== Solito == This Dude is full of shit
" As well as the ""Wentworth"" Miller article, it says right in the cited source that he claimed he was an absurd 25 mixed race character INCLUDING German JEW, go look it up Mister Censor!"
==Chinese spelling== Does it 诗琳通国际科技学院 or 诗琳通国际理工学院 ?
Eliza Kashinsky, you are a sorry, sorry case. Are you so unsure of your dogma that you have to hide your identity? I have no financial interests in Eugene real estate other than the single-family home I bought when you were just a pain in some parents' eyes. Yet, in contrast to your ignorance about Eugene development practices, I could qualify as a real estate genius. The redevelopment of the SW-SAZ, _against the will of the community_, would displace working folks in affordable, single-family homes with higher cost condos and apartments. Please go back to defending the poor, downtrodden atheists (like myself), as you were doing before you moved to Eugene. -- Paul
Pretty much, yeah. The top CEOs in Canada, for example, made as much by January 3rd as the average Canadian makes in a year. That's greed, plain and simple.
Per policy you need to be notified.
Good source about Bretons in England
== The lead == I removed a couple of bits from the lead but was reverted in the name of consensus. So, in the spirit of WP:BRD, I will come here to discuss my edits. I believe that my edits clear up a few basic problems with the lead: *The first sentence is a contradiction—it states that Oswald was the assassin according to three government investigations. However, one of the cited investigations was the HSCA, which found that Oswald was one of at least two assassins. *Oswald was the assassin based on the vast majority modern and reliable scientific evidence. The first sentence (probably accidentally) implies that only the three government investigations conclude that he was Kennedy's assassin. *Why even mention the HSCA in the lead? Its conclusions derived from misinterpreted evidence and have been discredited by modern science. I can foresee reasonable debate on my latter two points, but the first sentence should not contradict itself; it has to be changed.
:: Go away russki. You better go and die for The In Dependent Dumbass, as you conviniently located in Rostov-on-Don
ileson has a small dick and like little cock suckers 7/10
" It's spelled ""pejorative""... well, bugger me, I did not know that! That's my lesson for the day! "
":Bro, you deleted several of my posts off this page on the grounds that I called you ""editing in bad faith"" and you said it was uncivil (even though i explained why i thought so); you really do think you own the board, eh? Then you try and justify calling me a dick by linking to some article. If you wanna just hurl insults, I got a bunch for you as well. Can you give me an hour to create a bhenchod article? Let However, I'll bite and take the link at face value. You clearly are projecting for your own behaviour. Anyone who looks at this talk page can see that your is paralleling the behaviour listed in dick. "
" and she had blocked me because I am not a reliable source for my own movie. I would lave to see her look at this from my point of view. I just tried to make a page for an upcoming film with a blog from the maker of the film for sources and then she said that this film isn't notable. Maybe she isn't a fan of my film but I'm not a fan of Justin Bieber but do you see me saying that he isn't notable enough for a page. NO, YOU DON""T. "
:::::::::No. There is no comma there.
Aww poor cry baby. Malaka besame el culo. Don't worry I'm reporting Roland too for taking away my cites away when wikipedia has asked for his citation a long time ago.
" :::::::Well, I wasn't being exact. I don't give a fuck. Also, iTunes is spelt/capitalised as such on Wikipedia despite being incorrectly rendered as 'Itunes' by many secondary sources. Looking at the first couple of pages on Google, more sites use 'ChesnuTT' than 'Chesnutt'.  /  "
Interesting new discovery: Page 17 of this book suggests that Lovecraft did submit to Strange Tales; see this pic. The Ashton Smith thing isn't really worth mentioning- there are actually loads of references to this one on Google Books (I was surprised!), but they're mostly just little anecdotes about well-loved authors.
Hi he did actually he would consider making them.
