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Weekly r/sewing Simple Questions thread! - November 04, 2018 This thread is here for any and all simple questions related to sewing! If you want to introduce yourself, ask about what tools to buy, or ask any other basic question, this is the place to do it! Our more experienced users will hang around and answer any questions they can. This thread will be set as Suggested Sort - New, so that the most recent questions get attention, too.
Hi all! I have a dress that I want to remove the one strap from, mesh and it's unnecessary and damaged (charity shopped it) was wondering if this could be done by hand or if I need a machine for it. Thanks in advance! Photos of the seam for help.
Making Jeans Patterns. Is there anyone on here who can teach me how to draft male jeans patterns? Or can someone point me in the direction of any articles etc that could help me. Cheers
[If I like]Songs that tell a story like Mariner's Revenge Song or He Said He Had A Story[what else would I like?] Not so much looking for an album telling a story throughout (plenty of those and they are amazing) but songs that tell a story on it's own. Mariner's Revenge song is by Decemberists; He said he had a story by The Dear Hunter
Ice Cube It Was a Goood Day
"Albuquerque" by "Weird Al" Yankovic
Sandra Lee used to have a show called Semi-homemade cooking, what are your semi-homemade recipes? The concept of the show was that she would take something out of the box or premade and then spruce it up. It could be taking shells and cheese and then adding in some bread crumbs and crabmeat as an example. How do you improve your food without making everything from scratch?
Is this the same Sandra Lee who used to date Cuomo?
I like to spruce up canned beans by cooking them on the stovetop with bacon grease. Most soups and broths improve with a healthy dollop of quality olive oil.
What I finished this week / Discuss Book Suggestions - Week 17 You asked for a suggestion somewhere this week, and hopefully got a bunch of recommendations. Have you read any of those recommendations yet, and if so, how did it pan out? This is also a good place to thank those who gave you these recommendations. Post a link to your thread if possible, or the title of the book suggestion you received. Or if you're just curious why someone liked a particular suggestion, feel free to ask!
I feel like this sub doesn’t talk enough about nonfiction books. I just finished The Billion Dollar Spy by David E Hoffman and- wow! What an amazing true story about the most successful spy in CIA history! His research was meticulous and he synthesized so many details that it almost reads like a spy move at times. I highly recommend it if you’re into epsionage or Cold War history. I’m looking for a recommendation. Maybe one about Alrich Ames or Kim Philby, or something more general but still about the Cold War.
I took the suggestion of u/YoungWolf921 and started reading "The Counte of Monte Cristo" last week. Though I enjoy it I find it quite lengthy. Will finish it in a couple of days. Hope the Novel end justifies the long wait.
Inciting incident in a screenplay Does the inciting incident always have to be done within the first 20 pages or so of your story? Personally, when I watch a film, I actually prefer a slow build-up over a fast paced story (unless it’s an action movie or a different genre piece that’s extremely well done). I have a horror/thriller script that I trimmed down from 114 pages to 107 pages because the first act dragged too long and the inciting incident didn’t happen until page 30. Now, it takes place on page 25 which I know is still far too late in most people’s eyes. Part of my reason for this is because the third act is non-stop action and with the intent to reward patient viewers. What are your thoughts on this?
The biggest issue with waiting too long for the inciting incident is that you risk your audience getting bored and not wanting to read on. When selling a spec script, you have to know your audience—busy executives who think of time as money. If they’re going to give you their time, it better be worth it to them. If they don’t see proper story structure within the first 10 pages of your script, they’re going to toss it. If you DON’T have an inciting incident early enough to catch their attention, you better have the most amazing/interesting/entertaining setup that ever existed to hold them over until your incident happens. This is something even the most seasoned screenwriters can’t always do, so, we fall back on hurrying up with that inciting incident.
Very, very few of these "rules" are unbreakable. But ask yourself why this "rule" exists. The inciting incident basically tells you what the story is going to be. I'm struggling with that right now, working on the first draft where I can't as of yet clearly sum up the story in one sentence (well, I can, but "father tries to deny he did something bad in his college days while his kids are about to embark on theirs" is a bit conceptual and doesn't really incorporate the supernatural horror element (I'm hoping finishing the draft, laying it all out, will help)). But think of a movie you like, usually you know more or less what the major driving force or conflict will be quite quickly. If it takes so long for you to reach your inciting incident, what will your audience experience be before that?
Obscure books that made you say WTF
Eden, Eden, Eden by Pierre Guyotat I don’t recommend it though.
Antoine Volodine’s “post-exotic” dystopian novels are pretty strange. For example, Bardo Not Bardo combines Buddhism and Communism in the afterlife.
If I like Christmas Songs that are non-traditional and just *good*, like The Regrettes' Holiday-ish, or The Killers' Dirt Sledding, what else would I like? These are songs that just aren't that usually "Have a Holly Jolly Christmas", these are songs that are festive, but new, something that isn't the tradition basket songs we all know. Some examples include, The Regrettes - Holiday-ish (I especially love the vocals and instrumentation here) The Killers - Dirt Sledding (The entire feel, it's a journey with a kick-ass chorus) I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME's latest EP. Lily Allen - Somewhere Only We Know (whilst not a Christmas song, it's got that feelin') And hey, I don't care what genre it is, give me your slappers.
August Burns Red has a great Christmas album and so does Bright Eyes
Owl City - Peppermint Winter
Is there any way to make leftover chicken more tolerable? I love chicken. I get great deals on packs of breasts at my grocery store so I save money on this good and versatile source of protein. But I just cannot tolerate leftover chicken. It smells and tastes disgusting no matter how I prepare it or whether it's cooked from fresh or frozen. It tastes fine when I eat it right after cooking, no weird taste or smell at all. It's a very strong, gamey, sometimes sulfuric taste/smell. It's worst when I microwave it but still horrible cold on a salad. On Sunday we grilled up a bunch of breasts to take for lunch to top salads with for the next few days. I took mine for lunch Monday (ate it cold) and it was so gross I had to pick all of it out and toss it. I've tried cooking it in strongly flavored curries, soups, different methods of cooking. Nothing helps. Tastes great the day of and horrific after it's been in the fridge. My fridge was bought brand new last May and I keep it very clean, no old food or crusty stuff or anything in there. We also often buy Costco rotisserie chickens and I find that those don't have this problem. I can sometimes detect the weird taste with these but barely and it doesn't bother me enough not to eat it. Any ideas on what's causing this smell and taste and what I can try to prevent it?
The worst is when you take a sip of water from a glass and it smells like dirty, stangnant pond water after
I know exactly what you mean mate, the sort of weird gaminess that you get with pre-cooked (or leftover) chicken is absolutely rancid, I can't eat cold chicken sandwiches from shops because of it (cold mayo chicken is about the most horrible thing I can imagine). I think the vast majority of people just don't notice it or can't notice it. So here's some suggestions: -if you're eating something the day after (and you live in a temperate area) then it might be better to just not put in the fridge. I know everyone on this sub (and reddit in general) has a massive issue with "BUT THE DANGER ZONE" yet I've never, ever seen someone get sick from eating food that's been covered at room temperature and cooked the day after. Honestly, I find refrigerated leftover chicken is orders of magnitude more disgusting than just chicken wrapped in foil and left in a cold oven overnight. I'm absolutely sure someone will reply along the lines of "OP, please never do this, it's ***so bad*** for you, here's lots of FDA advice that says so"; but hey, if you're a healthy adult you've almost certainly ingested absolute filth and been fine, a bit of cooked chicken isn't going to kill you if you heat it through. -salt it more. -cook it to be dryer. If you're a moist meat fetishist then this will be anathema to you, but I find moister chicken gets a gamier taste. If you can live with dry chicken (and I absolutely can) then this might help. -cook it more. Similar to above, but if you can slow cook it or wrap it in foil and just blast in the oven for ages I find that makes less gamey chicken than quickly pan fried stuff. -try chicken thighs and see if they're any different (I find they are). If it's just breasts that give you maximum game, switch to other cuts of chicken. I have literally no idea what causes it, btw. I imagine it's something that won't be well known, because (as this thread really demonstrates) most people can't detect that taste in chicken.
If you were able to go back to college, what would you change? I’m interested in studying ME (currently at a community college). But I want to know now what I’m able to do now to better set me up in the future. I know some recommendations have been to be more involved in messing around with coding and electrical. Thanks!
If I went back to choose an engineering major, it would be CS. So many job opportunities and ridiculously high salary potential. If I went back in general I probably wouldn’t do engineering. I don’t see myself as a typical “engineer”. I’m more of a social person and am one of the only non-nerdy people at my firm. I’d go into finance where you can make a lot more money
Not get a materials science degree. Mechanical, electrical, or CS would be amazing...
What do people mean when they say something is a brain state? I've heard people say pain is a brain state. The colour red is a brain state. What do they mean by this? Could I say a giraffe is a brain state? Or Jupiter is a brain state? Or my body is a brain state? My brain is a brain state?
Effectively this use of language is (usually) coming from a correspondence theory way of thinking about the relationship between body and mind, in which the particular condition of a brain is mapped to particular experience contents that have been shown in some fashion to coincide with that experience, and then said to be equivalent to them. So if I'm all set up to measure the brain, and I show a person whose brain I'm measuring red assuming they indeed see and experience red, and I observe activity in some area of the brain in all cases, I can draw a connection between that state of the brain and redness itself. Some philosophers of course take issue with the ways in which this connection is drawn, and the move to claim the state of the brain when red is experienced is equivalent to red. It may be that some usage of this language is in the context of more complex or more adequate theories, but in my experience the vast majority of these kinds of claims involve several logical mistakes.
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If I like the sound of metal, but not the guttural vocals what would I like? There is a ton of metal that I like... until the vocals come in. I like the distorted riff oriented guitars, driving drums, double bass pedal drum stuff, chugga chugga guitar sounds, but I really don't like the guttural screaming style of vocals. What is some stuff that has a more natural sound to the singing, without just being alternative rock? Duality by Slipknot is an example I like. Also, Avenged Sevenfold. These are super main stream, what are some I probably don't know?
Ooooo, I can definitely help with this one. *Pre-edit: Okay, so I started this post on Tuesday, but I've been focused on work and Pathfinder prep, and just haven't gotten around to finishing it. So I know this response is gonna be hella late, and you may not gain much from it that others haven't already mentioned, but I'm going to finish and post this, anyhow. I also had to give up being as descriptive as I want with every band...just taking too long.* Metal is a much broader genre than most people think - even most metal-heads. I've been exploring it for about 15 years now, and it's really grown more into a mega-genre, with many subgenres becoming large enough to become full genres on their own merit, but we'll just refer to them as 'subgenres' for the moment. And I'll break the below list of bands down into their most dominant subgenres so you can sort of look for what you like. A lot of people don't think of Symphonic Metal as 'real' metal. While I have a set of words for gatekeepers, I understand if someone decides it's just not the sound they want to listen to. Lastly, before I get started, I'm going to avoid bands who use harsh vocals as a primary vox component. Some might still use screams or growls in various parts as backing sounds, etc. I'm of the Lucassen school of thought on them - when they're used to demonstrate emotional weight, they can actually fit in really well. But I typically dislike songs where it's ONLY harsh vocals. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ We'll start with **Symphonic Metal**, since I've already mentioned it: Kamelot - Clean male tenor; wide instrumental range; definite emphasis on melody in most songs; changed vocalists \~8-9 years ago, but the new one matches the old one's style and range very closely; check out "March of Mephisto" and "Love You To Death" Within Temptation - Clean female vocals; early albums leaned operatic; very strong emphasis on melody; some songs feel more symphonic rock than metal, but still more instrumental depth than most rock; their most recent album (2019) used a lot of genre blending; check out "Supernova", "In the Middle of the Night", and "Lost" Nightwish - Can be divided into two clear eras - vocalist shift in mid-aughts changed them from mostly operatic to almost totally clean; mostly female vocals, but at least 1-2 songs per album reserved for male; Occasional use of harsh backing vocals or momentary harsh leading; albums are always very thematic, especially the last 3; check out "Nemo" for the most classic song of the old operatic era, "7 Days to the Wolves", "The Islander", and "How's the Heart" for a sample of the newer era. Damnation Angels - Clean male vocals; Released third album in 2020 with a new vocalist, his voice is very different from the vox on albums 1-2; Strong instrumentation, gives the band elements of Power and Progressive subgenres; check out "The Frontiersman" and "Railrunner". For All We Know - Side project of Within Temptation's guitarist, so only two albums; Clean male vocals; strong melodies; check out "Fade Away" and "Colours" Lacuna Coil - Technically Gothic Metal, but often lumped in with Symphonic, which I'm doing because I don't have any other significant Gothic bands to group them with; Vast majority of songs use clean female vocals (alto, not soprano), occasionally use male vocals, later albums often use harsh male backing and have a heavier sound; strong bass lines; check out "When a Dead Man Walks", "Save Me", and "Nothing Stands in Our Way" \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Moving on to **Power Metal** \- this subgenre is named for its HEAVY use of power chords, and has a special love of stories and songs about fantastical settings. This genre was largely born from the works of Iron Maiden, among others. Blind Guardian - Mostly clean male vocals, some higher screamy things, especially in their earlier work; Many songs based around existing stories, such as the works of Tolkein (including an entire album based on The Silmarillion), The Iliad, Peter Pan, The Wizard of Oz, Wheel of Time, and so many more; just as likely to break your face as to soothe you with old bardic-style sounds; check out "Imaginations From The Other Side" and "Sadly Sings Destiny". Iced Earth - Have gone through several vocalists - there's a whole podcast episode that should be done on this saga; Mostly clean male vocals (typically bass/baritone, but there was that time they had Tim Owens for a bit); Generally have a thematic focus on Christian mythology, the nature of evil, etc.; Check out "Melancholy (Holy Martyr)" and "Harbinger of Fate" for a taste of Matt Barlow (who has his own band, Ashes of Ares, now - if you like what you hear, check them out, too), "Ten Thousand Strong" for Tim Owens, and "Democide" for Stu Block, the current vocalist. If you're enjoying it, go for a trip through hell with their rendition of 'Dante's Inferno'. Demons & Wizards - A supergroup comprised of the leaders of the two bands above; Musical style of Iced Earth with Lyrical and story focus of Blind Guardian; Mostly clean male vocals; check out "My Last Sunrise" and "Love's Tragedy Asunder" Symphony X - Mostly clean male vocals; expect a lot of technical guitar work, as Michael Romeo has been called one of the most technically talented guitarists of his time; Largely fantastical focus, but also very literature-oriented, as they've done retellings of The Odyssey and Milton's 'Paradise Lost'; check out "Set the World on Fire (Lie of Lies)", "Paradise Lost", and "Dehumanized". And, if you're interested, their standalone, 24-minute epic song "The Odyssey" is my personal favorite. Allen/Lande & Allen/Olzon - Russell Allen of Symphony X originally paired with Jorn Lande of Masterplan (and other bands); forged a new partnership with Annette Olzon of Nightwish/The Dark Element when Lande decided he was done with the project; clean vocals throughout; fantastical focus in lyrics; check out "Master of Sorrow" and "Copernicus" for the Lande era, "Worlds Apart" for the new Olzon era Ayreon - Including this here because it fits best; this is sort of the headlining project of composer Arjen Lucassen (I mentioned him in the intro); Male and female vocals; each album is mostly standalone, but most tie into the same overarching story (think epic metal operas), with each vocalist playing a different character; Lineup changes for each album, but typically sounds very sci-fi; check out "Into the Black Hole", "Day Five: Voices", and "Hopelessly Slipping Away" (gives one song from three different albums and good variety). Battle Beast - Clean female vocals; very in-your-face, high-energy compositions; check out "God of War" and "The Black Swordsman"
Have you heard of Control Denied? It’s a more progressive band than Death was, and with cleaner vocals. Also, check out Blind Guardian and Demons & Wizards. Hopefully one of those will scratch the itch!
