Polynomial Trajectory Predictions for Improved Learning Performance
The rising demand for Active Safety systems in automotive applications stresses the need for a reliable short to mid-term trajectory prediction. Anticipating the unfolding path of road users, one can act to increase the overall safety. In this work, we propose to train artificial neural networks for movement understanding by predicting trajectories in their natural form, as a function of time. Predicting polynomial coefficients allows us to increased accuracy and improve generalisation.
A Computational Model of Representation Learning in the Brain Cortex, Integrating Unsupervised and Reinforcement Learning
A common view on the brain learning processes proposes that the three classic learning paradigms -- unsupervised, reinforcement, and supervised -- take place in respectively the cortex, the basal-ganglia, and the cerebellum. However, dopamine outbursts, usually assumed to encode reward, are not limited to the basal ganglia but also reach prefrontal, motor, and higher sensory cortices. We propose that in the cortex the same reward-based trial-and-error processes might support not only the acquisition of motor representations but also of sensory representations. In particular, reward signals might guide trial-and-error processes that mix with associative learning processes to support the acquisition of representations better serving downstream action selection. We tested the soundness of this hypothesis with a computational model that integrates unsupervised learning (Contrastive Divergence) and reinforcement learning (REINFORCE). The model was tested with a task requiring different responses to different visual images grouped in categories involving either colour, shape, or size. Results show that a balanced mix of unsupervised and reinforcement learning processes leads to the best performance. Indeed, excessive unsupervised learning tends to under-represent task-relevant features while excessive reinforcement learning tends to initially learn slowly and then to incur in local minima. These results stimulate future empirical studies on category learning directed to investigate similar effects in the extrastriate visual cortices. Moreover, they prompt further computational investigations directed to study the possible advantages of integrating unsupervised and reinforcement learning processes.
Multi-level conformal clustering: A distribution-free technique for clustering and anomaly detection
In this work we present a clustering technique called \textit{multi-level conformal clustering (MLCC)}. The technique is hierarchical in nature because it can be performed at multiple significance levels which yields greater insight into the data than performing it at just one level. We describe the theoretical underpinnings of MLCC, compare and contrast it with the hierarchical clustering algorithm, and then apply it to real world datasets to assess its performance. There are several advantages to using MLCC over more classical clustering techniques: Once a significance level has been set, MLCC is able to automatically select the number of clusters. Furthermore, thanks to the conformal prediction framework the resulting clustering model has a clear statistical meaning without any assumptions about the distribution of the data. This statistical robustness also allows us to perform clustering and anomaly detection simultaneously. Moreover, due to the flexibility of the conformal prediction framework, our algorithm can be used on top of many other machine learning algorithms.
Long-term Cross Adversarial Training: A Robust Meta-learning Method for Few-shot Classification Tasks
Meta-learning model can quickly adapt to new tasks using few-shot labeled data. However, despite achieving good generalization on few-shot classification tasks, it is still challenging to improve the adversarial robustness of the meta-learning model in few-shot learning. Although adversarial training (AT) methods such as Adversarial Query (AQ) can improve the adversarially robust performance of meta-learning models, AT is still computationally expensive training. On the other hand, meta-learning models trained with AT will drop significant accuracy on the original clean images. This paper proposed a meta-learning method on the adversarially robust neural network called Long-term Cross Adversarial Training (LCAT). LCAT will update meta-learning model parameters cross along the natural and adversarial sample distribution direction with long-term to improve both adversarial and clean few-shot classification accuracy. Due to cross-adversarial training, LCAT only needs half of the adversarial training epoch than AQ, resulting in a low adversarial training computation. Experiment results show that LCAT achieves superior performance both on the clean and adversarial few-shot classification accuracy than SOTA adversarial training methods for meta-learning models.
Alleviating Privacy Attacks via Causal Learning
Machine learning models, especially deep neural networks have been shown to be susceptible to privacy attacks such as membership inference where an adversary can detect whether a data point was used for training a black-box model. Such privacy risks are exacerbated when a model's predictions are used on an unseen data distribution. To alleviate privacy attacks, we demonstrate the benefit of predictive models that are based on the causal relationships between input features and the outcome. We first show that models learnt using causal structure generalize better to unseen data, especially on data from different distributions than the train distribution. Based on this generalization property, we establish a theoretical link between causality and privacy: compared to associational models, causal models provide stronger differential privacy guarantees and are more robust to membership inference attacks. Experiments on simulated Bayesian networks and the colored-MNIST dataset show that associational models exhibit upto 80% attack accuracy under different test distributions and sample sizes whereas causal models exhibit attack accuracy close to a random guess.
Lower Bounds on Active Learning for Graphical Model Selection
We consider the problem of estimating the underlying graph associated with a Markov random field, with the added twist that the decoding algorithm can iteratively choose which subsets of nodes to sample based on the previous samples, resulting in an active learning setting. Considering both Ising and Gaussian models, we provide algorithm-independent lower bounds for high-probability recovery within the class of degree-bounded graphs. Our main results are minimax lower bounds for the active setting that match the best known lower bounds for the passive setting, which in turn are known to be tight in several cases of interest. Our analysis is based on Fano's inequality, along with novel mutual information bounds for the active learning setting, and the application of restricted graph ensembles. While we consider ensembles that are similar or identical to those used in the passive setting, we require different analysis techniques, with a key challenge being bounding a mutual information quantity associated with observed subsets of nodes, as opposed to full observations.
MuMiN: A Large-Scale Multilingual Multimodal Fact-Checked Misinformation Social Network Dataset
Misinformation is becoming increasingly prevalent on social media and in news articles. It has become so widespread that we require algorithmic assistance utilising machine learning to detect such content. Training these machine learning models require datasets of sufficient scale, diversity and quality. However, datasets in the field of automatic misinformation detection are predominantly monolingual, include a limited amount of modalities and are not of sufficient scale and quality. Addressing this, we develop a data collection and linking system (MuMiN-trawl), to build a public misinformation graph dataset (MuMiN), containing rich social media data (tweets, replies, users, images, articles, hashtags) spanning 21 million tweets belonging to 26 thousand Twitter threads, each of which have been semantically linked to 13 thousand fact-checked claims across dozens of topics, events and domains, in 41 different languages, spanning more than a decade. The dataset is made available as a heterogeneous graph via a Python package (mumin). We provide baseline results for two node classification tasks related to the veracity of a claim involving social media, and demonstrate that these are challenging tasks, with the highest macro-average F1-score being 62.55% and 61.45% for the two tasks, respectively. The MuMiN ecosystem is available at https://mumin-dataset.github.io/, including the data, documentation, tutorials and leaderboards.
Mitigating harm in language models with conditional-likelihood filtration
Language models trained on large-scale unfiltered datasets curated from the open web acquire systemic biases, prejudices, and harmful views from their training data. We present a methodology for programmatically identifying and removing harmful text from web-scale datasets. A pretrained language model is used to calculate the log-likelihood of researcher-written trigger phrases conditioned on a specific document, which is used to identify and filter documents from the dataset. We demonstrate that models trained on this filtered dataset exhibit lower propensity to generate harmful text, with a marginal decrease in performance on standard language modeling benchmarks compared to unfiltered baselines. We provide a partial explanation for this performance gap by surfacing examples of hate speech and other undesirable content from standard language modeling benchmarks. Finally, we discuss the generalization of this method and how trigger phrases which reflect specific values can be used by researchers to build language models which are more closely aligned with their values.
MorphNet: Fast & Simple Resource-Constrained Structure Learning of Deep Networks
We present MorphNet, an approach to automate the design of neural network structures. MorphNet iteratively shrinks and expands a network, shrinking via a resource-weighted sparsifying regularizer on activations and expanding via a uniform multiplicative factor on all layers. In contrast to previous approaches, our method is scalable to large networks, adaptable to specific resource constraints (e.g. the number of floating-point operations per inference), and capable of increasing the network's performance. When applied to standard network architectures on a wide variety of datasets, our approach discovers novel structures in each domain, obtaining higher performance while respecting the resource constraint.
Kernel Normalized Convolutional Networks
Existing deep convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures frequently rely upon batch normalization (BatchNorm) to effectively train the model. BatchNorm significantly improves model performance, but performs poorly with smaller batch sizes. To address this limitation, we propose kernel normalization and kernel normalized convolutional layers, and incorporate them into kernel normalized convolutional networks (KNConvNets) as the main building blocks. We implement KNConvNets corresponding to the state-of-the-art CNNs such as ResNet and DenseNet while forgoing BatchNorm layers. Through extensive experiments, we illustrate that KNConvNets consistently outperform their batch, group, and layer normalized counterparts in terms of both accuracy and convergence rate while maintaining competitive computational efficiency.
SHAPr: An Efficient and Versatile Membership Privacy Risk Metric for Machine Learning
Data used to train machine learning (ML) models can be sensitive. Membership inference attacks (MIAs), attempting to determine whether a particular data record was used to train an ML model, risk violating membership privacy. ML model builders need a principled definition of a metric that enables them to quantify the privacy risk of (a) individual training data records, (b) independently of specific MIAs, (c) efficiently. None of the prior work on membership privacy risk metrics simultaneously meets all of these criteria. We propose such a metric, SHAPr, which uses Shapley values to quantify a model's memorization of an individual training data record by measuring its influence on the model's utility. This memorization is a measure of the likelihood of a successful MIA. Using ten benchmark datasets, we show that SHAPr is effective (precision: 0.94$\pm 0.06$, recall: 0.88$\pm 0.06$) in estimating susceptibility of a training data record for MIAs, and is efficient (computable within minutes for smaller datasets and in ~90 minutes for the largest dataset). SHAPr is also versatile in that it can be used for other purposes like assessing fairness or assigning valuation for subsets of a dataset. For example, we show that SHAPr correctly captures the disproportionate vulnerability of different subgroups to MIAs. Using SHAPr, we show that the membership privacy risk of a dataset is not necessarily improved by removing high risk training data records, thereby confirming an observation from prior work in a significantly extended setting (in ten datasets, removing up to 50% of data).
Growing Action Spaces
In complex tasks, such as those with large combinatorial action spaces, random exploration may be too inefficient to achieve meaningful learning progress. In this work, we use a curriculum of progressively growing action spaces to accelerate learning. We assume the environment is out of our control, but that the agent may set an internal curriculum by initially restricting its action space. Our approach uses off-policy reinforcement learning to estimate optimal value functions for multiple action spaces simultaneously and efficiently transfers data, value estimates, and state representations from restricted action spaces to the full task. We show the efficacy of our approach in proof-of-concept control tasks and on challenging large-scale StarCraft micromanagement tasks with large, multi-agent action spaces.
Data Augmentation for Robust Keyword Spotting under Playback Interference
Accurate on-device keyword spotting (KWS) with low false accept and false reject rate is crucial to customer experience for far-field voice control of conversational agents. It is particularly challenging to maintain low false reject rate in real world conditions where there is (a) ambient noise from external sources such as TV, household appliances, or other speech that is not directed at the device (b) imperfect cancellation of the audio playback from the device, resulting in residual echo, after being processed by the Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) system. In this paper, we propose a data augmentation strategy to improve keyword spotting performance under these challenging conditions. The training set audio is artificially corrupted by mixing in music and TV/movie audio, at different signal to interference ratios. Our results show that we get around 30-45% relative reduction in false reject rates, at a range of false alarm rates, under audio playback from such devices.
Temporal Difference Updating without a Learning Rate
We derive an equation for temporal difference learning from statistical principles. Specifically, we start with the variational principle and then bootstrap to produce an updating rule for discounted state value estimates. The resulting equation is similar to the standard equation for temporal difference learning with eligibility traces, so called TD(lambda), however it lacks the parameter alpha that specifies the learning rate. In the place of this free parameter there is now an equation for the learning rate that is specific to each state transition. We experimentally test this new learning rule against TD(lambda) and find that it offers superior performance in various settings. Finally, we make some preliminary investigations into how to extend our new temporal difference algorithm to reinforcement learning. To do this we combine our update equation with both Watkins' Q(lambda) and Sarsa(lambda) and find that it again offers superior performance without a learning rate parameter.