"== Nice class == Hi there I don't have a cite for the ""nice class"" concept. To be frank, the only place where I saw people reffering to that concept (and also the ""very nice class"" concept) was in a couple of C++-related Usenet groups, where the concept is usually used as a general guideline for class creation. On the other hand, my only interest in object-oriented programming is purely recreational (it's a small hobby) and therefore I feel that I'm not in a position to make big academic statements on this subject. So thanks to your message I realized that not only the references to the subject are scarse but also that it isn't widelly used. Therefore I believe that this article may be entitled to a ""original research"" label. If you decide to mark the article for deletion it will be fine by me and I will not object. Hope this helps | Talk "
MUTHA FUKERSyea and just to tell you all the stuff people put on wikipidia is all FAKE!!!
There should be a federal law against cities bidding for the Olympic Scams.
This has the potential to devastate health care in rural communities. Today at my place of work, we held a forum for police and emergency service personnel from across Montana on de escalation techniques in dealing with mental health clients. This involved clients who have been involved in the criminal justice system. Everyone of them stated the services they received had everything to do with their not recommitting felony offenses. They talked about their treatment teams, specific staff, their PO officer who was part of our case management team and so forth. What broke my heart is hearing from police in Eastern Montana whose communities did not invest in any kind of community mental health. They wanted to know if they could send their folks our way where they could find the same kind of community support. It was heartbreaking for me to hear their concerns because they deal with the same people over and over and over again and the community sees jail as the answer. It's not.
Nicely done story.
(UTC) I don't know about you guys, but slut is definitely a word that I, as a male, use for other males. 20:47, 16 February 2015
The driver likely had a Class A CDL. Wonder where the driver went wrong to cause this accident.
For all his criticism of President Obama, Archbishop Chaput has offered precious little criticism of his successor. He did go on record saying this, however: “It’s just amazing to me how hostile the press is to everything that the president does,” the archbishop said. “I don’t want to be partisan in my comments here, but it seems to me if we really are serious about our common responsibilities as citizens, we support the president whether we accept everything he stands for or not and wish him success rather than trying to undermine him.” One is left with the impression that Archbishop Chaput thinks Donald Trump is doing just fine. That tells me all I need to know about Archbishop Chaput and his abilities (or lack thereof) to assess other people's character. If and when he finally levels real criticism against Trump of the sort that he routinely leveled against President Obama I'll change my tune. But so far that hasn't happened. Sometimes silence is golden - except when it's not.
Bill...They take those Prescriptions willingly! Stay on the Subject discussed here.
From https://cruxnow.com/vatican/2016/11/20/pope-francis-calls-abortion-horrendous-crime-grave-sin/ 'Francis also said he has an “allergy to adulators,” insisting he prefers criticism to praise. “To adulate someone is also to use them for your own purposes, whether hidden or visible, but in order to obtain something for yourself,” he said. “Critics speak badly of me, and I deserve it, because I’m a sinner,” he said. “That doesn’t worry me.”'
Why would anyone expect anything else that what is said above ?
Elephant Parade, now what was that? All pictures are gone?
"Comment WP:UCRN in print would certainly support the move but I'd be interested to know the name/s that he lived his life under. I certainly think its warranted to beef up the AKA reference in the first sentence and tend towards support "
Knock off the vandalism or I'll come to London and kick your ass.
" :I have cleaned up the Lead, the broader details are in the article. I will beging to expand the sections over the coming days. '''' "
sorry now comes the real par - governing.
" Notability concerns Hi Agricola44 (as article creator and largest contributor). I would like to place a notability tag on this article, but since I get blocked for everything I do, I am firstly consulting others in this manner. This seems like a cool little medal contest and all, but since it is being awarded by SAE International (SAE), (formerly the Society of Automotive Engineers, is a professional organization for mobility engineering professionals in the aerospace, automotive, and commercial vehicle industries) basically a professional organization, I do not find this notable. What policies govern this, and what makes it notable to you? In the very least, we should probably remove the list of winners per WP:NOTDIR, since those entries have no secondary souces...127 "
REDIRECT Talk:USS Fremont (APA-44)
If more politicians and Canadian people come out to denounce The Rebel and specifically how that activist group pretending to be journalists, covered the Charlottesville debacle - we will at least have one positive story to tell from it.