If want to work in game development when i’m older, what coding language should i learn? I want to work in game development when I’m older (I’m 16 right now), specifically creative design/direction or writing. Is there a specific coding language that would be best to learn? I’m thinking of c++ because even though it’s hard to learn it looks like it’s one of the more broadly used coding languages in the industry :/ I really don’t know a ton about coding besides a couple classes when I was younger so pls correct me if I’m misunderstanding things! I know it’s kind of late to start learning but I tend to be good at picking up languages :)
I'm seeing lots of C++ in the answers. I'm also in OPs position and was planning to learn python first but don't have any really good reasons. Why c++ over python? Or just in general why c++?
Why do so many devs use Unity and not Unreal Engine? A simple question I'm curious about.
For me it’s two things: 1) mobile 2) 2D Unreal does both of those very poorly
It's easier to learn, particularly if you don't want to make the shooters/action adventures Unreal excels at.
Explain like I'm five years old: How is magnesium, an easily flammable metal used in flares, used to make products such as car parts and computer casings? Wouldn't it be inherently unsafe to make things from a metal that burns with an extremely hot, hard-to-extinguish flame?
Up in Maine I saw a VW fastback with a magnesium engine turn itself on and then burst into flames. Very strange. Then the volunteer fire department showed up all drunk from their yearly picnic. Two of the guys just stood by the side looking at a porno magazine. The year was 1988. For reference, here's an accident involving a car with a high-magnesium-content alloy bodywork. However, nowadays, alloys are much safer.
a book you read while going through a rough time it could have helped, it could have done the opposite, or could have done something you didn't expect. any and all genre and author welcome! thank you again.
I have two books in this list: Tough time and need a cry: kite runner by Khaled Hosseini Tough time and need to escape: any good detective classic ( Sherlock or Poirot )
A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.
What's the best non-English speaking tv series that you have watched?
Sehsiyat - A Turkish crime drama. It's a mini-series, so just has 1 season.
What is your all time favourite book? What book can’t you put down? What book do you go back to and read again and again, that feels like visiting an old friend? I am looking for a new favourite book and thought maybe I can start with yours. Thankyou.
*The complete Sherlock Holmes* by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is my absolute favorite. I have a 2-paperback boxed set. The writing is excellent.
Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo 🖤🖤🖤🖤
Cidery IPA? I've tried a couple of different recipes for IPAs recently. However, both came out somewhat thin and almost cidery tasting. (That is, juicy but not a malt flavor or depth). The first recipe was a New England IPA, based on a different recipe I made that turned out great. It was 16lbs Briess Pilsen malt, 4lbs flaked outs. 1oz bittering hops, 2oz Amarillo, 2oz Mosaic, and 2oz Australian Galaxy (Dry hopped twice w 1oz of each). It was originally a double batch (with additional adjuncts added to the other 5gal), but I was curious what it would taste like without it. Fermented with Voss Kveik. As mentioned, it seemed thin and uneventful. Flavors were somewhat good, just couldn't get over the mouthfeel. I chalked it up to a "not enough specialty malt / 2-row" issue. Fast forward to this week, created another IPA with Citra only (had some leftover from last year to get rid of). 12lbs 2-row, 12lbs Maris Otter, 3lbs flaked barley, 1lb honey malt, 1lb carapils malt. This was for a 10 gallon batch. Bittered with 2oz Warrior, 4oz Citra at 15mins, and dry hopped with 6oz Citra. Fermented with Hornindal Kveik this time. It came out cidery once again. Flavor is good, but seems to be lacking body (maybe?). Bitterness is also less that I was expecting for the amount of bittering hops and citra at 15 mins. Regardless, I've never had this issue before with these recipes. Here are my theories, along with how I can fix them 1. Still not enough specialty malt - fix by adding more specialty malts to the next recipe 2. Kveik leaves a thinner consistency with cidery flavors - add a bit of lactose to help thicken the body a little 3. Not enough bittering hops - boil hops in a small amount of water and dump it in / order iso-alpha hop extract and add dropwise until desired bitterness. Does anyone have any recommendations or ideas? Is it a recipe problem, a kveik problem, or a infection? Thanks all
My guess is honestly on number two. A few years ago I spent all summer brewing with various Kveik strains and my experience was that they often finished at a lower pH than other more standard strains we use. Maybe it was all in my head, but I got a bit of what you’re talking about. Body wasn’t right, hops seemed odd. Things like that. I’m not sure if lactose is going to get you to where you want to be. I just never particularly cared for the beers they produced and have since stopped using them unless I need an “emergency” batch done in under a week.
Look into hop creep too, basically large dry hops restart fermentation causing you to package a "green" dryer beer.
Why is fighting so acceptable in hockey?
I didn't see mentioned anywhere that this is only a phenomenon in north america. Here in Europe the player get disqualified for the entire game for fighting. If it happens again the same season, the fighter is disqualified for that game as well as the next two ones.
Explain like I'm five years old: Why do some things when they are really hot cause a flame (like wood or gasoline), but other things like molten steel glow but don’t produce a flame?
In a candle, wax melts, travels up the wick as a liquid, then transforms into a white smoke which burns. This white smoke can be seen after extinguishing the candle and burned off with a match, and is a vapor form of the oil that can settle down elsewhere as grease. In burning things, typically it is a gas that is being burned even if the fuel source is liquid or solid. Glowing metal is releasing visible light via black body radiation, which is why LED light bulbs have a 'color temperature'. Materials that glow due to heat can have their temperature guessed just from the color, going from a dull red up to a bright blue-white.
They are two different things happening, but one part is connected. A wood or gasoline fire is a chemical reaction. The fire is hot gas (CO2, water vapor, etc., and also is sometimes actually plasma, but we're staying eli5) and soot and the color of the flame depends on two things: what was in the thing that is burning, and how hot it is burning. With molten steel, the only part of that which matters is the temperature. Everything, even you, constantly radiates light. Most of the time, things only glow in infrared. That is why night-vision goggles use infrared. Remember the colors of a rainbow. It starts with red. Red color has the lowest energy of visible light, and infrared has slightly less energy than that. When you heat something up, its energy increases and so does the light it lets out. When something gets hot enough, it will emit visible light starting with red. If it gets hotter and hotter you will go up the rainbow emitting all the colors. So if you're looking at a pool of molten steel, the parts closer to yellow or orange will be hotter than the redder parts. To tie that back to the flames: if you look at even just a candle, you can see that the flame has different colors. It's hottest, and blue, right on the wick where the reaction is taking place and hottest, then the tip of the flame is more yellow or red. If you want to get a little more than eli5 on your own, the term for temperature-based color is called black-body radiation.
Films that have affected you deeply? I just watched the 20th century women for the first time ever and wow was it beautiful. I have been feeling kinda down and I feel like that film lifted me up like no other film has done in a long time. Similar kind of films that have had the same affect on me are definitely Her and American Beauty. I was wondering what are some films that have had some kind of impact in you in one way or another that still to this day makes you feel that way?
10yo me came across *Soylent Green* by accident, I was unprepared. Left me with a beloved scare. Other films knotted into my memories are Jacques Tati's *My Uncle* and Kurusawa's *Dersu Usala*.
The Shawshank Redemption. Atonement. The Pianist.
Do you ask your non-runner partner/spouse to spectate at your races? I have a wonderful and supportive husband who is not a runner himself. He spectates at the hometown half I do every year, and I really enjoy seeing him while I'm running and knowing he'll be there when I cross the finish line. I have several full and half marathons coming up that are out of state, and although I know he would come if I asked him to, but he wouldn't necessarily volunteer to attend. Runners with non-running partners, do you ask them to come support you? Do they volunteer to come without needing to be asked? Or do you not have a preference on having them get? It feels like an unfair ask to me--it's a large, boring time commitment for him during the race (in addition to travel time,) and I'll be more or less useless after the marathons and won't really be able to go out and do tourist stuff afterward. Looking for insight from anyone who's been in a similar situation.
My husband came to my first half-marathon with me, and cheered for me in the finish chute. Over the years he's run a few 5ks with me, and a 10k without me, but doesn't typically come just to cheer, especially now that we have three kids. Last year, however, he offered to bring the kids to my first 25k to cheer for me. This was a bit of a project because the kids were seven, five, and not quite two, so not exactly strong hikers or necessarily good at listening or hurrying. He tracked me on Strava and drove around the park with the kids to try to meet me at several road crossings; unfortunately Strava was lagging a bit and he missed me twice. They caught up with me at about 18k when I was really startling to struggle. When I came out of the woods and saw them there, holding signs that the kids made, it was the best feeling ever. The course went along a wide, paved trail for maybe 50 meters before turning back into the woods on a dirt trail, and they ran that little portion with me. I am so grateful for the effort that my husband put in, wrangling them into the car and around the park to support me and to show the kids what it looks like when something is difficult but you complete it anyway. They were also supposed to meet me at the finish, but my phone died about a mile from the finish and my husband didn't realize why my dot had stopped moving, so they were at the playground instead of the finish line. I was disappointed, but glad they'd been on the course earlier. Anyway, TLDR, my husband doesn't usually come to my races, but he was there for two of my biggest races, including driving three young kids around to root for me on my 25k. And it meant the world to me.
Totally ask if I want them there (sometimes I don't) and leave it up to them if they want to come or not. They like watching people so will usually come along, watch the race then yeah, even somewhat immobile I make the effort to go do some of what they are interested in after.
What's your number one favorite horror film? The title says it all. I am looking for horror films I have yet to see which has proven to be quite a challenge so I decided to ask fellow redditors; what's your number one favorite horror film? It can be from any decade. I am open to any and all suggestions. Make my day :)
Goofy horror: Evil Dead 2 Oldschool cool: The Black Cat Modern chiller: Oculus/It Follows Cult horror: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me Genre/classic creature horror: American Werewolf in London Creepy Unsettlers: The Wicker Man Delightfully Trashy 80s Nonsense: Sleepaway Camp/From Beyond Japanese Horror: The Eye (original)/ Into The Mirror British Horror: Dog Soldiers/Shaun of the Dead French Horror: Trouble Every Day Thoughtprovoking horror: Pan's Laybrinth/Martyrs (original) Sci Fi Horror: Lifeforce/The Thing Ghost Story Horror: The Others Underrated Horror: In the Mouth of Madness/Maniac (remake)
How exactly do I "brown" the mince? What is "browning"? My mince tends to be grey colored with not much flavor. Am I to understand that I am supposed to be cooking it in it's own fat? How do I do this?
There's two strategies to this. Simply put 1) split mince in half and cook the shit out of it (med to med high temps) half of it to get it brown and dry and then add the other half to have gray and juicy for a variety of textures or 2) the lazy way, put mince in in a solid form, like a patty. Let the bottom fry and do not stir or mix or anything. Once the bottom forms a brown layer, you can start flipping and mincing and finishing, to achieve that variety between crispy browned bits and soft gray bits.
I misread it as mice initially…. Very different topic lol. Lots of good advice in this thread. My biggest tip is just avoid crowding the pan, when the meat cooks in its own steam it really alters the flavor and consistency. You really want the water to evaporate as quickly as possible once it starts coming out of the meat, limiting what you put in the pan helps there as well.
Did you or your team ever make a bad hire before? How bad were they? Also what red flags were overlooked in the interview process?
My old manager had a good way to see if somebody was a good person to work with. Of course it's not perfect, but it does weed out the douche bags. If the interview goes well, he takes them out to lunch. And he pays extra attention to how they treat the waiter/waitress. If they talk down to the server, or are rude to them in any way, then they aren't getting the job because he wants somebody who is humble and doesn't think they are more important than anybody.
Really scrutinize anything that they have had time to prepare. A mistake or two in their documentation should be a red flag. Ask the receptionist for their experience with them. If they have nothing but complaints about their former employer, I'd think twice.
