:I have removed the speedy tag. The Bissu are a real group and I would suggest that you include some references as soon as possible. Thanks.
yeah totally, but why is this page protected?
Hi, there are many Filipino Americans including Filipinos who live in Hawaii. Many send their kids back to the Philippines and their are not rich but middle class. A lot of them are not Spanish Mestizos. Some speak English at home with a mixture of Tagalog words. There also many Filipino Chinese who speak English in schools with a mixture of Tagalog. I've had many class mates since high school up to college who were Chinese and kids of Filipino Americans in the Philippines. Since Konyo English refers to: >Konyo or conyo is a neologism that refers to certain stereotyped affluent sectors of >society. These people are often considered to be the rich kids who are not used to >the sufferings of poorer people. I would like to separate Englog into different articles. Jondel, I think you have a point in that Englog needs to cover the mixed speech of Filipinos of other levels/classes. I don't think it warrants a separate article, though, for what would the new articles be called? I think it would be simpler to simply add another section into this article to cover the other types. ==Konyo English== There are many filipino English speakers like the Filipino chinese and American chinese. Please stop portraying them as seperate from the mainstream filipino. What kind of a statement is this 'These people are often considered to be the rich kids who are not used to the sufferings of poorer people.' Is this an anti-rich article? :Marami talagang ganyan sa ’Pinas, yung mga tipong iri-reject ka as Filipino just because you speak English better than you do Tagalog. Ang kakapal no? Who says one needs to speak Tagalog or act or even look “Filipino” (kung paano man yon) in order to be Filipino? Anyway the offensive stuff seems to have been edited out so it’s cool. Ok. i-archive ko na 'to. Parang ayaw nilang (-fellow pinoys in PI) magsalita ng english. Pero kahit balut vendor, mas magaling pang mag-English kay sa mga doctorate dito na hapon. Yung iba-ng hapon, sinasabi nilang hindi daw tayo marunong mag english kasi hindi daw 'native speaker.
" — Preceding unsigned comment added by • 27 July 2013‎"
I wish McCain well and I sincerely hope thesecomments aren't full of nastiness about mental health - people should read the comments from his political opponents in the article.
==Possible illustration== If it could be understood more exactly what the coin is...
:You're welcome, Bkell.
"It is Mr. Trudeau’s problem, arguably one of his own making." Well, let's argue that. Yes, no question: Trudeau's foot-in-tweet come-one-come-all message really did it. But the REAL problem? Social media. Well, no stopping that. Next problem: the American President's deportation rhetoric. Well, no stopping that, either, even if Mr. Kelly is Chief of Staff. It's hot air, really (US couldn't afford the costs to deport everyone it doesn't--suddenly--approve of.). But that doesn't matter, once fear sets in. Hot air from the Whitehouse: We're clamping down; we don't want you and you're gonna go. Hot air from Ottawa: y'all come! And a long undefended border. The perfect storm. Haitians may only be the START of this thing...
So, the bishops declined to talk together about Amoris Laetitia. We, I don't know that I phrased that quite right, but someone decided that they wouldn't talk about it. Bishop Christopher Coyne of Burlington, Vt., "chairman of the communications committee of the bishops' conference" ... "said the topic was not on the agenda of the executive session at the fall meeting." More, the bishops really do not have a venue for this discussion since presentations at the annual meeting are limited to 15-20 minutes. More, and I just love this, quoting Coyne and whoever wrote this story: "There would be a divisive conversation around" the document because in an open forum it would be very difficult to protect the discussion from "those who would want to read it one way and those who would want to read it another way." Open forum and the expectation is that there would be different opinions expressed and that would be bad. These are grown-ups, right?
I encourage stepping outside of this bubble and stretching your legs and seeing a healthier view on things. Loving your neighbor. All the problems in this article could be fixed by providing a pathway to documentation for illegal immigrants. Each immigrant worker is also another consumer in the market and they not really affecting the unemployment rate one way or another. A path to documentation would allow immigrants to purchase real Healthcare, contribute equal taxes, and to log any criminal activity, and most immigrants would be just fine with that, because most of them are not criminals. My experience with undocumented immigrants is that there's a lot of mowing lawns, painting houses, Roofing houses, coming home each night to Children and Families, and quite often going to church every Sunday. There are scary groups of troublemakers in every demographic. Let's start embracing our brothers and sisters.