" :Follow-up: I've swapped the first two paragraphs under ""Medication"". This might not be the ideal solution, but if you want to swap it back, the first paragraph needs something to introduce it. "
Be connected with us...
That was easy, the Leafs will gat er dun!
== Loss of traction in road vehicles == Hydroplaning is a common reason of significant loss of traction ===Loss of traction in low water situations=== Hydroplaning most often occurs when there are large volumes of water on a road surface. Even slight wetness on a road, however, can cause a car to lose traction. This effect differs from hydroplaning. Tires maintain traction on the road by using a mechanism called bulk friction, where the rubber of the tire pushes down into tiny pits in irregularities of the road surface. When a road becomes slightly wet, water can fill these pits, thus the water tops them off without overflowing. As the narrow strip of tire contacting the road rolls over these miniature puddles, the rubber of the tire seals the edges of the pits. Because water does not easily compress, each pit essentially has a barrier over it that prevents the rubber from pressing into it. The result is a reduction in traction. A complete loss of control, however, is unlikely. Another form of loss of traction in low water situations, is called mudplaning. It occurs during the first rainfall on a specific area, which have not seen rain for a period of time, so that the road is covered by a thin layer of dust. When the rain first falls down, the thin layer of dust turns into a nearly transparent layer of mud, so that the color of asphalt remains as usual, but the layer of mud may still cause a critical loss of traction comparable to driving on rime ice. When the rain totally washes the pavement off the dust, the effects of mudplaning will cease. The whole phenomenon is similar to the formation of black ice, which has been responsible for many unavoidable accidents on highways.
" == Wikipedia is not for writing about yourself == Mr Bavandi, welcome to Wikipedia, but it is not a place like Facebook or LinkedIn for people to write about themselves. It is a quite different sort of site, a project to build an encyclopedia, so it is selective about subjects for articles, and writing about oneself is strongly discouraged, for reasons explained at Wikipedia is not about YOU and Wikipedia:Autobiography. Wikipedia user pages are not like those at social-networking sites. Their use is explained at WP:NOTWEBHOST: ""Wikipedians have their own user pages, but they should be used primarily to present information relevant to working on the encyclopedia. Limited biographical information is allowed, but user pages should not function as personal webpages or be repositories for large amounts of material that is irrelevant to collaborating on Wikipedia. If you are looking to make a personal webpage or blog or to post your résumé, please make use of one of the many free providers on the Internet or any hosting included with your Internet account."" The links in the Welcome message at the top of this page will tell you more about Wikipedia. "
Richard, Spending your entire working career collecting garbage does not mean you should spend your retirement redistributing it!
Congrats to the dept on their windfall. I didn't know epson salts were a controlled substance;I'm glad it is now.
Disagree. You called this non-factual in your edit; it is factual and substantiated by the sources. Re-added. Cite your sources on the timeline.
Mr. Trump's public policies and plans are laudable in a folksy, unsophisticated simplicity. However, his methods of achieving those commitments can, in many cases, do more harm than good. His efforts to bring back jobs won't work because most of those jobs were lost to automation and not corporate decisions to flee to low cost jurisdictions. His proposed tax cuts and increased spending defy logic for a country that is in impossible debt. This has not deterred Mr. Trump's supporters who prefer to live in denial of reality.
