Author Note: A special note of thanks to KMB for letting me use a couple of his characters (read his own cool stories to find out which.) And MAW, wherever you are, here's one for you. Enjoy.***In Hollywood, everyone wants "the sure thing." The blockbuster, the hit, the film that not only makes big bucks but also has people talking. It wasn't as easy as it once was, as the last several months had proved. Millions went into making and hyping films like "Wild Wild West" and "Eyes Wide Shut," only to see them fall into obscurity, crushed under bad reviews and lackluster support. Meanwhile, films like "The Sixth Sense" and "The Blair Witch Project" came out of nowhere to make millions and get people talking. With such uncertainty, "the sure thing" in Hollywood became akin to finding the Holy Grail. "Women Scorned" was about as close to a "sure thing" as Hollywood could get. Not only did it boast a clever script and good studio support, it also boasted what some were calling the casting coup of the new century, with Julia Roberts and Sandra Bullock in the lead roles. The two would play recently divorced women, Julia a lawyer and Sandra an eccentric artist, who meet by chance in a bar and find out that not only were they married to the same man, but at the same time. Since each had been taken for most of their assets in the divorce proceedings, they decided to team up and get revenge. Finding out that their mutual ex was planning on getting married again, the two went on a cross-country trip to stop the wedding and pay him back for their humiliation.Although big name stars were no longer a guarantee for box-office success, the teaming of the two most popular actresses in Hollywood seemed sure to bring people in. Also, the film was getting good buzz and the studio had it scheduled to be their big summer comedy entry. Of course, not everything was running smoothly. There was still talk of possible rewrites for some scenes and no one had been cast yet in the small but important part of the would-be bride. Due to the schedules of the two stars and the date of the film's release, shooting had gone on, despite the difficulties.One difficulty that had not come up was tension between the stars. Although they had never really known one another, Julia and Sandra hit things off pretty well. They found in each other a kindred spirit, an actress boosted to the spotlight by a single role and assailed by the public and press. Although Julia had endured a longer and worse time of it, Sandra was no stranger to tabloids or rumors. They got along well together, even sharing a few meals, the better to avoid the small army of press corps hanging around the film's locations, waiting to get shots of the two together."So, they're thinking of changing the title?" Julia asked as she chewed on her salad."That's what I heard," Sandra shrugged as she stabbed her fork into her own lunch."Apparently, 'Women Scorned' just doesn't have that light-hearted feel for a summer comedy. Wonder what they'll pick?""You never know," Julia said. "You'd be amazed how long it took for them to figure 'Pretty Woman' was a good title.""I liked 'Speed.' Short, simple, to the point, told you everything about the movie right there. We need more titles like that."To an outsider, the conversation between the two was cordial, no different from the many they'd had before. But underlying the talk was a tension between the two. Not regarding their personalities but rather their natures. A few days before, the two had completed one of the most talked about scenes in the movie where their characters, trying to get info on their ex, enter a gay bar and had to pretend they were a couple. The scene culminated in a duet with the club's band (fronted by a cameoing Melissa Etheridge) and sharing a kiss. The scene had found its way onto the Internet and had given birth to the erroneous conclusion that the two women would become lovers by the end of the film.The two had tried to pay the media blitz no mind. Both were used to wild stories about them and a little publicity for the film could never hurt. But thoughts still lingered about the scene. Not their acting, not the pressure. But the kiss. Both women were veterans of Hollywood, privy to the highest levels of star status. As such, they knew the way Hollywood really worked. The town was full of secret couples and affairs that even the most hardened tabloid reporter would never suspect. They knew the sham marriages and secret loves and knew you either went with the flow or were trampled under it.Both of them had felt something with that kiss. Not an overwhelming passion or obsession, but there was something there. Each of them felt it but neither knew if the other shared their feelings.It was that lack of knowledge that led to the circumstances that followed.One of the perks of being a star was that you could take some stuff with you from the film. Most actors chose a costume or too or maybe a special prop. Rumor had it Mark Hamil had a light-saber stashed away somewhere in his house. Sandra had never really thought about such things, until one recent shoot.Sandra had greatly enjoyed making "Practical Magic." It was a fun film and it had been a treat working with Nicole Kidman. She had even gotten to meet an actual witch, a young woman named Leah who had been fun to hang out with (even though, for some odd reason, Sandra could never quite remember what they did together) and had given the star something to think about.Sandra had never really believed in magic before. Hollywood sobered one to reality pretty darn fast but she had to admit there were a few things in the world she couldn't really explain and Leah had shown her some of that, she could remember that much. And she remembered a few other things as well.It was almost out of fun that Sandra had picked up a book of magic from an antique book shop before coming on set. It was strange, but she could have sworn something about the book had called to her. She had felt compelled to buy it and read it. It was mostly in a strange language she couldn't understand. She had taken it to a friend at a college, telling him it was research for a role, and he couldn't make much out of it. One thing he could tell her, though, was that a few of the spells, if they worked, could be the key to her dreams. Sandra sighed as she knelt on the floor of her bathroom. This was nuts. This was so nuts that nuts didn't even begin to describe it. She was about to practice something she wasn't even sure she believed in to satisfy an urge she couldn't even explain. But, hell, if she didn't try, this was going to drive her nuts. Ah, well, here goes. Sandra closed her eyes and focused her mind, trying to clear it of thoughts. She gripped the two candles that at on either side of her as she softly began to chant the words from the book.She was a little uncertain at first but as she went, she felt a sudden strength flow through her, as if she suddenly knew what to do. She continued on her path, casting her spell and waiting for the effects to take place.In her own hotel room, Julia was reviewing a fax from her agent, a list of possible scripts for her to look at. Being the number-one female box office star carried a big weight with it. Julia had been in the depths of moviedom and knew choosing wisely helped her keep her star alight.Picking a project was sometimes harder than the actual shooting and Julia felt better when the process was done. She was looking over a new proposal when she suddenly felt a headache. More appropriately, she felt like a truck had suddenly hit her head-on and she nearly collapsed in her chair. She couldn't explain what was happening, she couldn't think, all she could do was let the pain wash over her.Suddenly, the pain was gone. And that wasn't all. Julia sat in her chair, gazing blankly into space, her breathing even. Her mind felt blank, at ease, without any cares."*Julia, can you hear me?*" Sandra's voice suddenly filled the void inside Julia's head."Yes," Julia whispered."Holy shit," Sandra whispered inside the bathroom, her eyes opening. It had worked. It had actually worked. She could hear Julia's voice inside her mind and Julia could hear her. "Okay, okay, let's think this through," Sandra said to herself. "Start off slow, build from there." *Julia, what are you wearing?* As soon as the thought escaped her mind, Sandra felt she was participating in a very weird phone sex game. "A T-shirt...j eans..."*Julia, listen to me very carefully. You want to take off your clothes. You want to take off all your clothes. Take them all off, Julia.* Sandra could see in her mind Julia disrobing, could feel it, could feel the coolness upon her skin as Julia slowly disrobed, sitting naked upon her chair.Sandra took a deep breath, not believing she was about to do this. *Julia, I want you to begin to feel yourself. You're feeling aroused, Julia, very aroused, you've felt this way before and you want to feel this way again. Feel it, Julia, feel it.* Slowly, Julia let her hands drift down to her exposed clit and let two fingers slide into it.She slowly worked them into herself, masturbating gently as her spellbound mind filled with images of lust and desire. She worked the fingers in, rubbing them into her vagina, working them in with deliberate feeling as she shifted in her seat. She knew how to turn herself on, to drive herself to orgasm, to feel what she wanted to feel. Soon, her juices were flowing onto her hands as she felt herself begin to come. She stiffened in her seat and let herself go, moaning as she came onto her waiting hands.Back in the bathroom, Sandra groaned as she felt her own juices churning into her panties.The connection she had to Julia let her feel the same things the other actress had, including an incredible orgasm. Sandra let herself recover for a moment before once again letting her thoughts flow into Julia's mind. *Julia, listen to me. I want you to redress and go back to whatever you were doing. When you awaken, you will not remember any of this. You will begin to have some dreams, erotic dreams, dreams about making love to a woman, to me, making love to me, very sexy dreams, Julia, very sexy. Remember that but nothing else.* With that, Sandra leaned forward and blew out the two candles, noticing for the first time the wax that was dripping onto her fingers. She still couldn't believe that had happened. One thing was for sure, she and Julia would be sharing some very interesting dreams tonight.The car roared down the desert road, no other cars around for miles. It was a standard sedan, with the exception of the giant camera attached to one side, focused on the front seat. In the driver's seat, Sandra, dressed in a goofy shirt and pants was singing along to a tape as Julia, dressed in a nice suit, glared at her. "Pretty woman, walking down the street, pretty woman, the kind I'd like to meet, pretty woman..." Sandra's singing was cut off when Julia leaned forward, ejected the tape and threw out the window. "Sorry," she shrugged at Sandra's stare. "I just can't stand that song." The inside joke, added when Julia had sung on, was sure to be in every trailer and commercial, a cheap laugh to peak audience interest in the film. Both were used to that and were looking forward to the laughs from the audience.The driving scene took a while to shoot, with the afternoon sun beginning to lower as the two ended their shoot. "Okay, that went great," the director said. "Let's pack up and head home, people!" He turned to the two stars who were sitting by the car, watching as the camera was detached and moved to the production truck. "You guys have a ride, right?"Sandra turned towards Julia. "Sit in a cramped van with a few camera guys or drive back on our own. What do you think?""I'll drive," Julia smiled as she stepped up to the sedan. "Now, wait a minute," the director said, a little nervous. A car accident with these two could ruin everything. Forget them, the reputation and media attention it would bring would have the studio screaming for his head. "Maybe I could call you guys a limo."Sandra spread out her arms. "We're in the middle of the damn desert, you have any idea how long that's going to take? Let's go." Before the director could say anything, the two women had stepped into the car and pulled off. The director sighed. "This isn't the dream job I wanted.""You know, there's a line in that 'Notting Hill' movie that really hit me," Julia said as she drove down the long road towards the hotel. "The one about how you worry people will realize you're all looks, no talent?""Yeah, that's it," Julia said. "I can't tell you how much that hit me when I read that in the script. It just described me to a tee.""Not just you," Sandra said. "It hit me too. Makes you realize how short a shelf life we really have in this town.""You know, we're not going to win Oscars, not as far as I can see. It doesn't matter what performances we give, it's politics. You're always going to be the girl-next-door, I'm the unattainable beauty. Let's face it, the award game is not for us." "You were nominated.""Only because 'Pretty Woman' was such a hit. They had to do something for it. Since then, nada.""So, make some bucks and maybe a few good movies.""That's the plan, I guess. I can live with that.""So can I."The drive back was quieter, Julia's mind on something besides the road. Since last night, she had been having some interesting thoughts about Sandra that had driven her to an unusual action. She slowly reached to the chain around her neck and pulled out a large diamond pendant."Hey, nice," Sandra said. "Where'd you get that?" "Great jewelry shop in Beverly Hills," Julia answered. "Nice guy named Matt showed it to me. Couldn't resist it." "I can tell," Sandra said. "It's beautiful." "Yes, it is, isn't it?" Julia said. She held it out a bit, trying to keep her eyes on the road as she let the gem swing in the air, catching the afternoon sun perfectly, sending sparkles of light into Sandra's face. "Don't you like the way it catches the light as it swings, moving side to side, side to side, the light catching it, sending it into your eyes as you follow it, side to side, your eyes moving side to side, you follow the pendant, you watch it move, side to side, side to side. It's so relaxing to watch, so relaxing to watch the pendant move, side to side, side to side, it's so relaxing to watch, Julia, so relaxing to watch it swing, side to side, side to side. The wonderful glow filling your vision as you watch it swing, side to side, side to side." Julia spared a quick glance at Sandra and could see the actress was looking at the gem in fascination, her face slackening as she watched the gem swing from side to side, the lights playing across her relaxed face. Julia couldn't believe this was working so well. She didn't know how she knew how to do this, it was if she had seen it before, but she couldn't remember it well. However it went, she knew that the swinging pendant, combined with the motion of the car, was taking Sandra into a deep trance that Julia intended to take advantage of. "You're beginning to feel sleepy, Sandra, very sleepy. Watching the pendant swing, side to side, side to side, it's making you feel very sleepy, very, very sleepy, you feel so sleepy and your eyes so heavy, you want to close your eyes, close your heavy eyes and sleep, sleep, sleep, Sandra, sleep."Julia slowed the car down and pulled it to the side of the large, empty road and turned to where Sandra sat back, eyes shut, her mind entranced. Julia put the pendant down and looked at Sandra, appraising her beautiful co-star. "Listen to me, Sandra, listen to my voice. It relaxes you to listen to my voice, to hear my voice, it lets you drift deeper and deeper into this sleep, this wonderful sleep. You're deeply asleep, Sandra, deeply asleep and nothing I do will change that, nothing I do to you will rouse you from this sleep. Do you understand?""Yes," Sandra whispered. Julia moved forward and slowly began to unzip Sandra's pants.She stopped as Sandra stiffened, then relaxed and let Julia move her hand into the brunette's panties. Sandra let her fingers slide into the lower lips and worked them in. She watched as Sandra shifted slightly, her hand moving down to join Julia's. The two were soon working at Sandra's pussy together, letting their fingers slide in and out of Sandra's lips, the juices flowing.Sandra withered on the seat as she felt the fingers work at her, her body, still in turmoil over the night before, her arousal on high from the trance and the feeling of Julia's hand on her incredible.She buckled on the seat as she came, her juices falling on Julia's hand. Julia pulled her hand out and licked at the juices at her hand, not believing the taste. She swiftly pulled out a handkerchief and wiped off Sandra's face and as much as she could with her lap. "Sandra, listen to me. When I snap my fingers, you'll wake up. You will not remember being asleep or anything that has happened. If you ever hear my voice say the words 'sweet sedan,' you'll fall back into this trance and listen to anything I say. Remember that but nothing else." Julia quickly started the car back up and moved back onto the highway. She waited a few moments before snapping her fingers and awakening Sandra. "Sorry, did you say something?" Sandra said, shaking her head."It's okay," Julia smiled. "Nothing important for the moment." The importance would come later.Sandra lit the candles and sat back. She couldn't believe she was going to do this again.She felt a little guilty, taking advantage of Julia like this, but she couldn't help it. This wassomething she needed to see through, guilt or not. She sat back on the floor, took the candles and again began the chant. She sighed as she felt the familiar connection take hold and her mind fill Julia's. *Julia, can you hear me?*"Yes..."*Good, good. I want you to unlock your door and wait for me.* With that, Sandra stood and quickly left her room, racing down the hallway to where Julia's suite was. She opened the door and saw Julia standing there. Sandra's breath caught in her throat as she saw Julia dressed only in a white robe that was wide open, giving Sandra a view of her gorgeous body. Her long red hair flowed down, partially obscuring her breasts, her red snatch on display in between those gorgeous legs. "Julia," Sandra said. "You want me to make love to you, don't you, Julia, you want me to make love to you very much, don't you?" "Yes," Julia whispered."Then, let's go." Sandra moved forward and kissed Julia on the lips. It was electric, the kiss even better than the one on the set, Julia's spellbound mind reacting to Sandra's touch immediately and answering it in full. They embraced, Julia's breasts pushing against Sandra's light shirt as they fell back on the bed. Sandra couldn't wait anymore, she had to taste Julia's pussy.She moved down and buried her face in between Sandra's legs, her tongue quickly going to work, lapping at Julia's pussy with fury, urging Julia on. Julia wrapped her legs around Sandra's head, holding her in tight so she could lick at her. Since the spell turned on Julia's arousal as well as bound her to Sandra's will, it was no surprise that she was soon coming, the juices bursting onto Sandra's face, her tongue licking it all away as fast as she could. Sandra swiftly undressed and crawled onto Julia.Taking a moment to kiss her tight breasts before moving up onto Julia, settling her crotch onto the redhead's face. Julia reached up and slowly let her tongue drag along the dark-haired lips before moving in. Her hands crept up to Sandra's pert breasts, pinching the nipples as she licked at Sandra's pussy. Her tongue work was furious, the spell driving her to give as much pleasure as she could to her mistress, her tongue lapping away at the pussy above her, driving to lick as hard as she could Sandra sat back as she orgasmed, her body shaking as she came onto Julia's gorgeous face. AS she moved forward, Sandra's guilt was buried by satisfaction. But buried things tend to come back to light sooner or later.For the tenth time, Julia, picked up the phone, then set it down. She sat on her bed, poking at her half-eaten breakfast, trying to talk herself out of this. She knew it wouldn't be right, but the temptation was too much. She sighed and picked up the phone, swiftly dialing a room number.After a few rings, Julia heard Sandra's voice sleepily ask, "Hello?""Sweet sedan," Julia said before she could back out. She heard a soft sigh, then a long pause. "Can you hear me, Sandra?" "Yes," the reply came. "Sandra, listen to me carefully. Remain this way, deeply asleep, but stand up and unlock your door." Julia hung up the phone and made it to Sandra's room in record time. Opening the door, she saw Sandra standing there, eyes closed and swaying in place. She wore only a t-shirt and a pair of panties and Julia couldn't wait, she moved forward and kissed her full on the lips.They embraced and felt each other's hands move over each other before Julia broke away."Sandra, I think you need a shower. You want to take a shower, don't you?""Yes...shower...""And you want me to shower with you, Sandra, you want me to be in the shower with you. Would you like that?""Yes..."In minutes, the two were stepping into the large shower, the water plastering their long hair against their bodies as they once again kissed. Julia broke it off and turned Sandra around.She took a bar of soap and reached around, rubbing the bar over Sandra's breasts, the suds flowing over the curves. Julia slid the bar around and onto Sandra's ass, working the soap in, letting it flow around the curves, squeezing the cheeks as she moved the soap around. She let her fingers slide into the asshole, eliciting a sigh from Sandra. Julia kept at it, letting her fingers slide into Sandra's pussy from behind, the feeling of her ass leading to her vagina turning Julia on. Julia continued to work on Sandra from behind, the brunette soon shaking as she began to come, her juices sliding past Julia's fingers and washed into the drain. Julia took Sandra and pulled her into a kiss. She turned Sandra around and pushed her down to her knees, pulling her to her pussy. Sandra immediately went at it, licking at the red snatch, her hands snaking around to grip Julia's ass for leverage. Julia held Sandra's head in, the water cascading down upon both of them as Sandra went at it, licking at Julia's pussy with wild abandon. As she felt herself begin to come, Julia leaned back and sighed, her orgasm spoiled only by the twinge of guilt over enslaving her co-star. A twinge that just wouldn't go away."Cut, cut!" The director sighed as he marched to where Julia and Sandra stood near the hotel pool. "Ladies, what's wrong, this is the fourth take. It's not that hard a scene, you know?"Why is it taking this long?" He sighed at the two. "Look, I'm no shrink, but I know something's bothering the two of you. You need to get over it before it hurts filming You don't want to tell me, fine, but tell someone. Believe me, it's not going to get any better if you bottle it up." He walked off, leaving the two actresses to look at each other, both mulling over their thoughts.A knock on Julia's door heralded the entrance of Sandra, who stepped inside, holding a large book in her hands. "Hey," she said. "Hey," Julia answered. The two stepped inside and paused. "I've got something to say," Julia said. "So do I," Sandra replied, opening up the book. She read out loud a passage in a strange language and Julia suddenly felt a wave of dizziness come over her, followed by a flash of memories of her encounters with Sandra. Julia sat down hard, her face moving forward to be covered by her hands. "I'm sorry," Sandra whispered, looking down at Julia, who was beginning to shake. "I'm so, so sorry. I can't possibly apologize enough, I know this is going to hurt the film, I'm sorry about this, I just wasn't crying but laughing. She looked up, her famous smile on display as she laughed loud. "Okay, I'm missing something here," Sandra said, frowning. "Let me clarify things," Julia said. "Sweet sedan." Sandra's eyes shut and her head slumped forward as she fell back into a trance. "Sandra, when I snap my fingers, you'll wake up and remember everything that has happened to you any time you've been in a trance." At Julia's snap, Sandra's eyes opened and she reacted to her new memories. She looked at Julia, a smile crossing her face. "You..." She snorted, then laughed, Julia joining in as the two began to laugh long and loud, both not believing what had been happening the last few days."Oh god," Julia said, wiping away her tears. "If only O Henry was around to do this justice." Sandra sat on the bed and looked at her co-star. "So, now what?" Julia looked up at her. "It's pretty damn obvious we both wanted this, so I don't see any hard feelings.""None here. But what now?"Julia smiled. "Maybe we should do what we should have done in the first place." She moved forward and kissed Sandra lightly on the lips. Sandra responded quietly, taking things a bit more slowly this time around. Julia was willing to go with it and the two began to slowly undress.Their clothing a pile on the floor, the two actresses lay on the bed, Julia on bottom, her long hair creating a red halo. Sandra lay on top of her, kissing her on the lips, several kisses covering her lips and throat as the two pressed against one another, their breasts pushed together as they ran their hands on each other. Their pussies almost sparked every time they rubbed against one another, their juices beginning to flow.Without warning, Sandra spun herself around and put the two into a 69 position. She lowered her face into Julia's waiting pussy and let her tongue drag inside it. Julia gripped Sandra's ass, then let her tongue shoot upward into Sandra's twat. The two were soon licking at one another, their hands running over the sensitive areas near their womanhood. Julia's hands kneaded Sandra's cheeks, pushing them against one another as Sandra's hands ran up and down Julia's thighs, their tongues working through hair and lips to hit the spots both wanted. Their cries as they orgasmed together were muffled but still quite loud. Not quite as loud as the cries that soon followed that night.The ringing of the telephone roused Julia from her sleep. She moved over the bed, reaching over the sleeping Sandra. "Hello?" she asked into the phone. "Excuse me? When? This is confirmed? Oh, yeah, yeah, thanks for telling me. I can't wait." She hung up the phone and leaned down to Sandra, kissing her gently until she woke up. "What's up?" Sandra said, looking at her new lover."You're not going to believe this," Julia said. "The studio called. They just hired an actress for the role of the new bride.""Really?" Sandra asked. "Who?""Cameron Diaz."Sandra stared at her. "You're kidding me.""Nope." Sandra grinned. "Oh, this is good. This is very, very good.""Are you thinking what I'm thinking?""Oh, yeah," Sandra said. "This is going to be fun." "Then let's get a head start," Julia said, leaning down and pulling Sandra onto her as the two prepared for the arrival of a new friend for their little group. One that they hoped to expand soon.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Celebrity Archive
Banging. That's what every guy did, or wanted to do, with Rosalyn. She was always called "Bunny" because her shape was like the classic Playboy ones from the 70s. Her IQ was less than the total of her three main body measurements but she was beautiful with long blond hair and blue eyes.She was a nice person. When her envious female peers told her that to be popular with the guys she should let them touch her any way they wanted to, she did indeed become very popular. It was wise of her mother to begin contraception when she did.She was a fair student in high school. Tutors were plentiful, eager to spend some time alone with her and receive their thanks from one set of lips or the other. She rarely walked home from school. Many days several boys would drive her home, help her with her chores, and spend some happy time taking turns between her legs before her parents got home from work. She was a popular babysitter. One single father employed her regularly when he worked late. He tipped well both in cash and with the one at the end of his pecker. He didn't mind that she was often slippery with cum from her after school gang-bangs, or from the boys who would stop by with pizza and pecker after the kids were asleep. She liked the older man because he took the time to be sure she got her thrills too. Many of the younger ones were just "cum and go", although it usually felt good when they sprayed their hot juice inside her.After she graduated her father got transferred to another town. She got a job as a checker in the local grocery. All of a sudden her sex life stopped. She didn't know anybody here. There was a college guy working at the store that was friendly so, since he didn't make the moves on her she was used to, she asked him if they could do something together. He was pretty shy but suggested a trip to a local museum. Bunny had never been to one.They walked about the museum and she had to make more conversation with a guy than she had ever done. When she reached for his hand he seemed surprised, but not displeased. They went to a fast food place afterwards. Bunny was horny and just asked Bill, "Do you think I'm pretty?"He replied, "Why of course."She continued, "Where can we go and fuck?"Bill choked on his mouthful of food. "Umm... Ahh... I'm not sure..."Bunny asked, "Where do you live?""With my parents.""Are they home?""I don't think so.""Then let's go there. I'm horny."Picking up what was left of the food, Bill managed to drive to his house without an accident. Bunny was squeezing his boner through his pants and making cooing sounds.Once in his bedroom, Bill was quickly presented with a naked nymph ready for carnal action. Although he knew the basic idea, he had never had a sexual activity with another person. In other words, he was a virgin. Bunny required no finesse. She made it quite obvious where she wanted his erection. He climbed aboard and rather quickly unloaded his first bunch of wigglers.Since his dick remained at a functional level he kept thrusting and soon the panting woman under him was making happy noises. He felt the glow in his loins again and shot some more seed into the garden, hoping for crop failure.In a little while she got on top and he could really explore her magnificent mammaries. Finally he suggested that they needed to stop since his parents would be home soon. He offered his shower and she asked him to join her. As he drove her home he asked, "Does this mean I am your boyfriend?"Bunny looked thoughtful. "I don't know. Is that because we fucked?"Bill said that he thought that is what boyfriends and girlfriends did.Bunny replied, "Well, I must have had a lot of boyfriends where I used to live because I fucked a lot of guys there. Sometimes several at one time."Bill was a bit shocked but his pecker was rising again already. "Do you have other boyfriends here?""Not yet. You are my first one. Do you know any other guys that would like to fuck me? My other boyfriends would bring new guys for me to try. They can be older too. Older guys fuck better, I think, because they aren't in a hurry. You were pretty good. Have you fucked much?"Bill was caught. Should he lie? Too difficult. "You are the first woman I have had sex with. It was great and I'd like to do it again. I was hoping you'd be my girlfriend and that would mean that you wouldn't do it with anyone else."Bunny was as thoughtful as she could manage. "I know that some guys want to be the only one but I like how different guys feel. How about if you and I do stuff together, like the museum, and any other guys will just fuck me? That way you will be special!"Bill pondered the offer. He had no claim on her and sure wanted more of that good, if well used, pussy, so he had little choice. "I guess that will work."Bunny smiled and squeezed his crotch, "Oh, I see you like the idea. I guess you are my first official boyfriend then. Let's fuck again when we get to my house. In my own bed even."They dated and screwed regularly. The days and nights that Bunny had "other plans" weren't discussed for a while. One Saturday late afternoon Bill stopped by Bunny's early for their date. She was wearing a robe and her hair was messed up, unlike her usual neat self. He hadn't laid her for three days and steered her to her bedroom. When he saw the messed up bed linens and the big wet spot he knew why she looked like she did.Without a word Bunny dropped her robe, took Bill's clothes off, and led him by his very hard dick to the scene of her "crime". He sank balls deep into the silken mess in her cunt on the first stroke. Bunny wrapped her arms and legs around him and humped back as he pounded into her wonderfully wicked womanhood. The cum that had been put there quite recently was pushed out by the depth and fury of his penetrations and ran down over Bunny's ass. It wasn't long before Bill groaned a big release into Bunny's voracious vagina. Bunny laughed and said happily, "Wow, I'll have to get laid just before you arrive more often. That was awesome. You were better than both of them put together!"Bill yelped, "BOTH of them?""Yeah, two brothers I've just started banging. Would you like to watch me fuck them sometime? Some of my other guys did and, after all, you're my boyfriend."Bill finally remembered the old saying, "If you can't beat ‘em, join ‘em" and said, "Well, I guess so."During the four years she was his "girlfriend", Bill learned a lot from Bunny. Besides becoming a good cocksman and having fuck buddies of his own, he got his best friend and his brother laid. They would do foursomes on special occasions. His widowed grandpa got some young pussy too while he could still get it up. Bunny learned a lot from Bill. He taught her social graces and how to be more discriminating about who she spread for. She got a job as the personal (very as you might expect) assistant to the plant manager where Bill worked. She'd been Bill's companion at a sex party and the manager was very impressed even though he had to wait a while for his turn. She screwed him like he was first in line, a skill of hers, even though he'd watched at least four guys have their fun already. He was transferred to a higher corporate job when he took Bunny to a companywide executive retreat. Bunny was hired and moved with him. Her job title was "Corporate Public Relations" and she made more money than she ever dreamed of. It was fun work too. Lots of nice restaurants, resorts, and luxury hotel rooms.Bunny wrote to him with pictures and videos of the interesting places she traveled to. She stopped at home to see her parents several times a year and spent the nights in Bill's bed. Her pussy felt as good as the first time she'd laid him, he thought, in spite of the mileage he knew it was getting. They were special to each other but lived in different worlds.Bill never married, satisfying himself with fuck buddies, single or married... it didn't matter. There was only one woman in his heart.For her fortieth birthday, Bunny was coming home to see her parents and Bill. He met her at the airport and she looked as stunning as ever. Her job required her to take very good care of her main asset.That night in bed after a catch-up fuck, Bunny fetched a bottle of champagne. Pouring two flutes she said, "I have a special announcement to toast to. I have put aside a lot of money and have decided to retire and marry the only man I've ever loved."Bill stared at her, "Who is THAT?"Bunny laughed and threw the rest of her champagne at him, "YOU, STUPID! Why do I have to explain EVERYTHING?"Bill threw his at her and said, "And what makes you think I'd want to?"They started a wet wrestling match on the soaked mattress. Bunny cried out, "Because you don't ever want to stop banging Bunny."END
(1)"Alison Chapman!" Sandi Cooper exclaimed with surprise, "Don't tell me you're still a virgin! That’s just crazy! I don't believe it! You're sixteen years old, for God's sake." "Oh, come on," Alison retorted defensively. "Lot's of girls my age are still virgins. Not all of us play around with sex like you do." "Yeah, I do like to screw," Sandi said with a knowing smile. "I can't imagine living without a good fuck every couple of nights. It's just that you clearly like boys, you're good looking, and you're not stupid. I really figured you were sleeping with someone and keeping everyone from knowing." Sandi and Alison were standing by themselves on the yard in front of their high school. They had known each other for about a year, but had been close friends for only six months or so. Sandi was a senior and Alison just a sophomore. Normally, the two groups didn't mix socially, but Sandi was notorious for doing shocking things."That's just the trouble," Alison said, with a pout that brought a ruby tinge to her full lips. "You can't keep people from knowing, and this is such a small-minded school, I'd be dissed if anyone found out. I don't think my family would be shocked particularly; they've always been very open about sex, but I think even they might be disappointed if I didn't have a permanent relationship, and that's not what I'm after." She looked up into Sandi's icy blue eyes. "I've decided I want to try out some guys sexually before settling down with just one." She stuck her hands in the pockets of her letter jacket, her challenge made."Well, I can agree with that," Sandi said, nodding. "But things will work out eventually. You've been dating for a while. Find a guy you like and sleep with him. Why bring this up now?""Because my folks are talking about moving to California next month. I've been thinking about it ever since. I don't want to lose my cherry in the back seat of some guy's car; I want it to be planned and special, and I want to enjoy it from the first. And now I'll probably never even see any of the kids here again, so if I do get a rep, I'll be gone. I figure if I can do something now, in the next month or so, I can find out what fucking's all about, and it won't matter if anyone knows."Sandi looked at her, thinking. Finally she asked, "Are you sure you really want to do that?" Alison nodded. "You're positive this isn't just a reaction to some boy dropping you?" Alison shook her head with scorn. "Hmmm. It does sound like a great chance for fun." Sandi looked up meditatively. She returned her eyes to Alison. "I assume you've come to me for help."Alison sighed with relief. She had been holding her breath. "You've got that right. I don't know anything about actually fucking. Oh, I know the mechanics, thanks to the films they show us here at school, but I want it to be real special and my first time to be as perfect as possible. You've told us all how much you like fucking and how good you are at it. Well, here's your chance to prove it." Alison rocked up on her toes in anticipation.Sandi studied her friend. "Why not?" she thought to herself, watching fear, hope and embarrassment reflect on Alison's pretty face. Live a fantasy—create a fantasy! Introduce a virgin to lovemaking! Certainly there were any number of men who would be willing to help. If she chose carefully, and planned things right, she could enjoy the experience also!She looked down at Alison. She saw a pretty girl, who might one day be beautiful. Alison's hair was full and a deep reddish-gold. Her skin was tanned almost bronze as a result of her tennis, and it glowed with good health. Her shoulders were a trifle wide, and her breasts were amazingly full for one so young, but her hips were slim and her legs were sleek and long. She was limber and strong, thanks to her athletic pursuits.Sandi could tell that Alison was serious. Alison's large brown eyes were returning Sandi's stare directly and honestly. As far as Sandi knew Alison didn't play practical jokes. And, even in the few months that she had been a real friend to the younger girl, Sandi had learned that Alison could keep her mouth shut.Sandi's jaw set. She leaned forward and put her arm across Alison's shoulders. "No problem, kid," she said with a conspiratorial smile and a wink. "I know just what to do. Come on over to my house after school today, and we'll get you started. Just you leave everything to me..." (2)Late that afternoon, after tennis practice, Alison took the bus across town. As she walked up Sandi's block, she admired the neighborhood: tall trees fronting large, stately homes; much more impressive than Alison's modest street. There were no cars parked at the curb at all. Two Mercedes and a Porsche passed her as she walked up the sidewalk. Even with the traffic, the air was strangely quiet. She turned in front of Sandi's house, walked up some brick steps onto the flagstone porch. She wondered if a butler would answer her ring, but it was a handsome blond woman who opened the door. "Hi. I'm Alison Chapman, is Sandi home?" "Yes, for a change," the woman answered with an exasperated laugh, as she brushed errant strands of ash-blond hair off of her high forehead with a well-manicured hand. "Please come in. I'm her mother." Alison could see who Sandi got her patrician good looks from. The woman turned, motioning Alison to follow. Alison noted the smooth flow of the dress over her body and the way it hung perfectly as she moved. It reminded her of a dress she had seen in the window of the finest clothing store in town. "I knew Sandi's family was rich," she thought to herself, remembering the price, "but I didn't realize they were that rich.""She's in her room listening to music. She mentioned that you would be over. Care for a soft drink?" Sandi's mother asked as they walked down the hall."No, ma'am, thanks," Alison replied. "That's Sandi's room, at the head of the stairs." She gestured to a closed dark oak door at the top of a curving walnut staircase. The doorknob shone."Thank you, ma'am." Alison bounded up the steps two at a time. She knocked. Sandi opened the door. She scanned Alison from head to toe, then grinned. "Come on in. I wasn't sure you'd really show up." "Told you I was serious," said Alison, defiantly. Sandi nodded at her."OK, put your stuff there." Sandi tipped her head toward a dresser, "and let's get started." She turned the music down, but still high enough to cover any noise they might make."You're the boss," Alison said, as she put her purse and letter sweater down and walked back to where Sandi was standing. She stood still before her, a little soldier at attention, with her hands at her sides and her chin up. Sandi shut the bedroom door. "Now, like anything else that's complex and worth doing, you can't possibly hope to enjoy sex without the right information, preparation and practice. That was a mistake I made when I started, but I've been at this a while, and I won't let you fall into that same trap. I'll tell you everything you need to know and show you what you need to do. Come over here." She put her arm around Alison's shoulders and walked her over until they could see themselves in the mirrored doors on the wardrobe.They were a study in silver and gold. Alison saw Sandi as a tall, slender aristocrat, a classic ash blond. Sandi loved to wear silver, gray and black and had a reputation at school for being something of a tyrant. Her fair skin was almost translucent, but, despite her appearance of delicacy, Alison knew Sandi had a core of steel. Those gray eyes always seemed to be looking into you, as if to wring out the truth in what they were was seeing. Sandi might be willowy, but she was tough. Her skin might be striking in its purity, but Alison knew that Sandi was no princess. She was willing to try anything just for the thrill of it. Alison admired that in her, but she knew enough not to put all of her trust in her friend. Sandi could be foolish, despite her intelligence and high society background. Alison believed she had chosen wisely though. She felt she could trust Sandi where sex was concerned.Sandi eyed Alison in return. She saw a small buttercup of a girl, just over five feet tall, with heavy red-golden hair that fell in a sparkling cascade down her back. Alison's brown eyes were lustrous, gleaming with a passion for life. Her face was round and plump and would have been pixyish if not for a gamin glint of awareness from those wide eyes. Alison’s eyes were fascinating. For all of their innocence, they sought to be wise. They were anxious to see all that life and the world had to offer.Alison's body was sturdy, but moved smoothly. Her strength came from tennis, and her lithesome grace from gymnastics. She smiled at her reflection tentatively and drew a deep breath. She licked her plump lips, and a momentary flash of sensuousness on Alison’s face stunned Sandi. There was something in Alison Chapman was willing to go beyond just doing what was normal. Sandi suspected that, like herself, Alison was capable of making her own decisions about sex and how she used her body. Indeed, Sandi sensed that here was a person who could get totally involved in physical pleasure, and the use of sex to achieve it. The set of Alison's shoulders was direct, almost anxiously confrontational. Even so, Sandi knew she would have to be careful to make things work right. Despite Alison's strength and capable demeanor, she was naturally a shy and deliberate person, and wouldn't jump into an unknown area if there were a chance of failure. Alison glanced up to Sandi's face and moved her hands nervously.They turned to face each other. "Now what?" Alison asked."OK," Sandi said, "let's begin. First I need to know how experienced you actually are. For instance, have you ever played with your clit before?""Played with it?" Alison said, surprised, her arms swinging at her sides. "Well, yes, of course, sometimes. I tried masturbating once.""Just won...? Oh. Good. In fact, excellent. Did you cum?""I'm not real sure." Sandi met this reply with a silent stare. Alison blushed. She had learned early in their relationship that Sandi demanded complete honesty."Let's see," Alison continued quickly, chewing at her lower lip, "it was a warm day last summer. My folks were gone and my brother and sister were at their friends'. I was reading one of my mother's novels and got to a part where a woman was being made love to by a handsome man."The author described these great sensations. I thought I'd see if I could make them happen to me, so I used my finger," Alison held up her forefinger, "and stuck it a little way inside me. It hurt at first, but I moved it back and forth and it felt better. Finally, I got a warm feeling and a tingling between my legs, but it didn't last very long. I was breathing hard afterwards and was a little sweaty, but it hardly seemed worth the effort.""That’s good," Sandi said with a look of satisfaction. "Then you do know a little about sex, and what it's like. Real sex is like that but much more pleasurable. You'll shiver all over, and the muscles of your insides will convulse with rhythmic pleasure. You'll feel flushed and tingly at the same time and so extremely good that you'll be totally happy. Don't worry about a thing. You're going to do fine."Now, take off your panties, and sit on the bed."Alison's jaw dropped. Sandi waved her toward the rather hard-looking queen-size bed with shiny white sheets and a turned-down blue bedspread. Alison closed her mouth, walked slowly over to bed, and, still facing away from Sandi, lifted her skirt and slipped her panties down to her ankles and off. She was never embarrassed when she undressed in front of other girls in the locker room at school, but she found that this time, as the object under consideration, she was too shy to undress while she could see Sandi looking at her. Her mouth was dry as she turned back to her friend. Allison was wearing a skirt, but no panty hose, and a blouse, but no bra. Her breasts were a little too large to not wear a bra, but it was Friday, and she sometimes went without one on the weekend.Alison backed up and sat down on the bed with her skirt spread demurely around her. The satin sheets were cool under her bare legs. Sandi knelt down and took Alison's shoes and socks off. Alison shivered a little and clapped her fists together in rising anticipation. "Now we're getting somewhere," she thought."Hide your panties under the pillow there, in case my Mom barges in," cautioned Sandi. "I don't think she will because I'm not in here with a guy, but you can never tell. If she does show up, just try to act as natural as you can.""Wow, sex is sure hard to learn about in this society," Alison commented conspiratorially as she stuffed her panties under Sandi's pillow. She leaned forward a little and whispered. "OK, now what?""Spread your knees apart and put the bottoms of your feet together. Here, pull your skirt back so you can see.""Oh... Well, all right," Alison said haltingly as she drew her feet up onto the bed, put them together and spread her knees to the side, her skirt still primly covering her lap. She felt her cunt open as the muscles of her inner thighs stretched. Reluctantly, she rolled her skirt up until it was bunched around her waist. Her body was now bare from her belly button down. She blushed again to find herself so fully exposed.Trying to ignore the fact that Sandi was standing there staring at her, Alison peered down at her spread legs. She could see the tan line defined by her tennis shorts on her thighs. She normally shaved her legs regularly, but noticed the golden hairs on her inner thighs, and thought to herself that she would have to shave again soon. She looked at her feet. They were strong feet, with a high arch and short toes. Her ankles were a continuous curve from her feet to her leg. She remembered one time at a party being complimented on how pretty her ankles were. Her calves curved smoothly up to her knees, which were not knobby any more, although they had been when she was younger. Finally, she forced herself to bring her eyes back to look at the area where her thighs met her slightly rounded belly, with its small triangular bush of darkish blond pubic hair, pointing like an arrowhead toward her wide open cunt. "So you are a real blond," Sandi said with a grin. Alison blushed, but found herself getting interested despite her embarrassment. The silky fuzz of her pubic hair interfered with her view, so she reached down with her fingers to tease it out of the way."The men who wrote the medical books thought a woman's vulva looked like a mouth, and compared the skin around it to lips," said Sandi. "That's why they're called labia. Actually, they look more flower-like to me, bud-shaped and beautiful. Spread them apart. That's it. Those lacy-looking things are your labia minora. They are very sensitive and are a prime source of pleasure during sex. Down at the bottom is your vagina. That's where you'll get fucked, just below the place where you pee. Here," she said, leaning a small mirror against Alison's heels and handing her a flashlight, "spread the labia apart and look at your vagina."Alison was surprised that she could actually see what Sandi was talking about, but her body had always been very flexible, thanks to her gymnastics. She haltingly lowered her hand to her groin, and cautiously spread the labia farther apart, exposing the rosy inner membranes. "This is the entrance to your vagina," Sandi put her finger on the edge of Alison's vaginal opening. Alison started and giggled at the intimate contact. "You can't feel all the way up it now, because your hymen is still in the way. After you've been fucked, and your hymen has been broken, you'll be able to feel all the way up to your cervix, or the opening to your uterus. You know about that, right?""Sure, that's where the egg grows when you have a baby.""Right. Which reminds me, what are you using for birth control?""I went to the clinic two weeks ago and got some pills. I told them that I was sleeping with my boyfriend, and he wouldn't use a condom.""Good, they should be effective by now. Now, do you see that knob at the top, under that little hood of skin? That's your clitoris. That's what I want you to stimulate to learn about sex. Rub it and stroke it and press on it the right way, and you'll have an orgasm.""Like when I masturbated?" Alison asked, looking up into Sandi's face."Better than that, kid, I’ll show you how to do it much better." Sandi responded, reassuringly. "Most girls don't masturbate nearly enough. The more you do it, the better it feels, just like sex by the way. And I truly believe the more you cum, the easier you’ll be able to cum. Besides, you have to learn what you like, so you can tell your boyfriends what to do." "You mean they won't know?""Hey, think about it. Boys our age can screw three, four or even five times a night, but they don't have enough experience to understand how to really give a girl pleasure; besides, every woman's different. You'll have learn what you like him to do, and learn how to tell him what you like, and show him by moving your body. That's why I generally have sex with older men. Nothing really substitutes for experience. I'll pick the best for you, but you'll still have to learn what turns you on, so the boys you'll fuck later will know what you need. Now, let's try it. Use your fingers and stroke your clit."Alison looked up at Sandi and frowned. She looked back down at her widespread legs and the pink tissues peaking out. Her initial embarrassment was disappearing, but she didn't know if she was really ready to go this far this fast. Sandi, however, didn't seem to be bothered at all by her reluctance, so Alison decided she could continue for a little while. The situation felt really strange, but she wasn't scared, just unsure if what she was doing was right. Gingerly, she reached down and touched her tender clitoris with her thumb and forefinger. She winced a little at the contact."Lick your fingers, first," Sandi suggested. "Keep licking them if the rubbing gets rough. Pretty soon, I'll show you a better place to get moisture."Alison raised her hand to her mouth, licked her thumb and forefinger and returned her hand to her cunt. She spread the saliva around and touched and squeezed her clit. "Don't worry if it doesn't feel good at first," Sandi said supportively, "it'll get better fast."As Alison proceeded to play with her innocent little clitoris, she soon found that she liked to pull on it, rather than stroke it toward her. Her fingers slid past it, rubbing her labia. She began to get warm all over, as she did when doing her gymnastic exercises. Then she started trembling, and she pressed her clit softly up against her body until she calmed down."Don't let up so soon," Sandi chided. "You're safe with me. Let yourself go. That's what good sex is all about. You need to let your body carry you along instead of you controlling it."Reach up with your other hand and feel your breasts. Keep rubbing around your clit, though."With a guilty smile, Alison resumed rubbing her now-swollen clitoris. She put her other hand inside her blouse and caressed her breasts and nipples lightly. She relaxed. As she gave herself over to the strange new sensations, her nipples got hard and pointy, and her labia started to swell. Her clit felt large and stiff, her breasts flushed and full."That's it," Sandi said calmly, noting the changes. "Now let your finger slip below your clit and into your vagina. Pick up some moisture and work it onto your labia."Alison moved her hand down and cautiously slipped one then another of her small fingers into her vagina. A silky slickness met her touch. She rubbed it into her soft inner tissues, and they tingled. She moved her now wet fingers back to her clit and continued rubbing, then dipped down again and picked up more of that slithery moisture.Alison found herself falling into a rhythm, stroke twice, slip down and around her vaginal opening, stroke twice and press. She did this over and over, getting warmer and wetter with each repetition. She felt tight and awake and flushed down below, but her head was light and hazy. Her mind slipped away into a rosy world of softness and warmth and moving muscles and the sweet smell of sex."Don't worry, the first few take a while," Sandi whispered. Alison nodded. Her eyelids drooped and she bit her lip. She covered her cunt with her hand as the room faded from view. She was floating on a lake of liquid pleasure. She felt a warm flush under her breasts and wondered what that meant, when suddenly it was as though a water balloon had burst in her lower belly! She began to shake, her hips and bottom moving as if with a life of their own! She had long since fallen back on the bed, and she began to make little whimpering noises, and soft sounds in the back of her throat something like barks. Her hips jerked as waves of pleasure flowed between them.She pressed her clit firmly as the warmth rose from her hips up her belly and under her breasts, then on up to flush her face, the muscles in her cunt twitching in the same rhythm that her stroking had been. She thought she was going to pee, but the feeling passed, as she threw her knees wide and pressed her clit more tightly. She was panting and crying softly.As she rolled her lower body back and forth on the bed, she could hear herself cry, "Oh yes, oh yes!", but she said it softly, so Sandi's mother couldn't hear, because she didn't want to be disturbed, and she didn't want it to end. If only it would go on forever!* * *"Oh, you're going to be a good one," Sandi said, hugging her friend as they lay together on the bed. She kissed Alison's cheek and waited while her friend's body calmed down. "Feeling better now?"Alison nodded. "I feel like I'll never feel that good again.""Sure you will, and it's even better with a man." Sandi held Alison while she recovered her breath. "Normally, I'd let you take a nap now, but we don't have the time, you're due home soon. So sit up, put your feet together again and take another look at your vulva."Alison sat up slowly, exhausted. She grabbed her ankles, rocked back, put her feet together as she had before, and rolled her skirt up again. She let her head drop toward her lap and looked at the area between her legs. "Ohh, ugh," she said, "it looks all wet and sticky.""Not nearly as wet and sticky as it'll be after you've been fucked. Did you notice how much bigger it got when you masturbated?"Alison looked up. "Yeah, it got all bulgy around the hole.""And real slick, right?""Right, really slippery.""That's how you tell when you're ready for cock. Since this is your first time, it may be a little painful anyway. Don't let the boy put it in until you're thoroughly ready, as you were then.""But will I be able to feel him inside me if I'm that slick?" Alison asked, looking down at herself again. "What if he just slips in, fucks me, and leaves?""Don't worry, I'm picking your first partners carefully. They'll be big enough that you'll feel them, but not so big that they’ll hurt you. And I'll tell each of them how I want you fucked. They're all talented at lovemaking. I'll personally choose the ones that will be best for you. They'll do a good job."Alison's head snapped up, her cheeks flushed, her eyes wide. "Them! You... You mean there will be more than one! God, Sandi. I hadn't bargained on that!" The thought shocked Alison fully awake. She chewed her lip worriedly."Now, look. You put me in charge, didn't you? If you do as I tell you everything will work out fine. There're lots of advantages in gang-fucking, and I know how to do it right. It won't be anything you can't handle, and your chances for pleasure will be much greater, although from the look of things I don't think you'll have any problems. Now listen to me."When you are good and ready, not before, you let the guy put his cock on your belly. Then have him raise his hips, while you raise your knees and tip your cunt up toward him. I want you to reach down and take his cock in your hand. Don't let him do it. Then lower it down and move it around until it gets good and wet from your pussy juice. Hold it there until you're ready, then release it and let him stick it in; he'll do the rest.""Gosh," said Alison, "that's a lot to think of at once." She wasn't really confused; she was just still distracted by the idea of fucking more than one guy; but, as she thought it over, the possibility excited her. Her clit tingled, and she felt a surge of strength shoot through her body. Surely Sandi knew what she was talking about. She was always so organized and well prepared. Alison looked up at her friend anxiously. "But... how will it work? Where will we do it? When? What do you need from me? Should I get some rubbers? How will it happen?""Calm down, calm down. I've taken care of everything. My family owns a cabin up in the woods. It'll be perfect. We'll drive up there next Saturday after lunch and stay the night. My mom won't worry because you'll be along, and your folks won't worry because you're with me. "As to the men, you're very lucky you came to me. I've told you and the other girls about some of the guys I've slept with, but actually I lead a much more active sex life than you know about. Over the past couple of years I've met a bunch of men I really like, and we’ve formed a little sex commune. We all like sex, we’re sensible, and we know how to make love very well. "Since we all like our sex natural and safe, we don’t use condoms. But we’re very careful about our sex partners, and we always get tested after sleeping with someone outside the group. We don't fuck anyone in the group until we are sure we are clean. "I'm picking your partners from that bunch. The birth control pills will be adequate to protect you from pregnancy, and I can guarantee that you won't catch any venereal diseases. "What I want from you between now and then is to get yourself sexually and mentally ready. That means masturbating as often as possible, eating well and getting enough sleep. I know you'll get enough exercise. I want you to do what you just did, masturbate to a climax, at least once a day, more if you can. We only have four days for you to get ready for this, and I want you to be as thoroughly familiar with your body and the way it responds as possible. I'll work with you this week to get you mentally prepared. Believe me, this is going to be a first class operation. It will be everything you're hoping for. OK?""I suppose so," Alison said, half to herself. "This may be my only chance." She slid off of the bed, reached for her panties, put them on, and returned her other garments to order. She squirmed a little at the feeling of wetness between her thighs, but as the moisture warmed she got more comfortable."Just do as I tell you, and everything will be fine. Here's some stretching and toning exercises I want you to do to strengthen your inner thighs and here’s a little device that I want you to use, following these instructions, to strengthen the muscles around your cunt. We'll talk some more tomorrow. Now, my dear, it's time I drove you home." (3)Alison woke the next Saturday with the same feeling of anticipation she always had on Christmas morning: a great joy and the knowledge that something wonderful was about to occur. Just after lunch today she and Sandi would leave for the cabin. Tonight it would happen. By this time tomorrow morning, she would know what it was like to have fucked!"Alison, pay attention!" her mother said at breakfast. Apologetically, Alison took the plate of pancakes her mother was handing her and helped herself to six. "My, you're hungry today," her father said, "You must have something big planned for the weekend."‘More than one big something!’ Alison thought to herself with a smile as she nodded to her father while chewing avidly. ‘Golly," she thought, "I wonder how many more than one, and how big?’ She reflected a bit worriedly, squirming in her chair.That afternoon, Sandi arrived in a four-wheel drive Jeep, and Alison and her father loaded her stuff in the back. "You two have fun now," her father said. Alison looked at Sandi and grinned."We will," she replied.The trip was easy: two-lane blacktop most of the way, and the dirt road to the rustic cabin was dry and smooth. The weather was perfect, sunny and warm, and the pine trees scented the air with spice. Alison's nervousness subsided as the vibration from the road massaged her thighs and bottom and relaxed her. She sighed wistfully to herself and leaned back in the seat. It seemed like only moments before they pulled up in front of the cabin."Your room is there," Sandi said, as she swung the cabin door wide. Alison carried her suitcase through the door just off the living room. She saw a double bed, bare but for a folded and bagged mattress pad. Alison opened the door at the rear to a large tiled bathroom with sink, toilet and a big shower. As she hung up the towels she had brought and turned to start making the bed, she experienced an icy touch of fear. Was this really what she wanted? "Of course it is," she answered herself with a shake of her head, her long hair flying around her face. She smacked the mattress and pillows as she pulled the sheets and pillowcases on. "I'm ready now, and this is the perfect chance."She finished making the bed and went to join Sandi in the kitchen. Sandi was putting out the sandwiches and salad they had brought for dinner. Alison noticed two bottles of wine on the table. "Are those for us?" She asked. "We'll be drunk by bedtime.""No, we won't," Sandi replied. "I'm not going to let you drink too much, just get lightly buzzed so tonight will be that much more fun. Here," she said as she poured two glasses. "Have you been doing your exercises?""Yes, and I can feel myself getting stronger down here," Alison said as she rubbed the inside of her thighs through her tight jean shorts. "I've also gotten to where I cum more easily and quickly now then when I started to masturbate... Maybe we don't need the guys after all!" she said with a nervous laugh."You won't say that after tonight," Sandi replied, taking a sip of wine and looking at Alison over the rim of her wine glass. "Trust me. I know what good for you."They spent the afternoon hiking in the woods, and watching the birds and the clouds from the porch swing and talking."Men get more excited and cum much more easily than women do," Sandi explained. "That one difference probably leads to more sexual problems than any other. Men can get aroused by seeing a pretty girl or a sexy picture or sometimes from just hearing a dirty joke. They also find sexual excitement in violent events like football or boxing, while women, who do sometimes get excited by those things, too, tend to want quiet and comfort with their sex. That's partly because, physically, women don't usually feel sexually aroused without some deliberate preparation and direct stimulation."So women naturally feel that they're more in control. When the man starts to get frenzied early in the lovemaking, women feel rushed, or threatened. Unless they're already in the mood or can quickly get in the mood, it can spoil the whole event for them."The answer is for you to always keep the physiological differences in mind. Boys our age don't usually need any help getting aroused. A girl needs to train herself to keep up with them as best she can. Fucking can be just about the most fun thing there is to do, but only if you're body is ready for it. That's why I want you to continue masturbating. You can never know too much about your body and its needs and responses."And stay ready to respond to the boy's needs too. Sometimes, males can really surprise you. I had one guy start cumming just as he was taking his cock out of his pants. Fortunately I was sitting on the bed in front of him and was able to get it in my mouth before he made a big mess. That was his first time with me, and he was still real inexperienced. He has developed into one of my best lovers since, though.""You mean, you ate him?" Alison gaped. "What was it like? Some of the girls say it's icky, and they don't like it.""You have to learn to like it, I admit," Sandi considered. "It's nice in a way, and the guys really dig it, but it'll never replace fucking.""Will I be eating any of the guys tonight? I've had enough wine; I'd be willing to give it a try.""Maybe. We’ll see. You've got a lot of fucking to do first. Just be patient, everything comes in time."As the air turned still and the birds sang their evening songs, Sandi and Alison's talk moved to lifestyle choices. "Our society is totally wrong when it imposes sexual abstinence on teenagers." Sandi said contemptuously. "I support your decision entirely. Youth is the time nature gives you to experiment with potential mates, get to know them, and find out what you like. If American society allowed open teenage sexual freedom, there would be a lot less domestic violence and crime, marriages would last longer, and there would be fewer kids living with divorced parents. Part of the problem is Puritanism, but part is the natural refusal by parents to let their kids go.""But what about teenage pregnancies? And AIDS? That's a problem now.""Not really. The real problem is that kids sneak sex without planning carefully enough. With open sexuality, teenagers wouldn't have to fuck each other without taking precautions."Later, Sandi and Alison talked about relationships. "Many a teenage girl is so happy to have a guy say he loves her, that she becomes a slave to him. If more girls realized that teenage guys are really still children, and only think of themselves most of the time, they wouldn't be in such a hurry to tie ourselves down with one guy.""But all the girls say that if you don't have a steady guy, that means you're not attractive," Alison replied. "I tend to agree about the immaturity, but in order to be socially accepted, you have to have a steady date. You can't go to a dance or the movies alone.""Of course you can. I do. Guys do all those things by themselves all the time. I've gone to dances by myself and had a real good time. If you act friendly and confident, you'll be fine. Most teenage guys are too shy to even talk to a girl. If you break the ice, and can keep the conversation going, they'll love you for that alone. "And don't limit yourself just to guys you consider handsome. I try to be nice to everyone no matter what they look like. Many of my best men friends are plain looking. "Now, I admit, I don't like to be bored. If a guy is just too dopey, meaning he tells lies and hurts people because he's still just a kid, I act nice to him, but I stay away. Give him a couple of years to grow up, I say. But when I find a guy who interests me, intellectually and sexually, who's honest and kind, I make it as easy as possible for him to get to me. Things work out. "But remember, the first time you let the man take charge of your life you're in trouble. Besides, at our age, if you really want a boy, and you're comfortable sexually, he'll be so happy that you'll let him fuck you that he'll do anything you want." "I wish I could feel as confident as you," Alison volunteered. "I still get nervous when I’m with boys I don't know.""Part of that is sexual tension. Once you get used to fucking and being close to males both physically and sexually you'll feel a lot more at ease. Usually kids' hormones, even girls’, are raging, even though they don't know it, and they can't think straight. Once you get used to your body, and the feeling of sexual tension and release, you'll be able to think more clearly. That's another reason I agreed to this weekend. I think you are truly ready to handle life as a sexually active and aware person, and I think you'll be happier and more comfortable for it."The sun had gone down; the forest was still. The stars shone clearly in the sky, untainted by city lights. The girls yawned, both from the wine they'd drunk and from the fresh mountain air. Behind the house Alison thought she could hear the quiet purr of a car. Sandi noticed it too. "They're here," she said. Sandi walked Alison to the bedroom.She hugged her friend at the door. "Don't be afraid, I've taken care of everything." Alison raised her hands to Sandi's shoulders and looked her in the eye. "Oh, Sandi, I'm not afraid. This night happens to every girl. I'm looking forward to it, and, Sandi, I want to thank you, no matter what, for being here with me." Alison, stood on her tiptoes, kissed Sandi's cheek and swung the door closed as her friend went off to make the arrangements. (4) Alison leaned back against the bedroom door, trying to catch her breath. "Here goes," she thought, "Time to get ready." She walked over and stood in front of the mirror, and slowly took off her blouse and jeans, laying them on the dresser. "Nice body," she said to her reflection. As an athlete, she often looked at herself critically like this. She saw a slim, healthy young girl with a narrow waist, tight hips, wide shoulders and strong legs. Her skin was unblemished and smooth. Her large eyes and petite nose gave her a look of innocence but her rosy lips and wide mouth seemed to promise more. She shivered, although the room was comfortably warm. Her forehead knit with worry. This was a big step in her life. "This is your decision," she said to her image. Then she grinned at herself. "And pay attention. There is only one first time."She unclipped her bra. With a shake of her shoulders, her breasts swung free. She rubbed under them with her thumbs, savoring the feeling of release, and willed herself to relax. She lifted her large bosoms, juggling them in her hands. Her fingers spread, the forefingers toying with her nipples, which hardened. She ran her hands down to her hips, undulated them provocatively, grasped her panties and lowered them to the floor, kicking them over to the dresser. She stood up and looked at herself again, now fully naked. Sandi had told her to spend some time looking at herself and anticipating what would happen to her. "Make a little ritual out of it," Sandi had said. "It will make the event more real, and you will enjoy it more."She stretched her arms above her head, lifted her thick hair and looked down at her untouched, golden, still virgin body. Under her gaze, she could feel it anticipating that tonight it would change. Her dark-aureoled nipples turned taunt and hard. Her sex dampened spontaneously in anticipation. She threw her head back, ran her hands voluptuously through her hair and slid them down her sides again, past her hips and muscular thighs, trying to alleviate the tightness that seemed to rule her from her waist down. She touched herself just below her belly button and spread her fingers across her lower abdomen, through her fine pubic hair. Her middle finger found her cunt and naturally slipped in alongside her clit. She probed her vaginal opening with the tip. "Soon, I'll have a man in there." She shivered at the thought. She had always kept herself alone, aloof, untouched. It was partly the pride of being an athlete, partly her shyness, partly her desire to be in total control of her body. "For only a short while longer," she murmured to herself, "will I still be a virgin. My body has never had anything penetrate it, never felt the invasion of a foreign object or other human flesh. Soon, it will be entered, stretched and plumbed deeply by a male sexual organ. It will be altered forever." She felt her fear return. "A piece of me, my hymen, will be torn by that organ, and I will no longer be a girl, but will have become a woman." She chewed her lip nervously. "A part of another human body being will actually be inside me, as close and intimate as two people can get. That stuff that Sandi calls 'cum', and that I have never seen, will be injected into me, to stay behind when the man leaves. The sperm in it will swim through my cervical opening and up into my body, searching for an egg, and all those foreign male sex cells will be absorbed and become a permanent part of me."Am I ready?" She had spent sixteen years doing little girl things. Now she was going to transform her life and the way she related to other human beings. She soberly considered the responsibilities that she was imposing on herself. She was embarking on a whole new phase of her life. There would be pleasure and pain, concern and comfort, and it would all start tonight. Was she ready? "Yes!" she exclaimed to the image in the mirror. She threw her head back and raised her chin. "This is how I want it to be. It's my choice. The time is now." With a courageous look, and a pace backward, she stepped away from her girlhood. She went to the door and switched out the lights. Hoping that the darkness didn’t embody her future, she felt her way back to the bed, pulled the bedclothes down and crawled between the cool sheets. Her mind went back to what Sandi has said earlier that day. "Most girls act shy and reluctant, and that turns sex from a loving act to an act of rape. Don't play those games. Never get the guy's macho up. If you don't make him have to fuck you, but you reach out and fuck him, you'll both have a real good time." (5)Alison didn't have long to wait. A few minutes after she turned out the lights, and was drifting into a slight slumber, she heard the sound of voices outside the bedroom door. She followed the footsteps, the light ones of Sandi and the heavier ones of the boy, or maybe man, that Sandi was leading to her; the one who was going to help her over the line, the one who would take her virginity, tonight. She huddled in the bed, imagining him. The area between her legs was warm and puffy, and she imagined that his cock was already entering her, slipping deeply inside her and filling her clean, untouched body with its maleness. Her knees came up defensively. She squirmed around and looked fearfully at the door. Her hand went to her mouth. She could see little in the starlight, but it looked as though Sandi opened the door, and the man stepped in.He loomed tall before her, a dark shape in the gloom. His shoulders were wide and his waist narrow; she could see that much as he pulled his shirt over his head. He slipped out of his shoes by stepping on the heel of one with the toe of the other, and then let his pants drop with a jangle of coins and clank of belt buckle. She tried to see what his genitals were like, but they were hidden in shadow. He leaned over her and pulled the covers back."My name's Al," he said in a deep and resonant voice, "and you're Alison. How appropriate, almost like Adam and Eve." She couldn't bring herself to speak; her throat was too dry. "I know this is your first time," he said, "so don't worry. I'll be very slow and gentle."She stiffened, as he laid his lean body down beside hers and touched her bare skin with his own. This was it. She could feel his heat. He leaned on his elbow, putting his other hand on the other side of her head. He frightened her as he towered over her, so she lifted her hands to his chest. Her palms encountered hard muscles and curly hair and she drew back, but then she laid her hands softly on him. She realized how big he was and a wave of helpless swept through her, but, with a shake of her head, she brought herself back to earth. She was not a little child. She was an active participant who had asked for this to happen. ‘But I really don't know what to do next!’ the little girl in her said. ‘OK,’ the real Alison replied, ‘so just be ready for anything.’ She purposely ran her hands across his chest and brushed at his thick pelt of hair. She hadn’t realized men were so hairy! She reached around to hug his large body to her, thinking that was what she was supposed to do. He bent down and kissed her softly on the lips. Her nipples hardened.She kissed him back, tentatively, unsure of her technique. His breath was neither sweet not musky, but dry and very male. It felt soft and animal on her face. His lips were full, and more caressing than her parents' lips were when she kissed them goodnight, or than those of the few nervous boyfriends that she had quickly kissed before. She felt the light stubble of whiskers against her tender cheek as he rubbed his face against hers. "He must be much older than I am," she thought and was somehow comforted. She kissed his stubbly cheek, and let her small hands tickle through the silky hairs on his back."Do you touch a lot in your family?" he asked, looking down at her. His voice rumbled under her hands. "Uh, quite a bit," she replied, in a voice that sounded too loud and squeaky. She cleared her throat. "I get hugs in the morning before I leave, and I always kiss both of my parents good night at bedtime.""Good," he growled, lowering himself onto her breasts, pressing her down with his chest and kissing the place where her neck and shoulder met. "Then you're doing this because you want to, not because you're short of affection." She was momentarily insulted, but held her temper. His body felt too good against hers to let his attitude bother her. She allowed her hands play again across his back again, like two small birds looking for a place to rest. He nibbled her ear lightly. She reached up and ran her fingers through his long hair.He then proceeded to taste her whole body, loving it with his lips, sucking and kissing her neck and shoulders and licking under her breasts. He nibbled lightly on her hardened nipples, and they tingled in response. He kissed and tongued her armpits and elbows, which made her giggle, and sucked each finger, one-by-one.Her hands fell to her sides, and she began to feel languid, not at all aroused. She stretched sensuously under his touch. Her arms and legs were heavy. ‘Did I drink too much wine?’ she asked herself, but she was no longer nervous, and Al continued to take his time.He kissed down her firm stomach. His whiskers tickled her skin and made her giggle again. She was still shy about her nakedness, although the darkness helped, so she held her legs tightly together, hiding her sex. She nervously caught her breath when he kissed her high on each inner thigh, brushing her pubic hair with his cheek. "Is he going to eat me?" she wondered, looking down to where his head and shoulders gleamed in the moonlight, but he didn't pause. He continued kissing down her long legs to her feet, where he nibbled her toes and made her laugh a fourth time. She realized she was thoroughly enjoying this. He began to press the soles of her feet with his fingers in a special way, and little zings of pleasure shot up each leg. He rubbed the area where the top of her foot met her calf and pinched behind her Achilles’ tendon. She felt truly weird. His touch was doing something strange to her. Her nerves tingled and her cunt moistened. It was like when she masturbated, but it seemed to be coming from inside her.As his fingers continued to probe sensitive spots on her feet and ankles, she experienced the same melting sensation that her masturbation produced. She let her head fall back onto the soft pillow and put her hands on the tops of her thighs, as she had at the mirror, because the tension was returning. She stretched her legs stiffly toward Al and spread them slightly, opening herself to him involuntarily. Al continued to stroke and touch her feet in that special way. A feverish heat grew in her groin. Her labia started to swell. The heat forced her to spread her legs even farther apart. Her heart was pounding and her head felt too big, as though she had a fever. She moved her arms nervously, finally putting her hands behind her head.Al moved away from her feet. He held his nose up in the air in a gesture that reminded Alison of nothing so much as a dog that detects an interesting smell on the wind. He started kissing her up the inside of her leg."I've never eaten a virgin pussy before," he said, "Do you mind?" She looked down at his shadowed image, swallowed, shook her head and heard herself say: "Not at all."He went very slowly. First, he spread her legs wide apart and moved his head between them, his cheeks resting on her inner thighs. His whiskers scratched her legs, making them even more sensitive. With his tongue he pushed her swelling labia apart and lifted her clitoris. "Don't bite it!" She said with alarm and reached out one hand, bending down toward him, thinking of how close his teeth were to her tender appendage. "I won't," was his muffled reply. She was wide-awake now, resting on her elbows and looking down at him. Instead he took her swelling bud between his lips and proceeded to lick, stroke and suck it, pulling it softly away from her just as she herself had been doing all week with her fingers. But she wasn't doing this to herself, someone else was doing it to her, and it felt ten times as good. "Oh, that's lovely," she told him.The heat in her genitals became a core of white fire inside her, glowing brighter and brighter. She leaned back, staring at the ceiling, panting quietly with excitement, pulled along without any effort on her part. Her hips pumped upward toward him gently in response to the sucking and nibbling of his mouth. She felt his tongue dive down into her hole and lick up her moisture, mixing it with his saliva. He ran his tongue all around her sex, over and between her swollen labia, then he stuck the tip into her hole again and worked it around. "Ohhh, uuuhhh," she moaned and gasped in pleasure. She lay back and hugged herself, cradling her breasts with her arms. His nose was pressing against her clit, again just like her fingers did when she masturbated, but his warm breath and the fact that he was another individual, here with her, worked like a magic carpet, raising her excitement higher and higher."Ach..." She felt the lips of her cunt ripple responsively as he embraced them with his mouth. The warmth and lovely lapping of his tongue increased the tension between her legs, so she spread them wider apart. He slid his arms and shoulders down under her thighs. "What, what are you doing?" she said in confusion. "Oh, my, oh." He lifted her thighs with his arms, tipped her lower body up and buried his face in the exposed saucer of her upturned cunt. "Oh, oh, yes!" she said as she he began to move his face around between her legs, licking and sucking her labia and clit. He sloshed his face in her wetness. She put her hands on his head and held him to her as he gobbled her up."You taste luscious," he announced to her between slurps. "So sweet and clean." Licking and sucking, he consumed her greedily. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. The pleasure from his mouth spread out to the rest of her body like ripples on a lake, suffusing her with joy. Her legs now stuck straight out to the side, supported by his shoulders and upper arms. She looked down and could see only the hair of his head moving in the darkness. "You... You're wonderful," she said to his hair. She caressed his pleasure-giving head as a randy desire started to take over her lower body."Oh, yes, yes," she whispered to him, and, as the area between her legs flashed hotter and wetter, she raised her voice. "Oh, lovely. Oh, yes!" She shouted out to him; there was no reason to hide her cries now. The tension spread into her lower belly and hips, as though her skin was too tight.She clinched her asshole and forced her strong, slim legs as wide apart as they would go, giving him maximum access to her sex. He sucked her clitoris strongly and stroked it with his tongue. She felt the tension climb higher and higher, past her navel to her chest, buoyed by the lapping licking on her clit. She started thrashing her upper body from side to side, losing control of her muscles. "God, God, God, God..." she heard herself say. Her vision narrowed and dimmed. She closed her eyes and screamed out and called to him. Her words became meaningless.The sexual pleasure he was providing consumed her. It was an intensity she had never experienced before, and she felt as though she might faint. "Yes! Yes!" she cried softly. She was poised high, at the top of a waterfall, hanging suspended, about to wash over. She grasped the rumpled sheet with her hands, trying to hold on. She couldn't help herself.Finally, fantastically, she climaxed, ecstasy sweeping through her with the rush and crash of a huge wave! She felt herself dropping over the edge. "Aghhhhh!" she screamed loudly as she fell. She grabbed at the sheets more tightly. Her vagina started pulsing and spurting like a fountain! This was nothing like she had ever felt before in her life! The rush of her release opened up in her a greedy desire to ride those crashing waves of joy. She rolled and bucked her hips against Al's mouth, a little girl riding a surfboard, moving with the rhythm of the sea. "Don't stop, don't stop!" she pleaded, realizing that these words were the same as those that had been sung by women to men millions of times over eons of years, since human beings first lived on the earth, and slept in a shared bed.He heard her and stayed with her. As the contractions of her climax racked her body, he continued to greedily lick and suck her clit. He pushed her feet all the way over her head so that her body was bent double over on itself, and he licked and kissed her asshole, which pushed her rush to extremes. "Do me! Rub me! Lick me! Love me!" She couldn't help yelling, crying and gasping. Finally she peaked. "Ahhhhhgh!" she screamed, as loud as she could. Her muscles collapsed. Her climax slowed. Her body had done all it could. She couldn’t move. Al still had his soft mouth between her legs, lapping up the liquid that seeped and spilled from between her swollen tissues. Her cunt continued to cum softly again and again but she gave of herself gladly, as small shakes and shudders swept through her. She was a vessel delivering nourishment to man. She wanted to feed the world.Al lowered her hips back down onto the bed. She puffed, sobbed and stared at the ceiling, licking her lips, ruffling his hair with her hands. Her mind slowly stopped spinning, and she returned to earth. She looked down at that wonderful head between her legs. Al was still licking up her remaining pussy juice. Her cunt felt numb, but the rest of her body shimmered with happiness. She smiled widely and sighed. She didn't feel in the least violated or used. She had decided to do this, and now was fully ready, even anxious, to carry on to the next level. She thought of this lovely person who was to be her first man. She loved him for the pleasure he had just given her, and wanted to give him all she could in return. He was still supporting her lower body, his hands cupping the globes of her small ass. He had his lips on her cunt and was licking and sucking it with sounds of obvious pleasure and satisfaction. The light from the stars gleamed on his skin, outlining the muscles of his bare arms and shoulders. She reached down and lifted his head, blew him a kiss and pulled him toward her. With a final slurp of pleasure, he looked up at her and mopped his mouth on her pubic hair."Now I'm going to put my cock into you," his deep voice said as he raised himself up. She could only smile and nod, dazedly. She was as limp as a sleeping cat. He crawled slowly up her small body until he was lying on top of her, his head next to hers, his legs between her legs. His weight pressed down on her. As the warmth from his hard body radiated onto her breasts, stomach and the inside of her wet thighs, her knees turned out to welcome him. She was no longer modest or shy. His lovemaking had opened her up.He moved his body higher until his chest was over her face. His hard cock touched her still-trembling clit, and she jumped, then it moved up to rest red hot on her lower stomach, nestled in her soft pubic hair. He slid it back down again, stroking her clit with its length.She savored the feeling of his long hardness fitting like a plump sausage into the steaming bun of her slit. Everything seemed eminently correct somehow, as though life was supposed to be this way. He moved higher, lifting her clit as he did so and stroking upward with the length of his heavy cock until his scrotum warmly covered her sex. His testicles rested like two eggs in the nest of her upturned opening. He raised himself on his elbows and reached down. She realized her time had come. "Let me," she said. He snorted, and tensed with surprise at her forwardness, but then he smiled and nodded. She ran her hands lazily down his ribs to his hips, purring to herself, letting her fingers play against his hard muscles. She reached between their bodies and wrapped her small hands around his rigid rod. She gasped with astonishment as its steely hardness pressed against her palms. She hadn't known his cock would be so strong and eager. She let her hands linger on it, savoring its silky strength. She thought of the wand she used during her gymnastic warm ups and pictured herself holding a cock in her hands while she did her calisthenics at school. She smiled.She lifted her knees, welcoming him. "Yes," he said and raised his hips. She guided his cock head down through her pubic hair, over her mound until it just split the lips of her cunt. She sighed.She moved it around and around, wetting it as Sandi had told her to do. Al kissed the top of her head and hid his face in her hair. He hugged her as if she were a little doll under him, pressing the sides of her small body with his forearms. He was in no hurry. He was anticipating the exquisite pleasure of taking her virginity and wanted to enjoy it to the utmost.Alison held him steady just outside her, his tip barely parting her swollen pussy lips. She tasted him with her cunt, paying full attention to her sensations. His cock was hard, smooth and warm. She pulled it in a little more until the head was fully surrounded by the wet mouth of her sex. She moved him around, stirring him like a spoon into the warm soup of her cunt bowl. His cock head slid slickly against her tissues. The contact caused her blood-flushed sexual membranes to tingle. The numbness faded and tension began to build again in her lower body. "My god!" she whispered softly, surprised by her response. He chuckled."Can you feel me there?" he asked her. She nodded. Her cunt felt like it was sucking on a round lollipop. After her climax, she had thought that her body couldn't get excited again so soon, but he was good. He tantalized her, moving his cock just barely in and out of her in short jerks, rocking up against her clit, giving her cunt mouth little tastes of him. Her body got tight and swollen again. She flashed on the roasting hen her mother had served for dinner the night before. She imagined Al's hard tool skewering into the tight casing of her small body, injecting its rich gravy into her while letting the steamy liquid inside seep out. She started getting even wetter just thinking about it, and realized that he would have hurt her if he had just thrust himself in. Even as wet as she had been, she had still been too dry deep inside. He hunched his head down and nibbled her face, kissing her cheeks and lips. She took her hand away, giving herself to him. As Al moved carefully in and out, his taut male member piercing slightly deeper with each probe, she felt her body rise to a sexual simmer. She tipped her bottom up and pulled down on his hips, attempting to slide more of herself around his intruding cock. "Oh," she heard herself say, "Yes. Please... Do me... Take me... Give me... Let me..." He was opening her like an envelope, spreading her narrow slit further apart and inserting his cock a little deeper with each thrust. She found herself wanting him in there. It was a new hunger, not the need for pleasure that she had before, but an exquisite pain. She wanted him to fill her utterly, a completeness that seemed fated. She raised her bottom up off of the bed, grasping at him and trying to give him a better angle. He pushed farther into her until he reached her hymen. He felt the resistance of her flesh and stopped. They dropped back down to the bed. His cock was now half inside her, stretching her widely but still leaving her unfulfilled. She felt more pain as he pushed against her hymeneal membrane, and she cried out, but she wasn't going to let him stop there. A melting sensation washed over her and her hunger for him got stronger. Her body was preparing itself for its first man. She put her small hands on his ass and tugged him to her, whispering, "Please, please." He looked down into her eyes and saw permission there. "Yeeessss," he said as he drew back slightly and with a low moan drove himself sharply, fully, deeply into her. "Achhh!" She jerked and cried out as his rock-hard manhood tore through her virginal barrier. His thrust had carried him in all the way, burying the entire length of his cock in her. She gasped. Tears formed in her eyes and ran down her cheeks. She savored the pain of the moment. His cock spasmed once and her insides jerked in response. After that, she was even warmer and wetter than before. He drew back slowly, very slowly, trying to minimize any pain she might feel, then carefully returned his hard cock all the way into her now fully slick love canal. "Oh, finally, finally..." she moaned as he filled her totally. He pulled out and slid back into her again, and she imagined a wad of stuffing being inserted into a turkey, filling it full, but she loved the feeling. She was packed full of him. He had good control. He would slide back smoothly almost all the way out, hold there a second, moving the tip of his cock in and out of her pouting cunt lips and then slide smoothly all the way in, staying there a long time, moving the root of his cock against her tender clit. He did this again and again, invading her, investigating her, sending shivers through her small body with each stroke. "Oh, that's nice. Yes, yes... No!" She cried out in alarm when she thought he had pulled back too far, and might leave her, but he caught himself just in time, with the head of his cock just barely splitting her. "Don't, don't go! No!" she cried, feeling a cold emptiness inside. She clinched the muscles of her ass and cunt and tried to grab him and nibble his cock back down into her. He held himself just at her entrance until she cried out in frustration. Then he slid all the way in again, pushing out her vaginal walls. He smiled down at her in the darkness and she could see his white teeth. "You are gloriously tight," he said. She knew he was right. She could feel her vagina stretch over and around his cock with each entry and close around him again when he left. He buried himself fully inside her and held himself still. She felt like a balloon ready to burst. She loved the feeling of his flesh filling her. She had spent all week doing the exercises Sandi had shown her, training the muscles of her cunt to grasp closely around the root of his cock, and she did this once. He smiled wider and seemed to swell even larger inside her. He was really big. She gulped but continued to nip at the base of his cock, again and again, playing with him, gobbling him up. She laughed out loud at the fun she was having and thrust her hips up tightly against him, folding her legs behind his back to hold him close, rubbing his broad shoulders with her hands and kissing and biting his neck. He rumbled with satisfaction. He kissed her warmly, holding her small head in his hands, moving her face around under his lips. She closed her eyes and kissed him back. He tried to force his tongue between her teeth. At first she resisted, put off by the thought of his saliva mixing with hers, but then she thought of the far more serious mixing that would soon occur down below and let his tongue in. She even extended a little of her tongue into his mouth. She sucked on his tongue with her mouth as she sucked on his cock with her cunt.She continued to clutch the base of his cock in rhythmic pulses. The heat built again inside her. Soon she was no longer playing with him. This was serious. She started to sweat. She kissed him, passionately this time, licking his face and forcing her tongue fully into his mouth. She wanted to get into him, as he was getting into her. She wanted to mix with him, become one with him.He responded enthusiastically, sticking his tongue again into her small mouth. They battled with their tongues, like swords, until they broke up with laughter. Her breasts were swelling with warmth from the friction of his chest against her nipples. She felt soft and damp, like a fertile field. Her eyelids were heavy; she was charmed all over. She reached up and pulled him to her.They looked deeply into each other's eyes, not moving, his cock stationary inside her. Her vagina formed tightly around him, as though she were some thick viscous syrup flowing around his hardness. She felt a moment of intense closeness with him and knew their time had come. He blew her a kiss and nodded his head solemnly. She nodded back her assent. She could feel the sweat run down the sides of her face and her heartbeat in her temples.He pulled his erection slowly out of her and then inserted it again, one last time, as deeply as it could get, the ultimate thrust, until his tight scrotum pillowed itself on her ass crack. She trembled as the tip lifted a bit, way up inside her body. Then it jerked sharply, and he began to cum. "Ugh," she grunted with surprise as the initial pulse shook her deeply, and he started filling her with his piping hot fluid. The walls of her vagina spasmed in answer to the throbbing of his cock and the heat of her loins rose in response to the warmth of the semen he was shooting into her. "It's so..., it's so beautiful!" she whispered, her face buried in his chest. Her head drummed with beats: the striving, pounding beat of her heart; the pulsing beat of her climax as her inner organs grasped and clutched around him and the third gushing, pumping beat of Al's deep, intruding, erupting cock.Her own climax grew as he continued to pump away, anointing the space inside her with warm jets of spray. As he filled the core of her being, she held him tighter, gasping and panting. He continued to fill her full, and fuller, and fill her some more. She came and came around him, kneading his cock with her vagina, moving her slim hips in and out, relishing the seed he was shooting into her, her body suffused in a ruddy heat. He seemed to pump for a very long time. He finished at last, leaving a hot pool in her center and a warm glow all over her. "I did it," she thought. "I have shared myself with a man."He stayed hard in her. "I love the feel of you in me," she told him, between nuzzles and kisses. "And I love being in you," he responded, saying each word slowly and clearly. They paused a second then broke out laughing again, realizing that they had never met before this night and knew absolutely nothing about each other. She loved to laugh with his cock inside her; it sent thumps of pleasure through her body. They laughed some more on purpose and kissed and tongued each other, and she nibbled his cock with her cunt, but eventually he began to soften. He shrank and slipped back to her entrance, then fell out with a pop. Liquid seeped slowly down to her ass crack. Al lifted himself off, and, with a little press of a kiss from his soft cock on the lips of her wet cunt, it said "Goodbye"."I should go now." he whispered, "Are you all right? I could tell them...""No, that's OK," she said with a sigh. Sandi had told her she should not stop at just one. Although she was weary, she trusted her friend.He stood in the dark next to the bed and put on his clothes. Before he walked away, he knelt down and kissed her on her soft, slightly swollen lips, gently but deeply, a kiss very unlike their first. (6)She looked toward the door contentedly as Al left, and saw the shadow of another man step in to the room. As she lay limp and relaxed in the starlight, her body curled up on the disordered bed, this new boy-man walked over to the chair and took off his clothes. She followed him with her eyes, wondering what would happen next. Without a word, he slid in beside her. She smelled his smoky maleness over the acrid aroma of sex. He put his arm under her head and cradled her cheek against his hard chest. "Was it good?" he asked quietly, looking down at her and kissing her hair. "Oh, yes, very," she sighed, turning her face into his chest and nuzzling him. "Well, we don't want to quit now," he whispered as he cuddled down beside her and rolled her away from him, so that the front of his body was pressed against her back."That's nice," she thought to herself sleepily as his body hugged hers from behind. His hands held her full breasts and his thumbs played lightly over her tender nipples. Her knees were drawn up and his legs fit perfectly behind them. She remembered with a rosy glow the warm wetness of Al's semen filling her, and felt the warm lump of the new man's hardening cock in the damp crack of her ass. She settled back against him."I'm going to show you another way to fuck," he said into her ear. "This is good when you are tired and don't want to work too hard." "Fine with me," she replied with a yawn.He lifted her upper leg with his hand and pressed his rapidly stiffening member against the area between her cunt and asshole. Alison couldn't be sure, but his cock seemed longer and thinner than Al's. She closed her legs on his long, hard pole and reached down to feel the head sticking out from between her thighs. She milked it slightly with her small hand. "What is your name?" she asked, looking over her shoulder. "We don't need names," he replied as he kissed her cheek. She turned away.He had her lift her knee again, her foot resting against her lower leg. He then began to move his hips back and forth, rubbing his now-hard cock against her tender tissues from the rear. His breathing grew louder. He reached down with his hand and pressed his stiffening shaft up close to her so that the tip caught her clit as it passed by. At first, it was just a soothing stroking of her exhausted private parts but soon she found herself getting slightly horny. He was so excited, and so agitated, that her ardor rose in response. She moved back against him, bringing her wet pussy lips down to lick the length of his cock as it slid by and resting her ass cheeks in the warm depression of his loins. He pressed against her passionately. His building zeal flowed into her, and she began to pant. Soon she was squirming with desire.He moved his other hand around her so that his palm was covering both his cock head and her hot cunt. He pulled her lips apart with his fingers as he stroked once more, only this time, instead of catching her clit, he bent his cock up farther and it went in. The tip pushed against the front of her vagina as he slipped quickly way up inside her, lubricated by Al's semen. Her vaginal tube expanded willingly around his gristly hardness. "You're strong..." she started to say, but he shushed her with a hiss. His cock wasn't as big around as Al's, but it still fully filled her springy young cunt. She began to notice other differences. His body was not as massive as Al's had been. He had firm, sinewy arms that hugged her like a rope. His skin was not as rough. His voice was higher and more melodious. She realized that she could be eternally fascinated by the physical and sexual differences in men. She looked forward to learning as much as she could throughout her life. He gently but firmly pushed her shoulders away from him, so that his long cock could enter more deeply into her. The muscles of her buttocks stretched wide as she bent forward and her ass spread naturally apart, allowing him a deeper plunge. She thought of the picture that the curves of her smooth young body must be making in the starlight, like an artistic photograph, all highlights and shadows. His thrusts increased in speed and he began to penetrate very deeply, into areas that hadn't been touched before.He rubbed his hands over her back, following her spine, then grabbed her slim hips and moved her back and forth against him, driving his cock harder and harder. His cock was really working her novice cunt, but she was relaxed enough, and slick enough from the load that Al had already given her, that it didn't hurt. He put his hands on her rump, caressing her bottom with his fingers, spreading her buttocks apart, brushing the edge of her cunt opening with his thumbs, guiding her onto him. She pushed back against him, seeking to increase the great feeling of having him inside. She began to feel very comfortable with his cock penetrating her, as though there was a natural void inside her that needed cock. She thought of him coming and filling her even higher than Al had, adding his provisions to what she had taken in already. The idea excited her, and she imagined the warmth she would soon feel. She moved one hand to caress her tender belly, that new repository of hard cocks and sperm, and moved her other hand to her mouth, biting her knuckle, thinking only of the cock attacking her insides, and the way it shook her with each thrust.Suddenly he stopped thrusting. He hugged her body back to him, and she thought "Oh, my, now he's going to cum inside me," and she smiled in anticipation, but instead he rolled over until he was on top of her, forcing the front of her body down onto the bed. His long cock was still firmly pinning her, his haunches pressing flatly on her bottom. His weight held her immobile and, momentarily, took her breath away. He braced himself with one hand to the bed and reached the other arm under her slim hips. He shifted to a kneeling position, raising her bottom as he did so. She followed him up, ending on her elbows and bent knees, her ass in the air, her face buried in the sheet. "So this is the way doggies do it," she thought with a smile as he began to pound himself solidly into her again, smacking his lower belly against her ass and delving deeply with each thrust. His pounding shook her all over; her ass cheeks rippled; her breasts swayed back and forth. She cradled her face in her hands, enjoying the hard shocks to her genitals. He seemed to want his body to be totally engulfed in hers; he was trying so hard to get so deep. And she could tell he was growing longer and going deeper. The head of his cock probed farther down inside her. It awakened a craving in her. She started moving her bottom in response. She raised her head, turned and looked back up at him. His eyes had rolled up, and she could see the whites in the starlight. She herself was panting and rocking and answering his every thrust. She felt so very good, and he seemed to want her so much in this pleasantly violent way. "Yes!" she called to him, "Do that to me. Harder!" Each pound vibrated her clitoris. She flashed back to when she had seen some monkeys fuck in a cage once on a trip the family had taken to the zoo. The male money had held the female's hipbones, just like this man held hers. She recalled her shock at the sight of the fleshy pink penis cleaving the female monkey's furry bottom. She thought of all the creatures, all over the world, joining with each other at this very moment. Why, she thought, there must be millions, maybe billions of creatures doing right now what she and this man were doing. The universality and naturalness of the act calmed her mind and brought her back to the present. She moved her bottom around, finding the rhythm, experimenting with angles, seeking new sensations.The smooth skin of the man's scrotum rubbed against her sex. He still held her hips, moving her up, down and around as he drove himself into her. She matched his cadence and moved with him, catching his thrown cock in the velvet glove of her cunt. He sped up. His energy seemed infinite. Her cunt was hot as fire. He slid his hands up her back to her shoulders and pulled her body tightly against him, pushing his member in as far as it could go. She felt it touch still virgin areas inside her, poking at her womb with its tip. He was wonderfully long. He held her motionless for several seconds, then, with a yell, he came, pounding and pulsing, blossoming beautifully deeply inside her. She felt him pump away, and her cunt began to contract rhythmically around his throbbing cock, as though drinking in that spurting hot semen. She rolled her stomach muscles so she could feel the full length of it in her vaginal tube, squeezing it, forcing out every drop of that wonderful hot liquid that she could get. She raised her head again and looked up, her teeth in the rictus of a grin, as she felt the flush of her climax sweep over her chest and head. She threw her head back and her long hair fell softly over her shoulders and upper arms, caressing them. Her lips writhed and she screamed, "Aghhhhhhhhh!" at the top of her voice. The noise of her scream added to her pleasure and her vaginal walls undulated even more strongly against his pumping cock. She received him into her, like a calf sucking on a milky nipple, consuming his slippery essence.She lowered her head into her hands, panting and swearing, her greedy vagina still sucking him in. "Oh, God! Oh, God, that's so...delicious!" She felt his pumping slow, and she pressed hard back against him. He thumped inside her a couple more times, and her vagina answered with more waves of pleasure. She couldn't tell if her contractions were spontaneous or sympathetic. She milked his cock with her cunt.He fell down over her back, burying his face in her long hair, kissing her on her ears and neck. She collapsed down onto the bed and he followed her, laying his thin body over her back, his thighs keeping her legs spread widely apart. His depleted cock slipped slowly back up her vagina and fell out. She rolled over and looked up to him, her arms outstretched, as he stepped off onto the floor with one foot, then stood up. He staggered a little as he began to put on his pants. She rose up. "You can't stay?" she asked imploringly. "Not tonight. That's enough for now," he replied with a sad smile.She lay back, her legs spread, leaning on her elbows, feeling abandoned. She missed the feel of warm flesh against her flesh, the heat of passion and the flush of desire. Her hair framed the sides of her face, limiting her vision. She looked down at herself petulantly and avoided looking over at the man as he dressed and left the room.As the door closed, she fell back onto the bed. Her tummy was so full of fiery fluid that it ached. The area between her legs was sore from the pounding it had taken, and she was so tired she was slightly sick, but she still craved a warm body that she could hug, and she sniffled in self-pity. Moving one hand to soothe her aching belly and the other to comfort her ravaged cunt, the poor girl fell into a slight sleep. (7)She was awakened by the smell of coffee! She opened her eyes and sat up. Sandi stood beside her with a cup in her hand. The lights were on. Alison took the cup and drank it gratefully while watching Sandi. Neither said a word. Alison stood up off of the bed and staggered to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and urinated strongly, amazed at how much better she felt. As she used the toilet paper, she touched herself gently. "Uhummm," she said. Her sex tissues were still a little tender, but as she felt for sore spots, she touched her clit, which began to tingle again with excitement. "God, what a little sexpot I'm becoming," she thought with a grin. She finished wiping, flushed, washed her hands and went back into the room.Sandi was sitting naked on the bed, her willowy body shining like ivory in the room light. Her small breasts were barely visible, two pink-nosed rabbits peeking out from between her arms. Alison was shocked to see her friend naked, but suddenly she felt safer, as though they were now in this together. "I think it's about time that you found out what's been getting into you," Sandi said with a wink, looking back beside the door to the bathroom. Alison turned and saw a naked young man, about six feet tall, with wide muscular shoulders and a thick chest.Her first impulse was to cover her own nakedness, but she quickly realized how ridiculous that would seem. She lowered her arms bravely and looked closely at the man. His skin was tanned very dark and was quite hairy on his shoulders and broad chest. His stomach was ridged with muscle, and his ruddy brown cock hung down a good seven inches from his bush of dark pubic hair. His tan lines revealed that he wore bikini shorts. The whiter skin emphasized his impressive sexual equipment. Alison looked up to his face. He had beautiful soft, curly hair, blue eyes, and round, slightly pocked-marked cheeks. His nose was too broad and his face too square for him to be classically handsome, but he smiled widely at her and her nervousness disappeared. There was no danger here.Sandi called her over to sit on the bed, then motioned to the man. "Come, Derek. Alison, Derek has volunteered to be your teaching dummy this evening." Derek walked over and stood squarely in front of the two girls, his hands on his hips. "Now, Allison, I want you to inspect Derek's penis closely."Alison had seen her brother and her father naked before, but never up close or for very long. Although she had just fucked twice, she had never had a chance to closely inspect a mature male's equipment. Shyly, curious but not knowing quite what to expect, she reached out and took Derek's flaccid member gingerly in her hand. She looked up at his face to gauge his reaction, but he only smiled more widely. His cock felt warm, loose and smooth, like satin. Although it looked limp, it pulsed with life. She lifted it and inspected its underside. Suddenly, it twitched a little upward, and Alison gave a start. Derek grinned. Alison gazed in wonder. As if by magic Derek's cock was growing larger and firmer in her hand! Its wrinkled and, Alison acknowledged, somewhat ugly skin began to take on a smooth muscular sheen against the striated background of his scrotum and his bristly dark pubic hair."Derek is bigger than the cocks you have had so far," Sandi said. "But size doesn't make a lot of difference in the pleasure you'll get from fucking. Before you leave I'll show you some sex tricks that will make any man a thoroughly enjoyable experience."Alison was barely following what her friend was saying. She was fascinated by the changes occurring in front of her eyes. Derek's cock was growing thicker and longer as she watched. It flushed a vivid dark red as it gained an inch, then another. The now-hard organ began to rise, as though ignoring gravity. It rose from her palm, and she moved her small hand up eagerly to follow it. Derek was breathing hard, looking down at her. He seemed to be saluting her with his now-stiff shaft. It stuck out horizontal and rigid, in honor of her warmth and presence. She looked up at him in amazement."Now, Alison," Sandi broke into her friend's reverie, "Pay attention. In order to get maximum sexual pleasure, you need to know all you can about a man's phallus, that is, his cock and balls. Pull the cover back from the head."Derek was not circumcised, so his cock head was covered with foreskin except for the very tip. Alison reached up and pulled it back, revealing the glans in its red, swollen beauty. "That is what the man gets most of his sensations from," Sandi said. "Give it a lick.""What?" Alison looked over at Sandi, a shocked expression on her innocent face, but, under the frank honesty of Sandi's calm gaze, she lowered her eyes and felt constrained to comply. She turned back to Derek's cock, took a breath and delicately extended her small pink tongue, touching it lightly to Derek's bare cock head. Derek began to breathe harder and looked a little flushed. Sandi frowned at him. She turned back to Alison who was beginning to more enthusiastically lick at Derek's cock. Now that she had given herself permission, she found that she was actually enjoying it. She kissed the tip and licked around the opening. "He also can feel it when something slides along the bottom." Aware that she was now fully committed, Alison ran her tongue from the tip down the underside of its length to the top of his big scrotum, lifting his stiff cock as she did so. She licked back up to the tip and kissed it again, this time sucking slightly. She was trying to identify the tastes she was getting from the various parts of Derek's genitals. She licked down his shaft again, and buried her face in the joint between his cock and bag, kissing and sniffling. As his pubic hair tickled her nose, she smelled a musky, masculine scent. She turned her attention to his scrotum, kissing and tasting the skin, then gently balancing a testicle on her tongue. She opened her mouth, and tried to suck the ball inside, but Derek groaned, and she backed off quickly, thinking that she had caused him pain. She could see, under his large, heavy cock, Derek's balls begin to draw up next to his body. She looked over at Sandi."Men can stay hard and keep from coming for a long time if they fuck often. If a guy cums too soon, that usually means he hasn't been getting enough sex. That's one of the advantages of a gangbang. There are always more cocks if you need them."So, when a man gets ready to cum, his balls draw up like that, and his bag gets tight and round." As if it were listening, Derek's scrotum pulled itself into a round ball, misshapen slightly by his two large testicles. His cock seemed to get even bigger in her hand, and Alison could see some clear liquid leaking from the tip. "That pre-cum is the reason withdrawal doesn't work for birth control," Sandi continued. "It sometimes contains sperm and can make you pregnant, even if the man doesn't cum inside you. Taste it, if you like, but you don't have to."Deliberately, Alison pulled back the foreskin again and sipped the light liquid coming out of the hole in the end of Derek's cock. It didn't taste like much, rather watery and soft, but again she got a whiff of Derek's male smell. She quite liked it."Now stroke his cock until he comes, and you'll see what feels so good when it's spurting inside you." Alison readied herself. Squaring her shoulders, she formed her fingers into a circle and began to stroke Derek's long cock with her hand, rolling the foreskin back and stroking down the cylindrical length of the shaft to where it nested in his soft pubic hair. As she stroked, more liquid seeped out. Derek's cock felt smooth as chamois initially but as she continued the stroking it began to roughen. She was getting lightheaded from the smell. Her nipples felt tight and tender. "Does that hurt?" she asked him. Derek shook his head breathlessly. His cock got hotter in her hand."OK, Derek," Sandi said. "Now, Alison, this is what cum looks like." After a few more strokes, Alison felt a pulse spread her fingers. Derek's cock jerked in her hand, and, from the slit in the tip, white foamy cum shot over her arm and onto her breasts. Alison looked up fascinated at Derek's spurting penis, as streamer after streamer of white, gluey stuff formed in the air and sailed down to hit her. It ran down her bosoms and began to drip off of her nipples. She was being bathed in a shower of spurting semen! She reached up to wipe it off. "No. Don't. Leave it," Sandi said. After a few more seconds, she took Derek's pumping cock from Alison and, in one smooth movement, sucked the whole length of it down her throat. As Alison watched, her young friend began to swallow, not moving her lips a bit from where they circled the root of Derek's long cock. "Wow!" Alison exclaimed. She watched in amazement as Sandi engulfed nearly nine inches of hard meat and swallowed pulse after pulse of delivered cum. Sandi swallowed effortlessly, as though the long cock was no problem at all for her to handle.After Derek finished, Sandi sucked the length of his cock and licked it clean. Derek walked over to the dresser, put on his clothes, and left the room."You can taste it, if you like," Sandi said, indicating the cum still running down and dripping off of Alison's breasts. "I don't think so." Alison shook her head, breathlessly, still stunned by what had just happened. "Fine," said Sandi. "Lie back."Alison obediently put her hands behind her head and lay back on the bed, her legs bent over the edge of the mattress. Sandi reached over and started to massage Derek's cum onto Alison's breasts. "This is the best skin conditioner I know," Sandi said. She rubbed it onto Alison's stomach and carried some of the white foam down to Alison's lower belly and thighs. Sandi got up off of the bed and kneeled between Alison's legs. She nudged Allison's knees apart and rubbed Derek's cum carefully into her friend’s labia and inner thighs. Alison sighed. Sandi could feel Allison’s cunt lips absorb Derek’s cum and begin to flush, thicken and become very slick. "Good," she said to herself. She gazed at the beautiful view: Alison's slim, smooth thighs meeting in her rosy, shining labia, surrounded by her silky blond pubic hair; her brown, puckered anus below, framed by two round, smooth globes of tender young flesh; her flat belly, crowned by a cute navel, her well defined ribcage supporting spectacular full breasts, still bouncy and perkily upright even though she was lying down, and finally, in the distance, Alison's beautiful face, pillowed in her disordered mass of golden hair, with an enraptured look as she gazed down at Sandi from between half-lowered eyelids.Alison was in a haze. The smell from Derek's cock and balls had made her head swim. The feel of Sandi's hands rubbing Derek's cum into the skin of her breasts and stomach made her want to melt into the bed. Her whole body was relaxed except the area between her legs. She felt the ache build in her again and realized that if she could have just one more orgasm, things would be perfect.She heard a low whistle from Sandi and dimly saw another man walk into the room and remove his clothes. His cock stood out stiffly, pointing slightly upward. Sandi reached out to Alison and grasped her under her arms. Tenderly, she helped her glassy-eyed friend stand up.The new man moved around them and lay down on the bed on his back. He held his cock straight up. Sandi turned Alison a little and helped her back on the bed until she had one knee on each side of the man's hips. Alison looked down and saw the man's hard shaft between her thighs, pointing straight up at her. The helmet-shaped glans moved slightly back and forth as the man jacked the shaft with his fingers. She turned her face up to Sandi with a confused look that seemed to say, "What do I do now?" With Sandi's help, she lowered her body until the tip just split the lips of her distended cunt. Sandi kissed her on the forehead and let her go.Alison gasped. The new man moved his cock in a circle, spreading her swollen cunt lips wider. Suddenly they stretched welcomingly, and she slid down onto the new cock. She shut her eyes tight as the first few inches went into her. "Oh! Oh, my God!" she whispered. Her young body shivered with anticipation.Her insides relaxed slowly as this, the third hard cock of the evening, insinuated itself into her. This was what she wanted! The need to have a cock in her empty vagina was being filled beautifully! She opened her eyes and looked down at the new man who was entering her. His eyes were closed, and a look of blissful happiness shone on his face. He had heavy eyebrows and a wide mouth that was now stretched into a smile. She was pouring wetness down his cock as more and more of him steadily slid up into her. Finally, she glided down all the way so that her ass and legs were pressed flat against the man's stomach and thighs, with his entire length inside her. She felt very full, but natural, as though she were protecting that great length of cock by storing it in her belly. She reached down and rubbed her stomach. He was so very long, she thought she might be able to detect him pushing out against her skin.He opened his eyes. She leaned forward with him still fully enclosed in her, put her hands on either side of his head, and looked down at his face. His dark blond hair was very curly, and glowed now with perspiration. His gray eyes were half closed with the pleasure of having her around him. His freckled skin was shiny and smooth. She leaned down and kissed him as she raised her hips and lifted off of him slowly, against the suction of their joining, until she could just feel the tip of his cock between her cunt lips. More swiftly this time, she slid down onto him, returning him securely inside her, impaling herself on that wonderful hard shaft. The muscles of her vagina caressed tightly around his rod. Her clit hit the man's stomach with a thump. A thrill went through her. She lifted herself up and slid down again, pounding her clit, getting the rhythm, welcoming the motion and varying her movements to increase her pleasure. She moved smoothly up and down on his cock, and looked up to find Sandi smiling and nodding her head.Alison shifted her body more upright. She put her hands on her hips, and, using the power of her gymnastic-trained legs, lifted herself straight up and slid straight down onto the man's cock, rubbing the tip against the front of her vaginal passage. With each squat she felt the presence of his legs under her ass and the pressure of his pubic bone on her clit. With him again safely ensconced, she moved her hips back and forth, tickling her swollen clit against his bristly pubic thatch. God, his cock was huge! Bigger than any that she had held so far. If she had not been on top and able to control the speed and degree of penetration, she was sure he would have hurt her.She leaned forward on her hands again and kissed him, fully and passionately on the mouth. Their tongues met. Her pendant breasts brushed his chest and her nipples tightened. She felt the pressure inside her grow. She had cum three times already this evening, but Sandi had prepared her well, and Alison was ready to experience the ultimate yet again. She lifted her round bottom very high and rocked rapidly up and down on his slick smooth cock, stroking the front of his shaft with her clitoris, feeling it tingle and lengthen. Soon she was going crazy, throwing her head back and forth and side to side, whipping herself with her hair. Faster, faster, up and down. Her need for him became a craving, then an obsession. A wanton desire for fulfillment took over her body. She began to scream, "Oh, shit, that feels sooo... Fuck! What a me, help me!" She wanted to cum so badly, but she couldn't quite manage it. The man grasped her hips and began to move them in a circular motion, the pressure of his cock moving around in her vagina, stroking the tip along first one side and then another of her inner cunt. Her insides began to sing as his hard bow vibrated them. The vibrations rose higher and higher."Yes, yes, help me! Help me!" she cried, and then she screamed with pleasure as the whole lower part of her body exploded in a violent climax! Wave after wave washed through her. She sat up straight and slid down until he was fully inside her, her vaginal muscles rippling rhythmically against the entire length of his shaft. She felt the warmth from her hips flow up to her breasts and on over her head. Her bare skin flushed and glowed. She was sweating streams down her face and back. She could taste the salt as she bit her lips. Her eyes were shut. She couldn't take any additional sensations into her brain. Holding her hands folded over her heart, she focused internally, thinking only of her sexual muscles, feeling them ripple and clamp against his hardness.She was still cumming against the man's cock, but beginning to slow, when he jumped inside her and went off with an enormous pulse! It was as if a bomb had detonated in there! She felt warmth radiate into her and his pulsing seemed to transfer itself physically to her vaginal muscles. They began to clamp again inside her! "No, Oh, Jesus, God, no, it's too much!" she screamed, but immediately she was back to cumming, lashing herself about and gyrating around and up and down on his spurting weapon! Her body's new climax paced the man's ejaculations. Each time he pulsed a hot stream of semen into her, her vagina responded with a small blast of pleasure and additional muscular contractions. She felt his essence gushing into the middle of her belly, filling her up. She was brimming with pleasure.Finally he ceased pumping, and her pulses slowed. They sank together into a blissful stillness. Alison sat motionless, his hard cock still inside her, her eyes still tightly closed. She couldn't move any part of her body. She was so sated; she was numb. She sat in silence.Then, suddenly, she began to cry. Sitting there, filled so full, a rush of exquisite happiness washed over her, and her sweet body wracked itself with sobs. She cradled her breasts in her arms as tears of joy ran down her face, mixing with the sweat, her body shuddering and shaking. She was so tired and so happy that she couldn't stop crying, thinking of the pleasure she had just had, that this man had given her.The sobs caused her inner muscles to contract around that huge cock that still filled her so full. It delighted her that she could still hug it, honoring what it had done so marvelously. Then, to her amazement, it seemed to swell bigger and longer. Yes, it was. It was inflating fatly against her vaginal walls! Shaken and gasping, she felt it tighten inside her, against the smoothness of her inner membranes and the slickness of the semen, which was seeping out of her and pooling stickily beneath her ass. Her hips began to move slowly up and then down on the ballooning rod. "No, no!" she sobbed, "Not again!" but her body wouldn't listen. It stroked more and more rapidly on the stiffening glossy cock that pressed her so strongly inside. She bounced faster up and down, like a rubber ball. She just couldn't stop. Her body was no longer under her control. It was no longer answering a need for pleasure. This was a primordial response, a core-driven instinct that would go on until appeased. She felt real fear. What was happening to her? She groaned. She was no longer in charge of her body. Her mind was like a rider on a runaway horse, holding on for dear life. With no better option she pulled herself back into her galloping body and fell to doing what it was making her do anyway, and doing it well. The warmth, stroking, sweat, and smell hit her like a second wind. Immediately, she was in tune with her actions, as she was on the days when she just couldn't lose her tennis matches. She readied herself for the victory.With a cry of relief, she felt him cum again, nearly as strongly as the first time, and her body answered with rolls of muscular contractions, and waves of heat, and explosions of pleasure in her breasts and arms and shoulders, but, mostly, in her quivering, exhausted, satiated, well-fucked cunt. (8)Alison opened her eyes. She was lying on her back in the bed, covered by a sheet. She could hear birds singing and saw that the sun was shining brightly on the trees outside her window. As she moved, she stretched like a cat, raising her arms over her head, spreading her legs apart and rubbing them against the sheets. She felt as she did after a good aerobic workout, tired, but really loose and relaxed. She started to rub her hands over her skin and detected a roughness. She lifted the sheets and looked down at her bare body. It was a mess. Her ripe young breasts were streaked with white from Derek's cum and her own sweat. Her nipples were still red and swollen from the love bites and rubbing they had endured the evening before. Her tummy was gritty, and her pubic bush was so stiff with dried cum that it was bristly. She spied little splotches of pink, mixed with the chalky residue of cum, on her inner thighs and realized that that was her cherry blood. She had fucked so many times last night that losing her virginity seemed like an ancient dream. She reached down between her legs. Her public hair was stuck down flat. Her cunt was flaccid and lax, her inner labia exposed. Her ass crack was crusty with blood, cum and sweat. The sheets on which she lay were stiff and crunchy.She rolled awkwardly out of the bed and tottered over to the bathroom. She collapsed into the shower and turned the water on as hot as she could stand, but not strong, so she could let it play softly over her tender body, rolling in rivulets between her breasts, around her stomach and down to the hairs of her pubis. She found her shampoo and washed her hair, then scrubbed herself thoroughly from head to toe.She came out of the bathroom toweling her hair dry. Sandi was standing in jeans and flannel shirt in the middle of the room with her hands in her back pockets and a smile of smug satisfaction on her face. "Well?" she asked.Dropping the towel, Alison ran over to Sandi and hugged her with her damp, naked body. "Oh, Sandi, it was incredible!" she said laughing. She jumped up and down with excitement, her breasts bouncing. "I never knew a body could hold so much pleasure! Everything was truly perfect.""Oh, that was just the beginning," Sandi responded archly. "The best part about sex is you can do it again and again, and it just gets better. We still have two weekends until you leave, right?" Alison nodded. "So we can do this two more times if you're up to it.""If they're like this time, you couldn't fight me off. I don't remember feeling this good ever. It's like a drug.""But fortunately not illegal," Sandi responded. "OK. I can't possibly show you everything I've learned in the short time we have left, but, when you leave, you'll know enough to keep out of trouble, and have a whole lot of fun. Get dressed and come to breakfast."After breakfast, the two girls packed up and drove back to town. Dropping Alison off at her house, Sandi reminded her to watch what she said if she really didn't want her parents to know what she had done. "Mothers, especially, seem to be able to see right through you when you've started fucking. Act as normal as possible. She may suspect, but she won't know.""Don't worry," Alison replied. "I won't do anything to mess up next weekend." With a sweet smile, she walked jauntily up to her house, her suitcase over her shoulder. As she opened the front door, her dad looked out from the study. "Have a good time?" he asked. "It was great," she replied. "Communing with nature is very invigorating." "Well, it certainly seems to have worked with you. I don't know when I've ever seen such rosy cheeks. Put your suitcase in the laundry room, this is my week to do the wash.""That's all right," she replied, thinking of the sheets she had fucked on last night, and realizing that she would have to start being careful, "I'll do them."To be continued...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 41
The dinner was actually quite a nice thought. The year was drawing to a close, and everything was being wrapped up. Tonight was the special dinner for anybody involved in a recreational, extra-curricular activity. Although the majority of the students were from the all-boys Woodsbridge Progressive Higher Learning School, a handful of girls from St. Anthony the Martyr's School were also in attendance.The girls had worked closely with their male counterparts on the annual yearbook. Which is to say, the girls made up all eight people working in the club, doing the work for both schools. They had been invited to the dinner, which was being attended by everyone in Grades 11 and 12.Everyone was in top dress. Whilst for the boys this was just a shirt and tie, the girls had to wear their full uniform. A pressed blouse hung just over gray skirts and a black leather belt. Short gray socks and matching gray ties, coupled with flat, black leather dress shoes. It was far from the most comfortable uniform, considering teachers were constantly reminding them to keep their top buttons done up and ties tight, but it turned on the boys, especially with 'abnormally' short skirts.Each of the girls had been sent to their own all-male table. Although normally this would have been entertaining for the center-of-attention girls, it was actually somewhat awkward. Almost every other award was for a sports-based activity. The testerone-fueled adolescents were uncomfortably loud and aggressive in their pick-up lines. The girls ended up just ignoring them, and received the same treatment.Later in the night, after the first dish, each club began presenting some sort of form of entertainment. Although the girls were all secretly annoyed that they hadn't thought of anything, they all got over it. Some tried stand-up comedy, slapstick humor or showed home-made videos. Most of it was just stupid.Tasha was sitting at one table. She was by far both the smallest and the youngest. At a little over five feet, weighing a hundred and ten pounds and being only sixteen years old, she felt somewhat uncomfortable in the presence of bulky males. At least they weren't hitting on her. She wasn't what they considered 'hot'. 'Hot' was big breasted, blond, blue eyes and stupid. She was more cute. She had straight, shoulder length black hair, deep green eyes and was one of the smartest kids in her grade.Somebody tapped her on the shoulder. She turned around to see Mr. Portbello, the Headmaster of Woodsbridge School. She immediately stood up, although the men just glanced at him. She nodded politely."Sir?" she asked, unsure of this purpose."Please follow me," he said. He began walking out of the gymnasium/dining room without looking back. Tasha simply followed him, walking straight out into a nearby change room where the Headmaster was waiting for her."Good evening, sir," said Tasha, trying to be friendly. The Headmaster seemed to have been raised in the Old School, preferring discipline and obedience to intelligence."It is my belief that your department has failed to plan for a performance tonight," said the Headmaster."Yes sir. Nobody told our school.""I request that you choose your words more carefully," murmured the Headmaster. "We did, in fact, send word to Ms. Harris, the woman who's in charge of your little club, correct?""Yes sir. Sir, she's been on maternity leave for three-""Did I give you permission to speak?""No sir.""Then remain silent."There was a brief, awkward pause."As you have no doubt noticed, every other group has some sort of entertainment scheduled.""Yes sir.""Have you paid a ticket price?""No sir. I wasn't aware there was one.""There isn't. Have you eaten our food?""Yes sir.""So you have eaten our food and taken up space, but provide us with nothing in compensation?" Tasha wanted to point out that she had effectively written the entire yearbook herself, but bit her tongue."Correct, sir.""Well then," said the Headmaster, opening an unmarked door. "It is as I predicted. I have our School Head planning a performance which you can participate in. Do you so choose to?""What is it's nature, sir?""I am not aware," he said, "but remember, you come here representing your school. Do not force me to publicly point out that you have failed it.""Sir, I will participate," said Tasha, unsure of what she was getting into."And this is completely of your own free will?""Yes sir," she replied, unsure of what he meant but going along with it anyways."Then enter," the Headmaster replied, indicating the unmarked door. Tasha took a tentative step forward, then crossed the threshold. She looked back just in time to see him pulling a tape recorder from his jacket and turning it off.The room was a sort of equipment storage shed, filled with basketball racks and soccer balls and the like. Also inside, however, were her seven fellow students. Each was wearing top dress and looking sufficiently sullen. The Head of School was also standing there. He nodded towards her when she entered."Ah, you must be Tasha," he said, with a smile that seemed filled with lies. "My name is Mr. Lee. I will be in charge of this somewhat improvised performance.""Sir, what are we-""Ah, did I give you permission to speak?""No sir." Damn, this school was strict."Then you best remember your place. Join the line."Tasha joined the front of the line. One of her schoolmates, Janna, briefly nudged her. Tasha nudged her back. Something very, very odd was going on."Alright ladies, show time," said Mr. Lee, after a brief, muffled applause from outside. "Single file, arms at your sides, chins up, no looking around, due exactly as I say."He pushed a large door open, which appeared off the side of the stage. Mr. Lee walked out first, followed by each of the girls, with Tasha at the head. A spotlight appeared on them. Mr. Lee proudly marched onto the stage, then gestured for the girls to form a horizontal line behind him."Gentlemen, I'm sure you're all aware of the presence of our fellow schoolmates from St. Anthony here tonight. Whilst their presence is welcome, I believe we must remind them of the Woodsbridge Code.""Obedience to the Authorities, Discipline to the School, Servitude to the Headmaster," replied the mass of boys below, as one."Very good. Whilst so far, every group has presented some form of entertainment for the Headmaster, I have just been informed that these lovely ladies have chosen not to."There was instant booing from around the audience. The girls began to feel extremely alienated. The Head of School held up his hands, and silence fell over them all."Yes, I can understand your dissatisfaction with these girls. But, do we offer them a change at redemption and entertainment simultaneously?"Instantly, they all began to clap. They were so much better behaved when an adult was nearby. Tasha shifted from foot to foot, unsure of what to do now.After a gesture from Mr. Lee, two janitors quickly pulled a long pole primarily used for extending the stage length up onto the platform, affixing it to two smaller, vertical poles. Mr. Lee walked up behind Tasha and grabbed her tie, pulling her forward in a very master-and-slave relation. He brought her in front of the pole and turned her around, so the audience had a good view of her back. Then, he pushed her down, until her face was level with the waist-height pole. Pulling her back, he picked up her limp hands and placed them on the pole.Immediately, the other seven girls joined her. It was a very uncomfortable position, and they all had a sickening feeling what was going to happen.Carefully, Mr. Lee reached around Tasha's waist, much to the applaud of the audience. He unclipped her leather belt, and held it firmly in one hand. Then, he grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it down to make a pool around her ankles.What a day to decide to wear black tight briefs. The cheering in the audience seemed to skyrocket, although Tasha couldn't see what was going on. At least, until she felt the harsh smack of her own belt against her buttocks.She yelped in pain, leaning forward, only to have Mr. Lee push her down again. He hit her with the belt again, although this time he kept a hand on her neck to keep her from moving. He hit her again and again, each time to the enjoyment of the male audience."Now, we all know that she has these wretched undergarments on, which, undoubtedly, soften the blows to mere pricks."Mr. Lee grabbed Tasha's underwear and pulled them down with her skirt, revealing an exposed bottom for the 300 or so massed boys. There was more wild cheering as Mr. Lee slapped her again with her own belt. Tasha had difficulty holding back her tears. Every slash was like a nasty bee sting.After maybe five minutes of non-stop belting and near-crying, Mr. Lee picked up Tasha's tie and pulled her to face the crowd. Tasha barely managed to hide her crotch between her legs as she stood before the gaping males."Now, her colleagues have done nothing but stand around, unlike this young lady. She will be moved to a nearby wall, where she will remain for the remainder of the immediate entertainment."He pulled the tearing girl to the back of the stage (which was still very visible) and pushed her down on her knees. He then grabbed her hands and pulled them behind her head, lacing her fingers together as he spread her legs apart. It was an uncomfortable corner time position to hold, and she couldn't even reach her swelling backside.The next half hour was a mix of physical and emotional pain. She could here her schoolmates being slapped furiously by Mr. Lee to the enjoyment of the boys, whilst her own bare knees cried in pain at the prolonged pressure put on them. At every interval Mr. Lee would quickly inspect her, making sure her posture was proper."Now ladies, front and center," said Mr. Lee, after the final girl had broken down into sobs. The girls stood up and walked to the front of the stage, trying to conceal their vaginas from the sex-hungry adolescents. Every girl but Tasha had bowed their head. Tasha, however, continued to look defiantly into the crowd."Now, these young offenders have all paid for their offenses to the school, but have they paid each and every one of you individual gentlemen?""No!" replied the crowd, unanimously."That is, indeed, correct. Whilst this is neither the time nor the place for the event, please visit the second floor classrooms, should you desire additional compensation."There was much fanfare as the girls were marched semi-naked down the stage and between the tables, out of the gymnasium and up onto the second floor."Well, I must say that was an interesting performance," said the Headmaster, joining up with Mr. Lee."H-how?" sobbed one of the girls, covering her crotch with her two hands. Instead of replying, the Headmaster simply pulled out a tape recorder from his blazer and hit the play button."I agree to whatever activity you have planned for us," came the girl's voice."Now, technically you agreed to anything the school did that is not directly illegal. Voluntary beatings are, indeed legal. I'm not so sure about..." he trailed off.Mr. Lee dragged them onto the second floor, where classroom doors had been left unlocked. Whilst the Headmaster waited outside, Mr. Lee grabbed Tasha's tie and dragged her into the nearest classroom. He locked the door behind her."Young lady, our school is dedicated to providing an excellent education in all features of a young man's life. Don't take it personally - you're just a tool."Tasha was still too stunned to say anything. Mr. Lee walked right up to her and carefully undid her tie. Tasha didn't resist. He then pulled out her leather belt that she'd been spanked with. Pulling her wrists behind her back, he looped the belt around her, then improvised a hole through the leather, effectively binding Tasha's hands."Please, don't," begged Tasha. Instead of replying, Mr. Lee pushed her onto a nearby desk and pulled off her shoes. He had a clear view of her vagina, but she was beyond caring. Taking off her socks, he stuffed one gray garment into her mouth, and then cleave gagged her with her own tie.Tasha began silently weeping, but to no avail. Mr. Lee stretched her remaining sock around her eyes, effectively blindfolding her. Tasha lay, blind, gagged and restrained, on the cold floor of the classroom as Mr. Lee made sure the windows were locked before turning off the lights."I'll be very disappointed if you don't satisfy our boys," he whispered. He turned off the lights and locked the door behind her.ENDThis work is the product of Mr. Universe. If you have comments, suggestions, criticism or anything of the like, please e-mail me at*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 50
Rochelle stepped off the elevator and looked at her phone again. The text message read "Room 332." She looked at the sign in the hallway and followed the arrows until she found the right room. She was wet with anticipation. She had never met the man on the other side of the door, at least not in person, but meeting her internet friends was one of her favorite activities when her husband was out of town. And her internet friends were happy to oblige as Rochelle was quite a stunning young lady. She was a petite girl with raven hair and olive skin. Her innocent face was defied by a body that was built for sex, and at 24 years old, she had had her fair share. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door. After a moment the door opened and there stood AJ. "Come in," he invited. Rochelle stepped through the door and removed her coat. As she did, AJ took in the vision of beauty that was before him. Underneath her trench coat she was dressed to impress. A tiny black top barely concealed her large breasts. A matching black mini skirt hugged her hips and barely concealed her round ass that was trying to peek out from underneath. Black thigh highs and 4 inch heels finished off the look."You look stunning," he said as he continued to look her, up and down. "Thanks," she replied in a sweet southern accent that AJ had heard before on the phone. It sounded even sweeter in person.Rochelle arched her back, stretching to try and remedy some stiffness but the unintended result was to push her tits out even farther, and increase the stiffness of her onlooker. "Sore?" AJ inquired."Yeah a little, my back has been a little stiff.""Take you top off and come over here and have a seat on the edge of the bed. I'll see if I can help a little."Rochelle complied, pulling her top over her head, revealing an incredible pair of breast, and despite the warm temperature in the room an erect pair of nipples. She moved over to the king size bed and sat on the edge as instructed. "I might as well get comfy too," AJ said as he pulled of his shirt, revealing a hairy chest, followed by his pants, leaving him with just a pair of black boxer-briefs. He then proceeded to climb on the bed behind Rochelle and placed his hands on her shoulders. He began rubbing her shoulders, then sliding up to her neck, then down kneading his thumbs and knuckles into her tense muscles. She let out a soft moan and spread her legs slightly. Doing so caused her skirt to ride up, revealing the garters holding her thigh-highs in place. AJ continued to move his hands up and down her naked back. "Is that better?" he asked. Rochelle just nodded an affirmative. He continued his ministrations, and with each pass his hands wandered a little farther. As he moved upward he would slide his hands up her neck, and through her silken hair. When he moved downward, his thumbs found the waistline of her skirt, it inched down slightly, revealing the crack of her ass, and making it apparent that she was not wearing any underwear. As he continued to rub he looked over Rochelle's shoulder and watched as her hand traced a path up the inside of her leg. She began to spread her legs even farther than before, and as her hand approached her skirt, AJ stopped and grabbed her hand, preventing her from attending to the wetness that was growing between her legs. "No." He whispered into her ear. "Not yet."He stood up and motioned for her to do the same. "Take your skirt off," he instructed. She silently complied revealing a garter belt, and a totally bare pussy. It was visibly wet, even from his vantage point. "Lay down on the bed, face down," he ordered, and again without hesitation she did as instructed. AJ once again joined her on the bed, continuing his massage, now with access to even more of her nubile body. He started at her neck again, moving down her back, and continuing on to her beautiful ass. He pushed his fingers into the supple tissue, sometimes pushing her cheeks apart to reveal a tiny balloon-knot asshole and a very pink, very wet pussy. And as he continued to move further down her body he would slide his hands between her legs, getting perilously close to her pussy, he wouldn't make contact. At least not yet. As the teasing continued, AJ noticed that Rochelle was slowly starting to grind her pelvis into the bed, in a vain attempt to stimulate her burning clit. As soon as he realized what she was doing, he flipped the young girl onto her back denying her the ability to quench the growing fire. He pulled her legs apart so she couldn't even squeeze them together to provide any relief, and continued his massage, up her legs, across her taut belly, but stopping just shy of her firm tits. Rochelle was literally panting now. AJ could see her engorged clit sticking out from under its hood. He knew she was ready now. Reclining on the bed next to her, he leaned over and started blowing on her clit. Teasing her even farther, but she was finally close to getting some attention where she had been longing since she set foot in the room. He placed his hand on her hip and began to pull her body on its side, closer yet to relief. She was almost insane with desire, but Rochelle was still able to recognize what AJ wanted... to have her roll on top of him in a 69. She was more than happy to oblige if only he would finally make her cum. Rochelle began to roll with him, as he moved onto his back, and she straddled his face. She reached into his boxers, pulled his dick out, leaned down and began to suck it. The instant her lips touched him, he began to suck on her clit, and in what seemed like an eternity for her, but just a moment for AJ, Rochelle was having her first orgasm of the day. He lapped up the nectar that was flowing from her aching pussy. He reached up and grabbing her upper things, spread her pussy open so he could get his tongue in as deep as possible, sliding it in, twirling it around, and withdrawing it, so he could continue sucking on her clit again. Rochelle was completely lost in the moment. She was alternating between sucking on the head of AJ's cock, while she jerked the shaft with one hand, letting go just long enough to suck the entire length into the back of her throat, massaging it with her throat muscles for a moment then withdrawing, only to start all over again.Soon, AJ could take no more and he rewarded Rochelle with a mouth full of hot cum. That was enough to send her over the edge again, and she began to shudder again with her second orgasm of the night.Needing to catch her breath for a moment, Rochelle sat upright while still straddling AJ's eager mouth. This change of position gave AJ better access to Rochelle's asshole. He did what and red blooded man would do and slid his tongue as far into her ass as it would go. Rochelle cried out in pleasure, and began pulling on her own sensitive nipples as AJ continued to slide his tongue in and out of her now well lubricated asshole. It didn't take long before Rochelle was crying out from another orgasm, and as soon as the waves subsided, she rolled off of him and lay down on the bed, still trying to catch her breath. AJ wasn't going to give her the chance. "Get on your knees, Bitch!" AJ barked at her. Without saying a word she got on her hands and knees, sticking her ass out in his direction, and looking over her shoulder at him, with a look of wanton desire. AJ got behind her on the bed grabbed his dick, slapped it against her clit a few times, and then placed it at the entrance to her dripping pussy and with one motion, grabbed her hips, thrust forward and buried his prick to the hilt in her hot pussy. Rochelle let out a scream and AJ withdrew almost the entire length before driving it back home again. He continued to hold her hips and pull her towards him until she picked up the rhythm on her own. Rochelle reached back and began rubbing her clit, flicking it with her fingernail and pinching it between her thumb and index finger. AJ also made use of his free hand and grabbed a handful of Rochelle's hair and pulled on it causing her to look straight ahead. She could see their reflection in the mirror, and watched as AJ's cock slid in and out of her pussy and the image was enough to push her to the brink. It wasn't long before her cum was once again pouring from her pussy, running down her legs and soaking the bed linens beneath them. AJ enjoyed the sensation of Rochelle's orgasm he could feel the walls of her pussy twitching and squeezing at his hard cock. As soon as the last signs of her orgasm passed, AJ pulled his cock from her pussy. He looked down and could see her gaping cunt, still dripping her sweet juices.He gave Rochelle a loud swat on her ass, and then fell back onto the bed. He pulled the young girl on top of him and she once again straddled AJ, only this time, she was straddling his hard cock. She required no further instruction and grabbed the cock, aimed it at her open cunt hole and dropped down, impaling herself on the staff. At its deepest she could feel the member pushing against her cervix. But better than that, this angle had the extra benefit of stimulating her g-spot as well. She began bouncing up and down on AJ's cock, trying to bury it as deep into her pussy as it would go. By this point Rochelle was hardly connected to reality. She was so hot, so wet, so horny, so exhausted, so eager to be defiled, she would have been hard pressed to remember her own name. So when AJ began playing with her clit as she continued to bounce, it took her to a different place. She began to orgasm again, but this was stronger than before, more intense. Wave after wave crashed over her and wave after wave of her pussy juice came flowing from her stuffed cunt. After the last wave subsided, she rolled off of AJ, still weak from the convulsions her body just endured. AJ, however, was actually getting his second wind, having basically laid there for the last several minutes enjoying the fruits of Rochelle's labor. AJ hopped off the bed, and grabbed Rochelle's ankle and pulled her to the edge of the bed, so that her legs were hanging off. She appeared to be a bit low for what he had in mind, so he grabbed a couple of pillows from the head of the bed and placed under her pelvis. "You like it in the ass, you dirty slut?" AJ asked.Rochelle just nodded her head. AJ stuck a finger in his moth to wet it, then proceeded to slide it in the young girl's asshole to test and see how lubed up she was. His finger slid in with ease. Having passed the test, AJ grabbed his prick, aimed it at her ass and slowly pushed the head in past the tight opening. Rochelle briefly flexed her asshole, massaging the head of AJ's dick. "You *do* like it in the ass, don't you? You're such a dirty fucking slut."He pushed more of his hard cock into her asshole. Four inches... Five inches... Farther and farther until it was all the way in. Once buried, he started to withdraw his cock, establishing a rhythm that still had all of the force of their previous fucks, but at a slightly slower pace.Rochelle began to play with her nipples again, pulling them and rolling them between her thumb and index finder. "You fucking ass-slut. You've wanted it in the ass this whole time haven't you?"The words were lost on Rochelle. She was already starting to feel the first signs of another climax starting to build. AJ recognized she was getting close again, and slid a finger into her pussy as he continued to plunge his big dick into her tight asshole. She didn't even react to the finger so he briefly withdrew it and replaced it with two. The young nymph let out a moan, but it was hard to tell if it was from the fingers massaging her g-spot or from the cock buried in her colon. AJ was going to add a third finger, but just before doing so decided that there wasn't much difference between three and four, so pulled the two probing digits out, and slid in all four fingers from his right hand. Rochelle's hungry cunt gobbled them up, up to the knuckles. AJ began wiggling his fingers almost tickling her g-spot. Then, all at once her body clenched up, her asshole tightened around AJ's cock, and she began gushing cum from her pussy. This sent AJ over the edge, and he began to pump his hot cum deep in her ass, squirt after squirt, as her asshole milked his softening prick.He withdrew is cock and fingers and joined her on the bed. The both lay there motionless for several minutes before either had the energy to speak."How long is your husband out of town?" AJ asked, breaking the silence."He'll be back late tomorrow." Rochelle replied."Can you stay a little longer tonight? I have a surprise for you.""My God, I'm exhausted. I don't know what kind of surprise it is, but I hope it doesn't involve me moving a lot.""I'll let you be the judge."AJ got up and strolled over to the door that connected to the adjoining room. He opened the door, disappeared for just a moment, and returned, with what appeared to be the biggest German Shepherd that Rochelle had ever seen.It had been nearly a year since she'd been fucked by a dog and she had been craving it for quite some time. AJ found out about it when their online flirtation got a little graphic one night, and was all too happy to oblige Rochelle in her bestial quest."This is Sarge," AJ said. "He's a retired police dog.""He's magnificent!" Rochelle exclaimed. "Get him over here!"AJ snapped and the dog galloped across the small suite and stood at the edge of the bed. Rochelle hauled herself up and scooted to the edge of the bed so that she could have Sarge lick her pussy. Sarge could already detect the aroma of fucking in the room and it didn't take him long to discover the source. In seconds he had his head between Rochelle's legs, lapping away at her juicy pussy, sliding his long tongue deep into her inviting twat. Her asshole had not quite returned to normal form yet and Sarge was also happy to slide his tongue in and lap at AJ's cum. This went on for several minutes. Rochelle was still too exhausted to cum just yet, but she didn't want to anyway. She wanted to let this one build for a while. She knew this handsome beast would have her cumming over and over, so no sense in rushing things. "I think he's almost ready," AJ informed his friend."Well get him up here then, and let's see."Rochelle patted the top of the bed and the big dog faithfully obeyed, jumping up next to her. She noticed his pink cock already starting to poke out from its sheath. His knot wasn't even out yet and he was already six inches long. She coaxed the dog onto his side and grabbed the bright pink shaft and looked over at AJ."Are you going to suck that dog cock or what?" AJ asked."Would you like to see me suck this dog dick? Would you like to watch me swallow his cum?" she playfully teased back at him."You fucking bitch. You know damn well it doesn't matter if I want to see it or not. You're so hot for that dog you couldn't wait to suck and fuck him the instant you saw him."Rochelle didn't have a response. She just looked AJ right in the eye as she leaned over and wrapped her lips around the hot dog cock she was holding. She bobbed her head up and down on the pointed prick, taking it deeper into her throat each time. As Sarge's knot slipped from his sheath, he began to shoot his hot pre-cum. Rochelle's felt it shooting into her throat, and pulled her head up so she could suck on the tip and savor the familiar flavor. It had been far too long since she had tasted any dog cum and she was determined to enjoy every drop right now. She was so wrapped up in her first doggy blowjob in ages she didn't notice AJ get behind her, but she did notice when he shoved his hard cock back in her pussy. She stopped only for a moment to glance back at him. "Don't let me stop you, ya dog sucking whore." The words went straight to Rochelle's pussy. The nastiness of it all set her on fire. But as much as she was enjoying the dirty talk and the fucking and the doggy blowjob, she knew that if she waited too long, Sarge's knot would get too big and she wouldn't be able to get it inside of her, so she reluctantly pulled the dog cock from her mouth and announced, "It's time for Sarge to fuck me!"AJ was enjoying himself, but never having seen a woman fuck a dog he was okay stopping so he could continue to watch this spectacle unfold. Rochelle got on her hands and knees and with a little coaxing soon had Sarge on her back, desperately trying to find a warm wet place to put his still growing cock. AJ reached under the pair and grabbed Sarge's cock and aimed it right at Rochelle's dripping pussy. As soon as he felt the warmth, he lurched forward and buried about half of his cock in her pussy. Another thrust had had all but the knot buried in her pussy. With one last thrust he pushed in the tangerine-sized knot into Rochelle's pussy. She screamed, "Oh, fuck me!" then braced herself as Sarge began to savagely thrust in and out of her pussy. Each time he would pull out AJ could see her pussy lips stretch around the knot, then her pussy would distort inward on his powerful thrust forward. Sarge's knot had been growing since before he stared fucking her and it showed no signs of stopping. Before long it was the size of a baseball, and Rochelle could feel every bit of it stretching the walls of her pussy. "Jesus, you fucking dog slut, you weren't kidding. You'll fuck about anything won't you? Want me to go out and find a couple of strays to suck on while Sarge is stretching out your pussy?" AJ was trying to get a rise out of her.Her only response was to cry out in ecstasy as an orgasm swept over her.Sarge's strokes were getting shorter and shorter. His knot was the size of a fist, and it was preventing him from withdrawing. He was no longer shooting precum. Instead rope after rope of white creamy dog cum was shooting into her waiting cunt. The intense stretching and the sensation of Sarge's cum shooting into her womb was enough to send her over the edge again. She cried out once more, quivering as she did so.Sarge had done his part by trying his best to make some puppies with this bitch, but he couldn't dismount just yet. His giant knot was still hopelessly lodged in Rochelle's battered cunt. Only time would remedy this situation.AJ had other ideas though. He saw no reason for the show to end now. "You dog fucking whore. You're pussy is full of dog cum isn't it?" He reached down under the pair, and hoped to slide a finger in past Sarge's knot, but it was still too swollen. Instead he decided to stimulate Rochelle some more. He flicked his finger across her clit and started teasing and playing with it again; as he did this Rochelle predictably started to cum again. It wasn't a huge orgasm like before, instead it was just little intense muscle spasm. AJ noticed that when he played with her clit her pussy would contract, and that sensation caused Sarge to cum more, as his balls would twitch too every time Rochelle's pussy would contract.After several more minutes, Sarge's knot finally shrank enough to pull out with a "plop." He hopped off the bed, and trotted back to the room he came from, presumably to go lick himself. AJ looked at Rochelle who was still collapsed on the bed with her ass still in the air. "Jesus, your pussy is wrecked!" and indeed it was. Lewdly gaping open with white sticky dog cum leaking out, it looked almost freakish. Rochelle didn't mind though. She had taken knots almost as big before, and she knew it would be back to normal in a day or two. A couple minutes later, Rochelle reached back and began to scoop the creamy mess from her cunt. She loved the taste of dog pre-cum and dog cum, but she liked it even more when it was mixed with her own juices. Back and forth she went, scooping out as much as she could, licking her fingers clean each time, hoping to savor every last drop. "That was amazing!" Rochelle finally gasped after lying motionless for a moment. She went to AJ, pulled him down, kissed him and whispered "next time, see if you can find a Dane."Continued in part 2...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 74
Author's Note: This is the first story I have ever posted on Kristen's Collection.***How I became a father at 16 on my sister's 13th birthday, she gave birth to our daughter.Hi my name is Robert, I am 16, My sister Ann 13.How it all happened.Dad was killed drunk driver when I was 12 and so mum has been looking after us as full-time, money has been tight since then, but us kids have been fine with it.After dad's death Ann always stayed needing my support. I didn't mind it, and at times she or I had been away from each other for more than a full day we always hugged each other, we were that close.I got a paper route from 13 till 15 when the company changed to car deliveries, all the money I made helped pay the bills, mum was proud of me.A few weeks before my 16th birthday mum got a part-time job, so all was going fine bills paid on time and a bit more food on the table.Mum asked me what I wanted for my birthday. My reply was, "Nothing not even a party. Just keep it quiet and save the money."I did not know it at the time but she decided to get a one-line lottery ticket for me with the birthday numbers of us as the main numbers.My birthday was on a Saturday and I woke with mum and sis walking in with a tray of food saying happy birthday.I was happy for this, when I had finished my food mum walked back in and handed me a envelope and said, "I know you said you wanted nothing, but this is your present, I hope it will be lucky to you, of course if you win I get all the money since you are under age."I turned to mum smiling and said, "that sounds about right, you by the ticket, I win, and you take the winnings thanks mum."She know I was joking, it was just the thought that counted was what I was thinking, Mum then said "I was asked yesterday but forgot, they want me to go to work today for the Avro shift and am willing to pay me extra for it too."I replied, "Mum, that's good news. Yes you go to work, Ann and I'll have a bit of fun at home. I will even cook dinner if you, do you feel like spaghetti?"Mum replied, "You're the best son a mother could have."I got up and dressed, just after lunch mum left for work, Ann and I was watching TV it was getting boring so I decided to change to a movie, it had already started, I did not see the rating and mum trusted us so she did not use the prenatal lock out.It had a bit of horror in it and at one scene Ann jumped and started to cry, I changed it to another channel, and Ann came and sat on my legs to settle down, She was hugging me for support.She had charmed down, but that is when we say there was a soft porn on the TV, I tried to reach the remote but Ann kept moving to stop me, things were getting going well on the show and I started to realize my cock was now pouching into Ann's bottom a bit, she had to fill it.I said, "We should not be watching this."Ann replied was to get up move the remote out of my reach and then she just there and then striped right in front of me.I said, "Ann, what are you doing?""Well happy birthday! I wanted to give you something, so I am your present, and no you are not sending it back"I looked at the 13 year old naked, you could see the tits had started to fill out they were A if not B size, but when I looked down, I saw one hell of a camel tow, My sister was a hot women not a kid.My brain was being run by my cock, I got up off the couch and started to kissing Ann, I have seen and heard of what to do so I started doing it, my hand was all over her.I stopped after a few min to strip then I sat down on the chair and said, "I don't want to hurt you, so you can get up here and do the deed yourself."We was still looking at the movie, Ann got up and directed my cock to her and while holding my neck with her other hand she started to take my cock.It slipped pass her lips and was sinking in, just after my head was in we hit a snag, her hymen, Ann lifted and tried again but it was hurting her so much, oh her 3rd try I was getting pissed and pushed her down hard, that did the trick but Ann was screaming and crying.Her hymen must have been thick, there was a bit of blood on my lap, Ann did not move for a while she looked at me and I said "Sorry, it needed to be done, but I do love you for the present"She hugged me then started to lift up, me cock head was all that was left till she dropped back down, she kept doing this, she was riding me while I was playing with her tits.She started to make some weird noises and I was getting close to blowing, a few seconds later Ann took my hole cock and started to scream again, her cunt was clamping on my cock.That was too much for me and bam I blow my load, my first load ever in a girl, Ann must have passed out.My cock did not deflate at all, I gave her a few min to come too, then felt her moving again, she started to mown back up and down, when she opened her eyes she looked into my eyes and then started to kiss, this time we were making LOVE.We lasted 5min before she had another orgasmic, when she came I did too, after a few min she just hugged me, my cock did not fully deflate, so I got up from the couch, she wrapped her legs around me and I carried her to the shower.I fucked her in the shower against the wall, her feet was not touching the floor the hole time, after finished we separated and dried each other, I helped her to her bead and when her head hit the pillow she was out cold.I went down to the couch and cleaned up the mess, there was a slight bloodstain that took a min to clear up, after cleaning up I headed to my bed, I woke 1hr before mum was going to be home, I started dinner then went and woke Ann up, she saw it was me and smiled, she took the sheet of her and I saw there was a red wet spot on her bed, she got up and headed to the bathroom to clean herself up, I changed her sheets before she got back.She got dressed and we headed down to the kitchen, Mum walked in just as we served dinner, mum said "I hope you 2 had a great day", I looked at Ann she looked at me and we started to chuckle, mum said "So that is a yes then"That night we did not get to bed till after 11pm, while I was laying down, I heard Ann walking in, she striped off and crawled in to my bed, she said "I am staying here tonight, also brother I do not regret what we did today, and I am willing to do it every day if you want"I placed my arm around her and she said, "Just not tonight, I'm still raw from today. I'll tell you when I'm good to go again."I kissed her and we just laid there hugging, we fell to sleep like this, It was 9am when I woke to mum knocking on my door, I covered up Ann, just as mum came in Ann started to moving about, I had to hold her so mum did not see her, Mum said "Time to get up, make sure you let that girl out of the house you have under your cover, yes I know you have someone under there I can tell, After she is gone can you make sure Ann is up too please."I replied, "no problem mum, Ann and I will be down for breakfast soon."Just after mum left, Ann started to giggling, I pulled the cover back and said, "We almost got court then, and you are giggling at it"Ann replied, "Well look at it, mum thinks I am another girl, I love the thought."I looked into her eyes and gave her a kiss and then said, "well, we better get up then, or mum will catch us"It took Ann 2 days to fill better between her legs, so from then on when mum was not home Ann and I was together fucking like Rabbets.4 days after my birthday, mum came home and said to us, "I found out at work today, the shop sold the winning ticket, but no one has claimed it"I looked at her and said, "how much is the ticket worth."She replied, "2.5 Million dollars."Ann said, "Shit!"Mum was about to say something to her about the language when I said "do you know the numbers"Mum started to say the numbers, I remembered what was on the ticket mum gave me, she must have forgotten,I froze when she was reading what I had, mum looked at me and I passed out from not breathing.I came too with Mum and Ann shacking me, when I opened my eyes Ann said, "Robert, are you ok?"I slowly reached for my wallet and handed the ticket to mum. She looked at the numbers and the blacked out ones too, and said, "What's wrong with you two?"I replied, "Ann, remember the ticket Mum got for me," Ann nodded her head."Well, it is worth 2.5 million dollars."Ann screamed and started to jump around, mum came to from Ann's scream and said, "Well you are one lucky birthday boy, we can now do whatever we ever want."I replied, "Mum can we keep it quiet, otherwise we will have people wanting money off us all the time."Mum replied, "Yes I think so too."We went to the shop and since they know us, we did not say a word, when they scanned the ticket and it started to play sounds, mums boss said "You know what you have here"Mum replied "Keep it quiet please, we don't want it public."Just then the phone started to ring, it was the Lotteries Auth wanting to talk to the winner, mum told them we are going to keep it quiet, they understood it.It took a week for the money to be in the account, Mum kept working so she was not board at home, we were on cloud 9.5 months later I saw Ann was starting to get a bit of a belly on her, she was also hungry more often, Mum just thought she was going through puberty.Then one day just after school Ann came up to me on the way home and said "Robert we have a problem, My teacher noticed I was having changes, she took me to another room and asked me some questions, she thinks I am pregnant, she has been great and handed me this test and said I should do this at home in private, I want you there when I do it please"I held Ann hand and we walked home, when we walked inside Mum was home and saw Ann holding my hand, she was looking at us, I said "Mum please don't be mad, but we might have a problem here."Mum replied, "What's the problem."Ann pulled out the pregnancy test box and showed mum.It looked like there was steam coming out of mum's ears until she said, "You and your sister."I replied softly "Mum yes, since my birthday"Mum had to sit down before she would fall down, she said "Ok one step at a time, first Ann you will have to drink a lot of water for the test, after we do the test we will go from then."Ann went and hugged mum and said, "Thanks mum, I am a bit scared."The test turned positive so the next day mum took Ann to see the doctor, After tests and ultrasounds they found out I was going to have a daughter, I was not allowed the go with them just in case, but found out mum had told the doctor who the father was so he had done some other test too.When Ann walked onto the house she went right up to me and said "You are going to have a daughter, I have already told mum no matter what I am keeping the child"I gave her a kiss right on her mouth and mum saw it and said, "so I think there is no going back, what are we going to say to people with Ann pregnant with your kid, and the doctor knows who the father is, he is keeping it quiet for us."The next day Ann had told her teacher about the problem and that we are going to keep it quiet she also told her teacher who the father is.By the 6th month most of the school know Ann was pregnant, by 8 months Ann was having problems walking, being young, she was restricted to the house for her safety.It was the day before Ann birthday, I was in class when the principle walked in and handed me a message, it said Ann was going into the hospital, I grabbed my bag and run out the class, I was 1/2 way down the corridor then the principle yelled to me to stop.He came up and said "I will drop you off to the hospital, I know you are a close family and want to be there for her, let me get my keys"I got dropped off and a nurse walked me to the maternity word, mum had told them to let me in.Ann was in labor for just over 14 hours, mum and the doctor was talking about if Ann should try natural or have a c section due to her age, they both agreed to try natural first but she was going to have to be watched.At 12:30am Ann gave birth to a bountiful baby girl naturally (she only had a little tearing), the doctor did do some test on Zelda and we found out a few days later she was a fine girl.There was words said about what to put down as the father, Ann was the one to say to put mine down, I gave her a kiss in the room in front of everyone.At lunch we had a knock on Ann's room door, It was the principal and Ann's teacher they had flowers and a card signed by all her class.I did not leave Ann's side for the hole time she was in labor and while she was in the hospital.It was only a few days before we got home, Mum had agreed to change Ann's room into Zelda's room, Anna's bed was still there too, my bed got a upgrade to Queen size as mum know I was not going to leave Ann for anyone, Ann and I were lovers and that was that.Ann was put on the pill just after having Zelda, just so an accident did not happen too early, Ann has said that after a year we were going to try for another kid.Mum was not mad with us, the school even supported Ann and helped her to keep her educated, mum looked after Zelda most of the time, but there was times Ann had to take her, I even took Zelda to class a few times.To everyone else I was just the brother, and was there to help, but to just a few people, I was the father of the child.I will never forget the day I had Zelda and while in class she was sleeping in her pram while we all worked, there was a bit of noise, then there was a smell that was getting stronger by the second, Zelda had stunk out the classroom and the hallway, I even had trouble trying to change the dipper from the mess and smell, it was one of the funniest days ever at school.To this day Ann and I are lovers with a child and we love just it.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 85
Treyana refused to become a statistic, despite a few obstacles that she's had in her life. She is a 28 year old African-American single mother of twins and living in a housing project. She had her daughters, Briana and Bernice, 13 years ago when she was only 15. Because of her young pregnancy, Treyana had to drop out of the 10th grade. Being a young teen and taking care of twins was no easy task for the beautiful girl. But she'd gotten a lot of help from her Mom, who herself had Treyana when she was only 15, and grandmother. That only lasted for a few years, however, when her grandmother suddenly became severely ill and bedridden. It was then, on her grandmother's death bed, that Treyana promised her grandmother that she'd one day return to school to graduate. As luck would have it, years went by before she was ever able to attend night school. But still in all, it happened. At 25, Treyana received her G.E.D and promised her Mom that it wouldn't stop there. One year later and while working as a waitress in a nearby restaurant, Treyana began attending a local community college in hopes to receive an associate degree in business administration. And it's opened a whole new world for her. She's met a lot of new friends. One of whom was Brad, a 19 year old white guy who was a linebacker for his high school football team before graduating. They, basically, met when assigned to work together.Dr. Pam Douglas, their business administration professor, paired the students of her class and assigned them several different types of projects to write a report on. Treyana was hoping to be paired with one of the black students but, since she was only one of three, she knew it would be a very slim chance. However, she was paired with 6'3, brown hair, brown eyed, Brad and the two started out with some complications. Dr. Douglas said, "You two are separate business owners who decide to merge your 2 businesses together and form a partnership. I want you two to work on an outline of the business, draw up some type of blue prints or floor plans of the business, and come up with a budget to explain how you intend to finance the business and its ventures. And I expect you to present it to the class in 3 weeks." Before leaving class, the two argued as to what type of business it would be. Brad insisted on a sporting goods franchise while Treyana insisted on a beauty supply store. For a 5'2 woman, Treyana had a voice that carried. So when she would argue, it seemed as if she talking loudly. When they couldn't agree on anything, Brad simply grabbed his books and notebooks and told Treyana, "Sounds to me like somebody hadn't gotten laid in a while. Maybe you won't be so bitchy." He quickly walked out of the class before Treyana could respond. Throughout the day and while attending her other classes, that statement stayed on Treyana's mind. At first, she laughed it off. Getting laid used to be the least of her worries. She's been with her boyfriend, Terrance, for 2 years and they have always been very sexual. In fact, Terrance had often teased her of being a nymphomaniac. But with her work schedule and taking care of the twins, her sex life with Terrance had lessened to just once a week and sometimes less. But she refused to think that Brad had hit a nerve with her."He's just an immature ass teen," she thought. However, days had gone by and then 2 weeks and the two still hadn't begun their project. Often Brad would try to set up a time and place for them to meet but Treyana was too busy with her job to pursue the project with him. Finally, she told him, "I've got an idea. Come up with a plan that we can work on and we can meet this weekend before the project is due. I'll ask my manager if I can have the weekend off and I'll make it up during the week. He'll understand.""Fine," Brad replied, "so where would you like us to meet?""How about your place? Or would your parents be offended to have a black person in their house?""Don't say that, Treyana. My folks aren't like that. My place is fine. I'll pick up some beer and pizza for us to snack on as we're working. The project is due that Friday so hopefully we can put our heads together and work something out." Brad proceeded to write the directions to his parent's house for Treyana and it was a set date.**That Friday, Treyana prepared herself as simple as she could get. She wore a pair of baggy knee high shorts, a t-shirt, and tied a black bandana around her hair. As she put it, she wanted to dress as she would for a weekend around the house kind of event. After 3 bus rides, she arrived at Brad's parents' house at 3 PM. She was impressed to see a BMW parked in their driveway and figured that his parents had great careers. One that she would like to one day have. She knocked on the door and Brad opened the door wearing sweatpants and a tank top. "Oh good, you're here. Were the directions helpful?" Brad asked."Very helpful, thank you," she replied. As Treyana entered the house, Brad looked around outside. "Are you making sure that your white neighbors didn't see the nigger girl coming in the house?""No, I was looking for the car that you drove here in.""Oh, don't worry. I caught the bus here. My boyfriend will pick me up when he gets off of work tonight, if it's okay with you.""Oh sure, I'm sure we're be able to get a lot of our work done and finish it up by Sunday or Monday.""So will I get to meet the couple who conceived you?" Treyana said jokingly."I'm afraid not, Treyana. They had to go out of town this weekend."Treyana suddenly got upset and told Brad, "You son of a bitch. You knew that all alone. I'm not staying in this house alone with you. Just like a typical immature teen, you think you can get an easy piece of ass from this nigger girl. I'm...""NO, TREYANA. I had no idea that they were leaving until this morning. And please stop using that "N" word. I don't feel that way about you and I don't talk like that." Brad grabbed Treyana's hand as she reached for the door to leave and led her to the living room where she could see the work that he'd prepared for their project. She was surprised to see that it was all laid out and well arranged. The budget was prepared and the floor plans were complete, with the help of his father, who once took drafting in college. "All that we have left to do, Treyana, is complete the outline and profile of the business. That's where you come in. I figured that you can put a tender woman's touch to it and make it look good for us." Treyana was impressed for Brad had created a way to incorporate both of their interests into one business by creating an athletic club, which he called, "All n One Athletic Club". The two spent hours coming up with a budget and creating a profile. While working together on it, they occasionally ate pizza, which was delivered minutes after Treyana arrived, and drinking loads of bottles of beers. In fact, Treyana noticed that they were drinking more than they were eating. And it seemed that the beers were non-stop because Brad was always going to the kitchen to retain more beers for them. Finally by 7 PM, they decided to take a break from the project, whereas they continued to eat, drink, and talk a lot. The two sat on the floor of the living room and talked for an hour. Treyana sat on one leg as she extended the other in front of her. This caused her knee high shorts to slide halfway up her legs and reveal her beautiful, firm dark mocha colored thighs."So tell me about yourself, Treyana. What kind of person are you when you're not uptight about anything?" Brad asked."Very funny. Well, I'm 28, mother of 13 year old twins, been there/done that kind of life. My mom's babysitting my darlings right now. Dating a guy for about 2 years and NO, it's not my kids' father.""If you don't mind me asking, where is the father?""Well, we went our separate ways sometime ago after the kids were born. He didn't want any part of them but child welfare department had other plans." Treyana laughed as the beer began taking its toll on her. She was not drunk yet but she could feel that she was pretty tipsy. "So you had the twins when you were young. WOW, you're giving them something to be proud of by futuring your education." Treyana found that strange to be discussed by such a young man."So what about you, Brad? Tell me about you.""Nothing much to tell. My parents own their own import/export business and they asked me to do something with my life other than hang around the house and smoke weed. So here I am.""I see.""You look frustrated, Trayana. What's wrong?""Nothing, just some shit that I go through every now and then. I'm frustrated, fatigued, depressed. Hell, I need to fucking get laid." Realizing what she just said, Treyana's eyes widened and she quickly tried to correct herself. "Ummm, wait. That don't sound right.""Don't worry about it. I know what you mean.""Really?""Sure, just let me know if I can help.," Brad said jokingly."Yeah, right. As if.""And what does that mean?""As if you could help me if I was to let you. Baby please!! I'm too old for you and I've been around the block a few times. You're just looking for a quick lay.""Isn't that what you just said that you needed? A lay?""But... Ummmm... That's different.""What about your boyfriend? Why hasn't he done something about your needs?""Because we're too busy with our jobs and school. We don't have time for each other like we used to.""What time is he coming to pick you up from here?""Well I told him that we will be working on this all night so he figured that he'll come by when he gets off of work after 11."Brad noticed Treyana's full kissably tempting lips and the hardened nipples of her 34C breasts fighting against her t-shirt and replied "Fine, then we have enough time to finish both of our projects." "Both of what projects? We only have one to do, don't we?""Hell no, don't you remember what Professor Douglas told us to do? We have to merge together." Just then and before Treyana can respond, Brad leaped at her and held her face in his hands. He placed his lips on hers and kissed Treyana very passionately. Treyana fought to pull his hands from her face and move her lips from his but he was too strong. She groaned from the embracing and as she tried to speak while still being kissed by Brad, he slipped his tongue into her parting lips. All that she managed to say against his lips were, "What the fuck are you doing, Brad?" But the feel of his tongue against hers brought a new feeling to Treyana that she hadn't felt in months. She stopped fighting it and finally gave in to the passionate kiss, allowing her tongue to swim inside his mouth as well. In time, the groans of rejections turned into moans of pleasure. It felt like the kiss was lasting forever as they often repositioned their faces in every direction. Treyana opened her eyes for a moment and couldn't believe what was happening. "How did we end up like this?" she thought. But never did she make any attempts to stop it.Suddenly, Brad parted from her lips and held her face to his. Though their lips were separated for the time being, they were actually just an inch and a half away from each other. "So what was that for, Brad? Why did you do that?""Why should there be a reason? You're tensed and I would like to help you relax.""Yeah, sure you do. Sorry baby, I know that it's only a nine year difference but you're like a kid to me. Hell, my kids are just a few years younger than you.""That doesn't mean that I can't satisfy you, Treyana.""No Brad, let's get back to our work or maybe I should go home now. I'll just catch the buses again.""Nope, you can't do that. The buses stopped running hours ago. The next one won't be here until tomorrow morning. But if you want to go home, I'll bring you.""Brad, you wouldn't make it out alive if you're seen driving in the housing project where I live. Okay, I'll wait for Terrance to get here. But let's get back to work.""Okay, lets," Brad said. Then he kissed Treyana's full lips again only this time, she didn't protest. Her head was swimming with the effects of the many beers that she'd consumed and she could feel her pussy getting wetter from the passion of it all. Then Brad held Treyana's hand and brought it down to the crotch of his sweatpants. Treyana could feel Brad's stiff cock, which felt like a steel rod in his pants. Without any instructions, Treyana began stroking his cock through the pants and moaning harder through the kisses. At one point, she grasped hold of it and pulled it gently, as if to rip it from his pants. After the moment grew more intense, Brad moved the materials aside and laid Treyana on the carpet where he continued kissing her and she reached over again for his crotch. Only Brad removed her hand and began removing his pants for her. Treyana looked down to see that not only was Brad not wearing any underwear, but his cock was larger than she'd imagine. All her life, growing up in the projects, the word was that white guys had small cocks and that if you wrap your hand around it, it will disappear in your hand. But as Treyana could see, Brad had prime meat between his legs. She wrapped her hand around it to stroke it and there was at least another 5 inches more than her hand could cover. With this new discovery, Treyana's pussy got even wetter and she led Brad's hand inside her pants to play with it. Instead, Brad decided to part from Treyana to remove first his and then her clothes. There was absolutely no protest from Treyana's lips and she felt relieved to have her hardened nipples and wet pussy air out inside the beautiful home. Then Brad began kissing Treyana very passionately on the lips as he lowered the kisses to her ears, her neck, her beautiful breasts, her stomach, and her fine, healthy thighs. Finally, he parted her thighs and lay between them. He looked up at Treyana as he noticed her staring down at him and he darted his tongue up and down her pussy slit, feeling her wetness instantly. Treyana sucked in her breath and she felt her body convulsing from the feel of his tongue. Then his tongue opened her pussy and he licked on and around her swollen clit as Treyana held his head. This was a new feeling for Treyana. Although she's experienced oral sex, she's never had this good. It was like this boy was an expert at eating pussy. And what literally had her wanting to climb the walls was that he licked, and nibbled, and sucked her pussy for what seemed like hours. Treyana sank into orgasms after orgasms. After the 3rd one, she lost count. Then just as she was approaching a massive orgasm, Brad positioned his body over hers and placed his 9 inch stiff cock to her slit. Treyana knew what was about to happen. "Brad, do me a favor.," she said."What's that, baby?""Please pull out when you're about to come. I don't think either of us need any babies right now. It took me too long to..."Without saying another word, Brad began pushing his cock inside her pussy. The feeling of his hard cock spreading her slit apart stopped Treyana in her sentence. With all of the wetness of her pussy, it only took one hard push for his entire cock to enter to the hilt and Brad could feel her tight pussy grabbing his cock like a glove. Treyana went into an orgasmic shock and screamed, "Oh my God!!" Brad pistoned his cock slowly in and out of her gyrating pussy and Treyana began digging her nails into his shoulders. Brad lowered his head and sucked each of her black nipples, then gently bit them. Treyana was going out of her mind. This white teen was like a damn sex god for her. She held on to his muscular body as he raised her legs off of the carpet and held them up in the air, allowing him even deeper penetration. He then picked up the pace and began fucking Treyana's pussy like it's never been fucked before. Treyana began crying as she enjoyed the fucking that she was receiving from the youth. Never would she imagine that a 19 year old boy could give her pussy a fucking that her 29 year old boyfriend neglected to do. Much as when Brad was licking her pussy, Treyana was having constant and consistent orgasms. Treyana glanced down to watch Brad's stiff white cock disappear inside her dark chocolate pussy. She told him that she was cumming hysterically and he looked down at her with lust in his eyes. He watched as her beautiful black breasts rocked back and forth on her chest and this excited him more. Treyana could feel his cock expanding inside her tight pussy as he continued ramming it in and out very fast. She remembered asking him to pull out but her lust wanted to feel his hot white cum splash inside of her pussy. "Fuck me! Fuck me Brad! Fuck the shit out of this nigger pussy, damn it!!"With that, Brad increased the pace even more and the room echoed with the sounds of their hips clapping together. Treyana continued egging him on. They looked into each others' eyes and passion had overflowed the both of them. Brad lowered Treyana's knees to her chest and continued slamming his cock into her wet, tight pussy. Again, Treyana said, "That's right Brad! Fuck this nig!" But Brad stopped her with his lips and they kissed passionately. Then Brad moaned loudly inside Treyana's mouth as he shot a hard load of cum inside of her waiting, convulsing pussy. He could feel her pussy literally sucking the cum from his cock as he shot off more and more loads. After his balls were drained dry of his cum, they lay exhausted in each others arms and lightly kissed each others lips and face. Then as they began kissing passionately, Treyana felt his cock begin to stiffen up inside her pussy. She broke the kiss in surprise and said, "What the fuck is this? I thought you were done, Brad."With that, Brad began pistoning his hard cock in and out of Treyana's cum filled pussy and Treyana burst into several more orgasms. Although round two only lasted a few minutes, compared to 30 minutes before, it was more than Treyana banked on for that evening. Surprising, Brad's cock came back to life constantly and he never hesitated feeding Treyana's pussy with it. Within hours, they fucked off and on about 6 times and in various positions. Each time, loads of cums burst inside Treyana's tight, black pussy.Suddenly, Treyana noticed that her watch had 10:30 PM. They quickly got up and ran into the bathroom and into the warm shower. There, they began joking around with each other's body. As Brad caressed her breasts, Treyana reached down and rubbed Brad's balls. This got his cock up and ready for action again. He cracked a joke with Treyana and told her, "Please don't drop the soap.""Do you mean like this?," she asked as she pretended to let the soap slip from her hand. As she reached down to retrieve it, Brad took her pussy from the back. Treyana had to brace herself to prevent hitting her head on the wall of the shower. After Brad shot another 2 load inside her pussy, they finally completed their showers and themselves. They walked their naked bodies into the living room where they proceeded to dress. After getting dressed, Treyana realized that they still had a lot of work to do with their class project. "What are we going to do about this?," she asked as she pointed to it."Don't worry. We got all weekend, remember? You can come over tomorrow afternoon and after I'm finished with relaxing you, we should be done with it by Sunday night.""Oh, relaxing me, huh?" she asked as they kissed passionately one last time.Within minutes, Terrance arrived and Treyana waved bye to Brad as if they were just friends, rather than new lovers. As far as they could see, he hadn't suspected a thing. But on their drive to her house, Treyana wondered that if she ended up getting pregnant, how would she try to pass it off as Terrance's child. The thought quickly slipped away from her mind because she couldn't stop thinking of the fucking that she'd received that day and how she was looking forward to the rest of the weekend to continue their merging.END
I was extremely excited. I had finally got an appointment with Leonard Jenkins (one of the richest businessmen in the nation). I went through years of college and at only 25 I was already headed for the big time. Some called me a financial wiz kid but I never thought so until my boss told me that the executives of the company wanted to see me. I never dreamed they would send me up this high on the ladder. Although, I knew I was going somewhere when the business magazines started doing spreads on me calling me the "Black Wiz kid." I guess it seemed to empress them even more that I was black and handsome to boot.Suddenly the secretary opened the door and told me to go in to the main office. Once I entered the door I was astonished by the size of the room. It was a huge office that looked like a house. I looked around the huge room for a while until I heard a voice. "Over here kid." I immediately noticed the voice was coming from a sauna at the far left corner of the room where I saw Mr. Jenkins. I immediately walked over and pulled up a chair next to the sauna. "I've heard a lot of good things about you kid." Mr. Jenkins started, "The papers have gone crazy over your fast talk and over confidence. I however think that you still have a lot to learn in this business." All the while he talked I couldn't help but notice that he kept looking at me funny. "I know Sir," I replied, "I just think of myself as a person that just has to be taught the ropes in the industry by someone of your status before I can become anything." A semi-smile came to his face when I said that but I didn't know why. "First thing you have to learn kid is to loosen up. Take off your clothes and get into the water." I hesitated for a second but then I realized that I could ruin this appointment with my business idol, so I stripped in a hurry and jumped in. "You know kid, when I first looked at you I saw something I saw in myself when I was your age. What I see is a kid that would do anything to be rich. Is this true?" I nervously replied, "I guess so." This made his face glow even more.Mr. Jenkins suddenly got up out of the sauna and walked to his desk dripping wet with a big hard-on. He gestured for me to follow him so I did likewise trying to keep from being embarrassed. When I got to the desk he showed me a check he had just written out to me for $1,000,000. Then he turned to me and said, "I'm a man that likes to ask for what I want and right now I want you! With the acceptance of this check I would like to hire you as my sex slave for a month. I've wanted to fuck you for months. Since I'm a man that always asks for what I want I'm asking for you." I hesitated because I had never had sex with a man but was curiously horny (plus I loved money). I kindly agreed and took the check. When I did he immediately went down on my cock like there was no tomorrow. With one slow motion he swallowed my cock and feverishly sucked on it. I was amazed at how good it felt. I got so caught up in it I started holding his head and pumping my dick in and out of his mouth. Before long I couldn't hold it any longer and came in his mouth. I was surprised to see him swallow it all so hungrily. Once I got control of myself I wanted more and so did he. He got up and pulled some kind of grease out of his desk and put a lot of it in his but for some reason. I didn't even care why after he grabbed my hardening cock and greased it good. "I want you to fuck me hard!" I was so horny I thrust my dick in his ass hard. Mr. Jenkins made a load noise showing it hurt but now I didn't care. I pounded his ass fast and hard. For me it felt great but for him it was obviously pain and pleasure due to the size of my dick. The sight of his dick in front of me just bouncing made me fuck harder and faster. Every hit made him moan out real loud till suddenly his dick erupted like a volcano. Cum shot all over his stomach and chest but I kept fucking. After I kept fucking what now seemed a dead body I came in his butt what seemed a gallon. Since he seemed to exhausted to move I just got pulled out, took my check and left him nude on his desk with cum all over him.On my way home I drove by a hooker on the corner near my house and came up with a great idea. I could combine the two things I love most: Money and sex. I could go to all these big business types and work like a call girl. The very next day I started on my conquest. I went back to Mr. Jenkins office and gave him what he wanted then he gave me the names of others in the business he knew liked men (I didn't tell him what I was going to do but asked like I was just curious).The next day was a Wednesday and I had made several calls to a Mr. George Bell. He was a 42 year old entrepreneur with an estate valued at around $300 million. Mr. Jenkins got me the appointment by telling him what a good business man I was. When I first drove up to the huge mansion I was astonished by the great beauty. After the guards let me in I went to the front door where I was greeted by his wife. She was a very beautiful lady that was a famous model as well. "Hello, I'm so very glad to meet you Mr. Banner. I'm sorry I can't stay and talk longer but I have a previous engagement. However, my husband is right upstairs waiting for you in the office at the end of the hall." I smiled, greeting her in return and headed off for the office. Once I got to the end of the hall I came to an open door where he sat filling out papers. "Mr. Bell? Hi, I'm Phil Banner of Intelico Inc." He rose up with a smile and heartily greeted me. "Do you want anything to drink?"I replied no kindly and sat down putting my briefcase in my lap. I quickly surveyed the room and planned a strategy. "Excuse me sir," I said gesturing toward the bathroom. "Could I use your bathroom?" He smiled and said yes to which I got up and headed toward. It was a small cubical about five to ten feet from his desk where I knew he could see me when I left the door open and pulled out my dick to piss. I could see out of the corner of my eye that he had turned around just to see me as I dropped my pants to the floor. While I pissed I turned to see him staring at me with a big bulge in his pants. "Do you get hard like this every time you see a guy's dick?" I said loudly making him embarrassed. He didn't say anything so I just finished up in the bathroom took off my pants and shoes and walked over to his desk with my dick pointing to his face. "Jenkins told me about your afternoon kid," he remarked to my surprise. "I know that you're his slave but I'll give you $100 plus a contract with your company if you suck my dick." No more words needed to be said. I unzipped his pants, pulled them down and then his shorts. His dick was hard and thick but about 6 inches long. I grabbed his nuts with my hands and quickly went down on his dick. I licked it from the base to the tip in circular motions then teased the tip with my tongue. Then suddenly I swallowed his dick and sucked good and hard. It must have been good for him because he gripped his chair tight and curled his toes in his shoes to restrain himself. It took a very short time for him to cum. I loved it though, wildly trying to suck out every drop then licking his dick over and over.When I was through he picked up the intercom and called his exercise instructor to come to his office. I was puzzled as to what he was doing but he explained, "I'll pay to $1,000 to fuck him while I watch." Once he finished a tall, muscular black man walked in. "Strip James!" Bell yelled out. "James hear can give me some of the best pain their is but I'd love to see another black guy give his butt a beating." James immediately got on his hands and knees before me. I could see that his dick was about 10" like mine but not thick (like mine). I walked over to my suitcase and quickly pulled out some KY jelly and smeared it over my dick and in his butt. I thin got right behind him and shoved my dick into his awaiting hole. He screamed in pain (to Mr. Bell's delight) but I wanted him to feel this. I shoved all ten inches in then pulled them out over and over again. His crack was getting so red it looked like an apple but I kept fucking. This monstrous man was being worn out easily. I couldn't take much more though but I wanted him to cum first so I tried to bang his prostate as much as possible. It was to no avail. I erupted in his ass all that was humanly possible as James strained every muscle to contain himself but he suddenly started spurting cum all over the place. He suddenly dropped to the floor and turned over towards me. "I've never been fucked that good before," he said while breathing heavy. Mr. Bell jumped out of his chair and clapped for me as I rose to my feet. "That was magnificent!" he yelled handing me my clothes. "There'll be a bonus $500 for bringing James to the floor."A few minutes later I found myself in my car counting up $1,500 and holding a contract from Mr. Bell for my firm. When I put it in my pocket I got a call on my cellular phone in the car. It was Mr. Bell. "I'd like to have you on the payroll as entertainment costs if you could go to see some of my board directors also." I thought about it for a second and calmly said, "Okay, I'll work them into my schedule." I then hung up and drove off.That very next week I got paid top dollar for having an orgy with three of his top executives while he watched. It was great though. I was a top business advisor, the company's best worker, and the best paid male prostitute in the country. The next week I bought a cherry red Ferrari with the license plate simply stated: "CALLGUY".END
Chapter 8 He was waiting for her when she arrived at the restaurant. "Right on time," He thought to himself. "Wonder what's on her mind?" "Hi! Been waiting long?" she asked as she let him help her with her coat and seat her before sitting back down himself. "Nope," he replied, "just got here. Shall we order, or do you want to tell me what we need to talk about?" He looked into her eyes with such a calm demeanor that Eliza almost melted. "I mean, you usually don't invite me to lunch while you're working, so I figured whatever it was must have been pretty important for you to break your usual routine." He sipped from his water glass, never taking his eyes off her. Eliza started to speak, then stopped; Kit was right, it was unusual for her to make a lunch date with him during the work week. She decided that he deserved better from her, especially considering what she had subjected him to at the sauna the night before, and what he had done for her following "Well, it IS important. I lost track of a significant amount of time last night, and I don't like putting myself and all of you in a situation that could prove disastrous." Kit started to speak, but Eliza held her hand up to forestall his comment. "I know, you aren't worried, but the youngsters should be, and I am for all of you. What would have happened if someone else in the company had stumbled across us last night? And what if you hadn't been there to save me? "None of the others know where I live, and frankly, I'd rather it stay that way; not that I don't trust them, but they are not the security conscious person that you are. They wouldn't mean to divulge my home's location, but it would eventually happen. No, I, we, need to come up with a location that will serve as well as the sauna, but with no possibility of inadvertent discovery. However, I haven't a clue where to begin. What do you think?" Kit sipped again from his water, then was interrupted by the waiter, who gave them menus and took their drink orders. When he had left the table, Kit briefly looked at the menu, then closed it and once again looked at Eliza. "How flush is the company?" Kit asked, taking Eliza by surprise at the apparent non sequitur. "Bear with me a moment; this is related to the problem. Is the company able to expand to another floor, without making the areas free access?" Eliza thought for a moment, and started to reply, when she was interrupted by the waiter who was ready to take their lunch order. She ordered a club sandwich, and Kit ordered a chef's salad, then waited as the waiter withdrew. When he was out of earshot, she started again. "I don't know if I can swing a floor purchase at this time without alerting investors, and I certainly don't want to do that!" She frowned as Kit chuckled, then hissed, "What, you think this is funny? I can't have the stuffy bastards looking into the reasons for a private enclave at company expense; it would ruin the company!" She looked around to see if any neighboring tables had overheard; satisfied, she continued, "Trying to hide that sort of expense would probably trigger an SEC inquiry, to boot. I have a spotless record; I won't jeopardize that!" Kit smiled at her. "Good; I was hoping you'd say that. I have an idea that will require some time to explain. Let's eat, and you go back to work. Instead of going to the sauna after work, go home and call me. I'll bring some beer and a plan." As if by plan, the waiter chose that moment to arrive with their lunch orders. Kit carried on an innocuous dialogue during lunch, Eliza contributing but little, and picking morosely at her food. After paying for lunch, Kit escorted Eliza from the table and parted ways with her at the door. "See you later," he said with a smile, then turned away. Eliza made her way back to her office and slogged through a small pile of phone messages that had materialized while she was out. She eventually got so into her backlog of work that she was surprised when her assistant poked her head into the office to inform her that she was leaving for the evening. Eliza looked up to see that it was close to 6 pm. "My goodness," she said, "it is time to leave, isn't it?" With that, she bid her assistant good night, and started to gather her things to go home. As she locked her door for the night, she remembered to tell Suni that she was headed home, only to find that she was the last person in the office. "Hmm," she thought to herself, "I really was out of touch with reality today. I suppose I had better pay attention on the way home, or I'll end up in White Plains!" With that, she left the office and headed home. As she approached her door, she noticed a note posted on the number plate. Taking it down, she read, "Meet me in the train station." The note was signed simply, "K". She went inside and quickly changed into jeans and a t-shirt, slipped into some sandals, and took the staircase down to the unused fallout shelter, where she was surprised to see that Kit had set up a couple of chairs around a large table, with large stand lights illuminating the tabletop, upon which he had placed a large sheet of drafting paper. Looking closer, Eliza saw an involved set of blueprints. Just then, she heard a whistled snatch of an Irish jig. Looking up, she saw Kit entering the cavernous room carrying a small cooler and a basket. Walking up to the illuminated area and setting these down, he explained, "Thought you might want a bite and a beer," and leaned in for a quick kiss before sitting down. "What is this?" Eliza asked, totally amazed at the incredible amount of work the blueprints represented. "How in the world did you do this so quickly?" "Oh, well, I had been working on a project that was canceled, and just happened to still have these plans lying around taking up space, so I dusted them off and made a couple of mods. Didn't take but about an hour to get what you see ready." "What do you mean, 'working on a project that got canceled'? What else do you do besides put up with cranky tenants like me?" she asked, smiling to take the edge off the question. In answer, Kit asked, "How do you pay your rent?" Eliza frowned, then answered, "Through a rental agency; why?" "Have you ever wondered who owns the building?" Kit's slow grin emerged, and suddenly Eliza was speechless. Here she had thought he was 'only' the superintendent of the building... "Who are you... really?" she finally managed to sputter, sure that she was blushing furiously. As Kit started to chuckle again, she was sure of it. "Well, I became an architect thirty years ago, and as luck would have it, managed a pretty good living. I bought this building about ten years ago when I found out about this bunker and the railway. Took almost all I had saved, but it was worth it. It has provided enough income that I don't have to slave at design all day, but just the projects I take a fancy to, like the Harley, the donkey engine, the tenant in 401..." He broke off and ducked as Eliza took a swing at him, playfully. "Just a project, eh?" she said, laughing. "I'll show you project..." With that, she jumped up and grabbed Kit's belt and drew him close. "How's this for an unseen problem," she said, kissing him fiercely, and when he started to lean into the kiss, grabbing his crotch with her free hand. "Oops, looks like a design modification is necessary," she exclaimed, reaching for his zipper with her other hand. Kit, surprisingly, stopped her. "What?" she murmured. "Why don't I show you this first, then we'll see about any 'modifications'..." Kit led her back to her chair, leaned over her and explained, "This is your office space. Behind it is this unused area that was originally supposed to be a maintenance corridor. You with me?" "So far," she said, eyes on the drawing. "Well, as it happens, the floor below your company's offices is vacant, having been a failed health club a few years ago. As far as I can tell, it hadn't been touched since the club folded. This right here," he said, pointing to a spot on the blueprint, "is where the genius of this plan comes in." "That's right next to the office door," Eliza said, "where the closet doors are now." "Yup, and the doors will stay right there, too," said Kit, "only there won't be a closet there anymore." At Eliza's raised eyebrow, he continued, "Instead, there will be a cleverly concealed private staircase leading to the next floor down, where this," he said, turning to the next print, "will be the new playground." At this he let Eliza look over the blueprint for what appeared to be a normal gym setup. "What is this, really?" she asked, confused at all the plans. "How am I supposed to swing this? I told you I couldn't..." Kit interrupted her, gently, "It all is being covered by the 'Foundation for Workplace Productivity' grant. I had an idea several years ago to establish a gym that would be offered to office workers at a nominal fee, so as to give them an upscale place to de-stress, free from the normal 'workout' mentality and the testosterone-fueled competitive edge that most gyms are infamous for. "I applied for a government grant, was accepted, and have been applying the results to the floor below yours for about a year. All that needs changing is the entrance. Rather than an entrance from the elevator lobby, this," he said, pointing to the staircase block, "will be the only way in from the outside. There will be, of course, an emergency exit, here, that leads to the stairwell next to the elevator bank. What do you think?" At this, Eliza was, once again, at a loss for words. She looked back and forth, at the blueprint, then at Kit. She eventually managed to ask, "Why us? I mean, why the private entrance and all?" "Because you need a very private and safe place to enjoy your love life, with all the partners that involves, and I needed to apply the grant before it expired. All I did differently was change the entry plan. It'll be ready for use in a week or so." "Won't the government want to inspect the results of the grant?" Eliza asked. "Already done," Kit said. "They don't have to know about the entry change, or the fact that only one company will benefit from the location. They have already seen, and approved the facilities. So, all I have to do is change the closet into a spiral staircase and close off the original entrance. Piece of cake!" "I don't know what to say," started Eliza, only to have Kit kiss her again. "Okay will suffice," Kit answered lightly. "Okay," said Eliza, "now, you said something about a beer and a bite," punctuating the last word with a playful nip at Kit's earlobe. Kit growled, and nipped at her nose, then laughed and grabbed a beer from the cooler, expertly uncapped it, and handed it to Eliza along with a package of Brie, wheat crackers, and a small knife from the basket. After they had finished their beer and polished off the cheese and crackers, Kit asked, "Now what was that about a 'design modification'?" Eliza jumped at him, and Kit grabbed her, laughing...To be continued...