Do you not know how google works?
" to ""create new section?"" How"
::::::There are seven sourced lists, anything outside of the sources is Original Research.
You have been temporarily blocked from editing for vandalism of Wikipedia. If you wish to make useful contributions, you may come back after the block expires. ]]
" == Regarding Recent Game List Edits == When you recently edited the List of open source games and said ""Common standards for such list applied,"" you deleted a very significant number of games that were, in fact, open source, including several with Wikipedia pages that actually stated quite clearly that they were indeed open source. Would you care to come over to the Talk:List of open source games and review the (still partial, as of time of writing,) list of changes you made to the article (incorrect and correct) that has kindly put together? Oh, and I think I noticed some discrepancies on the List of freeware games page, too, such as your puzzling deletion of YSFlight, but that's not really what I'm here to discuss. Thank you for your time, and I hope to see you input on the Talk Page. - "
Correct me if I´m wrong but Kosovo´s autonomy was reduced in 1989 because it was on level of republics of Yugoslavia and in 1990 it was revoked. Same happened in Vojvodina. And that really doesn´t matter ´cause that doesn´t make from Kosovo unique case. Charter of the UN Organisation is proclaiming that borders of the state cannot be chagned without agreement of that state. That´s all what matters. If this was disturbed and international community agree with that (at least those 33 states) than it can be taken as precedens. And I don´t know if you know that Nagorno-Karabakh, South Ossetia and Abkhazia alsready announced that they will appel on international community to recongize these territories of Azerbajan and Georgia as independent states, as well. Their decision was based on Kosovo´s precedens.
But it went just fine. There are so many safe ways to live your life, and then there's living your life. They obviously know what they're doing. Let them be.
Brown was for years, and remains, a Harperite. I don't need any more information than that.
....and rgds from the first snows of Europe!
Not accepting immigrants will make it impossible for Canada to maintain its GDP and economic growth, not to mention skills enhancement. That will mean job losses - are you the one prepared to give up your job because you would rather keep immigrants out? Perhaps as a decendent of an immigrant you might be prepared to give up your place in Canada for a new comer. Seems a double standard here.
== Stop == Stop writing things about Nazis u mother fucking dumbass american
" : Please stop adding this blog site to articles. Your edits are being reverted by users other than just myself. () "
::Learn to spell, yank.
==Number of Followers== Are there any estimates of the number of voodoo practicioners in the United States, Haiti, and other areas? Maybe some people have listed voodoo on their Census forms. When I saw Marie Laveaux's grave in 1990 there appeared to be a fair number of people who had been there recently, and there were also those who believed that she was entombed not in her marked tomb, but other nearby tombs. Marks and trinkets were left at those locations as well. As for the voodoo vs. catholicism debate, I think church leaders really, really hate it, like a gardener hates weeds.
...and were decided by voters during the 1988 election.
I wonder if Trudope pulled her aside to get some pointers on 'winning a Nobel Peace Prize'? The guy is just dying to get one any which way he can....
Actually, we only really owe the Guptas once they manage to rid us of the cANCer by killing it like the disease it is..
A nice lesson for this millenial: yes, actions do have consequences
, and they say that they reject certain tenets of fascism such as the single-party state
I attended the entire trial and would like to add to the conversation. 1. To the jurors--we recognize the huge time commitment that this trial has taken. Thank you for listening to the evidence and being willing to be part of the process. 2. To the reporter who wrote the initial story--I challenge you to consider how your actions have impacted the community, those who work in Emergency Rooms around the state, and my family. I ask you to consider a different approach to reporting when cases arise. I would hope that future reporting would include listening to the defendant's testimony, showing up for the sworn evidence not just the opening statements (which are not sworn testimony), and really considering if you are presenting the case in a neutral, unbiased voice. 3. To the health care providers in Alaska- I thank each and every once of you. 4. To my husband, Dr. Lee, I am proud of you for standing up with integrity and courage.
"that is, close to zero." My money says it isn't even 'close" just ZERO chance! And the much bigger problem is that the elected, particularly in Eugene are no better at running government affairs then if the citizens were to just relay on a cheap Louisiana palm reader for advice.
|people of New Jersey|military-people|the American Revolutionary War
:So it has! -
:Usually, yes, but checkuser is used to investigate things not related to sockpuppetry, and when we come across someone evading a block, we often don't file a report. In this case, I was processing some account creation requests and found this account to be evading blocks on several previous accounts. ​— ​
Are you kidding me ? Who in the heck cares about the Isobel cup or wants a picture of it ? Now if the Real NHL cup is in town , lets get photo's . This event is a million miles from when Scott Gomez brought the real cup to town . Now that was something to celebrate.
