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20160413-0900-PLENARY-17-en_20160413-15:33:39_4 | These are not easy issues to resolve. | translate | en |
20190917-0900-PLENARY-es_20190917-17:19:05_16 | If the government does not listen, it will isolate Brazil from the rest of the international community. | translate | es |
20130417-0900-PLENARY-18-fi_20130417-21:37:33_7 | Last time I was interviewed by a representative of the Sami TV. The Sami are a Northern indigenous people. They asked what the EU means to us. | translate | fi |
20120523-0900-PLENARY-3-fr_20120523-09:37:24_1 | would be precisely a replacement of current national quotas by own resources and the will of the treaties. | translate | fr |
20191127-0900-PLENARY-hr_20191127-18:17:30_0 | Thank you very much. | translate | hr |
20171024-0900-PLENARY-21-hu_20171024-21:21:23_1 | I would like to highlight the call of the Committee to take practical steps to fight the Gypsy resistance and to prepare the National Roma Integration Strategy for successful local practices and programs. | translate | hu |
20181025-0900-PLENARY-it_20181025-14:07:12_5 | I ask all the comrades who have been victims of fascist violence in Bari and all over Italy to support this resolution. | translate | it |
20171025-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20171025-10:05:58_4 | If we want to keep the integrity of free travel within Europe, we will have to improve the management of our borders. | translate | nl |
20190417-0900-PLENARY-pl_20190417-09:15:37_2 | People who decide to move to another Czankowski state, to work there, should be as soon as possible in the system of protection of the receiving state. | translate | pl |
20191022-0900-PLENARY-ro_20191022-16:00:39_6 | Indeed, the Eastern European Union is a favoured country for the investment of the European public sector. Its share of the EU offers a number of high-advantaged companies, which are its main contributors. | translate | ro |
20111024-0900-PLENARY-19-sk_20111024-23:07:57_3 | I cannot imagine protecting children without cooperation with their parents. | translate | sk |
20191113-0900-PLENARY-sl_20191113-18:19:59_2 | The summer preparation of the convention coincides with the summer fall of the Berlin Wall. | translate | sl |
20180613-0900-PLENARY-25-cs_20180613-22:30:27_4 | Kultura a civilizace musí jít ruku v ruce. | transcribe | cs |
20150428-0900-PLENARY-3-de_20150428-09:40:31_19 | Jetzt ist der Kommissar am Zug, denn wir haben beschlossen, dass wir eine Regelung über 2020 haben wollen. | transcribe | de |
20170215-0900-PLENARY-4-en_20170215-10:17:28_5 | So it's a good deal. | transcribe | en |
20150311-0900-PLENARY-16-es_20150311-22:50:08_9 | Tenemos que demostrar que aprendimos de los errores. | transcribe | es |
20120315-0900-PLENARY-12-fi_20120315-15:13:38_5 | Ihmiskaupan uhreja tulee kohdella inhimillisesti. | transcribe | fi |
20200710-0900-PLENARY-fr_20200710-09:56:28_8 | Après la phase d'urgence, l'Europe devra aussi être plus ambitieuse pour montrer que la culture est irremplaçable pour illustrer notre diversité, notre attachement à la liberté d'expression et de création. | transcribe | fr |
20140226-0900-PLENARY-16-hr_20140226-16:35:44_3 | Prije 30-a godina država koja bi se našla u zoni takvog konflikta nije iz krize izlazila demokratskim sredstvima i dialogom, nego silom. | transcribe | hr |
20101216-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20101216-09:46:43_1 | Az Európai Örökség címbe vezetése azáltal, hogy több európai ország kormányközi programjából hivatalos, uniós intézkedésé válik, erősíti az EU-hoz való tartozás érzését, megszilárdítja a különbségek elismerését és a kultúrák közti párbeszédet. | transcribe | hu |
20171004-0900-PLENARY-13-it_20171004-16:39:29_6 | pubblico e fosse il deficit. No, non è il debito pubblico, il debito pubblico è stata una conseguenza delle azioni | transcribe | it |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20170704-11:18:13_9 | internationaal spreken we iets af over het sluiten van achterpoortjes en dan telkens opnieuw wil de Europese Unie toch net weer dat stapje verder gaan. | transcribe | nl |