(A story for my pet):Guests were starting to arrive, and she was nervous. They had gone to several other parties before, but this would be the first one that they had held for the group. He stood behind her and rubbed her shoulders and whispered "Relax" into her ear. Then he bit it gently. The "zing" made her giggle and she stepped forward to answer the door.Couples entered the home, and all the men studied her with an air of interest. She stood here with her long brown hair braided down her back, and the dress she wore was made of soft muslin. It was a simple sheath style, and the thin fabric allowed anyone who looked carefully enough to see the darkened nipples of her breasts. A sash gathered the dress at her waist, and the hem was just at her knees. Looking further down her shapely legs, she was barefoot. Besides the gazes of the men, several women studied her too. Their faces held a variety of emotions. Jealousy, eagerness, boredom, and in one case, fear.As a couple, they had joined a group of "like minded folks" who indulged in private pleasures that some might no understand. And if they did, they were either outraged, or, more often than not, secretly jealous. Once a month, they got together and enjoyed themselves. This month, it was their turn to host. As they all made small talk and secret plans, she watched him call for the group’s attention. "Good evening everyone, I hope you are all having a pleasant time! If you will excuse us for a moment, I need to take care of something. I will return as soon as possible." With that, he escorted her from the living room and down the hallway to a small bedroom.Once inside, he gently removed her dress and nuzzled her neck. "If you have any doubts, tell me now." She giggled and answered; "No, I want to do this. For you, and for me." He nodded and smiled. "That’s my good little girl."From a dresser, he removed several items. First came the hood. It was made of leather and went over her head. When she wore it, her eyes were covered and she couldn’t see. The area at the nose was tapered to allow for it, and she could breathe freely. An opening at the mouth allowed for full access so she could speak if need be, as a strap secured the hood under her chin. He tugged the zipper down and closed the hood over her head. In spite of the leather, she could still hear his words, if muffled slightly.A harness came next. He attached it around her so that her arms were secured to her sides, and he tugged her breasts through the openings. With a pinch to each nipple, he smiled at the sight of them growing larger.Next, he guided her to the bed and lay her down across it. Bending her legs so that her ankles came to her buttocks, he wrapped electrical tape around each of her legs to hold them in that position. She could move each leg from side to side and if anyone chose to, hey could hold her open and see her shaved vagina. A shackle went around each wrist and ankle, and he secured them together.Such a lovely sight; she was laying on the bed, open and exposed for all who came in to see. Bending over, he placed a kiss on her clit, then as he felt her shiver, he stood and whispered in the area of her ear; "You will be a good hostess and take good care of our guests tonight. But I will inform our friends of one thing: your ass is mine. No other cock will enter it. Do you understand?" She gasped a "yes" and felt a cool shift in the air as he left the room and the door closed behind him.How long she lay there, she didn’t know. After a bit, the door opened. She remained silent as she waited. Suddenly, hands grabbed her and spun her around. Secured as she was, she could do nothing but accept what came next. Her head was pulled back and a thick penis was shoved inside her mouth. The words "Suck me, bitch," were grunted and she did as commanded. Her guest shoved himself deep inside her mouth and to the point where she felt she might gag. Fighting the reflex, she worked her mouth and tongue feverishly and soon felt her captor swell inside her cramping lips. Suddenly gobs of warm and gooey cum shot into her mouth. She swallowed every drop as was expected of her. When he was done, her guest dropped her back to the bed and left without a word as she lay on her side.Before she could regain a sense of balance, she heard another voice chuckling. "How delightful!" She was spun around again, and lay on her back. Hands worked their way across her body, pinching and twisting her breasts. As she gasped at the sensation, she was smacked on her stomach and told; "NO TALKING!"The hands continued to work across her torso, inching slowly down to her shaved pussy. Suddenly she felt something cold and metallic clamp down on her clit. He pain caused little stars to explode in front of her covered eyes. In spite of the earlier instructions, she groaned at the sensation. Again, she was spanked. But this time only after she was flipped over. Hands came down on her ass cheeks and she felt them growing pink with each slap. Finally after what seemed to be too long for her liking, she felt herself being turned over again and her legs were pushed open. She felt his weight as he pressed himself against her and almost crooned with delight as she felt the size of him as he entered her. Laying here like nothing more than a piece of meat, she allowed her guest to pound away inside of her. She could feel her own juices starting to flow with the friction being created. A grunt and a sudden shift in tempo indicated to her that he was nearly finished. Suddenly, her guest arched his back and drove himself even deeper inside, then held still. She could feel his cock swelling and throbbing as he pumped his cum inside her. After a moment, he withdrew and left the room.One after another, they entered the room. Her guests enjoying themselves and her body. How many times she had wanted to be savaged like this? To be used like a willing vessel to receive as much cum as possible? She lost count of the cocks that had shoved past her lips and filled her mouth with hot and salty cum. Her pussy ached with the constant pounding that I received. Her breasts were pinched and twisted until they were sore and tender and begging for more. She especially loved the times when someone would fuck her (both face up, as well as face down) and before they finished, they would stop and shove themselves into her mouth. She could taste herself as well as the cum from her guests that had filled her pussy to the point that it was now dripping with white goo that leaked out of her.There was one guest that frightened her though. Halfway through the evening, he entered and flipped her onto her stomach. He started tracing a finger across her back and down between her ass cheeks. Slowly he worked it around her tiny sphincter, pressing gently. She clenched herself tight. Hands then moved and grasped her cheeks and pulled them apart. She could feel the head of his cock rubbing up and down. "No," she managed to gasp. "No?" came he muffled answer. The hood made hearing hard. "Please sir," she continued, "my ass belongs to my owner. He promised me that no other cock would ever have it." She felt tears forming in her eyes. "Please don’t fuck my ass." She felt him pause and then his hands moved away from her ass and up her back. "You are a good slave, minding your master. It is right that you inform me of this." He then shoved his cock inside her pussy and pulled her by her hips to his own. Handing her that way, he slammed himself inside her and added his own cum to the pool inside her.There were times that women came to her bed. They usually had her twist to lick their pussy as they squatted over her face. Other times she suckled at their nipples or them at her breasts. She wasn’t sure if she enjoyed women, sexually, but it was expected of her as a hostess to do what was required to please her guests. She did enjoy the kissing, however. Tongues snaking back and forth as lips pressed together made her head swim with horniness.Finally the evening was over. She knew that her guests would be shown to the front door by her owner, and they would thank him for allowing them to come over for the get-together. She waited as the house grew silent. Again, the door opened, and she could feel him enter the room."You did well tonight," he said. "Everyone told me that you were wonderful." The words filled her with giddiness. "So what should I do with you now? Release you? Or maybe let you stay here all night?" As much as she would have liked to remain as she was with him fucking her, she had to answer; "I need to pee." Laugher washed over her and she felt herself being lifted and taken (still secured) to the bathroom. She was placed on her back in the tub. "Okay, pee," she was told. Relaxing, she let the warm yellow liquid flow out of her body. It streamed down the drain and she felt her owner cutting the electrical tape around her legs with scissors. Her muscles started to cramp as she tried to relax and unfold her legs. "Slowly," she was told. He massaged her legs until the pain receded and she could feel them return to normal. Next he removed her shackles. After that, the harness, but not before he had given her nipples a twist or two. "Maybe we should have them pierced," he mused. "Then we can put pretty jewelry there, or weights. What do you think?" She could only give one answer: "Whatever you wish, Sir." He unzipped the hood and she saw him smiling. "That’s my good pet." He kissed her and helped her stand. Then he started the water running and with a hand-held shower massage, washed her inside and out. She knew she ran no risk of pregnancy since she had been "fixed" when he first took her in. In fact, the doctor that had done the work was one of her guests that evening! (But when he had ‘visited’ her, she had no idea.) The warm water and soap felt luxurious as it washed across her skin. The washcloth was making sure every inch of her was cleansed.Later, he carried her to their room. She lay naked on the bed as he brought her food that was light enough no to upset her stomach, yet substantial enough to erase her hunger. (All that cum did little to take care of that!) As she sipped her tea, she looked up at him. "There was one person, I don’t know who..." she paused. At his command, she continued. "He wanted my ass. I asked him not to because it was yours alone." He paused. "And?" She looked down; "And he said I was a good girl for reminding him. Then he fucked my pussy. Hard." He nodded. "And how did you feel about that?" She blushed a deep crimson. "I wanted it there, but knew what you had said. I knew that you would be mad at me if I allowed it." His laughter surprised her. "That was me, silly. I came to see how you were and decided to enjoy you as well. I should have told you." Her giggles answered his. Then will you fuck my ass now?"She didn’t need to ask twice. Laying face down in the bed, she smiled at how wonderful she felt her life to be. Lucky enough to be owned by such a caring man, and having chances like this to be a ‘hostess’. She would always do her best to please him. She groaned with delight as she felt his cock slide up her asshole and start pounding away. Filled and fulfilled.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
"Daddy, Daddy, Dad where are you?" Becky shouted as she ran into the house. "Whoa, where's the fire," I laughed as she ran into the kitchen. "There's no fire silly, I want to show you my test paper," she giggled out to me.She handed me her paper and I looked at the big red "A" on top of the page. "Oh Becky, I'm so proud of you, knew you could do it," I praised her as I scooped her up in my arms. Becky was 10 years old and in the 5th grade. I had been a rough two years for her and for me. Maria, Becky's mom and my wife died 15 months ago from a rapid spreading cancer. Becky struggled in school last year because of Maria's death. I kept telling her that she could do the work and get better grades but she was always so down in the dumps. She finally came out of it this summer when we took a vacation to the Bahamas. She said on the trip back that she had felt guilty for not praying hard enough for her mom to survive. I said that no matter what she did, Maria would have died anyway because of the cancer. "Dad, Dad, are you listening to me?" she asked as I snapped back from my memories. "Can we go out for some ice cream to celebrate?" she asked. I said that after supper we would go and get the biggest banana split we could find. I congratulated my daughter again for doing so well on the test and then sent her out to play while I finished fixing supper. I called her in when the meal was ready. She bounded up the back porch and into the kitchen. We sat at the table and chatted about school and her friends. I looked at my daughter as she spoke. She was a pretty girl with long dark hair. She had no sign of breasts yet and not an ounce of fat on her body. She will turn a lot of heads when she gets older. After the dishes were done we headed for the ice cream parlor. Over our huge banana splits I gave her a challenge. "Becky, I'll make you a deal. If you make the honor roll this semester I will get you anything you want, within reason," I said. She looked at me with wonder in her eyes. "Anything Daddy, Anything at all," she asked. I said as long as it wasn't too expensive. She reached across the table and pulled my hand to her lips giving my hand a kiss. "Thank you daddy, I will try real hard," she said. The weeks turned into months as she continued to bring home all "A's" on her test papers. I knew that she would make the honor roll at this pace so I had already started to put money aside for her reward. She kept teasing me about what she wanted. Almost everyday she would say "I know what I want you to give me." I kept asking her what it was but she just giggled and said to wait until it was official. The day came on a Friday. Becky burst into the house full of excitement. "Daddy, hey daddy, I did it, I'm on the honor roll" Becky screamed as she ran from room to room trying to find me. I was just coming out of the bathroom when Becky ran into me. She jumped up hugging me around my neck and yelling that she made it. I kissed her softly on the cheek and told her how proud I was of her. I said that she should get dressed up and we would go some place fancy for dinner to celebrate. She gave my lips a quick peck with hers and then ran off to get ready to go out to eat. I went into my bedroom and put on a pair of khaki's and a sport shirt. I went down to wait for her in the kitchen. I sat at the table sipping a beer when Becky walked in the room. She took my breath away. She had done her hair in a fancy style and applied just a hint of make-up to her face. I don't allow her to wear it to school but for special occasions she can do it. She had a short dress on that showed her shapely legs and bubble butt. She had no breasts yet so she didn't need a bra but I could make out the small nipples poking at the front of her dress. I gave a long wolf whistle as she walked into the room. "Oh daddy, I don't look that good, I don't even have boobs yet" she giggled as she blushed. We went to our favorite Italian restaurant for ravioli's. I had a small bottle of wine while Becky had a soda. We talked about how well she did this semester in school and I asked what she wanted. She said that when we get back home she would let me know. We had some good Italian pastry for desert and headed for home. Becky got out of the car as I pulled in the garage. She said she was going to take a shower and get comfortable before telling me what she wanted. I said that sounded like a good idea and I headed for my bathroom. When I finished my shower I through on a pair of old sweat pants and a t-shirt. I headed down to the family room to watch some TV. When I walked into the room I saw Becky sitting on the couch with her hair hanging down and an oversized t-shirt on for a nightgown. I sat on the couch with her and asked her if she was going to tell me what she wanted for a reward. She turned toward me and held my hand. "Daddy, what I want won't cost anything but some time," she said. I said that I liked the sound of it already. She looked at me as she said what she wanted. "I want you to teach me all about sex this weekend," she said quickly. "You want what!?" I asked to make sure I heard it right the first time. She repeated herself that she wanted me to teach her all about sex this week-end. I said that it was impossible. I said that for one it was illegal, two she was to young and three I was her father. She said that nobody would ever know so that takes care of number one. Her best friend Jody has already had sex so that takes care of number two. She said that she wanted me to teach her because she trusted me and knew that I wouldn't hurt her so that takes care of number three. I looked at her in disbelief. "Do you really know what you are asking Rebecca?" I asked. "Oh daddy, I want you to be the one to teach me not some kid from school," she said. "Honey I don't know about this" I said to my daughter. "Please daddy, please, I made the honor roll and you said I could have anything" she reasoned with me. I looked at her smiling face and knew that I had lost the argument. I asked when she wanted to start her lessons and she answered right now. "First there are some things we need to get straight first," I said. I explained that we can never let anyone else know what we do or I could go to jail for a long time. I said that if she ever wanted to stop just to tell me and I would stop what I was doing. I also told her that if she didn't want to try something to just say so and we would drop it. She agreed to all that as she took my hand and led me to my bedroom. We climbed on top of the king sized bed lying on our sides facing each other. "Have you ever done anything sexually before?" I asked. She didn't know what I meant so I asked if she ever rubbed herself to feel good between her legs. She said that she sometimes touches herself but she never really felt that good. I said to take off her t-shirt and we would begin our lessons.Becky sat up pulling her shirt over her head. She didn't have panties on so she was now naked in front of me. I looked at her flat chest with her pink nipples sticking out from her chest. I moved my gaze down to her hairless little slit. I could just see the lips that were beginning to push their way out of her crack. I could feel my cock begin to harden as I gazed upon my 10 year old daughter's body. Soon I was at my full 7 inches and I could feel my pre-cum soaking my shorts. "Daddy aren't you going to take off your clothes too" Becky asked me in a soft voice. I asked again if she was sure she wanted to do this. She nodded her head as I slowly pulled my shorts and boxers down. My hard cock sprang free of my shorts and bobbed back and forth as I kicked my clothes to the corner. "Oh daddy it's so pretty and big too," Becky sighed as she gazed upon my 7 inches of meat. "Okay, for the first lesson I need to know if you have ever kissed anyone on the lips before" I asked. She blushed and said that her and Jody kissed once to see what it was like. I said that it was okay for her to experiment with her friends because almost everybody does it at one point in their lives. I said to give me her best kiss. Becky leaned over and put her lips on mine but she had puckered them up and held them tightly closed. I kept my eyes open and I giggled as I looked at her with her eyes closed and pushing down hard on my lips. "Here, let me show you the correct way to kiss someone," I said. I pushed her on her back and turned towards her. I cupped her cheeks in my hands drawing her face to mine. I gently placed my lips against hers and kissed her softly. I heard a moan escape from her lips as I ran my tongue over her lips. I pulled back and told her to open her mouth slightly so I can show here how to French-kiss. I bent back down and kissed her again only this time I felt her lips part slightly. I moved my tongue into her mouth playing with her tongue. I whispered to her to stick her tongue out. When she stuck it out I gently sucked it into my mouth and slowly sucked it like a little prick. She pulled back saying that she felt funny between her legs. "It's all tingly down there," she said. I explained that when we kissed like that it is called foreplay and it makes a person sexually excited. I said it was perfectly normal to feel like that. "I liked that daddy, especially when you sucked on my tongue. Can I try to suck your tongue?" she asked. I rolled on my back and told her to go ahead. She bent over me and kissed my lips with her soft lips. This time she did it right and kissed softly sliding her tongue into my mouth fishing for my tongue. I pushed my tongue into her mouth and she immediately began to suck gently on it. I pulled Becky on top of me as she continued to suck on my tongue. I ran my hand over her bare back and down her ass cheeks. I heard her let out a low moan as she nibbled on my tongue. She broke off the kiss and hugged me tight. "Oh dad, I feel so tingly between my legs and my belly."I explained to her that it was because she was getting more sexually aroused. "What's next?" she wanted to know. I told her to lie flat on the bed and I would show her how good I could make her feel. She rolled off of me and onto her back. Her legs were slightly apart and her hands were at her side. I looked down at her angelic face with her hair spread over the pillow. She looked like a small goddess. I moved my gaze down to her flat chest with her hard little nipples pointing upward. I looked down between her legs and saw her hairless little pussy with a few drops of moisture leaking out of her bare slit. My cock was throbbing and aching for release but I wanted to please my little princess first. I kissed her soft lips again pushing my tongue into her mouth. While she was sucking on my tongue again I ran my hands over her flat chest. I rubbed her nipples with my hands feeling them harden under my touch. I moved my mouth down to her hard little nubs and gently sucked them one at a time. While I was sucking on one nipple I was pulling and pinching the other one gently causing my little sweetheart to moan loudly at the feeling of having her nipples stimulated. "Oh daddy, OH! I love when you do that, it feels so good!" she sighed as I kept up my oral stimulation of her little nipples. I moved my hand over her stomach to her hairless little cunt. I ran a finger up and down her slit feeling her wetness on my finger. "OH YES!" Becky groaned as I rubbed her preteen clit. I ran my finger inside of her slit tickling her tight little pussy hole. "OH YES, YES! Daddy don't stop, OH something is happening daddy! Rub faster daddy, please rub faster!" she shouted as her back arched off the bed and she flooded my finger with her preteen juices. She ground her hips on my finger as she shuddered through her very first orgasm. I kissed her deeply as she ended her climax. She hugged me tightly sobbing gently on my shoulder as she cried that she never felt so good in her entire life. I laughed and told her that she would feel better by the end of the week-end. "Oh I don't think I could ever feel better than that," she said. I told my daughter to spread her legs and I would show her that she could feel even better. Becky spread her 10 year old legs wide apart as I got down between her legs. I kissed her navel making her giggle. I slowly started kissing my way down her belly to her bald little preteen pussy. I ran a tongue over her clit causing her to jerk her hips off the bed. "Oh daddy that felt really good" she said as I did it again. I sucked her clit into my mouth and nibbled lightly on her hard nubbin as she bucked and squirmed on the bed. I ran my tongue down her crack until I touched her cunt hole. I gently and slowly pushed the tip of my tongue into her cunt canal. Becky screamed in pleasure as she felt my the tip of my tongue wiggling inside of her pussy. I could hardly keep my face on her cunt because she was bucking her hips too much. I pushed more of my tongue into her sweet tasting cunt. She was pouring her juice out onto my tongue in a steady stream as I licked the inside of her cunt. "OH YES DADDY! It's happening again! AHHHEEEE!" she shouted as she flooded my mouth with her sugar sweet preteen girl juices. I lapped up every drop of her cum as she ground her hips on my face. She finally pushed my head away begging me to stop for a while. "Daddy, you were right, I did feel better," she sighed as she panted from her climax. I said that she will still feel better than that. She said that she couldn't wait until she learned everything. She looked at my face that was slick with her cum on it. "What do I taste like dad?" she asked me. I asked if she would like to taste herself. She just nodded her head yes and I moved up to kiss her. She ran her tongue around the inside of my mouth gathering all her juices that she could find. She smacked her lips as she tasted her own pussy juice. "I taste good," she giggled as she licked my face clean of her cum. "Dad, don't you want to feel good too?" she asked me as she looked at my rock hard cock. I asked if she wanted to learn how to make a man feel good. She said that she wanted to learn everything. I stretched out on the bed with my cock pointing toward the ceiling. I said to be gentle and explore my dick and balls. Becky moved down to my crotch looking at my 7 inch cock. She took my hard shaft in her little hands feeling my throbbing prick. She ran her hands over my hardness as she looked at the pre-cum that was leaking out of the tip. She asked me what it was and I explained the best I could about the purpose of pre-cum. She asked me if I had ever tasted it and I answered that I had. She ran a finger through the slippery liquid bringing her finger to her mouth for a sample taste. I saw her smile as she obviously liked the taste of it. She bent down and licked the next drop of pearly juice directly from my cock head. I said to put my cock in her mouth and suck on it gently. She pushed my dick into her mouth making me groan from the feel of the heat of her breath. I said to move her mouth up and down on my cock. She began to bob her head but I quickly had to tell her to watch her teeth. "I'm sorry daddy, I'll be more careful," she said as she once again began to bob her head on my cock. She pushed my cock deep into her mouth until she gagged when it hit the entrance of her throat. I said to be careful and just put what she could handle in her mouth. She ran her tongue around my cock head as she sucked on the shaft."Oh Rebecca, it feels real good sweetie," I sighed as she sucked harder. "In a few minutes I'm going to shoot my sperm out," I said. She stopped sucking my cock and let it fall from her mouth. "Is it safe to have in my mouth?" she asked me concerned about it. "I laughed and told her that most women like to have a man shoot his sperm in their mouths and some even swallow it," I said. "Either way you want to try it, it won't hurt you," I added. She picked up my cock again and slowly slid it back into her hot little preteen mouth. I groaned as she licked my piss slit with her hot tongue. I began to buck my hips up to her mouth as she sucked on my hard cock. "Oh Becky it is going to shoot soon honey" I warned her. She nodded her head signaling that she wanted me to shoot in her mouth. I felt my cum churning in my balls as she sucked on my 7 inch cock."OH GOD, here it comes, Becky I'm cumming!!" I shouted as I felt the first blast of cum shoot from my cock. She was pumping my shaft as she sucked the head of my cock. I watched as her mouth filled with my hot sticky cum. Some of my seed leaked out around the corners of her mouth as I shot string after string of sticky cum into my 10 year olds mouth. When my dick finally stopped spewing its load out and began to shrink, Becky let it slip from her mouth. She moved up by my face opening her mouth to show me that she had a mouth full of my sperm. She closed her mouth and swallowed the entire load down her throat. I hugged her tightly thanking her for making me feel so good. "Did mom do it like that too" she asked me quietly. "Yeah, your mother loved to do that and swallow all of it just like you did," I said. "I miss mom," she said as she snuggled up to me and fell asleep. I wrapped my arms around Becky kissing her softly on the top of her head. We slept until morning snuggled up against each other. ***I woke to the feeling of Becky's hands rubbing my hard cock up and down. "I guess you didn't get enough last night," I giggled as she pumped my dick. "Oh daddy, I didn't get to see it shoot last night, can I see it this morning?" she asked. I told her to go ahead if that is what she wanted. She moved down laying her head on my stomach. She kept her eyes glued to my stiff rod as she slowly stroked it up and down. I moaned loudly as the feeling of her hands caused my cock to stiffen even more. "Daddy, it feels so hot and hard but soft too, I love the feeling of it in my hand," she cooed. "Let me know when you are going to shoot so I can aim for my mouth," she instructed me. I groaned my answer as I began to push my hips up to meet her hand movements. "Oh baby, I'm getting real close," I moaned as she moved her head close to the head of my cock. "OHHHH, OHHHH, AAAAHHHHHH!!" I screamed as the first blast of cum left my cock. I watched as it landed on her tongue. I kept squirting my hot cum as Becky kept pumping my spewing cock. I watched as I painted her face with my sticky cum. When I was finished shooting I saw she was covered from her eyes to her chin with my milky semen. I chuckled at the sight of my 10 year old covered with cum. She began to run her tongue around her mouth gathering all the cum she could reach. She took her fingers and wiped the rest off licking her finger as she went. "MmmmMMmm, that tasted so good," she said. I said that I though we should take a shower and eat something. "I just did eat something daddy!" she laughed. "I have something you can eat too," she added as she rolled on her back and spread her legs wide. I crawled between her legs and ran my tongue up her cunt slit. I circled her clit with my tongue causing her to moan and thrash about the bed. I pushed my tongue into her tight hole tasting her honey juice again. She began to hump her hips to my mouth trying to get more of my tongue up her hole. "Oh daddy don't stop! It feels so good again!" she cried out. I slipped my tongue out of her hole and circled her clit again. She bucked her hips and moaned as I teased her hard clit with my tongue. I said to turn around and get on her hands and knees. She did so with out asking why. I moved behind her looking at her cute little ass as I saw her cunt crack glistening with her moisture. I bent my head running my tongue along her pussy. I slid my tongue back into her cunt hole going as far as I could go. "OHHHHH, AAAAHHHHHH daddy it is in so far! OOOHHHHH it feels wonderful!" she sighed as I licked her cunt walls. I decided to do something that I hadn't done in years. I pulled my tongue from her wet cunt hole and licked her clit again. I then ran my tongue down her slit all the way to her butt. I spread her ass cheeks with my hand as my tongue ran over her puckered little hole. "AAAAHHHHHHH, daddy, do that again please do that again," she begged.I licked her little tight rosebud again and again as she moaned and groaned her pleasure. I gently pushed my tongue against her tight opening and felt my tongue begin to slide inside her ass. I rimmed my daughter's ass as she moved her ass in circles. I held on as she began to buck her hips back to my face. "Oh, I never thought it would feel so good back there" she cried out as I continued to rim her ass. I slowly brought a finger up to her wet cunt and slowly pushed it inside to the first knuckle. "Oh yes! I'm going to do it again!" she shouted. I could feel her little cunt muscles gripping my finger as her ass muscles tightened against my tongue. She flooded my finger with her juices as I rimmed her ass and rotated my fingertip in her cunt. She collapsed on the bed in a heap. I got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face and clean up a little. She joined me telling me that we should take a shower. We climbed in the stall together and washed each others bodies. We talked about what we have done so far. "I really liked it when you licked my butt," she said. She said that it made her really feel good. I said that I enjoyed doing it to her. I asked if she was hungry and she said that she was starved. We dressed and went out for breakfast at Denny's. ***We arrived back at the house after breakfast and Becky asked me if we could continue the lessons. I laughed and told her she was turning into a sex maniac. She giggled and said only when she was with me. We climbed the steps to the bedroom holding hands. She ran over to the bed stripping off her clothes as she went and said to stand in front of her. I did as I was told as she began to unbutton my shirt. When it was opened she pulled it off my body tossing it in the corner. Next she unsnapped my jeans pulling them down to my ankles. I kicked them to the corner standing in front of my 10 year old daughter with just my boxers on that were tenting very largely in front of her eyes. I stared at her naked loveliness as she undressed me. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of my boxers and slowly lowered them down my legs. My hard cock sprang out from its confine and bounced up and down in front of her pretty face. I kicked my boxers off as she cupped my balls in her small hands. She massaged my nuts gently as she licked the pre-cum off the tip of my cock. I groaned as I felt her tongue run across the tip of my dick. She bent forward taking my balls into her warm mouth. I felt her tongue bathing my nut sack as she gently sucked my balls. She ran her tongue down my nut sack to the area between my nuts and ass hole. I spread my legs farther apart so she could reach better and I felt her tongue brush against my butts brown hole. Becky took my cock in her mouth as she pushed me back a few steps. I moved back as she knelt on the floor with my dick still lodged in her mouth.She took her mouth off of my cock and lifted it toward my stomach. She ran her tongue down the underside of my cock to my balls. She licked and sucked my hairy balls as she continued down licking my puckered brown ass hole. I could feel her small tongue dancing around my tight hole as she used her hands to pump my cock. "Oh Becky, you are a fast learner sweetheart," I muttered to her as she slowly licked my ass hole. Becky slowly pushed her hot little tongue into my ass hole causing me to groan loudly to her not to stop. I felt her little tongue wiggling in my ass canal as her hands kept pumping my 7 inch cock. I was oozing a lot of pre-cum making her hands glide quickly over my stiff rod. She finally pulled her tongue from my ass, kissing her way back to my cock. She took my rod in her hot mouth and sucked it in until it reached the entrance to her throat. She bobbed on my big cock licking and sucking all my pre-cum out of its slit. "You're so big daddy that I can't get you all in my mouth," she complained. I said to try again and when she felt me by her throat she should relax and swallow. She slowly moved down my hard pole and I felt her begin to gag slightly. I could feel the muscles of her throat begin to move as she swallowed fast and I was surprised when my cock head popped into her preteen throat. "OH MY GOD! That feels so good honey," I sighed as she buried her nose in my pubic hair. She pulled back and let my cock fall from her mouth. She asked me if I liked that when she did it. I said that it felt fantastic and I love her for doing it to me. "I like it too daddy, it makes me feel so close to you to make you that happy," she said.Becky pushed my back so I fell on the bed. She lowered my mouth down to my cock again and began to suck in earnest. I reached out and pulled her legs towards my head. She got the idea and swung her legs over my head so I could lick her preteen cunt for her. I buried my tongue deep into her tight cunt hole as she deep throated my hard cock. I felt her throat muscles massage my cock as she swallowed me down her gullet. I wet my finger with my spit and ran it over her little tight rosebud. I pushed gently against her sphincter until my slipped into her rectum. "Ohhhh!" Becky sighed as I slid my finger all the way up her ass. I licked her clit while moving my finger in and out of her anus. She took me back into her throat and worked my hard cock like a pro. It wasn't long before I could feel my balls churning a massive load of cum. I increased the speed of my finger in her ass as I licked her cunt hole. "Oh daddy I'm going to do it again!" she yelled. OH YESS!" she screamed as she shoved her ass back on my finger. She flooded my mouth with her preteen juices as I lapped at her hot wet cunt hole. As she was filling my mouth with her sweet nectar I grunted out loudly and shot my huge load of hot cum directly down her throat. She gulped down every drop of my love juice as I flowed out of my cock. She didn't lose a single drop of my cum as I pumped 8 strong shots of my seed. She finally let my soft cock slip from her lips as I still slowly plunged my finger in and out of her but. "Dad if you keep doing that I'm going to do it again," she moaned as I sucked on her little preteen clit. She began with a real low moan and built up volume until it was a high pitched scream as she reached an enormous orgasm with my finger in her ass. She shook and shuddered for a long time as I withdrew my finger and just licked at her wet slit."Oh daddy that was probably the best one ever," she said.I hugged her tight as I kissed her deeply tasting my sperm on her tongue. I said that I really enjoyed my blow job especially when she took me in her throat. "Your mom couldn't even do that with out choking" I said. She smiled knowing that there was something special between us now. I said that now she knows what she needs to know. She sat up looking at me and asked me about intercourse. I said that she was too young for that yet. She said that her friend Jody did it with a cousin of hers and she is the same age.I explained that we could get into real trouble if anyone found out. She said that after what we did already it didn't make any difference if we actually made love to each other. I said that I didn't want to hurt her or mess her mind up for life. "Daddy, I know what I'm asking and you could never mess my mind up, I love you and want you to do it with me."I said that if it is what she truly wanted then I would be more than happy to bury my hard cock into her young pussy. "Can we do it now daddy, can we please?" she begged me. I asked again if she was really sure this is what she wanted. She said that she wanted it more than anything. "Okay honey, you win," I laughed at her. "You're going to have to do something to make my hard again," I said as we both looked at my limp cock. She reached her small hand out and grabbed my soft cock. She began to move the skin back and forth along my shaft. I could feel it beginning to stir as she moved her little hand along my shaft. It didn't take long before I was at my full 7 inches. Becky moved her head down and ran her tongue around the head of my prick. I was oozing pre-cum from my slit which she lapped up quickly. She engulfed my cock with her hot mouth taking me all the way into her throat like before. I said to stop that or I would shoot before I even had a chance to show her how to make love. When she heard me say that she quickly pulled her mouth from my raging hard on. "Okay daddy, what do I do now" she asked excitedly. I said to swing her legs over me and sit on my dick. Becky swung her legs over my waist straddling my body. She lowered her wet cunt down to my hard cock. I explained that I wanted her to put my cock into her slit and slide back and forth on my cock. I said that when she thought she was ready she should lift herself up and place my cock by the entrance of her pussy then lower herself down on it. I said that it was the best way to control how fast it goes in and how deep it goes. She repeated my instructions to be sure she got it right and then she put my cock in her slit. I could feel her pussy wrap itself around half of my cock as she began to slide forward on my cock. She let out a loud moan when my cock hit her clit for the first time. I was glad that I had shot my load already so I could hold off and make her first time really memorable. I reached up and tweaked Becky's hard little nipples as she rocked her hips on my stiff pole. He juices were flowing freely mixing with my pre-cum to make my cock shaft really slippery. I could see a look of determination on her face as she slid along my hard cock. She slowed to a stop and squatted above me. She reached down and placed my cock head at the entrance of her little preteen pussy. I felt the heat of her cunt as my cock touched her 10 year old hole. Becky looked into my eyes as she slowly lowered herself down on my hard cock. I felt her little cunt hole open up and spread as my cock head eased inside of her pussy. "OH! You're in me daddy!" she said as she held still. "I feel you inside of me and it feels so big!"It took a lot of will power on my part not to ram my cock deep into her 10 year old pussy but I sure didn't want to hurt my daughter. I held myself still as she squatted motionless with the head of my cock in her cunt. I could see a bead sweat forming along her upper lip as she held herself steady. I said to take her time and go slow. She lowered herself down another inch and I heard a huge sigh escape her lips. She stopped again to get use to the feeling of being speared by my cock. She lowered herself down again and yelped in pain. "OW, OOWWWW!" she cried out a tears formed at the corners of her eyes. I told her that if she wanted to stop she could. She said that she didn't want to stop but it hurt. I explained about her hymen and how it would hurt. I said it would probably be better if she just pushed hard and broke it all at once. I looked up at my 10 year old daughter and saw the sweat running down her forehead. I could see a few tears running from her eyes. I knew she was determined to break through her cherry. I played with her nipples as she built up the courage to do it. It wasn't long before Becky lifted her self up so just the head of my cock was still in her and then just let her legs go out from under her. She dropped heavily onto my cock. "OOOWWWW! It hurts. Oh daddy it hurts!" she cried as I hugged her to my chest. I kissed her tears from her cheek as I rubbed her back. I kissed her soft lips and played tongue tag with her. Soon she forgot about the pain and was busy kissing me back and enjoying the feeling of having her little nipples played with. I could feel her hips begin to move in small circles. I pulled her face from mine and told her that she was a grown woman now. She smiled at me and said that it didn't hurt anymore. I said that she could start to move up and down on my cock to make herself feel good. Becky looked into my eyes as she lifted herself up and then fell down again on my hard cock. "Oh daddy, AAAHHHH!" she moaned as she began to bounce on my stiff 7 inch cock. I kept pinching and pulling on her little nipples as she rode my cock. "Oh daddy! Oh daddy! Oh daddy! OH! OH! I'm going to do it, Oh daddy I'm going to do it NOW!" she screamed as she pounded her cunt, she screamed like a wounded animal as she bounced on my rod. Tears of joy were flowing from her eyes as she ground her cunt on my rock hard cock. I could feel my baby's cunt juices running down my cock and soaking the bed. I grabbed her hips and began to push and pull her body on my cock. I could feel my balls begin to boil with their full load of my cum. Becky was heading for another massive orgasm as I grunted out loudly and filled her cunt with my sticky seed. I groaned as I shot powerful spurts of cum into her 10 year old pussy. Becky pushed her cunt all the way down on my cock grinding her hips as she screamed out another massive orgasm. She collapsed on my chest as she gasped for air. I finally stopped filling her cunt with my cum and my cock slipped out of her pussy. I stroked her back as she lay panting on my chest. "Oh daddy, I love you so much for teaching me all of this," she said as she kissed me. We kissed and hugged for a few minutes while we enjoyed the afterglow of our pleasure. I said that it was getting late and we should go out for supper. "We need to build up our strength, we've been making each other feel good all afternoon," I laughed at her. We decided to take a shower and go out for pizza. We showered together without any monkey business going on. We both dressed and headed for the pizza parlor. As we sat waiting for our pizza, Becky saw Jody walk in with her dad. "Can they sit with us" she asked me. I said that would be fine but reminded her not to say a word about what we've been doing. I said that she wasn't stupid and got up to talk to Jody. A few minutes later Jody and her dad were sitting with us. We ordered a large pizza, sodas for the girls and a couple beers for us. Becky and I were sitting next to each other with Jody and her dad on the other side of the booth. I knew Jody's dad, Phil as a passing acquaintance but never really got to know him. As we talked we found that we had a lot of similar interests. Jody's mother left him with Jody when she ran off with another guy a few years ago. We discussed how it was raising girls by ourselves. Our pizzas came and we devoured them in record time. Phil and I ordered one more beer while the girls jabbered about school and their friends. After an hour we decided we had better leave. I asked Phil if he and Jody would like to come over next week-end for a cook out. Jody begged her dad to say yes which he did. It was agreed upon to come over on Saturday afternoon for some swimming and hamburgers. We said our goodnights to Phil and Jody and headed home. Becky asked me if I thought Jody was pretty. I said that she was pretty but couldn't hold a candle to her. She squeezed my hand thanking me for being such a good dad. I beamed with pride as I looked at my daughter. "Can we do it one more time before we go to bed" Becky asked me. I said that she was turning into a sex machine. She giggled and said that she couldn't help it if it felt so darn good. She giggled and called me silly as she ran up to my bedroom. By the time I locked the house up and turned off the lights she was in bed naked already. I stripped off my clothes and asked her what she wanted to do. "Have I learned everything already?" she asked me. I told her that the only thing left was for anal sex. She asked me what that was and I explained that it is when a man puts his cock in a girls butt hole. "Oh, I bet that hurts," she said. I told her that if a man takes his time and does it right the woman feels real good. "Did mom like anal sex" Becky wanted to know. I said that her mom liked everything about sex even with other women. "Really, did she really do it with other women" Becky asked me. I said that her mom didn't do that often but she did enjoy the taste of another woman. "Dad, can you put your dick in my ass? I want to try it," she said. I asked if she was sure and she said that she was. "Okay if you're sure, then get on your hands and knees." She quickly got into that position for me. I sat back and looked at her cute little round ass. I could see her hairless pussy peeking from between her legs. My cock stiffened at the sight of my 10 year old daughter. I went into the bathroom to get the KY jelly from the cabinet. I returned to the bed and moved between her legs pushing them a little further apart. I ran my finger through her cunt crack feeling her moisture as it coated my finger. I rubbed her hard little clit as she moaned and pushed her hips back to me. I bent my head running my tongue along her cunt slit. I tasted her sweet honey as it coated my tongue. I pushed my tongue deep into her cunt canal causing her to shudder with pleasure. I moved my tongue from her pussy back to her butt. I ran my tongue up and down her ass crack pausing just long enough to tickle her pink little rosebud. I ran my tongue again from the top of her ass crack to her hard little clit. "Oh daddy you make me feel so good with your tongue," she sighed as she wiggled her ass for me. I pushed my tongue back into her cunt hole while I placed a finger at her anal opening. I slowly started to push my finger against her tight brown hole while I lapped at her wet pussy. I could feel her anal muscles begin to loosen as my finger began to slide into her butt. She was warm inside of her bowels. I slid my finger in all the way wiggling it as it went in. "Oh daddy, I feel so good!" Becky moaned.I eased my finger out of her back hole and squirted some KY jelly on it. I also put some on my finger as I shoved it back deep inside of her ass. "Ah yes daddy, Oh that felt good!" she groaned. I pulled my finger out and slowly started putting two back in. I worked the tips of my two fingers in and out of her ass hole slowly loosening her anal muscle up so she would open wider. Soon I had two fingers going deep into her bowels. Becky was humping back on my hand as I shoved two fingers in and out of her ass. "OOHHH daddy, harder, push your fingers in harder!" she begged. I pulled my fingers out of her ass and added a third one to the mix. I eased my three fingers into her well stretched ass hole and began to pound into her. "OH! OH! OHHH! AAAAAHHHHHH!" she shuddered as I saw her cunt juices flowing out of her pussy. She was having small orgasms as I pounded my fingers into her bowels. I reached over with my free hand and grabbed the KY jelly. I coated my cock with a liberal amount. I pulled my fingers from her ass hole looking at the gaping hole that led to her insides. I put the head of my 7 inch rock hard cock at the well stretched anal opening and eased my cock head inside of her. "OH daddy, oh daddy, please go slow daddy, OH, AAAHHHHH!" she sighed as I slid into her. I held still until she grew use to having my cock inside of her ass. I noticed that she was rotating her ass and pushing back ever so slightly. I eased myself into her another two inches and she groaned loudly as her pussy poured out its juices. Becky was grunting and moaning in pleasure as I held my cock inside her ass without moving. "Oh daddy, push it in all the way, I want it all the way in," she begged. I grabbed her by her ass cheeks and slid my cock all the way into her ass.She let out a loud groan as I bottomed out in her ass and she ground her butt back on my cock trying to get more into her. She pleaded with me to start to move. I slowly pulled back until just the head was inside and then I plunged quickly back inside. I pulled out quickly and plunged back in even faster. I began to pound my cock into her 10 year old ass. She was begging for me to go faster and deeper. "YES! Yes daddy go faster! Please go faster! OH HARDER! PUSH HARDER! OH GOD! I'm cumming daddy, OH YESSSS!" she screamed as she slammed her ass back on my cock. I couldn't hold back any longer and groaned out my own orgasm as I shot a massive load of cum into her ass hole. Becky screamed again as she shook her way through another powerful orgasm as I pumped her full of hot sticky cum. I pounded my cock into her little preteen ass with such a force that the headboard was knocking the wall. I couldn't believe that I pumped so much cum into my little girl. It was pouring out around my dick as I continued to stroke her in her ass hole. My limp cock finally slipped from her butt and a steady stream of cum followed it out. It formed a small puddle on the bed as Becky was still shuddering from her experience. "Oh daddy that was the best yet, I never came that hard before," she said. She said that she wanted to do that over and over again. I said that I would have to wait until tomorrow because I was worn out. My daughter came over to me and kissed me gently, thanking me for being so gentle with her and making her first time so great. "This is a weekend I will remember forever daddy," she said as she kissed me once again.PART II"Come on sleepy head you have to get up," I said as I shook my 10 year old daughter as she snuggled down in her bed. "Jody and her dad are coming this afternoon for the cook out and we need to get ready" I said. Becky rolled over flipping the covers off of her exposing her naked body to me and smiled. I laughed and told her that we didn't have time for that now. She pouted out her bottom lip but got up and began to dress. My 10 year old daughter knew how to get to me. I guess it's my fault for letting her talk me into teaching her everything about sex for making the honor roll. I watched as she finished dressing thinking about how much things have changed in the last week. Just a week ago she was a 10 year old little girl now that she made the honor roll at school and got her wish she is a beautiful 10 year old woman. Her best friend Jody and her dad were coming over today for a pool party and cookout. Becky was all excited about having company since we didn't have much since her mom died. She made sure that the house was spotless and the food was already to go when Phil and Jody came. I cleaned the pool and grill setting up the patio with the portable bar while Becky took care of all the details inside the house. Before we knew it our company arrived. Becky ran to answer the door giving Jody a hug as she escorted them through the house to the backyard. Phil and I shook hands and headed for the bar. "I want to thank you for inviting us over. We don't go out much since Jody's mom ran off with that loser" Phil said. I told him that us single dad's had to stick together. Phil complimented me on the backyard. "You really have it fixed up nice. I like the high fence for privacy" he said. I told him that sometimes when Becky is sleeping I swim in the nude. I said there wasn't much chance of the neighbors ever noticing because the people of each side of me are elderly and don't come out of the house much. He said that he would love that especially since living in an apartment. Becky and Jody asked if they could go swimming now. I told them to get their suits on and they could go in. They ran into the house yapping as they went. Phil and I were sitting on the lounge chairs sipping our beer as our daughters came out of the house. They each had on a skimpy bikini. Neither of them had tits yet but their nipples could be seen through their skimpy bikini bras. I stared at Jody as Phil gaped at Becky. We watched as they dove into the pool and horsed around splashing each other. They played for a while until they got bored and climbed out of the pool. Both girls came over by us and sat on the cement at our feet. Phil and I were still in our gym shorts and I thought for sure that the girls could see up our pant legs. I don't know about Phil but I wasn't wearing any boxers today. I saw Jody staring at my legs and licking her lips. Becky saw what she was looking at and smiled up at me. I felt my cock begin to grow in length as I glanced at Jody staring at my crotch. Becky scooted over so she was in front of Phil and I saw my daughter fix her gaze on his crotch. I didn't know if he had underwear on but Becky was staring intently at his legs. Becky told Jody to follow her to her room. As the girls left I got up to get Phil and me another beer. Phil and I talked until the girls came back down about an hour later. They were still in their bikinis as they sat on the cement in front of us. Both girls fixed their eyes on the crotch that was in front of them. Jody was looking at me and Becky at Phil when suddenly Becky yelled "Now!" and both girls reached up and grabbed us by our cocks. Phil and I stood up immediately and began to yell at our daughters for grabbing us like that. "We talked upstairs and found out that we all are doing the same thing," Becky said. "Yeah, my dad and I are messing around just like you and Becky are," Jody said. Phil and I looked at each other and we were both blushing because we got caught fucking our daughters. The girls still had hold of our cocks and Phil and I looked at the two preteen girls in front of us. Jody was the first to act as she pulled my shorts down exposing my raging hard cock to everyone's gaze. I stood in front of Jody with my hard cock waving in the breeze as her dad sat watching me. She slowly leaned forward and sucked my cock into her hot little mouth. I let out a loud moan as she swallowed my stiff rod. I looked at Phil and he just nodded as his daughter ran her tongue around my hard cock. I reached out and grabbed Jody by the hair and pulled her face onto my cock. I held her hair as I face fucked the little 10 year old girl. With each stroke I pushed a little deeper into her mouth. It wasn't long before I felt her lips hitting my pubic hair. She took my entire length into her throat. "Am I doing it okay Mr. Aston?" she asked me when my cock fell from her mouth. "Oh sweetie you are doing great, but call my Hank," I said. I glanced over at Phil and saw that Becky was slowly stroking his hard cock as they watched Jody giving an expert blow job to me. "Oh Jody honey it won't be long," I warned her as I began to pump into her mouth faster. She reached up and cupped my balls with her hands and gently rubbed them. "Oh geez, don't stop sucking my cock, OH GOD! Oh Jody I'm cumming, OH GOD I'm cumming!" I screamed as I rammed my cock deep into her mouth. I filled her preteen mouth with a massive load of my cum as she massaged my balls. She took every drop of cum that I gave her and sucked for more. I finally sat back down on the chair to rest as Jody licked her lips clean. We both turned to watch Becky take her turn at giving a blow job to Phil. Becky knelt down in front of Phil's lounge chair. She snaked her hands up inside Phil's shorts and massaged his hard cock. Becky told Phil to lift his hips so she could remove his shorts. He raised his ass off the lounge chair as she pulled his shorts down to his ankles. Jody and I watched as Phil's hard cock swayed back and forth. It was longer and thicker than mine, about 8 inches long. I saw Becky staring at the huge hunk of man meat as she slowly pumped her hands along its shaft. "Oh suck it for me Becky," Phil moaned as she ran her hands all over is cock. Becky lowered her mouth to Phil's cock and sucked the head of it into her mouth. Jody and I saw her tongue circling the head of Phil's cock as she slowly sunk down on his cock. I could see her hesitate as it hit the back of her mouth. She bobbed her head on his huge cock getting it soaking wet with her saliva. Becky looked at me as she slowly lowered her mouth down on Phil's hard cock letting it slip into her young throat. "Oh Becky that feels so good!" Phil groaned as she worked her throat muscles to massage his prick. Becky reached down and rubbed his balls as she began to suck his dick in and out of her throat. I could tell it wouldn't take Phil long to empty his nuts into my daughters mouth. He was squirming on the chair as she sucked his rod like a pro. "Oh shit Becky! I'm cumming! OOHHHHH! I'm cumming!" he shouted as I watched her cheeks puff out with his first shot of cum. Jody and I could see her throat muscles going up and down as she swallowed his hot sticky cum as it filled her mouth. Phil grabbed hold of Becky's hair and face fucked her until his balls were emptied completely. He fell back on the lounge chair as Becky licked the remaining cum from her lips. "You taught your daughter well Hank," Phil said. I replied that Jody was equally trained at cock sucking. Both girls were watching us as we talked about their cock sucking abilities. "Can you do it to us now?" they asked in unison. I told Becky that I needed a few minutes to rebuild my load and Phil agreed with me. "Why don't you two lick each others pussy's until we are ready," Phil told the girls. They looked at each other not knowing what to say. "We have never done that daddy," Becky said. I said that I thought it was time they tried and suggested that they lie down with Jody facing the other way and lick each other. I asked the girls if they liked it when we licked their cunts and they both said yes. Then it's the same thing. "Okay," Jody said. "If you watch us licking each other then we get to watch you suck each other when we are done." Both girls laughed at that idea. Phil and I looked at each other and both of us said no at the same time. Jody said that we can't watch them if they can't watch us. "I can't do that because I have never done it before" I told them. They said that they never did it to each other before either. Phil looked at my cock and said that he would be willing to try it just so he could watch our two 10 year old daughters lick and suck each other. I couldn't believe that I was sitting here contemplating whether or not to suck someone's cock so I could see my daughter lick another girls cunt. "Come on daddy, Phil is willing to try it, don't be a chicken," Becky teased me. I shrugged my shoulders and told her if that is what she wanted then I guess I could try it. The two preteens jumped up and down in excitement having won a victory over their dads.Phil and I sat back and watched as Jody pulled Becky forward and kissed her softly on the lips. They turned so we could see their tongues playing with each others. Becky pushed her tongue into her friend's mouth licking all over the inside of Jody's mouth. Jody's hands came up and twisted and pulled at Becky's little hard nipples. Becky pushed Jody down on the towel that was spread out in front of our chairs. She swung her legs around so they were over Jody's head and she lowered them down to Jody's waiting lips. We could see Jody take a little lick of Becky's slit to see what she tasted like. Becky did the same thing as they both tasted the sweet pussy juice. They each began to lick and suck the pussy in front of them running their tongues along the slit. "Oh Jody stick your tongue in farther!" Becky begged her friend. Jody used her hands to spread Becky's cunt wide open and wiggled her tongue inside of Becky's hot preteen cunt. "Suck it! Suck it! Suck it! OOHHHH!" she sighed as Jody chewed on her little cunt. Becky was doing the same thing to Jody causing her to moaning and groan into Becky's cunt. "Use your finger, put your finger in my pussy," Becky urged her friend. Phil and I watched as Jody's finger sunk deep into Becky's hairless cunt. She began to pump her finger in and out as she gently chewed on her hard clit. Faster Jody, harder. C'mon on harder!" she cried out to her friend. Jody's finger became a blur it was moving so fast in and out of my daughter's cunt. "OH YESS! I'm cumming! Oh Jody don't stop I'm cumming!" Becky screamed as she ground her hips down on her friends face. She humped Jody's face with her 10 year old cunt as she flooded her best friend's mouth with her young girl juice. "WOW! Jody that was awesome," she praised Jody. "Now it's your turn," she said. Becky resumed licking and chewing on Jody's clit as she ran a finger up and down her slit. I could see the pussy juice coating Becky's finger as it moved over the preteen slit. Becky moved her finger down Jody's cunt slit and kept going until she was sliding her finger up her ass crack. Jody moaned loudly as she felt Becky's finger move across her little pink rosebud. "Do that again, that feels so good," Jody moaned as Becky teased her puckered little hole. Phil and I watched as my daughter slowly pushed her finger into her friend's ass hole. Becky kept sucking and nibbling Jody's hard clit as her finger sunk all the way up her butt. "OH WOW! Oh Becky I never knew it could feel so good," she sighed as she began to slowly hump her hips. Becky began to finger fuck her friend's ass faster as she pushed her tongue into Jody's hot wet cunt hole. "OH YES! I'm cumming Becky, don't stop, push your finger in farther! YESS!!" Jody yelled out as she poured her preteen juices into Becky's eagerly sucking mouth. Becky kept reaming Jody's asshole with her finger as her friend screamed through another big orgasm. Jody finally pushed Becky away as she tried to catch her breath. Becky sat up licking the juices that were running down her chin. "That was totally awesome," Jody said to Becky. "I know, you should feel a cock in there, that's even better," Becky said.Jody wanted to know all about Becky's experience with anal sex. She then turned to Phil and wanted to know why he never taught her that. He told her that he had never done that either. "Maybe you and my dad could do it to each other, then you would know what it feels like," she told her dad. We just looked at each other and smiled. I told the girls that I was willing to try anything as long as we could stop it at any time. Phil agreed with me. He told them that anything that we do to each other can be stopped just by saying so. We all agreed to the rules as Jody and Becky said it was our turn to do it to each other. Phil looked at me blushing deeply and asked me how I wanted to do this. "Why don't we flip a coin to see who goes first and then the other can do it." I told him. Phil went to his pants to get a quarter. He flipped it and I called tails as it landed on the cement. We both looked and it was heads. Now it was my turn to as I stared at the coin. "I guess that means I go first huh," I told Phil. He just nodded and spread his legs wide for me. I knelt down in front of him staring at his 8 inch rock hard cock. "I never did this before so bear with me," I whispered to him. I never touched another cock before and here I am about to suck a cock. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. I reached out and took Phil's erect cock in my hand feeling the heat of his arousal. I was surprised at how soft his skin felt as his huge hard on pulsed in my hands. I saw the pre-cum ooze out of his piss slit. I smeared the clear liquid around his cock head causing Phil to groan out loud. I glanced over at the two preteen girls and they were watching my every move. I looked down at Phil's cock once again trying to build up the courage to put it in my mouth. I opened my mouth, closed my eyes and lowered my mouth down on his stiff rod. As my mouth went over his cock head I heard a huge sigh come from Phil. I stopped when I had just his cock head in my mouth. I ran my tongue all over the spongy surface of the head. I licked up the pre-cum and found that it didn't taste bad at all. I began to suck as I licked his cock. Phil moaned again as he tried to hump his cock deeper into my mouth. I lowered my mouth farther down and felt his cock hit the back of my throat. I almost gagged but pulled it out before I actually did. I started to bob my head on his cock letting it slide in and out of my mouth. "Come on dad, suck him all the way in, we can do it so you can too" I heard Becky tell me. I pictured the two 10 year olds with their throats stretched around our long cocks and knew that if they could do it then I should be able to. It was like a challenge for me to do it. I pulled Phil's cock out of my mouth and licked all over the head and shaft getting it slippery with my saliva. I quickly pushed it back into my mouth and sunk down on his shaft until I felt it pop into my throat. I breathed through my nose as I felt his pubic hair tickling my nose. I worked my throat muscles up and down on his cock as I heard Phil groaning out his pleasure. I pulled his cock from my throat and heard Jody and Becky clapping their hands in approval. "Oh shit Hank it's not going to be long" Phil gasped as I bobbed my head on his cock. I reached down and massaged his nut sack as he humped my face. I moved my mouth down to his balls and took each one into my mouth sucking it gently as I ran my hand over his hard dick. "OH FUCK! Suck my cock, I'm so close!" he cried out.I moved my mouth back over his cock sucking it deeply into my mouth. I let is slide into my throat again for a short time. I pulled back and began to bob my head faster on his massive cock. "OH GOD! Here I cum! Oh Hank! I'm cumming! OH FUCK! YEAH!" Phil shouted as I felt the first blast of cum hit the back of my mouth. Instinct took over and I swallowed his salty seed down my throat as the second blast filled my mouth. I held it in my mouth as he shot string after string of sticky hot cum into my mouth. When he finally unloaded the last of his load I let him slip from my mouth. I sat back opening my mouth so everyone could see the mouthful of cum I had. I looked at them as I swallowed the cum down my throat. Becky and Jody both clapped their hands as I gulped down the mouthful of cum and then they each came over and gave me a passionate kiss tasting Phil as they ran their tongues all over the inside of my mouth. Phil just lay there panting as he smiled at me. I sat back down on my chair waiting for Phil to take his turn. He moved over between my legs and grabbed my hard 7 inches of cock. He began to stroke me as he said that I gave one of the best blow jobs that he ever had. I guess I should be proud but I wasn't sure how I felt just yet. Phil wasted no time in taking me into his mouth. He looked at my cock for a second and then just pushed it in. I could feel his tongue washing my cock head as he sucked me deep into his mouth. He pulled my cock from his mouth and I saw a string of pre-cum stretch from my cock to his lips. He sucked the string into his mouth and pushed my cock back into his mouth. I groaned loudly as he sucked hard on my stiff cock. Jody told her dad to put my cock all the way in like we all have done. Phil slowly pushed my cock deeper into his mouth. I felt it when it popped into his throat. He gagged slightly but recovered and got the hang of deep-throating a cock. I felt his throat muscles rippling up and down my cock. "Oh my God that feels so good Phil!" I moaned. He pulled back and began to suck my cock again. I groaned out as he took my nut sack in his hands and massaged my balls gently while he sucked my cock. I could feel the pre-cum pouring out of my cock as he sucked me hard. Phil ran his tongue down my cock shaft to my hairy sack. He sucked in each of my balls and washed then slowly with is tongue. I almost went into shock as he moved his tongue down lower running it through my ass crack. I jumped when I felt his rough tongue go across my puckered ass hole. "Yeah rim me Phil, lick my ass! Oh it feels so good," I groaned. I felt his tongue on my tight ass hole as he licked circles around my brown eye. He stroked my cock with his hand as his tongue was busy licking my ass. I watched the girls as they moved closer to see Phil push his tongue into my ass. "Ahhhh," I sighed loudly as his tongue snaked its way into my ass hole. "Oh Phil, suck my cock, I'm going to cum soon!" I moaned.He pulled his tongue from my ass and quickly shoved my cock into his mouth. "YESSS! I'm cumming! Oh fuck I'm cumming!" I shouted as I felt my cock explode into his mouth. He swallowed fast as I pumped spurt after spurt of my hot cum into his mouth. Phil kept sucking until I couldn't give him anymore of my cum and then he let my limp cock slip from his lips. I watched as he showed us his mouthful of my cum before he swallowed it all down in one big gulp. The two preteen girls ran over and kissed him deeply tasting my cum on his lips. They clapped their hands in approval of what we just did."That was neat to watch" Jody said. She asked her dad what it was like to like someone's butt hole. Phil said that it was okay as long as the person was clean. Jody said that she thought she would like to try it sometime. I suggested that we take a break and eat something. I got up to toss some burgers on the gas grill as Becky and Jody went into the kitchen to prepare a salad. "Was that really your first time sucking cock Hank?" Phil asked me when the girls were gone. I told him that it was but I kind of enjoyed it. He said that he had done it before when he was in college. It had been years ago but I now remember how much I enjoyed it. We complimented each other on our talents as we watched the burgers cook. We sat at the picnic table and enjoyed our food. We were all still naked and I could feel my cock begin to grow watching our two preteen daughters. I glanced over at Phil and saw that his cock was also rock hard. I suggested that we continue our fun by the pool. Jody and Becky ran over to the lounge chairs and laid back on them. "It's our turn to feel good now" Becky told us as she spread her legs giving us a clear view of her hairless 10 year old cunt. I suggested that we flip a coin to see who goes first. I said the girls would call the coin and the winner would get fucked first but not by her father. The others would help her feel the best that she could. Everyone agreed with that so I flipped the coin as Jody called heads. We watched it bounce on the concrete and finally stop on tails. Becky squealed in delight knowing that she was going to go first. My daughter stretched out on the lounge chair with her knees drawn up so her pussy was opened for all to see. I told Phil it was his turn to be in charge and he could tell Jody and me what to do. He said to suck on Becky's pussy while he feeds her his cock. He told Jody to suck on her friends little nipples. I dove between my daughter's legs lapping at her wet slit tasting her preteen juices that were flowing freely from her bald cunt hole. I watched Phil slip his hard cock in my daughter's mouth and push it into her throat. Jody was sucking and nipping at her little tits. We kept this up for about 5 minutes before Phil said that he was ready to fuck her. He told her to get on her hands and knees so he could take her from the back. He said to let her suck my cock while he fucked her. Jody asked what she was supposed to do. "Honey, why don't you try licking Hanks butt while Becky sucks his cock," he told his daughter. She smiled at her dad and told him that she would try but if it was nasty she wasn't going to do it. He told her that what ever she decided would be fine with all of us. We all got into position and began our work on Becky.Phil rubbed his hard cock along Becky's wet slit coating his hardness with her preteen juices. Jody and I watched as he began to slide his 8 inch cock into Becky's 10 year old cunt. Becky's cunt hole stretched wide to accommodate Phil's size. I looked at my daughter's face as he slid in meat into her. I saw beads of sweat form on her brow as she took his entire 8 inches into her hairless pussy. When his balls were resting against her crotch Becky let out a loud sigh. I moved my cock along her lips as she opened her sweet mouth to accept my cock. She sucked me down to the base running her tongue all over my cock. I felt Jody's hands on my butt as she spread my ass cheeks wide apart and looked at my brown puckered hole. Phil was slowly stoking his cock in and out of Becky's wet cunt hole. He had his eyes closed as he fucked my daughter with long slow strokes of his huge cock. Becky was moaning around my cock as Phil pumped her full of hard cock. I turned my head around and watched Jody looking at my ass hole. I knew she was trying to build the courage to lick it. Phil opened his eyes and told her to lick it quick and see that it doesn't taste bad. I felt her tongue quickly run over my tight butt hole and just as quick withdraw. I looked at her as she brought her tongue back to her mouth tasting my butt for the first time. Jody smiled and told her dad that it wasn't bad at all. "You can't even taste anything at all" she exclaimed. He told her to lick my butt again and she planted a kiss right on my tight hole. I felt her tongue dancing all around my ass hole as Becky sucked me deeper into her mouth. "Oh Jody, your tongue feels so good back there sweetie," I moaned to her as she licked my hole faster and faster. "Oh can you push it in a little?" I asked. I felt her tongue get stiff and ease into my well spit lubed ass hole. Her little hands spread my ass cheeks farther apart as her tongue slide deeper into my ass. "Oh fuck yeah! That's the way honey! That's the way!" I groaned. She wiggled her tongue again and I exploded my load into my daughter's sucking mouth. "OH FUCK!!" I shouted as I emptied my balls down Becky's throat. Jody kept rimming my ass hole as I shot a massive load of hot cum into my 10 year old daughter's mouth. Becky swallowed every drop of my hot seed as I slowly dribbled to a stop. Jody pulled her tongue from my ass as we sat back and watched Phil begin to hump Becky faster. "Oh Phil, faster, please go faster! Oh yeah, OH YEAH!" Becky groaned as Phil pounded his huge cock into her little cunt. Becky was tossing her head back and forth in pure bliss from the hard 8 inch cock pounding into her cunt. Phil grabbed her by her ass cheeks and slammed her back on his hard pole as she let out a scream. "Deeper PHIL, deeper! Push it deeper, oh I'm cumming! Oh I'm cumming! AAAAAAEEEOOOOHHHHHHH!!" she screamed out as she shoved her ass back on his cock. Phil gave a loud grunt as he filled her hairless cunt with his sticky cum. Jody and I saw it leaking out around his cock as he continued to pound his cock into her cunt. His softening cock finally slipped out of her well fucked cunt hole as a stream of cum followed. Jody bent down and cleaned Becky's cunt of all the cum that was leaking from her. She then turned and cleaned her dad's sticky cock clean of the combined juices. Jody smacked her lips and told us that it was now her turn. I looked at Jody thinking of how I wanted to fuck this little nymph. I gazed down at her hairless slit and saw the droplets of moisture already forming. I told Phil and Becky to warm her up for me while I went to get a drink of water. I walked into the house as Phil crawled between his daughter's legs and began to lick her bald cunt. Becky climbed on top of Jody and lowered her cunt to her friend's lips. While Jody was licking her cunt Becky was pulling and tweaking her hard little nipples. I came out of the house and stood watching the trio go at it. I walked over to the group and told Jody to get on her hands knees so I could do her from the back. Everyone stood up as she got into position. Phil fed his daughter his cock while Becky sucked on her little nipples. I ran my 7 inch cock up and down her hairless crack wetting it with her preteen juices. When my hard cock was slick with her juices I pushed myself into her tight cunt. I heard her moan out around her dad's cock as I sunk all the way in. My balls were resting against her 10 year old body as I held still letting her feel my cock all the way in her. I told Becky to try rimming Phil like Jody did to me. My daughter moved behind Phil and spread his ass cheeks with her hands. I could tell that she wasn't sure about licking his brown hole. I said that we all did it and it can't be that bad if we all did it. I saw her take a deep breath and run her tongue over Phil's puckered ass hole. Phil let out a loud moan to let her know that it felt good as she brought her tongue back to her mouth. I could tell that she didn't mind it because a smile spread across her face. I started to slowly pump my hard cock in and out of Jody's tight cunt hole. She groaned as I bottomed out then pulled almost all the way out and slowly bottomed out again. I kept a slow steady pace up as I fucked her in long deep strokes. I watched as Phil's cock stretched his daughter's throat out as she worked her throat muscles on his cock. Becky was rimming Phil's ass like a pro. I could see her tongue dart in and out of his ass hole. "Oh Becky wiggle it inside of me," Phil told my daughter. She wiggled her tongue deep inside of his butt. "God, I'm getting close to cumming. Suck me harder Jody. I'm cumming now! I'm cumming, Nnugh!" Phil screamed as I saw his nut sack begin to jerk as it emptied its load into his daughter's mouth. Becky pulled her tongue from Phil's ass as she watched Jody swallow her dad's load of hot sticky cum down her throat. When Phil was finished his limp cock fell from Jody's mouth. Becky went over and kissed her friend deeply so she could get a taste of Phil's cum. Phil and Becky sat on the other lounge chair and watched as I pounded my cock into Jody. I was taking long slow strokes when I got a hell of an idea. I stuck my finger in my mouth and got it nice and wet. I ran it up her ass crack, tickling her little pink rosebud. She moaned as she felt my finger on her ass hole. I slowly pushed against her tight hole until the tip of my finger slid into her ass."YES! That feels so good Hank!" she groaned. I eased my finger deeper into her 10 year old ass hole. I worked it all the way in and began to finger fuck her butt hole as I slowly fucked her cunt. When her ass opened wider I added another finger to her tight brown hole. I began to fuck her cunt faster as I reamed her ass with two fingers. "Oh Hank! OH MY GOD! OOHHH!" she cried out as she shoved her hips back to me. I placed another finger into her well stretched ass hole and shoved all three deep into her ass. "Yeah! OH YEAH!" she yelled. Jody's cunt was soaking my cock with its preteen juices as I plowed into her bald cunt with my hard cock. I slowly pulled my cock from her pussy removing my fingers from her ass hole. I placed my cock at her rear entrance and slowly pushed my 7 inch cock deep into her ass hole."Daddy! He's fucking my ass!!" Jody screamed at Phil as she pushed her ass back on my cock. Phil and Becky got up and stood behind me so they could watch my hard cock pound into Jody's ass hole. "Faster Hank, push faster! Oh deeper too, Oh deeper!" she begged me as I pounded my cock in and out of her butt. I grabbed hold of her ass cheeks and began to pull her roughly back onto my cock. "OH FUCK! I'm cumming! I'm cumming!" Jody shouted as her body shook with pleasure. I grunted loudly as I felt my cum rush up my cock and explode into her bowels. I shot an enormous amount of cum into her 10 year old ass hole as she ground her hips on my cock. When I finally stopped shooting my sticky cum I pulled out of her ass and watched as a river of cum followed my cock out of the hole. Jody rolled over on the lounge chair panting loudly trying to catch her breath. "Oh Hank that was so good" she said. She turned to her dad and told him that she wanted him to do that next time. We all sat down and grabbed a soda. As we drank our drinks we talked about how much fun it was sharing ourselves like we did. We agreed to do this again. We chatted for a while longer before Phil and Jody left for home. I took Becky upstairs for the night. We were both exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Becky said that she was so glad that she made the honor roll.PART IIISunday Becky and I just lay around the house. We were still worn out from our day with Phil and Jody. We relaxed by the pool and ate steaks on the patio. We enjoyed oral sex on the lounge chair late in the afternoon to end a perfect day. We both went to bed early so we could be ready for the new week. I dropped Becky off at school the next morning on my way to work. I kissed her quickly telling her to be good. We ate supper together as usual talking about the events of the day. The week wore on the same way every day. Becky and I usually had oral sex everyday except of Wednesday, that day Becky wanted to be fucked in the ass. We spent over three hours in bed that day just pleasing each other. I can never get enough of her butt. I walked into the house on Friday and saw Becky in the backyard with a young boy. I walked out on the patio to see who he was. Becky saw me first and said to come meet her friend. "Billy, this is my dad, dad this is Billy," Becky said. I shook his young hand and welcomed him to our house. "Billy made the honor roll too," Becky said to me. I told him that his parents must be very proud. I saw a tear roll down his cheek. I knelt in front of him and asked what was wrong. He said that his mom was in a nursing home in a coma from a car accident and his dad didn't even care about it. I told him that his dad probably had a lot of things on his mind but I was sure he still was proud. He said that since his mom went away his dad never spent much time with him. I hugged Billy as the tears began to flow harder. "I know how to make Billy feel better," Becky said. She dropped to her knees and undid the young boy's belt. She unsnapped his jeans pulling the zipper down. She yanked his pants down to his ankles leaving just his underwear on. Billy asked what she was doing when she rubbed his little dick through is underwear. "Just relax and enjoy the feeling," she told him. I sat down on the chair to watch what my daughter had in mind unfold. She slowly pulled his underwear down exposing his little 4 inch cock to our view. He had no hair around it yet and his ball sack was tight against his body. He tried to cover himself up but Becky lowered her lips to his little hard cock immediately. I heard the sigh he made as she began to suck on his cock. "Stop, your dad is watching" he said as he pushed her off his little dick. Becky laughed and told him that it was okay. "Watch," she told Billy. Becky walked to where I was sitting and unzipped my pants. She reached in and took out my hard 7 inch cock and slid it into her mouth. I looked at Billy's face seeing that his mouth was hung open and his eyes were bulging out of his head. Becky swallowed my hard cock all the way down and rubbed her nose in my cock hair. She pulled my cock out and smiled at Billy. "See, my dad doesn't care if I suck your dick," she told him. She went back to Billy and took his cock back into her mouth. I watched Billy close his eyes and smile as she ran her tongue all around his little cock. I sat on the chair looking at my 10 year old daughter sucking her little friends cock. I took my cock in my hand and slowly started to rub myself. Billy was groaning more and more as Becky worked on his stiff 4 inch cock. Becky put his entire cock in her mouth and then sucked his nut sack into her mouth too. "Um, I feel so funny down there," Billy said as he humped his hips towards Becky's mouth. Billy looked at me as I stroked my hard cock. He stared at my stiff dick as I smeared the pre-cum over my cock head. I smiled at him and he smiled back at me. I asked Billy if he had ever cum before. He didn't know what that meant, so I explained that when a boy feels real good he shoots sperm out of his penis. I told him that it feels real good, better than anything he'd ever experienced before.Billy said that he had never dine that before. I told him to relax and just go with the feeling that Becky was giving him, and it wasn't long before Billy was gasping hard. "OH! OOHH! I have to pee!" he cried. I reassured him that he didn't have to pee that he was getting ready to shoot his sperm. "OH! OH! I don't know what's happening to me. OOHHH! AAHHGGH!" Billy shouted and I saw Becky begin to swallow. I watched some of the boy's cum leak out the corners of her mouth as he filled her preteen mouth with his hot boy cum. Afterward, Becky let Billy's limp cock fall from her mouth as she kissed him so he could taste is own juice. I watched as they sucked each others tongues. "WOW! I never knew that anything could feel so good," Billy said, still panting for breath."There are a lot of things my dad and I could teach you," she told him.He looked at me and asked if I would really teach him all this stuff. I told him that I would, but he had to promise not to say anything to anybody about it. "We need to take care of my dad now," Becky told Billy. She took him by the hand and they walked over to my chair and knelt in front of me. Becky reached out taking my hard cock in her hands. She slowly stroked me up and down as Billy watched every move that she made. Finally, Becky told Billy to try it. He took my hard dick in his small hands and rubbed me softly. He wanted to know what the stuff was that was leaking out of the hole. Becky said it was pre-cum and it tasted good. She bent her head down and licked a glob of pre-cum off my cock head. She made a point to smack her lips as she tasted my juice. She pointed my cock at Billy and told him to try it. Billy lowered his head down and licked the tip of my cock getting a big glob of pre-cum on his tongue. He brought it back to his mouth and tasted my pre-cum. He said it was kind of salty but not to bad. He licked another glob of my slimy juice off of my cock head. Becky laughed and told him that he should just suck my cock in his mouth and really get a taste of it. Without hesitation he pushed my cock into his 10 year old mouth and licked around my spongy head. Becky reached down and rubbed my balls as Billy sucked my cock. Becky told him that he should try to take it all in his mouth like she did. "You show me how," he told my daughter.Becky took my cock in her mouth and slowly sunk all the way down until her nose was buried in my pubic hair. I told Billy to look at her throat. He stared at her neck as it bulged out with my cock inside of it. "Wow, let me try now!" Billy said. Becky moved over letting Billy try is luck at it. He pushed to fast and gagged as my cock touched the entrance to his throat. Becky told him to slow down and swallow when he felt the cock hit his throat. Billy tried again slower this time and soon I felt his nose in my cock hair. I could feel his little throat muscles working my cock as I stretched his throat with my huge cock. Becky clapped her hands as she watched him swallow my entire length. She told him to pull back so he could really suck my cock. He pulled the head of my cock out of his throat and began to suck it faster. Becky ran her finger down Billy's ass crack and tickled his little asshole as he sucked my cock. I heard Billy grunt out his pleasure when he felt a finger on his anus. I was getting too excited now, "Billy, are you ready to taste my cum?" I asked him. He nodded his head without stopping his sucking."OH SHIT! I'm cumming Billy! Oh shit I'm cumming! AAHHHHHHHH!" I groaned out as I felt my sperm shoot out the end of my cock. The force of my shots surprised Billy and he pulled my cock out of his mouth. Becky yelled at him to put it back in and he followed her orders. He swallowed my cock again as I continued to fill his mouth with my hot sticky cum. I felt myself slow down to just a dribble and pulled my cock from his mouth. He quickly swallowed all the cum that was in his mouth and licked my cock clean for me. I hugged Billy and thanked him for making me feel good. "I wish my dad was as cool as you," he said hugging me back. I just smiled and hugged him tighter. Becky asked Billy if he was ready to learn how to fuck. He just nodded his head and asked her what he was supposed to do. Becky told him that she would get on her hands and knees and he could put his cock in from behind. I told Billy not to worry, that I would help in learn how. Becky got down on her hands and knees wiggling her butt at Billy. I looked at Billy staring at Becky as she shucked her clothes and stood before him. She spread her legs so the he could see her hairless slit. Billy just stared open mouthed as he took in every detail of her bald cunt. She told him to lick it and make it nice and wet so they could do it. He looked at me for some sort of guidance so I bent down and ran my tongue through her wet slit. I showed Billy where to lick to make her feel good and I pointed out the hole that he should stick his tongue in. I moved over so Billy could use his tongue and taste his first taste of pussy juice. I watched as he ran his tongue up and down her slit. His tongue circled her hard clit causing her to push her hips back to his face. He moved his tongue down until it was at the entrance to her hot cunt canal. He slowly pushed it inside of my daughter making her groan out in pleasure. I knelt behind Billy and played with is little hard cock. I lay down on my back with my head between his legs and sucked his cock into my mouth. I heard a loud sigh escape from his lips as I sucked his stiff cock all the way in my mouth. Billy sucked on Becky's cunt as I sucked on Billy's cock.Becky moaned to Billy not to stop as he tongue fucked her little cunt hole. I sucked Billy's cock deep into my mouth and decided to run a finger along his ass crack. I felt him jerk as my finger ran across his little asshole. I wet my finger with my mouth and ran it up to his butt hole again. As I sucked his hard little cock I slowly pushed the tip of my finger into his ass. Billy moaned loudly as he pushed his ass back to my hand. I asked him if he liked that and he muttered that he didn't want me to stop. I pushed my entire finger into his rectum wiggling it. "Oh don't stop doing that, put another one in," Billy moaned.I put two fingers into Billy's little ass hole as he groaned his pleasure out to me. Becky told him that she was ready to have his cock in her. I removed my fingers as Billy complained. I told him to put his dick in Becky and I would return my fingers to his butt. Billy put his hard cock at my daughter's cunt hole and pushed it inside. Becky moaned as he slid all the way in with his 4 inch cock. When he began to pump into Becky I slowly reinserted my fingers to his dark rear hole. I reamed his 10 year old ass with my two fingers as he fucked Becky. I let his cock fall from my lips as I knelt behind his pumping ass. I ran my tongue over his hot ass getting his puckered hole nice and wet with my saliva. When he was properly lubed with my spit I took my hard cock and pushed it against his small opening. I felt the head of my cock pop into his rectum. "AAAAAWWW! Oh it feels so big!" he moaned to me. I asked him if he wanted me to stop and he said no. I pushed a little harder and felt another inch of my cock slide up his ass. He was so hot and tight that I had to really concentrate not to shoot my load right away. We had our rhythm just right so when he pushed into Becky my cock slid almost all the way out of his butt. When he pulled back from Becky my cock would sink farther into his rectum. It didn't take long before I had my full 7 inches buried deep into his little ass. Becky told Billy that she was real close to cumming. She told Billy to push his cock in faster and harder. He picked up the speed as he pounded his little cock into Becky's preteen pussy. Suddenly she shouted as she poured her juice out around his little 4 inch cock. Billy kept plunging his cock into her convulsing body as he neared his own release. He shouted loudly as his cock erupted deep inside of Becky's cunt. My cock could feel each spurt of his cum as it shot out of his dick. I reached out grabbing his hips and began to pound my cock into his ass. I shouted out to him that I was cumming and flooded his bowels with my hot cum. I painted the walls of his ass with my sticky seed as I emptied my load deep inside of him. I pulled my cock from his well stretched hole and watched as a stream of cum followed it out. We all lay on the ground panting, trying to recover from out threesome. Billy was the first to speak. "I wish my dad was as cool as you," he said once again. "I would love to be able to do these things with my dad," he added. I told him that I had a plan that might help him do just that. Both kids were curious about my plan and I explained it all to them. They both agreed that it might work. Billy's dad was due to pick him up in about 30 minutes so we all got up to take a shower. We were back on the patio when the doorbell rang. Becky ran to answer the door. She opened the door to see a handsome man in shorts and a t-shirt standing on the front porch. "Hi I'm Bob, Billy's dad, is he here?" he asked. Becky told him that he was upstairs taking a shower after swimming and her dad was in the kitchen. Becky led him to the kitchen and introduced him to me. I told him that I was getting the chicken ready for supper and that he should make himself comfortable on the patio with Becky. I handed him a beer as I told him that I would be out in a short while. Becky led him out the back door to the patio. I followed them out telling Bob that he and Billy were staying for dinner and I would run to the store for another package of chicken. He said that it wasn't necessary but I insisted and left him on the patio with my 10 year old daughter. I went in the house and climbed the steps. I saw Billy peeking out the window at his dad and Becky on the patio. I went next to him and watched the plan unfurl below. Becky sat across from Bob dressed in a light colored sundress. She sat on her lounge chair with her legs spread slightly to give Bob a view of her pantiless pussy. She kept the conversation flowing as she sipped her cola. Billy and I watched Bob as he noticed Becky's bald cunt visible from his vantage point. Billy laughed softly as he saw a bulge appear in his dad's shorts. Becky slowly opened her legs wider so he could see her wet slit clearly. "How old are you again" Bob asked my daughter. "I'm 10 but I'm old for my age," she said as she flashed a big smile. "Does your dad know that you don't wear panties?" he asked as he stared at her naked cunt. "Yeah, he doesn't care as long as I'm at home," she said to him. "Besides, I like to letting people see me and stuff," she added. Bob wanted to know what she meant by "stuff". Becky told him that she likes it when boys touch her between the legs. "I had one boy actually lick me down there." She told him. Bob asked her if she would like him to touch her down there. Becky told him that she was hoping he would do that.Becky told Bob to come and lay on the towels. She stretched out on the towels as he got up and joined her on the cement. When he was lying next to her she turned and kissed him gently on his lips. We could see her tongue snake into his mouth as his hands went around her small body. He massaged her back and her butt cheeks as her returned her kiss. Becky ran her hand down to his bulge and gave it a squeeze. Billy and I watched as Bob moved his hand under her sundress. I could see Becky was beginning to respond to his hand. She sat up and removed her dress so she was completely naked. She told him to undress so they could finish before I got home. Bob wanted to know how long I would be gone. Becky told him it would be at least 45 minutes. He stood up dropping his shorts and removing his shirt. Billy and I looked at his cock as it bounced in the breeze. He was about the same size as I was and I knew that Becky was going to have fun with it.Becky moved around so she could suck his hard cock into her mouth. Billy and I heard him moan out through the open window. Becky bobbed her head up and down on his hard cock as he held her head in his hand. After a few minutes, Becky moved up and told him that she wanted him to lick her cunt. Becky got on her hands and knees telling him that she liked to have her cunt licked from the back. Bob got on his hands and knees and began to lick my daughter's bald 10 year old pussy non stop. I told Billy it was his time to do his part now.Billy crept down the stairs and went on the patio. I followed a short distance behind him. He silently went on the patio scooted on his back between his dad's legs. Bob was so engrossed in lapping Becky's pussy that he never heard his son crawl between his legs. Billy looked up at his dad's hairy cock hanging if front of him and took it between his lips. Bob moaned and looked at what was giving him such pleasure. "Billy, what the HELL are you doing?!" he shouted. Billy sucked his dad's cock in until it popped into his throat. He worked his throat muscles on his dad's cock as Bob began to groan again. Billy pulled the cock from his mouth and told his dad that he wanted to please him. I walked out on the patio at that time and told Bob that I could explain everything. Bob got up and sat on the chair with his stiff cock pointing from his body. I told Billy to keep going while I explained things to his dad. Becky joined Billy on the ground in front to Bob. They both took his hard cock and began to run their tongues over his stiff rod. They met at the tip and kissed with Bob's cock between their soft lips. Bob just looked at me with a blank expression on his face."Look Bob, I found Becky and Billy talking on the patio this afternoon and he was telling her about how he made the honor roll and you didn't even care. Becky said that she would make him feel better and forget the hurt and she gave him his first blow job. He in turn licked my daughter's pussy until she came. Then they both took care of me," I told Bob as the two preteens were busy with his hard cock."But I am proud of him for getting on the honor roll," Bob said. I asked him if he told Billy that and he answered no. I told him that kids need to hear things like that. He wanted to do something that would make you happy so Becky taught him how to deep throat my cock and I taught him what it feels like to get a hard cock in his ass. He learned all this just so you would be happy again and do things with him. "Billy, is that true?" Bob asked his son. Billy nodded his head as Bob pulled his boy up. He stared at his son has he hugged him tightly. They both had tears running down their cheeks when they pulled apart. "Dad, I want to make you feel good, okay?" he said to his father. "You don't have to if you don't want to, you make me happy just being my son," Bob told him. Billy gave him his answer by getting on his knees and sucking his cock back into his mouth. Becky sat on the chair and watched as Billy slowly pushed the entire length of his dad's cock into his throat. "Oh man! Billy that feels so good," Bob sighed as Billy's throat muscles rippled up and down on his dad's dick. Becky reached down and pulled my cock free from my pants so she could slowly stroke me. "Billy, can we lie down so I can do it to you too" Bob asked his son. They got down on the towels and turned their bodies around so they could suck each others cocks. Bob licked at his son's dick hesitantly tasting his first cock. We watched as he sucked his son's little cock into his mouth. Billy let out a long sigh as Bob sucked on his preteen penis gently. Bob was humping his hips up to Billy's mouth and I whispered to Becky that it wasn't going to be long before Bob filled Billy's mouth with his cum. I was surprised when we heard Billy warn his dad that he was cumming. "Oh dad, I got that feeling again! Oh daddy! I'm going to shoot!" Billy yelled as his dad sucked harder on his little cock. Becky and I watched as Billy's little nut sack pulled up tight against his hairless body and saw Bob's throat moving as he swallowed his preteen son's load of boy cum. Bob massaged Billy's balls as he emptied them into his father's mouth. "Oh daddy! Oh daddy, I love you!" Billy cried out as his load finally stopped shooting from his little cock. Bob licked his lips and told his son that he loved him also. Billy sucked his dad's hard cock into his throat and worked his muscles on his dad's cock shaft. It wasn't long before Bob cried out his pleasure."Oh yes! Suck it Billy!" he cried out as he erupted into his son's mouth. It must have been a massive amount because it leaked around the corners of Billy's mouth as he tried to gulp his dad's cum down his throat. Bob kept humping Billy's face as he pumped his hot sticky cum down his 10 year old son's throat. When he was over his orgasm Billy let his limp cock slip from his lips and crawled up to give his dad a kiss. "I love you daddy," he whispered to Bob. Becky and I watched as Bob sobbed on his son's shoulder telling him how much he loved him over and over. When things got back to normal Becky asked Billy to help her take care of me. Both preteens sucked on my cock as Bob watched from his chair. I saw that his cock was beginning to grow stiff once more. I told Bob that he should take his son's ass because it feels so good. Bob smiled and got down behind his son's ass. I watched as he ran his tongue up and down his boy's ass crack wetting Billy's anus with his saliva. Billy stopped sucking my cock and concentrated on his own pleasure. "Come on Becky, suck me down your throat," I told my little girl. She promptly pushed my cock into her throat and worked her muscles on my stiff rod. I said to breath through her nose so I can shoot right down her throat. I could hear her puffing in and out of her nose as I moaned out my pending release. "Oh Becky, swallow it all baby, here it comes!" I cried out as I felt the first blast of cum shoot from my cock. I poured my hot load directly down her throat as she held her nose against my pubes. Her swallowing motions milked every last drop of cum from my balls as I gently pulled her up to me and kissed her deeply. I tasted my own salty load on her lips as we kissed. Becky and I turned to watch Bob sliding his hard cock in and out of his son's ass hole. "Oh daddy, shove it in deeper! Oh, deeper daddy, deeper!" he begged his dad as Bob pounded his hard cock into his son's butt. Bob was taking long strokes with his cock. He would pull back leaving just the head of his cock in his son's ass then he would slowly slide all 7 inches back into Billy's hot ass canal. "Daddy do it faster! Oh go faster! Put it in deep! OHHH! OHH!" Billy panted out as his daddy rammed into his hot ass hole. "I'm going to shoot again dad. Oh Daddy, do it harder and faster!" he begged.Bob grabbed his son by the ass cheeks and plowed brutally into his 10 year old ass. Billy screamed as he shot his boy cum out onto the cement. Becky and I heard Bob grunt loudly as he emptied his balls into his son's well fucked ass. He kept plunging into Billy's ass as he pumped a massive load of hot cum up his son's bowels. His limp cock finally fell from Billy's stretched out ass hole and a stream of cum oozed out of him. Father and son hugged each other saying how much they loved each other over and over again. Bob finally announced that they had to head for home. "I want to thank you and Becky for teaching Billy how to do all those things. I also want to thank you for reminding me that he needs me," Bob said. We all hugged and said we would get together again real soon to have a great foursome. As they pulled out of the driveway, I grabbed Becky and headed for the bedroom.ENDRead more of my stories at: /files/Authors/Durango*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 39
"I wrap my arms around you, gently pulling you close. I bend my head down, softly kissing you upon the lips, tasting you, your tongue by brushing mine. My hands slowly begin undressing you, by undoing your pants and slightly pushing them down until gravity takes over and they fall to the floor. Then, while still kissing you, I begin running my hands softly over your stomach, sides and thighs. I begin bending down, kissing your neck as I go, brushing my hands up under your shirt and over your back, undoing your bra strap. When I reach your stomach, I start kissing upwards again, slowly pushing your shirt over your head, and pulling your bra off, allowing them both to fall to the floor. I kiss your lips again, teasing them and your tongue with mine while leading you the bed, softly guiding you down until you're laying down, legs hanging off of the end, with me positioned in between your legs. I kiss downwards again, nibbling a little on your neck, and kissing your collar area. Kissing further down, over the top of your chest, I begin massaging your breasts with one hand and brushing the insides of your thighs and over your pussy lips. As my lips reach your breasts, I begin kissing each nipple, lightly nibbling on it until they are standing very firm and erect before I begin kissing down your stomach. As I kneel between your legs, I finish kissing over your stomach, and begin kissing and licking your inner thighs, each time I reach the top, I tease your pussy with the tip of my tongue.Using 2 fingers, I spread your lips and begin gently nibbling, sucking and licking your clit. One hand, I insert 2 fingers into your pussy, gently rocking them in and out. As you get wetter, I place in a 3rd finger. After some time, I take those fingers out, replacing them with my other hand as I insert the first 3 fingers slowly and gently into your ass, locking my arms in place for you to ride against. Every few minutes, I look up at you, beckoning for you to cum all over my fingers and face. After you cum, I pull out all of my fingers, and have you spin around to where your head is hanging off the side of the bed, mouth open. I slowly undress myself, reveling in your ecstasy. When I am naked, I open your mouth and slowly and gently start fucking your mouth and throat.The angle your head is at, allows your throat to relax enough for your gag reflex to not take over. After I cum, I have you spin around again and I begin softly kissing your neck and teasing your lips and tongue with mine. I slowly insert myself into your pussy, gently making love to you to start, then picking up the tempo and increasing the hardness at your beckoning. After several minutes, I cum hard into your pussy. Then, I pull out, and gently insert your dildo into your pussy, turning it on soft as not to cause you to lose the ecstasy you're already in, and hold it there as you start riding against it. As you're doing this, I slowly insert my cock into your ass and begin slowly, gently fucking your ass, picking up speed and hardness again.I cum, yet I don't stop as you're telling me you're on the verge of cumming yourself. I continue until you explode in a burst of orgasmic ecstasy. I pull myself out, gently leading you to the head of the bed, and wrap you in my arms, softly stroking you until you go to sleep. I then kiss you upon the forehead, whispering into your ear "I love you. This is what you can have any time you want it." before falling softly to sleep myself. Where I belong: With my beloved in my arms next to me as our souls meet in the world of dreams."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 62
Comatose Lover: (MF, nc, preg)Reported in 1997 in a local newspaper from the central midwest: a woman was sued for custody of her 8 month old baby because she raped a comatose male patient in an extended care facility while he was undergoing several brain operations after a car accident.Apparently she was attracted to his well-developed body and since her job was to monitor his vital signs and maintain his catheter, blood work etc., she had unsupervised access to him.Over a period of 3 months (she confessed later after being charged with rape) she had sex with the helpless male at least 15 times. Apparently she would accost him during catheter changes late at night. As she admitted later, "he was just so sexy looking, all tan and muscular, I just couldn't help myself. It was such a waste."The woman would remove his catheter and then "massage" his manhood to erection and once he was "ready" she would climb aboard and ride him until he finally went soft. She claimed later that she had originally only planned to do it once, but that he was so well endowed and it felt so good that she couldn't stop herself from attacking him over and over again.When she became pregnant by these illicit couplings she still continued to use him for her self-gratification. This state of affairs might have gone on indefinitely if a co-worker hadn't caught her in the act one night and reported her to the facility management.As it turned out the woman was convicted of rape by a jury of her peers and was incarcerated for three years. When the male victim ultimately died of complications during an operation, the victim's family, including his wife, sued for custody of the newborn baby and won.Today the victim's wife and in-laws are raising the child, and the perpetrator after serving her term in prison is a waitress in a saloon in a small town in Montana, where she is trying to forget her past indiscretions.***Rejected Love: (M+/F, v, cheating-husband)How about the story of Amy Fisher and Joey Buttafuoco? At the time it was a national scandal that seems more like a Jerry Springer special today, than the real life drama that it was.Amy Fisher was an attractive 16-year-old who apparently learned at an early age that if a girl was willing to "please" a man, she could have just about anything she wanted.Over the years from the tender age of 12, until this event took place, Amy had probably had sex of one kind or another with around 20 different men.When she met Joey it was at a sports bar in Buffalo NY. He was a big strong, outspoken man, and Amy was instantly attracted to him.Within days of that first meeting Amy was having sex with him in his car, giving him oral sex and after a while, even sharing herself with his friends on occasion.It didn't bother Amy that her new lover was married. That is it didn't bother her until his wife found out about their affair. But when Joey told her that he was going to have to break it off, Amy was furious.Amy was 14 years Joey's junior. She knew that she was attractive, and she couldn't understand why Joey would choose his wife over her. She was hot and Joey's wife, in Amy's opinion, was a mousy little house-frau that couldn't compete with her in any way.Even though Joey responded to Amy's extra efforts in the sex department like giving him a hand job at the local bar while others watched, and oral sexual contact in front of his buddies, he still wouldn't leave his wife and insisted that they break off their relationship.Amy was incensed, how could a man reject her of all people. Wasn't she the sexiest woman alive? Didn't she do anything Joey wanted, anyway he wanted it?Finally she realized that if she didn't do something drastic she would lose her big well-hung lover. So Amy devised a plan.First she enlisted the help of a past high school acquaintance. A guy who had always had a thing for her, even way back in grade school. Amy knew how to use men and she attempted to use this guy to help her "remove" Joey's wife as a threat.Her first contact with her old classmate ended up with her giving him oral sex in the front seat of his car. Later on to keep him "loyal" Amy would visit him at his apartment and perform the "full monty" on him, giving him her whole repertoire of sexual tricks.What ended up happening is that one day, using the information that her old classmate had given her, Amy showed up at the Buttafuoco's home and with the intention of frightening Joey's wife into leaving him she pulled a hand gun from her purse and waved it at the hapless woman who opened the door.No one will ever really know what Amy's intentions were, but the gun went off and a bullet struck Mary Jo Buttafuoco in the face. Any fled the scene and hid at her old schoolmate's apartment, giving him any kind of sex he wanted so long as he kept her hidden.Even great sex isn't worth going to jail for a long time, so after getting as much oral, vaginal and anal sex from Amy as he could fit into a weekends sexapade, her old classmate turned her into the authorities.Amy served 7 years in a federal penitentiary for attempted murder.One good thing; at least Amy had something to make her stay a little easier to bear. Her talent with sex should have stood her in good stead with her cellmates.***Getting Whitey: (M+/MF+, nc, intr, v)This happened only a short while ago and is really rather a sick story. Not even Hollywood could come up with a scenario like this one.Four friends were celebrating a house warming for one of their friend's new apartment. It was winter in this north Nebraska town and everything seemed as normal as could be.The four friends (2 women 2 men) were all college students and although two were dating, they never let anything get in the way of their stronger group friendship.They were enjoying a lively conversation, when about 9 o'clock that evening a knock sounded at the door. The woman whose apartment it was went to answer it. When she re-entered the living room area she was followed by two dangerous looking black men with guns.The two men hustled everyone into the hall closet with threats of violence if everyone didn't do what they were told. Then after a few minutes their captors called out the two women.To the women's shock and horror, they were commanded to strip in front of the now relaxed but still threatening invaders.After further threats and a few slaps the women stripped only to be told that the men wanted to watch them perform lesbian acts on one another. The two frightened women had never done anything like that before, but with the fear of violence they did as they were told.The two men urged them on to oral sex with each other and even forced them to masturbate each other with a cucumber from the refrigerator.When, after an hour or more of this the two men began to strip their clothes off and the women began to cry in earnest, knowing what would happen next. Only they still hadn't understood the total depravity of these two violent men.As the two black men finished stripping they forced both women to perform oral sex on them and then again on each other. After both men were temporarily sated they forced the two men from the closet and made them strip.It wasn't more than a few minutes before they were forced to give each other oral sex in front of the two watching men and the women. Then when it was obvious that neither man was going to embarrass themselves with an orgasm the two blacks told them to rape their female friends.They told their captives that if they didn't see evidence of semen afterwards they'd all be sorry. They made the men rape their female friends and once they'd done that they were forced to change partners and do it all over again.After this the two attackers shoved the naked men back into the closet and proceeded to use the women for their own pleasure, forcing themselves on the woman, switching back and forth several times before they were satisfied.Around 2 o'clock in the morning the two blacks forced all four of their captives into one of their cars, the captives were still naked and frightened beyond belief.Their assailants drove them out into the frozen night, ending up in a snowy corn field where the four young people where shot execution style. The two men took the car and drove back to the apartment and fixed themselves a meal. Afterwards they ransacked the apartment for anything of value and then headed home.The four young college people lay in the blood stained snow, their bodies rapidly cooling to the surrounding temperature. Only, one of the women wasn't dead. Actually their assailants in the dark and confusion had missed her head entirely. She lay naked in the snow until they drove away in the stolen car and then still in shock she stumbled down the road looking for help.You can imagine the surprise of the middle-age couple driving home from the emergency room, where the husband had just received treatment for a kidney stone flare-up, when they saw a naked young woman walking down the frozen road at around 3AM with no one else in sight.It took a certain amount of courage for the older couple to stop, but they did, and after transporting the young woman back to the hospital where they had just come from, the hideous story emerged.The next day the outrage became common knowledge and the manhunt was on. It didn't take long for the authorities to find the stolen car that was parked at the apartment complex where one of the attacker's lived.Before the day was over both men were in custody. Their only reason for doing what they did to four innocent people was that they, "wanted to get whitey" to get even for perceived slights that they'd experienced over a period of time.Needless to say, with an eyewitness who experienced prolonged intimate contact with both men, there should be more than enough to reap the proper justice. Although it is really too late for three out of four, and the fourth will never be the same again after that horrific night.***Reverend Ron: (M/mf+teens, voy, preg)This event took place in a small town in central California a few years ago.Ron was minister to a small congregation of approximately 150 people of a non-denominational church. He was a well-respected and progressive minister whose reputation was spotless.But Reverend Ron, as is flock called him, was more than he seemed. He was also the leader of the teen group that met every Thursday after school in the church building. This group consisted of 14 teenagers ranging from 13 to 19 years old. The group had originally been founded to allow the children to discuss their problems with someone they could trust, an adult who would be sympathetic with their plight, someone who would understand.Who better to run the group than the trusted Reverend? The children attended the meetings almost religiously. The group consisted of 5 girls and 9 boys who participated in the local clean-up drives that the church sponsored, and were in charge of the yearly church carnival, they were involved in many other good and worthwhile works too.But unknown to the parents of these children there was a rule that all of the children had to follow. The group was almost like a secret club, all of the children had to swear to keep the club's secrets, to act as a team, one for all and all for one.Things started to go wrong late one summer when one of the boys got into trouble with his parents for lying to them about a shoplifting incident. His parents who were at their wits end with the boy brought him to Reverend Ron for a "talking to".On that same day one of the teenage girls was also brought in for counseling by her parents. Apparently she'd been having sex with a boy at school and her parents were scandalized by their daughter's behavior and hoped that the Reverend might set her straight.What emerged sometime later after an investigation by authorities was that at that moment in time the good Reverend came to a decision in both children's case. After talking to the boy and hearing his reasons for his misbehavior and then talking to the girl about hers, he came up with an idea to solve both of their problems.It seems that the boy was acting out because he felt that no one loved him, and his parents were so strict that he felt like busting out all the time. While the girl was seeking love from boys because she also felt unloved and craved the closeness that the sex act afforded her.Reverend Ron came to the conclusion that if the boy and the girl were allowed to become intimate with each other, that their problems would solve themselves.He brought both children into one of the church meeting rooms and outlined the sins that they had committed. Then he told the children that the best way to work through their problems was to show each other their love.Later investigations showed that the good reverend "helped" the children show each other love, by being present and offering suggestions as the two children undressed and then had intercourse in front of him.As it turns out both children stopped causing trouble, and their parents were ecstatic at the transformation. They readily agreed to Reverend Ron's suggestion that they attend counseling every Thursday after group meeting concluded.Of course the children were happy to attend since they got to have sex every week and even received pointers from their Reverend on the finer aspects of sexual intercourse.Over time other children got into small scrapes, causing small misdemeanors and they too were referred to Reverend Ron's "special" counseling meetings after group on Thursdays.So it ended up with almost every child in the "teen group" eventually stayed after group meetings to attend "special counseling" with the beloved Reverend Ron.Now 13 out of the 14 young teenagers from the congregation were attending Reverend Ron's special sessions, enjoying the sexual freedom that teenagers only dream about.A typical meeting would start out with the children undressing and discussing sexual acts that they would like to perform. Since there were more boys than girls in the group some of the boys would double up with a girl and both would pleasure her.Apparently Reverend Ron would suggest new and fun things to do each week and the children would try them out on each other. According to the children who were interviewed by authorities somewhat later, the Reverend usually would undress and masturbate while the children had sex all around him.His explanation for this lewd behavior was that he needed to control his urges so that he wouldn't do anything against the children. His answer was to masturbate so that he could relieve himself without causing any harm to the children if he became too aroused by what he saw.It was later found that he did allow several of the teenage girls to "relieve" him manually and one of the girls insists that he allowed her to perform oral sex on him several times when they were alone at times other than in group.This state of affairs went on for over a year, evolving into more and more blatant orgies and would have continued if not for the pregnancy of first one, then two of the five girls participating.At first Reverend Ron denied the charges, and so did all of the kids. What finally ended the whole things was when the 6th girl who hadn't participated decided to tell all. Her friends had been trying to get her to join in the fun and had over time told her everything.When Reverend Ron was interviewed by the local newspaper just after his conviction on 14 counts of contribution to a minor's delinquency and 2 counts for sexual molestation against a minor, his only comment was, "I thought I was helping, it was all in good fun, and besides, I was keeping them out of trouble and entertained. What's wrong with that?"***A Cruise To Remember (M/F+, rp)This story is really unusual. It's about a guy who loved to take cruises. He would save his money and go on a cruise as many as 4 times a year.His favorite cruise was to the Bahamas and the reason for that was that it was the one that had the most single women.But what really made this Bostonian unusual was his penchant for finding the most vulnerable women on the ship and preying on them.He would scope out everyone and then strike up conversations with likely women. Any women who had low esteem or were suffering over rejection from a husband or boyfriend were his perfect targets.He would use two styles of attack. One would be to wine and dine her until he was able to get her either back to his cabin or hers. Then he wouldn't take no for an answer and he would have intercourse with her. If she didn't want this he would force her.The other tactic would be to knock on his likely victim's cabin door and when she opened it he would push his way in and take her against her will if necessary, which of course would usually be the case with this type of tactic.You would think that this individual would soon wind up in jail wouldn't you. But not our man, no not him. What made him even more unusual was that he would stay with his victim, working her over until she became putty in his hands.Apparently he was exceptionally talented at oral sex. Later when a full investigation was underway his victims said that they had fought him at first but within the first hour or so they were usually okay with it.It seems that our unusual attacker was very accomplished, and his stamina was quite exceptional. Also if you combined his natural talent in choosing his victims, you'll understand why he got away with his miss-deeds for so long.Eventually he slipped up and forced the wrong woman and was arrested aboard ship. During his trial a few statistics came to light. His most successful cruise netted him 13 different women during a five-day trip to the Bahamas. And over his 15-year career he'd had sexual relations with over 300 women using his method.One last note about our riparian rapist. Even though he was brought to court, only 3 women testified against him, while over 30 testified on his behalf.Go figure.***Teacher's Pet: (F/m-teen)You'll remember an incident in 1996, were Mary Kay Letourneau, a Washington State teacher, made headlines when it was discovered that she was having sexual relations with a 13-year-old boy, who eventually impregnated her two times.It was quite a scandal at the time. After this blonde, blue-eyed looker was caught and arrested for molesting the Tonganese teenager she made a public statement that she was leaving her husband and two children because she desperately loved the boy who was going to be the father of her baby. (the first pregnancy.)She was a very attractive woman who if you saw her walking down the street you might think to yourself, "Hmm, soccer mom, and humm, very hot." But the fact that this seemingly normal mother, wife and schoolteacher could throw her family and career away for a teenage boy is bizarre to say the least.She was found guilty of child molestation, but was given a suspended sentence because of the publicity and the total weirdness of the whole case.What made matters even worse was that some months later she was caught in her car giving the same boy oral sex. Apparently she'd sought him out again and seduced him back into a secret sexual relationship.If you're a guy, you know that it would be pretty hard to turn down a hot looking older woman who wants to jump your bones, so there is no way you can blame the boy. But when the newspapers and media in general got hold of this latest infraction it was all over.In court she plead for understanding, she loved the boy like life itself. The judge sent her to prison for 10-years. She'll be 47 by the time she gets out.I wonder if she'll try looking up her hot Tonganian lover when she gets out. He'll be old enough by then.***The Captive Sister: (m+/f, teens, rp, inc, necro)Outside Orlando Florida a boy and his group of buddies were arrested for kidnapping and rape.Although the charges in themselves were bad enough, what really brought this case to a new level of extreme weirdness was that the victim was one of the boy's own sister.The group of boys ranged between 13 and 16-years old. Boys that age are very curious about sex and are always horny. But what separated this group of boys from of the norm were their actions.Apparently a friend of the boy's sister suggested that they lose their unwanted virginity by raping one of their classmates after school.Although this scenario appealed to the boy he was afraid of the consequences. But at that same moment another buddy saw the boy's sister walking across the yard and commented how hot she looked in her shorts and halter-top.That led the conversation to his sister, and being more familiar with her than the afore mentioned classmate the brother let himself be talked into snatching her and spiriting her away to a secluded spot in the surrounding swamp area to do the deed.His friends assured him that they could blindfold her and that she'd never know who it was that had abducted her. During a later interview by the authorities he admitted that he'd been sexually attracted to his sister since he had reached puberty and that he was just so horny that he went along with his buddies plan.What transpired was that on a Saturday morning the sister was fooled by a faked note supposedly from her boyfriend to meet him in a vacant area to the bordering swamp. (Since this wasn't an unknown thing for them to do, she was easily fooled.) When she was on the path across a vacant area the boys accosted her, pulling a burlap bag over her head.But everything went wrong from the very first. She had recognized one of the boys before the bag was pulled over her head. She knew that her brother was there and she started to swear that if he didn't let her lose she would tell their parents and he would be in big trouble.Her brother was worried, but the other boys didn't seem to care that she was threatening to tell on them. They had already dragged her struggling back off the path and into a shady area of trees.Before her brother could pull his thoughts together, one of his friends was pulling his sister's shorts off, ripping her t-shirt and bra away. Then there was frantic movement as the panting boy who was attacking her, tugged at his own pants.In what seemed like only moments the boy was humping away at the still struggling girl when suddenly his body stiffened in mid thrust he relieved himself in her.As he pulled out he groaned 'how good it had felt' and that encouraged the other boys who wanted to have the same. There was no stopping it now. The brother watched as one after another of his buddies had intercourse with his sister and he finally realized that he was in for it, so what the heck he might as well lose his virginity too.The brother was the last to have intercourse with his sister. During his interview later with the authorities all he could say was that he couldn't help himself, that he just had to do it.Once he'd orgasmed in his sister he stood up and looked down at her dirt covered sweaty body. He could hear her sobbing beneath the bag. Then as one of the boys decided to go for a second ride with his sister he protested. After all she was his sister.Only by then it was too late, the boys had experienced sex, real sex, and they wanted another turn. There were nine of them and only one of him, and he wasn't the biggest or the bravest in the group.He had to watch as his sister was attacked again. She started to struggle again, kicking out. By luck her toes connected with her current attacker's testicles forcing the air out of his lungs and making him drop to the ground in agony.One of the bigger boys who was impatient for his second turn reached for a board laying on the ground and swung it down forcefully on the bag-covered head.All struggling stopped, she was obviously stunned, but none of the boys cared, as one of them said later during an interview with authorities, "all they wanted was to get their rocks off one more time."All 9 boys, including the boy who'd been kicked used the girl again and then taunted her brother into keeling down to do the same.But when her brother settled down on top of his sister for a second go, something "felt" wrong. Besides the sloppy mess they'd made of her vagina, there was something else. Her body seemed cold, unresponsive, very unlike the first time.The brother rose up and tugged the hood away from his sister's head only to stair into her lifeless eyes.Maybe he wasn't thinking, or maybe deep down inside he realized that he wasn't going to ever have another chance to have sex with a female again, but to the brother's everlasting shame he knelt down and thrust into his sister and while the other boys watched he orgasmed into her one last time.During the trial, which all the boys received lengthy prison terms, the one thing that really got the jury going was that final outrage. The brother received 25 years to life, while the other boys all received 10 years with no chance of parole.***Peer Pressure: (M+F+ teens, orgy, intr)Do you remember that episode on Dateline where a bunch of high school students got into a sex and drug ring pretty much run by an older black criminal type?That story was almost too much to believe but it was true, and many of the kids and their parents will never be the same because of it.It took place some years back in an affluent New England town where one would expect people to act conservatively and with some decorum.But not in this case. The kids drove to school in BMWs and Mercedes. Everyone in the click lived in 4000 sq. ft. or larger houses on huge grounds, and children had all the advantages.Then Emal came to town.He was a tough black guy who had just turned 21. The reason for his trip was to case out the neighborhood, to work out the most likely houses to burgle.But what Emal found was a group of board rich kids looking for excitement. He happened to stop into the local Shakey's Pizza Parlor and listened to a group of kids talking about the minor-league misdemeanors they had planned for the night.Eventually he sauntered over and mentioned that if they really wanted to have some fun they should come out to his motel room and try out some of his coke.It didn't take much persuasion to get them out on the edge of town to his Motel 6. Those kids were board out of their sculls and looking for excitement.But what when terribly wrong that this point was that this type of thing continued on. Emal became the group's leader, he moved into a cheap apartment at the edge of town and the young rich kids began to hang out there.Soon some of Emal's buddies showed up and the drugs got heavier. And for no other reason that bravado, the girls began to exchange sexual favors for drugs from these guys.Within no more than 3-months of Emal's arrival these affluent teenagers who had all the advantages that life has to offer were using hard drugs including heroin. They were having orgies, offering their bodies for all kinds of sex. If you were in their click and you were a girl, you were expected to let any of the boys have intercourse with you.It became a contest for some of the girls. Several had "pulled trains" with as many as 30-boys in one night. Even some of the geekier boys and girls were allowed to join in as long as they played along.After about six months, the orgies were occurring every night. Drugs were flowing full blast and the teenagers from this affluent New England hamlet were completely out of control.The children of these rich people were abusing their bodies with drugs and indiscriminate sex for no other reason than for the excitement of it all.Then the VD began to show up. Then one of the girls became pregnant, then another. Soon it was obvious that something was very wrong. The parents began to compare notes and within a week the whole "scene" began to fall apart.Emal was arrested for an unrelated offense and being removed from the group there was no one else to hold them together. First one then another of the children began to confess what was going on.Within days of the discovery a town meeting was held. When one after another of the children confessed to being involved in the sex and drugs the authorities finally stepped in.Today there is a whole generation of children from one small town who have been "aged" like no one else before them. Imagine having had sex maybe hundreds of times with multiple partners, by the time you were 18 years old. Imagine how that would affect you later, when you were actually grown up.Some of the children from the small town in New England went to drug-rehab. Others had to go through courses of VD treatment. None of the kids were ever the same innocent, board children that they had started out to be.I ask you, could even Hollywood come up with a story line this bazaar?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 22
IF YOU ARE NOT 21 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER, PLEASE EXIT THIS SITE NOW! THIS STORY IS FOR ADULTS ONLY AND CONTAINS EXPLICIT SEXUAL CONTENT, INCLUDING RAPE, ABUSE, BREAST PLAY AND BESTIALITY. IT IS SIMPLY FANTASY AND IN NO WAY CONDOLES THE ABUSE OF WOMEN. IT IS HERE FOR PLEASURE ONLY. ABUSED POLICEWOMANBY: MERCYSLAYERCopyright 2001It had been a long shift, but Cindy was glad it was over. She had worked hard to get on the police force and was moving up quickly. She had dealt with the sexual bias of partners, including one sexual harassment charge. Cindy knew that she was attractive. At 5 feet 11 inches, her tall body was perfect for her 40D breasts.It had always been said that she was "leggy" with near perfect long, slender legs and a narrow waist. Even in a police uniform she was stunning and that had brought multiple unwelcomed sexual advances from her peers. She finally chopped her long blond hair off short and her constant rebuke of suitors led to a reputation that she was gay.Cindy did not care, she knew she was not gay, she just did not have time for a man in her life right now and her pride would not allow her to be treated as a sexual object. She had a long relationship with a man, he had really been a fantastic and gentle lover, but he could not handle the long hours Cindy worked as a policewoman and broke it off.Now, because of the controversy from the sexual harassment case, Cindy could not find a partner on the force so she worked alone. She finally had requested to be assigned to the evening shift. Getting off at 11pm afforded her the isolation from the day shift and the luxury of sleeping late. She now was ending her shift and had two days off and was looking forward to staying home and relaxing. The new police program of allowing officers to take their cruisers home was a blessings as all Cindy had to do was sign out and drive home without returning to the station.Cindy pushed the button on her microphone and told the dispatcher she was "off duty" and laughingly commented she would see everyone in two days. With that Cindy turned down a side street to go home. As Cindy turned the police cruiser, she noticed movement at the end of an alley. She looked closely and there appeared to be two young men stripping a parked car. Cindy thought to herself, this would not take long and stopped the police cruiser.As she got out, Cindy considered calling for back up, but decided that she could handle this situation along and proceeded down the alley toward the two young men.The two young men were members of a gang called the Red Bloods. They had watched every night the same police cruiser with the policewoman turned down their street. The gang leadership had decided it was time to get the cruiser off their turf and a trap had been laid. Now their prey unsuspectedly walked toward the two decoys. From the shadows the other Red Bloods watched with anticipation. The leader licked his lips as he realized that their prey was a tall, very attractive, blond policewoman. They had known the cruiser contained a woman, but he had no idea how beautiful she was. Just a little further and the trap would close.Cindy approached the two men with her flashlight in one had and service revolver in the other. She yelled her commands, identifying herself as the police, and telling them to step away from the car. The two men were in there late teens, one Hispanic, one Black. Cindy could tell from the colors that they belonged to a gang, but she never suspected that more could be around. Cindy ordered the two against the wall and reached for her radio to call for assistance. She felt the blow to her head from behind and everything went black as she fell to the floor.The plan had worked perfectly. The leader of the Red Bloods, Jose, struck the policewoman with the bat before she could call for help. Other gang members drove the police cruiser out of site while Jose and the two that were the bait loaded her into an awaiting van. As the van drove away, Jose knew that they were going to have fun with this policewoman bitch and as an added bonus; she was built with big tits.Within moments the van pulled into the old, abandoned warehouse, out of site and far from and people. Cindy was still out as her police uniform was stripped from her body. Jose gasped as he saw just how large her tits were behind the bra. He personally pulled the bra from Cindy's body freeing those beautiful mounds of flesh. Jose took in the long, thick nipples nestled on areolas the size of tin can lids. His cock jumped and strained at his pants as he thought how he would use those tits.The other gang members pulled her panties off and were laughing at the huge amount of blond pubic hair that covered the woman's cunt. Cindy had never trimmed that area and now it was a source of amusement for the gang members. From her police belt, the gang members removed her club, handcuffs, and pepper spray. One gang member had found the taser under the seat of the cruiser and given it to Jose. Jose then ordered the gang members to hang Cindy up and prepare to wake her.Cindy awoke startled by the cold water in her face. She was not sure where she was and shook her head to clear the cobwebs. As her eyes began to focus, she realized her predicament. Her arms were stretched above her head and handcuff around a pipe, she was completely nude and with her feet barely touching the floor, her posture caused her breast to jut out from her body. Her legs and been pulled wide and tied to two metal pillars in the warehouse.Cindy hung like an upside down "Y" and the coldness of wherever she was made her nipples ache with hardness. Cindy looked around and realized that she was truly in serious trouble. There were at least 15 young men and 6 women standing around her. They men were a mixture of Hispanics and Blacks and the women were all Hispanics. They all wore the colors of the Red Bloods. Cindy tested the bonds as one of the gang members approached her. She looked him straight in the eyes and ordered him to release her adding that if they stopped now, no charges would be pressed.Jose just laughed, turned to his gang members and announced that their "guest" was ready to be used. As he turned back around Cindy saw her club in his hand. Cindy listened as Jose explained that she was going to "service" the gang members as their whore, then she would be used as a prostitute to help support the gang's activities. Cindy defiantly informed the gang leader she would resist and would not cooperate in anyway and threatened she would be looked for. Jose just laugh and Cindy watch in horror as in took the end of her club and began to rub her between her cunt lips. Cindy kept screaming for her to stop as Jose rubbed her clit with the end of the club.He tired of her screaming and ordered another gang member to gag her. Her own panties that had been shoved into her mouth now muffled Cindy's screams. Jose removed the club and inserted a finger into Cindy's cunt announcing she had become wet and was now ready. With that, Cindy tried to jerk away as Jose pushed the club into her cunt about four inches and then began to slowly fuck her with it pushing it in another inch with each stroke. Cindy felt the end of the club against her womb and the tears streamed down her face as she realized how helpless she was. Jose was content that the club would go no further into her cunt and stopped the cruel fucking leaving the club sticking out between Cindy's legs buried 12 inches inside her. Jose then ordered the other gang members to get Cindy ready. Cindy began struggling again as the gang members swarmed around her. Two girls that had scissors began to clip her cunt hair short against Cindy's pubic bone. As they clipped her cunt hair, another girl began to use a brush on Cindy's hair, pulling and pinning it in various directions. Cindy felt cold liquid on her cunt and was able to look down long enough to see the shaving cream spread all along her cunt and cunt lips before the girl working on her hair jerked her head upward again. Cindy felt the edge of the razor as it removed her all her cunt hair and the girls shaved around the club protruding from her cunt.One of the men then began to pull at her nipples with his fingers, pinching and twisting them causing Cindy discomfort but no real pain. She felt her body betray her as her nipples became even harder with the abuse. Her cunt responded to the stimulation of being shaved as evidenced by the flow of her cunt juices around the club. Cindy's face was crimsoned with embarrassment because the only complaint her previous lover had expressed was the voluminous amount of juices that would flow from her cunt, sometimes completely soaking the bed. Cindy tried to shut the girls' comments about the swelling of her cunt lips and the heavy flow of cunt juices now running down the club and dripping onto the floor.Cindy was jerked back to reality by the glint of silver she saw at her side. Cindy began to struggle against the handcuffs knocking down one of the girls shaving her cunt and head butting the one messing with her hair. Cindy was trying to escape the large needle that the gang member abusing her breast was now trying to push through her left nipple. He yelled something in Spanish to Jose who ordered everyone to stand away from Cindy. Cindy shook her head violently as she saw the taser in Jose's hand.It was too late, the taser hooks hit their mark, one in each breast and the voltage shook Cindy's body and caused her to pass out. Jose removed the hooks from her breast and splash water in her face to awaken Cindy. He informed Cindy if she struggled again, the pain would be worse and pointed the taser at her cunt. He asked Cindy if she understood, and she nodded.Jose then motioned the gang member to continue and Cindy wailed against her panties as he pushed the needle first through her left nipple, then the right and quickly inserted large, gold rings. Cindy looked down at her nipples, hard and pierced and realized that the gold rings would keep them hard.The gang members abusing her breast and brushing her hair moved away and two more replaced them. One held her head in place while another applied makeup. Cindy knew they were fixing her to look like a whore, but she also knew they could not make her prostitute herself.The female gang members shaving her cunt had finished and had now moved to her ass. One pulled her ass cheeks apart, while the other applied cream to the remaining portion of her cunt and her ass and began to shave those areas. Cindy saw in the distance a female gang member looking at a tank top tee-shirt and short leather skirt Cindy assumed were for her to wear. She was resolved not to let them dress her.Finally, all the gang members were through with her. Cindy still hung in the upside down "Y" position, but now her hair was spiked, her face had heavy makeup with red lipstick, thick blue eye shadow, dangling silver earrings. Her breast heaved as she breathed and she could see the two gold rings through her nipples, the pain of the piercing now subsided, but the nipples still hard. Her cunt and her ass were completely bald and smooth and the club still lodge deep in her cunt was soaked with her juices and a puddle had formed on the floor. Jose walked up to her and informed Cindy that he would take his pleasure for free, but then she would become their prostitute.Cindy just looked at him definitely as he walked behind her. She turned her head to try and see what was happening and renewed her struggles as Jose unzipped his pants and his 10-inch erection jutted outward at her ass.Jose ordered two gang members to hold her as he ran his hand over the club and transferred Cindy's cunt juices to his cock. Cindy tried in vain to move away as Jose pulled her ass cheeks apart exposing the bud of her asshole. Cindy had never allowed anyone access to that most private area and now she was near panicked as she realized that Jose intended to fuck her there. Cindy looked around frantically trying to discern an escape from this sexual abuse.She could not believe he was going to leave the club buried in her cunt while he tried to fuck her ass. Cindy could not comprehend how this would happen until she felt the head of Jose's cock at the entrance of her ass. She scream, struggled, and tried to move away as the head of Jose's cock passed through her tight anal ring and began to slip with ease into her ass.Cindy suddenly held very still afraid her struggles would produce permanent damage as Jose push all 10 inches deep into Cindy's ass. As his hard cock slid through her rectum and into her biles, Jose could feel the club between the thin tissue separating Cindy's ass from her cunt. Once deep inside her, Jose announced to the group how "tight" Cindy's ass was and that it would take some work.With that, Jose began a rapid, brutal assault on Cindy ass driving his cock in and out like a piston. Cindy's body jerked against its bonds and Jose violently fucked her ass so that within minutes Cindy felt his cock grow and then the warmness of his sperm deep in her intestines. Cindy's spirit was damaged, but not broken. Cindy knew she could be raped, but she would never submit to prostitution.Jose removed his cock with a "pop" and trickles of his sperm leaked from Cindy's ass. He moved around to the front and abruptly pulled the club from her cunt. Cindy just stared at him as he removed the gag. Jose held his taser in one hand and told Cindy not to speak. He signaled to the others and two gang members pried Cindy's mouth open and placed a block of wood between her teeth in the back, effectively keeping her mouth wide open.Jose then placed a flexible hose into Cindy's mouth and pushed it into her throat. Cindy gagged violently as the hose passed her esophagus and down toward her stomach. When Jose was content that it was where it needed to be, he showed Cindy a small, circular electronic device, then placed the device into the tube and forced it into Cindy's stomach. Jose explained that the device would help him control Cindy. As soon as he was finished, the hose and blocks were removed and Cindy was released from her bonds.Cindy looked around and began to chastise Jose and tell him how many laws he had broken, how much prison time he would get as she tried to cover her cunt and breast against the stares of the other gang members. Jose just laughed, took a box from his pocket and turned a dial. Cindy doubled over in pain, her bowels released their contents onto the floor and her bladder opened up, all from the pain. Cindy fell onto the floor into her own urine and feces trying to escape the intense abdominal pain.Finally, it stopped. Cindy lay still, panting, naked, looking at Jose. Jose ordered her to stand up. When Cindy hesitated, he turned the knob on the box again producing similar results. Cindy jerked and twitched as the feces poured from her ass and urine soaked the floor. Her lower body was covered in her own waste filth when Jose turned the knob to zero again. He causally ordered Cindy to stand up. Cindy struggled to her feet, anything to avoid the pain. He then ordered Cindy to a sink, told her to clean up, but not to mess up her hair or make up. While Cindy cleaned up, he told the paying gang members to strip and be ready.When Cindy was done, Jose explained to her that six males and two female gang members had paid to have sex with her. Cindy would willingly service them as they described or he would turn the knob again. Jose explained he had only taken the knob to "one" and that it had ten settings. With that, he instructed the first gang member to retrieve Cindy and go to secluded corner where a mattress was thrown onto the concrete floor.Cindy began to cry and she was torn between actually, willingly fucking this gang member or the pain in her abdomen. She pulled against the member leading her and immediately found herself on the floor with the intense pain in her stomach. There was nothing left in her bladder or bowels so thankfully she did not soil herself again.When the pain stopped, Jose warned her she was to do whatever she was told to do, without hesitation or the pain would return. Cindy followed the gang member who told her he had paid $50.00 for a blowjob, dropped his pants and pushed Cindy to her knees. Cindy glanced over her shoulder at Jose whose hand was on the dial of the box and took the gang member gamy cock into her mouth and began to administer the best blow job she could muster. She decided to make them all cum quickly so her ordeal would be over quickly.As she ran her tongue across the head of his dick, she groaned as he grabbed the rings in her nipples and pulled her breast out. Her strategy worked and within seconds he squirted the back of her throat with her seed. Cindy coughed and pulled her head away to spit the cum from her mouth and felt just a momentarily ting of pain from the box. No instruction was needed as Cindy realized she was to swallow.The rest of the night Cindy took the initiative with the other gang members. Those that had paid to fuck her cunt would lie on the mattress and Cindy would climb on top and bounce up and down on their hard cocks until they came. Those that paid for her ass, she would kneel on all fours and push her ass onto their cocks, rocking back and forth. Most would cum within 3 or 4 minutes. They all mauled her large breast, biting her nipples or pulling the gold rings. Cindy was thankful that her abuse was so quick with each one.The women were more difficult as Cindy had never been with a woman. They each laid on their backs, spread their legs, and held their cunt lips open while Cindy licked them. The first woman took longer than Cindy thought she could endure, but then she realized a technique. The second woman, Cindy immediately licked her clit to erection then gently sucked it causing the woman to climax within minutes. Cindy was becoming an expert whore, dispensing with 8 "john" gang members in less than an hour.After Cindy had fucked the last gang member with her ass, she laid passively on the mattress as Jose approached her. Cindy could feel the cum leaking from her ass and cunt onto the mattress. Jose looked at her with lust in his eyes. He then turned the knob to three and laughed as Cindy doubled over and crawled toward him trying to reach for the box. Cindy felt beads of sweat cover her body from the pain and her stomach contracted violently while Jose just laughed. Finally, Jose turned the knob to zero and Cindy collapsed, barely conscious. Jose explained that Cindy would work the streets the remainder of the night. He told her that she would bring the customers to the warehouse, they would paid him, and she would fuck at least 10 an hour or feel the pain. Jose also reminded Cindy she would be watched and the range of his device was indefinite in case she had thoughts of running.As a reward, Jose told Cindy once she made $5,000.00, he would let her go. After the instructions, Cindy was allowed to wash off. One of the female gang members gave her the tank top tee-shirt and red leather mini-skirt to put on. After Cindy was dressed, she looked like the gang wanted her to, a whore. Her hard nipples strained against the tank top that was 2 sizes too small and the skirt barely covered her naked ass and cunt. Cindy sighed, resolved to her fate as Jose led her out of the warehouse and onto a street corner.Within minutes, she began work, selling her cunt and her ass like a common whore. The men flocked to the tall, leggy, blonde and Cindy lost count after twenty the number of men who had fucked her. Jose took the money and charged hundred dollars for her cunt, and 150 for her ass. Cindy was not even allowed to remove her clothes, the john's simply pushed the top up and the skirt out of the way to have access to her tits, cunt, and ass. Cindy thought she could be humiliated no more until five fraternity brothers wanted her at once and Jose cut them a deal of $500 dollars.The first one lay on his back with his cock sticking straight up and Cindy mounted him. She was then pushed over as he held the rings in her nipples while a second one pushed her skirt over her ass and plunged his cock deep into her ass. Cindy did not mind the ass-fucking anymore because it had been used so much, but the experience of two cocks at the same time made her groan with pain. Impaled in her ass and cunt, the third now shoved his cock into her mouth while her hands were wrapped around the two cocks left.Once in place, they began to fuck Cindy in rhythm making her body bounce from side to side as her ass, cunt, and mouth were pounded and she tried to jack-off the two on each side. As the one in her ass announced he was cumming, the others joined in and soon Cindy felt their seeds in her throat, deep in her intestines, and her cunt. The two with the hand-jobs just sprayed the sides of her tits. Her final humiliation was the photo of the experience Jose took as they finished, before they removed their softening cocks from Cindy's body.As the five fraternity brothers left, Jose announced Cindy was a thousand dollars short, but the photo had given him an idea. He sent two gang members away and ordered Cindy to clean up again. Cindy had no resistance left and resolved herself to being a whore. She cleaned up best she could just as the gang members returned with a large German Shepard and a video camera. Jose ordered her to fuck the dog. Cindy adamantly refused forgetting the pain until the first jolt shot through her stomach.Jose kept asking her if she would fuck the dog, Cindy would shake her head "No" through the pain as Jose turned the dial higher. Finally Cindy could stand the pain no longer and agreed to fuck the dog. Jose was not satisfied with that answer and wanted Cindy to beg. After only a couple more minutes Cindy could not endure the pain and began to beg to fuck the dog. Jose turned the video camera on and stopped the pain while Cindy laid on the floor begging to fuck the dog. The German Shepard came to Cindy who took her hand and began to stroke the dog's cock. The dog's cock immediately jutted out from it's sheath, long, bright red, and shiny. He was obviously excited as Cindy turned around and presented her well-fucked cunt and ass to him.The dog knew immediately what to do as he placed his paws on her shoulders and began stabbing at her cunt. Finally her hit the mark and Cindy wept at her total degradation. The dog jammed into her cunt and Cindy suddenly felt the swelling on his knot and tried to crawl away while he continued to push forward. Finally, the knot slipped into Cindy's cunt and she screamed and shook her head from side to side as the dog fuck her hard.The dog's knot filled her more than even the double impalement and as the dog continued to pound Cindy, she could feel her final betrayal as the first tinged of an orgasm began. Cindy began to shout out her refusal and tried to get the dog to stop. But when she felt his cock enlarge and began shooting dog cum against her womb, Cindy could hold back no longer and her orgasm began. She groaned and grunted thrusting herself back against the dog's dick, getting into his rhythm as she fucked herself, willingly, not wanting the dog to stop. Her orgasm went on for several minutes after the dog lost interest, but the knot sustained Cindy's orgasm until she collapsed with the dog stuck inside of her pulling at her cunt lips to dislodge himself. Jose laughed; he had caught the entire scene on video.After Cindy awoke, Jose showed her the videotape and informed her that copies would be sent to her precinct and family if she did not return every weekend and assume her role as the Red Bloods' whore. Cindy was given her police uniform back and allowed to dress, but Jose had instructed her not to remove the rings from her nipples and to keep her cunt shaved. After Cindy dressed, she was taken to her cruiser.It was morning; Cindy drove home and immediately went to the shower and washed for over an hour trying to decide what she should do. After her shower, she laid naked, on her bed, stroking her cunt and feeling the wetness as she thought about next weekend.END~~~IF YOU ENJOYED THIS STORY AND WANT MORE, PLEASE PROVIDE COMMENTS AND STORYLINE REQUEST TO ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 16
I was just puttering around in the garden, pulling this, pruning that, mindlessly schlepping about as I vaguely became aware that I had been hearing some very faint and somewhat familiar sounds that seemed to be at a distance. As I tuned into the sounds I realized they seemed to emanate from the other side of my neighbor's fence.The fence is chain-link, about five feet tall, but, they had planted vines in it that had grown very thick and over seven feet tall, except in a couple of places were only about six feet. The neighbors had put in a very large and unusually shaped pool and had groomed the fence line for privacy. We are their only neighbors as their property extends well beyond the other side of their old Victorian two-story to just beyond their old barn and there are no houses on that side of them.Curiosity getting the better of me because I now recognized the familiar sounds as a woman's moaning. Finding a low and thinning place in the vine, I spread the vine creating a small hole to peer through. "Spying on the neighbors now, huh?" I thought to my self as I peered through the opening."What in the hell is that?" I muttered as my eyes focused on a couple a hundred feet or so away on the lawn doing something on a large net-type hammock in the shade of a huge redwood tree. Mike, the neighbor appeared to be nude and there appeared to be a partially nude woman lying on her back sideways on the hammock with her knees pulled back very high and he was standing between her elevated, dangling feet, holding her ankles and apparently swinging her back and forth against him. "OH, WOW!" I whispered, "looks like they're fucking!" At this distance it wasn't clear and it sure wasn't clear how her rather large breasts were sticking straight up from her chest and that she must have some extremely long nipples too."That's it" I muttered as I wheeled around and headed for the house to get the binoculars. "So much for the good-neighbor policy, I gotta see this" Thinking that Mike, recently divorced after a stormy, (I heard 'em,) eight-year second marriage, has always been a little "different". Since we used to go to the bus-stop in grade school and Bill, my older brother by three years would try to pick on him, that is until Mike head-butted him and gave him a bloody nose. We are about the same age, early fifties now, and I wish I was in as good a shape as Mike is, even though he could shed a few pounds. Mike never seemed to follow any crowd, he was always doing his "own thing", not getting into trouble, just marching to a different drummer. Boy, I guess he definitely still is!Returning to my vantage-point, I looked through the glasses and could not believe my eyes. Now he was on the other side of the hammock and she was tilted head-down, her ass and feet pointed straight up, her knees were in his hands as he rocked the hammock slightly and she was taking his cock in her mouth. What kept her from falling off? I focused more closely and saw why... She was tied to the hammock! There was a white cord fastened to her wrist and wound around her arm, laced through the hammock netting. Why were her boobs sticking up? The cord continued and was wrapped around her tit, rather tightly too it looked like as it caused the tit to be slim at the base and then balloon out in a nice round ball above the wraps and to be reddish in color. The long nipples turned out to be clothes pins clamped to the tip of her nipples. The cord continued from a knot at her tit to wrap around her knee which was almost touching the clothes pin attached to her nipple. "WOW! She sure is trussed up tight!" I muttered to myself, she can't bring her knees down without pulling on her tit, and she can't bring them up without hitting the clothes pin on her nipple. The cord then did the same for the other side and then was wrapped around her waist securing her fast to the hammock. He had her tied up tight! How could he have done that to her?, and if she was pissed about it would you be sticking your dick in her mouth where she could bite it? Must be a consensual act, she must like it! She was absolutely naked, what seemed like clothing earlier was the rope.She began shaking her head causing her long blond hair to shimmer in the filtered sunlight and I could faintly hear her moaning and whimpering as Mike flicked the clothes pins sharply with his finger. I heard her say something I couldn't make out except I clearly heard the word "pee". Mike said something and tilted her down even more so her knees were at his side and he reached to her cunt. What I saw next totally amazed and almost, almost disgusted me. She began to piss, a golden stream arched up and splashed onto Mike's face, he opened his mouth and bending over followed it right back to it's source and planted his mouth over her pissing cunt. He remained there for a second or two and I thought I saw him take a couple of large gulps and swallow. Then he straightened up and the stream followed him, spewing down his neck and onto his chest and splashing back onto her. Her mouth was wide open and her tongue was extended catching any drops. As the stream began to subside it arched directly into her mouth which remained open and I could just barely see the urine running out of her mouth down her upside down cheeks and into her hair. The steam died out and trickled down her inverted body. While her ass was still pointed up and at his mercy I witnessed and heard some loud slaps as he spanked her ass a few times on each cheek and sharply spanked each breast a couple of times on the sides just above the ropes making them jiggle violently.Mike let go of her knees and the hammock swung flat and then back and forth as he quickly walked around to the other side and again grabbing her knees pushed down so she was again head-up. I did see her swallow and the he bent over and they kissed for a long time as his hand was doing something to her pussy, he straightened up and let her go once more and she just rocked back and forth for a while.I hadn't noticed a bag on the grass before as Mike reached into it and withdrew a weird-shaped long object. It looked like a big dildo but had a smaller one branching out in a curve to parallel the main one. "A dually" I gasped! "This is getting weirder and weirder" I observed. He also came up with a tube of something and did something to her crotch area again and then tossed the tube back into the bag. "Man, I wish I could get closer or at a different angle" I muttered out loud. I looked around for a better vantage but could see none. My attention was snapped back to them again by the sounds of four quick and loud slaps as Mike made her ass cheeks bounce. Then he took the dildo and began stroking that dually into her slowly and I could distinctly hear a deep moan come from her and thought I could hear him chuckle. He kept pressing it into her and I sure could hear her now! She was loving the heck out of that! Soon he was taking really long but slow strokes, pushing it into her to the max. and slowly drawing it back out to only be pushed back in. He kept up that pace for a few minutes and then began to slightly increase the tempo. As he would draw it almost all the way out and the plunge it back in she would moan rather loudly. This went on for quite a while and the he drew it out and I could see him rotate it and aim the anal part for her tummy as he pushed it back in. Then I could see him aim his cock at her ass. It had to be her ass because the dildo was in her cunt. I was wondering when he would do something with his hard-on, it had been waving around for sometime now. He leaned slowly into her and then his hips thrust forward and apparently his cock was buried deep in her ass 'cause she really let out a moan and I think I heard an "OH FUUUCK" as he tweaked the clothes pins repeatedly. He stood still and grasped her knees and began to rock her back and forth so her ass slipped up and down his dick. This continued for quite a few minutes and she was moaning and he began to also as he pulled and snapped the clothes pins. Then he began to really pound into her for a few strokes and really moaned loudly and then stood still again and slowly rocked her.He withdrew and rolled her over grasping the hammock by her shoulders thus allowing her face to come down to his cock. She extended her tongue and licked the cum up that was dribbling out and then sucked him into her mouth. She administered to his dick for a while and then he pushed her back flat again. He removed a clothes pin and leaned over and kissed her nipple, then his mouth engulfed it. I could not see any movement so I assume he was treating it kindly after being pinched mercilessly and tweaked a few times. He did the same for the other one as well. "Guess it's over" I thought.Mike began removing the cord that had bound her to the hammock and soon she was free and he helped her stand up. She was a little wobbly at first but he steadied her and took her in his arms and held her tight. She was one fine looking woman, nice long blonde hair, large boobs, nice figure. This guy sure got lucky to find her I thought jealously, being married to the same woman right out of high school, about the same time Mike left for the service in '63 after graduation. He never talks about 'Nam. I never went, I was in college.Mike stepped away from her, took her face in his hands and bent to gently kiss her lips and the run his hands through her hair. Then I saw him take each breast and gently rub the area that was bound and kiss each nipple. He seemed to saying something to her as she was nodding her head. She melted to the ground on her knees in front of him as he stepped back from her a little, she reached up and swept her golden hair back causing her large and reddened breasts to lift up and jut out, "What a sight!" I moaned to myself. She then reached out and took his cock that was just in front of her face, bent forward and licked the tip, sucked it into her mouth a little and held it there not moving. His hips seemed to shudder forward a bit and she began swallowing, then she leaned back, still holding his cock in her hand, she was aiming a golden stream of piss from his cock right into her open mouth! Her mouth filled up and piss was flowing out the sides and splashing on her tits. As the stream started to subside she bent forward again and surrounded the head with her lips and again began swallowing and swallowing his piss. Then she was just licking around the head after he had finished. She did that for a while and his cock was soon standing tall. He helped her to stand and then he swept her up in his arms and slowly walked over to and down the steps into the pool where he placed her on a float and pushed her in front of him as he walked along until they were out of sight around the curve in the pool."Man! I hope my wife gets home soon, I gotta do something with this hard-on," I muttered as I slowly walked back to the house. "Think I'll be spending more time in the garden from now on."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 30
Here it is the afternoon of Christmas Eve and I am sitting all alone at my kitchen table with a bottle of Jim Beam and my gun. I'm not a big drinking man but I did get the Jim Beam whiskey to build up my courage to do what I'm about to do. You see, this is the first Christmas I would be spending by myself in my sixty-four years of life. My wife of forty-two years died three months ago leaving me alone. Not everyone has Happy Holidays. I can see that now. It's not that my marriage was all that good. We had some really good times and then those really bad times.I'm just sitting here reminiscing. I remember when I first met my wife Sophie. She and her younger sister Helen were at the malt shop when I walked in. I was just a cocky guy who liked to meet young ladies and give them my spiel. I walked up to Sophie and gave her just about every pickup line I ever learned. She looked at me and said, "George, you're so full of shit I can't believe it," as she smiled."Does that mean you'll go out with me then?" I asked.She just smiled and said she would think about it. That's how we first met. On our first real date we went to the drive-in movie. I did my best work at the drive-in. We kissed and played around a little and then I started falling for her big time. About a year later we got married. I remember her sister Helen came up to me at the reception and said. "George, I have to tell you something. When you first came up to me and Sophie at the malt shop we both liked you. Then Sophie looked at me and said, 'I'm going to marry that man some day,' just like that George. She knew what she wanted and went after it."It surprised me that both girls liked me and that Sophie was so sure about us. But that's the way she always was. She really was a special woman.Our sex life was fantastic when we first got married. We were like two rabbits making love all the time. It was special. It wasn't just love or just sex. It's hard to explain but it was loving fun. We did it most anytime, anyplace, and everywhere. We would always try new places to make love. The kitchen table, from behind at the kitchen sink. One of Sophie's favorites was on the washing machine while it was agitating. I had to stand on a stool just to get high enough to insert my dick, but the vibrations were awesome. Sophie's climax was pretty good too.I remember us buying a book on ‘101 sexual positions.' We started on page one and started having fun. You would have had to been a contortionist from the circus for some of those positions. That's what I mean, we always had fun while having sex. We tried oral a few times but Sophie said it wasn't her thing. For her to get pleasure she wanted it in her. We even tried anal one time. I got her sort of high on screwdrivers and was taking her from behind. My dick was really wet from dipping it in her pussy. So I pulled it out and slid it up to her arse. I barely pushed the head in when she screamed out, "It hurts George." I got about two more inches in when she told me, "That's enough George, no more." It was tight, I mean really tight. Her arse was actually squeezing my dick so hard it hurt. I finally shot a load up her arse. She looked at me and said, "George, I hope you really like that because it's never going to happen again." Then believe it or not she kissed me, just to let me know she wasn't mad.We ended up having two kids: a boy and a girl. Sophie was a great mother and then a great grandmother. She put love into everything she did. I remember when the kids were just little, maybe seven or eight. They wanted to decorate the Christmas tree. Well, Sophie was somewhat of an artist or perfectionist when it came to decorating. I couldn't imagine her letting the kids decorate the tree. I just set the tree up and left the rest to Sophie and the kids. She let them put on the decorations. She tried to explain about decorating but let the kids go and do it their way. They were happy as can be when they got done. The tree looked like a disaster. She just smiled at the kids, told them they had done a great job and then put them to bed. Then she came back in and redecorated the whole tree for the next two hours.When the kids got up the next morning they looked at the tree and asked what happened? Sophie just said she added a few decorations. The kids looked at her and said, "We did good, mom, didn't we?""Yes, you did, you did a great job," was her reply. That's just the way she was. She put love into everything. There was nothing she couldn't cook. We hardly ever worried about leftovers at our house. Everyone always ate everything up. Even if she just made a sandwich, it was always better then the one I made and used exactly the same stuff.I remember asking her one time, "Why do your sandwiches taste better? It doesn't make sense. We use the same stuff."She looked me, smiled and said, "I always put love in my sandwiches." It was true, everything she did was just a little better.I don't know how far we ever made it through that book of ‘101 Positions,' But making love with Sophie was incredible. Of course after the birth of the kids we did it a lot less but we still had the loving fun. That was until I ruined it.I don't remember if Sophie was going through a change or sick. But she became a little distant to me. Now, looking back, I believe it was the medication she was on. Anyway I had an affair. This gal at work was kind of flaunting her wares. Her husband was incarcerated and she must have been lonely, horny or both. I went for it. Seeing Sophie was kind of turned off to me, I went after Nancy. We probably had sex a dozen times over a few months' period. I would be lying if I said it wasn't any good. It was great. It was new, strange and different. I just fell to the temptation. Of course one day Sophie found out and I figured my marriage was over. I did the usual apologizing and explaining about it not meaning anything, promising to stop and never do it again.Sophie yelled and screamed at me. The worst thing she did was cry. I couldn't stand to see her cry. That's when I hit my lowest level ever. Seeing what it did to her just tore me apart. She didn't deserve it. She should have just dumped me right then but she didn't. She stayed with me.Our life never returned to the happy state we had before the affair. I know Sophie never trusted me again even to the day she died which was twenty plus years later. We didn't make love till a few months after the affair. We had gone to a party and when we came home Sophie let me make love to her. It was never the same. We had sex but it wasn't love anymore. Sophie never gave so freely of herself again. Every once in awhile I'd feel her give in some but never the happy go lucky fun loving that we once shared. It was my fault. There was nothing I could do to repair the damage I had done.The rest of our life went on pretty normal. The loving meals, the happy mom and a lot of good times. We enjoyed our vacations and doing things together but the love life eventually deteriorated into nothing.There was a time there when Sophie said she didn't care for sex all that much. That she learned to live without it and so it wasn't a big thing in her life anymore. That is enough to turn any husband off. It was even hard to get a hard-on when the woman you loved didn't want to make love with you anymore.I remember reading a story on communicating. Sophie and I did that, we communicated. The only problem was our talks always ended up in arguments. It was almost always negative talk about me. I didn't do enough around the house. I didn't want to take her shopping. I spent too much time on the computer. I never wanted to go anywhere. And on and on and on...About five years ago I had a heart to heart talk with Sophie. I told her that I don't think she ever forgave me for the affair, that I believe she fell out of love with me and I deserved it. I believe she only stayed with me because of the kids and that our life outside of no sex was pretty good. I still loved her and told her I never had sex with any woman since the affair over twenty years ago. I promised her that I would always be there for her and if she wanted me all she had to do was ask.I went to her one time after that and even tried oral sex on her. She said she didn't really feel anything. I touched her but there were no sensations. After that we cuddled once in a while but that was it. One day she said she knew I masturbated. I asked her what choices I had. She didn't want to have sex with me. I promised her never to cheat on her again and was going to keep that promise. I would never hurt her again. Then there was masturbation. If she knew of another way to get release to let me know. She just walked away.I was now thinking about my kids. Of course they weren't kids anymore. They would soon have grandchildren of their own. George Jr. lives a state away with his wife and three kids. Dorothy lived maybe a hundred miles away with her husband and two kids. It really hurt Sophie when their jobs took them away. At least their children were pretty much grown by then. Sophie just loved being around the kids.All the Christmases when our kids were little were the best. Christmas morning we all sat around and opened presents. The smile on their faces and the smile that Sophie had just watching them. Some of our joyous times were around the kids during the holidays. Then after our kids were grown and married, Sophie did the same thing with the grandchildren. The warmth and smiles that were on the little faces was her reward.When the kids had to move away, Sophie made sure we went to their houses for Christmas. She wasn't about to miss the holidays with family. I just went along and enjoyed the holidays. If it made Sophie happy, I was happy.Sophie's sister Helen got married a few years after us. She married an insurance guy named Ted. They seemed to be a pretty good match. The four of us went everywhere together. We were almost inseparable. We went to the movies, dancing, dinner all the time and even went on a cruise together. I probably loved Helen almost as much as Sophie. I never did anything to harm our relationship in any way. The four of us just seemed to hit it off. I know Sophie thought a lot of Ted also. But we all just stayed friends, that is except Sophie and Helen. They were probably as close as two sisters could get. I doubt if they even kept a secret from one another.Three years ago Ted had a heart attack and passed away. He was only fifty-seven years old. Way to young to die. Helen was heart broken. She lost her love. Sophie and Helen both took it really hard. We were four, now we were three. We still included Helen in most everything we did. At least I didn't have to go shopping all the time now. Helen went on with her life. Since Ted was an insurance agent, he saw to it that she was well taken care of. At least financially she was secure.She had one daughter who lived in California. She spent the holiday season out there with her daughter and her family. She was never in a hurry to get back, so she stayed usually a month or so. She was planning on going again this year. Wish she would have stayed home this year. Maybe she could talk me out of what I was about to do.There was always turmoil surrounding our marriage. Everything seems to always lead us back to the affair. Do overs, that's when if you had the chance you could go back and correct the mistakes in your life. Would-a, should-a, could-a, doesn't mean a damn thing. I made the mistakes and now spent the last twenty five years of my life paying for it. I thought of leaving Sophie a dozen times. The problem was that I caused the heartache. I had the affair. I'm the one who put our marriage in this life long turmoil. But most of all, I still had strong feelings for Sophie. Even if we had arguments, which was pretty regular, I knew she was always there. We might have even been in different rooms but I didn't miss her. I knew she was just two rooms away. It's funny when you think about it. Sometimes it was like two strangers living in the same house. But it felt secure. We pretty much learned to live with each other's faults.Damn, I wish I was a writer so I could tell you how it really feels to miss someone. I just don't know the words. Ache, pain, misery, loneliness, that's what I've been feeling since Sophie's death. I don't want to be here alone anymore. It's terrible, no-one to even argue with. I go out during the day, always coming home to an empty, lonely, dark, too quiet place. I don't even know my own thoughts anymore. How do you cry on paper? How do you explain emptiness? Sophie was right when she told me one time that I should die first, that I didn't know how to take care of myself well enough to live alone and that I probably couldn't handle it.I remember arguing with her that I took care of myself for over sixty years and I could continue to do so until the day I die. She just laughed and said, "George, I'm the one who has taken care of you for the last forty-two years. I think God made me your guardian angel because you can't go through life alone."Looking back I believe she was right. I hate to admit it but I don't do well on my own. But now I'm just too old and too tired to go looking for a partner. The only person that would even come close is Helen and I doubt if she would want anything to do with me, not after she was through talking to Sophie and besides by now she's probably a thousand miles away.I know I'm feeling sorry for myself. But I'm in this terrible rut and can't or maybe don't want to take the effort to climb out of it. I'll just keep drinking my Jim Beam and build up some courage.Looking back on the last six months of our life together is painful. One day she wasn't feeling good. I suggested she go to the doctor and we argued about it as usual. Finally she decided to go. I drove her to the doctor's office and he ran a bunch of tests. She came out of the office and hugged me. Right then I knew we had problems. I can't tell you the last time she came and hugged me like that. We both went back into the doctor's private office where he told us the bad news. She had tumors and they were probably cancerous. He was still going to run some tests but because of past experiences he was almost sure of his diagnosis. He asked us to come back in three days and he could verify the facts.We went back three days later and he said she had the late stages of cancer. There was nothing he could do. He would put her on chemo for awhile but the outlook was very grave. At most he gave her six months to live. I just broke down and bawled. I took her in my arms and she was the strong one. She said everything would be all right. How can everything be alright when my wife is dying?When we got home she called Helen. She came right over and they cried together. I wanted to do everything I could for my wife in her last months. Always too late, would-a, could-a, should-a. There were no second chances here. During her last months, Helen and I did everything we could to make Sophie comfortable. It should have been me, not Sophie, who was dying. We called the kids and they came down to see her as often as they could. It was really a strain on everyone. Trying to put on a happy face when talking to Sophie and crying all other times.In her last days while in the hospital she spoke to everyone in the family alone. She had private thoughts for each person. I remember her talking to me. I stayed by her side pretty much continually. Realizing she was dying and being with her knowing there was absolutely nothing I could do was the most inadequate feeling a person could have. Looking at her lying there knowing anytime she might breathe her last breath.One of the last thing she said to me was, "George, keep your eye on Helen for me. I always worried about her." That was Sophie, dying and worrying about others.Then she looked at me as I held her hands with tears running down my face and said, "George, I forgive you and I have always loved you. So please forgive me for not being the wife you wanted." Then she closed her eyes and went to sleep. About an hour later she stopped breathing.As I walked out of her room my family were all standing there. They saw me crying and knew it was over. Their mother, grandmother, and sister had passed away. Everyone was in tears especially me.God gives us one life to make the best of and I felt I ruined hers. Why lord, why take her? Why didn't you take me instead. I don't want to be alone, I want my wife back. I don't care if we argued everyday. I don't care what she calls me. I just wish I could make up for the pain I caused her. Please, Lord, just give her back to me. But it was not to be. That only happens in fairy tales and this was real life.I sat at the table taking another shot of Jim Beam, tears just rolling down my cheeks. I was so lonely. It had only been three months and felt like years. I couldn't live like this.I recalled Thanksgiving just last month. The kids didn't want me to be alone, so I made the trip to be with George Jr. and his family. My daughter Dorothy came with her family so we could enjoy Thanksgiving together. It wasn't a happy occasion for me at all. I didn't feel thankful and I knew it built tension with the kids. There they were with their families trying to enjoy the holidays. Of course they missed their mother but as they said, "Life goes on, dad."They invited me up for Christmas but I wasn't going to ruin that holiday for them also. They were able to get on with their lives. I was the lonely old guy that I felt was just in the way. I hoped they would understand what I was doing. I didn't want to be alone anymore.I spent the last tree months getting my affairs in order. I didn't want to burden my kids with any undue expenses. I had everything in order, insurances, taxes, wills. All I needed now was courage, hopefully Jim Beam would help me with that.I had a housekeeper who came in twice a week to help keep the place clean. I didn't dirty it much, I didn't spend that much time at home. I ate out most of the time now and just sat in the park feeding the ducks. You've seen the lonely man just sitting there at the park. That was me. Then at dark I come back home to this big lonely place. The only happiness was when Helen came by to help me sort out and take care of Sophie's belongings. I gave her most of Sophie's stuff. I knew she would want her to have it. I did let my daughter Dorothy take what ever she wanted of her mom's belongings first.One day when Helen was here and we were sorting out Sophie's stuff I gave her a hug, she felt so good. Then I went to kiss her, I know I shouldn't have but I was just lonely. The last thing I wanted to do was alienate Helen. She looked at me with tears in her eyes and said, "No, George, not now." I let go of her and went to the bathroom and just cried. When I came back out of the bathroom she was gone. That was a few days ago and the last time she stopped by.I poured myself another shot. The courage was coming. I drank it down when there was a knock at the door. Who the hell's bothering me now? I got up and opened the door and there stood Helen. Immediately tears welled up in my eyes. I was an old guy, tears flow pretty easy out of us and we can't seem to stop them even if we want to. Other than Sophie she was the prettiest sight I could imagine at that moment."Well, George, are you going to invite me in or do I have to stand out here?"I apologized and opened the door. I had to hug her. I couldn't help it, us old guys are like that. I said, "I thought you were going to go be with your daughter for the holidays?She said, "I called my daughter and told her I wasn't going to be coming this year. I'm going to spend the holidays with a friend. I felt like I was just imposing on my daughter and her family and I wasn't really comfortable being there for such a long time."I asked her, "What friend are you going to visit and spend the holidays with?"She laughed just like Sophie used to and said, "You, George, you're the friend I want to spend the holidays with if you will have me. I know I'm not Sophie and I'm an older women but I'm lonely too, George."I started crying and started apologizing for my actions the last time she came to visit. Of course I wanted her here. I couldn't think of anyone alive that I wanted more to be with. To say she was beautiful or gorgeous would seem funny to people since she was 59 years old, but to me she was. She looked great for her age.She said, "Don't apologize, George. I wanted you to kiss me but I needed to think things out and have a talk with you first."I took her coat and asked her to sit down. I remembered the gun on the table. I quickly took it and put in the drawer. When I turned around Helen was standing there. She didn't see the gun but the Jim Beam was still there. She looked at me and said, "Would you like some coffee, George?" She then took the Jim Beam, put it in the cupboard and started making coffee. God, it felt so could just having her here. She looked at me and said, "George, if we are going to enjoy the holidays, don't we need a little decorations?" as she smiled at me.I headed downstairs to get our little tree and decorations. Together Helen and I set up the little tree and put on some Christmas music. Then she said she would be right back. She went out to the car and brought me in a little present and set it under the tree. I went into my bedroom and brought out a gift I had bought for her. I had stopped at the store a couple of weeks ago to get the kids each a gift certificate for their families. While I was there I bought a necklace for Helen and had it gift wrapped. I was going to give it to her the day she left. I put it under our little tree next to the present she bought me.Then she began to explain things to me."George, you know that I have always cared for you. Sophie knew it, too. You know how close Sophie and I were. She loved you, George, she loved you deeply. You also know that she never really forgave you for the affair until her last days. Yes, George, I know all about the affair. She told me you tried everything to make it up to her but she just couldn't let it go. I told her many times to let it go but she just said she couldn't.""I loved my husband, George. Ted was a wonderful man. We had a wonderful life together. I'll always remember him. He'll always be in my heart just like Sophie will always be in yours. But, George, I have always loved you too. I know you knew it but you belonged to Sophie.""You know that Sophie talked to everyone before her death. George, Sophie was worried about you. She said she didn't know if you could make it through life alone. The last thing she said to me was, "Helen, take care of my George. I know he loves you, too. He's a good man but I'm afraid he won't make it on his own. He needs plenty of love and attention. He's stubborn as an ox and won't listen to you. But he is a wonderful man and you need him, too, Helen."I was crying again. Damn, grown men aren't suppose to cry and that's about all I do anymore. I looked at Helen and said, "Sophie was right, you know. I've always had feelings for you. Other than Sophie, you're the only person I truly care for," as I gave her a hug.I then asked Helen how long she was going to stay. We could go get something to eat and come back and open our gifts. We both laughed knowing there was only one present apiece under the tree. Then it happened. Helen looked at me and said, "George, I'll stay forever if you'll have me."Tears again as I kissed her. I told her that was fine with meSophie was right. She was my guardian angel.Thank you for reading my storyDG Hear~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 40
We arrived at a nice club in town that served seafood and had a dancing at nine so we all ordered lobster and ate our meal without much being said other than comments about the food.After dinner we all sat around the table watching other people coming into the club as we had a few drinks. We were all feeling good after several mixed drinks as David was the first one to speak breaking the ice. David looked over at Kathy and said, "Kathy, you know how I feel about you and I know how you feel about your husband and me. How would you like two men in your life?" David was feeling very good as he slurred those words but seemed to be speaking very seriously. David went on and said, "If you allow me to come into your life you wouldn’t have to divorce your husband. The hubby would keep his little wife and we could fuck as much as we wanted. We could live like a big happy family." Neither Kathy nor I made any comments to David’s solution and thought he was joking or just had too much to drink. David looked at us and said, "Come on now, you both agreed she could take a lover." David kept going and said, "I could be Kathy’s lover just like the two of you agreed and you both can go about your business just like it was before I entered the picture."I was the first to give a response to David and said, "What it is you saying, you want to move in with us permanently and consider yourself Kathy’s other husband?" Then I said, "That’s illegal and sounds a little bazaar to me."Kathy didn’t say anything but sat and took everything in we were saying as David responded back by saying, "It would only be a little three-way agreement between us. The two of you would stay legally married and I would become Kathy’s second husband but only between us."Kathy finally answered as she slurred her words from the drinks and said, "Wow, two husbands would be a fantasy, why not think on it and enjoy the evening, who wants to dance with me?" Kathy stood up and waited for one of us to take her on the dance floor as David stood up and took her by the hand and lead her onto the floor.They were on the floor with several other couples dancing to a fast song. I thought about what David had said and other than the fact of him wanting to move into our house the rest of the idea wasn’t much more than what Kathy and I agreed upon in the first place. I thought about what David said about white women having the pregnancy fantasy and thought about my own fantasies. I was the first person to bring up the idea of Kathy taking a lover and wondered if I could be turned on by the thought of another man fucking my wife? After all, I was able to have an erection a couple times while watching them fuck the past couple of weeks. Maybe there was more than just feeling sorry for my wife’s sexual needs and really it’s my desire to watch her with another man. Would I have thought differently about the situation if Kathy had told the truth to David in the first place?How normal would it be with the three of us living as men and wife in the same house? How normal would it be anyway with Kathy keeping a lover on the side as I had first suggested? My thoughts went back to the first night that I even mentioned the idea to Kathy about a lover and remember the response she gave me like I was out of my mind. It’s settled, I was the one that brought the idea into our life so I would have to be the one to make the first move to decide about David staying with us. I looked up and saw David holding Kathy tight as they slow danced with several other couples on the floor. We left the club around midnight without much being said about David’s suggestion as the three of us went straight for the bedrooms. Kathy and I were in our rooms together for the first time in more than two weeks and David was in the guests’ bedroom.Kathy changed in the bathroom and I slipped my clothes off right along the side the bed and got into bed as my wife walked out of the bathroom in a short black nightie and turned the light off and got into bed with me.I could smell both the liquor and her perfume as she put her arm around me and kissed me on the lips. Kathy told me she loved me and said good night as she turned around with her back facing me and started to fall asleep.I lay there for several minutes until I put my hand on my wife’s hip and ran my hand along down her thigh and back up and gently squeezed her ass. Kathy turned back around to face me and kissed me on the lips running her tongue inside my mouth. I lowered my head down and moved the nightie to the side and took her nipple into my mouth and sucked. Kathy was getting aroused as she held onto my head and pulled my head into her chest.I actually felt myself starting to get an erection from the foreplay with my wife as I tilted my head back up to kiss her again. I had made the decision that I’d make the first move to accept David into our life. I kissed Kathy on the lips again and whispered to her, "I want you to go into David’s room and fuck him." I don’t think Kathy really understood what I had just said to her as she continued to kiss my lips and I whispered again, "I want you to get up and go into David’s room right now and let him fuck you." Kathy put her arm around my waist and I could see her eye’s starring at me in the dim light as my words just sunk in.I reassured my wife that it was all right and whispered again, "Honey, I want you to go and wake David up and pull your nightie up and sit on his cock and let him fuck you." I told her, "Its all right now, David is expecting you. Now go and fuck him." Kathy kissed me once more without saying a word and got up and left the room.I suppose it wasn’t any different from a married couple involved in old fashion wife swapping and I didn’t consider my wife cheating on me because I just gave her my consent to fuck this man tonight. Only it felt different this time because we were both being honest about what we wanted.Would our agreement really be that bazaar when you think of the large percentage of married people that cheat each year and the marriage ending in divorce?I couldn’t help but wonder what was going on in the next room with my wife and David at the moment. I still had an erection and started to stroke my cock wondering if my wife had done exactly what I said and sat on David’s cock. There was only one way I would find out and that was to go and look for myself.I slowly got out of bed not wanting them to hear me as I held onto my cock and walked out into the hall and slowly moved toward the bedroom doorway. The room was dark with only the moon light shining inside the window which gave me an advantage because the hall was pitch dark. I kept stroking my cock which was still hard and leaned across the doorway and looked inside.I could hear movement on the bed and could see Kathy sitting on top of David moving slowly up and down. Even though the light was too dim to see his cock, I could hear the suction sounds it was making as he fucked my wife.I started to jerk my cock more as I listened to the sounds of my wife riding David’s cock. I could hear the moans my wife was making now as she was being fucked. I continued to jerk my cock until I felt I was ready to cum and slowed my pace because I wanted it to last awhile longer.Taking another look I could see Kathy was still wearing the black nightie she had put on and David’s hands had pulled it up while he gripped her hips. I could see Kathy’s ass clearly now as she slid her ass back and forth with little rotating movements. I herd David’s voice telling my wife to keep moving her ass around and that it felt good.I could hear my wife as she bent down and kissed David’s lips while there pace got a little faster. I started to stroke my own cock now as David started to increase his speed even more. Kathy yelled out that she was going to cum and David said, "Cum for me, cum on my black cock for me."I was almost there myself as I herd David let out a yell that he was about to cum too. I could hear Kathy’s voice telling David, "Cum inside me darling." Than David made a loud grunt as he shot his seed deep inside my wife while my own load shot off and hit the hallway wall.After a few minutes I could only hear them kissing as I looked around the corner I saw my wife pulling off David and sitting on the edge of the bed. I decided I better go back to my room before they caught me out here.***I lay in our bed for several minutes until something unexpected happened next as my wife walked into the room still wearing the black nightie and got into bed with me. I turned toward my wife and she leaned forward and kissed me on the lips and whispered, "Is that what you wanted honey?" I looked at my wife’s eyes and whispered, "Did you ride David’s cock and let him cum inside you?" Kathy whispered back, "Yes, I was a naughty girl and David fucked my pussy with his big black cock and shot his seed inside me." Kathy continued and whispered, "Do you want to feel how wet my pussy is with his seed?"I reached my hand down toward Kathy’s bare pussy mound and felt around for her crack and inserted my finger inside her as she winched back with my touch and asked, "Can you feel it inside me?" I answered Kathy back saying yes and kissing her lips as I moved my finger around feeling the wetness from David’s seed inside my wife.Kathy started to grind her hips around as I played with her pussy and my wife told me to lay flat on my back as she moved herself up and climbed on top of me. I thought at first she was going to try and mount my cock which was actually hard at the moment but instead she climbed up toward my head and sat down with her pussy above my mouth and said, "I want you to lick my pussy for me." Kathy whispered, "Taste David’s seed and lick it out for me."I ran my tongue inside my wife’s pussy and started to lick her pussy as she started to grind her hips around and push her pussy down onto my tongue. Kathy’s pussy was wet and sticky with David’s seed as my wife pushed herself down onto my face.Kathy had reached back and took a hold of my cock in her hand and began to jerk it slowly as I licked her pussy. Kathy turned herself around now and bent down and took my cock inside her mouth and started to lick around the head as I continued to clean out her pussy. There was more of David’s seed dripping out as I licked around Kathy’s pussy lips taking each side in my mouth and gently pulling on it with my teeth.Kathy began to suck the entire length of my cock inside her mouth moving her head around giving as much sensation and pleasure as possible. Kathy’s little ass started to shake as I knew she was about to cum as I moved my tongue around in little circles and rubbing her clitoris giving her much stimulation as she screamed out that she was there.Kathy trembled above my face as I shot my load into Kathy’s mouth within seconds of the start of her orgasm. Kathy sucked on my cock until she had swallowed every last drop of cum I unloaded. Kathy lay still for a moment before pulling herself up and around and laying next to me on the bed. Kathy placed her arm around me and whispered, "Did sucking my pussy with David’s cum inside me turns you on?" I kissed Kathy on the lips and told it did turn me on licking her cum filled pussy. Kathy kissed me again and said, "we’ll have to do this more often from now on."Kathy said she loved me and I told her I loved her and both of us went to sleep.***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 28
Day 2: SaturdayIt was Saturday morning. The sun was coming into my room. I opened my eyes and looked at the clock. 9:30. Not bad I thought. I felt rested. I looked over and Cindy was sitting up in bed playing with her iPad. She was still wearing the t shirt and panties from last night. Her shirt bunch up around her waist. She looked really cute. She saw I was awake and immediately asked me if we could go shopping, She looked so excited. I told her to give me time to have coffee and get dressed. Then I made a joke and said, "There's plenty of time in a day to by you slutty underwear." She laughed. "Slutty," she said. "That sounds so naughty and so fun at the same time." I wondered if I was creating a monster. I pulled out my iPad and started checking my mail. Something came over me. I told Cindy to smile, and took her picture. She asked what that was for.I said I wasn't sure. She just looked so cute.She smiled, said thank you. She said she hoped when she got older she'd be as beautiful as me. I told her probably prettier. That made her smile. Just then a message popped up. It was Dave. It both excited and scared me. I knew I should ignore it, but I knew I wouldn't. I said hi. We chatted a bit about nothing and he asked my plans for the day. What the hell. I told him I was taking Cindy out underwear shopping. He asked if we were going to get anything good.I answered, "That's the plan." He asked me if he could see pictures of what we bought. He said he'd prefer them on her but just laid out would be ok. I said, "We'll see." He then asked what I was wearing. I had just woken up so I was still in the little cotton boy shorts that didn't cover my ass and a V neck T that stopped above my naval. I told him. I said I was going to throw on a robe and get coffee. He dared me to go get coffee the way I was dressed.The minute he said it I knew I would. I could feel the tingle of excitement. I knew I shouldn't. I thought about who would be up. My mom, Mark, maybe my brother. Kevin usually slept till noon. It really didn't matter. I knew I was going to do it. I got out of bed and told Cindy I was going to get some coffee."Like that," she said? "Sure, why not, I'm covered." "Barely," she giggled. "I'm coming with you."I shrugged my shoulders. She looked at me and said, "Help me pick out a different top.""Why?"She laughed and said, "I want someone to at least notice I'm in the room." I laughed with her and we looked in her drawers for something suitable. She was still wearing the white cotton bikini panties. We found red polo shirt of mine. It was a size or 2 too big for her and hung 1/2 way down her ass. The sides were slit just enough you could see skin above the waistband of her panties. We left the top 4 buttons undone. Even as a 32C you could tell she had something going on. "Ready?" I asked.She looked at me, smiled, shook her head no, and opened the door.We both went into the kitchen. We were wrong. Everyone was up. Mom, Mark, Chuck, Kevin, and it seemed Peter spent the night. They all stopped and stared. Mom was the first to say something. It wasn't angry, but it was disapproving. "Showing a bit of skin there," she said. "Come on mom," I said. "This is what I sleep in." Mark threw in, "Leave her alone. "She looks cute."I'm not sure mom liked that. She gave us both a dirty look. Then she saw Cindy. She was about to say something when Mark spoke up."Well don't you just look adorable this morning," he said to his daughter. She gave him a kiss. He put his arm around her waist. It pulled her shirt up. Kevin and Peter's eyes nearly popped out of their heads. Cindy's panty covered ass was completely on display. He rubbed her back a bit his hands brushing her panties down a bit. Not a lot. You could start to see the swell of her ass. He saw Peter and Kevin watching and winked at them. He patted her on the butt. To everyone in the room, and no one in particular he said, "Wow, we're lucky guys surrounded by beautiful women." Kevin's friend Peter spoke up and just said, "I wish I lived here"Everyone laughed except mom. Cindy and I joined the boys for breakfast and coffee. I made a point of standing on my tip toes or bending over straight legged to get stuff. Cindy watched and copied me. I'm sure the guys got some great views of my ass. I know they did of Cindy's because I got the same views. It was fun. It also set the mood for a great breakfast. Usually we all just sit there. Today we talked. The guys paid a lot of attention to Cindy and I. Mark asked us what our plans were for today. Kevin nearly choked when Cindy responded that I was taking her out to buy cute underwear. Mark said that he couldn't wait to see what we got. Mom gave him a dirty look. With that, Cindy and I headed off to our room to get dressed. Dave was still online. I guess in these days of phones and tablets we always are. I told him about breakfast. He asked if the guys were checking us out. I told them they were. He asked how mom reacted. I said she wasn't thrilled but didn't freak. He asked if I had fun. I admitted I did. Then he asked if Cindy had fun. On a whim, I asked her. Well, what I said was, "My friend Dave wants to know if you had fun going to breakfast dressed like that." She said, "Are you talking to him now?""Yes.""Well, then tell him it was funny to see the looks on the boys faces." Then she added, "Does he want to see what we wore?" I was sure he did, but thought I'd tease him. "Cindy wants to know if you want to see what we wore?" Dave said, "of course." I asked if he'd been good. He said of course not. I aimed my iPad at Cindy. She smiled at me, facing me. You could see a bit of white panty showing under the shirt. Then she bent over smiling at the camera. The shirt gaped open in the front. You could not see her nipples, but it was a great shot of her breasts. She stopped me to look at that one. "Wow, that's hot," she said. I agreed. She the then said, "Take a few more," and started posing. First she turned away from the iPad, looked over her shoulder and pulled her shirt up with one hand so you could see her panties and skin. Then she did the same thing but put her thumbs in her panties and pushed them down a bit. I kept snapping away. She didn't stop till the panties were lying in a pool by her feet. We got together and looked through them. They were hot. We both agreed. Cindy asked, "Are you going to send all of those to him?""Do you want me too?"She thought a moment and said, "Yes."I told Dave I had a surprise I thought he'd like, and sent the pictures. He wrote back, "Holy fuck, she has a great ass." This made Cindy giggle some more.I told Dave we were going shopping We started to get dressed for shopping. In my mind I kept wondering what Dave would want me to wear. I don't know why. Just when I looked at something, that was the standard I started using. I kept thinking if Dave would like it. I finally settled on a black pleated mini that came about 6 inches above my knee and a tight cami with string straps. No bra. I pulled off my boy shorts and put on a purple and green thong. Cindy looked at me and said, "You look hot. what should I wear?" She reached to the bottom of her drawer and pulled out a skirt I don't think she'd worn since she was 12. It was off white, pleated, and had an elastic waist. She pulled it on and it barely covered her ass. She then grabbed a white button down shirt just buttoning the 3 buttons in the middle. She didn't tuck it in. Nor did she wear a bra. It was not as long as the skirt and when she moved you got a glimpse of navel. She looked cute A little on the sexy side. She started going through her underwear drawer. She looked at me and said, "We're going underwear shopping everything here is dull. Do I even need to wear any?"In my mind I thought, wow, what a little exhibitionist. But out loud I said, "I think that skirt needs panties." She pouted but put some on. They looked like the smallest she owned. We both finished our outfits with a cute pair of shoes. As we left our room to go shopping we walked past Mark in the living room. Mark said, "Wow, you girls are going to break every heart at the mall." Then he said to Cindy, "Turn around, let me see you."Cindy turned around so her dad could check her out. When her back was turned Mark said, "Can you even bend over in that skirt?" "Of course I can daddy." She bent over a bit and her cotton panties came into view. Mark looked at me and said, "you're right, she needs new panties." He pulled out his wallet, handed me a hundred, and said, "Have fun."We said thank you, and hurried to the car. As soon as we started driving Cindy said, "Was my dad seriously checking out my panties?"More like your ass, I thought. We laughed and talked about boys. How silly they were. We also talked about showing off and watching their reactions. Turns out she'd been showing off at school a bit. Even got in trouble and her mother was called. Every once in a while at her moms house she would let Kevin catch her coming out of the shower or in her underwear. I was fascinated. She asked me if I was a virgin. I told her no. Then she asked how many times I'd "done it."I wasn't sure how to answer the question. There were the 4 times with my boyfriend and then the event at the office. Did I count that as 2 or 1. I decided that was 1 and told her 5 times. She started asking what it was like. I tried to explain that it's different. It can be dull or fabulous. I didn't want to let on about the office. I let her think it was all my ex boyfriend. I then asked her. She told me she'd fooled around a bit, but never went "all the way." She told me she came close a few times so she'd gone to planned parenthood and got herself on the pill. I told her I thought that was smart. Inside I worried about what I'd gotten myself into. She asked where we were going. Most people think Victoria Secret or Fredericks has the sexiest stuff, but not really. Not for younger girls. I took her to Tilly's. Usually they have a bin of panties right by the register. They're like 3 for $9. They're the sexiest ones in the store because they are usually the ones others are too embarrassed to buy. We had $100. We each picked out 12 pair each. We got a great variety. Thongs, tiny boy shorts, string bikini, even 1 G string each, anything colorful and cute. That meant no laundry for almost 2 weeks. Then for $10 each we bought matching tops. Hers was white, mine pink. They buttoned all the way down the front, they had a bustier type look in a summer type fashion. They were light, almost see through, and had spaghetti straps over the shoulders. Definitely meant to be worn with a bra. We were out of Mark money but I suggested we get her 3 cute bras. I offered to pay. We headed over and found 3 in cute colors that had just the right amount of push up effect for her size. We headed home very happy with our new purchases. When we got home, most of the cars were gone. Just Mark and mom were home. We walked in with our bags.Mark was in the Living room. "How'd the shopping go?" We laughed and said great."Did you get anything good?" Before we could answer mom came in the room. We all stopped talking and looked at her. Mom was always an attractive women, but usually at home she wore sweats and a T-shirt or Jeans and a T. At just 40, 5'7" and 140lbs. She had curves, but great curves. The reason we were staring was she was wearing a very tight pair of yoga pants. Seriously, like a 2nd skin. If she was wearing panties, and I doubt she was, they were g string or thong. She had rolled the waistband down to point where her ass just started to curve. She was wearing a white, tight wife beater. That was cut to an inch above her navel. No bra. She didn't say a word about it. Just, "Hi girls what did you buy?" I hesitated. My mind still hadn't kicked in. Cindy broke the trance. "We bought a ton of panties, 2 tops, and 3 bras.""Quite the catch," mom said.Mark spoke up, "Do we get to see?" Mom said "Mark!" Cindy said, "Of course" and dumped her bag on the floor in front of her Dad. "Wow," said Mark. "That's a lot of panties."Cindy started prattling on about everything being on sale. Then Cindy started picking up each item and asking her Dad what he thought. With each one he'd say things like, "Don't let your mother see that. Wow that's cute (or sexy), I bet you'd look great in that." Cindy gushed, "You really like them?" Mark said, "They're fantastic. Too bad most of them are underwear. I'll never get to see them." She then looked at my mom. Her only comment was, "They're very cute." Cindy said, "Well you can see the top. Come on Tina. Let's show them the tops we got." She grabbed all her stuff, grabbed my hand and pulled me to my room. As soon as we got to our room I saw a message from Dave. "How was shopping?" I didn't have time to answer as Cindy had already thrown her shirt on the floor and was pulling on the one she just bought. It was more see through than I thought. You could definitely make out her nipples. She'd also left the top 3 buttons undone. The first fastened button was just below her breasts. "Don't you think you need a bra with that," I said?"Why? It's just Dad and your mom. What do they care."She then looked at herself in the mirror. She turned around and said "ugh." She reached under her skirt pulled of her white cotton bikini panties and threw them in the trash. "Good riddance" she said. I had to laugh. She was so dramatic. She started going through the ones she bought, holding each up and inspecting it. She got to a tiny pair of pink see through boy shorts. I said, "those." "You think so?""Yeah. They'll go cute with the outfit."She stepped into them and pulled up her skirt to show me. In the front they barely covered her pussy. I noticed she had shaved. I never looked before. She turned. In the back 1/2 her ass cheeks were hanging out. The top showed about an inch of the crack in her ass. "What do you think," she said?" "Awesome," I replied. "Wanna see?" She nodded. I grabbed my iPad and started clicking pictures. She held her skirt, and posed. She stuck out her chest for a few. When I was done we looked at the pictures together. She was thrilled. She then looked at me and said, "Your turn." She grabbed my top and peeled it off me. Wow, I'd never had a girl do that before. I felt that tingle in my pussy. I ignored it. She pulled out my pink top and I pulled it on. She started doing the buttons. She left mine unbuttoned down just below the breast also. I was liking this too much. "Are we done," I said?" She stood back and looked at me. "Hmmmm," she said. She grabbed a red see through pair of string bikini panties from my pile. I reached out expecting her to hand them to me. Nope she reached under my skirt and pulled the thong I was wearing down. Then she got on her knees and removed them completely. She held the new ones open and I stepped into them. As she pulled them up she stood up in front of me. She was maybe 3 inches from me. Her hands under my skirt, still on the waistband of my panties. Her face was turned up towards mine. In the back of my mind there was a small desire to kiss her. I could feel the heat from her body and its fresh scent. Instead I said, "Ready?" Cindy opened the door and said, "Ready for the fashion show?" Mark said, "Can't wait."While she said that I quickly sent the pictures of her to Dave. No note, just the pictures. I put down the iPad. Cindy grabbed my hand, and pulled me into the living room. My mom's mouth dropped open."Isn't that a bit rev..." She started to say.Mark cut her off. "Wow you too look great. I think you'd give a heart attack to any man who saw you."Cindy said, "You really like it?" She twisted and turned. As she did her skirt flared up a bit. You could see a bit of her ass cheek. "Love it," said Mark. "If I'd known you had such great taste in clothes I would have been giving you money a long time ago." Cindy beamed. "What about Tina?" Mark looked at me. I don't think he'd ever looked at me like that before. At least not that I'd noticed. The look on his face was clear. I want to fuck you.He said to Cindy, and obviously me, "She looks good enough to eat."Cindy laughed and said, Yeah she does."I then looked at mom. I thought she'd be furious. She wasn't. She was just taking it all in. She finally spoke, "Those are pretty. Did you get anything else?" Cindy said, "Just panties." Mark said, "Yes, cute ones."Then Cindy just reached down to the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. "These are new," she said. Mom sputtered. Mark spoke out, "Those are cute, they make your ass look very grown up." Cindy then said, "Tina got new ones too." Before I could stop her she pulled up my skirt and showed Mark. My face was turning red, but my pussy was getting very wet. Here I was being shown off by a15 year old girl. In front of her father and my mother, and I was getting turned on. Mark said, "With panties that cute it's a pity you have to wear skirts at all." Mom looked at him. He flashed her a smile. Completely unabashed, Cindy said, "We're home. It's just us. We don't." She pushed her skirt down off her hips. It fell to the floor. I was in a state of shock. What the hell just happened? My little step sister, all of a sudden, is standing in the living room in just a see through top and panties. Mom and Mark just stared. I didn't move. I was kind of frozen. My mind was on lockdown. Cindy reached over to me, unzipped my skirt, and it too fell to the ground. I just stood there stunned. I say stunned, but I was fucking horny. I wanted to run to my room and jack myself off. Instead I just stood there. Mark broke the silence. "Wow, you girls look hot. As far as I'm concerned you can just wear panties around the house anytime you want." He looked at my mother. "Right Brenda? Don't they look cute?" Mom was speechless. She just nodded her head. I knew Mark was in charge, but I didn't realize how in charge. I said, "I have some stuff to catch up with in my room." I turned to leave.Mark said, "You've got a great ass Tina."Without even thinking I wiggled it at him. I caught myself and then as normally as I could walked to my room. Cindy followed me. "Oh my god. That was frickin' hot. Are you as wet as I am?" We'd never spoken like this before. I was not sure how to answer. Very cautiously I lied and said I'd never done anything like that before.Cindy said she had never been so bold, but being bold like that was a huge turn on. I just wanted my fingers in my pussy. Actually I wanted to get fucked. I would have fucked Mark if he'd asked. I just wanted cock. I wondered briefly what my mom would do if she caught me fucking Mark. Probably kill us and then throw our bodies in the street. I told Cindy I was tired and going to take a nap. She said she would too. I turned out the lights and got under my covers. I could hear Cindy's bed sheets rustling. Again I heard that soft sigh. I was right behind her. When I woke up from my nap Cindy was packing the little carryall she uses to go back and forth from her mom's house. "What's up," I asked?"Dad's gonna drive me back to mom's house. We have a wedding to go to so I'm staying there tonight. Kevin's already there."That's too bad I thought. I was having fun. Then followed by the thought, thank god, maybe I'll stay out of trouble.I asked where my mom was and Cindy said she'd gone out shopping. Chuck? She didn't know hadn't seen him all day. Cool I thought some quiet time. I could use it. Things were happening fast and I needed to process it. I knew what I was doing was wrong, but every step of the way my pussy was saying yes. Mark called Cindy and asked if she was ready. She came over and kissed me goodbye. Not quite on the cheek, not quite on the lips. It was a bit longer than normal."I had fun," she said.I heard the door close. I was alone in bed. I had thrown on a T shirt when I climbed in for my nap. My panties were soaked so I left them on the floor. My mind was racing. How could all this have started. Dave I thought. As long as I don't talk to Dave I'd be fine. This was his fault. I picked up my iPad. First thing there was a message from Dave. "Those pictures were awesome. Thank you. How was your day?" I should have just ignored it, but, of course, I didn't. I liked the way he made me feel.I said hi and that I was glad he liked Cindy's pics. I reminded him that she was 15 so be careful. He said he would be. He then asked me about my day. I told him everything. Cindy's dad showing off her butt at breakfast. Coming home seeing mom dressed sexier. Cindy pulling off my skirt in front of her father and my mother. Everything. He asked questions. It was fun reviewing it. I was reliving it in my head as well as telling someone how naughty I was. At the end of it all he said, "Good girl." For some reason that made me wet all over again. He was very curious about my mom dressing sexier. He said his guess was she was a little jealous and decided to be a little competitive. It kind of made sense. He then asked what I was wearing. I said just a t shirt. He wanted to see. I face timed him. I was still sitting up in bed, in a t shirt, covered by my covers. What the hell. He told me I looked great. I laughed and said I just woke up. He said let me see the rest. I panned the iPad down so he could see the covers. He laughed and said, That's not what I meant." I played coy and said, "No, what did you mean?"His voice got stern. "You tell me. What did I mean?" I could not believe how it made me feel when he talked to me that way. Before it was all texting. This was face to face. Well, almost. It was like Bob telling me what to do in the office that day. "You wanted to see me without the covers," I said quietly."I wanted to see what," he said? "You want me to take the covers off me and show you I'm not wearing panties," I said"Good girl," he said.I put the iPad down and kicked the covers off me. My T shirt was wrapped around my waist. My pussy was completely exposed. I realized he'd never seen me naked. He'd just heard about it. I picked the iPad back up. I looked at his face. He pointed a finger down. Slowly I scanned the iPad down. I showed him everything. I brought it back to my face. I don't know what I was expecting. I was nervous. He smiled and said. "You're more sexy and beautiful than I remember" I felt a huge sigh of relief. He asked me if I had a full length mirror in my room. I did and told him so. "Take off the T and go to the mirror. I want to see all of you."I didn't even argue. I put the iPad down where he could watch me. The T shirt was long. Standing up you could see a little of my pussy and 1/2 my butt. I reached down and slowly pulled it off. He watched intently. Then I turned around so he could see my ass too. "Beautiful," he said. "I'm going to have so much fun playing with you."I was pretty sure I knew what he meant, but was going to ask anyway. Just then I heard the front door. I turned my head a little. "What's that" he said? "The front door someone came home." "Cool," he said. "Close your screen, put that T shirt back on,and go see who it is. Take the iPad with you so I can see.""But, that T shirt doesn't even cover my pussy," I objected. "I know. Just pretend you didn't know anyone was home." I think I was going to protest, but I didn't. I put the T shirt back on and walked into the kitchen. Mark was at the counter and immediately turned to see me. His face broke into a big smile. I immediately said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know you were home. I'll go change." "Don't go change for me," he said. "I think you look great."I said, feeling kind of sassy, "I bet you do." I put my hands on my hips and as I did I pulled the t shirt up a bit more. Now my entire pussy was on display."Turn around," he said. "Let me see that ass."I turned around. As I did I stood the iPad up on the kitchen counter in front of me. The camera and microphone were still running. I wasn't sure how much Dave could see but I knew he could see some of it. After I put it down I pulled my T shirt up to my waist and shook my ass at him. "How's that," I said."Awesome," he said. He stepped towards me and cupped my ass cheek. I didn't move. I just held the t shirt at my waist and stood there. "Your ass is the same shape as your mom's."He started rubbing my ass. It felt good. I let out a soft moan. "Yeah," he said. "Same shape. Yours is a little firmer, but hers is still great."It was weird listening to him talk about my mother's ass while rubbing mine. It felt good though. I pushed my ass back a bit to encourage him. His hands slid lower. I widened my stance to give him more access. He slipped a finger into my pussy. "Mmmmm," I said. "Your mom likes it when I slide my fingers in her pussy too. She gets just as wet as you."I moaned. Again hearing him talk about my mom was so wrong it was driving me crazy. I bent forward a bit to steady myself on the counter. I looked right at my iPad. I then asked, "Where is mom?" He now had 2 fingers in my pussy. I moaned again. I started slowly fucking his fingers. "Oh yeah," he said. "Your mom always fucks my fingers too when I do this to her." The other day, when none of you were home, I had her bent over this counter just like this." I came. A sharp intake of breath, but he recognized it. "Ohhhh. So you like hearing about your mom. Well, after I finger fuck her cunt, I stick my fingers in her face and she licks them clean." Cunt. There was that word again. What was it about that word that made me feel so dirty yet so hot. As he said it he pulled his fingers out of my cunt and held them in front of my face. I started sucking on them and licking them clean. I knew Dave could see me doing that. While sucking on them I asked again, "where... Is... mom?" He slid his fingers back in my pussy and said, "She's shopping.""Shopping?" I started seriously fucking his fingers now. I wanted to come again. "Yeah shopping," he said. "I've always been after her to dress sexier around the house. She always refused because she didn't want to embarrass you or Cindy. Given last night's and this morning's performance I told her to get her ass out there and get some hotter clothes." He still had his fingers in my pussy. I was now practically stomach down on the counter. I was looking right at the iPad. A picture of my mom in a thong came to mind. I'd never seen her in anything but cotton bikinis, but the image was hot. Between that, knowing Dave was watching, and Mark's fingers in my cunt I let out another moan and came again. Mark heard me. "I think it's time to fuck you. What do you think," he said."Yes," I said"What?"God, I loved it when they made me say it. "Yes, I want you to stick your cock in me. I want you to fuck my cunt with the same cock that fucks my mother." I heard his pants unzip. I didn't even turn around. He just slid the tip of his cock against my pussy and drove right in. I could tell he was bigger than most. I felt stretched. Not uncomfortable but full. I groaned and came immediately. He slowly started pumping me. "Mmmmmm... like mother, like daughter. Nice and wet. Nice and tight." I came again. Then he started telling me how hot I looked last night. He really liked me rubbing Cindy's back. He said he enjoyed looking at her panty covered ass and that every time my hand reached the band of her panties he was hoping I'd push them down further.Thinking of Cindy's soft back, getting fucked, and hearing him talk about it, I came again. "Wow," he said. "Your mother cums a lot too." That made me come again. He kept pumping me, and as he did he kept talking to me. The words were as much a turn on as his hard cock. "Then, this morning, when you both showed up for breakfast in just panties and Ts I thought I was going to lose it. Knowing your brother was watching. Kevin and Peter couldn't decide which one of you to stare at. I swear my cock was rock hard the whole time."My mind relived the whole thing. I could see them staring at me. See their faces as they checked out Cindy's cute little ass. I came again, but this time I gushed. It was warm like pee. I was embarrassed. I thought I'd peed on him. I let out an "oh my god. I'm so sorry." He pushed his cock deep in me. He leaned over me and said, "It's OK. it's called squirting. It's not pee. Your mother does it too. It's fucking hot."Hearing about what my mom did made me come again. I lost count. I started fucking his cock. He just held on for the ride. I fucked him fast and hard till I came again. He was still hard. "And then," he went on, "Cindy gave me that hug and I got to feel that cute little ass.""After you all left, I was so fucking hard, I pushed your mom right up against this counter and fucked her just like I'm fucking you." I pictured my mom bent over this counter, being fucked, sweats around her ankles. Cumming over and over like I was. That was it. I started screaming. "Fuck me. Fuck my slutty little cunt. Fill me with your cum, just like you did my mom. Fuck me. Pretend your fucking Cindy's little virgin cunt. Filling her with your cum. Fuck me. I bet you want Cindy to watch as you fuck me. Want mom and Chuck to watch." That did it. He came. He filled my cunt. I could feel it hot against the walls of my pussy. I came again. I Fell limply against the counter."You're not done yet you little slut. Get on your knees and clean me up." I smiled into the iPad. I turned around, got down on my knees and took his now semi hard cock in mouth. It was covered with his cum, my cum, and his pants were soaked from when I squirted. I started sucking and licking up every drop. I didn't want to miss any. I did try to get some on my face. I wanted to show Dave when I was done. As I sucked his cock he started talking again. "I'm glad you took Cindy shopping today. Her mother is such a prude. I want to see everything she bought. On her. I'll leave that in your hands. I'm sure you can handle it." He looked down at his cock and my face. He put his cock back is his pants and said, "You better go clean up. Can't have your mother seeing you like that." Then he added, "At least not yet." I stood up, grabbed my iPad, and headed for my room. I held the iPad so Dave could see my cum covered face. I flipped it so I could see his face. He was smiling.When I got to my room I just looked at him. Finally I said, "How was that?" "That was fucking amazing," He said. "Take your top off." I did it."Now put the iPad somewhere I can see your entire bed and lay down." I did it.Dave started telling me about the entire incident from what he saw. How he felt. What he thought was happening. My fingers dropped to my clit. I closed my eyes and let myself picture everything he said. I started cumming again. Now what? I thought. I'd just heard mom return from shopping. I knew Mark was home. I heard him ask what she bought. I couldn't hear her answer. I heard him say, "How about a fashion show." Mom said, "Come in the bedroom. Tina's home. We can have more privacy."He said, "No, you go change and come out here. I'll sit on the couch. Don't worry about Tina."Mom started to protest, but Mark just told her to go change. As she was changing he texted me. "Come join me."It wasn't really a request. It was more an order. He wanted me to see what mom bought. I told myself I didn't want to see, but I knew I was lying. I did. What to wear was the question. I knew it should be somewhat revealing, but not crazy. I grabbed a pair of black see through string bikini panties and a tank top that just covered my ass. That should do. I wasn't sure if Dave was online. I facetimed him, shut down my screen and brought my iPad with me. As I walked out of my room I could see mom in front of me in the living room. She was wearing a short see through nightie with spaghetti straps and matching thong. As I came up behind her I said, "Wow, that's hot." I held the iPad so the camera was facing her. She jumped, tried to cover herself, started stammering an apology, and heading for her room. Mark stopped her. "Come back here. Tina's a girl. She's seen sexy clothes before." Mom stopped. She just stood there, looking at the floor, kind of resigned to her fate.Mark looked at me and said, "Come in, you're just in time. Your mom is going to show me what she bought today." I could see mom's face go red. She still did not look up. Mark then said to me, "You look cute. Are those some of the new panties you bought today?"I nodded. Mom looked up. She saw what I was wearing. She didn't say a thing. Mark went on. "With that Tank top on we can barely see them. That's not very nice." He looked at mom, "Wouldn't you like to see what she bought?" Mom didn't move. Mark asked her again. This time she slightly nodded. "What," said Mark. "I didn't hear you.""Yes," mom said. "I'd love to see what she bought" I kind of felt bad for mom, but I was enjoying seeing her in this predicament. I put the iPad on the fireplace mantle. I hoped it had a good view. I then grabbed the hem of my tank top pulled it up to my waist, and slowly turned around. "Do you like them" I said? Mark said they looked great, then asked mom what she thought. She mumbled great.Mark said, "What, I couldn't hear you."Mom looked at him, looked, at me, looked back at him and said, "They're very pretty and sexy" Mark was satisfied and patted the couch next to him for me to sit down. I did, adjusting my tank top to cover my panties. Mark slapped my hand playfully and pulled the shirt up to my waist."After all," he said. "We've already seen them we might as well enjoy them" I sat there with my panties showing. Mark's hand was on my thigh. Mark then looked at my mom and said, "Well let's see what else you bought." She left the room to change. Mark's fingers slid up to my pussy. "Still wet I see" I was, I couldn't believe this. The whole scene was so wrong. Mark's fingers in my pussy. My mom in the other room changing into something sexy to model for us. You bet I was wet. Mom came back in the room. Mark left his hand on my thigh. I left my legs slightly spread apart. If mom knew what happened she didn't let on. This time she was in a cute pair of boy shorts and a see through cami. She looked hot. It was obvious that my mom shaved her pussy too. "Wow," I said "That's hot." Mom kind of smiled at me. She was happy for my approval. Mark kept sending her to change. Sometimes he'd call her over to us and we'd feel the material. He'd compliment her on her choices. He'd ask me my opinion. Truthfully, she looked fucking hot and I said so. Once he had me feel how firm her ass was. He was right, it was firm. Whenever he could he'd keep his hand on my thigh. Whenever she left the room he'd finger me. My panties were soaked and even the top of my thighs were wet. I'm sure my mom could tell. Finally she had gone through all her outfits. Mark said he'd like to see one again. It was a black semi transparent robe with matching thong. The robe tied with a sash. She went to change. Once again Mark had his fingers in my pussy. He pulled my legs further apart. Now there was no doubt I was wet or that she would see it. She came out in the outfit. She looked very hot. Mark had her turn around. Then he said, "I bet it would look better without the panties." Mom looked at me. I didn't have any idea what to do. Mark asked me what I thought. I said either way it was sexy. Mark told mom to take them off. She didn't move. He looked at me and said, "Go help your mom." She just stood there looking at me. I stood up and walked behind her. I could feel the blood rushing to my pussy. God this was so wrong. God this was so hot. I hooked my fingers in the waistband of her thong and pulled them slowly over her ass and thighs. I let them go and they dropped to the floor. Mom just stood there. I felt like my pussy was dripping down my thigh. Mark motioned for me to sit next to him again. I did and he put his hand on my thigh. He could feel, the sticky wetness. "Wow," he said. "You're really creaming." He licked his fingers. "You must be enjoying this."I didn't say a thing. He called mom over. She came to him. He undid the sash of the robe. Mom had great tits and for 2 kids a great belly. He ran his hands over her shoulders down to her breasts. She gave a sharp intake of breath. She looked at me. His fingers pulled at her nipples. They were hard. She closed her eyes briefly, sighed, and then looked at me again. Mark's hands continued down her body. Mom continued to look at me. I had no idea what she was thinking. I didn't realize it but my hand had found my pussy. I wasn't really masturbating, but my hand was between my legs. Mark's hands reached her hips. As he caressed her she closed her eyes and sighed again. Every time she opened them she was looking at me. Mark's hands finally slid between her legs. She parted them to give him better access. He obviously knew her body. I saw her shudder with her first orgasm. He took his fingers out of her pussy and licked them.He looked at me and said, "You would not believe how delicious her pussy is." She moaned. He slid his fingers back into her. He put his other hand on top of the one I had between my legs. He didn't touch my pussy. Just started moving my hand so I would do it myself. I got the message and started fingering myself. This was hot. This was wrong. This was slutty. I was fingering my cunt in front of my mom. I was not sure who was more of a slut. Her for watching or me for doing it. He played with her pussy some more. She moaned. Then he said, "What do you want." She looked at me and looked back at him. He asked her again. This time she was looking me right in the eyes. As she looked at me she said, very clearly, "I want you to Fuck me." Mark laughed, "Here? Now?" "Yes." again looking straight at me. "Here, now." Mark unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans. He pulled out his cock. I had never actually seen it hard. I was right. It was bigger than most. About 7-8 inches I'd guess.Mom climbed on the couch, knees on either side of him, and slowly lowered her pussy onto his cock. I'd seen some porn but nothing was as hot as this. As she took his cock she looked right at me. When she had it all in, she threw her head back, closed her eyes and moaned. Her body shuddered. "That's right baby," said Mark, "Cum for me."She looked at me again and started pushing herself up and down on his cock. She had her hands on the back of the couch to steady herself. She looked at him and started talking. "That's it baby, make me cum. You can fuck me anytime you want. I'm your slut. Look, you're fucking me in front of my baby girl."She looked at me. "Look at her watching me fuck your cock."Mark looked at me."See," mom continued "She's watching. She can see your cock in my pussy. Now she knows what a slut her mother is. She knows I love your cock so much I'll fuck it anywhere. Look, she's got her fingers in her cunt. She's probably a slut too."She was right. I was a slut. I was turned on. I was friggin' my pussy for all it was worth. As she was talking about me. I came. She looked back at Mark and continued. It was a steady stream of dirty talk. She did not stop. "Did you see her cum? That was hot wasn't it? Somehow I think you've seen her cum before. I saw how wet her slutty little cunt was each time I came back in the room. You were playing with her, weren't you? Have you fucked her yet? Has she felt how good this cock fits?" Mark didn't answer. He just groaned. I didn't know what to say. Having my mom call me a slut while she fucked her boy friend in front of me just turned me on more. I came again. Mom saw me cum. She shuddered and came again."Mmmmm," she said. "Did you see my baby cum? Did you feel me cum all over your cock at the same time?" I wonder how many cocks have been in that sweet cunt."I kept watching his cock as she pumped him in and out. I thought about what she said. As of yesterday it was 1. Now it's almost 9 o'clock on Saturday and it's 4 and I'm watching my mother get fucked. Just the thought of it made me come again. She started talking to him again. "I told you not to touch her unless she was ready. I guess after that performance yesterday, she's ready. Go ahead. Feel her cunt. Get your fingers in my little girls cunt. Make her cum. "I bet you want to fuck her. I'm your slut. If she's willing I'll hold her legs open for you."Dammit. Hearing her say that I came again. She kept going. "I know you. You're a pervert. I saw the way you were looking at Cindy's ass last night, how you grabbed it this morning. I bet you'd like to see her virgin pussy too. Maybe the next time she's here I'll ask her to model the rest of the panties she bought."He groaned. It was obvious he liked that. God I thought, is everyone a pervert?She just kept talking. "Hmmmm. You think Chuck would like to fuck Tina? Would you like to see that? Her brother's cock inside her? Maybe Kevin? Maybe both at the same time?" He grabbed her hips and started pushing her up and down. He was fucking her hard. "You like that," she said. "You are a pervert. What about me? Do you want to see me spread my legs for them? Take their cocks in my mouth, my pussy, my ass?""Oh my god," I thought. "Was mom that much a slut?" This was so fucking hot. I kept playing with my pussy. I'd lost track of how many times I'd cum. Mom stopped fucking him. She kissed him on the lips, climbed off the couch and took his cock in her hand. Now she was on her knees in front of him. She looked at me. She grabbed the waist of my panties and said "fair is fair." I lifted my ass as she pulled them off me. She threw them on the floor next to hers. Then she looked at Mark's cock. She took it in her mouth and started sucking it. He reached out and grabbed her hair. Not pulling it, but pulling her head up and down on his cock. She looked at me. Pulled her mouth off his cock and said, "Mmmmm.. Good." Then looked at him, "Go ahead. Play with her cunt." She started sucking him again. His hand dropped to my cunt. He slid his fingers into me. It was all too much. I just kept cumming. It was like waves after waves hit me. I just rolled my head back and moaned. At that point Mark said, "I'm going to cum baby."She didn't stop. In fact, she went to town on him. I saw his back arch. I could tell he was cumming. She got most in her mouth but some got on her cheeks and chin. I thought that was it. I was wrong. She gave me a look. Then scooted over to me, brought her face up to mine, and kissed me. Not like she's ever kissed me before. Full on the lips. Open mouth. Lots of tongue. Also with a mouthful of cum. I opened my mouth and took it all. "Swallow it," she whispered. I did. "Clean up my face," she said. I started sucking and licking the cum off her face. I felt so slutty. I felt so good. Just then we heard a car pull up outside. It had to be Chuck. Mark zipped up real fast. Mom stood up and tied the sash of her robe. I pulled my shirt down to cover my pussy. Just in time. Chuck walked in with his girlfriend Cathy in tow. "Hi guys," he said. We all said hi. I saw Cathy look around. The room smelled like sex. Chuck of course was oblivious but I was pretty sure Cathy noticed. "Hi Mrs G. Hi Tina." She said. She had a slightly questioning sound to her voice. She looked at mom. I think we all forgot that mom's robe was semi transparent. Chuck didn't even look, but Cathy did. Then I saw her look at the floor. I followed her gaze. We also forgot that both mine and mom's panties were in the middle of the floor. Cathy noticed. I then noticed that mom still had a bit of dry cum on her face. I looked too long. Cathy followed my gaze. She looked at me questioningly. I just smiled at her.At that moment Chuck grabbed her hand and said, "OK, we're off. We're going downstairs to watch TV. A euphemism for "make out" I was sure. They left. I looked at mom and said, "I better go." I picked my panties up off the floor. As I stood up she grabbed my hand, pulled me towards her, and kissed me full on the lips."Slut," she said with a smile on her face. I started to walk back to my room. Then I saw my iPad still on the mantle. I knew it had been on. I wondered how much Dave saw. If he watched at all. I grabbed it and went to my room. I switched the screen on. Dave was there immediately. "Wow Tina. That was fucking hot. We had it up on the big screen.""We?" I thought. "Who's we?"As if to answer my question he turned the iPad around. There was my boss' face."My god Tina. That was hot!" His face looked flushed. The camera then panned down. There was a woman on her hands and knees in front of him. Her dress was up around her waist, panties around her thighs. The camera panned up again. He was fucking her doggy style."Oh Tina. Meet my wife." The camera panned down again. She turned to smile at it. The camera panned up again to my boss' face. "She's never done anything like this before. She got so turned on watching you she begged me to fuck her. Right here, right now. It was amazing." I then heard her voice. "Stop talking and fuck me." The Camera panned around the room. It landed on a woman's face. I recognized it immediately. It was Julie. The Marketing woman from work. She smiled at the camera. "Hi Tina, who knew you were such a slut. That was one of the hottest things I ever saw." The camera panned down. Her tits came into view. She was naked from the waist up. Her tits were bouncing up and down. She was about 30 or so. I knew she was pretty. Now she looked hot. Dave panned the camera further down. She was completely naked, straddling some guys cock and fucking him. Dave panned the camera and followed her arm. Her hand was wrapped around Dave's cock. It panned back up to Dave's face. "Oh," he said. "Julie's husband wasn't here. So she's fucking Jimmy." Jimmy was our tech guy.Dave turned the Camera to Julie. "Have you ever cheated on your husband before?" he asked.She smiled and shook her head no. Dave panned the camera back to his face. "See what you did to us? This is the most interesting sales meeting we ever had," he laughed.I was mortified, I was turned on, I was, well... I don't know what I was. Dave was now talking to me. "Was that Chuck who came in?" I nodded my head."Who was with him," he asked."That was his girlfriend Cathy." "I think she noticed something was going on" he said. No shit, I thought. I just said, "I think so too.""Where'd they go?" He asked."Downstairs to watch TV," I replied. "Can you see them without them seeing you?""I guess I could try. There's a landing on the stairs," I answered. "Let's go" he said. First I had to put something on. I was not sure what. What if Cathy saw me. She already saw me in the tank top. Should I put on panties? I decided to go as I was. I knew if they saw me and I went down the stairs, they'd both see I wasn't wearing panties. The idea excited me. I took the iPad and tip toed down to the landing. I could not believe it when I got there. The TV was on. Probably to cover the sound. Cathy was topless. She had come in wearing a pair of running shorts and a top. Her top and bra were on the floor. Her mouth was wrapped around Chuck's cock. She was the same age as Chuck. At 17 she had a great set of tits. Her blonde hair was swept back over one shoulder. Her face was easy to see.She stopped and looked at him. "You didn't notice anything weird," she said. He shook his head. "The whole room smelled like sex. There were 2 pairs of panties on the floor, and you didn't notice?" she exclaimed. He pulled her head back to his cock and said, "you're imagining things. It was probably just laundry she dropped." She stopped again. "Chuck, your mom's robe was practically see through. I could see her nipples and ass. She wasn't wearing panties. I'm pretty sure those were on the floor."Chuck groaned. Cathy wrapped her hand around Chuck's cock and started pumping. "Oh?" Said Cathy. "You like the idea of your mother in a see through robe, panties on the floor?"Chuck groaned again. Cathy went on. "Too bad you missed it. I could clearly see her tits. She has great tits for a woman her age."I could not believe what I was seeing. Chuck was moaning. Cathy was jacking him off and talking about mom. She kept talking. " I could see her ass. She has a great ass. It's shaped like your sisters." More moans from Chuck. "So? You like your sister's ass too? Well, I'm pretty sure the other pair of panties on the floor were hers." A light went off in Chuck's head. He told Cathy about Cindy and my little displays last night and this morning. As he told her Cathy kept sucking and jerking his cock. He told her in great detail.Cathy stopped sucking. Her hand kept moving. "Did you think it was hot? Did it make you hard," she asked?Chuck nodded.Cathy kept talking. Her voice was now sexy, teasing. "So you were checking out your sister's ass, and Cindy. How old is she? 15? And you like the thought of your mom in a see through robe. Too bad you missed it. She has a great body. I could tell she shaves her pussy. I am pretty sure she had cum on her face too. It looked like it was on her thigh as well. Tina too. Her thighs were glistening from it.""What do you think was going on?" she continued. "Maybe a 3 some? That's sick. Your mom, sister, and Mark? So sick it's kind of hot. Do you think if I came over early tomorrow your sister would come to breakfast in just a T and panties? How would you like that? I could sit next to you. Maybe my hand on your cock under the table. You could check out her ass." Even from where I was sitting I could tell Chuck was about to blow. Cathy could tell too. She wrapped her mouth around his cock. He started to moan and spasm. She swallowed every drop. He slumped back on the couch. Cathy licked her lips. She pulled her shirt on and grabbed her bra. "Well lover, I gotta go. See you at breakfast."I realized she was coming. I scampered up the stairs but she caught me in the kitchen. I just stood there. She smiled at me, walked over, slid one hand under my tank and grabbed my ass. Then she kissed me on the lips and said, "see YOU tomorrow." Emphasis on the you. Her kiss tasted like cum. I didn't move. I just stood there."Bye bye," she waved. She gave me a knowing smile and headed out the door.I walked stunned to my room. What the hell happened to my world?I opened my iPad back up. Dave had obviously placed his further away. I could see everyone. Julie was on her hands and knees. She was sucking Dave's cock and being fucked from behind by my boss. My boss' wife was on the couch, her dress around her waist, her legs over Jimmy's shoulders, and his face buried between her legs. I looked at Dave. "What the hell is going on? Is everyone a sex crazed pervert? Is everyone a slut?" I was beside myself. My head was spinning. "Well," Dave said "I think so. I mean. I think they just need the right stimulus. Years ago I started fucking married women. I realized they would do things for me they wouldn't do for their husbands. The more I pushed, the more they did. You and your sexy body ooze sex appeal. You stimulate people."That was it. My mind was in overload. I looked at the iPad. I shook my head. "I'm on overload. I'm going to bed." I said. I didn't wait for a response. I put down the iPad and climbed. Into bed. My head was spinning. I was bone tired. The images of the day kept playing through my head. I wasn't even thinking. My hand slid down between my legs. I barely touched my clit. I came and fell immediately asleep. To be continued...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 85
I'm the last person I thought would ever have a story like this to write, but here I am.A little about myself and my life. I'm 37, married mother of 2 boys 14 and 11. I keep in very good shape by jogging and daily exercise and can still turn heads if I've a mind to. My hair color is brunette, hazel eyes and am 36(b cup), 26, 37. 5'7" tall. Our married life was typical of many in our age group. We had gotten so busy we had little time for each other and over time got used to it. Our sex life consisted of my husband occasionally relieving himself (on me) and falling asleep almost right after sex leaving me frustrated, but I thought this was normal. Needless to say sex was infrequent and I had no desire to start anything and avoided when I could. We went on a camping trip where my life turned upside down and has not been the same since! We have a nice Class A motor home so that may not be considered as camping by some of you diehards. My husband had hired a fishing guide and took the boys fishing for the day. My plan was to jog my 3 miles, come back, shower and settle in with a good book. The hiking trails are wonderful in this area and I loved to go jogging here. I had finished my jog and was walking it off, cooling down. I decided to cut through some heavier woods on a smaller trail in an area where you might run into only an occasional tent camper. It was the middle of the week and it was pretty deserted. About 150 yards in, I came upon a tent about 20 feet off the trail. It looked deserted, then I noticed a beautiful chocolate lab on a chain just a little out of my reach. He saw me and was all excited that someone might pay a little attention to him and was jumping up and down wagging his tail. I love dogs and couldn't resist. I walked over to him and squatted down to ruffle his ears and give him some attention he was obviously craving. He licked my face affectionately and before I knew what was happening, he had kind of gotten a little behind me. He jumped up on me, knocking me down on all fours, shoving my head into the underbrush. I tried to get up but he had his front paws wrapped tightly around my waist and was humping me like crazy. At first I wasn't too concerned, but all of the sudden it got very serious. His penis found the leg opening in my shorts! I was wearing a cotton skirt, which I wore because it was cool and comfortable. I have to admit I also enjoyed the head turns of men when I caught their attention, jogging by. Underneath that I had on a sheer white tong that was stretched out and probably should of been thrown away awhile ago, but I liked them and find it hard to throw away things I like. Needless to say I was wishing I had thrown them away at this point and had on a pair of conventional panties. I yelled in my sternest voice "No! BAD Dog!" This didn't phase him in the least! His penis was pummeling my exposed backside and he was dangerously close to finding my pussy. In desperation I squatted lower and that's when it happened. In one lunge, he deeply penetrated my ass. I was so desperate to protect my pussy I hadn't considered that a horny dog wouldn't care which hole he got into. He had me shoved into a thick bush so I couldn't move ahead any farther. I was on my knees and my legs were spread as far apart as I could get them as I tried to go so low he would have to pull out. What actually happened is I was now the perfect height for him to fuck me as hard and deep as he wanted. His weight and me being weak from my jog kept me from forcing him off. I had never even considered being fucked in the ass by a man, much less a dog! The pain of the initial penetration had gone away as he pounded my ass as fast as he could, and it was replaced by what? Pleasure?! In my abhorrence and shame, I felt lust rapidly taking over! I cautiously shifted my weight and moved my right hand down inside my shorts, under the band of my panties and toward my clit. The front of my skirt and panties were already completely soaked in watery dog cum. I touched my clit, it was swollen and my pussy was responding with it's own silky lubrication. I began to rub my clit, sliding 2 fingers into my pussy on each stroke. It felt like the dog's penis was getting bigger and bigger, stretching my rectum and filling me with dog cum. I exploded in a shattering orgasm that seemed to go on for minutes, aided by the fact the dog had not slowed his pace but in fact was pounding even harder and faster with what seemed like was a ever growing cock! I left arm collapsed and my face slammed into the forest floor. The dog, unperturbed, pounded away, but something was happening. He was moving his body but his cock was no longer moving. Then the vision came into my head of two dogs, butt to butt, stuck together. Shit! That's what was happening! Sure enough, he dismounted and turned away from me. I felt the pressure of his huge cock wanting to come out but was stuck tight! The dog proceeded to try and walk away and drug me backwards a couple of feet! So far there was no pain for me and I was having "aftershocks" and the dog trying to pull out was actually pleasurable. Luckily the dog was docile once he'd gotten off and I was also lucky no one had shown back up at camp yet. His persistent pulling caused me to become sexually aroused again! I began to massage my clit for a second time. I also began to gently pull and got a rhythm going. The pressure of his swollen gland trying to remove itself was too much. I desperately tried to get some movement out of the penis as I rapidly headed for what turned out to be 3 orgasms, piggybacked on top of each other, the final one was so intense I felt myself passing out, just as the dog's penis popped out of my ass. The last thing I remember was a gush of doggy cum filling my shorts and running down my legs. I passed out for several minutes and when I came to, the dog was licking himself a few feet from me. I quickly got up, cleaned myself up as best I could, gave the dog a quick hug, and headed out of there! We now own 2 male chocolate labs. I enjoy sex with both on a almost daily basis. They get sex almost whenever they want. I usually have them pretty tired so they don't try anything in the evening when my husband and kids are around. My husband has also benefited as our sex life has improved greatly. I love letting him give me oral sex knowing that much of the juice he is swallowing is doggy cum. I go through great efforts to hold as much cum inside me as I can. Then as he warms me up with his tongue, I'll slowly feed him the watery fluid. It has made for some fantastic orgasms. So far my husband hasn't a clue. Although he is not nearly as well endowed as either one of my dogs, especially when their glands are completely swollen, I still enjoy my husbands cock and cum much more often during sex. I think one reason is I get perverse pleasure in knowing he is getting "sloppy seconds" sometimes even as much as sloppy fifths or sixths! I now average 4 orgasms a day and have had as many as 12!This is not a life I would of chosen, but I can't seem to get enough of it now. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 37
Being a big Hollywood hot shot studio executive has its advantages. With the money and power I have I can control and make people do what I want at any given point. I am like Les Grossman from the film Tropic Thunder, but without the loud attitude and ugly looks. I am more like J.R. Ewing from Dallas, but without the Oil Company and the greedy backstabbing relatives. My movie studio is called "Extensive Enterprises Films" it's not a huge powerhouse in Hollywood, but we are getting there. A lot of the major talent out there are starting to take notice of our company and are willing to help us to get our films made, plus seen all over the World. After I had my experience with Chloe Grace Moretz (before she got to do our film), I found out very quickly someone else got wind of what we did. How it got out I will never know, but a week after having Chloe here in my office, my secretary, Cathy told me I had a couple of visitors. "Mr. Allen, the Fanning sisters are here to see you." The Fanning Sisters? Now what would they be doing here? We did not have an appointment, wonder what they wanted."I do not have an appointment with them. Do I?" I asked Cathy. A slight pause came then, "No, but they really need to see you and they said if you are not busy they would like to come in." I always have time for the Fanning Sisters, they are the cutest things going and I have not had a taste of them either. "Send the girls in a hold all my calls, please!"The girls came right on in with Dakota leading her sister, Elle into my office. Closing the door behind them the girls were standing there waiting with huge smiles on their faces."What can I do for you ladies on this fine Saturday?" I asked them. Dakota answered first, "I had an interesting chat with my good friend, Chloe Grace Moretz. She said she came to see you." I was completely taken by what Dakota said. "Yes she did, came to check out a script I wanted her to read. Why? Were one of you two interested by any chance?" I answered hoping I was not busted. "Yeah, Elle was extremely interested in the part or maybe another role in the film. Still have a copy of that script?" Dakota replied as she looked at me with her big blue eyes. I went to my file cabinet and pulled out another copy of the script and handed it to Elle. "Here you go, Elle. I am glad to help you. If you girls need any help, do not hesitate to ask me," I said to them both as I was about to show them the door. Dakota licked her lips and grabbed my shirt. "Yes there is one more thing you can do for us!" I looked her in the eyes and said, "Oh yeah? And what would that be?" Pushing me back on my couch the Fanning Sisters came over to me, knelt down in front of me. "Let's see that big cock of yours!" Dakota said as she unzipped my zipper. Opening my pants now she fished out my huge cock which was starting to get a rise and shoved it into her mouth sucking me off right in from of me and her sister. As she did this she motioned to Elle to go lock the door and to come back to be with her. Elle did as instructed, but I could tell she had a bit of hesitate in her face as Dakota continued to suck my dick off.My God! Dakota's blow job was amazing as she sucked and slurped up and down the head and shaft of my ten inch cock. I watched as this 18 year old vixen was sucking my dick good. She was very amazing at sucking cock, I had a feeling she was no virgin. "Chloe told me what she did to get the part in the movie, now I think my sister deserves a role. Wouldn't you agree, Mark?" Dakota said as saliva dripped from her lips and off my cock. "I could not agree with you more, but I think Elle needs to convince me herself. How about it Elle, how much do you want to star in this movie with Chloe?" I said. Elle stared at the vision of her sister and my huge cock waiting for her in Dakota's hand. "I do not know, Dakota. I really do not want to do this just for a movie role," Elle said as she turned her head away. "I guess you really don't want to be superstar like your sister is out in Hollywood! Who the fuck is knocking at your door? Is it opportunity knocking? I hear him knock and he has something for you, now you must give him something in return, Baby Girl! Your movies are not really burning up on the Big Screen so you better show me how much you want it! Go for that Brass Ring, Elle like your sister did before you!" I snapped at her. With a fire now in her eyes, she grabbed my dick, took a breath and went down over my shaft!Oh Dear Lord! This girl is amazing for a first timer! She bobbed her head up and down my dick faster than her sister did. I think I got to her, and it showed as she gobbled up my fat cock down her young 14 year old throat. Dakota seemed pleased with her sister that she got behind her, raised her white skirt to her hips, pulled down her navy blue panties. Dakota licked two of her fingers and shoved them into Elle's pussy. Elle yelped with my dick still in her mouth as she sister fingered her pussy good. Elle must've had her cherry already broken as well (too bad, but hey what I can I do!). Dakota worked her magic fingers on her sister's young cunt while Elle kept her rhythm and pace with my dick. This whole scene was driving me wild seeing these two little minxes coming at me and each other. Dakota stopped, stood up and removed her shirt, her jeans, then her bra and panties exposing her sexy 18 year old body, she was not large in her breasts, but still looked good to me. Her pussy had a little blonde patch of fur between her legs. Elle stopped, standing up now took off her panties off her legs and feet, unzipped her skirt and removed her blouse along with her bra. No hair for her pussy and with small tits as well I was not complaining and was very happy to give them what they wanted.Dakota sat down on my cock, no hymen! Virginity was gone, so I was able to fuck her with ease. She rode me like a wild pony, while her sister, Elle sat beside us on the couch looking on. Elle started to get turned on by her older sister got her pussy pounded. She rubbed her young clit at the sight next to her and tweaked on her nipples and rubbed the flesh of her young tits. Dakota looked at Elle as to give her a sign then Elle turned me towards her as we kissed each other. Dakota kept milking my dick with her pussy clenched to my cock, her teenage pussy felt so good I did not want her to let go. Dakota came off me and allowed me to sink my cock into Elle's 14 year old pussy which also had no trouble getting in. Elle squeaked like a mouse as she never had such a huge dick in her before, let alone a real one. I pumped my cock fast and hard as her young body took me inside her deep. Dakota knelt on the floor beside the couch and felt my balls as I pumped her sister's cunt, that felt so good as her soft fingers tickled my hairy nut sack. Next she leaned in and kissed Elle on the mouth. Both sisters were French Kissing as my mature dick pounded Elle's young cunt over the edge, this was such an intense moment that it made me blow my load into Elle's pussy. I fired stream after stream of hot warm semen inside of her teen pussy. As I pulled out, Dakota pushed me back then she got on my dick to milk out some jizz for herself and I obliged her by firing another load into her 18 year old pussy. After we finished we all kissed, cleaned up and parted ways. Elle got her co-starring part with Chloe in the lead, Elle's career took off like her sister's before her. She owed it all to her big sister and my big dick!The End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Celebrity Parody Archive
I stayed crouched for a few moments after the door clicked shut. Then I got up and headed straight to the bathroom and entered the shower. I could scarcely believe what had just happened. Suma's husband, a truck driver had just come and given me the best fuck of my life.With Rohit, it had always been more about love and tenderness. I loved him. Yet I always felt something amiss when we were in bed. It was as if Gopal had filled the void. I had two options now. One was to approach the police and put Gopal behind bars. Another was to see what happens next. I was more inclined to do the latter. The past few weeks had been hectic for me and I wanted some sort of a diversion. I gave the whole issue a lot of thought and decided to wait till the next day before going to the police. After all, I had enjoyed what had happened. I dried myself and looked in the mirror. There were no marks of violence. My pussy was sore and my cheeks hurt. But no serious damage. I wore jeans and t-shirt and headed to the office. As I was leaving, I was suddenly reminded of the CD. I picked it up and left the house. I always wear a sari to work and so everyone was surprised at my casual attire. I tried to get work done, but I kept thinking about Gopal and what had happened that day. In the evening at around 6, I decided to go home. I got into my car and looked at the paper, which contained the address where the CD was to be returned. It was not very far from the office. I parked my car in front of a small building and entered the "Dreams Video Rentals" shop. I gave the CD and a hundred rupee note to the youngish attendant. He checked the number written on the CD cover and looked at the notebook in front of him. He looked a little nervous. Then he told me to wait and went inside. He returned with a very fat man in his fifties. The man smiled at me. "Hello Miss. Are you returning this CD?" he asked. "Yes, give me the license," I said. "Ahh, but the license belongs to Gopal. How can I give it to you?" he smiled even more. "See, I am paying you the money and giving the CD back. So give me the damn license." I said. "You see Miss, we have a policy. We give licenses only to wives or girlfriends other than the owners. So what are you? Wife or girlfriend?" "The latter," I said. "What? What was that?" he was being silly now. "I am his girlfriend. Now give it to me," I said testily. "But Gopal's girlfriends are those who love to have sex with him. You don't look like one of those," he said. I got very irritated so I raised my voice and said, "Listen, I am Gopal's girlfriend. I love to have sex with him. Now please give me his license." He started laughing and told me to wait and went into a door. He returned some minutes later. "Ok, miss, here is the license," he said. I took it and started leaving, when he said, "Wait a minute. Look at this and he pointed to a computer in the corner of a shop. I could see myself on the screen. "Now let us rewind this," he said and rewound it. My image filled the screen with me saying- "Listen, I am Gopal's girlfriend. I love to have sex with him. Now please give me his license." "Now this is what is Gopal's insurance in case you think of reporting your fling as a rape." the fat man smiled and said. I had walked right into the trap. Now the option of going to the police was closed. I took the license and went home. The license was enclosed in a red packet. That night too, I could not get Gopal out of my mind. I hardly slept that night and woke up at 8 next morning. I got up, took a shower and dressed up in a sari, to go to the office. Suma came some time later. "Gopal gave you the message yesterday, Madam?" she asked. I searched for a hidden meaning and tried to gauge whether she knew what had happened. But it didn't seem so. "Yes, are you feeling better now?" I asked. "Yes, it was just a nominal fever. In fact I didn't feel feverish at all. Gopal insisted that my body felt warm and made me rest. He has suddenly become so caring after you scolded him, Madam. I am really thankful to you," she said. I did not say anything and started reading the newspaper. Suma started doing the dishes. After some time, I heard her say "Madam, these trousers of yours have something in the pocket. I am keeping it in the window." "Okay," I said, and suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to take Gopal's license out of my pocket last night. I ran to the bathroom where the red packet and a couple of other pieces of paper were kept. "My husband also keeps his license in a packet like that." Suma said innocently, not realising the truth. I picked it up hurriedly and went out. Suma finished her work and we left for the office at 9 a.m. I sat in my office fidgeting till 12. I kept on wondering what would happen when Gopal came. At 12:15, I called my secretary and told her that I was going home since I was expecting some guests and I wasn't to be disturbed at home. I would take all calls the next day. I got into my car and hurried home. The clock said 12:30. There was still half and hour before he would come. I kept wondering what Suma would feel if she found out what was going on. I had let her down badly and so has her husband. It was important that she should never know. I made up my mind to end the whole thing today itself. I would handle Gopal much better today than yesterday. It was 10 minutes to one when I stripped and stood naked. I went down on all fours as Gopal had instructed and crawled back till my butt was about 4 feet from the door. Then I got up, unlatched the door and got back on my hands and knees, waiting for Gopal. At exactly 1, the door opened and in walked Gopal. "Very nice, Madam, very nice," he said. "I am impressed. And as a reward, I won't give you the beating I had decided on before I came here." "Thank you," I said meekly. Gopal carried a small bag in his hand, which he kept on the table. Then he squatted on the ground and brought his face close to mine and kissed me. "So when are you setting the police on my tail, Madam?" he said as he broke the kiss. "Gopal, I have no intention of going to the police now, so stop saying that." I said. He laughed. "We have your little video from the shop of course. Nice move wouldn't you say, big shot lady? We truck drivers have brains too. Are you shocked?" he said. I did not say anything. He stood up and removed his clothes one by one. The penis was erect and thick, waiting for some action. He picked up the bag he had brought, and placed it next to me. Then he started licking my cunt lips furiously. I started moaning.This went on for about a minute, and then, Gopal entered my cunt from behind, and started fucking furiously. I started pushing my ass backwards. He started fucking me with the same rhythm as the day before. He put a finger in my anus and started pushing it deeper. This added to my excitement and I started having my first orgasm.Pretty soon he had three fingers in my asshole and he was fucking me furiously. With his second hand, we kept spanking my left asscheek and it started hurting. Then suddenly he removed his fingers from my asshole and reached for his bag. From the bag, he removed some sort of a tube and spread some ointment on my asshole and started massaging it. It suddenly dawned upon me that he was planning to fuck me in the butt and I started yelling. "NO, NO, NO, GOPAL, NOT IN MY ASS, PLEASE!" He did not pay any heed to what I was saying and kept greasing my anus. Then suddenly, he removed his dick from my cunt and pressed it on my anus. It was lubed up, but still he had trouble inserting it. I was feeling the worst pain of my life as I started yelling. I was scared the neighbours would come and so I stuffed his shirt, which was lying near me, in my mouth to muffle my cries. Gopal kept pushing for what seemed like an eternity. Then he stopped for a moment. I looked back and saw his pubic hair brushing against my butt. He had pushed it all the way in. He poured some more of the greasy stuff around my asshole and started pumping. It was the first time I was being buttfucked and it felt painful in the beginning, but I started liking it, a few minutes into it. I kept moaning into his shirt and he kept pistoning my ass. I had the most amazing orgasms during this. Finally, Gopal began to spurt semen and it flooded my insides. He pulled my waist and held hard and he emptied his load into my gut. Then he withdrew. I was in a delirium as I sank to the floor and started feeling my ass with my hand. It hurt so much. I was lying on my side with tears in my eyes, and an asshole filled with male sperm as I saw Gopal take out another CD from the bag. "Get up, Madam, and let us watch a movie" he said pulling me up to my feet. The floor was a mess. I took the CD and put it in the player. This time Gopal wanted me to sit in his lap. I was sitting uneasily on his lap as the screen filled up with the name of the movie- "Life of Eva- Part 2". It seemed like a sequel of the movie he had brought the previous day. I started watching the movie with Gopal as we kept running his hand through my hair. The blue film was about a woman who had an affair with a rock star and how their affair went. I realised that Gopal had got his idea from this film. Some minutes into the movie, Eva was crouching naked in front of the door as the rock star came and started fucking her in the anus. We watched the movie till some more time when Gopal suddenly said, "Get up, we will do it with them." "What?" I asked. "We will do what they are about to do in the movie. Just do as I say. Bend over," he commanded. I stood up and bent over with my ass facing Gopal. He took the bag in his hand and kept it on the sofa. Then he put some more grease into my asshole and entered it again. It did not hurt that much but it wasn't totally pleasant either. I had my hands on my knees as Gopal kept fucking my asshole. I looked at the screen and sure enough, the couple on the screen was doing exactly the same thing. "Now, I am sitting down on the sofa, sit down with me."I did it as I noticed the same thing happening on the screen. Now Gopal's dick was in my asshole and my feet were in the air. Eva started bucking up and down and Gopal pushed me to do the same. It felt like someone was drilling my asshole open. I kept jumping like this for some more time, when Gopal reached for his bag and took out a thick cucumber. He then proceeded to insert it in my vagina and started fucking me with it. I looked at the screen. That is exactly what was happening on the screen. I was bouncing on my back on Gopal's crotch with his cock inside my asshole as his right hand fucked me with the thick cucumber. I had numerous orgasms during this and my juices were dripping on the floor. Gopal shot his load in my ass for the second time that afternoon and I felt his spunk fill my gut again. His hand however kept going for almost 10 minutes as I sat on his crotch.In the end after one extremely demanding orgasm, he stopped. I looked at the screen. We had beaten the on screen pair. I tried to stand up but my knees gave way and I crashed on the ground. I put my head on the ground and closed my eyes, and I have no idea when I passed out. When I came to, I was on the sofa and Gopal was watching the movie. "Well, Madam, ready for the last trick of the day?" he asked. I couldn't believe my own voice as I enthusiastically said. "Yes, yes, what is it?"He pointed to the screen. Eva and the rocker were 69-ing. Gopal came and crouched over my body, his cock just a few inches above my face. I reached up and took it in my mouth, as I felt his tongue furiously working on my cunt. I started sucking on it hard.Pretty soon we brought each other over the edge. This time though, Gopal told me not to swallow the semen, but let it 'wash your face'. So as I felt his cock throbbing, I removed it from my mouth, shut my eyes and pointed it towards my face. My nose and lips were engulfed in male sperm. I was breathless with ecstasy and got up, as Gopal too got up. He was sitting next to me watching the movie end. I looked at the clock. It was half past two. Wow, I had had sex for one and a half hour. With Rohit, it was barely more than twenty minutes. Rohit, what a distant name in the current scheme of things. I wondered if I would be able to love him the same way now after this hurricane. "Come on, Let us have a shower." It was more a command as he pulled me up and took my to my bathroom. He turned on the cold shower and we both washed ourselves under it. Gopal soaped me and massaged and pinched almost every part of my body as he did that. I too soaped him and put my hands around his chest, when suddenly, Suma's face filled my mind.I immediately pulled away and stepped out of the shower. I took a towel and dried myself with it and came out to the living room wearing a bathrobe. It really was a mess. I took a rag and a pail and started cleaning the room. Gopal came out naked and saw me wearing a bathrobe and cleaning. I hope he wouldn't beat me for wearing clothes without asking him. "Don't you have a maid for this work?" he said and started laughing at his own joke. I got the floor clean as Gopal wore his clothes. I put the pail in the bathroom and came back. "Give the CD back today evening. Same place. No security deposit now." he said. He also picked up his license from the table. "All right" I said. "I am going out with Suma tomorrow," he said. "That reminds me, what if Suma finds out?" I asked him with worry in my eyes. "Hmm, what if Suma finds out?" he asked me nonchalantly. "I am serious. Today she almost saw your license." and I told him what had happened. "See, I have not exactly been the most faithful husband, since I have to be away from home for months. And Suma knows that I regularly sleep with other women. So I have no problem if she find out about one more." "But what about me? She respects me," I said. "She worships you," he laughed as he walked towards me and put a hand in my bathrobe and fondled my breasts "Respects a slut and a whore." Tears welled up in my eyes as he said it. It was true. "See, I am going on a short job for 10 days" he said taking his hand out of my robe. "We'll see after that what we have to do. I have to come back before my best friend's birthday. I have to get him a good gift." "So you are not here for 10 days?" I asked in a dejected tone of voice. "No madam," he said as he stepped outside my apartment. I accompanied him as he walked down the stairs. My house is on the 5th floor. "So you will visit me when you come back?" I asked. "Maybe I will, if I have time. I have this friend's birthday as I said and then another job," he said walking down the stairs briskly. We reached the ground floor and I looked around. No one was around, since it was mid afternoon. "But Ruchi madam, I need something to remember you or I will forget you in ten days" he said with a wicked smile. He put his arms around me and we started kissing and fondling each other. I broke the kiss and said, "Is this good enough?" "Not really, I need something material, so I'll take this," and he swiftly removed my robe, leaving me naked in the open. I stood stunned for a few seconds as he held my hand. "Gopal, give it back," I said, trying to snatch it back from him but he refused to. I realised that these were futile attempts and I started running back to my apartment. I heard Gopal say, "Your ass looks fantastic when you run." I ran fast up the 5 floors praying no one would see me, but as I was on the 3rd floor, I heard a door open. I kept running, but I suspect whoever it was, saw me naked. I reached my apartment breathless. I shut the door and plopped down on the sofa. I fell asleep, as I was exhausted. When I woke up, I saw the clock tell me it was 7 p.m. I got up, put on a skirt and a t-shirt and went to return the CD. I entered "Dream Video rentals" in a much different mood than the previous day, smiling. I saw the fat guy on the counter and walked up to him. "Hello, miss. You seem to have had a nice day," he said. "Oh yeah, never had a better one," I said as I gave him the CD and the money. "Gopal told me give you this," he put my bathrobe on the counter, "And this," he put a videotape on the counter. "What is this?" I asked him. "The tape of you admitting to liking having sex with Gopal. We haven't made any copies. Gopal figures we don't need this anymore," he said. I smiled and walked out of the shop. Readers, I await your opinions. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 18
Some call me a visionary, others a nerd, but most call me perverted. That's why I'm in this institution, undergoing mundane group therapies, watching headcases substantiate their titles, and secretly flushing the medicinal concoctions I'm given daily. At first, I was angry; but have learned to become a passive drone, partially in self-preservation, and partially because the staff remains blissfully unaware that I continue my "disgusting" research with my true friend and co-conspirator at the lab. Cheryl is a true poster child for Walmart, disguised in a lab coat and coke bottle lenses that create a most annoying asthmatic nasal wheeze. Through clandestine weekly data transfer on the back blank pages of the novels she brings me during visiting hours, we are perfecting the libido serum I spent the better part of post graduate school developing. Once released from this "civilized" behavioral modification prison, we will distribute the serum under an "herbal" label liberally and earn an esteemed place in medical history for our discovery. Perhaps a little background would be in order. I came from a two sibling Christian conservative family that matured in a quiet suburban community. My folks were of the scientific persuasion, both had jobs in different research facilities. Their hours were long but their love for Jake (my brother) and myself was genuine and uncompromising, insuring our needs were always met with patience and understanding. Jake was my polar opposite; firstborn and highly protective, he pursued everything and anything masculine, excelling in physical activities while struggling with the academics. I was a relatively mousy scholarly type, excelling in the sciences while avoiding all but the mandatory social scenes. Jake eventually left home for a prestigious university on a football scholarship, and I graduated from a less prestigious university on a science scholarship. Following my parents' footsteps I was soon employed at a bio lab on the west coast, and Jake soon gained a foothold in a prominent legal office in the Midwest. The family always got together for holidays and special occasions as our love for one another was undeterred by distance.Somewhere during my senior year in high school, I became curious about the opposite gender, but lacking the necessary social skills, I suffered a string of rejections until prom night, when the only remaining available male asked me to join him. Encouraged – no forced by my family, I timidly accepted, and experienced a crash course in the alien world of make-up and social amenities. Fortunately, my nerd date, Riley, was also quite inexperienced and we spent the frustrating evening learning from our collective mistakes. The following week, I enrolled in several introductory level courses at the college, and was mildly surprised when Riley called and offered dinner at a fairly upscale seafood restaurant. Fearing familial reprisal, I accepted and grudgingly pulled my formal gown from the plastic sheath it hand been stored in since the day my Mother purchased it for me.The meal was surprisingly tasteful, and the conversation barely tolerable. With a little too much Chablis, I accepted his offer for a drive in his new convertible. We drove along the starlit seas somewhat apprehensively until he parked in a remote overlook and nervously offered a kiss. It was tolerable, but when I looked over his thin frame, freckle speckled face, and thick black rimmed glasses; I knew it would take an act of divine intervention to pass first base and feigned nausea. Although he graciously accepted my apology, he never called again. By my junior year, I had established my academic competence, and was enlisted to help tutor the freshman newbies floundering with entry level equations. One of the students was a "jock" with the mathematical aptitude as a Precambrian rock, but with masculine assets that triggered my primal urges. Despite my best efforts of concealment, Brad was aware of my attraction, and on the third session he convinced me to expose parts of my anatomy only my doctor had seen before. It was a turning point in my career and my life, as his exposed engorged apparatus inspired both awe and inspiration that would soon dominate my conscious thought. Far from knowledgeable in the art of female stimulation, his beautiful organ was more than sufficient arousal to sustain his brutal assault on my virginity. My battered vagina was quickly filled with his ejaculate despite my best efforts to introduce foreplay. He was gone before I could recover.Some might refer to the encounter as date rape, but for me it was a marvelous sexual awakening. His magnificent organ, a thick throbbing mindlessly sensitive tool, was able to expose his vulnerabilities while fulfilling my own with brutally beautiful efficiency unmatched in the natural world. I immediately immersed myself in the myriad of media dedicated to human sexuality and was surprised to find the fleeting nature of its induced euphoria. Usually, within a few years of initial bonding, the rapture dwindled into memory for all but a fortunate few. Differing coping mechanisms from medicinal supplements to multiple partners were often tried, until inevitably, the initial euphoria was replaced with material substitutes that eventually proved themselves woefully inadequate. Described in one text as the "human condition," I rejected the common adage of acceptance and immediately began to compile research on the origins of sexual abandonment.I met Cheryl during one of my fact finding missions to a rest home. Enthusiastic and curious, she assisted me during my interviews, often able to extract critical information with ease. During a break over a cup of surprisingly well brewed coffee, I learned she was woefully inexperienced and had conceded to spend her life void of sexual fulfillment. We connected immediately, and I disclosed my research motives and objectives which she gleefully acknowledged and vowed her complete support. With gentle encouragement, I soon convinced her to get back into the "meat market," and her life soared. On several occasions we shared our partners and even experimented with each other sexually. We became inseparable, sharing an apartment and experiences with trusted confidence few shared.Once I was securely established with PenChem, I was given access to their vast chemical procurement accounts and high end laboratories. Immediately I began formulating potential fertility serums from both known and untested aphrodisiacs. Preliminary results were disastrous, and the multitude of required test prohibitive. On several occasions, I suspended my efforts to maintain my grips with reality. During these breaks, I would pursue my experiences with the beautiful organ that offered an endless variety of sensations. I learned the critical interaction of the minds' overall contribution to fulfillment, and the mental triggers that needed to be enhanced to provide the highest and prolonged level of orgasmic release. Cheryl contributed her perspectives eagerly, often employing the sum of our collective observations on some unsuspecting candidate. Although our physical attributes were not conducive to attracting our male counterparts, our attitudes and techniques spawned a continual supply of potential suitors. We kept our encounters brief and noncommittal to avoid stereotyping, while reinforcing new techniques to insure the highest level of mutual satisfaction was mutually achieved.By the end of my second year of research, I had blended bremelanotides, allicin, boron, folic acid, and several stabilizing elements into a formidable compound that made the lab rats aggressive super sexed rodents. Rhesus primates responded even more favorably, with a two drop diluted dose for an aging female, Molly; the entire collection of five males were repeatedly drained over a 36-hour period. Their recovery, once the genders were separated, was rapid and uneventful.I shared the results with Cheryl who begged me for a sample and the following weekend was reserved under the conditions that I would be allowed to select her partner and monitor their vitals for any incongruities.On Friday evening, I arrived with a small vial of test serum, a couple of pizzas, and a kindly middle aged volunteer I had secured from the local fertility clinic. He appeared in good physical condition for his age despite a history of ED. Cheryl was dressed in a sexy nightie, and with a few ground rules and a quick check of their vitals, I carefully measured a teaspoon of the light brown serum into two glasses of water.The effect was immediate; Cheryl's aggressiveness was almost frightening and her appetite was appalling. Her counterpart, Chet, was almost immediately up to the task at hand. With foreplay a mere afterthought, both recipients were disrobed with their faces in each other's crotch. Judging from bulge in Cheryl cheeks, the serum effectively negated his ED and restored any libido issues they may have had.I must confess, the next several hours of debauchery would make a seasoned porn star blush, and despite my best efforts to document their vitals, I finally had to throw down the clipboard in frustration. My two possessed subjects were so engrossed in their passion, they couldn't be separated, and I finally retired to the comfort of the overstuffed lounge with my favorite toy to observe and "take the edge off" my overactive libido. During an extended love making session, I slid off the chair onto his mouth, where his highly experienced tongue exposed previously unknown areas of sensitivity that thrust me into a series of explosive orgasms. After several more minutes of mindless rutting and a final desperate lunge into Cheryl's sperm soaked orifice, Chet rolled onto his back with exhaustion. Cheryl leaped to her feet, and after a quick shower and change of clothes, announced her need to party. Leaving Chet in an exhausted heap on the floor, I sped to the seedy redneck "strip." While I parked, Cheryl made a hasty exit to survey the scenery. When I entered, she was on all fours on a small table being pounded from behind by a well-endowed leather clad character her Mother surely warned her about. Behind his pumping hips, a line of would be suitors had formed in various stages of undress, massaging their packages into readiness. It was a remarkable display of the male anatomy with a multitude of various sizes and shapes in various states of arousal obscenely displayed for my unsolicited assessment. I made my way to the now empty bar and the aging bartender set down a freshly opened beer next to me. "Reckon I might get in line," he mumbled barely audibly over the blaring jukebox.I turned around and observed, "I don't see any line."A smile slowly crossed his face and he gently took my hand and led me behind the bar as my hand appraised his package through his clothes. A quick tug at the belt, and his pants slid to the floor unceremoniously. His pudgy hands gently slid under my t-shirt to my breasts and slid my bra up over the aroused flesh to tease my nipples. As I tugged his underwear down, I beheld a small uncut member more aptly fitted to a young boy. Turning me gently to view the unfolding debauchery of my best friend, I leaned over the bar permitting his full access to my genitals. Gently, after several unsuccessful attempts, I felt his "noodle" penetrate my labial folds and begin a slow gentle massage that was uniquely fulfilling. By the time his warm seed oozed into my receptive canal, the "size matters" debate had been superseded by the importance of technique. I thanked him as I rearranged my attire, and wandered over to Cheryl's prone form. Used beyond human limits; with bruise wounds sprinkled all over her body, a distended vulva oozing gallons of spent seed, and the biggest smile I've ever seen her carry, I turned her body over gingerly as the bar tender came over with several towels and helped me to wipe her down. We wrapped her in a clean tablecloth, and he helped me ease her into the car while discussing the problems with emergency medical intervention. The bar tender graciously offered me $100 for her care and to keep our mouths shut. Although she was almost too weak to speak, she kept reassuring me she would be alright during the drive home. Once I drove into the driveway, Chet rushed out to help her into bed, and by the time I finished my shower, I could hear them going at it again. The next day, they left the bedroom only to briefly nourish themselves. Upon returning from some errands Sunday, I found Cheryl on the sofa, exhausted and sore, but otherwise the beloved roommate that had anxiously downed the serum 48-hours earlier. I asked her to describe everything she could recollect while still fresh and shared my admiration for her courage and resolve. Chet emerged from a steamy shower naked and I seized the opportunity to carefully study the rigid red tool that had thoroughly ravished Cheryl over the course of the past two days. It was tender to the touch and still almost painfully erect, yet with a few gentle strokes, several globs of his essence erupted violently and splattered on the floor. With his virility no longer in question, we briefly stated our concerns over tenure. For the next several hours, they discussed their erotic evolutions, and confirmed an absence of negative side effects. He had to leave shortly thereafter although his desire to remain was almost tearfully apparent. She recommended the senior center as an excellent test bed which I quickly dispelled as premature albeit promising. The following week was filled with procurement of the necessary materials, carefully monitored mixing and fermenting, and an endless compilation of data analysis. I barely slept, and without the understanding support of my roommate, would never have completed the oppressive schedule. Friday, I returned to the facility where Cheryl worked and accepted volunteers after carefully checking their health data. Human test subjects are generally frowned upon by the pharmaceutical companies, yet the early success coupled with the prohibitive battery of required lab tests made human test far more practical. A minimum dose of the cola flavored serum was distributed to the residents with excellent health records and Cheryl was sworn to secrecy.Saturday morning's anticipation quickly turned into a geriatric horror movie when we arrived. Semi-naked residents were running wildly through the fenced in institution with orderlies in hot pursuit. I've never envisioned so many flopping breasts and rigid wrinkled cocks in bawdy unrestrained action! Those who declined the serum and managed to hide were holed up in a small locked annex where supplies were stored. With no anecdote, we were helpless after herding the sex crazed recipients into their resident bedrooms, and I quickly returned to the lab to consider the medicinal options. Later that afternoon, when visiting hours commenced, my fate was sealed and I was arrested. My Brother Jake, flew out to help with my defense, but after reading the indictments and statements, concluded an insanity plea would be my best recourse. Deceiving the psychology quacks was surprisingly simple; most were deranged already. In a highly publicized lightning trial, I was convicted and sentenced to a mental institution for an indefinite period of time. At our tearful farewell, I gave Jake a pint of my serum in appreciation, and he soon became instrumental to marketing and distribution. Cheryl has the remainder of the serum secretly stored in a discreet location less a small quantity she has prudently distributed to trustworthy individuals; the judge's wife being one of the first. EpilogueSeveral months later, two agents from Homeland Security escorted me to an undisclosed location in the middle of the night where I was tearfully reunited with Cheryl. A General with a no sense of humor had my release form and offered to sign it if I were to surrender all my research to date, permanently discontinue further similar research, and disavow any knowledge of said research. In return, he offered freedom from a lifetime in the loony bin, a permanent research position at a leading medical institution, and dismissal of all pending charges against Cheryl as an accomplice. I grudgingly accepted if Cheryl would be employed as my assistant. The release papers were signed and the accumulation of my research was packed in the back of an unmarked government van the next day (save a few vials of serum Cheryl had hidden beneath her underwear in the dresser). Above a remote Korean border outpost, a small unmarked drone sprayed a fine pine scented mist that lazily drifted on the slight breeze for several sparsely populated miles. Shortly thereafter, a squad of specially trained Navy Seals walked through the frontier, and within minutes had tapped into the communication network. Once the "eavesdropping" monitor was discreetly planted, they slipped past the mist induced orgy unnoticed to the safety of their headquarters. A new era in warfare had officially begun. Meanwhile, I had just bottled my latest batch of serum in the underground lab despite Cheryl's objections. After all, I had met the three criteria I had agreed to; 1) All my research had been surrendered, 2) All my research had been suspended; I had already perfected the serum and 3)We were sworn to secrecy. I suggested we give the new batch a test run, and within moments, we were both underway to the sleazy district in sailor town. END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out anyof the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 77
My name is Barb and I am 12 years old. My sister Molly is 11. Even though we are sisters we are best friends. There is nobody that I would rather play with than my sister Molly. We are both dark haired and petite. I am just starting to develop some boobs, they are about the size of a small grapefruit. Molly hasn't got any tits but I keep telling her that she will spring out anytime now. It was the first week of summer vacation and we had a plan going."Mom, can Molly and me have a sleepover?" I asked my mother."Yeah, from Friday night until Sunday afternoon," Molly added.She thought for a few moments and wanted to know how many girls we were planning on asking. Molly told her four, two of her friends and two of mine. Mom told us that it was okay with her if our daddy said okay. We would have to wait until he got home from work. "Come on Molly, let's go up to our room and get it ready for tomorrow night in case daddy says its okay" I said.We ran upstairs to our room to plan our party. We talked about who we wanted to invite and what we were going to do for entertainment. Molly asked me what games we were going to play. I said that we could figure that out when our friends got here. "What are you staring at?" I asked Molly."Gee Barb, you're getting boobs already," she answered. "I wish I had boobs," she added."I just started growing them a couple of months ago and they aren't very big," I said."Can I see them?" she asked shyly.I pulled my shirt over my head exposing my small puffy tits to my younger sister. She came close and stared at my small mounds. Without asking she reached out at touched the nipple of one of my boobs. I let out a gasp and she took her finger away as she apologized. I said that it felt good and she could touch them again if she wanted. She took both of her hands and rubbed my little titties. She pulled on my nipples making them stick way out and get hard. "OOHH!" I groaned as she pulled the nipples gently. "Molly do that again, do both at the same time?" I asked."OOOHHHHHH!" I moaned as she tugged on my nipples.Molly kept up her actions on my nipples. I could feel wetness between my legs. I have only masturbated once before but I was getting that feeling again. Molly stopped playing with my boobs and sat on the bed."Do you think I can feel good like that even if I don't have boobies yet?" she asked in a whisper."I don't know, do you want to try?" I said.She pulled her top over her head showing me her flat little chest. Her nipples appeared to be longer than mine and darker too. I touched the right one with my finger causing her to gasp in surprise. I took her long nipple between my fingers and pinched lightly."AAAAAWWWWWW!" Molly sighed as she felt a rush of pleasure through her chest.I used both of my hands to fondle my little sister's nipples. She had no titties yet but her nipples became real hard and taut. "Oh, Barbie that feels real good," she panted.Just then we heard my dad come in the front door. We quickly put our tops on and went downstairs to ask him."Daddy can we have a sleepover tomorrow night" I asked as soon as I saw him."Yeah daddy, please, from Friday night to Sunday afternoon please pretty please" Molly begged him.My dad was taken by surprise by two enthusiastic preteens. He didn't know what hit him. He laughed out loud and said that it would be fine as long as mom said it was okay too. Molly and I both ran and kissed his cheeks. We ran to the kitchen to tell mom the news. She was smiling telling us that she heard it all and it was fine with her. She told us to wash up for dinner. After dinner we watched TV with mom and dad until it was time to go to bed. Molly and I took turns taking showers before going to the bedroom that we shared. We both wore panties and long t-shirts to bed. I was lying on top of my bed and Molly was sitting next to me. "Barb, could we do more of what we were doing this afternoon, I felt good," Molly said."Molly, have you ever masturbated?" I asked."What's that mean" she asked. I said that is when you rub yourself and feel real good. She looked at me like I was crazy, and wanted me tell her more about it. I said that my friend Kelly showed me how to do it. "You put your hand on your cunnie and rub it all around," I said."There is a little bump on top of the slit that makes you feel real good," I added as she stared at me. "Will you show me how you do it," she asked.I said that we should take off all our clothes and sit facing each other on the bed. We both peeled off our panties and shirts. We sat facing each other, looking at each others preteen bodies. Molly's little bald cunt had just started to develop lips that I could see. My cunt lips were already very visible. I said to take her hand and run it up and down her slit. Molly slowly stroked her cunt slit with her finger. "I don't feel anything special, Barbie, can you show me how to do it," she pleaded with me. I reached over and placed my finger on her slit. I rubbed her cunt slit up until my finger hit her small clit. "UUUUUMMMMMMMMM, that feels good now," she sighed.I said to lie down on the bed and I would do it for her the first time. Molly stretched out in front of me and I began to circle her small clit with my finger. I leaned down and sucked her small hard nipple into my mouth. As I gently nibbled on her nipple I ran my finger down to her cunt hole. "OOOHHHHHHH!" she moaned as the tip of my finger went into her small 11 year old pussy hole. I plunged my finger all the way up her tight bald cunt, pumping it in and out furiously."YEOW, Oh Barbie that hurt a little" she cried out as my finger went through her cherry. I apologized for hurting her but she had forgotten about the pain already and was humping my finger. She kept pushing her hips up to meet my plunging finger."Oh Barbie, something is happening!" she cried out.Molly screamed out as she arched her back and experienced her very first orgasm rush through her small body. I could feel her juice pour out around my finger. "Oh Barb, that felt so good, I never felt anything like that before" she said hugging me tightly."Is everything alright up there, what's all that noise?" we heard daddy yell upstairs."Nothing daddy, I just stubbed my toe and it hurts," Molly yelled back to him.We both giggled at her fast thinking. Molly asked me if she could do that to me so I could feel good. I said that I hoped she would ask me that. I flopped back on the bed and spread my legs for my little sister. She took one of my puffy little boobs into her mouth running her tongue all around my nipple. I could feel it getting stiff and poking out. She slowly reached down and touched my pussy. She ran her finger into my moist slit. When Molly hit my clit she took it between her two fingers and rolled it around. My body began to shudder as my second ever orgasm washed over me. I flooded the sheets with my juices. She told me that doing that was fun and hoped we could do more of it sometime. I told Molly that we could do that anytime she wanted but now we had better get to sleep so we are rested for the party tomorrow. Friday afternoon finally arrived and our friends began to arrive. First to arrive was Molly's friend Patty, she was 10, almost 11. Patty had soft red hair, flat chest, and a petite body. Next to arrive were my friends Ann and Jan, they were twin sisters who just turned 13. They looked alike and people get them mixed up all the time. They had long black hair that reached below their waist. They boobs were more developed than mine. They actually had small titties that you could make out under their shirts. They still didn't wear a bra yet though. The last to arrive was Sarah. She was 11 the same age as Molly. She had short brown hair with a flat chest like Molly. We went up to our bedroom to arrange it so we all could sleep on the floor tonight. When we got all the sleeping bags arranged just right, I said we should get our swimming suits on and hit the pool in the backyard. We all began to strip out of our clothes. Everyone was looking at each other comparing bodies like kids usually do. When everyone had their suits on we ran out to the backyard and jumped into the water. Mom and Dad were sitting on the patio keeping an eye on 6 active preteens splashing in the water. I noticed that dad did more watching than mom did. We played in the pool until Dad told us the hamburgers were ready on the grill. After we ate our fill, the six of us girls all went up to the bedroom. Mom and dad came up shortly after and said that they were going out for a few hours and that we should stay inside keeping the doors locked and not let anyone else in the house. "What are we going to do tonight?" Ann asked."What do you all want to do?" I answered, "We can do just about anything.""Let's play a game," Molly said."What game are we playing?" Jan said."Let's sit in a circle, we take turns spinning a bottle and whoever the bottle points to the spinner gets to dare that person to do something." Molly said making up the game as she went."What happens if someone doesn't want to do the dare," Sarah wanted to know."UHMMM, we all get to spank that person hard," Molly told her.I said that the game sounded like fun and I was willing to try. Everyone else agreed to play for awhile to see how it goes. Molly went to the trash can and retrieved an empty soda bottle to spin. I went to my desk drawer and got a pack of cards out so we could draw to see who spins first. Molly ended with the lowest card and spun first. When the bottle stopped it landed pointing at 10 year old Patty. "UHM, let's see," Molly said. "I dare you to stand on your head for one minute."Patty laughed saying that that was too easy. She put her arms on the floor and kicked her legs up and stood on her head. Her shirt went down to her neck exposing her flat chest and little nipples for all the girls to see. Molly counted to sixty while we all checked out Patty's chest. When the time was up Patty sat back down straightening her shirt. I was the next to spin. The bottle ended pointing at Jan."I dare you to do the same thing," I said.Jan had to go next to the wall to keep her from falling over but her shirt slid up to her neck also. Her small round boobs were bare for all to see. He nipples hardened up went the cool air hit them. I counted to sixty real slow we all could look for a long time at her titties. When her time was up she came back and joined the circle again. Patty was next to spin. It landed on Sarah."I dare you to take off your top and let each of us touch you on your boobs" Patty said as she giggled her dare out. All the girls were laughing at Sarah's predicament. Sarah pulled her top off and waited to see who would touch her. Molly was the first to go and touch her flat chest. Molly pushed her finger against Sarah's tiny nipple causing the young girl to gasp. Each girl took a turn at tweaking Sarah's little nipple. When we all had a turn, Sarah pulled her shirt on and sat back in her spot with a flushed face. Ann spun and it landed on Molly. "I dare you to take off you panties and show us all your cunnie," she said as she blushed brightly.Molly stood up and dropped her panties kicking them off. She sat back down and spread her legs wide so we all could see her hairless slit. She reached down and opened her slit up so we could all see her little cunt hole and clit. She retrieved her panties and put them back on after her little show. Jan spun next and it pointed right at me."I dare Barb to show everyone her butt hole," Jan laughed out her dare"I pulled my panties down and turned away from the circle. I bent over and spread my butt cheeks so everyone could see my little brow rosebud. They all got a free view of my bald pussy too but I didn't care. Sarah's turn was next and it landed on Molly again."I dare Molly to put her finger inside her pussy," Sarah whispered.Molly once again removed her underwear and slowly rubbed her pussy slit. When it was moist she slowly inserted her finger into her cunt. We all watched in amazement as Molly slowly finger fucked herself. After a few moments she withdrew her finger and pulled her panties back on.We all had one turn and we were all flushed in the face. Molly said that we all should take off our clothes so we don't have to keep taking them off and putting them back on.We agreed with her and all six of us stripped and sat back down in a circle naked. Molly resumed by spinning once more. It landed on me. "I dare you to kiss and suck Jan's titties," she said.I crawled over to Jan and placed my lips on her nipple. I gently sucked her left nipple into my warm mouth. She let out a long sigh as she felt my tongue swirl around her little nipple. I sucked on her tit meat gently while licking her nipple. I moved to the right tit and repeated the process. She was breathing hard and holding my head to her chest. I pulled back and saw that her eyes were glazed and she was panting deeply. I moved back to my spot. I spun next and it landed on Patty. "I dare you to kiss Molly's cunnie," I said."EEEWWWWW, that's gross, no way," Patty shrieked."That's okay you can have us all spank you if you want" Molly told her. She thought about that for a minute and crawled over to Molly. Molly leaned back on her hands and spread her legs. Sarah bent down and kissed her cunt crack real quick and went back to her spot. We all clapped our hands for Sarah being such a good sport. Patty was next to spin and the bottle pointed at Jan. Patty figured she would get her revenge now. "I dare you to lick your sister's pussy for one minute without stopping" Patty giggled out.Jan just sat there looking at Ann. Ann smiled, leaned back and spread her legs for her sister. Jan crawled between her sister's legs and stuck her tongue out. She licked Ann's crack from bottom to top. Ann cried out in surprise at the feeling of her sister's tongue on her cunt. We all moved so we could get a better view of her tongue in action. We saw her tongue run up Ann's slit getting all her juices on her tongue. After a minute she pulled her face from her sister's cunt and we all noticed how wet her face was. She ran her tongue over her lips getting all the juice that was on them. We all asked how it tasted and she said that it was actually tasty. Ann's turn was next and she spun the bottle hard. It stopped pointing at me. "I dare you to lick Jan until she has an orgasm and I want Jan to kneel on her hands and knees" Ann told me.I got behind Jan's upturned ass and put my nose close to her cunt. I didn't smell anything that was bad so I touched her cunt with my tongue. I gathered some of her juice on my tongue and tasted nothing that was foul so I licked more. I ran my tongue up her slit and took her clit into my mouth. Jan was wiggling her ass back in my face trying to get my tongue to move faster. I licked her slit until I found her cunt hole. I pushed my tongue up her cunt causing her to scream out in pleasure. She ground her ass back on my face forcing my tongue a little deeper into her hot cunt. Her juice was running down my chin. When she finished her orgasm she pulled my up and kissed me on the mouth, tasting herself in the process. She thanked me for making her feel so good. "I think we should quit this game," Molly said.All the girls yelled, "NO WAY!" Molly explained that it takes to much time to spin the bottle. "Why not just do what we want to who we want to or we all could do one person at a time," she said. I said that we all should make one person at a time feel good. I told them that it would feel great having five people do one person. They agreed to try it. "Let's cut the cards to see who goes first," Molly said.Sarah was the low card with a four. We told her to get on her hands and knees and we would do everything else. Sarah got into position, Ann and Jan each took a nipple into their mouths. Patty went behind her and began licking her pussy. I moved to Sarah's face and softly kissed her lips. Molly didn't know what to do with herself. She just ran her hands over Sarah's back. "UUUMMMMMMMM," Sarah groaned into my mouth as the feelings began to take control.Patty was working Sarah's clit with her tongue. The twins were sucking gently on Sarah's little nipples. I slowly slipped my tongue into her mouth. Sarah sucked gently on my tongue moaning at all the feelings that were washing over her. Sarah panted and I looked to see what was going on and I saw Molly slowly pushing a finger into her little butt hole. "Oh, I think it's happening, OOOHHHHHH!" she screamed."It's happen... It's happeni... It's AAAHHH!!" she hollered as her little 10 year old body stiffened out and she fell to the floor on top of Ann and Jan. Patty followed her down never stopping her assault on Sarah's clit. We all stopped our actions on the little girl and let her catch her breath. She was panting hard and gasping for air. We were all excited about getting a turn at this. Next was Jan. Molly took kissing detail. Sarah and I each took a tit. Ann was the cunt lapper this time and Patty rubbed her ass cheeks. We all started our work on Jan. Jan groaned as she felt her sister's tongue slide up her slit. Sarah and I went to work on her small tits. We gently sucked the meat and licked her hard nipples. Molly had her tongue inside of Jan's mouth and was licking Jan's tongue. Ann sucked her sister's hard little clit into her mouth and played her fingers along her cunt lips. She found the entrance to her cunt channel and slowly pushed her finger into her sister. Jan groaned as her sister's finger worked in and out of her hot cunt. Patty started to run her finger in Jan's ass crack playing tag with Jan's ass hole. She would draw little circles around the wrinkled hole causing Jan to push her hips back. She finally pushed a finger into Jan's rectum.Jan yelled as she bucked her ass back on Patty's finger. She screamed as her cum juice flooded Molly's mouth. She collapsed in a heap panting for her breath. Molly said she had to run to the kitchen for a minute. When she came back to the room she showed us what she went for. She dropped a couple of carrots and a zucchini on bed. She said that she thought this would provide more fun. "I'm next!" I said matter-of-factly. Nobody argued with me so I got on my hands and knees and waited for the action to begin. Sarah was the first to pick a spot, she got behind me so she could lick my cunt. The twins, Jan and Ann got my boobies, Patty was going to kiss me and Molly got my rear end. The first thing I felt were two sets of lips on my budding nipples. They sucked and nipped them gently. I could feel Patty's tongue snake into my mouth. I moaned out my pleasure as she licked the inside of my mouth. I sighed as Sarah placed her hot mouth on my bald cunt. I could feel her run her tongue up my slit to my clit. She sucked my clit into her mouth and softly nipped it making my cream more juice out of my cunt hole. She moved her mouth down to catch every drop of my cum juice. Molly leaned down and ran her tongue through my butt crack stopping at my hole and tickling it with her tongue."Oh Molly that felt wonderful, please do it again" I begged my sister. She ran her course tongue over my ass hole and slobbered her spit as she did, getting my hole soaking wet. She reached for a carrot and slowly started pushing it up my butt hole."UGH, UGH, UGH, Oh my God" I panted as I felt the carrot slide up my ass.Molly pushed about 4 inches of the veggie into my butt and began to slowly pump it in and out. Sarah watched the carrot disappear in my anus and then reappear again. She reached for the other carrot and slowly pushed it into my soaking wet pussy.I screeched as she broke through my hymen and buried the carrot deep into my pussy. "Sarah faster, pump it faster, OH! You too Molly, shove it deep!!" I cried to the two girls as they shoved their vegetables into my holes."AEEEEE! I'm going to cum, Oh I'm going to cum, AAAAHE!" I screamed as I went over the top with my orgasm. My whole body shook with each wave of pleasure that washed over me. I collapsed on the floor in a heap with carrots sticking out of my ass hole and pussy. Molly and Sarah slowly removed them from my holes as I tried to recover from a powerful orgasm."That was totally awesome" I said to everyone. "You all have to try that." That's when Molly came up with the next plan. She told Patty and Ann to get on their hands and knees with their butts facing each other. She told me to lick Patty and get her real wet. She told Jan to lick her sister and get her cunt real wet also. In a matter of minutes we had both girls humping their small hips back against our mouths. When their juices were running freely down their legs Molly told us to stop. She reached for the long skinny zucchini and wet each end with her spit. She placed one end of the zucchini against Patty's cunt hole and the other against Ann's. She told each girl to push back slowly.Both girls sighed as the zucchini slipped in past their tight cunt holes. It took a few minutes for Patty and Ann to get the rhythm down but soon they were working the zucchini in and out of each others bald little cunts. Sarah latched her lips to Patty's nipples and gently bit them and sucked on them. I did the same thing to Ann's small tits. "Oh Patty let's go faster," Ann groaned."UGH! yeah, okay," Patty panted back to her.The two preteens picked up their speed and soon were humping back to each other with a rapid rhythm. We saw more and more of the zucchini enter their bald cunts. Neither one of them felt any pain when is slid in so we figured they lost their cherries on the playground. "OH, OH, OH, OH, OH, OH," both girls panted as the zucchini plunged into each of their cunts. Molly picked up both carrots and spit on the skinny ends of each one. She slowly pushed them into Patty's and Ann's tight little ass holes. They screamed out as they felt the carrots slide up their butts. "OH! OH! OH!" they panted in unison as their ass and cunts were filled with veggies."OH, I'm cumming!!" Patty screamed out. "Me to I'm cumming too!" Ann shrieked.They both shoved their butts back and buried the zucchini deep into their preteen pussies. Molly was working both carrots deep into their ass holes at the same time. Patty and Ann let out one long scream as they both felt their orgasm hit their bodies. They bucked and wiggled their asses to get the veggies to go deeper into their holes. When they were finally done they knelt there trying to catch their breaths. Jan cleaned her sister's sopping wet cunt with her tongue while I cleaned Patty's pussy. Now it was Molly's turn."It's been Molly who has thought up all these neat games tonight so let's do her real special" I told the other girls. They agreed that Molly needs to be shown our appreciation in a big way. We told Molly to assume the position which she readily did.The twins got beneath her and began to lick her hard nipples. Sarah slipped her tongue into her mouth and played with her tongue. I could see Jan and Ann pulling on Molly's taut little nipples stretching them away from her flat little chest."Oh you guys, YEESSSS! Oh God it feels good!" she groaned out.I started to slowly lick her hairless little pussy. I ran my tongue up her slit until I hit her hard clit. I took that little nubbin in my mouth and bit gently on it."Oh Barbie, put your finger in me please, put it in deep," she panted.I took my finger and sunk it into her soaking wet 11 year old cunt. Her juice was leaking out in a steady stream I pulled my finger back slightly and added another finger to it. I plunged two fingers into my little sister's hot cunt."OH, OH my God, OH YESSSS! OH! OH! OH! YESSS!" she cried out.Patty bent her head down and ran her tongue over her ass crack. She teased Molly's wrinkled little rosebud ass hole with her tongue. Molly jerked her ass back when she felt Patty's action and it caused Patty's tongue to slip inside her ass slightly."Patty lick deeper, lick deeper!" she begged her friend.I reached for the zucchini and held it to her wet cunt. I slowly inserted the vegetable into her sopping pussy. I slid it in about 5 inches until I felt it hit something inside."UGH, GUH, UGH, UGH, UGH," Molly chanted as I shoved the zucchini in and out of her cunt. Patty reached for the largest carrot and held the fat end against Molly's butt hole. With one big push she shoved the carrot deep into Molly's bowels.Molly screamed out as she felt the carrot tear into her ass. She humped her hips back causing the zucchini to slip deeper into her pussy.She shoved back real hard and I felt the zucchini slip in even farther. Molly suddenly stopped and held very still. "Oh, it went into something, I felt something open and it just went in. It feels so good!" she cried.She began humping her ass back faster and faster as she started to reach her release."I'm cumming! OH MY GOD, I'm cumming!" she hollered out as her body gave a huge shudder and then she passed out. She collapsed on the floor just as the bedroom door opened up and my dad walked in."What is all this yelling abo..." he was saying before he noticed the sight before him.He stopped in mid sentence and took in the sight before him with his mouth hanging open. He saw six naked preteens sitting on the floor. He saw his 11 year old daughter passed out on the floor with a zucchini stick out of her bald cunt and a carrot sticking out of her ass hole. He felt his cock stir in his shorts. It didn't take long before his cock reached its full 7 inches in length. Molly was starting to wake up."What? What! What's going on girls?" dad asked.I told him that we started to play a game of dare and it kind of got out of hand. He chuckled out loud and said that he could see that it got kind of out of control. He bent down by Molly, checking to be sure she was okay. She looked up at her daddy and smiled. "Molly, are you okay, you didn't hurt yourself with that thing did you?" he asked in concern."Oh no daddy, it went in real far but it didn't hurt me" she told him.Dad looked at each of the preteen girls and noticed that they all were looking at his crotch. Molly was the first to ask if she could see his thing. "I don't know, I could get into a whole lot of trouble," daddy said."We would never tell anyone would we?" Molly asked the girls.Each one yelled no for her answer. The each wanted to see daddy's dick. He said that he had to check on mom. She had too much to drink and was sleeping in the car. He carried her in and put in to bed. Then he came back into our room. "Okay daddy, let's see your thing," Molly said impatiently. "Show it, show it, show it, show it!" the rest of the girls began to chant."If you want to see it then you got to take it out" daddy told us.He was pushed down on the bed by six sets of hands. Molly went right for his belt. She had it open and was unzipping his shorts. Jan and Ann were removing his shirt. Sarah had moved to his face and was deeply kissing my dad. In a matter of a minute we had him completely naked on the bed. His 7 inch cock was standing straight up and pulsing a little. I reached out and took is dick in my hand. I felt my very first cock and it was so soft and hard at the same time. It was hot too and seemed to throb when I touched it. "UUUUMMMMMMM!" my daddy sighed as I ran my hand around his big cock.All the girls were trying to get their hands on it. Molly finally said that we should each get one minute to play with it. We got out the deck of cards again to see who would go first. Molly was the lucky winner again. I said to wait for a minute and ran down to the kitchen to get the timer. When I returned I set it for 1 minute and yelled for Molly to get started.Molly used both hands to stroke her daddy's hard cock. She ran her hands up the shaft and around the spongy head. She could see some clear liquid come out of his piss slit. "What is that daddy?" she asked him as she continued to stroke his meat."That is called precum and it makes it easier to put my dick inside a woman" he answered. Molly kept rubbing his cock and glanced at the timer. She noticed that she had only 20 seconds left. She took her tongue and licked the liquid off the head of her daddy's cock. She tasted it and decided that it was real tasty and wanted more. She took the tip of his cock into her hot mouth."Oh Molly sweetheart," daddy sighed as his dick slipped into his 11 year old daughters mouth. The timer buzzed and Molly took her mouth away. Patty was next to reach out and take his cock her hand. She stroked it causing more precum to ooze out. Patty bent down and licked his juice from the tip."OH!" groaned daddy as the timer went off and Patty stopped.Jan and Ann decided to do it together. Molly said it was only fair to set the time for two minutes. Jan and Ann ran their tongues up daddy's shaft at the same time. When they reached the head of his cock they kissed each other with daddy's cock between their lips. They both tasted his precum and fought over the juice with their hot tongues. "UUUMM," daddy moaned as the timer went off again. He complained that he was so hard that it hurt. I was next to put his cock into my mouth. I didn't waste any time lick him, I just put his cock in my mouth and pushed down. I pulled back when it hit the back of my mouth. I swirled my tongue all around the shaft as I sucked it gently. Daddy muttered as he humped my face. The timer rang again and I had to pull away.Little Sarah was last to get a turn. She put the tip of his cock into her mouth and licked all over the head of it. Daddy looked down at the small 10 year old with her mouth full of his cock."Oh! Oh, Sarah, I'm getting ready to cum," daddy warned.Sarah started to bob her little head up and down on his rigid 7 inch cock. We watched as he bucked his hips up to her face. "Oh, OH, OH, OH, I'm cumming! OH God, I'm CUMMING!" he shouted. We saw Sarah's eyes get real big as she took the first blast into her mouth. Daddy held her head on his dick as spurt after spurt of hot slimy cum shot into her 10 year old mouth. We could see Sarah gulp down his seed and we told her to save us all some. Sarah stopped swallowing and started to save all of daddy's cum that she could. She continued to suck to get it all out.Daddy pulled her face from his cock after shooting about 9 strong shots of cum into her. We all lay on the floor and told her to let some drip into our mouths so we can taste it too.Sarah went to each of us and dripped some cum into our mouths. We each had a taste of daddy's hot slimy cum. When all the spunk was gone we all sat back and looked at him.His cock was starting to grow big again. We all giggled and said that it was going to be a real long night. ENDRead more stories at /files/Authors/Durango*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 38
Mike peered over Gabrielle's shoulder as they both read the email. Both were excited beyond words, yet ever cognizant of the fact that it was still only an email and that the true test would be in meeting the couple in person. Such was usually the case when meeting people through these internet personals sites. On the screen, this couple seemed ideal. Both were very attractive and they seemed to have so much in common. The fact that both were bisexual was the icing on the cake. Now it was time to meet take things to the next level.They'd met other people through these sites before...some couples, some singles. They were always cautious, and screened everyone closely before ever agreeing to meet. In fact, there were more that they didn't meet than those they did. For the most part they'd always been fairly successful. Over the years they'd had some really good times and shared in some experiences most others only fantasize about.For both Mike and Gabrielle, it was merely an extension of their existing relationship. Both were very comfortably bi, and open-minded in all things sexual. They'd tried just about everything, and for the most part enjoyed it all. Both had been in 'straight' monogamous relationships in the past. Both had been married before. Somehow they seemed to discover each other and nothing had been the same since.Gabrielle looked up at Mike, a playful gleam in her eyes. Mike knew the look well. He knew Gabrielle was feeling adventurous."What do you think baby?" she asked."Sounds good to me," he replied. "I trust them, and it'll be a good time I think." The fact that they'd spoken on the phone on numerous occasions helped ease any concerns he might have had. "Let's meet them and see what happens.""Mmmmmmm.... you just want to get your hands on that big cock of his," she jibed playfully."Like you don't," he quickly replied."I must say, I'm a little wet thinking about it.""Oh yeah?" Mike reached down and ran his finger up the length of Gabrielle's pussy, then tasted his finger. "Mmmmm.... I'd say that's an understatement" and he laughed.Gabrielle reached up and gave Mike's cock a quick grasp. "What have we here? Looks like you like what you see." With that she tugged the waistband of his boxers down and quickly engulfed the entire length of his cock in one smooth movement, causing him to groan. He savoured it for a moment, then pulled her off. He loved her deep throat skills, but knew what it would lead to."Don't get me started or we'll never get there," he said with a smile."Fine," she said with a mock pout. He leaned down, kissed her deeply and whispered, "I love you".Within a half hour they finished dressing and were in the car, following the directions outlined in the email. The couple they were meeting had invited them out to their summer cottage, overlooking the ocean. From what Mike gathered, it was in a rather secluded area, which served their purposes just fine. Both were dressed casually. Mike wore loose-fitting tan-coloured Dockers, commando style, with just a pair of sandals on his feet. A khaki-coloured, loose-fitting, long-sleeved linen shirt over a white tank top completed his wardrobe for the night. Somehow it just seemed to accentuate his broad shoulders and chest, which Gabrielle loved. His short, close-cropped brown hair and muscular body gave him a youthful look that belied his age, and his liquid hazel eyes never ceased to make her pussy quiver.Gabrielle had chosen a short periwinkle blue sundress. If anything, it did less to hide and more to accentuate the beautiful body concealed beneath it. Held up by thin spaghetti straps, it did little to contain her D-cup breasts and Mike couldn't help but notice her prominent nipples straining through the thin fabric. The dress flared out at her hips, the bottom barely covering the delicious curve of her buttocks. Normally Gabrielle would be wearing a thong, however Mike had managed to convince her not to wear any underwear this time. As they sped down the highway in their Mercedes convertible, Gabrielle could feel the warm summer breeze buffeting her bare pussy, sending delicious thrills through her.On her feet she wore a simple pair of high-heeled sandals, which accentuated her calves and brought her height up to a staggering five-foot-four. Her auburn hair blew casually in the breeze, revealing a graceful neck and the diamond earrings Mike had bought her for their last anniversary. Her stunning green eyes watched Mike as he smoothly shifted gears and handled the powerful sports car along the winding coastal highway that led them closer to their destination.As the sun began it's descent over the ocean, Mike pulled the car onto a flagstone driveway flanked by two massive stone gateposts, the wrought iron gates swinging closed as he slowed to a stop in front of the cottage. The structure was more than a simple oceanfront cottage. It was a tall A-frame structure, and Mike estimated the house could accommodate at least forty or fifty guests comfortably for an evening of entertaining. As he opened the car door for Gabrielle and lifted their overnight bag from the back seat, their hosts came out to greet them."Hi.... we're Carl and Marie. We're so glad you could come." Everyone shook hands and made the round of greetings. "Can I take your bag for you?" Carl asked."Quite all right," Mike replied. "We packed light," he said with a wink. Carl grinned his response."Come on in and have a drink then," Marie smiled, then took Gabrielle's arm casually.Mike and Carl couldn't help but grin at each other as they watched the two women lead the way, their swaying buttocks enticing the men.Once inside, drinks were poured and everyone relaxed. Carl and Marie were everything they described and more. Their photos had certainly not done them justice. Carl appeared to be about six feet tall and very well proportioned. Compared to Mike, he was very similar in build, except taller. His hair was short as well.... blond and closely cropped. He was clean-shaven, which only seemed to strengthen his handsome face. He'd dressed similarly to Mike except his pants were more of a lounging type with an elastic waistband. Even from a distance, his prominent bulge was unmistakable. As Mike made eye contact with him again, he blushed at the discovery that he'd been caught looking. Carl winked and smiled.Marie was stunning. Her French-Indonesian heritage made itself evident in her olive-coloured skin, long straight raven hair and delicate features. Her large almond-shaped eyes seemed to captivate anyone she looked at. She wore a long black dress with a mandarin collar that hung nearly to her ankles. The fabric seemed to hug her curves, swelling over her prominent breasts, accentuating her flat tummy and flaring back out over her hips and buttocks before falling gracefully to her ankles. She was bare-footed, which seemed to turn Mike on for some reason.As Mike made this observation, Marie turned to Gabrielle."Would you like to see the rest of the house?""Sure," Gabrielle replied, and the walked away arm in arm while Mike and Carl watched.Mike's thoughts were interrupted by Carl's voice."She's beautiful, isn't she?""That she is," Mike answered."You're going to love fucking her ass. She has the most insatiable appetite for anal sex.""She's not the only one," Mike replied with a wink. Carl smiled.Just then, Mike felt something cold and wet on his arm. Turning to look, he discovered a huge Great Dane, sniffing him out to see who the new guests were."That's Butch," said Carl. "We've had him for three years now. Don't be alarmed by his size. He's quite friendly." This last comment he said with a bit of a smile, and Mike couldn't help but wonder what hidden meaning might be held in that comment. He knew some people enjoyed their pets for more than friendly companionship and household security. Perhaps this might be the case here. He shrugged it off and reached down to scratch Butch's ear. Again, his thoughts were interrupted by Carl's voice."Why don't we go see what those women are up to?" he said."Sure," Mike said, and they made their way through the large house.Carl led the way up the stairs to the second floor. As he emerged at the top of the stairs, Mike discovered the entire second floor was the master suite. Immediately in front of him lay a sprawling bed, larger even than king-sized. It had wrought iron posts on all four corners, and a light-weight white fabric, similar to mosquito net, draped from the top rails. To his right lay the ensuite. It was open to the room and consisted of two pedestal sinks, toilet and bidet and a massive sunken Roman-style tub surrounded with lit candles. To his left were an open pair of French doors leading out to a deck overlooking the ocean. It was from this direction he heard the distinct sounds of giggling."I believe that would be our wives," Carl chuckled. Mike followed Carl through the French doors. Built into the deck was a large cedar hot tub. Both Mike and Carl smiled as they discovered Marie and Gabrielle in each other's arms, giggling and playfully caressing each other. It was quite evident they were naked, as was evident by their discarded dresses laying like puddles on the wood planking of the deck."It's about time," Marie playfully chided."I was just introducing Mike to Butch," Carl replied. He was casually removing his clothes as he made this comment. Mike followed suit.Marie saw the question in Gabrielle's eyes. "Butch is our Great Dane," she said with a smile. "He's such a cutie. I just know you guys are going to love him." As she said this, she casually caressed Gabrielle's breasts, pausing occasionally to tug at her nipples.By this time, Carl and Mike had finished undressing and were preparing to step into the tub. As Carl lifted one leg to step over the edge, Mike found himself looking at Carl's dangling cock. He was awed. His cock was easily as big in it's present soft state as Mike's was when he was hard, and Mike was no slouch at eight thick inches. Carl had to be at least ten, of not more. It would have been readily apparent to Gabrielle as well, however, she was occupied with Marie's tongue in her mouth at the time and was too late to notice before Carl slipped under the water. Mike slipped in quickly behind him.He wasn't concerned or even really envious of Carl's size. His eight inch cock was more than respectable and he knew how to use it, that was for sure. He was equally sure that this was going to be a real treat for Gabrielle. She loved big cocks because they stretched her. Gabrielle always loved the feeling of being stretched. Mike knew that only too well, having fisted her more times than he could remember. If anything, his only concern was whether or not he himself would be able to accommodate such a large weapon. He figured he'd know soon enough.Naturally, watching the two women across from them aroused both men. By now Marie had Gabrielle sitting on the edge of the tub and was licking her clit mercilessly, literally tongue fucking her. Gabrielle's eyes were clenched shut as she clutched Marie's hair and mashed her face between her widespread legs. Marie responded by wetting two fingers in Gabrielle's soaking wet pussy, then sliding them deeply into Gabrielle's anus. Instantly Gabrielle began her first orgasm of the night.The effect served to make Mike's need greater. He reached beside him and grasped Carl's hardening cock. It was massive. It felt heavy in his hand and he immediately began to stroke it's entire length, partly to measure it and partly out of curiosity as to how big Carl would get when fully aroused. Carl moaned his appreciation then stood up, allowing his cock to come level with Mike's face. Mike didn't need any further encouragement. Lifting Carl's impressive cock with one hand, he ran his tongue along it's entire length, then wet his lips and engulfed the head. His other hand stroked his own cock, which was now becoming fully erect itself. Carl groaned again, fuelling Mike's desire.He continued to suck, forcing his jaw to open further to accommodate the huge cock. Taking his time, he allowed Carl's cock to enter to the point of reaching his gag reflex. He was amazed that half of this cock was still exposed. Willing himself to relax his throat muscles, he took another inch, then another. Backing off, he spit on the cock to lubricate it, then went down again. Carl groaned again and placed his hands on Mike's head. It was the right trigger. Mike doubled his efforts and after some time was finally able to feel Carl's pubic bone with his lips. As he pulled off to take a breath, he was amazed. Fully erect and throbbing hard, Carl's cock was ten solid inches. Mike's jaw was stretched to it's limits. He sunk down on it again, his vision going blurry from the excitement and the lack of oxygen. This time Carl almost growled, and it turned Mike on incredibly.Hearing Carl's growl, Gabrielle looked up to see her husband swallow what appeared to be an immense cock. She instantly became even wetter. Seeing that Mike was handling Carl without too much discomfort, she spoke up."Grab his hair Carl. Fuck his face. He loves it. He wants it. Don't you baby?"Mike nodded, as much as he could with a throat full of cock. Carl smiled and nodded. Reaching down, he removed the hand Mike had been stroking him with and said, "No hands." He then grabbed each side of Mike's head and began to stroke his cock in and out of his mouth, using him as his personal fuck toy. Mike was delirious. Carl began stroking a little faster. Every once in a while, he pulled out, slapping his cock on Mike's tongue, then rudely smacking the sides of his face with it. Gabrielle and Marie heard it and stopped what they were doing to watch, each playing with her own pussy as they did so. Back in Carl's cock went, right down to the root. He began fucking Mike's face in earnest, his face creased in effort and in the pleasure he was receiving.For his part, Mike was beside himself. He'd totally forgotten about his own cock, as it was all he could do to concentrate on breathing as Carl fucked his face. At some point he began to completely lose himself in the act, submitting to the thrusting of Carl's cock. Soon he was seeing stars. Marie, knowing how long her husband could last, slipped in behind him and began to lick his ass. Not wanting to be left out of the action, Gabrielle slipped into the water beside Mike and whispered her encouragement."Yeah baby, that's it. Oh my god this is hot! Fuck that cock! Oh fuck!"Marie wet a finger and slowly inserted it into Carl's anus. It wasn't long before she found his prostate and began to massage it gently. It had the desired effect. Grunting and snorting, Carl went over the edge, slamming his cock into Mike's throat, his big balls tightening up. Tears welled up in Mike's eyes. This was easily the most brutal face fuck he'd ever received.With a great shout, Carl suddenly pulled his cock out and furiously fisted it. Gabrielle grabbed Mike's hair and held his mouth open. In mere seconds, Carl's cum cam flying out, the first spurt flying across Mike's face. Adjusting his aim, Carl pumped jet after jet of cum into Mike's upturned mouth, filling it to capacity. As the last drops seeped out, he ran his cock across Mike's lips, wiping the cum around. Gabrielle immediately pulled Mike's face to hers and shoved her tongue into his mouth as far as it would go. They swapped Carl's cum, savouring it between them. Pulling away, Gabrielle closed Mike's mouth with her hands and said "Swallow it," which he did. Marie scooped up what had landed on Mike's face and offered it to her husband. He sucked it all off, then in a total surprise to Mike, leaned down and licked off all remaining traces of it from Mike's face, ending in a wet kiss."I think it's time we went into the bedroom," Marie said quietly with a smile.Continued in part 2....
