When I was a teenager I read a lot about sex. I was very curious about boys and wanted to know everything about them; the way they thought, about their bodies and what got them turned on.One thing I have learned growing up is that books don't really tell you all that much about "how" to do things. Life experience is what really counts, and that's what brings me to my story...The person who taught me the most about sex was a very close friend who lived in my apartment building. Her name was Donna. She and her husband Andy were real, true-life swingers before I met them.It wasn't long after they moved into my building before Donna sought me out as a kindred soul. Being highly sexed myself, I was aroused by the stories Donna told about their experiences in the big city.My first erotic adventure started out with just Donna and myself, but turned into something that changed the way I regarded sex all together. Until then I'd only had sex with three people, and they'd all been male.My first time was with a boy in high school. I was a junior and he was a senior, and at the time I thought he was a god. It's funny how innocent one can be.The second time I had sex was with a freshman, when I was a senior. He was beautiful and he easily seduced me. We were screwing within a week of meeting in South American Policy Club. He was from Chile and a real Latin lover type, but unfortunately he also brought that macho South American thing with him. We broke up when I began finding it hard to breathe with him always looking over my shoulder.The last lover I had was Alan, my current boyfriend. He's seven years older than me and a hunk of a guy, very much an outdoorsman, with muscles that are so smooth and hard I can't keep my hands off them. I just love to feel up his body and it's great fun wrestling around in bed with him.That brings me back to the reason for writing this story. Even though Alan and I had great sex all the time - and I define great sex as "rip-roaring forget everything except each other's bodies" - I had a problem; I wasn't very good at giving head. I didn't even realize it till I met Donna and Andy; I guess I thought men couldn't "get off" on oral sex because none of mine ever had.***Well, about two months after Donna and Andy moved into my apartment building I had my first real experience with "out of the ordinary" sex, when Donna seduced me. This may sound perverted and shocking to most people, but looking back I have no regrets. Donna was a beautiful woman - I'd say in her mid-30s, I was 20 years old then - and she was obviously much more knowledgeable than me about everything pertaining to sex.We were in my apartment, browsing the swinger sites on the Internet; we'd got used to doing this because Donna liked to check out her old haunts and I liked to watch, when one thing led to another, and she had her hands on my thighs. Then the next thing I knew we were on my bed with her face between my legs.To say I was surprised by this turn of events is putting it mildly. Though Donna sometimes had aroused me with her stories, I'd always directed my fantasies toward the men she'd had sex with. When she talked about her female partners I was always a little embarrassed. But my boyfriend had been away for almost a week by then and for some reason I hadn't masturbated during all that time, so when Donna started feeling me up I just went with it.That's not to say I wasn't of two minds about it, but at the same time I was so aroused there was no way I was going to stop her, I needed to see what she had in store for me. It was wonderfully sexy to have another woman seduce me like that. She was so urgent about her need for me and she gave me feelings that up until then I'd only gotten from my boyfriends.Donna knew all the right buttons to push and exactly how long to push them. She quickly drove me into a sexual frenzy like nothing I'd experienced before, not even with Alan.I think I almost blacked out during that first time, the sensations that Donna caused me to feel were so intense that my whole body jerked uncontrollably as wave after wave of pure ecstasy jolted through every nerve ending I possessed.Afterwards, as I lay in her arms, breathing heavily, recovering from the best orgasm of my life, that's when the subject came up. She was cradling me from behind, spooning me with her body and idly fingering one of my nipples, while we quietly talked about what we'd just done.Donna was describing the techniques that she'd used on me when the subject of blowjobs crept into the conversation. She asked if I liked giving Alan blowjobs, and if doing it made me horny.Normally I'd have been embarrassed to talk to another woman about oral sex with my boyfriend, but after what we'd just shared I felt comfortable talking to her about virtually anything.I said I liked the way Alan responded to my oral efforts; that I loved to see him writhing around under me; that I always felt so in control; and that we always had great sex afterwards. Then Donna asked me if I liked the taste of his cum.Without giving the question much thought, I replied that he'd never actually cum in my mouth. Donna seemed surprised and as we talked some more about it she made it plain that a good blowjob "always" ended with the man cumming. She went on to insist that if he didn't cum, then it wasn't a good blowjob.I was totally blown away by this. I believed Donna knew what she was talking about and I was suddenly worried about what Alan might really think of my oral talents.Then and there I confided my worry to Donna. I love my man and want to be the best I can be for him. Until then I had thought I was, but I'd obviously been deluding myself, at least about my oral sex capability.I sat up abruptly, pulling myself out of Donna's arms and asked her intensely if she would teach me how to give good head. I assured her I had the will to do it right, and that I'd be eternally grateful if she'd impart her knowledge to me on the subject.Donna smiled at me and reached out to fondle my breasts, bringing back the memory of our recent sex together. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the touch of her fingers as they moved over my breasts. Then when they moved down my stomach I lay back on the bed to accept whatever she had in mind for me.As Donna's hands roamed over me, slowly urging my body into arousal, she began describing how best to give oral sex to a man. I listened in an increasingly agitated state; I shivered in lustful delight every time she ran her hand between my legs to rub my most sensitive spot.Even though I was grooving on Donna's handjob, I sat up in shock when she proposed that I watch her give her husband, head!At first I was totally grossed out. Though I've always thought of myself as a potential voyeur, I'd never done anything like that, unless you count watching boys playing volleyball on the beach in their tiny swim suits, or sticking around after cheerleading practice to watch the guys exercise on the field, in their t-shirts and shorts. And doing a little fantasizing.But this was a totally different kettle of wax. I spluttered a bit, and then asked if she was really serious; did she really mean she wanted me to watch her and Andy doing it?Donna just smiled and then said, "Yes, I'd like that." She went on to say that she was sure Andy would enjoy it too.After several minutes she had me convinced that I needed to watch her do it if I really wanted to learn how to give Alan good head. But I was still nervous about it, especially when Donna said I shouldn't tell Alan. She said that it would be best if I first learned how to do it and then surprise him with my new talent.At last I agreed to do what she suggested, but was shocked when she immediately reached over to pick up the bedside phone to call Andy!He was coming over, right now! I jumped up and collected my discarded shorts and t-shirt. Donna watched as I hurriedly dressed, all the while talking quietly on the phone to Andy. Finally she hung up the phone and rolled onto her back, still smiling at me. God, she was beautiful.I like my body just fine, I'm happy with what I see in the mirror, but Donna... she was stunning. I'm what you might call a self-made woman. When I was small, I was a little overweight, but by the time I hit the summer after sixth grade I was tired of being pudgy. I started to run and to workout, I was determined that I was going to shape my body into something special, and when I started middle school that Fall I was a different person.I just loved that year; all the boys were falling over themselves to be nice to me. Suddenly I wasn't just some pudgy kid in class; I was sought after by both boys and girls, I was instantly popular. I started doing all kinds of extra-curricular stuff, joining clubs and even getting a coveted spot on the Panthers cheerleading squad! I was actually invited; I didn't even have to try out!***At 30-something, Donna had the maturity and luscious lines I still lacked. As she lay on my bed, naked to my gaze, I realized she was proud to show off her body to me. And she had a lot to be proud of; she had one of those Loni Anderson type bodies, the kind most women dream about, especially if we have to be seen at the beach in a skimpy bikini.She looked so well put together, even her pubic hair was shaved into a neat little triangle. I was suddenly embarrassed that she'd seen me naked, but I stopped worrying about that when Donna asked me to sit beside her. I didn't hesitate for a moment.We had a new kind of relationship now. She was sort of my mentor and I trusted her. At that moment, with my body still vividly glowing from the pleasure she'd given it, I was a little in love with her. (Yes, I know it sounds strange, but you don't know Donna.)I only resisted briefly when she reached out an arm and pulled my face down to hers. As she drew me close I had an impression of perfect tits jiggling when she flexed her arm, of wonderfully full lips slightly parted as she pulled me ever closer.I still remember the feeling of complete liberation when our lips met that first time. I love to kiss, but until then I'd reserved my passion only for guys. I'd kissed girls before, but only as friends or family, and had never had any sexual thoughts while doing it.This was different! These lips had just been at my pussy. These lips had just given me the most incredible orgasm of my life. I devoured them; I bit them; I sucked on them; I probed them with my tongue, pressing mine against hers, reveling in the heightened arousal that was flooding through my body.I lay there, on top of this naked beauty, taking the aggressive role as I caressed her perfect breasts, gently kneading them in my passion. My mind was numb, my rational self abandoned to the moment, to the sensations and the signals that I received from Donna in her passive acceptance of my caresses.Then, to my horror, I heard clapping come from behind us. My face burning bright red, I jerked away from Donna and looked up. I was unable to breathe for a moment as I looked into Andy's deep brown eyes.Andy looks like Sam Neil's twin brother (You know; that actor from New Zealand). I'd always found him attractive and though he was almost 40 I still wondered secretly what he'd be like in bed. At that moment however, I was totally humiliated, my arousal instantly gone; the wetness at my groin that moments before had been a fire flowing from me, had cooled; leaving a feeling of guilt, not lust.Donna moaned in disappointment when I pulled my lips away from hers. She complained that Andy had interrupted our fun and that all men were such stumblebums. Then she grumpily sat up to accept her husband's greeting.Andy good-naturedly accepted the verbal abuse from his wife, admitting that he should have kept quiet. He pointed out though, that Donna had called him over, not the other way around.All this time Andy was looking at me, his eyes locked onto my lips, which only a moment before had been glued to his wife's. God, how embarrassing!Suddenly embarrassment about kissing Donna was replaced by shock when Andy pulled his polo shirt off over his head and began to unbuckle his belt. I wanted to run out of the room and involuntarily screeched, "Hey wait a minute!" I stood up ready in my confusion to abandon my own apartment.Andy stopped. His hands were about to push his pants down over his hips. He looked questioningly at me. Then Donna reminded me why Andy had come over and that it would be difficult - if not impossible - for her to perform oral sex on him with his pants on.I wasn't sure now that I wanted to watch this, but Andy seemed to think Donna had resolved everything with her intervention and pushed his pants and underwear down in one quick movement.Andy's was the fourth penis I'd ever seen... well, the fourth one I'd seen hard anyway.Despite myself, I was fascinated. It was different from the three I'd seen before; they had looked pretty much alike. Andy's however, was a good inch longer, and the mushroom head seemed more pointed and sleeker looking, it looked like a predatory heat seeking missile.My face must have turned red again when I realized that Andy had noticed that I was staring intently at his male equipment. He smiled at me and then held his arms out from his sides and turned around slowly for my benefit and I remember thinking he had an awfully nice body. I also remember thinking guiltily that I hoped Alan would look as good when he hit 40.But the time for reflection was over. Donna reminded her husband why he was there and Andy's smile grew wider as he sat next to his naked wife on my bed and hugged her close. He said he was looking forward to this more than usual; that having a "pretty lass" for an audience made it that much better.I blushed when he added that his wife was the best cocksucker a man could wish for. I quickly looked at Donna for some reaction to such a rude remark, but all she did was lick her lips, a look of anticipation in her beautiful eyes.I held my breath and sat mesmerized, as Donna knelt between her husband's open legs. Her movements fascinated me; she was cupping his balls in one hand and rolling them between her fingers as she started to lick his stiff penis, lapping at it like a bitch in heat. (I'm sorry, but that's what it reminded me of.)I was super-nervous at this point. Here I was, watching something usually done only in the privacy of one's own bedroom. I'm no prude, believe me, and I've had all the usual fantasies, but actually to be there and to watch a husband and wife "doing it" in front of me was really strange! Moreover, when I saw Donna start to bob her head over Andy's proud boner, I was amazed to see that she bottomed out, right down to the root, on the very first thrust! Andy must have been somewhere between seven to eight inches in length, and I guessed he'd have just about killed me if I'd done that to him.To my increasing amazement Donna started moving on and off his now-slick erection as she actually fucked him in and out of her throat. I couldn't believe what I was seeing; I hadn't realized people could actually do it that way.After a little while Donna pulled herself off her husband's stiff cock and sat back on her heels. She looked up at me with this really sluttish grin on her lovely face that made me giggle. She giggled in response and licked her lips to show me how much she was enjoying herself.I couldn't contain myself any longer and asked eagerly how she managed to do that deep-throat thing. Normally a naked man sitting there would have intimidated me, but somehow at that moment I felt that Andy was more of a prop than a guy. Maybe it was because Donna was talking about technical aspects of deep-throating and Andy was just there to let his wife make her points by touching him here and there.Donna explained that the woman's throat has to be aligned with the man's cock, and that the best way for a beginner is to lie on a bed with your head hanging over the edge as the man steps up and slides it in. She cautioned me that one had to really trust the guy, because he could push in too deep and too quickly, choking a novice. I made lots of mental notes.Donna went on to explain that the other "approved" technique was the way she was doing it, with the man seated and the woman on her knees. She said that it required the guy's weenie to bend a little, but the woman could control the action better.Then the bombshell! Would I like to try it? I was offended at first. What was Donna asking? Sure, this whole thing was exciting and yes, I guess I'd already cheated on my man with her - if being with another woman could be called cheating on a man. But to suck on her husband's dick was out of the question. That really would be cheating!But all I said was that I just wanted to watch, not actually do it and that I'd try it later with Alan.Donna laughed, saying I was acting like a child; that we were adults and wouldn't I like to surprise Alan with a really great blowjob when he got home? She went on to say that if I had the talent, I might learn to deep-throat in one lesson; that it needed technique, especially the ability to control one's gag reflex, and if I could do that I'd really surprise Alan.I was still protesting when Donna lithely uncoiled herself from the floor at her husband's feet and stood before me. She gripped my shoulders and pulled me into a deep kiss. With her luscious lips against mine my knees went weak and my desire for her began to re-kindle. I realized I really did want to experience Andy's penis and that only convention stood in my way.After a thrilling moment, the deepest, most passionate kiss I have ever experienced with man or woman, Donna took her lovely lips away and whispered in my ear: "You've spent a full minute kissing lips that just now were wrapped around Andy's cock. How do you feel about that?" A crafty smile widened her wonderful lips as she looked into my eyes. In that moment we were like sisters, smiling impishly at each other.Donna gently pressed down on my shoulders, indicating that I should kneel. I followed my instincts and obeyed, kneeling down in front of her. I was looking straight at her little triangle of neatly trimmed pussy fur and for some reason I can't explain even today, I started to lap at it. I still remember the feel of her short-trimmed pubic hair and then smooth soft flesh as I began to tongue her slit from bottom to top, over and over again.She tasted like strawberries. I suddenly recalled how she'd played with my clit in that special way with her tongue. I decided to see if I could do the same to her and in front of Andy. I must have been out of my mind, but the idea of doing this in front of someone else thrilled me beyond belief.I buried my face in Donna's crotch and was rewarded with a gasp of surprise, followed by a sigh of pleasure. I began swirling the tip of my tongue around her nub, faster and faster while clasping her firmly by her butt cheeks.Soon I was satisfied that she wasn't going to pull away; in fact, she was grinding her pussy against my face as I probed her with my tongue. The feeling of her slick hot flesh against my mouth was so sexy. I knew exactly how she felt as I held her trembling body close. When she started to groan and her body went rigid with each swoop of my tongue, I knew she was ready to cum.Somehow deep down inside I wanted to vanquish Donna, make her mine. Maybe it was because she had put me in this situation which was now beyond my control, or maybe I just wanted to prove that the student could do as well as the teacher. Whatever the reason, I pushed my mouth hard against her clit and sucked it between my lips with an iron will, all the while swirling my tongue around and around the sensitive flesh of her love nub. After no more than 10 seconds of this Donna's legs started trembling and almost in slow motion she crumpled onto the edge of the bed beside her husband.I didn't let go; in one breath she was begging me to stop, in the next commanding me to do it harder. Donna was crying by the time I finished with her. She lay, sobbing, on the floor against the bed.I crawled up next to her and hugged her hard, asking if I'd done it right. Of course I knew I had, but I wanted her to tell me anyway.Choking a bit on her words, Donna replied, "Yes, god yes!" And she rolled over onto her side, with her back to me. As she curled her beautiful body into a sort of fetal position, pulling her legs up and hugging herself protectively, I could see reddened pussy lips poking through from behind. I must admit I was tempted to have another go! She'd tasted like strawberries the whole time and I love strawberries! I made another mental note to ask about that, but a hand gently touching my arm interrupting my train of thought. I looked up to see Andy's intense brown eyes looking penetratingly into mine.By now I was beyond caring about convention, so I stood up and pulled my t-shirt off over my head, defiantly shaking my long blonde hair back into place. Then, all the while staring into Andy's eyes, I slipped my shorts down and stepped out of them.I made a third mental note, to trim my pubic hair like Donna's. I wanted to look like her and it was just so sexy. Andy, however, didn't seem to mind that I wasn't trimmed; his eyes were bugging out as he ogled my naked body.I stood there proudly showing myself off to him. Even Donna was watching me now. I made a couple of turns to display my body to them both. (It made me feel faint to act so perverted, but I wasn't going to stop short now.)Then dropped to my knees before Andy and stared at his huge stiff penis, now only inches from my face. It looked so hot, so masculine, that I had to feel it. I reached out and touched it eliciting a moan of pleasure from Andy.As I touched his erect member I could see and feel that he'd been extremely aroused, his head and the underside of his shaft was covered in a copious coating of pre-cum. As I smeared the slick fluid around on his firm flesh shaft I realized that he was really turned-on and probably wouldn't last very long. That brought me up short for a moment. If he was this horny he'd probably cum in my mouth. How did I feel about that? I'd never really tasted a man's cum before, and shouldn't it be my boyfriend's the first time? But when Donna knelt behind me and began fingering my pussy, I knew I didn't want to stop; I wanted to have this experience more than just about anything.I tentatively kissed the head of Andy's juicy looking cock, and then I took the big, clear drips that were running down his mighty shaft and again smoothed the fluid all over it with my fingers, loving the feel of his slick skin.Andy seemed to be enjoying himself too, because he was moaning so I slowly began to jack him off. But the moment of truth was approaching, I knew this from Andy's reactions that I couldn't wait much longer, so I closed my eyes and lining my mouth up with his stupendous dick, I took it into my mouth.I felt the smooth skin of the shaft against my lips, a wonderful sensation, then I began to swirl my tongue around and under the head of his cock, as Donna had instructed. Taking a deep breath, I sank down on it till I felt the soft flesh of his cock-head at the back of my throat.Donna was right beside me; whispering in my ear: "Relax your throat hon. Swallow, pretend you're swallowing and the gag reflex will calm down soon."She was right. I pushed even further down on Andy's cock and was amazed to feel his pubic hairs tickling my nose. Donna was all the while rubbing my clit, reaching down between my legs from behind and it was driving me wild. I could feel her breasts rubbing against my back as she leaned over me to watch me take her husband's cock.I pushed down even harder, burying him all the way into my throat and I swallowed, and kept swallowing.Donna's soft voice was constantly in my ear. "Breathe through your nose as you come off him and then when you go back down on him keep the swallowing action going."I did as she instructed, but eventually needed more air than I could get from just breathing through my nose. As I pulled back off Andy's cock I could feel the head popped out of my throat. It felt as if it had been sealing my air passage for a lifetime.I now took Andy's wonderful manhood right out of my mouth and when it came into the open air of the bedroom he moaned with disappointment, like a baby boy momentarily deprived of his mother's tit.I instantly felt guilty and taking his stiff penis in my hand again, sank my lips back down over him. This time I could feel the texture of his smooth flesh as it slid easily all the way back into my throat.At the moment that he slid home again I experienced my own orgasm. Donna had pushed several fingers at once into me and was diddling my clit with her thumb. The feel of Andy's penis lodged in my throat, combined with Donna's expert manipulation, pushed me over the precipice.As my body convulsed, I guess my swallowing action must have increased and this caused Andy to release his load. This might have killed me on the spot but for Donna's quick thinking. She must have realized from Andy's expression that he was going to cum and as he groaned Donna pulled me off his throbbing dick.At the very moment the head of his cock cleared the opening of my throat, Andy's first spurt of cum shot into my mouth. If Donna hadn't pulled me away in time, I might have breathed it into my windpipe. I was so crazed by my own orgasm and the whole experience that I wasn't controlling my breathing.I watched as Andy continued to spurt cum into the air. Everything seemed to slow down as his hot pungent cum splattered onto my upturned face. When the first glob hit my nose I jerked back in surprise, but by the time the last string of molten love juice hit my breast Donna and I were sharing what had first filled my mouth, in another, even more passionate, kiss.***As it turned out, I'd learned how to deep-throat a man, tasted my first cum and had sex with a gorgeous woman, all in one afternoon. Quite a day, don't you think?***Acknowledgments: All my thanks... To Carmen for the inspiration, to Stephen for his encouragement and proofing and to Ian for teaching me something that I didn't know before.(c) June 1999 - ed. 08/14/05 - Kristen Kathleen Becker Author contact address: MY STORY PAGE /~Kristen/stories
This is but one chapter in the continuing story of several fascinating women, unknown to each other and unrelated in every way except that each leads a secret life unbeknownst to her husband and family. Each of these women is a very happy and devoted wife whose family and acquaintances would be shocked indeed if they knew of her dark obsessions and passions.The story is sometimes shocking but it is always compelling. It describes in exquisite detail the actual clandestine decadent activities of these women and the inexorable way that their paths slowly merge and ultimately come together in the culmination of their secret delights and fantasies, leading to the fateful harrowingly violent erotic events augured by their darkest innermost compulsions.The story also tells of the mysterious and deadly beautiful Candyce who enters each of their lives and is the depraved catalyst that inflames their sexual passions further, bringing them together psychologically and physically fuses their individual and dissimilar desires and perversions into climactic orgasmic explosions that none of them had ever dreamed was possible, although each had privately had always yearned for.This chapter concerns Cynthia, a beautiful 36-year old blonde woman who has recently remarried. She is incredibly attractive and looks like a professional model. Ever since the failure of her first marriage, Cynthia has had great difficulty maintaining relationships. She has no trouble at all meeting men because she is so attractive but no relationship seems to last. She tried to enjoy sexual relationships with a string of boy friends but nothing seemed to work out for her. But now, Cynthia has found the formula that works best and brings her the sexual satisfaction that has so long been denied her. The man she married a few months ago is a pleasant enough chap and quite nice looking, but she is not in love with him. She considers him to be just a good friend. He, on the other hand, worships the ground she walks on and will do anything for her. Unfortunately for him, Cynthia does not allow her husband to have sexual intercourse with her. Instead, she has sexual relations with an ever-expanding number of men while forcing her husband to watch. Cynthia obtains intense erotic satisfaction having sexual intercourse with other men while her husband watches and masturbates. Occasionally she will let him lick her very sexy feet while she sucks the cock of a handsome stranger but that is all.Cynthia and her husband, Michael, arrived at a palatial estate outside the city where they had been invited to attend the latest in a string of orgies in which Cynthia actively participates. She was particularly excited because this night they would finally get to meet Candyce, the fantastically erotic married woman they had heard do much about.Upon entering, Cynthia immediately grew moist as she observed the many handsome naked men with beautiful erections. She was also pleased to see many erotically appealing women of all ages in various stages of undress. She knew that tonight she wanted her husband to watch her perform nasty sexual acts with a woman as well as with several men. She just did not know who yet.Cynthia recognized several of the participants from previous encounters but certainly not all. In one of the many rooms she thought she recognized Gladys and Debbie, a mother and daughter duo that engaged in incredibly lewd and lurid sex acts with each other and with absolutely anyone who wanted to join in. Cynthia suggested to her husband that he go to bar for a drink while she looked for interesting men and women to join in a preliminary group fuck. Obediently he did so and off he went to the lavish bar in its own separate room.Two hours went by and Cynthia still had not encountered Candyce. She was now completely naked, having been fucked by five different men in her cunt and ass-hole, as well as having been wonderfully eaten out by a pretty teenaged girl. Now she was with two men who were simultaneous fucking her in her cunt and ass-hole when she heard a commotion from the other side of the very large room. She craned her neck to see what was happening even as one of the men started to cum and shoot his sperm deep into her ass-hole.Through the dim light of the room, Cynthia thought she could see her husband entering the room from the bar accompanied by Candyce herself. He was nude and obediently allowed himself to be led to a large bed set on a dais about two feet higher than the floor. As Cynthia continued to be dually fucked in the far corner of the room, her husband lay on the bed on his back. Now mesmerized, she watched as Candyce slowly removed her robe to reveal her absolutely incredible naked body. Michael looked at the beautiful and mysterious Candyce as she walked toward him. He wondered where his wife was but knew she had to be somewhere in the large room watching while she herself was probably being fucked by one or more men. Candyce's beautiful skin was darkened from the sun and she had a body that would entice any man. She was tall and voluptuous, with wonderful long legs and magnificent breasts. Her cunt lips were inflamed with desire and spread wide open, revealing to him her glorious wet pink folds of unimaginable pleasure. She looked at the married man's naked body and trembled with anticipated ecstasy. She smiled at the thought of how his tongue would feel against her pussy when she positioned herself over his face. The evil, salacious married woman was ready for this depraved encounter and she knew that it would be good as always.The naked Debbie and her equally naked mother, Gladys, stood nearby, ready and eager to fulfill their roles in this wicked tableau, anxious to feel Michael's already swelling cock in their mouths. They remembered meeting Michael at a previous lavish sex party where they had both fucked his wife with the double-ended dildo, which they shared. And although they had both also fucked Michael, neither one could remember that they had.They watched as Candyce's long hair brushed the tips of her own breasts, revealing the firm erect nipples and the fullness of them. "Look at me" she commanded Cynthia's husband. Totally nude, her hands slowly caressed her body, teasing him as she stroked each spot of her nakedness. Her body swayed with each caress... tantalizing him... making him squirm...making his body react to her motions... sending him close to delirium.Candyce's actions were having the desired effects on Michael. She smiled as she watched his cock continue to grow. His hardness calling to her...making her want him...making her quiver with anticipation...feeling the excitement build.... feeling the dampness seep from her womanhood. She moaned softly, letting her lascivious passions come forth. She moved closer to him and smiled as she looked down upon him. She took her hands and gently began to stroke his body. God, she was driving him wild.... Her touch was like a flame. Searing him. Making him hot with desire. He looked quickly about the room and saw the others watching but could not find Cynthia. Where was his wife and what was she doing? From somewhere deep within, he felt a fear that he had never known before. He had become Candyce's to control.... His body was betraying him as he responded willingly to this entrancing woman's sensuous touch.Candyce's hands followed the contours of his body. He felt her hands reach his erect cock. Her eyes sparkled as she touched his stiffness. A soft sensuous moan came from deep within her. Her hands softly caressed him, fondling his cum-laden balls. She turned to Debbie and her mother and nodded to them, letting them know that she was ready for them to join in.Michael saw them now for the first time and remembered that his wife had allowed him to fuck them both. He had fucked the mother and daughter and he remembered how excited he had been.Debbie and Gladys kneeled on either side of Michael's legs, their delightful naked asses exposed for all to see. Their lovely breasts brushed softly against his legs as their mouths found his cock. Their tongues stroked the crown of his hardness, circling around the ridge and up and down each side of the shaft. Together, mother and daughter drove him almost to the brink of no return. He felt the wetness and the heat of their mouths against him. The mother and daughter alternated their mouths, sucking hard on the down stroke and releasing their grasp on the upstroke. Their cheeks hollowed as they continued the onslaught of his captive manhood. Their hands kneaded his balls. Their scent, that delicious sweetness, made him want to fuck them both again as his wife had allowed him to fuck them the previous week. And he watched the beautiful naked Candyce come even closer to him.Candyce moaned passionately as she climbed on top of his chest. Her naked body writhed on his naked body, making them both hot with desire. She straddled him and offered her breasts to his hungry mouth. Her erect nipples in his face begged to be sucked and nibbled on. His lips sucked and nibbled on her erect she gave each one to him... feeding him...." That's right, ...don't stop... Nurse them like a newborn child that would suckle on his mother... Ohhhhhh yessss," she said. His lips gave her sensations of both pleasure and pain as he sucked and gently bit them... Candyce couldn't stand it any longer, she wanted to feel his tongue deep within her pussy... flicking at her womanhood... giving her the immense pleasure that she so needed. She removed her breast from his hungry mouth... "Now, I want to feel your tongue deep within me," she told Cynthia's husband. She move up and placed her exquisite thighs around his neck and positioned herself directly over his face. God, her scent, it was wonderful. It sent waves of delicious pleasure throughout his entire body. It drew him to her like a magnet drawn to metal. His tongue needed to taste the beautiful married woman's marvelous cunt. Candyce slowly, teasingly, loving every moment of this torture that she was giving to him, lowered herself down upon his mouth and moaned softly. "Taste me," she told him. "Lick my cunt."He obliged. Hungrily. Flicking and sucking...tasting her hot sweet nectar. Making her moan with carnal pleasure. Making her body quiver from the sensations that his tongue was sending to her very soul.Cynthia's husbands tongue was probing deep within the beautiful married woman's cunt. Licking her, as she moved up and down against his mouth. His muted moans barely audible over her's. Her delightful sweet juices covering his entire face. His cock growing ever harder from the sucking and licking of the lovely mother and daughter. Their lips seeking the wonderful hardness...Taking him higher and higher as together they sucked his beautiful cock. Debbie and Gladys could feel him getting ready to shoot his beautiful white cream into their mouths and down their throats. Candyce's hips were gyrating and moving faster and faster against his tongue. He could feel the sensations of rapture building from within both of them. They had become one. Each of them feeding upon the other's desires. Each thrust sending them farther and farther into ecstasy. Wanting to consume each other's entire being.Candyce's body began to spasm. Her body now reacting to his tongue and mouth. Feeling the heat. Feeling the release. Debbie and her mother's mouths sliding up and down his cock matching each stroke of his tongue embedded deep in Candyce's cunt. One last thrust, one last stroke. Reaching out to grab the highest plateau. Coming, coming... together... their hands reaching across to each other and spreading each other's ass cheeks to completely expose their ass-holes and gaping cunts to the others in the room."Oh my lord..." He repeated those words over and over again. "It's like I've died and gone to heaven." "No," Candyce replied. "It's more like you've died and we've gone to heaven."Her body trembled from the intense orgasm that was now beginning and she tightened the pressure of her lovely thighs around his neck, reducing the airflow to his lungs. He thrust his tongue out yet further as he gasped for breath, bringing her to even greater heights of salacious orgasm. The lack of oxygen increased the hardness and length of his great cock much to the continuing pleasure of Debbie and her mother who continued to ravishingly suck him off.Candyce increased the pressure of her thighs, cutting off the air supply to his lungs completely. As his eyes started to bulge, she smiled at him and fondled her breasts, feeling her nipples growing correspondingly erect. He gasped and moaned deeply and arched his body to the warmth that was encircling his cock. In and out, in and out... stroking, stroking... their tongues and lips sending waves of sheer excitement throughout him even as his last breath began to leave him. Just before he died, he heard his wife Cynthia scream - whether in terror or her own salacious pleasure, he never would know. He started to cum as his tongue became rigid, deeply embedded in Candyce's steaming cunt and she fucked his tongue with her cunt ramming up and down on it as her orgasm raged over her. And as he died, he shot torrents of hot white cum into the mouths of Debbie and her mother. Their lips hungrily slurped up all of his juices, milking each and every drop from within him, swallowing every bit of his sweet hot cum.Candyce dismounted from her dead lover and smiled at Debbie and her mother who were still greedily sucking the huge stiff cock that was pouring out vast gobs of steaming cum. In their crazed sexual fervor, they were now fingering each others sopping wet cunts and ass-holes and tonguing each other's mouths, swapping back and forth the delicious cum mixed with their own saliva. Still not ready to release Cynthia's husband's cock, more magnificent in death than ever before, they both knew that they would have to experience this again and again. And they knew that the beautiful and mysterious Candyce would make it possible. And they also knew that there was nothing that they would not do to help make it happen again.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 24
At breakfast his mother said, "Dennis, I think it's time to get your hair cut." "Mom, I got my hair cut last week." "It couldn't have been last week, honey. It's already over your ears." "No way, Mom. I just got it cut." "No arguing at the breakfast table," his father said from behind a paper. Dennis stomped out. In Geometry his voice cracked in the middle of an answer which broke up the whole class including the teacher. Dennis blushed but he recovered quickly. Nothing happened the next day but on Wednesday as he stepped out of the shower in the locker room, his chest felt sore. And seemed swollen. He could actually feel loose flesh around his nipples. He put it out of his mind but the next morning, alone in the bathroom, he examined himself in the mirror. Not only was his chest swollen but the nipples were larger. They looked like small pegs. The circles around them had turned a deep, reddish brown and were enlarged as well. "I have cancer," he thought as beads of sweat broke out on his brow. He became so obsessed that he didn't even notice that it had been four days since he'd last shaved. He buried his fears, dressed and rushed down to the breakfast table. "Dennis, didn't I tell you to get your hair cut on Monday," his mother said irritated. "I told you, mom. I went to the mall last Friday." "Come with me right now." She led him into the bathroom and said, "It couldn't have been last week, honey. Look, it's way past your collar." A lump grew in his throat but he managed to squeak out, "Okay. Okay." He cut gym that day and went to the library. Pouring over a fat medical textbook he could find nothing that would account for the swelling in his chest. "This has got to be some kind of weird mumps," he thought. After school he met his swim team buddy Jim in the hall. "Aren't you going to practice?" he asked. Dennis turned red. "No, I can't today." "Why not?" "I have to get a haircut." "That's a lame excuse. Coach'll be pissed. You okay? You don't look so hot." "I'm fine," Dennis said, walking toward his locker. "Gained some weight in your butt, dude," Jim called after him. Dennis instinctively put his hands on his buttocks and Jim's laughter echoed down the hall. Jim was right, Dennis thought, "Everything about my body is changing." He walked home, so engrossed in contemplation that when his girlfriend Debby called out to him, he just kept on walking. "Hey, didn't you hear me?" "What, oh, Hi." "Is something wrong Dennis?" "No, nothing's wrong," he said, his voice cracking. "You've been doing that a lot lately. I thought your voice already changed." "Look nothing's wrong, okay." Just as he reached the last syllable it cracked again and Debby suppressed her laughter because the look in his eye was murderous. "Look I've got to get a haircut now. I'll see you tomorrow," he said trying hard not to let his voice crack again. "Sure. Call me. Bye." He ran off toward the mall. When he finally got home, he raced to the bathroom and stripped off his shirt. His hands felt his chest. The soft flesh hung out into space about an inch. The nipples were larger and the aureoles were now three inches across and reddish brown. He could never go back to the swim team now. Not like this. He stood for a moment wondering if he should tell his parents when he noticed his hair. He'd just gotten it cut and it was over his ears again. "It some gland thing," he thought. "I've got tropical gland disease." Then he noticed his beard or rather he noticed his beard hadn't grown in a week. In fact, his cheeks were devoid of even the peach fuzz stubble that grew between shaves. Instead they were smooth and pink. He ran to his room. At dinner he wore a bulky sweater to hide his swelling chest. No one seemed to notice and afterwards he went to his room and shut the door. Around nine his mom knocked to say goodnight. He sat at his desk pretending to study. "Everything all right, honey." "Yeah, sure. Why?" "No reason. Hey, will you promise me to get your hair cut tomorrow?" she said as she closed the door. The next day at school his voice cracked so many times that he stopped talking altogether. On the way home, Debby knew something was wrong. "What the matter with you lately, Dennis? You're so sulky and weird." "Nothing's the matter, okay? I've just been studying really hard." His voice cracked midway through the sentence and stayed in the upper register. "Is your voice getting higher? I thought it was supposed get lower." "Debby, can I tell you something?" "Sure, Dennis. What is it?" He blurted out all the strange changes that were taking place in his body. "I want to see," she said. They ran to her house and Debby pulled him up the stairs. When they were alone in her room she said, "Well, take your shirt off." "Promise you won't laugh," he said. "I won't. Just take your shirt off and show me." Dennis unbuttoned his shirt slowly and then peeled off his T-shirt. He couldn't look at her. She said nothing but her silence spoke volumes. "What's wrong with me, Debby?" Her eyes were traveling down from Dennis's chest to his waist. "Dennis, take off your pants too." "Why?" "Just do it, okay." He kicked his tennis shoes off and dropped his jeans. Debby gasped. "Oh, my God." "What? What is it?" he yelled. "Your, uh, your butt." "What about it?" "It's bigger too," she said haltingly. "Look!" she said, opening the door to her closet and pointing at the full length mirror. Dennis looked over his shoulder into the mirror and for the first time all the puzzle pieces in place fell into place. His jockey shorts were stretched tightly over his bottom and he knew instantly why none of his pants seemed to fit anymore. His waist had narrowed as well. "You look kind of... like a..." "Like a what," his voice cracked. "Like a girl." "What do you mean?" "I mean, your body looks... well, rounder and softer. What about down there?" she said, pointing to Dennis's groin. "It's the same. If anything it's bigger," Dennis said softly. "That's interesting," Debby said with a sly grin but he was too distraught to respond. "What's happening to me, Debby?" he said as he pulled his clothes on. "I don't know but it's really weird," she said, noticing for the first time how tight his jeans were. * * *The next few days Dennis developed strategies for hiding the changes in his body. He combed his hair straight back with gel and he wore sweaters and his largest jeans. He put two pairs of socks on so his daintier feet fit into his shoes and he stopped talking except for tightly controlled monosyllabic responses. He tried to keep his emotions in check but whenever he was alone he wept uncontrollably. At night he'd go into the bathroom and take off all his clothes, examining his body for any retreat of the symptoms. There were none. His hair now fell just past his shoulders. Tying it back in a ponytail helped but it wasn't just longer, it was thicker. It didn't look like a boy's ponytail at all. His face was changing too. His beard had stopped growing but now his features seemed to have grown softer. The jaw line seemed redrawn and his lips were fuller. Even his lashes seemed darker, longer. He noted each alteration with increasing fear. His penis, on the other hand, was the only part of his masculinity that wasn't in retreat. Instead it seemed to be a mocking holdout against the onslaught of feminine changes, competing with his breasts for rapid growth. Every morning he prepared himself for school with an increasingly sophisticated set of rituals designed to hide his form, his figure, his face but he knew his efforts were meeting with less and less success. One day a substitute teacher in his English class was going down the roster of names on a seating chart and matching them with the students. "Denise Johnson," he said looking at Dennis. No one even giggled and Dennis sat in silent mortification. He had avoided Debby for a few days now but on the way home she caught up to him. "Hi, Dennis." "Hi," he said, his voice a breathy whisper. "How've you been?" "Okay, I guess." He was fighting back tears. "I like your hair like that." He was silent. "Dennis?" "Yeah." "Maybe it's time you told you're parents." "Tell them what," he lashed out. "That I'm turning into a girl?" "No!" she said, "Tell them that... tell them that there's something wrong with your glands or something. I don't know." "It's getting worse. I can't button my pants all the way. I cut my hair every night and in the morning it's longer and thicker than ever. This morning I had to tape my... breasts so that they wouldn't show. I had to quit the swim team..." he broke off. Debby reached out to hold him but he pulled away. He didn't want anybody touching him. He didn't want her to feel how soft he'd become. That night when he mother came in to say goodnight he looked up from his textbook, his eyes glistening. "Are you crying, Dennis? What's wrong, honey?" "Mom, I'm... uh. Mom?" "What is it, baby?" "Something weird is happening to my body." He broke down and blurted out the whole incredible story. She asked him to take his shirt off. He did and a look of panic crossed her face. "Baby, oh, honey, everything's going to be alright. In the morning, I'll take you Dr. Felder and we'll figure out what's happening. Okay?" "Don't tell Dad." "Why not?" "I don't know. Just don't tell him. Okay? "Alright, honey. For now. Till we see what Dr. Felder has to say." * * *The next day Dennis and his mother waited silently in the Dr. Felder's office. Finally, a nurse emerged and beckoned to Dennis. Seeing the fear in his eyes said, "Your first exam is always the hardest," she said reassuringly. She led him back to another waiting room. "If you'll just take your clothes off, Denise, and jump up here, the doctor will be in shortly." Dennis looked at his feet. "Could you ask my mother to come in too?" he said. The nurse hesitated, sensed his fear and said, "Of course." He undressed, covering his privates with his t-shirt and eased himself up on the examination table. He tried not to notice his bust but it was impossible. They were so large, he thought. Why did they have to be so large? The doctor and his mother came in. "Now, young lady, what's the problem?" "The problem, Dr. Felder, is that this is my son," his mother said. An hour later Dennis and his mother drove home in silence. Finally she spoke. "I've got to tell your father." "Why?" "Because he's got to know." "But why, mom?" "Because he's going to find out." "No, he won't. I'll hide it. I've hidden it so far." "You're not going to hide it because you can't hide anymore, Dennis." "What do you mean?" "I mean, that for the short term, till we figure out what's going on, I want you to start." "No," he cut her off. "I won't do that! I'll never do that!" he screamed in his unfamiliar soprano. "Dennis, look at yourself. Your clothes don't fit. You can't hide your... chest. You're... you're a 36 C cup," she said as the tears began to fall down her cheeks as well. "And you don't look." "Like a boy?" "Yes, you don't. Not right now. As soon as we figure this thing out we'll go back. You'll go back. I promise." "No, mom. I can't do that. Everybody will know." "Honey, I know it's hard but you won't have to go right back to school. We'll take some time. Time to adjust. Time to figure it all out." "But Mom, someday I'll have to go back and when I do everybody will stare at me. They'll laugh at me." "Honey, they're already staring." When they car drove up the drive, Dennis jumped out and ran up to his room and locked the door. When his father got home he could hear the fighting. Harsh words of disbelief and then the pounding of feet coming up the stairs. "Dennis, I want to talk to you." Dennis took off his shirt and laid it on the bed. "Dennis, open the door please. He pulled his pants down past his thighs and stepped out of them. "Right now, Dennis." He took the rubber band off his hair and shook his head. Then he unlocked the door. "My God!" "Dad, what's happening to me?" he cried. His mother appeared in the doorway behind his father. She ran to him. "Oh, my poor baby," she said, cradling him in her arms. Fifteen minutes later, after the tears had come and gone and come again his father said, "Your mother has a plan. She thinks you should." "No!" "Dennis, it's best this way. For now. For this period. As soon as its over, we'll go back to the way things were." "Dad, don't let me do that!" "Dennis," his father's voice broke now too, "you've got to try it and that's it." "Let's go to bed now and see if you don't feel differently in the morning." They left him alone and after three hours of staring at the ceiling he finally drifted into troubled sleep. For three days Dennis stayed in his room. His mother brought him his meals in silence and he stayed in bed and thought and slept. At times he would drift into strange dreams and wake up coiled in his auburn hair. His body ached from the changes and he slept a lot. He used the bathroom only when no one was around. An scratchy old bathrobe was the only thing he wore. He avoided his image in mirrors. Changes continued to transform his body. If he didn't tie it back with a rubber band, his hair fell forward and surrounded his face like leaves from a flourishing vine. He stopped sleeping on his stomach because it hurt his chest and his back ached from the new top heaviness. At times he would lie in bed and run his hands up and down the sides of his body, feeling its contours, the softness, the fresh hills and valleys that had grown during the night. He avoided touching his chest because that was too painful, both to the touch and to his bewildered psyche. When his robe irritated his nipples he put on a t-shirt but found that the jiggling of his breasts beneath the taut fabric only directed his attention to his enlarged bust. Jockey shorts were out for similar reasons. Pants were out of the question. He went back to wearing the robe. At times his father or mother would drop by and try to talk to him but he remained steadfast in his silence and after a while they went away. It was enough that he ate. Debby came by one day. He refused to talk to her as well so she left his homework assignments outside the door and said she come back the next day to pick up his homework. Dennis didn't touch it and the next day she tried to talk to him again. "Dennis, it's me." Dennis leaned against the door. His heart was pounding. "Dennis, let me in. I just want to talk." "Please go away," he said softly. It was the first words he'd spoken in 72 hours. His voice had crept up another octave and he bit his lip in shame. "Dennis, you can't stay in there forever. Let me in. Please." "Come back tomorrow. Okay?" Dennis said. "Promise?" "Promise." "Okay. See you tomorrow. Bye." He listened to her footfalls down the stairs and then walked to the edge of window and watched her leave the yard. When she reached the gate she turned and looked up. He darted back into the shadows. The next day she came back. "Dennis, can I come in?" "The door's not locked." Debby opened the door slowly. Dennis had his back turned to her and was looking out the window. He wore the bathrobe tightly wrapped around his body. His hair was pulled back in a ponytail that fell to the middle of his back. "Dennis." He turned around and studied her face as she tried to contain her surprise. "I haven't looked in a mirror in 5 days. Have I changed a lot?" "Well..." she swallowed, "yes, since I last saw you but that was a long time ago," she added hastily. "A week." "Yeah, I guess so." Her eyes fell from his chest to his hips and then to the walls of his room. "How are you?" "Oh, I'm fine. I'm great. Another week and I'll be ready for my deb ball." Debby walked to the bed and sat down. "What are you going to do?" "I don't know. What would you do? What can I do?" "Well, your mother..." "What did she say?" "Nothing! She just thought that, for now anyhow, you could." "Could what?" "I don't know!" "Debby, I can't do that!" "Why not?" "Because... I'm a boy. I'm a boy. I'm a boy," his voice cracked and he fell on the bed sobbing. She reached out to comfort him but his robe had fallen open and she stopped for a moment to stare at his bosom. His breasts were now bigger than hers. "Dennis, show me. Show me your body." "No." She held him close. "Come on now. I'm your... friend. You can show me." He sat up next to her. His hair had come undone and framed his face with disheveled curls. He drew his robe together tightly. "Look, I'll show you mine and you can show me yours. Okay?" Before he could answer she stood up and pulled off her sweater. She was wearing a black bra. "I can't do this." "Come on. I showed you mine," she said, pulling up off the bed. "I'm naked." "Okay. Okay. Here." She unhooked the bra in front and slipped it off. "Now you," she said, tugging at the robe. He let it fall to the floor. "Oh God, Dennis," she said as her eyes quickly took in his widened hips, his narrowed waist and the breasts which bounced only inches from hers. She looked into his eyes. They were filling with tears. She hugged him. The door opened and his mother appeared in doorway. Debby pulled away quickly. Dennis drew his arms up over his chest. "That's okay, Debby." His mother looked at Dennis. "We're all girls here now." "Mom!" "Oh baby, I'm sorry but you've got to face facts. Look at yourself, honey. Something has happened." Dennis turned away. "Just try it for a little while. Here in your room. You don't have to go out. Debby can help you. I'll go away. Just try..." "Try what?" he said. His mother bit her lip. "Try being a girl," Debby said. "You might even like it." "Oh, God! Now you're both against me." "Dennis, Debby wants to help you and so do I." "Help me what?" "Adjust." Debby put her arm around his waist. "It's not that bad. I'll help you." "I don't know," he moaned. "What do you want me to do?" His mother approached him tentatively and put her arm around him too. "Just... just try some clothes on. That's all. Here. In your room. You don't have to go out. No one will see you but us." "No one. Not even Dad?" "Not even Dad." "What clothes?" Dennis's mother glanced at Debby and smiled. "Whatever you want, honey. You can start with jeans and a... blouse." "I think you should start with a bra," Debby blurted out. "A bra that fits." His mother's face lit up. "I'll see if I can find something." She dashed out of the room and came back immediately. "Where'd you get this?" Dennis said. "It still has the tag on it." "Well, I just thought..." "You bought this for me, didn't you?" "Just try it on," Debby said, putting his arms through the straps. "It's hooks in front. Try hooking it yourself." "You bought this for me," he said as his hands fumbled for a moment and then his breasts were captive in the lacy white cups. "It's perfect," Debby said. He looked down at his chest and saw the deep crack of cleavage. It was a revelation. Much more shocking that a simple mirror reflection, he could now see and feel his girlhood in three dimensions. The juxtaposition of his pliant flesh and the female garment met at more than simple juncture of skin and fabric. They were joined now in some synapse in his brain. A mindset was incubating. "I want to see," Dennis said, heading for the bathroom. His mother stopped him. "Not yet. Put these on first," she said, handing him a pair of beige cotton panties. He turned away and stepped into them. The fabric stretched over his buttocks like a second skin. But in front his cock struggled against containment. Debby and his mother looked askance as he bounded past them to the bathroom, the final strands of hair unraveling from the make-shift ponytail. When his mother and Debby caught up with him he was turning to examine his profile in the mirror. Tears streaked his face. Debby started to speak but Dennis's mother stopped her. "I'm so big. I'm so big," he gasped, his fingers grazing the surface of his bra cups. "You're not big. You're perfect." "But I'm so..." He looked at his body. It was so different. So womanly. He had cleavage. Clouds of auburn hair unfurled around his face and fell past the cups of his brassiere. He turned to the women. "I am a girl now, aren't I?" he said in a frightened whisper. "Almost," Debby said. Every day for the rest of the week Debby arrived at the Johnson house at four o'clock with clothes for Dennis. She began with old jeans and sweaters which he would try on. One day she brought in large shopping bag. "Now don't freak out, okay?" "Have I freaked out yet?" Dennis said petulantly. He sat on the bed, legs crossed in a distinctly un-masculine way and wearing only his bra and panties. His hair was pulled back in the familiar pony tail but a careful observer could see that his bangs were ever so slightly teased. "Okay, but this is different," she said as she pulled a baby blue taffeta prom dress out of the bag. "What's that?" "A prom dress." "Oh, God," he said, falling back on the bed in excited giggles. "You promised." "I can't wear that." "Why not?" "It's too... too much." Debby put the dress up against her body and strutted around as though she just arrived at the ball. Then she turned to Dennis, "Aren't you curious to see what a real dress feels like?" "Yes, but I'm scared." "Scared of what?" "Scared that I'll like it too much." "Well, you're supposed to like it." "But what if tomorrow my breasts go away and everything changes back?" Debby rolled her eyes. "Come on, get up. I want to see how it fits you." Dennis obliged and she held the dress up to his body. "You'll have to wear a different bra. The straps'll show. Here," she said, pulling a strapless longline bra out of the bag. "Oh, I'll never get this on," Dennis said, looking at all the hooks in back." "I'll help you. Now, take off your bra and put this on." Dennis gave her a withering look and slid off his old brassiere and Debby helped him hook the eyes on the longline. "Ooo la la," Debby said when he turned around to face her. The bra pushed his breasts up and squeezed them together creating generous cleavage. Dennis blushed. Debby now pulled a powder blue tricot half slip out of the bag and said, "Now, put this on." Dennis pulled the slip on and swooned a little as the deliciously cool fabric grazed his naked thighs. His mouth went dry as he anticipated wearing his first dress. "Are you ready, Cinderella?" Dennis's dainty foot trembled as he stepped into the rustling heap of blue. A moment later he was twirling around the room, the enormous hoop of his skirts floating out from his body like a swinging bell. Shoulder-framing gathers of soft taffeta met at his decolletage in swirl of baby blue that looked like a cinnamon role. "Don't you want to see yourself?" Debby said, rushing him toward the door. "Yes, but..." His father had still not seen wearing a bra and panties, let alone a dress. The last thing Dennis wanted was to surprise him in this big, poufy prom gown that displayed his gorgeous bosom unashamedly. And yet, he was terribly curious about how he looked. Debby's face waited expectantly for his nod and even the sound of the rustling taffeta seemed to urge him on. He relented. "Okay, let's go, but watch the stair." Debby opened the door and looked both ways while Dennis picked up his cascading skirt. The reflection literally took his breath away. He was lovely and so demure. He loved the way the shoulders tapered to frame his decolletage. A new emotion was stirring down deep inside, an emotion that confused and frightened him. He was almost proud. As he turned this way and that to view his profile Debby also noticed the first signs of a feminine vanity creeping into his demeanor. She was dying to undo his ponytail and brush his hair out and Dennis must have been thinking along similar lines because after observing himself for a long moment he discarded the rubber band and shook his head. The long auburn waves, free at last, framed his face with a kittenish dishevelment that literally forced his face into a pouty sultriness. He turned to Debby. "I look really good, don't I?" "Really good?" He blushed deeply. "I mean, do I look okay?" he said, painfully aware she had caught him basking in the ecstasy of feminine conceit. "Yes, you're gorgeous. Now let me brush your hair out." Dennis smiled and sat down on the edge of the tub like a princess awaiting her chambermaid. The brush moved through his tangled curls reluctantly at first but soon Debby's hand pushed down easily and the snarls resolved into a smooth cascade of mahogany, the strands aligned like exquisite wood grain. It felt so wonderful he wanted to purr. "I've been wanting to do this for weeks," Debby said. "Weeks?" "Yes, weeks. It's a sin to have hair this beautiful and not brush it. In fact, it's a sin not to have it styled." Dennis turned to look at her. "But I can't do that. I'd have to leave my room." "So, you're going to stay in your room forever, Rapunzel?" "I'd like to. I'd like to have you come brush my hair every day and talk to me and bring me..." "Dresses?" "Yes. And we could be together like we used to be." "We'll never be like we used to be." Dennis folded his hands in a sea of blue taffeta. "I know." Debby glanced in the mirror and caught Dennis's eyes. "You know, there's one thing I can't show you here that's absolutely essential." "What?" "Shopping at the mall," Debby laughed. "Why don't we go out together to the mall tomorrow. You need to get some things that fit. You'll love it." Dennis was skeptical. "What would I wear?" Debby smiled. She knew he was ready. "Anything you want, princess." The next day was Saturday. Dennis got up at dawn and was already possessed by the question of what he would wear on his mall spree. He also had to get out of the house without seeing his father. Around nine o'clock his mother knocked on the door and delivered his breakfast. "You okay, honey?" she said. He turned to her and smiled. "Yes, I guess. I'm supposed to go to the mall today with Debby." "That's great!" she said. "What are you going to..." "I don't know." "What's wrong with jeans and a sweater?" "Mom!" he said with exasperation, "It's not what I'm going to wear. It's wearing a bra and stuff out there," Dennis said. He turned his head to the window, creating a curvy cameo against the blue sky. His mother put her arm around his waist. "It'll be fine. No one will ever suspect." He spun out of her grasp. "No will ever suspect what?" he demanded. She stepped back in alarm for a brief moment. Then regaining her composure she said deliberately, "That you're not a girl." "Even though I look like one?" "Yes, a very lovely girl," she added. Tears welled up in his eyes and he said, "I'm scared, mommy." She hugged him. "I know, honey. I know. It'll be fine. Everything will be fine." An hour later the door opened and Dennis emerged like a shy butterfly. He wore his old jean jacket over a tight black turtleneck sweater and a pair of girls' jeans that Debby had brought him. The jeans were so tight that the outline of the credit card his mother gave him was clearly visible in his back pocket. Furthermore, his sweater accentuated his bust in a way that both embarrassed and excited him. His mother had brushed his hair out and pulled it back in a ponytail, tying it up high on his head in a more feminine way. Dennis protested but secretly he liked the way it made him look cute and little girl-like. They drove to the mall in silence. Dennis looked out the window and played with the end of his ponytail. When they arrived his mother said, "You'll be fine. Try to have fun with it." Dennis made an effort to smile. She watched him walk across the parking lot, losing track of him as he blended into a crowd of teenage girls headed for the mall. Dennis arrived at the appointed meeting place early and sat down on a bench to wait. His breasts felt bigger and more conspicuous than ever and he unconsciously began to hunch over to hide his curvy, new figure. When he saw Debby walking across the mall he straightened up a little. "Hi," Debby said quietly. "Hi." "You look great." "Thanks." He blushed. "Everything feels so... tight." "That's because it is, dear. And that's why we're here. Are you ready?" "Not really." "Come on, let's go get you a bra that fits." She pulled him up off the bench and they headed off to the lingerie department at Dillards. Debby took Dennis back to the dressing rooms, and said, "Wait here. I'll be back." He sat down and fidgeted, trying not to feel like this was the oddest thing he'd ever done, trying not to listen to the sounds of dressing dropping and bras hooking. Soon Debby returned with several bras, slips and even a garter belt. When Dennis rolled his eyes she said, "You might like it, you know. Now take off your sweater." He spent the rest of the afternoon taking off his clothes and trying on others. Debby was having a great time selecting things and then having him model them for her. Soon he forgot who he was and where he was and began to look forward to trying on the pretty blouses and skirts that Debby handed him. By two o'clock he had discarded the turtleneck and jeans and was wearing black tights, a black denim skirt and a white blouse with puffed sleeves and a plunging neckline. By three o'clock he had replaced his mother's low pumps with a pair of shiny black heels and he carried a small brown leather purse. He felt more at ease in his new role now and even a little proud of his figure which Debby never stopped praising. "You're such a fox," she'd say or with mock envy "You're so stacked. I wish I had your figure." Dennis couldn't help grinning when he heard these compliments. Even though he felt comfortable walking along side Debby in his new skirt and blouse, he found it difficult to take the larger step of enjoying his femininity. Debbie sensed that this shyness might be shed if he could see his feminine loveliness reflected, not in a mirror but in the eyes of his beholders. "How about a makeover?" she suggested as they strolled through the cosmetic section. Dennis hesitated and then thought why not. Moments later an attractive young redhead in a cream colored lab coat was daubing bright colors on his cheek and speaking in low soothing tones about contrast and shade. Dennis found himself enjoying the attention. Especially when Carole the cosmetician praised his cheekbones or his aquiline nose. When she finished he swooned at the luscious girl who stared back at him in the circular mirror. Carole had uncovered or rather created a glittering creature with her brushes and paint and Dennis was amazed at this new level of transformation. He was barely begun to admire himself when Debbie said, "Let's get your hair done now." Dennis went pale beneath his blusher. "Oh, I don't know. Can't I just leave it the way it is." "Your hair is lovely but it needs to be trained. Just like your breasts need a bra for support, your hair needs to be... tamed." "Tamed how?" "You'll see. Come on," she said, taking him by the arm and leading him into Hair Designs. When he left the salon an hour and a half later the ambidextrous pony tail was gone but you couldn't really call what replaced it tame. The hairdresser, obviously delighted to get her hands on Dennis's thick, abundant hair, had taken this raw rapunzel and worked his hair into a frothy bouffant. Parted on one side it now sinuously fell over his face in a dramatic cascade which culminated at his shoulders in a thick, bouncing wave. Dennis was mortified when he saw what had been done to him. Debby couldn't stop laughing. He looked as though he should be wrapped in ermine and carrying a Chihuahua, a soap opera vixen at a supermarket opening. It was the worst possible outcome: big, starlet hair which called attention to his burgeoning femininity. In fact, it was the perfect complement to his glamorous makeover and a small part of his girlish self was celebrating. The rest of him found his new look, like his pouffy coif, to be an unwieldy burden, top heavy with sex. "You look fabulous," Debby said over and over in her best Fernando Lamas ooze. People were staring at him. He could feel heads turning as he walked past. And when they reached a knot of teenage boys his composure, already on shaky ground, completely abandoned him and suddenly he was a teenage girl, giggling with nervous energy, embarrassed and proud of his beauty, knowing and innocent. It was as though he'd been handed a scepter that had compelling power but he had no idea how to control it. And so he passed through the crowded mall causing small whirlwinds of sexual confusion in his wake. The two girls made their way out into the silent twilight and fell silent themselves. Dennis felt his nipples stiffen in the October chill. He drew the jean jacket tighter. "How are you going to get all this stuff home?" Debby said finally. "I guess I should call my mom but I don't really want to." "Why not?" "I don't know. She's never seen me like this." "Yeah. Well, I could call my mom, I guess." "Does she know?" "Not exactly." "What's that supposed to mean?" "She knows." "Oh, great." "Hey, it's not a big deal." Dennis exhaled a bitter laugh. "Okay, well let's go call her." Debby's mother was not discreet. She gawked, she stared, even her silence was uncomfortably intrusive and Dennis was glad when they dropped him off at home. He gathered up all his purchases and went up the walk. His mother opened the door. "Is that you?" "Yes," Dennis said, bowing his head so that his bounteous hair shrouded his face in shadow. "Let me take a look at you. Oh my God!" She reached out to hug him but he pulled away. "What's the matter, honey?" He ran past her up the stairs to his room. When he got there he was shocked to find the room had been transformed. Gone were the beige curtains, the brown bedspread and the dresser he'd had since childhood. In their place, were pink draperies, a chenille bedspread and a vanity replete with a tableful of cosmetics. A long, rectangular mirror encircled by tiny bulbs completed the picture. A note was taped on the mirror. It read: "For our new daughter, Mom and Dad." Dennis didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He did neither. Instead the girl in the mirror beckoned. Finally alone, she demanded his undivided attention. The androgynous jean jacket fell to the floor like a discarded husk and her delicate hands covered her decolletage. It was a gesture of instinctive modesty. Head tipped forward in shy retreat of her own loveliness, hair spilling over her naked shoulders, she resembled a little girl simultaneously chastened and adored for wearing Mommy's good blouse. A mischievous smile now overtook her diffidence and she swiveled in a three quarter turn to see just how big her hair was in back and how much space her breasts displaced in profile. The small smile turned big as she took note of her own womanly grandiosity. Hands went to hips next and back arched, trailing her mane down to her waist. The little girl had disappeared. A starlet was emerging. "Dennis!" his mother called from behind him. He wheeled around and felt the free fall of his hair over one shoulder. The little girl suddenly returned, blushing crimson. "Are you okay, honey?" she said, unable to conceal an amused smile. Dennis looked down. His mother gave him hug and it crossed his mind that his breasts were bigger than her's. "I'm so proud of you," she said softly. Dennis pushed her away. "Let's see what you got," she said, trying to break the tension. "Maybe later. I think I'd like to be alone." "Don't you want to show your dad." "No!" "Dennis, you've got to face him sometime. You can't hide up here for the rest of your life." His glittering eyes flickered with a laser beam of hatred and his mother beat a hasty retreat. He locked the door, stripped his clothes off and looked at his body in the full-length mirror his parents had installed on the back of his door. His body was a conundrum with its voluptuous curves and a big cock swaying between his legs. He touched it. Not with the manly intent of his pre-girl years but daintily, gingerly, as though it were a foreign part of his body, an incongruous artifact of a forgotten time. Amazingly, it sprang to life in his delicate hand and the sight of his nodding tool in concert with his swaying breasts aroused him. He began to play with his image in the mirror. Legs spread and pelvis thrust out, he proffered his stiff rod with one hand and gathered up a shock of brunette hair with the other while his lips pouted with babydoll insouciance. It was an arresting image and one filled with coarse sensuality. Suddenly a wave of enormous shame mingled with a knowledge of raw, unbridled power swept over him and he lay down on the pink bedspread to catch his breath. His head was swimming with strange hormonal drumbeats and even though the blood drained from his cock, his mind retained the image of the lusty androgyny for a long time after. "Dinner's ready, hon," his mom called out from behind the door. Dennis stood up and turned to look at himself once again. A strange and mischievous smile overtook his mouth and he picked up his bra and twirled it around his finger. Then he put the bra and panties back on, tucking his maleness demurely between his legs. Pawing through the bags from the mall he selected the tightest jeans and a red sweater with pearl buttons that celebrated his new convexity to stunning effect. For shoes he chose a pair of black heels with ankle straps. Glancing in the mirror he smiled at his kitten-with-a-whip look, freshened up his lipstick, brushed his bounteous hair over his shoulders and bounced down the stairs to dinner. His mother raised an eyebrow as he plopped into his customary seat. He smiled back at her, spreading his napkin over his lap with careful good little girl aplomb. When his father finally emerged from his own hiding place he turned white at the image of his son, whom he had last seen in uncomfortable transition, as a red lipped little hussy flaunting her breasts like Lana Turner. "What's the matter, Dad?" Dennis said in a breathy, Marilynesque whisper. "I thought you wanted this," he said, resting his hands modestly over his breasts. His father struggled with his emotions for a moment and then sat silently, a frozen smile fixed on his face. "Dennis went..." "I'm Denise now, Mom." She nodded in his direction. "Denise went to the mall today." "Oh," his father said, trying to seem interested. "He... she bought all kinds of stuff... on your credit card." "Oh." They ate in silence. Denise watched them carefully. They didn't look up once for 10 minutes. "Look! My nipples are hard," Denise finally said, nonchalantly breaking the silence. "What causes that, I wonder?" he said, throwing his shoulders back to emphasize his bust. His parents looked up for a moment and then down immediately at their plates. He toyed with a strand of spaghetti for a long moment and then said, "Look, I'm a girl now. You'd better get used to it because I have." He got up suddenly and went back to his room. "What was that all about?" his father said. "I don't know," his mother said. "Maybe you'd better go see if he's... she's alright." "Why don't you. I think that little performance was for your benefit." "What do I say?" "Just accept her." "But she's so... whorry." "Have you looked around lately? That's the way girls are these days." "It's hard to adjust to him that way." "Her. And you'll just have to try." He got up and walked slowly up the stairs. "Denise, uh sorry, Denise," he called out. When no response came, he tried the doorknob and finding it unlocked he opened the door a crack and poked his head in. Denise was sitting at his new vanity. The sweater and jeans were gone. He wore only a black brassiere, panties and heels. His hair was piled up on his head casually in Gibson girl splendor. He turned to look at his father. In his hand he held a mascara brush. "Hi, Daddy," he said with a coy smile. His father eyes dropped to Denise's expansive cleavage and he withdrew hastily. "Sorry, I thought you were..." "Dressed," Denise finished. "But, Daddy, I am." Hiding behind the door, his father grew purple with embarrassment and rage. "Listen, Daddy, I'm not what I was. Physically or any other way. I'm your little girl now with not so little breasts. And I'm pretty and I like it. So you better get used to me this way because I'm not changing back again." Slowly the door closed and Denise smiled into the mirror for a moment before resuming the brush strokes of his mascara. * * * On Sunday Denise went over to Debbie's and the two spent the entire afternoon trying on clothes and making up. He was an avid student, absorbing as much information as he could about make up, clothes and hair. Debbie was surprised at the new lack of self-consciousness about his femaleness. Though late in the afternoon, as Debbie fussed over his hair, he admitted that he was worried about school. "Why?" "Why? I left there six weeks ago as a boy and now I returning with this?" he said, pointing to the frothy pile of curls atop his head. "And these," he said, cupping his breasts. "But everyone knows something happened to you." "They do?" "Well, yes. I mean, it was happening before you left, you know." "What are they saying about me?" Debbie stopped teasing his hair for a moment. Their eyes met in the mirror. "They're saying you're a girl now, a beautiful girl." "How do they know that though?" "I told them," Debbie blurted out. "What did you say?" "I said that your body had changed and that you and your parents decided it was best if you started wearing... girls' clothes for a while." Debbie's matter-of-factness made Denise blush. "And I said that you were really pretty." Denise sighed, his bosom heaving beneath his blouse. "Do you really think I'm pretty, Debbie?" "Shut up, big tits and let me finish your hair." "I hate that word." "What? Tits?" "Yes. Do you really think my breasts are big?" "Oh, you just want to hear me say it. Yes, of course they're big. 36 C cup is big, darling. The boys are going to love you." Denise looked up at the mirror. "No, they won't. They'll think, 'He's a boy who looks like a girl.'" "How long do you think that will last?" "Well, I'm not a complete girl, you know." "They won't be seeing that though, will they. And besides how will they know it's still there?" Denise smiled at his reflection. "It's kind of like being a spy. Like Mata Hari," he said, covering his face like a veil with a thick coil of brunette curls. Debbie casually recaptured them and resumed brushing. "At least you won't have to take P.E. anymore." * * * The next day Denise and his parents met with the school counselor, Mr. Belson and the school nurse, Miss Ashley, to talk about "Denise's" return to school. Denise wore a long sleeve ribbed knit dress that revealed the contours of his new topography with such drama that Mr. Belson had trouble looking at the statuesque young tart without staring in awe. It pleased Denise no end to see that the slightest shifts in his posture reverberated throughout Mr. Belson's libido like tiny seismic disturbances. "Denise seems to be adjusting to her new role very well," Mr. Belson said, looking first at Denise's father who shifted uncomfortably in his seat and then at his mother who beamed with pride at her son's beauty and finally at Denise himself whose demure lips opened and seemed to Mr. Belson to mouth the words, "Fuck me." Belson turned crimson and then said, "Well, I guess that's it unless you have anything else, Miss Ashley." "I'm just wondering what bathroom Denise will use," Miss Ashley said matter-of-factly. "Well, I, uh," Belson stumbled. "Why can't he use the girls' bathroom?" Denise's mother asked impatiently. "She could but I'm afraid of what would happen if she was... indiscreet," Miss Ashley said, politely correcting his mother's slip. "Denise is a lady," his mother insisted. His father winced. "Well, I'm sure she is but some of the students know that Denise is not... completely feminine. I would hate to put her in an awkward position." "Why don't we try it for a while and see how it goes," Mr. Belson intervened. Miss Ashley sighed and retreated. The meeting was over. That night Denise stared at the ceiling and thought about Mr. Belson. "How nervous he was. He couldn't take his eyes off my breasts. I controlled him just by touching my hair or shifting in my chair. These are powerful," he thought to himself as he cupped his heavy bosom in his hands. He decided to experiment more with his new powers and when he appeared at the breakfast table in the morning, his clothes were even more provocative. He wore an ultra-tight v-neck red sweater and designer jeans which left nothing to the imagination. He hair was tied high up on his head and bounced merrily against his back in a thick spring-loaded ponytail. His adorable bangs belied his tantalizing couture. He chose the brightest red lipstick he could find and his alabaster cheeks were brushed dramatically with pale rose blush. He was ready to turn heads. First class was English with Mr. Bostick. The usual preclass din was in full sway until he appeared in the doorway. Then the heads not only turned, jaws dropped and tongues fell out as the prettiest boy in school took his old seat. He waited for Mr. Bostick to make a speech about his return and it seemed as though that might have been the teacher's plan until he'd seen the statuesque boy's transformation. He was literally speechless before such a bewitching metamorphosis. Denise breathed a sigh of relief (an event followed by every male in the room) and felt secure in the knowledge that his imposing beauty had helped him escape an embarrassing situation. The rest of his classes followed a similar pattern. The few who weren't aware that he'd left school weeks earlier as a boy were soon apprised of the fact and turned to stare with undisguised wonder. He smiled politely at the girls and suggestively at the boys and basked in the reflected heat generated by his homecoming. No one talked to him between classes and he spoke to no one until he saw Debbie in the halls between classes. "How's it going?" "Not too bad, I guess. Everyone thinks I'm a Martian but I don't care." "You're too beautiful. That's the problem. They can't believe someone with a set like yours was a boy a few weeks ago." Denise smiled. "Gotta go." "Bye." He walked down the corridor feeling the tightness of his sweater against his breasts, the swish of his pant legs and the clicking of his heels. He felt good. He felt alive. This feeling stopped abruptly when he pushed the heavy door into the girls' bathroom. A mangy quartet of tough girls fixing their hair and makeup turned to look at him. He smiled and went into a stall and shut the door. Like most stall doors the lock hadn't functioned in years and only gravity kept it shut. They girls resumed their conversation in stage whispers. "I don't think he looks that great." "His bra's gotta be padded." "I heard he still had his dick." "He's probably standing over the john right now." "Hey, leave the seat down, will ya?" Laughter. They moved to the front of his stall and began whispering in earnest. "Hey, Denise." "What?" "We want to see it." Silence. "Come on, Denise, we're all girls here right?" Denise tried to move his knee against the door but it was too late. As the door flew back he stood up hastily and made a futile effort to pull up his jeans. "Oh gross!" "It's huge!" Denise tried to cover himself but it was too late. He burst out crying and made the impromptu decision to cover his face rather than his privates. It was a bad decision. One of the girls had a Polaroid camera and flashed a quick snap of the pretty girl and the unquestionably large remnant of her manhood. "You won't be so haughty after this gets around, Big Dick." "See if his tits are real," one of the girls said. Another girl responded by ripping Denise's sweater open, exposing his pert 36 C cup breasts bouncing in a lacy black brassiere. The camera whined again capturing the conundrum of Denise's body and her anguish at its rude exposure. Denise took his hands from his face to scream at his antagonists but that only served their interests better when a third picture was snapped that showed the pretty girl with the bouncing ponytail revealed, cock flopping and cleavage popping. This was the picture that went into wide circulation throughout the school the next day, reaching Mr. Belson's desk sometime in the late afternoon. It was a crude Xerox of a Xerox but Denise was still clearly recognizable. Curiously, his look of anger had mutated in the copy machine into cartoonish surprise giving the photo the look of a burlesque postcard, the kind where an airbrushed cutie loses her bathrobe to an obliging gust of wind. The fact that much more was revealed than a pair of white buns added a certain piquancy. What remained in the viewer's mind after the picture was gone was the magnitude of both his male and female attributes and, of course, his stunning face. The next day when Mr. Belson called Denise into his office he expected a somewhat chastened version of the vixen he'd met at the parent conference. He was surprised to find that Denise was unrepentant. He wore a scooped-neck leotard that exploited the fulsome beauty of his bust and a denim sheath skirt fit tightly around his derriere. He wore his hair down and it framed his face in soft waves of kittenish abandon. There was nothing about him that suggested he had a secret surprise in his panties or that the humiliating events of the past two days had daunted his hussy image. "You don't seem bothered by this, Denise," he said, holding the picture up. "I am but I can't let it show or it will only get worse." "So you hide your true feelings." "I suppose." "Is that wise?" Denise looked into his eyes. "Mr. Belson, I know I'm a girl now. I have breasts and a girl's figure. I also happen to have a penis. Now everyone knows it. It's not a big deal." Belson stared in awe at the lovely boy/girl's insouciance. Then he looked down at the key in his hand and said, "Well, I don't think it's wise to use the girls' bathrooms anymore. I'm going to give you the key to the faculty bathroom. Do me and yourself a favor and keep the door locked from now on." Denise took the key and headed for the door. He turned round as he touched the doorknob and said "Don't worry about me, Mr. Belson. I know what I am." Yes, you're a slut, Belson thought as the pretty boy/girl left. * * *The next few days were difficult ones for Denise as her notorious picture circulated throughout the whole school. Taunts of "Big Dick" and "Cock Girl" were whispered behind her back in the corridors and her old friends, including Debbie, were embarrassed to be seen with her. She didn't seem to mind much during school but at night, as she sat before her vanity, she would burst into tears when she scanned her lovely image in the mirror and saw her big cock resting peacefully beneath her tricot panties like a python in repose. Nevertheless she was determined not to back down and each day her provocative clothes reflected a "Take No Prisoners" attitude that did little to let the controversy around her subside. One day she arrived at first period English class in a bustier and short black skirt with a bolero jacket that mitigated her delicious cleavage but not by much. "Denise, I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to go home and change," the principal had said after calling her into his office. "Why?" "I think that's fairly obvious," he said, uncomfortably. "Not to me." "You can't come to school dressed like Madonna and expect to get away with it." "You don't have to worry about the boys. Not one has even spoken to me since I've come back to school." "It's not just the boys, Denise. It's... everyone," he said, letting his own eyes drop for a moment to savor those milk white doves cupped in black underwired lace. "You're here to learn not to... parade around in your underwear." When his mother pulled up to take him home she feigned shock by his brazenness. "Denise, you've got to tone down. For goodness sake, you look like a whore," she said laughing but Denise could tell she took great pride in his "stop a train" figure. When they got home he changed into a tight black sweater. "That's better," she smiled. "Much more ladylike." In fact, it was even more tantalizing than the bustier but it didn't get him kicked out of school. * * * Belson stood relieving himself in the faculty bathroom when the door lock clicked and the knob turned. He glanced over to see Denise closing the door behind her. "What are you doing in here?" he yelled. "Don't worry, I locked the door," she said, sidling up to him at the next urinal and unzipping her jeans. He looked straight ahead, his face a pinkish white as she made water next to him and the perfume of her hair filled his nostrils. "Am I embarrassing you, Mr. Belson?" she said huskily. He stood silently as she studied his face. He could feel her eyes shifting down to his cock, examining it. After what seemed like an eternity he finished, zipped up his pants and turned toward the exit. But Denise turned and stopped him. Her pink nailed fingers shook her big cock in his direction "Look at it, Mr. Belson. I know you've wanted it since that first meeting. Go ahead. It's not a snake. It won't bite." "Get out of my way, you little slut." "Look at it," she screamed. He glanced down. "That's it. Not so hard, was it? But it could be. Here, touch it." She reached out and grabbed his hand and placed it on the large tube of flesh. His hand curled around it like a tendril on a vine. He looked at her. She was never more captivating. The soft brunette hair that framed her face, the thick bangs that fell just above her wide eyes, the lovely innocence of her white skin belied the power of her spell, the cruel womanliness of her demands. She was irresistible. A wave of yielding weakness passed through him with a visible tremor and pulling her thick root like a handle, he drew her close and kissed her lips. As they kissed, she unzipped his pants and her hand slid through the opening to retrieve his cock. It was hard. She was not surprised. She pulled back and smiled at him. "Do you want me?" she asked, in a husky babydoll whisper. He said nothing but buried his head in her thick hair till he reached her neck and let his tongue answer with a long kiss that made its way from her neck to her mouth. "Suck me, baby," she said. Now he pulled back and looked at her with faint apprehension. "You do what I tell you, baby," she said, in a soothing maternal voice. He sank to his knees and looked up at her in helpless supplication. She smiled down at him and hoisted her tube top and bra up over her breasts, letting them sway above him like dark shadows. She smiled again. "Go ahead, baby." She guided her big cock to his mouth and drew it across his lips a few times before they opened and opened and opened and soon it was glistening and gliding, in and out across his tongue, down his throat, over his lips and back, swelling with each stroke until it threatened to choke him. As he fell into the rhythm of the trancelike motion, Denise turned toward the mirror and studied this strange tableau vivant. Her body now arched over the supplicant, hands against the tiled wall, breasts spiraling over him like heavy fruit and he below, shaking the tree by its thick trunk with drunken abandon. The thrust of her round, white buttocks; the dark, shimmering hair falling around her head, shaking with each lunge; the pouting, mocking lips, the raw, redness of her glistening cock. Were these the devices that pumped the blood to her groin or was it Belson's unschooled lips, his untalented tongue? No, it was her and her alone. The juicy vision of her contradictions, the crucifying beauty of her womanly body and her red male member, the sweetness of her face and the cruelty of her desire, the mingling of innocent youth with ravenous lust. The puppet Belson. She smiled at the ease with which she pulled his strings and her triumphant smile unexpectedly brought forth the streaming, white jism that flowed out the sides of his mouth and spurted into his damp hair and fell to the tiles in clotted, milky drops. Before the last spunk was spilled Denise pulled away from Belson to face the mirror and grasping her cock with both hands, she took aim at her own deliciously bawdy image. A final shot, issuing from deep within her groin, arced and hit the mirror, clouding the reflection of her face with hot, white cum. END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 30