On the benefits of representation regularization in invariance based domain generalization
A crucial aspect in reliable machine learning is to design a deployable system in generalizing new related but unobserved environments. Domain generalization aims to alleviate such a prediction gap between the observed and unseen environments. Previous approaches commonly incorporated learning invariant representation for achieving good empirical performance. In this paper, we reveal that merely learning invariant representation is vulnerable to the unseen environment. To this end, we derive novel theoretical analysis to control the unseen test environment error in the representation learning, which highlights the importance of controlling the smoothness of representation. In practice, our analysis further inspires an efficient regularization method to improve the robustness in domain generalization. Our regularization is orthogonal to and can be straightforwardly adopted in existing domain generalization algorithms for invariant representation learning. Empirical results show that our algorithm outperforms the base versions in various dataset and invariance criteria.
Generalization in quantum machine learning from few training data
Modern quantum machine learning (QML) methods involve variationally optimizing a parameterized quantum circuit on a training data set, and subsequently making predictions on a testing data set (i.e., generalizing). In this work, we provide a comprehensive study of generalization performance in QML after training on a limited number $N$ of training data points. We show that the generalization error of a quantum machine learning model with $T$ trainable gates scales at worst as $\sqrt{T/N}$. When only $K \ll T$ gates have undergone substantial change in the optimization process, we prove that the generalization error improves to $\sqrt{K / N}$. Our results imply that the compiling of unitaries into a polynomial number of native gates, a crucial application for the quantum computing industry that typically uses exponential-size training data, can be sped up significantly. We also show that classification of quantum states across a phase transition with a quantum convolutional neural network requires only a very small training data set. Other potential applications include learning quantum error correcting codes or quantum dynamical simulation. Our work injects new hope into the field of QML, as good generalization is guaranteed from few training data.
From Static to Dynamic Prediction: Wildfire Risk Assessment Based on Multiple Environmental Factors
Wildfire is one of the biggest disasters that frequently occurs on the west coast of the United States. Many efforts have been made to understand the causes of the increases in wildfire intensity and frequency in recent years. In this work, we propose static and dynamic prediction models to analyze and assess the areas with high wildfire risks in California by utilizing a multitude of environmental data including population density, Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI), Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI), tree mortality area, tree mortality number, and altitude. Moreover, we focus on a better understanding of the impacts of different factors so as to inform preventive actions. To validate our models and findings, we divide the land of California into 4,242 grids of 0.1 degrees $\times$ 0.1 degrees in latitude and longitude, and compute the risk of each grid based on spatial and temporal conditions. To verify the generalizability of our models, we further expand the scope of wildfire risk assessment from California to Washington without any fine tuning. By performing counterfactual analysis, we uncover the effects of several possible methods on reducing the number of high risk wildfires. Taken together, our study has the potential to estimate, monitor, and reduce the risks of wildfires across diverse areas provided that such environment data is available.
5G Traffic Prediction with Time Series Analysis
In todays day and age, a mobile phone has become a basic requirement needed for anyone to thrive. With the cellular traffic demand increasing so dramatically, it is now necessary to accurately predict the user traffic in cellular networks, so as to improve the performance in terms of resource allocation and utilisation. By leveraging the power of machine learning and identifying its usefulness in the field of cellular networks we try to achieve three main objectives classification of the application generating the traffic, prediction of packet arrival intensity and burst occurrence. The design of the prediction and classification system is done using Long Short Term Memory model. The LSTM predictor developed in this experiment would return the number of uplink packets and also estimate the probability of burst occurrence in the specified future time interval. For the purpose of classification, the regression layer in our LSTM prediction model is replaced by a softmax classifier which is used to classify the application generating the cellular traffic into one of the four applications including surfing, video calling, voice calling, and video streaming.
A straightforward line search approach on the expected empirical loss for stochastic deep learning problems
A fundamental challenge in deep learning is that the optimal step sizes for update steps of stochastic gradient descent are unknown. In traditional optimization, line searches are used to determine good step sizes, however, in deep learning, it is too costly to search for good step sizes on the expected empirical loss due to noisy losses. This empirical work shows that it is possible to approximate the expected empirical loss on vertical cross sections for common deep learning tasks considerably cheaply. This is achieved by applying traditional one-dimensional function fitting to measured noisy losses of such cross sections. The step to a minimum of the resulting approximation is then used as step size for the optimization. This approach leads to a robust and straightforward optimization method which performs well across datasets and architectures without the need of hyperparameter tuning.
Potential Anchoring for imbalanced data classification
Data imbalance remains one of the factors negatively affecting the performance of contemporary machine learning algorithms. One of the most common approaches to reducing the negative impact of data imbalance is preprocessing the original dataset with data-level strategies. In this paper we propose a unified framework for imbalanced data over- and undersampling. The proposed approach utilizes radial basis functions to preserve the original shape of the underlying class distributions during the resampling process. This is done by optimizing the positions of generated synthetic observations with respect to the potential resemblance loss. The final Potential Anchoring algorithm combines over- and undersampling within the proposed framework. The results of the experiments conducted on 60 imbalanced datasets show outperformance of Potential Anchoring over state-of-the-art resampling algorithms, including previously proposed methods that utilize radial basis functions to model class potential. Furthermore, the results of the analysis based on the proposed data complexity index show that Potential Anchoring is particularly well suited for handling naturally complex (i.e. not affected by the presence of noise) datasets.
Fuzzy c-Means Clustering for Persistence Diagrams
Persistence diagrams concisely represent the topology of a point cloud whilst having strong theoretical guarantees, but the question of how to best integrate this information into machine learning workflows remains open. In this paper we extend the ubiquitous Fuzzy c-Means (FCM) clustering algorithm to the space of persistence diagrams, enabling unsupervised learning that automatically captures the topological structure of data without the topological prior knowledge or additional processing of persistence diagrams that many other techniques require. We give theoretical convergence guarantees that correspond to the Euclidean case, and empirically demonstrate the capability of our algorithm to capture topological information via the fuzzy RAND index. We end with experiments on two datasets that utilise both the topological and fuzzy nature of our algorithm: pre-trained model selection in machine learning and lattices structures from materials science. As pre-trained models can perform well on multiple tasks, selecting the best model is a naturally fuzzy problem; we show that fuzzy clustering persistence diagrams allows for model selection using the topology of decision boundaries. In materials science, we classify transformed lattice structure datasets for the first time, whilst the probabilistic membership values let us rank candidate lattices in a scenario where further investigation requires expensive laboratory time and expertise.
Towards Automatic Speech Identification from Vocal Tract Shape Dynamics in Real-time MRI
Vocal tract configurations play a vital role in generating distinguishable speech sounds, by modulating the airflow and creating different resonant cavities in speech production. They contain abundant information that can be utilized to better understand the underlying speech production mechanism. As a step towards automatic mapping of vocal tract shape geometry to acoustics, this paper employs effective video action recognition techniques, like Long-term Recurrent Convolutional Networks (LRCN) models, to identify different vowel-consonant-vowel (VCV) sequences from dynamic shaping of the vocal tract. Such a model typically combines a CNN based deep hierarchical visual feature extractor with Recurrent Networks, that ideally makes the network spatio-temporally deep enough to learn the sequential dynamics of a short video clip for video classification tasks. We use a database consisting of 2D real-time MRI of vocal tract shaping during VCV utterances by 17 speakers. The comparative performances of this class of algorithms under various parameter settings and for various classification tasks are discussed. Interestingly, the results show a marked difference in the model performance in the context of speech classification with respect to generic sequence or video classification tasks.
Sequence-to-Sequence Learning as Beam-Search Optimization
Sequence-to-Sequence (seq2seq) modeling has rapidly become an important general-purpose NLP tool that has proven effective for many text-generation and sequence-labeling tasks. Seq2seq builds on deep neural language modeling and inherits its remarkable accuracy in estimating local, next-word distributions. In this work, we introduce a model and beam-search training scheme, based on the work of Daume III and Marcu (2005), that extends seq2seq to learn global sequence scores. This structured approach avoids classical biases associated with local training and unifies the training loss with the test-time usage, while preserving the proven model architecture of seq2seq and its efficient training approach. We show that our system outperforms a highly-optimized attention-based seq2seq system and other baselines on three different sequence to sequence tasks: word ordering, parsing, and machine translation.
Towards explainable message passing networks for predicting carbon dioxide adsorption in metal-organic frameworks
Metal-organic framework (MOFs) are nanoporous materials that could be used to capture carbon dioxide from the exhaust gas of fossil fuel power plants to mitigate climate change. In this work, we design and train a message passing neural network (MPNN) to predict simulated CO$_2$ adsorption in MOFs. Towards providing insights into what substructures of the MOFs are important for the prediction, we introduce a soft attention mechanism into the readout function that quantifies the contributions of the node representations towards the graph representations. We investigate different mechanisms for sparse attention to ensure only the most relevant substructures are identified.
Design of Artificial Intelligence Agents for Games using Deep Reinforcement Learning
In order perform a large variety of tasks and to achieve human-level performance in complex real-world environments, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Agents must be able to learn from their past experiences and gain both knowledge and an accurate representation of their environment from raw sensory inputs. Traditionally, AI agents have suffered from difficulties in using only sensory inputs to obtain a good representation of their environment and then mapping this representation to an efficient control policy. Deep reinforcement learning algorithms have provided a solution to this issue. In this study, the performance of different conventional and novel deep reinforcement learning algorithms was analysed. The proposed method utilises two types of algorithms, one trained with a variant of Q-learning (DQN) and another trained with SARSA learning (DSN) to assess the feasibility of using direct feedback alignment, a novel biologically plausible method for back-propagating the error. These novel agents, alongside two similar agents trained with the conventional backpropagation algorithm, were tested by using the OpenAI Gym toolkit on several classic control theory problems and Atari 2600 video games. The results of this investigation open the way into new, biologically-inspired deep reinforcement learning algorithms, and their implementation on neuromorphic hardware.
Ensemble and Multimodal Approach for Forecasting Cryptocurrency Price
Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrencies have emerged to become a global phenomenon and an important decentralized financial asset. Due to this decentralization, the value of these digital currencies against fiat currencies is highly volatile over time. Therefore, forecasting the crypto-fiat currency exchange rate is an extremely challenging task. For reliable forecasting, this paper proposes a multimodal AdaBoost-LSTM ensemble approach that employs all modalities which derive price fluctuation such as social media sentiments, search volumes, blockchain information, and trading data. To better support investment decision making, the approach forecasts also the fluctuation distribution. The conducted extensive experiments demonstrated the effectiveness of relying on multimodalities instead of only trading data. Further experiments demonstrate the outperformance of the proposed approach compared to existing tools and methods with a 19.29% improvement.
