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20090424-0900-PLENARY-5-fi_20090424-10:06:38_7 | Pohjoisissa hyvin harvaan asutuissa osissa Suomea luontokuvaajat käyttävät tätä metodia viljeläinten houkunteluun kuvauspaikalle ja myös pienimuotoinen matkailuyrittäjyys järjestää esimerkiksi karhun katselusafareja. | transcribe | fi |
20140204-0900-PLENARY-20-fr_20140204-20:53:28_13 | Ce besoin de cohérence partout en Europe m'a conduit à défendre la proposition de la Commission de privilégier les actes délégués pour que les pêcheurs de San Benedetto del Tronto, de Loch Niveau, de Vigo, de Baltimore, de Hull, de Skagen ou du Guilvinec n'éprouvent aucune injustice grâce à un règlement contrôle mis en œuvre uniformément. | transcribe | fr |
20140311-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20140311-11:00:43_3 | Potrebno je i u perspektivi dvije stvari. | transcribe | hr |
20111024-0900-PLENARY-10-hu_20111024-18:19:11_4 | És még egy szempontot szeretnék bemutatni, hogy a munkahely teremtési cél az EU 2020 stratégiájában a fogyatékkal élő emberek nélkül nem valósítható meg. Az ő bevonásukkal lehet csak elérni a 75%-os szintet. | transcribe | hu |
20151027-0900-PLENARY-18-it_20151027-22:27:24_4 | Le proposte sono quindi delle proposte contenute, ma che mirano andare nella direzione di avere una più omogenea legislazione elettorale. Ne ricorderò alcune. Intanto quella che mira a dare visibilità ai partiti politici europei e quindi a dare senso europeo alle elezioni. | transcribe | it |
20190327-0900-PLENARY-nl_20190327-11:15:46_7 | En dat proberen we op te lossen met dit dossier en het voorstel van de Europese Commissie. | transcribe | nl |
20160707-0900-PLENARY-17-pl_20160707-16:35:18_3 | Co się stanie z tymi firmami, które dbając o jakość świadczonych usług i warunki pracy kierowców, zaciągnęły kredyty na zakup nowoczesnych samochodów, notabene w innych krajach Unii Europejskiej, takich jak Niemcy, Francja, kraje skandynawskie czy Włochy? | transcribe | pl |
20090916-0900-PLENARY-13-ro_20090916-17:04:39_2 | ați dat celor trei țări o șansă, însă în același timp cred că Europa este și o Europa regulor pe care ca cetățenii europei trebuie să le îndeprindim cu toții. | transcribe | ro |
20190212-0900-PLENARY-sk_20190212-23:43:23_9 | Následky reprodukčného genetického inžinierstva vyvolávajú závažné spoločenské a etické riziká. | transcribe | sk |
20181129-0900-PLENARY-sl_20181129-10:32:19_2 | V Sloveniji je 70% podstotkov javnosti proti njej, še niti politične elite se niso mogli oglasiti okoli njega, kaj šele evropska in svetovna javnost. | transcribe | sl |
20171116-0900-PLENARY-15-cs_20171116-15:05:08_38 | Definitely not. | translate | cs |
20151123-0900-PLENARY-3-de_20151123-17:05:12_16 | In his time as head of government, but also later as publicist in Norm, Schmidt contributed to the deepening of European integration and cooperation of peoples across borders. | translate | de |
20151216-0900-PLENARY-13-en_20151216-15:06:06_34 | Our works does not end but begins with the adoption of the action plan. Putting into practice will be a living process where all actors will make their contribution. | translate | en |
20110202-0900-PLENARY-11-es_20110202-19:05:14_1 | But in the case of Tunisia, we are still in time. | translate | es |
20090424-0900-PLENARY-5-fi_20090424-10:06:38_7 | In the north, in very few inhabited areas of Finland, nature photographers use this method for the photographing of wild animals and also small-scale travel businesses organize, for example, bear watching safaris. | translate | fi |
20140204-0900-PLENARY-20-fr_20140204-20:53:28_13 | This need for coherence throughout Europe led me to defend the Commission's proposal to privilege the delegated acts so that the fishermen of San Benedetto del Tronto, of Loch Niver, Vigo, Baltimore, Hull, Skagen or Guilvinec do not experience any injustice thanks to a regulatory control implemented uniformly. | translate | fr |
20140311-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20140311-11:00:43_3 | It is necessary in the perspective of two things. | translate | hr |