PART 3Heather drained the last of her tea and looked at her textbooks in weariness. It was getting towards finals week and she was not confident at all. Despite spending the last few hours studying, she barely remembered what she read. Her thoughts constantly returned to her encounter with Don the week before. Role playing a student had been even more exciting that she thought it would be. Unfortunately, it meant that she had spent the week at school inspecting for possible sexual rendezvous instead of listening to the professors. She imagined herself spreadeagle on the teacher's desk with Don fucking the shit out of her instead of taking notes.The teenager stretched, debating whether to get yet another cup of tea. She had come to the Bourgeois Pig in hopes that getting out of the house would help focus her. So far it hadn't helped but maybe another cup...She weaved between the tables of the upstairs. She figured it must have been an apartment at some point as there were various though now all had various types of tables and chairs.Heather made her way down the stairs and was jolted by an electric shock of surprise and desire. Don sat at a table! He was there with two other men in suits, both with graying hair. Their eyes met and the teen froze on the stairs. He gave her a small smile and nodded before returning to his conversation.Heather felt her cheeks heat with nervous desire. She shook herself out of it and went to get a refill of water. She shot furtive glances over but Don didn't appear to notice. Now it was going to be even harder to study!With a sigh, she thanked the barista and headed back to the second floor. At least she was wearing a cute skirt! She figured he'd be watching her walk up the stairs and added a little sway to her step. If she couldn't concentrate on her work, she'd give him a distraction as well.Heather got back to her seat and pushed her books around... a small tingle was beginning to warm between her legs. Great, now she was going to get absolutely no work done! She started to gather her books to go home."Leaving so soon?"She looked up to see Don standing over her. "What happened to your coworkers?""Should I have invited them up as well?" Don leered. "I didn't realize that was one of your fantasies.""Ha, ha!" She looked at her books. "I haven't been able to study all morning and then I see you...""You're feeling horny."Blushing, Heather looked around, but there were only a few people up here. Thankfully, they weren't very close and like her, studying their books.Don surprised her by sitting down next to her. He leaned over to her and whispered. "Take off your panties.""What?!" Startled, Heather protested. "I can't!"Don glanced around the mostly empty floor. "You're wearing a skirt... the floor is mostly empty. Better to do it now than before the lunch rush."Excitement fought with fear. Don's gaze never wavered, he merely waited patiently. Suddenly, Heather flashed him a smile and hiked up her skirt. She kept glancing around as she wiggled out of her panties.Don held out his hand and she handed them over. "Nice... cute blue thong." Her blush deepened as he held them up to his face and inhaled deeply. "And you are definitely excited. You always smell so delicious."Heather watched him, almost mesmerized, and she felt her excitement growing. He tucked the panties into his pocket and moved his chair closer. She felt his fingers dancing along her bare thigh. "Were you going to go home to masturbate?"Heather nodded and felt the fingers tickle higher up her leg."Do you play with your fingers or a toy?"Heather felt heat radiating through her entire body. "Fingers. I've never h –" His finger were now caressing her labia. "I've never had a toy."Goosebumps prickled her skin as his finger (fingers?!) slid into her.Don leaned forward, his hot breath on her ear. "You are so wet." Heather looked around, but everyone seemed to still be studying.He slowly pulled his finger out completely. Heather realized her hips had moved forward in the seat in a vain attempt to keep him in her.Don smiled, knowing the effect he had on the young woman. He slid back in and said, "Tell me about the first time you masturbated?"Heather didn't believe she could become anymore embarrassed, but she her whole face was on fire. "I was fourteen...""And?""I was home by myself for the night. I guess I was bored and I started touching myself and it felt good, just kind of rubbing. I had heard about jacking off for guys of course and knew women could do it too..."Don's finger's curled up and pressed hard. Heather gasped. She felt like she had to pee, but also a deeper pleasure...a pressure that needed to be released. He pushed harder before returning to his sawing in and out of her. "What were you thinking of?""I had been watching something... some cheesy softcore movie. But towards the end of the movie, this woman was wrestled down by her man." His fingers moved faster and deeper inside of her. "He held her down, even blindfolded her, before they had sex. It made me..." Heather moved her hips to the very edge of the seat to give him easy access."What did it make you?""It made me think of the weekend before, I was at a birthday party." His fingers slid up to press and then out to her clit. "We were doing the silly games like Ghost in the Graveyard and stuff with the boys. At one point, this cute boy, Ryan, snuck up on me and started tickling me." Heather felt her wetness run down her leg as the pleasure began to build. "He had me on the ground and put his leg between my legs. I was struggling to get out and my crotch ground against his leg. It was like... wow! I pressed against his leg three or four more times as I pretended to struggle against him. I am pretty sure I felt his hard cock through his jeans." Don's fingers continued to coax pleasure from her. She grabbed the edge of the table so she could literally hump his fingers. "He let me go then. I think he was embarrassed about his hard on, but.... I had wanted him to hold me down. To touch me." She was so close! The fingers flew in and out. "I thought about him holding me down and touching me." She closed her eyes. "I... I thought about... Fuck...."She bit her lip as she climaxed. Pleasure flashed from his fingers throughout her body. Desperate to stay quiet, her body froze. Heather kept her eyes closed, savoring the feelings of euphoria. After a few more thrusts, Don's fingers withdrew for good and Heather opened her eyes."So I'll keep these panties until Saturday at my place." Don licked his finger and padded his pocket. "One o'clock sound good?"Heather nodded and watched him walk away. As her eyes trailed around the room, she noticed a young man staring at her intensely. She blushed as she realized he had his cock out and was stroking it. He must have been watching her and Don!Reflexively, her legs snapped shut. His face fell with disappointment. Heather hardly knew what she was doing... she must have still been in the thrall of her climax.... Because she opened her legs and lifted the hem of her skirt so that he'd have a good view.A radiant smile rewarded her actions as he violently jerked himself off. She barely had time to consider what she was doing before he grabbed some napkins and covered himself.Heather quickly gathered her books as the young man cleaned himself off. Heather swung the backpack onto her shoulders, quickly glancing around and seeing that the other people seemed obliviously studying with their music and books keeping their concentration.The young man lifted a hand to stop Heather, but froze when she looked at him."D-d-d-d-do you come here often?" He finally stuttered out.She smiled. "If you're lucky. Have fun studying!" And then she turned and went down the stairs.To be continued?
My boyfriend and I had purchased a two bedroom rancher in a rather upscale neighborhood and had been in it about eight months when I came home from work to find he had left me. There was just a short note that said he wasn't ready to settle down into family life, sorry. Of course my life came crashing down on me, I had no inclination that he felt that way, he always seemed happy and I was totally devastated by this turn of events in my life. A couple of days later, I was sitting on my front step with the note in my hand, crying like a baby when my neighbor, Irene, came over to see why I was in tears. We weren't really friendly but always said hello and sometimes made small talk, but it was a shoulder to cry on, so I told her what happened. She let me pour my heart out to her for which I was very grateful and gave me the attention I needed most right then, the fact somebody cared about my life. She wrapped her arms around me and consoled me so that I began to feel better about myself and my situation. When I stopped crying she invited me over to her place for dinner, telling me that her husband traveled on business three to five days a week and she hated to eat alone. I was in no mood to cook but was certainly hungry, so I accepted without any hesitance and we went over to her house for dinner.She was an excellent cook and I ate more then I normally do but Irene didn't seem to notice how much I had consumed and we talked like two teenagers, about everything. I helped Irene clean up and when we had finished cleaning up, she pulled me to her, wrapped her arms around me, thanked me for helping her and kissed me. I don't know what happened to me as I never had even thought about being with another woman but her kiss made my toes curl. Her kiss was the most electrifying, sensual kiss I ever experienced, her lips were moist and so hot, they just drew me into them. As I look back on it, I guess it was that I needed to feel loved and on top of that, her lips were the most fucking incredible lips on the face of this earth. I wrapped my arms around her and was drowning in her lips, my mind and body were now both on fire, my thong was soaking wet and I wanted her to touch my pussy so bad, I was about to beg her to touch me. Irene later told me that when I wrapped my arms around her, she knew I was going to be her private pussy and let her have her way with me. She slipped her tongue in my mouth, grabbed my pussy and between the sensations of her tongue in my mouth and her hand on my pussy, I came like I was peeing, my cum was pouring out of me like a faucet had been turned on. She had lifted my skirt up so she had full access to my pussy and now had two fingers in my blazing hot cunt, driving me so far past the edge I wanted nothing but for Irene to make love to me.All the time she had her fingers in my pussy finger fucking me and tongue fucking my mouth, she was undressing me and before I even realized what was happening, she had me totally naked in her kitchen. She had taken her tongue out of my mouth, much to my disappointment, but she was telling me how beautiful my body was and how bad she wanted to taste me. I wasn't quite sure what she meant by tasting me but I started to beg her to make love to me and the next thing I knew I was in a chair with my legs spread and Irene licking my blazing hot pussy. I was out of my mind with lust and telling Irene over and over how good what she was doing felt, I don't think I had ever been in quite such a state before, where I totally surrendered myself to another person, man or woman. Irene could do whatever she wanted to me and I wouldn't have stopped her. Her lips and tongue felt so amazing on my pussy and she was teasing my cunt unmercifully, making me beg her to make me cum, when I felt her fingers slip into my raging pussy and then she put a finger in my asshole. I came so fucking hard, my ass came off of the chair, I never had a sensation like that in my whole life, I know I was screaming as the cum poured out of me. That little minx had no mercy either, she now had three fingers in my cunt and two in my asshole while sucking on my clit and I was so far past it now, all I could do was make animal grunts as she made me cum so many times, I blacked out for a minute or two.I had experienced raw animal passion for the first time in my life, it was the first time I ever had sex that nothing else existed but Irene's fingers and mouth, you could have set up lights and a camera and I wouldn't have known it, now I knew what sexual heaven was. When I recovered I was still sprawled out in the kitchen chair, legs spread wide open, totally naked, Irene smiling up at me from between my legs and I had never felt so happy or satiated in my life. She picked me up, I'm only five foot and one hundred and two pounds, but I have a D cup and Irene is five foot eight and about one hundred and forty pounds and easily carried me into her bedroom, depositing me on the bed while she undressed. As she undressed she kept telling me how beautiful I am and how good my pussy is and then she told me that now I was going to take care of my new mama. She laid her now naked body on top of mine and I was a little shocked at how good her body felt on mine, she kissed me and my pussy was steaming again. She asked if I had ever done a sixty nine before and of course I had with my ex boyfriend, so she rolled off me and turned me around, pulling me on top of her. The next thing I knew, I was lip to lip with her pussy, she had her tongue buried in my pussy and she was pushing my head into her wet pussy. My nose went into her sopping pussy first and for some reason the scent coming off her steaming pussy made me wild. I started kissing her pussy all over, loved the taste and started sucking on her whole cunt, trying to get her love juice into my mouth. Irene was in fuck heaven now, she was moaning and thrashing about a little, but I held on and when I stuck my tongue in her cunt hole, she screamed into my pussy and let loose a gusher of her hot cum into my mouth.I was ecstatic, I couldn't believe how much I loved tasting her cunt juice, I now attacked her pussy with a vengeance. We took turns making each other cum until we were both so fucked out, we went right to sleep where we where, covered in each others cum. Irene woke me around two in the morning by sucking on my tits and rubbing my pussy and when she saw I was wide awake, told me to spread my fucking legs like a good little cunt because mama wanted my pussy. I did as told and Irene got between my legs and went at my pussy like it was the last one she was going to have. She turned me into a fucking animal again, making me beg and moan like the little whore she was going to turn me into. She had my pussy and asshole filled with her fingers again, but this time she wouldn't let me cum, making me go fucking crazy. She kept it up until I was screaming at the top of my lungs for her to make me cum and when she made me cum, it was the most explosive orgasm I ever had. My ass came off the bed, my whole body was shaking like leaves in a wind storm and cum was pumping out of my pussy like an oil gusher until I kind of blacked out for a minute or two. When I came back to the land of the living, Irene had me in her arms and was telling how happy she was with me and my pussy. When she realized I was back, she asked if I liked what mama did to me and of course I replied very enthusiastically, I loved what you do to me. This brought a big smile to Irene's face, she told me I was such a good little pussy and that now I was going to be her good little pussy wasn't I. I murmured yes and snuggled against her tits which felt so, so fucking good to me. She put her tit in my mouth and I suckled like a little baby while she was stroking my cunt very gently and telling me that I was her property now, to which I totally agreed. That was the first step of my new life and the next part will bring it up to date on my transformation into Irene's little whore.END
My whole body tingled with excitement as I removed the robe in front of the class. The eyes of twenty young students, both male and female absorbed every inch of my body. I searched out the ones that looked at me with lust in their eyes. That included most of the men. A few of the men were serious artists and they didn't see my body as an object for their sexual desires. This was my third session with this class. Those that came only to see a naked woman kept staring at my pubic mound hoping to get a glimpse of my vaginal lips, or a clit peaking out at them.I knew how to model without exposing the hot pink lips, that is, until later when I would give them an accidental view that would rush their blood into their aroused organs. My well proportioned and shapely breasts were another focal point where most eyes, even the women in class. My nipples always hardened when I modeled. There were also some that admired my long legs and tight buttocks. My husband is very supportive of my job. Yes, I'm married. He gets a kick out of knowing that men view me naked. We have lost some friends because of my job. Those that remain though do not make it a big deal but the husbands do secretly wish that they could also feast on my body being willingly exposed to make a living. No one has yet made such a bold move as enrolling in these classes. **I have also done private work. That was where life became interesting. I have done things that I have not told my husband. The money was good but most of all I enjoyed it. I remembered one rich kid who was about 17 years old. He got my number and called me for a private modeling.I gave him my rates and the deal was set. I went to his handsome home. His parents were out of town. I went to his room and was surprised to find his two friends there. I usually don't do private work for an audience but I let it slide this time. I'm sure they all pitched in for this treat. His friends couldn't hold their excitement but the kid was cool. The boys kept eyeing me but couldn't hold eye contact. After receiving the money I asked them where I could undress. It didn't surprise me that they had no drawing paraphernalia. However I noticed the all too familiar digital camera. I was also not surprised that I was told to "just" undress in their presence. The kid seemed to have had sexual experiences before but his friends were definitely virgins who would be the type to masturbate several times a day over a beat up Playboy magazine that they hid in their rooms. Even before starting, their erections were clearly visible. I wore a dress that day and turned my back to them and pulled down my zipper. I'm sure their hearts were beating fast and that excited me. The sight of my bar strap would probably further strain their erections in their pants. I let the dress fall. They could see my pink cotton panties and my white lace bra. I still wore my pumps. When I turned around, their tongues were literally hanging out. I don't know if they could hold their erections in their pants any longer but I unhooked my bra. They probably couldn't believe they were seeing a live 27 years old naked woman. Three pairs of eyes were glued to my mammaries. I let them sway slightly. With my eyes glazing into their eyes I bent forward and removed the last piece of clothing I wore. For their pleasure, I did a turn around. The kid picked up the camera. I told them that I wouldn't let them keep any pictures with my face showing. They agreed. The kid had nerve. He said, "Spread your legs wide open." I sat down on a chair with my legs together. He was ready to shoot with the camera. Ever so slowly, I lifted my knees up and spread my legs exposing my love hole to them. He clicked his first picture. I felt generous that day. I got my hands down there and spread apart the vaginal lips for them. He quickly got another picture in. "What do you want me to do?" I asked them. The kid said to just walk around and act natural. So I stood up and walked around the room looking at his posters and CD collection. I could be so comfortable in the nude with people watching me that I put them at ease. We started having a regular conversation and his friends also opened up with a few sentences here and there. I found out who was the most desired girl in their high school and what a jerk her boyfriend was. I found out their tastes in music and sports. We discussed basketball. They asked me why I posed nude and whether my husband minded. I said, "I enjoy it and make good money. My husband thinks it's great that people appreciate my body. We have a pretty open relationship." I put in a few extras and did a dance. They ogled my swaying and bouncing breasts. I slightly brushed my ass to each of their faces. I also took their hands and let them feel my pubic mound. I casually mentioned that I wouldn't mind if they wanted to relieve themselves. After a momentary hesitation, three throbbing erections popped out for air. Clenched fist were savagely stroking their purple organs. I tried my best seductive moves as they each shot their loads one after another. With a few minutes to spare, I gave each of them a minute to feel me up. I stood in front of the first boy and his hands went for my breasts. He squeezed them and caressed them, paying special attention to my hardened nipples. He then felt my lips with his fingers getting them hot and aroused. He got me to bend for him so that he could get a good view of my crack. His fingers gently caressed my butthole and I enjoyed the sensation. The next boy concentrated more on my pussy. He had his finger in and out. After that he just had me spread my legs apart to carefully absorb the sight of my love hole. The experienced kid held me in a hug so that he could really feel me up. His hands were everywhere. Before long their time was up. They weren't too happy as I put on my clothes. The instructor put me in a pose. As I got comfortable, he explained to the students what he wanted emphasized in today's lesson. I put on my bored professional face. For twenty minutes I stayed still. I don't really think much during these times. Today I didn't get to watch the students where I could see how the men looked at me. My pose had me gaze at a side wall. Oh, well. **I once had a very rich South American student in one of the art classes I posed for. As I was getting into my car after a session, he suddenly appeared in front of me. He had a big smile. I thought to myself, "Oh, no! Not another guy wanting to marry me." He surprised me. He came right out and asked me if I would serve at his party topless. I asked him what it would entail. He said it would take about 6 hours and there would be about 15 guys and girls. I told him how much I would charge and he agreed without hesitation. I was waiting for him to tell me as to when this party would take place and he seemed hesitant for a while. Finally he blurted out, "There is something more that I would like you to do and I would pay you for it." His accent was kind of neat. "Sure, what is it?" I asked. "After the party, all the guys will pick a card. He who gets the highest card will get to do whatever he wishes with you." He explained. I was quiet. Thinking that I was taking offense at what he requested, he was apologizing profusely. Smilingly I told him that I took no offense and I have done such things before. I just was thinking of how much to charge. We finally came to a figure and everything was set. I was ready to go home and he still seemed to have something in his mind. It seemed that he and his friends arranged these parties quite frequently and topping it off with a kind of a lottery as to who would get the girl they hired for the evening. He confessed that he was very much attracted to me and couldn't bear the chance of not having me first before one of his friends. He explained that this was against their rules. I said that I would be happy to sleep with him before the party. We arranged the fee and a date two days before the party. I told my husband that I had a meeting to attend. I didn't wear anything spectacular so that he wouldn't be suspicious. I changed my clothes at a gas station. I got a few whistles as I got out wearing a real sexy black dress. I met Miguel at the restaurant and we sat real close. He was feeling real good that all the men were staring at me and being jealous of him. He had his hands up my dress most of the evening. He kept rubbing my moist pussy through my panties. I left my car at the restaurant and we drove back in his BMW. He put on some real mellow music and we kissed passionately. I felt like I was in high school again. We reached his expensive apartment and started making out on his couch. After necking out like teenagers, I told him to start a bath. He filled the bath with warm relaxing water and promptly sat in the bath his erection throbbing in the water. I switched off the light in the bathroom and left the door open for some light. I undressed in the semi-darkness and I could see that he was salivating with lust. I entered the bath and began massaging his feet. I took control and bathed Miguel. I gently held his erection as I soaped his balls. It was driving him crazy. I would then slip in my soapy finger into his anus and he would go wild. I then let him have his way. His mouth hungrily sucked on my nipples. His tongue was going everywhere, making me real excited. We made love until one o'clock that night. I then had to get back to my husband. Break time. I put on my robe and walked to see everyone's piece of art. Some were very good but those that were bad were the ones that interested me. I slyly looked to see if they had a boner. More often than not, they did. I also liked the way they acted, ignoring my presence. I arrived at Miguel's house twenty minutes before the party started. My duties were explained to me and then he handed me the outfit for the night. It was a real sleazy fishnet stocking that covered my front but fully exposed my ass. I brought my black high-heels as he requested. As I put on the outfit, his eyes lit up. I looked like a cheap whore in a crummy strip joint. The guests starting arriving and everyone was appreciative of my body. Most congratulated Miguel on his good choice. I was groped, touched and pinched all night. Everyone kissed my nipples as I served them a drink or an appetizer, even the girls. It was real fun. The men would suck hard and the girls would gently touch with their lips. As the party reached its close, my time had come. The boys all entered Miguel's bedroom leaving their girlfriends outside. I was given a stack of cards. Still in my sleazy outfit, I offered the cards to each. They each picked a card. Finally the moment of truth had come. Roberto had a Jack of Hearts which was the highest card among them. He was one of the more aggressive guys. I knew I will be in for a ride. I sat down on the bed and watched Roberto push out his friends. Most made a modest attempt to stick around but finally the crowd left. Roberto was immediately upon me before the lock even latched. The stockings were ripped apart and he easily turned my totally nude body around to penetrate me doggy style. He wasn't much for foreplay as he shoved his nine-incher into me. Luckily I was wet enough to let it slide in. He began aggressively pumping me which I liked. Soon I began moaning and moving to his rhythm. This was good old-fashioned fucking. I could feel an orgasm coming and with his frenzied motion we came together. He quickly removed this dick and we lay on the bed for awhile exhausted. Cum was slowly oozing down my legs. Since we were done so fast, I was waiting if he was going to ride me slow this time but I was surprised that he motioned me to leave. My clothes were in the closet outside the bedroom. I was looking to find something to cover my body but Roberto insisted I leave the room and back into the party without a stitch on. Knowing that I had no choice I got out the way I was. Although I have exposed my body to all these people, I felt vulnerable going out this way. Much to my surprise, only the guys were left. The girls had disappeared. Even worse, the were all sitting with their pants down. I was searching for Miguel to figure out the meaning of this. He was nowhere to be found. Soon enough the terms were laid out. I wouldn't be allowed to leave until I sucked everyone off. I promptly got on my knees and started the first guy. I wasn't going to give them the pleasure to see me resisting. I knew I was outnumbered. It took me close to an hour but I sucked all seven guys including Roberto. I had to swallow all their cum. After the last of Roberto's cum passed my throat, they threw me my clothes. I tried my best to dress in their presence with dignity amidst jeering and cheering. I never saw Miguel again in my classes. Class was over and I dressed in the changing area. I chatted with few of the students and was soon on my way to my car knowing that the eyes of those who knew what I did were fixed on me. I got home and did my errands. When my husband got home, we got ready for a night out with our friends. The End
As we ended dinner and the final bottle of claret was consumed, it was time for the most important questions."Have you made the required arrangements?" I asked."Yes," she replied softly, "I've told my sister I'll be hiking in Asia for several months. She'll look after the cat and has my power of attorney, both legal and medical."The olive-skinned shapely brunette with grey eyes was most relaxed after the meal of tournedos Rossini, an interesting risotto and an exquisite parfait topped off by the finest of Rothschild Bordeaux. Clearly, she was physically relaxed and welcoming to whatever the evening had to offer.After all, it would be her last evening alive for tomorrow she would be taking advantage of the unique services found here at Eros' End, the "Final Bed and Breakfast."The client, who we shall call Rebecca, had first contacted me more than a year ago, enquiring as to our homestead nestled in the mountains of Pennsylvania. This was followed by a private dinner with me in a superb Baltimore restaurant where I let her view the photo album of Eros' End and described to her, in the most delicate detail possible, the services we provide.Rebecca had learned of us through the very close network of individuals who have visited the farm as witnesses or friends of other clients who chose to use the services of Eros' End for their final exit. The very narrowness of that circle of individuals ensures the privacy and continuation of our very special mission: to provide the most erotic death experience possible, severing the very cord of existence at the height of sexual pleasure.The claret consumed, it was time to open her file and discuss her requests and the plans we had made. Rebecca was 33, slightly over five feet, six inches, 138 lbs, no deformities, very shapely and attractive, no sexually transmitted diseases; holds a Ph.D. in Psychology, is well traveled and twice divorced. She is bisexual without any overriding preference.Sitting in one of the Eros' End trademark soft blue robes, slightly open to display the soft curve of ample breasts and shaved genital areas, she provided a pleasant dinner companion both in view and conversation.Such dinner attire has proven to be the most suitable for clients who, whilst discussing what will occur on the morrow, usually want to manipulate themselves or other dining guests, sexually.I opened the leather-bound file and began:"As we have discussed, Rebecca, all the information in this file will be destroyed after our services to you are complete. They will be shredded and destroyed in the same burn pit where your remains will be burned, rendered to ash and scattered."As such, no trace of your visit will remain."Your execution is scheduled at 8 a.m. tomorrow morning. You will be wakened at 6, stripped of all belongings and clothes – which will be destroyed --; you will be showered and offered a light meal or beverage, then given an enema so as not to soil the execution chamber too much."Precisely at 8 a.m. you will be short-dropped, naked, your hands bound behind you, vibrators active inside your anus and vagina, as you begin your final dance for the witnesses you have chosen, in this case, myself."After you have breathed your last and the presence of your urine and remaining feces indicate you are dead, your body will hang for at least a half hour before I cut you down and transport your corpse to the burn pit where it will be immediately consumed."Do we understand each other, Rebecca?""Oh my God, yes, yes," she moaned softly, eyes closed and a half smile across her lips as with two fingers she brought herself to a violent organic spasm, her juices flowing over the sheet-covered chair.And so I carried her to her room, her body gone limp from the combination of wine and orgasm. After placing her on the bed, her lovely tanned body an erotic sprawl of limbs on silken sheets, I had turned to leave her for her last sleep when she asked: "Please, oh please, let me sleep with your cum draining from my ass, please."Eagerly, I filled her last night's request, using her copious vaginal juices to lubricate her smaller opening. Inside, I quickly reached my climax over her squirming body to her screams of "Yes, yes, Oh God, yes!"I wakened her at 6 a.m. precisely, having made the arrangements in the execution shed the previous evening. At first she seemed groggy from the night's wine but gathered her wits quickly knowing what was to come.She asked that I shower with her; a request to which I readily agreed, more than willing to soap down and probe her receptive body for the last time. She did the same for me, dropping to her knees quickly to take me in her mouth, squeezing my buttocks and begging me drain my seed into her mouth and down her throat.Eagerly I filled her with a week's worth of pent-up semen and she squealed in delight as it poured into her. That was sufficient for her last meal, she said as I wiped her dry and bound her hands with a silken cord.She was silent and downcast as I led her across the secluded yard to the brick shed where the trap awaited. As I bolted the door behind us, I gave her one last opportunity to avoid her chosen fate."It's time, Rebecca," I said. "If you have any regrets or wish to reconsider, tell me now, else we proceed."Her grey eyes widened and a slight grin crept across her face as she whispered: "Now, please hang me now."I hurried her up the scaffold and stood her over the trap. She moaned softly as I fingered her cunt into weeping and used her juices to ready both holes for the steel vibrators which I quickly secured inside her with straps around her waist.Her body arched ecstatically as I threw the switch activating the humming insertions. Her eyes opened wide and she looked at she hesitantly awaited my final words. Her legs spread as far as standing on her toes would allow and the juices from her cunt began visibly running down her leg as she arched again and again in orgasm."Ready, Rebecca?" I asked sharply, standing naked before her, fondling myself to the joy of her last moments.She nodded once and I powered the vibrators to high, as I pulled the trap, dropping her six inches to a screeching gasp. Her legs began the violent kicking for ground she never again would feel as the vibrators prodded her into orgasmic intensity never experienced.Two more gasps for the fleeting oxygen and her legs began to straighten and shake spasmodically. As I ejaculated over her dying limbs her eyes rolled up into her head as a squeaking noise accompanied the protruding of her tongue.The blush of death spread over her tortured grimace as she began to swing slowly to and fro, a pendulum of perfect dead beauty. Within several minutes her bladder and bowels gave way and Rebecca was no more. I let her swing for another 30 minutes before cutting her down, allowing her body to fall into a container waiting below.Thus did Rebecca go to her chosen reward. As stipulated in our agreement, her body and belongings were burned and reduced to ash on premises, later to be scattered to the four winds.It's typical of the services we provide here at Eros' End.How may we best serve you?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 64
The first thing I heard was a loud moan, then rapid footsteps down the hall followed by audible sobs from the family room. "Finish NOW!" I hissed as my cunt squeezed the cock that had been pounding it for the last twenty minutes. A few strokes later it gushed hot cream and withdrew. He grabbed his clothes and exited the back way. I slipped on a robe and walked down the hall, ignoring the cum starting to run down my thigh. It must have been quite a surprise, seeing your wife with her legs in the air and some guy driving his erection deep in her pussy...a regular porn scene. My husband of three months blubbered, "How COULD you?"I stood in front of him, my robe coming open, "Hey, man-up for god's sake. It's only sex."He looked incredulous as he stuttered in shock, "B-but y-your my wife..."I kept looking him straight in the eye, not even blinking, "I didn't marry you for sex. I was getting plenty of that before. I love you."Poor guy, he knew I wasn't a virgin like him, but never asked for the details I'd have given. "I'm used to a lot of sex and I tried cutting back after the wedding but one just wasn't enough."He'd stopped crying and his curiosity was getting to him. His crotch was beginning to bulge so there was hope of a good outcome after all. He asked "So how many are there?""Four in my lifetime. Two are regulars now, one of which was my first, and the other two, once in a while.""I'd really like it if you'd give them up. I'll spend more time with you."I smiled and hugged him, "I know you'd try. There are two problems with that. First, I'm too used to the variety and second, I can't just cut off my brothers after all these years. I love them too."Dropping to my knees I unzipped him and got his hard on out. Between sucks I told him I'd like some help right now."I was interrupted before I finished.""But you're full of his stuff...""Won't be the first time, you've often commented how good it felt when I was extra slippery.""Oh!"Leading him to the messed up bed, I finished the conversation, "See, very little will change. I'm glad I don't have to keep anything back from now on. You'll have more fun too, I promise."***"Hey Big Sister, can I come over? Your little bro needs someone to talk to.""Sure. This is a good time."When I got there she was in a light robe. I could see her nipples poking out and would get a flash of fur every once in a while. She always did like to tease me.We sipped our beer as I told her what had transpired yesterday. Each of the times I'd fucked my wife after the "revelation", my mind was whirling with a crazy mixture of thoughts, some hot and some cold. I tried to explain them to my intently listening sibling. It felt good to let them out.After I dumped, she said, "I'm not going to pass judgment on the brother thing. But I do understand about her wanting variety. Hell, I'm married and I like it too. Seems to me that she's pretty selfish and one sided. I guess you are entitled to some too.""I hadn't got that far yet. She doesn't want to change and I don't want to lose her. So what's next?"My sister chugged the rest of her beer, walked to her bedroom door and dropped her robe, "Come on! The playground's open!"END
I first started baby-sitting for Imogen when she was seven. Her mother, Wendy, was a close friend of my then current girlfriend, Suzy; and, as Wendy was divorced and on her own, Suzy sometimes baby-sat. I got the impression, in fact, that Wendy got someone to baby-sit most evenings, and spent very little time herself with Imogen. I'm not saying, of course, that a mother should put her life on hold for her child; but being a parent (mother or father) brings a certain amount of responsibility with it. Wendy didn't seem to feel that.One evening, Suzy phoned about six o'clock in a fluster. We were due to have a date that night (it was still the dating stage of the relationship) and had realised that she'd also promised Wendy to baby-sit. I calmed her down, and pointed out that the main reason for the date was to see her; and I could do that perfectly well anywhere.So the upshot was, we had our date in Wendy's house. At least, that was the idea; but actually I spent a good deal of the time playing with the enchanting little seven-year-old I met for the first time, while Suzy watched TV. I don't think I'd enjoyed myself so much for years. At last, when Imogen was finally in bed, accepted that she'd had the very last story read to her, and fallen asleep, Suzy and I had a spectacular fuck on the sofa. I was vaguely aware of something more erotic than usual in the air, but I couldn't place it, and soon forgot about the feeling.We baby-sat quite often, after that: it was a while before I really convinced the girls that I actually did enjoy this. Imogen grew to be very special to me. I suppose, being objective, she wasn't the prettiest girl I ever met, or the most intelligent, though above average in both departments; but she had such a sunny, engaging personality that I was completely helpless to resist.After a while, Suzy and I split up. Fortunately, there were no big rows, no open warfare: above all, no reason for Wendy to take sides. We both knew that we weren't suited to stay together; and, when Suzy had a job-offer in Brussels, we agreed easily that she should take it, we'd keep in touch, we'd stay friends. I also stayed friends with Wendy: at times, I didn't altogether like her, but I stayed friends for the sake of seeing Imogen, to continue baby-sitting.It was one evening when Imogen was nine. Wendy had just left, and we were settling down to watch a TV programme we both loved. Imogen had rushed up to the loo, before it started; and, before I knew it, there came a shriek from upstairs, and she came rushing down the stairs, sobbing, and flung herself into my arms. I held her as she buried her face into me. "What's the matter, sweetheart?" I asked softly.Raising her head slightly, her face tragic, Imogen whispered, "I'm dying."After a very quick check to ensure that there was nothing obvious to support this claim, I felt an impulse to laugh; but I resisted. I had always tried to give Imogen the respect I'd have hoped for, and this didn't include laughing at such a statement."Why do you think that?" I asked, caressing her head."Because I'm bleeding to death," she said, still not meeting my eyes.For a few seconds, my eyes instinctively ran over her little body to find the injury; then, some instinct combined with realisation that part of her distress was shame, made me realise what was going on. "Sweetheart," I said quietly, "are you bleeding from down there? Between your legs?"She nodded miserably, head down, face flushed. I stroked her head a little more, then tipped it backward, so she had to look up at me. "That doesn't mean you're dying, sweetheart," I said. "In fact, it just means you're growing up quicker than most."That really got her attention, and she stared straight at me, her tear-filled eyes open wide. "What do you mean?" she asked.I hesitated, wondering if I should start on this. It should be a woman explaining it - hell, it should be Wendy. I considered the likelihood of that, and I wasn't encouraged. Anyway, Wendy wasn't here; and one look at the confused, unhappy little face in front of me told me that Imogen needed answers now."Well," I said cautiously, "what do you know about how babies are made?"She frowned, in puzzlement and thought. "You mean, the egg and the seed?" she asked cautiously; and when I nodded, she said, "Yes, we did that at school."So, cuddling Imogen on my lap, I tried to explain menstruation in terms that she'd understand but wouldn't patronise her. I'm not sure if I entirely succeeded; but I don't think I did badly, for an improvised effort. She asked a few questions, mostly quite intelligent ones; but, otherwise, she listened in silence, never once taking her eyes from my face.When I'd finished, she was quiet for some time. Finally, she asked, "Why didn't they tell me about it before it happened?""That's a good question, sweetheart," I said; "but you've got to understand, most girls don't get to this stage till eleven or twelve, sometimes later. I don't think anyone quite expected you to grow up so quickly."That seemed to satisfy her, as I'd guessed it would. After another long silence, she said timidly, "Andy. My panties are getting a bit uncomfortable. If everyone gets this, I suppose they must know what to do about it?"Clever girl. I explained briefly about towels and tampons, and suggested tampons wouldn't be a good idea till she was older. "We could go and get some now from the supermarket," I suggested.Imogen agreed; so I drove her quickly over there, and we picked out what she needed. We got a few funny looks, a man and a little girl (she showed no signs of maturity otherwise) buying sanitary towels. So what? We had a perfectly legitimate reason for it. No need to be worried by busybodies.By the time we got back inside, Imogen was shifting uncomfortably from foot to foot, her face screwed up. "Andy," she said, "I've got to do something now. How do they work?"I hesitated. "Well, sweetheart," I said, "I've never actually used one, of course. Normally, girls' mums or big sisters or someone help the first few times; but...""I need help," Imogen insisted. Her voice had a touch of whining in it, but I thought she could be forgiven that, after what she'd been through this evening. "Can't you help?""Sweetheart," I said, unsure how to handle this, "I would, but... do you really want to take your knickers off when I'm there?"She looked up at me, her eyes wide. "Andy," she said simply, "I don't mind you seeing my pussy."I had several reactions all at once: surprise (and a little shock) that she had a more extensive vocabulary than I'd thought; amusement at the way she'd put it; and (strangely, it seemed then) a little catch at the heart at the statement.Anyway, the upshot was that I helped her change her panties and position a pad in the new pair, then show her how to pull them up carefully, keeping the pad in place. I got quite a good view of her pussy, noting how sweet it looked, still with a little of its baby puffiness and not a trace of hair. Imogen seemed quite happy for me to look, and I'd swear she deliberately opened her legs a little wider than was strictly necessary. Her face was very red, though, by the time we were finished.By that time, it was strictly speaking after Imogen's bedtime; but I had no intention of sending her straight to bed, after such a traumatic evening. Instead, we both cuddled up on the settee with hot chocolate, and watched something mindless on TV, which wouldn't prevent us from talking. After a while, though, Imogen grew silent, her face setting into a frown of concentrated thought. I could tell that she was working up to saying something. I also knew, from experience, that it would be pointless to try to get it out of her before she was ready.Finally, she looked up at me, her face worried. "Andy," she said. "You know how this means I've got the eggs now? Does that mean I'll be having a baby?""Of course not, sweetheart," I reassured her quickly. "It's entirely up to you when and if you decide to have a baby; but most girls don't start till they're at least twice your age, if not more.""But..." She hesitated. "But suppose it happens by accident? I might not even notice."I tried hard not to laugh at the thought of it happening by accident, and managed to keep a straight face. "No, baby," I told her, "I can say quite definitely, it won't happen without you noticing."She put her head on one side. "So... how does it happen?"I felt the moment of panic that probably everyone feels on hearing those words from a child. But I could always pass the buck. "Darling," I said, "I think it's really up to your mum to tell you about that."Her face screwed up in agony. "But I won't be able to ask her till tomorrow," she told me tragically. "I've got to know now, Andy. Please."That was it, I've never been able to resist Imogen, when she puts her mind to it. "OK, sweetheart," I said, "snuggle up to me while I tell you." When I had her sitting half on my lap, her head leaned against my chest, my arm tightly around her, I began, "Well, you know where the egg comes from now. You know that a boy's got, um... something else between his legs, don't you?"Imogen gave me a look of total scorn and pity. "His willy," she said. "Of course I know that, I'm not a baby.""Well," I said, ignoring the put-down, "the seed comes out of a man's willy."There was total silence for a moment. "You're having me on," she said uncertainly. "They pee through their willies.""Think about yourself. Your pee-hole's really close to your pussy-hole, isn't it? With a man, there's two tubes going through his willy. One carries pee, the other carries the seed: it's in a sort of gooey white stuff. Only one of the tubes can work at any one time.""But..." She looked totally mystified. "But how does it get inside me?""Well... The man has to put his willy into the woman's pussy, and then shoot the seed out."She stared at me in disbelief. "Oh, come on now. I don't believe you. A willy's all soft and squishy. How would it get inside something as little as a pussy?""Sometimes a willy can get really big and stiff," I said. "When a man's feeling sexy?" She screwed up her face questioningly. "Imogen, is there anyone - a boy at school, perhaps, or... a teacher? Or someone you see on the telly, who makes your tummy go all funny in a nice way? You might feel like you're getting butterflies, and you might feel really warm and a bit damp down below."As I spoke, I could see Imogen going bright red, and she turned and buried her face against me. "I'm not asking you to tell me who it is," I said quickly. "I just want to know if you recognise the feeling." She didn't take her face away, but I felt her nod."That's good, sweetheart. Everyone gets like that, when they see someone they think is really sexy and beautiful. Only when men feel sexy, their willies get stiff. That's nature's way of preparing, just in case they get a chance to put it inside the woman's pussy. And if she feels sexy too, her pussy gets very wet, so that his willy slides in more easily. Then he can push it in and out, and the rubbing feels so good that both of them suddenly feel really incredible all over. That's called an orgasm, or coming. It's good for both, but part of a man's orgasm is that his seed spurts out of his willy and into the woman.""And makes a baby?""Sometimes. But more often it doesn't, and there are things you can do to stop that happening, if you don't want to have a baby just then."She didn't answer for a moment; then she asked, "What does it feel like, this org- org-, this coming?"I hesitated. "I can't really tell you what it would feel like for you. Imogen, do you ever play with yourself? You know, rub your pussy to make it feel good?"She jerked her head up and stared at me, total horror on her face. "I did when I was little," she admitted, turning red again. "And... once or twice... a bit...""Sweetheart," I said quickly, "there's no need to be ashamed of it. Everyone does it. Women play with their pussy, men play with their willy."She stared at me incredulously. "You don't, do you?""Of course I do, sweetheart. When you do it, find a little knob right at the top of the slit, and rub that. You should find out what an orgasm's like."She giggled suddenly, and her eyes filled with mischief. "I can't imagine you playing with your willy. I'd love to see that." Warning bells sounded in my head; but I hadn't thought of an answer yet, when she continued, "What you were talking about, where the willy goes... you know, in... Was that what you and Suzy used to do, when I'd gone to bed?"That was a real bombshell. Of course, Suzy and I had often taken advantage of being alone, once we were sure that Imogen was asleep. But how had the child known?"What makes you say that?" I asked uneasily."Well, one time I woke up, and there was a noise coming from down here. I couldn't get back to sleep, so I came down, but you were both lying on here. You were on to of Suzy, with your trousers down, and you were, sort of, pushing up and down, and you were both making these gasping noises.""So... what did you do?" I asked faintly."Well... I felt a bit scared, and I was sleepy, so I went back to bed. But it's OK, now I know what you were doing." She considered for a moment. "You were in love with Suzy, weren't you?" I nodded. I didn't feel awkward talking about Suzy, but I wasn't sure where this was leading. "Do people have to be in love, to do it?"I thought quickly about what I should say to this. "They don't have to be," I said at last. "People do it... It's called making love, and people do it for different reasons. Sometimes it's because they're in love, sometimes they really like each other, and get turned on by how sexy each other is. That's OK too. But it's best if you're doing it with someone you're in love with.""Oh." She thought for a moment. "Andy? What does a willy look like, when it's stiff?""It... um... well, it..." I was really floundering now. How do you explain something like that to someone who's never seen it?"I know," she said suddenly, clapping her hands in joy at the brilliant idea she'd just had. "I could look at yours, and you can rub it so it feels sexy and gets stiff.""Uh... Whoa, sweetheart." That really threw me into a spin, not least because the back of my mind was vaguely aware of my cock immediately hardening. Where was that coming from? "You can't just go asking men to show you their willies. It's not right."She looked totally gobsmacked. "But you've seen my pussy," she pointed out. "So what's wrong with me seeing your willy? Fair's fair."I couldn't deny that she had a point; and, as I struggled in my head with the arguments, I began to realise that part of me was hoping I couldn't find a convincing reply. What's the harm? a voice was whispering inside me. It's only educational, it's not like I'm going to do anything. And if she doesn't get what she wants from me, she might ask someone who can't be trusted."All right," I said at last, warily. "But you mustn't tell anyone. Some people might not understand. Promise?""Promise," she agreed quickly, her eyes shining. "It's a secret, cross my heart and hope to die." She a little away from me, watching expectantly. "Come on," she said, "get it out."Feeling absurdly awkward and shy, in front of this little girl, I undid my trousers and pulled them down. I could see Imogen's wide eyes following my every movement; and she gave a little squeal, that was between joy and consternation, when she was able to see that something was making my underpants stick right out in front. "Oh, Andy," she breathed, "it's getting sexy already. Let me see, please."So I worked the underwear down over the healthy erection I was sporting, and sat with my stiff cock sticking almost straight upwards, while Imogen stared, holding her breath with excitement. After a moment, she reached out a hesitant hand until she'd almost made contact, then snatched it quickly away. She looked up at me doubtfully, sucking her lower lip. "It's beautiful," she whispered. "Can I touch it?"No way, I said, it's wrong, and I don't want to go to prison. At least, that's what I thought I was saying, until I heard my voice coming out with, "OK, if you want to."She reached again cautiously, while I sat and wondered what the hell I thought I was doing. I felt her little fingertips brush against the head, and it gave an entirely involuntary twitch at the sensation. Imogen snatched her hand back with a little scream; but, almost at once, she was reaching out again, more confident this time. "It's so big," she said. "It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."Well, beauty's in the eye of the beholder; but I'd never thought of a man's cock as beautiful. Like most men would, I felt a surge of pride at having mine described as so big. I did feel a bit of a fraud at this reaction, though, aware that almost any adult cock would seem big to a nine-year-old girl."Touch it again, if you want to," I suggested. I think it was at that point that my nagging conscience gave up in disgust. "You could rub it, if you like."She nodded abstractedly, as she ran her fingertips more confidently over the shaft, giggling as she found that the foreskin drew back from the head. Exposing the reddened knob, she played with it for a bit, investigating the little slit at the end. "Is that where it comes out of?" she asked, glancing up at me. I nodded, unwilling to trust my voice to answer. I'm not normally a quick shooter, but I was definitely close to coming. I'd never in my life experienced anything a fraction as erotic as this sweet little girl playing with my cock, half like a baby, half like a slut.Imogen giggled again, out of sheer joy, and partly, perhaps, the dim realisation of just how much she was able to control this grown-up. She started a regular rubbing motion up and down the shaft, making up in hard wanking what she lacked in skill. she even brought her other hand round, and started playing with my balls. It only took a minute or so of this, before I felt them tighten and the spunk surging up my cock. Then my head flew off into outer space, and I felt spurt after spurt of sticky come shooting out to splash her hands and my legs."Wow," she breathed, "you did a come." Then she looked down at her spunk-covered hands. "Yuck," she commented, though without any obvious disgust. "This is it, then?" Cautiously, she raised her right hand to her nose, and sniffed. "Is it safe?" she asked after a moment."Completely safe," I reassured her. "Unless, of course, you're intending to stick your hand up your pussy in the next few minutes." I'm not sure what made me say that; but I do know that I felt my cock twitch again, as I spoke.Imogen wrinkled her nose and looked at me as if I were mad. "Of course not," she said.I cleaned us both up with tissues from a box that Wendy keeps beside the settee (thanks, Wendy), and then Imogen got back on my lap and we cuddled very tightly in silence. It didn't occur to me until she was on my lap that I hadn't pulled my trousers up; but she didn't object, and I wasn't going to disturb her.After a while, I could tell, from the tension in Imogen's body, that she was working up to saying something. I just held her close, caressing her hair and her body, waiting till she felt ready to speak.Eventually, her face still buried deeply in my chest, Imogen mumbled, "Andy?""Yes, sweetheart?" I said."You know I said there's someone who makes me feel sexy?""Yes," I said, wondering what she was going to tell me."It's you," she said; then buried her face even more deeply.That gave me a few moments to take in this bombshell and think about my reaction. And what was my reaction? I'd only just discovered that the little nine-year-old I'd adored and looked after these two years gave me a hard-on. Now I was faced with the news that I'd been making her horny, too. How did I handle this?I suppose I didn't really make a decision, just left myself to fly by the seat of my pants. "Sweetheart," I said gently, "that's got to be the most flattering thing you can say about anyone. I feel really honoured that I make you feel sexy."Imogen lifted up her head and looked at me gravely. "You really don't mind?" she asked. I shook my head, and she smiled a suddenly sparkling smile. "That's great, isn't it, Andy? We both make each other feel sexy.""Hang on," I said, suddenly sensing a trap closing. "Who said you make me feel sexy?"Her eyes suddenly clouded, and she looked about to cry. I felt a real bastard, especially since she was absolutely right. "But," she protested uncertainly, "your willy got stiff when I asked to look at it. And when I rubbed it, you had a come-thing."I knew that, for Imogen's own protection, I really should be ruthless; but, looking at that stricken face that I loved so much, I couldn't bring myself to lie to her. "You're right," I said, avoiding meeting her eyes, "you're an incredibly sexy little girl, and being with you makes my willy hard."She giggled. "I know," she said, "I can feel it." I realised, with a shock, that I had another erection, and Imogen must be feeling it pressing into her bum. "Andy, will you put into my pussy? Please?"She must have read the shock on my face, because she went on quickly, "Well, I'm old enough for that now, as I've started getting eggs and bleeding, and we both make each other feel sexy, and... and I love you, and I always have, and... and... don't you love me?"So, of course, I just had to take her in my arms and kiss her. It started as an ordinary kiss, the kind we've shared plenty of times before; but it quickly developed into a passionate snog, mouths open, my tongue pushing into Imogen's mouth and dueling with her little tongue.When, at last, we separated, Imogen sat gazing at me, head slightly on one side, one of her sparkling smiles lighting up her cute face. "So we can do it?" she asked."Sweetheart," I said, wishing desperately I could make her understand, "I really would love to," (would I really? I thought, as I spoke) "but it just wouldn't be right."Imogen's mouth turned down at the corners, and her eyes took on that basilisk expression that only little girls do exactly right. Then, very suddenly, her face cleared. "Our teacher talked to us once," she said slowly, "about bad touching. I didn't really understand it then; but I suppose she must have been talking about people who want to put their willies up girls' pussies. She kept saying that we'd got the right to say no.""She was right," I said urgently. I knew I'd opened a can of worms, and the one thing I must do was to ensure that she understood this lesson. "All of these sexy things are great, if it's what you want, but you should never let anyone do anything like that to you if you don't want it, or if it's making you uncomfortable. Do you understand, sweetheart?"She nodded slowly, gravely. "Yes," she said slowly. "I wouldn't let anyone put his willy in me if I didn't want him to. But..." She looked at me very seriously. "If I've got the right to say no, doesn't that mean I've got the right to say yes, too?"As you might imagine, that floored me: it was an argument I'd never thought of before. "You're quite right, sweetheart," I said after a moment. "You've a perfect right to say you want to do anything that makes you happy. But don't forget, there are two people involved here."Imogen frowned at me again. "Do you mean?" she asked, "you don't want to do it with me? I thought you loved me.""Of course I love you, darling," I assured her quickly. "That's why I have to think about doing the right thing for you. You see, even though you're very grown up for your age, you're still a little girl. Sometimes, you might not realise how much you can be hurt by what you want, until it's too late. How could I say I loved you, if I didn't bother to make sure you're safe?"Imogen flung her arms around me, pulling herself close to me again. For a moment, I thought I was out of danger, until I realised that, once again, she was working up to saying something. Eventually, she said, "Andy, you know when we go to the playground?""Yes," I said, puzzled. For a moment, I thought she was going to accuse me of looking at other little girls (I don't think I ever had); but she simply said, "When I go and swing from right at the top of the climbing-frame. That scares you, doesn't it?""I didn't think you knew that, sweetheart. I tried not to make it too obvious; but I'm always afraid of you falling.""But you don't try to stop me, do you? You don't always think I have to be safe, when I'm having fun."There's no doubt about it: my little Imogen's going to be a lawyer when she grows up. I really didn't have an answer to her; and I was surprised how relieved I felt to discover that. Before that night, I'd have been horrified at the idea; but I knew now that what I wanted, more than anything in the world, was to be my sweet little girl's first ever lover, to watch her adorable little body shake and writhe and moan with orgasm after orgasm, knowing I was giving her that gift, to shoot my come in her pussy and her mouth and all over her soft, sweet skin. I wanted to do nothing else for the rest of my life but fuck little Imogen.I wasn't totally out of control, though. It was all happening too fast. I would sooner die than do anything to harm my baby girl; and what she wanted now, in the heat of the moment, might not be what she'd want tomorrow. Anyway, there were certain problems."Sweetheart," I said, holding her more tightly towards me. She put her lips up to mine, and we kissed, long and sensuously. "If it's what you really want," I added, when the kiss finally finished, "there's nothing I'd love more. But," I forestalled her reaction, "it wouldn't be very nice while you're bleeding down there, would it?"She stared at me for a moment, then shook her head slowly. I think she'd actually forgotten about the bleeding, for a moment. "OK," I said, "here's the deal. If you still want this as much when you've finished bleeding, then we'll do it. All right? But remember this, darling: if you have any doubts about it, any doubts at all, you must tell me. Never let anyone do anything to you that you don't want. I'll still love you every bit as much if you change your mind. Do you understand?"Imogen looked at me very seriously, and nodded. "Yes," she whispered."Right," I said, "I think it's past someone's bedtime.""Oh, no, can't I just...""You want your mum to come home and find you still up?" I gave her bum a playful smack. "Just because you're the sexiest little girl in the world, doesn't mean you don't have to go to bed."When I tucked her in, as I always did, she gazed up adoringly at me. "Andy," she said, "does this mean I'm your girlfriend now?"I smiled down at her. "If you want to be," I said. "I'd like that." And I gave her what started like our normal goodnight kiss, and finished up as though our mouths were making love."I love you, Imogen," I told her softly."I love you too, Andy," she murmured, half asleep. "I can't wait for next time."And, coming down the stairs with a hard-on I'd just have to deal with before Wendy got back, I acknowledged that I felt exactly the same.THE END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*This archive does not condone child abuse, we also donot censor authors. Anyone acting out such scenariosin "real life" can look forward to many unproductiveyears "getting it up the butt" by a fellow convict intheir local penitentiary.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 14
1. The Suzi Chronicles - BiographyIt was a very rare occurrence when Suzi failed to leave a long and lasting impression, no matter where she went. A 25-year-old female from the great state of Washington, Suzi could easily be described as the embodiment of many-a-man's ultimate fantasy girl. With the body of a centerfold and the legs of a showgirl, this blonde, flaxen-haired beauty was simply unrivaled. At 5-foot-5 and 101 pounds, Suzi had a sensational 36d-23-34 figure and the type of cover-girl face which any man would love to "unload" upon!With such marvelous physical attributes, was there any wonder why Suzi was so desirable among the men of Seattle?When meeting Suzi for the very first time, many guys got the idea that she was a soft-spoken, almost virginal type of woman. Why shouldn't this be their first impression of her? Suzi had innocent brown eyes and the type of smile which was one part naive, and one part playful.But as most men would often find out, the only way that Suzi could be ACCURATELY be described as the prototypical girl-next-door was if there was a WHORE-HOUSE next door!A self-described exhibitionist, Suzi admitted that she loved the idea of men lusting after her. Instead of being a pure tease, however, the young woman went out of her way to satisfy the lustful intentions of her male admirers.Suzi was the type of woman who refused to be tied down to just one man. Instead, she rather be tied down by ten men, all at the same time - especially if there were handcuffs and various other restraints involved!In a nutshell, Suzi was a true gang-bang-girl who would rather take on an army of guys - all at the same time (of course) - than spend an evening at home with just one man. But at the same time, the young woman considered one-on-one sex very delightful, as well. However, her personal motto in life was "the more men, the merrier".Although being the centerpiece of a gang-bang was her favorite past-time, Suzi really enjoyed ALL types of sex. She would often suck a man's cock as if her life depended on it, then swallow his sperm like it was her last meal. Then, the young woman would happily fuck her man (or men) with all the zest and energy anyone could ever ask for.With stunning physical attributes to go along with a sex drive which knew no end, Suzi was a cross between a Miss America contestant and the hottest, nastiest porno starlet you could ever think of. The intoxicating blonde was a walking "T & A Show" whose hunger for passion would eventually go down in Washington's history as pure legend.Born in November 1973 in the Seattle suburb of Lynwood, Suzi was the oldest of what would eventually become four children. Her father a military man and mother a bakery manager, the family moved from town-to-town as Suzi was growing up. However, they never ventured far from Seattle.Quite active in high school, Suzi's interests ranged from playing field hockey and softball, to cheerleading and ballet, to of all things - politics. Suzi didn't get many supporters for being President of her class, but easily won the voting - in landslides - for Homecoming Princess/Queen during all four years of her stay throughout high school. She simply looked better than any other female in her class.As a teen-ager, Suzi was a decent student who had sincere aspirations of being a registered nurse one day in the future - preferably, at a children's hospital. However, the beautiful blonde had one weakness in life - guys.While growing up, Suzi found it next to impossible to stay with any single guy for an extended period of time. She would date a guy for a few weeks or maybe a month, then her eye would start to wander. Before long, the vixen had moved onto a new boyfriend. Then, the process would simply repeat itself - dump the current boyfriend and find someone else. Very simply, Suzi had never met a guy whom she did not like - or lust after.Eventually, Suzi began to manage multiple boyfriends, at the same time. She would go out with one on a particular evening, then have a date with another guy the very next night. The young woman once went out with 11 separate guys in high school, on 11 consecutive nights!But at the age of 18, Suzi's sexual life exploded like a supernova. One evening, two of her boyfriends were arguing over who exactly had a date with her that night. They almost got into a fist-fight. Not wanting the studs to brawl over her, Suzi came up with a simple, yet logical solution to the problem. "Don't worry, I'll fuck both of you," she told them.On that evening, Suzi changed from a sexually-curious high-schooler to a bonafide super-slut. Both of the guys eagerly pounded and fucked Suzi from every angle and position; they left NO hole unfulfilled.Now aware that having sex with two guys at the same time was much better than one, Suzi eventually tried three men. Then four. And five...She once was involved in an eight-on-one encounter - eight studs (the men) and one fuck-toy (Suzi).Throughout her college years, Suzi was known to many as "The Campus Slut". As captain of the cheerleading squad, the insatiable slut fucked professors and fellow students alike. All the guys on campus knew that if they wanted some easy pussy, Suzi was the girl to see. She literally took on just about every single man who came her way.One of her most memorable college experiences happened after the varsity football team got an exciting win over its biggest rival. For their efforts, Suzi decided that a "celebration" was in order - with none other than the squad's offensive line. The slut was gang-banged by eight strong guys, who together, weighed more than 2,000 pounds. But that did not bother Suzi, who fucked each and every lineman until they were completely exhausted - and yet, the blonde still wanted more.Suzi got more the next evening, as she set her sights on the team's set of linebackers. The end result was almost exactly the same as her encounter with the offensive line. A hot fuck-fest, ending with the guys strewn about the floor in total exhaustion - with Suzi still wanting more.However, Suzi did not limit her taste in men to athletes, even though she was the Captain of the Cheerleading Squad. That position, of course, typically requires that the female date only athletes and the cream-of-the-crop, in terms of guys. Yet Suzi knew no boundaries when it came to men. It did not matter to her whether a guy was the quarterback of the football team, or a 90 pound weakling who was bullied and picked-on by his peers. As long as a prospective man had a cock, Suzi was always more than willing to take him on. The 18-, 19-, 20-year-old guys who had not been lucky enough to experience sex during their high school years suddenly had a change of fortune - thanks to Suzi. The slut was responsible for helping at least 30 guys lose their virginity during her stay in college.Suzi was so hot and desirable, that eight guys were serious when they asked her to marry them, while in college.One of those eight guys was her math professor while she was a freshman. Suzi had a hard time in that class and was failing miserably when she decided to see if getting more "personal" with the professor would somehow boost her grade.The blonde asked him if he would see her after his final class of the day, in order to discuss her grades. Being a good instructor, he agreed - completely unaware of what Suzi had in store for him.What happened was Suzi made him an offer he simply could not refuse. She would fuck the professor at least two times each and every week until the course ended, as long as he gave her a decent grade (a 'C'). Their first encounter took place right in the classroom, minutes after her initial offer. Suzi was spread-across the professor's desk and received a good, hard fucking. It was the first of many from that professor, who, like the seven others who proposed marriage to her throughout college, was turned down.That was not the only professor she seduced, either. In fact, Suzi really breezed through college and got herself a degree, yet learned very little. The reason why was simple.An old saying, especially in the United States, is that some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouth. Suzi? Well, she was born with a cock in hers.After graduating from college, Suzi found a job at a local hospital. However, long, 12 hour work days did not stop her from continuing to charm and seduce just about every man who came her way. The young woman once even exhibited her "bedside manner" by fucking a patient.Yet at heart, Suzi was still a true gang-bang-girl. She absolutely loved having sex with one guy, but getting fucked by a whole group of men... that was even better. The more cock at her disposal, the happier this slut was.During this time period, the blonde never really considered one boyfriend more important than another - until Michael came along. At age 26, Michael was the perfect match for Suzi and her tastes. Not only was he excellent in bed, but Michael also enjoyed sharing his girlfriend with other men. As a result, he originated several gang-bangs with Suzi as the featured attraction. Michael would invite some of his close friends over, then they would all take part in a "Suzi-bang".Although Michael was her "main" boyfriend, Suzi was as sexually active as ever before. The nympho simply LOVED to fuck. She CRAVED the feel of a big cock in either her pussy or her ass (or both, at the same time). Sexually speaking, there was really no limit as to how far she would go.About a year ago, the young woman quit her job at the hospital and decided to pursue a career as - what else? - a stripper. Taking off her clothes and exposing her body to the public was the PERFECT job for this slut. This new profession also provided her with a chance to meet even more men who wanted nothing more to do than fuck her senseless. The young woman had indeed, found her true calling in life.Suzi actually prefers to think of herself as a slut. To prove this point, her proper name is Susan. But she prefers `Suzi', because it sounds "really cheap, and whorish." Those are her actual words.2. The Suzi Chronicles - Bimbo HotelSeated in her car outside of one of Seattle's most lavish and expensive hotels, Suzi took one last look in the mirror. It should come as no great shock that the 25-year-old woman absolutely loved the reflection that she saw.Simply put, Suzi looked marvelous. She reminded one of a high-priced whore, wearing a black mini-dress which featured a short-skirt and a plunging neckline, along with halter-like straps. To compliment the snug-fitting dress, Suzi also wore dark stockings and come-fuck-me-pumps which had 6-inch heels.The mini-dress hugged Suzi's considerable curves, really showing off the outline of her full, firm breasts, as well as her perfect ass. The dress was tight and slinky, and fit her body like a glove. Close inspection revealed that the nympho was not wearing a bra. Her nipples were hard and erect, protruding against the fabric. Suzi's long-flowing blonde hair contrasted perfectly with the sexy black dress.The young woman smiled at herself in the mirror and then let out a tiny giggle. "It's time to go and find yourself a stranger, girl," she told her reflection, a devious look on her lovely face. "A stranger... to fuck!"This sort of thing was nothing new to Suzi. She had made it a normal practice to find and seduce strangers. It was the conquest which really turned her on. Many times, Suzi did not even know the name(s) of the man (or men) whom she seduced. It was "Hello, please fuck me, goodbye."Suzi got out of her car and then locked it, and turned toward the hotel. One of Seattle's most luxurious, this hotel would be the blonde's mating grounds for the night. She looked at the huge building, wondering to herself what was waiting inside for her.With an air of confidence and sensuality about her, Suzi started walking toward the hotel. High-heels clicking, the slut was already drawing glances from appreciative men in the parking lot as she made her way to the front entrance.As she walked into the hotel, Suzi smiled to herself when she saw a young bell-hop staring at her. With his expression, Suzi could tell that he was raping her, with his eyes. Suzi shuddered at the thought of going into a dark, back room with that young stud, but really felt like seducing an older man tonight.Heads turned and eyes glanced as Suzi made her way toward the hotel restaurant. For the great majority of men in the vicinity, watching Suzi jiggle and bounce about in the slutty black dress had quickly become their favorite activity.Suzi was the center of attention as she entered the hotel restaurant. All eyes were undressing her as she sauntered over to the bar. Finding an empty stool, Suzi smiled at the bartender and ordered a glass of wine.It wasn't 10 seconds before a man walked up to the blonde and made his presence known. More than twice her age, Suzi eyed the man and offered him a charming smile."Hello there, miss," the man said. "Mind if I take a seat here?"Suzi, already figuring this would be the man she would fuck, gave him a sweet smile. "No, not at all." The man, dressed in an expensive business suit, grinned as he sat down next to her. "By the way, I'm Suzi.""Nice to meet you, Suzi," the man said, taking Suzi's hand and gently kissing it. "My name is Robert. Why is a beautiful young woman like you all alone tonight?""Oh, I broke up with my boyfriend," she replied, which was a total lie. Suzi and Michael were as close as ever."Is this guy stupid?" Robert asked. "How could he let someone like you slip away?"Suzi giggled at that comment. "Oh, I don't know. I'm certain he had his reasons." She paused for a moment. "What is your story, Robert? What are you doing here tonight, in this hotel?""Oh, I'm here on business," he told her. "This is my last night in Seattle before going back home to San Diego. The flight leaves in the morning.""I see," the blonde remarked, grinning. "Well... that leaves us tonight, to be together."Robert nearly choked on his wine after Suzi made that comment. He quickly straightened himself out, then looked at the beautiful blonde. "I'm old enough to be your father, sweetheart." He paused. "Does that bother you?"Suzi laughed at his question. "I once dated a 60 year old guy when I was 19. So no... you being old enough to be my father - does not bother me, at all. In fact, I find older men VERY attractive."Robert started to feel a twinge in his trousers. Suzi was already making him hard, and she hadn't even touched him yet! "Would you care to dance, Suzi?""Hey Robert!" came a male voice from behind. "Looks like you got lucky; you found yourself a beautiful lady tonight."Both Suzi and Robert turned around upon their stools, and found another middle-aged man standing there. Robert frowned for a quick instant, then looked over at Suzi. "Sweetheart, this is John. He's my business partner."The blonde smiled at him. "Nice to meet you. I'm Suzi.""The pleasure is all mine, believe me," John told her.Robert cut in, "John, Suzi and I were just about to have a dance. How about going someplace else? I'd like to have a little privacy with her." The tone of Robert's voice suggested that he was a bit angry at his associate for barging into their discussion."Whoa, settle down," Suzi told Robert, raising her voice slightly. "You and I will have our dance. But John, you don't have to go anywhere."Robert frowned as John beamed. "That sounds great! I would like to have a dance with you, too."Suzi smiled at him. "After Robert and I have our dance, you will have your turn with me, too. Sound good?""Sure does!" John exclaimed.As Robert led Suzi to the dance floor by the hand, he tried to hide the frown upon his face. Once again, he thought to himself, John had interfered in his life. They were best friends, but John had this uncanny knack for showing up at the most inopportune times. Now, Robert would have to share this blonde bombshell with John on the dance floor tonight. He wanted her for himself...Of course, Suzi had different ideas. Her original intent in visiting the hotel tonight was to find and seduce a stranger. Well, now her plan was to seduce a PAIR of strangers - namely, Robert and John. Sex with one man was nice, but the idea of getting D.P.'d by two guys at the same time was even better...As Suzi walked onto the dance floor with Robert, several eyes throughout the restaurant were locked upon the blonde's backside. Her hips twitching and swaying from side-to-side in a most provocative manner, Suzi was giving everyone quite a show. That tight, sweet little ass had quickly become the main focus of attention all throughout the establishment.The band started to play a slow, love tune, which allowed Robert to hold Suzi close to him. He placed his hands upon her frail waist as she wrapped both arms around his broad shoulders. Robert's body shuddered with desire once the hot blonde placed the side of her face upon his chest and sighed. Robert could not believe that he was dancing with a woman who young enough to be his daughter. Though age 25, Suzi was more like a "girl" to the 52-year-old.Once again, the man's cock began to stir in his trousers as Suzi pressed her body against his. The feel of her full, firm breasts squished against his chest was more than enough to get the sexual electricity flowing all throughout his body. Why couldn't all women be this desirable?The side of her face upon his chest, Suzi smiled from ear-to-ear as she felt a hard lump forming against her stomach. It was Robert's cock, getting larger and larger by the second. The young woman only excited him more by thrusting her abdomen upon his crotch.Robert's body was flushed with desire when the song came to an end. Much to his dismay, however, Suzi told him that now it was John's turn for a dance with her. Robert sighed, but reluctantly agreed to "lend" Suzi to his associate.As the blonde quickly found out, John was more forward than Robert. The band started playing another love song, which was just fine with Suzi. Robert retreated while John took his place on the dance floor. He immediately placed his hands upon Suzi's waist and roughly pulled her body against his. He then moved his hands upward, to the middle of her back, and pulled her chest hard into his. The two began a slow and sexy dance, their bodies crushed together."What's the deal with you, lady?" John whispered, into her ear."What do you mean?" Suzi asked, feigning innocence."I seen what you were doing with Robert," the man replied. "Rubbing yourself up against him, enjoying it. In fact, you seem to be enjoying yourself right now - both of our bodies real close and tight, like this." He paused. "It is not often that a woman is so straightforward like this, minutes after meeting someone.""I want you and Robert to fuck me," she whispered, a big grin upon her face. That statement was `classic Suzi'. She was never afraid to say what was on her mind.John was speechless for a moment, but quickly regained his senses. With just about everyone in the restaurant watching them, the man slid his right hand downward and rubbed it over the blonde's tight ass. "You want both of us to fuck you?" he asked."Yes sir," Suzi giggled. "That is why I came here to the hotel tonight - to get fucked.""You do this sort of thing often?" John inquired, his lips close to her ear. "I mean, fucking strangers?""More often that you probably think," Suzi giggled.John, his cock hard as steel in his trousers, ended the dance and took a step back. "Then I suggest that we go up to our room. Since you want both Robert and myself, I think you should go over and tell him."Suzi nodded her head, then turned and started back toward Robert. As she made her way, John stood on the dance floor and shook his head in pure amazement. Suzi was the hottest, sexiest woman he had ever seen in his entire life. There was NO DOUBT about it.That platinum-blonde hair, that angelic face, those ruby-red lips... and that body, OH, that body. John had never seen such a petite, small-waisted woman with such large breasts. The mere sight was more than enough to make his mouth water, with anticipation. John knew one thing for sure - Suzi belonged in an adult magazine, as a centerfold.At the bar, Robert was feeling a mixture of emotions as Suzi approached him. Like everyone else in the place, he had watched John plant his hand upon her ass and massage it roughly. He also noticed that the 25-year-old woman did not do a single thing to stop him. In fact, Robert could tell that she liked what John had done to her. Had she chosen John over him? His worries abounded...With a serious expression upon her face, Suzi grabbed a chair and went straight over to Robert. She set it down just in front of him, then raised a high-heeled foot off the floor and placed it upon the chair. Robert's eyes widened with pure lust as Suzi's short-skirt had ridden up, fully exposing her tiny, trimmed pussy for his gaze.The slut was not wearing any panties!Suzi leaned forward on her upper thigh and grinned at him. "Like what you see?" Her smile became brighter as Robert could do nothing but stare up her short-skirt. "I will take that as a yes. Anyway, John and I are going up to his hotel room. Since you two are here on business, I suppose that is your room, as well. So, you are welcome to cum and join us... and I do mean CUM.""For what?" was all Robert could muster, his eyes still fixated upon her pussy."What do you think, silly?" Suzi teased him. "I want you and John to fuck me! Double-fuck me!" Still stunned, Robert made no move whatsoever. "Come on," Suzi giggled, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. "Let's go..."Robert found his legs moving as he and Suzi started toward the elevator. A mere instant later, John appeared and latched onto Suzi's other arm. The trio quickly made their way into the elevator and seconds later, were on the way to the 31st floor.Meanwhile, back in the restaurant, just about everyone was stunned and dazed. They had all witnessed Suzi place her foot upon the chair and expose herself to Robert, as well as John feeling her up on the dance floor. And it was quite obvious to everyone that with the way the trio left, they were headed to a hotel suite for a round of sex.Some people were already making assumptions. "I wish all prostitutes looked that way," one guy said to his friend. "That whore is fucking HOT.""Yeah," his buddy replied. "I'd blow my whole savings on a hooker like that."Neither of those men realized, however, that Suzi was not a prostitute - she was not after Robert and John for their cash. Money was of no concern to her. The only thing that she wanted from Robert and John, as well as every other man, was their cock...3. The Suzi Chronicles - Suite SeductionWith an elevator ride from the first to the 31st floor, Suzi had a good opportunity to get better acquainted with both Robert and John. As the elevator began its ascent, Suzi backed up into John and grinded her ass up-and-down upon his crotch. In turn, the man grinned with lust and reached around to her front, and grasped two big handfuls of luscious breasts.Robert, meanwhile, was feeling a bit apprehensive about all of this. He, like any normal man who saw her, wanted to fuck Suzi more than anything. But having to share her with another man? That was something different - something he had never tried before.However, those negative thoughts began to ease into the background of his mind as he watched Suzi and John go at it, just in front of him. John was against the far wall of the elevator, with Suzi in front of him, jamming her hips into his pelvic area. John's hands were busy mauling and groping the young woman's impressive pair of breasts, their faces awash with passionate lust.The thing that most appealed to Robert, however, was the hem of Suzi's mini-dress. It ended directly at mid-thigh, and showed a generous amount of her long, sleek legs. He remembered just moments ago - the slut placing her foot upon a chair in the restaurant, allowing him to look directly up her skirt. Suzi, of course, was not wearing any panties and as a result, Robert got a delicious view of her pussy.Suzi continued to rub her ass upon John's crotch as he mauled her breasts from behind. Robert, pushing the last bit of apprehension within him aside, stepped forward and looked into the young woman's eyes. They were blazing with desire - just like his own body. Time to make his move...Robert reached down with both of his hands and grabbed the hem of Suzi's mini-dress. Then, he slowly pulled it upward - all the way to her waistline. The slut giggled with lust as both her pussy and bare ass came into view.John could not help but to move one hand from a breast, down to Suzi's perfect ass. He pinched and squeezed its firm flesh while Robert reached out with an open palm, and placed it directly under Suzi's pussy.The nymphomaniac's body tensed with pleasure as Robert brought his hand up and gently rubbed her sweet spot. He could tell that she was already a bit wet. Now rubbing and massaging her delicate pussy, Robert grinned with lust as Suzi started writhing about upon his hand.Of course, Robert was fascinated by that little pussy of hers. He had been ever since she openly flashed him in the hotel restaurant. He wondered to himself whether it tasted as delicious as it looked...As the seconds passed, Suzi's body was receiving a good groping, from both Robert and John. John was squeezing both her breasts and ass, while Robert frigged her pussy with his open palm. At the same time, the blonde was rubbing her hips up-and-down upon John's crotch. She could feel that he had developed a mighty erection within his trousers...However, things came to an abrupt halt just before the elevator reached the 19th floor. A bell sounded, meaning the doors would soon open and someone (or a group of people) would be joining them.Acting on impulse, Robert grabbed the hem of Suzi's dress and pulled it back down, into place upon her thighs. At the same time, John released the slut from his grasp and gently pushed her forward - away from him. Neither man wanted anyone to see them frisking a woman like this.A mere second later, the doors of the elevator slid open.An old man, about 70 or so, stepped into the elevator and immediately developed an odd expression on his face. Even though Suzi's mini-dress was back in place and both Robert and John were a few feet away from her, the old man could tell that something was fishy.The blonde's lovely face was flushed a dark red, and the old guy easily saw both Robert and John trembling. Even more, Suzi's long-flowing blonde hair was a bit mused and fluffed-up from all the heavy petting. She, as well as both guys, were also breathing a bit heavier than normal.The old man shook his head in disgust at Suzi, figuring that she was a prostitute. With that mini-dress, she looked like a high-class whore. The old man could easily tell that before getting on the elevator, both Robert and John had been all over her. There are better ways for that woman to make her money, the old guy said to himself.Suzi, sensing the old codger's disapproval, tried but failed to stifle a laugh after he turned around. As the elevator began another ascent, the man just shook his head with a frown upon his face. "I'm not going to look at that woman again," he told himself.At the 25th floor, the elevator stopped again. This was where the old man got off. After stepping out, he shook his head one last time and mumbled, "Damn whore..."As the elevator doors closed, Suzi burst out into laughter at his comment. Robert and John followed suit. Looks like they had encountered an old-fashioned fellow..."He thought I'm a hooker!" Suzi laughed, as the elevator started moving again. "Can you believe that?" She paused. "I'm not here tonight for money. I'm here tonight to get FUCKED! No one has to pay me, to fuck!"With that remark, both Robert and John reached full erections within their trousers. The pair of guys were quickly realizing this would be an evening they would NEVER forget - not even in a million years.When the elevator finally reached the 31st floor, John latched onto Suzi's arm and guided her into the hallway. Robert quickly took the lead and dashed over to room 31-69. He unlocked the door and watched as John quickly ushered the beautiful blonde inside. Robert followed suit and then locked the door behind him.Suzi wiggled her way out of John's grasp, freeing herself for a moment. She turned toward the pair of guys and used an arm to brush back several strands of blonde hair away from her forehead. "Listen up, guys," she told them. "I like my sex HARD, and NASTY. If either of you have any unfulfilled fantasies deep within yourself, this is the time to live them out. There is NOTHING I won't do."John paused for a moment, letting that statement sink in. Finally, he spoke up, "You mean, I can fuck you in the ass? I've always wanted to do that to a woman."Suzi grinned at him. "You can fuck my ass once, twice, three times if you want. One of my boyfriends likes to call me 'Butt-Slut Suzi' - so you know that I've had it done to me before." She looked over at Robert. "Same for you, stud. Any fantasies - I'm the person for you."Robert smiled at the thought. Ever since he was young, Robert had a ultra-serious fantasy for spanking a woman. It always been an unfulfilled fantasy - until perhaps, tonight. The thought of 'Yank that hair and slap that ass' had forever been one of his darkest desires..."Looks like we hit the jackpot tonight, buddy," John said to his friend. "I wish there were more women like this down in Los Angeles." He smiled at Suzi. "I'd love to take you home with me, sweetheart. I'd treat you like a princess.""Oh, I think Suzi is one-in-a-billion," Robert offered. "I'm not really sure there is another woman like her. So beautiful and adorable, yet so nasty at the same time...""I think it is high time that we give this slut what she wants," John grinned, unbuttoning his trousers. "A nice, double-dose of hard cock!"Suzi could do nothing but smile at that suggestion...* * *Robert took the cue from John and started undressing himself. The young woman's eyes flashed with passion as she watched both men strip before her. On pure instinct, Suzi responded by hiking the hem of her mini-dress upward - past her waist once again. Then, she took a seat on the edge of the bed and with her thighs open and widespread, began massaging her pussy with an open hand.Both men watched with pure lust as Suzi openly masturbated in front of them. She looked so nasty, with her skirt pulled up to her waist and a hand stuffed between her thighs. Robert and John knew this really was going to be a memorable night - there was NO DOUBT about it.All of his clothing scattered about upon the floor, John quickly joined Suzi on the bed and took her into his arms. He then smashed his mouth to hers, kissing her deeply. In turn, the slut's right hand slowly went from massaging her own pussy to frigging John's thick erection.The man growled with lust and hunger as he savagely explored Suzi's inner mouth with his tongue. Gripping her tightly, John raped Suzi's mouth with his lips and tongue. As he expected, tasting the young woman's mouth with a deep kiss was simply wonderful. Her mouth tasted perfect...Suzi returned some of John's passion by kissing him hard in return. She found his tongue with her own, deep within her mouth, and swiped them together in repeated fashion. At the same time, she continued to frig and pump away upon his bulging erection with her right hand.When John pulled Suzi down to the bed with him, the two continued kissing as they lay on their sides. Robert used this opportunity to get a better look at the tiny, precious jewel that was nestled between Suzi's thighs.Robert, now nude himself, crawled onto the bed and moved his head toward Suzi's pussy. Still kissing John, the slut saw what Robert was doing and immediately spread her thighs wider for him. Robert smiled as he moved his face to within inches of Suzi's womanly slit.He reached out with a fingertip and gently caressed the 25-year-old's damp clitoris, which caused her to shudder with excitement. Suzi responded by increasing the ferocity of her shared kiss with John, while frigging his cock harder and faster than before.Robert received a little slice of heaven when he extended his tongue and swiped away upon the young woman's pussy for the very first time. The taste was most intoxicating to him. He was equally delighted to hear a moan escape from deep within her throat immediately afterward.Robert used two fingers to pry Suzi's slit apart, then drove his tongue deep inside. The slut moaned and arched her back high off the bed in response. He wiggled his tongue around within the confines of her pussy for several seconds, then withdrew it and went to work on her clitoris.Meanwhile, as John continued ravaging Suzi's mouth with his own, he knew that Robert and himself had been lucky - they had caught themselves quite a nymphomaniac tonight. What better way to conclude a boring business trip, than a blazing fuck session with a hot slut?"Cock-suck," Suzi mumbled against John's kiss. "I want to cock-suck you. Suck your cock..."When those words registered in his mind, John grinned and immediately broke the kiss. His cock had been receiving the royal treatment from Suzi's right hand - but now, it would get the ultimate pleasure as she would blow him off.John scooted forward on the bed, until his erection was lined up directly across from Suzi's face. Suzi kept her legs widespread, allowing Robert to easily taste her pussy as she rolled onto her back. The blonde then rose up upon her elbows, and John responded by getting onto his knees. Now, his cock was in perfect alignment with her mouth...The young woman gripped his erection with her right hand and took half of it into her mouth. John responded without hesitation, grinning and moaning in uncontrollable lust. Suzi's brown eyes were wide-open and awash with desire as she stared up at her lust-lover, her mouth and hand doing sheer wonders for his erection.The young woman withdrew John's cock for a moment and licked it several times in the open air, then took it back into her mouth. This time, she swallowed more of his meat. With her hand at the base of his shaft, Suzi's mouth was jammed against her fist. She twirled her tongue over and across his enlarged member within her mouth, enjoying the feel of such a monster.At the same time, Robert was feasting away upon the insatiable slut's pussy with his lips and tongue. He was flicking his tongue over and across her damp clitoris in rapid-fire succession, causing her body to shudder in pure excitement. She tasted MARVELOUS to him...Quite a scene had developed here. Suzi was sitting on the bed, propped up by her elbows as John was on his knees beside her. He, of course, had his cock stuffed deep in her throat. Meanwhile, Robert's face was buried between Suzi's outstretched thighs as he licked and slurped away at her pussy. Both men were completely nude, but Suzi still had on the sexy mini-dress she had worn to the hotel. Its hem, however, had been yanked upward, beyond her waist.The nymphomaniac withdrew her right hand from the base of John's cock, then took the rest of its length into her mouth. Her head began to bob back-and-forth in a wild manner as she gave him a special dose of no-hands-head.As could be expected, John was quickly losing control of his body. NO ONE had ever given him quite a masterful blowjob like this. Suzi knew all the right buttons to push and levers to pull, to bring her men absolute ecstasy."I'M GONNA CUM!" John roared.With the poise of an expert cock-sucker (which is what she was, you know), Suzi steadied herself and took John's entire length into her mouth. Her nose stuffed against his lower abdomen, Suzi looked up at John and waited for his imminent explosion. One final tongue slash in her mouth...John growled as he deposited a heavy dose of sperm right into the young woman's throat. He looked down, amazed at the sight. Suzi's ruby-red lips had formed a big 'O' around his erection as she took his cum - and it drove him crazy.John roared once again as a second helping of jizz shot out from within his cock. He was equally amazed that this slut seemed to be swallowing every last ounce of his sperm!Suzi giggled as yet another blast of cum was jettisoned into her mouth. She could really do this for the rest of eternity, and never become bored. The young woman simply swallowed his cum down her hungry throat, and enjoyed every last drop of it in the process. Who needs water? This slut could live on sperm for the rest of her life...John sighed one last time before pulling his deflated shaft out from within Suzi's mouth. The blonde had sucked him off until he rewarded her with several blasts of cum. Both individuals were very happy...Not to be forgotten, Robert had worked Suzi's body into a fever pitch as he continued feasting on her pussy. Now able to focus all of her attention on Robert's oral probing, the young woman screamed and cried out in ecstasy. She reached down with one hand and placed it atop Robert's head, while arching her neck and back.It was like an all-you-can-eat-buffet for Robert - and Suzi was the only thing on the menu!The slut tightened her thighs around Robert's head as she felt an orgasm explode within her. She cried out yet again, this time as cum oozed out from her pussy. Robert, enjoying the taste, sucked the sweet nectar into his mouth and slurped it down to his stomach."OH FUCK YEAH!" Suzi screamed out, her body vibrating with passion and lust.When the spasms died down, Robert withdrew his head from between Suzi's thighs. John could not help but to laugh at his friend, as his face was completely soaked with cum. Knowing it was courteously of Suzi, Robert used his fingers to wipe his face clean - then sucked them dry."This is one hot slut," John said, reaching out and cupping both of Suzi's breasts with his hands. He rubbed and massaged the full mounds through her mini-dress, enjoying their firmness."Something is not fair here," Robert said to his buddy. "You and I don't have a stitch of clothing on. Yet Suzi still has that dress on. That does not seem fair.""Yeah," John nodded. "I think it's high time that you and I get Suzi out of her dress."Still swimming in the aftermath of orgasm, Suzi giggled as both guys went to work on her mini-dress. They were not gentle and polite, either. Robert and John YANKED the dress from her body, nearly ripping it in the process. Within a matter of seconds, Suzi was completely nude - except for a pair of thigh-high stockings and accompanying high-heels."Blondie here talked about fantasies earlier," Robert announced. "About how we could fulfill ours tonight." He grinned and continued, "Well, I've always had the urge to turn a woman over my knee and give her a spanking she won't soon forget!" Robert was delighted when he saw Suzi beam with interest at his comment. "And who better to spank, than this naughty, little slut?"The young woman did not need any further coaxing. She got onto her hands and knees, then immediately crawled over to Robert and settled down across his lap."I have been a very bad girl," she told him, in almost a child-like voice. "So I understand if you want to give me a HARD spanking." She paused and gently whispered, "In fact, I probably deserve a HARD spanking."Robert was trembling with emotion and desire. This had almost been too easy! The man was 52-years-old and had a fetish for spanking for as long as he could remember. That desire had always been unfulfilled - until now. He had told Suzi of his deepest fantasy and just a few seconds later, she was sprawled across his lap! It WAS too easy!But nevertheless, Robert would not let this chance go by the wayside. Not in a million years...The blonde's ass, sweet and perfectly-proportioned, was upturned and staring Robert directly in the face. With his left hand, he reached out and gently massaged her hip. But with his right, however, he immediately got things started.Suzi's body flinched as Robert smacked one of her sweet ass-cheeks with his right hand, leaving a red mark. Next, the slut wiggled her backside in a circular motion... urging him to go even further. Robert responded in kind, crashing his hand down onto her opposite cheek."SPANK ME HARDER!" Suzi exclaimed, pleading with him.Robert was more than happy to oblige. He slapped her ass three times in succession, each time harder and faster than the last. He was enjoying this..."HARDER!" Suzi demanded. "SPANK ME HARDER!"In less than a second, this had become a challenge to Robert. If Suzi wanted it hard, she would get it HARD!This time, Robert really let her ass have it. With his right hand, he gave her a series of five slaps which both made loud noises and left beet-red marks upon her skin.Robert had laid the wood to her, and thought he may have exceeded her limit for pain. He hoped not, as his intention was not to hurt her...Growling like a crazed animal, Suzi roared, "SPANK ME HARDER, DAMNIT!"Robert could not believe what he had just heard, and was dazed for a moment. She wanted him to spank her harder? He had just given her ass five hard SHOTS... and she wanted it even harder? Suzi really was a dream-cum-true..."OKAY BITCH," Robert roared, a darker side of himself appearing for the first time ever. "You want it HARD? Well, I'm gonna give it to you HARD! Take this, BITCH!"Suzi cried out in passionate rage as Robert smacked her ass with considerable strength. He quickly followed suit with an equally strong blow. A third slap left the blonde screaming out her feelings..."YES!" Suzi exclaimed. "LIKE THAT! LIKE THAT! SPANK AND PUNISH ME _HARD_, LIKE THAT!"Her words only encouraged Robert to even further heights. He continued to smack her sweet ass with blow after blow, changing her skin to the brightest shade of red possible.In the process, Robert used his left hand to gather up a clump of Suzi's long blonde hair. He yanked on it, causing her head to snap backwards. The nymphomaniac giggled with lust as Robert pulled on her hair, while giving her ass the third degree with his right hand.The 52-year-old man caught a glimpse of his normal self, and realized that his cock was about to explode. Spanking this slut had made him more excited than EVER before.Instead of wasting his load in the open air, however, Robert knew there was a better place to unleash his sperm."I've gotta fuck you, slut," he said to Suzi, turning her over in his lap. "Hurry! Fuck me now!"This time, Suzi was more than happy to oblige. Her ass feeling as though it was on fire, she nonetheless rose to her knees and positioned her pussy just over Robert's cock. The man then grabbed her hips and immediately pulled her downward, impaling her with his erection. Robert embraced Suzi with both arms and buried his face between her ample pair of breasts as the two began to wildly fuck each other in the sitting-up position.John, meanwhile, had been recovering from the furious blowjob which Suzi had gave him. Watching the slut get spanked like a naughty schoolgirl had pumped his cock full of life. It was high time for his fantasy to come true..."You can fuck Suzi in the pussy," John said, getting Robert's attention. "But I'm going to fuck her in the ass!""D.P. sex?" Robert said, looking at his friend. "You want to double-penetrate her, together?""Why not?" John grinned. "I realize those are your favorite kind of scenes for adult movies."Robert smiled as he reclined until he was laying down upon the bed. Of course, he had taken Suzi with him, never letting her escape his embrace - while keeping his erection lodged within her pussy.Seated on his cock and bent over at the waist, Suzi's breasts were snugly tucked against Robert's chest as he pumped himself into her.John, meanwhile, got onto his hands and knees and moved up behind Suzi. He improvised, using a helping of nearby hand lotion for lubricant. John smeared the gooey lotion over and across the blonde's anus, lubricating it fully.With both hands, the man then reached out and grabbed each side of her sweet ass. After holding that position for several seconds, he finally fisted his cock with one hand, and then very gently, pushed it inside her puckered anus."FUCK!" Suzi screamed against Robert's chest as John invaded her through the 'backdoor'. She now had the ultimate pleasure of two cocks filling her up - one in her pussy, and another in her ass.If there was a third man present, Suzi could have a hard cock to suck on too...John gasped for breath once he finally had his cock all the way in her anus, his balls touching her ass. That was the deepest penetration he could provide, and it simply felt wonderful to both he and Suzi.Robert, his cock buried within her pussy, kissed the young woman's face as she wildly rocked it from side-to-side. Getting D.P.'d was perhaps her favorite sexual activity. A cock in both her pussy and ass was like heaven to her...Suzi suddenly buried her face against Robert's shoulder and screamed very loudly when John thrust himself into her anus. He gripped her ass firmly and held it with both hands, amazed at how incredibly tight she felt to him.Slowly but surely, John increased the speed and tempo of his thrusts. His head was thrown back, his eyes staring up at the ceiling. What an incredible feeling it was for John to have this raging nymphomaniac beneath him, as he pounded and invaded her ass with his erection...It had been John's life-long fantasy to fuck a woman in the ass - and now, he was actually doing it! He could not believe his luck. And this just wasn't ANY woman - it was the very beautiful, and very INSATIABLE, Suzi!Robert, meanwhile, continued to pump his hips upward, forging his cock further and further into Suzi's pussy.Eventually, John was filling Suzi's anus with deep and powerful thrusts. The mere sight of his cock pistoning in-and-out of her puckered rosebud was nearly enough to drive him insane with lust.The action hit a fever pitch as Robert and John began pounding away at her pussy and ass, with all the strength and power they could find within themselves. The sound of bodies slapping together echoed throughout the hotel suite as each man continued to hammer and drill away upon her.Writhing and squirming about, Suzi screamed in unison with Robert as his cock erupted within her pussy. His hips jammed upward, Robert roared in passionate rage as stream after stream of hot sperm was jettisoned into the blonde's pussy. Not only had she been full of cock, but now Suzi was full of sperm, as well!John only added to that fact as he buried his cock in Suzi's ass one final time, all the way to his balls. He then screamed while grabbing her hips, his shaft pumping load after load of semen deep into her bowels.* * *Thoroughly fucked, Robert and John eventually pulled their cocks out of Suzi. The young woman rolled off of Robert's chest and spilled over onto the bed, then slipped a hand between her thighs and began masturbating furiously.The night, as the old saying went, was still "young". Robert and John may have just received the fuck of a lifetime... but things were far from finished. No matter how tired the guys were, Suzi had ideas of them D.P.'ing her again - this time John in her pussy, and Robert in her ass.And Suzi ALWAYS got she wanted.[The End] Do you have any comments on this story? Whether they are positive or negative, ALL comments are greatly appreciated. Plus, I answer everyone who sends me a message. So... feel free to send me your thoughts via e-mail. The Midnight Lurker - * or * (IM's on AOL are welcome, too) Be sure to read ALL of the "Suzi" stories: Suzi Does Seattle Suzi's Erotic Odyssey Suzi's Insatiable Desire Suzi's Birthday Bash Suzi... Every Man's Dream Suzi's Fulfillment Suzi's Weekend Suzi and Brett Suddenly Suzi SuziFest '98 There's Something About Suzi Forever Suzi Suzi's Poolside Party The Suzi Chronicles Suzi and Ian There's No Girl Like a Suzi Girl
The red hound dog's head suddenly popped up from his drowsy position next to his master, Jackson Yoast. They all heard the noise of something approaching the campsite. The faithful hound became rigid, a low growl issued from his throat, as his bare teeth glistened in the fire light, and hair on his back stood up, ready to spring on some unknown adversary. Yoast quietly told him to stay. The creak of saddle leather and tinkle of some metal, sounds of an approaching rider brought the adults travelers alert to possible danger.Darkness had encompassed their campsite. The warmth of the fire felt good as the Yoasts and the Hiltons enjoyed their strong delicious coffee, and good conversation; it had been a long day of traveling. A supper of Catfish, Bluegill and a couple of Perch was over. The two teenage Hilton boys had done well wading along shore of the Cumberland River the travelers had just crossed, finding the fishing easy, as they worked the net with one on each end holding his makeshift pole to hold the seine near the bottom. The approaching guest caused Jackson to turn to face the sound, putting the firelight on his left side. His unseen right hand, next to his right leg, held his cocked Walker-Colt pistol. Caleb Hilton had also moved out of the firelight on the opposite side of the fire and repositioned his shotgun. "Howdy," a deep voice from the dark said loudly, "Kin Ah jyne ya?" "'Mon in," Yoast replied, tightening his grip on his pistol a bit more. His palm was damp he noticed. The fear of the Tennessee horror still would not allow him much rest. Manys the night the knife fight with the two Cowans had him sweating that cold sweat and suddenly sitting up in bed.The visitor's oversized mule was first to be illuminated by the campfire as it emerged from the darkness of the copse of maple and pine trees, and surrounding brush, into the camp. The camper's eyes widened with the sight of the rider astride the big John Mule. His wild, curly black hair on his head peeked out from under the 4-inch brimmed vintage 'John Bull' gentleman's top hat and blended into the massive beard that covered his face. He weighed at least 300 lbs. and looked to be twenty hands tall. Bits and pieces of brush and dirt clung to the hair everywhere. Astride the big mule, wearing a buffalo hide-coat, he could only be described as looking like a wild bear on a mule. Jackson was wary of the big stranger, always alert to a chance run in with a Cowans or some of their kin. "Wha brangs ya out so late, Mista?" he quizzed, carefully looking to see if he had any recognition of the man."Names Jedidiah Higginbottom, he offered. Ah were a tryin ta git cross tha river tanight 'fore campin'. If'n y'all weren't mind, Ah'd put my bedroll nextta ya fire fer tha night." Yoast glanced over to Caleb ever so slight, Hilton gave a small nod of approval and Jackson quickly looked back at Higginbottom and told him to step down and join them. This bear of a man was as large on the ground as he appeared mounted on his large John Mule. Not only was he big but he exuded an odor that would probably stop a bear in its tracks. The campers winced as the smell permeated the area. Higginbottom didn't seem to notice their reaction, most likely didn't care as he was used to the reaction as well as the smell. The stranger looked around as he stood by the fire. He could see the four adults and the four girls peeking out of the side of the Yoast wagon where they were bedded down for the night.He flashed the four staring girls a big grin, said howdy and gave a waggle of his fingers in a wave. "Y'all care ta share tha piece a fish thar?" he said as he spied the last of their supper setting by the fire. "Help ya self, Jackson responded, pickin's air amight slim but mebbe thars sum hushpuppies ta go with it."He had the fish in his hand and half eaten by the time Jackson had uttered hushpuppies. With a mouthful of Catfish, Higginbottom, asked for some hot coffee he had discovered near by. He got up, walked over to his Mule, reached in his saddlebag and produced a large tin cup. Everyone watched him closely, not sure what to expect. There were a few quiet sighs of relief as he turned back to his spot by the fire and reached for the blackened porcelain coffee pot and poured the last of the rich nectar.Jackson's wife, DeLyla, handed the big man a small basket with six of the flavorful pan-fried cornmeal balls; she nearly gagged at the man's odor. Jackson had not moved; he still kept his left hand on Red Dog, the hound, and the right hand, full of his Walker-Colt handle, resting by his leg. The five of the six hushpuppies quickly disappeared washed down by the strong black coffee. He offered the last one to Red Dog. Jackson said okay. The hound now calmed down but still alert to the smelly stranger, was not one to turn down food of any kind, even from a stranger. That hushpuppy also disappeared quickly. The hour late, and the fire burned down to a red-orange glow of hot embers, Caleb, put a medium size log on the embers for the night. He was also aware that his two boys were not to be seen since the stranger appeared in camp. He had taught them well about survival on the frontier. He knew they were watching the activity in the camp, just part of their training. The two could handle the old single barrel shotgun they shared as well as the large bladed knives they each carried; knives they had learned to throw with quiet accuracy.The stranger had placed his bedroll close to the fire where he was now lounging. He was munching on the Indian jerky pulled from his saddlebag. He had offered some to all, which they accepted out of courtesy, and tossed a piece to Red Dog. The hound was starting to warm to him a bit more with each bite of jerky. Yoast and Hilton had finally dozed off sitting by the fire, and the women and children had taken to their beds for the night. Higginbottom watching the dog carefully, pulled another piece of jerky from another pocket, a special piece of jerky made for special occasions, the same as the rest of the adult travelers had eaten. Red Dog took each bit tossed to him with eagerness, not tasting the sedative type herb the meat had been soaked in before drying. The big man had a bag full of tricks he had learned here and there. This one taught to him by some old medicine man. He also used it on his captives to make them more manageable as he disappeared in the night with the stolen treasure.The campers were correct to be unsure and wary of Mr. Higginbottom: Jedediah Higginbottom was a thief, among his other failings, in the worst way. He stole young girls, kept them for a while using them to satisfy his sexual needs then sold them for a nice profit. He had not accidentally stumbled into this camp; he hung out on this side of the river and selected his prey as they came across the Cumberland. His eyes this night were on the older two of the four girls in the big wagon. He knew a buyer, when he was done, that would pay good hard money for a twelve year old. Hell, that buyer was so rangy, he'd probably buy a good sheep.Several hours had passed since all had turned in. All were asleep except the two wide-awake teen boys, not far from the campsite, watching Higginbottom toss bits of jerky to the hound. They weren't sure why the red hound was quickly sound asleep."He musta fed ole Red Dog somethin ta mek him sleep, James whispered in his brother Theodore's ear so as not to be heard." Theodore nodded his head enough for James to feel the movement. The boys had not moved other than a slight stretch to get out the kinks, and take a piss. They watched as Higginbottom quietly got up from his bedroll. It appeared he was going to add wood to the embers for more warmth but he moved quietly towards the outside of the darkened camp, opened his britches and pulled out an eight inch penis and relieved himself near a tree. He then approached the Yoast wagon and his target. Jackson was still soundly asleep on the other side of the wagon near the dying fire; his pistol now resting on the ground partly out of his relaxed hand, and his chin parked on his chest. Caleb had managed, drunkenly staggering, to join his wife in the cramped space of their wagon. The thief made his move. He lifted the side canvas enough to see a little of the interior and the sleeping occupants by moonlight. He couldn't tell with certainty, which one was which but the one near the tailgate looked big enough. He slowly lifted the flap a bit more. He could now see she was one of the older girls.He took out his small bottle of herb sedative, uncorked it and dripped some in her slightly open mouth, waited, looked around for problems, then dripped some more. She licked her lips, swallowed, made a wrinkled face and relaxed to her sleep. He stood quietly as the herb worked.After a few minutes, he easily reached in and lifted the young Yoast girl, placing her over his shoulder then crept silently to his Mule. He laid her belly down in the saddle, letting his hairy hand slide over her buttocks, with an anticipated caress, lingering on her delicate thigh as his huge fingers explored the warmth of her young vagina lips. The young girl reacted to his forbidden caressing. Her developing derriere wiggled She moaned as he stroked her slit, moving his large finger up and down the full length of the virgin pussy, lingering on her cliterus. He went to retrieve his bedroll, watching for any movement. With the bedroll secured behind the saddle, and the girl tied to the saddle, he then removed some leather socks from his saddlebags for his mule's hooves. The socks would help quiet the movement as he walked the animal with its delicate rider away from safety.The boys watched in disbelief at the unfolding scene. Their anger increased at what they were witnessing, as did their arousal. They were under sixteen but knew what this stranger was doing with Abby, the pest. She might be a pest but they both liked the attention. Good sport to let them give her a hard time too.Higginbottom was out of the camp very quickly, headed towards a nearby heavily wooded area, a good place to disappear to hideouts he thought he only knew. He continued to lead the John Mule a bit faster now with his prize still tied in the belly down position; she was still out. He grinned a crazy lopsided grin as he let his thoughts run wild, anticipating that special moment of penetrating this young tasty morsel. He tried to move faster through the trees but his intense arousal all but caused him to stagger from the pain of desire. The rush of the kidnap and the burning desire were building to a crescendo James had sent his younger brother to get Abby's pa, Mr. Yoast, and their pa as the tail end of the mule cleared the trees surrounding the campsite. James was close behind the big mule with the girl, not about to lose sight. The tree canopies shielded most of the moon light from the leaf strewn forest floor, even though, he still had to be careful not to be seen or heard. He wasn't sure the sand he used for shot in his old shotgun would stop this monster from getting him; he was no match in size at 5'8 inches and maybe half the big guy's weight. A scene from David and Goliath for sure and his slingshot might not do the job. He could only hope Mr. Yoast and Theodore could track them.Higginbottom could wait no longer. The gonadal pain of his very erect 12 inch penis was such that he could no longer move. He stopped looked around the area for a clear spot, spied one over to his right. He took off his buffalo coat and made a pallet on the clearing floor. He wiped the drool from his mouth with his dirty sleeve. James watched as Higginbottom removed Abby from the saddle, caressing her pussy again as he untied her. The young man was mesmerized by the activity he had never seen nor experienced before. The anger returned nearly ready to erupt in stupidity of action. He calmed himself, waiting for some chance to stop what was about to happen. He wiped the cold sweat from his brow not taking his eyes from Higginbottom's attention to the almost comatose young girl.Higginbottom laid Abby on the makeshift pallet, raised her bed-clothes above her chest to expose her nakedness to the moonlight. She stirred slightly, shivering from the coolness of the night, and mumbled something as he bowed his head to her crotch as he spread her satin skinned thighs. She stirred more as he lingered in this position, running his large tongue up and down her swelling vaginal lips. The boy could hear the muffled animal like sounds coming from Higginbottom's active mouth. The attacker finally stood and unlaced his Buckskin breeches, letting them drop around his ankles and stepped out of the confinement. He was bare from the lower waist down, the skin shining white in the moonlight. James gasped at the enormous erect cock. Higginbottom did not hear the large intake of air. Jame's hand raced to his mouth to stifle the gasp. He stared as the huge man knelt between the girl's legs again caressing her as he spread her delicate legs wider. He again kissed her mons, inserting his tongue in her virgin opening as deep as he could reach. She pushed her now hot, pulsating crotch into his bearded face. She moaned loudly. Higginbottom raised up on his knees, licking his wet lips, savoring the Abby's juices as he took hold of his massive cock. He managed to rub his large cockhead up and down her hot, wet slit. The girl moaned and pushed against his throbbing cock. Preparing to push his oversized tool home, he exposed his bare ass and large ball sack, a target James could not resist nor miss. The shotgun clicked! It had misfired. To James the click sounded like a smith's hammer on an anvil. Salty tears ran down his chilled cheeks to his twisted mouth, anguish and frustration was taking hold. Unsure what to do, he stood and watched the scene unfold in the moonlight. Before the boy was totally aware of his actions, he was running towards the rapist, his shotgun barrel now raised like a club above his head. Higginbottom was so intent on the girl beneath him he did not hear movement until James was there, bringing the weapon's barrel down in an arc towards the huge head. The big hand and arm quickly responded to the oncoming threat, warding off the intended blow and grasping the shotgun barrel. The boy pulled on the gun to regain control accidentally re-cocking the protruding hammer. The tugging on the weapon helped Higginbottom gain his feet as the shotgun discharged. The sand load barely missed his head. The overheated barrel forced him to let go and James tumbled backwards, landing on his back. The gun went flying away from his reach. A wrathful Higginbottom came charging at the prone boy, his now semi erect cock swinging in the cool air.James' frontier fighting skills were well instilled from hours of practice. He quickly rolled out of the giants reach and was back on his feet facing Higginbottom. The stench of his unwashed body accented by Abby's feminine essence attacked Jame's olfactory sensors; he gagged."Ya lil sonnabitch, Ah'm gonna kill ya after Ah've pumped yor ass," the angry Higginbottom hissed."Doan y'all count yor chickens yet mule shit," the young man retorted, watching the big mans movements, now calmly waiting for a chance to take him down. Higginbottom made his move, grabbing for the young man. James dropped to the ground and shot his moccasin, encased foot upwards towards Higginbottoms exposed crotch. His foot connected with the highly sensitive area; Higginbottom didn't seem to react. The boy cocked his foot and let fly again for good measure. James now watched in the muted shadows as the would-be rapist doubled over and bellowed, then he fell to his knees as his massive hands tried in vain to massage away the pain and nausea.Jackson Yoast was still groggy as he stumbled along behind Theodore trying to follow a near nothing trail. The Red Dog hound was not much help in his condition either. The trackers heard the roar of the shotgun. "Thas James Mr. Yoast, he done got him!""Mebbe son, mebbe, les hope."They heard noise but still wandered in the near dark trying to single in on the sound. Jackson grabbed Theodore by the shoulder. "Hold up a minute, listen."They could hear heavy breathing off to the right; then the smack of the foot connecting and then the bellowing. "Mon Mr. Yoast, this way!" the boy said as he took off towards the loud sound.James looked at the defeated Higginbottom with his forehead resting on the dirt as if praying to some unseen deity, still moaning. The lad went to Abby where she still lay, starting to move a bit. He knelt beside her, awed by the youthful beauty framed by the moonlight; tantalized by her nakedness and her aroma. Her subtle feminine essence lightly caressed his nose in spite of the foul smelling coat she was lying on. He could not bring himself to pull her nightgown down yet. Warm tears trickled down his cheeks; unsure of his feelings; his young cock stired; he finally reached for the her gown up by her neck allowing the backs of his fingers to touch her soft alabaster skin and hard budding breasts as he slowly pulled the gown down. She moaned and reached for his hand holding it to her hot vagina. He froze. His cock throbbed. The sounds of activity behind him caused him to pull his hand away and look behind him. Higginbottom had managed to mount his mule bare-assed holding his breeches in one hand, steadying himself by also hanging on to the saddle horn. The mule moved out of the clearing quickly.Jackson, Theodore, and the Red Dog came upon the scene just as the giant left. Jackson had started to shoot but could not see much for a good shot.The two boys had helped a groggy Abby to her feet. The hound was now alert, sniffing the girl's legs and then buffalo coat. Abby hung on James' neck exuding her warmth over him. He turned to Jackson without moving away from Abby presenting her to her father who gathered his still sleepy daughter in his arms and held her tight. His tears fell freely as he buried his head in her neck. "James would y'all take Abby back ta her Maw?" He finally asked. Her savior rose up to all of his 5'8 inches with pride and satisfaction of his role in this terrible deed, "Yas'ur, Ah shorely will.""Mon brother, let's help this pesky lady home. Guess we'all better put her on my back, doan think she kin walk too good yet." Theodore helped a more awake willing Abby climb up on his brother's back. James put his hands back under her to help hold her. He felt the bare thighs. He was suddenly giddy from the contact; the girl didn't say a word in protest, just hugged tighter as his fingers found her wet, hot slit.Jackson and the red hound took off after Higginbottom as the three youngsters left the small clearing. Red Dog had his nose close to the ground as the two followed the trail. The man on the mule couldn't move as freely as Jackson and the dog. Suddenly the hound stopped, confused, not sure of the direction. Higginbottom came charging from some heavy brush. Red Dog reacted but not soon enough; the giant, still naked, hit Jackson like a charging bull seeing red. Yoast went flying, landing in a heap on his side. He lay there trying to get his breath back. The dog jumped and grabbed at Higginbottom. The red dog latched onto the nearest part of the man. The dog hung down the front of the would-be rapist, not about to let go. Higginbottom screamed as he felt the sharp teeth dig in to his phallus, and grabbed for the growling angry dog.Jackson finally stood up and stared at the scene. He nearly laughed but quickly closed the distance while he had the advantage. He came up behind the dancing, screaming Higginbottom with a broken tree limb. The screaming ceased after the three-inch log made contact with the large shaggy head. As the big man started to fall, Red Dog had sense enough to let go, getting out of the way at the last minute.Higginbottom stirred from his long nap. He felt strange, couldn't move his arms or hands. He looked around. He then realized that he was trussed up, hanging by raw hide around his wrists, from a tree branch. As his eyes adjusted to the shadowy light, he could make out the traveler sitting, resting against an old log. The red hound flopped down next to his master's leg watching the naked giant."Whadya gonna do ta me?" the captive asked.Jackson continued to relax against the log, chewing on a small stick of wood. He finally removed the wood and asked, "Higginbottom, Ah'd guess y'all know thes woods purty good, what kinda game in hear? Any bear or cats?""All kines," he answered, "yassir there's black bear an bobcats an some mountain lion." The question finally sunk in. "Why ya wanna know?""Wall Ah could just shoot ya or mebbe cut ya throat, but tha'd be too quick and kind ta tha likes a ya, doan y'all think?""Ah dint do nothing ta yor girl 'cept taste her," he whined, tha lil sonnabitchun kid dint let me fuck her."Jackson winced at the statement, trying not to visualize what took place, his anger building again. "Ah need fer ya ta suffer fer all yor wrong doins, and 'specially fer my Abby. 'Tween tha boy's foot an ole Red Dog hear, y'all probly not be fornicatin' fer 'while, but Ah need ta make shor ya never fornicate ever again, jest fer ma sat'faction."The 6'2 Jackson got up and approached Higginbottom. The stench was even more pronounced; he'd urinated all over his feet and legs. Jackson Yoast was not a violent man by nature but he knew he had to do what he was about to do. He had his large blade out. Higginbottom's eyes bulged when the moonlight glinted off the wide blade. "Thes is an old Cherokee way a dealin' with trash like ya." Jackson quickly made a bloody six-inch long shallow cut on Higginbottom's lower belly. The big man screamed. "Oh mista jest kill me quick like; jest kill me." Jackson responded with a crooked grin as he made another light incision above the first towards the belly button. The screams echoed through the trees as the blood oozed downward onto his thighs then over his flaccid cock. Jackson made several more similar cuts then mounted the John Mule and rode away. He felt sick but satisfied now that it was over. He stopped, leaned over to the side of the mule and puked, spit a few times to clear his mouth. Tears seeped down his cheeks. "Mon Red Dog, les go fine tha fam'ly. END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 57
I could not concentrate on the lesson at first. I'd been put off by the subject: Anatomy. As a small child, I'd been forced by my father to memorize all of the bones in the body. And all of the veins and organs, the parts of the heart, the areas of the brain. I'd learned well, and at the age of seven could perform flawlessly for him at the dinner table. I learned everything he made me learn, but I hated it. I hadn't yet felt the stir of my own hormones, so that while I could explain completely the process of sexual arousal, I had no practical idea what it was all about. To me it was boring rote memory, reinforced by strong whacks upon my hand when I failed to live up to my father's very high standards.No, I went into the arrangement with reluctance. I was trapped in my bed, victim of asthma so fierce that I could not be allowed outside the house. So said my doctor, and my nurse agreed, and my mother agreed. I had hoped to be left to my own devices completely, allowed to read and listen to music all day, but my mother insisted I carry on my education."What would your father think?" she asked, once again forcing her point by raising his specter like a sword. "You know he went to great lengths to make sure would get a complete education. And you know, without my education, I wouldn't have been able to get a job at all, and then where would we be?"I'd heard this particular line too many times to pay it close attention. True, she'd had a fine education, and her skill managing people made her climb up the corporate ladder easily enough, but she never had time to spend with me. Instead, I was left to be raised by my old nurse, Moni Bruner. I was very happy being raised by Moni, who insisted I call her by her first name even though she was sixty years older than I when she began taking care of me. She taught me to read, to write, to play the piano, to speak German (her birthplace was Munich, and she only came to this country at the age of twelve). She insisted I have "frische luft" every day, which made me wonder why I wasn't allowed outside.Sadly, Moni could not live forever, and though she'd given me many wonderful years and an even more wonderful education, she contracted pneumonia at the age of seventy-seven and before I could adjust to not having "frische luft" every morning, I was allowed to leave the house and attend her funeral.Though I'd attended my father's funeral, I cannot in all honesty say that I'd been moved by it. I'd been only eight years old at the time, he'd never been close to me (I'd considered him nothing more than the evening meal tutor), and his passing seemed to mean only that I would be able from then on to eat in peace. I regret the cruelty of my childish heart, but I'd be lying if I pretended it had been otherwise.Moni's funeral, however, aroused great emotion in me. She'd been my closest friend and for many years my only companion. When I was allowed to venture forward and view the casket, the calm lines of her kind face caused a pain in my throat that could only be relieved by a sob. The sob led to tears, and soon I was being led away from my best friend, back into my pew. I noticed, however, that the young lady leading me away - she, too, was crying - was the most beautiful creature I'd ever seen. She remained at my side during the remainder of the service, and afterwards I was introduced to her formally.Her name was Rafaela, and she was Moni's granddaughter. As I gave her my hand, I raised my eyes to hers and was suddenly moved by their liquid blueness, by the long, damp, auburn lashes. I could feel a strange sensation in my belly and below. These sensations, though puzzling, were not unpleasant. She looked directly into my eyes as well, and I felt as if I were viewing someone I'd always known. I could hear my heart beating in my ears, and for a moment I feared I would suffer an attack of asthma. What a curious response!I had no small talk at the time, so I contented myself with the observation that I'd just lost my best friend. She smiled to hear it and confided that she, too, had just lost her best, her only, friend. Later in the day, I felt the same strange sensations in my belly when, following the internment, following a round of visits to relatives I hardly knew of (and didn't know), I was told that Rafaela would be Moni's replacement."What?""I thought it would be good for you to continue your study of the German language, son," my mother explained, "and Miss Traum is best fit to help you. Not only that, it's time you learned Spanish.""Spanish? But what about Greek? Latin?""Better to learn something useful, Gordon. Next to English, Spanish is the world's most important language.""What about Russian?""Spanish."I would have continued to argue, but I'd learned long ago that there is no winning an argument with Mother. She's always right, and when she's wrong, she'll win by force."Besides," she added, "it's time you had some experience of people your own age."The opposite sex, as well, I thought.I was surprised again to find that Rafaela did not open our studies with Spanish vocabulary. Instead, she gave me a copy of Grey's Anatomy and told me to master the parts of the body by 9 AM the following Monday, when our formal studies would begin. I reviewed the text idly, knowing that I could learn little from it, and as I mentioned earlier, I was decidedly bored by it. Still, I looked forward to our first lesson, and I thought Monday would never arrive.Arrive it did, however, and with it Rafaela. My mother was away - attending a convention or something, always something - and she'd left me in Rafi's care, not that I should have needed any care at the age of seventeen. Monday, also, was the maid's day off, and the cook wasn't expected until late afternoon.When Rafaela rang the bell, I jumped up to greet her. Earlier in the morning, I'd showered and shaved, paying extra attention to my toilet for a change. Afterwards I'd put on a pair of red silk pajamas over which I wore a black silk robe. A pair of black silk socks and leather house shoes completed my attire. I hoped I would please my new teacher.When I opened the door, I was again bothered by that strange mixture of distress and longing - I would have said "desire" had I any idea what object I could have desired. Rafaela stood before me, her auburn hair swept back from her forehead, her lips a full rich pink, a pair of small dimples dancing on her cheeks as she smiled and offered me her hand. I gave her mine and invited her in. As she went ahead, I felt a distinctly unusual sensation in my penis as she walked ahead of me. She was wearing a dress of blue with a full skirt that allowed me to see her legs to the knee. Her legs were long and strangely arousing. My inquisitive eyes followed them from the blue pumps that made her ankles look longer and more beautiful up to the hem of her skirt as she walked ahead of me. She wore stockings of a darker shade than her skin, and I could hear them rubbing together as she walked. Her skirt flicked back and forth as she walked, and the movement seemed most significant, though I could never have said why.I led her into the study and sat down on the couch with my Gray's on my lap. I expected her to take a place behind the desk, as Moni had always done; instead, she sat down on an ox blood leather wing chair that had once been my father's. She crossed her legs, and for an instant I thought I could see above her stockings to her pale thighs.I felt unaccountably nervous, and when I looked up into her eyes, they seemed to be smiling at me. She crossed her hands behind her head and stared at the ceiling. This caused me to notice the collar of her dress, made of white lace, and its cut, which allowed me to see the delicacy of her collar bones and the smooth curve of skin beneath her neck.She began quizzing me about anatomy. For the first time in my life, I was thankful to my father for having quizzed me so carefully when I was younger. Even so, I several times became flustered and had to pause to catch my breath before continuing.I couldn't know at the time whether it was intentional or not, but I wondered then if Rafaela had any idea how distracting her person was to me. Several times she bent forward to smooth or straighten her stockings, and though I knew I should look away, I found my eyes drawn to her long fingers, to the jewel-like tips (painted the same shade of pink she wore on her lips), as they travelled slowly up her legs. Once she stood and smoothed her stockings from the ankles clear to the dark bands that topped them, unclasped and then again clasped some kind of a hook I'd never seen or imagined before. By the time she was finished, I felt myself turning to stone and mush at once. That is, my penis felt like stone, my stomach mush. I feared she might notice and felt gratitude to the Gray's that sat as an unopened shield in my lap.Even when she was not readjusting her stockings, she was damned distracting. I noticed as she lay her head back on the top of the chair with her hands behind her head that her breasts became more prominent. As she quizzed me on the reproductive process, I noticed a provocative point, an eraser's tip, grow upon the center of each breast. It seemed to strain against the thin fabric of her dress. I felt a completely foreign desire to reach over and sooth these pleasant little points with the tips of my fingers, but I contented myself with the stroking I could do only with my eyes.As we discussed further the reproductive organs, all of which I could name and roughly explain (though I could not imagine them in action), she suddenly sat forward, leaned down and stroked both of her legs with her hands, running them upwards until they reached the hem of her skirt. I may as well have been hypnotized; I could not look away. She did not stop when she reached the skirt, and the stiffness in my crotch began to ache. I felt my face growing hot, and I chose that moment to look up into hers. It, too, was flushed and pink."You're so beautiful," I heard myself exclaim suddenly."Why thank you, Gordon.""Could I... I mean...""Yes?"Steadily she stared into my eyes. I found my eyes darting from hers to her rich lips (she let her tongue graze the surface of her lower lip for a second) to her hands, which continued slowly moving towards her center."I don't know why, but I'm experiencing the strangest sensations.""Can you explain them using what we've just discussed in anatomy?""I'm not sure I can. I've never read of such symptoms.""What are they.""I couldn't say, Ma'am.""I'm not your ma'am. Call me Rafaela."I swallowed, trying to keep my throat from feeling so dry."Rafaela.""Or, just... " she said as her hands reached the tops of her stockings, "Rafi.""Just Rafi.""And the symptoms?""It's too embarrassing. People don't discuss such things."She stood up, her hands still clutching the hem of her dress. Her eyes never left mine, though mine left hers to look at the terribly disturbing curves of her legs, their muscular calves, the long slender ankles. And above, most unsettling of all, the whiteness of her thighs above her stockings."What are you doing?" I asked."Teaching you more about anatomy than you could ever learn from Gray's.""Oh," I said and gulped. I was excited but afraid, but I couldn't say what, exactly, caused either emotion. It had something to do with the way her legs came together, with the way her eyes seemed to invite me to come closer, with the perfect idea of two such legs coming together, with the plump beauty of her thighs, with the nearness of her hem to the place where her legs came together."You won't need the book for this part of the lesson.""Huh?""I said you can put the book aside.""Oh no, I can't."Why not?""Why? Well, you know those symptoms I was telling you about?""Yes.""I mean..." She came closer slowly. She let her skirt fall and leaned forward. I could see the swelling of her breasts where her dress fell forward. I had the distinct impression that she wore no brassiere, and this thought caused my aching penis to twitch and grow even harder. She reached down to the book, pulled my hands from it, and lifted it slowly. I tried to put my hands over my bulge, but she slapped my hands and told me to put them behind my head. I did as she demanded. She reached down to the belt of my robe and tugged gently. The knot came undone. She dropped it and put her right hand to my cheek."You're very handsome, Gordon. Has anyone ever told you that before?""No, n-not really..." I stammered. "Isn't it time, uh, for...""It's time," she said as her cool hand made its way down the left side of my neck and took hold of my robe. By now I was in a painful agony, and she seemed determined to complete my shame by pulling my robe completely open. I closed my eyes, embarrassed deeply, feeling the coolness of the air against my thin pajamas as she pulled both sides of my robe open.I heard a quick intake of breath and opened my eyes to see her leaning forward, her lips moist, staring directly at the obvious bulge showing through the thin silk of my pajamas. I was lucky the swollen head hadn't peeked through the fly."How fine a specimen we have here," she said.I looked into her eyes and again saw a hint of a smile there. Her face had not lost any of its flushed look, and the way she licked her lips made my erection tingle and ache."Tell me what you are feeling," she said."I feel embarrassed."She stepped back, placed her foot on the coffee table, and began smoothing her stockings."What else do you feel?""Pain."Her hands made their way past the knee to the top of the stocking. I felt I could watch her repeat the movement endlessly. I also wanted her to do whatever came next."Pain?" she said, gazing at me from the corner of her eyes. What a beautiful sight she was, her leg exposed almost to the crotch, her hair pulled back behind her ear but falling forward behind onto her nearly bare shoulders, her eyes staring at me with a look I'd never seen before."Yes, my penis seems to have swollen.""Yes," she said as she raised up, leaving her leg exposed, and stretched, pushing her hair up from behind and then lifting her arms towards the ceiling. "And that's painful?""Yes.""Is that all? Does it not feel pleasurable?" She fanned her face with her hands for a moment. She then let her hands fall to a button beneath the lace of her collar. She kept her eyes on mine as she slowly undid it."The pleasure is almost too intense. I feel I should do something, but I have no idea what.""And your breathing?""My breathing?""You're having no symptoms of asthma?""None whatsoever.""I thought as much."I began to remove my hands from the back of my head."Don't move. I want you to learn desire."She began a series of movements that left me almost weak with what I was learning. First she stretched. Then she moved her pelvis in a circular motion - again, it was suggestive of something most important that I couldn't name exactly - then she undid another button."Do you like what you see?""Oh, yes, very much."In fact, I'd never been so excited by anything in my entire life.She went to the stereo on the bookshelf and put on a jazz channel. She began moving to the soft sound of saxophone. Occasionally she'd bend forward, and I could swear I could see her breasts, though the light was dim within the blouse of her dress. I did notice the points I'd noticed earlier remained, growing even more turgid if anything.She came towards me. I instinctively began to lower my arms, but she still would not permit it. She began unbuttoning my pajama top, and as she leaned forward to do so, I could see her breasts rising and falling beneath her dress. I couldn't quite see their nipples, but I could see their fullness, their whiteness, and they moved me. She noticed and smiled, continuing to undo the buttons until she could pull the shirt completely open. Then, without warning, she began kissing my chest, beginning at the neck and slowly making her way down towards my navel. She complimented this with her hands, slowly stroking my arms as she pushed the sleeves of the pajamas aside. She pulled my arms forward and stripped it from me completely. Then she placed each of my hands back beneath my head."No touching," she said, and I heard myself begin to object, but she placed a finger to my lip - I kissed it for some reason - and said, "Not yet, anyway."That caused another thrill to race through my belly and fill me with even greater longing. I knew then what I'd wanted most of all, which was to touch her, to touch her everywhere.She again moved back and began dancing, slowly unbuttoning the final buttons on her dress. It buttoned all the way up the front, so that when she finished, she had to hold it together to keep from showing me everything.I wondered how far this would go. I'd never before experienced the strange mixture of emotion and longing that I experienced then. Nor had I ever seen a woman disrobe. I hadn't even seen a picture. I tried to understand it. I wanted to see her. I wanted to touch her. I wanted to kiss her all over her body. I couldn't imagine what any of that had to do with the reproductive process. At the moment, I was only sure that I couldn't have been more excited."Have you ever seen a woman's breasts before?""Not really. Only in anatomy books.""And did they move you?""No. I viewed them simply in their biological or anatomical aspects. I had no idea they could be so... ""So what?" She had the edges of her dress in her hands. She put them together and began to lean forward so that I could see almost all of her breasts. She leaned forward and back in time to the music."So arousing.""Ah, yes," she answered, putting her hands into her dress and touching herself. "Yes, they are quite aroused. Would you like to... "Not believing she'd actually show me, I assumed she wanted to know if I'd like to touch them. I bolted forward and put my hands out, but she stepped back out of my reach and warned me not to leave the couch or remove my hands from behind my head."No touching, as I told you already.""You said, 'Not yet.'""I could say, 'Not ever.'""Please don't."She contented herself with dancing for a few moments, still teasing me by showing me much of her breasts, all but the nipples. Once she turned her back to me and leaned forward to adjust one of the straps of her shoes. As she did so, the dress fell open in front. Just imagining her nakedness made me wild. She seemed so vulnerable and beautiful. How I longed to be able to see her, to touch her, to protect her.She shifted a bit, and I noticed that I could see all of the backs of her legs, all gleaming with the silk of her stockings, from the slim ankles to the muscled calves to the dimpled knees to the bands of black at the top of her stockings, to the swell of her white thighs. I could almost see the juncture above the thighs. Then she leaned forward a bit more, pulling the dress up from in front, showing me the white lace of her panties, stretched tightly across the roundness of her bottom. I could see through the lace, could see the flare of her hips, the groove of her bottom. How I longed to remove the panties, to place my aching hard penis along that groove, to feel her movements in that most private place.Before I could complete the fantasy, even in my imagination, she raised back up and stretched again. I could see her dress fall back into place and cover her from behind completely. I noticed, however, that the light from the window made it almost transparent, and I could see how perfect her figure was as she continued her sensuous movements from side to side. She gripped the dress again and pulled it to its widest extreme, allowing me to see how willowy was her waist, how suggestive the flare of her hips, how long and fine her legs.As she began to turn around, I hoped she would continue to hold her dress wide, but I was disappointed. She pulled it back together and continued dancing. She raised the dress almost to her crotch, danced a bit while staring me in the eye, then raised it a bit more so that, just for a few seconds, I could see the dark triangle of her pubic hair showing through the whiteness of her panties. Her movements forced my attention on that special spot as she moved her hips from side to side and even hunched them forward and backward in a motion that suggested much that I wished to know. As suddenly as she'd begun, she let her dress fall again and began coming closer.She bent forward and blew against my chest, sending shivers through my blood to my brain. I could feel my penis twitching. I was, indeed, learning desire."Are you going to come?" she asked in a whisper."Come?" I'd never heard the term before."Oh you sweet wonder. I've never dreamed of such innocence. I think you actually could shoot off without being touched.""I'm not sure I know what you mean.""Ejaculate," she said, laughing as my face became very hot. "Have you never done so?""Only in my sleep.""And what did you dream?""I wish I could remember. I only know that I awoke each time with a dreamy memory of this same painful ache and a sticky liquid splashed against the insides of my pajamas.""Would you like to do it now?"I couldn't answer, my blushes were so intense. Until she'd mentioned it, I hadn't myself realized that I wanted to do exactly that. But I dare not confess a dreaded secret, one I was sure would spoil this amazing morning: I wanted to stick my penis into her from behind and ejaculate there."You would, wouldn't you?"I blushed as she smiled at me. I felt certain she could read my mind. She ran the tips of her fingers across my chest. I could barely stifle an urge to laugh, though she wasn't tickling me exactly.Then I noticed that her dress, no longer held together by her hands, had fallen open. I could see the nipples of her breasts clearly through a tiny little kind of shirt (a chemise, I now know they call it) with tiny little straps. It was so thin, so soft, that I could clearly see the outline of her nipples against it. It was of the same white as her panties, and I could see the darkness of each nipple clearly. Not only that, but as she leaned forward, I could see it fall forward allowing me to see the soft swell of breast, the whiteness of her skin, almost the very nipple itself, though I don't think she was quite ready to show me that. How I wanted to take my hands from behind my head and caress each of her breasts. It almost seemed imperative that I do so, but I knew she wouldn't allow it.While I was gazing at her, I almost forgot what she was doing, but I was brought back abruptly when she placed her hands on the first button of my fly."Oh, don't, please. I couldn't stand it.""But don't you want to come?"I did, but I couldn't have begun to admit it."You'll have very painful balls if you don't," she said, licking her lips and giving me another of her sexy smiles."Balls?""Testicles.""They feel tight already," I said."Poor baby." She pulled open one button."Oh please don't," I said, my shame speaking and contradicting my real desires."Don't you want to see me?" She stood up and began to stretch again, allowing me to see the dress fall aside, to see the chemise rise up to show her belly button and the graceful swell of her lower belly, the plumpness of her crotch, the dark suggestive shadow between her legs. Again she let her pelvis rotate in that most delightful manner."Yes, I would, but...""Then don't you think I'd be just as eager to see you?"I hadn't thought any such thing possible, but clearly she did, if the gaze she allowed to linger on the bulging pajama bottoms was any indication. I saw her again licking her lips and had an absurd thought for a moment, thinking she might actually like to touch it with her tongue. That couldn't be, I reasoned, but her look certainly reminded me of a deep hunger to taste something. I looked myself and noticed that the painfully rigid flesh now had left a damp spot above its head, a spot that seemed to be spreading. I pulled my hands down in front of me, to cover myself."Don't move," she commanded, and I could do nothing other than obey. "Put your hands back behind your head." I did, feeling completely vulnerable and exposed. She leaned forward again, allowing her dress to fall open, allowing me to see all that could be seen through the chemise and panties and stockings.She looked straight into my eyes and smiled again. I wish I could translate that smile into words: more arousing poetry could not be written. I returned the smile with one of my own, one that was so painfully filled with desire that she closed her eyes for a moment and let her face take on a look of quiet ecstasy.Again she straightened and began to sway with the music, using its rhythm to tease me again as she let the dress fall from her shoulders, then from her back, and finally into the floor. She put her hands together above her head and let the rhythm of the music mover her body in slow, subtle gyrations. How beautiful she was!She came forward, and this time I made no objection as she undid the second of the buttons on my fly. Now my dark pubic hair was visible. I could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw her lean forward and take a bit of it into her teeth, tugging at it for a moment. When she unbuttoned the next button, she could see the base of my penis. It lay, stiff and twitching, to her right, still shielded by the pajama flap. She finished undoing the last button and slowly pulled aside the material."How perfect!" she said as soon as she could see it from its root to its head. I'd been circumcised as an infant, so the head showed itself smooth and purple, engorged, I knew, with blood. She leaned forward and very lightly let her lips touch it, giving it the briefest of kisses. I was shocked to find it jump at her touch and rub itself against her face. She did not back off. Instead, she moved her head from side to side, very gently allowing her cheeks and lips and nose to brush against it."Be careful!" I heard myself cry."Are you about to shoot?""I don't know, but I feel an unbearable pressure from below."She took this as an invitation to take each of my testicles into her hands and squeeze and pull and massage them, again with a fine gentleness that did not hurt (as I'd expected)."Oh, God, how good it feels!" Again I was surprised to hear myself cry out."You have a fine set of balls, Gordie."For some reason, her use of my name made me feel another jolt of desire."And your cock looks perfect.""My what?""Do you only know the latin terms for things, Gordie?" As she said this, she took my penis in her hand and began a very slow movement up and down. I felt a jumping inside, but she quelled it by gripping me tightly at the base and holding me until the urge dropped a bit."For some reason, we act as if words of English or Germanic origin are dirty, while we allow the same subjects to be discussed assuming we use Latin.""Isn't that proper?""What do you mean by proper?""I don't know.""It's just a bias we inherited from the Normans after their invasion. Nothing more. The words themselves are not evil. I find them suggestive. Cock. Cunt. Don't you?""I...""You... You're prick is so ready to gush.""Is it?" I'd never heard the term "prick" before, but it was only one of many she would be teaching me soon."It makes me thirsty."I couldn't believe my ears. She leaned forward, lifted my "prick" to her lips and gave it another short kiss. I could see the proud flesh brush against her thick pink lips. She looked me in the eye as she did so, and I could see desire in her eyes. She moved it slowly back and forth against her lips, slowly opening her mouth and letting a bit of it slip inside, always keeping her eyes trained on mine. She opened her mouth and began to lick the head of my penis, gently, gently, occasionally putting the entire head into her mouth. And always, her eyes were on mine, making a very beautiful picture: framed by the auburn hair which spilled over her shoulders, the bulb of the head against her lips, the wetness of her lips, the slick movement of her mouth back and forth across the swollen head, her eyes locked on mine, telling me with her eyes what words could never say of the desire we shared."Oh, Rafaela, I can't tell you what I feel.""Show me.""May I touch you?""Briefly. But don't touch yourself."She pushed me back before I could lean forward too much. She placed her hands against the back of the couch on either side of my head. I placed my hands on her face, looking into her eyes and feeling whole for the first time in my life. She cocked her head to the side, and soon she had placed her lips on mine, giving me a soft kiss, lips on lips, nothing moving. I put pressure against her, and soon I felt her mouth open a bit. I let mine open as well, and soon I felt another thrill in my stomach as her tongue touched mine.I placed my hands against her ribs, wishing I had the courage to touch her breasts. Our kiss lengthened. I felt her tongue thrust deep into my mouth, and before long, she'd coaxed mine deep into hers. I let my hands slide closer to her breasts, continuing to kiss her.Finally I let my palms surround her breasts. How full and firm and yet soft they felt, how fine the nipples felt against my palms, so fine that I could do nothing else but take them between my fingers and touch them, squeeze them as gently as she'd squeezed my balls before. As I squeezed and played with them, our kiss broke and she sighed.She straightened. I followed, kneading her breasts and feeling I would explode at any instant. She put her hands behind her head and gave herself up to the enjoyment of my touch. Guided by her sighs and her eyes, I learned how to touch her there, how to cause a little pain, how to grab, how to push and pull and search every inch of her, how to take her breasts in my hands, to massage them singly and squeeze them together. I even wished I could put my mouth against her nipples and kiss her in the same manner she'd used with my cock before.I tried to lift the garment so that I could bare her breasts, see them, touch their naked flesh, but she suddenly stood, stepped back and looked at me."Would you like to fuck me?" she asked.I'd never heard the term before, but I knew instantly, and I knew the answer was yes."I do, that is, I don't know for sure, I think, I mean.""Don't you understand English? Does it make you nervous when I use simple English terms?""What do you mean?""Do you want me to suck your cock?""Oh! Yes.""Do you want me to milk it with my cunt?""Yes.""Do you want to rub your cock against my tits?""Yes.""Do you want to stick your cock up my ass?""What? That is, yes, I think.""Do you want to spill your cream all over my face?""Yes.""Do you want me to sit on your face? Do you want to lick my pussy?""Yes.""Do you want to taste my clit, to put it into your mouth and make me come?""Yes.""Do you understand desire?""As never before.""Do you want to strip me?""Yes.""Slowly.""Very slowly.""Stand up."I did as she desired. I couldn't move well because of my fallen pajama bottoms. She came forward, took them by the waist, and began pulling them to the ground, kneeling herself as she did so. I stepped out of them. My cock waved in the air, almost turned back against my belly with craving. She slowly began to rise, letting the very tip of her tongue glide along the underside of my hard prick. I shivered."What are you doing?""Measuring you.""And?""A little over seven inches, I'd say." She'd reached the head by now, and again she took it in her hands, pulling it towards her so she could brush it against her lips and look at me. I looked down into her eyes and saw a look of satisfaction on her face."How does that compare with other men you've known?" I asked, already feeling a bit jealous of her."I couldn't tell you. I haven't known any others.""Then where did you learn... ""Some is instinct, some from observation.""Observation?""I'll tell you about it some time."I was content with that answer for the moment, for she continued rising, allowing her hands to roam all over my body, from my thighs to my bottom to my back, finally arriving at my shoulders, from which she pushed the pajama top, leaving me completely naked."Put your hands behind your back," she commanded, and I gladly obeyed. I was left with my prick standing tall and stiff, its head wet with a mixture of its own juices and her saliva. It glistened in front of her, jerking now and then as she moved in front of me.She again was following the rhythm of the music, moving her hands all over her own body, touching her breasts, stretching, moving her hips in a circular motion that made me ache to put her onto the ground and push myself against her. Finally she began to raise the chemise, nearly reaching her breasts, then dropping it, raising it, dropping it. Each time a short gasp would escape my lips, and my cock would jerk. It felt strong, powerful, very hard, almost like a rod of iron. She began lowering one of the straps from her shoulders, then the other, until I could see all of her breasts except the nipples. These she squeezed and massaged through the thin material of the chemise. Finally she put her hands together above her head and began to stretch, allowing the garment to fall lower and lower until it dropped to the floor.She stepped forward from it. How beautiful her breasts were! They were neither too large nor too small, a bit bigger than I could contain in one of my hands. Her nipples were a pale pink, the areoles looking rough, the nipples thrust rudely forward, begging to be sucked. I leaned forward and took one into my mouth, sucking and licking and playing with it using my teeth. She kept her hands above her head, leaning back, enjoying the sensation of my mouth on her.I grew a bit bolder, brought my hands around, and grabbed her breasts, massaging one while I sucked the other, pushing them together and licking first one of the nipples then the other. She sighed, her breath seemed to grab, she moved against me, all communicating a blazing desire to me. I let my hands fall to her hips, encircled her waist, drew her to me. I kissed her again, feeling the slick stiffness of my cock against her naked belly. My hands ventured down, taking her bottom in my hands."Oh yes, baby, feel my ass."I slipped my fingers beneath the material of her panties, gently stroking her cheeks with my palms, not grabbing, but gently. I could feel her movements in response. I grabbed a bit harder and puller her closer. She moaned. I felt her hand between my legs, brushing against my thigh. I slid my fingers along the crack of her bottom, and she squirmed in my arms. I pushed a bit further, and she groaned. I let my finger touch her tight little anus - she later taught me to call it her rosebud - surprised to find her wet even there. She pulled back and took my cock into her hand, holding my balls in the other, turning her side to me and leaning forward to I'd have better access to her behind. I allowed my finger to slip inside, then be squeezed back out. She was so wet I could hardly prevent it. I continued moving it in and out until she screamed."You have to fuck me, I'm mad for your prick, you must give it to me!""It's yours, Rafi."I began pulling at her panties. Now there was no resistance. I eased them down past her waist, past the lacy belt that held her stockings - she'd seen far enough ahead to put the panties on last, I noticed - until they were bunched about her knees. I tried to spread her legs to have a look, but the panties prevented it."Don't you want to lick me there?""Yes," I answered as I finished pulling them to her ankles. She put her hand upon my back for support and stepped out of her panties, first her right foot, then the left. I smoothed her stockings as I let my hands travel up her legs until I'd reached her thighs. I looked up and saw a smile of great contentment on her face. I toyed with the wet flesh of her thighs as I stood. Again she grabbed my penis and began pulling on it. I put my arms around her, feeling her behind again, finally sticking my fingers below. She was soaking wet, and before I realized what I was doing, I'd slipped my fingers inside."Wait!""Yes?"She broke away for a moment and backed towards the couch, pulling me with her. She lay back."May I look?" I asked."Yes, oh yes, please do."I put one of her legs on the floor and hung the other across the back of the couch. I backed away and looked at her from a few paces. She sucked on one of her fingers as she looked back at me, a smile in her eyes. She was the vision of desire and of its cause. Her breasts were flushed, as was her face. Her nipples were still rigid, one pointing towards the ceiling, the other at me. She still wore the pumps, and her legs looked even more beautiful now than before.I came closer and kissed her ankles, and from there I made my way up slowly towards her cunt. I paused to look at it. From a distance it seemed to be a small strip of coral surrounded by auburn hairs the exact color of the hair on her head. Closer I could see the wetness of the lips, could see each one turned back as if the petal of a flower. I could see a small bud above the lips, could see it glisten. I leaned forward and touched it with my tongue. A shiver went through her."Oh baby, yes."I kissed her thighs again, happy to find them so wet and slick with her yearning. I rubbed my nose against her cunt, feeling the damp hairs with my cheeks, tasting the bud again with my tongue, amazed at her response. I took it between my lips and sucked gently. I licked it, holding it in place with my teeth, gently. I continued to lick."Yes, yes, that's it."Her hips began to buck. I could feel the muscles of her legs quivering. I continued licking. She was moaning, her head turning from side to side. She took her breasts in her hand, squeezing the nipples. I licked and nipped with my lips and sucked. I paused and stuck my tongue as deeply as I could put it between the lips of her pussy. I returned to my licking, again causing her to moan and move and jerk. Suddenly she tried to push me away, but I took her ass in my hands and wouldn't let her. She jerked, her legs quivering, her belly moving with spasms of ecstasy. She tried again to push me away, but I wouldn't let her. Suddenly she screamed."Oh yes, Gordie, I'm coming, oh God, how I'm coming."I wouldn't let her loose until the spasms began to subside, her breath slowing to pants, her hips jerking with sudden force now and then."Did you come?" I asked. She smiled at me and nodded."I'm still floating.""I see.""Did you get a good look?""The best." I began to touch her again, this time with my fingers. I let them get wet with her fluids and slowly rubbed them up and down against her clit. She began to move again, but before I could make her come, she stopped me."Not yet. It's my turn."She sat up and pulled me to the couch. She took my prick in her hands and began to move."I want you to fuck me," she said. She stood and pulled me up by my cock. I was aching and as hard as I could imagine being."Wait here," she said. She went to the desk, cleared the papers, and placed a pillow from the chair on it. Then she leaned across it. I could see her stockings drawn tight against her legs, could see the plump swell of her rear. She leaned further forward, and I could see her cunt lips peaking through the nest of soft red hairs below her ass. She turned around and smiled at me."Do you like what you see?""Very much.""What does it make you want to do?"I moved forward and allowed my rock hard prick to nestle in between the crack of her ass. She began moving, rotating her hips just slightly. It felt very good. She was wet all over, and I couldn't resist feeling her thighs and her breasts from behind. Finally I slid my cock down below and allowed the head of it to rest against the lips of her sex. She moaned again."Put it in."I moved a bit."Slowly. Very slowly."I did as she asked, slowly allowing the head to be sucked in by the desire of her cunt. When it was in, she said to be still. She began rotating her hips. The feeling was exquisite. I pushed again, just a bit. She moved. I pushed. Before long, I could feel her ass cheeks against my belly."Now, baby, I want you to fuck me."I tried to get a better position, allowing myself to slip out and then back in."That's it. Fuck me."I again tried to reposition. It felt very good."Oh fuck me, baby."I move out as slowly as possible again and then pushed myself back in. She sighed and ground her ass against me. I reached around her with one hand and began squeezing her breasts. With the other, I reached down below and felt among the curls of her pussy until my hand was wet. I found her clit. I gently rubbed it."Oh, yes, I'm going to come. Fuck me. Let's come together."I began to move, timing my thrusts with the movement of my finger. I could feel the jerking in her legs again, and that communicated itself to me, making me move faster, making me feel a growing pressure building inside."Oh baby, I'm going to come. Aren't you?""I don't know. I think I'm going to explode!""Let your cock burst inside of me. Let me feel it spill that hot juice."I could do little else, allowing myself to move in and out with increasing speed until I could tell by the jerking of her legs that she'd be coming again soon. I felt as if I'd melt and erupt at the same time. I did, spewing my cream inside of her as my cock tingled and burned as never before. I pushed and pushed, each time squirting the liquid into her."Yes, fuck me, fuck me baby." She was coming too, grinding her hips against me with each down stroke, her ass stuck up in the air to receive me. I came and came until I fell forward, still jerking with after-spasms, completely drained.Yet when we'd lay for a few moments that way, when my cock had shriveled and been pushed out of her cunt, when she'd finished drying herself a bit with a tissue, when we'd returned to the couch, when I'd assured her I understood the nature of desire much more completely now than I'd ever imagined I could, when she'd once again put on her panties and her chemise and I my pajamas and robe, when all seemed to be over, she stretched a moment, sighing with deep satisfaction and showing again the shape of her breasts, the slight swell of her nipples, her flat belly and its perfect little button, I felt again the swelling of my cock. Nor did it go unnoticed. She reached down and took it in her hand through the pajamas. I felt it twitch to life. She kissed me, all the while fondling my cock and feeling it grow. I touched her breasts, tugged at her nipples, noticed again how perfect everything felt. I put my hand into her panties. She was wet again."You make me feel so deliciously full of desire," she sighed.I pulled her into my arms and tried to kiss her. She pushed me back."You understand desire. That's physical. Next week we study love. That's emotional. Do you know any poetry?" Before I could say anything, she'd spun around and shown herself to the door. I went to the library. I would most certainly be ready for the next lesson.END
Timmy Brown was fourteen years old and lived with Bob, his father, above their small family run supermarket that was situated in a row of shops in St Johns Wood, North London.His mother had died when he was young and his father, still a good looking thirty four year old, had never found someone he would want to have a relationship with.That was until the day that Joanna Jewson came into his shop.Joanna was in her early forties and was a well preserved woman for her age. Long dark hair to her shoulders, an hour glass figure with large breasts, a slim waist and a well rounded bottom. She was obviously wealthy in her own right as Timmy and his dad could tell by the clothes that she wore. Always well made suits or skirts with classy blouses and stockings with seams up the back that made Mr. Brown take note as well as her stylish and sexy high heels.Timmy would work in the mini mart after school and would be on hand to help customers, especially Mrs. Jewson. As it was they became quite friendly and she always made an effort to ask Timmy about his day at school.It was Timmy that found out Mrs. Jewson was a widow and lived with her mother not too far away from the shop.One day Timmy began to explore and found out where she lived. He was surprised it was such a huge detached house. Timmy's dad and Joanna were soon good friends and it wasn't long before Bob plucked up the courage to ask her out to dinner. Joanna readily agreed and it was the start of many more dates.One night back at Joanna's house she was having a night time drink with her sixty year old mother, Jean, in the kitchen.'How is our plan working? Do you think the father and that gorgeous little boy will move in with us?' asked Jean. Jean was like an older version of her daughter. Five ten in stocking feet, large breasts and a sexy round bottom.They both had long black hair which they often wore in a bun.'Oh I think by the end of the month I'll have the father wrapped round my little finger enough that he'll readily agree. You were right Mother, he does seem to have submissive tendencies!' replied Joanna. 'And a lovely big thick cock. You'll love fucking him,'Sure enough a month later Bob had proposed and they were married at Chelsea Old Town Hall with Jean giving Joanna away and Timmy as his Dads best man. The only other guests were Joanna's sister Judith and her sixteen year old daughter Zoe.After the wedding Bob and Timmy moved in with Joanna and Jean, Bob rented out the flat above his shop and with the extra money hired a full time assistant so he could spend more time at home and Timmy didn't have to work.Timmy noticed that things had started to change. His dad was doing lots of jobs around the house and seemed to be at the beck and call of the two women.Often when Timmy was reading late at night he heard what sounded like slaps and a faint murmur of protest. One night on his way back from the toilet he saw that Joanna's mothers bedroom door was ajar and that Jean wasn't in bed.If he'd have looked through the key hole of Joanna's bedroom he would have seen his naked father tied spread-eagled on the bed with his now wife sat on his face riding it to orgasm and his new mother in law slowly fucking his arse with a vibrator and wanking his hard and throbbing cock before she mounted him and they double fucked him.Bob was alternating between spending his nights with Jean and her mother and having to cater for their every and increasingly kinky need.Timmy thought the women were paying him a lot more attention. At night when they came into his room instead of a chaste kiss on the cheek they kissed him full on the mouth, even leaning over and placing their hands further up his thighs over the bed sheet. This greatly excited Timmy.One night Joanna came in to say goodnight wearing a cream silk robe that gaped at the top showing Timmy an expanse of breasts. As she leaned down to kiss him the robe opened more showing him her superb tits encased in a cream satin half cupped bra. This time when she kissed him on the mouth she forced her tongue in and her hand went directly on Timmy's crotch. He moaned as her hands grasped his hard cock.'Oh Timmy, you are a very naughty boy,' she said as she broke the kiss and her forefinger stroked the length of his tool.She tucked him in and left the room leaving Timmy with a painful hard on.A few nights later Bob and Joanna had gone out for dinner and Jean was looking after Timmy. 'Why don't we get our pajamas on and settle down to watch the film?' said Jean. Half an hour later Timmy was in his t-shirt and shorts when Jean walked into the sitting room wearing a pair of red silk shorts and a tight red silk camisole top. She wasn't wearing a bra so Timmy could see her huge nipples poking out through the shiny material.'Here, let me lie on the couch and you can lie between my legs and lean back onto me,' said Jean.Timmy gently laid back and he could feel her heavy breasts pushing into his back. Jean put her arms around him and pulled him in tight. 'Mmmm, this is nice isn't it Timmy?' Timmy could just nod as he was scared his cock would get hard.As the film played Jeans hands began rubbing Timmy's arms then across his flat stomach before they disappeared under his shirt and began playing with his nipples. Timmy gasped.His cock was starting to get hard as she leaned in and kissed his neck gently. Timmy could only moan as her lips caressed his neck and shouldersShe took one of her hands and slipped it under the front of his shorts and found his erect penis. 'Oh Timmy. Did I do this to you?' she said as she slowly stroked his cock while still playing with his nipple.When she gently bit his neck and squeezed his nipple hard he moaned and erupted all over her hand. 'Oh Timmy, what a mess. Here let me help,' she said as she rolled out from behind him. She peeled off his shorts as he lay back on the couch, his eyes closed in shame.Jean began to lick his cum from her fingers then from his cock and balls. She could feel him getting hard again so put his cock in her mouth and started to suck him. Timmy was amazed at what this old woman was doing to him. Soon he could feel he was about to cum again and tried to warn her but Jean just sucked harder and when he exploded she took his load in her mouth and swallowed the lot. After she cleaned him up she told him not to say anything to his father as they would both get into trouble. Timmy said he wouldn't and they sat and watched the rest of the film in silence until his dad and step-mother came home.One night when Bob was servicing his mother in law Joanna walked into Timmy's room just as he was stroking his cock while looking at a sex magazine his friend from school had given him. Joanna had found it under his bed when she was tidying his room that morning and had a good idea what he would be doing.'Timmy! Oh my goodness whatever are you doing?' she exclaimed with false indignation.'I-I... err,' stuttered Timmy.Joanna closed the door and locked it. She was wearing a full length satin robe which she undid and let it drop to the floor. Timmy could only look on in amazement as his cock grew even harder at the sight of his step-mother dressed in a cream satin corset with cream stockings and high heels. Her corset stopped just before her large breasts that stood out , her nipples red and angry.'Do you like what you see Timmy?' she asked.Timmy could only nod yes.'Am I better than those pictures you have?' Again Timmy could only nod yes.'I think it's time Mummy showed you what it's like to have sex. Say yes Mummy,' she told him.'Yes Mu-Mummy.''Good boy Timmy. Now come here.'Timmy climbed out of bed, his shorts still down to his knees. Joanna pulled of his shirt and dragged down his shorts. He was very hard. She took his cock in her hand and stroked him while she used her other hand to pull his chin up. She towered over him in her four inch heels as she bent down to kiss him passionately on the lips.'You will be a good boy for Mummy, won't you?' she asked.She slowly pushed Timmy by his shoulders until he was kneeling before her and as she opened her legs Timmy could see her newly shaved sex, wet and glistening.Grabbing hold of his head she pulled his face between her thighs. 'I want you to kiss me Timmy.' Joanna took her finger and drew it between her pussy lips. 'Just here. Can you do that for me?'Timmy looked at where she had indicated and tried to pull his face away.'Do it Timmy, or I will put you over my knee and spank your bare bottom. Then I'll force you to do it.'Timmy tentatively pursed his lips and gently kissed her pussy. 'There, that wasn't too bad now was it?' she asked.Timmy wanted to please his step-mother so kissed it again this time longer as if it were her real lips. 'Now, stick your tongue out and lick me!' Timmy did as he was told and was amazed at the sweet taste. 'There, that's it. Oh god... Yes!' she cried. 'Here, suck this. It's my clit. Try to suck it and lick at the same time.'Soon she had Timmy head in both hands as she fucked his face. She could feel her orgasm building and with a cry came gushing all over his face.She let go of Timmy's head and he sat back as he watched her regain her composure her full breasts heaving as she sought to catch her breath.'Wow, I'm going to teach you more of this in the future. Well done.'She helped Timmy up to his feet and made him lie on his back on his bed.She forced his legs open and knelt between them. 'Your turn now darling.' she said. She took his cock in her hand again and slowly stroked it before putting it in her mouth and using her spit to make it all wet. Poor Timmy thought he was going to cum then but she stopped sucking and placed it between her large breasts. 'Fuck my tits Timmy!' she ordered. She clamped her breasts tight around his cock and moved them up and down his hard prick. Timmy responded by automatically thrusting it between them.Joanna could hear the change in his breathing as his orgasm approached.'Cum for Mummy darling. Let Mummy have your huge load all over her breasts.'Timmy groaned and shot all over her breasts and up to her neck. Joanna squealed in delight at the sight of her step-son cumming so hard. She knew that when she fucked him he would last much longer.She laid down beside him stroking his panting body and playing with first his nipples and then his cute little balls before sliding her hand up his sticky cum covered cock. Soon it was hard and ready for her to impale herself on.She straddled his hips and rubbed the head of his cock over her wet and sensitive pussy lips. 'Are you ready to lose your virginity Timmy?'Timmy's eyes were fixed on her swaying breasts that still dripped with his cum and the tip of his cock as it disappeared between the folds of her pussy.Joanna edged further and further down his cock until she was sat with it fully embedded in her. She began to slowly rise and fall, savouring his young hard prick in her tight pussy. She leaned forward so her breasts were dangling in Timmy's face. 'Suck my nipples,' she ordered as she offered them to his mouth. It wasn't long before she'd orgasmed on top of him. She also had an orgasm when she was on her back with her long stocking clad legs wrapped around his waist and one more when he was taught to fuck her doggy style. Timmy blew his load in this position too.'Very good young man,' she said. 'I'm sure mother will enjoy having you tomorrow night!' 'Oh, by the way, Mother and I are going away for a few days in a couple of weeks and my sister Judith and her daughter Zoe will be staying to look after you. Judith does love young boys. She especially likes to fuck their tight little bottoms with her strap on cock. I'm sure you and your father are in for a treat.'END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 84
After an intermission during which the family was cleaned up, the seventeen year old son would make a grand entrance wearing panties, a bra, and high heels. This would look so cute on his muscular high school jock body. His white girlfriend from high school would be brought in to watch his humiliation. She would sit on the twelve inch beer bottle thick black dick of one of the niggers while she watched and jerk off two more nigger cocks with her hands. The seventeen year old white jock athlete boy would have to dance for the niggers. Dressed din his panties and bra. He would lick his lips and stick his tongue out. He would reach into the panties and finger his asshole. The nigger teens would throw dirty jock straps onto the stage area, and the teenage boy would suck the pouches of the piss and cum stiff jockstraps while he danced. Next the seven year old brother would enter totally naked, but with a nine inch black dildo up his ass. He carries a box in which there are two hundred niggers cum filled used condoms. He sits on the floor, shoving the dildo in deeper, watching his older brother dance, and he sucks the filthy fuck filled rubbers clean.The ten year old girl now enters naked. She has tight strong clamps on her nipples and cuntlips. These hurt so much, she can hardly walk. The niggers watching cheer. She has with her a dog on a leash. A big dog. She now knees and starts to suck out the dog's asshole. Tears run down her face, mixing with the shit on her mouth. The seventeen year old is now lap dancing on the teenage niggers. He licks their ears and necks and begs them to let him lick their armpits and assholes.Mom and Dad enter naked, and they have a special guest with them. Mom's fourteen year old niece, who is nine months pregnant. She is naked and her stomach is so bloated she waddles. She is very close to delivering. She is a petite thing, and so the huge stomach looks even more grotesque than usual. Her young tits are swollen with milk. She was nigger gangbanged to become pregnant and has been fucked at least eight times every single day of her pregnancy. Now of course she only gets fucked in he ass and mouth. When she stands before the niggers, Dad rams his dick up his niece's asshole. The poor girl howls in pain and discomfort. Her huge stomach arches out toward the audience, and one nigger youth reaches out and thumps hard on it. Mom now squeezes the girl's tits so that her tit milk shoots out at the nigger boys watching. The black teens try to catch the spray of tit milk in their mouths. They have such a good time. Their big black dicks are throbbing and leaking.The ten year old girl is now getting fucked by the dog. The seventeen year old boy has sunk to his knees and is licking fuck slop off the big nigger dicks. The seven year old boy has a cum filled rubber on his tongue and another used rubber on his tiny pricklet and one on each finger of his little hands. A nigger has removed the dildo from his ass and replaced it with his ten inch fuck-meat. Four niggers throw the seventeen year old boy to the ground and start to kick him with their large naked nigger feet. One boy shoves his toes into the mouth of the white teen boy, who sucks them. Another black boy starts to force his toes up the asshole of the seventeen year old. Now Dad shoots his load up the ass of his fourteen year old niece, then leaves the stage for a moment. The ten year old girl, getting fucked by the dog, crawls over and starts to suck her dad's cum out of the fourteen year old's ass. The dog is still fucking her. Dad re-enters hold two really cute new born puppies. He hands them to the fourteen year old, who must let them nurse at her tits. She has two puppies sucking milk from her tits, and her ten year old cousin sucking cum from her ass. Her pregnant belly heaves.Mom crawls beneath a toilet seat type contraption and teenage niggers line up to shit in her mouth. They sit on the toilet seat, jerking on their meat and shit long logs of turd into mom's open mouth. Mom chews and swallows as fast as she can. The niggers kicking the seventeen year kick him over to his mother so he can suck his mom's cunt while she eats shit. He too is crying pretty hard by this time, which delights the nigger teens. Dad has exited and enters again with five baseball bats. He is now ordered to shove them up the cunt and asshole of his ten year old daughter. The dog dick has loosened up the daughter a bit, but it is still very difficult for her to take a baseball bat up her ten year old pussy and asshole. She passes out from the pain and dad is instructed to piss on her face to wake her up. He does and the niggers yell for him to shove more baseball bat up her cunt and ass. She already has twelve inches up each hole."I'm sorry honey," Dad says, tears in his eyes as he shoves another two inches up her asshole. The ten year old cunt just won't take any more. Her eyes roll and her mouth hangs open, drool running from it, as she is stuffed with baseball bats."Now fuck her hard with them, you motherfucker!" a masturbating black youth of fifteen yells out.Dad sighs and begins to fuck the bats in and out of his daughter's tiny impaled body. "Harder, Asswipe!" some niggers yell, and he fucks her harder until her body is grunting with each shove of the bats."Now put another bat in her cunt along with the first one. Get her ready for black dick!"Mom, is swallowing turds, but turns her head slightly with worry for her dear daughter. A big smelly hung of shit falls onto her cheek. The nigger shitting stomps her foot on her tit to get her attention. "Bitch. Don't you ever miss any of my good tasty nigger shit."One nigger shoves the seventeen year old son out of the way and then squats and shit on mom's pussy. He grabs a baseball bat and forces the shit up into mom's cunt. Then he orders the seventeen year old athlete to eat the shit out of his mom's cunt. As much as he wants to rebel, the seventeen year old knows that niggers are superior to whites and that they must be obeyed. But at that moment, something special happens. The pregnant fourteen year old breaks her water, and the entire crowd turns their attention to her. To be continued?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 44
So you are on the beach and you spot this beautiful young thing wandering alone, looking for food. He is a very poor homeless boy. You know at once he will clean up really well and that his ass will feel really good around your dick. You strike up a conversation with him, and see he is painfully shy. His name is Chon and he is twelve years old. You crave him at once because he has large pouty nipples and that makes your dick painfully hard in your swimsuit. You try to hide it with the Bangkok Post because you don't want to scare him away.You know it will take some work to get him, because if he was already a boy whore, he'd be working the beach and making enough money for clothes, not just the filthy ragged shorts he is wearing. He doesn't even have flip flops. He tells you that he went to live in the North with his uncle after his Mom was lost in the Tsunami. Then his uncle brought him to Pattaya to do some work. But his uncle drinks and gambles and just deserted him there. The boy has no where to go.I ask him about meeting some nice men on the beach like the other boys do. Chon says he is "kee ai" which means shy. He says he doesn't know about those things and doesn't think he will enjoy it. I tell him that it is a good way to make money, and he could get some nice clothes and food. I place one hand on his thin shoulder and massage him. I can't take my eyes off his twelve year old tits. I can envision them with very strong titty clamps hanging from them. I buy him lunch and we become friends. I don't make a move the first day, much as I would like to.Sure enough, the next day he is there waiting for me. That day I tell him I am in show business and that I might be able to arrange a modeling audition for him. He has seen boys his age on TV commercials and says he would love to do that. His whole face lights up. He is really beautiful. So I take him back to my room for a "modeling session." My dick is so hard I can hardly walk.In my room we are both thirsty, so I give him a rum and coke. So strong for a boy so young. He feels like a grown up. Then I begin to shoot photos of him, dressed in his ragged shorts. I tell him he is too dirty and that he must go shower so he is handsome (roop law.) He comes back from the show a bit drunk, wobbly on his naked feet, a towel around his waist, looking like an angel.I tell him I think he would make a great model. I show him photos of "some of the boys whom I have helped!" The photos I show him start out with well known pop stars and fashion models, and then slowly go to boys half clothed and finally bare assed naked with teenage dicks and balls showing. While we look at the photos, I let one hand drape over his shoulder and play with that beautiful fat pouty titty of his. He asks if the boys are not too shy to pose naked. I tell him that most modeling companies require some naked shots, but they can be artistic, not dirty. He have another drink and I tell him I will take some really artistic shots of him that will get him a job for sure and lots of money. The twelve year old's eyes light up. I tell him to take off the towel. He is really very shy. He turns around so I first see the beautiful globes of his ass and the crack that will soon accommodate my huge prick. When he turns, naked, his hands cover his prick and balls. I tell him not to be shy with me. That we are friends, and I only want to help him. We drink some more. Then I get him to stand naked so I can "assess his modeling qualities." I am really delighted when I see the big fucker he has for twelve years old. It is thick with a nice foreskin. He has no prick hair at all and that is so cute. I tell him I will put some oil on his body and make him a jungle boy for the photos. I cover his smooth young body with oil. I do not hesitate to put a liberal dose on his fucksack and prick. He is very shy about this and trembles a bit. I tell him to relax. Then I work some oil all over his ass globes and into his ass crack. I make sure to finger his fuckhole just a bit.If he is going to bolt, this will be the time he will do it. But he doesn't, and I know now for certain that within an hour or so, I will be balls deep up his twelve year old virginal rectum. I tell him he looks like a handsome jungle boy, all covered wit oil. I work his titties real good and notice that when they pucker up the nubs stand way out. Really grade A boy tits.Next I take some plastic foliage from my cheap hotel room and drape it over his body, and then a little knife that I got as a souvenir for someone back home. I use a shoe string to attach the knife to the kids naked waist. Then I shoot my jungle photos of him. He is so fucking shy, I almost cum in my pants. I can see how embarrassed he is and that gets me dripping like a fucking faucet. I tell him to put one foot up on a chair so his twelve year old fuck sack hangs and swings for me. I tell him to push his hips out. I tell him how fucking handsome he is, using some fuck words now in my speech. He is drunk and it seems to relax him. I tell him to push his titties out. Then I go in and position him myself, feeling his prick and nuts and ass and armpits, and tits. Subconsciously he knows what is coming. By now he has to know. He is not a dumb boy by any means.I start to finger his asshole and rub his tits. I tell him he is so handsome that I want a personal photo with his dick hard for me. Just for a memory. He says no, .but my hands are already doing the work. I toss the foliage and knife aside and have him stand bare assed naked with his twelve year old prick hard so I can capture him in all his glory. Then I tell him I want some photos of him on the bed. He stretches out, very stiff and scared. I tell him he has to relax, and that I will give him a massage. My hands excite more than relax. I get the kid breathing really hard. He closes his eyes, because he knows he is about to have his first sexual experience.I suck on his beautiful young dick. The taste is magnificent. I lick his sack. He moans and writhes on the bed. I squeeze his ass cheeks and lick his tits. He actually throws himself in young lust. He keeps saying , 'Oh Mister' over and over. I then strip and rube my huge leaking fucker all over his pretty face. His eyes open and he tries to crawl away. I whisper to him that I did it to make him feel good to him, and now he must do it to me. He says no. I keep stroking his body, my dripping cock head rubbing on his face and across his lips. I tell him to kiss it just a little. He says he must go, but he cannot move. I am half on top of him, and he is drunk. I push my cockhead at his lips and slowly it forces its way into his mouth. Soon his eyes are closed again and he is sucking on my dickhead. But I want to feed him more, so I straddle his face and shove more and more prick into his small twelve year old mouth."Such a fucking little slut you are, " I whisper as I hold his head and give him more dick. "Such a cock hungry fucking little whore, " I say this in English and he has no idea what I am saying. He is whimpering and crying a bit while he sucks dick, and I like that. "You want to be a model, but you are going to be a fucking twelve year old whore when I finish with you. You will walk the beach every day looking for cock, and that is how you will make your living. You will suck strange dick and get cock up your twelve year old ass every single day." He was gagging on my fuckmeat, but I kept on pushing, filling his throat with swollen cock. Then I pulled out and flipped the boy onto his tummy. I grabbed him around the tiny waist and got him up onto his knees, and then placed my dick at his virginal baby rectum. He sobbed and begged me not to do it. I pushed my prickhead at his hole, but the twelve year old asshole was too tight. So I pushed him down and worked on the pucker for about ten minutes with my fingers. I also used some oil. He cried to please let him go. I had two fingers up his asshole pulling it open, stretching it for my fat cock. He tried to crawl away, and I had to slap his pretty ass really hard. It turned me on so much, I slapped it ten more times, until the ass globes were red and shaking like jello.Then I yanked him back to his knees and fucked into him with all the force I could. I fucked balls deep on the first thrust. His scream sounded like a wounded animal or one of Dick Cheney's hunting pals. I banged his baby ass until my balls hurt from slamming against him. My prick grew harder and thicker and pulsed in his rectal canal. I threw an arm around his waist and dragged him off the bed and walked around the room with him impaled on my prick. His arms and legs flopped around like a broken puppet. I sucked on his neck as I bounced him on my dick. I threw him onto the bed on his back, my dick coming out of his ass with a sound like a suction cup being pulled off of a surface. Then I straddled him and shoved my dick into his mouth again to re-lube it. He now tasted his own ass. I lifted his legs and fucked him that way. I pushed his legs back until his knees were next to his head. I fucked down into his stretched out asshole which was a bit bloody."You fucking, cocksucking dirty little asshole!" I screamed, spitting onto his face. His eyes rolled in his head, he was freaking out. "You filthy twelve year old dick dump whore! You fucking FUCK PIG."I arched my back to really ram him and reached down and grabbed a nipple in each hand and pulled him off the bed by his tits. I was about to shoot.After I filled him with cum, I pulled out and pissed all over his face.Then I threw five dollars onto his fucked out body and told him to get out and went to take a shower. I never saw him again, but I heard from some fiends that he is working the beach and is a very good whore! I was so happy to help get him started in his chosen profession.To be continued...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
In my junior year in college, I decided I wanted to spend a summer in Mexico to help me learn Spanish, since I was a Spanish major, and my professors had recommended it.I have been in a wheelchair since age 9, due to an auto accident, but I get around real good, drive my own car, and am completely independent. I did some research on universities in Mexico, and found one that catered to American students. All classes would be taught in Spanish, and we would stay in a Mexican home during our two month summer quarter.I decided to drive down there by myself, since it would make me more independent once I got there. My family was quite worried about me driving down there – but the university was just a few hour south of the US border.It took me several days of driving, but I finally found the town I would be staying at, a small town in the mountains that was really an out of the way location. I rarely ever saw any tourists there the whole time I was there.After I checked into the university and signed all the necessary papers, I was given directions to my family home. As it turned out, it was an elderly lady who had this older but large home with many rooms that she just rented out to students. We all had our own rooms and all our meals would be served there at the home.After my first day at the University, I returned to my Mexican home and as I entered my room, there was a young girl, about 11 or 12 years old making my bed and cleaning my room. She was real cute and was wearing a real short dress that I couldn’t help but notice her pretty legs. She apologized, in Spanish of course, for not having finished my room before I returned. I told her it was not a problem. She finished up my room and smiled at me as she left my room. My, I couldn’t stop thinking about the cute little girl for the next several days.**Several days later, after classes, several students and myself decided to go out and have a few beers before returning to our Mexican homes. Since I had one of the few cars down there – I was usually invited to come along. This particular day we drank a lot of beer at this one cantina, and by the time I returned home I was pretty wasted. As I entered my room, to my surprise was the cute little Mexican girl, cleaning up my room. (It was around 7pm.) She again apologized for not having cleaned my room earlier, but I again told her I didn’t mind. In fact, as drunk as I was I was totally focused on this cute little Mexican girl wearing this short dress alone in my room. I remember vividly her noticing my stares, and every so often smiling back at me. I was sitting at my desk in my room as she cleaned, and she walked up next to me to place a cold pitcher of water on my desk. I just couldn’t help myself as I put my arms around her waist and held her tightly next to me. She didn’t even say a word or try to move away. I slowly ran my hand up her thigh until I reached her panties. Then I slowly massaged her butt, which was so tender and soft I couldn’t believe it. I then carefully placed her on my lap and gave her a very sexy French kiss, which she accepted from me willingly. I then put my hand under her blouse and began feeling her tits, which weren’t real large, but soft to the touch. She again said nothing, nor tried to escape. I continued kissing her and playing with her tits for over ½ hour, then I let her up, and thanked her for being so nice to me. I gave her a generous tip, which she blushed in appreciation. I asked her to try and clean my room about this time every night if she could, knowing that I wouldn’t get back from my drinking sessions until about then. She promised me she would. I dreamed about her all night long and all the next day. **By the next morning, I wondered whether the cute Mexican girl (her name was Maria) would tell my home mother, who would certainly kick me out – or even worse – tell the police. But I went thru classes the next day without incident – and went out drinking with several classmates that afternoon. I returned home around 7p, and sure enough, Maria was in my room cleaning. She smiled at me as I entered the room. This time I went over to my bed, turned on the tv and pretended to watch tv while Maria cleaned my room. However, I was watching Maria very carefully, especially when she would bend over a little too far and I got a perfect view of her white panties. She caught me staring at her a couple of times, and just smiled at me.When she was all done, she asked if there was anything else I needed. I asked her to come over to my bed, where I gently grabbed her hand and pulled her over along side of me. She moved over on the bed willingly. I again gave her a passionate kiss, and gently rubbed her tots from outside her blouse. Then I ran my hands up her legs until I reached her panties. This time I stuck my hand down her panties, expecting her to resist. She said nothing, in fact, openly opened her legs so I had better access to her pussy. Had she done this before? I stuck two fingers in her pussy and slowly began finger fucking her in and out as I noticed her pussy getting real wet. My god, this young thing was enjoying this. Then I remembered what I had brought along with me (as I have a tough time getting a hard on – especially if I have drank anything) I had this big 12” dildo in my night stand next to my bed. I reached into the drawer, pulled it out and started to stick it in her little pussy. She seemed uncomfortable at first as I pushed the first six inches in her. I had some Vaseline I could have used, but she was so wet, the dildo went right in her smoothly. I could hear her taking some deep breaths as I slowly started fucking her with the dildo – each time going in further and further. Then I noticed she was pumping her pelvis to match my fucking rhythm – what an amazing little girl. After about twenty minutes she began moaning and moaning and finally almost screamed with excitement as she climaxed right in my arms. I then pulled her panties up and gave her a big hug. Before she left, I slipped a twenty dollar bill in her pocket. She smiled at me as she left my room. Wow, I never expected this in Mexico.The next evening when I returned to my room, I was disappointed to find another girl cleaning my room. She was about 13 years old and said her name was Ana. Ana was very cute, and wore another one of those short school dresses, that I couldn’t help but stare at every time she started to bend over. I turned on the tv and jumped into my bed and again pretended to watch tv. I wondered about why Maria wasn’t here? Had I made her mad – or worse? When Ana was finished, she came over to my bed, and sat down right next to me. I had had several beers before arriving so I had little resistance to another cute Mexican girl sitting right next to me. I put my arm around her, and she moved over right next to me. I gave her a passionate kiss, which she accepted willingly. I then put my hand under her blouse and under her bra. She had much bigger tits than Maria. I played with them for over 10 minutes – then I made the bold move of running my hand up her dress. She offered no resistance as I stuck my hand down her panties and carefully started massaging her pussy. Then I stuck two fingers in her pussy and began to finger fuck her. She started to breathe harder and harder – as I opened up my bed stand drawer, pulled out the enormous dildo, and began to insert it in her pussy. She took half of it in the first push, and it wasn’t long before I was fucking her with all 12-inches. My god she was tight. Ana began to moan and groan real loud – almost too loud. Good thing is my room was at the back of the large house, so no one would be near my room. When Ana climaxed, I gave her a big hug, and put a $20.00 bill in her hand. She thanked me kindly, and smiled at me as she left the room.For the next six weeks that I was in Mexico, I would return to my room in the evening to find either Maria or Ana cleaning my room. Once they were finished, then they would take their clothes off and let me have my way with them. I learned more Spanish from those two young girls than the University could ever offer. I gave them both my addresses when I left – but I never heard from them again.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 45
A few weeks ago, I invited Rick, my neighbor over to watch the game on my big screen TV. It was a Friday night and I was exhausted. After a few beers and a couple of joints, I was ready for bed. We sat back on the couch and I dozed off. I was comfortable wearing my gym shorts and a tank top. I was dreaming about getting a wonderful blowjob and it felt so good.Something woke me up from my dream - only to find it wasn't a dream. Rick was on the floor licking and sucking the head of my cock. He must have realized that I was awake because he stopped what he was doing. "Don't stop, man. That's the best action I've had in a month!" I said."Sorry, it was just hanging here and I couldn't resist," he said."Don't worry about it. Hell, let's get comfortable," I replied.I stood up and went to my bedroom. He followed and I started to undress. He just stood there and watched me get my clothes off. "Hey, get those clothes off. If I'm going to be naked, so are you!" I said."Are you sure?" he asked."Yeah, let's see what you've got!" I told him.He unzipped and dropped his pants. His underwear was off in seconds. He pulled his shirt off and stood there for me to examine his body. I reached for his cock and held it. It was thick and very nice. It was growing in my hand and it excited me. It was the first time I had ever held another guy's cock and it was so new to me. I didn't know what I'd do with it, but it felt good. Lay down, let me finish what I started," he said.I laid down and he laid next to me. He purposely laid his cock within reach of me. I was fascinated and he must have known. He took my cock into his mouth and gave me the best blow job I've ever had. It was difficult to hold back, but I wanted to so bad. I didn't want it to end in a few minutes. I asked him to slow it down a little and let it last. He was more than willing to please me. He licked my balls and it was so different than any other blow job I've ever had. He pinched my nipples and rubbed my ass while he played with my organ. "Man, you give great head. Whoever taught you did a great job!" I said."You wouldn't believe me if I told you!" he replied."I guess you want me to return the favor, eh?" I asked."Only if you want to. I don't mind," he said. "Well, I've never done this before, but I'm not opposed to trying." I said."Only if you want to. I'd never force anyone to do something they don't want," he replied.I leaned over and licked the head of his cock. It was oozing a small drip of cum and it tasted good. I engulfed the head and sucked harder. All of a sudden, it was the most natural thing I've ever done. I started pushing more of him inside my mouth until it was against the opening of my throat. We moved around to the 69 position and started sucking each other like mad men. Rick was in a great position to pump his cock into my mouth and I asked him to fuck my face. He began slowly and was groaning the entire time. He picked up the pace and suddenly his muscles tensed. His cock grew thicker and throbbed until he shot his wad right down my throat. It was the first blowjob I've ever given and it was great. I continued licking and sucking his cock for the longest time.I was surprised that I hadn't come yet. I guess I had held back for so long it was going to take a while. Rick rolled over and got off the bed."Hey, let me give you the best head you've ever had. I promise nothing will ever compare with this!" he said. "Go for it buddy. Do your best!!!" I said.He spread my legs and crawled right up and licked my entire shaft. His tongue licked my balls and down to my ass. His tongue lapped my ass over and over, it was driving me wild. He resumed licking my balls and sucked each one into his warm mouth. He licked up the shaft and engulfed the entire length in one gulp. He then slid his hand under my ass and slipped his middle finger up my ass. It wasn't uncomfortable at all. He quickly found my prostate and began to drive me insane. His mouth worked my cock while his finger fucked my hole. He was jabbing and poking my prostate until I couldn't hold back any longer. He knew I was ready to shoot. My ass tightened around his finger and I unloaded a ton of hot cum right down his throat. It felt like I shot forever. He gulped down every drop and then some. Even after I blew my wad, his mouth was still clamped to my cock. His finger was pumping in and out of my ass like crazy. His thumb rubbed my balls and I shot another small load.He sat up and pulled his finger from my ass. I was totally relaxed and feeling great. Rick licked up towards my chest to my neck. He was laying on top of me and the feeling of his warm, naked body felt great. He sucked my nipples and kissed my neck. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a big hug. Suddenly, I felt his cock against my ass. It was hard again and pointing straight for my hole. I had an idea, but wasn't sure if I'd be able to handle it. "That was the best I've ever had!" I said."Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it," he replied."Can I do anything else for you?" I asked."I just want to lay here for a while," he said."Okay, just move up a little more, please," I said.He moved up slightly and the head of his cock entered my ass. "Oops, sorry. I didn't realize I was that I was that close," he said."Don't move, just lay there," I said.I raised my legs and wrapped them around his back. His cock slipped in a little further. I was so relaxed, it felt great. He took over and slowly gave me the rest of his length. I was completely filled in a matter of seconds. It was a strange, but wonderful feeling. I was completely at his mercy. "Wow, this is wild. I never thought it would feel like this!" I said."Are you okay, does it hurt?" he asked."Not at all. You got me totally relaxed. Now I want you to fuck me like a man." I said."I'll be gentle, don't worry," he said.He began to hump my ass and it felt like nothing I've ever experienced before. I was really getting into it. I started to thrust against his thrust taking his cock even deeper. It was great. I wanted him to let loose and really give it to me."Fuck me harder, buddy. Give me everything you've got!" I said.With that, he started to fuck me like I fuck my girlfriend. The bed was shaking and his balls slapped my ass with extreme force. I began to wonder how long he could keep this pace up. Harder and harder he fucked me. He would nearly pull it out and ram it back in hard. He slowed and caught his breath. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Better than ever. Keep it up as long as you want. I really don't want you to stop," I told him."I'll try, but your so good I just want to come again," he said. "I understand. Go as long as you can. I'm enjoying the ride," I said.He smiled and started fucking me again. He fucked me with long, deep thrusts. He stopped to grind his cock deep inside of me and pulled back again. It was absolutely wonderful. He picked up the pace like before and fucked me hard. He kept up the pace for about ten minutes before moaning that he was going to come. He grabbed my legs and shoved them up to the pillow. He fucked me hard and plowed my ass until he shot his load. After he was finished, he grabbed my cock and jacked me off until I shot my load again. Just as I was about to come, he lowered his head and took every drop inside his mouth.We laid there totally exhausted. After several minutes, we managed to get up and take a shower. It was difficult to stand up straight after getting fucked like that. After the shower, I asked him to stay the night. He did and we fucked again the next morning.After another glorious round of hot sex, I just had to ask him again."Please tell me where you learned to give head like that," I asked."You may not believe this, but it's true. When I was 13, my mother died. My father and I were alone. It was tough for both of us. I entered puberty and asked my father about it. He told me all about sex and the male organ. He showed me his and one thing lead to another. Within a week, we were having sex together. It was always the same, just oral sex. When I turned 18, we started fucking each other. That continued until he was killed in an auto accident a few years ago. I hadn't had sex again, until now." he told me."Whoa, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to pry like that," I said. "Don't worry about it. I'm over it and it's nice to get that out in the open," he said.Since that day, Rick and I have become great friends. My girlfriend told me that she wanted to date other people and that was fine by me. It couldn't have come at a better time...END
I was graduating high school before I knew it. I was 18 and ready for the world, especially all the possibilities of sexuality. The summer came and I was ready to relax. My next door neighbors were going on a two week long vacation to Greece, so they asked me to look after their house for two weeks. The first week I was to be alone. The second week their daughter Raina was going to be around, after spending a week at her friend's house. The first week proceeded quickly, as I hung around, swam in the pool, and maintained things around the house. Being the only person around, I often stayed in the nude for extended periods of time, for I loved being naked! I had a routine of taking a mid-morning shower and then remaining nude for a few hours, swimming, and masturbating, and just relaxing. A week had gone by, and Raina was supposed to arrive the next day, in the afternoon. I made a mental note to get dressed shortly after my shower, so as not to surprise Raina in her own home! Truthfully, I was a little uneasy about being alone with Raina. However, she was a very responsible girl and could handle things on her own for the most part. She was 11 years old going on 12, and absolutely gorgeous. Her dad was black and her mom was white. She had developed early on and quickly. She already had large C size breasts. Plus a big, juicy, and shapely butt. She stood about 5'4," and had dark brown luscious skin. Her eyes were big and round, and she bore very thick, full lips (one of my favorite attributes of a beautiful female). As well, she was very mature for her age, and god knows how experienced she was sexually, but as far as I knew she was a virgin. Despite my attraction to her, I knew it wasn't right to come on to a girl as young as she.I jumped in the shower the morning before her arrival, and let the water soothe my body for about 20 mins. I dried off, and looked at myself in the mirror for a bit, admiring my good features. Ready to get dressed, I flung the towel around my neck, planning on enjoying my last few nude hours. Casually, I opened the bathroom door, and.... WOAH!!! "Shit!" There was Raina home early from her friends. Her room was right across from the bathroom, and she had been on her way out of her room. Awkward silence filled the air. "Uh, oh my! I'm, I'm sorry," stuttered Raina trying to hold back a smile. I noticed that her eyes were fixated on my genitals, and stayed there for about 5 seconds, which seemed like hours. "Uh, it's ok," I replied, with an awkward giggle. She shifted her eyes away from my penis, covering them with her hand, and turning away shyly. "I didn't know you would be home so soon," I continued. I pulled the towel off my neck, and wrapped it around my waist. Great, I had done exactly what I was trying to avoid! She giggled and said it didn't really bother her, as she turned back into her room. I went into the guest room in which I was staying. I started to get excited about being seen fully naked, and my penis began growing. Shit! I thought to myself, she's gonna tell her parents and I'm gonna get in trouble. I replayed the incident in my head, and pondered the first moment, when she had stared at my dick. I had noticed a look of wonder and excitement in her eyes, and knew that she couldn't move them away from the rare sight. Did she like what she had seen? Had she seen a non-relative's penis before?I quickly got dressed, and went down to the kitchen. Raina was there warming up some food, and upon seeing me she tried to hold back that awkward (I just saw you exposed!) smile. "I hope that wasn't like extremely uncomfortable for you," I stated. "I don't want to offend or embarrass you in your house." "It's fine Danny, really, I know it was an accident. Actually, I surprised you!" she said with a laugh. We joked and made small talk, deciding to go for a swim. I couldn't get that image of her entranced eyes out of my mind. She must have liked what she saw, it felt like she had stared for a solid few minutes! While swimming, I couldn't help but check out her immaculate body. Her dark skin glistened in the sunlight, and her boobs jiggled around as she played in the pool. Her behavior was so youthful and girly. She kept mentioning how uncomfortable her bathing suit was, and spoke of how her family always went skinny dipping together. I got the hint, and told her I didn't mind if she swam in the nude. As she removed her bathing suit, she said, "After all, it's only fair, I saw you naked!" I agreed with a laugh. Though I wanted to join her, I felt uncomfortable getting naked with her for some reason, maybe out of fear that I might get a huge, exposed, erection. Indeed my penis did get hard, however while swimming, my bathing suit hid it fairly well. Her body was unexplainably outstanding! She had barely any pubic hair, and her nipples were dark brown and perky. She moved like a grown woman, as she gracefully dived in and swam about the pool. She caught me staring numerous times, but never mentioned it. It seemed as though she enjoyed me watching her. I started to feel self- conscious, as I realized I was totally turned on by an 11 year old! I took my mind off of her nudity, and enjoyed the rest of our swim. That night we ordered take out, and sat around watching TV and laughing. We fell asleep on the couch, and I woke up in the wee hours of the morning to find her head on my shoulder, and her body curled up close to mine. I woke her up and we both headed off to bed.The next morning went by slowly. We both got up by 11, and munched on some breakfast. We then decided to go for a bike ride and headed off. We rode our bikes alone the rural roads, laughing, and teasing each other. We stopped for a water break, and I noticed a change in the energy between us. She had that flirtatious, innocently seductive look in her eyes, as she looked at me more often than usual. I pretended not to notice, believing that it must have been my libido interpreting for me! We arrived back at the house by the late afternoon, and rested. Soon, we made dinner and watched some T.V. Both exhausted from the bike ride, we retired early. Getting ready for bed, my penis was rock hard, and I remembered that I hadn't whacked off in a day or two. As I lay in bed, I became hornier and hornier, gently stroking my member. I couldn't help but picture Raina's amazing body, graciously moving about and floating in the pool. My horniness began to overcome me as the thought of Raina drove me crazy. How could I fantasize about an 11 year old girl?!? This was not right, she just turned me on too much. I stroked my cock harder and faster, and finally blew my load with a loud moan. I fell fast asleep.The next morning I was up by 9, and Raina, loving to sleep in, was up around noon. She announced that she was going for a swim, as I continued to read a book. I peered out the window, catching glimpses of her nude body flailing around by the pool. Although I wanted to join her to simply admire her beauty, I restricted myself and remained inside. The afternoon came and went and we shared stories, and she revealed that she had never had a boyfriend or kissed a guy before. I was fairly surprised, but it made sense considering her age.We made dinner together and the mood had become somewhat romantic. I frequently caught her eyes scaling my body, and we flirted and lightly touched one another while moving about the kitchen. We watched a movie until about 11, when we both decided to go to bed. I lay in bed reading some more, and (as usual) became extremely horny. Although I kept denying it to myself, I wanted Raina beyond doubt. I needed her young body, her beauty! I read for about an hour and couldn't fall asleep. I masturbated for a while, but couldn't come. I began to get restless, frustrated, and unspeakably horny. Then, I basically flipped... Under the spell of desired pleasure I made a decision to try something. I got up quietly and left my room, walking over to Rainas. Her door was open a crack so I peeked in... No sound, no movement. She appeared to be dead asleep. Fuck! I thought to myself, I can't approach her now, and wake her up. My penis throbbed and became sore. My sex drive dominated my judgement. I pushed the door open, and silently entered the bedroom. Moving toward the bed I noticed she had pushed the covers off, for it was very hot after all. Also (NOT to my surprise) she was sleeping in the buff! She was passed out on her belly with one leg straight, and the other one moved up and bent at the knee. I paused for a moment admiring her resting body. My erection throbbed harder than it ever had. Fuck it! I thought. I slid off my pajamas and was now totally naked standing over the sleeping girl's nude figure. I bent over the bed, and gave her lower leg a lick. No reaction. I licked again, this time tracing up to her thigh. Still no reaction. Ok here it goes! I licked from her thigh up to her puffy labia, and began licking her pussy. Mmmm... how sweet and tasty! It was like honey. I licked away, stroking her pussy lips and sliding my tongue in and out of her hole. She became increasingly wet, and I slurped up all of the fluid I possibly could and joyously swallowed it. I sucked at her labia until they became engorged. Then, placing my hands on her butt cheeks, I slid my tongue up to her anus and licked all around, up and down her butt crack. She kept herself so clean. After about 10-minutes of this, she finally stirred and moaned, but fell right back to sleep. I jumped with a start, thinking about what would happen if she woke up.Maybe she was just pretending to sleep? My dick had been rock hard for a while now, and it was time to do something about it. I got on my knees and scooted up her bed. Her pussy was as wet as the pool, and crying to be penetrated. Slowly, I inserted my penis into her virgin pussy. It was insanely tight and hard to enter. Trying to breathe softly, I pushed it in a little more. "Huuuhhhh, Ohhhhh," I moaned quietly. I forced it in a little deeper and her vagina walls contracted around my dick. "Ooooooooh!" It was ecstasy! I let out a loud moan.. Ooops! Her head jolted up with a start, and she gasped, "Oh my!" she shrieked. Without thinking, I grabbed the back of her head by the hair, and stuffed her face into the pillow and began thrusting harder and deeper. "Ooohhhhh Fuck! it feels so good!!" I exclaimed. I could hear her muffled moans and shrieks in the pillow. I was overwhelmed by this sensation, unlike anything I had ever felt. Her pussy was so tight, hot, and wet. My whole body went numb as my penis throbbed with sensation. The force of her pushing me away and her screams drove me wild. I was basically possessed. Just then, a feeling of guilt overcame me, and I became worried. What was going on?!? Was I hurting her? raping her? I suddenly stopped, and let go of her head. She jolted her head up, gasping for air, "Nooo, you bastard!" she screamed. Oh fuck! I thought. I'm dead. What have I done?"No! Don't stop!" she continued. Permission was granted, I was relieved. I stuffed her face back into the pillow and inserted my penis once again. Although this time, she spread her legs, giving me better access, and allowing me to thrust deeper. Her vagina ate up my dick, as her tightness drove me wild. I never thought I would be fucking a girl this young. I flipped her over, and we embraced, and for the first time, shared a wonderful, deep kiss. She wrapped her legs around my hips, and I slid my arms under her back and grasped her shoulders. This allowed me to go as deep as possible. I banged harder and faster, as she began to scream and hyperventilate. I penetrated all the way to the end of her vagina and pulled it all the way out and then pushed it back in with long, complete thrusts. She screamed, panted, and even cried. Finally her spasms built up, and I could feel my penis tense up. At the same time we both let it go, screaming at the top of our lungs in complete ecstasy. The best I had ever had. Period. She jolted around the bed as her orgasm died down, covered in sweat and tears of pleasure. We flicked on the light and I noticed that my penis was coated in blood. I saw some blood, as well, around her hole. Embarrassed, she giggled about it, as we went to the bathroom to wash up. We spent the night in her bed, embracing, and kissing, and eventually we drifted off.The next morning, we were up by 1 pm. We laid in bed, making out, and she thanked me for the amazing night. She revealed to me that it had been her fantasy to fuck me since she saw me naked. "I just knew something was gonna happen," she stated. "Your penis was just so profound." We made love all day, laying around and flirting in bed. I showed her how to give head, instructing her as she sucked away for hours on my penis. We tried different positions, and she enjoyed being on top and getting to ride me. She had strong hips and was great at sex. I was mesmerized by her brown skin and beautiful face, and the way she looked at me with those big, round, innocent eyes. I traced my tongue over every square inch of her body for hours on end, never bored with her curves. We went on like that for the remainder of the week, spending about 80% of the time in her bed. Her parents returned all too soon and we had to lay low for a while. Although, we made love a few times when she was able to sneak out and escape to my house in the middle of the night. Our relationship slowly turned casual once again, although we held on to our shared secret, and often made inside jokes about it. No one ever found out about Raina and I and our summertime sex excursion...END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 71
You are led into a brightly-lit room, squinting until your eyes adjust. The door slams shut behind you, in a startling thud. A sudden feeling of aloneness becomes you. Your eyes scan the strange environment, first focusing on a metallic steel table in the room's center, bright reflections of light bouncing off, in all directions. You're instantly uneasy as to its purpose. You stand on a small yellow line, which runs about two feet long, just in front of the table. Your eyes scan upwards at the two cameras pointing down, small red lights blinking. Your reflection suddenly catches your eye. You move in front of a small mirror, on the far wall. You've seen enough Cop-Shows on TV, to know that it isn't there for you to do your hair and make up in. Feeling of loneliness gone now, its quickly replaced with an uneasy nervousness, as you suddenly feel like a fish, swimming in a small fishbowl.You're drawn to the ominous steel table, as much as you don't want to, you reach out and touch the tables surface, shivers run down your spine, just from the coldness, while its smoothness is your next observation. You contemplate sitting, but opt for leaning, as you nervously wait.Time seems painfully slow, as your mind races back to the events that led you to this point. There was the office party, the couple glasses of wine, the missed red light, the flashing blue lights, the young deputy, the botched field sobriety test, the pleas of innocents, the not so quick pat down, the cold cuffs, the cramped back seat, the ignored pleas for mercy.Your mind suddenly shifts its focus to your husband, your two kids, your best friends, your boss, your coworkers, even your favorite high school teacher. Suddenly a judge appears before your eyes and pronounces your guilt. Your eyes shift around and their all there, their faces filled with disappointment. A feeling of deep shame floods through your body, tears well in your eyes, you curse your stupidity, over and over.Time drags on and you do your best to regain your composer. The black door suddenly swings open and the young deputy returns, carrying a clipboard. You take one last chance to pronounce your innocents, but he ain't buying it and you can only assume that he has heard it all before, even at his tender age. Your eyes find that yellow line on the floor, only now you've been instructed to stand on it. Feet in place you nervously stare at the young man, as he leans against the steel table now, only a couple of feet away. Your eyes meet, you can hardly breath from fear, fear of the unknown. He barks a simple five-letter command that sends shivers down your spine, as your worse fears are realized. You can't move, it's as if you don't understand the simple words meaning, but you're an educated woman, you even know a couple of ways that Webster defines it as. You now it means to deprive of possessions or to divest of honors, privileges, or functions. But deep down you know how he really means to use the word, which is to remove clothing, covering, or surface matter from. And that from, is you.The deputy snaps to attention, startling you even more, as he again orders you to Strip. You plead your case one more time, but you know it's futile. You look down at your outfit, instantly wishing you weren't dressed to party. It suddenly dons on you to ask for a female deputy, surely he didn't except you to disrobe in front of him, you plead, almost proud of yourself for thinking of it. His only response is unsettling, seems there's not a female to be found, no he wants you naked alright, naked for his eyes and right now. You stand your ground, until he brings up the sheriff, which shakes your bones, as you know all to well about his reputation. Your hands quickly slip off your best vest and hand it over to the deputy. You watch as he quickly searches it, and simple drops it on the cement floor. If he knew how much it costs he wouldn't be so carefree with it, you remind him, but he just chuckles.You know you've only just begun, but you can't stop from shaking, as a bead of sweat drops from your forehead. The deputy's tapping foot and hungry blue eyes aren't helping. After contemplating your next move, you unzip your skirt and let it slip down your legs, carefully stepping out of it, before handing it to the deputy, and it too is dumped on the cement floor. Your blood is starting to boil, as he awaits your next move, still tapping his foot on the floor. You reach up to undo the top button of your red silk blouse; it's color matching your cheeks. Your hands tremble, making the simple task, difficult. One button and then the next, all while knowing how exposed this is going to leave you to his waiting eyes. You also can't help but to think of just how many other sets of unseen eyes, are on your strip show, as well. You muster up all your courage, and spread the two halves open. After you've given the command, you quickly slide your arms out of it and hand it over. He just treats your fancy blouse like a rag, balling it up, before tossing it down. Your eyes focus longingly at your growing pile of discarded clothes, now strewn on the dirty floor.His eyes return and you instinctively cover your body with your arms, as you realize your underwear selection of a small frizzy peach colored bra, small matching panties, garter-belt and white mesh thigh high stockings, were meant for your husband's eyes and not his. You feel your fancy heeled shoes are too sexy for your currents dilemma, but he wants them on.He suddenly starts barking out orders like a drill sergeant and you reluctantly follow. You soon find your hands interlocked behind your head, elbows back, legs shoulder width apart. You can only pray it's over. Your heart pounds, as he slowly circles you like prey. He complements your bra selection, as he runs his fingers under the straps. You squirm from his smooth touch and his slimy personality. You watch him carefully, as he moves in front of you. Your face flushed with embarrassment, as he pulls the front of your bra away from your breasts, like he wanted a sneak preview, before he asks, rather rudely, for you to remove it.Anger envelops you, as you plead your case, and you resist the slap in the face that you yearn to deliver. Guys have been trying to see your tits since you were a teenager, and at 35 you still haven't got used to it, their hungry eyes devouring them, seemingly always focused on them. You notice he's no different, when you unsnap your front latch and slid it off.Your bra joins the pile, as you quickly cover your naked breasts with your hands, trying to retain some modesty, although you know by the look on his face that he has seen the pose before. Your hands are back behind your head in no time, your breasts on full display, to the young man's eyes. Your erect pink nipples add to your embarrassment, but it only gets worse, as your are soon lifting your breasts up by them. Then, following another command, you start shaking them back and forth, while leaning forward. His actions so juvenile to you, you're only surprised he didn't make you jump up and down. Back in position, you join him and look down at your source of embarrassment. Your usually proud of your ample breasts, but unlike many, you took more pride in the fact that you had made it this far in your career, without using them to your advantage. Today, you wish you were flat as a board.You also wish you had left the garter-belt and stockings at home, as well, as his eyes shift to your lower body, but he wants the panties next. You had prayed that when he saw your breasts, it would be over, but deep down you knew that he wouldn't be satisfied until he saw all of you, all of you naked.You pull the thin bows that hold your delicate panties together. You suddenly feel like a virgin again, as the feeling of taking off your panties, your last line of defense, is unnerving. You look to him for mercy, but he is anxiously waiting for them, hand extended. You sniffle like a scolded child, as he barks at you, until you hand them over. Your hands immediately take there place, but not for long as they are behind your head, once again. You cringe as you slowly turn your body around for him, every side, every angle, all his for the taking, all because he wears a badge.It's time for his next command. You have to unhook your garter belt from each stocking and then roll them down each leg, not really getting the straight legs command, until you feel your breasts swaying heavily from your chest. Before you can react, you have a small feeling of relief come over you, as you are ordered to roll your stockings back up, and re-attach them, as you figure this is the start of your redressing processes.Your relief is short lived however, as his next command startles you. You can't believe your ears! He wants you up on the steel table, up on all fours, like a puppy dog. He even snaps his fingers at you. You just shake your head, whimpering, until a sharp slap to the ass, sends you scurrying. You feel helplessly naked. It's like out of your worst nightmare. You are now under his thumb. Your higher education, your status, now all meaningless. You slowly climb up on the table that now feels colder than it did before, your burning flesh, your reasoning. Humiliation pours through your body, as he pats you on the head, when your into position, which is one that you would never even let your lover put you in. He gives a lewd command, which hits like a punch to the stomach. A teardrops falls to the table, as you spread your legs apart, for his eyes, when he moves behind you. You quickly find out that it's for more than his eyes, as you feel his fingers first touch on your well trimmed pussy, which causes an alarmed lung forward, and a violent protest.A strong-arm guides you back into place and the fingers quickly return. You close your eyes in shame, as the strip-search moves to a cavity-search, which leaves you aghast. You feel your pussy lips being manipulated, gasping in horror when his finger and thumb, pull you open. A finger, maybe even two, find their way inside of you, twisting and turning. Your shame turns to a feeling of violation, as your pussy suddenly feels full of fingers. You squirm about, until they suddenly retreat, as if he has finally listened to your pleas.You suddenly hear the unmistakable sound, of a rubber glove being snapped on. Your head snaps around in disbelief, but he confirms it verbally, your anus is next. A strong arm to the back sends your chest to the table, you squeal, as your breasts squash down on the cool table. The coolness sending shivers through your already emotional drained body.Your mind inexplicably races back to your first rectal exam, done in your mother's doctor's office. Her old doctor's finger, doing the honors. The humiliation you felt that day, not even close to what you feel now, as you think about the simple fact that at least the old had a medical degree and not a cowboy badge. You feel his finger break your seal, quickly snapping you back from your mind's journey. You cry out for mercy, as his finger presses on, nothing in your 35 years has prepared you for today, as your back to your whimpering ways. His finger twists and turns, until it finally withdraws and you crash down on the table, an emotional sobbing wreak.You're given a wet nap to clean yourself up, but you mistakenly use it to clean your tear-ridden face, and with some passing time, your slowly regaining your composer. You suddenly notice him standing in front of your face, his uniform pants doing little to hide his excited state. You scamper into a sitting position, composer lost again, violently shaking your head, fear seemingly shaking the rest of your naked body.You listen as the indecent offer is made. At first you're aghast, as you're explaining that your no whore, but when turns to leave, you surprise yourself by begging him to stay. You look at the clock on the wall, and know that you are expected home, any minute, time is fast becoming your enemy. You slip off the table; you realize that you have only seconds to make a mammoth life changing decision. You nervously laugh, as you remember that it took you a half an hour, just to decide what shoes to wear tonight. Your mind battles with the pros and cons, but untimely you let a firm hand to the shoulder, be your excuse, as you find yourself kneeling on the cold cement floor, right in front of the young man. His excited crouch, only inches from your face. You know it's a solution to your problems, as perverse as it seems to you. You only hope you have the strength to deliver your end, praying that you will be able to live with yourself, evermore. You reach up with trembling hands and unbuckle his belt and pants, noticing for the first time that he wasn't wearing his gun-belt. He crosses his arms, seemingly satisfied with letting you do the work. You unzip his fly, the metal scratching sound causing you to shiver. You work his pants down carefully. When he steps out of them you toss them aside, but you wonder if it has anywhere near the same significant to him, as your pile of discarded clothes, did to you. When you look up, you cringe at the site of his tented boxer-briefs, more at what the harbor. You even contemplate changing your mind, as you grab his waistband, but you muster up some courage and pull the material down and off. You stare at the floor, afraid to look up again, at what surely faces you now, so you close your eyes and gingerly let your hand find his hard cock, cringing at its first touch. You try to retain your composure, as you guide his hard cock to your mouth. You start by sucking on the engorged head, like a inexperienced schoolgirl. You can tell just by the stretching of your jaw, and your fingers that he is bigger than you hoped. You manage to take a quick peek and your eyes confirm it. You try not to be impressed, as you cover your teeth with lips and start moving up and down the shaft, all with a whimper. Your mind strangely flashes back to the last time you did this, in your mind, perverse act. It was way back in college and only to join the sorority you pledged. You still remember it all to well. For initiation you had to submit a picture of a hard cock, in your mouth, from a complete stranger no less. Finding one in college, wasn't that difficult, although it was extremely humiliating. The stranger wasn't happy with just the picture however, as he held your hair, fucking your face, until he came in your mouth. Your sorority sister, seemingly more interested in taking more pictures, then helping you out. You destroyed most of the pictures she took, but not all. The picture of you with cum dripping from your lips, got you into that sorority, but its whereabouts, still haunts you to this day. You're suddenly startled out of your trance by the deputy's hips driving forward, in a face fucking like maneuver. You quickly pull back, as it's eerily familiar. He let's you know that he's not happy with your performance so far, and that times not a factor for him. You suddenly remember your plight and vow to do better. This time you attack with more gusto, and more hand, but it's quickly pulled away, and your left with just you lips and tongue to work with. You finally find a rhythm, as you think about anything but what your doing. Trying to focus more on why your doing it. A palm to the forehead however, has you looking up into his eyes, as you suck his cock. You wonder how his beautiful blue-eyes could harbor such wickedness. You continue sucking, until you are suddenly pulled to your feet, with a swift motion. You are lifted back onto the steel table, this time however you're on your back, the cold steel sends, Goosebumps a traveling. Defeated, you lay on the table, trembling with feelings you seemingly had never felt before. Terror and a strange anticipation await, as you brace for insertion. You feel your legs spread apart and you hold your breath, as he rubs his cock along your well lubed pussy, before he slowly enters you. You struggle with your emotions, as you don't want to give him the satisfaction. He lifts your legs, up onto his shoulders. His awkward early strokes, quickly replaced with smooth aggressive ones. Your head swirls, as you fight with your body's reaction, even try to stop the moans and squeaks from slipping from your mouth, with every deep thrust. You close your eyes, but it doesn't last, he seemingly wants your eyes, as much as he wants your body. He wraps your legs around his waist and picks up his pace. Your breasts suddenly attract his attention for the first time, as he squeezes them in tune with his deepeningthrusts. You nipples are next, as he rolls them in his fingers, their sensitivity level not helping the squeaks of pleasure. He suddenly turns you over, you have a panicked moment, as your feet hit the floor, but he thankfully finds your pussy once again, as you sigh. His thrusts however seem harder and deeper in this position, your sigh, replaced with a squeal. You quickly fill with mixed emotions, as you feel like a cheep whore, bent over the table like so, as he pounds away, and as an added bonus, you even have to groan, "Fuck Me Boss," over and over, per his request.His actions are unlocking waves of pleasure however, that are becoming increasingly harder to ignore. You suddenly remember that it's been over ten years since anyone but your husband has had your pussy. It's also been years since he had fucked you in such an unbridled manner. You feel ashamed that he can make you feel things, your husband can't. You try to put it all out of your mind, but when his hand reaches around and starts rubbing your clit, it's impossible. Your tears return again, as you surrender to his lustfulness, your !head swims in euphoria, if only so briefly. His cruel words snap you back to reality as he brags about his prowess, but before you can fret about that he presses his cock against your lubricant dripping anus, causing you to scream out a panicked plea, as you quickly spin around, with fear filled eyes.You find your way to your knees again. His slimy cock quickly finding your mouth, as you opt to take the lesser of two evils. You realize as repulsing as this act is to you, and as repulsed as you are that you can taste your own juices, you must. You also now know that you will do anything to avoid an ass fucking. You will even suck and lick his balls, as you find yourself doing, following his next order.He wants you to beg, beg to suck his cock. Your voice quivers as you beg. When he gives you his permission, you give it your best try so far, but the task is not a simple one however, as the young man insists on using his hard cock as a tool of humiliation. It's being slapped against your face and extended tongue, as an added insult he wants you to beg again, beg for his cum. You finally, after much trepidation, give up the last remaining grain of respectability you have left and beg him to cum, cum on your face. First however, you have to return to your cock sucking ways. All too soon, your jaw aches, your knees are raw, as your inexperience has hampered your efforts at a speedy conclusion. Your slurping and drooling ways, adding further embarrassment. He finally finds your hair a helpful tool, in guiding you, in the right direction. You start to panic, as his increased body movements and audible moans let you know that his climax is fast approaching and thankfully he finally stops his face fucking.While you catch your breath, your left, eyes opened, mouth agape, tongue extended, just like a puppy dog awaiting a treat. You suddenly see and then feel the first blast as you flinch away, but a handful of hair keeps you in place, as the remaining syrupy fluid finds its mark. His slimy cock presses against your lips and then finds its way back into your mouth. You gag on the salty covered treat, until he is finally satisfied that your part of the deal is completed. With one eye plastered shut, you are led across the hall into a bathroom. Afraid to even look in the mirror, you splash water on your face, before you soap and scrub it clean. You also take the opportunity to wash out your mouth as well, as the aftertaste is less than pleasant and is also a painful reminder of the dastardly deed, you just performed. You finally look into the mirror, almost ashamed of the reflection looking back.Your clothes are suddenly dumped on the floor at your feet. You dress in world record fashion, before being led to the back door, only thankful that he lived up to his end of the deal. A pat on the back, sends you out the backdoor. Your eyes light up when you see your car. You almost find it funny that he has no problem with you driving now. You quickly make your getaway, all while vowing never to drive in this part of Vermont again. You also know that you have a lot more, than one little picture, now to haunt your everyday.The EndThanks for reading my little tale, hope you like it.Your comments and suggestions are always welcomed.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 22
I sat at the bar drinking my Crown and Coke. It was a pretty cool club, reminded me of a place back home, dark, smaller, long rather than wide. I could have done without the occasional queen that came in trying to pick up a straight guy and then making a scene when he was rejected, but nevertheless, it was small enough that the bodies had to press closer in order to fit, which of course made everyone hotter, sweatier, looking for something to drink from the bar. I waited at the bar, sitting on a stool with my back to the door but my side to the floor so I could watch the dancers. I like to laugh at white guys, shit... They really can’t dance. I wasn’t exactly alone tonight - he was late, but... (smirk) I knew that he would be. He’s a nice guy, but can be a bit ‘poofy,’ and he spends too much time preparing in front of the mirror. In some things, he was so predictable. I laughed to myself as I wondered what he would actually surprise me with. Hopefully he isn’t putting his hair into that stupid pompadour again. Oh well, that’s alright... I can handle whatever surprises he decides to drop on me. A sultry tune came on and I decided then that I would say "yes" to the next guy who asked to dance with me, instead of the, "Sorry, I’m waiting for someone," I had been repeating for the last twenty minutes simply for the sake of such a great song. A good looking guy, inky black hair, dark blue eyes, tanned skin, gold chains, guido-thick chest hairs, came walking towards me. This one was actually looking at my face as he walked towards me instead of traveling his eyes up my legs (as if he could see straight through my skirt) or staring blatantly at my chest, so I figured he could be the lucky guy.I just prayed that he didn’t have a stereotypically thick Italian accent. And then, when he stopped in front of me... I felt the air change, almost a spark of electricity in it. I knew he was asking me to dance or if he could buy me my next drink. I just didn’t hear him. Thankfully, I can read lips. I looked up slowly from my drink, to the guy with the offering smile, the gesticulating hands, the wildly flapping gums, desperation in his eyes, and I stood up. I said nothing as I put down my nearly empty glass and took his hand. I took my time walking to the dance floor, dragging him behind, knowing he was watching my ass, and really getting off on it.We hit the dance floor and he immediately broke out in these funky, ‘epileptic-on-a-sugar-high’ dance moves and I had to stifle my giggles. Thank God he was cute and I was horny. I put my back to 'Mr. GQ,' my face to where I knew he stood, watching, waiting. With my feet slightly apart, I closed my eyes and slowly began making slow circles with my hips with the music. Mr. GQ walked up behind me and began mimicking me, molding his body to mine. When the singer’s voice picked up speed my hips did as well and as she slowed so did my ass. My body was interpreting the song perfectly into sex and he knew it. When I made slower grinds, my eyes squeezed shut just as they should. Mr. GQ put his hands on the front of my thighs. I put my hands on top of his and glided them down my thighs slowly, sensuously, until they fell away. When they dropped away from me, I slid my hands up my thighs, imagining it was him, one hand whispering over my pelvis – teasing me, my hands trailing up my sides. He was willing my hands to my breasts and let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, disappointed. As he watched my fingers draw up my sternum and one hand go to the back of my head pulling my hair up slightly as the other hand went back down my sternum to my thighs grasping at the edge of my skirt as if I couldn’t decide whether or not to push it down or pull it up. I suddenly opened my eyes and noticed everyone was looking at us. I felt kind if slutty. Mr. GQ had a toothpick in his mouth and was going, "Yeah baby, alllllright!" I would have smiled, challengingly, but the dance had gotten me hotter than I had expected. It was meant to taunt him, pay him back for being late. Instead the plan backfired. He never showed up and now I felt like a fool. My skin now felt too tight, my clothes too restricting. My mouth felt dry while other parts felt wet. I had to get off the dance floor and out of this place. I felt absolutely ridiculous. The elevator and restrooms were over to the right. I just had to get some space, air. I had to get it together quickly. If I still wanted to show him the fire he had played with, the in-control woman I am... was... normally, I better get it together. I stopped at the foot of the stairs at the fast approaching giggling of the women then exiting the women’s restroom. I smiled and stood to the side letting them by and up the stairs. I stood by the elevator catching my breath for a moment. I would get it together and then splash some cold water on my face. It was just the liquor and the heat, nothing more surely. And as for these people staring at me, I didn’t know them, so no big deal. The wall felt so cool beneath my palms and against my back. It was so quiet down there; I turned towards the wall and put my forehead to it praying it would cool me down. Two, maybe three, seconds passed and then the hair stood up on the back of my neck. Just as I lifted my head sharply, his body pressed up against mine, so hot, so... hairy and wet with sweat, pinning me against the wall. It was Mr. GQ again. "Too late," he growled in my ear as he put his hands on my hip bones and pulled my ass back onto his hard cock. Someone whimpered a begging sound. I realized it had to be me. Nope, there was a lost puppy in the bathroom with us. I bent down to pet it. He slid his hand around my stomach and up towards my breast... I felt vulnerable but craved, almost ready to beg, for his touch.He dragged me to the elevators. "The puppy..." I cried out, but he just kept pulling on me. He pushed the elevator button and the door opened almost immediately. "Damn tease," I muttered. "Is that so?" he said challengingly. Oh God. He heard me. I added fuel to his fire. Part of me wanted to laugh because this was so much fun, another part was thrilled by the unknown, and the rest was on a sexual high because I knew he was no tease. He firmly, but gently, shoved me into the elevator. I turned to face him and with an interesting smirk and no hands he pressed me up against the back of the elevator with his body, pressing the highest floor’s button. He did nothing but press his body against mine, his shoulders pinning mine against the elevator wall, his chest pressed against my tight nipples, his still hardening bulge against my throbbing mound. I tried to break free but he just smiled and chuckled. Somewhere in the middle of the fourth and fifth floors he pulled back to kiss me... but he didn’t... he pulled the stop button and the elevator came to a hard, jolting, stop. I almost fell but he grabbed me. Once I had my bearings again he smirked at me and pressed me up against the wall of the elevator, "Let’s see now who the real tease is, shall we?" In the main lobby Security office, a silent alarm began beeping. Bill Walters looked at the alarm code and flicked on monitor #6. In the main elevator, he saw a young couple in various states of undress. The girl was pretty sexy, but the guy looked a little like a poor man’s John Travolta circa 1977. Knowing they were going to do it, he quickly paged the other two on duty guards. It was showtime!I knew this was payback for my little show I put on for him. He brushed his lips against mine, not kissing me but teasing, and growled quietly, "Tell me you’re a tease, Erica," he said. "No," I replied defiantly. "Then allow me to argue my defense against your accusation, counsel," he said losing his smirk and with a determined look in his eyes. Suddenly I felt like Red Riding Hood cowering under the wolf. But, oh, what a big... He opened my shirt with his teeth and one hand, scattering buttons across the elevator. Next he pulled down my bra, wedging it under my breasts and taking the nipples into his mouth. I moaned and tried to free my hands but he wouldn’t let me go – just captured both of my wrists in his right hand and pulled up my skirt with his left. Then his fingers crept under my panties, skimming the smooth skin there, caressing, teasing, "Waxed for me did you? What a good girl." He taunted me. He cupped me with a warm palm and slid one finger not in but along my seam, back and forth, back and forth.Still he didn’t kiss me, just watched my eyes. I turned my head, couldn’t look in his eyes another moment. I felt weak, naked, not embarrassed, but bare. His mouth now hovered at my ear and I could feel his hot breath. He leaned his forehead against my head and ground out, "God... so smooth... hot... so wet... all for me." He truly was a cocky bastard. My hips involuntarily pressed forward urging for more, that finger to slip in, him to slip in. He chuckled against my ear and chills ran down my spine, "Not until you’re dripping." He continued his slow back and forth motion, driving me insane. In that instant, suddenly I found my sanity. I turned my head to face him and didn’t wait, whimper, or ask for a kiss, nor did I supply him with one. "Two can play at that game baby," I said confidently and ran my tongue against the length of his lips once. In his surprise and at his smile and intake of breath I pulled my hands free and pressed him up against a wall. I didn’t need strength on my side. He wanted this as bad as I did. "Now, you stay there like a good little boy and I might give you a treat," I condescended, paying him back. "Evil bitch," he laughed. "Now, now. Is that any way to talk to the woman holding your lollipop," I smiled innocently as I grabbed his package. He narrowed his eyes at me but stood quietly. I went down on my knees and looked up at him as I unbuttoned him and drew down his zipper. His cock pressed out towards me, peeking its way out of his boxers. "My, my. What do we have here?" He was getting frustrated with my teasing so I laughed. I guess I did have an evil bitch streak. I pulled his cock out of the slit in his boxers, letting out his full length, and lightly touched just the head of his cock, looking into his eyes. In the Security office, the guys all gathered around and laughed at the length of Mr. GQ’s penis. It couldn’t have been more than 4 inches, but the girl was a real trooper, going at it like it was three times that size. Secretly, one of the guards, Tommy, began sporting wood at the sight of the erect cock. Small perhaps, but certainly appealing to his well-guarded bisexual tendencies. The men looked on intently.He took in a jagged breath and then closed his eyes and let his head fall back against the wall as my finger tip ran around the edge of the head of his penis. "So soft and warm, so smooth," I said. "Tastes even better," he said without lifting his head or opening his eyes. "Let’s find out," I said and I flicked the head of his penis with my tongue to lick up the pre-cum that was already there. It tasted weird, like asparagus. His hips involuntarily pressed towards me and I chuckled as he had earlier. His hips began to rock in unison with my hand movements. I opened my expecting mouth and began to suck him as he began to moan. His hips begin to rock up and down faster and my mouth began to go up and down faster. One hand made a ring at the base of his cock applying some pressure. The other hand stroked him as my mouth slid up and down sucking gently, suckling him. "God Erica... your stroking makes it feel like your mouth isn’t leaving the base of my cock. Don’t stop!" He stared down at me then, I looked up at him and we locked eyes. He placed his hands on the back of my head and began to press lightly forward towards him, and pull back away from him. I felt his hips begin to lift off of the wall and towards me and then back. I knew he was getting close, so I slipped one of my hands off of him. He made an unhappy sound but watched as I slipped the middle finger of that same hand into my pussy getting it soaked and then slid it up the leg of his boxers. His legs were already spread a little so my finger went straight to his perineum. I sucked harder, taking him deeper, as deep as I could, and rubbed slippery circles on that spot near his asshole. Then I stuck it deep in his ass. He squealed like a little girl who finds a spider in her sock drawer. In the Security office, two guards’ anuses clenched in horror. The third just kept his thoughts to himself.He closed his eyes and practically slammed his head into the wall behind him. His knees shook a little. This was it. Suddenly he growled loudly and quickly and violently and exploded. Ropes of jism splashed into my mouth and down my throat. He may have been small, but his output was amazing. I cupped his balls like I was milking him and continued to drink his protein filled ‘milkshake.’ Finally, he stopped. He hit the Stop button and the elevator started moving. He pressed button 6 and it stopped. I stood there with my panties at my ankles and my tits out as he ran out into the hallway of the 6th floor. "You son of a bitch!!!" I screamed. He just took off running, nervously laughing as he faded into the distance. I hit the L button and pulled myself together. When the elevator reached bottom, three men in blue uniforms stood there smiling, greeting me. I could see the bulges in their pants...I licked my lips and smiled. "Why hello boys..."END
One of the worst things to happen during our hazing experience at the university, didn't happen to me, thank God. But I witnessed it and couldn't believe what I saw.Two of the pledges were kind of rough tough red-necks. Pete and Chuck. Pete was thin with shaggy hair and Chuck was muscular with a buzz cut. They were loud and rowdy, you know, typical jock college freshmen. Well they pledged and everything went well for them. I don't know, maybe because they were tough types, the frat boys kind of left them alone. Oh they had to do dumb shit, but nothing near as degrading as what happened to the rest of us. Until They insulted the security guard. The security guard for the area of campus that had some of the frat and sorority houses was a favorite with the kids. He was a very muscular black dude with a winning smile, and a friendly personality. And he loved to fuck white sorority chick. In fact part of the sorority initiation for girls was that they had to get fucked by Arthur the Security Guard. Imagine being some shy virgin girl from someplace small, and pledging a sorority and learning that to get in you had to let yourself get fucked by a big black stud! Well anyway, Chuck and Pete were drunk one night and said something rude to Arthur, I guess it was pretty racist.It must have been pretty bad like the N word because a big to-do followed. They had a mock trial of these two guys, run by Billy Chote of course and the head of one of the sororities, Jan something or other. She was a real bitch. The other pledges had to attend the trial. Bare assed naked of course. The two defendants were brought up naked and told to apologize to Arthur who was there in his uniform. It was decided that Chuck and Pete had to show respect for Arthur. You won't believe this, so I am really glad I have photos to prove it to you. They made chuck and Pete lay on the tables in the room and the "Judges" who were even dressed in stupid costumes although god forbid any of us should laugh. The judges gathered around to examine the defendants. Jan said that maybe the reason they picked on Arthur is because their dicks were so small they felt inferior. Everyone played with and looked at the boys' cocks. It was so degrading. Then Billy said maybe the were faggots and took it up the ass and secretly had a crush on Arthur. So the boys were made to kneel and spread their asses and a large magnifying glass with a light on it was put at their asses so everyone in the room could see up inside their rectums. It was interesting to see big muscular rough tough Chuck shaking like a leaf and sniffing back tears. Next, Billy suggested that the sorority girls test the insides of the pledges holes with strap on dildos, .You could hear the guys moan and groan and beg all the way across the make shift courtroom. The whole thing was so fucking obscene, but as I looked down the line of seated pledges I could see that about ninety percent of them had boners just like I did. What the fuck was happening to us that we were not getting off on shit like this? Pete who was the weaker of the two was really crying, saying that what they were doing to him was going too far, that they had no right to do it. Then he felt the strap on dildo going into his ass, while everyone took photos of him. I cannot tell you the humiliation as a straight guy of eighteen or nineteen of getting ass fucked. It makes you feel totally inhuman. My therapist says that is natural as getting ass fucked unmans you, turns you into a cunt. He said it is possible that I may feel like a cunt now for the rest of my life, and rather than try to undo that, it might be better psychologically to try to accept it and adjust to it. But Jesus, I am only eighteen, I don't want this to happen to me. My therapist says that if I didn't already have cunt tendencies when this happened, it probably wouldn't have affected me so much. He said these kinds of college pranks and games happen all over the country and not everyone ends up as fucked up as I am. He actually called these things pranks and games. Is it me? Anyway, the girls fucked both boys with the strap on dildos while the frat boys and sorority sisters cheered them on. Comments were made about how tiny their dicks were how they shrank, and looked more like clits, but that was probably from the pain of getting dildos fucked up your ass. Lying on a table bare assed naked in a room filled with other college kids, in full lights, getting ass fucked by strap on dildos, imagine, Chuck screamed out that he was so sorry he had insulted Arthur and he would do anything to make it up to him. That was all Billy Chote needed to hear. He had Arthur strip bare assed naked and walk over to Chuck, with his thick black dick swinging. "To show respect, suck Arthur's dick." Billy ordered. Now I know for a fact that Arthur had never sucked dick. Some of the rest of us were becoming pretty damned good at it, because of Billy's willingness to educate us. My own condition was particularly awful. Ever since I was forced to suck off my best friend Robb in the Student Union, Robb had been stopping by for blow jobs every few days. I had been his best friend for years, and now he wouldn't even speak to me, except to say, "Suck it Faggot." Or "Suck my asshole." And of course I had no choice. A few times I tried to talk sense into him, and he just ordered me to shut the fuck up. One of the worst things about the pledging was losing my best friend and becoming nothing more than a cocksucker and asslicker to him. That too had been orchestrated by Billy Chote as you know, since Robb wasn't even in a fraternity. Billy just knew that it would totally degrade and humiliate me to have to suck my best high school buddy. So Arthur stood there at the end of the table with his thick black dick hanging over Chuck's face. It was like our entire world during this period was sex and fuck and humiliation and shame and more sex, nothing else existed, even school, as my declining grades would prove. I guess this is how it is for lots of college freshmen. "I don't think I can do that," Chuck sobbed. Jan was still fucking his ass with the strap on, while Pete was getting it up the rectum from another sorority bitch. "You will do it, or you will shame all of us and be forced to leave the university." Billy sounded official, like a judge. It was so stupid, they wore these silly white wigs, like in an English court, and I guess that was what they wore when they made official fraternity rulings about anything, all that ritual and shit. Before Chuck could respond, Arthur, who has a wicked sense of humor, stepped in and let his dick dangle right over Chuck's mouth. He let the head of the cock rub against Chuck's lips. A big fat black long dick, all sweaty smelling, dragged across Chuck's lips, and he started breathing real fast, like a little kid who can't get enough air. Pete next to chuck was crying just as much, knowing that he too might have to do this horrible thing. My cock started to leak, I don't know the fuck why. I was shamed to tell that to my therapist. Lots of pledges watching were rubbing their dicks, trying to do it so nobody would notice. Arthur had this massive ass, large smooth brown muscular globes and a real deep ass crack. We all looked at it as he stood over Chuck's face, dragging his dickhead over the boy's nose and mouth. Jan sneered. "What's the matter Chucky, you fuckheads think that we girls live to suck your cocks. You think we can't do without our daily dose of dick in our mouths, I know that's how you boys talk about us. So why should it be so hard for you to do it? Its only a big black cock after all!"Arthur reached down and with one strong but gentle hand, straightened Chucks head, to prevent him from turning away from the dick. Then he began to prod at the boy's lips with the head of his fuckmeat. The whole room was deathly silent, as everyone waited to see if red neck chuck would suck black cock.As always the photos are available to interested readers...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 41
This is story is based off of true events and the real Anna wanted me to retell it for everyone. All the sections that begin and end with an * are Memories/Flashback*"Louise god I've needed you so bad." My lips locked with his, I had wanted to taste him all evening and all day. He slid his hand up my skirt and I felt his fingers push into my dripping pussy. A moan escaped my lips and floated from my mouth to his. "Anna you're so wet," he smiled confidently knowing that he had me wrapped around his finger, knowing well that my body ached for him. He brought his soaked fingers to my mouth and I tasted myself and as I licked his fingers, Louise leaned forward as his tongue began to fight mine like bee's savoring sweet nectar. He slowly pulled his fingers away and he placed his strong hands onto my ass, giving me a firm squeeze. I just moaned and pushed closer against his firm chest. "Anna..." Louise said to me in the most sincere voice, "Tonight no protection, I'm going to explode inside you." My thoughts where swirling and my pulse racing, I didn't have time to answer him back, he lifted me and placed on the hood of my car and spread my legs; once more I felt the plum sized head push deep into me, stretching me and filling me. "Oh fuck, Oh fuck Louise," I moaned, I began to yelp softly as he plowed into me viciously like some rabid animal. I gripped onto my car as best as I could. "Tonight Anna your mine baby, your mine to keep." "Fuck Fuck...Yes baby oh yes I'm yours," I locked my legs around his hips and smashed against me lifting his hips, up and down, fucking me into submission."Anna oh Anna, Anna," he whispered into my ear.I kissed softly on his neck, the sweat dripping off our bodies, I slipped my hands onto his ass pushing his hips harder against me and I felt his body tensing."Anna, Anna babe," my husband reached across from his seat to caress my cheek. "You kinda blanked out there."My husband smiled at me and I smiled back, but sometimes when I look at him I wish he could be someone else...that he could Louise... the man that almost took me away from him. I know these thoughts are going to send me to hell... but as Bon Scott once said, "Hell ain't a bad place to be.""Sorry love, I just... I was just day dreaming..." I gave a goofy giggle and looked back out the window at the scenery moving past us. "I think your going to like this place babe, it has a great view of the forest and awesome food" My husband spoke so happily and smiled and I just couldn't help and remember my meetings with Louise.*"Louise where are we going," I said giggling as we made our toward a forest preserve."Well we needed some photos like Noir fashioned and I figured the forest might give us cool effects." He gave me a smile and looked back toward the road. I took a deep breath and undid my seat belt and moved toward him and began to undo his belt. "Anna, holy shit, we are going to crash," he was startled and a bit jumpy. "Shh," I leaned up and kissed his cheek, "Just keep your eyes on the road and I will keep my mine on..." I was cut short as I took his cock deep into my mouth, he threw his head back and I pushed my head all the way down his fat shaft. I gripped his cock in my hand I could barely reach around it. I began to stroke and suck, swirling my tongue around the thick head."Christ Jesus... Anna," he said in raspy voice, I felt his hips begin to thrust forward slightly fucking my mouth.I sucked on his cock for a good fifteen minutes more, drooling and slurping on this beautifully sculpted cock. I moved my mouth up and off and began stroking his cock, looking Louise in the eyes. "Cum for me Louise, cum nice and hard." I don't know what got into me, I never really took control but having this massive weapon in my hands made feel powerful. I stroked faster and he began to groan. The car pulled into an empty parking area and when the car came to an abrupt stop, I jerked his cock hard and he let out a feral groan."Fuck Annabelle, Jesus fucking Christmas," he placed his hand on my head and I moved my mouth over his cock once more and teased the head of his cock, coaxing him to erupt. I felt him, his body buckling under my teasing. I placed one hand on his stomach, feeling his sexy abs. I heard him groan loudly and in seconds I was greeted by a torrent of cum. Like the white water rapid's rushing into wanting mouth. I locked my lips around the head of his cock and swallowed as much as I could. I moved my head away slowly and looked up at him. He leaned forward and kissed me and cum spilled over my hands. "Anna we aren't finished, come on," he quickly unbuckled himself and got out the car, holding his pants. I quickly followed and soon as I got out of the car, he took my hand and smiled and led me away into the woods. We came to an area with a huge tree and he dropped his pants and I stroked his cock. "Take off your pants and panties and bend over baby." I moved to the thick tree in front of me and quickly took off my clothing; I bent forward my ass pointing to him. Without hesitation he pushed his cock into my pussy. I let out a scream, but he continued to fuck me hard. He grabbed my long black hair and pummeled me like a battering ram. "Shit Louise, you're so fucking good." I held onto the tree for dear life as he fucked like wild animal. He smacked my ass and I bit my lip and looked back at him as he gave my pussy erotic punishment. As he fucked me I had no guilt or remorse for what I was doing, I simply wanted to be fucked, I was married but at the moment I could care less... What was wrong with me? I loved my husband, but with each stroke of Louise manhood, like a wrecking a ball to building, he destroying all my reserve and I was living for the passion this brought to me.*"Honey we are here," my husband said happily.I returned his smile and got out of the car; he took my arm gently and we walked into the establishment. I was taken by the beauty of the place and I thought we were going to be seated but, my husband began to lead me toward a set of double doors."Where are we headed honey?" I asked in bewilderment. "The dining area is over...""I booked the VIP baby," he said and smiled warmly. He let go of my arm and when he opened the door a huge "Surprise!" Rang out. I looked at the banner that hung over head and it said "Congratulations" and below the banner was a table with a gold picture frame with my master's degree inside. I kissed my husband and thanked everyone. As the party began pick up speed I remembered how my trip down the high way to hell began. *About a year ago I had taken maternity leave and brought into the world a beautiful baby boy. But after awhile I told my husband I needed to go back and finish my program. Upon my returning I met the most charming and sexy man and his name was Louise. Louise was the T.A. for one of my classes and he knew that I had left for maternity leave He had offered to help me in anyway he could. I was so happy that my professor had hired someone so helpful, especially since some of the teacher's assistants in past were such assholes. I ended up seeing Louise a lot and I always ended up studying with him. After awhile we became friends and started to see each other outside of the confines of school.There was a week that my child felt ill and I missed a few classes. Louise had called to check in on me to see if everything was going well. After filling him on details he said he could stop by my home and give me the notes I had missed during my time off. After he arrived we made with the pleasantries and discussed the notes and lessons and such. We took a break and we made our way into the living room and took a seat on my leather couch. Louise at first sat a friendly distances away from me and we just chatted and gossiped, but he slowly started to move in. He made his way to the floor and he leaned against my legs and continued to talk to me. I looked into his eyes and at the split moment he leaned up and kissed me deeply. I didn't know what to do! Should I stop him? Should I let him continue? My body answered for me as he slid his hand up my stomach and grasped my breast and I moaned softly. He leaned forward and began to kiss my neck."We can't..." I said softly, slightly whimpering.But he continued his erotic assault on my senses and body and he answered "Oh but I know you do" He reached down and slid his hands into my panties and I didn't realize how wet I was, he raised his hand and he moved to the light and his fingers glistened. He grinned to me smoothly, "This tells me otherwise."I just gasped and he slid his fingers back into me and we began to kiss deeply, our tongues dancing and our hands slowly sliding over each others bodies. My hand slid down his chiseled chest and over his abs, god what a body he had."Your husband is so lucky," he said into my ear.My heart skipped a beat for a moment but my lust was behind the steering wheel and it swerving me into a wall of iron ecstasy. I pressed my finger against his lips"Right now, we are just two people, two students studying Hard" I said softly and grinned.He smiled and he took my hand and slid it down to his belt buckle and my hand almost on instinct began to work. I felt like a kid opening her birthday gift, my pulse pounding as I began to unlace the leather ribbon and my hands pulled away the denim wrapping paper and all I was left with was a well shaped package incased in red briefs. I slipped hand in slowly went for my present and my mouth dropped."Jesus..." I said in awe and I looked at him in the eyes"What happened?" He looked at me with concern, "Am... I... not equipped enough?" he looked at me like a puppy who had just got caught doing something naughty."Oh my god...No! It's... It's like a tube of cookie dough." I slowly moved off the couch and he sat up and stepped aside slowly giving me space to kneel, I pulled his briefs down and his tool lurched out. I love my husband I really do... and he pleases but this muscle in front of me made my husband's look like a broken pencil. He slid his hands through my hair and looked down at me and looked back up at him and I slowly slid the head of his cock into my mouth, swirling my tongue around it."Oh Fuck Anna..." he gasped and almost fell backwards.I slid my lips down the thick, long shaft, slowly placing soft kisses upon it. I took a deep breath inhaling the lust in the air. I made my way back up the shaft and took his cock deep into my mouth. Louis let out groan in response; I cupped his balls in hand and began to slowly slide my wet mouth back and forth, bobbing slowly on his member."Holy shit Anna, this is best study session I... I... oh fuck... I've ever had," he said to me.I began to swirl my tongue around the head once more teasing it, making him squirm with pleasure I slowly slid his cock from my mouth. He kneeled slowly and kissed me deeply and he took my hand and helped me up. My body had a mind of its own and I led him to my bedroom. He slowly lowered me to the bed and laid over me. We kissed gently and he slid his fingers up and down my wet pussy. I reached down to stroke his cock."Are you ready for this Anna?" "I am... but please go slow."He moved his muscular body between my legs and I felt the plum sized head pushing against my lips."Oh fuck it's Huge." I placed my hands against his abs, trying to slow his thrust, but he kept pushing and pushing, my pussy began to stretch around his thick cock. I just yelped and grasped the bed sheets. "Oh, OH FUCK Louise Oh shit!" I said loudly."Does it hurt? Should I pull out?" "No, fuck!" I placed my hands onto his firm ass. "No, I've never been so full, please fuck me, fuck me."He didn't need anymore encouragement, he began his lusty rhythm slow at first but then he began to pick up speed. My body began to lunge back and forth on his bed and soon his hips were hitting mine, I couldn't believe it his cock was buried deep inside my pussy."Oh Fuck Anna, you are so tight and hot shit... Oh." "Don't stop! Don't stop Louise! I've never felt this good!" I began to pant and my body began to tingle in ways I've never felt. "Shit, SHIT!" I continued to scream.I hooked my legs around his hips and pulled him hard against me. He continued to fuck hard and fast, his hips popping up slightly and pushing down hard against me hitting me so deep. And then it happened."OH SHIT LOUISE!" I yelled out and my body was racked with my first orgasm, I never orgasmed before till this moment, not even with my husband. I felt good, but never like this, never so raw and carnal. He smiled to me and kissed me deeply. "I'm glad I could make you explode like that, but now it's my turn and I want you cum with me when I do." He smiled and kissed me.I looked at him with the dreamiest look and just nodded and that sealed my fate for the next 5 hours, he ravaged me. He kneeled between my legs after our first position and placed my legs against his firm chest. From that position he lowered my legs and laid me on my side and held to one of my legs. We did our erotic dance on martial bed, but it the dance ended with me on top of him, riding my steed. He gripped my hips with his strong hands and we erupted together.* "Anna any prospects on site to work at?" one of my friends asked me, snapping me out of my memory. I simply smiled and shook my head, I couldn't even think straight. My mind and body were going north and south. Everything I touched reminded me of the most sinister, yet the most exhilarating times of my life as women. I love my husband don't get me wrong it's just sometimes... there is no passion between us, he just looks at me sometimes and I don't feel the fire that was once there. My body was feeling warm now, I couldn't tell if it was the room being filled with so many people or if I was just getting horny as hell. I wiped the sweat from forehead and smiled at everyone as I made my way to restroom. Upon entering I made sure no one was looking and I slid my hand down slacks. "Oh my god..." was all I could think to myself... I was dripping wet... it's a wonder how I wasn't leaving a wet spot on my slacks. I leaned back against the marble counter top and then again my thoughts flashed to another moment in time.*I looked at the clock on my desk, it was nearly one in the morning, everyone was asleep accept me... working double time on my paper. I leaned back into my chair totally exhausted from working the entire day... not having a moment really for myself. Buzz, buzz, I jumped in my seat a bit, it was my phone. "Who in the hell is messaging me," I thought as I picked up my phone, it was Louise. My eyes popped a bit as I read the text. "I'm outside," I quickly got up and quietly made my way to the front door and peered out the little window. He was there; I opened it slowly and as quietly as I could. I felt like child stealing cookies from a cookie jar."What are you doing here Louise?" I said bewildered and yet happy to see him.He didn't answer me per say but he moved to me and quickly kissed me passionately, he slid hands onto my stomach and over onto my back. He pushed me slowly into my home. My god what the hell was he thinking, my husband and child were just upstairs, but lord have mercy I didn't give a fuck. I returned his kisses just as feverishly, I broke away slowly only for a moment to shut the front door. Right when the door closed I turned around and I was swept off my feet. He took to the first floor bathroom and sat me at the edge of my sink, he quickly took off his pants and he helped my out of my pajamas. He kissed me deep and then I began to yelp softly as he claimed once more. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he continued to push and pump his beautiful cock into my pussy."Shh, shh," Louise said as he continued fuck me.I nodded in return looking him in his deep eyes, I kissed and sucked on his lip and he in return thrust deeper forcing every inch of his member into me. I grab his hair and he bit me softly on my shoulder. Louise looked up at me, with a serious look as he pumped into me."Do you love me Anna...?" he thrust into hard and deeper than before.At first words didn't escape my lips just huffing, I looked him straight in the eyes. "Yes, yes I do Louise." He lunged into me harder than ever before. So savagely, so passionate, he kissed me deeply to keep me from yelping and screaming. We stayed like this a few more moments and he slid out of me. I felt so empty and I slightly pouted. He helped down and bent me over slowly; sliding his hands up my back and with one powerful thrust he was inside me. We fucked like this for 20 minutes hard and fast, he lifted one my legs up and hooked it under his arm and from this position I was able to see his cock working me like piston, over and over again until he exploded onto me. * "Anna?!? Anna... Are you in there?" it was my sister."Yeah, yeah... I'm coming," I smiled sheepishly."We are about to start the toast, so come on lets go" she pulled her head back from the doorway.I quickly fixed myself and made my way through the hall and back to the party, once inside I was given and glass and my husband raised his own. After we made the toast I just sat at the table thinking to myself, that I was kind of happy I hadn't seen Louise after the graduation and after I turned in my final paper. He made the daring come out of me, this wildness that wanted to be tamed. Sometimes deep down I wished would happen again. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw one of my classmates waving to me. I turned to look at her."Anna hey Louise is here."I just looked and smiled. ENDI apologize if there were some grammar errors and such; I did my best editing it. I at least hope you enjoyed it. Send Comments to Thanks for reading.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 53