XAI-N: Sensor-based Robot Navigation using Expert Policies and Decision Trees
We present a novel sensor-based learning navigation algorithm to compute a collision-free trajectory for a robot in dense and dynamic environments with moving obstacles or targets. Our approach uses deep reinforcement learning-based expert policy that is trained using a sim2real paradigm. In order to increase the reliability and handle the failure cases of the expert policy, we combine with a policy extraction technique to transform the resulting policy into a decision tree format. The resulting decision tree has properties which we use to analyze and modify the policy and improve performance on navigation metrics including smoothness, frequency of oscillation, frequency of immobilization, and obstruction of target. We are able to modify the policy to address these imperfections without retraining, combining the learning power of deep learning with the control of domain-specific algorithms. We highlight the benefits of our algorithm in simulated environments and navigating a Clearpath Jackal robot among moving pedestrians. (Videos at this url: https://gamma.umd.edu/researchdirections/xrl/navviper)
Adaptive Sequential Experiments with Unknown Information Arrival Processes
Sequential experiments are often characterized by an exploration-exploitation tradeoff that is captured by the multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework. This framework has been studied and applied, typically when at each time period feedback is received only on the action that was selected at that period. However, in many practical settings additional data may become available between decision epochs. We introduce a generalized MAB formulation, which considers a broad class of distributions that are informative about mean rewards, and allows observations from these distributions to arrive according to an arbitrary and a priori unknown arrival process. When it is known how to map auxiliary data to reward estimates, by obtaining matching lower and upper bounds we characterize a spectrum of minimax complexities for this class of problems as a function of the information arrival process, which captures how salient characteristics of this process impact achievable performance. In terms of achieving optimal performance, we establish that upper confidence bound and posterior sampling policies possess natural robustness with respect to the information arrival process without any adjustments, which uncovers a novel property of these popular policies and further lends credence to their appeal. When the mappings connecting auxiliary data and rewards are a priori unknown, we characterize necessary and sufficient conditions under which auxiliary information allows performance improvement. We devise a new policy that is based on two different upper confidence bounds (one that accounts for auxiliary observation and one that does not) and establish the near-optimality of this policy. We use data from a large media site to analyze the value that may be captured in practice by leveraging auxiliary data for designing content recommendations.
Link Analysis meets Ontologies: Are Embeddings the Answer?
The increasing amounts of semantic resources offer valuable storage of human knowledge; however, the probability of wrong entries increases with the increased size. The development of approaches that identify potentially spurious parts of a given knowledge base is thus becoming an increasingly important area of interest. In this work, we present a systematic evaluation of whether structure-only link analysis methods can already offer a scalable means to detecting possible anomalies, as well as potentially interesting novel relation candidates. Evaluating thirteen methods on eight different semantic resources, including Gene Ontology, Food Ontology, Marine Ontology and similar, we demonstrated that structure-only link analysis could offer scalable anomaly detection for a subset of the data sets. Further, we demonstrated that by considering symbolic node embedding, explanations of the predictions (links) could be obtained, making this branch of methods potentially more valuable than the black-box only ones. To our knowledge, this is currently one of the most extensive systematic studies of the applicability of different types of link analysis methods across semantic resources from different domains.
Multi-task problems are not multi-objective
Multi-objective optimization (MOO) aims at finding a set of optimal configurations for a given set of objectives. A recent line of work applies MOO methods to the typical Machine Learning (ML) setting, which becomes multi-objective if a model should optimize more than one objective, for instance in fair machine learning. These works also use Multi-Task Learning (MTL) problems to benchmark MOO algorithms treating each task as independent objective. In this work we show that MTL problems do not resemble the characteristics of MOO problems. In particular, MTL losses are not competing in case of a sufficiently expressive single model. As a consequence, a single model can perform just as well as optimizing all objectives with independent models, rendering MOO inapplicable. We provide evidence with extensive experiments on the widely used Multi-Fashion-MNIST datasets. Our results call for new benchmarks to evaluate MOO algorithms for ML. Our code is available at: https://github.com/ruchtem/moo-mtl.
Towards Characterizing Adversarial Defects of Deep Learning Software from the Lens of Uncertainty
Over the past decade, deep learning (DL) has been successfully applied to many industrial domain-specific tasks. However, the current state-of-the-art DL software still suffers from quality issues, which raises great concern especially in the context of safety- and security-critical scenarios. Adversarial examples (AEs) represent a typical and important type of defects needed to be urgently addressed, on which a DL software makes incorrect decisions. Such defects occur through either intentional attack or physical-world noise perceived by input sensors, potentially hindering further industry deployment. The intrinsic uncertainty nature of deep learning decisions can be a fundamental reason for its incorrect behavior. Although some testing, adversarial attack and defense techniques have been recently proposed, it still lacks a systematic study to uncover the relationship between AEs and DL uncertainty. In this paper, we conduct a large-scale study towards bridging this gap. We first investigate the capability of multiple uncertainty metrics in differentiating benign examples (BEs) and AEs, which enables to characterize the uncertainty patterns of input data. Then, we identify and categorize the uncertainty patterns of BEs and AEs, and find that while BEs and AEs generated by existing methods do follow common uncertainty patterns, some other uncertainty patterns are largely missed. Based on this, we propose an automated testing technique to generate multiple types of uncommon AEs and BEs that are largely missed by existing techniques. Our further evaluation reveals that the uncommon data generated by our method is hard to be defended by the existing defense techniques with the average defense success rate reduced by 35\%. Our results call for attention and necessity to generate more diverse data for evaluating quality assurance solutions of DL software.
Exploring Fluent Query Reformulations with Text-to-Text Transformers and Reinforcement Learning
Query reformulation aims to alter noisy or ambiguous text sequences into coherent ones closer to natural language questions. This is to prevent errors from propagating in a client-facing pipeline and promote better communication with users. Besides, it is crucial to maintain performance in downstream environments like question answering when rephrased queries are given as input. We show that under the previous framework (AQA), attempts to alter RL algorithms do not bring significant benefits to either reward acquisition or sequence fluency. Instead, we leverage a query-reformulating text-to-text transformer (QRT5) and apply policy-based RL algorithms to further nudge this reformulator and obtain better answers downstream by generating reward-acquiring query trajectories. QRT5 shows better sample efficiency in RL to achieve the same level of QA performance as the previous approach. It can generate reformulations with more readability based on query well-formedness evaluations and can generalize to out-of-sample data. Our framework is demonstrated to be flexible, allowing reward signals to be sourced from different downstream environments such as intent classification.
Communication Efficient Federated Learning for Generalized Linear Bandits
Contextual bandit algorithms have been recently studied under the federated learning setting to satisfy the demand of keeping data decentralized and pushing the learning of bandit models to the client side. But limited by the required communication efficiency, existing solutions are restricted to linear models to exploit their closed-form solutions for parameter estimation. Such a restricted model choice greatly hampers these algorithms' practical utility. In this paper, we take the first step to addressing this challenge by studying generalized linear bandit models under a federated learning setting. We propose a communication-efficient solution framework that employs online regression for local update and offline regression for global update. We rigorously proved that, though the setting is more general and challenging, our algorithm can attain sub-linear rate in both regret and communication cost, which is also validated by our extensive empirical evaluations.
Deep Learning Microscopy
We demonstrate that a deep neural network can significantly improve optical microscopy, enhancing its spatial resolution over a large field-of-view and depth-of-field. After its training, the only input to this network is an image acquired using a regular optical microscope, without any changes to its design. We blindly tested this deep learning approach using various tissue samples that are imaged with low-resolution and wide-field systems, where the network rapidly outputs an image with remarkably better resolution, matching the performance of higher numerical aperture lenses, also significantly surpassing their limited field-of-view and depth-of-field. These results are transformative for various fields that use microscopy tools, including e.g., life sciences, where optical microscopy is considered as one of the most widely used and deployed techniques. Beyond such applications, our presented approach is broadly applicable to other imaging modalities, also spanning different parts of the electromagnetic spectrum, and can be used to design computational imagers that get better and better as they continue to image specimen and establish new transformations among different modes of imaging.
Scalable Multi-Class Bayesian Support Vector Machines for Structured and Unstructured Data
We introduce a new Bayesian multi-class support vector machine by formulating a pseudo-likelihood for a multi-class hinge loss in the form of a location-scale mixture of Gaussians. We derive a variational-inference-based training objective for gradient-based learning. Additionally, we employ an inducing point approximation which scales inference to large data sets. Furthermore, we develop hybrid Bayesian neural networks that combine standard deep learning components with the proposed model to enable learning for unstructured data. We provide empirical evidence that our model outperforms the competitor methods with respect to both training time and accuracy in classification experiments on 68 structured and two unstructured data sets. Finally, we highlight the key capability of our model in yielding prediction uncertainty for classification by demonstrating its effectiveness in the tasks of large-scale active learning and detection of adversarial images.
Investigating Bi-Level Optimization for Learning and Vision from a Unified Perspective: A Survey and Beyond
Bi-Level Optimization (BLO) is originated from the area of economic game theory and then introduced into the optimization community. BLO is able to handle problems with a hierarchical structure, involving two levels of optimization tasks, where one task is nested inside the other. In machine learning and computer vision fields, despite the different motivations and mechanisms, a lot of complex problems, such as hyper-parameter optimization, multi-task and meta-learning, neural architecture search, adversarial learning and deep reinforcement learning, actually all contain a series of closely related subproblms. In this paper, we first uniformly express these complex learning and vision problems from the perspective of BLO. Then we construct a best-response-based single-level reformulation and establish a unified algorithmic framework to understand and formulate mainstream gradient-based BLO methodologies, covering aspects ranging from fundamental automatic differentiation schemes to various accelerations, simplifications, extensions and their convergence and complexity properties. Last but not least, we discuss the potentials of our unified BLO framework for designing new algorithms and point out some promising directions for future research.
Automatically Explaining Machine Learning Prediction Results: A Demonstration on Type 2 Diabetes Risk Prediction
Background: Predictive modeling is a key component of solutions to many healthcare problems. Among all predictive modeling approaches, machine learning methods often achieve the highest prediction accuracy, but suffer from a long-standing open problem precluding their widespread use in healthcare. Most machine learning models give no explanation for their prediction results, whereas interpretability is essential for a predictive model to be adopted in typical healthcare settings. Methods: This paper presents the first complete method for automatically explaining results for any machine learning predictive model without degrading accuracy. We did a computer coding implementation of the method. Using the electronic medical record data set from the Practice Fusion diabetes classification competition containing patient records from all 50 states in the United States, we demonstrated the method on predicting type 2 diabetes diagnosis within the next year. Results: For the champion machine learning model of the competition, our method explained prediction results for 87.4% of patients who were correctly predicted by the model to have type 2 diabetes diagnosis within the next year. Conclusions: Our demonstration showed the feasibility of automatically explaining results for any machine learning predictive model without degrading accuracy.
Calibrated Diffusion Tensor Estimation
It is highly desirable to know how uncertain a model's predictions are, especially for models that are complex and hard to understand as in deep learning. Although there has been a growing interest in using deep learning methods in diffusion-weighted MRI, prior works have not addressed the issue of model uncertainty. Here, we propose a deep learning method to estimate the diffusion tensor and compute the estimation uncertainty. Data-dependent uncertainty is computed directly by the network and learned via loss attenuation. Model uncertainty is computed using Monte Carlo dropout. We also propose a new method for evaluating the quality of predicted uncertainties. We compare the new method with the standard least-squares tensor estimation and bootstrap-based uncertainty computation techniques. Our experiments show that when the number of measurements is small the deep learning method is more accurate and its uncertainty predictions are better calibrated than the standard methods. We show that the estimation uncertainties computed by the new method can highlight the model's biases, detect domain shift, and reflect the strength of noise in the measurements. Our study shows the importance and practical value of modeling prediction uncertainties in deep learning-based diffusion MRI analysis.