20111024-0900-PLENARY-10-hu_20111024-18:19:11_4 | I would also like to point out that the goal of creating jobs in the EU 2020 strategy cannot be achieved without people living with disabilities. Only their contribution can reach the level of 75%. | translate | hu |
20151027-0900-PLENARY-18-it_20151027-22:27:24_4 | The proposals are therefore contained proposals, but that aim to go in the direction of having a more homogeneous electoral legislation. I will mention some, first of all the one that aims to give visibility to the European political parties and therefore to give European sense to the elections, | translate | it |
20190327-0900-PLENARY-nl_20190327-11:15:46_7 | And we are trying to solve this with this file and the proposal of the European Commission. | translate | nl |
20160707-0900-PLENARY-17-pl_20160707-16:35:18_3 | What will happen to those companies that, taking care of the quality of their services and the working conditions of their drivers, have drawn up loans for the purchase of modern cars, notably in other EU countries, such as Germany, France, Scandinavian countries or Italy? | translate | pl |
20090916-0900-PLENARY-13-ro_20090916-17:04:39_2 | You gave the three countries a chance, but at the same time I think that Europe is a Europe of rules that as European citizens we should all follow. | translate | ro |
20190212-0900-PLENARY-sk_20190212-23:43:23_9 | The consequences of reproductive genetic engineering are causing serious social and ethical risks. | translate | sk |
20181129-0900-PLENARY-sl_20181129-10:32:19_2 | In Slovenia, 70% of the population is against it. Even political elites have not yet been able to vote on what the European and world public think about it. | translate | sl |
20150325-0900-PLENARY-15-cs_20150325-21:18:23_2 | Bohužel dramaticky to dopadá na podnikatele jiných zemí, kteří jsou tak buď nuceni porušovat domácí zákony, anebo se vystavit vysokým sankčním pokutám ze strany německých úřadů. | transcribe | cs |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-14-de_20170704-15:35:45_11 | Und das, Frau Kollegin Hinterfeld, ist der Unterschied. Wir sind mit Ihnen der Auffassung, dass die Menschen ihre Freiheit leben wollen, dass sie ihr eigenes Leben gestalten wollen. | transcribe | de |
20170315-0900-PLENARY-13-en_20170315-19:46:36_5 | The EU must create a system that would coordinate the fast movement of defence forces, personnel and equipment when the Solidarity Clause is invoked. | transcribe | en |
20190115-0900-PLENARY-es_20190115-17:08:46_23 | En el informe que hemos preparado y que votaremos mañana, hemos recogido todos los aspectos referentes a la política monetaria del Banco Central Europeo, valorando las medidas que tuvieron que adoptarse, pero también dándole la bienvenida a la decisión de una reducción progresiva de dichas medidas, siempre y cuando la situación económica lo permita. Destacamos la potencial subida de tipos de interés, la reducción del programa de compra de activos, las subastas de liquidez, el lanzamiento del programa de compra de bonos corporativos y por supuesto el programa de compra de deuda pública en la zona euro. | transcribe | es |
20181115-0900-PLENARY-fi_20181115-09:54:09_10 | Borreliosin ja siihen liittyvien lisäinfektioiden tutkimus on tällä hetkellä valitettavan riittämätöntä. | transcribe | fi |
20201111-0900-PLENARY-fr_20201111-15:52:23_34 | Ils ont le droit souverain et légitime de le faire. | transcribe | fr |
20171023-0900-PLENARY-16-hr_20171023-20:25:45_3 | Možda smo u ovom trenutku u ovoj materiji nešto malo zaostali, ali vjerujem da možemo i tekako napraviti brz i jasa napredak. | transcribe | hr |
20090915-0900-PLENARY-10-hu_20090915-18:32:47_0 | A kírós Bácsó? | transcribe | hu |
20140415-0900-PLENARY-5-it_20140415-09:44:14_3 | troppo lunghi per decidere e per applicare le norme e mi dispiace che | transcribe | it |
20160412-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20160412-11:20:33_7 | Zorg voor doelmatige regels en laat ruimte voor innovatie en ondernemerschap. | transcribe | nl |
20090507-0900-PLENARY-19-pl_20090507-15:36:04_8 | Unia Europejska nie uznaje tej nowej władzy ze względu na fakt niedemokratycznie dokonanej zmiany. | transcribe | pl |