I awoke lying on my side, spooning with Bear, while his hand gently caressed my body. I laid there, enjoying the sensation, but I must have moved a bit, because Bear spoke to me."Did I wake you? I'm sorry. I just couldn't help it. You are so hot. Your skin is baby soft. Oh, yeah, you still are a baby. I forget that sometimes.""I'm not a baby!" I snapped rolling over to look him in the eyes."No, I guess not. You fuck better than any man I've ever had. You ready to get up?""Not yet," I said a bit wearily. "This feels so good." We snuggled for a bit before getting up and going to take another bath. My bowels were of course on fire and Bear teased me for walking funny. "You walk like you were riding a horse." He joked."Well, I kind of did." That elicited a great big Bear laugh and we climbed into the tub which was filled with bubbles. We bathed each other and Bear applied a salve to my sore behind. "We can't have you too sore for tonight, can we? This will help." He also gave me a medicated enema to help with the inflammation inside, as well. When I asked what was going to happen tonight, he just smiled and said that we were hosting a party for his friends. He told me that he had to "show me off," and said that he hoped I didn't mind."As long as you're there with me, daddy, I won't mind." He smiled.When we had finished bathing, we remained nude while Bear took me down to his cave again. He said he was going to show me what everything did. He showed me the swings and how the table with the stirrups worked. He also showed me a device that he said was used for electro stimulation and how that all worked. When I asked if it hurt, he gave me a grin and said,"Only in the good way." After the grand tour, he brought me back upstairs and we made breakfast together, also in the nude. It was nice being able to have access to all of his naughty bits, so that I could tease him at will. We put on shoes to go outside and tend to what Bear called his chores. I felt a bit uncomfortable at first being outside naked, but Bear told me that he owned all of the land for a couple miles in all directions and that no one else could come onto his property without his say so except the guy who took care of his animals during the week. But Bear told me not to worry about him, because I would meet him tonight at the party. I relaxed a bit and was soon enjoying the feel of the crisp mountain air and the warm sun's beams cascading down my nubile body. Bear took me to his stables and showed me his horses and other animals. I had never been able to get this close to animals like this, except my pet dog. He introduced me to his German Sheppard, Bone. He told me that most of the time, Bone was the only friend he had out here. I felt sorry for him and his isolation and told him so. "Don't sweat it, buddy. I like it. I enjoy the solitude. It gives a man the chance to unwind, relax and just be himself. But, to be honest, I like it even more that you're here with me." I beamed at him. We tended to the horses and while brushing mine I noticed that he was getting rather excited that I was brushing his belly. His horse dick was getting engorged. When I told Bear he said that there was nothing else for it and he started to jack the horse off. I stood there wide-eyed at the sight. It was even bigger than Bear's! I watched as Bear pumped the horse's dick. He looked at me staring at the sight of it. "You want to try it?" I shook my head. He grabbed my hands and wrapped them around it's turgid tool, helping me to get the right tempo."There you go, boy. Jack that horse cock." I kept at it and soon the horse exploded. When it shot it's semen, it came out in buckets. And I mean that pretty literally. There was a huge pile of the stuff on the floor, but it just kept coming. Bear stood behind me laughing. I kept tugging until the steady flow turned to just a little dribble. There was horse semen everywhere and much of it got on me. I wanted to try it. To see what it tasted like. I looked up at Bear and he seemed to know what I was thinking."Go ahead. Try it. It's not bad. Tastes kind of metallic, but not terrible. I've done it before. Hell, I've blown that thing before." He got kind of a wicked smile and a light bulb went on inside his head. "Hey, you want to try it?" I warily nodded my head. He took me over to the horse he was brushing and started rubbing it's penis until it, too, got hard."Go ahead. He's all yours. I just wish I had brought a camera. Oh, well. Next time, I guess." I got on the ground under the horse and tried to put my mouth around its massive member. It almost didn't work, but I was able to squeeze a little bit of it into my mouth. It's cock looked funny. The head was misshapen, well it really wasn't a head at all, just more of a mass of foreskin and looked like a flattened mushroom. The urethral opening looked like the opening of a straw. One could guess at the force at which it's goo would come out. He kept jacking the horse while I kept trying to suck it. The horse, for his part, didn't seem to mind. I guess he was used to it. But I think that he was rather enjoying it, himself. He whinnied and occasionally stomped his hooves, but made no attempt to get away. I guess it really doesn't matter what kind of animal you are, horse or man, a blow job is a blow job. And no man is going to stop anyone who is willing to suck his dick. Bear, too was excited by this show. He was almost as hard as the horse was and was dripping himself.After a short while, Bear told me that it was getting close because the horse was getting more excited by the second. I just kept at it, not wanting to let Bear (or, oddly enough, the horse) down. Soon I felt a fire hose being turned on in my mouth. The horse practically exploded. It's come cascaded over my body and the pressure of it shot it straight down my throat. It made me gag. Not from the taste, mind you, but just from the sheer pressure of it all. It blasted as much as its companion and I was quickly drenched in horse semen. My hair was slicked back with it. It dribbled off my nipples and genitals. The way it poured off of my hard cock made it look like I was the one blasting a load. I kept drinking as much as I could until it stopped dripping. When I got up I was quite the cummy mess. Bear just laughed and said,"Well, I guess we're going to have to give you another bath." Bone had other ideas of his own and was soon lapping at the horse come coating my body, much like Jimmy. I enjoyed it a bit more, though, since the dog's tongue felt so funny. Bone pinned me to the ground and kept licking at me. Bear half-heartedly tried to get Bone off of me, but I think that Bear was enjoying it almost as much as Bone was. I really didn't mind it myself, especially when he started lapping at my hard prick and balls. Bone was also getting excited by the proceedings and his doggy dick was jutting out. I reached out and moved so that I could get it into my mouth. Bone fucked my face for a few minutes while he kept licking every inch of me. I noticed a hard lump at the base of his penis that looked like a tight ball sack, but I knew that they weren't his balls, as they were smacking me in the face with each thrust. I swore to ask Bear what that was all about later, but right now all my attention was focused on Bone and his bone. Soon Bone was shooting inside my mouth. Nowhere near as much as the horse did, but still, it was a lot. It also tasted a bit metallic and to be honest, it was thin stuff. Not nearly as thick as the human jizz that I've enjoyed drinking down in the past.Bone jumped off when he was done without so much as a thank you. When I turned to Bear, I was face to face with the head of his prick as he jacked it off. I guess watching me suck off the horse and then his dog was just too much for him. I opened my mouth just in time to accept his load, as well. His semen joined that of his horse and his dog and was just what I needed to get the taste of the other two out of my mouth. I latched on to it and sucked out all that I could. Bear got weak in the knees and hit the floor, pulling his dick out of my mouth as he fell. I frog leaped over to where he was and quickly popped it back into my mouth so that I could get every last drop. He pulled my close to him and I slid easily since I was so well lubricated."Damn, kiddo. That was, without a doubt, the single hottest thing that I have ever seen in my life. Whew. Boy, you take the cake." I grinned at his praises. We sat there for a little bit while Bear tried to recover from his ordeal and when he was fully recovered he took me to a stream where he could rinse me off. The water was sparkling clear and quite nippy. He dunked me under the water a few times before we could no longer stand it. We walked briskly back to his house and snuggled on the floor in front of his fireplace to warm up. "Geez, boy, it isn't even nine o'clock yet and you've already drank from me, my dog and my horse. You are just insatiable, aren't you?""I just like to have fun. And having you around just makes me want to have more fun.""Well, come on and get some clothes. We have some errands to run before the party tonight." I grabbed my clothes, but Bear told me not to put them on yet. First he got some butt plugs and forced the smaller one into me. I was still sore and swollen, and it hurt, but in one of those good ways that Bear was talking about earlier. We jumped into his truck and drove down the long road to the gate that gave access to the main road. We finally put our clothes on when the gate was in sight."I try to hold off as long as I can. Sometimes I won't get dressed until I'm almost in town. But with you in the car, too... It just wouldn't look right. Sorry, buddy. But hey, as soon as we get back, we can strip down again and you won't have to get dressed again until you leave. OK?" I had almost forgot that. I wished that I could stay with Bear forever and would suck on whatever he wanted the whole time. Ah, well. Some things are just not meant to be.We drove through the quaint little town making small talk when I asked Bear about Bone's genitals. He explained to me about the "knot" at the base of a dog's penis and how it was used to ensure fertilization. When I asked him what fertilization meant he tried to explain to me about the semen and the egg, but I was getting confused. He told me not to worry about it and that I would get it when I was older. He also told me a story about how he saw two dogs "knotted" together and how funny it looked. I asked him if a guy could fuck a dog. He got one of those shit-eating grin on his face and asked,"Why, are you interested?" I told him that I was. "Alright, buddy, tell you what, if you're up to it tomorrow we'll give it a shot. And this time I will definitely bring the camera." Well, that gave me something to look forward to. Soon we arrived at a house. Bear told me that a friend of his and his teenage son lived there and that they would also be at the party. We went to the door and walked right on in. Bear told me that we could knock if we wanted to, but that they wouldn't answer because they'd probably be too busy fucking. Sure enough, there were loud moans coming from the back room. We walked right on in and saw two grown men having a good time with a teenage boy. Both of the grown-ups were taking turns putting their cocks inside of the teenage boy who was laying on his back on top of Carl, obviously enjoying what was happening. "Hey, guys. Just couldn't wait for tonight could you?" He introduced me to the fifteen year old James, his father Ed and their friend Carl. They looked at me and all said "hello" to me, but didn't stop their activities. I looked up to Bear and he to me."You wanna go join them?" I shook my head. "Got room for one more, boys? Timmy wants to join in, but no one touches his ass. Save that for tonight, alright?" "Welcome aboard, Timmy," Ed responded. I stripped down and jumped up onto the bed, heading for James' prick. He was just old enough for his pubic hairs to start coming in, making his balls look fuzzy. I opened up and slid his meat between my lips as far in as I could. It slid down my throat a little bit. It was kind of hard to suck him properly since Ed's belly and pelvis kept hitting my head."Damn, dad, this kid suck dick real good!" James cried out. "Let me try." Ed said as he slid out of his son's butt. I immediately opened up to allow him in. He slid it all of the way in and straight down my throat."Shit, he's deep-throating me!" he cried out. "Jesus, Bear, I thought you were just fucking with me. I can't believe a kid so small can do that." He just kept pumping away while he talked to Bear. Soon he put his cock back into his son and I also turned my attention back to James. Carl never stopped. He was contented to just keep pumping James. All too soon, James blew his load in my mouth and I drank it down. Ed and Carl soon followed, getting more excited by James' orgasmic thrashing. When they were done I got between James' legs and licked my way into his ass hole to collect their juice."Didn't even hesitate, did he?" asked Carl."Nope. The kid loves cum." Bear said and then proceeded to tell them about our morning. They both were very impressed."Well, we're all excited for the party tonight," Ed said while I lapped at the flow from his son's ass. "So what brings you guys by?" "Timmy was wanting some ampoules for tonight." Bear told them. "I was hoping that you could hook us up.""After that show and the blow job, I guess I could work something out. He'll let me fuck him later, though, won't he?" "Are you kidding me? He lets me fuck him. And he wants to fuck Bone, too.""Bull shit." Carl chimed in."Watch. Timmy, what did we plan for tomorrow on the way over here?" I pulled my face and tongue from between James' cheeks and told them."I get to fuck Bone tomorrow.""Crap. You should let him do it tonight. Everyone would like to see that, I'm sure." Ed said."Well, that's up to Timmy. Would you rather fuck Bone tonight or tomorrow?" "Can I still fuck all of the other guys at the party if I fuck Bone tonight?""Of course.""Then it doesn't matter to me." I went back to my task at hand."All right, then. I'll get you a bunch of them. This'll be a night to remember." Ed said. Bear was patient while I finished with James, but he did change out the butt plug, putting in the three finger one. After I was done, we left there and went to what Bear told me was a porn shop. I had no idea what he was talking about. He explained to me what pornography was and how you could buy these things and sex toys at these kind of stores. I wanted to go in and see, but he said that there were laws against that kind of thing. My disappointment must have been seen on my face."It's ok, Timmy. I'm friends with the owner. He's actually going to be at the party tonight, too. I'll get you in. We just have to be careful, that's all. Just wait here. I have to go in first and tell him that we're here." Bear was gone for about a minute. He got back into the truck and drove around the building to the back door. "Come on. Be quick." We jumped out of the truck and into the building. We were in a dark hall with about twenty doors on each side. We snuck into the closest one and Bear told me to stay put while he went to get his friend. There was a short bench, a television with a coin slot that didn't work when I tried it and a box of tissues mounted to the wall. The wall also had a large hole in it. I could almost see into the next room, if it wasn't so dark. The room looked quite dirty. Bear came back and introduced me to his friend, Frank."We call him ‘The Fist'." he told me. "He is the best at fisting people, like Jimmy did to you at your party. He wanted to check you out for himself. I'll be back, I've got to make a phone call. And do what Frank tells you to do, ok? I want him to look you over before tonight." Frank walked in and closed the door. I noticed an "Out of Order" sign on the door. He was a muscular, hairy guy. I could tell because he wasn't wearing a shirt, just a thick leather strap across his chest. He also wore ass less leather chaps and a leather thong with a bottle of lubricant tucked inside one of the straps."How ya' doin', kid?""Fine. Nice to meet you.""Nice to meet you, too. Bear's told me a lot about you. Says you can do things no one else ever has." I shook my head."Yup. I can deep throat Bear. And fuck him, too.""You can take Bear's cock in you. That is impressive. How do you like it?""It feels real good. I like the way it stretches me out. It hurts real good.""You like it when it hurts?""A little bit. But it feels real good because I'm doing it for Bear." I said proudly."Good. Can I take a good look at you? Bear wants to make sure you'll be able to do everything he wants you to at the party tonight. Did he tell you what he's got planned?" "Well, I know I'm gonna fuck a bunch of his friends. Oh, and I'm going to fuck his dog Bone Tonight, too.""Really?" he was surprised at this."Yup, I sucked Bone's dick this morning and one of his horses, too. I was going to fuck Bone tomorrow, but Ed wants to see it tonight, so that's what we're going to do.""Impressive. Go ahead and get undressed for me. Bear will be back in a minute." I stood up and stripped my clothes off. "Go ahead and bend over the bench." I did so. Frank pulled the butt plug out of me, took out the lubricant and smeared some on his hand and my ass. He started with three fingers and quickly changed to four. Then he added two fingers from his other hand. The stretch was incredible. Bear walked in on us right then."Looks good to go, Bear. I think he can take it." I stood up and told Frank, "If I can take Bear, I can take anything!""I think you could, kid. I gotta get back up front. I'll send Joe back when he gets here." Frank said as he left the room. Bear went over to the television and put some quarters into the slot. Immediately the T.V. came on and was showing two guys fucking."That's porn?""Yup, that's porn, buddy. Let's sit down and watch for a bit until Joe gets here.""Who's Joe?""He's another friend that's going to be here tonight. We'd have gone to his house, but his wife doesn't know about everything he likes to do, so he's going to come over here instead and hook you up to an IV""What's that?""It's kind of like a shot that stays in. It will make it easier to give you medicine tonight if you need it. This way you only have to get one shot, instead of a bunch of them. Is that ok?""Is it what you want, daddy?" He shook his head. "Then it's ok with me." We sat on the bench watching the porn for a bit and I could see Bear's cock swelling in his pants. I tried to dig it out, but Bear stopped me and told me that he was trying to save himself for tonight. A minute or so later I heard the door open in the next room and soon light could be seen through the hole. Suddenly someone put their prick through the hole. I quickly looked up at Bear."Some people use those holes so that they can get sucked off anonymously. Go ahead. I know you want to." I dropped to me knees in a second and popped the unknown dick in my mouth. All too soon, he was shooting in my mouth. I drank it down. When it was done, it was pulled back through the hole and I heard a muffled "Thank you." before the guy walked out of the room. A couple of minutes later, someone else entered the other room and put his manhood through the hole. All told I had sucked off six guys before Joe arrived carrying a little black bag. He seemed like a nice guy and very friendly. He walked over and shook hands with Bear. I was still finishing up with my seventh unknown cock, so they both waited patiently while I did so. When I had finally drank down all that there was to offer, I got up and also shook hands with Joe."Nice to meet you, Timmy. Bear has told me a lot about you. He's very proud of you and I can see why. You did a good job over there. " I smiled, glowing with the kind words. "Did Bear tell you why I was here?""He said that you are going to put a V.I. in me, right?""An IV actually, but not bad. He told you what an IV is for?" I shook my head and told him. "And you are OK with that?" I shook my head again. "Good. Well, come over here and lay down on the bench and we'll start, OK?" I did as I was told. He turned to Bear. "Now you said that we have to put it somewhere that his parents won't notice right?""Preferably. If you can.""Well, let's take a look. Usually the foot is a good place." He looked at my feet and then turned back to Bear. "You gave him a shot last night? Ah, no, two shots. One on each foot. Well, never mind that. The next best place would be the scalp, but I'll never get it with all of the hair on his head." He turned to me. "Timmy, I need to cut your hair, is that alright?" I shook my head. "You know, Bear, his parents will definitely notice that. What do you think?""Timmy, can you tell your parents that Jimmy's grandmother took you to get your hair cut? I know it's a lie, but..." I didn't give him a chance to finish the question."Do you want me to do it?" He shook his head. "Go ahead, sir, I will do whatever it takes to make Bear happy." Both of them smiled and Bear came over to hug me."I've got my clippers in the car, I'll be right back." Joe said as he left."Are you sure about this, Timmy?" Bear asked me."Whatever it takes to make you happy and proud of me, daddy." He hugged me again. Just about then another strange penis appeared in the hole."Go ahead, buddy. Enjoy yourself." I went over to the hole and sucked on the new visitor. I had just finished swallowing it's load when Joe returned with the clippers."Another one? Geez.""I told you, Joe, he's insatiable. You just gotta' love him for it.""Well come on back over here, Timmy, and sit on the bench. I'll try to give you a decent haircut, but I'm no barber. Bear, if I mess this up...""Don't worry," Bear cut him off, "I know a guy. He can fix it for us." Joe nodded in agreement and turned on the clippers, giving me a quick military style haircut. Meanwhile another stranger's prick entered the hole. Joe saw me looking at it with hunger in my eyes. He turned off the clippers to let me satisfy this new stranger."How many is that?" he asked Bear."Nine. And he'll keep going as long as they do.""You're a lucky guy, Bear. Real lucky." Joe said as they watched me pleasure our neighbor. When he was done I returned to the bench and Joe finished my hair. He handed Bear a flashlight and told him to hold it while he looked at the top and sides of my head."Alright, here's a good one." He dug in his bag and produced a needle, syringe and whatever else he needed to put in the IV He walked up to me and his groin was mere inches from my face. He cleaned the area with alcohol and was getting ready to insert the needle, but I was jumping with his every touch. "You've got to relax, Timmy, or else this might hurt, or I might miss or something. I may not get a second chance at this. But I was still jumpy. "OK, what can I do to help you relax?""Can I suck you?'"What?!?!?" he asked surprised."Can I suck you while you do it?" He looked down to see how close his groin was to my face and then looked at Bear who gave him a gesture that said "go ahead, let him.""Alright." He said as he dug his junk out of his pants. It was still soft, but was filling up quickly. I took him in my mouth and started to work my magic. "A real lucky guy." he added with a moan. Having his penis in my mouth did help me to relax and I didn't even cry out when the needle pierced my skin. He finished what he was doing and tried to back away, but I held firm to his penis. He was almost literally rooted to the spot. I didn't let go until he blasted his load in my mouth. "A real lucky guy." he said again under his breath and finally tucked himself back into his pants."Well, then I'll see you guys again tonight, shall I? Oh, and since it wouldn't look right to have him walking around town with a tube sticking out of his head, I'll tell Frank to bring you one of those hats that he sells, ok?""Thanks a lot, doc."Bear told him and stood up to shake his hand."Well, thank you in advance for tonight." Ed said as he left the room. Another dick was at the hole."Go ahead," Bear said. "Last one." I was on it in a flash and had his spewing before Frank had a chance to bring the hat back. It was tan with white streaks on it and a picture of a pig on front that had "boy" written on the pig. "Perfect," Bear said. "I'll put it on after he gets dressed. Frank nodded and looked at me."I was one of those dicks you sucked, by the way. You are going to be a big hit tonight." He smiled and left the room. Before Bear would let me get dressed we changed out the butt plug, yet again. I was now stuffed with the four-fingered one again.Well, that's all of the errands that we have to run today." Bear said as I got dressed. "So what would you like to do now?""Whatever you want, daddy." Bear smiled at that."Do you want to go get something to eat? It's about lunch time." "No, I'm not really hungry." I said."Well that's no big surprise, how may loads have you swallowed today? Let's see. Ten from the hole. Joe's. James. You drank Carl's and Ed's from his son. Then there was mine, Bone's and the horse, as well. That's about seventeen! Before lunch, even! Joe was right. I am a real lucky guy." He smiled and I jumped into his arms. We hugged and kissed for a bit. "Wow. You taste like cum. Come on, we'd better get you out of here before another dick shows up, or we'll be here all day!" He stepped out to ensure that the coast was clear and then we ran out the back door and into the truck, headed for home. Bear stopped at McDonald's drive-thru on the way and got us some lunch. "Man can't live on semen alone, buddy. Besides you've got to keep your strength up for tonight." He smiled as we headed for home. As soon as we were through the gate to his property, the clothes came off and we finished the drive in the nude."Did you like meeting my friends?" he asked as we sat down to eat. I nodded."How many are going to be there tonight?" I asked."Well, not as many as your first party, but I guess about twenty, total. You nervous?""Nope. I guess I'm kind of excited. I can't wait. Frank said that you had a surprise for me tonight. What is it?""Well, if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" "I guess not. Will I like the surprise?""I hope so, buddy. I really hope so." he said, slyly. "So what do you want to do after lunch?""I don't know. What do you normally do?""Well, after my chores, I usually go out to my work shop and well, work.""What do you work on?""Those things like you saw down in the cave. You know, the racks and swings and stuff. I build them for other people.""Oh. Well, we could do that.""Well, it's probably kind of boring for someone your age.""I know, why don't you show me how the rack works? You could put me on one. I already know how the swing works." I said as I smiled naughtily at him."The ones I have are too big for someone your size." he said, crestfallen. "But we could make you one. You know, if you want. And then we could put you in it for when the guys get here. You know, kind of show you off before the party starts. Would you like that?" He was obviously very excited by this thought."Daddy, I would love to.""Well, then. Now we have a plan. Hurry up and finish eating so that we can finish in time. We've only got about seven hours or so before the party starts and we'll have to clean you up and out. Oh, and I've got to make supper, too." I gobbled down the remnants of my meal and soon we were marching hand in hand (naked) out to his work shop. But he did make sure we wore work aprons while we made the rack. He told me it was to protect our "goodies." It was alright with me, but it was a little funny to me because our bare asses still hung out the backs of them.The rack was a simple enough design, essentially a wooden from that stood on two legs that could pivot back and forth with two padded (special for me) steps for feet to rest on and chains connected to each corner and the middle (for added support) with leather straps. He told me that his design, with only one bar set at the small of my back, connecting the two sides made it so that I could still be fucked and suck someone without the rack itself getting in the way. Luckily he already had the chains and straps prepared and just had to adjust them for my smaller size. Bear taught me how to measure and cut and all sorts of things that day. I think he was proud of how quickly I learned it all. He told me that I was the perfect little assistant. When we tried it out, it fit me perfectly. I could tell that Bear was excited to see me in it."Wow, buddy, that is going to be so sexy tonight. Holy shit, look at the time, we'd better hurry!" We went back to the house carrying the rack, where Bear grilled us some of the best steaks I'd ever had and we ate in the nude. After that, it was bath time. We didn't waste much time and scrubbed quickly. Then Bear pulled the plug from my backside and flushed me out several times. He them oiled me up (both inside and out). He insisted on trying to put an even bigger plug in. "Trust me, Timmy, you need to be good and open for tonight. Come on let me try." Not surprisingly, it didn't work. "Well I guess we get to try out your IV early." He went to get the muscle relaxant medicine and pushed it into the IV It flowed in easily. "See, wasn't that easier than getting a shot each time?" I nodded my head. The medicine went to work almost immediately. "Here, I'm also going to put some stuff on your hole to numb it up so we can get the plug in." He had me bend over and he put some thick lubricant stuff inside my ass hole. It burned at first. He cuddled me and talked to me to relax, telling me that it would only burn for a little bit, and then it would go numb. He was right on that point, as well. He had me bend back over and slowly worked the giant butt plug into me. My ass wasn't as numb or relaxed as I thought, but Bear persisted. "Come on, Timmy. You can do it. Come on. Take it. I know you can take it." Bear kept encouraging me, and he did get over half of it into me, but the rest just wouldn't go. I started to cry. "Don't cry, Timmy. Shhh, don't cry. I'm sorry." He grabbed me in one of his famous "Bear" hugs and stroked my freshly trimmed hair. "I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm sorry." But I kept on crying. "Shhh. I stopped. It's not hurting anymore is it?" I shook my head a bit. "Then why are you crying?""I let you down." I said with a huge sob. "I'm so sorry, Bear. I just can't take it. I'm sorry I disappointed you.""Oh, no, buddy. You didn't let me down. It's just too big for your small body. I bet in a couple of years you'll be able to take it. No, buddy. I'm not disappointed in you. You've done so many good things for me. No, shh, it's ok, buddy. "I'm still so proud of you. Even today, you did so much, and the party hasn't even started. Timmy, I love you. I love you so much. Come on, let's put the other plug back in. I know you can take that, right?" I nodded and my tears had stopped flowing by this time. I bent over and the former plug slid in easily. "Let's go finish setting up, ok? And Timmy, no matter what else happens, I'm very proud of you, and I love you." He gave me a big smile, which I returned.We placed the rack in the cave and prepared the rest of the cave for company. This involved pushing the swings and other paraphernalia to the side, but Bear insisted that we leave of the smaller swings close by to the rack, "just in case." We rolled a mat out onto the floor and I noticed that the yellow circle on this one was much larger than Vance's. It took up almost the entire floor. I found it hard to try to walk past it, even with no one else in the cave. It was going to be damn near impossible to do it with twenty other hard and horny men present. We set up some tables with all of the accouterments that would be needed for tonight. Food, beverages, toys/lube, his camera with extra film and the drugs each went on a separate table. Bear also set up one small table just for my "special" medications that included the muscle relaxant, among other various vial of medication and some odd looking tan stone-like material, which Bear told me was something "extra special" called "H." He would not elaborate on the subject, but he put a small torch, some syringes and a bent spoon there with a bottle filled with a yellowish liquid. "That is for when it's time for your surprise. It's very expensive and was shipped here from Thailand by a friend of mine just for you." he told me. I felt honored. Now that I am much older I know it was probably heroin. But at that age I wouldn't even know what it was if he had called it by its real name. When everything was finally set, Bear turned on some music and grabbed a bottle off of the lube table. "Time to grease you up, buddy. You're going to like this stuff. It's what the body builders wear in competition, so it will last longer." He greased me up with the thick goo. It made me very shiny and slippery. I even had trouble walking on the mat, it was so slick. Bear helped me over to the rack and hooked me into it. My anticipation grew as each cuff and the belt were strapped on. He stepped back and admired his creation with hunger in his eyes. "You look good enough to eat. I can't wait for everyone to see you strapped up there like that. But I don't like the position." Bear picked me up, rack and all, and placed me dead in the center of the circle. No big introductions tonight, apparently. He filled up one of the syringes with medicine and injected it into the tube on the top of my head. "Something to help you relax," was all he said. Just then the doorbell rang. "Perfect timing. Alright, Timmy, just hang there and look sexy. Not that it's going to be too big a challenge for you." And he left. I must say that I felt just a bit uncomfortable hanging there for all the world (or at least twenty men from it) to see, but my body quivered with anticipation but the medicine started working and I was able to hang there and relax a bit. I had no idea what I was in for, or how depraved the night was going to become. But it was definitely a night of firsts for me and I don't regret a single moment of it.End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 32
Adventures of Jade - A NovellaBy Hummmvee(Tales of Lust, Depravity, and Seduction)The author does not condone any activity illustrated in this story. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. Regarding erotic writing: More often than not, fantasies should remain just that; another's words: Don't try this at home.)To make matters worse, Jade turned out to be very shy. A late bloomer really. It was not until her first year of college that she started physically developing to match her age. And develop she did. Although she always had the beautiful green cat-eyes, her long and skinny frame started taking on dangerous curves at age 18. She was almost 22 now. The good looks and the great body came too late to give her confidence through her school years, but she was pleased nonetheless.Her mother had gone through the same thing. Even though 'mom' had children very early, she had not fully developed into the stunner that she was until her late teens. Astrid always told Jade that one day she would come to appreciate and prefer the late bloomer way, after all, does not a fine winetake time also? At 5' 10" and 125 pounds, Jade's thick, wild dark hair cascaded halfway down her muscled back, to a now perfect ass below. Her smile could ignite tinder, but she was careful who she gave it to. Was it the intense workouts that finally triggered her to blossom, or was it just her time? Whatever the case, she seemed happier now than during her school years, and her confidence was building. Getting her phys ed degree took 4 years of strenuous work and discipline, but the new job offer seemingly made it all worthwhile, and meant she would soon be able to move out on her own and start a career. She wanted freedom from the perceived weight of her upbringing, her fathers imposed discipline, and the regularity of 'sameness' in her life. Jade's mother was only 13 when she gave birth to her (no she wasn't trailer trash), and raised both Jade and her sister Jenna (now 15) mostly by herself. Her husband was killed in a friendly-fire chopper incident during the Gulf War. He managed to instill the military discipline on his family before his untimely cessation. Although Astrid did a wonderful job bringing the two girls up these last 10 years, it was not easy, and both ended up shy like their mother, yet strong in their subtleness.Jenna was as beautiful as her sister Jade. Even though only 15, she was just starting to develop. At 5' 7" and 105 pounds, her long blonde locks and baby blues were beginning to get her noticed. Their mother had made them aware of the dangers of getting tied down too early, and due to their strict upbringing, Jenna had not had any dates to speak of, and Jade had only a few that quickly burned themselves out. Otherwise the girls were quite normal. Except for one thing (well maybe several things)!The first thing that was unusual about this whole family was that their sexual fantasies tended to gravitate towards girls, as much or more, than toward boys. Neither shared this with anyone, including each other. Certainly the sisters were still virgins, as there was no sexual expression with boys, so far. Astrid made sure her daughters had a firm spiritual base as well. Good catholic-school girls just like their mom. At 35, Astrid their mother, was definitely bi. She had never even admitted that to herself. The labels had frightened her enough to (mostly) stick to the male of the species, in spite of the directions her fantasies often took her.Though Jade and her mom dated occasionally, both were currently in between men. No man seemed good enough, nor interesting enough to warrant more than a passing interest. Astrid tried to keep busy after the loss of her husband, and did not actively pursue a new relationship. The girls had it rough for a few years after 'daddy's' departure, then seemed to find the strength to go on without too much apparent damage. Jenna was only six or seven when he never returned. She was shyest in the family. Having model looks would make the current problem temporary for her at best. Jade was more affected, but managed to hide behind the discipline, and heavy activity.Jade's excitement was hard to contain. She was accepted at the St. Beave all-girl catholic school. Tomorrow she would start teaching Phys Ed, to 7th through 10th grade girls. Their final two years of high school would be completed at an affiliated catholic finishing school. Launching her career with this, her very first job, was creating serious butterflies in her stomach. Being that she was going to teach Phys Ed, ALSO meant 'showers'! You see, in high school she began to notice her female shower classmates. Because of her shyness, her curious looks at select classmates were brief at best. She tried to be discreet. Being pretty made it easier to be above suspicion. Nevertheless, a very frustrating experience indeed. Those budding breasts and pubic areas would draw her gaze and tease her senses. But mostly they fueled her masturbatory fantasies! Was she abnormal? Jade certainly felt like a normal teenager. Of course she never acted out on any of those urges. College too was a blur of activity, so she did not pursue 'the call of the senses' there either. Good focus led to good grades, and proper accreditation. She did dream of the coming freedoms a steady job would offer.Free to even pursue a relationship, perhaps. Sometimes she fantasised about boys, and sometimes the girls, very young girls. Playing with herself at home was not always possible when her body demanded it. Often either sis or mom were around, and even though all were fortunate enough to have their own rooms, Jade never felt all that comfortable 'doing' it at home. Now here comes a job that would allow her to make enough money to live on her own, AND maybe even look at other young girls exercise and shower! Perhaps even provide opportunity to discreetly touch! All harmless fun.With her own place, she would then be able to relive the day's events in private, and whenever necessary, pleasure herself. The thoughts kept her quite permanently wet in the days following the fateful phone call. 'Did any of these errant desires lead to my choice of career?' Jade half wondered. She certainly felt some guilt about enjoying the appearance of both sexes.Physically, Jade's biological development had (seemingly) come behind schedule, but incredibly, her sex drive was wide awake by age five or six. Even though she didn't know what she had discovered at that age, she kept it to herself, and continued to give her body pleasure, more and more frequently. Of course mom caught her 'doing it' on more than one occasion (unbeknownst to Jade), but mom thought it was a perfectly normal thing for her daughter to do, and so kept it under her hat. Astrid still did it herself almost every day, perhaps she passed on the 'incessant frigging'-gene to her daughter. Quite harmless fun for all.Jade was in her room laying out clothes for the day to come. The first day of work at St Beave. She stood only in pumps in front of the large mirrors in her bedroom, and took inventory of her body. Her image stared back at her with those rare electric-green cat-eyes. Jade knew that at school she would be on display to all. She had to set the best example. Though shy, she somewhat liked the idea of being on display to (hopefully) admiring eyes. She looked for physical flaws in her reflection now... but could find none. Her muscles had much definition and tone. 'I could use a tan though' she mused. Her complexion was fair, and she did not feel comfortable to sunbathe in front of her mom and sister, so she made a mental note to find a tanning salon tonight.She continued staring in the mirror. The long dark hair made her look exotic. It was thick and shiny. Mom and Jenn were natural blondes, but she had some of her father's genes. She looked like Xena, the Amazon warrior princess. She smiled shyly at her 38 inch perfect C-cup breasts. The nipples always stood proud, ready to cut glass at a moments notice. At an inch and a half in length when aroused, they were unusually long. The aureolae were silver dollar sized, dark brown peaks, quite puffy themselves, and often became bumpy, betraying their owners' state. Jade ran her hands at the sides of her breasts cupping them gently. They were the hard kind that hardly moved, no matter what the activity. She liked that, and continued her inspection, occasionally tugging at the now fully erect nipples. "MMMM," she moaned to herself lightly. Her hands traveled southward now. She traced the well defined lines on her flat belly. It looked so hard, almost bulletproof. A 23 inch waist, and 34 inch hips. It doesn't get any better than that. Her pudendal area was a source of great interest to her. For such thick, dark hair on her head, she had a lightly downed pubic area. The patch was more vertical than triangular, and it was only to be found above her narrow slit. The pubis was somewhat pronounced, and the vaginal area very light in color, much like the color of her surrounding skin. She was capable of producing a copious amount of lubricating secretions on very short notice, for little reason. She reached for her lightly furred friend now, and gently stroked. The inner lips were rarely visible in this position. She saw that some liquid was already finding its way out of the unusually tight orifice. Jade hoped that would not happen at inopportune moments in school! She wondered if she should shave her mound clean, like in some of the magazines she liked to look at, but decided against it (for now). Anything to block, absorb, or slow down her 'passion discharge' was probably to be retained.As her right hand found her warm fuzzy place to rub, she continued to assess her long legs, pretty knees, and aerodynamic feet. The slightest movements caused her flexing muscles to show through her skin. She found THAT, very stimulating to look at. She turned around and watched her gluteus flex and form a pair of those rarely seen (on the average person) concave indentations in each buttcheek. There was very little body hair, and what she did have was light and downy. She was lucky in that she rarely had to shave anywhere.Jade was infatuated with how her body had started developing, and her orgasms seemed to grow in frequency and intensity. Whenever she was alone in the house, she masturbated in front of the large mirrors in her room, taking note of all her movements, and the slightest expressions. Jade would work herself up so much during these occasions, that her orgasms would cause her to become temporarily unconscious. Oh only now and then, but usually after an intense cum, she would not remember anything afterwards. In bed this was not even noticeable, but when she did it in front of a mirror, sometimes, she would wake up afterward and deduce what had happened.The weird thing was, that on some of those occasions, she couldn't really even remember masturbating. This did not really frighten her. It did make her feel a little uncomfortable, at the prospect of possibly being 'discovered' while she was 'out'. Rather than satiating her, those sessions of self pleasure only fueled the fires below, and made her bush burn for even more stimulation. Bummer.As Astrid was walking by her daughter's room, she noticed the door was open a crack, and decided to peek in. Although the whole family was shy about matters of nudity, they all had burning curiosities about each other's naked bodies. Astrid had certainly been around the block for a woman of 35, she was just conservative and reserved. However it was HER daughter after all, and the peek she was hoping to steal was really like taking inventory or something. She excused the act by saying to herself, that it was in fact, her responsibility to know everything that went on in her house! This included how her offspring were developing physically.Jade's room was well lit and the hallway dark. This afforded mom some camouflage, and bought her a little time to look at her daughter. The radio inside was going, so she was not worried about being heard. She felt she was not spying, just curious and excited for Jade. Besides, she gave birth to her so it was almost like a joint ownership; she just had to have a little peek.Mom had not bathed Jade for a good many years now, and was blown away by how Jade had developed. As she gazed at her daughters displayed nude body, she was naturally proud of the genes, as well as the discipline it took to maximize those genes; but she also felt a strange stirring. She felt somewhat guilty for this, but her senses would block out anything her mind wouldn't accept. Watching Jade touch herself all over, made Astrid warm all over too. Her pussy began juicing up at the sight before her. The fact that it was her daughter whom she loved made the guilt secondary, as she knew she would not do anything to hurt her child, actually woman apparently. In time Astrid's guilt overwhelmed the thrill, and she went back to her room. She was going to take a shower, or a bath perhaps, and get ready for the day. Astrid made her money day-trading with the aid of a computer. She became successful at it (eventually), and was able to quit her job at the sausage factory and make a comfortable living working only a few days a week. She had just moved the family to this sleepy town and comfortable newish house. Astrid peeled off her bathrobe and looked at her own body in the mirror. Still young, taught, and pretty.Life at 35 was not so bad. She was 5'9", 137 lbs., curly blonde shoulder length hair, 40 inch D-cup bust, and very little golden-brown pussy fur. Her inner pussy lips were fat, and stuck out a little. She thought her pussy lips looked like a butterfly. She always dressed womanly, but not slutty. Mom too, liked the image in the mirror, and as she paused and looked, her mind began making comparisons with what she had just seen. Astrid was feeling very horny right now, and it took some effort for her not to continue her tactile ministrations to 'full term' in front of the bedroom mirror.Few people had violet eyes, but Astrid was one of them. The thick blonde hair with the 'purple' irises caused accidents in the streets. Her stunning good looks and laid back demeanor attracted much attention. An inopportune glance in the mirror even affected young Astrid. She thought how lucky she was to be so well endowed with her own body, and two very sexy daughters that were smart and stayed out of trouble. Not to mention comfortably upper middle classed.Astrid grabbed a towel, slung it over her shoulder, and went into the master bath. It was more private there, and her favorite place to find pudendal pleasure. The whirlpool jets could be strategically directed to inflict orgasmic bliss at will, and the noise pretty much gave cover to any auditory excesses. It was a good way to start the day.Jenna was rousing from sleep in her own room. As she began a slow transition toward wakeful consciousness, her mind began to soar amidst the records of her (limited) memories. She was young, and had few experiences, but she was calm and smart. She was at peace with herself. Her shyness was only sometimes troubling. It was fueled by her parent's firmness, but being a 'good kid', she did not question that authority directly. Jenn found her right hand under the goose-down comforter, and in the valley between her legs. Touching there always gave her comfort, and some temporary relief from the fires that nature was kindling more and more. Being so shy, she had never fully masturbated herself, and was technically unaware of the hedonistic pleasures her body was capable of, especially a body like hers. The stroking would usually climb some, plateau, and eventually the guilt would make her lose interest.Jenna liked that she was a blonde like her mother, and she thought she looked 'nice'. Her measurements came in at a 35-inch B-cup bust, 22 inch waist, and 32 inch hips. Her weight was nicely distributed. Her pussy hair was still basically non-existent. Compared with Jade's lusher and harder body she seemed lithe. A blonde gazelle. Being only 15 meant that she would yet fill out more, but for now she was just starting her transition toward womanhood. Although unusual, she had not started her periods yet. She gave this little thought, so it did not really bother her. She was in good health, and didn't ever think about such matters. Her academic studies left no time to take throwaway electives like 'Health Ed', and so she was still quite naive about how her body worked. Suddenly the obvious hit her! Since moving to this little mountain town, mother had enrolled her in the private school. The same school her older sister was about to teach at. This meant her own sister would be teaching her Phys Ed!! Was this a good or bad thing? Her mind played out the possibilities. She got along OK with others, as well as her sister, but she had no Phys Ed classes those last few years. This year she would have to take P.E.! And weren't showers mandatory? 'E-e-e-e-e-e-e-k!!!' her mind raced, and she sat up from her half slumber with a start. Being naked in front of others was a mixed bag she would somehow deal with, but she might have to be naked in front of her own sister! This possibility was just too embarrassing! She decided she would have to investigate this possibility further, before classes started on Monday. She wanted to know what was required, and how things would go down in Gym class. She wasn't sure how to approach her sister without seeming an insecure child, or appearing to other students that she was getting preferential treatment. In fact she wasn't sure she would want anyone to know that the Gym teacher was her sister.A part of her was also excited about the possibilities. Getting out of Gym these past years also meant she was not able to see any of the other girls naked, and the thought of finally sharing this intimacy with her peers mildly appealed to Jenna. Thoughts of boys as well as girls often played on her mind's stage. Being in an all-girls school certainly made it more likely, that any actual contact would slant her fantasies toward a female-based bias. Her body became flushed at the flurry of thoughts and possibilities.Jenna yawned and stretched her fifteen year old body. She got out of bed and went to her bathroom. After doing her business, she decided she would find out more about these newly discovered concerns. Since this was a very small private school, the rules could be quite different. Perhaps the administration will take one look at her, and see that she was in good enough shape, and excuse her from Gym. 'Not likely' she thought afterward, looking at her reflection.'I'm certainly attractive enough. So why am I so scared about displaying this body...a decent body, to others, especially my sister? She is so much more spectacular, that's why! Perhaps mom could shed some light, if I could bring myself to ask her proper.' She wore men's two piece pajamas, though of silk, and in powder blue, to match her eyes. The top was filling out lately, and it was apparent she would need more room there soon. She decided to follow up on her concerns, and went looking for mom. Walking down the hall she noticed Jade's bedroom door slightly ajar, with music coming from inside. She could not help but peek. Something she did not go out of her way to do. She swallowed hard. Jenna's eyes grew like saucers. Jade was oblivious to the slightly open door, and at this point seemed to be touching her naked crotch with her right hand, while the left toyed with her titties. Jenna had not seen Jade naked since Jade was her age. She looked even more spectacular than Jenna remembered, or imagined. Obviously she should not have looked, for Jade was in a private moment. Why was she touching her body so lewdly? It looked very forbidden, very dirty, yet very sexy to Jenna. Jade turned, and went out of sight and into her bathroom. The show was over.Jenna's knees were like jello. Her crotch had this 'itch' that she was getting more and more often. By the looks of things, her sister also had this condition. Jenna continued on down the hall and to mom's bedroom, in a bit of a daze. She knocked then called out, but there was no answer at the door. Since it was open, she timidly walked in calling.The jacuzzi could be heard running in the master bath, so she knew she could not be heard. No big deal, she would knock and see if mom was open to discuss her budding concerns at some point. Upon nearing the door, she heard what sounded like an injured animal! Okay, it was not an animal, it was most likely mom. Now, Jenna was a sensitive young lady.She had just witnessed her sister doing something she didn't yet understand, and now the 'rock of Gibraltar' was possibly in trouble. Losing a loving father had been devastating, and she could not afford to lose both parents. Perhaps, mom had fallen in the tub? Maybe she had cut herself shaving? Was it sewer rats? Or it was a heart attack, older people had those, right? She to act fast. She called out again."Mom? Are you ok?" No response, only moaning.Jenn flung open the door and burst in quickly scanning the scene before her. She had been right! Mom was under attack! It was obvious what was happening. They had satellite TV. Jenna knew from watching all the nature programs, what the infamous 'Black Mamba' looked like! She also knew that people who acquired exotic pets, often dumped them later in lakes or toilets. Care of exotic pets was a responsibility whose depths most people were not aware of. Being indigenous to this specimen must have been a discarded pet, and probably made its' way up through the toilet, and into the master bath. She wondered what kind of person would keep such a deadly pet. Mom had both hands around the three-inch thick body, and seemed to be unsuccessfully trying to free herself from its grasp. 'Got to be several feet long' thought Jenna. As she raced forward, she hoped she could grab it just behind the head (That's the safest place to grab a snake). Hopefully, it had not bitten mom yet, although judging by mom's moans, it may have been too late already. Swiftly she grabbed it behind the head yelling, "Hold on mom!!!" With a slurping sound, twelve inches of Black Mamba was swiftly yanked from Astrid's hungry blonde vagina, causing a startled scream from mother's throat! Jenna wildly beat the black intruder against the sink until it moved no more. Mom had literally jumped up out of the tub, startled half to death, water splashing and dripping everywhere."What the hell is going on here?!!!" Astrid yelled trying to regain her senses. She was standing up, water running down her still flawless 35 year old body, her heart in her throat.Jenna was content that the evil beast was lifeless now, and disgustingly threw it into the sink. The double headed dildo made a wet slapping sound and lay motionless. Mother was too shocked to even cover her nakedness. Long seconds passed as her mind tried to figure out what was happening. Jenna ran to her mother and grabbed her by the arms, looking her up and down, looking for possible fang marks."Did it bite you? Where is that snakebite kit we had on our camping trip?" The expression on mothers face was changing, and Jenna was so worked up she didn't even notice. Still nude, Astrid went for the double-headed dong and picked it up. "No don't mother, it could still be alive!" yelled Jenn grabbing it again. The two wrestled with the latex monster. Mom was stronger, and Jenn could not gain control over the, potentially still dangerous animal. She began to notice the serious look in her mother's face. Like she saw when she had done something bad. She stopped struggling but still held on tightly to the three foot beast. She finally began to notice her mother's nakedness in her peripheral vision. Astrid knew now that she had overprotected her daughter. Jenn was so innocent that she had obviously never seen a sex toy. If not for that sudden realization, Astrid would be overwhelmed with embarrassment. She just shook her head, let go of the toy, and grabbed a towel to cover her body. Jenn watched her mom's form get covered by the thirsty cotton bath towel. Just a quick glimpse, before it was covered up. Coupled with the strange look on mother's face, Jenn's gaze fell upon the object in her tight grasp, and she began to note previously unseen details.Finally the shockwave hit her. It was not a snake at all. It was plastic. Why would mom keep a replica of a snake? Upon closer inspection, she noted that it wasn't even a great reproduction of a snake. What was it doing between mom's legs? It looked more like a plastic 'man-thing' than a snake. As the revelations began to sink in, she became sooo embarrassed! "I....I.... I'm sorry... I thought you were in trouble...I thought it might have bitten you... I wanted to talk to you about something, when I heard you moaning, and I thought.... Oh mom I'm s-o-o-o-o-o sorry."Astrid was looking at her daughter. The silk pajamas were soaked from the attempted rescue. The childlike face was flushed. There was an instinctual recognition on Jenn's part, of what her mom was doing, but intellectually she could not accept or explain it fully. Her expression was of puzzlement. Astrid knew she had to regain control of this situation, without hurting her daughter. But how could she explain she was fucking her pussy with a giant fake cock? Mom was supposed to set all the moral standards, and now she was caught 'doing the dirty'. She felt she had betrayed her daughter's trust somehow, by showing this less than perfect side of her character. Astrid noted that it was sweet the way Jenn had rushed to her rescue. She displayed a streak of fearlessness and a protective spirit. That was nice. But Jenn had seen mom naked, and that embarrassed both of them. Jenna's nipples poked through the now wet silk, signifying a possible change in the dynamic of the situation. Astrid looked at Jenna, but tried not to stare, for all the obvious reasons. How would she explain she was just masturbating with a double-ended dildo, trying to reach orgasmic bliss? '(-sigh-)' Might as well have that long overdue 'girl' talk."Sit down sweat pea. We need to have a talk." They sat on the edge of the jetted tub. Astrid shut off the noisy jets. Jenna hardly noticed the wet spot she had just sat in. She adjusted the towel tighter. She caught Jenn glancing at her cleavage, and where the towel parted, between her legs. She saw the nervousness in her daughter's beautiful blue eyes. 'At least her body is developing so nicely' thought Astrid. Involuntarily, Jenna's eyes would dart about her mother's body, her mind trying to recall the beautiful curves she had just recently seen uncovered. Mom sensed what her daughter was feeling, and took the fake phallus from her daughter's still clutching hands."You see... This is just a toy. I've been a little lonely since... dad left. This relieves some of the pressure I feel. Honey, your mother was just 'pleasuring her princess' ". Jenn still looked embarrassed and confused. She was still flushed. Astrid decided against the baby talk."I was masturbating, honey. I hope it didn't embarrass you, but I can see that it did. You see, it is something quite natural. Most of us get that itch," she pointed between her legs, "and rubbing there feels nice." Jenn followed her mom's gesture as mom used the dildo and pointed with it at her very private place hidden just under the towel. "This latex phallus is an aid in touching yourself."Jenna was still flushing, and looked around anxiously. It was all too much for her. She felt so dumb now. Her mother must think her a little baby to have burst in on her most private moment like that."You mean you had that thing in your...inside you?" Jenn felt so silly now, having this conversation with her mother. "I'm afraid so, honey. It feels better than it looks.""I could never put something like that in me, mother.""Of course not honey, but after a girl has children your vagina stretches, and it likes, and can handle more stimulation than just your fingers. You should not put anything down there until you are older. Except maybe your clean fingers. This snake," she smiled as she spoke, "is just an industrial strength finger. It makes mommy feel like she is having sex with a man. It helps me feel good and I climax." Astrid was almost enjoying shocking her little daughter with her sudden openness of previously unspoken matters. She could see her daughter's eyebrow go up with that last bit. Astrid was being very understanding toward her daughter's obvious lack of experience in these matters. She was trying to explain some of the facts of life, without being too crude. Jenn knew that. She just wasn't comfortable discussing 'the birds and bees' with her mother."Have you rubbed yourself there honey?"Jenn was shocked by the question and kept turning deeper, and deeper shades of crimson."Not really, er...sort of.... sometimes.... maybe a little.""Did you ever put anything inside your, uhhmm...cunny?"Jenn shook her head 'no'. She tried to avoid her mother's gaze. She looked down. Her body was beginning to perspire noticeably. She wondered to herself, if it was from the heat and humidity of the bathroom, or something else. As she stared downwards she noticed that her nipples were painfully erect. Apparently a part of her wanted to have this conversation. But was her own mother's presence arousing her? No, her mother was truly beautiful. More 'womanly' than even her gorgeous sister. Jenn realized she was just a sucker for beauty. Anyone would get a little excited seeing her mom, or so she thought.Mother continued with the lesson. "You are probably still too tight for inserting anything in your pussy, but rubbing with your fingers should bring pleasure. Does it honey? Does it feel good when you rub yourself there? You do rub yourself, don't you?"Jenn nodded the affirmative, shocked by the questions and still looking down."How often does my baby girl play with her privates?"After a long pause, Jenna contemplated running out of the room, but found her voice and spoke. "Not very often...I...It's embarrassing.""Oh honey, don't be embarrassed about it," she hugged her daughter " if mommy does it, so can you." Astrid broke the embrace with a kiss on her daughter's cheek. Astrid noticed how young and fresh her daughter smelled. The young hair was soft and silky. Their eyes finally met. Jenn could see the still vital glow in her mother of 15 years. 'So beautiful' she thought. As awkward as this encounter was, she felt more comfortable, after this sudden display of intimacy. She smiled back at her mother, and hugged her back for being so gentle.Just as she was becoming comfortable with the situation somewhat, her mother dropped another bomb. "Why don't you take off that wet jammy top, honey, and I'll dry you." Jenn felt trapped. She wanted to obey because she always did, and because the thought of disrobing, made her itch in a curiously delicious way 'down below'. It was all quite embarrassing, yet thrilling. She had not been nude in front of her mother since she was twelve or so.Sensing the hesitation, Astrid's adept fingers made a bee line for the buttons on Jenn's silk pajama top. She shouldn't have. But the situation was giving her warm thoughts below, and there was some unfinished business there! The situation of getting caught by her little fifteen year old daughter gave Astrid quite the thrill! Was it right getting so excited by her own? Only once did Astrid pursue Sapphic feelings, and that was long ago in high school, and did not go well.The buttons left the protective confines of their buttonholes, one by one. Jenn squirmed a bit, her arms uncooperative. Mom was practically trembling at the secrets she was about to reveal. Why did it feel so good to look at this pretty teenager, her own offspring? She was too excited to think about the answer right now. How far could she go with this little encounter anyway?As the last button fell away, Astrid paused momentarily, before unveiling her young daughter's upper body. Jenn surrendered to her mother's knowing fingers. Off came her top. Jenn self consciously looked down at her own exposed b-sized mounds. Astrid looked as well. There was a long pause, and a loud silence before anyone spoke again."You are truly lovely my daughter! I have not paid close enough attention to your physical development lately." Her fingers began to flutter like butterflies, all over her young daughter's body. She was staring at the young tits, amazed how they've appeared from nothing this past year. Jenn was uncomfortable with the contact, yet at the same time, relished the attention even if it was from her own mother.Years of repressed feelings can do that. Astrid knew she had to touch those boobies full on. She wanted to heft them, test their weight and firmness. Jenn WANTED to be touched in that manner, yet was afraid of the repercussions, with mom doing the touching. Of course it could not be considered sexual contact, just eager exploration, full of curiosity."Your breasts are s-o-o-o beautiful, Jenna honey." Astrid reached out and cupped both of them now, relishing in the sensations. Nipples tended to run long in this family. Jenna's aureolae were quarter sized, and covered by telltale bumps. Mother looked at them, and her daughters face, appraising how Jenn might be taking this.The shy teen would meet her gaze only briefly, still blushing. Mostly she just stared down at her mother's hands, firmly on her pert breasts. Astrid flashed her teenage daughter a bright smile while tugging those pointy nipples. Her smile was shyly returned with a smaller, more nervous one. She just HAD to take this a step further. She squeezed both breasts with some force, watching the already stiff nipples grow to full attention. Astrid could not wipe the smile from her face as she reveled in this dark fantasy. Jenna was getting dizzier and dizzier. This was going beyond her ability to control, but she decided to trust mother's judgment. Why did it feel so good to be touched there by someone else? Both of them seemed to be enjoying the moment. Did this make them lesbians? So many questions. Right now, neither of them gave a damn as to the answers. The touching progressed further. Astrid massaged, hefted, and squeezed the pliant flesh in her hands every which way. Her pussy was giving approval, by releasing abundant secretions through her picture perfect mother-orifice. Daughter or not, the girl before her was ravishing. Any man or woman would be moved. As she squeezed and tugged on the nipples, she looked up smilingly at Jenna's face. The teenager was definitely losing it now, as her face was contorted, and her eyes closed. A small involuntary moan escaped her lips."Oh honey, look at the way your nipples are reacting to my touch. You boobies are so firm. You know, I was about your cup size at your age, and that means you'll get a lot bigger. You'll probably be a d-cup by the time you are your sister's age."This roused young Jenna from her trance. As pleased as she was with her development, she still had the least developed chest in the family. "You really think so mother?" (It just goes to show you it's never enough!) "Do you really think they'll be as big as Jade's?""No honey, they'll be even bigger I'm sure. Your sister is a c-cup from what I've noticed, and she was smaller at your age. You are going to be as big as your Momma!" Astrid thrust her chest out after that last bit.Jenna realized now what had been missing. Mom was still wearing her towel. As hot as she looked that way, it didn't seem fair. Mom had looked and felt her up, and she had not really gotten a good look at mom before she disappeared under the thirsty towel. Yes, it was apparent to Jenn that her mother was well endowed, but Jenn couldn't really 'see' that like Mom was seeing her. "Ummm ...Can I see yours' mother?" She asked sheepishly. "Can I see what your breasts look like?"Astrid looked her daughter in the eye. She was hoping it would come to this. She was so hot and tingly, that she probably would have shown her daughter everything, even without being asked. This way definitely made it better. Astrid stood up now. They were almost the same height, Jenna being an inch or so shorter, at 5' 8". Jenna watched intently as mom put her fingers in the knot, and s-l-o-w-l-y peeled the garment back like a banana. As her magnificence came into view, Jenna was in awe. She had never, in person, seen such large, firm-looking breasts. She thought her sister was a perfect '10', but mother was beyond that. She was sure her mouth must have been hanging open, but felt powerless to shut it."Gosh mom, they're incredible!" Not dating lately, Astrid was well overdue for some compliments at her still tight body. Being that it was her own daughter that broke that dry spell, seemed not to matter. "Thank you dear, I'm so glad you like them."She spun around to give Jenna several different perspectives, but held on to the towel so it would not expose below the hips. Jenna secretly hoped the towel would fall. She was so sexually aroused that she wanted to touch herself. Astrid was feeling no different either. "You may touch them Jenn..."Jenn did not need to be asked twice. Eagerly she reached out and felt the bigger than life orbs, her mouth still open. They felt so good, and looked like the nicest she'd ever seen, real or out of a magazine. At first the touch was soft and static, like she was weighing the big tits. Soon her hands and fingers trembled, uncomfortable with going as far as she had with the mutual explorations. "Touch my nipples honey, like I touched yours" and her daughter did. Astrid's aureolae were very large, and pale. Typical blonde traits. Her hair was up in a bun, so her chest was accentuated even more. New ground was being broken, and the danger was that one might not be able to go back if things went too far. But had they already? Both were reluctant to leave the comforts of familiarity behind, and become even more familiar in this very graphic physical way. The problem was that they trusted each other implicitly, and their bodies were full of chemicals that made them want to explore this forbidden horizon.Astrid then let the towel drop. Jenna's gaze instantly traveled south. She was embarrassed to look, but could not exert the will to ignore the territory now coming into view. Her hands stopped their testing of her mother's lethal weapons, and her eyes guiltily gazed at her own mother's secret sex! Surely it was ok for her to look. It was being freely offered. Astrid was obviously proud of her body. Perhaps the three days a week in the basement exercise room was not dumb after all. Jenn hoped she would look as good, after two kids. Jenn stared at the pouting lips. It was interesting how her mom had pouting lips on her face and her vagina. Almost twins. The plumpness begged one to touch or suckle. But that would be sick, wouldn't it? Astrid spun around like a model, making sure all of her angles were well displayed. She put her arms on her hips, watching the teen's roving eyes. She wanted to go further. She wanted to see Jenn's pussy! She wondered if there was hair growing there yet. Jade had the most hair there, being a brunette, and that was hardly any at all.Astrid's golden pudendal locks were patterned in that same short and vertical shape as her older daughter Jade, but being blonde, made the presence of the wonderfully downy mass much less noticeable. She looked almost hairless. Her body was on fire, but Astrid knew this was possibly getting out of hand. Didn't people go to jail for these things?Perhaps she should be satisfied with what she had seen and done thus far. Jenn's psyche seemed still to be intact, and the relationship seemed to be none the worse now. She sensed that Jenn would not be ready now, for anything purely sexual, and she wasn't sure she was ready either. She must not abuse her daughter's obedience by crossing that fine line. She just wanted to love her daughter, and her daughter to love her back. A perception of sexual contact could easily ruin that, even though sex was obviously fueling some part of it."Mother is cold. I'm going to get back in the warm water. We can continue our conversation later honey. OK?" Astrid stepped back into the tub. Only her face and knees showing now. Jenn was relieved, but frustrated too. She watched her mother's shiny, perfect backside sink into the depths, and start the whirlpool again. Standing, wearing only her wet pajama bottoms, Jenn seemed frozen to the spot, her mind replaying all the incredible sensations she just experienced. As exciting as things had gotten, it seemed anti-climactic now.Astrid's hand went under the bubbles, and like a magnet, to her waiting vagina. She was confident Jenn could not see that from her current position. She could wait no longer to masturbate. So she did, stealthily, but forcefully.Jenn was still on display, and feeling naked. Her mother was still looking at her, her face, her body, certain places... It was a look she had not seen in years past. "Why don't you leave your wet pajama bottoms in the hamper before you leave, dear." Astrid was rubbing her pussy now, and hoped it didn't show in her voice.Jenn was almost in a trance. She needed to go back to her room as quickly as possible. She never had so much fire in her center, as now. The hamper was by the door, some ten feet away. Picking up her discarded top, she walked to the clothes hamper on rubbery legs, the air feeling cold on her wet excited breasts. As she picked up the wet pajama top, her breasts swung slightly, and jiggled before settling back on her chest. Those B-cups did not wave or bob like a C or D-cup, but the movement did not go unnoticed by Astrid.Jenn debated whether to obey the request, and figured mom would probably not even notice her take off the wet garment. This helped with the struggle with her modesty. She turned around to make sure mom was not still eying her, and sure enough she looked occupied. Swiftly, Jenn peeled off the jammy and stepped out of it, throwing it in the hamper. She went for the doorknob quickly, hoping she could get to her room without bumping into sis, seeing as how she was as naked as a Jaybird!"Oh, what was it that you wanted to talk to me about, honey?"Trapped again! She couldn't reply without turning around, that would be rude. Still holding the doorknob to freedom beyond, she turned only halfway to reply."It can wait mom." She could not stand the embarrassment of full frontal nudity, and smiled politely as she tried to escape before her mother thought of anything more to say, or saw any more of her nude body. "Thanks for being so understanding mom. I didn't mean to embarrass you with the...ummm...thing earlier. I'm just going to leave on the counter," referring to the snake. "I love you." "I love you too honey. Please don't tell your sister about our little 'incident'. I'd like it to be our secret." She said with a coy smile, but she was looking at Jenna hungrily, trying to see between her legs, fabulous long legs, capped with a trim, almost boyish butt. Her long, thick straight blonde hair went to near her ass. The distance and position she was standing in was not ideal, so Astrid could not see clearly, but it was good enough. Astrid's guess had been correct! A hairless pussy could just be discerned before going out of view!! Tight thin slit, with no inner vaginal lips visible! Beautiful. Jenna nodded in the affirmative to that last statement, and hurriedly left. There was no way she could or would recount the recent events to anyone. She ran to her room to take a cold shower. Today was a milestone as experiences were concerned. New house, new town, new school, new friends, and now totally new experiences. She had never been wetter, and it was not from the water of the shower. She wondered if juicing up like that was normal? Mom had told her how pretty she was. Mom never lied. Why did the compliments and the nudity cause her pussy to leak? Strange, exciting new feelings. Perhaps she could deal with the school issues on her own. She focused all her will at coming down from the unbelievable state of arousal she was just in. (Silly girl).Astrid reached orgasm within a minute of her daughter leaving the bathroom. It was extremely powerful. Her pussy almost swallowed her helping hand. She mashed her breasts heavily, increasing the intensity of the 'pleasure harmonic', and was not aware of her loud vocal accompaniment. The images were so erotic that the last of the multiple orgasmic shudders, caused complete unconsciousness. A family trait.Jade decided to call a couple of the tanning salons. She picked the one where the woman had put her at ease, and where there was a special being offered. She dressed in her shiny-yellow bikini thong, with a grey sweatshirt and blue and black pleated skirt from St. Beave's, and bounced out the door. Hopefully after a few sessions of tanning, she would appear more presentable by the time actual students arrived next week.She drove her new black diesel pick up truck the few miles to the salon. She thought her truck was very practical. It would be able to haul all kinds of Gym gear, be great for camping, and got 20 miles to the gallon to boot. Although the six speed manual transmission was sometimes a pain, Jade loved to exercise, even while driving, and the stick shift gave her something to do. The salon seemed small and not at all busy. In fact only one other car was there, probably the employee's. Jade grabbed her Gym bag and bounced in. "Hi Ya!""Well hello there!" The clerk was a young girl that seemed too young to be working behind the counter. Jade took note. The girl looked about 13, blonde, thin, budding breasts the size of apples, dressed in a tight white t-shirt and tiny jean shorts sporting pretty, youthful legs. 'An apple a day' thought Jade."Umm, I called about an hour ago, I'm here for a session?""Oh yes, my mom told me you might be coming. It was her you spoke to earlier. She had to leave, but I can show you around. I fill in for her all the time.""I see." Jade got the rundown and a quick tour of the tiny place. She liked the fact that no one else was there, and that some horny man wasn't running the place. These things put her at ease. It seemed that Chris, the young blonde kid, was very knowledgeable about the tanning process and the equipment. Jade watched her cute ass wiggle as she showed her around.'What a pretty smile she has' thought Jade, 'and so developed for a 13 year old.' And she seemed to be quite confident and in control. Jade thought she would definitely have to take some ques from this 5'2" lass. A teacher would have to be in control, and though shy and inexperienced, Jade would have to learn to be more confident and in charge. If this little elf could do it so could she, "You a model or something?" asked the young blonde."Certainly not, " Jade was pleased at the apparent compliment, "I'm starting at St Beave's and I wanted to look my best for next week when the classes start.""Really, St Beave's Catholic School for Girls, my mom went there! She says it's a great place. You a teacher?"Yes, Phys Ed.""That's really cool." What Chrissy didn't say was that she would be starting there on Monday, and probably be in Jade's class. "Well anyway, here is the tanning bed, I'll show you how to work it."Jade watched the teenage girl scamper about, full of enthusiasm and energy. At times like these she would sometimes question her sexuality, but ultimately she would just ride the feelings through. She understood the social taboos of sexual preference and age discrimination, and although she did not share those sentiments, societal pressures kept her restrained to just taboo fantasies."Did my mom mention the make up and nail special with a six month subscription?"", just the 10% off.""Well, the way it works, a six month subscription gives you unlimited weekly visits, and today I could do your nails and makeup for free!""Well, that's certainly a fair deal. I'll have to consider that." What Jade didn't say was 'What could this little thirteen year old in pigtails, possibly know about properly applying makeup?' Her own mind answered it 'nothing, perhaps less than nothing.'Chrissy read the raised eyebrow and immediately presented her case. "Mom taught me. I'm really very good. I just don't generally wear much makeup myself, but you can see an album of my work to help you decide. Here I'll get it!" Chris did not wait for an answer. She pulled the album from under the counter, and dragged the big thing to the lounge/waiting area, and dropped it on the coffee table. She sat down and patted the leather couch seat next to her for Jade to come and sit. Jade was not convinced, but it was pleasant to be around such a pretty young girl with a two sizes too tight tee shirt, and teeny little shorts that showed off her young little butt and pretty legs.Reluctantly she sauntered over. She could tell that Chrissy had her eyes on her. It was a look of judging, or taking inventory of. The catholic school uniform skirt she was wearing showed plenty curve, and little Chrissy wanted to see more. Jade sat down and looked at her Submariner Rolex (18th birthday present from mom)."It'll only take a few minutes and I think you will like my work!" And she began paging through, as Jade looked on. The first thing Jade noticed was that all the customers in the photographs were pretty. The second thing that became apparent was that Chris DID know how to apply makeup. From subtle to slutfest. Obviously, this was a talent. She thought her own makeup routine was adequate, but this degree of artistry was only seen in magazines. She helped Chris flip the pages now, and was more and more impressed. Chris could tell that Jade had judged her prematurely, and now seemed to be enthusiastic about showing more of her portfolio because she could tell Jade was changing her mind. The pictures mostly seemed to have been taken at the salon, and the subjects ranged in age from younger than Chrissy, to women older than mom. She had enough sense to know that a real artist has a lot of range, and is able to adapt the work to what each face needs most. Now Jade was no stranger to applying a range of makeup to herself. She had spent many nights practicing for that eventual hot date, as well as just trying to accent her gifts. But, seeing the quality of Chrissy's work just raised the bar. "You are really talented Chris. I had no idea. What brand do you use?""Thanks. I hoped you would like. No one manufacturer makes the best product in any given category. I use only the best each has to offer. Some products are even hand made all over the world, and some are made exclusively for our chain of boutiques. This location is kind of small, but we have 3 other stores in the area that have a more professional atmosphere and are bigger, with a full staff to boot. There we stock the entire cache of products.""I see." Jade was convinced she would have to try this little girl out. She was not only pretty and confident, but talented and smart for her age. Sitting so close she noticed Chrissy's perfume. Very distinctive. Not too showy, and a little erotic. Their thighs were now touching as they sat and poured over the pictures. Jade was getting a little warm between the legs.As they flipped through the album together, she noticed that this chain also did equally well with hair. Every now and then one of them would comment about this style or that, and they established an easy rapport. As they got near the end of the album, Jade noticed that some of the photos were of girls tanning. These were of course full body shots with only bikinis covering the private parts. The females were of all types and ages. All were quite pretty.Jade found that fact a little odd, since most people one would meet in passing, were usually nothing much to look at. On the other hand, any business would want to promote their wares by showing off their best work, on the prettiest people. "That is a lovely perfume you're wearing Chrissy. What is it?""It's our private line. We're thinking of going national with it. Mom is working out the details with the Thai producer. It is very old world, completely natural and difficult to get in quantity right now. It's called 'SEDUCTION'. Do you like it?""Yes, very much. Is it expensive?""Very, but it is the finest line of perfumes outside France. Perhaps including France! And it is more natural, with no fillers or garbage ingredients. It is part of the 'Burning Bush' line of products.""It is really growing on me. Do they have more than one type of perfume?""Yes they have about a half dozen. From mild to wild. My other favorite is 'Bitch-In-Heat'."Jade looked over at Chris. Certainly no one would really name fine perfume that. Perhaps it was that child's sense of humor. She studied the impish face for clues. Should she laugh or ask again. Chrissy finally cracked a smile, and chuckled. Jade too forced a little smile, only she was happy to have finally found a flaw in this way too adult little girl. She also detected a strange look that she could not place. She had remembered seeing it on several occasions. It seemed almost predatory in nature. She noticed the girl's nipples were now kind of prominent through her tight blouse. Jade smiled back and looked away. Hopefully, she was not caught staring. "How much is your smallest bottle?""That would be 10 milliliters for $90." Jade's mind could not calculate exactly how much that was, but it seemed like very little quantity for the money. She was just too excited for math or even for scanning her memory for the approximate conversion ratios. Anyway the decision was made in her mind. 'So much for my budget'. She narrowed her eyes at this little girl who had disarmed her so.'Quite a salesperson that one, no wonder her mom lets her watch the place when she has to go out.' Jade was a little angry now. In a very short time she had decided to get the full treatment from this little used car salesman. She had not expected to spend so much, but excused it in her mind with the desire to make the best impression possible on her employers. 'Always be the best, and when that fell short, surround yourself with the best people' her mother used to say. Words of wisdom."Chrissy, I would like to get the full treatment from you! You are really a find.""Why, thank you Ms. Parker. That is such a compliment from someone with such obviously good taste and good looks!"'Okay, now she's laying the sales crap on a little thick' thought Jade. I've already said yes, no need for that touchdown when you're up three to one and the two minute warning has sounded.'"How is your schedule? Can I get all this done before 10AM tomorrow? That's when I have my orienteering at work.""Let me see what I can do Ms. Parker. I'll give you a freebie this evening, and if you're still pleased with my work I can probably get you in first thing in the morning at our Westside location. That place is just down the road from the school. I could meet you there about 7 am, before our official open time. That is, if that is ok with you.""Hmmm.... You know that might work out good for me! That way everything will be fresh for work! You gotta deal young lady! Now lets see what you've got."Chrissy smiled. She was happy to make the commissioned sale, but more importantly, it would provide some potentially wonderful thrills. Smiling, Chris grabbed Jade by the hand and led her to the salon room with the single old style barber's chair."I'm going to do your nails and make up for free, then you can use the tanning bed like I showed you. Tomorrow at 7am, I'll meet you at the other store and I'll do your make up again, and there you can see the entire product line we carry, and try out the different perfumes. If we have time you can get another tanning session in. That store officially opens at 9 am, but I'll have you done by then so you'll even have time for breakfast. Sound good?""Yes, great!" Jade was trying to hide her nervousness. She was not sure she could trust this little kid just before her first day at work. What if she really screws something up? Chris's heart was racing in anticipation as she went to the front of the store, retrieved what she was looking for, and flipped the open sign over. Let the games begin!As she returned to where Jade was still sitting and in the same position, she could tell Jade was openly looking at her. Chris detected an unmistakable look of longing, AND a good dose of fear. This is just the way she liked it. (It is at this point dear reader that we point out, that rather than being a cute little girl of thirteen, Chris and her mother were pernicious wanton lesbians, that chose their businesses on the sole basis of the potential of seducing straight or slightly bi young girls and women!) Chris flipped up a little tray that was attached to the side of the antique barber's chair, and laid out the nail gear. She produced a cup with green soaking fluid, and placed Jade's hand in it. Jade hoped it was not Palmolive! Chris produced a barstool and placed it in front of Jade, before sitting down on it to do her work. It was hard not to notice how this exposed the young teenager's groin, as she sat with her legs spread. There was little chit chat now, just some professional attention directed at producing a shiny, well manicured hand. Jade wanted the effect subtle yet efficient befitting a teacher of Phys Ed. They had decided on a milky pink semi gloss finish, that was pleasing to the eye without attracting undue attention. The nails would be left as long as possible without interfering with her active lifestyle. Busy with the task at hand allowed Jade to pretty much look at the lovely young girl anywhere she wanted, with little danger of being discovered. And look she did.Jade was unable to keep her furtive glances at bay. Did it mean she was gay? She didn't think so. She still got excited thinking about certain men. It was just that she found herself more in situations where there were women, and rarely men. It was just odd mathematical probability really. And she just happened to mostly draw the 'always around females' card.Unlike her own mother and sister, she at least admitted to herself that she was probably bisexual. She just wasn't about to risk taking her sometimes slightly abnormal fantasies and thoughts, into the world of reality. A true voyeur was probably in the making! She watched Chris work with labored breath. Little escaped Jade's critical eye. However, the excitement and guilt served to quickly erase a lot of that detail, making it necessary to look everywhere again. Jade was loving every minute.Chris fiddled with the nails. She was focused and efficient. It appeared that she was doing a good job so far. Jade was beginning to relax again, and allowed her eyes to assess the little teen girl with more focus. She noticed the girl's breasts seemed to have swelled up some, as they seemed larger now, angrily straining against the tight white cotton top. Jade loved at how much of Chrissy's slightly concave stomach her top left exposed.She noticed, that when Chrissy moved her legs a certain way, the tiny and short material of the obviously home trimmed cutoff jeans, left a pudendal gap! The first time Jade saw it her eyes reflexively went up to Chrissy's, to see if she was seen looking below. Chris seemed oblivious to everything but the job at hand. 'Whew' thought Jade. 'I really want to look there. Did I see what I thought I saw? Naww... I'm sure her mother would not let er out without panties.'Chris shifted around continuously while she worked on Jade's pedicure. 'She moves about in an extremely unladylike way' thought Jade. 'She moves as if she is not even aware of the view her posture is providing me! Well, if she's going to be so ignorant and unconscious about it, I'm going to get my thrills and look!!' And so Jade looked. Just as she was getting accustomed to the view,Chrissy changed position again.This time she spread her legs wide apart and cocked her head as she was trying to decide whether her latest pedicurial efforts were adequate. This move was of course deliberate. But Jade was still too innocent to know that. The new position allowed the denim of the shorts to gape open at the crotch on one side, allowing Jade a several second look at the teen's completely exposed sex. There was no mistaking that she was not wearing under things! Chris's peripheral vision was keen, and knew Jade was stealing glances at her. Her seduction was proceeding well!Jade was shocked and thrilled all at once! No, she had not been noticed looking. 'Whew,' she fidgeted in her seat now, the moisture between her legs becoming noticeably uncomfortable. Jade looked again. 'Oh my, the little girl's slit is visible! And she doesn't even have any pubic hair!' Guilty or not, she couldn't turn away. Her fidgeting was now affecting her pedicure."Are you ok Ms. Parker?""Uhm...yes, it's just getting a little warm in here. You're doing a fine job Chris, don't mind me. I'll be fine.""You can take off your sweatshirt if you'll be more comfortable?""Oh no I couldn't do that!" 'Not with a teeny little bikini on top' she thought. She wanted to be alone now, so she could relieve the pressure. She hoped Chris was almost finished. At least she'd have some privacy in the tanning bed. She was not happy about her lack of control over her body. Here this innocent young teenager was just doing her job, and she, the adult, was getting sexually aroused by her.That sweet face, body, and the fleeting glimpses of her most secret place, made Jade very horny indeed. She doubled her efforts to be unaffected by this innocent employee, only it wasn't working. The more energy she exerted in blocking her responses to the sights, sounds, touch, and smell of this girl; the more it hit her head on.She feared what would happen if this girl knew what Jade was feeling. Imagine if Chris had somehow come on to her. She would practically be powerless to stop her. That could land her in jail! Luckily, Jade thought, the procedure was finally over, and it was time to assess the work. "Well, you're finished Ms. Parker. How do you like them?""Very nice honey. You did a super job."Jade appraised her pedicure, and decided the little girl knew her business. Her nails were absolute perfection. She was also dizzy from the peek-a-boo, and her body was all fired up. She really needed to be alone right now, so she made sure Chris knew she was pleased with the quality of the work, and that she was looking forward to tomorrow's appointment."Aren't you forgetting something?"Jade's breathing was a little shallow and labored-her mind couldn't figure out what Chris meant. Chris knew the effect she was having on Jade. Jade was clearly trying to think, but was just too heated at the moment. Chris ended the torture. "You forgot I still have to make your face up, silly!"'Duhh' Jade thought. Talk about short circuits! Jade was angry she was losing control of her mind and body. How could she forget they were only half done! Jade attempted to seize control of herself through deliberate concentration. As a teacher, she is going to have to be focused, so that she will always be in control! Her roving eyes and mind have embarrassed her again.'I am the adult, and she is just a kid performing a service for me in exchange for money.' She was hoping that she was convincing herself of the reality of this illusion. Jade really just wanted to lie down, but she had not yet sampled Chrissy's make up artistry. She was not willing to take a chance on the kid's skills in the morning. She needed to know tonight, if Chris was reliable in that as well. "Yeah, right, I forgot. Why don't you begin?" And with that she leaned back in the chair resigning to wait until she could be alone with herself. She hoped Chris would not take too long, or smell the secretions coating the back of the new skirt.This whole time Chris was busy laying out the make up gear on the tray table. She carried on idle chit chat, while Jade only nodded when necessary and watched the show. It was sure nice to be catered to like this. Jade liked being pampered. A steady paycheck would make this all a recurring possibility. She hoped she would not screw this new job up.Yes there were student loans to repay, and a starting salary of $40,000 was really not all that much. Various government agencies, union, and property taxes-to name a few, would take about half of that, right off the top. She did not like that. She knew just how inefficient government was, and she would have to perpetuate that, with little say so in the matter. Her reverie was broken by the perfume and closeness of her little friend. "You'll have to scoot forward and spread your legs a little, so I can reach your face. Why don't you close your eyes for this next part?" Chris worked quickly, efficiently, and with practiced confidence. Her mom had taught her well. She liked making up pretty faces, and the face before her was flawless. Youth had it's advantages. With her eyes shut, and oh so close, Chris had a chance to scrutinize the Amazon-like young woman before her. Medium complexion. No wrinkles. Luxurious, thick, long and shiny hair. Broad shoulders, befitting an athlete. Killer gams!Chris wanted to heft one and confirm their apparent denseness. Anyplace she looked there was no flaw to be seen, only perfection. She tried to concentrate on the job at hand, but seeing all that leg emanating from her patron's little skirt, caused some pleasant distraction. Tonight, Chris would give Jade exactly what she requested in order to gain her patron's confidence, but tomorrow she would pull out all the stops and really make her up to excess! She licked her lips in anticipation. "You have to hold still Ms. Parker, you've been patient with me so far, I'm almost finished. If you can hold on just a little longer..." Chris leaned in to her victim as often as possible, and since Jade was on the edge of her seat (literally), bare legs would bump every now and then. Sometimes one leg would go between the other pair. At first it made Jade jump. Then it just made her nervous.Finally she began to anticipate it with pleasure. Her clit had swelled up, and after the last hour of stimulation, was begging for human contact! This accidental leg contact was both a relief, and a further stimulus. Jade was holding the armrests of the big old barber's chair so tightly, that her hands had become a lighter shade of pale. And then all too quickly it was all finished."You can open your eyes now" and with that Chris turned the chair so it faced the bank of mirrors. "How do you like?"Again Jade was blown away. The kid did a real nice job. The eye shadow really made one look, and yet it was subtle. A very sophisticated look, indeed. Jade thought it would make a great impression on her employers. As noticeable as her eyes were before the treatment, they were even more green now. They glowed with an aura of life and youth.The blush seemed perfectly natural, in fact she rarely applied it herself. Her cheeks were always a little flushed looking. The lips now seemed luxurious. They were always on the full side, but now seemed fat. A look most people found desirable. Jade looked at them, and it made her want to kiss her own lips! All this without going too far and looking like a slut."Thank you Chris, I love it. Can you do no wrong? You will have to show me how you got this look, and I'm going to have to buy some of these products." She got up closer to the mirror trying to find imperfection in the work. Yes, it helped to be starting with a model face, but you could screw that up if you didn't know what you were doing. Clearly, Chris knew this game well.Chris left Jade alone for a bit in front of the mirror, letting her bask in the afterglow. She tidied up, then broke the silence."We'll be closing in an hour or so, maybe you should get that tan started?""Oh sorry. I guess you're right. I kinda lost track of time. I don't want you to have to stay longer because of me.""Don't worry about it, it happens all the time. I'll just set the timer on the machine for you." Just let me know if you need anything such as towels, or oil. I think we should limit your first visit to 15 minutes so you don't burn. And if you want to tan nude to prevent those lines it's OK with me. A lot of clients do it, I don't mind. Just push the green button when you're ready to lie down, and close the lid. Here are some headphones if you want to listen to music.""Thanks Chris, you are so thorough! I think I WILL take the headphones, and some tanning oil too." Chris got a hold of Jade's arm and dragged her over to the little tanning room. She then went into the storeroom to get the necessary items. Jade wondered if she should start undressing now, or wait till Chrissy brought the oil, and left her alone.She was so excited about the events of late; her earlier touching at home, plus all the looking and teasing here in the salon. She decided that there would be no harm in dropping her skirt and losing the sweatshirt. Both of them were girls after all, and she had nothing to be embarrassed about. Besides, she already had her bikini on underneath, and even though tiny, it covered all the essentials. She had no intention, however, of tanning nude even though she didn't want tan lines. She must draw the line somewhere!Jade watched herself in a conveniently placed mirror, as she pulled off her plaid skirt. Chrissy was returned with the oil. It was a special oil that she and her mother had designed. Call it a Spanish fly, or more appropriately Spanish Thai, or perhaps a Thai Fly. While it did an admirable job of protection, mostly it acted as a sexual stimulant, causing the body to tingle, and squirm around a lot. A topical aphrodisiac.Chrissy was young, but she was far from innocent. Her mother had raised her to be sexually active early. By age seven she had lost her virginity. Even earlier if you count girl sex. By now she knew exactly what she liked and how she liked it. She preferred older females, and she was perpetually horny. This tanning place was just one type of front that her mother owned, to help get into people's pants. Chrissy was so impressed by Jade's body, and the luck of the draw when she found out this would be her teacher as well! Imagine being able to ogle her every day. Her mind whirred with alternate plans of seduction and depravity, which she hoped she would be able to play out in the coming school year. Not to mention immediate plans currently in the fire.As she came back into the room, Jade was just peeling off her sweatshirt. For a second Chris froze in the presence of such perfection. She almost dropped the oil bottle, staring openly at the sight unveiling before her. Jade noticed the teenager and quickly turned around so Chris would not see her thonged butt. She watched Chrissy scan her body up and down. Jade blushed a little as she reached for the bottle in Chrissy's hand. She was now feeling very naughty exposing so much of her body to this young blonde teenage girl. A harmless thrill she thought."Oh sorry for staring, it's just that you are really Pretty Ms. Parker.""Please, call me Jade, Chrissy and thank you. You know it takes one to know one," said Jade trying a bit of levity to soften the tension. 'Geez now I'm flirting with a little girl. How embarrassing. I'm going to need a drink before this day is up.'Chrissy smiled back but her eyes kept boring into all the parts of the goddess before her. The little blue eyes didn't know where to look first. She scanned, she stared at the boobie cleavage, she looked at the V between Jade's legs, and then scanned her bikini clad body all over again. Jade tried to keep cool, but got a secret thrill being on display like this. She hoped that teasing was not illegal.Jade was now waiting for Chrissy to leave before putting the oil on, but the thrills she was getting made her overcome much of her modesty. She popped the bottle top and inhaled the scent of the tanning oil. 'Copperbush Tanning Salve', it said on the label. Jade had never heard of the brand. It looked high quality, and supposedly boasted Aroma therapeutic qualities. She started spreading it on her body. Glancing over at Chrissy who was still watching her, Jade decided to wait just a little longer before shooing the girl out, enjoying the attention she never got enough of while growing up. She had covered most of her front when Chrissy stepped forward, grabbed the bottle and said: "Here let me get your back, I'm here to help, ya know!"Before Jade could respond with the 'no thanks', Chris was squirting the stuff into her hands and turning Jade around, exposing the exquisitely muscled ass and thighs."I don't need you to...""Really, it's OK, I don't mind helping. You don't want to leave any bare spots and burn yourself the first time. Your skin needs to be protected at all times."Of course it made perfect sense. Perhaps she should just let this professional do her job. Chrissy had a slow but firm methodical touch, that bordered on massage. It certainly made Jade relax AND excited. The room had quite the mirrors, and Jade could see the young girl working her back slowly, and somewhat sensuously. Jade noticed in the reflection, that Chrissy's nipples were now protruding through her little white t-shirt more than before. Her own breasts were straining against her 'wet-look' bikini top, and the oil was starting to make her skin tingle with (even more) excitement. Surely it was all perfectly normal. Jade was simply excited because she was nervous, and the girl was just helping her where she could not reach very well. Right? Except that Chrissy was now on her knees doing the backs of her legs. Slowly she worked her way up to the thighs, and finally she began to knead those killer glutes. Jade's derriere was almost totally exposed due to the thong, and she began to get uncomfortable. Chrissy's face was level with her ass not 6 inches away! The young girl's breathing had become noticeably labored and irregular. Her face flushed, and her young puss began to soak the front of the jean shorts. If the room had been well lit, one would have seen the telltale wet mark.Jade decided to put an end to this before she lost the upper hand, so she quickly turned to face her tormentor. This movement, of course, made Chrissy's face level with Jade's bikinied mound; which if not for the waterproof fabric, would be sporting a wet patch as well. She saw the pubescent girl was openly staring at her covered pudendum, the pupils dilated, and the eyes shining brightly."Thanks Chris, I think I'm done now. You did a very thorough job with the sun screen. I can take care of the rest." With that Jade sat down on the tanning bed, and put on the headphones. Chris had hoped to cover a little more ground, but on the other hand she was already risking going too far. After all she was an artist, and it was art knowing how far to go. She practiced her seductions well, and knew it was better to err toward caution. She decided to bide her time, for the moment at least."Yell if you need anything, I'll be behind the front desk.""Alright Chris, I will." Jade plugged her headphones into the jack and adjusted the volume. It was a college radio station playing hard rock and metal, just what she liked. Most places tune to those wimpy softie or top 40 stations, so Jade was riding an endorphin high. She laid down and adjusted her body for maximum comfort. Pushing the button, the lamps lit. She lowered the lid over herself and closed her eyes.Finally a moment alone. She felt the peace wash over her as the music laid waste to her ear canals. Metallica, Megadeth, Sabbath, Motorhead, and even harder and faster stuff too intense to mention. OK so she liked her music raw, energetic, and devastating. It made for a nice counterbalance to her quiet and innocent personality. It takes extremes to balance extremes.Unbeknownst to her, Chrissy had turned on the scanning digital camera custom fitted into the bed lid. This allowed the operator to take stills or video, of all the beautiful people. The screen saver on her computer monitor flickered, and was replaced by an ever panning view of Jade's spectacular body, covered by only two tiny pieces of bright yellow gloss fabric. Chrissy used the joystick to move the silent cameras field of view. She pushed another button, and the computer launched a program into the web based radio stations' soundstream. These were subliminal messages for the victim in the tanning bed. The music kept the messages in the background (and basically undetectable). Chrissy's mom, the psychologist (among other things), had designed the recordings for her PHD thesis. She had tried them out on other unsuspecting, choice targets. Amazingly, Chrissy's mom's theories proved sound. The two had, over time, refined the messages, and made different ones for different personality types. The idea was to get the listener aroused enough to shed his or her inhibitions while under the lights, and shed the remnants of their clothing for the camera. There were a dozen different recordings in the computer to cover different situations and personalities. The operator could even do a manual override with a filtering algorithm. It worked about 75% of the time. Combined with the proprietor's disarming manner, and the complementary tanning lotion, the hidden messages would ideally put the victim over the top. Chrissy smiled a wicked grin as she set the last phase of the planned seduction into motion. Her left hand worked the controls while her right slipped into her shorts and over her swollen sex. She would only have 15 minutes with this session to achieve Nirvana! Mom was certainly an evil genius, she thought. Tonight she would share the video with her, and they would both masturbate to it.Meanwhile, our heroine was feeling the tingle of the oil as it tantalized her flawless epidermis. The lamps were getting warm too, and her body was covered by little beads of perspiration. The music actually always made her horny, and the subliminal messages were adding to this suggesting secretly full nudity. 'I feel soooo horny' thought Jade, 'I would be so much more comfortable without this bikini, which for some reason feels very tight on me today. I'm all alone and no one would see, besides I'm mostly covered by this apparatus. It would certainly help with those bikini lines until I can sunbathe nude at my own place. I'll just lift this thing, undo my bra and slip my bottoms off. Damn I look good!' And then both pieces of cloth were history.Chrissy was ecstatic. 'We have ignition!' She put the phone on mail, and swiftly peeled off her shorts. Resuming her seat on the chair, she took the computer off autopilot and directed the joystick at will. 'Holy paydirt' she thought, 'this Jade is got a truly killer bod! Look at the cans on that bimbo!! Lets see her cunt! Holy shit, she's naturally almost bald, and its reddish! I love bald pussy, but downy red is my fave!'Her hand was now all over her swollen leaky nether lips. She had a teeny patch of blonde hair above the slit, and puffy lips that gaped open revealing a large clitoris and light pink inner vaginal lips. For thirteen years old, she was way ahead in her physical development. One can only imagine this young thing in 5 years! The sloshing sounds on her pussy were very loud. Chrissy worked her fingers, over, around, up and down, in circles, and in and out. Abnormal amounts of vaginal secretions poured out of her aroused young body. 'I wonder if I could get Ms. Parker to play with herself!' She pushed another button, and a new message went out with the music. She glanced at the clock. 'Shit!' Only 5 minutes left on the tanning timer. On subsequent visits she would have more time, but now... Jade began to wiggle and squirm, and had this strange and overwhelming desire to touch her aching swollen breasts. Her throat was dry, her cunt was wet. She glanced out from under the bed and saw that she was still alone. She lifted the top bank of lights so she could fondle her now unencumbered breasts, just for a little bit! 'Oooooh yessssss!!! That feels sensational! My nipples are so erect they hurt!' She massaged both breasts and pulled on the oversized nipples. What pleasure! Jade loved the firmness of her jugs, and the cartoon-length nips. She had never climbed this high just by titty manipulation. What could be the harm in just a quick finger visit to her pussy. Her right hand traveled downward over her washboard abs, towards Area 51.Meanwhile none of this was missed by Chris. She had grabbed a dildo from the cash drawer and was now pumping 8 inches of flesh-colored latex into a very young and tight cuntal passage. Even though the plastic monster was over two inches wide, the gushing girlie-goo made for smooth sailing. She was openly moaning now, as the dildo slammed home harder and faster."Ms. Parker you're gunna make me fuckin' cum!! You're soooo hot Jade honey! I can't wait to surprise you in class. I want to make love to you baby!"The computer was once again on auto pilot as Chris frigged furiously. Everything was recording to the hard drive, and then to a CD burner. Being financially well off and a computer nerd to boot, sure made this project a dream 'cum' true for mother and daughter. 'Wait till mom sees this one!'By now Jade had reached her own netherworld with her fingertips. While the left hand tightly gripped her bosom, her right peeled back the hood off her 'hooded monk', and set it free. It was already swollen like a half inch long penis. Touching it made the sensations even greater. She tried a circular motion now."Yesss!!!"She ran the fingers up and down her slit, and occasionally in and out, increasing the feelings as they spread throughout her perfect body, like a nuclear bomb.Chrissy could not hold back the dam any longer. She watched the 15.7" laptop monitor wide eyed, her hands busy at her pudendum. The fingers of her left hand spread her outer lips and exposed her clit; while her right hand did most of the hard work. She caressed, stroked, tweaked and diddled the pliant yet taught 13 year old flesh. Her shorts were hanging off an ankle as her leg was up on the counter. She leaned back in the comfy designer chair as her head finally thrashed in climax. "Oh F-U-C-K-K-K!!!!!!!!!!!"Liquid leaked out of Chrissy's box as she rubbed her sex raw. She opened her eyes after a few minutes of satisfying after-climax, and saw that Jade was also rapidly approaching climax too. She was surprised this woman made her cum so fast. She gathered the strength to get up, and moments later she was standing beside Jade, watching undetected, as she furiously masturbated. Jade had her beautiful eyes closed, and Chris finally was able to view her victim, in the altogether. The subliminal messaging system took another victim! Chris wondered how to market such a thing. She was sure there would be a market for it. She eyed Jade's sweaty body, as she bucked and loudly moaned on the tanning bed, completely engrossed in her act of self lust. The headphones still blared the wicked heavy music into Jade's ears. As her left hand squeezed her perfect c-cup tits and yanked the nippled aureolae, Chris noticed something unusual. Every now and then, Jade's tits would squirt!! Obviously, she was completely unaware of this. At first it almost looked like some kind of renegade discharge, but soon it became obvious her ministrations created jets of milk that shot feet into the air! A fresh stream hit young Chris in the face. 'What the hell?' She had never heard of such a thing. It was wildly erotic. Her shorts were already gone, so she put her fingers back in her warm place. Chris realized that this woman was amazingly talented (where it counted), and wondered what other talents she might soon discover. Jade was so out of control that she was now completely unaware of her surroundings. All that mattered was CLIMAX. Chris continued to touch herself as she took in the glorious sight of her most successful voyeuristic invasion yet. She looked at the slick cunt on the tanning bed, and noticed how deliciously large Jade's clit had swollen to. Her own nips were painfully hard again, even though she had cum minutes before. She knew she had to take this young adult NOW! She settled herself at Jade's feet, and lowered herself so that her face was only inches from her target. There was no objectionable odor, only the smell of spring rain and honeydew fields. Chrissy noticed the color of Jade's pussy lips was the same as the surrounding flesh, and the inner lips were a pleasant light pink color.She noticed how perfect Jade's nails looked after their tune up, not too long to make the current activity dangerous. Those nails looked so very sexy working her sloppy sex. Chris had to taste her. She knew this woman was so engrossed, she could pull it off. Certainly her screams of pleasure made this a reasonable assumption. "Oooooh........A-r-r-r-r-g-g-g-h-h-h-h!!!" Jade groaned semi-consciously. The pace was building, and Chris had to act fast. She stuck her tongue out and tasted. 'Wow' she thought. The taste was completely incredible. No seafood fare here! It was like fresh fruit! Chris licked with more force. "U-n-n-g-g-h-!-!-!", Jade reacted with added animation, and raised her hips off the bed to meet Chrissy's tongue thrusts. 'Lots of juice, and lots of flavor' thought Chris.She ate the beautiful (soon-to-be) teacher, and took in as many sights, sounds, smells, and tastes as her young brain and body could handle. She noticed Jade was all wet from sweat and eruptions of milk from her mammaries. Chris made love to the piece of meat before her like there was no tomorrow. And then it happened, with a loud scream of pleasure Jade started to cum. That put Chris over the top, again. To Chrissy's surprise, Jade began to ejaculate girl-goo at that very instant. The first squirt was like misting a plant, only it was Chrissy's face. The subsequent eruptions were more like streams of perfumed ejaculate. Chrissy opened her mouth, not wanting to waste any of the ambrosia. There were at least four or five separate squirts that left Chrissy's face and some of her hair soaked. Chrissy had several multiple aftershocks herself. She was amazed at this raw talent. Her own hips felt so warm and spent. She watched for signs of awareness from Jade, but she was still. Chris stood up to see, and could tell Jade had frigged herself into unconsciousness. This was too good to be true. She had completely gotten away with this oral assault. When Chris had recovered herself, she got a washrag from the bathroom sink to clean up her victim and cover her tracks. Both still naked, she wiped Jade down lovingly, from head to toe. She took extra time at her breasts and pussy, amazed at such beauty.She gave Jade a deep passionate kiss (with tongue) straight into her pussy, before putting back on, Jade's bikini bottoms. She did the same with her perfect tits, putting on the top and tying it proper. She took one last look before lowering the upper bank of lights over her patron, and heading out to put her own clothes on before Jade awakened. As consciousness slowly filtered back into her overloaded mind, Jade realized wherever she was, it was dark. The surroundings were unfamiliar. She imagined she was in Medieval times, in an Iron Maiden (no not the band), in the catacombs of a great castle. Soon enough the less interesting reality became apparent, and with it returned some memories. 'Oh no how could I have!' She pushed the now dim lid off her glowing body, hoping it was all a bad dream. To her surprise her bikini was still on. Although squishy, there was no evidence of girl cum on the glass under her ass. That fact, plus seeing that she was still clothed, made Jade realize it was all just a horny dream! 'Whew, lucky that wasn't real. I even dreamt there was another person near the end of the dream, helping me climax with her face!' she mused. Realizing she was overwhelmed, why with all the previous teasing and excitement, it was no wonder she dreamt of a little elf girl pleasuring her overheated body. She smiled as she put on her clothes, glad she was still in control, and hadn't really embarrassed herself in front of a minor.She found Chris busy at the computer. She looked rather radiant, and although she found the kid attractive, she had not noticed that glow about her earlier. Strangely her hair was wet in front. As Jade was preparing to leave, Chris stopped fiddling with the computer and got up to unlock the door."Thanks for all your help Chris. You're so talented, I'll see you in the morning. Good night."Chris grabbed the woman around her waist, gave her a big hug, and then a peck on the cheek."See ya Ms. Parker, I mean Jade. And thanks for your business. I enjoyed eating you... I mean meeting you!"Her wicked grin returned as she watched the lovely young lady walk to her wheels. "Wait till I get my hands on you tomorrow!"Continued in part 2...~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 21