Stochastic Weight Averaging Revisited
Averaging neural network weights sampled by a backbone stochastic gradient descent (SGD) is a simple yet effective approach to assist the backbone SGD in finding better optima, in terms of generalization. From a statistical perspective, weight averaging (WA) contributes to variance reduction. Recently, a well-established stochastic weight averaging (SWA) method is proposed, which is featured by the application of a cyclical or high constant (CHC) learning rate schedule (LRS) in the process of generating weight samples for the WA operation. Then a new insight on WA appears, which states that WA helps to discover wider optima and then leads to better generalization. We conduct extensive experimental studies for SWA, involving a dozen modern DNN model structures and a dozen benchmark open-source image, graph, and text datasets. We disentangle contributions of the WA operation and the CHC LRS for SWA, showing that the WA operation in SWA still contributes to variance reduction but does not always lead to wide optima. We show how the statistical and geometric views on SWA reconcile. Based on our experimental findings, we raise a hypothesis that there are global scale geometric structures in the DNN loss landscape that can be discovered by an SGD agent at the early stage of its working period, and such global geometric structures can be exploited by the WA operation. This hypothesis inspires an algorithm design termed periodic SWA (PSWA). We find that PSWA outperforms its backbone SGD remarkably during the early stage of the SGD sampling process, and thus demonstrate that our hypothesis holds. Codes for reproducing the experimental results can be found at https://github.com/ZJLAB-AMMI/PSWA.
Distribution-Free Federated Learning with Conformal Predictions
Federated learning has attracted considerable interest for collaborative machine learning in healthcare to leverage separate institutional datasets while maintaining patient privacy. However, additional challenges such as poor calibration and lack of interpretability may also hamper widespread deployment of federated models into clinical practice, leading to user distrust or misuse of ML tools in high-stakes clinical decision-making. In this paper, we propose to address these challenges by incorporating an adaptive conformal framework into federated learning to ensure distribution-free prediction sets that provide coverage guarantees. Importantly, these uncertainty estimates can be obtained without requiring any additional modifications to the model. Empirical results on the MedMNIST medical imaging benchmark demonstrate our federated method provides tighter coverage over local conformal predictions on 6 different medical imaging datasets for 2D and 3D multi-class classification tasks. Furthermore, we correlate class entropy with prediction set size to assess task uncertainty.
ECRM: Efficient Fault Tolerance for Recommendation Model Training via Erasure Coding
Deep-learning-based recommendation models (DLRMs) are widely deployed to serve personalized content to users. DLRMs are large in size due to their use of large embedding tables, and are trained by distributing the model across the memory of tens or hundreds of servers. Server failures are common in such large distributed systems and must be mitigated to enable training to progress. Checkpointing is the primary approach used for fault tolerance in these systems, but incurs significant training-time overhead both during normal operation and when recovering from failures. As these overheads increase with DLRM size, checkpointing is slated to become an even larger overhead for future DLRMs, which are expected to grow in size. This calls for rethinking fault tolerance in DLRM training. We present ECRM, a DLRM training system that achieves efficient fault tolerance using erasure coding. ECRM chooses which DLRM parameters to encode, correctly and efficiently updates parities, and enables training to proceed without any pauses, while maintaining consistency of the recovered parameters. We implement ECRM atop XDL, an open-source, industrial-scale DLRM training system. Compared to checkpointing, ECRM reduces training-time overhead for large DLRMs by up to 88%, recovers from failures up to 10.3$\times$ faster, and allows training to proceed during recovery. These results show the promise of erasure coding in imparting efficient fault tolerance to training current and future DLRMs.
Semiparametric Nonlinear Bipartite Graph Representation Learning with Provable Guarantees
Graph representation learning is a ubiquitous task in machine learning where the goal is to embed each vertex into a low-dimensional vector space. We consider the bipartite graph and formalize its representation learning problem as a statistical estimation problem of parameters in a semiparametric exponential family distribution. The bipartite graph is assumed to be generated by a semiparametric exponential family distribution, whose parametric component is given by the proximity of outputs of two one-layer neural networks, while nonparametric (nuisance) component is the base measure. Neural networks take high-dimensional features as inputs and output embedding vectors. In this setting, the representation learning problem is equivalent to recovering the weight matrices. The main challenges of estimation arise from the nonlinearity of activation functions and the nonparametric nuisance component of the distribution. To overcome these challenges, we propose a pseudo-likelihood objective based on the rank-order decomposition technique and focus on its local geometry. We show that the proposed objective is strongly convex in a neighborhood around the ground truth, so that a gradient descent-based method achieves linear convergence rate. Moreover, we prove that the sample complexity of the problem is linear in dimensions (up to logarithmic factors), which is consistent with parametric Gaussian models. However, our estimator is robust to any model misspecification within the exponential family, which is validated in extensive experiments.
Outlier Detection using AI: A Survey
An outlier is an event or observation that is defined as an unusual activity, intrusion, or a suspicious data point that lies at an irregular distance from a population. The definition of an outlier event, however, is subjective and depends on the application and the domain (Energy, Health, Wireless Network, etc.). It is important to detect outlier events as carefully as possible to avoid infrastructure failures because anomalous events can cause minor to severe damage to infrastructure. For instance, an attack on a cyber-physical system such as a microgrid may initiate voltage or frequency instability, thereby damaging a smart inverter which involves very expensive repairing. Unusual activities in microgrids can be mechanical faults, behavior changes in the system, human or instrument errors or a malicious attack. Accordingly, and due to its variability, Outlier Detection (OD) is an ever-growing research field. In this chapter, we discuss the progress of OD methods using AI techniques. For that, the fundamental concepts of each OD model are introduced via multiple categories. Broad range of OD methods are categorized into six major categories: Statistical-based, Distance-based, Density-based, Clustering-based, Learning-based, and Ensemble methods. For every category, we discuss recent state-of-the-art approaches, their application areas, and performances. After that, a brief discussion regarding the advantages, disadvantages, and challenges of each technique is provided with recommendations on future research directions. This survey aims to guide the reader to better understand recent progress of OD methods for the assurance of AI.
Differentiable Economics for Randomized Affine Maximizer Auctions
A recent approach to automated mechanism design, differentiable economics, represents auctions by rich function approximators and optimizes their performance by gradient descent. The ideal auction architecture for differentiable economics would be perfectly strategyproof, support multiple bidders and items, and be rich enough to represent the optimal (i.e. revenue-maximizing) mechanism. So far, such an architecture does not exist. There are single-bidder approaches (MenuNet, RochetNet) which are always strategyproof and can represent optimal mechanisms. RegretNet is multi-bidder and can approximate any mechanism, but is only approximately strategyproof. We present an architecture that supports multiple bidders and is perfectly strategyproof, but cannot necessarily represent the optimal mechanism. This architecture is the classic affine maximizer auction (AMA), modified to offer lotteries. By using the gradient-based optimization tools of differentiable economics, we can now train lottery AMAs, competing with or outperforming prior approaches in revenue.
Sharper Convergence Guarantees for Asynchronous SGD for Distributed and Federated Learning
We study the asynchronous stochastic gradient descent algorithm for distributed training over $n$ workers which have varying computation and communication frequency over time. In this algorithm, workers compute stochastic gradients in parallel at their own pace and return those to the server without any synchronization. Existing convergence rates of this algorithm for non-convex smooth objectives depend on the maximum gradient delay $\tau_{\max}$ and show that an $\epsilon$-stationary point is reached after $\mathcal{O}\!\left(\sigma^2\epsilon^{-2}+ \tau_{\max}\epsilon^{-1}\right)$ iterations, where $\sigma$ denotes the variance of stochastic gradients. In this work (i) we obtain a tighter convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}\!\left(\sigma^2\epsilon^{-2}+ \sqrt{\tau_{\max}\tau_{avg}}\epsilon^{-1}\right)$ without any change in the algorithm where $\tau_{avg}$ is the average delay, which can be significantly smaller than $\tau_{\max}$. We also provide (ii) a simple delay-adaptive learning rate scheme, under which asynchronous SGD achieves a convergence rate of $\mathcal{O}\!\left(\sigma^2\epsilon^{-2}+ \tau_{avg}\epsilon^{-1}\right)$, and does not require any extra hyperparameter tuning nor extra communications. Our result allows to show for the first time that asynchronous SGD is always faster than mini-batch SGD. In addition, (iii) we consider the case of heterogeneous functions motivated by federated learning applications and improve the convergence rate by proving a weaker dependence on the maximum delay compared to prior works. In particular, we show that the heterogeneity term in convergence rate is only affected by the average delay within each worker.
Towards universal neural nets: Gibbs machines and ACE
We study from a physics viewpoint a class of generative neural nets, Gibbs machines, designed for gradual learning. While including variational auto-encoders, they offer a broader universal platform for incrementally adding newly learned features, including physical symmetries. Their direct connection to statistical physics and information geometry is established. A variational Pythagorean theorem justifies invoking the exponential/Gibbs class of probabilities for creating brand new objects. Combining these nets with classifiers, gives rise to a brand of universal generative neural nets - stochastic auto-classifier-encoders (ACE). ACE have state-of-the-art performance in their class, both for classification and density estimation for the MNIST data set.
CUR Decompositions, Similarity Matrices, and Subspace Clustering
A general framework for solving the subspace clustering problem using the CUR decomposition is presented. The CUR decomposition provides a natural way to construct similarity matrices for data that come from a union of unknown subspaces $\mathscr{U}=\underset{i=1}{\overset{M}\bigcup}S_i$. The similarity matrices thus constructed give the exact clustering in the noise-free case. Additionally, this decomposition gives rise to many distinct similarity matrices from a given set of data, which allow enough flexibility to perform accurate clustering of noisy data. We also show that two known methods for subspace clustering can be derived from the CUR decomposition. An algorithm based on the theoretical construction of similarity matrices is presented, and experiments on synthetic and real data are presented to test the method. Additionally, an adaptation of our CUR based similarity matrices is utilized to provide a heuristic algorithm for subspace clustering; this algorithm yields the best overall performance to date for clustering the Hopkins155 motion segmentation dataset.
Tree-AMP: Compositional Inference with Tree Approximate Message Passing
We introduce Tree-AMP, standing for Tree Approximate Message Passing, a python package for compositional inference in high-dimensional tree-structured models. The package provides a unifying framework to study several approximate message passing algorithms previously derived for a variety of machine learning tasks such as generalized linear models, inference in multi-layer networks, matrix factorization, and reconstruction using non-separable penalties. For some models, the asymptotic performance of the algorithm can be theoretically predicted by the state evolution, and the measurements entropy estimated by the free entropy formalism. The implementation is modular by design: each module, which implements a factor, can be composed at will with other modules to solve complex inference tasks. The user only needs to declare the factor graph of the model: the inference algorithm, state evolution and entropy estimation are fully automated.
Universal halting times in optimization and machine learning
The authors present empirical distributions for the halting time (measured by the number of iterations to reach a given accuracy) of optimization algorithms applied to two random systems: spin glasses and deep learning. Given an algorithm, which we take to be both the optimization routine and the form of the random landscape, the fluctuations of the halting time follow a distribution that, after centering and scaling, remains unchanged even when the distribution on the landscape is changed. We observe two qualitative classes: A Gumbel-like distribution that appears in Google searches, human decision times, the QR eigenvalue algorithm and spin glasses, and a Gaussian-like distribution that appears in conjugate gradient method, deep network with MNIST input data and deep network with random input data. This empirical evidence suggests presence of a class of distributions for which the halting time is independent of the underlying distribution under some conditions.
A Statistical Learning Based System for Fake Website Detection
Existing fake website detection systems are unable to effectively detect fake websites. In this study, we advocate the development of fake website detection systems that employ classification methods grounded in statistical learning theory (SLT). Experimental results reveal that a prototype system developed using SLT-based methods outperforms seven existing fake website detection systems on a test bed encompassing 900 real and fake websites.
Hotel Recommendation System
One of the first things to do while planning a trip is to book a good place to stay. Booking a hotel online can be an overwhelming task with thousands of hotels to choose from, for every destination. Motivated by the importance of these situations, we decided to work on the task of recommending hotels to users. We used Expedia's hotel recommendation dataset, which has a variety of features that helped us achieve a deep understanding of the process that makes a user choose certain hotels over others. The aim of this hotel recommendation task is to predict and recommend five hotel clusters to a user that he/she is more likely to book given hundred distinct clusters.