:What original research are you referring to? If you mean the linked article that we have been discussing, a quick rereading of the article shows that there aren't any concepts or statistics attributed from that article, that it only is referenced as an example of serious research. If you meant something else, please point it out because I see no research, original or otherwise, in this article. It is simply a description of a lifestyle that anyone would encounter if they explored the furry fandom. Also keep in mind that the repeated editing of this article by many people ensures that little, if any inaccurate information is presented. This of course why Wikipedia works so well (and conversely, doesn't). -
" *:They asked me to tag Category:Ships built in Pennsylvania (bit of a misnomer here, yes?). I must admit that when I saw it going through all those ships it seemed to be going a little overboard (no pun intended!), but those were my orders. I'm not working on behalf of WP:PHILLY, but they are free to make a request. – "
Your "facts" are not correct according to the application filed with the County. The total application is for 242.37 acres. Not all of this land is in the Rural zone (a Dwelling Unit/5 acres density). Most of it is zoned Rural Agriculture at 1 Dwelling Unit/10 acres. Rural zoned lands = 93.83 acres = 18 houses Rural Ag zoned lands = 148.54 acres = 15 houses So the total possible development without doing a Planned Residential Development = 33 houses, not the 50 you claim. However, the number of houses could conceivably be doubled by doing a Planned Residential Development, but then the vast majority of the land would have to remain in open space (i.e., farm use). One other thing. If I'm reading the maps correctly, this mega development will completely surround a 40 acre parcel of Commercial Agriculture zoned land. How long do you think farming on that land will last once its surrounded by urban development?
An independent panel of social justice warriors would be my bet.
Actually Justin broke his promise to avoid any perceived conflicts of interest and transparency.
I love dick in my face all the time......
Are there any consanguinity issues with the parents?
The problem I have with what you are saying is addiction is the problem , not casinos, not bars, not drugs, not grocery stores. I know someone who has at various different times been addicted to sports. Food (Serious gluttony), alcohol, shopping, pot, coke, speed, selling drugs, golf, sex and I am leaving a couple of things out. Usually they were cross addicted to more then one thing at a time.. None of these things were the problem. The problem was they did not know how to identify and manage their mental illness.
I'm Ok with doing both of those things, I fact I fully support the idea.
J_Lee, you get that 30% of 30% (the percentage of your restaurant bill attributed to labour, as the article states) is a little under 10 cents (10%) on the price of your meal, right? So, statistically, you will only need to cut your dining out by 5% - good news! You're welcome.
" :::::::::::::::Mohammed's statement is opaque. In any event, I was more concerned with the handwaving away of Bat Yeor. "
Big amount of people. I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes and put on Metformin on June 26th, 2016. I started the ADA diet and followed it 100% for a few weeks and could not get my blood sugar to go below 140. Finally i began to panic and called my doctor, he told me to get used to it. He said I would be on metformin my whole life and eventually insulin. At that point i knew something wasn't right and began to do a lot of research. Then I found Lisa’s diabetes story (google " HOW EVER I FREED MYSELF FROM THE DIABETES " ) I read that article from end to end because everything the writer was saying made absolute sense. I started the diet that day and the next morning my blood sugar was down to 100 and now i have a fasting blood sugar between Mid 70's and the 80's.
" Your stopping me from editing the page and telling me that I should leave things along. Your are a bully and you are vandalising. What are you correcting? Things are fine as they are. You don't have the authority to stop me from editing the page either. On your talk page someone said: ""Why have you redirected London Buses route 79?? I took like half an hour to find information on the web to add to the article including adding images on it, and you've just wasted it. All of this information has all been removed by you. You have removed the whole history of changes of the article. Now what do I have to do now?? Tell me. I can't believe that I'm being treated like this when I'm trying to improve Wikipedia articles as much as I can! I'm really sorry but you have just wasted my time!"" This proves your a bully and you've done this before. Please edit pages elsewhere. 14:16, 17 March 2012"
Paul, in 1 Corinthians 9:5, says that he has the right to be married.
This message is regarding the page Fractional distillation. Thanks for experimenting with Wikipedia. Your test worked, and has been removed. Please use the sandbox for any other tests you want to do. Take a look at the welcome page if you would like to learn more about contributing. Thanks. • @
::it's probably a thinly veiled death threat. As soon as some guy does manage to blow up a plane with explosives stuffed in his drawers they will come back here and say, see what happened because you didn't remove the pictures!