Author's Note: The following story is adult in nature. If your are underage or easily offended by graphic descriptions, please do not proceed. As this is my first posted story, I would appreciate any feedback. Please remember this story is copywriten as is mine!***I was born of war. In the later parts of the nineteen thirties, the German's invaded my homeland. The Polish people were overwhelmed and unprepared for the Aryan advance. They came in droves, tanks and fighter planes. They destroyed. My older brother was nine. I was yet to be conceived. One night, they came to our house, soldiers dressed in Nazi colors. That was the night I came into being.My father could never tell me, my mother either. It was only through an alcohol fog, that my brother let it out. "It was brutal," He said through the slur of the vodka."They came as we were eating our dinner. Father opened the door and they pushed right by him. The sanctity of our home was gone. These tyrants, these bullies in their jack boots and starched wool uniforms now took not only our beautiful country, they now came to take our souls."He was stumbling on his words, his tongue thick with the drink. He leaned way back in the big, overstuffed chair and threw his head back, looking at the ceiling. He continued, "It was such a shock. They sat right down at our table and started to eat the food right off our plates. Our mother got up and tried to go to father, but she was young and beautiful, and now that was a crime. They snatched her arm as she walked past, pulled her back and demanded her to serve them their food. She went back to the stove and emptied the pot of potatoes on their plates. "The larger of the two then grabbed her and at the same time, kicked me from my seat. I went scrawling to the floor and he placed her there beside him. I could see her try to reach me, but he warned her to leave me lie. "I was bawling, I am sure, and so my father came instead. The other one, shorter and blonde with sick eyes, horrible angry eyes, grabbed my father and pushed him up against the wall. He forced him to stand there, while the other forced our mother's legs apart and touched her while he ate."I watched my brother's chest rise and fall now, as emotion stirred within his breast. He told me how the soldier hoisted our mother upon the table and raped her while our father was pinned against the wall. He sobbed out that the other then took his turn, while father crumbled to the floor in a heap of despair. "They raped her like it was desert to their meal, her body flailing amongst the food. He recalled their laughter at our father, who sat there in almost a fetal position, crying at his helplessness. "I was sickened to hear all of this. I was seventeen at the time. I tried to comfort my brother, but his eyes were cold as ice. The hate from that night was buried deep within him, but now it surfaced and burned in an unquenchable fire."***I went to bed that night and masturbated. I did this often to relieve stress, but this time was different. At first I did it as usual and imagined a tender lover stroking my body with careful hands, but then the passion rising, my mind betrayed me with thoughts of me being my mother on that brutal night. My thoughts were a mixture of disdain and pleasure. I pictured my cunt growing hot with fiery passion as the German plunged his stiletto cock into me. I was fighting it, wishing it away, but also devoured by the brutal taking of my body. I came in waves of hot, spastic pleasure. I was shamed by it. I slept fitfully and finally got out of my bed when the tossing and turning became too much. I went to my brother's room, which I had never done, and I lay beside him, held him. I wanted to absorb his hate, to take it from him so that he could be truly happy. My mother never had been. After that night, she walked through life as though the air was thick, too thick to move. My father also never really recovered. His pride was taken just as surely as mother's body. He was shown as weak and unable to protect his wife. He no longer cared. They said, the ones who knew, that I had my mother's good features, but mixed with the Aryan blood. My mother was of dark hair and fair skin, tall and well proportioned. I too am tall, but with light colored hair and a full round bosom. I was propositioned by men by the age of thirteen, and loss my virginity to a teacher one year later. He offered me council but then instructed me that for my own good, he should be my first lover. He claimed that by being older and more experienced, he would do it better and from then on my sex life would be better for it. I didn't so much agree or disagree, I didn't have much a choice. He took me in his office, ramming his small cock in and out without the benefit of rhythm. It was a jolting, stabbing like movement filled with anger. His eyes bulged above me and his sweat dripped across my face. If this was better, I dreaded worse!The teacher never approached me again, in fact he gave me only an adequate grade. But there were other teachers and even a priest who gave me my first orgasm by going down on me. His tongue was soft and moved back and forth in a steady rhythm. He liked the way I moaned as I came. For some reason, all these men never wanted me much after the first time. They were satisfied by the taking, by the conquest. I never thought much of sex. I definitely never initiated it. Boys my own age had absolutely held no interest to me. In fact, I wanted to avoid the whole of it, altogether. Then one night, I was driving back from Krakow when I saw that there was a heavy military presence. I saw tanks and soldiers everywhere and it set something off in my mind. I could feel the fear wheeling up inside me, my breathing turn shallow and quick. There was a road block set up ahead and they were stopping cars. I thought, for some reason, of veering off. I don't know why. Suddenly I was turning the car and trying to make a U-turn. As I did, a officer ran toward my car and pulled at the door. He was screaming at me, "Get out, stop the car!"I didn't know what to do. But I had no real choice. I stopped immediately and he pulled me from the car. His grasp was strong enough to bruise my arm. "What are you trying to do? Avoid detection?"I must have stuttered, my eyes gone wide with fear. I could smell the dampness of the night upon his wool uniform. My legs grew weak. He had the bluest of eyes and strong sturdy shoulders. I looked into those eyes and saw the reflection of my mother lying on that table, flailing arms and legs as they punctured her again and again. He was not the least comforting. He held me firm as his eyes surveyed my face wrought with fear.He called over another soldier and told him to take my car. He then escorted me down past the other drivers, paraded me as I looked into their cars, at their faces. We then moved left and over across the square into a nondescript building. I was taken to a room with a large uncovered light bulb on the ceiling. The only furniture was a small square table and two wooded, hard-backed chairs. He instructed me to remove my coat and hand it over to him. When I opened it, I could see his eyes focus on my chest, which heaved in panicked breaths. He seemed amused by this. I watched him hang his coat over mine on a nail pounded into the wall behind the door. He seemed in no hurry now. I watched him light a cigarette with no intention of offering me the same. He turned the chair around and sat on it facing the back. He just watched me for a short time, I trying my best to avoid his gaze. He had short blonde hair, a little longer in the front and combed to the side. His mouth had a snarl to it. "How old are you?" He asked.I managed to stammer out, "I am twenty-two."He shrugged at this answer. Thought about it for a bit, then demanded, "Why did you run?""Run?" I said, now quivering like a cold damp dog left out far too long. "You tried to avoid the road block." His voice was cold and unemotional. His eyes wandering from my breasts to my lips."I assure you," I said, I was not trying to avoid anything other than the traffic!" "You are lying," He growled through a snarled mouth. "I don't like liars!""I was scared," I cried. "I don't know why!" Tears were flooding down my cheeks now. I was sobbing. "I'm going to have to take you into custody, hold you until I get the truth." The words stung my ears. I begged him now.He got up and walked behind me. Then I felt the tug of his hand wrapped around my pony tail. He pulled back my head till my chin rose."Why should I believe you?" He asked.I could not find words that would answer his inquiry, so I said what I said, "I will do anything, just please believe me.""Anything?" His free hand now caressed my shoulder and slowly worked down over my upper breast. I felt a twinge of hatred, but then it had been my offer. I forced myself far back in the chair and puffed out my chest as if to offer it to him. He did not miss the signal. His hand now cupped my breast fully. He then walked round me and instructed me to remove my blouse."I'm going to let you suck my cock. If you do so, and do it well then I might let you go home tonight."I tried not looking at him, but he pulled back my head by my hair. "Do we understand each other?" He said through more relaxed features now. "Yes," I answered. He let loose my hair and my head came forward. I reached out and started to undo his uniform pants. He slipped off his jacket and undid his shirt, as I did. Somehow the smell of the wool mixed my emotions and began to make me want to do this, in fact more than I ever wanted to do anything. I wanted to be humiliated, to be taken, forced to swallow his cock.He pulled me back and undid my bra. My breasts were heavy and full with large pink areolas and thick short nipples. He rolled them between his fingers and told me how good they would look drenched in cum. I gasped at the thought. He forced me to lick my own nipples, to suck them. I did so and felt them swell between my lips. He then took his turn, his lips wrapped around them, sucking and licking. He then brought me forward again by a tug of my hair. I slid down his trousers and found him sans under ware. His cock was thick and at first short. It was topped by a tuft of hay colored hair, but his balls were smooth and hairless. I had not much experience at this, but felt me way. I licked at the wetness forming at the tip and smelled the thick musty aroma of his pre-cum. My hands were on his hips, slowly sliding down his pants and then back up on bare skin. His cock now grew ample in length to match his girth. I tilted my head on the way down and back the other way as I rose up to till I had only the head between my lips. It was funny, I thought, how the head looks like a helmet. How fitting. His cock swell between my lips, offering a steady slow stream of the clear liquid antecedent of his explosion. It was like a volcano, building in lava. He instructed me throughout. Telling me to go faster, or to lick his balls. His voice was thick with dialect and accent from his Bavarian roots. I hated hearing the words come out, chopped as they were in angry bursts. What a romantic less language. His hips moved in little circles, I held my hands over his muscular ass, feeling it pump his cock into my mouth like a piston. His moves were precise, not surprising since the Germans were known for precision. I was hungry now for him. I wanted to taste his salty brim. My cunt was wet and gaping. I could hear other soldiers in the anti rooms and hoped they did not enter. I was not so lucky, however, and another younger man came to the door as I was sucking this man's cock. The officer had not the decency to send him away. He offered him to come in and "join the party!"I was sickened by being watched, but driven still to complete my duty. It was not long until with a gasp, he flooded my mouth with his thick, hot spudge. I did not even entertain not swallowing it. This could have met more degradation and perhaps me having to repeat the process over again. As soon as I finished. The officer demanded 'I milk every drop out.' I squeezed his cock and massaged his balls, while licking off the remainder of his load. The other soldier then hoisted me up on the table, face down. He slipped off my soaked panties. He too had not the manners of disregarding their condition. He laughed and sniffed at the wet spot. "Look, I think you have her aroused!" He laughed. The officer took the panties and did similar. I was then taken, my skirt pushed up to my waste, my round, firm ass on display. The soldier took great pleasure in spanking it pink as he drove his cock inside my waiting tunnel. "Raise it up! Lift that ass, so I can fuck you deeper!" His voice was exuberant, filled with youthful lust. He fucked me hard, pounding his balls against my clit, setting it on fire. He made me tell him how good it was, and it was. My pussy was a sheath stretched wide around his cock. Every time he released to the point of allowing only the thick head inside and then ramming it full, I felt the excitement grow. It grew into a fire by the time he finished and was only quenched with the officer took over and turned me over. With my back on the table and my legs wrapped tightly around him, I came in hot spasms. It only intensified when he white washed my tits with streams of milky white cum. "Get dressed now!" He shouted. "I am sure this will not be reported!"I didn't report it. I kept it to myself and used it over and over again in masturbatory fantasies. I know this is probably not right, but there is inside me this need to be ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inany way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 80
PART 2I woke the next morning around 8AM. I went to get some pants out and put them on. All of my clothes were gone! I was shocked. I didn't know what to do? I went into the hallway and asked Henry who was in the living room, where my clothes went. He said they were dirty so he put them in the washer. He said it would be awhile because he poured the liquid soap on them and then found out there was no hot water. He said he would go down to the laundry room in about an hour and check again. I asked, "What am I suppose to wear till then?"He said, "If you need to wear something, there is an apron on the back of the bathroom door. You're going to be cleaning all day anyway." I went in the bathroom and found it. It was real girly looking. Nothing like the ones I wore at work. I put it on and walked out into the living room. Henry looked up and said, "You sure look pretty this morning." He then said I shouldn't be walking around barefoot. He threw me a pair of rubber sandals that had a small heal on them. I said these look like something a girl would wear. He said don't be silly. Everybody wears them. I put them on and walked towards the kitchen to do the dishes. He said the sandals make my legs look real good. I said thanks. He then came into the kitchen and opened the fridge. He took out a small bottle of OJ and was shaking it. He pours it in a glass and hands it to me and tells me to drink it. I tell him I really don't care that much for OJ. He says he doesn't care, "OJ is good for you, now drink it!" So, I did. He said, "Good boy," and slaps me on my ass which is very exposed with that apron on.I finish the dishes and he tells me to go clean the bathroom. As I'm headed to the bathroom, he asked me if I liked movies. I said sure. He said he had a friend of his coming over soon that makes copies of new releases. I said cool.I was still cleaning the bathroom 20 minutes later when there was a knock on the door. Henry had a lock on the door that was like a deadbolt, except it had a key in it instead of a knob to turn. I hear the door open and close then I hear talking. I don't know what they are saying but, it sounds like they are having a good time.I'm just finishing the bathroom and Henry yells for me to get the vacuum cleaner out of the closet in the bedroom and vacuum the living room. I start to go into the bedroom and I feel real dizzy. I think I must be more tired then I thought. I get the vacuum and walk into the living room. I see Henry's friend "Bob" for the first time. He is probably in his 60's and a little shorter than Henry. Bob stands up and Henry tells me to come over and say hi to Bob. I walk over to Bob and put my hand out to shack and he says, "Give Uncle Bob a hug." I am starting to really feel dizzy now. Bob walks up to me and starts hugging me. I can't even raise my arms. He starts rubbing my butt and I could swear he was licking my neck. I pretty much go limp. Bob says," Henry, did you give him OJ?" Henry laughs and says hell yes! The next thing I know, Bob is caring me into the kitchen. He lays me down on the kitchen table. He takes off my apron and I can't move or speak to stop him. He says," She" is really pretty. I'm thinking, what the fuck is he talking about, "She?!"Henry tells Bob to go ahead and suck her clit.The next thing I know, Bob has my cock in his mouth. My god, it felt good. It was the first time I ever had anyone suck my cock. I didn't want it to end. He was squeezing my balls as he sucked my cock. I felt like I was gonna cum, but couldn't. Then he stops and Henry rolls me over on my stomach and pulls my legs down to the end of the table. My legs are now hanging over the end of the table. And my ass is right at the edge. I feel somebody rubbing some kind of oil on my butt. Just then, Bob sits on the table at my head with his legs on each side of my face. He grabs my hair and lifts my head and starts rubbing his cock all over my face. He starts slapping my face with his cock and calling me a "cum slut whore." I still can't move or say anything. Then he shoves his cock in my mouth just as Henry shoves his cock up my ass. I'm in pain, but I can't scream. Henry yells out, "This is the tightest pussy I've ever had!" Bob says, "Don't tear it up, I want some of it!"Henry is pounding his cock in and out of my ass and Bob is moving my head up and down on his cock so fast, I think I'm going to pass out.Just then, I feel something real warm in my ass. I assume Henry has cum in my ass. He is grunting like no tomorrow. Then he pulls his cock out of my ass and says, "Come and get some of this pussy Bob." Bob pulls his cock out of my mouth and slaps my face one more time for the hell of it. Bob goes around behind me and shoves his cock in my ass and starts pumping. Henry walks around to the side of the table and pulls my head to the edge. He's waving his cock in my face and saying, "You're going to be a good little cum slut. I'm going to keep you naked and fuck you all day and night." Meanwhile, Bob is cumming in my ass. Henry shoves his cock in my mouth and growls, "Clean off Daddy's cock." I suck and clean Henry's cock the best I could and then Bob wants the same thing. I start sucking Bob's cock and Henry starts spanking me. I'm sucking Bob's cock and Henry is spanking the shit out of my ass. All of the sudden, Bob yells, I cumming again!!! He shoots his load in my mouth and I sucked it all down or I would have choked to death. Henry picks me up and carries me into the bedroom and lays me in bed. As he is leaving the bedroom, he says, "As soon as Bob leaves, I'll be in to fuck you some more."***The next thing I know, Henry is rubbing baby oil all over my body. I can barely move, but can talk a little. I ask Henry what he's doing. He says, "We have to keep your skin soft, Daddy likes his girls to be soft." I said, "I'm not a girl." He says, "You've sucked cock and swallowed, you've been fucked in the ass. You're not only a girl, you are MY cum slut girl."He says later he has a shemale friend coming over to help with clothes. She'll teach you how to walk and everything.He then says, "Roll over and let Daddy get some of that sweet pussy." I don't know why I did it, but I rolled over on my stomach. Then Henry crawls up on the bed and pulls my ass cheeks apart and starts licking my asshole. He sticks his tongue up my ass. I think I'm going to die. He raises his head and says, "Does daddy's little girl like it when daddy eats her pussy?" I groaned, "Oh god yes!"Then he says, "Do you want daddy to stick his man meat in your pussy?" I looked into his eyes and said yes. "Tell daddy to fuck your pussy with his big cock!"I said, "P-please daddy, stick your big cock in my pussy." And he did!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 56
I was 18 and the biggest bitch you would ever meet. I complained about everything and thought I knew everything. I was never wrong and I would put you down the minute I started to talk to you. I did have a couple of boyfriends during high school but they split after a couple of weeks. They said it wasn't worth there time to be around a bitch like me.I knew I was acting out the wrong way but for some reason I just couldn't stop myself. I just seemed to find things wrong with everyone I'd ever met.Then one day I thought that I had met mister right. I saw him and had to have him. He was huge and built like a Greek God. He towered over me like a mountain and he was such a turn on to look at. Now I am very attractive and boys say I have a body to die for and I can be nice for short stretches if I really try. So after I met him, it didn't take long for him to ask me out.We went out a couple of time and I did my best to not to bitch at him. After the third date we went back to his place and made love. He had a good time but I never came. So I started bitching at him. He said he was sorry and that I should let him try again, but I couldn't help myself, I just kept bitching at him, criticizing his performance in bed. I could see that he was starting to get mad and then finally he got up off the bed and went in to the living room. I lazed in bed and continued my oral assault on his manliness.All Of a sudden he burst into the bedroom and said that I should shut up or he was going to make me. "Oh big man, what you going to do hit me?" I said.I thought he was when he jumped onto the bed and on top of me. He reached over to the nightstand and started pulling things out of the drawer. He had duct tape and some rope and the next thing I knew my mouth was taped shut and my hands and feet were tied to the corners of the bed.I was thrashing about on the bed and he grabbed my nipple and squeezed it hard and told me to lay still. I stopped struggling and he climbed between my legs and started to eat my pussy. I had a great orgasm and then he fucked the hell out of me and I liked that too.*Well after that I thought that our relationship was going to be great because every time I started to bitch about something my man would gag me and fuck me royally.But I guess I was wrong, because of what was about to happen on the second weekend of our relationship.You see I was still living at home with my dad. My mother died when I was ten. And on this weekend my dad said he was going on a business trip and wouldn't be back until four P.M. on Sunday. I thought that was great because I could spend the night at my Greek God's place on Saturday and dad wouldn't know the difference.Well everything was going long great I bitched all day and than again that night at my boyfriend, he got mad and gagged me and fucked me silly. I loved every minute of it. So Sunday I started at him again. I mean, being able to criticize him and gat all the bitching out of my system and then get all the pleasureI could handle afterwards, was a good thing I thought. I loved him more than anyone else for putting up with me and for being such a good lover in bed.So I kept up my bitching, expecting a good time Sunday afternoon before it was time for me to go home. But what happened was a real surprise. At about two in the afternoon he jumped up off his chair and said that he had it and couldn't take any more of my crap. He grabbed me and took me to the bedroom and tied me up and gagged me. But I was surprised he didn't take off my clothes he just left me there on the bed and went out in to the living room.It was about half an hour when he came back in. I thought to myself, 'Thank god,' because I was dying for a really good fuck. He looked at me and said that I had to be punished for putting him through so much hell and if I didn't do what he wanted, he would untie me and send me on my way and I would never see him again.Well I didn't want that to happen so I nodded my head to say that yes I would do what he wanted. He then untied my hands and retied them behind my back and put a blindfold over my eyes.The next thing I knew I was pulled out of the house and into the car. My god where is he taking me like this. When the car stopped and he pulled me out I was lost, naked and scared.I heard some key and a door open and I was lead in. We walked up some stair and I heard another door open and we went in and stopped. He removed my gag and asked if I was still ready to take my punishment. I did not know what to do but I said yes.He then put another gag in my mouth. I knew it was different because it was harder then the other one. I later found out it was a ring gag (Which is a metal ring rapped in leather. Meant to keep the mouth open but accessible.) if you can believe that.He then put a wig on my head and adjusted the blindfold around it. He untied my hands and put a belt around my waist and then pushed a vibrator into my pussy and turned it on low. Then he attached another belt to the one around my waist and feed it between my legs and around to the butt. Now I felt another vibrator going into my ass. I tried to scream but with the gag in my mouth all that came out was a grunt. After he pushed the vibrator all the way up my ass he turned it on low and then attached the other end of the belt to the other belt that was around my waist. Now the vibrators were locked in me, they would not come out until the belt between my legs was removed.As he untied my hands from behind my back and retied them in the front of me, I was trying to think of what he had planned for me, but I was at a loss. I was now being pulled into the room more and then pushed onto what I guessed was a mattress. He centered me on the mattress and raised my hands above my head and tied them to something. Spreading my leg he tied them to the corners of the bed. He then went back to my arms and tied my elbows together. Then I felt a sharp pain on one of my nipples and then the other. I knew he had put clip on them. I felt my body shake. I wanted to cum so bad. All I could feel was two vibrators humming in me and now clips pinching my nipples. But the vibrators were not going fast enough to make me cum, and I was scared so they just kept me at the edge of an orgasm. Now being totally captive he stared to talk to me in a cruel voice."You see Karen, I think you're a total bitch and I can't stand the way you treat people and I think you need to be taught a lesson. I've seen you make the people who love you turn and walk away when you are coming towards them. The only person who stands by your side is your father and you treat him like shit too. Well hear is where my plan gets good."I felt my blind fold being pulled off and my eyes adjusted to the light. I looked around the room and spotted a picture on a dresser. I had to look twice because the picture was of me and my Mother. Then it came to me I was at home tied to my FATHER'S BED. I started to struggle in my bonds but it was no use. So I tried to scream, but again it was no use. He just laughed and started talking again."You see Karen, in all these years the person you have hurt the most is your Father. I think what he needs is some pay back and I think you should be the one to do the paying back. You told me that your father has not been in a relationship since your mother died 8 years ago and I think it's because of you. All the bullshit you put him and every body else through, scars away any woman who might be interested in him. So I came up with a plan and I'll tell it to you since you're not going anywhere right now and we have a couple of minutes before your father gets home."I turned my head and looked at the clock on the dresser and it was 3:45 and I thought I was going to die. My dad was going to be home in 15 minute and see me like this, he is never late. I start to struggle and cry, but he just kept talking."You see you were bitching at me the other night about your dad's friend and what a loser he was and how your father helped him out of a very bad ordeal at his work, saved his job you said. Well you're going to be his present to your father for his good deed. When your father comes in the door he will find a note on the floor saying open immediately."I saw him reach into a bag he had with him and open a letter. He read:"Dear Friend,I am so much in your debt for saving my job. At my age it would be very hard to get another job. My family would have fallen apart. I know your wife died a couple of years back and you have been without a women's comfort for a long time. So I contacted your daughter and asked her not to come home until 10 or 11 o'clock tonight.I also went out and got you a pretty young hooker. Don't worry she is clean and has no diseases. I tied her to your bed and gagged her so you do not have to worry about being recognized by her on the street some day. I have paid her up to 9 O'clock and she said that for the money I am paying her all her holes are open to you.There are only two thing you cannot do. 1. Do not untie her.2. Do not remove her gag.When you are done with her untie her and walk into the bathroom and let her dress and leave. I hope you enjoy your gift.Your friend foreverP.S. Your hooker has been paid to struggle and cry for your enjoyment. Thank again."I listened in horror to the letter. This cannot be happening. It would be bad enough for him to leave me tied here for my father to find me but he had worked out a way for my own dad to fuck me. I start to think, if my dad came into his room he would recognize me. Or he wouldn't want to have sex with some hooker. I would be ashamed to be found like this but that would be it. I would just tell him that my asshole boyfriend had done this as a sick joke."I just heard a car pull up. So I better run down stairs and leave the note and slip out the back door. See you Karen and have fun. Make daddy happy."I tried to call him back as he left but I didn't even understand the words that were coming out of my mouth. After a couple of minutes I heard the front door open and then there was silence. I just knew that my dad would recognize me, or that he'd be grossed out and tell his "hooker" to leave. I began to feel better. If he told me to leave he would untie me and go into the bathroom to wait. Yes, that's what my dad would do.It seemed like hour before I heard movement. I heard footsteps on the stairs getting closer. As they got close to the door I closed my eyes and wished it all away. My eyes shot open under my blindfold when I heard my dad gasp, "Oh my god."I could just barely see from under a crack in my loose fitting blindfold that he studying my body. "My god dad it's me, please recognize me, Please," I thought. But he didn't. He moved up to the side of the bed and sat down beside my naked body. His eyes were burning holes in my skin and I think I saw him drooling as he started to talk to me."You sure are a sweet thing and I would never ever consider taking you if I had not had such a bad business trip. I am not looking forward to having my daughter come home and start her bitching again. Sometimes I don't know how I make it through the day. I have even thought of taking my own life but I don't think my daughter could take losing her father too. Well maybe this is what the doctor ordered. A little stress relief. Ok Sweet thing I hope my friend paid you a lot because I have not had any thing in 5 years and I am going to make up for lost time."I was shocked at what my dad had just said. I didn't realize that I was making my father's so miserable. I did feel really bad and was starting to cry again. He was right, I didn't want to lose my father but I did not want him to fuck me either. Suddenly he stood up and started taking his clothes off. When he removed his boxer shorts, I saw his hard cock pointing at the ceiling. I was staring to cry more as he sat back on the bed I watched from under the crack of my blindfold as he reach out to put his hand on my stomach and I tried to pull away but my restraints stopped me from moving to far.As his hand felt its way up to my ribs and stroked the underside of my tits my breathing was getting really fast. I could feel the vibrators in my ass and pussy doing their work. He got up and straddled my hips and put both hands on my breasts and started squeezing and rubbing them. I could feel his very hot cock on my stomach and for some strange reason it felt good. I was so confused with the feelings I was having. I wanted my dad to stop but I was also on the way to an orgasm that I needed really bad."Oh what great tits you have sweet thing. They're so firm and hard. They feel so good in my hands. But I do think that they need a little sucking, don't you? Lets take these nipple clips off."I was shaking my head to answer no when he reached down and removed one of the clips. The blood raced back into my nipple with a great deal of pain. My dad leaned down and sucked my tit into his mouth. That was all I needed to send me over the edge. I came so hard I saw stars. My body was bucking up against my dad. I felt waves and waves of pleasure running through my body. I was still on the high point of my orgasm when dad removed the other clip and started to suck that one. This sent me into an even higher and harder orgasm. I was rolling my head from side to side and grunting through my gag. My hip lifted right off the bed.When I did come back to earth and opened my eyes, I looked at my dad nursing and fondling my breasts. I could not believe how good it felt, but I did start to panic again when he stopped sucking and started to move up my body. He stopped and sat on my chest I was looking right at his cock. I could see the pre-cum leaking out of it. He started to rub his cock over my tits and I thought that maybe he just wanted to cum on my tits. But I was wrong he grabbed the back of my head and started to move his cock towards my face. I was confused because I thought that with a gag he could not get in my mouth. My eyes shot open as far as they could when I felt his cock slide past my lips and over my tongue. I tried to turn my head but he just grabbed my head with both hands and started to thrust his cock in and out of my mouth. My mind was screaming please daddy don't cum in my mouth, please stop. I have learned my lesson. I will be good from now on. That was not about to happen. I felt dad's cock hitting the back of my mouth and then I felt it. I heard daddy scream as he started to paint my mouth with his cum. I tied to not swallow but there was so much. He kept pumping more and more sperm into my mouth. I had no choice but to swallow. I started to cry again. All I could think of was, that I had just drank my daddy's cum.Dad pulled back from my mouth and rubbed the cum on the end of his cock on my cheeks. Then he got up and went to he bathroom and got a drink of water. I could have killed to have something to wash my dad's spunk down, but I was left to taste it all night.When dad returned he climbed up and sat between my legs and started rubbing them. Then he reached up and undid the belts holding the vibrators in place. I looked down at him and he was just staring at my pussy. With a finger he started to rub my clit and with the other hand he turned the vibrator in my cunt up to it highest setting and started to thrust it in and out of my pussy. Even with it being my dad doing this to me I could not stop the feelings that were going through my body. I was starting to jerk my hips up to meet his finger, when he pulled his finger away and replaced it with his tongue. 'Oh daddy what are you doing to me,' I though. 'Please daddy don't do this to me,' was racing through my mind. Dad kept going, eating me like there was no tomorrow. I was about to have another orgasm when he stopped and then he would start again. He did this each time I was about to cum. Now my mind was screaming please daddy don't stop.I was at my wits end when he stopped again, and then he climbed up and put his cock up to my pussy. I freaked again. There was no way I want to be fucked by my dad, but as much as I struggled it did not stop his cock from going into my wet cunt. I was so turned on that he had no problem sliding his cock right in to the hilt. I let out a moan when he hit bottom. He was bigger than the vibrator and made me feel like I was in heaven. As he pulled out my hips jerked up to get more of his cock. He started to jab his cock in and out as he laid down on top of me. He started to lick and suck on my neck and then moved down to my breasts. His nips and licks on my nipple were driving me crazy. My brain was crying out yes daddy fuck your little girl. Give it to me hard, make me pay for the last 5 years daddy.We were sweating up a storm when my next orgasm hit. Daddy pulled out of me and moved up to put is cock at my mouth. This time I did not fight it. I just laid there waiting for his cum and it did not take long. I watched the cum spray out of daddy's cock hitting me all over my face and in my mouth.After dad came he move back down and slid back into my cunt. He slowly fucked me until he was hard again. He kept looking at my face, I guess I was quite a sight with his cum all over my face. I would stick my tongue out past my gag and lick up what cum I could find. This must have turned daddy on because he picked up speed and was fucking the hell out of his little girl. I felt dad tense up and hot sperm filled my cunt and then dad rolled off me.Dad just laid there trying to recover for a while. It was some time before he moved but he did get up and go to the bathroom. He must have been in there 20 minutes before he came out. He came over to the bed and untied my legs. I thought that it was over and I would be let go, but he just rolled me over on to my stomach pushed my knees up and under my hips. Now I had my face pushed into the mattress and my ass high in the air. His hand squeezed my cheeks and started to pull the vibrator out of my butt. He then stuck his face in between my cheeks and licked me from stem to stern. I felt the bed jerking and I figured that he was jerking his cock. All of a sudden his tongue was gone and his cock was pushing at my back door. In one push he had it up my ass and pushing deeper all the time. I had never been fucked in the ass before and it hurt like hell at first, But as my butt got use to the size it did not feel that bad. He would pull his cock right out of my ass and slam it back in. The speed was increasing and he reached around and played with my clit and I was surprised that I was thrusting back against him. I did not cum but he did for the fourth time. He filled my ass and screamed with pleasure.Dad Pulled out of my ass and started to untie me all the time telling how great it was and he hoped I had enjoyed it as much as him. I wanted to tell him that it was the best sex I had ever had and probably ever will, but He could never know that he had just fucked the hell out of his daughter.After dad untied me he went in to the bathroom like he was told I got all my clothes and ran down stairs dressed and ran out the front door. I ran all the way to a park down the street and sat on a park bench. I sat and thought about my life before now. I was never going to be that girl ever again. I have to go home and it make up to my dad for all the hell I have put him through. I started to giggle and thought that I guess I had all ready made up to my dad that night. I went home and dad was watching TV. I said hi and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "I have to have a shower but I will be right back down love you." He looked at me in shock. Then I told my dad how sorry I was that I had been so mean to everybody the last couple of years and that I was going make it up to everyone.I am 25 now and I can look back and think how that night changed my life. I guess I owe my old boyfriend a thank you but I never did see him again. My dad never did find out that I was his hooker, and I was right I have never had an orgasm like the ones I had with my father.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 23
Anyway, this is a work of fiction. None of the people in this story are real. None of these events ever happened. This story is nothing more than words that came from my imagination. Any similarity to any real people, places, or events is purely coincidental. Operators of erotic story web sites, whether free or fee-based, have my permission to post my stories for public reading, provided that credit is given to "Hungry Guy" ( as the author, and as long as you don't make changes other than fixing typos. Even beware of fixing typos, for I occasionally use local slang and dialects that may be flagged by your spell checker. Thanks.All my stories can be found on: /~HungryGuy.***Todd looked at his watch -- 4:45 PM. Fifteen minutes to quitting time. He stepped up and walked out of his cubicle to use the men's room. His boyfriend just broke up with him and he was really down. "Jack's ass was sooo tight, and he was great at sucking cock!"Stepping into the men's room, he glanced at the row of eight toilet stalls. The doors to the nearest six stalls were open and unoccupied. The doors to last two stalls at the far end were, closed. Leaning over a little to peek under the partitions, he noticed that only the last stall was occupied as indicated by a lone pair of feet on the floor. He walked up to the second-to-last stall and pushed at the door to enter, but it was latched. Curious. The occupant of the last stall coughed a couple of times while Todd rattled the door to the next-to-last stall to loosen the latch but it was fully latched, as if the stall was occupied. Todd reached into his pocket and removed a coin to put in the slot to unlatch the door from the outside. The occupant of the last stall coughed and sputtered noisily as Todd entered the stall, dropped his pants, and took a seat. A moment later, the occupant of the last stall hurriedly finished and left. Todd heard the other fellow mutter barely audibly, "Damn queers!"Todd was livid! What could have possibly evoked such an intolerant comment? "Hey" Todd called out. "What makes you think I'm queer? What'd any gay ever do to you?"The other man spoke quietly in answer, "I got nothing against gays. Live and let live is my creed. But if you queers expect us to respect your right to be gay, then you need to respect our right to be straight!" The other man left the restroom, leaving Todd alone with his grief. Not only had his boyfriend left him, but he had just been victimized by an intolerant homophobe. And how did that other man possibly know that Todd was gay simply by the sight of his shoes under the stall partition? Had someone in the office outed him and this man recognized his shoes? It was 5:00 on the dot as Todd finished and left the men's room. He rode the elevator down to the street and rode the bus up to Times Square. Todd got off the bus at 42nd street and entered his favorite sex shop. He browsed a little bit through the gay video rack, occasionally eyeing the other guys wandering around. "Ooh, that guy looks so buff," he thought to himself eyeing a muscular guy with rolled up shirtsleeves, then Todd sighed when he saw the guy's boyfriend walk over and kiss him. Seeing no one else downstairs, he headed upstairs to the upper level where the "special" toys were sold. The shop was quiet in the afternoon. Looking around, he scanned past a woman looking over the rack of dildos and vibrators. Then he noticed another cute guy. "Definitely straight," Todd thought, noticing his demeanor and dress. Todd considered approaching him and asking the other if he could suck the other's dick anyway. Todd would be the one doing the gay act, the straight guy would just be getting his cock sucked; nothing gay about that. But the last time Todd made that offer to a straight guy, he nearly got into a fight. Todd couldn't figure out why those straight guys were so uptight about who sucks their cocks.He looked around more, past a lesbian couple, and past a straight couple giggling at everything they saw. Nothing on the racks caught his eye, so he decided to wander to the back to the booths. He stepped into a booth, closed the door and waited. After about five minutes, he heard someone enter the adjacent booth. His cock got hard immediately at the prospect, and so he stepped up to the wall and inserted it into the glory hole.A moment later, "Yes!" he felt a mouth close around his cock. His anonymous partner began bobbing his head back and forth, sliding his cock in and out. He felt his cock grow even bigger. The other guy continued sucking as Todd placed his palms against the wall and moaned in ecstasy. Todd felt the pressure build in his loins as his partner continued his assault. Not only was he sliding his mouth back and forth on Todd's cock, he was also sucking and swirling it with his tongue. Oh man, this guy is damn good! The pressure built up quickly, but Todd was enjoying this so much that tried to hold his climax in check. But when the other man slid his tongue against the base of Todd's cock-head and pressed the tip of his tongue gently into Todd's pee hole, spreading the opening slightly, it was more than Todd could stand. Todd finally exploded into the other's mouth. Todd's cock throbbed and his body quaked as he squirted wad after wad into his anonymous partner's mouth, while he moaned, "Oh! Oh! Oh!" Todd's cock finally shot its last wad as he sighed, "Wow!"His partner then slid his mouth off Todd's cock.Then Todd knelt and put his mouth up against the glory hole eager for a mouthful of cock. But a moment later, he heard the other guy open the outer door to leave.Todd wondered why the other guy didn't want reciprocation. Curious, he broke booth protocol, and exited his booth at the same time.His mouth dropped when he saw that his partner was -- female -- a tall attractive athletic-looking female with long dark-blonde hair and big brown eyes."Hi!" she said as she smiled at him.Todd was in shock. Had he known that it was a "woman" in the other booth, he doubted that he could have got hard. And had he known that it was a "woman" sucking his cock, he doubted that he would have been able to come."Hi," he said back to her."So? What are you looking at me like that for?""Nothing," Todd answered, "but, damn, you're good at that!""I know," she answered smugly, "and now that I made you come, you owe this woman one, gay guy!""What?" he asked with a screech."You heard me, buff boy. Now don't panic, I take it up the ass.""Oh, you do, do you?""Yup." Todd wasn't sure what to make of this woman. If he were straight, he'd probably consider her attractive. "C'mon," she insisted, "I don't have all day!" Todd shrugged and said, "Sure, why not?""Sure, why not?" she repeated, "Thanks for the compliment! Jeez!"Todd followed her out of the shop onto 42nd street. "So, what's your name anyway?" he asked."Tell me yours first," she replied."Todd," Todd said."Myra," she said."So Todd, my place or yours," she asked."I live down in Greenwich Village on Christopher Street," he answered."I'm on the Upper West Side, so I'm probably closer. You wanna split a cab?""Sure," Todd agreed. They hailed a cab and were soon at her place. "Wow!" Todd said, mesmerized by the view of the Jersey side across the Hudson from her 14th floor apartment."Like the view, huh?" she asked."Yeah! I'm on the 4th floor of a walk-up. My view sucks!"She grabbed his arm and said, "Well, you want a great view, stop gawking out the window and follow me."Todd followed her into her bedroom, and they stood there staring at each other."What are you waiting for?" she asked. Todd shrugged and quickly undressed, kicking off his shoes, dropping his shirt, jeans, and, finally, briefs."Okay," he said looking up at her. Seeing her still dressed, he asked, "So what are you waiting for?""You've never been with a woman, huh?" she asked."Nope," he answered. "Been gay all my life. Why?""You're supposed to undress me, silly!""Oh? Whatever turns you on, I guess," he said with a shrug.He walked over to her and pulled her blouse up over her head."Hey!" she shouted. "Take it easy! Slow down! Don't rip my clothes off!"Todd slowly got her undressed. "Damn," he said after he removed her blouse. "What?" Myra asked."Why do women wear these things on their tits?""A bra? They make 'em stand out and look bigger! That's why!""But it looks so uncomfortable," he said."Tell me about it!" she repliedAfter more fumbling, Todd got her bra off, then her slacks, and, lastly, her panties."Okay," Todd said, "Now that we're both naked, are there any other special rules I need to know about?""That depends on each couple. Me? I'm pretty kinky?""You are?" he asked."Well, yeah! How many women you know would blow a guy she never met through a glory hole? Duh!""I really don't know any women, anyway," he said."Oh, yeah, right," she said. "Well you just lay on that narrow bench over there, on your back," she said pointing to a padded exercise bench. Todd lay on the bench with his feet on each side on the floor, and let his hands dangle down.Myra knelt next to him and grabbed his wrists and shackled them underneath the bench. "Hey!" Todd shouted, "What are you ding?""I'm tying you down, silly."She then shackled his ankles to the leg of the bench."Why do I have to be tied down?" he asked."So you don't try to get away when I'm sitting on your face pissing in your mouth, that's why!" she insisted."What?" he asked in shock.Without answering, she stepped over to the end of the bench and then walked down it straddling his body between her legs. Todd stared at her dark hairy ass crack as it lowered onto his face, with her hairy pussy coming down onto his mouth."I told you before," she said, "I did you, now it's your turn to do me. Get that tongue wagging if you want to breathe again."Todd was in misery. He knew he should have turned her invitation down. The mere idea of kissing a woman repulsed him. Now, here he was with a woman sitting on his face pressing her cunt to his mouth. How gross! Todd suddenly realized that it was getting uncomfortable holding his breath. Her hairy cunt lips were pressing down on his mouth under the weight of her body, and his nose was stuck up her asshole. He began licking. "That's a good start," she announced, "but you're missing the spot." His lungs were now screaming for air as he explored her pussy with his tongue. He found a hole that was oozing wetness. That had to be her vagina. He began to fuck it with his tongue."Good, you found my cunt hole, but that's not the spot you should be licking. Move your tongue closer to my muff."She slid backward on his face a little, and he tasted where her pussy lips came together at her muff. Just behind that spot, he tasted a little bump. "Oh yes! You found the spot! Just lick that little bump for a while, and maybe you'll get to breathe again." He continued to tease that lump as if he was sucking on a little dick. He even found the urethra opening where it would have been had that been a cock head. He played with the bump, swirling it around and probing her pee hole with the tip of his tongue as well.In a moment she began moaning, "Oh yes! Oh yes! That's good! Keep doing that!"Todd felt like he was going to pass out from suffocation any moment. Then she began quaking and shivering while sitting on his face."Oh yes! Here I come! Oh God! Oh yes! Oh! Oh! Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!"She settled down and lifted her ass off his face. He exhaled explosively and struggled for a few moments to catch his breath.After he caught his breath, he asked, "Okay, are we even now?""Yeah, we're even now, but I'm not done having my fun with you yet. But don't worry, we'll be even again when we're done.""What happens now?" he asked."Do you really want to know?" she asked."Yeah," he answered."Well, I was out all morning before I met you at that sex shop and I got to take a wicked piss. I hope you like water sports," she said and sat back down.No sooner had she sat down than she began to flood his mouth with piss from her clit. At least a woman's piss, Todd noticed, didn't taste any different from a man's piss. And, at least she paused every few moments to let him swallow before she filled his mouth. She finally finished, stood turned around, and sat on his chest, facing him as he licked his lips and swallowed the last drops of her piss."So are we even now?" he asked."Of course not," she answered. "Now, its me who owes you.""Uh, yeah," he agreed hesitantly."So, what'll it be?" she asked."What are my choices?" he asked."Well, there's my cunt, of course, but that doesn't interest you, I assume. Then there's my mouth, but you already got inside my mouth, but I'll do it again if that's what you want. And then there's my ass. So pick a hole." "You take it up the ass?" he asked."Yeah," she shrugged. "Don't do nothing for me, but I don't hate it like some women do.""Okay, your ass, then.""How'd I know you'd pick my ass?" she said with a laugh. "Okay. But you got to get my ass wet first."She stood and stepped forward up over his head and sat again. Once again, Todd saw her hairy muff crack come down onto his eyes as the knot that was her asshole in her deep dark ass crack came down directly over his mouth. "Okay, Todd, get it good and wet."Todd began licking her rubbery sphincter. He felt it quiver as he licked it. He stuck his tongue into it and she squealed with delight as she squeezed his tongue with her anal sphincter.He continued wetting her asshole until, once again, his lungs began screaming for air.Fortunately, she didn't make him nearly pass out this time. She stood and stepped backward lowered herself onto his cock.Fortunately, his cock was slightly stiff from all the recent sexual activity.He felt his cock press against her sphincter as she lowered herself ever so slowly. At first, her sphincter wouldn't admit his cock. Her lowering only bend his cock causing him to yelp, "Ow!"She raised herself up a little and then lowered herself again. This time, he felt her anus give way slightly. At that moment, she let herself drop heavy, slamming her ass onto his hips, as her asshole consumed his shaft. "Oh man! That's so tight!" Todd screamed."I exercise," she said with a smile.The extreme tightness sent his cock into huge hard-on and he began bucking his hips to produce a fucking motion inside her asshole. Ordinarily, the utter tightness of an asshole crushing his cock would have set him off almost immediately, her being female countered his excitement, and it took a while for him to build the pressure in his loins. He continued bucking until finally, "Ah! Here it comes!" he panted. "Here it comes! Oh! Oh! Ahhhhh! Ahhhhhh!" he moaned again and again as he exploded into her ass, squirting wad after wad of cum into her rectum.He finally spent himself, and his dock got soft. She stood up off him and announced, "Now, we're even.""Wow!" he panted. "You're pretty good -- for a woman."She knelt down and unshackled him. "Thanks -- I think. Anyway, you're welcome to stay the night, you know. My ass can take quite a beating! And my pussy's still waiting for some action." "Well, I guess I'll stay and see what I can do for your pussy later," he said.- END -
Shannon was nervous. She could feel her stomach churning as she drove her car down the busy highway. She held a notepad in one hand as it rested on the steering wheel of her car. She kept watching for the address as she carefully switched lanes in the heavy rush hour traffic.The numbers were getting closer. Shannon started to slow down as she searched for the address. Suddenly, she spotted the address. Ninety-three hundred. This is it! She turned her head and saw the apartment complex to the right. Finding the driveway she pulled straight in looking for the building number. There it was on the left. Shannon pulled her car around into the guest parking area and stopped the car turning off the engine. She took a deep breath and tilted her head up to look into the makeup mirror on the flip side of the visor. She looked fine. Shannon never wore heavy makeup. A little bit of lipstick. There! That will do! A light pink color. The color she normally wore. She sat still starring out the window at the apartment building she would soon walk out to.Shannon thought of her husband, Tom. He was in Afghanistan. Deployed for the third time in two years. They talked whenever he could get a chance to call. He'd been gone a little over five months now and it was driving her crazy not having him around. During Tom's last visit on leave, he introduced Shannon to another couple. He was a guy from Tom's group serving in Afghanistan. Tom said they were swingers and belonged to this club. This all started several months ago when Shannon confessed to Tom that she felt horny most of the time. Especially at night when he wasn't around. Tom said some of the guys he knew talked about their wives like they were sluts half the time. A few worried about them cheating with other men. Tom knew he'd never have to worry about his wife cheating. She was too nervous to even speak to other men let alone fuck one.Tom never had plans to swing with this other couple. It just wasn't his thing to fuck other women. Shannon felt lucky that Tom was that way. Tom did however have other ideas. This other couple was really nice. A bit older that Shannon and Tom. Millie was the wife. A hot redhead who liked to fuck other men. Shannon got very acquainted with Millie. They went shopping together, visited coffee shops and just hung out a lot at Millie's house.One afternoon Millie had something different planned for Shannon. Millie suggested they drive over to Star Bucks for a coffee like they did every once in a while. They sat having their drink when this black guy walked in smiling at Millie.She stood up giving the handsome black guy a hug and a kiss and introduced him to Shannon. His name was William. He seemed like a very pleasant man. He was very talkative and made Shannon comfortable. He didn't seem pushy, he was very polite and gushed all over Shannon as they talked. An hour flew by than another. Nothing was ever said about sex but before William left he invited Shannon over to his play for coffee saying he'd like to get to know her better. He politely stood up and gave Millie a kiss than shaking Shannon's hand before he left.Mille sat down as William walked out the door of the coffee shop. She was smiling at Shannon.“What do you think doll?"Shannon smiled. “He seems very nice."Millie reached out holding Shannon's hand. “Listen doll. I've known William for over three years now. He's a good stud and very dependable and clean. You won't have to worry about no drama with him. None of that bullshit you find with these other low-life's that's for sure."Shannon looked confused as she said. “What do you mean. I don't understand."Millie grabbed her hand a little tighter. “Listen doll. I told your husband I'd look out for you. Get you hooked up with the right guy."Shannon gasped. “You mean Tom knows about this?"Mille laughed. “Yep. He also knows it'll be a good experience for you while he's gone. I told him I'd make sure you got laid by the best!"Shannon sat in disbelief knowing that her husband must have shared these personal feelings with Millie. She pulled her hand away straightening up.Shannon took a deep breath than said.“Mille. Tom and I spoke about certain things but I never suggested anything of this nature."Millie was excited as she smiled and replied. “Don't you think Tom knows how you are? He told me you would even speak to another man when you're by yourself. Listen doll. Everything is going to be fine."Shannon starred down at her coffee cup thinking as Millie continued her speech. “William's a good guy. He's not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do." She hesitated a moment than continued. “Listen. Just go and take him up on his offer. If things don't work out you can always just leave. What do you have to lose?"Shannon spoke with Millie several more times on the phone that week. Shannon asked all sorts of questions and Millie certainly gave her good advice. Mille even asked about birth control. Shannon assured her she was still taking the pill hoping Tom would call and say he was returning home earlier than expected.Millie told her that was a plus. She told Shannon there was nothing like feeling a hard bare cock inside her pussy. She went onto explaining in more detail all the advantages about fucking William bareback. By the time Mille got down, Shannon was actually looking forward to the actual moment when William would pump his potent African seed into her womb. Shannon felt the excitement churning in her belly knowing that her womb would be carrying potent African seed fully capable of making her pregnant.Her whole body tingled with that thought and wondered if it were a sick thought our perhaps other white women experience the same thoughts. She had to phone Mille and ask.“Of course you're not sick. You're going to love the feeling and excitement once this occurs. Trust me on this one doll."Well. Here she was parked in front of Williams apartment. She took one last deep breath and opened the car door. Shannon walked up to the door and knocked. Within seconds the door opened.“Come in. I've been expecting you."William seemed very nice. He was very polite. We talked for almost an hour while I slowly sipped on a drink. His apartment was one of those studio apartments so we sat on the bed to be more comfortable while we spoke.I don't remember exactly how it happened but we were laying on the bed laughing and talking about our childhood when William started unbuttoning my blouse. Everything seemed to move quickly from that point. The next thing I knew we were kissing than William stood up and began taking off his clothes than sat on the bed wrapping his arms around me. I guess I was excited to have a look at his cock. I heard so much about black men being known for their size. I can assure you. I wasn't disappointed when he took his cock out for the first time. I thought to myself. It's now or never and just grabbed hold of his shaft and began stroking him.I wasted no time leaning over putting the giant head in my mouth. William groaned and leaned his head back while I sucked on his cock. My mind thought about my husband for a moment as I moved my tongue across the head teasing the slit with the tip of my tongue.William helped me take the rest of my clothes off and soon laid on top of me as we kissed and fondled one another. He kissed my neck making me laugh than moved his way down to my boobs than my belly. When his mouth touched my pussy for the first time I thought I was going to cum.William sucked and licked my pussy until I was hot and wet than slowly moved up as I spread my legs for him. He moved into position and the head of his cock flirted with my pussy lips. It felt big as the head parting my pussy open. My body was tense but I was so wet he slid inside me with ease. It felt odd having such a thick cock inside me. I was so accustomed to my husband's size. I felt more than full at the moment. William was kissing my neck, nibbling on my ear as he slid his cock slowly in and out of my wet pussy. I think I came within a couple minutes the first time. My whole body shook under William as he continued to fuck me.I came again and William planted his lips on mine as he began hammering in me at a faster rate. I wrapped my legs around his ass while he drove deep inside my belly. I could feel the head of his cock hitting my cervix with each inward thrust. I cam again than a few seconds later William's body started to tense up than I felt the first wave of hot cum filling my womb as William groaned in my ear.I felt his cock flexing with each spurt wondering how much cum was being put inside me. I started thinking of my husband at that moment and the possibility that William was going to make me pregnant with his baby. A black baby.William stood up catching his breath. He grabbed a bottle of water out of the frig handing it to me. I took a long swig of the water as I sat feeling his cum slowly leaking from my pussy. William leaned over giving me a kiss than helped me out of the bed. We took a shower together before he had to leave for work. It's been eight weeks now and yes, I'm pregnant. I'm going to have a black baby. I'm going to break the news to my husband when he calls me tonight. I'm sure he'll be happy and want to know all the details about William.ENDI wrote this story based on a video on my site. It's a true story and hope you like it. You can read my profile at
Part 23 - Amish AnnieMy name is Annie. At the time of this story I was thirteen-years old and had just finished the equivalent of eighth grade. You see I am Amish and that was all the formal schooling I would ever get. I was 4 feet, 8 inches tall and had long auburn hair, which I parted down the middle and then wore in a bun along with a white cap. I went through puberty several years ago. My breasts were 34C but were often lost beneath my long full plain cotton dress since we were not allowed to wear bras. I also had a pretty thick bush of brown pubic hair, which was hidden under my homemade white cotton underpants that looked a lot like boxer shorts. I would soon be expected to marry and have children but first I could choose to go through the ritual known as Rumspringa meaning "running around". Rumspringa is a two-year period where Amish teens can do whatever they want - live in the outside world, drink, experiment with drugs, and even have sex - without judgment, without consequences.I decided to opt for Rumspringa and I moved to the next town over, to an apartment with a bunch of other Rumspringa teens. I was one of the youngest. One of the older girls put me the pill, saying it was better to be safe than sorry.On my first weekend out of the house we were all invited to a rager in a barn thrown by a group of nearby high school kids. A rager is a party without adult supervision, with booze, drugs, loud music, and dancing. It was everything we were not normally allowed to do.I didn't have time to get any regular clothes so I wore my Amish dress with the cap.The rager was the most fantastic thing I ever experienced. There in an old barn, were more flashing lights than I had ever seen. In the front was a DJ playing a loud kind of music they called Techno. Girls got in free and there was all the booze you could drink. The choices were beer or some kind of alcoholic punch. I choose the punch. These kids were pretty good. There were no drugs allowed.The kids there were also really nice, especially the boys. A lot of them talked to me and asked questions. They had grown up with us Amish all around but never really got to know any of us since we didn't go to their school.They showed me how to fast dance and I did so with several of the boys, while others kept bringing me drinks. As the night wore on, the music started to get slower and the lights stopped flashing and got dim. One of the older boys, whose name was John, asked me to slow dance but I said I didn't know how. He told me it was easy, put his arms around me, and led the way. He was right. It was easy. As he pressed into me, I think he could feel that my 34C breasts were braless unlike most of the other girls there. When that song ended, another one of his friends took over and he too held me close. That was repeated three more times. I seemed to be the center of attention of five sixteen-year old boys. Meanwhile the rager must have been ending for most of the people had cleared out, including the friends I came with. I must have looked panicked."Don't worry," said John. "I can bring you home. But first we have to clean up. This is my family's barn. You can help if you want."I was happy to help and I went around the room picking up those red plastic cups and other trash.When it was all cleaned up, I sat on a hay bale and the boys sat around me. We each had another drink. I was feeling pretty open and uninhibited.The boys were really interested to know more about Amish life and asked me more questions."Tell us more about this Rumspringa," they asked. "Are you really allowed to do anything and even have sex?" "Yes," I told them. "The elders want us to experience everything and make sure we are certain about choosing the Amish way of life when we return.""You have pretty hair under that hat," one of them said. "Why don't you take it off and let you're your hair down?""We are not allowed to," I replied."But I thought you were on Rumspringa?" he said."You're right, I keep forgetting," I said, reaching back, removing the hat, and unclipping the bun. As I shook my head back and forth, my auburn hair cascaded down below my waist. "As you can see, we are not allowed to cut it either.""I like your dress," one boy said, "but I have another question. I've never seen any underwear on clotheslines. What do girls wear underneath?""Oh my, this is getting personal," I said. "But okay, if you must know we are modest about those things. We don't let the whole world see. And yes I wear panties. They are big and ugly but I am not allowed to wear a bra, just kind of an undershirt/slip thingy." That seemed to get everyone's attention."Please show us!" the boys said."Well I am on Rumspringa!" I said "and I want to do everything, so sure. But I'll need some help. My dress doesn't have buttons. It only has these ties in the back. Who can help untie them?"Three of the boys jumped forward, as I stood up. They reached for the ribbons going down my back. After some fumbling, the ties came undone and my dress fell to the floor. I stepped out of my dress and turned towards them.I was only a thirteen-year old, standing in my underwear in front of five sixteen year olds, yet I sensed I was the one in control. It was a good feeling, since most Amish women are all made to feel inferior.Even though I thought I looked ugly in my big panties and loose undershirt/slip, the boys seemed to love it. I didn't realize it at the time, but my dark areolas and nipples showed thru the top.I lay back on the hay bale, closed my eyes and threw up my arms.I felt free and uninhibited for the first time in my life.My breasts were pushing forward beneath my white cotton undershirt.John asked if he could touch them. I saw no harm in this, said yes, and he reached forward and started feeling my 34C breasts. I don't know if it was the attention, the alcohol, or the Rumspringa, but I enjoyed it. Seeing this, the other boys moved in and also started groping me.I felt lightheaded but still totally in control. If I was to experience "Rumspringa," I thought, "This was the way to do it!"After a while, I pulled my undershirt top off and they all started feeling my bare breasts. This must have given them a signal for then there was a hand at the waistband of my panties and I felt them being slid all the way off. There I lay, my thirteen-year old naked virgin body in front of five sixteen-year-old boys.I must admit it was exciting. I wondered what they thought of my bushy red pubic hair. "Could they see the plush lips within?" I felt a hand brush against my vagina, and then another. One was so bold it pressed against my slit. Another probed my private opening. Finally all hands were on me - my breasts, my vagina and even the little bud at the top, which I knew was called the clitoris. It was being rubbed and massaged. I loved it!All of a sudden I felt a sensation down there that I never felt before. The walls deep within my vagina started to expand and contract. My whole body shook all over and then I felt a release, which left me satisfied beyond belief. I looked puzzled and then one of the boys explained to me about orgasms. I had learned about sex at an early age. But I was taught that the purpose of sex was only to have children. A woman was supposed to be passive and submissive. No one told me it would also feel good! It was my first orgasm. I really liked it. Amish girls were taught that pleasure was dirty and we were told never to touch ourselves down there. "What a waste," I thought.I knew right then, I wanted to do everything they told me not to.John walked over to me and unbuckled his belt. I reached out and pulled off his pants and underwear at the same time. Out popped an eight-inch penis. It was the first human one I ever saw. (We had lots of farm animals.) I just had to have a feel. I reached out and put my hand around it. It was really hard. I was so excited. John pulled his tee shirt off, pulled me up, and leaned into me, mashing his chest against my bare breasts. When the other boys saw this, they stripped too. They came over and joined in the hug. They stood in a circle, letting me feel all of their penises. Most were about the size of John's, but one was much larger. I loved the feel of them all, especially the reaction I got from the boys as I touched them. As I was feeling the largest penis, the boy put his hand on mine and directed me to pump it. I pumped slowly at first and then faster, watching the look of extreme pleasure in his eyes. I was happy I could make someone feel that way.Soon I heard him grunt and several ropes of thick white fluid shot out the tip of his penis landing on my thighs. It was hot and the same consistency as the fluid I noticed after watching horses mate. I assumed that was his semen.I was starting to get my first real understanding of sex.Another boy came by and started to put my hand on his penis but John came over and led me to a stack of hay bales covered with a blanket. The others followed and kneeled around it. He laid me on my back and tapped my legs open. My pussy lips were splayed open before all of them. I felt John take his hands and spread open my inner lips. I heard them comment how pink and moist they were. I felt several sets of fingers feeling me there. Then I felt a tongue inside of these inner labia. When I looked up, I saw it was John. He licked up, down and all around. My thick pubic hair was getting wet and matted.I never heard of anyone doing this before but it felt really good. John licked for a while more and then another boy took his place. He moved his tongue down to my vaginal opening. It was dripping wet and he lapped up the flowing juices there.When he stopped, another boy put his tongue at the top of my slit. He was licking on my clitoris. It seemed to swell out and push outward from the hood that was protecting it. As it swelled bigger, he put his mouth around it and sucked while licking.I never felt a sensation like that before and soon exploded in another orgasm. I liked the feel of these and wondered how many orgasms it was possible for a girl to have.I found out that the answer was "a lot" as the final two boys got me to explode again when one licked my clitoris with the broad part of his tongue, while the other sucked my nipples from one breast to the other.I didn't think it was possible to feel any more pleasure and then John came over and got between my legs.He centered himself above me and put the tip of his penis at my vaginal entrance. I felt my pussy lips start to part. He pushed forward and I felt his penis hit the entrance of my thirteen-year old pussy.He immediately hit a barrier, which I knew was my hymen and he stopped for a moment. Then without withdrawing he pushed forward with a steady pressure. I felt my hymen stretching and stretching and then give way. John slid in, balls deep. I felt a little pain but then it went away.It was a different kind of pleasure. I felt the physical pleasure of being filled up but I also felt the emotional pleasure of being "one" with another person. I never dreamed I could ever feel this way.John started pumping in and out in long, steady strokes. He did this for about fifteen minutes and I was starting to get that pent up feeling, back in my pussy. As the head of his penis rubbed against the inside of my pussy walls, all of a sudden my pelvis started shaking like it had a mind of its own. It was another orgasm. Then I felt him shoot his semen deep inside me. It was so hot and wet. John pulled out with a load of sticky cum seeping out after him. I was trying to process what had just happened when I felt another boy over me and another penis in my pussy. He pumped in and out but didn't last as long as John. Another load of semen soon filled my pussy and I came again.As the third boy put his penis into my now sloppy wet pussy, I sensed another boy up by my face. I looked up and saw a hard penis right at my mouth pushing forward. I opened my mouth and he slid it in. Until tonight I might have thought this was really gross but somehow now it seemed perfectly natural. I don't know how I knew, but I just started to suck. It tasted a little salty but I liked it. I started sucking faster and faster when I felt his penis throb and then he shot a load of semen into my mouth. Even if I had wanted to pull away, I couldn't. His pelvis was pressed against me. That was okay however. It tasted real good - like hot, salty milk. I swallowed it willingly. (It was the second forbidden thing I had drunk tonight!) Meanwhile the boy pumping in out of my pussy, exploded deep inside. Although I was close to cumming myself, the preoccupation of the penis in my mouth cut it short. I was longing for another release, another orgasm. I was glad there was one boy left. He was the one with the eight-inch penis. I saw he was hard again. I was really glad he had not been first. By this time my pussy was really wet and loose.But this boy did something a little different. He turned me over, bent me down, and took me from behind in a position I later learned was called doggy style. He slid right in filling me up fuller than anyone else. His penis touched places far inside my vagina. As he pumped in and out, the other loads of semen sloshed around and coated his shaft. He pumped much faster and deeper than the others and soon I felt myself having another orgasm. I was anxious to feel him cum inside me. I was puzzled when he didn't. I learned later, he was lasting longer due to his earlier ejaculation.That was okay with me; I was really enjoying the feel of his bigger penis. He resumed pumping in and out. Due to his position his penis was rubbing against a fleshy spot in the front inside of my vagina. I was in a heightened state of arousal. After a while, when I felt the first spurts of his ejaculation, my vagina started to quiver all over. It was the beginning of the most powerful orgasm of the night. My pussy expanded and contracted for a whole minute, milking loads of semen from his potent balls. His penis slid out followed by an endless stream of semen. When it seemed to stop, I got up and squatted down. Even more semen dripped out and this gave the boys one last look at my thirteen-year old plush red-haired Amish pussy.I got up, used my undershirt/slip to wipe my pussy, and tossed it aside. I also tossed aside my ugly Amish panties. (I would shop for some new ones tomorrow.) Putting on my dress, the boys helped me lace up the back. I gave each of them a hug, pressing my breasts into them one last time and then walked out with John who drove me home. (It was my first time also in a car.) He walked me up to the door and gave me a passionate open-mouthed kiss. It was the first kiss I ever had in a night of firsts. He asked me out for next weekend and I said yes.When I went into the apartment, one of the girls was still up."So how is your Rumspringa so far?" she asked."Wet and sticky!" I laughed.More stories to come... *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 85
It had been a tough few months, since my wife left, I never really even knew she was unhappy, or at least that unhappy. We were a fun couple, at least I thought so, we had a good group of friends, enjoyed moderate partying together and even had reasonably frequent sex. Then one day she tells me she's taking a vacation and will be gone "a while", leaves me and the kids and boom a week later I get served with divorce papers. I was just about to retire from a 30 year military career, and she walked away with half of everything, leaving me with the kids. She didn't even contest custody or ask for visitation, I was devastated, destroyed, emotionally hollow.Thankfully Kathy's mom Meg stepped in, after my retirement she invited me and the kids to use her lake house in Florida so I could clear my head and sort things out. I accepted gratefully. It was just what I needed, somewhere without stress to take care of the kids and try to put my head and heart together again. The lake house was isolated, way out in the Florida back country, near a tiny little town with only one restaurant, one grocery store and no stop lights. The house had three bedrooms and backed up to a beautiful little lake full of bass and crappies. Meg would stop in every once in a while just to see her grandkids, and I suppose to check up on me, she was clearly worried that I was depressed and not recovering. Kathy it seemed had moved right on, moving in with an old friend of ours who had also recently divorced, seems this plan had been a long time coming. My days were filled with homeschooling my kids, and working on my resume and networking half-heartedly. So her visits came to be a highlight, breaking the monotony and giving us all a reason for some festivity.Meg was recently widowed and a lively young retiree, she dated frequently and loved to tell me about the peccadilloes of her "gentlemen friends" as she called them. She had short blond hair in a pixie cut and wise brown eyes that always seemed to be teasing me. At only 5ft 4inches tall, I had often teased her for being a spinner, and she always smirked and swatted me. We grew to be quite fond of one another as my time there wore on, and I was truly grateful for her kind companionship and friendship. I had always admired her graceful figure and her kind nature, which her husband had never seemed to care much for. She told me that he had never had much interest in sex and since he'd died she'd done quite a bit of exploring and experiencing.***After about six months at the lake house it was due for the 4th of July and my oldest daughter's birthday, so we planned a big party, and all of the residents at the lake joined together to put on a huge firework display. Meg came and stayed with us and we made a wonderful week of it. Whenever she came to visit I moved out to the couch in the living room as there weren't enough bedrooms for all of us, so that seemed easiest. After the fireworks had finished, we got the kids to bed and sat on the back porch listening to the neighbors partying and finishing off a pitcher of margaritas between us. She complained about it getting chilly and brought out a blanket to cover our laps, moving closer to me. It was comfortable and cozy sitting there, we chatted about my kids at first but then she started asking about me dating and moving on with things.I told her I wasn't quite sure I was ready yet, although to be honest, I had started looking at women again with some interest. So we talked about her experiences of dating in her 60's and how that had been going.Meg was telling me about her latest fling and how the gentleman had used Viagra to keep himself going and going, she was chuckling about having her first multiple orgasm experience. In the low light she had on just a nightgown and I could tell there was nothing much underneath. The cool evening air had caused her nipples to harden and they tented out the cloth over her breasts drawing my eyes. She had small breasts but they looked like they were still firm and ripe to me.She asked me to tell her about my other girlfriends before Kathy and I did telling some of my stories about dating in college, some of the hard core party girls I had had wild sex with in college. She wistfully told me that she'd never experienced that kind of sex and partying in college, having always been in a relationship with Kathy's dad. She said she thought she'd missed out on that, having a strong young lover who wanted nothing but her body. I told her I found that hard to imagine, she was such a sexy woman even in her sixties, I thought she could have any man she wanted.Then she surprised me by asking "but could I have you Jim?" I was a little surprised, but quickly admitted she could, I was only a couch cushion away. She moved closer, reaching out to take my chin in her hand, staring me boldly in the eyes she said, "and would you just use me, hard and desperate? Would you fuck me like a twenty year old college girl?" Then we were kissing, her lips were teasing mine, her tongue entwined with mine, her hot healthy body draped on my lap rubbing up against my cock.Somewhere in the back of my mind I was saying no, stop, don't do this, but my heart wasn't in that. I had always admired her and found her attractive, even more so once she took us in, but now with her kissing me, half naked in my lap, I couldn't stop myself. Her mouth tasted like nectar and her kisses were like fire on my mouth, I tried to breathe her in as she unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off. I picked her up and carried her through the porch door, and into the master bedroom, sliding the door shut with my foot.As I took off my shorts and underwear, she pulled the nightgown off over her head. I memorized her lines and that image like my life depended on it. She was strong and flat with a muscular body, strong legs and tightly trimmed pubic hair, she didn't look a day over fifty to me, her skin was still largely unlined mostly just laugh lines at the corners of her eyes. Her hair was blond in a short pixie cut and she looked like a naked elf girl, most of all she was smiling as she studied my nakedness, my hardness. She leaned back on the bed, spreading her knees and licking her lips, "You like what you see darling?" she asked. I nodded stepping closer.As I stepped toward her she reached out gently stroking my aching cock, looking up at me she bent forward lightly licking the tip causing me to moan deep in my throat. Her other hand slid around to my ass pulling me closer to her. I slid my fingers into her hair, bending down to taste her mouth again, pushing her back onto the bed as I ran my other hand up her side stroking her small firm breasts and rolling her nipples in my fingers. She was gasping into my mouth, her hand now cupping my scrotum and she kissed me deeply and desperately. She pushed me back, admiring my cock telling me how she had wanted me since the day her daughter had brought me home, had wondered about me, my cock, my love-making.She pushed me onto my back and knelt beside me, kissing her way down to my cock as I slid my hand between her legs stroking the inside of her upper thigh teasing higher and higher. As she took the head of my cock in her mouth I stroked her ass and teased little anal ring testing her openness to that, and thankfully she moaned in delight. Then she told me she had a little surprise and proceed to swallow my cock right down to the root. I was dumbfounded and thrilled, I'm not enormous but a solid eight inches with a tapered head that always seemed to please the ladies, but no one had ever swallowed my cock like that. She pulled away and smirked telling me how all of her practice with the retired crowd had to have a payoff. She winked and sucked me down again, this time working her throat around my cock before pulling off, it was amazing I was gasping and groaning almost ready to come when she backed off a bit. I regained myself and resumed teasing her with my hand between her legs, my fingers gently stroking her wet lips and teasing her tight little sphincter. I no time she was moaning as I alternately stroked her little clit and circled her anal ring with my slick wet finger.She resumed deep throating me as I began to finger fuck her, first with one then two fingers, she was making little scrunching motions and moaning around my cock like she was going to explode. I was getting close myself and decided to take things further. I began teasing my index finger into her anal ring while my other three fingers continued to work her sopping wet pussy, she immediately opened herself, pushing back hard against all of my fingers and working my cock with gusto.We climaxed almost simultaneously with her losing control on my fingers first, and then the sensation of her cunt shuddering on my hand set me off in her mouth. I was holding back a roar while she swallowed every drop and we were both drenched in sweat and cum as she settled back, cuddling up with her head on my shoulder. She whispered "thank you, I've wanted to do that for so long, it was better than I ever imagined" and kissed me with her cum filled mouth sharing my cum with me like it was the most natural thing in the world. Kathy would never do that, she thought it disgusting, but something about it had always turned me on. I loved the taste of my own cum, especially from a woman's mouth or pussy.We laid there basking the warm post-sex glow, she was gently stroking my mostly soft cock, telling me how much she wanted to fuck me and asking if I was ok. I told her I was better than ok and if she thought she could keep me from fucking her all night long she had another thing coming, pun intended.I pulled her on top of me, lying on her back, she was so short I could kiss her, lick her ears and tease her pussy at the same time. She turned her head offering her tongue and I sucked on it like a small cock. My own cock was hard as tungsten steel between her legs and she reached down to start teasing her own pussy with it. She wriggled down a bit and slid the tip of my cock into her steaming wet cunt and I could feel her pussy having little convulsions around my cock, something I'd never felt before. She was having little tremors and gasping into my mouth as she hunched down impaling her sweet pussy on my cock. Her pussy was like a small wet fire, tight and grasping as she finally was fully impaled. She laid like that her cunt milking my cock as she moaned into my mouth "now fuck me you bastard, fuck me like college whore, use me like a little fuck toy" she gasped.She sat up scooting up into a reverse cowgirl and began rotating her hips against my cock like a cock hungry 20 year old. My cock didn't quite all fit in her slick wet pussy, but she worked and worked slowly getting her pussy to open up. She was humping and gasping "Oh god, oh... oh... oh fuck me, oh goddamn it!" as she impaled herself. I was comfortable now stroking her hips, having cum once; I was in no peril of exploding again soon. She leaned back just a little and said, "Watch this." She slowly pulled first one leg then the other up until just her pussy was grinding on my cock, she whispered, "now spin me motherfucker" and I slowly turned her to face me. She smiled and winked saying, "See I really am a spinner!"Now facing me she pulled her legs down to a front cowgirl and began rhythmically snapping her hips back and forth, giving me a wonderful fuck as she rode my cock for all she was worth. She was leaning over me, tonguing my mouth, covered in a light sheen of sweat, our bodies' slick against each other and her nipples hard as little rocks against my chest. She pulled her mouth away from mine and gasped in my ear, "Now finger my ass, finger fuck my ass you dirty cocksucker." Her filthy little mouth had me thrumming and pounding back into her. I drenched my finger in her sopping pussy juice and proceeded to tease her tight little pucker.She was gasping into my mouth, I could feel her little sphincter trying to pull my finger into itself, she began mewling and moaning as she tried drive my cock right through her pussy. I finally stopped teasing her and slowly began dipping my finger deeper and deeper into her ass; I could feel her cunt starting to spasm as she began screaming against my neck. Her body convulsed through a series of tightening spasms, her pussy milking my cock and her tight little anal ring squeezing my finger all at the same time. I stroked her back and she slowly came down from her orgasm, still slowly stroking herself on my cock and fingers her insides rhythmically squeezing my still hard cock.After a few moments of just snuggling and getting our breath back she whispered to me "I really want you to come inside me, but I'm worn out, how about I lie on my stomach and you can fuck me from behind, your choice of cunt or ass?" I chuckled in her ear and kissed her. "You really do want to be treated like a slut, don't you" I said as I nuzzled her neck. She moaned a little as I continued to tease her ass and stroke her back and backside.I began dipping my thumb into her wet pussy and then into her ass, a little deeper each time, teasing her making her hunch back. Soon enough she was growling in frustration before I would drive my thumb into her ass forcefully, while butterflying my fingers over her swollen clit. I moved myself over her, slowly stroking my cock past her ass and over her pussy lips. Teasing her clit with the tip of my cock before sliding back to circle her rectum. Her anal ring was clutching and pushing at my cock like it was desperate to be taken, I'd never seen anything so erotic before in my life. She was moaning and humping back at me, and I admired her back muscles and her tight ass as she tried to grind my cock into her asshole.Finally, having teased her to the point of near orgasm I began working first two and then three fingers into her ass, taking my time and stretching her while I continued to tease her pussy lips and clit with my other hand and my cock. I was dying to start fucking her in the ass but knew better than to rush things. When I could get three fingers deep up her ass I knew it was now or never. I pressed my cock to her ass and slowly worked the tip in, thanking God for the narrowed tip of my hard cock. That always made ass fucking so much easier.Once the head was in I just worked the first few inches back and forth, spreading the lubricant deeper and deeper in her ass and reaching under her to stroke her clit with my fingers. She was biting the pillow and grunting loudly into it as I worked my cock deeper and deeper up her sweet ass. Finally, I was buried to the hilt and she was almost whining and snarling under me, like she had passed into an animal-like state. She looked back at me, over her shoulder, her eyes white and her face reddened and sweaty and growled "now fuck your mother-in-law you little bastard, fuck my ass and make me scream!" I smiled at her and slowly withdrew my cock about halfway before slamming it back in. She held my gaze sort of grunt-squeaking at me as her eyes started to roll up a bit. I slammed into her ass again while flicking her clit and she bit into the pillow again starting a steady moaning and shuddering. I could feel her ass, rhythmically squeezing my cock as she started to come again. I was thinking "Oh my god, what a treasure, what an amazing fuck an amazing woman!" Then I lost it and started hammering her ass for all I was worth and stroking her clit and pussy. I fucked her ass like a madman until I came shuddering in her ass, nearly blacking out it was so powerful.I collapsed to the side pulling her into my body, my softening cock still buried well up her pulsing ass as I licked the sweat off of her cheek and chuckled at her. "Now you're just my little slut aren't you?" I said and she chuckled back at me "and you're just my little mother fucker aren't you?" I sighed and kissed her touching her nose with mine saying "Yes, yes we both are, aren't we." END
Hello and welcome to my story. This is part 3, and I will post future pages as I have the time to write them. Hopefully I can complete at least one page per week, time permitting. The story is titled ‘Revenge’, and it is the biggest fantasy of my lifetime. If there is anyone out there interested in fulfilling my fantasy or has comments or suggestions on the story line, then please direct your input to destr8me@yahoo.comRevenge Part 4Once in the bathroom, she led me to the mirror. As I stood there in shock, I felt extremely humiliated and violated. My once virgin throat had been brutally raped and my gullet ravaged and permanently stretched and widened. My face was red and sore and my lips were raw, puffy and swollen.Cum still clung to my face and continued to dribble off my chin in thick, stringy ropes. The taste of Lawrence’s creamy load still lingered on my tongue and caused my cock to remain rock hard. In fact, it hadn’t gone limp since my senses were overwhelmed by the masculine, dominant flavor of another man’s – a black man’s – think nut cream for the first time.Kim couldn’t resist taunting me. "Tanya helped me pick Lawrence to pop your throat cherry not because he has the biggest cock of any black man she knows, but because he cums in buckets - the most of any man she knows. And judging from the way you look you cock craving slut, he must have shot at least a pint of thick dick spunk all over your faggot face and body."She moved beside me and got her face as close to mine as she could without touching me. We were staring directly at the mirror into each other’s eyes. She cracked an evil smile and upped my humiliation another notch."How much do you think you swallowed when that big juicy load swamped your mouth, pussy face? Or was it too hard to keep track because your own little boy cock was cumming so hard?"I hung my head in shame and looked down at the floor. Her question rocked me to my soul. It made me question about myself and about my sexuality.One soft spoken word came out of my mouth. "Why?" I asked her. I raised my head to look into her eyes, the eyes I had been intimate with for the past 5 years. I was searching for some ray of hope, a shred of decency."Why are you doing this to me?" I pleaded with her.All I saw staring back at me was vile, hatred and disgust. Her smile had faded and her eyes narrowed."Why am I doing this to you?" she repeated, continuing, "Five years pussy boy," as she met my gaze in the mirror. "All I’m gonna say for now is five years you cock sucking bitch."She grabbed me under my chin and turned my face away from the mirror so that I was now looking directly into her eyes."Answer my question you cum guzzling slut or I swear Lawrence will shove his fist up your ass to his elbow! How much nasty black cock cream did you swallow you filthy fucking whore?"My spirit had been crushed again for who knows how many times since Kim removed my blindfold earlier that night. If I could have lowered my gaze to the floor I would have, but her grasp held my chin firm and looking straight into her eyes."I don’t know," I responded to her.My answer seemed to set her off. She spit right into my face. As her saliva with the giant nut wad still dripping off my face, she replied, "You’re only making this harder on yourself. This is your last fucking chance."She looked directly into my eyes and bored deep into my soul as she spoke again. Slowly, and deliberately accenting every word, she asked again, "HOW MUCH CUM DID YOU SWALLOW?"I realized there was no escape for me and the only way out was to make her happy."Maybe a cup," I answered her.This brought a smile back to her face. She was still staring at me and enjoying my debasement to the max. I just wished this nightmare would end."Do you mean to tell me the so-called man I used to share my bed and my body with just swallowed a cup of cum? A whole cup of thick, slimy, salty man cream right from the tip of a 10" hard black cock?""Yes," I replied flatly and softly.She burst out laughing at me. Giggling she said, "You are fucking pathetic. And to think I used to consider you a man. I’ll bet you still think you’re a man don’t you? Well I’ve got news for you cunt face – no man I know would ever suck a cock or swallow cum."She turned from me and opened the bathroom door, calling to my throat rapist, "Lawrence, how many real men do you know that suck cock or eat dick cream?"His reply was typical and somewhat expected, but it still stung my brain. "The only cock suckers and cum guzzlers I know are either whores, bitches or sluts."Still giggling, she shut the door and turned back to me, "Did you hear that pussy boy? Which one are you? A whore, a bitch or a slut?""Neither," I responded."Neither?!" she mocked me. "Didn’t you just get done telling me you recently swallowed a whole cup of black ball juice? Don’t you have millions of squiggly little black baby makers swimming around in your belly? Didn’t your little boy weenie get the biggest it’s ever been and shoot the most it ever has when that big, black 10" throat fucker swamped your pussy mouth with a giant load of nut cream?""Maybe you’re right," she continued, "You really aren’t just a whore, a bitch or a slut. I think we both know that deep down you’re really all three, And in the next couple of days, I’m going to prove to you that’s exactly what you are. Now get in the tub you worthless cum sucking piece of shit." ***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 32