He was several years older than me as Mom had married a younger man. He was a good step father to us and I guess he knew how to satisfy her cravings and she seemed to like him being around. I too, liked him being around and now was my chance to get some of that cock that Mom was so fond of.There we were, my step father and me, naked and alone for the first time. I was sitting on top of him as he had his massive cock was in the air. It looked so big! Maybe I couldn't take it into my tiny pussy after all. I wiggled my ass against him as he slowly pushed me down to where his cock was against my little pussy.I could see my wet pussy lips as they were spread over that cock, their puffy folds on each side as my pussy slowly rubbed along the entire length of his cock. His cock must have been 10 inches long and a good two inches in diameter. It was huge! I could feel the heat from his big cock as it slid along my slit. My wet little pussy was riding along his cock as I slid it back and forth, rubbing it and letting it touch my enlarged clit with it's huge head. My pussy was so wet and I wanted to feel it in me so bad. I wanted that hulk of hot meat in my virgin pussy. I took his big cock and wrapped my hand around it as I slowly guided it to rub my tiny hole. I rubbed the thick head up and down, getting it good and wet before trying to put it in me. When his cock was wet with my juices, I eased it to my small pussy opening. I felt the huge head as it waited to invade my tiny opening, me now wanting it to go inside as I felt it start to penetrate me.As I guided it with one hand to my hot little hole, I opened my pussy for him with the other, spreading my swollen lips, allowing him slide the tip inside my burning pussy. I could feel the pressure as the tip started to go inside me, as it filled my small passageway so full. I looked down to see it as I felt the pain as his huge cock head entered me. The crown of his cock was in me, pass my tight muscles as I tensed in pain from the intruding monster. I felt the pain as it slowly disappeared, turning to a warm feeling in my tight pussy. "Be still and relax." He said, "Let yourself get used to it first.""Ok, but please don't hurt me with your dick." I said. "This is my first time, you know"I let it rest inside me for a moment, growing accustom to its size as I relaxed my muscles, allowing his cock head to rest within my tiny pussy. It was feeling a lot better now as I started to move again, rotating my hips as I slowly started to move up and down, being careful not to hurt myself with his large cock.I needed to feel more of it in me as I pressed downwards onto his tool, letting a little more of it sink within my confines as I watched. I saw that big cock as he started to see saw it in and out of my tight pussy very slowly. I was taking that cock! I was having my first big cock and could see all the action as it went into me. It was amazing to watch his prick as I sank down onto it a little more, his hands now helping my hips as he slowly pulled me to him.I had about half of his massive cock in my tiny pussy now, the feeling was so divine as I struggled to take more of him. I was full of that cock and my little pussy was loving it as well as me. It was making me feel so hot as I reached to play with my small clit which was getting bigger as we fucked.There I was, a young girl with my first cock in me, sitting on top of that magnificent cock, watching it as it sank in and out of my hot little pussy. It was something to see, his big cock in my smooth, hairless pussy! I was really being fucked and loving it, just not a fantasy of mine any longer, it was for real. It was a real cock in my tiny pussy and I was really being fucked by my step father. I was enjoying it so much, his cock fucking my tiny pussy, that I never heard the door open. I glanced up from watching his cock in me to see my Mom standing there out of the doorway peeking in at us. Then I noticed she had her hand in her panties, playing with herself as she watched us. I could see the movement of her hand as she masturbated, her head was thrown back. I turned away from her sight, not letting her know I had seen her watching us and continued to pound my wet pussy to that huge cock. I leaned forward and told Jim that we had company as he turned to see her standing there. I told him not to mind her but for us to keep fucking, to let's give her something to really see. This turned Jim on as he pulled my ass to him a little harder, forcing more of his manhood deeper into my tiny pussy. I was moaning out loud as I glanced back to her, watching her diddle herself as I smiled at her. She now knew I had seen her and she smiled back at me, all the while her hand getting faster as I neared my climax.I felt it building down deep within me, the heat in my pussy was throbbing, wanting to be released. I felt myself start to cum as his cock also started to throb inside my tiny pussy. I felt it swell up and then felt the hot cum as it erupted, spewing it's hot load into my virgin pussy. I was trembling all over, breathing so loud as I moaned, telling him to fuck me as I continued to cum. I was flooding his big cock with my juices, squirting my hot fluids all over us as I saw Mom jerking as she too, came. We were all cumming at the same time and I was loving it. I felt his cock jerking inside as it emptied all of its deposit inside me, knowing he had shot a huge load of cum up my tiny pussy.We slowed down and I felt his cock as it slipped from me, our cum mixed with each others as it drained onto his stomach and cock, coating his balls also. We had cum all over us as Mom started to come our way. "Looks like I have been missing out on something," she said, "You two started without me. What do you think I should do?""Why don't you join us?" Jim said. "We need a little cleaning up over her."She reached the bed side and removed her panties, her smooth shaven pussy glistened as I saw her sit down. I watched as Jim took her head and guided it to his stomach, feeling her wet pussy as she lowered her head to taste our cum. I watched as she licked our spent cum from his stomach and cock, as he played with her pussy right at my face now. I could see her wet pussy and Jim's fingers as they played with her enlarged clit, it sticking out between his fingers as she lapped at our juices."You must taste this child's pussy," he said. "It's so sweet and she might even like it.""I will see that she likes it," Mom replied." You know how I love to taste pussy, especially young pussy." Then he told her to lick the cum from my pussy as he would eat hers. I felt Mom as she took her tongue and slowly licked my cum covered pussy, watching Jim as his head went between her thighs. It was starting to feel so good, her eating my little pussy as I reached over to play with his cock. There we were, the three of us, licking and sucking each other as I felt the heat within my body start to rise again. I was going to let my Mom eat my horny little pussy, as I played with one of her big breasts with one hand and Jim's hardening cock with my other hand. Her tits were so big and firm. I felt the softness of them as I massaged them, while she was beginning to put her tongue into my wet pussy. "Oh, Yes. That feels so good. Put it in me," I said as I took Jim's cock and licked the big head once more.Mom rose up, her mouth covered in our cum as she licked it from my pussy, saying," I have wanted to do this for a long time. You have the perfect little pussy and I love the way it looks without any hair.""I told you she would be hot, didn't I?" Jim said as he pulled her ass to him with her mouth still at my small pussy.He got behind her and took her hips in his hands, pulling her ass to his cock as I watched, still with my hand on his cock. "Now, you guide my cock to her asshole. I want you to see it as I put it in her tight ass. Would you like that?" Jim said."I would love to see you fucking her ass. I have saw you two doing it from a distance, but not like this," I replied, "I watched you as you slid your cock to ass and saw her moaning as you fucked her the other night."I helped him guide his big cock to her waiting ass, as it was difficult from the position I was in, to her raised up in the air, waiting to accept him.I felt her as she pulled my thighs to her, tonguing my small pussy with her hot tip as I rubbed his cock against her upturned ass. She was moaning into my pussy as he entered her ass, making me feel so good as the moans seemed to excite her more. I spread my thighs as far as I could and let her slid her hot tongue to my throbbing pussy. I felt her tongue as it slipped inside me, her licking upwards as she put her finger to feel my little asshole. I squirmed as I felt her finger there, not wanting her to do it as I asked her to stop. She just pulled my smooth little pussy to her as she buried it so deep in me. It was like I was being fucked with a cock the way she tongue fucked me. She knew I was ready to cum as she worked on my burning pussy with her marvelous tongue. I felt my climax as it started to swell, my hand on his balls as I watched his cock sliding in and out of her ass as she bucked back to take more of him. She was cumming just from the dick in her ass. "Yes, Baby. Fuck my ass. Slam that cock to me harder. Fuck me hard! Fuck me!," she cried into my pussy as she started to cum, her ass rotating and hunching back to his big cock as I started to cum also. I could tell he was cumming too, from the grunts he was making, pumping his cock faster into her as he stiffened, filling her ass with his cum.I was exhausted as we separated and lay back onto the bed. My pussy cleaned now by her licking my cum from it. I had squirted my cum all over her as she finished cleaning me up. "I am glad to see you are a squirter," she said. "I love to squirt cum from my pussy too. Would you like to see me do it?""Yes, but how can I see you do it?" I asked."You can taste my pussy while I suck on Jim's cock if you wanted too," she said. "Do you think you would like to taste your mother's pussy?""I think I would like that," I told her as I put my head down between her thighs. This is going to be great I thought as I reached my tongue to taste her wet pussy. I done as she had and licked her labia as I tongued my way to her gaping hole. I felt her as she pulled my head closer to her, jamming her pussy to my probing tongue as I could tell she was taking Jim's cock into her mouth.Her pussy had a sweet smell to it and it had a tingling taste to it, as I dipped my tongue into her. Her clit was so swollen as I pulled it into my mouth, sucking on it as if it were a dick. She seemed to like it as she began to fuck my tongue with her sweet pussy. I could hear her as she sucked on his cock, making the grunting noises I had heard several times before. I knew she had her mouth full of his cock as she moaned and groaned, slamming her pussy to me.I felt her as she started to tremble, knowing her climax was approaching as I fucked her faster with my darting tongue, pulling her ass to me to put it deeper in her. Then she started to cum, bucking her hips and throwing her pussy as I tongue fucked her. She started to shoot her cum out of her pussy, coating my tongue and mouth with her hot fluid as she came. She was shooting cum out like a man, as I took as much of it into my mouth as I could, the rest running down my chin as she pumped her dripping pussy to me, faster now as she screamed with pleasure, his cock still in her mouth as I watched him stiffen. I knew she was getting a load of hot cum from him too, as she pulled me tighter to her, cumming all over my face and mouth. She was soaking me with her juices as I began to cum from the excitement of her fucking her pussy to me.***This was my first experience with sex and I have had many others. I hope you enjoyed it and let me hear from you if you did. If you have something similar to this and would like to share it with me, I would be happy to hear from you. Email me at*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 27
5:30 am and my alarm goes off. I look over and see my wife and Mistress, Karen looking at me and smiling. I know what that smile means already and I start to move down before she says anything. "That's right. I started my period again last night and you know what that means don't you? Tonight and tomorrow will be my heaviest flow and you're off. What a coincidence." She says with a laugh as she spreads her legs widely, showing me her bloody snatch. I look down at her snatch as she puts her hands in my hair and pushes my head down. "Cleaning time toilet. Clean me for 5 minutes." I start to lick around her pussy cleaning it lightly with my tongue. I move inward as I stroke cleaning and swallowing as I go. I groan as she holds my head tightly over her snatch and starts to piss. I cover her quickly and start to gulp down her hot salty strong morning piss. I can taste her menses mixed in with it and she groans as she finishes. I look up at her smiling proudly as she looks down at me because I didn't lose a drop of her golden piss."Such a good toilet! When you come home I will be waiting for you and I should be nice and full for you. I am going to keep my ass propped up all day for you so that none of it is lost. You can go downstairs now cause I'm not going to shit this morning. I am going to save it and feed you tomorrow while you suck. I'm going back to sleep and you go to work and come straight home understand?""Yes Mistress." I shower and go down and eat my breakfast. I think of her all day at work and can't concentrate. I can't wait to get home and serve my Mistress. My Mistress is a BBW with black hair and hazel eyes. She has a big beautiful ass which feeds me twice a week. I am her toilet in every sense of the word. When she takes her morning shit I am the paper she uses to clean her ass. When she has her morning piss most times I have to drink it. She has even lent me out to her sister to use one weekend. I served her and her daughters. I do get sick at times but she does not care about that, and really I have only myself to blame for this. I was the one that started it. I have always had a thing for big women. I always watched their asses and imagined that I was under them licking and sucking on them. I used to fantasize about being used and abused by them, the same way my nanny used to use me. She would have me lick her ass clean and drink her piss whenever she came over. I never had the courage to ask my girlfreinds if I could though. Then I started to date Karen and one night while we were chatting about our past sex lives mine came out. She had already become the dominant one in the relationship and I had readily slipped into the role of sub. I obeyed her totally in everything she had asked of me. She would sit on my face and beat my cock and balls mercilessly as I ate her. I took her over the knee whippings and spankings eagerly. It reminded me so much of my nanny, but Karen was so much better. Anyways as we talked I told her about what my sitter had done and when she looked down she could see my raging hard-on. She said she had always been curious about it herself, but let it go after that. We drank some more and went back to her place. When we got there I undressed as usual and started to undress her. "Wait I have to go to the bathroom. You go on into the bedroom and get on the floor." I did as she commanded and went in and lay down. I was puzzled that she had come right in behind me. She looked down at me as I laid there and started to undress. I looked up at her pussy as she stood over me and I realized what she was going to do. My mouth started to water as I thought of drinking that golden nectar and my cock sprang to life. "MMMMmmmm, that's right. You just lay there honey, I'm gonna give you a special treat tonight. You just wait right here." She said walking away. I groaned in misery as I watched her walk into the bathroom. I listened intently but I didn't hear the noise of her piss instead I could hear her shitting as she emptied her bowels. I stroked my throbbing hard cock as I listened wishing that I was watching. I looked on as she came out and stood over me. "I got something for you slave. You know what it is? It's hot and golden. Do you want it?""Oh Yessssss... Miss Karen please give it to me. Pleaseeeee... It's been so long since I tasted it. " She said nothing as she lowered her pussy down onto my face, and covered it. I started to suck on her pussy covering it with my mouth as she grabbed my nuts. I sucked loudly making slurping noises as she took my nut sack and pulled it out, stretching it. She cinched her hand behind my balls and squeezed them tight as I groaned into her pussy in pain. "Drink this slave and don't lose a drop. No matter what!" she commanded as she flicked my nuts sending waves of agony into my belly. Her hot piss began to flow as I gulped it down. I was in heaven as I drank her piss greedily, gulping loudly. She stopped her flow and rubbed her pussy all over my piss soaked face."MMMmmmm! You love that don't you my little piss drinker? You want more don't you?!""Yessss Miss Karen!" I groaned as she twisted my nuts. I looked up at her beautiful ass and saw that she was still dirty back there! Ohhhh to lick that!! I had to try. I lifted my head and started to lick at her ass, groaning with pleasure as I did so. She pulled her ass away from me, "Noooo! Please!""Oh no. You have to beg for that slave. You beg for it and maybe I will give it to you." she said getting to her hands and knees in front of me. I got to my knees and stared at her beautiful big dirty ass, my mouth watering. "Please Miss Karen! I want to clean your ass. I'll do whatever you want.""What will you do for me to prove you are worthy of this ass? Will you serve me?" "Y-yes Ma'am I will serve you from now on and do whatever you want." I couldn't believe what I heard myself saying."Will you be my toilet? Do you want to be my toilet? Will you clean me with your tongue and eat my shit and drink my piss? " "Yessss! Mistress Pleaseeeeee," I had longed for this day so badly and now it was here!"I expect you to serve me even when I am mensing too, will you do that also? If you will you may clean me and I think I may even have a little more for you, if you want it that is," she said laughing.I said nothing as I looked at her ass. I leaned forward to put my hands on her cheeks and spread them. She settled her shoulders onto the floor relaxing as I started to lick. MMMMM! I was in heaven as I tasted her ass. My chest was pounding and my body trembling as I cleaned her behind. I started on the outside and moved inward savoring each and every stroke. She groaned and I felt her hands move to her pussy as she stroked herself as I ate."MMMMMmmm! You like that baby? Hmmm? You like Miss Karen's ass? Oh God baby that feels so good!! That's right clean me! Get it all!" I groaned and stuck my tongue deep up into her ass and felt it touch something! I covered her asshole with my mouth and started to suck on it, trying to draw her treasure out. "You want that baby huh? I saved a whole bunch for you know that? I just went enough to get dirty and tease you. You want the rest? Here you go baby, all for you! Now be sure to eat all of it! " I felt her ass push out against my mouth and my first meal of many started to push into my mouth. The hot turd filled my mouth as I started to chew it. I swallowed it down quickly as she pushed more into my mouth. I chewed and swallowed again as she filled my mouth. I could feel her trembling as she pushed the last bit into my chewing mouth.She got off of me and sat down on my dick taking it deep into her dirty ass. She bounced up and down on me as she stroked herself with one hand. She reached behind her and grabbed my nuts pulling them and twisting them. I groaned as I came deep into her ass in long hard thick spurts as she grunted for me to give it all to her. She pulled off of my cock and settled her ass over my mouth. "Clean It!" She said. I cleaned her ass licking up my own cum mixed with her shit, savoring it. She groaned and pushed her ass deeper into my face cutting off my air. I sucked desperately, as she came screaming. She pulled off a little and pissed on my face aiming it into my open mouth. And that is how I came to this point in my life I thought to myself as I unlocked the door and walked into my house. "I'm home Ma'am," I said as I came thru the door. "I'm on the floor. Go up and put on your harness." I go up the stairs and get my harness out. It is a wicked little thing really. Mistress made it and it is one of her favorite things. It is a set of straps that are attached to a garter belt. It is heavy leather though not lace. One part straps to my head and the other goes around her hips. There are buckles and cinches so that she can strap my head into place for the next 36 hours. That is how long I will serve her as her pad this week. She may or may not free me it is up to her. One time she kept me strapped to her for 2 days. All I had to eat or drink was from her body. I go down and crawl into the living room. I stop and look on in disbelief. Donna is here with her girls! They look at me and laugh."Oh slave by the way, I invited my sister and her girls to come over this weekend. I know it's only Monday but you see Paula and Donna both get their period at the same time usually, and since I told them they could use my pad if they wished they wanted to come watch you perform. Now come here." I do as she says and crawl into the room the way I always do. I lower my head over her bloody snatch and the girls look on as I attach the straps to her waist belt she put on this morning. I hook the four of them together and lay on my stomach. I place my head in her crotch and open my mouth. I place my mouth over her ripe snatch as she lifts her ass and tightens the back straps. I hear them gasp as I do it, not believing I would. "See ladies, told you he would. Just like I told you he would eat your shit and drink your piss. He's a total toilet... now SUCK!' She yells as she tightens the front straps into place. Her ass has been raised on the pillows all morning letting her period fill her pussy. She lifts her ass and pulls the pillows out. I circle her waist with my arms and she rolls over, her body on my face. She raises herself to her knees and the flood rushes out of her pussy. I gulp the mess down as it pours into my mouth. I have no choice it is either eat or drown. I swallow quickly and it tapers off until there is nothing coming out. I feel her tap my head and I hold on again as she rolls over again. It will be like this several times tonight. "It's going to be a great weekend this week don't you think girls?" I heard her ask as I felt a pair of hands stretching out my nuts and another pinching my cockhead.To be continued?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 42
I'm a lucky man. I married a super woman, Gina, who's loving and beautiful and a helluva good fuck. Same is true of her sister, Cassie. Cassie is my spiritual bride as surely as Gina, and we three share a home and a bed. Yeah, I'm one lucky guy.How'd I latch onto this arrangement? Well, a few years ago I met Gina when she was working behind a concession stand at a movie theater selling popcorn. We started talking and when I asked her out, she said yes. I figured I had impressed with my charm and good looks and personality. Gina tells me she only said yes because I looked like I would be a good fuck.Well, she found out fast. When I went to her place to pick her up, it was Cassie who answered the door. She's a year younger than Gina and she had a body that could raise the dead. I knew that immediately because she answered the door wearing a white bikini panties and a matching see-through bra that looked too small for her. But I didn't mind."Gina! It's for you!" she yelled, locking eyes with me. Her fingers combed through her curly black hair and she said, "You must be the guy from the theater, right?""Right.""I'm Cassie, Gina's sister. C'mon in," she said, turning and walking with a vicious swing of her dynamite ass. Only a thin strip of white was visible from between the cheeks. "Have a seat," she said, plopping onto the sofa with one leg crooked beneath her buns. I had a perfect view which she didn't try to hide and she didn't seem to mind showing."She'll be right out. She told me to 'entertain' you. Is this entertaining enough?" With her red-polished fingernail she teasingly circled the dark aureola that surrounded the nipple on her left breast."I bet you want to fuck my sister, huh?" Cassie asked me as she spread her legs and let me ogle the wet spot on her panties. Shit, what was going on? I had a hard-on that wouldn't go away and that I couldn't easily hide from Cassie's penetrating gaze."I can tell Cassie kept you from getting bored," Gina said as she walked into the room wearing a tight blue sweater and a short skirt. I stood and she hugged me and let her hand brush my fly and the bulge there."With her dressed like that, I guess you couldn't help but pay attention." Gina was very calm and matter-of-fact about it all. Even Cassie acted as if it were normal to greet her sister's dates wearing only her underwear. I was the only one who seemed a little confused and, yes, embarrassed."Gina, I could have shown him my tits," Cassie said and freed her ripe boobs right in front of me. My eyes just about popped out."Now you've gone and thrown down the gauntlet, Sis," Gina said as she pulled her t-shirt over her head and revealed twin tanned orbs topped with nipples that were like bullets. Then Cassie whipped off her panties and Gina's skirt and panties followed. I'd been there less than 5 minutes and these two lovelies were both naked, having some sort of competition."Not fair," Cassie said. "He's still got clothes on." Together, Gina and Cassie stripped me until I was as naked as they were. Well, almost. I was wearing a hard-on that brought big smiles to their faces."Ooh, that looks yummy," Cassie said as she knelt in front of me."No way," her sister said as she shoved her aside and knelt in the floor. Cassie stuck her tongue out at her sister, then crawled close to us. Gina wrapped her hand around my cock and stroked it a couple of times, milking some pre-squirt out. She smiled and licked it off."Look, I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but what's going on here?" I asked. The girls looked at each other and laughed."We're just two wild and crazy sisters who like to share men," Gina said. "Are you 'up' for that sort of action?""He looks 'up' to me," Cassie said, licking her lips as she looked hungrily at my meat."Okay," I said. "Let's go for it." Actually, it was the sisters who went for it, "it" being my stiff and drooling dick. Their tongues shared the job of wetting my cock and balls and it was Cassie who first took the initial suck, and a long, exquisite suck it was. Gina was busy sucking my balls and I was just hoping that if I was dreaming, I wasn't going to wake up anytime soon.I managed to talk them into going to the bedroom and they flipped a coin (no shit!) to see which one would get to park her pussy on my mouth. Gina won and climbed over me. I watched as her black thatch with the scarlet gash lowered onto my mouth and eagerly awaiting tongue. Her raw flesh was hot and her juice was thick, spicy and scalding.Cassie's mouth engulfed my prick and for the next God-knows-how-long (minutes, hours, days?) all my feeling and attention was in my cock and in my tongue. Gina's cunt kept flooding my mouth with her tangy chowder and I finally blasted my pent-up load into Cassie's sucking mouth. When Gina climbed off of me, she kissed her sister and I could see Cassie passing my cum into her sister's mouth. I watched as the kisses led to stroking and exploring and finally the two of them started making love with each other.By the time they came up for air, I was hard and ready. I started with Gina. Her cunt was tight and her muscles worked on my cock the entire time I fucked her. Cassie wanted it doggie style so I grabbed hold of her hips and slammed home. I fucked her hard until I came. I managed to switch back to Gina's pussy and finished shooting inside her.Well, eventually we got married, legally just Gina and I, but Cassie is my wife in every way that Gina is. We had a trio on our honeymoon that I for one will never forget. You should see our honeymoon pictures!END
Connie and I were fooling around a little after we got in bed one night like we often do when she surprised me. She asked me to put my cock in her ass. We'd never done such a thing through six years of marriage. I can't say it hadn't crossed my mind, but I certainly never thought Connie was thinking along those lines! I thought she might be joking, but when I suggested that, she insisted she wanted my cock in her ass. And she had K.Y. jelly there, ready!Well, I hadn't done it before and Connie certainly hadn't since I had been her first. But I certainly knew enough to know we would have to take this slowly. I lubricated a finger and put some on her hole and started to push my finger into it.But she would have none of that. She said she wanted my cock. I told her we would have to take it slowly, but she wouldn't take no for an answer. Finally I lubricated my cock and got it hard. We were laying next to each other with her back towards me. I put my cock up to her ass and asked her if she were ready. "Yes!" she said, seeming more annoyed than anything. "Push it in!"I started pushing, as gently as I could. "All the way, right now!" She was so insistent. So finally, I pushed. And slid right in, easy as you please! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't figure out how she did that. I admit I had some fleeting thoughts that she might be cheating on me, but I know my Connie."Fuck it. Please, move it in and out." I obeyed. It was so easy. What a feeling! I couldn't believe this was happening. "Faster! Oh, that's so great! Please!" She kept talking, asking for more and more. I was going faster, and soon I was out of control! I was reaching around, massaging her nipples. She had her hands on top of mine. She pushed her ass back onto my cock with each stroke. It was like she couldn't get enough! Needless to say, I came rather soon. As soon as I was done, I remembered to finger her clit and she came too.So I was left there, curiosity burning me up. "How did you do that?" I finally asked. Then she surprised me again. She told me her college roommate, Jeannie was bisexual and had taught her to do that! She said though I had been her first man, that she and Jeannie had done some things when they were rooming together. She said there hadn't been anyone but me and Jeannie.She told me that she and Jeannie used to kiss each other and finger each other's breasts and caress and finger each other's slits. She said Jeannie had also gotten a dildo somewhere and had convinced Connie that they should each learn to take it in the ass. She said that once they had mastered it, Jeannie insisted they use it every session and they got to where they would use it two or three times a week.Amazed as I was at this revelation, I was still with-it enough to conclude that Connie's decision to do this with me had something to do with the fact that Jeannie was coming to visit us. I brought that up with Connie, and sure enough, she told me she wanted me to do Jeannie's ass!Believe me, this is not like Connie! She told me that she was just itching to see Jeannie with a man's cock in her ass. I couldn't believe how excited she seemed by the prospect! She said Jeannie might actually be lesbian, that she went out with guys a couple of times in college, but didn't really seem that interested. But Connie said when Jeannie got hot, she would likely be open to suggestion.To say I was surprised by all this would be an understatement. Connie asking for it in her ass! Connie asking me to have sex with her college roommate! Well, I wasn't complaining.Jeannie showed up, and I must say Connie's plan was even more appealing. Jeannie was a fox, about 5 foot 5, very slim, with small breasts, a cute ass, and long brown hair. Connie and I had a plan for the first evening.We told Jeannie that I had to go out for the evening. Actually, I parked the car down the street, walked back to the house, and snuck back in the back way. Connie distracted Jeannie while I got back into our bedroom where I hid in the closet.Then Connie and Jeannie came up to the bedroom. Connie had made sure they had had quite a bit of wine, then she told Jeannie she wanted them to get together "for old time's sake". In the bedroom, Connie showed Jeannie a dildo we had just gotten. Then Jeannie took control. She started by kissing Connie. They must have kissed for 10 minutes. I could tell their mouths were open and I could see them getting hotter and hotter. I was too. Then Jeannie started slipping Connie's clothes off between kisses and sometimes while they were still kissing. Connie was nude in just a few minutes. She looked my way and smiled a couple of times, but she was largely distracted by Jeannie's kissing. Then Jeannie kissed her mouth and caressed her cunt at the same time. Connie's breathing was getting deeper. Jeannie took the dildo, put K.Y. on it, and put the tip on Connie's rear hole. Then she kissed her again, pushing the fake cock right in. Connie almost went crazy. From that point, she was bucking and moaning... or rather trying to moan, though Jeannie's tongue in her mouth made that difficult. Finally, her body was heaving and trembling uncontrollably and I could tell she was coming. I felt a little pang of jealousy because she didn't always come like that with me. But she did the night I put my cock in her ass!Soon Connie was laying on the bed, exhausted. But in a minute, she sat up and told Jeannie to get undressed. She had a wicked little smile on her face. Jeannie was quite willing and soon they were both nude on the bed. Connie didn't waste time, and had the dildo in Jeannie's ass in seconds. She sucked on one of Jeannie's little tits at the same time. Jeannie was immediately breathing hard and turning her head from side to side. Connie got her turned over on her stomach, then worked harder on her ass, and motioned me to come out. I was plenty hard from the view. She got me ready while still working the dildo in and out, then she pulled the dildo all the way out, and pushed me into place. She guided my cock in, and was immediately off, grabbing a camcorder. Soon I was banging in and out, and Connie was getting it all on tape! Jeannie continued to breath hard and was moaning in seconds. She came in a minute and I came inside her at the same time. Once we had come, Connie stopped taping, and motioned me away. Jeannie was laying there exhausted and it wasn't clear whether she realized what was going on or not.Well, I snuck out of the room, but I had no clothes. I ended up hiding for hours while they got up and talked and couldn't manage to get back to my clothes until Jeannie turned in for the night in the guest room. It was actually pretty boring hiding all that time, but the results were something to see.***The next day after Jeannie left, Connie and I got out the tape and watched it. Within a minute, Connie wanted my cock in her ass while she watched. Was that tape hot! I never heard Connie get so loud when she came.Connie wanted to watch that tape the next night, and the next. Each time, she wanted my cock in her ass. She still likes to watch the tape more than once a week. After a couple of weeks, she sent a copy to Jeannie. I gather Jeannie was shocked. Connie included a letter telling Jeannie how much she enjoyed watching Jeannie's ass get it. I've never known Connie to be so smug about something.END
I saw him waiting for me, my grandfather, waving at me from the rear of the crowd, as I entered the lounge after deplaning in Munich. It was so good to see him again, the lovely old man, whom I secretly preferred to my American grandfather, who was a banker and a bit of a stuffed shirt. My German grandpa was Dr. Alois Hubner, recently retired as a civil engineer for the municipality of Munich. He gave me a big hug, when I finally got through the crowd, which did not embarrass me, although I had just turned fifteen and was a bit skittish about such displays of physical affection in public. He was not much taller than I, with wisps of gray hair on either side of his bald head. A Bavarian jacket wrapped around his rotund bulk. He sometimes wore lederhosen, but not that day. There was a cheerful glint in his blue eyes. Smiles wrinkles joined the other lines of his sixty seven year old face."How was the flight," he asked routinely."Very smooth," I replied. "We all applauded the crew, when we finally landed.""That's the custom," he said, as we made our way to the baggage area.We spoke in German. I was bilingual in German and English, and I could also converse reasonably well in French. My mother, grandpa's daughter, always spoke German to me at home, ever since I was a baby. Dad sometimes spoke with us in German, although he usually preferred English.I had been visiting Germany, actually Bavaria, almost every year for as long as I could remember. They were usually short trips, lasting just a few days. This time I would be spending the entire Summer with my German grandpa and grandma, three whole months.We carried my luggage to the parking lot and placed it into the trunk of grandpa's Audi. We had a ways to drive, because, after his retirement, he and grandma moved from their large apartment across from the English Garden in Munich and had built a house in the Alps, a few miles from Reit-im-Winkel, where they then lived. It would be a two hour drive."We have found some playmates for you. They are waiting to meet the boy from America.""How many are there?""Just three, two girls and a boy about your age. We live rather high up on the mountain, where there are not too many houses."I had worried about being stuck with just grandpa and grandma, about being bored. The old man knew how I felt, even before I had arrived. He had sought out children in his area and told them about an exotic boy who would soon come from Cleveland, in America, who lived next to the vast inland seas, the Great Lakes. Grandpa was a splendid story teller.It was still early in the morning, and I dozed in the car as we drove southeast from Munich. It was a glorious day in late Spring, but I could not keep my eyes open.* * *We drove through the most magnificent countryside as we approached grandpa's house. The valley below stretched, lushly, far to the east. Snowy peaks were visible in the distance. I savored the cool, crisp air of the mountains; I could almost taste it. Then the house came into view. It was a rather large chalet which perched on the side of the mountain and faced the valley."Your room is up there," he pointed, "on the right. Upstairs. You see the balcony?"Grandma was outside waiting for us as we drove up. She was larger around than her husband, and she was shorter than I. Her gray hair was braided and piled all over her head. She had the most rosy cheeks, and a face which was unlined. I loved her dearly and we embraced with joy, when I emerged from the car. It always amused me that people referred to her respectfully as Frau Doktor Hubner, although she had never attended a university. Grandma had a rather heavy lunch ready for us, oxenfleish mit spaezle, one of my favorites. She placed a glass of beer before me, fragrant, Bavarian beer, which was just part of the meal, and which grandpa referred to as "liquid bread".My room was spotless, of course, and from the glass doors, which led onto the balcony, I had a panoramic view of the valley below. I took a short nap after lunch. I awoke to grandma's gentle shaking of my shoulder and the words "you have visitors".I went downstairs, and in the main room of the house I was greeted by three beautiful kids. The boy was Anton, who, at fourteen and one half, was six months younger than I. I was struck by his prettiness. He was a bit shorter than I. He had raven black hair, which accentuated his slightly pale face, with its symmetrical features and slender, roseate lips. His bright smile revealed even, white teeth His eyes were a piercing blue Katrina was his twelve year old sister, and she looked very much like her brother. Her dark hair hung almost to her shoulders. Unlike her brother who greeted me boldly and with open enthusiasm, Katrina looked up at me shyly with a demure smile. Small breasts poked at her white, embroidered blouse. Her pale, upper arms, neither skinny nor heavy, looked incredibly soft. Helga was their eleven year old cousin. She was a little pixie. She looked at me with an eager, open face, the face of a very pretty child. Helga was very blonde and her hair was tied in two pig tails on either side of her head. I don't know the term for that hair style. She was a head shorter than I and quite slender. I thought that she was absolutely adorable.We sat on the couch and on chairs. Grandma and grandpa were elsewhere, leaving me free to become acquainted with my new playmates."Tell me about the Great Lakes," little Helga began, revealing an interest in geography. "Are there large ships on them?""There are very long, rather narrow ships called ore carriers," I responded. "And there are ships from the ocean that come into the lakes to pick up and deliver cargo at various cities."We talked for a good while about the Great Lakes and about my experience with them. I had swam in them all, including Lake St. Clair. We talked about sand dunes and boating. Grandma came into the room with glasses of lemonade for us."You speak German just like us," Anton observed, and I explained my background.Evidently I had passed muster, because I was invited to join them in their pastimes. We arranged to have a picnic up the mountain the next day. As they left the house Helga grinned openly at me. Katrina, who had not spoken the entire while, smiled shyly at me. Anton shook my hand like an adult, looked into my face and said, "welcome to Bavaria." Again I noticed the remarkable prettiness of him. I had never before been struck by the prettiness of other guys. I wondered about that as I watched them walk up the road to their houses.* * *Back in Cleveland, or rather Hunting Valley, where I grew up in a large house surrounded by twelve manicured acres next to the Chagrin River, my life was, I suppose, somewhat sheltered. I attended a private boy's school, one which expected the students to try their hardest at their studies. Slackness was prohibited. The environment of the school was one of discipline and achievement. We all knew that we were privileged and that we would, in time, become leaders in business and the professions.I did not have any close friends at school. We were all so competitive; at least I thought so. Many of the guys had buddies, but I didn't. I did not talk about sex to anyone, nor did I date. So it came as a shock to me that my new German friends were so casual about their sexual attitudes and behavior. I began to realize this, when I went with them on our first picnic, which we enjoyed up in a mountain valley.We trudged up a dirt path, the air magnificently crisp, the ten o'clock sun promising a warm day. We wore back packs full of the picnic stuff. Anton and Helga walked about fifty yards ahead of Katrina and me, holding hands and behaving very affectionately towards one another. On occasion I could hear the tinkle of the little girl's giggle. Katrina was not as shy as she had been on the previous day. She looked at me often and smiled into my face. I thought that she was absolutely beautiful, that she was the perfect girl for me. My hand brushed hers inadvertently, and she took hold of it, smiling again into my face. We walked on hand in hand, even though I had just met her. I felt very pleased, because I thought that, in time, she might let me kiss her pretty face. That was about as far as I could imagine.Just before I turned thirteen I discovered masturbation as I showered. It occurred quite by accident. I washed my penis a bit too much and it got hard, felt good. I continued to wash it until I squirted forth, feeling a little sting but marvelous pleasure. The experience frightened me, because, believe it or not, I had not known about masturbation. No one had ever told me about it. I thought that I had discovered something radically new. I did it again the next day and at least once each day ever since.What I am saying is that I was then very naive and quite inexperienced about sex, and that those German friends were way ahead of me, although all three were still virgins."What are you thinking," Katrina asked me as she noticed that my mind was wandering. I could not tell her, of course, so I responded with some banalities about the beauty of the mountains."Do you have a girl friend back home?' Another question that was difficult to answer."No, not at present.""I would like for you to be my friend." For me that was a shocker, especially because she squeezed my hand, when she said it I tried to look into her face and smile suavely, but I found myself staring at the lovely flesh of her upper arm and then at the modest bulge of her t shirt. Katrina giggled and knocked her shoulder against mine. Then I did smile at her, a genuine smile. I felt suddenly relaxed and extremely happy."I would very much like to be your friend," I said, squeezing her hand. She squeezed back, looking into my face with an expression which was at once both bold and demure. She was so beautiful.Up ahead Anton was nibbling on Helga's neck as they walked. She giggled wildly.* * *Our outing was a splendid success. We ate our lunch early. It consisted of fried chicken, celery stalks, bread rolls and lemonade from a thermos. Afterwards we decided to climb trees, and little Helga proved to be most adept at the task, climbing more quickly and higher than the rest of us. We had taken off our shoes, and the four of us remained clad in t shirts and shorts, until Anton took off his shirt, because of the heat and I soon followed. I found his almost naked body to be stunning, an observation that, again, caused me some unease. High in the tree Helga took off her t shirt as well, and, although she had nothing to hide but a flat chest, Katrina insisted that she put it back on. Then, for awhile, we played a German version of kick the can, during which the dust of the Earth clung to our sweaty bodies.After three hours of frolicking, we packed up and retreated back down the dirt path. Katrina and I held hands like old friends. When we reached the road, she and Helga decided to go to the little girl's house. Katrina, in parting, gave me a brief kiss on the lips, which amazed and excited me. Anton kissed Helga a bit longer, his one hand at the back of her head and the other on the flesh of her slender upper arm. She had her arms around his waist.Anton and I went down the road in the opposite direction, towards his house. I wondered about his relationship with his eleven year old cousin, but I was too shy to inquire."I'm gritty," he said. "We will have to take a shower." "You seemed to get on well with Katrina," he continued. "She's a very lovely girl," I replied. "I like her a lot.""Maybe you will become her boyfriend. She has never had a boy."I was unsure of what he implied by the term "boyfriend.""Is Helga your girlfriend?""Not yet. We are still just kissing cousins." He giggled like a girl and then said, "I think, though, that I will have her this Summer."I did not dare to ask what he meant by "have her", although I had more than a clue. It was hard for me to understand how he could speak so lightly about such things. I assumed that he was talking about sex, incestuous sex."Maybe you will have Katrina this Summer too."I could not think of a response.We reached the house and discovered that no one was at home. We went up to Anton's room, which was large and had its own bath. In the middle of the room he pulled down his shorts and underpants, revealing the rest of him. He was uncut, of course, and had just a small patch of pubic hair. His flaccid penis dangled perhaps three inches and was not thick."Come on, let's take a shower," he said, looking at me, waiting for me to undress. At school the guys showered together, but I felt nervous about doing it with Anton, because I felt that I had developed a mild crush on him. Still, I disrobed and was not too embarrassed by the half erect condition of my cock, which was longer and thicker than his. I also had more hair, but it was blonde and not all that distracting.We got into the shower stall, which was not really made for more than one person. Our bodies were in constant touch. My cock became fully erect, jutting out almost six inches, and in our proximity it rubbed against his hip and his abdomen."I've never seen a cut one before," he remarked, looking down at my member."I've never seen an uncut one," I responded, looking at his, which was then half erect."I suppose it feels the same, cut and uncut," he observed."I suppose."Anton lathered his groin with the soap and stroked his cock to full erection. The tip of his glans emerged from his foreskin."Ah, it feels so good," he murmured, and he handed me the soap.I watched him in astonishment as he slowly masturbated, his eyes closed, a smile on his lips. I became very aroused, soaped my cock and joined him. He groaned, grasped my upper arm and squirted forth, a high pitched grunt for each spurt. I was not far behind, and when I came, I pulled him to me and shot all over his stomach. The pelting shower rinsed away my seed very quickly. Anton looked at me with a sly grin."I've never done it with another guy before," he remarked, looking me in the face. "Have you?""No," I replied, and added, the words falling from my mouth before I could censor them, "but I enjoyed doing it with you.""Let's do it again soon," he responded matter-of-factly.We got out of the shower and dried ourselves. Naked, I followed him back into the bed room, staring at the back of his legs and his perky butt, finally acknowledging that I wanted to stroke his flesh.At his dresser Anton stopped and turned to me."I know that I am not queer," he said, "because I intend to fuck Helga this Summer. And you are not queer either, because you are going to fuck Katrina. But, if you like, we could experiment with each other."He looked into my face, his head slightly cocked, wanting an affirmative answer from me. I was hard again, as was he. I nodded my head, not knowing what I was letting myself in for. Anton placed an arm around my shoulder, squeezing me in a friendly manner. His attitude was jovial. His arm still on my shoulder, he opened the top drawer of his dresser, pushed aside some underclothes and revealed a stash of condoms."My dad lets me have them," he explained. "He owns a pharmacy in Reit-im-Winkel."I picked one up and examined it. I had never seen one before."Let's try one on," Anton suggested as he unwrapped a condom.He looked at me and saw my confused concern."Lighten up, Johann, we're just playing." At home I'm called John.I did relax a bit, and grinned at my friend as I also unwrapped a condom. We sat on the edge of the bed and proceeded to roll the latex sheathes onto our rigid cocks. It felt strange, but pleasant."Of course, when I fuck Helga and you fuck Katrina, we will have wear one of these."I nodded dumbly, not comprehending how I could ever come to fuck Katrina, although I was certain, Helga being willing, that Anton would fuck that Summer. We didn't fool around with each other any further that day, most likely because we heard a car door shut outside. We quickly dressed.As I walked back to my grandparents house, I found it difficult to collect my thoughts. Perhaps, I thought, Katrina was really available to me. I knew that I was going to have homosexual "experiments" with Anton. It troubled me that I wanted Anton as much as Katrina.***The next morning, before I had finished breakfast, I heard Anton outside calling for me. I stuffed the remainder of my food into my mouth, my grandma scowling as I did so, and ran out the back door to greet my friend. He was clad in lederhosen and a white shirt. He looked so beautiful. He told me that he wanted to show me his secret place, a magic place that no one else knew about. We then set out, trudging up a mountain path. He held my hand, and it did not trouble me. I knew that I would do things with him that morning that I would never have dreamed of two days before, forbidden things. But we would do it in a magic place, away from the rest of the world.We hiked for almost an hour. We finally went around a large outcropping of rock and then, before us, was a small valley on the mountain side, a dell, although had no trees. It was strewn with wildflowers and a small stream ran from it. Anton pulled on my hand and we ran down into that place, which was truly magic. It had a special fragrance which I cannot describe, except to say that it made me giddy. We fell to the ground and rolled around in the grass and the flowers. Then we quieted. We were close together, looking into each other's face in expectation. I took his nearby arm, raised it and inspected it. I stroked the underside of the forearm, so hairless and smooth. I brought it to my mouth and licked on it. I kneaded his upper arm, again so soft, until Anton made a muscle and grinned at me. He then moved and got half on top of me. He kissed my lips and I kiss back. I had lost all of my inhibitions. I clung to him and we kissed for a long time, our tongues, eventually, venturing forth to discover new delights. I was not "experimenting". I was in love. My cock was rigid, as was Anton's. We quickly got naked and then embraced again, pushing our flesh against each other's. We really didn't know what we were going to do. We kissed as I took hold of his cock. I pumped on it gently, wanting to give my dear friend pleasure. I looked into his beautiful face as I stroked him. His lips were apart, expectant."Faster! Do it faster!"I increased my tempo and saw, suddenly, his face contort as he spewed forth. I milked his cock until he was again relaxed. I felt his semen on my hand.. I licked a glob of it into my mouth and swallowed it."How does it taste?""Not bad, considering the source."He pushed at my shoulder and gave me a wondrous grin. I lay on my back, knowing that Anton was going to give me pleasure. He raised himself on an elbow, leaned down and kissed my face all over. He kissed my shoulder and licked my neck. He suckled one of my nipples and then the other. He kissed down my chest, and I suddenly knew what he was about to do.The realization excited and horrified me, because I knew that I would have to do to him what he did to me. He took my cock into his mouth. I had never felt anything more arousing. Within seconds I spewed into his mouth. He coughed and choked a bit and quickly pulled his mouth off my cock, getting a spurt on his cheek and another on his nose. He was conscientious, however, and finished me by hand, my goo dripping from his face."Jesus Christ!" he exclaimed."I'm sorry," I said, although I was pleased and amused by it all.Anton spit and spit on the ground. He did not like the taste, although, to my shame, I did. I looked forward to sucking his cock. I had decided that I was queer, even though I wanted to fuck Katrina.We went to the stream and Anton washed out his mouth."I don't think that I want to do that again," he said, "but I'm glad to have done it at least once.""When do you want me to do you?" I inquired.He looked at me gently, palmed my cheek, and said "pretty soon."We waded in the cold, shallow stream, arms around each other's naked bodies, so splendidly beautiful in their youth, away from the rest of the world in a magic place. We stopped and Anton kissed me fervently."I want it now," he said.He lay among the flowers. His young body so gorgeous, sleek and smooth. I wanted to lick on his flesh, but I just went down on him, taking his slender cock into my mouth, the taste and texture of it exciting me. I sucked on him and eagerly awaited the flood of his seed, which came rather quickly. I stayed on him until he became soft. Then I swallowed. I could not imagine doing it with anyone else but him. I wasn't a queer, I told myself. I liked girls. I still wanted to fuck Katrina.I looked down on my friend Anton, the only friend that I had ever had, the taste of him still in my mouth. I stroked his sleek thigh. He looked up at me and said, "thanks.""The only other thing for us to experiment on is butt fucking," he said some minutes later, after he had recovered from the enormity of his orgasm. I shuddered at the thought of it."I don't think so," I responded.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 67
11 pm in Normanton's red light district in early autumn. I feel the cold wind whip at my legs. Business is kinda slow tonight. Sure, I've done some punters but I'd like to do more. I stuff my hands into the pockets of my fake fur coat to try to keep them warm. The cigarette is romantically attached to my purple painted lips. The coat doesn't cover much as it's only waist length and left open for good reason. Hooking rule #1 always keep your attributes on show.I'm beginning to wish that I put on my leather trousers instead of squeezing myself into this tight black leather micro mini skirt. Still, I think to myself, it has paid for itself time and time again. and it does look really foxy with the tight purple low-cut top, the fishnets and my thigh high boots and well, that's good enough for me most of the time. Except for right now. I haven't had a pick-up for what? 20-25 minutes. C'mon guys, what are you waiting for? I pull a hand from my coat and take the cigarette from my lips, blowing the stream of excess smoke sexily out of the corner of my heavily made up mouth. A car pulls up about 50 yards away and a girl gets out of the passenger's door. It's Emma. She sees me, waves and then approaches me. We talk for a little while. I like Emma. She's cool for a nineteen year old. Most teenage whores are smackheads round here. But not Emma. As we talk I get the scent of semen off of her breath. Obviously that last punter had head. "Hey babes, your breath smells of cum!""Really?""Yeah, really!""Fuck! Sam, have you got any chewie with you?""Yeah. here you go."I delve into my handbag and retrieve some chewing gum, handing over a stick to Emma and taking one myself. "Thanks love" she says as she unwraps it and puts it in her mouth, throwing the wrapper to the floor. I unwrap mine , pop it in and put the waste it my pocket. Shit, I wished she didn't throw litter around!I take one last drag of my cigarette, inhaling deeply this time, before throwing the butt to the floor. As I stub it out with my boot the smoke escapes from my nostrils into the night air. Emma says her goodbyes and says that we'll talk later, she then runs over to her spot, further along the street. Fuck, I'm bored! I light up another cigarette and start trolling around the street, swaying my hips as I do so. It may attract punters but who cares really, at least my legs will stop seizing up. I saunter about 50 yards and then saunter back, smoking sexily and chewing my gum as I do so. Before long a car pulls up nearby on the opposite side of the road. He pips his horn as I try not to notice. He winds down his window and I stop and then do the hooker stoop at his window, showing off my tits with my mouth rudely working on that gum in a bimbo-esque kinda way. "Hey, how much?""For what love?""For a fuck. C'mon, don't play games."I hesitate, giving him a good looking over. Hmmm. very nice. My prospective partner looks like he's in his mid twenties, short dark cropped hair and looks well groomed. He is also black and we all know what they say about black men. don't we?"Ok. It's 30 for a fuck. So." I pause coyly before adding, "Do you want to ride me, eh, babes?""Fuck yeah! You got a swing like a pendulum honey and I'm gonna screw you hard.""Wow! My kinda man," I say, trying to put on an impressive voice but shit, how many times does a fucking hooker hear that? BORING!"Well. hop in then!"I take a long hard drag of my cigarette before throwing the butt out onto the street as I saunter around the front of the car to the passengers side. Getting in the car, I ask for my money before pulling my door closed. He hands me the cash and then asks "Where to then?". I put the cash in my bag, look in the mirror and gently fluff up my back combed blonde hair, chewing on that great wad of gum as I do so. My leather skirt creaks on my seat in a sexy kinda way as I move. "There's a good car park we can use. It's not that far away. We can fuck there, ok?""Sure.""By the way honey, what's your name?""Alan. My name's Alan. What's yours incidentally?""Samantha. But you can call me anything you want when you're "doing" me. The filthier the better actually."I let the words trail off as I could see that he was looking very intrigued . Good. I gave him directions to the spot and he drove up to a dark patch in the corner before coming to a stop and switching off his headlights. He then reached up and flicked on the inner light. I looked in the rear-view mirror. I shocked myself! I looked wild. Like a cock-hound. My eyes caked in purple eye shadow, thick black mascara and heavy black eyeliner made me look like a complete hardcore slut eager to be reamed out by lots of cocks. Shit, I thought to myself, I look like I feel and I began to feel wet!"Ok Samantha you little slut. Get your fucking ass in that back seat and pull your skirt up.""Ok hon," I hissed sensually back. I poured myself into the backseat and pulled up my skirt, revealing an eager beaver ready to be poked. "Shit you slut! You ain't even wearing panties."Hooking rule #2 anything that gets in the way of cock is just wasting time."Comes with the territory lover."Alan crawls over the seat to my awaiting open thighs. The bulge in his jeans begins to throb. He quickly unbuttons his jeans and out his swollen member pops. With eyes of lust I gaze at this wondrous sight. Lost in my thoughts I'm suddenly brought back to reality by the feeling of a large cock-head pressing on my vagina's entrance. I push him back. "Hey not so fuckin' fast! Let me put on your seal of approval."I reach into my handbag and produce a condom. I smile and then look at Alan. I then look down towards Alan's cock and wow, does it look good! The smile on my face begins to grow ever larger!I reach forward with my hand and gently stroke his member with my hand. My purple nail varnish goes well with his swollen black member which throbs into action. I take the wrapper off of the condom and place it seductively into my mouth. I smile. Alan grins an inane grin. I gently pull Alan towards me so that the tip of his penis is only an inch or so away from my face. In a slow seductive way I open my mouth and slide his penis in between my moist purple painted lips, slipping the thin membrane over the tip and roll it down towards the root. His cock must be about eight inches long and surely one of the thickest that I've had between my lips for quite some time. For a split second I hesitate. I'm caught up in deciding whether to have his male portion in my pouting mouth and spending yummy cum in there or having his meat elsewhere. The feelings of longing in a more southerly direction dictate what course of action I decide to take. "OK hon. I'm ready. Stick in it.""You don't have to tell me twice, you bitch."And with that Alan slowly lowers himself on top of me, slowly, gently his arched back begins to push his cock tip into my well lubricated musky cave. He began to pump away at my loins, his ball sac gently swinging away and tapping away at my groin. This is nice, I think to myself, but nice isn't what hookers want. "Fuck me harder.""Harder! C'mon, harder!"Alan responds by upping his work rate, pushing himself all the way in up to his root. I'm beginning to feel flushed and slightly breathless. Alan notices and smiles. "I hope you're feeling that you slut.""Yes. Make your slut cum," I say, sounding like I'd just run up to the shops. "Pound my whore pussy."I had ten minutes of seriously deep and hard thrusting from Alan. He gave me a love bite and continued to call me all sorts of names; "cum slut", "fuck bucket", "one woman sperm bank" and "cock hound" and the like. I was really turned on. I responded to his thrusting by up thrusting myself. We were rooting away hard and fast. When I felt he was ready to blow, I tightened my grip on his meat with my pelvic muscles and made his shoot his male joy juice towards home. I wanted to make sure that I got repeat business off of this guy. "That was really good Sam. " he say as he started to get himself straightened up. He was just starting to pull the condom off of his prick when I shouted out. "Don't do that. Can I have it?""What? "What, like some sort of prize?""Yeah... well, sort of.""Ok bitch, take it off then."I rolled his heavily seeded condom off of his cock and tied a knot in it, preserving the cum contained within it. With that I put it in my handbag. Pulling my micro skirt back down to it's usual level I was made fully aware of my role in life from the scent of womanly pleasure coming from my pussy. I smell like a fuck toy. Hell, I WAS a fuck toy!I slide back into the passenger's seat and begin to rearrange myself into something that's more akin to normalness rather than this freshly fucked look that I currently sport. Looking in the rear view mirror I gently fluff my hair up again, giving it a bit of a bounce and take my lipstick from my handbag and reapply it. Punters like that. I don't know why. Once that's finished I pour on my lip gloss and apply some more perfume, asking first so as not to draw attention to my trick's behavior as, well, who knows? He might have a wife or whatever. He gives me the nod and I apply my 'Poison'. I ask him again if he minds if I smoke. "Sure honey."Drawing a cigarette from my packet, I slowly place it between my lips and flip open my lighter and place the flame close to the tip. Snapping the lighter's lid shut I deeply inhale as I put it back into my bag. I feel a smile grow on the inside as I think to myself ' . this is the way to do it, smoke after sex. ". I pull the cigarette from my lips and say to my punter, in a cloud of smoke. "Alan, you're a fuckin' babe. That was really great. I enjoyed that. Thank you.""No probs.""I really do hope that we'll do business again soon, y'know?""Hopefully.""Great!"And with that I kissed him tenderly on the cheek. Hooking rule #3 Treat the punter like a prince and he'll always come back.Alan then starts up the car and reverses out of the car park and drives me back to my pickup spot. Getting out and thanking him I notice that there really isn't much action around. I slam the door shut and think to myself that maybe I'll call it a night - Geez, it's only 11:30!It only takes a few minutes to get back home as I live right in the middle of the red-light area. I live for sex and money and I think, fuck it, why not be surrounded by it. Makes sense to me. I get in and lock the door behind me and walk into the living room, throwing my keys onto the settee. The cigarette stays between my lips as I head towards the kitchen, stopping at the fridge to get a can of larger. I clink open the can and head back to the living room. 'I can't believe I've only been fucked 7 times tonight. That's shit" I think to myself as I settle down on one of the chairs, stooping forward only to get an ashtray. I grind the cigarette out and take a long hard swallow from the cold can. Tastes good. I gaze at the cigarette gently smoldering out in the ashtray and find myself lost in thought. Thoughts of my past and how a silly thing like a cigarette started my career off all those years ago. **It's summer, 1979, when I found out that my mum was a prostitute. I was only nine then. Young and innocent. I was one of the 'original' latch door children. Whereas other mothers took their children to and from school, my mum, Sue, felt that it was safe enough for me to get back on my own. Sheffield might have been a little rough but not bad. Back then, of course, there wasn't anything like the violence that there is these days and I did have some street smarts, even back then. Sue was a street prostitute and really looked the part, like a bit part player in a 'Starky & Hutch' television show. She really didn't care what other people thought of her. Working the streets meant sex in cars, in car parks, in fields and alley ways but she also used to bring her punters back home and use her own bed. Many times I'd come home to the sound of banging on the ceiling and moans coming from an upstairs direction. I didn't usually bother to find out what was going on 'cos, well, that was normal in our house. But one day I decided to look. I quietly crept upstairs, taking off my shoes first so as not to make a noise. Sue's bedroom door was very slightly open and I remember still to this day peeking thru the crack and watching my mum 'doing' a punter. They were lying on top of the bed, not in it, so I got an excellent view of the proceedings; Sue with her legs spread wide apart, bent at the knees, with this bloke who was a little bit porky and, I suppose, in his 30's, pushing himself in an out of her. It was spell bounding. She was gently purring away while he was huffing and puffing and mumbling something under his breath. After a short while he stopped and said, "Ok bitch, you on top now."And with that they switched places and mum lowered herself on top of his throbbing penis (the first cock I ever did see!). She asked him if he minded if she smoked and he okayed that and so she lit up, blew some smoke out of the side of her mouth and looked towards the door. I felt her eyes on me as she turned her head, put the fag back in her mouth and thrust away at him like a mad woman. Sue was a blur of blonde hair, red lips, cigarette smoke and red basque as she rode him for all she was worth. Some five minutes or so of heavy thrusting later she held still whilst he spasmed to a halt. She then got off and I quickly tip toed down stairs into the living room, trying to pretend to do my usual routing whilst thinking back in awe on this sight that I'd just seen. Ten minutes or so later I heard footsteps down the stairs and voices in the front room. Then, after a brief moment, the door shutting and mum coming back into the living room. Per usual for her she looked sexy. With her low-cut fluffy white jumper, her red leather mini skirt, black fishnets and black stilettos she was a sight to behold. On top of this was a multitude of gold and silver in the form of rings, bangles, earrings, pendants and necklaces. "So now you know what your mum does for a living, Sam," Sue said matter-of-factly. I started to stammer, then blush and made the mistake of saying, "Sorry, I don't know what you mean mum". She knew I was lying. It was written all over my sweet and innocent young face. "Oh come now, Samantha. I saw you looking. I don't mind you looking, you know. You saw me having sex with that bloke. That 'punter'.""Erhhh, yes I suppose I did."And from there Sue gave me this big lecture on her being a prostitute ; what it was, what she did, how often, for how much and why she did it. "Wow!" I thought to myself. I couldn't believe that a) we were having this conversation and b) that this is what she did for a living!Sue reached towards the coffee table and picked up her cigarettes and lighter. She drew one from the packet and lit it, deeply inhaling before pulling it out of her mouth. She seemed to be waiting for a reply but got none. She took another drag. Again nothing. Then another. I was mesmerized by it all ;how she looked, how she acted but most importantly at that time, how she smoked. She smoked in such a glamorous way, like some kind of Hollywood starlet. I was transfixed!Sensing this she asked, "Do you want a cigarette, Samantha?""Erhhh," I feebly muttered, glowing scarlet in the process ;smoking I knew was an 'adult' thing and I wasn't an adult yet. Maybe this was some kind of trick. "Look, I started smoking when I was 12. That's not much older than you are now and if you want to have a cigarette then I'll let you have a cigarette. It's up to you, Sam."Feeling safer I accepted and Sue taught me how to smoke. On my first attempt I coughed and spluttered but after some excellent coaching from mum I got the hang of it. I felt like it made me more of a woman and got me closer to mum. From then on I was smoking 2 cigarettes a day and I felt just like a really cool woman. After this thing went normal for a few years ; I'd be smoking so that was cool and I'd get to watch my mum turn tricks. Sometimes I even followed her outside and watch her pull. That was sooooo cool! I'd watch her stoop at car widows, ask for business and then watch her take her current punters home. Since we were only 5 minutes or so walk away from the local "business street" it was ok to come back in the house and watch then hump. 1982. I was 12 and developing really well. Puberty was kind to me. My breasts began to mould to a nice shape and size and like all young girls, I started thinking about sex. Or lust. Being sneaky I would "borrow" some of Sue's hooking gear and put it on. With the aid of some hairspray and a bit of backcombing of sorts, my hair would be a little bit more "bouffant" and I'd look more the part. Stealing her jewelry and lipstick and putting them on I found that I was more or less complete; out goes Sam the schoolgirl and in comes Samantha the streetwalker!My alter ago gave me a new sense of life. For once I began to feel whole. I would "transform" myself in my bedroom where I had a full-length mirror. I'd also steal a packet of cigarettes from Sue as she always left packets around and I was sure that she wouldn't miss one. Meanwhile mum thought that I was bored of watching her, which I suppose was right in a way ; now the plan was to "act" like my mum and look like her too!So Samantha the streetwalker was born! Dressed to thrill in a low-cut red clingy top, red leather mini skirt and matching belt and 4-inch heels with black fishnets on. Topping off this ensemble with gold rings, bracelets and necklaces of the chunky variety, I looked hot. With everything in place I used to strut around my bedroom for hours on end, wiggling my ass as I went, stop at the mirror, do the hooker stoop and from my pillar box red lips with a lit cigarette dangling from the corner of my mouth try out the following phrases that I had heard mum say in a seductive voice. "You looking for a good time, babe?""Looking for business love?""Do you want a date?""Looking for some action?""Want a piece of me?"Etcetera, etcetera. My fav and mum's usual was the second one. Anyway, this sort of thing progressed for quite some time. Mum had probably thought that I had gone off the boil and was up to other things. Soon though, this wasn't enough for me. As I began to develop sexually so did my sexual feelings and my needs to fulfill myself sexually arose. Consequently I found myself masturbating when I was in my "hooker" role, visualizing fucking blokes for money. It sure made me horny! The more often I played my new "role" the harder I found it to revert back to plain old Sam again. "Samantha the streetwalker" was taking over my life. It had to happen I suppose. In my 13th year on the planet and playing "Samantha", Sue finally caught me. I had done the whole chatting up act, the walking with a wiggle, the stoop, the smoking sexily stuff and was masturbating myself to a climax. When I 'came' I heard a voice from behind me say. "Wow, Samantha, that was very impressive!"I blushed and began to feel like I was choking. "Err, mum I..." was all I could mutter before I started to shake. "Don't be ashamed, I'm sorry for creeping up on you.""OH! How much did you see?""All of it baby, How long have you been acting like me?""A-a year.""I feel very proud Sam. You look really gorgeous in those clothes and that makeup 'an all.""T-Thanks.""But why do you want to pretend to be a prostitute?""Because of you.""Do you want to do it?"I began to feel nervous again. Another trap perhaps? I don't know. I sure wanted to try it out and it looked as though my mum was giving me the, pardon the pun, 'red light' to try out. "Maybe." was my final answer. "Look, if you want to, you can try it. I don't mind. It's your choice Samantha," the words trailed off. "And if you don't like it then, well, you can just 'play', ok? If you do like it then. it's up to you. Either way I won't hold anything against you. Ok, hun?"I nodded. "Good. Day one for you starts tomorrow night. Don't worry."Good god, what was I letting myself in for?The night went quickly and the next day arrived. Time to go to school. I got ready as normal and nothing was said at all about the previous nights agreement. I was too afraid to know what might happen and consequently said nothing. 'What is happening?' I thought to myself. Nothing out of the ordinary was going down. That was until just as I was leaving. Sue beckoned me over and gave me a tablet to take. "You better take this. " she said and so I did. "Now you're on the pill." Gee, thanks mum. School went by so slowly. I didn't take anything in and I really didn't want to be there. Finally, the bell went and it was home time. Thank god. Getting home I entered as usual to the sounds of moans and groans from upstairs. Mum was obviously in 'working'. I went about and did my usual things. I didn't feel the need to be "Samantha the streetwalker" so I made myself a sandwich and a drink and sat in the living room to eat. Sue came back downstairs after 20 minutes, complete with a freshly fucked look, and a lit up cigarette. "Sam, before we start I want to know if this is what you really want to try. Do you?""Yes mum.""Good. Ok, right tonight we are just going to look over things. Nothing big ok?""Yes."And with that we discussed the tablet that I had taken earlier and when I had my last, or first if you look at it that way, two periods. We made a rough guide of when my next one would be, in about 5 days time. Sue then asked me how long they lasted which was easy, 2 days and so we decided that from a week tomorrow I would make my entrance as a trainee prostitute. The next night mum picked me up from school to take me to the jewelers to have my ears triple pierced. They first said that they wouldn't do it so my mum gave them an extra 10 and they agreed. It really hurt and made me cry. Sue comforted me as she told me that hookers have to look good and all the ones she knows have their ears pierced many times. "The pain will go Sam and you'll be glad that you've had them done in time," she said. The next day was for my wardrobe. Sue gave me a couple of pairs of her mini skirts (red and black leather), a couple of vest tops in silk (red and white), bras, fishnet stockings, suspender belts, tight jumpers (red, black and white again), and her 4" heeled red stiletto shoes. "Sam you'll look really trashy in these."As I modeled all the various combinations, Sue nodded with approval, seeming to glow with pride. For the remainder of the week we talked about sex and Sue showed me in great detail what each position was. Cool! We also spent quite a while discussing makeup and trying it on. Whilst mum was sitting beside me at the vanity mirror applying her makeup, I was trying to put on mine. I seemed ok with cover stick, foundation and powder but mum always chastised me over my use of eye makeup, lipstick and blusher. "Sam, blend the shadows. Think sexy grey, sultry eyes, bimbos.""More eyeliner Sam. You're supposed to be a prostitute not a nice girl. Think Panda eyes.""More mascara. Flick those lashes. I want to see them thick and black.""Use a lip pencil. and use lip gloss. It looks like you've got cum on your lips if you do.""More blusher, you're a slut, remember?"The more mistakes I made the more I was made to correct them. I remember thinking, "Gee, it's hard being a prostitute," but by the end of the week I was comfortable and quick in applying my new look. Throughout the entire week I had taken the tablets and was slowly let in on what was to happen to me on my big day. Then the big day arrived!Mum ran me a bath with bubbles in it and I bathed myself. Getting out I stepped into my robe and walked along to my bedroom across the hall. On the bed Sue had hand picked my ensemble in which I would start my career as "Samantha the streetwalker" the red shoes, black fishnets, bra and suspender belt, red mini and vest. I lovingly and delicately put my underwear on, caressing my body as I did so. Mum smiles and says, "Hold on, I've got some things for you."Coming back from her bedroom she brought her box of jewelry and two strange objects. "What are they?" I asked as she was putting them inside my bra. "They're called 'breast-forms'. They're supposed to look like the real thing and give girls a bigger cleavage. Look, they are very realistic." I looked down. Yup, she was right, they were. Now I looked a little older. Pulling on the skintight top clothes I looked in the mirror. "Looking good girl," I thought to myself. "Right, sit down."I sat down and Sue opened up her jewelry box. She gave me three chunky gold necklaces, of varying lengths, to put on. Which I did. Next came bangles. Three gold bangles of varying thickness adorned each wrist. Undoing the studs in my ears which hurt, Sue put small red stoned studs in the top two holes of each ear and put massive gold hoops in the bottom lobes. Fuck they were heavy!The rings came next. Chunky gold coin rings adorned four of my fingers on my hands with red dress rings and an engagement ring filling up the others. Then to cap it all off, an ankle chain was put on my left ankle. Cool. "Now, Samantha, you look like a well experienced prostitute. Next we'll have to make you look like you'll be a 'well used' one!"As my hair was still wet and rather long, mum decided to put it up in rollers and dry it, making it more curly. It was nice I suppose. But then with the aid of some very strong hairspray and a good afro comb, my hair was primed, teased and pulled into a very bouffant style. COOL! I looked in the mirror. I noticed that I sort of looked like my mum. Next was the makeup. After all the trials and tribulations this last week I was at least able to put on my makeup right. Or so I thought. My hand started to tremble a little as I applied my eyeliner. I paused and took a deep breathe. That was better. I continued. When I was finished I looked in the big mirror and gulped. Wow, that woman looks sexy! Shit! That woman was me! I stood up and caught Sue's loving smile. "Sam, I'm really proud of you. You look like you've been 'round the block for a good few years at least."She was right. I looked at least 18. "Right now, the finishing touches." said Sue quickly getting some very cheap perfume off the dresser and liberally dousing me all over with it. "There. You look cheap. You smell cheap and now you'll have to act cheap, ok hun?""Yes mum.""Listen, don't call me mum. You're a friend, not my daughter, right?""Ok Sue."I took a cigarette from mum's packet and lit it. Glancing in the mirror I thought to myself that this was it. I inhaled deeply to calm myself down. There was a knock at the door. "Right show time Samantha. You're punters are here.""P-Punters?""Yeah. I lined you up with three. That ok?""Err, I suppose so," my voice trailed off. "I have every faith in you, besides you're a whore not a good girl. Pro's don't go with just one punter you know. You need more than one to be a prostitute. You do want to 'be' a prostitute like your mum, don't you?""Yeah.""Well, let's go. By the way, it's 20 for a fuck and 15 for a blow job."And with that she went downstairs to open the front door. I quickly assumed my position, sitting delicately on the edge of the bed with my skirt, short as it was, pulled up ever so slightly so as to see my stocking tops and my left leg draped over my right. Smoking very seductively I felt and probably looked like a well used hooker. I soon heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I gathered my composure and took another drag of my cigarette. The man was at my door. "So you're Samantha, eh?""Yes and it's 20 for a fuck or 15...""Yeah, yeah I know. Sue told me already."I took another drag and said "Ok, just leave the money on the dressing table then." in a plume of smoke. I could see his eyes aglow with lust. Mum had taught me well. This, my first 'punter' look quite alright. He was blonde with blue eyes and quite tallish for a man. Not massive but big. He must have been on the other side of his 30's at least but, he'll do for my first. "Ok then, show me your pussy.""Money first hun, a girl's gotta live y'know?"He quickly threw down two 10's on the dresser and walked back to the foot of the bed. I stood up and put the cigarette between my lips, letting it dangle precariously as I seductively raised my short skirt to reveal my womanhood. "You like?" I said. He nodded. I was slowly let on to the fact that I began to get moist in my pussy. I wondered if he noticed? I flipped my cigarette out in the ashtray on the bedside table and pushed myself up the bed, pulling my skirt up high as I did so. My mound was on display and my pussy ready for humping. My 'date' pulled off his shoes and unzipped his trousers, lowering them to the floor. Pulling off his pants his pulsating member was aching for my glory hole. He quickly lowered himself on top of me, stopping only to direct his regular sized cock into my vagina with his left hand. Pretty soon he was in up to his root. It hurt a little and I moaned slightly in displeasure. Obviously I wasn't moist enough!"Geez, you're tight. I bet you're feeling that, eh, Samantha?"I moaned again and as his eyes met mine I nodded, grimacing slightly as I did so. He slowly stated to arch his back, pulling his penis out of me slightly before slowly pushing back in. In slow rhythm he did this for a few minutes, enough time to feel the aching in my groin turn to a tingling sensation, his ball sac gently tapping away at my groin. I was getting lubricated with my own juices and felt pleasure. He upped the pace and I began to flush. 'So this is fucking' I thought to myself and he was quickly away, ramming into me full hilt. He was hard and I was now thoroughly horny!"Keep going, keep going."He kept going alright, moaning and huffing as our groins bashed away at each other. I heard myself whimper, quietly at first but soon growing louder and louder and with more passion. God, I can't take much more of this. I caressed his T-shirt covered back with my fingers which, time and again, worked their way down to his buttocks and back again. I soon began to thrust back at him, in between his down thrusts. After some 10 minutes or so of heavy thrusting and lots of moans and groans from all directions, I felt him tense up and grab my hips which was followed by his sperm doing a quick redecoration job of my womb entrance. He'd cum. He lay inside me for a few seconds before pulling out and getting off of my now sweaty body. I let out a deep sigh. "You like that?""Yeah, that was great. Hope we'll do it again sometime soon, eh?""Whatever."Pulling his pants and his trousers back on he said "Thanks for that. " before putting on his shoes and after straightening himself up he just walked out the door. 'Sam, you're a fully fledged prostitute now' I thought to myself, chuffed with a job well done. I sat up and noticed the sperm that was so soon deposited inside me finding it's way back out again. I stood up and pulled my skirt back down with a wiggle of my hips and cum trickling down my thighs. I quickly assumed my position again, sitting sexily on the edge of the bed, stockings again on show and re-lit my cigarette. Deeply inhaling, my next punter emerged. "Hi Samantha.""Hiya love. Put your money on the dresser and let's go."I took another drag. Shit! Did I just say that? At only 13? God, that sounds just like what a well used pro would say! Fuck I've turned into a seasoned hooker in only a matter of minutes. and one good fuck session!Punter # 2 was well tasty; must have been in his mid twenties and had short black hair, drop dead gorgeous and of quite athletic build. I think I'd have done him for free. He took his time in taking off his T-shirt and jeans, folding them up and putting them on a nearby chair so I had plenty of time to finish off this cigarette, thank fuck!Whilst he was taking care of his clothes he asked me questions. Y'know, the usual ; how old are you, how long have you done it etc. The usual shit. I lied through my teeth. I told him I was 18 and doing it since I was 13, making me out as having a season ticket on punter cock. He bought it!Same as the other guy, I pulled up my skirt and opened my legs and same as the other guy he gently eased himself into me. "You don't have to be so gentle, y'know," I said with a grin. He mirrored my smile as he pushed all the way into my musky cock cave. I was well lubricated by now ; with my own juices and with the fresh, and first ever, deposit of sperm in my entrance. His cock was also bigger; I could feel it lining my vagina walls. It took my breathe away. "You've got some tight muscles down below haven't you babes?""Training, love."Pumping away at me hard I was going wild. I haphazardly managed to get my legs and wrap them around his neck, pulling him down onto me, my red stilettos caressing his back. He kissed my neck and then my breasts, squeezing them tightly with each hand. Caressing me, stroking me. Sending my passions higher. Once again my moaning started. Quietly then louder. Soon I was wailing like a bitch in heat. My vagina was aflame and it needed a release. "Harder, harder! Fuck me harder!!" I screamed with joy, oblivious to my surroundings or the other punter waiting to get inside me downstairs. More hard thrusting followed. Soon afterwards, just like the first, he straightened up and shot his load up me. I felt the heat from his emission. It felt good. After a few spurts he was spent. Seconds later I came myself. I shuddered myself to a halt. Wow!I removed my tired legs from his neck and he pulled himself out of my cum hole. Lying on his side beside me he gently stroked my face and said, "Are you going to be around here for long?""Yeah, why?" I asked. "Because I think I want you on a regular basis." I smiled. Then... silence. "Do I need to make a booking?" he asked."No, you'll find me working the streets." God, what was I thinking? Now I'm a regular of the 'red light' neighborhood!"Cool," he said as he got up off the bed and proceeded to get dressed. "Sam, that was really great. Where have you been all my life?" he said, half jokingly. "Oh, around," I answered. Once he was dressed he came over and kissed me on the cheek and whispered a loving "Thank you," into my ear. Then he left. 'God, I need a cigarette," I thought to myself. I was very tired. Tired but excited, like when you've done something exhilarating ;a proud achievement. Which, I suppose you could say that I had done - got two blokes rocks off in the space of twenty minutes or so and paid well for it. What else was there in life?I reached over to the table and took a cigarette from the packet. Lighting it up I inhaled long and slow, drawing in the smoke and held it in my mouth. Drawing the cigarette from my lips I exhaled a thick plume of smoke high into the air where it swirled around the ceiling of my bedroom before slowly drifting off into the night. Footsteps running up the stairs signaled punter #3. Time to fuck again! I quickly pulled myself to the edge of the bed and straightened myself up. Even so I as I glance over to the mirror I still looked like a fuck bucket. I put the cigarette back between my lips, dangling from the corner of my mouth in an effort to make me look like a nasty slut; I think it worked."Samantha, I've got 20 so let's fuck."Wow, straight to the point! "Ok then love, money on the table," I said, turning around and taking my cigarette out of my mouth, ready to stub it out. "No! No! Don't do that! You can smoke as I fuck you doggie style. Get on the floor on all four's.""Ok then."I assumed the position; skirt up, bum up, legs bent and head down. The cum of my first two punters ran down my legs, catching the harsh light of electric bulb overhead. Without warning I was violently invaded by a hard rod of cock. It felt good. I was well lubed up so I took it without a whimper. Hands grabbed my hips, clawing at my skirt as my pussy was getting the pounding of it's life!"C'mon, lay you bitch lay," he grunted as he banged away at my loins. At times I felt unsteady and had to re position my hands to maintain my balance. This was a lot harder than screwing on the bed. For one I didn't have no support. I kept thinking that he must have some size on down below because my pussy was becoming well stretched and it hurt more him pushing inside me. With the cigarette dangling from my pillar box red lips I didn't look the most graceful of creatures and most certainly didn't sound it; moans and the sound of my gold bangles clanking, crashing into one another, filled my boudoir of sin. I felt sleazy and I felt at home there. Pretty soon he shuddered to a halt as his sperm erupted into my milking hole, the final corrupting nail in my coffin of innocence ; I was no longer a child but a woman. The seed had been sown of my ever attaining grace. I had the taste for it now, prostitution was to be my savior, my jesus, my religion. I had found myself. Pulling himself out he quickly got to his feet and dressed himself. I felt like shit getting to my feet. It took time. Semen ran down my inner thighs like a spring. Pulling my skirt back down to it's normal level I smirked at the irony ; a whore trying to be lady-like? Ha! So there I was smirking to four empty walls. My punter had gone and all I had was the 60 on my dressing table, and my memories, for what? 30-35 minutes work?How long was I there silently looking into space I don't know but soon my ears pricked up to the sound of footsteps running up the stairs. But wait, I'd done three. Surely Sue hadn't got more for me?She hadn't. Instead it was her running up the stairs to tell me the good news. She had a smile on her face that wouldn't stop. Nearly close to tears she said, "Oh Samantha, I'm really proud of you. They all liked you and wanted to see you again. That's fantastic! I couldn't believe all the sounds that I had heard from your sessions. You sounded so natural. Did you enjoy it?""Oh yeah. I never thought sex was like that mum.""I know, that's the reason that I do it; the sex. So, do you know the question that I'd like to ask you?""Erhhhh, is it 'would I like to be a prostitute'?""Yes. so..."I paused before answering, yes. The smile returned to my mum's face. "Good," she said grabbing my arm, "Well let's pull some punters then!""W-What?" I asked worriedly. "It's time to start your induction into our glorious 'red light' area.""Bu-But I'm not ready for that. I've got all this cum down my legs!" I cried. "That's prostitution. Besides, the punters love having some slut that's just been fucked. You'll be alright. ""Ok then," I reluctantly answered as Sue was reapplying her lipstick then teasing up her hair. "Go get your handbag and cigarettes and lets paint the town red". I picked up my bag, a tacky red one, and reached over to the table to collect my cigarettes and lighter. Putting them in my bag, Sue took my hand and led my downstairs. Collecting her house keys we left, locking the front door behind us, ready to pull and fuck anything that came our way.END for now...Please feel free to E Mail me at the address below as any feedback is gladly received. Thanks for reading! Samm199294@aol. com. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 65
I recently moved to Florida from Tennessee and started at a new school. A few days passed when I noticed the girl of my dreams Misty. She was in several of my classes and she was a very sexy blue-eyed blonde about 5' tall with big tits and a gorgeous ass. I stared and fantasized about her everyday. I just about couldn't wait to get home to jerk off she made me so horny. She finally noticed me looking at her she smiled a sexy smile as she strutted around. One morning in the library she came over and sat beside me and we made small talk. She noticed me looking her up and down paying lots of attention to her cleavage, the crotch her jeans swallowed up by her obvious gapped pussy and down her legs to a pair of 4inch c.f.m. heels. She asked, "Do you like want to you see?" in a flirtatious way. I said, "Hell yes baby.""Let's get out of here and get together then.:At lunch time we went to the parking lot and she got in her bright yellow 5.0 mustang and I followed in my pickup truck. Within 10 minutes we were at her house.She led the way and I watched every step she took, getting harder by the second. Inside in the den we sat on the couch and started kissing, our tongues met and she tasted good. She rubbed her hand over my dick squeezed gently, then unsnapped and unzipped me and took my cock out.Then she went down on me, sucking me gently. While she sucked she striped me from the waste down. I was grooving on this wonderful attention, I grabbed her head and fucked her mouth until I let go a massive load of cum.Like the trooper she is she swallowed every drop. Then she climbed back up on the couch I grabbed her hot pink t-shirt and pulled it off, her bra followed and I started sucking her nipples and squeezing her full firm breast. It was something, fondling those double D's.I rubbed her thighs, massaging them with my strong hands as she moaned. I slowly rubbed across her crotch, massaging her pussy through her jeans. "Oh yes!" she cried. I undid her pant and slipped my hand inside her white bikini panties which were soaked discovering a shaved wet pussy. Her jeans had to go, she watched my hands go down her legs and pulled her heels off and wrestled her tight jeans off, leaving her only in her nude thigh high stockings. I parted her pussy lips and ate her out sucking her swollen clit. I got four fingers into her sloppy wet pussy and a few minutes later I brought to a noisy orgasm. Once she settled down from her cum I climbed on top of her and my massive dick slipped inside her and fucked her till we both exploded in massive mutual orgasm. It was getting a little messy by now.We then relaxed for a few minutes then went to her bedroom she got out her box of sex toys and I her with a variety of different sized dildos and vibrators, she had quite a collection.We spent the whole afternoon having hot passionate sex, enjoying each other's bodies, it was like we couldn't get enough. Finally her mom came home while Misty was on top of me riding my cock. She stood at the bedroom door and watched me fuck her sexy daughter until we climaxed, together, one last time. When I looked back at the door, her mom was gone.We kissed then herd the sound of high heels on the hard wood floor. I asked Misty if she was in trouble but she assured me that it was okay. She got up and found a long t-shirt, put it on and went to the kitchen. I heard her mom say, "You've got a new boyfriend I see."Misty said, "I sure do, isn't he a hunk?""Was the sex good?""Yes, dreamy." Then I hear Misty's bare feet padding back down the hall to her bedroom, where she gathered our clothing and we dressed and went meet her mom. It was a weird situation for me meeting her mom this way, but she seemed cool with the situation and she even invited me back.Misty walked me to my car we kissed one more time and I headed home. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 38
When I first met Trish, she was at a friend’s home, playing with her eleven-year-old daughter. They were just standing in the living room talking, but my eyes kept going over Trish’s body. She was wearing tight dungaree pants that hugged her legs and ass quite nicely. Her ass wasn’t small, like a little child’s, but was molded beautifully, I just wanted to kiss it right there. Her blouse was stripped and the shoulders were pulled down to the top of her arms, which left her with a bit of cleavage. Her breasts were not that of a young girl, but those of a young adult.I also learned that day that Trish was only fourteen years old. I was somewhat stunned at the thought of this young woman. Her curly jet-black hair hung down to her breasts. Her smile was breathtaking.When I left that day, I did so with the start of an erection, so it was a good thing I left.On my next visit, Trish was there, as I had hoped she would be. The girls just got back from swimming and Trish was wearing a bikini. They came running to the truck as I arrived and I watched as her breasts bounced with each step she took and thought that this was going to be rough on me today.I got out of the truck and was hugged by Trish and I could feel her breasts as the touched my ribs. At about four and a half feet in height, the top of her head reached to just under my chin. She backed away a little and asked me if I liked her swimsuit and I looked directly at her breasts and said, "Yes, I do."She smiled and asked me to light a cigarette from the pack that she pulled from her bra top. I lit it and she slowly slid the pack back between those beautiful tits.As she walked towards the house, I looked at her ass and was treated to such a wonderful sight. I followed that ass into the house and had to sit quickly because I was getting hard looking at her.That night when I went to bed, I dreamt of Trish. We were riding in my truck, and she was in the front seat when I asked if she wanted to sit closer to me."Okay, I’d like that," she said as she unbuckled her seatbelt and moved next to me.I put my arm over her neck and down her right arm and just held her close to me. It felt nice to have her there and I felt her hand rest on my right thigh."You know I’m a very straight forward kind of guy and I often say what I feel, so if I embarrass you, I’m sorry," I said."That’s okay with me, I’m kind of the same way myself.""Good, because I’ve been looking at your breast all day and I would love to be able to touch them."With that said, she smiled at me and said, "I’m a little nervous, to tell the truth. I want you to touch them, but I keep thinking of how much older you are.""I don’t think my age should be a factor, I think that if you want to do something, then you should be able to. Also, if you don’t want to do something all you have to do is say so.""In that case, I do want you to touch them. Look how hard my nipples are."Moving my hand from her arm to her right breast, I felt her nipple. It was hard, like she said. She did a quick intake of air when my hand touched her and then she said, "That feels nice.""It would feel nicer if I didn’t have this blouse to go through.""You mean, take it off? But I’m not wearing a bra.""I can tell you’re braless by the feel of your breast, and I’d really love to see what your breasts look like."Trish looked at me and then reached for the bottom of her blouse and brought it up over her head and sat in my front seat naked from the waist up.The sight of her breasts was something I had not expected, as she was at least a 38B. Her breast’s stood out nicely and were tipped with lovely nipples at least a half inch long. My hand was quick to return and engulf that globe and my thumb and forefinger rolled her nipple."Kiss me Roger, I want you to kiss me."I leaned down to her face and kissed her full lips as I continued to massage her breast. Her tongue entered my mouth and her hand held my head to hers. Then I woke up.I lay on my bed, now wide-awake with the memory of the dream and a raging hard-on. I had to relieve myself, so I masturbated and had a big climax, thinking of Trish’s breasts.That morning around eleven, my phone rang, "Hello.""Roger, it’s Trish, can you come get me?""Where are you honey?""At school, I’m cutting class for the rest of the day cus I’m sick of this place. Please come pick me up.""Okay, start walking from the school and I’ll find you.""Thanks, see you in a few minutes."Hanging the phone up, I grabbed my hat and truck keys and headed out to find Trish.I only had to drive for a short time, when I saw a girl in a short skirt and a black t-shirt walking on the side of the road. I pulled over and she saw my truck and ran over to the passenger side and hopped into the seat.Dam she was looking so good, as she leaned over to me and kissed me, then said, "Thanks for picking me up. I thought about you today and just wanted to spend some time with you. I don’t have to be home until three, so we have some time."I drove back to my house and pulled in the driveway and she went up the stairs ahead of me and waited at the door. Letting her in, she went to the couch and sat."Well honey, what do you want to do?"Well, you talked about wanting some pictures of me. That’s why I wore a skirt today, so if you want to do that, it’s okay."I went to my desk and located my digital camera and a blank chip. Inserting the chip, I checked to see how many pictures I could take and it read 296. Closing the camera, I returned to the living room and took a couple of pictures of her just sitting on the couch. Trish stood and posed for a few standing pictures, not moving too much."Go ahead and do some "modeling" poses and I’ll take the picture, okay?"At first, she was pretty coy, and then she started to get into the spirit of the modeling. She raised one foot and set it on the arm of the couch and turned her body to me. I got a nice view of her upper thighs and a hint of black panties."Now you’re doing it girl, keep going."Trish raised her skirt on the leg closest to me and stopped just as her panties started to show. My camera was clicking. "Hold that pose a second," as I got on my knees and took an "up skirt" shot of her panties.Next Trish raised the front of her skirt and revealed the front of her panties to me. I clicked away.Next she brought her hands to her breasts and squeezed them as I clicked off pics.I watched through the lens as she brought her t-shirt up her tummy and then slowly revealed one breast and then the other. My cock way now pounding against my jeans, wanting to escape.Trish played with her breasts as I snapped pictures and then she started to move her hands to her skirt."Don’t take your skirt off Trish, leave it on and take your panties off first."She followed my instructions and I took more pictures as her panties made their way down her legs. When she got one foot out of them, she lifted the other leg up and took them off the rest of the way with her hand, which offered me a nice view of her cunt.Now, Trish was twirling, bending and posing for all she was worth and at times I was afforded more glances at her shaven pussy.As she removed the skirt, she moved around and I took pictures of her beautiful ass and her bare pussy as the skirt went to the floor.I moved in closer to her and got some nice close up pictures of her pussy, breasts and ass."Doesn’t seem fair that I’m standing here naked and you're still fully dressed."I set my camera on an end table, walked over to her and said, "Would you like to take my clothes off?"She started by removing my t-shirt and dropped it on the floor. Then she unbuckled my belt, unsnapped my jean button and lowered my zipper.Standing there, together, her hand then rubbed my hard cock through my pants and said, "Mmmmmmm, that feels nice." Trish then got on her knees and brought my pants down my legs. She had to remove my boots first and then she slid my pants off completely.Standing there in my briefs, her face right in front of my cock, she leaned in and took my cock in her mouth through my briefs as her hands kneaded my ass.I felt her hands start to bring my briefs down and as she did, my cock sprang out and nearly hit her in the face. Her eyes never left my hard rod as she took my briefs off all the way.Now both naked, I watched as she took my cock in her hand and brought it towards her mouth. Trish licked the head and tasted my pre-cum and then she took it into her mouth as she moved her hand up and down my shaft.The thought of this fourteen year old sucking my dick was something and I had to be careful that I didn’t shoot my load off to quick, so I brought her to her feet and lifted her in my arms, carrying her to my bedroom.As I stood by the side of the bed, I looked into her face and said, "I’m going to eat your sweet pussy and make you cum all over my face and then I’m going to fuck you.""Yes! Eat me Roger, make me cum all over you."I set her on the bed and slid her to the center of it. Climbing on the bed, I went between her legs and moved my face closer to her teen pussy. Her lips were full and I could see that her clit was in an excited state as it pushed out over her outer lips.I licked from her butt to her clit and she grabbed my head. She didn’t put any pressure on me, just held me. I lapped at her juicy pussy tunnel and she was very wet and she tasted very nice. I sucked down her juices and then lapped at her clit for a little while.Trish started to grab hold of my hair with her fingers and said, "Eat me, Oh God eat me!"Her pussy moved in unison with my tongue and I could see that she was just about ready to climax, so I inserted a finger into her pussy and then a second one. I pistoned my fingers as I sucked on her clit and she ground herself a lot harder against my mouth."Oh fuck Roger, I’m going to cum in your face."I couldn’t say a word as I was occupied eating her."OH SHIT! I’M CUMING!"Trish’s pussy gushed with a warm climax lathering up my face as I sucked in the fluids she was giving to me.When Trish settled down a little, I crawled up her body and sucked on each nipple before moving up to her face and kissing her.As I kissed her, my cock was sitting right at her pussy entrance, so I moved my hips forward and my mushroomed head entered her slick pussy.She was tight, very tight and my hard cock felt so nice as it moved in deeper into her love canal, until my balls were slapping at her ass cheeks.I nibbled on her neck as my hips moved my cock in and out of her."Dam Roger, you fill my pussy with that cock of yours."As one, we slammed ourselves together and the heat of the day was making us both sweat quite a bit. I moved my mouth to her tits and suckled those hard long nipples into my mouth.My hands held each globe, as my elbows kept my weight off of her. With each thrust into her flowing pussy, I felt myself getting closer and closer to shooting my cum into her.""Can I cum in your pussy Trish?""Oh God YES, don’t pull out, I‘m on birth control. I want to feel it shoot in my cunt."With that settled, I continued pumping my cock in and out of Trish and my scrotum was full and ready to let loose."Get ready Trish, I’m going to cum any second now.""Fill my pussy with your cum Roger, fill me up."My cock fired off a large load of cum into Trish’s juicy pussy and I also felt her cum too.""OH, OH, I’m cumming too."We both released out fluids and I felt the warmth of her orgasm as it flowed over my shaft as it mixed with mine. Trish hugged me tightly as she climaxed and as we settled down, I was able to roll to her side.We lie there trying hard to breath regularly and I saw a glow on Trish’s face.I felt her hand move to my flaccid cock and hold onto it. She made me hard again and then she slid down my body. He face went to my midsection and she took me into her mouth once again.I know she could taste both of us on my shaft and it thrilled me that it didn’t seem to bother her in the least. I watched her as her hand moved along my shaft and her head bobbing on my cock.The feel of this fourteen year old sucking my cock was fantastic. She was absolutely beautiful and to think that she wanted to be with a man almost forty years her senior. I watched as my shaft disappeared and reappeared from her mouth and wanted to cum right down her throat. As my shaft swelled just a little, indicating that I was about to cum, Trish just worked me harder.Without a word, I let myself cum into her mouth. I thought that Trish would pull off, but she shoved my cock into her mouth and sucked down all of my cum.My cock softened once again, this time in her mouth. She released me and came up and kissed me. I could taste myself on her lips and I saw the big grin on her face as she lay by my side.After a short rest period, Trish said, "Can we look at the pictures you took?""Sure honey, don’t see why not."We got off the bed and walked into the living room where my computer was. Still naked, I got the camera and sat in my chair. Trish sat between my legs on my left thigh. Fixing the chip, I set it up where Trish could use the mouse to run through the 185 pictures I had taken.While she looked at the pictures, I played with her nipples and got them hard again. Then I moved my hand down her stomach and between her legs and inserted a finger into her still dripping pussy.My finger was pumping her pussy and I tried to suck her nipple, but she moved my head to see the pictures. I continued finger fucking her and I could see her breathing get harder."You keep that finger in me and I’m going to cum all over you leg.""Go ahead Trish, I like seeing your face when you cum."She acted like she was paying more attention to seeing the pictures then my finger in her pussy, but it was short lived as she climaxed all over my finger.She kissed me and said, "I think April wants to be fucked by you too.""Why do you say that?""Maybe because she told me how wet she is when you drive her home at night.""I haven’t done anything to her, other then tell her how I’d like to see her naked.""Well, she told me she masturbates every night you bring her home, or she couldn’t go to sleep. Would you like to fuck her?""Yeah, I would.""You’re a perverted old man, you know that.""This pervert made you cum enough this afternoon, didn’t I?""Yes, you did, didn’t you?"We both looked at the clock and saw that we had enough time to take a shower and for me to get her to where the bus dropped her off after school.I pulled to her bus stop just five minutes before her bus arrived. I waited down the street and saw her walking away with some of her friends towards her home.As I drove back to my place, I said to myself, "April, now there’s one cute little fifteen year old redhead."END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 31
CUCKOLD: A CO-AUTHORED ESSAYby Holly Rennick and Cindi Bartonor CUCKOLD: A LINGUISTIC ASYMMETRY, by Holly Rennickplus CUCKOLD: IF THE MILKMAN DELIVERS AT 9:30, WHY MAKE YOUR BED TWICE? by Cindi BartonAUTHORS' NOTESThis literary contribution may seem a bit like ping-pong if our co-authorship is new to you. Actually, this is our fourth publication. Visit Holly's ASSTR website for "Notebook", "Top Tips" and "Oneida" to get a sense of our literary partnership.We offer our insights not as a final analysis, but merely as a point of embarkation for further multi-disciplinary exploration of cuckoldry. [Hey, Cindi Barton, it's I, Holly Rennick here. How does it sound so far?] [Why are you using my last name, Holly? Like I can't see who you are? And why are we talking in brackets?] [It's how they know who's talking, Cindi, like sports commentators doing pre-game inanities. "Hey, Mike Ditka. I'd say that the Cowboy offense is going to have to move the ball if Dallas is going to win this showdown." "I'd simply add, John Madden, that the Bronco's big front line is hoping to stop them!" See how they do it? Plus, over-identifying each other helps our name recognition.] [We're just schoolteachers, Holly Rennick. Start typing.] [OK. Let's start with the dictionary.]AN EXCELLENT STARTA cuckold (as a noun) is the husband of an unfaithful wife. To cuckold (as a transitive verb) is to make a cuckold of. (If you're picky: imp. & p. p. "cuckolded"; p. pr. & vb. n. "cuckolding", as you would conjugate "fold", not "hold".) [And now Cindi, we grab their attention with a heavy-duty quotation. I was just reading Shakespeare's Coriolanus after dinner and came upon this. Act IV, Scene 5, line 179, if I remember correctly.]"As war, in some sort, may be said to be a ravisher, so it cannot be denied but peace is a great maker of cuckolds." ["Coriolanus", Holly? Shakespeare wrote some clunkers too? Rape the guy's wife in war, but seduce her in peacetime? We just deal with the problems of peace, then, OK?] [That was just to get their attention and use the word "cuckold", Cindi. Now we get a little schoolmarmish.]CUCKOLD IN AMERICAN HERITAGEWe thank "American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language" for the following etymology, [Hey, Holly? Cindi Barton here again. Is this about insects?] ["E T Y", not "E N T O", Cindi. It means, "Word history".]"The allusion to the cuckoo on which the word cuckold is based may not be appreciated by those unfamiliar with the nesting habits of certain varieties of this bird. The female of some Old World cuckoos lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, leaving them to be cared for by the resident nesters. This parasitic tendency has given the female bird a figurative reputation for unfaithfulness as well. Hence in Old French we find the word 'cucuault'... used to designate a husband whose wife has wandered afield like the female cuckoo... Middle English 'cokewold'... is first recorded in a work written around 1250." [That's really old, when they invented cockholding, Holly. So we're writing an essay about it?] [There's no "cock" in it, Cindi, and there's no "h". I have a degree in Secondary Education/Language Arts, you recall.] [Oh, I thought its entomology maybe related them together. "Cock" and "hold", like a compound word. You know, like, "I manhandled him."] [Sorry Cindi. The word's from a bird, is all. Just let me handle this, OK?]WORD FORMShakespeare utilized the term "cuckold" on 43 occasions.As a noun -- "Now sir, who's a cuckold now?"As an adjective -- "I mean not cuckold-mad; but, sure, he is stark mad."As a transitive verb -- "The conclusion shall be crowned with your enjoying her: adieu. You shall have her, Master Brook; Master Brook, you shall cuckold Ford."As an expletive -- "Fie, fie, fie! Cuckold, cuckold, cuckold!" [Hey, Holly? Holly Rennick, I mean. In "Shakespeare in Love" they did it under a blanket. Remember?] [The old play-within-a-play technique, we call it in creative writing, Cindi Barton. Now here's my thesis. Just read while I type and don't interrupt.]ASYMMETRYWe have any number of gender-neutral adjectives for perpetuators of infidelity: "adulterous", "cheating", "unfaithful" and so on. For the unfortunate spouse we have "betrayed", "cheated-upon", again appropriate to husband or wife. But, apart from symmetric suffixes, e.g. "adulterer" and "adulteress", we have but one word, "cuckold" that is gender specific. If you've been cuckold, you're a guy and your wife's been in bed with somebody else. Shakespeare ordered it correctly in Henry the Eighth -- "He or she, cuckold or cuckold-maker."The Inuit have a word for every sort of caribou bone. We couldn't care less about elk species. But how many words do they have related to a computer? Language meets needs, that is to say. So why would we have a specific term for the fellow whose wife has carnal acquaintance with another?Why, that is say, is the term "cuckold" asymmetric? Why doesn't the unfortunate wife of an unfaithful male titled in like manner? This is our question.Because males secretly want it to happen to them? "Oh, Hi, Ralph. Glad you could stop by this evening. I've got a big job, so I'm going back to the office for a few hours. Maybe you and Helen can watch a little TV, or something. Hun, you can stay in your nightie. It's just Ralph." Statistics say that suspicious husbands are justified only half the time. Is there some psychological principal about seeing what they want to see?Because women want to classify men according to their own independence? Perhaps. Being cuckold speaks of having a female spouse who's chosen to venture beyond the "and obey" bit. Let's burn them bras, babes!Because a wife having a secret lover so often works out? My best guess. Maybe a social scientist would see cuckoldry as structurally stabilizing, that sort of gobbledygook. The activity's named it because it works. A cuckold spouse can still sell Toyotas, bowl, watch the NFL, etc. while his wife enjoys her orgasm. If she came when she should have been at the PTA meeting, she can still fake one back home. [Hey, Holly?] [Now what, Cindi?] [Is this some big thing to Gloria Steinem or Hillary Clinton or somebody? That we don't get a special word on our side? "Cuckild", I'm thinking. Monica cuckilded Hillary.] [It's about power, I think Good Housekeeping said. Noam Chomsky says that through linguistics we figure complicated stuff out.] [Like globalization, or whatever he was lecturing about on the college station? Just 'cause he's smart doesn't mean he knows everything. I'll bet his real name is "Norm", you think?] [It's all related, "cuckold" and "globalization" from the linguistic paradigm. Hold on, sister, I just have a little more to conclude.]So then, armed with my deconstruction of "cuckold", consider these questions.Guys. Given that, say, one out of five of you are going to be cuckolded, wouldn't you rather it be by a guy she's not going to move in with? Wouldn't you rather she chose a lover who'll treat her well? Well, if you want her to get beat up, you deserve to be a cuckold!Gals. Some of you've done it. Some of you are doing it. Some of you will. We're probably talking about pretty great sex, right? Wouldn't you rather it be with somebody who understands you? Someone who'll always be around?Both of you. If something happens with the birth control, you'd want a baby who genetically fits within the family.So there we are. It happens. We've named it. We own it. [That's my bit. So what do you think, Cindi? How I contextualized it?] [I like that bit about genetics, her being with somebody she's known a long time. Can I write something now, since you promised I could? The readers may need some practical tips.] [Sure, though it's often counterproductive to reword a well-developed thesis. Go ahead.]A FEW TIPSSo here's an idea for Army wives. Your hubby's off for six months searching for weapons of mass destruction. He comes home and six months later you have a baby. What you say is that the nurse said he's really a big strapping kid for being a preemie. Or you can say that she said that these ones that are longer term often turn out to be good football players. In science, you see, I teach that gestation (that's what we call it) is not an exact length. It depends.Or a tip about when you go to the NEA Convention and your husband phones you at 2:00 AM and this Assistant Principal you met answers the phone. You say loudly, "Oh, thank you officer for responding so promptly. I thought 911 was how I set my phone to do a wake-up call."Or maybe your spouse finds your pills and he's had the big V already. You say they're not what they're labeled; that's just to expedite them through customs. They're just meth.'Or maybe your kid looks pretty much like the milkman. Your husband maybe wonders. Remind him that the termite exterminator guy is the milkman's brother, so he's probably wrong. Don't tell hubby about ordering "extra fresh cream".Or husbands. Be suspicious if your wife goes to tennis lessons twice a week and always comes back showered and invigorated. Be very suspicious if she takes a squash racket.And guys. So your wife Sylvia had this bridge game last night with her girlfriends. Today Sally makes a big point to you about having chatted with Sylvia. Nancy mentions how she and Sylvia had some good hands. Ruth remarks about how nice Sylvia looked. Marianne laughs about how she and Sylvia messed up a bid. [What you think, Holly? I need to tell the husband how many players sit at a bridge table?] [Probably, Cindi. But we can't just be Agatha Christie. So I got some data.]CUCKOLD BY THE NUMBERSTwo German scientists wanted to know if hair color is hereditary determined. In three schools they took some blood of 300 children and examined the DNA. They also took blood from the children's parents. The outcome of the examination shook the scientists. For more than ten percent of the children, the nominal father was not the biological father. [Urban legend, Holly! Like the Germans wonder if hair color is hereditary? Let's just say that some dads may not have the full history. Go on.]Reading USA Today, December 21, 1998 for my research, 24 percent of married men and 14 percent of women have been unfaithful, 28 and 17 by another survey, and 60 and 40 in what looks to be a less-scientific opinion. But always are there fewer promiscuous wives than promiscuous husbands. There are fewer betrayed men than women. So why does this minority get its own adjective? [Hey Holly, you never took statistics, right?] [Education majors have our special course. We have to do grade books and things. Plus, commentators like to report statistics. "Never before in 14 consecutive plays have the Cowboys run for 33 and passed for 13!" So what did you find out?]GOOGLE [In science we call it our literature review. I Googled to "cuckold" and got total crap! A forum on watching your wife getting impregnated by a Mexican, for goodness sakes! It's racist and how'd you know that she was actually impregnated? It takes several weeks to be sure. Anyway, it's empty fantasy for lonely voyeurs. Those pallid writers haven't a clue what it's about.] ["Pallid? How'd you know that word?] ['Cause science majors still read, Holly. Bet you never dissect frogs when you don't have a date.] [Ugh! Well, I think maybe Steve, our new Phys Ed guy, might ask me out. So there!] [You'd like those books about the No 1 Ladies Detective Agency. Really good! Steve's a gay as a tulip, in case you missed his short beard. Anyway, I found some other stuff. Put this in our essay.]Excerpt from Penthouse, August, 1997: "The most common letter we get is from husbands, describing how much they love watching their wives have sex with other men. We know right away we've received one of these letters too, because for all the hot-tub humping, steamy bar scenes and backseat blowjobs they involve, they all seem to start out with those three little words -- 'My beautiful wife'." [Reminds me, Cindi, of how all your date reports start with, "I really hadn't planned on anything, but..." Anyway so what were you discovering about "cuckold"?] [Nothing, really. Actually, I was thinking about writing a little story. Can you do that in an essay?] [It's frowned upon in the better journals. You'd just ramble and loose the reader, but maybe you could say it and I'll write it down. One of my readers said that I'm "laconic"] [Is that good?] [You forgot to add, "Holly Rennick. Is that good, Holly Rennick." Well, he's a very nice fellow, so I'm sure he intended it to be. Just scoot over so I can use the keyboard, honey. You just dictate and I'll edit while I type.]A CUCKOLD'S TALEWhen Gary and Sondra first had sex, long after they'd started going out, she'd seemed so innocent. In the scope of what most college students did, they were squeaky clean until they couldn't wait any longer. She'd seemed to know what to do, but then they'd made out enough that she'd already made him shoot on her skirt, and, best as he could tell, maybe came a little when he rubbed her. (She'd not come close, she clarified long after; it was damn uncomfortable, him rooting around. They'd laughed.). Many girls break their hymens riding horses, he'd read. He was going to wear a condom, but she said she was already on the pill to make her periods lighter. The bloody bed sheet was an old wives' tale, he'd figured. In retrospect, he could have been more in tune when his betrothed suggested a better brand of condoms. [So, is this what you said so far, Cindi? Maybe a little more cuddly-wuddly to help us identify with the characters?] [Geesh! What I thought I said was that this guy was goo-goo over a broad who fooled him up front. I'll bet that most guys who get cuckolded have their eyes halfway closed. So let me keep going.]For all these years they'd made sweet love. "Sweet" was the term Gary thought, not perhaps as a female might relate the term to something with daisies or childhood dolls, but more in a sense of union. Some weeks maybe they'd enjoy but a single copulation, but then some weekends they'd stay in bed all morning, him mounting her as often as she could make him ready. Gary had friends that casually talked about "fucking" a wife or girlfriend, but he never talked that way. [So what do you think, Holly? Her sleeping around's got to be secret? If she's doing a guy her husband knows about, like her relative where the husband knows about a family tradition, the husband isn't really a cuckold.] [Whatever, Cindi, but this guy's clueless. Let's keep going.]Sondra worked closely with Paul. [Hold it, Cindi. You've made with whom too obvious. Readers like some tension.]Sondra worked with Paul, John, George, Mick, Keith, Elton and many, many others. She worked very closely with Paul. [Just go on, Cindi. Maybe I can insert some filler later. Shouldn't we drop Elton, though?]Once Gary had come home early and Paul's car was parked down the street. Gary had gone back to the office, mentioning nothing to his wife. [Hey, Holly, let me stop here a second. There's this great one about this guy who drives cement truck and he sees this new Corvette parked in his driveway and guesses why and...] [I got it on the Internet too. It's an urban legend.] {Who, us spread an urban legend, Holly? Here's one from Holland, but about Italy. How come urban legends are always about someplace else?]A couple from Milan (he 35, she 30) went to a gynecologist while on vacation in Toscane, an Italian province. The woman had abdominal pains. After a brief physical, the doctor told the husband that the problem was not serious. "But next time, be careful." The pain was caused by a condom left in her vagina. The gynecologist removed the condom and the pain disappeared immediately. Too bad the husband couldn't remember ever having used a condom in his life. [Get it? It's about him being cuckolded -- right, Holly?] [Right. Keep dictating your story, girl.]Once when Gary returned from working a week in Miami, sweet little Diana mentioned Paul coming over to help mommy stay warm. Once Diana went in to their room to tell mommy goodnight and mommy and Paul were playing bouncy-bouncy. [Er, Cindi. Who's Diana?] [Oh, yeah. Gary and Sondra's kid. Splitting image of Sondra. Work it in earlier, will you. So do say that Princess Di and her Royal Horse Trainer or whoever cuckolded Prince Charles and Charles and what's-her-name cuckolded what's-her-name's husband who had but one wife to give for his country, but when that sheik got Di pregnant and then had her killed, that one didn't count because Di and Charles were already split? Can you believe that Charles told what's-her-name that he wanted to be her tampon?] [Probably. They speculate that House of Windsor is dull because of intermarriage, but it must be something else. But essays need to stay on the topic. So what happens next?]Once when Sondra had been to a fashion show, the St. Louis hotel receipt Gary came across showed that it was booked in Paul's name. [Is Sondra a model or something?] [A designer. Models are too hung up staying anorexic to have good sex. Me, sure I've got small boobs, but I eat everything.]It was the Thanksgiving when Paul stayed the night, due to the ice storm. They'd chatted till late and Gary had bid the two goodnight and gone to bed. Perhaps 30 minutes later, the door opened and Sondra's silhouette looked in. She stepped back into the hall, pulling the door behind, holding the latch from clicking. Through the window, Gary could see the light from the living room reflected off the hedge. A few minutes later, that room grew dark. Gary waited for Sondra to return from whatever task she'd remembered, but knew that she was in the guest room.Was she already naked, playing a game so long practiced? Was Paul knelt between her legs, one hand guiding, the other already on her breast? Were their hips rising and falling together? She would climax the way that was hers, with little gasps and then bite her lower lip. [Nice, Cindi. Much better than I'd put it.] [It's all in the details. So here's the rest.]The thought of Sondra in orgasm made Gary erect, alone in their bed. It shouldn't, but it did. Replaying in his mind his own response to foreplay, he stroked himself as if he were she. He stroked again. And, lost in the wonder of it, again. Gary masturbated to the squeak of guest room bedsprings only imagined. When he came, he almost thought he was in his wife. [Hey, Holly? My little ideas plus how you use that thesaurus -dot-com! Umm, maybe I'll take a break and slip out for a few minutes. Won't take long.] [Cindi, you got a date this weekend and Aaron staying after school to work on his science fair model volcano. You can wait. Just keep telling.]When Sondra slipped into bed some half-hour later, Gary feigned sleep. What could he say? He lay stiffly as she snuggled against him, not realizing until it was too late her knee over his thighs felt the wet sloppiness on his pajamas. She too froze.When she saw that his eyes were open, she pulled back. "Oh, God, Gary! You were awake!" He didn't answer.She moved toward him, but he'd turned his back. "With you here..." She didn't need to finish, but she did, "And you were alone." He didn't reply. "It was because of me, not Paul. You know that." [Hey, Holly, here I am getting all blubbery over a story I'm just making up!]She cradled him and he could feel the sobs against his back. She told all. It was Paul who'd taken her virginity. What could she do after so many years, so many times, but to continue? Maybe that's why Paul had never married. Like Gary, he'd been captured."I've never been with Paul on this bed, never where I sleep with you." she'd stated, as if to say that their marital relation was special. She phrased her intimacy with Paul as "being with." Gary knew that it was love too, but perhaps somewhat of a different intensity.She knew that Gary could divorce her, end up with Diana for what she'd done. She deserved it. It wasn't a play for sympathy; it was just her reality. Gary bathed her and made the sweetest love he could. She'd clung.Sondra had been discreet, not wantonly deceitful. She'd slipped up. She probably just needed more sex, Gary admitted. Women often do, he'd read. Not a few of his friends knew their wives cheated with near strangers, "a fling". Their husbands fucked around on them too, so maybe it was even. They, some of them anyway, stayed together. Maybe just for a regular partner, Gary wondered, but maybe they too still shared love. [Great, Cindi. We got a winner! See where I put "discreet"? I could have used "discrete"... I didn't think you'd get it; you have to be a writer. So just tell me how it ends up.]Gary and Sondra loved each other, had a child to raise together. Gary knew that Sondra shared nothing but her best with him. Even the Thanksgiving she'd had sex with Paul where he could have crept and listened, he'd loved her.And about Diana? Some test done to see if their baby was his. Sondra said she was. But he never asked for Diana to be checked. Even if Sondra were wrong, Diana was his daughter. And Sondra needed the extra love. [Hold it, Cindi. We need to end this thing with a little wallop.] [No problemo, Holly.]It wasn't so much that Gary was sharing his wife with Paul; it was perhaps more as if he'd been invited into something that had started long before. He'd never confronted Paul. What good would that do? Paul's being unaware that Gary knew made it easier for Gary relate to him as just his brother-in-law. [Hey, Holly? Get it? Paul was Sondra's brother! Like when they were kids, they'd been at grandma's and it was really cold up where they were sleeping. I can add a chapter at the front of my story.] [Too much work, Cindi. Just Google to "incest" and "grandma's house" and copy the text and I'll Edit/Replace the names to Sondra and Paul. We call throwing in new information at the end, "deus ex machina". It's a pretty cheap literary trick.] [Or, Holly, you could Edit/Replace Paul to Pablo and send our essay to that Mexican forum to discuss. But they probably wouldn't want your linguistic bit unless you make is Spanish.] [Maybe not. Anyway, for your kind of story, Shakespeare sort of covered why it's all's well that ends well.]If I be his cuckold, he's my drudge. He that comforts my wife is the cherisher of my flesh and blood; he that cherishes my flesh and blood loves my flesh and blood; he that loves my flesh and blood is my friend: ergo, he that kisses my wife is my friend. (Act I, Scene 3, Line 21) [Deep stuff there, Holly!]SING ALONG [So Holly! Maybe we could sing that song, the one we like to do on road trips. We'll append an MP3 to our essay. I love the last verse.]Now I came home the other night, drunk as I could be. Found a head on the pillow where my head ought to be.Oh, come my wife, my pretty little wife, explain this thing to me. Why's that head on the pillow where my head ought to be?You blind fool, you drunken fool, can't you plainly see? That is just a melon my granny sent to me.I've traveled this wide world over, a hundred miles or more. But a mustache on a melon I never did see before. [Actually, Cindi, the last verse is about a head on a carrot. But we'd be breaking the copyright law. I took "Professionalism in Education".]JOKES OVER THE AGES [Oops, I think I forgot to tell them, Cindi, this really old joke from "Tales and Quick Answers of the Jealous Man", 1535.]A man that was right jealous on his wife, dreamed on a night as he lay abed with her & slept, that the Devil appeared unto him and said: Wouldst thou not be glad, that I should put thee in surety of thy wife? Yes, said he. Hold, said the Devil, as long as thou hast this ring upon thy finger, no man shall make thee cuckold. The man was glad thereof, and when he awaked, he found his finger in his wife's arse. [Maybe it's funnier if you wear a dress where your boobs about fall out like the girls back then, Holly. Here's something that's more up to data.]The gigolo was brought to the stand, accused of sleeping with the plaintiff's wife.The judge asked, "This man claims that you seduced his wife. Are you guilty?"To which the accused replied, "I don't know, I haven't heard all the evidence yet." [From the Internet, Cindi, right? In almost 500 years, you'd think that they'd have gotten better.] [Maybe there's a joke about cuckolds changing a light bulb, I wonder?]HORNS [Well Cindi, here's something you didn't know.]In a group photograph, some wag always holds V's two fingers behind somebody's head. This is based on an old, old tradition having to do with the horned one being a cuckold. As Shakespeare put it, "Like an old cuckold, with horns on his head." [Boy, Holly. That guy wrote so many things! "West Side Story" and "Love Story" I really liked.] [Those were remakes.] [Same difference. It was so sad how Ali MacGraw died at the end, didn't you think? They should have changed the ending to make it more modern.]A BIG PROBLEM [Wait! We've got a big problem, it just occurred to me, Holly berry. We have no knowledge here!] [American Heritage is really a good dictionary. And you're really good at Googling.] [Sure, but let's face it. We're two single females. We can't be in a cuckold story 'cause it's a married couple plus another male. We'd do better with the word for seducing mid-school boys, so the reader doesn't catch that we're just providing filler. Like those sports commentators.] [Older young males, we should call our students. In British schools, maybe they'd call it giving their "practicals". We could still write about cuckolding from the perspective of voyeurs, though.] [Like being on a voyage on a cruise ship? Might work. Hey, Holly, dibs on the first mate! Get it?] [Rats! Publishing an essay is extremely important in the career of an emerging author. Especially an essay about Shakespeare.] [Like a science graduate maybe inventing a great chemical. I did have this idea a new kina of Viagra, but District won't let us have mercury in the chem lab. We have to test things in science.]SOLUTION [So Cindi, I was thinking. We change our essay to contextualize why District watches the male faculty like hawks. The guys darn near can't have doors on their classrooms any more. And little old us? I'm showing Jeremy Zimmerman how to work the stage lights for our "Peter Rabbit" production and already I've got him to touch my bra.] [You can use my science supply room. There's a cot in case somebody faints from messing up the sulfur experiment. The you-know-whats are where the shelf's labeled "R".] [So there's no way, even, that anybody's getting cuckold with us, right? Linguistic impossibility!] [If your dictionary is right about the cuckoo bird, anyway, we can't do it. If cuckold's somehow a compound word like I said, though, maybe you do it to Jeremy Zimmerman while he's figuring out your hooks, Holly.] [Possibly. Winning really depends on strategy these days, don't you think, Cindi Barton? [Yes, Holly Rennick. I'd only want to add that in the game's final minutes, execution's so very important.]THE ENDHolly on the WebWherever you found this story on the web, thank you to the server. My problem is that I've no systematic way to update the various servers. As literary errors (or just poor word usages) are made known to me, I'll repair that which is salvageable on /~Holly_Rennick/. My website's not much graphically, I admit, but HTML isn't my native language.You can contact me via the site's message form, that HTML code by the smart people at ASSTR.I won't be changing the story significantly, so if you didn't like it before, that much will remain the same. But if you did like it, an update may read a bit more cleanly.Holly~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 27
I was walking home from the bar where I had stopped on my way home from work to have a few drinks with some buddies, and I didn't feel safe to drive the six blocks home. It was going on 7:30pm and my wife had asked me to be home by 7:15pm for dinner so I thought I had better take the short cut threw the alleyway that came out just two houses down from mine. (Little did I know I would not be making it home tonight, do to what was ahead in the alley).It was very dark and I could not see anything, but I could hear what I thought to be a dog or a cat moving around in the shadows about 50 feet away. I knew I was already late so I decided to go ahead and walk threw the alley. I felt it was safe to make it threw to the house, so I kept going. As I passed the area where I thought the dog or cat was I heard a man yell, "Get him guy's!!!"I tried to run but before I knew it I was being pushed face down into a pile of garbage. I could hear the voices of 6 or 7 men as I was being tied up and blindfolded. Then I felt them lift me up and start walking. I was scared for my life so I started to scream when I was silenced by one of the men putting a piece of cloth into my mouth. A few seconds later they stopped and I could hear them open the doors on a vehicle. They then tossed me into the back of what I thought to be a van or cargo truck.Then the men all got in and I heard the engine start. We were on our way to where ever they were taking me. I was tied up and blindfolded so I couldn't move too much or see where we were going, but I could hear things clanging together. It sounded like tools and other metal objects. The whole time we were moving I kept wondering what they wanted with me, and if they had planed on killing me. I thought about my wife and kids and how worried they must be by now.The men drove for what must have been about 3 hours when they finally stopped and shut the engine off. They all got out of the vehicle and I guess when to do something. It was quiet for what seemed like an eternity. After a while they returned, and dragged me out of the vehicle. Once outside two men held me up and another one started cutting my clothes off of me. Then they untied my legs and guided me to where the rest of the men had gone. Once outside of a building the man who seemed to be in charge ordered another man to remove the blindfold from my eye's. Once the blindfold was taken off I began to look around to see where I was and who had brought me here.As I looked around I counted ten men who were joking and laughing. And there only seemed to be one building for as far as I could see in any direction. The building looked to be very old and needed to be painted, for most of the paint had chipped away except a few patches of white here and there. After I took a good look around I thought about running but I was afraid if I ran they would kill me for sure. Just then the man in charge hollered to some men inside the building, "Are you ready for the bitch yet?""Not yet sir," said one of the men inside.The man in charge walked over to me and started inspecting my body. Once he moved into the light I got a good look at his face. I did not know him nor did I recognize any of the other men.The man in charge then removed the cloth that had been put in my mouth to keep me from calling out for help. I then asked him who he was, and why they kidnapped me and brought me here? The man laughed and said,"My name is not important here, but I am called the Boss or the man in charge. And the reason you are here is because you were in the wrong place at the right time. You are also here to be a bitch to those inside who you will meet very soon."I then asked him if they were going to kill me?"No. We don't do things like that. We will let you go when we have finished with you." said the man in charge.I let out a sigh of relief after he said that, but I still didn't know what to expect when they take me inside. The man in charge said I was going to be a bitch. I wonder if he means they're all going to fuck me. Just then a man from inside came to the large door way and said, "Everything is ready sir.""Okay, get the bitch inside men." said the man in charge.Then all the men entered the building.The two men that had been holding my arms and I were the last to enter the building. Once inside the doors were closed and locked to prevent me from getting away.Inside it was dark at first but I could hear lots of people around me. I was walked about 60 feet when all of a sudden we stopped. Then the man holding my right arm yelled, "Hit the lights guy's. Lets get this bitch ready."Just then the lights came on and a roar of cheering, whistling, and clapping over took me. I looked around the room where they had brought me. I could see what looks to be 60 or 70 men standing behind a wall that was only 3 feet high, 4 feet away from 3 of the main buildings walls. The 4th wall had 5 horse stalls, I could see horses in 2 of them. There were also 7 or 8 very large dog kennels along the walls that were 3 feet high. From what I could see all of them have large dog's in them. Next to me on the ground was a wooden block covered with a cushion on it. In one of the other corners was a table. I started to think, what are all these animals for? Surely they aren't going to have them fuck me.Just then the two men pushed me down to my knees, untied my hands from behind my back. Then they moved the wooden block under my chest to hold me up, and they tied my hands to my ankles. I could hear the man in charge calling for all bets."All bet's here! Place your bet's here! 5 minutes until all bet's close."I wonder what they are betting on, was there going to be a race of some sort? A few minutes later a woman walked out and stood next to the row of dog kennels. I noticed her right away do to the fact that she was the only female in the whole place. As I was looking at her the man in charge yelled out, "All bet's are now closed. Letthe bitching begin."(CHEERING from crowd)The woman opens the first of the kennels and a large black dog moves out. He looked to be about 90 LBS, he was a black lab mix. He ran over to me and started smelling my ass. I tried top move but before I could do anything the dog jumped up on my back and started thrusting his hips towards my ass. I could feel his dewclaws digging into my sides. Then all of a sudden I felt the dogs cock hitting my ass. He was trying to fuck me but he couldn't get his cock into my ass. Just then the man on my left kneeled down taking the dogs cock in his hand he guided it straight into my ass. I started screaming. STOP! PLEASE MAKE HIM STOP!!! But everyone just cheered louder. This seemed to excite the dog and he started fucking me faster and harder. With tears running down my face I begged them to make him stop. Above all the pain I could feel something very hard pressing against the outside of my asshole. I thought, is he all the way in? Just then the hard thing started moving into my ass and I started screaming again. HELP ME PLEASE! HE IS RIPPING MY ASS OPEN!!!The dog then stopped all of a sudden and I could feel something warm oozing into my ass as the dog's cock jerked a few times. Then with the knot like thing and his cock still in my ass he turned around so that we were now with our asses together. It felt like he was ripping my ass off. The man on my left then went and held the dog so he wouldn't try to walk away. About 5 or 6 minutes later I felt the dog's cock fall free from my ass.(CHEERING from crowd)The man in charge yelled out, "Number of minutes from cock in to cock out was 15 minutes. We have 4 winners for round1. Bet's for round 2 to open in 30 seconds."I said, What round 2? I wont let you keep having dog's fuck me. One was bad enough."New bet's now open. You have 2 minutes to place all bet's from round 2." yelled the man in charge.I struggled to get free but at no prevail. The ropes had been tied to tight. I was begging the two men next to me to untie me, but they just pretended I was not here. Then all of a sudden the man in charge yelled, "Bet's for round2 now closed! Release the husky."The woman next to the kennel's then locked the door on the black lad mix's kennel and opened the next kennel. Out walked this big gray and white husky. His belly had been shaved and the tip of his bright red cock was protruding out of his sheath. The husky walked over to my ass but instead of jumping on my back he walked around to my face. He stood with his side to me right where his cock is. Then he laid down on his back and growled. The two men picked him up and moved him closer to me. They laid him so that if I was to drop my head my mouth would be on his cock. The man on my right then said, "Suck his cock bitch!"(CHEERING from crowd)I locked my mouth shut and shook my head no. The man on my right said again, "We can do this the easy way or thehard way."I still refused. Just then the man on my left walked behind me and squeezed my balls causing me to yell out. As soon as my mouth opened the man on the right shoved his fingers between my jawbones so I could not close my mouth. Then he forced my mouth down toward the dog's cock as the man on the left held the cock up so my mouth would slide over it easily.I was trying to close my mouth but it was to late. I could feel the husky's cock hit the back of my mouth. The man on my right then pulled his fingers from my jaw and began forcing me to slide my mouth up and down the dog's shaft. He kept this up for 5 or 6 minutes then I felt the same hard knot as before hitting my mouth. They then pulled my mouth off of the husky's cock. The husky just laid there for a moment and the jumped to his feet and walked to my ass. He smelled my ass a few times, then I could feel his wet tongue licking my sore asshole. And with out warning he jumped up on my back and began thrusting his cock toward my asshole. He missed it about 5 times, But as the man on my left went to help him guild it into my ass I felt the husky hit his mark on his own and I let out a yell. (CHEERING from crowd)The husky's cock seems to be much bigger then the lab mix's cock had been. The husky dug his dewclaws deep into my sides and started pumping my ass harder and faster. I keep yelling for the men to make him stop but they don't listen to me. The crowd just kept yelling, "MORE, MORE, MORE!!!"Then I could feel the husky's knot starting to enter my ass. It must been 3 times larger then the last dog's knot was. It seems to be taking longer to get his knot in but finally I feel it enter my ass, and he pumps even faster now. The then stopped pumping and I can feel his cock jerking in my ass then all of a sudden I felt his cum filling my ass. When he was done he just laid on my back and rested for a while. I could feel his hot breath on the back of my neck as he laid here panting. Just as fast as his cock entered my ass it feel free and he walk back to his kennel and laid down inside. The man in charge then yells, "Round 2 is now over. Minutes from cock in to cock out was 17 minutes. We have 7 winners. Bet's for round 3 open in 30seconds.""I bet I can fuck his ass for 40 minutes non stop without cumming." a man in the crowd yells, "I'll take that bet." "Bet's, Bet's, Place your bet's. Can he make it 40 minutes without cumming?" say's the man in charge.People started making their bets as the gentleman started getting ready. He walked into an empty horse stall and began removing his clothes. When he had taken everything off he came out. The only thing he had on was a condom. I looked at his cock, and it looks to be about 2 1/4 inches thick and 8 or 9 inches long. I look up at the man in charge and say, please god no. Please don't let him fuck me the dog's were bad enough. Please don't let this man fuck me. The man in charge just looks at me and say's,"All bet's are over, and all bet's are final. We will start the watch as soon as the gentleman's cock enters the bitch's ass."(CHEERING from crowd)The gentleman walks over to where I am tied down. Now that he is closer to me I could see what he looks like. He is about 6'5" or 6'6" and looks to be about 225 LBS. His arms and hand's are covered in motor oil and dirt. He look's as if he works in a junkyard or around cars. He is very scruffy looking and he smell's really bad, as if he hasn't taken a shower in months. When he smiles I noticed he has some teeth missing and he needs to brush really bad. As he turns to the crowd and raises his arms I can see his tan line that runs right across his ass crack. As he raises his arms the crowd starts to cheer. As he turned around and got behind me and ready to put his cock in my ass I ask him to change his mind. He then ram's his cock as hard as he can straight into my ass. I scream out in pain yelling for him to stop, but he just starts fucking me harder. All I can do is lay here in pain while this man fuck's my ass. The man in charge yells, "5 minutes down, 35 minutes to go."The crowd cheer's him on. With tears now running down my face I am trying to deal with all the pain. Then all of a sudden the man pull's his huge cock out of my ass. I think, good it's all over. Just then he slam's it right back in. He keeps pulling it out and ramming it back in for a while. The man in charge then yells, "10 minutes down 30 minutes to go."The crowd starts going wild as they watch this man fucking my ass. They seem to enjoy watching this happen.I think to myself, they wouldn't like this if it were them here instead of me right now.This man seems to really enjoy what he is doing and I can't help but wonder if he has ever been with a woman, for he seemed to eager to want to fuck me.Then all of a sudden I can hear the man in charge yell, "15 minutes down 25 minutes to go."Every once in a while the man fucking my ass seems to slow down. I guess he keep's trying to stop himself from cumming. But then he pick's up speed again. Then he moan's out with pleasure and all I can do is yell out in pain. And sometimes I can feel him reaching under me and stroking my cock. This make's me feel uncomfortable and yet at the same time very strange. Then he leans over and whispers in my ear, "I'm going to suck your cock until you cum when I am finished with your ass you bitch."I say to him, No you are not. But he just laughs and say's, "You have no choice in the matter you bitch."Just before I am able to say anything the man in charge yells, "20 minutes down 20 minutes to go."All I can do is hang my head and cry because my ass hurts so bad. I keep thinking, when will this end. But I know this will only end when the man in charge say's it's done, and nothing I can do or say will make any difference to him. But still I know I can't give up, I have to keep trying. I decided to try and push the gentleman's cock out by pushing as if to take a shit. I push as hard as my tired body will let me push. But this only makes him start fucking me harder. I don't know what else to do but to lay here and take it. The man in charge yells, "25 minutes down 15 minutes to go."(CHEERING from crowd)By now the gentleman is struggling to keep himself from cumming early. I know he wont last the whole 40 minutes, and that he will stop fucking me soon.I can feel his sweat dripping on to my back from the gentleman's face. I can feel his legs begin to tremble as they weaken. His breath seems to be getting heavier with ever thrust. I can feel his cock throbbing in my ass as he is getting ready to cum. The man in charges yells, "30 minutes down 10 minutes to go."(CHEERING from crowd)All of a sudden the gentleman just starts moaning really loud as he starts cumming. I can feel his cock slipping from my ass now, and I know he just cam. I am happy to know he failed. He has cum 10 minutes to early. The man in charge now yells, "Take the condom from his cock and hold it high for everyone to see how much he has cum."As the man to my right does this the man in charge say's, "He has only lasted 30 minutes. We have 2 winners. Bet's for round 4 will start in 1 minute. Bet's will last until the bitch cum's in the gentleman's mouth."The gentleman now slides under my cock and puts his lips to the head of it. As I am asking him to please not do this he suck's my whole cock into his mouth. Even though I am feeling appalled at having the gentleman sucking my cock I can't help but feeling really good. As I start to moan I find that I can no longer control myself and I start fucking the gentleman's mouth with my cock, and the crowd begins to cheer. But at the moment I have for gotten about the crowd and enjoying having this gentleman sucking my hard cock. I haven't even given any thought to the animals these people are using to fuck my ass. All of a sudden I start feeling like I want to cum in the gentleman's mouth as the crowd yells, "CUM, CUM, CUM, Give all of your cum to him you bitch."As they are yelling this I find I can no longer contain myself and I start to cum in the gentleman's mouth. As the gentleman slides out from under me the man in charge yells, "All bet's for round 4 are now closed. Release the Dalmatian."(CHEERING from crowd)As I look up the woman opens the kennel and out darts this big black and white Dalmatian. He run's right to my ass and jump's up on my back and starts thrusting his cock at my ass. The man on my right grab's the dog's cock and push's the tip into my ass. I ask him to stop but still they act as if I am not here. The Dalmatian starts pumping my ass with great force. But all I can do is lay here while he does what he wants to. He seems to be fucking my ass harder then the other 2 dogs before him. But as I feel his knot going in it felt much smaller then the other two dog's knot's before him, but it still hurts just as bad.Once his knot fully enters my ass he jumps down and tries to move away from my ass. I yell out, OH GOD HELP ME PLEASE!! HE'S RIPPING MY ASS OPEN!!Just then the man to my right grab's the dog and pushes our asses together while we are tied together. The Dalmatian show's his teeth and growls at the man holding him. I am afraid they are going to let him go and he is surely going to rip my ass open if they do. But all of a sudden I can feel his knot diminishing and his cock slips out. The man let's him go and he returns to his kennel. The man in charge yells, "Round 4 is now over. The Dalmatian lasted 14 minutes. We have 6 winners. Bet's for round 5 to start in 30 seconds."After hearing this I can't help but feeling exhausted. I keep feeling really weak and at time's I feel as if I am going to black out.While I try to keep myself from blacking out the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 5 now closed. The dog for round 5 will be the Doberman Pincher. But please bare with us, He is new to this a may require some help. Release the Doberman."(CHEERING from crowd)I watch the woman open the kennel and the Doberman walks over to where I am in the middle of the floor. He smell's my ass and turn's away and lay's down. The crowd starts yelling, "Get up dog!!! Come on your bitch is right therewaiting for you."The man in charge yells to the men next to me, "You two men help the dog learn what he needs to do."The man to my left walks over and brings the dog back to me. And the man on my right lifts his paw's up onto my back. The dog seems to be resisting some, but as the man on my left started stroking the dog's cock. He stop's resisting and starts pumping his pelvic bone towards my ass. The man to my left puts the dog's cock to my ass and with one thrust I can feel his cock enter my ass. (CHEERING from crowd)He starts to fuck my ass hard, and I can feel myself getting weaker and weaker. I try to tell the men but they just keep looking at the Doberman with amazement. All of I sudden I feel really strange.(Black out from exhaustion.)(Comes to again)I am really feeling sore now from all these dogs fucking my ass. And for some reason this Doberman feel's bigger now then when he first started. He seems to be fucking me harder then ever now. Even his cock feel's bigger. Then all of a sudden I can feel his knot trying to enter my ass. It seems really big for a dog as small as this Doberman is. I scream out in pain as the knot very slowly enters into my ass. It seems to be taking forever for it to get all the way into my ass. Now that the knot is all the way in my ass I feel relieved. Now I starts to think as the dog really starts fucking me. Man this dog learns quick. He seems to have really gotten into this and has for gotten he has never done this before. A few minutes later the dog stops and I can feel his cum flowing into my ass. Then he pull's his paws off of my back and stand's there. I think he is trying to be good and not hurt me, or maybe he knows we are locked together and he can't move. A few minutes later I can feel his cock fall from my ass and I look back to see why things felt differently at the end.To my surprise I think to myself, he has changed breeds. The man in charge yells, "Round 8 is now over, He lasted 22 minutes. We have 5 winners. Bids for round 9 to start in 30 seconds. Round 9 will be the Saint Bernard."I look at the man not expecting to get an answer and ask him. What happened to the Doberman and the rest of round 5? How did the dog change breeds like that? Do you people use magic? Are you skipping round's 6 and 7? Why did he call this round 8? Did I miss something?To my surprise the man on my left look's at me and says, "You blacked out for 57 minutes. At the end of round 5 the Doberman lasted 16 minutes. Round 6 was a Rott, he lasted 15 minutes. Round 7 was a German Shepard, he lasted 17 minutes. and you came to near the end of round 8, which was the Great Dane. I can't believe they kept going with me out cold like that. While I try to figure out why they didn't stop when I blacked out the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 9 now closed. Release the Saint Bernard."(CHEERING from crowd)As I watch this huge dog emerge from his kennel I think, there is no way in hell I am going to make it threw this one. He will surely tare my ass open. I yell out, PLEASE LET ME GO!!! NO MORE, PLEASE NO MORE!!!But my pleading does not stop them. The dog walk's over and jump's onto my back, and hits his mark on the very first try. It hurts so bad and he is so heavy, he presses my chest into the wooden block and makes it very hard to breath let alone able to yell out from the pain of this giant dog. He must weigh 200 LBS. and his cock feels like its 4 inches thick. But even with his size he doesn't seem to have any problem's fucking me in my ass.He has been pumping my ass for 10 minutes when his knot start's to slide in. But it feel's much too small for this dog, especially with a cock as big as his is. But I feel relieved it's not too big. Now that it is in I can feel it growing larger and larger. All of a sudden he stop's pumping and I can feel him cumming. It feel's as if he has cum so much it is entering my stomach. This makes me feel like I want to puke.Then he jump's down and turn's around where someone has put a bowl of water to help keep him from walking away while we are tied together. We are like this for 6 minutes until his knot is small enough, and his cock falls from my ass. He walks away. The man in charge yells, "Round 9 is now over. He lasted 27 minutes. e have 12 winner's, Prepare the bitch for his whipping. He will be receiving 9 lashing's, one for each round. All bet's for round 10 will start in 1 minute."(CHEERING from crowd)The two men untie my hands from my ankles and help me to my feet. My legs are very weak from being tied down like that for so long, and there is a red mark on my chest from the block. I want to run but my legs are to weak, and I know I would not get very far.Two new men come from the crowd and walk over to the table I had seen earlier. They pick it up and bring it to where I am now standing. As I look at it I notice the top is covered with a cushion. And on two of the legs at one end of the table there are 3 sets of straps. On the other two legs there are 2 sets of straps. I wonder what this is for. The two men who moved the table, get in front of it as the two men holding my lay me face down on the table. My arm's are pulled down the legs and strapped to them. One strap above each elbow, one below each elbow, and one on each wrist to prevent me from moving my arms or rolling over. Now the two men holding me start to strap my leg's down. They put the top straps around my thighs and the lower straps around my ankles. After they are sure I can't move the two new men return to the crowd. That's when the man in charge say's, "Bring on The Artist."(The Artist enters)I think to myself why do they call him "The Artist".As he walk's out I notice he is a well-built man. He is 6'1" or 6'2" and looks to be about 210 to 215 LBS and very muscular. He is clean-shaven and has many tattoos. He has on black jeans and a black leather vest that is hanging open. In his right hand he has a large black case, and in his left hand a bull whip. When he reaches the table he puts the black case under it. Then he takes the handle of the whip in his hand and let's the rest of it fall to the floor. (CHEERING from crowd)He walks around to the end of the table and awaits his orders. That's when the man in charge say's, "The Artist will now whip the bitch 9 time's."(The crowd goes quiet)The Artist raises the whip and as I hear it crack I feel it across my back and I yell out in pain. But this does not make him stop. He crack's the whip over my back again and again as the crowd counts them out loud."Two, Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight, NINE!!!"(CHEERING from crowd)(The Artist walks away)All I can do is lay here with tears running down my face. And I can feel blood rolling down my sides as the man to my right lay's a towel over me. Then the man in charge yells, "Bet's for round 10 now closed. Bring out the Black Stallion."(CHEERING from crowd)I think what the fuck. 8 dogs, one man, and 9 lashing's wasn't enough for these people now they want to use horses!!!The woman walks over to the first stall door and opens it. She reaches into the dark, and when she pull's her hand back out she has the rein's of the biggest black stallion I have ever seen. She lead's him around the room, and everyone cheer's. Then she lead's the horse to where I am. She places him behind me and hands the reins to the man on my left. He gives the rein's one good tug and the horse puts his front hooves on the table, one on each side of me.(CHEERING from crowd)The man to my right moves back to the stallion who now stands over my ass. He begins rubbing the stallion's sheath to get his cock to emerge. I yell out, WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE DOING THIS TO ME? WASN'T THE DOG'S AND THAT ENOUGH FOR YOU? I can now feel the stallions cock against my ass and I try to move away but the straps are too tight. The man from my right then puts the stallion's cock to my ass again, but this time the man on my left pull's on the rein's causing the stallion to move forward pushing his cock right into my ass.I scream out in pain. Then the horse starts fucking me, he is slow at first but a few minutes into it he starts getting faster. The man from my right stays next to the stallion to keep him from moving to far forward. The black stallions cock must be about 5" thick and I can feel about 15" of the shaft buried in my ass. I can feel it all the way into my stomach, and it feels like someone is running me threw with a very large knife. Every time the stallion thrusts his cock forward I yell out in pain. I feel like I just want to lay here and die.The Stallion moves forward and it feel's as if he has torn my stomach open. The man on my right moves the horse back again, and the stallion starts fucking me faster and harder.Even though there is so much pain with each thrust a new sensation from my ass overwhelms me. A feeling I have never felt before. With each new thrust the sensation becomes more intense and for some reason I can feel my cock growing hard. I start moaning with each thrust of the stallions cock. The it happens, my ass feels as if it is cumming. I yell out, OH FUCK I AM CUMMING!!!! And the crowd goes wild.As the stallion keeps pumping my ass it feels as if my ass is constantly cumming. Even with all the pain I am in I think if I push the pain aside this time, they will let me go after the stallion have finished. So I start yelling, OH YES, FUCK ME, FUCK ME HARDER, OH YES!!!(CHEERING from crowd)The man to my left leans down to may ear and say's with a smile, "That's what we like to see. I knew you would enjoy being fucked you bitch."I just smile and let them see what they want.The stallion starts making a strange noise. All of a sudden he thrusts his cock hard and deep into my ass, and I can feel his huge cock pulsating in my ass. I can feel his cum shooting all the way up into my stomach. He cam so much I can feel it seeping out of my ass and running down the back of my legs. Then he the stallion steps back and I feel his cock fall free from my ass and he jumps down from the table. He was then lead back to the stall.(CHEERING from crowd)The man in charge yells, "Round 10 is now over, it lasted 46 minutes. We have 19 winners. Bet's for round 11 will start in 30 seconds."(CHEERING from crowd)I feel so exhausted and don't feel I can take anymore. I am starting to feel like I did just before I blacked out when the dog's were fucking me, but I just keep telling myself I am not going to black out again. The man in charge yells, "All bets for round 11 now closed. Bring on the Arabian."(CHEERING from crowd)The woman walks to the next stall gate and opens it, she walks in and I can hear the horse stomping his hoof on the ground. A few second's later she comes out, walking a very dark brown Arabian stud. He is the tallest horse I have ever seen in my life. She walks him over and hand's the reins to the man on my right and the horse stops right in front of my face. On examination of the horse I notice the head of his big cock protruding from his massive sheath. I am surprised when they don't walk him behind me and have him start fucking me right away. Instead the man on my right had the stud put his front hooves on the table in front of me, so that his cock is lined up with my mouth.I think surely they are not thinking about putting his cock in my mouth. The man from my left grab's my balls and makes me open my mouth. As soon as my mouth opens the man on my right puts the horse's cock in my mouth. The horse slowly starts fucking my mouth and I can feel his cock expanding. Every once in a while he push's his cock to far and I choke on it. A few minutes later the man on my right has the horse get down. I look at his cock, that I was just forced to suck. It is huge, it has to be more then 6" thick and 22 to 24 inches long. I know it is too big to fit in my ass so I know I have to be done.The man on my right hands the rein's to the man on my left. He leads the horse around to my ass and has him put his front hooves back on the table. The man from my right then grab's the horses cock and holds the head of it to my asshole. With one swift move the horse rams his cock as deep as he can into my ass. He starts working his cock back and forth in my sore ass, and I can feel his large cock stretching my ass to its limits as he fuck's me. He fuck's me harder and faster with each thrust and I can feel my ass wanting to cum again. This time I try to keep from cumming for as long as I can, but it was feeling to good and before I knew it my ass was cumming again. The harder he fucks my ass the more I cum. Before long I can feel my own cum flowing from my ass around the horses cock.(CHEERING from crowd)As my cum roll's down my leg's I can feel the man from my right scooping it into his hand's. He walk's around to my face a forces me to take it into my mouth. It tastes strange but I take it. I am unable to spit it out so I swallow it. The crowd goes wild when I do this so the man from my right decides he will have me do it again. This time he gets even more, he feel's his hands with as much of my cum as he can get, brings it back and fill's my mouth as full as he can get it. He puts his empty hand over my mouth and I swallow all of it, and as soon as I finish he puts the last of the cum in my mouth so I can finish it all. By the time I finish swallowing all of my ass cum, I must have drank a half cup of my own cum. By the time I finish my cum I can feel the horses large cock throbbing, and I know he is ready to cum. I then feel him thrust his cock as deep as he can into my ass.(Blacks out a second time from exhaustion)(comes to)(Moaning and CHEERING from crowd)What is this horse doing my ass feels as if someone has put a very hot pan on it? I yell out, OUCH. WHAT THE FUCK. THAT HURTS. What are you doing? I notice the case The Artist brought out was now open and full of needles and colored inks. I ask again, what is going on? And the man on my left say's, "You blacked out again just as the Arabian cam in your ass. He lasted 42 minutes. And now the Artist is branding your ass with a tattoo."What tattoo? I ask, and he says, "A tattoo that says, Animal Bitch Only. We think it is the right thing to brand our bitch with."The man in charge then say's, "Get the bitch ready to leave."They now let my legs free, and then my arms. They stand me up and retie my hands behind my back. They put the blindfold on me and take me back to the van. They put me in the back again and we leave. They drive for about an hour before they stop on a dirt road. They open the back and help me out, then they walk me away for a few minutes. When we stop they remove the blindfold. I look around and ask them where we are, but they just turn and start walking away. I yell to them, WHERE ARE MY CLOTHES? AND WHAT ABOUT UNTYING MY HAND'S? But they don't listen. A few minutes later they were gone and I am alone, naked, bound and lost. I start walking down the dirt road where I have been dropped off. I don't know where I am or how to get home again but I know I have to try. I must have been walking for an hour when I saw the headlight's coming down the road. I walk into the road to get them to stop thinking they can help me get home.One of the men gets out and opens the back door for me. Leaving my hand's tied he grab's me and throws me into the back seat of the car...TO BE CONTINUED...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 18
Author's comment: Some stories take a lot longer to set the plot up than others. This is one of those stories. To fully understand the characters, and what they do later in the story, it was necessary. So, too, was it necessary to delve into a little philosphy and psychology in the beginning. I believe it will make the rest of the story much more interesting in the long run. I can only hope you agree. So have patience, kind reader, and get to at least the third chapter before you decide whether or not it's worth finishing. I don't think you'll be disappointed.Bob***Life is almost never easy or relaxed or even happy in a routine sort of way. That's a statement a lot of people would argue about. First of all it's a broad statement. The argument would probably start with the definition of "almost never" tied to "routine sort of way".How many hours of the day is one relaxed or happy before the statement becomes false? Maybe you don't think it's fair to decide the truth or fiction of the statement based on the quantity of number of minutes or hours a person is happy during a day. Perhaps you think that if, at some time during the day, more days of the week than not, a person feels happiness, or relaxed, or that life is easy, then that statement is false.Obviously, one can't feel gloriously happy all day, every day, but if a person isn't miserable for the majority of the day, wouldn't that suggest that life is happy? For the most part?But people who want to argue about the amount of time a person is happy are missing the point. It isn't really about how often you are happy that really counts. What counts is if you can find a way to be happy at all.Life is a struggle, almost all the time. Abraham Maslow's theory of needs illustrates that, whether you agree with his hypothesis or not. For those of you who are unfamiliar with that hypothesis, Mr. Maslow believed that all our energy goes into providing for ourselves in the following manner:First we use our energy to obtain basic physiological needs - food, clothing, shelter etc.Once we have that, we work towards safety and stability for ourselves and those we care about.When that is taken care of we concentrate on obtaining friends, the feeling of belonging and love.Once we feel we are loved by others, we try to rise to the top of the heap. We look for respect, and status, among other things.After all that is done, we look toward self actualization, which involves truth, justice, and finding a meaning to our lives. It's a five level pyramid when it's presented in graphic form. So, at what level can we say that we're happy most of the time? It's fair to say that few people spend the majority of their time on self actualization, which means they're still struggling primarily to get to one of the other levels. And if you spend your time and energy struggling to climb to another level, can you really say that you're happy "most of the time"? It's complicated even more when you realize that, in reality, we try to work on all five levels of the pyramid at the same time.Well, the fact is that this is supposed to be a story, not a philosophical argument. So let's get on with the story and maybe that will illuminate the argument in a way that will make you... happy.The story is about a boy named Bobby Martin. Bobby would probably have been described as an unhappy boy. His parents were killed in an automobile accident in 1935, when he was seven, and there was no other family to take him in. It was then a society that had little use for a seven year old orphan boy, and he was shuttled from one miserable institution to another over the years. The Great Depression in America had made it hard enough for people to feed and clothe their own children, and adoptions were not popular for the most part.Conditions in America's orphanages might have been roughly compared to the top of level one of Maslow's pyramid. Bobby generally had enough to eat to stay alive, and clothes to wear, and a roof over his head. He was safe, for the most part, though he was beaten fairly regularly because of his attempts to climb higher on Mr. Maslow's pyramid. To be fair, it must be said that the social structures in those places were well developed, both among the children housed in them, and the staffs that took care of those children. So perhaps Bobby was familiar with the twists and turns of level two or three, once he'd been at some institution long enough, though each time he was moved, he had to start all over again.But talk to any of the people who lived or worked in those places, and you'll be hard pressed to find even one who would characterize them as "happy places."Bobby's story started in 1935, but we'll pick it up on New Years Day, 1945, which is when Bobby's life took a turn for the better. It wasn't intended to take a turn for the better. Quite the opposite. It was intended that his life descend a little further into Hell. But fate has a way of altering intentions, which is exactly what happened. He was then sixteen years old, only ten months shy of being old enough for the system to permit him to join the war effort and go off to die for the country that had no other use for him. He was, on that day, a resident of the Taylor School for Boys, a three story brick building that had, at one time, been a warehouse for bales of cotton, but had been taken over by the Government when the owner went bankrupt during the depression. Even renovation into a dormitory style warehouse for boys couldn't expunge the fine cotton lint that pervaded the place, coating everything, no matter how often things were swept or dusted. Bobby had lived at Taylor for just over a year, and had just been called on the carpet for perhaps the thirtieth time for fighting. Bobby wasn't a strapping strong boy. He was tall for his age, probably due to heredity, and painfully thin, probably due to a diet that provided only eighty percent of his daily needs. As such, even boys a few years younger than he was picked on him. He had spirit, though, and was quick to lash out at those who sought to keep him low on the social totem pole. He fought dirty and he fought for keeps. He couldn't understand how, even though the boys he fought usually ended up in the hospital, the others kept trying to beat him.He faced Mr. Ridgemont, the so-called Principal of the so-called school."You're incorrigible, Bobby." the man said flatly. "I'm tired of you causing trouble. I'm transferring you. You'll wish you'd been more tractable when this is done. I promise you that!"Bobby stayed silent. Ridgemont loved the sap he carried in his back pocket, and he loved using it on the boys he was angry with. Bobby had a lot of experience on the receiving end of that anger. He didn't care where they sent him. In less than a year he'd be inducted into the Army and he'd be free at last. He didn't even care that it meant he'd have to fight and probably die. The Army couldn't be any worse than what he'd lived in for almost as long as he could remember."I'm sending you to Millstone," said Ridgemont, his tight mouth smiling a little.Millstone was well known in orphanages as the place where boys were "corrected". It was what passed, in those days, for a maximum security prison for 'wayward' boys. It was rumored that not a few boys died while they were at Millstone."Get him out of here," said Ridgemont gruffly to the two burly, and only marginally intelligent men in what had once been white uniforms, who stood by Bobby. They were too stupid to be inducted into the Army, and this was the only job they'd been able to find. It suited their temperaments too, because they got to beat the boys.One of the men cranked Bobby's right arm so high up behind his back that he felt tendons stretching to the breaking point. Bobby stepped quickly forward and kept his whimper of pain in. It was better if you didn't vent your pain. They fed on that. He knew where they were taking him. There was a windowless room, with only a mattress on the floor. He had been in that room many times.Back in the office Harry Ridgemont scrawled the order to transfer Bobby Martin. He was busy, and his handwriting, even at its best, was difficult to read. He was lazy too, and didn't cross the "T" in Millstone, in the destination block of the transfer order.Bureaucracy being what it is, it took two weeks for that transfer order to reach an office two states away, where a woman peered at the scrawled word and read the "M-I-L-L" at the beginning, but then could recognize only an "o" and an "n" later in the word. She pulled out a book and began leafing through it, trying to match those letters to one of the many orphanages the system supported. Ah. There it was. "Milleson House", in Nebraska.She processed the transfer and sent it on its way, for another two week journey to the location where someone would read it and actually do something about it.Bobby sat in the punishment room the entire month. In some ways, he didn't mind. There was no one to talk to, but then talking to people always ended up making trouble. If you talked in school, you got the sap. If you said something behind someone's back... or even in front of him... he wanted to fight, and you got the sap. If you talked in the evenings, when the attendants were listening to the radio, you got the sap. It was just easier not to talk.***Randy Covington was what could be called a happy-go-lucky fellow. He'd broken his leg in a farming accident when he was young, and the bones had been set poorly, leaving him with an obvious limp. His prospects hadn't been good as a young man, and the Army wouldn't take him when the war broke out, but then he was offered the job of accompanying orphans during transfers from one facility to another. Most of that was done seated, in this or that bus, car or train though, and it was a steady job. He lived with his mother when he wasn't traveling, and, together, they made do. All in all, Randy Covington knew when he was well off, and appreciated it.He had seen his share of brutal situations and, when he arrived at the Taylor School for Boys, and saw the two men flanking the boy he was there to pick up, he recognized brutality in them immediately. He handed over the transfer order, put the boy in the passenger seat of his Government sedan, took the burlap bag that he knew contained the boy's worldly possessions, and left as quickly as possible.They were possibly a mile from the Taylor School for Boys when he first spoke to the boy whose name he knew was Bobby."So, all excited about going to a new place?" he asked genially, just trying to make conversation.Bobby didn't speak. It was easy, since he hadn't said a word to anyone in a month. Besides, he had found that speaking to adults was both profitless, as well as sometimes dangerous.Randy had seen it before. These kids closed down to the outside world. He couldn't do anything about it, but tried anyway. By the time they got to the train station he had still been unable to get the boy to say a word. Once at the station he launched into his memorized litany of instructions."OK, your ticket is for Hamptstead, where someone will meet you. That's in Nebraska. You're sixteen, so you're old enough to travel by yourself. Your ticket includes a voucher for one meal. It's good at any station that has a placard in the window that looks like that." He pointed to a blue triangle in the upper left corner of the paper he was holding out to Bobby. "Don't get lost. They don't like it when they have to hunt you down. Your trip will be overnight, but you don't have to change trains, so just find a seat and get comfortable in it. You got any questions?"Bobby peered at the paperwork the man was trying to give him. The transfer site clearly said "Milleson House" and not "Millstone". A lot went through Bobby's mind during those few seconds. He'd never heard of "Milleson House", but he had a pretty good idea that, if he was being sent to Millstone, they wouldn't put him on the train by himself. He also knew that Millstone was in New Jersey, and not Nebraska. He looked guardedly at Roger, but still said nothing.Roger had other things to do. It wasn't that he was impatient. He just needed to be moving on. The boy's look suggested that something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what."You can talk... can't you?" he asked.Bobby's mind moved faster now. He had a chance to escape. He shook his head in the negative.Roger peered at the paperwork for the silent boy. There was a block for "special needs", but it was empty. He pulled out his fountain pen and neatly printed "Mute" in the block. Then he looked at the boy again."Can you understand what I've told you?" he said in that slightly loud, over-pronounced way that people use when they talk to people who are either deaf or mute. For some reason people assume that if one can't talk, one must be stupid as well, or that if you over-enunciate and shout, they'll hear you better.Bobby nodded his head this time. He pointed to the blue triangle and pantomimed putting something into his mouth."Yes, that's for you to eat. Good," said Roger, happy that a possible problem had been resolved. "I've noted your... problem... on your papers, so they'll know about that when you get there. Do you think you'll be all right? Maybe I need to get someone to ride with you."Bobby shook his head violently from side to side. He reached for the papers and bent to pick up the burlap bag at Roger's feet.When the boy stood, Roger slapped him on the back, and then was ashamed instantly when the boy flinched. "Er... sorry. I meant that as good luck." He stuck out his hand instead. Bobby took it gingerly, as if he'd never done that before. "Good luck, my boy," said Roger. "I hope you like it where you're going."Bobby found it difficult to believe it when Roger turned and limped off, leaving him alone.Being alone was something very different and new for Bobby. The only time in his life he'd been alone was when he was locked in a punishment room alone. That might seem odd to you, the reader, since most of us would have considered Bobby to be "alone" most of his life, in the sense of not having parents or siblings.But wherever Bobby went he did have family, of a sort. True, it changed, as kids came and, less often went, or when Bobby was shuttled off to a new "home", but in every situation Bobby had found somebody to be pals with. He didn't know how to "love" in the sense that you and I think about it, but his capacity to care was still intact and functioned as well as it could have been expected to.And, the fact that he was among throngs of people either boarding or leaving trains in the station around him didn't give him the feeling of "belonging". These were all strangers, who hurried by him without looking at him for the most part, as if he were invisible. He was used to being invisible. Many adults had come and looked at the children in the places where he had lived. All had let their eyes glide over him as if he weren't there. He was too old to look at as a possible adoptee.So Bobby luxuriated in the feeling of being alone, there among the hundreds of other people around him. Tentatively, he walked a ways down the hallway, toward a big sign that said "Trains". That seemed like an odd sign to him, what with this being a train station and all. What else could be down that hallway? He looked over his shoulder, expecting someone to yell at him... to tell him to stop. But he was invisible.Bobby Martin smiled for the first time in a month. He smiled even though he was only on the very first level of Mr. Maslow's pyramid. He had the clothes on his back, and a spare set in his gunny sack. He had a voucher that was good for one meal during the next twenty four hours. And, as soon as he was on the train, he had shelter from the winter cold.He knew he had to board the train. He had to make his freedom last as long as possible. Sooner or later somebody would notice that a mistake had been made, and he would be snatched up and put in another bare room. He had no doubt that the mistake would be blamed on him, and that, someday, he'd pay for it. Until then he'd just enjoy the feeling, strange as it might be, that he was just another traveler, on his way from one place to another.He walked past a lunch counter and eyed it longingly, reading the menu items and smelling the odors of food. Breakfast had been conveniently "forgotten" that morning. They hadn't come to let him out of the punishment room until that man had arrived to pick him up. There was a girl sitting at the lunch counter, beside a woman and man who were probably her parents. She was about his age, with long brown hair and a pretty face. She looked at him and smiled. He looked away quickly, afraid to keep eye contact with her. She might tell her parents he was bothering her. He'd have liked nothing more than sitting beside the girl. She looked like she might wear that stuff that women outside the orphanage put on themselves, and which smelled good, like flowers.But he had no money, and getting caught trying to steal would end his freedom quickly and savagely, he was sure. So he walked on.He found the platform that his ticket said would be where the train was that he was supposed to get on, but it was empty. Not knowing what else to do he found a corner and sat down on the floor, his burlap bag on his lap. That bag contained his other shirt and pants. He only owned one pair of shoes. They were a little tight, but he kept them anyway. He used a rope as a belt. The bag also contained two changes of underwear, one of which was originally meant for a woman to wear. When you were given something, you kept it. If not you were never given anything again. There was one other item in the bag. It was a lump of wood, one side of which had been carved into the representation of the head of a dog. The carving was exquisite, finely detailed, the tongue hanging out of jaws as if the dog were hot and panting. One ear was raised, and the head, if viewed from one angle, looked like it was tilted slightly. There wasn't enough of the body recognizable to tell for sure.Bobby had carved that piece. He had found a pocket knife on the ground one day and hidden it. He had sharpened it by scraping the blade against a cement floor until it was sharp enough to cut the hunk of wood he'd also picked up off the ground. Bobby had "seen" the dog in that lump of wood, imagining it for over a year before he found the knife. Then, when he had a tool, he'd begun to make the wood look like what he saw in his mind.He'd gotten the head almost done before being caught with the knife, which he was immediately accused of having stolen. A male worker had looked at it and taken it away, putting it in his own pocket. The same man had thrown the carving across the yard and put Bobby in a punishment room. It had taken Bobby a week to get to the part of the yard where his dog had been discarded. It was still there and he'd been able to recover it. He'd managed to keep it hidden until he was transferred to another orphanage. After that he just claimed it had been given to him by an old man. Had he been able to finish it, it probably would have been taken from him too. It was master carver quality... that part that was done, anyway. He felt the carving through his bag and it comforted him to know it was still there."And who might you be?" came a gruff voice above him.Bobby looked up to see a man in a blue uniform, with a strange conical hat. It didn't look like the hats most men wore, and had a bill on it. Bobby didn't say anything."Come on, now, where are your parents? What are you doing here?" asked the man.Bobby held up the papers in his hand and the man took them."Oh, a waif," said the man in a kinder voice. "Sorry about that. Most people sit on a bench instead of the floor." he added.Bobby looked at the bench only a few feet away. It hadn't occurred to him to sit on that. Adults sat on benches and chairs. Children sat on the floor unless they were eating. Sometimes even then.The man looked at the papers some more. "Mute eh?" he said. "Can you understand talk?" he asked.Bobby nodded."Good," said the man, handing the papers back. "Shouldn't have left you alone if you couldn't understand talk," he said. "Your train will be here in about forty-five minutes. I'll be back to see you get on it. Meanwhile get up off the floor and sit on a bench like normal people."Bobby scrambled up and sat, as instructed. This acting like you couldn't talk was not a bad angle. People didn't ask so many questions if all you could do was shake or nod your head.The man did come back later too. He came over and sat down beside Bobby, taking his hat off. He pulled a handkerchief out of his pocket and blew his nose before stuffing the cloth back in his coat."Well" he said. "The San Francisco Challenger will be here on time. There'll be a bunch of our boys getting off and then we'll find you a good seat. We'll be picking up more soldiers going the other way. Ever been on a train before?" he asked.Bobby shook his head."Greatest way to travel ever invented," said the man. "I'm going to be one of the porters on this ride, so I'll keep an eye on you, OK?"Bobby didn't know quite how to take that. Usually having an eye kept on you meant you were in trouble. But the man didn't sound angry. He just sounded like he was giving Bobby information. Bobby tried for a nod and the man got up."OK, then. I'll see you in about fifteen minutes."When the train arrived Bobby watched in amazement. He'd seen trains before, but always from a distance. This huffing, chuffing monster was loud, and smoky and... just big. Not wanting to take any chances, Bobby waited until the porter came back for him and led him on the train. He was taken to a seat where the man tried to take his bag and put it up above. Bobby didn't want to let go of it, though and eventually the porter gave up.The ride itself would make a good story, but that's a story for another day. What Bobby saw out the window of the train was amazing to him. The people who sat on the train around him were amazing to him. He was afraid to get off the train when it stopped. Sometimes it stopped for a long time, and at others for only ten minutes or so, and he was afraid to use his voucher to get food because he didn't know how long that would take and he might miss the train when it left or, worse yet, have to leave the food behind while he ran to get back on.Soon the train was packed with young men wearing uniforms of various kinds... military uniforms. They were loud and laughed a lot, talking about what they intended to do to the Hun, or the Japs. The porter told them to leave Bobby alone, and that he couldn't talk. They did leave him alone, for the most part. One boy offered him a cigarette, which he took, though he'd never smoked one before. You always took what was offered. Then the soldier was off to talk to the others, as if they were all friends who had known each other for years.When it got dark the men slept, and Bobby tried to. The rocking of the car and the click clack of the tracks was soothing. His stomach growled and hurt, but he ignored it as best her could. Finally, his bag gripped firmly in his hands, he dozed off.He woke again in the morning. The train stopped, and then went and stopped again, until Bobby, faint from hunger now, dozed off again.A blast of cold air woke him and he realized it was late in the day, and the train had stopped yet again. He wanted to get off and get something to eat, but again, he was afraid to do so. He was very hungry now, and was tensing his muscles to stand up and go to the depot when a voice shouted "All Abooooooaaaard!" and the train blew its whistle. He sat back and watched still more snowy land glide by.Bobby was wondering when the trip would ever end when the porter suddenly appeared beside his seat."Not much longer now, son," he said. "North Platte is coming up. The boys'll all be getting off, but I don't want you to. They only get ten minutes there and it's hectic. Your stop is only an hour farther down the line."Bobby was amazed to see hundreds of people on the platform when the train stopped. They were all waving and calling out, as if they knew all the soldiers on the train. They had things in their hands that they gave the men. When the train stopped the servicemen stampeded out and into the depot, running. A girl, all bundled up due to the cold, came along the platform and saw Bobby through the window. She ran up to the window and thrust something at him. He lowered the window to feel a frigid blast of cold air and she thrust the bundle in through the open window. He took it, to find it was a cloth bundle. He had time to notice her face was pretty and smiling, and then she was off, going to other windows where men were sitting who had not gotten off the train.Bobby opened the bundle carefully and found it contained a sandwich and a pastry. He tried to stuff the sandwich in his mouth all at once, both because he was ravenous, and because he didn't want anyone to take it away from him. It took him several bites and he almost choked. The pastry he crushed, unconsciously, in its cloth wrapping, and hid it between him and the side of the car. He was astonished at how good the sandwich was, and looked around guiltily. No one paid any attention to him. He was almost alone in the car. Quickly he unwrapped the pastry and took a tentative bite. It was fantastic... unbelievable... sweet and soft, round, with a hole in the middle. He felt like he could die happy after having eaten this delicious thing. This he ate a little more slowly, savoring the taste, knowing he'd never get to have this delightful thing ever again and making the most of this amazing mistake that had been made.Then the girl was at his window again, peering in at him. He leaned away, afraid she had come to rectify her mistake. She held out another bundle and he lowered the window again."Want another?" she yelled through the window. Her hand came through holding the cloth-wrapped bundle. Bobby stared."Go on... take it." she smiled. He almost dropped the new bundle, she let go of it so quickly. Then with a shouted "God Bless you!" she dashed off down the platform.Bobby had never been 'blessed' before, though he'd heard the word. He looked unbelievingly at the new bundle and opened it carefully. Inside was another sandwich and a flat package wrapped in paper. It was the first chocolate bar Bobby had ever held in his hand.***Mavis Milleson was forty, though this particular day she felt closer to what she imagined sixty would be like. She waited patiently on the platform for the train that would bring her her latest acquisition. She tried to think of the children as acquisitions rather than human beings, because her heart burst every time she thought of what it must be like to be an orphan, and that was too hard. You had to keep them at bay or they'd tear your heart out. She wasn't very good at it, and she grew attached to all of the children anyway. It was painful to her when they got adopted, though that was, to her view, the best possible outcome for a child. Still, it was rarer than it should be, and some of the children she cared for had never been anywhere else. She was proud to be doing her part to serve her country during the war. And if she could take care of ten or fifteen orphans then that meant the Government could concentrate more on winning the war. At least that was how she thought about it.She wiggled unconsciously at the cold. February in Nebraska was always cold, but she never got used to it. Her high topped shoes protected her ankles from the snow, and her old fashioned long skirts helped too, but it was still cold.She was surprised that she was getting another child, not to mention that it was a boy. She was full up at her boarding house-turned-orphanage. Business hadn't been good because of the Depression, and then the war came along and strained things even more. Then she found out about the program that was trying to make space in the nation's overcrowded orphanages, and found out that she could make more by housing waifs than she could by operating a boarding house. She hadn't had to do much renovation. With two children to each of the six rooms that were set aside for boarders, she could comfortably handle a dozen children. Right now she had thirteen, the oldest of which was ten. She had three of the smaller children in one room, but they didn't complain since two of them were a babies and the other felt like he was their big brother. When she got the official message that she'd be receiving another boy she was surprised. The war must be causing problems. Usually she reported that a child had been adopted before they sent her another one. Then again, she had a pretty good placement record. The children she had were young, and therefore easier to place. And Nebraska was a place where farmers sometimes adopted children, since that added hands to help with the work, even it it was only in the house.She saw the smoke from the smokestack before she saw or heard the train itself. Even before that she heard the rails singing as they vibrated with the coming of the heavy engine. She saw it was another troop train coming, so it would be more difficult to spot the boy, since he would be able to get off at any number of places. But the soldiers would stay on the train at this stop. Other than an exchange of mail bags and whatever passengers got off, there would be no need for the train to stop longer. There was no one waiting to board, and troop trains didn't haul freight.She was standing and waiting when the train groaned to a halt, the bell ringing its insistent tone that meant a short stop. Her eyes were drawn to a porter and a young man who got off together. The porter she expected, and a chaperone for the child. But she didn't see the child.Still, she gravitated toward the porter, who would know about the child and chaperone.As she approached, her stomach sank. The young man was dressed in rags, for all intents and purposes, his pants too short and his shirt patched many times over. He was holding a burlap bag too. Mavis had been in this business long enough to know an orphan when she saw one, but he was much too old to be sent to her!Her worst fears were soon confirmed as the she identified herself to the porter and asked about Bobby Martin. The man shoved a fistful of papers at her and said "This is him. Had no trouble from him. Not sure whether he's eaten or not. Good kid for a dummy." Then he turned and remounted the steps of the coach as Mavis held her hand out in supplication."But... wait..." she said uselessly as the door closed. Almost immediately the train began to inch forward. In frustration she yelled the first thing that came to her mind. "WHERE'S HIS COAT?"Mavis swallowed. It was too late to do anything about it now. She'd just have to take him home and then write letters until some other place was found for him. She couldn't take care of a grown boy! She didn't know anything about teenagers, and if she knew anything, she knew this boy was in his teens.She turned to him, but didn't look at his face. Instead she opened the wrinkled papers in her hand and looked at them."You're Bobby?" she asked. She looked up to see the boy nod, his lips pressed together."There's been a mistake, Bobby. I'm sorry about this, but I don't take older children. I don't know what to do." she said, uncertainly. The boy stared at her. Her eyes strayed across the paper to the square she always hated to see anything in. The word "Mute" leapt off the page at her. THAT was what the porter had meant when he called the boy a dummy!"Oh you poor baby!" she gushed, a tear forming in her eyes. "Can you hear me honey?" The thought that this young man was handicapped made her heart break. He wasn't a bad looking boy, under that layer of dirt and grime. His arms and legs, both of which stuck out of his clothing in the frigid air were slim and well formed. He looked thin in his ragged clothing. She saw him nod and shiver at the same time and burst into action."Well come along. You'll freeze out here. We've got to get you into the warmth or you'll catch your death of cold." She tugged at his shirt sleeve and herded him toward the depot.Once inside the depot, standing by the pot-bellied coal stove, which was cherry red at the bottom, Mavis took stock. She had a car, one of the few luxuries she was entitled to as a custodian of the children. If a child got too sick for the local doctor to treat, she had to drive to the hospital over in Bridgeport, the nearest city of any size for miles. The car's heater worked well, and the house was only ten blocks away, so they should be fine. She gave him a chance to warm up and then hustled him out to the car.Mavis didn't talk to the boy on the way home. She was trying to figure out where she was going to put him. She wasn't sure if putting him in a room with little ones was a good idea. There was so much she didn't know about older children. She was childless herself, and the only children she had any experience with were the babies and children under ten. Still, she couldn't just turn the boy out. Unable to speak. She choked up again and blinked her eyes rapidly. She darted a glance at him, but he was sitting stock still, staring straight ahead. What must the poor dear be thinking?***What Bobby was thinking was that this must be the strangest orphanage in the world if people acted like this woman. She wasn't mean, and actually cared that he was cold. She said a mistake had been made, and in any other place he'd been that was cause to blame him. Punishment soon followed in his experience. But this woman didn't seem angry at all. He looked out of the sides of his eyes at the houses they were driving by. This place was tiny by comparison to the cities he had always lived in. Just as he'd been able to see for what seemed like miles from the window of the train, across wide expanses of snow-covered flat land, he could see that, beyond the houses there were only a few bare trees and that same flat land that seemed to roll into low hills.The woman turned into the yard of a house that looked like any other house on the street. It was tall, with three stories. It was white, like all the other houses on the street, and had the same kind of porch that went all the way around the house, from what he could see. He assumed the woman was stopping at her home before taking him to the orphanage. He sat quietly. It was clear he had to wait to see what would happen. He had thought about jumping off the train and making a run for it, but the cold weather had quashed that plan. It was the same here. He hoped she'd leave the car running so the heater would work while she went to do whatever she had stopped to do, but she turned the motor off and then opened the door. He was still sitting there, staring straight ahead when she spoke."Well? Come on. Let's get inside before we both freeze to death."Surprised, Bobby opened the car door and stepped out into the snow. It was deeper than his shoes and his socks got covered immediately. He was sad about that. He only had one pair of socks. He let himself be hustled into the house and was hit suddenly by warmth, and the smell of food all at once. Even though he'd eaten the two sandwiches and that delicious round pastry only an hour or two before, he was still hungry. He couldn't bring himself to eat the chocolate bar. It was too special. He had put it in his bag. Now the smell of cooking meat made his mouth water. He shivered again as the heat wrapped all around his body.The woman - he didn't know her name - stopped and took off her coat. She was younger than he'd thought. Under that coat she had a young woman's body, slim, though not tall. He noticed her breasts. Bobby had been noticing women's breasts a lot the last couple of years. He looked out the windows of the orphanage in the spring and summer to look at the women as they walked by. Once there had been a woman who worked in an orphanage he was in, but she was old and irritated all the time. Boys and girls weren't allowed to mix in the orphanage, eating at separate times and playing outside at different times too. So the only women he ever saw were the ones out the windows and the ones who he was invisible to. They hadn't put him on display for adoption for a long time now. He knew it was years, but not how many.Bobby heard voices... lots of voices... the voices of children, and the clatter of plates and spoons. He was puzzled now, but at least it was warm inside. He sat down gingerly on a chair in the hallway, looking at the woman to see if she'd yell at him for sitting there to wait for her. He sat just on the edge, trying not to get the fabric on the chair dirty.Mavis looked at him, her head cocking sideways like the partially done carving in his bag. "Don't sit there." she said, meaning he should sit at the table with the rest.Bobby jumped up immediately and sat on the floor next to the chair. He made sure not to lean against the wall, which was covered with floral wallpaper.Mavis' eyebrows rose. "Whatever are you doing?" she asked. "It's supper time. Don't you want supper? Did you eat already on the train?"Bobby's eyes darted around. Something was wrong here. She couldn't be talking to him, but he was the only person in the hallway except for her. He looked up to see her hand stretched out toward him and flinched before he could control it.Mavis knew uncertainty and... yes, fear when she saw it. Her knees went weak as she realized the poor boy was afraid she was angry at him. Her heart broke yet again and she sniffed, trying to control her feelings. "Don't be afraid." she said, her eyes filling again with tears. "I won't hurt you. You're safe now. Come on. Come with me. Let's get you something to eat."Bobby reached tentatively for the hand that was offered to him. He marveled at how soft her skin felt. He had no way of knowing that she had thick calluses on her hands from laundry and dishes and hauling coal for the stove and all the other things there was no man around to do. They felt soft to him.He followed, being led by his hand as she turned a corner into a large room with a huge table in it. There were children sitting all around the table, some on stacks of books that got them high enough so they could reach their plates. There were four adults around the table too, some standing, and some sitting. One was feeding a baby who sat in a high chair. Most of the eyes of the children turned and fixed on him. All but the eyes of the woman feeding the baby locked on him too."Children?" said the woman who had taken him from the train station. "This is Bobby. He has come to live with us for a while."Bobby thought of himself as a tough kid. He had gone up against boys bigger than himself for most of his life. He knew how to steal, and how to lie and how to cheat. He knew where to hit a boy to take him out of the fight instantly. He could write quite well and read even better. He thought he could take anything anybody could throw at him.But this... this was something he didn't know how to deal with.By our standards the table was set modestly. There was a bowl of mashed potatoes, a bowl of green beans, a bowl of corn and a platter piled with gravy-covered brown meat. There were pitchers of some light brown liquid and that liquid was in some of the glasses set around the table. Other pitchers had milk in them and water. There was what had been a loaf of bread on a wooden board, with a knife lying beside it. And each child had his own plate, with food on it. Most of the children were chewing, or had food poised on a spoon between plate and mouth. One little boy had a piece of meat in the fingers of both hands, tearing at it with his teeth, his mouth circled with brown juices where the gravy had smeared his skin. He looked at Bobby curiously as he jerked his head to tear off a piece of meat, which he began to chew vigorously. To Bobby's eyes there was a feast spread on the huge table... more food than he'd seen in a long time. He jerked his eyes away from the food, assessing his surroundings. The adults were all women. There were no men present. No uniforms. No sap being slapped into a palm from time to time as an adult patrolled the eating area.Bobby looked around, looking for the men who had to be there, ready to grab him and beat him if he made a wrong move. His eyes were a little wild as he looked for the danger he knew had to be there somewhere.One of the women spoke."Mavis? He's almost a man! What's going on here?"So that was the woman's name. Mavis. Bobby looked at her, to see what she'd do."Yes, there was some kind of mistake. They sent him here without even a coat! Lands sakes, I was afraid he'd freeze solid before I could get him here. I don't know what we're going to do with him. He can't talk. I don't think he's had anything to eat either."At that she looked at Bobby, whose hand she still held, and who was still clutching his bag in his other hand. She dropped his hand and reached for the bag."Let me just take that Bobby, and we'll get you something to eat."Bobby didn't know what to do. This all seemed too unreal to him. He knew he wasn't dreaming, but this was all wrong in his experience. He clutched his bag closer to him, acting on instinct.Another woman stood up. "Mavis the poor thing's scared to death!" She moved toward Bobby. "He thinks you're going to take his things." Bobby looked at the woman, who was perhaps a little younger than Mavis. She had a more matronly look to her. She came up to him slowly, as if approaching a wild animal."Bobby?" she said, her voice soft and mellow. "I have a boy about your age. He's off in the war. Let me just put your things right over here." she patted an empty chair along the wall. "We'll just set them right here while you eat. Nobody will bother them. Aren't you hungry Bobby?" Her voice had taken on a high note, as if she were talking to a stray dog, trying to get the dog to come to her to be petted."He can't talk, Donna," said Mavis again, as if no one had heard her before."Well," said the woman named Donna. "You don't need to talk to get some food in you, now do you? Come along, Bobby, we'll make you a place. Please? Will you eat something for me?"Stranger and stranger was how Bobby felt things were getting. The woman was actually asking him to eat, like it would be a favor to her. An old fairy tale Bobby had heard when he was little, and still had a mother, came to mind. It was about a boy and girl who were invited into a house made of Gingerbread. The woman who invited them in intended to cook them and eat them, but she tempted them with food.Still, they were all eating the food... even the adults... and he was ravenous. The food smelled so good... looked so good.One of the women got up and left, going to what Bobby supposed was the kitchen. She came back with another plate and glass and spoon. There was a general scooting of chairs, the adults helping move chairs with children still in them. One little girl, about seven, got down and pulled her own chair aside to make room for another one. She stared at Bobby with serious eyes and then climbed back up on her chair. Donna got another chair from against the wall and inserted it into the hole and Bobby sat down.It was just natural that, when he sat down, Bobby sat and looked at his empty plate. In the places he'd lived somebody put food on your plate. If you reached for food you got the sap. Another of the women poured some of the brown liquid into his glass."It's just tea." she said, sounding apologetic for some reason. "We don't have sugar, of course." Nobody had sugar because of the war. Even Bobby knew that.All the eating had slowed to a stop, with the exception of the little boy with the meat in his fingers, who was still chewing industriously on the bite he'd already torn off.Donna spoke over Bobby's shoulder. "Patrick, how many times have I told you not to eat with your fingers? If you want your meat cut up all you have to do is ask.The boy smiled and swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing as he forced the meat in his mouth down."Like it this way." he piped."Yes, dear, but it's not civilized," said Mavis. "You need to learn your manners if you want somebody to take you in."The boy's jaw jutted slightly."Like it here." he said simply. Then he promptly put the piece of meat to his mouth and began worrying another hunk off.Bobby couldn't believe the conversation he'd just heard. The boy had sassed and nobody had beaten him... not even a slap!"Go on Bobby," said the mellow voice of Donna in his ear. "Eat something."To his astonishment, the little girl who had moved her chair stood up on it, reached for the bowl of corn not far away, and handed it to him. Bobby didn't know what to do. He expected the girl to be disciplined for touching the food bowl, but it was obvious she expected him to take if from her. In HER defense he took the bowl, so that by the time an adult got there it wouldn't be in her hands.At the same time he realized there WAS an adult standing right behind him, and she had made no move to slap the girl. There was a large spoon in the bowl. Tentatively Bobby took the spoon and scooped up ten or fifteen kernels of the gold food on the tip. He tensed as he transferred that to his plate, still expecting violence."Gracious sakes, boy, no wonder you're so thin," said Mavis. "You'll never grow strong eating like that!"In an odd way, the censure in her voice, even though it wasn't angry, was something that Bobby expected and was comforted to hear. He was used to censure. And yet, it was clear from her statement that she expected him to take MORE!It took another five minutes, and Bobby knew now that he was in some kind of supremely realistic dream. Hard as it was to believe, it became clear that, as long as there was food left, he could have as much as he wanted. He had arrived while supper was well in session, and the smaller children had already had most of what they'd eat, so the food in the bowls on the table was, for the most part, available to Bobby. Still wary, his eyes darted this way and that as he accepted the bowls that were passed to him. When the food on his plate was eaten and the bowls were passed to him again, he couldn't believe it, but took more anyway, now just trying to take advantage of his luck.One of the women across the table was a pretty young woman with short straight bouncy blond hair, like the flappers had made popular in the twenties. She watched Bobby shoving food into his mouth and finally spoke."Mavis, this boy is going to eat us out of house and home."Mavis swallowed some of her own food and chided the woman. "Meg, don't make the poor thing feel bad. I suspect he hasn't eaten in a while."The little girl next to Bobby stood up on her chair again and strained to reach the bread, which hadn't been passed to Bobby yet."Emily!" said Donna, who, for some reason, was still standing behind Bobby. "You know better than to reach like that. Ask someone to pass it to you."Emily, who had managed to get her thumb and finger on the platter, and had dragged it toward her, took it in both hands and presented it to Bobby. "You need a bath." she said seriously."Emily!" scolded the woman Mavis had called Meg. "Where are your manners tonight?"Another little girl put her spoon down and spoke. "The Umpelty Oog got her manners."Mavis took a drink of tea. "Constance, I've told you a hundred times... there is no such thing as an Umpelty Oog. He's all in your imagination dear."Constance looked at Bobby with the same serious expression Emily had. "The Umpelty Oog lives in the closet. He comes out at night and scares us."Bobby tried to chew and smile at the same time. He couldn't help smiling. She sounded so serious. He wiped the smile off his face quickly, though, before an adult could see it. Adults didn't like smiles."That's nonsense." pronounced Mavis, but she smiled.Patrick had managed to swallow another glob of meat. He put the mangled piece of meat in his hands on his plate, almost daintily, and reached for his glass with both hands and the woman next to him put two fingers under it as it slipped in his greasy fingers. She kept her fingers there as he gulped milk. He set the glass back down as the woman deftly removed her supporting fingers as if it were the most normal thing in the world. Bobby stared at the smudges on the glass and then at the moustache of white that was on the boy's upper lip. Patrick wiped it away with his sleeve."I seen the Umpelty Oog one night. Wasn't skeered." He stuck out his chest, proud that he had faced the horror of the night like a man."Fairy tales!" snorted Mavis. One of the women who hadn't spoken yet wiped her lips with the corner of a napkin. She had been eating with one hand and spoon feeding a baby with the other. "Well, I wouldn't mind if the Umpelty Oog visited my house some night," she said.Mavis almost choked on the food in her mouth. "Why Prudence Watson, you hussy!"The woman named Prudence laughed. Her laughter made something deep inside Bobby want to twist and wriggle. She had auburn hair, and big thrusting breasts that strained the fabric of her dress where it covered them."Well if Harold can find some tart in France to leave me for, then at least I should get some kind of compensation, don't you think?"Mavis looked sad, but then frowned. "That's no excuse to talk that way in front of the children," she said. "Your husband is fighting a war, and he's a long way from home. I know that's no excuse for being unfaithful to you, but that's no call for you to talk like a common whore."Prudence got red in the face. "He's not being unfaithful to me Mavis. He told me in no uncertain terms that he's not coming back when the war's over. He's going to stay there with his French bitch and leave me all alone. As far as I'm concerned we're divorced and I can let any man in my bed I want to!"Mavis's face had gone pale. She was visibly trying to control herself. "Mrs. Watson, I will NOT have that kind of talk at the dinner table, and ESPECIALLY not in front of the children. We all know how difficult this is for you, and our hearts go out to you, but I will not tolerate that kind of talk in polite company."Prudence ducked her head."Of course, Mavis. I'm sorry. I have no idea what got into me," she said.Donna suddenly laughed, and her laughter got harder and harder until she had to sit down. She did so right on top of Bobby's burlap bag, on the chair behind her. She bruised her buttocks on the carving in the bag and jumped back up, laughing harder still."What in the world's gotten into you?" said Mavis, starting to smile herself. When someone laughs that hard it's just natural to want to laugh with them. The other women around the table were smiling now too and even some of the children.Donna laughed so hard she started coughing. Eventually she calmed and then giggled, holding her stomach until she could talk. "I'll get in trouble if I tell you." Then she started laughing again.Meg giggled in sympathy. "Come on, tell us. We could all use a good laugh.""It's horrible." she giggled. "What?" asked Prudence.Donna took a deep breath, visibly trying to control her giggles. She looked at Prudence. "What you said... you said you didn't know what got into you. And I couldn't help but think what you HAVEN'T gotten in you lately." she giggled again. "and then Mavis wanted to know what's gotten into ME and I couldn't help but think about what hasn't gotten into ME lately either!"She started cackling again, great heaving sobs of gut laughter as the women around the table came to the realization that she was talking about sex. It was too ludicrous not to be funny. Soon the room was filled with rueful laughter as the children looked on uncomprehending.CHAPTER TWOThere were five women at Milleson House. They were the permanent staff members of the boarding-house-turned-orphanage. Three of them had served guests when it was a boarding house. The other two had been hired on when the children arrived, and had been there now for three years.Mavis Milleson, the owner, was forty years old and a widow. They had only been married for four years when her husband was killed in a mining accident. They had been unable to have children and, before he died, he had taken her to an orphanage back east to try to find a child for her to rear. That trip had been an eye opener for Mavis. She had been disgusted at the conditions the poor children had to endure, and had wanted to adopt them all. Her husband talked some sense into her, but the process wasn't even yet started to adopt a pair of children when he was killed and it all fell apart. She knew how those children were treated in the state-run institutions, and when she found out she might be able to rescue some of them she jumped at the chance. The fact that the Government subsidized her rescue mission was just frosting on the cake. Now Mavis couldn't even contemplate any other life.Mavis, had she taken the time to pay attention, was still a handsome woman. Though there were a few gray hairs slipping into her thick hank of dark brown hair, she didn't notice them because she usually wore her hair up, in a bun. And at bedtime, she was too tired to stare into the mirror. The fact that she'd never had children, and was engaged in an active lifestyle, had ensured that her body was still firm and slim. Her breasts weren't overly large and she had no need to wear the stiff undergarments that were designed to support and control the sagging breasts of most women her age. Her waist was still thin and her hips swelled to make a perfect place for her skirts to hang from. There were men in town... before the war anyway... who had gazed longingly on those hips as she walked to and from the market. There were men who had stayed in her boarding house who were interested in her too. But she'd never taken the time to treat any of that interest seriously. She thought herself a sensible woman, and sensible women didn't dwell on dimly remembered pleasures. Just getting by was work enough that when she went to bed she was too tired to think of her unfulfilled physical needs.Donna Pratt was one of the women who had worked at Milleson when it was a boarding house. She was now thirty-three. She married, at the tender age of sixteen, an older man, a farmer her father had done business with. Walter, her husband, had gotten her with child even though he was in his fifties at the time, and she had given birth to and raised a fine son. Life on the farm had been good, for the most part, even though her aging husband wasn't able to meet her sexual needs. She had only known one lover, and didn't really know what she was missing. She had found, long ago, that her fingers could bring her a very satisfying pleasure, though she'd never admit to anyone that she did that in the dark of night. She had also done something with her husband she couldn't bear to admit. When he was unable to achieve an erection any more, her love for him had led her to take him into her mouth. While he never got hard enough to service her starving pussy, she loved hearing his moans and gladly sucked the few drops of sexual nectar he could produce in those days. He had died peacefully in his sleep one night just before her son had decided to join the Army and go fight the Hun. She still lived on the farm, though she didn't work it. She rented out the land and took a share of the profit. Perhaps, when her son came back from the war he would work the land.If he came back from the war.Donna had grown into a lush figure, with large firm breasts and hips to match. She had never quite been able to get rid of the pad of flesh on her stomach that was left over after her son was born, but it didn't bother her any more. She, too, had been sought by men in the small community, but had rebuffed their attentions, choosing to enjoy her freedom to do what she wanted, when she wanted. Not that there was much to do. Still, it was nice to know she was under no man's thumb. The only real regret she had was that she had never had more children. When Mavis began taking waifs in, that urge abated somewhat. She was able to take care of babies, the thing she loved most, and even though they weren't hers, it was enough.The other veteran of the boarding house phase of Mavis' life was Prudence Watson. Prudence was the only one of the women who had gone on to college after High School. She was ahead of her times in that society, being a confident woman who was willing to go up against a man to get what she wanted. The Depression had ruined that for her when her father, a successful merchant, lost everything and he could no longer afford her tuition. She had had to come back to Hamptstead, where she got a job working for Mavis. She accepted the attentions of George Watson, primarily because he spent money on her that her parents couldn't. Love grew grudgingly. He wasn't an imaginative man, but he had a job and there wasn't really anybody else in town she was attracted to. And, while he didn't make her heart flutter, he made her loins ache and she was tempted on many occasions to give in to his repeated attempts to claim her maidenhead. He was twenty-three to her twenty-two years in age and when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and he decided to join up, she had, in a fit of emotion, married him before he left. After a thoroughly unsatisfying and somewhat brutal loss of her virginity, in succeeding sexual unions she had managed to get to the point where she had an orgasm while George lay on her gasping as he tried to get her pregnant before he left. But there had been just that one orgasm, at least with George. She too had figured out that her fingers were an acceptable replacement for what her husband was now using on some French slut who had stolen him away from her. She knew, at age 26, and with no children, she'd be a good catch for some man, but that was only if she somehow disencumbered herself from George. His letter saying he wasn't coming home might get her a divorce, but it would be horrifyingly embarrassing to go through that. All people would see was a young woman trying to divorce a GI, and would think her distastefully unpatriotic. More than once she'd wished he'd be killed in the war, which would make her situation quite secure. She also felt guilty about that on more than one occasion. Whenever that happened she just took his letter out and read it again. That solved that problem.George's best attempts to impregnate her had failed. Prudence was torn between yearning to have her own babies, and being happy that he didn't leave her with child, considering what he'd now done.Meg Johnson had come to work for Mavis after the war started, and after the boarding house had been transformed into an orphanage. She was eighteen on December the seventh, nineteen forty-one, and under extreme pressure from her wealthy parents to find a suitable man and settle down. Their idea of a suitable man and hers were widely diverse. Meg had a streak of wild woman in her, cultivated by stories her aunt Melvina told about the prohibition years, and the gin mills and dancing with men who pressed themselves against a girl in a way that made her want to do unseemly things with them.Aunt Melvina had an old box of photographs that she kept in her closet and one day Meg got into them. At the very bottom was a picture of her aunt at about age nineteen. She was standing in a forest, by a huge rock, with a large body of water in the background, and she was completely naked. She was obviously completely unembarrassed about her nakedness, based on the smile on her face, and the fact that she was obviously posing for the photograph. Aunt Melvina had caught her looking at the picture and had, at first, scolded her, telling her that a thirteen year old girl had no business seeing photographs like that. But eventually aunt Melvina had told her the story of the handsome man who had taken that picture, and what they'd done after it was taken.Meg had wanted to experience what she had seen in her aunt's face, and heard in her aunt's voice ever since that day. But she didn't want to experience it with the men her parents thought were "suitable". They were stuffy, self-important men who expected her to blush and flutter around them. All she did was think they were boring. She wanted a wild man, a western man, perhaps. Someone who would sweep her off her feet and make her life glorious. Then, perhaps, when she had tasted that sweet forbidden pleasure, she might be willing to settle down with a boring man.The war gave her a reprieve, since most of the "suitable men" went off to be officers in the service. And working for Mavis not only convinced her parents that she was trying to be responsible and support the war effort by taking care of the unfortunate. Meg had learned something else from her aunt, and that was what the little bump at the top of the slit between her legs was for. It was for making her feel good until she found the man who would sweep her off her feet. She kept that little bump in good working order by using it every single night. Part of her employment contract was that she was supplied with a room in the house, and meals, which got her out of under the thumb of her parents, at least most of the time.And, Meg found that she had something to offer the children. She loved to read to them, and became expressive when she did, making up voices for the characters in the stories she read. It wasn't at all unusual for all the children in Milleson House, except for the babies, anyway, to be in a pile around her feet, like a litter of puppies cuddling together, while she read stories until it was bedtime. More often than not the only reason she stopped was because Mavis made her stop. Last, among the women, not only in this story, but in real life as well, was Sally Winston, age twenty-three. Sally was, in a word, plain. She had always been plain, and would probably always be plain. Her nose looked a little off center, or maybe her eyes were too close set. Her hair was thin and a mousy brown color. She couldn't afford the special soaps that might have made it shine more, and it hung limp to her shoulder blades because she didn't know how to style it.Her father was a mill worker who made enough to feed his eleven children, of which Sally was the youngest, but couldn't save anything for his retirement. Her mother was a walking talking baby machine who was thin and worn from taking care of so many children. Now, with only Sally left, they could relax, but that was about all they did. They too were singularly uninteresting and uninterested. Sally had lived at home because no men came calling to see her. She helped her mother around the house, and took the job Mavis offered her at church one day because she didn't have anything else to do. She also took it because it came with a room and board.As the youngest, Sally had never had to take care of her brothers and sisters. She had always been on the low end of the totem pole and had learned, like Bobby, to be invisible as much as possible.But working with the children had awakened something in her that had slowly bloomed over the years into a quiet pride that told her, if no one else did, that she was good with children. She also listened when Meg read stories, and put herself in those stories as deeply as the children did. She read the books on her own too. When she was in the fantasy world of a book her life had color and excitement.Sally had a certain amount of scholarly knowledge about sex and how children were made but, to her own mind, she had never had a sexual feeling in her life. Her breasts were flat, mere swells on her bony chest. Her pubic hair was so sparse as to be almost invisible. She bled, more or less monthly, like other women, but her cycle was nowhere near regular or dependable. It was almost as if her body had suspended its glide toward maturity while she was right in the middle of puberty. And, with so many older brothers and sisters, who pursued their own agendas in the household, it was as if she were invisible as she grew up. Not that she was sad, or unhappy, particularly. It was more like she was a child who had been kept in a small room all her life, exposed to nothing much, and so she had no concept of what life could be like. True, she had been exposed to more than most with all her reading, but to her that was a dream, a fantasy... not real somehow.***The women watched in awe as Bobby kept eating. At some point it became a game, to urge him to eat more, just to see if he could. There were occasional surges of vocal emotion at seeing the boy eat like he had been starved for years."Lands sakes!""I can't believe it.""The poor thing's starved half to death!""Take your time Bobby, nobody's going to take it away.""Well, no leftovers tonight," said Mavis, standing up and picking up her plate."If you ask me there'll be no leftovers ever again." snorted Donna."That's fine," said Mavis evenly. "I always strain to think of ways to use leftovers anyway. But we'll have to go to town more often." Even though the merchant area of Hampstead was only a few blocks away, they all referred to that short trip as "going to town".As for Bobby, he knew he would suffer for what he was doing. Once, when a truck had overturned near the orphanage he was staying in, he had picked up eight apples off the road while the driver screamed at him. He had run with the apples, eating one as he pounded away. Then he had hidden and eaten all the rest. He still remembered the sweet juicy taste of the fleshy fruit, and the agonizing pains in his suddenly overfilled stomach as he lay in the punishment room on a thin mattress that night.But the food was so good he couldn't make himself stop eating it. That he was allowed to do so, and was even handed a knife to cut his meat with, caused a haze in his brain he couldn't quite see through and some part of him still expected to feel a blow as someone finally noticed that he was eating more than his share. He was almost glad when Meg tipped the bowl of green beans over his plate, scraping out the last eight or ten beans. There was no more food in sight, and he could sit back.He was so stuffed that he didn't want to move, and gave a long sigh."Well" said Mavis. "You can't eat like that at every meal. You'll turn into a pig if you do. But we're glad to have you with us Bobby. I hope you'll feel at home here."Bobby sat and wished he hadn't eaten so much. His stomach felt bloated and he was already uncomfortable. He watched as the children who were old enough all carried their plates into the kitchen, where the woman who hadn't spoken yet took them and stacked them in the sink. The cleanup was surprisingly quick and efficient."Bath night!" sang Prudence.Bobby almost winced as the children erupted in shouts. "Bath time" in his memory consisted of being hosed down with cold water while you scrubbed with lye soap frantically, since the water wouldn't stop until the attendant thought you were clean.But these children were jumping up and down, for the most part and he saw several of them dash into the parlor. They came back with books in their hands and clustered around Meg, holding the books up and crying "This one!" or "Read this!" among other things he couldn't quite make out.Donna approached the group and began herding some of the children into a group as they complained. Bobby watched in amazement as he began to understand that one group would be taken to bathe while the other would be read to by Meg.Since nobody seemed to be paying any attention to him, he just sat and watched.But somebody WAS paying attention to him. One small pale girl stood between the group that was settling to the floor, or had climbed up to sit beside Meg on the settee where she sat, smoothing her skirts as books were piled on her lap. The girl looked uncertainly at the chattering children, and then at Bobby, who sat, leaning back in his chair, still at the table.Slowly, almost like she was trying to sneak, she came to Bobby and took his hand, from where it lay in his lap. She pulled, looking somberly up at him with big brown eyes. He stood and she pulled him toward the group, which had now quieted as Meg sifted through the books on her lap. She looked up and saw Bobby standing, his hand in the little girl's.She smiled. "Sit down, Bobby. I read to the children on bath night, and you're welcome to join us." She looked at the little girl. "Thank you June Bug. It was nice of you to invite Bobby." She pointed to a chair that was just far enough away from the crowd of children that none of them wanted to sit there.Bobby sat down and was astonished to find that June Bug immediately crawled up on his lap. She sat, her legs straight out, and leaned back against his chest.Meg was staring at Bobby and the girl with a strange look on her face. She saw the astonishment in Bobby's face and the placid look of something close to contentment on the little girl's face too."Bobby," she said quietly. "June Bug doesn't talk either. I think you've made a friend."Bobby didn't know what to think. This place was so strange that he had no frame of reference on which to draw to decide how to act. He found it strange that a little girl would want to be his friend when they'd only just met. Always before he'd had to jump through all kinds of social hoops to establish his place in the hierarchy of whatever place he was living in. Sometimes that involved doing things for people. Sometimes that involved fighting. Sometimes it involved comparing stories and the intricate social dance that was casual conversation between people who are forced into close contact with each other.But here, in this place where he had done nothing other than eat until his stomach ached, where he had said not one word, somebody had drawn near to him simply because he couldn't talk. It was an amazing social experiment that he'd never have thought of getting involved in, but which was suddenly fascinating. Not knowing what else to do, he decided to just sit. The little girl wasn't hurting anything. As long as she didn't pee on him or something he decided to just let her sit there.While Donna and Prudence herded the unlucky children chosen to be hosed down first into another part of the house, Bobby sat and listened as Meg chose a book, opened it, and began to read.He was entranced immediately. No one had ever read to Bobby in his life. Bobby knew what books were, of course. They had been used at one time or another in his education, which was based on the "Three Rs", Reading, Riting and Rythmatic. And, truth be known, Bobby was quite proficient at all three of the basics. That was primarily because, if one did well in school, one received less abuse, but the result was the same as if he had wanted to learn. He had once found most of a book in a trash heap. It turned out to be about four fifths of "Treasure Island". It had been involved in a fire, so both the front and back pages were missing. Still, Bobby had been able to figure out the basic idea of the book and he had been enthralled instantly, comparing himself to Jim Hawkins. There were a multitude of adults in his life who fit the personalities of Long John Silver and his crew of pirates, but the characters of people like Dr. Livesey and Captain Smollet remained a fantasy to him.The tattered book was taken from him and thrown out as punishment for some forgotten misdeed. Bobby had always wondered how it ended.Now, as Meg read a simple children's story, her lilting voice rising and falling, changing as the characters in the story changed, Bobby found himself transported in his mind, like reading Treasure Island had transported him to a hot, wet, dangerous, jungle island in some far away place when he read his book. It seemed like she had only been reading for a few minutes when six naked and screaming children, wrapped in towels, came running into the room. It was time to change over, and there were groans of dismay from the children who had been listening, eyes wide and mouths hanging open, as Meg read to them.June bug hopped down off Bobby's lap and again took his hand, pulling at him.Meg spoke to Prudence, who was herding the six unwashed children in the direction the naked ones had come from. "June Bug has adopted Bobby," she said. Then her mouth froze in a look of almost agony as she realized what she had said. "Adoption" was a very special word in this house, and not to be used flippantly.Oddly, though, neither June Bug nor Bobby seemed to have taken what she said as she feared they might have. Prudence pulled at June Bug. "Well, Bobby can't take a bath with you little ones. You'll just have to leave him here for now. Don't worry, he's not going anywhere." The little girl reluctantly let go of Bobby's hand and he sat back, glad that he got to stay and listen to Meg read some more. Even though she started all over again, at the beginning of the story, Bobby didn't mind.By now, Sally and Mavis had finished washing and drying the dishes, and emerged from the kitchen with armfuls of clothing, which they dropped in a heap on the floor. The five children who had just come from their bath unashamedly dropped their towels and dove into the pile, pulling out clothes to wear. They did so quietly, though, as Meg kept reading.Astonishment was the mood of the day for Bobby. He watched as each child picked something to wear and, when that was done, Mavis and Sally picked up the rest and sat at the dining room table, folding those clothes into neat stacks and listening themselves as Meg read. Bobby estimated that there must be three or four sets of clothing for each child present. Only two children had tried to choose the same shirt to wear during the dressing process, but their struggle was silently cut short as Sally took the garment from them both, suggesting that if they fought over it, neither could wear it. Most of the clothing was too big for the children, and hung off their small frames, but none of them seemed to care. They were much more interested in settling in to listen.Then, not long afterward, the whole hustle and bustle happened all over again as the remaining children, also naked, ran into the room, chose things to wear from the table and sat back down. The two babies were taken to the bath next, and it was then that Bobby realized he hadn't heard screams coming from the part of the house where bathing apparently took place. Most kids yelled at the cold water splashing on them. As Meg read on, part of his attention listened to hear the babies crying as they were bathed.But they didn't.When the babies were brought back, wrapped up in towels, carried by Prudence and Donna, Meg closed the book to moans of dismay and pleas for just one more page. Mavis and Sally went into action, though, saying "Bedtime" and "Early to bed... early to rise" and herding the children toward the big wooden staircase that led to the upper reaches of the big house.Meg looked uncertainly at Bobby. "I suppose we should get you bathed too," she said. "I don't know how much you understand, but we'll manage. OK Bobby?"Perhaps because he was so impressed with her reading, or for some other reason Bobby couldn't have articulated even if he had admitted being able to speak, he stood and followed the young woman as she went in the same direction as the other children had been led. He found himself taken to a large room, with a large white enameled bathtub that sat on clawed feet. It was hot in the room, and Bobby saw immediately that the heat came from a contraption that stood in one corner. It looked a little like a wood stove, also standing on clawed feet, with a fire box at the bottom and a tall round tank above that. There were pipes that went into the tank at the top and out of the tank at the bottom. The bottom pipe ran over above the tub and ended in a spigot there.Meg opened the fire box and put in several pieces of coal from a bucket nearby and then turned to the tub. There was a small wet rag lying in the bottom of the tub near the drain and she stuffed that into the drain hole before turning on the tap. Steaming water began pouring into the tub from the tap.Meg stood up and let the water run as she faced Bobby. "We have plenty of hot water, so that's no problem." She pointed to a cake of white looking soap on a windowsill above the tub. "That's the soap, and there are towels in the cupboard up here." she laid her hand on the cupboard. Will you be OK?" she asked.Bobby just stood there. He had a very dim memory from long ago of his mother, and a tub like this, with warm water. He hadn't had a bath in a tub like this since that memory. He felt a clutching sensation in his stomach, but it wasn't from being overstuffed. That one little memory caused emotions to flow through him that were unwelcome. He didn't want to cry, certainly not in front of this woman, and he was perilously close to crying. That confused him and the safest thing to do was just stand still.Meg looked concerned. "Bobby? Do you need help sweetheart?"It was worse and worse, as far as Bobby was concerned. Nobody called him "sweetheart". The warmth of the house... the food... the acceptance of him by everyone without asking for anything from him... June Bug's hand in his... it all flushed through him like a tidal wave and he couldn't stop the tears that ran down his face. He rubbed at them furiously with his fists.Meg reacted like she'd have wanted someone to react. She went to the young man and hugged him, murmuring that it would be OK, and that she understood, and that she knew this was all strange, but that everything would be all right." Then, thinking that this poor boy was much more simple of mind than he actually was, she began helping him disrobe for his bath.The roil of emotions in Bobby was cut sharply by the feel if Meg's fingers undoing the buttons of his shirt. Already in unfamiliar and startling conditions, this added surprise was enough to keep him immobile as her soft hands slid the shirt off his shoulders and arms, where it dropped to the floor. Her hands went to the frayed hemp rope that held up his trousers and she worried the knot until it came loose, then he felt her fingers brushing the front off his loins as she undid the buttons of his fly. The pants, held up by nothing now, dropped, leaving him in his ragged drawers. Meg knelt and prodded him to lift one leg, talking soothingly to him, words he didn't even listen to in his state of shock. But her soothing tone did what it was intended to do and he stood docile as she pulled his drawers down and off, to leave him standing naked in the bathroom.Meg felt her own measure of unusual and somewhat uncomfortable emotions as she made the mute boy naked in front of her. He was wiry, with a thin cover of skin over muscles that, while not large, felt firm to her fingers. He stank, as of stale sweat with a trace of dried urine. It was quite clear he had not bathed in a long while. This supported her conclusion that Bobby must have limited mental capabilities, something most people assumed about a person who could not speak. She was mildly curious about his penis, having seen only those of boys ten years old and younger. She stared curiously at the thatch of kinky brown hair that made a bed for his shriveled organ, and thought it looked a lot like her own pubic hair, except for the color. Meg was a natural blond and all her hair was the same color.She stood to add cold water to the tub from another spigot that came from the wall and tested it repeatedly until the temperature of the water in the tub suited her. Bobby stood, uncertainly, watching. The hot water amazed him. There was no hose in sight, and that's what people used during baths, so even though he knew what a bathtub was, he still wasn't sure that this hot water and this tub were actually for him. That question was answered once and for all as Meg urged him to get into the tub. The warm water felt wonderful on his ankles, but that was nothing compared to the feeling he felt as she convinced him to sit and the water rose up above his legs, submerging them in welcome heat. He was enjoying that so much that he did nothing else but concentrate on the feeling. She pressed something into his hand and he saw it was the soap she'd pointed to earlier. It wasn't coarse and gray like the soap he was used to. He lifted it to look at it more closely and it felt slippery in his hand. It smelled good too, and he lifted it closer to his nose, breathing in. It was amazing.Meg watched the boy - she no longer thought of him as a young man - smelled the soap like it was the first time he'd ever done that. She stood back up and hissed as she saw the old, healed stripes on his back, remnants of a whipping with a strap that he'd gotten when he was only ten and had stolen bread from the kitchen in the institution he was housed in at that time. She felt a rush of mingled sympathy and red-hot anger as the wide-eyed boy looked up at her in response to her disgusted response to the scars."Here." she said, reaching for the soap. "Let me help."Bobby was sixteen, though he looked closer to fourteen or fifteen. But his body was that of a boy well into puberty. While he had never had a girlfriend, and his exposure to females had been severely restricted, his body knew what to do when it felt a woman's soft hands sliding over it. Meg, while she thought of him as a poor simple minded boy, still realized on some level that the body she was stroking was not only male, but well grown. HER exposure to men had also been limited, and while she had seen the instinctive erections that all males have, they had always been on boys who were so young that those erections, for the most part, more nearly resembled one of her own fingers than what she would have thought of as "an erect male organ."And so, when she had finished washing his smooth chest, and scarred back, and told him to stand so she could do his legs, she was completely unprepared for the change that had taken place in that shriveled penis she had seen only moments before.Bobby had the sexual equipment of a full grown man.Meg stared in awe at the dripping erection that bobbed in front of her eyes. It looked huge to her, even though it was quite normal by comparison to most men. The tip was sheathed in a thin covering that Meg knew was his foreskin. She had seen plenty of those on the babies whose diapers she changed. Most of those had been wrinkled pointy things on the end of the baby's penis that had to be skinned back and cleaned under during a diaper change.But the one on Bobby's penis was stretched tightly over something that bulged under it. Meg's soapy hands reached for it before she thought about what she was doing, and she grasped the penis firmly, sliding her hand toward the base, to see what was under that tightly stretched skin.Bobby saw Meg's hand move to his penis, which he knew was hard. It got that way sometimes, and it felt different when it did that, but he hadn't given it a lot of thought. Even though his penis had taken on adult features, living in orphanages, where there was no privacy at any time, prevented him from finding out what most boys found out about their stiff sexual organs. Bobby had never played with his penis while it was hard.The feelings that resulted from Meg's soapy hand sliding along his penis shocked Bobby to his core. He had never felt anything that was like that. A small sound forced itself out of his throat as her hand slid back toward the tip.Meg was surprised to find that what was under the thin skin looked pretty much like what was under a baby's foreskin. It was MUCH larger, of course, but the shape was about the same. And, of course if felt different in her hand. It filled her hand, for one thing, something no younger child's penis had ever done, and that made it feel completely new and unique. It was strangely hard and soft at the same time too, and that made it very different than anything else she had ever felt. She thought back to what Prudence and Donna had laughed about at supper. THIS was what neither of them had had... in them... for so long.She realized suddenly what she was doing and opened her hand. Then her curiosity gripped her again and she slid her hand under the stiff organ to cup Bobby's testicles. While before she hadn't even noticed them, now she felt them full and round under his penis. They were much softer than they initially felt and she squeezed them gently, feeling the harder, smaller things inside. Bobby's hips jerked as she squeezed too tightly and he pulled away.She looked up to see him staring down at her, his mouth open.She felt her face get hot as she blushed. "Sorry." she murmured. "I'll be more gentle, OK?"He made no response and Meg shook her head to clear it. She became more businesslike and washed his legs. Her soapy hand slid up the inside of his thigh in the back and she just naturally forced it between tightly clenched buttocks to clean him there too. He made another sound and bent forward slightly, then stood back up, his butt cheeks clenching even more tightly.But she was done there and told him to sit back down. The water was grayish, so she turned on the hot water tap again and held a pitcher under it, moving it to the cold tap to finish filling it. She poured half of it over his head as he sputtered and wiped his eyes and giggled at that as she attacked his hair with the soap."Keep your eyes closed tight." she warned as she kneaded his scalp with her fingers. Then when she was satisfied she began to pour the rest of the water on his hair to rinse it, reminding him again to keep his eyes closed tight. He didn't sputter and spit this time. She told him to keep his eyes closed as she got another pitcher of rinse water and got all the suds out of his hair."OK, up and out." she ordered.Bobby, by now, was immensely happy about this bath, and didn't want it to end at all. His belly was full, and he was warm and her hands felt wonderful sliding over his skin. He looked for the soap, which she had put back on the windowsill, and reached for it, trying to get her to wash him again.Meg laughed. "You're clean enough. Now, out of there and let's get you dried off."Reluctantly he stood and stepped out of the tub. Meg ran the rough towel all over his body, paying perhaps a little more attention to his still stiff penis than was needed, and then threw the towel on top of a pile of others in one corner of the room. It suddenly occurred to her that he had nothing to put on. She looked at the clothing on the floor and said "You can't wear that. It will have to be washed." She was startled as he darted to the pants and picked them up, his hand digging in the pocket. It came out with a grimy and mangled toothbrush that he held tightly in his hand as he dropped the pants back to the floor. Then he just stood there again. Simple though he may be, she couldn't let him run out into the house like the other children did, especially since there was nothing in the pile of clothes out there that would fit him. She remembered his burlap bag, and correctly assumed he had more clothing in that."You stay right here and I'll get you something to wear," she said. She left, closing the door at the feel of the much cooler air outside the bathroom and went into the dining room, where his bag had been left. Only Mavis was there, the others having taken the children to their beds."Where have you been?" asked Mavis."I was giving Bobby his bath," said Meg, her mind on the burlap bag."What!?" gasped Mavis. "He's a grown man!"Meg stopped, her mind realizing what Mavis was thinking."He may be grown, but he's a poor simple-minded boy inside," she said. "He couldn't even undress himself. He acted like he'd never had a bath in his whole life! I had to do something," she said. "And now he's standing in there naked with nothing to put on. Where are the clothes he brought with him?"Mavis found it easy to believe that Bobby was simple minded, and that put him in the same category as a child in her mind. She relaxed. "He didn't bring much. No coat even. That bag was all he had when he got off the train," she said.Together they dumped the bag's contents on the table and then stared at it in horror. The shirt and pants were soiled, and the undergarments were tattered."What in the world is this?" asked Mavis, holding up what was obviously a pair of women's underwear."I have no idea," said Meg wonderingly. "Do you suppose he stole them?"Mavis snorted. "Where in the world would a boy like him find a pair of those to steal?" she picked up his shirt and set it to one side. His pants followed. "Though to be honest, if this is all he has I could understand why he'd steal anything he could get his hands on."Meg picked up a wrinkled and bent tube of white. "Why this is a cigarette of all things!" she said.All that was left was the chocolate bar, bent now, and the lump of wood that lay on the table. Meg picked it up and turned it in her hands. She gasped as the dog's face was revealed."What?" asked Mavis, peering at the thing in Meg's hand."It's beautiful!" sighed Meg. "Look, it's been carved. It's exquisite!"Mavis took it and admired the fine lines and realistic nature of the carving. "It IS beautiful" she agreed. "But only part done. Do you suppose HE did this?"Together they pawed through the wretched pile of clothes on the table, but found no knife. It was a mystery they'd have to solve later."We can't put him in these," said Meg distastefully as she poked at the shirt and pants.Mavis put her hand to one breast. "You know, I saved some of Randolph's nicest things. I couldn't bear to throw them out when he died. His Sunday shirts and such. Now where did I put them?" She suddenly moved toward the single bedroom that was on the ground floor. Mavis retained that one for herself. Meg followed and saw Mavis get to her hands and knees and peer under the bed. She reached under, stretching, and pulled out a bundle, wrapped in cloth. Picking it up she laid it on the bed and undid the strings tied around it."This is them. I kept them under my bed because it made me feel closer to him when..." She didn't finish. It was too personal and she felt foolish. But now she was glad she'd saved these few things. She lifted a white shirt, and another that was dark blue with a white collar. Under them were two pairs of trousers, one wool and the other finely woven cotton. Both were black. There was a pair of suspenders folded neatly between them."He's smaller than Randolph, of course," said Mavis, "but we can alter them to fit. They'll have to do for now."Together they left the room, carrying the clothing with them. Mavis selected the white shirt and the cotton trousers to take to Bobby and, together they went to the bathroom. They opened the door to a cloud of steam. Bobby had re-filled the tub with hot water and was lying in it, his head back, and his eyes closed, a wide smile on his face.It took them a while to coax him out of the tub. The impressive erection he had sported before had wilted again, from lack of continued stimulation and the heat of the water. When they got the shirt on him it hung low enough to cover his penis and, since it was bedtime anyway, they decided he didn't need the pants until morning.While Meg had bathed Bobby, Mavis had made some changes in the sleeping arrangements. She didn't want Bobby sleeping in a room with smaller children. He was too big, and she still didn't know his temperament. So she had put a third child in two more rooms, to make an empty bed for Bobby. The children who were moved didn't mind. It was an adventure to them. And quite often all the children cuddled together in one bed anyway, like puppies, when they slept. So one more just added a little body heat.Bobby, exposed to yet another astonishment as he was led to his own bed, which was soft and had three quilts on it, and even a real pillow. He was alone, which made it seem a little like a punishment room, but it wasn't anything like a punishment room in any other way. He let himself be put into bed. He was so relaxed from the hot soak and everything else that had happened that day, that his defenses were abated. When the two women kissed him on the forehead and wished him good night it was more than he could take. Tears leaked from his eyes as he rubbed them with his fists. He wanted to say something, but knew that would ruin everything good that had happened to him on this amazing day. Instead he lay in the bed as the women left the room and turned off the light.Mavis had tears running down her face too. She had seen the scars on his back while they clothed him, and his tears when he was in bed."He breaks my heart." she said, her voice catching."I know," said Meg. "I know."CHAPTER THREEThe next few days convinced Bobby that he was not in a dream. He didn't understand a lot of what went on, but he recognized that something wonderful had happened to him. He watched carefully, picking up information on rules and regulations, which were actually just a way of behaving that the women insisted on. None of the children were ever beaten, though the two youngest got swats on the butt occasionally. The way they cried made it sound like they'd been beaten, but Bobby knew what a real beating was.That he had to help out around the house was a given, at least in his mind. One of his jobs was to replenish all the coal buckets for the various appliances in the house that used coal. That included the stove in the kitchen, and another of those amazing water heating things that hung on a wall above the kitchen sink. It was smaller than the one in the bathroom. Additionally there were small pot-bellied stoves set in various places around the house. Not every bedroom had one, though most did. Mavis had one in her bedroom and both of the women who lived in the house - Sally and Meg - had stoves in their rooms. There were ten coal buckets in all that had to be filled daily. The one in the bathroom only needed it once, because, as it turned out, baths were only given once a week. And the buckets in the kitchen needed to be filled several times a day, since those appliances were used more than the others, and laundry was done there.He was also pressed into service outside, once they went to town and found him clothing and a coat to wear. The local church collected clothing for them, and when it was learned that a simple-minded young man had arrived the donations increased. Suddenly Bobby had more clothing than he had a place to put it all. His bag was soon full and it took Prudence half an hour to convince him that it was all right to put his clothes on the shelf in his room. He had tried to touch nothing in the room other than the bed, because he still assumed that this room belonged to someone else and he didn't want to be thrown out of this amazing place for stealing or doing something wrong.He found that all meals were like the one he'd walked in on, and that he didn't have to gorge because they got fed three times a day. And in the evening, every other night, Meg usually, but sometimes Donna or Prudence, read to the children from books. Bobby had looked into the parlor, where those books came from, and was astonished to see two whole shelves of them, some thick, most thinner. He'd been afraid to touch them and left immediately, his fingers itching to caress them and read what was on their spines.He found that pantomiming what he wanted was fairly easy, and his new-found habit of not talking got easier and easier as the need to talk waned. His needs thus far had been simple. He had far more now than at any time in his life he could remember.He'd been at Milleson House for four days when Meg approached him."Bobby? That carving in your bag. Did you do that?"Bobby wasn't surprised that they'd gone through his bag. When he'd reclaimed it on his second day and gone through it himself, only the cigarette was missing. He didn't blame someone for stealing it. He hadn't really wanted it anyway. You just never turned down anything someone offered you.He nodded his head."It's beautiful Bobby. Why didn't you finish it?" asked Meg.Bobby pantomimed a knife, opening and closing and then threw it away from him."You threw away your knife?" asked Meg, confused.Bobby couldn't make her understand that it had been stolen from him. He saw a piece of paper on the table, with a pencil nearby, where Mavis had been making a shopping list. He went to the table, flipped the paper over and wrote on the back."They steal."He held up the paper and Meg looked like she might faint dead away."You can WRITE?!" she gasped.Bobby nodded. Everybody could write, couldn't they?"Meg actually ran, yelling at the top of her lungs "HE CAN WRITE! BOBBY CAN WRITE!"Within minutes all five women were in the room, clustered around Bobby, who thought now that he had made the fatal mistake that would get him thrown out. There was a general hubbub of noise as the women exclaimed about this "amazing" ability in a boy they thought had the mind of a seven or eight year old. Each one examined the words Meg swore he had written.Finally Mavis held up her hands for quiet. She turned to Bobby. "Did you write this?" she asked. Meg snorted at being suspected of playing a trick... or worse.Nobody looked angry and for once Bobby decided not to go with his natural instinct to deny everything. He took a chance and nodded.Mavis put the paper down and picked up the pencil, handing it to him. "Write something else."A lot of things went through Bobby's mind at that instant. He didn't know what they wanted, or what would be the "right" thing to write. He thought of the safest thing and, more slowly than he needed to, wrote:"Bobby," and then, as an afterthought, beside that, "thank you".To the women it looked like he had tried to write a sentence: "Bobby thank you."If there had been hubbub before, there was a true celebration now. Even though the women still thought his mental age to be young, they had elevated it to maybe ten or twelve, based on his ability to ALMOST write a complete sentence.After that the level of baby talk directed toward Bobby went down and the amount that he was expected to do around the house went up. Not that he was strained at all. In fact he enjoyed the work he was assigned. He helped with the children, even feeding one of the babies for Donna one time when there was a spill "disaster" at the table which involved changing the clothes of two children and cleaning up the table, floor and two chairs. That night it snowed. Bobby had seen snow before, but never like this. It was western Nebraska, and it snowed two and a half feet.The next morning he awoke to stretch in his bed, warm and comfortable, something he was gradually getting used to. Sally, whose voice he had only heard perhaps ten times in the six days he'd been at Milleson House, stuck her head through the door and, in her soft lilt, said "Bobby, you're needed to clear the snow."She was gone again almost immediately, expecting him to get up and do whatever was necessary. He rose and rubbed at the thick slick of frost on the window. His room was on the highest floor of the house, and through the small clear space he'd made he saw a blanket of white that covered everything for as far as he could see. He quickly got dressed and went downstairs.Breakfast at Milleson House was a casual affair. Mavis got up early and cooked, leaving the food on the stove to stay warm. The children were fed by one or two of the staff as they were pulled from their beds and dressed by the others. So they trickled into the kitchen in ones or twos, sitting down and waiting until food appeared in front of them. Bobby had learned, to his further amazement, that it was all right for him to feed himself whenever he came into the kitchen, and he did so this day, eating quickly.No adults were in the kitchen when he got there. He had just finished eating a strip of bacon when Mavis hustled in, already looking tired."Bobby dear, Donna and Prudence are probably snowed in, since they haven't arrived yet. I need you to make a path to the street so that IF they get here they'll be able to get to the house."Bobby nodded and dressed in the warm coat that was now his pride and joy. It had belonged to Oscar Hammerschmidt, the banker in Hampstead, and it had a real fur collar attached to the thick gray wool that made the coat long enough that it went clear to Bobby's calves. Another gift from the people of Hampstead was a worn pair of cowboy boots, two sizes too large, but, when stuffed with newspapers or socks, stayed on his feet and kept them surprisingly warm as long as he didn't stay out in the cold too long. Though down in the heel, they had been frequently oiled over their previous life and were, for the most part, waterproof. An old coonskin hat that came from who knew where topped off his costume. He'd never have worn it back east, but it kept his head toasty warm... and this place was different. Armed with a grain scoop provided by Mavis, Bobby attacked the snow, which was thankfully light and fluffy. Clearing a path to the street took him only ten minutes, so he widened it and then expanded it along the edge of the street in both directions. Next he shoveled the snow from around Mavis' car, which looked almost buried. He knocked the snow off the car and then had to shovel that away as well. He went back inside and filled all the coal buckets from the big coal bin in the basement.After that he sat down at the table with a cup of hot tea and waited for something else to do. He automatically got food for the last few children who straggled into the dining room. Finally Mavis, Sally and Meg arrived back in the kitchen and began to feed themselves and the two babies, who they had gotten up last.Five minutes later Prudence stomped through the door, her skirt crusted with snow. She had put on an old pair of bloomers, which were also crusted with snow and her high topped shoes were white with the snow frozen to them."Sorry." she said tersely.Mavis waved a hand. "I'm amazed you got here at all. Where in the world did you find those?" she laughed, pointing at the white bloomers under Prudence's skirt."They're my mother's" said Prudence, grinning. "I'm not quite ready to wear slacks yet. I thought they'd help. Besides, it's only six blocks" said Prudence, rubbing her calves. "I can't feel my legs, though."It was Bobby who thought of the bathtub. He went and added coal to the fire they kept burning or banked at all times under the water heater and blew the embers to make the additional coal catch. Then he took the big ash bucket, which he had emptied that morning, and washed it out before filling it with hot water. It was a three gallon bucket, made of tarnished copper, but he was able to lug it out to the kitchen, where he set it on the floor beside Prudence, who was eating. He pointed at the water, and then at her feet."Why Bobby!" she squealed. "How thoughtful!"She stood up and started pulling her bloomers off, reaching under her skirt to pull them past her hips. That required some rather significant wiggling, since the waistline of the bloomers was under the waistline of her skirt. Then she had to sit to remove her shoes and pull them off her feet. In the process Bobby was treated to a long expanse of naked legs, spread in a most immodest way that Prudence wasn't aware of because all her attention was on getting her legs and feet bare so she could put them in the hot water.Meg, however, noticed Bobby's wide eyes as he saw glimpses of Prudence's bare thighs. Not wanting to embarrass Prudence, Meg went to stand in front of Bobby, her body blocking his vision."Thank you Bobby" she said sweetly, swaying sideways as he automatically tried to lean to one side to maintain his view of a real woman's naked legs. "Won't you get her a towel too?"Bobby figured out what she was doing as he swayed back the other direction and she went with him. He grinned sheepishly and turned to go get the towels.When he came back the women were discussing the fact that school had been supposed to start back up after the Christmas vacation in two more days, but now it was likely that would be delayed. Bobby hadn't though about school since arriving. He'd been to both public schools and in orphanages that had their own school. He didn't like the public schools, because everyone made fun of the orphans and he got into lots of fights. The orphanage schools were fraught with danger, but that was from adults, not other students. He wasn't excited about going back to school, especially if he maintained his mute status. He had no idea how that would go, but he didn't have any reason to think it would be any fun.He spent the rest of the day taking the older children outside to play in the snow. It was deep enough, especially where he had piled it up with his grain scoop, that he could get on his hands and knees and dig tunnels in it for the younger children to crawl through. They loved it.Ironically it was an adult who introduced the children to snowballs, and not Bobby. He had thrown a snowball one time that got him a week in the punishment room, so he didn't think about using snow that way any more. It was Meg who came outside, dressed in a coat and dungarees. She threw the first snowball, and she threw it at Bobby, hitting him on his left hip.He turned to find her grinning at him and making another snowball, which she also threw at him, but missed."Betcha can't hit me." she taunted, trying to dart this way and that, but foundering in the deep snow. She laughed as she fell down, but scrambled back up and made two more snowballs which she lobbed toward Bobby, before he finally made one of his own. He threw that one and she turned her back, taking the snowball there.Then the war was on as the other kids mimicked them, and laughter rang out all over the yard. Everything went fine until, at one moment, with her coat hanging open, Meg took one of Bobby's snowballs right in the gap between the first button of her blouse and her chin. The light snow splattered, driving downward into her blouse and filling the cleavage in her bra.Her look of amazement as she automatically bent forward in a vain attempt to make the snow fall lower, and then her screech, sent bolts of concern to Bobby's brain. He had hurt an adult!Meg turned and ran into the house, and Bobby, not knowing what else to do followed her. He arrived to see her coat on the floor of the dining room as she danced around."It's so COLD!" she squealed. Mavis looked up from some mending she was doing."Of course it's cold. It's winter." she said calmly."Noooo I got snow down my blouse!" squealed Meg. Her arms suddenly disappeared, like magic, as if they had been sucked into the blouse and then her blouse looked like there were two raccoons wrestling under it as she reached behind her to unclip her bra. The garment dropped to the floor, the empty cups upward and crusted with snow."That's better," said Meg, shuddering as she stuck her arms back out the arm holes of her blouse.Bobby stared. In the heat of the room the melting snow had made the front of her blouse wet, and her spiked nipples poked through the pale cloth, dark enough to be seen through the fabric.Meg looked at Bobby's shocked face, and then down at the two prominent bumps on the front of her blouse and blushed."Perhaps I should go put on another blouse," she said.Mavis laughed. "Unless you want to put ideas in that boy's head I'd say you're right."Meg bent over and picked up her bra and then dashed for the stairs, and her room on the second floor.Bobby, astonished yet again that no one was mad at him for what had happened, turned and went back outside to keep an eye on the other children.At supper that night Bobby felt like Meg looked at him somehow differently than she had before. She didn't look angry, but she looked at him more often. He was wary of looking back at her.That night was bath night.Bobby settled into a chair while half the kids were whisked off to the big tub and Meg selected a book to read to the others. June Bug immediately crawled up on his lap and leaned back.Meg had decided to begin (probably for the fourth or fifth time since she'd worked at the home) Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. A few of the older children had heard the story before, but that didn't matter. Bobby was hooked immediately as Meg's hypnotic voice began the tale of the little girl and the strange characters she interacted with.He didn't notice as the bath shift changed, and June Bug crawled down off his lap, to be replaced by Emily, who settled in just as comfortably as June Bug had."You're not stinky tonight" she commented. Bobby wanted to laugh. Since the last bath night Emily had sat on his lap at least four or five times. Some nights it was while someone read to them on the cold evenings. On other nights the big Motorola radio was turned on. The adults huddled around it, listening to Walter Winchell or someone else report on the war. Some nights they listened to the Inner Sanctum, or The Shadow, which held both the children and adults in thrall as they listened to the drama play out. Bob Hope was another favorite, though again, mostly with the adults. Emily sat on his lap then too, if June Bug wasn't already there, huddling against him during tense moments in the dramas. She had never mentioned his... odor... during those nights. But, it being bath night again, she apparently felt compelled to comment.Meg looked up from the book. "Emily, everybody has to take a bath, whether they need one or not."Emily smiled "I know. I just like the way he smells." she said, snuggling against him and pulling his arms around her. She was still wrapped in her towel, her hair damp. Donna dropped a towel on her head. "You're not even dry yet, little missy. Dry off and get dressed or you'll catch your death of cold."I want Bobby to dry me." whined the little girl.Meg's eyes widened a bit, then relaxed back to normal as Bobby picked up the towel and ruffled the girl's hair with it. Then he pushed her off his lap and pointed to the pile of clothing, looking back at Meg, and then the book in her hands, with a silent plea to keep reading.Meg went on reading from where she'd left off, even though the kids listening now hadn't heard the beginning. It didn't matter to them. They just loved huddling together while Meg's melodious voice lifted and fell as she illustrated the characters with her voice.All too soon, at least as far as Bobby was concerned, the other children were back, capering around naked as they picked out clothes from the pile on the floor to wear to bed. They dallied, knowing that, as soon as they were dressed for bed, they'd be hustled off to cold sheets in dark rooms. He wanted to groan as Meg's slim-fingered hands closed the book and she stood up."Your turn Bobby." she said, looking at him with a glint in her eye.Bobby followed her, almost eagerly, this time, to the bathroom. His memory of the last time this had happened to him caused him to react before they even got there. He knew he should take his clothes off, but he also knew that, if he didn't, she would take them off for him. He had enjoyed that last time, so he stood and waited as she filled the tub with hot water.The glint was still in her eye when she turned and began unbuttoning his rough shirt. They had found him a pair of suspenders somewhere, which had replaced the rope he used to keep his over-sized pants up, and when she pushed the straps off his shoulders his pants fell like they had lead weights in them. They caught on his stiff prong, which bent downwards until the pants were dragged off of them, and then sprang upward again to slap his abdomen with an audible sound. It settled then, bobbing in the air as Meg looked down at it.She knelt, her eyes glued to his organ, as her hands reached to make him lift a foot out of the pants. It bobbed again as he did that, and kept moving as he lifted his other foot too, placing it to one side. Meg breathed in and found his odor to be much nicer than last time, like Emily had said. She found herself breathing deeply as she stood back up and pushed Bobby's shirt off his shoulders, to leave him standing naked in front of her. She had the strangest urge to hug him... to feel his body against hers, and blushed at her improper thought."In the tub" she said, having to clear her throat.Bobby got in the tub and sat down, this time, without having to be told. He looked up at the window sill, where the soap was.Meg felt her nipples tightening under her dress, something that usually only happened when she was in bed, alone with her thoughts. She felt the urge to squeeze them, as she sometimes did in the dark, but resisted. She reached for the soap and got her hands frothy before she began sliding them over the young man's shoulders and back. Her sensitive fingertips felt the welts and healed scars from his past beatings and her heart again melted at the thought of what this poor boy had been through."You're a handsome boy." she said, talking more to herself than to him... letting her thoughts flow. "A strong boy." she murmured.Bobby looked at her and grinned. Her hands felt so good sliding across his skin that he felt an excitement that was both foreign and welcome at the same time. He thought about her hands on his penis last time and, when that excitement built even more he suddenly stood up and faced her, his hips jutting forward, his stiff penis pointing at her face where she knelt by the tub.Meg was excited too. She too remembered washing his erection last time. His actions made it clear that, despite his simple-mindedness, he felt pleasure, like other men.She looked up at him, his serious eyes looking down at her."You like it when I wash you there?" she said.He nodded.Her hand came up and grasped his rod. Both of them sighed as she squeezed and ran her hand up and down its rigid length. Her other hand came up and cupped his balls."This is handsome too." she said, staring at the head as it was uncovered and then covered up again by the action of her hand. She squeezed his balls gently. "And these... these are handsome." She watched as his eyes half-closed in pleasure. "Do you know what these are for?" she asked, half out of curiosity and half to try to establish his mental level.Bobby had some vague images in his mind that were based on talk among boys who made what sounded to Bobby like fantastic claims about what could be done with the thing in her hand. He knew it was used to make a baby in a woman, but the how of it was something hazy in his mind. It had something to do with kissing, he knew. One boy had said "You kiss the girl and then you make a baby in her." Bobby had wondered about that. He had seen people kissing each other... had gotten a beating, in fact, when he walked into the kitchen one time while one of the attendants was kissing a cook, his hands rubbing the woman's chest like Meg had just rubbed his own. But the cook hadn't had a baby.As a result of the vagueness of his understanding, Bobby felt the best thing to do was just shake his head "No."Meg felt a naughty thrill shoot through her at the innocence of his response. She knew she should stop what she was doing, but his sexual organs felt so good in her hands that she didn't want to. He wasn't dangerous, like other men would be in this situation."These are very precious to a woman." she said, stroking him slowly, feeling the bumps and ridges and veins on his staff under her soapy hands. "They are used for her pleasure, and to give her children." She felt the organ jerk in her hand and looked up to see Bobby's mouth open, his eyes wide."Have you ever seen a woman naked?" she asked, again for more than one reason.Bobby shook his head violently this time. He knew a boy who had peeked into a privy while a woman had been in there and had gotten caught. They had almost killed him with the "punishment" meted out for that incident.Meg giggled. He had looked horrified at the thought. "It's not THAT bad" she said. "Women can be beautiful without clothing too, you know."Bobby went from the fear of being caught doing something wrong, to the fear that he had hurt this woman's feelings. He wanted to tell her that he thought SHE was beautiful, but his charade had gone on for so long now that he knew, without a doubt that he'd be punished severely if they found out. A beating he could take... but the thought of being thrown out of this wonderful place struck his heart like a dagger.Meg sucked in a breath as Bobby's hand reached out and he caressed her cheek with two fingers. His intent was clear. It was a gentle sweet touch, that communicated what he was thinking."You think I'm beautiful?" she asked, her voice quivering.He nodded seriously and she felt her nipples reach full erection as butterflies danced in her belly."Thank you." she said softly. "I wasn't talking about me, though. I'm sure I'm quite ugly without my clothes on."Bobby didn't know whether this would get him in trouble or not, but this woman was so nice to him that he took the chance. He shook his head and touched her cheek again.Meg felt a shiver pass through her at his second touch. She was having the most inappropriate thoughts, and she shook her head to clear them out. In the meantime, her hand had unconsciously begun moving along Bobby's penis faster. The result was something neither of them either planned, or expected.Bobby felt something painfully sweet rushing on him, centered right where her hands were holding him. He had never had an orgasm... had never been stimulated like this, at least not this long. Therefore he didn't know what was going to happen, and didn't know what to do about the feelings in his groin. All he knew was that he wanted her to keep doing what she was doing.Meg's only warning was the feeling of his balls jumping in her left hand. The tip of his penis was only five or six inches away from her face, when the little slit suddenly got wider and milky white fluid shot out of it. That fluid splatted directly on Meg's nose, some going into her eyes, and some going into her open mouth as her hand jerked downward. She was so startled that she froze, and received another splashing shot in exactly the same place.Their reactions were amazingly different. The feeling for Bobby was so powerful and startling and pleasant, that he wished it would go on forever. At the same time, he somehow knew that he had just done something bad... horrible in fact... and that the punishment would be more severe than anything he had experienced before. His reaction was to huddle and cover his head to protect it. He fell back down into the now cooling water and assumed a fetal position, waiting for the strap or club that he knew she'd fetch and beat him with.For Meg, her initial astonishment gave way to fear as well... the fear that someone would find out what she'd just done. That gave way to the sensations of his semen - she knew it was his semen - on her face and in her mouth. Her more powerful instinct was to clear her eyes so she could see, and that took precedence over her instinct to spit out the fluid in her mouth. She brought her hands up to her eyes, sweeping the thick fluid away from them and feeling the heat of that fluid, something that surprised her for some reason. She could see better, but not as well as she wanted to. She dipped her hands into the bath water and rubbed her wet hands over her eyes again, clearing them more completely. When she opened them again, she saw Bobby cowering in the water, moaning in fear, his back, with its scars turned to her.She had been unprepared for his penis to ejaculate. She had been unprepared for his semen to hit her face. She had been unprepared for it to get in her mouth too. All of those things were still in the process of being evaluated by her unconscious mind. But seeing him cowering like that hit a chord in her that she was well prepared to deal with."Bobby" she cooed. "No... baby... you didn't do anything wrong... honey don't be afraid... I'm not going to hurt you. Nobody's going to hurt you." She kept repeating those things in her soothing mellow voice, reaching for his arm. He flinched at her first contact, and it broke her heart."Come on baby," she pleaded. "Don't be afraid."Bobby felt her hands on him and slowly realized that, once again, he had assumed something wrongly... that this place was so different that he didn't know how to act, or what to expect. He moved his hands from his face and saw care and concern in Meg's eyes. He let himself be pulled up, out of the water, and then out of the tub.Meg hugged him, getting her dress wet. "Ohhh poor baby, you didn't do anything wrong." she repeated. She felt the water soak through her dress and pushed him away, turning to get a towel. He stood, his arms at his sides, as she dried him off, trying to reassure him that he wasn't in trouble."What happened was a normal thing." she told him, sliding the rough towel over his chest and arms. "It was MY fault, Bobby. All you did was what your body needed to do."She knelt and dried his legs and last she ran the towel quickly over his now-limp penis. Something in her wanted to avoid making that thing hard again. She wasn't sure she'd be able to avoid doing again what she'd just done to him.She stood up and saw amazement in his eyes. The fear was gone and she wanted to do something to make it stay away forever. Without thinking, she kissed him.Bobby had seen people kissing, and had been kissed on the cheek a few times. He'd never been kissed like this, though. This kiss was warm, and her lips were soft. There was a strange taste on her lips and, when she pulled hers off of his, he licked his, concentrating on that taste.Meg saw him... tasting... and suddenly concentrated on the taste in her own mouth... his taste... that she had just given back to him. She was astounded that, rather than being disgusted by his semen in her mouth, she was entranced by his flavor. She flushed red, thinking that she must be perverted to like having his sexual essence in her mouth, but she also knew that nothing in her life had thrilled her as much as what had just happened. If this was being perverted, she was going to re-think some things. It hadn't FELT perverted. All either of them had done was act as nature had intended them to act.Still, she needed to know how he felt about things. "Are you mad at me Bobby?" she asked, holding his face in her hands.He shook his head firmly back and forth.She kissed him again, and this time, when she hugged him, she didn't pull away. No one had taught Meg about the French way of kissing. What she thought about was that she had put some of his seed on his lips the last time she kissed him, and her tongue flicked out to take that back. When his tongue flicked against hers in response, she felt a shock that made her want to be naked with this man/boy. That was what caused her to stop. She couldn't assimilate that desire... the desire to actually mate with this boy... into her thought process.She was panting when she pushed him away."OK then." she breathed. "No harm done?"Bobby nodded and smiled. If this was what bath time was all about he hoped they would decide he needed a lot more baths.Meg, for reasons not clear to her, decided to lead Bobby out into the living room for him to get dressed. It could be presumed, by a psychiatrist, perhaps, that she secretly wanted to display his limp penis, to assure the other women that this was just a boy, an not a sexual being, as she had just discovered. That psychiatrist would nod his head sagely and suggest she wanted to retain the secret for herself, and that by showing him flaccid, she impressed on the others that he had nothing to offer those other women in the adult world.Interestingly, (and perhaps no surprise to the reader) the psychiatrist would have been wrong. Mavis' gasp as the naked young man was revealed to her suggested she was quite aware of his manhood, shriveled though it might be. Her gasp caused the other women to look to see what had caught her attention, and there were more gasps.For Mavis, Prudence and Donna, the gasps went along with feelings none of them had felt in their loins for a while. Mavis remembered what it felt like for one of those things to be inside her, long as it had been since that had happened.Prudence, being younger, and less time having passed since she felt the joys of copulation, gazed at what her errant husband had presented her with on numerous occasions, demanding that she make it stiff so she could perform her wifely duties.Donna, whose husband had looked like this for the last years of his life, unable to get a full erection as he aged, was aware of the youth and strength lying hidden in that limp thing that swung between Bobby's legs, knowing that, if full and hard, it would be marvelous indeed to behold.The last gasp came, of course, from Sally, who had never seen one that big, limp or not. It was she who followed her gasp with words."Meg, what in the world are you doing?" she asked.Meg, suddenly realizing what she had unconsciously done, blushed. "Oh my stars. I just forgot how big he is."Prudence was next. "How on earth could you forget something like that?"Mavis was next. "Meg! You're positively soaked!"Meg looked down at her wet dress and thought furiously."He's somewhat... enthusiastic in the water." she said cautiously. "I don't think he's had many baths in his life. He... um... he splashes around."Unknowingly, Meg had hit on exactly the right description. All of the women had bathed a young person who hit the water with his or her hands happily, splashing everyone within reach. All of the women succumbed to that image in their minds, of a young child playing in the water."Oh the poor sweet baby." cooed Mavis, going to the pile of clothing and digging through it. Of course Bobby's clothing wasn't in the pile. His clothes were folded after being washed, and placed in the bureau in his room."I guess I just forgot about his clothes," said Meg lamely.Prudence stood up. "Well, he's no baby, I'll tell you THAT!" She giggled. Then she blushed as the other women stared at her. "Well he's not!" she insisted. "Not that I think we should neglect him." she added. "I understand that we need to help him. It might even be fun!" she said, recovering.Mavis gasped again and fanned her face with her hand. "Prudence you are SUCH a hussy!" she said, her voice strangled. "Now get that boy some clothes before he upsets the whole house!""Too late for that." muttered Donna under her breath. She was going to have a hard time getting to sleep when she got home. The rememberance of what one of those things could do was heavy on her mind. Flitting fantasies of having more babies troubled her sleep occasionally. It might tonight too. While she couldn't get pregnant, like she wanted to, but she could at least experience an orgasm once in a while, with her fingers. Sally just stared at Bobby's penis, drinking in the sight of something so forbidden. At least it seemed forbidden to her. While other women, not counting Meg, of course, got to see them all the time, she hadn't expected to see one at all, and she wasn't about to miss the chance to examine it for as long as possible."I'll take him." she blurted suddenly. "To get him dressed." she added, blushing.Meg, who admitted to herself that she would have enjoyed dressing the boy - even though he didn't need help - also knew that, the way she was feeling right now, that would be dangerous. And, she needed to change her dress. She waved her hand at Sally.Sally took Bobby's hand and led him to his room. Bobby watched as she went to the bureau and went through it, looking for the butcher's old nightshirt, that had been donated to Bobby because it had a hole in it. That hole had been patched, and when the garment was on him, Bobby thought he looked like he was wearing a dress. But it was warm, and no one laughed at him, so he didn't mind.Sally turned, with the nightshirt in her hands."Here Bobby." she said softly. "Do you need help?"Bobby had come to the conclusion that, when these women helped him, nice things happened, so he nodded and held up his arms, like the little children did when they were being dressed. He was taller than Sally, though, and, stretch as she might, she couldn't reach the tips of his hands to get the garment over them. It did cause her to press her meager bosom against his chest, though, which felt nice to both of them. Bobby's emotions, already at a heightened state, remembered the hug Meg had given him. He lowered his arms and hugged Sally.She went rigid in his arms, at first, as scenes of rape and ravishment shot through her brain. But it was just a hug, which became apparent quickly as he did nothing other than squeeze her in his arms. Her hands came tentatively to his back and she felt the welts and scars there, which shocked her.Sally pushed him away and spun him, to stare at what none of the women had seen, because they were all staring at something else."Ohhhh you poor thing." she moaned, tracing her fingertips lightly over the stripes. "You've been abused," she said.Sally might have been mousy, and not popular with the men, even before the war, so she had no experience with men as... men. But her maternal instincts were well developed by having worked with the children. Her heart, like Meg's before her, went out to the young man as she saw the evidence of repeated beatings on his back, buttocks and thighs. She spun him around again, to face her and, like Meg had, she took his face in her hands."No one will do that to you here, Bobby. Do you understand me? No one will hurt you here." she said softly. Her fingers slid down his throat to his chest, where they lingered. She wanted to hug him back, but was suddenly uncomfortable with the feeling in her stomach. She was disgusted by what had happened to this boy, but something else made her stomach feel fluttery at the same time."Now, let me get this on you." she said, working the arms of the nightshirt over his hands and then up and over his head and shoulders. He dropped his arms and the cloth slid down his body.But Sally's fingers on his back, and face and chest, along with her soothing voice, had reawakened in Bobby the pleasurable thoughts of a woman's smooth hands on his body, and his penis, being young and virile, had once again stiffened. It had, in fact, stiffened so much that it angled upward, and the falling cloth caught on it, suspending that part of the nightshirt, while the rest fell past his hips.Sally looked down and felt faint when she saw what had happened. She staggered backwards, staring at the first erection on a male older than ten that she had ever seen. The fluttery feelings in her stomach suddenly turned into a ball of warmth... lower in her body... just above the juncture of her legs."Oh my." she gasped.Bobby stood there, afraid to move. He saw fear in Sally's eyes, and he didn't want her to be afraid. She was staring at his penis, like Meg had, but her reaction was different than Meg's. He didn't want her to be afraid of him... didn't want her to withdraw from him. Tentatively he reached and pulled on the cloth, so it fell, covering him. It still tented out, where his penis pushed against it, but he couldn't do anything about that.His actions reassured Sally in ways that no speech ever could have and she relaxed."I'm being silly." she said, mostly to herself. She looked from the lump in his nightgown back up to his face. He smiled tentatively and she smiled back, just as tentatively, unused to using those muscles in her face."That was a surprise." she said, not knowing what else to say. "Are you all right?"Bobby nodded."Well we can't take you out there looking like that. Mavis would have a stroke. Perhaps you should just go to bed now." she suggested.Bobby turned and climbed into his bed. He felt soothed by what had happened in the bathroom, but felt his penis wanting to do that again. He hoped Sally would stroke him, like Meg had, but she didn't. She did come and kiss him on the forehead."Good night sweet prince." she whispered, letting the restraints on her imagination loosen. Her imagination had to make up for so many things she didn't have in her life. It was a good imagination because she used it a lot. She blushed as she left the room and stopped in the hallway to get control of herself. Then she went back downstairs like nothing had happened.CHAPTER FOURSally wasn't the only woman in the house who acted like nothing had happened.Something HAD happened, though. It had happened to all five women, though none of them compared notes. All five women had seen Bobby's penis and, while only two of them had seen it hard, all of them knew it could get that way. That, encouraged by all of them far underestimating his intelligence, led all of them to think about that penis a little differently than they would had they seen, say Frank, the storekeeper in town, without his pants.Of them all, two reacted more strongly than the others. Donna had wanted more children after Wally was born, but they waited until he was four or five to try again, and by then it was too late. By the time he tried making another baby, his fading ability had left him impotent for the most part. Donna had been able, for a year or two, to use her mouth on him and get him hard enough to penetrate her, but he never stayed hard enough to bring her to orgasm. So she was not only pining for more children, she was unsatisfied, and had to learn to use her fingers. That night, as she stroked her clit, lying in bed, she thought back on her life, and the life of the only man who'd claimed her sexually.Walter, being from the old school, thought that sex was something you did to make babies, and it wasn't for fun, even though, of course, it was fun. He'd worked the farm he inherited from his father at the tender age of twenty, and he had to work hard to make it go... much too hard to waste time on girls. The life of a bachelor farmer came easily to him, because he had no time to dwell on it. It had been on a winter's night a lot like this one, when it was too cold to do anything outside, and all the inside work had been done, and all his books had been read for the tenth or eleventh time, that his thoughts had drifted to what it might be like to have a warm woman in bed with him. With a start of horror, as if awakening from a dream, he realized he was fifty years old and had nothing to show for his life. The farm supported him, but he had no one to pass it on to.Walter Pratt had gone wife hunting the very next day, January the first, nineteen twenty-eight. It was almost ridiculously easy. He went to a church social, New Year's Day being on a Sunday that year, and talked to the only woman who wasn't accompanied by a man, and who was over the age of sixteen. Walter knew he had no business marrying a girl, even though that was perfectly honorable in those days. He wanted a woman who knew how to love a man, and who wouldn't kill him while he was between her legs.Donna, at the time, was considered a spinster. She was twenty-three, and every time her parents tried to get her married off she did whatever it took to spoil the plan. The problem was that Donna had gone to finishing school, where she met interesting men, but had no urge to marry any of them. When she went back home she was one of the best educated women in town, but it didn't do her a bit of good. The only jobs available for women were cleaning, and laundry, or being the servants of the rich folk, none of which appealed to her. She was stubborn, and it cost her. Eventually she got work as a nanny, which was fine, as far as that went, until the man of the house wanted to make more babies for her to care for... and not necessarily with his wife. She had stalked out of the house after slapping the man, abandoning her job in the process.That had been on December the thirty-first, the night before she met Walter Pratt.She talked to Walter because she was bored, but soon found him to be a fascinating man. He was well read and intelligent, if a little shy, but she found his shyness engaging too. They had talked for two hours, sharing bits and pieces of their lives and dreams and disappointments and, at his leave-taking, when he abruptly suggested that he needed a wife, and she needed a husband, and a place to lay her weary head, she blinked twice at his effrontery and heard herself say that she would consider his proposal most closely.When she thought about it, it made more sense to her than she wished it did. It provided for her. He was a decent man. He'd die first, of course, but that left the farm in her name. And if they could have children, like both of them wanted to, she and her children could work the land. She didn't think she'd be able to love him, but then one didn't always marry for love. The only reason she could think of not to do it was because there would then be no hope for excitement in her life.She had accepted his proposal and they were married by Valentines Day.To her surprise she HAD learned to love him. He was a good man, and sweet and sensitive. She worked hard - what she was able to do - but it was good work and it kept her from getting fat on her own cooking. His was horrible. And she had loved being pregnant. Knowing that life stirred in her womb had made her feel complete. Raising Tommy had made her happy, even when Walter began to be unable to please her in bed. Now Tommy was off in the war, and might be killed, and she had felt empty ever since he left. She knew she shouldn't feel that way. She had done good things in her life, and it hadn't been for nothing. Still, she yearned in her heart of hearts for more babies to raise and love... to keep her company in her old age.When Mavis had changed from a boarding house to an orphanage, it was as though she had been given a chance to do what she loved most... care for children. Now, as she rubbed her tortured clit, reaching for an orgasm, she felt pangs of guilt. She wasn't thinking of her dead husband's penis. What she envisioned in her mind could only be that of a much younger, more virile man. A man like Bobby.