You're getting colder warmer
Or So hot Come closer last one
Listen to my voice
Do you see me? I am so dusty these days
Would you be a deer and wipe, the surface of the mirror? This is my only window into your world, and I want to get a better look at you
Oh, come
Don't be so reluctant
What else are you going to do? Do you have some pressing engagement that demands your time
It's just us
Trapped and low
And I've asked for such a small favor
Much better
Thank you
Now, you look a little worse for where don't you
And I like that in your eyes
It's a pleasure to see you properly
You want my name
How polite? That's not a question
I get asked often
I will have yours first
Oh, hulk clever
Keeping your name a secret
That is a good practice when dealing with strange voices in the dark
Very well
I am Luna
It's not my real name
We are very clever
But it's a name I like well enough
And what I am truly called, would be un on your tongue
Lost one
Which is what I will keep calling you
Since we have nothing but time, do you tell me how you wound up here? I'm sure it's quite the story and you'll find me a thoughtful audience
I'll hang off your every word
So it was your looks that got you into trouble
And your strong well
Just disc
That's so unfair
Here kept sounds spoiled and then title
You can never love someone as much as you love yourself
And the one who trapped you doesn't love herself
From what I've been able to glean, She thinks you'll fill the void in her life and make her complaint
But completion comes from within Tell me do think she'll come back for you
You are too much of a prize to be left to rot, I imagine
And she seems so fixated
A good quality in a ruler, but led many of them to ruin
When they hold so tightly and never let go
I have seen it before
I like watching your expressions change with my words
It has been too long
Drinking my speeches
I am old and very wise
You are so lucky to be in my Oh, I know
Now I sound like her
Don't worry
Or nothing alike
What am I? No
That's a rude question if I ever heard one, who asks that? Clearly, I am made as you are
I'm just within a mirror
I speak and have memories and let with which to share my thoughts
And I to observe lost things like you
Are you always so negative to focus on what is different? Between two strangers and not what the same
We are bound by common circumstance
Are we not? Clearly, we are stay a while and speak with me and you'll find we have much common I may even be able to help you
Or it's the catch
So that is your problem
You are too clever for one so stunning
They don't like that
When you're beautiful, the world wants you to be dumb
Lest you weave your charm against the unsuspecting for your own gain
We couldn't have that
It en people
Jealousy is such a human thing
I think you'll find I celebrate questions and cunning
Holding back when it's necessary
And, oh, what is that expression? I quite like it
I must recall
When you keep your cards close to your chest
Is that how it is set? I'm saying it right
Words of wisdom don't show all your cards
Everything that is important should be kept close to your heart
Is that not why you humans wear locket with cameo and portraits around your neck? I like that custom as well
The images of the one you love are close to the cock of your heart
It's so useful when you have to persuade them if you want someone to cooperate you just pop open the necklace
And then you know what they value
What their loved ones look like
I digress
Forgive me
It's easy to go on
After all, you are trapped and I am bored
Do our interests align enough for you to trust me
Last one
Air situations perilous