Battle been going on during the time
I've been watching you all? And I've read some reports from mother, researched your planet
Throughout many different time periods
I have to admit something
I know it keeps saying you're not unique and un remarkable and
Jane normal and all that will
I sent a bit
Because to me, you are special, you are unique
You do take of apart from all the other humans I've observed? You're definitely someone worthwhile with me duck
That's for sure
Because I really really loved watching you
More than any other human any of a creature in your planet? If i this one, i think you call it a dolphin, Follow those for a while
That just very neat
You're quite good peculiar creatures
If to give them more credit
I think are smarter of me Humans
Just just saying
Aside from a dolphin
You are just maybe something about you that I'm just unexpectedly drawn too
Let's just say i feel varied emotions when I think about you and when I watch you, I guess you would call it bit romantic inclination
I think that'd be the right terminology
Of course
My issues definition from is bit different yours
We don't
Usually made for life you see
We tend to get around to spread our genetics as much as possible
It really really helps forming armies quickly
I'm a bit different than others on my planet
I you believe there was some benefits in lifelong, completely loyal and devoted partner
That's how I feel
And seeing back home
I don't have one
I've been round, Don't get me wrong
Tried partners before, but Don't the way I would like to have
So part of why I joined the team to sent out to your account observe your planets and find languages
This cfpb maybe My special one of a kind someone was smart else in the universe
And you know what? I think I found them
I think I'm very, very special someone
I've been seeking out for all this time
All this searching planet by planet
And once I observed your planet person by person, creature by creature, Well, I think my special someone Is you
See this a thing
I'm not gonna let you go
In fact, I gonna take you back home with me
So I can keep you forever and ever and ever never
In ever
You'll get to know my planet to my people
Does that sound neat and interesting? Don't worry
Don't worry
We have the technology student breathe on there
You have to wear some special devices, but it's possible? And see with the right lab work be to figure out how to properly combine our genetics and produce successful offspring
And they'll be stronger than the typical shaman was they'll be hybrid with a human
So we'll have some of your primitive tree
But that might make them bit more of an aggressive soldier
Or even a more curious researcher? Because your space is definitely curious
Gotta to give credit for that
So no
Not gonna take you back home
So now is the time for me to bring you aboard my ship A little bit of observing experimenting, and then set cores for home
This coming away for quite a while and I think my job is just very complete
So yes you're never leaving me
Never ever ever ever
I'm gonna keep you for all Eternity
All across the universe
I'm gonna show you what my species version of love is all about
I do think love is the right word for this
I love you
I've fallen in the love with you
And I'm going to keep you as mine
And only mine
And you're going to devote yourself to me
And only me
And no one else
Okay? Alright
Well, I've got to go do some logs and set my course and whatnot not? And perhaps grab myself some sustenance
And I'm not quite ready to have me wonder the ship yet and don't really trust you to not go looking for an escape pod
So I'm just gonna put you back to sleep Okay
My sweet darling
Have a good rest in hyper sleep
It'll wake you up upwards
The ship is home bound
I love