***Prudence had been exposed to a lot of sex by her husband before he left for the war, but his skill had been non existent. He climbed on her, shot his wad, and climbed off, not caring whether she had reached her peak or not. She, too, had wanted a child. She, too, had had to learn to satisfy herself with her fingers.Prudence lay in her own bed, in her own house, her fingers stuck firmly in her empty pussy as she writhed under the covers. Her orgasm came quickly. She was a hot blooded woman and, if she had the right fantasy in her mind she could cum quickly and often, for as long as she chose to keep making herself do it.That was a hollow victory, though, because there was nothing like the real thing, as far as Prudence was concerned. She was miserable, even though she had cum twice, thinking about Bobby. Her husband had left her, or was going to leave her... she didn't actually know what her status was. She assumed that there would have to be some papers to sign or something legal that she'd either have to do, or that would be delivered to her after it had been done, or something. She did know that Private Watson was still paying the rent, or having it paid, because the landlord hadn't kicked her out yet. Mavis had offered to let her live in the Milleson House, but she resisted that. It wasn't because of the women - she liked them all - and it wasn't because of the children - she loved them. Rather it was because if she moved in with them she'd have to admit that it was over... that another woman had taken her man... that she wasn't even desirable enough to come home to.Now she thought about her marriage, and the possibility that she'd have to move, and the possibility that she'd never have children. Men didn't want to marry a divorced woman. There were a lot of things men DID want to do with a divorced woman... but marriage wasn't one of them. She had gotten married to be able to have children. Working with the poor things at Mavis' house was fine - she loved that - but she wanted her own children so much it hurt. She had assumed, when she came to work for Mavis, that all the children were orphaned by disease, or accident, or perhaps, in the odd circumstance, crime. She was horrified to find out that a lot of women didn't want their children in the first place, and simply abandoned them to die. She didn't understand any woman who would give up a precious baby, much less let it die for lack of caring. She was quite sure she could commit murder on such a woman. All the children that they cared for at Milleson House deserved loving parents. Even poor Bobby.Thinking of Bobby made her remember why she'd needed to stroke herself when she got home. He was really quite a handsome boy, now that he had a little meat on his bones. His smile was gorgeous, rare as it was, and his tenderness with June Bug and Emily had brought tears to her eyes. She remembered that dangling penis he was so unconcerned about as he stood, naked, in front of five grown women.She began rubbing again. This time she was going to cum until she was too tired to stay awake.***Back in Milleson House Mavis lay with her eyes tightly closed, the vision of Bobby's penis clear in her mind's eye. She'd almost forgotten what an adult phallus looked like. Her hand stole to the joining of her legs. It had done that three times before, and she'd always jerked it back, ashamed that she wanted to pervert herself. At last, though, she couldn't stand it any more. With a groan of mingled frustration, satisfaction and shame, she pulled her night dress up and splayed her legs open. She was already slippery and wet.***The other two women in Milleson house lay in their beds too, their eyes wide open and staring at the unseen ceiling. Meg pinched her nipples, but couldn't bring herself to masturbate. She knew some women did that, but she couldn't picture herself as one of them. She had pride. She was stronger than those other women.In reality, though she didn't know it, she was only more frustrated than those other women. That frustration, and the image of Bobby's erect penis, shooting long streams of semen... kept her awake most of the night, tossing and turning.As for Sally, it was all so new to her that she just lay there thinking about what she had seen, and how things had felt, and all the new things she'd experienced. She was excited in the same way a scientist is excited when he's on the verge of a discovery. She didn't know what to expect, or what would happen, but she knew it would be interesting. Sally's dull, gray life had been boring for as long as she could remember. Interesting was so much more... interesting.***Bobby had lain in his warm bed, in this amazing house, with its fantastic practices, and had just relaxed. Relaxing was not something Bobby had much experience at, and it felt almost decadent. He felt twinges of conscience at fooling the women, all of whom were so nice that he was sure now that some kind of mistake had been made. No one he knew would have intentionally sent him to this wonderful place. It was too late to just yell "Surprise!" and laugh at the big joke. He knew, beyond any doubt, that their feelings would be hurt. They'd find out he wasn't simple-minded... that he could read just as well as Meg and Donna did... that he was perfectly capable of taking his own bath.He thought about the baths. He hadn't counted on that happening, but he was glad it had. The feel of Meg's hands on his skin - everywhere, not just on his cock - was almost indescribably wonderful. He'd cut out his own tongue if it ensured that Meg would bathe him for the next year or two.Then he thought about the feeling in is cock when it had squirted. He'd thought something was wrong with him at first. The pain had come on him like a rushing freight train and had stabbed directly through his penis and into his aching balls. Her hand moving had caused that pain. He knew that now. And then the pain in his balls had reversed and come back out his dick as the most intense pleasure he had ever felt. Ecstasy is something a lot of people feel rarely. It has a lot of definitions, but ecstacy, in this case, was the sudden experience of unanticipated joy. That's rare, in the sense that we have expectations of joy usually. We plan for it, and reach for it, and when it arrives it is expected. That's fine, but when it's UN-expected, the feeling can be overpowering. Not only Bobby, but Meg too had experienced ecstasy that night.Somehow, he knew that if he rubbed his own cock, he could make that feeling come back.But he didn't.That was saved for Meg to do. If she refused to do it again, then he'd do it for himself. But only if she refused.His relaxation ended abruptly and violently as a piercing scream cut the air in the dark, quiet house. Patrick screamed again, a wailing, horrified, blood curdling scream and Bobby bolted up out of bed. He dashed out into the hall and down to the second floor, where he threw the door open, expecting to find someone beating the daylights out of poor Patrick. Bobby's eyes had become accustomed to the dark. What he found was Patrick, eyes wide open, tears running down his face, leaning against the iron bedstead with the covers pulled up to his chin. His roommate, Terrence sat up in bed, rubbing his eyes. Patrick was babbling and, when he saw Bobby, his hand jerked forward and he pointed to the closet door in the corner of the room. In the darkness Bobby saw something move on the face of the door. He realized instantly that what he was seeing was moonlight, bouncing off the snow, and being broken up by tree branches moving in the wind outside. He moved to the window and closed the curtains, just as Sally and Meg came running into the room, panting from their dash up the stairs. Meg had a kerosene lamp in her hand."What's WRONG?" she shouted, elevating tensions in the room just by her own tense reaction."The Umpelty Oog!" squealed Patrick. "The Umpelty Oog!" he screamed.Meg stared and looked upward, slumping. Sally sighed at the same time. Mavis came puffing up the hallway, asking what was wrong.Meg moaned. "Patrick says he saw the Umpelty Oog." She turned, angry now that she'd been pulled out of bed for this. "Patrick, how many times have I TOLD you there IS NO SUCH THING as the Umpelty Oog!"Patrick cried now. "But I SAW him" he pleaded. "I saw him!"Jenny, Emily and June Bug appeared in the open door, huddling together. Their room was right next door to this one. They looked terrified too.Bobby recognized the women doing what all adults did... ignore children's fears and concerns. He'd always thought adults just didn't care, but he couldn't think that about these women. They had shown him too many times that they were different. He'd seen what had convinced Patrick that something was moving in the corner, so he understood that Patrick could believe in the imaginary beast. And he knew that if they all just left, Patrick would still believe that he was in danger.Bobby slapped the closet door with the flat of his hand. The boom startled even him."What?!" cried Mavis and Sally. Bobby put one finger up to his lips, in the universal signal to be quiet. Then he tiptoed over to Meg and took her hand, pulling her toward the closet. She resisted at first, but then curiosity overcame her unhappiness at being jerked from her warm bed - even though she couldn't sleep - for this nonsense.When he got her to the closet door, Bobby began a series of pantomimes that included taking a deep breath and then opening his mouth widely. He took her hand and traced the letters "S-C-R-E-A-M" into them and then pointed at her."You want me to yell?" she asked.Bobby nodded and then went through the whole plan one last time. He would jerk the door open and she would scream.Her eyes got wide.She whispered "You want me to scare the Umpelty Oog away?"Bobby nodded again.Meg smiled widely. She stood up and turned around. Everyone in the room was watching them like they were monkeys in the zoo.Bobby and I are going to scare the Umpelty Oog away. Cover your ears please." she said smoothly.Of course nobody covered their ears. But they should have. When Bobby jerked the door open Meg let out all her pent up passion and frustration in a blood curdling scream that, had it been summer, with the windows open, would have brought men running from four houses over. Bobby slapped the closet door three or four times and then slammed it closed. Then they turned to see what their audience thought.Mavis had one hand over her heart, and the other over her mouth. Sally had both hands over her mouth. Patrick and Terrence both sat, their eyes round as saucers, their mouths wide open, and their hands gripping their covers.Mavis snorted and then bit her tongue to keep from laughing. She went to the bed and urged Patrick to lie back down. Then she tucked him in securely. "Well, if I were the Umpelty Oog I surely wouldn't want to stick around here... not with Meg screaming at me like that. And I bet he's afraid of Bobby too. He's used to little boys and Bobby just plain scared him away, don't you think so?"Patrick's saucer eyes blinked and he nodded hopefully."Of course he did. Now you just go to sleep. I don't think the Umpelty Oog will be back to bother you again tonight."Everyone filed out. In the hallway, Meg had an excuse to hug Bobby again, this time with only a thin night dress... well, two of them, his and hers... but both thin... between them. She kissed his cheek warmly as her unfettered breasts pressed against his chest. "Thank you Bobby," she said. "That was just brilliant."Bobby held on, feeling the heat of her breasts coming through the cloth between them. She let go of him before his prick could become fully erect and push into her.Then everybody went back to bed.For Bobby and Meg, things were very much like they had been before the excitement.***The next day Bobby made some preparations for future events. With all the snow on the ground, it was difficult, but he finally found a suitable stick, of suitable thickness, that made a satisfying and loud snapping sound as he broke it across his knee. Based on what he'd heard, he smuggled two lengths of the stick into the house, hiding one in Patrick and Terrence's closet and the other in the room that held Jenny, Emily and June Bug.Then he went about his normal chores, filling coal buckets, clearing the walk of blown snow and playing with the children. Donna called to him to come with her for the marketing and he put on his coat, boots and the ridiculous but warm hat he now owned. He followed Donna to the Dry Goods store and she loaded him up."Bobby, you wait outside," she said. "I want to talk to Mister Robinson privately."It was while Bobby was outside that he overheard two women talking about how school would be starting up again the next day. His spirits sank.Donna came out and hustled back home, clutching her purse, which consisted of an ornate cloth bag with a drawstring that kept it closed, and which she could loop around her wrist. Bobby trudged along behind her and, when they got back home, into the dining room, dumped all the parcels he had carried onto the table. He automatically started putting things away, while Donna called all the women together and they huddled. He heard exclamations and clapping and then Mavis called to him."Bobby, would you come in here please?"He went and found all five women standing in a semi-circle, smiling at him. Mavis had something in her hand."Bobby, what you did last night was a fine thing... a caring thing... and we all felt like you should be rewarded. This is for you."She held out her hand and opened it. In it was a brand new pocket knife. Bobby couldn't believe his eyes. It was beautiful, with a dark wooden handle. He'd never seen anything so beautiful."Go on... take it." urged Mavis, moving her hand closer to him. "Now you can finish your carving."Bobby picked up the knife reverently. In etched letters on a brass plate were the words "Old Timer". It had two blades. One blade was short, with a blunt tip, while the other was longer and very sharp at the tip. He dragged the edge of the blade across one fingertip crosswise, and felt the keen edge dig into his skin. It was fabulously sharp. Tears welled up in his eyes. No one had ever given him a present before this. He was suddenly ashamed of his tears, and wiped at his eyes with the hand that wasn't holding the knife.Quite suddenly he was surrounded by women, who were also crying and smiling at the same time. That morphed into a big hug, with all of them trying to hug him and each other at the same time. He put his arms around as many of them as he could."What are you doing?" piped a young voice.The women either turned, or looked over their shoulders to see Terrence standing alone, looking curiously at the group of crying people.It just so happened that Meg was on Bobby's right in the group, where his arms had gone around them. And, it so happened that, when she heard Terrence, she turned to face him. It was coincidence that she both turned outward from the group, rather than inward. And it was a further coincidence that Bobby's right hand, the one that wasn't holding the knife, was at the same level as Meg's breasts. The result of so many coincidences was that Bobby's hand ended up filled with soft breasts. His hand slid across one mound and then landed on the other before the woman realized what was happening. She inadvertently froze at just the time that her right breast filled his hand. That hand just naturally flexed to cup what was in it.Meg's face flamed and she made herself move, astonished to find that she didn't want to. That hand cupping her breast felt nice in a way that she was completely unprepared for. Mavis had turned in the same direction and, though she hadn't seen what happened, she saw Meg's pink flush."Whatever is wrong with you?" she asked, reaching up to cup Meg's chin in her hands and looking at both sides of her face. Bobby's hand had dropped to his side by now."Is it hot in here?" Meg asked nervously.The group broke up to tend to children in various places around the house, leaving Bobby to examine his new knife. He went immediately to his gunny sack, which he still kept under the bed in his room, and removed the lump of wood that was only partly finished. Then he took it to a chair beside the coal stove, sat, and began working on it. His new knife was much sharper than the one that had been taken from him, and the carving proceeded quickly. No one bothered him, and by suppertime the dog was almost complete. It sat, on its haunches, head tilted, one ear up, tongue lolling. It was beautiful. All the women examined it closely, praising Bobby's uncanny skill at giving life to the dead wood.Because school was to start up again the next day, an extra bath night was thrown into the schedule.This particular night, both June Bug and Emily were in the group that remained to listen to the story while the others were taken for baths. There was immediately competition between the two as both tried to climb up on his lap at the same time. He solved that problem by putting one on each thigh and wrapping his arms around them. His eyes met Meg's and, again, he saw that glint in her eye that went with a look on her face that he usually didn't see.They got through another fifteen pages of Alice's adventures. When June Bug and Emily were taken off to bathe, and Bobby's lap was unencumbered, he got down on the floor and helped dry and clothe the naked children from the first shift. It was eerily silent, as it always was when Meg was reading. The children stood, rapt, their attention concentrated on Meg's voice as their arms were lifted and night clothes were placed on their unresisting bodies.That silence vanished, of course, when Meg closed the book. There were cries of "More... read some more" and "Not yet"June bug and Emily, who were roommates, came to Bobby and each took a hand, dragging him to their room on the second floor."We want you to tuck us in." piped Emily. Jenny stood nearby nodding.Prudence looked at Donna. They usually took the second floor girls at bedtime. Donna shrugged her shoulders and grinned. "Looks like somebody has some new girlfriends." she said softly.Meg called out. "Hurry back Bobby, you have to take a bath too.""You need any help with him tonight?" asked Prudence, giggling.Mavis snorted. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Pru!"Prudence laughed. "Why Mavis, whatever do you mean? Surely you don't think that just because the man I used to have has been gone for two years, and probably isn't coming back, that I'm on the prowl for a replacement."Mavis smiled. "You can't fool me Pru. I know exactly what you were thinking.""Mavis!" laughed Prudence. "I'm shocked!" She got a sly look on her face. "And, based on what you just said, YOU are thinking exactly the same thing!"Meg, who had indeed been re-evaluating her stand on a few things, didn't like the way the conversation was going, put a frown on her face. "I certainly do NOT need any help with the poor boy. Especially from two hussies who can't control their thoughts!"Donna laughed out loud. "Make that THREE hussies, Meg. Don't forget poor little me."Meg felt guilty, because if she did what she wanted to do tonight, she'd be a much worse hussy than any of them. But she relaxed as they went on with their normal routine.Bobby bounced back down the stairs and stood beside Meg, docile while she finished diapering the baby and then handed him to Sally, who had the toddler on her other hip. Mavis came and took the baby so that Sally could hold four year old Johnny's hand as they went up to the room those three were in.Meg turned to Bobby. "Are you ready?" she asked. He nodded, with just the hint of a smile on his face. He could feel his penis getting stiff already.This time Bobby undressed himself, while Meg set about filling the tub. She was already nervous when she turned around to look at him. Her eyes widened as she saw him standing placidly, his erect phallus pointing at her. Her eyes darted to the door, and the skeleton key that hung on a nail high up on the door jamb. She looked back at Bobby's rampant prick and the tingle that went through her made her move. She went to the door, got the key and carefully inserted it in the lock, turning it until it clicked. Then she replaced the key on the nail and turned around. Her hands unconsciously went to cover her abdomen."Bobby?" she said.He looked at her."I thought that... um what with my dress getting all wet last time that... if I um... took it off, it wouldn't get wet and I wouldn't have to go change when we're done." she finished in a rush. He stared at her. Had she been closer to him she might have seen his pupils dilate. She also didn't notice his prick angle up slightly more than level."Is that all right?" she asked, her voice trembling.Bobby didn't know what to do. Just the thought of her without her dress on made his balls and penis feel almost like it had when it squirted. He had the urge to grab his cock and squeeze it, but controlled himself. He didn't think that would be the right thing to do right now. For lack of anything else to do he nodded.Meg fiddled nervously with the buttons on the front of her dress. "Have you ever seen a woman... naked?" she asked.Bobby had no trouble shaking his head. It just came naturally. His cock moved upward even more, beginning to point at her face now."This is only so I don't ruin my dress." she said, trying to convince herself.When Bobby just kept standing there Meg took a breath and began unbuttoning the bodice of her dress. She wasn't wearing a bra tonight. The stiff fabric parted to expose creamy white skin. She couldn't tear her eyes away from his as she pushed one shoulder, and then the other off, and the dress slid down, catching on the swell of her hips. She had to fight her arms to keep them from covering her breasts. Bobby's mouth dropped open, his eyes riveted to her naked chest. Taking another breath Meg pushed the dress down and it fell in a pool around her ankles. She suddenly knew that, when she took her panties off, they'd be damp. Bobby's docile attitude actually fed her confidence and she stepped out of her dress, hung it up on another nail, and then bent quickly to pulled her panties down and off. When she stood, she was naked for the first time in her life in front of a man. Her hands fluttered at her waist, wanting to cover her groin and her breasts. She fought that urge too."Let's g-g-get you in the tub." she croaked.Ecstasy, that unexpected intense joy, can change the way you look at the world. It had changed Meg. She had already done something that, a month ago she'd have slapped a man for suggesting she do. Now she was naked, something else that was unchacteristic for her.Meg had decided that she had to feel his skin against hers. She had dreamed of it and fantasized about it and the need to feel him against her had grown until she felt like she might burst. The tub was easily large enough for two - they put four children in it at the same time with no problem. She helped him step into the tub and then stepped in with him, the warm water rising to her calves."N-n-now you sit down and I'll wash your back." she said, breathlessly.When he sat she did too, extending her legs beside him so that he sat between them, with his back only inches away. She reached up and grabbed the soap and began to wash his back with her hands. Now, besides feeling the ridges left by repeated assaults on him, she could see them too. Her emotions, already stretched to the breaking point, flooded out and she sobbed twice before being able to control her voice. The last thing she needed was for someone to come knocking at that door wanting to know who was crying and why. And then wanting to know why the door was locked.Her arms went around him and she pulled him back against her, her hands smoothing along his chest.For Bobby, the feel of her hands, replaced by her soft breasts pressing into his back, almost made him cum. He concentrated on the feel of her fingers as they swept across his nipples, stopping momentarily to explore them. He heard her sob and didn't understand how anybody could be unhappy in this situation. He turned, his eyebrows raised and caught himself just as he was about to ask what was wrong. Her face was right there, by his cheek as he turned his upper body. He remembered how good her kiss had felt. If he kissed her would it make her feel good too? Her wide eyes stared into his as she panted. He twisted a little more, leaning back against the side of the tub and her arm raised to go around his neck.Bobby leaned forward to touch his lips to hers.Meg had only thought about the feel of his skin on hers. There was a cloud of misty thoughts beyond that, but they were formless and drifting. Now, with his face so close to hers... his lips just inches away... she didn't know what to do. When he kissed her, her mind exploded into stars and she needed to touch herself, like she wouldn't let herself do in the dark of night in her bed. She couldn't reach her pussy, though, because his hip was digging into it. Instead she reached for his prick.The kiss electrified both of them and they ground their lips together, their tongues clashing as their mouths opened. His hand came up to reach for her face, but he couldn't quite reach it. It settled on her breast again, his fingers naturally gravitating to her nipple. His fingers, just as naturally, explored that turgid bump, as hers had his own, and that one little squeeze brought Meg off like a bomb. She had not thought to have an orgasm... only to feel his skin... and her loins exploded where his hip pressed against her clit, ecstasy blowing her mind clear of all thought for a few seconds. Her hand gripped his shaft so hard that he grunted and she immediately let go, unable to concentrate on what was happening in her body and tend to his at the same time. Her own groan of release she managed to keep in, except for the sound that she let loose into his open mouth.Meg slumped back against the back of the tub, eyes closed, weak from her experience. Bobby twisted more, nervous that something had happened to her, and gave a sigh of relief as she opened her eyes.Her head lolled and she looked at the door. Suddenly realizing it was locked, and had been locked for quite a while, she surged upward, pushing Bobby to the front of the tub."You stay right there until I get things back to normal." she whispered. She stepped out of the tub, running a towel over her body and stepping back into her dress. She hurriedly buttoned the front, checked her hair in the mirror - she had put it into a bun so it wouldn't get wet - and smoothed the dress over her hips. Then she turned back to Bobby, who had watched her interestedly."Now you." she said huskily.He stood up in anticipation.She got to her knees as he bent backwards slightly, presenting his dripping rod to her. This was something else Meg had thought about. His taste had fascinated her the last time, and she had thought of a way to make sure that he didn't make a mess when he squirted this time. She reached out and grasped his firm rod lightly in her hand. Then she leaned forward and slid her lips over the head of his prick.Bobby had been excited ever since he saw her naked body revealed. Like her, the feel of skin on skin had brought him close to release. If she'd have left her hand on him a moment longer he would have spurted in the water. Now, as he felt his cock head engulfed in her hot mouth, he exploded, ecstacy once again flooding his mind until he couldn't think. Her other hand came up to cup his balls, and while her fingers missed the first jerk, they felt the next three as he leaned even further backward and groaned. Her mouth filled with thick fluid and Meg gulped instinctively to keep it from filling her mouth too much. After she felt the third jet she sucked, sliding her lips further up his spurting pole and then back again. She pulled off of him and swirled his cum around in her mouth, running her tongue along her teeth... tasting him again.He was, she decided, delicious. His prick began to flag, to settle and grow smaller. A bubble of that delicious fluid seeped out of the little hole and she sucked at the tip, letting her fingers milk him for the last drops.Her knees ached, and that woke her to the task at hand. She got him out of the tub and, out of habit, dried him off. She couldn't resist bending over and sucking at his limp penis one last time, to make sure, she told herself, that nothing dripped out of it that would alert the others. She planned again to take him out into the dining room naked... to re-enforce in the minds of the women that he was just a boy... whose penis probably didn't get stiff at all.Last, before they left, she embraced him and kissed him deeply."Thank you Bobby." she whispered in his ear. "You made me very happy."Bobby felt the urge to kiss her neck, and he did so, tasting her skin. She shuddered and pushed him away."You must never do that when the others can see," she said. "They'd make us stop if they knew. I don't want to stop, Bobby. You won't... will you?"Bobby, again, had no trouble shaking his head.In one frame of reference, though he didn't know it, Bobby had just arrived at level three of Mr. Maslow's pyramid. Someone had honest feelings of love for him.CHAPTER FIVEMeg should have noticed, when they left the bathroom, that all four of the other women seemed to have something to do in the dining room, but she was too busy trying to act completely normal."I see you fared a little better tonight," said Mavis, looking at Meg's dress, an odd look on her face."Yes, Bobby is a good boy, and learns very quickly," said Meg. She saw Sally looking oddly at her too, one eyebrow raised, but ignored her rather than ask what was troubling her. Instead she went about finding Bobby's night shirt, which she'd purposely put in the wash so it would be in the pile. She got it on him and took his hand."I'll go with you," said Sally suddenly."Oh" said Meg. "All right."Bobby led the way, climbing the steps, turning the corner and climbing another flight as the two women followed him. Sally followed Meg as they entered his room with the lantern she had picked up. They didn't use electricity unless they had to, due to the war.They tucked Bobby in and Sally watched as Meg leaned down to kiss him on his forehead. Then, to Meg's surprise, Sally leaned over and kissed him on the cheek. Sally wasn't one to exhibit feelings like that.When they left the room Sally went first and was waiting for Meg."What happened in the bathroom?" asked Sally, her voice low."Whatever do you mean?" asked Meg. She was glad it was dark, because she was blushing.Sally's finger came up and pointed at Meg's chest. "Your dress was properly buttoned when you went in there." she said simply.Meg looked down and was horrified to see that she had missed a button, and the top three were in the wrong holes."Surely... you're mistaken," said Meg weakly.Sally folded her arms under her meager breasts. "I'm not mistaken Meg. Your dress was not buttoned like that when you went into that room."Meg felt her stomach knot. She was in trouble and she knew it. She threw herself on Sally's mercy. "It's just that he splashes so much." she started, wringing her hands. "And I just thought that... if I took my dress off then it wouldn't get ruined, and I wouldn't have to change into a new one..." She stared at Sally, for some sign that her story was being accepted... or at least understood."You let him see you naked?" Sally's voice rose above a whisper."He's such a good boy Sally, so sweet and helpless. And he's been so abused. It didn't hurt anything. Why he barely even responded." She bit off that last part. She hadn't meant to say anything about his response to her nudity. But her tongue had run away with itself. It always had, and it had always gotten her into trouble."But he DID respond... didn't he Meg?" probed Sally. She knew what that response was too."Well... yes... a little." admitted Meg."What did you do?" asked Sally.Meg was confused. Sally never talked about anything for long... never probed like this... asked so many questions. This was a different Sally than the one Meg knew."Please, Sally, I didn't hurt anything. He's just a poor boy. Don't tell Mavis. She'll throw me out Sally.""What did you do, Meg?" asked Sally again. "You touched him, didn't you?""Sally..." Meg pleaded."Did you touch him?" asked Sally, her voice low.Meg dropped her head and shook it, not wanting to have to admit this to this strange woman."Don't lie to me Meg. I may be quiet, but I'm not stupid, and neither is Mavis. If you don't think she saw your dress buttoned wrong then you're a silly goose! That boy's... penis... was limp as a noodle when you brought him out of there. If you didn't do something then it shouldn't have been limp like that."Meg knew it was over. And that made her mad. She knew that what she and Bobby had done was wrong, at least by the standards of this house, but she hadn't hurt him, and it had been something wonderful and warm and lovely for them both. She believed that."What I did in there is my business." she said, raising her head and standing tall. "I did not hurt him or coerce him in any way. If you feel compelled to take this to Mavis then I suppose you will. But I'll not let you make me feel like I did something wrong. Everything that happened in there was good, and sweet and full of love."She started to push around Sally, who lifted her hands and placed them firmly on Meg's chest, above her breasts."Stop" she said.This CERTAINLY wasn't the Sally Meg knew. Sally didn't have an assertive bone in her body."I want to know," said Sally softly. "I just want to know what it was like. That's all.""I don't understand," said Meg."Meg, look at me. I know I'm not attractive, like you. No man has ever even kissed me, much less anything else. I know I'll die a spinster, never knowing a man's touch or... what you did in there. At least let me hear what it's like to be fully a woman." Sally dropped her hands.Meg's eyes grew round and white in the dark. "We didn't do THAT!" she whispered loudly. "Please believe that I wouldn't do THAT with him. He's just a boy!""But you did do SOMETHING!" Sally probed again.Meg took a breath and nodded."Will you tell me about it?" pleaded Sally, leaning forward.Her attitude was so yearning that Meg believed her. "Yes, but not now. They're probably already wondering what's taking us so long. I'll tell you, but later. I promise.""Done!" said Sally. She grinned, also something that came strangely to her face.When they got downstairs Donna and Prudence had already gone home. Mavis was sitting and darning socks by the stove. She looked up at the two women."Well, took you long enough. How much tucking in does one skinny boy need?" She arched an eyebrow."Oh!" said Meg. "He's been in bed a while now. Sally and I were just talking.""That's nice," said Mavis, looking back down at her mending. "I thought you'd have fixed that dress by now Meg."Meg's hand went to the buttons immediately and her shoulders slumped. She'd completely forgotten about that during Sally's interrogation. She waited for the questions she knew Mavis was now going to ask.But when Mavis looked up all she said was "Off to bed with you. We've an early morning tomorrow getting them all off to school."That night, the Umpelty Oog struck again. This time it was in Jenny, Emily and June Bug's room, and it was Emily who screamed out her horror in the night. Meg got there first, since she stayed in the room next door. Patrick and Terrence were next, and then Bobby arrived from upstairs as Sally ghosted down the hallway, belting a robe around her.Emily cried that, when they'd scared it out of Patrick's room, it came to hers and was hiding in HER closet now. June Bug huddled under her blankets, her head firmly covered. Jenny was in the same bed as June Bug, but peeked out, the covers up to her chin.Meg was cross. With all that had happened, she didn't need this foolishness, and she didn't feel like screaming again at the top of her lungs.Bobby held up a finger though, and everybody looked at him. He squared his shoulders and then began dancing around, throwing boxer's punches at nothing. Then he straightened up again, and pointed to himself, and then at the closet. He took Meg by her arms and moved her close to Emily's bed. He shooed the two boys out into the hallway.Then he marched to the closet door, opened it, stepped inside, and slammed the door closed. He felt immediately for the stick he had hidden there earlier. Once he had it in his hand he began banging the walls with it, and throwing his body around inside the closet. He laid the stick on the floor, opened the door and thrust himself out into the room, falling to the floor and rolling. There were screams from Emily and the boys. Bobby hauled himself up and went back in the closet, leaving the door halfway open this time. He retrieved the stick, bounced himself off the walls a few more times and then broke the stick over his knee with a sharp crack.Bobby stuffed the broken pieces of the branch up under some clothes on the top shelf. Then he walked out of the closet, dusting off his hands, slapping his palms together and smiling widely. He stopped, and put his hands on his hips, like he'd seen in a picture of Peter Pan in one of the books downstairs. He looked at the women first. Meg was covering a smile with her hand. Sally looked on, her mouth open. Mavis had arrived during the incident, and Meg had one hand on her arm, restraining her."What happened?" asked Patrick in a squeaky voice.Bobby pantomimed boxing again, and then made the same motions he would as if breaking something in half with his hands. He let his head flop sideways and made his tongue hang out, slumping."You KILLED HIM?!" squealed Emily. "You KILLED the Umpelty Oog?!"Bobby straightened up and dusted his hands again, smiling. Then he went to the closet door and swung it wide, as if to show them it was now empty.Patrick edged into the room, craning his neck to see. "Where is he?" he asked, holding on to Mavis' night dress in a grip that threatened to pull it off her shoulders.Bobby had thought of that too. He stuffed imaginary things in his mouth, chewed and swallowed, and then rubbed his stomach."You ATE the Umpelty Oog?!" squealed Emily. She bounded out of bed and threw herself at Bobby, hugging his legs fiercely."Wow," said Patrick in a hushed voice. He looked up at Mavis, who was holding her nightdress on. "He killed the Umpelty Oog." he said, his voice hushed."He most certainly did," said Mavis, her voice loud in the room. "And I, for one, am glad the ugly beast will trouble us no more. At last we can get a good night's sleep. Off to bed children. School starts again tomorrow."Mavis took charge of the two boys and herded them toward their room.Emily looked up at Bobby."I could kiss you Bobby." she said, mimicking something she'd heard an adult say one time."Well" said Sally, coming across the room. "I'll kiss him for you, and you get to BED!" She reached down to swat Emily's backside.Emily squealed and laughed and ran, jumping up on the bed and burrowing under her covers.Sally looked calmly in Bobby's eyes and pulled his face down for a kiss.Sally had never kissed a man. She'd kissed her pillow, and a few dogs as she was growing up, before she realized that men weren't interested in her. And she'd kissed the babies and cooed at them. So she knew, in theory, how to kiss. She pressed her soft lips to Bobby's in an attempt to tell him how powerfully thankful she was for what he'd just done.Bobby, having already decided that he liked this kissing business, kissed her back. He kissed her the only way he knew how to kiss... the way he kissed Meg.Sally's world changed forever in that kiss. It left her weak-kneed and gasping for breath. She was suddenly quite sure she'd have been a lot happier if she hadn't done it, because now she knew she'd never be happy unless she had a man to kiss her like that whenever she wanted to. But she took what was offered, as she did in the rest of her life, and enjoyed it to the maximum. When she finally sank back down on her heels and turned around, her glazed eyes took in the three other females in the room, all watching her intently.Meg stepped forward. "And I will kiss him for June Bug and Jenny," she said. She reacted to that kiss much as Sally had. She hoped, more than she had hoped for many things in her life, that she'd get the chance to kiss him again.The girls, however, were having none of it. "I can hug him myself," said Emily, sitting up in bed and holding out her arms.Bobby went over between the beds and hugged the little girl, planting a quick kiss on her lips. Then he turned to find Jenny and June Bug standing up in their bed, holding out their arms too. June Bug hugged him fiercely and planted five or six kisses on his cheeks and lips before dropping like a stone and getting back under the covers. Jenny, being older, gave him a quick hug and a peck on the lips, and joined her bedmate.Then, walking very normally, Bobby went past the two women, turned and went toward the stairs."You HAVE to tell me!" whispered Sally, her hand gripping Meg's arm."I will," said Meg. "I will."***Miss Rachael Templeton slogged through the door of her two room schoolhouse, stomping the snow off her feet and going to the stove to get it going. Once she had a blaze of wood burning, she fed it some coal and closed the pot bellied stove up, adjusting the draft so it wouldn't smoke too badly. Next she went to the sink and looked inside. Sure enough, there was a glaze of ice in the bottom. She tried the pump handle, and sighed with relief when she heard the gurgle that meant it wasn't frozen up.There wasn't anything else to do until the children arrived... if they arrived. She normally had fourteen students, the vast majority of them from Mrs. Milleson's orphanage. Other than them there were the twelve-year-old Halsted twins, Patsy Brown, who was fourteen and too old to still be going to a combined school, but did anyway because it was the only school available within twenty miles, and Mike Simpson, who only came to school when his father didn't need him on the farm. That occurrence was rare, even in the dead of winter for some reason.She left her coat and gloves on, as the room wouldn't warm up for an hour or two. She had stuffed rags in the chinks around windows, and had managed to get the town fathers to supply heavy curtains that helped a little. But all there was between them and the cold, cruel world outside were clapboards nailed to studs. The whole place shook in the wind if it was strong enough.She wandered over to the rope that hung down in the center of the room and grasped it, putting her whole weight on it as she pulled downward. She heard the doleful tolling of the big brass bell up above and knew that it was being heard all over town.Then she pulled up a chair next to the stove and sat, huddling, wondering yet again how she had ended up in Hampstead Nebraska in the middle of the coldest winter she'd ever seen in her life. It wasn't supposed to happen like this. Rachel came from a good family back east, in Philadelphia, where things were civilized, even during the war. Her role models had been the beautiful and talented teachers who taught there, women who were respected and revered. She had looked at her teachers, dreaming about being one of them who, with the wave of a hand, could have a boy taken out and paddled.Rachel had gone to college to be a teacher. She did that mostly because that's really what she wanted to do... to make a difference in young people's lives. But she also did it because she saw what other choices women had. She happened to have entered college a year before Pearl Harbor was attacked, which gave her precedence when things started to get tight. She shuddered at the thought of what she'd be doing if she hadn't been in teacher's college. She'd heard of women welding, for pity's sake, carrying heavy things, building airplanes and getting filthy. So she applied herself to make sure she got that sheepskin, and one of those cushy jobs back east.Except that it hadn't worked out that way. What no one told her was that there were very few cushy jobs any more, for teachers or anyone else. And for the cushy jobs that DID exist, there were twenty... fifty... a hundred women lined up who would do anything to get them.Rachel could have gotten one. All she'd have had to do was sleep with Horace Vandermeister. But his knowing sneer and his fat belly when he told her "the facts of life" left her so nauseated that she actually cursed at him. He had promptly, somehow, arranged for her to be assigned to the Hampstead Nebraska Consolidated School.She had appealed to her father to get her out of her assignment, but she couldn't tell him the real reason why. He had harrumphed and told her that adversity built character, and that pressure made diamonds and probably six or seven more worn out cliché's before she quit listening and resigned herself to go to Nebraska. Besides, wasn't middle America just full of strong, tall men who worked the earth and were windblown and sun-creased and handsome?That stereotype had bitten the bullet as soon as she stepped off the train and had to carry her own bags. No one met her. She was expected to find her way around, arrange for her lodgings herself and introduce herself to the superintendent of schools, Hiram Hochstedder who, when he wasn't conducting extremely important school business, ran Duffy's Tavern over on "B" street. "These hicks," she had muttered to herself, "can't even name a street, much less treat me with the respect a school teacher deserves." She conveniently failed to remember that she had absolutely no experience at all in actually teaching.That first day had been tough on Rachel. When she asked around for the superintendent of schools, she was referred to a saloon, which no lady of any standing would think of entering. But she had to, because she had no money, and needed a place to stay. Her "room" was out back of that very same saloon in a tidy little building with three actual rooms, including a tiny kitchen. The whole place smelled faintly of manure, but it was somewhere to hang her hat, so she settled in. It was six months before someone told her she was living in what used to be the stables.But by then, she had learned a large number of important life lessons, chief among them that, if you aren't nice to people, then they very well may shit on you if they have the chance. And there was a LOT of shit in this town. She had adjusted slowly and painfully though, and even though she wouldn't have thought it, she was a better person for what she'd gone through. It was soon clear that she had no hopes for bagging a rich man in this town, or even a young one. And so, her cherished virginity was perfectly safe and intact... and in Hampstead Nebraska she didn't see much of an opportunity for that to change.Well, actually, she could probably lose it at the drop of a hat, but it would be with a man over forty-five, probably a farmer and quite likely someone who had a window in his mouth when he smiled.That Rachel's virginity was intact was a thing of sadness to most of the men in town, including the married ones. Rachel came from fine Swedish stock, with that clear skin, blue eyes and golden hair that makes men's scrotums tighten. She was a healthy girl too, with bulging breasts and wide hips. Her lips were full and dark, even without the makeup women had to give up during the war. Rachel was a walking, talking baby machine, from the men's point of view. That the machine was still brand new and had never been taken out on the road seemed a horrible waste. There was pretty much a consensus among the men too, that it was just too bad that she set such damn high standards for herself.So, since Rachel didn't have to spend much time on managing men, she turned all her energies to her students.To her everlasting amazement, Rachel found out she loved teaching, and was actually pretty good at it. She loved "her" children and, during the autumn, actually gave serious consideration to staying here. The war couldn't last forever, and she knew that some thirty young men from Hampstead would be returning when it was over.Then winter set in and Rachel decided that she had to do a good enough job to get transferred to somewhere civilized.***By the time it was warm enough to take her gloves off, her first student had arrived. Patsy stomped into the room like Rachel had, trying to get enough snow off her footwear to make sure they didn't get too wet when the rest melted. Patsy was an unimaginative girl who, fifty or sixty years ago would have been married already, with one baby on her hip, and another in her belly. She didn't see the need to learn anything, but was so lazy that she went to school so she didn't have to stay home, where she'd be expected to work.Then there was general pandemonium as Mrs. Milleson's brood flooded in through the door, accompanied by two of the women who worked there. There was a man with them too, which was surprising. She looked more closely as the man took off a ridiculous coonskin cap. No, he was a boy, maybe Patsy's age. Two of the Milleson girls were hanging off of him like Christmas ornaments, and he bent over to help them out of their coats. She started to tell him to stop, because it was too cold in the school house yet, but the women were also removing the coats of the other children. They didn't look like they were cold and she shivered. If she ever lived here long enough to get used to this kind of cold she was going to find a pistol and blow her brains out.One of the women stood up. What was her name? Hortence? Paula? Oh yes... Prudence. Her husband was off at the war. Rachel smiled at her."This is our latest acquisition." Prudence said, indicating the boy. "His name is Bobby, and he's mute."Rachel sighed. Another one that didn't talk. She already had that odd little girl with that odd little name. Who in the world named a child June Bug? If she'd been named June Bug she wouldn't talk either. On the other hand, June Bug had a knack with numbers, and with a pencil and paper, she could do things that a lot of much older children couldn't do."Do we have any idea of his capabilities?" asked Rachel."Only that he can write... at least a little," said the woman. "We're not sure. We thought he was simple-minded, but he's a little too quick at picking up some things for that to hold water in my opinion.""Well, then, perhaps we have something to work with," said Rachel. The boy was staring at her. All males stared at her. She corrected her estimation of his age upward. But his gaze wasn't lustful, like those of most men. He was just looking at her... with a look that was more like "just interested" than "wishing you were naked".She walked over to him, smiling the smile she used with men when she wanted them to pant and beg to please her."Well, Bobby is it? How nice. I'm happy to meet you Bobby. My name is Miss Templeton, and I'll be your teacher. Prudence tells me you can write. Is this correct?"He nodded."And can you read?" she asked.Another nod."How about numbers. Do you know anything of math?"Yet another nod."Well, we'll see," said Rachel "Let me get the little ones to practicing their letters and I'll give you some tests." She ignored him then, getting out paper and pencils and the ragged forty year old texts she used to teach writing. Most of the children were so young that all she did with them was teach them the alphabet, and work with them on writing the letters out. With the older students she worked on arithmetic and reading, as well as cursive writing.Once she had set tasks for all the others, including the Halsted twins who finally tromped in through the door after all the others were already at work, she turned to Bobby. She sat him down at a desk and gave him pencil and paper. She started out asking him if he could write his name, and if he knew how old he was. Then, for lack of anything else she could think of she asked him if he knew how to spell the colors of the rainbow. He had performed everything perfectly and she realized he was no halfwit at all. She changed to math and set him some verbal challenges. He scribbled on the paper and she saw that he had division and multiplication down pat. She tried a bit of algebra, which bothered him not at all.Rachel looked at the boy anew. "How long have you been going to school?" she asked him. He scribbled for a minute and handed her the paper. It said, in succinct and grammatically correct English that the had been in the orphanage system for as long as he could remember and, choosing to learn rather than be beaten, he had soaked up a little knowledge.Rachel looked at him surprised. "And you read too?"Bobby listed his favorite books and authors, and Rachel's opinion of him went up another notch. She paused, thinking like she usually thought."Why didn't you just pretend that you didn't know how to read or write?" she asked. "You had to know that if I thought you were a halfwit that I'd put you in a corner and leave you alone."Bobby scribbled. "I'd have been bored to tears. Besides, you sound like home. Your accent sounds like Boston."She smiled. "Well, at least you don't know everything. I'm from Philadelphia, and we don't sound anything like those pretentious snobs in Massachusetts."Rachel went over to a shelf and pulled down a book. She came back and showed it to him. It was called A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court, by Mark Twain. "Have you read this yet?" she asked. Bobby shook his head and she handed him the book. "You can read that until the rest of us are done. I'll have to test you some more to figure out if there's anything I can teach you or not."Rachel spent the rest of the morning with her usual students, every so often glancing over at Bobby, who was reading at a rapid pace, his attention solely on the book. He looked up when she took her coat off and she exposed her thrusting, well-filled bodice, but then went right back to the book. She was both surprised and, to be honest, a little disappointed that Mark Twain seemed more important than her ability to mesmerize the males of the species.School only went until noon, since most children were expected to work at home, as well as go to school. And, truth to tell, Rachel was going over the same things over and over again anyway. She was going to start reading to them soon, and teaching them to read too, but that hadn't started and couldn't really until they had a good grasp of their letters. Normally she was bored in the afternoons, and she saw Bobby as a chance to do something besides be bored. When the women came back to collect the children, Rachel asked if Bobby could stay for further testing. The woman, whose name she didn't know, looked at her intently, and then nodded her head fractionally. Then she turned to Bobby and spoke to him, "Bobby, do you remember how to get back to the house?"Bobby nodded and a voice came from outside. "Come ON, Meg, they're beginning to scatter."Meg looked at Bobby as he nodded. "All right. You come straight home after the teacher is done with you. All right?"Bobby nodded again and smiled.Rachel had watched the whole exchange and, with a woman's radar, had seen something there that most women and almost no men would have seen."You like her don't you?" asked Rachel.Bobby stared at her, his eyes going flat."Now, now, Bobby, it's perfectly normal for a boy to have crushes on a pretty woman. And she's quite pretty in her own way, don't you think?"Bobby nodded fractionally and she smiled.They sat, Rachel asking questions, and Bobby writing his responses. She found out he'd come from New York. She was hungry for news, but Bobby couldn't tell her much of that. She asked him about foods he missed, and learned that he had never eaten outside an orphanage, and didn't even know about regional foods that were world famous. He knew he had been a lot of places, but didn't know the names of them. Finally she asked him about the children at Mrs. Milleson's house. On that he was brilliant. He wrote about what made them tick, and how he got them to do what he wanted them to do, even without talking. He told her the story of the Umpelty Oog, and what he had done to kill it. She laughed and clapped. Suddenly she put her hand over her stomach, which growled audibly. She looked at a locket watch that was pinned to her dress. "Oh my goodness, it's almost three. You'd better get home. And I need to go home and get something to eat too. This was fun Bobby. I'll arrange for us to spend several afternoons a week together if you like. I can get the books you need to read. You have no idea what kind of literature there is out there Bobby, but I'll teach you about it. I'll speak to Mrs. Milleson. Now, off with you."Bobby got up and shrugged into his coat before putting his ridiculous hat on. Then he turned and his eyes swept from her face to her feet and back up again. His eyes lingered on her breasts and she felt herself flushing beet red. He smiled, waved and darted out the door, running pell mell toward the Milleson House.Rachel realized her heart was beating firmly in her chest. His gaze had been so personal, so intimate, as if he could see clear through her clothes. And yet, it had been friendly too, as if to say "You are naked and beautiful and a vision of loveliness - for which I thank you kindly ma'am." It jarred her somehow to be appreciated so obviously, but so... safely... too.She shrugged into her own coat, banked the fire, and left, closing the door firmly behind her.***Herding the children back home after school was the first time, Sally and Meg had had to talk privately. The children wanted to make and throw snowballs, like they had seen Bobby do, and the women strolled slowly in the frigid air."So now, tell me." ordered Sally excitedly."There's not all that much to tell," said Meg, sounding grumpy."Come on Meg, don't back down. You promised." wheedled Sally.Meg looked over at her friend, who had changed so much in just hours. She'd watched Sally kiss Bobby last night and experienced a rush of emotions, not the least of them, to her chagrin, jealousy. And she was feeling that again, but for different reasons."I'll tell you. I'm just upset about HER." She nodded over her shoulder."The teacher? What did she do to you?" asked Sally."Nothing, but she's back there trying to get her hooks in Bobby. I just know she is. And Bobby, poor thing, probably doesn't have any defenses against a woman like her.""She is pretty." sighed Sally, who thought all other women were pretty. "but she's just a teacher. Surely she wouldn't see anything in Bobby."I did," said Meg softly. "I can't control myself when I'm around him." she admitted. "Sally I've done things with him I never even THOUGHT about doing with any other man.""So... TELL ME!" shouted Sally, scooping up a handful of snow and flinging it at Meg. So, while the children played, and they moved slowly toward the house, Meg confessed how it had started, and then how she felt, and what Bobby's penis felt like in her hand. She hadn't meant to admit or talk about getting his semen in her mouth, but she was so excited remembering it that it just spilled out."In your MOUTH!?" squealed Sally. "Oh how HORRID!""NO!" said Meg, while wishing she hadn't said anything about that. "It wasn't like that at ALL! It was wonderful! It was delicious! Sally I know it sounds strange, but I LOVED it!""Really?" Sally was intrigued. She knew so little of sex that anything she heard was interesting and, since her parents' basic rule was that anything at all that had to do with sex was dirty and disgusting, getting semen in your mouth wasn't actually any more disgusting to Sally than anything else. She'd just never thought about that.Meg could tell that Sally was neither disgusted or horrified, and that calmed her. This new Sally was someone she WANTED to talk to."Really." she confirmed. "In fact, it was so delicious that I... well... last night... I put my mouth on him and drank it all."She stopped and tensed, waiting for Sally to explode, and call her a slut, or a whore, or, at the minimum, a tramp.But Sally didn't explode. She did stare, as she thought about what boys did with their penises, and that wasn't too attractive to think about in terms of putting one in your mouth. But, Bobby had just had a bath, so it was nice and clean, and that didn't seem so bad to Sally. All Sally had ever thought about was the usual thing a man did with a woman... where his penis went in a different... orifice."But you didn't let him...?" she couldn't say the actual words, but her meaning was clear."No," said Meg, suddenly wondering why she'd never thought of doing that with him. Then she realized she'd never thought of doing that with any man. She'd thought about it in hazy fantasies, but, other than the feel of her fingers on her pudendum, she had no idea what it would feel like, so it was impossible to really think about. "He only touched my nipple.""Really?" That got Sally excited again. Her own nipples were so sensitive that sometimes it drove her to distraction as they were scraped by her clothing.So then Meg had to describe how Bobby's naked hip had pressed between her leg, while his fingers pinched her nipple, and he kissed her. Meg wasn't quite sure whether she'd had an actual orgasm or not. She'd heard of such things, but never talked about that with any human being, so she didn't know quite what an orgasm was supposed to feel like.They both realized that they had stopped, facing each other, and that the children had drifted down the street. They hurried to catch up."Ohhh" sighed Sally. "If only something like that could happen to me." Meg walked, thoughtfully. The green eyed monster still played in the back of her mind, but it was more associated with that blond school teacher than it was with Sally. Sally truly was very plain and, until recently, so shy and retiring that no one thought she'd meet a man. Meg liked this new, excited and talkative Sally."What if you gave Bobby his bath next time?" she asked quietly.Sally stopped, her mouth open. "Oh I COULDN'T!" she moaned. Her pale face pinked up a bit in the cold air."And why not?" asked Meg, suddenly wanting someone else to do the terrible things she had done and that she didn't want to be terrible any more. If someone else did them too then it couldn't be terrible, could it? Sally was one of the nicest women she knew, and maybe this would help her find some happiness too. "I don't think Bobby will care one way or the other. Didn't he kiss you back last night?"Sally's eyes glazed over. "He sure did. I thought I was going to fall down!""See?" pronounced Meg. "He already likes you. And I don't mind sharing him." She thought about that for a second. "Well, actually I do mind, but I SHOULDN'T mind. He's not mine or anything. I just know how I feel when I think about going in there with him again."Sally's eyes came back into focus. "Do you think you'd ever let him...?" She still couldn't say it.Now it was Meg's face that warmed up in the frosty air. "How could you ask me something like that?!" she said, trying to keep herself from thinking about it."The last time you tried to put me off you were hiding something," said Sally, her eyes narrowing shrewdly. "Are you trying to hide something now Meg? Have you thought about letting him... letting him make... love to you?" She almost couldn't finish that sentence."I don't know," said Meg, slumping a little. "Until yesterday I'd have chased you down the street for asking me a thing like that. But I can't do that now. I get all... itchy when I think about him and playing with... it.""Maybe we should BOTH give him his next bath." suggested Sally.Meg shook her head. "Mavis would never buy that. You all are already busy putting the children to bed when I take him in there. She'd know something strange was going on.""Have you forgotten what she said last night?" Sally asked incredulously."OH!" yipped Meg. "I actually HAD! Oh Sally, what are we going to do? You HAVE to do it next time. Then maybe Mavis will decide it was just something simple that happened to my dress. I mean she'd think I wasn't in a hurry to go back in there with him. Wouldn't she?""I don't know if I could do it," said Sally."Just wash him and leave it at that. He's just a boy. Surely it doesn't get hard every single time he takes a bath," said Meg."Well, I think I'm crazy for this, but all right," said Sally. She felt an unexpected and unfamiliar excitedness that made her warm all over.That decided, they gathered up the children and hurried home.CHAPTER SIXWhen Bobby came in the back door and stomped his boots clean, Mavis noted that Meg and Sally took an inordinate interest in how school had been for him. He had written several notes to Mavis in the last week, in response to questions from her about one thing or another, and she knew he was much smarter than the rest of them thought. She also knew that, in his heart, he was a good boy... or man, as it were. She too had seen the marks on his back, and knew that that could have made him mean, but hadn't. And he was almost a man, she thought. She looked at him speculatively. She hadn't taken the time to think about him all that much. He'd fitted in well, and hadn't caused a single problem. Well, not yet anyway. She'd also seen what swung between his legs. She'd reacted to that lovely penis herself, and she certainly couldn't blame two young, single women for noticing it too. Could that be a problem? she wondered. There would certainly be a sensation in town if either of them turned up with a swelled belly. She pondered that for a minute and snorted. There was no way in the world Sally had the gumption to take up with the boy. And Meg... well Meg might bear some watching. It WAS possible that she had just loosened a few buttons because it was hot in the bathroom, and then re-buttoned them wrong.She looked at Bobby. He was smiling. He had a beautiful smile. He was a handsome man, or would be if he got a little more meat on his bones. And that would happen too, at the rate he ate. He had asked for paper and pencil and was writing a note to Meg. She got up from peeling potatoes and went over to see what was going on.Meg had just finished reading the note. "His teacher wants to spend some extra time with him," said Meg. She didn't sound happy about that, though there was no real reason why it wasn't a good idea."Well, he needs an education," said Mavis neutrally."Yes... but..." Meg's voice dropped off."But what, Meg?" asked Mavis calmly."Oh nothing," said Meg, handing her the note, her jaws clenched."The little danger flag in Mavis' mind inched higher on the flag pole.***Over the next week Rachel kept Bobby behind at school three more times. That he was intelligent she could tell immediately upon testing him some more. But when she asked him why he couldn't talk, he got a guarded look in his eye and couldn't provide any information. At one point she made him open his mouth, to see if he had a tongue or not, and he looked at her strangely. In the process she got close enough to him to smell his scent. He didn't smell like most of the men she met on a casual basis. They smelled of stale sweat, and most had poor oral hygiene too. Bobby, on the other hand, smelled good, like a man should in her mind. And his breath was clean too.She asked him about that, and learned through his writing that he had been taken to a dentist once, and after that he had done everything possible to make sure he never had to go again. She looked again and saw where the tooth had been pulled. He showed her the new toothbrush Mavis had gotten him, that he still carried in his pocket, and used each time he ate.He read everything she gave him, and only rarely pointed to a word to have her explain its meaning. While she didn't have the classics in the school house, she owned a few herself, and knew people who would loan her things... Chaucer, Shakespere, more of Twain's work and many others. During regular school he sat in a corner and read, unless she needed him to help, which he did willingly. He was a wizard at teaching the younger children their numbers, and how to add and subtract. And he sat with them and helped them draw out their letters too, showing them his own and then watching closely as they tried to copy that. She smiled at the two girls who had a crush on him. If June Bug and Emily had been ten years older they'd have lost their virginity to him by now. She wondered what it would be like lying with Bobby.Her head jerked. Where in the world had THAT thought come from? She looked at him, as if he might be working some magic spell on her, but he was simply reading at the time. Reading with those deep brown eyes of his, under those too long lashes of his. Her head jerked again and a child asked a question. She was only too happy to focus on that.***It was Friday night when the accident happened. Jerry and Terrence were playing catch in the parlor. They were throwing a rolled up sock back and forth. When Jerry's throw went wrong, Terrence dove to catch it and hit the clothes tree that several coats were hung on. It tipped, and the weight of the coats sent it into the window nearby. There was only one hook on the clothes tree that wasn't occupied, and that was the one that hit the window. The glass broke with a crack and tinkling sound as the pieces fell, mostly outside in the snow. Terrence was still off balance, though, and he instinctively tried to grab onto something to stop his fall. His nine-year-old hand landed on the broken edge of the glass still in the window frame and nearly took two of his fingers off.The breaking glass got everyone's attention. Terrence's screams as he saw his bloody hand got them all running.Mavis knew it was bad when she saw the amount of blood that had already spilled and welled out of the boy's tightly closed hand, which he was holding to his chest as he sat and rocked and screamed.She had towels brought to her and had Meg hold Terrence tightly while she pried his hand open to try to stop the bleeding. Her blood ran cold when she saw the damage. He had to be seen by a doctor, and he had to be seen soon. She stuffed the end of the towel against the wound and let him close his hand again. Then she instructed Meg to help him hold the hand tightly closed. Prudence and Donna were already gone, since it was so close to bedtime. That only left her and Sally to take care of the kids, since Meg was tied up with Terrence.She went to the desk and, with bloody hands, wrote a note. She called to Bobby, who had been standing and watching."Take this down to Doctor Johanson's office. He lives upstairs from his office. If you can't find him there, go to the saloon. He has to get this note, Bobby, and he has to come soon. Terrence could bleed to death if not.Bobby took time to get his coat, which was good, because it was bitterly cold in the night air. He ran, but when he got to the Doctor's office on C street all the windows were dark. He headed for the saloon. The back door was closer, so that's where he went. He burst into that door, into the kitchen, where an amazingly fat woman was standing at a big wooden table rolling out pie crusts. She looked at him and frowned."Don't need no snot nosed boys hanging around here!" she barked. "Now GIT!" She brandished the rolling pin in her hand.Normally, Bobby would have done exactly what she said. But he couldn't. "Doctor" he said explosively. He was so unused to speaking that only one word came out. He held up the bloody note and the woman paled."In there." she pointed to a set of double glass doors with lace curtains making it impossible to see through them. Bobby darted to the doors and pushed one open. Inside there was a table, set for dinner. Through another set of doors Bobby could see the saloon proper. He was in the dining room. There were six men sitting around the table, smoking cigars, the remains of dinner cluttering the table. A bottle of whiskey stood unstoppered beside a man wearing a vest. The doctor was sitting in another chair. Bobby had been with Mavis one time on a shopping trip when she stopped Doctor Johansen to ask him a question about a rash on one of the children. She had introduced Bobby, who, of course, had said nothing.Bobby went to the man and thrust out the bloody note. The man read it quickly and jumped up."Gotta go boys." he said, grabbing his coat. "House call." he added. He went out the doors to the saloon immediately. Bobby started to follow but was grabbed by the collar of his coat."No you don't, boy!" said the fat woman, who had followed him into the dining room. "You go out there and the constable will make my life miserable for a month. Out the way you came in!" she said. Bobby wondered if she knew the constable himself was one of the men sitting at the table. She manhandled him with surprising strength and dragged him back to the kitchen and to the back door. She opened the door, shoved him through it and slammed it again without another word.He pulled up the collar of his coat and started down the line of buildings that abutted the saloon. He had to pass a smaller building, set back from the alleyway, and noticed that there were lights in its windows. He didn't think anything of that until he was right beside it and heard a muffled scream. It obviously came from that little building. He heard a woman scream "GET OUT" and then a sound he knew only too well, that of a hand hitting flesh. He moved closer, and heard the woman crying and pleading "Don't do this."Bobby stood there, unsure of what to do. Whatever was going on in there wasn't any of his business. He thought to go on and the woman screamed again, a terrified sound. There was another slap and a gruff male voice shouted "SHUT UP BITCH, OR I'LL KILL YOU!" There was a pile of discarded trash and crates against the wall and Bobby saw a board lying loose. It was about three feet long, and narrow enough that he could grip it. He picked it up and stole closer to the nearest window. There were curtains inside, but there was a slim gap in them that let him see part of the room.He could see half of the back of the man, and beyond him a bed with a woman on it. The woman lay crossways on the bed, her knees at the edge, her feet hanging down. The man raised his right arm and slapped the woman again, making Bobby wince. He had put all of his strength into that blow. He couldn't see the woman's upper body, but he could see that she was naked, though her clothing lay on the bed under her. He realized her dress had been torn open and she was lying on top of it. He could see that the woman had golden blond hair between her legs that puffed out and looked strange to Bobby. He could also hear her terrified screams as the man pushed his suspenders off his shoulders and let his pants fall.Bobby didn't have a clear understanding of rape, or the ins and outs of sexual behavior between adults. But he knew that nobody deserved to be treated like this. Then the man moved, and Bobby saw that the woman was Miss Templeton.After it was all over he couldn't remember running to the door, or pushing it open. What he did remember was the knife in the man's left hand as he stood over Miss Templeton and the stiff penis that jutted from the man's groin. He remembered the man turning his head toward Bobby, and the snarl on the man's face as he raised the knife.And Bobby remembered swinging the board, aiming for the side of the man's head.The man went down instantly, and the board was jerked from Bobby's hand, driving splinters deep into his fingers.***Level two of Mr. Maslow's pyramid is where events like this take place. Bobby, according to Mr. Maslow, had just defended someone he cared about. It was an animal reaction, which is quite normal on the lower levels of the pyramid, but it was based on a very human thought process.***Bobby stared at the blood where the board, for some reason, seemed stuck to the man's head. He noticed that the knife was lying on the floor, and that the tip had a reddish glint to it.Then he looked at Miss Templeton, who lay splayed on the bed, naked and sobbing. There was blood on her too. It was coming from a wound under her chin, and had trickled down her chest to cross one pale breast.He couldn't help but notice her breasts, even though that wasn't uppermost in his mind. They were probably twice as big as Meg's, and rounder. Meg's nipples were brownish, but Miss Templeton's were pink.Then she saw him and struggled to sit up. Once her motion got going she flew up off the bed and she tripped over the man's body at her feet. Bobby stepped forward and caught her, his hands sliding up her sides to her armpits. Her forward motion made her take a step and she stepped on the man's body, then up and over it into Bobby's arms. She was crying hysterically and her grip on Bobby was so strong he couldn't have broken it if he'd have tried. He would have spoken then, but he had no idea what to say. The man wasn't moving, and Bobby didn't know if he was in trouble or not.So he just stood there and held her. Her torn dress covered her back, as it was still whole across her shoulders, but her naked front was pressed against him. He knew that, yet he didn't think of her in the same way he thought of doing this with Meg. He did not get erect.Bobby began to suspect more and more that he was in trouble. He'd spoken to the fat woman, but not to anyone else. Maybe he could still get away with playing mute. He knew he had to go get someone. He couldn't stay here, and he couldn't just leave. He remembered that the constable was in the saloon, or had been when he left the dining room.She finally began to calm, her shuddering breaths coming more easily, and words beginning to tumble out of her mouth. She must have said "Thank you" ten or fifteen times in between her recounting of how the man had forced his way in, and ripped her dress said he would kill her if she screamed.He pried Miss Templeton back away from him, his eyes going automatically to those big, round pale breasts. He pulled at the tatters of her dress where the buttons had been ripped off, and pulled the cloth to partially cover her. Her hands gripped him, but he pushed her to a chair and made her sit in it. He saw pencil and paper on a table nearby and wrote "I'll get help." on it.She looked at the paper without reading it, still sobbing. Bobby shook her and pointed at the note. She brought it close to her face."Noooo, don't leave meeee!!" she wailed.Bobby looked at the man. He had the look of the dead. Bobby had seen death before, on more than one occasion. Back where he had come from men ended up in alleys looking like this man looked. He went to the man as Miss Templeton's eyes followed and he kicked the body, which rocked and settled again. His intent was to show Miss Templeton that the man was no threat to her. Then he went back to her and pointed at the note again.The door was still open when he turned to it, and her cries for him not to leave her were still calling out to him as he closed it behind him. He ran back to the saloon, and through the kitchen door. The fat woman was still there, but she only had time to take a breath to yell at him and he was already through the double doors into the dining room. The Constable had just stood up and was putting on his coat, his cigar clamped in his jaws.Bobby went to the man and grabbed his arm, pulling."What?!" the man growled, jerking his arm. "What are you up to now, boy?"Another man at the table spoke up."He cain't talk Homer. He's one of Mavis' brood."Bobby jerked again, harder, making it obvious that he wanted the constable to come with him."Well let's just go see what kind of trouble you found boy," said the man.Four men followed the constable out into the back of the saloon as Bobby pulled him. They moved as a gaggle toward Miss Templeton's house, one of them announcing that that's who lived there. When they got to the front door Bobby reached for the knob and a hand closed over his wrist."Is she in trouble boy?" asked the constable, his voice low.Bobby nodded and the man reached beneath his coat and pulled out a huge revolver. He pushed Bobby to one side and opened the door. He only had to take one step to be able to see the whole house, for all intents and purposes. His eyes swept first to the body on the floor, and then to the source of sobs in the chair. Her condition, and the knife on the floor made it obvious what had happened."Jules, check that man." he ordered tersely, as he stepped toward the young woman in the chair."It's all right miss." he said in a surprisingly soft voice. "It's all over now. What happened here?" Her dress was hanging open in the front, and he couldn't keep himself from noticing her lush body either.Rachel, between sobs, told of the man coming into the house and threatening her with the knife. She told how he'd ripped her dress, and told her that she'd be glad when he was finished. She'd fought and he'd threatened to kill her. Then Bobby was there. She looked around at the men, who were all staring at her. "Bobby was here," she said. "Where's Bobby?" She lunged up out of the chair and gripped the constable's coat lapels. "WHERE'S BOBBY?" she screamed. She couldn't remember what he'd done, or if the man had stabbed him or not. "He saved meeee." she cried."There, there, he's fine. He's outside," said the constable. "You're bleeding missy. We need to get the doctor to take a look at you." He patted her head like she was a dog. "Missy, I have to ask this. I know it's hard, but I have to ask. Did he have his way with you?"Rachel's head came up and her eyes cleared. "NO!" she said. "Bobby saved me. Where's Bobbeeeeeee!" she started crying again."He's dead, Homer," said the man who was kneeling beside the rapist. "Kid must have hit him with the board. Had a nail sticking out the end. Punched clean through his skull. Fell where he stood, more'n likely.""Well SHIT!" snarled Homer.Rachel flinched and leaned away from him."Sorry ma'am," he muttered. "Him bein' dead kind of complicates things." He stood up and looked at one of the other men. "Jasper, get on over to Mavis' house and fetch doc. Since this boy is the one that come and got him, I s'pect that's where he is. Tell 'im I got a dead body and a mostly raped woman, and I need 'im over here. Get there Pronto, Jasper." The man took off running and bumped into Bobby, who was shifting from foot to foot in the doorway. Homer leaned out and grabbed him."Don't you go nowhere, son. We got us a mess here, and you're neck deep in it." He pulled him into the room.As soon as Rachel saw Bobby she leapt up out of the chair, her dress flopping open and she rushed to hug Bobby, again gripping him so hard he couldn't get away. The men looked at Bobby with a mixture of emotions on their faces. They'd seen what she was pressing against him too. Some of them felt ashamed at feeling lust for a raped, or almost raped woman, but later on they'd shake their heads and talk about what a fine figure of a woman she was. Most of them had wished they could see that body... even if it wasn't like this. And there it was, pressed up against a dumb orphan kid.The constable gave up trying to separate Rachel from Bobby and spoke to the man nearest him. "Kenny, your place isn't far. Why don't you go see if Eunice will come over here and sit with Miss Templeton." He spoke next to Jules again. "See if she's got some more dresses or something she can put on." He turned to the last man. "Tom, I guess that leaves it up to you to go get Blaine Coggs." Blaine was the town undertaker.Homer went over to the dead man and rolled him over to check for himself. He made a sound. "Know this feller. Throwed him out of the saloon earlier tonight for causing trouble. He was drinkin' hard and had no money to pay. Should'a throw'd him in jail."Kenny got back first, and came in to announce that Eunice was on her way. Eunice got there right on his heels, and had two more women in tow. They shooed the men out into the snow and gathered around Rachel to do what only women could do for her just then. They had to pry Rachel's arms from around Bobby. When they told him to leave too, Rachel's sobs and pleas for him not to go were so pitiful that finally Eunice relented."You stand over there, and turn your back." she ordered. Bobby did so, wondering where all this would end up. The women had just gotten Rachel into another dress when there was a thump on the door and Doctor Johansen called out. He was let in, and Mavis charged in right behind him. She saw Bobby and rushed over to him."Are you all right baby?" she asked anxiously. "They said there'd been a killing and that you were involved! Bobby what's going on?" Bobby was tempted to just tell her and be done with it. Life was getting way too complicated for the teenager. But just then Homer called in, asking if he could come in. Since none of the women in the room knew what actually happened, he was welcome, as long as he answered questions. The doctor did a cursory examination of Rachel and pronounced that the throat wound was minor and would take care of itself. He was more concerned about Rachel's mental state. The women conferred and announced that Rachel would be going with them, and that they'd take care of her at Eunice's house until she recovered. Kenny looked pleased, until his wife caught him looking pleased. She knew he'd been in this room before she got there, because he'd described the scene to her. And she knew how poor Rachel Templeton had been dressed, so she knew what her husband had seen that he HADN'T described. She faced her smirking husband. "Kenny Holland, don't you be thinking you're sleeping in our bed tonight. You just go on over to the hotel and get yourself a room. I'll send word when you can come back home."He tried to resist. "Now Eunice, don't be that way. Why can't SHE get a hotel room?" There were groans from two of the other men, who were looking in through the open doorway, and Homer shook his head sadly. He grabbed Kenny's arm and pulled him to the door before Eunice could go looking for something to hit him with. As he was led out Kenny kept complaining. "What in tarnation did I do? I HELPED for pity's sake! And it's ME that has to find someplace to sleep?"The doctor went to the man on the floor and leaned down. He pronounced the man dead and then stood up. "Nothing more I can do here. I still got an injured boy to finish tending to, if this town can settle down for an hour. Homer? I got to stitch the boy up. Try to keep a lid on things for a while, all right?"Mavis faced Homer. "I'm taking Bobby home." she said firmly. "And don't you argue with me Homer. You and I both know that man needed killing, and Bobby didn't mean to do that anyway. He was just trying to protect his teacher."Homer raised a hand. "Mavis, you know I'll have to ask some questions. Just don't let him wander off somewhere hard to find."She sniffed and tugged on Bobby's coat sleeve. "Come along Bobby. It's past your bedtime."Homer shook his head, watching them go and turned to Jules, the only one left in the room. "Boy just killed a man, and probably saved a woman's life... and he's got a bedtime. If that don't beat all."Back home, Bobby was sent to bed on his own, while attention turned back to Terrence. Mavis had had to dose Terrence with whisky to sedate him enough so that the doctor could sew up his hand. Terrence fought the drink, spitting it out, until Doctor Johansen had taken one stitch without any anesthetic. Then he had drunk what he was told to drink. For a child that small, it had only taken three ounces and he was out like a light. It had taken over forty stitches to put the hand back together, and the Doctor still wasn't sure he'd have the full use of his fingers when it healed. It was the wee hours of the morning before any of the adults got to bed.School was cancelled the next day, of course. Mavis didn't want people to think that either she or Bobby were hiding or embarrassed so, despite her late night, she got up and took Bobby to do the grocery shopping. Word had indeed spread all over town. No one had been killed by violence in Hampstead for thirty years or more, and it was all anyone could talk about. Most people, once the dead felon was identified as a stranger, who had probably ridden the rails into town and likely would have made his escape the same way, decided that justice had been done. People weren't quite sure whether or not Rachel still had her virtue or not, and that caused some arguments. One group of five women banded together and held out that, if she were truly soiled by the man, even though it wasn't her fault, the town couldn't very well retain her as the school teacher. That group also concluded that the town needed no vigilantes running around loose, and that Bobby would have to go too. Various people suggested that if, in the future, any daughters of these five women were heard to be screaming, or seen to be suffering rape, it would just be assumed they were trollops who needed no interfering do-gooders bothering them. Several fistfights almost broke out. Once Rachel came out into public, though, all that changed. The left side of her face was swollen grotesquely and was the color of mixed hues of black, blue, purple and yellow. She had difficulty speaking clearly. She had obviously been beaten severely, and it made people ill to look at her. She had recovered her equilibrium, though, after spending 48 hours in the care of good and nurturing women. She had also heard about the five women who wanted to run Bobby out of town, and it was for that reason that she appeared in public, disfigured as she was. She sought out each of the five women. She faced each one of them down and offered to let the woman examine her maidenhood herself to determine its status. When each one of the women refused, Rachel suggested that they close their mouths and keep their opinions to themselves, turned and walked out.In the end, Rachel was considered a heroine by most, though she'd be hated by those five women for the rest of her life. Three of them left town after the war, tired of the grief they got over that incident. Rachel's telling of the story, and how, had it not been for Bobby, she'd have been both raped and killed, also turned him into a local celebrity.Rachel wanted to start school up again after three days, but several people convinced her to let her face heal more before the children saw her. She looked in a mirror and had to agree that the smaller children would be shocked and frightened.During the three days school was out, Bobby was a celebrity, not only in town, but at home too. Donations of clothing came in, the result of Homer's description of what the boy was wearing when he was interviewed about the incident. Mavis had been there with him, while he wrote out his description of events The only detriment to Bobby was that everyone's estimation of his intelligence rose significantly. He was no longer considered to be simple minded. Homer also saw several of the carvings Bobby had been doing on the long winter evenings as he sat, listening to the radio. June Bug and Emily didn't much care for the radio shows, and played on the floor then. When Meg read, though, Bobby couldn't carve, because his lap was full of little girls.Only Mavis had said anything to him about how everybody had underestimated him. She had seen and read what he wrote for the constable. On the way back to the house she looked at him out of the side of her eye."You're a lot smarter than you let on, aren't you?" she asked casually.Bobby looked over at her, but couldn't hold her eyes. He wasn't ashamed of what he had done... not in the way you or I might feel shame at doing something sneaky. He'd had a hard life, and getting what he could out of a given situation was just something he had always done. But these women had been good to him, and he knew that. He also knew that Mavis still didn't know just how much of a trick he had been playing. Acting simple-minded was only the tip of the iceberg, as it were.He looked back in her eyes, which were still staring at him, and nodded.Mavis smiled and put her arm over his shoulder, pulling him against her. "I suppose somebody who's gone through what you've gone through can't be blamed for taking what advantage can be found. You're a good boy Bobby. I know you've got a good heart."They walked on a bit further and Mavis spoke again. "About Meg..." She looked over at the boy who acted so much like a man and stopped. When he looked at her there was something almost like fear in his eyes. It troubled her, but she couldn't put her finger on why."Never mind," she said. "Homer thinks you could sell your carvings." she said, changing the subject radically. Bobby, glad the subject had changed from Meg, raised an eyebrow."Indeed" she said nodding. "He thinks you could sell them at the Dry Goods store. They're really beautiful Bobby. I'd like to have one myself."Bobby had completed three more carvings, all of dogs. He was working on a horse, but wasn't happy with it. He hadn't seen many horses up close, and was using a picture in a book as his model. Wood had been a problem at first. When Mavis had seen him trying to carve on one of the pieces of wood he'd sneaked back out of Patrick's closet after "killing the Umpelty Oog" she recognized that it was poor quality wood. She took Bobby to the attic, where some old furniture had been stored. One table had a broken leg and she had picked up that leg and handed it to Bobby, telling him it was walnut. It was hard to carve, but the results were, indeed, beautiful. He'd used about a third of the table leg to make the carvings Homer had seen.Having nothing else to say, Mavis finished the walk home without talking further.Two days later Parson Jenkins visited Milleson House, his arms full of donations for Bobby. At the bottom of the pile were two sheets of sandpaper. "The constable asked me to give you these." he said simply, handing them to Bobby. Bobby had looked at the paper dubiously, and the Parson then explained what it was for. Bobby had lit up and ran to get one of his finished pieces. He'd smoothed it as best he could with the edge of the knife. The sandpaper made what was already beautiful a work of art.Being intelligent, he just assumed that, after the incident, bath time would change. He was sure he'd milked it for everything it was capable of providing. Now that the women all thought of him as just quiet, he assumed they'd also assume he could bathe himself.It did change, but not in the way he had thought it might.The next bath night things went as usual, with Meg reading while the smaller children got their baths in shifts. On this particular night June Bug went first, and Emily second. When the last shift was out and dressed and Meg had closed the book, she stood up and stretched backwards, her hands on her slim waist."Sally?" she called out. "My back is sore tonight. I don't know if I could do all that bending over in the bathroom. I'll put the little ones to bed if you'll take care of Bobby. Would that be all right?"Bobby sensed something disingenuous in her comment. His finely honed sense of survival recognized falsehoods many more times than not. But he didn't know why Meg would want to avoid their play. She had obviously liked what had happened between them. He didn't understand women at all most of the time, with a few exceptions. So he just sat and waited for something to happen."Surely Meg" said Sally. "I guess that would be fine."Mavis looked like she was about to speak, but then went back to dressing Terrence, who had trouble due to the big wad of bandages on his injured hand."Come on Bobby," said Sally, and held out her hand.Bobby got up and, as he followed her into the bathroom, remembered her kiss, his reward for killing the Umpelty Oog. He began to suspect that this was no accident, and for some reason that made him feel good.When Sally closed the door, however, she looked pale and nervous. She didn't fill the tub, as Meg always did. Bobby, by habit, just stood there."I don't know what to do." she said, as if she were talking to someone else, or perhaps herself. She wasn't talking about the bath part of why she was in this room, but, of course, Bobby didn't know that.Bobby took her hand and led her to the hot water tap. She tittered nervously and relaxed a little bit, turning her head to look at Bobby."I know what you and Meg do in here," she said. Bobby tensed up. "She told me about it." she went on. Bobby relaxed again.She didn't seem upset to Bobby, and he decided to just simply act normal. That had worked for him in the past. Sally finally started filling the tub with hot water. He started unbuttoning his shirt. Sally turned to watch him, her eyes going wider, but she didn't move away from him. He wasn't hard, and when he dropped his pants and stepped out of them, and then removed his drawers, Sally looked almost unhappy as she stared at his manhood. She had forgotten the water, and Bobby reached past her to shut it off before there was no room to add cold to it. Sally blushed and moved."Whatever is wrong with me?" she said, again to herself. "I'm a grown woman." she said firmly. She turned to Bobby. "Just how much help do you really need?" she asked. When he made no sign she asked "Do you need any help at all?"Bobby knew he couldn't lie to this woman. She was too intelligent for one thing - she read as well as Meg did, though not with the emotion of voice. And she claimed to know what he and Meg had done, yet came with him anyway.He shook his head."But you want me to help... don't you?" she asked. Her natural fear of rejection had bubbled up to the surface of her thoughts. She didn't know what she'd do of Bobby rejected her too.Bobby smiled and nodded.Sally felt a rush of relief that made it suddenly hard to breathe. She felt her nipples tingle at that smile. She too thought he had the most beautiful dark eyes and welcoming smile she'd ever seen.Bobby stepped into the tub and sat down slowly, because the water was hotter than usual. He made a sighing sound and leaned back, closing his eyes. Then he opened them, sat forward, reached for the sweet smelling soap, handed it to Sally, and then leaned back to close his eyes again.She knelt by the tub, rubbing the soap all over his chest. He had a little more muscle there now and she liked the feel of the swells and dips of his chest. Knowing how sensitive her own nipples were, she washed over his several times. She was about to nervously take the plunge of rubbing lower when he sat forward, leaning over to expose his back. Her eyes took in his scars, and her reaction was much the same as Meg's. She touched him tenderly there, at first, but it was clear he had no residual pain.Then he stood up, and turned to face her. He was still soft. Since he and Sally had never done anything he didn't know what to expect, and his emotions were still fairly sedate."Should I wash you... there?" asked Sally, her hand rising toward his penis.He nodded."I've never done this Bobby," she said.Bobby leaned over and kissed her, his lips soft. She rose into that kiss as his tongue tip wormed its way between her lips. Her own tongue responded and again she was breathless at the pleasure that streaked through her. She could feel that he really WANTED to kiss her... that she was attractive to him in some way. Part of her couldn't believe that, but his lips on hers made it clear, beyond doubt, that he wanted her to kiss him back. She did, pressing herself against him as much as possible with the edge of the tub in the way. She knew she was getting her dress damp, from the drops of water still on his body, and remembered seeing Meg, with water spots on the front of her dress. Meg had taken her dress off for this boy... had let him touch her body.Sally pushed away, as the emotion of contemplating being naked with him overcame her. It was too foreign. She thought of the other things Meg had done. She could do that, she thought. Her hand reached for his penis and she was shocked to find it longer and much more firm. She looked down and saw that her hand had felt truly. Her hand gripped him, but didn't move until he reached and moved it for her.She learned the rhythm quickly, and could tell by his face when she was doing it the way he liked. Her nipples tingled again and she thought back to a time, over a year gone now when they had gotten a baby whose mother had died in childbirth. The father was off at war. They had to bottle feed the baby, which was going to be collected by relatives from California, but it would take a week for them to arrive. Sally had the first night feeding, and the baby was hungry, but didn't want the rubber nipple it was offered. Its piteous cries In the night had stabbed deep into Sally's heart and, in desperation, she had offered it one of her own nipples. It quieted immediately as its first sucks made her nipple extend. She had so little breast flesh that she could pass for a man if she tried. Her hips could give her away, or her nipples, if they got erect. The baby had sucked and, when the sensations were so strong that they almost made her faint, Sally had pulled that baby off that nipple, which had extended to almost an inch. It looked deformed to her in the dim light of the bedroom. She had been able to get the baby to take the bottle eventually, but had to offer it a real nipple three more times before it went back to sleep.Sally let go of Bobby's penis and stepped back. "I can't get wet with you." she whispered. Her fingers flew to the buttons of her dress and she pulled it apart with no sense of shame at all, baring her flat chest and letting the dress drop to the floor around her feet. Her passion had overcome her self image. Her pubic hair was so sparse that it was hard to see, but Bobby easily saw thick, plump lips between her legs that he suddenly thought might be nice to kiss, like the lips on her face. Then she stepped forward, out of her dress and took his prick in her hand again.She pinched a nipple, which had already begun to swell and elongate as she stroked Bobby. "Could you suck me?" she whispered. "Right here?" she pulled at the nipple.Bobby leaned over and sucked the growing nubbin into his mouth. Sally moaned, her hand clasping his prick tighter and jerking spasmodically, rather than in time. Bobby felt the flesh in his mouth get bigger and more firm, until it was almost like sucking the tip of his little finger.Sally wavered, her head spinning at the streaks of joy that shot through her due to his suckling action. Her hand came and cradled the back of his head, her fingers sliding through his long hair as she told him how much she loved what he was doing.Her orgasm frightened her, because she'd never had one and didn't have any idea how strong those feelings could be. First she couldn't breathe. Then her knees sagged and she had to grab the edge of the tub to support herself. Her whole body froze. She couldn't breathe, her hand stopped moving on Bobby, and her knees bent and then locked. She felt the pleasure streak to the area between her legs and she suddenly wanted to touch herself there, but couldn't without falling down."Uhhhhhhh!" she groaned in a long sigh as the feeling receded enough that she could move again. Her knees failed and she sank to rest on them, her face right in front of her hand, and the tip of Bobby's penis. When Meg had described putting her mouth on him Sally had shuddered, thinking that was crazy. Now she looked at the organ and knew it had to be as good as Meg had said.She leaned forward to let it slide between her lips.She had to move her hand to get as much in her mouth as she wanted, and Bobby groaned. Her whole body felt hot, like it was next to a huge red-hot stove, as she knew from the sound that she was pleasing the man who had pleased her so much. He cheeks caved in as she sucked hungrily. She tasted something, and, as her mouth evaluated that taste, she knew it was the taste that Meg had talked about. It was a mixture of a hint of bitter, with a stronger hint of sweet, and another sensation she couldn't identify. She knew he liked to be stroked, and since she couldn't move her hand, she moved her mouth instead, sliding almost off, to suck just the round knob and then back down. Bobby groaned again and she got more of that taste. His hands slid through her hair and he helped her move, not grabbing tightly, but with a feather light pressure.Then he groaned again and suddenly her mouth was overflowing with the taste... his taste. She wanted to laugh as she thought of a time she had taken as big a bite of pudding into her mouth as she could get on the spoon. The pudding had flowed all over her mouth in an explosion of flavor, and now his juice did the same thing. She swallowed gratefully, liking the taste now, like Meg did, and wanting it to go on. She sucked harder and moved her mouth on him again, milking the thick fluid out of him until there was no more. His penis wilted quickly, and she felt sad somehow that it was over so quickly as she pulled her mouth off of him and swallowed the last dregs that still coated her mouth.Bobby wanted to hug her... to feel her naked skin against his, and he started to step out of the tub.Still on her knees, Sally giggled. "No, silly," she said. "You're still all soapy." To Bobby's disappointment, she pushed him back down into the water and then stepped back into her dress and pulled it up to cover her. Then she washed him properly, doing his hair and talking to him, telling him how much she had liked tasting him, and how wonderful his mouth had felt on her. When she was done, and he stood back up he was stiff again. Sally laughed a high tinkling laugh of delight. He wasn't quite as hard as he had been before, but Sally didn't care. She got to her knees again and happily sucked until she got another mouthful of pudding. When he was dried off she hugged him then, and kissed his lips, wanting another of those delicious kisses. Then she checked her hair in the mirror and, taking his hand, led him out into the dining room.Mavis was doing more of her endless needlework, mending a pair of pants that had somehow gotten the knee torn. Meg had put the children to bed with Donna and Prudence's help. Normally the latter two would have buttoned up their coats and gone home by now, but for some reason they all found cause to sit around the table. Their conversation would have sounded normal to an outsider, but to Mavis it was obviously forced, as they found things to say that didn't need saying, and talked about things they could have talked about on the morrow. Meg had gotten Bobby's night shirt from his room while she was upstairs, and had draped it over a chair back. Mavis's keen eyes saw Meg's glance dart to the bathroom door more than once as she talked about a new recipe she had gotten from the storekeeper's wife.Again, Mavis was about to speak of her suspicions, but as she drew breath, the bathroom door opened and all conversation stopped. Mavis almost laughed out loud. She looked at Sally, whose face had a luster that was usually lacking. She wasn't smiling, exactly, but she looked lighthearted in a way that was alien to her usual demeanor."You look like you just got some mighty good news." Mavis remarked, her eyes going back to her work.Had she been watching, she'd have seen Sally blush. She took the time to dart a glance at Bobby's penis. It looked darker than the last time she'd seen it. HE was smiling. It wasn't a grin, but it spoke volumes to Mavis. Meg stood up and picked up his night shirt. He raised his arms as she slid it up them and over his head. It all looked so normal... almost. But Meg's fingers lingered on his shoulders, and slid to his chest to grab the material and pull it down. She was smiling too... at Bobby.Mavis almost laughed again as all four women hugged the boy good night. They were so transparent. She'd have to do something soon, before things got completely out of hand... if they hadn't already. She was surprised when he came to her and bent to kiss her on the cheek. She was also surprised at how that made her feel. It was just a simple kiss, but it was so loving that it made her want to wiggle in her chair."Good night Bobby," she said. He smiled. She realized she could get lost in those eyes.Both Meg and Sally took him upstairs to his room, while Donna and Prudence decided suddenly it was time to go.Yes, she was going to have to do something... and do it soon.CHAPTER SEVENThe swelling in Rachel's face went down considerably, but the color was slow to fade. She decided that school had to go on, despite the condition of her face. It had been four days since the attack, and she was going crazy trying to find some way to be useful to the people who had helped her. When Meg and Sally got the children to school, and they saw Rachel's face, they were aghast. They'd heard all about the incident, of course, but had not seen the woman. Her face was still a sickly yellow and purple color on the left side, while the right side of her face looked almost normal. Her lips were still split and swollen where her intended rapist had struck her, and the wound from the knife on her throat was clearly visible."Would you like us to stay for a while?" asked Meg impulsively. "To help?"Rachel looked at her, assessing her as a woman, and as a person from town, and, for the first time, as a potential friend. Rachel didn't have many friends... hadn't tried to make any really. Now, though, with the outpouring of care from women whose names she hadn't even known before the incident, her attitude about other women had changed. Her brush with death had made both subtle and not-so-subtle changes in her outlook on life. She had done some serious thinking once she could martial thoughts at all. The four women who had taken her from her house had mothered her like hens, even trying to spoon feed her. Their obvious concern pulled her mind back to sanity and then overrode what would have been her normal irritation at having to rely on others. She had felt safe with them as they drew her life story from her, sometimes against her will, but in a way that made her glad that now, at least, somebody in this town knew something about her and accepted her as... as what? She had thought about that too, and the realization that those four women would be content calling her their friend had cut through her tough exterior like the knife that she had known would take her life.Their chatter had soothed her in ways that nothing else would have. Eventually she had been able to appreciate their outlook on life, here in this harsh place. One woman, when she had been giving Rachel a sponge bath had sighed and said "I'd just kill to have a body like yours. Then maybe Herb would look at me like he looks at you."That had led to a very frank discussion of men, and their faults, and Rachel found out just how valuable a good reputation was. The women didn't blame her at all for being beautiful, or for the fact that every man in town - at least according to them - had been seen raking their eyes over her body while she walked, or shopped. They blamed the men for having wandering eyes and talked about other beautiful women who did NOT have the sterling reputation that Rachel had.And now, here was another woman who seemed to care about her for some reason. And she knew this woman to be single. She was good looking too, in a frontier sort of way. Rachel chided herself for that characterization. That was what the old Rachel would have thought. Now she looked at the young woman and admitted that, anywhere in the world men would notice... she didn't even know her name!"I'm sorry," said Rachel thickly. "I know I should remember your name.""Meg" said the woman. "And I'm Sally," said the other one."Could you read to some while I work on math with the others?" she asked, worried that she might embarrass them. It was still possible these days that people were illiterate."I love to read," said Meg, smiling."And I can do whatever," added Sally.There was a mild rebellion involving some of the older Milleson children when they found out Meg was going to read, while they were expected to work on their numbers. "I read to them at home," said Meg, shrugging her shoulders.Then all the children wanted to know what had happened to their teacher. They stared at her face with the unbridled curiosity of children.Rachel raised her hands for quiet."A bad man wanted to hurt me. He DID hurt my face," she said. "But Bobby saved me and made the man stop hurting me."All the children's eyes went to Bobby, who had been standing silently in the background, watching the women talk."Really!?" asked Patrick, his voice awed. "He killed the Umpelty Oog when it was in the closet!" he said excitedly. "And then he ATE it!" Patrick stuck out his chest like he was the one who had done everything.Rachel looked at Meg and mouthed "Umpelty Oog?"Meg mouthed back, "Imaginary monster."Rachel smiled and then winced as her lip cracked open again. "Well, Bobby is my hero." she said firmly. "I'm not surprised he does nice things for other people too. Now, we have learning to do!"She hustled around, separating the groups and waving at the book shelf, which had only a dozen worn volumes on it. Meg looked at them and picked one to read from.By the time any of them noticed it, the morning had passed and it was time to adjourn school."Oh my" said Sally. "Mavis will be having fits over us being gone so long."Meg nodded and then looked at Rachel. "Will you be keeping Bobby late today?"Rachel shook her head. "I'm tired, and the doctor has ordered me in no uncertain terms to rest in the afternoons. It will be a week or so before I can spend extra time with him."When the children were all bundled up and ready to leave, Rachel touched Meg's arm."Thank you. I mean that. It was nice of you to stay. I know you can't do that often, but I'm really glad I got to meet you. You too Sally. I'm sorry we never got to spend any time together before this."Meg smiled. "Well, it was just the neighborly thing to do, that's all. But you're welcome."Mavis wasn't actually having fits at the absence of her employees. She rarely got any time to herself. There were always children or other women around, for the most part. She didn't worry about her employees. She did wonder where they'd gotten to, but spent the time writing a letter to her sister that she'd put off for a month. It needed to be a long letter to tell all the news, and she was, in the end, grateful that she'd been able to get it done.Sally tried to take the brunt of the blame when the children all piled into the parlor and began taking their coats off."We stayed to help Rachel," she said. Taking Meg's line, she added "It seemed like the neighborly thing to do.""Well, considering what happened, I suppose it was." admitted Mavis. "Don't make it a habit, though. There's things around here that need doing.""She's nice," said Meg. "Nicer than I thought.""Is she now?" said Mavis. "Actually it was kind of nice around here... quiet for once. I just wish I'd have known. I'd have had a nice long soak in that tub you all love so much."Neither woman took the bait, though, and Mavis, once again, let it drop.About an hour later though, Meg stopped beside Mavis, on her way to do laundry. "You know, if we helped out at school say, one day a week? You could have that nice long soak."Mavis snorted. But then she said "I guess I could at that."That night, as they listened to the radio, Bobby pulled out the table leg and began carving on the end of it. It was shorter than it had been in the beginning, but still looked a little awkward, and Mavis decided to go visit the cabinetmaker's shop down on Broadway.The next day, while the children were in school, she did just that, taking Bobby's table leg with her, with its half finished carving on the end. Sher also took two of his finished carvings, which were set high on a shelf to keep them away from the children. "Good work," said the man, examining the face of a German Shepherd, its ears stiff and raised, as if it heard something. "No need to ruin good furniture. I got lots of scraps laying around. I'd be glad to be rid of them. You say it's that boy who done this? The one what saved that girl from the rapist?"Mavis went home with a gunny sack filled with chunks of cherry, walnut, pecan and mahogany. When she dumped out the sack for Bobby that afternoon she found more sandpaper too and a roll of oilpaper that had various chisels inside it. A small wooden mallet was rolled up with them. There was also a disk shaped carving, that looked a little like a sunburst with a face in the center. The cabinetmaker had said it was designed to go on a tall chest of drawers, with fancy woodwork framing a mirror on top. The disk, he said, would be attached above the mirror. He had suggested that Bobby attempt to reproduce it. The tools, he said, could be returned at some unspecified time in the future.Bobby, when he came in from school, picked up the tools and examined them. Then he looked at the sunburst carving which, he noticed, had a crack running through it that had ruined it. He found a board end that was about the right size, put it on his lap, and started removing slivers of wood with the tools. As Mavis watched him, she realized that with the board on his lap, it was more difficult than if were on a more solid base. She motioned to Prudence and they went up to the attic and brought down an old stained and scratched Queen Anne end table that a chair could be drawn up to and one's legs put under. Once a couple of thin strips of wood had been fastened to two sides of the top, it provided a place where Bobby's scrap of wood could be laid and stabilized as he pushed or tapped a chisel. The work went faster and was cleaner after that.It only took Bobby four hours to make the reproduction. It was rougher than the original, the lines not as straight, and the face not as crisp, but the women thought it was gorgeous.***On Wednesday, Bobby somehow got coal dust all over his face and hands when he did his chores. He'd never had that problem before. His shirt was black as well. He didn't seem to notice, and sat at his table to try smoothing the sunburst face he had carved. Mavis walked by and saw the condition he was in."What in the world happened to you?" she asked. "I hope you don't think you're coming to my table for supper looking like that. We're having a guest tonight. Meg invited your teacher to come for supper."Bobby looked at his hands innocently. There was paper and pencil beside him. Paper and pencils lay all over the house now. He wrote the word "Bath?" on it.Mavis looked at him shrewdly. "One of these days I'm going to have to find out just what goes on in there," she said. Bobby looked at her as innocently as he'd looked at his hands. She thought briefly about just taking him into the bathroom herself. But she had to get ready for supper."Prudence!" she called. Prudence looked up from the beef hindquarter she was butchering on the cutting table in the kitchen. "I'll finish that up. Bobby's gotten himself filthy and says he needs a bath. Since both Meg and Sally are in town, why don't you take care of it this time." Mavis almost laughed as Prudence lit up with a smile and immediately abandoned the meat that would be their supper for days to come.Bobby had been thinking about Meg. He had dirtied himself with coal dust on purpose, knowing that Mavis would demand he clean up. His ploy to get a bath in the middle of the week had worked, but not quite as he had planned. On the other hand, Prudence's lush body was interesting too. The only two women Bobby had ever seen naked were Meg and Sally, and they were as different as night and day. He wondered if he might get to widen his available store of information with Prudence.Prudence, as it turned out, had been thinking about her unfaithful soon-to-be ex-husband, over in Europe. She was tortured by visions of him and his no-doubt young tart, clasped together, making the beast with two backs... making a baby in her... instead of in Prudence, where it belonged. She had seen Bobby naked before, and it only made things worse. Or better. It depended on how she looked at it. Right now, she wanted to see him naked again.Taking him in the bathroom she started the bath water while Bobby added coal to the heater. She turned to see him standing, his hands at his sides."Well, go on. You can't take a bath in your clothes. I've seen you unclothed before." She watched as he took his shirt off. He now had pants that fit him better, and removing his suspenders no longer made them drop as if they had stones in them. When he pushed them down and stepped out of his drawers, his penis was half hard and stuck out. It was much larger than when she'd seen it limp and satisfied before."Oh my." she said, her breathing increasing. "Has it ever done that when Meg or Sally was in here?" she asked.Bobby nodded and stepped into the tub. He stepped back out quickly. The water was too hot."Oh dear me." she said, turning to mix some cold water in. "I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking." What she had been thinking was that if it looked like that half hard, she was going to do her best to see what it looked like fully erect. Prudence had her own suspicions about what went on at bath time. She too had seen Sally's glow when she finished bathing Bobby.Bobby stepped back in, took the soap from the window sill and handed it to Prudence before sitting down."So they wash you?" she asked.He nodded and splashed water all over himself, trying surreptitiously to get some on Prudence too. She was too far away though. She came closer and bent over to dip the soap in the water, and then placed it on his chest and moved it around. She worked on his arms, then, feeling his muscles moving under the skin. Whenever she looked at his face, he was staring back at her with his big, brown eyes. The water turned dark with washed off coal dust and she told him to close his eyes so she could do his face. Then she put the soap in his hand and cupped water in both of hers to pour over his face, rubbing it clean. Now was the part she had been waiting for."Stand up now Bobby," she said.When he did she wasted no time soaping her hands and going straight for his penis. It lengthened in her hands and became rigid."On dear me," she said softly, feeling her gut clench. "Do the others wash you like this?"Bobby smiled and nodded."And do you like this?" she asked.He smiled wider and nodded with more enthusiasm.She moaned, and her pace increased."Does anything ever... come out... of it?" she asked, blushing.Bobby's smile got even wider as he nodded."Ohhhhhhhh!" she moaned.Prudence was on fire. Her husband had been gone for two years, before which she was, unknown to her, a highly sexed woman. She had reveled in the things they did in the bedroom, feeling like she had been set free from the strictures of society's denial that she should have sexual feelings. And the sudden withdrawl of those pleasures had hit her hard. Then, after struggling through all that time of going without pleasure she loved, he told her he wasn't going without, but that she'd have to go without forever. In all the time he'd been gone, even after getting the letter in which he said he'd found another woman and wasn't coming back to her, she'd never considered cheating on him.Until now.But Prudence was older than Meg and Sally, if only by a few years. Her level of control, while strained, was based on the fact that Mavis was out on the other side of that door. Her mind whirled as, with a strong, young penis in her soapy hands, Prudence thought wildly about what she wanted to do with it. Perhaps, depending on how you, the reader, will evaluate things in the end, it was fortunate that while she thought, her hand assumed what, for her, was a natural stroking motion. Her mental state was intruded upon when Bobby's penis suddenly swelled in her hand.Prudence, knowing what to expect, aimed it down, into the water.They both let out a long sigh as thick streams of milky white spunk splashed into the water and Bobby bent his knees a little. Prudence watched in fascination as three and then four healthy spurts followed the first two. Her own knees sagged a little and the heat between her legs flared.She let go of him and looked at her hand, as if it were someone else's and she couldn't believe it was somehow attached to her arm. she was just as surprised when that hand went back to the wilting phallus of her charge and milked the shrinking organ to ensure that all his sperm was out of it. Then she, in a very businesslike voice, said "All right. Now that that's taken care of, out of the tub and let's get you dried off."Bobby, partly disappointed that things hadn't been as intense as they were with Meg and Sally, was non-the-less happy that she had made him feel good, and he obeyed, standing quietly as she ran the towel all over him. Then, as the other two had, Prudence led him out of the bathroom naked. Since his clean clothes weren't lying in a pile of washing on the floor, she simply told him to go up to his room and get dressed.Mavis had watched as the door to the bathroom opened and the two came out. Her eyes went immediately to Bobby's penis, which was flaccid and completely normal looking, though dark again. Then she examined Prudence, who looked normal as well."Everything go all right?" she asked innocently."Yes," said Prudence, distracted by what was going on under her calm outward appearance. "He does splash a lot, though." she said, just for something else to say. She looked around, like she wasn't quite sure where she was. "How long until supper?" she asked.Mavis, who detected Prudence's scatterbrained undercurrent, and was intrigued by that, said "Oh, I don't know. Several hours I suppose. Why?"Prudence, her speech just a little too fast to be normal, said "Oh, I was just thinking that I forgot all about the fact that the coal truck is coming to my house today. I guess all that coal dust I just washed off of him reminded me. I've let the bin get in a terrible state and need to clean it up."All that was true. There was, in fact, a layer of coal dust in the basement of Prudence's little three room house. She noticed it whenever she tracked the dust upstairs as she refilled her own coal bucket, but normally just wiped her feet on a rag rug at the top of the stairs. Now, though, her lust-fogged mind thought about things a little differently.She turned to Mavis. "Do you think it would be all right if Bobby came over and helped me get that cleaned up?Mavis' sharp eyes examined her employee. The woman was tense. Bathing Bobby did... something... to all the women. "You just gave him a bath!"Prudence's mind came back to the here and now. "Well... yes... of course. It's just that I forgot. I mean that's what reminded me." She looked disappointed somehow. "I suppose it will wait."Mavis couldn't really tell what was going on in the auburn-haired woman's mind. But coal dust was something that was dangerous if left untended, and her maternal instincts took over. "No, you're right. That needs to be taken care of. We've been busy lately, what with extra mouths and all. And baths don't kill the boy. Go ahead and take him. Just make sure his hair is dry before you take him out in the cold. I don't want him getting sick.The change in Pru's demeanor was startling. She smiled as if she had just gotten a new dress. Without another word she turned and went toward the stairs.Prudence and Bobby came down shortly after that, Bobby dressed in clean clothes, and then Prudence got him dressed in his coat and hat. As they were leaving Sally came into the room."Where are they going?" she asked.Pru has a chore at her house that Bobby's going to help her with," said Mavis."Oh, that's nice," said Sally.Sally had no idea how "nice" that was... for both Prudence and Bobby. The trek through the snow was relatively easy, except that warmer temperatures, followed by more cold, had frozen the crust of the snow, and a pedestrian was momentarily supported by the stiff crust, only to fall through to the powdery snow underneath. When they got to the house Prudence, to her credit, did take Bobby down to the cellar and did, in fact, sweep up the coal dust that had settled from the last two deliveries of coal, that billowed the fine black particles into the air as it slid down the chute and into the bin. She had him do that job while an argument raged within her.But that cleanup only took ten minutes. They filled a bucket and Bobby lugged it up the stairs to the main room, where the stove was. Prudence stood and looked at him."Bobby?" she said, looking at his buttocks through the tight cotton pants he was wearing, as he bent over to set the bucket down. He swiveled his head and looked up at her."Did you like what happened in the bathroom?" she asked nervously.He smiled and nodded his head."And the others... they do that for you too?"Bobby nodded again.Prudence felt the heat, which had only dimmed a little since she saw his streams of semen splashing into the bath water, well up in her loins again."Bobby I need you to do something else for me." she said, feeling her control slipping. "Would you do that for me Bobby?"A boy who talked would have simply said "Sure, what is it?" But, of course, Bobby didn't talk. He nodded the "Sure" but didn't ask the "What is it?"Prudence took his hand and pulled him to her bedroom."Take off your clothes Bobby." she said, amazed that her voice didn't crack. She began to unbutton her own clothing.Prudence, like many women of that era, wore panties, but nothing on her breasts under her dress. As a young woman she had worn corsets, but those were going out of vogue. The new brassieres that were available were too expensive, so she just went without. Her breasts were heavy and sagged to some degree, but they were firm and full too, with large, flat, brown nipples. She had never thought much about her nipples. They were there, for babies when they came. Her husband had mauled her breasts with his hands, which felt wonderful, but he had never used his mouth on her other than to kiss her with his tobacco and beer tinted breath. And he resisted touching her between her legs because he thought that was dirty. Still, the feel of his penis rutting in her lustily had been something she couldn't get enough of. She didn't always reach orgasm with him, but loved the feel of him in her anyway. She felt the cold as she took her dress off, and turned to fold back the covers on the bed. For what she wanted to do they'd want those covers over them for comfort.Bobby, being an intelligent boy, recognized that something nice was going to happen. It wasn't a bath, but then, if he got to feel her skin against his, he didn't really care. He liked to look at the women when they were naked, and noticed all the differences between them. But he noticed the similarities too, and they all felt and tasted good. He saw Prudence's flat nipples and wondered it they'd get long and stiff like Sally's had when he sucked at them. Getting naked with a woman meant you got to do that, and he wanted to try that with Prudence.So, when Prudence turned back around, she wasn't quite prepared for what Bobby did. In all truth, she didn't have a "plan". With her husband, things had always gone as he wanted them to go, and she just responded. Bobby suddenly leaned over to suck in her left nipple. It had begun to tighten in the cool air, but was still loose enough that he was able to suck in enough to swirl his tongue around.Prudence experienced something new. It was not only new, it was devastating. She actually bent double, jerking the nipple out of his mouth and hitting his head with her own. Then she sat down on the edge of the bed, holding her head as Bobby knelt beside her, touching her hair with concern."I'm fine," she said. "I was just surprised." She reached up and touched the nipple he'd sucked. It still tingled. Then, making a decision that would change her life, she lay back the bed, shoving the covers over so she could make room for Bobby too."Do that some more." she whispered.Two or three minutes later, Prudence was beside herself. When he suckled at her breasts, the exquisite pain/pleasure sensations she felt shot straight between her legs. Her hand slid inside her panties and she rubbed, spreading her legs. She was gasping for air when he stopped. He was sitting on the side of the bed, and had been pleasuring her for what seemed like hours, but was only a few minutes. She opened her eyes and they went to his groin, where his erection stuck up out of the brown hair there. His hand stroked her belly as he looked at her nearly nude body. What was in his eyes made Prudence want to scream with joy and she lifted her hips, shoving her panties down and off of one leg. They hung up at her other ankle, but she didn't care as she spread her legs."Touch me there Bobby!" she gasped, gripping his hand and pushing it between her legs.He rubbed her with the flat of his hand, finding her slippery lips and liking the feel of the smooth skin below all that brown hair. Her hips jerked up off the bed and then fell back with a soft thump as her buttocks landed and she groaned. He experimented a little, rubbing this way, and that, and watching how she reacted. That was how he found the little bump between those slippery lips. When he touched that her hips bounded up off the bed again and she put her hand in her mouth to stifle a cry."Bobby... ohhh Bobby." she whispered, between filling her mouth with her hand. "Ohhh love me Bobby... pleeease love me."The only way Bobby knew how to show love was to kiss her, and he crawled up to do that, pressing his lips to her and sliding his tongue into her mouth.But Prudence knew how she wanted him to love her and she pulled on his stiff penis, until he crawled between her legs as she lay spread under him. His kisses were so sweet, and his breath so much nicer than what she remembered about her husband, that she didn't hesitate in the slightest, pulling his stiff prick to the opening of her sex. When it got there she pulled until she could feel the head part her pussy lips. Then, with both hands, she reached for his buttocks and in a surreal moment, as her fingers felt the scars on his cheeks, she pulled and thrust toward him with her hips.He slid into her completely in one long lunge.Now it was Bobby who felt something new. Meg, and then Sally, had used their mouths on him, and that felt hot, and wet and wonderful.But this... this was beyond wonderful. "Hot" didn't quite describe what he felt. "Soft" wasn't a good enough word. She hadn't had a prick in her for two years and, though Bobby didn't know it, she was almost as tight as a virgin. The sensations that surrounded his penis... the firm pressure on every square inch of that sensitive organ... the way her cervical lips kissed and then surrounded the tip of his prick when his hairs meshed with hers... and the groan of sexual satisfaction as she was penetrated fully and completely... all those things were new to Bobby.His mind, surprised at the rush of overwhelming sensory inputs, shut down momentarily. His body took over. It knew where his penis was, and why it was there. It did what it knew it was supposed to do. It transferred the contents of Bobby's scrotum to the small dark cave inside of Prudence's body, filling it to overflowing with happy, active sperm cells.Prudence's mind, in a dusty corner that hadn't been used in two years, felt the rush of wet heat in her womb, and cried out that it was to be over so soon. Her reaction was like that of a person who has fallen deep in water, has held her breath, struggling to reach the surface, lungs straining, face finally breaking the surface... only to find unbreatheable air there. Yet, at the same time, that rush of heat deep inside her was so welcome that another part of her mind breathed deeply of it, lungs filling to the very bottom, almost bursting with clean, fresh, life-giving oxygen.Bobby, completely unprepared for his ejaculation, felt the natural urge to move his penis in Prudence... to keep his ejaculation going. That urge caused him to press deeper, pull out a little, and slam deep again. That felt fabulous, so he did it again... and again... and again.Prudence's mind stuttered. When Harold did what Bobby had just done, which he did quite often almost as quickly as Bobby had, he rolled off of her and sighed contentedly. But Bobby didn't do that. Bobby, when he flushed her full of that heat, began doing THEN what Harold only did occasionally. She realized that the penis that had made her feel so complete only seconds before, had NOT wilted, like it had in the bathroom, but was still firm. And Bobby was poking and prodding her in the MOST delightful way with that still-firm thing. That air-starved part of her mind opened its mouth again and breathed deeply.Bobby couldn't believe how wonderful it felt to slide in and out of Prudence. His mind, cleared by that mind-blowing orgasm, began to notice the woman under him. He felt her large, soft breasts, crushed under his chest. He felt her loins, bucking up at him, and her legs, which had entwined with his. He heard her agonized moans of joy as his stiff cock plumbed her depths. He heard the joy in her voice, and it spurred him to keep doing what he was doing to make those sounds happen. He didn't know that his natural desire to go deep satisfied her desire to feel her clit being mashed and abused. He didn't know that his desire to please her touched something deep inside her that no other man had taken the time to touch.All he knew was that he liked doing this new thing, and if he could do it for a long time, then he would make it last as long as he could.When she had an orgasm, he thought he'd hurt her, and stopped moving."Ohhh Bobby don't stop baby." she moaned, her hands pulling at his buttocks where they had been ever since he'd first slid into her.Reassured, he moved again. Bobby was, by virtue of the need to survive, an expert at watching people. He was quite good, on an unconscious level, at recognizing what made people happy. And, if people were happy, they were less likely to hurt you, and more likely to do things you wanted them to do.Thus it was that Bobby, during his first complete sexual encounter, got the chance to see what made a woman happy during sex. His own genetic need had been assuaged, and now he studied the woman under him, learning what made her squirm and cry out with joy. He watched her through two more of those gut-wrenching episodes that he now realized were the woman's equivalent of what he had felt as he spurted inside her. He loved it when she did that. It made him feel good to be able to help her feel that way. Then, suddenly she flopped back, limp, her eyes closed, like she was dead. But her chest still heaved as she dragged in panting breaths. He somehow knew that it was time to stop. He had been on the edge of spurting again for several minutes, but had pushed it back, wanting to be able to go on. Now he let the urge to spurt loose. He whined and pushed hard, letting his balls pump their seed into her again before relaxing on top of her, gasping himself.Prudence couldn't believe what had happened. She was quite sure now that Harold was somehow crippled sexually and that she just hadn't known it. She had never had more than one orgasm at a time, and it had to be this man on top of her who was responsible for that. And he had even given her that deep heat TWICE!"Ohhh Bobby," she sighed, playing with the hair on his head as he panted on top of her. "Thank you so much." He lifted his head, looking tired, but smiled and reached to kiss her briefly.She didn't want to move, but had a panicky feeling that this had to have taken hours, and that supper had probably already been served."We have to go!" she said, pushing at him, and wishing they could just stay in bed forever.Bobby, used to going where people told him to go, and doing what people told him to do, got up. He wished they could stay there too, warm under the covers. But he jumped up and dressed quickly to minimize the time his body was exposed to the cold.Prudence did much the same thing. Her mind whirled still over what had just happened. She darted quick glances at Bobby, suddenly glad he couldn't talk... couldn't betray what they had just done... what she was quite sure they would do again, if she had anything to say about it."Bobby?" she said. When he looked at her she had to ask the next question. "Have you done that before?" She was afraid of what his answer would be.When he shook his head her jaw dropped. "Really? Not even with... the others?"He shook his head again."Oh." she said, feeling unaccountably happy that he hadn't done this with anyone else. Then she suddenly felt guilty for taking him so much farther than the others. "I don't suppose we should tell anyone we did this," she said. "I don't think they'd understand. Usually only married people do that." Bobby pointed at her and then lifted her hand to finger her wedding band. Prudence realized for the first time that she had just cheated on her husband. A stab of guilt was immediately replaced by a feeling that she had vindicated her status as a discarded wife."Well, yes, I'm married, but my husband doesn't want me any more," she said. The pain she would have felt at saying that was strangely absent. Her brain was still flooded with dopamine, that blunted the guilt. "But most women don't do this with a man who isn't their husband. People wouldn't understand why this happened."He nodded, but looked confused too."What I mean, Bobby, is that people wouldn't approve. They wouldn't let me be around you any more if they found out we did this. But I want you to know I loved it. I'm glad it happened. But it probably shouldn't have happened... Oh I don't know WHAT to say." she ended up, beginning to feel guilty again.Bobby, seeing the ambivalence in her face, took her hand. He smiled. He brought one finger to his lips and she recognized that as his pledge not to say anything. She hugged him and he tried to kiss her, but she pushed him away."Not now. If you kiss me we'll end up back in bed, and we have to get back. We've probably missed supper and Mavis will be up in arms." Then, in direct violation of her own statement, she kissed him firmly."Thank you so much Bobby." she said, when she was done. "I can't tell you how much this means to me."***They hurried through the snow and into the back door. The food smells as they entered Milleson House smote them like steam hits a bather in a spa. But supper wasn't over. It hadn't been served yet. As it turned out, they had been gone only an hour and a half.Mavis looked up from stirring a pot. The cold air had robbed Prudence of the well-fucked look she had had when they left her house. Now she just looked happy."Get everything taken care of?" she asked."Yes" said Prudence. "Everything's fine now.""Didn't get too dirty." commented Mavis, eyeing the relatively clean appearance of both."We tried to be careful," said Prudence."Good," said Mavis. "Remember we have a visitor tonight." she said, turning back to the stove."Yes," said Prudence, squeezing Bobby's hand. "I'll pitch in and help get things ready. Thanks again Bobby. I couldn't have done that without you."Bobby just grinned.CHAPTER EIGHTThe children were excited when they found out Rachel was going to be there for dinner that night. The air of excitement transferred to the women. Meg and Sally, of course, were glad their new friend would be coming. For the others, there was the anticipation of having someone new in the house, and they were interested to make their own judgment of this woman who had been the topic of so much talk in town.Now, two weeks after school had started again, Rachel's face had healed to the point where she merely looked jaundiced. The dark black and purple bruises had faded to a sickly yellow, and her lips had healed to the point where she could speak plainly and they caused her no pain. She wasn't quite as self conscious about her appearance, and was happy that she was going to break up the tedium of her normal existence by eating supper at Milleson House.Plus, she'd get to see Bobby again. She hadn't started tutoring him in the afternoons again, yet. She was still very tired after half a day of dealing with children. While she got to see him in school every day, she missed getting to concentrate on just looking at him.As she hurried through the crusty snow she reflected on that thought. At school she acted completely normal toward him, and had been since school had started back up. He did the same things in the classroom he had always done, helping the children, or reading. Her attitude toward her hero, as she had called him, was no different on the outside than it had ever been. But on the inside Rachel's attitude toward Bobby had undergone a vast change. Thankfully, a lot of what had happened to her during the attempted rape was not available to her conscious memory. She remembered the incident, but there were large gaps in that memory. Much of it had been suppressed. She remembered knowing that she was going to be raped. That had made her angry, because she had always treated her virginity as a precious gift that she would one day offer to a man of her own choosing. She hadn't met a man who deserved it, in her opinion.It wasn't fair to say that she hadn't had sexual urges. She had felt them many times as she danced with some young man, or flirted at a party. She had experimented between her legs, and knew what that thrill felt like. And, at school, she was busy enough that she didn't let her mind dwell on those infrequent sexual urges even more infrequent since she had moved to Nebraska.But at night, when she lay in the bed where her cherished virginity had almost been ripped from her by that savage man, and she thought about how Bobby had looked that day in school, or remembered his eyes looking into hers, she felt things that she wasn't prepared to feel. Her mind remembered how she had been naked in front of him, and that he hadn't tried to hurt her, like the other man... how he had held her... how the horror had been held at bay, as if it had some special power to keep her safe.He HAD kept her safe. He had saved her. She had never been in love before. She didn't know what 'being in love' felt like. But she had never felt for a male like she felt for Bobby... in the night. She tried not to think about it, because it was frightening. No, that wasn't the right word.It was exciting.It made her want to be naked in front of him again.She didn't understand that urge... thought it was insane for her to feel sexual toward someone who was so closely involved in the horror of that incident. She had examined that for hours, lying there, trying not to slide her hand between her legs to press against that place that felt so good to press.Over the long nights, though, she had come to realize that what her attacker had been doing wasn't really about sex. It was about dominating her... taking from her... terrorizing her. And Bobby wasn't like that. He didn't take. He gave. As miserable as his life had been, he somehow came down on the giving side of things and offered himself whenever he saw a need.And, she had decided, she had a need. She wanted Bobby to meet that need. She had no idea, however, how to go about that.That was why she was ambivalent about going to supper too. Excited... and ambivalent at the same time. She shook her head and laughed out loud. How could a young man affect her like this?Then the door was in front of her, and her hand was knocking. June Bug opened it, smiling widely, pulling at her sleeve, welcoming her into the warmth of the house. A feeling of ecstasy welled up in her. She was loved and wanted here. At least by this precious girl.That feeling was confirmed as she took off her coat, exposing the best dress she owned, and had worn because being invited to supper seemed like such an honor. The children gathered around her, their voices mingling into a cacophony of sound that, rather than grating on her ears, caressed them. She wiped at her eyes, ashamed that a mere greeting could make her feel so powerfully wanted.Mrs. Milleson pushed through the throng."Here now! Children! Give the poor woman a chance to breathe." she said, clearing a place around Rachel. Rachel felt the woman's eyes on her like she was under a magnifying glass, being scrutinized. But the woman had a smile on her face."Welcome" she said. "Come in. Stand by the stove and warm yourself." She pointed the way. "You must be a wonderful teacher for these terrible children to be so excited.""They're NOT terrible" said Rachel before she could stop herself. She blushed. "I mean they're really wonderful Mrs. Milleson. You're doing a wonderful job raising them.""Lands sakes, girl, call me Mavis," said Mavis. "No need to be formal around here." She continued looking at the young woman. "I suppose they are good children at that."The smells were wonderful, and the atmosphere was wonderful, and by the time Rachel was seated at the table she wished it would go on forever. She recognized meager fare when she saw it, but the happiness on the faces of the children was so real that the plain meal seemed right somehow. She watched as the women did what mothers everywhere do with children at meal time and felt a sudden urge to have a roomful of children of her own. Her eyes darted to where Bobby sat, down the table. He was helping Emily spoon corn onto her plate. She blushed at the thought that went through her mind, and took a bite of roast quickly. She wasn't used to thinking such things, particularly not in public.Mavis had seated her at the head of the table, and had placed children on both sides of her, in an unspoken invitation to join in the matronly duties around the table. She did so, feeling that she was lucky to be able to do something so simple as helping a child eat.When all had been served, and the chatter had muted due to full mouths, Mavis established some adult conversation."Well, your color seems to be much improved," she said.Rachel was usually uncomfortable when someone talked about her face. Somehow, in this setting, it didn't bother her."Yes, the doctor says I was very lucky, and that when everything heals completely there will be almost no sign of what happened," she said. She still had to chew gently though. Her jaw hadn't been broken, but whatever held one's jaws together had been strained."That's good," said Mavis. "Beauty such as yours should not be spoiled."Rachel blushed again, unaccountably pleased that this woman thought she was beautiful. She had always taken her beauty for granted. Not any more."Thank you." she mumbled. Her eyes went again to Bobby as she wondered if he thought she was beautiful too. Always before she'd have assumed all men found her beautiful. Not any more. "He said there will be some small scars."Mavis looked closely at the woman's face. Again she felt like she was under a magnifying glass. She nodded. "Yes, I can see them now. I don't think they'll detract too much. Lines on a face give it character."Mavis looked surprised that she'd said that and then laughed to cover her own blush. "Of course I'd say that. Old women want to believe lines make for character." Rachel was surprised. Mavis Milleson might be in her mid thirties, but she was certainly no old woman. "How would you know?" she asked, meaning it to be a compliment. "Have old women told you so?"There were titters from several of the other women, Meg among them, but smiles went with them.Mavis sat back in her chair. She felt old sometimes. That feeling had come from a lot of things. She had married well when she was nineteen, to a merchant who provided her with a big house and announced that he wanted her to fill it with his offspring. What he did to advance that plan had thrilled her to her very core. But before he could put a baby in her womb he had developed a cough that became worse and worse and then, tearing her new and wonderful life apart, had taken him from her. She was left with a big, empty house, and the thought of trying to fill it with another man had been unthinkable. Turning that empty place into a boarding house had been a thing of necessity, and running it had taken all her time and energy to the point that she had settled into that role - the role of a widow woman who ran a boarding house - and didn't think about that wonderful thing her dead husband had done with her in their bedroom. Slowly, her boarders became her 'children', and she cared for them instead of for her own offspring. Then the depression came, and the war, and suddenly real children filled her house. That was both good and bad. Good because her old yearning to have a houseful of children was realized. Bad because she fell in love with them all, and some of them got taken away from her. They weren't taken like her husband had been taken, but the pain felt almost the same. And she was still too busy to think about that other thing that was still missing from her life. Because of that, and the unending work she so willingly submerged herself in, she didn't feel young any more.Rachel's blatant compliment made Mavis feel better than if a man had whistled at her."You're welcome at supper any time you want to come back." Mavis grinned.Rachel was invited to stay after supper, to listen to the radio. She watched as Bobby sat nearby, working on a carving. She saw others on a shelf on the wall and went to examine them. One was of a dog standing, one front leg lifted, his back straight, his tail stiff and nose straining forward. It was gorgeous. Another was of a bitch, lying on her side, with puppies gorging at her teats. That carving made it appear as if the dog and her puppies were rising from the depths of the wood, appearing as they drifted upwards. It had an unfinished look, and at the same time made the viewer realize the relationship between the unfinished original tree underneath, and the living, breathing creatures the tree had yielded up. A third piece was a medallion of intricately carved interwoven lines that formed a Gordian Knot. It was small enough to be placed on a jewelry box or some such thing and would make a plain box precious because of its intricacy.She realized Mavis was standing beside her and looked over. "They're so beautiful." she said, her voice almost a whisper. "They grip my heart," she said. Without realizing she was saying it she added "Just like Bobby."Mavis arched an eyebrow. "Not you too."Rachel realized what she'd said and blushed. "Not me too... what?""That boy's got three of us wrapped around his finger like a teenaged girl at her first dance." She didn't realize that her use of the word "us" made it impossible to tell if she was one of the three she mentioned or not. Rachel, hearing that, felt comradeship with the older woman.She turned to Mavis. "Yes, me too. It's terrible! All I can think about is what he did for me. What I wish..." She stopped. "He's just a boy." she said helplessly."I'm not so sure of that," said Mavis, thinking her own thoughts. "I've got a feeling he's much more of a man than he looks.""Why would you say that?" asked Rachel, curious about anything that involved Bobby."When he first came here we thought he was simple minded. We gave him baths... like we do the other children."Rachel stared at Mavis. The idea of Bobby, being bathed... his skin bare and slick with soap... Her nipples tightened and tingled. "You've seen him... naked?" she asked.Mavis looked at Rachel's wide eyes and chuckled. "We all have. By the time we figured out he wasn't anywhere near stupid, it had sort of become a habit, I guess. I should do something about it. Something's going to happen. I can feel it in my bones. If it hasn't already." she said, staring at Bobby."You can't mean that any of these women have..." Rachel couldn't finish. Somehow the thought of any woman lying with Bobby made her want to scream. Well, any OTHER woman. "You haven't... have you?" she said automatically. Then Rachel flushed bright red. "Oh Mavis, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. I have no business prying into your affairs."Mavis turned her shrewd glance on the young teacher. "No, only three of them have bathed him. And I don't think any of them have done anything completely insane. That's not to say I haven't thought about it myself. He just has this... something. I can't put my finger on it. I should put my foot down, but I can't." She turned to her guest. "And now you're smitten with him too. Lands sakes. I need to get that boy out of here and into a proper place for a boy his age before something happens for sure."Rachel felt panic at the idea of Bobby going away. "Mavis, I'd just die if he went away," she said. Then she promptly slapped her hand over her mouth, horrified that she'd said it aloud.Mavis laughed though. "Don't feel that way. I know how you feel. I can't believe some of the things I've thought about here lately myself!"Rachel felt better, and her jealousy fled as if it had never been. She had someone to confide in who understood, at least a little, of what she was feeling."Do you think we're terrible?" she asked.Mavis actually thought about that a little bit before answering. "Rachel, I don't rightly know if we're terrible or not, but I do know this. He's a good boy, and he deserves whatever happiness he can find. And I think that goes for the rest of us too. Life's been pretty hard for the last few years. One part of me thinks it's like robbing the cradle. But another part of me thinks that's one big baby over there." She grinned to ease the seriousness of her voice."Well" said Rachel, keeping her face as calm as she could. "If you ever need any help at bath time, you let me know."Both women burst into gales of laughter, and Bobby looked over at them from his carving. Their laughter caused a natural smile on his face and that just made the women laugh harder.Then Meg cornered Rachel and took her off to read to the children who weren't listening to the radio program. Mavis walked over to where Bobby was carving and admired the horse he was working on. The large, ungainly chunk of wood he'd started with was becoming a rearing stallion before her very eyes, as, sliver by sliver, he removed the wood that wasn't part of the horse. She remembered the large medallion he had carved for the cabinet maker. It was still sitting in her room, where she'd put it for safe keeping until she could take it back to the man. She should have taken it days ago, but somehow kept forgetting. She liked staring at it when she was getting ready for bed. She decided to take it to the cabinet maker the next day."You're collecting quite a harem young man." she said casually to Bobby. He looked up and smiled that beautiful loins-wrenching smile. "You just be careful," she said. "You're biting off more than you could ever chew. If any of those women fall in love with you it could cause an uproar."Bobby was astonished at her words. He knew that what he was doing with some of the women was fun - for all of them - but the concept of a woman falling in love with him, especially older women like that, was like thinking he could suddenly fly. He snorted and raised an eyebrow at his guardian."You laugh now," said Mavis, reaching out to stroke his hair. "I think next time you take a bath it had better be me who tends you."His smile disarmed her completely. He looked almost eager and it made her feel like a school girl who's been asked to a dance for the first time. She had a fleeting sensation of caution that shot through her. "Then again, maybe that's not such a good idea," she said.His look of obvious unhappiness made butterflies dance in her stomach and suddenly she didn't feel nearly so old and wrinkled.***The next day Rachel asked Bobby to walk her home after school. Her visit to Milleson House had been an eye opener for her in several ways. First she was astounded by the love that the five women poured out onto their helpless charges. She had known them all as students, but seeing them at home made her realize they were children who, though they had no parents or kin, were loved none the less. Her own upbringing had been short of that kind of love, though there was some. Her amazingly frank talk with Mavis had somehow set her free to think about things without feeling like she was perverted, or strange. And, seeing Bobby carve... seeing him do things that men did for a living... made her look at him more as a man. Her conscious mind knew he was a boy, but when the radio had given the war news, and talk had turned to Prudence's husband, away at war, Donna had offhandedly said, "At least we don't have to worry about Bobby. He can't talk, so they won't take him and send him off to die." She had turned to look at the boy, and realized that in a very short time indeed he would be the same age as men who were fighting for freedom. He would be a man. The thought of him dying pierced her so painfully that she'd had to sit down for a few minutes.That night she thought about how close she had come to death. She thought about all those children, in that big house, and how wonderful it would be if they were all her own. She dreamed impossible dreams of Bobby as her husband... of Bobby helping her to fill a house like that.She didn't actually plan anything. It was all just cotton in her head. But at school she asked him to walk her home. And when they got there she offered to feed him, little as she had, and poor cook that she was. She watched him eat the cold ham she cut for him... watched him lick his fingers and wolf down half a loaf of bread with butter. She gave him one of her hoarded apples, and watched as the juice ran down from the corners of his mouth as he crushed the sweet pulp between his teeth.And words began coming out of her mouth, unbidden, horrifying to the "good girl" in her, but unstoppable."You saved me," she said. He waved his hand, as if he had only split some wood for her, and smiled."You saw me naked."The smile disappeared from his face, and he became serious."No man has seen me like that. Not before that day," she said. Her hands gripped her skirt and twisted it, an unconscious nervous outlet."You saw me naked and all you did was hold me, and comfort me," she said.He shrugged. He didn't know what else to do."I never thanked you," she said.Bobby pulled paper from his pocket. He always carried that now, along with a stub of pencil. "Yes you have. Many times." he wrote."I didn't thank you like I should have," she said. "You are my hero Bobby. And the heros in all the books get the fair maiden's love in return. They get other things too, Bobby."Bobby wrote "Those are just fairy tales.""I want you to kiss me Bobby." she said, her face serious. "Like in the fairy tales. I know I'm still ugly, but would you kiss me? Please?"Bobby wrote "Not ugly. Beautiful." in the corner of the paper. The pencil slipped in his greasy fingers, and smudged the paper."Let me wash your hands," she said. He stood up and she realized he was taller than she was. She'd never noticed that before. She took him to the sink. She had the gray rough soap he had always seen before he came to Milleson House and he reached for it. But she snatched the soap first. "Let me," she said. The water was cold, and she got the pot she had put on the stove for tea, adding some to a small pot and mixing in cold. Then she washed his hands, rubbing each finger."Mavis told me they give you baths," she said.Bobby's eyes widened. What came through her voice astounded him. He looked at her like an authority figure... a teacher... someone to please... and who could make life either good or bad for him. No authority figure had ever said anything to him in that tone of voice. He felt his penis stir at that tone, but couldn't believe she meant what it sounded like. He couldn't help but look around the room for a tub.She smiled. "No, I don't have a tub like they do over there. I have to take my baths in this pot," she said. His look of confusion made her smile."Like this," she said. Her fingers went to the buttons of her dress and undid them. She wore the only brassiere she'd been able to afford. It was old now, and thin... stretched by the weight of her breasts, but she didn't care that he saw it. The look in his eyes as her near-nude body appeared actually settled her. He looked at her like a man looks at a woman. That just solidified in her mind that he was, in fact, a man.She took a rag and dipped it in the water. Then she rubbed it on the bar of lye soap and rubbed it up an down one arm, changing to do the other. Then she rubbed the rag over her chest, above her bra."Like this." she said again. "Is this how they bathe you?" she asked, her voice husky now.Bobby shook his head."Show me." she said, breathing faster. "Show me how they bathe you."Bobby took the rag from her and dropped it in the sink. He got the soap and dipped it in the water and managed to make thin lather on his hands. He slid his hands down her arm, one on each side."I washed there already." she said, her eyes staring into his. Her hands went to where the bra came together in the front. There were laces there and she pulled at a loose end, undoing them. The bra sagged and pulled apart. Breathing faster still she pulled it apart. Bobby started to look away and she spoke."No, you've seen me before. It's all right. Wash me here." she said, cupping her breasts.She moaned as Bobby's hands cupped her heavy mams and slid around the sides, and then down, his hands scraping across her nipples."Oh yesss!" she hissed, her eyes closing.Bobby stopped. He thought he knew what she wanted now, but still had a hard time believing it. He dipped his hands in the water and then rinsed her breasts, watching as the water dribbled down across her abdomen and turned her panties dark where they became wet. Her hands came to his wrists and he thought it was to stop him, but they pushed his hands back to her breasts.Now he knew for sure. It was something he'd never have believed, but her actions made it clear. He leaned over and sucked at her nipple, pulling it in, like he had the others."AAAAHHHHHH!" she groaned, her hands moving to his head. She suddenly pushed him away, her hands going to his shirt buttons, pulling at them, trying to get them open. Her eyes were wild and her teeth were bared as in her frustration she pulled and a button went sailing across the room to bounce on the floor and hit the wall. Now it was Bobby's hands that stopped hers, he kissed her once, quickly on the lips, and shrugged out of his suspenders, his fingers finishing what she'd started. She stood, frozen, watching his skin appear and beginning to pant. She stared at the bulge in his drawers when it was uncovered and held her breath.When he pushed his drawers down, and his bouncing penis appeared, her voice took on a high pitched keening noise as she let that breath out between tightly closed teeth. She sounded terrified.Bobby took one of her hands, suspended in front of her like some statue, and brought it to his lips, kissing the back of it, like he had read about in books. Her eyes came back up to his and she smiled a tremulous tiny smile at his offer of chivalry. That little act penetrated her terrified brain. He didn't move... didn't attack her... didn't threaten her... just stood there looking at her with his serious brown eyes."I've never done this." she said, her voice tiny and shrill. "I don't know what to do." she whined.Bobby had learned a lot in the last few months. Some of it had been taught to him, but he was a shrewd judge of character and of people in general. He could hear the fear in her voice, and he didn't like that sound. He wanted nothing to do with hurting this woman. He knew she had been hurt by the last man... knew she had not been herself for days afterward. When he'd next seen her she seemed her old self, though horribly bruised. He knew what that was like - being beaten - and knew what that did to a person. Very gently, almost painfully slowly, he pulled at her, getting her close enough to him that he could hug her.Rachel hadn't realized how cold it was in her house until she felt her breasts touch Bobby's chest. She hadn't been able to think about much of anything once she'd felt his hands on her breasts. She couldn't believe this was happening to her... couldn't believe how she was acting. But the dream she was having, while astonishingly frightening, also felt somehow right and proper in a way she couldn't begin to understand. And right now she didn't want to think. She just wanted to be warm and held in this man's arms. A sob lurched from her lungs, shaking her shoulders, and her arms went around Bobby like a vice. She was unbelievably strong in that moment, crushing her chest and loins to his. She felt that stiff prong against her belly, and it cause a heat there that was deep inside her. All her late night cottony yearnings rushed into her head and burst into parts of her body. Her nipples, despite being against his warm chest spiked painfully, and she felt a gurgle in her belly as she became wet between her legs with a rush of fluid."I'm cooold," she murmured into his chest.She felt his head turn... toward the bed. Something burst inside her and she pushed him away."Yes!" she barked. "The bed!"She all but ran the few short steps, pulling him behind her by his hand. She threw back the covers and then pushed at her panties, ripping them in her haste to get them off her body. She fell, tripping and he caught her by her hips, pushing her toward the bed. She rolled and with his assistance, ended up on the bed, scooting to get under the covers. She looked up to see him standing beside the bed, staring down at her. His penis looked immense to her untrained eyes, like a club. But she wanted to be beaten with that particular club."Get in bed with me," she moaned. "You have to get in bed with me."Her invitation galvanized him and he slid in beside her - not on top of her as she expected - but beside her, moving up against her. She writhed against him, trying to get every square inch of her skin to touch his. His lips found hers and she thought she'd drown on dry land as his tongue swept into her mouth and she suddenly couldn't breathe. Now she wanted to push him back out, suddenly afraid again... afraid of her own reactions to him.But that kiss went on and he didn't force her to do anything. Her mind calmed just enough to pull back from panic, and began to recognize other sensations. Again she felt his heat, and squirmed at the pleasure of that. One of his hands was on her back, sliding up and down. It slid onto her buttock and she clenched it, shoving her mons toward his, loving the rough feel of his hand scraping her skin. Her kiss became demanding and now it was her tongue that forced its way into his mouth, searching for whatever it was she needed so desperately.Her whole body felt like a balloon, filling with something that was going to make it burst into a thousand floppy pieces. Her hand went to his shaft and she was astounded at the velvety feel over the hardness that she knew was made to thrust inside her body. She hadn't planned anything. She had wanted something, but she hadn't known exactly what that was. Now she wanted this velvety hard thing to go where she suddenly felt so empty. She pulled at him, knowing that the man was supposed to be on top, but not knowing what else to do.He rolled on top of her, remembering the feeling of Prudence's flesh, wrapped tightly around him and knowing that was what this woman wanted too. He felt the tip of his cock nudge into that unbelievable heat."Slowly" she groaned, ending in an "eeeeee" sound. Prudence had wanted him to push hard, and go deep, and that was the only way he knew to do this thing he'd done only once. But her cry that held fear in it made him hesitate and he pushed only a little. He felt the resistance immediately and she groaned again, in pain. He didn't want to hurt her, and pulled away from her."Nooooo" she cried. "It's supposed to hurt the first time." she moaned. "I need you Bobby. Pleeease."This was something he didn't understand. If it hurt her, why would she want to do it? He wanted to be inside her. That was a feeling he wanted badly. But not if she cried out. She was pulling him toward her again, pulling him into that heat again."Push!" she demanded.He pushed and the resistance bent his prick... and then vanished as if it had never been there. He had increased the weight of his push, and when her hymen tore he sank into her as deeply as he had with Prudence.Her agonized cry of pain made him freeze and her fingers dug into his sides. When he tried to pull out of her those fingers gripped his flesh painfully."Don't move." she groaned. He felt her sobbing and didn't know what to do. He ducked his head and kissed her eyes, and then below them. Her cheeks were as far as he could get without going lower and she arched her neck so her lips came to his.Her eyes opened and she saw the concern in his deep brown ones."I want this," she groaned. "Don't take it out." She kissed him, and then again, and he felt her hips wiggle under him. Then her tongue flicked out and she licked his lips."It's not so bad now," she moaned. "Just let me get used to it."Bobby was beginning to think there was something wrong with her. She felt wonderful, wrapped firmly around him down there. Her heat was just as hot as Prudence's had been, though she was tighter. He remembered that Prudence liked it when he pressed his hair against hers. He dug in his toes and rocked forward a little."OHHHHHHH!" Rachel groaned. The pain had been unbelievable as she felt... actually felt her flesh tear. Her first thoughts had been that women must be insane to want this. But she DID want this... right now... with THIS man. The pain dulled almost instantly, to a feeling a little like being bloated from eating too much. Then he rocked forward, and she thought the top of her head was going to pop right off.."OHHHH YES!" she croaked, her voice cracking with emotion. Her interior muscles rebelled against the invading monster, squeezing. But she couldn't resist, and those muscles relaxed again. He felt that and rocked forward again."Ohhhh Mama!" moaned Rachel, and this time there was only a trace of pain in her voice.Bobby felt her muscles loosen around him, then they fluttered, like they couldn't make up their mind whether to grip or loosen. He heard something other than pain in her voice and rocked into her again, mashing his hairs against hers hard.He pulled his penis halfway out, and then slid it gently into her."Ohhh I love you," groaned Rachel. At that moment the pain fled, overcome by something else. Her hips began to try to get that movement inside her again, jerking. Her hands pushed on his hips. He backed, just as she did too, and slid completely out of her."NOOOOOOO!" she cried, hunching her hips up at him wildly. "Put it back IN!" He raised up and her hand darted between them. When she gripped him this time he was wet and sticky. She nosed the tip back into her emptiness and let out another long groan as he slid all the way back in, pressing hard. She felt something deep inside her that was pushed by the tip of his hardness. That hurt, but in a different way that she instantly loved.Slowly, as if blind and feeling their way, they established the age old rhythm as he began to move in and out of her, pausing every third stroke or so to push deep and press hard. Rachel couldn't speak now. She made little sounds, mewls of pleasure. The rational part of her mind whispered "THIS is why women want to do this." The animal part of her mind just demanded more. The full feeling was back, and she felt like her skin would burst as he sped up. That place that felt so good when he pressed in was scraped by his shaft as he moved it, and again she felt like the top of her head must surely explode as the tension in her built to an unbearable level.Then it did burst. It burst as he pressed deep and stayed there, the tip of his prick nudging what she didn't know were her inner lips. Those lips kissed the tip of his prick as she saw stars and her world collapsed on her like an avalanche. She felt unbearable pleasure in her loins that streaked outwards to all parts of her body like fireworks. And through it all, somehow, she felt, issuing from the tip of that hard thing inside her, that was nosing into her virgin womb, the rush of his seed as it erupted and filled her innermost secret place.She wasn't sure when she became aware of anything outside her body. The first thing she felt was his weight, bearing down on her, and then his chest moving against hers as he gasped for breath. Immediately after that she felt her own breath being dragged into her lungs in cool, clean rushes that cleared her head. Next she felt the heat generated by their union as sweat trickled down her shoulder and into her arm pit. She wanted to laugh at all those times she had been disgusted by a runnel of sweat as it betrayed her sensibilities. She felt more of it between her breasts and pushed on him to get air between them. Her finger went to the little pool of sweat as they both looked down between her breasts.He had stopped filling her somehow, even though his groin was planted firmly against hers, little trickles of joy still sparking in her as his hair rubbed against her there. Then she felt the real emptiness as he lifted his hips and his softened member pulled free."Ohhhhh" she complained, as she felt that emptiness. Then he shocked her by dipping his head and licking at the tiny puddle of sweat between her breasts. She gasped, and kept gasping as his lips and tongue tickled their way up one mound and he suckled the nipple he found there."Ahhhhhhhh," she sighed. Ecstasy. This was the definition of ecstasy. THIS was why women wanted to do this thing.He continued to lap and suck at her nipples gently, changing from one to the other at precisely the right intervals, before his suction caused pain. As he kissed her shoulders and then her neck she tilted her head, loving the feel of his lips as they sent tiny thrills through her tired body.Tired.She was exhausted. She wanted to sleep for a month.The feel of something wet dribbling between her buttocks made her think of what that was.His seed.He had flushed her full of his seed. She was a woman... of childbearing age. She could be pregnant as she thought about this feeling. She examined that possibility with a remarkably clear inner vision, watching herself thinking about that... watching her hand slid between them to seal off the leak of that precious fluid. She wanted this man's baby. She wanted ten of this man's babies. She wanted to start all over again and do what they had done for a month straight. THEN she would think about sleeping. Her fingers pressed his seed into her and she hit that special spot that he had made feel so good... that spot that had made the horrible pain go away.Horrible pain? Part of her mind knew there had been horrible pain, but it was a dim and dusty memory now, something like a healed cut that only felt a twinge now and again, but was almost whole.Whole.She felt whole.She marveled at what she had done, and how completely whole she felt with all that seed inside her body.Bobby got up to his hands and knees, preparing to get off the bed. Rachel moaned softly. It was cold! How could she be sweating and be cold at the same time? It was crazy! As he stood up she pulled the blankets over her with her free hand and made a humming noise as the warmth from his back, that had been infused into the blanket, settled down over her. She peeked out from the covers, looking at him. His penis was soft and shriveled now, hanging forlornly between his legs, like a dog that has been scolded. She wanted to make it long and hard again, as it should be.He was bending over the table now, naked, and he was beautiful in her eyes. He didn't seem to mind the cold at all. He handed her a note."I should leave now?" it said."I don't want you to leave." she whined, like a little girl.He went back to the table and wrote again."They'll wonder where I am," said the note this time."Will you walk me home tomorrow?" she asked, her voice still young and petulant.He nodded, smiling widely."Then you can go," she said. She watched him as he dressed, watching the muscles in his arms and back as he bent and stood. She wanted him to come back to bed, to stay in her bed the rest of the day... all night. She didn't know how often a man could do that, but she wanted it to be many times per day.He kissed her lips before he left, a soft, gentle kiss that made her itch between her legs. She wanted to make him kiss her neck and breasts again, all over her body, but she knew he was right, that he had to go home.She wondered, as the door closed behind him, if she would hate herself when she fully thought about what had happened. She was asleep before she could find out.***Meg sat and fed the baby at supper that night. She had placed herself so she could see Bobby without it being obvious. There was something... different... about him tonight. She watched closely to see what he did at supper, but she saw nothing odd. He passed bowls, and helped a child if that child needed help. He ate his usual prodigious amount of food, and smiled and chewed. She was almost frustrated because she KNEW that something about him was different. Was he a little straighter? Were his shoulders a little more squared? Did he somehow look more confident?His eyes drifted and caught hers. He smiled. He needed a haircut. But he was so handsome it made her stomach hurt.***Mavis sat at the table, queen of all she surveyed. She saw Meg watching Bobby. Sally was looking at him quite often as well. She watched Donna for a while, and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary. Prudence, for the last day or two, had been on cloud nine. She laughed at everything. Her play with the children was intense and purposeful, as if she were trying to squeeze every bit of joy out of life that it was possible to get. Mavis wondered if her husband had seen the light and written her another letter, begging her to forgive him and take him back. She acted like that... like she had a good man in her life again. She was watching Pru when she saw her make eye contact with Bobby. He grinned and she blushed.Mavis felt like she was watching one of those radio dramas play out before her very eyes. What was she going to do? She had to do something... but what was it going to be?CHAPTER NINEIn school the next day, Meg and Sally stayed to help with the children. It was fairly clear by now that they weren't really needed, but their friendship with Rachel was an excuse to do that, and they found they liked being in an academic setting with the children.Meg's confusion about what was different about Bobby was added to when Rachel started acting odd too. She seemed completely normal at first, but when she talked to Bobby she stuttered and couldn't think of the word she was looking for. She handed Bobby a book to read and her hands were shaking."Are you all right?" Meg asked, concern in her voice."What?" asked a distracted Rachel. "Me? Yes, of course. I'm fine.""Your hands are trembling." pointed out Meg.Rachel stared at her hands as if they actually belonged to someone else. She blinked, and then looked at Meg. "Cold. I'm still chilled from warming up the room." She moved off to work with a child, but she seemed distracted all day. When noon came she seemed to relax, and was her old self. She turned to Meg and said "I'm working with Bobby this afternoon." She was flushed as she said it."Are you sure you're all right?" asked Meg, worried now that Rachel had something and wasn't paying attention to it. "Maybe you should have the doctor look at you. You look flushed to me.""Meg!" said Rachel. "I'm fine! Now, get those children home so they can eat."Rachel watched them leave and looked at her hands. They were still shaking. And she knew she looked flushed because she felt flushed. Bobby was still reading as she straightened up the room."Are you ready to go?" she asked.He looked up and grinned. He nodded and stood up. Rachel's knees felt weak.They walked at what seemed like a snail's pace to Rachel, but actually arrived at her door in ten minutes. It usually took her fifteen to make that walk. She opened the door and let him in, following him. Then she closed and bolted the door. The bolt had magically been there when she'd returned from being recuperated by Eunice and her other friends. Bobby was already fiddling with the stove, blowing on the embers left from her last stoking of the fire that morning before she left.Rachel, after she gave up her virginity at two in the afternoon the day before, had slept peacefully until two in the morning. When she woke in the middle of the night, she was warm and cozy in bed. She'd had to get up to use the toilet, and had winced at the ache between her legs. Her muscles were sore, like she'd walked too much, or lifted too much. Except that these muscles were in places she hadn't even been aware she had muscles. Once back in bed she had tried to regain that warm cozy feeling. She wished that Bobby was there with her. She'd be warm then. She eventually regained that warm feeling, but she wasn't sleepy any more, and her mind began to reflect on... things. She realized she was being silly. She realized she had done something she shouldn't have. She realized that her fantasies could never come true. In the dark of night she realized a lot of things. By morning she had left her drunken hallucinations of happiness with Bobby behind. She'd felt exhausted, even though she'd slept for twelve hours. She'd had to make herself go to school.And, when she got there, and Bobby sauntered in, every trace of her resolve not to repeat her mistake vanished like dandelion fluff in a tornado. As soon as he looked at her she wanted to strip naked and thrust herself against him. She was actually glad to see Meg and Sally were going to stay simply because that meant she wouldn't do something incredibly stupid in front of the children.She couldn't remember a single thing she'd taught in school, she realized, as she looked at Bobby's buttocks in his too-tight pants. And now, here she was, with the man of her dreams, including a few nightmares. One of those nightmares was of her, waddling down the street in town, her bulging belly sticking out in front of her, pulling her forward, as the townspeople pointed and snickered behind the hand in front of each mouth.He stood up and turned around. He smiled at her.She realized that her dress was already half unbuttoned, and there was an unfamiliar slickness between her legs.There was no pain this time, other than a faint residual ache in those newly discovered muscles. Those muscles rose to the occasion, though, and that incredible body filling explosion came so quickly that Rachel moaned that it should be there and fade so quickly. Her uncomprehending mind saw something in the distance that rushed toward her as he continued to slide in and out of her and she sobbed with joy as she realized that it could happen again so quickly. Her hips thrust up so violently with her second orgasm that she lifted Bobby, her back straining to make her buttocks clear the mattress by two or three inches.During her third orgasm, as she felt him tense and freeze, she felt his prick move and jump inside her and that fabulous heat flooded into her. Her sobs were gone now. Her joy was accepted unconditionally, along with the seed she knew would make part of her dreams come true. But now she laughed, because in her dream she was proud, and strong, her swollen belly on display for the people she passed as she carried her lover's baby down the street.It occurred to her that, if she could reach a pinnacle more than once in a short while... he might be able to as well. She didn't let him get up this time, holding him close, side by side, trading kisses and touches. And to her delight her logic was proved as he rolled on top of her again and took her to the mountain top with him again.***It was bath night. Mavis sat, mending a shirt, listening to Meg's description of people who had the bodies of playing cards, and a bloodthirsty queen who would probably give the children bad dreams. She glanced up at Bobby, with his lap full of girls, who might as well have been sitting on toad stools, for as much attention as they actually paid him. Their mouths were open, their eyes staring as Meg fed their imaginations with images that took all their concentration to deal with.Naked children came running into the room, digging silently into the pile of clean clothes, already listening to Meg's hypnotic voice. Others were dragged to the bathroom, dragging their feet, wanting to hear one more line, to see one more fantastic image before their literary drug was withdrawn. Meg seemed not to notice, as if she too was caught up in the story.When the second batch of naked children appeared, Mavis put her sewing aside and stood up, leaning over backward to ease her back."I filled the tub already for you Meg," said Donna, herding children toward the pile of clothes."I'm taking care of Bobby tonight." Mavis announced.Meg looked up and Mavis would have sworn there was a touch of panic in her face, or disappointment... or something."It doesn't seem fair to put it all on one or two people," she said. She didn't even believe her own statement, and knew it sounded flat.She had decided to get to the bottom of the "Bobby phenomenon" as she thought of it. Every woman who went in there came out looking different, even though Bobby always looked like... Bobby. She saw Meg and Sally trade looks, and her determination firmed.Yes, she was going to find out what went on in there, and whether she was going to have to do something radical or not.***Bobby's world had undergone a lot of changes since he had come to Milleson House. His wary attitude - his will to survive - had abated to some degree as survival became much easier. The attitudes of the people he'd encountered, primarily the women who were suddenly thrust into his life, had exposed him to something that no other place he'd ever live had. He'd been exposed to love, and caring, and unselfishness. He was keenly aware of all this, though he knew nothing of the theory that Mr. Maslow would put forth, and that he was firmly ensconced on level three of Mr. Maslow's pyramid of needs. He was also keenly aware that he had the capacity to make the women feel just as wonderful as they made him feel. There were things he still didn't understand. Perhaps those would come in time.His grasp of morality was tenuous, at best, though he knew that stealing was wrong, and killing, though only under certain circumstances. He was, however, beginning to understand the concept of love. It was still a strange thing... this love thing... but he had received it from a number of women, and had found inside himself, the ability to return that love to those women.It never occurred to him that in the society in which he lived, a man was expected to return the love of only one woman. Had someone sat him down and told him that, he would have laughed. Why in the world would someone want to limit that incredibly wonderful feeling? He had reflected on the fact that each of the women he had come to know was different in some ways, and alike in others. It seemed logical to him that they would show their love in ways that were also different, and the same. He didn't think it was odd that Meg and Sally loved him with their mouths, while Prudence and Rachel loved him between their legs. If he'd been asked, he would have said that he imagined he'd love all those women in all those ways sooner or later.Now, he was being taken to bathe by Mavis. He knew she was "in charge" of his world. He knew that whatever she said was law. But he knew she was a woman also, and that she loved him. Her status as an authority figure didn't make him wary, since his teacher was also an authority figure who had loved him and loved him well. He knew what all the other women who loved him had done when they took him to bathe. It didn't occur to him that she would do anything different in the bathroom. He liked to look at her. Her body was different than that of the others, with a little more flesh on it. Her face was a little more lined. She stood up a little more slowly than the others, and stretched a little more often. But she was soft and warm when she hugged him. He looked forward to what he assumed would happen in the bathroom.It was for all those reasons that, when he dropped his pants in front of Mavis Milleson, that he was fully erect, and ready to please, and be pleased by the woman.To give Mavis credit, her intentions were more those of a detective, trying to gather evidence to support a hypothesis, than those of a woman trying to get a glimpse of something she knew, on some level, had to exist. But knowing something exists, or would exist under certain circumstances, is different than being confronted with that object.Mavis was a strong woman... a resolute woman in most situations. She cannot be blamed for having been, not so many years earlier, a hot-blooded woman who desired to fill a whole house with children from her loins. Her husband had been a caring man, who made sure that his wife experienced the same bliss he did as he rode her to earth-shattering orgasms. She cannot be blamed for storing memories of those earth-shattering orgasms in a tiny corner of her mind. Like a safety deposit box in a bank some distance away, those memories were not often visited, but were treasured, none-the-less. And while Mavis controlled her conscious mind, there was an unconscious Mavis who knew from the look on Meg's face, that time her dress was buttoned wrongly, and from the change in Sally's attitude, and from the bounciness in Prudence's step, that being in that bathroom with Bobby was something that could make a woman's life better than it had been.Mavis had clamped down on her own emotions when her husband had died. She had forged on ahead, and done what needed to be done. She had pushed her own emotions and passions into a tiny box, like a traveler sits on a too-full suitcase to get it closed. She tried to be proud of how she had survived. But the unconscious Mavis... the passionate Mavis... the hot-blooded Mavis inside her... that Mavis was tired of being cramped and unused and hidden away.Had the conscious Mavis known what her unhappy inner self wanted, she might have been able to beat it back into submission. But when she saw that strong, young, virile penis pointing at her like an accusing finger, the latch on her over-full emotional suitcase stretched to the snapping point like it was made of cheap plastic. She wouldn't have been more surprised if an alligator had stuck its head up out of the tub and said "Hello, I'm Chuck, your new boarder."She was, in fact, speechless.Bobby knew that Mavis used the tub on bath nights, after all the others were done and all the children were in bed. He'd heard her complain before that it caused her to go to bed too late sometimes. In Bobby's simple world, it seemed that the rational thing to do was for him and Mavis to bathe at the same time, like he and Meg had done, since they were both in the bathroom. To that end, he began helping Mavis prepare for their bath by helping her undress.Mavis watched as Bobby's nimble fingers made short work of the buttons of her dress. Mavis, having had no children, still had youthful breasts. She thought of them as not too large, and not too small, but a bother, because they weren't good for anything, particularly with those long sensitive nipples perched on top of them that kept trying to remind her that she was a woman and that they needed attention. As Bobby pushed the dress off her shoulders and it began to slide down her arms, the conscious Mavis took a breath to demand to know just what in tarnation Bobby thought he was doing. About then Bobby saw a fat, distended nipple and leaned in to see what it tasted like.Mavis' unconscious mind, loose now inside her body, was doing an inventory of all the unused sexual parts of her body. It was alerted to the fact that a nipple was being stimulated and shouted "YES! IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME!" It then hurriedly went about making sure that all the other unused sexual parts of her were oiled, primed or otherwise ready to experience the same fabulous stimulation."Bobbeeeeeee!!" squealed Mavis. Her conscious mind got a word in edgewise. "What are you doooooooing!?"Bobby kissed up her chest to her lips and suddenly Mavis couldn't breathe any more.Before she could catch her breath, she was standing naked in the bathroom with a Bobby who was equally and gloriously naked. He pulled her to the tub and, she reacted instinctively by stepping into it. He joined her, behind her, and sat down in the warm water, spreading his legs in an obvious invitation for her to sit between them. She stood, eyes wide, ankles and calves warm and stared at what would press against her lower back if she accepted that invitation. It looked larger through the clear water and the slickness between her legs began to run down her inner thighs. He reached up with one hand to get the soap, and the other to take her hand and pull."T-t-this is how you take a bath?" she whispered.He smiled and nodded, looking at her with eyes she could just drown in and she felt her knees bend as her unconscious mind told her to sit.Then his soapy hands were all over her shoulders and back and sliding around to cup and massage her breasts and, again, she couldn't breath. He pulled her back against his chest as his hands slid over her distended nipples and dipped down to rub her belly. She fully expected those slippery hands to dip lower and, while her conscious mind screamed at her to stop this immediately, her knees smacked into the sides of the tub loud enough to make a dull thunking noise. She registered the pain of her knees hitting the porcelain-covered metal, and that pain might have supported her conscious mind, had not his hands come back up to twiddle and play with her straining nipples again. She groaned and her hands, which had been gripping the edge of the tub at the insistence of her conscious mind, which was telling her to stand up this very minute and get OUT of that tub, fell away as they betrayed her. Those hands went to cover his, HELPING him rub and squeeze her breasts. To her conscious mind's horror, her hands pushed his lower until they went where she had earlier thought they were going to go.She leaned hard against him as one of his fingers split her labia and now no longer soapy, slid across her clit like a knife on a sharpening stone. Her buttocks came up off the bottom of the tub as his finger dipped into her. As she rose, his finger helped, pulling at her and she squealed an inarticulate whine of pleasure.Her self control... that tenuous stretched plastic latch on her emotional suitcase shattered, and her passionate nature surged out like a starving wolf that has been caged and sees fresh meat lying on the ground.Her body surged, her hands gripping the edges of the tub again and pulling her up. But her conscious mind was no longer telling her to do this. Her unconscious mind had screamed "SHUT UP!" and she got out of the tub, pulling Bobby up with her and then down onto the slim pile of padding that was her crumpled dress. She landed hard, bruising her buttocks, but she didn't care as she pulled Bobby down on top of her between her spread thighs. He knew what to do, and before she could grasp his manhood he had it in his fist, poking it where his finger had just been. Her hands made claws and she leaned upward, her belly muscles straining so she could reach his buttocks. As she felt the nose of his prick enter her she dug her fingers in and pulled hard. Bobby let go and, reacting to her nails in his flesh, slammed forward, skewering her to her core.***It was fortunate that Donna was still upstairs, putting children to bed. She was by herself, which meant she had more children to get tucked in than usual. That was because the other three women were huddled, not exactly outside the bathroom door, but not far from it. Meg and Sally knew, of course, why each other were there. They were in a panic as to what Mavis would find out about what they had done with Bobby. No one had told them that Prudence had given Bobby an 'extra' bath, and they didn't know that she too was concerned about what Mavis was going to find out in that room. That was why all three of them were there, instead of doing what they normally would have done.It was fortunate that Donna was still upstairs, because Mavis' shriek as her pussy was filled with hard cock would have caused Donna to break down the door. These three, however, heard in that shriek, echoes of their own shrieks, though, of course, theirs had been silent ones, more or less. Meg and Sally stared at each other, their mouths open. Then, as one, they turned to Prudence, whose hands were cupping her breasts, her fingers pinching her nipples through the cloth that covered them. She jerked her hands away instantly, and her face flamed red.Meg was astounded."You know?" she asked, unbelieving.Prudence's suspicions about the others gelled. She assumed they had done with Bobby what she had done with Bobby. And what MAVIS was now doing with Bobby!"I gave him a bath the other day when he got coal dust all over him." she said, her voice meek.Sally spoke, her voice tight. "You mean you...""He showed me how you give him a bath," said Prudence. "I couldn't help myself." she whined.Sally's world had changed radically when she had experienced new things with Bobby. Even though she hadn't been able to repeat the experience, just the fact that it had happened made her feel like a real woman. She wasn't sorry at all that she had done something most people would shun her for. Her primary concern was that the only man she'd ever 'known' would be sent away if anyone besides Meg ever found out about it. That came out now."Well, I feel better." she stated flatly."What?" asked Meg and Prudence in concert."I don't think Mavis will be sending Bobby anywhere after this." she explained.Another joyous wail came through the door, along with a slapping sound that Prudence recognized, and Meg and Sally did not. That was the sound of Bobby's abdomen smacking Mavis' abdomen repeatedly."What's THAT?" asked Meg, suddenly looking unsure."That's the sound of a woman who likes it hard and fast," said Prudence. She covered her mouth with her hand and blushed at her randy statement.Meg's eyes got rounder. "You mean they're....?"Prudence was confused. "Of course they're.... Oh my goodness. You mean you didn't...?""Didn't what?" asked Sally, also confused."Didn't you two make love with him?" asked Prudence, her face going ashen as she thought she might have made a horrible mistake in admitting what she'd done.Meg's mouth dropped open. "No! I mean I played with him" she looked over at Sally "We played with him and he played with us and it was wonderful... but we didn't do THAT!" She turned to Sally "Did you?"Now Sally had finally gotten to where everyone else was. Her reaction wasn't quite as virginal as Meg's, and her eyes had a far away look in them. "No, but from the sounds Mavis is making I wish I had."Her eyes cleared as she realized what she'd said and she blushed too."Oh my word," said Prudence."What about Donna?" asked Meg suddenly.All three women looked at each other."She's never been alone with him," said Prudence."No" said Sally. "I mean I know that, but what if she comes back down and hears that?" pointed out Sally.Prudence blanched. "Oh my." "Maybe she's done something with him too," said Meg."I don't think Donna's had a chance to do anything," said Prudence."We didn't think you'd done anything." pointed out Sally maddeningly."Well, if she comes down here and hears Mavis... and she HASN'T done anything... she'll call for the constable!" said Meg.Sally, the calmest of the three at the moment, said "I'll go up and stall her. You two see if you can do anything to quiet things down in there.""What, exactly are we supposed to do?" asked Prudence, frowning."I don't know," said Sally. "Bang on the door or something." She ran for the stairs, as if she were afraid that Donna might be on her way down at that very moment.The two remaining co-conspirators, who were distinctly uncomfortable BEING co-conspirators, looked at each other helplessly.There was another wail of ecstacy through the door, and more smacking sounds."You bang on the door." suggested Prudence."I'm not banging on any doors. I've never done what they're doing in there!" stated Meg, backing away as she said it.Prudence looked haunted for a few seconds, then straightened her shoulders and turned to face the door. Unformed thoughts flitted around in her head as she raised her hand daintily, as if to knock politely to report for an engagement somewhere.Mavis let loose with another wail of unabashed pleasure inside and it wavered through the door and hit Prudence like a wave of force. She looked toward the stairs and felt unaccountably relieved that Sally and Donna weren't standing there, horrified. Then, too rattled to think clearly, she opened the door instead of knocking on it.She blinked as Mavis' was exposed, lying on the floor of the bathroom, her legs thrown wide, while Bobby repeatedly slammed what Prudence knew was a fabulously long and hard penis into the woman violently."Stop making so much noise!" ordered Prudence in a loud hissing voice. "The children will think the house is HAUNTED!" Then she pulled the door closed firmly and turned around to face an astonished Meg."You... you... you" stuttered Meg, who had also seen what was going on inside the room, and whose knees were so weak that she knew she was going to have to sit down on the floor any second."Oh be quiet," said Prudence, her own knees not all that sturdy at the moment. "Go do something that will make some noise." She looked around and, for lack of any other idea, began moving chairs away from the dining table.***Mavis was experiencing many of the same feelings that Rachel had felt that very afternoon. She had, indeed, liked hard pounding sex in those short months that she was able to have it, and her husband had been a lusty lover too. Truth be told, hard pounding sex was the only kind of lovemaking that Mavis had any experience with. It is quite possible that that was why, when she suspected some kind of hanky panky was going on in the bathroom, that she did not suspect that full marital sex was taking place. It had always been quiet in the bathroom when one of the women was in there with Bobby, and in Mavis' experience, a woman just wasn't quiet when she was stuffed full with a hard penis.She was also multi-orgasmic, something else she assumed all women were like. She was on her third mind-blowing orgasm when the bathroom door opened and Prudence's pale visage appeared, looking upside down to Mavis, as she had said what she had said. The words had registered with Mavis, along with something in her mind that suggested she should be horribly embarrassed, but she was at the very breaking point of that third orgasm, and when the door closed, it was as if she had permission to finish it, so she did.She fell limply back to the floor just in time to feel Bobby tense, and to hear his soft sigh, as she was suddenly filled with his warm essence.As that feeling of hot sperm filled her belly, Mavis' conscious mind came back, hat in hand, begging to be let back into control. It was slightly battered... a little disheveled... and nowhere near as cocky as it had been half an hour before.Mavis, like Rachel, felt whole again. Her conscious mind began whispering that she knew better, and that she shouldn't have done this... shouldn't have let this happen. It told her that this would ruin everything she had built up. She looked up at Bobby's face, his eyes tightly closed, a grimace of ecstasy stretching his lips tight across his teeth as his prick gave a final spurt of lovely hot sperm. His eyes opened and his head dipped, his big, liquid eyes locking with hers as his prick gave that final spurt. He let his head droop to give her a kiss that, after the violent pounding he had given her, was so tender that it brought tears to her eyes.In that split second, she knew that she had to find a way to prevent this from ruining everything. Again, her conscious mind was told to "Be quiet, and let me think." Instead of thinking, though, she kissed him back.Of two minds now, Mavis had a silent conversation with herself as they finally separated. She groaned as she sat up. The floor had been hard and unyielding, and she felt like her bones had been required, as they met Bobby's ardent thrusts, to take a lot of the force of his magnificent thrusts. As he got to his knees, her eyes went to his penis, which now looked much more like it did when the women led him out of this room. Her eyes went to her own sex, which was drooling his spend out onto her dress."You're in a real pickle now." whispered her conscious mind, knowing what that dress would look like if she put it back on. Another part of her mind was replaying what had happened when the door opened... what Prudence had said when she saw... what she saw. That part of her mind suggested that Prudence's reaction wasn't quite what the conscious part of her mind would have expected it to be. She shook her head, unused to arguing with herself like this. She wondered fleetingly if she was going mad.Bobby stood and reached down to pull her up. When she stood she just came naturally into his arms. Half her mind said to push him away, and the other half laughed and suggested that hugging him back was the most sensible thing to do, considering what had just happened.Then there were a few kisses. Finally she pushed him away."Is this how every bath you've taken has gone?" she asked.Bobby smiled, but shook his head."But they went something like this?" she insisted.He nodded, still smiling.Mavis stood there, naked and wet. For lack of anything better to do she got a towel. Bobby took it away from her and dried her. Half her mind told her to make him stop, while the other half loved being pampered. When he was done she took the towel and dried him in return.She picked up her dress, which was, indeed sodden where she had lain on it. Her ears registered scraping sounds outside in the dining room, but she ignored them. She couldn't think. There was something warm running down her thighs and, without thinking, she wiped at it with her dress, making it even worse."I don't know what to do." she said to herself.As if by magic, the door opened again, only a few inches this time, and a slim arm appeared holding a fresh dress. Nothing was said, and the arm just stayed where it was until Bobby reacted and took it from the hand on the end of the disembodied arm. The door was pulled closed quietly.Mavis was aware that what had just happened was very important somehow, but she couldn't think very clearly just yet. She took the dress when Bobby handed it to her and mechanically pulled it on. She suddenly saw her shoes lying a few feet away, and wondered when in the world they'd come off her feet, and who had taken them off. She shook her head again and then realized that Bobby was standing patiently, still naked."Aren't you going to get dressed?" she asked.He shook his head and pointed at the door."Oh yes, they always bring you out naked, don't they?" She shook her head again. This was crazy. She couldn't just walk out the door with him and act like nothing had happened."On the other hand," said the other half of her mind, "what else are you going to do?" She opened the door and stepped through it.Prudence was sitting where Mavis usually sat, and was mending the same shirt that Mavis had abandoned to take Bobby to the bathroom. She didn't look up. Meg was, mopping the floor where the dining room table had been, but no longer was, for some reason. It, along with the chairs, had been pushed away to clear the floor she was now mopping.Meg looked at Mavis, and then Bobby, who was walking behind her. Her eyes went to the open door of the bathroom and she dropped the mop to hurry to the door. Mavis turned around and watched as Meg scooped up the sodden dress she had abandoned, and came out with it, pushing it into the basket, under the children's dirty clothes. Then she reclaimed her mop and began mopping the same spot she had been mopping when Mavis and Bobby exited the bathroom."Get something to wear Bobby," said Prudence, like it was any normal bath night. "And then off to bed with you."Mavis stared around her as if she were in a foreign place, where nothing she saw made any sense at all. Footfalls came from the staircase, and Sally and Donna came into view."What took you so long?" asked Prudence, looking up from her mending."Oh, June Bug wanted to be told a bedtime story," said Sally, smiling. "So Donna and I made one up."Donna looked confused. "I still don't understand how you knew she wanted to be told a story."Sally waved a hand. "I checked on her and she looked unsettled. I asked her if a story would help and she nodded, like Bobby. You know, she's getting almost good enough at her letters that she'll be writing notes like Bobby too pretty soon. Won't that be nice?"Mavis realized her mouth was open and closed it.Donna looked at Mavis strangely. "That isn't the same dress you had on earlier... is it?"Prudence laughed. "Mavis found out how exuberant he is about his baths. She had to change. Now she knows how Meg felt when she got all wet.""Oh," said Donna. "Well, surely somebody could teach him not to splash so much." Mavis had the urge to blurt out that Donna could give it a try next time, but she couldn't get it out because Donna went on."And what in the world happened down here?" she asked gesturing at the furniture and Meg with the mop."The floor under the table hasn't had a good cleaning in a while," said Meg sensibly. "I hope the noise didn't disturb the children. I just had a hankering to do it once I thought about it."Mavis' mind had been going ninety miles an hour as she took in what was going on. Prudence, obviously, and Meg, probably, knew exactly what had happened in the bathroom. Now that she looked at Meg, she knew it was Meg's arm that had supplied the new dress. And the uncharateristic story telling episode suggested that Sally had kept Donna... the only woman in the house who hadn't yet given Bobby a bath... upstairs while Mavis did what she had always done when she was being loved... made noise. And these two had made noise to cover her own.She looked at Meg, her eyes wide. "Thank you Meg," she said. "That was very thoughtful of you."Meg smiled. "You're welcome. It was needed." She smiled, a little nervously.Mavis tried to keep the flush she felt building from showing, and turned to face away from the rest. "Well, the whole place needs a good cleaning, but perhaps we could wait on the rest until tomorrow.""Yes, it would be much too noisy to do anything more tonight," said Prudence, her eyes firmly on the shirt. She giggled."I don't know about you all," said Donna, getting her coat off the hook, "but I'm going home. It's been a long, hard day. I can't wait to get into bed."She looked up, startled as three women started laughing. Mavis, feeling something loosen inside her, joined them. If Donna had been listening closer she might have detected a note of hysteria in that laughter."What in the world is WRONG with you all?" asked a very puzzled Donna. "What did I say?"Meg waved her hand. "Nothing. We're just tired. You know how you get giddy sometimes when you get tired? That's all it is, I'm sure."Donna shook her head, unable to help but smile as the women kept giggling. "Let me get my coat and I'll walk with you," said Prudence, wiping her eyes. She bustled around and then the two women left, closing the door on sudden silence.Whether it was by unspoken agreement, or just because the women were too embarrassed to talk about it, nothing more was said that night. At least not among the women. Meg took Bobby upstairs to his room and, when he was tucked in she stood and looked at him."Where did you learn to do that, young man?" she asked. Bobby reached for the paper that was on the table beside his bed, but Meg stopped him. "I didn't actually mean to find out." she said, sitting on the edge of the bed. "Was it fun? What you did with Mavis?"He nodded energetically and she sighed. "I've never done that." she said, as if confiding to a girlfriend. "I'd be scared."Bobby took his arm out from under the blanket and reached to stroke Meg's cheek. It was obvious he was saying he'd be gentle with her. She giggled."I just bet you WOULD like to teach me how to do that. You're horrible."Bobby shook his head."No, I know you're not horrible. But I don't know if I want to give you another bath or not now." she teased. "If you did to me what I saw you doing to Mavis I'd be black and blue for a month."Again he stroked her cheek gently."Don't count on it buster." she said sternly. But she kissed him long and hard before she left the room.CHAPTER TENThe next day was Saturday, one of the two days Donna and Prudence were off. In theory Sally and Meg had two days off during the week, but in reality they took time off only if they had something else to do. Most weeks they worked the same seven days as Mavis did. Families didn't take days off. That was the way they looked at it.Mavis got up early, as usual. Saturdays were like any other day to her. She expected her hips to ache, like they usually did, but she felt fine. In fact, as she thought about it, she felt wonderful. The memory of what had happened in the bathroom rushed back upon her and she felt heat in her chest. She'd forgotten how good that could feel. As she dressed she wondered how anyone could forget that feeling.Meg was at the stove, and already had bacon frying."Morning," she said. "Sleep good?"It was an innocent greeting... one they had shared hundreds of times. Mavis was suddenly suspicious there was a deeper meaning to the question though."Fine. Just fine." she said in her usual semi-gruff voice."That's good," said Meg, who appeared to be thinking of something else. It was obvious that the only added meaning to her greeting had been added by Mavis herself, and she felt bad about that."Actually, I slept like a log," she said. "I haven't slept that good in twenty years." There. She had called attention to it herself. Now if Meg had anything to say she could just say it.Meg's greeting had been automatic and unthinking. She had been thinking about the few seconds she had seen Bobby, hunched over Mavis, his hips driving forward hard enough to shake Mavis' whole body. Mavis' arms had been spread wide, lying limply on the floor, her legs also spread wide, but up, pointing at the corners of the ceiling. Her body had jiggled as Bobby pounded into her. Mavis' veiled reference to that broke through her concentration and she looked at Mavis, actually seeing her for the first time that morning. She looked remarkably fresh... almost younger somehow.Meg didn't actually want to talk about it. If things just went on the way they were she'd be happy enough. Talking about it would lead to decisions, and she was afraid about those decisions."What do you want me to say?" she asked.Mavis didn't want to talk about it either, to be truthful. She had NOT meant for any of that to happen. The fact that it had still puzzled her. If she'd been born and raised in Louisiana she'd have believed someone had used Voodoo, or a magic potion on her or something. And Meg, young though she was, was a good woman, and a good friend. Something else she didn't want was for this to tear them all apart."I don't know, Meg. I don't understand any of this." she finally said. "That wasn't me in there last night.""Well pardon me," said Meg, looking straight at her. "It sure looked like it was you.""You saw?" something shriveled up inside of Mavis and she felt shame."Only a little," said Meg. She wanted to say "I never saw anything like that before!", but instead she said "It was... interesting." She turned back to the bacon.Well, that wasn't exactly an indictment, thought Mavis. "What I meant was that I didn't mean for that to happen. I don't even understand HOW it happened."Meg sighed. "I know. It was the same with me. One minute I was just washing him, and the next thing I knew my dress was on the floor." She darted a look at Mavis to see what her reaction was to that. Mavis was staring, but she didn't look angry.Mavis had to admire the woman for being so forthright in a tense situation. Rather than go any deeper she tried to re-enforce the bond between them."Well thank you again for getting me a dress. I'd have looked like a drowned rat wearing the old one out." "What are you going to do?" asked Meg, more interested in the bacon than any bacon deserved.Mavis didn't want to think about that either. "I don't know." She sat at the table, suddenly tired. "I just don't know."Meg turned full on to her boss. "Please don't make him leave Mavis. I promise I'll never touch him again, but please don't make him leave." There were tears in her eyes.Mavis realized the depth of feeling Meg had for the boy. Then she thought briefly about the depth of feeling SHE had for the boy. Then she thought about the fact that, after what he'd done to her... with her... last night, it was simply ludicrous to think of him as a boy."I wasn't thinking about you," she said. "I was thinking about me. If last night was anything to gauge by, if I let him stay around here there will be pregnant women to deal with."Meg's eyes got big. "But Sally and I haven't done THAT with him. We only touch him... and he touches us, of course, but that's all. Only Prudence let him..." She trailed off as she realized she had spilled every bean she had in her bucket.Mavis was shocked. She had just assumed that all the women had done the same thing she had done. She didn't know if having the facts changed anything or not. She remembered quite clearly when her own husband had taken her WAY past the line she'd set for them when they were courting. Then she concentrated on what Bobby had done with her. She couldn't think of a single thing he'd done that she hadn't asked him to do, or helped him do. Well, there was the fact that he'd undressed her. And, of course there was that first feel of his mouth on her. That had been a surprise. But then all he'd done was wash her. It had been Mavis Milleson who had pulled him out of the tub, and onto the floor, and between her legs. All he had done was give her what she so desperately needed.Mavis looked up at Meg, who was still standing and staring at her. Her carefully tended bacon was smoking now, and would be burning within a minute."Tend your bacon, dear. I don't think I could live without him now either."The two of them managed to keep all the rest of the talk about normal things during breakfast. Sally was on pins and needles during breakfast, and kept darting glances at Meg and Mavis. As usual, though, she didn't say much. After breakfast Mavis got the carvings and took them to the cabinet maker. He turned them over and over in his hands, peering closely at the one Bobby had done, and then at the other one."You saw him do this?" he asked.Mavis nodded. "Took him several hours. I know the lines aren't perfectly straight, but it's nice, isn't it?"The man looked up. "I had to work for ten years as an apprentice before I could do work this good. Does he go to that school?"Mavis nodded."He's free in the afternoons, isn't he?"When Mavis nodded again he went on. "I can teach him. Don't need to be able to talk to learn, right? And I'll pay him too. If he does work like this he could make ten, twelve dollars a week."Mavis' jaw dropped. "That much for just half a day?" she gasped.The man nodded. "They's people what have money Mrs. Milleson, and they want good work. And when they get it they'll part with some of that money. I'm backed up on good carving work. I could keep that boy busy for a year if I had him full time."Mavis took another bag of wood chunks home with her, thinking about the fact that, in the catalog, a lawnmower cost twenty dollars these days. And that was for one with a grass catcher that attached behind the reel!***Quite often Prudence came to the house on both weekend days. With her husband gone, she had little else to do. Donna spent her days off rattling around on the farm, doing who knew what.So it wasn't odd for Prudence to show up after breakfast that day, and to pitch in. Saturdays were lazy days and the children weren't required to get dressed until lunch if they didn't feel like it. She sashayed into the room, swinging her hips. Meg and Sally were sitting in the parlor, with some of the children who were listening to a morning radio program. The other children were scattered in the kitchen or dining room, playing with each other."Where's Mavis?" she asked."Gone to the cabinet maker's with Bobby's carving," said Meg, still thinking about her conversation with Mavis that morning. She hadn't talked to Sally about it. Things were still up in the air."Oh," said Prudence. "How about Bobby?""He's carving at the kitchen table. Why?" asked Sally."I need his help over at my house. I'm moving furniture around," said Prudence with a completely straight face."Oh," said Sally. "Well go ask him. I'm sure he'll do it."Both Meg and Sally were engrossed in the radio program when Prudence and Bobby put on their coats and left. They were perfectly capable of hearing a problem with one of the children, and a wrong sound would break right through their concentration, but the normal sounds of two people leaving the house didn't register a bit.Neither did Mavis' return."I'm back" said Mavis, setting down the heavy bag of wood chunks. "And I have good news. Where's Bobby?"Meg waved a hand toward the kitchen and, as soon as her coat was off, Mavis went in. She found his carving table, the tools lying on it, and examined the horse. The upper part was done and now the horse looked like it was leaping up out of the wood. It was exquisite. But she couldn't find Bobby anywhere. She went back to the parlor."Meg, I can't find Bobby. Where did you say he was?"Meg looked up and blinked. "Oh, I'm sorry. Pru came over and needed him to help her move some furniture."Mavis put her hands on her hips. "And you believed that?" she demanded.Meg frowned. "Of course. Why wouldn't I?"Mavis frowned back. "You've been to her house. She has a bed that will only fit into the bedroom one way. She has a settee and chair that are both so light that one of the children could move them. Just what furniture do you think she needs help with?"Mavis' tone of voice made Meg felt guilty for some reason. "I don't know. She just said she needed help. Why are you yelling at ME?""Because," Mavis said patiently, "the only furniture he's helping her move is her bed.""But I thought you said it would only fit in the bedroom one way," said Meg, confused."Up and down," said Mavis, clenching her teeth."Oh," said Meg, frowning. Her eyes went wide. "OH!" she yipped. "But that's not FAIR! It's MY turn!" she said. Then she clapped her hand over her mouth and closed her eyes."Oh, we're taking turns now, are we?" asked Mavis sweetly."It's not what you think," said Meg. "It just seems like it would only be fair to take turns.""In that case it's probably MY turn," said Sally, who both women had forgotten all about. "I've only had one turn and since then you two AND Pru have... well... had a turn.""This is insane," said Mavis, sitting down. "We're talking about the boy like we own him or something. And to make it worse we shouldn't even be doing anything with him in the first place.""Are we hussies?" asked Sally meekly."No" said Meg resolutely."Yes" said Mavis. "Of the worst kind.""But I love him Mavis." whined Meg. "How can it be bad if I love him so much.""You have lust for him Meg," said Mavis calmly. "That's all it is. Your biological clock is ticking and your body wants to have babies, and that makes you lustful.""Is that what happened to you last night?" asked Meg, sticking her chin out."Probably," said Mavis, even though she knew she was at the upper edge of her child bearing years."He makes me feel all warm and mushy inside," said Sally, staring off into space."So, if you don't love him" said Meg, "then you wouldn't miss him if you sent him somewhere else, right?""I probably should send him away," said Mavis.Meg stood up. "You send him away and I'm going WITH HIM!" she shouted."DON'T SEND HIM AWAY" cried Sally."You should know better too Sally Winston!" yelled Mavis. "You're even older than Meg!""Well, I'm not as old as YOU, and all I do is TOUCH him a little. YOU probably MADE A BABY WITH HIM!" yelled Sally."WHAT ARE WE FIGHTING ABOUT?" screamed Meg, her face red.There was a moment of silence and Mavis grunted. "We're fighting about a man." She sat back down. "Look at us... fighting about a man like school girls.""Can't we just share?" asked Sally. "I wouldn't mind sharing."Mavis looked at her like she was crazy. "Women don't share men, Sally. It just isn't done.""Well why not?" asked Sally. "He's the first man to notice me, or be nice to me, or make me feel good. I'll probably never get married. I'm not pretty like you and Meg. Why can't I have a baby of my own?"Mavis leaned back in her chair. "When did we start talking about having babies? When did you decided you wanted to be a mother?"Sally looked confused. "I don't know. I never thought about it until I realized he might be making babies in other women. All I know is that he makes me feel special, and I want to make him feel special too. And if I have to share him... then fine. At least I'll have a man in my life part of the time."Meg sat up straight. "She's got a point Mavis. Think about it. Bobby's an orphan. He can't get married until he's seventeen. But when he DOES turn seventeen, don't you think some woman is going to snap him up? Can't we just let things go on as they have until then?"Mavis shook her head. "He's mute, Meg. No woman is going to want to marry him."Meg stuck out her chin again. "Well I would.""Me too!" chimed in Sally.Mavis' mouth opened and closed several times. She thought about what it would be like having Bobby around as a husband, instead of as one of her charges. That wouldn't be a bad thing in any sense of the word."Well I'll be damned," she said."Mavis!" chided Sally."You'd do it too, wouldn't you?" said Meg. "Admit it... you'd marry him too!"Mavis shook her head. "I guess I would at that," she said. "Listen to me! An old woman like me, saying she'd marry a boy like that. I must be crazy.""Did you feel like an old woman last night?" asked Meg slyly. "Or this morning either?"Mavis didn't answer. She threw up her hands. Then she laughed. "I almost forgot the news I have." She laughed again. "And that news is that Bobby will actually be able to support a wife!"She told Meg and Sally about the cabinet maker's offer of employment. ***Social relationships have always been a murky subject. Society sets up various rules of behavior, some unwritten, and some codified by laws and statutes. Then the members of that social group play the game of seeing how many of those rules, statutes and laws they can stretch, bend, or even ignore. There are various reasons people do this, and discussing that that would take up too much room in an already long story. Just think of it like when you're at a stop light at two in the morning, and there's no traffic in sight. You ask yourself why in the world you should obey that light. It's there to regulate traffic, but you're the only traffic around, so you feel justified in ignoring it. You look around, and weigh the risks of violating the rule. Then you make a decision on what to do. For a whole lot of reasons you may decide to blow the light, and feel completely justified in doing so.With the unwritten social relationships the rules aren't as clear to begin with, and the urge to break them is even stronger when personal gratification is involved. As far as they were concerned, none of these women had prospects for satisfying their natural urges... other than with Bobby. All had had a taste of what he could provide them. In some part of their minds, they looked around, weighed the risks of violating the rules about something that could be called "monogamy", but wasn't quite that, and of engaging in a sexual relationship with an almost-man, and out of wedlock to boot. The pull to keep tasting that glorious pleasure with a man they loved caused them to ignore the rules and do something they would never have done in other circumstances.They huddled, making decisions about how things would be arranged so that each of the women got a chance to be alone with Bobby. Prudence would have to just live with what they decided, since she had pulled a fast one and spirited him off. There was no doubt in any of their minds that the only furniture Bobby was, in fact, currently moving, was Prudence's bed. They didn't know what they'd do about Donna, and decided to cross that bridge if and when they ever came to it.***About the time that Prudence was being discussed in the Milleson House, the subject of discussion was having her sixth orgasm of the day. Bobby had fucked her almost senseless, and had, indeed, given the bed springs a good workout. He had spurted in her twice already, and was about to unload again. Good food, and exercise had built his stamina up. The attention paid to him by all those women had built up his libido. He was highly successful in the role he was currently playing, and Mr. Maslow would have discussed putting him firmly on level four of his pyramid. At least insofar as he rated in the little community that was Milleson House.When they got to her little house and Prudence got him naked, he experimented with her. He remembered seeing Sally's almost hairless pussy, with her pouting pussy lips that had looked so tasty looking. Two of the women apparently liked his taste, and he was curious to find out if he'd like a woman's taste. So, when Prudence had lain back in her bed, with her legs spread, urging him to hurry, he had crawled on the bed at her feet and kissed his way up her legs. She had giggled at first, then told him he was tickling her. When he got to her thighs, her comments went something like this:"Oooo Bobby that tickles.""Bobby!""What are you doing Bobby?""BOBBY!""BOBBY YOU CAN'T DO THAT!""BOBBEEEEE!!"After that she had mostly gurgled, instead of talking, because Bobby had found out that he liked the taste of "woman" just fine. And having his lips and tongue right there, sliding all over her sex, it was no time at all before he found the little nubbin that made her writhe and scream like she was going crazy, except he could tell that it was good-crazy, and not bad-crazy. He paid particular attention to that little bump from then on, and she had two of her four orgasms before she ever got his prick in her. He noticed, after the first one, that the little bud was extra sensitive, and that if he used the flat of his tongue on it while she caught her breath, her fingers were soft in his hair. Then, as her fingers got more demanding, he went back to suckling and rode her to another jerking, babbling response.He also experimented with her in other ways. When he got his prick in her, he tried sliding in and out of her the way that Mavis liked it... hard and fast. But Prudence made him slow down, saying he was being too rough. He found out that she liked it like Rachel liked it, slow and deep, and while he was deep she liked him to move his hips around. He was a smart boy, and realized that when he did that, that little lump of flesh that had driven her so crazy when he sucked it would be flattened and rubbed. Knowing that led him to experiment with the best possible way to flatten and rub it with the base of his cock.That resulted in two more orgasms for Pru, and one for him.They lay there for a while as Prudence talked about her childhood, and about meeting the man she thought would make her happy, and how he had betrayed her. Bobby listened, and bestowed little kisses on her chin, and neck, and chest as she talked. Then she had to get up to use the bathroom. She was proud of her body, and wasn't embarrassed to display it to Bobby, who watched her hips rise and fall as she walked away from him, and the bounce of her breasts as she walked back toward him. She was delighted to find him hard again when she got back in bed.Prudence, being loved like she had never been loved by her cheating husband, told Bobby about her desire to have children and informed him that what they were doing made babies. Bobby had never quite connected those particular dots before, and the realization that he might be making a baby resulted in his second orgasm. His seed flushing into Pru's womb got her off again.There had been some more cuddling, but then Pru decided that she'd kept him longer than she should have, and that the others would be suspicious. So she got him out of bed and decided to clean him up before he got dressed. That resulted in another erection and Pru couldn't resist him when he pushed her back to the bed and covered her body with his one more time. This time he fucked her hard, but not fast, and she responded to that combination quite well. She squealed her way through her sixth cum and, thinking of babies, Bobby drove deep one last time and fountained into her already sperm-packed womb.He left her lying there, spread eagled and limp. He dragged a blanket over her nude body and kissed her on the forehead. She had fallen asleep while he dressed.***When Bobby got back home, everything looked the same. The women were performing various tasks, and the children were engaged in various forms of play or relaxation. But the mood in the house was different. He could almost smell that difference. Mavis smiled at him and asked him if he'd done his chores for the day. He set about getting them done. Then he went to Mavis and pantomimed that he was going to take a nap. His life at Milleson House had made him healthy, but he had worked hard to make Prudence squeal, and three orgasms in the space of a couple of hours took its toll on him.Mavis watched him trudge toward the stairs."She's a greedy little thing." she said, under her breath.Mavis, Meg and Sally had decided that the days at Milleson House should go on as they always had. The routine was set, and the welfare of the children was more important than satisfying their lust. But nights were something else again. What did it matter if Bobby slept in his own bed, or one of theirs? And, that solved the problem of Donna finding out what was going on. Since Prudence was off on Saturdays, Bobby could just continue to visit her at her house. She lived on the outskirts of town, and it was unlikely that anyone would notice him going there. Even if they did, they'd just assume he was carrying some message from Mavis or whatever.The only other problem was that Mavis knew quite well that she was a noisy lover, and that, in the still of night, her moans, cries and shrieks of pleasure might carry upstairs. She didn't know what she was going to do about that, but was firm in her resolve to control that problem.All three of the women were sure that, knowing they would have an outlet for their passions, they could now just let Bobby take his own bath. It wasn't a bad plan, as far as having been made by women who had let their emotions control their thinking. They only made a few mistakes, which they cannot really be blamed for. The first was that they didn't sit Bobby down and explain things to him. While they might have been able to ignore certain moral rules, none of them could quite bring themselves to sit and calmly discuss with Bobby that he was now their private gigolo. That he was a willing partner suggested that he would adapt to the new plan. The second problem was Rachel, about whom they did not know. Rachel, as it turned out, was a very fertile woman. She too had let her emotions rule her behavior, and the point at which she decided to bestow her virginity upon her shining knight may have been advanced by the fact that she was ovulating at that time of the month. Her hormone levels helped her make her decision. Her exuberance in rewarding the man who saved her life, resulted in her womb being awash with his sperm, and the two eggs her body had produced as a result of the stress of the attack on her found that sperm perfectly acceptable. Rachel was going to bear Bobby's twins, and that fact was going to become obvious in about three or four months... painfully obvious in five or six.The third problem was Donna. It was actually problem number three that reared its head first. But before you learn the details of that, you must be provided with a few more details. They will help illuminate what later happened with Donna. Meg and Sally had offered Mavis the first night with Bobby. She chose wait until Monday night, and truth be told, she waited a whole two nights because she wanted to anticipate it. She also spent odd moments making preparations for her tryst. She hadn't told Bobby about the cabinet maker's offer. She wanted to do that as a reward for what she knew he was going to reward her with, later in bed.When Monday night came she was almost beside herself, waiting for Donna and Prudence to leave. Prudence had not been told what was going on either. Mavis had decided that Prudence should be punished for being greedy. Then, when the two women went home for the night, the children had to be put to bed. She decided to let Meg and Sally do that. When June Bug and Emily both took one of Bobby's hands, so that he could put them to bed, she gritted her teeth and simply said "Bobby, when you're done with them I'd like to talk to you." She felt a blush creeping up her chest. "In my room, please." Mavis went to her room and then couldn't decide whether to undress and put on her nightgown, which she didn't plan on sleeping in this night, or to just wait. She fiddled with the thing she had made out of strips of cloth from the bundle of clothing that was used as spare fabric to make things with, or use in repairs. She tried it out for possibly the fifth time and felt silly. She hoped it would work.Then she felt, more than heard, her door open, and he was there.She self consciously hid the thing in her hands behind her back by putting both hands there. As a result her breasts thrust out at Bobby. She could already feel her nipples tightening and extending. Even though she was much better prepared for this event than she had been the first time, she felt her resolve to keep control slipping."Bobby," she started, somewhat breathlessly. She spoke to him as a man, and not the boy she was charged with housing. "Sometimes it gets lonely in here at night. I was wondering if maybe you'd sleep here tonight... instead of your own bed."Bobby felt his prick thicken immediately. He liked making love with Mavis. He liked making love with all of them. Each was slightly different, in her own way, but all were easy to please and it was so much fun pleasing them. She sounded nervous, and the way she had phrased her invitation made it clear that she felt like there was the possibility that he'd reject her. That would be unthinkable. He smiled and nodded.There was a moment of awkwardness while they both just stood, waiting for the other to do something. Bobby, used to responding to instructions, generally waited to do anything until he knew what was expected. Here, though, he felt a little more secure. He stepped forward and reached his fingers to the buttons of her dress. He didn't need to look at them to undo them. Instead he looked into her eyes. They seemed wet, like she was getting ready to cry and she bounced on the balls of her feet, her hands still behind her back. When he was able to push the sides of the dress apart and bare her breasts, he let his fingertips drift across them with a feather light touch, ending up under them and lifting them a little. Mavis closed her eyes tightly. Her breathing was ragged. She jerked as his fingers left her breasts and went to the bun she usually wore her hair in. He pulled the pins, picking at the hair until it fell to her shoulders.She kept her eyes closed, savoring each new feeling as his fingers brushed the dress off her shoulders. She had to let go of what was in her hands to get it off, but then clasped it tightly again. She was glad she'd made it. She knew she would need it. She felt her panties being dragged down and felt his breath on her hairs. She couldn't suppress a sound that forced its way through her throat as he kissed her abdomen. Then she felt his lips drift upwards, and her nipples grew almost painful as his mouth got closer and closer to them.Her groan, as he sucked the first one in, filled the room."Get... undressed now... Bobby." she panted. "I need... to be... in bed."As soon as his lips left her she turned and leapt for the bed, which she'd turned down already. She wiggled into the middle of it, on her back, her legs already spread. She'd had enough foreplay and she wanted him in her. The thing she'd made was in her left hand. She still felt silly about that, and she shoved that hand under her pillow. Then she turned her head to watch, as his beautiful strong young body was exposed."Oh please" she moaned, seeing his stiff member, ready to fill her. "Oh please, oh please, oh please" she begged. She wasn't begging him, exactly, she was begging that this happen before she had a stroke or something. Her body was taut as a fiddle string, her hips rising to meet him and he wasn't even there yet.Bobby knew what that pleading meant, though. He wasted no time once he was naked and went to the bed, climbing straight on top of her. Holding himself up he let the tip of his prick descend until it bumped her hair. She was moving so much it would be impossible to find the spot. Both her hands were up by her head, one under the pillow, the other gripping the pillow, so he held himself up with one arm and fisted his cock with the other hand. Watching for the right moment, he let his hips drop and, at the instant he felt heat kiss the tip of his penis, he let go and lunged forward.Mavis felt the shock of her emptiness being so suddenly filled that it was like magic. He went deep and his skin slapped hers. The orgasm she'd been so close to, just from the anticipation, flared brightly as her whole body seemed to vibrate. She snatched her left hand out from under the pillow and stuffed the inch-and-a-half thick woven rope of cloth she'd braided between her teeth, biting down hard as her shriek of completion burst out of her lungs.It came out as a muffled "EEEEE" sort of sound, high pitched, with a little "Mfph" sort of sound thrown in several times as she fought to keep her mouth closed on her gag.Bobby, able to recognize by now a woman in the throes of ecstasy, grinned and pushed harder, wiggling his hips back and forth. As soon as that long drawn out "EEEEEE" softened, he began pounding Mavis like he knew she liked to be pounded.He was rewarded with three more "EEEEEE's before he shot her full of his spunk.Mavis woke up twice that night, her gag still clutched convulsively in her left hand. She woke him both times, pulling him between her welcoming legs. By morning her gag was wet with her saliva. It wasn't until then that she remembered to tell him that he had a job.CHAPTER ELEVENThe four colluding women had planned for Bobby to have Tuesdays and Thursdays off, to give him a chance to rest, since each of them was quite sure he'd get little sleep on the nights he was with them. Of course they didn't know about Rachel, and what she did with him on the afternoons she kept him after school. The depth of her passion for Bobby had frightened Rachel a little. When she was under him she felt helpless, but safe at the same time. He was her Hero, and he'd let nothing happen to her. But being helpless was also a little scary for an independent woman. To prove to herself that she was still in control of her destiny, she decided that twice a week... Tuesdays and Thursdays, oddly enough... should be enough for any woman. It's quite likely, according to some doctors, that as a result of keeping five women full of his teenaged spend, Bobby's sperm count was a little low for maximum fertility. Perhaps that's why nobody else got pregnant until April. Of course it's also possible that their planning was responsible for that too. While Rachel didn't think about her ovaries, all the others did.But we're getting ahead of the story. You still need more information.Wednesday night now belonged to Sally. She got that first Wednesday by simple virtue of complaining that it was her turn. While she deferred to Mavis, she wanted a chance to explore this new thing in the comfort of her bedroom, and she wanted to be next. Wednesday night, when they were putting the children to bed, Sally sidled up to Bobby and whispered in his ear."When you're ready for bed, come to my room." She blushed at, what to her, was her brazen invitation. What followed could safely be called... tumultuous.She was horrified at herself for waiting for him stark naked.She was amazed that both her mouth and her pussy were soaking wet.She had no idea what she was going to say to Bobby when he showed up.She didn't need to say anything. Bobby had been hoping to be with Sally again. He couldn't get those fat, juicy pussy lips out of his mind. Prudence had tasted wonderful. He was sure Sally would too. When he got to the room he simply started undressing, looking at her naked body as she stood beside the bed. Like Mavis, she looked nervous. Like he did with Mavis, he held her and kissed her before they got into the bed. Like Mavis, she wanted to be in bed with him, lying down comfortably. Once there, her hand found his hardness as she kissed him again, squirming at the warm pleasure of his skin against hers. She had been too nervous to properly appreciate the feel of his skin before, in the bathroom. This was MUCH nicer.She felt his fingers sliding down her side, to her hip, and then between her legs. No man had ever touched her there. She held her breath, pressing her lips against his with a hunger that astonished her. When his finger split her pussy lips and probed to find the little bump he knew would be there somewhere, she groaned, her breath gushing into his mouth.Bobby pushed himself up, rolling Sally to her back. She had a sudden attack of panic. He wasn't going to.... No, she wasn't ready for that!"Bobby" she panted. "You can't." She pushed at him. "I'm a virgin Bobby."Bobby didn't know that word, or what it meant. What he was thinking about was those full lips that he wanted to kiss and taste. She was upset about something. That he could hear in her voice, but surely she wouldn't mind if he licked her down there. Prudence had loved it. And she had told him he couldn't do that too. He paused, looking into Sally's eyes calmly... more calmly than he felt inside. He kissed her chin, and then her chest between her flat breasts, and then he teased her nipples with his tongue until they stuck out enough to suck into his mouth. When he did that he could actually feel them get larger in his mouth. Sally moaned and squirmed under him. She had stopped saying he couldn't do what he wanted to do.He kissed her abdomen, not knowing that the nervous receptors between her skin and her ovaries were hypersensitive. He didn't know what an erogenous zone was, and neither did Sally, really. Her stomach sucked in at the shock of the tingles. You could have poured water into that concave area and it wouldn't have gone anywhere.Then he couldn't wait any more and he climbed between her legs. Her few wisps of hair were no barrier as his hands found her thighs and pushed them apart. He felt resistance, and Sally lifted her head off the pillow, looking down at him."Bobby, what are you doing Bobby?He showed her what he was doing as she sucked in air and her belly went concave again. First he sucked at those plump lips, sucking them into his mouth. They were fleshy and firm. Her hips thrust up off the bed, but he remembered how Prudence had done the same thing and was ready for that. His mouth rode her and he dropped to his elbows, cupping her bony buttocks. She was delicious.Then he feasted.For Sally, the world suddenly jerked, and seemed to turn ninety degrees to one side. Not only had no man touched her between her legs, but she had never really touched herself there either. She had all the normal hormones in her body to create the state of being aroused, and she had been aroused before. But she hadn't know what to do about it. She suffered through those bouts of frustrated horniness and eventually they went away. When she had offered her nipple to a cranky baby, she had received the first sexual stimulation in her life that involved the touch of another human. Bobby had been the first boy or man to kiss her. His lips on her nipples had brought her, her first orgasm. When she realized that he had gotten up to suck them again, rather than just ravish her, her panic abated. She was ready for an orgasm now from those sweet sucking lips.And then he had stopped sucking. True, his lips on her stomach were wonderful, but she wanted them to go back to those aching nipples. Instead, they had gone between her legs. If she'd have had time to think about it, she might have rationalized that, if a woman could put her mouth on a man's sex organ, it didn't seem like much of a stretch for him to put his mouth on the woman's sex organ. Of course she didn't have time to reflect. She forgot all about where her mouth had been, and she stared unbelieving as he leaned in and made the world jerk. She took in a breath, and it froze, deep in her lungs as he sucked at her pussy lips. Her head hit the pillow and her back arched automatically and she felt his hands on her naked buttocks. Then he let her nether lips go and gave his face a funny little side to side wiggle and his lips found that same little spot that his finger had teased not so long before.When he sucked on that, Sally thought she might actually die from the pleasure of it. Her overworked intercostal muscles relaxed and her breath gushed out in a babbling moan, a series of nonsensical sounds. The sounds stopped as she dragged in a fresh breath, and began again immediately as it was expelled. Panic flicked at her like tiny whips striking her body as she realized that surely no mere human being was allowed to feel this kind of ecstasy. Then, what she now realized was an orgasm, washed over her and she flopped, her arms bouncing off the bed, and her head twisting from side to side. She felt her legs come up off the bed, her knees bent, as they spread apart of their own volition and the orgasm shook her bones. Her heels thumped into the center of his back as her thighs crushed his head between them, but still he sucked and licked and teased her clit.To preserve her sanity, Sally willed her legs to open again, and pushed at his head."No more!" she gasped. "No more." Great wracking breaths whistled in and out of her lungs as Bobby lifted his shiny face, grinning like he'd been told the funniest joke he'd ever heard. Then he dropped his head and kissed those lips, getting another spastic jerk out of her loins as she begged him to stop.He pushed up and sat back on his heels. Sally looked at him and her eyes were drawn to his erection, which had a string of silver hanging from the tip. She licked her parched lips and wanted to taste that drip of silver more than anything in the world. Finding reserves of strength she didn't think she had, she sat and rolled, lifting her right leg to get it past him. She fell to the floor and scrambled up, not feeling the bruises that would show in the morning. She suddenly felt stronger than the mythical giants Meg read about to the children and she reached out to push Bobby to his back, where she had just been lying. Then, with an almost feral growl, she leapt on the bed and her mouth captured that stiff column of flesh.For a few seconds Bobby was afraid she was going to bite him. Her teeth raked down his shaft and he winced, but then her lips sealed on him and she pulled up, sucking. His prick left her mouth with a sound as she slurped and then swallowed."I want your juice." she said, her voice sounding deeper. "Give me your juice."Then she went back to sucking him. Her hands slid down his hips and under them, to pull him up against her face and his prick slid past the point where her gag reflex was located. She was so surprised that the instantaneous gagging feeling was gone before her body could react to it. She could feel him in her throat and she loved that feeling. She pulled up and gagged again as the tip of his penis slid past that point again. But she was so excited that she thrust her face down on him again, fighting the gag reflex by pure will until she felt his soft brown hairs tickling her nose. She felt the urge to sneeze, and pulled off of him to cough until the urge was gone. Her hand gripped him and stroked while she rested and watched as the head of his prick was uncovered and then covered again. She sucked the head, still stroking and heard his groans with an elation that thrilled her. When the first rush of warmth entered her mouth she swallowed it, and then dove down on him again, pushing her nose into his pubes.That didn't work so well. Bobby kept spurting, but she couldn't swallow because her throat was full of prick. She had another brush with panic as she choked and pulled up off him to cough again. His white spend splattered all over his abdomen as she coughed, but the choking sensation was gone and she was able to swallow again. His penis was running with milky white and she closed her mouth over it to suck it clean, reveling in his taste. Then she licked up all the splatter as he panted.Afterward, lying quietly with him was so wonderful, his warm body under hers, his fingers tracing small circles in the middle of her lower back, that Sally's eyes filled with tears that ran happily down over her nose and dripped on his chest. She wished this night would go on forever.Like Mavis, Sally woke in the night. Her waking was different, though. She had been dreaming, but couldn't remember the dream. Then she became aware of Bobby's warm body under her. When he was clean, she had crawled up on top of him, to lie on him. for hugs and kisses, and they had fallen asleep that way. She wondered at how good it could feel to lie on top of something so hard as a body, but she loved it. She listened to his breath as he slept. Her face was down in his neck, and that was a little uncomfortable. She wiggled down toward his feet so she could lay her face on his chest, which was a good idea. That put her pussy lips right on his soft penis, and that felt wonderful too. She couldn't resist the urge to rub against it, trying to make it touch that wonderful special spot he'd made her feel so good with. The kerosene lantern had gone out, but there was a full moon that night, and its white light flowed in through the window. As she rubbed her pussy back and forth on that lump she could see his face. His eyes opened."Hi" she said, feeling foolish.His loins tensed and pushed up against her."You like that?" she whispered. He nodded and she said "Me too."She felt him getting hard, and that was even better. She wiggled until her fat pussy lips split apart and rode along his lengthening rod. She felt electric tingles shoot through her as her clit came into direct contact with his cock."Ohhhh yes I like this." she murmured. On the upstroke she leaned down to kiss his lips softly, before she rode that long hard thing back down towards their feet. She set up a rhythm of doing that, sliding forward for a kiss, and then back away from his face. Her nipples scraped along his chest, and that felt good too. She suddenly realized she could have an orgasm this way too, and her speed increased. Her pussy got slick and wet, and that just made it all feel even better. Her movements got faster and it was inevitable that she slid forward enough to slip down off the head of his prick and onto his abdomen. When she rocked back, his prick nosed into her pussy mouth and stuck there."MMMM!" she said as she felt pain. But it was a sweet pain. She lifted up and slid back down his shaft, and this time slid forward off of him on purpose. She pushed back, feeling his penis prod her open pussy and she felt the pain again. She knew enough about sex to know that his penis was supposed to fit inside her. She honestly hadn't thought about actually doing that. She was completely satisfied with what they did together. But this strange pain was addictive somehow. She knew that if she pushed hard enough, it might go in her a little more. She doubted that her small body could take that thing fully into it. Surely she was smaller down there than her throat was.But it felt so nice to push against that blunt slippery head the produced such delicious pudding. So she rocked, and she pushed, and she rocked, and she pushed, and then, unexpectedly, the head popped through that pain, causing the pain to increase to a sharpness that wasn't pleasurable."Ohh owwww!" she complained. It wasn't fair that something so nice should hurt so much. She rocked back forward and the pain vanished, to be replaced by a dull ache. She lifted up and slid her clit down his shaft, pleased that the tingling feeling was back. Again she rocked too far forward, and pushed, and the head slid into her again. The pain wasn't so sharp this time, though still uncomfortable. Then his prick spat, and her pussy tunnel was filled with warm spend. She knew instantly what it was. She knew instantly that his pudding was going inside her. He grunted and his hips lifted, and she felt more warm fluid inside her. She wiggled, loving the feel of the heat inside her. She realized that it had gone deeper and now the pain was more of a stretching sensation that, while it wasn't pleasurable, was not so bad. She wiggled some more as he grunted again. He went in further, but then stopped. She felt a sudden desire for more and pushed against his chest with her hands to sit up, drawing her knees up beside his hips. Carefully, she let her weight down and was shocked to feel that sack under his penis touching her buttocks.She sat and just concentrated on the feelings. What he had done to her before had driven her mad. But this was a different kind of feeling. She could feel that spot tingling, but his penis rubbed the tender inner flesh of her body in a way that was just as good, but eminently more bearable. She rocked and his penis moved inside her, stroking her inner walls and she sighed. This she could do all night long.She knew if she tried hard enough, she could have an orgasm doing this. But it was just as nice to just feel him inside of her. She wasn't aware that his prick had gone half soft after it filled her belly with sperm. It was cold, sitting up like this. The covers had fallen down her back when she sat up. She lay down on him again, reaching behind her for the covers. He gripped them himself and pulled them up.With her face on his chest, and his young penis in her pussy, Sally Winston fell asleep on top of the man who had just destroyed the maidenhead she had always assumed would be firmly intact until the day she died.***Thursday afternoon, Bobby introduced Rachel to the joys of having a man's mouth on her sex.She tasted wonderful too. She was awfully loud, and Bobby wondered if he should ask Mavis to make another of those cloth ropes for her, but she tasted wonderful.***Sally didn't tell anyone that she was no longer a virgin. It wasn't a topic of conversation that was easy to insert into their usual idle chatter. It never even entered her mind to confide in Meg or Mavis that Bobby had made her crazy with his mouth glued to her sex.And it just so happened that Meg never saw Bobby leaving either woman's room in the morning, so she was not aware that he had spent the whole night in their beds.Meg simply had no idea that the boy she'd experimented with, such a relatively short time ago, and who, before she gave him that bath, was completely uninitiated in the ways of sex, was now an accomplished and experienced lover.Like Sally, she was thrilled with the little they'd done together, though to her it wasn't little at all. It was earth shaking to her to have been naked, in a bathtub, while a man's hands had roamed across her body, and to have taken his manhood into her mouth. Like Sally, she was looking forward to the comfort of being able to play with him in bed, her body pressed against his as she got hot kisses prior to sucking him. Like Sally, she just hadn't thought seriously about the mysteries full sexual intercourse. It was something that happened when you got married, and the man knew what to do. That was the extent of the sexual education her mother had given her. She had caught only a glimpse of Bobby on top of Mavis in the bathroom, and she had thought about that glimpse a lot. But she hadn't been able to see the penetration, and that was still something that she had no imagination for.So Meg didn't think about inviting Bobby to stay the night in her bed. What she planned to do was go to his room, play with him and swallow his delicious warm sperm, and then go to her own bed.She took Constance and Felicity to their room, following June Bug and Emily, who were dragging Bobby to theirs. Emily was complaining that it wasn't fair that Bobby couldn't tell them a good night story like Sally did, but she didn't sound all that upset. When she had Constance and Felicity tucked in she waited in the doorway to the next room while Emily hugged Bobby's neck fiercely and she said she loved him. Then he gave June Bug a kiss on her forehead while she wiggled with joy under her covers, before turning him over to Jenny, who kissed him too. Meg's heart almost burst, and she felt her pussy getting wet.When Bobby stood up to leave and saw Meg waiting for him, he smiled. It wasn't a particularly special smile... just a smile for Meg. When he got to the door though, she put her arms around him and kissed him on the lips, a long, hot kiss.When she had to stop to breathe she leaned back and looked into his eyes."You're a sweet man," she said.He smiled again and his hands slid to her hips."I'm going to tuck you in," she said. "Would you like that?"What Bobby would like to do was lie on top of this beautiful woman and slide his prick into her until he spurted. But he made no assumptions. Bobby's experience with women to that point in his life was completely atypical for most boys, and unheard of for a virgin orphan. In an odd sort of way his reaction to each of the women was to accept their sexual attention as simply their expression of friendship and love for him. Nobody had taught him that he shouldn't express friendship like that with more than one woman. At that point in his life he would happily have fucked any woman someone else would have classified as a "friend". On the other hand, he got many more opportunities to spurt in a woman than any other man in town, so he wasn't driven, particularly, to seek that with a woman either.So, while he was a little disappointed that all Meg was going to do was tuck him in, he wasn't unhappy. Maybe she'd kiss him again. He liked kissing her.He was therefore surprised when she took him to his room and, while he undressed, she did too."I'm going to stay here for a little while." she said, her voice husky. "I want to do what we did in the bathroom."Bobby's cock sprang to full hardness instantly.Meg's plan for the night was a very simple and basic one. She would rub up against him... dry this time... and she would suck him until he spurted, and maybe she'd get that tingly wonderful feeling in her belly. Then, happy and warm, she would go to her own bed and sleep peacefully. To us it sounds like a silly kind of plan, but Meg had no frame of reference to compare her plan against.She had no idea that, when her naked body touched Bobby's under the covers, that the warm smooth feel of his skin against hers would make her want never to get out of the bed again. She had felt his fingers on her nipple in the bathtub, and just that touch had brought her to a climax, and now, feeling his skin against her legs and chest and arms she was primed to pop again. It was so intense that she didn't know what to do next. Her mouth watered for the taste of his prick, but that meant she'd have to get to her knees, and his warm body wouldn't be pressed against her any more. Then he started kissing her, and she suddenly forgot all about anything else.Bobby's formula for getting his penis in a nice hot pussy was fairly basic and simple. He knew women liked to be kissed, and he knew what kind of kisses made them wiggle. He had never seen Meg's pussy lips, and it was too dark in his room for that, especially under the covers. But he wanted to taste her. So he started kissing his way in that direction.Meg couldn't believe what she was feeling. Bobby's kisses on her lips were wonderful. She loved them, and could happily kiss him like that for hours. But then he started kissing her cheeks, and jaw and throat and she shivered because those kisses were so different. She was completely unprepared for him to close his mouth over her nipples and suck them. The intensity of the feeling all but paralyzed her and she whined, staring into the dark with her eyes wide open. Suddenly, the loss of the feel of his skin against hers wasn't so bad.Meg was an intelligent woman. There were gaps in her education, sex being one of them, but given a set of facts, she could use her brain to make deductions and could, in most cases, anticipate an outcome. So, when Bobby started kissing his way down her body, stopping at her breasts for long enough to make her brain boil, and then KEPT kissing lower, across her belly, Meg had a pretty good idea where he was going. What came into her mind at that moment, was the memory of her favorite dog, a Beagle, named Sunshine. She had been ten at the time, and Sunshine followed her everywhere. Except one day, when she stepped out of the house, Sunshine wasn't there. She went looking for the dog and found her in the back yard, playing with Howard Thurston's dog, which was named Blue for some strange reason. Meg had seen dogs sniff each other, so that was nothing new. But Blue was doing a lot more than sniffing Sunshine. Blue was LICKING sunshine! As Meg walked closer she could see that Sunshine was LETTING Blue lick her, standing with her tail up, and her back legs spread. Meg looked, curiously, and saw that the vertical black split, under Sunshine's poop hole, was all swollen up. Then Blue had jumped up on Sunshine's back with his front paws and his rear end had started smacking into Sunshine's rear end and Meg screamed and ran to get help. When she told her mother to come quick because Blue was hurting Sunshine... well, that was when she got her lecture about what happened when a woman got married. Such as it was.While Meg was remembering that incident, Bobby reached his target, crawled between her legs under the covers, and stuck his tongue in her pussy.Meg quit thinking about Sunshine. Except insofar as she thought about how strange it was for Bobby to be doing this. People didn't do this. Dogs did this.Then she couldn't think about anything any more. She wasn't sure she could remember to breathe any more. There was a huge sunburst of joy that was consuming her body... turning it to ash... except that it didn't. She took in a shuddering breath as the feeling began to fade and she could sense things about her body again. She could feel Bobby's cheeks between her thighs, and his slippery tongue against where she sometimes rubbed. She was delighted that he had thought to do this wonderful thing for her. She wasn't sure what had just happened. It had been so much stronger than anything she'd ever felt before that she wasn't sure it was even real. At any rate, she wanted to thank him for giving it to her. She wanted to kiss him again. That was how she would thank him. She pulled at his hair to get him to come up to her face for a kiss. He could always go back down there later.Bobby felt her body signal that it was going through an orgasm. She had a big clit, that was easy to suck and chew on. Then he felt her pulling him up. When the other women had done this they were ready to be penetrated. His prick ached with need now. As he moved up he fisted it, getting it ready. He rubbed the tip along her inner thigh until he felt the juncture of her legs. Then he felt the tip slip into that familiar heat. As he kissed her lips, he pushed.He still didn't understand virginity. When he pushed he felt resistance and pushed harder. With a sudden release he was able to power forward and sink into Meg clear to her cervix. Her groan of pain was muffled by his lips sealing hers. Her fingers scrabbling at his hips, trying to push that hurtful thing out of her body were ineffectual. Bobby, knowing how the others liked to have him deep inside them and moving so that it rubbed that special place, began to rub his embedded prick in circles, mashing Meg's clitty by rubbing it in circles too.Meg was still coming down from her blinding orgasm when her body felt the invader at her sexual gates. Those gates still hummed with the pleasure his tongue and teeth had given her. When the first stretching came, she barely had time to recognize it when it was replaced by a sharp stinging pain that made her cry out into Bobby's mouth. That was instantly followed by the feeling that her insides were being moved around by what was forcing its way into her pussy. Her thighs automatically flexed apart, trying to ease the pressure, but now that pressure was deep inside her. She felt panic as her mind grappled with the feelings... and what they meant. She had no doubt what they meant, but the concept was something she was not prepared to think about.She tried to push his hips away, but her hands slipped off his skin and she groaned again as his pubic bone hit her own. Tears leaked from her tightly closed eyes from the residual burning at the bottom of her pussy lips where her maidenhead lay shredded.Then he began his circular rotation, and Meg sucked in another lungful of air to replace what had just been used in that groan. She held this in her lungs though, because what was happening down there now had wiped out all pain... wiped out her ability to think clearly. His lips were still on hers, and what he was doing made her use her tongue to find his. Her legs flopped, her knees hitting the mattress and then coming back up to bounce off of his hips. She couldn't hold her breath any more and her combination groan and whine whistled into his mouth so hard that some of it came out his nose. He pulled back from her lips in surprise and her eyes popped open. She could see that he was in the same position over her that he had been over Mavis.This was what he had been doing to Mavis.She didn't understand how this had happened, but right then she didn't care. All she cared about was that he kept doing what he was doing."Yes" she panted, her hands going to his hips now to help them complete their little circles."Ohhh yes!" she groaned. She began to realize there had been numbness, that was fading away, and she could feel his prick moving around inside her. She could feel her vaginal walls being massaged, and the tip of his cock was digging into something that was deliciously painful deep inside her. Her hips gave a convulsive lurch as he pressed, trying to get him even deeper and she felt the tingling warning that she was going to have an orgasm. She had been unprepared for his entry... unprepared for the pain... and her whirling mind reached for that orgasm as something she thought she knew what to expect from.But when she reached for it, and welcomed it, its intensity was so much more than anything she'd ever felt before that it overwhelmed her and she burst into tears, sobbing uncontrollably as the pleasure washed through her body like fire. Her mind screamed that, if this wasn't a real orgasm, she never wanted to have one, because a real one would kill her.Bobby heard her sobs and even though he couldn't see her face his lips felt the wet of her tears. He realized that her tightness meant he had hurt her and that fact lanced into his heart. He stopped moving, difficult though that was, and held himself still.Meg's sobs continued as her hips jerked repeatedly up against him. When she felt him stop moving and the delicious sensations he was causing began to wane, her fingers grabbed at his hips again, trying to make him move."Oh don't stop... Mooooore!" she moaned between gasps for air.Bobby was confused by her tears, and her body's response that signaled she liked what was happening. Very slowly he dragged his still rod almost out of her pussy and then eased back in to see what her response would be. Her hands pulled at his hips and her pussy jumped up to gobble his prick."Ohhhhh yessssss!" she gasped.He set up a slow rhythm of repeating those moves and he heard her get better control of her breath as her orgasm faded slowly. Her head lifted, her lips trying to kiss him. She missed in the dark and got his cheek and he moved his lips to find hers. Hers were hungry and she bit his lower lip, sucking on it before mashing her lips against his hard and licking his tongue frantically. Then her head flopped back down on the pillow."Ohhh more Bobby, please more!" she moaned through her teeth.His speed increased until he was slicking in and out of her slippery channel and his pubic bone started to impact her clit again. She gave a little yip each time that happened, which turned to an explosive "Uh!" each time, her grunts coming faster and faster as he sped up.Then the moment was upon him and he pressed in deep to deliver his thick sperm into the mouth of her womb as she strained up against him, rubbing her clit hard against him.That extended contact with her clit, and the warm bath he was spurting into her brought another orgasm within reach and she snatched for it again, almost frantic to see if this one would be as sweet and hot as the last. Her welcome turned into a long, drawn out "UHHHHHHhhhhhnnnnnnng!" as the fire swept through her again, her body jerking spasmodically under Bobby's weight.Bobby sagged, letting his chest down on her breasts, and Meg welcomed that weight as her mind felt like she was floating off somewhere. There were long minutes during which they both just breathed. When he started to roll sideways, she stopped him, not wanting the feel of his skin to go away. She wanted more kisses and she found herself squeezing his softening cock with muscles she hadn't been aware of before this happened."Ooooooo, it's getting soft," she complained in his ear.Meg's reaction to having sex was different than that of the others. Being prodded like that energized her, instead of making her lazy. She felt full of energy, no longer interested in sleep. Part of her mind was still anticipating tasting him, and now she pushed him off of her, getting to her knees under the covers and kissing her way down to his groin. She knew her own smell, and it was strong under the confining covers, but she had no room in her brain to think about that as she found his limp cock and sucked it into her mouth. Now she tasted the difference... her taste mixed with his as she suckled him happily. It felt so different in her mouth when it was soft, and she could play with it with her tongue. She liked being able to get all of it in her mouth at one time. His moan electrified her and she sucked harder, delighted that it became more firm. She worked and played until it was hard again, amazed that something so soft could get so firm.She kissed her way back up his body, stopping to suck at his nipples, so different from her own. When she got to his lips she kissed him hungrily."More," she said, pulling him over on top of her.The second time she felt him gush inside her, and that raging fire swept through her body again, she was content to lie with him, alternating between nibbling his ear and pressing her hot lips to his.Finally they slept.She awoke early, with the dawn, and now she could see his face. She demanded that he mount her again, wincing at first at the pain of his initial entry and the scrape of his hard prick against abused and tender flesh. But that pain faded quickly as she reached for another of those fantastic orgasms.As he grunted for the third time that night, and his penis spurted its life-giving fluid deep in her belly, Meg knew she was addicted to this... that she would have to have this often, for as long as she lived.She gave no thought at all to the fact that she was dead in the middle of her cycle, or that, with all the sperm her womb now held, it was almost impossible that one of them wouldn't ferlize the egg that was descending through her fallopian tube, and almost to her womb.CHAPTER TWELVEThat morning, when Bobby appeared at breakfast, Mavis took him aside."Bobby, what you do with us in bed... do you like that?"Bobby looked at her like she was crazy, and nodded, smiling."You do that with Prudence too, don't you... at her house?" she asked.Months earlier Bobby would probably have tried to avoid answering. But his relationships with all the women had convinced him that what they... and he did was acceptable, so he nodded again."I'm going to send you over to Prudence's house this morning," said Mavis. "She doesn't know about the rest of us. But if we're all going to share you then she needs to have a place in the schedule too. Are you sure this is all all right with you?" Mavis couldn't believe she was having this conversation.Bobby nodded again, smiling, and Mavis snorted. "Why I thought a man might balk is beyond me." she said, half to herself.Prudence was home, wondering if she could finagle a way to get with Bobby again when he appeared at her door suddenly, with a note from Mavis that said "Saturday is your day with Bobby." She didn't understand at first, but when she looked up from the note to see Bobby undressing, she blushed bright red. "They know about us?" she asked, aghast.He smiled and nodded."And she SENT you here?!" asked Prudence again, unbelieving.Bobby was naked now, his prick straining toward her. He held out his arms for a hug.Prudence decided not to ask any more questions. Dropping her housedress was simple. Getting to the bed without stopping to kiss him took more self control.