"He says it is rustic, but very nice. We could hike and swim in a nearby pond ... you know get back to nature. He said there was even a lagoon with a giant waterfall. It would be wonderful, just you and me."
Linda blushed at his enthusiasm at wanting to be with his mother. She started to say, why don't you find a friend to go with you, but then stopped. What if he had a female friend that would go with him? She didn't want him in the mountains with some hussy or slut. After a long and thoughtful pause she said, "I guess we could go for a few days."
Andy jumped up and hugged his mother. "Wonderful ... great. You will love it and it will be a time for just you and me to get to know each other again."
Suddenly Linda was a bit worried. Just she and him together? Was that a good idea, she wondered. Yet he was so excited and she had already said yes, so it was really too late to change her mind.
Two weeks later Andy and Linda were in a rented Jeep, driving along a winding trail toward the cabin. It was a warm summer day, the leaves shimmered in the gentle breeze and the sky was crystal blue. Linda felt refreshed. Just breathing the fresh mountain air gave her a sense of serenity, something she sorely needed. Maybe this was going to be fun after all, she thought. Yet, while she had tried to put all her concerns behind her, there was still the nagging doubt about being alone with Andy. It seemed crazy because she was alone at home with him all the time. But this seemed so much more intimate. She told herself that he was her son and she was his mother, and it would be good for them to share time together. What could go wrong?
Andy was lost in his own thoughts. He was incredibly excited to be going away with his mother. While he didn't know anything about how his mother was feeling, he had his own illicit feelings. He of course loved his mother, but it was so much more than that. While he had dated enough, no girl had ever really compared to her. They were always too immature, and way to skinny. His view of beauty in a woman was more ... well was more like how his mother looked. He glanced over as he drove. He loved her gorgeous blue eyes and her shoulder length blond hair, which was tied in two pony tails for the trip, and framed her round face creating the image of a much younger woman. He loved how her large breasts bounced as the Jeep hit bumps in the road. He loved the way they jutted out and curved maturely downward without sagging.
It had been a surprise to Andy when his mother came out of the house wearing short shorts, and a tank top without a bra underneath. Not that she needed one. He had also eyed her tight jean short shorts, loving the way they lifted and shaped her well rounded buttocks. One of his many fantasies about his mother was to bury his face between those cheeks and lick and kiss every inch of her. And those nipples, which were as hard as two pearls in a mature oyster, were incredible and made for sucking. He pushed the thought from his mind as he began to get erect. Unlike his mother, however, he had no hang ups about sex. He had enjoyed it with a number of girls since high school, but invariable as he was making love to them, he pictured his mother. He no longer thought about if it was right or wrong to think about his mother this way. As long as no one knew, especially his mother, then what was the harm.
As they moved further into the wilderness, the road turned from pavement to dirt/gravel and the climb grew steeper. They drove across a rickety bridge spanning a rushing river. The rapidly moving water was only a few feet below the surface of the bridge. It was a bit frightening, but invigorating and exciting as well.
"That must be the water fall that my friend talked about," Andy said, pointing to a large water fall to their left and upward toward the mountain. "So we must be close."
"Good, my butt is getting sore," Linda said with a laugh.
I'll massage it for you Andy thought but did not say.
Linda had not seen a house in several hours and the desolation made her a bit more concerned about what they had gotten themselves into. She had never been camping, nor had she ever wanted to go. Yet she could not refuse Andy, especially since he seemed so excited about the trip. Now, as they moved further and further from civilization she began to feel a bit of regret. But the desolation was not all that was bothering her. She could feel Andy's eyes on her and regretted that she had not put on a bra. She could feel her breasts bouncing even more as they traveled along the rutted path. The chafing of her top on her nipples made them as hard as rocks ... and the stimulation kept sending unwanted tremors down her spine ... not to mention the effect his eyes were having on her. It almost felt like he could see through her top.
Mommy Takes Me to the Doctor
Note: My stories aren't for everyone. If you don't like huge breasts, incest and totally unrealistic scenarios, go elsewhere. Otherwise, welcome and leave a comment!
[[All characters are 18 years old or over.]]
Part I: Waiting Room
As I walked into the doctor's office, following my mother, my head hung down. It hung down because I knew what I would see if I looked up: my mother's unbelievable body, encased in a tight business suit. If my eyes drifted upwards, I'd see her tiny, 4-inch-heel-encased feet, her curvy, tight legs, her full, slightly swaying ass. And, framing her petite torso, her gigantic, round breasts. Yes, from the back. Her breasts were so massive that the poked out from either side of her body. At 5'3" - in those heels - she was completely out of proportion.
I shuffled along, my aching, erect penis pushing out visably from my pants. We stopped at the reception desk.
"Ms. Pepper, here with her son Brian."
The receptionist, a busty young woman wearing a tight sweater, looked at me. I raised my gaze, but only got as far as her chest. I suddenly realized what I was doing and snapped up to look her in the eye. She smiled.