20140414-0900-PLENARY-15-pl_20140414-19:05:01_6 | Dobrze, że podkreślamy względy zdrowotne, dobrze, że podkreślamy komfort życia obywateli związany z tym, że mamy ruch lotniczy, no i jednocześnie tę uciążliwość pod względem hałasu. | transcribe | pl |
20111115-0900-PLENARY-13-ro_20111115-20:13:31_4 | În acest sens, sprijin propunerea de adoptare a unor calendare bugetare obligatorii ca și cea referitoare la creșterea eficienței folosirii acestor bani. | transcribe | ro |
20101018-0900-PLENARY-10-sk_20101018-20:18:06_2 | Zajumná dohoda o spoločných procedúrach a postupoch istie umožní predchádzať možným nedorozumeniam pri príjmaní spoločných rozhodnutí. | transcribe | sk |
20151026-0900-PLENARY-17-sl_20151026-23:14:52_4 | v Sturčijo, v Sredozemlju, to mejo moramo spostaviti predvsem zaradi | transcribe | sl |
20180613-0900-PLENARY-25-cs_20180613-22:30:27_4 | Culture and civilization must go hand in hand. | translate | cs |
20150428-0900-PLENARY-3-de_20150428-09:40:31_19 | Now the commissioner is on the move, because we have decided that we want a regulation for 2020. | translate | de |
20170215-0900-PLENARY-4-en_20170215-10:17:28_5 | So it's a good deal. | translate | en |
20150311-0900-PLENARY-16-es_20150311-22:50:08_9 | We have to show that we learned from our mistakes. | translate | es |
20120315-0900-PLENARY-12-fi_20120315-15:13:38_5 | The victims of human trafficking are facing a terrible loss. | translate | fi |
20200710-0900-PLENARY-fr_20200710-09:56:28_8 | After the emergency phase, Europe will also have to be more ambitious to show that culture is irreplaceable, to illustrate our diversity, our commitment to freedom of expression and creation. | translate | fr |
20140226-0900-PLENARY-16-hr_20140226-16:35:44_3 | Thirty years ago, a country in the middle of such a conflict would not come out of the crisis with democratic means and dialogue, but with force. | translate | hr |
20101216-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20101216-09:46:43_1 | The introduction of the European Heritage title means that it becomes an official EU initiative from the programme of several European countries' governments, strengthens the sense of belonging to the EU, highlights the recognition of differences and the dialogue between cultures. | translate | hu |
20171004-0900-PLENARY-13-it_20171004-16:39:29_6 | No, it is not public debt, public debt was a consequence of the actions of the people. | translate | it |
20170704-0900-PLENARY-4-nl_20170704-11:18:13_9 | Internationally we are saying something about closing back doors, but the EU wants to take that step again. | translate | nl |
20140414-0900-PLENARY-15-pl_20140414-19:05:01_6 | It's good that we emphasize health issues, that we emphasize the comfort of citizens' lives, because we have the aviation movement and at the same time the noise. | translate | pl |
20111115-0900-PLENARY-13-ro_20111115-20:13:31_4 | In this sense, I support the proposal to adopt mandatory budgetary schedules as well as those regarding the increase in efficiency of the use of these funds. | translate | ro |
20101018-0900-PLENARY-10-sk_20101018-20:18:06_2 | Inter-agreement on joint procedures and procedures is likely to lead to possible misunderstandings when making joint decisions. | translate | sk |
20151026-0900-PLENARY-17-sl_20151026-23:14:52_4 | Turkey and the Mediterranean. We have to put this in front of everyone. | translate | sl |
20171212-0900-PLENARY-18-cs_20171212-19:56:37_4 | Takže buďme proto, aby ona dohodla existovala, já ji považuji za velký úspěch i vaší diplomacie, ale na druhou stranu, buďme pořád obezřetní, protože dohodla s takovýmto režimem může v jednu chvíli existovat, ale takovýto režim ji může kdykoliv vypovědět. | transcribe | cs |
20190326-0900-PLENARY-de_20190326-09:55:23_1 | Die Bundesjustizministerin lehnt Uploadfilter ab und musste sich der Bundeskanzlerin geschlagen geben, die ein Deal mit der französischen Regierung abgeschlossen hat, wie die FAZ gestern berichtet hat. | transcribe | de |
20150225-0900-PLENARY-9-en_20150225-19:46:16_8 | The EU has not so much kicked the can down the road, but rather rolled the can a few hundred yards towards President Putin's panzers, inviting both Greeks and Russians to trample all over it, thereby completing two of the EU's greatest catastrophes, | transcribe | en |