Science Fiction that does not taste like Science Fiction I love science, but thought I didn't like science fiction. Then I realized that a few books I have enjoyed are science fiction, they're just not labeled as such. Here's a couple of examples: Marrow Island by Alexis M. Smith State of Wonder by Ann Patchett Here's what I'm looking for in Science Fiction: \- Plausible story once you accept a few changes to how science works or what we know about it or how we could apply what we know. \- Raises thought provoking moral/ethical/cultural/scientific questions. (I don't have to agree with the characters or author, but I should be challenged to think about it) \- Something to learn. There can be facts in fiction too. Here's what's common to Science Fiction that I'd like to avoid: \- Robots / Artificial Intelligence \- Aliens / Outer Space \- War or excessive focus on action/violence \- Very Dense (ie. Paradigms Lost) \- Apocalypse / Far in the Future / The entire world has completely changed / Rewritten mass quantities of history \- Time Travel / Parallel Universes \- Dinosaurs \- Fantasy And things I like in general in a book: \- Character Development \- Good Descriptions And what I can't stand in a book: \- Artificial Drama - Immature characters lying to each other. They could just have a conversation and then there would be no plot.
Anything by Emily St. John Mandel would fit this description
Just like the Frankenstein suggestion, try the originals like Jules Verne or H.G. Wells, or even Edgar Rice Burroughs
"Just Write" may be the best advice there is. But can a person be justified in still feeling underprepared? To put it simply I am absolutely that person everyone knows one of or has been before. I *think* about writing a lot more than I ever do it. To make matters worse I read a lot less than I should, all while still daydreaming about writing as the years keep flying on by. I'm 31 now and what has passed as writing or a creative outlet for me for the past 15 years or so has been roleplaying. I run my tabletop games live and in text. Being the game master and having to improvise creative writing with a hard time limit of people waiting for my response has its benefits. But it is not novelization, or short story or interactive fiction. And I admit that I don't feel in love with writing without some impetus involved. The entertainment of others works for a roleplaying game. The idea of earning money or a living for that book one fantasizes about is another thing entirely. I could cite a lot of personal problems, nature versus nurture and mental health, or just a lack of discipline in general to explain away why I don't **Just Write** - which I do believe is some of the best advice there is. But. A part of me can't reconcile that even if I was to do so I might still be wasting my time. Maybe I don't really understand story structure. I doubt what dialogue looks like and then grab a book to see for myself even though I've definitely seen it many times before. I wonder about paragraphs and the cadence of the words themselves. I even kind of doubt that I've got any stories to tell in the first place. Maybe the only thing I'm sure of is that I'm sure I overthink! So I suppose my question to you, dear Redditor, is whether you think "Just Write" is better advice than taking time with some fundamentals that you know of first. Say, reading Joseph Campbell to understand the monomyth. Or maybe critically studying a book in a genre you want to write in instead of always reading for pleasure. Is there a way to feel more competent and prepared than I do now? You aren't a writer unless you write. You probably need to read to write well. I know these things. But I still appreciate the insights of other people especially if anything I've said above is familiar or rings true. Thanks in advance!
>A part of me can't reconcile that even if I was to do so I might still be wasting my time. What would you rather do with that time, watch TV? Read a book? Go for a walk? Write for yourself. Write for fun. If it's not fun, if you're not getting something out of it, do something else. If you don't want to write, don't write.
No writing is wasted. Whether it be fanfiction, a terrible premise, or incomplete fragments, any form of writing is practice. And any form of practice is better than no practice. I also had a trouble with writing before. You should read Writing Into The Dark by Dean Wesley Smith. It although it was focused on writing without an outline, it talked about very good points as to why, and more importantly, how to "just write". It's all about silencing the critical part of your brain while letting your creative brain do its work. "I haven't prepared enough information about this setting I have, how will I write a compelling stor—" "I WANT TO WRITE ABOUT A UNICORN DRAGON." "Wh—what?" "UNICORN DRAGON!!" "That makes no sense—" "Okay so here. Once upon a time there was a unicorn and a dragon. You'd think they had a child, but NO! They ACTUALLY, got cursed into sharing the sAME BODY! And that manifested into a unicorn-like creature with dragonscales and can cast spells because—" "Wait, wait, wait, slow down. We need to figure out the lore behind both creatures first—" "NO! THEY EXIST. I'LL FIGURE OUT HOW AND WHY LATER. Anyway! They need to consult with the mages of the world and find the cure. Idk something something, plot twist dragon unicorn cursed them something something." ....I don't know what I just wrote. You can either take this as a sign that the book worked or didn't.
Anyone else ever struggled with IT Band Syndrome? If so, what fixed it? I am a 34f obese hiker. I started hiking a year and a half ago and started slowly, working my way up to longer and steeper hikes. I have been loving it, but this IT Band issue developed and now it hurts to even walk on level ground. So I can’t hike at all anymore. I miss it terribly as it was doing so much for my mental and physical health. I got a steroid injection to get me through the summer, and that helped for 4 months before wearing off. Now I have been doing physical therapy for about 6 weeks and it just seems to be getting more painful. Any tips you all have would be awesome! Note that I obviously know losing weight will help. It has been a lifelong battle with an eating disorder. My new love for hiking and backpacking helped me lose 30 pounds initially, but for now I am stuck at my current weight and not able to exercise much because of this pain.
IT band can literally be the worst kind of pain. I feel you. I ground my it band to dust years ago by foam and lacrosse ball rolling- but the cure was worse than the disease. It hurt so much. Now i use strengthening exercise to fix underlying muscle issues. Athlean x on you tube has a decent video on them
Stretches. And ease back in really slowly and gradually
[Star Wars]Since the redefinition of what is cannon in Star Wars removes the EU and uh... gravity exists, does that mean that the debris from the Death Star DID wipe out the Ewoks and all life on Endor? Gravity exists and a giant moon sized base exploding should shower countless tons of debris into Endor! Absent hyperspace nonsense from the EU sucking the debris away, does this mean that Endor has probably been destroyed and the Ewoks are probably dead?
When they tossed out the EU, they didn't actively say "none of this ever happened," they said "we're going to pick and chose which parts of this we like." That's why you've got Grand Admiral Thrawn running around. They might not have explained why Endor is still a habitable forest moon instead of an unending river of molten slag, but I'd bet it's still perfectly fine there.
Well, there are two things to consider. Firstly, DS-2 was, presumably, in a stable or mostly stable orbit around Endor, so a lot of its pieces would also end up in a stable orbit around Endor. However, *the blast itself* supposedly vapourized all of that junk. And it should have also slagged the side of Endor facing it.
Explain like I'm five years old: How has the Voyager travelled over 17 billion km and not crashed into anything?
That's like throwing a base ball 20ft and asking how come it didn't hit any ducks. The ratio of ducks to atmosphere is such that you should never reasonably expect to hit any ducks. It would be a freakish coincidence it that were to happen by accident. The ratio of stuff to empty space is significantly worse.
The reason we call it "space" is that there's nothing there. Although there are lots of tiny rocks and things zipping around in space, there's so little of it compared to how big space is. It's extremely rare for any of our spacecraft to encounter any kind of micro-meteoroid, despite the Earth being bombarded with matter all the time. It's possible the Voyager spacecraft actually *have* been hit by tiny masses but not in a way that would significantly damage or alter their trajectories. They also are being bombarded with cosmic rays, or at least they were before they entered the interstellar medium.
I've been subpoenaed to testify about something I witnessed, but was not involved in. I'm nervous that my testimony may get me in trouble personally. I witnessed a fight at a bar, and am being subpoenaed to testify about what I saw. All this I am fine with, no problem what soever, and I understand that I am being ordered to be there, and that this is not a suggestion. I am nervous Because of what was going on with me during the time. I met a friend at a bar in a bad area, we had a single drink each, and left to get food. I left my car there and she drove. 2.5 hours later she dropped me off at the bar, I got in my car to leave, and because of the horrible parking lot at this bar, and limited visibility due to fog, I tapped someone's car. I parked again, got out of my car, and a cop had seen me do it. He asked me for my ID. Right then we all saw a girl punch her bf in the face, knocking him on the ground. A large fight broke out, and a lot of cops showed up. This punch is what I'm being called to testify about. After things settled, me and I guy I hit we're cool. 0 damage to either car. Just in case, I paid him $50 and we shook hands. Cool guy. I was given a field sobriety test, passed, and was thanked for my Patience by the officer. (This was about an hour and a half ordeal of me waiting for it to be "my turn" to talk to the police.) I got no ticket, no charge, nothing of that sort. I'm nervous that testifying in court under oath about a night where I was leaving a bar and backed into someone's car at 2:30-3am. Is this nervousness reasonable? Am i over reacting? If I wasn't clear about anything feel free to ask. I wrote this on mobile and it's a bit of a mess. Thank you all in advance. (Also, any advice on testifying? I've never done this before) Edit: this happened in Cincinnati Ohio
As long as you answer honestly, and answer just the question asked by the lawyers, there is nothing really to fear. Answer, yes or no when indicated, if you can, and don't elaborate or embroider, or speculate. If you are uncertain about something, then say so to the best of your knowledge or recollection. Honesty is what makes the law work. Any matter to do with your car is apparently not at issue.
It's perfectly reasonable to be nervous. It seems to me like nothing is wrong though. If the man agreed that yall were cool, and if the police officer deemed that you were not drunk, then you should be good.
Any recommendations on cameras for inside or outside house. I don’t want any subscriptions. Im
Check out Frigate NVR ( Provides local object detection, supports HA and has a list of recommended cameras.
Lorex has some good options. Avoid battery camera you’re always changing them and will just miss something when they die.
Change my view that Contemporary Art is for the Talentless I am talking specifically about modern art of abstract expressionism - you know, the stuff you’d see at the LACMA or MoMA. All it requires to produce this type of ‘art’ are materials. If you have access to the material to paint, sculpt, or build, then you could have a monkey do it. Splatter some paint on a canvas and call it something fancy, then write a pretentious blurb about how it expresses the inner nature of man fighting oppression or something. Or put a broken mirror on a wall and talk about how it represents the fractured self-image of society or some BS. So, I am looking for someone to provide evidence that this type of art actually takes talent and skill and is not just pretentious garbage.
Modern art and abstract expressionism are not contemporary. The modern art period ended in the 1970s and expressionism started to move away from abstract impressionism in the 60s.
Anyone can learn to paint a bouquet of flowers or a nude or landscape. The talent is in the sense of color, the composition, the technique, and in innovation — doing it in a way that hasn’t been done before. Same with abstract art. Anyone can make a bunch of squiggles and lines. But not everyone will be able to make the colors work together, not everyone will have a strong composition, not everyone will be able to do it in a way that doesn’t look like what someone else did better.
What are your most overrated and underrated travel destinations? Overrated: Prague Underrated: Bucharest I most certainly would advise people go to Prague over Bucharest, but the expectations of each don't match the reality.
**Overrated:** Barcelona. Everyone always raved to me about how much they loved it, and how it was their favourite city in Europe. I'm sure it's a nice place to live, but I didn't think it was that amazing. Seemed like any other European city IMO, except for more petty crime and long distances between everything. *Second place:* Prague. Maybe it was great 10-20 years ago, but the old town has gotten so fake and touristy these days that I find it genuinely repulsive. I've been back to Prague three times now and still don't understand the hype. Sure, it's pretty, but it's full of living statues and scam artists and it just gives me a headache. **Underrated:** All of Poland. Fantastic country, tons to see. It doesn't get anywhere near the attention it deserves as a top European destination. Also underrated: Kaliningrad, Ukraine, Belarus, the Balkans. Much of eastern Europe honestly, especially beyond the capitals.
Overrated: Hanoi - It's cool for about 24 hours. But at least for me, I came across a ton of "reviews" saying how amazing it was and that people need to spend at least 5 days there. There is a decent amount of things to do, along with great food and the Old Quarter is cool. But the quality of the things to do are not at a very high level. Underrated: Naivasha, Kenya - (I guess it can be considered underrated.) I had my best day traveling here. The day started with a walk/hike through the natural habitat of a lot of cool animals like giraffe, zebra and monkeys. The 2nd part of my day was trekking through a beautiful gorge. Naivasha is pretty close to Nairobi too,
Best Fintech stock to own at these levels? V, MA, PYPL, SQ, etc. I've been watching V and MA quite closely since their earnings, and they seem to be approaching attractive levels. PYPL is another one that looks to be approaching a buy zone, but before I pull the trigger on any of these 3, I wanted to get your thoughts on which Fintech seems to be the best value at these levels. I've also considered SQ but they are quite richly priced, and I'd like to wait for earnings. Any thoughts on these 4 names? Should I even consider something like AFFRM or SOFI or stick with the big boys?