20151215-0900-PLENARY-6-ro_20151215-13:34:34_1 | Emiratele Arabe Unite devin din ce în ce mai relevante lupta împotriva crimei organizate, deoarece această țară devine un cub tot mai mare pentru criminalitatea economică și financiară. | transcribe | ro |
20180530-0900-PLENARY-26-sk_20180530-19:31:49_4 | Toto sú skutočné príčiny odchodu výrobcov Stalianska. | transcribe | sk |
20191126-0900-PLENARY-sl_20191126-13:06:01_2 | konvencijo otrokovih pravic, kot spoštovanje otrokovih pravic nas definirajo kot ljudi. Z temi | transcribe | sl |
20150325-0900-PLENARY-15-cs_20150325-21:18:23_2 | Unfortunately, this dramatically affects entrepreneurs from other countries, who are either forced to violate domestic laws or to pay high sanctions from the German authorities. | translate | cs |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-14-de_20170704-15:35:45_11 | And that, Ms. Nintefeld, is the difference. We are of the opinion that people want to live their freedom, that they want to shape their own life. | translate | de |
20170315-0900-PLENARY-13-en_20170315-19:46:36_5 | The EU must create a system that would coordinate the fast movement of defence forces, personnel and equipment when the Solidarity Clause is invoked. | translate | en |
20190115-0900-PLENARY-es_20190115-17:08:46_23 | In the report that we have prepared and that we will vote on tomorrow, we have collected all the aspects referring to the monetary policy of the European Central Bank, highlighting the measures that had to be adopted, but also welcoming the decision of a progressive reduction of these measures as long as the economic situation allows it. We highlight the potential rise in interest rates, the reduction of the asset purchase program, the liquidity auction, the launch of the corporate bond purchase programme and of course the programme for the purchase of public debt in the euro area. | translate | es |
20181115-0900-PLENARY-fi_20181115-09:54:09_10 | The study of Borrelia and its related additional infections is currently unfortunately insufficient. | translate | fi |
20201111-0900-PLENARY-fr_20201111-15:52:23_34 | They have the sovereign and legitimate right to do so. | translate | fr |
20171023-0900-PLENARY-16-hr_20171023-20:25:45_3 | Maybe we are a bit behind in this matter, but I believe we can make a clear and fast progress. | translate | hr |
20090915-0900-PLENARY-10-hu_20090915-18:32:47_0 | Mr. Bárcs | translate | hu |
20140415-0900-PLENARY-5-it_20140415-09:44:14_3 | too long to decide and to apply the rules. And I'm sorry that | translate | it |
20160412-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20160412-11:20:33_7 | ...enable targeted rules and leave room for innovation and entrepreneurship. | translate | nl |
20090507-0900-PLENARY-19-pl_20090507-15:36:04_8 | The European Union does not recognize this new power due to the fact of undemocratic change. | translate | pl |
20151215-0900-PLENARY-6-ro_20151215-13:34:34_1 | The United Arab Emirates is becoming more and more relevant in the fight against organized crime, because this country is becoming a bigger hub for economic and financial crime. | translate | ro |
20180530-0900-PLENARY-26-sk_20180530-19:31:49_4 | These are the real reasons for the departure of the Ostanians. | translate | sk |
20191126-0900-PLENARY-sl_20191126-13:06:01_2 | The definition of the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the respect for the rights of the child define us as people. | translate | sl |
20090505-0900-PLENARY-11-cs_20090505-18:41:09_31 | v prvním květnu tohoto roku podle návrhu, který je tedy v závěrečné fázi, budou zpracovávána podle nových pravidel. | transcribe | cs |
20090916-0900-PLENARY-13-de_20090916-16:54:49_8 | Aber ein Spieler kann nur dann die Spielregeln erfüllen, wenn er aufs Spielfeld darf. Den Spieler Kosovo hat man gar nicht aufs Spielfeld gelassen. | transcribe | de |
20121210-0900-PLENARY-10-en_20121210-17:57:33_25 | I agree with all those who say that we should have those two aims. We should of course work to the benefit of our own people. | transcribe | en |
20150211-0900-PLENARY-3-es_20150211-10:55:50_5 | ¿Es esto radical? Sí. | transcribe | es |