Episode 1: The Girl's First FuckKelly walked into the living room and laid down on the couch. She was wearing a green two-piece swimming costume, decorated with flowers. Kelly was 14, her breasts filled out the top of her swimming costume very well. The bottom of the two-piece hugged her tight firm young virgin ass.She looked up when she saw her father, Joseph enter the room. She sighed gently. Whenever she looked at him, she got butterflies in her stomach. She always loved her daddy more than her mother, who had left them three months previously. She looked at her daddy. He was wearing Speedo's that hugged him tightly.Kelly smiled as she looked at her daddy's crotch. He was sporting a hard cock. Kelly sighed. She was in love with her daddy."Daddy, I think it's time."Kelly's dad rushed over to her and knelt down in front of her. "Are you sure baby?"Kelly smiled and replied, "Yes. Take my virginity daddy, please."He stood up, and pulled down his swimming trunks. "I'll take your virginity only if you suck on daddy's cock first," he told her, smiling at his little girl. Kelly was eager indeed. She sat up and leaned forward and took his cock that was still soaking with both of their juices into her mouth. She started to lick the head, he knew she was tasting her first cock.He smiled down at her, "Mmm, honey, taste me, lick me good." He sighed.She started to suck on the head like a lollipop, "Like this, Daddy?"He couldn't answer, so she took a little more into her mouth, lips starting to close around the shaft, she was sliding down the length, all the while sucking and licking all the while. She then began to bob her head, fucking him with her mouth. "Oh baby, you're my beautiful little cocksucker. My little personal whore, I love it!"Kelly began to work a little faster on him. He then stopped her and pulled her head off his cock. "I've got plans for my cum." He told her."Like what daddy?" she asked."Like getting my baby girl pregnant." He replied. He stepped out of his Speedo's, then took her by her hand and led her into the bedroom. When they got to the bedroom. Kelly quickly took off her two-piece and laid down on the bed. He got on the bed and knelt above her, admiring all of her young beauty.He then rolled her onto her front and plunged into her with one thrust. She moaned in delight as he began ramming his cock in and out of her cunt. He was wrong, she wasn't torn apart completely, she still felt pretty tight. He moaned as he slammed his cock in and out, his balls slapping her ass, "Oh Kelly, you little whore. I'm going to get my baby pregnant."Kelly moaned in pleasure. "YES Daddy, fuck me. Yours is the only cock I ever want in my cunt!"He then pulled out of her and rolled her onto her back. He then looked her in the eyes as he rammed his cock back into her cunt."Oh daddy I'm so happy we're fucking." She said to him as she contracted on his cock inside. "Fuck me, make me yours Daddy!" she groaned at him.After a few more thrusts, he felt himself cumming."OH DADDY, FILL ME WITH YOUR BABY JUICE." Kelly moaned at him. Hearing her sister scream, Emma, Joseph's other 14 year old daughter walked in to the bedroom, wearing her two piece blue bikini. She looked at them him with lust filled eyes. "Daddy, when will you fuck me and take my virginity?" Emma asked. Joseph stood up and Kelly got of the bed. "Get naked and I'll fuck you now." He told her.Emma hastily removed her bikini and laid down on the bad on her back. Joseph got on top of her and grabbed her 14-year-old bum and squeezed it tightly. He then his cock into her virgin pussy, causing her to scream in pleasure. He thrust again and again into her, "My girl's tight little cunt." He said to her."Its for you Daddy! All for you, just like it always should be!" she whimpered as he stretched her insides."I'm going to cum," he barley got out as he slammed hard into her womb. Emma raked her nails across his back. He shot hard and long in her cunt, bathing its walls in life giving seed. He felt Emma start to cum again herself, her pussy contracting and squeezing him hard."My little girls, committing loving incest, my own little whores," he moaned as he finished Cumming in her. He fell back on the bed and she collapsed on top of him. Softly crying out in pleasure.Kelly got on the bed and laid next to her father. They laid there for a few moments. "We'll do ANYTHING for you daddy, we'll even KILL for you daddy." Emma said as they both hugged him tightly.He laughed and replied to them, "Yes, you will, and what's more, you'll both help me fuck all of your little friends."Kelly replied with "Yes daddy, we'll do what ever you say." The three of them then fell fast asleep.THE ENDIf you have any comments, questions or suggestions, e-mail me at omega25@hotmail.comThanx.Axe*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not "real life." Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 19
My name is Dan. I am twelve years old. This incident took place when I was in Sixth Grade. I went to a middle class, suburban school. Being it was Sixth Grade, both the boys and girls were in various stages of puberty. I, and the group I hung around with, had all gone through puberty at the end of Fifth Grade and had been having wet dreams about many of our classmates for quite a while.One such classmate, was eleven year old Gail. Gail was medium height, slim build and had short blond hair. Gail was one of the richest girls in class. She always dressed like she was in a prep school - wool plaid skirts, white blouses, knee socks, and saddle shoes. Gail had just gone through puberty. Her wool skirts showed off her nicely rounding butt and her emerging breasts often pushed tightly against her tight white blouses. Though she was a real beauty, her classmates really didn't like her much, because she was a tattle tale. Gail would tattle on everything and everyone. One day she tattled on me for copying my friend's homework. She tattled on my friend for butting in line. She complained that one girl stole a cookie from her lunch. It went on and on until we were all sick of it, so I launched a plan to get even for me and my classmates.A group of about five of us, three guys and two girls always walked home together, along with Gail who really wasn't part of the group. Between school and our houses, was a wooded park. The park was secluded from the rest of our subdivision. As we all walked home on Friday, and approached the park, I spoke. "Gail, would you like to hang out with us in the park today?" I asked."Why would I want to do that?" she replied."Because, we want to talk to you about something!" I said. With that, Bill and Rick each grabbed an arm and pulled her into the secluded woods. The rest of the group followed. "Let me go right now or I'm going to tell on you!" she screamed."That's exactly what we want to talk to you about - tattling," I said, "it's time you stopped worrying about what everyone else is doing." "No, I don't think I can do that," she said, "In fact I'm going to tell everyone about this.""Well in that case, we'll have to change your mind now." I said, motioning to Bill and Rick to lay her down.As they lay her on her back, each holding an arm, the girls Sue and Amy each took hold of a leg and stretched her spread eagle on the ground. As Gail began to scream, I yelled to her, "Scream all you want, no one can hear us here!" With that she stopped."OK then 'tattle tale'," I said, "let's get you ready." Although I had the urge to just rip her clothes off, I thought it would be better not to leave any evidence. Instead, I decided to be careful and meticulous. First, I reached for her blouse, taking one button at a time, I unfastened it from top to bottom. When undone, I pulled it off around her back, folded it up and placed it to the side. Gail's midsection was now bare except for a training bra that covered what appeared to be two tiny A-Cup breasts. "So let's see what has been straining against those white blouses all these months." I said. With that, I pulled the bra off over her head, exposing two perfect little breasts. Gail, just lay there motionless, determined now not to react or say anything.Gail's breasts were like little cupcakes, each topped with a petite pink gum drop, begging to be licked and sucked. I was the first to go in for a taste. Placing my lips from one to the other, I sucked them into my mouth until I felt them expand at least another inch. As I did this, Gail's body continued to squirm back and forth in resistance. The boys each got a turn and then it was the girls, who each took a nipple into their mouths. As they licked and sucked, Gail's squirms seemed to be moving from resistance to submission. Next, I unzipped her wool plaid skirt, pulled it off down her legs, folded it, and also put it in the pile. I decided to leave her shoes and socks on. This left Gail flat on her back, topless, in white cotton panties, knee socks and saddle shoes. We all stood around and took in the sight of this half-naked eleven year old preppie. As I reached over to remove her panties, she started to move and wiggle in an effort to restrict me. Again, the others grabbed hold of her and held her spread eagled while I completed the stripping. This afforded us our first view of her naked pussy. I didn't know it at the time, but nothing beats the sight of a blond pussy. (Except maybe a blond preteen pussy.) Gail's pussy was no exception. First of all it was very plush and puffy for an eleven year old. Not just a thin slit, but a very meaty set of protruding lips. It was covered by a thick bush of light blond pubic hair. Though thick, as mentioned, it was so light in color, that it afforded a clear view of the lips and slit of her treasure box. I don't know why, perhaps it was because of the previous breast play, but her pussy hairs and slit were covered by a noticeable coating of moisture, which emulated a sweet/pungent aroma. "And now for the fun part." I said. "It's picture time!"I took out my digital camera, and took aim at the naked, spread open Gail, making sure not to get any of the other kids in the shot. I started shooting a series of pictures. This prompted Gail to speak. "Hey what are you doing?" she asked."We are making sure you never tattle again." I answered. "By the time we're done, we will have plenty of pictures of you, some really weird, that we will post to the whole school if you ever tattle again.""I'll just tell everyone what you did." she said."Well you can," I said, "but there are more of us and we'll just deny it. And do you really want pictures of you, like this one, out there for the whole school and your parents to see?"I showed Gail one of the pictures on the viewfinder. It clearly showed her face along with Gail on her back, pussy spread wide open, as if posing willingly."OK, let's get more creative." I said. "Who's first?"Sue went over to her backpack, reached in, and took out an empty pop bottle. She went over to where Gail was being held down, and pushed it into Gail's pussy. It would only go in about two inches before it hit some resistance. The kids were not that sexually experienced, but the girls said this was her hymen, which they were not willing to break at this point. "OK, take the picture." Sue said. "Well maybe it's not the most creative, but it will do." I said.Bill was next. He reached into his backpack and took out a super hero action figure. Going over to Gail, he spread her pussy lips wide with his hands. (While doing this he took the opportunity to insert two fingers and feel the moist, smoothness of her insides.) Once she was well lubricated, he inserted the figure into her opening, posing it to look as if it were emerging from a cave. I then framed the picture so that Gail's face was also in view and snapped away.Amy was even more prepared. She inserted a carrot into Gail's pussy and then posed a stuffed rabbit, as if it were eating it out of her. I again took several pictures of this.Rick took the challenge most literally. He brought his mom's seven inch, flesh colored, penis shaped dildo. He inserted it into her pussy two inches and pumped it in a out slowly. As he did this, her little bud of a clitoris began peeking out of it's hood. He reached over and started to massage it between his thumb and index finger. Gail's face started to change into an expression of ecstasy. I quickly took a series of pictures of her facial expressions of passion. I then went back to the dildo filled pussy. I got down real lowand posed her at an angle that made it look like she was really having sex with someone. The pictures turned out showing Gail's face in the background with her penis filled pussy and erect clitoris in the foreground - very real looking. I was last, and wondered how I could top that picture. I reached into my backpack and took out a whole container of Greek Yogurt. I spread open her pussy lips, and poured it right in. It went deep into her pussy hole and also coated her hairy blond lips. I carefully posed the shots so that the angle and closeness made it appear that there was a massive cream pie in the little eleven year olds pussy. I also made sure Gail's face was in every shot."OK, girl. That about does it." I said. "I think we have enough pictures to keep you quiet from now on."The rest of the group left while I stayed behind to help Gail get on her way.All of a sudden, the quite, detached Gail started to cry."Look at me," she said, "I'm embarrassed, ashamed, and a mess." pointing to her pussy. "What am I going to do?""Well first let's get you cleaned up and dressed." I said."How are you going to clean up this mess?" she said. "We don't even have a towel.""Sorry, I made this mess, I guess I'll have to clean it up." I said.With that I lay down between her still spread legs and began licking out the yogurt with my tongue."No, no!" she said at first, but after a few minutes of me licking, she lay her head back and started to enjoy it.I licked up, down, and all around her slit. I noticed, the little pink bud starting to emerge from the hood on top of her lips. This I licked also. After a while more of this, her whole body stiffened, her breathing quickened, and then she started to convulse. When she calmed down, she appeared to pass out.I scooted myself up and put my arms around her.When I did this, I noticed that my penis was as hard as it ever was. I pulled off my pants releasing the eight inch rod.I felt something hot and wet against me. When I looked down, there it was, my penis resting at the entrance of Gail's blond, preteen, pussy.I had never gone this far before. So I ask you, what is a boy to do?I began, pushing in. Being it was so wet, I popped right in but stopped after two inches when I hit the barrier of her hymen. What should I do now? Stop? My dilemma was short lived as I saw Gail open her eyes and then felt her hands on my butt, trying to pull me further into her. That was all the encouragement I needed. I pushed forward as hard as I could and felt my penis break through the thin membrane that was her hymen. Her eyes opened even wider."What just happened?" she asked. "That hurt!""I just took your cherry." I said. "And it's supposed to feel better in a minute." With that, I proceeded to pump in and out.The feeling was incredible - hot, tight, and wet, all at the same time.After a few minutes of this, it must have started to feel good to Gail too. She began moving her pelvis upward to meet my every stroke. A low moaning sound came from deep within her. She pointed her legs straight up in the air and then wrapped them tightly around my body, allowing me to go as deep inside her as was humanly possible. In this position, her pussy walls squeezed the shaft of my penis from every direction.All of a sudden, her pussy walls started to contract around my penis. This, along with her heat and moisture, caused an explosion that started in my balls and ended up as load upon load of hot, sticky cream shot through the shaft, out the tip of my penis, deep into her preteen pussy.We stayed like that for a while and when I pulled out, there was a load of thick goo on and in her pussy hole, larger than the fake one before."I guess I didn't do so well cleaning you up." I said."Don't worry, I won't tattle," replied a less uptight Gail.THE END ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 74
Jean, his mother's younger sister, arrived at the house bright and early on Saturday morning."Hi squirt," she said. Rick didn't resent the slam it was a nickname she had given him when he was born. At the time, she was six and thought the name was cute. They had always been closer than most nephews and aunts, with a typical little girl thought process she felt it was her duty to help take care of him. "Hi Jean," his mother and he said in unison. "What's up?" his mother added."Don't you two remember, you promised to help me take some furniture out to the storage shed at Mom and Dad's farm. Didn't you have some too Terri?""Oh, I completely forgot, but it doesn't matter for it's all separated in the back bedroom." She turned to her son. "Can you help Rick?""Yeah," He said. "I've got nothing planned for the day. Todd's out of town and Jeff is sick in bed, so there's no one to hang out with."As husky as Rick was, it was still a lot of work to load the bed, chest and boxes from his aunt's house and from his own into the pickup. Finally after two hours they were ready to go. Rick covered the load, because it looked like rain and even had to move a couple of the boxes inside the truck setting it on the seat next to Jean."You're going to have to sit on Rick's lap," Jean said to Terri, "There won't be enough room otherwise.""That will be alright, won't it Rick?" his mother said."Well as long as you don't weigh a ton, and take up the whole side of the truck," he said laughing."I'll have you know I weigh one hundred and five pounds, young man, and I'm only five foot three, not six foot three." She was grinning when she said it, but there was a little bit of pride in her voice. At thirty-six, his mother had the body and looks of a high school senior. Although few high school girls had 36C boobs that were full, firm and had such prominent nipples, plus a number ten ass. Calling his attention to her body was not the best thing she could have done.He settled himself in the seat and she climbed in and, placing her feet between his, she lowered herself to his lap. She was wearing a thin summer dress and he had seen only a bikini panty line and bra under it. He immediately felt the heat from her body flow into his crotch area. He turned his mind to the road ahead. Jean pulled away, and moments later they were on the country road to the farm, twenty miles away.The road was under construction for more than five miles and the truck bounced with a steady rhythm as it rolled along the ridges left by the road grader.Jean and his mother kept up a constant chatter about girl things, leaving Rick with his own thoughts. In time, he became aware of the rhythmic bouncing and the heat emanating from his mother's ass as it pressed against his crotch. Suddenly, to his horror, his cock began responding to the movement. He felt the first stirrings of a hard on. He tried to think of other things, but the more he tried thinking of other things, the more he thought of his cock.Gradually, his dick became firmer and began to rise, until it was contained by the ass pressing down on it. This pressure only succeeded in causing it to become more rigid, until it was like a bar of steel. He could feel the crack between his mother's legs, and finally, her pussy, as the rigid shaft forced itself against the spread cheeks of her ass.There was no doubt she could feel the hard bar against her pussy, but she made no motion or comment that indicated she was aware of his predicament.Terri at first ignored the hard rod pushing against her ass. Then without thinking, she adjusted herself slightly and the pressure switched directly to her pussy. In the beginning, she was irritated that her own son would get an erection from her sitting on his lap. But the more she thought about it, the funnier it became. What a waste of a good hard-on she thought; getting rigid for your mother. Terri almost laughed out loud. The bouncing of the seat caused the hard member to slip back and forth along her lips. Then a sudden bump drove his cock head against her forcing her panties and thin dress between her lips for just a split second.A minute later, thinking about the incident, Terri knew that technically, for that split second, her son's cock had been in her pussy. True, it had just been the very tip and it had been covered by panties and dress, but was that any different then being covered by a condom? The thought was so erotic, that her pussy flooded with moisture.She had certainly never considered her son a sexual being, or partner. She was happily married, and although her husband had had a stroke three months earlier and the doctor had suggested no sex for a period of six months, she was not sexually frustrated. Her husband's fingers and her vibrator had provided all the sex she required.The bouncing cock rubbing against her pussy slowly demanded her full attention. She couldn't help but squeeze her ass cheeks together, to try to close her exposure, but it had the opposite affect, it reminded her that an eighteen-year-old cock was thrusting itself against the lips of her wet pussy. Terri felt what she thought was an answering thrust from Rick's prick to her movement.Why that little brat, she thought, he is coming on to me by flexing his cock against me. But instead of getting angry, she actually responded by again pushing against his rising rod. Minutes later, they whipped into the drive at the farm, and Terri breathed a sigh of relief. She had been dangerously close to starting something that could have ruined both their lives.The road got a little rougher and the motion of the truck added a side-to-side sway to the jogging motion. Rick would have sworn the heat coming from her thighs and ass increased more and more. It couldn't have been more like fucking if they had been in a bed. Just when he was about to blow his load all over, they turned into the farm drive and the truck rolled to a stop."There," said Jean, "that wasn't so bad, was it?""I thought it worked out perfect," his mother said. She turned on his lap, grinding her ass against his hard cock, and slowly slid out of the truck to the ground, her dress sliding up until her panties were just peeking from underneath. "I don't think Rick minded a bit. Did you honey?" She turned to him and winked.He couldn't believe what she had said."Ah, no, I agree with you, it was just perfect. The time just flew by," he said."Great," Jean said. "Why don't we go in and see where Dad wants this stuff put."Rick," his mom said, "why don't you stay out here and, ah, maybe untie the covering, you know get things settled down." Her eyes flicked to his crotch and returned to his face. He blushed, when he realized his hard-on was standing out tent like from the front of his shorts."Okay, I'll... I'll get things ready to carry in," he stammeredShe grinned and walked around the truck to join Jean on her way to the house.Within twenty minutes, the load was in the house, and they were ready to start home. But as usual when they visited grandma, she insisted they take some home-canned fruit home with them, so they ended up with three large cardboard boxes. Just as they were loading them, it began to rain. Grandpa suggested we put the boxes in the truck to keep the cardboard from getting wet and falling apart, so again there were boxes taking up the middle of the truck seat and Terri had to ride on Rick's lap again.Within a short distance, Rick's cock achieved its original proportions and began rubbing her pussy. There was little doubt he knew it was exciting her. If her panties hadn't slipped into her crack, and began rubbing her clit each time the truck bounced his cock against her, she would have been able to keep herself under control.Actually, Terri accidentally made the first thrust. Although later she was to wonder if it had been all accident. Her leg was falling asleep because of the odd angle she was holding it and she raised her foot slightly to move it. The resulting loss of support of her ass had allowed it to rest heavier on her son's cock. When he pushed back in response, she was unable to keep her wet pussy from answering the hard rod tapping at its portal.The trip home was slower due to the rain, but just as rough, and within the first mile his hard-on was back in full force. His mom adjusted her ass so his rigid cock fit exactly between her legs and his cock was thrust tightly against her pussy.After a few rough jolts, he felt what appeared to be a soft push downward against his prick from his mom's ass. It was hard to tell. He waited for a moment then was sure he felt another push. He was afraid to return the push, for fear he was imagining things, doing a lot of wishful thinking. Then it happened again and there was little doubt his mom was pushing her pussy against his hard-on. In answer he flexed his cock.He knew the movement would be so minor she would barely feel it, but if she had pushed, it would be enough, if she hadn't it wasn't so strong that it would feel like he was trying to fuck her if he had guessed wrong. Immediately he felt an answering push. He answered with a strong thrust toward her pussy. Her response was immediate, and within seconds they were dry fucking.The boxes stacked between his aunt and he and his mother prevented her from seeing anything but their heads and shoulders. They were keeping the thrusting below their waists. Rick first placed his hands on his mom's hips, then finally he reached around her and laid them on her thighs. Terri inhaled sharply, but she continued to thrust her ass against his cock and flex her ass muscles which was squeezing Rick's cock like a hand.Rick began to slowly pull her skirt up her legs. He hoped to get his fingers under her panties for a quick feel. Just when Rick was about to blow his white cum into his shorts, they arrived back in their drive. Terri again twisted on his cock and slipped to the ground exposing her crotch-wet panties to him. He followed her out, and she reached for one of the boxes on the seat and handed it to Rick."Here, honey, you can take this in the kitchen for me. Her smile told him she was again giving him a way to keep his hard-on out of sight."Thanks for all your help, you guys, I'll see you both get a reward for the effort," she said laughing."Hey, we enjoyed it. It was fun," Terri said. "I think, Rick especially enjoyed the drive.""Yeah, aunt Jean, I really enjoyed going out to the farm. It's fun to ride in a truck for a change instead of a car, it bounces around like a ride at Disney Land.""If they had rides like that at Disney Land," his mom said, "I'd have been going there a long time ago.""Ah, you know what I mean, like a once in a life time thrill," he said."That I agree with," she said. Terri was sure, that it was in fact a once in a lifetime thrill. It certainly couldn't go any further.Rick carried the box inside and set it on the counter, then went into the family room and grabbed the remote. He flicked the switch twice and MTV was blasting from the screen. He chose a straight chair, because he knew his mother would say something if he sat on the sofa in dirty shorts. Terri followed him into the room. She stopped next to him."You didn't mind my sitting on your lap, did you?""No, mom. Like I told aunt Jean, the trip was a once in a life time thrill.""And my weight didn't bother you?""Mom, you don't weigh anything, I could hold you all afternoon, and it wouldn't bother me.""Oh really? Maybe I'll take you up on that and sit on your lap now."Rick quickly looked up at her. "I... I wouldn't mind that at all."Terri stared at him for a minute. My god, she thought, what am I doing. This is my son. If I sit on his lap, things are going to get out of hand. But her inner self, convinced her that she was old enough to keep the situation from going past the point of mother son joking around. Her eyes locked on his for a moment then she stepped in front of him, and sat down on his lap. But this time her legs were outside Rick's and she was more open and exposed.Rick couldn't believe that his mother had just spread herself and sat on his lap. It was instant hard-on. His cock rose quickly to lodge itself against her pussy, covered only by her thin dress and panties. A moment later, she pushed down against his rigid boner as she had been doing in the truck. Rick thrust back. Making little pretense of doing anything but pushing his cock against her pussy. She returned his thrust with one of her own. The thrusting continued and there was no sham between them; they were dry fucking.Rick reached his arms around Terri and laid his hands on her thighs. She looked down at them, but said nothing. She was panting hard as she worked her ass against his hard member. Rick began clutching bunches of her skirt in his fingers and slowly her skirt crept up her legs. Terri watched her tanned legs become more exposed, but it felt like it was happening to someone else. Her mind was concentrating on the hard cock pressing against her inflamed pussy lips.Finally her panties came into view, and the dress continued up her body until Rick had bunched it at her waist. He lowered his hands back to her thighs and laid them with fingers pointing in on her legs just below her pussy. Terri stared, but said nothing.Slowly his hands moved up, and she gasped as they touched her panty clad mound. Rick rubbed his mother's pussy and smeared the wet juice he found there around until her whole crotch was soaked in her flowing liquid. He allowed his fingers to trail between her now spreading lips and trace a line from the bottom of her puffy lips to her clit, which was prominently outlined against her wet panties.He flicked his finger against the nubbin, and Terri groaned. Rick lifted his hands and pulling the waistband of her panties out with one hand, he slipped his other hand against her trembling belly and slid it down to her pussy.Stopping there he turned his palm upward and with his other hand thumbed her panties down over her hips. Terri raised slightly as the panties slipped under her ass and crept to her knees. Rick didn't bother to remover them entirely. He liked to see the panties there to remind him that she was naked below the waist. He pulled his hands back up her legs and Terri watched in awe as her son buried his fingers in between the puffy lips of her pussy, spreading them and slowly inserting two of his fingers into her channel.Terri's orgasm roared through her like a train through a tunnel, the shear force scattering debris on both sides. Roaring like an animal, huffing and puffing she hunched her ass forward onto his thrusting fingers."Oh my god, I'm coming on your fingers, mommy's coming. Oh god, what have we done?"Rick didn't wait for an answer, he lifted her up, forcing her to her feet while she was still out of control, and tore the buttons from his shorts, releasing his massive cock. With much effort, he managed to pull the throbbing monster from his underwear, and suddenly there under Terri, was his eight-inch pillar of flesh, red- headed and throbbing.Terri was totally unaware of Rick's actions for she was still foaming from the intensity of the orgasm, and was barely able to stand in the position he was holding her. Rick lowered her ass slowly. As she sat down he positioned his cock directly below her dropping pussy. Terri thought it was his fingers spreading the still burning lips of her hot cunt. But they kept spreading, and spreading and suddenly reality ate through her fogged brain.She screamed. "Rick, no. No you can't fuck me."Rick released his support of her ass. With nothing holding her up and with her legs too weak to support her she slipped down the massive shaft taking the eight-inch cock into her saturated depths."Ohhhh, Ohh my god. Ricky, oh god you're so big. Ohh you shouldn't be putting your cock in me, I'm you mother." Terri's fall was stopped by Rick's legs. She was firmly impaled by the hard cock. "Unhh," she grunted.Rick immediately lifted her a little and dropped her again on his shaft. Burying it to her womb. Then again, and again. Moments later, Terri was assisting him by raising and lowering herself on the red meaty pole. A couple of strokes later, Terri's fingers strayed to her clit and she began rubbing the stiffened little knob."God, Ricky you're a stud, a fucking horse.""Mom, I'm going to cum. I'm going to shoot. I'm going to shoot."Terri threw her head back against Rick's shoulder. "Me too ,baby.Mommy too. Your cock is making me cum again. Cum in my pussy, honey.Cum in mommy's cunt.""Ohhh, Mommmmmm." Rick's cock spewed hot white threads of cum into her."Shoot in me, honey, shoot your juice in mommy. Bury it in me. Uhhhhh.""Oh my god, you're fucking," Jean screamed out. "Rick, you're really fucking your mother."Terri slumped back against Rick as her orgasm drifted off its peak.She turned her head toward the voice coming from the kitchen door. "Not really, Sis," she said. "We're really fucking each other, and if you think I'm going to let him take that massive cock out of me just because you've caught us, you're wrong. You can either watch and finger fuck yourself, or turn your head."Terri turned as far around as Rick's cock would let her and planted a kiss full on her son's lips, her tongue slipping inside. "Honey your cock still feels hard. Why don't you fuck mommy again, we'll sort this all out later, after we fuck. Unless you don't want to do it again?"For an answer Rick lifted his mother's ass up about five inches, then dropped her. Again she was impaled on the massive rigid meat.""Oh, honey. Mommy loves the way you answer," she cooed.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 21
PART 5: I Star in a Sex Show At the age of twenty-two I started getting my kicks through exhibitionism. It started after I landed my first job and moved in with a biker chick who picked me up at a rock concert. She was a tall, muscular blonde, a Nordic war goddess who worked out twice a day, loved leather and had the strongest tongue I have ever known. She enjoyed showing me off and she bought me these very revealing costumes of satin and suede and then cruised around town with me on the back of her bike. We would go on road trips over to Sturgis or up to Telluride. She liked to make me dance in front of her friends after which we would dive into our tent for some hot lovin'. She was very possessive and demanding which kind of turned me on but I didn't let her push me around too much; I'm not putting a tattoo on my body for anybody. It took a lot of prodding but she finally persuaded me to strip at a local club on amateur night. I was nervous as hell the first time but I was damn good. I didn't come out in the typical, simple costume that most girls wore.I came out in full regalia, coat, hat, skirt, blouse, with all the foundation garments a lady should wear, and I didn't just quickly get nude and dance, I actually stripped. I had the dance lessons and gymnastics behind me to put on a good show too and after I overcame my nervousness I had captivated the place. I got offers to become a regular but I was afraid someone I worked or went to school with might come in some day. Enticing people is fun, shocking them is better. After I broke up with the Amazon I had a long, adventurous relationship with a punk rocker, we made an interesting couple. With all of her piercings, dark blue hair and shocking wardrobe, she was flamboyant, exhibitionistic, and boldly fascinating without being cheap or gaudy. I, on the other hand, dressed modestly; classy without being prudish and alluring without being slutty – a preppie. Short skirts had finally made a comeback and I was made to wear them. We were polar opposites; Angel and The Monster. Our friends used to tell each of us, "Why do you hang around someone like her?" They couldn’t have respected our answer.We used to delve into public sex just to shock people. We called it Cat and Mouse. She always played the wild, aggressive seducer while I played the demure, sweet victim. We dressed the parts, too. She wore only torn black stockings and a ripped black dress shirt with a thick black stripe painted diagonally across her eyes. I wore a tiny gray pleated skirt, a tight low neck sweater, a big bow in my hair, and a shear mesh veil across my eyes. We both looked like a couple of street hookers. She would slowly stock me as we made our way through nightclubs, liquor stores and adult arcades in the red-light part of town, teasing and harassing everyone we came across. When she caught me she would pin me to a wall and ravage me, pull my clothes aside and grope me or force me to the ground by my hair and shove her cunt in my face. We got some fool to yell "Rape" one time. It would always end up in some real heavy love making, often before we could make it home.She had a friend who staged "Performance Art" back in its infancy and knew about our game. He hired us to present a work he called "Yin and Yang" that we would perform at various wine and brie gatherings. She would enter from one side wearing black buccaneer boots, a black corset, long black gloves, and carrying a black cat-o-nine-tails. I would enter from the opposite side in a white merry widow, white stockings, white lace gloves, a wedding veil, and carrying a bouquet of white roses. We each wore color-coordinated masks or I doubt if I could have done it. By a carefully choreographed script we would circle each other then she would lunge at me in a lip-lock while I feigned fear. After I slowly succumbed to her attentions we would collapse into soissant-neuf on the floor amidst drizzling applause. We would suck on each other's gigs for up to an hour while the art crowd partied casually above us, occasionally passing comment on the "symbolic dichotomy of our rapture". The first time we got so hot they had to literally pull us apart. We would do the same act at one of her punk clubs only the crowds were nowhere near as politely detached. Guys would feel us up at will; one time two audience members squatted over us and beat off. I distinctly remember some guy's spooge dribbling on my hip and hearing our artist friend shouting, "Yes! Perfect! PERFECT!" Weird. After college she and I went our separate ways and I spent the next two years jumping from bed to bed making absolutely sure I had exorcized all of my wild urges. It was then I met the love of my life, Danielle (Danny), another lipstick lesbian three years my senior and still my partner to this day. I found her through an ad in the personals column, an "attractive, dark, DWF looking to rekindle her Sapphic past". Our personalities and styles suited each other perfectly and the first time we kissed - it was love. When we met she was mired in a deep depression over her husband running off with his receptionist and I made it my mission to resurrect her. We restyled her hair, exercised twenty five pounds off of her and got her a new wardrobe. By the time we were finished she was so hot her ex begged her to take him back. The jerk wanted to get in between us for a three-way. She shot him down in flames, absolute vindication. The success really went to her head and she became almost obsessed with exclaiming our affair at every opportunity. She had an intense desire to show off to the world the beauty of our bodies and the intensity of our lovemaking. I don't know how but she found a swingers club that would hire couples to put on a live sex show before their festivities began. They would meet at the clubhouse of an apartment complex and we would make love in front of them on a mattress on the floor. They watched us and paired up for their own performances as we "worked". The pay was nice and I have to admit we put on a really good show. Our bodies were both perfect in those days and the passion of our deep love for each other revealed itself in our sex. We were repeat performers; they would all get very worked up just watching us. One week they contacted Danny with an offer for double the money if she would perform with a dog. They were intent on the idea and had been looking all over for an attractive participant. She leapt at the idea. She had never done it before and I tried very hard to explain to her what she was in for but she was so caught up in the beauty of her new body and the power she wielded over an audience that her mind was set. As the week passed and the night approached I could tell she was starting to get cold feet. I drove her to the clubhouse that night and waited with her in the kitchen for the guy with the dog to arrive and all the members to gather. She had stripped down and put on a robe but her third scotch and soda hadn't made her any braver. A positively greasy looking guy and his roly-poly girlfriend finally showed up with what looked like a black lab/great dane mix named Jake and Danny finally chickened out. I had gotten myself worked up for this possibility and was ready to sex it up with Danny myself but the club people insisted they wanted the dog show. Well, I had done it before and we really needed the money so I consented to go on for Danny. I got undressed with the greasy guy leering at me all the time while he and his lady took off Jake's collar and started putting socks on the front and hind legs. I knew why the socks went on the front paws but I had no idea why they were putting socks on his hind legs. The girl asked me if I had done this before and I said I had. She asked me if I was going to take his knot and when I said yes they just looked at each other and smirked. Greasy Lee just kept winking at me and saying, "He's gonna like you jiss fine." I decided it was time to get acquainted with my co-star and knelt down to pet him. He had suddenly realized what he was there for and licked me all over as he tried to jump up on me and start humping any part of me available. Danny was grateful for me to take her place but there was really no reason for it as I was getting very turned on by the idea of a good fucking. It became time for the show and I just kissed Danny tenderly, smiled at her and told her, "Watch this." I felt no apprehension about covering my identity, they had all seen me nude before as I had seen them all nude. They had all watched me having sex before as I had watched them all having sex. I entered before Jake and slowly strolled around the room with a broad smile and my hands on my hips, stopping and posing before couples and groups to let them examine my charms before I walked to the dais and knelt; a sacrifice presented for their enjoyment. They let the dog in from the kitchen and he darted into the room in a highly agitated state, prancing among the crowd, who were by that time in various stages of undress, and looking for his target. He found me and came to me in a supplicate manner, licked me briefly in the face, and then dove down to check out where he planned on planting his fuck-root. He lapped at my pouting labia and I rotated over on to my hip, grabbed my heel and pushed my leg high into the air in a broad spread. He pounced on my crotch and dug his tongue hungrily into my open, unprotected gash. A dog licking is so good.I rolled on to my back and kept twisting around so that my captivated audience could get a good view. As I writhed, Jake kept stepping over my body with his fore paws and then begin to hump at the air above me; he knew this girl was his and wanted her bad. I kept low; not giving him any target of chance, to build tension for him, me, and everybody else. Looking around the room I could see my audience was riveted, all quiet and just staring at us wide-eyed as hands slowly crept toward crotches. I was enjoying Jake's attentions, I twitched under the jolts of tiny orgasms, my body was succumbing to Jake's will, I was slowly both physically and mentally yielding myself to Jake's control, a ready bitch was about to be presented for his mating. When I felt the time was right, I made my last free will choice of the evening by offering my sex to Jake for his use. I rolled on to my stomach and then raised myself up onto my knees and elbows - I was Jake's now. He wasted no time, he circled around behind me as I rose and waited in position, at the right opportunity his chest bounded onto the small of my back and his forelegs encircled my hips in one quick motion. I could tell right away Jake had done this before, his first chance to hump something more than air that night and he put himself right behind me, centered his hips over my butt and even made a slight thrusting adjustment necessary for finding a human vagina rather than a canine one. I was astounded that a dog that had never had me before could access me so easily as I felt his already swollen and distended hood jammed firmly against my vulva on the first thrust. My pussy lips were swollen for this kiss. The only thing I had to do was to arch my back down slightly to open my labia a bit for him, his very next thrust was right on center and sunk home. After getting his first solid piece of Violett, he used his grip on my waist for leverage and sucked his pelvis in tight against my ass. His third stroke was mostly just an extension of his second and I felt that rigid, pointy dog cock pushed in almost all the way to my cervix. I tensed up instinctively at having something so hard and sharp thrust in so deeply and aggressively, I wasn't ready for that. I knew from experience that a dog penis would loose its rigidity once it starts to swell out, but that usually takes a while. I wondered how many pokes like that I could take before he puffed out to cushion his spear and my vagina would accommodate his attack. I had also heard somewhere that great danes had about the biggest of all dog penises. A big enough knot and he could lock up with me! For the first time I worried if I could take a dog, and what if he tied with me before I could eject him! To my side I was relieved to see Greasy Lee stepping toward me and anxiously watching my face for any sign to pull Jake off. I pulled my stomach in to try and draw my sensitive uterus from Jake's reach. A tense few seconds passed as Jake worked himself in me and his dick puffed up. It was going to be OK, I relaxed and Jake became a welcome treat to my gig. Waves of pleasure came and with the threat of pain and injury gone I could welcome the orgasms overtaking me. Jake made himself at home on my back, leaning so far over me that his head was craned over my shoulder. Neck and neck, we exchanged breath with each other as we strained towards our goals. His heavy breathing and beastly grunts told me I may be leading but I was in no way controlling him. I knew my body was at the mercy of a large, powerful animal consumed by blind lust. Pushing himself forward with his paws on my thighs, he molded himself to me for leverage, enhancing our coupling into a full body contact. He was a big dog and his haunches wrapped around the outside of my hips and thighs and I felt as though my body were enclosed by his like a star fish around an oyster, held captive until his need of me was satiated. Moving only his hips in that seductive way animals mate, his haunches slapped, ground, and crowded against my soft ass. I could feel his muscles rippling and straining against my back, his soft fur on my naked skin was a delicious delight all by itself. His knot was already deep in me and that cock of his was feeling real good. Nature was reliably providing for both of us just fine. Jake was a master. His pounding and bouncing off my ass was delightful and our organs worked together brilliantly. I started cumming big time soon after I relaxed. It was a bit of a strain because I had to keep my cunny high enough for Jake to hit squarely and at the same time support his weight. I remained still and passive beneath him with my chin held up stoically and my eyes cast down demurely. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see the crowd frozen like statues, I actually think they had stopped breathing. They were at the edge of their seats watching in absolute disbelief. They were witnessing this beast's monstrously alien appendage perpetrating hell knows what unspeakable atrocities within a tender young woman's intimate, feminine province. Jake and I knew what was going on in there, a pleasure exchange disguised as a reproductive process. I was getting off on it so much. Their gawking awe was turning me on and Jake was helping so nicely. All that could be heard was the sloppy, rhythmic mashing of Jakes balls against my labia. I could feel a rumble start in Jake's chest that soon became a distinct growling that he let out intermittently as he fucked. It was a sensuous indicator of the nature of the exchange between us; we were, in spite of diverse biologies and all those spectators, two beings sharing intimate sexual gratification. For the benefit of the crowd I started to accompany his orations by softly moaning and cooing to him in time with his efforts. His cock truly was getting huge. He had swollen up to fill my passage and that knot was in me solid. It not only felt good where it was but it was a comforting presence that told me this was going to be a long enjoyable bond. His cock had lengthened and its squishy tip was bunched up against my cervix and gently rocking my womb with his thrusts. I turned my head to look for Danny, I wanted her with me, and I wanted to share this with her. My eye caught Greasy's girlfriend watching us pensively from the doorway like a coach watching her protégé. I wanted to tell her she trained him well. I picked Danny out of the crowd, I looked deep into her eyes as a tremendous climax seized me and I felt her love going out to me. I was amazed by Jake's stamina, in my experience a dog would only hump for at most a minute before they fell still and started to spew. This sweet son of a bitch had extended his performance to at least three times that. I had never had such a good fuck in my life from a non-plastic penis and I was feeling very grateful I had a vagina. I found out why they put socks on Jake's hind legs. He started a spastic torrent of thrusting and began to wail.He was starting to cum and his hind legs came off the floor and clamped around the outside of my thighs. He dug and thrashed with all four legs as though he were trying to climb on top of my ass and he drove his hips against my crotch violently trying to shove his whole pelvis into me. His tail twisted and curled back and forth between my thighs. He whined and cried as he strained and then he just got very still yet tense. I could feel him issue inside me, the warmth spread from the back of my vagina all the way outward. Slowly, he began to relax his grip on me as wearily all four legs slid down and stood on the floor. He stood over me panting with his hips fastened to my butt by virtue of his knot lodged in me like a button in a buttonhole. His drool fell on my shoulder and his excess emissions were seeping out around his implanted penis and dripped from my labia onto the mattress. Our frenzied struggle came to a silent halt and I could hear snippets of dialogue in the crowd. "Wow! Did he ever get in to her." "Oh look, he's cumming in her!" "How could she ... filthy animal?" "Why doesn't he pull out?" "What do you mean 'hung up'?" "Is he still cumming?" "She really liked it, huh?" I certainly did. The whole room was falling out just like that scene in 'Behind the Green Door'. If people weren't undressed before they certainly were now. Every cock in the room was erect. Within my limited view I could see one woman slide down between a man's legs and start deep-throating him. To their side a couple was in a lip lock while masturbating each other. Two men got on the floor behind me to investigate Jake's entrenchment and our inter-species violation of natural law. When they got too close Jake whipped his head back and growled at them (‘My bitch! Mine!’).Jake remained still with his pelvis glued to my ass, panting but apparently enjoying my cunny. He eventually got restless, stepped over my back and started toward the kitchen. He threw his hind leg over my butt and somehow wrenched himself free of my cunt sooner than I thought was possible. When he pulled free it was with a great sucking sound and a loud plop followed by a gush of coital residue spilling between my knees. I was startled by his quick, easy departure; he nearly pulled me inside out. When the room got their first sight of Jake's equipment they let out a distinct exclamation of disbelief, I was astonished myself. A bright red, ten or eleven inch, deformed carrot hung from his pelvis and dangled in the open air, still squirting his watery cum in a slow steady pulse. His knot was nearly as big as a baseball and kept his hood from drawing his big dick back in. The raw, obscene thing lolled around under his distended sheath looking tender and vulnerable but at the same time menacing and indomitable. Their exclamation was a mixture of fascination that dogs carried such weapons and admiration that I could completely envelop one. I looked at that marvelous yet hideous thing and thought it the perfect instrument to stuff a pussy with, and I so wanted it in me again. I sat back on my haunches with my hands on my knees and tried to ease my fluttering heart. I probed my ravaged gig with two fingers, everything was fine but I was shakier than I had ever been. I twirled my clitty round in circles, keeping myself stoked. I looked over toward the kitchen and found the girlfriend. She nodded at me knowingly and I smiled back. Jake stood behind me panting until he cooled off and then he plopped down, curled up, and tended to his exposed guts with his lapping tongue. Sex was breaking out all around us as couples oozed out of the room to find a secluded corner while others made resourceful use of couches, stools and chairs. Soon the room was alive with moans and heavy breathing, I had started an avalanche. They obviously thought the show was over but Jake and I knew better. It took a lot of work but he finally got his red rocket loaded back in his launch tube. He first started sniffing around some of the other action in the room but I called him back and assumed the position, knees and elbows. He darted to my ass, sniffed at me with tense interest, then lapped at my swollen, soggy gig. Again, he sprang onto my back, his forelegs encircled my hips and he started humping. I felt the wet, pointy head of his dog cock stabbing at my taint and crotch from inside his sheath, feeling its way toward my sex. He found the door open so he went in. He wasn't as aggressive this time; we were well-accustomed partners now and knew what we were going to get from each other. His fore-legs firmly grasped my waist and his fore-paws pressed into the front of my thighs while his hind paws dug into the sheet between my knees, anxiously tearing at it for better leverage. He sank the entire boney, red shaft in and set about a steady pace. We had now wrested the attention of the crowd away from what they were doing. For all we cared, the audience did not exist; we were simply in our essence a penis and a vagina conducting a private exchange. Jake and I picked up right where we left off in the same rhythm and the same moans and groans. I rested my head on the mattress and watched Jake's claiming of my body. My tits swung lewdly back and forth and my body rocked under the labors of the beast now clamped to my butt like a steel girdle. His dick swelled and grew till it filled my whole ‘gina. It was warm with his high body heat and its mottled texture tingled as he churned it in me at a frantic pace. As an orgasm approached I started to feel the pleasure of his expanding knot, seizing his freely sliding motion in me. He was expanding and conforming to the contours of my vagina, and the soft tip tickling and curling up around my cervix. We were locked together for the duration of our unnatural act and I wouldn't have it any other way. I looked down between my legs and saw my pussy skewered by the pink shaft emerging from his furry sheath, his haunches humping obscenely against my naked thighs and his slender testicles swinging beneath. The huge dog cock buried within was doing its nature-created mission, anchoring itself for deep seeding. As I watched that point between us where dog joined woman I couldn't tell if my insatiable cunt was selfishly exploiting his body or if his opportunistic penis was greedily exploiting mine. I ground and gyrated my butt against his thrusts to lengthen his stroke and enrich the experience for both of us. We violated each other for a long, enjoyable ride, then his head started twisting and dodging over each of my shoulders and his thrusting became quicker and more desperate until he moved like he was caught in some kind of spastic, carnal-lust frenzy. Again he climbed precariously up on to my ass and used all four legs to drive into me, almost climbing over the top of me. With a sharp howl he began to unleash a huge flow of dog sperm, a warm pool grew deep inside me. This time I could feel the spurts of dog semen actually work their way up his cock with a throb and then squirt into the back my puss, my alter of life. His mating tool relentlessly squirted and sprayed, I could feel it spread; oozing around his throbbing cock; seeping into my womb.He had stopped his humping but remained locked tight in his coital embrace against my butt with an almost vise-like grip of his forelegs around my waist. His muscles froze, he whined and cried, and he strained to keep his dick planted deep. He didn't unclench himself from my butt for almost a minute, unloading all the sperm that nature deemed necessary for successful conception. I was his bitch and that was what I was for. I was enjoying some climactic bliss of my own. I lost myself in it and its intensity washed over me. I surrendered to my body and let the spinning delirium of the orgasm spread through my nerves. His knot kept throbbing right against my g-spot, pushing me to come and all I had to do was twiddle my clit a little to set them off.He released his furtive grip and climbed down from me to support himself on his own legs. He remained standing over my upturned butt, panting heavily from his exertion, and still squirting in me with stoic disinterest. He eventually started to get antsy again but this time, being unable to pull his cock free from the firm grasp of my vagina, all he could do was change his position. First, he stepped over my back so that both of his forelegs stood at my right side. This left his hips high-centered over mine with his hind legs dangling in the air. He remedied this by throwing his left leg over my back so that his right leg could touch the mattress. He eventually slid it on over and I could feel his dick twisting in my cunt. We were tied, knotted, locked-up butt-to-butt, just like one of those nature films. I pulled my knees together to hold him in me and raised myself up from my elbows on to my hands. I drew myself into an erect, proud pose to make the picture complete: 'Woman Locked in Coitus with an Animal'. I was enjoying the subtle pulsation of his knot and orgasms just kept rolling on through with his cum running down the insides of my thighs. The festivities continued throughout the room; watching me while they fucked. Around me I could hear others in the throes of their climaxes. At some point I felt Jake's tail wag on my back and then someone kneeling at my side. It was Danny. She hugged me, stroked me, pulled back my hair and peppered me with kisses. She lay down beside me and then slid beneath me. Our arms enclosed around each other and I fell upon her for a deep kiss. My joy was complete as my pussy hosted Jake's vulgar, desecration and erotic manipulations I had my beloved Danny locked in my arms. I didn't suppress my rich, sensuous moans; I was in heaven and lost all track of time. Eventually, his knot shrank down and Jake pulled free. The recoil sent me tumbling over Danny. She rolled over the top of me and replaced her mouth with her breast. She cradled me in her arms and whispered sweet things in my ear as I suckled. The club didn't like the entertainment to loiter around after the show so she was anxious to get me snapped out of my lust-stupor and out of the room. I was very weak-kneed but she managed to get me to my feet and we wove our way between copulating couples to the kitchen. Once there she dressed both herself and me and we got up to leave. We stepped over Greasy Lee stuffing his ladylove silly on the floor as Jake lapped at their conjoined crotches. When we got home Danny gave me a romantic, candle lit bath, put me to bed, and then gently stroked lotion into the pussy I had just given to a dog until I fell into deep sleep nestled in her arms. The very next weekend we went to a local kennel to adopt a retired greyhound, carefully choosing the most friendly and "responsive" male we could find (jocks make the best lovers). I remember that first night when I coached my beloved through her first inter-species intercourse, preparing her, positioning her, assisting her mount, and guiding the entry. I especially liked holding her and watching the changes that manifested her as she detached herself to that place in their minds where women go while they intimately host a penis. I slid underneath them and wrapped my legs around both of them as I kissed her and nibbled on her neck through one mount after another while seminal fluid dripped from her snatch onto mine. I can’t explain how beautiful it feels to hold my love in my arms as she gets fucked or as I get fucked. We have had a dog living with us ever since, not so much as a regular accompaniment to our lovemaking but as a personal enrichment routine; when you’re so horny and you’re all alone. He’s better than a vibrator; he’s a self-cleaning fuck machine and automatic home security system.Go be good to yourself. Wash your hands when you’re done.END?By ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Donna clutched laundry and found support by leaning on the door frame. Her weak knees needed support. Stan, her father-in-law, just grinned, then returned his attention to the blow job he was getting, knowing Donna was stuck at the door frame. Donna hated being stuck, but stuck she was, pinned like a bug with big bug eyes, staring at a debauch. All resolve to do one of the many responsible things she had resolved to do when the sexual activity finally surfaced, dissolved into mesmerized immobility in the face of the first instance of surfaced sexual activity. There she stood, struck dumb, speechless, powerless, stuck like a bug. Her immobility put a wry victory smile on Stan's face. His gamble had paid off, the prep time sufficient, the execution, flawless. Donna never imagined the first scene would be this fascinating, this vulgar, this up-close and personal. A hand up a little girl's dress, she was prepared for. Nothing could prepare a mother for the scene Donna bore witness to. Her lovely naked daughter lying face-down over her grandfather's lap, lengthwise, butt to the door with her little legs parted wide by his legs and her little head bobbing over his lap with a mouthful of cock. Donna stared into a little beaver being manipulated by manly adult fingers, probing both holes or parting both lips, pulling apart both cheeks, showing both nasty holes of her only child. Angie was gorgeous down there--her hairless, coral-pink, puffy- lipped, slimy-slick quim was enough to freeze a good mom in her sensible shoes and wet her K-Mart cotton panties that she bought on sale at six for three dollars. Damn him! He knew her horny housewife pussy was sliming the crotch of her brand new fifty-cent panties, rendering her irresponsible in the face of a provocation that demanded immediate, firm, and decisive action. Damn that sexy, seductive, senior citizen--that dirty-old-man with that magnificent hard cock that her little girl could only manage to get the head inside her sucking mouth! Damn her stupid husband for inviting that seasoned cock into a home with two very vulnerable cunts! And damn that little slut, that shameless little cock-sucker, that adorable little whore. DAMN! Donna mentally cursed herself for all the good opportunities she let slip by, opportunities brought on by actions so bold, so inappropriate, so crude and offensive, or obvious as to intent, each one demanding that a responsible mother set the man straight, lay down the law, and exercise her rights as the mother and co-owner of the home the offender treated as his own whenever Doug was away, and Doug was currently away for a full week with another week before he was due to return. Stan arrived the day Doug left, but his stay had no set length. Donna recognized the seduction from the first day, but said nothing. Each day grew worse and each day Angie slipped deeper under his influence, eating up his inappropriate attention like a starved refuge; sucking up sexual compliments like a nympho cheerleader; giving and receiving kisses like a spinster at the county kissing booth; clinging to him like iron filings to a magnet though the magnet liked to lounge around in his BVDs with the iron in panties because those were the minimum required apparel for iron, a long standing rule otherwise Angie would remain nude under a roof. With school now out for the summer and Grandpa staying over, Angie remained under the roof unless Stan went outside, which he rarely did. Donna watched the result of her dumb strategy with the knowledge that her non-action in the face of a determined seduction of an innocent minor with a strong craving for physical intimacy and an abnormal interest in anything sexual was as good as giving a child molester a green light and handing him a willing victim. She might just as well have stripped Angie and laid her over his lap then guided his cock to her lips and his hands to her crotch. That provocative thought made Donna's cheap panties even wetter, her neglected vagina even fuller, her clit throb even harder, and she had to question her true motives in the face of the result. Stan seemed to know the truth days ago, a truth Donna was just growing to accept. Donna wanted to press a hand between her legs and rub hard but Stan was watching, looking for signs of arousal, more green lights. Her gawking, silent, non-action was green light enough. Her wide-eyed blushing stare was sign enough. He didn't need to see her rub off to it or see how wet her panties were. That would be a green light to fuck the kid, and she couldn't give him that green light under any circumstances. Donna was certain Angie still had two of her three cherries and was just as sure that this was her cherry blow job. He was teaching her, being very graphic. Angie was an eager student. Donna watched and learned along with Angie. Donna knew how to give good blow jobs, but she didn't know how Stan liked them--suck hard on the head, hold balls with one hand, jack the shaft with the other, be prepared to swallow everything that comes out. Donna had never swallowed semen. The very idea made her queasy. She avoided getting semen in her mouth and would spit if any snuck by. Her blow jobs were great right up to the climax when they became great hand jobs. Angie didn't seem to have that aversion and looked eager to get her gooey reward. Donna stood in awe of her little cock-sucker. She made sucking a cock look enjoyable, yummy, the most pleasurable thing a female can do with her mouth. She had Donna wondering what his cum tasted like, what it would feel like going down, what a bellyful would be like. Donna thought she could learn to swallow if swallowing his load was that important to him. It obviously was. As she absorbed this exciting suck job, Donna resolved to permit blow jobs and offer her oral services as well. The damage was done and Stan needed to be serviced otherwise he would respect no lines, leave no holes unmolested. They'd have to talk, now. They'd have to arrive at an agreement. Compromises had to be made, even if those compromises meant openly allowing the oral molestation of her only child, even if it meant stripping Angie and placing the molester's cock to her mouth, even doing the jacking or ball massaging, wiping cum from Angie's chin and inserting the messy finger in her daughter's mouth so she could get it all, though by the looks of things, Angie wouldn't lose any. The girl was a remarkable cock-sucker, but Donna could do better because she could deep throat--well, she could deep throat a seven- inch penis. She assumed three more inches, once past the back of the throat, would make no difference. Then again, he was much thicker and she still hadn't seen the head. A large head might trigger the gag reflex she'd overcome with great effort. Judging by the way Angie's cheeks were bulged out, it was big. That got Donna thinking about her father-in-law's cock. A large head on a large cock was a combination her pussy had an appreciation for, a fantasy cock. Her pussy had never been properly stretched. She was a good and faithful wife and only tried sex with three other cocks prior to meeting Doug. All were smaller than Doug. Now that her pussy was thirty years old, it needed a good stretching. Donna thought about the upcoming negotiations and realized that she had three holes to put on the table. One, her anal hole, was still cherry. A good mother should do whatever is required to spare her daughter the loss of two thirds of her cherries. Donna needed a damn good reason to engage in anal sex, and that was a damn good reason. That was not, however, a damn good cock for the job. Angie sucked on a poop-packer of painful proportions. Donna resolved to place her anal cherry on the table as a last resort. Angie had to be spared that experience at all costs. Doug would be upset if he knew that his wife was screwing and sucking off his father, but he'd be furious if he found out that his daddy got his wife's butt cherry, too. Donna almost broke a smile at the thought. It would serve him right. He should know what his stupidity cost, the total cost. Donna further resolved that if her butt got reamed, she'd make damn sure Doug knew. Her thoughts evaporated as the climax seemed impending. She watched and listened closely: Stan said, "Okay, baby, pump faster and suck harder. When the sperm squirts out, suck and swallow. Keep sucking and swallowing. Keep pumping, but pump slower, longer, milk my cock. Get every sperm cell out of my dick and into your mouth. Swallow every drop, then lick my cock and balls. That's it, suck that dick, baby!" Stan stiffened, groaned, lifted free of the seat, and bugged out Angie's blue eyes as his rod began squirting semen in jets that she swallowed as she got them. Donna watched Angie's throat muscles gulp after each spasm. She devoured sperm without the slightest hesitation--a true cum sucker, a natural cock sucker. A cum glutton is what she was. Donna watched her little cum glutton nurse on the spent dick, then finally saw the head when her mouth came off to start the licking. The head was, indeed, big, as big as a baby's fist. How Angie got her mouth over that large object was a mystery. Donna's asshole winced at the image of that penile wedge prying through a virgin sphincter accustomed to thirty years of one-way traffic. Doug would know if Donna had to have Angie video tape the sacrifice in color. DAMN! Angie was not aware of her mother's presence, so Donna eased out and moved down the hall to keep it that way. The laundry could wait. She set the scrunched but neatly folded items on the dining table, then went to the kitchen sink to do the soaking breakfast dishes if for no other reason than to keep her hands out of her panties. She also wanted to be doing something domestic when they emerged. Dishes seemed appropriate, and by facing the sink, she wouldn't have to face anyone right away, giving her features a chance to recover their normal tone. She was halfway through when Stan eased up behind her and placed both meaty hands on her hips, startling her. Donna stiffened, then gripped the edge of the sink as he brought his face into the nape of her neck and began planting nuzzling kisses leading to her ear. This was killer intimacy, an intimacy she'd only experienced with Doug. The calm she'd restored exploded in facial fireworks to reveal how she felt about having a man kiss her sensitive neck. Manly hands slid up her sides, moved around front, and cupped her tits, another intimacy no male except Doug had tried in twelve years. Had any ever tried, her record of fidelity would have fallen every time. The few who tried to seduce her went about it all wrong. Stan went about it like a man who had been coached by an expert on her weaknesses, all of them. She watched patiently as he slowly unbuttoned buttons, then unclasped the bra, then freed her jugs, then gently rolled the nipples between thumb and forefingers. Doug no longer seemed stupid, he was an conniving asshole, a generous, conniving asshole, generous to a fault. The bastard! How could he? He had to know Angie would be his father's first target. How could a man be that generous? With this awareness, Donna tilted her head to expose more neck and pushed her ass back to the lump pressing into her buttocks, a growing lump that she massaged more growth into by rubbing her ass against it. Stan licked her ear and purred, "Did you like that blow job, Donna?" "You should be ashamed of yourself. She's just a child." "Yes, but she has a nice mouth. It sure looked good on my cock, didn't it?" "I'm sure it did to you." "Your kid sucks a mean dick, but I hear you suck a meaner dick." "I've sucked a few in my day. Doug talks too much." "He sings your praises." "I'm sure. He never complains." "I wouldn't say that. He has a few minor complaints." "Such as?" "Such as being married to a two-holer." "I make up for it with the other two holes." "That's not what I hear. You refuse to fuck with the lights on and you spit cum." "I keep him satisfied. If he did more for me; I'd do more for him. For the right man, I'd fuck with the lights on and swallow." "Still, a man needs a good three-holer to keep him from straying. You have a fine ass on you, Donna, too fine to remain cherry." "Is that why you're here? Were you hired to make me a good wife?" "Interesting concept don't you think? Seduction was never that boy's strong suit. He turned to a master. He's a smart boy." "Did he throw Angie in as incentive, or was she payment for your services?" "Both." "Well, you've been paid in advance for a job you haven't completed." "It's a partial payment--one third down. One hole down, two to go." "No, please, not that. I'll tolerate blow jobs, openly. You can have her suck you off at the dinner table if you like. I'll even hold your cock and balls while she sucks you off. Her mouth is yours anytime you want it, but leave her other holes alone." "Or what? You won't let me seduce you? You won't eat my cum? You won't let me fuck you in the ass? We both know you'll beg for it, don't we? You want to feel this big rod moving in your virgin colon with my big balls banging you in the cunt." "Stan, please!" "Please what? Please fuck you in the ass in broad daylight?" "No, please work with me. I'll beg in front of Doug if you'll just work with me. I'll be a three-holer for you, only you, if you'll just work with me." "But that defeats my purpose. Doug wouldn't be pleased." "He will be but only after you leave. While you live here, I'll be your whore. Doug gets nothing. Doug can sleep on the couch and jack off." "You're pissed at him, aren't you?" "Shouldn't I be?" "I suppose, but if you cut him off, he'll get it from Angie. He'll make her a three-holer the first night. She's a lusty little wench. She'll give him no trouble at all now that I have her good and broke in. She aspires to three-holer whoredom. She even wants to get knocked up. He'll be fucking her ass and she'll beg him to cum in her cunt. I know my boy. He'll give her what she wants. He'll knock that little whore up, knock her up good." Stan had lifted Donna's skirt and pulled her soggy panties to mid- thigh. He was now pushing his naked, erect cock through her legs. Donna gripped tightly to the counter as she looked down and watched the bulbous crown slide through her moist cunt lips. She could see because he had tucked the hem under her wide belt, leaving her naked from the waist to her sensible shoes, on sale for $12.95, a blue light special at K-Mart. Her vaginal wetness dripped on them making a dark stain where the wetness soaked into the canvas fabric. She hoped they wouldn't fall apart in the washer. Donna didn't think very long about salvaging her shoes, not with that thick cudgel doing delicious things in her intimate anatomy. She found herself trying to capture the head each time it ventured near the entrance to her adultery chamber, but her efforts were futile and only made her look pathetic. He was teasing, tormenting, driving her to look pathetic. Donna thought about Angie seeing this vulgar tease and the pathetic response to it. She couldn't stop the response, so she said, "Can't we take this into the bedroom? I don't want Angie to see me like this." "I do. She should see this. She needs to see this. You're her role model. She needs to see what a hard-up, horny slut her mommy is." "Oh, god no, Stan!" "Don't worry. She should be along soon. When she gets in a good viewing position, I'll give you some cock to workout on. I'll let you get it good and slimy before I shove it up your ass. I'll have Angie pull your cheeks apart. She'd like that job--Mommy's little helper." "Please don't do that, Stan. Please! Take me into the bedroom and I'll grovel for it. Honest, just don't humiliate me in front of my child." "Sorry, but we do this my way. I'm the master, remember. This is how it should be done. It's in the master seducer's handbook. You have the mommy set the example. Angie's a fast learner. She'll be acting like her mommy in no time at all once she sees a good slutty example. Why don't you get naked while we're waiting on Angie. She wanted to change into something sexy for me. She needs to know that naked is sexy. Show her how sexy you can be." "No. Stop! I mean it, Stan! Stop, or I'll make you stop. I'll scream. I swear, I will. I'll send her off to stay with my parents until you leave. See if I don't." Stan stopped teasing and forced his cock into Donna's pussy, lifting her to her toes in a grimacing strain as the bulbous head plowed through receptive lips. Within the space of a full minute, he managed to get all ten inches in and then let her settle to her heels, impaled, stretched beyond her wildest imaginings, stuffed with cock. He let her catch her breath. She stood with her arms straight, knuckles white, head hung, stuffed like a turkey. Stan held her by the breast meat and did some neck nuzzling while she adjusted to serving as a turkey. He said, while lick flicking her lobe, "You're not going to scream are you Donna, dear?" "Yes I am, just as soon as Angie rounds the corner. What she'll see is a rape and a proper response to it. And that's the last thing she'll see of you. If that's what you want, go ahead and fuck me. I want you to fuck me. I'm enjoying this. I love your big cock. Fuck my ass. I'll learn to love that, too. She'll never see that. Rape me all you want. I'll never tell, but she'll see rape every time. I'll set a fine example." This made him think, and he finally said, "All right. You win for now, but I'm not through with you, not by a long shot. I'll get what I want the hard way, but I will eventually get all that I want, and I want to knock her ass up with your help. You'll hold her legs apart while sitting on her face, face-fucking the little bitch while I pump my sperm into her fertile womb. See if you don't, and you'll do it before Doug gets back. That's a promise." Donna groaned at the lurid image as he lifted her repeatedly to her tip toes with a mind-numbing fuck, sawing that massive instrument within her body in eight-inch strokes, fucking her the way she liked her fucking--a long, slow screw--only using more dick than she'd ever been fucked with, taking all the wrinkles out of her vagina while adding stretch marks. Donna took the pleasant fucking in stride until Angie rounded the corner, then true to her word, she struggled hard. She twisted free and got the cock out, but not without putting on a vulgar exhibition that Angie absorbed with her own wide-eyed stare. She saw it all, up close and personal--the sopping wet naked pussy, the cock stuffed in it to the balls, a hard driving stroke, and the cock popping out with a wet, sucking pop. After breaking free, Donna backed away, tugging her dress back in place, having great difficulty getting it out from under the belt. She eventually got decent again, then stood red-faced, fuming, putting on a good show of a woman incensed, outraged, assaulted, affronted, fully penetrated and fucked in her own kitchen. She looked absurd as she called Stan every name in the book, all the while staring at his glistening cock, arched up through his open fly. He listened while stroking his cock. He then turned to Angie and told her to get on her knees and suck it for him, to finish what her mother started. Donna stood with her arms folded. Angie looked to her mother as though to obtain her permission. Donna's stony expression neither forbade nor encouraged, so when Grandpa insisted, Angie knelt and brought the shaft down so that the head was at her lips. She squeezed the blood out of the ballooned head, then quickly got it in her mouth before it re-inflated. She then sucked and jacked as she'd been taught, now in profile to her mother. Donna thought, "So, that's how she did it. That'll come in handy when I take that thing into my ass." Donna watched the blow job for a while, but for appearances' sake, she left the kitchen in a huff, went to her bedroom, and slammed the door. Blow jobs were now out in the open and permissible. Masturbation was now in order. *** Donna hid away in her bedroom for over an hour, but enjoyed three great orgasms while hiding. Between orgasms, she had a great deal to think about. The sopping wet gauntlet had been thoroughly thrown down, his intentions made crystal clear, and his ultimate goal made shockingly clear. Donna was truly shocked at his ultimate goal and the bizarre way he wanted to do it, but the image of Angie taking that cock, still wet and slimy with her own mother's cunt juice, had Donna thinking the unthinkable--face fucking her daughter while her sexy father-in-law planted his incestuous seed in her recently fertile womb. The provocative thought never would have entered Donna's mind had she not seen how readily Angie took that slimy dick into her mouth. Vaginal lubricants obviously held no more revulsion than the gooey stuff that comes out of a man's cock. Donna could not imagine that, having grown up thinking her vagina was a smelly, dirty crack between her legs. She never could understand how women could have oral sex with other women. All women knew how dirty the pussy can be, how smelly it can get, and how disgusting slimy panties are if you have to wear them after a good sliming. Donna could not get that image out of her mind and imagined Angie eagerly licking the dick clean after the blow job. She had no difficulty imagining that scene. Angie would do it to please her grandpa if not to please herself. She'd love it and probably couldn't wait to get started. He'd love it, too, and drive home the fact that she was licking up her mother's cunt juice, licking it off the dick that fucked her. Angie saw the dick fuck her mother, saw it good, full front, going fully in and almost fully out, pumping, fucking. Stan saw to it by turning Donna to face Angie, holding her firmly by the tits, controlling her in her useless struggles until she kicked back hard enough to force a release. For several minutes, Angie saw fucking. After she dropped to her knees, her face was almost in it. She was close enough to smell it. Her daughter knew what a good fuck smelled like, but she didn't make a face. Donna thought about the face Angie did make, a face as though she liked the scent of fuck. Donna remembered staring down on Angie as she sniffed at their fucking genitals, her face getting slapped by wet swinging balls as she sniffed the point of entry, her nose getting wet as she sniffed the clit. Most of all, she recalled the pleasing face Angie made after every sniff. Donna brought a wet hand to her nose and sniffed, prepared to make a disagreeable face, but she smelled clean and sexy, feminine, a musky scent not a nasty smell. Not bad. Certainly not like the smell of panties after a long bike ride following a flashing episode wherein a grown man showed his dick from a parked car. Yuck! She sniffed all over and made faces like Angie had. Ummmmmm! Sounds, too. Intrigued, she tentatively touched her tongue-tip to a wet finger. Hummm, not bad. She licked. She sucked a finger -- sucked two. She licked her hand clean, then went for more. She wondered what Angie's sexy young pussy tasted like. She wondered what Farrah Stewart's pussy tasted like, Phyllis Shaffley, Ann Bardall, Alice Newman, Connie James, her own mother. She wondered what it would be like to sixty-nine with Angie in front of her parents. She wondered what it would be like to sixty-nine with her mother in front of Angie and Doug, her father, or her mother's German shepherd, Max. And then, she wandered if Max ever fucked her mother. She smiled at a frequent thought she had never allowed to linger, then smiled at the notion that her mother was that hard up and probably had. After all, German shepherds are not house dogs. Max was a house dog and someone had taught him nasty habits. He knew where to find a girl's pussy and treated every pussy that entered his house as his private stock. Every female was a bitch in heat to Max. She thought about all the embarrassing scenes, about all the times Max got his head up under a dress: her own, Connie's, Farrah's, Ann's, even Angie's. Donna and Angie had been subjected to Max's oral assaults and clutching leg humps on every visit for the past three years. You don't wear a dress or turn your back on Max while visiting the folks, but they always did. She now saw their thoughtlessness for what it really was--blatant provocation. She also saw her mother's actions for what they were--encouraging. She not only encouraged Max by not correcting the behavior, she encouraged female visitors by not making an issue of their thoughtlessness, their embarrassing acts of blatant provocation, especially Farrah who recently took up the habit of not wearing panties under a short clingy skirt that remained up when nosed out of the way -- pretty blatant, too blatant to ignore, but her mother ignored it. Her father stared at it. They all stared at Farrah's shaved pussy getting licked until he mounted and her mother was forced to tug on Max's collar or watch him screw the horny bitch. Still, she wouldn't admonish Max or Farrah. Donna smiled at the image of her nude mother being fucked by Max, now absolutely certain she was a dog fucker. She smiled bigger at the notion that a mutt fucker would probably like getting licked by a little girl or a grown daughter. She smiled even bigger at the thought that Angie would probably do it after the dog and would love eating a messy, gooey cunt -- her own grandmother's cunt with dog fuck in it. Donna shook her head to clear the absurd thoughts and vivid images, amazed that they would still plague her after three orgasms. Normally, after one good cum, all silly sexual notions left her and she could return to normal. Not now, not after what she'd witnessed and done. Not after getting her pussy properly stretched, especially not after getting fucked in front of her daughter and seeing how much she enjoyed watching, enjoyed smelling, even tasting an adulterous fuck. It was Angie's licking at their joined genitals that prompted the serious kicking that ended the fuck. Donna regretted that impulsive reaction to something she thoroughly enjoyed. Getting licked while getting fucked was the ultimate sexual experience, and when the licker is her own eleven-year-old daughter, the fucker, her well-hung father-in-law; well, it just didn't get any better than that, and she kicked to get free. She now wanted to kick herself--hard. Things were different, now, and Donna saw no going back. She didn't give going back much thought. They were moving ahead, onward and downward. Stan would not let up, and his seduction was now in overdrive. He'd conquered two holes out of six, maybe more, though she'd be impressed if he could get it up so soon after two cums. Still, it was possible. She'd left them alone long enough and never told him he couldn't. She only asked that he spare her daughter's nether holes. His response to that was to tell her exactly what he planned to do to those holes -- fuck them well. Donna laid there staring up at the ceiling, debating her course. His goal was now her goal, but she wanted him to earn it. She liked being under the influence of a master seducer, and he was a master at seduction. He'd get his way even if she hated it. Taking Angie to stay at her parent's house was the only way to prevent him from reaching his goal, and that threat was her only weapon, the only way to slow him down, impede his progress, drag out an exciting seduction. She thought about ways to accomplish their goal without being too obvious or too subtle. They knew she was in the bedroom masturbating. He stopped by several times to taunt her in the crudest way. The first time, she denied the charge angrily, but each time after that, she admitted it and asked to be left to finish in peace knowing full well that Angie was at his side, probably naked, giggling, playing with his dick or her own pussy, possibly licking his sperm off her soaked fingers after pulling them from her drippy cunt. Donna thought this thought and shook her head again. She mumbled, "Christ, get a grip, girl. Stop feeding me this filth. Three is all you get. Three is enough. You're a wife and mother. Act like one, you slut." Donna got up and looked for something to wear. Having stripped naked, she needed something and that unflattering house dress lying in a crumpled heap at the side of the bed simply wouldn't do. She rummaged through her wardrobe looking for something clingy and short. She selected a red spandex hip hugger she hadn't worn since her tenth year high school reunion two years ago. She slipped it on with nothing underneath and modeled before the full-length mirror on the back of the door--very sexy, very revealing. She found the matching high heels and put them on. Now, she looked like she wanted to get fucked. She studied her reflection and wondered at the wisdom of sending that message this soon. It wasn't so much the message but the dress with nothing under it and four-inch heels was an unconditional surrender, a pathetic admission of need. That's how she felt, but she wasn't ready to let Stan know he'd won unconditionally. She changed into a skirt and blouse combination, complete with bra and panties that said, "I want to look sexy." She removed another pair of fifty-cent panties to add, "I want you to see that I am ready and willing." She removed the modest bra to add, "I want you to fuck me real bad," then unbuttoned the top four buttons to show bare breast swells so the message came across loud and clear that she wanted his attention focused on her, not her daughter. Donna studied this image and smiled. This was it, the look she was after. She squared her shoulders and emerged from seclusion. She found them in the living room in another posed position. This time, they were both nude and Angie was face-up on his lap with her legs wide, her head hanging off his knees. Stan was playing with her splayed beaver while grinning at Donna. Angie was also looking at Donna but her view was upside-down. Donna paused to take in the provocative sight, then calmly walked over, getting close enough to give Angie a clear view up her skirt to bare pussy. Angie unabashedly gazed up her mother's legs, then strained to get her head directly under the skirt. Seeing this, Donna edged closer until her knees straddled Stan's knees and the skirt shrouded Angie's head. Right after that move, she got licked in the slit. It took all the willpower Donna could muster not to visibly react to the tongue now lapping over all of the wet areas between Donna's legs. Somehow, Donna managed and addressed herself to Stan, saying, "You are pushing it, mister." "How many cums did you get in there, Donna?" "None of your business, and I'll thank you to stop fondling my daughter between the legs." "I'm not fondling; I'm finger-fucking your daughter. There's a difference." "I can see that. If it doesn't stop, I'll dress her and take her to my mother's house." "You just want me all to yourself. You couldn't look hornier if you came out naked fingering your pussy." "I won't deny it, but do you really want me to take her out of the picture so that I won't have her to compete with?" Stan reached for the hem of Donna's skirt and unshrouded the licker now lapping through the slit, saying, "What, and get rid of a good cunt lapper? I doubt that." "I'll get her back. In the mean time, I won't have her youthful charms to compete with." "So, you admit you want my cock all to yourself." "I admit it. I told you I'd permit oral sex between you and Angie. She doesn't seem to mind serving you in that manner, and I see no harm, but if blow jobs aren't good enough for you, yes, I'll remove the temptation entirely. What you get, you'll get from me, and I'm not that horny. I doubt that you'd get all you want with only one female in the house, but who knows. Do you want to find out if one is enough?" She had him on the ropes. He dropped the skirt and was busy mulling new strategy. She waited--outwardly showing dispassionate calm; inwardly, dying a thousand deaths. Angie nervously waited while nursing on her mommy's clit, oblivious that she killed her mother with every flick of her tongue. Stan raised the skirt again, mulled, thinking getting her pussy sucked was no big deal to Donna. He finally said, "Okay, we'll play by your rules for the time being." Donna looked down to Angie who now had her in a strong clit suck that quickly brought on the tremors of a climax that would rock the foundations of the house if not immediately halted. She placed the heel of her hand on Angie's chin and pushed down. This pulled her clit out long until it popped free and sprang back like a rubber band, making Donna's eyes go cross and water. Donna blinked rapidly as she stepped back to avoid a recapture. She sucked a deep breath and regained her composure. She looked down on the shiny face of her daughter and said, "You go put some clothes on, and I don't want to see you naked with him again." "Aw, Mom!" "Don't aw-Mom me, young lady. And put panties on. Keep panties on, and keep his hands out of them. Keep anything of his out of them." "You're not wearing any." "That's right. There's a reason for that and it's not to give you something to suck on. The reason is obvious, but it's enough to say that I'm the adult and you're the child. If I want my genitals exposed at all times, I'll expose them. Now, get, or get ready to stay with Grandma Edwards. Move!" Angie reluctantly climbed down and moved with a slap to her bare butt as a sendoff. The slap came from Stan with his admonition to be patient and wear something sexy. When she was out of the room, Stan eyed Donna critically, then said, "So, you want to play games, do you? All right. We'll play games. Get naked and get mounted." "I'll get naked and mounted in the bedroom. Take it or leave it. Frankly, by the look of things, I doubt you could take it." "All right. Suit yourself. I can live with blow jobs. Can you live with watching them?" "We'll see, won't we?" With that, she turned and walked away. She had dishes to finish. The game was on. *** Donna was no match for Stan, and with Angie's help, she lost steady ground rapidly. Together, they tortured her, driving her to openly masturbating with her blouse undone all the way and her skirt rucked up around her waist, and that was after only three hours. By nightfall, Donna remained nude, fucking herself with anything phallic. By trial and error, Stan managed to key on those things that excited Donna the most. He quickly discovered her passion for a cunt-sucking daughter and shared that information with Angie in private plotting sessions. Each time they emerged, Donna was presented with a well- rehearsed passion play that left her devastated. Once they learned the truth, Angie was like a leech attached to her pussy, and there was no preventing the attachment or freeing herself of the leech until the leech decided to let go. Angie could make her mother do tricks to get attached, and once attached, she could bring on a pathetic display of wanton need that made Donna's prior performance with Stan look tame by comparison. Counting orgasms was a waste of time as they tended to blend together. She could have counted the peaks but didn't think of it. Had they been graphed, the number would be in three digits. When it was time to turn in, Donna was wasted, a total wreck. Stan and Angie left her sprawled on the living room floor with a large cucumber up her ass. They took her bedroom and locked her out. Donna knew they were fucking. She could hear them fucking. That wasn't enough. After they fucked, Stan led Angie out. He led her over to Donna who was still sprawled on the floor, then posed her. Donna looked up the naked columns of her daughter's legs to a well-fucked pussy streaming semen down both inner thighs. Angie straddled her mother's head, stood in a half squat, pulled her cunt lips apart, and said, "Grandpa fucked my cunt. See! Wanna lick?" Donna was too numb to avoid the messy beaver that descended steadily toward her mouth. Angie sealed her fucked cunt to her mother's mouth and giggled as she settled her weight fully to form a good oral/vaginal seal. Donna didn't even close her mouth. Fuck poured in and puddled in the back of her throat. She held the puddle for a minute or so, then swallowed. From then on, she swallowed any accumulation. She then licked, licked deep, and made Angie squirm and cum. She ate that, too. After that, Stan and Angie returned to the bedroom, leaving her to sleep wherever she pleased. She slept on the sofa because the nearest empty bed was too far to crawl to. That's where they found her the following morning, only she wasn't numb. She was pissed. Well, she acted pissed when Angie's fucked asshole flowed over her nose. She flung Angie off and shot up coughing, having inhaled fuck-butt-fuck. YUCK! Stan knew he'd gone too far, but Donna's upturned face hanging off the edge was too tempting to resist. Donna told Angie to get dressed and get in the car. She told Stan to stay out of her sight until further notice. He wisely left the house. Donna had to put a scare into them, otherwise, the game was over. Angie thought it was very over and was quite despondent on the ride to Grandma's house. She wouldn't look at her mother, but Donna kept looking at Angie, recalling exciting scenes from the previous day. There were so many, a simple glance at Angie conjured up a dozen. Angie had no clue that her mother was turned on. Without her grandfather to guide her, she was lost. She avoided eye contact with what she thought was an angry mom. They had an hour's drive, and thirty minutes into that drive, Donna said, "Angie, take your panties off." Angie, surprised, looked over. She said, "Why?" "Because I said take them off." Angie raised up and slid the panties down and off, then looked over for further instructions. Donna reached over, uncovered Angie's pussy, then ran a finger through the slit under Angie's watching eyes. Angie watched her mother's finger seek the hole and slip inside, watched it wiggle around, then watched it come out and go straight to her mouth, her mother's mouth, there to be sucked. When the finger returned for more, Angie scooted closer and made a better beaver. Donna used two fingers and then sucked both at once. Surprised but thrilled, Angie languished under a remote eat-out on the highway. For five minutes, no words were spoken as Donna made repeated dips in the vaginal well like a kid eating peanut butter right from the jar. By this time, Angie had the jar tilted up and wide open, loving every dip. Donna masturbated Angie to bring down more peanut butter, then ate it. This time, while dipping, she said, "Were you a good whore for your Grandpa last night?" "Yeah, I think so." "Did he fuck your pussy this morning before he fucked your ass?" "Yes." "Then, you were a good whore." "Aren't you mad, anymore?" "I was never mad. You just surprised me. Next time, wake me up before you sit on my face. Let me catch my breath before you feed me your fuck." Angie giggled and said, "I will. I like feeding you my fuck. Will you eat it from my ass, too?" "Sure, why not? What kind of Mommy would I be if I wouldn't do that?" Angie giggled loud and long, then laughingly said, "That's right. Mommies have to kiss owies on their little girls, and my butt sure hurts after Stan fucks it." "I can imagine." "Mom, if you're not mad, why are you taking me away?" "It's just for a day or two. He needs to be taught a lesson." "What lesson?" "That I control all the pussy in my house." "Oh." "Angie, when we get to Grandma's, I want you to let Max lick you between the legs the way Farrah does, only one better. Make him a beaver and let him lick it good." "Are you sure? I don't think Grandma will like that." "Yes. I want to see what she'll do. It'll just be you, me, and Mom. I think she'll do nothing but watch. She might watch Max fuck you. Would you like it if Max fucked you?" "I guess. Would he do that?" "Do you have to ask? As many times as we've had his dick poking us in the pussy, what do you think would happen if no panties were in the way?" "I know what happens. He got in me a bunch of times, but Grandma always pulled him off right after. One time, he got way in and made me bleed. Don't you remember?" "My god, that's right. He took your cherry two years ago Thanksgiving. I completely blocked that out. I'll be damned. You know, he's gotten in me a few times when I wear panties with loose leg holes." "All mine are loose. I make sure they're loose, plenty loose." "Why, you little slut. So, why would you wonder if he'd fuck you?" "I meant fuck like a man does. You know, do it until he cums. Do they cum when they fuck?" "Honey, everything cums when they fuck. Cumming is the purpose of all fucking. Organisms fuck to make more organisms." "I know that, but dogs can't make puppies in humans. I asked my teacher. She said there's no way, that I didn't need to worry about it. I was just wondering. If he can't make puppies, why would he squirt his cum in me?" "For one thing, males can't control the discharge of semen during orgasm. In Max's case, he doesn't know. He thinks he's making puppies, and he doesn't have a teacher to tell him different." "I'm glad, because that's the best part of fucking, when the sperm gets squirted up your pussy and it gets all squishy gooey, then runs down your legs." "You like making messes your mother has to clean up, don't you?" "Yeah, especially when she uses her tongue to do it and the mess is all between your legs and inside your pussy. Will you clean the mess Max makes?" "With a rag, yes." "Aw, that's no fun." "Take it or leave it. First, we have to get you a complete fuck, then we'll think about cleaning up the mess." "How are we going to do that ... you know, get a complete fuck?" "I'm thinking she'll let him finish if no one else is there and I encourage it. I think it would be interesting no matter what happens, don't you?" "Yeah, I guess. Do you think she wants to see if Max will fuck a girl all the way?" "She knows he'll fuck a girl all the way. I think he fucks her. No, I'm certain he fucks her. I just wonder if she's ready to admit it openly. I think she might if we watch him fuck you. If you act like a horny bitch right from the start, and I put her at ease from the start, I think she'll relax and open up. I want to breed my bitch to her dog whenever we stop by. I want to do it openly with Dad watching. I think they'd find that greatly amusing. Would you like to play like you're my bitch?" "Yeah, if I can be Grandpa's whore, Grandpa Stan's whore." "You are already. We're just taking a short breather." "Mom, this is fun." "You certainly seem to like the role. I hope you like being a pregnant whore. You do know Stan intends to knock you up?" "Yes. I don't care." "You're a good whore, Angie." "Thanks. Boy, it sure feels funny hearing you say that." "It feels funny saying it, especially with my fingers in your whore pussy." Angie giggled, stared at the digging fingers, and said, "You sure like eating whore pussy juice, don't you?" "Umm, yummy. You're a tasty whore. I feel like pulling over and sucking on your whore pussy." "Go ahead. I'd like that better. I'll let you suck on my pussy anytime you want." "I'll take you up on that offer, but I expect you to return the favor." "I will. I love eating pussy." "Good, because I want you to eat Grandma's pussy right after Max fucks you. Will you do that?" "Sure, if she'll let me." "Don't ask. Just get between her legs and go for it. Pull her panties aside and start sucking. Don't give her a chance to stop you." "If you say so, but I'll bet she stops me." "Don't bet on it, not after witnessing a dog fuck. She'll be very juicy, I guarantee. Just make sure you get her right after Max pulls out while her twat is still on high boil." "You know her better than I do." *** Edna Edwards expected them, but still didn't understand the urgency conveyed in Donna's hasty message. She met them at the door and said, "Donna, what on earth is going on?" Donna brushed by with Angie following, saying, "I'll