20170214-0900-PLENARY-8-es_20170214-12:53:08_8 | Además, no se diagnostica siquiera de forma adecuada y, por supuesto, no hay un tratamiento dedicado. | transcribe | es |
20151126-0900-PLENARY-3-fi_20151126-09:52:01_5 | Aika nopeasti kyllä löydettäisiin vastuuhenkilöt ja seuraamukset olisivat ankarat. | transcribe | fi |
20180704-0900-PLENARY-20-fr_20180704-20:37:02_6 | J'observe avec satisfaction que la Commission attire les conséquences dans le projet de CFP qu'elle a rendu public le 2 mai, puisqu'elle propose de doubler le volume des crédits. | transcribe | fr |
20150527-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20150527-16:44:19_1 | Njemačka kao predsjedateljica se sa svojim partnerima odlučno želi baviti pitanjima zaštite klime i okoliša, prije svega s obzirom na zagađenje mora te socijalnim i ekološkim standardima u dobavljačkom lancu. | transcribe | hr |
20100907-0900-PLENARY-10-hu_20100907-18:21:58_8 | Én azt hiszem, hogy annak ellenére, hogy a tanács ezt évekkel ezelőtt prioritásként jelölte meg, nem igazából sok minden történt. És hogyha ezt a kérdést nem fogjuk szigorúan monitorozni, ha nem tudjuk rá szedni a tagállamokat, hogy ezzel komolyan foglalkozzanak, | transcribe | hu |
20171025-0900-PLENARY-5-it_20171025-10:47:36_0 | Grazie Presidente. Cari colleghi, in Commissione FEM ci occupiamo quotidianamente di tematiche quali quelle degli abusi sessuali e di ogni altra forma di violenza nei confronti delle donne anche sul posto di lavoro. | transcribe | it |
20170404-0900-PLENARY-5-nl_20170404-11:13:43_2 | En, voorzitter, dat is ook nodig. | transcribe | nl |
20171214-0900-PLENARY-7-pl_20171214-11:16:48_9 | Jakiekolwiek zaburzenia ciąży natychmiast budzą podejrzenia i oskarżenia o próbę aborcji lub uśmiercenia płodu, więc kobiety z trudnymi ciążami po prostu unikają lekarzy. | transcribe | pl |
20130116-0900-PLENARY-17-ro_20130116-22:39:24_4 | este indispensabilă o evaluare a impactului asupra tuturor părților implicate. | transcribe | ro |
20130116-0900-PLENARY-3-sk_20130116-11:29:33_1 | Írská skúsenosť z posledných rokov v tom môže zohrať významnú a nadovšetko pozitívnu úlohu. | transcribe | sk |
20160706-0900-PLENARY-5-sl_20160706-12:32:03_6 | Zato predobujemo dobro socijalno varnost, ustaviti moramo trend, ki vodi v zelo nevarno izolačjo in zapiranje meja. | transcribe | sl |
20171212-0900-PLENARY-18-cs_20171212-19:56:37_4 | So let's be for the agreement to exist. I consider it a great success, and your diplomacy as well. But on the other hand, let's be transparent, because an agreement with such a regime can exist for a while, but such a regime can be announced at any time. | translate | cs |
20190326-0900-PLENARY-de_20190326-09:55:23_1 | The Federal Minister of Justice is rejecting upload filters and had to give in to the Chancellor, who has concluded a deal with the French government, as the FAZ reported yesterday. | translate | de |
20150225-0900-PLENARY-9-en_20150225-19:46:16_8 | The EU has not so much kicked the can down the road, but rather rolled the can a few hundred yards towards President Putin's panzers, inviting both Greeks and Russians to trample all over it, thereby completing two of the EU's greatest catastrophes, | translate | en |
20170214-0900-PLENARY-8-es_20170214-12:53:08_8 | and it is not even properly diagnosed and of course there is no dedicated treatment. | translate | es |
20151126-0900-PLENARY-3-fi_20151126-09:52:01_5 | I would find the responsible persons and the investigations would be the most vulnerable. | translate | fi |
20180704-0900-PLENARY-20-fr_20180704-20:37:02_6 | I am satisfied that the Commission is taking the consequences of the CFP project, which it made public on May 2, since it proposes to double the volume of loans. | translate | fr |
20150527-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20150527-16:44:19_1 | Germany, as a president, with its partners, wants to deal with climate and environment protection issues, especially due to the pollution of the sea and social and ecological standards in the supply chain. | translate | hr |