Towards Understanding Graph Neural Networks: An Algorithm Unrolling Perspective
The graph neural network (GNN) has demonstrated its superior performance in various applications. The working mechanism behind it, however, remains mysterious. GNN models are designed to learn effective representations for graph-structured data, which intrinsically coincides with the principle of graph signal denoising (GSD). Algorithm unrolling, a "learning to optimize" technique, has gained increasing attention due to its prospects in building efficient and interpretable neural network architectures. In this paper, we introduce a class of unrolled networks built based on truncated optimization algorithms (e.g., gradient descent and proximal gradient descent) for GSD problems. They are shown to be tightly connected to many popular GNN models in that the forward propagations in these GNNs are in fact unrolled networks serving specific GSDs. Besides, the training process of a GNN model can be seen as solving a bilevel optimization problem with a GSD problem at the lower level. Such a connection brings a fresh view of GNNs, as we could try to understand their practical capabilities from their GSD counterparts, and it can also motivate designing new GNN models. Based on the algorithm unrolling perspective, an expressive model named UGDGNN, i.e., unrolled gradient descent GNN, is further proposed which inherits appealing theoretical properties. Extensive numerical simulations on seven benchmark datasets demonstrate that UGDGNN can achieve superior or competitive performance over the state-of-the-art models.
Analysis of dropout learning regarded as ensemble learning
Deep learning is the state-of-the-art in fields such as visual object recognition and speech recognition. This learning uses a large number of layers, huge number of units, and connections. Therefore, overfitting is a serious problem. To avoid this problem, dropout learning is proposed. Dropout learning neglects some inputs and hidden units in the learning process with a probability, p, and then, the neglected inputs and hidden units are combined with the learned network to express the final output. We find that the process of combining the neglected hidden units with the learned network can be regarded as ensemble learning, so we analyze dropout learning from this point of view.
Bayesian Imitation Learning for End-to-End Mobile Manipulation
In this work we investigate and demonstrate benefits of a Bayesian approach to imitation learning from multiple sensor inputs, as applied to the task of opening office doors with a mobile manipulator. Augmenting policies with additional sensor inputs, such as RGB + depth cameras, is a straightforward approach to improving robot perception capabilities, especially for tasks that may favor different sensors in different situations. As we scale multi-sensor robotic learning to unstructured real-world settings (e.g. offices, homes) and more complex robot behaviors, we also increase reliance on simulators for cost, efficiency, and safety. Consequently, the sim-to-real gap across multiple sensor modalities also increases, making simulated validation more difficult. We show that using the Variational Information Bottleneck (Alemi et al., 2016) to regularize convolutional neural networks improves generalization to held-out domains and reduces the sim-to-real gap in a sensor-agnostic manner. As a side effect, the learned embeddings also provide useful estimates of model uncertainty for each sensor. We demonstrate that our method is able to help close the sim-to-real gap and successfully fuse RGB and depth modalities based on understanding of the situational uncertainty of each sensor. In a real-world office environment, we achieve 96% task success, improving upon the baseline by +16%.
AirNet: Neural Network Transmission over the Air
State-of-the-art performance for many emerging edge applications is achieved by deep neural networks (DNNs). Often, the employed DNNs are location- and time-dependent, and the parameters of a specific DNN must be delivered from an edge server to the edge device rapidly and efficiently to carry out time-sensitive inference tasks. This can be considered as a joint source-channel coding (JSCC) problem, in which the goal is not to recover the DNN coefficients with the minimal distortion, but in a manner that provides the highest accuracy in the downstream task. For this purpose we introduce AirNet, a novel training and analog transmission method to deliver DNNs over the air. We first train the DNN with noise injection to counter the wireless channel noise. We also employ pruning to identify the most significant DNN parameters that can be delivered within the available channel bandwidth, knowledge distillation, and non-linear bandwidth expansion to provide better error protection for the most important network parameters. We show that AirNet achieves significantly higher test accuracy compared to the separation-based alternative, and exhibits graceful degradation with channel quality.
Understanding the Intrinsic Robustness of Image Distributions using Conditional Generative Models
Starting with Gilmer et al. (2018), several works have demonstrated the inevitability of adversarial examples based on different assumptions about the underlying input probability space. It remains unclear, however, whether these results apply to natural image distributions. In this work, we assume the underlying data distribution is captured by some conditional generative model, and prove intrinsic robustness bounds for a general class of classifiers, which solves an open problem in Fawzi et al. (2018). Building upon the state-of-the-art conditional generative models, we study the intrinsic robustness of two common image benchmarks under $\ell_2$ perturbations, and show the existence of a large gap between the robustness limits implied by our theory and the adversarial robustness achieved by current state-of-the-art robust models. Code for all our experiments is available at https://github.com/xiaozhanguva/Intrinsic-Rob.
MAT: A Multi-strength Adversarial Training Method to Mitigate Adversarial Attacks
Some recent works revealed that deep neural networks (DNNs) are vulnerable to so-called adversarial attacks where input examples are intentionally perturbed to fool DNNs. In this work, we revisit the DNN training process that includes adversarial examples into the training dataset so as to improve DNN's resilience to adversarial attacks, namely, adversarial training. Our experiments show that different adversarial strengths, i.e., perturbation levels of adversarial examples, have different working zones to resist the attack. Based on the observation, we propose a multi-strength adversarial training method (MAT) that combines the adversarial training examples with different adversarial strengths to defend adversarial attacks. Two training structures - mixed MAT and parallel MAT - are developed to facilitate the tradeoffs between training time and memory occupation. Our results show that MAT can substantially minimize the accuracy degradation of deep learning systems to adversarial attacks on MNIST, CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and SVHN.
Metadata Normalization
Batch Normalization (BN) and its variants have delivered tremendous success in combating the covariate shift induced by the training step of deep learning methods. While these techniques normalize feature distributions by standardizing with batch statistics, they do not correct the influence on features from extraneous variables or multiple distributions. Such extra variables, referred to as metadata here, may create bias or confounding effects (e.g., race when classifying gender from face images). We introduce the Metadata Normalization (MDN) layer, a new batch-level operation which can be used end-to-end within the training framework, to correct the influence of metadata on feature distributions. MDN adopts a regression analysis technique traditionally used for preprocessing to remove (regress out) the metadata effects on model features during training. We utilize a metric based on distance correlation to quantify the distribution bias from the metadata and demonstrate that our method successfully removes metadata effects on four diverse settings: one synthetic, one 2D image, one video, and one 3D medical image dataset.
Capabilities and Limitations of Time-lagged Autoencoders for Slow Mode Discovery in Dynamical Systems
Time-lagged autoencoders (TAEs) have been proposed as a deep learning regression-based approach to the discovery of slow modes in dynamical systems. However, a rigorous analysis of nonlinear TAEs remains lacking. In this work, we discuss the capabilities and limitations of TAEs through both theoretical and numerical analyses. Theoretically, we derive bounds for nonlinear TAE performance in slow mode discovery and show that in general TAEs learn a mixture of slow and maximum variance modes. Numerically, we illustrate cases where TAEs can and cannot correctly identify the leading slowest mode in two example systems: a 2D "Washington beltway" potential and the alanine dipeptide molecule in explicit water. We also compare the TAE results with those obtained using state-free reversible VAMPnets (SRVs) as a variational-based neural network approach for slow modes discovery, and show that SRVs can correctly discover slow modes where TAEs fail.
Min Max Generalization for Two-stage Deterministic Batch Mode Reinforcement Learning: Relaxation Schemes
We study the minmax optimization problem introduced in [22] for computing policies for batch mode reinforcement learning in a deterministic setting. First, we show that this problem is NP-hard. In the two-stage case, we provide two relaxation schemes. The first relaxation scheme works by dropping some constraints in order to obtain a problem that is solvable in polynomial time. The second relaxation scheme, based on a Lagrangian relaxation where all constraints are dualized, leads to a conic quadratic programming problem. We also theoretically prove and empirically illustrate that both relaxation schemes provide better results than those given in [22].
Reliable and Energy Efficient MLC STT-RAM Buffer for CNN Accelerators
We propose a lightweight scheme where the formation of a data block is changed in such a way that it can tolerate soft errors significantly better than the baseline. The key insight behind our work is that CNN weights are normalized between -1 and 1 after each convolutional layer, and this leaves one bit unused in half-precision floating-point representation. By taking advantage of the unused bit, we create a backup for the most significant bit to protect it against the soft errors. Also, considering the fact that in MLC STT-RAMs the cost of memory operations (read and write), and reliability of a cell are content-dependent (some patterns take larger current and longer time, while they are more susceptible to soft error), we rearrange the data block to minimize the number of costly bit patterns. Combining these two techniques provides the same level of accuracy compared to an error-free baseline while improving the read and write energy by 9% and 6%, respectively.
Entity Abstraction in Visual Model-Based Reinforcement Learning
This paper tests the hypothesis that modeling a scene in terms of entities and their local interactions, as opposed to modeling the scene globally, provides a significant benefit in generalizing to physical tasks in a combinatorial space the learner has not encountered before. We present object-centric perception, prediction, and planning (OP3), which to the best of our knowledge is the first fully probabilistic entity-centric dynamic latent variable framework for model-based reinforcement learning that acquires entity representations from raw visual observations without supervision and uses them to predict and plan. OP3 enforces entity-abstraction -- symmetric processing of each entity representation with the same locally-scoped function -- which enables it to scale to model different numbers and configurations of objects from those in training. Our approach to solving the key technical challenge of grounding these entity representations to actual objects in the environment is to frame this variable binding problem as an inference problem, and we develop an interactive inference algorithm that uses temporal continuity and interactive feedback to bind information about object properties to the entity variables. On block-stacking tasks, OP3 generalizes to novel block configurations and more objects than observed during training, outperforming an oracle model that assumes access to object supervision and achieving two to three times better accuracy than a state-of-the-art video prediction model that does not exhibit entity abstraction.
Tree Index: A New Cluster Evaluation Technique
We introduce a cluster evaluation technique called Tree Index. Our Tree Index algorithm aims at describing the structural information of the clustering rather than the quantitative format of cluster-quality indexes (where the representation power of clustering is some cumulative error similar to vector quantization). Our Tree Index is finding margins amongst clusters for easy learning without the complications of Minimum Description Length. Our Tree Index produces a decision tree from the clustered data set, using the cluster identifiers as labels. It combines the entropy of each leaf with their depth. Intuitively, a shorter tree with pure leaves generalizes the data well (the clusters are easy to learn because they are well separated). So, the labels are meaningful clusters. If the clustering algorithm does not separate well, trees learned from their results will be large and too detailed. We show that, on the clustering results (obtained by various techniques) on a brain dataset, Tree Index discriminates between reasonable and non-sensible clusters. We confirm the effectiveness of Tree Index through graphical visualizations. Tree Index evaluates the sensible solutions higher than the non-sensible solutions while existing cluster-quality indexes fail to do so.
Animal Behavior Classification via Accelerometry Data and Recurrent Neural Networks
We study the classification of animal behavior using accelerometry data through various recurrent neural network (RNN) models. We evaluate the classification performance and complexity of the considered models, which feature long short-time memory (LSTM) or gated recurrent unit (GRU) architectures with varying depths and widths, using four datasets acquired from cattle via collar or ear tags. We also include two state-of-the-art convolutional neural network (CNN)-based time-series classification models in the evaluations. The results show that the RNN-based models can achieve similar or higher classification accuracy compared with the CNN-based models while having less computational and memory requirements. We also observe that the models with GRU architecture generally outperform the ones with LSTM architecture in terms of classification accuracy despite being less complex. A single-layer uni-directional GRU model with 64 hidden units appears to offer a good balance between accuracy and complexity making it suitable for implementation on edge/embedded devices.