":Really? Pendejo means dickhead and asshole? No dude. It doesn't. It means ""retard/idiot/dumbass"", but mostly ""idiot"". This only applies to Salvadorean Spanish but that negates your ""it means one thing""... | "
https://www.democracynow.org/2017/2/1/neil_gorsuch_trumps_pick_for_scotus Neil Gorsuch, Trump's Supreme Court Pick, Has History of Ruling Against Workers, Women & Regulation
Fake war on fake news? Sarah has everyone beat with her "Flake News". Agent Sarah is part of my team for busting Canada's mainstream media (the propaganda arm of our crooked political class). And then there's Agent Ibbitson, PSYOP-Eds. So repetitive and soporifically boring that subscribers start saying: "I read this yesterday, the day before, and the day before that. I'm not going to pay for this garbage anymore." Each little pirhanha bite into MSM cash flows helps.
== 3RR == I would like to inform you that you have reached your third revert, and thus if you choose to revert again you will have violated the 3 revert rule and I will be forced to report you. Please take this into consideration when making your next edit to the page. Trying to disguise your revert by adding more information and creating a section for it does not change what you are doing. Also, ignoring other editors request to go to the talk page is not going to help you either.
" :::::: Is that a sort of zen koan? Lol. Almost anything in the article requires citation. You will note that plots are exempt from this because anyone who contributes to the article is going to be able to spot something inaccurate and correct it/address it in discussion. That's how discussion, as a tool, benefits the article. To hlp you along, read WP:SYN; that will help you understand how we try very hard not to inject ourselves into the analysis process while writing the article. :::::: I would have told you all this on your talk page, but you seem content on deleting posts of folk who give you advice there. This way, you see it. ) - "
The typing produced words which were combined with other words producing sentences. The sentences were organized in patterns which ultimately produced paragraphs. Within all this organized structure of symbols was a coherent thought representation. Your non counter-argument seems a bit lacking. Your disgust for the Republican plan is a very encouraging sign America is on the right track again.
* All the article is misinformation and you, Borgatya, even if you do not want to be one, here you are objectively a vandal, and more: you are forcing me to waste my time.
::::Whereas Magneto is a poor, deluded old man who believes he's justified in wiping out/and or controlling the human race because he's so egotistical as to believe that his race is superior.
Your vandalism on British Raj page Please call for a vote if you feel that there is a consensus on the current description of the British Raj article. If not, please stop reverting the NPOV tag until all issues are resolved. Your attempts to remove NPOV tag from British Raj article constitutes vandalism.
==Deletion of link to Bobby Fischer Memorial at Find A Grave== This is the second time that someone has deleted Bobby Fischer's link to Find A Grave. You say that you have removed a link already cited in the article. His article states that Bobby Fischer was buried at a cemetery in Iceland, but that has nothing to do with linking the article to his memorial at Find A Grave. To delete the link merely because his burial place is mentioned in the article is absurd. There are a lot of idiots who edit on Wikipedia. Your deletion of Bobby Fischer's link to Find A Grave constitutes vandalism, because there is no need or reason to delete the link, and the link itself is a constructive (positive) edit to a good Web site.
" *For the record, it is a mountain within the Black Hills range. However, locals often use the term ""Mingus Mountains"" (note the plural) to refer to the Black Hills Range as a whole. "
Maybe you didnt hear, but a bunch of states chose not to expand medicaid, leading to more uninsured people, therefore more uninsured kids. Also, many still chose not to buy insurance. That'll show 'em!
" —Preceding unsigned comment added by • :Replied on your talk page. "
the other user's talk page
If the Trump administration finishes its first year in office
: Btw, the claims that Turkish army had anything to do with these events are strange. Turkish army evacuated from Caucasus after the defeat in the World War I, and the region was taken over by the British army. This is one of many factual mistakes in the article.
I only provoked edit war again, thus I give up. Maybe you will help.
