度的一个部份开展业务,领导和协调国家工作队在性别平等和妇女赋权方面的工作;", "(f) 依据普遍原则,通过政策法规支助职能和业务活动,应所有会员国要求在各区域和各发展层次,就性别平等、妇女赋权和妇女权利以及性别平等主流化会员国其提供指导和技术支助;", "7. 请联合国系统,包括各机构、基金和方案机构,在各自机构任务规定范围内继续合作,以加强联合国系统内性别问题主流化,为此目的,应:", "(a) 在包括联合国系统行政首长协调理事会、方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会、联合国发展集团和机构间妇女和性别平等网络在内的现有协调机制中,并在妇女署的领导下,确保对性别平等主流化和性别平等以及妇女赋权进行有效协调,同时系统中各部门应有明确的作用和责任;", "(b) 确保总部提供强有力的领导和明确的指导,并改善联合国国家工作队的内部合作;", "(c) 加强调动资源的能力,并增加性别平等和妇女赋权方面人力和财力的可预测性;", "(d) 扩大和强化联合国系统的各种问责框架,以确保对每个联合国实体性别平等方面的成果进行一致、准确和有效的管理、监测、评估和报告,包括跟踪联合国系统内与性别平等有关的资源分配和支出以及基于成果的方法;", "(e) 在方案拟定工作中和更大范围的加强包括秘书处工作人员在内的所有联合国工作人员能力的工作中,加强性别平等观点的应用,为此目的,应制定能够提供关于性别平等主流化专门指示的准则,并用作评估工作人员业绩的指标;", "(f) 确保在方案拟定活动中,包括联合国发展框架,如联合国发展援助框架,更加注重交付成果和制定明确的性别平等成果和产出,从而确保在国家一级注意妇女和女孩的需要和优先事项;", "(g) 确保联合国国家工作队提供支持,以促进各国为加速实现各项商定发展目标和性别平等及妇女赋权方面的其他承诺所作的努力;", "(h) 确保所有人员,特别是在外地的人员,得到培训和恰当的后续行动,包括得到工具、指导和支助,以加速实现性别平等主流化,为此目的,应不断为驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队提供能力发展机会,以确保他们能够更好地协助国家伙伴通过其发展框架实现性别平等和妇女赋权;", "(i) 联合国国家工作队在制定衡量进展情况的指标时应扩大对按性别分列的数据的利用,并酌情包括联合国发展援助框架;", "(j) 包括通过管理和部门问责制,按照《联合国宪章》第一百零一条第3款,确保为在秘书处各级和整个联合国系统实现男女比例50/50目标取得进展,并适当注意发展中国家妇女的代表人数并铭记公平地域代表性原则;", "8. 请秘书长向理事会2012年实质性会议提交一份报告,说明本决议执行情况,特别着重说明在全球和国家两个层面促进全系统性别平等和妇女赋权问责的进展情况。", "[1] 见《大会正式记录,第五十二届会议,补编第3号》(A/52/3/Rev.1),第四章A节,第4段。", "[2] 见大会第60/1号决议,第59段。", "[3] 《第四次妇女问题世界会议的报告,1995年9月4日至15日,北京》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.96.IV.13),第一章,决议1,附件一和二。", "[4] 大会第S-23/2号决议(附件)和第S-23/3号决议(附件)。", "[5] E/2011/114。", "[6] 同上,第六节。" ]
[ "2011年实质性会议", "2011年7月4日至29日,日内瓦", "议程项目7(e)", "协调、方案和其他问题:", "将性别观点纳入所有政策的主流", "联合国系统方案协调委员会", "理事会副主席阿布卡拉姆·阿卜杜勒·穆明(孟加拉国)在非正式协商基础上提出的决议草案", "将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案的主流", "经济及社会理事会,", "重申其1997年7月18日关于将性别观点纳入联合国系统所有政策和方案主流的第1997/2号商定结论,[1]并回顾其2001年7月26日第2001/41号、2002年7月24日第2002/23号、2003年7月24日第2003/49号、2004年7月7日第2004/4号、2005年7月26日第2005/31号、2006年7月27日第2006/36号、2007年7月27日第2007/33号、2008年7月25日第2008/34号、2009年7月28日第2009/12号和2010年7月23日第2010/29号决议,", "又重申在2005年世界首脑会议上作出的承诺,即积极促进将性别观点纳入所有政治、经济和社会领域政策和方案的设计、执行、监测和评价工作的主流,并进一步承诺加强联合国系统在两性平等领域的能力,[2]", "还重申将性别观点纳入主流是实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力的一项得到普遍接受的战略,是全面、有效和加速执行《北京宣言》和《行动纲要》[3] 和大会第二十三届特别会议成果[4] 的关键战略,", "欢迎设立妇女署,将两性平等问题和提高妇女地位问题特别顾问办公室、提高妇女地位司、联合国妇女发展基金和提高妇女地位国际研究训练所的任务和职能合并起来,并根据大会第64/289号决议的规定,发挥更多作用,领导、协调和促进联合国系统在性别平等和增强妇女权能工作中的问责制,", "1. 