:I am not Enviroknot but I support anyone who will oppose lying Islamist fucks who try to whitewash Islam's crimes against women, especially weak-minded fools like you.
":Contribute what? You do fuck all here. "
The suggestion that La Sallete is "forgottent" is very far from being true. The Missionaries of La Sallete have shrines in no less than thirteen countries, to which thousands of people go on pilgrimages, as well as running numerous parishes.
}} {{WikiProject History of Science|class=Start
:::That was about the infobox though, which is completely different. If several reliable publications qualify the UKIP as far-right it should definitely be mentioned.
2015 (UTC) :If the article was originally set up with BC/AD, we stick with that per the rules - it has nothing to do with religion. This is also the ENGLISH Wiki, and that is to be expected. 19:30, 6 September
" What!? I can't believe this was linked to the front page in it's present grammatical condition. The article says ""at all costs"" several times in the first two paragraphs alone. And as for this construction: ""The Hunger Plan may have being planned almost as soon.."" English, mutha focker, do you speak it???"
:Sounds fine to me. Worth considering: currently glycomics is more developed than glycome, lipidomics more than lipidome, and proteomics more than proteome. On the other hand, kinome is crap, but kinomics doesn't exist at all.
Why is the state executive director of the Colorado Farm Service Agency a federal appointee?
" Ok, I was stupid. Editing the thing with — everywhere is *horrible*! Instead I've put a comment at the top explaining to editors how to get the correct type of dash. Also, I failed to notice until now that there is an ""Insert"" link with it on the edit page anyway! Humble apologies... "
"And we’ve committed to 100 percent renewable energy by 2045..." Not true. Not even close. The fact is, Hawaii's law on renewable energy omits our greatest source of climate pollution - the burning of kerosene jet fuel for the long-haul transport of nearly 10 million visitors from their homes around the planet to our islands and back again. Add in Hawaii resident and military air transport, and this sector generates CO2 equivalents totalling twice ALL other sectors combined! Due to our popularity and geographic isolation, tourism here is a very very dirty industry, When Hawaii's aviation sector emissions are properly accounted for, our average per capita climate pollution is one of the worst in the Nation, and much greater than California's. Chad and CB should stop feeding the state's ra-ra propaganda around our deficient climate plan and lack of committment to carbon neutrality. A real plan would require aviation CO2 offsets, such as local reforestation carbon credits. Let's do it!
Sfax. There is a copy of the report in Word format in the files of a Yahoo Group called predred Files > Med Fleet, 1850s-80s, letters and reports. If you want the diagrams you need to look at Public Record Office file ADM 116/27. As far as I know, there was no published version of this. *Victoria Courtmartial. This was published by HMSO in 1893 at a price of 4 shillings and 11 pence. They are not difficult to get second hand - try AJ Simmonds bookshop in Greenwich.
into a Jewish family
You did a good job adding the rationale, but you need to remove the warning or else the image will still be deleted. '''''' talk
As a former RCMP member, I must agree with you. The Force is struggling to be too many things to too many people. Recruiting is down, members are quitting in dismay over promotions, pay and personnel issues. The demand from the Province of BC alone has outstripped their ability to supply new members. It would be best if they were to give the provinces a 5 years 'heads-up' to allow them to plan the pull back from uniform policing. They could then focus on federal matters, and work at attempting to regain some of the credibility they have lost.
John5 writes: "Its amazing, that even after poll numbers on the Left continue to drop" -- Please detail what you are referring to when you state that "poll numbers on the Left continue to drop". Waiting........ Here's some hard poll numbers for you - Gallup on Trump's approval/disapproval rating: 37% Approve 58% Disapprove Worst ever for a POTUS at this point in their Presidency. Ouch!