Reinforced MOOCs Concept Recommendation in Heterogeneous Information Networks
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), which provide a large-scale interactive participation and open access via the web, are becoming a modish way for online and distance education. To help users have a better study experience, many MOOC platforms have provided the services of recommending courses to users. However, we argue that directly recommending a course to users will ignore the expertise levels of different users. To fill this gap, this paper studies the problem of concept recommendation in a more fine-grained view. We propose a novel Heterogeneous Information Networks based Concept Recommender with Reinforcement Learning (HinCRec-RL) incorporated for concept recommendation in MOOCs. Specifically, we first formulate the concept recommendation in MOOCs as a reinforcement learning problem to better model the dynamic interaction among users and knowledge concepts. In addition, to mitigate the data sparsity issue which also exists in many other recommendation tasks, we consider a heterogeneous information network (HIN) among users, courses, videos and concepts, to better learn the semantic representation of users. In particular, we use the meta-paths on HIN to guide the propagation of users' preferences and propose a heterogeneous graph attention network to represent the meta-paths. To validate the effectiveness of our proposed approach, we conduct comprehensive experiments on a real-world dataset from XuetangX, a popular MOOC platform from China. The promising results show that our proposed approach can outperform other baselines.
Task-Relevant Adversarial Imitation Learning
We show that a critical vulnerability in adversarial imitation is the tendency of discriminator networks to learn spurious associations between visual features and expert labels. When the discriminator focuses on task-irrelevant features, it does not provide an informative reward signal, leading to poor task performance. We analyze this problem in detail and propose a solution that outperforms standard Generative Adversarial Imitation Learning (GAIL). Our proposed method, Task-Relevant Adversarial Imitation Learning (TRAIL), uses constrained discriminator optimization to learn informative rewards. In comprehensive experiments, we show that TRAIL can solve challenging robotic manipulation tasks from pixels by imitating human operators without access to any task rewards, and clearly outperforms comparable baseline imitation agents, including those trained via behaviour cloning and conventional GAIL.
Vehicle-Rear: A New Dataset to Explore Feature Fusion for Vehicle Identification Using Convolutional Neural Networks
This work addresses the problem of vehicle identification through non-overlapping cameras. As our main contribution, we introduce a novel dataset for vehicle identification, called Vehicle-Rear, that contains more than three hours of high-resolution videos, with accurate information about the make, model, color and year of nearly 3,000 vehicles, in addition to the position and identification of their license plates. To explore our dataset we design a two-stream CNN that simultaneously uses two of the most distinctive and persistent features available: the vehicle's appearance and its license plate. This is an attempt to tackle a major problem: false alarms caused by vehicles with similar designs or by very close license plate identifiers. In the first network stream, shape similarities are identified by a Siamese CNN that uses a pair of low-resolution vehicle patches recorded by two different cameras. In the second stream, we use a CNN for OCR to extract textual information, confidence scores, and string similarities from a pair of high-resolution license plate patches. Then, features from both streams are merged by a sequence of fully connected layers for decision. In our experiments, we compared the two-stream network against several well-known CNN architectures using single or multiple vehicle features. The architectures, trained models, and dataset are publicly available at https://github.com/icarofua/vehicle-rear.
Integrating Behavior Cloning and Reinforcement Learning for Improved Performance in Dense and Sparse Reward Environments
This paper investigates how to efficiently transition and update policies, trained initially with demonstrations, using off-policy actor-critic reinforcement learning. It is well-known that techniques based on Learning from Demonstrations, for example behavior cloning, can lead to proficient policies given limited data. However, it is currently unclear how to efficiently update that policy using reinforcement learning as these approaches are inherently optimizing different objective functions. Previous works have used loss functions, which combine behavior cloning losses with reinforcement learning losses to enable this update. However, the components of these loss functions are often set anecdotally, and their individual contributions are not well understood. In this work, we propose the Cycle-of-Learning (CoL) framework that uses an actor-critic architecture with a loss function that combines behavior cloning and 1-step Q-learning losses with an off-policy pre-training step from human demonstrations. This enables transition from behavior cloning to reinforcement learning without performance degradation and improves reinforcement learning in terms of overall performance and training time. Additionally, we carefully study the composition of these combined losses and their impact on overall policy learning. We show that our approach outperforms state-of-the-art techniques for combining behavior cloning and reinforcement learning for both dense and sparse reward scenarios. Our results also suggest that directly including the behavior cloning loss on demonstration data helps to ensure stable learning and ground future policy updates.
Evaluating BERT-based Pre-training Language Models for Detecting Misinformation
It is challenging to control the quality of online information due to the lack of supervision over all the information posted online. Manual checking is almost impossible given the vast number of posts made on online media and how quickly they spread. Therefore, there is a need for automated rumour detection techniques to limit the adverse effects of spreading misinformation. Previous studies mainly focused on finding and extracting the significant features of text data. However, extracting features is time-consuming and not a highly effective process. This study proposes the BERT- based pre-trained language models to encode text data into vectors and utilise neural network models to classify these vectors to detect misinformation. Furthermore, different language models (LM) ' performance with different trainable parameters was compared. The proposed technique is tested on different short and long text datasets. The result of the proposed technique has been compared with the state-of-the-art techniques on the same datasets. The results show that the proposed technique performs better than the state-of-the-art techniques. We also tested the proposed technique by combining the datasets. The results demonstrated that the large data training and testing size considerably improves the technique's performance.
CompilerGym: Robust, Performant Compiler Optimization Environments for AI Research
Interest in applying Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to compiler optimizations is increasing rapidly, but compiler research has a high entry barrier. Unlike in other domains, compiler and AI researchers do not have access to the datasets and frameworks that enable fast iteration and development of ideas, and getting started requires a significant engineering investment. What is needed is an easy, reusable experimental infrastructure for real world compiler optimization tasks that can serve as a common benchmark for comparing techniques, and as a platform to accelerate progress in the field. We introduce CompilerGym, a set of environments for real world compiler optimization tasks, and a toolkit for exposing new optimization tasks to compiler researchers. CompilerGym enables anyone to experiment on production compiler optimization problems through an easy-to-use package, regardless of their experience with compilers. We build upon the popular OpenAI Gym interface enabling researchers to interact with compilers using Python and a familiar API. We describe the CompilerGym architecture and implementation, characterize the optimization spaces and computational efficiencies of three included compiler environments, and provide extensive empirical evaluations. Compared to prior works, CompilerGym offers larger datasets and optimization spaces, is 27x more computationally efficient, is fault-tolerant, and capable of detecting reproducibility bugs in the underlying compilers. In making it easy for anyone to experiment with compilers - irrespective of their background - we aim to accelerate progress in the AI and compiler research domains.
MLCask: Efficient Management of Component Evolution in Collaborative Data Analytics Pipelines
With the ever-increasing adoption of machine learning for data analytics, maintaining a machine learning pipeline is becoming more complex as both the datasets and trained models evolve with time. In a collaborative environment, the changes and updates due to pipeline evolution often cause cumbersome coordination and maintenance work, raising the costs and making it hard to use. Existing solutions, unfortunately, do not address the version evolution problem, especially in a collaborative environment where non-linear version control semantics are necessary to isolate operations made by different user roles. The lack of version control semantics also incurs unnecessary storage consumption and lowers efficiency due to data duplication and repeated data pre-processing, which are avoidable. In this paper, we identify two main challenges that arise during the deployment of machine learning pipelines, and address them with the design of versioning for an end-to-end analytics system MLCask. The system supports multiple user roles with the ability to perform Git-like branching and merging operations in the context of the machine learning pipelines. We define and accelerate the metric-driven merge operation by pruning the pipeline search tree using reusable history records and pipeline compatibility information. Further, we design and implement the prioritized pipeline search, which gives preference to the pipelines that probably yield better performance. The effectiveness of MLCask is evaluated through an extensive study over several real-world deployment cases. The performance evaluation shows that the proposed merge operation is up to 7.8x faster and saves up to 11.9x storage space than the baseline method that does not utilize history records.
Independence Testing for Multivariate Time Series
Complex data structures such as time series are increasingly present in modern data science problems. A fundamental question is whether two such time-series are statistically dependent. Many current approaches make parametric assumptions on the random processes, only detect linear association, require multiple tests, or forfeit power in high-dimensional, nonlinear settings. Estimating the distribution of any test statistic under the null is non-trivial, as the permutation test is invalid. This work juxtaposes distance correlation (Dcorr) and multiscale graph correlation (MGC) from independence testing literature and block permutation from time series analysis to address these challenges. The proposed nonparametric procedure is valid and consistent, building upon prior work by characterizing the geometry of the relationship, estimating the time lag at which dependence is maximized, avoiding the need for multiple testing, and exhibiting superior power in high-dimensional, low sample size, nonlinear settings. Neural connectivity is analyzed via fMRI data, revealing linear dependence of signals within the visual network and default mode network, and nonlinear relationships in other networks. This work uncovers a first-resort data analysis tool with open-source code available, directly impacting a wide range of scientific disciplines.
Contextual Transformer Networks for Visual Recognition
Transformer with self-attention has led to the revolutionizing of natural language processing field, and recently inspires the emergence of Transformer-style architecture design with competitive results in numerous computer vision tasks. Nevertheless, most of existing designs directly employ self-attention over a 2D feature map to obtain the attention matrix based on pairs of isolated queries and keys at each spatial location, but leave the rich contexts among neighbor keys under-exploited. In this work, we design a novel Transformer-style module, i.e., Contextual Transformer (CoT) block, for visual recognition. Such design fully capitalizes on the contextual information among input keys to guide the learning of dynamic attention matrix and thus strengthens the capacity of visual representation. Technically, CoT block first contextually encodes input keys via a $3\times3$ convolution, leading to a static contextual representation of inputs. We further concatenate the encoded keys with input queries to learn the dynamic multi-head attention matrix through two consecutive $1\times1$ convolutions. The learnt attention matrix is multiplied by input values to achieve the dynamic contextual representation of inputs. The fusion of the static and dynamic contextual representations are finally taken as outputs. Our CoT block is appealing in the view that it can readily replace each $3\times3$ convolution in ResNet architectures, yielding a Transformer-style backbone named as Contextual Transformer Networks (CoTNet). Through extensive experiments over a wide range of applications (e.g., image recognition, object detection and instance segmentation), we validate the superiority of CoTNet as a stronger backbone. Source code is available at \url{https://github.com/JDAI-CV/CoTNet}.
Towards an Axiomatic Approach to Hierarchical Clustering of Measures
We propose some axioms for hierarchical clustering of probability measures and investigate their ramifications. The basic idea is to let the user stipulate the clusters for some elementary measures. This is done without the need of any notion of metric, similarity or dissimilarity. Our main results then show that for each suitable choice of user-defined clustering on elementary measures we obtain a unique notion of clustering on a large set of distributions satisfying a set of additivity and continuity axioms. We illustrate the developed theory by numerous examples including some with and some without a density.
Identifying confounders using additive noise models
We propose a method for inferring the existence of a latent common cause ('confounder') of two observed random variables. The method assumes that the two effects of the confounder are (possibly nonlinear) functions of the confounder plus independent, additive noise. We discuss under which conditions the model is identifiable (up to an arbitrary reparameterization of the confounder) from the joint distribution of the effects. We state and prove a theoretical result that provides evidence for the conjecture that the model is generically identifiable under suitable technical conditions. In addition, we propose a practical method to estimate the confounder from a finite i.i.d. sample of the effects and illustrate that the method works well on both simulated and real-world data.