20130206-0900-PLENARY-7-fi_20130206-14:51:02_8 | Siksi EU on lausuttava ja tehtävä kaikki voitava tämän järkyttävän tilanteen muuttamiseksi ja siksi äänestin tämän mietinnän puolesta. | transcribe | fi |
20160412-0900-PLENARY-15-fr_20160412-20:01:03_1 | que nous en arrivons à ce texte aujourd'hui qui incontestablement va dans la bonne direction. Parce que le reporting pays par pays, ça permet à la fois de disposer d'une vraie traçabilité des profits des multinationales, mais aussi ça va dans le sens d'un rétablissement de l'égalité devant l'impôt. | transcribe | fr |
20171114-0900-PLENARY-15-hr_20171114-17:32:33_0 | U posljednje dvije godine došlo je do jačanja suverenističkih političkih opcija i pokreta u zapadnom svijetu. Na taj proces gledam s odobravanjem, ali on, nažalost, pokazuje i neke nuspojave, poput negativnih stavova prema slobodnoj međunarodnoj trgovini i otvorenoj ekonomskoj suradnji među državama. | transcribe | hr |
20101007-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20101007-11:21:45_1 | Azt hiszem, abban mindannyian egyetértünk, hogy egy valóban egységes Európa közép és hosszú távon csak kiegyensúlyozott gazdasági fejlettségi szint mellett építhető fel. | transcribe | hu |
20140415-0900-PLENARY-6-it_20140415-10:55:08_17 | Questo è importante per la tracciabilità e di conseguenza per garantire la loro sicurezza e la conformità. Serve inoltre a migliorare la fiducia nel mercato unico perché la trasparenza delle condizioni di mercato e una maggiore capacità di scelta da parte dei consumatori possono solo beneficiare gli operatori che agiscono in modo | transcribe | it |
20160622-0900-PLENARY-13-nl_20160622-16:14:56_4 | worden met machetes afgeslacht, vrouwen verkracht, kinderen ontvoerd, huizen geplunderd. | transcribe | nl |
20190130-0900-PLENARY-pl_20190130-17:31:31_20 | Wtedy i tylko wtedy zło, które się wydarzyło, można obrócić w dobro. | transcribe | pl |
20190311-0900-PLENARY-ro_20190311-19:01:34_0 | Mulțumesc, doamna președintă, domnule comisar, stimați colegi. Astăzi dezbatem un raport și sper ca mâine să fie votat un raport extrem de important, pentru că 80% din populația Uniunii este conectată la internet și, până la urmă, viața cetățenilor, dar și economiile statelor membre depind de tehnologia digitală. | transcribe | ro |
20100920-0900-PLENARY-17-sk_20100920-22:34:58_1 | Vzhľadom na to, že prírodné katastrofy presahujú spôsobené škodami možnosti jedného štátu, opäť zdorazujem urgentnú potrebu modernizácie Fondu Solidarity. | transcribe | sk |
20150311-0900-PLENARY-7-sl_20150311-14:28:14_0 | Resolucijo, ki jo govorijo napredko Srbija, sem za velikim veseljem podprl. | transcribe | sl |
20090505-0900-PLENARY-11-cs_20090505-18:41:09_31 | will be processed according to the new rules in the first quarter of this year, which is the final phase. | translate | cs |
20090916-0900-PLENARY-13-de_20090916-16:54:49_8 | But a player can only fulfill the rules if he is allowed to play on the pitch. The player Kosovo was not allowed to play on the pitch. | translate | de |
20121210-0900-PLENARY-10-en_20121210-17:57:33_25 | I agree with all those who say that we should have those two aims. We should of course work to the benefit of our own people. | translate | en |
20150211-0900-PLENARY-3-es_20150211-10:55:50_5 | radical sexism, yes. | translate | es |
20130206-0900-PLENARY-7-fi_20130206-14:51:02_8 | That is why the EU must and must do everything to change this terrible situation and that is why I voted in favor of this resolution. | translate | fi |
20160412-0900-PLENARY-15-fr_20160412-20:01:03_1 | that we are now coming to this text which is undeniably going in the right direction because the reporting country by country allows to have a real traceability of the profits of multinationals but also it goes in the direction of a restoration of equality in front of the tax | translate | fr |
20171114-0900-PLENARY-15-hr_20171114-17:32:33_0 | In the last two years, we have seen the strengthening of the sovereignist political options and movements in the Western world. I look at this process with admiration, but it unfortunately also shows some negative aspects, such as negative attitudes towards free international trade and open economic cooperation between countries. | translate | hr |