20100907-0900-PLENARY-10-hu_20100907-18:21:58_8 | I think that although the Council has highlighted this as a priority a few years ago, not much has happened. And if we will not monitor this issue strictly, if we cannot convince the Member States to take this seriously, | translate | hu |
20171025-0900-PLENARY-5-it_20171025-10:47:36_0 | Dear colleagues, in the FEM Commission we deal daily with issues such as sexual abuse and any other form of violence against women, even at work. | translate | it |
20170404-0900-PLENARY-5-nl_20170404-11:13:43_2 | And, chairman, that is also necessary. | translate | nl |
20171214-0900-PLENARY-7-pl_20171214-11:16:48_9 | Any pregnancy disorders immediately arouse suspicions and accusations of an attempt at abortion or the death of the fetus, so women with difficult pregnancies simply avoid doctors. | translate | pl |
20130116-0900-PLENARY-17-ro_20130116-22:39:24_4 | it is essential to assess the impact on all parties involved. | translate | ro |
20130116-0900-PLENARY-3-sk_20130116-11:29:33_1 | The experience of the last few years in this field can play a significant and above all positive role. | translate | sk |
20160706-0900-PLENARY-5-sl_20160706-12:32:03_6 | We need to stop the trend of very dangerous isolation and closing of borders. | translate | sl |
20170614-0900-PLENARY-7-cs_20170614-11:19:24_2 | Zjevně by se takrát vrátil do středověku, kde bylo popírání vědecky ověřitelných faktů na denním pořádku. | transcribe | cs |
20160913-0900-PLENARY-4-de_20160913-11:36:12_12 | Als Ingenieur ist ganz klar, dass wir auch ganz enge Abschaltmöglichkeiten brauchen, die legal sind. Denn bei ganz extrem hohen oder niedrigen Temperaturen oder auch aus anderen Voraussetzungen muss es möglich sein, die Technik zu schützen. | transcribe | de |
20170118-0900-PLENARY-15-en_20170118-15:17:24_11 | So that's why also the art of making compromises is getting very, very important. | transcribe | en |
20130312-0900-PLENARY-14-es_20130312-15:52:39_4 | No hay mayor peligro para el medio ambiente que un medio rural abandonado. | transcribe | es |
20170612-0900-PLENARY-12-fi_20170612-18:32:07_5 | Tiedämme, että nyt kaikkein tärkeintä on se, että turvaamme riittävät resurssit ohjelmalle myös jatkossa ja lämpimästi suositaan sitä, että nostamme ohjelman rahoitusta. | transcribe | fi |
20160914-0900-PLENARY-12-fr_20160914-16:25:49_7 | Un avantage fiscal, c'est une aide d'Etat, lorsque cela est fait dans des conditions qui faussent la concurrence, comme le régime qui est appliqué à Apple en Irlande. | transcribe | fr |
20150225-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20150225-16:43:45_4 | Nažalost, nitko danas nije spomenuo da se u dokumentu isiče problem dekarbonizacije transporta koji je također jedan od velike konzumenata fosilnih gorila koje uvozimo. | transcribe | hr |
20100706-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20100706-10:42:47_5 | És végedetül köszönöm, hogy a közös hagrád politikáról való gondolkodást intenzíven folytatták. | transcribe | hu |
20180208-0900-PLENARY-18-it_20180208-15:01:10_22 | Sul terminale di ricezione della TAP, il professor Ghezzi del Politecnico di Milano ha paventato rischi estremamente rilevanti, esplosioni e incendi. Rischi accertati anche dalla Regione Puglia e che chiamano in causa la direttiva Seveso. | transcribe | it |
20181003-0900-PLENARY-nl_20181003-11:35:40_24 | En dat wil ik u in dit debat meegeven, minister-president Ratas, opdat u Estland kunt leiden op de weg naar echte vrijheid en echte soevereiniteit. | transcribe | nl |
20140226-0900-PLENARY-16-pl_20140226-16:41:07_6 | Potrzeba byłoby włączyć Ukrainę w duże projekty europejskie, takie jak transeuropejskie sieci, transportowe czy energetyczne. | transcribe | pl |
20150114-0900-PLENARY-9-ro_20150114-19:16:53_4 | Președintele Poroșenco spunea în toamna anului trecut, ceea ce paralizează Ucraina este corupția și sper ca acest lucru să nu fie uitat, chiar dacă știm cu toții că situația în care se află Ucraina e foarte dificilă, însă cred că lupta anticorupție, construcția unor instituții care să producă rezultate tangibile, | transcribe | ro |