explain everything. Let's sit down." Donna and Edna took seats kitty-corner from each other at the dining table as Angie pulled the ottoman over and placed it between them to form a close equilateral triangle when she sat. Edna found this very odd and wrinkled her brow as she saw Angie assume a wide-legged repose before a curious Max, advancing to check out the new arrivals. Angie had her ass at one end of the ottoman with her elbows at the other end, propped up to watch Max's approach. Edna saw the naked beaver before Max arrived. He zeroed in on the naked pussy being presented to him, came right up, sniffed, then began licking. Angie pulled the dress up past her hips and yawned her legs in response, putting her right foot between the heads of Edna and Donna. Edna watched with her eyes wide and mouth agape, then looked around the shoed foot to Donna for an explanation. Donna, acting unaffected, calmly sat back, taking her eyes off the lapping tongue to lock eyes with her mother. She smiled and said, "She is such a slut. I'm afraid you'll have your work cut out for you. As you can see, she's also a shameless slut and not too particular when it comes to species. She's been acting like a bitch in heat, so naturally, I thought of Max. He doesn't strike me as an animal that's too picky when it comes to mating. He knows what to do with a bitch in heat, human or otherwise. You don't mind if I mate my bitch to your dog, do you, Mother?" Edna slowly shook her head, still not sure she heard right, then looked to the little beaver getting a deep licking to see that she saw right the first time. While Edna reassured herself, Donna divested Angie of the dress, leaving her naked in sensible shoes with new white socks folded down, very cute, very sexy, mesmerizing to a horny old gal like Edna who sat watching a fantasy come true before her very eyes. Donna saw that a fantasy was being played out before her mesmerized mother and knew this fantasy would not be interrupted even if a marching band played through. Wild horses could not stop what her mother was so intently witnessing, revealing her rapidly growing passion in a deep blush with shallow rapid breathing. Confident, Donna placed her hand on her mother's bare knee and stroked gently, a fondling massage not a daughterly pat on the knee. This awareness made Edna look over to Donna with puzzled eyes. Donna just smiled warmly and said, "You don't mind sharing your canine lover with my horny bitch, do you, Mother? You don't strike me as the selfish type, not when you see how badly she needs it." Edna could only nod in response. Donna smiled at this subtle admission, something to build on. As Max got over Angie, they returned their attention to the bitch on the ottoman, feeling blindly for his dick. Donna said, "Mom, you're closer. Help her out, will you." Edna leaned out, reached low, took Max by the bobbing cock, and guided the tip to the waiting slit. As soon as he felt the wet, warm crease, he lunged. Four inches of dick entered Angie quickly followed by four more inches in three fast humps that brought the sheath to her cunt lips and made her groan and drop her legs. After a minute of hard buffeting, Angie was limp as a wet rag with her arms, legs, and head hanging off the edges of the ottoman, her little torso taking a brutal pounding by a dog who stood over her and the ottoman with all four paws on the floor. Her job done, Edna eased back and watched a bestial fucking. The familiar hand on her knee was now well up the inside of her leg, advancing on her pussy, advancing slowly but steadily, its ultimate destination and purpose quite obvious by now. If Edna found this distressing, she didn't let it show. Intently absorbed in the bestial mating going on before her, Edna allowed her legs to drift apart under the hand's advance, signaling her intent to allow Donna to do as she pleased with anything she found of interest between her legs. Donna read the message and stopped fucking around with subtle seduction. When the legs drifted, her hand slid up and firmly cupped maternal pussy, molding the finest silk panties to warm, moist flesh. She pushed the dress material up out of the way so she could see what she was doing. Her fingers glided on slippery wet silk as she explored the contours, peaks, and valleys of the vagina she came from. Her fingers were soon sopping wet though they'd yet to feel bare pussy. Dying to taste her mother's intimate juices, Donna brought the fingers to her face, sniffed, found her to be ripe, bordering on overripe, offensive in a normal state of mind but highly erotic in her present state. She licked the fingers while making pleasure sounds, drawing only scant attention from her mother who finally gave a look that said, "Whatever turns you on, Donna." Donna saw the look and went back for more, slipped fingers under the panties, and got the slit sauce direct. On the next venture, her fingers went right up the hole, dug around inside the birth canal, her former residence though a hysterectomy removed the former home from the vaginal lot. Donna wasn't thinking about operations that were now ancient history. She was too absorbed in playing with her Mommy's pussy, using both hands, licking one, digging with another, playing switch every other second, or so it seemed. Though Angie was going cross-eyed, getting the stuffings fucked out of her, getting rocked back and forth with every hard thrust, Edna had to look over to her daughter to give her another look, one that said, "Jesus Christ, Donna! If you want my snatch that bad, here, have at it." With that look given, Edna scooted her butt to the forward edge of the seat, drew both legs up, hooked her heels at the outer corners of her chair, laid the knees flat to each side, and ripped away the crotch of special order Frederick's of Hollywood panties that weren't even on sale and cost $34.96 not including shipping, handling, or tax, bringing the total closer to $50--one hundred times the cost of the panties Donna had on. Donna was impressed with the beaver she now had to play with but couldn't help thinking it was a shame to ruin such fine undies when they could have been eased off, folded neatly, and set aside--maybe given as a gift to someone who appreciated opulence but could never afford to indulge herself. Damn! Donna stopped making a slit-slime glutton of herself and settled into a good two-handed masturbation of her mother's pussy while turning her attention to the fucking Angie was getting. As though noticing for the first time, Donna's eyes grew wide. Damn! Her daughter was getting screwed by a mutt! FUCK! The kid was getting the shit fucked out of her, buffeted, repeatedly impaled, skewered, humped and pumped by a fucking dog! Her mother's dog! Her mother's canine lover! She admitted it. Donna watched along with her mother as Angie's body was pushed further back on the ottoman. After five minutes of hard, steady pounding, her ass was in the center and her head touched the floor. Max neared his climax as evidenced by a faster, shorter stroke that ceased the backward slide. Donna assumed that was the sign he was about to climax, and then she realized the person who would know was squirming on her fingers. Donna said, "Mother, is he getting ready to cum?" "Yes. He's almost there." "Does he cum a lot... I mean, does he squirt a large quantity of semen... you know, when he fucks you, when he fucks your pussy?" Edna looked to Donna, wishing she'd shut up and watch. Donna wanted an answer, so Edna said, "Yes, Donna. When the dog fucks your mother's pussy, he always ejaculates a large quantity of canine semen. Happy, now?" Donna was happy. She had her open admission, smiled, and watched the climax--a rather anticlimactic climax. He pumped Angie's rag doll body full of doggie semen, pulled out, then went off to curl up in a corner and lick his dick. Angie lay in a sprawl leaking a big puddle onto an expensive ottoman. Donna fought the motherly impulse to dash for paper towels. Her mother seemed unconcerned, interested more in seeing how big the puddle would get if left undisturbed, enjoying the sight of a sprawled, well-fucked little girl ruining a good ottoman. Edna reached her climax as the puddle spilled over the side. Donna saw to it that her mother had a good cum, then helped her come down from that cum with a good pussy massage. Now there were two sprawled bitches as Edna laid her head back and enjoyed the after glow of a good pussy massage. Donna used the massage to keep the legs out at opposing right angles and the twat between them at a simmering boil. Angie should have been in that beaver chowing down by now, but she was still recovering from being a well-fucked bitch. Donna reached out with a foot and gave her a nudge that rolled Angie's head her way. Angie saw her mother motioning with her head, reminding her of her next order of business. Her mother nodded toward the beaver she had by the lips--a big messy beaver, a big hairy maw, an ugly wound turned into a wide oval you couldn't hide with a tea saucer--raw, red, very slimy, unappetizing as hell. Angie groaned, rolled to her side, and sank to her knees, getting messy in the process, having rolled across a puddle of fuck, then knelt in spillage. Even she was grossed out, but then she looked the maw of a beaver square in the hairy mouth and wanted no part of it. Donna kept insisting, trying not to alert her mother that she was insisting. Angie gave in, moved in, and gave the maw of her grandma a lick that brought Granny's head shooting up. When she looked down and saw Angie licking the cunt Donna held wide open, Edna let out a sigh and said, "Not you, too." Edna watched Angie's flat tongue wipe over all the pink meat, lap at the fleshy clit, then probe the hole itself with a deeply penetrating lick. Edna looked to Donna and said, "This trait had to come down from your father's side." Donna said, "Don't you like it?" "What's not to like. I just don't understand it. Go ahead. You two can eat all the pussy you like. I'll never turn down a hungry cunt licker, human or animal, male or female, young or old, friend or family. Just don't expect me to reciprocate. From now on, if you'll call ahead, I'll be ready. I'll make sure it's clean and fresh. Right now, it must smell like a fish market and taste like three-day-old mackerel." Angie had to agree but didn't let it show. She did wince a bit when her mother said, "No, we like raw pussy, raunchy and sweaty. We love that musky cunt scent." Edna said, "Whatever. Like I said, I don't understand it, but if that's what you like, you're welcome to eat my musky cunt to your heart's content. Just let me know when you're done." Angie said, "Okay, I'm all done." Donna quickly countered, "No, you're not. Eat her till she comes." Edna said, "Wait a sec! Angie, is your mother making you do this?" Angie looked from Edna to Donna, then back to Edna after getting her mother's unmistakable message. She said, "Yes. She said I was her bitch. She made me eat you." Edna pushed hands and face out of her crotch, pulled her skirt down and stood. She took Donna firmly by the hand and dragged her into the den. While being dragged away, Donna stared back at Angie with unbelieving eyes. When the door shut, Edna faced Donna and angrily said, "What the hell do you think you're doing? How dare you force this on that child. Have you lost your fucking mind, Donna Marie? Do you realize we just raped that child? Do you realize we could both be put under a jail for three lifetimes for this? Well!" "Mom, I don't understand. She wanted this. She's no virgin. Doug's father saw to that. There's not a hole on that kid that hasn't been thoroughly fucked, and there was nothing I could do to stop it. She's a whore and likes the label. She loved the idea of screwing Max in front of you. That's all we talked about all the way over here." "Then why is she acting this way, now?" "I don't know. I guess she was sated and wasn't in the mood to go down on anyone. Maybe she likes her pussy fresh and clean. Maybe it's the hair that bothers her. I don't know, but I do know she loves eating pussy. She damn near ate me into a coma last night. I thought you'd love to experience that." Edna looked relieved, softened her demeanor, then broke a slight smile before saying, "Well, that makes sense. I appreciate the thought. That screwing took a lot out of her. I feel the same way after he screws me. Right after a good humping, I want nothing to do with sex for hours afterward." "Well, I can see why. Personally, I wouldn't care to be humped like that. I like a long, slow screw." "Bitches like to be humped, fast and furious. Angie's a real bitch. That I'm certain of. She went rag doll right away. You'd have strained and grimaced all the way through it and gone, 'Yuck! Get this fucking mutt off me,' right after. Angie's a bitch, no doubt about it." "That's a relief. She had me worried." "She'll be all right and ready to romp in a few hours. So, how long have you suspected me and Max? I've always wondered." "I suppose, I've known from the first but would never allow myself to dwell on it. Last night, I dwelled and it became obvious." "Well, I'm glad it's out. If Angie wants to keep on playing the bitch, I'll go along, but you'll strip her and lay her out for Max. You'll guide his cock and do it in front of anyone present including friends you bring over. Understood?" "I understand." "Good. You can also inform your horny girl friends that I will not be pulling Max off anyone from now on. If he mounts, they get fucked or they leave and may never return. Farrah will be pleased to hear that, but you make sure Connie and Ann understand. They will no longer be allowed to tease Max. If he mounts, they fuck. I want that made perfectly clear. If they let him continue until he goes to mount, from that point on, they become bitches. There's also a new rule for your female guests. They must wear skirts or dresses with nothing underneath. Explain the rules, Donna." "You're right, Farrah will be no problem, but I'll have to have a talk with Connie. I'll make it clear, but I doubt those rules will bother Connie. The others are too iffy, so I doubt you'll be seeing any of them again." "Don't rule Ann out. I know a fellow mutt lover and she is a fellow, more so than Connie or Farrah. She's just more inhibited than they are, but she's a bitch through and through. With Connie and Farrah, it's just something fun to do on a lark or dare." "Ann's a bitch? Are you sure?" "Positive. She just needs a slight push. Invite her over, explain the rules in no uncertain terms, then see if she comes. If she accepts, she's ready. If not, it means she's not ready yet. Eventually, she'll come." "It won't hurt to try. If you're right, I'd sure love to see that." "We all would. She's a gorgeous bitch, and Max is quite taken with her. She wants him, wants him bad. We must get those two together." "We must." "Okay, so what's the deal? Are you serious about wanting me to look after Angie for a couple of days?" "Yes, at least two. Stan needs cooling off." "Stan needs jail time to cool off. I knew he was no good." "Mother, he's very good. Just ask Angie." "Well, what's done is done. I don't suppose you mind if we have some fun during her stay." "Not at all. Have a ball. Generally, she can't get enough." "We'll see." "I'd better get back. I'll let myself out." "Call when you're ready for her. I'll bring her back." "I'd appreciate that. Later." *** When Donna returned home, Stan was there waiting. He'd cleaned up, had a fresh shave, and he'd splashed on an overdose of cologne. He was in seducer mode, right where Donna wanted him. He went right to work, slowly and gently. Donna was very pleased but didn't let him know that. He had to put in hours of good seducing foreplay to get her on his dick, and that only last until he got cocky. As soon as that happened, Donna calmly and casually uncocked and sauntered off. He had to start all over. In two days, Donna had the master seducer totally retrained. The master seducer had Donna fucking and sucking like a true three-holer whore. In the end, it was a wash. Each got what they wanted and thought the other had been beaten. Both were winners. They were now ready for Angie to be brought back into the equation. Stan's goal was now their goal and they were eager to get started on the goal. Edna delivered, then stayed to watch Stan and Donna carry out their goal. Edna was not shocked which disappointed Donna. She was sure her mother would shit. Edna didn't even blush. What Donna didn't know was that her mother and father had been doing that and more for two days. Great minds think alike, but they don't always share what they're thinking. Angie was getting more sex than she knew what to do with. Every adult in her life with the exception of her father, but including the only dog, was venting all sexual urges and desires on her immature body and that abuse was taking its toll. She was getting her fill of being poked and creamed, reamed and slimed. The novelty wore off quickly but her soreness didn't. Take away the novelty and leave sore and sticky, you get an unhappy camper. When Stan and Donna climbed off of Angie, they found out how unhappy their little camper was. Edna was still there, so she found out as well. Angie climbed down from the table, wiped fuck from her face, then glared at the three adults who were expecting her impish, fresh-fucked, did-something-naughty grin. Angie glared from one to the other, wiping silly grins off faces, then she floored them when she yelled, "LEAVE ME ALONE OR I'M GOING TO CALL THE COPS!" You could have heard belly button lint hit the carpet as she stormed off, went to her room, and slammed the door. Three ghostly-white adults sat staring at the last point they could see her. Slowly, they looked to each other and realized who the boss really was. They also realized the boss just won all the marbles and took them to her room. Edna decided it was time for her to go, but left with this advice: "Donna, you're playing with fire. She turns off and on like a faulty light switch. She did that several times over the past two days. She'll cool off and get horny and want more. When she wants it, she'll make you forget your resolve. One day, she'll turn off and dial the phone. I'm through playing with fire. You keep her away from my home until this gets straightened out for good. I mean it. I wish you luck, but I fear the worst. Keep me and your father out of this. Please. Well, I'll be seeing you." And then Stan said, "Donna, I think I'll be taking my leave. My work is done here. Good luck, kid. Tell Doug to be careful, and if this shit blows up in your faces, don't mention my name." And then Donna sat alone, scared shitless. She remained scared shitless until Angie emerged from her room three hours later, came up, and hugged her. She was fully dressed, looking like her old self, and wanted to go out and play. She went and played till dark. When it was bedtime, Angie climbed in bed with Donna and would not be moved. Donna tried to sleep with a vaginal leech. The next day, Donna took her to K-Mart and bought her a new swimsuit and it wasn't even under a flashing blue light. They took in a movie and had dinner at Burger King. The next three days were spent doing fun things: zoo, park, beach, water park, more shopping, fast food, sixty-nine, and ten trips to Dairy Queen. When Doug arrived home, everything was back to normal. Donna was happy. Angie was happy. Everything was just as he'd left it. After getting that impression, he said, "Donna, didn't Dad stick around?" "Yes. He left four days ago. He repeatedly raped me and Angie, violated every orifice of our bodies many times, made us swallow semen, got us both pregnant, then said his work was done and just left. Why, was there more you wanted done to us?" Doug turned white, then grew angry, then threw a lamp across the room and shouted, "THAT BASTARD!" Donna came over, placed a hand on his shoulder, and calmly said, "Isn't that what you wanted? He left feeling like he'd done a good job for you. He thought you'd be pleased." Doug wore his infamous puppy-dog look as he said, "Donna, I swear. That was not what I wanted. Rape was never the plan. He was to use gentle seduction and stop at the first absolute no. I just wanted him to loosen you up and give Angie some sexual experience. I had no idea he'd resort to rape." Donna took pity and decided to let him off the hook, saying, "He didn't rape us. He seduced. Boy, did he seduce. He did loosen us up, and he followed your orders to a 'T'. He did good, very good. I'm a swallowing three-holer, and your daughter is also a swallowing three-holer. We may be pregnant. Time will tell. I have to warn you, though. Angie runs very hot or very cold, and she turns on a dime. When she wants sex, you'd better give it to her, but give her only what she wants when she wants it for as long as she wants it or she gets very angry and wants to punish the object of her anger." "Yeah, how does she punish?" "She calls the cops, or I should say, threatens. If she stayed pissed, she'd do it, too. You can't let her be pissed either from not getting enough or getting too much. We've created a monster, Doug, a sex monster. We're not her parents; we're her sex slaves." Doug smiled and said, "How bad can that be?" "It's not bad at all unless you're all by yourself trying to satisfy her. She needs a male and a female. Right now, she wants cock. You're up. She's waiting in our bedroom. Make her happy. I'll be waiting if you need me. Go get 'em tiger." Doug, still smiling, went to the master bedroom to see the master, still wearing that smile, more a shit-eating grin. He returned two hours later, dragging ass, not smiling. He tapped Donna and said, "You're up." Donna returned after an hour and tagged Doug. "You're up, stud." He got up and trudged down the hall. An hour later, he tagged Donna. She tagged him thirty minutes later. Ten minutes after that, Doug came out to tell Donna that they were both up. They both trudged down the hall and didn't emerge until late the next morning. Over coffee, while Angie slept like a satisfied baby, Doug said, "Damn, Donna. We can't keep this pace up. She'll kill us." "She's just getting caught up, doing something new. You're the new monkey in the zoo. She'll settle down. Today won't be so bad. You'll see." "She gets pissed when I can't get it up. She needs to understand the limitations of a penis. Can't you make her understand?" "No. We could ask Stan to move in permanently. I think two cocks will more than suffice, that and a dog or two." "He might. What am I saying, he'd jump on the offer. Are you serious? You'd let him move in on a permanent basis?" "On one condition." "And that is?" "That he be the king cock. That you subordinate your marital rights to him. The order will be: Angie, Stan, me, then you." "May I remind you that I am the only bread winner, that I earn all the money, pay all the bills, put all the food on the table." "I understand, but we're talking sexual order. When it comes to making financial decisions, you're the boss. When it comes to making home decisions, I'm the boss. When it comes to family decisions, Stan is the boss, and when it comes to matters of sex, Angie is the boss." "Fuck." "Don't say that word. Angie might hear." "Yeah, let the monster sleep. Donna, this is crazy. We can't live like this. Let's sit Angie down and have a heart to heart." "I tried that. She'll agree to everything, but as soon as she gets horny, all that goes out the window. Try if you want, but I think you'll find that nothing changes." "Let's get rid of the phone. If she had to get dressed and walk to the Seven Eleven to call, she'd cool off long before she got there." "That might work. We could unplug the phone and tell her no. See what happens before having it disconnected. If it works, I'll gladly live without a phone." ***Donna and Doug brought Angie out, sat her down, told her how it was going to be, thoroughly explaining the consequences should she ever call the cops. She understood, pledged her support, wanted the phone taken out, and everything was fine until she got horny and was told, NO. She marched out of the house, straight to the neighbor's house, used their phone, and fucked up everyone's life when shocked investigators dragged out the whole story. Angie ended up in a physically abusive foster home, ran away, lived on the streets, became addicted to drugs, and died of a heroin overdose at the age of thirteen. Donna and Edna went to a women's prison. Donna was killed by an angry prison mob shortly after her arrival. Edna committed suicide two months later. The men went to state prison. Two were killed by inmates within three years of incarceration. Doug committed suicide after he got the news of Angie's death. Even Max wound up in the pound and was executed. This ending really sucks, but just as in real life, endings sometimes suck. The End Oh, all right. Stop your whining. Here's another ending you can plug in if you prefer. *** Donna and Doug brought Angie out, sat her down, told her how it was going to be, thoroughly explaining the consequences should she ever call the cops. She understood, pledged her support, wanted the phone taken out, and everything was fine until she got horny and was told, NO. She marched out of the house, got halfway down the block, stopped, then returned to her anxious parents, humbled and sorry for her childish display. They disconnected the phone. Stan moved in and became the king cock. Edna had her bitch. Angie became a good whore to five adults, bore six bastards, married Stan and lived happily ever after. Max died of old age, a canine heart attack brought on while fucking a pompom girl from next door. Fortunately, he came and went. The pompom girl also came, but she stayed pinned under a dead dog until her mother heard her daughter's calls and dragged the dead mutt off her kid, saying, "Now, look what you've done, Brenda. You went and killed Edna's dog. You get your bitch ass in the shower then go to your room and wait there until your father gets home. MOVE! [slap to the fanny] And don't be making pecker tracks all through the house. Cup your damn pussy, you fucking slut!" After the screen door slammed shut, she stood looking over the dead animal, and said, "Christ! Well, Max, you met your match. Don't say I didn't warn you. Shit. Edna is going to be heartbroken. Poor thing. Every bitch in the neighborhood is going to be pissed at me. Damn Brenda, anyway. Where the hell am I ever going to find a dog like you? Fuck!" END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 50
Disclaimer: This is entirely a work of fiction. It is just a fantasy and anyone tempted to try anything like it in their real life should seek professional help immediately. Adults only. Hope you enjoy it.I opened the bedroom door and looked in.Sam was lying in bed.She was on her back and her arms were down under the duvet somewhere which covered her completely.She was wide-awake and moved her gaze only slightly to look at me.She raised her eyebrows, questioningly."Would you like me to give you a hand?" I asked her."What do you mean?" Sam replied.I walked into the room and stood at the side of her bed. I then knelt on the carpet beside her.Sam turned her head gradually as I walked in so that she was able to watch my every move. Her head remained on the pillow."The noise you are making, rubbing yourself, can probably be heard by the neighbours," I said. "I thought you might like me to help you do it for you more quietly."Sam's big blue eyes widened in shock."No!!" she replied, almost shouting.She continued to look straight at me.I didn't say anything for a few moments and I could see her mind ticking over, trying to work out what was going on."Lie on your tummy and I will give you a massage" I said. "That will relax you."It wasn't so much a request. It was more of an instruction and Sam did not question it.She turned over onto her tummy and lay with her head on the pillow, facing away from me with her arms bent at the elbow and resting on the pillow either side.I leant forward, rested my right hand on the bed next to her pillow and slipped my left hand under the duvet onto Sam's back in her waist area.She was wearing pyjamas.I then started to very lightly massage her lower back under her pyjama top only using my fingers and thumb and making little sweeping motions either side of her spine.Sam moaned slightly soon after I started.I leant over to her left ear and whispered "Is that nice, my love?""Mmmm," she replied.I now started moving my hand up her back very slowly while I continued the massage. As I did, I gently pushed up the back of her pyjama top.Sam was still completely covered by the duvet.She continued to moan quietly.When I had pushed the pyjamas halfway up her back, I couldn't go any further because the front was caught under her body. Sam then lifted herself briefly so that I could ease the pyjamas up on her front also.My massaging fingers were now up nearly to the top of her back and I whispered in Sam's ear, "Let's slip your top off so that I can massage your shoulders."I did not wait for an answer and eased the top of the pyjamas over Sam's head. She cooperated by lifting herself slightly and moving her arms forward, one after the other so that I could ease them down and off her arms.Sam now flopped back onto the pillow in the same position she had been in before.The duvet still covered her.My left hand and my massaging fingers now returned to my little sweeping motions and I soon ran up to her shoulders.At this point, I stood up and pulled back the duvet to about halfway down her back. I then rested both my hands on her shoulders.I started to massage between the top of her arms and neck, beginning very lightly but then gradually increasing the intensity of my probing thumbs."Oh! That's good," Sam said. I continued for a little while but then stopped and knelt down on the carpet again.I leant over Sam's left ear and whispered, "Am I making you feel all tingly?""Mmmmmm," Sam replied.With that, I nibbled Sam's left ear lobe and blew in her ear.Sam gasped and her body tensed. She hunched her shoulders a little bit and lifted her body slightly.As she did, I saw her breasts rise up out of the bed.It was only a little way and I did not see her nipples but I saw enough to know how wonderfully she had developed. I then put my left hand at the top of Sam's back and started my little sweeping motions again massaging down her spine.Sam was very relaxed now and her breathing was calm.When I reached the top of the pulled back duvet, my hand slipped under it and continued down.Sam's relaxed breathing continued. She was completely still.And then my massaging fingers reached the point of no return as they touched the top of her pyjamas.I stopped my massaging at this point but left my hand resting there.The silence which followed was deafening. I held my breath and I am sure that Sam did too. There wasn't a sound. I had known when I began that, if things went beyond this stage, they were likely to go all the way.I knew that Sam would realise the same as she lay there. I was giving her time to call it off if that's what she wanted. We would then both dress and Sam would thank me for giving her a wonderful massage. She would probably tell her mother about it. No worries.The silence continued and I almost willed Sam to say something, such was the tension in me. But nothing.My fingers now moved again, under the elastic of Sam's pyjamas and onto her fabulous bum."Oh Daddy!" she half cried, half sighed.Yes, it was incestuous but things were much more complicated than that.Sam was my stepdaughter. She was 14 and we had known each other for 6 years since I first met her mother.She was always a very striking girl with a lovely face and long fair hair. She had deep blue eyes.She was taller than average with wonderful legs and a gorgeous rounded bum.Over the previous 3 years, she had developed super breasts, which, although not fully grown, were already a handful. Her hips were sublime. As my stepdaughter, we had hit it off from the moment I came into her mother's life when she was 8.People were amazed when they discovered that I was not Sam's father because we got on so well.My feelings for Sam had always been honourable. Initially, when she was a child, there had been some physical contact but no more than any other father/daughter relationship including towelling her down after a shower or cuddling her on the sofa when we watched TV.When she reached about 11 and started to develop little breasts, I was more careful and stopped using the bathroom when she was in it and was more careful when we were sitting in front of the TV.Sam was puzzled and even a bit upset by this. It was almost as though she was worrying that I was ignoring her and didn't love her as much.She would test me constantly by trying to get me into a rough and tumble when I would hold and cuddle her.It was a constant struggle to get a balance between doing what was right and providing Sam with the security she needed.Some people might say that all fathers have these difficulties but it is much worse in a stepfather/stepdaughter relationship.As Sam got older, things did not get any better. She was still questioning my love for her. It was the way she did it that changed. At 12 and 13, she had developed into a beautiful young lady and she knew it. She would really play up to the boys and they all adored her.As far as we 2 were concerned, we were still the best of friends but that balance between what I felt was right as regards physical contact between us and what she needed from me was never in tune. As the hormones in her body started to rear their head, Sam's testing of my love for her became more aggressive and we had some terrible rows.She was always the one who instigated them and, however passive I was in response,Sam was determined that the row would have a middle and an ending.At one point, I said to my wife that I was reaching the end of my tether and she must do something. She then had a long heart to heart with Sam and things were much better after that. They were better because Sam then totally ignored me for going behind her back to her mother.When Sam reached 14, we went away for a holiday in the sun and during that 2 weeks my relationship with her improved again. I do not know what it was. Partly the sunshine I expect and partly the fact that my wife and I shared a one bed roomed apartment with Sam who slept in the living room on a sofa bed. We were therefore living on top of each other for 2 weeks. It was either going to be good or disastrous. Thankfully it was great and both Sam and I found that we were getting on well again. We would spend hours talking to each other.We would both wear our swimwear most of the time and Sam would often end up on my lap with an arm around me as we talked. After the holiday when we had returned to the grind of normal living, me back to work and Sam to school, things quickly went downhill again for us.There is something very difficult to understand about what is acceptable in human behaviour when, on the one hand, there is nothing wrong with a young girl sitting on her father's lap while he wears a flimsy pair of swimming shorts and she a skimpy bikini and, on the other hand, everything wrong with that same young girl sitting on her father's lap while he wears his boxer shorts and she a skimpy bra and panties.In essence, this was the problem when we returned home after the holiday. Sam had found the closeness while we had been away had been what she needed to redress the balance of the previous 2 years when I had been so reserved about my physical contact with her. She felt more secure.When we returned home, our holiday mode finished and it was back to the way we were before going away.Sam returned to testing me as she had before. I would suddenly find her on my lap while sitting on the sofa with an arm thrust around my neck. Often, she did so with only her pyjamas or a skimpy little dress on. I would always welcome her but was not comfortable and looked for ways of easing her sideways onto the sofa or getting up and leaving the room.Sam then became even more demanding in the ways she tested me. She would sit on my lap and deliberately grind her bum into my prick. My prick became excited and Sam would then give me knowing smiles.Things were getting out of hand.I knew that, if I spoke to her mother again, it would be the end as regards my relationship with Sam. I therefore took her on one side while her mother was out one day and explained to her how difficult things were for me. I told her I loved her dearly and wanted to hold and cuddle her and make her feel loved but that it wasn't right for me to go too far because she was my stepdaughter.Sam listened to me intently. She beamed when I told her I loved her and looked ecstatic when I said that I wanted to hold and cuddle her. I don't think she heard the bit about what was right for a stepfather.If anything, her testing ways increased after that. She was always looking for an opportunity to get her body close to mine and get me sexually excited.The final straw eventually came when I woke one morning to find Sam next to me in bed with her arms inside my pyjama top massaging my tummy.I was so shocked that I shouted at her and she jumped out of the bed and ran off to her bedroom crying.She was there for hours and, when she did eventually come out, she refused to talk to me.I tried to apologise for frightening her but it was no good. She just ignored me. As the weeks went by, nothing changed and nothing improved. Sam continued to ignore me.She would listen if I asked her to do something and invariably would do as I asked but she would not look into my eyes and would not talk to me. She always sat as far away from me as she could.I was lost and did not know what to do. I was losing this girl and it was starting to affect my relationship with her mother as well.I tried to analyse the situation.I had had a wonderful relationship with Sam until she was 11 but after that, when she reached 12, things started to quickly go downhill. Whose fault was that?On Sam's side, she had reached the start of puberty, a difficult time for her and one which can make a child moody. However, while puberty may have made the situation worse, it was not the cause of the problem.There was nothing else which could point the finger at Sam so the fault must lie with me, I thought.The essence seemed to be that Sam felt I did not love her as much as I had done from the time up to when she was 11.As the child of a disastrous and sometimes violent marriage, she was constantly in need of love and reassurance.After Sam reached 12, I had adapted my behaviour towards her in a way which I felt right, given her developing body. The trouble was that Sam read my changed behaviour as a sign that I didn't care for her as much as I did.The problem was therefore clear and the answer was becoming clearer.If I was to have any chance of restoring my relationship with Sam, which was my main priority, I had to give her the love and cuddles she had so much yearned for over the previous 2 years. I had to show her how much I loved her and that I would never let her down again.I realised that this would involve physical contact. I did not know how much.I realised that my strategy could be disastrous and I might lose my wife or worse.I didn't care. I had no alternative.My massaging fingers slipped over her bum, lightly rubbing first one cheek and then the other.Sam started to moan.I leant over her and whispered in her ear "Your bum feels so good, my love. Am I making you feel good too?""Mmmmmm," replied Sam.I went on. "Tell me what feelings you get when I do this."Sam hesitated and then said "It makes me feel so relaxed and excited all at the same time."My gentle massage of her bum inside her pyjamas continued.At this point, Sam turned her head on the pillow so that she was facing me for the first time. She looked me straight in the eye and smiled.I smiled back and thought to myself that this was the first time she had looked at me this way in weeks."I gave you the chance to pull out of this," I said to her. "It's still not too late. A little rub on your bum can be forgotten."Sam shook her head. "It is too late," she said. "This has been going to happen for a long time. I was determined it would happen. I knew it would."I paused and thought about what she had said.She was right. If a girl wants to get a man into bed with her, she will always win even if the man is her father.I focused on Sam's eyes again."I love you so much, my darling," I murmured."Kiss me," she responded.I slowly withdrew my hand from her pyjamas after which Sam turned over onto her back. I was then given a brief glimpse of her fantastic breasts as I lowered my face onto hers and kissed her on the lips.My right hand rested on the pillow and I ran my fingers through her hair.My left hand was on the bed next to her waist.Sam lowered her arms to her side and I found her left hand and held it.The kiss was gentle but probing.Occasionally, we would stop and I would nibble either her top or bottom lip between my own. I would sometimes lick her lips lightly before starting another kiss.Sam had her eyes closed but mine were open wide exploring every little corner of her beautiful face.After what seemed an age, I stopped and lifted my head. I looked down at her breasts and marvelled at them.They were each the size of a large peach and stuck out from her chest without any trace of sag.Her little nipples were a picture.Sam slowly opened her eyes and looked at me. She smiled and raised her right hand to my face and touched it.I released Sam's hand and lifted it up towards Sam's right breast, very lightly massaging around it. I barely touched her.Sam immediately closed her eyes again and sighed deeply.Whilst maintaining my light massage of her breast, I returned to Sam's lips and this time our kiss was immediately closer.Sam soon raised up her right arm and wrapped it around my head, pulling me deeper into the kiss.I was a bit uncomfortable and so lifted my hand from her breast and rested it on the pillow furthest away from her. This gave me a hand on either side of her head and I could ease myself up and partly over Sam's body.I was only wearing pyjama trousers and so, as the kiss continued, my chest was rubbing against Sam's nipples. It was driving her wild and deeper and deeper into our kiss.We were both moaning now.The growing passion between us led to me lifting my left leg first onto the side of the bed and then raising my whole body up to lie beside her.The kiss continued.Sam now had both her arms around my head.My right arm was still on the pillow next to Sam's head but I pushed my hand under the pillow to her right shoulder and I turned her so that she ended up on top of me.Sam's arms remained around my head.The kiss continued.Sam's breasts were now squashed into my chest.My left hand ran down to her pyjamas and under the elastic to her bum.I gently rubbed her cheeks.Sam began to writhe now. Her hips were gyrating first one-way and then the other.There was no way we could maintain contact between our lips and they parted leaving us both gasping for air. Gradually, our breathing returned to normal.I withdrew my hand from Sam's bum and slowly eased her over onto her back again.Sam released my head and I pushed myself over onto my back also, lying next to her.I had my right arm around her shoulder.Sam's head rested on my shoulder and her right arm was folded over my chest.She bent her head upwards, looked into my face and smiled."I feel so safe lying here with you like this," she said.This is what it's all been about, I thought. Sam's need to feel safe and the fact that she needed to cuddle me like this to achieve it. To cuddle me as she had when she was younger.I found her right hand and squeezed it.After a while, Sam said, "Let's get undressed. I want to feel you even closer to me."I hesitated. Should I do this? Hadn't I already achieved what I had set out to do in making Sam feel more secure again? Then I remembered what I had previously decided. I was going to do whatever Sam wanted and forget about what I felt was right.If I stopped now, we might still return to the same tensions as before. I smiled back at Sam and then sat up and pushed down my pyjamas and off.I looked down at Sam and raised my eyebrows quizzically."Take them off for me," she said and smiled again.I looked down at her and slipped my left thumb under the elastic of her pyjamas. I then very slowly pushed them downwards.Sam lifted her bum as I did.As the top of the pyjamas moved down to the top of her legs, I hesitated so that I could take in the beauty of her figure, her hips and her juicy little cunt topped by tufts of fair pubic hair.I sighed deeply and Sam smiled again.I now pushed her pyjamas down to her feet and Sam kicked them off.I lay back on the bed and Sam then immediately clambered up on top of me.She carefully positioned herself so that her cunt was directly over my prick and rested her head on my shoulder.My prick took note but did not get too excited. I was not looking to excite the situation any further and was content to just lie and hold Sam closely.Sam then asked me to rub her bum again so I moved my hand to the base of her spine and ran my fingers down onto her cheeks."Mmmmmmmm," Sam sighed.We remained like that for ages just enjoying the closeness but then Sam became a bit fidgety.Firstly, she pushed herself up on her arms which had been resting on the bed, either side of me. This meant that her breasts were clear of my chest. She then slowly lowered herself down again until her nipples just touched me and started to wriggle her shoulders first one way and then the other which rubbed them against my skin.As she did this, her head went up into the air and her eyes closed.She started to breath deeply.My prick was more interested now and grew to three quarter size under her cunt.I opened my legs slightly to allow it more space to move.The growing passion in both of us meant that my massaging fingers on Sam's bum tightened and I moved my right hand down there to join the left. I held a cheek in the palm of each hand and rubbed her with my thumbs while at the same time rocking her up and down which pulled her ever closer into my now raging prick."Ohhhhhhhhhh!!" Cried Sam and immediately lowered herself down onto my chest and wrapped her arms around my neck."Oh yes, daddy" Sam cried "Yes!!"Her cunt was rubbing against my now huge prick which was desperately trying to find a way in."Oh God, Daddy! Fuck me now!"I could feel that I was close and quickly turned her over onto her back, propping myself up on my arms, one either side of her head.As I turned her, Sam raised her legs up in the air and opened them wide.I guided my rampant prick to her opening. We were both so wet from our precum juices that I just slipped in.I knew that Sam was not a virgin and so eased my prick in as far as I could and started fucking her.Sam's arms went up above her head.My speed then increased. My prick was really hurting and I had to get it relief.Suddenly, I felt myself starting to cum and I cried out "Ohhhhhh Sam!!" and thrust in ever more deeply, right up to my hilt. My balls were slapping against her bum.And then Sam started to cum as well.As she did, she let out a loud wail and gripped my arms so tightly it hurt.She wrapped her legs around my waist holding me like a vice and I felt her cunt pulsing on my prick exciting me beyond belief and forcing me into more and more ever deeper thrusts.Our wails and cries were such that the neighbours may well have heard us but the crescendo we had reached gradually subsided into little groans of satisfaction and then it was over.I rolled her over yet again making sure I did not slip out. My prick had not started to soften and I held her tightly trying to keep myself as deeply embedded in her as I could for as long as possible.We lay like that for ages, saying nothing and just enjoying the closeness.My prick eventually softened and slipped out.Sam sighed deeply.I left one hand on her bum and moved the other up to hold her round her shoulders.I could feel that Sam was absolutely relaxed. She was breathing very shallowly and otherwise did not move at all.Her head was facing away from me.After a while, I could sense from her breathing that she had gone to sleep.I lay there thinking. Sam had built up so much tension in her body in recent months which had all been relieved at once and she was suddenly totally exhausted.I very, very slowly eased her over onto her back and slipped out of bed.I covered her up, reached for my pyjamas and left the room, quietly closing the door.Sam woke about 3 hours later and come downstairs in her pyjamas.I was dressed and sitting at the table in the kitchen, reading a newspaper.She stood behind me before lowering herself and gently resting her chin on my shoulder.She then turned towards my face and kissed me on the cheek very lovingly.Neither of us said anything.My relationship with Sam was back to the way it had been 3 years before and that's the way it stayed.Neither of us ever sought or even thought about any further sexual contact. However, we would often touch and loved a close cuddle.When we looked into each other's eyes, there was a deep love and trust.Sam's whole attitude to everything seemed to change and she looked different.Her relationship with her mother improved dramatically and she was inundated with boys seeking dates.Happy days again. *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 26
"The latest statistics show that 49% of men interviewed are married or living in long term (over 5 years) relationships. That is up from 42% at the same time last year. Women, on the other hand, are increasingly choosing to remain single. 51% of women interviewed said they prefer their single lifestyle, to being tied down with a male partner. Up from 48% at the same time last year."Ruth put the newspaper down and sipped her coffee. "Well, Lucky, seems there are more of us out there than I at first thought." She smiled down at the 2 and a half year old, golden lab as he sat next to her chair looking up at her. He cocked his head to one side, trying to understand what she was telling him. All he knew was it didn't sound like food or walkies.Ruth reached out her hand to pat his head. As she did, she glanced up at the clock on the wall and realised she was late. "Oh shit! c'mon Lucky. walkies." At that the dog sprang to life and raced to the door. He loved these walks in the park with Ruth. He got to see all sorts of new things and meet interesting new people. Ruth grabbed her jacket and Lucky's leash which were in the hall by the door and lead him to the car. It was a 15 minute drive to the park, and at this time Ruth knew it would take 25 minutes to get there. She pulled out into traffic and prayed silently that the person they were going to meet would still be there.24 and a half minutes later, she pulled up in the car park adjacent to the large, green area set aside by council for tax payers use. It was actually one of the better parks in the area and not too close to where Ruth lived. She liked that. Quickly she snapped on Lucky's leash and walked him briskly through the park. She noticed young children just out of school, hovering around the pond, trying to entice ducks to take bread from them. Not too far away stood the tired mothers, taking a breather from their hectic days. Ruth was so glad she had received an inheritance when her father died and didn't have to worry about working. It wasn't a lot to live on, but was comfortable. Also getting the house meant she never had to worry about a roof over her head. Just then Lucky picked up speed. He knew where they were headed and practically dragged Ruth along.A short way into the park was the usual bench where Ruth always arranged to meet people. It was easy for everyone to find, it being the only yellow bench in the entire park and when she added 'just over from the pond', no-one ever missed it. There on the bench, still waiting was a young woman with a dog. She seemed rather nervous, looking about to see who this 'Ruth' might be, all the while trying to look nonchalant, but failing miserably. Ruth approached her."Are you Jane?""Y-yes, Ruth?""Yep" Ruth said and sat down next to her "and this is Lucky." She pulled the dog in to her and patted him, he licked her hand."Pardon my saying this, but you look normal."Ruth laughed, she had heard this comment every time and it never failed to amuse her. "What, no horns growing out my head, or boils on my face?""No, I didn't mean, I mean, oh, I don't know.""Relax, you are just nervous, its ok, everyone says it.""There are others?""Yep, you wouldn't believe how many. Things are different now, women don't need men to survive. We can make our own way in the world, even have children without the need of a man around all the time. We have the freedom to choose.""Yes, yes I agree. That is what I think. Don't get me wrong, I like men. And I enjoy sex with them occasionally, I just don't want one in my life permanently." She looked at Ruth.Ruth smiled. Jane was nervous, but Ruth could tell she wasn't niave."Good, lets go to a cafe where we can chat over coffee." With that she picked up Lucky's leash and escorted him, Jane and her dog to the street nearby, for a coffee. They found a table outside, near the edge of the far side of the shop so they wouldn't be disturbed or overheard. This was a delicate issue and not everybody would appreciate it. They ordered cappuccinos from the waitress then sat back to wait for them. While waiting Ruth kept Jane occupied in discussions about the weather, about life and about her dog, Lucky. The waitress soon reappeared and after one sip, Jane flopped back in her chair and sighed."Oh I must say, you really are just a normal woman. I was terrified I was going to meet some nutter. When you suggested meeting in the park I was secretly relieved.""Well you know, you could be a nutter too, its easier for me to meet in the park as well." Jane nodded, she hadn't thought of that."So, how did you hear about the club?" Ruth looked at Jane as she drank her coffee."Well, it sounds crazy, but I over heard this woman discussing it on the bus. Well, she wasn't discussing it on the bus, rather was on the bus and discussing it over her mobile phone with someone. When she talked about sex and dogs, my ears pricked up. That flood me, but also peaked my curiosity, so I listened in more. Then she started talking about this special club. I just knew I had to find out more, so when she got off the phone, I actually approached her."Ruth choked back her coffee, "You did?""Yes. Her name was Esme, well that's what she told me anyway. And I told her I was interested in hearing more about the club she was talking about. At first she was a little embarrassed, but I told her its alright, just want to learn more, I'm interested. Then she relaxed and gave me your number.""Well that's Esme for you. 3 other people have come by the club that way. You know, she doesn't actually talk to anyone on that phone. She only does it to see what sort of a reaction she will get. And every time, she has picked the right person. Dunno, some sixth sense that woman has.""So I called you and here we are.""Yes here we are. Look, this is a special club, not everyone is accepted because of its unusual nature. I mean, what sort of experience have you had before?""Oh, oh, yes, well first time was with my family dog when I was 14. It was an accident really, didn't mean it to happen. I had had a shower after soft ball practice and was in my room. No-one else was home at that time. Anyway, I bent over the end of the bed to get something and next thing I know Sam's nose is between my legs. I froze at first, not knowing what it was. That gave him enough time to start licking me. "I kind of liked it. I hadn't had sex with anyone at that stage, not even kissed a boy, and I really liked the feeling. I ended up laying on the bed with my legs over the edge and Sam's head between them. I got so horny and I think I came like 3 times. "Well, then I noticed his dick was different. I mean it was longer an really pink. I didn't know then it was different to a boys, so I got down to investigate it. I swear I dunno now it happened, but I ended up on all fours and Sam ended up on top of me. I could feel him thrusting and I sort of knew what he was trying to do, but I didn't really. I tried to shake him off, but the wait of him pinned me down and the next thing I know I was head down – arse up and he had entered me. It hurt at first, but I quickly relaxed when I realised how good it felt.""Aha, that happens quite a lot. Just mucking about and whammo, dog has other ideas. That was like my first time too, only I was 8. So go on, what happened after that.""Well, after that I realised I had just lost my virginity to Sam. It was the craziest thing, but you know, it actually felt right. I started having sex with Sam whenever I could. Slowly I began letting him sleep in my room, not every night to begin with, but soon enough, it was every night. And would go to sleep early, and set the alarm for after my parents would be asleep. Then I would get up and have fun with Sam for a while, reset the alarm and go off to school the next day. That went on for 6 years, then I went away to university.""What about boys?""Not then, after I went to uni. I met this guy and we sort of had a brief affair. Not the greatest lover mind you, and after Sam, such a puny dick! I tried a couple of more men, but quickly gave up on them. The best would have been one of my lecturers. He was 48 and not too shabby. I fucked him in exchange for a couple of passing grades which I needed for that subject. "He took his time and really made sure I was hot for it before we did it. Lovely to have all that attention lavished on me, but you know, after Sam, it just wasn't the same. I would go back home whenever I could and Sam and I would be at it all day and night – as often as we could. Then back to uni and celibacy.""You didn't do it at all with anyone?""Oh, I tried a few women, that was nice, but not pow! You know?""Yes, not like the dog.""No, nobody could compete with Sam. Then one day I was cruising some of those personal ads, and I saw one by a guy who was a dog lover and seeking similar. I decided to contact him. We met up and got along ok, and... it was about the 3rd date I think, we had sex. Well, right as he was about to cum, I asked him 'What about the dog?'""You didn't?""Yep, and he just about blew the whole load right up to my stomach!" Both women laughed. "So after that we would meet up and he'd do me and I would get to do his dog. The best sex I had while at uni. We kept that arrangement for the 4 years I was there. Then I went back home for 6 months till I found a job here. Moved here and got myself a dog of my own, Rex here. "Now Rex and me have been together for 4 years and became lovers as soon as he reached 19 months. I slowly introduced him to the subject, but he took to it like a duck to water." Jane bent down to pat her rottweiler and Ruth could see there was genuine love and affection between them."What about men?""Oh I dated a few. After Rex and I became lovers he got dreadfully jealous. He would growl at any male who came into the house, and if I went to their place for sex, he wouldn't come near me for a day!" In the end I decided it wasn't worth hurting his feelings. I've thought long and hard over this issue, and you know, this is right. I want this and I know Rex does.""Ok, well I guess the next thing to do is to invite you to a club meeting. They are held at my place, not far from here. I know this sounds all cloak and dagger and stuff, but I will meet you at the park bench and blind fold you for the trip. Its just a safety precaution for our members, and me of course.""That's understandable. When is it?""Tonight actually. Can you be back here by 7.30?""Yep. Do I bring Rex?""Not tonight. This is just a club meeting. Ceremonies are held at different times, usually Saturday afternoons, more traditional that way." again, both women laughed. They parted company and agreed to meet back at the bench at 7.30. Ruth paid for the coffees and left. As she walked back to the car, she talked to Lucky."Well boy, looks like we've got a new member on our hands." She smiled to herself.***Later that night Ruth picked up Jane at the same place and drove her back to the house. Jane was excited and nervous. She had no idea what to expect, but when she got inside and found a group of 8 women sitting around drinking a glass of wine, she hadn't expected this."Ok everyone, I'd like to introduce Jane to you. She is looking to become a new member of our group. Jane, over there, that's Esme."" I see my little stunt on the bus worked then." smirked Esme as she gulped down her wine. Everyone laughed."Don't worry about her", said a young woman in the corner, "that's how I found the group. My name's Louise.""Nice to meet you" Jane nodded to her. Ruth proffered a chair and Jane sat down."Now, what we do here is simply meet up and shoot the breeze. There aren't many places where you can relax and discuss your relationship with your dog and not have the worry of being put away hang over you." They all laughed. "We are all easy going here, but nobody will tell you their last name until they feel they know you well enough. "What we do differently here is we organise a marriage with our dogs. That is, we come to the realisation, like you have, that our dogs are the ones we want as our life partners, so we decided to marry our dogs. Bev over there is a marriage celebrant so she runs the ceremony, and Suze over there is a graphic artist, so she will actually print up the marriage certificate for you. Its just like a real marriage, only of course not legally binding.""I had mine last weekend and Taylor is having one in 2 weeks.""Now", continued Ruth, "To be a member of our little club, you need to know a few things. We all have fairly conservative ideas of marriage, so if you plan to marry your dog and be a part of our group, you have to agree to monogamy – that means once you are married there will be no extramarital affairs – no men!""That won't be an issue, I'm not interested in men." Jane looked around the group. She took a deep breath, "Look, I might as well tell you, its not just the sex with Rex, I mean I could get sex pretty much anywhere and there are heaps of men out there who want you to do their dog if you know where to look. No, with Rex its different. Its kind of like Rex and me are meant to be together, as a couple. Like he or I was born into the wrong species and really, we are each other's soul mate. Is that too corny?""No, not at all. Most of us feel that way. I have a lot of friends online who love to do it with their dogs, but don't have that extra connection that we all here have. You obviously have it too." Ruth went over to give Jane a hug."So, yes, I want to join. I want more than anything in this world to be Rex's wife, to be his and only his until death, you know?" Everyone nodded. "So, I'd like to set up a wedding with Rex for as soon as possible, please."***The rest of the night was spent making plans for Jane to marry Rex as soon as possible. She went home and dragged out all her old marriage magazines she had collected as a teen, but somehow never thrown away, and went through them. She picked out a few ideas that really hit her and set about preparing for the day. Two weeks later she attended Taylor's wedding and was asked to put money into a pool, which would be used to pay for Taylor and Butch the new couple, to have a honeymoon night at a local hotel which accepted dogs in the rooms. There weren't too many around and the women all felt fortunate enough to have one only two hour's drive away. Taylor had looked lovely in her white dress and all the women had wept when she bent down to kiss Butch at the conclusion of the service. Jane couldn't wait until her turn in a week's time.Finally the day came. Rex had been taken to Ruth's the night before to be looked after for the ceremony. He was to be bathed and his new collar would be put on him. Jane meanwhile, attended to other things at home. She got out the dress she had made, a beautiful 1940s style dress with puffy sleeves and pearl buttons, and along the edge she had sewn a design of dog bones as a border. She had made a short veil, again with bone motif, to be worn on top her swept up hair. Her shoes were a little white, sling back number and the bouquet was a simple affair of carnations in cream and peach. She put the outfit into her car then showered and applied her make up, after which she drove nervously to Ruth's house.Upon arrival, Ruth handed her a glass of red wine and gave her a warm hug. Jane then retired to the bedroom to change and wait the hour till everyone had arrived and assembled in the formal lounge room. Jane heard the music and tentatively stepped outside the door. She followed the sound till it brought her to the lounge. There she saw what she had seen the previous week at Taylor and Butch's wedding, only this was special because it was hers. Ahead of her stood Bev, dressed in a lovely navy suit, holding the book of service and in front of her sat Rex with his new collar on. He looked at her and barked. All the women standing around smiled, they could see he was as excited to see her as she was to see him. She walked forward and stood next to Rex."Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today.." began Bev as she started the ceremony. It only took 20 minutes to get through all the preliminary and then Jane was told she could kiss Rex. She lent down, took her new husband by the collar and looked into his eyes. He went to lick her face and Jane opened her mouth so his tongue could go inside. Rex then spent 20 seconds licking inside Jane's mouth as they were locked in a woman-dog tongue kiss. All present cheered and congratulated Jane. A light supper was thrown and a specially prepared steak for Jane and Rex to share. All the women took photos, which were later on presented to Jane in a wedding photo album. The last thing she was given was the money for her and Rex to stay at the hotel, and the marriage certificate which had been prepared earlier by Suze, including a paw print from Rex. Jane signed it then put it away to frame later. Everyone made a toast to the happy couple, who kissed again, then Jane and Rex left to head for the hotel.Finally, Jane and Rex were alone in their hotel room. Jane flopped on the floor beside Rex, threw her arms around him and kissed him. "Oh Rex, finally, finally my greatest wish of all time has come true. I'm now your wife" she gulped down tears that threatened to flow from the eminent emotions welling up inside her as she realised what this meant. She was now married to her dog, her lover of just under 3 years. They were now connected in a spiritual way that would never see them part, a way that was as deep and meaningful to her as it was to any other woman. When Jane looked at Rex she didn't just see a dog, she saw the male companion of her life, her best friend, confidante and lover. There was a bond between them just as strong and real as the ones her girlfriends described about human males. Jane was now a bride – Rex's bride and she was going to consummate her marriage as any other woman did. Jane stood up and removed her clothes, laying them gently on a chair. She stood naked in front of Rex with only her shoes still on. She pulled the pin out of her hair and it tumbled down her shoulders. Rex looked up at her and gave a quick bark of approval, Jane knew he always preferred her with her hair down. She knelt down beside him."Beloved husband, I am now yours. I belong to you in the same way any other married couple do and you have full rights over me as any other husband has over his wife. I want us to have a full and happy marriage. There can't be two bosses in a marriage, and I want you to know Rex, I pledge myself to you, as your wife. With regard to our marriage, you have full marriage-bed rights over me. You are my husband and as such have the right to take me whenever you wish my darling. I give myself to you completely." Then she leant in to kiss him, opening her mouth to receive his tongue as it swiped first over her mouth, then inside as though seeking out some morsel of food. Jane loved to feel Rex's tongue inside her mouth as she kissed him, it made her so horny.Rex lowered his head and began to lick Jan's nipples. He had always enjoyed doing that for a reason Jane never knew, but she loved it and she shivered in delight. She arched back to give him full exposure. Rex continued to lick her from nipples to mouth, slip his tongue inside then back down to nipples. Jane was just about coming and moved onto the bed, laying back and beckoning Rex to join her. He jumped up on the bed to receive her naked body laying prone in front of him. He began to lick her nipples again, this time taking his tongue down her body, over her curvy stomach and stopping just short of the opening slit between her legs. Jane moaned and spread her legs. She loved it when Rex teased her this way, and indeed it did seem as though he was teasing her. She arched her back up to meet his tongue, but it was no good, he would not lick her pussy. Jane grabbed his collar and tried to push his head down, when suddenly Rex growled. Jane let go of him in shock, Rex had never done that before. She stared at him, then he continued to lick her body. Jane settled down and realised Rex was now in control, it had been his way of telling her he understood there had been a change to their relationship and as her husband, he was now the one who would call the shots. Again Jane shivered as Rex's tongue just touched her slit.Rex prodded Jane in the side and she turned over. He nosed her belly and she raised herself up on her legs so that she was arse up and head down on the bed. Rex repositioned himself to have access to her crotch. He began licking Jane from the tip of her slit, all the way through her pussy to the top of the crack of her arse and back again. Jane couldn't control herself, she had an orgasm more intense than she had had for a long time. Rex kept going, he would not stop and Jane came again. He changed his position and seemed to concentrate only on her slit.Rex buried his tongue deep inside Jane, licking and licking as though he could dig for gold. Jane was rocked by an orgasm so strong she shook uncontrollably and it seemed to go on for 10 minutes. The magnitude of it startled Jane, it was as though Rex knew things about her she had never known, things to get her so hot she thought she would explode with orgasm and still he kept up. Jane was beginning to feel exhausted from the power of the orgasms Rex was giving her. They were more powerful than any she had had before and she began to wonder how much more she could take. Rex it seemed wanted to find out.He continued to plow her pussy with his huge wet tongue and Jane began to sob wearily. He had been licking her snatch for over 30 minutes now and Jane had lost track of the number of orgasms she had had, each seemingly harder than the one before it. She tried to move but Rex growled at her, demanding she take it from him and she began to feel a little too scared to move. Finally, Jane seemed to pass out from the exhaustion of what Rex was demanding from her, but it was no time at all till she was coming around again, to another powerful orgasm. This time the dog did stop licking her and he jumped on her back. He poked her over sensitive cunny with his rock hard cock and powered it right into her. Jane almost screamed but managed to muffle it into the pillow in time. Rex pistoned away in her, his iron rod like cock pumping mechanically into her now swollen pussy, taking his bitch, his wife as was his right. He was making claims on her which she had said was his right and he was letting her know who was the boss now. He powered away, not hearing the sobs drowning in her pillow. Jane had wanted this, to be taken so completely as Rex was doing now and the reality of it was so overpowering, so amazing all she could do was cry. She could feel her lover's cock thrusting away inside her and she felt such immense love for him, mixed up with the exhaustion of the orgasms he had made her endure just prior. Jane could feel Rex dump his load inside her and a new, deeper feeling of love washed over her as he pulled out. Jane had been used so completely by her husband, so brutally, yet so lovingly she could not imagine anyone ever loving her so powerfully or so much. Jane closed her eyes feeling sleep washing over her. She was probably the most content woman on the face of the earth at this moment. She gave herself up to sleep as she drifted off, feeling Rex's tongue, now gentle and loving, cleaning her up between her legs, the forcefulness now gone. She knew it was going to be like this every time. Rex understood he was her husband, her only sex partner for life now and he was going to make sure he looked after her.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 38
SERENA'S STORYOriginal Author UnknownRe-worked by Doctor Dan 2015CHAPTER 1One Friday evening shortly after Serena's fourteenth birthday her mommy and daddy were sitting in the living room after she went to her room to watch TV.After Serena left the room, David her daddy put one of his hardcore porno movies in the DVD player and began to watch it with Lilliana, his wife. He began to get horny watching a hot young blonde teen having her unprotected slot reamed by two horny men in an extremely hardcore double pussy penetration. The fact that they were not using condoms was extremely exciting to him.David started to play around with his wife and although she usually got very turned on by his caresses, tonight she wasn't feeling very well. She asked him to stop, and when he continued trying to feel her up, she got up and went to the kitchen to take some aspirin. She told him she didn't feel well and that she was going to bed.She left him sitting there feeling dejected, but still horny. He continued to watch the scene, and just as the two guys blew their loads simultaneously into the blondes' hairless cunt, he heard Serena go into the bathroom and start the shower. Horny out of his mind and against his better judgment, David pictured his daughters' tight young body naked under the jets of water. He began to fantasize about seeing it for real. The combination of the hot scenes in the film he was watching and his fantasies about his pretty fourteen year old daughter got the better of him.When David heard the shower go off, he peeked into his wife's room to make sure she was asleep and then quietly headed for Serena's room.Serena had just come out of the bathroom and was sitting on the bed in a flimsy power blue nighty toweling off her hair, her legs spread open so her skimpy blue bikini panties were visible when her daddy came into her room. At first she was just embarrassed but then she got a little worried when she saw him leering at her teeny body. He slowly approached her, and sank to the bed beside her. "Serena sweetie don't be scared. Daddy won't hurt you. You are turning into a beautiful, sexy young lady and Daddy just wants to see how much his baby girl has grown," David said softly.Flattered by her fathers' words but still a little scared, Serena sat silently, wondering what he was going to do and hoping he would soon go away. David sat down on the bed next to his hot daughter."Daddy's going to find out all about that lovely young body of yours, it looks so sexy!" he said, putting his right arm around her shoulders and gently caressing her perky breasts through the nighty.Serena jumped when he squeezed her breasts with his big hands, and when she felt his fingers twisting her tender nipples, strange new feelings shot through her body. At first she just wanted him to stop, but then he opened her robe and she felt his mouth sucking on her bare nipples while his tongue circled their tips, and she wasn't as sure anymore.Serena's breasts tingled and her nipples hardened into little buds. The sensations deep in her teenage pussy caused her to squirm and press her thighs together. David felt her trembling and squirming and knew she was beginning to like what he was doing to her breasts. Placing his hand gently on her knee, he slid it slowly up her thigh, until he was rubbing her mound through her silky panties. His caresses increased the sensuous feelings surging through Serena's pussy and she could not resist the urge to relax her legs, giving her daddy more access to the crotch of her panties.Feeling the resistance to his hand relax he knew his lovely, young daughter was getting turned on, and he slid his fingers between her thighs and pressed the silky material of her panties between her lips, rubbing it over her clitoris until he felt Serena responding to the exciting sensations by forcing her pussy deeper into his hand.Serena moaned as she felt her fuck gravy beginning to seep from her pussy, causing her lips to slide against each other and against her clitoris as he continued to caress her. David felt the warmth and moisture of her pussy through her tight little panties and his cock swelled when he saw how much she was enjoying his caresses.He began to pull Serena's panties aside to get to her hot young pussy. Serena was getting very excited and knew she wanted to feel his hand on her naked pussy. Her fear completely subsided and was replaced by unbridled lust as she wantonly spread her thighs wide apart to make it easy for him to get into her panties. Powerful, sexy feelings surged through her cunt as she felt his fingers slipping under her panties and caressing her naked, wet pussy.David was surprised when his fingers found her naked slit and found it totally devoid of pubic hair. Pulling her panty crotch completely away from her cunt, he could see that it was indeed as bald and smooth as the day she was born. His mouth watered and his cock hardened at the sight."Baby you don't have any pubic hair!" David whispered gently as he caressed his daughter's bald vagina. Serena giggled and looked into her fathers' eyes."I shave it all off daddy, it's the in thing! All the girls at school do it. Don't you like it?" she said, pulling his hand away and spreading her bald cunt lips apart with her fingers. She grinned at him sexily."Oh fuck baby girl, daddy LOVES your hairless slot!" David moaned, his engorged cock threatening to burst at the tip. Father and daughter locked lips and began to kiss like a father and daughter never should.Meanwhile Lilliana had awakened a few minutes earlier, the aspirin having cured her headache. She had been having a dream which left her feeling very horny when she awoke, so she headed for the living room to see if David was still in the mood.Finding the room empty, Lilliana walked down the hall toward the bathroom to pee and saw the light shining out the partially closed door of Serena's room. She approached the door and peeked through the narrow opening just as David was tugging Serena's undies aside. Shocked, her first impulse was to rush into the room and raise hell with her husband for trying to get into their daughter's panties. But as she watched, she saw the delighted expression on Serena's face as she spread her thighs wide apart encouraging her daddy to play with her pussy. She heard the horny moans coming from her daughter and realized quickly that she was enjoying the incestuous activity.Lilliana could feel the heat building in her own loins watching David playing with their daughter's wet pussy. She too was turned on at the sight of a totally bald snatch, and she resolved to shave her own hairy cunt too. Lilliana slid her hand under her lace teddy and down between her thighs and began squeezing herself through her red lace panties. Feeling her juices begin to flow made her want to watch for a while to see what would happen.In his daughters' room, David didn't know Lilliana was watching. Slipping his finger between the wet lips of Serena's youthful pussy, he rubbed them gently, spreading her teenage sex juices around.Serena was still slightly scared, but her pussy was feeling so good she couldn't help moving it around as he pressed his finger into her. When her daddy started tugging on her panties with his free hand, Serena raised her hips to let him slide them off. As she rolled her body to the side to raise her hips she caught a glimpse of her mother peeking in the door. That was really scary until she realized that Lilliana was playing with herself. Serena could see Lilliana squeezing and rubbing her hairy pussy through her lacy red panties. She knew her mom had been watching Daddy's fingers play with Serena's pussy, and it had really excited her.As he removed her panties, David pressed them to his face and inhaled her arousing aroma. This was his own daughters' sex scent, designed to attract males for breeding babies into her tummy. The realization that his baby was now fertile and ready for sexual intercourse thrilled him perversely.Watching her daddy sniffing her undies and licking her sex gravy from the crotch while her mother was excitedly masturbating herself in the hall aroused Serena immensely. She couldn't resist the urge to excite her horny parents even more. Shrugging her nighty off her shoulders she let it fall to the bed, completely exposing her nude body with its smooth soft skin and firm teenage breasts. She shivered excitedly as she realized that her sexy young body was turning her parents on, and she enjoyed displaying herself to them."Is this what you wanted to see, daddy? Have I grown much? Am I still your baby girl?" she said wickedly, grinning at her father lewdly. David was in sexual overload."Oh honey, daddy loves to look at your sexy body. You are such a wonderful girl to show daddy your goodies! You have grown into a very desirable young woman, even though you will always be daddy's baby girl," he panted.David rubbed the panties over Serena's swollen nipples and then slid them between her legs, pressing the silky material against her sensitive clitoris until she was gasping from the sensations he was causing in her pussy. Dropping her panties, he leaned forward and his tongue darted over her small, hard nipples while he slid his finger between the swollen lips of her hot, wet young pussy. Serena let out another tiny gasp. He gently pushed her down on the bed, with her legs hanging off the side, and pressing his face between her thighs, began licking her juices directly from her pussy.Serena started moaning with pleasure. His tongue played with her pussy and kept darting between her slippery lips, and her clitoris hardened like a tiny penis as his tongue attacked it repeatedly. She loved the thrills that were surging through her body. She had never imagined how great it would feel to have daddy eating her pussy while mommy watched and played with herself. She drew up her legs to spread her hot, fertile young pussy for their continued enjoyment.Still watching through the narrow opening, Lilliana saw Serena's thighs spread wide apart as David's tongue slid up and down her smooth slit. That talented tongue had explored Lilliana's pussy many times, and she knew how it was making Serena feel. Hearing Serena gasping and moaning from David's attentions just increased Lilliana's arousal. She gave up any idea of raising a fuss, and settled down to taking care of the feelings building deep in her own pussy. She slid one hand down the front of her panties and slid her finger between her hot, juicy cunt lips. She teased her clit until it got hard and then plunged the finger deep into her pussy. The sensuous feelings in her crotch built rapidly and she could feel her breasts swelling from the excitement. Her other hand slipped under the top of her nightie and began to rub her sensitive, swollen nipples. Lilliana didn't realize that Serena kept catching glimpses of her as she rolled her head from side to side on the bed. Serena saw Mommy wildly fingering herself as she watched David licking her daughter's pussy.Serena reached out her leg and rubbed her foot over the obvious bulge in her daddy's trousers. His cock shoved back at her probing foot, and she felt it pulsing in his pants. She enjoyed teasing him and it heightened her own excitement.Turning her head to the side she watched her mom finger-fucking herself. Serena saw her hips thrusting forward to force her fingers deeper into her overheated pussy. It was very exciting to watch her mom, and Serena enjoyed it tremendously.Her daddy reached back with one hand while still pressing his tongue deep into her pussy, and released his belt. His trousers dropped to the floor and he stepped out of them. Serena saw his big prick straining against the thin material of his jockey shorts, and her little pussy throbbed with desire from the sight.Caressing it again with her foot, she hooked her toes over the waistband and drew the shorts down until her daddy's cock sprang free. Serena could see a drop of fluid on the swollen tip. She pressed her little foot against his naked cock and rolled it against his belly watching more ooze out and spread over the ruby head. Stepping out of the shorts, David moved forward, bumping his hard cock against her pussy. He took it in his hand and started rubbing it between her lips, the purple knob nudging at her bald sex. His knob looked huge as it nestled at the entrance to her teenage reproductive system.Serena's pussy got very hot and her gravy was soaking the head of his cock. Spreading her legs wide, she thrust her pelvis toward his hot, slippery prick, feeling it slide into her vagina. Suddenly a pang of anxiety hit her as she remembered her sex-ed class."Daddy waitshouldn't we use a condom? I've been having my period for a couple months now, I could get pregnant," she told him. Although he didn't want to get his daughter pregnant, David knew he could not put a rubber barrier between his cock and that deliciously tight pussy. He leaned down and kissed her mouth."Shh... it's okay baby, daddy knows what to do. I'll make sure I pull out before I cum inside, I promise," he assured her. Serena knew if daddy said it was okay then it was fine to do it without a rubber.Moaning loudly now, she wanted to feel her daddy's cock plunge into her hot little pussy. Reaching down with her hand, she grasped his cock tightly, feeling its great heat with her fingers. She pulled it into her pussy, rubbing the head between her slippery lips and over her clit."Oh, that feels so good, Daddy." Serena squealed. Wantonly thrusting her cunt toward her daddy's big prick, she made it slide deeper into her throbbing pussy. It hurt a little as it pushed through her hymen and stretched her vagina for the first time, but such thrills shot through her cunt that even the hurting felt good."Oh daddy!" she exclaimed, "I'm a real woman now. I love the feeling of your big cock stretching my pussy like that."In the hallway, Lilliana couldn't believe David was fucking their daughter, let alone without a condom. This was full blown incest, and it was turning her on! Secretly she hoped David would not pull out. As dirty and perverted as it was, the thought of her fourteen year old daughter gambling with incestuous pregnancy had her hot as hell.Buried to the balls in Serena's warm, wet and impossibly tight teenage pussy, David was surprised and excited by his daughters' reaction. He began to slide his hard prick in and out of her bald pussy. Her cunt was so hot and slick he was able to shove his cock all the way into her until his groin bumped against her crotch. His curly pubic hair mashed against her hairless mound and Serena could feel his head throbbing deep inside of her. She loved the feeling of her clit rubbing against the base of her daddy's cock. Thrill after thrill shot through her crotch, quickly building toward a climax, and she began thrusting her pussy against him rapidly."Fuck me daddy, fuck my pussy like you do moms'! HARDER! Shove your big cock deep into my cunt!" she squealed as her father began to pound into her, his sperm filled balls slapping against her ass cheeks with each thrust into her baby passage.Lilliana's hands clutched her crotch tightly when she heard Serena's words. Watching the wild incestuous lovemaking and hearing her daughter beg for her daddy's cock was driving Lilliana wild. She leaned back against the door frame shoving both hands into her crotch. Frantically she shoved one and then the other deep into her pussy. Her cunt juices were flowing all over her fingers and even down the inside of her thighs. Sliding slowly downward, she sat on the floor and leaned back against the door frame. She drew her knees up and spread her thighs wide so she could drive her fingers deeper in her hairy cunt.Serena watched her mom lift one of her breasts from the top of her nightie and bend to suck the swollen nipple. She saw Mom plunging two, and then three fingers into her sloppy pussy and rapidly finger fuck herself. Wild with lust now, Serena fucked her daddy's big cock wildly, loving the feeling of it filling her pussy and bumping her clitoris. Suddenly she let out a little shriek and had her very first orgasm. She thrashed about as her juices squirted all over her daddy's swollen cock and coated his heavy balls.Serena's reactions were beyond her dad's wildest expectations and excited him tremendously. Making love to his beautiful little teen daughter had him hornier than he had ever been. He started to fuck her like a wild man, shoving his prick deep into her hot young pussy and feeling the muscular walls squeezing his cock tightly. The head of hic cock bumped into her tiny cervix on each thrust, driving them both wild.Serena also went wild, shoving her pussy up to meet his cock on every stroke. She used the muscles in her pussy to squeeze and milk his cock as it slid in and out. His breath was coming in short gasps as his excitement reached fever-pitch. The tingling sensation in his groin heralded his immanent orgasm."Daddy's gonna cum baby girl, I have to pull out," David panted lewdly into Serena's ear. Serena moaned, and then in her lust addled stupor a deliciously wicked thought came to her mind."Don't pull out daddy! Fucking cum inside me daddy, squirt all your baby making sperms into my tight little pussy. I wanna feel what it's like to have sperm swimming in my tummy. Oooh, do you wanna get me pregnant daddy? Knock up my fertile little cunt? Come on! Give me your semen! Plant an incest baby in my tummy!" she squealed. Thinking about carrying her own brother or sister in her womb triggered another huge orgasm for her.The mere thought of planting a baby in his daughter's womb also sent David ballistic. He hadn't intended to cum in her pussy, but if she was up for it he damn well wasn't going to argue! Hell that was what plan B was for anyway!Finally he drove balls deep into Serena's vagina and ejaculated. Serena felt his prick throb as it squirted huge hot spurts of his fertile baby batter deep into her convulsing pussy. Feeling his cock pulsing hard inside of her and the warm squirts of his semen splashing over her cervix triggered an even bigger orgasm for Serena. She screamed, her head falling back on the bed, and she wrapped her legs around his ass, driving him hard against her pussy. Millions of fatherly sperm with the same DNA as her began to swim furiously into Serena's tubes, searching for her egg.At the same moment, she saw her mom reach a tremendous orgasm fucking her own fingers. She saw the shudders running through her mother's body as Lilliana, high on the wicked naughtiness of her husband breeding their daughter, drove her fingers deep into her cunt, clutching at the remnants of the exciting sensations surging through her pussy. Serena then saw her rise slowly and turn from the doorway as she went back toward her room.When Serena's orgasm finally abated she felt completely exhausted. Globs of white nasty oozed out around her swollen pussy lips and over David's cock and balls. Slowly, David slid his dripping prick out of her, bent to place one last kiss on her sperm filled pussy and headed toward the door. He stopped and turned to look at his freshly fucked daughter."Baby I'll go to the drugstore in the morning and get you the Plan B okay?" he promised."OK daddy!" Serena smiled. David turned and left the room, and Serena chuckled to herself. She knew that even if he did remember to get her the emergency pill, there was no way she was going to take it. The thought of having a baby was just too erotic for her. She lay with his baby making come oozing from her red, swollen pussy, thinking about what had happened. As she thought about what the future would bring she was sure of one thing, she loved having her pussy licked and fucked, and she wanted a lot more of it from now on. She thought about being pregnant and shivered with excitement. As dirty as it was, the pregnancy gamble brought an unexpected and mind blowing thrill to the sex. She couldn't wait to bear her daddy some more siblings to fuck! Even at that moment, unbeknownst to her, one of her father's very virile sperm was penetrating the outer shell of her recently released ovum. Serena had inherited extreme fertility from her mother's side of the family, and before she had even drifted off to sleep, cell splitting and genetic coding had destined her to give birth to twin baby girls in nine months' time. The babies would be both her sisters and her daughters.As sleep overcame her, Serena though how glad she was that her Mommy had left before her Daddy became aware she had been watching. The knowledge that her Mommy watched and let her Daddy fuck her unprotected and cum in her fertile vagina without doing anything except play with her own pussy was sure to be of use to Serena before too long.To be continued...*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 84
Where it started and why, no one knew.No one knew. It just started and it became a nightmare. A plague hit the planet Earth. A plague of strange proportions. A virus that lived in the blood and could be passed on from carrier to carrier through bites. The Virus turned ordinary human beings into bloodthirsty, flesh-eating monsters. Zombies. Strange creatures without speech or sentience. Nightmarish things.NORTH AMERICA 2029 A.D.The old woman stood atop the fortress she called home. Once, it was a military prison. Like in that old movie "The Last Castle." She was in the fortress with a lot of people. A couple hundred men, women and children. The Fortress was perhaps the last bastion of humanity since the nightmare began. The zombies were out there, desperately trying to enter the Fortress and slaughter their human prey. The old woman scanned outside the Fortress's high walls, beyond the electrified fence surrounded by barbed wire. She saw thousands upon thousands of Zombies. She saw them all. Creatures of hell that were once human. In this day and age, every man, woman and child knew about the Zombies. If they bit you, you became one of them. They felt no pain or fear or mercy. They were speechless, mindless things. Monsters changed by a nightmarish virus. Things to be feared. Anna looked around her and saw the few remaining humans. Each and every single one of them had to go through the Bio-Filter, a machine capable of detecting those infected with the Virus.The Bio-Filter unleashed a chemical that was lethal to the zombies yet harmless to humans. The chemical ate dead flesh. It could not devour human tissue. Anna looked at her husband of twenty five years, Kenneth. Kenneth was a big and tall black man in his early fifties. Anna smiled at him. She remembered how they met.This was the man who had been her rock for decades. The man who helped her organize the Resistance which practically saved the remnants of the human race.Anna held his hand, and told him that if tonight was their final night on Earth, she had no regrets. THE BEGINNING: YEAR 2004Once, Anna was a normal person. A young woman in her mid-twenties, blond-haired and blue-eyed. She was a hard-working nurse in Harrington, Wisconsin. She was married to a man named David. They had been planning to start a family. She was just an ordinary person. She paid taxes. She lived. She loved. She made mistakes. She was completely ordinary. A regular gal. She even went to the movies with her hubby or friends every now and then. She had never expected her life to take the turn it had.One day, she went to work. That day, a lot of patients were coming into the Hospital. They were dying... from bites. She went home after a hard day of work and was glad that she was about to see her husband David. As she walked out of her car, she saw Lexi, the ten-year old girl next door. "Hi," she said. Now, for her hubby.She saw him and he looked at her, smiling. "Hey, there, Anna." he said. Anna smiled and went into his arms. Tonight was their night to spend time together. Anna was a firm believer in the theory that any couple that stopped having sex was doomed to separation. She kissed David on the lips and practically dragged him to the shower. There, she undressed and so did he. He put his strong arms around her and kissed her. He caressed her neck, back and buttocks and her slim hands grabbed a hold of his cock. David gasped. "Whoa, there. Anna. I ain't getting away." Anna smiled, "That's the idea." She knelt in front of him and took his cock in her mouth. As the warm water fell over their fit, naked bodies, David closed his eyes as she sucked his cock. He caressed her blond hair and stroked her neck. Opening his eyes, he saw her beautiful face as she sucked him off. He warned her that he was about to cum and did, shooting his cum all over her face. "Oh." said Anna, and she began lapping up his cum. She drank it all then licked her lips. David pulled her into his arms and kissed her. Anna looked at him naughtily and turned around, and David smiled for he knew what that meant. He entered her pussy from behind. Holding onto her by the hips, he began to thrust deep inside her. Anna moaned softly as he fucked her. The warm and tight pussy proved to be too much for him and he soon came, cumming deep inside her. Anna gasped when hot cum filled her pussy. She kissed him and they both laughed before walking out of the shower, eager to continue this session in the bedroom.A little while later, spent, they rested on the bed. Suddenly, Anna heard a knock at the door. She saw what looked like Lexi, the ten-year old girl next door. "Hi, Lexi," said David."What is she doing here?" Anna wondered.David got up and walked toward the kid. Anna watched him go. She could sense that something very wrong was happening here. There was something weird about Lexi and how the kid looked, standing in the darkness. Anna was about to tell David to be careful when suddenly, Lexi charged David and savagely bit his jugular. David fell on the bed, bleeding. Anna shoved Lexi out of the room and slammed the door. She looked at David and saw that he was dying. "David!?" she screamed. She checked for a pulse and saw that he was dead. Anna heard hard bangs against her bedroom door and knew that Lexi would be coming back. There was something wrong with that kid. She just murdered David. David suddenly got up. Anna recoiled. There was something wrong with David. Something cold and inhuman reflected in his usually kind and honest eyes.Just then, Lexi burst through the door, slamming it down with the strength of a bull.Anna backed down into the bathroom where she fell and slammed the door shut. She saw that the bathroom window was open and slipped outside. She went to her car. David was roaring like a beast and coming after her like some kind of animal.She got in the car, started it and drove off. A mailman came, begging for a ride. Anna drove away. As she drove through the streets, she could see that there was something very wrong going on. People were chasing people. Some people were behaving like animals... more than usual. "What the fuck?" Anna thought. She drove out of the suburbs, destination nowhere.Anna drove through Harrington, Wisconsin. The nightmare was all over the place. Finally, she drove close to Belmont, a little town roughly ten miles away from Harrington. She saw a lot of people on the highway and they were acting less like human beings and more like zombies. Zombies, she thought. What the hell was happening? She was deep in her thoughts and missed the ditch that sent her car flying out of the road and into the trees. She passed out. When she came to, she was lying on the ground. A big and tall black man in a policeman's uniform was looking at her. He was also holding a big gun. "Say something," he said."Please?" said Anna. The man relaxed. He helped her up. "Hi, I'm Kenneth." "My name is Anna," she said. He stared at her.Just as she was about to say something, a couple of people appeared. They were brandishing guns. Kenneth aimed a gun at the newcomers. "Who the hell are you?" he said. Anna looked at them. There was a tall young black man named Andre and his girlfriend, a brunette who introduced herself as Luda. There was also an old man named Tucker. "We came from Harrington," said Tucker. "It's full of zombies," said Andre."Monsters," said Luda.Kenneth looked at them, "Is everyone from Harrington turned into a zombie?" he asked. "Yeah," said Tucker. "Even my wife."Anna looked at him and felt a brief sympathy for him. She too had lost her husband."Where can we go?" asked Andre."Why not go to the Mall?" said Luda. They all looked at the Belmont Mall that sat a short distance away."Brilliant idea," said Andre. And to the Mall they went. The first thing they did was lock all the doors. All of them. They completely sealed off the Mall from the rest of the outside world. Then, they went exploring. A zombie attacked Kenneth and Kenneth wrestled with him for a moment before blowing his brains off. The Newcomers explored the rest of the Mall and discovered that they were not alone. They met a bunch of security guards.These security guards were CJ, Terry and Bart. Three young men who were scared to death of what was happening in the outside world and hid in the Mall. They had lots of ammo. "We don't feel like sharing," said CJ, the leader. He was a tall guy with a beard and a baseball cap on backwards. His best pal Bart was a dumb-ass with a shaven head. "Yeah, beat it," Bart said. Anna attempted to reason with them while Kenneth wanted to kick their asses. Andre alerted them that there were some more humans trying to get in and Anna argued for the next hour about letting them in while the people frantically waited inside a bus which the zombies assaulted but couldn't penetrate. Finally, they let the Newcomers in.In came a wholesome-looking guy named Michael, a former model named Nicole, a dashing young playboy named Steve, and a young gal named Molly. Terry, the youngest of the security guards began eyeing Molly the minute she walked in. She smiled at him. He smiled back. Anna tried to organize their survival in the Mall but many of them refused to cooperate. "Who made you the boss?" asked CJ.Andre, the young black guy looked at his girlfriend Luda and held her. She was clearly pregnant. He looked at the rest of them and shook his head before looking at the young Russian woman lovingly. "Ain't nothing gonna happen to you," he said. Luda smiled at him, "Of course not, Andre. You'll be there to protect me, remember?"Steve looked at Luda and smiled. Shyly, the young Russian girl looked away.Kenneth spoke, "People, we need to organize this. 'Cause if we don't, sooner or later they are gonna get in here." Michael, one of the newcomers looked at Kenneth. "We need to see what they are doing now." Anna looked at Michael, and said that he had a point. They went to the roof of the Mall. Outside, it was bright and sunlit. But there was a horror right outside. They saw that the Mall was surrounded by hundreds, possibly thousands of zombies."Oh my God," said Nicole. She seemed genuinely frightened and Steve stepped forward to play knight in shining armor. He held her protectively, "Don't worry, lady," he said. Nicole smiled at him, "The name is Nicole." Steve grinned. "I'm Steve Hunter," he said.The two smiled at each other. Anna rolled her eyes and saw that Michael was just as annoyed with it as she was. "What do we do now?" said Kenneth. Anna looked at him. "We keep them outside. As long as we can." They went back into the Mall.*Over the next few days, a lot happened. Luda had been bitten by a zombie and transformed. Her newborn baby was one of them as well. They had to kill her, and Andre as well. Michael and Anna got closer. So did Molly and Terry. Steve and Nicole had a wild romp when no one was around. The zombies kept trying to enter the Mall. They got Bart. Steve came up with an idea. He had a yacht hidden in the bay and they could use it to get away to some zombie-infested island. Kenneth spent a lot of time on the roof and 'met' an isolated gun-store owner named Andy whose shop was under attack by zombies. Through long-distance communication, Andy taught Kenneth how to play chess. They became friends. As they tried to get away and sent a dog to give Andy some food, zombies followed the dog and turned Andy into one of their own. Andy the zombie was shot by his own friend Kenneth.They escaped from the Mall into two trucks. One of them didn't make it. The zombies killed Steve and he came back as one of them so Anna had to shoot him.The zombies also got Nicole, the blonde supermodel and an old man named Tucker.Anna, Kenneth, Terry, Molly and Michael made it to Steve's yacht. Michael could not come because he had been bitten by a zombie and was doomed to become one of them. CJ sacrificed himself so that the others might live.Anna, Kenneth, Terry and Molly escaped through the Yacht. There were no zombies in the open sea. The monsters were afraid of the water. They searched for some presumably un-zombie infested island.Anna and the Survivors made it to Manhattan Island where a few people were making a last stand against the zombies. Kenneth found an old airplane and together with Terry, they put fuel in it and piloted it, taking a few dozen un-zombie infected human beings to a safe place.They went all over North America and saw zombies everywhere. The monsters always tried to devour them. Time went by. The numbers of humans were dwindling and the numbers of the zombies were increasing. Anna and Kenneth made friends with people that they eventually had to kill for they became zombies. It was Anna who found the Fortress and organized the survival of the few remaining members of the human species.Twenty Five Years Later...Anna and Kenneth got together and became the founders and leaders of the Resistance. With surviving human scientists, they built more Fortresses across America. Places where human beings could live and multiply, safe from the zombies.They had done the best they could. They were best friends, allies and a couple.Anna had one son with Kenneth, a handsome mulatto man named Martin. Martin became a leader among the Resistance. Martin was sent on a mission of extermination. It has been discovered that the zombies had a lifespan of less than ten years. They required a lot of human flesh and blood to keep going. Without it, they became skeletons. More lifeless than they started out as when they became the walking dead. Anna looked at Kenneth as they stood on the roof of the Fortress, looking at the mass of zombies that filled the horizon as far as the eyes could see."Think we'll make it? " Anna asked with a smile. Ken grinned. "Just another night full of zombies," he said. "What else is new?" Anna took his hand in hers. After twenty five years together, he could still make her laugh. "I love you, Ken.""Back at you," Ken said. They looked back at the hundreds of human beings inside the Fortress and the countless zombies dying to get inside to devour them. Ken and Anna would not let them inside or let humanity die out without a fight."Prepare the guns," Anna said. The young men and women of the Fortress were armed to the teeth and ready to fight for their lives. For the right to live and to be human. Just then, a military helicopter flew in and began firing at the mass of zombies. Kenneth and Anna knew who this was and what this meant. It was their longtime friend Terry. His wife Molly and their children, Lauren and Paul were inside the Fortress. Terry was one of the aerial exterminators. They cheered on as the helicopter fired at the mass of zombies and shredded them. "Go, Terry!" Ken cheered.Suddenly, the helicopter began to move about in a strange manner and fell from the sky as if swiped by a huge, invisible hand. The People of the Fortress looked on in horror as the Helicopter fell amid the mass of zombies and exploded into a million pieces. Flames quickly rose up. A silence fell over the Fortress. "It's gonna be a long night." Anna said. She had known Terry for decades but was too used to seeing people die in horrible ways to be moved. "Isn't it always?" said Kenneth as he squeezed her hand.They watched the burning zombies for a minute. Sooner or later, they were going to breach the Fortress, no matter how impregnable it seemed. Then, God help any human being trapped inside for they were zombie food.The End~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 28
