I want you
You belong to me And
Else get that cute
No one else can have you
I've been wanting this for seoul
I know you can't move
I'm gonna lay down next you on the bed
Isn't this so nice? I've been wanting this or so
I play happy
And I will make sure you left me too
Something about the way that you look at me
Even in this position
Me feel like
Maybe you had feelings for me too
Do you do you also like me Really? You've had feelings like room
Do like make your voice get caught in your throat? Who i make you nervous
I wanna know every
I am so so love with you He just
You wouldn't understand
I'd liked you for so long Ever since I took the potion, well, I can think about us how desperately I wanna know about you
I've been with you as your friend
But it's not enough
I need to know how you react to three situation
But I need to know how you feel
When something terrible happens
I need to know
How you react? When your dreams come true
I wanna know everything about you
The good
The died
The beautiful in the ugly
I have to know
You are my obsession
My fascination
I do anything to know every little part about you? To fully understand you and know you are
That is true
A willingness list to do? Anything for that person? You agree me told you
If i wasn't way willing because of such links for you
How would you know I truly loved you? You wouldn't
And i would do anything
For? So don't never have to worry your question if I hope you or not
I won't always be here
In fact
Would you like to hear an interesting story? I can prove you
How much I love here? After
Wouldn't don't it be silly for me to come in here and make a dual large claim? And has nothing to back it up
I sure
You noticed I heard bag with me
Have you wondered what's in the bag? Ropes
My knives? There's something else important too
Let me get a little bit of a backstory story
I noticed your friends had an been kindly you lately
They just miss you
They make you feel replaceable
They see terrible things about you
Behind get back
They make you feel like you don't belong
Like there's no point anymore
My love
You don't deserve that
You don't deserve feel worthless
You don't deserve to feel like the people around you hate you
You deserve to feel loved and appreciated it
And so I took it upon myself
Did i rid of them for you
You look like you don't believe me
Like I said, he would be foolish ocean should need to show up without any proof
Let me show you what I have
Can know what's in this box? That's cute little boxes isn't it
A little heart
We can rattle it around
Here's some stuff inside
Is he anticipation killing you? What's in it? Wait me open it up and fly down
Little open
You'd like to see when you? Here
Now tilt it down so you can have a little peek
What do see? It looks like some teeth
Some little
And what is that? My These are not props
He's are the real thing
I assure you
I took their eyes because I hated the way they looked at you
They stared you was so much resentment
So much hatred i didn't just dislike
They do not deserve their eyes
I took their teeth
Because I hated the way they spoke about you
Spreading gossip and lies
Painting your already fragile reputation