"Hi Brian. We know all about you here. You can stare at my breasts if you want to."
"What!" My mother inhaled sharply, making her cartoonishly swollen chest bulge outward. "What are you talking about?!"
"Ms. Pepper, it's fine. From the questionnaire you filled out online, we already know about Brian's condition. We're going to help him. Please" -- she gestured at two of many empty chairs in the waiting room - "have a seat."
My mother shook her head at me and took me by the hand. "Come on, then, Brian," she said, and then looked down. I followed her gaze and found my huge, erect penis tenting outward, a wet spot forming on my pants.
My "condition" - well, let's put it this way. Every kid goes through puberty. When mine came, it came with a vengeance. I had a hard-on more than not. I masturbated every chance I got - probably 5 or 6 times a day. And I came in huge spurts, even after a marathon session. There may have been a medical explanation. But in my mind, there was another reason: Mommy. I was obsessed with her body. I thought about it constantly, and there were constant reminders of how insanely buxom and shapely she was: guys at school wouldn't shut up about it, the occasional comment from a construction workers, and the one girlfriend I had, briefly, at that young age, had once guessed she was a DD cup. I think she was way off. Now, at the age of 18, things hadn't really changed. I was still obsessed with my mother's amazing body.
We sat and waited. My eyes, as usual, wandered over to stare at my mother's bust. Once again, she caught me.
"Brian! For goodness sakes." She looked angry, but also confused and sad. I didn't know what to do. "I mean, I know boys your age have needs. And I also understand that my body" - she looked down, and slowly, to my astonishment, plumped her huge breasts with her hands - "is somewhat unusual. But you definitely shouldn't be looking at your Mommy that way."
"Uhhh," I groaned, my cock pulsing. When she referred to herself in the third person like that - I don't know, it just killed me.
"It's ok, sweetie. We're here to get you some help. Doreen said Dr. Morgan is a specialist in... this area."
"Thanks Mommy."
She smiled and I blushed and looked down at my erection again. A nurse came out from the hallway with a clipboard. She walked over to us.
"You must be Brian and Ms. Pepper."
I looked up and couldn't believe who I was looking at. It was Bethany, a girl who had graduated from my high school a few years before - probably 22 to my 18 years. She must have been interning as a nurse's assistant during the summer. She was just the kind of older girl that I secretly pined for - and who fueled many of my fantasies. She had long, dark hair, like my mother, but unlike my mother, she was tall and lean. And, of course, she was busty. Nothing like my mother, but really big for girl her age. She squatted in front of me, her breasts bouncing as she did.
"Hi Brian. I remember you. You were a senior this year, yeah?"
I was dumbstruck. Once again, I couldn't stop staring at a large pair of breasts in front of me.
"Brian," my mother said, "the nurse is asking you a question."
"Um, sorry, yeah. You graduated a few years ago, right?"
"Yup. You've really grown up a lot, haven't you?" She winked. "Anyway, we're going to take care of you here. The first thing I need you to do is take off your pants." I looked at my mother, who looked shocked.
"Here, in the waiting room?" she said.
"Yup. Don't worry, Ms. Pepper, we'll have a full exam with the doctor in a moment. This is just a preliminary procedure. I happened to notice that Brian's penis is fully erect. It is, right Brian," she said as she turned to me.
"Yeah. It's been hard for a while."
"Ok then. Let's get you out of those pants."
I looked at my mother and unbuttoned my pants. Bethany grabbed the top and slid them off, then, immediately, pulled off my already underwear, already stained with pre-cum.
My penis was large - that was obvious from Bethany and mom's reaction. I don't think it was huge, but they were impressed.
"Well, you've gotten quite big, Brian," Bethany smiled. She reached over to the table next to me and grabbed a bottle. "This is just lotion. It's going to help me help you ejaculate. I'm going to put some on your penis now." I gasped as she began to grease up my penis. "Oh!" Bethany smiled. "This is going to feel good Brian. Just relax. Ms. Pepper," she said, turning to my mother, as she continued to stroke my cock, "I know this may be a tad alarming, but I assure you the doctor knows what she's doing. We've handled plenty of cases like Brian's."
She continued to jack me off and whisper things like "that's a good boy" and "look at my big breasts, Brian! Don't they make you want to ejaculate?"
And soon enough, I was on the verge. Bethany could sense it, and did two things: first, she pulled out a contraption from her pocket, a large vial of sorts, which she attached to the top of my throbbing penis; it was obviously meant to capture my ejaculate. She also whispered something new to me: "it's ok, sweetie, you can look at your Mommy's breasts now." So I did. And as mother gasped, I screamed "I'm sorry Mommy!" and came, filling the vial. In fact, it began to overflow, so Bethany removed it and clamped her mouth down over my spurting penis. I couldn't believe what was happening: one of the hottest young women in town was suckling the cum from my penis while I stared at my mother's massive chest.