Optimizing Routerless Network-on-Chip Designs: An Innovative Learning-Based Framework
Machine learning applied to architecture design presents a promising opportunity with broad applications. Recent deep reinforcement learning (DRL) techniques, in particular, enable efficient exploration in vast design spaces where conventional design strategies may be inadequate. This paper proposes a novel deep reinforcement framework, taking routerless networks-on-chip (NoC) as an evaluation case study. The new framework successfully resolves problems with prior design approaches being either unreliable due to random searches or inflexible due to severe design space restrictions. The framework learns (near-)optimal loop placement for routerless NoCs with various design constraints. A deep neural network is developed using parallel threads that efficiently explore the immense routerless NoC design space with a Monte Carlo search tree. Experimental results show that, compared with conventional mesh, the proposed deep reinforcement learning (DRL) routerless design achieves a 3.25x increase in throughput, 1.6x reduction in packet latency, and 5x reduction in power. Compared with the state-of-the-art routerless NoC, DRL achieves a 1.47x increase in throughput, 1.18x reduction in packet latency, and 1.14x reduction in average hop count albeit with slightly more power overhead.
The Impact of Isolation Kernel on Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering Algorithms
Agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) is one of the popular clustering approaches. Existing AHC methods, which are based on a distance measure, have one key issue: it has difficulty in identifying adjacent clusters with varied densities, regardless of the cluster extraction methods applied on the resultant dendrogram. In this paper, we identify the root cause of this issue and show that the use of a data-dependent kernel (instead of distance or existing kernel) provides an effective means to address it. We analyse the condition under which existing AHC methods fail to extract clusters effectively; and the reason why the data-dependent kernel is an effective remedy. This leads to a new approach to kernerlise existing hierarchical clustering algorithms such as existing traditional AHC algorithms, HDBSCAN, GDL and PHA. In each of these algorithms, our empirical evaluation shows that a recently introduced Isolation Kernel produces a higher quality or purer dendrogram than distance, Gaussian Kernel and adaptive Gaussian Kernel.
Bayesian Online Prediction of Change Points
Online detection of instantaneous changes in the generative process of a data sequence generally focuses on retrospective inference of such change points without considering their future occurrences. We extend the Bayesian Online Change Point Detection algorithm to also infer the number of time steps until the next change point (i.e., the residual time). This enables to handle observation models which depend on the total segment duration, which is useful to model data sequences with temporal scaling. The resulting inference algorithm for segment detection can be deployed in an online fashion, and we illustrate applications to synthetic and to two medical real-world data sets.
Differential Privacy in Personalized Pricing with Nonparametric Demand Models
In the recent decades, the advance of information technology and abundant personal data facilitate the application of algorithmic personalized pricing. However, this leads to the growing concern of potential violation of privacy due to adversarial attack. To address the privacy issue, this paper studies a dynamic personalized pricing problem with \textit{unknown} nonparametric demand models under data privacy protection. Two concepts of data privacy, which have been widely applied in practices, are introduced: \textit{central differential privacy (CDP)} and \textit{local differential privacy (LDP)}, which is proved to be stronger than CDP in many cases. We develop two algorithms which make pricing decisions and learn the unknown demand on the fly, while satisfying the CDP and LDP gurantees respectively. In particular, for the algorithm with CDP guarantee, the regret is proved to be at most $\tilde O(T^{(d+2)/(d+4)}+\varepsilon^{-1}T^{d/(d+4)})$. Here, the parameter $T$ denotes the length of the time horizon, $d$ is the dimension of the personalized information vector, and the key parameter $\varepsilon>0$ measures the strength of privacy (smaller $\varepsilon$ indicates a stronger privacy protection). On the other hand, for the algorithm with LDP guarantee, its regret is proved to be at most $\tilde O(\varepsilon^{-2/(d+2)}T^{(d+1)/(d+2)})$, which is near-optimal as we prove a lower bound of $\Omega(\varepsilon^{-2/(d+2)}T^{(d+1)/(d+2)})$ for any algorithm with LDP guarantee.
Ditto: Fair and Robust Federated Learning Through Personalization
Fairness and robustness are two important concerns for federated learning systems. In this work, we identify that robustness to data and model poisoning attacks and fairness, measured as the uniformity of performance across devices, are competing constraints in statistically heterogeneous networks. To address these constraints, we propose employing a simple, general framework for personalized federated learning, Ditto, that can inherently provide fairness and robustness benefits, and develop a scalable solver for it. Theoretically, we analyze the ability of Ditto to achieve fairness and robustness simultaneously on a class of linear problems. Empirically, across a suite of federated datasets, we show that Ditto not only achieves competitive performance relative to recent personalization methods, but also enables more accurate, robust, and fair models relative to state-of-the-art fair or robust baselines.
FELARE: Fair Scheduling of Machine Learning Applications on Heterogeneous Edge Systems
Edge computing enables smart IoT-based systems via concurrent and continuous execution of latency-sensitive machine learning (ML) applications. These edge-based machine learning systems are often battery-powered (i.e., energy-limited). They use heterogeneous resources with diverse computing performance (e.g., CPU, GPU, and/or FPGAs) to fulfill the latency constraints of ML applications. The challenge is to allocate user requests for different ML applications on the Heterogeneous Edge Computing Systems (HEC) with respect to both the energy and latency constraints of these systems. To this end, we study and analyze resource allocation solutions that can increase the on-time task completion rate while considering the energy constraint. Importantly, we investigate edge-friendly (lightweight) multi-objective mapping heuristics that do not become biased toward a particular application type to achieve the objectives; instead, the heuristics consider "fairness" across the concurrent ML applications in their mapping decisions. Performance evaluations demonstrate that the proposed heuristic outperforms widely-used heuristics in heterogeneous systems in terms of the latency and energy objectives, particularly, at low to moderate request arrival rates. We observed 8.9% improvement in on-time task completion rate and 12.6% in energy-saving without imposing any significant overhead on the edge system.
Deep Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Hybrid Action Spaces based on Maximum Entropy
Multi-agent deep reinforcement learning has been applied to address a variety of complex problems with either discrete or continuous action spaces and achieved great success. However, most real-world environments cannot be described by only discrete action spaces or only continuous action spaces. And there are few works having ever utilized deep reinforcement learning (drl) to multi-agent problems with hybrid action spaces. Therefore, we propose a novel algorithm: Deep Multi-Agent Hybrid Soft Actor-Critic (MAHSAC) to fill this gap. This algorithm follows the centralized training but decentralized execution (CTDE) paradigm, and extend the Soft Actor-Critic algorithm (SAC) to handle hybrid action space problems in Multi-Agent environments based on maximum entropy. Our experiences are running on an easy multi-agent particle world with a continuous observation and discrete action space, along with some basic simulated physics. The experimental results show that MAHSAC has good performance in training speed, stability, and anti-interference ability. At the same time, it outperforms existing independent deep hybrid learning method in cooperative scenarios and competitive scenarios.
Rethinking Machine Learning Development and Deployment for Edge Devices
Machine learning (ML), especially deep learning is made possible by the availability of big data, enormous compute power and, often overlooked, development tools or frameworks. As the algorithms become mature and efficient, more and more ML inference is moving out of datacenters/cloud and deployed on edge devices. This model deployment process can be challenging as the deployment environment and requirements can be substantially different from those during model development. In this paper, we propose a new ML development and deployment approach that is specially designed and optimized for inference-only deployment on edge devices. We build a prototype and demonstrate that this approach can address all the deployment challenges and result in more efficient and high-quality solutions.
SSGD: A safe and efficient method of gradient descent
With the vigorous development of artificial intelligence technology, various engineering technology applications have been implemented one after another. The gradient descent method plays an important role in solving various optimization problems, due to its simple structure, good stability and easy implementation. In multi-node machine learning system, the gradients usually need to be shared. Shared gradients are generally unsafe. Attackers can obtain training data simply by knowing the gradient information. In this paper, to prevent gradient leakage while keeping the accuracy of model, we propose the super stochastic gradient descent approach to update parameters by concealing the modulus length of gradient vectors and converting it or them into a unit vector. Furthermore, we analyze the security of super stochastic gradient descent approach. Our algorithm can defend against attacks on the gradient. Experiment results show that our approach is obviously superior to prevalent gradient descent approaches in terms of accuracy, robustness, and adaptability to large-scale batches.
Improving Robustness on Seasonality-Heavy Multivariate Time Series Anomaly Detection
Robust Anomaly Detection (AD) on time series data is a key component for monitoring many complex modern systems. These systems typically generate high-dimensional time series that can be highly noisy, seasonal, and inter-correlated. This paper explores some of the challenges in such data, and proposes a new approach that makes inroads towards increased robustness on seasonal and contaminated data, while providing a better root cause identification of anomalies. In particular, we propose the use of Robust Seasonal Multivariate Generative Adversarial Network (RSM-GAN) that extends recent advancements in GAN with the adoption of convolutional-LSTM layers and attention mechanisms to produce excellent performance on various settings. We conduct extensive experiments in which not only do this model displays more robust behavior on complex seasonality patterns, but also shows increased resistance to training data contamination. We compare it with existing classical and deep-learning AD models, and show that this architecture is associated with the lowest false positive rate and improves precision by 30% and 16% in real-world and synthetic data, respectively.
Predicting and Optimizing for Energy Efficient ACMV Systems: Computational Intelligence Approaches
In this study, a novel application of neural networks that predict thermal comfort states of occupants is proposed with accuracy over 95%, and two optimization algorithms are proposed and evaluated under two real cases (general offices and lecture theatres/conference rooms scenarios) in Singapore. The two optimization algorithms are Bayesian Gaussian process optimization (BGPO) and augmented firefly algorithm (AFA). Based on our earlier studies, the models of energy consumption were developed and well-trained through neural networks. This study focuses on using novel active approaches to evaluate thermal comfort of occupants and so as to solves a multiple-objective problem that aims to balance energy-efficiency of centralized air-conditioning systems and thermal comfort of occupants. The study results show that both BGPO and AFA are feasible to resolve this no prior knowledge-based optimization problem effectively. However, the optimal solutions of AFA are more consistent than those of BGPO at given sample sizes. The best energy saving rates (ESR) of BGPO and AFA are around -21% and -10% respectively at energy-efficient user preference for both Case 1 and Case 2. As a result, an potential benefit of S$1219.1 can be achieved annually for this experimental laboratory level in Singapore.
Revisiting Deep Architectures for Head Motion Prediction in 360{\deg} Videos
We consider predicting the user's head motion in 360-degree videos, with 2 modalities only: the past user's positions and the video content (not knowing other users' traces). We make two main contributions. First, we re-examine existing deep-learning approaches for this problem and identify hidden flaws from a thorough root-cause analysis. Second, from the results of this analysis, we design a new proposal establishing state-of-the-art performance. First, re-assessing the existing methods that use both modalities, we obtain the surprising result that they all perform worse than baselines using the user's trajectory only. A root-cause analysis of the metrics, datasets and neural architectures shows in particular that (i) the content can inform the prediction for horizons longer than 2 to 3 sec. (existing methods consider shorter horizons), and that (ii) to compete with the baselines, it is necessary to have a recurrent unit dedicated to process the positions, but this is not sufficient. Second, from a re-examination of the problem supported with the concept of Structural-RNN, we design a new deep neural architecture, named TRACK. TRACK achieves state-of-the-art performance on all considered datasets and prediction horizons, outperforming competitors by up to 20 percent on focus-type videos and horizons 2-5 seconds. The entire framework (codes and datasets) is online and received an ACM reproducibility badge.
Learning Large-Scale Bayesian Networks with the sparsebn Package
Learning graphical models from data is an important problem with wide applications, ranging from genomics to the social sciences. Nowadays datasets often have upwards of thousands---sometimes tens or hundreds of thousands---of variables and far fewer samples. To meet this challenge, we have developed a new R package called sparsebn for learning the structure of large, sparse graphical models with a focus on Bayesian networks. While there are many existing software packages for this task, this package focuses on the unique setting of learning large networks from high-dimensional data, possibly with interventions. As such, the methods provided place a premium on scalability and consistency in a high-dimensional setting. Furthermore, in the presence of interventions, the methods implemented here achieve the goal of learning a causal network from data. Additionally, the sparsebn package is fully compatible with existing software packages for network analysis.