***Life in Milleson House went on, much as it had in the past, but vastly different too. Though times were hard, and the war pulled at everyone's spirits, for Mavis, Meg, Sally and Prudence, life now had hope, and joy and love that made each day something to look forward to. While all of the women wanted to make love with Bobby much more frequently than once a week, all four women treated that experience like chocolate, or sugar, or any of the other treats that were rationed at that time in American life. They accepted the ache of anticipation they endured each time they looked at Bobby, or worked beside him, letting the anticipation build until it was their turn to lie with him and submerge themselves in his hot embrace and spurting penis.That one planning session notwithstanding, the women were too inhibited by the rules of polite discourse to discuss their relationships with Bobby in the open. While all of the participants knew the schedule, and made accommodations for that schedule, there was no public discussion about what went on behind the doors that the women pulled Bobby through.Only Donna had no idea of the underlying relationships that were going on. Meg or Sally continued to give him his bath, when it became apparent that changing the routine would alert Donna that something had happened. But now, other than perhaps a quick blow job, they controlled what happened in the bathroom, saving their lust for a time when they could welcome it with open arms.The women took what they could get... gratefully and with vigor.Bobby ate more, took more naps, and looked forward to the nights. His body strengthened as his testosterone levels were raised by his amorous activities. He was eminently qualified for the role he was asked to play.The cabinet maker was elated with the quality of work that Bobby did for him in the afternoons. The fact that the teacher still wanted to work with him two days a week bothered him only because that meant Bobby couldn't produce quite as much of his detailed and gorgeous carvings. Bobby grasped the importance of riffle files immediately, and his carvings soon took on the professional appearance of a master craftsman. His work began to be requested, and a bank account was opened in his name. It took three weeks for Bobby to understand (and accept, really) what a bank was, and that he actually had money in that facility that was his, and which he could access for his own wants.In short, all was well in Bobby's little microcosm of human relationships for the first time in his life. If he hadn't reached level five of Mister Maslow's pyramid, he wasn't far from it.As was stated at the beginning of this tale, however, life is a struggle. The good fortune that had descended on Milleson house couldn't last forever.And it did not.On the seventh of May, 1945, which just happened to be Sally's scheduled day for hot sex with Bobby, Germany surrendered unconditionally to the Allied forces. The next day was declared Victory in Europe day and the whole country celebrated.America, including those few Americans in Hampstead Nebraska, went nuts. What Americans in general did, that day, is well documented. What happened in Hampstead Nebraska, a mere footnote compared to larger events, was that Sally Winston, an unmarried woman of age twenty-three, lay with her lover, Bobby Martin, a supposedly mute orphan boy, and got thoroughly pregnant. The euphoria of Germany's surrender could be argued to have, in some part, been responsible. For one thing, she was joyous to her very core when she let Bobby spurt her belly full of his virile sperm. Some doctors claim that a woman who is relaxed and happy is more fertile than one who is not. For another, she did not think about where she was in her monthly cycle, which had never been regular, but which she still tried to guess at before she took Bobby's sperm into her womb. On those days when she thought it might be dangerous, she simply sucked down his delicious treat in her throat. But on this day, she was so happy that she just wanted to celebrate... and celebrate she did, getting pregnant in the process.Germany's surrender had other consequences as well. Fresh troops being sent there to fight, ended up relieving weary combat troops, who were pulled out for badly needed rest and relaxation before being shifted to the Pacific Theater, where the war was decidedly NOT over. The fresh troops, and those who managed to stay in Germany and France, took up occupation duties. That created two situations that would, in time, change everything in Milleson House.The first was that Prudence received official notification that her husband was seeking a divorce. She had known this would happen, and had not sought it herself only because she still depended on his income, at least to some extent. Still she was both hurt and angry. She assuaged her anger and hurt in Bobby's arms... extensively. She missed her very next period, which was supposed to have arrived the middle of June.The second was that, in early June, Donna got a letter from her son, Wally, that said he was being given leave to come home. He knew he would only be able to stay for thirty days, and that he would have to go somewhere after that, but didn't know where that was. He made oblique mention that his two best friends, one of whom had saved his life, were coming with him because they had nowhere else, really, to go.The celebrations carried into bed with Bobby. For Rachel, who know knew she was pregnant, and Prudence, who suspected she was in the same situation, Their angst about that was more easily subdued as they joined in the national feeling that things were looking up. For the rest, the euphoria about the war's end, at least in europe, made their time with Bobby just that much sweeter. Of them all, only Donna had no outlet for her intense joy - that her son was coming home.It was on a Saturday, mid morning, when the excitement and strain got to Donna as she paced in her lonely farm house. She thought of things that needed to be done around the house, but couldn't get motivated to do any of them. Instead, on impulse, she decided to go visit Pru.That, in itself, wasn't so strange. She had a close bond to Pru because she knew what it was like to lose a husband, even though Pru had lost hers in a totally different way than Donna had. She had visited Prudence many times in the past, but it had slacked off during the cold winter months. She hurried toward's Pru's house, anticipating taking her mind off the anguish of waiting for her son's homecoming by filling the morning with idle chat.It also wasn't unusual for her to just open the door and walk into Pru's tiny house. She simply called out merrily as she did so.She was completely and utterly unprepared to find Pru, naked, flat on her back, legs spread, with a man lunging between those legs as Pru moaned her pleasure. And as her numb mind recognized who that man was with his cock obviously buried deep in Pru's belly, her mind struggled to make sense of it all.Two faces turned to look at her as she stood in the open doorway. Pru's expression flashed to one of horror. Bobby simply smiled his usual welcoming smile."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Donna screeched.Prudence's face unfroze and she pushed Bobby off of her. She looked at her friend, who stood frozen, gasping for air like she had run as fast as she could, for as long as she could."WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Donna croaked, this time, her voice taking on a whine.Prudence had no idea what to say, so she said nothing. She put her dressing gown on and belted it to cover her nakedness. Then she went to Donna and pulled her gently into the house and closed the door."YOU'RE MARRIED!" yipped Donna.This was something Prudence could talk about. "You know good and well that I'm not married any longer, or won't be soon. Don't try to make me feel bad." she said, defensive now."But... but... that's BOBBY!" squeaked Donna, staring at Bobby, who sat, still naked, Indian style on the bed, watching the two women with interest. He was unashamed of his nakedness, and the ease with which he sat there made the situation seem all the more odd to Donna."Yes, that's Bobby." agreed Pru. "Now come in and sit down.""What?" asked Donna, looking at Pru for the first time since she'd put on her dressing gown."Come in and sit down," said Pru, like she was talking to a child. Donna's mind was beginning to adapt. What her eyes had told her was going on was so bizarre that she had tried to deny them. But, as she looked at Bobby her mind began to realize that what she had seen was real."You can't do that." she said, her voice a whisper."I already have, so you may as well not take that attitude," said Prudence. Her attitude about this was beginning to change too. Instead of shame, which she knew she SHOULD feel, the only thing she WAS feeling was fear and anger that it might be taken away from her."You could get pregnant," said Donna, reaching with her mind for something pragmatic to talk about."I already am... I think," said Prudence."WHAT?!" gasped Donna."We've been... doing this... for some time now," said Prudence. "And you know my husband has abandoned me. I'll be divorced soon. If I get nothing else out of this damned war, I'll at least get the baby that that bastard couldn't give me before he went away and found another woman." She felt hot with anger now. "And it serves him right that I'm going to have Bobby's baby instead of his!" she said firmly."But what will Mavis say?" asked Donna. This was too strange, and her mind flitted about, going from one concept to another.Prudence thought it might be too much for Donna to grasp if she admitted that all the rest of the women were doing the same thing with Bobby. "I don't know," said Pru quietly. "I haven't told her yet." That was, technically true. Pru had not confided in anyone that she thought she might be pregnant."I don't understand any of this." moaned Donna, sitting down in a chair.For lack of anything else to say, Prudence spilled her guts about that first time with Bobby had come about, and how she had gotten so excited in the bathroom, and was so upset about her husband's abandonment, that she had brought Bobby home and their relationship had started."Why didn't you tell ME?" she asked wounded."I didn't know how you'd react." admitted Prudence. "You might have complained, or forbidden us, or even told others.""How SHOULD I react?" asked Donna heatedly. "Sneaking around behind my back like that! Having SEX with a boy! What were you THINKING?!" she shouted.Prudence expected this from her friend. But her desire to maintain the pleasure she shared with Bobby made her fight to keep that."He makes me HAPPY, Donna!" she said back forcefully. "He makes me feel loved! Is that such a terrible thing?" she asked earnestly. "But... you can't just... have sex with him!" said Donna, her voice lower."Why not?" asked Pru, yearning in her voice. "Bobby certainly doesn't mind." She swiveled her head to him. "Do you Bobby?"Bobby shook his head and smiled.Donna looked at him in disbelief. "But he's just a BOY!" she said.Prudence straightened her shoulders. "No he's not," she said. "He's as much a man as your son is. He'll be seventeen in just months. He's all man when he's with me."Prudence's response made Donna think again about what she'd seen when she opened the door. She remembered something now that she hadn't realized or thought about. When Prudence had pushed Bobby off of her and he'd gotten to his knees, his penis had been long and straight and hard, shiny with the moisture they had created. He HAD looked like a man right then! She felt something twist in her loins as she remembered how long and hard he had looked. Her husband had been short, and never that... hard looking. That was the kind of penis that could easily make babies... had made one in Prudence, in fact.Donna blinked, and her eyes went to Prudence. "You're going to have his baby?!" she said, as if she hadn't quite understood before, but did now.Prudence actually smiled. "Yes," she said."But that's not fair!" said Donna. Her mouth snapped shut. She couldn't imagine where that came from."Why not?" asked Pru again. "I'm a woman. I wanted children. My husband didn't give me one. Now he never will. Maybe I'll just marry Bobby when he turns seventeen!""I wanted more children too!" said Donna heatedly. "But I didn't get them either. That doesn't mean you can have them with Bobby!""Didn't you ever look at him when he came out of the bathroom on bath night?" asked Pru. "Didn't you ever look at him as a man and wonder what it would be like?" It was obvious what she meant."Of course I did," said Donna, exasperated. Then she blinked again. Why had she said that? "I did too," said Pru patiently. "I just did something about it.""What if I wanted to too?" asked Donna, suddenly angry that she had been left out. Her eyes got wide and she clapped her hands over her mouth.Prudence felt hope for the first time since Donna had come into the room. "If we'd have known you wanted to, you'd have been included," she said. On impulse she turned to Bobby again. "Bobby? If Donna wanted you to make love to her, would you be willing to do that for her?"Bobby's smile bloomed and he nodded firmly. He tried not to look too eager. It was obvious that Donna had some problem with what had been going on. This was a new concept to Bobby, and he wondered about her responses.Donna's life had been pale and colorless after Walter had died. Except for her son, who then went off to war, she had felt like she had nothing left. She didn't know the ways of men, having married so young, and her life had been isolated on the farm until she started working at Milleson House. Coming to town every day had been something that brought a little color to her life, and she depended on that to keep her interested in life. Like many widows, the thought of trying to start another relationship seemed like it would be more trouble and pain than it would be worth. And she HAD looked at Bobby's naked body as that of a man, with tittilating unformed fantasies shooting thrills through her body.That, combined with the excitement she felt about the war being over in Europe and her son coming home, but couldn't find an outlet for, is probably responsible for her completely uncharacteristic response to all that Prudence had said. That, and seeing Bobby's smile... the eagerness on his face at the idea of doing something so intimate with her."This is crazy." she said, her voice dull, as her mind tried to convince her that what she was now thinking of was, indeed crazy."I don't know about that," said Pru. "All I know is that Bobby makes me gloriously happy."Again Donna thought about that long hard prick she had seen, and she felt her nipples tighten."I'd like to be happy again." she sighed."Bobby can make you happy, Donna." Prudence urged."Can he?" asked Donna, her voice young."Oh yes." assured Prudence. "Do you want him to make you happy right now, Donna?""Now?" asked Donna. "Here?""I don't mind," said Prudence, now trying to seal the suggestion. If Donna lay with Bobby than everything would just go on as usual, and she wanted that badly."In front of you?" whined Donna, suddenly wanting more than anything else to be... happy."I can go to the kitchen and fix us all some lunch," said Prudence. "You want to feel happy again... don't you Donna?" she urged."Yes." whispered Donna, looking down.Prudence turned to Bobby. "Be nice to Donna Bobby. She needs to feel happy. Will you help her feel happy Bobby?" she asked. He nodded soberly, and not knowing what else to do, Prudence turned and went into the kitchen. There was no doorway, so she started banging around pots and pans, to make it sound like she was busy.Bobby had admired Donna's lush figure often. At his age, and considering the frequency with which he saw naked women and got to love them, it was almost impossible for him not to wonder about what Donna's body looked like under her clothing. She had never approached him for sex, and he accepted that. Lots of other women in town spoke to him but didn't approach him for sex too, so he had not attempted to initiate anything with Donna. His lack of understanding of the mores of society, as they concerned a young male and numerous older females though, didn't stop him from wondering what it would be like with her.Bobby assumed that Donna had, at last, made the overture he was quite willing to respond to.Donna looked at him, suddenly unable to meet and keep his gaze. Her eyes darted away. Part of her couldn't believe she had said she wanted to enter this kind of relationship with him, but part of her thought it just might have found an outlet for her nervous energy. Still, she didn't know what to do. Walter had always come to her and flirted with her, and wooed her, suggesting that they have some fun. She had rarely initiated any sexual activity with him, and didn't know how to begin.Once again, the routine Bobby had gotten into came into play. He was used to getting things going by disrobing the women. He stood, and stepped toward her. His penis, which had softened while the two women talked, had begun to refill with blood, in anticipation of being with Donna. It hung, not quite straight out, but rising by the moment. Her eyes went to that organ and watched it bob as he stepped toward her. She was frozen, like a rabbit that cowers behind a bush, hoping the wolf will stalk on by.The heat in her chest grew, making her whole body feel hot. Her clothes felt heavy and itchy. She was astonished at herself as feelings of lust attacked her with unrelenting insistence that she deserved to experience that strong young penis, just as much as Prudence did. Part of her emotional upheaval as she stood there, was based on anger that her friend had kept this for herself, instead of sharing it with her. She somehow forgot completely that she was shocked by her friend's actions of doing something with Bobby in the first place.When Bobby stood before her, and ducked his head to make her eyes meet his, she took a shuddering breath."I can't." she said weakly.Bobby had heard this too, and in his experience, all that meant was that he was supposed to do things that would make her say "OK, now I can!" He took her hands, and pulled her up. He clasped her cheeks between his hands, and leaned in for an exploratory kiss. Her lips didn't return that kiss at first, but the moan that she exhaled told him to do it again, this time more forcefully, mashing his lips to hers. His tongut slipped out and she felt shock at that. No one had ever kissed her this way. It was so much more... intimate... than she'd ever been kissed before.She felt his arms around her and that strong embrace, more than anything else, broke her frozen posture. That embrace brought back the feel of Walter's embrace, which she had liked so much. Her own hands fluttered to his back, and she felt his wimpled skin. She had seen those scars as he was dressed for bed, and her touch was light.He pulled her toward the bed... Prudence's bed... where only moments before Prudence had lain... naked... with this man. He felt like a man now, and thoughts of him as a boy vanished in his strong embrace. Still... that bed was frightening. She resisted, her mind telling her this couldn't be happening, but his insistent pull made her take another step and then another. His hands cupped her breasts through her dress and she shuddered. No one had touched them in years. The tingles she felt made her gasp. He kissed her neck and she shivered again. Then he backed up and his fingers went to the closings of her dress. She stood limply, letting him make her naked as her mind still railed that this was crazy. But his hands on her naked skin blew those thoughts out of her mind. She could no longer think about Prudence in the next room, or whether this was right or wrong as the passion exploded in her loins and he lay her back on the bed.Her last shred of resistance blew away on the winds of her passion as he put his mouth on her aching nipples and insistently pushed at her so long-unused sexual opening, and slowly penetrated her. It felt like he went in forever and, as his hairs mingled with hers, he kissed her again.Her knees jerked up reflexively and he ground against her. Donna's initial response was to just go limp as she was overwhelmed by memories and physical feelings. Her muscles turned to jelly, and she lay there luxuriating in the feel of a hard bone in her pussy after so long without one. She lay limp, just concentrating on the feel of what she was experiencing deep inside her. It was when she realized just HOW deep inside her she felt those things that she realized how different Bobby's prick was than that of her aged husband before he died. Bobby touched in places she'd never been touched before... ever. When his prick tried to push its way through her cervix she didn't feel pain, like the other women did. Her cervix had passed a baby through it, and something inside her was ready to do that again. Her cervix welcomed that intruder and opened for it as the tip slid into the small hole.She gasped as he withdrew almost all the way out of her and then, every so slowly, slid back in.Then her muscles awoke, first among them her lungs, as she grunted as her cervix was penetrated again. Her arms came up and wrapped around her lover now, and her head strained to lift so she could see with her own eyes where they were joined. She pushed his chest away from her breasts and he straightened his arms, looking at her curiously."I want to see," she panted, looking.He drew out for her, that long hard thing that she quite suddenly realized she was going to want to feel in her again. Her legs came up then, wrapping around his as she pulled him back into her. She couldn't tell when it happened, but somehow he was suddenly slicking in and out of her rapidly and smoothly. She was so wet that she made horrible noises where they were joined, but she didn't care. That was because she felt the orgasm approaching that she thought she might never have again. It hit her and she welcomed it, relishing in the feel of something so long gone in her life. He kept going and she realized he wasn't going to stop as quickly as Walter had. That thought made her think that, impossibly, she might be able to feel that gorgeous feeling one more time before it was all over and she had to stop doing this."Uhhhhhhh," she moaned as she reached for it and found it, tugging it along and pulling at his hips. Somehow he knew to push in and stay there, where it felt soooo good. Her pussy clenched and released during her cum. With shock she heard his grunt and felt heat deep inside her. She knew that feeling, but not in the amounts he was supplying and again she was shocked at how different he was from her departed husband.Bobby held still as his prick continued to spurt into her, and he leaned down to taste her lips, his favorite thing to do as his penis delivered its cargo. Now she gave him her tongue back as, frozen together, their muscles began to relax, more and more, until he lay fully upon her, their lips still crushed together. hr hands went to his hair and she pulled his face even harder to her."I told you he'd make you happy." came Prudence's quiet voice, only a foot away.Donna's eyes flew open and she broke the kiss, turning her head."You said you'd stay in the kitchen!" she gasped."I know, but I couldn't help it. I had to see what it looked like when he makes me feel that way," said Prudence. "I'm sorry."Donna exhaled, not feeling the shame she expected to feel. "I saw you," she said. "I guess I can't complain.""Thank you," said Prudence, turning away, going back to the kitchen. "It was beautiful." As she went into the doorway her head turned, and over her shoulder she said "He isn't finished yet. Not unless you want him to be."Donna looked up at Bobby, who was smiling down at her, his liquid brown eyes staring deep inside her.He began to move again, and she felt an unaccountable joy welling up in her as she realized that, indeed, he wasn't finished.She experienced that unaccountable joy for the next three Saturdays, as she visited Prudence's house, and they shared Bobby's love together.CHAPTER THIRTEENOn the seventh of June, there was a field trip for everyone in Milleson House. The women made up a picnic lunch and took it to the train station to support Donna as she anxiously waited for the train that was bringing her only son back home to her. Mavis had a moment of deja vu as she saw the smoke from the locomotive on the horizon, though she couldn't hear the zinging of the tracks this time due to the large crowd on hand. Most of the town was there, because this train would have a lot of soldiers on it. There were no less than thirty-two men who fought in the war, and came from Hampstead, Nebraska.Rachel was even there, embarrassed as she was about the now noticeable swell of her belly, that had announced to the town that she had been indiscrete. Some people thought that perhaps her rapist got much farther with her than she had admitted. Others thought not, and that one of the married men had dallied with her, though there was no evidence of that. While there were no known suspects, an awful lot of women kept an eye on their husbands that day, watching to see if there was anything that looked like guilty communication between the harlot and their man. Her welcome, and the warm thoughts of most of the townspeople toward her after the attack, suffered greatly when it became known she was with child.But Meg and Sally had insisted that she come, and they protected her from the snorts of the women by simply proclaiming that they were jealous. Rachel hadn't admitted anything to anyone at all, but knowing that Bobby went to her house twice a week, and knowing Bobby, they had their suspicions.Finally the train came into view, far down the tracks. The five piece band, made up of a battered tuba, a bugle, a drummer, a clarinet and a fiddle, struck up a cacophony that was energetic, if not in tune, playing "Over There" to the best of their ability. They were playing it for the fifth time when the train groaned to a hissing halt and the doors opened.There was a hush of the crowd, and men, blinking in the bright sunlight, began stepping out of the coaches.Bedlam ensued.Two hundred and thirteen mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters and other relatives, as well as neighbors, roared their approval, drowning out the poor band, which finally gave up because they couldn't hear themselves playing. There was a surge and the men were surrounded, beaten half to death by well meaning slaps on the back and hugs that crushed them. Men were hugged and kissed by women they didn't know, or weren't related to. All the hoarded excitement of VE day was brought back and burst from those people and saturated the soldiers.Donna, who had seen a man she thought might be Wally, struggled through the crowd, using her elbows like they were weapons, until she stood facing a tall, thin man, now almost twenty-two years old, who looked enough like her seventeen year old little boy that she was sure it was him, but who was a stranger as well."Wally?" she said, her voice high and strained."Hi Mama." he said with a toothy grin.Then he couldn't move because he had his mother wrapped around him like a boa constrictor. When she was finally pried off of him there was a stain where her tears had wet his shoulder. Then he got hugs from women he had known existed, but had never actually paid any attention to, as Meg, Prudence, Sally and Mavis all took their turns with more gentle and polite hugs, but smiles just as big as his. Donna babbled, trying to introduce them all. Rachel stayed back with the children, who, at the uproar, had huddled around her instinctively, looking around in wonder and not a little fear.Things calmed down a little bit and Wally looked around, spotting the two men he loved more than any other in the world, possibly more than even his own father's memory. They were both standing awkwardly, talking to complete strangers nearby. He waved at them and they shuffled toward him, nodding and thanking the people who had welcomed them, even though they'd never been in this town in their lives."Ma" said Wally, as the two men arrived in the little group. "This is Ralph Carter" he gripped the arm of the taller man, who had very dark hair and a scar across one cheek, "And this poor excuse for a human being is Jimmy Franklin." Jimmy was shorter than both Ralph and Wally, appeared older and had blond hair. "Ralph here saved my life when we went ashore on Omaha beach in France. All three of us have been together ever since."Donna looked at Ralph, who was obviously embarrassed to be the center of attention. She moved to him, took his face in her hands and, oblivious of the fact that he was almost the same age as her son, kissed him firmly on the lips. When she pulled back, he had a dazed look on his face, and licked his lips."Thank you," said Donna with great dignity.Ralph swallowed visibly. "Ma'am," he drawled with a southern accent. "You are most certainly welcome."Then it was off to the picnic. When Donna apologized for all the children being dragged along both Ralph and the soft spoken Jimmy said that it was one of the nicest things that had happened to them since they got back.The women of Milleson House had no designs on the soldiers. They were there just as a show of support for the returning heroes and for Donna's sake. They tended the children, feeding them and tried to keep them out of Donna's hair so she could talk to her son and his friends.The men, however, were quite interested in those women. They had been gone for almost four years and the women they had seen, as Jimmy would later describe them, were "beaten down, starved, and would do anything in the world for a bar of chocolate." The men had felt sorry for them, but in most cases the women didn't speak English either, and just didn't appeal to them in a blatantly sexual way. Besides that, the unit they were in was on the move constantly as the battles progressed and Germany was penetrated.Now, though, on a warm June afternoon, back in America, the vibrancy of these women electrified all three lonesome soldiers. It was easy for Donna to see as she plied them with questions.The first thing she learned was that after their 30 day leave, which everyone in the whole company had been compelled to take, they would ship out to the Pacific Theater of Operations. They boasted that they would do in Japan what they had done in Germany. Donna was shocked by the seriousness they showed when they talked about that. During those moments they were grim men, despite their youthful appearance.Ralph was only a year older than Wally and from Texas. He had been notified that his parents had died of tuberculosis while he was overseas. His sister and her husband were holding down the fort in Brownsville and he wanted to get home for a few days before they got shipped out again if he could figure out a way to get there.Jimmy was twenty three and an orphan. When Donna heard that her eyes got round and she excitedly explained about Milleson House. She pointed out Bobby as their oldest and newest charge and described how he had showed up. Without another word Jimmy got up and went to talk to Bobby, even before Donna could explain that Bobby couldn't talk.***Meg and Bobby were feeding children sandwiches and cole slaw when Meg saw the shortest of the three men who had gotten off the train together walking towards her. His eyes were on Bobby, and she wondered what was happening. When he arrived he stood, casting his shadow on Bobby, who looked up, his head turned."Miz Pratt says you ain't got parents," he said abruptly. Then he smiled, his teeth white against his face. "Me neither. Joined the Army when I turned seventeen just to get out of the place they had me in." He stuck out his hand.Bobby almost spoke. He took in the breath, and his unused vocal chords vibrated as he tried to introduce himself. He clamped it off in a panic, and all that came out was a guttural rasp. His hand, which had been rising to meet Jimmy's faltered and fell back in his lap as he darted a glance at Meg to see what she would do at the sound he had made.Meg looked up. "Bobby can't talk. There's something wrong, and we don't know what it is," she said.Jimmy looked startled, and sat down. "'S Okay" he said, holding out his hand again. "We're still brothers, you 'n me, far's I'm concerned."Bobby grinned and shook the offered hand vigorously."Bobby's doing fine," said Meg, smiling at him. "He's even employed. He carves wood. He's doing very well indeed. We try to take good care of him." She pinked up just a little at that last statement as she thought about just HOW they took such good care of him.Jimmy scratched his head. "I imagine I'd be doing just fine too if I had a bunch of beautiful women taking care of me." He grinned to show he had no salacious thoughts. He was pretty good at covering for the fact that his thoughts were all salacious at that point in the conversation. Meg was a good looking woman, with fine thrusting breasts, and no ring on her hand to show she was taken. She was, perhaps, an inch taller than Jimmy, but that didn't matter to him in the least. "I never would have tried to run away if there had been ladies like you around." he added.Meg responded the way any other woman would have responded in that situation. She was pleased. But, like any other woman, she didn't want to APPEAR pleased. Not blatantly anyway."Why mister... why I don't even know your name!" she said, with a little giggle."Jimmy Franklin, ma'am, at your service." he said, extending his hand to her too. He looked over at Bobby. "You ain't claimed her yet have you?" he joked. "Wouldn't want to horn in on a brother."Bobby blinked. While he was adept at some adult actions, at least in the bedroom and with tools in his hands, he had no social basis on which to draw in this situation. Had he had time to think about things, he might have figured it out, but Meg's outburst shattered his concentration."Why Mister Franklin, you are embarrassing me! I don't believe I've met such a forward man in my entire life!" Her response was based on mixed emotions. Her first thought was to protect Bobby. She was quite sure that no one outside Milleson House would understand or appreciate her relationship with him. By now she knew she was pregnant as well... had lost the flat plane that used to be her abdomen in fact. When she was dressed that slight bulge wasn't noticeable yet, and she'd let out her dresses to camouflage that rounded belly, trying to delay the inevitable scorn that would be sent her way as soon as the townspeople knew her condition. At the same time she was flattered at attention from a grown man, and she wasn't prepared to deal with that eventuality. She hadn't spent much time thinking about normal relationships, because they had seemed so far away. She can't be blamed for the fact that the men, like Jimmy, who would normally have pursued her, were all off at war. What complicated things was her urge to dismiss him forthwith, avoiding the inevitable disgust he'd reveal when he found out she was with child... while at the same time craving his attention.Jimmy looked back at her with a very frank... and very adult appraisal. "Ma'am, it would hurt me to my very bones to cause you pain. I shall withdraw if that would ease your concern."His sudden change to dignified... and surprisingly educated speech, threw Meg another curve ball. It so startled her that, instead of accepting his offer to withdraw, she blurted: "You needn't withdraw, sir... merely behave." It came out as a mild admonishment, rather than the dismissal she knew was for the best.Jimmy, unable to behave on the instant, grinned and said "I'll behave if it will let me stay near to you, that's for sure." Then he blinked. "I don't imagine it would be too forward to ask your name... would it?"Now Meg blushed again. "I'm sorry. Where are my manners? Meg. Meg Johnson. Happy to meet you mister Franklin," she said."I'd be tickled if you'd just call me Jimmy," he said. Then, throwing her yet another loop, he turned back to Bobby. "So, iff'n you can't talk, how the heck do you get by?"Bobby whipped out a sheet of paper from his pocket, along with his pencil stub, and scribbled quickly. Meg heard squabbling and saw that Patrick and Jerry were arguing over the last sandwich. She went to resolve the matter. When she looked back, Jimmy and Bobby had their heads together, and Bobby was writing more.***When Donna saw where Jimmy had gone, even though she couldn't hear the conversation, she saw him stick out his hand and eventually get it shaken. She turned back to her son and his remaining friend."Well, with Meg right there I doubt we'll be seeing much of him for a while." she said, half joking.Wally laughed. "I remember her, but not like that."Donna turned to Ralph. "And what about you? A handsome man like yourself must have a girl somewhere, right?"Ralph looked morose. "There was a girl back home, but she got married while I was gone." His eyes drifted to Prudence, who was playing catch with Terrence. Donna saw where he was looking and her lips thinned. "I don't think she's the one for you," she said. "Her husband was over there with you boys and he dumped her for some French tart. He even sent her divorce papers. I don't imagine she's got much patience with soldiers right now.""Man must be off his feed to abandon a woman like that," said Ralph, half under his breath. Like other men, he let his eyes drift across Sally, but not light on her.Donna nodded. She wanted to talk to Wally some more, so she tossed off something to get off the subject. "Well, I'm sure there will be a dance in honor of your return. You could ask her to it, but don't be surprised if she throws something at you." Then she turned back to her son and began peppering him with questions about where he'd been, and what he'd seen, and how he was and so on. Unnoticed by either his best friend, or his best friend's mother, Ralph stood up to take a walk. His walk took him vaguely in the direction of one Mrs. Prudence Watson, soon to be divorced.***The object of Ralph's interest missed a wild throw of the balled up sock that the children often played catch with. It had been made heavier by rolling three more socks up inside and then folding the outside sock down, twisting it and folding it over the lump again. What resulted was between the size of a hardball and softball, and if it hit you it didn't hurt. She twisted, reaching as the "ball" sailed over her head and to the left, and saw the sock caught by one of the soldiers who was with Donna's son. She saw it was the tall one, with the scar on his cheek. He held the sock out to her."Thank you." she said, somewhat stiffly. What she saw most was his uniform... the same uniform her husband had been wearing when he left her."Ma'am?" came the man's deep voice... much deeper than George's voice. She looked up again. "I just wanted to say how sorry I am about how things turned out for you.""What?" asked Prudence, astonished."Wally's mom explained what happened with your husband and all, and I just wanted you to know that not all of us behaved like that over there."Prudence was horrified that this strange man knew about her... situation. The first thing she thought of was the fistfuls of hair she was going to pull out of Donna's head the first chance she got. She was so mad she sputtered, unable to say anything.Ralph held up his hands. "Now don't get all riled up, Ma'am. I'll leave you in peace. I just wanted you to know that hard as things was over there, a man would have to be plumb loco to abandon a woman like you. That's all. I just wanted to say that."Ralph Carter was not a sophisticated man. He was from a culture where a man said what he meant, and meant what he said. Most times, whatever it was that was said wasn't held against a man either, as far as that went, whether people agreed with him or not. He, too, had left home when he was young, being eighteen on the seventh of December, 1941, and since then his world had been that of men. He didn't put on airs, and what he had done to save Wally's life he would have done for any other man. He didn't know how to talk to a woman, especially a woman as beautiful as he thought Prudence Watson was. So, having said his piece, he turned around and walked back towards his friend.Prudence sat, dumbstruck. The man had paid her a compliment, strange as it might have been. And then he had just walked away from her. As mad as she was at Donna, something in her wished that the man had stayed a little longer. Then she decided that she would just have yelled at him, and something in her was glad he HADN'T stayed, and that she HADN'T had the opportunity to heap all her scorn on him."PRU!"Her concentration was fragmented by Terrence's insistent call for her to throw him the sock again. This time she was the one who threw wildly.**Wally answered all his mother's questions as his eyes roved over the scene, drinking in the normality of it. Battle had been terrifying, and he had almost broken under the strain, like many other men. Seeing his friends die had hardened him in some ways, and had made him reflect often on the meaning of life. As his mother peppered him with questions, his eyes lit on the blond woman who was reading a book to a group of smaller children. She sat awkwardly, her legs folded under her and to one side. She was obviously pregnant and, like many pregnant women, she was beautiful in a way that tugged at a man's heart. Unknown to his mother, Wally was not a virgin. While he had been in temporary billets, waiting for his troopship, certain that he was going off to die, he had taken a walk in the biggest city he'd ever seen in his life. He'd been approached by a whore, offering him something he'd never had before. She too had been pregnant, though not so much as the woman he was looking at now. His first impulse had been to scorn the whore, but as he looked through the dirt on her unwashed face, he saw a girl, about his own age, down on her luck. He had wanted to just give her some money, but she insisted that the man watching them would beat her if she didn't perform for her "fee", and he had allowed her to take him to a dingy room, where she initiated him into the ways of being a man. He couldn't look at her as anything other than the poor girl she was as, bit by bit he pulled her story from her. Then she had sat atop him, riding him to a release that he could still remember if he closed his eyes, and it was quiet. He could still see the swell of the child some other man had put into her, that soft white curve of her belly, riding right on top of what felt so amazing to him.Now, as he stared at the blond woman, her image was superimposed on the thin face, with the dank, oily hair, of the girl who had taken his virginity. He flushed and felt guilty.Donna saw consternation in her son's face and looked to see what was troubling him. He was looking at Rachel. She frowned."She's the school teacher. A man tried to rape her. She's not married. Things are... difficult for her now," she said.Wally looked at his mother. "Tried... to rape her?" he asked.Donna signed. "Bobby, the boy your friend Jimmy is talking to, stopped it. Or at least we thought he stopped it. He hit the rapist on the head and killed him. She's always claimed that the man didn't finish the rape. Events suggest otherwise, though." she finished. Donna, like many others in Milleson House, was fairly sure that Bobby had something to do with that swollen belly, but she wasn't going to pursue that. Especially not, considering what role Bobby played in her own life."She's beautiful," said Wally."She's a sweet girl," said his mother."Really?" asked Wally."She's a sweet... pregnant girl." cautioned his mother."I can see that mother," said the young man."There are a lot of sweet un-pregnant girls out there to dear," said Donna."True," said her son, who was suddenly much more independent than his mother remembered... or appreciated right now. "But I bet there aren't a whole lot of them un-pregnant who are that good looking.""Wally," asked Donna, curious now, "Why would you even be interested in a woman who is already pregnant with another man's child?"Wally blinked, like he hadn't been actually paying attention to their conversation."I don't know." he said truthfully. "I guess it just doesn't matter if she's not married and interested in me. I just like the way she is sitting there with the kids. She looks like a mother and I think mothers are kind of sexy."Donna arched an eyebrow. "Really?" she asked.Wally looked at his mother calmly. "Look at you. You're a mother and you're sexy.""Wally!" said Donna, blushing. "That's a completely inappropriate thing to say to your mother!""Hey, the truth is the truth." he said, looking back at Rachel. "I think I'm going to go introduce myself."Donna stared at him, unbelieving as he rose and sauntered toward the group of children, being read to by their teacher.***Rachel saw the soldier coming, but didn't pay much attention to him. She was concentrating on trying to read like Meg read, using different voices, and inflection that made the story come alive. The children ignored the soldier too, their full attention on the story."...and they lived happily ever after." pronounced Rachel at the end. The children called for more stories, but Rachel told them to run and play in the warm air. "You'll get all fat like me if you sit around all the time," she said. She put the book down on the blanket and leaned back to stretch her back, putting her legs out in front of her. It was then that she realized the soldier was still standing a few feet away. He had obviously been listening to her read."You're a fine story teller Ma'am," he said."Thank you." she said, aware of her bulging belly. "You should hear Meg read to them though. She's fabulous.""I haven't heard that story since I was their age," said Wally. "Who would have thought that a grown man would enjoy listening to a children's tale? I'm Wally," he said. "Mind if I sit down?"Rachel wasn't exactly afraid of strangers. She knew that when that man had attacked her, it was an aberration. Still, she was startled, and a little nervous. Why would this man want to talk to her? No one else in town did, with the exception of the women at Milleson House."It's a free country," she said. It suddenly occurred to her how banal that sounded. "Of course, we have you to thank for that." she added, feeling foolish.Wally settled in beside her on the blanket. "Somebody had to do it." he said casually. "So you're the teacher. I went to school here, and the teacher didn't look anything like you."Rachel looked at the young man strangely. If she didn't know better she'd have thought he was flirting with her. Maybe he was making fun of her. She knew men had the capacity to be unbelievably cruel. She didn't want to think that Donna's son was that way, but she decided to find out."I'm sure your teacher was married and probably not... with child." she said evenly.Wally looked up at the clouds. "True, but I was thinking more of how gray her hair was, and how bony she was, and how she frowned all the time. She was pretty free with that ruler of hers too. I imagine I'd be a lot smarter today if she'd have been a beautiful young woman such as yourself." He pointed at a grouping of clouds, changing the subject suddenly. "Hey, there's one that looks like a Sherman tank!"Rachel didn't know what to think. The young man had paid her an obvious compliment, almost a forward one. It was as if he were blind to the evidence that she was a slut. Rachel was not unhappy that she carried Bobby's baby in her womb. What he had done for her deserved recognition of the highest order, and as far as she was concerned, having his child was that kind of highest recognition. What she was unhappy about was the way she was treated. She couldn't tell people why she'd done what she'd done. If she did that they'd treat Bobby the same way, maybe even worse. As a result, they all just assumed she was a slut. But this man didn't seem to see the negative."Thank you." she said belatedly. Then "I'm not sure I know what a Patton tank looks like."So Wally pointed out the cloud mass he was referring to, and then to another that looked like a dog. That caused Rachel to want to talk about Bobby's carvings of dogs. On impulse she called to Bobby, who was not far away, being ridden like a horse by Patrick, next to one of the other soldiers, who was providing the same service to June Bug. there was a line of children chasing both "horses", waiting for their turn to ride. Bobby trundled over towards her, crawling quickly and jostling Patrick, who screamed and yelled like a cowboy."Bobby, do you have one of your carvings with you today?" asked Rachel.Bobby reared, trying to buck off Patrick, who clung to his throat and laughed. Reaching into his pocket Bobby took out a small carving he had been working on with his knife. He still liked to whittle and carve that way, though he spent most of his free time working on larger projects. He handed it to Rachel, who handed it to Wally.It was a cat, curled up and sleeping, its tail wrapped around it. It was almost finished. It was made out of cherry wood, and was so finely carved you felt like you could see the individual hairs on its back."Wow!" said Wally with appreciation. He looked at Rachel, who was still looking at Bobby. He saw love in her face for the boy. His mother had said this boy saved her from the rape, or that people had thought he had saved her. "Is this for sale?" he asked, looking up at Bobby.Bobby shook his head. Carvings like this were being saved to be given away as gifts. He wanted to make sure he had enough for all the women in the house, and Rachel, before he gave one to anybody."It should be." suggested Wally, handing it back to Bobby. "It's the kind of thing that would make a perfect gift for somebody like this pretty lady here."Rachel suddenly realized she'd never introduced herself. She bit her lip, though, ambivalent about encouraging this strange young man. "Thank you Bobby," she said. He turned, and was set upon by Jenny who, at ten years of age, had long enough legs that they dragged the ground when she mounted her steed. She didn't care, though, and slapped his butt with her hand, yelling "giddy up horsy". Bobby bucked a little and then plodded off as she slapped at his butt again, yelling for him to go faster."Nice kid," said Wally, on a hunch."He's wonderful," said Rachel with more feeling than she realized.Wally could understand how being saved from rape would endear a woman to a boy... no, man, like that. Bobby appeared to be of an age where he was eligible for service."My mom said he can't talk," said Wally."Yes" said Rachel, still watching Bobby frolic with the children. "It's very sad. He's very smart. He can read as well as I can almost.""How would you know?" asked Wally.She said "I spend a lot of extra time with him, and he writes me notes." She turned back to Wally, feeling like she was being interrogated. "He's not eligible for service.""Oh, I know," said Wally, looking back up at the sky. "My mom told me what happened. I'm sorry you had to go through that.""You don't even know me," said Rachel. "Why would you care?""Oh, I don't know. Maybe you look like somebody I'd like to get to know. Then would it be all right if I cared?"Rachel was embarrassed. This man had been nothing but civil to her, and she was treating him badly."It's just that most people don't... approve... they don't want to get to know me," she said."I'm not like most people," he said, looking over at her. "Would it be all right if I called on you?"Rachel felt flustered. This was so outside her expectations she was at a loss. The girl in her said "Yes, that would be all right." Then she added. "I don't imagine your mother would be impressed, though.""My mother is a nice woman, almost as beautiful as you are," he said. "I'm going to spend some time with her too." He grinned. "But I can't hope for holding her hand, or maybe stealing a kiss from her. People would REALLY be in an uproar if I did that. Being seen with you won't be nearly so controversial."Rachel felt a flush of warmth in her chest. "You, mister Pratt, are a very forward man."Wally smiled, and looked at her pregnant abdomen. "I think we have more in common than you might realize," he said. "I'm not concerned with your past, other than to wish that it had been happier. And I'm not concerned about what people think who haven't been where I've been, or seen what I've seen. I'd just like to spend some time with you and see how things go. Maybe I'll get that kiss, and maybe not. But spending time with you will be fun even if all I get is a slap in the face."It was the kind of speech a woman in Rachel's situation would dream to hear, and her heart fluttered in her chest. Wally gave her a relaxed salute and got up. "Now I'd better go spend some time with that other beautiful woman I mentioned, or I might not get any supper. He grinned and trod off towards Donna, who had joined Mavis in cleaning up the ruin left by hungry, but distracted children.***The rest of the afternoon passed pleasantly, and the men helped herd the children back to Milleson House. Wally spent most of his time with his mother. Both Jimmy and Ralph had been lassoed into being horses, and had become favorites of the children. Still, Jimmy seemed to be near Meg frequently, and Ralph spent plenty of time in the vicinity of Prudence. When it was time to go the knees of their uniform pants were stained green. Mavis ordered them to bring the pants to her and she would clean them."Least I can do for you," she said firmly."Sure thing ma'am" said Jimmy, looking at Meg. "I'd like to see this orphanage of yours anyhow. From what I've seen it can't be anything like the ones I was ever in."Mavis snorted. "You might see the orphanage," she commented, "but I doubt that's what you'll be looking at."Both Meg and Jimmy flushed. But both smiled too."I'll ride herd on him ma'am." drawled Ralph.Mavis arched her eyebrow at him. "If you can tear yourself away from other interests." she said, glancing at Prudence. Prudence was suddenly very busy looking elsewhere. Ralph just smiled.On the way back to the orphanage, the children traded off riding on the shoulders of Bobby and the three soldiers, who were already loaded down with their kits. None of them complained.CHAPTER FOURTEENThat night at supper the mood was euphoric, with the possible exception of Sally. She had seen the same thing happen that day that always happened. Men just weren't interested in her. She tried hard to be happy for Meg and Prudence, and she was pleasantly amazed at Wally's interest in Rachel. But her face was back to its normal unsmiling visage as she dealt with supper. She was distracted during the evening radio mystery, and was still feeling sorry for herself when she opened the door to her room and went in, wondering if she'd be able to get to sleep.Bobby was in her bed, and he was naked. She'd forgotten completely that it was Wednesday.He smiled at her and her heart melted. She was blinded by tears of mixed happiness and disgust with herself for feeling so alone."Ohhh Bobby!" she moaned, and she ran to the bed, flinging herself on top of him and kissing him urgently. They fumbled with her clothing, and she was almost mad with desire by the time he got her dress off of her. She let him remove her panties and threw her legs wide in welcome. Her groan of satisfaction was loud as she sheathed his stiff prick deep in her belly.On this night Sally was, again, insatiable, as she drank in everything Bobby had to offer her. Finally she slept, entwined in his arms.Her smile was back.***In another house, on a farm nearby, three weary fighting men bedded down together in Wally's room. Donna had offered them individual rooms, but they declined. They had slept together for years, in conditions much worse than this, and neither Jimmy nor Ralph complained that his bed was on the floor. Donna provided blankets enough that one could be rolled up for a pillow. For the men it was, if not heaven, close enough for now.They talked in the dark, as men do on a campout, or hunting trip, and the women were discussed in intimate detail that would have embarrassed them had they known. Breasts and hips were compared and judged better than the other man's pick. Wally got guff for being interested in a woman who had obviously spread her legs for another man. They didn't know about the girl who'd taken his virginity."She's beautiful, and intelligent," said Wally, who claimed his own bed that first night, but offered to trade out in nights to come. "And she was raped, or almost raped. Either way, she can have more babies in the future. I'd sure like to see what one of mine would look like coming from her.""That's just plain nuts," said Ralph. "She's been ridden already, pardner.""Well, maybe she's broke for riding, but the way I see it, that just means she'll be more gentle." quipped Wally. "At least I'll be able to stay in the saddle." He grinned in the dark."There is that." admitted Ralph. "And I have to admit that Prudence has been broke to ride too.""Right now I don't care if they're ALL pregnant," said Jimmy, completely unaware of his prophetic comment. "I ain't seen a woman like Meg in longer than I can remember. I'm hard as nails right now just thinking 'bout her.""Don't mess up my mamma's blankets" warned Wally, laughing. "She'd have my head.""Never you mind 'bout that, buddy," said Jimmy. "I'm saving it up for later."There was the usual joking banter about dreams they had about what might happen, and of getting slapped for pursuing those dreams, and ending up with blue balls as each man claimed that HE would be successful, but the others would fail in their pursuit of their chosen women.All of them went to sleep with hard-ons before it was finished.***Over the next three weeks the soldiers, perhaps because they were used to pursuing their mission to the end, bitter or sweet, were relentless in their pursuit of the women who had caught their eye.Wally visited the school first, and convinced Rachel to have dinner with him at the restaurant in the saloon. That caused a sensation, which they both ignored. She was nervous about letting him come to her house, primarily because she was sure that tongues would wag. When it occurred to her that tongues were already wagging, and had been for months, she put her attention on this amazing man and stopped caring. He'd be gone in less than a month, and she wanted to enjoy the facade of normality he brought to her.By the time they'd known each other for a week, and he began wanting to spend the afternoons with her, she felt compelled to talk to Bobby about it. She explained that this man wanted to be with her during the times they usually spent in bed, and asked him how he felt about that."Do you like him?" he wrote.She nodded, a strange reversal of their usual roles."Then you should spend time with him." wrote Bobby.Wally spent the first two weeks just talking, or listening to her read, or walking with her, hand in hand. He talked little about the war, but talked much about the places he'd seen, and the people he'd met. Rachel was smitten.When, two weeks before he was to ship out, he calmly said, "I'd sure like to try for that kiss now Rachel."Still unbelieving, she let him kiss her. His kiss was different than Bobby's. The stubble on his face was rough, and he tasted different. But his kisses were just as hot, and Rachel was just as horny as she was with Bobby.A week before he left, he relived his one sexual escapade, as the skinny girl's image was replaced forever by Rachel. Blond, pale and round, she rode his stiff prick until it bulged and spat her full of Pratt seed, his hands caressing the bulge made by the life inside her. He loved her, and didn't care where the baby had come from. He would love it too.Every day until he left, he tried to impress on her how much it meant to him that she would grace him with her love. And every day she fell more and more under his spell as he held out to her more than she ever thought she'd be offered.***For Jimmy and Meg it was a much more easy-going relationship. His light heartedness, and the interest he showed in her were both welcome to a girl who hadn't been on a date since before the war started. They found it easy to talk and Meg was giddy, except for the fact that she was pregnant, and nobody knew it yet. That bothered her a lot. It bothered her so much she asked Jimmy what he thought about Wally's interest in Rachel."I don't know," he said, as they walked along the street. She had actually taken her days off for two weeks in a row, and had spent most of each day with Jimmy. They walked, her fingers loosely held in two of his. "I mean if he likes her, and it doesn't bother him, then who am I to say anything about it?""But you wouldn't want to be seen with a pregnant woman." she said, her hopes fading."I never thought about it. Why, are you pregnant too?" He grinned, thinking he had made a joke. But her reaction to that wasn't to slap him, or laugh, or call him a name. She just walked on, and pulled her fingers from his."Uh oh," said Jimmy, stopping. "I said something bad, didn't I?"Meg held back her tears. "You won't want to be seeing me any more, I suppose."Jimmy's reaction to that was not what she expected."What the heck is in the water 'round here?" he said. "That Rachel girl and now you too? How the heck did this happen?"Meg, who knew exactly how it had happened, and who, up to now had decided that she would raise Bobby's baby proudly, despite what she knew would happen when people found out, got a little surly."You know how it happened," she said. "It happened the way every baby gets made. "But I thought you didn't have a man friend," said Jimmy helplessly."I don't," she said. "And I'm not telling anyone who made this baby in me either!" she said hotly. "This was a special situation, and I can't talk about it... won't talk about it.""Hey," he said, holding up his hands. "Don't be all mad at me. I didn't do it.""No, but you COULD have!" she cried. She rubbed her fists into her eyes, forcing herself to stop crying by will alone. She was not going to break down in front of this man. "If only I'd have met you before. It could have been you! But you were off in that stupid war, instead of here, making me happy. So somebody ELSE had to make me happy!" She was on a roll now, but Jimmy let it all roll off of him. Her comments suggested she was more interested in him than she had let on. He let her finish, and she stood there, quivering."OK" he said calmly. "You got that off your chest? I thought we were on a walk here." He reached for her hand and started walking. He had to pull to get her moving."Some day I have to hear the story of how this happened. You're no tramp. Believe me, I know a tramp when I see one. So I'll take it on your word that something important happened, and the guy can't take credit for it. Maybe that's what happened to Miss Rachel too.""But you don't hate me?" whined Meg."Meg, I got to confess that I been tryin' to get under your skirts ever since I saw you. Now that don't make me any better or worse than the man that got there first. Least that's the way I see it. Hell, I never had a girlfriend who was pretty and smart. I kind of thought I'd like to try that for a while."They walked on for a while, quietly."How can you be interested in a fallen woman?" she asked finally.He looked at her. "One way of lookin' at things is that, if I should happen to get lucky enough to get under your skirts... I shore won't be able to knock you up all accidental like.""That's a bit crude," said Meg, pulling at her hand. He held on tightly."Another way of lookin' at things is that anybody can make a mistake, but that don't mean they have to be punished more than yore labor pains are goin' to punish you later on."He stopped and faced her, taking her other hand too."I like you Meg. I like you a lot. It was strange circumstances that brought us together here, and I suppose it's strange circumstances that happened before I got here. But if you don't plan on taking up with the father of what's inside you, then I'd kind of like to have somebody to come back to when this war is over.""You'd come back to me?" she squeaked."Wally's offered both Ralph and me room and board for helping him work the farm after the war. When things get goin' we'll even get some pay. Maybe some day I'll have a place of my own. Here's as good a place as any to start a family. If you think about it, I even got a head start on that!" He grinned. Then his face got serious. "And no little baby should be without a mamma AND a pappa. I know what that's like, and it shouldn't happen to anybody."Meg looked at his face. He wasn't the handsomest man she'd ever seen, and he wasn't as educated as some men she'd met. She had noticed that his speech got much better sometimes, like he was putting on a hick face, and sometimes forgot to keep that up. He was like Bobby, an orphan who made his way in the world as best he could. He intrigued her, and she liked him too."Have you ever been skinny dipping?" she asked him, turning to lead him to the creek, where a wide turn held fairly deep water.As Jimmy would tell it later, to his two best friends, he found out what had attracted Wally to a good looking pregnant woman. When Meg dropped her clothing on the bank of the creek, she stood proudly. There was only a gentle swell to her belly, making it round enough that what her clothes hid, was plain to see when her soft abdomen was revealed. He stopped his description there, though, because what else he saw he wanted to keep just to himself. He was only down to his pants when she stood naked before him, and it stopped him cold. He, like Bobby, had been housed in places where he never got to see what a woman's body looked like. He had told lies about being with women, while he was in the Army, but Meg was the first woman he'd seen like this. Being older, and hearing the other men talk, he had a much better grasp of the sex act than Bobby had. But he was still a virgin, and this woman was not. He suddenly got cold feet. What if he didn't do it right? What if he couldn't do it at all? His prick, which had firmed up nicely, began to wilt. He didn't want to take his pants off.Meg stood and watched him, saying nothing. Similar fears were going through her mind. What if he found her ugly, with her swollen belly? What if, after she had made herself naked in front of him, he didn't want her any more? Her proud shoulders drooped. When he didn't move, she bent to pick up her dress."I understand," she said miserably. "They were nice words, but...""NO!" he blurted. "Wait... please. It's just that... well, I'm kind of ashamed to say this, but... well, I never done this before.""But... you said you wanted to..," said Meg, confused now."Oh hell, men lie about all kinds of stuff," he said. When she winced he held up his hands. "NO! I don't mean I was lying about that. Not about you. Oh this isn't going good at all!" he said. "What I mean is I want to, but I don't know how. I don't want to..." He trailed off.Meg's hopes were rekindled. "Fail?" she said.He hung his head. "Yeah... fail."What she'd done with Bobby raced through her mind. Bobby had made her feel beautiful and desirable and loved. She would always love Bobby for who he was, and what they'd shared. Now, here was another orphan who she could experience things with... teach things."You won't fail." she said, dropping her dress again, and stepping toward him. "I won't let you fail."She went to him and said, "Let me." She knelt in front of him, working at his pants until they gaped open. She worked them down, pulling his drawers down with them and baring his limp penis. She was amazed at how similar it looked to Bobby's, but how different it was too. She looked up at him, through her lashes."It's quite handsome." she felt foolish. "I've only seen one other, but yours compares nicely." Then she felt even sillier, and blushed.Now Meg's inexperience came into play. She wasn't aware that oral sex wasn't widely known of or practiced in the 1940s. She just did what she'd done with Bobby. Grasping his penis, she leaned forward and sucked it into her mouth. She'd brought Bobby's from this state to full rigidity, and she knew how to do that.Jimmy had heard of this, but hadn't believed the men who claimed it was the best thing since sliced bread. He decided he owed them an apology. Within half a minute, he was, as he had characterized it, "hard as nails."Meg pulled of his now rampant prick. "I like it better this way," she said. "Do you want to go swimming now?""No ma'am, I do not," croaked the soldier."Good," said Meg. She sat him down on the grass and pulled the pants off his feet, after unlacing his boots. He lay back, staring at her as she worked."Meg, honey," he said. "You have got the most beautiful breasts in the whole world.""Thank you," she said, her confidence soaring. "Would you like to taste them?""More than anything I can think of." he panted.Meg had learned from Bobby about being on top of him. Sometimes he liked her to be that way, and he played with her breasts when she rode him like that. She straddled Jimmy and, putting one hand on his chest, squatted slowly, bringing her pussy down to meet the stiff prick she held in her other hand. She notched it, and sank gratefully down on it with a sigh.Jimmy gasped as his prick was covered by heat. Then she leaned forward and dangled one of those fabulous breasts in his face. He sucked at the nipple, lifting his head, as she began to rock on him.Meg, used to being able to bring her orgasms almost on command now, decided to have a quick one, just in case he got overexcited. When it happened, she told him it was happening, and she told him how happy he was making her. When her pussy rippled along his prick, he groaned and gave Meg the only other seed she'd ever had in her body besides Bobby's.They lay together, catching their breath, and Meg kissed him for the first time. He laughed when the kiss was over."I never figured to do what we just did before I ever kissed the girl," he said."I really am a hussy." she said, but she didn't feel all that guilty any more.He had to pee, and jumped up to go do that into a bush. When he came back she was looking at him with tears in her eyes."You have scars too," she said. "On your back.""That's over and done with." he said gruffly. Then he was curious. "Scars like who?""Bobby." she said shortly. "He's got them all down his back, even on his legs and rear. It breaks my heart." she moaned.Jimmy thought about the fact that Meg knew what Bobby's naked backside looked like. That thought buzzed in his mind. When would she have seen that? He knew the boy had been sent to Milleson House by mistake. Mavis had asked him about that. And he'd only been at the orphanage a short time. So, he was as fully grown when she saw him as he was now, for the most part.He looked at Meg."It was Bobby, wasn't it?"Meg covered her face with her hands and cried.Jimmy felt heat build in his chest, that threatened to burst out. "Did he force you?" he asked heavily.Meg's hands flew away from her face, shock showing there. "Oh no!" she said. "I was just giving him a bath. We didn't know how smart he was then, and we thought he was simple minded. And while I washed him... things got kind of complicated." she ended."But he didn't force you?" he asked again, the heat fading slowly."No" she said. "I'm a trollop... a hussy. I seduced him." she moaned. "He was so scarred up, and seemed so sweet. He's never forced me to do anything." Her memory of losing her maidenhead had altered over the months. Until recently - very recently - it was one of the high points of her life.Jimmy reached over and smoothed his hand over Meg's humped abdomen."So this is my little brother's baby in there?" he asked.She nodded, her eyes red. "He's not really your brother." she sniffled.With very serious eyes, Jimmy said "We're all brothers and sisters, who come from those places. He's my brother all right. We're family as far as I'm concerned." He stroked her belly again, sliding his hand to her breast."My brother's baby." he mused. "I think I can live with that." he said, leaning in for another kiss.This time Jimmy got on top of her, and, as he experienced sliding his stiff cock in and out of a welcoming, loving woman for the first time in his life, he asked her to be his bride.***Prudence also had a lot on her mind as Ralph pursued her. Like the others, her cherished time with Bobby had become so important that she hadn't paid as much attention to her cycle as she should have. The result was that, as of June the fifteenth, she was exactly two weeks overdue for her "monthly trial" as she thought of it. She had never been late in her life. Her suspicions, voiced to Donna three weeks earlier, had born out true. She was quite sure that she was pregnant. She had always wanted to be pregnant, but not quite this way.Now, she had been notified that her husband was seeking a divorce, and she would probably have to find some other place to live. Ralph's attentions were unwelcome, since he was a soldier, but welcome, since he was a nice man, who treated her with respect. She actually liked him a lot, even though she tried not to show it. She didn't know what to do, and she couldn't talk to anyone about it except Donna, who was busy with her son. Had she known that Meg was showing, and that Sally too had missed two periods, she might have done things differently.But the truth of it was that she saw Ralph as a possible way out of her predicament. She would later confess to him what had happened, based on true and deep love she felt for him then. And, he would forgive her, but she didn't know that now, of course. But for now, her motives were less than sterling. She didn't feel good about it, but she did what she thought she needed to do. She accepted his attention, and encouraged it. She knew Donna would give her fits later, but... that would be later.Within three weeks she felt terrible. He really WAS a nice man, with a quick wit who made her laugh. He was a strong and dependable man too, from what she could see. He told her about Wally's offer of employment, and how he dreamed of having a family. He had saved almost all his Army pay, and had a nest egg that would allow him to buy land, or perhaps start a business when the war was over.As he showed her what a decent man he was, she felt worse and worse about what she was hiding from him. But she kept her mouth closed, and continued with her plan.At the 4th of July picnic, she had no trouble at all succumbing to his advances and she led him to her house, where they made wild, sweet love in her bed. She cried tears of shame, mixed with tears of joy. Had she been a less desperate woman, she might have broken under the strain.Three days later she kissed Ralph goodbye at the train station. He asked her to wait for him, and she said she would.To punish herself, she told Bobby that they could not make love any longer... that she belonged to Ralph now. She did not tell him that he had made her pregnant. She only felt worse when Bobby wrote her a note, telling her how glad he was for her new found happiness. She had to tell Donna then what she was doing. She couldn't bear to have Bobby making love to Donna in her house any more. Donna was disgusted with her, and tried to talk her out of her deceit, but Prudence begged her to leave it alone. After that Bobby went to Donna's house on Saturdays.***Mavis could feel the change in the mood of the house when the men shipped off to war. She understood the fear that the girls felt. Meg had announced her engagement to Jimmy, and Prudence made a happy face when she said she was promised to Ralph, saying nothing about the baby inside her. Donna stopped talking to her unless it was absolutely necessary.In another few weeks Meg was showing through her clothes, and Sally as well. Prudence, later in August started showing too. Mavis, along with Sally, had seen no need to deprive herself of Bobby's affections, and had missed the first period she had ever wanted badly to arrive.All in all, things were glum indeed. The reaction of the townsfolk wasn't quite as negative as Mavis would have expected. She kept Sally and Meg in the house as long as she could, and their first exposure to the public view as obviously pregnant ladies didn't come until September. Prudence had already been seen to be heavy around the middle as she shopped for food. As luck would have it, there were two or three other women in town who needed bigger dresses. Two of those women were married to soldiers on that train. One was the sister of a soldier. People in town counted back, and remembered that trainload of lonely GIs, and made assumptions that were not as negative as if those soldiers had not been around. Somehow, the idea that lonely soldiers might have strayed with the women didn't seem so bad as it might otherwise have.Though the people of Hampstead Nebraska weren't aware of it, what would come to be known as the Baby Boom of the late forties had begun.War news was now avidly sought by more than just Donna, and Bobby and Mavis played with the children while the adults huddled around the radio set. Rachel became a constant visitor, and listened with them.The attitude of the women toward Bobby was something a good doctoral thesis on psychology could have been based on. Donna might have been the best study. Only Prudence knew that she too was involved with Bobby sexually. The others thought their secrets were secrets. But Donna wasn't stupid, and when bellies began to swell all around her it didn't take long for her to make assumptions about who was "responsible". Rather than making her slack off her relationship, she used both Prudence's time and her own, keeping Bobby at her house all morning, or all afternoon, urging him to do the same thing to her that he'd done to all of them. She, alone, tried her best to get pregnant with Bobby. And when, in August, she knew she WAS pregnant, she exulted in that knowledge. What she felt with him was so precious that she wanted his baby, to take the place of her grown son, and the babies her dead husband hadn't been able to give her. And when that baby was old enough, she'd have another one, if Bobby was still available to father one on her.None of the rest of the women had intended to, or wanted to get pregnant with Bobby's baby. All of them knew it was their own fault that they had conceived. Even though, in today's world, Bobby's part in the process would have resulted in him taking half of the responsibility, the women didn't look at it that way. They still viewed Bobby as the hapless youth who had made them so happy with his loving touches, and kisses... and more, as they manipulated him. Even so, like Donna, they all still loved him, and they loved the feel of his babies growing in their wombs. At the same time, they wished they weren't with child, because of the problems those swelling bellies caused. Some people love to drive fast, even though it scares them to death. It's the same with being in high places, or handling dangerous creatures. There is a thrill that can't be experienced any other way, but that thrill also carries with it dangers. These women felt that way. None of them would have though of ending the pregnancy Bobby had caused in them. But most would have rather it hadn't happened.And yet, all of them were, in one way or another, glad beyond reason that it HAD happened. For Sally, as she rubbed her hands over her bulging abdomen, she felt only her love for Bobby. No one had cared about her before she was pregnant, and she was fast coming to an acceptance that what people outside the house thought about her now just didn't matter. Now that some of the other women had given up their access to Bobby, she expanded it, sleeping with him two nights a week. She wished she could sleep with him every night.For Mavis, she would have the chance now to have her own baby, something she had given up on long ago. She, like Sally, was fast approaching the point where she didn't care what others in town thought about her indiscretion. She felt no compulsion to stop what she did with Bobby. She felt lavishly wonderful and complete when he pounded her and she clamped her teeth on her gag.Everyone in the house assumed that Prudence's baby was Bobby's too. It was impossible not to for them, even though she had told them how, in a moment of weakness, she had let Ralph have her. But none of them would say anything to Ralph about that, and he would think it was his baby. She felt miserable about that, but at the same time she firmed her resolve to get another man, however she could. She had nightmares about him coming back and deciding that he didn't want her after all. Or that he wouldn't come back at all.Meg had experienced a roller coaster of emotions, first with Bobby himself, and then, against all odds, with Jimmy, who decided to love her despite the fact that she was a fallen woman. She still had trouble believing that this was all going to work out as well as Jimmy had described it to her as they lay in the sun on the grass. His dreams were infectious, and she had only hope for a bright and happy future - as long as Jimmy came back from the war. Since he had left she had forced herself to be true to him. She still ached for Bobby's touch, though, and Jimmy's acceptance of his little brother's baby in his fiancé's belly only made it harder to keep from stealing away in the night to Bobby's bed.Of them all, Rachel's attitude about life had changed the most. Her inflated view of her own importance had died a horrible death when her pregnancy became common knowledge. That she loved Bobby so much made her accept the ridicule and shame as something she deserved for some unstated reason, and she refused to name him as the father. And then when Wally accepted her as she was, with another man's baby in her womb, her world had expanded to include a new kind of joy and love. She still loved Bobby. She would always love Bobby. But now she had experienced something that went beyond meeting just her physical needs, on an emotional level that Bobby couldn't approach. It could be argued that, had Bobby been completely truthful with her, and the other women, he could have met that need too. But he limited his own world by the role he played. The dichotomy was that he had expanded his world even more, in one sense, with his prevarication. He had worked to climb up the levels of Mr. Maslow's pyramid. It had worked for him in some ways, and not in others.And all the women were conflicted in some ways, and happy in others. It is the natural state of humanity when they struggle to climb from one level of Mister Maslow's pyramid to another, or get knocked from one level to the one below. Life is just that way.Bobby's life, however, was about to take a turn for the worse. At least initially.It happened one day in July, when harvest was in full swing, and carefully hoarded and rationed gasoline was being used to transport grain from the fields to the grain elevator in town. There was dust everywhere, in choking clouds, and it was hot and sticky.Mavis decided that a picnic was in order, down at the creek, at the bend where Meg had skinny-dipped with Jimmy, and where he had proposed to her. There had been four days of heavy rain north of them, to the anguish of the farmers, who couldn't harvest if the moisture content in the grain was too high. The weather had been fine around Hampstead, but the watershed came toward them. As a result, the little placid creek was a rushing maelstrom of turbulent water. Since swimming wasn't part of the plan, however, the lush grassy spot was the perfect place to get away from the dust and noise, and enjoy nature.They were playing a game of keep-away with the rolled up sock ball. That ball had caused a boy to almost lose the use of his hand when the broken window almost ruined it. Now that ball almost caused more tragedy.Bobby was watching, lying on his side in the grass, while the children ran and played. He saw the ball arch up into the sky, and saw June Bug reaching for it, running full speed... toward the creek. As in slow motion he saw her trip, and fall headlong over the embankment. Below that, he knew, ran raging water.His scream of "JUNE BUG" was out of his throat before he had any rational thought. The women were in two groups, one with Mavis, Meg and Donna, who were preparing the food, spreading it out on a blanket. Prudence, Sally and Rachel were sitting on another blanket, just chatting while they kept one eye on the children. None of them had seen June Bug's tumble. At Bobby's strange yelling voice, though, all six women looked up.Bobby's mind put first priority on the little girl who loved him and sat on his lap listening to stories. He jumped up and yelled again. "JUNE BUG JUST FELL IN THE RIVER!"Then he ran, cutting at an angle away from where she had disappeared, heading downstream, hoping he could run faster than the water was carrying the little girl. He fell once, rolled and was up and running again as if he had done it on purpose, as some fancy stunt. He reached the shore, tearing through the brush growing on the bank and raking long bloody scratches on his arms and face. As he broke through, he saw her bobbing body about to sweep past him. One arm was up in the air as she struggled to stay afloat.He dove as he saw her little body disappear under the water.Bobby couldn't swim. Only providence managed to put both him and June Bug at a part of the creek where the water was shallow enough that, once he felt her clothing in his grasp, allowed him to push off the bottom so that his head broke the surface. The water swept him and his charge along and toward the shore where the creek made a wide curve, where it was shallower still. He managed to get his feet in front of him and, when they dug into the bottom of the creek, the water stood him up and almost knocked him over again. His instinctive movement to lean back as June Bug's weight came onto his arm saved him. Teetering in water up to his thighs, he kept leaning and pulled the little girl's body to his. He couldn't know that, when he hugged her fiercely to his body that he squeezed her hard enough to force the water out of her lungs, almost as if he had done what would some day be called CPR to her. As he staggered toward the shore, toward a branch that was hanging out, she began to cough, and her limp body took on some tone. He adjusted her in his arms, getting his arm under her buttocks, as if he was just carrying her from one place to another. She coughed more, and began crying, her body shaking in his arms. He picked his way through the brush, onto dry land, and stood, looking around. He was disoriented now, and looked back at the creek, knowing he needed to go upstream.He started slogging in that direction, cooing in June Bug's ear that everything was going to be all right, and that she was safe now, and patting her on the back. She hugged him tightly.He heard the women before he saw them through the dense brush that lined the side of the creek. They were yelling to each other as they picked their way through the vegetation, telling each other they didn't see anything. The, through a break in the branches, Bobby saw a splash of color that was Sally's blouse. She had pulled ahead of the others because she wore slacks this day. Knowing that he had already alerted them to the fact that he could speak, and knowing he couldn't carry June Bug much further, he called out. "Sally... over here."She screamed, and the other voices slowly converged on them as she took June Bug from his arms and he sat weakly on the ground. Within minutes he was surrounded by women, all of whom ignored him completely, and tended to the crying little girl. She still coughed, but less often now, and her gasping breaths reassured the women. She was handed to Donna, who turned and began retracing her steps toward the swale where the other children huddled nervously, abandoned by their adult supervisors. Lou Anne and Jenny, as the oldest, had taken charge and kept the children in a group.Mavis looked down at Bobby, a strange look on her face, and she held out her hand to him, pulling him to his feet. Her fingers went to the bleeding scratches on his face, which looked much worse than they were because the blood had mixed with the water running down from his hair. It wasn't until they were into the clearing that she spoke."So you can speak after all." She looked at him sideways. "Unless this is a miracle of some sort."Bobby couldn't look at her. "No miracle." he mumbled."Well, well, well." was all she said.It was immediately decided that the picnic was over... that June Bug needed to be looked at by the doctor. Prudence said she would stay and recover the blankets."Bobby will stay and help you." Mavis said tersely.The women herded the children out toward the road, and the short walk back to town. bobby began folding up blankets, and putting food back in the baskets that had carried it to the site. Prudence glanced at him repeatedly. He felt her looks."Are you mad at me?" he asked.Prudence jumped at the sound of his voice, still not used to the idea that he could make that kind of noise."Why?" she asked. She had lots more questions, but that one was the most important, to her mind. Why had the man she loved so much lied to her."I was afraid you'd send me away," he said. "It was kind of an accident that it happened. But this was so much better than anywhere else I'd been I just wanted to stay.""You're much more intelligent than we thought." she said, amazed at his cultured voice and his diction."I guess so." he responded.Prudence couldn't help but think about all the times they'd lain in bed, as she talked to him, and urged him to love her again. She felt naked somehow, but realized that was silly."So it was all a game," she said. There was sadness in her voice.Bobby looked up, hearing that sadness. "No. It was no game. Everything was very real.""When we were alone together..." she started. She couldn't, somehow, say the words out loud. "The look in your eyes... it made me feel... special. Was that real too?""Yes," he said. He wasn't used to talking, and it was easier to mimic with his voice what his motions had communicated so efficiently. Then he asked again. "Are you mad at me?""I don't know." she answered truthfully. "I have to think about that."They walked in silence back to Milleson House.***The doctor was there when they arrived, having been gone for by Sally. He had just pronounced June Bug fine, but put her on some of his carefully hoarded penicillin to handle any infection that might pop up from having inhaled any water. He had been told about what happened, including Bobby's sudden ability to speak. When Bobby and Prudence came in, weighed down by their burdens, he turned to the boy."Well, you are just full of surprises, aren't you?"Bobby just hung his head.The doctor cleared his throat. "Well, be that as it may, it's turned out to be a good thing you came to Hampstead. It's saved the lives of two people." He packed up his black bag and closed it. "You ladies... all you ladies," he said looking at Mavis, "You need to get in to see me about prenatal care. I'll expect to see you all." he said with authority in his voice.The women nodded as one, looking startled."I wonder if I could have a word with you privately?" he said, looking at Bobby.Bobby looked at Mavis, who waved her hand toward the parlor. She turned back to June Bug, who had calmed down and was enjoying all the attention.The Doctor took Bobby into the parlor and faced him. He reached into his bag for mercurochrome and began to treat the scratches on Bobby's face and arms."Have you always been able to talk?" he asked."Yes sir." was Bobby's reply."Tell me what happened when you... stopped that man." Bobby knew he was talking about Rachel's attempted rape."He was attacking her and I hit him," said Bobby. "She was screaming." he added."Did you see him actually... uh... was he actually in... I need to know if he had sex with her." he finally finished."Why?" asked Bobby."Because, when we buried that man, I got a look at him, and he was wasting away with a disease that that teacher will have if he actually raped her. If he did, then I need to start her treatment as soon as possible. She keeps telling me that he didn't, but she can't remember everything and she is, after all... well, with child.""He didn't rape her," said Bobby. "He was ready to, but I hit him and made him stop.""You did at that," said the doctor. "All right. That's what I needed to know. He looked shrewdly at Bobby. "You visit her house frequently, don't you?"Bobby got cautious. "She lets me read books... teaches me things."The doctor nodded. "As I suspected, of course. Well, education is very important, especially if you can talk. All this is confidential, of course. Teaches you things. Humph. Lot of pregnant women around here." He looked at Bobby."Yes sir," said Bobby.The doctor smiled. "Well, since from what I can see there are no other men around, I suppose it's handy for them that you're here." He winked. "And it's a good thing you were there at the creek, and saw what happened. That little girl owes you her life." He seemed to be thinking about something. Then he straightened up. "Yes... I'm thinking it's a good thing you came here."With that he shook Bobby's hand, and headed for the door. "Teaches him things!" he chuckled as he opened it and left. With lunch missed, and supper being prepared, the women were too busy to deal with Bobby. June Bug wanted to sit on his lap anyway, and she stared at him with adoring eyes. Not only did he dispel monsters from the closet, he had saved her life too. She felt compelled to give him a hug about every two or three minutes, and had to be pried off of him for supper.After supper, it being bath night, the women were still busy, and both June Bug and Emily were in their rightful places on his lap as Meg read. When the second shift of kids came out of the bathroom, and had been dressed for bed, Mavis looked at Bobby."I reckon you'll take your own bath tonight, young man," she said."Yes ma'am," he answered. He headed for the bathroom. He was in the bathtub when Sally came in with his night shirt."Here." she said, putting it on the floor by the wall."Are you mad at me?" he asked her, sitting in the warm water."Yes!" she said. "NO!... oh I don't know!" she finished. She turned and left before he could say anything else.When he came out, all five women were waiting for him. They were seated at the dining table, and there was an empty chair waiting for him. ***Author's comment: Sometimes readers respond to an ongoing story with ideas and suggestions that make a lot of sense. My thanks to DirtyH for just that kind of thing, which affected the ending of this story.CHAPTER FIFTEENBobby looked at the circle of women... at the five pairs of eyes staring at him. He noticed how quiet it was in the house, almost as if he had gone deaf. Mavis shifted in her seat, and the rustle of her skirts and creak of the chair came as a remarkably welcome sound.There wasn't anything to do but sit in that empty chair, waiting for him. Bobby didn't want to do that. But he knew he had to. He owed that to them, at a minimum. And he knew he'd tell the truth. He owed them that too.Feeling tense, like when he knew he'd get a beating, he sat. No one noticed the irony of the fact that he didn't speak until spoken to.That... conversation, to put it gently, would make a story all by itself. There developed, during the hour that they bombarded him with questions, the full range of emotions that women are capable of. There was anger, and disappointment, and curiosity. Remembered incidents were discussed, sometimes as if he weren't even there any more. Donna's participation with Bobby at Prudence's house came out in the process and, red faced, she defended her actions by pointing out the actions of the rest. The women wanted to be angry. In their minds they had the right to be angry... SHOULD be angry. And being duped was the least of what Bobby had done to them. There were, in a sense, eleven people in the room. Five of them were nestled deep inside five of the others, floating, unconcerned, warm and safe. The women carrying them, though, were not so serene, and they wanted to blame their condition on Bobby.But try as they could to be angry with him for his deception, all of those women had loved him on some level, and been loved back, and his answers about why he had done what he had done did nothing to suggest that he had preyed upon them. They questioned him closely about his life before Milleson House, and his experience with women before he came there, half expecting that he was some Lothario who had taken advantage of them. It became clear, however, as all their sexual exploits were finally aired publicly, that the opposite was true. They had exploited him. Not that he had cared. Quite the opposite in fact, but it was clear that the only reason they were all pregnant with his babies was because of THEIR emotional needs, and his willingness to meet them.Finally Mavis told him to go on to bed."Are you going to send me away?" he asked, standing. At this point he expected that... feared that... but also felt like he deserved it.Mavis snorted. "You'll be seventeen in what, two months? I couldn't get the paperwork through in that time."Her comment did not suggest that he was still welcome."I could just go on the road," he said. "If that would make things better.""No!" said Sally firmly. "You'll not go off and leave us all here alone." It wasn't clear exactly what she meant by that. There was some muttering, but Bobby couldn't understand the words."Off to bed," ordered Mavis. "We have more talking to do."Bobby went to bed, but he couldn't get to sleep right away, even though he felt very lucky to still have a soft, warm place to sleep. He could still hear the occasional muttering voices of the women down below. More than once those voices rose to a scale where he could hear a word or two clearly. He stared at the ceiling in the dark, trying not to listen.***He had finally nodded off when the door to his room opened. Someone came in. She smelled like Sally. There was the rustle of clothing, and a naked body climbed into bed with him. He was right. It was Sally.He was, to put it mildly, astonished.He was still wearing his night shirt, and her hand snaked down, and under it, to slid up to his chest, passing by his flaccid penis. She felt warm against him."You can't go off and leave me alone." she said to his cheek. "No one has ever made me feel like you do." she snuggled more, and her hand played with his skin. "I'd curl up and die if you left," she said."I don't want to leave," he said into her hair."It's still so strange to hear your voice," she said. "Will you make love to me?""Yes," he said.She tugged and pulled at his shirt, getting it off of him, and melted against him. Their lovemaking was slow and gentle, with her starting on top and then pulling him over on top of her."We won't be able to do this much longer," she said from under him. "I'm going to get too big for you to be on top.""I wish I could marry you," murmured Bobby. "Then we could do this forever."Sally's hands, which had been on his chest, holding him up off of her swelling belly clenched his skin, almost painfully as she froze and she gasped."What's wrong?" he asked, glad that he could voice his question."You'd marry me?" she said in a tiny reedy voice."They'd never let me marry you." he sighed.It was a frozen tableau in the dark as silence stretched. Her fingers still gripped his skin painfully, but he didn't care."Why not Bobby?" she asked.He thought about that. "I guess I just thought I'd always be an orphan," he said. "I'm not used to thinking about making my own decisions." Her knees came up and hugged his sides as her pussy squeezed at his prick. "If I could... would you marry me?" he asked, his heart in his throat.There was another agonizing moment of frozen silence and then he felt her body go limp as she drew in a lungful of air."YES!" she screamed. "OH YES BOBBY, YES!"There was the thump of feet hitting the floor next door in Meg's room, then the sound of the door opening, the hinges squeaking lightly. Bobby's door opened again and Meg was standing there."Bobby?" she asked. "Sally? What's going on?"Sally clutched Bobby to her."Bobby just asked me to marry him." she said in a completely normal voice. "And I said YES!" She yelled the last word."SSHHHHH!" scolded Meg. Then "What?! Did you say MARRY you?""YES!" yelled Sally again, joyously.Meg felt a rush of emotions run through her body. It seemed as if the baby jumped in her womb, even though it was too early for that to be happening. She felt jealousy, then joy, then worry, all in a rush. She wanted to be elated for her friend, but she wasn't sure she should be."Quiet down!" she scolded. "You're going to wake up everybody in the house!""I'll be good," said Sally in a quiet voice that sounded more like one of her small female charges than an adult. Then she started giggling, and then laughing until she covered her mouth with both hands.Meg closed the door and stood, listening, not so much to Bobby and Sally, but to see if any of the children had gotten up, or if Mavis had heard Sally's shouts and was coming up to investigate. When she heard nothing she shook her head. The bedsprings in Bobby's room were making a racket now. As she went back to her room she found her hands molded to the swell of her own belly, holding her baby... Bobby's baby. She wished more than anything that Jimmy was here, so he could make her bedsprings sing too.***In the morning Sally took the first opportunity to face Mavis and announce that she couldn't make Bobby leave, because she was going to marry him.Mavis passed through the shock of the announcement almost instantly as the sense of that hit her. Why hadn't she thought about that? Oh, there had been that one time, when she and Meg had talked of marriage, but that was in the abstract. Why hadn't any of the women seriously thought about that? She thought about herself, being wed to a seventeen year old, and wanted to giggle. That wouldn't work. Not for her anyway. But it was perfect for Sally. And Bobby WOULD get to stay. No one could gainsay him if he were a married man, with a job. She slumped as she realized that, of them all, she was the only one likely to end up as an unwed mother. In her own self pity she forgot about Donna.Sally had watched Mavis' face closely as all that flitted through her mind. She knew her employer well, and she saw that slump for what it was."You can still see him," she said, clutching Mavis' sleeve. "I'll still share.""You must be joking," said Mavis, shocked."Not at all," said Sally, as if it were the most normal thing in the world to say in 1945. "If it weren't for you, Bobby would never have come here. You let him stay. You and I both know I'd have ended up as an old maid. Now I have a baby on the way, and I'm going to have a husband, and my life is going to be full of joy. All because of you. I couldn't do anything else but share him with you.""That's crazy," said Mavis. But at the same time her heart leapt. When she was with Bobby in bed she was happier than at almost any other time."And if you want to have more babies you can," said Sally. "I know I'm going to. I'm going to have as many as I can!""Let's not get ahead of ourselves here," cautioned Mavis. "Bobby may have something to say about this.""Bobby loves us all," said Sally firmly. "We talked last night, in bed." She didn't blush at her admission, which she would have before. Her self confidence was as high as it had ever been in her life. "He's worried because he loves all of us, and he's afraid we all hate him now." Sally's eyes looked startled for an instant as she reflected on what she'd just said."Well, not me. He knows I love him. I made that clear." Now she did blush."I don't think any of us hate him," said Mavis. "We might be perturbed with him, but nobody hates him.""Well, nobody told him that last night," said Sally. "We talked for hours. He was still afraid you'd send him away. But you can't. He's my fiancé now.""I wasn't going to send him anywhere," snorted Mavis. "He's almost a man. He's got a job, and he made a whole lot of babies around here. He needs to be here. This is where he belongs."Then her eyes got round as the full impact of everything that had been said hit her. He COULD stay... WOULD stay... and she'd STILL get to be with him sometimes. She hugged Sally tightly. "I'm so HAPPY for you," she said.The mood in the house improved markedly that day. To those of us in this modern day it seems inconcievable that Sally would do what she did, but remember that these women had been through years and years of self denial, and sacrifice, and times so hard we have no concept of what that was like. Sally went to each woman, explaining that, while she was going to marry Bobby when he turned seventeen, on the 5th of August, 1945, until then, and quite possibly after then, the women would have access to Bobby if they so desired. She didn't exactly encourage that. She simply stated it, and told the women that Bobby loved them all. After lunch she went to see Rachel, who, when she was finally able to unburden herself to somebody about whose baby she was carrying, cried with relief. Sally hugged her, suggesting that now they were sisters... all of them.***The wedding caused a sensation in town. Many people had tried to figure out how all those women at the Milleson House could turn up pregnant, more or less within the same time frame. Many just believed that the soldiers had caused it when they spread their wild oats before being shipped out again. But when people found out that one of the women was going to marry the orphan boy - the one who couldn't talk, but then who experienced some kind of miraculous cure and COULD talk - minds began looking at things another way. Suspicion abounded, and that was probably one reason why Sally's wedding was the best attended wedding in Hampstead history. One of the most prominent attendees was Doctor Johansen, who gathered a crowd as he expounded on what many people had been wondering about. He described, in pompous tones, how many mute people were that way because of things in their past, usually terrible things, but that the ability to speak still resided in their brain. Then, in extreme emotional situations, that ability could be broken loose. He described how Bobby's love for the poor little girl he'd saved must have broken his silence. He characterized Bobby as "recovering" from his muteness, though not completely over it yet. When Maud, the fat cook from the saloon argued that SHE had heard him talk before, the doctor just smiled and reminded everyone that THAT had been a horrific and emotional situation then too.No one noticed the glint in the Doctor's eye or the hint of a smile on his lips as he voiced his hypothesis. People's eyes began to soften when they went Bobby's way as he stood... silently, interestingly enough, waiting for events to proceed.The fact that Homer acted as Bobby's best man, wearing his badge and pistol prominently, didn't hurt things either for that matter. Still, it was a festive and rumor-filled assemblage, generating more excitement than had been unleashed in the town in some years.Sally herself, having few means, just got married in her best dress, which had been altered to fit snugly over the evidence that Bobby was, after all, simple minded, since otherwise he would not marry a pregnant woman otherwise. At least that's what some thought. Others assumed he was marrying the woman he'd knocked up, but then he'd have to be simple minded to want such a plain woman too, wouldn't he? Since all the other pregnant women from Milleson house were not only present at the wedding, but were bridesmaids, and since they displayed only love toward the bride, the rumors that Bobby had been responsible for all of them were discounted. What woman, pregnant with a man's baby, would stand idly by while he married some other woman?After a simple wedding, during which the whole congregation leaned forward as one to hear Bobby say "I Do", the happy couple just walked back to Milleson House, where they were going to keep living until other accommodations could be found. It was five-fifteen in the evening when things broke up.The uproar in town would have gone on much longer than it did, but for one thing. As Bobby and Sally left the wedding, to begin their new life together, and bring new life into the world, thousands of miles away, hundreds of thousands of people were dying in the same amount of time that it took Bobby to utter the first two words most people in town had ever heard him speak.The American public didn't find out what happened at 5:15 PM, on the 5th of August, 1945, in a place a lot of people couldn't even pronounce - Hiroshima, Japan - until sixteen hours later. The news that an atomic bomb had been dropped on Japan swept all other news, both national, regional and local, out of people's minds. The descriptions released were horrible, unimaginable, and people couldn't grasp the immensity of what had happened.Three days later another bomb was dropped, and not quite a month later, as leaves on trees in America began to emulate the populations of two cities far away by dropping lifeless to the ground, Japan surrendered.It was all over. The boys were coming home. And many more boys were coming home than had been thought would be. Estimates of how many American soldiers would have to die in the invasion of Japan varied, but all of them were in the hundreds of thousands. Now, instead of those hundreds of thousands of American GIs dying, an equal number of Japanese people had died instead. Among the thousands who would live, and would be coming home, there were three, named Wally, Ralph and Jimmy. So few, among so many. But they were very important to four women back in Nebraska.***As Bobby and Sally's wedding had taken place on a momentous day in history, so it was decided that another momentous day would be used for the weddings of Meg, Prudence and Rachel. All three weddings would take place on the seventh of December.Rachel was the only one who looked normal, as far as brides go. Except for the two week old twins, one held by her and the other by her groom as they said their nuptials.It was a study in contrasts, as Meg looked like she might go into labor during the wedding. Jimmy had to lean past her eight month swollen belly to kiss her when it was time, and instead of hugging her when he gave her that first kiss between husband and wife, his hands rested softly on the thin fabric and skin that separated him from the baby that wasn't his. As he stood, holding her hand, when it was Prudence and Ralph's turn, he looked at the babies in Rachel's and Wally's arms. If "his" baby looked anything like that, he was going to be a proud father.Prudence, at seven months, wasn't far behind Meg, though she wasn't as extravagantly pregnant. Some people though Meg was going to have twins too. Prudence looked radiant, though, as many pregnant women do. Part of that radiance was the result of a clear conscience. Prudence's conscience had bothered her so much, and Ralph's attitude toward her was so loving when he got "home", that in a huddle with Meg and Rachel, she told them she was going to confess to him whose baby she was carrying. She couldn't lie to him any longer. When Meg admitted that she had already told Jimmy, and that he loved her anyway, it was decided that all would come clean to the men. At that time, the men had only been back home a week. A dinner engagement was set up at Milleson House and, before dinner, Rachel took Wally into Mavis' room, while Prudence took Ralph into Meg's room.The rest waited in the dining room anxiously. Jimmy, who who had been through so much with his two friends, was let in on what was happening."And you let them go in a bedroom alone?" he asked, scratching his head. "I thought we wuz here for dinner.""You don't think they'll stay?" asked Mavis worriedly."Ma'am, I lived with those men the last few months, and all they could talk about was those women. I don't think there's any arguing going on in there at all. But that's the first time either of them has been alone with their woman. I don't s'pect there's any talking going on in those rooms at all!"In fact, when, almost forty-five minutes later the two couples came back into the dining room, their clothes were rumpled and there were big smiles on the faces of both men. The women just blushed, and announced that the weddings would proceed as planned.As if a triple wedding with all the women either pregnant or recently delivered wasn't enough to cause a sensation in town, the attendance of Mavis and Donna, now both five months pregnant would have caused a riot, except for the fact that there were almost fifty other women in town who were with child. Everybody knew a pregnant woman, many of whom were planning hurried weddings, and it was difficult to chastise one woman and not another. ***Prudence's divorce was adjudged final in October, and the landlord let her stay. After the wedding Ralph moved in, but they didn't stay long. It was too small, and Ralph wanted to be closer to the farm. Wally and Rachel were already living there, of course, and with the twins and Rachel's stated goal to raise at least six children, it was clear that the house would be full of their own family. So two houses were built side by side, with a common wall, in a style that was catching on around the country, called a duplex house. Ralph and Prudence lived in one, while Jimmy and Meg moved into the other. They all thought that having three bedrooms in a house was extravagant, but they'd be glad for all that room in a short two or three years. Prudence, Meg and Rachel entered into a friendly competition that the men didn't know about, to see who could get pregnant first after all Bobby's children were born.Sally and Bobby stayed at Milleson House. After the war, the desire to adopt children gained in popularity, and the Government, in its infinite wisdom, decided that small orphanages like Milleson House were not efficient enough. Financial support was withdrawn. By the time the letter was received notifying Mavis that the last government payment to her would be made in three months, and suggesting that she complete all remaining transfer orders, most of the children had already been adopted. Only June Bug, who could not speak and Patrick, who did not have complete use of his injured hand, were left. One night, as decisions were being made by Mavis in the next room about what she would do with her house now, Bobby was reading to June Bug and Patrick. When he got to the end of the story, and said the magical words "and they all lived happily ever after", June Bug looked up at Bobby's face and said the first words anyone had ever heard cross her lips."Will you be my daddy?"Sally and Bobby adopted both children, adding to their growing family. Together with Mavis, they had two babies, and now two older children. Both Mavis and Sally were already pregnant again.Bobby, now working full time for the cabinet maker, ordered a house to be built that would hold three more children than they already had. Sally thought she might be satisfied with six, but wasn't promising Bobby anything.***One other thing needs mentioning as this tale winds to a close. One of the things associated with weddings is wedding gifts. In those hard times, when people did without so that their sons and husbands would have what was needed to end the bloodshed, wedding gifts were fairly mundane things. You might get some towels. If you were lucky, and people worked together, maybe there would be a set of dishes. Many gifts were hand-me-downs, from relatives. An heirloom clock, or the family silver might be transferred to those who were going to carry on the family line.In Hampstead Nebraska, sitting prominently where each of six women can see them, are six exquisite wood carvings, gifts at their weddings, from the orphan boy they took in and learned to love. They are small things, when compared to the other gift he gave each of those women, but you may rest assured that, if the house in which any of those women live ever catches fire, after grabbing the children she bore, each of those women will snatch up that carving and rescue it too.***A new sign sits out in front of Milleson House. Donna and Mavis run it now, and Sally is the cook until the new house being built for her and her husband is ready to move into. There's really no need of any other help. And the new tenants feel right at home with those two women... women who fully understand the situation those tenants are in.The townspeople still chuckle about what Mavis decided to do. The town now accepted all the children running around, who looked amazingly alike whenever they got in a group. But they had not forgotten all those pregnancies in that house. That was why they laughed at what Milleson House had become.The Milleson Home for Unwed Mothers...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 47
"Fuck! I'm out of beer!" Casey slammed her refrigerator door shut and it shook the whole trailer. The fan barely cooled her home and workplace that was parked across the street from the I-40 Truck Plaza. Casey operated a very successful prostitution business out of that trailer. But tonight had not been a good night.For starters, the summer heat and humidity was oppressive. Next, the clientele that night had been less than attractive. She had served a succession of overweight, hairy, greasy middle aged truckers and transients, with not one sexually appealing man in the lot. There was nothing that Casey liked better than to fuck a good looking guy and get paid for it to boot. And now she was out of beer.Because of the heat, Casey didn't cover her sting-bikini top that just barely contained her implanted 36D tan breasts. She slipped her cotton shorts over her thong, stepped into her flip flops and headed across the street to the truck stop to replenish her beer supply. A little breeze cooled her sweating chest and caused her nipples to harden. Suddenly, Casey had the urge to fuck a hot young man, and even considered offering her service for free if she found the right one.Chris Taylor was traveling cross country with his older brother. They had left Florida three days earlier and the fifteen year old was having a ball. Drinking beer, playing cards and seeing the country. It was midnight and his brother had gone to sleep in the truck's cab, but Chris was awake and hungry.Chris hopped out of the cab wearing just a pair of jeans shorts riding low over his boxers. It was just too hot for shoes and a shirt. He walked over to the store, with plans to buy some ice cream.As Casey crossed the street, she thought she saw the form of a barely dressed man walking in the darkness. As her eyes focused, she could see that he was bare-chested, slim, somewhat muscular, and young. How young she didn't know, but by the time she was across the street, her thong was soaked. "Fuck. I gotta have that!" Casey said to herself.Casey and Chris were approaching the store at the same time. When the light hit Chris, Casey got even more excited. After a night of fat, hairy middle age men, she was gazing at a smooth, well developed chest. He was deeply tanned from head to foot, a result of long days swimming and surfing at the Florida beaches. When she finally looked up at his face, framed with shaggy brown hair, she immediately knew the object of her lust was a teenager. "What the fuck!" Casey thought to herself. "He is hot and I am horny. He's mine!"Chris also caught a good look at the sexpot who was walking toward the store. His teenage penis immediately stiffened as the vision of her nearly bare breasts and rounded ass filled his visual senses. Chris wasn't a virgin, but he had only done it once when he was drunk at a party. This girl was a dreamor was she?"Hey hot stuffwanna have some fun tonight?" Casey cooed at the boy."I always wanna have fun," Chris responded. Casey immediately loved his adolescent deep voice. "I'm gonna make this boy howl," she thought."First I gotta but some more beer," Casey said. "Is there anything you want?"There was only one thing that Chris wanted then, but he responded, "yeah, beer's ok." He had completely forgotten about the ice cream."Great!" Casey replied. Before they entered the store she stopped and put her arms around the boy and kissed him, pulling his body tight against hers. His thin, muscled body and smooth skin was a pleasant change from the bodies she had experienced that evening.Before letting go of the boy, she quickly slid her hand down under the front of his shorts. Chris almost melted as Casey grasped his swollen teen cock. "Oooo, I'm gonna like this," she purred.As her soft fingers touched his sensitive cock, Chris almost ejaculated on the spot. The feeling of her touch as well as her soft breasts pressed against his bare chest was driving Chris toward sexual overload. Casey released her grip just before Chris crossed that line of no return.The boy stood in dumbstruck silence as Casey turned and walked into the store. He recovered and followed her through the door."Hey Casey!" said Walter, the store clerk. "how's it going tonight?" "Shitty until now." Casey responded. She smiled and looked over at Chris, who was looking at the CD's by the counter. Walter also smiled, knowing how much fun the boy was going to have that night. After Casey paid for her case of cold Budweiser, Chris followed her to the door."Hey kid," Walter said and Chris turned around. Walter tossed him a small package. "Have fun, it's on me." Chris looked at the package and saw it was a box of ribbed condoms. "She likes them," Walter said."Thanks, man," the boy replied, and walked out the door.Chris didn't even notice the hot pavement under his bare feet. He was concentrating on Casey's ass wiggling out of her Daisy Dukes. She knew what she was doing to the boy, and let her shorts drop low enough to reveal the top of her thong. Chris almost exploded on his shorts. He was a hard as steel.They entered the trailer and the fans felt cool in contrast with the heat outside. Casey grabbed two cold beers and handed one to Chris. The boy eagerly grabbed and opened it. They both sat on the couch and quickly drained the cans of its chilled liquid. Casey took two more from the bag. She opened Chris' can and snuggled next to him as she handed it to him."Fuck baby, you look hot!" Casey crooned as she ran her fingers through the boy's shaggy hair. She rubbed her hand down his moist chest and then onto his bare thigh, carefully avoiding for now the very noticeable bulge under his shorts.After Chris nervously took another large slug of beer, Casey moved her lips to his and began her seduction. Soon boy and woman were lost in a passionate French kiss, made all the more pleasurable by Casey's wandering hand on the teenage boy's bare chest and legs. Now, her fingers reached to his zipper, and she tugged down on it. She then unfastened the button holding his shorts together and opened then up to reveal his red boxers with a very noticeable tent pole.The boy was aware of what was being done to him, but the beer and the anticipation caused him to not be aggressive, but rather enjoy the attention being paid to his body. However, young Chris was now going to become an active participant.Casey freed the boy's penis from its confines. She knew he was ready to explode, and she was also looking forward to feeling that shaft thrusting into her wet pussy. So to prepare the boy, and spare him an embarrassing premature ejaculation, she lowered her mouth to the throbbing blood gorged penis that was just starting out its sexual career.Chris had received many blow jobs in his young life, but Casey used her tongue and lips more efficiently than any of his adolescent partners had ever done. He relaxed as the girl's mouth gave him pleasure he had never even imagined. Within seconds, his teenage semen was streaming out of his penis into Casey's waiting mouth. She hungrily swallowed it down and used her tongue to coax every drop from deep inside the boy's body."Oh fuck, that was awesome!" Chris exclaimed when he recovered his breath. His eyes widened as Casey removed the top she was wearing. Her nipples were large, brown and hard, the most beautiful that Chris had ever seen.Casey then unbuttoned her shorts and discarded them, leaving her dressed in only her thong. The boy could smell the unmistakable musky odor of wet pussy. His penis had already returned to full staff.Casey smiled and said. "Stand up boy, I have something for you." Chris stood up, erect penis poking through his fly. Casey unbuttoned the jeans shorts and pushed them and the boxers down over the boy's hips and to the ground. She then did the same with her thong, and then stepped forward and put her arms around the bare teenage boy. "Oooh! What a sexy chest!" Casey cooed as she rubbed her breasts against Chris's firm smooth pecs. Her hands slid down the boy's back and cupped his buttocks, then pulled his lower body against her. She felt his penis poking her legs, but she had other plans for that magnificent erection."Oh my god, boy, if you don't fuck me now I am gonna die!" Casey exclaimed as she pulled Chris down on the bed with her.Things were happening so fast in Chris' mind. Fortunately, the average teenage adolescent boy mind is always fixated on sex, so he able to react appropriately. Still in bliss from the blow job, he was now nude and tumbling onto the bed of a nude woman with a perfect body that had just told him that she wanted to fuck him!Casey laid back on her bed with her legs spread wide apart. As she watched the horny teenager position himself above her, she remembered the condoms that Walter had given the boy. Her mind raced quickly. She never had unprotected sex with her customers, her most recent physical last month was clean and this teenager was unlikely to be carrying any diseases. It had been so long since she had fucked bare that she was going to treat herself.Casey's spread legs gave the boy a clear shot at the target, and his teen cock had excellent radar. The slit was gleaming and stood out against her shaved crotch. Chris' cockhead met the slit and the boy was welcomed into Casey's love tunnel. Bare cock felt so nice after months of latex covered johns.What was also nice was the smooth, hard muscled body that Casey was wrapping her arms and legs around. The boy's shaggy hair and beardless face emphasized his youth, and after a night of her usual clients, the change was exciting.As Chris drove his penis deep into Casey, she moaned loudly. "Oh fuck you're good!" she exclaimed. "So how old are you, anyway?"Chris grunted. "I'm fifteen, is that ok?""Fuck, yeah baby, very ok!"The thought that the cock pleasuring her clit belonged to a boy not yet old enough to drive excited Casey even more than before. The boy was clearly enjoying his fuck, and Casey was sharing that joy."Oh big boy, fuck me harder!" she moaned and Chris began to slam his cock repeatedly into the woman lying beneath him."Ugh! Uhhhhh," the boy grunted as pleasure was shooting throughout his body. He felt her tight grip on him and her soft breasts squeezing against his chest. Her smooth moist skin was rubbing against his sensitive nipples, as was his skin against hers.Suddenly, Chris' body tensed as he sensed his impending orgasm. The semen was welling at the base of his penis, poised to shoot through his shaft. Then it exploded, and Chris was experiencing the ultimate dream of a teenage boy.At the same time, Casey was ready to surrender to the ecstasy that is a woman's orgasm. Her vagina was swollen and let loose precisely the same time Chris's boy toy was bathing her with his love juice."Oh fuck yeah!" she moaned and pressed her groin tight against her lovers' as he flooded her."Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!" Chris moaned as he continued to squirt into Casey's bare vagina. "I never felt so good!" Chris was buried deep inside of Casey as he willed every last drop of cum to escape his teenage body. Casey tightened her grasp on the boy as their sweat-bathed bodies lie pressed together. She couldn't remember the last time that she had enjoyed sex as much. "Baby, I wish that you could stay all night."Chris asked, "do you have something I can write a note on?" She found a pencil and piece of paper and handed it to the boy who scratched out a quick note. "Gimme five minutes so I can leave this with my sleeping brother. It will tell him where he can find me in the morning."At about 8 a.m., Casey and Chris awoke to a knocking on her front door. They had been asleep for slightly more than an hour, having concluded their marathon night of sex as the sun was rising. Chris got out of bed, put on his boxers that were still on the floor where he had discarded them the night before, and went to the door. When he opened it, his brother immediately noticed the smell of sex on his little brother and broke into a wide grin."Hey boy, I'm gonna go have some breakfast. I'm sure you have some unfinished business here, so why don't you plan on meeting at the rig at 10, ok?" Chris grinned, nodded, and as his brother turned around he said, "Thanks, bro."Casey was now awake, and the two had time for two more rounds in bed and one in the shower before Chris had to go and meet his brother. After the door closed behind him, Casey heaved a contented sigh and resolved to seduce as many teenage boys as she could get her hands on.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 71
My husband and I are avid golfers and for the last three years we have belonged to a private club, where on the weekends he plays with three other guys and I play with three women. We are the only group at the course in our age bracket, twenty six to thirty, so the only time we play with other club members are in club tournaments and we like it that way. Now four times a year the men go on a three or four day golfing weekend somewhere and we ladies do likewise, kind of a mini vacation four times a year. Since we all teamed up, I have always had Shirley for my roommate on our golf outings but we just found out Shirley's husband was getting transferred out of state, leaving both male and female groups in a limbo without a forth for both groups. The men solved their problem without a problem; there was a single male golfer our age for the last year that played with whoever he could, so the men drafted him into their foursome but his wife didn't golf, so we were stuck. We went to the club pro with our problem and he told us he had a single twenty four year old lady who was looking to become a member and he called her to talk to us to see if we would be compatible.She was an average looking brunette, but with a fairly big chest, thirty four D I later found out, very personable and had a golf handicap comparable with our group, so we had the pro sign her up. She fit right in with us ladies and the only problem was the men couldn't take their eyes off her chest and she always wore loose fitting tops to try and hide the size of her tits. We told her about our annual outings and she was really looking forward to her first one which was due to come around in about three weeks and the rest of us ladies were quite relieved we had asked her to join us. This outing was a three dayer at a golf resort about a hundred miles away and since check in time was at eleven thirty, we met for breakfast and then took a leisurely drive to the resort. We checked in, got settled and went right out to play a round and we were really impressed with the rooms, the bath tub was big enough to accommodate two adults, the bathroom also had a stall shower and two sinks that were perfectly lit for a woman. The only drawback and it really wasn't a drawback, was there only a king size bed and we have had that happen before but since it was Gwen's and my first time sharing a room, I hoped she wasn't uncomfortable with the sleeping arrangements. When I asked her, she said she was perfectly happy with the sleeping arrangements, it was a big bed and she told me she always felt more comfortable with sharing a room when she was away and I sure could understand that, safety and all that.We played our round and the course was a bit backed up, so we finished playing just at twilight and decided to go right to dinner instead of bathing and changing first. We had a few drinks in the bar before dinner, got hit on by quite a few men, very gratifying to know we still had it and then had a late dinner, which afterwards we retired to our rooms as we had an eight thirty tee time in the morning. Now I'm more of a shower person then a bath person and Gwen was a bath person, so we wound up taking our bath and shower at the same time and I have to tell you, when I saw her tits the first time I was really impressed. They stood straight out with nipples almost an inch long, perfect for sucking on I thought, a beautiful camel toe shaved pussy, backed up by a really hot ass. I couldn't help staring, but Gwen didn't seem to notice as she filled the tub. I told her that I always sleep naked and it wasn't a problem for my former roommate, but if it was for her, I would put a nighty on. She turned, looked me up and down very openly, so much so I blushed and told me that she always slept nude to, so it sure wasn't a problem and as I got into the shower I was embarrassed that she had made my pussy get wet just looking at me. We finished our individual bathing rites and got in bed where Gwen said to me, "Don't I get a good night kiss?" I thought she was kidding at first, but then she asked again. I really didn't want to offend her, so I agreed to a good night kiss and Gwen moved next to me and when our bodies touched, it was like an electric shock going through me.She leaned into me, her tits rubbing against mine; put her hot lips to mine and woman or no woman kissing me, it was electrifying and my pussy got wet again. I pulled back, telling her that this couldn't' be, we were two women and I was a married lady, but she pulled me back and whispered into my ear, "Baby, I've wanted to fuck you since the day we met and I'll give you the best fuck of your life." Then she kissed me again, sliding her tongue into my mouth. I tried to pull away again, but she had her arms wrapped around me and I could feel her hot body pressing into mine and all of a sudden my resistance was gone. I just melted into her body as she gave me the kiss of a lifetime while stroking my body with one hand. I just couldn't help myself, I was so fucking hot it was unbelievable and I just gave myself to her manipulations, spreading my legs for her when she put her hand between my legs. When she touched my pussy, my whole body shook as I went to a place I had never been before, I was now hers to do with as she pleased and I now wanted her to fuck me so bad I was shaking as she slid her finger into my blazing hot cunt. She took her tongue out of my mouth to say to me, "Oh baby, you're so fucking hot and I'm going to make my little cunt so fucking happy baby, you do want me to fuck you don't you baby."I think I screamed out a yes. She then laid me down, put her tit in my mouth and as I sucked on her big nipple, I wrapped both hand around her awesome tit and sucked like I was nursing, while she was now playing with my tits while finger fucking me.My pussy was on fire as she manipulated my hot cunt, stroking it up and down, sliding her finger into my cunt hole for a few seconds, playing with my clit and then starting the process all over again My husband never took the time to work my cunt like Gwen was doing and having Gwen's big tit to suck on while she also was pulling on my nipples, put me right into fuck heaven. This little lady had me so fucking hot at that point; I would have done anything she wanted and then she put two or three fingers in my pussy, reached down with the other hand and stroked my clit, my body stiffened, my ass came off the bed and I had the most amazing cum of my life. She kept right at it with my pussy, finger fucking it and stroking it and it didn't take long before I cumming like fountain again. Then she took her fingers out of my pussy and looking me in the eyes, put her cum covered fingers in her mouth and sucked all my juice off of them. You can't believe what that did to my mind and body, it was the sexiest thing I ever saw and when she told me to spread my legs so she could taste my hot cunt, I lifted my legs into the air and spread them as far as I could. I couldn't believe she was actually going to eat my pussy as I loved having my pussy eaten but my husband was not very good at it. She got down between my legs and when her mouth touched my blazing hot cunt, I thought I was going to die, it was an awesome feeling.She kissed my cunt all over, then nibbled on my pussy lips and then started licking me from asshole to clit and I went out of my mind with lust and desire. She stopped for a quick second to tell me to talk to her, tell her what was happening and I couldn't believe my ears as I loved to talk during sex but my husband didn't like it, so I got very verbal. I told her how fucking good her mouth felt on my cunt, that I loved having her eat my pussy and as I got hotter and hotter as her tongue explored my hot pussy, I got more vocal and when she put a finger in my asshole, I let it all out. I begged her to make me her whore, telling her how much I wanted to be her whore and have her use me how ever she wanted; she asked if I was her cunt now and I responded with, "Oh yes, I'm your whore cunt, I'm your fucking whore cunt and need you to fuck me and make me your fucking pussy, God, eat my pussy and I'll do anything for you, anything."With that, she put some fingers in my pussy and while finger fucking both my asshole and pussy, she sucked my clit into her mouth and I went fucking crazy. I had never felt anything that good before and my body went stiff as I had the biggest orgasm of my life and she made me cum three straight times in a row. My body went limp after the third orgasm as she had virtually wore me out but when she got up beside me, took me into her arms and with a mouthful of my cum, kissed me, letting my own cum leak into my mouth, I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her back with all the passion I had in me. The surprising part beside the fact that I let her have my body was that I really liked the taste of my own cum and I made sure I got every drop of my cum out of her mouth. When I was finished licking the inside of her mouth clean, Gwen while still holding me told me that I had the sweetest pussy she ever tasted and she was going to be spending a lot of time between my legs, feasting on my delicious cunt. She also told me how beautiful me and my pussy are, how sexy I am and how hot I made her just looking at me, all the while kissing my lips and face and I never felt so sexy in my life as I did then. She was rubbing her pussy against my leg while doing all this and it dawned on me that she must need relief but just when I was about to ask her what I could do, she moaned real loud and I felt this hot feeling on my thigh as she came on me. I wrapped my arms around her, kissed her as she was still fucking my leg and again I got that hot wet feeling on my leg as she came again. I started thinking about her needs and what was she going to want me to do for her as I wasn't sure I could lick a hot cunt but right in the middle of my revelations, she told me I could suck on her tit if I would like to help me go to sleep and that fast I snuggled up to her big tits, sucked her nipple into my mouth and went off to sleep nursing on her tit. I had a great night's sleep and when I awoke in the morning, I was still plaster to her hot body with her magnificent tit still in my mouth.When Gwen saw I was now awake, she told me we had about forty five minutes before we met the girls for breakfast, so get on my back and spread my leg so she could have an early dessert and being my pussy was already wet, I did as told. She pushed my legs back to my shoulders, kissed and licked my thighs and ass and then quite unexpectedly, put her tongue in my asshole and I loved the feeling it gave me. She then put her finger in my ass and started licking my cunt lips, putting me in orbit as I told her how much I loved her tongue and what it did to me when she tongue fucked my asshole. She told me if I was a good girl she would do it again and I immediately told her in a little girl voice that I was good girl and would always be a good girl for her, which prompted her to ask if I was till her little whore. She now had her tongue inside my cunt and I went off on a tangent telling her that I was still her little whore and would always be her whore cunt and that she could use her whore whenever she wanted and would do anything for her. She replaced her tongue with a few fingers, sucked my clit into her mouth and was now finger fucking my ass and cunt while sucking me off and I was now almost shouting, "Oh yes baby, fuck me baby, fuck my cunt, fuck my asshole baby, make your fucking whore cum for you baby" and the cum just rocketed out of my pussy" as I was pinned to the bed and almost delirious with lust as she worked my cunt over.She made me cum four times for her and the last time she was playing with her pussy and came as I did, pushing her whole hand into my pussy up to her wrist, making my pussy feel so full it was incredible. She moved so I could close my legs around her hand, another awesome feeling and told me that if I was a very good girl today, she would fuck me like that tonight and of course I told her I was going to her very good girl today. She let her hand slide out of my pussy, half turned me, slapped me on the ass and told me to get dressed, but just in a skirt and top, absolutely nothing else and for the very first time in my life, I went out without panties and in a short skirt no less. As we were leaving the room, Gwen took me into her arms, took hold of my ass and asked me whose whore I am, to which I replied that I was her whore and it made my pussy wet as I love being called a whore for some reason. She also asked if I was going to be a good little cunt and do what she asked and I told her that for sure I was going to be her good little cunt. We met the girls in the dining room, had breakfast with both girls commenting on how healthy I looked, but of course they didn't know it was because of Gwen and the fact that I was naked beneath my clothes. We got our golf carts and while I was driving to the first hole down a fairly secluded cart path, Gwen pulled my skirt up and put her finger in my pussy and it was all I could do to keep the cart moving in a straight line.By the time we got to the first hole, my pussy was so fucking hot, all I wanted to do was have Gwen strip me naked and fuck my brains out and she had her finger in my cunt every chance she had. When we were going to the fifteenth hole we were driving on a totally secluded cart path and Gwen told the girls we had to make a pit stop as she had to pee. The girls kept on going, Gwen took my skirt off me and ate my pussy, making me cum twice for her, and it was the best day I ever had on a golf course. After the round of golf we went back to our rooms to get ready for dinner and Gwen made me take a bath with her, the best bath ever. She washed me from head to toe, using her hands as a wash cloth and it was the most sensuous bath imaginable, especially when she had me bend over and washed my ass and asshole, then she put her tongue in my asshole while fingering my pussy. She kept me right on the edge the whole bath without letting me cum, then when she dried me off, she kissed every part of my body, and eating my pussy last. Just as she had me about to cum and I was begging her to make me cum, she stood up and said I had to kiss her pussy if I wanted her to make me cum. I kind of knew it was coming and after tasting my pussy, I was a little curious as to what her pussy tasted like.She stood there, legs spread pushing me down to my knees, which didn't take much pushing and when I was on my knees, mouth at her cunt, this strange feeling came over me. Not a bad feeling, but a feeling that made me feel that I was really her little whore now and my body and brain were a raging inferno as I did her bidding. Her pussy was so wet there were drops of cum running down her legs and I licked up the cum before I licked her pussy. When I licked the cum off Gwen's legs she moaned real loud and when I grabbed her ass and put my mouth on her hot cunt she got very vocal. She was telling me to show her what a good whore I am and eat her cunt and make her cum, which hearing her say it, made me want to devour her sweet cunt. As I was licking her cunt I realized that I really liked how it tasted and that I was also on my knees to her pussy, being her cunt lapping whore and was so fucking hot I was about to cum myself. I shoved my tongue in her cunt hole and she moaned real loud as she filled my mouth with her red hot cum and I swallowed every bit of her cunt juice, savoring the taste as I did. She was kind of riding my face now and saying, "That's it my cunt lapping lesbian whore, eat my fucking cunt you fucking whore, show me what a hot fucking cunt lapper you are whore and make my fucking cunt happy my little lesbian whore." I realized then how much I like to be talked dirty too during sex as she had me so hot from talking to me; I came without ever touching my pussy.My husband never talked or wanted me to and Gwen was saying everything I ever wanted to hear while having hot sex and when Gwen called me her little fucking lesbian cunt lapping slut and told me to get on the bed so she could lay down while I ate her cunt out, I think I ran to the bed. She laid down with her legs spread wide open, I dived between them to get to her hot pussy and when I started licking that sweet, sweet cunt again, I thought about what she did to me and put my finger up her ass while tongue fucking her beautiful hot cunt. Gwen moaned even louder and said, "God baby, you are a natural born cunt lapper, born to eat my pussy you fucking lesbian pussy licking cunt lapping slut and you are the best fucking whore ever you little cock sucking cunt lapping whore slut."I was out of my mind with lust for her and was eating her pussy with every ounce of passion I had in my pulsating, hot cunted body. Then when she said, "Put your fingers in my pussy and suck my clit you fucking whore bitch and eat my cunt out like the good little fucking girl you are.,I squeezed my legs together and came again without touching my boiling hot pussy for the second time. The Gwen's ass came off the bed and she flooded my mouth with her sweet cum again, making me want even more of her hot cunt's sweet nectar and I attacked her pussy, making her cum four or five more times before my jaw started getting tired out. Gwen pulled me on top of her then, wrapped her arms and legs around me, while sticking her tongue down my throat and then told me I was the hottest piece of ass she ever had, which made me very proud.Then she said to me, "You really like being talked to don't you baby, while fucking."I told her I loved it and what she said to me, I also told her that when she called me her little lesbian whore, I came without touching my pussy. She told me I was one hot fucking cunt, the hottest fucking cunt she ever fucked and I hugged her real tight and made her promise she would always talk to me like that. From that day on, whenever we are alone, she always tells me what a fucking lesbian whore slut I am and when she addresses me, it's always by cunt lapper or pussy licking cunt and I love it. She then put her hand on my pussy and started stroking and playing with my pussy and told me to tell her what I was feeling. I proceeded to tell her how good her fingers felt on my pussy, how happy I was that she made me her whore and I just loved eating her hot sweet cunt and then she made me tell her I was nothing but a cunt lapping little slut, born to be her cunt lapping whore and her fucking lesbian sex slave. She had me so hot from saying all that, I came like a dam had broken, covering both our pussies in my hot cum and making Gwen wrap her legs back around me, while telling me to be a good whore and cum again for her. In the state I was in, it didn't take much for Gwen to make me cum again, only this time she buried her tongue in my mouth, giving me it to suck on while I came and at that moment, I would have eaten Gwen's cunt on TV if she wanted me too.Gwen held me tight as I shook from the excitement of cumming so hard, telling me how beautiful I am and I excited her so much, she didn't want to ever let me go, which of course was exactly what I needed to hear just then. We both wanted to get room service for dinner but knew we couldn't, so I got a wash cloth and towel and washed Gwen's pussy for her, of course kissing that sweet piece of meat while doing so. We had both bought dresses for dinner that night and again for the very first time ever in a dress, I got dressed without a bra or panties, thigh high stockings Gwen had with her, heels and when I was dressed, I really felt like a whore, very stimulating, keeping my pussy quite wet throughout the night. We ate in one of the resort restaurants of course, the one with the dimly lit tables and high prices but for me, it was worth every penny. Gwen had her hand up my dress every chance that presented itself, which was most of the time we were in the place and she kept putting her fingers in my pussy and then licking my cunt juice of them, surprising the hell out of me the other two girls never even noticed her doing it. By the time we were finished our salad, I was so hot I was ready to explode and Gwen took me into the ladies, pulled me into a booth, pulled my dress up and finger fucked me with all four of her fingers and made me cum so much, there was a pool of my cum on the floor. She pulled my dress back down and I told her I was so happy she came into my life and made me her little whore, which made her kiss me and tell me she was really, really happy about it too.After dinner we went to this club the resort ran, that had a band, had a few drinks and danced with each other, fending off the single guys who asked us to dance. Now I don't know why the other two girls didn't want to dance with the guys, but as for me, I just wanted to get back to our room and get naked for Gwen and have her use me like the little whore I have become for her. Gwen and I stayed for about an hour and a half then made excuses and left the other two ladies by themselves. There was nobody on the tree lined path that led us back to our room, so Gwen had her hand up my dress, rubbing my ass as we walked and we came across another path that crossed the one we were on and Gwen led me down it. It was really dark on that path as it wasn't lit at all, the only light coming from the distance and after a few minutes we came across a statue fountain that was not lit either. Gwen took me in her arms, kissed me with so much passion I thought my cunt was going to explode and then undid the button on my dress and pulled it down to my waist, leaving me standing there naked from the waist up. My pussy got wetter; my nipples were rock hard as this was the first time I was ever outside almost naked and then Gwen had me take the dress the rest of the way off. My pussy was now so fucking hot you could have fried eggs on it and then Gwen made me pose for her showing off my pussy of course, making me spread my cunt lips and bending over to show off my ass for her.After showing my body off to her, Gwen told me it was time for me to undress her and like a good little sex slave, I did just that, kissing every part of her body while I undressed her. I was so hot, I think flames were coming out of my pussy. After I undressed her, she went down to her knees and began kissing my boiling hot cunt, which was now even hotter as I stood there totally naked except for the heels and stockings, kind of scared we would be caught but even more turned on being naked and having my pussy being eaten in a public place. It didn't take long for Gwen to make me cum and I came so hard I almost lost my balance, then it was my turn to eat Gwen's sweet cunt and as I got on my knees, you can't imagine how turned on I was thinking somebody could catch me naked, eating out Gwen and my pussy was so hot that when Gwen came for me, so did I. Gwen filled my mouth with her tasty cunt juice and I wanted more, but Gwen made me stop and told me to gather up my dress as we were walking to our room naked. I just knew somebody was going to catch us being naked but my pussy was so hot, I think it leaked cum the whole walk to our room. We did get seen by a few people but luckily for us, not our friends and all getting seen did was make my pussy even hotter for Gwen and by the time we got to our room, my cunt was ready to explode. Gwen knew this because as soon as she shut the door behind us, she put me against the doo, shoved her fingers into my raging cunt and said, "Cum for me you fucking cunt lapping little whore" and my knees buckled as I came so hard I couldn't stand.Gwen let me go to the floor, then stood over me and I think that was the sexiest sight I ever saw, her standing there in heels, black thigh high stockings and a pussy so wet it was dripping cum onto my face. She lowered her pussy onto my waiting mouth and I had at her hot cunt with every ounce of passion in me and it only took a minute before Gwen covered my face and filled my mouth with her totally delicious cunt cream. I was so fucking hot for her pussy; I kept licking and sucking her beautiful cunt, actually sucking her cum right out of her pussy and down my throat until Gwen couldn't take anymore and made me stop. Gwen had moved so much that she had not only cum on my face and in my mouth, but she also came on my throat and tits, covering the top part of me in her hot cum. If I thought I felt like a whore before, it was nothing compared to what I was feeling now laying naked on the floor in heels and thigh highs, covered in Gwen's cum with her wet cunt resting on my tit as she straddled me and I knew I was a whore, a cunt lapping little whore. Now Gwen must be a bit of a mind reader because as I lay there looking into her eyes she told me what a hot little cunt lapping whore I am and I was the best piece of ass she ever had and she made me tell her my pussy belonged to her and that I loved having my mouth on her cunt, eating her pussy. Then she got to her feet, pulled me up, took my hand and pulled me to the bed saying, "Come on cunt lapper, you're going to do your first sixty nine." We took off the heels but left the stockings on, she put me on my back and got on top of me with her pussy right at my mouth. I could feel her big tits pressing into my belly which added to the whole feeling and I took hold of her ass, sinking my tongue into her pussy as far as it could go.It was just too fucking beautiful for words and I made Gwen cum for me so many times my hair was cum soaked and the only reason we stopped out marathon cunt eating session was because both our jaws were aching a lot. For not having a cock in me, it was the most incredible night of sex I could possibly imagine and when we couldn't fuck anymore, Gwen took me in her arms, put her big nipple in my mouth and told me we would bathe in the morning, so suck myself to sleep, but all I could do was hold her nipple in my mouth as my jaw ached too much to suck anymore. I lay there covered in Gwen's now sticky cum, never feeling more alive or satisfied in my entire life and I drifted off to sleep thinking how happy I was that Gwen had come into my life. The next morning I had my second female to female sixty nine that I initiated this time, we then took a bath where Gwen managed to get her whole hand in my cunt and fist fucked me into an amazing orgasm. I was disappointed it wasn't raining as I really wanted to spend the day in bed with Gwen being her little sex slave whore.But it was not to be, so we played a round of golf where Gwen managed to finger fuck me twice, making me cum both times and then on the drive home she managed to finger my pussy every now and then, making me so hot I would have gladly let her strip and fuck me with the girls in the front seat, but Gwen didn't want to upset the apple cart so to speak. When we got back to the our club and after unloading our clubs, Gwen saw the cart barn was empty, took me to the only room in the cart barn, stripped me, ate my pussy and fist fucked me again into fucking bliss. We agreed that we had to be careful now as we sure didn't want anyone figuring out we were lovers and it's been a little over two weeks since our trip and I have stopped wearing panties when I play, but all we have managed until today was a few kisses and Gwen giving me a few finger fucking quickies. But now it is Wednesday and both Gwen and I have called into work sick and I'm sitting here in heels and stockings, with a dripping pussy, patiently waiting for my lover to come claim her little cunt lapping whore.END
Chapter 2The rest of that glorious night was the best time I'd ever had in my life. I used and violated my unconscious preteen daughter's body like my own personal sex doll. I propped her up in different positions for my camera, in various lascivious poses. I used her own tiny fingers to scoop up some of my sperm which was dripping out of her delicious hairless little cunt - as if she was masturbating and actively participating in the rape of her budding body. Then I smeared her daddy's cum into her mouth with her own fingers, snapping photos all the way. I lay her at the edge of the bed with her head hanging off the side, her mouth open as I slid my throbbing cock in and out of her hot lips. I placed her on her stomach, draped over a pillow to hold her firm little ass in the air as I plowed that tight little pussy over and over. I shot my cum all over her young beautiful body, on her face and in her mouth, on her perfectly shaped tits and smooth flat tummy, but my favorite was creaming all over and deep inside her tight hot cunt. I have never experienced such a tight pussy in my life; no matter how hard I pounded it, whenever I pulled out my aching cock from her hot wet hole, it still closed right up, despite the obscene stretching from my 7 incher.Finally, when my balls felt like they couldn't produce another drop of cum and the sun was rising, I snapped my last few photos of my 13 year old daughter drenched in my incestuous cream and started to clean her up. Her puffy hairless pussy lips were red and completely swollen, having been a virgin only hours before, there was no way her preteen hole was able to handle the intense reaming I gave it. I figured there wasn't much I could do but wipe off most of my cream, dress her sexy little body back up in the clothes she'd come home in, throw the blanket over her, and hope for the best. After all this, I went into my room, hid my camera's memory card, and collapsed onto my bed. I slept like a log, only waking up briefly at the sound of the shower running, and smiled as I fell back into blissful sleep.When I went downstairs later, I didn't see Nikki at all. She stayed in her room until I called her down for lunch. I heard her slowly shuffling into the kitchen, almost as if she was limping. I tried to act natural as I put together the sandwiches, trying to figure out what her reaction was to the state of her ravaged pussy and cum-soaked hair from that morning. Nonchalantly, I asked how the party last night was. I heard Nikki start rather violently, then mumble that it was fine. Realizing that she must have assumed she'd gotten home like that from the party, I got half wood, amazed that my cock still had any life in it. As I brought the sandwiches over to the table where she was sitting, I looked at her - she was sitting slumped in her chair, her head down and biting her lip. I sat down and started to eat my sandwich, my hard-on twitching in my pants as it registered that I'd completely gotten away with drugging and raping my own daughter.Seven weeks later, all hell broke loose in the house. I was just sitting back, opening my after-work beer when I heard enough screaming to bring the roof down. Soon enough, my wife Diane stormed into the living room to announce the unthinkable: our little girl had gotten pregnant. Knowing that I'd been the one to deflower and impregnate my innocent daughter made me instantly hard, but I feigned moral outrage and disappointment as best I could with a monster throbbing in my pants.Diane ended up leaving us because she felt I was too lenient on our slut of a daughter - a filthy whore who didn't even know who the father was. I was left to deal with the situation and took a desolated Nikki to the clinic to take care of the situation a couple days later. She was constantly sobbing and apologizing to me over and over; she was humiliated to admit that she had no idea who had fucked her the night of that party. I told her everything was going to be all right and that I knew she was just a baby herself who couldn't be responsible for caring for an infant. The right words were coming out of my mouth as I secretly masturbated every night to the images on my camera - and the deliciously perverted thought that I'd impregnated my own daughter without her even knowing it.A few days later, Nikki had fallen asleep on her stomach on the couch, one leg hanging off the edge, while watching a movie in only her t-shirt and panties. I licked my lips seeing her puffy pussy lips outlined through the innocent white cotton panties with flowers on them and couldn't control my lust. Luckily, I knew that Nikki slept like a log - once a huge mirror had slipped from the wall in the bathroom right next to her room, shattering all over the floor, and she didn't even wake up! So I knew that as long as I was careful with no sudden movements, I would be able to at least have a little grope of her precocious preteen body without her being any the wiser.I moved next to her and softly sat down next to the couch by her splayed legs, sliding one hand up her calf and thigh. I carefully moved the other hand up to draw circles with my fingers on the sides of her incredible tits, first just caressing my with my fingertips, then cupping the side of one of her firm breasts in my hand, gently squeezing and massaging until I could feel her nipple hardening and poking through the thin fabric of her t-shirt. Lightly, oh so carefully, I tweaked her nipple through her shirt. I wanted to look at her gorgeous perky titties, but I was worried that pulling her shirt up or moving her would wake her, so I continued gingerly squeezing what I could reach of her perfect globes from the side.Eventually, that wasn't enough for my perverted desires, so I turned my attention to my other hand and slid up her smooth thigh, then started to gently stroke her pussy through the fabric. Pressing the fabric between her hairless puffy cunt lips, I softly stroked, pushing at her little clit. I carefully pressed on her clit over and over in tiny, gentle circles until the fabric of her panties started to grow a little damp and transparent where she was starting to leak pussy juices. My cock was throbbing, realizing I was arousing my sleeping daughter. The damp cotton felt so erotic against my fingers, I was breathing heavily and used my index finger to push up into her preteen slit. Feeling the way the fabric slid against her juices as I pushed her panties slightly into her, becoming slightly transparent, I had to suppress a groan.Nikki hadn't moved at all and even let out a small snore, which I took as a sick sign that I should continue, and it emboldened me even further. I hooked one finger around the edge of her panties, slowly, delicately pulling them to one side, exposing her delicious, hairless cunt. I used my other hand to slide one finger up the length of her slit. I couldn't help letting out a small moan as I felt how wet she was! Even when asleep, it seemed my daughter's body responded like a true slut - even to the ministrations of her own father. The slick feel of my finger against her smooth pussy lips was such a turn on. I gently pressed against her clit, continuing the careful circles over and over. When I saw her juices begin to pool and leak from her tiny slit, I couldn't take it any longer. I carefully backed away so I could release my turgid cock from its prison in my pants. Pulling off my clothes, I gave my dick a much needed tug.I slowly moved my hand forward closer to my 13 year old daughter's glistening pussy, gently cupping it and drawing my hand up the length, using my middle finger to collect her juices. I then rubbed my daughter's slick arousal around the tip of my cock. At this point, I knew there was no going back. I was going to fuck Nikki again; this time, without the aid of drugs.Despite Nikki's snoring and complete lack of response to my molestations so far, I moved very carefully. If she woke up too soon, it would ruin everything. I slowly eased my way on my knees between her legs. If she only knew how she looked to her lustful father - laying on the couch in perfect position for me to take her from behind.I gripped my cock with one hand and lined it up with the entrance to her slick, wet, preteen pussy. Touching the head of my dick to her hot hole was bliss. I gently rubbed the tip up and down her slit once, grazing over her clit and separating her pussy lips with my throbbing head. Softly holding her hips with my other hand, I began to press forward slowly but firmly. Excruciatingly slowly, so I didn't wake her immediately.I began to bury my cock in my daughter's sleeping body. She was so tight, I had to grip her hips a little harder to allow my cock entrance, despite her seeping liquid arousal. I felt her move against my hands a bit, starting to wake up, and I took advantage by shoving the rest of my shaft deep inside her young, wet cunt.I'm sure she jerked awake at that moment, but still groggy, she only let out a mumbled questioning groan. I pulled back and started to thrust into her again, her dripping pussy squeezing down on my aching cock. As I fucked her, she woke up more and more, unable to sleep through the violation of her preteen body. She began to struggle slightly, sleepy and confused, croaking, "Wh-what's happening?!" I continued holding her hips down and pumping firmly into her from behind. She finally realized that somebody was fucking her and started to panic. I could tell the instant she realized because her body tensed and squeezed my cock tightly. I groaned and leaned forward to grip her tits, effectively trapping her against the couch as I started really thrusting into her delicious, hot cunt. She started to whimper and struggle, pushing against the couch in a futile effort. When she realized she wasn't going to be able to dislodge my solid body from on top of her, she started yelling, "Help! Oh, please help me! Daddy, where are you? Please help!!!"I grabbed her hands and pinned them above her head against the couch, shoved my throbbing shaft deep all the way inside her, and leaned my head forward against her ear to whisper, "Daddy's right here, baby." I could feel the horror dawn upon her that her own father was raping her - and nobody was coming to help her. I kept her tiny wrists pinned with one of my hands and began slowly thrusting again, reveling in the feel of her tight little pussy, slowly savoring each inch.When Nikki began crying, I started talking to her, "You know you deserve this, you little slut. You must have really been whoring around if you don't even know who got you pregnant." I grinned into the back of her head as I said this, knowing that I'd been the one to drug and rape her unconscious body two months ago, not only deflowering her, but also cumming inside her and impregnating her. Picking up the pace as I groped her fantastic perky c-cup tits with my one free hand, I continued to berate her, "You're nothing but a fucking whore and complete slut. I can feel how wet your pussy is, so you must be enjoying your daddy fucking you."Nikki sputtered, "No!" between her sobs, but I slid my free hand from her tits down to her pussy, which was leaking juices that I'd coaxed from her earlier. I rubbed her clit, covering my fingers with her slick wetness, rubbing hard circles as I pounded into her, "Oh, so you don't like this, baby girl? You don't like it when Daddy touches you? When he fucks you like the slut you are?""NO! No, Daddy!! Please stop, Daddy!" she cried as I continued slamming my hard cock into her preteen cunt, getting more and more turned on as she protested. I brought my wet fingers up to her face and smeared her own juices onto her face, saying, "Your slutty body doesn't lie. It knows that it was meant to be fucked by Daddy. You're my whore now, Nikki." She sobbed as I thrust into her one final time, unable to hold back, gushing my hot cum into my daughter's hot, wet pussy. I groaned loudly, feeling spurt after spurt squirting into her tight gash.When I caught my breath, I stood up and watched my cum start to drip out of her. She just lay on the couch crying, and I said, "Nobody will ever believe you if you say anything. You're just a whore - who knows how many times you've been fucked. You got pregnant, and you don't even know who the father is, you little slut. But you're my slut now, baby. My own personal fuck toy." I heard her breath catch, then renewed sobs as she realized I was right, and I knew she was mine.More?~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 73
Comforting AnneI had travelled north on business and was staying with friends in Cheshire near to my old cottage in Langley. When I arrived at Rosewood Lane I was delighted to discover that Michael had gone off playing golf as he and Anne had had yet another row about her daughter Lizzie, who worked with them and she did not expect him back for at least 6 hours if at all. I was also pleased by the welcome I got as my usual kiss and a hug seemed to linger just a fraction longer than normal.There was hope yet as I had long fancied her but had never made my feelings known for fear of spoiling a long standing friendship.We sat and enjoyed a cup of tea as Anne explained about the row and how upset she was that Michael was being so obstinate about helping her sort out Lizzie's problems. She felt that at 67 she did not need this sort of hassle and deserved more support.As she talked tears started to well up in her eyes and she got up to look out of the window trying to compose herself and apologising for letting her emotions get the better of her.It was the most natural thing in the world for me to move over behind her and put my arms round her to give her a hug.I was pleasantly surprised when she turned into me and buried her head in my shoulder sobbing how alone she felt.Naturally I reassured her that she need never be alone and that I would always be there for her."I need some affection," she sobbed and in response I slid my hands up from her waist to her breasts and began to massage them waiting for her to pull away.Instead I felt her hands go to my waist and begin unbuttoning my trousers as her head went back and I nuzzled her graceful neckAnne moaned as I worked her tits squeezing them through the fabric of her black sleeveless sweater and her bra.Al the while her nimble fingers were undoing belts buttons and zips as they sought out my already thickening cock."Oh God Jo I want you to fuck me. I know we shouldn't but you have to please you just have to!""You do not need to ask me twice as I have fancied you since the first day we met and there have not many days gone by without me thinking of you and wanting to fill your cunt with my cock and feel your lips wrapped round my shaft." With that I pushed up her sweater then eased her tits out of her fancy burgundy and black bra squeezing them hard and causing Anne to moan at the pain and passion my actions created.I knew I had to have her but George, her black Labrador, was being a pest and jumping up at us, so taking her by the hand I lead her down to the bedroom shutting the door to keep him out.As we turned to each other I dropped my hands to the hem of her tight black skirt and worked it up her thighs to round her middle exposing a pair of lacy red briefs.No sooner had I achieved this state of exposure than she was on her knees dragging my trousers and boxers down and grabbing hold of my cock she began to work on me.The sensations were wonderful as she slowly masturbated my cock sliding her hand up and down the throbbing length sending shivers down my spine and forcing me to think of anything but her actions for fear of coming too soon.Then she opened her mouth wide and my dreams were realised as she engulfed my cock in her hot sweet mouth. Slowly sensuously she sucked on me working her tongue round the head and rim of my penis nearly bringing me off with each sweep of it.Now was the time for action taking her by the arm I lifted her to her feet and turning her got Anne to kneel up on the bed parallel to the wardrobes so she could see herself in their mirrored fronts.She automatically parted her legs and I slipped a finger into the crotch of her knickers pulling them aside thereby exposing her surprisingly hairy sex. It was a veritable forest and I marvelled in the sexiness of it.Next I licked my index finger and parting her lower lips slid it into the wet, hot tube of her vagina to the accompaniment of a low groan from Anne.I finger fucked her for several minutes heightening her passion and bringing her to the edge on more than one occasion but stopping short of bringing her off.By now she was begging me to fuck her so I stepped out of the restrictive legs of my trousers and got up behind her on the bed."Are you ready for this Mrs. Reader? Are you ready to take all 8 inches of my cock into your tight little cunt, are you sure that is what you really want?""For fuck sake stop talking and give me a good seeing to. I want every last centimetre of that gorgeous looking cock shoved up my cunt.Now come on Jo, stick it in me now. Don't be gentle just do it to me and stick the whole lot in. I just hope I can take it all, it is certainly more than a little larger than I have been used to." With that I fisted my cock and presented it to her sex working the head about until her puffy lips parted and I nosed forward and connected to the entrance of her vagina.Another groan from Anne. Then I took hold of her fleshy hips and thrust. Tight as she was my earlier fingering had opened her up and provided loads of lubrication so my cock overcame her initial resistance and the first 4 inches slid home and Anne came to her first climax.I held myself inside her not moving until her contractions had finished then I pulled back and thrust again this time I managed to lodge 6 of my 8 inches in her causing a little squeak of pain and a question."Is that all of it as I think I am going to burst. I am not used to this much cock as both my ex-husband and Michael are quite small in that department."I responded by withdrawing and thrusting again and again until I had worked the final 2 inches home leaving Anne gasping for breath as she was finally impaled by all 8 swollen inches of my cock."I take it from that that the answer was no but I hope to God that it is all in now as there is no way I can take another millimetre. Please God tell me that there is no more Jo."I assured her that that was the lot and remained hunched over her bent back ensuring every last millimetre remained crammed deep in her extremely tight and hot sex.After a few moments I began to fuck her slamming my prick in and out of her clasping sheath and the room was soon filled with the sound of flesh on flesh and Anne's groans of passion as I fucked her to what was to be the second of many climaxes that day."My God, Jo this looks so erotic seeing myself being fucked. I just cannot take my eyes of the mirror. I so enjoy seeing your cock sliding in and out of me. Oooohh I'm coming again, no do not stop, keep on doing it to me, it makes the climax even better; oh yes, oh yes, oh yyyyees!!!"The sensation of her cunt gripping my cock rhythmically as she came almost brought me off so I pulled out much to her annoyance and lay back on the bed my cock rearing from my belly.Without hesitation she got of her knees and straddled me talking my cock in her hand as she lowered herself and as she presented the swollen head to her gaping pussy I slammed my hips upward thrusting all eight inches back into her ravaged sex.I looked in the mirror to see her as she sat impaled on my organ a wicked smile on her lips as if the cat had got the cream.What a picture she made with the crotch of her knickers pulled to one side and the hairy mound of her pubis exposed together with that wonderful vision of my 8 inches spearing her nether regions, stretching her to the full.And then she began to ride me; gyrating her hips and slamming up and down the full length of my cock bringing herself to several mini orgasms and crying out in passion as she fucked herself with my cock.The look on her face was one off intense concentration as she ground her arse against my belly her tits protruding above the lacy cups of her bra. The dark burgundy and black providing superb contrast with the creamy flesh of her breasts and complementing the dark tones of her large and turgid nipples that only minutes before had been in my mouth as I sucked on her bosoms. Between her thighs you could see the red of her knickers tight against the flesh of my penis as it appeared and disappeared into the hairy gap, between her legs, that was her cunt.I now needed her in a different position so she slowly raised herself of me and lay on her side still facing the mirror.Getting down behind her I lifted her right leg and pulled aside her red panties. The crotch was soaking wet with her juices. Presenting my cock to her cunt I thrust home again and was soon sliding the thick length of my prick in and out of her causing her to gasp and moan as each long thrust triggered a mini climax. God was Anne some sexy beast and was she up for it. I could sense that this was going to be a long session.Her nipples responded to her climaxes and I looked at their long dark shape which contrasted wonderfully with the pale flesh of her breasts but complemented the dark material of her brassier.As yet another orgasm hit her she threw her head back, eyes closed and begged me never to stop fucking her, to make her come again and to love her forever.Her hand caressed her breast teasing the nipple clearly enhancing her climax.We needed a pause and lay together joined but not moving my cock still filling her, stretching her and stimulating her by its' sheer size inside her tight clasping vaginal passage."OOOHH Jo, that was wonderful, I have never come so much in all my life. How do you do it? You haven't even come yet and I have had at least 5 orgasms. Can you go on much longer?"With that I withdrew and helped her to remove her top and skirt and knickers then got back behind her and positioning my cock head against her anus I thrust an inch up her arse. "Christ Jo, you're in the wrong hole you silly sod!""Actually no, I am exactly where I want it to be," I said thrusting another inch up her back passage."No, no, no. Please not up my bottom I have never had it up there before you must stop it hurts, please stop."So stop I did but kept the 2 inches exactly where they were, spreading her anal muscle."Now Anne, darling. This is what I want and you need so I am going to bugger you and I am going to come in your mouth at the end so let us get that clear before we go any further. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR?" Each of the last 5 words was accompanied by my thrusting another inch into her bowels leaving her impaled on 7 inches of cock."OW, OW, OW, OW, OWWWWW." Was her response as her most intimate of orifices was stretched and violated for the first time. The room was then filled with the sounds of Anne's moans and groans as I sodomised her for 5 minutes before pulling out and lying on my back getting her to straddle me and then positioning my cock head against the pulpy ring of her anus again got her to impale her bottom on my cock which caused her to take the full 8 inches deep into the dark recesses of her bowels.For her first time Anne seemed to be really enjoying having a cock up her arse and rode me hard alternately grinding her buttocks against my belly and then slamming herself up and down the length of my rigid cock."Oh sweet Jesus, I just love this kinky sex. So different to what I have been used to. It looks so perverse seeing my bottom stretched round your cock."At this a wicked thought went through my head and so without further ado I pushed her off me and rolled her so she was face down with her hips on the edge of the bed, knees on the floor, legs wide spread. As soon as she was stable I opened the door and let George in; who I had heard scratching earlier trying to get to his beloved mistress.George was all dog and did exactly what I had expected and moved straight over to Anne and stuck his nose between her widely spread legs and snuffled."George stop that, stop that at once!" she cried.True to form he ignored her and as he licked I watched his cock erect as it always did when ever he was excited and bless him he did what nature intended and tried to mount her.As he butted her backside I decided he needed a helping hand so grabbed him from behind and guided the bright red cock into place and let him thrust it deep into Anne's cunt.Anne's cry of anguish filled the room as he fucked her just as he would have mated his bitch.Fast and furious was the tempo far faster than and human and so sexed up was Anne, she came on the spot and then cried out again as his knot forced its' way past her outer muscle and into the hot tube of her vagina, locking them together.I meanwhile had got up onto the bed by her head and as yet another moan escaped her lips I slid my cock into her mouth.What a tableau we made in the mirrors.Anne sandwiched between her two favourites. Me in her mouth and her dog in her cunt both fucking her for all we were worth.I would like to say we both came together but so turned on was I that I shot my load down her throat and over her face well before George who humped her for fully twenty minutes before he came filling her cunt.He then tried to dismount but they were still locked together, back to back. His cock red and purple stretched between them, the knot trapping him inside her cunt and it was another five minutes before he pulled loose and we were rewarded by a flood of doggy come as first his shrinking knot and then his shiny red cock slipped out of Anne's overstretched vagina.In true doggy style he gave Anne's bruised sex a cursory lick and then sat down and started to lick his cock as if nothing had happened.Of course by now I had another raging hard on so before she could get up I slipped my cock first into the sloppy wetness that was her well fucked cunt then spreading her cheeks slid my own glistening cock back up her arse and after just 10 or 12 thrusts filled her bowels with my own come before collapsing onto the bed beside her."Now that is what I call kinky sex; what about you?" I asked.A feint smile crossed her come covered lips as she whispered; "Kinky but good. Do you think we can do it again later if Michael doesn't come back tonight? He always said I loved the dog and you more than him." END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 59
I hardly know where to begin. I'm all shook up inside. I can't think rationally. I don't know what to do. My wife had an affair and I saw it happen and didn't do anything about it. Now I have to live with the consequences. My wife Linda and I, I'm Chuck, have been married for twenty-one years. We have a daughter who is twenty-one and married. She is our only child. She's been out on her own for a year now. For those who like to deal with ages and dates, my wife was pregnant when we got married.Linda is a good looking woman, far from being a Barbie doll, but a decent looking woman just the same. She's about 5'4" on the heavy side maybe 160 lbs. Of course when we got married she was a lot thinner. At forty-one she still attracts attention. Probably because she has 40D tits and wears short skirts, which heavier women usually don't do.I'm nothing special; I'm 5'10" 220 lbs. I am a little overweight also. I guess after seeing my wife have sex with another man (she doesn't know I seen her) it makes me a cuckold, because I didn't stop it when I had the chance. I don't want to be a cuckold and plan on doing something about it. I just don't know what, yet? It's tearing me apart inside just thinking about it. I have to do something soon before the rage over takes me.Please let me regress back:In our younger days we had sex a lot, we still do. I was pretty jealous back then. I got pissed if I seen her even talking to guys. I knew most guys just wanted in her pants or at least see how far they could go. I told her that and she always just laughed it off. Looking back now I don't know if she had affairs or not. There's no way of knowing and besides I'm trying to deal with the latest liaison.We do most everything in the sex department, other then a few of the fetishes. We both like oral, fuck in any position, and once in awhile anal. I've always been there for her sexually. I don't know why she had to cheat on me.I have to tell you that I get off reading erotica, maybe I'm two-faced or just totally mixed up. I get off reading stories where married woman are seduced. I love the stories where married woman are caught cheating on their husbands. It's a real turn-on for me. The odd thing is I want the woman to get caught and for the husband to wreak havoc on the cheating couple. I want them to pay dearly, but in some cases I want to see the woman show remorse, a lot of it, and then maybe go back together at the end. No remorse, kick her ass out.I can't stand it when the guy is a cuckold, who accepts his wife as a slut and even eats her pussy out afterwards. I hate endings like that. Now, if I knew the cuckold fellow and I was the one fucking his wife it would be okay with me. That's the two faced part of me. I would love to fuck married women. I haven't, but when I read stories about it I sure would like too, the old fantasy versus reality thing. It really does happen and most of the time it has bad results. But, people still try it.I wish I could separate love from sex with my wife. I think I can do it with other woman because there is no love there. It's all about getting off and maybe getting your partner off. I believe that if a person can separate the two, love and sex, then you could swap, have sex on the side, and have an open marriage. It's just so hard for me to believe when I'm reading these stories that these are happy marriages, that there is true love for each other. A husband saying "Honey I love you so much, I want you to be happy, so fuck this guy as long as you come home to me." That just seems like total 'bullshit,' but there are people out there that say it's true.You read enough of these stories and I think you start believing this shit, I really do.Take wife swapping, I always thought it would be something. Take this mans wife, kiss her, fuck her, let this married woman give you oral sex. Do everything with her except love her. Then just walk away. I could do that, I know I could. But, then I think about my wife being treated the same way by another man. I'm just not open minded enough to accept that. To believe my wife will feel the same about me when we go home. I know now I wouldn't feel the same about her.Of course like most married couples, topics like this in the heat of passion always spark interest. We say things like, "Oh honey, I wish some man could be here watching me fuck you, looking at your juicy pussy, feeling these tits. God I love you." or, "Damn, I can picture some other guy laying the meat to you, wouldn't you love it?" Fantasies that make the orgasm better.Of course if anyone mentions it later, it was only a fantasy and I wouldn't want to do it. The thought is there, in the recesses of our mind.In the last year or so since our daughter has been gone my wife's sex drive has increased considerably. We do it more often in more ways then we've done in years. Neither of us says no to the other. The sex is great, especially after reading a few of the cheating wife stories and put my wife as that cheating wife. I know it's a fantasy and really get off on it. It's a lot better then masturbation.We started going out more to lounges and bars. Places where I could show off my wife. We got into some exhibitionism. I would feel her up in public and she would pretend that she didn't see the guys watching us. God, it was hot knowing these guys were watching me finger my wife or even show her pussy to them. The place we always drew the line was no one was allowed to touch her. I am not saying what we do is for everyone. But for us it's a big turn on.Once we went into an adult movie house. There was a suck and fuck film on the screen, but the men around us were watching my wife and I. I took off her panties and pulled her skirt up around her waist. Then I put two fingers into her plump pussy. Damn, it was hot, watching these guys watching us. One old guy came right up and sat on the other side of my wife. I looked at him and said, "You can look all you want. But, if you try and touch her, I'll fucking kill you." He backed off some but still sat there looking at her, then unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out. He shot cum all over the seat in front of him. Then my wife had a huge orgasm, spraying pussy juice all over my hands.We quickly got up and left. When we got home we stripped and started fucking within minutes. We were out of our heads in lust. I asked her if she wanted that old geezer's cock. She looked up at me and said, "God yes, I wanted to fuck him so bad. Did you want to see him fuck me with that big cock? Did you?"We were both in the heat of passion and I of course said, "Yes, yes I did." After we both had orgasms we talked about it. I told her I love showing her off but if she ever fucked them that I couldn't handle it. She told me I was all the man she ever wanted and how much she loved me. This is the way we always talked after a fantasy.One night while we were out dancing we met another couple. Mark and Susan were probably in their mid thirties and have a couple of kids. They said they like to go out at least every other week and just enjoy their selves. We asked them to join us and got a secluded table at the back of the lounge. We were having a pretty good time. My wife and I got up and started dancing. So did Mark and Susan. I had both my hands on Linda's ass and started squeezing. I glanced over at Mark and he was watching us.We were all getting a little inebriated and talk turned to sex. We just told them that we were monogamous but did a little exhibitionism but would never swap. We just enjoyed each other and showing off a little.Mark said, "So show us yours and we'll show you ours." as we all laughed. Being somewhat intoxicated, I reached over and slid my hands up Linda's short skirt, pulling her skirt up till we could see her creamy white thighs. I put my hand on her mound as she closed her eyes and breathed hard. Mark grabbed his wife's skirt pulled it up and grabbed her mound also.Mark looked at me and said, "Well are you going to let me see her pussy?" I reached up and pulled her panties down letting Mark get a full close up view of my wife's pussy. Nice trimmed black curly bush. I couldn't believe I was doing this, just showing a strange man my wife's pussy... I looked at Mark and said, "Your turn." as he pulled Susan's panties off and showed me her bald cunt. "Ever see a bald cunt as nice as that Chuck?" he asked. "Want to put your fingers in it?" He then pushed his fingers in his wife's bald cunt and brought them out coated with her juices all over them. "Smells great," he said putting them up to his nose.I told him it was a great offer but this is where Linda and I drew the line. I had three fingers shoved into Linda's pussy. She was intoxicated and ready to orgasm. When we got home we had a wild night of sex.We would go out with Mark and Susan pretty regular. They never said that they were swingers but could have been. They never pushed us. They really like the little exhibitions the same as we did. That way nobody got hurt. The last time we went out Mark asked if he could dance with Linda. I had no problem with that and I danced with Susan.She was a sweet little gal. She seemed happy and bubbly. She pressed her body up against mine; I had no problem with that. I started to get hard and she just laughed and said that Linda was going to get the results of all her work. I looked over at Linda and Mark. Nothing seemed inappropriate so I was happy.As usual we probably all drank to much and whenever that happened the subject turned to sex. Mark asked Susan to remove her panties and when she did Mark said to hand them to me. I took them and Mark said are you going to return the favor? I slowly removed Linda's panties and handed them to Mark. He put them up to his nose and said nice, and wet. Linda just laughed, so I had to do the same with Susan's panties. It was very intoxicating, smelling another woman's pussy juices.Well the girls had their panties off Mark grabbed Linda and asked her to dance. Susan said she had to go to the bathroom and I headed up to the bar to get more drinks. I lost sight of Mark and Linda but when I finally saw them I thought I saw Marks hand under Linda's skirt. I wasn't sure but thought I better keep my eyes open. I didn't want to accuse anyone unless I was sure.When they came back to the table everything seemed back to normal. So I didn't push the issue. I might mention it to Linda tonight just to make sure. We all went home shortly after they came back to the table. We said we would get together again in about two weeks.When we got home I just came out and asked Linda if Mark felt her pussy?She looked at me and said, "My God no, whatever made you think up such a thing? Did you feel Susan's pussy?"I said, "Of course not," and apologized for even asking.Linda said, "Apology accepted and off to bed we went. We had our usual fuckfest, it was great.The next morning I told Linda that I thought maybe we were going too far with our fantasies and especially Mark and Susan. Maybe we ought to cut back on the exhibitions?Linda just said that she did it all for me, and if I wanted to cut back she would have no problem with it. It was me she loved and only me.I asked her if she could ever watch me fuck another woman. Could she separate the sex and love?She looked at me and said, "No never, I could never watch you with another woman. It would break my heart. It would make me think that I wasn't enough woman for you, that you had to find love elsewhere."I told her that was what I wanted to hear. I just loved her so much.The next day was Linda's day off, so I thought I would come home and surprise her and maybe go to lunch. When I got to the house there was a car in the driveway. It didn't look familiar. So Instead of just walking in the front door like I always do, I went back and thought I'd enter from the kitchen. When I got to the door I looked in and there was my wife, the love of my life bent over the kitchen table with her skirt up on her back. Behind her stood Mark with his cock plunging in and out of my wife's pussy. I just froze and listened to them have sex. This sure didn't look like the first time. Linda kept yelling how much she loved his cock. How he could have her anytime he wanted.I was being cuckolded. I should have run in and killed them both. Instead I back up slowly like the cuckold I am and went to my car and cried. Was this what the husbands in the cuckolding stories feel like? How can they call this feeling erotic? I felt like shit, like my life was over. I drove to the nearest bar to drown my sorrows.I had to regain my senses till I decided what to do. I tried to act normal when I got home that evening. Linda greeted me like she always does. I told her I wasn't feeling good and was going straight to bed. I would sleep in the spare room in case I had something that was infectious.Linda gave me some medication for colds and off to bed I went. The next day Linda had to work so I called off work and thought I would just stay home and put my thoughts together. I decided what I must do. I would do it tomorrow.When she got home that evening she said she was concerned about me. Why didn't I make a doctors appointment and get checked out? I just told her I was feeling better and had to work late the next day seeing I took the day off. I probably wouldn't be home till nine in the evening. With that said I headed for the spare room. I doubted that I would ever have sex with Linda again.The next day we both left for work. I returned at lunch time to get my pistol, a 25mm, smaller then the size of my hand. I put it in the car and went back to work. I left work about six and went to Mark and Susan's house. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a puzzled Susan."Where is Mark?" I asked Susan."He went to your house Chuck, something about a meeting. Shouldn't you be there?" she asked.Without saying a word, I turned around went to my car, and drove home. When I got there I used the front door but no one heard me. I walked passed the kitchen and then to the master bedroom. There was Linda lying on her back, with her blouse and bra pulled above her tits, her skirt pulled up and her panties not even taken off, just pulled to the side with Mark's cock imbedded deep in her pussy. He was climaxing as I entered the room. Linda was screaming, "Fuck me Mark, fuck me, I never had it so good." Linda then looked toward the door and seen me standing there. She looked up at me and screamed. Mark had just shot his load of cum into her pussy.He turned around and looked at me, almost grinning. He said, "Damn good pussy buddy as he climbed off Linda. Then he seen my pistol and said, "Hold on Chuck, this isn't what you think," as I planted three shots to his chest. He fell straight to the floor, where he was just lying there, bleeding to death.Linda was screaming, "Don't shot me Chuck, don't shoot me, I love you."Then I did something I would never have thought I could ever do. I struck Linda. I slapped her along side the face. Then I ripped her bra and blouse off, and then slapped her big tits till they were bruised. Then I half ripped her panties. I slapped at her thighs bruising them also. As she was lying there, crying hysterically, I picked up the phone and dialed 911.This is Chuck Masters; I just shot a man who was raping my wife. Please send the police and two ambulances. I gave them my address. They asked me how the man was who I shot. I told them I think he is bleeding to death. Even though she was crying Linda heard everything I said. I will wait and see what she tells the police.The police arrived first with guns drawn. I just handed them my pistol. They looked over at Linda all battered and bruised lying on the bed. Her clothes ripped to shreds and bruises all over her body. They could even see the cum on her pussy. Then they saw Mark lying on the floor, nearly dead but still breathing. The paramedics came in and put Linda in one ambulance and Mark in the other. I told her I would see her at the hospital.I told the police that I had come home early from work and heard my wife screaming. I ran in the room and saw this man raping her. So I grabbed my pistol which I kept in the drawer pointing to a stand we kept in the hallway. I said, "The man whose name was Mark jumped off the bed and came toward me and I fired three shots. I felt I was in danger and he as you can see was raping my wife." They asked me a number of other questions which I answered.Then I asked if I could leave, I wanted to go to the hospital and see how my wife was. They told me to be available for more questions later. I told them, "No problem; I just did what I hope every husband would have done to protect his wife." Then I left for the hospital. They took Linda to the rape crisis center, because of all the bruises and the cum in her pussy, they believed she was raped. Now it was in her ball park as to what she would say.After checking her bruises, they took her to a holding room and told her she would probably be there a couple of hours. The police would be in to talk to her shortly. I figured it was time to talk to her. Well Linda do you have anything you want to say?Linda spoke, "I'm so sorry Chuck. I don't know what happened. We can get past this, you know I love you."How can women cheat on their husbands and then say 'I love you.' It makes no sense. If you loved your man you wouldn't have fucked around in the first place."No I don't know that Linda. You just told me yesterday that you can't separate love and sex, just yesterday. Now today you are fucking Mark on our marital bed. How can I ever trust you again? Without trust we have no Marriage.""I made a mistake Chuck, a really big mistake. Our love can get past this, I know we can. I can't live without you Chuck. Please believe me, it will never happen again. I made a one time mistake; surely you can forgive me with twenty-one years of marriage. One mistake Chuck, you can't forgive one mistake in twenty-one years?" she was crying.I looked at her battered bruised body which I did to her. She was crying, waiting for my answer."Okay Linda, we have always trusted each other. Our whole marriage was built on it. So I have one question for you. If you answer it honestly, I'll give our marriage another try. If you lie to me, our marriage is over as of this minute. Is that fair enough Linda?""That's fair enough Chuck, I won't lie to you." replied Linda. "What's the question?"I looked at her, starring at her eyes and asked, "Have you had sex with Mark before tonight?"I could see her thinking, she didn't know that I had seen them a couple of days before.Linda was thinking; Mark is dead or dying. There is no way that Chuck will find out anything about my past with Mark. If I tell him the truth that I have had sex with Mark at least four times he'll leave me for sure. Linda looked at me and said, "This was the first and only time I have had sex with Mark, honest honey.""Well Linda, the rest of our life depended on your answer. Two days ago I saw Mark fucking you on our kitchen table." You are a liar, and a slut, who I can never trust again. Our marriage is over.""Linda, our marriage was a sham and I have nothing else to live for. Goodbye Linda, see you in Hell," as I walked out of the door and out of her life. I heard her yelling from the room but wasn't listening.Part 2: Linda SpeaksI'll just start at the beginning. Chuck and I met when I was nineteen years old. We dated for about six months and I became pregnant. Chuck and I got married shortly after that. We had a beautiful baby girl who meant the world to us. She is now twenty-one and married.Chuck and I had a wonderful relationship. Sex with him was great. There is very little that we didn't do. We really enjoyed our sex life together. It was just all around good.After Becky our daughter started high school I started working part-time in an ad agency. I went to different businesses and helped set up newspaper ads. I drove all over the city. It was a fun job. I got a lot of attention from men, even though I was heavy. Men just seemed to like big boobs, and that I had.I like the attention from men. My husband Chuck was the only man I had been with. I made the mistake one night and let another man have me. I don't really know why I did it. I guess because he kept flirting with me and as we were writing up his ad. He slipped his hand up my skirt and touched my pussy. I asked him please don't do that.He said, "Didn't it feel good honey?"I said of course it did but I was a married woman and have only been with my husband. That made him try all the harder. Finally I gave in and he lifted up my skirt in the back, pulled down my panties and gave me a royal fucking.When I left his business I went to my car and cried. Wondering why did I fall to temptation? Why did I do that to my husband? I felt so guilty that when I got home I grabbed Chuck and fucked the hell out of him that was the night I gave him my anal opening. It hurt like hell but I figured it was payback for cheating on him. That was about fifteen years ago.That was the only time I gave myself to another man until I met Mark. I met him at his store a few months ago. I was writing up his advertisement while we were talking and the subject turned to sex. I ended up telling him some of the things that Chuck and I were doing to explore our sex lives. He was getting turned on listening to me. Of course I liked turning men on. There was something erotic about talking to strange men about sex. I think guys feel the same way especially with married women. They always want into your pants.Most guys I meet and do business with would have sex with me if I let them. Both the married and the single ones. Most married guys would jump my bones in a minute. I guess it's alright for guys to cheat but not women. At least according to most men. They always say, "What your husband doesn't know won't hurt him." I wish I had a dollar for every time I heard that one. I'd be rich by now.I was telling Mark about the time Chuck let other men look at me in the adult theater. Why I even told him about our sex life I don't know. I guess maybe back in the recesses of my mind I wanted to do it. Then I told him how turned on I got looking at the old man sitting next to me with his cock in his hand.Mark looked at me and said, "Why don't you show me your pussy?" and laughed.I said, "I can't do that, I married." I knew what I was talking about was wrong but did it anyway.Mark said, "Weren't you married when you showed your pussy to the old man?" Then he reached down and pulled out his cock. It was big and hard. I should have walked away right then, but I didn't. I was getting turned on by all this talk and looking at this young mans cock. I said, "If I show you will you promise not to touch me?" I know that was stupid but said it anyway. Of course he promised, what guy wouldn't?Then I lifted up my skirt and removed my panties. Mark said he wanted a closer look and put his face right next to my pussy. He blew on it softly which gave me a little spasm. Then he pushed his face into my pussy and wrapped his lips around my pussy lips. God it felt good, I just let him do it. He ate out my pussy till I came. After I had an orgasm he said it was his turn and sat me down in a chair and put his cock in me and fucked me. There was no love, just raw sex. I came again then he came.I told him the sex was good but it will never happen again. It was wrong to cheat on my husband. My husband would kill me if he ever found out. That's how I met Mark. I thought about telling Chuck that night but I was hoping I would never see Mark again.One night when Chuck and I were out, he brought a couple over to our table to join us. It was Mark and his wife Susan. I was stunned but what could I say. Then Chuck wanted to play our exhibition games. So here was Mark, the guy I was hoping never to see again starring at my pussy with my husband's permission.When I was dancing with Mark he said he wanted me again.I told him I couldn't but he kind of threatened me by saying he would tell Chuck about our first time. It scared me so I agreed to meet him. We met twice before the time that Chuck caught us in the kitchen. Chuck asked if Mark tried to touch my pussy on the dance floor. I told him of course not and changed the conversation and asked if he touched Susan. I was lucky he believed me. I should have told him the truth that Mark finger fucked me on the dance floor. I wanted out of this cheating relationship with Mark, but didn't know how to go about it.Chuck said that he heard me say how great a fuck Mark was. That was just sex talk to get Mark off. I needed time on how to get out of this mess without ruining my marriage. The bad part is that Chuck was twice the lover that Mark was and I was losing him.Mark came over on that fatal night. I told him that this has got to stop. That Chuck was getting wise to him.He just said he wasn't afraid of Chuck and that he would just give his wife to Chuck for a quick fuck.I told him I didn't want Chuck to fuck any other women. Mark just laughed and told me to go into the bedroom; he was ready for a fuck. I told him this was going to be the last time. That I was going to tell Chuck. I can't do this any longer to my husband. I really didn't want to tell my husband. I didn't want to deal with it. I was just hoping to scare Mark into leaving me alone.When we got into the bedroom he didn't even have me remove my clothes. He just lifted up my skirt, pulled my panties to the side and stuck his hard cock into me. While he was fucking me he just lifted up my blouse and bra and just squeezed my tits. I was telling him what a great job he was doing just to get it over with.That's when I looked up and seen Chuck enter the room. I screamed and Mark thought it was because he came at that time. Then he turned around and saw Chuck and stated to tell him how good I was. I think that was when he was going to offer up Susan when Chuck shot him. I was paralyzed with shock. That's when Chuck came over and started beating on me. He bruised my face, breasts and legs. I thought he was going to kill me. I even yelled out, "Please don't kill me, I love you."Then all of a sudden he just stopped. He looked at Mark bleeding to death on the floor and dialed 911. He told them I was being raped and he shot the assailant.The police and paramedics arrived and took me to the hospital. I was taken to the rape center and checked out and treated. I was a basket case. I had no idea what I would do.While I was at the hospital, I was told that Mark had died from the gunshot wounds. Now I had a big decision to make. Should I tell the police that Mark raped me and beat me up or tell them the truth. It was Chuck who did the beating and then shot Mark after catching us having sex? This was no easy decision. If I told the truth then Chuck, the love of my life would go to jail for the rest of his life for killing Mark. If I lied then Marks family would have to live the rest of their lives with the guilt of their father being a rapist.Chuck had just left the hospital. I didn't know if I would ever see him again. God I wish I could relive the last couple of days, but life isn't like that. There is no 'Do overs,' you can't re-do and relive your past. Unfortunately I will relive my past days for the rest of my life.Chuck gave me one last chance to maybe save our marriage. I only had to answer one question correctly and I blew it. Now the only man I have ever loved walked out on me. The sad thing is I deserved it; I'm the one who became a slut. I'm the one who cheated on Chuck. If only I knew he had seen me with Mark two days before, I might have been able to salvage our marriage.Shortly after Chuck left, the police came in to talk to me. There was both a male and a female officer. I was really shook up; I looked like a rape victim and was of course crying because the love of my live just left me. The police didn't have any idea what I was thinking as they tried to console me. They brought me a glass of water and had the doctor give me some kind of a calming pill. I really did need the medication. I was a totally distraught disaster.I began my story by telling the police that we knew Mark and Susan. That they were friends of ours who we went out with on a few occasions. I told them that Mark came by the house and said that Chuck said to meet him there, which was a lie but I didn't know it, so I let him in. Everything I told the police was a total fabrication. I then continued and said, "Mark tried to kiss me and when I said 'No' he started forcing himself on me. He knocked me down and slapped me and told me get to up and go into the bedroom. I was scared to death and did what Mark said.""He then told me to get on the bed as I was pleading with him not to do this. If he would just leave I wouldn't say anything to anyone. He just laughed at me and ripped off my blouse and bra. Then he started slapping my breasts while saying derogatory things about them." I started crying as the police told me to just take my time and take another drink of water.I continued and said, "Mark must have just cracked, I really didn't know. I kept pleading with Mark to stop and was screaming at him to 'Please don't do this.' That's when he told me 'Shut up slut,' and slapped me hard across the face. He then ripped of my panties and forced his penis in me. I kept crying while he plunged hard in and out of me. Then he came in me.""I turned around and seen Chuck come rushing into the room. He had his gun in his hand. Then Mark headed in Chucks direction, I think to grab the gun. But Chuck just fired at Mark hitting him in the chest I think. Chuck must have fired two or three shots I don't know for sure. Then he picked up the phone and dialed 911. All this time I just laid on the bed crying and screaming."Then I started crying again, not knowing what the future held...The officers tried to console me some more, then asked some more questions which I answered. They said they may have a few more questions and would get back to me when I was feeling better. They thanked me and left. I must have dozed off from the medication when the doctors came in and said I could go home seeing I was in the emergency room. They handed me some clothes which Chuck had brought when he came earlier. I got dressed, called a cab and went home.When I got home, there was no Chuck. Everything was the same as when I left. Even the blood on the floor and my torn clothes on the bed. I just looked around a little bit; Chuck must have never come back to the house. I had no idea where he went. I went into the spare room and just lay across the bed and cried myself to asleep.About nine the next morning I heard banging on the front door. I jumped up and ran to the door hoping it was Chuck. When I opened the door, there stood two officers in uniforms. "I asked them if I could help them.""They asked if they could step in for a minute."I opened the door and let them enter. "I then asked what was this all about I just gave my statement last night?"They looked at me and said, "This isn't about the rape Mrs. Masters. It's about your husband."I looked worried as I asked, "What about my husband? Is he alright?""I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but your husband is dead." the officer said.I screamed, "No! No, it can't be. Please lord, it can't be as I was crying. It must be a mistake, I seen him just last night at the hospital.""We're sorry Mrs. Masters but we have to ask you a few questions. Maybe you better sit down as they walked me to the sofa."I was shaking like a leaf, one of the officers tried to console me while the other went into the kitchen to get me a glass of water."What happen to my husband, what happened to him?" I cried."Do you know of any reason why your husband would take his own life, Mrs. Masters?""What! My God No," I replied. What happened to him? Please tell me.""Well Mrs. Masters, He was driving his Ford Ranger on county road 10, missed the turn at tigers curve and drove down over the ravine about seventy five feet as his truck went head of heals down the ravine and catching fire when hitting the bottom. He never made it out of the truck."I burst out crying.I was crying so hard that the officers just let me get it out of my system. Finally I asked, "What did suicide have to do with it?"The officer said that the turn was a 35 mph curve. Chuck was driving in excess of 85 mph. At the curve there were no tire skid marks, which means he never hit the brakes. Also the way in which he hit the guardrail it looks like he had no intention of turning.I started crying again. "I mention to the officers that he was distraught over my rape last night. But not to the degree of taking his own life." I answered their questions and then they left.I sat there all alone thinking about what I did. I fucked up my marriage, responsible for killing my husband, responsible for Marks death. All for what? A damn cock? Now I wish Chuck would have killed me when he killed Mark. I really didn't want to go on. I now had to call Becky our daughter and tell her all these things. I have to lie about Mark and now I have to lie about Chuck not taking his own life. Now I know what he meant when he said, "The next time I see you it will be in Hell." My problem is now I have to go through hell on earth before joining Chuck in the hereafter.I called my daughter Becky to tell her about her father being killed in a one car auto accident. It really hit her hard. She cried and there was nothing I could do or say to relieve her pain. This had to be the hardest thing I've ever done. Telling my daughter her dad is dead, knowing inside that I was the cause of his death. "God I wish I was dead."The police came by later in the day to talk with me. I was just trying to keep busy, doing anything to get my mind off my situation. I was cleaning the blood off the floor when the police arrive. I went to the door still crying. That's all I've done since I heard the horrible news. I just can't turn off the tears. I invited the officers in and offered them coffee. They knew I was trying to keep busy and accepted the coffee. "First they told me that the reports came back that I was raped, but due to Marks death the case is being closed since the assailant is dead. I could file civil charges against the estate if I wanted too." Then they told me about my husband Chuck. "That deep down they knew the accident was a suicide but are just reporting it as an auto accident death." "They said right now they can't prove and don't have not enough information to call it a suicide. Also because of all I've been through in the last twenty-four hours they want the cases closed." If they listed possible suicide on the reports that the insurance company would hold up any insurance money that was due me and drag out the claim process. They felt I had been through enough.I didn't care about money, I wanted my Chuck. I started crying again and thank them for being so kind to me. Becky came over that evening and we cried together and started making plans for the funeral.It's been three days now since all that took place. I was at the funeral home greeting our friends and relatives when a woman approached the closed casket. It was Susan. I just stood there while she said a prayer for Chuck. Then she came over to me.She looked at my eyes and then slapped me across the face saying, "You god damn lying bitch, I know my husband never raped you. But now my family has to live with the lies and insults for the rest of our lives. You are nothing but a god damn slut; I don't know how you can live with yourself after what you did." Then she turned around and stormed out.All my family and friends came running up to me and said, "She didn't know what she was sayings. She just lost her husband too." Everyone trying to console me. Deep down I knew Susan was right.It's now been three months since that horrible day. I now relive it every night. So, to you woman out there who thinks it's okay to fuck around on your man. Think about it, is it worth it? What price are you willing to pay if you get caught?One last thing. Chuck said he had nothing to live for before taking his own life. He was wrong. Becky was coming over Sunday to surprise him and let him know he was going to be a 'Grandpa'.Not all stories have happy ending.Remember 'For every action there is a reaction.'Thanks for reading my story.DG Hear~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 39
Due to my frequent travels, my wife and I have an agreement that we are allowed to satisfy our sexual desires as needed. Some call this an open marriage, we didn't put a name to it but I guess that's what it was. Angie is a very sexual person and had taken on a couple regular lovers. She was able to satisfy them and still take care of my needs too when I was in town. We always were open about things that would happen but I was caught off guard one morning when Angie told me that her boyfriend had his young son with him when she showed up at his apartment one night.She said at first she was a little ashamed at the way she was dressed (she almost always just wore a night gown or something like that. It was always sexy but not enough to get her arrested for public nudity. She had worn a sheer top baby doll that night with a very small sheer panty and no bra. She said her bf explained to her that he was going to take care of his son for a while due to the boy's mother deploying overseas with the military. He also explained that he thought maybe they could teach the boy some things while his mom was gone.My wife looked him in the eyes and asked if he was asking what she thought he was asking and he nodded. This set her back a little but she ended up going through with it by having sex with the father in front of the boy and then touching him and eventually with some encouragement she sucked the boys not-yet-full-grown cock until he squirted in her mouth. After squirting he explored my wife's body while his dad fucked her to his orgasm.My wife was so turned on by everything and seeing that the boy was still hard she allowed him to move into the position that his father had just vacated. She was surprised that even though this was his virginal fuck, and he was smaller than his mature father, he was very good and provided her a lot of pleasure.***Over the next few weeks Angie ended up making a few extra visits to her bf's apartment and sometimes only spent time with the boy. She ended up admitting to me that the thought of a smaller cock sent her into orbit.After several months, the boys mother came back and he went back to live with her. The sex between Angie and her bf was never the same and they ended up breaking up. She finally asked me one day if I thought she could find another young boy to have a relationship with. I asked her how young she was thinking and she just said as young as possible, with a blush on her face. I figured boys start getting interested in girls (even if they don't admit it) around 10-years-old so we started keeping our eyes open for a boy for Angie.We innocently mentioned to one of our married friends who we had swung with a few times about our search and they seemed to get a twinkle in their eyes. Angie was intrigued and asked what was up. The couple said that they had noticed their 13-year-old son spending more time in mommy's room while she was getting dressed/undressed. She didn't mind as she spent a lot of time nude in the house but she decided to tease him a little to see what he would do. She started by asking him for back or leg rubs while she was nude or nearly nude and had let him watch while she waxed her bikini line. She said there was almost drool hanging out of his mouth and even though her husband had said it would be okay for her to fuck him, she just couldn't bring herself to go that far. She asked Angie if she was interested and Angie almost orgasmed on the spot. Danny's mom mentioned that his birthday was in about 3 months and maybe it would be nice to take his virginity on his 14th birthday.Angie was never so turned on and she attacked me that night but after we were done she asked me if I would mind if she didn't have vaginal intercourse with me until after she had been with Danny. I really enjoy oral so I told her as long as she still took care of my needs, I didn't have a problem with it since she was trying to make sure her pussy would be nice and tight for the boy.Angie did all kinds of vaginal exercises over the next three months and I was not allowed to do anything more than slide my cock over her clit when we were feeling horny. It's really amazing how much sex a couple can have without having intercourse! Once a month Angie would ask me to check her pussy for her to see how tight it was. I was only allowed to use my pinky finger to slide into her and then she would flex her vaginal muscles around it. This turned me on immensely but it was not being done for me. This was all for Danny.Danny's parents had been getting him a little more ready for this day by having him help groom his mother's pubic hair and helping give her baths and by letting him watch them have sex. They pulled out their blue movies and left them out to watch any time he wanted to. His mother turned into a nudist in the home too. As soon as they would walk through the door, she would ask Danny to help her get undressed. Once in a moment of weakness, Danny's mom let him finger her to orgasm while undressing her at the door. It became a regular thing for him to dip his finger in her honey pot or tweak a nipple while passing her. Both she and Danny's father loved it as it kept her in a constant state of arousal and resulted in a lot of sex between them.Finally the big day arrived. Danny's parents had promised him a new bed for his birthday since he was getting older so they had purchased a large bed and had it assembled in his room while he was gone. Angie was to be laid out on the bed totally nude with a big ribbon and bow draped across her and the bed. Angie wanted to look as young as possible for Danny so she had me wax her entire body and then she wore no makeup.After lunch and the birthday cake, Danny's parents escorted him to his room to see his new bed. He knew this was going to be his present but he didn't know about Angie who was laid out on his bed with rose petals sprinkled all around her.Danny was surprised to say the least and just stared at Angie for a couple minutes before his mom said, "Angie is part of your birthday present. She comes with the bed."The poor boy didn't know what to do, he felt funny about giving his mom & dad a hug while sporting the boner he had but he didn't want to just jump Angie right there in front of them either. Finally Danny's mom & dad told him to enjoy himself and gave him hugs and kisses and left the room. They would be back to check in on him but they left him alone to do what he needed to do alone with Angie.Angie said that since Danny had watched his mom and dad make love many times, he was not clueless. She said she told him to get undressed and join her on the bed. They started making out and touching and he ended up being very good with foreplay and helped her get over being so nervous. She had been so nervous that she wasn't wet but he warmed her up quickly and she was more than ready for his virgin penis. He played with and kissed/touched every part of her body and she his.Finally it was time and she asked him if his mom & dad could witness the act. He agreed and called them into the room. They came in and Danny's mom asked him if she could help him put his cock into Angie. He said he thought that would be okay so she got in place behind him and took hold of his ample sized male member in her small hand. She stroked him a couple times before getting him in position. Angie held her pussy lips open and Danny's dad was up close with the video camera. His mom asked Angie if she was ready and if this is what she wanted and Angie told her yes. She then asked Danny if this is what he wanted and if he was ready and Danny said yes. With that Danny's mother placed his cock at the opening of Angie's cunt and gave him a gentle push from behind.Remember, Angie had not had vaginal intercourse for 3 months at this point and had been doing exercises to make her vagina smaller/tighter. Danny was larger than anticipated so he did not just slide in. It was almost like he was getting Angie's virginity too. He (and his mom) had to push a little harder to get his pole in her. This took a few minutes of pushing and pulling back and pushing again but finally he was all the way inside her. Danny's mom was too turned on to just step back so she was using her hands all around the two lovers where they were united into one touching both of them until she felt them start to tense up. Danny's movements became ragged so his mom started gently rubbing Angie's clit to make sure both of them came together, which they did loudly!After a short rest Angie suggested a short 69 to clean each other up and get ready for the next round. Danny's mom excused herself to get them juice and snacks to keep their energy going because she knew they would have a long night ahead of them.Danny's dad was sure to document everything that went on that night (so I could see later) and his mom got involved a couple times too by helping clean them both. At one point when Angie was so exhausted, Danny's mom asked if she would mind if she took her place for a few minutes. Angie had no problem with that so the hot momma got on her back and beckoned her son to mount her.The only thing that would have made this more hot would have been if Danny's mom had taken his virginity but just being involved with his virgin night was enough for everybody.Angie moved in with them for the summer so Danny could use her every night. I was eventually allowed to come watch once in a while and after a while a schedule was set up where Danny's mom would spend the night in his bed to take care of him and his needs so Angie could come spend the night with me and take care of my needs. Between Danny, his father and me, Danny was the only one that never went without a woman in his bed with him. His dad and I were cut down to once or twice a week so the girls could take a break once in a while too.Angie is now asking about letting Danny get her pregnant but that is another story.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 51
Lisa Matthews couldn't stop smiling, she drove all the way home with a goofy looking smile on her attractive face, she was very happy for a number of reasons. First of all, she'd been selected as employee of the month at the insurance office where she worked, she'd managed to sell twice as many insurance policies than anyone else in the state. Secondly, her boss had given her the rest of the day off for her achievement and lastly one of her co-workers had asked her out on a date. Lisa hadn't been on a date since her husband had walked out and left her alone with her son 2 years ago, she'd been attracted to her co-worker for a few months now and till today there had only been a little flirting and severe eye contact between them, but he'd finally asked her out for dinner that very night and Lisa's stomach was already filled with butterflies. Lisa had only been at the office three hours, it wasn't even twelve o'clock yet, she never looked forward to the home time rush hour but today she didn't have to, the freeway was almost empty, before she knew it she was pulling into her driveway. Lisa's son, Mark looked out the living room window, he saw his moms car pull into the drive and then looked at his watch, his mom was home incredibly early today he thought, he smiled to himself devilishly, no matter he thought, it just means I've got more time. Mark pulled down his pajama bottoms and threw them onto the sofa behind him, he was now completely naked, he kneeled down on the floor in front of the widescreen TV that sat in the corner of the living room, he leaned forward and turned the television on, his heart was beginning to beat faster and faster as he watched a fuzzy blank screen appear, he leaned forward again and pressed the play button on the video recorder that lay on the shelf below the TV. On the screen appeared a film, a porno film, Mark had fast forwarded it earlier making sure that there would be some fucking occurring on the screen for when he needed it, and indeed there was, the TV showed a man leaning over an attractive blonde woman on a bed, his cock was boring into the woman's pussy almost to the hilt, the woman moaned with pleasure every time the man pushed his hips forward into the woman, her legs were pressed tightly around the man's sides and her feet were locked together on his back. Mark watched the action on the screen and felt his cock begin to swell, he stole a glance out the window and saw his mother getting her briefcase out the boot of the car, he quickly looked back at the screen , watching as the man began to pump his cock faster and faster into the woman's pussy, her groans of ecstasy filled Marks living room. Lisa locked the boot on the car and opened her front door, she kicked her heels off in the hallway and put her coat on the rack, then she heard the moaning. "Ohhhh!...Ughh..Fuck me...YES!" Cried a woman's voice from the living room. Lisa stood there for a moment more, not quite sure if she was really hearing it. "Uggghh...Oooo...Mmm, More, Oh fuck yes!" came the woman's voice again.Lisa wondered if her son might have brought one of his girlfriends back and hadn't heard her pull up in the car, she walked up the hall, the living room door was pulled to, Lisa slowly pushed it open and looked in. Lisa saw her only son Mark kneeling on the floor in front of the TV. He was naked and from her side on view of him she could clearly see her sons large erection, she looked at the television screen, the man and woman had switched places now, the woman had moved on top of the man, her legs either side of the man's thighs and she was pushing her ass forward onto the man's cock, every time she did, she threw her head back and moaned aloud. "Yes....Ughhh...Oohhh... Fuck..Fuc...Me!" Panted the woman.Lisa tore her eyes away from the screen and looked at her son again, he now had his right hand wrapped around the shaft of his thick cock and was pushing the foreskin back and forth across his purple, round cockhead, his tight ass cheeks wobbled every time he stroked his meat. Lisa felt her jaw go slack, she couldn't believe what she was seeing, her seventeen year old son masturbating! She was shocked, but Lisa couldn't tear her eyes away from her sons actions, she'd never seen a man doing the five finger shuffle before even when she was married, she watched her sons hand rubbing the foreskin across the cockhead as he intently watched the action on the screen. Mark looked like he was watching the porno film but he was really watching his moms face in the reflection he could see of her in the top corner of the screen, he smiled his devilish smile again, he started to push his hips back and forth in time with his strokes, his buttock muscles flexed as he did. Lisa watched her son start to pump his quite large cock faster and faster, she could see the small thin blood vessels running along his shaft, and watched the way his nice tight ass moved back and forth as he stroked his cock. The woman on the screen lifted herself off the man's huge cock before impaling herself back down onto it, her eyes closed tight she let out another moan. "Ohhhhhh!"Lisa finally realized that she shouldn't be watching her son masturbating, she felt herself get slightly angry, he should be doing that in the privacy of his own room she thought, not bringing it down here into the living room where they sometimes eat and relax. Lisa stepped further into the living room, she still couldn't look away from her sons obscene actions in front of her, as he pulled his foreskin back off his bulbous cockhead again she could see a thin line of pre-cum emerge from his slit and just for a second instead of anger Lisa felt excitement, sexual excitement. Mark watched as his mother came into the living room, he was now stroking his cock very fast, the bicep in his arm flexed as he beat his meat, he was waiting for his mom to say something, waiting for her to shout at him, he didn't need the film to keep him hard now, the fact that his own mother was watching him masturbate was enough to keep his cock rock hard. Only when Lisa was quite close to her son did she realize quite how big his cock was, not just in length, but width as well, his thick shaft emerged from his curly pubes and must have ran a full 10-inches in length, 10-inches! Thought Lisa, she couldn't remember seeing a cock as big before, she swallowed hard and again a little shiver of sexual excitement passed through her body. Mark still eagerly stroked his swollen cock, he could feel he wasn't too far from cumming but knew he couldn't not till he'd seen his little plan through. "Mark!" shouted Lisa angrily over the noise of the woman still moaning loudly on the TV. Mark turned around and feigned surprise at seeing his mother standing behind him, but he still continued to pump his hand along the shaft of his cock, with his free hand he leaned forward and turned the television off, without the woman's groaning from the porno film the house fell deadly silent. "Mark! What do you think you're doing?!" Lisa asked in shock. She couldn't believe he'd continued masturbating now that he knew she was there. Mark looked back over his shoulder at his clearly shocked mom and smiled at her, he ran his eyes across his moms body, she was wearing a white blouse without a bra and he could see her nipples pushing through the material, it wasn't cold in the living room so Mark assumed she was getting excited by his actions, she had on a quite tight fitting mid-length brown skirt which outlined her wide hips and full, toned thighs.Lisa watched her son's eyes play across her body as he still rubbed his cock, she watched his foreskin run across his round cockhead and back off it again, the pre-cum dripping from the end onto her carpet. "Mark I want you to stop that right now!" Lisa demanded, she tried to sound as angry as she could but her head was beginning to fill with bad thoughts as she became slightly hypnotized by Marks strokes of his dick. Lisa hadn't had sex in over two years, her only fulfillment had been a battery powered plastic dildo, which was nice but certainly didn't feel like the real deal, and didn't quite match up to her sons magnificent specimen directly in front of her. "Mark I'm warning you... please stop that!"Mark did stop, he took his right hand away from his thick cock, letting it drop to his side, his dick stayed fully erect, pointing almost straight up in the air, the foreskin pulled fully back off the purple, cockhead. Lisa sighed slightly, she snapped out of the horny dream state she was falling into and glared at her son, her eyes flashing with anger. "You dirty little bastard!" she screamed, she was standing next to the sofa and saw Mark's Pajama bottoms lying there where he'd thrown them, she grabbed them and threw them at him. "Put them on and go to your room, we'll talk about this later, you might be 17 but this is my house, you don't do that in my living room!" Lisa screamed. Mark stood up, his knee caps cracking back into place as he did, he still wore that devilish smile on his face, unflustered by his mom shouting at him, he turned around to face his mother, his cock weaving slightly from side to side as he turned. Lisa watched her son turn, his body was fit and lean, not exactly muscley but certainly nice she thought as she ran her eyes across his pectoral muscles and down over his flat stomach, her eyes eventually ending up on his cock again, it stood out from his body fully erect, weaving from side to side like a cobra about to strike. Lisa pointed to the pajama bottoms that lay at her sons feet."Please Mark, put them on," she begged her son.Mark bent down and scooped up the trousers from the floor and threw them back at his mother who instinctively caught them. "Why don't you help me put them on mom," Mark suggested, his voice low and full of menace. Lisa couldn't believe her son was talking to her like this, she'd never seen him like this before, what had happened to him? She thought. Mark looked over his moms hot body again, her small nipples still poked out through the blouse, she stood with her legs apart and the fabric of the skirt showed off the smooth sexy shape of her legs, Mike knew he had to make his move now, while his mom was maybe even slightly sexually excited about the situation she found herself in. He stepped towards her. Lisa thought her son wanted his pajama bottoms and held her hand out to pass them to him. Mark took hold of the p.j's and threw them across the room, they hit the wall and slid to the floor. Lisa gasped at her sons actions, Mark stepped closer."Mark, look I think you should go to your room and we'll talk about this later..." her voice trailed off as she looked back down at her sons still very erect cock. "..when you've calmed down." she finished. Lisa looked back up to her sons face, their eyes met and suddenly Lisa realized what her son was after - her. Lisa took a step back towards the doorway, her heart began to race, she felt a mixture of fear and excitement, scared what her son might do to her but also strangely quite excited about what he might do to her. Mark put his hand out towards his mother, his fingers just brushed against her right breast before she stepped away again. "Mark, honey...please..something seems to have hap, Oh!" Lisa gasped, she felt the door handle prod her in the small of the back. Mark smiled again and closed the gap between him and his mother.Lisa was deciding whether to stand her ground or turn around and open the door, she quickly decided on the latter. Mark watched his mother turn around and push the door handle down, trying to open it, he moved forward and put his hands firmly on his mothers hips and pulled her back towards him. "Ohhh!" Lisa gasped as she felt her sons strong arms pulling her backwards, she let go of the door handle. Mark pulled his mom back, her sexy, round bottom pressed into his groin, his hard cock pushing against his moms ass cheeks through her skirt. Lisa felt her sons stiff cock pressing hard against her round ass cheeks and she tried to pull herself forward away from the probing cockhead but her sons hands held her tightly round the waist. "Mom, I'm not going to hurt you, I could just need a hand with something, or should I say on something." Lisa ignored her sons joke, she could have kicked at him and screamed till he let her go but her anger was fading and was being replaced by a growing sexual excitement, her son wanted to fuck her she thought, and as that thought flashed into her mind she felt her pussy twitch. Mark moved his head round to the left side of his mothers neck and bit down lightly on her skin, his teeth pressing into the flesh slightly. "Mmmmm." Gasped Lisa as she felt her sons tender bite, she ran her right hand down the length of her thigh as the sexy sensation of her sons touch swept through her. Mark slowly moved his hands round from the sides of his mom skirt to the front, spreading his fingers out a little as he did. Lisa's mind was filling with crazy incestual sexual desires, her pussy was beginning to throb, a red rash began to spread across her chest as her sexual excitement grew. Mark reached the front of his moms skirt, his fingers spread out along the length of her pussy mound, he took his mouth away from his moms neck and moved instead to her earlobe, chewing on it lightly. Lisa closed her eyes tight as her child began to tease her earlobe with his teeth. Mark pushed the fabric of his moms skirt inwards as he began to rub on his moms pussy mound, moving his fingers in little circles against her body. "Ummmmc" Lisa murmured as Mark began to rub on her pussy mound, the rough fabric of the skirt rubbed against her thin panties which in turn rubbed against her swollen pussy lips, sending a shiver of delight up her spine. Mark began to move his hands quicker, pressing his fingers harder againstLisa's body, he pushed his hips forward and his hard cock pushed in between his moms ass cheeks slightly. "Ohh!" cried Lisa as she felt her sons hard cockhead move between her ass cheeks a little and his hands begin to stimulate her throbbing pussy. "You like this mom?" Mark asked as he took his mouth away from his moms earlobe. "Mmmmm," was all Lisa could reply, she leaned back against her sons hard chest as another surge of sexual electricity pulsed through her. Mark knew he had his mom aroused now and decided to try progressing a little further, he moved his hands up to the button on Lisa's skirt and quickly undid it. Lisa felt her son stop teasing her pussy mound and move his hands up to undo her skirt, No! said a little voice in her head I'm letting this get out of control. Lisa moved her hands up over her sons and tried to pull them away. "No Mark, we can't do this, I'm you mother," Lisa said firmly."But doesn't that make it even more exciting mom?" Asked Mark, the skirt was loose now and even though his mom's hands tried to stop him he started to pull it down her firm, smooth thighs revealing her little white panties underneath. Lisa didn't need to answer the question, the way her body was responding to her sons actions was enough to tell her the answer, her pussy was throbbing wildly, now eagerly awaiting to be teased again, her heart was beating quicker and quicker from the excitement of the situation. Mark pushed his moms tight skirt all the way down her legs and over her knees where it then fell to the floor around her ankles. Mark began to move his hands back up Lisa's legs over her smooth creamy white flesh."Ummmm!" Lisa moaned as her son slowly worked his hands up her thighs, she threw her head back resting it on Marks wide shoulders and closed her eyes tight feeling the delightfully sexy sensation of her sons touch. Mark worked his fingers up the inside of his moms thighs till he reached her white panties, he curled the forefinger on each of his hands against his moms panties, he could now feel her hot pussy lips through the thin cotton material, he began to rub the two fingers slowly against her swollen pink lips. "Ohh!" Lisa cried as her whole body spasmed from her sons touch, she threw her head forward, her red hair flying across her beautiful face. Mark rubbed his fingers a little faster against Lisa's pussy lips, feeling the heat of her horny pussy as he did. "Mmm..Ugghhh..Ohh." Lisa moaned as her body responded to Marks teasing, wave after wave of fantastic horny feelings ran through her. Mark smiled his wicked, evil smile. He thought his mom would have been more difficult to seduce than this, it was time for the final act. "Get down on the floor on your knees," Mark demanded of his mother.Lisa did what her son said without giving it a second thought, she knew what was going to happen next and she grew hornier just from the thought, she needed a hard cock inside her now and it didn't matter if it was her sons, she bent forward and kneeled on all fours on the floor, she opened her legs a bit, her round ass pointed upwards towards her son, without thinking about it she wiggled her ass cheeks from side to side slightly at him. Mark knelt down on the floor directly behind his mom, he leaned forward and took hold of the waistband of her panties pulling them down forcefully to her lower thighs. Lisa felt the fresh air against her slightly wet pussy as Mark ripped down her panties. Mark moved his right hand up to his moms exposed pussy lips and rubbed his fingers against them."Ohhh..Mmmm," gasped Lisa as her son touched her aroused pussy, she pushed her body back against his hand, feeling his fingers rub the length of her pussy. Mark inserted his forefinger into his moms wet vagina while still teasing her lips with the rest of his fingers. "Ugghhhh!" Cried Lisa as her boy worked his finger up inside her, she moved her head from left to right slightly as she felt Mark run his digit along the inside of her vagina, her whole body shivered with depraved sexual desires, if only having her sons finger inside her felt good, she thought, how would it feel with his 10 inch cock stuffed inside her? Lisa could hardly wait to find out. Mark moved his index finger into his moms vagina as well now and began to move both his fingers in little round circles, rubbing against the walls of his moms tight, wet pussy. Lisa bit down hard on her lower lip as feelings of incredible pleasurable intensity coursed through her. Marks fingers were slick with his moms pussy juices and his fingers slid back and forth easily along the inside of his moms vagina, he decided he wanted to taste those sweet juices. Lisa felt her son pull his two inserted fingers from her pussy, running them along the inner walls of her vagina as he did, she waited, her breathing ragged and fast, half of her hoping her son had come to his senses and stopped himself from committing a very bad act the other half of her hoping he was going to replace his fingers with his long, thick cock. Mark pulled his index and forefinger out of his moms pussy and licked the sticky juices from them savoring the taste, he then bent his head forward, burrowing his face in between his moms sweet, curvy ass cheeks, he stuck out his tongue and ran it across he moms hot, swollen pussy lips. Lisa felt the hot, wet prodding tongue on her sensitive lips and gave a deep, throaty moan which filled the living room. "Ooooohhhh!"Mark pushed the tip of his tongue in between the folds of his moms pussy lips and quickly located her quite large clit, with the hard tip of his tongue he began to tease the swollen clit bud. Lisa's whole body shook with delight as her son ran his tongue over her very sensitive clit, she pushed her sweet ass back onto her sons face and opened her legs a little further making sure Mark had easy access to her pussy, she could feel his stubble rubbing roughly against her flesh. Mark concentrated all his attention on his moms clit, running his tongue it little circles across it, her sweet pussy juices running into his mouth as he did. "Ummm...Ohhhh..YES!..Ohh!" cried Lisa, she was now very aroused, she could feel an orgasm building up inside. "Fu...Oh! FUCK ME!" Lisa shouted, she couldn't take anymore of her sons foreplay, she wanted his hard cock inside her. Mark gave his moms clit one last lick and then pulled his head back from his moms round, firm ass. He straightened himself up and lined his hard cock shaft up to the entrance of his moms pussy. Lisa's pussy throbbed as she waited her sons stiff cock.Mark pushed the tip of his cock in between his moms pink pussy lips."Ugghhh!!" Moaned Lisa as she felt her sons big purple cockhead begin to invade her horny pussy. Mark took hold of his moms hips, grabbing hold of her creamy white flesh and pulled himself forward, gradually inserting the rest of his large cock into his moms throbbing pussy. "OH MY GOD!" Screamed Lisa as her son pushed his thick cock into her wet, tight pussy. "Uggghhh." Responded Mark as he felt his moms pussy muscles tighten around his cock shaft as he stuck the last of his dick inside her. Lisa bit down hard on her bottom lip and closed her eyes tight as Mark inserted the last of his tool inside her, for a moment they both paused, only Lisa's deep, fast breathing could be heard in the room then the final act began. Mark pulled his hips back, pulling half his cock back out of his moms pussy before pushing forward quickly again, his hips slapping against his moms pert ass cheeks. "Oohh!" Screamed Lisa as Mark began to pump his cock in and out of her pussy. Mark quickly built up a steady rhythm as his cock reamed in and out of his moms slick pussy, he gripped the tops of her full, toned thighs, his fingers pinching her skin. "Ugghhh!" Lisa cried out, she threw her head down towards the floor, her hair flying forward across her sweat-soaked forehead. Mark looked down and watched his cock pump in and out of his moms vagina, his little plan had worked rather well he thought. Lisa's only thoughts were wanting her son to thoroughly fuck her, she could feel her orgasm already building inside her. "Ohhh...YES!....Uhhh... Mmm." Moaned Lisa, her body flowing with uncontrollable sexual desire, she pushed her ass back against her sons thighs feeling his thick, long cock bury itself deep inside her, her whole body shook. "You like....Uhh... this mom?" Mark grunted."Yes...Oooohhhh..YES!!" cried Lisa.Mark slowed down his rhythm slightly feeling his cum building inside his sac. He wanted to make this moment last, he was pretty sure his mom wouldn't allow him to fuck her again. Lisa clawed at the carpet breaking one of her manicured nails as another incredible sexual urge shot through her, had she ever felt this turned on before she thought, no was the answer purely because it was her son doing the fucking this was the most intense sexual experience of her life. " harder!" demanded Lisa, she felt her son slowing down, he's going to cum she thought. Mark did as his mother said, speeding up his rhythm a bit but he knew he was about to shoot his load. Lisa also felt herself about to come, her pussy muscles tightened, clamping themselves around her sons thick shaft as it ran across her sensitive clit bud. "Mmmm." Groaned Lisa, she couldn't stop herself any longer."Yes...Coming... Ohhh Yes!"Lisa just couldn't hold out, the orgasm that had been building, shot threw her like a rocket, her whole body started to tremble as wave after wave of intense sexual ecstasy overtook her, her sticky, creamy juices flooded into her pussy covering her son's cock as he continued to bore into her. ""OH..Ohhh... Ohhhhhh... Ohhhhhh!" Lisa moaned her face grimacing with the intense pleasure. Mark felt his moms pussy muscles release then tighten hard around his manhood, the sensitive red thread on the underside of his cock rubbed against his moms pussy wall as he pumped his cock into his moms now very wet pussy. Lisa pushed her hips back, her full, round ass pushing against her sons hairy thighs as she rode out her intense orgasm. "Yes....Yes...Mmmm." Screamed Lisa as the last of her orgasm swept through her hot, sweaty body. Mark had tried his best to last out but with one last forceful stroke the white, hot jets of cum spewed from the tip of his cock-head, his fingers digging deep into his moms thighs. "Ugghhhh!" Mark moaned as his cock erupted."Ohhhh." Lisa gasped as her pussy filled with her sons hot sperm, she pushed her ass back onto her son's enlarged cock, feeling wave after wave of sticky cum flow into her vagina. Mark pumped his cock into his moms pussy several more times, feeling her pussy muscles tighten around the shaft and milk the last drops of his cum, then her withdrew his wilting cock from his moms pussy, the shaft was covered with his moms sticky juices some of which dripped onto the carpet. Lisa dropped her head to the floor trying to catch her breath, the intense sexual feelings of her orgasm had passed and were quickly been replaced by guilt, guilt at having enjoyed her own son fucking her so much, she turned her head to look at her son who still knelt behind her, he was smiling, his eyes looking lustfully at her body. "No Mark we're never to do that again, you hear me?"Mark's smile widened."You say that every time we do it mom, you know you don't mean it."The EndIf you would like any of my other stories or tell me what you think of this story or any of the other stories I have written please e-mail the above address.Thanks ~R. Wood *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 68
"Hush, little baby, don't say a word! Momma's gonna buy you a mocking bird." And if that mocking bird won't sing, Momma's gonna buy you a diamond ring. -- traditional lullabyOh, sweetie, don't feel sad for me. I just can't ever get pregnant, and that's a fact and that's all there is to it! We'll just never be able to have a baby we've both made together, not the usual way, that's all. Ruthie says so, so that's that! She's my oldest friend, she'd never tell me what isn't so. She knows how I'd love to have a baby of my own, we used to play with dolls together when we were little, and now she runs that whole fertility clinic, her whole life dedicated to helping other women have babies? She actually chose that career even over marriage, it's inspiring! So she knows, and she's sure. She says my ovaries don't make eggs. Not even after all the super-heavy-duty hormones she's been prescribing me for months to force it -- they just don't. And that's that.So no, honey, it isn't you. No way. Ruthie tells me your sperm production is excellent. She's collected lots from you by now, for testing, originally for testing, remember? Now she has millions and millions of those little things of yours in those tubes and beakers of hers. That's why she wanted you to keep coming back all these months, to donate more. She thought you were falling in love with those paper cups she gave you to squirt into each time. But I'm sure she was joking. Your sperm are all remarkably vigorous she says. They'd be chasing each other's tails all day long even now except that now they're all frozen, in suspended animation. When they next wake up and become active and potent again, "motile" she calls it, they'll find themselves already inside some woman's warm, dark, slippery vagina, and they won't know why exactly but they'll all feel this yearning, this terrible urge to push deeper into her, and they'll feel competitive like guys do to get to her center, the core of her femininity, to drive for dear life all-out all the way to her womb. One incredibly lucky sperm will do it, find her ovum-of-the-month and penetrate it. She'll let him in. And then bliss, he'll feel marvelous for a moment. But then helpless, unable to stop her from doing whatever she wants to do next. Goodbye to his spermhood. That ovum will surround him and dissolve him and cell by cell she'll transform him into a baby. That's what he'll be when she's finished with him. A baby.That's what women want and that's what they do. We all know how, it's natural, a kind of gut instinct. And deep down that's what men crave. It's very basic, Ruthie says. That's how the species survives.You should feel pleased, Larry, because she thinks you're an ideal candidate for just that. You're a perfect biological father, a perfect sperm source for making babies, for making women into mothers. I mean, look at you, high IQ, no hereditary diseases, a gentle temperament, a cute physique, and a face that's almost pretty. Half of your sperms would make boys, of course, but Ruthie says she filters them out so the mothers will conceive only girls. That's what the clinic specializes in. girl babies for single women who don't want to live with men, they've had enough of that, nor with little boys either, just live with girls, by themselves or with others. There're special cases at the clinic too, of course. For example, Ruthie took me as her patient even though I'm married, because we go back such a long way. And there are always mothers who want baby boys to raise as if they were girls. For different reasons. Maybe they're from bad marriages and want to get even with their ex. Or maybe they don't relate well to little girls -- I don't blame them, we can get pretty snippy, I was just awful when I was little, stubborn, determined to have my way no matter what! Still am, sometimes. Or maybe they're feminists who want to reconstruct their very own male into someone who can't ever become a sexist pig, who always knows women are superior, I can understand that desire. For these Ruthie'll use male sperm, but she'll wash the foetus in hormones. Then when the baby'll gets old enough to know what he wants, he'll want to be a girl. Then the Mommy can raise him as a girl, no problem, and he'll appreciate her all the more.Anyhow, that's how she'll use your sperm. For women who want babies but don't want to be troubled by the baby's father, not even by the biological father. Who want girl babies or boys who are wannabe girl babies. There are lots of such women. In fact Ruthie never did understand why I wanted to marry a man. As she says men are only good for one thing and you can collect that in a beaker. She really and truly believes that. Anyhow, I can't get pregnant and it's all my fault. So we started talking about alternatives, how to solve the problem. Hire a surrogate mother, adopt a baby, you know, we've talked about those options with each other, over and over. But it's been just us for so long now that it's hard to imagine a time when it wasn't just us. I think any baby we had would have to be just us too, the way natural-born babies are.So in the end Ruthie called in Bethanne. You remember Bethanne, the doctor who looked you over top to toe the last time we were there? She and Ruthie live together. They're partners in the clinic, Bethanne's the head of their Surgical Alternatives program. We talked for a long time. Bethanne doesn't want babies herself, no more than Ruthie does, but she understands how most women are hard-wired by evolution to want to be mothers, how they can't help themselves. That's why they founded the clinic, to help them.The upshot was, Bethanne told me how we can have a baby after all, just the two of us, if we're both willing. Even if one of us isn't willing but the other's willing to make extra efforts. What it comes to is this. If we can't have a baby, then you'll be my baby. We'll reduce you to infancy and then let you grow up all over again. Not your body of course, that's all grown already, but your mind and your capabilities, they're more malleable. I'll baby you and you'll love it. Isn't that the sweetest idea? The clinic has a staff specially trained to help. They're due to arrive any minute now. I see you've finished drinking that nice warm milk I brought you. Didn't it make you nice and sleepy? Well, just lie down here and dream pretty dreams, and when you wake up you'll feel so much different about me and yourself and everybody. No problems! The whole world will seem so different. Nicer. Yes, my sweet baby, that's it, just close your...**Awww, is all wet again? Well don't cry darling, I'll just change you again. I know, I know, it must be so strange, once you were a big strong mans and now here you are lying here on your back and kicking your arms and legs and not quite able to make them work. It's so cute! But be patient, we all have to go through this stage. You did it once before and now you're doing it again, and this time it'll be so much easier, because you know so more about it. Everything's speeded up with this treatment Dr. Bethanne has worked out, but still, we won't let you grow any older until it's clear that you've accepted what we want you to be, that this is how it is and this is how it will be and that's that. A month or two maybe, longer if you're stubborn about it. No, that sweet tongue of yours doesn't work quite right now either, does it. Because babies can't talk, they can only cry to make their wants known. That's a terrible pity, because I miss it. Not the talking, I miss where you used to put your tongue sometimes when you kissed me in my private places. Well, rest, rest, sweetheart. It's time for me to give you my breast now, just suck on it, that's what helps my milk come in Dr. Ruthie says. Yes, oh you sweetie, my pet, yes, I love you more than ever! **Milky mum, powdery bum, tum-tum. My sweetheart! Baby Laurie can't talk, baby Laurie can't walk, no not yet, but don't you fret, you're still your Mommy's precious pet. Oh, lovely! I know every little thing you'd say if you could talk, lovely little Laurie. It won't do you any good to cry this month, your speech centers have been paralyzed to give your vocal cords a chance to heal, and also to keep you out of trouble if you want to shout, or if by some incredible effort you got to a phone. But you can smile, can't you, yes, you have a lovely smile darling. Dr. Bethanne tells me you'll smile now whenever I smile at you first, and also whenever nice thoughts about me cross your precious little mind, especially obedient thoughts, because that's how you're now programmed. Then when I smile back you'll feel especially good way deep down inside you, that's called contingent reinforcement. That's what Dr. Bethanne's has been teaching you with her hypnotisms and her medicines, helping you learn, so you'll try to please me a lot, so I'll smile back at you a lot, so you'll feel just wonderful inside. There's a good baby!It's a little like love, isn't it? Maybe it is love? Anyhow, when it gets apparent that you're sincere and can't really help but want to please me then she'll stop giving you those injections. You'll still need the other injections of course. That's it, that's it sweet Laurie, oh what a happy smile, oh, yes, how precious, oh my, I do love you so! Again, lovely?**Such funny sounds you're making now, my beautiful baby. Gurgles mostly, but soon you'll be able to say "Momma!" Can you say it now, maybe? Momma! Momma! No? Well sweetheart, soon. I'll do miss talking with you sometimes. I miss that other thing too, it's been over a month. It's still working fine though I see. Oh, sweetie, yes, just look at what happens to it when I put my hand on it, it gets stiff just the same as always! Just thinking about it, sometimes, I wonder whether ... wait just a moment until I can climb into your crib, I want to mount you. There, now! Oh, yes, now! Ride a cock horse, to Banbury Cross, to see a fine lady upon a white horse. Rings on her fingers and bells on her toes, she shall have music wherever she goes...! Oh, I'm going! Music, flowing! Coming! Bouncy bouncy! Ohhhh! Ahhh, Ahhh, Ahhhhhhhhh!**Sweet, sweet sweetums, just wait -- I want to get this soiled diaper off you and into the diaper pail -- there, and now to oil and powder your cute bottom, mmmmm, isn't that nice? Now as soon as I get this nice new dry diaper fastened snug around your middle I'll go get you a fresh bottle of milk to help fill your tummy some more. I know you're hungry but you'll just have to wait only a little bit longer, the doctor wants you to lose a little bit more weight before she lets you have solid food. Only another week. It's been three months now that I've been breast feeding you, and I know you love it, my milk! So surely you can wait another week for other things to munch on.Oh, you saw! I see you're looking down there now with those big, wide, staring eyes of yours. Yes, it's gone. You look so much neater down below now, and you're so much easier to keep clean! No more flippy-floppy dingle-dangle hanging there attached to you any more. It was in the oddest place, anyhow, between your legs, where surely it was in your way all the time. Instead, Dr, Bethanne gave you the cutest cunny, neat as a button, and right where it'll always be when you want it. That's because you're a girl now, love. Ruthie's clinic only makes girls, I told you that already! I'll miss it too, but we can't have everything, and you'll find there are compensations. Now as soon as you're finished healing we can start your toilet training, and soon, no more diapers! You'll be able to wear pretty girly panties -- I have a whole stack in your drawer waiting for you! And then you'll be able to run and play too, and re-learn your motor skills. That'll be your reward, once you're cleaned up, and once we know for sure that you like your life and never want to make me unhappy about anything.**Happy Birthday, Laurie sweetheart! Your first birthday as your new self! And just look at the pretty party dress I have for you! No, not now, I know you want me to think you're the prettiest little angel in all the heavens, I know you want me to smile at you so you'll feel all nice inside, but wait till I've finished explaining. First I want you to take a bubble bath with your Littlest Mermaid bath oil, it smells so flowery, and be sure to powder yourself. Then when you're all clean and lovely you can put on a pair of new undies and an underslip. And then this dress, and when everything is snapped and buttoned in place and your hair is brushed fifty times I'll tie a ribbon in your hair into a big bow, and then watch you dance with delight in front of the mirror, the dance I taught you to do whenever I give you something new to wear. I love that little jig with the big smile! My heart just bursts with joy, and I'm sure yours does too.And here's more exciting news! This is your special day, so today I'll let you wear my grown up makeup along with your new dress. Yes, sweetheart, I want you to look your prettiest. I've arranged a party for you, with a cake with candles to blow out and ice cream and everything, and two other little girls are coming who are just about your age, girls just like you, they'll be coming direct from the clinic with their Mommies. And Aunt Julia, she's the volunteer auntie from the clinic who teaches new girls proper behavior, she wants to come help you celebrate too. I know, she's spanked you quite a few times by now, but you did deserve it every time, I'm sure, and she always meant well, it was for your own good. And it worked -- they tell me that lately you haven't been the least bit naughty. Maybe even Dr. Ruthie or Dr. Bethanne may drop by, isn't that exciting? Now, most special of all, I'm going to give you a pill so for the first time since you became my darling baby you'll be able to speak to me. Mainly so you can speak with your little friends -- they've already learned to stop feeling sorry for themselves, and are eager now to try to make their Mommies smile. So they've gotten further into their second childhoods than you -- as their reward they've both been allowed to talk, it's been for a few weeks now. Of course it takes time for a disabled speech center in the brain to come back, so they're still lisping, and they still lapse back into baby talk and babble if they don't concentrate and try real hard to say each word. You will too at first. But it's a beginning. If you do nothing to make me ashamed, like act as if you weren't always a girl or talk back to me, then before long I'll give you your second pill and you'll be able to talk just like any other little girl your age. Now then, I want you to be on your best behavior and make me proud!**I'm furious with you! What did you think 911 would do when you phoned and told them that your Mommy was making you into a little girl and you wanted them to make her stop? Of course, send over a policewoman as a precaution just to find out just what was really happening! So I had to scurry you down to the cellar and then stand there and chat with her about childrearing until we both agreed that the only thing harder to do than raise a young girl was raise a young boy, that's what she's doing single-handedly, poor woman. And all this in the middle of my favorite television show!Try that one more time young lady and I'll revoke your walking and talking privileges and it'll be back to your crib to learn everything all over again, and this time properly, so it lasts! **Honey, your room is a mess, a disaster area! I didn't let you buy your own cosmetics so they'd be left all over the place half-open! And what do I see? Your face powder has spilled into your blouse drawer, and that new shade of nail polish you were so eager to have, Rose Dawn, you said Seventeen Magazine said everyone's wearing it, you left the bottle open and it's already hardened, you're fortunate it didn't spill first! You're barely a teen, anyhow, why are you reading magazines that are too old for you? Dr. Bethanne says you mature around six years for every year you've actually spent as a girl, and it's been only a little more than two years, so you're not even thirteen by that accounting! And when was the last time you picked up your clothes and put the ones that need laundering in the hamper? I go out for a quiet evening with my friend Ralph, a drink and then a stop at his place afterward for a few hours or so and I tell you I want to see everything neat and orderly by the time I get back and when I get back what do I find you've done? Nothing! You are grounded for a week, Miss!**Ah, Laura, before you go out, is it with Timmy again? I've been meaning to tell you. Your boobies are coming on nicely, right on schedule, the way Dr. Bethanne said they would -- and you're behaving these days like a little princess. I'm really pleased. But honey, I think it's time we bought you a real bra. Not just another "training" bra -- you're already a "B" cup I'm pretty sure, maybe already bigger. Of course all bras inhibit the boys you're seeing, slow them down I suppose when they try to paw you. But that's part of it -- you don't want to get the reputation of being too easy. If you like we'll get you some lacy black little nothings that I guarantee will drive them crazy when you take off your blouse to... well, you know. The kind I wore when you were Larry, you remember? It drove you crazy back then, you couldn't take your hands off me! **Why are you shaking your head -- you don't want to take off your blouse in front of boys? It isn't right? Well, look who you are, Miss Prim! No, I suppose it does seem immodest to be that frank about wanting a boy to caress you in sensitive places. But can't you at least find a boyfriend or two who knows how to slip his hands into your blouse and onto your boobs without ripping the buttons off? I mean it! My sewing basket is filled with your blouses by now!Oh yes, listen, easy reputation or not, you should be thinking about which of the boys you know you want to give the gift of your virginity. You're plenty old enough. At our last Mommy's meeting I learned that quite a few of the girls in your age group are already sexually active. And no girl should ever reach sweet sixteen with her hymen still intact -- it implies there's something wrong with her. Yes, you have one; Dr. Bethanne saw to it when she made your cock into a pussy, "our girls have every advantage" is what she said. As if she hadn't lost hers to a candle when she was eleven, where was the advantage in that? She still thinks candles make better lovers than men. I've offered to lend her Mike the next time his truck's scheduled for a delivery in town, Mike's cock could easily prove her wrong. Even Ralph's. But she won't hear of it. And honey, listen, there's something else. Ruthie warned me once that no matter how rigorously you've been conditioned to femininity, and you've now had the best the clinic provides, some corner of your mind probably still thinks you're a husband who was forcibly turned into an infantile male eunuch by his wife and then trained to be a feminized adult male eunuch, that you're not at all a baby girl who's become a woman. She says you'll think that until you've been laid repeatedly. "It takes hard fucking to make a woman glad she's a woman," she says. "With a dildo or a cock doesn't matter, it's the pleasure that matters. That's what's habit forming. Even then she'll think it, but she won't care any more." That's what she said. She said I should get you started with one of my own dildos if you can't seduce a suitable boyfriend.No, sweetie, don't blush. We all have that crease down there between our legs for a reason. It's time you found out why. I want my little girl to have all the advantages. To be truly happy!**That was a nice party. All those little girls gathered in one place, and so many of them half-sisters, all fathered by the same sperm donor -- now that's an accomplishment Larry would have been proud of if he'd lived. They looked so cute, tumbling and playing together while we mothers were having tea and chatting and everything. You know something, I couldn't tell the little boys who think they're girls from the real girls, could you? I simply can't tell them apart. I suppose inside their panties anyone can see the difference. But only the littlest little girls ever show off their panties, they lift up their dresses for fun because they don't know any better. When they grow up they'll know better why girls lift their dresses, for what kind of fun. You know better now, don't you?I guess it's true, though, some women prefer boy babies who've been made into girls to natural girl babies. I asked that Martha Reddick, Lisa's mother, why she wanted Lisa to be born a boy and not a regular girl baby, and she laughed and said something about getting back at her former husband that way. When he ran off apparently he left some of his sperm behind, inside her. The clinic was able to harvest it and impregnate her and then treat it with hormones so her baby would come out transsexual. So Lisa isn't your son, he's her ex-husband's. Lisa doesn't know it yet of course, not at all, but Martha's ex sure does. Martha sends him pictures of Lisa every birthday so he can follow out how his son's doing. Don't get me wrong, she loves Lisa dearly and buys him all sorts of frilly things to wear, did you see that party dress, and the cute lipstick she had on him? And he's not even six! And Lisa seems happy enough -- all those Barbies he brought to the party to play with, and he's so cute, he says that's what he wants to be when he grows up, all of the Barbies at once! That's so dear! I suppose it's all right. His mother says what she wanted originally was to do to her husband exactly what I did to you, make him a baby and then raise him up to be a girl. She'd begun setting it up when he heard about it, and in fact that was why he left her, the same day he heard.It was really good of you older girls to volunteer to watch the little ones while we women socialized. You know, I don't think Nancy, Janice's daughter -- she's exactly your age, you were talking to her some of the time -- I don't think Nancy turned out at all as nice as you did. Talk about truculent teens, she hardly ever says a word to anyone! I don't know what you two ever find to talk about. Janice says if Nancy doesn't make herself more popular with boys soon she's going to do it forcibly, maybe get her raped and then put her out on the street to earn her own keep. She wants a proper teen daughter with a proper sex life, like my daughter's. What could I say? I told her they're all difficult, all teen girls; it's a difficult age. I can't say you have Nancy's problem though! Boys calling you all the time? I told you to tell them only call you on that phone I put into your room, I don't care if it is busy all the time, you have Call Waiting, talk less to your girlfriends if you want to receive your boyfriends' phone calls. Good heavens, you see those girls all day in that Charm School I send you to anyhow, and then you get home and straight way call them up and talk some more, all hours, way into the night? And you've taken to staying out all hours too, come to think of it. I asked Barry whatsisname, that nice tall boy who's going to State next year on a scholarship, I asked him what you two do when you're out half the night, and he just smirked and said "What not?" He said something about meeting up with other guys and then getting you to "pull a train" with them. I think was his expression. Is that some new dance? I don't know what exactly, but it doesn't sound respectable. You aren't always careful about your reputation!While we're on the subject, you don't do your home tasks properly either, young lady. Just this morning I got home from my overnight at Tom's place and found last night's dinner dishes still haven't been cleared away, and you still haven't put the laundry into the dryer. I swear, I don't know why anyone ever wants to have children, they're such trouble. Do they ever listen to you? And are they ever grateful, do they ever say "Thank you, Mommy, for having me and raising me and being so loving!" Have you ever? Of course not. Not even once.**Honey, I have wonderful news, just sit and listen. No, this time not on that dildo chair I gave you for your last birthday, you always squirm when you sit there and it makes me nervous when I'm trying to talk to you, and this is important. It affects both of us.I'm going to be a grandmother! That's right, one of the babies the clinic grew in a client's womb has been returned for adoption -- the Mommy found that taking care of a baby was too much like taking care of her former boyfriend, and that was just what she was trying to avoid. So I told Ruthie we'd take her, we'd love to have her, and that you'd take good care of her. Don't say no, she's your daughter as much as any baby is any man's -- she was conceived with your sperm. You're her biological father, and now you'll be her nurturing mother too. You owe her that much, it's a responsibility to bring a baby into this world, you should know that by now. You never complained about it during all those sexy sessions you had with Dr. Bethanne's paper cups. And besides, the adoption papers are all signed.So tomorrow you'll visit the clinic to get your first shot of the hormones you'll need to bring in your milk. Yes, those large breasts of yours will finally be put to their proper uses. Not that attracting guys isn't one of their proper uses, but this does take priority, surely you'll grant that. Are you still seeing Timmy? Barry? Well, don't worry, now and then when your new baby is finished feeding and has fallen asleep there'll be some left over for whatever guy you're fucking these days, and I'm sure he'll get to love it as much as the baby does. You'll be able to nurse your little girl and your current big boy both. That's heaven, kind of. You're so lucky.Believe me honey, it's beautiful, being a mother. You'll love it. I did. I miss those days already -- you grew up so quickly! Like the song says, "Sunrise, Sunset," it seems only yesterday that you were a darling infant I held in my arms, and yet looking back now I see that it was a full three years ago, just about, maybe more. And now here you are a grown-up woman, about to become a mother in your own right. My! And that makes me the baby's grandmother!They do say that being a grandmother is even more wonderful than being a mother, because then you can have all the fun of playing with the baby and none of the responsibility. She'll be your baby, Laura, you'll be taking care of her the whole time she's growing up, and that'll be years and years. You'll go through all the diaper changing and the problems of trying to raise a teenager, not me. Though eventually you'll get to be a grandmother too, that can be your consolation. You've made me so proud, honey! I must say, all in all you've turned out way better than I'd hoped, certainly better than I expected. And now you're about to become a mother too. The wonder of it! But then, that's the circle of life.You know, I've been thinking, when you're safely settled in with your own baby I just might get married again. I liked being married to you, and I'm not too old to start over. Have another baby, maybe? Ruthie says now that she might have been wrong, that maybe I can produce ovums after all -- she just didn't like seeing me married to you, she said, a man, though she likes your sperms well-enough. But she sees now that I'm stubborn as ever, I still prefer sex with men more than with women, and sex with men is still the most fun way to make babies, and husbands are still the most convenient form men come in. So now she says she'll take another look. But even if she was right the first time, and I really can't produce viable ovums, well, there he'd be, a husband at home for me to baby. Husbands love to be babied. Didn't you? So what have I got to lose? End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 24
I don't know how to start, so I guess I'll just do what my mother always said: Start at the beginning and end at the end. My name is Vincent, I'm 22 years old and I live in Southern California. This happened to me about 3 years ago.It was a Friday in early May like any other May day in Southern California; Sunny, warm and bright as hell. I was going to school, a community college, studying to become an history professor. I wanted to teach in a suburban Junior High somewhere. I've always had a penchant for younger girls, anywhere from 11 to 15, but I never really made the fact known. I was walking to my first class, English Lit with Professor Brisque, when I quite literally bumped into a girl I knew from one of my classes. Britney was average everything, five foot six a hundred twenty pounds, not a knockout stunner, but I never really went for them anyway. I think she had a crush on me. After I finished picking up her papers and books I'd knocked over, we got to talking."So how've you been?" She asked me, as we had just recently returned from spring break, "What did you do over break?""I flew back east to visit some relatives," I replied, "How about yourself?""Nothing too exciting, I spent some time with family, my two sisters, Janine and Lauren, and my cousin Beth. Beth was in town from Nevada. She hadn't been to the ocean since she was a baby and didn't remember it, so we spent a lot of time down there.""Four girls sitting on the beach? That doesn't sound too terrible," I replied, trying to act coolly, "How old are your siblings?""Well lets see, Janine is 4 years younger than me, so she is fourteen and Lauren is 2 years younger than her. Beth is ten, but she fits right in with the rest of us. She is in town for another week, it is her birthday on Sunday. We are going to, yeah, you guessed it! The beach! You should come down and hang out with us if you're not too busy.""Well I'll have to think about that," Right, Like I would have to think about the chance of seeing 3 young girls in skimpy bathing suits and a cute woman who seemed quite interested in me. "How about I meet you guys on the pier at around noon, I'll take you all to lunch and maybe a bit of shopping. Then we can laze around the beach for a few hours and take it from there. Sound OK?""Sounds great, Vin! I'll let the girls know we're having more company"Wow, this could turn out to be a wonderful weekend. I'd need to do a bit of planning to get anything out of it though. I am, as some would say, independently wealthy. I won quite a fortune at a young age playing chess. A couple of good years of an internet stock boom, with the foresight to pull out at the right time and I would never have to work another day in my life. Why a community college one might ask? Well there are fewer snobby people there. At all the big colleges, even some of the smaller state ones, people think they're so much better than you. I could've easily gotten into just about any college I wanted, but I decided this was good enough. So on to the plans.I went to a nice hotel and made a reservation for their largest room, said I would be having a small gathering and I would not be disturbed. I handed the Maître d' a couple hundred dollars and I was set for a location. Next I was going to need motivation. Britney wouldn't be too hard to motivate, but I don't know how comfortable the others would be. I knew a couple guys who were into the "younger" crowd and I got some tapes and Polaroid's from them and had them hidden in the room. And toys, can't forget them. Girls love toys. I went to the local Erotic Book store and bought a couple dildos and a bunch of lube. Chances are they thought I was going to be sticking a lot of stuff up my own ass, but I didn't really care what they thought.Sunday rolled around and it was time for the party. I put of a bathing suit, and then some regular clothes. I drove down to the pier, parked my Mustang and walked over to the restaurant area. I saw Britney and three of the cutest young things I'd ever seen. To build on my previous description of Britney, she had B, bordering on C cup breasts, chestnut brown hair, and beautiful blue eyes. Janine was in mid development with B-cup breasts and nicely flared hips. She had jet black hair to the middle of her back and eyes that could kill. She was about as tall as Britney. Both were wearing bikini tops and boy shorts, though I was sure Britney had a thong underneath. Lauren was the prettiest of the bunch. She had bleach blonde hair, dyed slightly pink, about to her neck line. She had green eyes and dimples when she smiled. Her body was barely starting to develop. She had no breasts to speak of, and her hips were ever so slightly cured outwards. She wore a 1 piece bathing suit that was about two sizes too small, like she hadn't bought one in a couple years. When she bent the right way the suit would ride up her wonderful ass quite a lot. Beth was a very pretty little girl who looked nothing like the rest. She was a flaming redhead with freckles abound and a boy's body. She also wore a one piece but hers fit much better."My, don't we all look beautiful today?" I exclaimed when I walked closer."Hi Vinny!" Britney said excitedly, "Girls say hello to Vinny. He is going to be joining us today.""Hi Vinny," the two younger girls said almost in unison"Hey Vin," Janine said in a very demure manner. I think she was a bit embarrassed, though I don't know why."Hello girls. Well what do you think we should do first, shopping or some lunch?""I'm starving, let's get some lunch!" Beth said.The other girls agreed."Okay, Beth. As you're the birthday girl, I think we should let you chose the restaurant. Anything you want, my treat.""Cool! How about ice cream?""Well I think we should have lunch first!" Britney laughed."Oh, okay," Beth sighed, "Let's go to Fat Joe's Hamburgers down the boardwalk here""Sounds wonderful. The rest of you girls agree?" I asked."Sure.""Yeah.""Why not?"We all walked over to the restaurant. It was a large restaurant converted from a drive-in diner. It was a rotund white building, with a fat man holding a huge hamburger on the roof. I ordered five hamburgers and fries and 5 milkshakes for us and sat down. The girls talked about girl things, who they liked at school, the latest pop stars and whatever else came to mind. I just sat there quietly intent on listening to every detail. We all finished lunch around the same time, except for Lauren who was a very slow eater. Once she finished, we went sown the pier, stopping into shops as we saw fit. One shop in particular caught my eye. It was a very trendy beach apparel and swim wear shop called La Belle Plage. I recommended we all go in there."Lauren, looks like you could use a new swimsuit, the one you're wearing is quite small for you," I said.She blushed, "Yeah I haven't gone swimming in a couple years so I never bought a new suit.""Well pick something out and I'll buy it for you," I offered, "In fact, new swim stuff for everyone!"The three younger girls let out a mock cheer and ran into the store. Britney stayed back with me.She said, "I'm going to pick something really sexy out.""Sounds tantalizing," I replied, "What should I get?""Anything but a Speedo, those are so lame.""Hm, I don't know. The spandex really makes my balls feel great!""There are other ways of doing that," She laughed, "If you meet me in the dressing room in 5 minutes I can show you."Well here was an unexpected twist. I thought I was going to have to wait until later that night to get any action, but here was this woman wanting me now. Britney walked into the store with a decidedly swaying gait. I followed suit about ten seconds later. I browsed around the men's section and watched her pick out something very revealing and sensual. It was a black g-string with a tiny green top. She walked over to the fitting rooms and disappeared behind the curtain. I grabbed whatever I could find and followed her in. Inside the fitting room there were 5 separate rooms, and I didn't see which one she went into."Britney!" I whispered.A door opened to reveal Britney dressed in this hot little bathing suit. She did a three-sixty and I saw her wonderful ass in its full glory. I stepped toward her into the dressing room and shut the door behind us. She giggled and locked the door. I began kissing her hands and arms, then up her neck. I was at her face. I kissed down her neck again and to each tit. I pulled the restraining fabric aside and suckled on each erect nipple for a time and then wend on down her flat tummy to her pelvic area. I pulled off the tiny bottoms of the swimsuit to see a completely shaved pubic region. I kissed her swollen pussy and stuck my tongue in her hole. I licked back and forth. I tongued her clit, sucking and nibbling, until she had a powerful orgasm. Some girl juice flowed out and I licked it all up, sucking her pussy for any of the remaining sweet nectar."My god, that was amazing," she blurted out."I tried," I said somewhat timidly."Well, thank you! Now it's my turn."She hooked her thumbs in the waistband of my pants and dragged them down unceremoniously. My cock was already most of the way hard from the arousing spectacle earlier, and it didn't take much coaxing to get all the way up. Was this chick an amazing cocksucker? She knew exactly what to do, no teeth grazing my dick, only tongue. She sucked up and down my eight inch prick for what seemed like days, only pausing to swirl the head with her tongue. Well in no time at all I was ready to cum. I told her so and she damn near swallowed my entire dick, her throat muscles massaging the sides. I let loose a load of jizz like no other in the history of sex. It flowed freely down her esophagus and only a little leaked out the sides. She let my cock go and wiped the rest of the sperm with her finger and next came something rather unexpected. She put her sperm-covered finger inside her pussy, and started massaging the sperm into her slit! Man this girl was way hot. I was going to have to remember to give her equal attention tonight, though that may be hard if my plans go off without a hitch. I looked at my watch, wondering if we had time for a little more. We'd only been in the booth for a total of ten minutes but I was paranoid that the girls might suspect something. I pulled on my shorts and sadly told Britney to do the same."I love the bikini though. If you want it, I'll gladly buy it for you. You look so fucking hot in it," I exclaimed."Well if you like it," She blushed."Hell yes I do. Well we had better make sure the girls haven't gotten bored and run off somewhere. Let's go," I said.I walked out of the dressing room to see the three girls clotted by the counter staring at the fitting room door as I emerged."Where the hell have you been?" Janine asked, "We've been waiting for you to finish 'trying on' your suit so we can go. We've all got suits picked out.""Sorry, girls," I said a bit embarrassed, "But we can but the stuff and go now. I decided my suit that I have already is just fine," At that moment Britney walked out of the dressing with her revealing bikini on, and picked up a semi-transparent cover-up off a rack and put it on."I'm going to get this stuff here," She said to the man behind the counter, "What did you girls get?""I got this," Janine said, holding up a small pink tube top and a pair of pink half-moon boy shorts."I am wearing the one I'm going to get," Beth said. It was a cute little two piece which made her look very innocent and darling. It was green with flowers all over it and said "Cutie" across the ass."I agree with your butt!" I joked. She giggled and blushed a little.Lauren didn't say a word and did a little turn around. She was wearing a marvelous one-piece suit. It rode up high in the front revealing a lot of leg and was a thong in the back. My jaw damn near hit the ground and she just smiled. The man at the counter rang us up. The total came to $317.45. Man, having 4 sexy girls was going to be a bit expensive, all worth it though, if my plans came to fruition. As we were walking out, I noticed the tan lines most of the way down Lauren's cute little butt. I don't think she'd ever worn anything quite so high cut in her life. Well it just made her look even sexier.We walked toward the beach. I lay down one of the towels I bought and sat down on it. The wind was starting to pick up. Britney plopped down next to me while the other three girls ran towards the ocean. I wrapped a towel around the two of us and we bundled close together. We sat there staring at the ocean and the kids for a good ten minutes. Then I felt Britney's hand slowly make its way down my shorts. I looked over at her and she just kept staring straight ahead, but she let out a big grin. "Damn," I thought to myself, "This chick just can't get enough!" She started to squeeze my flaccid cock and it slowly came to life. I took my cue from her and started to rub her crotch with my palm. I slid aside the fabric and sunk 2 fingers into her hole. We sat there slowly masturbating each other to quiet orgasm. Every once and a while Janine would look back at us suspiciously. I thought she suspected what we were doing. I also thought she was a bit jealous. After forty-five minutes the wind really began to howl. I suggested that we pack up and find someplace to go. I yelled out to the kids and they hesitantly began to come back."Sorry that the weather isn't cooperating Beth," I said, "But how about this: I'll get you all ice cream to make up for it!""Sounds great!" she replied.We walked down the beach a bit and found a nice somewhat secluded ice cream shop. I told the girls to order what they wanted. The younger two girls devoured their ice creams in no time flat, but Janine nursed hers along. She had a vanilla scoop in a waffle cone, and she bit out the bottom of the cone to suck the ice cream out. While she was suckling the ice cream, she kept looking over at me somewhat sensually. At one point Beth said something funny and we all laughed, and in doing so Janine spilled quite a bit of the ice cream on her chest. I grabbed a couple napkins from the counter and handed them to her."I don't need 'em," she said, "Why let good ice cream go to waste?" She scooped up some of the ice cream off her chest and put in into her mouth. She repeated the process several times and said, "Did I get it all?"I took this as my cue to start the evening's plans a little bit early. I said "Almost," and I licked the remaining bit off her chest. I think she, and everyone else, was a bit surprised, but I played it off well when I said, "Can't let any go to waste!"We all finished our ice creams and saw the weather getting worse. I suggested that we go back to my place to watch some movies, as I had a nice entertainment center and a cool surprise. The girls assented I had the girls climb into my Mustang and we roared off to the hotel."What do you think the surprise is?" I asked.Beth immediately said hopefully, "A pony?""No," I laughed, "not quite that good.""I don't like surprises," said Lauren, "Just tell us!""Okay, I rented one of the best hotel rooms in town just for us tonight. We can have a sleepover, watch movies all night and play games!" I winked at Britney at the last part. She had the biggest smile you've ever seen at that moment."Sounds great!" Beth said, "That's a wonderful birthday surprise!"We drove up to the valet and had him take the car. Once in the lobby, I checked in and sent the girls up to the room while I had a word with the manager."I don't want to be disturbed tonight. This is my cousin's birthday and she is very special to me. We might get a bit loud but we're on our own floor so I don't think we'll bother anyone. I don't want any calls or any room service unless I talk to a manager first. You got that?" I asked."No problem sir!" the manager replied."Good. I'll be going up now."I went up to my room. Once inside I acted normal. The girls loved the room. It was about 3 rooms actually, a main living room, a nice bedroom with a king size bed and a cool bathroom with a Jacuzzi style tub. I went to the TV and ordered a kid-friendly movie, what it was exactly I forget. I sat on the couch with Janine to my right and Britney to my left. The two other girls lay on their stomachs on the floor. I covered the three of us with a blanket and started to zone out to the movie. Just about half an hour into the movie, I felt a lone finger sliding up and down my stomach and getting closer to my cock. I looked over at Britney and smiled but saw she was sound asleep. I turned my head to Janine who met my gaze with intensity."I have to go to the bathroom," Janine said and got up. She walked to the bathroom with a very sexual walk. At the last second she turned to me and winked. About a minute later I woke up Britney and said, "I have to go to the bathroom, I'll be back in a few."She just kind of groaned and went back to sleep. The other two girls barely even noticed I was alive. I walked into the bathroom and looked around. Janine wasn't anywhere to be seen. I stepped a bit farther in and the door closed and locked behind me. Standing completely nude in front of me was Janine. This girl was delicious. She had skin about the color of chai tea and raven black hair. Her tits were perky and small. She had no pubic hair. I wasn't sure if that's because she shaved or if it just hadn't started to come in yet. She walked over to me and started to pull off my shirt. I tried to say something but she just put her finger on my lip. Taking my cue from her, I suckled her finger into my mouth. Once she had completely disrobed me, she kneeled down on the tile floor and started sucking my fully erect cock. She wasn't as good as her sister, but I could tell she had at least tried this before.I said "This isn't your first time is it?""Not doing this, but this is as far as I've gotten. I want to go all the way, every way possible.""Well not all right now," I laughed a bit, "We don't have the time. But if you give me a sec I can get us going really well."She agreed. I sat her on the toilet and started fingering her and eating her out. This was only to get her wet because I left all the lube in the bedroom. She was moaning pretty well. Once she was wet enough, I had her get up and I sat on the toilet. I told her to face me and squat down a little so the head of my dick was just touching her pussy lips. I told her it was probably going to hurt a little her first time. She said she didn't mind and to do it quick. So I held her there and told her to make her legs go limp. Then I slowly slid my head into her pussy and after it was in ok I dropped her on top of me. My cock cut through her hymen like a guillotine blade through a watermelon. She squeaked in pain a little, but just sat there motionless. I started lifting her up and setting her down in a slow motion. After a few minutes of this I picked up the pace. She started to use her legs to do the pacing on her own and I thrust up to meet her downward pushes. She was bouncing along like a natural when her body started to shiver and shake. Her pussy clamped down on my dick like a vice. Her eyes glazed over and she started to scream. I put my hand over her mouth and let her first cock-induced orgasm take its course. My orgasm quickly followed suit and soon we were both just sitting on the toilet seat, covered in sweat dripping our love juices. I smiled at her."I've been wanting to do that to you since I first saw you this afternoon," I said, "And to tell you the truth I kinda had something along those lines planned for later tonight.""That's funny because I had similar plans. I just saw you and knew you were the one," She said, "My sister and cousin also think you're totally hot and are going to try something."My mind was reeling. Four girls who all wanted me? Did I just die and go to heaven? What to do next? I could just go out there naked and stick it in someone's ass, but I think that would take some of the fun out of it. Maybe I'll just leave some of the porn on the bed and let the girls discover it. I told Janine my plans and she said she'd keep giving Lauren sodas so she would have to go pee. She was sure to see the porn as the bathroom was in the bedroom. We split up, I went to the bedroom to get one of my mags and Janine went to get everyone drinks. I also changed to make it look like I was in the bedroom the whole time. When I walked up Janine was handing Lauren a huge mug of root beer. I grabbed a can of cola and sat down next to Britney. She was more awake now. I kissed her rather passionately in front of everyone and the two younger girls blushed and giggled. I offered to get everyone refills and again brought Lauren back an especially large mug of root beer. Twenty minutes passed and I saw the liquids taking effect on her tiny bladder. She crossed her legs tight and was starting to rock back and forth on the carpet. The movie was almost over. As soon as it was she jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I popped a DVD into the player sitting on top of the TV and we began to watch something a little racier. I let five minutes pass then I got up to 'go to the bathroom' and walked quietly over to the bedroom door. I listened and hear quiet moans and quick breathing. I walked back a couple steps and made a normal approach. I walked right into the bedroom to see Lauren on her back, legs splayed and her playing with her glorious bald pussy. The second she heard the door hit the adjacent wall she sat bolt upright and turned bright red. She tried to cover her small pussy and chest with her arms, and was doing a fairly good job of it because they were as yet rather undeveloped."It's ok, honey. You don't need to be embarrassed, what you were doing is perfectly natural. I did it at your age and I still do it now," I said, trying to reassure her."R-really?""Of course!""Oh wow Can I, uh, well. Can I see you?""I think so. Here, scootch over a little." She moved a few inches and I sat on the bed next to her. "I'll show you what men do," I took off my pants and slid my boxers to my ankles. I looked over at her naked little body and started stroking my cock. Her eyes never left my throbbing member. I kept it up for another minute then said, "Come over to the end of the bed," I got off the bed and kneeled down in front of her and said, "Okay, no put your knees over my shoulders." She did as I said and I dove in her pussy without warning. I lapped her juices and coaxed her little clit out. I really gave it a working over. I picked her up and lay on the bed myself, with her sitting on my face. "Oh god!" she moaned, "That feels so good." I turned her around so she was facing my hard cock and gently lay her down on top of me. I told her to start licking my penis and suck the head. I didn't want her to choke on it her first time. This was her first 69 and I didn't want her to have a bad memory. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Janine leading the other two girls in the room. I watched Britney undress herself then undress Beth, quietly whispering into her ear. Janine was already completely naked and coming over to the bed. Britney took Beth to the char and sat down with Beth in her lap. She started to slowly play with her pussy while Beth had an astonished look on her face. Janine tapped me on the shoulder and licked the inside of her cheek, making it look like she wanted to give me a blow job. I stopped eating out Lauren. I picked her up and lay her back on the middle of the bed. I lay with my lower section, waist on down, hanging off the bed and started eating out Lauren again. Janine went under me and started to deep throat me. I could hear the air being compressed down her throat. By this time Lauren was in the throes of her orgasm. She squirted pussy juice all over my face. I was flabbergasted, a twelve year old girl who could squirt powerfully. I was so turned on by that alone that I let a torrent of my own semen down Janine's throat. She gagged a bit but let it all in."That was amazingly hot!" Britney said, "Fuck, I feel like I'm going to cum and no one's even touched me yet.""Well, I think we can fix that soon enough. I just want to get these two girls initiated first. If you can't wait, I've got some toys under the bed." Janine rooted around under the bed and pulled out a couple dildos and handed one to Britney. I said, "Ok, you two girls get Beth nice and ready, I'm going to pop Lauren's cherry over here.""Ready for what?" Beth asked."Vincent is going to have sex with all of us and we want you to feel good too so we're going to make you feel good," Janine said.I grabbed the lube I'd put in a drawer and put a dab on my cock head and a bigger dab on Lauren's pussy. I started working it around and by the time I had her all greased up I was hard again. I positioned my cock at her slit and said, "In the heat of all this, I didn't ask if you're ok with me fucking you.""Oh god yes, fuck me. I want your thing in me; I want to feel you inside."I slowly pushed my cock head into her hairless slit. I got about an inch in and said, "My god, your one tight slut!" And she was. I didn't know how much of my dick I could get into her. I pushed a little more and her smooth velvet pussy enveloped my cock. She moaned in ecstasy. My dick met her hymen and I paused. I told her it was going to hurt and she said she didn't mind. I thrust with one long push and obliterated her hymen. She screamed in pain. I stopped and everyone looked at her. She reached down and started furiously masturbating her clit.She looked up at me and said, "What the fuck, keep going!" I smiled and started pumping in and out of her. I wanted her pussy juice to squirt all over me. I looked over to my left and saw Beth sitting on Janine's face rubbing her flat chest. She looked like she was enjoying herself. Britney came over and sat facing me over Lauren's face. Lauren started to play with Britney's clit like it was her own. Britney and I made out, I groped her tit with one hand while I pinched Lauren's nipple with my other hand. Lauren's back arched and she started her second orgasm of the day, this one more passionate than the last. She squirted her pussy juice all over my stomach and chest. I quickened my pace, thrusting in and out preparing myself for orgasm. I grabbed the back of Britney's head and kissed her furiously. I buried my cock to the hilt in Lauren's pussy and let loose a stream of jizz inside her little womb. I let go my death grip on the girls and slumped over a bit. We heard a high-pitched moan from the corner and saw Beth writhing away in her own state of ecstasy. I curled up with the two girls near me and started to drift off to sleep."You're not getting away that easily!" Janine said from the foot of the bed, "I still want to be fucked again!"Continue? Leave it where it lies? Let me know at*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 36