== Horse Slaughter in New Mexico == Why have you betrayed the decent people of the United States? We thought you were going to be a strong Republican woman Govenor. You are weak, and have given a false impression as to your stand on Horse Slaughter. Why did you not STOP RICK DE SANTOS? You would have been a hero, been first to stand up for what the voters of this country really want, others would have seen you as a humane leader and would have followed in their states. The disappointment I feel for you is felt by many others as well. Rick de Santos is a felon, a two time felon, he destroyed a town, ruthless and is INHUMANE. He was convicted WHEN HE WAS SLAUGHTERING CATTLE. Horses are fright and flight animals and cannot be Slaughtered humanly. They are alive when they are hoisted by a rear leg while their throats are cut. Pregnant mares are aborting on the kill floors while their foals are beaten to death. Have you gone to a kill floor? I think not. You must stand up for decency, which is what America is about, and save our beloved horses from this horrific death. lindaleecustard@yahoo.com
"Jacqueline Hinman, chairman and CEO of CH2M Hill Cos., a Colorado-based engineering company that manages projects including light rail in Toronto ..." And we all know how well this project is going ... too funny.
The Protesters? Like this one? I agree. "Suddenly an individual in a green hoodie punched Furniss in the face, before quickly disappearing into the crowd. Furniss recoiled, but carried on walking. Blood trickled from his lip down his chin." Or this? "Further from the center, a few members of the crowd members were encouraging people to punch him. “"No one will know it’s you,” one male protester in a gray hoodie said." http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/education/article179680501.html Again I agree. Hateful behaviors from them.
You forgot the third and perhaps biggest group: the working class. These workers in the private sector who see their bosses who take "risks" (like banks, or factories) who then regularly dodge or avoid taxes. They then automate their jobs or ship them to Mexico or China. Many of these private sector workers pay more tax as a proportion of their income than their boss whether by salary or by the hour. They are not shareholders. They do not make enough to "sprinkle" to their kids. They, too think it's unfair.
The voice of the Old South blares again. How dare anyone honor anyone without honoring all? The black soldiers role was not only "downplayed", they were removed from all references to the AlCan building for years after the war because of military classification. Military classification controlled by white, southern officers dedicated to segregation of the entire nation. Alaska was, literally, ruled by a General Buckner, an avowed racist who implemented segregation policies throughout Alaska during WWII. He ordered no black soldiers to be allowed to mix with local natives as violating his Old South code against miscegenation. Only the heroism of an Alaska Native woman broke the vile continuation of bigotry and racism against all "colored" people as part of the Buckner legacy. Since you have internet access, the truth is readily available so you can find out "how".
**Update 2: I've heard reports of numerous stores planning to break the release date, and have gotten my hands on hard evidence (a scan of a Real Canadian Superstore ad). I have tons of evidence from people on forums, but they aren't reliable sources, so we'll have to wait for notable websites to announce this before making a big deal out of it. right now I added a little blurb to the bottom of the article. Feel free to delete it if it breaks any policies.
While this is very much a side note, I'd just like to point out that as I understand it, Baptists claim not to be Protestant that is, they say they have nothing to do with the Protestant reformation.
" ::::OK - I removed it, and attach it below, since there might be useful stuff to pull out - ==Examples== Examples in English include but are not limited to: :{| class=""wikitable"" style=""font-size:90%"" |- !width=80px| Original term ! Minced oath ! Notes |- | God | goodness, gosh, golly, gad, gor | |- | Jesus | gee, geez, geesh, jiminy, sheesh, jingo, Jason, Jaysus, Jeebus | |- | Christ | crickets, crikey, cripes, Crisp | |- | Jesus Christ (two words) | Jiminy Cricket or Jiminy Christmas, Judas Priest, Jeepers Creepers, Cheese and Rice, Geez Louise, Jeezum Crow, Jason Crisp | |- | Hell | Heck, H-E-double-toothpicks, H-E-double-hockey-sticks | |- | asshole | a-hole, a-hat | |- |damn | darn, dang, dern, drat | | |- | dipshit | dipstick | As heard on the TV show ""The Dukes of Hazzard"" | |- | goddamn | doggone, dadgum, goodnessdarn, gorram, goshdarn, goshdang, goshdern, gotdang, consarn, dognad |""Gorram"" entered popular usage after the debut of the Joss Whedon TV series Firefly (TV series). |- | damnation | tarnation, dangnation | |- | God blame me, God blind me | blimey | |- | what the Hell | what the heck, what in Sam Hill, what the hey, what in the world | |- | bastard | bar steward | |- | fucking | flipping, freaking, fricking, frigging, fudging, effing, fracking, frakking, frilling, fecking | ""Fecking"" is widely used in Ireland, but it has a different etymology and is not simply a minced version of ""fucking"". ""Fracking"" or ""frakking"" (alt spelling) has come into more common use since the Ron Moore reboot of the Battlestar Galactica (TV series) franchise, though the term is native to the original incarnation.. |- | motherfucker | mother-father, Morgan Freeman, melon-farmer, monkey-fighter, mussel-shucker, muzzafuzza, fuhther-mucker, mothertrucker, mothersucker motherlover, mofo, mother effer, motherfecker | The term 'melon-farmer' was frequently used in movies in the 1980s and 1990s to replace 'motherfucker', thereby making the movie suitable for younger audiences. For similar reasons, FX's TV edit of Snakes on a Plane employed the noun-noun compound ""monkey-fight"" in its infinitive form as an attributive verb. |- | shit | shoot, sugar, shucks, ish, shite, schnap | |- | bullshit | bologna, bulwark, bull, BS, bullcrap | |- | nuts | nerts, bananas | |- | bitch | beach, beyotch, witch | |- | son of a bitch | son of a gun, son of a pup, son of a biscuit, son of a preacher man, | Many different etymologies have been proposed for ""son of a gun,"" which may have an independent origin from ""son of a bitch."" |- | Christ's money | criminy, crimony | The thirty pieces of silver in exchange for which Judas betrayed Jesus. |- | pissed off | ticked off, brassed off, cheesed off | |- | prig, prude, bitch, or sissy | prissy | |- |} Examples in other languages: :{| class=""wikitable"" style=""font-size:90%"" |- !width=80px| Original term !width=80px| Minced oath ! Notes |- | sacre Dieu | sacrebleu | A French minced oath |- | Carlos Menem | Carlos Méndez | A modern Argentinian use of minced oath: ex-president Menem had a fame of bringing bad luck (especially in sports), to the point that many in his country avoided pronouncing his surname and replaced it with the euphemistic Méndez.El País: La derrota refuerza la fama de gafe de Carlos Menem (The [team's] defeat reinforces Carlos Menem's reputation of being a jinx. |- | mierda | Miércoles | Panamanian; the speaker catches him/herself and utters ""Wednesday"" instead of ""shit"" |} ===Other religious examples=== * suffering succotash, of Loony Tunes fame, instead of Suffering Saviour. * God's will and God's peace (see, e.g., the St. Crispin's Day Speech in Shakespeare's Henry V) *
==Taiwan Straits tunnel?== The Jingtai Expressway article reports that plans are under consideration for a road link between Beijing and Taipei, including a possible tunnel under the Taiwan Straits from the Chinese mainland (likely Fujian province, according to the article). If this is confirmed, surely it might be notable on the topic of tunnels.
(Prof. K.A.N. Sastri in History of South India- From Pre historic times to Fall of Vijayanagar and Dr. S.U. Kamath in A Concise History of Karnataka)
A second mistake: The second relation of the canonical (anti-)commutation relations, namely [a,a]=0, is not mentioned. For the single boson this is of no importance (since uv-uv=0). However, it is relevant for fermions since here one would get the constraint uv+uv=0 for a single fermionic mode which can only be satisfied by either u=0 or v=0. Consequence: One needs to consider at least two modes (e.g. spin up and down). Hence I would suggest to delete the paragraph about the single fermionic mode altogether and to extend the multi-mode section instead (referring to Bogoliubov-de Gennes Hamiltonians, see recent literature about topological insulators).
== Speedy deletion declined: File:Pastor Ray Llarena.jpg == Hello PH 0447, and thanks for patrolling new pages! I am just letting you know that I declined the speedy deletion of File:Pastor Ray Llarena.jpg, a page you tagged for speedy deletion, because of the following concern: The reason given is not a valid speedy deletion criterion. You may wish to review the WP:CSDCriteria for Speedy Deletion before tagging further pages. Thank you. • • logs)
::Link added , thanks
== User:Schummerisadick == Hello. After blocking this guy you might also want to remove his creation Schummer which I first tried to save but it turned out that it was nonsense.
Constitutional rights trump all other considerations. Kaepernick can be fired for his protest, but constitutionally, the NFL cannot make Kaepernick's job dependent on him NOT exercising his civil rights. That would be a violation of his constitutional rights. What you don't understand is that you are NOT doing the same thing he is. You are doing something else altogether, and the only commonality between your stated views and Kaepernick's act of protest is that no one is arresting you. Other than that, your criticism has little to nothing in common with Mr. Kaepernick's act of protest.