Author Note: Paul, is an adult story with adult content. It is more a story about a young man with mind control containing occasional bouts of graphic sex than a piece written with the express intention of getting the reader off.As in all works of fiction any resemblance to real people or places is simply that, a resemblance. Feel free to email me with questions, comments or suggestions nsj153 [at]***Chapter 3 – The other side of the coinThe heavy motorcycle almost fell over by the time Luke found the kickstand. He wasn't used to the motorcycle yet, and riding for so long still made him sore, but so far traveling with the biker gang had proved to be safer than hiding in his hole ever had. All his years of fortification and planning and when they came for him he had barely escaped with his life.He had lived like a rat for over a year only using his magic to save his life on two occasions. Both times he had those he had used his magic on kill themselves. He wasn't sure how they had tracked him this last time and he wasn't taking any chances.The first time they came for him it was clear how they had tracked him. He had moved into the largest home in the area and was fucking anything and everything he wanted.Only blind stupid luck had saved him that day. After that he lived in shadows and planned everything down to the last detail. Still they came for him. He considered that it was perhaps his nightly ventures into the clubs and bars. Someone was keeping track of the women he banged or the number.His last place was different. He moved into a house with Jane the doctor in the hopes of finding some sort of cure. The woman had legs that went on forever and tits like a sixteen year old cheerleader. He had slept with her and no one else. Still they came after him.For the last three months he had traveled with this biker gang using his magic sparingly. He considered that perhaps it was his magic that had drawn them. Like flies to a corpse they could smell it somehow.As he entered the bar he felt strange. He stopped just inside and swept the room looking for anyone that was paying any attention just to him. Nothing.An hour later the feeling came over him again and though he had his eye on the waitress he pulled gently at his right earlobe. Tiny saw the motion from where he sat at the next table. He started rounded the men up. They were on their bikes in a matter of minutes.Luke let them ride for about an hour until the curse began to manifest itself again. He rode in the middle of the pack so he had to put his blinker on for a short time before Little John and Smiley who led the gang signaled for the gang to pull over.The Doc and Joan both arrived just after he finally got his bike settled. The Doc's legs were as long as ever. She looked at him with fear in her eyes. She knew about his magic though they both knew it had some sort of biological cause. He was just used to thinking of it as his magic.Jane knew about the curse that came over him as well. She had tried to help him sight it. She had even tied him to the I-beam in the basement in the hopes that he could quit cold turkey. That had... not worked. He had really hurt her when he used her that time.Joan was a biker chick to the core. She had at least twenty tattoos and just about everything pierced that she could. There were four other women who rode with the gang, old ladies they were called. Joan was the only one worth looking at or taking to bed.She knew things and it only felt right to give the Doc a break. He didn't want to keep messing with the Doc's head. She was to valuable and he didn't know if using his magic on her would damage her over time.It was one of the things they were testing with Joan. Joan spread the blanket out on the side of the road as the gang huddled up. They would talk and smoke as they waited for him to fuck himself out.The doc placed the memory cards out on the blanket face up before flipping the all over one by one. Joan paired them all off without a mistake, just like she did every time. He had commanded that she do the doctors tests to the best of her abilities and it was if his magic order made her smarter.Joan didn't talk as she untied her boots and removed her leather pants. He didn't like it when she talked. She was stupid and annoying but she had a quick and cruel wit. Sometimes he let her pick on Jane though the doctor had little in the way of verbal weaponry.She wasn't wearing any underwear as she shook her ass towards him as she slid the pants down. She was on her hands an knees in moments. She swayed her hips gently as she looked back at him over her shoulder."If I said I wasn't wet yet, would you send the Doc in to lube me up." Luke looked over at Jane. She was as white as a sheet though he could see her nipples pressing excitedly at her hard rock shirt. Though she wasn't a lesbian by natural he had instilled in her an aggressive desire for women he desired.He only learned latter that as a side effect of his hasty commands she felt disgusted and shameful of her lust. That more than anything turned him on. While Joan was willing to get off on anything that could get her off she had not love for the Doc. This request, like all the others, was so that she could use the woman for her own pleasure. Joan had the added benefit of humiliating the Doc in the process.Joan never reciprocated either, unless directly ordered to, which meant that more often than not the Doc had to give orgasms without being on the receiving end.Luke smiled at Joan and she giggled wickedly as she rolled over onto her back. She had two fingers inside herself before he tore his eyes away long enough to nod at the Doc. She was shaking her head no, but she didn't seem to notice she had a hand on her own breast rubbing the nipple, or that she was staring at Joan's sex."Please don't make me." Jane said. She still hadn't removed her eyes from Joan's energetic fingers. Luke felt something in him give way. He was quickly coming up on the point where he would lose control and revert to a primal state. He knew from experience he would black out, or perhaps red-out was a better way of saying it. Everything was lust and violence. There was nothing but pain and pleasure, no worry or fear. Unfortunately it was also impossible to think logically."Do it." Luke said to the Doc. He didn't use his magic, he didn't have too, she wanted to do it she just needed the excuse."Oh God!" Joan screamed as Jane's tongue entered her pussy. She had the Doc's head in both hands as she worked the woman's face against her sex. She bucked and groaned as the Doc used all the ticks she had learned in the last few weeks to get Joan off.Luke was working the belt buckle at his waist as he watched. The Doc was wearing those faded blue jeans he had purchased for her from the good will when they were on the run. For some reason he relieved that memory. He saw it from a slightly different perspective.She had stayed with him. She tried to help even within the bounds he placed on her. He stepped out of his pants as he watched the Doc's ass move. She had her face buried in Joan's mound. Her knees were spread slightly but her ass was still high and ready for him."Get undressed." He said. It wasn't more than a whisper but he said it with his magic. Both girls stopped and started stripping their remaining clothes. He was somewhat aware of the fact that a few of the closer men were disrobing as well. They did not matter though, only the women did.He stepped onto the blanket and Joan, who was already half naked at his command was the first to reach his hard member. She normally teased, teased to an extent that he would have to force his prick between her lips, but tonight she engulfed him.The feeling was electric and she felt her respond to his pleasure, the Doc who was in the process of kicking off her pants twitched too. It happened sometimes that they could feel his excitement, that they would cum when he did.As good as Joan was with her mouth she was a slut. She was energetic and aggressive but she did not care about him. When she looked up at him there was lust in her eyes but nothing else.When the Doc was naked he took a grip of Joan's hair and pulled her off."Get her off." He commanded to Joan. He used the magic on her and though there was a flash of disappointment or annoyance she was quickly stretched out beneath the Doc.Jane had a clumsy mouth. She had far to many teeth and not much of a tongue. She tried too hard to duplicate things she had seen Joan do but above all else she had no sense of timing. The thing she did have, the thing that really got him off, was how she looked up at him as she did her best.There was something in her eyes, something that didn't come from his magic. She did want to please him, truly wanted to. He saw the same look in her eyes when she made him breakfast or when they talked over coffee.Often he tried to deal with his curse before it overpowered him. Tonight he wouldn't get to enjoy the look. He had other needs to satisfy. He started to use her mouth more violently. She gagged a bit and he smiled at the sight of the snot bubble that formed beneath her left nostril.Somehow the fact that she was having trouble breathing only turned him on more. He wasn't completely disconnected yet so he knew he was being violent with the wrong woman. He actually cared for Jane, but Joan was just some slut he had come across.He pulled his dick out of the Doc's mouth and maneuvered quickly between Joan's open legs. Jane was still kneeling over the slut's face but now she was facing away from him. He aligned himself so that he could enter Joan with one strong thrust. She groaned when he did so. He leaned forward and slapped Jane's ass hard.She took the hint and awkwardly turned around. Joan rocked beneath him gripping with her amazing pussy and her strong legs. Her hands reached upward and blindly groped at Jane's chest.Luke loved the way the Doc watched him as she jerked and moaned on top of Joan. Luke lifted Joan's leg so that her calf rested on his shoulder. He pulled out of her tight pussy and angled down at her ass. It took him a few thrusts to find her but then he was forcing his way in. She bucked up as he forced his way into her ass.He reached up wand took one of her tits in each hand as he gripped them tightly. He started setting up a rhythm that soon had him bottoming out inside her. She jerked and tried to pull away but his magically commands still held.She could cry and moan and whine but she could not physically push him away or stop him from getting off. He knew he was hurting her, and somehow that helped to get him off more than the sex did. It scared him when he took the time to think about it.He reached up and tangled his hand in the Doc's hair as he pulled her forward to kiss her. When he came he grunted and groaned as he pumped his dick into Joan's ass. He didn't even consider what he was doing when he pulled out of Joan and pulled Jane's head down into his lap. He forced his dick into the Doc's mouth without even considering where it had been or that it might be covered in shit as well as cum. In truth he didn't really care. He jerked a few times into her mouth before he fell onto his right side.Jane was moaning around his cock even as it softened in her mouth. He lay on his back with his head turned so that he could watch Jane gyrating on Joan's face. The Doc kept his dick her mouth as she came.Eventually Jane rolled of Joan. Luke got to see Joan's face as she reached up to wipe the tears from her eyes. That made him smile. She took his smile differently and returned it unsteadily."Thank you." She said as she stretched over to kiss him. He pulled away but gave a meaningful glance down between his legs. She tried to keep the anger from her face but failed. She complied though.He watched her as she crawled down between his legs. She began to lick around his cock. When she worked her tongue between his leg and his sack he reached down to grip her head. She knew enough to continue to work her tongue there.He reached over to grab Jane's arm as he pulled gently. She had to twist around so that she was resting her head on his chest. He pulled his heels up near his ass to that his knees were in the air. He pushed Joan's head down until her tongue found his ass hole.Whenever it was over he was always exhausted. It was more than the physical exertion of sex though. He was watching Jane's face as she watching him. Her eyes drifted past him and she giggled as she pulled a hand up to cover her mouth. He followed her eyes to find that three of the men standing protectively around them were naked."You can get dressed." He called out to the men. He readjusted so that he tipped his pelvis up giving Joan better access to his ass.Suddenly the world was full of light as a car drove past. He considered staying longer. They never took main roads and it was closing in on four in the morning. Still if the driver called the cops it would mean he would have to use his magic again.He leaned down to kiss Jane on the forehead and was rewarded by seeing that look in her eyes as she craned her neck up to kiss him back.He whispered into her hair telling her she should get dressed. He told the men to get ready to go as well but he let Joan work her tongue n his ass for a few minutes more before he lifted his feet and planted them on her shoulders and shoved her away."You feel like swallowing my piss again?" He asked with a smile. She said nothing from where she laid on the grass just off the blanket."You were good." He said to her and she smiled. "You need to be better though. Maybe I'll let the boys run a train on you when he get to the next camp." He watched the horror slide over her face. She started pleading with him but she did not move. Sometimes he liked to put her in her place, to remind her that she was nothing but a whore.A few months ago he would have felt bad about what he was doing now. A year ago he would have been horrified. Now though...It was hard to find any reality when you had magic enough to change the world. That first year he had fucked every sorority girl at the state college near his parent's summer place. Then he walked onto a lot and drove off with a ninety thousand dollar vehicle.He drove to the east coast where he walking into one of the preppy high schools and literally had students fucking each other in sex ed class. The ironic thing was that if these men-in-black as he thought of them. If they would have waited only a few more days he would have killed himself.What was the point after all. Money was meaningless. There was no point in working when he could literally find the words best and have them do whatever he needed. There was no hope of love. Not after he saw how the women reacted when he told them to fall in love with him.With no external drive to live he found he had to look within. But the sad truth was he didn't have much imagination, or good will. For a while he walked through the bad parts of the towns he'd visit and make Christians out of gang-bangers. He could bring god in the blink of an eye.He got shot at once though and that was enough. His magic was no good to him unless he could be face to face with people. If he was killed for being white before he could order them to get rid of their guns then he would still be dead.When they came for him, he was planning a big going away party. He was going to walk into a broadcast station and order people to have an orgy before ordering them to cut off their own fingers or kill each other on live TV. That would show the world what he was before he killed himself.It never happened though. Instead he found he rather enjoyed living, even if it was the same boring thing over and over. At least he had seen the grand canyon now and Mount Rushmore. Sex was rapidly losing its appeal as well. He had tried to spice it up. He watched a woman fuck her dog and blow her son.He even tried banging a twelve year old to see if maybe that taboo would spark anything inside of him. It didn't. He stopped the man midway through the blow job when he decided he was perfectly straight. There was nothing that felt real to him at all. Nothing but the pain and humiliation on the women faces he controlled. Sure he could order them to feel that way but when he saw those looks without giving the order. That made him feel something.It was one of the main reasons he was still nice to Doc. The fear and humiliation, the shame, they were all relatively easy to produce. Hell everything was relatively easy to produce. The look the Doc gave him sometimes though was not. That look that said she might actually care for him. He didn't want to fuck that up so when he felt the urge to be mean or cruel, an urge that grew greater everyday it seemed, he put it off until he had one of the other sluts insight.They mounted up again and this time the van that followed them took the lead. Two of the women always rode with the supplies. They were headed off to find a grocery store and restock. The rest of them would be headed to the state land just a short ride down the road.When they finally stopped for the night Luke unrolled his sleeping mat and laid down as the rest of the group went about setting up camp. They had a tent for him and an air mattress too but it all took time to get ready.As he waited he read. To do so he had to wear the goofy-looking yet extremely functional head lamp. Unfortunately the bright light of the lamp on the book which he wasn't holding too far from his face left him night blinded when the stranger asked him the question."Do you want to live?" The man asked again. There was something in the voice that made the hairs stand up on his arms."Sleep!" Luke screamed as he rolled to his side. He hoped if the man was pointing a gun at him that he would miss. Instead he head no shot or body crumbling to the ground."You are weak." The man said talking a few steps closer. Only as he was approaching was Luke away of the silence in the camp. How long had it been this quiet, twenty minutes? Thirty? He could just picture the man moving from person to person telling them to leave or sleep with his magic.Luke knew in his bones that the man approaching him had the same magic. Somehow he knew and he put him on edge."Let me show you how weak you are." Suddenly Luke was sitting at a table in a dinner. There was an older man sitting across from him. He looked down to see he was holding a cup of coffee. He glanced around the room and out the window.There was an old man sitting at the bar sipping at coffee and eating pie. An old waitress was standing behind the bar reading some paperback she had folded over. A young couple sat in a booth on the other side of the restaurant. He saw gas pumps outside and a few cars. He didn't see any big rigs but the fact that the price of diesel was displayed twice as big as regular told him there would be behind the building.There was a faint floral sent that came to him. When he tried to concentrate on it there was suddenly the briefest outlines of a woman's face in the glass. Then it was gone. He was at a truck stop, but how did he get here? Suddenly the memories came back. He very slowly turned to look at the man sitting across from him."I used the gift on you. You didn't even know how to defend yourself." The man said."You have magic too?" Luke asked. Somehow he knew and yet hearing the man admit to it so casually shocked him."Magic?" The man asked with a small smile. "I suppose that is as good as way to describe it. Some call it the gift, or the curse depending on how long you've lived with it. Others call it the power, or the will. That's will with a capitol W. as in the will of god, or perhaps the devil, they think it is divine though.""Sleep." Luke said again. This time he put everything he had into it. The man sitting across from him sighed as he very slowly leaned forward. His hand was lighting quick when he reached across the table to slap Luke's face."Try it again and I will have you chew your own tongue off." The old man said calmly."What do you want?" Luke asked as he rubbed his face. Clearly his magic didn't work against the man yet the man's worked against him."I want to give you a choice." The man held up a hand to stop the conversation as the waitress approached."Hot from the oven just like you asked." She said as she slid two pieces of pie onto their table."Which for you?" The stranger asked. "I'm partial to apple myself but if you'd prefer it I'll take the cherry.""Cherry's fine." Luke said. He ate his too hot pie in silence. Even with the pie directly in front of him he smelled the flowers. Just as he was about to twist around to look at the table behind him he realized the man was fucking with him. There would be no flowers. Hell the smell would probably get stronger as they talked then the man would reveal he had ordered him to smell flowers.When the man was done eating he smiled and pushed his plate away."One of the benefits of these little recruiting trips." The stranger said. "But you're not hear to talk about pie. You're here to hear an offer. It is simple, unfair, and rigged with conditions. In fact it's not really a choice at all, not if you want to continue living. You have a decidedly suicidal vibe about you. And that's not me hippy-ing it up, it comes with the use of this magic as you call it. Eventually you start to recognize vibes about people.""So here's your choice. Join the order and learn to use your power safely and within the bounds of society. Follow our rules and laws and remain confined within the walls of whatever facility you are assigned until such a time as you are allowed to leave, if you're ever allowed to leave. If you're thinking this sounds like prison in many way it is. The other choice is death. A simple clean death. You get on your bike out there and hit the construction barriers three miles down the road. You won't survive.""I choose to live." Luke said seriously."Good. Drive your bike to the rest area at mile marker forty-eight and wait for me there." The stranger said with a smile. "Or you can run, in which case we will hunt you down again.""I'll meet you there." Luke said as he stood. "You know if they have a pisser here?" He asked. The stranger was retrieving a phone from his pocket but paused to point at the giant restroom sign.Why had he asked? Luke wondered as he headed toward the pisser. He saw the sign himself."No sir. He opted to die. Said he wanted a way out just didn't have the strength to do it himself. He actually thanked me. Yes sir as you say."Tony closed the phone and slid it back into his pocket. He couldn't see the girl that sat across from him any more than Luke could, and while he caught the scent of her perfume as well his mind was well accustomed to ignoring things.The girl slid out of the booth and met Luke just outside the restroom.Luke paused in the hallway and dried his hands on his pants a bit longer than was necessary but he did not even think about it. When he got on the bike he suddenly had the urge to drive fast. He could beat the stranger to the rest area and search the place before the man arrived if he was fast enough.On the highway his bike ate the pavement. He wiped around cars and darted through gaps between lanes. When he saw the stone barrier they put up in the left hand lane forcing a merge he saw that they forgot to put the water barrels near the end. It wouldn't be so bad side swiping the wall but hitting the first piece with no barrels that would hurt.Just as he was about to collide he glanced down at the speedometer, it read 119 miles per hour. His last thought was that he had to speed up. The girl with the flower perfume had told him no less than one-twenty-five.***Next time; Three months have gone by and Paul has been careful enough to remain un-captured, but does he know the true danger? And is he taking every precaution he can or has he already made a fatal mistake? Susan has a new friend.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 73
Normally, I'm a very jealous man, so the events of the last couple of months leave me puzzled. Excited and angry, but also puzzled.I've lost girlfriends because of my jealousy. I had it under enough control to ask Wendy to marry me, even though I knew she'd had a previous lover. She told me before the first time we made love several weeks before I asked her to marry me. She wouldn't tell me anything about him, just that she could never marry him and that it was over. My jealousy made me press her a little for more information, but she refused to tell me anymore. Control over my jealously kept me from pressing too hard, and Wendy didn't break our engagement. I always felt extremely lucky, as Wendy is an absolute doll of a woman. She's short, but she has a beautiful face, a magnificent bosom, an outstanding bottom, and great legs. She's also funny and very intelligent.Wendy comes from a large family of Catholics. Her mother is gorgeous, too, despite having lots of babies, which kind of let me know what Wendy would look like when she was older. All of her sisters and brothers are good looking, and most of those older than Wendy are already married. The one who isn't was in the military. He served a couple of tours overseas, and missed our wedding.Anyway, my story really starts a couple of months ago when Wendy and I held a small party for our family and friends to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary. Wendy's brother, John, was out of the military and was the only person at the party who hadn't been at the wedding.We all enjoyed ourselves, finishing three bottles of a very good wine. People began leaving before it got too late, all of them congratulating us on our happy marriage. Finally, everyone was gone except for Wendy and me, and her brother John who was living with his parents until he found a permanent place to stay.After everyone had left, John asked if he could kiss Wendy as he wasn't at our wedding and didn't kiss her when she was just married. Of course, I gave my permission.The kiss John gave Wendy was not the kiss a brother gives to his sister. It was a kiss a man gives to his lover. And Wendy kissed him right back. The kiss started with them standing by the sofa. Wendy's arms went around John's neck, and John's arms went around Wendy's waist. After a little bit, John's hands started wandering, up to caress Wendy's big breasts through her dress, and down to caress her beautiful bum.To my amazement, I got hard watching them. I was extremely jealous, but I also wanted to see how far they would go.Wendy made no objection when John raised her skirt and slid his hands to the top of her panties. In fact, she ground herself harder against him. He pulled her panties down, and she stepped out of them. He ran his finger along her slit, and it came out really wet. Wendy's pussy was obviously ready for his cock. Wendy let go of his neck to unzip his pants and pull his cock out.My cock was straining my pants. I was angry, but I was also as horny as I'd ever been in my life. I knew if I didn't stop them, John would be fucking his sister, my wife, right in front of me!I didn't stop them. Wendy lay back on the couch, spread her legs, and pulled John's cock to her pussy. John has a big cock. I usually have to really work to get Wendy's pussy wet and loose enough to take my cock, but John's even bigger cock slid right in. Wendy helped. She put her legs around John's waist to pull him in and raised her hips to make sure he was all the way in. I could tell that she was having an orgasm while she was rubbing her clit against John's pubic hair by the way she was shaking and moaning into John's mouth as she kissed him.I came just after Wendy started coming. Actually, I started coming just after I realized that John wasn't using a condom. Wendy and I had been trying to start a family since we'd been married with no luck, so I knew wasn't using birth control either. Just that morning, Wendy had told me that she was ovulating today. Realizing that it might be her own brother's sperm fertilizing Wendy's egg made me come. I was extremely angry and jealous, but I was also shooting off in my shorts!Wendy's orgasm triggered John's. He clinched his butt cheeks as he squirted his sperm into my wife, his sister. When I could stand, I went behind and could see John's sperm oozing out of Wendy's stuffed pussy. I got my cock out, and when John got off Wendy, I got on her and slipped my cock into her spermy pussy without saying a word. Wendy looked surprised when I bent down to kiss her, but her legs went around my waist and her pussy tightened on my dick. She started coming again almost immediately, triggering my orgasm, adding my second load to John's first load in Wendy's womb.When we had all calmed down, Wendy asked, "Are you going to leave me?"I said, "No. John's your first lover, isn't he?"Both Wendy and John said, "Yes."I asked, "Did you use condoms when you were together?"John said, "Yes. I know it's against our religion, but I didn't want to get Wendy pregnant."Wendy added, "We couldn't get married. We still can't. Besides, I really love you. Aren't you jealous?""Extremely. But I'm also extremely excited. Watching you two was the most exciting thing that's ever happened to me!" I said."So you're not going to try to hit me?" John asked."No. I doubt if I could anyway, but I really don't even want to," I said."So what are we going to do?" my beautiful wife asked."Well, why don't you call your parents and tell them you're spending the night here, John. Then let's all take off our clothes and go to our bedroom," I said."Are you sure?" asked Wendy. "I don't want to hurt you."I said, "John never fucked you in your beautiful bottom, did he?""Nooo," Wendy said."Well, I think that since John got your pussy cherry, it's only fair that I get your anal cherry. Besides, if we do it right, I think you'll really enjoy having John in your pussy and me in your ass at the same time!" I said.* * *Well, John lives with us now. He has the spare bedroom to keep his things, but all three of us sleep, well use, the same bed. I got Wendy's anal cherry, and she enjoyed her experience with two cocks in her at the same time. She still does.Oh, and Wendy's pregnant. Two months pregnant. I think John got her pregnant on our anniversary. I had myself tested, and my sperm count is low. Of course, it could be low because I deposit so much of it inside my beautiful and loving wife.As I work all day while John stays home to help Wendy with the house, I think he's fucking her more than I am. He's since told me that fucking Wendy without condoms was the best thing that ever happened to him. I think I agree.Wendy and I plan on having many babies. John will help making them, but he'll also be changing a lot more diapers than I will be.The End
Part 2: Carrie And Come ChangesJust to quickly remind the faithful reader, I'm a 32-year old computer guy who does repair on the side in our very nice neighborhood. My wife, Carrie, is also 32, 5'2," with great C cups that look large on her small frame.In my last story, I had found out that the local golden boy, Jason Evars, had quite an extensive collection of porn consisting completely of local women, including his perfect wife, Linda. At the end of it, I had found my wife Carrie in one of his computer files, plenty of pictures of her with him, and a short movie of her with a black friend of his.After that whole incident, I have been helping Jason more with his computer setup, which also makes me some decent side money. I'm basically his personal I.T. guy, which is fine with me. I've been downloading all his new adventures, and they really fuel my fire with Carrie in bed.I haven't told her that I know about what she did. To tell you the truth, I'm conflicted - half the time it turns me on, the other half I get disgusted. But as always, my penis gets the final word, so I've kept it quiet. I've been rewarded by 2 more instances of Carrie's infidelity on his computer, both just with Jason, but both very hot.The next door neighbor is Marilyn- she's 22, cute brunette, great body, very likeable. I've fixed her computer twice, and yesterday she brought it over again because her modem wasn't working. I have no idea why she's on dial-up still, and tried to get her to upgrade, but she just wanted the modem fixed. She dropped the system off and went out shopping.It took me all of 2 minutes to throw in a new $12 modem and test it, so I was waiting around for her to come back. I grabbed my laptop and brought up the folder of Marilyn withJason, complete with a couple movies of her going all-out. I got a hard-on watching, and was thoroughly engrossed in it when the doorbell rang.I let Marilyn in, trying to hide my arousal, even though the target of my lust was standing in front of me. She walked past me, and I pictured her nude body on Jason's bed. She was wearing knee-high leather boots, black stockings, a skirt, and a sweater. It looked like a completely new outfit, and I figured she had bought it that day. She asked how the repair went, I told her I had to install a new model, and it would be $40. She got her wallet from her purse and fished out some cash. As she was about to pay me, she looked up, let out a gasp and turned red. I looked behind me and realized my laptop was still open in the bedroom, with the movie of her looping over and over. "OH MY GOD DID HE GIVE THAT TO YOU" she screamed at me. I grabbed her arms to calm her down, telling her that no, I had taken those videos from his computer. She looked somewhat relieved, but she knew that I, at least, still had them."You haven't shown those to anyone, have you?" she said, a scared look in her eyes. "No, I haven't," I said."So, why are you watching them?" she asked. I blushed myself, and I think she noticed my pants for the first time. "Oh, you were masturbating" she laughed a little. Then she got a harder look. "You're not going to show anyone, are you?"I suddenly realized the situation. I had a beautiful young woman that was begging me for a favor. The problem was, I had no idea how to take advantage of it. "I, uh, I'm not sure," I stammered out. My eyes trailed up and down her body, something she didn't miss."Fine" she said. "But only once, and you delete everything, okay?" I said Yes, not really knowing what I was agreeing to. Five minutes later, I was exploding onto Marilyn's bare breasts as she licked the head of my cock and held her incredible breasts together for me to slide into.She stood next to me, topless, as I deleted the files - then she had me empty the Recycle Bin so she was sure they were gone. (Although I back up EVERYTHING, naturally). So she was happy, and I was very happy. "So, are Charlotte and Mandy on there?" she guessed. "Oh, no," I said. "I can't say." She leaned over, her naked breasts pushing into my face. "Oh, come on, tell me," she said softly. Of course I told her, how could I not? "I thought so!" she smiled. "Don't tell Jason," I said. "I won't, hon," she said. "Just keep me out of it, k?" I nodded. She took her computer and was gone. I never got paid, in cash, but I didn't argue about it. I didn't imagine anything else could happen that day, but as usual, my imagination wasn't accurate. Marilyn obviously called Mandy, who stormed over to my house and banged on the door. Mandy is about 23, a total trophy wife of the 40-year old guy down the road, who I don't really know. She's very good looking, very wealthy, and I think she was pissed off that I might ruin it for her. I let her in, vaguely hoping for some more activity, but that was quickly put to rest by her demands that I delete her pictures and video from the files. She threatened to tell Jason that I stole them, so I led her over to the laptop and showed her all of her files, and deleted them in front of her. That clueless girl didn't even make me delete them from the Recycle Bin. She slammed the door as she left, but I did watch her perfect ass move down the street to her house. Hey, I'm just a guy.You would think it would end there, and to tell you the truth, I'm mostly glad it didn't, although what followed was a bit bizarre. I was, once again (I know, I'm sorry, it's a weakness) jerking off to Carrie's videos, when she walked in the door. I ALWAYS lock the door, and give myself time to get everything in order just in case something like that happens. But after Mandy left, I completely forgot, and Carrie saw me stroking to pictures and videos of her with Jason.Carrie is obviously a lot quicker thinking than me, because all she said was, "Oh, so you know." No apologies, no 'sorry', no crying. She saw me getting off to it, and knew it wasn't the problem it should have been."I didn't know he taped it," was the next thing she said. "Yeah, he's got a hidden video camera," I told her, and showed her where in the room it had to be. "How long have you known?" she asked next. "About 2 weeks," I said. "And you like it, don't you?" she said a little harshly. I felt like a dick."I don't know, it's kind of hot." "Did he show you?" she asked. "No, I found the files hidden on his computer," I said. "You know I love you, right?" she said. "Yes," I said, feeling bad for some bizarre reason. Her next words started the whole next chapter of our lives."Do you want to find more videos in the future?" she asked. "Wh-what do you mean?" I managed to get out. "Of me, honey, do you want to find videos of me with him in the future?"I realized she was giving me the option to stop it all, to stop her from cheating on me. I couldn't answer, because in truth, I didn't know."Yes, you do," she answered for me. "You want to find a video of me next week, and you want to masturbate to it, to your wife fucking another man, am I right?" I just nodded. "And I won't tell you anything, you'll just have to find out for yourself, correct?" I nodded again. That was it, it changed everything.She went to the bedroom and got on her cell phone. I could hear her talking to Linda (Jason's wife), but I couldn't make out the conversation. The rest of the night was pretty normal until about 9pm. I mean, it was a little strange, the whole mood, but we had dinner, watched some TV that I didn't really see, and then at about 9:00 she went back to the bedroom, and I heard her brushing her teeth. She came out, put on her shoes, and got her coat."Where are you going?" I asked, dreading the answer, but anticipating it. "It will be much easier, now that you know," Carrie said. I must have looked confused. "I'm going to Linda's," she said. "What are you going to do?" I asked. "Watch the movie," she said, looking over her shoulder as she went out the door. "You're going to love the show." I didn't see Carrie till the next morning, when she walked in at 6:30am to get ready for work. She gave me a kiss and got in the shower. An hour later, she was ready for work, and left me with another kiss. I got my cell phone and stared at it, hoping Jason would call soon for some help. To be continued?
My first clue that my fiancée was one hot number was when she showed an interest in my video porn.My first wife wouldn't THINK of watching an X-rated video with me. Maybe she watched them by herself, I don't know. Cindy evidently hadn't seen much video porn, because she was just amazed. She sat there almost in a trance as women on the screen took enormous dicks in every orifice. She'd stick her hand down between her legs and openly rub her furry crotch as she watched. She took a special delight (like I do) in spectacular cum shots. She'd go "Ooooh" whenever a powerful spurt shot across the screen onto some starlet's ass, face, tits, or pussy. Before long, it became a regular Saturday night routine for us to lay on the rug watching either a new rental or one of our old favorites. Often, we'd turn the sound down, so we could maximize our participation.She'd watch the screen while some babe stroked some really heavy timber, and meanwhile, she'd be stroking mine, in step. My dick looked as big and stiff as any dude's on the screen after watching him get head as Cindy slurped and nursed on my dick. She'd cup and squeeze my swollen balls, and sometimes stick her finger up my ass to stroke my prostate. I can't take too much of that, and before long, each of her strokes is accompanied by a powerful squirt of my sperm, shooting all over her face, open mouth, neck, and breasts. She times her strokes with my spurts to get it all out. After this, she licks my dick clean, and I lick all the big splashes of my sperm off her beautiful face and tits.Then, one night, as we watched a real 'dripper,' with cum shooting all over the screen, she asked me if I'd like to watch her getting it on with someone else. It surprised her when I smiled in delight and simply replied: "Male or female, any time, any place." Two weeks later, we had our 'special' Saturday night all set up. She told me she'd placed some ads in swinger magazines and had scouted some local male strip joints. Saturday evening she showed me a new outfit she'd bought. She came out of the bathroom wearing a tiny little baby doll that was so scanty and tight, it showed off all her charms. Just a little string came up the back, so both beautiful cheeks of her ass were exposed. When she turned around and bent over to show me the split crotch, I got behind her and started nuzzling my stiff dick around the opening. She stopped me though, just as I'd worked the swollen head of my dick into her dripping little fig. She said she wanted me to save it, and that she wanted her first load of sperm that night to cum from a stranger. My dick got twice as hard when I heard her say that.Imagine my surprise when THREE guys show up. She said one (a black guy) answered the magazine ad, and the other two were strippers from a local club. She introduced me to all three, and suggested we go right to the bedroom and get started. The three guys started undressing as we all trouped into the bedroom. All three of them were young (in their twenties, I'd guess) and extremely well built. "Now remember," Cindy said, as she crouched on the bed with her gorgeous ass in the air and her visibly moist pussy split open, "you guys promised to give us lots of cum shots!" I undressed too, and took my spectator's position in a chair. First, one of the strippers eased in front of Cindy, on his knees, with his semi-erect dong banging on her chin. She took the big truncheon by the root and directed the fat mushroom head into her red-painted mouth. The second stripper, another young white kid, knelt next to her head and started feeding his big salami to her, rubbing it across her nose and cheeks. She let go of the first dude's dick for a minute. By now, it was board- stiff and the enormous head had a shiny coating of Cindy's slobber. He stroked it as Cindy gave some attention to the second dick in her face.It was then that I'd noticed the black guy had just come into the room, and stripped his shorts off. What tumbled out nearly made me fall out of my chair. He had absolutely the longest, thickest penis I had ever seen before or since. My own dick doubled in stiffness just looking at it, and realizing that soon it would be sliding back and forth in my fiancée's pussy. It was a foot long if it was an inch, black as a cobra, and covered with a network of big, bulging blood vessels. The shaft was as big around as my wrist, and the head was as big as a small apple, and bright red. As with all such massive dicks, it sort of hung down instead of straight up, even when pumped up full of blood. Cindy looked over her shoulder and told the guy (his name was Carl) she especially loved black dick and wanted him to fill her dainty little white pussy with lots of thick cum, so her boyfriend could see it running out of her. She looked over at me and smiled. I just kept stroking my painfully stiff dick, which by now had a stream of clear sap drooling out the end. Hearing this, he started rubbing the big swollen cap around her pussy lips until it was shiny with her cum, and then ever-so-slowly started easing this big horse-dick into her pussy. At first it looked as if nothing so big would ever get into her, but after she wriggled her butt around for a few minutes, they had worked about eight inches of it in her. I could see her bright pink pussy lips stretched to the limit around this monster dick, which was as big around as my wrist. A white glaze of her cum coated that part of his dick that was still visible. She was in ecstasy, and I couldn't wait to see Carl ejaculate.When she felt one of the white guys she was fellating was about to cum (he was gasping and panting), she told Carl to stop (his dick was deep in her vagina). She stroked the stripper's big dick and flicked her tongue lightly over the pee-hole. That did it. He shuddered, and then big gobs of his sperm shot out of his dick all over her tongue and lips. Seeing this set the other guy off, and soon he was shooting long creamy streamers of his own sperm all over her cheeks and face. Cindy was moaning as the hot spurts of semen jetted all over her face and mouth. She milked both dicks with her hands until the jets subsided. Then, without uncoupling from Carl's big dick, she rolled over onto her back. I didn't realize it, but watching the other two guys ejaculate all over Cindy's face had made Carl start coming, too. It was strange to watch her reach down and ease his enormous, swollen penis out of her, and see some cream already leaking out of her vagina at the same time that big, thick ropes of semen were leaping out the end of his dick. She directed the heavy spray with milking hand-strokes as Carl just tilted his head back and closed his eyes. I think even the two white guys were amazed to watch him empty his balls onto Cindy. He seemed to cum forever. The spurts were tremendously powerful, (I counted nine of them) and there was so MUCH semen, we wondered where it all came from. Cindy's whole crotch was drenched in no time, and the opening of her pussy was totally hidden, buried beneath a thick, lumpy mass of Carl's creamy-white sperm. "Jeezus, honey, do you believe this? Look at all this CUM!" She stuck her fingers in her crotch and brought them out covered in pearly semen. The stuff was incredibly thick, too. She licked it from her fingers. Her vulva looked as if a whole battalion had just fucked her. We later found out that Carl had a lucrative sideline. He "catered" private, ladies-only parties, where everyone got a generous "sperm facial," and those who dared actually got that mule-dick to go off inside them. Rumor had it that Ralph's incredibly productive testicles produced enough cream to satisfy a dozen happy pussies each session. I tried to picture all these young Jewish yuppy housewives, kneeling in a circle, while getting their faces drenched in buckets of this young black guy's hot sperm. To a woman, they all swore that Carl's semen did wonders for their complexions, and even smoothed out wrinkles. Cindy (who took a few 'facials' herself) said some women even offered him a hundred dollars for just an ounce of his sperm, so they could mix it in with their other lotions and unguents at home.END
My husband and I married at a very early age. We were both 19 years old. He used to go out and party with his friends while I stayed home most of the time. My husband and I are both mixed race. His father is polish and his mother is from Spain. I am mixed background too, a very light brown girl I guess you could say, or high yellow some would say. Well my husband and I, we had that in common. We got along great, but sex got really boring at times. He was the only man I had ever slept with in my entire life. He invited me out with his friends one night. Mostly all of his friends were white boys. They were real down to earth guys and laid back. They were really friendly towards me, especially Sean. Sean went to high school with me and my husband the year we first met. I admit, I always had a secret attraction for Sean. There was something about him that made me go nuts! He was very tall and had light blonde hair cut short, sea blue eyes, and smooth white skin and a sexy cute voice. He talked like a true stoner. We all sat around in a circle listening to "Pink Floyd" and passing the bong. My husband got up and sat with his friends on the other side of the room. I went over to sit with him, then he shouted, "Go back to your seat! I'm talking here!" I went over to my seat. I felt embarrassed. Sean's eyes were still watching closely. I was hoping that he didn't see what had just happened, the music was awfully loud, but I think he still saw it, and maybe heard some of it. I saw him get up and announce that he had to go to bed and get up for work early. He just got a job at some bakery. We continued to all sit in the circle. My husband ignored me the entire time. I was the only female by now, Sean's two sisters left, and one of their female friends too. I had to pee, and asked where the bathroom was. "Are you that stoned that you can't remember?" My rude brother in-law asked. I sighed "No I can't.""Follow your way to the left up the stairs okay honey," he laughed. I went through the dark hallway and up the stairs trying not to fall down. I saw the light from the bathroom. I went to the room without the light across the hall for some reason and opened the door. Sean sat up from his bed, "Hey, what are you doing here?" I went to him and sat on his bed, "Hey Sean, When you left it got boring.""Ohhh?" he whispered."Yea," I whispered. "So, can I officially give you a goodnight kiss?" "Hell yea," he whispered back.And we began to kiss for a long time. Then I got up and left the room, and went back downstairs. My husband was ready to go home. We were living with his parents a couple of houses down the street."Come on let's go," he said.Back at the house I washed myself in the showers warm water. As I touched my body with the soft lathery washcloth and my hands I could only think of Sean's kisses. I wondered what it would feel like to have him inside me? After all, I had only been with my husband and no one else. I tried to block it out, and rinsed my body thoroughly along with the thoughts, I towelled off and went into the bedroom of my husband. He lay in the bed waiting for me. I put my hair into one braid that hung down to my hips."You know what I want," he said."I am too sleepy and tired" I said. He had ignored me all night long, and that made me feel bad. I didn't want to have sex with him. He fell asleep before I did. I don't know what came over me.I got up from the bed naked, and put on sandals and an oversized t-shirt. I slipped out of the bedroom. My in-laws house was a very big one with strict security. I was afraid I would get caught but, I wanted to be daring now. I wanted to do something new... break out of my shell.I crept down the stairways and into the family laundry room and out to the brick patio...through the flower gardens. I went in the darkness past Miss Emma's big backyard and all the way to Sean's.I hid behind the bushes...I saw Sean's older brother was all raging drunk and blasting his car stereo. He peeled out of the driveway like a madman. He had left the doors wide open. I slipped into his bedroom door and into the hallway. I was so nervous...What if I got caught? What would I say? I couldn't think about that was too late to think about all of that. I slipped up the stairs and into Sean's bedroom. I closed the door behind me.He was sleeping softly, the moonlight hit his face and made it look so angelic as he slept. I got on my knees and pulled down his boxers."Hey!" he was jerking away "Hey what's going on!""Sean let me!" I sighed."No" he insisted pulling me off his dick."Let me please. Its me..." He looked at my face and then smiled."Mmmm just let me. I really want to..." I moaned as I took his smooth white 7 inches of cock in my mouth. Mmmm, I sucked and licked it soooo goood! He started moaning like he didn't want me to stop."Ohhh hell yea! Damn! Hell yeah!" he moaned. I sucked and sucked him until he was grabbing me with his hands, trying to pull me on top of him fast. I climbed on top of him, and pulled off my t-shirt. I was not wearing any panties. My sandals flopped onto the floor loudly. I straddled over him and sat down on his hard dick. My heart pounded in my chest as his hands guided me up and down on dick. His hands were on my breasts squeezing. I was up and down on his cock until we both couldn't control ourselves any longer! He was pushing me up and down on him so hard and so fast! We were both breathing so wildly -- until I felt his cum spurt inside me and I came. His hands caressed my ass while he looked into each other's eyes, panting for breath. "Lie down on me. Come here girl," he whispered, pulling my down to his chest. "But what about Blane? What if he find out and..."He cut me off, "Don't worry about him. Lie down here with me. Relax," he kissed my forehead. I laid down on him, and he wrapped his arms around me tightly. I lay there for some time, finally falling asleep in his arms.END
KYLE PETERSON found himself naked on his knees in the bathroom. The seventeen-year old senior at Wilmont High was dazed and confused to say the least. Then the big, stinking naked dick slapped his face and his mind cleared. How had he come to this? How had it happened? This wasn't his own bathroom where he sometimes stripped naked and lay on the floor to masturbate as most seventeen year old boys do. This wasn't the locker room, where he stripped and walked around huge dick and balls swinging as he joshed with the other senior jocks on the baseball team. This wasn't even the bathroom of his girlfriend Cindy where he fucked her twice, and where she sucked his dick in the shower a few times after they had skipped school and rutted in her bed for most of the day. No, this was the bathroom of Mr. Hinkle, the dreaded German teacher and college counselor of Wilmont High. Kyle was naked, totally bare-assed naked and kneeling in Mr. Hinkle's bathtub. He looked up, and the huge, uncut fat dick slapped him in the face again, this time leaving a streak of pre-fuck pecker slime on the handsome boy's cheek. "Fucking arrogant high school jocks! You think you got the world by the tit's don't you? Well, now I got you by the balls, and you are going to pay, you fucking cunt teasing little Shitface, you!" The voice was Mr. Hinkle's, no mistaking that slight German accent and that gruff, unsentimental tone. The students called him Herr Hitler instead of Hinkle behind his back. Kyle's darting eyes traveled beyond the fat meaty, greasy fucker slapping his face, to the bloated fat disgusting body behind it. The gross fat of Herr Hinkle's belly would have sagged over the dick, had the sausage like hunk of fuckmeat not been so damn large. "Hold still you fucking Asswipe Cuntface, so I can slap your dirty little teenage face with my Schwantz, my naughty jock boy girl fucker!" Mr. Hinkle held his thick dick at the base, over his fat hair covered sack of low hanging balls and manipulated the root of the dick to the cockhead slapped the cute jock's nose and cheeks. More and more streaks of foul pre-fuck crisscrossed the boy's face, some of it getting on his lips. Can you imagine what it must be like for a healthy normal seventeen year old high school jock to have a thick slimy penis slapping his face? Kyle wanted to puke. He prayed for this to be over. He pulled his head back out of the way of the perverse fucker. "Get your fucking face back where it belongs, Shithole! Do it, now!" Kyle moved his face back in so the sloppy uncut German prick could continue to slap it. Some crap from under its foreskin now joined the slime on the cute kid's face. "Discipline, that is what Cunts like you need. You strut around school like a fucking peacock, every girl's dirty wet pussy dripping for you. They talk about your big dick in the girl's can, do you know that? The talk about which cunts have had your fuckmeat in them and how delicious your fucker tastes. They talk about licking your balls and asshole! You make the young cunts do that, don't you? All you jock boys make your girlfriends lick and suck your dirty sweaty assholes. You spend your evenings and weekends fucking twat, instead of studying as you should do. "You think because you have a cute face, a big fucking package and a hot ass, you own the world. Just because you are popular and a star jock, and all the dirty hot cunted female teachers in the school want you to fuck them until they can't walkl you think your diploma will be handed to you on a silver platter! Well, Fuckface, now you know this is not so!" WHAP! WHAP! The swollen fuckmeat thumped against the boy's sweet face once again. It was true, what Mr. Hinkle said. Kyle did love to fuck. He fucked a lot. He had fucked lots of girls from his school, and from other schools as well. He had started fucking quite young. His fuckmeat grew huge at an early age. Even in eighth grade, he had been the talk of the locker room. He had a steady girlfriend whom he fucked almost every day, and who sucked his dick in his car on the way to school in the morning, but that didn't stop the handsome young jock from fucking around. Shit, after all, he was seventeen and needed to unload is big boy balls almost constantly. And Kyle did have a huge, fat dangling scrotum to match his seventeen year old cunt buster of a dick. But Mr. Hinkle had trapped him. He was flunking Kyle in German class. Most of the teachers cut the kid some slack because he was the captain of the baseball team. He had also been a star swimmer. But Mr. Hinkle controlled college recommendations, college meetings, and college acceptance, and he made sure Kyle knew he was not going to graduate! If he didn't graduate, no college would give him the sports scholarship he wanted.Mr. Hinkle single handedly was ruining Kyle's life. Unless... Unless Kyle was willing to put out for the old fat faggot teacher! That's right. The hot young jock was expected to sexually service the disgusting pervert. In return, Mr. Hinkle would not only pass Kyle, but get him the scholarship he needed. What choice did Kyle have?Kyle hated faggots. He had never had anything to do with them. He was one hundred percent straight boy! He didn't even like it when a faggot student looked at him in the locker room. He wanted to fucking punch the kid into oblivion. The idea that this queer boy got on off looking at Kyle's fine fat teenage fuckmeat and muscular naked ass, made the jock want to vomit. I guess you might say he was conservative in that way. Sure he would strut totally naked around the locker room, watching for the queer boys to drool over his swinging dick. Sometimes he would even tug on it a little to thicken and lengthen it... to give the sissy boys a show. He knew how badly faggots need jock dick, and so yeah, even while part of him was sick at the thought, another part of him kind of got off on it. BUT when it came right down to it, his fuckmeat was for twat. For pussy. For cunt! The cunts could look at it all they wanted to. They could fondle it and kiss it and suck on it... and did! He had Cindy suck it every fucking day, even though she was not very fond of cocksucking. Shit, it was part of a twats duty. That and ass sucking. Cindy really hated that, but all the jocks at Willmont High made their girlfriends lick and suck their asses. It was a kind of fad they had. If a girl wouldn't' suck a senior jock's ass, she was soon dumped and replaced. As far as Kyle was concerned there was nothing, absolutely nothing in the world like a good ass suck. It even beat fucking in his mind. WHAP, WHAP! The fat German dick thumped against his face. "Lift your head, Jockfuck! Look at me. Open your mouth!" Kyle wanted to puke, but he didn't. If he puked, Mr. Hinkle might fail him. He had to play this exactly right, no matter how horrible it was. He lifted his face to look into the beady eyes of the ugly old teacher, whose fat jowls danced merrily as he dick slapped the boy. "Open, Cuntface!" He barked. Kyle dutifully opened his mouth and Mr. Hinkle lovingly coated the boy's lips with the pre-fuck bubbling out of his pisshole. It was fucking gross. "You be very nice to Mr. Hinkle, and perhaps you will graduate and get that scholarship you need. What with your papa dead and your mother an alcoholic and having no money, you need that scholarship badly, don't you, Twat-teen Shithole? Well Mr. Hinkle will help you, but first he is going to fuck your pretty little face until it is swollen from sucking dick, and fuck your tight jock asshole until you can't walk!" Poor young Kyle wanted to faint. He couldn't believe what was happening to him. He was going to get his ass fucked. His straight, muscular, smooth-cheeked, perfect jock boy ass, that the girls sucked. He was going to get a dick shoved up it, and there was nothing he could do! He was going to be used like a fucking faggot! He sometimes looked at the asses of the faggot-boys in the locker room and wondered how they could possible enjoy getting a fucking huge dick pounded into their rectums. Did it change the shape of the ass? It certainly must hurt the asshole and rectum itself. His thoughts were brought back to the present by the feel of the German teacher's fat dick knob rubbing across his lips. "Young athlete, do you know why I brought you in here, into the bathroom to face-fuck you today? Do you know, huh? Because after I am finished shooting my load of baby batter sperm into your mouth and making you taste and swallow it, I am going to hold my big cock over your sexy jock face and piss on you! I am going to piss all over that arrogant high school student face! I am going to piss on you like you are nothing but a turd floating in the toilet! Your face is going to be a urinal... a piss trough for my dick." Kyle almost lost it at that. He almost did puke. But what could he do? The fucking Nazi teacher was right. His life was hell here. His mother did drink, and they were poor, and his only hope was that scholarship! Kyle shifted his smooth naked muscular teenage body. The dickknob bobbed at his lips. Strings of pre-fuck slop connected the boy's face to the bloated fuckmeat."Don't just kneel there like a fucking praying nun, kiss and lick my beautiful big German dick. Make love to my dick with your mouth! This big fucker has fucked lots of teenage boy ass. Yah, I am a real boy fucker." The fat belly wobbled as the teacher laughed and pushed more prick at the teenage jock. If the man hadn't been so fucking gross, it might not have been as bad. Kyle let out a sob, which made him suddenly sound very young and innocent, and he started to kiss the cock. Jesus, that was so easy to say... kiss the cock... but so fucking hard to do. The hardest thing Kyle had ever had to do in his whole life. Even worse than when he had first joined the baseball team as a freshman, and all the new kids had been forced as an initiation to masturbate each other in front of the team and the coach. He had had nightmares of that for months. He remembered how the team had measured how far their sperm shot and how much cock slop they produced. He felt somehow stained... filthy forever. But this... this was a thousand times worse. He was kissing a man's dick!"That's right my snotty little Pukeface, smooch Mr. Hinkle's beautiful big prick. Smooch it and kiss it and get your lips coated with my nice cocksnot! Get your tongue under that thick meaty foreskin and taste my dirty dick cheese. I have not washed it in days...just for you." Kyle kissed the fuckmeat. He did gag twice and Mr. Hinkle warned him that he had better not make "teacher" angry. Kyle kissed the veiny dick stalk up and down and then kissed the fat pink, leaking pricknob poking out from the foreskin. He could smell the rancid smell of whatever was imbedded in the folds of the foreskin which had pulled back over the head of the German dick. "Here, let me help you!" Mr. Hinkle said, chuckling. He pulled his belly back like it was a clothes sack and looked down at his dick. Then he let gobs of spit fall from his mouth onto the thick pink pulsing prick. Gobs of thick, yellowish spit covered the cockstalk. "There, you are, that should taste good. Now, go on... go back to your licking. Lick all my spit off the big cock!"It was so horrible that Kyle actually feared he might pass out. He put his tongue on the spittle slick prick and had to swallow the vomit that coursed up into his throat. Mr. Hinkle uttered a warning grunt. Kyle licked the mans revolting spit from the dick shaft. He scooped the foul spit up onto his teenage tongue."Yeah, just like when you tongue kiss your girlfriend, huh? I bet you swap spit with her every day, yeah? Nice teenage spit going from mouth to mouth. Now Mr. Hinkle's spit goes form his dick into your mouth! Oh my dear boy, some of the spit is running down onto my balls. Better lick down there too. Better lick my big dangling ball sack real good for me!" Mr. Hinkle had waited a long time for Kyle Peterson to lick his balls. He had watched the boy on the sports field and in the locker room.Mr. Hinkle often strolled through the locker room when the boys were changing, so he could see the fine teenage fuckmeat and beautiful boy asses. Mr. Hinkle had had many boys over the years. He had placed many boys in poor Kyle's position. He had found leverage to fuck boys as young as fourteen. He had even had naked young boys sucking his dirty dick and licking his scrotum under his desk while he interviewed other boys.But none was more delicious than the boycunt he now had on his kneels before him, licking the spit from his testicles."Yah, lick that sack all over, you motherfucking Jock faggot! I bet you would like to fuck your alcoholic mother, wouldn't you? I bet you would like to stick your big teen dick up her cobwebbed covered cunt. She would love it too, the nice thick dick of her handsome seventeen year old son, splitting her womb. "Yeah, that would be so nice, wouldn't it. I bet she dreams about your dick at night. And you would like it too. You could fuck her in the morning before school and again after you got home from sports practice. You could fuck your mother in the cunt and ass, and she could be on her knees sucking your dick and balls while you do your homework."Kyle couldn't help it. He did gag at the thought of having sex with his own mother. He had fucked the mother of one of his buddies, but she was still pretty hot, even though she was older. He had made her crawl naked across the kitchen floor with her big tits swinging to gobble down his fuckmeat. He had had fun with her for a few months when he was sixteen. He had even made her suck on her own son's dirty underpants and jock strap while he fucked her.But his own mom? It was true that the way all the moms of his team mates flattered him and flirted with him and praised him, it did seem like most of them were hungry for his fat teen pecker. He knew that frustrated middle-aged moms of his buddies did probably dream about thick teen jock dick stuffing their twats, but did they dream about the dicks of their own sons Did his own mom secretly suck the piss stains out of his dirty jock strap? "Lick, Swinecunt!" Kyle licked the bloated, German balls. They tasted sour and sweaty and salty and a bit of piss. They were wrinkled and hairy. Kyle had never been so miserable in his entire life. On Mr. Hinkle's orders, he lifted each nut with his tongue and bathed it in spit."Yeah, now you see what a man's nuts are like. See how full of fuckcream they are. How heavy and full! Lift them with your tongue, so you can see how heavy my nuts are." It was warm in the bathroom, but Kyle was shivering. Shivering with fear and disgust. "Play with your dick. Play with your teenage dick while you lick my balls. Show me how much you love it." Homosexual sex. Kyle was having homosexual sex! He could not believe it. He was licking a man's balls. A gross fat man's bloated balls, while the leaking dick slapped his face. And he was fingering his own flaccid with fear teenage fucker. "Now suck the dick. Suck my big German sausage meat! Make sloppy sucking pig sounds when you suck, I like that. Make sure you get all the filth out from under the foreskin when you suck! Use your lips and your tongue. Then I will shove it down into your throat! I will turn your cute face into a cunt! I will turn you into a better cocksucker than your girlfriend. Is she a good cocksucker? "Does Cindy, that is her name, right, stupid cunt, does Cindy suck your big jock cock every day? Do you fuck her face, like I am fucking yours? Yeah, how does it feel to be the pussy? How does it feel to be the facecunt? You high school boys dump your cum into the faces of the girls as if they were nothing but toilet drains. Well, that is exactly how I am going to treat you. Suck my dick! Suck my dick you fucked up faggot!" Kyle wanted to scream that he was not a faggot. That he was totally straight, but how could he with a big leaking dick in his mouth? He was sucking dick. He was sucking dick to get an A. He needed to get into college. He was sucking dick for his future, and the prefuck was running down his throat and coating his tongue and clotting in his teeth. A man's foul prick juices were soaking his insides, filling his belly. A big, fucking gross, disgusting, turd of a man. "Make love to my dick! Worship my dick! Pray to my dick! My dick is saving you. My dick is giving you a future. Respect and thank my dick!" Mr. Hinkle grabbed the boy's head by the ears and stared to roughly face fuck him. He fucked Kyle's cute teenage face like it was a cunthole. The dick made its way down the boy's throat, causing him to gag, but Mr. Hinkle no longer cared. His fat balls slapped the boy's chin as the dick wedged itself in the teen's throat, stretching it, hurting it. Mr. Hinkle wheezed and chortled. Holy Fuck, this was living! Fucking a teenage boy's face was Heaven. Mr. Hinkle didn't think of himself as a molester. No, he thought of himself as an enabler. He was helping this boy get into college. It was a trade-off. Just before he shot his filthy load, Mr. Hinkle pulled out. He let his prick pulse for a moment, and then it shot its stream of fucksnot all over the boy's handsome face. Cum sprayed the boy, filling his nostrils and coating his lips. It stung his eyes and dripped from his cheeks."Look at me Shiestcunt!" Kyle looked up at the gloating man. Mr. Hinkle's glasses had fogged up with his orgasm, and he looked like some kind of Alien. He laughed and sprayed the boy's face with the last spurts of his jism. "Next time you will swallow it!" He announced. " time? Next time? You said..." "You will meet with me every Saturday and Sunday until the end of the term. Until graduation day. I will fuck your face and fuck your ass. I will shoot my load up your ass and then spoon it out and feed it to you. You will lick and suck on my ass! I may even use your tongue as toilet paper! You will do everything I say, and I will help you. Otherwise I will ruin you. Is that clear?" Kyle sat there naked in the bathtub sobbing, his big teenage feet folded under him. . He could no longer hold back the tears. The nice fat nipples on his muscular chest rose and fell with his anguished sobs. He became a little boy again. He felt so weak and helpless. And that is how Mr. Hinkle liked his teen boys. Kyle's body shook with sobs. Mr. Hinkle laughed. "And oh yes, this afternoon, you will break up with your girlfriend. I don't like to share my cunt! You will not date girls any more until you graduate. You will not even speak to girls in the halls or on the phone. In fact, I will take away your cell phone. All you need to think about until you graduate is my cock. In addition to weekends, you will visit me in my office each day at school to suck my dick or be assfucked. "But think, Kyle, it is barely three months until the end of term. A strong boy like you can handle that. Also from now on, I will tell you how to dress. I like my boys in very thin tight tee shirts so their nipples show. No loose shirts. And also I like very tight trousers, so we can all see the nice big teenage dick lump. I want to be able to see clearly the shape of your dick tube in your pants. And no underwear, ever. "You will tell your shitface mother that you will be working with me privately to try to get you through school and into college. After all, that is what we are doing. Oh, and you will not be driving your car either. I will pick you up in the morning and bring you home. That way, you can suck my dick in the car." Kyle could not believe what he was hearing. But he could believe the torrent of strong yellow piss that cascaded down onto his head. "Lift your face, and open your mouth!"END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anythingin real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 82
Chapter 8I had just returned to my room after my shower when mom came home. I needed that shower after the sweating and cumming I did bobbing up and down on my rubber cock. Jim had done the same to me as he had done with Jessica, a squirt-bath of man cum running from my chin and chest, a distinct gob balanced on one nipple that, when I saw it ready to drip, sent me over the edge into probably MY biggest and best orgasm ever.Jim took care of living room cleanup while I showered. I found my rubber friend on my bed, all clean, when I walked into my room. I was putting it away when I heard mom close the door from the garage.Mom dragged herself into the living room, clearly exhausted, and propped her feet on the coffee table in exactly the same spot I had been pumping and sweating not fifteen minutes before."This job is gonna be the death of me, I swear." She smiled up at Jim as he handed her a beer, unasked. Mom took a big swig before continuing. "We're in the middle of a new software installation and it's not going well. My new hours for the rest of this week, including Saturday, are noon to midnight. I get Sunday off but have to be ready for a similar schedule next week if there are problems during the run testing on Sunday."Mom took another big swig. "God, I hate my life right about now." Jim headed to the kitchen and returned with another beer just as mom set down the first, now empty bottle."Jim, can you be here for Jenni all this week? I know you had some things planned, but I can't be here when she gets home..."Jim smiled reassuringly. "No problem, honey. I'll give Jenni everything she needs..." I hid a smile at that, visualizing more hot ropes of cum squirted on my body. Yea, Jim would be giving me things all right...Mom was already finishing the second beer, set it down hard, and stood up. "You have no idea how much better I feel knowing my baby is well-taken care of. I'm going to bed, I'm exhausted." Mom shuffled down the hall, mumbling 'g'nites' to us both.Jim smiled at me. His voice was soft but carried that authoritative tone that I both craved and feared. "I hope you realize you'll be spending a lot of time naked over the next several days. Be sure to get as much homework as possible completed at school, before you get home. If my fun, our fun begins to interfere, let me know. You may be doing your homework naked, but you'll get it done first.""Yes sir. I think I can get most of my usual homework done at school. I do have a project I have to turn in next week and I can't wait until Sunday to start it. I'll tell you more about it after school tomorrow.""Good. Now, off to bed with you. Tonight has been a busy night. And today was only Monday..."I don't know what made me do it. I think I could count the number of times I'd kissed Jim at maybe a half-dozen, including my excitement over the Christmas thong panties. But when I stood up I walked over to him and took his face in my hands and laid on a lip-lock that would have thrilled a rock star. I even slipped him my tongue. And, with Pussy tingling yet again, I headed off to bed.Tuesday at school Jessica was a little weird to me. Not cold or hostile, more like she had no idea what to say. I sat next to her at lunch, hoping to talk about it, but several of our friends, both boys and girls, sat with us and there was no chance. Finally during our study hall last class period, most of the other students had taken passes to various locations – the library, the office, the nurse, to another teacher for help – leaving Jessica and I and two others in the room. The teacher excused herself to go the bathroom and I poked Jessica to get her attention."Are you going to talk to me today?""Jenni, I have no idea what to say... Was last night real? I was awake for hours, reliving that moment over and over. I..." Jessica looked around then leaned in closer, her voice softer. "I played with my pussy twice more before I could go to sleep.""Yea," I said, "I did the same thing the first time Jim touched me. My body was screaming to be touched again but there was only me. Not the same, is it?""No way! Having a guy touch you is sooo different, more powerful, if that makes sense.""Oh, I know exactly what you mean." I looked over at the other students to make sure they weren't listening in, but they were engrossed in their own conversation. "Can you come over after school again this week, before Saturday? Maybe you could stay overnight on Friday night!""I haven't even asked my mom yet about the mall on Saturday," Jessica said. "That would give me an excuse to ask, and it would make it easier on mom not having to drive me to the mall on Saturday.""Ok, then let's plan it that way. You ask your mom about staying over on Friday and going to the mall on Saturday. I'll double-check with Jim, but you know he'll say yes. And don't worry about golf balls, I know Jim has several packages and we can give you one.""Golf balls? What do I need...oh...I forgot." Jessica's blush exploded from her blouse, up across her face. "Before I sat on your...toy...I would have told you I couldn't ever get anything like that in But now? Hah, will three be enough? I STILL feel stretched and full!"I walked home after school, just as I always did and, without even seeing or hearing Jim in the house, stopped by the kitchen table and dumped my book bag and proceeded to remove my clothing. I padded into the living room oblivious to the world. And stopped dead.There was another man in the house, sitting next to Jim. My mind froze, I wasn't able to move, I'm not sure I was even breathing any more. My heart was going a thousand miles an hour and I am certain I invented new shades of red in my utter embarrassment. Having your mom or your girlfriend see you naked was one thing, and I even was used to Jim seeing me naked. But not this..."Oh, Carl, this is my step-daughter, Jenni. This is standard practice for her when she comes home from school, either when she's alone or here with just me. Her mom wouldn't understand...""No problem, Jim. As I said, we have some similar practices at my house. I really want our step-daughters to meet. When can we set it up?"What? There were other girls like me?Jim answered, "How about you stop by tomorrow after school? Come by about this time and we can make an evening of it, supper included."Jim turned to me. "Jenni, this is Carl, a co-worker, who I discovered has, well, similar interests. He's bringing his daughter, Cassie, over tomorrow afternoon.""Um, yea, I heard. Um, I'm just going to, um, go back and get my clothes now..."Jim spoke sharply. "No, you're not. Carl was impressed by what I told him of your punishment routine, so we're going to show him what it looks like." Jim stood up and pulled his belt from his pants. "Get over here and bend over."Now I was afraid. Not of the punishment. I know I'd taken worse from Jim and from my mom than what he was likely to give me just to show Carl. Besides, if I guessed right, his 'punishment routine' wasn't really about the whacks with the belt, it was about the fondling he would do to me after. And I was afraid he would allow Carl to do the fondling.I hadn't moved when Jim stepped to me and grabbed me by the arm. He pulled me sharply to where he wanted me, anger clear in his face. I'd crossed a line, defied him in front of another man, and I knew I was really in for it now. I had thought Jim's whacks with the belt would be relatively mild. Now he had something to prove. I'd made a very bad mistake.As soon as Jim had me in the 'right spot' he motioned to Carl to go sit in the big chair that Jim usually occupied. I quickly bent over and grabbed my ankles, oblivious to the view I was offering Carl and desperately trying to get back on Jim's good side, if that was even possible.The anger was evident in Jim's voice when he spoke to me. "I was going to only give you ten licks with the belt, but now it's twenty and I know that you know why. Keep the count."Yup. I'd crossed the line with Jim and it would probably take a week to even things out. "Yes sir," I said without hesitation.Between my legs I could see Carl loosening his pants. I knew he'd be stroking himself within moments, just as Jim usually did, and that very soon I'd be seeing only the second adult male cock of my life.I heard the whistling of the belt as Jim's arm descended. I tried to ready myself for the pain I knew was about to come, hoped I could get the number out before the wave of hot agony spread from my butt. It struck. "OnesiryeaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" It came out all in one breath. Funny how the mind makes the body forget about pain from the past as a way of protecting itself.Tears were already running from my eyes and, because my head was down, running into my ears. The belt whistled again. SMACK!!! "Twoohmygodaaaaaaaaaaahhhhsir!"I was panting. My legs were weak. I had eighteen more of THESE? I would die. I would be crippled. I would be scarred. I'd never be able to wear a swimsuit again, even a dress. I'd have to turn my back on everyone and get undressed and dressed for gym at school with my ass in a corner. And the belt whistled again.This time Jim took something off the stroke. Apparently he wanted to get my attention but now was settling down to finishing this lesson with energy-efficient but still painful blows. "THREEsir." This was more manageable.They continued at this intensity for the remainder of the twenty. My ass burned from just above my ass crack to partway down my thighs. Finally the twenty strokes were over. There was a distinct pause, almost a slowing of time, when the only thing I could hear was my own panting and the only thing I could feel was my heart pounding and the intensity of pain in my ass.Jim's voice cut through my mental haze. "Against the wall, Jenni, just like usual. I'll go get your golf balls."I glanced at Carl in the big chair, not at all surprised to see his hand firmly grasping his cock. But I also did a double-take – it was bent! I swear it make a distinct left turn partway up.With my nose to the wall my mind raced through what would likely happen next. The first was that Jim would fondle me like he always did and Carl would watch. The other was that either Jim would start then let Carl take over, or Jim would just let Carl have at me. I didn't much like the second option, and was afraid of the last one. I was used to Jim touching me, making me more aroused. Somehow that didn't seem nearly as kinky as having "some old guy" I had only just met do the same thing.Jim appeared at my side with my three golf balls in his hand. "Wet these in your mouth and one by one insert them in your pussy."I took the golf balls in my left hand then put the first one in my mouth. The pain of the spanking had left my mouth a little dry and it was a moment or so before I could work up any spit. Finally I reached up with my right hand and took the first one. My left hand immediately placed the second ball in my mouth as I was reaching between my legs with the first one. As I bent a bit and spread my legs my butt bumped into something. Jim was to my left, but this was behind me... Carl!!'Oh, god,' I thought, 'that's his cock bumping me. Ugh!! He bumped me with his ugly bent cock!' My fingers fished for my pussy opening, finally finding it, but less wet than usual. The reason immediately popped into my head – 'it's because I had an audience I didn't want.'I couldn't get the golf ball past my dry pussy lips, so I brought my right hand to my face, the golf ball palmed, spit on my first two fingers, then back to my pussy to smear the spit and a second try with the ball. This time, with a little push, it went in. With a solid object in her, Pussy suddenly decided that juicing up wasn't so bad an idea.Now my body was responding. Apparently Pussy liked the idea of a new audience better than I did. I moved the second ball from my mouth to my pussy and it took very little to get this one in. Pussy was suddenly very wet, as in wetter than I usually was with Jim. Yea, this audience thing might have something to it after all.The third ball went in very easily. Heck, I probably could have pushed it up inside me without having wet it in my mouth first. Now, with my arousal higher than usual, I was having trouble keeping the golf balls inside my pussy. This was the kind of feeling I used to get in the pit of my stomach months ago with just the IDEA that some guy, unnamed and faceless, might see my naked, developing body.Now I was a very accustomed to being seen, but Carl was a new face, a new twist, and my arousal was heightened. It wouldn't take much to put Pussy over the edge. Jim leaned in from the left and tweaked my nipple. I looked down at his finger twiddling back and forth over it and marveled and how big and hard the nipple was getting. Suddenly there was sensation on the other side. I looked to my right and saw Carl's smiling face and his hand twiddling my right nipple. And I relaxed.Carl's face wasn't the pervert's leer that I expected. He looked almost the same as Jim did. That's what made me relax. Yes, Carl was a 'stranger', but it was like looking at another Jim. This guy was a 'known quantity', a familiar presence, and so I relaxed.With both nipples being played with at once, I was ascending the heights toward a big orgasm and climbing quickly. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the feeling. A hand brushed my sparse pussy hair and gently rubbed past my clit to center under my pussy hole. Jim's voice entered my head. "Slowly release one ball at a time. When the third ball drops, your orgasm will hit. You can do this, YOU can control when it happens."The hand at my pussy shifted slightly, fingers of an open palm pushing my thighs slightly farther apart and the thumb resting softly on my clit. With that kind of touch, this wouldn't take long at all.I contracted my pussy muscles and pushed the first ball towards my opening. The fingers moved up to rest against my pussy lips, the thumb beginning a circular motion over my clit. I was in a canoe about to go over a waterfall, and I WANTED to. Another push and the first ball popped out. My arousal spiked and receded, but not as far as it had been before the ball popped. I was closer.Another contraction and the second ball shifted. Once the first was out, there was more room for the remaining two and it took a bit of maneuvering to nudge the remaining ones into place. Another push and the next ball moved closer. That circling thumb was driving me nuts and I pushed against it, squeezing muscles at the same time. The second ball popped and the arousal spiked, but this time it didn't recede as much as the last time. I was closer.Fingers were replaced by a tongue on one nipple, then the thumb changed direction on my clit, and my arousal jumped a notch. I grunted as I contracted my pussy muscles to move the last ball into place. As I squeezed I squatted a bit and widened my legs. The hand waiting for the ball met my pussy lips, the thumb was jammed against my clit. I almost lost it, my legs quivering.Jim's voice was in my ear. "Don't lose it, girl. If you come before that last ball pops out, we'll be doing this again with harder strokes from the belt. YOU control it, baby."The idea of restarting this whole punishment sequence scared me, causing my arousal level to drop and that frightened me. I scrunched my eyes tighter, squatted again, and squeezed my pussy muscles again. As I did I felt a wet finger in my ass crack, reaching from behind. Whoever it was, a finger up my ass would be the stimulus that I needed to pop the ball and pop my cork, but could also cause me to pop early. Not good.The finger was more insistent. Good thing that when I contracted my pussy again it shut my little rosebud tight. I was close. I relaxed a bit and then pushed harder to drop the ball. The moment I relaxed that finger worked it. It wasn't just wet, it was greased with something, and it slid in all the way to the palm. The tip worked against the wall between ass and pussy and it nudged the ball.'Oh, god,' I thought. 'Here it comes!' One last squeeze from me and the ball popped. At the same moment the fingers on my nipples pinched, the finger in my ass did a twirl, and the thumb on my clit mashed hard. And over the edge I went, falling hard in my bliss as wave after wave of orgasm crashed over me. Yea, I'd thought last night's with Jim's cum across me was big. Nah, not even close to this one, not even in the same league.Without Jim and Carl to support my weight I would have collapsed to the floor with the intensity of that orgasm. The hands on my nipples shifted to hold the entire boob, lifting me up and carrying me to the couch. I was set down gently, my eyes only just fluttering open to see Carl hunched over me, his hand madly jacking that bent cock, and the first spurts flying across my body. I was covered. I had cum in my hair, across my face, on my boobs, puddle in my belly button, and caught in my pussy hair.Without another word, Carl did up his pants and straightened his shirt, and turned to Jim as he walked toward the kitchen. "See you tomorrow after school. Cassie needs to learn this routine. Jenni, you were amazing. I like this a lot." And he was gone out the door.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 61
Karen and I were going to Australia, but before going there, we planned to visit some countries while we were travelling. I'm a 32 year old electrician and I took few months off work to make this trip with my wife, Karen. I'm just average built, regular guy and just basically lucky that Karen is my wife. She is really beautiful and very hot. She could be a model, but she just doesn't care about that crap at all and she is happy to be with me. Like I said, I'm a really lucky guy. She is 5feet five inches tall, 110 pounds in weight and has lovely b-cup tits and slim athletic figure. She is 23 year old brunet and I really love her long hair. It was first thing what I noticed when I saw her the first time and I knew that I had to marry her.When we were trying to check in to our hotel, they had some problems bringing up our reservation on the screen and it seemed that they didn't have room for us. I started to be really pissed about it as we had travelled for a long way to reach S-Africa and I started to really hate the place. The day was hot and the guy in reception was really shitty towards us. He couldn't find our reservation on the screen and he told us that there were no rooms for us, so we should leave before he calls security to remove us from the hotel. I demanded that he call the security and his supervisor to check reservation. He was thin, bald; he had kind of bug eyes and tiny goatee beard. I just wanted to hit that guy because he was so arrogant towards us. We had to wait for half an hour for his supervisor and Karen had pleaded with me that we should go and seek another hotel. I just wanted to put that bug eyed bald guy in his place and when his supervisor finally came down.I told him everything and showed him our papers, regarding our reservations and he eventually managed to find it. There seemed to be some kind of glitch in the program and it didn't show our information, until he checked it by using another way. Still there was no room for us, but as it wasn't our fault, he told us, that we would get a bungalow for the same price as the room as compensation for the trouble. I was pleased with the deal and at least we got a place where we could rest now. As our luggage was carried towards our bungalow on the nice green area near of the hotel, I heard that supervisor tell the bug eyed guy to meet him in his office in 5 minutes. The bug eyed guy wasn't too happy about it and hopefully he would be fired. Our luggage was carried into nice bungalow near the beach and I guess it was really expensive one, as it was very well equipped. It turned out to be a luxury class bungalow and it was usually for chief executive officers from bigger firms who used these bungalows. It felt really nice as we were just commoners and I could just dream of places like this. Normally one night in this bungalow could cost more wages than I get in two-three weeks. I had heard stories about kidnapping etc. so we tried to be as careful as we could on our trip. We had planned to be there for 3 days and 3 nights before moving on, so we could relax here and check out local shops, but we didn't get to buy souvenirs as much as we wanted to, just tiny things that were easy to carry in our luggage and were allowed by customs. Rules on the borders controls of Australia were really strict and we didn't want to get in trouble with customs about silly gifts. The Bungalow was really awesome and it was something that I hadn't ever seen before. It had everything that the CEO of a big firm could want or need while he/she stayed here. We relaxed and went to the swimming pool, had nice dinners at the Hotel's restaurant, and on our second night we made a tiny mistake. We had drunk a little bit more wine than usual and when we got back to our bungalow, Karen was in such a hot mood that she almost ripped her own clothes off and demanded that I make love with her. Usually I made sure that every door and window was closed and locked, but that night, I had something else on my mind and one window was left open. All lights were out, but the moon was full and it gave enough light in our bedroom where we made love. She was so soft, her touch was like a drug to me and her moaning was just something that I loved to hear. I felt her legs around my waist, her hands on my neck and back, her hard nipples were rubbing my chest as we made love gently in our bed. We took our time and I shot my seeds into her after I had given her at least three orgasms. She got orgasms easily and her slender body trembled strongly every time, when the waves of her orgasms hit her. After it was over we just fell asleep and we slept there naked. Usually we took a shower after making love and then relaxed, but this time she just wanted to enjoy it. She seemed to be tired and Karen fell fast asleep next to me. I woke up, as I felt someone put his hand on my mouth and I felt cold steel on my throat. "Make a noise, white boy and you'll be headless." Some dark voice told me and I saw a huge knife on my throat. I was paralyzed from the shock and I didn't believe this was happening, but it was. The man wasn't alone. He had two other guys with him. Karen woke up also and as she noticed dark figures in our bedroom, she screamed but one of the guys hit her hard to shut her up. Karen fell down on the bed and they saw her slim naked pale white skinned body in the moon light. One of the guys pulled her up and then pushed her back on the bed. "We want your phones, money, credit cards, laptop, everything. Give them and you two keep your heads." The same guy told me and he certainly meant it. I nodded and I was pulled from the bed to show where our stuff was. Karen sobbed quietly on the bed while two guys kept their eyes on her, while the third guy forced me to give our stuff to them. I had to give him everything that we had. Most of our money, cards and passports were in Hotel's safe, so they didn't get everything that we had. I hoped that what they got, some money, laptop, camera, phones and some jewellery were enough for them. The third guy wasn't so pleased with what we had to give him, but ordered me to put everything into the backpack. I obeyed and he took backpack. Then he pushed me back into our bedroom and he said something to his friends. "Now, white boy, you shut up and your bitch might keep her life." The guy told me and pushed me so I sat down on the chair. The two other guys tied my hands and knees to the chair. Then they pushed something in my mouth to gag me. The third guy watched my wife and he moved towards her with the knife still in his hand. Karen trembled with the fear and tried to cover her naked body with bed linen. She looked really scared and I couldn't do anything to help her. Three black guys were moving towards her and the guy, who had told me to do things, pulled the bed linen out of her hands as they lustfully watched my naked wife on the bed. "Now, bitch. You'll be good to us and your guy keeps his head where it is." He said to Karen and I saw him starting to pull his black shirt off. Karen trembled from horror and she knew that she was about to be raped in front of me. The other two guys also started to take their clothes off as they kept my wife on the bed, while they were getting themselves ready to take their piece of my lovely wife. Karen was panicking as those three black guys kept her on the bed and she was defenceless in every way. the guys were now naked and were rubbing their cocks while watching my naked wife in front of them. The Moon gave enough light into our bedroom, so I could see enough of it. I noticed that guys were well hung and she had noticed that too. I saw absolute horror on her face as she tried to keep their hands off of her body. At first the guys just teased her, but as they got hornier, the game got rougher. Someone grabbed her by the throat and she was forced to lie on her back on the bed. I could hear her cries and how she struggled to breath. It sounded like she was being choked hard by that unknown guy as the others just pulled her legs open. The first guy jumped in between her legs and I could see how he forced my wife to submit to his will by using his body weight. I trembled from anger and fear, as he was about to rape Karen right in front of me. "P-please, condom! I-I'll do a-anything, but use condoms."I heard Karen's pleas and cries to them to use condoms. We had been often warned about diseases that we could get in many ways. Unprotected sex around Africa was usually main reason for getting HIV. The guy over her stopped for a while and I guess he tested her, was she sure about it. She'll do whatever they want, if he uses condom. I guess Karen said yes, as he got up and Karen told him where we kept our condoms. One other guy brought them to her and she was told to put it on him. I could see just parts of her behind the guy and she had to roll the rubber onto his black cock that was going to go into her really soon. I heard Karen's sobbing and then she was told to lie down. The guy smiled to me and I saw white teeth's in that moonlight. That was an evil smile. Karen was told to direct his cock right into her cunt and she obeyed quietly. I saw how the black guy forced his hips closer to her hips and Karen cried loudly. The black cock was forcing its way into her pussy and my wife cried from the pain. He wasn't gentle with her and I felt so ill watching. I almost vomited against my gag, but barely kept everything down, as there was danger that I could drown in my own vomit while that gag was on. The guy grunted with his deep voice and rammed his cock into my wife's cunt. Karen cried out loud with every thrust and lay under him like she was ordered. He told her that she should put her hands around his neck and beg him to fuck her harder. Karen obeyed him after she had been silent for a while. I guess he threatened that his friends would kill me, if she didn't comply. I heard her trembling voice as she asked him to fuck her cunt harder. I closed my eyes as I didn't want to watch the sight of a black male's ass pumping up and down in front of me, but I heard her cries. I felt her horror, fear and pain in my own body. She was made to beg him to fuck her as hard as he could and he certainly did it. I bet that his big black cock stretched her tight pussy to its limits and she cried loudly from the shame. Her shame became stronger as she noticed that her body enjoyed the rough sex and suddenly I heard her cries of pleasure. She had her first orgasm with that black guy. He continued ramming his cock deep into my wife's pussy and I could see her white legs up high moving along with his moves. She panted heavily under him and I heard every moan she made while taking that cock into her pussy. Then the guy got up from her and pulled her sideways on the bed, so I could see her left side. One of the other guys came in front of him and ordered her to suck his cock, while his friend was about to continue ravaging her pussy. I saw his evil smile again and felt my heart jump into my throat. As Karen started to suck his mates cock, she didn't notice the guy behind her pull off the condom and ram his black pole again into her pussy. She cried out from the pain, as guy started to fuck her hard and fast, while she was kept on her hands and knees on the bed. I could see how her lovely perky b-cup tits were moving along with the fierce pace and her cries felt like one high pitched scream, as he used her body for his own pleasure. He didn't care about Karen at all and he slapped her buttocks hard and mauled her firm tits with his long black hands and she looked like a tiny girl in their hands. All three guys were taller than we and medium built, so they could easily overpower her with their strength. With three guys against one female, she lost the battle even before it had started and I had to watch the first guy was ramming his member deep into her pussy. He groaned loudly while pumping his pole into her again and again and again. Her cries filled our bedroom and I watched as she got at least two orgasms before that first guy came deep into her cunt. Karen slumped down on the bed and she was dizzy for a moment. Then she realised what had happened and he had shot his seed into her. He had fucked her without condom. She started to cry again, but the guys didn't care about that, and as first guy moved off, he came in front of me and wiped his dirty cock on my face. I could smell the scent of his potent salty sperm and my wife's moisture from his cock, but I couldn't do anything about it. I was tied and gagged. "Your girl was tight, but not anymore white boy. She won't feel your puny thumb any longer inside of her" The guy laughed at me and moved off. His friend had moved to lie over Karen while she was lying on her belly on the bed. He laughed and slid his hard cock into her pussy really easily. "Nice sloppy cunt. After this night, she won't want anything other than black cocks in her.The second guy laughed at me and fucked Karen with long thrusts. I trembled from anger as I watched how they forced her to suck one cock, while another guy was ramming his black pole into her pussy and keeping her in place just with his own body. He wasn't as rough to her as the first guy was, but I guess the first guy loved to have first round on new bitch, while she was still "untouched", virgin. I could only close my eyes, but I had to listen to everything that happened in that room. The guys grunted with their deep voices and Karen cried from fear, pain, shame and pleasure. They also fucked her ass, and my wife almost fainted from the pain when the first black cock stretched her hole to allow his member to enter her. Karen laid there quietly for a while as the one over her forced his cock to slide into her ass. We had tried it once and she didn't like it at all. I wasn't so fond of that side either so we didn't have that kind of sex again. These brutes wanted to use her in every way they wanted and that included anal sex. I watched in horror, as all three guys fucked her at the same time. One lay under her and fucked her cunt, second guy used her ass and third guy forced her to take his cock as deep into her mouth as he wanted. She was gagging and vomiting on the bed, as black guy forced his cock deep into her throat and she didn't have time to adjust to it. Karen just had to endure it all and guys abused her roughly. After all that was done, the guys pushed her on her back on the bed. She seemed to be out cold and really roughly used. She just lay there like she would if she was dead already and I couldn't be sure if she had wished it in the middle of the rapes. The guys pulled their clothes on and the first guy came to me and pulled his knife again placing it on my throat."You listen to me now, boy? If you tell anyone about this we'll hear about it and you'll pay for it, so keep your mouth shut, boy, and I won't cut your throats open. She'll be first one whose throat is cut and you'll be there to watch it." The black guy told me and cut a little bit of my skin, just to make sure, that we knew he was serious about it. He could certainly kill us both. I trembled from fear and I hoped that they wouldn't change their minds and just kill now. We were sitting ducks there. I was tied and gagged, while Karen laid there on her back and she was still out cold. The men left us and they took almost everything that had value in the streets. They had robbed us and had their fun with my wife. I cried silently after that and waited for her to wake up so she could untie me. This was their final insult to me. They had tied and gagged me, raped my wife, wiped their dirty cocks on my face and now left me to wait so my wife could help me. She woke up a couple hours later and she was crushed. She helped me out of the ties and she wanted to call the hotel security and cops. I stopped her and told her the message they had left with me. She bit her lip for a while and still wanted to call security. She was bruised all over her body, she was hurt badly, but still she didn't want to be pregnant by those guys. What could I do, other than try to help her in any way I could? We had to cancel our airplane tickets, as police wanted to keep us there for little longer than we wanted to be there. They moved us into cheaper hotel to wait for couple days, while they search those three men. I just wanted to leave there, as I feared that they would find us and kill us. We tried to keep a low profile, but they found us anyway. We were in our hotel room and I was getting something to eat. I felt someone grab me from behind and I was pushed violently against the wall. I was dazed and they dragged me away from the corridor. I felt knife on my throat again and I thought that it was over now. "I told you two to keep your mouths shut, white boy. Now you pay for it!"I heard again that deep voice from behind and I felt sharp pain on my neck. I don't know what happened next as everything went black. I woke up on a stretcher as I was carried out of the hotel and into the ambulance. Police were there and I was tied to the stretcher so I wouldn't fall off and open my wounds. They had cut my arm with their huge knife and left me there to bleed out. Luckily someone found me and called for help. Karen had disappeared and the police didn't know where she was. I was crushed, and in the hospital they had to tie me down or drug me to keep me in my bed and sleeping. I feared the news that my wife's mutilated body had been found somewhere and I also feared other options that could happen. After I finally got permission to leave hospital, I began to search for Karen everywhere. I offered rewards to anyone who had information about her whereabouts but everyone just told me that she's gone. If I managed to find her, she won't be same woman I already knew that before. I just wanted to find her and bring her home with me. I didn't care about anything else and it took almost four weeks until I finally found her in a cheap brothel. Those guys had sold her to a brothel and they in turn had sold her on and it followed that pattern, but then I found her and police got her away from that place of horror. Karen was really messed up. Her long beautiful brunette hair was cut down, she was abused roughly by countless men in those brothels and it seemed that those black guys, who had robbed us and raped her in the first place, were never found. She was broken and she barely allowed me to touch her. We left there as soon we could and returned to home, but they were right. She wasn't like she used to be, not anymore. I couldn't even imagine what kind of horrors she'd gone through in those brothels. I guess I was lucky to find her, as local police officers there were sure what they'd find was her remains in some back alley, or the other possibility was that usually her type of white women was sold into white slavery and disappeared for good.ENDComments / Feedback Good/bad? -> Black4Blond@gmail.comMore stories -> /files/Authors/Black4Blond/~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 75