20191216-0900-PLENARY-sk_20191216-21:53:10_12 | ktoré boli podčas nástupu fašizmu. | transcribe | sk |
20150428-0900-PLENARY-14-sl_20150428-17:02:24_0 | Torej, Evropsko javno tužilstvo kot svi generisti organ bi ravno preprečeval tovrstne primere. Ko država članica ne reagira dovolj dobro oziroma ne priiskuje | transcribe | sl |
20170614-0900-PLENARY-7-cs_20170614-11:19:24_2 | It would be nice to return to the Middle Ages, where there was the support of scientifically credible facts about the modern order. | translate | cs |
20160913-0900-PLENARY-4-de_20160913-11:36:12_12 | As engineers we are also very clear, we need in very tight possibilities these shutdown options that are legal, because with very high or low temperatures or from other conditions it must be possible to protect the technology. | translate | de |
20170118-0900-PLENARY-15-en_20170118-15:17:24_11 | So that's why also the art of making compromises is getting very, very important. | translate | en |
20130312-0900-PLENARY-14-es_20130312-15:52:39_4 | There is no greater danger to the environment than an abandoned rural environment. | translate | es |
20170612-0900-PLENARY-12-fi_20170612-18:32:07_5 | We know that the most important thing is to secure enough resources for the program in the future and we warmly recommend that we raise the program's funding. | translate | fi |
20160914-0900-PLENARY-12-fr_20160914-16:25:49_7 | A fiscal advantage is a state aid when it is done in conditions that force competition, like the regime that is applied to Apple in Ireland. | translate | fr |
20150225-0900-PLENARY-7-hr_20150225-16:43:45_4 | Unfortunately, no one today mentioned that the document is based on the problem of decarbonization of transport, which is also one of the major consumers of fossil fuels that we import. | translate | hr |
20100706-0900-PLENARY-3-hu_20100706-10:42:47_5 | And I thank you for your thoughtfulness about the common agricultural policy. | translate | hu |
20180208-0900-PLENARY-18-it_20180208-15:01:10_22 | At the reception of the TAP, Professor Gezzi, from the Politecnico di Milano, warned of extremely high risks, explosions and fires. Risks also asserted by the Puglia region, and which call the SEVESO directive into question. | translate | it |
20181003-0900-PLENARY-nl_20181003-11:35:40_24 | And I want to tell you that in this debate, Prime Minister Ratas, that you can lead Estonia on the road to real freedom and real sovereignty. | translate | nl |
20140226-0900-PLENARY-16-pl_20140226-16:41:07_6 | Ukraine should be included in big European projects, such as trans-European transport or energy networks. | translate | pl |
20150114-0900-PLENARY-9-ro_20150114-19:16:53_4 | President Poroshenko said last year that what paralyzes Ukraine is corruption and I hope that this thing will not be forgotten even if we all know that the situation in which Ukraine is in is very difficult, but I believe that the fight against corruption, the construction of institutions that produce tangible results | translate | ro |
20191216-0900-PLENARY-sk_20191216-21:53:10_12 | Let's not repeat the mistakes of our ancestors, who were silent during the fascism. | translate | sk |
20150428-0900-PLENARY-14-sl_20150428-17:02:24_0 | The European public prosecution, like all the general organ, would be justifying this kind of example. If a member state does not react well enough, or does not seek to | translate | sl |
20171116-0900-PLENARY-15-cs_20171116-15:05:08_38 | To rozhodně ne. | transcribe | cs |
20151123-0900-PLENARY-3-de_20151123-17:05:12_16 | Schmid hat in seiner Zeit als Regierungschef, aber auch später als Publizist enorm zur Vertiefung der europäischen Integration und zur Zusammenarbeit der Völker über die Grenzen hinweg beigetragen. | transcribe | de |
20151216-0900-PLENARY-13-en_20151216-15:06:06_34 | Our works does not end but begins with the adoption of the action plan. Putting into practice will be a living process where all actors will make their contribution. | transcribe | en |
20110202-0900-PLENARY-11-es_20110202-19:05:14_1 | pero en el caso de Túnez aún estamos a tiempo. | transcribe | es |