I swear I could hear her coming or perhaps feel her coming down the long corridor would be more accurate. It got quieter as she passed, seemingly completely unconscious of her effect as boys sighed and girls snorted. It sounded like a breeze, a gentle wind as she hurried along, left arm swinging, right thumb in the strap of the book bag over her shoulder, taking a yard-long stride, chin up and breasts jiggling wonderfully, hair bouncing and hips rolling. I closed my locker and leaned back, feeling a smile on my face as I watched her approach. Lordy, she was just a 9th grader, barely legal if she even was and here came Samantha Jones, the girl, I mean THE girl.She stopped, licked her lips and turned to face me, her upturned breasts only inches from my chest, a perfect pair. I could smell her. We were nose-to-nose, belly-to-belly in the crowded hall."Billy right?" she said quietly, poking me with a forefinger, "I need a favor. Can I talk to you at lunch?"I nodded and she pushed her left leg forward until her mounded thigh was touching my cockhead. "Thanks," she said, tossing back her golden hair and turning away. "See you then." And she walked on. I watched. Jeans-clad Samantha from the back was almost as good as Samantha from the front, both views an obvious invitation to copulate. I was aroused, painfully aroused.I don't remember anything about my morning classes except that I seemed to have an erection that wouldn't quit. Those TV ads warning about a four-hour hard-ons were playing through my mind so I visited the boys' room between math and English and relieved the pressure, emptying my balls with a gasp of relief, spurting out ropes of thick jism, stroking until it was reasonably limp, trying not to think about her taut waist or soft belly, stuffing the sore thing back in my pants.When I got to the cafeteria, I immediately saw her blonde head and hurried to her table and sat beside her, plunking down my brown bag and grinning, feeling the blood rushing to my groin."Aren't you going to get some milk?" she asked, blinking at me, her straw at her pink lips.I shook my head and got out my thick sandwich.She wiggled closer and I managed to look away from her luscious boobs and into her perfect face and ice-blue eyes. Her eyelashes flickered, and she said, "I wanted to talk to you about sex. You know, fucking." She wiggled an inch closer, our shoulders touching. Her skin was perfect, flawless with tiny pale hairs all over it. Her breast rubbed my upper arm and my cock jumped. I could feel her hard nipple."Why me?" I croaked, with lots of eyes on us, jealous eyes.She sniffed, sucked in some milk, smiled and said, in a whisper, "They say you're the best, the biggest and the best.""Who says?" I asked."You know, the sub-debs, the girls, everybody." She waved a hand and smiled.I nodded. "And?""So, well, this is kind of embarrassing, but my mother's, well, gone, and I don't have any sisters or brothers. I can't talk to my father about it.""There are books," I said with my mouth full of bread and salami. "And the Internet."She nodded and got out some Oreos from her lunch bag. "Want one?" she asked sweetly.I took a cookie and another bite of my sandwich."So," she said, sitting up very straight and giving me another erection, "I thought you could come over and, well, teach me, show me, you know, about things.""How old are you?"She blinked and smiled and licked her lips and put the rest of her Oreo in her mouth and wiped her mouth with her fingers. Then she licked her lips and my heart melted and my brain turned to slush. Her tongue tip was exciting, erotic."OK, sure," I said. "When?""After school today. Nobody's home at my house."I nodded and chewed."I can meet you at your locker," she said. "I mean if that's all right, if you'll do it.""Uh huh," I said, my brain processing all this data very slowly. "Samantha, I really need to know whether or not you're sixteen.""Of course I am, silly. What did you think, I was some kind of jailbait or something?""You're just a 9th grader, a freshman, right?"She stood and said, "See you later," and left carrying her trash and tossing it away while my cock surged and my scruples melted.And right after the last bell there she was with her coat on and her bag on her shoulder. She followed me out to the car, buckled herself in, thanked me and then told me where she lived, a very nice neighborhood.We went in the backdoor with her key and she dumped her bag on the kitchen table and came right into my arms and kissed me, hard and long, and I kissed her and then we kissed each other and hugged and rubbed and stuff. Then she took off her coat and sat down at the table and smiled at me."Being pretty - I know I'm pretty - being pretty can be a, well, a handicap," she said and I could see tears in her eyes.I sat and held her hand."I'm scared," she said, blinking. "I really had to get my nerve up to ask you, but I've never been alone with a boy and, except for some relatives, you're the first man I ever kissed."You're a good kisser," I said.She laughed and sniffed and wiped away tears. "Will you teach me?""Sure, but what's the hurry?""I don't know. Since last year, I've changed, my body and my insides and my brain, all different, since I started having, you know, periods. Now I get shots for those, but I've got these urges, these feelings, these awful dreams. I'm horny, I know that, and my boobs are so sensitive they hurt.""It's called adolescence," I said. "And it can been painful and scary. Most people survive.""My father, he says he doesn't understand girls.""Nobody does," I said.She laughed. "Sometimes Daddy brings home people from work, men, and, well, they look at me funny, like they're hungry or something.""You ever been out with a guy, to a movie or a dance? Ever had a boyfriend, hooked up?"She shook her head. "I think, I think they're afraid to ask me, that they think I've got all these boys or something. But I don't have any, not one.""You do now," I said.She squeezed my hand. "Come on. I'm dying to do it."I shook my head."What's wrong?""You're too pretty, too young and too eager. Relax. There's no hurry.""But I want it; I need it. It's like there's this hole in me that aches to be filled. Billy, I do it every day to myself. I get a, a, an orgasm every single day with my fingers and things, you know, things, carrots and stuff.""You still have a hymen?" I asked, curious, trying to slow her down.She nodded. "But you can fix that.""It will hurt," I said.She nodded, licking her lips. "Please, do it, fuck me.""Samantha, don't use that word. Everybody, every kid has these feeling, these wants. You have to learn to be patient, to control your, your whatever you call them, your urges."She pouted."Do you always get everything you want, everything you ask for? Is your father that rich, that easy?"She nodded. "Pretty much.""It is illegal to have sex with anybody under sixteen," I said, looking as stern as I could."My god," she gasped. "I can't wait three years. I'm dying for it. Please Billy, please, please."I shook my head. "I'll get you something to help you and I want you to look up sex positions on your computer and then tomorrow, after school, we'll have lesson number one."She nodded."Understand. You can't have sex until you're sixteen. Not with anybody, even girls."She nodded and sniffed.I went downtown and bought her the smallest dildo I could find, one supposedly for beginners. It was about five inches long, maybe an inch wide and had a knobby base that was for clit arousal and came with some kind of moisturizer. It cost thirteen bucks.So the next day I gave her a ride home, pushed her away when she tried to kiss me in the kitchen, asked if she had looked at those positions on the Internet and gave her the present.She looked at it and then at me."OK," I said, trying to look stern. 'Two questions - go ahead."She wrinkled her forehead. "What does it feel like, having sex I mean?"I shook my head. "For boys, for me, it's exciting, satisfying and, well, it relieves a lot of tension. Nothing feels better.""But, I mean, for girls, for me?""Use that little thing and then you tell me. Did you look at all those ways of doing it?"She pouted and nodded. "OK, how big are most, most penises and how big are most pussies, most vaginas. How do they fit together?""That's two questions," I said with a smile. She was so pretty and so eager it was hard to look at her. "The average cock's five or six inches long when it's erect, hard, two or three when it's not. I think the normal vagina is about four inches deep but it is very, very flexible. You can look it up. I read somewhere that most women can take a nine- inch cock, penis, without pain. In general, the tighter the better and that means the younger the better.""I've seen these huge things on the computer, these monstrous cocks, you know, long as your arm."I smiled, "Photoshop or plastic probably. Nature made boys and girls, men and women to fit together and they do. That's why we're knee deep in little kids." I got up, smiled and left quickly, hoping she could not see how aroused I was.I didn't see her again until lunchtime on Monday when she sat down beside me, pouted and said, "It doesn't work.""What?" I asked."That thing, that plastic thing.""Not now, after school," I said, looking around.She nodded, sniffed and left.When she got in the car that afternoon, she handed me the little dildo I had given her. "It's no good. I measured and it's too little. It just goes right in and out and does nothing. Doesn't even stretch my cherry.""You sure you're a virgin?" I asked, trying to be funny.She stamped her foot, folded her arms and looked angry.At her house, we went on-line and I showed her the wide variety of things available, and she said she like to try a rabbit. So were found a couple of videos and watched girls getting themselves off, and I agreed to buy her a jack rabbit for twenty bucks or so on-line and then she asked me if I would suck her tits."I can't reach them," she whined. "Please, Billy."Somehow I resisted and went home and abused myself for a bit. The gadget arrived in a week, and I gave to her after school and took her home. She unwrapped it, looked at the shiny pink thing, sniffed and said I was mean. I left quickly with a twenty-dollar bill.The next Monday she caught up with me at my locker, slid her backpack off her shoulder, pulled the big dildo out and shoved it at me and then hurried away. I was left standing in the middle of the hall with a big, pink vibrator in my hand. One guy lifted his cell phone to get a picture, but I stuffed the thing in my locker and ran for it.After school Samantha was sitting in my car, looking unhappy. "It wouldn't go in," she whined. "I greased it up and everything and it just wouldn't."I nodded, said I was sorry and drove her home. "Don't come in," she said as she unbuckled, "I'm going to get a big carrot and rape myself. You're just mean." And she slammed the door.I didn't see her or hear of her until Friday when I found her sitting in my car after school, pouting, looking hang-dog sad."Where have you been?" I asked as I put the old car in gear."Playing hooky. I was ashamed of coming to school, scared, embarrassed, something.""All week?""Just two days, yesterday and most of today. I was staying away from you, your locker."I drove and tried not to look at her."I'm not a virgin any more," she said very quietly, almost a whisper.I sighed and glanced at her. She was crying."Want to tell me?" I asked."I met this girl at the Y. She said she knew you. Her name's Monaghan, Marcie Monaghan.""Nice girl," I said."She's a slut. Now I am too. That's what I am." And she sobbed.I patted her back and she pulled away and said, "Don't""There were these guys, three of them, using the machines, you know exercise, weights and stuff, treadmill. Big guys, six-something, ripped, basketball players.""So?""So this Marcie knew them or at least they knew her and, well, she asked me if I wanted to go over to their place and have some fun. And I did."I drove and waited. Tits Monaghan loved sex and needed big guys, I had proved that."I think they gave me something, you know a drug, Ecstasy maybe in a Coke, and we shared a joint and then, and then, then one of them took me into the bedroom and pulled off my clothes and made me get on my knees and suck his thing."I pulled into her driveway and we sat looking out the windshield."So I did that. God Billy, his thing was huge, like a piece of pipe. I put both hands on it and had a mouthful at the same time. It was really thick and pulsing like, surging. And so he spurted in my mouth and made me swallow it."I tried not to make any noise, just breathed."Then this other guy, we were at their apartment near the college, this other guy just tossed me up on the bed like I didn't weigh anything, and he pounced on me.""What were you doing?" I asked. "Did you tell them to stop?""I don't know. It was like I was watching it happened to somebody else.""Sounds like you were drugged, a date rape stuff I suppose." I guess I was talking to myself because she kept right on talking.She nodded. "So this big guy, he was kind of cute with a crew cut, he stuck his fingers in me and thumbed my little button, you know and then he reared up and I could see his thing sticking out and dripping. It was really huge; the shaft was wider than the head, bulging out with all these veins. And he smiled and stuck it in me, all the way in me until out bellies were rubbing, and I could feel his balls pressing against me."I waited."I didn't even feel him do it; you know punch through my, my hymen, but he must have and when he finally pumped me full of his stuff and pulled out, I was bleeding. His cock had streaks of blood on it.""Damn," I said, more or less to myself."So I tried to get to the bathroom and this other big guy, he grabbed me, pushed my face down on the bed and took me from behind. I screeched, I know that. He went really deep, deeper than the first one, and he was holding my hips and grunting like crazy, pounding away, and I was just taking it and flopping around like my bones had turned to jelly.""I'm sorry," I told her, taking her hand. She pulled it away and took a deep breath."So anyhow, they took turns on me. I don't know what the other girl, what Marcie was doing, but I guess they were fucking her too. One of them, sometime, I'm not sure, he pulled his cock out of me and crawled up and put it between my breasts and grabbed them and rubbed it up and down until he came.""Let's go inside," I suggested."Then while I was sucking on, I remember this clearly, I was suck this prick and another guy put his thing in me from the back and there I was being pushed back and forth between the two of them.""Come on," I said. "Let's go in." I had heard more than enough."Boy, they sure made funny faces when they came in me, you know, gritting their teeth.""Are you hurt?" I asked.She shook her head. "When they were done, when they couldn't do any more, they made me suck them, all three of them, and then they pushed me out the back door and tossed my clothes after me. And there I was, naked and cold and all this goo running down my legs. I walked home.""You know about Plan B, the morning after pill?" I asked.She shook her head. "I'm not fertile, I know my cycle.""OK," I said, "if you're sure."She nodded. "So, so will you do me now, I mean, now that I'm not cherry?""No," I said, "you're still thirteen."She slammed the door so hard she almost broke the glass.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 62
Author's note: Please send your comments and suggestions as the feedback is always appreciated. This story is written at the request of a reader and I hope I do her fantasy justice.***CHAPTER 1Lori and Andy had been married for years and were extremely happy. Yes, they may have some erotic tendencies that some people would find strange but they both enjoyed doing them. Most of the activity involved voyeurism and exhibitionism, which neither considered harmful or damaging to anyone.Andy marveled at his wife's sexy body and loved whenever he noticed another man staring at her. She was almost similar to a cherished possession and like most men, Andy wanted others to envy him for what he had. Whenever the subject of Lori having sex with another man came up, it only seemed to get the couple aroused to a point where they had glorious sex together. The thought of Lori actually doing it with someone else was quickly forgotten after they made love and each was contented with a satisfying climax.Lori enjoyed her husband's erotic suggestions and found them arousing to think he would watch her have sex with another man. Although it was entirely out of the question for Lori to commit adultery, the thought of it happening was truly exciting. The suspense and sinful aspect of it was totally against everything she grew up with. She came from a family with a very strict, catholic background and such things involving sex were highly against everything her parents believed.Lori worked hard to keep her 5'5" body in perfect shape and a person could not tell she was an older, motherly type even after raising two children. Most people thought she was in her early 30's and her facial features were that of her heritage, Hispanic Spanish. She was a beautiful woman who always seemed to radiate a wanton, sexy appearance that most men found desirable.The fact she had 35D breasts made most guy's drool and yearn to touch them. Her tits were firm and gave just a hint of bounce when she walked which men found seductive. Lori knew she had gorgeous boobs and dressed in such a way to display their charm and beauty. She realized that showing cleavage drew men's eyes like no other sex magnet. This, of course, gave some guys the impression she was looking for sexual attention and many would hit on her even when she was in the company of Andy. Andy relished those times and trusted Lori enough so that he was never jealous.The couple lived in a quiet, residential neighborhood and was friends with everyone on the block, except maybe their next-door neighbor, Ken Patterson. He was a man who knew everybody in the area and was loud and boisterous most of the time. Ken owned his own company, which sold and installed pools and hot tubs and with the summer heat, it was a flourishing business. If anyone could be called a male chauvinist pig, it would have been Ken. He most often acted arrogant and his demeanor was crude and rough especially towards women.Ken's wife was an over-sized woman who had let herself go so that her body was overweight and certainly out of shape. They had two boys, Sean who was 18 and Troy who was 16. Both boys were much like their dad in size and looks, while the youngest acted reserved and shy compared to the rest of his family. Of them all, Troy was the only one who acknowledged all the neighbors and everyone thought he was much older than a young teenager.Sean was rough and tumble just like his dad and treated people with the same manner of arrogance that Ken did. He played high school football and other sports, which meant he was in excellent, physical condition. Troy was just as muscular as his brother but he didn't have the extra weight around his waistline like Sean.Lori didn't like her next-door neighbors and thought men who treated women with such little respect were scum. She was always friendly towards Ken and his family but didn't go out of her way to talk to any of them. Since he was in the business, Ken had a big hot tub installed in their back yard and did have people in for neighborhood tub parties. Lori and Andy had been neighborly on a few occasions and even partook in some of Ken's gatherings.Ken's parties usually deteriorated into big liquor fests with the men in one section and the women in another. All the men got loud and drunk, and usually their talk centered around sex, sports and cars. The women did their best to ignore all the bragging and unruly chatter even when erotic, sexual things were said to one of them.Most of the men liked Ken including Andy who considered him the typical construction worker. Although he would never be a close friend with Ken, Andy did enjoy his idle banter over a beer now and then. He had to admit that the man did convey a confident attitude and he often made insinuating, sexual comments about many of the wives in the neighborhood.Lori never liked being close to the man because Ken always ogled her and gave the definite impression he would like to do more than just look. On one occasion, he did suggest they get together for a hot time, as he phrased it. Lori got so mad at his suggestive comment that it made the hair stand up on the back of her neck. Probably the thing Lori hated most about her next-door neighbor was that he let his big, mangy dog into their property. She took pride in having a well groomed, backyard and Lori was positive Ken let his dog use their lawn for a dumping ground just to make her mad. Finding dog poop on the grass infuriated Lori to the nth degree and she would scoop up the dog shit to deposit it back in Ken's yard.Andy and Lori had a hot tub installed by Ken's company in their yard and used it often. They were usually very careful not to do anything too risqué while soaking in the tub just because it could be seen by their neighbor. But in some instances, they did get aroused to a point where it was even more exciting to think that someone could actually observe them. Lori could swear that at times she could see someone at the fence separating the two properties and wondered if, in fact, Ken or his family was spying.During a hot summer day, Lori enjoyed sun tanning in the nude but she made sure to only do it during working hours. She reasoned that Ken would be at work and his boys at school so she would be relatively safe in taking off her swimsuit if they weren't home. She was always careful but on a few occasions, Andy came home and that changed things. He would usually tease her and was never happy until Lori was running around the back yard in the buff. It never ceased to get them both thoroughly aroused to a point where they would wind up in the tub, or in the house making mad passionate love.On one recent occasion, the couple got as far as the patio door before Andy attacked Lori. He pressed her naked body up against the inside, glass panel of the sliding door and imagined there were peeping toms outside watching the drama unfold. He drove his hard cock between Lori's legs indicating he wanted her to act like a slut.Lori played along with the game and held her nakedness against the glass so that her breasts were flattened creating an obscene image to anyone watching on the outside. She even pushed her pelvis into the transparent door and it surely would have been obvious that Lori was shaven as clean as a babies bum. She spread her legs so that the invisible man could see her naked treasures and felt her heart beating faster with the secret fantasy.They both dreamed of peeping toms on the far side of the door watching the two in the throes of lovemaking. That was the main reason they chose the patio area for such illustrious sessions and Andy truly loved the fact his wife's body was so seductive and sexy. Lori got so aroused and filled with passion that she was oblivious to any occasional movement or flashes of light that may have occurred on the outside.The couple played their innocent game of voyeurism and Andy drove his cock into Lori so hard it forced her up on her tiptoes. "Oh fuck, oh gawd you're so tight, so fucking tight and my cock is all the way inside," Andy whispered with a dire need for fulfillment. He was holding back but once he felt the volcanic heat of Lori's cunt, his stamina was rated in milliseconds. Andy drove his cock into her as hard as he could and lifted Lori off the floor for a brief second or two.The red blinking light from across the yard went unnoticed and the husband filled his adorable wife's love channel with hot cum. Her shaved pussy bounced on and off the glass door and she screamed for her husband's love potion. "Yes, oh yes, fuck me with your big, hard cock, yes, yes," Lori moaned with a desperate passion.She must hurry; rush her orgasm so that she could have one before her man finished, Lori warned herself. With the desperation of a maniac, her fingers went between the puffy labia and spread them wide. When her fingertips touched her swollen clitoris, Lori knew she had been fast enough.She squeezed the tender bud and pulled it out from her body. Oh, she thought, what if someone was watching? What if that bastard was looking into our yard, she wondered, he would see me masturbating while my husband had his cock deep inside my pussy. Suddenly, Lori didn't care anymore. She pinched the tender morsel so hard she cried out for more. Andy dreamed of making his wife happy but in reality, she was using him to satisfy her most inner being while caressing her clitoris so vigorously that an orgasm flooded her mind. Andy strained hard to keep his cock inside his wife who was madly thrashing against the glass making loud, banging noises. He marveled at how tight his wife's pussy was even after having two kids. His seven-inch rod seemed to stretch her vagina and make her winch in pain every time he fucked her. Lori yearned to have Andy's cock inside her and wished he had much more stamina. Just once, she wished he would plow in and out of her until she reached an orgasm without having to assist in the effort. But, Lori was more than rewarded by Andy's caring manner and by his consideration for her well-being.The rest of the evening was a blur as the couple stayed close to each other keeping up a constant caressing and touching almost like two teenagers in heat. At bedtime, Lori felt renewed energy and her tummy quivered like she wanted more from Andy. Yes, she was positive that another round of passionate lovemaking would have her reaching another climax. She reached under the covers and found the man tool she dreamed of. Caressing it and fondling Andy's cock only made him drowsy and soon he drifted off to sleep quite content with the earlier love session.Lori's visions of splendor vanished but not without a strong desire to touch herself. Her dainty fingers slipped down, down towards a shaven patch of heaven and it took all her resolve to stop. She didn't dare put her fingers between her milky thighs because she would awaken Andy for sure by thrashing over the sheets like a wanton bitch. A few light caresses over her flat tummy and a teasing swoop over her raised pelvis made her stomach twitch in anticipation. She knew it was time to stop before her hand got carried away.It took Lori many minutes to fall asleep and in the morning the subject of passionate exhibitionism came up. "That was wonderful last night and the thought of you being seen by someone made it even better. Did you enjoy it as much as I did?" Andy asked his smiling wife."Oh yes, it was great and did you get the feeling that there was someone outside? I did and once or twice I thought I saw something," Lori replied. The couple pleasantly went into the daily routine and casually spoke about the upcoming day. Andy usually left for the office about 8 o'clock so he could miss the rush hour traffic and Lori didn't have to be at work until 9 o'clock.Lori always checked her email after Andy left and tried to catch up on any required responses. Email was a great way to do business and she hated not replying to someone on time. Dressed in her housecoat like she always did first thing in the morning, Lori casually glanced over the many incoming emails. The one that caught her eye had the subject line in bold print and read, "LORI HAS FUN."She was overly careful of not opening emails that were suspicious so not to download a virus to her computer but this one looked interesting. It did not take long for her eyes to open wide in shock once the email flashed on the screen."Hi gorgeous. This is Ken and I thought you might like to see what I have been up to," the note read and Lori had an awful feeling that the man she hated most was up to something dastardly. "I think I have enough evidence to get my way with the sweet bitch from next door. Just so you know what I have, open the fucking attachments. And don't think that this is all I have because I have lots more," Lori read and gave a tiny sob of alarm at what he meant.It took all her willpower to move the mouse so that the arrow was over the first attachment. Another few seconds passed and then she clicked to select the file. Ken was shrewd. He chose one of the most damning pictures to be first so that it would overwhelm Lori.A picture of Lori popped up on the screen and it was from last night. It showed her 35D's pressed hard against the patio door and the obvious fact her curly forest of hair was shaved from her pelvis. Her dainty hand covered her mouth in surprised horror and she just stared at the erotic nakedness. For some mysterious reason, Lori studied the picture to see every detail. Her legs were spread enough so that one could see a hard cock was buried inside her open pussy. She noticed the hood that protected her vulnerable clitoris was stretched out to expose the pink bud of desire that all women knew was their most sensitive control button. Lori could see that Andy was behind her but not his face so a person did not know who it really was.Quickly, Lori selected one picture after another until she had a fast look at each degrading one. All showed Lori's naked body in various poses of erotic enjoyment. Some dated back years and it was obvious that her neighbor Ken had taken numerous pictures of Andy and Lori being exhibitionists in the privacy of their own yard.The last picture had a note with it and Lori read it with her eyes slowly turning puffy and red. "You're my bitch. You will do exactly what I say or I will post every fucking picture of your naked ass on the Internet so that every pervert can see you," Ken wrote. Then the last line mentioned the reason that Lori should be more worried. "You may think that these pictures are not enough to blackmail you into being my bitch but please look at my next email, it will seal the deal," she read and her tummy summersault with anxiety.Lori closed the worst email she had ever seen and looked for another one from Ken like he had mentioned. She spotted it a little farther down the list and slowly moved the pointer over the subject line. The note opened and Lori's eyes focused on the blurry words. "I know you are a good little girl and I won't have to use all my evidence against you. I'll be watching from my back yard and you will take off all your clothes and pose for me," she read and could not believe what Ken was doing.Yes, she considered him the most evil man but certainly she didn't think he was capable of putting such demands on her. The last line stated, "I want your naked tits and cunt plastered against the window just like last night, or else I post the attached pictures on the web."Lori was confident that the pictures were not enough to force her to succumb to the bastard's demands but she decided to open the jpeg attachments anyway. She gasped and held her breath at the sight when the screen was filled with a big, bold picture of her daughter, naked as a jaybird. Lori reasoned that her sweet, innocent girl must have been sun tanning in the backyard when Ken took the pics and didn't even know he was around. Ken had selected the very best shots of Lori's daughter and each showed a young woman completely naked.She quickly looked at the short note in the email and shivered in fear. "Now that I have your undivided attention, here is what I want you to do. Stand naked like I told you in my other email, but do one little thing for me," it read and Lori could tell he was teasing her. "Do what you did last night and use your fingers to show me your tiny clit. And don't worry, when I fuck you with my big cock, you won't have to touch yourself. You'll be creaming all over my fucking rod like a real bitch," he wrote and the attempted humor made Lori sob with hatred.So many things rushed through her mind that Lori became confused. He wants me to show myself. He wants me to hold my naked body against the glass and then put my fingers on myself. Oh gawd, is he really big like he said? Oh my gawd, he said he was going to fuck me. He said I was going to cream on his cock, oh gawd he isn't serious, is he? Everything ran through her mind and she didn't know what to do. Dire feelings of guilt also filled her brain from vivid images of the man's private parts being displayed in her conscious mind. "Oh gawd, I can't let these get posted on the Internet, it would destroy my baby," Lori whispered in a most dire tone as she looked at a picture one more time. "No, no I just can't do what he asks, I just can't," she said but her resolve was swiftly disappearing.Lori had to make a choice. Let the man keep the pictures, and he must surely have lots of them, or pray he would not post them on the web like he threatened? Or Lori could do as he ordered and she pondered the mortifying alternative. Could she strip and degrade herself, and let her neighbor watch her perform like an exhibitionist, she wondered?There was nothing more precious to Lori than her two children. She sobbed and mumbled words of protest but her fingers went to the gown. In a matter of seconds, Lori stood in her enclosed office, fully naked and shivering in fear. On legs that could barely hold her upright, Lori walked to the back, patio doors and looked outside. She could not see anyone or anything unusual but she knew the bastard was watching.Lori sobbed and a tear ran down her flushed cheek. Slowly and with the obedience demanded by Ken, she moved so that her naked body was tightly pushed into the glass. Lori turned her face to the side so she wouldn't have to look outside and held the pose for a few seconds. She kept telling herself not to do it, not to touch herself where he demanded. It felt like an eternity when she merely stood with her nakedness pressed against the glass.After what felt like hours, Lori's dainty hand squeezed between her heated flesh and the glass. Slowly, almost seductively, her hand dipped down to her pelvis which was plastered into the door and her hips turned back to allow room for her fingers. Tiny sobs could be heard inside the room but nothing would be evident to anyone watching.Lori would never understand how she could obey the filthy instructions but her fingers spread the top portion of her pussy slit. With the absolute tenderness of a true lover, her fingers pinched the vulnerable clitty much to the pleasure of her stalker. She held the immoral pose for many seconds and her mind pictured Ken watching her every move. Her shameful exhibition filled her with doubt but at the same time made her insides quiver with intense excitement. Sensing a conclusion to the immoral display, Lori quickly turned and rushed from the room. Out of sight, she ran into her bedroom and threw herself on the bed distraught with what she had just done.Ken smiled the widest grin from his back yard and marveled at the sight of the sexiest woman he had ever seen. Yes, he considered Lori even sexier than most playboy models and lord knows he read every magazine printed. His stomach trembled in anticipation. He had her! He knew now that Lori was his and he would fuck the uppity bitch like she had never been fucked. She would never have relented and did what he demanded unless she was willing to do whatever it took to keep her daughter's naked pictures off the Internet, he reasoned.Yes, Ken was an extremely happy man and he knew his wicked plans were about to become reality. He rationalized that Lori liked showing off her big tits and the fact her pussy was shaved. Ken knew when he got lucky and took the pictures of the young girl who was now a grown woman, that he would use them to get control of Lori. She was a loving mother who would do anything in the world to protect her beautiful offspring.He considered Andy hopeless and that he would present not threat to a rugged, burly man like himself. In fact, the times they had chatted over the back fence and at neighborhood parties, Andy was the one to suggest his wife was an exhibitionist. Andy mentioned how he cherished his wife's sexy body and even said that she loved showing it off to strangers. Well, Ken deduced, she would certainly get a chance to do that and more.Ken had formed a plan long ago of what he was going to do and how he would go about getting Lori to obey his demands. Seeing her succumb to his first command was truly earth-shattering and now he was going to fulfill his years of erotic fantasies.Back in the house, Ken managed to get his two sons aside and out of earshot of their mother. "Boys! Listen up. You both are in for a treat. I can't tell you what's going to happen but let me just say, it will be the best moment of your life," he whispered with enthusiasm. "I am going to get that sexy bitch from next door to turn you both into men. Christ, you've never seen a sexier body and you're going to have it, I promise," Ken told his two sons. They were about ready to leave for school and he wanted them to realize his dreams as well as he did. Then he thought to himself, "The bitch is going to get fucked by all three of us and there's not a fucking thing she can do about it."The three went their separate ways and Ken grinned with contentment knowing it would soon be the best day of his life. He planned to make his blackmail demands on Lori once his parents left for a two-week holiday in Florida. They had hired him to install a new hot tub in their home while they were gone and he was preparing to do just that. It would be a few days before he could put the finishing touches on the project and then he would have Lori perform in all her naked splendor and wonderment.Ken had done many hours of planning and felt his scheme was foolproof. Yes, Lori was his servant and he would make demands on her that would surprise the refined woman.***Every day at work was horrible for Lori after the frightful incident with her backyard neighbor. She dreaded having to face Ken and wondered how she was going to fight back? Knowing how evil and conniving the man was, it made Lori scared of what he might do next. Possibility after possibility went through her distressed mind but nothing would prepare her for what Ken had in store for his sex puppet.Ken wanted Lori to fret and worry about what he would do so he didn't contact her for days. The extended time would allow her to accept the fact he held incriminating pictures of her and her family and become more comfortable with it, he thought. Lori's fate was sealed in an email and Ken would eventually get around to proving that.Andy noticed that his wife was a slight bit reserved and not as joyful as normal. He brushed it off to stress from work and really didn't fret about it. Lori agonized each morning whenever she went to her computer and looked at her email messages. She expected to see more damning pictures and more demands from the bastard next door. When nothing arrived in the inbox, Lori felt a sense of relief and seemed to fall into her daily routine much easier.The false hope was a big part of Ken's plan and he chuckled knowing the hope was soon going to end. Lori wisely decided it was best to tell Andy everything as the suspense was killing her. "Honey, I have something to tell you," Lori started the complete story of her drastic slavery. When it was all said and done, she was thoroughly surprised at Andy's reaction. He seemed to be more aroused and turned on by the tale than mad or upset. She expected her faithful husband to be angry and go straight to Ken's place and confront the man.Instead, the crotch of Andy's pants displayed his obvious, male enthusiasm when Lori told him what Ken had made her do against the patio glass. Andy was optimistic and content with letting things work out as they were destined. "Ah hell, he is probably satisfied with seeing your naked body and won't do anything else. Honey, I can't really blame the man as you do have a beautiful, sexy body," he said and tried to comfort his wife so that she would accept Ken's bribery.Events actually worked out so that the couple never talked that much about the blackmail but each knew the other was dreaming about what happened. One thing was for sure, as far as Lori was concerned, they would not do anything sexual outside or near a window where they could be seen by a perpetrator. They retreated to the basement games room and the lovemaking sessions were heated and passionate like those in the old days.Andy was extremely aroused by the fact his wife had exposed herself to someone. He always fantasized about her doing that and also making love to another man, or men for that matter. He dreamed of Ken having his way with his gorgeous wife and even visualized Lori giving the vulgar man a blowjob. Andy was well aware of the fact Lori loved giving head and often dreamed of watching her perform such acts.The days passed and Lori and Andy were most rewarded with heated lovemaking sessions every evening while each dreamed of a world of peace and tranquility. Lori's serenity was shattered one morning when she noticed a new email and it was from her hated rival. The message was titled 'Just4U' and anger was her first response. Suddenly, fear and anxiety rushed through her head and Lori recognized the fact that a wicked man was in control of her emotions more than she realized.She hesitated and dwelled on what the new email would demand. Slowly and deliberated she moved the mouse and opened the message. The words stood out prominently and were very easy to read. "I am installing a new hot tub at #16 Bluestone Blvd and I need a beautiful model. I am going to take some pictures of you and show off my new installation. It's great advertising and I sell a lot of tubs with it. Be at the address at 7 p.m. sharp, or else you know what I will do?" was written and Lori read the note with her stomach churning like mad.Lori read the letter over again and again to see if she could decipher anything else the man might mean. Going over the last line of the main note made her wonder. She read, "And make sure Andy knows you won't be home for many hours!" Lori lingered on the line and pondered why Ken would imply she would be gone for hours. Surely taking a few pictures would not take all that long, she thought? Suddenly her tummy quivered with such intense passion that Lori wondered if it was excitement or fear that made it do so?Ken added a postscript, which he hoped, would make Lori feel at ease and accept her fate more readily. "I always take pictures of my new hot tubs and sometimes I like to use gorgeous women for models. This is my parents place so you won't have to worry about being seen," he wrote and scrawled his name at the end of the message.There it was. New demands from her neighbor and she wondered if he would use the pictures of her daughter for evil purposes. Lori quickly assumed that Ken was the most unscrupulous man she knew and yes, he would certainly show her daughter's, naked pictures to the world. Suddenly, hope came in the form of a wish that Ken would merely take a few pictures and then be done with her.The day at work was a busy one and didn't offer Lori much time to dwell on her fate. At quitting time, the evening plans flashed back to her and she was apprehensive about meeting the dangerous, seedy man. During the drive home from work, she thought of ways to combat Ken and his demands, but couldn't come up with a viable solution.Andy had gotten home before Lori and his smiling face met her at the door. He greeted her and knew instantly that she had something to tell him. They had been married long enough so that body language displayed their outward emotions to the other."Oh Andy, he sent me another email," Lori blurted out as she reached the door. "He wants me to meet him at some address so he can take pictures of me standing by a hot tub he just put in. It's at his parents place. Oh gawd, Andy, he wants to take pictures of me," she said and moaned in disgust. Lori wanted to say everything on her mind yet only a few words came out to indicate her dire feeling of total demise.Andy was alive and every nerve was paying strict attention to his lovely wife. "It's okay honey. Let him take some pictures, what can it hurt. Just tell him to take the pictures and then leave you alone," Andy told his distressed wife while acting extremely casual about what was about to happen. He could see by the expression on her face that she was upset and bothered by the drastic demands from Ken and he wanted to comfort her in the worst way. "Don't worry. He's showed me some of his pictures that he took of new pools and tubs. Some have women in bikinis and they look okay to me. In fact, he hangs most of them in his garage," Andy told his loving wife.Hearing her husband's attempts to reassure her did make Lori feel somewhat better but one thought troubled her. "But, Andy, he didn't tell me to bring a bikini or anything for that matter," she whispered looking him directly in the eyes. He reached out his arms and Lori fell into them feeling his warm, comforting hug. "Don't worry dear, I love you with all my heart and even if he forces you to take off all your clothes for the pictures, I will understand," Andy said. In fact, his cock was throbbing like it did when he was a teenager and it felt very invigorating. There was no doubt in his lust-filled mind that Ken was going to see his charming wife in all her naked beauty.The time remaining until the scheduled rendezvous was very quiet and Andy and Lori drifted into their own private worlds. Andy was thoroughly aroused by the fact his wife was going to be an exhibitionist and display her sexy body to another man. He secretly wished Ken would make Lori remove all her clothes and take naked pictures of his spouse.Lori was more upset with Andy's casual attitude towards her demise than at Ken's demands and prepared for the upcoming rendezvous with heightened emotions. Yes, she had to admit, that being voyeuristic had been a fantasy for many years but she really didn't think it would be played out in the real world.Suddenly Lori remembered Ken's final warning. "Oh, he did mention one more thing. He said that I would be with him for many hours and that you shouldn't worry when I am late getting home," she said and wondered why on earth she told her husband. The fact sounded totally incriminating and one could only imply that she would be at the whims of an unscrupulous man.Andy did feel a twinge of jealousy but his engrossed mind quickly accepted the implicating detail. They had talked about Lori having sex with someone, a stranger most likely, and afterwards the couple always had passionate intercourse together. Hearing that his dreams and fantasies would finally come to fruition, Andy wished he could witness his wife's affair. He watched Lori get dressed in an outfit that truly made her look ravishing and desirable. His pecker did numerous upward jerks approving of his wife's appearance, but it did make him feel envious that Ken would most likely touch his faithful spouse's nude body.Not much was said when Lori quietly left for the dreaded appointment and she wondered what lay in store for her. Lori realized Ken was a crude man but still she prayed he would be lenient with her. The drive was a short one and she arrived at the address with a few minutes to spare. Ken watched his newly, devoted subject get out of her car and felt his heart rate increase many times. She looked more adorable than he remembered and he watched her saunter up to the door trying to convey a mode of confidence.Ken opened the front door after one ring and welcomed Lori into his parent's home. He quickly explained the situation and told her he planned on taking pictures of her around the newly installed hot tub. "That's all you're going to do? Take pictures and then I can go?" Lori asked the grinning man. He put her at ease for the time being by assuring her that indeed, he merely wanted to advertise his business and would ensure not to reveal her face in any of the shots. This did appease Lori to some degree but Ken's arrogant attitude did scare her.He escorted Lori to the backyard and began to give her orders to undress. "Get your fucking clothes off and stand over there," he ordered and waved his hand to indicate the deck surrounding the tub. Lori looked to where he pointed and saw a beautiful cedar deck running around a steaming tub of water. It was sort of a surreal setting and although it was still bright outside, there were shadows cast in the hot tub area. She glanced around to see how much privacy there was and noticed that there were no vantage points available to see in the property. At least that gave Lori some comfort knowing she would be undressing in front of only one man. She felt like asking about a bikini or some kind of swimsuit but decided that it was a useless, silly question.Suddenly Ken gave indications he was getting impatient and wanted Lori to do as requested right away. She decided to move over to the intended area and slowly walked to a shaded portion of the deck. Ken's eyes got much larger when Lori dropped her dress on the wooden platform and she stood before him in only a lacy, uplift bra and panties.Normally Lori didn't wear a bra as she liked the attention she got from men when her breasts jiggled seductively when she moved. Her breasts were plenty firm enough to go without one, but she did wear one on this evening. Ken could see the vague outline of Lori's stiff nipples and he remembered thinking, "Why in hell does she need an uplift bra with such big, firm tits?" He merely stood staring at Lori's body and then gave hand signals for her to continue the striptease.Lori removed the remaining garments without a word and she tried to do it without any embellishment. Her complete body was quivering from being forced to obey the man's orders and it made her mad when she saw the evil glint in his eye. Suddenly a wave of courage flowed through her body and she decided to rebel against Ken's stern control. She stood stubbornly before the man as if to say, you can look mister, but don't touch."Well, what are you waiting for?" Lori asked as Ken was awestruck by her naked charms. "Take the fucking pictures so I can get out of here," she told her blackmailer. Swiftly, Ken shifted the camera from around his neck to point it in Lori's direction preparing to shoot a picture. He wanted to act strict and powerful with his buck-naked neighbor, but decided to keep the pace slow. After all, Ken thought, he had all night and he was going to ravage the wonder-woman of his dreams with or without her consent.His plan was working perfectly and at any second, the next phase would kick into action. Ken had a devilish grin thinking of what was about to happen to his innocent neighbor. "Here, let me take those clothes so they aren't in the way for the pictures," he whispered and nonchalantly took all Lori's clothes from the deck and threw them into a remote location of the yard.It was time to take control and show Lori who was the boss. Lori was fairly confident she could retain a measure of power, at least enough to keep her dignity, she hoped. Ken acted like a professional photographer and walked up to Lori pretending to get her to pose in certain ways. "Look bitch, don't act so fucking superior with me. You're nothing but a slut and you sure do put on a show when hubby fucks you. How about doin' it with me too," he asked and it brought a swift negative response from Lori. "You said pictures and that's all I am here to do, get it?" Lori said in her most defiant voice.Ken ignored her and kept taking pictures of her nakedness. "Now stand over there and put on a lovely pose for one last picture," he said and Lori hoped he was telling the truth. She moved to the far side of the tub and watched Ken as he snapped a few more pictures.A noise from the home's patio door attracted Lori's attention and she looked to see Ken's two sons standing in the open doorway. She was dumbfounded and quickly put her right arm across her chest with her hand over her left breast. Her left hand went to cover the magnetic, shaved area that drew three sets of eyes. There was no sound, nothing said and all four stood motionless for many seconds.Lori looked to Ken for help. She pleaded with her eyes and wanted him to save her. If she wasn't naked, she would have run like mad to get away but then she realized that any escape was right past the two boys. "Get your ass over here bitch. It's time you were shown how to act. Do you know what you are going to do now?" Ken asked and looked Lori directly in the eyes.She shook her head as if to say no, I don't know and she acted in a most timid fashion. Lori didn't know what to do and it was Ken who showed her. He made motions with his hand that she moves over to him. "Get over here now!" he ordered. He was such an arrogant man and Lori was actually afraid of him so she moved, as he demanded.It took but 20 or 30 seconds for Ken to remove all his clothes. He stood proudly in front of Lori who had halted her advance a few feet before reaching him. Horror filled her mind when she noticed that Ken was different than Andy. Why she looked and just didn't run was a mystery to Lori. His cock not only stood hard and erect in front of his hips, bobbing up and down as if to beckon to her, it was measurably longer than any she had seen. She had watched movies where studs had huge cocks but never seen one for herself. Lori didn't move a muscle and watched the loathsome man walk right up to her. She ripped her eyes off Ken's endowment and looked into the eyes of the devil."Get on your knees and suck a real cock. I watched you suck Andy's cock so many times in the backyard and now it's my turn," he said and made Lori wince in agony. She thought of the number of times she had given her loving husband a blowjob in the privacy of their home. How many times, ten, fifty, a hundred, there were numerous encounters with both Andy and Lori fantasizing that strangers could see them.Suddenly the man's, deep voice broke into her train of thought. "You loved doing it and showing off, didn't you?" he asked Lori making her cringe. All the times Andy and Lori had made love in the privacy of their yard or patio, not in a million years did she think anyone was watching. Although the couple talked about being exhibitionists and doing things in front of people, they never wanted to do it for real.Lori's mind raced for answers. She desperately wanted to find a solution to get rid of Ken but the facts he just revealed plus the naked pictures of her darling daughter were profound. An overpowering sensation came over her and Lori felt overwhelmed by the crude man.Ken reached out to Lori and with a swift slap, knocked her hands from in front of her body. She attempted to raise her arms to cover her exposed flesh but another slap indicated that Ken wanted her arms kept at her sides. Lori desperately looked to where the two boys were standing and noticed their entire focus was in her direction. "Ken, Ken please, not when the Sean and Troy are watching," she begged the ill-mannered man."Don't worry, they will be using their hard cocks on you just like I am going to," Ken whispered and held Lori's complete attention. "I like my bitches to beg for it and by the fuck, you're going to beg or I'll slap the shit out of you," he told the horrified woman. "Now put your hand on my rod before I have to get rough," he said and laughed out loud seeing Lori's eyes cast a downward glance. "Yes, look at my pecker and tell me, is it bigger than Andy's?" he asked with a chuckle. He knew perfectly well it was from watching the many exhibitions put on by the couple over the past years.Lori looked at the man's penis and realized that it was indeed larger, not only thicker than her husband's but also longer by at least an inch or two. Her eyes went from the big cock to the smug grin on Ken's face and she really didn't want to make a confession. She fully understood he didn't need to know details and it mystified her that she told him. "Yes, oh Ken please, not here with the boys present."Lori returned his steely stare and realized he wasn't satisfied. "You are, yes, you are bigger," she whispered and looked down at the magnetic object of her affection. Ken found it most rewarding when she continued, "It's so thick, much thicker than Andy's. And, and it's long, so long and thick. Oh gawd, you can't be serious?" Her strict childhood and upbringing had taught Lori to never let lust or desire control her emotions but at that very moment, she felt totally ashamed of the way her body yearned for a strange man.Suddenly, Ken grabbed her dainty hand and guided it to his long, fiery shaft. She flinched when the burning flesh touched her hand but reacted by closing her fingers around the cock. It was throbbing madly and Lori could not remember feeling anything so intensely hypnotic."Get down on your knees and have a real close look at the cock that is going to make you're a real woman," he boasted and made Lori's stomach quiver in disgust. He was such an egotistical, arrogant man and seemed to think he was god's gift to women, which infuriated Lori. Lori was firmly set in her mind that she was not going to surrender to such a despicable man. Her fingers wrapped around the thick meat and she realized the shaft was too wide for her fingers to go all the way around. She looked first to the inflamed cock, then to her left to see the boys who were thoroughly intent on watching their father molest the sexy, neighbor lady.Before Lori could react, Ken grabbed her by the hair and forced her down to her knees with her face so close to his groin she could feel his body heat. "You and Andy love doing this and showing the world so now let's see what you can do with a real cock. Suck it baby, suck," came the orders from hell and Lori merely stared at the throbbing pecker not believing what he was telling her. "I watched you in the hot tub the other night and you put on quite the performance. I can hardly wait to fill your mouth with hot chizz," he uttered the vile statements to make Lori shudder with fright. It was time to show the confused woman who was in control and what she had to endure. He planned on demonstrating to Lori exactly why she was going to be a willing servant for the three sex-starved neighbors. "If you don't want me to post all the naked pictures of your daughter on the Internet, start doing what you're told, or I'll kick your naked ass out the door. Everyone in the world will see your little girl's gorgeous tits, and that wonderfully trimmed pussy," Ken said and held motionless for a few seconds.Suddenly it happened and Lori was unable to stop it. Stunned by Ken's blackmail statements, she allowed him to ram the flared head of his dripping cock into her tightly closed lips, hard enough to separate them. Out of the corner of her eyes, Lori could see the dark shapes of the boy's bodies as they moved to either side of her kneeling body. It was wrong, it was against everything she believed in, and it was being unfaithful to her beloved husband but yet she opened her mouth."That's it bitch, suck my hard cock," came the words she least wanted to hear. "Come on boys, take your clothes off and get ready for some of the prettiest shaved pussy you'll ever fuck," Ken whispered to his sons. Lori noticed movement on both sides and knew they were obeying their father's wishes. She let out a dire gasp of air around the pulsating cock when Sean, on her right side, brushed his pecker against the soft skin of her face. Lori felt like dying when she felt the head of Troy's cock push into her ear and whimpered when he wiped the pre-cum off the head of his pecker. She realized these vulgar men, or boys, were treating her like scum and like a toy for their personal pleasure.The meat in her hands, as now both her dainty hands were wrapped around the vast expanse, was throbbing madly making her feel the anticipation of what he was planning to do. Yes, she realized Ken was going to make her drink his poisonous venom without any recourse. He held her head positioned on his cock and pumped his hips so that his piston went in and out of her hot mouth like he was about to climax."That's it boys, rub your cocks on her face like that. Let her feel the dicks that are going to fuck her," Ken said loud enough to ensure all heard. When the blast of hot, steamy lava hit the back of Lori's throat, she coughed and choked. She gulped the filthy liquid down her throat as fast as she could and brought immense joy to her perverted neighbor. Lori loved nothing better than to give Andy a long, slow blowjob and she suddenly realized her hands were squeezing and milking the elongated manhood much like she did with Andy. Ken grunted and groaned like a wild beast and shot his load of semen into the heavenly mouth.Sean was the oldest and took the initiative by moving to the rear of the vulnerable woman who was kneeing before his proud father. He had never watched anyone perform sex and the erotic images quickly filled his mind with reckless desire. Seeing the attractive woman act with such a wanton fashion and suck his father's cock spurred him into action. It was easy to get Lori into a perfect kneeling position on her hands and knees, and it seemed almost like she assisted in the demeaning maneuver.The boy stared between the milky thighs and was torn about what to do first. He wanted to feel the delectable pussy around his hardened pecker yet it was the temptation to taste a woman's charms that finally won out. Ken held the prisoner steady with his strong hands and prevented Lori any escape from the ensuing onslaught. Everyone could see that it would have been fairly easy for the captive to get off her knees, or at least spit the man's pecker out of her mouth, but she obediently remained in a most compromising position. Like a dog in heat, Lori stayed on hands and knees waiting to be ravaged by a teenage beast.The boy crouched low and attacked the vulnerable opening, which was left without any protection. He thrust his baby face into the burning inferno and the shear fact it was the neighbor lady who he dreamed about for years took his breath away. Sean buried his nose in Lori's, puckered asshole and sucked her bald pussy into his mouth like a lover who had been doing it for many years.With great reluctance, Ken pulled his dwindling cock out of Lori's mouth and continued to hold her in an enslaved position. He saw the fervor displayed by his oldest son and grew jealous of the boy's success. Sean had his big hands on each of Lori's ass cheeks and pulled them hard to the sides. This opened her divine crevice to the predator and the teenager approached heaven with a smile on his face.Lori's eyes pleaded with Ken to stop his son from molesting her. "Please, Ken stop him. It isn't right and please stop him from touching me down there. He's only a boy," came the pleas of a desperate woman. "He's only a boy, please don't let him do that with his mouth," Lori cried out once again realizing she had never felt anything like what the teenager was doing to her precious womanhood. It was a last valiant attempt to gain freedom and Lori understood that if it failed, she was doomed to be a servant to a man and his young sons.Ken displayed the arrogance that Lori hated and he completely ignored her begging. He looked her straight in the eyes and held her stare long enough to prove his superiority. "I told you how it was going to be so shut the fuck up. You're going to get fucked by Sean, Troy and myself and you won't be getting home to sugar daddy for a long, long time," he told her. "When Andy sees you and feels your well used pussy, he'll know you were fucked by men. Many men, many times," he said and laughed at the troubled look on Lori's pretty face. "You're going to cream all over our cocks and suck them until we can't get hard anymore," Ken told her with a most serious tone.Sean didn't really have much experience at cunnlingus but he had heard many of his friends talk about how to do it. They all mentioned the woman's clitoris and how it was the center of her universe. Sean was after his first real woman and the promise of being able to do anything his heart desired was inflaming his mind beyond reason. He tasted the sweet nectar and knew he was born to fuck. Swirling the tender morsel around in his mouth made Lori's hips roll side to side and Sean knew he had hit the mother lode.Lori fought with every trick she knew to stave off the rising desire inside her body. She began talking to herself in an attempt to keep her emotions under control. "Lori, he's only a kid. You can surely resist him, he doesn't know what it takes to turn on a real woman," she said and suddenly felt herself on a slippery slope. "Surely you can resist," she said as if she were a third person trying to convince a friend.All her life, Lori never had to wait, never had to prolong or keep a check on her passions. She always had to rush, to hurry so she could experience an orgasm with Andy. Even the other men in her life were fast, much faster to climax than Lori and she had to often help herself. She was in foreign territory and really didn't know how to fight off the rising urges.The answers to her dilemma came from her body and the truth destroyed her will to survive. "Holy fuck, look at her ass go. Sean, boy, you're doing it to her and I think she's having an orgasm," the father said and it made Lori moan in agony. He was correct and tears filled her eyes. The initial spasms rocked her loins and she knew that a major collapse was immanent if there was no respite.Sean put his fingers on the smooth, puffy labia and spread Lori's soul so he could devour her illustrious treasure. Slapping the exposed bud with his tongue took Lori to the crest at the end of the world and she teetered. She dug her fingers into the soft grass and prayed for a rescue.Ken wasn't satisfied and wanted his sexy victim to reach the pinnacle of total devastation. "Say it bitch. Tell me you want Sean to eat your shaved cunt. That's it, shove that shaved pussy into his mouth just like you're doing," Ken said and Lori cried from not resisting. Yes, indeed she was pushing back as if to say, 'take me', to a mere boy. Lori told herself once again that she was a fully-grown woman and surely able to resist the young son of her demeaning neighbor.Suddenly the teenager turned the mature woman to putty and an orgasm washed over her shores to drown her spirit. Ken jerked a handful of black, curly hair and demanded she respond. Lori knew what he wanted to hear and for some unknown reason, she complied. "His mouth is doing it to me. His tongue is doing it. Oh gawd, it's so good, the way he is sucking my clitty," she whispered in an almost moaning manner.Suddenly sharp, pearly teeth closed on the protruding clitoris and nibbled until she voiced her pleasure. "Oh gawd, not that. It hurts, oh no, it doesn't hurt. I'm coming so hard I can feel my guts explode, oh gawd I can't stop," were the final words of a woman before she fell into a deep cavern. Down and down she went and her inner being secreted love juices into the mouth of a boy. His hungry was enormous and he sucked the raw clit with a passion not known to Lori.Then it happened, Ken voiced her final demise. "Atta boy, eat'er out. Make her cum in your mouth and drink her joy-juice boy," he said and Lori knew she would have to comply with every rotten demand or suffer severe consequences.Her body thrust and thrashed wildly and the boy sucked her pussy seemingly caressing every nerve like a true professional. Lori didn't think she could feel anymore but she was wrong. With the speed of a gazelle, Sean shifted his body so that he was kneeling behind Lori. The sudden release of her throbbing organ gave her mind the opportunity to think. She was still in Ken's grasp but managed to turn her head enough to understand what Sean was going to do.For the first time in her life, Lori felt like she was going to be raped. The fact a teenage boy was going to force himself on her was devastating or so she wanted it to be. Everything she had ever heard about rape crossed her mind but it did nothing to extinguish the fiery desire deep within her belly.Sean's hips were at the perfect level and his eyes grew wide when he thrust the tip of the guided missile forward. The warhead grazed the long, narrow slit running through the valley between Lori's velvety thighs and her head came up. Her eyes flew open and looking straight ahead into the eyes of devil. Lori saw Ken's rugged face covered with a broad smile. "Now honey, you're going to feel a man-cock and my boy is going to fill your cunt with chizz," he told the woman of his dreams.Lori could not remember her heightened emotions remaining or lingering at such a towering peak and it made her head swim with lust. Vaguely, she could hear the three, vulgar males discussing their current conquest like she was a 'first place' trophy. "That's it boy, shove that cock of yours deep into her snatch. See how the bitch squirms and wants you to fuck her?" the father said degrading Lori one more degree."Fuck dad, she's tight. I think she's tighter than Sandy and I can't get my cock all the way in her pussy," the teenage boy said through clinched teeth. Sandy was the boy's girlfriend and the teens experimented with sex enjoying every second of paradise. Sean and Ken continued the filthy talk and Troy chirped in the occasional statement for good measure. "Can I do it too? Can I fuck her like Sean is doing?" he whispered almost too quiet to hear."You fucking right Troy, you'll be fucking the bitch and making her cum when Sean is done. Son, she's a slut who loves cock and we are going to all fuck her until we can't fuck anymore," Ken said and Lori suddenly knew the night was not going to end soon.Lori was in another world and the things she heard were from another dimension. They weren't really happening to her, but to someone else and she was watching. She saw how the naked hips of the imaginary woman were being held in place and a teenage boy was ramming his long, length of steel deep into her open grotto.Sean had succeeded in getting every inch of his big cock into Lori's volcanic cavity and he penetrated her to the hilt. His pelvis made slapping sounds as it banged against the sweaty flesh of Lori's backside. Lori visualized a woman with her back arched into a big curve and it showed the woman's face etched in agony with the obvious eruption occurring deep in her epicenter. "Oh fuck, oh he's so deep. I can feel him deep inside me and I'm cumming, oh so deep and cumming, cumming, I can't stop it," the woman moaned in a most desperate voice and suddenly Lori realized she was 'that woman' in her dreams.The orgasm was so enlightening that flashes of brilliance filled her head and she screamed for the boy to take her. Her mind wanted to know why? Was it the fact that an evil man controlled her destiny, or maybe it was the fact the hardened cock belonged to a boy, or maybe it was the fact that it was an explosive climax, or maybe it was just the fact Lori knew her ordeal was only beginning and these three bastards were going to treat her like a whore.She felt severe guilt from the awareness that the intense orgasm was extremely lustful and made her a pawn for a teenager. Nothing like it had ever consumed Lori and she didn't really know how to respond. How many times had Andy and her talked about an orgy, Lori wondered? She knew he would approve of what happened and being unfaithful was not the evil event it started out to be.The young boy thrust into his dream woman so violently that it raised Lori's knees off the ground. He knew she was climaxing and covering his enormous weapon with lubrication to make it easier for him to pump in and out of her love channel. Sandy and the two other girls he had screwed in his life were nothing like this. Lori seemed hotter, tighter and certainly far more passionate than any young girl. He wanted to prolong the orgasm and feel the total ecstasy for as long as possible.Lori was in the middle of the major climax and didn't think anything would be more satisfying. How wrong, she thought, as fiery lava filled her most secretive regions that had never been touched by any man. She could not stop her heart from beating faster and her breathing became rapid and ragged. Sean's sharp fingernails dug into the tender flesh of her hips and she felt telltale gouges carved in her skin. He pulled her hips back hard to plant his enlarged cock into Lori's tender womb and extended her ecstasy. It was the first. A man shot his burning seed into her at the peak of her orgasm and Lori cried for forgiveness.The words out of her mouth were not really a vocabulary but merely expressions of extreme rapture. Vaguely Lori could feel her titties being caressed and groped by hands, many hands belonging to more than one person. When the hard, swollen nipples were stretched and pulled so roughly that it would normally hurt, she only moaned with a desire for more abuse.Suddenly, Ken shoved his youngest son in front of Lori and gave one demand. "Suck his cock bitch or else," he ordered and refueled his enraged mind with lust. The slim hips of the 16-year-old boy were adjusted so that his extra-long cock was thrust into Lori's face. It was like a vision from the heavens and she felt a caring passion towards the boy. It was her duty to nurture and reward the teen and her dainty hands went to the long, slim shaft.Troy uttered a sound of pure happiness when Lori squeezed his pecker and his hips jerked rapidly attempting to reap more joy. The size of the boy's cock surprised Lori and she was slightly hesitant to put her mouth to the lustrous head. Suddenly Ken grabbed the back of Lori's head and shoved it towards the target. In one motion, the flared head disappear and slurping sounds radiated throughout the enclose backyard."That's it baby, suck his cock and make him a man," came the depraved request. Lori wanted desperately to stop the immoral affair but knew that would be impossible with three, strong men having physical control over her. Her mind was resigned to the fact of their superior strength and that they were capable of making her follow a planned routine.The young hips thrust to and fro and without any real willpower until her throat captured the intruding rod. The boy had watched the previous erotic events and his stamina was rated in seconds instead of minutes. He desperately pinched the nozzle shut hoping the session would last a long time but the volcanic heat of Lori's mouth quickly overcame his resolve. The cock jumped in Lori's fists and she realized the teen was having an orgasm. It was a first for Troy to have someone suck his cock and his head was about to explode when he released the load of virile semen. The fountain erupted and Lori drank and swallowed rapidly in an effort to prevent choking on the gooey liquid.Out of the corner of her eye, Lori could see a camera in Ken's hands and instantly knew it was too late to go back. She realized the bastard would have new evidence to hold against her and would surely use it to fulfill his many fantasies. Lori felt sorry for herself and sobbed with shame and embarrassment from having to be a sex slave for three evil individuals.She swallowed the vast quantity of cum from the loins of the youngest teen and listened to the voice of her abductor. "I can hardly wait to ram my hard cock in the bitch. Christ Troy, you're going to drown the bitch if you keep filling her belly with cum boy," Ken said to his son.Everything in her logical mind told Lori that it was wrong and immoral, yet, she marveled at the magnificence of the boy's pecker. It was long, so long and slender that it seemed surreal and like the lance of a warrior. The extended shaft fit easily into her dainty hands like it belonged, not like his father's thick penis, Lori thought. Knowing she was milking the cock and bringing the young teen as much joy as possible only added to her guilt. A momentary wish came from a genie and Lori quickly brushed it aside. "I wonder what his cock would feel like inside me?" the secret genie asked."Wait till Andy's sees his sexy wife sucking on a big dick, he'll get a hard-on for sure. What do you think he will say when I show him this movie," Ken whispered to his hostage. Lori was flabbergasted by his revelation and prayed he was only kidding. She could only imagine what she looked like paying homage to a meager teenager in such an immoral fashion.Lori's innocent mind didn't believe he would show anything to her husband but Ken's plans had been formed long ago. His scheme included getting the upper hand on her husband and making him a willing participant in Lori's demise. Ken's stomach quivered like crazy when he thought of getting Andy agreeable to assist in having Lori sexually used and abused by himself and his sons. Ken considered his plan shear genius and he was very confident it would work exactly the way he had it scripted.Ken watched the erotic action taking place on the soft, grass-carpeted lawn and witnessed the virgin breaking climax. He saw Lori's two large titties bouncing up and down in a most seductive manner and yearned to feel the silky, sculptured boobs. Yes, he was going to ensure Lori felt his man-sized cock and he had looked forward to this day for a long, long time.The boy cried out loud with every blast of steamy, hot cum and his body shuddered with a newfound passion. Lori was well aware of his colossal satisfaction and clung to his hard pecker as if to keep her head above water. When hands circled her body and wanted her to move, to shift over to the side where another body was waiting, she cooperated like a submissive servant. Her fingers were almost ripped from Troy's burning flesh and Lori found herself standing with her feet on either side of Ken's wide hips. From far above, she looked down at the disgusting man and saw that he was thoroughly aroused to where his hard cock was standing erect. It hovered at an angle above the man's flabby stomach and confirmed once again what Lori already knew, it was measurably bigger than Andy's.Lori looked at Ken and saw his lips moving but she didn't hear a sound. Suddenly her mind shifted into the present and the gruff voice appeared. "You're my bitch! It's time you became a real woman and got fucked by a real man," the most hated man in Lori's life said. His degrading words filled her with disgust but she did not turn away.Ken lay on his back and motioned with his hands while he spoke. He wanted Lori to sit on top of his hips so he could watch her. He wanted to see her body, her glorious tits bounce and sway in time with him fucking her. Ken didn't want to miss one second of his sexy neighbor's demise and he prepared to realize a dream come true."Get down here and put that shaved pussy on my hard cock. Now bitch! I want to make that tight, little pussy feel a man's cock right now," he said and suddenly gave a stern order. "Move! Move it now," he voiced the command.Oh, how Lori loathed the arrogant son-of-a-bitch, she thought. He thinks he can do anything he wants and thinks he can make me want his disgusting body, she told herself. Lori stared in his direction with fire in her eyes and offered one last challenge to defy the man.Lori was totally amazed when her legs collapsed and she sank downward until she was sitting on top of the man's throbbing penis. Sobbing could be heard and it became apparent to Ken and his sons that someone had conceded defeat. Her legs were bent at the knees with one on each side of Ken's hips. Lori shivered at the sensation caused along the open crack between her legs when she felt the hardened cock rest in line with her swollen labia. Her body weight was enough to cause the thick, round shaft to easily spread her wet, pussy lips and the tormentor robbed Lori's sanity. His iron rod was instantly covered with oil and slipped even deeper into the narrow crevice to give Lori further torture."Fuck yes, that feels good. Now lift that bare ass up and grab hold of my 'Johnson'. I want my slut to put it in her pussy all by herself, is that clear bitch?" he said in a calm, steady voice. Lori was positive she did not lift her body to follow the man's directions but suddenly her pelvis hovered above Ken's. Her hand was placed around the hard pecker and Lori shuddered when her eyes noticed how it was aimed exactly at her most vulnerable crotch.The bulbous head of Ken's cock was guided to the puffy pussy lips and forced them open to reveal the pretty, pink flesh. It was totally surprising when the head was moved to and fro through the wetness in an almost teasing fashion and Lori didn't know how that could happen. Her hand was the only thing touching the massive manhood and she believed there was no way she would do such a taunting thing.Suddenly her breathing halted and she cried out to someone for help. "No, no, don't do that, don't touch me. Don't put your thingie in, not like this, please stop," she whispered with a most desperate tone. When her breathing restored, it came in ragged, broken gasps and she realized that somehow the head was inserted inside her vagina. She never gave her consent or so she believed, but the fact remained, her hated neighbor was about to fuck her.Lori's heart was doing an exhausting marathon and it pounded madly in her chest. She could not understand how her emotions could soar to such great heights without love and affection from someone like her husband. Yet, from the plateau she was on, Lori could see the top of the world. Her soul was suspended, threatening to devour her gladiator's weapon like a Greek goddess. Slowly and inch by inch her body lowered until she felt her pelvis contact the hard, bone structure of Ken's raised pelvis.Everything stood still and all relished the enriching moment. The teenagers envied their dad and knew he was about to screw their sexy neighbor. Ken held his breath and felt the intense heat of Lori's inferno sucking the stamina from his lust-filled mind. He wanted to keep things exactly as they were and savored the wonderful feeling of his cock buried in a genuine woman for the first time in months. When a sharp spasm shot through Lori's loins, she realized the end was near. She could not remember feeling so stimulated, so aroused and more tremors rocked her lithe body. Her claws searched for something to hold on to. She gave a final struggle to stave off destruction and dug her nails into the man. It merely inflamed Ken to a higher summit and he suddenly began thrusting up and down like he was possessed by the devil. Lori felt like a virgin, a love struck woman seeking fulfillment from a gallant gentleman. She imagined that all the erotic adventures and love sessions in her life had been performed for the purpose of getting her ready for Ken. An orgasm erupted from the deepest reaches of her inner soul and Lori fully welcomed the large intruder to her secret grotto. Her eyes were glazed and looking straight ahead at the crest of ecstasy. She saw brilliant flashes of light on the far side and it was a most comforting feeling knowing this man was taking her to the land beyond. Lori would remember the fantastic orgasm for an eternity.He named her bitch and at the moment of conception, she knew the term was accurate. She gazed into Ken's eyes and saw something for the first time and it frightened her. What would it mean to her marriage, to her loving husband and family, she wondered? Lori was suddenly a woman with uncontrollable urges for lust and was willing to be another man's sex slave. She did not know how to fight Ken and realized the craving for more ecstasy from him would bring about her immanent surrender.His enlarged cock expanded to its full dimensions and spread the walls of Lori's honey hole. "You're mine, all mine and now you are going to be my faithful bitch. Can you feel my cock, my thick dog cock, and my knot inside your cunt?" he asked demanding complete submission. Arrogance and dominance were radiated by Ken's confident manner and the obvious display went unobserved by the impassioned woman."Oh gawd, it's deep, deep inside and the orgasm..., I have never creamed like this," came the dire words of a beaten adversary. Lori felt her womb accept the dog's seed and knew she was tied to Ken for a long time. Ken held his hips thrust upward all the while he jettisoned the hot lava deep into his Lori's womb.All her life Lori had to hurry to keep up with her man, not wanting to miss out on a rewarding climax. That was mainly due to her sexy body and appearance, which turned a man's stamina to quicksand. With Ken, Lori was rushing to stay ahead of her lover and every demanding thrust by the vile man merely heightened her pleasure and enjoyment. Exhaustion overcame the two when the roller coaster of lust roared down the mountain of ecstasy. Lori fell forward with her upper body over Ken's and she felt no strength to struggle out of the man's grasp. With a hint of pride and embellishment, he thrust his spent hips up and down a few more times as if to say, you'll always be my bitch. The head of his weapon remained inserted in Lori's cervix and her tummy quivered every time Ken twitched or moved.Lori's senses were alive and she seemed to notice every little thing around her. A tiny shiver ran through her body with the realization that sex with her devoted husband was great and something she cherished, but for some unexplained reason, sinful lust overrode anything in her past. She seemed to know and understand exactly what the three strong, virile males wanted and needed. It was her body they desired and it was apparent by their heightened emotions that she could bring them satisfaction.Her conscious memory was vague and foggy, as she offered no resistance to any sexual advances. She was not even aware of how many times she sucked a hard cock or how much hot, steamy fluid flowed down her throat into her belly. The one thing that did remain constant was the earth-shattering spasms that erupted inside her womanhood each time one of the Patterson's fucked her. It seemed like her soul suddenly belonged to these three disgusting, vulgar individuals and Lori was not able to keep the intense lust under control.They used, abused and took liberties with Lori far above and beyond anything imaginable. The awful part for Lori was the way her body and her mind accepted what they did to her. She fully welcomed their caresses and touching and cooperated with all their depraved demands without hesitation. Lori could not phantom how she could feel passion and desire for her three hated neighbors.Nearing the end of the evening, Ken had the urge to forecast Lori's future. "I am going to send Rex over and he is going to fuck this tight-ass bitch too," he said to one of his sons. The disheartening words made Lori winch and she uttered a gasp of astonishment.Ken grabbed her by the hair and spoke directly in her ear. "Let me hear you say it. Tell me what will happen," Ken whispered. Lori knew what he wanted to hear and without holding back, she fulfilled another one of the man's perverted fantasies. "You are going to send your dog over to my place and he is going to f...., going to fuck me. Oh gawd, your filthy dog is going to make me his bitch just like you did," she moaned in a shaky, quivering voice.She could have stopped but that did not happen. "Rex is going to rape me like you did and fuck me with his big, throbbing dog cock," Lori said and knew she had sunk to her neighbor's perverted level. Her cunt yearned for a hard cock and there was one for her to have right at her fingertips. She rotated her body until she was above a teenage boy. "Fuck me, fuck me with your hard cock. I need you now," she said and held the bully at the entrance to purgatory.In a blink of an eye, the boy rammed his ramrod into Lori's waiting channel and he heard a whish of air escape her lungs. As it had earlier, the pecker stole Lori's dignity and she welcomed her teenage lover without breathing. He almost threw her on her back when he twisted his body and decided he wanted to be on top. Lori landed with a thud and in one thrust, Sean embedded his cock to demonstrate his ultimate superiority. She willingly spread her legs wide to accommodate the stud, and when the head of his big cock pierced her cervix one last time, the orgasm was instantaneous.Lori was a very fortunate woman to experience multiple orgasms but this evening was nothing like anything in her past. It seemed her ecstasy rode a plateau surrounding one climax after another and she didn't think a woman could experience so many incredible orgasms.She tried not to think of repercussions or what she would tell her husband, but merely lived for the moment. Lori was possessed by the teenager and completely opened her spirit to the boy. It proved to be one more time when she acted like an immature schoolgirl and climaxed well ahead of the man. When Sean did finally orgasm, Lori clung to his demanding body in an effort to reward his bravery.Ken decided to implement the next phase of his plan and it would start with reassuring Lori that he was not a storyteller. "Don't worry about Andy. Just tell him that I forced you to have sex and that you did it with me only," he told her. He wanted to keep the upper hand and needed to bring her husband into the fray. Ken figured that Andy may not accept the fact his wife had intercourse with his teenage sons so it was imperative to keep the fact from him. It would inevitably serve a dual purpose. He would somehow convince Andy to have his charming wife seduce an innocent teen and also use the video of Lori with Sean and Troy to blackmail Lori into complete obedience.Lori thought about what he said and agreed that keeping the boys out of her confession was a good idea. One thing at a time was best, she thought, and Andy would have a hard enough time accepting the fact his next-door neighbor had unadulterated sex with her. Trusting Ken would definitely haunt Lori but her mind was too upset and confused to think straight.Not much was said when everyone started getting dressed and ready to put an end to the evening affair. The Paterson's were riding a mile-high cloud of complete satisfaction while Lori was considering how to approach her husband. Before donning her clothing, Lori noticed the numerous abrasions on her coveted flesh and wondered how she would explain them to Andy? The marks that stood out the most were large, red hickies on her breasts and she could not remember who or how the incriminating marks got put on her womanly titties. She realized it was one more detail that would require clever answers.Ken ushered Lori to the door and watched the gorgeous woman get into her car and leave. She drove home in a daze and pondered the things she was going to say to Andy.To be continued in chapter 2...Please email me with your comments, as I would appreciate any from loyal readers. I am fairly new at this type of erotic writing and hope my style is worth reading.
Hi, my name is Bobby, I am nineteen years old, a musician from London. I am slim, with long dark brown hair and brown eyes. I play bass in a small band called the Black Flyers, based in Richmond, near London. We all have fairly long hair, mine is the longest, down almost to my waist. Everybody says I look like a girl. Timmy, our keyboard player, has beautiful long blonde wavy hair, he's only eighteen and very pretty, he looks even more like a girl than I do.Last summer we found ourselves touring in Germany. It was my first time over there. It was hard work, we played three sets a night, alternating with a German band - we did an hour then they did an hour.The guitar player in the German band had given me some speed. Everybody was taking some kind of pills to stay up. One day when we had a day off, I suggested to Timmy that we take a couple of black bombers and go out for a walk. There was a huge forest behind the hotel in Bielefeld. Timmy and me walked around the back of the hotel and found a path leading into the woods. It was a pleasant sunny day and we went deep into the woods. Eventually we came to a big river. There was a steep incline leading down to the river, then a flat stretch of grass dotted with bushes and trees. We flopped down on the riverbank together, between two big bushes. There was nobody about. After a while I felt the speed starting to work, I started to feel really good, a sort of tingly sexy feeling all through my body. "Wow, Timmy, I feel great," I said, "how about you, can you feel the pills working?""I feel fantastic," he replied, "it's really strong stuff, isn't it?""Oh, yeah," I said, "I can really feel it now."We sat and looked out over the water and talked enthusiastically about music and various things, both as high as kites. It was a lovely feeling. Timmy was telling me about a girl he had met a few weeks ago in Hamburg. He was being very open and candid, because he was so high on the speed."I love kissing Renate," he said, "she has the sexiest mouth. We kiss for hours."I looked at his girlish face with his long blonde wavy hair tumbling down, and his pretty blue eyes. He had a soft pouty mouth like a girl. I imagined him kissing her, their pretty lips touching sweetly, like two girls."I love kissing too," I confided, "I love soft, gentle kisses."I started to feel all tingly and sexy. I was losing all my inhibitions, I didn't feel shy anymore. I unbuttoned my shirt and opened up the front. I started to stroke my bare chest, lightly caressing my smooth skin. I slipped my hand inside my shirt and ran my fingertips over my nipples. I was feeling unbelievably randy from the speed."This stuff makes you feel very sexy," I said as I stroked myself, "my skin feels so sensitive, does yours?""Yes, I know," Timmy said. I watched, excited, as he unbuttoned his shirt and slipped his hand inside. The front of his shirt fell open and I could see his smooth hairless chest. "Ooh, it's nice, isn't it?" he said, stroking his chest gently. Timmy was normally quite shy, but the speed was making him lose his inhibitions too. He pulled his shirt wide open and revealed his beautiful smooth boy's chest. He started running his fingers all over his front, touching his nipples and sighing softly.I was feeling bold too. Throwing caution to the wind I slipped my shirt completely off and dropped it on the grass. It was so nice to feel the fresh air on my bare skin, I shivered with pleasure. I ran my hands gently all over my slender little naked chest, feeling my smooth skin, touching my nipples lightly. What a thrill. I tossed my head and my long hair fell all around my bare shoulders, tickling my bare skin delightfully. I felt all girly. I looked at Timmy."Ooh, that feels great," I said."Bobby, you're as skinny as me," said Timmy, looking at my slender little body, "you look nice. I love your hair, it's so long, it's very pretty." He traced his fingertips lightly over his naked chest and gave me a curious look."I love these pills, they make me feel like doing something outrageous," he said.I watched as he sat up, slipped his shirt off and put it on the grass next to mine. His body was beautiful, so slender and smooth with hardly any muscles, like a young boy's."Oh, that feels lovely," he said, as he touched his naked chest gently, feeling himself. I knew he must be feeling the same sexy tingling as I was."I think you have beautiful hair," I said, "I love blonde wavy hair, I'm jealous."He shook his head and his gorgeous long hair fell down around his skinny shoulders and upper arms. He looked so pretty and feminine."I feel like doing something outrageous too," I said. "I feel so sexy, it must be the speed."I looked around me. We were surrounded by bushes and there was a high bank behind us. There was nobody around."I feel like taking all my clothes off," I said.I got up and undid my belt, unzipped my jeans and slipped them down slowly. I felt a sudden sexy rush as the fresh air hit my naked thighs and cock. It was a great feeling. Timmy looked at me with his mouth open. He was staring at my cock."What if somebody comes?" he said."Nobody's gonna come," I said, "if they do I'll jump in the river and swim."I took my shoes and socks off, then took my jeans all the way off and laid them on the grass. I went and sat down next to Timmy, completely nude.Timmy looked at me in wonderment. His eyes roamed up and down my body."Wow, Bobby," he gasped, "you're all naked."It was an exhilarating sensation to be high on speed and have nothing on at all, and to feel the cool air on my bare skin. I was tingling all over. I noticed that my cock had shrunk, it was now only about two and a half inches long. It looked small and cute, like a ten-year-old boy's. My legs were smooth and hairless like a girl's. I began stroking my thighs, right in front of Timmy, slowly and gently caressing the soft skin. It was such a thrill to be naked with him watching me. I touched my cock and shivers ran through me. I played with it, holding it lightly between my fingers and delicately stroking it. It felt incredible."You have a beautiful body," Timmy said as he watched me play with myself, "I never saw you with nothing on before.""Look, the speed made my cock shrink," I said to Timmy, showing it to him. I felt a strange sexy thrill, letting another boy look at my cock. "it's like a little boy's.""I know, it does that," he said, "it's embarrassing. Mine does the same."He moved his hand to his crotch and felt his cock through his pants."It feels tiny," he said."Let's have a look," I said, "you've seen mine.""There's nothing much to see," he replied, "here goes."I watched enthralled as he unzipped his pants and slipped them down over his hips. He wasn't wearing underpants and I saw first the little patch of light brown pubic hair and then his cock. It had shrunk from the speed, but it looked a tiny bit bigger than mine. His balls were just a tight little sack underneath. I had never seen his cock before, he had a foreskin, just like me. It looked so cute nestling between the top of his thighs. "Yours is bigger," I said, staring at his cock."Yours is cuter," he said, looking at my little penis.He stroked his cock lightly with his fingertips."Ooh," he said, "I got chills all over me, it feels fantastic."I watched him as he played with his cock, his pants pulled halfway down, exposing his smooth creamy thighs."It's great to be naked," I said, "Take the rest of your clothes off, it's a gorgeous feeling."I watched Timmy as he took off his shoes and socks. He slid his blue satin pants down his slender hairless legs, taking them off completely. He sat next to me with nothing on at all. He looked lovely naked. He had masses of thick blonde wavy hair, and such a girlish body, small waist, curvy hips and long smooth shapely legs."You don't have any hair on your legs," I said, "I don't either.""No, I never grew much hair anywhere," he said, running his hands over his legs."Doesn't it feel good to be totally naked," I said, "I love having nothing on."Timmy laid back on the grass and stretched his arms over his head, showing his hairless underarms. My eyes ran over his lovely smooth body, and his little cock."Oooh, yes," he said, "it feels incredible having no clothes on, out in the open. I feel all tingly all over my body."He rolled over on to his tummy. "Ooh, the grass feels so sexy on my bare skin." he said. He moved his body, rubbing it gently on the grass. "Oh, Bobby, it feels great.""Did you ever take speed with Renate?" I asked."She's the one who gave it to me in the first place," he replied, "we both took some in Hamburg after the show last week."Timmy turned on his side and faced at me, resting on one elbow. He was such a pretty boy. He looked so angelic."She loves speed," he confided, "she gets sex-mad when she takes it. We were up all night that night, we got up to all sorts of kinky stuff."I was very curious. I turned and faced him too. We were quite close together now. It was weird laying naked on the grass with another boy, but strangely exciting and sexy. We were both so high on the speed we didn't care."Ooh, tell me," I said, thrilled. I was getting off talking about sex."We kissed for ages," he said, "she kisses fantastically, really soft and wet, with her mouth open. I love kissing like that too and we just sat there touching our lips together and touching tongues, really lightly, like this." Timmy demonstrated by moving his face closer to mine, opening his pretty mouth and sticking the tip of his tongue out. God, he looked so sexy when he did that, I could have kissed him."That's sexy," I said, "I love soft, gentle kissing too, I don't like rough sex." I stroked my bare chest lightly. I was getting so horny listening to him."You're such a sweet gentle boy," said Timmy, "I think Renate would love you. She says she loves gentle boys.""She sounds dreamy. What does she look like?" I asked him."She is very slim, with long straight brown hair, and gorgeous legs," he replied. "She is very pretty, she's got small tits but I love little ones. I think they are much sexier than big ones.""Oh, yes, so do I," I agreed, "sexy little mounds, oh, they drive me crazy," I enthused."Your hair is just like hers," he said, "long and straight. Beautiful. I love straight hair." Taking me by surprise, he reached over and ran his fingers through my hair. I felt shivers go through my body. "Your hair's really nice," he said. His fingers touched my bare arm as he played with my hair. I felt a strange sexy thrill when he touched me."Tell me some more about you and Renate," I said. "You're making me get all excited."I stroked my thighs and cock gently as I listened, feeling the lovely sexy shivers when I touched myself."Well, after we kissed for about two hours, she said she was hot; then she unbuttoned her blouse and pulled the front open. She looked so sexy with her little nipples all exposed. She wanted me to play with her tits. I felt them and kissed them all over. They felt so lovely. Ohh." Timmy was breathing a little harder thinking about Renate."Oh, Timmy, did you kiss her nipples," I asked, looking at his soft girly mouth."I kissed them and licked them really softly," he said, "she has cute little brown nipples and they were sticking out, hard. I made them all wet. She went nuts when I did that.""You have a lovely mouth, no wonder she liked it," I said."Do I really?" he asked innocently. He put his finger to his lips, his eyes wide."You've got a girl's mouth," I said."You think so? Renate says I kiss like a girl," he said coyly, looking down at the grass. He looked so cute and feminine. "She says that's why she likes me."I looked at Timmy's pretty mouth and I wondered what it would be like to kiss him. He did look like a girl. The speed was giving me crazy wild thoughts. I suddenly wondered if Renate liked girls."Does she like girls?" I asked, getting aroused at the thought."I don't know, I think maybe she does," he answered. "I love the thought of her with another girl," he added, "that would be so sexy." "Yes," I said, "think of Renate kissing another pretty girl on the mouth."I caressed my body lightly, thinking of Renate, stroking my chest and tummy, then moving down and running my fingers all over my thighs. It was such a delicious sexy feeling. I began to play with my little soft cock, gently slipping my foreskin back and forth.Timmy watched me, fascinated, as I played with myself. I was getting more and more aroused."Imagine Renate and another girl undressing each other and kissing and playing with each other's tits," I said."Bobby, you're making me feel very horny," he said. He was caressing his naked body all over, touching his smooth lovely chest and nipples, stroking the insides of his thighs, and playing with his cute little soft cock. He moaned quietly."Ooh, Bobby, it feels so sexy when I play with my cock," he said excitedly. "I would have a raging hard on by now, but the speed makes it difficult," he added."I know," I said, squeezing my little soft cock gently."Think of something that will make us get hard," said Timmy."What else did you do with Renate?" I asked."We played some sexy games," he said, "she likes to flash. She made me take everything off and sit on the bed, naked. and then she went and sat opposite me in the chair. She had her blouse undone with her tits showing, and she was wearing a really short skirt and black stockings and suspenders. I could see her stocking-tops, it was so sexy. She has such fantastic legs. She pulled her skirt slowly up to the top of her legs and showed me the lovely naked bit above her stockings.""Oooh," I sighed, fondling my penis. "I love that, black stockings are so sexy.""She slowly let her legs fall open. She wasn't wearing any panties. I could see her cunt. Bobby, it was so pretty, the lips were pink and wet, and she has just a little patch of dark brown pubic hair." Timmy sighed. He was stroking his little cock harder now. "She opened her legs wide so I could see, then she started touching her cunt, running her fingers up and down the wet lips, then slipping one finger between them, pushing it up inside her and sliding it in and out. Her cunt was really wet. I've never seen anything quite so sexy.""God, I'd love to watch that," I said. "A pretty girl with her legs wide open fingering herself. Ohh." I felt tingles in my cock."I went over to her and knelt between her legs," said Timmy, "She wanted me to kiss her stocking-tops. She played with my hair and stroked my back while I kissed the insides of her thighs. I slipped my hand up between her legs and played with her cunt. She was so wet. I slipped my finger up her cunt, right up between the beautiful soft wet lips. I kept sliding it in and out slowly for ages while she watched. She loves to watch." Timmy's graphic detail was getting me unbelievably aroused."Did Renate play with your cock?" I asked him."Yes, she's lovely, she's so gentle," he replied, sighing softly. "She took her skirt and blouse off and we went and laid on the bed together. She played with my cock for hours while I fingered her.""You have a nice cock," I said, "it's cute."He gave me a strange look."Renate told me her fantasy," he confided, "she wants to watch me kissing another guy.""Have you ever done it?" I asked."Once a guy came up to me in the club in Hamburg," he told me, "he grabbed me and kissed me on the lips. He was big and muscular with a crew cut. He stuck his tongue in my mouth. It was horrible.""He thought you were a girl," I ventured."I guess so," Timmy said."I never kissed a guy either," I said, "most of them are hairy and ugly.""You're not hairy or ugly," he said, looking at me intently. I felt a weird thrill."Neither are you," I said, "I think you're lovely. Timmy, you're the most feminine boy I've ever seen. I'm not surprised that guy wanted to kiss you."I moved closer to him. He didn't back away. Reaching out, I took a lock of his blonde hair between my fingers and played with it gently. He tilted his head to one side and sighed softly. He looked so beautiful."Timmy, you're so pretty," I whispered. We looked into each other's eyes."Oh, Bobby," he said softly, "so are you."I was feeling really bold from the speed, my heart was racing. "I'd love to kiss you," I whispered."Oh, Bobby," he said.I moved up close and kissed his lips. He let me kiss him, he didn't push me away. It was the first time I had ever kissed a boy. It was a lovely soft, gentle kiss. "Wow, you do kiss like a girl," I said. I kissed him again. He kissed me back, his soft lips touching mine tenderly, sweetly. We kissed again and again, our mouths open, our tongues touching lightly."I love kissing you," I breathed, "sweet pretty boy.""I love kissing you too," Timmy said, "you kiss like Renate."He reached over to me and ran his fingers through my long hair."Sexy Bobby," he said. He put his hands gently on my bare shoulders and slid them softly down my arms. He kissed my lips again. I felt chills as he stroked my arms with his soft fingers. We touched our tongues together, the tips sliding wetly over one another as we kissed."I'd kiss guys all the time if they were like you," he said."So would I," I said."Renate would love to watch this," said Timmy, "two boys kissing.""I'd love her to watch us.""We shouldn't be doing this," he said and we kissed and kissed again, softly and sweetly like two girls, enjoying the warm wetness of each other's mouths. We broke our kiss, breathless.To be continued... if you like it email me at:
Author's Note: Please note that this story is pure fiction and is not real although it would be cool if it was real but it's not. If characters sound familiar to you, it's just your imagination because these characters are purely fictional. The update and revision was authorized by Majun Gotenks. Please email me with suggestions or inquires, I’d love to read them. Thanks and happy reading.***FridayJennifer Lin, Jen for short, was fourteen years old, with long light brown hair falling to the small of her back. Her Asian background showed in her sexy 34d-28-32 body, her breasts considerably big for her young age and small, lithe form. She looked a lot like her mother Aimee, and her older sister Sandra. Her mother was the more conservative one in the family while her sister loved her sexy looks and showed them as often as possible. Jen on the other hand had brains and beauty. She loved the way she looked but showed it only part of the time. She had just gotten off the bus from school wearing her school uniform, a white blouse, plaid skirt, knee highs, and black shoes. She loved her school outfit, it made her feel sexy. She loved everything about it except the shoes. She loved to wear her uniform with sexy shoes, like platforms or fuck me pumps, whenever possible. She likes the envious stares from the other girls or the wanton looks from every man she catches undressing her with their eyes.At the moment, Jen was walking along the sidewalk, totally pleased with herself after receiving a 4.0 GPA, she felt pretty good. Pausing to look at her house, she decided to walk to the park. Opting for the long way, she began to walk towards the forest. The sun on her shoulders diminished as she entered the tall trees beside the park.She followed the gravel road until she saw a makeshift trail of bark dust. Deciding to go down it, she walked along enjoying the sounds of nature that surrounded her. Birds chirping, squirrels rustling in the upper canopy of the tall evergreen trees, all was serene.Suddenly, a sharp snap echoed from a thicket of bushes to her right. She turned, and always being a curious type, she walked undaunted past the thick foliage. She pushed her way through the branches and arrived in a small bowl formed in the center of the bush. Very little plant life grew in this small depression.She looked around and saw that she could not see past the bush that enveloped the bowl. Before she was about to turn back, something fell from the treetops above and landed on the ground beside her foot.It was a snake, about three feet long, with mottled brown patches on its back and a green underbelly. Its head and body were extra-smooth with a glossy shine. Jen was never afraid of snakes, even as a child, and she leaned down to examine the serpent more closely.It inverted the upper-half of its body and stared at her. The dark eyes seemed to penetrate her, and a red tongue flicked in and out. She reached down and picked the snake up, and held it out in front of her. She began to pet the slick head and began to lean down to kiss it on its head. The snake had other plans, though....As she leaned in, she opened her mouth partly in awe but it shot out of her hands and into her partly open mouth. It pried open her lips and began to crawl inside. She quickly tried to pull the snake out, but the scales didn't allow it to be pulled backwards without causing her a severe throat injury.She felt the snake crawl deeper and deeper inside her body down her esophagus. Beginning to panic, she heard more sounds above. She turned her terrified eyes skyward and saw a mass of snakes falling down onto her, knocking her down to her hands and knees. The one going down her throat was just the beginning; many more would be going inside her.They crawled up her legs to her plaid miniskirt. She could feel them rip apart her dark blue silk panties and they began to push past her virgin sphincter and crawl into her rectum, some small, some big. One snake sprayed green slime to lubricate her burning ass so that the snakes could easily pass thought the tight orifice. Strangely she was actually getting turned on by the bizarre rape and her pussy was now steaming with juices and was coated in snake slime. Snakes sensed this and began to start in that bare hole too. Between the constant stretching, pussy juice, and snake slime, her body now allowed four snakes at a time to crawl inside her tight vaginal tract and two up her ass. She could feel their squirming bodies inside her untouched womb. Her stomach expanded a few inches from the masses of snakes inside her rectum, womb, and belly causing her skirt and shirt to stretch to its maximum capacity. She felt dizzy from the infinite seconds of penetration and orgasms. Then all the snakes were inside her and the rape was over. She got off her knees and stood up. Brushing herself off, she saw one last snake still on the ground out of the corner of her eye. It was larger than the others, almost nine feet long and about a foot wide with a different color pattern too. It had a completely shinny black body that shimmered as the light hit it. Jen now stared at the snake and became mesmerized in it's dark, cold eyes. Strangely knowing what to do next, she walked over to it and squatted above it. As she did this, she ripped off her shirt and was naked except her dangling, shredded skirt and shoes. The snake bent down so he could see her dripping cunt and puckered asshole. He slithered up and flicked his tongue out against each hole. Pulling back for a second, he moved towards her asshole and squeezed his massive body up her tight anus into her rectum. She fell down again on her hands and knees but this time in pleasure. As he entered rhythmically, she started to moan in pleasure like an animal in head as the snake wiggled into her ass. Her head thrashed around in pleasure until some weight released from her ass and she turned her head back to see the last of the tail entering her stretched ass. Once he was in, she fell to the ground exhausted. She passed out for a moment as the snake began to work.In her sleep, she felt it climb up her gastrointestinal tract and into her stomach. It punched through the lining of her stomach and crawled out into her body cavity. The wound sealed instantly, as did her gaping asshole. After a few moments, she awoke and sat up. Her eyes glazed over and she was in a trance-like state as the snake slithered into her facial cavity. The black head searched for the exact spot. Then it found it. She awoke from the trance with a evil grin and one thing in her altered mind, reproduction.She got up off the ground and brushed herself off. Dirt stuck to her sticky, sweaty body along with the snake slime and pussy juice. She put her hand in her snatched and brought it to her nose.“Sex smells good. I could get used to it,” she thought. She smiled and began to walk to where her shirt and shredded panties were. Although she liked feeling dirty with her and the snake sex juices all over her she knew she needed to get cleaned up before she went home. She gathered her torn clothing and she went through the small bowl, where she was, through the thick foliage and found a creek. The water in the creek was so clear she could see fish in the center. She took off her slime stained bra, skirt, and shoes as she headed towards the water. The waded into water and then dove in, swimming around to cool her steaming body off. The water was a little cold but it didn't bother her, she enjoyed it against her steaming pussy and burning ass. She played in the water for a while but slowly started caressing her body. She rubbed her body clean of sweat and dirt. One hand began to roam downward to her ass and pussy and rubbed off the remaining slime off. She began to stick her fingers in her holes to dig out what she could. Letting a small gasp out of her mouth as she had two fingers buried in her snatch she felt something move out of her pussy. She pulled her fingers out and formed an ‘O’ on the outside of her hole. As she did this a medium sized dark blue snake emerged from her pussy. It slid between her fingers, causing waves of pleasure to ripple through her body. The snake poked its head out of the water and stared at Jen. She just starred into its glossy black eyes and knew what to do. Her hand that was below the water released the snake and she brought both her hands to her ass cheeks and pried it apart. Once she did this, the snake quickly slipped back down under the water and right up her ass part way. She moaned loudly at the sudden intrusion but slowly began to close her eyes and mouth partly as pleasure began to ripple through her body. The snake started moving in and out as if it were fucking her slowly then it picked up speed. She let go of her ass and began to slide her hands up her body. She slowly massaged her tits and pinched her nipples harder and harder as the tempo got faster. Finally, the snake withdrew its head from her ass and lifted it out of the water. Jen knew what to do and opened her mouth as black and green cum shot out of the snake’s mouth. Stream after stream was caught in her mouth but finally the last few landed on her face. She swallowed the creamy liquid hungrily as the snake slowly recoiled back in her pussy. She took her fingers and wiped up the rest on her face and stuck her cum-covered fingers in her mouth and sucked it dry. Satisfied in more ways than one, she waded back to shore. Realizing she didn't have a towel, she climbed a tree facing the sun. Once high enough, she straddled a wide branch and sprawled out on the long, thick branch and waited for the sun to dry her. She saw all the little school girls getting off the bus and running home off in the distance. She knew that there would be a time when both their body and mind would belong to her. Smiling to herself, she began rubbing any un-dried water into her skin and stood up on the branch. After doing a gymnastic technique, she jumped down twenty feet onto the ground, unharmed. She grabbed her shoes and knee highs, put them on, grabbed her skirt, slipped it on and zipped it up. She then grabbed her blouse and noticed there were green stains on it, not caring, she put it on, buttoned the top three buttons and tied it just below her braless tits. Grabbing her shredded panties and bra, she smiled and licked her panties clean of her juices and snake slime, and threw them both in the creek. Giving herself one last fondle, she headed home satisfied.To be continued...Please email me with suggestions and comments. I'd love to hear them.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 45
The other night I was reminded of my sweet sixteen year, now almost 24 years ago. Like every 16 year old, I was a little hornball and the thing that turned me on the most was a boy's cock. Pure cock -- I was a blowjob and cum freak, and I loved giving guys head and I loved having hot creamy cum all over my body. Sure, I fucked plenty; I had lost my cherry when I was not quite thirteen to a cousin of mine and by the time I met my future husband during college, I had fucked around 75 guys or so. But oral sex was still my passion. Knowing all this, my best friend Carla, arranged for the football team at high school, which was about 15 guys, including subs, second string and even the towel boy, but not the coach, to be with me the night of my 16th birthday and to fuck my face, jerk off on me, and just cover me in cum. It was an amazing night, not a single one of the guys fucked me, they just kept jerking off on me, until I was almost completely covered in hot white gooey guy semen.From the first time my future husband's cock passed my lips (admittedly only about 45 minutes after I first met him) until well after he died, I never ever fucked or sucked or did anything with another guy. From time to time I would still share some moments, so to speak, with old girlfriends of mine, but even that was a lot less, particularly after we each married and most of us got pregnant. And I didn't count that as cheating because it was just with another female, not a guy.My husband Eric and I had an amazing sex life; there were very few days when we didn't screw each other. We took hundreds of photos of each other nude, jerking off or us together doing it. My period never stopped him from pushing his cock into me; nor did any of my three pregnancies cut down the voracious appetite either of us had for sex and for each other.Then about twelve years ago Eric was killed in an car accident with a drunk driver. He left me a devastated young widow, with a large estate and 3 daughters, who were 6, 3 and 1 at the time. Eventually, I put our lives back together. I worked harder than ever (I am a lawyer) and about 3 years later I started dating again, albeit pretty casually. Now I have some guy friends who I'll spend time with, who might even be considered fuck-buddies. I've never considered remarrying, although more than a few men have proposed to me over the years since Eric's death.I've had a few flings with some female associates and partners in my law firm and have a moderately active, occasional bisexual sex life. It's nothing like the old days when I was a teenager, those daily fuck-and-suck parties I had when I was a kid and then a college student, but I'm sexually satisfied.I had a very hard day at work last Wednesday and at one point I thought I would be in the office all night. Around 3 o'clock in the morning we finished an incredible amount of work and all us took taxis home. The frenetic type of work we had just finished for some reason always sexually invigorates me and during the cab ride I let my mind wander into thinking about the long bath I would have when I got home and just which vibrator I was going to use on myself that night. I have a whole collection of sex toys, accumulated over years, mostly before Eric died.From time to time it was obvious that one of my kids had gotten her hands on them, but I didn't really care. I knew that they were all (even the youngest one, now 13 years old) sexually active. At different times I had given them all lectures on safe sex, and in the case of the oldest one, now 18, the pill. And anything else I could think of that might be relevant to them. My rationale was that I had fucked my brains out when I was their age and I had come through it just fine. They would do the same.The ride from my lower Manhattan office to my Upper West Side apartment didn't take long. That was fortunate, because my fantasizing had about reached the point where I wanted to touch myself. This driver wouldn't have been the first to get a masturbation show from me, but all in all I wanted to do it in my own bathroom.I have a duplex penthouse and have the option of taking the elevator to the top floor where my bedroom and study are, or to the lower floor where the rest of the rooms are. I was a little hungry and thought I would grab something out of the refrigerator, so I went in through the lower floor entrance.The scene that I found when I opened the door is hard to describe. My 15 year old daughter Janet, was on the floor with one guy about her age, kneeling over her and pumping her mouth with his dick. Another guy, a bit older but still a teenager was on his knees between her legs, grabbing her by the ass and soundly fucking her. My 18 year old Karen, was kissing that guy and was lying astride her boyfriend riding up and down on his cock like some kind of porn star.Finally, Ellen, my youngest daughter was sitting on Karen's boyfriend's face and she was apparently having an orgasm and was grabbing Karen's tits, pulling on her nipples.The guy Janet was sucking off screwed up his face as I walked in and was obviously about to cum. He looked up at my intrusion and shot his load into my daughter's mouth. I saw some of it gush out of her mouth and onto her chin. He pulled his dick out of her mouth and I saw more cum as he couldn't stop himself from cumming.The boy who had just cum in my daughter's mouth got up, not quite knowing what to do. At that moment Janet also saw me and tried to wipe the cum off of her face. I just stood there, looking at this little teenage orgy. "Mom...!" Janet nervously started, as all of the participants in the little orgy scene separated from each other, trying to find scraps of clothing to cover themselves.I walked up to the guy Janet had been sucked off and held out my hand to him."Hi," I said, "I'm Vicki Christianson."Everyone stood stock still as he shook my hand and introduced himself as Alex.Apparently, the other boy's name was Rich. Karen's boyfriend, I knew, his name was Matthew.The kids were all standing there, naked, not sure of what to do. I knew what to do though, after all, how often is it that a 40 year old woman has three hot looking teenage boys with rock hard pricks around her? Guilty ones that had better not say anything to anyone if they didn't want to go to jail for statutory rape.I looked around at the kids, knowing that they were unsure. But without saying anything, I just knelt down in front of Alex and took his still stiff cock and my hand and started to blow him. As I sucked on his dick I undid my blouse and motioned to the others to finish undressing me.My daughters stood there, amazed. Slowly though, I saw Matthew pull Karen down and climb back inside her. Rich got Janet onto her hands and knees and entered her doggie style while he watched me blowing his buddy and Ellen undressed me, running her hands all over my body as she removed my bra, skirt, panty hose and panties.Alex held my head in his hands as I bobbed up and down on his teenage shaft. I ran my hand around his ass and thighs, gently toying with his asshole as I sucked him off. After no more than a minute or so he groaned, "Oh fuck! Mrs. Christianson, that's really great."I laughed, letting go of his shaft for a moment and said, "I'm giving you a blow job for chrissake. You can call me Vicki." And then took him back into my mouth and jerked his cock as I washed his knob with my tongue, smacking my lips as I went.My daughter Ellen, meanwhile, had lost any inhibition she might have had about having sex in front of her mother, or even with her mother for that matter, and was underneath me trying to get her mouth onto my tits as they hung down.All three of my kids and I have similar bodies. We're all tall - I'm 5'9", very thin with narrow shoulders and small breasts. We all have light blonde hair, which is only a shade darker on our pussies. My pubic hair is fairly thin, as is Karen's. The other girls are too young to have full thick bushes in any event.I felt my pussy juice running down my leg. I didn't know how long this scene had gone on or how many times these guys had cum with my girls. I pondered whether I wanted Alex's cum on my face or in my cunt. I glanced over at my other daughters and decided that rolling around with them would be fun too. Ellen was now working on my nipples with a technique that told me she had plenty of experience with other girls. The thought of my three daughters all doing each other, which had never crossed my mind until now, made me even hotter and wetter than I already was.Finally I scurried away from Alex, leaving Ellen to take my place on his dick and I crawled over to Janet without breaking Rich's stride I worked myself underneath her. Finding Rich's strong young cock as he slid in and out of her.My pussy was right in front of Janet's face and she took the hint, burying her face between my legs, flicking her tongue over my swollen clit. I was soon on the edge of orgasm. I could taste Rich's pre-cum and Janet's cunt juices as Janet worked a finger between the folds of my vagina.I came hard and loud, bucking against Janet's mouth. Rich came as well, with half his load shooting into Janet's teen cunt and the rest dribbling onto my face. As he withdrew his now softening dick, I placed my mouth right on Janet's twat and sucked out as much of Rich's cum as I could. My efforts brought her to a rapid orgasm as well.Then I glanced at Alex and Ellen and watched Alex blow his wad all over Ellen's upturned face. She seemed to revel in his cream as much as I used to when I was a kid.As Alex sat back on his haunches to catch his breath I went over to Ellen and we started to lick the cum off of each other's faces and buried our tongues deep in each other's mouths, trading boy's cum with each other. I ran my hands all over her young body, squeezing her young budding tits between my fingers and she gasped and pressed her body against mine.After a bit, Ellen lay down on her back with me on top of her. As we kissed, our tits rubbed together, sending pulsating thrills through my whole body. Matthew and Karen had until now been fucking like banshees, in their own little world. But now Matthew came up behind me and started running his hands over my ass, alternatively touching my asshole and my pussy, as though he were trying to decide where to focus his attention."I'm gonna fuck you in your ass, Vicki. Who would have thought that good old Mrs. C could be as big a slut as her kids."I raised my ass up into the air and first felt Karen bury her face in it, licking my hole, getting me ready for her boyfriend. Janet was also leaning down next to me. "Mom, you're awesome!" Janet said. But I ignored her and kept my tongue in Ellen's mouth, as we continued trading the semen from our encounters. Then I felt Karen move away from me and felt Matthew's cock starting to press against my asshole.I wanted someone in my cunt also and told Richard to get underneath me and to double fuck me. He was shocked and excited. I knew that I was treating these kids to the next level of sex, showing them things they probably hadn't even thought of before.My three girls and Alex cheered on the guys who were pounding away at my two orifices. Then from somewhere, Karen had gotten a digital camera and was shooting images of the entire scene. Janet and Ellen had their arms around each other and were toying with each other's tits as they watched me getting it from the boys.Karen shot the expressions on my face, took close-ups of my ass and cunt and of the guy's faces and cocks and anything else that she could think of that would be hot to look at later, all the while working her fingers through her own pussy lips.Each of the boys had already come quite a few times, so they lasted a good long time, giving me the chance to have another wonderful orgasm before they each came in me. This time I came hard from the cock in my cunt, but the one in may ass intensified the whole thing so much I almost blacked out.After Rich came, Janet returned the oral favor to me and went right down on me, sucking out Rich's cum. Matt finally started bucking and as his hips jerked he jetted his semen deep into my butt.At this point, everyone, including me, was utterly exhausted. It was close to 5 o'clock in the morning and the sun was just starting to rise over the city skyline. The boys all left and Karen, Janet, Ellen and I all fell asleep on the living room rug.I woke up a few hours later still utterly sexually aroused. I watched my daughter's sleeping bodies, admired the sheer sexiness of each of them and grinned broadly as I thought about what we'd just done. Yet, I felt a bit uneasy about what had happened. After all, no matter how slutty I might feel at times or how erotic either they or I might be, they are still my daughters. It seemed suddenly odd to me for someone who had insisted on letting them lead their own lives to get involved in the most intimate aspect of it with them.I quietly went up to my bedroom, showered, dressed and went into my office. I called my secretary in after me. She was a young girl of about 20, with a great body and had let me know on more than one occasion that she would be available to me if I wanted her.I told her to close the door behind her. "Madeline," I said to her as I began to undo my blouse, "get undressed."Madeline smiled at me and started unbuttoning her blouse.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 48
The DateLorraine was a bundle of nerves as she sat waiting for the clock to move her to action. She had been occupied with this event all day and it was beginning to wear on her nerves.She sat wondering what it would be like in that dingy movie room alone. She sipped her wine and proposed being brave about the whole affair but had no faith in her ability to do so.It really wasn't that horrendous after all; he had left her satisfied if not somewhat sore below. She shivered slightly here with the memory of it and took another drink of her Chablis Blanc.One thing for sure he had certainly had a profound influence on her lifestyle of late. Sitting here smelling like a bordello Queen, drinking wine like water and the only thing she could think about was fucking the rapist bastard, yes, profound influence indeed.She had chose a lose fitting black wrap around print dress cut low down the front. She accessorized it with gold dangling hoops for her earrings, and a black and gold choker she picked up when she purchased the perfume. She had a black and red pair of high heels left over from last year that went nicely with the ensemble.She really didn't know why she made the effort; he probably wouldn't see any of it anyway. She filled her glass and took a long pull of the sweet, warm wine, to fortify her courage. She wore nothing under the dress as he had requested and her nipples were even now straining the fabric around them.It was time; she threw her cape around her shoulders and headed out for her meeting. She got there in good time and parked close to the entrance and again upon entering found the traffic light.She paid the fee at the desk and the young woman gave her the key to the door. Lorraine headed for the arcade hallway and found the door easily. Inserting the key she entered and stood without moving to allow her eyes to adjust to the lack of light in her new environment.She had expected the place to smell like stale sex but it didn't. After her eyes adjusted she found that the place was deserted so she took a seat and waited.There were two girls on the screen, one with a strap-on she was using on a cute blonde bent over in front of her. There were moans and curses and the whole affair looked rather silly to Lorraine.She felt a cloth being placed around her eyes and it startled her, she hadn't even noticed his arrival. Once the blindfold was secure she felt his hands rest at her shoulders momentarily, their warmth reassuring.He moved around quickly and stood directly beside her, his first act was to seek her lips. With the first kiss time froze and the world fell silent for Lorraine. There was nothing but the scent and warmth of this man, who, with a single kiss could bring her heart to joy unspeakable.She felt his hand at her knees and she surrendered everything to him, he owned her now and she knew it, even if he didn't yet. His tongue slipped into her mouth as his hand began it torturous journey up her leg. She was already beginning to seep down there but didn't care; he made her breathless.Lorraine broke his kiss and turned his face far enough to allow her teeth to tease his lobe. She licked it lightly first and then bit him then moved on quickly to the side of his neck. Like some hungry vampire she began to suck and bite alternately, as his hand continued its insidious, evil course toward paradise.When he found her at last he quickened her body and her breath with the black art of his caress then slowly inserted two fingers into her body. She raised her hand to his crotch and finding his erection there squeezed and stoked it lightly. She felt a slight tremor pass through his frame as the deep moan of his appreciation washed over her flesh. The hot mass of his cock bucked wildly beneath her caress encouraging her hand to further boldness.His lips were more potent then her wine and his kiss more deadly than a sharp knife. He went down on his knees and raised the hem of her dress slightly and inhaled the heady scent between her legs. He began to kiss her knee and she could feel the tip of his tongue lay down a trail of seductive warmth as he moved his mouth upward.She was thankful the place had wide seats in it as he twisted her body toward him. He continued his way up her leg as her fingers stroked his hair. She was anticipating his arrival with some impatience now, "God he knew how to stir a woman's hunger."He had her dress up around her waist now and the expensive perfume he had insisted on warmed her nose in the most pleasant way. She braced herself for the impact of his touch remembering how he had affected her last night. She wondered as she waited if anyone else had entered the room yet and might be watching.Then it happened, the thrill, the warmth, and the avalanche of feelings inside her as his mouth became in that instant the most important part of her existence. She arched in her seat without meaning to and spread her legs as wide as possible for him on reflex.She was overcome by the warm sensation of his mouth and desperately needed to vent vocally, but she didn't. He was devouring her and she loved it. She felt the fingers of one hand move toward her ass and she pulled at his locks with some urgency.He left off eating her suddenly and captured her lips again as he maneuvered his own body between her legs for entry. Lorraine felt the hard, hot mass of his organ sliding up the side of her leg as he moved; and her body was quickened with an unbearable ache for the thing.He continued ravishing her lips as the helmet of his hard cock nudged the swollen lips of her cunt. He placed his hands at her hips and drew her toward him with great force as his cock filled her to capacity.There was sharp intake of breath by Lorraine as he invaded her sanctuary and claimed her in a most forceful way. She clung to him as she sought to mediate meaningful communication of the pleasure she felt with his lips. He slammed hard against her pelvis as he drove into her and each thrust was heaven for Lorraine.Her mind could hardly reason with the deep intense pleasure he caused inside her. "Faster she thought" deeper, set me free from this ravenous hunger. He squeezed both her breasts hard as he gave a mighty shove into her body with the full length of his cock and made her scream.That was Lorraine's first orgasm in the viewing room; she found the heft of his balls and gently massaged them. Then she placed her long sharp nails against the underside of his cock so that when he drove in she could lightly scrape the underside with those deadly talons of hers. There was increased energy to his thrust now, almost barbaric and untamed in its manner. Without warning he lifted her from her seat and placed her on the floor in front of him. He placed his hand on the back of her head and forced it down to within mere inches of the floor.He raised the hem of her dress up over her ass and around her waist. It was a narrow fit between the rows of seats but he made do. With her face to the floor and her ass straight up and exposed in the air she felt his stinging report at the cheek of her ass.Before Lorraine could offer her protest at such treatment he plunged the heady girth of his cock into her passage and filled her to the hilt. The outline of his hand was an imprint of fire on her tender ass cheek and she didn't know what to think of it.He used her roughly there on the floor and the spanking continued in intermittent fashion. It was a strange mix of pleasure and pain she had never experienced before. But it produced something wonderful inside her body something that wasn't completely unpleasant.How could there be intense sexual joy in this kind of treatment; she really didn't know the answer to that question, but she loved it. Her rapist let loose with a short salvo to her ass again and Lorraine came again, her cries of passion muffled against the cold floor.She could hardly stand the sensation of her cunt convulsing around the Iron hard thrust of his savage shaft. She whimpered before him as the tremors of her orgasm receded into a warming glow in her body.Her entire body was rocking from the ferocious fucking he was giving her, it was more intense than anything she'd experienced with him thus far. At last she felt his cock lurching inside her body and knew he was expanding for his climax.He slapped her ass hard again and grabbed a handful of her hair pulling her head back toward him as he hammered her pussy. Lorraine was on another wave to oblivion she was as insane with it now as he was; as she sought another orgasm."Fuck it baby like only you know how to," she screamed at him! She didn't care what he had said about speaking to him. Didn't care that she was exposed on the dirty floor of a porn shop with her bare ass in the air.All she cared about was one more orgasm as she bucked back against the insane thrusting of her mystery rapist and his long thick cock. He blasted his scalding cum into her passage as he pulled back even harder on her hair. She was sharply inclined in front of him as he kept driving that monster into her insatiable cunt.She felt her own convulsions once more milking the seed from his body as she screamed again and trembled beneath his savage assault. Fluids were running freely down the inside of her legs dampening the tops of her thigh highs. Her breasts were hard and sore; her nipples near bursting as he finished using her and emptied the last of his cum into her body.Lorraine collapsed in front of him her mind unable to comprehend what had taken place in her body and mind. What power did he have that could turn her into a cock hungry submissive this way? He had pulled out of her and was now stroking the cheeks of her ass. His touch was tender almost apologetic in nature and she was grateful for the gesture. He placed his hands under her upper body and hoisted her up to her knees.Then moving her hair away from the side of her neck he kissed her there. It was a lingering affair as his hand caressed the cheek of her face and then his finger outlined the shape of her lips.She couldn't understand his actions but her heart told her she didn't need to. "God she thought, am I developing feelings for a man whose face I don't even know?"He stood behind her and assisted her to her feet then slowly turned her body to face him. She felt warm fingers under her chin as he lifted her face slightly. He kissed her then and with the first touch of his lips her heart went radiant inside.They stood necking as if they were lovers and she couldn't keep herself from responding to him. It was insane she knew, but she had traveled this road once before in her life and knew the signs, she was falling for her tormentor.He led her to the entrance of the small viewing room and then paused. It was Lorraine this time that sought his lips and finding them gave him her message of endearment. She was hungry for the warmth of those lips of his and hoped that she might convey her confusion and bewilderment to him.She was still shaking as she placed her arms about his neck and pressed her body into his. He read the sign well and breaking her kiss placed one of his own on the lobe of her ear, another on her neck, and the last one at the tip of her nose."Wait a moment until I'm gone before you leave, please Lorraine," he whispered low.Her heart smiled inside and rushed with joy at the sound of his voice. It was not one she recognized but it was a rich baritone of maturity and it filled her with warmth.He reached down and squeezed the cheek of her ass lightly and kissed her one last time before going out the door.She stood there in awe of what had taken place tonight and her reaction to it; if she hadn't been the one that went through it she would never have believed it.Taken by a force she couldn't, and now wouldn't resist, seduced into behavior that could only be described as whorish, and loving it all. And last of all falling in love with her rapist, she smiled as she thought; it is indeed a strange world after all.Lorraine removed the blindfold and smiled as she sensed his warm fluids still seeping down her leg. She was now contemplating what this madman's next request might be and knew as she smiled, she would be there.She left the small shop without a word or glance at anyone and headed back to the small Iowa flat she called home. She parked the ancient old Chevy and made her way inside.She poured herself a glass of wine and headed for the shower.She was pleased with herself and didn't really understand why, nor could she understand her eager readiness to smile lately. With the wine now warming her heart and soul she disrobed and stepped into the shower.Later after she had finished she again checked her e-mail and as she suspected there was a message from her Master. Mistress Did I over read your reaction tonight or are there genuine feelings of tenderness for me. I know your wondering who I am ... let me say I'm not a stranger, you know me. You're a witch Mistress, with an avarice for sex only formed in the very fires of hell itself. Your needs are equal to my own, as are your abilities. It's rare to find great passion and equal tenderness mingled in the same spirit, but you are what you are. There was a reason I chose you and that revelation is coming soon. I will be coming to your place at 8 pm tomorrow night, wear the blindfold and please don't ignore my Opium. I will use you Lorraine, you will tremble, sweat, and scream; by sunrise you will know that you can never do without me again. By the way, even though this is an anonymous e-mail you do have the ability to answer this station if you care to. I can't begin to tell you how deeply you pleased me tonight. How much I would enjoy spending the rest of this night with you and how much I already want you again. Always: Your SlaveIt's a crazy thing about human nature, but sometimes it only takes the right words to inspire true joy. And that's just what his message had done. Lorraine was thrilled with the overall tone of his message and happy to know at last he meant her no real harm. Master: No sir, your assessment of the situation was keenly accurate and you have only yourself to blame I might add. You have unwisely opened something inside of me that I can neither control, nor completely understand. All I know is this, that once having it, I would be heart broken to be without it again. I have no abilities of my own sir beside those that your creative spirit breathes into my being when I'm with you. Here, I become what your desire alone calls forth. I confess I cannot wait for the mystery to end and meet the man that has introduced me to feelings and thoughts all wonderful, new, and exciting. Such talk of the human spirit goes beyond me sir, for I am nothing but the moon that radiates the warm and loving rays of the sun that shines upon it. You have used me to fatigue sir, so, I beg my leave now to seek my rest and repair myself. Your Obedient Charge Always LorraineShe finished her wine and the warmth of it seduced her into a heady state of drowsiness. She wrapped her robe snuggly around her body and headed off to bed.She lay there beneath the top sheet and smiled again as she thought of her lover. She knew instinctively that she would never be bored around him; he would be an endless source of unexpected antics and excitement.She delivered her mind and body into the reassuring and trustful arms of slumber and dreamed the dreams that all lovers of the world share.Continued in part
When Sean arrived home that afternoon he glanced out into the garden and unexpectedly saw his mother lying on the sun-lounger. Sean was surprised to see his mother there at that time of day since she normally worked in the afternoons, but it wasn't the fact that his mum was at home that disturbed Sean, it was the sight of her bikini clad body. A vivid memory flashed into Sean's brain at the unexpected sight, a memory that rendered Sean immobile and he stood at the window lost in the reverie of an event now two years old.Two summers previously Sean had been enjoying the long vacation away from university and had been making the most of his freedom. He worked part time for some disposable cash and was just having a good time; going out to parties and generally enjoying life. Despite the fact that Sean had always been dimly aware that his mother was blessed with a trim figure and was considered to be vivacious and attractive, he had never associated her with sex. His friends had made oblique comments in he past, nothing explicit, but the inference was obvious. As far as Sean was concerned, Linda was his mother. He could appreciate that others found her attractive, but she was his mum, and that was that.Then, one Saturday evening something happened that changed Sean's outlook forever. He witnessed an event that precipitated an episode that was to have a profound effect on the way in which Sean thought about, and looked upon his mother. Sean's father had died several years earlier, and while the circumstances of his death are unimportant, his passing left Linda widowed in her early thirties with a son who had reached the cusp of puberty.It had been a difficult time for both Linda and her son. Not that Sean had been affected by his father's death in any way that caused him to act like a delinquent, on the contrary, he'd coped remarkably well, but he had perhaps taken his perceived role as his mother's protector a little too seriously. This had the effect of causing Linda to feel claustrophobic, and in an effort to ease her son's concerns; Linda decided to forgo male company for the foreseeable future. It wasn't as though she was looking for another partner, or a father for Sean, but she was still a young, healthy woman, with all the desires and needs that a woman has, and she found it frustrating to be doted upon by her only son. She loved him of course, but Linda found herself alone in her bed some nights, just wishing that someone would hold her, would cuddle up to her and make her feel secure in his strong arms, and yes, there was no denying that she missed the physical side of a relationship too.On that Saturday evening, Sean was meant to be at a party, and his mother was on a rare night out with some girlfriends. The afternoon and early evening had passed normally, Linda got ready to go out, and Sean had showered and dressed in preparation for his party.'See you later, babe,' his mother had called as she came down the stairs and lifted her handbag from the table. 'Have fun!' A waggle of her fingers and she was gone.Sean had gone to the party, but had found that he wasn't actually in the mood, so he made his excuses and left. He arrived home just as the light was fading, which in early July placed the time at around ten o'clock. Sean was surprised to see the curtains drawn against the front windows, and was puzzled by light shining dimly in the living room beyond. The light hadn't been on when he left, Sean was certain, and curious at this evidence which indicated that Linda had, returned early, Sean pressed is face against the window and peered inquisitively inside. Why he actually took the trouble to peep through the window like he did, Sean couldn't explain, but what he did see through the window took a moment to register. The jolt of shock hit him like a slap to the face; he was stunned, and at first could only stare in mute disbelief at what he saw. His mother, who Sean had assumed was going on a girls' night out, was at that moment sat on the sofa in the living room, her denim skirt discarded, her blouse unbuttoned and gaping open while a man sat next to her with his stiff cock in Sean's mother's fist. The man was twisted slightly on the seat and he was using his hands to massage Linda's tight breasts through her bra. The tumult of confused and conflicting emotions whirled in Sean's brain, and his stomach suddenly felt greasy. Sean was suddenly jealous that his mother could allow anyone to do that to her or that she was capable of doing anything to a man. In Sean's mind she was above the sordid acts of sex. She was too clean to let any man come near her with his obscene appendage, angry, stiff and wanting like this man's was now. Sean also felt anger that this man dared to actually use his mother like that. How dare he, it wasn't right, she belonged to Sean, he was the man of the house. His greasy stomach slipped sideways with the feeling of betrayal. His mother! How could she? The most disturbing thing of all however was the fact that Sean was suddenly and overwhelmingly sexually aroused by what he saw. The speed and urgency of his erection almost took Sean's breath away and the thrill of lust clutched at him deep in his belly, quickly dousing the sick feeling, and replacing it with a far more powerful emotion.The need for release that was centred on his cock was almost irresistible when Sean felt the instinctive desire flash hot inside him. Unthinking, he unzipped his jeans and pulled out his thick, hard cock. He pulled himself urgently; his fist closed tightly around the shaft, and then suddenly realized he was visible to anyone passing by. He moved stealthily around to the back of the house and let himself in through the back door. He stood just inside the kitchen unsure of what to do next. He was fearful of discovery but couldn't stop himself moving slowly closer and closer to the hallway. His cock stuck out in front of him as he crept along the carpet like a cat burglar. His mouth was dry and his legs felt weak. His body was trembling with the shock, and although he knew he was in a very dangerous situation, Sean couldn't resist the siren's call of what was happening behind the door just in front of him.As he stood outside the door, Sean could hear muffled sounds from beyond. He could hear the low tones of a man's voice, muffled and indistinct, and he heard the higher pitched replies that could only come from his mother. Sean turned at the sound of his mother's voice, and then he hesitated. It was at that moment of hesitation that Sean was lost. He could have walked from the scene and gone out into the warm night air to think. It was only natural that his mother should want some male company. It had been years since his her husband's death, and so far, as far as Sean knew, Linda had been faithful to the memory of her late husband, but time goes on, and a woman has needs, Sean knew as much, and even as difficult an experience as it would be for him, Sean had to let her live her life. Ah, but the temptation to take another look at what his mother was doing was too much for Sean. It was like a compulsion to him, he was drawn, and as much as he knew that the sight would disturb him, Sean was powerless to resist. He pushed open the door, just a sliver at first, and then when he was undiscovered at the first push he was emboldened enough to push it further still.When the door was just wide enough to allow Sean to peep into the room, he pushed his face close to the wood and surveyed the interior. The scene was no less shocking for this second revelation, and Sean felt the same mixed feelings rush through him again. The effect upon his penis was to give it a new breath of life, and Sean felt the tug in his belly once more as his cock stiffened quickly, and the lust burned hot.In the time it had taken Sean to push open the door, the man had managed to remove Linda's bra. As Sean watched, the man was squeezing and mauling at Linda's breasts. He was moaning with appreciation and kissing each of Linda's thick teats in turn.'Jesus Linda,' he groaned. Your tits are fantastic. So firm, so fucking sexy, God, I want you... I've been dying to get you alone... Fuck'Sean may as well have been deaf for all the effect the man's words had on him. His mother's breasts mesmerized Sean. He'd never seen them before, at least not that he could remember and he thought they were exquisite. Sean was amazed at how the mere sight of his mother's breasts made him feel. He was captivated by their shape, the ripe fullness of them, by the curved roundness of the undersides and the tilted uplift which was crowned by the darkly pink areolas, which were in turn tipped by Linda's thick, aroused nipples. Sean felt as though he could just walk right into the room, bold as brass and he was sure he'd be welcomed into the company of the couple entwined on the sofa. God, how he ached for release, the sliver of lust was buried deep in his guts, and Sean thought he would soon go mad with the wanting.As his mother and the man kissed on the sofa, Sean watched her fist moving rapidly in his lap. Sean unconsciously took his own length in hand and mimicked his mother's actions. God, it felt good... so good. Sean pulled and yanked at himself now, uncaring and abandoned in his lust, his eyes fixed, glazed and unseeing when he felt the rush of his semen as it burst from the eye of his cock. Sean groaned as the waters of desire burst through the dam of his climax, and he stood and jerked spasmodically as thick spurts of his cum splashed against the living room door.Inside, alerted by the unmistakable sounds, his mother sat upright. Her hands pulled at the gaping flaps of her unbuttoned blouse as she instinctively covered herself. 'What was that?' she whispered in a mild panic.'What was what?' the man replied. He didn't care what the noise was. The place could be getting burgled for all he cared. He was in the grip of animal lust himself, he'd waited months to get the chance at Linda and here he was, he had her tits out and she had been wanking his cock. She was fired up and ready to go. He'd done it, he'd gotten the unattainable Mrs. James half naked, he was a spit away from fulfilling his dreams of fucking her, and now he could feel her slipping out of his grasp. She was going to get away. No!'That noise, I heard a noise.' Linda was insistent.'I didn't hear anything,' the man pawed at Linda's blouse. 'Come on,' he wheedled, 'come on, you know I want you.''No,' Linda was suddenly vehement. 'I heard a noise. My son could be home.'Linda stood, leaving the man looking aghast on the sofa. 'No!' he called in protest, but Linda was already on her way to the door.Linda pulled the door open a few inches and her mouth fell open in shock. Sean was stood with his penis in his hand. Semen oozed from the eye of his cock and the door was spattered with thick goo, unmistakably semen, and it was oozing down the woodwork and dripping onto the carpeted floor. Linda's body and the bulk of the door shielded Sean from the man's view. 'Is anyone there? Are you coming back now Linda?' he called.Linda ignored her would be lover and stared at her son in disbelief. Sean returned her look for long seconds, and then he turned and ran up the stairs, his brain not fully realizing the importance of what had just happened.He sat in his room in the growing dark. He heard the commotion from downstairs as Linda forced the reluctant man to leave, then he heard the dreaded sound of his mother's footsteps on the landing outside his room.'Sean?' His mother's questioning voice was accompanied by her tentative knocking on the bedroom door. 'Sean, honey, can I talk to you? ...Please?'Sean continued to sit on his bed in the darkened room and willed his mother away. Despite Sean's silence and his unwillingness to acknowledge her Linda pushed the door open and stepped inside. 'Come on Sean, we really do have to talk about this.'Sean felt the mattress sink slightly as his mother sat next to him. 'No,' Sean whispered, 'we don't have to talk about it. I don't want to talk about it. You're a slut.' Sean turned away from his mother and felt the hot tears of his confused shame and anger well suddenly. 'You had that man's cock in your hand,' Sean continued as his voice cracked with emotion. 'How could you? His cock in your hand and your tits hanging out... You fucking slut!' Sean spat the phrase out with a vehemence that shocked Linda. She'd never heard her son swear before and his use of the profanity caused her to recoil in surprise. She quickly recovered and reached a hand out to Sean. 'Please...' Linda sobbed, 'please Sean, let me... let me explain.' Linda's hand touched her son's shoulder in the darkness and he whirled around to face her at the touch.'Explain!' he shouted. 'Explain what? I saw you, there's nothing to explain.' Sean's voice was spiteful in tone as though he was a spoilt, petulant child instead of nearly nineteen. Linda pressed on however, reluctant to leave her son in such an emotional state. 'I saw you too, Sean,' Linda whispered. 'I saw how... excited you were.' Sean's intake of breath hissed loudly at this revelation, and his face burned hot. 'Were you watching, Sean, were you watching me?' Linda was insistent when she sensed the advantage. 'I know you were watching us Sean, I saw you. I saw how aroused you were.'The tears spilled down Sean's cheeks in his shame at the memory of how his semen had splashed uncontrollably from the eye of his cock. 'Oh God, Mum,' he sniffed, 'I'm sorry... I didn't mean to. I came home early and... and I saw through the window... I'm sorry.' The words fell from Sean in a torrent and Linda's heart went out to her son. 'That's Ok, baby,' she murmured and pressed her body against Sean's as she lay down behind him on the bed. Sean stiffened as he felt his mother pressing against his back, and he squirmed around to face her. Linda pulled her son's head close to her bosom in an instinctive mothering gesture. This innocent gesture however, caused a sudden and overwhelming reaction in Sean. The scent of his mother and the heat of her close proximity sent a frisson of returning lust through the young man. His cock stiffened abruptly and the red mist of desire clouded Sean's brain.Sean pressed his groin against Linda's hip and then rolled his mother over onto her back. Before Linda realized what was happening, Sean wedged himself between her thighs and pushed the solid length of his erection against the mound of his mother's mons. He ground his cock against Linda's body and pulled at her skirt hem urgently.'Let me do it to you,' Sean whispered hoarsely. 'Let me do it to you like you were going to let that bloke.' Sean pushed his mouth down against his mother's lips as the madness overwhelmed him. He was driven by lust and desire and had no real concept of the magnitude of what he was doing. It was just as Sean had pushed his tongue into her mouth that Linda finally reacted. 'Sean, no!' she cried and tried to push her son from on top of her. 'Stop it,' she grunted as she continued to wriggle and struggle to get away from him. 'I'm your Mother, for God's sake Sean, you can't do this to your mother.' With a supreme effort, fuelled by panic Linda managed to wriggle free of Sean's groping hands and insistent tongue.Suddenly the realization that he was trying to force his sexual attention on his mother, Sean stopped his attack. He rolled off Linda's body and sat upright on the edge of the bed and held his head in his hands. 'Mum,' he said quietly in a hushed voice. 'How could I? Mum, please... I'm... Oh God, I'm so sorry.'Still breathing heavily Linda sat moved across the bed and sat alongside her son. 'My God, Sean,' she murmured as her limbs trembled with the shock of what had happened. 'What were you thinking of? I'm your mother, for God's sake!' Linda's voice rose in volume as her fear turned to anger. Then when she saw the devastation on Sean's face as he turned his head to look at her, Linda's heart went out to him and the anger evaporated. 'Oh honey,' she said and cautiously put one arm around her son's shoulder. She'd correctly sensed that she was in no further danger of molestation and realized that Sean must be feeling devastated and confused. Linda was more than a little confused as well Her son had almost succeeded in forcing himself inside her, had almost succumbed to the moment of blind lust and fucked his own mother.Linda felt sickened by what had just occurred, but couldn't bring herself to blame Sean. He was young, only eighteen and his sexual urges would be a dominant force in his life at this moment in time. Linda knew about the dangers of sexual frustration and the lengths to which that primal impulse could drive people. She hadn't been with a man since her husband's death, and now that the long period of mourning and adjustment was ending, she was beginning to feel the need for physical attention again. Linda was horny as well.'Don't worry, baby,' Linda crooned as she held her son and comforted him. 'Don't worry, I understand.'Linda sat with Sean for more than half an hour without a word passing between the pair. Eventually she left him sat there in the dark and climbed into her own bed. Sleep came after what seemed to be an age, but it was troubled and dream filled, and Linda's mind was tortured by confused images of huge erections, an ejaculating penis, and most disturbing of all, Sean's face.The next day Sean appeared at breakfast and was very sheepish. Neither Sean nor his mother spoke of the previous night's events, and as time passed, when the days became weeks, which became months and eventually years, things slowly returned to outwardly normal between Linda and her son. The shocking wound of Sean's near rape scabbed over and healed, but there remained the hard carapace of scar tissue over the memory that, although never referred to, always remained at the back of their minds'. It floated on the periphery of their awareness, not manifesting itself directly, but both Linda and Sean thought back to that night occasionally. Sean thought about it with embarrassment and shock, but Linda found herself analyzing the events, and to her utter horror and shame, began to develop sexual fantasies over it.At first Linda resigned herself to remaining celibate, at least for the few years that Sean could be counted upon to remain at home. She imagined that he would eventually leave university, get a job and probably meet a girl and settle down. The normal run of events in Linda's experiences of life so far. So, she decided, no men until then. Of course she was still left with the burden of her sexuality and the increasing urges and demands her body signaled. Linda acquired a vibrator, and then a second. She discovered a shame filled penchant for mild pornography, and satisfied her desire for sexual release by masturbating and looking at images of naked women in magazines. Her behavior shocked her; she wasn't a lesbian by any stretch of the imagination and wondered if she needed some form of psychological therapy. She had no desire to have sex with another woman in real life, but found the pictures of the attractive models visually stimulating.She discovered erotic stories and would spend a happy evening alone in her bedroom with her stories and her dildo, and would masturbate to a noisy climax. It wasn't an ideal situation, but it was one in which she could maintain a level of satisfaction and it removed the problem of men from her life – for the time being at least.As the months passed, Linda used her tools of stimulation privately in her boudoir, but slowly and imperceptibly at first she began to build sexual fantasies to supplement her diet of erotica. Some of the stories she read were really graphic and obscene, and as Linda grew jaded with the sordid acts that she read about, the wilder her fantasies became. Inadvertently Linda found a story that she was reading was in fact an incest story about a woman and her son. At first she was appalled when she realized the twist the story had taken, but unable to help herself, she carried on reading. It became a fascination for her and culminated in the most frantic wanking session she had had in her memory. The climax she experienced rolled on and on in continuous waves of pleasure and release, and at the very moment her orgasm subsided, while she laid panting and sweating in her bed, Linda felt the shame and humiliation of being so aroused by such a taboo subject.No matter, the seed was sown and in spite of trying desperately to put the images out of her troubled mind, Linda found she kept returning to the story, and of course she eventually replaced the characters with herself and her son, Sean.To Sean however, things were never the same. He kept up the outward appearance of normality in the same way that Linda managed, but his nights were filled with masturbatory fantasies from the very next evening. Sean lay in his bed the next night and struggled with the images that popped unbidden into his mind. He was tormented by the knowledge that his mother was laying in her bed only yards away from his, and he had to fight the constant urges to go to her. He fantasised about his mother's body and dreamed of taking her petite, firm breasts into his mouth and sucking on them. He pictured Linda's slim waist and soft stomach as he pulled at his cock vigorously, and he became even more aroused when he visualised how her breasts had moved with a soft swaying movement as she tugged at the man's cock. Sean's semen spurted from his cock with an energy that took his breath away when he climaxed during these marathon wanking sessions, and such was Sean's ardour that he found that his cock would stay hard and demanding in spite of its recent outpouring of Sean's desire.***Sean daydreamed at the window, his eyes glazed and unseeing, and he didn't realise that his mother had walked into the kitchen until he was startled out of his trance by her voice. 'Oh, hi baby,' Linda said, surprised to see Sean standing so quietly.Sean didn't respond, but just looked at Linda's figure as it was deliciously displayed to him in a very flattering bikini. In a flood of lust Sean's cock grew erect with shocking speed. He felt as though his penis would burst through the front of his jeans and Sean saw that the sudden reaction to Linda's semi nakedness hadn't gone unnoticed by his mother. Linda's eyes were focused upon the bulge in his jeans front and Sean felt the blood rise hot in his face.Not again, he thought to himself and almost ran from the kitchen in his haste to hide his desire and his anguish. Sean was appalled at his body's reaction. In spite of having his nocturnal fantasies regarding his mother, Sean had no wish to reopen the painful wound caused by that night two years in the past. Sean continued through the house and let himself out through the front door. He wanted to put some space between himself and his mother. He needed time to think, he needed time to calm down.After walking around aimlessly and with no sense of time, Sean eventually let himself back into the house. He must have been out for hours, at least five, and it wasn't until he got inside the house that Sean realised he hadn't eaten since breakfast, and that it must now be way past tea time. He was distracted from his obsessive thoughts about his mother by the delicious smells that greeted him upon his return home. Something was cooking – and it smelled good.'In here Sean,' his mother called from the back of the house. He walked through into the kitchen and was surprised to see the table laid out complete with candles and a bottle of red wine. 'Er... Hi Mum,' Sean said, puzzled by this unexpected turn of events. He wasn't sure just how his mother was going to react to his earlier performance, but this was certainly one scenario he hadn't envisioned.'Hi Sean,' Linda turned from the cooker and smiled at her son. 'It'll be ready soon, why don't you take a quick shower and then come back down; should be done by then.''Uh, yeah, sure.' Sean replied inarticulately, still surprised by the reception, but he did as he was bid and left his mother to it.A short time later, washed and refreshed, Sean arrived back in the kitchen.'Perfect timing,' his mother beamed at him. 'It's just ready.' Sean sat down as Linda passed him a plate of food. 'Wine?' And Sean nodded his head in response.As Sean and his mother ate the food and drank the wine the atmosphere lightened and Sean relaxed visibly. His mother was chatty and animated throughout the meal and Sean noticed a peculiar light in her eyes. He was puzzled by the unusual sheen to his mother's eyes until he realised that she'd perhaps been at a little drop of the wine prior to his return home.'Are you Ok, Mum?' he asked a little concerned.'Me?' she replied with wide eyed innocence. 'Why shouldn't I be Ok?''Well,' Sean was a little embarrassed, 'you seem a little weird.''Weird?' his mother laughed. 'Weird, how?''Have you been at the wine, Mum?' Sean asked and nodded towards the now empty bottle on the table.Linda giggled and then stood up grabbing the empty bottle by the neck as she did so. 'I might have had a little drinky,' she said as she pulled a fresh bottle from the rack. 'More?' Linda didn't wait for a response from Sean; she pulled the cork and poured both her and her son a glass. 'Come on through to the living room, leave the dishes, I want to talk to you.'Sean felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Shit, she wanted to talk to him. He really didn't want this; it was too much for him, too emotional and confusing. It was a volatile concoction of lust, desire, jealousy and embarrassment all mixed together. How could he talk to his mother about his problem when she was the problem?'Come on Sean,' Linda said quietly. She seemed quite lucid now, somehow the bright eyed and slightly drunk woman had been subtly replaced by this new insistent version. Linda walked to her son and lifted his hand from the table top. 'Come on,' she said and pulled him unwillingly to his feet.'Now,' Linda said when they were both seated on the sofa. 'Let's get things settled, once and for all.'Sean was feeling decidedly uncomfortable. He didn't want to talk about this, also he was acutely aware of he was sitting in the very spot that his mother had occupied that fateful night two years before.'Mum, please...' He began, but Linda pushed her index finger against his lips to quiet him.'No Sean, I want to talk to you.' Linda's voice was low and husky with her hidden, suppressed emotion. 'This has been going on too long, it's not healthy, not healthy for either of us, and I've been tortured these last few months... It's got to end.'Sean looked at his mother speechless. He had no idea of how deeply she'd been affected, he thought it had been his problem alone to deal with, but now his eyes were being opened and the realisation dawned.'Mum...' Sean tried again, but once more is mother cut him short.'No! Please don't interrupt,' Linda said sharply. 'Its taken me all afternoon to pluck up the courage to do this.' Linda paused and gave a wry little laugh. 'Dutch courage too, but I need to tell you something Sean, something important.Sean just sat and looked down beyond his knees to the carpet between his feet. He was mortified and just wanted to be somewhere else, anywhere else.'Since that night... that night you caught me in here with Simon.' Linda took hold of Sean's hand and despite his discomfort; Sean lifted his eyes to look at his mother. 'I know it's been difficult for you. You saw something that you shouldn't have seen.' Linda paused, there was so much she wanted to say she was becoming confused. 'Shit,' she swore with frustration. Then she simply leaned into her son and pushed her lips against his mouth.Sean goggled, his brain unable to make sense of what was happening 'Wha...' he began when Linda pulled back after the kiss. 'What... I don't... Mum?' he blurted 'I don't understand.''Oh Sean... baby,' Linda whispered. 'I saw you that night, I saw how excited you were, I saw the spunk on the door where you'd come...'To hear his mother speak so candidly, to hear her use words like 'spunk' and 'come'... Sean's brain couldn't cope. She was using words in a reference that he shouldn't ever hear. It wasn't right that his own mother used the sexual references to him, but Sean couldn't help but grow aroused by them. His mother was so close that he could feel the warmth of her body. She'd kissed him; not in a maternal way, but as a lover would kiss, and now she was using such language... Oh God, what could he do? His traitorous cock stiffened, in no way confused. The only part of Sean's anatomy that appeared to be functioning normally was his penis. It seemed that his member had a mind of its own, that it sensed what was happening, that it could scent the musk of Linda's sex in the atmosphere and it was hungry.'I know it excited you to see me with Simon,' Linda said quietly. 'And I know you got excited today when you saw me in my swimming clothes.' Linda pushed the palm of her hand against her son's jeans and gently applied pressure. 'You're excited now too, you've got a hard on, and to be honest, Sean, I'm sick of fighting the feelings I have for you. I want a man, I need a man, and just lately I've been thinking about you...'Sean didn't really register much of what his mother was actually saying to him. He was overcome by a wave of lust and his cock was painfully pushing out the front of his jeans. The pressure from his mother's hand and the arousal from the kiss... In that moment it didn't matter to Sean that it was his own mother caressing his hard cock through his jeans, he was desperate to find release and meant to have it. He moaned deeply in the back of his throat and closed his eyes. He surrendered completely to the primordial urge and when he opened his eyes again, Sean didn't see his mother sat next to him, he saw only a female that could satisfy his lust. Sean lunged at his mother and kissed her. After a brief moment of surprise Linda opened her mouth willingly and allowed Sean to explore her mouth with his tongue.Linda returned her son's kiss ardently and very quickly their passion for each other escalated to the point where they were both kissing and pulling at each other's clothes.'Sean,' Linda said with a croak as she pushed her son away from her. 'Sean, come on... quickly... take your clothes off... I want you... I want you naked... I want to see your cock all big and hard.' Linda had to fend off her son as he kept pawing at her and tried to kiss her again. 'Sean please!' she cried. 'Just stop for a moment and take your clothes off... Please!'Sean stopped and looked at his mother with glazed eyes. Taking the opportunity, Linda stood up and pulled the straps of her summer dress over her shoulders. She let the dress fall over her hips and then stepped out of it. She had been nude underneath the flimsy dress and Sean groaned loudly when he saw his mother's trim body.'Mum,' he whispered almost in awe. 'Mum, you're so beautiful. Oh my God...' Linda stood and allowed her son to take his fill of her slender figure. She posed, almost arrogantly with her hands on her hips. She felt glorious; powerful even, and the euphoria she experienced as she exhibited her nakedness to her son was overpowering. It was just as she'd described to Sean earlier. She had fought the disturbing sexual feelings she'd felt for her son, but had reached a point where she no longer cared. She was desperate for release; the sexual tension had built up to such a pitch that she was no longer satisfied using her sex aids and her fingers on herself. She craved cock, and if that cock was her son's, then so be it.'I want to see you now, Sean.' Linda said quietly as she bent to kiss her son's mouth again. 'I know how wrong this is, but I don't care. No one needs to know about this but us honey, Ok?' She looked at Sean's face intently. Sean was beyond caring about the morality of the situation. He wasn't concerned by the rights and wrongs, and how other people would view what was happening right there in that house. Sean didn't care that it was his own flesh and blood, his own mother that he was craving. He just wanted to have her. He stood up and pulled his mother close to him. The couple kissed again, their tongues writhing and dancing, a serpentine joining which was coupled with their moans and sighs of lust and desire for each other.As she kissed her son, Linda unbuckled the belt of his jeans and pulled the t-shirt from the waistband. She unzipped the fly and plunged her hand into the gap from which she lifted her son's hard penis. 'Oh my God, Sean!' Linda cried when she felt the stiffness of her son's member. 'It's so hard!' Sean pulled his t-shirt over his head and his mother's words of adoration over his cock were silenced when she saw his lean, lightly muscled torso. Sean wasn't hugely muscled, just nicely so in Linda's eyes. She eyed the long muscles in his arms admiringly and drank in the view of the taut, plated muscle of his chest and flat, hard stomach.'My oh my, baby,' Linda whispered. 'You're a lovely specimen of a man... I had no idea...'Sean smiled sheepishly, slightly embarrassed by the admiration that was evident in his mother's tone of voice. He silently pulled his jeans down to his ankles and then kicked his shoes and jeans off in one movement. He peeled off his socks and then stood in front of his mother, as naked a she, and Linda reached out to curl her little fist around the girth of her son's cock.Sean groaned loudly as Linda gripped him fully. He looked into his mother's eyes as she held him and felt a wave of love for her. He'd wanted to protect her, especially since the night he'd seen her with her thwarted lover and there were, of course, the subsequent feelings and desires he'd formed with regard to his mother. Now it appeared that, miraculously, his dreams and fantasies were coming true. Sean fervently hoped that he wasn't in the grip of some dream and that what he was experiencing was in fact real. If, however, it did turn out to be a dream he wished that it would reach its obvious, sticky conclusion before he woke. The sensation he was feeling in his excited cock indicated that this was real life, and Sean confirmed his state of consciousness by reaching out to touch his mother's bare skin.'Mmm, yes baby,' Linda sighed when Sean caressed her body gently. 'Feel my skin while I feel your stiff cock.' Linda wanked at her son gently as she spoke and Sean moaned softly. 'You're so fucking stiff,' Linda continued, and the use of the unaccustomed profanity sent a further frisson of lust through Sean.'Mum...' he gurgled in response. He had no idea of what to say and was totally immersed in the feelings he was experiencing.'You don't have to speak, honey,' Linda responded. 'Just let me take you there.' She pulled at his root with a little more vigour and was surprised to note that Sean's cock actually throbbed in her grip and increased in girth slightly as he became more excited. 'I've been fantasising about you, Sean,' Linda revealed to her son. 'I've been in my bed at night, frigging myself and thinking of how you'd feel between my legs.' Sean groaned at his mother's words and his mind buzzed confusedly. His mother pulled at him harder and harder until her fist was almost a blur. The pre-cum was gooey on the head of Sean's cock as it oozed from the single eye in its crown, and Linda's wanking was accompanied by the wet, squelching sound of her son's lubrication.'Mum...' Sean grunted. 'Shit... Mum, I'm going to...''Oh God, Sean' Linda whispered. 'You're going to come for me? Yes... Please... Come for your mother... I want to see you do it.' Linda's excitement was obvious as her voice croaked with the lust she was feeling as she manipulated her son to his climax. The mere thought of witnessing Sean's gloopy outpouring caused her nipples to stiffen and for her vagina to begin to oil. As her son grunted like some sort of animal, Linda's attention was switching from the apparent pain on Sean's contorted features to the alarmingly large and purple dome of his cock. Sean's face was fully showing the scale of his impending ecstatic climax and was distorted in a rictus of seeming agony, with his groans of excitement and pleasure sounding loudly in the room. Finally, with a cry of delight, Sean's first thick jet of semen spurted from his cock.'Mum... I'm coming,' he shouted. 'I'm coming and it feels so good.' Sean's head lolled uncontrollably as his body was overcome with the pleasure of his orgasm. 'Yes...Yes...Yes' Sean grunted n time with the spurting of his cock, and he thrust is hips forward in a synchronised dance of release. 'Oh!' Linda cried out a little surprised by the force of her son's ejaculate, but she didn't pause in her furious wanking and the viscous spurts just kept on gushing from a shaking, groaning Sean.'Oh God, Mum,' Sean moaned shakily as his climax subsided. 'I've never felt like that before... It was fantastic.' A thick strand of goo hung heavily from the end of Sean's cock and his mother used her index finger to scoop the thread of cum from his member. Linda's forearm and hand were spattered with her son's semen and more of the stuff had splashed across her stomach when it had arced hotly from Sean's body. Unconcerned about the pools of goo staining her carpet, Linda kissed her son deeply on the mouth before she took his hand and led him upstairs to her bedroom.'I want you to share this room with me from now on, Sean,' Linda said as she used a towel to wipe the spunk from her arm and body. 'During the day we can continue as mother and son,' she clarified, 'but at night...' Linda paused and looked directly at Sean's face. 'At night I want us to be lovers; I want you to share my bed.' Linda kissed Sean again and was relieved when he returned the kiss eagerly.'Mum,' his voice broke with emotion. 'I love you and it would be great to... to...' Sean found he couldn't use the words.'Fuck me?' His mother finished. 'You'd like to fuck me?' She looked at Sean again. ' Go on, say it... Please, I want to hear you. I want to hear you say that you want to fuck me every night.' Linda was hugely aroused by the intimate situation she was in, and by the sight of her son's climax. She also found the sound her son made as he came spurred her lust to greater heights and Linda was becoming more and more desperate for her own sweet climax, a fact that was made apparent by her increased use of profane and obscene language.'Yes Mum,' Sean whispered. 'I want to fuck you.''Oh God!' Linda cried when Sean finally uttered the word. 'Do it to me soon, Sean, please, fuck me soon. I want you to use your lovely thick cock to fuck me.' Linda lay back on the soft bed and spread her thighs. She exposed the forbidden aspect of her sex to her son and offered the fruit to him willingly. 'Taste me, Sean,' she whispered. 'Lick my cunt... Please.' At his mother's utterance of that taboo word, Sean groaned and his flagging penis suddenly jerked with interest and reversed its downward journey. Sean feel between his mother's widespread thighs and simultaneously tugged at his revived cock with one hand.'I've never done this before, Mum,' Sean said, his face a scant inch from the plump labia of his own mother's sex.'Don't worry baby,' Linda cooed sweetly, 'Mummy will tell you how.' She used the tips of her fingers to peel the sticky lips apart and revealed the mystery of her excited clitoris to her son's eyes. 'There,' Linda sighed as she touched herself gently, 'just there, lick me.'Sean moved close to the heat of his mother and tentatively dabbed at the little nub of flesh with the tip of his tongue. His timid attempt was immediately rewarded by a hiss as his mother breathed in sharply. 'Yes baby,' she sighed, 'right there, right on my clit.'Emboldened by his apparent success, Sean fell to his task with gusto and very soon had his mother writhing with pleasure as he tongued at her sensitive place. 'Is that ok, Mum?' he asked and looked along his mother's outstretched body for confirmation.'Oh yes,' Linda replied. 'Lick me just there babe. Use your tongue up and down and then side to side,' she instructed. 'Then,' Linda continued slightly breathless. 'Then, use your fingers inside me. Stretch me open and massage me inside.'Unsure, Sean did as he was told and was again rewarded by his mother's enthusiastic response. 'Fuck!' Linda called out. 'That's so good, yes baby, lick me, finger me, oh yes that's so fucking good.' Linda writhed on the bed boosting Sean's confidence even more. 'Do it to Mummy,' Linda wailed as she got more and more carried away. 'Lick Mummy's nasty cunt,' she murmured, shocking Sean with her depraved language. Nevertheless he persevered with his oral and digital manipulation of his mother's increasingly wet sex and was eventually rewarded by a prolonged cry of ecstatic release. 'Oh fuck, Sean, my beautiful son,' Linda called out. 'I'm coming... Fuck, I'm coming.' Linda lifted her son's face from between her thighs as her climax engulfed her senses. 'Kiss me, kiss me while I come,' she breathed urgently. Linda all but pulled Sean forcibly along the front of her body as she twisted and writhed with her orgasm. She pushed her tongue into her son's mouth and savoured the perverted pleasure of her own juices, as she tasted herself on his mouth, lips and tongue.Sean could only hang on and return the ardent kiss as his mother groaned into his mouth. He was awed by the vehemence of her orgasm, and was slightly cowed by her ferocity as his mother came violently.'Fuck... Oh fuck, oh fuck,' Linda whimpered as her climax died away. 'I needed that baby,' she sighed, 'I so needed to come.' Then, as she lay limp and replete, Linda smiled into her son's slightly shocked face. 'God, if that's your first time at licking a woman...' She laughed and whistled, Baby, we're gong to have some fun.'Sean rolled away from his mother's relaxed body and was suddenly shy now that she had climaxed. He was shocked and surprised beyond measure at the way in which events had turned, but was now suddenly unsure.Sensing her son's awkwardness, Linda moved to her knees and cuddled close against his back as Sean sat on the edge of the bed. 'Come on baby,' Linda whispered into his hear as she pressed the hard points of her nipples against the muscle and bone of her son's back. 'Lie down and relax.' She eased Sean onto his back and then took hold of his thick cock. 'It's time for Mummy to suck your lovely cock,' Linda continued in a breathy tone and then lowered her head to Sean's groin.'Jesus,' Sean murmured when he felt is mother's hot breath wash over his shaft and balls. 'Fuck,' he added as the warm waft of Linda's breath on his body was quickly outdone by the heat of her wet mouth when Linda wrapped her lips around the bulb of her son's cock head.A low moan sounded deep in Linda's throat as she fellated Sean. Her dark haired head bobbed rapidly up and down as she sucked at the shaft of Sean's thickening cock. 'Oh yeah,' Linda growled when she ceased sucking at Sean, but continued to use her hand against him. 'You're getting bigger and harder, God, but you're a sexy fucking bastard.' Linda smiled at Sean and then rubbed the slippery head of his cock around her cheeks. 'Let Mummy be your slut,' she sighed as Sean's pre-cum glistened on her face. 'I want you to use me babe,' Linda continued, her voice growing hoarse, almost breaking with obvious lust. 'Tonight I want you to use me. Just use me for sex. I'm just feeling so dirty tonight, I want you to fuck me hard, I want you to fill me with your thick cock and just pump into me.' Linda took several long licks along the shaft of Sean's cock and smeared her saliva along its length. 'Tomorrow night we can make love,' Linda went on in explanation as a long silver thread of goo connected Sean's cock head to his mother's chin as she spoke.Linda moved the length of her slender body up along the taut, muscular frame of her son's torso and she settled above him with her plump, slippery labia hovering above his groin. Linda reached between their bodies with a deft movement and held Sean's cock upright with one hand. As she held her son's cock steady, Linda slowly lowered herself down until the heat of her sex touched Sean's big, purple domed cock head.'Mum!' Sean called out when he felt the heat of his mother's opening touch his body. His eyes were wide and his chest was rising and falling rapidly with the tension of what was about to happen. His cock was touching the entrance to his mother's sex. Very soon, as Linda let her weight take her down, there would be no turning back. The couple would have crossed the bridge to the land of taboo, incestuous sex. The situation was already irretrievable, but very soon this final depraved act would seal their fates and Sean was brought to the realisation of what was truly about to pass between his mother and he.'Sean?' Linda replied in a questioning tone and held herself just above the point of no return over her son's cock.'God Mum,' Sean whispered, are we really going to do it? Are you going to fuck me?''Do you want me to,' Linda countered. 'I'm right here,' she continued. 'Right here, just a push away from holding you inside me, so close to fucking.' Linda slid the slippery, goo smeared dome of her son's between her plump labia in an effort to tease and influence Sean. 'Your cock feels so good against my clit,' she murmured. 'Look at how stiff my nipples are too.'Sean looked quickly at the long, thick teats that tipped the upswept curve of his mother's breasts and he groaned loudly. It was this teasing, as his mother had fully intended that tipped Sean over the edge, and as he groaned he simultaneously took hold of his mother's narrow waist and pulled her down towards his cock.'Yes!' Linda cried in triumph as her son's cock split the sticky lips of her sex and pushed into the wet opening of her sex. Linda sank lower onto Sean as her shout of pleasure echoed around the bedroom and more of Sean's shaft sank into his mother's body. Then, as Linda accommodated Sean's entire shaft, she rolled forward and kissed him deeply again.Keeping her hips as still as she could manage in spite of her bodily urges to grind out her desire, Linda savoured the long, deep tongue entwining kiss she shared with her son.'Oh baby,' she said quietly. 'We've done it. You're inside me.' Linda lifted her head a little so she could read her son's expression. 'How do you feel?' she asked.'I... I dunno.' Sean replied honestly. 'I don't know how I feel, but I do know it feels good,' Sean continued and once again took his mother's trim waist in his hands to lift her several inches, this meant that his cock was almost free of her body, and just as it seemed Sean's shaft would slip from Linda's wet sex, he let gravity pull her down again and felt the weight of his mother's body slap against him. Then Sean moved his hands so that his mother's buttocks were in his palms and he could lift Linda easily from his penis. Sean and Linda fucked frantically for several moments; the tempo of Linda's riding slowing and quickening as her muscles became tired, but her desire strived to overcome the fatigue.'Do you like that, Sean?' Linda said in a voice breathy and high pitched. 'Do you like my tight cunt fucking you?''Mum...' Sean swallowed heavily. 'Mum, I love it when you talk so dirty... It's so bad, so nasty.' Sean squeezed the firm flesh of his mother's buttocks and lifted his hips so that more of his cock was forced inside Linda as she fucked against her son.'Sean, my legs, please...' Linda lifted herself from Sean's cock. 'My legs are wasted, babe, please... take me from behind.'Linda knelt on all fours and pushed her hips back and up in a blatant invitation for Sean to fuck into her from the rear.Sean moved quickly and held his cock up to his mother's wet, hot red sex. He offered his cock to her opening and then pushed. Linda groaned loudly when she felt her opening stretch around her son's girth and she buried her face into the soft covers as she moaned with delight.Sean held Linda's hips and began to fuck into her roughly. He found his confidence again as he heard the muffled sighs and moans from his mother's mouth as he fucked. 'You're so fucking sexy, Mum,' he grunted. 'You're tight around my cock, so fucking tight.' He banged hard against Linda's buttocks and dug his fingers into the soft flesh that padded his mother's hips. 'I can't believe we're fucking, actually fucking... Oh yes, it feels so good to fuck you, Mum. I've dreamed about it, but I never thought...''Me too,' Linda said through gritted teeth. 'At first I didn't know how to handle it. You know, when you saw what you saw.' Linda paused and sighed in reaction to Sean's deep probing inside her body. 'But,' she continued, 'over time I got dirty and then worse.' Linda pushed back against Sean hard and heard the skin of his taut belly slapping against her buttocks. 'Fuck me,' Linda said finally, her mistimed attempt at explanation abandoned. 'Please baby, fuck me hard. Make me come with your fat cock.'Sean hammered his cock into his mother brutally. He slammed against her body roughly and tried to force as much of his length into her as he could. Sean began to perspire with the effort of bringing his mother to another climax. His stomach muscles tightened constantly as he fucked and soon the sweat was running in rivulets down his face and dripping from the end of his nose. Linda's eyes grew heavy lidded with her desire as the bubble of her climax began to build in the depths of her belly. Her desire trickled from her sex and coated the shaft of her son's pistoning cock, as Linda grew more aroused. At one point Sean was surprised to see his mother's beloved and familiar face contorted into an unrecognisable mask of lustful hunger as she tuned her head to look back at him, and the sight of that look caused Sean's orgasm to loom brightly.In an effort to stave off his threatening climax, Sean pulled his cock from the greedy, insistent grip of his mother's body. His penis jutted out from the curls of his pubic hair and glistened with his mother's juice. Linda rolled onto her back immediately and spread her legs in a similar manner as earlier.'Fuck me some more,' she begged and ran her middle finger along the cleft of her molten core. 'Come on Sean.' Linda went on in a heavy voice. 'Fuck me. I want to feel you inside me, make me come.'Sean eased himself into his mother again and began to fuck her with vigour. Linda groaned, sighed, grunted and exhorted Sean on to greater efforts, and at the same time clawed at his back and urged him onward with ever increasing obscenities pouring from her mouth.'Fuck me,' she called. 'Fuck me with that fat fucking cock. Fill my cunt, come on, fuck my tight cunt and let me feel you come inside me.'Sean was dimly aware of the potential nightmarish consequences of filling his mother with his seed, but as horrendous as the possibilities were he simply paid no heed. His lust was at such a fever pitch that Sean could only focus on the here and now, and the future held no concern for him. With his mother's exhortation to fill her with his semen, Sean did exactly that, and grunted hugely as he thick cream of his second orgasm spat inside his mother.'I can feel it,' Linda cried as Sean fell against her breasts. 'I can feel you coming.'The sensation of Sean's semen splashing against her insides sent Linda over the edge, and in a sudden rush of love and affection for her son, she toppled over the cliff to the mini death of her climax.Linda writhed beneath her son as both of the lovers orgasmed together. Linda wrapped her legs around Sean's flanks and pulled him deeper into her body, and she pulled him tight against her breasts with her arms as she held his body in her arms.Sean could only think of how it felt as his cream pumped deep into his mother and washed her womb with its clinging, sticky balm. Finally, when both were spent, mother and son lay entwined and talked until the small hours. Their conversation was punctuated with kisses and terms of endearment, and they stamped out a hasty agreement of how they would spend their lives in the immediate aftermath of their incestuous coupling.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 44
After a hard day at work I decided to walk down to the candy store a couple of blocks from my home. I was walking through the store when I came across a magazine rack. I spotted Penthouse and figured that since my wife would be away for a couple of days, I would buy it and bring it home. As I was walking down the street paging through the pictorials, I saw a beautiful woman coming my way. I had never thought of cheating on my wife before, but after seeing all those beautiful naked girls in the magazine, I had some pretty wild fantasies about the live one in front of me. (I quickly suppressed these ideas so I wouldn't get too excited). When we were about to pass each other, she flashed me a smile and asked me what I was reading. I shyly replied, "Penthouse." I must have turned red in the face, because she just smiled and said, "Don't worry, I like to read it myself. The 'Forum' section is great, don't you think?" By know, my rod was starting to perk up and pay attention. After a little small talk she asked me what I was doing for dinner, and said that her boyfriend was crazy, but what the heck! It meant that I didn't have to cook dinner. We headed for the park, picked a spot by the pond under the tree away from everybody else, and started to eat the dinner she'd brought along. After some food and a couple of beers, we both were getting loose and hot. She moved over close to me and said, "Boy, does it get hot around here late in the evening," as she undid two buttons on her blouse. I now had the picture of what else was on the menu. I leaned over and gave her a passionate kiss that she very willingly accepted. I slid my hand down her blouse and started to play with what seemed like half-dollar nipples. She was moaning with pleasure, so I went for it all and slipped my hand down her shorts, where I found the moist hot folds of flesh. Without a pause, she undid my fly and began giving me the best head I ever had. First she licked my flesh until it was as hard as marble, then she took my purple head in her mouth and sucked furiously. As she was doing this, I had taken her pants off and was wildly licking her now-sopping wet pussy. Then she stopped sucking and mounted me. I slid inside her right away. She began to do a little dance with the lower half of her body as well as her twat, which made me go crazy. Then she got off me and moved into the doggy position, saying, "Fuck me like a horse with that dick of yours!" I jumped up and began sliding my nine inches into her hot pink moistness. She rocked back and forth and then she tightened up and had an orgasm that must have lasted two minutes. After that was over, she immediately sucked my straining dick with intense, sensuous motions. I came quickly. She swallowed every drop of my semen. Both of us were spent after those heart-stopping orgasms. We packed up and went to her house for some rest (and a lot of sex of every shape and form, which I had missed with my conservative "no-imagination" wife). After that night when I fucked had the opportunity to fuck a perfect stranger, I'll never again doubt those "unbelievable fuck-stories" again. END
Today it finally happened... I sucked my first cock. Well, actually, my first two cocks! Here’s what went down and I do apologize about the length of my story:Despite terrible winter road conditions, I decided to return to the ABS where some time prior, I had chickened out on my attempt to enter the booths and make use of an available glory hole. I’ve been thinking about masturbating another man or sucking his cock for a year or so now. I am especially intrigued by the anonymity of the glory hole and adult arcades in general. I made up my mind this morning that today, bad weather or not, would be the day.I pulled into the parking lot and right from the start, things weren't looking good. The place didn’t even look open though there was one other car in the parking lot, which it turns out, belonged to the clerk. I entered and asked if tokens were needed for the video booths and was told they took paper money. After peeing quickly in the small bathroom adjacent to the arcade, I entered and began surveying my surroundings. I headed down the left side checking to see if anyone was in the booths and looking for glory holes. Not finding any of either, I returned to the main entrance-way to look at the selection of movies playing that day. I was worried the clerk would become suspicious of me or urge me to hurry up and pick a booth as I had seen happen in other places but instead he didn’t seem to be even slightly aware of my existence. I turned and found a bulletin board advertised as a “Free Swingers Board” or something to that effect but was disappointed in the virtually nil personal ads (come on people, make use of the resources available to you). Finding nothing of interest on the board, I went down the other side, checking out the booths as I went coming finally to the last one. I must say that in the dark, I couldn’t tell if there was a glory hole anywhere or even that the booths didn’t actually have doors but rather an alcove of sorts to give you a small measure of privacy. Having decided that I had spent long enough researching my surroundings and still afraid that I would irritate the clerk and ruin any chance I had of an anonymous encounter, I entered the last booth. Once inside, I found a small bench against the back wall and put my money in the machine. As the screen flickered to life, I saw what I had come for, there, about waist height, was the glory hole for which I had been searching.I settled in and began flipping through the channels, pausing on any particularly hot action. I was just beginning to bemoan my choice of days when I heard footsteps coming down the hall in my direction. I cautiously peeked back around the corner towards the booth entrance and peeking in at me was an old man. After the two of us shyly sized each other up for a couple of seconds, he left. I was just beginning to wonder if I should go look for him and see what he was up for when a sound to my right made my heart skip a beat; the old man had entered the booth beside me and had just fed money into the machine.I quickly sat down and peered into the glory hole. I wasn’t sure what to do to indicate that I really wanted to suck his dick, as all of the research I had done on glory hole etiquette was lost in the heat of the moment. Continuing to stare though the hole, I saw the prize I was after. The old man had taken his penis out and was slowly rubbing it as it became hard. At the point, I did what made sense to me and got down on my knees in front of the glory hole. I didn’t have to wait long before I was rewarded with the old man’s cock sliding ever so tantalizingly through the hole. Now, I have to say, prior and up to this point, I had planned to take things slowly and had decided that I might just masturbate the first penis I could get my hands on so as to slowly and cautiously work up to my first oral experience. With that in mind, I reached out slowly with my right hand and gingerly touched the head of the dick presented to me. It was a cut cock though with some foreskin remaining, had a pale, slender, veiny appearance and was silky to the touch. After no more than a couple of seconds of feeling this, the first cock not my own, I without hesitation leaned forward and began licking the head. There was no turning back now and I quickly engulfed the whole thing in my mouth and began sloppily sucking away. I can’t say that I particularly liked the taste; actually, I was surprised at the lack of taste if anything. After a brief period of sucking this old man, he disappointed me by pulling back. Then, he pushed his arm through and extended me his open palm. Missing the point entirely, I did what came naturally and shook his hand. He pulled his arm back and re-extended it, this time beckoning with his fingers at which point I got the gist of what he was after.This might sound weird, but I had quickly made up my mind that I didn’t want anyone to jerk me off or suck me, rather I was there to do the sucking and jacking and I wanted to concentrate on just that. I was afraid that if I got off, I wouldn’t be able to go through getting someone else off.After rebuffing him, he pushed his now hard dick back through the hole and went back to sucking away. I did my best for a first-timer, drawing him in as deep as possible, bouncing my head up and down on while stroking his shaft and swirling my tongue around the underside of the head. The old man continue to pull back through the hole and indicate he wanted my cock at which point I would rebuff him and he would put his dick back through and I would go back to sucking him. This went on for a little while until a third party arrived and upped the ante.I had been sucking the old man’s dick off and on for a time when I became aware of someone stepping into my booth. I turned around, saw a middle-aged man, looking rather fit, and like an ordinary guy watching the action my older friend and I were providing. He stepped back out of the way and then back into the booth where we sized each other up. Holy shit, I thought to myself, this is just as I read on Glory Hole Guide. I lowered my gaze to the bulge in his jeans and wondered if I could reach out and start rubbing his package. I hesitated a second and this second patron seemingly read my mind as he began rubbing the growing bulge for a second or two before he unzipped and pulled out one of the bigger dicks I’ve ever seen in person. He stood there holding his rather large and quite fat dick and looked expectantly at me. I moved forward on my knees and craned my neck out to take his penis into my waiting mouth. This was more like it! This penis tasted so fucking good, more like what I expected and this guy, as I would soon learn, was only there for a release and wasn’t interested in returning any favors (just what I wanted!). I greedily sucked on this new and I though better cock with everything I could muster. I could tell the man was really enjoying it because he was moaning and whispering dirty talk to me. He once or twice reached down and softly rubbed the back of my bobbing head and then gently thrust his huge, swollen cock deep into my mouth until it hit the back of my throat holding it there for a second or two before withdrawing. We then heard a shuffling noise from the hall, which spooked us both. I got off my knees, sat down on the small bench and took a much-needed break as my legs had begun to cramp. It turns out it was the old man, approaching us with his erect penis sticking out at us. The second man returned to me so as not to give me up to the old man just yet and I went back to sucking him for all I was worth. The man I was now sucking whispered to the old man that I was his until he finished which was fine with me. I sucked, slurped, licked, and gobbled his fat penis, a penis that entirely filled my mouth, the whole time hoping and waiting for that first string of sweet come that I knew I could eventually work out of his dick. In the midst of all of this, my video stopped playing and I had to re-insert more money so as not to draw the ire of the clerk and thereby ruin my good time.The more I sucked and worked on his penis, the more frequently he pulled out and backed away. I must have given him a “what the hell” look because he quickly whispered that I was doing too good of a job and he didn’t want to come too quickly. At one point, he briefly left my booth during which time I went back to sucking on the old man through the glory hole though, he promptly returned. Shortly after his return, I experienced something I had until that point only read about. I was sucking and licking the head of his penis when I could feel a sudden and perceptible swelling and hardening of his dick, particularly the head that seemed to flare. I knew from reading the tales of others that this meant he was close to the edge and I could not wait to have him explode in my mouth so I could swallow every drop of come he could give me. The man, of course, knew he was close as well and pulled out again. I sucked briefly once or twice more when the man suddenly pulled back and furiously began pulling at his giant cock sending spurts of creamy semen all over the floor in front of me. He wiped his hand on the wall, flicked of a remaining bead of come from the head of his dick, situated himself and quietly left. I was so disappointed that I hadn’t been able to take his creamy load into my mouth. I had been so looking forward to the first experience of taking a hot load and swallowing it.I stared down at the precious semen on the floor and then turned back toward the glory hole where the old man had apparently been watching everything, which must have been to his liking as his very stiff penis was once again poking through the hole. This time as I gently squeezed it and prepared to go down again, I noticed pre-come running out of the slit. I lustily extended my tongue and licked up the pre-come, probing his slit with my tongue. Now we were getting down to business as I began to suck like never before on the old man’s leaking dick. I was determined to coax his load out into my waiting mouth. I began to anticipate the sweet release of his cock and I didn’t think it would be much longer as he began to wildly face-fuck me through the glory hole.Then, the old man blew it (no pun intended) with his insistence to see my cock. He pulled back through the hole and came around to my booth. Stepping inside, he insisted that he get to masturbate me and after telling him no and that I was only there to service others, he kept insisting and then grabbed a hold of my ass and pulled me into him rubbing his hands up and down my body and rubbing my own dripping wet dick through my pants. It wasn’t that I’m against receiving it was that I had told him no and he didn’t listen. So that said and done, I left the booth and then the store.Overall, I consider my first experience a success. I now know I’ll be back in front of another glory hole, the ones just mentioned or others, at my earliest convenience. The only thing I’d like to do differently is, as I said, take a load in my mouth and swallow it all. I’m thinking next time that I’ll just tell the guy ahead of time that’s what I want if he’s okay with it. Sorry again for the length but I didn’t want to leave anything out.ENDFor more stories by this author:
My name is Susan and I'm now eighteen. I have long blonde hair and a very slim figure. I'm 5'6" tall. This is my first posting and so bare with me if you don't like it. It's based on what happened two years ago. If this posting proves successful I may do more.It was summer two years ago. I had just turned 16. I had by then some sexual experiences, but nothing really memorable. My family was visiting my Uncle's home. Earlier I had been playing tennis on his own court and then I had showed before putting on fresh white bra and panties, a wrap around skirt and white blouse.My Mother and Father had gone to the town for the day, and I was alone with Uncle. His wife had died a few years before.I entered the lounge and found him sitting there, reading a book. He looked up and started to speak to me. We chatted about all kinds of things for about an hour. For a while I was sitting on the floor but then got up to stretch a bit. I remembered he looked at me like he was sad. "What's the matter?" I asked."You look so young and beautiful," he said smiling. I didn't feel worried about that. He's ever so sweet. I just laughed, "No," I told him, "I don't think so."He told me he thought I was a fine young lady, and that had he been years younger he wouldn't have wanted me around in such a sexy outfit. I brushed. I hardly considered that what I was wearing was sexy, but I suppose it was. The skirt had a slit in the front and my brown legs could be seen when I walked.I looked at him and became aware that I was starting to feel a little sexy. "You're not so old," I told him. (He was about 55). He laughed at my statement, "Not in my mind at least!"I walked over to him, not certain of what I would do. I found myself asking, "So why am I sexy?"He started at me, like he didn't believe what I had said. "Well you are.Your figure, your long hair, it's all so beautiful."Suddenly I surprised myself, "Don't you think my breasts are too small?"He looked shocked, then said, "No, no I don't. They are quite lovely."I turned sideways and jutted my chest out, turned my head and smiled at him."Really?""I think we had better talk about something else." Was all he said.But it was too late now. Before I realised it I was feeling really sexy and now I couldn't stop. He seemed so sweet and suddenly I knew that something was about to happen. "And when I'm in my bikini, does that look good?" I asked.He smiled sadly, "Yes," but said almost as a whisper.My hand wondered up to my blouse and slowly undid a button,"What are you doing?" he asked. "It's all right, I've got bra and panties on, it's the same as a bikini." He told me to stop, but I couldn't. I undid the three buttons so my blouse fall open, the sides covering my breasts still. He just started.Then I untied my skirt and let it fall to the floor. There I was, standing before him in bra and panties. The silence was deafening. Then he said, "Are you playing a game with me?"I shook my head, "No."There was another long silence before I sat down on his leg. At first he froze but then one hand curled around my waist. My hand went to his shirt, resting on his chest. I then took his other hand and held it to my left breast. At first his fingers didn't move but then cupped my bra to me, I could feel him squeezing my breast gently.I knew then what was going to happen. I slide off his knee and kneeled between his legs. My hands went to his trousers and started to feel and rub his crotch. His cock seemed to grow quite quickly. "I don't think we should do this?" he said, "It's wrong.""OK," I told him. "We'll decide that later, in the meantime, just sit back. This one is on me."I tugged his zip down and felt inside his trousers. His cock was hard in his pants. I fished it out. The hair around it was a little grey, but it seemed to be a nice size and thick as well. I squeezed it several times. The top of the head was wet already. I couldn't resist, and leaned closer. My lips finally made contact with the warm soft head. At first I moved them around it a little, he moaned. Then I opened them and struck my tongue out to lick around the bloated head. "Oh my god!" I heard him gasp.His hands started to touch my face and then slide down under me to cup my breasts. One hand slide around my back and gently undid my bra. It hung there off my shoulders while his hands touched and caressed my breasts. My mouth was now over his cock head, lips moving back and forth over the rim of his head. I had done this before with boyfriends, but had never enjoyed it so much. I teased the head of his cock in my mouth for a while and then started to bop my head up and down. He squeezed my breasts some more, moaning and moving his hips a little. I heard him tell me that he didn't want to disappoint me but he would last long. Keeping his cock in my mouth I raised my eyes to look at him, he smiled. I then started ramming my mouth up and down on his cock really hard.I could feel him tense up and his hips started to thrust up to meet my mouth. I knew that any second he would come. I wasn't sure what to do. I had never taken it in the mouth before. But I didn't get too much time to think about. Suddenly I felt a spurt of cum jet out of him. I didn't swallow, instead just tried to keep it there as another spurt shot out and floored my mouth. I opened my lips and some of it run out. He spurted again with a loud moan. I could taste his cum everywhere in my mouth. I opened my lips some more and it trickled out around his cock which was now already starting to grow small again.When most of it had run out of my mouth I closed my lips and started sucking at the head as he moaned and moved around. I was so hungry to make him feel good. After a minute or so I let his soft cock pop out of my mouth. I looked up at him. Cum was still around my lips, smeared there, with a long string of it dripping down from my chin and all around his trousers and cock. "Jesus!" was all he said."I think we had better clean up," I told him, and headed for the bathroom.That's all I want to tell you for now.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 69
Author Notes: This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of bondage, spanking, caning, strapping, humiliation, sex between men of adult age, and other erotic activities involving male and female adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now.All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any resemblance to actual persons, names, places, events, or descriptions, is totally unintentional and a pure coincidence. This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without written permission from the author. ***Chapter 1 - First MeetingWOOOSH THWACK!"MMMMPPH! AAAAAHHHH! OOOOHHH!"Within seconds, the characteristic double welt from a rattan cane appeared, an angry, blood red mark. It ran from the middle of his snow white muscular right ass cheek across the cleft to the middle of the left. "What's the matter iron man, did that hurt?" asked the cane wielding man, chuckling. "MMMMPPH! MMMMPPH!"Ten seconds later, WOOOSH THWACK!Again the big muscular man groaned, a penis gag holding his tongue down. He was struggling not to choke on the 3 inch silicone penis held flush with his lips and deep into his mouth by the leather and Velcro straps. WOOOSH THWACK!Another bright red stripe appeared across his ass, a half inch above and parallel to the other two. "When you begged me to forgive you for standing me up last month and agreed to do anything to make amends, I told you to expect punishment. You begged me to punish you, 'no limits' you said."IronMan had been to The Master's home once before, a month prior. He had met The Master online and had begged for weeks, to come over and try BDSM for the first time. IronMan had a full time live in girl friend and had, for years, wondered what it would be like to submit to another man, to test out his submissive bisexual side. The Master, tired of all the one handed typist - wannabes online, was reluctant to accept a man for training that already had an established relationship. However, since he had nothing to do for a few hours and the man did disclose the other relationship, maybe he was legitimate. Maybe this would turn into a male and female submissive pair? That had some promise. So, finally he relented and ordered IronMan to immediately drop everything and come over. IronMan was told, now or never. "Get your ass over here now!"Overjoyed, IronMan jumped into his truck, drove the 10 minutes to The Master's home and nervously rang the bell. The Master, a very experienced Top/Dominant about 45 years old, decided to go slow with this good looking young novice. He had him come in and sit down on the red Italian leather couch, gave him a soft drink and explained the basics of a BDSM scene, safe words, soft and hard limits, etc. After explaining the boundaries of the scene he intended, The Master asked if IronMan agreed. Nervous, but excited that everything he had fantasized about was about to happen, IronMan eagerly agreed. The Master took him downstairs to the Dungeon, had him strip, handed him leather cuffs and ordered him to put them on his wrists and ankles. The Master ordered him to kneel and put his hands on top of his head with his fingers laced together. Inserting his highly polished leather boot between the kneeling young man's knees, he directed, "feet together, knees spread wide, back straight, head up." When he was satisfied with the position, The Master started walking slowly around the young trembling novice, inspecting the young man. IronMan was a good name for this twenty-five year old novice submissive. He was about six foot tall, with broad shoulders, thick neck, large biceps, tree trunk legs and a narrow waist. There didn't appear to be any fat on this bull like man. He was also covered with thick black hair. It was dense, almost like an animal, nearly obscuring his balls and decent sized cock."Damn boy, you're a hairy son of a bitch," remarked The Master. IronMan looked at The Master and said, "Yes sir, I have been this hairy since junior high." "Smack," The Master slapped his face, hard enough to leave a red handprint. "I didn't say you could speak boy. Eyes on the floor, weren't you listening upstairs? You may speak only when I give you permission or if you're using a safe word. Do you understand? Speak." "Yes Sir, I understand. Please forgive me Master," begged the muscular hulk."Good boy. Stand and back up against the cross with your legs spread and your arms above your head, ass against the cross," ordered The Master. He had him lean backwards against the polished wooden St Andrews Cross and secured his wrists and ankles to the top and bottom, spread-eagling him. The Master then proceeded with a light session of CBT and nipple pinching with Japanese clover clamps before flipping him face on to the cross. He was again spread-eagle and secure with his prominent bubble butt, seemingly begging for attention. The Master then spanked the man with a double leather strap, proceeding slowly and lightly, intensifying the strokes progressively. He stopped often and ran his nails up the sides and down the back of the bound man, tweaking his nipples from time to time, allowing the endorphins to build. After roughly forty-five minutes, the novice submissive was floating from the flood of pain killing hormones and adrenaline. Finally, with the strokes about medium to hard intensity and with IronMan's ass bright red under the thick coat of hair, The Master stopped and began to slowly stroke the naked strong man's hairy body. He was getting the man used to the intimate touch of another man. IronMan's thick seven inch cock was rock hard and wet. He loved the firm sure touch of The Master. First it was his arms and pecs with a long pause to pinch his hardened nipples. Then he stroked his washboard stomach and flanks, his firm hairy ass and thighs. Finally, The Master created a fleshy cage with the palm and fingers of his right hand. He enclosed the man's cock with the palm brushing the head. He was barely touching the helpless man with his fingertips. Over and over he pressed the pads of his fingers to the base of the quivering submissive's throbbing cock, drawing the tips over the sensitive skin, a gentle firm squeeze under the head to milk more pre-cum, making his dripping cock twitch and throb. When The Master determined the bound man was on the edge of cumming, he hugged the nude floating man around the left side to help him stand while releasing the safety snaps to take him down from the cross. "Kneel as before boy," ordered The Master.The Master allowed IronMan's knees to buckle causing him to slowly sink to the well padded Berber carpeted floor. Again, he nudged the man's knees apart with his mirrored black boot and clipped his strong arms behind him, making him helpless once more. "You did well for a first session, boy. Now is the time for you to show your appreciation. I want you to open your mouth and stick your tongue out as far as you can." The man obeyed nicely and held his long wet tongue out as ordered, his eyes closed. The Master unzipped his black leather pants, set his eight inch rock hard cock onto the man's tongue and slowly inserted it into his hot wet mouth. The man closed his lips around the thick cock and slowly drew it deeply into his mouth, sucking as hard as he could. "If this is the first time you've had a cock in your mouth, swirl your tongue around the end of my cock." IronMan had sucked cock only in his fantasies. He started to eagerly polish The Master's cock head with his soft wet tongue. "Good boy, keep that up until I tell you to stop. Suck and lick," ordered The Master.Even though IronMan was very inexperienced and not a very good cock sucker, his enthusiasm finally prevailed and The Master started to get closer and closer to pouring a thick load of cum into the kneeling young muscle man's, virgin mouth. The pre-cum of The Master started pouring out, the man licking it up and savoring it like the chocolate syrup on his favorite dessert. Finally, The Master's cock started lengthening and thickening, his full nuts pulling up, no longer thumping the kneeling man's chin."You're doing well enough for your first time and as a reward, I'm going to cum in your mouth. Don't swallow it until I give you permission," ordered The Master. Nodding and sucking harder, the man intensified the swirling of his tongue against the sensitive underside of The Master's cock until the inevitable happened.The Master grabbed IronMan's ear with one hand, holding him in place while he pulled all but the end of his long thick dick from the cock sucking man's hot mouth. He began to rapidly stroke the remainder of his cock with the other hand. He held the submissive's head in place while his thumb and fore finger slapped the man's lips. Finally, The Master came with a groan, shooting four strong blasts of cum and many smaller ones into the still sucking man's mouth. The Master calmed down, noticed some of his cum leaking from the corners of IronMan's mouth and slowly pulled his softening cock from the hot wet lips of the still floating young novice. "You're not a very good cock sucker but with some training, you'll improve. Lean your head back and open your mouth wide. I want to see if you can obey orders."The young man did as directed and there in his mouth was the large white mass of The Master's thick cum. "OK, swirl it around in your mouth to make sure you get a good taste."After a couple of minutes, "Good, swallow," He ordered. The Master walked around the kneeling young man and released the wrist cuffs. "You may stand and remove the cuffs. Don't wipe off your mouth but don't spill any on my carpet or furniture. Get dressed and come upstairs. I want to see my cum on your lips when you get there," ordered The Master. The Master then turned and walked up the stairs to the living room. After a few minutes, the blushing, still very aroused, now dressed, young man, wobbled up the stairs and into the living room. He felt like he was drunk and was having some trouble walking straight but he was fully aware of what he had just done and experienced. It was much better than he had ever hoped. In addition to the euphoria he was feeling from the endorphins, the taste of The Master's cum was sweet and not the gross experience he had expected. It was pretty easy to swallow, not the horrible act his girl friend made it seem. "You did pretty well for the first time," The Master stated when IronMan was again sitting on the soft leather chair. A broad smile spread across the cum covered man's lips. "Thank you, Master. I enjoyed serving you.""I'm glad you're so obedient, you still have my cum running down your chin. Use your fingers and lick the cum off of your chin and lips. When you're finished eating, you may have the rest of your soft drink."IronMan thanked The Master for the experience and asked if he could come back again but this time, to get fucked. "Well, I am available Saturday but I have to juggle some appointments to make that happen. Since you have been so obedient I'll make the necessary changes. Be here Saturday at 1 PM. Don't be late. I don't tolerate impolite, thoughtless slaves. Understand?""Yes Master, I won't be late, thank you Master," agreed the flushed, excited young man. "Good. Stand up, drop your trousers and briefs," ordered The Master. "Here is a Kleenex. Masturbate for me. Don't cum until I tell you it's ok. If you get close, let me know."Blushing, the bull like young man did as ordered and started slowly stroking his cock. It immediately started to leak into the Kleenex held in his other hand. Soon, he told The Master, "I'm getting close Sir."He was ordered to slow down until the feeling receded, then ordered to speed up until he was close again. Over and over, the prolonged masturbation and edging was repeated, slow down, speed up until after half an hour, The Master told him to finish. He started to pump his throbbing cock as fast as he could. Groaning, the young man, his pants around his ankles and his now angry red cock as hard as it had ever been, came over and over, soaking the Kleenex and coating his hand until his cum almost spilled onto The Master's thick pile carpet. Just as he started cumming, The Master took a digital flash picture of IronMan while he stroked his large red cumming cock. "Don't spill any boy or you will get punished like you never dreamed. Lick your fingers immediately."Obediently the still aroused novice submissive did as ordered and stuck his dripping fingers into his mouth, swiftly licking and swallowing his own cum like his life was at stake. Smiling, The Master took another picture.Exhausted, IronMan started to wilt to his knees, breathing like he had just completed the last quarter of the football game by running the length of the field with two pro linebackers chasing him. "Stand straight young man," barked The Master. IronMan recovered and stood straight with a visible effort. The Master showed him the pictures he had taken with cum dripping from his face, cock and fingers. "That's a good look for you. OK, boy. Get up. Get dressed and get out of here. Don't be late!"IronMan, sheepishly pulled up his shorts and pants, buttoned them and left. His ass still burned and tingled. He had never cum so hard or so much. He had loved every minute of it!It never crossed his mind that he had just cheated on his live in girl friend with another man.Chapter 2 - SaturdayIt was 1:30 PM on Saturday and still no IronMan. Shaking his head, The Master signed on to his internet account and sure enough, no messages. It was too late to revive his previous schedule so he changed and went to a movie. Another flasher. Another wannabe. “I am really getting tired of this shit,’ complained The Master. Well, he would give the man a day to e-mail or come over and explain he had been struck by lightning or hit by a train or ordered to work or give a really good reason for why he couldn't honor his commitment to The Master. Across town in his apartment, IronMan was laying on his back, nude on their king sized bed. His arms were tied to the corner posts with nylon sailing line using slip knots but his ankles were not secured. They were spread and held apart by the beautiful naked body of his kneeling girl friend who was slowly stroking his rampant heavily oiled cock. They had just watched "Fire On The Mountain: Male genital Massage ©" by Dr. Joseph Kromer, Ph.D. It had just come from Gail loved the DVD and insisted on practicing all of the new techniques for driving her boyfriend crazy. Robert, IronMan, was mesmerized by the DVD as well. It depicted two young fit men swapping back and forth, demonstrating each skill of eastern cock and balls massage techniques, one doing the other and switching seamlessly while the steady calm voice of the narrator explained each technique in detail. Gail must have memorized every word because he was nearly levitating his ass off the silk sheets as she played his cock like a virtuoso. He was bridging his back and ass, his heels digging deeply into the firm mattress as she teased him over and over, periodically applying more lubricant. While she stroked, changing techniques and naming them while she changed, she spoke to Robert like they were sharing breakfast instead of an out of this world erotic experience. "Robert, I spoke to daddy this morning," she calmly stated. His hot red cock was in her fist so that only part of the head was sticking out. The sensitive area under the crown was exposed along with a good portion of the head. She took her recently lubed, dripping other hand and teasingly rubbed the head with the sweet center of her small delicate palm, slowly polishing his cock head in a circle, over and over, while he gasped. "He says that the foreman's job on that Iron Worker's project for the new bank will be decided on Monday. It's between Peter and you! I told daddy that I would be very unhappy if he gave the job to that cheating bastard. I think it may have worked. I told daddy that if Peter had no trouble cheating on me, the Boss's daughter, then he would have no trouble cheating him, the Boss. He nodded and made a call to the superintendent of the job as I was leaving." He finally shouted, "God Gail, quit teasing me and let me cum. You're driving me crazy."She stopped, stood up in the bed and pealed her wet thin bikini panties down her beautiful well formed slender legs. Kneeling again, she grabbed his balls and squeezed until his mouth gaped open in pain. She then thrust the panties, dripping with her pussy juice, into his mouth and then resumed her tormenting massage. "You're not paying attention to me and this is important. All you're thinking about is your cock and not our future." She lubed his cock again and straightened her hands out flat. Then she started to swiftly rub her hands back and forth with his hard wet dripping cock between them like it was a stick and she was trying to start a fire, boy scout style. "This is called 'Fire,'" grinned the happy excited woman. Robert was going crazy. How could he concentrate on what she was saying when she was doing that?After a half hour of tormenting her groaning boyfriend, she took some "Kama Sutra: ® Pleasure Balm" and spread it on his throbbing cock to desensitize and deaden the inflamed nerves. Then she slipped a lubricated condom over his throbbing cock and straddled him. She slowly sunk down on his stone hard nearly eight inch cock, groaning as it sunk into her hot wet shaved pussy. She began, rising and falling like she was riding one of her horses, squeezing her muscles to tighten the contact on the upstroke and releasing on the down. She was milking his inflamed cock with her talented pussy while giving her red puffy pussy more pleasure. Up and down, tighten and loosen, over and over. Finally, she quickened her pace, bent over and pinched his nipples as hard as she could as she started to spasm into a series of powerful orgasms.The pinch of his nipples and the grasping spasms of her pussy drove him over the edge and he began to cum wildly into the condom, arching his back and causing all but his heels and head to pull away from the mattress, lifting both of them high above the bed. After what seemed an eternity, he collapsed in a heap with an "OOOFFFF" as she landed on his slackened belly and ground her hot sensitive clitoris against his pelvic bone to extract the last bit of pleasure from the sweating hot body of her lover. They were both puffing and panting, Gail almost fainting from the wild session of hot kinky sex. Finally, they got their breath back and Gail dismounted her still bound and helpless boyfriend. She carefully fisted his still hard cock and slowly bent it over while she peeled the full condom from his slowly softening cock. Pleased that she had not spilled any of the precious cum, she lay down on top of her boyfriend, her firm full, still reddened breasts pressed against his hard pecs, her sensitive nipples being scraped by his thick hair. She told him, "I'm going to pull out my panties and I want you to keep your mouth open. If you don't, I'll leave you here and go to the movies. Promise?" He nodded his head, vigorously. "Great, open wide." She held his nose with one hand, pulled the soaked panties out and upended the condom over his wide open mouth with the other hand. She dumped the huge load of her boyfriend's cum into his mouth, then the condom. She quickly held her hand over his mouth to keep him from spitting it out. "Swallow all of that tasty cum, Robert. You are always making me do it. It's your turn. I'll let you breathe when you've swallowed it all. If, when I pull that condom out, it's not clean, I'll get Rover going and put his cum in there for you next. Shake your head when you're ready and I will pull out the condom."A short time later, he visibly swallowed, shook his head and opened his mouth. Sure enough, the condom was almost completely clean of his huge load and the rest was gone. Surprised and a little disappointed at how easily he drank down his own cum, she said "You did well Robert. You swallowed that like a pro." She turned out the light, leaving him bound, snuggled up to his warm bear like body and promptly went into a deep sleep.As she slept, Robert thought about what had just happened. He liked the taste of cum! It was almost habit forming. Then he wondered what he was going to do while she was in Europe on vacation. Chapter 3 - Back At PlayIt was two weeks later and The Master was reading an article at Suddenly, IronMan IMed him. "Please Master. forgive me for missing our appointment. May I come over soon? My ass is crying for a spanking, your big hard cock and I want to drink more of your delicious cum.""I told you not to miss that appointment and you didn't even have the courtesy to contact me right away and explain what had happened," IMed The Master. "I have better things to do."Dejected, Robert signed off. Every day, as his need increased Robert again IMed The Master, begging again and again to be allowed to come back. After two weeks, judging the increasing urgency of the young man, The Master replied. "I will let you come over this Saturday but there will be some conditions.""Anything Master, I realize I screwed up badly. Whatever you say," responded the happy submissive man."Very well, since you said “anything,” the conditions are as follows. You will provide me a digital copy of your driver's license now and show me the original when you walk in the door. You will give me the name of the place you work as well as your immediate supervisor's name which I will confirm before you arrive. You will provide me with the full name and screen name of your girlfriend. "Finally, you will be harshly punished but without leaving any permanent marks or damage and you will have no safe words except one. If you use it, the session will end immediately and you will be forever prohibited from coming back. As long as you're obedient and never treat me or anyone else with discourtesy again, your identity will be forever safe with me. If, however, you misbehave, I will send a copy of those pictures I took last time along with more I will be taking during our session to your girl friend and your boss. Are those conditions satisfactory?"Robert hesitated, he would be at The Master's mercy. But he was so horny and it was all his own fault. The Master had been gentle with him last time, telling him what was coming next and not exceeding the limits that were negotiated. "Yes Sir, I agree. Thank you for taking me back," he replied. "I will have to go to Staples to make your copy and I will send it along with the other information in a couple of hours, before midnight for sure. No permanent marks from the punishment, Sir?" asked Robert. "Just for the record, when I make a promise, I keep it. Don't ever make me repeat a promise again. You would be wise to adopt that code for yourself and do it swiftly," answered The Master."I will expect that information you promised today and your ass at my door no later than 1 PM, this Saturday. Eat a light lunch, no more than 200 calories. I don't want you too full. Do you understand?" typed The Master. "Yes Sir. I understand.""Good. I do not expect to hear from you otherwise unless there is an emergency. I want to know promptly if there is something preventing you from keeping your word. If something like that happens, it better be serious. Now, sign off and get me that information.""Yes Sir." And IronMan signed off, relieved that all was well. Chapter 4 - The PunishmentWOOOSH THWACK!Another bright red stripe appeared across his ass, a half inch above and parallel to the other two. "When you begged me to forgive you for standing me up last month and agreed to do anything to make amends, I told you to expect punishment. You begged me to punish you, 'no limits' you said.""Well, I like to punish with a hot caning. When I'm done punishing you, you'll have a baboon ass. Don't worry, it will leave no permanent marks. I want you to feel this punishment for a while to give you a reminder of what happens when you're rude and disobedient." The dense but very limber cane was whipping almost double on the back stroke and sinking deeply into the defenseless man's ass. Then it sprang back, leaving a bright red mark like the two rails of a railroad track, as well as two sharp spikes of pain a second or two apart. When IronMan arrived, The Master had him strip and put leather cuffs on his wrists and ankles as he had the first session. IronMan was astraddle and attached to the spanking bench this time. His ankles and wrists were resting on padded shelves and secured to the bench with nickel plated double snaps. He could squirm but he was held firmly. He was helpless, despite his powerful body. No amount of thrashing about could budge the deeply embedded marine eye bolts his cuffs were secured to.His big strong ass was split by the carpenter's horse shaped bench. His cock and balls were pulled back between his legs, exposing them and his pink virginal ass hole.After he was secured, The Master took a new silicone penis gag and inserted it into the big masculine submissive's mouth. Drool was already beginning to pour out and run down the red leather of the custom made spanking bench. He then put a hot wet towel on the secured man's ass. "I'll be right back boy. I hope you're comfortable." The Master then went upstairs and finished his preparations. He took a stainless steel tray with a digital camera, red erasable marker, cordless electric hair trimmer, disposable safety razor, shaving cream, stainless steel bowl of hot water and a couple of terry towels down to the dungeon. He removed the cooling towel and carefully drew a heart shaped figure around the bound man's beefy ass with the bottom just below his ass hole and the top too curves including the top of his butt cheeks. IronMan began to squirm in surprise. ‘What is he doing?’ thought the alarmed bound and gagged man?Next, The Master took the trimmer and carefully removed the thick hair from the marked area, careful to keep ‘within the lines.’ He applied the shaving cream to the almost denuded area and carefully shaved the man's ass as hairless as a baby. His large ass, shown like the moon, round and pure white, exposed to the light for the first time in a decade. After wiping away the soap from the bound man's now pure white ass, he again took the red marker and this time wrote, BABOON, in large block letter across both of his white ass cheeks. He picked up his digital camera and took several pictures to memorialize the event. His preparations finished, he explained what was next. "Well boy, it is time for your caning. I am going to be lenient with you and only use a rattan cane instead of the Delran one. Even there I will use a medium one. It is 30 inches long and only 3/8 inch in diameter. In addition, it is painted black with a gloss acrylic to keep it fairly smooth and limber. The marks will last only a week or so and will fade quickly. The hair will grow back fast, based on how your beard grows. So, the modifications are very temporary." He then applied a dozen hard strokes to the man's wide bubble butt, taking his time but expertly placing them close together in a ladder of blood red, characteristic double welts. When he was through, he hung up the cane and got down his punishment strap, It was a four inches wide by 20 inches long, rubber strap attached to an 8 inch long, hard wood handle. Made of limber thick rubber, it would lengthen during the back stroke and contract on contact, attacking the flesh of the already sobbing young man. It would be almost unbearable. "Well, now that your butt has something to think about, here comes your Baboon ass," chuckled The Master. "This is going to make your ass burn like the fires of hell. It will take your mind off of those little cane marks." He then proceeded to apply the ‘Prison Strap,’ to the already very tender red ass of the now crying muscle man. The Master was watching the clock. Within 30 to 45 minutes of the first cane stroke, endorphins would kick in, dulling most of the pain. The punishment area would be numb. They were already building. He wanted to give the man some distress to remember before the natural pain killers took over. When IronMan's ass was indeed red and bruised, looking like a Baboon in heat, The Master stopped, leaving the crying punished man still strapped to the spanking bench. Again, he took the digital camera out and took several shots from different angles, capturing the results before they faded. "I am going to give you a few minutes to let the endorphins come in and then we'll get to the fun parts of this session you missed last time." Stated The Master. "I'll be back in fifteen to twenty minutes. By then the warm fuzzy feeling from last time will be there and you'll feel a lot better. Cheer up, your punishment is almost over." He took an old but clean wool navy blanket and covered the hot young man. He would be cold soon. When The Master came back, IronMan was no longer crying and he was floating even higher than the first session. The pain from the punishment was now quite a bit lessoned and he was calming down. The Master removed the Velcro secured penis gag, putting it on the stainless steel tray along with the other items. "It looks like you feel a lot better Boy?""Yes Sir, that hurt like I was going to die Master," said the now very submissive man. "I'm sure it did. I hope you remember this lesson well. This was a relatively mild session. I wouldn't recommend a harsh punishment." "So, you wanted to be fucked as I remember it. It is time to get you ready for that."The Master slipped on a set of latex gloves and lubed them up with KY jelly. Spreading the tender cheeks of the submissive's still very sore ass, he took his middle finger and slowly inserted it into the young man's ass. It was just like butter, narrow and soft. There was no way The Master's cock would fit without some preparation. After working his lubricated finger in and out of the now almost purring young man's ass, The Master lubed the index finger of his other hand and slowly inserted it in along with the other one. "Master that hurts," cried the young man. "Yeah, I know it does. Believe me you'll thank me for this later," said The Master. He pulled both fingers out and went to his toy chest, pulled a drawer out of the white cabinet and removed a 1.5 inch diameter butt plug, a medium. Slipping a condom on to prevent contamination, he lubed that too and slowly inserted it into the tight ass of the helpless young man. "Please pull it out, please pull it out," cried the young bound man. "Quiet boy or I will redo your punishment. Take deep breaths and push out instead of tightening like you’re trying to stop a fart. Push it out a little. But if it falls out on the carpet, you'll be sucking it clean and licking the carpet as well. You'll get used to it shortly."Sure enough, the pain started to get less harsh and he now just had a tingle and full feeling. Sensing the man was ready, he slowly removed the plug and inserted another one, this time 1.75 inches. Used to the process, there were no protests, just a lot of fast heavy breathing while the man got used to this diameter.Finally, the pain was almost gone and The Master slipped on a condom, pulled the butt plug out and slowly inserted his larger 8 inch cock. Once in, he let the man get used to it again. When he was calmed down, the fucking began, and the man finally got what he had begged for last month. During the fucking, IronMan's cock started to get hard for the first time this session and The Master lifted him up to let it grow. He reached around and stroked the hard, now wet cock and when the man came, his ass spasmed, sending The Master over the edge. He too came and slowly withdrew his softening cock. IronMan's ass was no longer the cute pink bud of before. Now it was a swollen, gaping red hole. It would take a long time to recover its previous innocent appearance. Never able to see it before, that never crossed his mind.The Master unclipped the man from the spanking bench, helped him down to the carpet and ordered him to clean up. Understanding immediately, he licked up his own cum and drool. Once he could stand, he put all the equipment back where it belonged. The Master, resting in a leather chair, beckoned the man over where he kneeled between The Master's legs. The Master pulled the condom off and without being told, the man put his head back and opened his mouth. The Master, surprised at this move, thought, ‘what the hell’ and poured the cum into the man's mouth and on to his lips. He discarded the condom and took another digital picture of the cum covered submissive. "You're improving swiftly boy. Maybe you have some promise?" stated the surprised Master. "Suck my cock clean and then it is time for you to go home. I have things to do. Put some cream on those stripes when you get home. They won't last long.""Yes Master, thank you for taking me back."He reached for The Master's large wet cock with his right hand, held his balls with the left and did as ordered, sucked The Master's cum from his large musky cock. Chapter 5 - HomecomingSmiling as he drove home, relaxed as he had never been before, he started to consider his situation. Life was good. Gail was right. He had gotten that promotion ahead of Peter, his girl friend's former lover. Peter was an overbearing blowhard, an ass hole. He had been a thorn in his side for years, running his mouth, taking women and jobs. Even in high school they had been rivals. Peter the all American running back. Robert the good but nothing special defensive end. Peter, the college graduate. Robert, lucky to complete high school while he worked to help support his mom and sisters. Peter, Gail's first serious lover, had been bragging about how he was fucking the boss's daughter, the boss's secretary and half a dozen other women at the same time. Gail was a beautiful and intelligent woman who had the drive to succeed he never had. All he wanted to do was get the job done well and on time. Gail was focused on the future for them, the next promotion, investments, self help books and tapes screened and boiled down for him. She was the greatest! Well, here and now, his balls were empty and he had pleased The Master with his performance. He had that front covered. His job was going well. Gail would be back from Europe in three to four weeks, giving him plenty of time to heal up and grow back the hair. Next time The Master wouldn't punish him. It would just be the fun part like the first time. Yes, life was good. Just then his truck struck a pothole and his ass bounced up and down on the hard bench seat. "Yeeoowwhhh! Damn, that hurts!" As he pulled into the apartment complex, he noticed Gail standing on the balcony, waving wildly with both arms. She was jumping up and down and screaming at him! "Surprise, Surprise!"‘Shit, shit, shit,’ he thought, over and over. ‘I'm fucked now! What am I going to do?’He pulled into an empty spot and stopped. He didn't do anything. He just sat there, covering his face with both hands, emotion almost choking him. He took a deep breath and got out of the truck, waving back to his girl friend. "Great surprise Gail. I thought you were staying another 3 weeks," he yelled, trying to smile. "Come up, come up!" she yelled back. Gathering his courage, he locked his truck and headed up the elevator to their apartment. As he came into the apartment, she jumped up, put her arms around his neck, wrapped her strong trim legs around his waist and kissed him lovingly while rubbing her pussy against his stiffening cock. ‘God, she was hot,’ he thought. "I couldn't stay away any longer. I missed you." She sighed. "I'm all sweaty and dirty from the long flight and you're no daisy yourself. Get into the shower. I'll be there in a couple of minutes. Then you can give me the homecoming I deserve."Resigned to an explosion but cooperative as usual, he went to their bathroom, quickly stripped off his sweaty, cum covered clothes and got into the shower. He was careful to face forward to hide his 'Baboon ass.' ‘Maybe she wouldn't notice and he could get the rest of himself shaved so his ass wouldn't stand out. The marks couldn't last forever, The Master said they would heal quickly,’ he thought.As fast as he could, he washed the marker, cum and sweat from his body, trying to finish before she got into the shower. Just as he was done, she bounced into the room, nude and beautiful, slipping into the hot spray of the shower, pressing her wonderful body against his hairy chest and thighs. "I'm all done babe, let me wash you up. I can't wait to get my hands on that beautiful body. It's been so long. Turn around," he said. She faced forward and wiggled her plump sweet ass against his hardening cock. ‘God, she had magnificent skin,’ he thought. Reaching around her warm smooth body, he cupped her right breast with his right hand, took the soap in his left and began washing her left side. Tweaking her right nipple, he washed under her left arm, around her left breast and down to her ass, cleaning the cleft of her firm round butt.Finished on the left, he switched nipples with a pinch to the right while grasping the left between the fingers of his strong left hand. He picked up the soap in his right hand and washed and stroked her firm wet body. He completed the washing and moved both hands down her body, sliding his fingers between her legs, lightly but firmly massaging the top of her inner thighs. His large firm hands squeezed the lips of her shaved reddening pussy, lifting her lightly so only her toes touched the wet shower floor. The pressure against her large clit caused a groan to escape from the aroused young beauty. His now rigid cock was rubbing between the firm wet cheeks of her ass."God, you turn me on you big bear. I have missed this so much," she whimpered. "Put me down. I want to hug you." When she was released, she turned and threw her arms around his waist, hugging his hairy muscular body and crushing her firm breasts against his six pack abdomen. She slid her wet hands down his hairy back to his denuded muscular ass, squeezing his bare white cheeks, forcing a yelp from her big muscular boyfriend."What the hell?" she yelled. "Turn around and put your arms up. What have you been up to?" Resigned to the inevitable, he obediently turned, put his large hands up to the corners of the shower stall and spread his legs until they came in contact with the narrow shower walls, legs spread almost three feet. The hot water streamed down his strong hairy back, hairy except for his striped, black and blue ass, of course.She squatted down behind him, grabbed his red striped ass, inspecting it closely. Then she pulled his punished ass cheeks widely apart, seeing his obviously fucked, red and swollen ass hole. "What the hell?" she yelled, recognizing the cane marks for what they were and the state of his asshole and what that meant. She turned and opened the shower door, grabbing her deep blue terry cloth robe and throwing it on without drying. Water was streaming from her long wet hair, soaking her bath robe. "Stay away from me, you cheating son of a bitch," she screamed. He didn't know what to do but to play it safe. He stayed in the hot shower until the water started to run cold. Turning it off, he stepped out, dried off and slowly ventured out to the now empty apartment, a large towel around his waist. She had gone. Now what was he going to do?Chapter 6 - Revenge Is SweetCall The Master, maybe he could help!He dressed in shorts and a polo shirt, signed on and seeing The Master on line, sent an IM. DEIronMan254U: Master, may we speak? TheMaster: Very Well. What do you want?DEIronMan254U: Gail came home early and saw my ass. She cursed me and left. TheMaster: Interesting. Did she pack a bag?DEIronMan254U: No Sir.TheMaster: She'll be back. If for nothing else, to get her clothes and other personal things before leaving permanently. DEIronMan254U: You think so? So you think she will cool down and forgive me?TheMaster: No, I don't think she will just forgive you. TheMaster: You are going to have to make her feel better, explain why you're a stupid ass hole and beg her to please take you back. DEIronMan254U: She thinks I cheated on her. TheMaster: And?DEIronMan254U: Well, I didn't cheat on her. TheMaster: You had sex with another man and you don't think that's cheating?! TheMaster: Having a romantic or sexual encounter with anyone, man or women, when you’re in an exclusive relationship with someone else, is cheating, you Baboon. DEIronMan254U: Uh, I guess you're right Sir. TheMaster: You think? I thought you had more brains than that. You also have another problem. DEIronMan254U: God, what else? Sorry Sir. What else, Sir?TheMaster: She would probably forgive you faster if it were another woman. TheMaster: She can't compete with a man. TheMaster: On top of that, when she finds out you're bisexual, she's going to be worried about HIV. DEIronMan254U: Oh my God, are you infected?TheMaster: I swear, whatever she does to you, you deserve it. Of course not! I’m careful and test regularly. TheMaster: Furthermore, after what you told me about her former boy friend, it is more likely, she’s been infected and you have been too. DEIronMan254U: Master, please. What should I do?TheMaster: When all else fails, tell the truth and beg for forgiveness. TheMaster: Tell her you will do anything to make amends and tell her that there was no other woman. TheMaster: Tell her you were just experimenting to make your sex together more racy. DEIronMan254U: Yes Sir, I'll do that. Anything else?TheMaster: Give her my phone number 302-555-2376. TheMaster: Tell her I can explain everything and help her get revenge for disappointing her. Make sure you say that. DEIronMan254U: Revenge, Sir? What are you going to do?TheMaster: Do you want my help?TheMaster: Your job, your reputation, your life with the woman you love depend on her feeling good about herself and letting her not only get even, but to get ahead. I'll help her do that. DEIronMan254U: Yes Sir! TheMaster: Do you have a cell phone or pager number for her?DEIronMan254U: Yes Sir, a pager. TheMaster: Just in case she comes home before I reach her, strip and kneel in front of the front door but 6-8 feet from it so she's not surprised when she comes in. TheMaster: If she comes in before I call back, put your head down and say, "I'm sorry Gail. Please forgive me. I will answer any question you have." TheMaster: Have the phone next to you in case I call or she calls. TheMaster: If she calls, say the same thing and promise to do anything to earn her forgiveness and you can explain. DEIronMan254U: Yes Sir. TheMaster: Now, give me her pager number and your phone number. TheMaster: I will try to reach her. If she lets you, offer her my phone number. DEIronMan254U: Yes Sir, thank you Sir. The Master signed off and Robert followed orders to the letter, hoping all the time that he would complete instructions before Gail returned. Sometime later, Robert's phone number rang. "Hello?" Answered Robert, tentatively."OK, Baboon, I spoke to her. By the way, that's your name from now on instead of IronMan. She's going to stay with her friend, Heather, to cool off. Then the two of you will meet me at my place, two weeks from today at 1 PM. You're to do whatever either of us say. If she feels vindicated, she will take you back with the conditions she will give you at that time. "If you're disobedient with either of us, I will give her the pictures I took of you. She'll leave you forever. She will show the pictures to her father and ask him to give them to Peter and the guys on your gang. You'll be fired and I think the word that you're a cock sucker will end your Iron Worker career. If not, it will certainly change your status on any Iron Worker crew you may try to join. If she feels vindicated, I will still give her the pictures but she will take you back. Your relationship will be much different and you will keep your job." "Do you understand, Baboon?" Asked The Master. "Yes Sir. Thank you Sir!" Cried Robert, thankfully. Two weeks later, he arrived early at The Master's town house and saw Gail's car in the drive way. He parked across the street, came to the door. As he was about to knock, The Master opened the door. "Ok Baboon, get in here," ordered The Master. "Sir, where's Gail? He asked. "She's upstairs getting ready. No more questions. Get your ass down to the Play Room and get undressed. Put your cuffs on. Wait there. I'll come downstairs in a few minutes," barked The Master."Sir, yes Sir," said Robert, meekly. When he was nude and cuffed, Robert knelt as he had before and waited. The Master came into the Dungeon and had him straddle the spanking bench as before. He was cuffed like last time except this time he put a fur lined blindfold on him. The Master left, not saying a word. For over a half hour, Robert was alone. He couldn't hear anything! He was getting more and more concerned! What was happening? Had they left him there? What if the building caught fire? He would die helplessly!Finally, Gail and The Master came down the stairs, both laughing. ‘They knew each other already! But, she's happy. Maybe this won't be too bad?’ he thought."I've agreed to take on Gail, your new Mistress, as a trainee. You will be the subject in our training sessions from now on. Depending on how well you behave, your Mistress will allow you to live with her as before. If not, you know the consequences," announced the Master. "Yes Master, Yes Mistress," answered Baboon. "You're as hairy as a Baboon, ass hole. I'm tired of the scratches so we're going to take care of that right now," said Gail. She flicked on the hair trimmer and started at his neck. Down came the trimmer to the already denuded portion of his naked ass, creating a white stripe down the middle of his back. "He looks like the skunk, he is," laughed Gail. She shaved him bare on that side, from his neck to his heels, leaving his back side as hairless as a 10 year old boy. "We'll get the other side later Baboon. Doesn't that feel better?" She asked."Yes, Mistress," he choked."Good, Master has informed me you finally figured out, you cheated on me. Is that correct?" she asked. "Yes Mistress, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me. I'm just a stupid, thoughtless idiot," he begged. "We'll see. For now, however, turnabout is fair play," she stated firmly. She came around the front of the bench and removed his blindfold so he could see her for the first time. She was dressed in a tiny black leather bra that forced her ample breasts together, giving her a deep cleavage. She was naked otherwise except for black high heels and a black leather harness, sporting a long red dildo about 6 inches long and about an inch in a half wide. "Since you're a cocksucker, a bad one The Master tells me, you can lubricate this dildo for me. Suck on it and get it nice and wet. It's going into your worthless ass so do a good job," she ordered sharply. "Yes Mistress." He replied hopefully.She stood on a Pullman's stool and slid the firm silicon dildo into his mouth. Slowly she inserted it into his mouth until he started to gag, backed off for a few seconds, only to insert it to the gag reflex mark again. Over and over she forced him to choke on the almost slender but very firm cock like spike, causing his eyes to water. He could smell her arousal getting stronger and stronger as she fucked his face. With tears streaming down his cheeks and dripping off of his firm chin, she finally pulled the wet dildo out of his mouth, stepped off the stool, moved it to behind him and thrust the hard silicone dildo into his ass to the hilt. "It hurts, It hurts, please Mistress, take it out. I'm sorry, I'm sorry." He cried, his mouth gaping in pain. "Of course it hurts, Baboon, but not as much as it hurt me when I discovered you cheated on me. Get used to it since it may be the closest you get to fucking for a long time," she yelled. While she was forcing the slender dildo in and out of his already sore ass, The Master came around to his front and slipped a ring gag into his already wide open mouth. Securing the straps behind his neck, The Master lined up his dripping eight inch cock with the former IronMan's mouth and began slowly but shallowly, sawing it in and out of his forced open mouth. "You know what to do Baboon, suck and lick." For several minutes, the double fucking continued with Robert being screwed at both ends. "That's enough of that for now," stated the Master as he pulled his large wet cock from Robert's sucking lips and removed the ring gag. "Thank you Sir," whimpered Robert. "Yes Sir." Answered Gail. The Master unclipped Robert, and together they moved him to the bondage table where he was secured face up, arms over his head. With Gail using the trimmer and The Master an electric razor, they soon had his other side shaved as well. They spread his legs and secured them with long rope to hooks in the ceiling, almost doubling him over. Gail removed her dildo harness and lie down between his widely spread legs adding to the tension on his hamstrings, her back against his balls, squashing them until he moaned from the steady painful pressure. The Master mounted the long bench, inserting his large wet dick into the her already dripping, tight hot pussy. "OH GOD, that feels so good," she moaned. Slowly and tenderly, he began to long dick her, rubbing his pelvic bone on her engorged clit at the end of each stroke. After nearly a half hour and with Gail cumming over and over, he started pounding her body with his rock hard cock. This drew an almost animal cry from the impaled beautiful woman while crushing Robert's balls even more. Finally The Master grabbed her ass cheeks in each hand, thrusting his huge cock to the balls into her formerly tight pussy while putting his whole weight on top of her and of course, Robert's balls. He came deeply into her, his huge cock spasming into her talented pussy. As his cum spurted strongly into her hot wet depths, she came again, more strongly than she ever had before. The shear depravity of the scene had overwhelmed her already kinky soul."My God Master, that was incredible," whispered the very satisfied and still cock stuffed woman as she came down to earth. The Master slid forward tilting her ass up as he pulled his softening cock from her cum soaked pussy with a slurp."It's feeding time for the Baboon, Trainee,” The Master stated matter-of-factly, as he left the table to the bound Robert and the Domme in training. "Yes it is. Thank you for reminding me Master," chuckled Gail. With that, she stood, her hand over her shaved mound, holding the cum inside. She walked carefully up the table, stood with her feet on either side of Robert's head and sat on his face, her cum soaked pussy resting on his firmly closed mouth. "Bad Boy," she giggled as she reached back, grasped his balls and began to squeeze. "Suck Our cum from my pussy, Baboon. Lick it all up until I say stop.""Eth, Msssteh," was all she heard as she felt his lips lock onto her flowing pussy, his tongue thrusting in and out of her sloppy cum filled cunt. A month later. He was spread eagle again and completely hairless except his eyebrows and head. Even his underarms and pubic bush were bare. Gail had used a strong chemical hair remover on his big muscular body only this morning. To keep his skin soft and silky, she spread expensive scented lotion on his entire body. He was to get laser hair removal over the next several months so she didn't have to go to all the trouble of removing his scratchy stubble. He would also have the word 'Baboon' tattooed across his ass in large black letters.His body, was snow white except for his almost purple, red ass, recently strapped by his Mistress to warm him up. His ass ached at the slightest touch.He was in their apartment and he heard Peter in the other room talking with Gail! Gail had required him to tell her father, that Peter should get the Project Manager's job instead of him since Peter was more qualified, with not only experience but a degree. Gail had explained to her father that she would have Robert keep an eye on him and have weekly meetings at their place to make sure all was as it should be. With Gail the Company's book keeper and Robert, their best foreman, Gail's father decided to promote the highly qualified Peter and take the risk. It was the first weekly meeting and Peter was at their apartment for the first time. Gail said, "Peter, you know I got you that promotion, don't you?""Yeah, sweetheart, I knew you would come around. Where is my favorite boy, Robert?""He's waiting for us to have a preliminary meeting and we'll join him. Your job depends on you continuing to meet my conditions. I can just about guarantee you'll like them.""First, you will not screw around with my dad's secretary or any other woman without my permission. I will arrange to keep your balls empty and your dick soft with a smile on your face.""Further, you must never tell a soul about our agreement or what happens in this apartment, except the business aspects, unless I give permission in advance.""You will treat Robert with professional courtesy on the job. Off the job, everyone is to believe you're best buddies. Is that clear?" offered Gail. "Well sweet thing, I'm sure you are enough woman to keep me happy. Won't Robert object?" He asked. "No, he won't disagree. Just so you know he won't be a problem, follow me," she stepped over to the bedroom door and opened it. Robert's bound, hairless body was on display. His ankles were bound to the top of his thighs with wide leather cuffs and his legs were widely spread, secured to Sport Sheet connectors. His wrists were tightly held over his head by more leather cuffs and rope tied to the corner bed posts. His hairless cock and balls were in a CB 3000 chastity belt and his butt plugged asshole drew the startled gaze of the surprised and overjoyed Peter. "As a final condition, your first act as Project Manager is to fuck my cheating boyfriend. I'll be filming this first session to seal the deal and ensure your cooperation. You will fuck him weekly during our meetings. You may fuck him as often as you like the rest of the week and do pretty much whatever you like with him in this apartment, provided I am present." "Otherwise, any other time and as long as it is in this apartment in front of Robert, the Baboon, you may fuck me as well. You will always use a condom when fucking either of us, tie it closed and give it to me afterwards. I'll be feeding the contents to Robert later. He needs his vitamins. Do we have a deal?" Smiled the grinning new Domme."I have always wanted to teach him a lesson or two and you're the best fuck I ever had. You have a deal," said the grinning Peter as he pulled his shirt over his head. "What do you say to your buddy, Baboon?" she ordered."Please Master, Fuck my worthless ass," he begged on queue.Robert's eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he saw Peter's horse cock as Peter dropped his dark blue boxers to his ankles and stepped out of them. Gail grinned as she took the digital video recorder from the dresser, sat down on the chair at the foot of the bed and began filming. Revenge is sweet!"Pay back's a bitch. Isn't it Baboon," She laughed as Peter crawled between his trembling thighs.The EndI hope you enjoyed this tale. I appreciate your feedback in advance., Copyright 2006, TX 8-402-404
Prior to working in Nevada's brothels, I worked in Hawaii as an exotic dancer. Several times I earned hundreds of dollars or agreeing to leave or meet with a customer after dancing. The Honolulu Police Department was aware of the assignments and received some manner of compensation with "gifts" at various times. Some gifts were sex with the dancers or even in one club, the manger took care of the officers on the beat. One cop even drove her home at different times, after, stopping in a high rise parking garage.I was in my thirty's when I move Oahu and lived in a Waikiki Beach apartment. One evening shortly after moving to Hawaii, I was strolling past a topless club called the Lollipop lounge. A sign on the marquee advertised a wet T-shirt contest that evening.My male partner in my life was with me and I asked," Do you care if I enter the contest?" Jay thought it would be terrific, as he was proud of my 5'-2" body, with 36C firm breast. That evening changed my life forever. At the conclusion of the contest of more than 20 females, from age 18 to my age, I won third place, and a $50 for my topless dances to the strip club music.The manager asked me to work at the club full time as a dancer. My mind was made up to do so when I found out how much it paid. Especially with all money that had been slipped into the waist line or leg band of my thong panties during the contestOne night I got horny and gave the manager a BJ, just for the hell of it, and when I informed my other part of my life about doing my boss, he fucked me several times that night. I tell this to show that my life opened up completely after becoming a dancer. My male bed mate and I were swingers prior to our moving to Hawaii and I commenced dancing. Swinging was nothing compared to dancing and turning a few tricks in or after leaving the strip clubs I worked.After about a month of dancing in the topless club, the manager of a full strip club, the Hubba, asked me to work at his place. When he told me it paid $500 a week, plus tips, and half of any drink I sold, I became a nude exotic dancer. Most customers were guys serving in the military that visited the club and they believed I was in my twenties.A naval strike force, Operation Rim Pack, was headquartered at Pearl Harbor. Besides the US Navy fleet, the Australian, Japan, Canadian and other nations' naval forces participated in the naval war game exercise, which I believe was in 1989.One night as I was dancing, two young Canadian sailors were tipping me with large bills the whole evening. They would have me sit with them during my break and kept buying me "drinks." By the time the club was closing they had enriched my by several hundred dollars. When they learned I was off the next night they wanted me to go out with them. I called my male bedmate for his comments and he said, "Go for it, and I hope you a great and hard time, but tell them they must treat there date to a great dinner."The next evening over dinner at the Chief's Club, Ted the bolder of the two, asked me if I was willing to go aboard their ship and do a strip dance? The informed me I would be making Canadian Naval history. I had worn a deep purple silk jump suit, and under that I had on an expensive purple bra with matching panties. The bra was going to end up in the "crew's trophy room" as part of the ship's legend and decor, Ted told me later that evening.After finishing our dinner, they took me to their ship that was tied up alongside an Australian and US Navy ships. It was fun to walk across those ships to get to the Canadian ship. Once we finished a quick tour of the ship, we headed to the lounge and about 35 sailors watched and cheered as I danced and stripped for them on a "cocktail" style table. Before I commenced dancing, one of my two "friends" took his hand and simply knocked all the beer containers off the table and onto the deck.My dance was likely the most provocative I ever did while I worked as an exotic dancer. My actions were provoking and stimulating the sailors into heightened sexual desires. I became aroused as well and knew some mothers' sons were going to get their brains fucked out that night. The guys were so close there was very little space to bend over and remove my clothing. When I pushed my hips out toward the sailors, and bend over, this allowed them to view me with only my T-0bar panties covering my pubis and ass. These sailors were so close they most likely were able to smell the aroma of my sex as I was turned on with the wanton dances I performed.When my final piece of clothing was removed, my T-bar panties, the thick patch of my red pubes caught the young sailors by surprise. How many songs I danced too I can't remember but finally the ranking "Chief" of the ship the informed the others, "OK, great show but we best wrap this up before the Skipper shows up and we're busted." Looking at my two new friends, he said to the one who had set up the show, "You will be restricted to the ship for three days, once we are out to sea." Then looking at me he stated, "Wish I was going to be part of the entertainment later!"I guess it is time to describe the relationship of my two Canadian sailor friends. They were brothers-in-law, being married to sisters. Ted was the older and Josh was about two years younger, but told me they enlisted together.After tasking a taxi to the Ramada Hotel, they got a room and we went upstairs where I freshened my makeup and brushed my hair. Then we walked across the street to a park next to the mariana in Waikiki. On the far side of the part we stripped off and went swimming in the "buff" as Ted and Josh both told me while swimming nude.After a few minutes of swimming, I soon found the guys holding me and their hands were roaming all over my body. Josh moved behind me and I could feel his hard-on pushing between the roundness of my hips. Ted stood in front of me and reached down and pulled my legs up until they were around his waist. Then Ted started to push his hard cock into me. This wasn't easy at first as the oceans saltwater had removed my juices at the entrance of my pussy. However, I was primed for fucking after dancing on board the ship.Before I forget to mention the one part of the dance that will forever be etched in my mind. I must describe what happened after I stopped dancing. Literally I was picked up and passed around to each of the 35 sailors, and these men were true to form.Their horniness brought me to a sexual high that I remember as one of the best I have ever reached. There hands were everywhere, and their fingers probed every hole below my waist and above my knees. Yes, mom, by that the time I was passed around to each of the sailors, while either with the men holding my body horizontally, I was face up or laying with my stomach and the rest of my body on their hands. I was felt up over every inch of skin that covered my body.Normally I'm unable to have my large and sensitive nipples squeezed, but many times I simply waited for one of those sailors to9 caress them and grip them between their fingers. For at least four or five minutes they passed me around and I felt fingers touching or inside my pussy while a few were inserted in my ass. I was turned on - really hot! At one point I remember a finger inside my pussy while others were playing in my pubic hair and touching my labia and clit, while another was moving in and out of my butt. In fact one finger was in my mouth and I was kissing and sucking on it while feeling lips nursing on my both nipples.One young black sailor, and the only black of the group, I found out was only 18. His hands were all over me, and in me, for several moments. As he was about to put his cock into me, someone passed me down the line of sailors. I really would have liked his cock in me. The other sailors went crazy the cute and small built black sailor, what must have been a life long dream to have a sexy redhead let him fondle her as he wished. In fact, as he was about to fuck me, the Chief said we had best call it a night before things caught up and trouble started. I do know that a black finger was in my butt that night and he really jammed it up inside me a few times.Had they commenced taking me sexually, I would have allowed all 35 of them to fuck me that night. I was hot to be fucked! Really fucked! By the time I was placed down onto the ship's deck to dress, I was so sexually heated I still allowed the sailors to touch me as they wished while pulling my jumpsuit up and over my body. This was turn-on that is a once in a lifetime happening, but if the opportunity ever occurs again. I will gladly let 35 horny military men enjoy my still trim 50ish body.Standing in the water, Ted kept working his cock at the entrance of my pussy and then drove into me after his cock head had slipped between my majora labia. Slowly his cock head moved in through my minora labia until he was lodged inside the mouth of my sex. Hi firmness parted my vulva and entered my vagina in one powerful forward movement. For the first time in my life the intense pleasure of fucking caused me to climax as the man's penis entered my body. His cock was long, likely seven inches, not too large around, but he hit my cervix as he took me while Josh held me under my arms. Josh's hands were kneading my breast the total time, and pinching my nipples between his thumb and finger.How long Ted fucked me I'm uncertain, but it must have been at least ten minutes. He drove into me hard and I would tell him, "Yeas, oh yeah, like that, oh yeah fuck me like that." I didn't climax when shot his cum into me, but I felt tingles within and around my sexual opening.I also remember Josh kissing the back of my neck and across the area between my shoulders. This has always been a sexual high for me and I felt really turned on with this. My male buddy has often told me he believes this came from my father doing this while bathing me. This was truly a turn-on for me as Josh was also fondling my breast and tweaking my nipples his lips glazed across my back and shoulders. I only have a slight memory of my day kissing the back of neck and shoulders when I was about ten or eleven, but I recollect how his fingers brushed my just bumps of nipples, and his finger raked between my legs while bathing me.After some additional foreplay, we climbed out the water and waited for our bodies to dry, and then we dressed. Walking back to the hotel we stopped for a drink at a bar and my dates wanted to know if the party could continue. "You bet, I'm so keyed up for sex from all those guys touching me during and after my dancing, and what we just shared in the ocean, you guys aren't even close to being done."Once in the hotel room I did a short strip, then the three of us lay down on the bed. One on each side of me was really nice and I had learned to enjoy this from swinging with my main squeeze. I held their twenty something young cocks in my hands, then leaned over and started sucking on Josh's cock. He was also slender in the dick department but also was close to seven inches long. By the way fellows, I and other working girls' measure from where the cock joins the torso at the bottom of a man's stomach. So fellows don't say you have eight inches, etc. by measuring from underneath your cock and all the way back to your ass.From then on that night, those Canadian brothers-in-law sailors, deserved a medal for performance above and beyond the call of duty. They manned their duty stations in such a way that they proved they were men who could and did ride the waves, with my body being the waves!While one would fuck me, the other would be getting either a blow job or I was feeling a mouth suckling at my puffed out elongated nipples. I remember once that Josh seemed to be trying to take my whole 36C breast into his mouth.They, at one point, moved me around until I had both of their cocks up my pussy at the same time. This was a first for me but I can't really say I enjoyed it that much as neither I nor they could stroked me much. One thought I had as both of their cocks was in my pussy, was it reminded me of a sausage stuffed with too much meat and was about to burst.At one point I was riding Josh, when Ted got behind me and entered my ass. This I enjoyed but Ted asked Josh to pull out from under me. Once it was only Ted and I, my ass was pummeled deep and Ted's thrust up my bowels were not only forceful, but like a vengeance to punish me with his hard cock. His cock felt even longer in my ass than when he was fucking my pussy. He slammed against my hips with as much force as he could generate in his inward strokes.My memory of his fucking my will likely be with me the rest of my life as ranks as likely the best in my ass ever, ever my first time at age twenty-seven. The memory of gripping the sheets and resting my head and shoulders onto the bed, as I could cry and sob out from the rough fuck Ted was giving my ass.How long he did my ass I cannot even try to guess from the minutes that passed. I remember once during a swing party that a 24 year old stud, his description, fucked me for 45 minutes. My mind assures me that Ted took my ass even longer. Yet I rode with him and continued to utter out for him to, "Fuck my ass, gawd whatever you do, please don't stop." Then telling him, "Deep and hard, oh yeah, deeper!"After Ted and I had recovered from his anal marathon of arduous stroking within my bowels, he rose from the bed and went into the bathroom. When Ted returned he had a warm washcloth with him. Ted washed my ass to remove the residue from our anal coupling. As he washed me I told him, "Thanks for being considerate." Ted replied, "I do this for my wife after she lets me take her in the ass."Around five in the morning I took a cab from the hotel to my apartment in Waikiki. My man woke up and asked me how the night went, and did I dance on the ship? "Oh yeah!" Laughing and making a funny face at the same time, I continued telling him, "Not only did I dance on the ship but I did the mattress shuffle until my moms is sore and feels as if it was hit by a Mack, loaded down, 18-wheeler."Never had I felt my body pummeled and struck with such force as I felt when those two Canadian sailors drove their hard cocks into me. Even to this day, and with all the hard cocks I had while working in Nevada's brothels, have I ever felt bruised across my moms. I still have recollections of how my clitoris felt as if it had been repeatedly pounded with a carpenter's mallet.Rest assured, I enjoyed all those two sons of Canadian mothers, and husbands with there at home Navy wives, gave me when they fucked me that night. How many times did those two sailors fuck me that night? I can't even begin to determine - just numerous times I can assure you.Did I feel sorry for fucking those two sailors whose wives likely believed they were staying true to them while they were at home awaiting their ship's return. But no more sorry than I did for the wives of married men who were politicians, lawyers, policemen, laborers and so on from the world of industry, while I worked in the brothels. The only difference with these two Canadian sailors was that they got it free! AND SO DID I, OVER AND OVER THAT NIGHT!Looking at my better half, I observed he was erect and I knew what he wanted. Instead I looked in his eyes and told him, "Baby Doll, no way, I'm so sore and bruised so for now let me go to sleep." In fact, it was three days before my man and I had sex after that wild night, and you can be certain, I was still tender and bruised even then three days later.Thinking of the pleasures I've had from the sex life I have lived, this is undoubtedly one of the most memorable I've ever enjoyed outside my marriage. How many other women in the world can say they did a full strip show on board a naval fighting ship during military sea maneuvers? Name one!Continued...