We had been travelling for several weeks and both needed to stop for a day or so and relax a little. I had finished my contract in the south of Japan and my wife wanted to go back to Tokyo to do some last minute shopping before we headed back to Thailand where we had been living for the past several years. Akiyo was Japanese and that had made our trip that much easier when dealing with the enormous language barrier that I faced in working with Japanese models. Our hotel was a small by western standards however there was still plenty of room to move about. We had both stripped off and fell asleep almost immediately. I woke some hours later and looked across to my wife who was still deep in slumber. I felt the need for a drink so climbed out of the bed and took a quick shower, cleaned myself up and got dressed.Akiyo was still in a deep sleep so I wrote a little note that I left on the pillow beside her and went out in search a bar of sorts. Japan has little in the way of English signposts so I was heading out into dangerous territory if I didn't mind getting lost. I took one of the hotel cards that I could give to the cab driver should that be the case. I didn't have to go to far however. The street outside itself had numerous small bars and restaurants so I looked in at a few and then selected one that had a quite a few people in it. Being a photographer I am also a rabid voyeur so watching people, particularly young women was a favourite pastime.This bar had its fair share of cute Japanese girls, some sat with their boyfriends, others in small groups some still in school uniform, none however were sitting alone for any appreciable length of time. This particular bar was also obviously a favourite hangout of the younger set including students. Off to one side in a booth sat several young men also still dressed in their school uniforms next to the table of girl students. There was a both in the corner that was vacant so I moved in and sat alone for a while taking in the scenery about me. I was the only westerner in the room so tended to stand out like a sore thumb.One of the schoolboys noticed me. He was about eighteen or so stood up and came over to say hello in stilted English. For a moment I thought that he might be doing a pickup line but as he went on it was more innocent than that. He obviously had the need to do some practice of his English as his pronunciation was very stilted and difficult to understand. I imagine I looked to be a suitable practice board so I listened carefully to what he had to say and then in what broken Japanese I have I said hello back.He wanted to go on. His English was obviously better than my Japanese so with nothing else to do I allowed him to engage me in very stilted youthful conversation. Noticing my ease in understanding the youth, he was joined by one and then several of the other boys who sat around listening in on the conversation. I guessed correctly that they were all studying English at some level. It was about nothing in particular mainly limited by the small vocabulary we both had until he asked me if I liked Japanese girls. I was surprised by the directness of the question however my slight smile gave away my interest. "Sure." I replied truthfully, my eyes idly drifting to where the group of uniformed Japanese schoolgirls were sitting and chatting. "Do you?" I continued.His smile also gave away to what I considered to be an affirmative. One of the others who were not keeping up with the conversation asked for a translation and a short interchange went between them. I wondered about the nature of the inquiry and was not kept waiting that much longer."Would you like to meet Japanese girls?" he asked straightforwardly motioning to the girls that I had glanced at. I was fifty six year old westerner and even though the thought itself was delicious I was not particularly interested in embroiling myself in an underage sex case with obviously pubescent teenagers so I gracefully declined. "How old are you by the way? I asked of him"I am nineteen." "And your friends?""We are all about the same age. Hiroshi is the eldest, he is twenty.""Nineteen and already pimping.""Pimping?" he asked to which I only smiled. It was at about this moment that ideas began to foment in my mind. I had an instant vision of my wife still sleeping back in our hotel room. I needed to progress the conversation in another direction. A couple of the boys had ordered more drinks and a beer was placed in front of me. I explained what I had meant by pimping to which my young companion smiled secretively, again his glance towards the young schoolgirls giving away his intentions.It was about then as if it had been planned that way that my cell phone rang from within my pocket. I pulled it out and noted that Akiyo was ringing me. Obviously she had woken and wondered where I happened to be. I briefly explained to her that I was sitting in a bar having a drink and would be home soon. She was happy with that and decided that she might take a bath while she waited for me.We had been married for a year after living together for the past several. We had initially met in Europe where I had been on another assignment and she had landed the job of assisting me. Akiyo was very dutiful in that respect, very typically a Japanese girl. Nominally quiet, she had been a refreshing contrast to my first wife whom I had spent twenty torrid years raging between extreme passion and total distain. With Akiyo my life had achieved a level of karma that I had never experienced before. We were like yin and yang. Even though she was much quieter natured than many women, beneath that deceptive exterior lie an extremely passionate woman yet not of the type that would actively go out to seek her own fulfillment.As she had told me she had only a few lovers before me and of course as an admission I should take it with a gain of salt, she claimed that for the most part she had not been satisfied completely. I say a grain of salt as I expect most women to lie, as I do on these issues. I took pleasure in making her write down her previous experiences and how she had felt at the time, how they had started and how they had affected her. She did so reluctantly at first but then felt relieved that I showed no jealousy of her earlier trysts.We had been needlessly separated at one period for several months and had only been able to communicate by email, phone calls and chat lines. Her own demands had enabled her to speak more freely with me, a consequence of our separation. It was during this phase that I found out about her desire to be dominated, to play a subservient role in our relationship and this was when I demanded she tell me about all her previous lovers. I had been around long enough and had learned enough about the small desires of women to take her to places she had never experienced. From what I was to learn of her past lovers, they had been for the most part young and largely inexperienced themselves, an unsatisfying combination on her part. It was more out of loneliness that she had accepted them however at times she had also derived great pleasure. Just before we were forced to be apart, we had watched a movie together that engaged a young woman in an extremely dominated role, Akiyo had somehow identified with her which had manifested itself slowly to the point where she looked to me to satisfy this particular craving on her part.I was naturally more dominating however I was not cruel. I did however enjoy watching her undergo some level of pain during our lovemaking. Her tears of pain were in fact tears of joy that expressed her deepest and stronger orgasms. With the right encouragement she was able to successively orgasm for hours on end. The pleasure that showed on her face was also my own source of pleasure.Our love making, as time and inclination permitted had delved into bondage and at times some light discipline however it that had not been altogether that satisfying. Akiyo did like to be bound with ropes and in this state it also allowed me unfettered access to her body, she could not push me away when the pleasure that went with the pain exceeded her capacities to withstand it. At those times she would say that would be taken into an orgasmic paradise to which I could only imagine.We had a variety of toys as we called them, dildos and vibrators each one giving her a new sense of pleasure. Apart from the pleasure we derived from our own actions, I had a predisposition to talk her through scenes of varying stages of depravation. She would have uncontrollable orgasms particularly when I created an image of her being serviced by several men at the same time. We had until that moment never actually taking any further steps in that direction beyond it being a fantasy.My mind came back to the present and the young men sitting in the booth looking for the words to continue our conversation. For a moment they were puzzled by the look on my face as I surveyed them. I hesitated for a moment. What I was thinking was highly preposterous and I faced the possibility of creating a disaster if I had made the wrong assessment."You asked me if I like Japanese girls and I asked the same question, do you like girls?" I directed the question at my young companion. "Yes I like lots of girls. I have many girlfriends.""Are those over there among them?" I indicated to the table where the schoolgirls sat. He looked across at them for a moment and then towards me. "I have known two of them before, in fact all my friends have known them both." He said nonchalantly. I was duly impressed. They were indeed all quite pretty and from what I could tell reasonably well developed. For a moment I regretted declining his earlier offer."That is interesting. Are all Japanese girls you know that easy?""Not all but some like to have many boyfriends. Others just like make some money to buy things.""Is that what they do?""Yes. They are all Shinjuku girls.""What is a Shinjuku girl?""She comes from the suburbs to make some easy money. Make sex with men.""Do you pay them when you go with them?""No, I help them get to meet men. Like you. Sometimes men want to make group sex so I fix that too."I was immediately interested. "Maybe you could help me with something in." "What is that?""My wife is also Japanese and she has some dreams she would like fulfilled." He looked at me quizzically and allowed me to continue."Well She would like to have many men have sex with her at the same time. Is that the sort of thing you do?" He looked at me for a moment and then looked around at his companions. "Yes, plenty of times we have done this. Japanese girls like many men.""My wife is not old like me, she is only thirty two. Would you be interested to help me out?""How much would you pay for this?" It had been reduced to its most basic level on which I now felt more comfortable it being a business discussion."I don't know, what is the going rate?" He indicated a figure that at first I though was excessive and said so. We finally agreed on a figure that I knew I could withstand. With that decided and my own reservations disappearing rapidly, I took my cell phone and put a call through to my wife. She was still luxuriating in the bath and it took a few moments for her to pick up."Honey I am going to be coming home shortly. I want you to do something for me.""Yes, what is that.""I am feeling very horny. I want to come home and find you sitting on the edge of the bed but you must be naked. Would you do that for me?""If you would like." She answered compliantly."One more thing, I want you to wear that airline sleeping mask you have and have some music playing, maybe one of the music channels on TV.""Sometimes you are very strange but okay, if that is what you want. When will you be home?"I am probably half an hour away so that should give you time to finish your bath and be ready for me. I love you.""I love you too. I will see you in half and hour.""Not see me but you will feel me for sure." With that I rung off and smiled at my table companions. I looked at my watch and then went about finishing my beer before we were to head off. I explained to the boy and he relayed that to his companions. There were six of them and I immediately began to have reservations about what I was planning. With my bill paid, we headed of towards the hotel it being only a few hundred metres along the busy road. As we walked along I continued to have reservations about what I had planned from my wife however I felt almost that I had gone too far to pull out now.We arrived at the hotel and I managed to get the boys up the stairwell without to much ado. We were only on the second floor so there was little need to use the elevator. Outside out door, I stopped and gave the boys some instructions about what I expected from them. I had no doubt my wife would be as I had instructed, sitting naked on the side of the bed with the sleeping mask over her eyes. I insisted on total silence from them otherwise we might not be doing anything at all and hoped the TV was loud enough to mask any sounds they might make. They agreed. Still I was extremely hesitant at this particular point. I took out my key card and slipped it in the slot and carefully opened the door. My wife was sitting there as agreed, the TV playing some rock music that would in any event conceal minor noises at the start of this exercise. I entered and quietly ushered the boys in, motioning for them to stand nearer to the doorway at first until I needed them. I took the first boy with me and went around to the front of my wife. "Hello darling.""Hello." She replied none the wiser that I was not alone. With that I ran my hand through her hair and kissed her on the lips. She kissed back. Her passion had obviously risen while she had been waiting there naked and blindfolded. I let go and turned to the boy and beckoned him to undo his trousers and release his penis from its cage. He had little hesitation. My wife was still young and had a great body. Her breasts were larger than most Japanese women and obviously this and the sight of her waxed pubes had aroused him quickly. I moved him in place and beckoned him to put his now erect penis into her mouth. He touched himself against her lips and I said"Open up honey." She did as I requested and allowed the young boys cock to be taken into her mouth. She had always been a great cocksucker and I could see the pleasure that had entered the young boys mind. I was not particularly well endowed, a little over six inches the boy was smaller than me and for a moment I thought she may been able to tell the difference however she was concentrating on her task running it up and down in her mouth.Standing beside him I beckoned for two of the other boys to move quietly into place beside him. With their already erect cocks pointing in her direction I took one of her hands and held it out in the general direction of the second boys cock and placed it upon it. At first she was startled and about to pull away but I held her arm there and after a moments hesitation she took the erect cock into her hand and gently squeezed it wrapping her fingers around its girth and slowly stroking him. I then took her other hand and lifted into place on the third cock. I could hear her moaning softly in her throat as she realised that there more than one other person in the room and for the first time she was about to enjoy multiple lovers. The first orgasm was building up deep within her. My earlier reservations had passed as I watched my wife suck on the cock in her mouth with increased passion while she greedily masturbated the two other cocks in her hands. I felt relaxed that she had not seen fit to object, intent on accepting whatever I was to put to her. I motioned for two more of the boys to move around in between and for each to take a nipple into their mouths. Akiyo groaned even louder now as her own body was being assailed the boys had squeezed her nipples and nuzzled into the soft texture of her breasts. The last boy was stripping out of his clothes and I motioned for him to get onto the floor and put his face between her thighs that I had now spread apart. As he did Akiyo had her first orgasm, her body convulsing lightly, a satisfying moan coming from around the cock that she had buried in her throat. She scooted her butt towards the edge of the bed more as the boy down there put his hands on her ass and pulled her forward while at the same time pushing her thighs further apart so that he could get his face into her cunt. She was now attending to six young energetic bodies. I wondered how she would withstand the energy that they most likely had. Even during our own lovemaking she often had to beg me to stop, as she could no longer withstand the orgasmic drain upon her.I whispered in her ear. "I love you baby, you are going to be fucked until you can not take it any more. Is this what you want?" Under the blindfold she nodded in assent and a gurgled yes could be heard in her throat. I could sense that she was about to orgasm again and I smiled at my audacity.Now that she was fully aware of the circumstances I had placed her in I motioned to the boy in her mouth to pull back and coaxed all of them away for a moment. I pushed Akiyo back onto the bed the several bodies moving with her so that she lay on her back. Automatically she spread her legs wide apart her cunt gaping to the delight of the boys around her. Two of them took hold of her legs and pulled them up so that her cunt gaped open even more. The boy whom had moments ago had his face buried in her cunt, returned to that place, licking deep into her and ran his fingers along her slit and then pushed two of them into her spreading apart her cunt lips. She groaned as she waited for the first of many assaults on her now already moistened cunt. The lead boy who had been in only moments ago enjoying the pleasures of her mouth had already stripped out of his uniform and was prepared to climb between her beckoning thighs. The other boy moved aside as I motioned him forward and watched her face as he slowly penetrated her. Aroused as she was she had quickly self-lubricated aided by the boy sucking at her and his progress was made that much easier. He was not big but then neither was she and she groaned more loudly as he forced himself into her. I was lying beside her and adjusted the mask to ensure it was still in place so that she her soon to be lovers would remain totally anonymous strangers. I kissed her gently on the lips and once more professed my love for her. She kissed me back passionately, her tongue searching out mine while another man was vigorously fucking her."I love you too darling." She groaned as she was being plunged into by the energetic youth. With that I motioned the others to move in around her holding her legs back, feeling her large melon breasts and greedily sucking on them with the vigour of their youth. One had moved around and placed his still bursting erect cock into her mouth. Greedily she accepted him and stroking him with her hand and slavered over it, saliva from her mouth glistening on its length. Of all of them, this one cock in her mouth had to be the largest however even that was not large by my standards, perhaps slightly larger than my own. I hadn't taken this into account and hoped that the energy with which they would fuck her would give her the pleasure I wanted her to enjoy. I had little time in wait to understand that she was once more having another orgasm. By the time they had all taken use of her body she would be exhausted. I was pleased.The boy between her thighs, as they all were, was at a heightened state of arousal and his orgasm came quickly milked by her tight cunt. He groaned loudly as he emptied his seed into her belly. Collapsing under the strength of his orgasm, he slowly withdrew, her cunt was by now a lathered pot of semen and sperm and her own vaginal juices. No sooner had he moved away than he was replaced by one of the other boys who proceeded with the same vigour to pump his cock into her accommodating womb.Akiyo was in paradise. She humped back at the boy, her buttocks bucking with pleasure adjusting the angle to which he was thrusting and pushing herself at him, wanting him to penetrate her even deeper. Her mouth was filled and another had put his cock into her hand so that she could masturbate him she pulled him so that the two cocks were in her mouth. The boy between her thighs erupted in orgasm, once more filling her cunt with his sperm. She gasped as she could feel him empty himself into her. He rolled away and was quickly replaced by another who resumed fucking her with an energy that I could only admire. One by one the boys took his turn and filled her cunt with their sperm, each one retiring to the side of the bed tired from their immediate exertions. After a short while all six had fucked her and she was bathed in a lather of perspiration. I could tell that she was nearing exhaustion but I was not about to let her off this easily. My own erection was bursting as I rolled her onto her stomach and pulled at her hips so that she was up on her knees her head and arms lolling about on the bed beneath. I looked at the sight of her now reddened cunt that was puffed up and glistening from the recent assault on it. I ran my hand over her rump and down into the crease of her vagina feeling for the little bump that was her clitoris. I rubbed it for a moment and then put two fingers to the entrance to her cunt and pushed them in. She beat the bed softly as I opened her up. I withdrew and added a third finger and slowly pushed myself into her. This time she cried out loudly.After a couple of thrusts I cupped all my fingers together and pushed them into her widely opened cunt. The slickness caused by the large quantity of sperm residing in there allowed me to penetrate deep into her. She let out a long and mournful groan as I did so. I had short thick hands and had on a number of occasions tried to put my whole fist into her however she had always been too small for me to do it fully. I felt that now she might be looser but I was still meeting with the same resistance such was the tightness of her cunt.I pulled my finger out not being able to get over the thick part of my thumb. My hand was covered in a gooey mixture of sperm and cunt juice that I rubbed against the puckered rose of her anus lubricating the entrance to her other tunnel of love.Her clitoral muscles that extended around her anus had been relaxed from the pounding she had received and her normally tight ass opened first to one finger and then a second and then a third. Again she cried out as she was wracked by another orgasm. Having loosened her anus I raised my cock to her rear entrance and slowly fed myself into the inviting opening, pushing myself at her and then withdrawing allowing the fluids that had saturated that region to lubricate my aching cock. At first I was always gentle when I fed my cock into her tight ass. I loved to fuck her this way as much as she loved to be fucked like it. Fully housed I began the slow rhythm that she enjoyed as I fucked her ass. I could hear her groaning amid the light thumps as she banged her fist onto the bed beneath dealing with the sensations that were coursing through her body once more. The excitement of having watched her being fucked by six strange youths had bought my own orgasm to the forefront and I quickly deposited my seed into her bowels. The youths were in a mixed state of excitement as they sat around on the bed fondling their cocks as they watched in anticipation while I fucked my wife in the ass. As I withdrew one of the boys had reached tumescence again and replaced me from behind her. I was exhausted as I lay beside her and listened to her heavy breathing, her mouth open to catch her breath. I moved so that I could kiss her and ask her how was going. "I love it but I am so tired and sore I don't know if I can take anymore.""We are only just starting my love. Enjoy it as you can." And with that I kissed her again as her ass was penetrated by a complete stranger. She bit at my lip and whimpered ecstatically as her bowel was being plumbed. The boy behind her having discharged once into her cunt in what seemed to be only minutes ago was more restrained now as he pounded into her ass that I had loosened for his accommodation. The initial pain she would have experienced by being fucked there had gone so now it was only the rhythm that was to stimulate her. He came shortly afterwards, again depositing his sperm into her cavernous bowel. Akiyo groaned as she too was drawn into a new orgasm. As he withdrew the sperm could be seen to flow out of the now relaxed and distended opening.Before the next boy could follow him I beckoned another to lie on his back beside her and I then shifted Akiyo so that she straddled him, his cock pressing against her cunt lips she took him in her hand and guided the erection into her well-lubricated cunt. The boy who was about to fill her from behind now moved into place and pushed himself into her gaping ass. She grunted as his cock filled up her now straining region, tears could be seen streaming down her cheeks from beneath the blindfold and she wept openly signifying she was in her own state of nirvana as she was fucked in both openings. I motioned another boy who held his semi rigid cock in his hand to come around near to her head. I lifted her face up to meet him and kissed here again before pressing his cock into her mouth. She opened wide and with one single stroke he pushed himself deep down into her throat. Her own juices coating him she sucked them greedily off him. She now had her three orifices filled with hungry young cocks and from the groan that came from her I understood that she was highly excited finding a new source of energy. The boys continued to take turns alternating between he ass, her cunt and her mouth. Even in this state of arousal I knew she would not want to eat a cock after it had been in her bowel and had the boys wash in the adjoining bathroom each time they withdrew. The orgy lasted more than three hours by which time Akiyo had reached a state of complete exhaustion, each orifice had been opened more than she had ever imagined. She had been fucked at least four times by each of the six boys and now she lay motionless on the bed, her cunt and ass numb to the pain she would feel later on. The boys for their part had also drained all of their youthful energy reserves and lay about room waiting for what ever I considered to be next. I spoke to the first boy that I think that Akiyo was more than satisfied and we now allow her to sleep. With that they all started to look around the room for their clothing that had been strewn in their haste to satisfy their carnal desires. Once they were all dressed I withdrew some cash and paid the boy who would spread that amongst his friends later and let them out of the room. Akiyo lay on the bed in the same position. I bent over her and removed her mask. She opened her eyes slightly and smiled a satisfied smile to me upon which I kissed her mouth passionately. To see her body undergo such continuous orgasmic assault had fulfilled even my own expectations of the event. My own erection was returning. I did not have the recuperative power of twenty-year old youths however I was now prepared to once more take her in my arms. I rolled her onto her back her legs opening wide as if automatically and I climbed between them. She managed to put her arms about my neck and I could feel her knees press against the sides of me. She hugged me to her breasts and we kissed again my cock at the entrance to her cunt and with little effort it slipped easily into her. With the little remaining strength she possessed she locked her ankles around my back and pulled my deep into her. She groaned softly into my mouth as I gently and passionately fucked her as a finale. We stayed together for almost half an hour as I rode the crests of my orgasm and kept it at bay for as long as possible. Eventually I reached that point where I was unable to withhold it any more and discharged my sperm deep into her sodden cunt. All the while she had been having small orgasms that came each time I thrust myself into her. I rested on her for a moment and looked down at her. Tears were in her eyes and a peaceful smile was on her face. She looked up at me and said. "I love you." I smiled back at her. "I love you too Baby. Did you have an orgasm today?""I had a million." She smiled and closed her eyes. I stayed there for a minute and kissed her passionately again before I struggled off her. She lay with her legs spread wide apart, the accumulated sperm and cunt juices that came with several hours of fucking liberally coated her legs and the sheets beneath her. I went in and filled the small tub with hot water. Akiyo had not moved. I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom sitting her on the small seat there. I picked up a loufah and some of her body wash and splashed water over her and gently scrubbed away all the grime of the last few ours. She appeared to doze as I ministered to her. She had a douche and I filled it and with her help, inserted it and squeezed the fluids into her cunt, washing away the deposits that had been left there. Cleaned inside and out, I helped her into the tub where she sat back and soaked up the heat from the soothing waters. Akiyo slept soundly that night. I kept waking up and looking at her in wonderment. She had now fulfilled a desire that had been our fantasy and I was happy for her.We left Tokyo the next day for Thailand ever mindful of the orgy she had experienced. We talk about it often and she looks forward to similar challenges that I propose for the future. END
I want to sing to the world about my beautiful wife Perry. Fuck anyone who questions true love between men. A wife with a cock is better than one with a cunt any day. Perry is so sensitive and worships my cum filled cock with his cock sucking mouth and his tight brown ass hole. He is so beautiful dressed in his short red party dress, black thigh stockings, leather high heels and make up. His hair is shoulder length and he is prettier than most women. I demand that his soft body is shaved. I am demanding and he loves me for taking charge. The only thing needed to complete our family was a son. A son who needed a strict father and a mother to hold and suck him off when he needed comforting. We found the perfect son, Jeffery. He is so special and misunderstood by most. We adopted him because he was only 12 years old and was being beaten by other boys when they found out he was a fucking fairy faggot. Slender, blond crew cut, big blue eyes, smooth milky skin shaved off all hair on his body and a fucking hard cock that is always hard and full of cum for us. He will do anything for his new mommy and daddy. We are wealthy and I have booked reservations for our family at a very secret and exclusive family nudist club at a beautiful compound in Arizona. Children are welcomed, no questions asked. We are picked up at the airport and driven to the compound. It is a beautiful sunny day. Not too hot or cold. Armed guards open the gates and we are driven through a winding gravel road to the main building. Our luggage is taken to our lodgings and we are greeted at the reception desk by Adam, a man who is beautiful enough to be a woman. He is nude with a muscular shaved body and a very large oiled cock. He smiles at us and I am so proud. I am dressed properly in an expensive business suit, my darling Perry in an expensive short red dress, black stockings, high heel dress shoes, dark shoulder length hair and professional make up. Our darling son smiles at the desk clerk whose magnificent prick starts to swell. Our son, Jeffery has a very pronounced hard on in his shorts and blushes like a girl. We are given a map of the compound showing our rooms within the living area. Their are walls between the rooms but the front is just a screen enclosure so the bedroom and living area is open for all to see. Family love is encouraged for all to see and even join if invited. Clothing is optional as some wives think they are more attractive in stockings and heels. Food and alcoholic drinks are available at outside stands, there is a large pool and there is dancing at the pool side later. The staff is nude and wear name tags around their necks. Jeffery is so excited and running ahead to find our lodgings. We both remark on how nice this place is and how excited we are. We try not to stare in the screened in rooms or the nudes relaxing in the sun by the pool. We hurry because we are so out of place dressed. We find our room and Jeffery is already nude and stiff as a rock. The little queer has found our prepared drinks and drained his. We drain ours and want more, much more. Jeffery goes skipping out to the pool to get a large pitcher. We find out later that the drinks are prepared with a hormone charged formula and alcohol. The formula maintains throbbing erections and a seemingly endless supply of sperm in males and swollen cunts that ache for multiple fucking in females. Inhibitions are lost to this drink and incest is a sign of love. Pretty soon we are wasted and horny beyond words. Jeffery is acting like a fucking girl; I am nude with the biggest hard on ever. I am so proud of my sissy male wife Perry. Beautiful shaved body, prettier than most wives and nude except for black thigh stockings and high heel leather shoes and a very rigid prick, no panties allowed.We are about to leave and go to the pool when Jeffery runs to the front screen door. He yells in his high girly voice that Adam is here. Adam gives Jeffery a little kiss and tells him how hot he looks. Jeffery reaches down and starts stroking his girly prick staring at Adam's muscular oiled body and tremendous hard on. It is obvious he has been drinking and is as drunk and horny as the rest of us. He says he wanted to stop by and see how we are doing and if there are any questions. My darling Perry rushes into his arms and kisses him with an open mouth. He grabs her bare ass and pulls her to him, cock to cock. My wife drops to her knees and starts frantically sucking his beautiful wet cock. His big hands take her head and he is fucking her cock sucking mouth when he explodes and she gulps most of it, the rest running down your chin. I tell Adam that it looks like my wife is a fucking slut and needs her ass cunt fucked. Adam says he has to go check on other guests but will look us up later. Jeffery is jacking frantically and Adam winks at him as he leaves. I'm so in love with my beautiful Perry as we kiss and I taste Adam's cum. A wife with a cock is so much sexier than one with a cunt and one who is a fucking unfaithful slut is even more precious. Then the fucking bitch fucks up! She says let's go to the pool and get fucked. She walks past our son who is so fucking horny he is jacking glassy eyed. I grab her hair and yank her back. I tell her she is a fucking selfish cock sucker to walk past her little boy who needs sucked off. I spin her around and slap her painted slut face and knock her down between Jeffery's legs and push her painted lips over his throbbing boy prick. The horny little fuck starts cumming and she chokes and gulps and finally sucks him dry. She is crying, cum all over her face and says she is sorry. I tell her to fix her fucking make up and we'll go to the pool. Sometimes you have to be stern with the family members. On the way we see an old man sucking a young pregnant mommy's tit while her husband is sucking him hard again. Cum is running from her well fucked cunt and bubbling from her cock sucking mouth but she screams for more cock. A daddy pushes his young boy towards her and tells him to fuck her. We arrive at the pool and go to the bar where a boy, about 11 and girl, about 12 are mixing drinks. Like everyone else, they are wasted on drink and hormones. They are giggling as he bends down behind the bar and jacks off in a drink and then pisses in it and then puts them in a cooler. I take the drinks and Perry, Jeffery and I down them and ask for more, just like the other guests. My lovely Perry gets whistled at by a table full of guys and goes over. They compliment her on her beautiful long legs, stockings, hot ass and leaking prick. Pretty soon my lovely wife is on her back with her legs spread and a huge cock fucking her ass cunt, sucking a cock and jacking one in each hand. A young family man waves us over and says his wife has always wanted to fuck a boy. Jeffery looks horrified at her well fucked cunt. I whisper in his ear that he'd best fuck her cunt or I was going to beat the shit out of him. The little queer rises to the occasion and I am impressed by the way he rams her cunt like a trip hammer. She has one orgasm after another and her husband sucks Jeffery's spent prick clean and then sucks cum from his wife's swollen cunt. I am a little fuzzy about the rest of the day but think I sucked the boy off who was making drinks and fucked the little girl working with him. It was a wonderful vacation and we want to do it again. In the meantime, every morning Jeffery jacks off and pisses in our orange juice vodka. A perfect son. A perfect wife and a perfect life.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 58
She was nine years old when I met her and I knew that I would never meet anyone more perfect than her. Her tiny little body was just made for a man's pleasure. She didn't have breasts, just little baby beestings on her flat chest. Through her red one-piece swimsuit I could see that her innocent little mons was just a puffy little fatness between her plump baby thighs.She had no idea I was watching her. It was so easy to take her.Her mother was back at the tiki bar, drinking and flirting well past ten p.m., trusting the pool lifeguard to keep an eye on her daughter, trusting a stranger to baby-sit her child as if little Lisa were a puppy and not a delicious little girl.I waited and watched as the mother got drunker and then made my move.It was shockingly easy. I, the monster, made conversation with the little girl as she sat at the edge of the pool, dangling her legs in the water. She was shy of me at first but I used my dread gaze to soothe her mind, and soon enough she followed me, without comment or complaint, back into the hotel and up to my room.I started off slow and gently, not using my mind to dominate hers except to keep her voice quiet. I sat her on the edge of the bed and touched her soft little tummy, her sides, her beestings, and then pulled her chubby thighs apart and ran my hands deliciously between them, kneading and molesting her through the crotch of her red swimsuit. The little girl began to cry quietly, sniffling as I ran my hands over her, knowing this was terribly wrong but not knowing what to do about it. She was weak-willed and a little stupid, looking up at me with a confused look in her huge brown eyes.I pulled the swimsuit off of her body with little trouble. She was damp and clammy from the chlorinated pool water but I found this to my liking. Ever so much to my liking.I rubbed my face against her everywhere, my hands constantly petting her tiny bare mons, my long slender fingers never ceasing, never leaving that delectable plumpness between her baby thighs.I nibbled her immature nipples and marveled at the flatness of her chest, the soft plumpness of her baby fat tummy. She made soft crying noises like a kitten but didn't resist me. I was ready for her, but she was dry, and I had a thought. I forced her back onto the bed and pried her shaking legs apart, and lowered my face between them. My long serpentine tongue emerged to probe at and part her soft slit, but though I licked the length of it, and poked the tip of my tongue over and over again into her tiny tight hole, she refused to moisten. She was too young and too scared.So I sighed, and allowed the fangs in my mouth to lengthen, and I delicately lipped at her swollen puffy baby cunt, and then sucked the tender softness into my mouth, and pierced with my fangs. She sobbed in soft horror. I fed just a little.Just enough.I pressed my bloodied mouth to her cunt opening and forcibly drooled her own blood into her innocent virginal hole. And then I was ready, and finally, at last, so was she.She lay staring up at the ceiling as I mounted her shuddering body, and just hyperventilated and sobbed quietly as I raped her innocent pussy. I gently parted her baby cunt-lips and set my pale rigid cock to her bloody hole, and slowly I gored and probed and jabbed and drilled and forced my way up into her.Oh, slick tightness! Impossibly constricted soft puffy baby cunt, sobbing and trembling for her rape, my long thick prong moistly cleaving her innocent channel, ripping her hymen.I hilted myself in the 9-year-old's body and rubbed my cock-head deliciously against her cervix, suddenly mad with excitement. I made her tell me her name as I began to ride her baby cunt viciously, her tiny body jolting beneath mine as I rammed and probed and poked over and over again into her swollen channel.At the best moment, as my cold dead seed began pulsing wetly into her tiny immature womb, I sank my teeth into her throat, sucking fluid from her even as I pumped it into her. Her death convulsions milked my aching, throbbing, ejaculating cock of its wet lifelessness. I withdrew and left the bloodless cum-filled spermy little baby girl lying splay-legged on the bed. Licking my lips, I decided to go downstairs and buy her mom a drink.Seemed the least I could do, considering.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 36
My name is Carrie and I love sex! I am a 42 year old married lady who literally craves sex. I want it all the time. I masturbate a lot and love to play with my clean shaven pussy as I fantasize about having a big cock in me. I will masturbate to the thought of someone watching me as I put on a show for them. I am a little overweight and have a very plump pussy with big, thick lips. I have big tits and love to have then sucked.I fantasize about cheating on my husband and have several people who I have sex with in my fantasies. One is a several men and the other is a young girl. Then there is my fifteen year old son and even the family dog. I can cum for hours sometimes at just the thought of them fucking me!One of my favorites is to be fucked by three men at once! I will lay there at night as I play with my hot pussy, thinking about having the three men taking me in every hole. I can see them as I crawl up and sit on top of a huge cock, it buried so deep within my slick cunt. Then I feel the other man as he eases up behind me and starts to massage my huge tits as I feel his big cock rubbing against my ass cheeks. I lean over, allowing him better access to my wide ass as I reach back and spread my cheeks for his cock."Yes, Baby! Slide that big cock to my tight ass! Fuck me with that monster!" I cry out. "I want you to fuck my ass! Now, slide that cock to me!"Then I feel his cockhead as he rubs it along my crack, searching for my tight asshole as he takes my hips and pulls me to him. The cock inside my pussy is pounding so deep in me as I feel that cock sliding in my ass. I worked my ass back to take it as the one in my cunt is thrusting upwards as I moved away from it to take the other one.Then the other man has his long cock out as he offers it to my hungry mouth. I opened my mouth and started to kiss the head of his cock as I took it into my hand, still being fucked by the other two men. My whole body is shaking as I take their cocks into me, feeling each one as they plummet my hot orifices. I start to slide my mouth over the big cock that I am sucking on, as he takes my head and slowly fucks my mouth. I feel his thick cock as my throat opens to allow it to go deeper, me sucking on it as my tongue laps at the hot flesh in my mouth. Then the cock in my pussy starts to swell, throbbing inside of me as I feel my climax start to build. The big dick in my ass is swelling also as he pumps that big cock to my tight ass. I am being fucked by three cocks at once! I can feel their cocks as they start to erupt in me, feeling their hot cum as they each pump loads of their cum to me. That hot cum! Oh, Yes! I Love it! They are filling me with their hot cum! I can actually feel them cumming in me as I cum from my masturbating. It is as if they are really inside me, pounding me as I cum.Another favorite of mine is about my next door neighbor, Linda. She is about 12 years old and she comes over to my house a lots. She likes to watch me play with my pussy and we usually wind up in my big bed as we make love to each other. I will lay there as she peels my panties from my smooth pussy, her lips planting kisses up and down my chubby thighs as she sits back to watch me masturbate for her.I spread my large thighs for her as she drops her shorts to the floor, her never wearing any underwear. We sit facing each other as I open my thick lips for her enjoyment. I take my fingers and start to move them ever so slowly over my enlarging clit as I see her start to play with her little hairless pussy also. I can see her wetness as her fingers rubs between her puffy little cunt lips. "Yes, baby! Rub it for me! Show me how you play with that hot pussy when you are alone! I want to see you rub your pussy too!" I tell her as her fingers began to go faster, "You want to watch me cum? I will cum for you if you want me too. You have such a nice little pussy! Play with it for me!"Linda is playing with her hairless pussy as I rub mine, one of her hands goes to my big tits as she starts to massage them. I love her sucking on them as I lean forward, taking my hand and holding one up for her. She starts to suck on my nipple as I continue to rub my pussy for her, giving her my tit as her fingers play with her cunt. The little hussy loves to suck on my tits as she plays with her young cunt!We are putting on a show for each other as we both near our climax. I can see her dripping pussy as she takes her hand and places it on top of mine as I rub my twat. I then lay down and pull her on top of me, feeling her hot body as she teases me with her cunt.She then takes my enlarged clit and starts to rub it over mine as I feel her trying to fuck me! We are rubbing against each others pussy with our clits, fucking one another as it feels so damn hot! My clit is larger clit than hers as I feel the tip fucking me as I start to cum, her body trembling as she too, begins to cum. We are fucking each other as we both go wild! I always have to lick the cum from her pussy as we finish. She has such a lovely, sweet taste to her wet pussy as we get in the 69 position. I lay there and eat her young wet pussy, lapping all her sweet juices from her wet cunt as she sucks my cum from me. I feel her tongue as she licks every inch of my well lubricated cunt! The bitch knows how to eat pussy! And so do I!Then there is the fantasy of me letting my dog fuck me. I am on my hands and knees as he mounts me from behind. I reach down and spread my pussy lips wide for him as I take his slimy doggie cock and guide it to my wet pussy. I can feel his hot cock as it goes into me, him thrusting it all at once, driving that doggie cock deep. He has his paws on my hips as I rock back to that hot cock, taking him as I feel the swelling at the base of his cock. He has started to swell inside me, that doggie knot pushing its way inside my cunt as he locks me to his huge knot. "Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck that doggie cock to my hot pussy!" I shout, "Give me that hot cock! Fuck me! Fuck me! Harder! Harder! I want it hard! Fuck me with that big knot!"He is thrusting faster as he rams that doggie cock to me as I spread my ass cheeks and push back to take all of his hot knot. He is thrusting so deep in me as I feel his cock hammering my throbbing pussy. I can feel his doggie cock as it touches my sweet spot, so deep in me. His cock is throbbing against the entrance to my womb as he pounds it to me! He is making me cum! Just the feel of his hot cock pounding into me is making me shake all over as I start to cum! He is going faster and faster, pounding my poor pussy with that doggie cock as he fucks me so hard!Then I feel his doggie cock as it too, starts to pulsate inside me, knowing he is about to pump his cum to my throbbing cunt. I then feel the heat of his hot cum as he begins to fill me, my pussy really cumming so hard as he erupts deep inside me. He is filling me with that hot doggie cum! He keeps pounding so hard and fast as his cock pumps that hot cum to my aching pussy. His cum is so hot as it fills me! Just the thought of a dog fucking me has me cumming so much! I love to be fucked by a dog! I love to feel his cum as he shoots it so deep to me!Now I have the fantasy of having my son fuck me! I am laying in my bed as I pretend to be asleep as he creeps into my room. I feel him slide the cover back from my naked body as he sees me laying there, my smooth pussy exposed to him as he gets between my thighs. I then feel him as he spreads my legs, moving upwards to get a close view of my plump pussy lips. He has his cock in his hand as I feel him start to shake the bed as he strokes his cock. He is masturbating with one hand as he takes the other and gently spreads my thick pussy lips with his fingers. He can see my hot pussy as it becomes wet, me trying not to let him know I am awake. Then he lowers his head to my cunt, his tongue gently starting to taste my pussy as I see his huge cock as he strokes it. It is so big! He loves to slip into my room and wake me up licking my wet pussy. He is making me so wet as I moan and reach down to take his head as I push my pussy to him. "Yes, baby! Lick my pussy! You make it feel so good!" I tell him as I reach for his huge cock, "Lick me! I want you to make your mother cum! Eat my pussy! Make me cum!"I take his hard cock and start to stroke that lovely dick, my fingers not touching as he is so big around! He has a huge cock and I love to feel it in my hands as I stroke it. He has started to tongue fuck my slick pussy as my hips raise off the bed, meeting his probing tongue as he laps at my wet love fountain. I am ready to cum but I want him inside me, I want to feel his hard cock in my pussy!"Do you want to fuck my wet pussy? Would you like to slide this big cock of yours to my hot pussy?" I ask him as I continue to stroke his cock, "I want you to fuck me! Will you fuck your mother with this lovely cock? Oh, baby! Give it to me! Fuck me!"He eases up from my dripping pussy and slides along my sweating body as I feel his cock being pulled from my hand. He then takes my plump thighs and places my legs over his shoulders as he grabs my ass cheeks in each hand. My hot pussy is wide open for him as he takes the huge head and rubs it over the length of my cunt lips, making me want it so bad! I feel him as he places the thick head to the entrance of my wet cunt, the big head spreading my profound lips so wide as he starts to enter me. "Ram that cock to me! Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me with that huge cock!" I cry, "Give me all of that big dick! Fuck me! Fuck your mother! Fuck me with that cock!"I feel him plunge so deep into me as it takes my breath away, his huge cock ramming into my wet cunt as it sinks so deep inside me. He is filling me with cock! My son is filling his mother with that huge cock! What a nasty bitch I am to let my son fuck me! But I love it! I love it so much! He is filling every part of my pussy with that big dick, as I feel hi stretching me as he plunges deeper. My cunt is so full of cock! I feel the huge head as it touches my womb, making me shiver as he slams it to me. I can feel my climax start to build as he keeps pounding that young cock to me. He is fucking me so hard and so deep! My son is giving his mother the fucking she wants! I am cumming each time he thrusts that huge cock so deep to me, his hands pulling my hips to him as I hunch my ass upwards, taking every inch of that lovely cock as I cum. I can feel him start to throb inside me as his cock begins to fuck me so hard. He is holding his cock so deep inside as I feel him start to cum, the huge head against my womb as he pumps it to me!"Cum in me! Fill me with that hot cum! Fuck me! Fuck your mother! Give me that hot cum!" I shout as he erupts filling me with that hot cum, "That's it! Oh, yes! Fill me with that hot cum! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me harder!" Just to let you know at this point that some of this story is true. I will let you try to figure out which parts. You will have to excuse me for a few minutes as my son just got home and I may need to masturbate for him. He loves to see me playing with my smooth pussy so I have to get ready for him! I know he has a huge, hard cock waiting for me to play with, too. When we are finished, maybe he will slide his cock to my ass! He loves that too and so do I! Got to go and get it good and wet for him ENDI hope you enjoyed this story and if you did, please email me and let me know. My address is: and I will answer you.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 36
Author note: Part four of the continuing story of "The games we play" - each story is tied to the others, even though each story is a different episode it would still behoove you to read the previous chapters.***Hi, this is Jen, since this is my show this time John and I felt it would be better hearing it from me. John read my email rant and was very attentive and concerned that perhaps he'd gone too far. He hadn't, and I endeavored to show him how much he'd opened up for me, for us actually. It was funny, with all that happened to me that night, and the soreness, I still woke up that Sunday morning (well, maybe it was afternoon) with one thought in my mind. It was the thought of how to drag that wonderful pervert I love to the same incredible place he dragged me, though nearly kicking and screaming. The idea formed quickly. It formed out of love, soreness, pleasure, shame all rolled together. I knew almost immediately that it should start with teasing, denial, and forced abstinence (on his part, at least). I began that part right away. John had neglected to fuck me that night, much to his chagrin later. I awoke that Sunday still in my coat, and nothing else. I showered away the remnants of the previous night and caught a glimpse in the mirror of how totally used I had been. The bruises I knew were coming were there. Purple and black splotches were everywhere, my neck, all over my tits, my ass. The words "COCK SLUT" were still dark and clear against my light skin. I knew how much John would love to see all this and I decided that that would be my first action in my plan. He wouldn't be allowed to see me. Not my tits, not my pussy, or my ass. Somehow he'd have to earn privileges back. Each idea like that led to another. I didn't let him see me that night when he returned from work. We always sleep nude, and most often together. We only occasionally sleep in separate rooms when, for example, one doesn't want to wake the other after staying up late. I know that he was replaying last night over and over in his head, probably driving him to distraction. This would work tremendously in my favor. The plan started developing quickly. Sunday night I came to bed wearing my pajama tops and bottoms, he knew something was up. I informed him then that he was not going to see any part of me until I decided, and that it would just be the prelude to our next game. I'm sure it both perked and surprised him that I was invoking another game idea so quickly. I put that to rest. I told him that this was going to be an endurance game for him, that I was in no position to start full into the game due to my 'condition' (though truth be told I knew I'd be ready very soon). I told him that he would now have to earn rights to me, seeing me, touching me, eventually (I emphasized) having sex with me. I could see his face light up, obviously ready to start whenever I wanted. He had no idea how difficult I was going to make it for him. That night when we spooned he kept rubbing up against me, he tried to steal quick feels, but I kept pushing him away. "No way dear, I'll let you know when you can do anything, got it?" He nodded meekly.After that night, I decided to further torture him by sleeping in the guest bedroom. That way, he'd not even be able to hold me and press his dick against my backside when we were sleeping (like I couldn't feel that!). The next morning I laid out more rules as he was bringing me my pre-work morning coffee. "Rule number 1, you are not allowed to jack off," I said as I saw his pained expression. "Yes, I know you can cheat, but I can often tell just by your 'energy' level so keep that in mind. If I find out then our trust in our game play is gone and I guarantee you'll be sorry for that." He nodded. I knew he wouldn't, we both are the same that way. I know from previous discussions with John, and other men, that they get 'blue balls' from repeated or persistent hard-ons. John says its very painful but that it goes away after awhile, only to return with repeated denials of pleasure. It wasn't my intention to make him hurt like that it was more that I just wanted to get him so fucking aroused that he agreed to things I was planning. I guess I didn't mind inflicting a little pain on him though, after all, my pussy and ass still throbbed. I stood up and kissed him and of course, he tried to grope me a little. I pushed his hand away disgustedly. "At least let me see something... anything... I've been dying to see what 'it' looks like," he said, meaning my bruised hidden areas. "No fucking way," I snapped, that brings me to Rule number 2, "anything you want to see, or touch will also be allowed to be seen, or be touched, by someone the same day (I know he feared the work thing, since it was a work day, I used it I however, because I knew how much this tweaked him.) I jokingly started to dance in front of him, cupping my breasts, swaying my hips, all the while asking him, "You want to see these titties? A glimpse of my ass perhaps?" I could see him gulp. Oh he wanted it all right, but he managed to shake his head no. I playfully skipped out the door, knowing that each time it was going to be more difficult for him.I kept him on edge for the next few days that way, while the rest of my plan started to gel. Then it had I laid some of it out to him (on his company email, which I know he hates-tee hee)."John, Has it been tough not seeing your sexy girlfriend naked? Do you miss my tits baby? Do you miss my sexy round ass? Do you sit around and wonder what these beautiful marks on me look like? Do you know that I consider them badges of honor? I have started getting myself aroused seeing them, feeling them in their painful glory. I'm more of a pain slut than either of us knew, I'm glad you allowed that to be brought out in me. "I know you are watching me, looking for chances to 'catch' me, coming out of the shower, behind the bedroom door. I see you, like a teenager trying to peep into the girl's shower. It's not going to happen, unless I say so. The game that we're going to start playing is actually and ironically controlled by you. Think of this game as our version of "Deal or no deal". Basically, your pleasure is totally derived only from making a choice, one way or the other, based on things I've set up. Before this happens I have to make something clear about our relationship and its rules. We've had a few of these games and we usually set the rules pretty clearly, however, in our daily life, I need some clarification. When we are hot and heavy, having or talking sex, I know you like to bring up things that seem to totally get you off (they do me too, but why give him that satisfaction right now). One relationship rule I think we need to clarify, one way or the other, to either keep it as fantasy or make it real. This is a lifestyle thing more than a game thing. Here it is. You always make a point of saying that, 'if you tease, you please." or, "you promise, you deliver," You say it all the time. You've told me, especially when horny, that when teasing and flirting get to a certain point, I should be required to please from that point on and not deny the one teased sort of as punishment for getting them excited. From what I've gathered from you this point is usually either when my tits, pussy or ass gets exposed, or when touching becomes overtly sexual. Also, you've said that when I promise someone something, that I should always deliver. I told you I have some things I haven't told you. However, I will only bring these things up if you email me back. I want your answer in an email baby. Where are we in our relationship, as far as either the teasing or promising thing? Is it just fantasy, or is it what you want in reality? Think about it carefully. If you don't want it, then I will never consider it as a real possibility again and I will consider the things I tell guys as little white lies and that's the end of it. If it's real, consider all the consequences carefully before agreeing. "If you tease you please," and "If you promise you deliver," those are powerful words and could lead to some serious reactions. Consider carefully, I await your reply, I only want a one word answer, and only in the subject box, either, 'Fantasy' or 'Reality' then I will write you the rest of the email I planned, based on your reply."I knew this would drive him crazy. Making HIM be the responsible one for whatever happens. I know he really craves the cock slut that I was developing into, but would he open up the door further, based on his own fantasies, being the one responsible for allowing me to make it happen.The reply took longer than expected. "Reality," it said. I smiled, knowing it would not be any different. I typed back to him:"Thank you for your quick response," I typed with a mock business type tone. "I just wanted to be clear on that point before I continued. The reason I brought it up is this, I know you and I have our games and I know you think, or wish, that it can be controlled by just us. For the most part that's true. But, other people, especially men, you should know this dear, have their own agendas. Men will take advantage of any opportunity with a known slut like me. So you thought it was funny allowing the desk clerk to ogle and fondle me? The first thing he did after you left me at the doors was come up behind me and fondle my ass, his fingers found my sore pussy. He played with your girlfriend dear, right out in the lobby, then, just before you drove up he took his cell phone out and took pictures of me, all of me, the cum, the red marks, the "COCK SLUT" on my ass. You see baby, when we start these games, people, especially the men, will take their own pleasure into account, regardless of our 'plans'.His response was a single word, "Wow!""We certainly have reached a new stage," I replied, "you know this means this girl here is most certainly going to have to please a lot of people, more so than in the past, we'll talk when you get home." I'm sure he stewed on this for hours before he got home, I even wondered if he was tempted to touch his no doubt excited cock.When he got home we had a long discussion. We both agreed that we'd like to explore this sexual experimentation more, especially me with others. He called it the 'girlfriend slut' thing. We talked about us both wanting me to continue to dress provocatively and even more so now. We mutually concluded that this was now getting into a lifestyle thing rather than just a game thing. We assured each other of our love and to pull back if necessary, but we each could see the fire in each other's eyes talking about it. He assured me he was serious about the teasing and promising thing, and that he'd always hoped I would take him up on that. I assured him that I'd try to be careful with who I teased or promised. To think, all this time *I* was afraid to make it happen even though the thought turned me on so much, because I was afraid he would think less of me. One example that came to mind was when his brother stayed at our house a couple times, and John and I would be having sex, he'd tease me that I should 'go down to the other bedroom,' I never would have considered he was serious until now, even if I'd have done it if I knew he was serious. We agreed to be open and honest about it, and to share everything. We both wanted to continue our game play and weave it into this new lifestyle. We both told each other that we were the best lovers either of us have ever had, or will ever have and we don't want to lose that. It brought us closer, we both felt it. We were both ready. I told him that I have many ideas and that the new game had started with the denial, but that he should expect it to include our new relationship 'update'.I was killing him for the rest of the week. He was totally on edge and I could see his cock straining when I'd be around him because I tend to wear tight things normally, but I made especially sure everything I wore was form fitting I wore tight capri's around the house, tight t-shirts, everything snug and body hugging. I could see his eyes bug out every time I'd catch him ogling me with impure thoughts. I found myself very mesmerized by the bruises which were now at the peak where I knew they'd start fading. I'll admit (but not to him) that I fondled myself in the mirror, recalling how I got them. I wanted a way to remember them before they were gone. I got out my digital camera and posed for some shots so that I'd always remember how great it looked having been marked up like that. I knew that teasing John with my body would torment him but of course, knowing his stubbornness, like mine, I knew that I'd have to escalate in order to reach my goals, to get him to agree to things just so that he could cum. The game was on.It was now Friday morning and I knew John had a later day than me so I chose my outfit carefully. I came down to the kitchen wearing my powder blue, short sleeved Cashmere sweater. It buttoned down the front which suited my purpose. I had on a plaid, pleated knee length skirt. I wasn't wearing a bra, partly because of what I wanted, but also partly because my nipples were still so sore and sensitive from all the attention before. I'd even had to wear band aids the first couple days and really soft tops because of it. I found being braless was more comfortable, especially against the soft Cashmere. The fact that my nipples show when I'm aroused would just be a bonus. He was wearing just his boxers. I saw him watching me like a lion eyeing an Impala. Good, it was the effect I was looking for. I sat down with my coffee. He was staring a hole in my chest. I saw him readjust himself. "See something you like?" I smiled wickedly. "God baby, you have to let me touch you, see you... something." He pleaded. I was ready for this and sprang into action. I kicked my chair away and went over to him, straddled his legs with me standing in front of him. I slowly traced my hand up his boxers, yes, his cock was rising. He went to put his hand on my hip and I brushed it away. "Oh god baby that's not fair," he moaned as my fingertip traced through the material, up to the tip."Of course it's fair," I snapped, "I didn't say I couldn't touch you, in fact I'll touch anywhere and everywhere I want, whenever I want!""Oh shit!" he panted when I pulled my finger off his boxers. "Now, back to my question, see anything you like?" I said as I cupped my breasts together and squeezed. The sweater buttoned up to a respectable level. It was at the top now. He urged me to show him more. "You know that everything I show you gets shown today at work, right?" He grimaced and nodded. "So, more baby?" I teased, he was fidgeting in his chair. "How about just one lil' ol' button," I said and started my hands to opening it before hesitating, waiting for the word. He whispered, 'just one,' so I continued. I cupped my breasts again, this time pushing my ample cleavage towards the top of the sweater. He could see some of the firmness of the tops of my tits and a nice glimpse of the insides of the valley. I swayed in front of him, teasing him with what was showing. "More baby?" I urged, moving my fingers to the next button. He grunted uncomfortably, he was starting to slightly tremble, I'm sure he wondered what two buttons revealed and was weighing it in his head. Would it show too much at work? I cheated and ran my hand back up his rigid staff through his underwear. I wanted to push him. He grunted, "fuck... two... just two..." and I smiled. I undid the second one. Two buttons on this would be inappropriate office wear, one would get a good look at much of the tops of my tits, as well as a good ways into my deep cleavage, though hardly arrest worthy. But when I cupped my tits together I'm sure it looked to John like my whole tits were showing. "Mmmmm that sure looks like a lot of tit baby," I smirked, "I hope the boys won't mind." John was sweating now. I danced in place, holding his knees together with mine. His cock was stiff and the head was pushing the waistband out. "More, babe?" I cooed. He shook his head no, any more and my tits would no doubt be visible looking from either side. "Are you sure baby?" I grinned and started to lean towards him. His eyes were wide now. I knew that if I leaned over, with two buttons undone, that if I was bent fully at the waist, that the sweater would fall away from my body enough now to show my whole tits, including the nipples. I figured he knew this too."No more?" I smiled. "Wow, and there are some really nice bruises on my tits baby, I think that if I bent over enough, you'd be able to see what you want, oh well, too bad they are all going to be gone by the time I 'm done with you." He gasped at that thought. I started to reach for my buttons. His hand caught mine and stopped me. He didn't speak he just looked pleadingly up at me. "You want me to bend baby? You want me to show you my titties, you want me to show someone at work my bruised tits baby?" I had him totally conflicted and steely hard. He just dipped his head and nodded. "Here you go my sick little peeper," I said while I bent over every so slowly, revealing everything he wanted to see. I know he could see my tits in their fullness, hanging down, the nipples, erect against the soft material and the bruises he so cavalierly allowed someone to give to me. I gave him a good long look. He was breathing heavily (you ladies out there really should try sex denial with teasing, it really works wonders).I straightened up quickly, "I guess that's it," I said abruptly. "Now I just have to figure out a reasonable way to allow someone at work to have the same vantage point." He groaned his discomfort. He begged that he needed it. "Sure you do, that's the point," I chuckled. I tried to step away but his hand caught mine and held me there. "Are you saying you want more baby?"He nodded and wanted to touch me but I told him that for sure that was not allowed. If he wanted more right now, it had to be visual only. He begged me for more. "Ok, wow, I guess someone at work is really going to get a show today." I turned and straddled his legs again, this time facing away. "Would you like to see my ass baby?" I cooed. He was straining to control himself, I knew he didn't want that, someone at work seeing my ass, in its beaten glory. He temporarily lost the battle within, and asked for more. I grinned at how easily this was going, he was losing his nerve already, though there was still such a long journey ahead, he'd have more chances to try and keep his pride. I began to inch my skirt up slowly. I finally reached the point where I knew the roundness of my ass cheeks would just peek out ever so slightly. His hands were on his crotch as if to try and hold down the erectness. "More baby, another two inches perhaps?" I knew this would test him, he'd see I had on a thong, and another inch or two would reveal some of the lovelier bruises."No, um... no... that's enough," he choked out."Are you sure baby? I can tell you that you are missing the parts where you had them all pinch and slap me..." I teased."No, stop!" he begged. "Ok, but again, you may never see them on me again... I said as started to edge the skirt down."Two inches! he barked, "JUST two," he panted. I smiled to myself.He began to see what I'd been enjoying from the pictures I took of me, the thong, the handprints, pinch marks. Again, I let him enjoy a long look. "More baby?" I purred, ready to reveal my entire ass to him. He knew what that would mean and he made me stop. He pushed me off him."No more," he said haltingly. I stopped and stepped away from him and straightened out my skirt. I kissed him goodbye and as I was leaving I said aloud, "Showing most of my ass, now that will take some doing, I wonder if showing my tits and half my ass constitutes teasing." I giggled under my breath. I could sense the blood leaving his face even if I didn't turn around to see it. Yes, this is working out quite nicely," I thought, as I closed the door.I really didn't expect him to let me show him that much. He knew what it meant though, and allowed it. It was as I wanted from our game, so I devised a plan quickly. I knew if I exposed myself to Brian, or Mike, that the teasing would lead to me repeating my performance with them. Been there, done that. I had to pick a new target. I didn't mind keeping John on edge with the threat of the sex at work thing, but now I was free to pick and choose who I wanted to include in our games and our lifestyle, and I smiled at the possibilities. I knew who I wanted to target, and I quickly developed a plan. Mike, Brian and the rest of the crew couldn't stop ogling my braless tits through the sweater. Gosh darn it but the excitement of the situation kept my nipples harder longer than I expected. Brian cornered me and had his hands on my tits before I could push past him. Damn, just his running his hands over my nipples showed me how sore they still were, but I had to grin. I had an idea. I had a little project that I was working on for my immediate boss. Phil was around 35 (I'm 27 and John is 32). He was a tennis player, very handsome and in good athletic shape. I always had a bit of a lust for him. Sadly, he wasn't at the Christmas party that night or, who knows. Anyway, I threw my hastily devised plan into action. I called him to come to my office over a question I had about the project. I was at my desk, in my chair. This chair has a back support and is separated by two thin bars from the cushioned seat.Quickly, I pulled my skirt up, to about the height that I remembered letting John ogle. I held the skirt up and then jammed myself back against the backrest, thereby pinning my skirt up. This would allow Phil to see pretty much everything that John saw. I figured that, to be fair, since I was sitting, most of my flesh would be in the chair, so to make up for the fact that that part would be out of sight for him I figured I just needed to lean forward enough to allow him to see more. First, I had to get him behind me somehow, then I had to lean forward without allowing the skirt to fall back in place, and lastly I had to do it all without totally embarrassing myself. I know I'm hard to embarrass, but this is my boss, I wasn't sure how he'd take it yet if he knew it was on purpose.I didn't have time to practice leaning forward, he arrived too quickly. He came in and stood in front of my desk. "Damn him, get behind me," I urged in my head.I kept referring to the papers I had in front of me, pointing and gesturing. Before he could take the papers and just flip them around so he could see it I just told him to come take a look. It worked, he walked around behind me. He was so close I wasn't sure he'd even see anything, he probably needed to back up so I had an inspiration. "Open the blinds a bit please sir, these may be too dark for you to see clearly."He turned and opened the blinds. When he turned back I could feel him behind me, but not close, he was hesitating, it worked! I knew he got a good look before he came back right behind me. This time I could feel him lean in, then lean back, no doubt ogling me every chance he got. We talked for a bit about the project and I wanted to give him one really good look before he left and I still hadn't bent over yet and he was about to leave. I leaned way forward, as carefully as I could, as if to reach for a pen I'd placed on the other edge of the desk. Luckily for me (and him) the skirt stayed bunched up, even as it pulled away from backrest. He took it all in, it was obvious. I didn't get to see much of his face when he walked out, I'm sure he was either blushing or perhaps hiding something growing in his pants. I could only laugh to myself. "Well, that worked out, now on to the tits," I thought.My chance arrived near the end of the day, Phil wanted my summary of the project. He has a large desk, much larger than mine, and higher (he's the boss you know!). I'm not a tall thing so I calculated, correctly as I later found out, how much bend it would require for me to lean over that desk. I already knew how this was going to happen. I marched into his office as confidently as one can who is about to show her tits to someone that's never seen them. My buttons were undone in just the same fashion as with John. I walked up to the front of his desk before he could come around and take the papers from me. He started to stand, which would've fucked up the whole deal and I'd end up basically having to flash him somehow, which I didn't want. I motioned for him to stay seated, "Relax, I have a couple questions," I said cunningly.The papers were in front of him, I began to lean forward to him to point at something on the page. He didn't react at first, he was focused on what I was talking about (some men are gentlemen, there are some out there). But I kept making an issue of one part of the page, which kept me bent over there, hanging out for him, if he'd just look. Well, look he did, he had on those half readers and once he knew what was showing to him he made a point of tapping the page at a certain thing and when he'd think my eyes were on that he'd shoot a look over his glasses. He got bolder as we talked and pretty soon he was hiding his gaze somewhat with his readers, stealing long looks over the top of them, when it looked like he was looking down. He saw them, he got a fantastic look, I know. I walked out flushed myself, knowing that now that I've teased him, at some point, I'd be pleasing him. I could feel my pussy start to tingle, it hadn't been a week since my use but already I knew that it would be soon, I wanted it. John's expression was priceless when I told him. I think he was just glad though, that it wasn't Brian. I could tell he was suffering from a bit of pain in the balls by now, at times I could see him walking gingerly. That night, while he lay in his bed pouting, in the other room, I pulled up the pictures of me I had taken and brought myself to orgasm several times, thinking about them and about Phil. I'm sure John heard me, adding to his torment. As a couple we have sex 3 or 4 times a week regularly, sometimes more and now it was going on a week since he'd had his luscious girlfriend and it was starting to get to him. I missed making love to him too, but at least I could scratch the itch before it happened. Saturday morning I brought the next part into action. Since neither of us was working I couldn't use the work tease thing on him. I had set this up with Herb previously, only if I thought John was ready, which I think he now was. I had on just a sexy robe that I didn't bother fastening too tight. It came down to just above my knees. John's eyes were ready to devour me. For some reason, he seems even hornier in the mornings, so I took advantage of this. His lust was evident, his kisses were deep, his eyes burned with a fire I'd only seen when we were first going together. I blew into the room like a breeze, allowing the robe to flow freely, perhaps giving him a precious peek. It hit the mark. He was watching. I was making breakfast for us and I noticed from the reflection in the window that John was freely ogling my ass, only covered by the thinnest of material. The robe rode up into my crack a little, even accentuating my ass curves more. I could see Herb relaxing in his lounge chair next door. I had the radio on, I was moving to the music, and it was of great interest to John. Finally, I turned my head over my shoulder to him, "Like what you see sir?" and of course he nodded. I continued cooking, his eyes still on me, I went back to shaking my ass slightly to the music. It was getting too hot for him. He came up behind me suddenly and started caressing my shoulders. I allowed it. He kissed my neck and started kissing down to my shoulders on each side. His hands encircled me, first kneading my hips, then my stomach, inching ever so slightly up. "Uh uh mister," that's a forbidden zone. He groaned loudly and went back to kissing on me, and mmmm I was getting wet, not that he'd get to find that out. As usual he complained that we were out of cream for the coffee, which he'd rather do than actually go buy some, I don't use the cream anyway. I made a mental note of that."I have to have it baby," he begged."You have to have what?" I asked "You, in some way, isn't there some sort of deal I can cum?" he moaned. Perfect, the next step had arrived."That would be up to you sweetie," I said and I sat him down. "I suppose you want me to drop this robe right now." He eagerly nodded. "So you are going to want me naked for this deal?" I asked sweetly. He couldn't have responded 'yes' any faster. "I see," I said with a scowl, but that means that if you see me totally nude, with my robe off, that someone else has to see me the same way today. Since I'm not working today, how can I rectify that?" I asked, already having my own answer supplied. "I don't know," he whimpered, "I just need it." I swung my idea into action, it couldn't have been more perfect time. "Ok, here's the deal, I drop this robe right now, I allow you five minutes to look, NO touching, I'll just stand here, and not move." "O-ok," he stammered hopefully, waiting for the rest."Then, after five minutes, I walk out the back door, stark naked, just as you wanted me. I see that Herb is outside. He gets to see me, just as you will. You will sit on this chair (which I pushed in front of the sliding glass door, facing the backyard) You will watch me show a neighbor my naked body, just because you made it happen. I'm doing everything that happens because you gave the ok, agreed? He nodded. Then, when I am done outside, I will come back in, and give you your deal. You have the control, you accept, you can have my pussy or whatever you want, and the game is over, you don't, and I get dressed and the game goes on.""Yes, yes, ok, but five whole minutes, and I get to time you," he said excitedly, thinking he'd stolen a small victory from me because he'd also get to watch me naked for the time I was with Herb. I love surprising him. I watched his eyes swoon the moment I dropped my robe to the floor. He gasped and I just laughed. He got a good look at everyone's handiwork, good for him. He lingered around behind me, taking in my ass for most of his time before finally getting his last timed glimpse of my bruised nipples, which he seemed to enjoy. "Time's up!" I chirped, and I pushed him down in his chair, "Be right back!" I replied purposely bubbly. I'm glad Herb was still there when I walked out, I really wanted this to happen. I secretly hoped John would take the deal, if it worked out as I expected it to because I missed his cock, the wonderful way we make love, probably as much as he missed it. Herb saw me and nearly sprinted over to the fence. John saw it all. He saw us making small talk over the fence. Me, in my birthday suit, Herb fully dressed. He saw Herb unzip his pants. John saw his girlfriend drop to her knees in the grass. He saw Herb stick his dick through the pickets, he saw me take his cock in my mouth. He saw Herb massage my tits which I presented through the fence for him. He watched as his girlfriend sucked the next door neighbor off. He saw Herb spasm. He saw Herb thank me, then watched as I walked back in. I took John's coffee cup out of his hand, I spit all of Herb's seed into his coffee. I slammed it on the table, "there is your cream, DRINK it!""No fucking way!" John said, incredulously. "That's your deal, you drink that coffee now, here, in front of me, or I get dressed and no pussy. Take it or leave it." I hoped to god he would do it, my pussy was also aching from all the teasing and now sucking a cock, naked, knees in the dirt.I know he's not homophobic and he seems to have no problem kissing and sharing his own cum with me after a nice blow job but another man's cum? I knew this was a good challenge for him, let's see how badly he wanted to cum. He knew I was serious. Bless his heart though, he said, "no deal" and poured the coffee down the sink. I laugh now at how easy on him it would have gone if he'd just done it.***The next day was Sunday and I came down the same way, in a shorter, sexier robe. I offered him the chance to see me nude again. He knew what it would mean though, so he said no. "What else I can do, I've really got to have it soon baby," he begged.I told him that he'd have to wait, but we both knew neither of us wanted it to last that long. In fact this week would be the longest we'd gone without sex with each other in our whole relationship. I missed John's cock as much as he missed using it on me.On Monday John left before me so I didn't have to repeat my performance. I was like a cat and a scratching post, I was horny as hell and the opportunity to take care of it was back at work.It seems my show at work the other day had reaped benefits for our game that I hadn't expected. I knew I'd have to work in Phil somehow, but he made it easy. Probably because of my show to him (sure, it could've been my work too, but, I really DO have a great body), on Monday Phil asked me to go to Reno for a business trip on Wednesday. We'd be back home the next morning after another quick meeting. Normally the bosses can do this by themselves but asking me to go wasn't so unusual that he'd think it was suspicious, I've been to them before, sometimes they bring their subordinates in with them for support. I told John that night. I told him, "remember last week when you couldn't contain yourself and you allowed me to show you my tits and my ass?" He looked up with shock. "Well, I just want you to know that I did what I was required to do." I know he was thinking madly, 'not Brian, not Brian." I told him I'd slyly allowed Phil to see those precious bits that he'd also seen and as a result of that Phil asked me to go on the trip Wednesday. He knew what that meant. "Yes baby, I have to please him, it's your way," I scolded. "You control this all baby, don't you see? What Phil got to see, what Phil gets to use, it was all because you agreed, TELL me, who allowed me to be seen by someone at work, who is allowing that person to have their way with me, who is allowing his girlfriend to nakedly suck off the neighbor? WHO?" I smiled, poking him playfully in the chest."Me" he said shamefully. He missed my quick grin. It was easy enough to put up with my sucking off Herb, even though he's missed my mouth madly, but for another man to perhaps get that pussy before he does? I knew it would send him in all the right places. He wanted my pussy again but he wouldn't be the next to get it.Phil was totally professional throughout the quick flight there, during the pre-lecture discussions, and the presentation itself. I was wondering if I'd have to throw myself at him in order to fulfill my slutty duties. I would have, whatever it took, I'd have done it, it was a new open world for me and I was getting off on it. My chance came when the work part was over. We were having a company paid meal in a nice restaurant, sharing a little wine, having a few laughs. I noticed Phil getting more loose with his tongue with each glass of wine so I kept ordering him more when he wasn't looking, or I'd pour mine into his when he was in the bathroom. His loose lips were what helped me out. He leaned over to me at one point, with a serious face. "Jennifer, you know I like you... I shouldn't be saying this but... since I do like you, since you are an asset to the company... well, I've heard um... rumors... about you," he said with a hint of drunkenness."What kind of rumors, sir?" asked in a surprised tone."Well, sexual rumors..." He looked up to gauge my reaction. Seeing no shock he continued. "...I mean its none of my business or anything... but I have to say that I'm worried about you.""Why?" I shrugged."It's just that... well... along with the rumors... as for rumors I'd have thought it was just typical malicious office gossip... but... when I saw you... er... inadvertently of course... I thought I saw some bruising... well... I became concerned. Are you all right at home?" He asked, obviously thinking that John beat me up."Oh my god sir, yes I'm ok!""But the rumors... then the bruises..."I knew this was the opening I needed. "Sir, do not go thinking John beat me up or anything." I leaned in close to him, allowing him a good look down my cleavage. "It's just that, well... we kind of like to play a little rough sometimes... ya know?" I said, my face just a few inches from his ear. "Are you sure Jennifer? That just seemed a little... you know... excessive ...for my taste.""And what would that taste be sir?" I asked. I had him going."Well," he started, now red faced, "I like to treat a woman like a queen.""But what if the queen likes it kind of rough, you know, sometimes," I retorted."Well," he said, pausing, "I do try and give the woman what she wants," he said, sliding his hand onto my knee. I took the bold step of helping him along and I leaned in to kiss him. "Jennifer, are you sure this is ok with you?" he asked, obviously fearing future harassment issues. "I'm sure sir, I'm no tease," I grinned."Call me Phil, we're not at the office anymore," he said, as he enveloped my lips again with his. "I'd rather call you sir," I winked, clearly showing my desires. He just smiled. We walked arm in arm back to our adjoining rooms. I'm sure Phil still had no idea if this was going where he thought it was going until I said, 'It's a shame we're going to be wasting an entire hotel room," and I giggled. Yes, he get the point. Phil was a wonderful lover for what I needed at that point, he was slow, caring, and tender. I really needed tender at that point, regardless of what I'd said to him before. He asked about why my ass was so red and I just giggled and shrugged. I didn't want to tell him that I'd scrubbed and scrubbed the writing off over the last week. Phil was great with his hands and even better with his tongue, he got me off several times even before he took his cock out. I made sure that I returned the favor. I gave him some slow and luxurious head, then got on top of him and rode his dick slowly. I made sure I asked where he wanted to cum, I wanted to give it to him like he wanted. I'm not sure why he chose my mouth but as he was about to pop, I jumped off him and jacked his cock off into my mouth. I wanted him to know that I enjoyed it so I swirled my tongue around my lips, catching it all, then downed it in front of him like the good little slut I am. Phil's fucking showed me that I was back, and ready for more. I made sure John heard every detail when I got home. His arousal was evident, even with the look of pain on his face. He wanted my pussy, he knew he'd have to have it some time and some time soon. I was just as eager for him to succeed. In the meantime he was loving this, in the same way that I was loving what I was doing. He was still a ways in my game away from riding his sweetie's pussy so I began weighing all this against what he'd done 'to ' me. He had me jack off 4 guys, one grudge fuck me, and publicly exhibit myself, no, I concluded, I'm not being too rough, I thought. What could I possibly do to him, that would make him want to fuck me so bad he'd sell his soul? I knew we both ached for it to happen. ***That night I left the door to my room open just a little, while I was masturbating, and I could hear him try and listen from just outside the door. I came hard on my fingers knowing he was out there, and also thinking of my next possibility. Herb had asked us to his next party that Friday. I needed to come up with a plan to finally push John over the edge, so I could let him get that pussy he so longed for. It was almost two weeks now, an eternity for us. I doubt John had gone two weeks without at least jerking off since he reached puberty. Herb was getting boring to me, but I knew a chance to poke John existed and I'd damn well take it. I made sure Mark or Peggy wasn't going to be there, I'd need a rest from that whole thing for awhile. I let John know about the party, that I'd have instructions for him when he got home. He was expectedly excited. I hinted that, 'this might be the night.' I wasn't sure what or how I was going to get John to that point but something happened unexpectedly that made it all happen better than I could have imagined. Someone called me that day, someone I didn't figure into the plan. "Yo, Jen, it's me, I couldn't reach Brian...""Yes Jeff, he's at work, he's probably busy, he'll be home later than usual.""Ok, well, I'm going to have a layover this evening and I just thought I'd have a couple hours to pop by, spend some time, then catch the red eye, don't worry, I'll just cab it over." He said, causing me a panic over my formulating plans. Jeff was as close to John as anyone in the world, we only got to see him a couple times a year. If anything took precedence over our play, a chance to see him would be it. "Um, sure... uh... why don't you call when you are like ten minutes away, then if John's not home yet, we'll play it by ear," I said, while I thought the night would be ruined. I couldn't say no to him, John and he are so close, and rarely get to see each other any more. I wanted to take John to that place that he took me with the previous game. I wanted to make him have to do something just as embarrassing, and of course wonderful, as he made me do. I really wanted this to work out for John and me, but if tonight's party didn't work out I figured I'd might have to give in. If this new thing ruined our plans I guessed I'd just give up and let John have me. We both wanted it so bad I really didn't want us to have to wait any longer, even though I really hate to lose. I was willing to still try and make it happen though, and I hoped against hope that somehow I could manage to squeeze it all in around our unexpected visitor.I called John and told him about Jeff and his first question was whether that would disrupt my plans for the night. I told him that it might, but that we both needed to work around it best we can, to see if we can make it happen. He was all for it. I got home later than I wanted to, giving me less time to prepare. I had gone out and gotten myself another outfit which was suitably revealing. It was a tight, stretchy mini skirt with a matching stretchy top. It was belly baring, as I enjoy showing as much skin as I can. It was definitely an outfit for a younger woman but I'm still in great shape and this was part of our new desire to dress more slutty. It most certainly achieved that goal. It was basically a, 19 year old girl at a nightclub, fare. I began to tart myself up even more with my makeup, laying on the eyelashes thick and dark, putting on more rouge than necessary and topping it off with some lusty shiny red lipstick. It was an outfit for a whore, I know, but I was just going next door where they've seen it all before.I figured I'd go next door since the party had started, mingle and see what thing I could cook up that would drive John over the top. I left John a note with instructions on what I wanted him to do. I was hoping that this would all develop quickly. I hoped John would get home in time, I'd do what I had in mind, then even if Jeff showed up after that, that we'd drop him off at the airport, then fuck each other nutty. That was the idea anyway.I felt deliciously naughty the way I was dressed and the thoughts I had dancing in my head. I was an instant hit at the party, I could tell several of the men there were possibly interested for some play later. One in particular interested me. He was a bald, thick, muscular guy with tattoos that started on his forearms and continued up under his shirt. He fit the bill of a typical biker guy, though knowing Herb and his circle of friends, he was probably an accountant or something. The biker look added to my already heightened excitement. In the past, as we'd drive by a seedy looking bar with motorcycles out front, John would often kid me that he was going to drop me off and leave me to find my own way home. It was just a tease for us, but I'd get hot every time, just thinking about it. I thought this would add interest for John, as well. This guy, Gil, showed his interest in me right away and took every chance he could get to pull me aside, talk me up, and caress my legs when we were chatting on the couch. I needed to time everything, I still had to wait for John to arrive so I had to pace Gil, I didn't want it to happen prematurely, but I also didn't want to lose him from the hook. I allowed just enough flirting, just enough touching to keep him interested. He just had gotten his hand under my skirt, his fingers brushing my panties, when John finally called. "Hey baby, I'm home. I got your note, wow."I'd told him to strip, march himself upstairs and sit in the chair I'd positioned for him at our window, overlooking the neighbor's yard. I also had added handcuffs to his instructions. I was going to have it so that his hands would be cuffed to the chair itself. I'd positioned his field binoculars on a stand on the window sill. Even though you could see Herb's backyard pretty well, I wanted him to be able to see every detail and add to his torment. I'm sure it was clear to him by the instructions what my plans were. I was going to call him just before I was going to bring someone out to the swing, offer him the deal that, he could fuck me tonight as he wished, but someone else gets to have it first. It was hardly the humiliation I had wanted for him, but we were both so wound up for each other by now I couldn't think of anything else to this point. I just figured him having to get a sloppy pussy might do it. It was time for another surprise however.John continued, "Baby, Jeff is here already, he was waiting on the porch when I got home.""Shit!""I know!" I was panicking. Gil was just about ready, plus, he'd mentioned he was leaving early and might not be around later. "Shit, shit," I thought, this was unraveling like an "I Love Lucy" episode. I told Gil I'd be back and I saw the frustrated look in his horny eyes. He said he 'hoped' he'd be there when I got back. I went back home. I forgot what I was wearing until I opened the door and Jeff's first words were "Holy moley." It made me blush. Oh yeah, I forgot, I was in full whore regalia. To his credit Jeff really did try and act proper for the two hours we sat around drinking, catching up, though I caught him on more than one occasion ogling up my bare legs and down my overexposed cleavage. I didn't blame him, he's a guy and I'm hanging out there for the world to see. John and I were antsy to finish our delightful game, I was allowing him to paw me now, when Jeff wasn't looking. I wanted him to be as aroused as possible for when he'd finally take me again. Finally, Jeff had to go, he'd told the cab driver that brought him to pick him up in two hours. I thought it was a fortunate break for us because it'd save us the time of having to drive him to the airport. My plan seemed to still be possible. I told John to put his handless phone headset on, and I'd call him. I felt the passion in his eyes and I could feel my pussy respond in kind. Jeff was no sooner out of view down the street when I kissed John passionately, allowed him to slip his fingers into me briefly, before I raced next door. I'd told John to 'assume the position' I'd laid out for him upstairs. I kicked my panties off on our driveway, hoping to add a little touch of humiliation for when John would find them later, next to his car. I raced next door. As luck would have it, Gil was near the front door, saying his goodbyes. He saw me and shrugged."Damn, wish you'd gotten here sooner," he said glumly, "but I really have to go." I had to either convince him or start all over warming up another 'victim' and I didn't want to waste all that time. I could've had Herb in an instant, I knew that, but I wanted John to have to experience someone else taking his girlfriend, someone with that added touch of danger. I knew he'd get off extra well with the whole 'biker look' thing. I had to have HIM. I pulled him aside, down the hall. "Are you sure baby," I purred."Yeah, I have to pick my girlfriend up, we may come back later but she doesn't like me playing in front of her, it's just her thing.""Are you really sure?" I prodded, and pushed his hand under my skirt. His fingers found the unprotected target. He withdrew them and admired their slickness."Fuck, I can't, I really shouldn't." "Just give me 5 minutes," I urged, then meet me out in back, at the swing." I allowed his fingers back in to help him decide."Fuck, ok, but I really can't be long... I mean, I don't want you to be disappointed." "Oh, it's ok love, just having that dick inside of me is all I want right now," I smiled and walked off. "Five minutes," I said over my shoulder, "No sooner!" He nodded.I called John from the backyard. I had my own phone headset, I wanted to be able to hear him hearing me. "Sweetie, are you ready?" He grunted his assent. "All cuffed to the chair, naked for me baby? Good, look out the window, you see me?""Yes."I took off my top, sat in the swing and pulled up my barely there skirt. I could hear John moan. The swing has two strapped loops, one for each leg, which spreads out one's legs. I put my legs through them and I could hear John gasp again. The final touch was to bind my hands over my head. There were soft padded cuffs attached to the rope above for just this purpose. This is why I needed the hands free phone, I didn't figure Gil would mind, being in the midst of a swinger party. Just as I rendered myself helpless I heard John yell."FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! he yelled into the phone. "What?" I asked with concern."Fucking Jeff is back,""What? Oh god... shit." I cried, both of us were bound, what could we do?"He's coming up the steps, oh shit, shit..." John said with concern.I heard their next conversation, over John's phone. (John would later fill in the details as to how it all happened, so that part is my best at paraphrasing it)."Dude! What the hell?" I heard Jeff say, a touch of humor in his tone. I heard John just stammer and beg for him to get the key on the dresser. "What the hell is going on, where's Jen?" It was then I could see a form in the window, it had to be Jeff, since John was seated. "What the freaking hell..." I heard Jeff say as I watched the form in the window turn towards me. "Son of a bitch..." he gulped, "there's a naked woman in a swing down there!" He turned to John and said, 'you were peeping all this? This is some kinky shit man," he laughed. Again, over the phone I heard John tell him to let him go. I could see Jeff's figure return to the window. I saw him pick up the binoculars. There was a bit of a pause. "Oh my god...oh my god...that's JEN!" Jeff said incredulously. "You kinky fuckers!" he laughed. I heard John, more agitated, telling him to let him go, to quit looking. I heard Jeff laugh, "no fucking way man, then you'd keep me from looking." The most that John could convince Jeff to do was toss a towel over 'it' to save him even more shame. "He's watching you baby, he's got the glasses, what's going on?" John asked frantically. I considered at that point. wriggling out of the cuffs. I was able to close my legs together, I even managed to twist the swing around facing away, in the mean time. Again, I heard Jeff over the phone, "fuck, I can see her ass," he said excitedly. Suddenly all those past events including our recent lifestyle change clearly focused in my brain. All those times John teasing that he'd leave me at a biker bar, all the times he urged me to please those that I teased, and especially all those times he'd urge me to 'go down the hall and sleep in the other room' when his brother was staying over. It hit me what I was going to do, it was the very element I had wanted all along for this game. I stopped my wriggling, spun the swing around, again facing the window. "Put Jeff on," I said huskily. I heard John beg me not to make him do that. "You can, and you will, if you want this pussy tonight." It was only a few seconds later when I heard Jeff's voice."Jen? holy shit.""Yes Jeff, you naughty boy, what do you think you are doing?" I teased."I don't know, I show up because my flight is cancelled and John is cuffed to a chair and some beautiful naked lady is hanging, tied up, in a swing.""Wow, you think I'm beautiful?" I asked playfully."Fuck, of course you are, I mean damn, LOOK at you." he said with lust in his voice."So you like what you see?" I said, swinging back around to face towards him. I knew John was watching too, I saw his form in the corner of the window. "Yessss..." he said with urgency, "I've always wanted to see you... like this... but fuck... it just wouldn't' be right..." he panted."I know," I said softly, “you didn't want to, it just happened." I relaxed my legs and let them slide open, teasing him with my glistening pussy. "It's ok babe, you couldn't help it." I heard Herb's back sliding door open, I had to hurry. "Put John back on, quick!" I heard the fumbling of the headset. "John?""Yes baby?""There's no time, this is it, here's your deal, you allow Jeff to watch what's going to happen and I promise you that my pussy is yours and our game is over."He groaned, "Jen, I can't, he's my little BROTHER!" "I know baby, but all those times you urged me to go down the hall, you know you were at least partly serious. I heard silence. "John, quick, he's coming! You are going to allow your brother to see your slut girlfriend get fucked by some burly guy tonight and that's it, SAY IT, he's coming!"He'd been broken, all the teasing, all the playing I'd done, he couldn't deny it any longer, "Yes..." he croaked."Yes what!?" I urged as Gil's form appeared from the shadow, illuminated by the back porch light. "There's a guy coming," Jeff said excitedly in the background, "you were going to watch her get fucked you kinky bastard!" I smiled at that."Hurry baby, Gil is here!" I panted."Yes, I want my brother to watch you get fucked," he gasped. Gil's tongue found my swirling pussy at that moment. "Put Jeff back on," I moaned."Come down to the fence, you can see me better."I heard Jeff say, "You ok with this man?" I heard no objection. John told me later that Jeff had at least replaced the binoculars for John, good brother that he is. Gil had a wonderful tongue and had me moaning loudly, much to the pleasure of my voyeurs. I saw Herb and Meg in the shadows, adding to the list of watchers. The enormity of it all had me cumming on Gil's expert tongue almost instantly. It was no doubt a surprise to Gil, who was in a hurry himself, I'm sure he didn't even plan on pleasing me in his haste. He slipped his chubby dick in me and rode me like the whore I was. I didn't want endurance, I wanted to get stretched, and gooey, for John's nearing pleasure. I couldn't see Jeff but I could feel his presence. It worked better than I'd ever expected, I'd lucked upon the near perfect challenge for John, to allow his brother to ogle his girlfriend getting fucked. I knew he secretly loved it, as I did.Gil pumped me good for a few minutes, he tweaked my helpless nipples much to my delight. Finally, in his haste, he grabbed my ass with both hands and swung me furiously into him. He pumped his generous load into me while my silent group looked on. Gil kissed me passionately before letting my hands free. We eschewed the small talk. We'd both gotten what we wanted to that point, there was no need for superficial pleasantries. I'm sure Herb and Meg were disappointed, but I bolted from their backyard and rushed home, I could feel the coolness in the air highlight my slickness, Gil's sperm was starting to drip down my inner thighs. I wanted John to have me like this. Have me he did, I rushed up the stairs only to find him, cock in hand, waiting for me at the bedroom door, Jeff had let him loose finally. "Sorry bro' " he said to Jeff, standing in the hall." This one you'll have to imagine," he said, slamming the door, before slamming his dripping girlfriend. He fucked me with a fury we only rarely approach. He fucked me long and slow, then fast and hard. He turned me over and slid his slippery cock into my ass, he flipped me around like a rag doll. I was paying for my teasing, he was making me please, and I was as horny about that thought as I could be. He would alternate fucking me with licking me, getting me off several times that way. He called me every name in the book in his lust and I was right there, admitting every one. "Yes, I'm a whore. Yes, I'm a slut, I'm YOUR slut," I agreed.I knew Jeff would be able to hear, we did not try and hide our moans and groans, as we would have in the past. I'm sure he could hear the headboard banging against the wall as John was banging his slut girlfriend. John would fuck me, then stop, make me lick him clean, then he'd fuck me again, all the while calling me a cock hungry whore. I was just his plaything, as it should be. Finally, he was in my ass when it became too much for him. He came as loud as I'd ever heard him. He filled his girlfriend's ass with his glorious cum. "God baby, that might have been the best EVER," he panted between heavy breaths."I know," I purred, 'incredible," I said lazily, curling up in his arms. He held me tight and caressed my hair and kissed me softly. Then, he said, "I saw you in the window.""I know baby, I hoped you'd like it.""No, I saw you... with Jeff... when you were in the swing... I saw you spread your legs for him" he said ominously."I know baby, it all happened so fast.""No baby," he said firmly, "I saw you tease him, just before Gil arrived." I finally saw what he was getting at."Yes baby, I did, I teased your brother." I said softly, not gauging fully what his reaction to that was."So..." he continued, "are you just a tease? All that talk about 'lifestyle' ...that's just all talk?" he prodded insistently. I nodded submissively, I knew what he was telling me. I gulped, taken aback. I understood. He followed me to the bedroom door, allowing me only to put on my fuzzy slippers. His hand practically pushed me into the hall before closing the door behind me. He left me there naked, dripping the juices of two men's cocks. I could see Jeff's door partially ajar, the bed stand lamp was the only light. I could see him in the reflection of the mirror. He was in bed, his torso showing. Below the waist he was covered, and I saw movement of his fist under the blanket. I knew he was thinking of me. My last thought before I pushed open his door was, if he has the endurance of his brother, this was going to be a long night.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 53
