"And you spend a lot of time masturbating, isn't that right, Ms. Pepper?"
"What?! I..."
"Please, Ms. Pepper, there's no point in hiding it."
Mommy looked at me, then looked away. "Yes, I do. Many times a day."
The doctor reached down and took my mother's hand and slowly moved it toward me. Soon it was hovering over my bulging penis.
"Before we began the exam, I think Brian needs to be relieved again. And my guess is, so do you, Ms. Pepper." She lowered Mommy's hand onto my penis. "I'd like you to relieve Brian. Brian, would you like your Mommy to masturbate you?"
"Oh god, yes!"
"Is there anything else you'd like?"
"You'd like to see your mother's huge, swollen breasts, wouldn't you?"
The doctor pulled my mother's hand from my cock. As my mother sat and watched, aghast, the doctor opened her jacket and took it off. Mommy just sat there, letting the doctor undress her, like a doll. A massive-busted sex doll. The jacket came off, and then the blouse underneath. The doctor had some trouble getting it over the mass of her chest, but eventually did, revealing the ridiculously large GG bra. The doctor reached around back.
"Brian, are you watching? I'm going to release your mother's breasts now."
"Oh god!" Mommy was blushing fiercely and twisting in her chair now - her body twitching in anticipation. Meanwhile, I thrust my penis into the air. Mommy instinctively grabbed hold of it and began to stroke me.
"You're going to see Mommy's breasts, now sweetie!" she said.
The doctor unhooked the bra and slowly peeled it off, revealing the largest breasts I had ever seen in my life. Her tiny torso looked like a girl's compared to the massive tits. The nipples were small and crinkled, and every time my mother moved - which she was doing constantly now - the breasts would jiggle and sway.
"OH!" My penis began erupting, spurting high into the air, and coating my mother's hand.
"Good job, Brian!" The doctor beamed at me. "Now, let's get you cleaned up and into the exam room."
Part III: The Examination Room
Doctor Morgan called in Bethany. While Bethany cleaned my crotch and Mommy's hand and arm, both soaked with my enormous deluge of spunk, the doctor strapped my mother's insanely large breasts back into her GG bra. As Bethany leaned over, exposing her own impressive cleavage, she smiled and said, "Looks like you were a really good boy, Brian." I noticed that she was putting all of my semen into another vial. "I'm collecting your sperm, if you hadn't noticed. We'll want to see what your total production is for the day later. Wow! Looks like your Mommy might need a new bra!"
I looked over. The doctor had managed to contain Mommy's gigantic breasts and I noticed for the first time that they bulged obscenely out of the bra, overflowing. Her nipples, which looked painfully rigid, pushed out of the thin material, which was now splattered with my cum. Her hips were still twitching and she was mumbling "oh goodness, oh my. Um, doctor, now that Brian has...um...ejaculated, might there be an opportunity..."
"Yes, Ms. Pepper, we'll get to you in a moment. Let's just get you both into the exam room."
Bethany leaned over and whispered into my ear, "Do you want to see Mommy cum, Brian?" Needless to say, my penis was again rock hard.
The mother and daughter medical team guided us slowly into the exam room, which was adjacent to the office. My thick, elongated penis caused me to shuffle as I walked, and my mother, naked from the waist up, except for her sheer bra, jiggled and swayed on her heels. I felt my cock lurch and worried that I might explode again, right there. But I was able to contain myself.
The nurse sat me down on a chair and went over to a drawer. As she pulled out lotion and another cum-receiving vial, I noticed that the doctor was weighing my mother.
"Hm. Looks like you are about 105 pounds. Amazing for a woman as voluptuous as you are. Let's get those heels off. Ok, your height... 4'11". Truly amazing. Ms. Pepper, you are built like a tiny sex doll, aren't you?" Mommy looked over at me and blushed. Nurse Bethany had sat down next to me and had begun stroking my massive penis again. "Doctor, please," said Mommy. "Do you have to talk like that in front of my son?"
"Oh, come now. It's something he's obviously noticed on his own. Now let's get your true measurements." She pulled a measuring tape out of her pocket. "Stand up straight please." Mommy arched her back, causing her insanely huge, round bust to thrust forward. "Ok, looks like I was about right. 29 waist. 35 hips. Please remove your bra and we'll take your bust size." Mommy sheepishly looked down, reached back and undid her bra. It popped off and her monstrous chest was again exposed. The doctor first took a measurement of her tiny torso, and then around her rock-hard nipples.
"Ms. Pepper, I'm afraid you were way off. You're bra is simply the wrong size."
Gulp. I felt the cum again welling up in my balls as nurse Bethany stroked my penis faster and faster.
"According to the measurements I'm getting, you should be wearing a 34HH."
"Oh goodness!" shrieked Mommy. "I had no idea I was that big!"
And then, for the first time, I noticed a trickle of cum running down my mother's leg. She was shuddering all over now, about to cum, just from having her body measured and examined by the doctor. And again, I came. This time, the young nurse Bethany was not ready and it spurted up into her face and onto her uniform. "Oh my! Brian, try to warn me the next time you are going to ejaculate!"
"I'm sorry, nurse Bethany. It's just that seeing my...my mother like like..."
"I know. Don't worry. It's fine." She began scooping up all my cum and filling the vial. "Let's just make sure we get all of this."
Meanwhile, the doctor was leading my twitching mother to an exam table.
"Ms. Pepper, I'd like you to take off your skirt and panties, lie down here and put your feet into these stirrups." Mommy gulped, but began removing her skirt. Meanwhile, the doctor went over to a drawer and pulled out a large object - I suppose it was a dildo, but looked somehow different - like it could contain liquid.
Mommy did as the doctor asked. She was now stark naked, exposing her giant breasts, which stood up proudly, even though she was lying down, and now her tiny vagina, which was visually twitching. In fact, when she got a look at that device that was presumably about to enter her, her hips began thrust upwards obscenely. "Oh goodness," she whispered."
Part IV: The Examinations
So there was my slim and massively stacked mother, her petite, muscular body writhing on the exam table, causing her simply enormous chest to shimmy and jiggle in constant motion. Nurse Bethany continued to jack on my painfully erect penis.
"God, your Mommy's body really is unbelievable, isn't it?" she asked, now stroking my hair with her other hand. "I mean, I've always been curvy - boys are always staring at my huge breasts, like you used to do in high school" -- she winked - "but I've never seen anyone like your mother. I mean, my Mommy, I mean, um, Doctor Morgan, is a DDD. I'm a EE. Pretty impressive, right? But your Mommy is a HH!! And on such a tiny, little body! Look at her pussy - I mean, vagina. It's so small. I'm not even sure this big thing" - she shook my penis slightly - "would fit inside her." She giggled and kissed me on the cheek. "God, you're so cute! I wish I had known you better in high school. I bet we would have had a really good time."
I didn't know where to look. A gorgeous young woman I had lusted after for years was talking dirty and jacking me off, but my equally gorgeous and much more wildly buxom mother was lying naked mere feet away from me. She was whimpering now, as the doctor approached with the dildo-like object.
"Do-doctor? Would it be ok if I...um, if I masturbated?" she pleaded. Instinctively, she had begun squeezing one of her huge, HH-cup breasts with one hand, as the other was pressing down on the flesh near her pussy, which was visibly engorged.