20101007-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20101007-11:21:45_1 | I think we all agree that a truly united Europe can only be built on a balanced economic and development level in the medium and long term. | translate | hu |
20140415-0900-PLENARY-6-it_20140415-10:55:08_17 | This is important for traceability and, consequently, to guarantee their safety and conformity. It also serves to improve trust in the single market, because the transparency of market conditions and a greater ability to choose from consumers can only benefit operators who act in a fair way. | translate | it |
20160622-0900-PLENARY-13-nl_20160622-16:14:56_4 | Women are raped, kidnapped, houses plundered. | translate | nl |
20190130-0900-PLENARY-pl_20190130-17:31:31_20 | Only then, the evil that happened can be turned into good. | translate | pl |
20190311-0900-PLENARY-ro_20190311-19:01:34_0 | Thank you, Mr. President, Mr. Commissioner, dear colleagues. Today we are discussing a report and I hope that tomorrow an extremely important report will be voted on, because 80% of the citizens, of the EU population, are connected to the Internet. And, in the end, the lives of the citizens, but also the economies of the Member States, depend on digital technology. | translate | ro |
20100920-0900-PLENARY-17-sk_20100920-22:34:58_1 | Due to the fact that natural disasters are exceeding the potential damage caused by one state, I once again stress the urgent need for a modernization of the Solidarity Fund. | translate | sk |
20150311-0900-PLENARY-7-sl_20150311-14:28:14_0 | I am very happy to support the resolution that was discussed at the Serbian Parliament. | translate | sl |
20151005-0900-PLENARY-15-cs_20151005-22:40:00_1 | Rozšíření ochrany zeměpisných označení na nezemědělské výrobky může mít pro jejich výrobce, spotřebitelé i celé regiony řadu pozitivních dopadů. | transcribe | cs |
20200115-0900-PLENARY-de_20200115-19:41:44_2 | Nur eines möchte ich schon bemerken, Herr Kollege David hat jetzt den Saal verlassen, aber wenn er schon pauschales Unternehmer-Bashing betreibt, hier geht es um einen Interessenkonflikt zwischen Politik und Unternehmertum. Ich als Unternehmerin und Politikerin, für mich ist es ganz klar, dass ich weder öffentliche Förderungen während meiner Funktionsperiode in Anspruch nehme, noch mich an irgendwelchen öffentlichen | transcribe | de |
20160510-0900-PLENARY-17-en_20160510-19:42:17_55 | In concrete terms, hope is the possibility to go to school for the children, to learn a job, to imagine your own life after the exile. And for this very reason, we are very much focusing especially on two main issues – the support we give to children and young people, and the support we give to women, because we know very well that these are the two engines for keeping the hope alive in the families that flee Syria. | transcribe | en |
20120118-0900-PLENARY-19-es_20120118-18:39:15_6 | Estas cumbres señor presidente, señores colegas, necesitarían mayor coherencia entre los estados, más trabajo diplomático y menos exhibición de festival. | transcribe | es |
20100211-0900-PLENARY-4-fi_20100211-10:36:11_1 | Siihen liittyy todella suuri määrä sosiaalisia haittoja, joka vetää puoleensa rikollista toimintaa. Peliriippuvuus ajaa yksilön liian usein ja liian helposti taloudelliseen ahdinkoon ja seurauksena on myös todella vakavia mielenterveysongelmia. | transcribe | fi |
20180118-0900-PLENARY-6-fr_20180118-11:27:26_11 | Les autorités, si elles veulent être crédibles, à la fois auprès de la population congolaise, mais aussi par la scène internationale, doivent donner des moyens à une CNI indépendante, doivent libérer les prisonniers politiques, doivent juger les auteurs de violences et doivent garantir l'organisation de ces élections libres et inclusives. | transcribe | fr |