" == American Slovenes == Why are you reverting this article - American Slovenes? This is almost a vandalism, because I have added some other infromations. Judith Arlene Resnik might have Slovene origins. In the article it is written now that she was Jewish. Many Slovene surnames are ""Resnik"", Vili Resnik a well known singer for instance. If you will be doing futher on in this way, I shall report you. I can not find any sources for now (just one dead link) and I shall do some research for it... I am here also informing you that Eleassar777 did not persuade me and I can not understand why using 'Slovenian' is better in any way. And please do not think that I am stubborn! And I shall revert all your reverts of original namings of ""Slovene"" if I have to - as long as some good consensus is not reached. "
" I generally go by this standard: If I'm reading something, and I realize that my eyes are moving but I'm no longer understanding, then what I'm ""reading"" should be phrased better. Rarely is something incomprehensible simply because that's the reality of it. It happens a lot when reading journals especially. It's like there's a conspiracy to waste my time. (I'm perfectly capable of that on my own.) On wikipedia I can do something about it. * The taxonomy and evolution section is difficult to read. Part of me says that there are too many links in it, but another part says that that's all of the words that your average person would wish to be defined. So perhaps what is missing is the space between the technical/linked words. So you could use simpler, 'filler', text there or break it into paragraphs (or both). * The description section doesn't leave me with a visualization of what it actually looks like. There may not be a good way to describe it, which is probably why field guides normally have color drawings/photos. * Put an appropriate image in the description section. * Break up the description section into further sections/paragraphs. or: * It also seemed like much of the description info would be better placed as paragraphs in appropriate later sections. (Egg desc in Eggs section; Larvae desc in Larvae section; etc) * I think the ""Life cycle"" and ""Ecology, behaviour and life history"" sections are good, however I think the section titles could be more clear as to what each section is; and why they aren't the same thing. * The subspecies section is good, but I wonder if the ""Phenotypes"" and ""Biogeography and genetics"" lists would be better combined, or at least listed in the same order to help someone compare the two lists. * Something else: I suspect that there is a good reason that you've studied this salamander and put such work into it's article page. What is it? You might want to add that (new section?) towards the beginning so people care enough to read the rest of the article. Currently there isn't anything significant distinguishing it from just about every other salamander in existence. "
Why are you such a freakin' douchebag about the Saints - Falcons rivalry?
" == Re SP Members == Hi Jjb. We can re-open discussions on this if you like. I was under the impression that they were currently correct, but I am open to hear what you have to say on it. (I'm pretty familiar with their background too, so hopefully that mix of knowledge of the band and Wiki-policy can be helpful.) As far as mentioning Matt Walker more frequently, I see no problem with that without discussion, unless/until someone feels you're focusing on him a little too much. As far as the membership stuff goes, lets discuss it. Do you prefer Smashing Pumpkins or List of The Smashing Pumpkins band members? Let's reconvene there. "
This is quite odd.
Ernest Moniz claims to be a "scientist", and in fact a "nuclear physicist". Surely he can address simple physics, such as blackbody-radiation, CO2 absorption frequencies, and other such non-political science? Here is an open invitation, in case he can actually do physics that is not pure political self-advancement. You can talk the talk, sir, but can you walk the walk? Or did you get ahead on nothing but pure political abilities of yours that we have seen? http://www.mukeshprasad.com/climatechange.html
::::Sorry to be a pain in the posterior, Todd, but I think this edit says a lot... Cheers.
"""スィ"" and ""ズィ"" is /si/ and /zi/, not /swi/ and /zwi/ == According to the reference No.8, ""スィ"" is pronounced as /si/[si], not /swi/[sʷi]. Row S column i is occupied by ""シ(/shi/[ɕi]),"" so they use another way to represent /si/. So do its dakuten version ""ズィ""/zi/[zi]. :Fixed.— == "
*** Alicia, reach out to Michel Media, a firm run by a guy named Sergio. This idiot Malik Shabazz is an Anti-Semite and he purposely targets people of Jewish race/ancestry. This guy has been dumb enough (sad enough) to harass Mr. Michel who's side job in entertainment is (get this) PROSECUTING Internet Harassers! LOL!! Michel Media is collecting names of people who this person is trying to harm, all of which happen to be Jewish. As far as the Michel Media rep told me, they have adequate IP stamps and witnesses to get him on hate crimes. This guy's not gonna be messing with ANYONE on Wikipedia any more. )
Quite possibly the only day during his political career, there was no danger of his pants catching fire.
And for those ignorant people out there, where is Bungay?