PSFE is oversold. Just saying…
There is no difference between "human" and "nature." Our entire civilization seems built around deluding ourselves into thinking we aren't animals CMV We're just monkeys. Right now, you, are just a stupid fucking monkey with stupid fucking thoughts and desires and feelings, most of which don't even have words for in our language. Speaking of language, the entire thing practical revolves around separating us from "animals." Guess what. You are. You putting food in the fridge is no different from a squirrel burrying its nuts. You seeking a mate to procreate with is no different from a beaver doing the same. A city is no different from an ant hive. Electricity is no different from any other method of manipulating the world. It's no different from a seal building a home, it's no different from a bird building a nest. The ONLY difference between humans and any other animals. The ONLY difference, is an issue of scale. You're a fucking dumbass monkey, deal with it. It freaks people the fuck out. You can never talk about shit like this in public. We have religions that people will fucking kill themselves and thousands of others over just to maintain the delusion. Why does no one talk about this? Even those who will admit it and accept and study the field of Evolution (and I mean actually do it, not just be a god damned neckbeard parroting Carl Sagan, as much as I love the man and Cosmos myself) only admit it tangentially. They still get awkward and uncomfortable about this. They still say "we have technology and art.." as if Technology was anything more than an issue of scale, and as if preferences of physical patterns or objects and the chemical releases as a result are unique to us (You could say your dog having a favourite toy is no different in this physical world from you enjoying the Mona Lisa.) Coming to this realization was life changing to me. You could call it an existential crisis, maybe it is. But it's more than that. It's a fundamental truth of our universe and reality and I feel like I'm taking fucking crazy pills because no one wants to admit it or talk about it. On the contract, with our movies, culture, language, religion, even the entire basis of manners.. it's all designed to all us to continue to illusion and delusion. I mean, how many fucking times have mothers said "get your elbows off the table, what are you, an animal?" Guess what. That kid fucking is, we're not different because we have arbitrary rules (I'd also contend that a dog nipping another to stop it doing something that bothered it is no different from a mom exerting her desire for control. Perhaps even she has a personal fear of the real.) Is it peoples mortality that scares them? Maybe I'm a bit different because I have a spinal disease and can't feel my body, have little connection to it, and don't give a shit one way or another if I die. I don't know. **TLDR:**
First off, I don't know why you are so angry about this point... your post is very aggressive. It doesn't affect the merit of your arguments, of course, but is unnecessary. I disagree that no one talks about this, and agree with another poster that it's not brought up all the time because it is obvious. Example conversation from some friends last week: "What's your favourite animal?" "Humans." "I mean, non-human animal." "Well then... giraffes." I disagree with your title - and I disagree on the semantics. You're right that when we talk about nature, we talk about everything that natural processes created on this world, and technically this includes us and everything we've made. But it's very useful to have a word which means, "Everything that results from natural processes, but usually excluding human activity" - often because when we want such a word, we want to contrast something with the products of human activity (e.g. "A dog will happily pillage your cupboard if you let it, since naturally dogs are scavengers."). The same is true with the word "animal": technically, it includes humans, but in common usage it usually excludes them, because it's very useful to be able to refer to the group of all animals except humans with a single word. Sometimes people be more specific, such as in scientific publications where precision is important (e.g. "There are many examples of homosexuality in non-human animals"). That said, I don't think it's true that there is no difference between us and non-human animals (I'll just say animals from now on). Sure, we are all on a spectrum, but that doesn't mean there isn't value in drawing a line. Do you believe animals should have all the same rights as humans? Some rights seem pretty reasonable (e.g. the right not to be tortured) but others not so much - we won't give animals the right to run for office or own property. You say that the only difference between us and other animals is scale. Well, that's still a difference. We've more accumulated knowledge, more complex social structures, more precise communication that have all developed over time to mean that we have a lot of things to point to to say "Animals don't have that", even if they are as you say all products of the scale of the human species. There's no difference between a 1-litre bottle and a 50-litre bottle except for scale, but you still don't want to try to put 50 litres in the first one. That's why we often want to differentiate between humans and animals, even if fundamentally they're both the same kind of thing. I don't think things like manners, art, culture etc. are designed to "maintain the illusion that we're different from animals". All of these things are designed to improve our quality of life (whether a particular thing succeeds in this is another debate). Manners help prevent unintentionally making others feel uncomfortable, for example offering your guests a drink (in case they don't feel comfortable asking for one), or keeping your elbows off the table (in case the person next to you would feel crowded). As for "What are you, an animal?", honestly I would say this is hyperbole. I'd put it in the same category as "Shut the door, were you born in a barn?" Putting one's elbows on the table clearly doesn't make one a (non-human) animal, but it's a hyperbolic statement to the effect of "You are so ignorant of manners that you could be a member of another species." I'm sure you could argue that apes have their own kind of manners, but that still doesn't mean that their manners are appropriate in a human context. I guess some people have a vested interest in feeling superior to animals, but I don't think in general it's most people's minds most of the time. Humans find human activities to be the best because they were designed to be the best for humans, so of course some of us are going to have a general sense of doing things better than other animals. We don't value being able to carry many times our own body weight or building really good anthills. But it's undeniable the was are different from other animals in significant ways, just as birds are different from fish, and it's unsurprising that our language reflects that.
>stupid fucking thoughts and desires and feelings, most of which don't even have words for in our language. I would actually advise against such a strong statement. Humans evolved with a computational system that allows us to think abstractly; that computational system was exapted into a communication system—language. Ostensibly, we have words or some way of conveying our thoughts and feelings and desires because they are intrinsic to our cognition, and therefore our language system. A single word does not need to be the guideline. Phrases, words, it makes no difference. The point is, we can convey what we think and feel quite effectively by virtue of it being part of our neurobiology. It's part of what makes humans *humans*.
Change my view that There can not be an omniscient all-knowing God if humans have free will. The two can't coexist. I've argued this to friends before and stand by it. If I have the decision and free will to do A, B, C or X, Y, Z in my life or in my day, then God can not be omniscient and know what is going to happen because ultimately the decision is up to me. Now the rebuttal I always hear is that "you have this free will but even though you have so many choices God will still know what you are going to do," which I think is a weak argument because then I say well then there is no free will and the two can not coexist. Assuming there is a God, human free will and God's omniscience can't coexist. CMV.
That doesn't follow. Knowing an outcome is fundamentally different than controlling it.
If you have free will, do you believe that would imply time travel is impossible?
What did you get served during hospital stays? A family member is going to be spending 2-5 days in the hospital. He's a vegetarian, and also happens to hate a few of the "standard" vegetarian offerings like portobello mushrooms. If you've been in the hospital as a vegetarian or vegan, what did they serve you? Did you end up just eating your own food? We haven't been told to expect any special dietary restrictions, and will follow any we get...I'm just thinking about my airplane experiences and picturing days of sad salads and random side dishes thrown together...
I’m a vegetarian, and I spent 4 days in the hospital a couple years ago for a broken leg. I got all sides and bread because they didn’t have any veggie mains.
Lol, I got the heart-healthy diet after my open heart surgery. I was in for an aortic aneurysm from an explosion. My arteries are clear, no plaque. Lol, the food was basically proteins with low fat and zero salt. It was terrible. Somehow they managed to keep a broth on my menu and it was great bc it was the only thing that had salt in it.
I want to take a sabbatical in 2022 and travel the world for an entire year. What should I know? Hi, I'm planning to take the next year off to travel anywhere my hearts desires. I'm hoping to accomplish all the adventures one would desire in one's life in a year. What tips, advice, and suggestions would you give me? Some info about me- * Will be 30 when this adventure starts. * I have about 100k saved in a variety of ways (expecting to save about an additional 50k by the end of this year possibly more). * Very little debt obligations (50k only 1-2% interest, estimated monthly payment of $1300) * I'm essentially willing to leave my home country (USA), start in a country (I'm thinking Japan) and work my way west till I get back to the US. * My main goal is to experience different cultures, food, and what nature has to offer. Feel free to ask me any questions. Thanks for any advice or suggestions in advance!
Make sure that you have at least two bank cards with no international fees, and keep them separate in case you lose one. Travel as lightly as possible. You can always buy more clothes, etc. if you need to. Research, research, research. Research every country that you plan to visit and make sure that you meet the visa requirements and etiquette in each country. Learn a few words of the languages of foreign countries you are going to visit. Hello, excuse me, thank you, words like that. Have fun. Edit: and download Google maps of the places that you are visiting, so that you can access maps offline if you don't have data or WiFi.
> I'm planning to take the next year off to travel anywhere my hearts desires. What should I know? There is a very good chance that due to COVID the world will still be similar to what it is today - travel will be restricted, whether you are vaccinated or not.
a book you wish you could read again for the first time. I love that kind of book; Fight Club, Ender's Game, Spook Country, Leviathan Wakes... Where you spend the journey of the book building up to a turning point. A paradigm shift in the structure of the narrative. When you are finished, you are left with a feeling of pleasure, and sadness knowing that you can never experience the book again in the same way. My list is pretty sci-fi heavy. It doesn't have to be a sci-fi suggestion, but I really do like the genre. Thanks.
The *Mortal Engines* series. The endings of the first and last books in particular blew me away, but apart from the story I just want to experience that world for the first time again.
*The Monstrumologist* by Rick Yancey. It's rare for a book to actually set me on edge while reading it. I loved it.
Does UEFI have any benefits on Linux? Does fast boot have any benefits on Linux? As far as I know it's made for Windows 10 but it's not called "Windows Fast Boot" or something like that so I was wondering if it has benefits on other operating systems too. I've tried both UEFI and "Legacy" mode on an old Latitude E5420 laptop that I had lying around and using BIOS the laptop booted significantly faster and I had the feeling that it was a little faster in general. Would this be the other way around on newer machines? I get why secure boot is useful but I don't need or use it.
Yes the boot loader was very manageable compared to MBR. If your motherboard supports efi file registration, it can switch bootloader to use very easy
No. It just makes life harder for us. Unfortunately it makes vendors' lives easier, so it's here to stay (at least until it's replaced by something more annoying). There are still a lot of systems which support legacy mode, but they're getting less easy to find, and there are some weird edge cases (like systems which only support legacy boot for booting from USB, not from internal drives).
Movie to watch while very depressed and sensitive I need something to watch that has absolutely no intense emotions, or sad moments, even feel good really I need something that will make me forget everything bad in the world
Galaxy Quest.
The Mitchell’s vs The Machines was really enjoyable. For live action I might go with an 80s movie. Dirty dancing or footloose or Ferris Bueller
I'm looking for books with a male MC who is overweight To be specific; I am looking for realistic fiction or non-fiction books with a male main character who is overweight/obese/fat/chubby etc.
You might look at the “Amos Decker” series by David Baldacci. He was a college football player with promise until an injury. In the series he deals with his new weight issues in various ways as he’s now a detective
Rex Stout’s Nero Wolfe series. The first is {{Fer-de-Lance}}.
Change my view that I am Afraid to take the Covid Vaccine due to Distrust of Government, Lack of FDA Approval, the Fact that it is an Unconventional Vaccine (mRNA), how quickly the Vaccine Was Created, the Potential of Negative Long Term Side Effects from the Vaccine, and the Breakthrough Cases in the Vaccinated Notice the keyword in the title: Afraid. I am NOT an anti-vaxxer. I have every vaccine recommended for children and adults in the US. I want this vaccine, but I'm afraid of it. I do not trust the US government (and haven't for the last 16 years), and I find myself doubting anything that they recommend to me. Now, if the other issues that I have with the vaccine listed in the title can be handled, then I'll have no problem taking it. Let me elaborate on the rest of my issues. I do not understand FDA's approval processes, but I don't see the issue in waiting for another level of analysis before I allow something into my body. I am not a doctor, and I'm not well researched on vaccinations, but this is the first mRNA vaccine I've ever heard of. It seems new and relatively undertested to me. I keep hearing about the need for different booster shots, so I continue to ask myself why I would want it if it seems to be an insufficient vaccine requiring additional shots to keep it effective. I'm even more skeptical about the vaccine since it was produced so quickly. I know that, in my line of work, whenever I make something in a day that usually takes a week, I'm WAY more likely to make a mistake. I'm worried that the same thing could have happened with this vaccine. Also, every other vaccine that I've ever made has been DECADES old. We don't understand if there's any undiscovered long term side effects of this vaccine yet. That's my long rant, but let me be clear. I WANT this vaccine. Please make me feel safe enough to get this vaccine. Please change my view.
Hey OP, I am a physician and I too, waited until I had enough data to take the vaccine myself. So I understand your position. I did, however, decide to get vaccinated once I knew the expected side effects. Although I work in clinical research, I'm new to the field and still learning the regulatory protocols so forgive me for not addressing those issues here. I'll let a more knowledgeable person handle that. Instead I'd like to try to explain why they chose the mRNA route rather than the so-called conventional route. mRNA is just like a sentence or instruction manual for making a protein. In this case, the mRNA is coding for the SPIKE protein, which is a protein on the surface of the virus that the virus requires to establish an infection. This mRNA is designed to teach the cells how to create the antibody to the spike protein. The conventional route involved using killed virus, or a slightly less infectious strain, or pieces of a virus to make you immune. While effective, these processes came with them many side effects. A famous example was the polio vaccine, which used a wild strain of the polio virus that was supposed to be less infectious. However that virus was able to establish infection in a few babies, causing paralysis. In other vaccines there was the issue of using formaldehyde and other chemicals we would not ordinarily knowingly consume, to purify the vaccine. Clearly there would be some people who would react to these. To avoid these issues, the mRNA vaccine is about as organic as you can get. It's made with the same C A U G nucleotides, and comes with the same protein cap and tail that help it survive for some amount of time before the body eventually breaks it down. The idea is that you have successfully created antibodies before that happens. No live virus, no killed virus, and no dangerous preservatives. It's all biodegradable. And the product is something you produce every single day, all day, as long as you're alive - antibodies against infection. Most of the side effects that are seen as a result of the vaccine are so-called constituional symptoms. Because they're effects of the immune system being activated. It's a good thing because it means your body recognized an antigen and is reacting to it, or your immune system is recognizing and reacting to a new vaccine. This doesn't mean if you don't have these side effects it hasn't worked. Just like against the virus, people have different symptoms and signs. As for long-term side effects, there really shouldn't be any because mRNA is degraded in a very short while, usually within an hour of it entering the cytoplasm. And mRNA is unable to enter the nucleus to incorporate itself into your DNA either. Our cells are smarter than we give them credit for. Our DNA is by far the most critical piece of our bodies, and be rest assured nature has taken the time-tested steps to protect it well. As for the breakthrough cases, I understand the fear. But again, nothing is 100%, and like someone else said before, the issue at hand is one of risk vs benefit, and it's a choice you have to make. I hope I've helped to reduce your apprehension. As I said, I waited too, but I eventually saw the proof I needed, and not only encouraged myself, but my wife, my asthmatic mother, and my elderly father, to take the vaccine.