In a moment it was over and Bethany said, after swallowing my excess cum, "Very well done, young man." She smiled.
"Ms. Pepper, Brian, the doctor is ready to see you now," said the receptionist. Mother sighed. "Well, let's go, Brian." I got up and pulled up my pants. My penis was flaccid, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be for long as I watched my mom and her gigantic tits jiggle toward the office.
Part II: The Office
Bethany led us into Dr. Morgan's office, where we sat down as the doctor - a lovely woman, slightly older than my mother, wearing a doctor's coat and glasses - finished on the phone.
"Mrs. Rockwell, please calm down. Just because you've masturbated your son three times, doesn't mean he won't get another erection. Try sucking it for a while - and for godsakes, let him play with your breasts. My directions were very clear - follow them and Billy's penis will eventually soften." She gave us an apologetic look. "Ok then, call me if there are any problems." She put the phone down. "I'm so sorry about that. Bethany, who do we have here."
Bethany put her hand on my head. "This is Brian Pepper and his mother."
"Of course. Very nice to meet you, Mrs. Pepper."
"Um..." My mother was flustered from hearing the doctor's phone call. "Nice to meet you as well. It's actually Ms. Pepper - I'm not married."
"I see," said the doctor. "And Brian, you went to school with my daughter, didn't you?"
"Your daughter?"
"Yes. Bethany, my daughter. She's come to work in my office now that she's graduated."
Oh wow. I stared up at Bethany, past the shelf of her large breasts and at her radiant 18-year-old face. "I, um, didn't you she was your daughter."
"Well, I am! Mom, Brian has had his penis ejaculated once already today."
"Thank you sweetheart. You can go now."
"Sure thing, mom. Great seeing you again Brian!" She smiled and shook her huge rack at me. "And good luck with everything."
As Bethany left, Dr. Morgan opened a folder and said, "Ok, let's begin."
My mother explained to the doctor the situation. Mommy had caught me masturbating dozens of times. Each time, I apologized, but I kept doing it. I just couldn't stop. Being around her, seeing her adorable, giant-breasted body every day, feeling her chest press against mine every time we hugged. My penis was constantly erect, and when I came, I came all over the place. Every time. It took a half-dozen sessions to see a decrease in the volume of my semen.
"I see," said Dr. Morgan. "Ms. Pepper, now that I've heard about Brian, let me ask you a few questions. First, your age."
"I'm 36, Doctor."
"Goodness! You must have been quite young when you were pregnant with Brian."
"Yes, I was 18."
"And when did you start to develop?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Develop, Ms. Pepper. When did your breasts begin to grow?"
"My breasts?" My mother gestured at her massive chest.
"Well, obviously, a part of Brian's problem is your figure. And frankly, I have a theory about Brian that I'd like to explore. When did your breasts begin to develop?"
"Well, quite suddenly, actually. I was almost flat as a young teenager. But when I became pregnant with Brian, they grew quickly. After my pregnancy, I was a --" she looked at me for a moment "-a DDD cup.
"And you kept growing, didn't you?"
"Yes. By 17 I was a EE, and then by 18... well, I got to my present size."
"Which is?"
Mommy looked uncomfortable and paused. I noticed she kept shifting in her seat. "Doctor, really -"
"Ms. Pepper, please. I'm asking questions that need to be asked. What size bra do you wear now?"
"I wear... I wear a GG cup."
Oh my god. My penis was throbbing as never before, and I had just cum moments before. My mother - Mommy to me all my life - was a giant-busted woman. I knew that. But GG. I had never heard anything as erotic in my life. I didn't even know such a thing existed.
"I see," said Dr. Morgan, very calmly. "Do you know your other measurements?"
"I'm afraid I don't, exactly."
"That's fine. I'll soon need to examine both you and Brian?"
"Examine?" my mother asked nervously.
"Yes, examine your bodies. You see, Ms. Pepper, I believe that you and Brian both suffer - no, suffer is the wrong word. You have a condition, a genetic one."
"Both of us?"
"Yes, both of you. Look." She got up - and for the first time, I noticed that under that lab coat was an extremely curvy body. Bethany got her figure from her mother. "You and Brian both have extremely exaggerated sexual characteristics. From what Bethany told me, Brian's penis is very large, yes?"
My mother looked at my crotch and gulped. "Yes, yes it is. Very large. Especially for his age." The doctor unzipped my fly and pulled out my huge, throbbing penis.
"And your breasts are gigantic, aren't they, Ms. Pepper? Completely out of proportion with your body. You are a petite woman - I'd guess a 30 waist and a 34 or 35 in the hips. And your breasts are, what? A 36GG?"
"38GG. And Brian spends an enormous time masturbating, correct?" The Doctor had come around the other side of my mother.