联合国 1. 赞赏地注意到秘书长的报告[5] 和其中所载的建议,[6] 并要求依照理事会所有有关决议,继续并继续努力将性别观点纳入联合国所有政策和方案的主流;", "2. 联合国 9. 着重指出机构间妇女和两性平等网络是整个联合国系统实现更有效的协调、一致性和性别平等主流化、交流和交流关于联合国系统内性别平等主流化的想法和实际经验的一个重要论坛,并期待着在联合国系统内继续执行性别平等主流化政策和战略;", "3个 7. 请联合国系统,包括其各机构、基金和方案,在各自任务范围内,继续按照理事会以往各项决议,特别是第2008/34号决议和大会第64/289号决议,将两性平等问题纳入主流,包括将性别观点纳入所有业务机制的主流,特别是纳入联合国发展援助框架和其他发展框架的主流,确保联合国系统内的管理人员提供领导和支持,以推进两性平等主流化,加强监测、报告和评价,使全系统能够评估两性平等主流化的进展情况,并利用现有的培训资源,包括机构和基础设施,协助拟订和应用关于两性平等主流化的统一培训单元和工具,并促使在方案拟订和两性平等主流化评价期间收集、分析和使用按性别和年龄分列的准确、可靠、可比和相干的数据,以评估实现性别平等和增强妇女权能的进展情况;", " 4.四. 7. 又请联合国系统继续支持会员国在征得会员国同意和同意后执行实现两性平等和赋予妇女权力的国家政策,除其他外,向提高妇女地位的国家机构提供支助和能力发展;", "5 (韩语). 4. 认识到政策与实践之间仍然存在巨大差距,光靠联合国工作人员的能力建设不足以使整个联合国系统履行其在将性别观点纳入主流方面的承诺和义务;", "6. 国家 呼吁妇女署按照大会第64/289号决议:", "(a) 国家 (一) 确保其工作导致整个联合国系统更有效的协调、一致性和性别平等主流化;", "(b) 国家 充分发挥作用,领导、协调和促进联合国系统在性别平等和增强妇女权能工作中的问责制;", "(c) 继续支持将两性平等问题纳入整个联合国系统的主流,作为其工作的一个组成部分;", "(d) 建立具体的注重成果的报告机制,并确保其工作的规范与业务方面的一致性、一致性和协调;", "(e) 协助 在实地一级开展工作,作为驻地协调员制度的一部分,在联合国国家工作队内开展工作,在驻地协调员的全面领导下,领导和协调国家工作队关于性别平等和增强妇女权能的工作;", "(f) 根据普遍性原则,通过其规范性支助职能和业务活动,应所有发展水平的会员国和各区域的请求,就性别平等、增强妇女权能和妇女权利以及性别平等主流化问题向所有会员国提供指导意见和技术支助;", "7. 联合国 8. 请联合国系统,包括其各机构、基金和方案在各自组织任务范围内,继续协力加强联合国系统内将性别观点纳入主流的工作,包括:", "(a) 在联合国系统行政首长协调理事会、方案问题高级别委员会、管理问题高级别委员会、联合国发展集团和由妇女署领导的机构间妇女和两性平等网络等现有协调机制内,确保有效协调性别平等主流化和性别平等和增强妇女权能工作,为系统所有部门指定明确的作用和责任;", "(b) 确保总部一级强有力的领导,提供明确的指导并改进联合国国家工作队内部的协作;", "(c) 加强调动资源的能力并增加人力和财政资源的可预测性,以促进两性平等并赋予妇女权力;", "(d) 增进并加强联合国系统的各种问责制框架,以确保更加一致、准确和有效地管理、监测、评价和报告每个联合国实体的两性平等成果,包括跟踪与性别有关的资源分配和支出以及联合国系统内注重成果的办法;", "(e) 更好地将两性平等观点纳入方案拟订工作,并加强联合国所有工作人员,包括秘书处工作人员的能力发展,包括为此制定准则,就两性平等主流化问题提供专门指示,并以此作为评估工作人员的业绩指标;", "(f) 确保在方案拟订活动中,包括在联合国发展援助框架等联合国发展援助框架中,更注重交付成果,并制订明确的两性平等成果和产出,以确保在国家一级关注妇女和女孩的需求和优先事项;", "(g) 确保联合国国家工作队支持各国努力加快实现国际商定的发展目标和与性别平等和增强妇女权能有关的其他承诺;", "(h) 确保所有人员,特别是外地人员,接受加快两性平等主流化的培训并采取适当的后续行动,包括工具、指导和支助,包括为驻地协调员和联合国国家工作队提供持续的能力建设,确保他们能够更好地协助国家伙伴通过其发展框架来实现两性平等并赋予妇女权力;", "(一) 加强联合国国家工作队在编制衡量进展的指标时使用按性别分列的数据,包括酌情使用联合国发展援助框架;", "(j) 确保通过管理和部门问责制等途径,在秘书处和整个联合国系统各级实现男女比例50/50的目标方面取得进展,同时适当顾及发展中国家妇女的代表比例,并铭记公平地域分配原则,符合《联合国宪章》第一百零一条第三项的规定;", "8. 联合国 请秘书长向理事会2012年实质性会议提交一份报告,说明本决议的执行情况,并特别强调在全球和国家一级促进全系统性别平等和增强妇女权能问责制的进展情况。", "[1] 《大会正式记录,第五十二届会议,补编第3号》(A/52/3/Rev.1),第四章,A节。 页:1 4.四.", "[2] 见大会第60/1号决议,第59段。", "[3] 《第四次妇女问题世界会议的报告,1995年9月4日至15日,北京》(联合国出版物,出售品编号:C.96.IV.13),第一章,决议1,附件。 页:1", "[4] 大会第S-23/2号决议附件和S-23/3号决议附件。", "[5] E/2011/114。", "[6] 同上,C节。 六、结 论" ]