Reliable shill KK pops up immediately to support the oil companies. KK, all owners of mineral rights, of which the State of Alaska is one, get royalties from the sale of *their* minerals. This applies whether you are the State of Alaska or some rancher outside San Antonio. The oil companies do not support Alaska. They pay us royalties for our oil. Similarly, radio stations do not support musicians. They pay musicians for the right to play their music so that the radio station can sell commercials to advertisers and advertisers will buy it because people tune in to listen to the music. Your lies don't sink in with anyone except the very low IQ folks in Alaska, of which there are an abundance thanks to oil companies.
what up, my comma deleting nigga?
Assuming your propositions, how is it that Vatican I may be heterodox and Vatican II orthodox? Why the assumption that VI is orthodox and VII not?
es siper y kiero k salga otra vez
This article and to a greater extent, the CNN story I just watched shows the dishonesty rampant in much of the MSM, some in favor of Hillary. The article described the bomb in NJ as exploding in a garbage can shortly before a scheduled 5K Run by Marines. In fact, the 5k run was scheduled at 9 AM, was delayed, and the bomb went off at about 9:35 AM on a section of the course where if the run had started on time, there would have been a large number of runners at the location the bomb went off. On CNN, a few minutes ago, they first showed a video of Trump relating that he had just been briefed on his plane that there had been a bombing in NY City, Then they showed a video of Hillary saying that we need to wait until we get all the details before commenting in detail. This comment was actually after she had already stated that she had been briefed about a bombing in NY City. The reporter then stated that Trump talked about a bombing and Hillary talked much differently. A flat out lie!
I agree Charlie, let's hope it is the start of something long term. Ignor all the naysayers. If we can just increase production a bit now and more in the future, the economy will take off again. Then the state can spend more money on projects to generate revenue other then oil, like they have tried to do for the last 50 years, eventually they just might.
Why do so many people view Trump's withdrawal from an agreement that would cost the U.S. over two trillion dollars, as him saying that the U.S. won't continue to curb emissions? He never said we would stop cutting emissions; he said we would not pay for other countries' rulers to take our money and not put it towards the intended purpose. I like having a businessman looking at, and cutting, our expenditures!
Can I talk about anime or manga with you in this page? Are you interested in anime?— •
Sure, kpare, but if we don't get access to these highly skilled leaders in their field, there are no jobs for the new recruits. As Canadian tech companies - I lead one - we don't know what we don't know. Searching the world for the best talent to help us grow quickly ("scale" as many like to call it) helps us add new junior positions that we're pleased to fill w Canadian kids. C.
" Concerning how the present world considers people, like Ken Ham, I don't understand why people these days are dubbing what is good, ""evil"", and what is evil, ""good."" "
The Devil's Advocate: As to your claims about the second sentence, you are mistaken on several points. WP:LEDE says nothing about primary sources, even if your description of that source as a primary source had any legitimacy. ::* You seem to be operating under significant misunderstanding here. The portion of WP:LEAD that is relevant is this: Apart from trivial basic facts, significant information should not appear in the lead if it is not covered in the remainder of the article. Sources (primary or otherwise) which exist only in the lead cannot be considered trivial/basic facts. I realize that wikipedia policy is not always straightforward, but your approach and understanding of policy does not appear to be sufficiently developed. Please do invest some more time in understanding policy. The content sourced to (Ceci/Williams) is clearly under dispute. Without a secondary source to establish the weight of that content inserting it into the article is a misuse of primary sources. Inserting editorial content into the lead without author attribution, as if it were fact, is a gross misuse of sources. Disruptive editing like this only hurts the project.
::There is a sort of vanity in the idea that if you are not in Wikipedia you are not notable. There are indeed many pianists who have had distinguished performing and recording careers who are not yet on WP.
" Please do not vandalize pages, as you did with this edit to Wyatt Earp. If you continue to do so, you will be blocked from editing. '''rolls''' "
Will have to be later (appropriately, going up to Derby now - will see if I can find a yellow dot on the way there). Belper dot was in the right place. Bob
Politicians have been doing just that for decades, why is it now this major issue? The Democrats took government control of 1/6 of the nations GDP based lies and misinformation and liberals applauded that action.