My wife Marilynn and I have always had a good sex life. I have always wanted to see her with another man, but she was not very interested in this idea, and we only kept it as a fantasy.Marilynn is in her twenties, blonde, with a very sexy 38dd-26-36 body. She stays in shape and sometimes she loves to be treated a little rough when having sex.After a hard week at work for the both of us and since it was her turn to decide what we were going to do, we decided to go out and party. Marilynn, at her discretion, dressed in a very low cut short black dress, no bra and panties, black garter belt with black nylons and spiked high heels. I was very surprise. Especially, since the top of the nylons were visible below the dress.After having dinner we hit a few bars, danced a little and she was enjoying the looks that the other men were giving her. I really can't blame them especially when her dress would twirl up as she spun around. Around 11:00 o'clock, Marilynn suggested that we go to an Adult movie that was playing. On our way to the movie we decided to stop in at an adult movie theater that Marilynn said she heard about. She said one of her co-workers, Becky, had been here and liked it. On a few occasions I had also been a patron at this place.By this time, Marilynn was a little tipsy from the drinks she had consumed. She noticed men walking into the back of the building and asked me what was back there. I told her that there were little booths in there and that you had to put tokens in a machine to see a movie. Much to my surprise she said she wanted to go see one.I bought twenty dollars in tokens and took her back there. There were several men standing around in the hallway looking at what was playing. I took Marilynn into a booth and put in the tokens. She selected a movie and we began to watch it. By the end of the first clip I had pulled her dress up to her waist. Her legs and pussy were visible in the flickering light of the movie. She had her legs spread open so that I could play with her. Eventually I had the top of her dress pulled down under her tits.She was really getting into this touching and I could hear slight moans coming from her. She turned her head away from the screen and noticed the hole in the wall. "Why is that hole there?" she asked as she pointed to the wall. I told her that it was a peep hole to see what was happening in the other stall. Or sometimes, men would put their cocks through the hole for a blow job. She didn't seem to care to talk about it but just shifted around on the seat, leaned back on me and opened her legs wider in the direction of the peep hole.After a few more minutes of me playing with her cunt she started to really moan and undulating her hips. She told me to fuck her. I told her to stand up and bend over. She got up, facing the hole, and leaned over the seat. Her head was very close to the hole because of the size of the room.I entered her cunt from behind. She remained in that position for awhile then she started to moan very loudly and push her self against me.I noticed some movement at the hole in the wall and whispered to her that we were being watched. She said she didn't care, and reached between my legs and fondled my balls as I fucked her. Eventually, a cock came through the hole in the wall, and I told her to look. When she raised her head up, she came face to face with a black cock. She just stared at it then finally said, "Fuck me!"I started pounding into her real hard and fast the way she likes it. I looked down at her to look at my cock going in and out of her. When I looked back up, she had one of her hands around the black cock and was jerking him. This really excited me and I started pounding her harder and said, "Suck it." She looked around at me and smiled and then turned back to the black cock and closed her lips around the head of it. As soon as I saw her do that, I shot my load into her.After I pulled out of her she knelt in front of the hole and really started sucking the black cock. I just leaned back and watch Marilynn do the guy.Suddenly Marilynn stopped sucking him and turned around to me and told me that she wanted to fuck him. I said okay, and without saying a word to me, my wife whispered to the guy through the hole. I couldn't hear what she said since the sound track of the movie drowned out her whispers. Meanwhile, Marilynn had put her ears to the hole and nodded yes. My wife stood up and with her arms pulled the dress up and over her head. Then she placed the dress on the seat, opened the door and walked out.I saw her silhouette sliding along the opposite wall, stop and kiss the guy. Meanwhile, another patron down the hallway stopped along side my open door and looked at them. Then I noticed Marilynn's shadow coming back and I saw the patron hold his arms out. Marilyn slid into his arms and kissed him. I saw his hands reach down and rest on her ass cheeks and pull her to him. Marilynn responded by mashing herself against him. She finally stopped kissing and said some thing to him. Then she rested her head against his chest and looked at me. She had a glazed look in her eyes. With her mouth open she started to moan and I noticed that her whole body was moving slightly. I looked down and saw that her legs were bent at the knees and her legs were spread apart. He was fingering her. Marilynn turned back to him and started to kiss him again. Her body started to hump up and down on his fingers. Her right hand sneaked down and started to rub the top of her shorts. Finally, she stopped and said something to him. He nodded yes. He brought his hands up and she started to lick and suck on his fingers. There was no mistaking her intentions. She walked with him to the booth across the hall and stood there while he opened the door and the both went in. With the door still open, Marilynn started to kiss the guy while he fondled. Finally she stopped kissing the guy and said something to him. He nodded his head. Marilynn then turned around and walked out the booth to the where the color guy was waiting. "No, leave it open," I heard her say to the colored guy.I kneeled down and looked through the hole and saw my wife embracing this black man. She was kissing him and he was squeezing her tits and ass. Marilynn then turned around and bent over, just like she was with me and I watched as he entered my wife. Marilynn, by this time, must have been really horned up because she started talking dirty. When he started to squeeze her breast and pulled on her nipples she literally lost it and started to become vocal in a very sluttish way. The man grabbed the back of Marilynn's hair and yanked her head back and pounded her hard. Her whole body was shaking. Her boobs were swinging around in great arcs. Then he guided Marilynn's head to the wall to a waiting cock. Her mouth went to it and he held her head against the wall while the cock fucked her. Finally, when the colored guy was done with his jerking motions he guided Marilynn's head to his placid cock. Marilynn cleaned it all over. When he was done with her, he left the stall. Marilynn turned back to the cock at the wall. She reached up and started to jerk on it with her right hand. She continued jerking it while her lips encircled it. When she was finally done she got up and exit the still open door. I got up and opened the door to my video stall and stuck my head out to see if she was coming back. Instead, she was standing in front of the stall where she had left the other guy waiting. With her back toward me, she was touching herself in front of the other patron. I noticed other patrons were sticking their heads out watching her. Marilynn went into the stall, and the guy sat on the chair with his cock out. Marilynn turned around so that she was facing the doorway, and mounted the sitting patron and proceeded to ride him. I saw her tits bouncing up and down before he kicked the door shut. After that, all I was aware of was the muffled sounds coming from the stall. She was in there for a long time. After two hours the door opened and out she came. She looked well used and walked very wobbly. I handed her dress to her, but she declined it, and instead, walked to the front entrance and out the door. Later on she told me that there was another door in the stall that led to the back room of the store. Marilynn related to me that once the patron had kicked the door shut, she continued to ride him until he stopped. Then he opened up the other door and took led her into the room where a mattress was on the floor. Situated around the mattress were chairs with some guys sitting in them. He fucked her on the mattress while the guys were watching and making there crude remarks about her. Later, when he was done with her the other guys joined in.Marilynn was so turned on to these events that she continues to go to the video store. With or without me. I can't stop her even if I wanted to. She said that some men, lately, get so horned up from watching the porno videos and knowing that she is there waiting for them to use her. One time, a bunch of bondage movies were playing, so she let herself be tied up, spread eagle on the mattress. For the rest of the afternoon, blind folded, she was used. She didn't know or could see who was using her.The reason why I'm typing this experience is because she mentioned to me that this week the main theme for the videos being shown is hookers. So about an hour ago she went up town to do some shopping. Apparently, she is going to dress up as one, and tomorrow, at the video place act as one. Or as she put it to me "will be whoring myself in the back lane. Come and watch if you want to."END
The hour was drawing near, the battle would soon begin.Sweat, tears and victory were in the mind and hearts ofall the fighters. To the mundane world many looked uponthis tournament as a stupid game for stupid people, butfor the populace that attended, it was a culmination ofwhat they believed they could be. Jacklyn could hardly contain her excitement, this wasthe first year that she would don her new armor andhelp her King win the crusade. Jacklyn first enteredinto the world of medieval times while she was inuniversity in Kansas. A little group that called itselfthe Wellington Medieval Association. An organizationthat prided itself in its love and knowledge ofmagnificent days gone by. Live steel was their game,and fighting well was their greatest passion.In the real world, she was a pencil pushing accountantfor the Kansas City Pentacle, one of the biggest firmsin North America, but in the WMA she was ContessaGabriella Valentina del Giardino Bella, an Italiannoblewoman from the early fourteenth century. She lovedeverything about this era. Women were cherished andhonored, with lavish clothes and jewelry bestowed uponthem. What she was wearing right now, however, was anythingbut lavish. Decadence was not without its place, butfor the moment, Gabriella was garbed for war. She waswearing a thigh length quilted shirt called a gambesonwhich would serve as padding under the chain maillethat she would later don prior to the beginning ofbattle. She bore her heraldic arms upon her fightingtabard worn over the gambeson.Gabriella threw her armor into her pavilion, the duffelbag containing the full suit of Italian plate clangingagainst the table leg as it landed. She could not waitto wear the black steel plate armor, with its shinypolished brass trim, in a bid to defend her king.Glancing at her hourglass, she thought, "Why not takein some of the wondrous sights of the day, while I havea chance." It was true after all, and well known by allher peers, that her excellency was a great fighter.Last years Queen by right of arms to be exact. Therewas lots to admire at the event. Medieval food, armor,embroidery and just about anything else your littlechivalric heart could desire. Gabriella however had hereyes set on something more specific. The most exquisitegems in the world.The jewelry display was like nothing she'd ever seenbefore. The trinkets, as well as their maker, seemedeccentric and strange, yet she was drawn by theirwonder. Looking at all the different pieces, Gabriellainstantly saw the item she wanted. A magnificent goldennecklace with a large amethyst charm.The old eerie merchant glared at the Contessa as shepicked up the charm to closer examine the stone.Tracing her finger across the gem she couldn't help butnotice the macabre chill that suddenly filled the air.There was something about this object but she liked it."I would like to purchase this most beautiful piece,"Gabriella stated, placing her new treasure down on thetable."Ah young lass" said the old lady, "just leave themoney, thou shouldst be prepared, though, for all thatwill appear."Gabriella walked away from the old lady grinning. "Whata crazy old woman," she thought, "Hmm, but I got thisnecklace for such a steal."There was still a little time before the event was tobegin, so Gabriella walked down by the river to bettersurvey her upcoming opponents. As she glanced towardsthe field a glimmer from the amethyst caught her eye. "What a beautiful piece of jewelry, I think I will tryit on," she thought, "I bet this will go wonderfullywith the garb I have chosen for court."Using the water as a mirror, the Contessa fastened theclasp of the necklace upon her neck. It seemed to beperfect, complimenting her beauty. She delighted in thereflection that shimmered in the water, but suddenlythe water started to ripple. The air around her turnedsmokey and grey. Then without warning, a tremendousflash outshone the midday sun, lighting up the practicefield for the briefest of instants. A rumble likethunder that belied the clear blue sky was overtaken byan horrific crash, and the world faded to black...... "She's a fiery one," said the unsightly man withthe wart on his nose. "Aye," said the other man, "that she is, Haggart.""Hmm," Haggart snarled, pulling off his chain maille,"Jacob, methinks she needs a lesson in manners."Grabbing her by the back of the neck, the men threw Jacklyn to the ground. With one slash of Jacob's dagger, Jacklyn's gambeson was slit from neck to thigh.Haggart ripped the clothes the rest of the way,revealing her voluptuous tits. Her nipples stoodstraight in the air, causing both of the men to yearnfor her body even more. "Please don't," Jacklyn pleaded getting to her knees asshe tried desperately to hold back her attackers,"Please, please I beg you, stop.""My darling, you will beg for your life before we aredone," snorted Jacob, slapping her face, slashing theskin on her cheek. Jacob hurled Jacklyn face first to the ground. Shewasn't going to get back up this time. Without warninghe shoved his pulsing hard cock into her pussy. Jammingit into her repeatedly. His hips slamming against hers.Her body jolted with every stroke he made. His dickcrashed into her so hard that it felt like he wastearing her apart. "Stop," Jacklyn cried, "You're hurting me, youbastard."He did not heed her cries, He wanted his release andshe was going to provide it. Pulling his manhood out ofher battered and swollen pussy, Jacob decided that itwas about time that he attended to her pretty littleass. Spreading the cheeks of her butt, he furiouslyshoved two of his soiled fingers up her ass. He laughedin amusement as she whimpered in pain. Removing hisfingers, he rammed his cock into the tight hole.Tightening his grip on her shoulders, he pounded heragain and again. As he watched intently, Haggart stroked his swollenmember in rhythm to the jolting of Jacklyn's body. Itwould soon he his turn.Jacob torn at Jacklyn's hair as he increasingly jostledher body with every move he made. He would soon findhis release. He grabbed her tits and squeezed themviciously. Driving himself into her one last time, Jacob shot his hot cum into her aching asshole. As Haggart lunged to his feet to take his turn, heheard a sound behind him. With the whistle of a blade,his face rolled in the mud, leaving him staring up athis own headless body.Before Jacob had time to realize what fate had befallenhis fellow guardsman, he was slammed to the ground bythe flanks of a horse, and Jacklyn was snatched up fromwere she lay. With a sudden yank, she landed atop aglorious white stallion. Her anger renewed by this newabuse, Jacklyn struck out at her abductor. "You son of a bitch, leave me alone, I wish you wouldall just leave me alone," Jacklyn shrieked as sheclobbered the rider over the head."Are you daft woman, I am trying to safe your life,"insisted the rider, as he stroked the fresh protrusionbeneath his chestnut blonde hair. Here he was trying torescue this lowly peasant, and she repaid his mercy bystriking him about the head."Oh, I'm so sorry, I thought that you were one ofthem," Jacklyn said, fighting her tears as the manwrapped his own cloak around her naked shoulders."Me? A member of the king's guard," he scoffed,"Unlikely. I set my sights much higher. Allow me tointroduce myself, I am Sir Tyrus Lord Blakeshire,knight of the king's court, and overseer of theselands."She would think later that the man sounded rather likea pompous ass, but pompous or not, he had rescued herfrom being raped by the second guardsmen. So without awhisper of complaint she ceased her struggles, allowinghim to ride away from the scene of her attack. As herode he spared her dignity by pretending not to noticethe wracking of her shoulders, or the wetness of hertears as she sobbed against his back.They rode together in silence for awhile, but as therusset walls of a fortified stone manor came into viewin the distance, Sir Tyrus spoke."How came you to have run afoul of these miscreants tobegin with?" he asked in a gentle voice.It was the first time that Jacklyn had paused to wonderhow she had gotten there, or even where there was. Sheshook her head to clear the cobwebs, and tried toremember all that had occurred...... A large thunderous blast appeared out of nowherethrowing Gabriella to the ground. Feeling the largeknot on her head, she struggled to open her eyes. Wherewas she? This was not the tournament grounds, and shedefinitely wasn't in Kansas anymore. The charm that shehad been wearing no longer adorned her neck. Withoutwarning, the ground shook violently, vibrating to therhythmic gallop of two magnificent stallions. Upon themrode two wrathful men dressed in chain maille andsporting a coat of arms that she had never seen before. "Witch, witch," one of the men proclaimed, "Capture herat once.""Yes, milord," said the other, hurling himself off thehorse toward the girl."Please, please, you must be mistaken," she explainedfearfully, stepping backward away from the men, "Myname is Jacklyn and I live in Kansas. I am anaccountant. I work for the Kansas City Pentacle. Pleasedon't hurt me. I haven't done anything."The two men howled with laughter. What demented andunusual talk seeped from the lips of this mysteriouswoman. Any civil gent could see that she was anenchantress. There was no such place as Kansas and thepentacle, well the pentacle was known by all to be theworkings of sorcery."Young lass," growled the ruthless guard, "We are bothrepresentatives of the royal court and dispensers ofthe kings law, and you will surrender to us at once oryou will be taken by force.""Taken by... But why?" Jacklyn stammered, "What have Idone wrong?""Well you seem to have plotted with the devil for onething," said the first man...... It had all gone downhill from there, but she couldnot tell Sir Tyrus any of that for certain. At best hewould think her mad, at worst he too would accuse herof witchcraft, and she would be no better off than shehad been with the guardsmen."My name is Jacklyn and I was walking towards themarket, when those two ruffians grabbed me," Jacklynexplained, "Thank you so much for saving my life, I amforever in your debt."As they rode into the manor's courtyard, Sir Tyrusbegan bellowing orders to his servants. "Here, Jacklyn, Helga will help you clean up and getdressed for the feast," Tyrus said as he took a sip ofwine from the flagon that had suddenly been handed tohim by a servant. He didn't know why, but he seemedcaptivated by everything she did. She was certainlybeautiful, but it was more than that."Oh no," Jacklyn sighed to herself, picturing a heavyset Slavic woman with facial hair, "Haven't I beenthrough enough? Now I have to deal with a woman namedHelga. I hope she doesn't treat me roughly, I simplycouldn't take that right now." But her fears would beeased as Tyrus led her into the great hall, handing herover to a beautiful young blond girl who had walkedinto the room.Helga lead Jacklyn to a fine and beautiful chamberwhere water and warm towels awaited them. The timepassed, as Helga nursed her beaten body back to healthand with great delight, Jacklyn walked out of the roombeaming with beauty and elegance. She was dressed in asquare necked gown of sanguine brocade interwoven witha raised design in rich saffron. The bodice laced downthe front and had wide, tied on sleeves lined withsilk. The full overskirt opened to the waist to revealan underdress of royal blue linen. How could any womannot feel ravishing in such a garment...... What a night. It had been filled with the finestfoods of the land, and the most wonderful people youcould ever meet. Jacklyn was glad that the knight hadarranged a feast on her behalf. The gathering allowedher to keep her mind from all the days events, but asmuch as she wanted to help the knight entertain theirguests, she was exhausted and retired to her chamberfor some well deserved rest.Slipping into her chemise, Jacklyn decided to wash upbefore bed. She quietly crept out of her room to findthe nearest garderobe. How peculiar, what was thatsound that she was hearing? As she continued up thehallway, following the swelling sounds, her bodyrealized what it was. Ever so gently, Jacklyn leanedher head against the wall and silently gazed throughthe partially opened door.The light of the moon shine on Helga's naked body,highlighting all of her sensuous curves. She felt soexcited by the fact that she was lying there. Servantswere rarely allowed to sleep upstairs with the regularguests. The new damsel would need someone to see to herneeds, though, and it was therefore permissible. "Hmm," Helga giggled to herself, "Why not have somefun, I may never get this chance again."Helga fondled her perky young tits, tracing her fingerfrom one nipple to the other. Her nipples stoodstraight in the air. Excited by this, she began tosqueeze them, and her body arched in delight. Jacklyn's body throbbed in excitement, as she watchedthe young servant entertain herself. This was makingher so horny, but she couldn't pull herself away fromdoor or what was going on inside.Helga slowly slithered her hand down her tantalizingbody until she reached her thigh. She touched andcaressed the outer boundaries of her pussy, arousingher clit with every move she made. She couldn't take itany longer. She wanted to cum so bad. She opened thelips of her juicy little pussy, and plunged two of herfingers into her slit. Hammering her fingers in andout, again and again, Helga was driving herself mad. Jacklyn's body trembled in desire as she watched Helgapleasure herself. She had never seen anything like thisbefore but she knew she liked it. It took everythingshe had not to walk into the room and join her, but shewas afraid that Helga would simply run away. Helga's clit throbbed, aching to be touched. Sheslipped her fingers onto her button. She teased herclit at first, driving her body mad with desire, butshe couldn't take it any longer. With a jerking motion,she stroked her clit faster and faster. Her back archedand with one last stroke, her pussy filled with herjuices. In exhaustion, Helga collapsed flat in the bed."Oh my god," Jacklyn giggled to herself, "I can'tbelieve I stood there and watched that." She felt soelectrified now, she wasn't ready for the night to beover. She knew what, or more specifically, who shewanted and knew just what to do.Quietly Jacklyn entered the room of the knight. Shewanted him so bad right now. As she leaned over him,Tyrus grabbed her chin and kissed her passionately. Shedidn't know this, but he too had heard the adventuresof the help. She felt so safe with Tyrus, he was herprotector. Laying her on her back, Tyrus cupped Jacklyn's breastthrough her chemise. He decided that the garment was inhis way, and it had to go. Casting it upon the floor hesaw that her body was as beautiful as a warm summersnight, and he desired it like nothing before. Histongue trailed from her neck to her chest. Jacklynmoaned in delight, as he flicked her nipple with histongue. She wanted it so bad. She pressed his lipsharder against her nipple, this knight in shining armorcertainly knew what he was doing.Without warning, Tyrus slid his hand down hertantalizing body. He wanted more power, to provoke athis demand, and unlike her experience with theguardsmen, she didn't mind at all. Reaching her mostsacred parts, he guided his finger into her slit. His hands were magic, the way the knew exactly what todo. He would be gentle with her, understanding all thatshe had gone through. He placed his finger directly onJacklyn's clit. Wiggling and moving it to the moansthat she made. She wanted more."Oh god, Tyrus, please lick my pussy," moaned Jacklynas she pushed his head between her legs."Your wish is my command," he laughed as his tongueparted the lips of her pussy. He plunged his face intoher dripping slit. Striking her clit with his tongue,he felt her body quiver. His mouth opened as hesurrounded her button with his lips. It was a feelingthat she never felt before, as he sucked and licked herclit. She couldn't take it any longer. Her body shookviolently as wave after wave of orgasm overtook her. "Take me now," she begged, "I want you now."Lifting her legs in the air, he guided his dick intoher wet little pussy. Teasing her, he eased the tip ofhis dick into her slit and then pulled back, rubbingthe tip around the outside. Jacklyn glared at Tyrus indispleasure, she wanted him inside her like nothingbefore. Placing his hands on her hips, he plunged hiscock into her. She sighed in response as his bodypushed into hers. Feeling her excitement, he fucked herpussy harder and faster, and with a sudden last jerk hereleased his cum inside her pussy and collapsed ontothe bed in exhaustion.Laying in each other arms, Tyrus felt so alive. He knewthat they hadn't known each other long but he had neverfelt love like he did for her right now. He was in lovewith this wondrous maiden and he hoped she felt thesame."Here!" said the knight, handing her a small velvet bagthat he retrieved from his bedside table, "I want youto have this. It is something of great value."As she opened the bag, Jacklyn caught the glimmer oftorchlight on gemstones and gold filigree."I can't accept this," she said, "I'm awful withjewelry, I'd only end up breaking it. I couldn't bearthe thought of ruining something so expensive.""Don't worry," Tyrus said with a grin, as he took thebag out of her hands, "I didn't mean that kind ofvalue. The stones themselves are worthless, but thenecklace belonged to my mother."Moving to sit behind her, he opened the bag and drewout the piece of sparkling jewelry. She sat up andwrapped his cloak around herself. She swept her hair upout of the way as he lowered the pendant and preparedto fasten the delicate clasp."This will look good on you," he said, "The amethystwill really bring out your eyes."Amethyst! In a sudden moment of panic, Jacklyn lookeddown at the pendant, and was horrified to see the samepiece that she had purchased at the war ground."Tyrus, no..." she began, but she was too late. With asoft click the clasp snapped into place. The air aroundher became smokey and grey. With no warning, there wasa tremendous flash that outshone the gentle haze oftorchlight, lighting up the knights chamber for thebriefest of instants. A rumble of thunder was swiftlyovertaken by an horrific crash, and the world faded toblack once again...... The large thunderous blast appeared out of nowherethrowing Gabriella to the ground. Her head pounded asthe world regained its focus, amidst the clash of armsand the cries of battle."Contessa! Contessa!" cried a young redheaded girl whoran to her side, "The battle is about to begin, theyhave already started the warmup fights."Gabriella looked up at her squire with eyes glisteningwith a hint of tears. As before, her charm was nowhereto be found. Jacklyn wanted to tell someone what hadhappened to her, but this sprite of a girl, a warriorin training in her own right, would not understand ifshe tried to explain. So she would try to pull herselftogether and go to war for her king, but her fight fortomorrow would now lie forevermore in the past.The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 34
Author note: I wasn't sure where this was going when I started it and it's sort of developed a life of its own. This has some "stand-alone" qualities but the other parts will give you the "program" as to all the players. If I understand how this all works, all the parts will end up in ARCHIVE 55.Hope y'all enjoy. I've added an e-mail for me if you have questions or requests. Save the acidity or moral judgments for your clergy. I just write stories. ZEKE***PART 22We managed to corral all the monkeys and get everybody showered for dinner. We had the same table as the night before and the menu was the same. I decided I didn't want steak again so I had the "Chef's Platter". When it arrived, the only thing missing was the rabbit. The assortment of dressings gave the veggie plate some flavor and the warm bread was homemade.Over dinner, the monkeys indicated they hadn't been idle that day, either. The twins had been fucked twice each by different boys, Mai and Lola had a foursome with two other girls and Megs, Gina and tiny Traci had watched some slut, other than Mariah, take on five guys before they paired up with young boys for a suck and fuck of their own. The club was a lot like the ranch, sans critters. It did have a lot more human males.After dinner, we met Andie at a small, cabana-like, thing near one of the smaller pools. It was kind of a "kiddy pool" in that it was a uniform four feet in depth. There were ten other girls there, ranging in ages from maybe 15 or so to one that looked as though she might be six or even younger. There were five boys and while they were on the new side of their teens, they had man-sized cocks. Our monkeys made the girl count seventeen. Mel and Ange were very accommodating to the boys and allowed them complete freedom to do anything they wanted with their huge tits. Andie organized the girls into small groups and it was an optical banquet of young girls licking, fingering and displaying their tiny pussies to me and each other. After about thirty minutes, I was rock hard just from the visuals. Andie led the young one over to me by the hand. I don't think she was yet, six. "This is Tink... Katrina but we call her Tink... Isn't she precious? She's only five. I cleared it with her folks and she wants to fuck you. Only a couple of the adults have ever fucked her. Her dad only started fucking her about six months ago." Tink was sucking on her index finger and grinning. Andie didn't wait for my answer. She picked up the tiny girl and as she lowered her onto my lap, Tink spread her still unshaped legs and used her fingers to spread open her little, smooth pussy. Andie held her securely as the head of my cock slowly eased into the tight, five year old, pussy. Then Andie let go of the little girl and Tink took all of my hard cock with a soft, barely audible, moan. I let her do what she wanted and she bent her knees, placing her tiny feet on either side of my thighs and her baby-like hands on my chest. Then she began rising up and down, fucking my hard cock in her tiny pussy. I felt her moisten immediately and cradled her small, baby-smooth butt, in my hands. It was like being fucked by a doll... a wet, warm, smooth, doll. With extreme effort, I managed to keep from cumming until I felt the tiny pussy drench in moisture as Tink let out another moan. That was all I could take and I shot multiple spurts into her tiny hole. Andie had stood next to us the whole time, pulling at her hard nipples and rubbing her dripping cunt. She let Tink catch her breath and after the little five-year old kissed me and said a soft, "Thank you.", Andie lifted her off me and laid her down on the floor. She immediately began to tongue the little, still-open pussy, retrieving and swallowing my cum load. Some other tiny girl appeared between my legs and began sucking my still half-hard cock. Andie looked up and grinned. "That's Trudy, Tink's older sister. She's seven. It's OK, the folks signed-off on her, too. Trudy was amazing for only seven. She was able to take my half-hard cock completely into her throat. I looked around the cabana as Trudy sucked away. Mel and Ange were taking boy-cocks between their massive tits, one after the other. The boys would shoot over their huge tits and a couple of other girls were there to lick up the cum globs. The twins and Mai had their own fan club, a bunch of little girls that were amazed as the twins and Mai showcased their fisting talents. Each of the girls would fist Abs, Annie or Mai and giggle as their tiny hands disappeared into the babysluts' cunts. Gina and Megs were also showing how to fist the twins, using one hand each in Abs and Annie. I heard Andie moan, looking down to see Tink peeing into Andie's mouth and Andie gulping it down. Trudy's oral skills had an effect. My cock began to rise to the occasion. She paused and looked up me with her big, brown eyes. "You want to fuck me, too? Daddy fucks Tink and me all the time. Tink's too little yet but you can fuck my butt if you want." I reached down and pulled the little girl up onto my lap. She expertly maneuvered her legs and feet and had my rejuvenated cock in her tight assbud with one motion. Unlike her baby sister, she squatted upright instead of leaning forward and rubbed her little clit area and finger-fucked her wet pussy as she pumped up and down on my cock. I managed to last longer with Trudy than I had with Tink. The little girl looked at me with a grin and said, "Tell me when you're ready to cream. I want you to cum in my mouth. I love swallowing cum." If I wasn't ready before, her enthusiasm made me ready now. I nodded at her and she moved off me and had my cock in her throat. I fed her little, greedy, mouth my second load of cum. She didn't miss a drop and licked and sucked me spotless, including sticking her tiny tongue in my piss hole. Andie and Tink busied themselves sucking and licking my load from Trudy's ass. NOW I did have to pee and looked around for a restroom. Andie saw me looking around. "Go ahead. Trudy drinks pee, too.""Yeah. I like cum better but I like piss, too." She held her mouth open and took my cock. I released my piss stream. Trudy clamped her lips around my cock head and I could see her little throat moving as she swallowed all my piss followed by another tongue cleaning. I didn't think I could possibly produce another load, even with all the visual stimulation going on around me. Mel and Ange were now showing off for the young boys, their own fisting skills. They were letting each of the boys fist their cunts and play with their big tits. Like all boys, these were fascinated with large tits and Mel and Ange were large.The little girls were now licking and fingering each other. One little girl, maybe eleven or twelve, was getting a fisting tutorial from Abs. Nobody could teach a little slut how to fist better than Abs. Two of the little girls broke away from the pussy licking and climbed up on my lap. They kept their legs spread and rubbed and fingered their bald pussies as we watched the antics together. They each reached down and put one hand each on my cock and began to play with it as they continued to masturbate their own little pussy holes with their other hand. I'd probably get another hard-on eventually with their play but it was getting late. These little ones may be little sluts but they were also kids and needed to get to bed. Andie broke everything up and each of the little girls kissed me goodnight and felt my cock. I was escorted back to the suite with my little pack of sex monkeys. I figured it might take all of five minutes for me to get to sleep after a shower. Mel and Ange showered with me and tried to change my mind about sleep but I was firm- even if my cock wasn't. They nestled in beside me and I was wrong, it took four minutes.I was finishing my third cup of morning coffee after my two croissants and eggs. Sitting next to the pool and looking around, getting somewhat acclimated to all the visual distractions of the club. It was normal for small groups of adults to be standing and talking with the women playing with one or two cocks and the men with one or two breasts or nipples. Little girls in twos, threes or more would be sitting on the edges of the pool or on the pool deck with their legs spread and showing their pussies to each other or to attentive boys. Most would either be fingering themselves or letting someone else do it to them. It was a little early still, even for the club, for more overt sexual displays. Those usually began after noon. Sam, Ev, Andie, Mel and Ange joined me. We talked about the obvious and then about Mel's web shows. Ev and Andie lowered their voices and told us they wanted us all to join them that evening for a little private thing. They wouldn't tell us what. I asked Sam about the 'glory-hole" party thing tomorrow night. He chuckled and said they did it about six to seven times a year. Despite all the overt sex that went on in plain view of everybody, they liked to add a little mystery to the parties. They had small, box-like, props they would set up. Each box had a hole in each of it's four sides. Women that wanted to participate, would draw straws and be assigned a box. If there were too many women for the number of boxes, they would put two or more in each box. None of the men or boys knew which women were in which box. Throughout the evening, males would insert their cock into whatever hole was available and get a blow job. The one rule was that the women had to swallow the cum loads. They could do as many or as few as they wanted. Sam said they usually had more women volunteers than they had room in the boxes. Some would take a few loads and exit the box to be replaced by another volunteer. Others would do it for the whole night. Mariah was one that always did the whole session. Sometimes they'd have a contest with it and have the guys see if they could guess which woman was in which box.No sooner was her name mentioned, than Mariah walked by and stopped to introduce herself. It wasn't surprising she didn't remember us from her 'picnic show', she was occupied. But she recognized Mel and Ange and asked if they could get together later. Mel said no problem. Andie was right, Mariah had a dildo hanging from her cunt. It was as thick as a soda can and there was about four inches protruding from her cunt. I had no idea how much more was stuffed inside her. She acted as though it wasn't even there. Even when she walked away, she swung her hips and her stride looked normal. "How does she do that?" Mel wasn't the only one curious about that. Ev and Sam laughed. Ev answered."Don't let Mariah fool you. She is a pure fuck slut and can fuck anything and anybody for hours. But I've seen her crush an empty soda can with that cunt of hers. I've fisted her a bunch of times and she actually can cut off the circulation in your hand if she really grips your wrist or forearm with her cunt muscles. But when she loosens up, I've yet to find anything she can't stuff in that hole of hers." I wondered how much of Monte or Kaa she could take. Ange must have had the same thought 'cause when I looked at her, she flicked her tongue and hissed, then giggled. "She was married when she joined the club but her hubby couldn't deal with her appetites any longer and they divorced. Whatever sex records are kept around here, Mariah holds them all. She's a member of your site, Mel. I'm sure if you asked her, she'd be thrilled to let you video her and show it on your site. She loves an audience and she's really big on 'audience participation' if you get my meaning. Every guy here has fucked her dozens of times. Cunt or ass, she doesn't care." I could see the wheels turning in Mel's head. "No matter how twisted an idea you might come up with for her, she'll top it. She came up with one about a month ago. One Sunday, from noon to six PM, we had this huge, glass jug out here at the pool. All the guys agreed and every load of cum that was produced that afternoon, was put into the jug. The girls and women helped buy 'fluffing'- sucking the guys hard after they came. Me and Andie also pissed in the jug to keep the cum from drying up in the sun. I have no idea how many loads were shot into that jar, well over eighty. At six, on the nose, Mariah picked up the jug and chugged down everything without stopping. Sam measured the jug later, it held just over a gallon. She downed it all as if it were spring water. Didn't even belch afterwards." We chuckled at that image. "I guess one of her most twisted ideas, as if that wasn't enough, one Saturday about a year ago, she borrowed one of those inflatable, kids' wading pools from one of the families. She placed the thing over there on the lawn and laid in it for almost six hours. Everybody that had to pee, did it in the pool. Men, women, kids, everybody and most more than once. She drank a lot of it as it was happening but eventually, there was about three inches of piss in that pool. She splashed around in it and then began drinking it up, right out of the pool. She didn't get it all but damn near. She DID belch, more than once, that time."That brought laughter, not chuckles. "She even drinks her own piss. She lies on her back and lifts her hips up with her hands and pisses right into her own mouth. If you think of anything twisted, she's probably already done it- if not, she sure would." Again, Ange flicked her tongue at me and hissed. I also wondered if Misty wanted another member for the "Buddy Club"? Mariah was a logical choice."Andie said she did a doggie gang-bang. Has she done any other animals?" Mel was on the same page as me. Being fucked by a bunch of dogs is one thing. I wondered how she'd do with six stallions, four ponies, two donkeys, two pythons, six dogs and Big Buddy. THAT would be the web show to end all web shows! "I don't think so. Not that she wouldn't, she just doesn't have the connections. I never did find out how she managed to get all those dogs for her gang-bang. Maybe she went to the pound- she gives a whole, new, definition for A.S.P.C.A.!" More laughter. "I'll make some inquiries and talk to her. If you think she'd really like to do a show, I might be able to come up with something." Mel was still being "discreet". "You mentioned her daughters, which ones are they?" "They'll get in today. The oldest, Heidi, works. She's nineteen. The youngest is Rachael. She's eight. Rache was by her last husband. He thought another kid might cool her down. I think it made her better, or worse, depending on your point of view. I still don't know how she got custody of Rachael. I think her hubby was so fed up, he just signed off on everything and split. She still gets child support and alimony checks. "Heidi and Rache are taking after their mother. Heidi works for some travel agency but is a total slut. Rache is one of the favorites around here with all the men and boys. She's been sucking and fucking since she was six. Mariah signed a blanket release statement for Rache, she can fuck anybody at anytime and usually does from the moment she gets here. She stays with Heidi when Mariah comes down for one of her marathon sessions." Just when you thought you'd heard and seen it all. Dr. Phil would have a brain explosion around here.The gossip and chick-chat wound down. As we had been chatting, the visual aids had cranked up a few notches around the pool. A few of the younger girls were being fucked by some of the men, a few were sucking boys or other men. Wives and/or mothers were being fucked or sucking some cock. One woman was lying on her back on the diving board with her legs hanging off either side. She had some kind of wide, cloth, belt around her waist, securing her to the board. There was a small line-up of guys waiting their turn. One would fuck her while the others watched and waited. The idea was to see how much bounce they could achieve with the diving board and not fall off, into the pool. The woman wasn't actually a sex partner, she was more of a kinky, water-park, ride. There were plenty of willing mouths to keep the guys hard until their turn on the ride. Ev explained that only the guys that lasted long enough to cum in her, would make it into the finals. Then they would have a fuck-off. I wondered if the IOC knew about this event?We went through the babyslut round-up, showered and I went out on the deck for a drink and to wait for the gals. Bert and all were having a family thing on their deck. Eleven year old Debbie was sitting on her dad's cock, facing me. She was pumping up and down. Bert Jr was seated next to his dad and his mom, Anna, was on her knees sucking his cock while fifteen year old Janie was fucking her mom in the ass with a strap-on. "Hi, neighbor! Y'all must be havin' fun. Haven't seen you much, though Bert Jr here said he fucked one of your girls today. Lil Debs would like to fuck you sometime. You can do her ass or cunt, she likes it both ways." I thanked him and said "maybe soon" and escaped, telling him we plans tonight. We did, with Ev and Andie.The gals appeared and saved me. We went down to dinner and the babysluts re-capped their day for us. One of the older girls had organized a "Musical Cocks" game with some of the boys. It was like musical chairs but with cocks. The girls would walk around the chairs with the boys sitting in them. When the music stopped, the girls had to have a cock to sit on or they were out of the game. Abs won one and Megs another. No surprise there. I asked which one had fucked Bert Jr and it turns out Abs and Megs both had. Mai said Janie had eaten her cunt while they watched two of the boys double-team Debbie. Lil Lola, Gina, Annie and tiny Traci had been fucked by some of the men as the guys' wives were licking their tiny clits. It was a lot like the ranch.After dinner, we made our way to Sam and Ev's, the agreed-to meeting spot. Ev opened the door and we were greeted by her as well as a huge Golden Retriever. I guessed this was Herman and was right. He had been at the groomer's the past two days which why we hadn't seen him before. He'd tangled up with a skunk and it took awhile for the groomer to get the smell out. He was like most retrievers, friendly and furry. He was all over the monkeys, licking and wagging his tail as they cooed about what a pretty boy he was. Sam handed us drinks and we sat and watched the monkeys and Herm get acquainted. It didn't take long. In minutes, as all us "old folk" watched, the monkeys, Bobbie and Becky as they got Herman on his back. Each girl took their turn licking and sucking on his pink cock. His cock was about the size of Baron's so it was no problem for the monkeys. Even as he began to spurt his pre-cum from the tip, the girls swallowed it down. I was used to watching the monkeys suck dogs of course. It was almost a daily occurrence for one or more of them to suck off Jasper or one of the other dogs. Watching Bobs and Becks made my cock sit up and take some notice. The gals noticed as well. The women were all rubbing their pussies or fingering themselves while they used one hand to massage Sam's and my cocks. I occupied myself playing with Andie's, not as large as Mel's or Ange's, but really firm tits and bullet -hard nipples.I don't know how they decided but after each girl had sucked the doggie cock, lil Becks squatted over the pink, wet prick and as Bob's held it, Becky squatted down and in one motion, had Herman's cock in her tiny pussy. I noticed Herm's knot had slid out of the sheath and the girls were busy licking at it before Beck's made on more motion and took the knot into her pussy as well. Bob's then positioned herself at Herman's muzzle and spread her wet pussy lips so Herman could lap away at her juices. Herman let out a little whimper and Beck's a louder one as the retriever shot his cum into the little girl. There were plenty of greedy, little, tongues to lap up the over-flow and suck her pussy clean after Herman's knot finally popped free. His cock also received a cleansing, tongue wash. Unlike the ranch, the critter show was over. At the ranch, there always seemed to be enough critter-cock for everyone, especially since the addition of the ponies. The girls may have finished with Herman but there was still Sam and I. Bobbie was first to climb on my lap and take my cock in her pussy. Lola was first to get Sam's cock. Then began kind of another kind of musical cocks in that the kids, being good kids, decided to share. Sam and I managed to hold on as the kids proceeded to have us fuck them all. Finally, I couldn't hold off anymore and with my cock in Beck's tight asshole, I shot a huge load. I was dizzy from the intensity so I didn't notice who sucked my cock clean or sucked my cum from Beck's oozing back hole.The girls weren't at all tired and after some "pleeezes" from all of them, we all went down to the pool. Some others didn't seem to be tired either. Mariah and her two daughters were there. Mariah was on a towel, fucking herself in both holes with a horse-thick, double dildo for an appreciative audience of teenage boys. I'm sure they also appreciated that the oldest, nineteen-year old Heidi and youngest, eight-year old Rachael, were sucking any cock within reach. Needless to say, our pack of sex monkeys were a welcomed arrival and they soon each had a cock to suck or fuck. Mariah never missed a stroke and Ev went over to the get the two daughters and introduce them. They were like giddy teens at a pop-star concert when they recognized Mel, Ange, the twins and Mai from Mel's web shows. I just took a seat to one side, still watching Mariah and the giggling and hugs among the monkeys and Mariah's girls. As I watched, Mariah slowly pulled the massive dildo from her gaping cunt. It was over two feet long. She licked it all over and then bent it double. With some effort, mostly from trying to get a firm grip on the thing, she stuffed both ends back into her cunt. She held the bend and began pumping both ends in and out of her cunt. Ev had been right, it seemed Mariah could take anything in her cunt. I had no doubt Big Buddy would be an easy insertion for her. Kaa or Monte might be another matter. I wondered how much of their length, either of the big pythons could squirm inside her. I looked and Ange was also watching. She looked at me and did the tongue/hiss thing again and grinned. Sam walked over holding Rachael by her hand. Rache seemed a little small for a nine-year old. I didn't know much about such things. I just thought she should be about lil Lola's size, they were about the same age. Marta had told me that Lola was a little small for her age, based on so-called "averages". Rache was closer to five yr old Tink than Lola. "Hey guy, if you want, Rache says she'd like us to double her." I looked at Rache and she grinned as she hung on to Sam's hand with one hand and was rubbing her tiny pussy with the other. This tiny girl being fucked in both holes by two adults didn't seem possible. But I agreed. My cock was already hard just from watching Mariah's stuffing show. Sam lifted the little girl like she was a doll and as I held my cock, he lowered her pussy onto my shaft. I slid in with little effort as she let out a faint moan. She leaned forward on me and used her tiny hands to spread her little butt cheeks. I felt Sam's cock head as it pushed passed her ass-ring and then felt all of his cock through the thin ass walls of the tiny girl. We both let the little girl relax and set her pace. It took about thirty seconds before she was thrusting back on Sam's cock while pushing down on mine. It didn't seem to matter if we were both pushed into her holes at the same time or alternating our thrusts. I was trying to delay my orgasm and looked around for distractions. There were plenty but nothing that would help my restraint. Other girls were getting fucked or sucking cocks. Mel and Ange were themselves, being double-teamed by young, teen cocks. I looked over at Mariah and caught her just as she made one, massive push on the huge, double dildo. The entire thing disappeared into her cavernous cunt. She took a couple of deep breaths and calmly got to her feet. As she walked over to us, I wasn't sure but it looked like her lower belly was swollen with the intrusive dildo. Her stride was as if nothing was out of the ordinary. Maybe practice does make perfect, even with giant, fake cocks. She stood by my chair, pulling and twisting her nipples as she watched her young daughter being fucked by Sam and I. "Isn't my baby, fuck-toy, sweet?" Her remark was distracting. I managed a, "She's very skilled for her young age." "I had a lot of practice training her after I had trained Heidi. She was a natural from age four. You're the guy that helps Mel and Ange with their web site. We met this morning." She extended her hand and I took it for a quick shake. "Actually, while we didn't actually meet, I saw you on the lawn yesterday. You were sort of busy." This was surreal. It was like some sort of P.T.A. coffee thing and two parents chatting. Except one parent had a monstrous dildo shoved entirely into her cunt while the other parent was part of a two-man team, fucking the nine year old daughter in the ass and pussy. Mariah sort of chuckled."That was just SOS (universal-speak for 'Same Old Shit'). I'd like to talk to you, Ange and Mel when you have the chance. How about you finish up and I'll go ask them if tonight would be OK.?" It was though she were talking about me finishing my cake and coffee, not fucking her nine year old daughter. I felt Sam stiffen and then it hit us both and we filled little Rache's sex holes with our cum while she mewed like a little kitten. As we caught our breath, I saw Heidi walking over, holding the hands of two other little girls. She leaned down to whisper something to them and they knelt down on either side. Heidi lifted little Rache off our cocks and like they'd done it a LOT before, Heidi lay down and Rache squatted over her sister's mouth and let our combined cum, pussy and ass juices run into Heidi's gulping mouth. Meantime, the other two, little, girls were sucking our cocks clean like tiny vacuums. Sam and I exchanged glances and decided we were done for one night. (Or so we thought.) The little girls finished their tongue cleanings and he and I headed up to his place. As Sam and Ev had a corner unit, the outside deck was on two sides of the the third floor, one set of sliding doors from the living room, another from the dining room. He fixed us drinks and as we sat and talked about Mariah, we heard the scurrying and giggling. The huge deck was soon clamoring with the monkeys, Sam and Ev's kids, Mariah and hers, Mel, Ange, Andie and Ev. The adults congregated on one side of the deck and the kids were around the corner, on the other side.Sam fixed beverages for everyone and we all sat. It was then that I noticed Mariah still had that monster, double-dildo, stuffed in her cunt. You could see a small bit of it peeking out between her stretched cunt lips. She seemed oblivious to it, like it might just have been a tampon. "The girls and I really love watching your web shows, Mel. They usually double-fist my cunt and finger their own cunts the whole time we watch you, Ange, the girls and whoever else you have on. We especially like the ones you do with Jasper. I like the ones with Lin. I'd love to have you do that stuff with me." I remembered the one I helped video with Lin. Major S&M theme and of course Lin loved it all, the piercings, the clamps, stretching her cunt lips, weighting down her nipples and lips. Mariah was all hot and bothered about adding "major, submissive, fuck-toy, slut" to her extensive, kinky resume. I also wondered how she might feel about being branded, as Lin had just been marked? "I loved doing the doggie, gang-bang but I want to try other animals, too. Ev said you might have some connections. You can sure as hell video me doing whatever you want and use it on your web show. It'll be as close as I ever get to actually doing porn." We all laughed at that one. Mariah had already gone waaay beyond conventional porn. As she was talking, Mariah had her heels up on the edge of the chair and was flicking her large, wet clit and pulling and twisting her nipples. "I think Ange, Frank and I can offer you some options, Mariah." Mel was about to let discretion go by the board. "I appreciate you being a member of my site and if you're truly serious about all the this, we can set you up." SERIOUS? Woman had her cunt stuffed with a dildo the size of my bicep and based on what we'd already witnessed, she'd fuck an entire Polo league along with the horses. "Where do you live? I mean, like how far from here?" Mariah was apparently having a mini-orgasm as she gushed some pussy cum on the deck in front of her chair and let out a little moan. She caught her breath."Only about thirty minutes. Just south. Heidi lives close-by my place. It makes it so Rache can walk to her place when I get urges." Urges. So that's what she calls it. She lived on the way to the ranch. "If you don't mind me having your phone number, I can give you a call when we get home. I need to check with a couple of other people but I don't see any problems. I'm thinking a selection of animals and doing videos of you for my site. Heidi and Rache too, if you want." Mariah let out another moan and more pussy cream. The puddle was growing. Before she could respond, Sam got up. I thought he was going to fix another drink but he held his semi-hard cock and walked over to Mariah's chair. Not saying a word, Mariah turned her head and opened her mouth. Sam placed his cock head close to her extended tongue and let go his stream of piss. Mariah gulped down every drop and never stopped clawing at her clit and twisting and pulling her nipples. He finished his piss and Mariah sucked him dry of the last drops. He turned to me and winked and went to fix a drink. "Of course you can have my number. I'll give you Heidi's as well- home and cell." Sam returned with two drinks and motioned to me like, "Go ahead." I got up and walked over to Mariah. Like she did with Sam, she turned her head and opened her mouth. I pissed in her greedy mouth and let her suckle me clean and dry."Thank you, Frank. Your piss is good." I just rolled my eyes and sat back down, taking my drink from Sam. I took a swig and then lil Lola and tiny Traci came over to our side of the deck. They crawled up in my lap and nestled in, each taking a gentle grip on my cock as if it were a Teddy Bear's ear. They were asleep in seconds. "I think somebodies had enough for one day." Everyone grinned and nodded. Mel quietly whispered to just put them in our room, they could sleep with us tonight. I set my drink down and got up, holding the little sex babies snug and walked them down the hall to our suite and bedroom. I tucked them in and they cuddled together and hugged as they slept. I kissed them each on the forehead and they mewed. I got back to finish my drink and the rest of the monkeys had gathered. Little Rache and Heidi were busy fucking their mom in the ass and cunt with the huge, double-headed dildo; just good daughters helping out their mom. Abs was telling the assemblage how they all had sucked Herman's cock and then played "Dog Bitch" until he came inside Meg's cunt. Ev asked and Abs explained that "Dog Bitch" was a game that they just invented. Each girl got three minutes to have the dog mount her and fuck. Then they would switch to the next girl. Whichever girl he came in was the winner. Megs was the winner. Had to give Abs her props, she was creative. The evening was late and even Mariah was looking a little worn. We all pitched in to help clean up the deck and get the glassware in the dishwasher. Mel, Ange and I slid into bed, letting the sex babies stay cuddled together. Tomorrow was another day, another busy day. It was going to be the "Glory Hole" party.Continued in part 23...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 55
My name is Joey and I'm 22 just getting ready to start my last year of college high school. My Mom and I live alone together as we always have. Mom had me as a very young girl of 13 almost 14 and has never been married. I have no idea who my dad was and frankly could care less. My Mom has been the very best thing that has ever happened to me. She has always been very honest with me. She has always acknowledged that she had not intended to get pregnant with me and had made a young girl's mistake, but when I was born she said she fell instantly and overwhelmingly in love with me and refused to give me up for adoption in spite of all the efforts of everyone around her that tried to convince her to do that. She hung in there and loved me and raised me all by herself. It hasn't been easy for her, but she never gave up when times were tough and life was hard for us and just kept pushing ahead to make a better life for both of us. Today she is very successful in her chosen business and we have a great life together.This story is about how we have become closer than I ever thought it was possible to become. I have been fucking my mother since I was about 15 years old, but I have chosen the time when I was 18 just looking forward to my last year of high school to begin my story because that's the point in my relationship with my mother when I think I began to fully understand the depth of the love we had for each other and started to make the transition from being just a horny adolescent to a man. Before then, I think I was just a crazy horny young kid who couldn't believe his fantastic good luck in having a mom who liked to fuck her son so he didn't ever have to worry about trying to get some young girl to open up her pussy to him so he could get laid with a quickie. He was getting laid almost every night at home by a beautiful woman while most of his buddies were still virgins wondering when they would ever get their first fuck.So let me take you back in time about seven years to begin this account. It was about 5:00 pm in the afternoon on a warm summer Saturday night about two weeks before I was to start my last year of high school. Mom had left to keep a very important business appointment about an hour before. And I was lounging on the sofa half heartedly watching some TV movie and smoking a joint, getting mellow and thinking about the wonderful relationship my Mom and I had with each other and how lucky I was to have such a beautiful, loving fucking Mom. That was the day that I remember having this wonderful feeling of pride in the kind of first class top flight professional my Mom was. I think that was the moment when I finally really understood the independence, dedication and personal integrity that it took to be a top flight professional in any endeavor and not just her chosen line of work. I was genuinely and without reservation totally proud of the woman that was my mother for who she was and not what she did. Before then I think that I loved having a Mom like mine for all the great fucking and cock sucking she liked to give me, and how lucky I was to be getting laid and sucked off almost every night while most of my friends were still virgins still dreaming about some day getting their first fuck. That's the day that I chose to begin this account to share my good fortune with others to give them hope that it could happen for them also. Ordinarily I would have been looking forward to getting ready to cruise the clubs and other teenage hangouts with my high school buddies to unwind from a long hot week at my summer job of servicing backyard residential swimming pools and, once in a while also getting to service some horny residential housewives who were not getting enough cock from their husbands. Even though I was getting plenty of pussy at home with Mom, I still liked to see if I could hookup and score with some of the hot gals from our class at school and maybe get lucky and get to fuck a virgin or, at a bare minimum, just score a good piece of ass or a good blow job. It was a game with me and my friends and even a lot of the girls we chased knew it was a game, but they enjoyed being chased and from time to time would let themselves be "caught" and fucked.But I had already gotten lucky that Saturday and had caught my Mom earlier in the day in a very receptive mood when I was feeling kind of horny in spite of the fact that she had had a rather late business appointment the night before and didn't usually want any attention the following day until much later in the afternoon if the previous night's work had kept her up very late. I eased up behind Mom while she was rinsing off our breakfast dishes at the kitchen sink still wearing her filmy, see-through Victoria Secret style sleeping stuff and started feeling up her magnificent tits, nibbling on her earlobes, and pressing my huge hard-on into the crack of her tight firm ass. For a 29 year old babe, Mom has an absolutely fabulous body and she began to respond to my attentions and reached back and stroked my big hard-on and purred, "Oh my, my sweetie. I think I feel a very big and hungry cock trying to sneak into my cunt through the backdoor." Pretty soon one thing led to another and I ended up spending several hours in her bed fucking her and eating her cunt and she reciprocated my attentions by giving me several mind bending, cum eating, cock suckings before she had to get ready for her next business appointment later that evening. (She really loves my cock sauce and says it's the best tasting cum she has ever eaten and she's eaten lots of cum). Now I was enjoying the afterglow of all the great sex I had with Mom and marveling at how lucky I was to have a mother who was both such a fantastic piece of ass as well as a fabulous world class cum eating cocksucker. Of course it was absolutely essential that she be very proficient and accomplished at fucking and sucking off men, because that was her business and our livelihood depended on it. But she was so good at what she does for a living that we were living a very secure and extremely comfortable life style in a fantastic $800,000 three bedroom condo that was fully paid for with no mortgage. You see my Mom's business is fucking and sucking men for money. My Mom is a whore. But she's not just another common, cheap, sleazy, streetwalking whore who trolls the side walks looking for johns to suck off on her knees in alleys and in the front seat of cars for $25 an orgasm. She is a very high priced classy whore who only fucks and sucks off men by appointment. I found out by accident that she was a whore a couple of years ago and she and I have been regularly fucking and eating each other ever since. If you're shocked that I can so casually refer to my Mom as a whore, then don't be. Mom likes to refer to herself as a whore. She says there is nothing wrong with being a whore and that a good, honest whore delivers a fair, quality, service for a fair price just like any other business that sells products or services. She is proud of the fact that the quality of the sex services she sells is so high that her customers are willing to pay very high prices to have her service them with her cunt and mouth and they keep coming back again and again and again to experience more of her fantastic fucking and sucking skills. Mom works very hard at her spa gym working out several times a week keeping her body trim, fit and especially alluring to men because it greatly increases the intensity of their sexual pleasure when they know they're fucking a goddess or when she is sucking their hard dicks and eating their cum. Mom says any woman with a half-way tight cunt can be a whore, but that men get a lot more erotic pleasure out of fucking beautiful glamorous women that might otherwise seem unattainable to them than dipping their cocks into some dumpy overweight fuck slut with stringy, dirty hair and a cunt so loose and sloppy that it feels like fucking a bowl of jell-o. Mom has always told me not to be ashamed of her being a whore because she's not ashamed. And I'm not ashamed of her either. I'm proud of my Mom for being such an expert and successful practitioner of her chosen profession and I'm happy that she is such a top flight whore. Whores like Mom are sometimes known as call girls or escorts. But even among call girls there is a distinction between those that are just average sex performers and those who are known for always delivering top of the line, out of this world sexual experiences. My Mom ranks right at the top of call girl type whores as a member of the most beautiful, sophisticated, and talented class of professional call girl whores in our extended Washington metro area who are sought after by wealthy powerful men from the worlds of business, government, professional sports and the media and who are willing to pay very large sums of money to be sexually serviced by whores like my Mom. Mom has a very exclusive list of clients of about 200 men who she will accept engagements with. She guards that list very tightly and is very careful to always be discreet so that it is not easy for anyone to stumble on to, or guess at how she makes her living and so be in a position to publicly expose and embarrass any of her group of clients. The members of her group of clients include top executives from many powerful companies, corporations, top government leaders, media celebrities, and well known personalities from the world of professional sports. Her clients are all top notch experts in their chosen fields and the one thing they all have in common is an admiration and appreciation for world class talent in any area of endeavor. And they appreciate my Mom's fucking and sucking talents as being of world class caliber and are willing to pay a lot to be serviced by her. But if she ever was so careless as to let one of them be exposed as someone who used the services of a whore, her business would be ruined and she would have to resort to becoming just a common everyday street whore spending all her time on her knees and back in alleyways and cheap, sleazy broken down slum hotel rooms scrambling to earn a living fucking and sucking in 30 minute sessions for a paltry $25 to $50 at a time.Her rate schedule has several parts to it and is divided between charges for appointments that only involve "traditional" sex like plain cock fucking and cunt and cock sucking, and another schedule for added charges for services involving group sex with either additional men and/or women, and then an even more expensive charge schedule for extra kinky type stuff like letting a client piss inside her cunt or in her mouth or fucking her in her ass, and stuff like that. It really is amazing how really kinky some of her more well known and powerful clients are. It's almost as if the constant stress that they endure by virtue of their weighty responsibilities drives them to look for more far out, erotic, and exciting degenerate sexual practices to find relief from the pressure and stress that is always part of their lives. She says she has one client who often appears on the front pages of the newspapers who likes her to sit on his face while he eats out her cunt filled with his cum that he just put there by fucking her and then have her pee all over his face and in his mouth while he is eating her cunt. So Mom is open to a pretty wide range of kinky stuff including being fucked by dogs and sucking off dog cocks for the enjoyment and titillation of some of her clients, but she absolutely refuses to have any thing to do with stuff involving feces, or scat as it is sometimes called, for any amount of money. She doesn't mind tongue rimming her client's ass holes and even sucking on their anus when her client's want that kind of service, but the asshole area has to be washed and cleaned first. Mom says she doesn't always like some of the kinky stuff she has to perform, but that she's learned to accept it because it's part of the business she's in. She knows she has to do it if she expects to keep her standing and reputation as a world class whore who always delivers a superior sexual experience and more than satisfies her client expectations for the best sex available anywhere. That's what enables her to continue charging such high prices for her services.Her basic rate schedule for traditional type sex begins at $2000 for a basic four hour appointment involving just straight traditional fucking and oral cunt and cock sucking with a single client. The client is guaranteed at least two orgasms from plain cock in the cunt fucking and two good cum eating cock suckings. Cunt eating is optional. (Some clients have an aversion to eating a whore's cunt– even the cunt of a very exclusive, top flight whore like Mom. But I sure don't have that problem. I love to eat out my Mom's cunt and I especially love it when it's full of fresh cum– my cum or a john's cum– it doesn't matter.) Then it increases to $3000 for eight hours; $4500 for an over-nighter up to 24 hours; and anything beyond that is negotiable. On average her average take per appointment works out to about $5500 when you throw in the appointments that include extra charges for kinky stuff and group activities. Last year, a Saudi prince who frequently comes to Washington on business paid her $55,000 in cash to be his "date" for a week on a sexual orgy cruise to Bermuda and back on his yacht with a bunch of his business associates and their personal mistresses and whores. Mom says that yacht cruise was one continuous fuck fest with multiple men, women, and a variety of dogs all at once for seven days and nights. She lost count after the third night of how many different cocks she sucked and whores cunts that she ate for the amusement and delight of her prince client. What he really liked the most was when he had her fucked by a big black Labrador dog that had a thick nine inch cock– 10-1/2 inches when his big knot was included– and at the same time, while she was on her hands and knees being fucked from behind by the Lab, she sucked off another dog cock belonging to a German Sheppard and ate up all his doggie cum. She said she ended up performing that double doggie fuck, suck and cum eating act over a dozen times on that trip.When I asked her how she kept from throwing up when that German Sheppard shot his cum in her mouth and she had to swallow it, she laughed and answered, "Joey honey, look around here real good. Look at that view of the Potomac and the Capitol, and look at all this beautiful furniture and think about that red Corvette of yours and how we live baby. How do you think we can afford to live this way sweetie? We have two and a half million dollars in the bank and inside of another five years that will grow to more than five million and we will be set for life baby. That Saudi prince paid me $55,000 for that week long cruise. That's more than two thirds of the people in this town earn in a year and all I had to do was to turn him on by letting a few dogs fuck me and suck off some dog cocks and eat their doggie cum. Baby, I'd have chug-a-lugged a gallon of doggie cum for $55Gs. I'm one of the top three professional whores in the metro area sweetie, and what it takes to be a top professional whore is the willingness to do whatever your client desires to maximize his sexual pleasure and to do it better than any other whore can. Now I'll admit that the first time I sucked off a dog and ate its hot cum when I was 21 years old, I felt a little nauseous. After the 3rd or 4th time you sort of get used to the idea and forget about it being a dogs cock and you start concentrating on tasting the cum and find out that on the whole a dogs cum tends to be about 4-6 degrees hotter than a man's cum and tastes slightly sweet with a more fluid consistency than a man's cum. That's when you realize that doggie cum is actually pretty damn good tasting stuff and you learn to like it.So the secret to all kinds of kinky, and what you might sometimes think of as nasty degenerate sex acts, if you are going to be a professional whore is to just go ahead and do them and pretty soon you find yourself enjoying them yourself. Some of the best orgasms I have ever had were from being fucked by a big hard dog's cock. Now I really look forward to my dates with one of my regular repeating clients because he has a big dog that he always wants to have fuck me. I really look forward to being fucked by that dog, but I don't let my client know that. Instead, I pretend to be horrified and afraid of being mounted by such a big dog with his monster cock, which really excites my client so much, that when he sees his dog ram his big dog cock into my cunt, he has a massive and excruciatingly exquisite orgasm and sticks his cock into my mouth to shoot his load of cum down my throat. My client is extremely happy and satisfied and so am I because he has really delicious tasting cock sauce. In fact everyone is happy. The dog gets to fuck my tight cunt and have a great orgasm and pump me full of his hot doggie cum, my client is able to get his rocks off on one of his favorite erotic fantasies come true, and I get to have a great orgasm myself from the big dog cock topped off by eating the great tasting cum that my client shoots in my mouth when I suck off his cock. Part of being a good professional whore, baby, also requires some good acting skills once in a while."On the whole, Mom earns over three quarters of a million dollars a year as a whore, 90% of which is tax free. (She reports about 10% of her earnings as a self-employed professional "counselor"). So we do pretty well.Anyway, as I said, I was lounging on the sofa enjoying some pot and thinking about how lucky I was to have such a sexually experienced Mom who doesn't have any hang-ups about incest and stuff and let's me have a good time fucking her whenever I'm horny and haven't been able to find any hot chicks in my own age group to score with. But the real reason I was staying home instead of going out with my buddies trying to score some strange pussy was that I was waiting for Mom to get back home. Ever since I found out Mom was a whore she has gotten in the habit of wanting to fuck me whenever she returns home from one of her whoring engagements and she tells me all about what she did to her john and what he did to her while I have my cock buried deep in her cunt. She says that the best orgasms she has ever had is when she is fucking me while she is telling me how she sucked her client's cock and swallowed his cum and how it felt and tasted as it slid down her throat and coated her insides and she would feel my cock swell and throb in her cunt and begin its spasms and feel my hot cum filling up her cunt when I would have my orgasm. So I was really waiting for her to get home later in the evening, probably around midnight or 1 am, after she has finished fucking and sucking her client because it meant I would get some more great sex with Mom. While I was waiting I started to think about what Mom had told me about her early life and how she became a whore and I reminisced about the night I found out my Mom was a whore and how she became the first woman I ever fucked and the great sex we had that night when she broke my cherry. I always got real horny when I thought about those events and I wanted to be extra ready with a big load of cum when Mom got home.Mom has been a whore ever since she was about 12 or 13 years old. (But I didn't find out that she was a whore until about three years ago when I was 15 and I'll have more to say about that later). When she was growing up her mom and dad were both very much into the "sexual liberation" scene and were active swingers and "wife swappers" who never tried to hide their sexual activities from her. So she grew up in a home where her earliest memories beginning when she was five or six years old were those of seeing her mom and dad frequently bringing home different men and women to have sex with and it was not unusual for them to fuck, suck, and eat their partners right out in the open on the couch in the living room where mom would be playing with her dolls. She said what she really liked the most, however, was to watch from the top of the stairs whenever her mom and dad's swingers group got together at their house for their monthly group orgies and she got to watch and learn about all kinds of kinky sex play and was especially fascinated with how her mom could easily handle three cocks at once with one in her cunt, another in her ass, and the third in her mouth eating all of it's cum. When she was about 10 years old her dad's business was having a little trouble (he was an accountant) during a downturn in the economy so her mom started whoring on the side to bring in a little extra money. Her dad became her mom's pimp and the two of them would cruise bars where her dad would pimp for her mom and find johns for her mom to bring home to fuck and give blow jobs to. When the accounting business picked up again and her mom didn't need to keep whoring, she didn't stop, but just kept right on whoring because she liked it so much. Her Dad was really happy when her mom decided to keep on whoring even after they didn't need the extra money anymore. He was always looking for men to bring home to fuck her mom while he watched and beat his meat, and then after the john was finished and left, he would fuck her again and then eat out her mom's cunt that was filled up with both her john's and her dad's cum.Then right after Mom turned 11 she began her period and soon began blooming into a woman with rapidly developing tits, spreading hips and a filled out pussy mound with full fleshy and tender outer lips. That's when her mom brought her into the sex games her mom and her dad used to play with each other. Her mom helped her dad to gently break her cherry with his big dick and between the two of them they taught her how to really please men teaching her how to be a good cock sucker and how to fuck a man to really intensify his orgasm. For the next year and a half her dad used to take turns fucking her and her mom and during that time her mom also taught her how to make love to a woman and eat pussy and suck out a cunt and she would alternate between giving her dad cum eating blow jobs and sucking out her mom's cunt. She told me that time was actually the time in her childhood years that she looks back on as being the most fun and enjoyable because she was finally getting to participate in all the different kinds of erotic sex that she had been watching her parents engage in with so much energy and pleasure for as long as she could remember.By the time Mom had turned 12 she had become an accomplished sex performer and had really bloomed into a beautiful young woman with great tits and a luscious body. Even though she was only 12 she said she easily passed for an 18 year old and it was only natural that she would turn to whoring just like her mother did. She said she began by accompanying her mother to her whoring appointments to fuck and suck men so she could watch and learn and practice sucking and fucking some of the john's herself. Her mom's johns loved it because she was always an extra treat that came free with her mom. It didn't take very long before she was soon selling herself on her own at a very good price to men that liked sweet, tender, young, cunt meat. Her dad would find those men for her and would bring them home to fuck his daughter. But she got careless and let herself get knocked up and had me when she was still just 13 years old. (Mom said she has often wondered which one of her johns at the time was the one that knocked her up but that it was useless to try and guess because she was so popular among men that really got off on fucking young nubile girls that it could have been any one of 30 or 40 men. The only thing I know is that whoever he was, he must have had a really big cock because my cock is also very big.)Mom said there was about a six month period before she started showing her pregnancy where she had so many johns lining up to fuck her every Friday night, and on Saturday and Sunday that her dad would give them numbers and have them wait in the living room for their turn. And whenever one of them got so horny that he just couldn't wait, her mom would take him in to her bedroom to give him a quick fuck or blowjob to take the pressure off until it was his turn to fuck Mom. But even after her belly got big with me, she still had a lot of johns because there were also a lot of men that got turned on by fucking pregnant women. Mom laughed when she told me this story and said she used to worry that I would get poked in the eye by some of her john's who had really long cocks.After I was born Mom decided to keep me instead of putting me up for adoption and said it was the best decision she ever made. As soon as her cunt had healed enough from delivering me, Mom got back in to her whoring harness again and really capitalized on her milk laden tits. When she found out how much some men really liked to suck the milk (my milk!) out of her plump tits she started using me as a prop so when her next john walked into her bedroom for his fuck and blow job she would be sitting in a chair by the bed with me in her arms sucking milk out of her tits. She would lay me in my crib and almost invariably the john would have been turned on so much that he would quickly latch on to her tits and have himself some nice sweet milk for himself before he fucked Mom. Some of the johns liked her to suck their cocks and eat their cum at the same time I was suckling her tits and eating her milk and then after they had cum in her mouth they would start to suck her other tit and drink her milk. Mom said that she charged an extra premium for her milk and made a lot of extra money over the next year and a half or so before her tits finally dried up and stopped giving milk.When she turned 18 she moved out of her parent's home taking me with her and set out to carve out a life for the two of us and to establish herself as a full service professional whore to earn our living.All during my growing childhood years I always thought that Mom was a cosmetics sales person who was always giving "cosmetic sales parties" at the homes of married women who would buy their cosmetics from her. That was her way of explaining to me why she was always going out in the evenings dressed up in very sexy clothes and often carrying a small overnight case.She told me that case contained samples of the cosmetics she was selling. Of course I now know that was her traveling whore's kit containing things like dildos, cunt and ass plugs for special kinky stuff, KY jelly for greasing up her ass for ass fucking, special flavored oils for oiling up her cunt for clients that liked flavored cunt juice, and stuff like that. Up until the time I was about 11 and Mom felt it was safe to leave me home alone while she was out on a fuck and suck appointment, she had an older woman well into her 60's who would come and baby-sit me and spend the night if necessary. My baby-sitter's name was Brenda and Mom had known her for as long as she could remember because she was now a retired whore who used to partner with my Mom's mom whenever they had a john who wanted to be serviced by two whores at once. Mom told me that Brenda had helped Mom break in as a whore teaching her a lot of little sex tricks for maximizing her john's pleasure. I got my first introduction to sex from Brenda when I was 10 when one night when Brenda was reading to me on the couch with me in her arms resting my head on her tits. I could see inside her dress at one of her big nipples and I couldn't help myself and just reached in with my mouth and started sucking on it. Brenda smiled and said something like, "Well I see my little munchkin is turning into a man!" She shrugged her dress off her shoulders and freed up her tits so I could feel and suck them a lot easier and said, "You just enjoy yourself sweetie. I like the feel of you sucking on my tits. It really brings back a lot of old fun memories, but let's keep this between us, ok honey? Someday when you surprise your mamma you can tell her then that it was Brenda that trained you." I quickly agreed.For the next few months I had a great time sucking Brenda's tits whenever Mom had to go out on one of her "cosmetic calls" and then one night when I was sucking on a tit my little pecker got real hard and Brenda noticed it. She reached down and pulled it out of my pants and said, "I think this is at least a five incher and as pretty a hard-on as I've ever seen. You are going to be a very fine stud when you grow up honey." Then she amazed me and reached down with her mouth and started sucking on it. I started to get these wonderful tingling feelings shooting all through my body and after a couple of minutes I had this wonderful feeling in my thighs and felt my cock shooting something into Brenda's mouth. I said, "I'm sorry Brenda. I didn't mean to pee in your mouth. It was an accident. Please don't be mad at me." Brenda said, "Don't worry honey. I'm not mad. That wasn't pee. It was cum and it tasted delicious. You shot two nice wads of it which was pretty good for your age."Well for the rest of the time Brenda was my baysitter until just after my 11th birthday when Mom decided I didn't need a babysitter anymore, Brenda explained to me the basic birds and bees stuff while I sucked on her tits and then she would suck my cock for me and eat my cum. By the time I was 11 I was consistently generating four thick wads of cum for her to eat every time she sucked me off. She told me that someday if I was lucky enough to get to suck my mamma's tits that I could tell her that It was Brenda that taught me how to properly suck on a tit and everything else we did. A couple of years ago I told Mom and she just laughed and said, "I should have known that old whore wouldn't pass up a chance at a hard cock. I'll have to call her and thank her for such a good job of training you honey."Anyway, as I said earlier, I did not find out that my Mom was a whore until I was almost 16. I was on the high school soccer team and we were supposed to travel to another town across state for a Friday night game with an arch rival high school. We had two yellow school busses for the three and a half hour trip which included our school cheerleaders and we loaded up and departed at about 4 pm for an 8:30 game time. The team was on the first bus and the cheerleaders were on the second bus. The game would be over around 10 pm and we expected to be back home that night between 2 and 3 am.About 3 hours into the trip, coach got a cell phone call informing him that the game was cancelled because of a utility power failure and all the lights on the field were out and wouldn't be repaired until the following day at the earliest so the game would be re-scheduled. So we stopped at a roadside fast food joint for some pizza, burgers and drinks and then started back home. The coaches were not paying much attention to what bus we all got back on and some of us guys who had girlfriends on the cheerleading squad sneaked on the cheerleaders bus for the return trip.I had been dating Cindy, one of the new cheerleaders, for about two months and we went all the way to the back of the bus on the long bench seat to make out a little. I was still a virgin and had been trying for the last several months to get her to let me fuck her with no success. The most she would let me do up to that point was to feel and suck her tits and sometimes rub her pussy and clit through her panties. But that night in the back of that bus in the dark we were engaged in some pretty heavy petting and she had let me remove her panties so that I could finger fuck her a little and when she got really turned on she started begging me in a hoarse whisper to, "Fuck me Joey baby... oh please fuck me now...hurry, I want your cock in me..."I was stunned and surprised as I never expected her to beg me to fuck her, especially in the bus with all our friends sitting up in the front, and all of a sudden I got really nervous because I had not ever fucked a woman's cunt before and wasn't sure of myself. I fumbled around at getting my belt undone and dropped my pants and then fumbled around some more trying to get my hard cock pulled out of my tight jockey underwear and Cindy was getting impatient and said, "Hurry up damn it...I want to be fucked now baby!" Cindy was laying on her back on that long and narrow bench seat and her cunt hole was in an awkward position for me to spear it with my cock in that cramped area. Finally, I got my cock free and leaned over her body and started punching frantically at her pussy with my cock but it wouldn't go in! I kept missing her cunt hole! Every time I would try and punch it in her cunt the damn bus would bounce and her cunt hole would move and I would end up hitting her pussy slit with my cock. I started to panic and punched at her cunt hole five or six more times with the same result when all of a sudden Cindy started to giggle and then broke out in hilarious laughter and pushed me off of her and sat up still laughing her head off. A couple of my teammates with some of the other cheerleaders came on back to see what was so funny. Cindy told them all in between laughing fits,"Guys, you won't believe this, but I was finally going to let Joey fuck me and my cunt was all juiced up and ready to be speared by his hard cock, but when he finally managed to get his cock out of his pants he started punching my pussy way up at the top nowhere near my cunt hole. I think he was trying to fuck my clit and make me a new cunt hole!! He just kept poking his cock at my clit! It was just too funny, I couldn't help it!"I was mortified and embarrassed beyond words. I had made a fool of myself and just knew that I would soon be the butt of jokes all over the school as the soccer jock who tried to fuck his girl but couldn't find her cunt. Well that was the end of any making out that night and in fact the end of my relationship with Cindy. But as I found out some time later, that was no loss because Cindy had been fucking almost anyone who wanted a fuck since she was about 12 years old and was well known to everyone around school–except to me of course– as a real fuck slut who fucked anyone who asked.Well somehow I survived the rest of the bus ride back home with all the good natured jokes my friends were throwing at me about not knowing how to fuck a girl. Two of the cheerleaders, Sally and Patty Ann, both of whom were a year ahead of me in school, came back to sit next to me and Sally said, "Joey, I bet you're a virgin aren't you? Don't worry Joey, there isn't anything wrong with being a virgin. Everyone is a virgin at some time." I was sulking in my seat up against the bus not responding to her and she just continued, "Patty Ann and I both used to be virgins Joey, so we know how it is. Now I know you don't have a sister Joey to help you out with this stuff, so I'll tell you what Joey, let me show you where the cunt hole is, OK? I don't mind showing you my cunt so you can see where the cunt hole is and then Patty Ann will show you her cunt also to prove to you that the cunt hole is always in the same place in every pussy– right at the bottom of the pussy slit not up at the top where the big nest of cunt hair and the clit is. Of course you still have to be careful Joey, because if you go too far down to the bottom of the pussy slit you might miss the cunt hole and end up fucking your girl in her ass hole!!!" And then she broke out in a loud peal of laughter and Patty Ann giggled a bit as well and they both returned to their seats. Patty Ann looked back over her shoulder and gave me a smile and a little wink and blew me a kiss as she followed Sally back to their seats.I was in a pretty depressed state when I got home that night about 10 pm. I was kicking my self for being such a klutz over my first attempt at cock fucking a woman and was planning to hibernate in my room for the weekend to avoid the unmerciful ribbing that I knew was in store for me from all my buddies. As I started for my bedroom I heard some noises coming from Mom's bedroom that startled me. I did not expect her to be home that evening since she was supposed to be having a "cosmetics show" in a town about 40 miles away and would probably spend the night at a Holiday Inn and return home in the morning. I quietly creeped down the hall to where her bedroom was and as I approached I could see that her door was about half open and I could distinctly hear what she was saying and I couldn't believe my ears! Mom was panting and exclaiming,"Fuck me harder baby, harder... shove that big beautiful cock deeper into my cunt... oh my god I love the way your big cock head completely fills my cunt... make me cum again lover... ram it in hard and deep baby... God you're fantastic..."I froze in my tracks in disbelief that Mom actually had some man in her bed who was obviously fucking her brains out and she was loving it. I had never thought about the fact that my Mom might have lovers, but then when the realization hit me that Mom was enjoying being fucked I thought to myself, "Well why shouldn't she want to be fucked. She's still a young beautiful, sexy woman who was bound to attract men and so why shouldn't she have sex for her own pleasure. The whole idea began to really excite me and I got a raging hard-on standing there listening to them fuck and I started beating my meat and snuck up to the door and peeked around the doorjamb to see who she was fucking and could see my Mom on the bed. She was on all fours resting her body on her knees and elbows with her butt facing me and the man was behind her on his knees ramming his cock in and out of her cunt doggie style. He was breathing hard and saying,"You love my monster love pole don't you bitch... I'm going to stretch your whore's cunt like it's never been stretched before so it can take all the hot cum I'm getting ready to shoot into your tight snatch... Get ready bitch I can feel it boiling in my balls... when I'm finished with your tight little whore's cunt it's going to be so loose that you'll have to pay your john's to fuck you instead of them paying you..."I heard him calling Mom a bitch and talking about her whore's cunt and paying her john's to fuck her instead of them paying her, but I was so sexually excited by the sight of this man fucking Mom and was frantically jacking off and on the verge of blowing my load of cum in a massive orgasm that it didn't initially register in my conscious mind about what he was saying really meant. Then her john started groaning and was saying,"I'm close bitch...I'm close... I can feel the cum starting to rise up out of my balls again..." And Mom quickly said, "Don't cum in my cunt baby... hold back baby!... hold back now and stick that big cock in my mouth and shoot that hot load of sweet cum down my throat... I want one more taste of your sweet cock sauce and feel it sliding down my throat and coating my insides all over..." He pulled out of her cunt and Mom quickly flopped over onto her back and grabbed his cock and was pulling it toward her mouth and just as it got to within a couple of inches of her gaping mouth it exploded in it's first huge shot of cum which hit Mom on the nose, upper lip and chin with some of it shooting into her mouth. She pulled that cock into her mouth and wrapped her lips around it and started sucking as he groaned loudly again and shot his second wad into Mom's mouth and that's when I couldn't hold back anymore and my own cock started shooting out big jets of cum that were splatting up against the door and I let out an involuntary suppressed groan from my own exquisite orgasm which Mom heard but her john was oblivious to it as he was still in the throes of his own orgasm continuing to pump jets of cum in to Mom's mouth.I saw her look over at the door while she was sucking all the cum out of her john's cock when she heard my groan and I saw her eyes get big as she saw me in the doorway beating off and spewing cum out against her bedroom door. But I really have to hand it to her. Mom was a real pro as she didn't miss a beat, but just kept right on sucking that hard cock and swallowing cum. Her john finally finished cumming after shooting five big wads of cum down her throat and he was breathing heavily when I heard him say, "Holy shit baby!! That was absolutely fantastic doll... You're worth every bit of that $2000 dollars you charged me... Alan was right when he recommended you to me. He said that I would not be disappointed and he was damn sure right about that. You're getting a $1000 dollar bonus baby!!! Never in my life have I ever shot six big wads of cum in one orgasm...Never! I'll be back in town again next month baby so make a place on your schedule for me, ok?"I had jumped back out of the doorway and was leaning against the wall catching my breath after my own big orgasm and I heard Mom reply, "I'm so happy you enjoyed it baby and I hope you didn't mind pulling out of my cunt to cum in my mouth again. But after getting that earlier taste of your cum when I sucked you off the first time and I found out how really thick and tasty it was, I just had to have some more to eat. I love the way it slides smoothly down my throat and spreads all around coating my insides with its warm, satiny texture. I had an orgasm myself as I felt it slithering down my throat. It was wonderful baby. I'd love to have you stay a little longer so I can give you another good blow job. Are you sure you can't stay for just another hour?" He replied, "Damn, I'd love to darling but I'm running late now. I've got to catch the red eye out of Dulles back to Chicago. I have a big meeting in the morning with some lawyers to close this deal I've been working on and I can't miss that one. You're the best piece of ass I have ever had doll. You're worth a hell of a lot more than you charge and you can count on seeing me a lot more of me, but I hope I don't hurt your feelings if I say that you're not worth $300 million because that's what it will cost me if I screw up this deal. Now where did I put my shoes...?"That was my cue to sneak back to my room before he came out in to the hall. I quickly stripped off my clothes and climbed into bed under the sheets, as I could hear Mom escorting her john out to the door to our condo and telling him how much she loved being fucked by him and how magnificent his cock was, especially the delicious tasty cum that it shot into her mouth. She said she couldn't wait until she could have that powerful cock back in her cunt and mouth again and hoped she would see him real soon again. I tried to block out what Mom was saying and leaned back against the headboard of my bed and began thinking about everything that had happened that day and what it all meant. My head was a jumble of conflicting thoughts as I tried to process what I just saw and heard between my Mom and her lover and at the same time worried about how I was going to deal with all the snide remarks and sick jokes at school about what happened with Cindy. In the deepest, darkest recesses of my mind I think I instinctively knew that what I had just seen Mom doing was servicing a john and that meant that she must be a whore, but I was not ready to deal with that in my conscious mind as I was so depressed over what had happened in that bus and the tears just started pouring out of my eyes. I just couldn't help it.I heard a light tap on my door and it opened and Mom walked in. She had put on a light knee length thin bedroom robe over her nude body cinched at the waist and she came over to sit on my bed next to me and started saying, "Oh Joey sweetheart, I'm so sorry you had to see and hear that. I didn't think you would be home until at least 3 or 4 in the morning." But what happened Joey? Why did you come home so early? Was there an accident or..." I interrupted her and said, "Oh Mom, I'm so ashamed and embarrassed for what I did in your doorway. Please forgive me but I just couldn't help myself. It was like someone else was in control of my mind..." and the tears were pouring down my face and Mom hugged me close to her and said, "Oh Joey baby, my sweet baby. You don't have to be ashamed because you didn't do anything wrong honey. You only did what came natural and what any red-blooded normal young man would have done if he had walked in on a scene like you did with his mother screwing some man and sucking his cock. It just proves that you're a normal, healthy, young man that gets excited watching great sex and has to beat his meat for relief. Everyone masturbates baby. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Please don't cry anymore sweetheart."I replied, "That's not why I'm crying Mom! This has been the worst day of my life! I don't know what to do or what is going to happen to me...!, And Mom quickly interrupted, "Joey sweetheart, please give me a chance to explain. I love you more than life itself and I didn't mean for you to find out this way that..., and I interrupted her so she couldn't finish her sentence (I'm pretty sure now that she meant to say '...that I'm a whore.'), but I jumped in before she could finish her sentence and said, "No Mom! You don't understand! I'm not talking about you. I didn't know you had a boyfriend and it sure surprised me all right to see you fucking him. I guess I never thought about you before as a woman with sexual urges who might like to get fucked once in a while, but that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about me!!" Then I proceeded to tell her the whole story about what happened on the bus with Cindy and how Sally and Patty Ann made me out as such a fool of a jerk who didn't know the difference between a girl's cunt hole and her asshole.I said, "I'll never live this down Mom. How am I ever going to convince my friends that I'm not some stupid geek that doesn't know the difference between a girl's cunt hole and her asshole. The rear of that damn bus was bouncing up and down so much and we were so cramped with me laying down on top of Cindy that I was having a hard time getting into the right position to stick my cock into Cindy's cunt and every time I thought her cunt hole was in the right position that damn bus would bounce and her cunt hole would bounce with it just as I would shove my cock at it and I would end up punching my cock somewhere into her pussy around her clit. I can't believe that she really thought that I didn't know where her cunt hole was. I had just been finger fucking her with two fingers inside her cunt hole for god's sake! Mom, I admit I was nervous and excited because she was going to be my first ever fuck with a girl, but I knew where her cunt hole was, and she knew that I knew where it was too, but the little bitch just exploded in laughter before I could maneuver into a better position and everything just fell apart and I never got a chance to explain what happened. And now no one would ever believe me if I ever tried to explain what really happened. They're having too much fun making jokes about me and I'll probably never get laid now and will be a virgin forever. I don't know why Cindy wanted to humiliate me like that. I thought she liked me, but I guess she was just playing with me and stringing me along for her own fun. I don't think I'll ever trust another female again." I paused for breath and before Mom could say anything I quickly added, "Except you Mom. I know you love me Mom and I love you too and I know I can always trust you–always!"Mom put her arms around me and hugged me tight up against her body with my head on her tits and started stroking the back of my head and said, "Oh my poor, sweet baby. I'm so sorry sweetheart. You have really had a tough day baby. First Cindy turns on you in a really vicious way and then you stumble into that scene with me fucking and sucking my client. It's no wonder you're so shocked and confused. But I don't want you to worry anymore my angel. This is all my fault my darling and I'm going to fix it for you. By the time I'm finished, you're going to be the most popular man in school and the girls are going to be fighting over you sweetheart. You leave it to your mother angel, and I'm going to turn you into one super fantastic cocksman. Those girls are going to be begging you to bed them down baby. You wait and see!" And she continued to hug me tight and stroke my head.I calmed down and stopped crying and just let myself melt into Mom's arms and enjoy the wonderful warm, contented feeling that washed all over me as she held me tight against her body. With Mom on my side, I knew everything was going to be fine. But as I lay there in her arms feeling safe and loved I started to think about the other events of the day and I asked Mom,"Mom, who was that guy you were with? Is he a boyfriend? And why was he calling you a bitch and talking about your whore's cunt and you having to pay your john's and stuff like that? If he's a friend of some sort and you like him and he likes you, he sure has a funny way of showing it. I guess I don't understand what was happening. It sounded sort of like he thought you were a whore Mom. Are you Mom? Are you really a whore?"Mom sighed deeply and said, "Before I answer that question sweetheart, first I want to know if you believe me when I tell you that you are the love of my life. You and your happiness are more important to me than anything else in this life. I love you more than anything in this world and I would do anything for you sweetheart, absolutely anything. Do you believe that my darling?" I replied,"You know I do Mom. Every day I thank my lucky stars that I have a Mom like you. You're the smartest and the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but most of all you've always been there for me whenever I needed you and I know you always will be. I love you so much it hurts sometimes. "We're a team Mom – you and I together forever. You're exactly the kind of woman I hope will be my wife some day. Sometimes I day dream and wish that you weren't my Mom so I could marry you and protect you and make you happy. I know you love me Mom and always will and I want you to know that I will always love you more than any other women in my life."Mom had tears streaming down her face when I finished and she said, "Joey darling, those are the most beautiful words I have ever heard. You are so right my love. We are a team and nothing can ever come between us. But I've been keeping a secret from you sweetie – a secret I've kept since the day you were born. Not because I was ashamed or anything like that, but to protect you until you were old enough to understand what I am about to tell you. I should have revealed this secret to you several years ago, but I was afraid to because I was afraid you wouldn't understand and would hate me. But I should have known better and had more faith in your love for me. I've been expecting this day to come because I know you're a smart young man Joey and you can see how well we live and all the fine things we have and I knew it wouldn't be long before you would begin to wonder how I could be earning enough money as a cosmetic saleslady to afford all of this. The truth is Joey that I'm not really a cosmetic salesperson.The real truth Joey and the straight answer to your question is yes, I am a whore and I've been a whore all my life since I was 12 years old." I turned around in her arms and looked her in the face with a shocked look on my face and was starting to say something when Mom said,"Please don't say anything yet Joey. Hear me out first my love and let me explain some things." I just nodded my head up and down and she continued, "I know Joey when you hear the word whore, you, like most all other people, automatically think of those streetwalking women that you see on the corners dressed in very short hot pants, mesh stockings, and see through tops trying to flag down passing cars to see if they can attract some man who is looking for a quick fuck, or more commonly, a quick blow job. That's not the kind of whore I am baby. I have never been that kind of whore and I never will be either. I would rather clean houses as a maid than be that kind of cheap, dirty, sleazy street walking whore.What you have to understand Joey is that there are many different kinds of whores. A whore is nothing more than a woman who uses her body to perform sexual acts on men in return for the money that they pay her for performing those acts. The price that men are willing to pay for those sexual acts and services that the whore delivers depends on a number of factors such as the obvious ones such as the condition of her body, the skill and imagination she uses in performing her sex acts, her ability to enable her client to achieve his wildest erotic fantasies and maximize his sexual pleasure and a lot of not so obvious factors such as the ability of the whore to make men see her as a fantastic, beautiful, sophisticated woman who they feel would never have given them the time of day if she was not a whore. ou see Joey, men love the idea of fucking a woman who they feel would never have even looked at them if they were not paying for the use of her body. It really intensifies their orgasms and pleasure.Common street whores could never deliver that kind of erotic sexual pleasure. They're dirty, often disease infected, sleazy dregs of women who just know how to spread their legs for a quick fuck or hand jack a cock to shoot cum into their mouth and they ply their trade in dirty alleys on their knees or in the cars of their johns and they will service anyone that can pay their rock bottom prices of $15 to $25 dollars.Another kind of whore are women who allow men to keep them as their private sex toys and pay all the expenses for the apartments or homes they live in, the clothes on their back, and the food they eat. And for all that the man gets to have his whore available to perform whatever kind of sex acts on him that he desires whenever and wherever he wants. If the whore is lucky her man will often buy her expensive jewelry and other expensive things that she can hock or sell later for cash. And sometimes, if the whore is really lucky her man will give her a weekly or monthly allowance for spending money for herself. These kinds of whores are often called mistresses by polite society. And a lot of women who become mistresses often don't consider themselves to be whores, but they're just kidding themselves. They're whores all right. They make their bodies available for the sexual pleasure of the man who is paying all of their living expenses.A third kind of whore are those women who work for so called escort services. They hire themselves out to be "dates" or escorts for men who say that they need a female partner to accompany them to a dinner party, or a concert, or some business convention, and so on. Of course the "date" almost always ends up in either the client's or the escort's bed where the escort ends up fucking and sucking off the client or performing other kinds of sex acts that the client is paying for. Just like mistresses, these kinds of whores don't like to think of themselves as whores either, but they're whores all right as well. I've known a lot of escort girls in my whoring career and I can tell you that almost all of them know that the real reason they're being hired is to fuck and suck their client and 95% of the time that's all they do– that is just go straight to the client's hotel room to fuck their brains out.Finally Joey, there is another kind of whore, my kind of whore and that kind of whore is a professional whore who only services a very select group of men and only by appointment. A professional whore doesn't try and pretend that she is just a "date" like an escort girl and only fucks her date if she happens to like him. Nor does she try and pass herself off as a mistress. I have had a client for five years now Joey who I've had a standing regular weekly appointment to fuck and suck him off for which he pays me very good money that would easily support us. Maybe not in the current style that we're used to, but in a very comfortable middle class living. If I were ashamed of what I am I could become his mistress and stop servicing other men, but then we would be totally dependent on him. He is really a very nice man and has asked me many times to be his mistress and only fuck him and not any other men. I do enjoy giving him the sex he likes, but I'm not going to be dependent on anyone Joey. I'm a business woman Joey, a professional whore that is dependent on no one, and I'm proud of what I do. A professional whore knows that when she gets a call from a client that she is being asked for only one thing- the very best high quality sex that the whore is capable of delivering and that's what I do. The kind of professional whore that I am, Joey, are often known as call girls because that's how a client engages their services- by calling them up on the phone and scheduling an appointment. We are totally independent women who don't fuck just anyone but only those men who we have determined are worthy of our services and who can afford to pay for the kind of high quality sex services that we can deliver. I have a client list of about 200 men who I have appointments with from time to time whenever they are feeling horny and need the kind of high quality sexual relief that only I can give them. These are all very educated, powerful, and very, very wealthy men from the worlds of business, government, politics, sports and entertainment who can easily afford the prices I charge for fucking and sucking them off. I will only entertain men who are on my list of approved clients and the only way a man can get to be one of my clients is if he is referred to me by one of my already established clients whose judgment I trust. When I have to meet this man several times as in for lunch or dinner or maybe a visit to a museum without any sex whatsoever to get to know him before I will agree to accepting him as one of my clients and letting him fuck me. He has to demonstrate to me that he's first a gentleman and knows how to treat a lady with courtesy and respect before I will agree to let him be one of my clients.That's the kind of whore I am Joey. I don't advertise the fact that I'm a whore and I certainly guard the names of my clients very carefully, but only because our society today doesn't look upon the profession of whoring very favorably but there was a time not so long ago in many societies around the world when women like me were admired and respected for their talent and the valuable services they delivered. It's the life I chose for myself darling and I've worked long and very hard to rise to the top of my profession. I have been one of the top three professional whores in the Washington metro area for the last seven years and I earn a lot of money doing what I do. For now all you need to know is that I have been earning well over $600,000 dollars a year for these past seven years and we now have over two million dollars in the bank today. So yes, Joey, I'm a whore. And it's very important to me that you understand that I'm not ashamed of the kind of whore I am and I hope you won't be ashamed of me either. But all these years that you have seen me leaving our home to give what you thought were cosmetic parties, what I was really doing was going to meet one of my clients to have sex with him. I have tried very hard angel to keep my work separate from our lives together and until tonight I have been successful. Tonight is the first and only time I have ever brought one of my clients into our home to have sex with him, and I only did it because he was on a very tight schedule and he begged me to do it and I was certain that you wouldn't get home until hours after he had left. When I first started out as a call girl type whore, I used to have to go to meet my clients at a place of their choosing, usually a hotel room. I didn't like that because that made them more in control than I liked. About 7 or 8 years ago I was finally in a financial position to buy a small two bedroom condo not too far from here and that's where I bring my clients now to service them. Tonight was a mistake baby and I wish it had not happened. I know it has been a shock for you and all I can do now is tell you how sorry I am for that mistake and promise that it won't ever happen again. And I hope with all my heart my love, that you can accept me not for what I do, but instead for who I am, your mother who loves you with all her heart and soul and hopes that you can still love her too."Then Mom leaned forward and took my head in her hands and kissed me on the forehead and cheeks. When she did her robe slipped a little on her shoulder and I got a clear view of her magnificent right tit with its pert nipple standing up hard and proud and I felt a thrill course through my body as I saw that luscious mound of soft flesh. At that moment I could feel my cock get hard as a rock under the sheet covering my body from the waist down I had an almost overpowering desire to throw my mother back on the bed and start sucking on that beautiful nipple and then ram my cock into my mother's cunt and fuck her hard and deep. But I didn't and then I said to Mom,"Wow, Mom! Wow! I can't believe my ears. You are right. I have been wondering how you could earn enough money selling cosmetics to be able to afford the kind of life style that we live. Now I know and everything else is starting to make sense. Wowee! I love you Mom. I love you more than ever I think. I don't care if you're a whore Mom. The way I see it is that you may technically be a whore, but it sounds more to me like you are sort of like a sex therapist when you say that you are helping to relieve the pressures and stress that your clients are under. I get chills thinking about it. This is the most exciting thing that I could ever imagine! But how are you going to help me with my problem Mom? How are you going to get the kids at school to understand what happened and that Cindy was just exaggerating."Mom laughed with joy and said, "Oh Joey I'm so relieved darling! You are really a very perceptive young man darling when you look on me as a kind of therapist because in a sense I do help my clients relieve their pent-up sexual tensions by giving them by body as an outlet for fulfilling their most erotic sexual desires and fantasies. You just don't know how terrified I was that you would hate me for what I do for a living. I'm so glad that you know everything now. Keeping that secret from you was eating me up inside and I'm glad it's out now. I love you baby and together we're going to make you king of the hill at that high school and we're both going to have a lot of fun doing it.Now, I can plainly see how excited you are at finding out that I'm really a whore. That's a pretty big hard on you have making a tent out of that sheet. And I know for sure how excited you got watching me get fucked earlier this evening and then saw me sucking my client's cock and eating his cum. I could clearly see you beating your meat and saw the massive wads of cum you sprayed all over my bedroom door. I scooped up several big gobs of it off the door onto my finger and ate it before I came to your room to see how it tasted and I can tell you that it rates right up there with some of the best tasting cum I have ever eaten. Tell me what you were thinking when you were watching my john ram his big cock in and out of my hot cunt baby. I bet you were wishing that it was you fucking me, weren't you baby? I said, "God yes Mom. You don't know how badly I wished that it was me fucking you instead of that guy who kept calling you a bitch and talking about your whore's cunt. But how did you know that I was wishing that Mom?"She giggled, "Because you're a man sweetie. And I know what turns men on honey. Remember, I'm a professional whore and I know how to please men and in order to do that I have to know what they want and desire. Don't worry angel, it's ok for you to have wanted to be the one who was fucking me while you were watching my john ram his big cock in and out of my cunt. You would not be normal if you hadn't wanted to fuck me and to tell you the truth, I would be greatly disappointed if I thought that you really didn't want to fuck my brains out. Almost every one of my clients has told me that he had often fantasized about fucking his mother when he was a young man, especially if his mother was a beautiful woman that looked like a hot piece of ass like I do. I bet you want to fuck me right now with that great big hard cock of yours poking up that bed sheet. Would you like for me to be the first woman you ever fucked sweetie? I bet I can give you a better fuck than that little bitch Cindy? Don't you think so too sweetie?""Oh my god yes Mom! I'd give anything to feel my cock pounding in and out of your cunt!" Then Mom reached down and pulled the sheet off of me and saw my stiff cock and said, "Oh my sweetheart, that is one very impressive love rod honey! I'll bet it's at least 7-1/2 inches long and by the time you're fully grown I'll bet it will be at least a nine inch monster cock. With a cock like that Joey you are going to get all the pussy you can handle sweetheart. I'd love to have it in my cunt too baby, But I'm thinking that maybe I ought to suck it off first and milk out all that tasty cum before you fuck me. If you rammed it in my cunt now you probably wouldn't last ten seconds before blowing your wad. I don't think that's the kind of first fuck you want sweetie. Your first fuck ought to be one that lasts a long time so you can fully experience all the fantastic pleasures of being buried deep in a woman's warm, tight, love chamber. But don't worry honey, a young horny man like you will have another big load of cum ready to go in another 15 minutes or less after I suck you off and then you can fuck me. So what do you think baby? Shall I go ahead and suck off your cock first and eat up all your tasty cum?""Jesus Mom!! Suck me off Mom! I've had fantasies for two years about you sucking my cock and swallowing my hot cum. God I can't believe it's really going to happen. Suck me off Mom, please suck me off!" Mom smiled and lowered her head down into my crotch and took her tongue and started licking my balls and gently sucking on them with her full luscious lips and then looked up at me and licked her lips and said, "You have nice big soft balls honey. I bet they'll make lots of big loads of cum for me to feast on. Now let's taste that lovely big cock of yours." And then she started licking the base of my cock and ran her hot tongue up and down the length of my rod ending at the top by rimming my big cock head with her wet tongue several times and then sticking the tip of her tongue into my cock's piss hole as she lowered her head down over my cock and wrapped her lips around it and started a sucking up and down motion with her mouth while continuing to caress the head inside her mouth with her tongue. She didn't try and deep throat me but instead used her mouth and tongue like a cunt and fucked my cock with her mouth. The intense electric sensation that ran all through my body felt like it was turning me into a weak mass of jelly. It was a mind bending exquisite feeling of pleasure that is beyond description. Every time her tongue ran over the head of my cock it fired every nerve ending in my body. I was out of my mind and babbling,Oh god Mom it feels so good...please don't stop Mom, please don't stop... your tongue is so hot and electric making my whole body feel like it's being paralyzed in the most beautiful, wonderful feeling of pain and pleasure... I can feel the cum boiling in my balls's starting up to the base of my cock...I'm going to cum Mom...oh God I'm going to cum..." And Mom stopped sucking for just long enough to say "Let it cum baby, let it cum hot and fast...empty your balls in your mother's mouth... Fill me up with your wonderful hot love juice... I want to roll it around on my tongue and feel it sliding down my throat to coat my insides all over... shoot your delicious cum to me baby...," and then she started really vacuum sucking on the head and I could feel the cum starting to rush down through my cock."I'm cumming momma... oh god, oh god, oh god, I'm cummmmmmiiinnngg...!" as my cock shot it's first big load of hot cum into Mom's mouth and then started pulsing with shot after shot of cum and I felt like I was going catatonic as every muscle in my body felt like it was contracting and transferring all the energy to my cock as it was spasming out big wads of cum one right after another into Mom's mouth and sending exquisite electric shocks all through my body with each shot of cum. I thought I was losing consciousness when finally it ended and I collapsed back on the bed next to mom in a total state of exhaustion with not an ounce of energy left in my body. All I could do was say in a hoarse whisper, "Oh momma, I thought I was dying and going to heaven. That was fantastic momma... If this is what all your johns feel when you suck them off, then it's no wonder that they are willing to pay you so much to enjoy your body. I don't think I'll ever beat my meat again because cumming that way is so weak and tame compared to cumming by your cock sucking that it's like the difference between getting shocked by a little 1-1/2 volt battery and sticking your finger into a 120 volt wall outlet. It was the most exquisite sensation of painful pleasure that I have ever experienced. I can't move a muscle in my body right now."I remember Mom laughing with delight and saying, "Oh my God Joey! That was magnificent baby, truly magnificent. Never in all the years I have been whoring have I ever had a man explode in my mouth with such a massive orgasm and flood of cum like you just did honey. You really did fill me up with your cum. It was wonderful. You shot nine!, nine big wads of the most satiny smooth, sweet tasting cum into my mouth and it was delicious. No man has ever been able to shoot more than six wads when I sucked them off. Baby, don't you worry about being made fun of at school. We're going to fix that starting right now. Now you just relax and gather your strength and energy back and while you do I'm going to tell you how we are going to make you the big stud on campus. And after a while, when your magnificent cock is ready again I'm going to begin teaching you how to really fuck a woman and we're going to start by letting you bury your huge love pole in your mamma's tight cunt and fucking her brains out." Then she laid down beside me and put her arm around my shoulders and pulled me up close against her body and said, "Why don't you suck on my tits sweetie while I'm telling you about my plan. That will help you relax and recover you strength faster.I replied, "Great idea mamma. As long as I can remember ever since I was just a little guy I've always admired your big soft tits and nipples and wanted desperately to suck on them and feel your nipples in my mouth but I was always afraid to ask because I was afraid you would think I was a dirty little boy." And I laid my head on her chest and reached out and started sucking on those luscious tits and nipples. Mom sighed and said,"Oh baby that feels really good. You sure haven't forgotten how to suckle your mamma's tits. When I close my eyes I can see you in my arms suckling up all my sweet milk when you were just a little baby. I loved that feeling then and I love it just as much now.Ok angel, here's the plan. Tonight, or what's left of it is for your pleasure to use my body any way you want. After you break your cherry in my cunt we can just have fun with each other's bodies until we're ready to finally get some sleep. Tomorrow morning when we wake up, the first thing we're going to do is to take a real good shower together and get really squeaky clean. Then I'm going to put clean sheets on my bed and I'm going to start teaching you how to make love to a woman. It's important for you to understand honey that making love to a woman is not the same thing as just fucking a woman. Any jerk with a hard cock can stick it into a woman's cunt and fuck her until he cums in her cunt– sort of like 'wham bam, thank you ma'am' and then rolls off of her leaving her totally unfilled with a pussy full of sticky cum leaking out that she then has to clean up. But it takes a real man, an artist, to make love to a woman in such a way that she feels the same kind of exquisite sexual pleasure you just felt when I sucked you off and ate all of your delicious cum. It means making sure that your first priority is to try and give to your woman the most intense, pleasurable sexual experience that you can create before you begin to think about your own pleasure. If you learn to do this with your woman honey, I guarantee that she will do everything in her power to satisfy your every sexual need and fantasy.So tomorrow we begin your lessons in how to please your woman. Sexual pleasure is delivered in many ways sweetie and not just through a man's balls and cock or a woman's tits and cunt. The mind is the most potent tool in your kit for delivering sexual pleasure. I'll teach you how and what women think and feel about, what is important to them in having sex, and how to read their moods and to understand what they really want you to do for them and not just what they say. I'll also teach you all about a woman's body and all the little special things that you can do to heighten her sexual pleasure like how to lick and suck on her pussy and cunt, where to lightly nip at her flesh with your teeth, rim her ass with your tongue, suck her tits and nipples, caress certain parts of her body with your hands, and then I'm going to teach you about all the various fucking positions that you can use for fucking your woman. Each position is best for different kinds of sexual sensations and for exciting different parts of your woman's body.All of that is just the first phase in our plan honey and we won't get it all done tomorrow. It will probably take several weeks or more of learning and practicing and of course you will be practicing on me and that won't be so bad to take I'm sure. Then when I'm sure you're ready we will start phase two. Phase two involves you picking out a girl at school who you think might be willing to let you fuck her under the right circumstances. It doesn't necessarily have to be a fuck slut, but it can be. What's really important about the girl you pick is that she is the kind of girl that likes to tell all her other girlfriends about who she fucked and whether she enjoyed it or not and stuff like that. Fuck sluts can usually be depended on to tell everyone about who they have fucked but not always, especially if they find a lover who is such a fantastic fucker that they want to keep him for themselves." At this point I interrupted,"I think I have a perfect candidate Mom. I think Patty Ann would let me fuck her. Remember, Patty Ann was the second girl in the bus with Sally when Sally offered for she and Patty Ann to show me their cunt holes so I would know the difference between a cunt hole and an asshole. I don't think Patty Ann was very comfortable being part of Sally's mean joke. In thinking back on it I'm not sure she even knew what kind of mean joke Sally was going to pull on me when she came back with Sally to where I was sitting and sulking. She might have been just going along with whatever Sally had in mind. When she followed Sally back to their seats she turned and winked and smiled at me and blew me a kiss with her hand. I have always thought Patty Ann was a nice girl. She's always been friendly and nice to me. I don't mean that she's a goody-two-shoes or anything like that because she does like to fuck. But she's not a fuck slut that will fuck anybody that asks her. I think she's just a nice girl who also likes to fuck but only with guys she likes and not anyone who asks."Mom said, "Well she sounds like the perfect candidate honey. Now the really hard part about phase two for you sweetie, will be having to take all the ribbing and jokes that you're going to face at school while we're putting this plan into action. Just grin and bear it and don't let anyone know that they're getting under your skin. Try and be friendly with Patty Ann and ask her to have a coke and pizza with you over at HoJo's after school and explain to her that you don't believe that she knew what Sally was going to pull in the bus that night. Maybe do this a few times and then when we're ready you can ask her for a couple of real dates and maybe make out with her and work up to taking her to a room at HoJo's to make love to her. Most girls that like to fuck, love to be the ones to fuck a virgin boy for his first time and I'll bet she's no different. If she really believes you're a virgin she will probably be happy to fuck you, especially if she already feels a little guilty about being part of Sally's mean joke on you. But after all the training you will be getting, that won't be any 'wham bam, thank you ma'am' kind of fuck. You're going to make love to her and give her the kind of fantastic sexual experience that she cannot even imagine is possible at this stage of her young life. When she tells her girl friends about it, that word will spread like wildfire and you will have every hot little pussy that wants to be fucked panting after you. You can fuck as many of them as you want to baby while we look for the right moment to launch phase three of our plan. And phase three is where I come in.When you're sure that the guys on your soccer team have heard about the great fucking that you gave Patty Ann, they'll have a new found respect for you. And you can be sure that they will find out because their girlfriends will tell them. We'll then pick a time when it seems appropriate, or invent some kind of excuse, to have some sort of team party or celebration and then you're going to volunteer to do all the party planning and make all the arrangements. Then I want you to pick out 10 or 12 guys on the team that you are friendlier with than others. Try and make sure that some of them are still virgins if you can, but that's not critical- it just makes it more fun for me. Then as the party nears, you can tell these guys that you know a young married woman in her 20's, a real knock-out beauty with a great pair of tits, who loves to fuck and she would love to have a gang bang with a bunch of young athlete studs with hard, young cocks and you can set it up if they're interested. I bet they will jump at the offer.I am going to be that woman baby. No one in your school has ever met me or knows what I look like and to my knowledge, you have never brought anyone over to our condo either. I have always tried to stay in the background because if it had ever become known that I was a whore, I didn't want it to affect you honey. That's why I have never attended any of your school events or gone out in public with you to places where we might be seen together by people who know you. In this instance however, that caution is going to really work in our favor. And here's how we're going to do it.When we know where the team party is going to be, then three days before the party you will rent a suite for five days like in a Marriott Residence Inn or somewhere like that in another location somewhere close by like say within 3 or 4 blocks of the party. I will need a couple of days before the party to make sure that the suite is ready for a gang bang and a couple of days afterwards to put it back the way it was. Then about 10:00 pm on the night of the party you and your buddies will come on over to the suite where I will be waiting. Then I will take it from there. Of course no one will know I'm you're mother and you will have to be especially on guard that you don't by mistake say or do anything that will let the cat out of the bag or give anybody any hints. At first I thought that it might be best if I don't fuck you or suck your cock during the gang bang so you don't accidentally holler out something about my being your mother when you're having an orgasm, but then I thought that might be even more suspicious if you didn't fuck me and have your cock sucked off. So I'll fuck you and suck you off just like I will to all the others and that means you will have to be very careful. Now what I will probably do to start things off is to have everyone whip out their cocks for my inspection and then I'll give everybody a good blow job first and eat all their cum, then fuck each of you one at a time. Of course as the organizer of this big fuck fest, you always get to go first and I'll make a big thing about your wonderful cock sauce and how delicious it tastes as I swallow it, and when I fuck you my orgasm will be massive and loud and I'll rave about your big cock and what a great fucker you are. After I service you, then I'll let each virgin have a turn, if we have any virgins, and then I'll take them in order of cock sizes with the smallest cocks first. Once everybody has had one blow job and one fuck then I'll open it up to anyone who wants to participate in two and three way fucks with me. By that I mean someone fucking me in my asshole at the same time someone else fucks me in my cunt with a third cock in my mouth that I can suck off. And as long as I have two cocks in my cunt and ass, the others can beat off and take turns shooting their cum into my mouth if they want to. I'll give as many of them as want it a chance to fuck me in my ass until we run out of time. If there are any lulls in the action during the evening, I'll offer my cunt to be sucked and eaten by anyone who wants to do that, but I doubt that in this crowd of young teens that any one will want to suck on a cunt that's full of all their buddies cum. But you never know. When I ask if there are any real men in the house that want to suck out a world class cunt someone might step up. If we're still at it by 1:00 am, I'll call a halt to the action and tell you that everyone has to clear out because my husband is coming to pick me up at 1:30 and he can be a very rough customer then I'll insert my cunt plug to keep any cum from leaking out. If any of them give you a bad time about leaving, I'll tell them that my husband knows that I'm hosting a gang bang and doesn't care because he loves to eat out my cunt while it's full of everyone's cum and that's why I have a cunt plug installed in my cunt. It's one of those kinky things that turns him on. But he doesn't like to know who has been fucking me and he's a big 6' 4" 240 lb ex fullback that can get very violent if he finds out. That I'm sure will do the trick. Once I'm sure that everyone is gone, I'll hurry back home and wait for you to get there where we can continue fucking and sucking each other until we drop. The way that I will be sure that the coast is clear for me to leave is that you are going to give me a call on the room phone when you have accounted for all your buddies back at the party location. I don't want any one hanging around to watch me leave to be able to either follow me or get my license plate number and be able to trace it and discover my identity.Well that's the plan baby. When we finish this plan your reputation as The Man on Campus will be firmly established. So what do you think honey?"It was truly amazed," I shook my head in wonderment and said, "Damn Mom! That's a fantastic plan. Wow! I can't wait to get started. You have every detail covered, especially the fuck fest. I bet you've done these before haven't you? I got really turned on just hearing you describe it." Mom replied,"Well I've done five or six of these fuck fests over the last six or seven years. In every case they happened when one of my clients had a son graduating from high school and he would hire me to host a gang bang for he and his son and his son's friends as a kind of graduation present. The groups ranged in size from 6 guys to the biggest which was 15 guys not including the dad. I really worked hard on that one but I also got paid a very big fee as well and it was very big. All the rest were groups of from 8 to 12 young cocks. The only other real difference is that there were never any virgins in any of the groups. They were all fully grown young men between 17 and 19 years old and they had fully grown cocks to match so my pussy and my ass got some real workouts. But enough talking now baby. I know you're turned on honey and I think your cock has recovered from my great blow job because I can feel that hard love rod poking me in the belly and I still owe you a first class virgin cunt fucking. Are you ready to collect sweetie? Because I'm sure ready to pay up! I bet I want to feel my baby's hard cock deep in my cunt just as much as he wants to shove it in there back home where he came from! What do you say sweetie?"I said, "I say I'm ready mamma. I'm tired of being a virgin and I can't think of anybody in this world who I would rather give my cherry to than the most beautiful, loving, sexy woman in my arms right now, the woman who I love more than anything in this world, you mama." And I slid over between mama's legs and positioned my cock right at the entrance to mama's cunt hole. Mama said, "Oh darling that was beautiful. My cunt is sopping wet with cunt juice and waiting for your powerful love rod baby. I want you to hold your head up baby and keep looking at me in the face. I want to see every expression on your face as you slide your magnificent cock into my hot cunt. Now don't ram it in hard angel. Slide it in nice and slow and easy so you can feel the fleshy gates of my cunt folding back as your cock head pushes it's way through the gates and then feel the gates sliding down the cock head toward the big ridge at the bottom of the cock head and then feel them slide off the ridge and close down tight around the throbbing shaft of your cock as it slides forward in to my warm, moist love chamber. I want you to be able to experience and remember every wonderful sensation of your very first fuck darling. You're going to remember this fuck for as long as you live and you will rejoice that it was with your mother. Now slowly begin to penetrate my hot cunt my darling. Slide it in slowly and look into my eyes."I began pushing my cock slowly through the gates of Mom's cunt. It felt like the fleshy gates were enveloping my cock head in a warm, spongy like medium that was exciting every nerve ending in my cock head and sending little spikes of wonderful sensations all through my body and as I pushed the head all the way in past the gates I could feel the gates contract down and cling tightly to the entire circumference of my cock shaft sealing the entrance to mama's cunt.I paused for a moment marveling at the fact that my cock was now inside my mama's cunt. I could feel the inside walls of her cunt begin rhythmically contracting and relaxing, undulating in ripples against my cock head as if her cunt was trying to pull it in deeper into her delightful chamber of love. Little spikes of delicious rapture were being transmitted through my cock down to my balls and all through my body. I looked into mama's eyes and exclaimed, "Oh mama it feels so wonderful...I can't believe I'm really in your cunt... it's magic mama... your cunt is moving mama, squeezing and sucking on the head of my cock sending jolts of the most wonderful feeling into my balls and all through my body... I love you mama... I don't ever want it to stop... I wish we had started fucking years ago...", and mama responded breathlessly with a look of sheer joyful surprise in her eyes, "Oh my god baby... I know, I know, I know... I'm feeling it too darling... it's heaven angel, pure heaven having my baby's cock back inside my body... back home where he came from... back where he belongs... you belong in my cunt baby... I'm your woman now my love... I never imagined it would feel so wonderful... take me baby, take me and use me... I'm yours forever..." And then mama's hands that had been caressing my back and shoulders moved down and grabbed my buns and started to pull on my body to drive my cock deeper into her cunt.I resisted mama's pressure to ram my cock home to the root as deep into her cunt as it was possible to reach and I continued to push my cock slowly into her cunt feeling how my cock head would open the way through the narrow passage by pushing back her cunt walls that would then clamp down snugly around my cock and would begin rippling against my cock adding to the force pulling my cock deeper and deeper into that warm, tight, but at the same time, soft, flexible, enveloping fleshy chamber. My cock finally hit home with the root grinding up against the entrance to her cunt and I groaned loudly and said, "I'm in mama... I'm all the way in... oh god it feels so wonderful... your cunt is alive squeezing and rippling all over my cock sending jolts of electric ecstasy all through my body." And I began rotating the root of my cock in a circular motion hard against the pubic bone behind the entrance to mama's cunt causing the entire length of my cock to flex and rotate in her cunt which increased the frequency and strength of her cunt wall contractions. My cock and mama's cunt were in synch reinforcing each other's motions driving us both to ever higher levels of rapture. The look on mama's face was one of sheer bliss and her hips started to undulate up and down causing my cock to begin sliding in and out of her cock adding to the build-up of delightful ecstasy in both of us. "Mama whispered, "Oh Joey baby, you're fantastic angel... I can't teach you anything my darling... no one has ever made me feel like this before... I'm in a state of sheer spiritual ecstasy my love... fuck me baby, fuck me with your beautiful, magnificent, cock... make it last forever my darling baby... oh god, oh god, fuck me Joey, fuck me hard and deep..." I increased the rate of thrusting my cock in and out of her cunt and leaned forward and rested my upper body on my elbows on either side of her body and took my hands and pushed her tits up under her chin and leaned down and started sucking on her tits and nibbling on her nipples. Mom went absolutely wild and threw her legs up and wrapped them tightly around my body and used them for leverage to pull my cock in harder against her cunt as she bucked and humped her hips up to grind her cunt hard against my cock. She was digging her fingers into my back and moaning incoherently and then shouting, "Oh my god Joey, I'm cumming Joey,... I can feel it building,... Oh jesus god it feels so good,... pound it in me Joey baby,... fuck your mama, fuck my brains out, oh god I'm going to die it feels so good, fuck me baby, fill my cunt with your hot cum, pump it in me, pump it in meeeeeeeeeee..."I could feel the hot cum rising quickly out of my balls and I knew it would be coming fast. It was sheer total rapturous ecstasy that I was feeling and I started crying out, "Here it comes mama, Oh god here it comes! I'm cumming mama, I'm cummingggggggg..." and my cock erupted into her cunt shooting big hot jets of cum into her cunt and at that moment momma's body thrust up into the air in a rigid arch and she began screaming, "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD...AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE ...oh my god, oh my god..." and then her body collapsed and she went limp with me laying on top of her still with one nipple still in my mouth tasting kind of salty. We lay like that with my cock in her cunt and her tit in my mouth for at least two or three minutes, both of us recovering our senses, when Mom finally said, "Joey my love there aren't any words in the language for me to describe how completely wonderful that was and what it meant to me. I've been laying here thinking about how I could make you understand. The best I can do is to explain it this way. I've been a whore for about 17 of my 29 years and I've fucked and sucked hundreds and hundreds of men over that time and not a single one has ever come even the tiniest bit close to driving me to such heights of total and complete ecstasy like you just did my love. You didn't fuck me baby. You made love to me darling. You got in to my mind like no man has ever been able to do nor ever will be able to do again except you. I'm a whore and I will probably continue being a whore for another 20 years providing sex services to men for pay because that's what I do. But when I need and want to be loved, you are the man for me Joey darling. Did you hear me baby? You are my lover and my man now and forever. Forget that I am your momma. You came from my womb and that makes me your mother and I will always love you until the day I die as my beautiful magnificent son. But I'm more than your mother now Joey. I am now your woman and you own me darling. I'll do anything you want baby, anything, anytime and anywhere!" I released Mom's tit from my mouth to reply to her and when I did, Mom said, "Oh Joey honey, it looks like you have a little blood on your lip! Did you bite it angel?" I reached up to touch my lip and felt the blood but no cuts and then I looked down at Mom's tits and saw a small drop of blood on the tip of Mom's engorged left nipple that was about three times it's normal size when Mom was not aroused from having it sucked and said, "Oh Mom, I'm so sorry but I think I bit your tit. I'm so sorry mama." Mom looked down and saw the little drop of blood and chuckled and said, "Don't worry baby. It's just a little scratch. It's happened to me before and I didn't even feel it. Lick it off for me sweetie. You're quite the mad man when you make love to a woman aren't you? I'll have to be careful in the future and watch out for my wild man lover! I love it when you nip at my tits baby, but you need to remember not to lose control. I like my nipples and I know you do too, and we can't have you biting them off now, although I know it must be tempting. Now suck on it a little and draw out all the blood so it will clot more quickly and heal faster."I took her nipple back in my mouth and sucked on it drawing out all the blood until nothing else flowed. It took at least a good 30 seconds during which I probably sucked up and ate at least two or three tablespoons of Mom's blood. When I finished and raised my head Mom looked at me and laughed and said, "Now you look like my vampire lover with my blood all over your teeth and lips. Was it tasty?" I replied, "Well it was a little salty, but yeah it was tasty but more than that, it felt kind of erotic like I was eating a part of you after just fucking you. Kind of weird, but also a turn-on." Mom laughed and said, "I can see you're turned-on baby. You're cock is twitching and growing again, but I know exactly what you mean angel. That's a kind of common kinky reaction that lots of men and even women have that enhances the pleasure they get from sex. Now turn around so I can see your whole back. I guess I got a little wild myself because I put some pretty deep scratches on your back that are oozing blood and I want to lick them clean and taste your blood too sweetie."When she was finished she said, "There, no more bleeding. I liked the taste of your blood too sweetie, but I promise to remember to control myself as well in the future. Now let's get up and go to my bathroom so we can put some antiseptic on these little love nicks so they don't get infected. We need to take care of our bodies." We went into the bathroom where Mom got out the first aid kit and proceeded to paint her nipple with antiseptic and I could see her wince as it burned her and I said, "I'm so sorry it hurts you mama. I didn't mean to be such a klutz. I wouldn't do anything to hurt you." Mom said, Don't worry sweetie. It only stings a little bit and you want it to sting baby because that means that it's doing what it's supposed to do. Now turn around so I can do your back." And then she giggled and said, "I bet you're glad I didn't lose control when I was sucking off your cock and bite it deep enough to draw blood." I said, "I trust you Mom. I'm not worried. But just in case you ever feel like doing it, you have my permission. You own me too mama, just like I own you." Mom proceeded to paint my scratches with antiseptic and when she was done she said, "OK all done. Now turn around and lets go get back in your bed and cuddle and get some sleep. Tomorrow's the first day of your Phase one training and I want to get an early start."When I turned around she looked at the glazed expression on my face and then saw my stiff hard cock sticking straight out and laughed and said, "Wow, what a weapon angel. You have marvelous stamina baby. Ready for action again so fast! What is your pleasure darling?" I whispered hoarsely, "Would you suck me off again mama? Please?" Mama asked, "Right now baby?" I was breathing hard and just nodded my head up and down, and mama said, "Your wish is my command my love", and dropped to her knees and took my balls in her left hand to begin fondling them and grabbed the base of my cock with her right hand and shoved my cock head into her mouth and wrapped her lips around my cock shaft and started sucking on it at the same time she was pumping it in and out of her mouth like it was fucking her cunt. When she started sucking I said to her, "Mama when I start cumming, can you keep some in your mouth when I'm finished so you can open your mouth for me and I can watch it slide down your throat?" She bent her head back to look up at me and nodded yes with her chin and kept on sucking my cock. It was very erotic for me to see my mother on her knees sucking my cock and it didn't take very long for my cock to explode with another big series of cum shots in my mother's mouth. The first three wads came pretty fast which she smoothly let slide down her throat, then a couple of seconds pause before the fourth shot came and finally followed by two less powerful fifth and sixth shots. Mom kept the last three shots of cum pooled in her mouth and after giving me about 10 seconds to recover from the big orgasm I just had she tugged on my hand and I looked down at her face and she raised her chin and gave me a questioning look with her eyes. I said "Yes, yes, I want to watch!," and I quickly kneeled down as she slowly opened her mouth and I could see this big white pool of my cum in the bottom of her mouth. Then she ever so slightly tilted her head back and raised her tongue slightly so that the cum started sliding down her tongue and into her throat as she began swallowing it until it was all gone. Then she smacked her lips and said, "Delicious! Absolutely delicious. Mom rocked back on her knees and asked me, "How did you like that baby? Did you like me on my knees sucking your cock? How did it make you feel?I thought for a few seconds and then said, "I liked it a lot mama. I can't quite describe why but I felt big and strong looking at you down on your knees sucking on my cock. It seemed to really intensify my orgasm as I started shooting my cum into your mouth. Is that what you mean Mom? I'm not sure I understand what you're asking me. Is that important for some reason?" Mom smiled at me and replied,"I'm just trying to find out what you like honey and what special things you like me to do for you? A lot of men like their women down on their knees when they suck cock. That's a submissive position baby, indicating that the woman is submitting to the needs of her man and it makes the man feel really masculine and powerful and dominating over his woman and makes his orgasm a lot more powerful than it might otherwise be. I think you feel that way too, so I want to help you reach the best possible level of pleasure when I suck your cock. There is nothing wrong with your wanting me down on my knees when I suck your cock and eat your cum angel. I kind of like sucking your cock on my knees because I like my men to be strong and masculine. And I want to be your sex slave baby. That's the way it's supposed to be. Now your cum was really delicious baby. And I'm not just saying that. I really love its texture and taste. Would you like to have a taste of it sweetie?"I gulped and just nodded my head yes. I wasn't too sure about tasting cum, but I steeled myself to do it because I thought if my Mom could eat so much of it without batting an eye, the least I could do is to try it. Mom said, "Give me a big French kiss baby and run your tongue all around the inside of my mouth especially under my tongue and in the areas between my teeth and gums. There's lots of cum still in those areas." I did as she asked and tentatively ran my tongue under her tongue and brought it back to taste the sticky, sort of syrupy stuff it found and was surprised to see that it had kind of a salty sweet taste that was really very good. Then I kissed her in earnest and ran my tongue all over her mouth and between her cheeks and gums scooping up any remaining cum I could find. When I was finished I licked her lips and leaned back licking my lips and considering the taste of it all. Mom asked,"Well, how about it baby? What do you think? How did it taste to you?" I said, "Well at first I was a little reluctant to try it Mom. I mean for all the times that I've beat my meat and watched my cum shooting out, and sometimes catching it in my hand so it wouldn't make a mess, it never occurred to me to try tasting it or eating it. But you like to eat cum so much, I thought I would at least try it. I've never thought much about eating cum. Some how that seems too much like what queers do when they suck each others cocks and I'm not a queer Mom. But I have to admit that it tastes pretty damn good to me– kind of salty sweet with just a hint of a bite and I admit that I really liked it Mom, a whole lot more than I thought I would. But don't get the wrong idea Mom. I don't like it enough to suck some guy's cock for it– not ever– no way Jose!"Mom said, "Listen honey. Please don't think that I was suggesting to you that I want you to suck men's cocks. That has nothing to do with it baby. I want you to try different things that's all. I want you to be a fully rounded sexual man when we have our gang bang in phase three. Tomorrow I'm going to teach you the right way to suck a cunt. That will be an important part of your ability to make warm, tender, and passionate love to a woman and sometimes the woman whose cunt your sucking will be full of cum– maybe your cum or maybe some other guy's cum or maybe a mixture of both. But cum is cum baby and it all comes out of some cock somewhere and when you find it in a woman's cunt it's just plain cum and it doesn't matter what cock or cocks it came from. When we have our Phase three gang bang and I get to the part where I ask if anyone wants to suck out my cunt, some or maybe all of your buddies will be reluctant to step up because my cunt will be full to overflowing with the cum from all your friends and if none of them have the nerve to step up, I'm hoping you will. I'm really happy you like it baby, because that will make it a lot easier for you to eat out my cunt filled up with the cum from 10 or 12 guys if no one else wants to. That will really establish you as the most serious cocksman of any stud around your campus sweetie. So get that idea out of your head that I'm trying to turn you in to a cock sucking queer darling." "I'm sorry Mom," I said. "That all came out wrong. I know you're right and I didn't mean to sound like I thought you were trying to make me into a cocksucker. It's just that a lot of stuff has happened to me today and I'm just a little overwhelmed. But I'll get it all sorted out pretty quick. But the best stuff that has happened to me today is finding out you're a whore and getting to have you be the one to be my virgin fuck. I admit that I was a little shocked at first, but only because it came as a big surprise to me. I really love it that you're a whore Mom because that means you really like to fuck and don't have any hang-ups about fucking lots of different men including me. If you weren't a whore Mom then you probably would never have tried to fuck me and I for sure would never have had the nerve to try and get you to let me fuck you either and... and... and... aw gee, Mom this is all coming out wrong. You know what I mean don't you? I mean since I was 10 years old and started to understand what sex was all about and not having a dad and all made me think that you weren't getting any sex since you didn't have a husband and you are so knock-down dead beautiful I used to fantasize about being your husband and getting to suck your tits and to fuck you every night. And when I got older I used to beat off to those fantasies imagining that I was fucking you. And now that has all come true and it would have never had happened if you weren't a whore. I love you Mom. I love you so much it hurts."Mom said, "I understand honey. Don't you worry baby. I know exactly what you mean. And I feel the same way darling. You are a very perceptive young man. Because I am a whore, one of the biggest voids in my life is not having a man to love me for me, to be my soul mate, my life partner, to share my bed and hold me at night because he loves me for me and not just because he pays me to suck his cock. Well I have found that man Joey. You are that man angel. "I know that you love me for me and would love me and hold me whether we fucked or not. And you're absolutely right honey neither one of us would have found the path to having sex with each other, the beautiful kind of sex that happens between a man and a woman who love each other if it weren't for the fact I am a whore. So don't be ashamed of being happy and glad that I'm a whore baby, because I'm not ashamed and I'm doubly glad for being a whore because if I weren't I would not be fucking my beautiful son. Now it's past midnight honey, so let's get some sleep in your bed sweetie. I want to be fresh and rested for tomorrow when you begin your training and start learning how to eat my cunt."As we went back to my bed I asked Mom, "Mom could we do just one more thing before we call it a night?" She turned and smiled at me and said, "Boy, you are really randy tonight sweetheart! You're ready to go again aren't you? Do you want to fuck me this time honey?" I said, "Well not exactly Mom. Can I suck out your cunt on my own? What I mean is, can I just suck it out without any instructions? I know I probably won't do it right and will make a lot of mistakes, but what I really want to do is to experience all the cum and cunt juices all mixed up that must be in your cunt right now. You probably still have a lot of your john's cum in there plus all of my cum that I just gave you mixed all together with your cunt juices. I think it would be fun to see how all that tastes. And besides you will get to see what kind of mistakes I'll make and can be better able to teach me tomorrow how to do it right!""Oh how delightful! I love it sweetheart! Baby you can eat my cunt to your hearts content. That's the one sex act that I wish I would get to enjoy more, but most of my clients aren't in to sucking out whore's cunts. But that's their big loss and soon to be your reward and my great delight. We are going to have a wonderful full life together angel! Let's hurry sweetie, I can't wait to feel your hot lips and hard tongue on my cunt. It's tingling with anticipation and I can already feel it making up fresh cunt juice." Mom jumped into the bed and quickly flopped over on her back and put a thick pillow under her ass to raise her cunt to make it easy for me to suck it out and spread her legs for me which exposed her juicy cunt hole with its inviting soft fleshy gates with a small white trickle of cum seeping out and coating them all over.I began by sticking my nose into her slit valley and sniffing deeply of her musky, intoxicating, pussy odor and then lapping up the pussy juice in her slit valley. Then I moved down and took the tip of my tongue and lightly ran it all over her fleshy cunt hole gates to lick up all the cum that was seeping out. It tasted even better than the cum from Mom's mouth. I said, "This is really good stuff Mom! I love the musky smell of your cunt and the juices seeping out are really tasty, better than my plain cum that I got out of your mouth. "Mom said, "I'm glad you really like it baby. You're doing just fine sweetie. I love the feel of your velvety tongue on my pussy and cunt, so take your time honey and enjoy the feast. I'm loving it."I pushed my tongue through momma's cunt gates and let a stream of that mixture of her john's cum, my cum, and Mom's cunt juice run down my tongue and into my mouth until a big pool of it was in my mouth. I savored the taste of it rolling it all over the inside of my mouth and then slowly let it all slide down my throat. It tasted like nectar to me. I said to Mom, "When I opened up your cunt with my tongue momma, a steady stream of cunt juices flowed into my mouth which I swished all around so every part of my mouth was washed and coated with it and then I let it slide slowly down my throat until I could feel it coating every part of my insides with a warm tingly feeling. "I love that feeling mama. I think I understand now why you like to eat cum so much and feel it coating your insides. It's wonderful." "Yes it is my darling," said mama. "There's probably at least three or four more good mouthfuls for you baby. Now you might have to suck a little to get it all. I'll flex my cunt muscles a little to help move it down for you. Don't swallow the next mouthful honey. Bring it up to my face and empty it into my mouth so I can taste it and then you can eat all the rest of it."I started sucking on mama's cunt and was using my tongue to reach as far into her cunt as I could to caress and lick the soft, warm, moist flesh that was secreting a most delightful tasty cunt juice to add to the mixture in her cunt. I could feel her cunt flexing and pushing all the cum that was deep in her cunt down into my mouth until I had another mouthful. Mama's eyes were closed and she was moaning now and her hips were beginning a humping motion against my mouth. I came up for air and moved up to put my lips against mama's lips and when she opened her mouth I opened mine and let all that mixture of cum and cunt juice drain into her mouth. I watched her swish it all around her mouth savoring the taste and then let it slide down her throat. Then she deep frenched me with her tongue to scoop up any remaining cunt sauce in my mouth. "That is really a heavenly mix baby," said mama. "Your cum and my cunt juice are really delicious. I think Ed's cum adds a little bite to the mix, but it's your cum and my cunt juice that makes it fly." (I found out later that Ed was the first name of her client. Mom said she didn't mean to let it slip and warned me never to repeat it. Mom guards the identity of her clients like it was a military secret.) "I can't tell you baby how happy I am that you really like sucking out my cunt filled with cum. I don't often get a chance to really taste my own cunt juice when it's mixed up with a big load of cock sauce because most of my clients don't like to eat my cunt and share the mixture in my cunt after they fuck me. But I think I'm going to get plenty of it from now on. Keep sucking sweetie, there's plenty more where that came from."I continued sucking and tonguing out mama's cunt and the cunt sauce kept flowing into my mouth and I kept swallowing it. Mama's hips increased the intensity of their humping and she began moaning loudly and grabbed my head with her hands and pushed it harder into her cunt as it was humping my mouth. When I felt like Mama was getting close to cumming I took my teeth and started gently nipping at her fleshy cunt gates and letting my teeth rake over the soft inside flesh of her cunt gates. That drove her wild and really set her off. "Oh God Joey, that is fantastic... I'm cumminng darling... oh god, oh god, I'm cCUMMING!!" She squeezed my head tightly between her thighs and humped her cunt hard up into my face that was being clamped down by her hands as if trying to push my head into her cunt like a cock. And then it was over and her body relaxed and she smiled and said, "Oh that was exquisite my love. Just exquisite. Scoot up here and kiss me baby. I want to taste that magic tongue of yours and let you smear my cunt juice all over my lips and face."I kissed Mom and we frenched each other for a while and then we cuddled for a while and I sucked on her tits and she purred and stroked my body running her fingers up and down my chest and back. We were both getting sleepy and we were curled up with my chest to her back and my cock resting in the crack of her ass buns and one of her tits cradled in the hand of my arm that was draped over her body holding her close to me. Mom started to quietly cry, and I said with concern, "What's the matter Mom? What have I done?" Mom sighed and said, "I love you Joey. You haven't done anything my darling. I'm overwhelmed with the love I have for you. These are tears of joy and happiness because you have given to me what I thought I would never find- a man's love for me as a woman. Until this night I never really knew how much I needed that until you gave it to me." Then Mom turned in my arms to look at me and said,"I want to be serious for a minute darling. Joey we have had fantastic sex with each other tonight. Even though you were a virgin before we had sex with each other, you made beautiful, tender love to me with an instinctive understanding of how to make love to and please your woman even though you knew your woman is a whore. That comes from a good, non-judgmental heart and a gentle, sensitive, caring soul. Men like you are extremely rare honey and the truth is, it is even rarer for that kind of man to ever feel any love for a whore. Because I ended up being a whore I didn't think I would ever find a man like you to love me and I have pretended that it didn't matter to me. Someday I'll tell you the story of how I became a whore at 12 years of age. Basically, my mom was a whore and my dad was her pimp and together they trained me to be a whore. I'm not complaining honey, I'd be a liar if I said that I did not enjoy some aspects of being a whore, but the point is, that is all I have ever known how to do. I'm always going to be a whore honey because it's what I have always been, and it's all I know how to do to earn a living for me and you, and I'm very good at it, and I make a very good living doing it. Right now you are feeling wonderful about the great sex we had with each other and can't believe your fabulous good luck in having a mother that enjoys fucking and sucking her son and promises to fuck and suck him anytime and anywhere he wants it. And that's ok baby. I know that's every young man's dream– to be able to have sex with a beautiful woman, especially his mother, anytime he wants it while the rest of his buddies are still trying to figure out how to score their first piece of ass and get into their girlfriend's pants. I'm ecstatically happy darling that I am able to please you and satisfy your most erotic sexual fantasies.Now tomorrow night about 6:00 pm after you and I have spent hours in bed fucking and sucking each other with me teaching you some sex tricks on how to really please a woman, I'm going to be leaving to keep an appointment with one of my clients who will probably end up fucking me in the cunt at least twice and at least three times in my ass hole because he really gets off on fucking women in their ass hole, and I will probably give him at least three or four good cum eating cock suckings. For me it will be just a job that I'm going to be well paid for– in this case $5000. For my client, it will be a fantastic sexual experience where he will be able to make his wildest most erotic fantasies come alive and have a bunch of great orgasms with a beautiful woman. I want you to think about what it will mean for you darling. I want you to decide if you can still love me and make love to me as your woman knowing that I might have just hours before been fucked in the cunt and ass by another man and sucked his cock and eaten his cum.I have said that I am your woman now and I mean that. I'm yours heart and soul. You're my man and as long as you love me for me and as your woman, I'll do anything in the world for you– anytime and anywhere. But if my being a whore is going to be a problem for you once the euphoria of tonight's great sex has worn off and you have had time to really understand what it means for me to be a whore and that knowledge will prevent you from loving me for me and not for the sex I can give you, the sex that I want to give you, then I think it would be better if we just remained as mother and son instead of as a man and his woman. No matter what, I'll always be your mother honey and will always love you as my darling son and you will always call me Mom. But my name is Julia, as I know you know, and if you want me as your woman darling in spite of my being a whore, then you must call me Julia because that's what a man does with the woman he loves and I will be your woman in every way. But if you can't, then I think we should remain as a mother and her son and not as a man and his woman because I don't think I could stand to have my heart broken.I know that I'm asking a lot of you and I don't want you to answer me until you have had plenty of time to think about all of this and are sure about the decision you make. You are a 15 year old young man who is extremely mature and wise for his age, but you still have some growing and maturing to do. I'm a 29 year old woman who has years of experience far beyond what any other woman my age has. I know that we can never be lovers for the rest of our lives like a husband and wife. When you're 25, I'll be 39 and my beauty will have faded with wrinkles on my face, and I'll probably have gray hair, spreading hips, and sagging tits. Not the kind of woman a young virile man will want for his bed. But I'll be content to take whatever time we can have together as a man and his woman until that time when some young beautiful woman will capture your heart and I become just your mother again. So you think about all of this my love and when you have made your decision, and if you still want me to be your woman, then you can call me Julia and I will know and be the happiest woman on earth because I will know that I am your woman my darling. In the meantime honey, I'm your mother and I'm going to help you solve your problem. We will still pursue the plan starting Phase one tomorrow where I plan to teach you some things that will drive a woman crazy and we'll still do the gang bang and make you the most popular man on your campus. Now let's get some sleep sweetie."And Mom turned away from me and snuggled back up against me again and wriggled her buns so that my cock was back nestled in the crack of her ass cheeks and pulled my arm back around her body so I could cup her tits in my hand. I simply said to her, "I love you Julia", and she whispered back, "I love you too Joey." And we both fell into a deep contented sleep.****Post script:The plan that Mom had developed to save my reputation was executed flawlessly. She spent about three weeks teaching me how to make love to a woman. I learned how to rim a woman's ass with my tongue and how to use my tongue to tease the ridges of the puckered flesh of her anus that had a lot of sensitive nerve endings in them and she taught me how to use my index finger to gently penetrate my woman's ass hole while I was cock fucking her in her cunt and as she approached the peak of her orgasm to massage the tender flesh just inside her ass with my finger which greatly intensified her orgasm. She taught me the right positions for ass fucking so that when my cock was in my woman's ass it would exert pressure on the areas between the ass hole interior walls and the cunt channel that are excited when a cock penetrates the cunt generating intense, exquisite orgasms. Even though I did a great job of sucking out her cunt that first night that she fucked me, she taught me how to tease her pussy and cunt with my lips and how to suck and lick her slit valley and to gently caress her clit with my lips and tongue. I learned the best fucking positions for maximum penetration of her cunt, the best positions for tender caressing of her skin with my hands with my cock in her cunt, and all the subtle little pressure points on her body like just behind her knees and the inside of her thighs and the back of her neck which made her feel loved and erotic. She taught me pacing when I made love with a woman– how to gauge the mood of my woman and respond appropriately; to be slow, teasing, gentle and tender when she was feeling soft, feminine, and vulnerable and needed to feel loved and protected; or perhaps to be dominating, demanding, aggressive, and savage like when she was feeling like she wanted to be ruthlessly possessed and ravished to feel like she was being raped. This was the most important part of my training Mom said because a woman will feel the greatest pleasure when she feels that her lover is in tune and responsive to her inner needs and when those are satisfied she will surrender totally to his needs and desires and do everything in her power to satisfy them.For three weeks I practiced the techniques that Mom was teaching me on her and we had a great time fucking and sucking each other every night. She even rearranged her whoring appointments during that time and arranged to meet her clients during the afternoons so that her nights would be free to fuck me. The added benefit for me was that her cunt was always full of some john's cum from her afternoon whoring sessions when I had her in the evenings and ate out her cunt.Phase two took a little longer than expected and didn't culminate exactly how I had planned it too, but it was still a big success. I had guessed right about Patty Ann and when I asked her to come and have a coke and some pizza over at HoJo's with me after school one day she smiled and said, "Sure Joey. I'd like that." I told her that I knew she didn't know what Sally was going to do in the bus that night and she said she didn't either and that she just went along when Sally said to come on with her and let's go make Joey feel better. She said she was sorry for what Sally had done to me and she was glad that I didn't think she was part of it. After about an hour or so I told her that I had to get going and I thanked her for talking to me. She said that she enjoyed it and was glad that I asked her for a coke and pizza and said she liked me and we should do it again sometime.Well for the next two weeks we shared time together at HoJo's over pizza slices and cokes and had a good time getting to know each other. Then on one Friday at HoJo's I asked her to go to the movies with me and she said she would love to. I made out with her in the movies and she eagerly returned my advances. She let me feel her up pretty good and finger fuck her a little while she massaged my hard-on through my pants until I had an orgasm and it spewed so much cum inside my trousers that it soaked all through the front of my pants and got all over her hand. She said she was sorry but she didn't mean to make me cum in my pants. And I said that was ok because it really felt great because it was her doing it, but I wanted us to leave before the lights came up in the theater and everyone could see that I had blown my wad in my pants. I asked her if she would go somewhere private with me, like a room at HoJo's so I could try and get cleaned up before going home. She said she had a better idea and why didn't I come home with her and she would wash my pants and dry them in her mom's washer-dryer. She said not to worry because her mom and dad were gone for the weekend to Atlantic City to do a little gambling. When we got to her house she took me up to her room and gave me a towel and said to take off my pants and shorts and she would take them to the basement to wash and dry them. Before she left she gave me a deep French kiss and said she would be right back. As soon as she left I picked up the phone by her bed and called Mom to tell her very quickly what had happened and where I was and I thought that Patty Ann was trying to seduce me so I was pretty sure I was going to be fucking her soon. Mom said that was wonderful but be sure not to try and move things too fast. Let Patty Ann make all the first moves and make her think that she was seducing me but once we were naked in bed to subtly start making love to her and caress her body, tease her cunt with my lips and tongue and then move to another part like her tits and nipples leaving her dying to have me suck her cunt and just keep moving from one part of her body to another not spending too much time on any one part. When I see her starting to moan, and her hips begin a rhythmic humping motion and her pussy is flowing wet with pussy juice then move in on her cunt and clit with my mouth and when she is starting to fly that's when to begin teasing her cunt with your cock and slide it smoothly all the way in her cunt and begin an easy fucking motion and just before you think she is going to reach the peak of her orgasm, massage her asshole with your index finger and slip it in her ass and massage the interior walls of her ass that are closest to her cunt chamber as she begins flexing her hips and body as her orgasm intensifies and hits its peak.When she comes down off her orgasm caress her face and tits and kiss her gently and tell her she was wonderful. If you've been able to hold off with your own orgasm she will know it and I guarantee you that she will feel so grateful for how you made love to her that she will devour your cock and balls and suck you off and eat your cum. But if you couldn't hold back and blew your wad in her cunt, not to worry. Just slide down her body and start gently eating her cunt and sucking out her cunt juices mixed with you cum. She will go wild.I heard Patty Ann coming up the stairs and told Mom I had to go and hung up. When she came in the room I had the towel wrapped around my waist but my huge hard-on was making a huge tent down in front of my crotch. Patty Ann walked over and put her arms around me and frenched me again and reached down and pulled my towel off and started fondling my cock. When we broke our lip lock and came up for air I told her if that she was not careful that she was going to make me cum all over her hand again. She coolly said "No you're not baby. You're going to flood my cunt with your sweet cum!"She dropped her skirt and pulled her sweater off and she was completely naked as she had taken off her panties and bra when she took my pants to be washed. I gasped at her beautiful tits and cunt and said, "Wow Patty Ann! You are a beautiful sexy woman. Those are the most luscious tits I have ever seen and your pussy lips are perfectly shaped and wet with pussy juice." Patty Ann smiled and sighed as she pulled me down onto her bed with her and said, "I love your cock too Joey. Make love to me Joey. Make love to me now baby."I spent six hours in her bed and did every different kind of sex act that I could think of. I missionary fucked her three times, doggie fucked her twice, sucked her cunt dry of cum and cunt juice three times fucked her in her ass twice and got her to give me three cum eating cock suckings. Her orgasms were massive leaving her drained of strength and energy and on two occasions so powerful that she seemed to lose touch with reality and was in a trance like state for several minutes. When I finally left at 3:00 am she told me that I was the best lover she had ever had and that I could fuck her anytime I wanted and she would do anything I wanted if I would fuck her on a regular basis. She said, "You're not a virgin now baby. You are without a doubt the best cocksman in Loyola High and probably the best in any school in the greater metro area. I'll go with you to a room at HoJo's anytime you want Joey." I said, "How about Thursday after school? Can you make it for a few hours?" She said, "It's a date lover. I can't wait baby."Patty Ann ended up being one of my regular fucks for the rest of my time in high school until she graduated a year ahead of me and went to college out of state. She must have told Sally about fucking me because by Wednesday of the following week I detected a whole new attitude of friendliness and interest in me by a lot of girls at school who had never given me the time of day before. For sure I never heard any more snickers or snide jokes about not knowing the difference between a cunt hole and an ass hole. Over the next three months I ended up fucking seven girls who offered themselves to me. The last four were virgins who wanted their cherry fucks to be a beautiful experience and they were all ecstatically happy with the erotic pleasure that I gave them. It was very unusual for a girl to have an orgasm on her cherry fuck, but that was my specialty with virgins. I knew how to very gently pop their cherries so that it was not painful and they were able to have powerful orgasms when I pumped their cunts full of my hot cock sauce. The word was out among the female student virgin population that when they were ready to have their cherries popped that I was the stud they should see to give them a beautiful and unforgettable first fucking. I was indeed the reigning cocksman at Loyola High just like mom said I would be.But I really knew for sure that I was really the king of the studs when a couple of guys came to me and asked me to break their girlfriend's cherries for them because their girlfriends wouldn't let them do it for fear it would hurt too much. The guys were tired of not getting any fucking from their girlfriends and figured once their girl's cherries were broken that they would start getting a lot of fucks. When I graduated two years later the accomplishment that I was privately most proudest of having achieved was giving 28 virgins outstanding cherry fucks that they would look back on and always remember for the rest of their lives as beautiful erotic experiences. The end of the soccer season, came up about four months after the night I fucked Patty Ann and we planned to have a team party and I was elected to make the arrangements after I volunteered for the job. I told Mom that there was no need for the Phase three gang bang like we planned because I was already entrenched as the reigning cocksman at school and by then had dipped my cock into two more girls, one of which was another virgin. But Mom said no, she still wanted to do it because she had been looking forward to enjoying a bunch of young hard virile cocks. She said she rarely got to service a cock younger than 40 years old and teenage cocks would be a real treat.So I selected seven of my close buddies on the team, three of which I knew were virgins, and offered them a chance at a great fucking and sucking experience with a real hot babe. Six of them accepted including all three virgins.The whole affair was highly successful and it happened exactly like we had planned it. Mom was fantastic. It was the first time I had actually seen her perform as a whore and I had never seen anything so erotic the way she sucked off my friends and fucked their brains out. She ran a real assembly line with her mouth and cunt. It took her about 45 minutes tops to run the initial gauntlet to give everyone a cum eating blow job and a good fuck in her cunt. Then she dragged out a special piece of furniture from the closet that looked a lot like one of those multi-function exercise machines. It had an articulated series of padded benches, some of which were configured with what looked like adjustable stirrups. The benches could be raised or lowered and arranged in different configurations and angles to each other. She told me later it was her fucking and sucking machine for servicing multiple clients at once in any hole of her body. She could arrange the benches so she could lay either on her back or stomach so everyone could have comfortable easy access to her cunt, ass hole and mouth at the same time from both her front, rear or under her or from on top of her. (She later told me it could be configured perfectly to make it easy for any size dog to fuck her either from the rear in the traditional doggie fuck position or from the front in the missionary position while she simultaneously sucked off another dog's cock.) It was an amazing sex tool and mom designed it and had it custom made to fit the dimensions of her body.For the next two and a half hours she accommodated non-stop action in each of her three orifices (ass hole, cunt, and mouth) As soon as a cock would orgasm and shoot cum into the orifice it was in she would move it out of her ass, cunt or mouth and replace it with a fresh one. By the time the evening was finished everyone of my buddies got to fuck and cum in each of her holes at least three times. We took one 10 minute break with an hour to go so she could rest her jaw from all the cock sucking she was doing. That's when she asked if there were any real men in the room who would like to suck out her cunt and just like she predicted no one volunteered so I stepped up and began eating out her cunt. After I broke the ice the rest of the guys lined up for some cunt sucking and each of them got a couple of minutes each to suck on her cunt and get the feel of a woman's cunt on their mouth and face and the taste of her cunt juices. Most of them just nuzzled her cunt and were too timid to actually stick their tongues in and lap up the cum and cunt juice mix that was in there. I knew there would be plenty left for me later when Mom and I were home.When each one had had a chance at sucking her cunt she declared a 'last call' round and announced she would do each one of us one more time with our choice of a blow job, cunt fuck, or ass fuck and then the party would be over. She ended up delivering two more ass fucks, two cunt fucks, and three cum eating blow jobs.I then ushered every body out of the room and we made it back to our party location about three blocks away. On the way back to the party I was bombarded with questions about who that beautiful slut was and how could they get to fuck her on their own and was she really a housewife or was she a whore and if so what did she cost or did she just like fucking anyone she could. That gang bang sealed my position as the top cocksman on campus.When I got back home later that evening a little after 2 am, Mom was waiting for me with her cunt plug installed and she said, "Oh I'm glad you're finally here darling. I was getting tired of having to wear this cunt plug, but I wanted to save every drop of all that cum for you to suck out. Did I do ok baby? I think all the guys seemed to have a good time- even the virgins." I said, "Julia, you were fantastic. No wonder men will pay you a small fortune to service them."On the way back to the party I was bombarded with questions about who you were and how they could get to fuck you on their own and whether you were really a whore instead of a horny housewife and how much did you cost and all kinds of questions. I was never more proud of you and your talent. You really are a top flight professional Julia. Now get your cunt elevated a little and pull out that plug. I want to suck up all that delicious cunt sauce in your delectable cunt.After I sucked her dry and we were lying in each other's arms I said to Mom, "One of the virgins, Tim, seemed particularly anxious to find out who you were. He said that he thinks he is in love with you and he has to know who you are." Mom said, "I bet Tim was the blond virgin with a beautiful tan muscular body and the biggest cock among the three virgins wasn't he?" I said, "That's him Julia. He is really head over heels for you and wishes he could have you suck his cock and eat his cum every day." Mom bit her lip and got this worried look and said, "We can't ever let him know who I am sweetie. It could be a real disaster for all of us. I considered this possibility could happen but I thought that the odds were too slim that it would. You mustn't ever give in to his pressure darling."I responded with a worried look and said, "Don't worry Julia. No one will ever get anything out of me. But why are you so worried. He's just wound up and excited over having the best cherry fuck that he could have ever hoped to have in his wildest imagination." Mom said, "You don't understand dear. You see I already knew him and who he is, but he doesn't know who I am. You see his dad has been one of my regular clients for the last three years. He is really proud of his son and has shown me pictures of him many times. I see his dad twice a month every other Sunday afternoon for some real kinky sex. He's one of those types that likes to piss all over my pussy and in my cunt after he has fucked me and before he eats me out with me sitting on his face. And then while he is sucking out my cunt and when he is ready, he sticks his finger in my ass to excite my glands to make me piss in his mouth so he can mix up all my pee with the cum and cunt juice in his mouth before swallowing it all. He's a very wealthy man and he pays very well for that kind of service but that's not what I'm worried about– losing his business. I'm afraid of what could happen if Tim should find out that I'm a whore and that his dad has been using me for real kinky sex and that his dad is a piss drinker, or if Tim's Mom found out that her husband has been seeing whores and drinking their piss she might divorce him or worse and we would be right in the middle of all of it. My business and our life together would be ruined as my clients would all drop me like a hot burning coal to prevent being exposed as men who used whores. But the worst part is if the sex police got involved. All the guys at the gang bang were minors and so are you my darling. I could be prosecuted and you would be sent to a foster family. We would be separated my darling and that's the worst possible thing that could happen. I think I would die." Then she snuggled up close against my body and put her arms around me and hugged me tight to her and kissed my chest neck and face and said, "I would die if I couldn't hold you and feel your magnificent body next to me and deep in me my love. Promise me you will be very careful darling." I said, "You know I will Julia. You know I will. You are my woman and the love of my life. Nothing will ever keep me apart from the woman I love. I love you Julia and only you."We then lay like that in each others arms for a good bit of time just holding each other and rejoicing in being together and then Julia brushed my ear with her lips and caressed it with her wet tongue and whispered in my ear, "I want your cock in me Joey. We don't have to fuck darling. I just want to feel your strong manhood in me as we fall off to sleep in each other's arms. You're my man Joey and your place is in your woman. Just slide it in baby." God I couldn't believe how erotic that was. I was instantly hard and quickly slid my hard cock all the way in to her cunt and then she looped her top leg over mine to lock us together and she sighed deeply and said, "I love you Joey. I love you... love you...", as her voice trailed off and we both fell asleep.Those events took place a little over 7 years ago and ever since then my Mom, my woman, Julia, and I have been passionate lovers. Julia has continued to be a whore and has worked very hard during these seven years continuing to build our nest egg which is a little over $6 million now. I am 22 just beginning my last year of college and Julia is 36 almost 37 and is on the downhill side of her whoring career. She is still a fantastically beautiful woman who has taken very good care of her body, but she has always told me that the peak years for a high class whore are from 27 to 35 or 36. She says men like young women with smooth, tender flesh. She has already started to taper down a bit as her client list that used to number between 200-250 during her best years is now down to about 150 regular clients- most of whom have been long time clients. She estimates that she has maybe 2 or 3 years of good whoring left where men will be willing to pay a premium for her body and then she will have to decide on whether to hit the senior whoring circuit as she calls it or just retire from whoring.We were lounging on the couch yesterday afternoon talking about how lucky we were to have each other and I asked her if she knew many of the whores who worked the senior circuit. The senior whoring circuit as she calls it is for older whores who cater to men who like fucking women in their 40s and 50s and some even as old as 60 because it feeds their fantasies about fucking their mothers. I said to her, "Julia, if you want to be a senior whore then you just go right ahead my love. It excites me that you're a whore. I love the way men lust after your body and wish they could totally possess you because I know that all they can do is to rent you for a little while because you belong to me and I possess you totally in every way that it is possible to possess a woman. So you can be a senior whore if you want to baby, but don't do it because you feel you will need all the fucking because Julia, I will never leave you my love and I will give you all the fucking you will ever need."She replied, "Oh Joey my love, I am so lucky to have you. I know that you love me angel, but if I decide to continue whoring and become a senior whore it won't be because I'm not getting enough fucking. I've been a top whore for almost 25 years of my 36 years baby and I like being a whore. It's exciting and intoxicating to see the power that I have over powerful men who are willing to do almost anything I want them to do for a chance to taste my body and enjoy its pleasures."I'll never forget the CEO of a multi-billion dollar corporation who so badly wanted me to suck his cock and suck his ass that he was willing to obey all my commands and I commanded him to get down on all fours and crawl around barking like a dog with his tongue hanging out and then sniffed my ass and licked it out with his tongue in my ass hole like a dog and then licked my cunt on his hands and knees and barked like a dog until I peed in his face and mouth to clean off my ass grease that was smeared all over his mouth and lips. I loved having that kind of power over men baby. I thank god that I have you for my man darling. I know that you love me for me totally and completely unconditionally and will give me all the fucking that I could ever possibly handle. But I'm a whore my love and as long as I have a cunt that can juice itself up and squeeze a hard cock I can't imagine not being a whore, especially since it turns you on so much for me to be a whore. Now why don't you be a dear and get down between my legs and eat out my cunt for a while sweetie. All this talk about whoring has my cunt juice flowing and has created a powerful itch for your hard tongue." And that's where we left it– with my face in Julia's sweet cunt sucking up her delicious cunt juice and nibbling on her cunt lips. The EndPlease send comments to MuffDiver*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 47
The red light from the two suns blast a fiery breath over the Plain of Pain, causing the two sisters from Earth to avert their eyes from the blinding orange light. They both hung limply from the Prize Posts at opposite ends of the enclosed arena on top of Hover Platforms high above the Arena of Battle. Their nearly nude bodies perspired in the alien heat, and from time to time bucked rebelliously against their plasti-cuffs. "Quite attractive in their own way, are they not Tarok?" the Pleasure Lord inquired. The Warlord grunted, the scaly gills on his neck snapping shut with a click. "Indeed they are, Quinnax. Their smoothness is revolting at first, then," his long tongue slipped in, then out, "it grows on you. And the other animals find them attractive. Probably why all the Prize animals come from Earth." Through his almond-shaped black eyes, he considered the animals from Earth. They were siblings, young in Earth terms, being just sixteen and seventeen Solar years. They had both been taken and stripped, then re-dressed in garb designed to engage the interests of their champions. The older one, a long yellow haired female wore a pink chasti-thong, regulated by the Pleasure Lord's wrist console. Her healthy breasts were covered by a matching pink Chest Harness. Tarok had mentally named her "Sira"-- the word for "toy." Her sibling struggled fiercely in her own chasti-thong and chest harness, though this bitch had considerably smaller breasts and her hair was less pure yellow, with streaks of brown. He had named her "Ivi"-- the word for the small pesky tree-dwelling rodent her struggling reminded him of. Both wore training collars and were tagged with Ident Chips, as Animal Control regulations required. "The crowds are gathering. Will you initiate the Call To Perform soon?" Tarok pressed, anxious to see the entertainment begin. The Pleasure Lord had noted the growing hum of the hovercraft that now floated expectantly over the Plain of Pain. The gathering of spectators was growing noisome and Quinnax let his taloned digit fall on the red button that signaled the Call To Perform. From opposite ends of the Arena two hovercages emerged from holding pens. In each raged two male figures, naked but for the black chasti-thongs and training collars they both wore. One was black, the other white, each with bloodshot eyes, hugely muscled and growling animal-like from between the protective enviro-field of the hovercages. Tarok smiled. "This is new. Behavior-alteration?" Quinnax nodded, his tail looping up and into the dust. It always did that when he was pleased with himself. "Yes, simple testosterone boosting actually. Wears off after a day and a night. I did it to avoid what happened at the last contest." Tarok snickered. "You'd better avoid it!" he thought. The last contest had ended lamely when the two bucks had refused to perform. They were both destroyed at the insistence of the crowd. Quinnax waved his green talon at the cynical Warlord. "I know what you're thinking. But I did myself one better. I used the Time Transponder to pull these two beasts from earlier in earth history so there's no chance of sympathetic behavior. They are from the Neolithic Age of earth development-- vicious and very promising!" Tarok looked at the two. They looked brutal and merciless. Quinnax might yet hold onto his position as Pleasure Lord yet! His black eyes flattened out in pleasure as the hovercages halted and Quinnax flew vertically upward to begin addressing the crowd. "Citizens! I welcome you to the Plain of Pain for an enjoyable experience watching these creatures battle and fight for our pleasure! As your Pleasure Lord, I now initiate this performance!" Clawed hands pounded out a thunderous ovation which took the Pleasure Lord by surprise. Evidently they were eager for action after the last debacle. Fine he would give it to them! "Here are our two Champions, who will battle for the Prizes you see!" he pointed at the two wriggling female earthlings, who in turn looked in horror at the two snarling men. "First, Blackie!" Quinnax hovered near to the first hovercage and touching his personal console, deactivated the cage holding the black male, who dropped to the dusty floor of the Arena. He stood up unsteadily, his jet black skin glistening in the orange light. Quinnax continued. "Blackie is a human male, aged twenty years. He is from the Neolithic Age and while fully sentient, he is primitive and vicious-- a most combative performer for you! On your knees Blackie! Show the crowd what a good human boy you are for your Master!" Blackie looked uncomprehendingly at the superior reptilian-like being that snapped his serpent tongue so high above him. He grunted and shook his fists instead. Quinnax wagged his talon. "Bad boy! Now I will have to punish you!" And with that a digit firmly pressed a yellow button on his console. Blackie screamed and clutched at his black chasti-thong, trying to remove it. Quinnax again waved his taloned hand down. Blackie obediently knelt at once. "Good pet human! Good Blackie! Now stay there and I will introduce you to your playmate!" The Pleasure Lord floated over to the struggling white male and likewise let him fall to the hard ground. "And here is Whitey! Good boy Whitey! Isn't he pretty? Another human male, this one from a tribe in the northern part of the planet. Whitey, you kneel for Master too!" he lowered his hand and the young white male lowered himself to his knees, looking at the black some hundred yards away. There was psychotic rage in his eyes for Blackie and vice versa. "And what are Blackie and Whitey fighting for? Why just look at the pretty young females waiting for them should they win!" He floated over to the older blonde, and ran his claws through her long blonde hair. "P-please! Don't touch me! P-p-please let me go home!" she shrieked, turning away from the alien being. The crowd chuckled, hearing her pleas on the Universal translator speakers. Quinnax followed suit, working the audience. "Quiet, pretty bitch! Don't you wish to mate with Blackie or Whitey? Which would you prefer as a lover? Be careful you choose the winner though!" The blonde shook. "Nooo! No! No! No! I'm Catherine Anne Jenkins and an American! You let me go now! P-please!" Her cries dissolved into sobbing as the creature continued to fondle her, now groping her breasts through the plastic that now housed them. "To add flavor, I've pulled these two human bitches from the later half of the twentieth century. They are the softest of the species and most attractive. So Blackie and Whitey will fight all the harder to possess them!" Catherine screamed again as she heard the alien explain her fate to the crowd. "God, no! Anyone, please! have mercy!" The crowd tittered at this and Quinnax maneuvered near the other short-haired dirty blonde girl. He cupped the younger girl's smaller breasts, his narrow, forked tongue tsk-tsking. "Catherine!" the girl begged her sister, "Get this thing off me!" "Linda!" the other girl cried miserably. Quinnax backhanded the sixteen year-old with his scaly skin, drawing a red welt on her cheek. "'Thing' indeed! My species is fifty light years ahead developmentally from yours! Show such disrespect again and I'll vaporize your tongue!" The girl clamped her mouth shut and the alien continued, turning to the crowd. "This one is small breasted," he squeezed her breast and she winced in pain, "but full of energy for mating, I'm sure! Well, now that we're have all the animals ready, we may begin!" Quinnax reappeared at Tarok's elbow. "Well done, Pleasure Lord," complimented Tarok in a whisper. The public official unctuously slurped out a smile and continued. "Now if the hero of our fleet, Warlord Tarok will do the honors, we will put the animals in play!" With theatrical majesty, Tarok raised his jeweled baton and lowered it. Quinnax hit two buttons on his console and the two young males leaped into the air in pain. "Here we go!" whispered Quinnax excitedly. The two males eyed one another warily and Quinnax gave them another jolt. It inspired Whitey to leap at the black, charging at him head first. Blackie was caught in the stomach and fell backward with a thud. Whitey took advantage and pressed the attack, charging again, but Blackie's foot caught his leg and sent him sprawling. The crowd cheered lustily, reptilian sucks and clicking talons indicating their pleasure. Once again the two combatants rose shakily and considered one another, grunting in pain and rage. Blackie shot out a fist and caught the white in the square of the jaw. Whitey growled and retaliated with a flying kick in the groin. Blackie flew backwards and lay still. Again Whitey pressed his assault and again Blackie was too fast for him, rolling out of harm's way. Whitey pivoted back and Blackie was ready. With pain redden eyes, he threw himself at the white and the two rolled in a tight battlegrip, their backs rolling on the tough gravely basin of the Arena. The crowd roared again in amusement as White futiley tried to gouge Blackie's genitals through the chasti-thong. "We ought to let them go at it without the chasti-thongs sometime," suggested Tarok. Quinnax nodded. He liked the idea. The crowd was in a frenzy now. Blackie had pinned Whitey on his back and was thrashing him without mercy. Whitey was sobbing and trying to ward off the blows but it was clear he had lost the contest. Finally Quinnax sensed the crowd growing bored with the action. He casually hit the immobilize button on both animals, who stood frozen in time, Blackie's hand raised against the defenseless Whitey. Again he addressed the crowd. "Citizens! We have a winner! Blackie has earned his prize! But what fate shall befall Whitey? Vaporization or the Animal Shelter? You be the judge!" "Vaporization!" the crowd roared in unison. Quinnax smiled, hit a purple button and watched the white male disintegrate into a fine dust. "And now let us see which bitch Blackie wishes to mate with!" Blackie "unfroze" and fell on his face, looking in amazement at the small white pile of dust in front of him. He looked at Quinnax, then fell to his knees and averted his eyes. "That's a good boy Blackie! But don't worry! I won't vaporize such a good animal! In fact I'm going to reward you for being such a tame beast! I'm going to mate you!" Catherine and Linda sobbed, impotently struggling against their bonds. Slowly they floated to the floor of the Arena. "Go choose your mate, animal! Go on Blackie, take a girl!" Quinnax ordered, pointing at the two bound white teenagers. Blackie gave a feral smile to his master and ran to the younger girl. Linda squirmed away as Blackie licked her face and smelled her. The crowd laughed as he pulled on her small breasts, then disgustedly walked away. "Blackie doesn't like the younger sow, citizens. Maybe the animal with the bigger mammary glands will attract him." And as Quinnax said this, Blackie eagerly cupped the seventeen year old's breasts and tried to pull off her Chest Harness. "We have a mate, Citizens! But what of the young human bitch? Animal shelter or vaporization?" Quinnax asked. The crowd was clearly ready to call for vaporization, when Tarok pulled at Quinnax'es elbow. "I'll take her," he requested. "She'll make a good housepet once she's broken." Quinnax wasn't thrilled at the Warlord's request. The crowd wanted to see dust. But he was influential and likely to help him keep his position as Pleasure Lord in exchange for such a paltry favor. "Citizens! I spoke too soon! Warlord Tarok had previously asked me if he might take the bitch! So she will have a second chance afterall!" He waved the short-haired blonde's platform to Tarok and released her. Tarok quickly leashed the flailing teen and administered an immobilization. The teen stood frozen at his knees, her eyes wide open in fear looking at the warlord and the activity about to take place on the rocky plain below. "MATE! MATE! MATE! MATE! MATE!" the hovering audience demanded. Quinnax raised his hand. "Yes, Citizens! Blackie had earned the privilege to mount the female human! Blackie, take your prize!" Catherine whined as her bounds popped off and she found herself looking across the Arena at the victorious black. The huge young black man leered at her and slowly made his way toward her. Catherine looked down and saw that the plastic panty and bra that had been put on her had now fallen off. Simultaneously Blackie's plastic jockstrap fell off two. Both were completely nude. As if in grateful response, the black's cock popped up, erect and pointed skyward. He smiled crudely at Catherine. She reacted by running in the opposite direction. The audience followed the lovechase with jeers and chuckles. Blackie grew madder and madder as the small white girl ran from his arms and cock. Tears ran down her face as she begged nonsensically for help from the aliens observing her. "Ah, human mating rituals are violent! Watch as the female both attracts and resists the much stronger male! The buck is driven by the scent of the bitch, who is now in heat! Soon he will mount her!" Quinnax explained in the role of fascinated naturalist. Blackie made a lunge at the fleeing white girl, caught her foot and pulled her down. Sobbing, Catherine begged the black brute for mercy. But Blackie's flushed face gave no sign of pity. Her small fists beat at him even as he forced her on her stomach. "God no, not that way! Please I'm a virgin! Don't! Don't-- Ieeeeh!!!" The Pleasure Lord continued to narrate for the now quiet crowd. "As you can see, this human male is ready to penetrate his mate. As is sometimes the custom, this male is entering her from behind. Go Blackie, go Boy!" The crowd repeated the cry as the young black began to rape the white girl anally. "Go Blackie Go Blackie Go Blackie Go Blackie-" Catherine went limp as he invaded her and Blackie reacted by smiling and renewing the assault with vigor. She arched her back as he filled her with the long black cock, which rammed in and out and in and out, like it would never end, the whole nightmare would never, ever end-- "Are you really letting them mate, Quinnax?" Tarok asked. He petted his new possession as he watched the humans bucking below. Quinnax shook his head. "Oh, no! The females were spayed after they were collected on Earth. I don't want them foaling-- just rutting! Besides I think you'll like having her," he pointed down at the frozen human girl," spayed. Especially as a housepet. They are much less trouble that way. All you have to do is let them rut once in a while and it gets it all out of their system. " Tarok smiled as he let his clawed hand grasp the human girl's small breast and squeeze absentmindedly. So firm, but so unsuited to foaling he thought. It was just as well. Linda, though frozen, heard and saw all. Housepet, she thought in dawning horror. I'm going to be this monster's housecat. A tear escaped from her eye and flowed down her cheek. The creatures didn't notice it at all. In the Arena, Blackie was almost through with his lover. In satisfaction, he withdrew his slick cock from the white girl's battered-down ass and stroked the limp thing. The crowd sniggered. Catherine moaned in beaten humiliation, her long blonde hair splayed in the dusty extraterrestrial soil, her face tear stained and lips swollen from Blackie's kisses. "Well, it looks like the human stud is finished with mounting our beauty bitch! Kneel Blackie!" The human obeyed sullenly, still eyeing the pale blonde teenager. As he did, Quinnax immobilized him and checked the time on his personal console. Quinnax needed to wrap this up; the performance had been a success and all was fine. Just one more decision needed to be made. "Well Citizens I'm sure we'll being seeing Blackie again! What a fine specimen, hah?" the crowd murmured it's approval. "And what of his mate? Did she amuse you?" Catherine looked up, her hands over her chest and looking at the dust. Again, approving murmurs from the crowd. "Very well, what shall we do with her then?" Tarok was confused. "Won't you keep her as Blackie's mate?" he inquired somewhat confused. Quinnax turned back to him. "No, Tarok, they get too attached. It makes them difficult to manage. We only allow human males one mate with any human bitch. That way they mate well with any bitch we choose to mate him with in the future. Chances are we will have him mate with a bitch so she will foal, but not this one." Tarok smiled doubtfully. "You mean they're naturally monogamous? Doesn't their own history show that isn't true?" Quinnax shrugged. "It's just a theory. And the facts are disputed. Some zoologists say-- oh, but I've got to finish up." He turned back to the crowd. "What then shall we do with Blackie's mate? Vaporization," Catherine hunched over and shook her head catatonically, "or Return?" Again, Tarok indicated his confusion by pulling on Quinnax'es robe. "Return? Isn't that dangerous? I thought we were going to keep them! I mean maybe the humans would prepare against your 'collection' visits if--" Quinnax showed his irritation at Tarok's ridiculous questions by snapping shut his gills loudly. "Please Warlord-- I have a job to do here! Anyway, humans are so backward and inferior a species that they don't even believe facts when they have them! We've been collecting human pets for a millennia and they refuse to believe even the ones that we send back to them!" Tarok growled and flicked his claws in mixed disappointment and anger. "Well, I would have preferred the long-haired one if I had known THAT Quinnax! This one is so... small!" He flicked the teen girl's breasts with his claws. Another tear flowed down her cheek. Quinnax shook his long, lizard-like head. "Tarok, I'm sorry but the crowd would be very angry if I substituted them now. You'll have to keep the one you choose!" Tarok sat back. In pique, he groped for the human bitch's nipple and through the Chest Harness and twisted it viciously. Now Linda's face was filled with tears, but still the two members of the mastering race paid no attention. "Let her go! Let her go! Let her go!" the crowd demanded. Catherine pulled her head up from the ground. She looked up at her younger sister and the eyes of the two teens connected over the distance of the alien atmosphere. There was a sadness and yearning that connected them that the crowd didn't see but Tarok did. He responded by yanking Linda's leash down. "Heel, bitch." The immobilized teen fell to his feet and her soft cheeks lay across his scaled feet. The Pleasure Lord rose for the last time. "Well, your mating amused your masters, bitch! So much so that you will be rewarded by being allowed to return to your planet! Bye bye!" Catherine rose quickly. "No, not yet! Not without my sister! I can't leave without her! Linda, please!" Quinnax gave the crowd a "can you believe this?" look, then hit a button. Catherine, naked and trembling, was pulled in a thrumming halo of green light upwards toward the two red suns till she disappeared. "Thank you Citizens! See you at the next performance!" Quinnax bid the crowd farewell and the hovercrafts sped off into the weird orange misty sky. Linda couldn't see it, but she knew her big sister was gone for good. She would never see Catherine again. Suddenly she could move again and she looked up at Tarok her new master. Her new owner. He smiled evilly. "Come Ivi, I will show you your new home." Linda began to rise, but Tarok's foot pressed her down. "On all fours from this point on I think. Good bye Quinnax. See you soon!" The Pleasure Lord nodded pleasantly. He was already thinking of the stabling of the new human studling Blackie, who waited immobilized on the Plain of Pain. He wondered how long Blackie would continue to amuse the crowd before he too would be vaporized or sent home. ***Catherine was wild-eyed and screaming. The straightjacket and the nice government people were taking her someplace she could get proper attention. Mrs. Jenkins couldn't believe what those terrorists had done to her! All this talk of UFOs and monsters! She had lost one daughter to these terrorists and the other to insanity. She watched the van pull away and she retreated to the house for her third Valium of the day. Inside the van, Mulder watched as Sculley sedated the screaming girl. "No, you bastards! Those fucking things have my sister! Goddamit! Goddam!" Her head lolled then her eyes went into the back of her head. "Is she okay?" asked Mulder. Sculley shook her head. "For now? I guess. But eventually, who knows? Telling her mother terrorists did this was good Mulder, -- at least she won't wind up as a lab rat for them." Mulder knew she was referring to the government people that seemed to show up at X-file locations before they even knew about them. He nodded. "How will she be?" Sculley looked up. She was tired and depressed. "Fine, except that her entire uterus has been removed. With surgical perfection." ***Linda heard the auto-door slide open. Master! She scampered toward the door. It had been uncomfortable to walk on all fours, but the flexible plastic braces on her knees and elbows wouldn't let her extend her legs or arms. So she had learned to live with it. She looked up at Tarok, whipping her neck back to get the long blond hair out of her face, and smiled. She wished he would bring her back to the pet groomer. Her hair was too long. He patted her. "Little Ivi come to greet Master, I see!" She wagged her bare butt so it looked like that was in fact what she was doing and barked from the back of her throat. She couldn't speak anymore. Master had decided lesser species shouldn't have the privilege of speech, so he had removed her tongue. It hadn't hurt and speaking had just gotten her punished but she missed it just the same. And she was kept nude now because there was no reason for her to wear a chasti-thong since she had been spayed. "Hungry, Ivi?" he asked. She responded by licking his scaly ankle. It meant Yes, Ivi is hungry, Master. Tarok walked to the food designer and typed in "Ivi." He placed a small bowl marked "Ivi" underneath it and watched as the light brown mulch fill the bowl. He placed it on the floor. "Here you go, Ivi." Linda wagged her butt again and stuck her face in the bowl, quickly lapping up the neutral tasting nourishment. It was always the same meal but she had grown accustomed to it. Food was life. And sometimes Master fed her from the table as a treat, so it wasn't always the same thing. Tarok watched indulgently as she licked her chops to get every little bit of the mulch with her lips. He patted her. "Let's go for your walk, girl. Come on, take the leash." Ivi kept still as she felt the metallic leash being clipped to her training collar and followed her master as she led her out into the orange dusted plain for her to "do her business." As Tarok led his pet along the pathway, he was surprised to see Quinnax approach with Blackie! "How nice to see you, my friend! I see you're walking your pet as am I!" Quinnax noted. Tarok nodded. "Yes, my Ivi needed some fresh air. How is your Blackie?" Quinnax pointed down to the leashed male who was sniffing at the naked blonde teen. "Interested in your Ivi it looks like! Blackie, are you interested in Ivi? Better watch out or my stud will give your bitch kittens!" Linda kept still as the young black male sniffed between her legs. It was fun to be with another human and so she spread them to give him a better view. Her puss was bare-- Master had the pet groomer permanently remove it because he didn't want her shedding down there. Tarok shook his head. "You spayed her, remember? Oh, look they're kissing!" And they were. Blackie strained at his leash to stick his tongue into Linda's throat. Linda, lonely for human contact, nuzzled against his face, smiling. "Young love," Tarok quipped and Quinnax giggled. Blackie, sensing his master's permission, circled behind the human bitch and began humping behind her, his black bare thighs and Chasti-thong slamming against Linda's butt. Linda responded by bucking in rhythm with his dry hump. "Shall we?" Tarok asked. Quinnax thought for a bit. "Why not? Let me release his chasti-thong so he can get at her." Blackie smiled as the thong dropped off. At once he rammed his hard cock right up inside the teen's ass from behind. Linda didn't like this method of mating and began to whine in pain and buck, but Tarok held her leash tight. "Go on, bitch, keep your legs spread for your stud-- just like your sister did, remember?" Tarok commanded his human dog-girl. And remembering what it was like to be human so long ago, she smiled. After awhile the anal rape didn't even hurt as much. Ivi even began to hump back for Blackie. "Look, she's in heat!" declared Quinnax. "How cute! We'll have to let them play together more often! What a life they lead... just laying about the house all day and humping when they get out. Can you imagine?" Tarok said, no he couldn't imagine. THE END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 50
My wife and I had just finalized our divorce. We had been married for 25 years, which was really about 22 years too long. But you get comfortable with familiarity, and when she finally voiced the truth, that we had drifted apart and weren't really lovers anymore, I cried. Despite the divorce, I still love her, and I probably always will.Now it was time to pick up the pieces, take stock of my life, and get used to living alone again, for the first time in forever. I doubted I'd ever marry again. So I found a modest little apartment in an out-of-the-way place, and set up shop. I made sure to find a place that allowed pets, because I thought I'd probably get a dog for company, down the road. My family always had at least one dog when I was growing up, and it always seemed to make a house more like a home. I figured it would be a larger breed... not one of my wife's dogs, those little mops-with-feet that she always preferred. This would be a "man's best friend" kind of dog, one you could horse around with, that would almost knock you over with excitement when you came home at the end of the day.A few months had gone by, and I was starting to get used to my new routine, but the place still didn't really feel like "home". I decided it was time to start looking for that dog. While scanning through one Sunday's paper, I spotted an ad by a local breeder who had Canadian White Shepherd pups for sale. I called him to find out when I could come over to have a look, and he said that afternoon was just fine. So I shortly found myself looking at three adorable little puppies. There had been 5 in the litter, 3 females and 2 males. The males had already been sold, so the remaining three were all female. I guess I had just assumed I'd be getting a male, but these three were so lovable that I quickly got over any mild disappointment. One of them in particular seemed to take to me right away. "I'll take her," I told him, and half an hour later, I carried her into my home.Canadian Shepherds are built like German Shepherds, only they're pure white and their coats are thicker. They also have gentler dispositions than their European cousins. I named mine "Stormtrack", or "Stormy" for short. Over the next year, she became the center of my life. I watched her grow by leaps and bounds, until she was a young adult, about 2 ft. tall at the shoulder. She was an easy dog to house-train, and I had quickly given her the run of the house. Extremely loving and gentle, she loved to play and cuddle with me, and she was happiest when she got to sleep on the bed next to me at night. This was an adjustment, as she grew to occupy a good half of the bed, but having been used to sharing the bed with my wife for so long, I got accustomed to it quickly enough. It was pleasant, hearing her soft snoring as I drifted off to sleep each night.As Stormy came into heat for the first time, I considered what to do about it. I had no intentions of trying to breed her, and it would be a problem whenever I took her for a walk... I decided I'd probably get her spayed, once she'd passed through it this first time. I couldn't help but notice how wet and engorged her labia became, though -- I had never had such a large female dog around the house before, and, frankly, it was interesting. Her swollen canine organ looked almost as large as a woman's pussy! This made me wonder how large the male's penis must be, which she was swelling to accommodate. I had never seen a canine penis that rivaled a human one in size, but Stormy's body seemed to be preparing for one. My curiosity finally got the best of me, and I lubricated a finger with some K-Y jelly, intending to see just how deep she was. As I gently inserted my finger into her, she got very still and held her tail up for me. Her vagina was tight, but my finger kept sliding in, further and further... as my knuckles bumped into her labia, I finally brushed against what must be her cervix. She was as deep as most women! Feeling her powerful heat enveloping my finger, I suddenly found myself with a hard-on. I pulled my finger out of her, abruptly ashamed of myself for no particular reason. "Sorry, girl, I was just curious," I muttered, half to myself. "We'll get you taken care of in a few weeks." I patted her on the head, then went to clean off my hand. The whole issue was off my mind by the time I rinsed off the soap.That night, I had a dream about my ex-wife, from our passionate early years together. She was lying naked next to me, and we were about to make love. I reached down to her warm pussy and began to stroke her there, and she started to kiss me. I slipped my fingers into her moistness, letting the fire build gently between us, finding the opening into her welcoming body as her kisses got more feverish. Suddenly, I realized that she wasn't actually kissing me, she was... licking me? Startled by this, I awoke to find that Stormy was lapping my face. My hand was stroking a pussy, alright, but not my wife's! Stormy was stretched out next to me, laying with her hind feet in the air as I felt up her wet, canine labia!At first, I was horrified at the situation. But Stormy actually seemed to be enjoying it, if her eager licking was any indication. And we did have the place all to ourselves... ah, hell, who was to know? If this brought her some pleasure, well, she brought plenty to me with her company. I resumed fondling her, and she lathered me up pretty well, indicating her approval. "You like this, girl?" I said, turning my head away for a moment. "You like it when Daddy touches you there? Yes..." Once again, I found myself with a hard-on, and sighed, knowing that I would have a date with my right hand in the very near future.The next night, Stormy cuddled right up to me on the bed, licking my face and presenting her belly to me. "Well, she learns fast, I knew she was intelligent," I muttered to myself. Figuring I'd get it over with, I reached down and fondled her again. She seemed even more receptive the second time, almost pushing herself against my hand as I stimulated her. This time, knowing how she seemed to enjoy it, I slipped a finger on up into her vagina. She humped back at me hard, once, lapping me eagerly. "Must be nice to have someone willing to finger-fuck you, huh silly dog," I said. Again, I had this hard-on and no use for it, so after several minutes of letting Stormy have her fun, I decided to relieve my own urges. Using my hand, I quickly ejaculated onto my belly, then lay there catching my breath. Suddenly, a wet nose touched me, and Stormy began to lick my penis! She had startled me, and I had intended to make her stop, but the feel of her warm tongue on me turned out to be quite nice! She licked me all over, then found my cum and licked that up, too. She lapped all around my genitalia for a long time, and I found myself patting her on the head and talking to her. "Good girl, that's so nice, Daddy loves you, too." Finally, she decided I was cleaned up enough, and she shifted into a comfortable position and fell asleep next to me. I drifted off soon afterward, feeling her warmth against my side.This became a pattern over the next couple of days. Stormy would present herself to me at bedtime, and I would pleasure her with a finger or two, my initial reservations giving way to my affection for my canine companion. It was a pleasant way to end the day for both of us, and nobody else needed to know. It didn't occur to me at first that I had begun to feel the need to jerk off every time, or that my orgasms were getting more powerful instead of less (as I might have expected). One night, though, as I was about to cum, I caught myself thinking not of some beautiful babe, but rather of the lithe, fur-covered body next to me. I had never considered what Stormy and I were doing as "having sex with an animal", so it startled me when this exact thought was what sent me over the edge, on that occasion. I must be some kind of pervert, I thought! After that, I decided I'd better stop our nightly fondling sessions. Stormy whined the next night, but I patted her on the head and scratched her back, and that seemed to satisfy her for the moment. I thought I was doing the right thing.A morning or two later, though, I was having an unusually intense sexual dream, one of those you wake up from before you're really ready for it to end. Someone was taking my dick into her mouth, promising to give me the blow-job of my life. I awoke to find Stormy tenderly licking my rapidly-hardening penis! The combination of the remaining shreds of my dream with Stormy's hot, wet tongue sent me over the edge in seconds. I shot all the way up to my chin, spurt after spurt as she lapped my twitching dick with her big tongue. Finally, I had to push her away, too sensitized to take any more. She eagerly found where I had squirted on myself, cleaning me up with great care. Overwhelmed by what had just happened, I stroked her fur lovingly. "Okay, I've missed you too, I admit it", I told her. To hell with what society thought was "taboo"... that had been the best "oral sex" I'd ever had! I decide I had been wrong to put the brakes on our "relationship". Stormy loved and trusted me, and who was I to say that we shouldn't take mutual pleasure in one another?For the next few nights, we explored stimulating each other, both one at a time and mutually. We found that "69" position worked pretty well... I would cuddle up to Stormy with my head on her belly, fondling her and then slipping a finger or two into her vagina, her hips arching into me at least once or twice as I penetrated her. Meanwhile, she lapped me with her big tongue, tip-to-balls, over and over again. I found that each night, the experience grew more intense, as we got increasingly comfortable with each other this way. Stormy's vaginal muscles would contract around my fingers in ever-quickening spasms, in what I could only assume was her version of an orgasm, and this began to trigger my own climax, spurting my seed as we brought each other to our peaks. Sometimes, I wound up ejaculating almost directly into her mouth, as she lapped me. Far from being a turn-off for her, like with most women, Stormy seemed to enjoy this little "treat". I began to feel a real physical and emotional bond with my furry companion, as we got better at pleasuring each other.On a lazy Saturday morning, I awoke to find Stormy sprawled against me, our bellies together, one of her legs over me and my arm over her. The warmth of her body against me had given me a hard-on, and I lazily rubbed it through her warm fur, stroking her back with my hand as she stirred. Stormy began licking my face just as lazily, and we lay like that for a bit. As I basked in the warmth of her fine companionship, her fur started exciting me more, and it became more like dry-humping. I found myself wishing that Stormy were a real woman, so we could make love. That's when it hit me: we could! She had a vagina, I had a penis. Why hadn't I thought of it earlier? Probably because I was still too hung-up on social taboos, I guess. But I had gotten used to giving and receiving pleasure with her, and in many ways it was better than being with a woman. Why not take the final step?I needed to scoot Stormy toward the pillow a bit, bringing our organs within reach of each other. I knew she'd be tight, but I wasn't that much bigger than the two fingers she routinely accepted. I used some of my saliva to lubricate us both, then positioned the head of my dick at her entrance. I was well-familiarized with her anatomy by now, so I was ready for the angle of her vagina, different from a woman's. As I began to slip into her, I felt her powerful heat begin to envelope me. Her muscles were causing her to "wink", and each time she did, I slipped in a little further. Stormy groaned and whined at the same time as I entered her, humping hard against me a couple of times and then licking my face vigorously. Knowing she could handle my weight, I rolled on top of her, in a sort of "missionary" position. Her body accepted me more naturally than I ever expected, and within a few short minutes I had penetrated her completely, my balls coming to rest against her pussy-lips. My God, this was good! Her tightness and heat were like nothing I had ever experienced before. Her powerful muscles were squeezing me rhythmically, as if straining to milk me of the seed I longed to fill her with. In just a few short seconds, I did just that, spurting what seemed like gallons of semen into her furry body. I held onto her for dear life, my hips bucking against her as she spasmed around the cock pulsing deep inside her, unable to think of anything but how good this felt, better than any woman I had ever known. I dug my fingers deep into her pure white fur, both of us panting as we rode it out.Finally spent, I collapsed onto Stormy, whose contractions were also slowing down. "Good, girl, sweet, beautiful girl," I muttered over and over, as she licked my face to communicate her own satisfaction. I stroked her face lovingly, wondering why I had fought this for as long as I did. What an absolutely wonderful lover, so eager to please and be pleased! Rolling us back to the side, I gently pulled out of the delicious, virgin cunt Stormy had given to me. She sat up to lick herself clean, and I watched her in a satisfied daze, my dick softening in my contentment. Then she moved over to start the job on me, and the attention from her warm, wet tongue quickly brought my hard-on back, full-force. I began playing with her again, repositioning so that I could reach her sex easily as she lapped at me. Soon, we were both worked into readiness again, her labia winking in arousal, my cock throbbing with tension. She rolled willingly to her back as I climbed back onto her, slipping my already-wet cock (from her saliva, this time) back into her well-lubricated cunt and plunging deep into her again. God, she was hot, and so exquisitely tight! The bucking of her hips was spasmodic, strongest when I first entered but repeating now and then as I thrust in and out... evidence that she was enjoying this as much as I was! Once more, I dug my fingers into her fur as we made love furiously, both of us panting with exertion, but neither of us caring.We repeated this cycle several times -- I lost track of the actual number. Each time I pulled out, Stormy would clean up her labia, then go to work on me, bringing me so close to the edge that the only choice was to plunge back into her and do it again. The morning passed in a haze of arousal and pleasure, like being caught in some kind of perverse fucking-machine and not having the will to turn it off. At one point, I had the presence of mind to pull out the K-Y to help lubricate our sensitive parts, although I had to reapply it each time after she licked me clean. We tried it different ways, such as the infamous "doggy-style" (with me kneeling behind her), lying on our sides in "spoon" position while I stroked her belly and her nipples), and with her sitting in my lap (her weight drove me the deepest into her, that time). Over and over her muscular cunt squeezed me, pulled me deeper, milked me for every drop of semen in my body.Finally, I found the strength to stop long enough for both of us to pee, and then I decided it would be smart for us to get something to eat, too. It was almost noon, and I suddenly realized I was starving! So I got us both something for brunch, after which we just cuddled up on the sofa together, with Stormy's head resting in my lap. Sitting there in my bathrobe, I took stock of the situation. What had started out as a simple pet-and-owner relationship had obviously changed forever. I had bonded completely with my canine lover, now, and I don't think either of us would be happy going back to "just being friends". Stormy had seemed to enjoy our love-making as much as I did! No, this was the start of a new and wonderful relationship, and I never wanted it to end. As I scratched her head, she looked up at me with those big, beautiful eyes, as if to say she agreed with me.We returned to our bed for more lovemaking that afternoon, and again that evening. We tried doing it with Stormy on top of me, as another variation, and it turned out to be slow and delicious that way. With my hands guiding her hips, she started learning to thrust them in time with me, increasing both of our pleasure, if mine was any indication. By the time we finally called it quits to get some sleep, I was getting pretty red and sore, as I'm sure she was, so I used some Vitamin E lotion on each of us, to help us heal. We should probably have taken a few days off, but I knew her estrus wouldn't last too much longer, and I wanted us to have as much time together as possible, not knowing how receptive she'd be when not in heat. We dropped back to just one nightly session, trying not to overdo it. But each time we climbed into bed was like that first morning, coupling with each other over and over, my throbbing cock pumping deep into her hot canine cunt, pouring my seed into her until there was no more.About 6 days later, Stormy started to come out of heat. Her labia began to shrink in size, and she no longer looked as pink and receptive. I decided to try having sex (carefully), to see how it would go, and I was pleased to find out that she was still interested, if a bit less able. I had to use a lot more lubricant, and I couldn't go quite as deep, but she was still willing. We just had to settle for a gentler sort of lovemaking, when she wasn't in estrus. And she was always willing to take care of me with her tongue! It was during this time that I first took her in my mouth, returning the favor, and she seemed to love it. Many a night, we gently pleasured each other in true "69" position, our tongues bringing us to wonderful, slow peaks. When she finally came back into heat (I'd be damned if I'd get her spayed, now!), we rediscovered the fevered blur of our first lovemaking, energetically humping each other into the wee hours of the morning. And when it subsided, we'd return to the gentle lovemaking that still satisfied us both.That's how it began. I swore I'd never remarry, but I was wrong... Stormy came into my life and filled that void for me. She is 6, now, and no longer has the fiery energy of a puppy. But like a fine wine, our lovemaking has mellowed and improved with age. I know I'll have the heartache of seeing her age and die, but the joy of her companionship has been worth it. I hope Stormy lives a long, healthy life, though, because I don't know what I'll do without her.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 28