Presidents Donald Trump and Joe Biden both got the same vaccine. And Secret Service doesn’t even let them drive cars outside of an enclosed area for safety reasons. When Obama was President, they didn’t even let him body surf when he would go on vacation to Hawaii. He wrote that he wasn’t able to do that until after he left office. If the most protected people in the world took it, you should be more than comfortable doing the same.
Books about overcoming anxiety or learning to enjoy your own company? Hi! I was wondering if anyone knew of any books about being okay with doing things alone. I often find myself not wanting to do anything unless I have someone to do it with me. I want to learn how to overcome this anxiety and how to enjoy my own company. Hopefully this makes sense. Thanks!
Wild by Cheryl Strayed might help! It’s a memoir about a woman who hikes the Pacific Coast Trail alone after losing her mom. Fair warning, it’s a tear jerker in some parts, but it’s very realistic about the positives and negatives of taking things on on your own
Perhaps some adventure travel or travel books. They often are written by solo travelers. Maybe try The Best of Travel Short Stories , it’s a collection done every year. Also perhaps Siddhartha would be a good choice , it’s about the Buddha and I guess no one learned to enjoy their own company better than he. Also Thomas Merton has some wonderful philosophical/spiritual books that are thought provoking. Also This Side of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald comes to mind .
Contemporary Indian authors? Hi everyone. I am an Indian living in the US for quite some time now. I would like to get reintroduced to the world of Indian fiction and discover some new authors (outside of those who are famous on the international stage). I am looking to get reconnected to my culture and heritage and would love any suggestions on contemporary authors who either write about contemporary or historical matters, all fiction though! Preferably translated from a local language into English or written in English (not very strong in reading in Gujarati or Hindi, languages I grew up speaking). Thanks for any suggestions in advance. Stay safe!
The Henna Artist by Alka Joshi The Inheritance of Loss by Kiran Desai The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri The God of Small Things by Arundhati Roy Malgudi Days by RK Narayan Palace of Illusions by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
{{Erotic stories for Punjabi widows}} {{The tiger claw}}
Change my view that Rich people are inherently kind of villainous Okay, I know that sounds pretty inflammatory. I don’t believe that all rich people are terrible, but I do think that a willingness to embrace being significantly wealthy does demonstrate a willingness to accept the poverty and suffering of those around you. Which also results in the rich often feeling they’ve somehow earned their status and that everyone else isn’t as smart or as skilled as they are. It’s very hard for me to figure out how that perspective and lifestyle can be morally justified. Unless you subscribe to a very individualistic and solipsistic moral philosophy….Which honestly seems like a pretty sociopathic way to look at things. I’ve read multiple articles (I didn’t cite them because it takes 5 seconds to do a search and find dozens of scholarly articles supporting this) indicating that being rich makes people more self absorbed and less compassionate towards those around them. All my personal experiences in life have definitely supported this outlook and those statistics. I have family members, friends, and colleagues in every economic bracket, ranging from multimillionaires to people barely able to make rent in their trailer park. Without a doubt, those in poverty have been dramatically more charitable and willing to lend a hand or even some cash if they were able, while almost none of the wealthier people I know could be described as particularly charitable. Obviously plenty of wealthy people are involved in charity work, but rarely or never in a way that could be described as sharing a significant portion of their wealth. Donations seem to be more about tax write offs, PR, or an amount that might seem impressive but is insignificant when compared to their overall wealth. Growing up, the advice I received from the richer people I knew was to not give money to the homeless because they'll probably use it to buy drugs and you’re enabling their bad habit. This was not a one time occurrence, it literally happened half a dozen times. I also know several wealthy people who said that they voted for Trump because they assumed it would benefit them more financially, and had no regard for the social, political, or environmental implications. I’ve really questioned whether or not this perspective is just some form of prejudice on my part. I did grow up very poor and that experience didn’t make me envy the rich as much as it led me to view them as sheltered, privileged, and usually indifferent to the suffering of others. I think the wealthy justify this outlook through some kind of “merit” based perspective, which is an understandably desirable conclusion for someone in that position to believe, but is also completely absurd when you account for the impact of personal privilege and socio-political realities. I think I’m a pretty open minded and a reasonably educated person, and it's just hard to believe that I’m wrong about this. Basically every major problem the world faces can be traced to the actions of the rich and powerful seeking to increase their wealth and consolidate their power. I mean, a handful of Exxon executives are basically responsible for killing the environment on a global scale. They had the potential to spearhead a drive towards renewable energy following their discovery of CO2's impact on the earth’s climate in the 1970's, and instead chose to begin a misinformation campaign in order to continue business as usual and ensure a stable increase in wealth (hooray growth capitalism). When I was younger I used to think the expression “Greed is the root of all evil” was a bit ridiculous. It seemed like there were much worse things. But now, it's hard not to feel like it's one of the truest things I’ve ever heard. So yeah, CMV.
I have a bit of a problem with the way you define rich. You specifically mention multi millionaire. I mean OK… But you’re covering a lot of ground here. There’s a lot of very average middle-class people that are multi millionaires by the time they retire. Again, guessing you haven’t done the math on this….. But a middle class multi millionaire retiree doesn’t have money to just throw around. A two or $3 million net worth in retirement is just about the right amount to replace the average middle-class jobs that earned that money to begin with. I mean we’re talking about the probable net worth of a married couple earning teachers salaries and were smart with their money. The rest of what you write is purely anecdotal.
I dispute your term "inherently." There are certainly ways to become wealthy without being inherently villainous. If you wanted to argue that wealthy people might be more inclined to become villainous you would have a stronger argument.
Hi everybody! I am trying to buy a book to my, now 17, sister who's not really into reading. I would love to get her to read (and like) a book. Needing suggestions please. I am already considering Persepolis and To kill a mockingbird for example. The thing about Persepolis is that it is a graphic novel and I don't know if that's not as good as a "book". I never read To kill a mockingbird although I want to. I know it's a classic but how hard is it to read when you are not used to read? Any advice is appreciated, thanks :)
It might be good to get her something familiar that has other references in popular culture, I read The Big Short last year and it’s a bit different to the film but even better, if she enjoys that then Michael Lewis has a couple other books with similar themes that are equally brilliant and really quite easy to read due to the way he writes non fiction like a novel
Book of a Thousand Days by Shannon Hale is based on a fairy tale. It’s also a very powerful and sweet book. Also she’s written about five or six books in this universe, all excellent, so if you get her hooked you have somewhere to go. The Maze Runner by James Dashner is fantastically written series, and the last movie comes out next year I think? I remember the writing being exceptional. The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein is a book I recommend for everyone. It’s a very beautiful book, about a dog that’s about the die. It’s sad it places, but it remains one of my favorites. Heist Society by Ally Carter was one of my favorite books in high school. The plot is basically Oceans 12 (I realized this much later) but the book is still funny and engaging.
Please tell me a way to make tasty egg plant I tried egg plant a few times but never liked it. Still I feel that its my cooking that fails me and they grow so well in my area, it would be a shame to not eat them. Please give me some simple (vegetarian) recipes/ideas on how to prepare egg plant properly
Eggplant schnitzels! Slice 'em lengthways, salt and leave for a bit. I prefer to grill them first, either on the bbq or a grill pan. Then flower, eggwash and seasoned breadcrumbs (personally like chili flakes, sage and parm) and then shallow fry till golden crispy. You can skip the breadcrumbs for a softer, but equally tasty result.
Haven’t found a way yet, so I will be browsing this thread for ideas.
Why do a lot of chefs sprinkle salt instead of grinding it? When I season my food, I always just use the salt grinder and I've never really felt the need to deviate from this method. Yet in cooking videos, chefs always seem to grab pinches of salt from a ramekin or bowl. At first glance this seems like unnecessary work, but clearly they're successful and know far more than I do, so what am I missing?
Grinding salt from a grinder is inefficient. It's a bandwidth issue. Think of a garden hose vs a fire hose. Also in a professional setting you are cooking in much larger batches, it's very inefficient to be making a giant stock pot of soup and standing over it with a tiny grinder cranking for minutes.
Because most people buy their salt in powdered/small crystal form and not in grinders?
My recipe tells me to reduce oven heat from 450 to 350. Does this mean I open the oven door to allow the heat to reach 350 faster? Or am I meant to keep the door closed and allow the heat to reduce slowly?
It means turn it down don't open door
No. Unless it's explicitly stated that you need to take it out, the assumption is always that you simply keep the door closed after you change the temperature. In most cases, the reason for the high-to-low temp is to allow for something to brown or crust over better, without burning or drying it out by keeping it at a high temp for too long. Edit: Yes, it relies on assumption of how well ovens lose or keep heat. But it honestly is one of the areas in baking that *can* be less precise. Unless you're noting consistent issues, just keep to the directions.
Anti book suggestions. Suggest a book you don’t suggest.
Looking for alaska, my eyes were rolling the entire time I read it. It’s the ultimate ‘i’m not like other girls’ read
Rich Dad, Poor Dad. It's the transparent product of a con man. Absurdly preachy, with stupid advise (and illegal in many cases) and overall a terrible "business/motivational" book.
[The Walking Dead TV Series] Wouldn't Glenn mentioning the game Portal imply that zombies are in media in the universe? Portal existing would imply the Half-Life series exists which has a huge focal point on zombies
I believe the official explanation is that in-universe, Romero’s zombie movies weren’t as famous as they are IRL, so “zombie” never really entered common parlance and pop culture beyond obscure voodoo references. Something like that, I can’t remember exactly. EDIT: and even if zombies never hit pop culture the same way, the undead have been a thing since mythology. And besides that, humans being host to alien entities which control and/or otherwise “infect” them( like Half-Life’s zombies) are popular even without the zombie connection, like The Thing and Alien’s facehuggers.
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A book that tells you that your life doesn't need a purpose, or a grand ambition; and that it's okay to just wander through life finding interesting things to do until you die
I feel like this is kind of the message of every Kurt Vonnegut book.
Stoner, a novel. Perfectly sums this up
Movies like Vice, The Social Network, War Dogs, Wolf of wall street, The Big Short? I want to watch some movies like those which are preferably based on real life characters/events and are related to business or finance or power (as in politics like Vice). Any more similar movies?
The Insider (1999)
Too Big to Fail
I'm searching for a book where the villain get the girl Like a real villain who kill and stuff like that. Who treat everyone bad but her.
Count of Monte Cristo
Villain is a matter of perspective.
Books with prose so good it makes you want to write inspiring prose, basically. it doesn't have to be motivational, just good and breathtaking, makes you want to read further, stay up late to finish it, unable to get it out of your mind even when writing yours. any author and any genre. much thanks!
The mortal instruments series along with the clockwork angel series and the shadow hunter handbook with the bane chronicles. Best read by far and eventhough there is like 12-15 books total i never got bored reading them and in no way do they ever repeat.
Red Army by Ralph Peter's. Anything by Ray Bradbury
Explain like I'm five years old: Why are humans so much more intelligent than animals? What has made us advance so far ahead of other animals and why is no other animal remotely close to us. Even the animals considered intelligent are no where near humans. Also, am I right in saying that the most intelligent animal is still closer in intelligence to the least intelligent animal than it is to humans. And if so, why is there this big gap?
Institutional knowledge lets humans "specialize" in intelligence far harder, especially combined with tool use and language. For instance, Octopus die after giving birth. This means that no matter how smart the individual octopus is, it never learns from its parents. There's no "passing on" of knowledge to the next generation. So they're stuck reinventing the wheel with each new individual. Birds like corvids and parrots are better off. Corvids especially have social structures and will "pass on" knowledge. This is where tool use comes in, though; even smart animals still have to retain their 'base' traits to survive. Corvids and parrots can't give up their 'bird' traits to double down on being smart. Meanwhile the human brain takes up like 20% of a humans energy just to run. What does the human get in exchange? Well... everything. Tool use replaces every trait humans "lost" as more and more of their energy was redirected to their brains. Basic clothing gives them the protection of hide and hair without the need to grow it. The simple spear gives them sharper fangs than any animal. Cooking gives them a cast-iron stomach to rival all but vultures and other hard-core carrion eaters.
We learn to care about other people and make tools and use fire, and humans have a pretty long lifespan. That gave us a lot of free time so we were able to learn to write and read, and it was just snowballing from that point. Any singular person would never be smarter on his own than a random octopus if octopus would have 80years lifespan instead of 6 months. We are just able to use information learned by people that died thousands years ago so we kinda function as one planet size immortal hive that gather information indefinitely
Need a new show to binge watch My favorite genre is comedy and I have seen the following: That 70's Show IASIP Community Curb Freaks and Geeks Undeclared Arrested Development The Office Parks and Rec Bojack South Park Futurama AP Bio Workaholics The Inbetweeners Bad Education Any suggestions?
Superstore Silicon Valley Vice Principals LA to Vegas New Girl An unusual choice? Succession It has insanely good comedy inside the drama
The Good Place Schitt’s Creek The Ranch 3rd Rock from the Sun Lucifer (Not specifically a comedy, but is *hilarious*) Wynonna Earp (Also not specifically a comedy, but also hilarious) Miranda
Are "zoomies" for indoor cats normal? Hello! Me and my partner are fostering and very tempted to keep a cat we've just taken in. He came into my partners vet as a stray, no microchip or collar and the people who had been feeding him since July didn't want to take him in. So we've got this sweet approx 8 year old boy and he's lovely, but due to us living on a busy road we've opted to have him as in indoor cat. I try play with him a lot and he's not always interested, but a few times a day he'll do about 5-10mins of zoomies where he'll meow while having a run around the house and pounce on his toy mouse if he runs passed it. It looks like he's having fun but when I was younger and had cats they were all outdoor cats and I never saw this behaviour. Just wanted to know if anyone else has experienced similar?