20131211-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20131211-13:44:37_3 | Smatram da će ova uredba koja je sada kvalitetnija nego što je to bilo ranije sa više od milijardu eur vjedućih 7 godina pomoći da realiziramo našu politiku upoštivanja ljudskih prava i suradnje sa civilnim društvom, sa onim skupinama u pojedinim zemljama gdje razine i standardi zaštite ljudskih prava nisu takvi kao što je to u EU. | transcribe | hr |
20110203-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20110203-10:05:30_2 | az a célunk, hogy ez összekeveredjen, de hogy itt egyértelműen elhangzott mind a jelentéstevők, mind a képviselők részéről lehetősége kell legyen a parlamentnek beleszólni abba a tervezésbe, abba a stratégiába, hogy a végrehajtás aztán valóban hatékonyan működhessen és valóban | transcribe | hu |
20150112-0900-PLENARY-10-it_20150112-18:08:47_0 | Egregio Presidente, oggi qui voglio sollevare l'attenzione su un pericolo che sta per incombere su una piccola isola al centro del Mediterraneo ricca di rare specie, animali e vegetali, la Sardegna. | transcribe | it |
20190327-0900-PLENARY-nl_20190327-20:18:17_4 | En het gebrek aan communicatie tussen die Europese informatiesystemen zorgt voor blinde vlekken in onze veiligheidsstructuur. En aan die blinde vlekken maken we met dit voorstel eindelijk een einde. | transcribe | nl |
20170531-0900-PLENARY-16-pl_20170531-22:13:21_5 | Bez wątpienia inwestycje w infrastrukturę sieciową muszą być większe, a kolejne wieloletnie ramy finansowe i polityka spójności muszą w większym stopniu uwzględniać potrzeby wszystkich branż, których rozwój zależy dzisiaj od dostępu do szerokopasmowego internetu. | transcribe | pl |
20170914-0900-PLENARY-15-ro_20170914-12:53:56_4 | Doar așa o să răspundem cererii tot mai mari de programe de mobilitate Erasmus+, în lumina ideilor care subliniază avantajele mobilității pentru învățământul superior, inovația, cercetarea și progresul cetățenilor și progresul Uniunii Europene. | transcribe | ro |
20110217-0900-PLENARY-10-sk_20110217-15:43:46_3 | A Giemenská vláda o sebe tvrdí, že je moc spočívaná civilizovaných demokratických princípoch, potom nemôže používať barbarské spôsoby vládnutia, založené na svoju vôli a bezprávii. | transcribe | sk |
20140227-0900-PLENARY-5-sl_20140227-09:58:02_22 | v našem odnosu do tretjih držav. | transcribe | sl |
20151005-0900-PLENARY-15-cs_20151005-22:40:00_1 | The expansion of the protection of landmarks on non-land-based products may have a number of positive effects for their producers and consumers throughout the region. | translate | cs |
20200115-0900-PLENARY-de_20200115-19:41:44_2 | I would like to point out one thing. Mr. David has now left the room, but if he is already doing partial entrepreneur bashing, this is about an interest conflict between politics and entrepreneurship. As an entrepreneur and politician, it is very clear to me that I do not take public funding during my term of office or rely on any public | translate | de |
20160510-0900-PLENARY-17-en_20160510-19:42:17_55 | In concrete terms, hope is the possibility to go to school for the children, to learn a job, to imagine your own life after the exile. And for this very reason, we are very much focusing especially on two main issues – the support we give to children and young people, and the support we give to women, because we know very well that these are the two engines for keeping the hope alive in the families that flee Syria. | translate | en |
20120118-0900-PLENARY-19-es_20120118-18:39:15_6 | These summits, Mr. President, dear colleagues, would require greater coherence between the States, more diplomatic work and less festival exhibition. | translate | es |
20100211-0900-PLENARY-4-fi_20100211-10:36:11_1 | It involves a large number of social disadvantages that are criminal. Game addiction drives individuals too often and too easily into economic depression and as a consequence, also very serious mental health problems. | translate | fi |
20180118-0900-PLENARY-6-fr_20180118-11:27:26_11 | Authorities, if they want to be credible, both with the Congolese population, but also with the international scene, must give means to an independent CNI, must free political prisoners, must judge the perpetrators of violence, and must guarantee the organization of these free and inclusive elections. | translate | fr |