The Buttercups didn't get all churned up because of Milo's "gayness," whatever that actually is, and you know it.
What is Made at Whinfell Forest, please publish on the page?
In an earlier article the Trudeau government is said to be looking at buying jets from Australia to put pressure on Boeing to drop its suit against Bombardier. Now, "Ten Canadian-based aerospace companies..." have been induced to campaign for the government to endorse buying Boeing jets from the U.S. Sounds like a little P.R. going on here on behalf of Boeing.
I sure won't watch these leftists disrespect America. Too bad, I used to like the broncos.
And you're wasting your breath on me? That's just rude.
==Better suggestion needed for my RedHatism== This one put in by me because I couldn't think of a better one. X Window System - the diagram of a server and clients. I even asked on the talk page and got no better ideas for a remote client than up2date. The key factor I'm looking for here is an application that is routinely run as a remote X session. Can you think of any that aren't quite so specific? (And we'll never mind that the graphical nature of up2date is incredibly stupid. I disliked Linux before administering it for a living, now I despise it.) If you can, please suggest it on Talk:X Window System and I'll redo the image, or I can send you the SVG (I did it in Inkscape) and you can go wild with it -) -
" ::: You used the adjective ""correct"", and that opens a very slippery slope for your argument - if you want to talk about what is ""correct"", then ""Sasa Hirszon"" can be immediately disqualified as not being ""correct"" because this is not in fact the person's name. "
==Mighty final fight=== I believe mighty final fight is such a weird enough game (epsecially noting the differences) that it needs its own page in the series.
He will have much luck., if the instructions were not lawful orders, there is no requirement to obey requests.
DOD has eight years of cuts. And most of DOD's spending is at home on people who have jobs. Now if you are saying don't spend money on wars...I agree. add up all the money spent on illegals ... now that would be an eye opener to anyone who actually pays taxes.
" *And in addition, 3RR is a bright-line rule. There isn't much room for manoeuvre in terms of excuses. / "
There should be some Jehovah's Witnesses name in the tile, perhaps in parantheses. I am a lawyer. A legal opinion is issued by a lawyers. Opinions from one hundred million lawyers don't equal the weight of a single judge in the appropriate jurisdiction, both subject matter and geographic. Did this issue ever go before the NY or PA courts? The Bible Students seem so aggrieved and my family told me of this big dispute that it seems unlikely than Rutherford was not challenged under non profit corp. law. Does anyone know? The article should state it one way or the either. Something strikes me as not real.
" ::The introduction as you've changed it to is confusing for readers and incorrect in its terminology as the Republic of Ireland never came into being in 1922 so it couldn't have suceded. Yes it states it was known as the Irish Free State upon sucession but it wasn't a republic. The terminology of Republic of Ireland should not be used prior to its actually creation in 1949. And as the article is called ""History of the Republic of Ireland"" the introduction was quite adequate in declaring when it was actually created and a brief description of what preceeded it and i reverted your change to reflect this. You also did say that it was correct so it isn't wrong. "
The moon is made of cheese.
" :::I blocked him. No little bitch reverts ME! "
== Yea I need help == I can't figure out how to nmake the box. I oput ion the code and all the information but it showed up weird.
Hi Jamie! Not questioning your wisdom, simply responding...A very respectable blogger has, today, posted the concept of Real Estate Information by city as a Wikipedia external link so this will not be the first one you (or other admins) see. It would be nice if the ban on the concept of giving folks a place to find relevant and grouped access to local real estate info, if it is provided by a company engaged in the real estate business, is universal on Wikipedia, if that is the way it is to be interpreted ...I did know it was not going to be adding SEO to anything so that was not the goal. Sadly, most of the really good and relevant content on local real estate (something folks are very interested in) will generally be provided by someone with an interest in it....free market and all that stuff...Thanks for listening!
Yet they claim to be a "Christian Nation". I don't recall Jesus refusing to heal the poor.
" as I have stated that te arabic name of Egypt Misr meand Directly in Arabic "" a state "" or "" a country"" and the Plural in arabic "" Amsar "" means States or Countries. this is Documented in all mother Arabic Dictionaries such as ""lesan Alarab"" or ""Arabs' toungue"" which was writted hundreded of years ago I dont consider changing the fact that it is related to Hebrew vandalism , it is correction . So I demande to unblock me. many thanks"