Absolutely normal. Sometimes it seems like something comes over our cat and she loses her mind and goes crazy, running around the apartment and up and down the furniture and she usually has a look on her face that could only be described as looney lol
Yup. 1000% usually around midnight or 4am
Someone used/spoofed my number to call my mom? What do I do? Please help! Earlier I had waken up to a phone call from my mom and when I answered, it clearly was not her. It was some lady’s voice saying “is blank there?” And so after about 15 seconds of confusion, I hung up and called my moms number back. She told me that someone had called her just a few minutes before and was asking the exact same thing, but it was from my number. My mom and I are currently traveling and she was downstairs when this happened. Both her and I had our phones on us at all times, so it definitely wasn’t either of us that accidentally made the calls. I get a few spam calls here and there, but this seemed unusual. Not only did they use my number to spoof/call, but they also used my moms number to call me? Why is this happening, and what would be the reason for this? Thanks for any help!
As said above, Spoofing Caller ID is relatively easy to pull off. The fact they spoofed both yours and your Mom’s and new that these numbers belonged to each of you (and by extension, likely new you were family members or Mother and Son) and you are sure the your phones have been accounted for at all times, it is either someone that knows you both or… Someone has obtained a good deal of information through other means (access to your email, compromised one of your home networks or a public WiFi network you are both on etc), it would be my advice to change all your important passwords (like email and your WiFi code, online shopping accounts particularly if you have your card details saved etc) and enable 2FA/MFA wherever that service is offered/available. Basically, cover your bases just in case.
Was it just the number or were they able to spoof like contact name like "mom" as well?
A lot of Old Norse words/names end in "-r", but this almost never seems to be pronounced. What is the rule here? Apologies if there is a better sub for this, this just seemed like the most appropriate one I know of. When we see names like *Heimdallr*, they always seem to omit the -r at the end: /haɪmdɑːl/ or /heɪmdɑːl/. Is this just a modern mispronunciation?
R even in Icelandic today is only used for some male nouns, crucially only in the nominative case, meaning when the noun is the acting subject of the sentence. All of those words have different endings in other cases. Many modern renderings derfor consider the r to be a case ending and not to be part of the name properly. This comes down to style mostly. Example, the word "a horse " in all four cases looks like this : Hestur, hest, hesti, hests Add to this that the word for horse in modern Scandinavian is "hest", and thus you have a heavy bias towards using -r-less forms over r forms.
I think maybe /r/Norse or /r/linguistics could help you with this.
I want to see the VBA code for the AVERAGEIFS function, so that I can modify it and make a STDEVIFS function Is this possible? I thought if I see how the code for the AVERAGEIFS function is written, it should be relatively easy to adapt it to make a custom STDEVIFS function. However I don't know how to see the code for a function in VBA. I know there is workaround way of using the STDEV function with IF and entering it as an array, but I want to enter my formula in exactly the same way as the AVERAGEIFS formula I have. SInce it contains nested IFs, it's too complicated to use with an array.
Answering your first question - it's not possible, Excel is a closed source software. But the built-in functions were not written in VBA. There are open source alternatives like LibreOffice Calc and in theory you could check their code, but it's not in VBA either.
you can just use sumproduct to do it in formula. something like: (apologies if the maths is wrong its been a while since i did stats! ) sqrt(sumproduct((range=condition)*((sxx^2)-avgifs()^2)))/(counitfs()-1))
I want to learn How not to fall asleep in the car If I don't drink a gigantic coffee before going for a long drive I find myself drifting off. Same goes for riding as a passenger.
I used to have to drive 100+ miles each day to commute between school, then work in the late evening. What worked for me was eating ice. I would buy a huge cup of ice and eat it while driving- I would stay awake as long as the ice lasted.
As someone who often drives long distances for work, I have found the best thing you can have at the wheel is strong mints. Fisherman's Friends or any other mentholated mints are a savior, and I have found these will work better than even the best energy drinks. Also, turn off the heat - a warm environment in your car will really knock you out, so crank off the heater and crack a window to drop the temp below 20 degrees C
Underrated and not so famous Sci Fi Movies I am in need for good Sci Fi Action/Thriller Movies. I like Alita Battle Angel, Prometheus, Elysium, Edge of Tomorrow & Planet of the Apes trilogy. I have seen most of the mainstream movies which google or OTT platforms has suggested me. Please suggest me something other than that.
Snowpiercer (2013) Dark City (1998) A scanner darkly (2006) Moon (2009) Coherence (2013) The Man from the earth (2007) Midnight Special (2016)
The Wandering Earth (2019) was ok -- it's about moving Earth to another star
Explain like I'm five years old: (1961/Kennedy proposes a man on the moon... 8 years later, Armstrong walks on the moon. As of 2016, China is projected to have a man on the moon by 2036.) Why is it taking so long to achieve manned lunar flights in an age where space technology and safety efforts are so much more advanced? Kennedy proposed getting a man on the moon and back to Congress in 1961. Eight years later, in 1969, Neil Armstrong and crew landed not the moon and returned, following with several trips to and back made in a short period of time after, before the Apollo program ended in 1972. This appeared to be a good system of getting people to and back from the moon with the technology that was available at that time. It appears the only reason these missions were stopped were due to financial cuts and issues of the like. How is it now that with China preparing a lunar mission for some time now, with an estimated departure date of 2036. Why is it taking so long? The time of its vague announcement in 2016 to projected fruition is basically 20 years. Double the time that 60s era computers and astronautical scientists needed then. The technology and safety efforts that sent the men to the moon in the 60s and 70s could have only been perfected, fine tuned, and strengthened at this point. (This may be inaccurate, but I've been told many times that a modern day calculator has more processing power then the Apollo computers did...) I know finance is a huge factor, but is it really the only factor? And is it even a factor for a superpower like China? Safety is important and needed, but travel anywhere is not without its risks. Money is important and needed to fund projects like this, but there are still funds sending rovers and rockets into the cosmos gathering information and such. So whats to stop anyone from funding missions that can actually equip passengers again? It appears from a civilian perspective that 90 percent of the scientific ground work has already been laid, but you'd think with these time lines that they are starting from scratch.
You can do a manned space mission: Quickly Cheaply Safely Pick 2. The Chinese are going for cheap & safe. The US in the 1960s had to beat the Russians as a matter of pride--we kept losing space milestones to them. We spent a fortune on the Apollo program, and we lost our a way a bit on the safety side too. The Chinese can take their time and spend a fraction of what the United States did. They're not in a rush to beat anyone there.
They think it will take that long to steal the secrets of the Rocketdyne F-1 engine so they can duplicate it.
Birthday Cake - Using BOXED CAKE MIX Making 6 level rainbow cake for my son's 4th bday. Decided to do box mix, and save myself some work. It's been YEARS since I've ever used boxed mix, lol. Looking for advice on how so spruce up boxed mix and make fluffier and more natural???? Idk
I am a pro at box mix and the last few years have been trying to step away from them so I can have some "legit" cake recipes up my sleeve. Already have a great chocolate cake recipe. My best advice is, don't be afraid to whip it up longer than usual. I use an electric mixer for cake mixes and just try to get that air in it as much as possible. And I don't use the times on the box or a timer. I use my nose, when I can smell it is when I start poking with a toothpick or fork. AS SOON AS it comes out clean pull it out. People fall over themselves with my cakes and if I trust them I'll let them in on the secret 😂
I literally only like boxed white/yellow mixes. Can’t stand most homemade recipes I’ve tried. Although I do much prefer homemade chocolate.
To what degree of crazy biting did your puppy do? Just was wondering how much and how aggressively peoples puppies bit. Ours is 9 weeks and he has the occasional hour of psycho energy, in which he sometimes lunges at me and my fiancés hands and arms. I am positive that this is all normal behavior for a teething dog, but my fiancé is now slowly convincing herself that he is overly aggressive. Did your pups ever bite in a hard manner or only light playfully? Also if you have any advice that would be great. We are currently trying to do a yip sound and stand up for thirty seconds to ignore him.
My elkhound puppy was a little shark at times. It was nipping, as she didn't grip on to us or anything like that. She also had her daily "witching hour" where she'd tear around like a fool for no apparent reason and nip anything in her way. She liked to try to tear at clothing and try to "pants" people. She's now a well-behaved dog, although she still has her moments where she wants to just sprint around the yard. She doesn't jump at people and try to pull their clothing off anymore though. A lot of people recommend yipping (the way another puppy would) in response to biting. If that actually makes your puppy stop, then you can do that, but in some cases, it actually gets the puppy more excited and makes him or her more nippy.
It looks like you might be posting about bite inhibition. Check out our wiki article on biting, teeth, and chewing - the information there may answer your question. **Please report this comment if it is not relevant to this post.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/puppy101) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Single Books that have multiple characters and span over long periods of time? Do you know any really good books that: 1. Are not a part of a series but rather just the one book and... 2. ... span over long periods of time say decades or even a century with... 3. ...lots of different interwoven fates, multiple people that one as a reader get to follow from their perspective, a family for example or a generational story of some other sort. (Like the movie babel for example but that movie has a lot shorter timeframe ) I would prefer if it is not a fantasy story, thanks!
Station Eleven by Emily St John Mandel. It follows multiple characters through a couple decades, and all the characters stories are connected to one central character. It goes back and forth between past and present, so it doesn’t read as a linear timeline, so I’m not sure if it’s quite what you’re looking for. But it is a wonderful book!
How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
Did Biden's American Rescue Plan cause the inflation we're experiencing now? If so, why did it take so long for inflation to ramp up? The American Rescue Plan was enacted in March of 2021.
Firstly, you have to remember that in the US monetary policy is decided by the Federal Reserve. The President appoints members to the Federal Reserve but does not control it. The current Chairman Jerome Powell became chairman before Biden entered office. The current high inflation is probably mostly due to the Federal Reserve's policies and supply problems caused by the COVID pandemic. Today the effect of the pandemic supply problems is waning, what remains is the effect of monetary policy. There are also the stimulus bills, but it is questionable how much effect those have had. They also started before Biden. This depends on your view of Keynesian stimulus. Then there are Biden's energy policies. The Biden administration have refused to green-light the Keystone XL pipeline, for example. This is one of the few areas where the critics of Biden have a little bit of a case. His actions may have increased the price of oil and things made from it. This is probably not all that important though. Many of the same points I make here apply to criticisms of past Presidents too. MachineTeaching talked about that more a couple of months ago.
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[If I like] weird bands like Ween and Primus, [what else would I like?]
Captain Beefheart
You might like The Residents a long running weird art rock band that Primus has covered in the past. Or perhaps you might be interested in The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets a nerdy Canadian punk band that primarily sing songs inspired by the Cthulhu Mythos of H.P. Lovecraft. Or maybe you'd be into the weird "occult rock" vibes of bands like Uncle Acid & the Deadbeats or Ghost.
Need some advice please, I keep getting blisters when hiking. Hi, so I've been walking for years. But this past year me and my wife started to do some trails and hiking longer distances. Because of this, I invested in some Salomon boots. I had my feet measured in store and they fit perfectly, I have 1/4 - 1/2 inch gal between the end of the boot and my toes. The thing is, every single time we walk, I get blisters on the back of both of my feet and it's always happening within the first 2 hours of walking. I know this may be a stupid question, but is there a specific way I'm meant to by doing my laces? As in, having them super tight, or not doing them all the way up, or something else? Any help would be really appreciated as I really like these boots, but these constant blisters are really getting to me. If it helps, these are the boots I have
Leukotape is the answer. I put the tape on the areas that I know I am most likely to get blisters before I start walking for the day. I get blister often. I tried countless shoe sizes and models, gore tex, not gore tex, sock liners, only merino socks, etc... Leukotape is legitimately the only solution that works for me. The shoes might be your problem if you haven't tried other brands/models though... Edit: I currently hike in Salomon Ultra Mids with Darn Tough socks.
The first 2 posters stole my first thoughts. Socks and correct fitting shoes are key to avoiding blisters.
Mysteries or Detective stories After some recent intense studying I need a break. I'm interested in a detective-type series, something where I can connect with the fictional world for at least a couple books. I already own the Sherlock Holmes collection, as well as Chet and Bernie, Rivers of London, Cormoran Strike and Aurora Teagarden. Do you have any suggestions for me to try?
The Dublin Murder Squad series by Tana French is a good one! The first book in the series is called {{In the Woods (Dublin Murder Squad, #1}}
Richard Osman's 3-book series is a good mix of mystery and humor - if you want something on the lighter side, they're fun. They're about 4 friends living in a retirement community in a small British town who solve murders. First book is "The Thursday Murder Club."
[If I like] weird women making weird music, [what else would I like?] By weird, I mean completely unafraid to express themselves authentically in a way that defies convention, particularly for female artists. Music that is just plain weird is also welcome. Artists I know already and love: Fiona Apple Laurie Anderson Kate Bush Bjork Pauline Oliveros Kate Dalton Betty Davis Patti Smith SOPHIE Yoko Ono the weirder the artist, the better! love if they have particularly kooky reputations too. Any genre welcome
Diamanda Galas, Marnie Stern, Fever Ray/The Knife, Fiery Furnaces, Guerilla Toss, Otyken, Rexy, Geneva Jacuzzi
Garfunkel and Oates
Fantasy Book where the main characters arent teenagers? Like the title says. Im tired of reading Fantasy or magic books where the characters are all teens and dealing with teen issues. Looking for something more mature. Not necessarily something dark but something with mature writing and mature issues, rather than teens joining a kids rebellion.
{{the mirror visitor quartet}} hope that works, if not, it’s like... post-apocalyptic mundane (ish) magic/ kingdom-based fantasy! Very good and the main characters are in their 20s I believe. The last book is supposed to be translated in September
Neverwhere- it was written years before Harry Potter no schools no kids and sort of in the same world. My favorite novel.