Tight Bounds on $\ell_1$ Approximation and Learning of Self-Bounding Functions
We study the complexity of learning and approximation of self-bounding functions over the uniform distribution on the Boolean hypercube ${0,1}^n$. Informally, a function $f:{0,1}^n \rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is self-bounding if for every $x \in {0,1}^n$, $f(x)$ upper bounds the sum of all the $n$ marginal decreases in the value of the function at $x$. Self-bounding functions include such well-known classes of functions as submodular and fractionally-subadditive (XOS) functions. They were introduced by Boucheron et al. (2000) in the context of concentration of measure inequalities. Our main result is a nearly tight $\ell_1$-approximation of self-bounding functions by low-degree juntas. Specifically, all self-bounding functions can be $\epsilon$-approximated in $\ell_1$ by a polynomial of degree $\tilde{O}(1/\epsilon)$ over $2^{\tilde{O}(1/\epsilon)}$ variables. We show that both the degree and junta-size are optimal up to logarithmic terms. Previous techniques considered stronger $\ell_2$ approximation and proved nearly tight bounds of $\Theta(1/\epsilon^{2})$ on the degree and $2^{\Theta(1/\epsilon^2)}$ on the number of variables. Our bounds rely on the analysis of noise stability of self-bounding functions together with a stronger connection between noise stability and $\ell_1$ approximation by low-degree polynomials. This technique can also be used to get tighter bounds on $\ell_1$ approximation by low-degree polynomials and faster learning algorithm for halfspaces. These results lead to improved and in several cases almost tight bounds for PAC and agnostic learning of self-bounding functions relative to the uniform distribution. In particular, assuming hardness of learning juntas, we show that PAC and agnostic learning of self-bounding functions have complexity of $n^{\tilde{\Theta}(1/\epsilon)}$.
Rosella: A Self-Driving Distributed Scheduler for Heterogeneous Clusters
Large-scale interactive web services and advanced AI applications make sophisticated decisions in real-time, based on executing a massive amount of computation tasks on thousands of servers. Task schedulers, which often operate in heterogeneous and volatile environments, require high throughput, i.e., scheduling millions of tasks per second, and low latency, i.e., incurring minimal scheduling delays for millisecond-level tasks. Scheduling is further complicated by other users' workloads in a shared system, other background activities, and the diverse hardware configurations inside datacenters. We present Rosella, a new self-driving, distributed approach for task scheduling in heterogeneous clusters. Rosella automatically learns the compute environment and adjusts its scheduling policy in real-time. The solution provides high throughput and low latency simultaneously because it runs in parallel on multiple machines with minimum coordination and only performs simple operations for each scheduling decision. Our learning module monitors total system load and uses the information to dynamically determine optimal estimation strategy for the backends' compute-power. Rosella generalizes power-of-two-choice algorithms to handle heterogeneous workers, reducing the max queue length of O(log n) obtained by prior algorithms to O(log log n). We evaluate Rosella with a variety of workloads on a 32-node AWS cluster. Experimental results show that Rosella significantly reduces task response time, and adapts to environment changes quickly.
Label Adversarial Learning for Skeleton-level to Pixel-level Adjustable Vessel Segmentation
You can have your cake and eat it too. Microvessel segmentation in optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA) images remains challenging. Skeleton-level segmentation shows clear topology but without diameter information, while pixel-level segmentation shows a clear caliber but low topology. To close this gap, we propose a novel label adversarial learning (LAL) for skeleton-level to pixel-level adjustable vessel segmentation. LAL mainly consists of two designs: a label adversarial loss and an embeddable adjustment layer. The label adversarial loss establishes an adversarial relationship between the two label supervisions, while the adjustment layer adjusts the network parameters to match the different adversarial weights. Such a design can efficiently capture the variation between the two supervisions, making the segmentation continuous and tunable. This continuous process allows us to recommend high-quality vessel segmentation with clear caliber and topology. Experimental results show that our results outperform manual annotations of current public datasets and conventional filtering effects. Furthermore, such a continuous process can also be used to generate an uncertainty map representing weak vessel boundaries and noise.
Algorithms for Weak Optimal Transport with an Application to Economics
The theory of weak optimal transport (WOT), introduced by [Gozlan et al., 2017], generalizes the classic Monge-Kantorovich framework by allowing the transport cost between one point and the points it is matched with to be nonlinear. In the so-called barycentric version of WOT, the cost for transporting a point $x$ only depends on $x$ and on the barycenter of the points it is matched with. This aggregation property of WOT is appealing in machine learning, economics and finance. Yet algorithms to compute WOT have only been developed for the special case of quadratic barycentric WOT, or depend on neural networks with no guarantee on the computed value and matching. The main difficulty lies in the transportation constraints which are costly to project onto. In this paper, we propose to use mirror descent algorithms to solve the primal and dual versions of the WOT problem. We also apply our algorithms to the variant of WOT introduced by [Chon\'e et al., 2022] where mass is distributed from one space to another through unnormalized kernels (WOTUK). We empirically compare the solutions of WOT and WOTUK with classical OT. We illustrate our numerical methods to the economic framework of [Chon\'e and Kramarz, 2021], namely the matching between workers and firms on labor markets.
Normalizing Flow based Hidden Markov Models for Classification of Speech Phones with Explainability
In pursuit of explainability, we develop generative models for sequential data. The proposed models provide state-of-the-art classification results and robust performance for speech phone classification. We combine modern neural networks (normalizing flows) and traditional generative models (hidden Markov models - HMMs). Normalizing flow-based mixture models (NMMs) are used to model the conditional probability distribution given the hidden state in the HMMs. Model parameters are learned through judicious combinations of time-tested Bayesian learning methods and contemporary neural network learning methods. We mainly combine expectation-maximization (EM) and mini-batch gradient descent. The proposed generative models can compute likelihood of a data and hence directly suitable for maximum-likelihood (ML) classification approach. Due to structural flexibility of HMMs, we can use different normalizing flow models. This leads to different types of HMMs providing diversity in data modeling capacity. The diversity provides an opportunity for easy decision fusion from different models. For a standard speech phone classification setup involving 39 phones (classes) and the TIMIT dataset, we show that the use of standard features called mel-frequency-cepstral-coeffcients (MFCCs), the proposed generative models, and the decision fusion together can achieve $86.6\%$ accuracy by generative training only. This result is close to state-of-the-art results, for examples, $86.2\%$ accuracy of PyTorch-Kaldi toolkit [1], and $85.1\%$ accuracy using light gated recurrent units [2]. We do not use any discriminative learning approach and related sophisticated features in this article.
Distributionally Robust Optimization via Ball Oracle Acceleration
We develop and analyze algorithms for distributionally robust optimization (DRO) of convex losses. In particular, we consider group-structured and bounded $f$-divergence uncertainty sets. Our approach relies on an accelerated method that queries a ball optimization oracle, i.e., a subroutine that minimizes the objective within a small ball around the query point. Our main contribution is efficient implementations of this oracle for DRO objectives. For DRO with $N$ non-smooth loss functions, the resulting algorithms find an $\epsilon$-accurate solution with $\widetilde{O}\left(N\epsilon^{-2/3} + \epsilon^{-2}\right)$ first-order oracle queries to individual loss functions. Compared to existing algorithms for this problem, we improve complexity by a factor of up to $\epsilon^{-4/3}$.
Learning Invariant Weights in Neural Networks
Assumptions about invariances or symmetries in data can significantly increase the predictive power of statistical models. Many commonly used models in machine learning are constraint to respect certain symmetries in the data, such as translation equivariance in convolutional neural networks, and incorporation of new symmetry types is actively being studied. Yet, efforts to learn such invariances from the data itself remains an open research problem. It has been shown that marginal likelihood offers a principled way to learn invariances in Gaussian Processes. We propose a weight-space equivalent to this approach, by minimizing a lower bound on the marginal likelihood to learn invariances in neural networks resulting in naturally higher performing models.
A Survey of Non-Rigid 3D Registration
Non-rigid registration computes an alignment between a source surface with a target surface in a non-rigid manner. In the past decade, with the advances in 3D sensing technologies that can measure time-varying surfaces, non-rigid registration has been applied for the acquisition of deformable shapes and has a wide range of applications. This survey presents a comprehensive review of non-rigid registration methods for 3D shapes, focusing on techniques related to dynamic shape acquisition and reconstruction. In particular, we review different approaches for representing the deformation field, and the methods for computing the desired deformation. Both optimization-based and learning-based methods are covered. We also review benchmarks and datasets for evaluating non-rigid registration methods, and discuss potential future research directions.
Unsupervised Learning of Morphology without Morphemes
The first morphological learner based upon the theory of Whole Word Morphology Ford et al. (1997) is outlined, and preliminary evaluation results are presented. The program, Whole Word Morphologizer, takes a POS-tagged lexicon as input, induces morphological relationships without attempting to discover or identify morphemes, and is then able to generate new words beyond the learning sample. The accuracy (precision) of the generated new words is as high as 80% using the pure Whole Word theory, and 92% after a post-hoc adjustment is added to the routine.
A New Burrows Wheeler Transform Markov Distance
Prior work inspired by compression algorithms has described how the Burrows Wheeler Transform can be used to create a distance measure for bioinformatics problems. We describe issues with this approach that were not widely known, and introduce our new Burrows Wheeler Markov Distance (BWMD) as an alternative. The BWMD avoids the shortcomings of earlier efforts, and allows us to tackle problems in variable length DNA sequence clustering. BWMD is also more adaptable to other domains, which we demonstrate on malware classification tasks. Unlike other compression-based distance metrics known to us, BWMD works by embedding sequences into a fixed-length feature vector. This allows us to provide significantly improved clustering performance on larger malware corpora, a weakness of prior methods.
Performance of a deep learning system for detection of referable diabetic retinopathy in real clinical settings
Background: To determine the ability of a commercially available deep learning system, RetCAD v.1.3.1 (Thirona, Nijmegen, The Netherlands) for the automatic detection of referable diabetic retinopathy (DR) on a dataset of colour fundus images acquired during routine clinical practice in a tertiary hospital screening program, analyzing the reduction of workload that can be released incorporating this artificial intelligence-based technology. Methods: Evaluation of the software was performed on a dataset of 7195 nonmydriatic fundus images from 6325 eyes of 3189 diabetic patients attending our screening program between February to December of 2019. The software generated a DR severity score for each colour fundus image which was combined into an eye-level score. This score was then compared with a reference standard as set by a human expert using receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve analysis. Results: The artificial intelligence (AI) software achieved an area under the ROC curve (AUC) value of 0.988 [0.981:0.993] for the detection of referable DR. At the proposed operating point, the sensitivity of the RetCAD software for DR is 90.53% and specificity is 97.13%. A workload reduction of 96% could be achieved at the cost of only 6 false negatives. Conclusions: The AI software correctly identified the vast majority of referable DR cases, with a workload reduction of 96% of the cases that would need to be checked, while missing almost no true cases, so it may therefore be used as an instrument for triage.
Low-rank matrix factorization with attributes
We develop a new collaborative filtering (CF) method that combines both previously known users' preferences, i.e. standard CF, as well as product/user attributes, i.e. classical function approximation, to predict a given user's interest in a particular product. Our method is a generalized low rank matrix completion problem, where we learn a function whose inputs are pairs of vectors -- the standard low rank matrix completion problem being a special case where the inputs to the function are the row and column indices of the matrix. We solve this generalized matrix completion problem using tensor product kernels for which we also formally generalize standard kernel properties. Benchmark experiments on movie ratings show the advantages of our generalized matrix completion method over the standard matrix completion one with no information about movies or people, as well as over standard multi-task or single task learning methods.