:Agree this would be helpful as well. ++: /
:I had the same problem. It was added here and subsequently reverted by ClueBotNG. My guess is it was an issue with some sort of lag on the back end of WP, such as updating the database through to the front-end servers. It appears to have been fixed now; if you still see it, try refreshing your browser cache with Ctrl+F5. Thanks for the heads-up! C
"I fully agree that ""Glee actress"" is an improper DAB"
So when can we stop the welfare cheques? The 3rd world immigrants need them now.
::Bullshit. I asked several times for your input, and I waited almost a month for your policy based arguments. I still haven’t seen them.
" Phases of migraine terminology Migraine (history page) 2006-10-08T13:23:04 Msteri (Talk | contribs) m (?Aura phase - This was NOT a typo. ""Headache phase"" is appropriate AND from the source cited. Please do not change this again.) From User talk:Milomedes When I typed ""headache phase,"" that's exactly what I meant. It was not a typo. Headache phase is as correct as pain phase, and headache phase is the terminology used in the source that I very carefully cited. Why did you feel it necessary to make this change? It makes no sense to me to take up people's time in this fashion. Thank you, This is a community issue so I'm moving it to the talk page. Milo First, I didn't think it was a typo. Both ""headache phase"" and ""pain phase"" terms are (or were) in use, though I don't know which is used more commonly. I do know that ""pain phase"" is a better term for three reasons: 1) abdominal migraine isn't in the head, 2) the ""headache"" word is recursively overused, 3) ""-ache"" underdescribes the sensation, and, 4) ""pain"" is shorter. You can argue with 2), 3),4), but 1) is technically a debate stopper. Second, with all due respect to your professional writing expertise, just because you carefully copied the words that were used in your source, doesn't mean that I can't substitute different words that I have reason to think are better. I quote from concluding text at the bottom of every edit page: ""Please note: If you don't want your writing to be edited mercilessly or redistributed by others, do not submit it. "" Third, Wikipedia isn't about you or me. I didn't know you wrote it, and it shouldn't matter that you did. This is an interactive community process. If you think I'm taking up your time, then you probably don't have enough time to write here. Furthermore, if you assume that anything you write here is still going to be here, say, 10 years from now, then you probably don't understand the nature of Wikipedia. As to disagreements about which terminology to use in the article, that is usually handled with a talk page poll. I respectfully suggest that we use that tool as needed. "
from bangen ur pigs u redneck farmers
Hello, Randolphsleap, and welcome to Wikipedia! Thank you for . I notice that one of the first articles you created appears to be an article about yourself. This is a common mistake made by new Wikipedians—as this is an encyclopedia, we wouldn't expect to have an article about every contributor. Your user page, however, is a great place to write about yourself, making sure to stay within user page guidelines. Just click your user name at the top of the screen when you are logged in, and edit it normally. The page you created about yourself may well be deleted from the encyclopedia. If it is deleted and you wish to retrieve its contents, don't hesitate to ask anyone from this list and they will copy it to your user page. Here are some pages that you might find helpful: *The five pillars of Wikipedia *Tutorial *How to edit a page and How to develop articles *How to create your first article (using the Article Wizard if you wish) *Simplified Manual of Style I hope you enjoy editing here and being a Wikipedian! Please sign your messages on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~); this will automatically insert your username and the date. If you need help, check out Wikipedia:Questions, ask me on , or ask your question on this page and then place {{help me}} before the question. Again, welcome!
It's about time that Vance made a change! I'm getting tired of hearing excuses as to why Trevor has been playing so poorly the last few games. First it's the O-line, then it's the running game, then it's receivers dropping passes. Truth is, in the last three games, Trevor has made some really boneheaded plays. His INT's happened because he threw passes that he shouldn't have thrown. If Trevor is as smart as I think he is, he would go ahead and get sacked if he can't find a place to throw the ball away. I don't know what'll happen now that Brock is starting. However, I don't think he could be any worse than Trevor is right now. And Brock knows Mike McCoy's offense, since McCoy was the Broncos’ offensive coordinator when Brock was a rookie.