Can someone explain why the market is up so much?? Stock noob here so please forgive my innocence. Here in the UK especially: household bills have doubled, inflation is at an all time high, and we are technically in a recession...but the s&p500 is up ≈9% in the past month and the ftse 100 is still climbing close to pre pandemic levels. Can someone explain why this is, as surely uncertainty & recession would cause a dip in the market (as it has done historically) ?
A lot of people seem to overlook that the market is still negative on the year. And until this recent rally, was down considerably. A lot of the covid stocks are down 70% or more regardless of the recent uptick. This could be a bear market rally. Or perhaps the market dropped too fast too soon.
VOO is abiut break even compared to July 2021 and down about 10% from Thanksgiving 2021. So some of this is people forgot how far the market dropped. Also how many posts have we seen here in the last 6 months about people dumping all their stock and moving on. I am sure a significant number of investors who started during covid cut their losses and moved on.
Company uses Office365 but i want to use Linux. Advice? Anyone who are in the same situation? They are open(aka dont care) what OS i run on my computer but all mail and such is currently run by Microsoft Office365. At home i use Arch and occasionally i use their web- access but it pretty much sucks in some parts(Like if a partner mail me a question and i forward it internally for discussion it all get all in one stream which is terrible to follow after a while). Advice?
Depending on the nature of the Office documents, your the only option may be Windows in virtualbox. Just last week, I had to recover a document because someone in the chain had an older version of Office on a Mac. Since it was done under pressing deadline, words were said and names were called. I've tried for a while to get away with alternative options: older version under wine, online version, LibreOffice, WPS Office, some other Linux adaption of MS Office (that was abandoned fast and I don't remember how it's called). Nothing worked flawlessly. Since, whenever I have to deal with MS Office, it's a teamwork, "95% good" is not good enough. Then, again, for a lot of documents WPS Office worked just fine.
I dont understand why you have this question....o365 suite can be run in your browser. Im in a o365 shop and work on my rhel station 95% of the time.
Explain like I'm five years old:What causes the spontaneous high pitched ringing in our ears that only lasts a few seconds I don't mean tinnitus, I mean that noise that someone's blowing a dog whistle that comes and goes in the space of a few seconds
It's little receptors dying off. That's the last time you'll hear that well.
That isn't normal
Send me some movies set on trains I'm for some a reason a big fan of trains, not sure why but whatever. Send me any movies that are set on a train, regardless of quality.
Pretty much all the ones I wanted to name and was enthusiastic about have been named already but you can take a look to the next one's: Water for elephants: (romance) Basically about a circus mooving in a train and the people working on it. Throw momma from the train: (comedy) You kill my mom I kill your ex deal? That's basically all the plot I can remember, it's a Danny de vito movie so you'll have fun. Polar express: (animation) Ever wondered how does papa noël and his world work like well get on this train and discover it. None of these films take place entirely inside the train, but there is a train so there you go :)
Tian xia wu zei
I want to learn how to be an adult To start off, I grew up with one parent that didn’t nuture at all, my mom viewed me more so as property and I feel like that really messed me up. I don’t have a car, no license because I have driving anxiety, dropped out of college, can barely manage working a part time job without feeling overwhelmed, spend 40% of my day in bed, and I still live in a extension of my childhood home. I’m so tired of living like this and it causes me anxiety and depression but I don’t even know where to begin, I just know I’m way too old for this and it’s not the life I want to live. My days always blend together and I hate it, I feel like sometimes I can do no more but lay in bed all day. I would really appreciate some genuine advice/ tips or just anything. Please be nice :)
There's a lot of good advice on this thread already, but if you're struggling to work a part time job without feeling overwhelmed, I would suggest putting yourself first to help build up your self confidence and working towards your expectations of an "adult" life. I'd suggest blocking out the days in hour blocks from when you wake up to when you go to sleep (and try to keep this as regular as possible so your body can fully rest). Build in time each day to make and eat something for breakfast, lunch and dinner to support your routine. Build in 1 hour of exercise to help with the boost of endorphins and dopamine (even if that's walking around the block, with some breaks). You could then begin to look at building in time for mindfulness, or listening to a podcast / watching a video that will help you develop skills to help manage your anxiety. It might also help you to create a list of what \*you\* think it is to be an adult, and then list what you could realistically do to achieve those things alongside it. It might start as a plan, but it's the first clear step towards what action you'd need to take when you're ready to face it. If you can, I'd also suggest talking to a licensed therapist as they will most likely be able to help you work through this, too. Good luck - and remember - most adults don't know what they're doing in life anyway!
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Weekly discussion - Cooking for one and dining alone With Valentines behind us, let's leave the happy couples behind for a little while. How do you keep up your enthusiasm for cooking when you're only cooking for yourself? Do you make big batches and eat the same thing for a week or freeze portions for later? Or do you just keep things simple until you have someone to cook for? How do you deal with eating out alone? I understand for some this is quite a challenge. Do you people-watch? Bring a book? Have you become a regular and developed a relationship with the staff for some camaraderie?
When I was single, I never ate out. I just cooked enough for 4 people, and froze half the meal for later, or made enough for 2 servings. I rarely dine out at restaurants because I feel it's just a waste of money. I prefer to create my own gourmet meals at home.
I like to make pasta fairly often, and the ingredients can be portioned. For the tomato sauce I use a resealable glass jar of raw tomato sauce, garlic is naturally portioned (lol), and I use shallots instead of onions because you can just use one. Tomato concentrate can be bought in resealable tubes. As for the vegetables do not buy too much and plan what you’re going to use. Stuff like beans can be bought dry or in a can, all easy to portion. Eggs are great and a pantry full of rice, pasta, lentils, and sauces goes a long way. Add some frozen meats or soups that you can make in batches, and I’m set for days. If I want to make something that takes a little more effort I invite people over, and I usually make mushroom risotto. Honestly, cooking for one is fairly good, you can try something new every day, and you get to practice. My cooking skills have improved since I’m living alone. Not just cooking but pantry management too.
Need new alcohol stove. I have been using this stove since 2012. Made from a cat food can. After I did the highline trail in Utah last week I am in the market for a new etoh stove. Should I just do the same thing and hole punch a cat food can or are there better options. ( replacing it because the metal is getting flimsy. I guess 10 years of heavy use is all the friskers can can take.)
If you backpack in the western US (i.e. the Uintas), it's probably time to move away from alcohol stoves. The climate is just warmer and drier than it was 10 or 20 years ago, and consequently far easier to accidentally ignite a wildfire. For even the most careful and experienced backpackers, it's still super easy to kick it over, or maybe the wind blows it over. And then you don't have an off-valve. The Uintas have been ravaged by beetle-kill over the past few years. There's a lot of dry fuel out there just waiting for a spark. For the sake of my local mountains (and really, the same thing is true across the west), please consider switching stove types. Thank you!
the fancy feast cat can stoves are imo still the best option avialable
[ATLA] How were soldiers chosen for Zuko's ship after he was exiled? Were they volunteers who were loyal to him over the Fire Lord? Could they return to the Fire Nation or were they banished too?
In the hundred years that the Fire Nation had been trying, and failing, to find the Avatar, the search itself became largely ceremonial. Ozai didn't invent this wild goose chase just for Zuko, it was already ongoing and he just made completing it the requirement for Zuko's return. A token force was already assigned to the task, Zuko was just put in charge of it and when his uncle went along his name brought some volunteers who could probably have found a more glamorous posting if they'd tried. They eventually came to respect Zuko, when he risked his own life to save a member of the crew, but this was after coming to resent him for putting their lives in danger to find the Avatar in the first place.
even exiled he is still royal blood, he was assigned a ship to command and had it staffed and crewed by the fire navy.
Movies where entire story is happening inside of one place Can someone recommend me good movie where story is happening inside of one place (like hotel). Ive recently watched Identity (2003) and it had that kind of a theme. I guess Shinning has similar theme as well. Preferably mystery/thriller, not horrors or at least not super scary ones
Saw. It does have some flashbacks throughout the film but it is all in one location overall
If relevant, make sure to check the [Bottle Movies (Single Location)] FAQ. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MovieSuggestions) if you have any questions or concerns.*
Tv series that is mystery/thriller, but not horror? I tend to enjoy crime dramas, mystery, true crime, stuff like that, but a lot of this tends to overlap with the "Horror" genre which I am not a fan of. Creepy characters are great, but I can't quite appreciate it when the director seems like he's *trying* to give me nightmares. Examples of TV Series I have watched and liked (not necessarily limited to mystery/crime thriller): * Criminal Minds * House of Cards (the American version) * House, M.D. * Psych * Star Trek (Next Generation, Voyager, DS9) * Sherlock * Elementary Television series I have seen and *dislike*: * House of Cards (UK version) * The West Wing * NCIS (honestly, I just didn't find the characters very engaging). * CSI (Vegas, Miami) (I just found them more repetitive than most crime dramas; Criminal Minds was very good about changing up the plots a bit) * American Horror Story (it would be the sort of show I liked if they weren't *trying* to frighten you, but I guess the clue is in the name)
*Person of Interest* on Netflix
castle bones instinct firefly burn notice lie to me eureka scorpion stichers
Change my view thatI believe that there shouldn't be religious exemptions to laws. I feel like my argument against such exemptions is very simple (perhaps too simple) and I'm sure that there are some holes in it. This might be an easy CMV. Basically, I see two possible categories of laws that might contain religious exemptions. Let's leave out tax laws, because I think that's a separate issue. 1. Laws that prevent us from harming others. 2. Laws that do not prevent us from harming others. Laws in the first category should apply to everyone. A deeply held ideology should not give a person a right to harm someone else without their consent. Religiously justified crimes against people are still crimes. Allowing a particular religion to be exempt from one of these laws makes the rest of us more vulnerable, and weakens the purpose of government (to protect our natural rights). Laws in the second category are usually where religious exemptions are found. These sort of laws are usually about what one is allowed to do to oneself. If it is safe to allow for religious exemptions to these laws, then it should be safe to abandon these laws all together. I guess I can see value to religious exemptions in a very narrow subset of these laws, such as allowing indigenous people exclusive access to certain sacred burial grounds or something like that. A suitable summary of my argument would be "Where religious exemptions to laws harm others, those religious exemptions should not exist. Where religious exemptions do not harm others, those laws should not exist." Change my view. _____ > *Hello, users of CMV! This is a footnote from your moderators. We'd just like to remind you of a couple of things. Firstly, please remember to* ***read through our rules***. *If you see a comment that has broken one, it is more effective to report it than downvote it. Speaking of which,* ***downvotes don't change views****! If you are thinking about submitting a CMV yourself, please have a look through our* ***popular topics wiki*** *first. Any questions or concerns? Feel free to* ***message us***. *Happy CMVing!*
> Religious exemptions generally exist to prevent the government from compelling people to do something that goes against their religious beliefs, rather than giving them the privilege to do something that would otherwise be illegal for everyone else. /u/buddythebear offered this key point in another comment, and I would like to clarify that religious exemptions also exist to prevent lawsuits or courts from doing the same form of **compelling of anyone**, whether they believe in a deity or not. In the US, federal religious exemptions exist that have not been proven to violate this constitutional principle: "neither a state nor the Federal Government can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another." Therefore, **religious exemption protects un-belief in any religion as much as belief in any given religion.** This definition is also reinforced by many states' constitutions as well. Country specific legal definitions aside, we can define religion as "an interest, a belief, or an activity that is very important to a person or group" and "a cause, principle, or system of beliefs held to with ardor and faith" where "faith" would be a strong believe in the existence of no deity. With all that said, consider this scenario: If someone of a specific religion requested the services (photography, videography, etc) of someone who believed in a different religion or none at all, and the service provider declined to provide those services, **should the potential customer have the right to compel the service provider** to give such services via a discrimination lawsuit? Such services would require the service provider to be a part of religious services that they do not wish to be a part of based on their own beliefs (religious or not). In the scenario, the potential customer & provider could each be of different religious beliefs as well. This shows that religious exemption laws "that do not prevent us from harming others" can **exist in order to prevent people from being forced to do something against their will**. **TL;DR:** Read the bold text. EDIT: Grammar in the first few sentances.
Interesting argument, and I to an extent agree with you. Regarding the first category of laws, this is obvious. I cannot even think of any laws currently extant which allow the harming of others so long as religious beliefs are involved (though this may depend on your views on circumcision, both male and female). Regarding the second, there are relatively few religions exemptions here. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is the peyote exemption for certain Native American rituals. Given that, I think there is an important category you are neglecting here: Access to otherwise restricted resources. I am not particularly or wholly familiar with most religions, so I shall conduct my argument here primarily by hypotheticals. In situations where access to otherwise protected land, or the ability to hunt otherwise protected creatures is necessary for religious reasons, exemption should be granted. This is because the justifications for such restrictions are usually a function of quantity; too much human use of the land or game has/will degrade the ecosystem or cause extinction. Religious rituals involving these things, because of their limited nature and the likely relatively small number of practitioners of such religions are unlikely to have a significantly detrimental impact on those resources. Consequently, the benefits both for the individuals, in terms of preserving their culture and religion, and for society as a whole, in terms of preserving cultures which were pretty much destroyed over the last four hundred years, far outweigh the negligible environmental impacts. Finally, on the issue of tax exemptions. While I am not wholly in favour of tax exemptions for religious institutions, there is a moderately strong argument to be made in favour of it. Most churches and religious institutions provide a great deal of services and aid to their community, in the form of aid for the homeless, food drives and a myriad of other social support functions. They do so funded primarily by donations. Consequently, despite the few which are clearly and obviously motivated by profit, the majority of the time religious institutions are socially beneficial and relatively deserving of tax exempt status.
If I like Hozier, who else will I like?
Brandi Carlile Ray LaMontagne Gregory Alan Isakov Maggie Rogers Sam Smith Vance Joy The Head and the Heart George Ezra Florence + the Machine
What MEDICINE do you carry and why? I've seen people listing their first aid kit contents and the medicine they carry is sometimes way more than what I carry. But there's never reasoning for why they carry each one, which makes me think maybe I'm missing something important in my own kit. So... What medicine do you carry and why? MY KIT: 1) Aspirin or paracetamol or ibuprofen, whatever is in the cupboard at the time. Just some generic painkiller in case I hurt myself. 2) A generic anti diarrhea, again whatever is in the cupboard at the time, incase I sh*t myself.
Hi friends, I’m just a med student but I just want to remind you all to please be careful when taking advice from people on the internet about medications and please do your own research or ask a medical professional. A lot of people here say they take Aspirin, Ibuprofen (Advil), and/or Naproxen (Aleve) with them for their various benefits. Please understand these three medications are basically the same class of medication (even though they do different things) and you can overdose if you happen to take enough of them at the same time. Something like Acetaminophen (Tylenol) is in A LOT of other medications as an additive and can be a particularly long and painful death if you overdose on that medication. One strategy for pain relief is taking Advil and Tylenol on alternating schedules (take one, wait 3 hours-ish, then take the other, wait 3 hours, repeat) because those two types of medications do not interact and can be taken with each other. Also with Imodium (Loperamide), generally OK for stopping diarrhea. However if you happen to have bloody diarrhea, taking Immodium stops you body from expelling the infectious bug and may actually cause a bunch of problems. Most of these examples will not happen to everyone but just please be careful with what you take and look up what it is you are bringing with you and the potential side effects/what other medications it may interact with. When in doubt, ask your doctor. Side note: Poison control hotline (US) 1-800-222-1222 Edit: Tylenol/NSAID dosing was off by an hour (again don’t take medical information for strangers on the internet)
I bring ibuprofin and some benadryl
How does one tell the difference between an ancient stone tool and just a beat up rock? I have seen these tools at museums and can't imagine separating it from a bunch of similarly shaped rocks and definitively saying, "THIS is a stone tool, THIS is clearly just a rock."
Most of what will be found is debitage. You will see evidence of conchoidal fracture, and the stone used will usually be silicious and without cleavage. Quartz points would be an exception, as would adzes and gauges, which are produced via a pecking and grinding technique. Sometimes, scientists don't agree on whether or not a given artifact is human-made, the Pedra Furada cave site being a notable example.
Looking for signs that the stone has been worked on. Strange breaks, scuffs, intentional markings.
What's the deal with white pepper? I've seen recipeds call for this but I just sub in black pepper. Is there a difference other than color? Is one stronger, less spicy, etc? Is it worth buying a bit for the pantry?
I find they taste very different, in the same kind of way green and black olives taste different. I find they cannot be substituted for one another without totally changing or spoiling the flavor of the dish, and one definitely goes with some dishes more than others.
I been taught to use white pepper on white meat and black on red meat. Its all about looks as i was told, there is no difference between them.
What are you top 10 long term (3-5 years) stocks to pick this year? As the title says what are the stocks that you think will give high returns in next 3-5 years. They can be small cap stocks as well, I'm looking to diversify my portfolio and would love to hear from you folks. What sectors do you think will have more growth in coming years? I currently hold Tesla, Apple, NIO, AMZN, Microsoft and some gaming sector stocks. Thanks in advance guys
GOOG - Might not be the best stock for the next couple years, but I strongly believe after this recession we will see a great recovery in the stock. Really bullish on YouTube Shorts and the cloud portion becoming profitable. AMZN - Pretty bullish on AWS, not that knowledgeable on the cloud, but from what I've heard, AWS is definitely the best out of it's competitors. I think the retail business will become more profitable soon too.
Rocketlab RKLB
I want to learn how to shut down unnecessary social interactions at work. How do I shut down unnecessary social interactions at work? Small talks, unnecessary (offensive or otherwise) remarks, rumormongering, BS politics —- these are the basic components of workplace which people usually deal with. Is there a way to figure out a way out of this? Or even, how may I shut down remarks so that such remarks may not dwell in me, trigger me to feel bad thereafter, etc. Thanks very much. (Also posted in r/NSQ
Like you, I prefer to avoid these things. Easiest path: remote work. Cuts WAY down on superfluous chatter. But can get isolating, so find a work buddy or two that you enjoy shooting the shit with. For the others saying you need to socialize as part of teaming, 100% agree. Even if you don’t WANT to, it’s a necessary component to level up in an office gig. Best advice I got was from a southern gentlemen with a long drawl after I kicked off a meeting with “thank you for coming. Here’s our agenda.” He gave me this “When the meeting starts, you’re going to ask me how I’m doing. I’m going to ask you. You’re going to ask me about my kids or my weekend plans and I’ll ask you. Then, maybe at about 15 minutes after the hour, we’ll get to your agenda. If you need a longer meeting time, book it but don’t skip the niceties.” I thought he was RIDICULOUS. How inefficient! How wasteful! Nope, he was 100% right. I started using that technique in every meeting intentionally and productivity went through the roof. When people like you, they’ll meet the deadlines. When you show an interest in people, they’ll help you see things you might be missing. When you’re generally pleasant, people will go out of their way to support you. It isn’t logical nor natural to me, but the evidence is clear that it works. Over time, I found it also made work more enjoyable. Then I started doing a lot of work in the UK and almost all of those meetings included absurdity that made people belly laugh. We did a lot of hard hard work on those teams, but I don’t remember the struggles, I remember laughing until I cried at their debate over biscuits. I actually ended up adopting a “let’s start with laughing” approach to all my meetings (not a stated goal, just a personal goal) and my goodness I enjoyed worked so much more and I have people constantly hitting me up to come work with them again. All that to say, avoid the drama, the BS, the gossip, but don’t write off the importance of socializing.
You will go far in life, but you will not be well liked.
Ursack and Bear Canister Failures I recently made an Imgur post documenting all of the pictures of Ursack/Bear Canister failures that I could find and thought that I'd make this thread to open the discussion up to what should be done about it. Some possible points of discussion are: 1. Are Ursacks an acceptable food storage method in bear territory? 2. Are clear bear canisters (Bear Vaults, Lil Sami, Grubcan, etc) acceptable in areas with problem bears? 3. Should opaque canisters (Garcia, No-Fed-Bear, Bear Boxer, etc) become the new norm? What about carbon fiber (Bearikade) cans? Are even these styles good enough? 4. Does the backpacking public need better education towards how to properly use bear cans and Ursacks? 5. What should the community do about this? 6. What should the manufacturers do about this? 7. What should the land managers do about this? 8. What other examples do you have of bear can/Ursack failures? u/andrewskurka has a post on his website talking about documented canister failures. His list of failures does include the Garcia style canisters, which appear to typically happen when pushed off of cliffs or into major rivers, especially one particular river and cliff in Yosemite (which now seasonally does not allow camping because of it). I'll admit that I personally prefer to use an Ursack, but when I go to problem areas (like the Desolation Wilderness, or places that require canisters) I bring along my No-Fed-Bear or Bear Boxer canisters. **This thread is to discuss bear cans and Ursacks. Discussions about bear hangs, sleeping with food, etc. should be saved for another day.** Imgur Post: Skurka's Post: Another version of Skurka's Post:
I only really backpack in the High Peaks Wilderness where Bear Barrels are required. They also have a note about the BV450 and BV500 not being enough to stop a particular bear. The High Peaks is maybe unique, but I plan to bring an opaque barrel to any other bear territory, as I simply can not trust the Ursacks to be adequate. Ursack failures seem far too common. I take seriously the LNT principles and I don't want to take any risks on hurting the wildlife out there.
To make a better bear-proof food storage container I believe we’re looking at having to either thicken the plastic material or going to metal. Both these will significantly increase the weight. Perhaps there’s some miracle nano-tube or Graphene material out there, but cost also has to be a consideration and my aforementioned suggestions are the most cost-effective ways I can think of. Another option, but would be less popular, would be a deterrent system connected to the container like an alarm. Bear touches container and a 140 decibel siren goes off. Or electrify it.
[Game of Thrones] Why is Daenerys Targaryen considered a good choice for queen? Her family has a history of being brutal dictators and she seems to mess up a lot on her quest for power. She can barely hold a city yet thinks shes entitled to rule all of Westeros. Her dragons help make her intimidating, but thats no reason why she should rule.
**Politically** Her name has coin far more valuable than the Starks, the Martells, or the Lannisters combined. Dany is the General Mattis of her world - a negotiator first and a conqueror only when she has to be and then does so ruthlessly. She’s also not crazy like her father and that is a major plus. [However, her and John’s kids might be another story entirely] **Militarily** Between Varys (aka 'The Spider') and Tyrion she got the Intel and Civil Affairs locked up. Now she also has Light Infantry in the Unsullied and Calvary in the Dothraki. Her dragons form an effective if somewhat capricious CAS element. The only issue she will have is taking an army used to fighting in harsh desert and high arid climates to the Frozen Hell of Westeros. Dragons in cold climates tend to get a bit sleepy
Well, she's clearly magical since without being particularly strong or smart she obtained the strongest army in the continent, she's clearly more capable than the other buffoons who try to get the throne
Where in the world are people hearing that Kali Linux is good for beginners? Where in the world are people hearing that Kali Linux is good for beginners? This sub and /r/linux4noobs constantly get people coming in and asking about problems with Kali because they "heard it was a good place to start." Kali is super-clearly only for experts and yet if so many people are saying they "heard" this obvious lie, then they must be hearing it from somewhere, right? Was there a popular YouTuber or something that said they use Kali? I'm just curious to know where this is all coming from.
Quite simply, they aren't told so, in fact anywhere they look, including on Kali's own site, they are told not to. It is by their own incredibly flawed, broken logic, whereby they assume Linux is only for 1337 h4x0rs, and so figure 'what is best for them must be the best distro, period' not realizing that there is no one best distro for everyone, least of all Kali.
Its good for info sec beginners. But i agree i would start with ubuntu or mint for a desktop. But i will work only in kali for when im doing anything security related well thats a lie i will spin up a ubuntu or just plain debian box for doing reverse engineering or exploit dev stuff. For most of my servers i just use ubuntu server.
If I like There Will Be Blood, The Hateful Eight, and The Departed, what else would I like? All those movies really struck a chord in me for some time after the first time seeing them. I like it when movies are kind of dark and the ending has no sense of justice to it
Zodiac Se7en Mystic River Enemy Donnie Darko Inglorious Basterds Reservior Dogs Gangs of New York
From Hateful Eight I’d recommend: Django Unchained specifically and everything else by Quentin Tarantino, Once Upon A Time in the West, Bone Tomahawk, 3:10 to Yuma (2007), and No Country For Old Men From There Will Be Blood I’d recommend: Taxi Driver, Nightcrawler, Gangs of New York From The Departed I’d recommend: Goodfellas, The Irishman, Sicario, Layer Cake Movies with similar tones: Se7en, The Usual Suspects
I'm looking for great fantasy book, with solid world building, character development and clever use of special skills/magic/powers I haven't read many books recently except for light novels so I would like to get back into reading again. (Relatively) Recently I've read: * Fate/Zero * Demon Cycle 4 * A Certain Magical Index * Ready Player One * Conan The Barbarian side-stories Just like in the title, I'm looking for a book with well-developed fantasy world and characters. The genre doesn't matter, just something really solid. It can be dark, or happy. Also, another question. What books would you recommend based on my above list? Thanks!
"The Magicians" "The magician king" "Magicians land" by Lev Grossman. I picked these up since i wanted something quite like Harry potter but more for grownups and i really found it. I love these books :)
Malazan Book of the Fallen. Like nothing else out there. Brutal and magical and sooo much depth of world-build. The breadth of characters and the way they are realised over multiple volumes will leave you elated and broken by turns. It is not for the faint hearted and will challenge you in many ways. All the obvious Fantasy tropes done in ways you'd not expect.. Dragons, magic, Empire, Undead, Elves.. But it's properly worth it.
What's your secret ingredient/technique for chocolate chip cookies? Just like the title says what's your secret ingredient or technique for chocolate chip cookies to make them taste better? I know to brown butter and use quality ingredients, but is there anything else I can do to make my cookies taste better? Thanks.
What an entertaining thread full of surprising answers! Thanks for asking. I *always* add about a teaspoon of coffee grounds. Not granules, straight up coffee grounds. A cup or two of mini marshmallows is AWESOME as well.
Chill the dough imo
Looking for books written from a villains perspective Hi! Pretty much the title. I want to read books written from a villains perspective except they aren't actually bad? Added romance for bonus points. Think Wicked.
The Collector by John Fowles. It's from the villain's perspective and the victim's perspective. It's a great book.
Worm, by JC McCrae. It is exactly what you want. The story follows a teenage girl that controls bugs and wants to be a superhero. Due to circumstances, she forges her own path.
[Star Trek Original Films] Why wasn't Kirk punished for cheating on the Kobayashi Maru test, if I copied an essay off the net and submitted it as my own I would be, so how come Kirk gets a free ticket for cheating?
I think I read in a Star Trek exhibit that the Kobayashi Maru was more of a personality test than an actual encounter simulation. The testers wanted to see how each cadet would handle a completely unfair and unwinnable scenario. The testers look at how well you do based how you would solve the problem. Brave cadets fight and die (how bad did you hurt them?), logical cadets abandon the civilians(did you attempt diplomacy?), Clever cadets assess what they had on hand (you did what with the toilets?). Ya boi Kirk realized this was unwinnable (logical), ain't having that shit (brave), and went beyond the parameters of what were acceptable doctrines (clever). Fucker probably did it with a smile, too.
Because it's not a test of results, it's a test of process. He completed the process, afterall. Got a commendation for original thinking.