Intoxicated by chlorine, I slid into water that seemed cleaner than anything I'd touched all day, even though my logical brain knew the ramifications of the children's swim hour that had preceded me. Back on land, back on the asphalt, I was sticky and annoyed again within moments. And in that mood, I slogged though the afternoon and an evening meeting in an room without air conditioning.When I finally dragged myself home, the house was like the earth's core, closed in and pulsing with its own heat. I rushed, as much as any overcooked specimen can, to slide open the windows and prop open the doors. Please, God, let their be a breeze tonight, I thought, too wilted to voice the words.I stripped the blankets off the bed, leaving just the sheets, and found my briefest nightgown. I'd no sooner slid into bed, however, when I was up again, discarding the nightie so I could feel the coolness of the percale sheets against my skin.I should've stuffed the sheets into the freezer for a few moments, I thought idly, but that was way too much work. Better to just lie here, motionless, watching the full moon outside the window and pretending it was an ice cube...I was drifting on lunar ice floes when I heard a rustle in the dry grass outside my bedroom window. The breeze? Hallelujah! But no, not the breeze. Feet. A scrabbling sound; feet, head, body silhouetted in the moonlight. Startled, I caught my breath and held still. He came through the window easily, moving with complete confidence, bothered by neither the heat nor the partial darkness. He came straight to me with a boldness designed to intimidate his prey.I must admit it thrilled me.In an instant, he was on the bed, on me. He stretched out full-length. As he pressed against me, the heat of his body was intense; between us, the temperature rose exponentially.He leaned his face close to mine, nose to nose, mouth to mouth, and looked at me with eyes that could see into my soul. And as I reached out to stroke his head, he started purring.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 33
9:00 am. The morning sunrise was beautiful – pink sky, no clouds. Obviously another hot sunny summer day. The water at the beach looked a bit choppy so it must be windy. That worried Penny. Her husband and two kids were going on an all-day trip to see the "treasure wrecks" on that small glass-bottom tour boat. She couldn't go because when they bought the tickets there were only 3 seats left for today's trip and their vacation would be over tomorrow so no second chance. Was that boat safe on rough water? Her husband, Dave, tubby Dave, assured her there was no danger, after all, the tour operator had years and years of experience.9:30 am. Down at the dock the boat captain was in good cheer welcoming everyone aboard. Ten passengers. Surely the boat was too small for these waves? Some of the waves were at least a foot high!! After assuring her for the third time, she overheard the captain grumble to someone about overprotective mothers. Well!! She was just naturally concerned, as any mother would be. She watched with continued concern as the gently rocking boat slipped away from the dock and started pushing into the bay. She waved bye but the kids paid no attention, they were too busy trying to talk the captain into letting them dive at the wrecks. Teenagers!! No sense at all! And Dave seemed to be already nodding off! How can he be so calm?10:00 am. Time for coffee. Penny listened to the waves roll onto the beach as she walked down the sand-swept sidewalk to the nearby "gourmet" coffee shop. It actually had good lattes. She passed the young ice cream vendor sitting on his bicycle cart as usual. As she walked past, her eyes, hidden behind her sunglasses, slid in his direction, as they often had the last few days. Nice tanned muscles. Athletic legs. Blue tank top and blue Speedos as usual. Sometimes when he got off the bike and stood up straight she found her eyes wandering down to those Speedos. Her eyes had caught a huge bulge yesterday that almost made her walk into a tree. Oh to be young again and not stuck with tubby Dave. Dave who wouldn't notice if she was naked or dressed.Penny, 40, was sure she was still attractive even if Dave didn't notice. Dave hadn't touched her in at least a year. He wouldn't bother with her unless she stuck a chocolate donut on her boobs! She knew she was in decent shape because she had dropped two sizes in the past year. Just yesterday she discovered she could wear a bikini again. She had randomly dropped into a swimwear shop shortly after the near-incident with the tree. No connection with the ice cream guys bulge of course. She had bought a cute red bikini. According to the poster, the thin red floral push up bra top had "a bust enhancing style". The red bottom with the decorative white rope belt had a "tummy-tamer lining for the belly." In other words it made her look very good. Penny had shoulder length brown hair that blew in the wind. Her 38C bust filled the bikini nicely and her bum no longer bounced. Those long walks on the beach had reduced the bounce to a gentle jiggle. Her tummy was not flat like that of a young model but the "tummy-tamer" worked wonders. She had put the bikini on to get Dave's attention and then brought Dave a coffee. He asked for the paper and a donut!10:30 am. Having spilled the latte down her blouse she went back to the cottage to change. As usual Mr. Ice Cream Muscles was drifting in that direction. She might watch from behind the curtains again. He was tall, at least 5'10" to her short 5'.11:00 am. Dave and the kids away – well maybe she would just go lie on the sand and get some sun. She put the bikini on and checked herself in the mirror before putting on the terry cover-up with the zip down front. It was light blue, sleeveless and reached down to mid-thigh. The brown woven basket contained her towel. She stopped to get an ice cream giving a shy smile as her sunglass hidden eyes took in the sweat rolling down his biceps and chest."You look hot. Why don't you have one of your popsicles?" Now why did she say that? She had never spoken to him before. But he did look hot!"Can't. I only have one left then I have to go back for more. Somebody reported me once for eating one and I got in trouble with the boss. By the way, my name's Tony." Nice lady. Nice smile. Nice basket. Oh yeah, this is the one that walked into a tree yesterday!"Thanks, I'm Penny. Well look, I'm just going to get a bit of sun. If you're still here when I get back I'll buy you a popsicle. OK?" Why did she say that? Well, just being friendly is ok.She was back 15 minutes later. Somehow, after a quick dip, sunbathing no longer interested her. She carried the robe in the basket so her red bikini could dry."Hi Tony. You still look hot. Let me buy you that popsicle?" As she said this, she leaned forward giving Tony an inadvertent but ample view of her bosom."Can't. Boss might see. I'd get in trouble even if you paid." Nice lady. Nice bikini. Nice boobs. Be nice if she was 20 years younger."My cottage is just across the walk. Come over. Park your bike in the back and have a popsicle." Come over?? Park in the back?? She'd had a naughty dream about Tony the other day but this wasn't right. She looked down. Nice Speedos."OK. Thanks. I'll be over in a few minutes." A popsicle would be a welcome relief in this heat.In the cottage Penny took the robe out to put it on but just tossed it in the corner when she heard the bike bell at the back.11:30 am. "Tony, come on in. It's too hot out there for you." Oh my god. I've invited him in!Tony's beautiful muscles flexed as he got off the bike, stood up and came in. He had taken off his tank top earlier because of the heat. Washer board belly!! Penny felt a flush at the sight. Her eyes, behind the sunglasses strayed downward and she stifled the shriek the obvious bulge evoked. She could feel her cheeks flush pink."Have a seat on this stool. Enjoy the popsicle, it'll cool you off." I need to cool off too!! OH GOD. Sitting on that stool makes IT push out harder!! She couldn't help smiling broadly. Her legs seem to wobble a bit. She took a deep breath."Thanks. Nice place you have." Tony noticed the lady seemed a bit nervous and was having trouble breathing. Odd. Damn, the orange popsicle was dripping down his chest. Some dripped right onto his swimsuit."Here let me wipe that up."Tony stood up as Penny approached with a damp washcloth. As she dabbed at his chest he could see right down her red bikini top. Wow! He could feel his cock hardening and straining at the stretchy swimsuit material. Hoped she wouldn't notice. That would be very embarrassing."Do you go to school around here?" Penny breathed heavily again, her breath warm against his chest. She was worried. Maybe he was too young!"Just finished high school. I hope to start college in the fall. But I have too much trouble with my memory. They probably won't take me because I often can't even remember what I did just a few hours ago. Doctor says it's a real problem."Ok, he's of age. Whew! She moved the washcloth lower to catch the last of the popsicle drips. Lower. Oops, she brushed his Speedo. The bulge was so much bigger! Tony almost jumped. He had never been touched there before. At least, he had no memory of it. His face reddened. What an accident!"Let me wipe the sweat off your back too."Penny pressed her chest against him as she reached her arm around to his back pretending to wipe the sweat. Her already hard nipples jutted through the thin halter top. He was so much taller that she felt his hot, hard bulge touching the top of the "tummy-tamer lining" on her red bottoms. Her hot cheeks touched his sweaty chest as she almost collapsed against him. Her arms around this hot, young hunk she suddenly didn't care about anything else. Pressing her tummy forward she enjoyed the feeling of his hard cock against her. Her tummy felt a bit of wetness where his cock pressed.Tony was stunned. This woman, who could be his mother, was hugging him hard and he had a raging hard-on! What should he do? She was pushing against his cock! Oh what a feeling!She pressed her hot lips on his right nipple, a lick, hot breath. A nip. Gawd those muscles! No tubby Dave! I shouldn't do this. To hell with it. He's here. I want that hard hot cock! I don't care."Tony! I want you! I need you." Her hands went to his front, took hold of the enormous lump at the front and pulled him toward the couch. One quick jerk pulled the Speedos down and his innocent young cock sprang forward. Yum! She pulled him to her forcing his cock up so it pressed from the top of her red bikini bottom to the bottom of her red bikini top. Hot. Hard. Long. Yum!They tumbled onto the couch. Penny on top, the weight of her causing his cock to push so hard on her tummy. Her tummy was getting damp. She struggled to shed herself of the halter top so her boobs could cascade down to Tony's chest. Sitting up she looked greedily at Tony's beet red face as she took his hands and placed them on each of her boobs. His muscular hands instinctively squeezed. The squeezing was better than any she had known. His thumbs on her hot swollen hard pink nipples. Pushing them in. Squeezing them.His hot cock was now standing straight up, vibrating as they pointed the way to her tits. She leaned over so they were between her mounds of flesh and pushed the mounds together to envelope that quivering hot rod. Up and down she pushed. Stickiness covered her boobs as she squeezed little pre-cum drops out. His cock was now absolutely purple.Tony's eyes alternated between very wide and squeezed shut. He couldn't believe the pleasure. He hoped his memory wouldn't fail him this time. Touching real boobs. His cock felt like it could take no more.Penny sensing Tony's cock was on the verge, released it. Climbed off Tony. Grinning at him she reached down and slowly lowered her tummy-tamer bikini bottoms. One inch at a time. Teasingly revealing her brown haired curly bush. She watched as Tony's cock continued to point unwaveringly straight up, quivering, a drop or two oozing out the top. She knew she could not hold back. She had to have everything.Her hips swayed as she stepped to Tony's head and swung a leg over."Tony, eat me! Put your tongue in me! Suck my juices while I chew on your hot cock!!"She lowered her pussy onto his lips, leaned down to 69 and took his eager meaty sausage into her moist lips. Her tongue hungrily licked around the tip to catch those oozing drops of young man fluid. She slid her tongue up and down while squeezing Tony's balls in one hand and rubbing his cock with the other. Her lips slid along lathering the shaft. Each time she squeezed his balls his cock jerked in her mouth.Tony could not recall ever seeing a pussy before, though with his memory that didn't mean much. As Penny's pussy descended he obediently extended his tongue. The pussy was soft, hot, wet. His tongue had no trouble penetrating. He stuck it up and moved his tongue around, in and out. He felt the pussy juices wetting his face as he tasted the hot juices and sucked on a pink button he found. Every time he sucked on it, the lady, (what was her name?) seemed to convulse. He sucked harder even when she tried to push his mouth away."Tony, you suck so good. I feel so hot. Stop!! I don't want to cum yet!!"He didn't stop. Penny could not control her body. She shook. She ground her pussy into his face. She needed his tongue. She had feel her pussy sucked. Her lips closed over the throbbing hard cock again. It was so wet. So salty! So long. Fuck it was good! Not like tubby Dave at all.At last, she forced herself up and turning around sat on Tony again. Reaching for his cock she guided it to the lips of her quivering wet pink mound. Slowly she slid down the shaft and felt it penetrate into the deepest reaches of her wanton soft body. She had to have cock. She had to have his juices. Nothing else would do. Must have. Need.Tony felt his cock entering the unknown lady's pussy (damn memory, who was she again?) So hot. Wet. His cock stuck so far in he felt tightness exciting his shaft. Her boobs bounced above his eyes and he watched as her eyes rolled back then closed. His balls felt ready to burst.Penny rocked up and down. She clutched her own boobs squeezing to get the most pleasure. Up and down. Nothing else mattered. Must make this cock shoot. Need his juices. Rocking, rocking. Sliding up and down. The hot young rod remained ramrod stiff. In and out. Hot. Wet. She rocked up and down harder to force Tony's cock to erupt.At last, she watched his body convulse as she felt his rod jerking involuntarily. Juice, juice. Young man juice. OH GAWD!!!Next morning as she and tubby Dave and the kids packed the car to go home, she saw Tony on his ice-cream cart."Hi Tony. Are you hot?" She asked mischievously with a big grin."Hi. How'd you know my name?" Who was this lady?END
I assembled the girls in the dugout and laid out my rules on practices and my expectations for the coming season. I had only 3 Freshman, so that made it easier to know where to position the players from the previous year. Luckily I only had Right and Left fields to fill before our first game. The first practices were mainly running the bases and laps. This is where you lose the players who really don't want to be there! Surprisingly. all 14 girls stuck it out, even when I pushed them a little harder than usual last practice. I had little talent to speak of, but they gave me their best effort, and that's all a coach really wants.My favorite player was my Catcher, Annie. Barely 5 feet tall and maybe 95 lbs (maybe less), she was a feisty bundle of energy and guts. At 16, this was her Junior year, and I was impressed with her devotion to the game. What surprised me most was Annie was a beautiful girl who turned heads wherever she went; yet she chose to play the position that is the dirtiest one in the game. Anyone who has ever coached girls knows that there are always going to be a few Prima Donnas who would rather dodge a line drive than risk breaking a nail! Annie thrived on the game however, and sometimes I had to calm her down if she struck out or hit the ball weakly.One week before our first game, Annie chased a foul ball and pulled up in pain. I told her to hit the bench and I wrapped practice up soon after. I was loading the bats and helmets up when I noticed all the girls had left except for Annie. She was still in the dugout, staring at the ground in silence. I walked over and sat beside her and asked what was wrong. "It's my back coach. It hurts pretty bad!" she said in a low voice. "What is wrong with it? Did you injure it before?" I asked. Annie raised her head and looked at me, her blue eyes seeming to search mine before she spoke. "I hurt it having sex, but I've only had sex with one boy so please don't think I'm a slut." she blurted out. Her cheeks blushed bright red and her eyes quickly turned away from mine. "I can't believe I just told you that!" she said. I managed to maintain my composure and said "Well, other than telling you that you're to young to be having sex, the next thing I need to do is find out how to make you feel better."I told Annie to go home, get cleaned up, and come over to my house after dinner. "Wear some loose fitting clothing, because you will be doing a lot of stretching," I told her as I returned to gathering up the equipment.I had some knowledge of back injuries, and knew the best way to treat them was a series of exercises combined with hot and cold treatments. At 7:00 that night, Annie arrived and I invited her in and told her to have a seat while I finished the dishes from my dinner. I couldn't help but notice what a striking young woman she was. Her long brown hair was usually pulled back in practice, but now it flowed down over her shoulders. As instructed, she had worn a loose sweatshirt with the sleeves cut out, and shorts that were baggy. I moved the coffee table to the side of the living room and had her lie down on her stomach.I lifted and moved her legs in a series of exercises, then massaged her back. I then placed a heating pad on her lower back and told her to relax for about 15 minutes. "That feels sooooo good coach!" Annie said in a purring little voice. "That's great kiddo," I replied. I prepared an ice bag and when it was time I changed the heat to the cold. Then after that had been applied long enough, I had her roll over onto her stomach and began the leg lifts, which were basically my lifting her leg straight up into the air with my shoulder and pushing it up to her chest. As I slowly raised her leg up, I would go a little higher each time until her muscles loosened up. When I got her leg as high as her chest, I noticed that her loose shorts had fallen open as they were bunched up by the leg lifts.I saw the sides of her pink panties and I felt a gasp escape from somewhere inside me as my eyes glued themselves to her underwear. After 10 good reps, I switched to her other leg, and fortunately her panties stayed hidden this time! The last stretch was to place both of her legs over my shoulders and then lean into her until both of her legs eventually stretch back to nearly over her shoulders. This looks sexual, but I had no intentions of it being that way. Once again, I lifted only a little at a time, making sure to tell her that if it hurt to let me know. I lifted higher until her feet were nearly touching the floor behind her head. At this point, our groins were pressed together for a few moments, and on the last stretch I swore she ground her hips into mine briefly.The exercises over, I offered her a Gatorade and told her she needed to continue the heat and ice treatments at home, not come to practice the next day, and return for more stretching tomorrow night.Promptly at 7:00 the next night Annie showed up and we began the workout. I was relieved to see that she wore sweat pants this time, as I was not wanting to feel the shame of peeking at her panties again. Everything went well until the last leg lifts. This time she pressed against me and there was no mistaking the circular motions she was making with her hips. I felt my dick hardening and skipped the last rep. We sat and talked for a little while before she left. I was amazed at her maturity, and when she spoke to me she always locked eyes and leaned in close. Her lips were full and sexy, and I began to wonder how they might taste.On her third therapy, Annie wore a pair of skimpy shorts and on the single leg lift exercise, I had a clear view of her pussy. She was not wearing panties this time, and I noticed right away that she was partially shaved, with only a tuft of silky brown hair at the top. I made no attempt to look away, and my dick grew to full length as I continued to lift and look. On the double leg lift, I was the one pressing my hips into hers. She responded by grinding back, and a few low moans escaped her mouth as my dick pushed against her pussy. After the reps were done, I felt ashamed and was rather short with Annie when she asked about returning to practice the next day. But she simply smiled and seemed to not notice my mood.The following day Annie arrived and seemed flushed, as if she had been running. Her forehead had small beads of sweat on it, and her cheeks were slightly red. "Are you okay?" I asked her. "Uhmm, yea coach, I'm fine," she mumbled. She had on the baggy shorts she had worn the first day and when we began our first exercise, the un-mistakable odor of female musk rose to greet my nose. She had been playing with herself! That's why she was flushed and sweating! Sure enough, when her shorts bunched up and I got a view of her little pussy, there were glistening drops of her juices running down her swollen lips! My instincts told me to lick that sweet little hole and savor those juices. I was so horny that I could barely keep her leg up, because all of the blood in my body was at this moment rushing to my dick! I lowered her leg and got off the floor and sat on my couch. My head was spinning with lust and confusion, and my dick was screaming for release.I'm a 35-year-old man! I can't be feeling this way!"Coach?" I heard Annie's voice, but it seemed far away. "Coach? Are you okay?" I heard her voice again, this time closer. I opened my eyes and Annie's face was inches from mine, her eyes piercing mine with a look of concern... and something else. Lust?Her lips brushed mine, and I opened my mouth to accept her. I felt her tiny hands tugging my shorts down as she kissed me gently. Taking an ice cube from a glass on the end table, she sank to her knees between my legs and said "You just need some hot and cold treatments coach. It will make that swelling go right down."She then placed the ice in her mouth and lowered her head towards my throbbing dick.The next day after practice, I noticed Annie sitting alone on the bench. All the other girls were gone, so I went over and asked her if she was okay. She raised her head up and locked her eyes onto mine, and said, "I hurt my back coach. I hurt it having sex, but I've only been with two guys so please don't think I'm a slut!"Placing my hand on her shoulder, I said "Annie, I don't think a 16 year old should be having sex, but that being said I guess the best thing to do is to get you better!" Annie smiled, and showed up at my house that night promptly at 7:00! THE END *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 27
It's in grim reflection just past afternoon I lean against the light post in front of a rather fashionable restaurant, a place which won't be opened until the early evening. A waiting game I'd done just like this many years back.Only then I'd been a man. Not the emasculated eunuch I am now, though to look at me you'd think I was a world class athlete.My face also looked different then. For since that time I'd underwent long sessions of cosmetic surgery to alter my appearance. Then as well there were the daily shots of male hormones and testosterone patches to compensate for those elements of manhood my body was no longer capable of making of its own accord.At these memories I half snarled, then regretted the action. Where after looking around I triple checked I was not observed. Either plainly with interest or covertly, for I'd come much too far now to be undone by so foolish a slip up.Finding the sidewalk deserted with no one looking at me from either the light or shadows I returned to my casual demeanor. Then stifled my further oncoming flood of anger at the memory of my one time virility, for virile I once had been. That was until partly in lust and partly in need of extra cash I'd answered an ad placed in one of the local Chicago based porn tabloids.The advertisement was supposedly from a minor producer of soft-core, feminine domination movies. And they were looking for some male actors who wouldn't feel squeamish pretending to be under the heel of a woman.What it had turned out to be to my everlasting horror and regret was an engagement of the most sadistic kind. For as it was the moment I'd gotten into the car apparently sent to pick me up for the event I should have been suspicious. And this since by the seating arrangement there was a woman driving the car, then one in the back seat. While it wasn't until about a block from where the pair picked me up I'd felt a sting on my neck. So it was then I discovered my mistake. Or rather discovered it after immediately blacking out, where with conception of time lost it seemed as fast I immediately awoke. Only to find myself bound nude to a table which seemed to be of the medical, examining kind.Alone in the room looking at a blank television screen at the foot of the table I'd set to calling for someone to come and let me know what the hell was going on? Only to have an absolutely gorgeous woman answer my summons with the stern warning that if I didn't quiet down I would have to be gagged.I explained to her then I'd answered an ad to be in a movie. And that instead I'd been kidnapped. And she'd agreed that yes I was kidnapped but only because had I known what the movie was about I probably wouldn't have volunteered.Yet nonetheless she explained I would still star in a movie. And then right after they would put me back were they found me.It had been at that point another attractive woman had come into the room. Where upon seeing my apparent lack of alarm she commented to the other woman as to how knowledgeable I was to my fate.The first woman then explained she'd just been getting to that. While it was after to my horror and disbelief I learned these women were part of a cadre of women who got their rocks off on the emasculation of men through castration.After she told me local anesthesia would be used so I would feel little or no pain. It was then I'd set to screaming and struggling against my bonds. But the table it seemed was more a piece of furniture suited to holding down the terminally insane than say someone on intravenous feeding in a hospital so I found my efforts useless.With my attack of panic I soon found a ball gag stuck in my mouth then secured at the back of my head. While after that either to further torment me or for reasons known only to them they turned on the prior noted television.The screen had then blazed to life with images of naked bodies engaged in various sex acts. While after when the two women left I wondered if this might not all be some sort of hoax. Something designed to invoke a more down-to-earth response from me during what I hoped in the end would just be a realistic S&M movie without the gore. Using instead realistic prosthetics, this so by appearance it approached the darker realm of snuff films.With this hopeful notion and stimulus of the movie it was despite the severity of the situation and lurking possibility they might actually be on the level and really where going to castrate me. That hating myself for my body's betrayal I found myself becoming aroused. While with it I had to agree if I truly felt the threat was real such a thing would be impossible. As indeed it would be. For such a thing as sexual arousal is an impossibility for a man who is under threat or duress. Such a physical response just can't happen. Relaxing then, wondering when this show would actually get on the road it was presently I found a series of women entering the room. Where it seems in a bid to torment me they'd strutted around asking inane questions which with my being gagged I couldn't answer."How do you feel about losing your balls?" Some had asked. I mean if this was the real thing then how the fuck did they think I felt about it? How the hell would they feel about loosing their breasts or something along that line?As if reading my mind one of them had even exposed her breasts to me, and then espoused her wonderment if I would be interested in them after my balls were gone. And then conceded aloud I probably wouldn't.It was with these things I again felt alarm rise, because if this all was designed to invoke a realistic response, well then it certainly was working.Returning to the present and the restaurant I waited in front of it was forcefully I put on a smile to cover the true emotions that lurked beneath my nonchalant surface. For as it had been the women hadn't been kidding me at all about their fondness of castrating men. This I had quickly learned when the second woman I'd met who'd been called Lynn came into the room. Where after setting up a tray of assorted surgical instruments, and then injecting my scrotum and testicles with something which eliminated my sense of feeling in the region. It had been afterwards with what looked to be practiced, surgical precision she opened the fleshy sack containing my testicles. Where then after extracting the contents it had been after tying the cords holding my testosterone and sperm makers that in turn she deftly removed them. All to the disgustingly sensual Oohs and Ahhs of the observing women. I'd been in shock and denial that what had transpired had in fact transpired. For the very self-serving sadism of the act decried the fact it could be real. While then even as I watched Lynn carefully suture my opened ball sack closed again I couldn't believe it. Not even when my testicles, floating in alcohol enclosed in a glass jar were held in front of my face so I could see them did I believe it.Yet when I awakened an unknown amount of time later like some drunkard against the foundation of the building I'd began my horrific journey from. It was just the same the ache in my crotch told me it had been no dream. That in fact my means for carrying on the line of my family was gone.I felt unable to move the hurt was so great. While then presently I was able to flag a passing police car. Needless to say they'd thought me some sort of lunatic to have come up with such a story. But their skepticism had soon turned to shock when on arrival at the local hospital it was confirmed by the doctors there I had indeed been castrated.It had been immediately I'd requested to be injected with testosterone so I would be able to hold on and keep some degree of my manhood. And the doctors had readily agreed to put me on a regular program of hormones that would give me a semblance of still being a male.I'd told the police everything I possibly could. While it was then in true regret they informed me the likelihood of their ever catching these perpetrators was a highly unlikely thing.Months later after much counseling, it was while sitting home and going through the mail I found a letter from a legal firm. Where upon opening it, then reading its contents I learned my grandmother had passed away. And truly I'd been grieved by this information, because always she and I had been close.However despite this there had been a tragic upside. For my grandmother had been married to a sharp man who'd gotten in on the ground floor of Aramaco oil when they'd first set up shop in Arabia. While then with the death of my grandfather my grandmother had been worth an estimated half-billion dollars. A quarter of which I found was now left to me.With this incredible sum of money I enrolled myself in a number of schools. One that taught the profession of private investigation, one that taught martial arts and one that taught gynecology and related female anatomical medical science.While still in these classes, it was with the courses taken which I drank down like a thirsting man I found through intensive research that other like crimes of castration had been perpetrated world over against other men. After an extensive and time consuming search of national police records I found two other cases which seemed similar to mine. One of the men lived in New York while the other lived in San Francisco. Where it was armed with these leads and my new skills I'd quickly tracked them down even though they had both moved and changed their names. It had been after comparing notes with them I came to learn we'd all been victims of the same group of females. While it had been with this news I made an offer to the men, an offer of tracking down these women with no expenses spared. Then of putting an end to their sick fetish so other men would not have to endure what we had. The man I'd located in San Francisco who'd assumed the name Sam really wasn't much interested. In all with not having kept up any regime of hormone replacement if he'd once had a deep voice it was now effeminate, while as well he'd lost most all his muscle mass, along with his beard and a great deal of body hair. If anything he was passive about the whole thing. That was until with entreaty alongside Frank, the other man I'd located in New York and who now accompanied me he finally succumbed. Then agreed that since I would be sponsoring him and Frank in this endeavor he would again take up his hormone replacement shots and enroll in the courses I set forth. As it was not long after once the hormones took hold on him, his desire for retribution became as fevered and anxious as Frank's and mine's was. So it was then together we had our faces altered through cosmetic surgery. This so we would be unrecognizable to any who'd known us in the past. Including the women, who unbeknownst to them had brought us together for our venture.It was then also diligently under the guidance of our tutors we sharpened our bodies and minds for the task that was to come. While it was after but a year later with our intense training and grueling work-outs we were all licensed private investigators with concealed firearms permits and certified gynecologists who were lethal in the martial arts.Utilizing our combined skills it was again in going through stacks upon stacks of police records we found a fairly recent accounting of a man in New York who'd been abducted, then castrated by an unidentified group of females. Taking a gambol the women where following a pattern we surmised their next victim would be a man in Chicago. Though in taking no chances we split up and caught flights to all three of the cities we suspected the women operated in. Frank flew to his prior home turf of New York while Sam headed back to San Francisco. And as for me it was to my port of Chicago. We all then kept in close contact with each other as we hit the mean streets and seedy neighborhoods of our respective cities. Where then visiting each and every porno shop or underground location we bought informants, porn news sheets, rags and mags looking for any ads or indications someone was looking for submissive male talent to star in a fem-dom movie. During our searches we found quite a few such ads. All which panned out to be casting attempts being made by known reputable or ill-reputable business enterprises depending on how you looked at it It was then a lucky break one of our informants brought Sam a flier he'd been given. Something upon examination word for word had very nearly matched the ad the three of us to our downfall had earlier in our lives answered.The flier contained a phone number and no address. Just as the ads we'd replied to. So it was with plane tickets in hand Frank and I made for San Francisco to meet up with Sam. Again returning from my remembrances to the present I reflected how it was here and now in that city with my appearance thusly altered. That armed with a pair of side arms. My clothing and body infested with listening and tracking devises like a Déjà vu I awaited a coming automobile, one with any luck that would contain a lady driver, then a passenger woman in the back seat.I struggled to not fidget and remain calm. For earlier I'd eaten a handful of Benzedrine. And this was just in case I should somehow get snagged and injected with whatever dope it was these women used to subdue the men they got into their car.It was my hope the speed in my system would put off the effects of the drug long enough for Sam and Frank who waited in cars in the wings to come to my rescue. Though that would only happen if there was and apparent threat to my life. Because the plan was the moment I got into the car I would draw my side arms, and then bring the two women to compliance. Where then with Frank and Sam joining us the women would be forced with extreme prejudice to take us to their hidden lair and the other women. While if it didn't turn out that way and I should by some fantastic means get injected. Then Frank and Sam would follow us by sight and technology of the tracking devices on and in my person in their separate cars to the destination.Even as I finished the scenario in my mind an automobile pulled up. And so hard pressed was I in my delight I was unable to hold back my smile. Lynn who I recognized was in the back seat. While a woman I didn't recall was driving."You here for the movie audition?" The driver smiled and called passed the open passenger side window.Standing from were I'd squatted I brushed my hands down my pants legs. "That I am." I answered and smiled back. "And might you be one of the stars of the film?"Shaking her head she laughed in partial reply. "No but Samantha in the back seat is." Looking in through the open window while I opened the car door I took further note of the woman I knew as Lynn. Wondering then for no important reason what her name might actually be.Climbing into the car like a well oiled clock the gun concealed in my shoulder holster beneath my sport coat then another from a back belt clip appeared in my hands. While then instantly their business ends were in the women's faces."If either of you bats an eyelash it will be the last thing you ever do. "HARRY, GEORGE ALL'S CLEAR COME ON IN." As the microphones concealed on my person passed the coded message on to Sam and Frank it was then I stuck the gun I had on the driver into her side. "Drive now."Terror in her eyes she nodded her agreement then put the car into drive. Where then after looking over her shoulder she stepped on the gas and sped down the street.I kept my eyes on Lynn. "Where is the syringe?"She responded with puzzlement on her face. "What syringe, what do you mean?"Without hesitation I stuck the small, twenty-two caliber semi automatic held on her deeply into her thigh and then pulled the trigger.As long as the gun was an automatic or semi automatic nothing muffled the sound of it going off better than a human body. So the sound of the gunfire was quite muted while most of the noise came from Lynn as she screamed."Shut up or I will shoot you again. Now where is that syringe?" It was while sobbing in pain she stuck her hand into the space where the seat and backrest joined. While then she brought forth what I'd asked for."Good now toss it gently up here with me."Still sobbing with the pain she nodded her compliance then tossed it so it landed on the front seat next to me. "Is that it? You have any others for back up?" With my query I pushed the barrel of the twenty-two into her other thigh to let her know I meant business. While it was with extreme agitation and sincerity she shook her head no.After nodding my agreement with her I took a quick look around. "Turn right into this alley. Then into the first store loading dock you come to. We're going to sit tight for a little bit."The driver nodded her understanding to me then followed my directions to a T. While when she turned the key off in the ignition so the engine stopped I hazarded a glance at Lynn and found she was growing pale from loss of blood.Sticking the twenty-two between my thigh and the front seat backrest I was leaning on for support I quickly removed my tie then tossed it to her. "Tie it around your thigh between the wound and your crotch. Not too tightly though or you'll suffocate your whole leg."It was then Frank and Sam arrived and knocked on the car door windows."Open it for them." I gestured to the two women to carry out my order. While when they did Sam shoved the driver closer to me then took the wheel. Even as Frank in the back seat took a knife from his pocket then cut Lynn's pant leg open so he could better examine her wound.It was but an instant later he looked at me then nodded. "As planned you missed all major arteries and veins while the bullet itself made a clean exit." He then extracted from a pack he had with him a syringe of his own. However it wasn't filled with the same stuff these women used on unsuspecting men. Taking the syringe Lynne had provided I rolled down my window then squirted its contents on the pavement. Where then after snapping the syringe I tossed it out after. In looking at the syringe Frank held I took it Lynn must have thought it contained poison. And this was because the panic on her face was plain. While when Frank saw it he only laughed at her plight. "Don't worry. It's just a local anesthetic."After injecting the area around her wound it was shortly we could see the relief on Lynne's face. While then with little time to spare Frank forced what for all intents and purposes was a skyrocket fuse through the hole in her leg. Then after producing a lighter from his pocket set it aflame.Even though the feeling of Lynn's thigh was dimmed it wasn't completely gone. So when the gunpowder infested wick scorched its way through her thigh and cauterized the wound she screamed and then feinted.I then turned my attentions to the former driver of the car. "What's your name? And nothing phony because in the end you will tell us anything we ask you." I then glanced at the wounded Lynn in the back seat to stress my meaning."My name, my name is Shirley. Oh please, please don't hurt me. This is my first outing on one of these things."In reply I growled at her. "First, last, what the fuck do I care?" It doesn't make you any better than Lynne here. To me you're nothing but a sick, self-centered, piece of shit that really has no business being alive. I don't think you actually understand what it is your twisted little fetish actually costs the men you indulge them on. So now what you are going to do like a good little vixen is tell my friend next to you exactly where it is we are going."I then pushed the barrel of the gun already in her side all the harder into her ribs so she winced in pain. "AND I MEAN YOU'LL TELL HIM NOW! And no trying to take us in circles because I won't use a gun to kill you unless I have to. If need be we'll find a nice out of the way place. Where then using a scalpel I can separate your skin from the muscle it covers and peel it away from your body as slowly as I can until you scream with pain then in defeat take us were we want to go."Her eyes wide she nodded her understanding, and then began giving directions to Sam. Who in turning the key in the ignition then setting his foot to the gas followed them to the letter.It was along the way Lynne revived. While when we reached a building in a warehouse district I turned to her. "Okay what is it that happens now?" While with the query as before I set the barrel of the twenty-two to her other thigh.Her mouth open after looking at the gun she then turned her attention to me. "Now I go to the door and get help to bring our man inside."I nodded my understanding to her. "Good then let's do it. You try any funny business. Change any passwords you might have and you will be the first to die. Do you understand this?"It was with much emphasis she nodded her understanding then opened the car door. Where then Frank with a large brought along knapsack and drawn gun followed her. Sam then exited the car followed by Shirley, then me, where with Lynne leading the way we walked to the doorway of a bunker-like, warehouse.Lynne knocked on the door five times. Where then after a voice on the other side answered. "Who is it?" "It's me, Lynne. Open up I have our prize waiting in the car."The moment I heard the lock of the door turn I quickly shoved Lynne out of the way. While when the door began to open I threw my full weight against it, and then was inside.I'd knocked the woman opening the door on her ass. Where as I now looked at her while leveling both guns I found I recognized her. "Hello Jenne. It's been awhile. You still look pretty hot even though I have to say it doesn't do a thing for me." Looking across the room which was a small office space I found two other women pressed against the wall.One of them made for a door which I imagined led to the room that would have the operating table. While as she did I recognized her as the one who'd flaunted her breasts in my face. "Unless you want to be dead with your next step I'd advise you to hold it right where you are." As Frank led a limping and bloodied Lynne into the room the woman's eyes grew wide, while then she nodded her agreement to me.Sam quickly followed with his gun pressed into Shirley's back. While then once we were all inside he closed the door.Leaving Frank and Sam to keep the women covered I made my way into the next room. Where as surmised I found the operating table, VCR and television all set up and ready to go."Alright men bring those ladies in here. We can get started right away."As the women filled into the room Sam was followed by Frank who still carried the knapsack he'd brought from the car. While it was after Sam closed the door Frank took several rolls of duct tape from the bag.Using the guns I gestured around the room. "Ladies your clothing, GET RID OF IT NOW!"As they looked in surprise and wonderment at each other I stuck the twenty-two into my pocket. Then moving to Jenne grabbed her by the back of the head, then breaking a few of her teeth with my actions shoved the other gun I had which was a forty-five caliber semi-automatic into her mouth. While when she cried out in pain then spit out pieces of broken teeth I looked at the women. "I meant take them off NOW! If I have to say it again Jenne here won't any longer have a head, then the rest of you will follow." It was with panicked and hurried motions the women began to undress. While when they finished and were standing nude Frank nodded at them. "Ladies move to the center of the room, and then lay next to each other head to foot." Many of them flinched as they sat, then laid on the cold concrete floor. Where as I ripped Jenne's clothing from her then shoved her to the ground to join her friends I took the twenty-two from my pocket and kept them all covered with both guns. The bodies lay next to each other in alternated positions so when I walked by them it was feet, head, feet, head, feet, head. Frank started at one end, Sam the other. "Ladies I want your legs spread like you're getting ready to fuck. DO IT NOW!" As the women spread their legs their feet in the armpits of the woman next to them. My partners in vengeance began taping the arms and hands of those women to the spread legs so they lay flush along them. This would prevent usage of any limbs by either party and would force them all to lie fixed in a semi spread arms and fully spread legs position."To you women on the ends who still have a free arm and leg. Move either a fraction of an inch and we will simply have to AMPUTATE them to eliminate the problem. Are we clear on this?"My question was answered with hasty nods of agreement. While then Sam and Frank brought forth from our knapsack handfuls of prepared syringes.Returning my weapons to their holsters I then gathered some of the syringes. "Since you gave us the service of desensitization we are going to return the favor. You see whether you might recognize us or not we three were all once "guests" at your sinister parties. With that Frank, Sam and I dropped our pants then presented our captive audience with our once emptied flap of flesh that dangled from our scrotums. "To look at us you'd never know the three of us had once been unwilling guests at your parties. That's right. Though it looks like we have testicles we don't. What our ball sacks now contain is medical, prosthetic testicles doctors implant in men who have to be medically castrated. Usually due to such things as testicular or prostate cancer. While with our hormonal treatments and the testosterone patches that give us continual doses of that male, libido necessity it's been with regular visits to a sex therapist I can now have an erection. Hell I can even orgasm. Although of course there isn't any sperm in my ejaculate, and the semen that does come out won't even fill a thimble." I then grew angry. "Sick stupid, fucking cunts! These sacks of flesh once held our manhood and means of carrying on our families line. "DO YOU REALIZE THAT BECAUSE OF YOU MY FAMILY'S LINE DIES WITH ME?! Did any of you actually consider what far reaching effects your momentary thrill of removing a man's manhood truly incurs? Did you!? Well I am sure you did, but in your sick selfishness you just didn't care did you."After pulling our pants up we set to injecting the local anesthetics held by the syringes into the women's labia's. Then to areas on either side of their abdomens just below their navels, then finally their breasts where they connected to their ribs.Frank then brought forth a number of quality leather-harness ball gags which he distributed to us, after which we set to affixing them in place on the women. "Though you have so far been silent this is necessary. Because once we start on you I promise there will be screaming whether you feel any of what we do to you or not."It was then after preparing our instruments of surgery we set to performing radical mastectomies on the women. As for our scalpels they were electrocautery knives. That was electric scalpels which used heat to minimize bleeding. Where then after opening the underside of their breasts with smile shaped incisions which followed the natural curve. It was then using forceps to stop un-cauterized bleeding when necessary we smirked at each other. For just as we had promised them they would do the women screamed mutedly as we removed the entirety of their mammary glands and nodes. Then the surrounding fat until nothing but the pectoral muscle of the chest beneath remained.We then with great meticulousness trimmed and sutured the remaining dermis and epidermis flush. While when we'd finished it was taking in our work we found by appearance the women had chests nearly indistinguishable from those of adolescent males.Three of the women had feinted from the shock of seeing these parts of themselves brought out and into the light. So it was to them we administered smelling salts because we wanted them aware of each step we were taking with their corrective surgery. After giving the women follow up shots of local anesthesia in their labia's and Mons Veneris, the pad of soft fatty tissue that covered the pubic bone. It was again using our electric scalpels with cuts running the length of their clitoris's we opened the hood which covered them. While then with cuts between the inner and outer lips on either side of their vagina's we exposed their bulbs of the vestibule which many doctors felt should be renamed bulbs of the clitoris. These bulbs were located internally on either side of the entranceway of the vagina. Embryo-logically as it was connected to the rest of the clitoris by fibrous bands. While As to their function it seemed that like the clitoris they were an erectile tissue which became engorged during sexual arousal. Something it was thought facilitated intercourse by stiffening the walls of the vaginal opening.Carefully separating them from the surrounding tissues we brought them forth. While as to their appearance they nearly resembled testicles. And just as testicles where connected by lengths of venous tubing to the seminal path in the male penis where sperm was ejaculated from, so were the vestibule bulbs connected by the fibrous tissue to the female clitoris. It was following the paths of these fibrous bands we made more incisions to further reveal them. While when we again reached the mons at the top of the hood where they joined their now exposed clitorises prior sheathed in the external hoods. It was with practiced dexterity learned on corpses tagged for such instruction. We then unreservedly removed the inverted six to seven inch Y shaped organ from our lady patients. And since it was an organ which had no female function other than the providing of pleasure, it wouldn't affect their physical health in any fashion with its loss.Again we had to utilize smelling salts to revive some of our patients. While then like fishermen with prized catches we displayed for them our trophies of female pleasure organs while listening to their muted screams or cries of disbelief.It was again after painstakingly suturing their wounds so there would be no disfigurement that with refresher injections of anesthesia on either side, just below their navels we made incisions over the area's which housed their reproductive organs. For our plan was to give them partial hysterectomies and remove their ovaries.Again as with all these surgeries they'd unwillingly participated in there was much muted screaming and more un-listened to pleas for mercy from behind the ball gags in their mouths. While again using smelling salts to revive those among them who'd passed out. We then showed them their organs of reproduction so they would know they wouldn't be having anymore children. For by indication of past pregnancy it appeared two of them at some point in their lives had given birth.As it was now none of these women would any longer have any interest in sexual intercourse, or much anything to do with sex for that matter. For with the complete removal of their clitorises and ovaries sexual desire as well had been taken from them. In looking at the bloody bodies we took it each woman had lost a half pint or little more of blood, so none of them was going to die from blood loss. While then after we finished suturing these final wounds Frank took the last item from the knapsack, and then clamped it to the edge of the operating table in the room. Where then as the women watched he affixed the nozzle on it to the end a length of pig intestine taken from a jar of saline solution. We saw by the women's expressions they recognized the mechanism. While when Frank began turning the attached hand crank then feeding it their ovaries, mammary glands and clitoris's the room was filled with even more muted screams as he ground up the contents while the mechanism then fed it into the pig intestine. After the length of pig intestine was filled with the women's ground up organs he twisted the length closed at six inch intervals then tied them off. Taking the length of grotesque meat sausages we laid it across the bodies of the women. "Well ladies how do you like this dose of your own medicine eh? How do you like knowing that nevermore will you be interested in sex? Or maybe with medical treatment only a little, knowing that even if you get hormone shots to inspire interest that never will there be any payoff, that orgasms will now be a thing beyond your capability. "You see we are one up on you there in that department with our removal of your clitorises, our own dose of vengeance and bit of payback. As for the rest how does it feel knowing you can no longer provide your husbands or boyfriends with any offspring? How does it feel no longer being either a man or a woman but only an "it." For even with our limited sexual abilities with what you took from us we are still not men but only its."Letting them wide eyed ponder this we moved amongst them and provided injections of Demerol that would put them under then out for a few hours. As they one by one succumbed we cut the duct tape that held them captive away, and then left behind handfuls of codeine to either commit suicide with or help ease their pain when they awoke.It was afterwards we went through their clothing and purses, then removed any and all of their identification. We did this so they would know once they found the items missing we would be able to find them any time we cared to. While all in all we doubted with sincerity they would go to the police. While then even if they ended up in hospital, which they probably would since we'd left no sort of drainage for their wounds. It would be once police arrived they would be forced to deny any knowledge of their attackers. Because if they did happen to recall anything as it were, it would then with the following investigation inevitably come to light they were not so much victims. As they were the ones responsible for any number of kidnappings and male castrations, something that would guarantee them all life sentences in prison. By our viewpoint it was a tit for tat fulfillment of justice. Were just as Frank, Sam, and I. Then any number of other men had to go through our remaining days as sexless creatures. So as well now would these ex-women who'd made us that way.After the event when we returned to our homes I arranged for Frank and Sam to go to Europe for cosmetic facial surgery. Something I also intended. And this as a "just in case" any of the women did sacrifice themselves to prison in an attempt to catch us. Though of course I also felt they would keep an eye on each other to make certain such a thing never happened. While then in all, there actuality was no real reason for my partners in justice or me to be returning to the United States anyway. And this for the most part was because I also had my attorney's arrange for Frank and Sam to find ten million dollars each in their savings accounts. Something which though it could provide no compensation for what was lost to them, just the same could make it a little more tolerable. While armed then with the identifications of the women we'd surgically altered. I found with some detective work these receivers of our vengeance had no such financial resources. So it was happily they would never know any such small luxury. But instead with their probable forthcoming divorces and break-ups from their husbands or boyfriends if they had them. And that was once their men wearied of not getting any sex. That was if those men could even in any way tolerate to be with the nearly alien-like, surgically altered creatures we'd left them with. I surmised it was most probable the ex-women. Newly made "its" would no doubt afterwards only know remaining days of self loathing, torment and extreme loneliness, so a truly fitting ending indeed.AUTHOR'S NOTE: Though I realize, hopefully that is. That Castration Party by Jenne was only a fantasy. It is a fantasy that is truly horrid in its surmise. Something which I felt required a necessary follow up fantasy as an equal time reprisal. NOTE OF CAUTION: It just goes to show that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. While would I believe in such revenge in real life, well I have to ask what man wouldn't? Though I suppose it is pretty much mandatory I state I do not endorses such actions. Not unless you desire possible jail time for taking the law into your own hands. So then it is best to consider this tale to be again nothing more than something fictional designed for entertainment purposes only. END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 45
Dear Kristen,I hope you liked the story I sent you last year of how I lost my virginity with my Mother. It appeared in Directory #39 under the title, "My Mother, My Lover, My Mistress". It was the first story I have ever written and for me, it was a much needed cathartic experience as I had just lost my mother to a terminal illness and was grieving deeply over her passing. I received many nice email comments about it with requests for additional stories about that seminal event in my life. So now I have decided to write another one with a slightly different perspective. The basic facts of both stories are the same and are true. I did begin a vigorous incestuous relationship with my mother when I was just a young teenager that continued up until just a few months before her passing not so long ago. But I will leave it to you and your readers to decide for yourself which perspective and their events is closer to the reality of the relationship I had with my mother and which ones are the result of wishful thinking through rose colored glasses.MuffDiver***Danny's Mom Makes Him a MotherfuckerI was born on my mother's 18th birthday. We shared the exact same birthday and I can remember as I was growing up how she would always tell me how much she loved her birthday gift and how lucky she was to have such a beautiful smart son for her birthday. It always made me feel good and warm all over to hear my mother talk about me that way. I knew that she and I together were very special and I loved her with all my heart. I would have done anything to please her.She in turn constantly doted on me and used to spend a lot of time with me after school and on weekends and during summer vacations taking me with her every where she went– shopping, to the park, and sometimes to see some romance type movies, and I loved being with her. I could see how men would stare at her and I knew it was because she was so beautiful and that made me proud. (At the time I was still too young to imagine the kind of sexual lust she stirred in those staring men. All I knew is that she was a beautiful, desirable woman to other men, but that she was my mom and belonged to me, and not to them).My earliest meaningful memories of my mom go back to when I was about six or seven years old. She would have been about 24 or 25 at that time and I think that was when I first became consciously aware of the fact that my mother was a beautiful woman– kind of tall for a woman at the time at 5' 10" with long shapely legs attached to curvaceous hips with a small waist topped by large soft tits with big nipples. She had long, soft, and silky light brown hair that fell just below her shoulders which she used to comb and let hang over one of her eyes in that sultry Hollywood style of the 40's and 50's with large almond shaped brown eyes and full pouty lips which she always painted with bright red lipstick. She loved to wear tight blouses and sweaters like the Hollywood movie stars of that era and I remember how her tits used to jiggle under her blouses and sweaters when she moved and you could see where her nipples were by the way they were poking out against the thin fabric of her clothes. (When I got older those jiggling tits used to turn me on so much that I would fantasize about sucking them while I jacked off). In short, my mom was a knockout– a real sexpot.Mom and Dad got married when she was a little over 17 I think, but I really don't know. It's just a pure guess on my part by working backwards from my birthday and adding at least nine months for when she was pregnant with me. The truth is that I really know almost nothing about how they met or how they came to be married since Mom never wanted to talk about it, and Dad never talked about anything much at all. All I know is that Dad was a soldier during the war (WW II) and met my mother around 1945 just before he was to go overseas. The war ended before he had to go and he stayed in the Army for about another 18 months before he was discharged and during that time continued dating mom until they were eventually married. I don't have any special memories about my Dad. It seems like during my formative growing years he was either working or sleeping. Dad was a big 6'4" tall handsome man who had to drop out of high school at 16 to help his mom and dad make a living for their family and of course he never went to college. I think he was basically a good man that never got a break. He was a plain factory laborer with no particular skills who was always working, and often worked the night and mid-night shifts back to back (night shifts paid more than day shift) to make enough money to support my mom and I. So dad and I never really had a "father-son" relationship. He never treated me badly but he just never had time for me to treat me any way at all. Mom was my love and total support.We didn't have a TV at home when I was growing up, and when we were at home and not out together on one of our outings to the park or the movies and the like, mom used to read a lot of magazines full of mushy romantic love stories and articles about rich and glamorous Hollywood stars and their escapades. Sometimes she would play cards or board games (like Gin and Parcheesi) with me to pass the time away. Her favorite pastime was to play records of romantic songs and ballads of that day and dance slowly by herself with her eyes semi-closed and this dreamy, languid expression on her face pretending she was dancing with a man. I used to love to watch her dance that way and wished that I were the man in her arms. By the time I was nine years old I had grown just tall enough that mom started to ask me to dance with her when she would play her records. She said that she would teach me how to be an expert dancer so that I would be a big hit with all the girls when I started dating. I wasn't thinking about girls yet and so I really didn't care whether I learned how to dance or not, but I was ecstatic about the idea of holding my mother close and being in her arms with my head resting on her stomach. By the time I was somewhere between 10 and 11 years old I was just tall enough that when we danced my head came to about the level of the middle part of her tits and I could feel their warmth and softness when I laid my head on them as we danced. How I loved that feeling. I could feel how soft they were on my cheek and could feel her nipples through her clothes pressing on my face. I know mom loved it too because she would put her hand on the back of my head caressing it and pushing it against her tits to make firmer contact. That's when I began to get these strange warm feelings in the pit of my stomach that extended all over my body and made my stomach tingle. At the time I didn't know exactly what all that meant. All I knew was that I loved being in my mother's arm with my head resting on her tits.It was also about that same time when I was about 10 or 11 that I became aware that Mom and Dad were not entirely happy together. They frequently had disagreements and arguments in low voices so I couldn't hear what they were fighting about, but I heard enough at various times to understand that it had something to do with sex. Exactly what, I had no clue at the time because what I knew about sex at age 10 or 11 you could put into a thimble. I knew that girls and women didn't have pricks, but instead had a hole between their legs called a pussy and that babies were made when a man stuck his prick into a woman's pussy, and that was about the extent of my knowledge. Remember, this was the middle 1950's and there was no such thing as sex education in the schools, and polite people didn't talk about sex at all. Whatever it was, it was something that happened behind closed doors by married people. My sex education took place on the playground where I learned from older kids who tried to act older than they were and talk dirty and brag about how much they knew about sex using words and terms such as fuck, screw, cunt, clit, hitting the moon, shooting a wad, cock-sucking, beating-off, etc. Most of us, including me, didn't know what all those words and terms really meant (and neither did the kids that were using them 95% of the time), but we sure weren't going to open our mouths to ask and then get laughed off the playground.Anyway, we lived in a simple small two-story, three bedroom wood frame house. The three bedrooms were all upstairs on one side of the house in a row with a long corridor that ran from the head of the stairs at the front of the house to the back of the house where there was a bathroom at the end of the corridor. My Mom and Dad slept in the front bedroom at the head of the stairs and I had the back bedroom next to the bathroom. Mom used the middle bedroom as her sewing room. I could almost always tell when my parents were having sex at night because sounds traveled easily through the thin wooden walls of those bedrooms and I could often hear the squeaking bed springs and my Dad's grunting from time to time. Of course, I didn't know exactly what he was doing to her at that time, but it's clear now that he was fucking Mom.Every once in a while, when I was laying in my bed at night not yet asleep listening to Dad fuck Mom, he would suddenly stop and I would hear his feet hit the floor followed by their bedroom door flying open and his heavy footsteps coming down the hall heading to the bathroom. When he would pass my open bedroom door I could see him holding his hard cock in his hand and sometimes he was stroking it. (During hot summer months it was common for folks like us to sleep with our bedroom doors open and windows up to get a cooling night breeze to flow through the room. We didn't have air conditioning. Even my parents would sleep that way unless they were fucking. It didn't take me long to figure out that whenever their door was closed, that was a good indicator that Dad was going to fuck Mom.) When he would get to the bathroom he would stay in there for about 5 to 10 minutes and I could sometimes hear him grunting followed by the toilet flushing then after another a minute or two I could hear him take a piss and then the toilet would flush again and he would go back to bed. I later came to understand that whenever that happened he was beating off after fucking mom and shooting his cum into the toilet.After I became aware that my parents were probably fucking when their bedroom door was closed at night, I used to sneak down the hall and put my ear to the wall where their bed was and listen to them fucking. Most of the time all I would hear is the bed creaking and my dad occasionally grunting as he pounded Mom's pussy and if I was listening carefully I could sometimes hear when he was cumming when he would usually grunt 3 or 4 times quickly in succession followed by a long aaaaaaahhhhhhhh. Then my mother would usually say something like "Ok Herb, now get off me so I can go clean out my cunt." One night I remember they argued while he was fucking her. My mom said, "Dammit Herb, what's taking you so long to cream. Hurry up. You're heavy as lead and I'm tired." Dad said, "Listen bitch, I'll shoot my wad when I'm damn good and ready to. You know if you would move that ass of yours once in a while instead of just laying there like a cold slab of meat it might help. Now shut up and tighten up those cunt muscles of yours. I feel like I'm ramming my cock into an empty cave." And Mom replied, "There's nothing wrong with my cunt asshole. It's still the tightest cunt you'll ever find. Did you ever think the problem might be your skinny little pencil thin prick? Why don't you just go down to the toilet and beat it off, that's if you can find it?" Dad would say, "Why should I? It looks like that's what your cunt is for, since every time I stick my dick in it, it feels just like I'm beating it off anyway. Now start moving that big ass of yours or I'm going to pull out of your cunt cave and ram my cock up your tight little ass. Maybe I'll get some action that way. And Mom finally said, "Listen Herb, I'm tired of this shit now and I need some sleep. Just get off me and let me beat it off right here so we can both get some sleep." And I could hear my Dad rolling off the top of her and then hear the sounds of her jacking off my Dad's cock until I could hear him grunt followed by his long aaaaahhhhh as he would cum all over my mother's hand. Then my mother would say, "Dammit, now I got your slimy cream all over my hand and arm. I'm going to have to go scrub it off." That would be my cue to quickly tip toe back down to my room before Mom could get out of bed and head for the bathroom.On another night I heard Dad trying to get my Mom to let him fuck her. Dad: "C'mon Angie, roll over and spread your legs, I need a piece of ass." Mom: "Not tonight Herb. It's the wrong time, so leave me alone." Dad: "Whadda ya mean not tonight? I'm ready now! And when I'm ready, it's never the wrong time! Now roll your ass over dammit and open up that cunt." Mom: "Go away Herb. I said not tonight and I mean it. Why don't you just go down to your favorite street corner and fuck that little whore you're so sweet on and leave me alone. I know you've fucked her lots of times before." Dad: "Now give me one good reason why I should pay for a piece of ass with that street whore when I have a free piece of ass right here with a whore I've already bought and paid for." Mom: (Sobbing) You lousy son of a bitch. You're a real bastard Herb. I'm not a whore and don't you ever forget it. Dad: Oh yeah, well what do you call it when you fucked and sucked almost every cock in the whole damn platoon before I met you and then after we met and you were telling me how much you loved me and how I was the only man for you, you still pulled a train with almost half of them one night– 15 of them no less. Shorty told me that you fucked each one of them one right after the other and then went back around again and gave each of them a cum swallowing blowjob- only five days before we were married!! Five fucking days!!! How do you think I felt when I found out about it four months later when some of the guys were asking how I liked the married life and getting a free blow job every night. When I told them you weren't that kind of woman, they laughed their asses off and asked if I didn't know that you were the best whore and cocksucker in town bragging to me about what a great cocksucker you were. That's when Shorty told me how you pulled their train. You whoring bitch. You made me look like a stupid, hillbilly hick that didn't have any better sense than to marry a whore. If that's not a whore then I don't know what one is. Accept it baby. You're a whore all right. So start acting like one and spread your legs and open up that cunt cave of yours."Mom: (sobbing heavily) "You rotten son of a bitch. I didn't make you look like a stupid hillbilly hick because that's what you already were asshole. And that's what you still are. One of these days I'm going to cut your balls off then you won't even need a whore anymore." (more heavy crying) Dad: "Aw shit, what's the use. I'm going to sleep."And on yet another night they seemed to be fucking without any distractions and Mom seemed to be really enjoying it by the sounds of her moaning and little squeals of pleasure when my Dad started his grunting just before cumming and all of a sudden I heard my Mom cry out, "Damn you Herb. I told you not to cream in me tonight. It's not the right time. Now I'm going to have to go and flush out my cunt 3 or 4 times real good and that's going to take almost an hour and make a big mess." Dad said, "Quit your bitching Angie. What did you want me to do, cum on the bed or all over your tits? You would have bitched more if I had done either one." Mom replied, "You know Herb, you're a first class asshole. You could have just pulled out of my cunt as you started to cum and caught your cum in your hand, and it would have been easy to just go down to the bathroom and dump it in the toilet and wash your hand. Dad answered, "Listen cunt, it will be a cold day in hell before you ever catch me cumming in my hand. That's sick." Mom said, "No Herb, you're the one that's sick." Dad sneered at her, "How about it Angie, if next time, I just jam it in your mouth and cum down your throat. I bet you'd like that wouldn't you. It would remind you of your whoring days as a first class cocksucker." Mom sneered back, "You'll be sorry if you ever try that you bastard because I'll bite the damn thing off." Shorty was right. I was the best damn cocksucker in town, but you will never know it asshole because it'll be the same cold day in hell when you cum in your hand that you will ever get me to suck your cock. Dad said, "Yeah, yeah, yeah." And he evidently rolled over and went to sleep. As the days and months passed and I got older and all these things started to coalesce in my young mind I began to understand that my mother was not happy with her life in general and for sure not with her sex life. I didn't understand a lot of the things they said to each other and what they meant when they were fighting in bed like "whore" and "pulling a train" but I instinctively knew that they must be bad and they were saying those things to hurt each other and I didn't understand why. Sometimes during the day I would observe her crying very quietly to herself trying to hide it so I wouldn't notice. Sometimes I would try and cheer her up by asking her, "What's wrong Mom? Did I do something wrong? Please don't cry." She would almost always put her arms around me and hold me tight against her bosom and say something like, "Oh, no, no Danny. Of course you didn't do anything wrong darling. You're my precious angel birthday gift and I love you so much. You're so good to me. Mommy was just thinking about a very sad thing that happened a long time ago and it just made me sad for a little while, that's all. Everything's fine. Why don't we put some records on and dance a little bit, ok? Would you like that honey?" And of course I always said yes.One day about a week before my 14th birthday and my Mom's 32nd birthday was just like I described above. Mom had been sitting on the sofa softly crying and I tried to comfort her and she held me tight to her body with my head on her bosom with her nipples pressing on my cheek. That felt really good but after a while she said, "Why don't you dance with me a little honey. That will cheer us up." So we started to dance like we always did when she was especially sad or unhappy. By then I had grown to where I was almost the same height as Mom and I couldn't easily rest my head on her tits anymore. But I held her close so I could feel her soft tits and nipples against my chest, which always made me feel good. It was a warm summer day and Mom and I were both wearing shorts. As we danced closely together she held me so close that her pussy mound was pressing against my cock and balls and our bare thighs were rubbing against each other. I started to feel that warm little feel-good sensation in the pit of my stomach like I had always felt whenever we danced, and then I started to get a hard-on, but that didn't particularly concern me. I had gotten hard-ons many times before while dancing with Mom but nothing ever happened when I did, and Mom always ignored them as nothing out of the ordinary. About the only thing she ever said was when I got a hard-on and it stuck straight out against my pants instead of lying flat against my stomach or running straight down my pant leg against my leg. Then she would smile at me and say, "Danny honey, when your penis gets hard like that and sticks straight out, you need to either make it lay flat against your stomach or push it down your pant leg. It's not polite to let it stick straight out like that." And I would say, "I know. I'm sorry mom. It's just that sometimes the tip gets stuck against my pants as it starts getting hard and then it just stays there as it gets bigger." She said, "I know it's not your fault dear. But don't worry. All young boys and men get hard-ons. It's a normal thing to happen. But proper young gentlemen do not call attention to their hard-ons by letting them stick out like a flagpole. Whenever that happens just reach down and either pull it up or push it down, whichever is easier, but don't let it stick straight out. If it embarrasses you to be handling your penis like that, then make out like you're adjusting your belt or something like that. No one will pay any attention to what you're doing." So this time when my cock started to get hard it was already pointing up laying flat against my stomach and I didn't think any thing was out of the ordinary. I was just enjoying that beautiful feeling that I always got when my body was pressed up tight against my mother's body whenever we danced together. But as we continued to dance and Mom was swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music her pussy was rubbing the underside of my now rock hard cock. We were pressed up so tight against each other that the shaft of my cock had spread her pussy lips slightly apart and was nestled in the valley of her pussy. The feeling in my stomach spread to my legs and thighs and was beginning to intensify a little. I was loving it because I knew what that feeling meant.I had been masturbating for over a year by then and I recognized the feeling that was beginning to suffuse my body as I danced with Mom as the same feeling I would get whenever I would look at the pictures and read the letters to the editors in my stash of porno magazines and fantasize about fucking beautiful women and having them suck my cock. Whenever I got that feeling I would start stroking my cock and after a few strokes the feeling would quickly intensify and focus on my groin area and make my balls start to tingle and my cock to throb followed by the most exquisite firing of every nerve ending in my body as my cock would erupt with massive jets of cum. But this was the first time that I felt that feeling spread from my stomach to all over my body as I danced with my Mom and it was really making me excited inside to know that she was making me want to masturbate. I decided that when the song that we were dancing to ended, that I would excuse myself saying that I had to go pee and would be right back, and then run to the bathroom to masturbate real quick before the feeling left me. But before I knew what was happening the feeling suddenly greatly intensified and I could sense my cock starting to throb and then without warning I had a massive orgasm and my cock began shooting out a torrent of warm, sticky cum that flooded the front of my shorts and started running down my legs. My cock kept pumping out more and more cum until the orgasmic feeling reached an exquisite peak greater and more pleasurable than I had ever felt before when I masturbated by jacking off my cock with my hand. It flooded every part of my body and I involuntarily let out a loud groan and exquisite sigh of sheer pleasure. My mother's body tensed a bit and she exclaimed in a surprised voice, "What happened Danny?" I knew what had happened for sure, but I didn't want my Mom to know that I knew all about orgasms and cumming and stuff like that. I would have been mortified and embarrassed if she knew that I was enjoying having an orgasm with her. She would surely find out that I knew a lot more about sex than she thought I did and would discover that I regularly enjoyed masturbating myself to pictures of naked women fucking and sucking, and I didn't want her to think that I was some kind of pervert. All of those thoughts raced through my mind as she asked that simple question, "What happened Danny?" In that split second, I decided to pretend that I didn't understand what had happened and maybe she would think that orgasms and cumming was a brand new experience for me and I tried to act surprised as I stammered, "I-I'm sorry mom. I don't know exactly what happened, but I think I accidentally peed my pants. I'm so embarrassed." Then mom pulled away and looked down at my pants and leg and her leg where some of my cum had rubbed off on it. She reached down and scooped up some of the cum off her leg and on to her finger, looked at it, tasted it with her tongue, and then smiled broadly and said, "Oh no sweetheart, you didn't pee in your pants. You creamed yourself! I said, "What do you mean mom? What do you mean I creamed myself? How did I do that? I didn't do anything! It just happened by itself! What's cream anyway?" Mom pulled me back close to her and gave me a quick kiss on the lips and then said, "Calm down Danny. It's ok sweetie. Really, it's ok. But do you mean you really don't know what happened? Hasn't dad talked to you about girls yet and what happens between girls and boys?" I said, "No ma'am, he hasn't. Dad never talks to me about anything." Mom looked up and away muttering under her breath to herself, "That SOB. That's just like the bastard, only thinking of himself again." Then she looked back at me and held my face in her hands and kissed me again quickly on the lips and said, "No matter darling. I think what just happened is that you just took your first step into manhood. I know you're confused right now but everything is wonderful. You have started to become a man and I'll explain everything to you soon and help you through this confusing period. But first, let's get you up to the bathroom so we can get you cleaned up and then we will have a little talk about the birds and the bees. It's way past time for you to learn about these things so you don't accidentally get some girl in trouble, or worse have some hot little honey take advantage of you.I was ecstatically relieved. I had pulled it off! Mom wouldn't find out about how much I loved to fantasize about fucking women and having them suck my dick while I beat my meat. All I had to do now was to let her explain all about sex to me, and that really excited me.Mom took me up to the bathroom and stood me up in the bathtub and told me to drop my pants and shorts so she could wash me off. I started to resist at first and said, "MOM, I can do that! You're not supposed to see me naked!" Mom chuckled at me and said, "Be quiet silly. I'm your mother. Don't you think I haven't seen you naked plenty of times before? I used to change your diapers. Now drop those pants so I can clean you off." And I said, "Oh, alright," and dropped my shorts and underwear. Mom started running warm water into the tub and got a washcloth to start cleaning me up. When she looked over at my groin area to start, she got a good look at my cock and everything else. By then my cock was not rock hard anymore, but neither was it completely limp. It was sort of hanging down in an in-between state of semi-hardness and was about 6-1/2 inches long. (It was only about 7-1/2 inches long when hard at that time. Today it's a respectable 8-1/2 inches when hard.) My cum was spread all over my stomach area, pubic hair, cock, balls, and down my thighs and legs. Mom said, "Well sport you sure did a number because you have cream spread all over yourself. You really shot a huge load, but from the size of you I guess I'm not surprised." Then she giggled a little and said sort of to herself, "It won't be long before you will be beating the girls off with a stick when they get wind of the size of your cock. That is some impressive weapon baby, and you're still growing." Then she started to wash my stomach and clean out my navel since some of the cum had gotten in there. As she was washing me she began to talk to me."Honey, now what I think just happened when we were dancing is that you had your first real orgasm. Do you know what an orgasm is honey?" "No ma'am, I don't think so. I mean I'm not sure, unless it means spitting cum out of my cock into a cunt." Mom said sternly, "Don't use those kinds of words Danny. They're not nice. The correct word for your cock is penis, and the correct word for cum is sperm, and the correct word for cunt is vagina. And your penis does not "spit" out sperm when you are sexually exited. It ejaculates sperm. Words like cock, cum, cunt, and others like them are vulgar words that young boys and men and sometimes girls and women use when they want to talk dirty and disrespectfully to try and impress people with how manly, or sophisticated, or worldly they think they are. But all they accomplish is to display how uncultured and common, and vulgar they really are. I'm your mother Danny, and because I am also a woman I have a vagina. How would you like to hear people refer to me as a 'cunt' all the time?" I said, "Oh mom, you know I wouldn't, and if anyone ever did I would punch their lights out." Mom smiled, "I know you would darling and I love you for it. I'm just trying to make sure you understand the difference.I know you are going to use these kinds of vulgar words among your young friends as you banter among yourselves to impress each other, and tell dirty jokes, and brag to each other about your conquests with the young ladies. And later when you start making love to girls and are having intercourse with them, you and they both will probably use them because vulgar or dirty talking often raises the level of excitement and pleasure when you're having intercourse with a female. But you must never use them in public with people who you want to think well of you and respect you." I acted very contrite and said, "I understand Mom and I'm sorry and I won't do it again, but Mom, you use the word cream instead of sperm. Why is that ok?" She answered, "I know I do Danny and that's a good question. I started using that word years ago because I was, and still am, very shy and embarrassed about talking about sex with anyone that I didn't know real well, and so I got in the habit of finding innocent words to use in place of the real words when I absolutely had to talk about sex matters with someone like my mother, or a doctor or someone like that. Cream is not a vulgar word. It is a perfectly good word that is used to describe many ordinary things like face cream, cream from milk, whipped cream on cake and ice cream, and stuff like that. I have other innocent words that I sometimes use like you might sometimes hear me say "your thing" instead of your penis. But words like cum and cunt have only one meaning. They are intended to be a dirty, vulgar reference to something that is perfectly normal. So cum is just a vulgar substitute for sperm to describe the milky like fluid that is ejaculated from a penis during orgasm and cunt is a vulgar reference to a woman's vagina. Do you understand the difference dear?" "Yes Mom. I really do," I said.Mom continued, "Now, do you understand what happens when a man ejaculates his sperm into a woman's vagina and why women like for men to put their penises into their vaginas?" I answered, "I think so Mom. Women need a penis in their vagina to make a baby, don't they?" Mom said, "Well that's the general idea son. But the conditions have to be just right for a baby to made. You see a woman's body produces a little tiny egg every month that is deposited deep in her body at the upper end of her vagina. That egg needs to be fertilized before it can grow into a baby. But there are only a few days after the egg is produced that it can be fertilized, and if it isn't, then it is washed out of the woman's body through her vagina. And about a month later her body produces another egg. The sperm that a man ejaculates into the woman's vagina is the fertilizer that the egg needs to grow into a baby. The sperm contains millions of tiny little bits of fertilizer that look something like polliwogs under a microscope. Those little sperm polliwogs swim up the vagina looking for the egg, and when they find it, they fertilize the egg so it can grow into a baby. The right time for an egg to be fertilized by sperm happens for just a few days during a woman's monthly cycle and then she has her period. Her period is when the process of flushing an egg out of her vagina that has not been fertilized occurs. It usually lasts for a few days and happens on average about once a month. That's when she wears a Kotex, or sometimes a Tampax to soak up the fluid discharge that flushes out the old egg from her vagina. That usually means she has not had a penis in her vagina to ejaculate some sperm while she had an egg waiting to be fertilized, but at times even when she has had a penis ejaculate sperm into her vagina with an egg waiting, none of the sperm polliwogs are able to successfully find and fertilize her egg. So, making a baby is also partly a matter of luck. And the more often a woman has a penis in her vagina ejaculating sperm during her monthly cycle, the better the chances are that one of those little sperm polliwogs will find and fertilize her egg at the right time.So to make sure that men and women like to engage in lots of intercourse that will result in lots of babies being made- intercourse is what it's called when a man sticks his penis in a woman's vagina to ejaculate his sperm, the vulgar word for that is fucking - anyway, nature, or God, created the orgasm as an exquisite pleasurable feeling that men and women experience in order to make them want to have lots of intercourse with each other. The peak of a man's orgasm occurs when he ejaculates his sperm, and the woman's orgasm is caused by the man's penis rubbing the inside of her vagina and hits a peak when she feels his sperm filling her vagina. You remember the feeling... " As Mom was talking to me and washing the cum, I mean sperm, off my body, my penis once again had gotten rock hard as Mom kept handling it and moving it around as she was washing around my groin area and getting all the sperm out of my pubic hair. She was just starting to explain to me what an orgasm was like while she was on her knees facing my penis and holding it in the palm of her hand as she was cleaning the sperm off the top of it, and asked me if I remembered the exquisite feeling I had when I began to ejaculate my sperm. I said yes, it was a fantastic feeling, and as I was saying that, I could sense that same feeling starting to build in me again. And right at that time Mom raised up my penis and started to wash the underside with soap using her hand to rub the soap up and down it's 7-1/2 inches of rock hard, hot flesh. I knew I should interrupt her to tell her the feeling she was describing was starting to build in me again, but she was talking non-stop and washing my penis and it felt so fantastic that I didn't want it to stop and so I kept telling myself – "just a little longer and I'll tell her, just a little longer," and then as the feeling intensified, "I'll tell her just before I start to orgasm," and before I knew it, I lost all control and my penis began to ejaculate again when it was pointing right at her face. The first big wad of sperm hit her square in the mouth as she was talking about orgasms and before she could react two more wads hit her, one on the right side of her nose just above her upper lip and the other one on her upper left cheek. Mom jerked her head back as my penis spurted a few more jets of sperm on her chin and throat, looking completely surprised and stunned, and then exclaimed "Oh my goodness! What a surprise! Aren't you the randy one now. I didn't think you would have another load ready for another half an hour at least."I was terrified at what I had done because I was afraid that she would discover that I was not as innocent and inexperienced as I was pretending to be and she would realize that I was enjoying letting her make me cum. I could see that the first big wad of sperm had entered directly into her mouth and I could see the thick white cream coating her teeth, gums, and tongue and puddling in the back of her mouth and I immediately started babbling and crying,"I'm sorry mom, I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do it, I couldn't help it, Please forgive me, Please don't hate me... " And then the most amazing thing happened that stopped me cold in my tracks. Mom looked at me and smiled and then took her tongue and started licking her teeth, gums and lips saying, "Mmmmm, very tasty." Then as the wad of sperm that hit on the right side of her nose began sliding down on to her upper lip she took her tongue and directed the flow of sperm into her mouth which she swallowed. I recovered my senses, and resumed my acting and yelled, "Mom what are you doing? Stop! That's cum that you're eating. It's dirty like piss." She gave me a dreamy smile as she took her finger and scooped up the third wad that had hit on her left cheek and then put her finger into her mouth and sucked her finger clean, letting the cum slide down her throat then she replied very calmly, "No it's not honey. It's not cum and its not dirty. It's sperm. It's your sperm my darling- my baby's good clean sperm and it tastes delicious. It's the best tasting sperm I have ever eaten and I love it." Mom finished scooping up all the remaining cum off her face, chin, and throat with her fingers and sucking it down her throat with her mouth and then took the tip of my penis and put it in her mouth and sucked out all the creamy sperm that was still in my piss hole and then wiped her face with the washcloth and said, "Now where were we? Oh yes, orgasms. But I think you already know what an orgasm is now don't you sweetie?" I was still semi-stunned at what I had just seen her do and all I could say was, "I sure do Mom." Mom said, "I'm sure you do too my sweet." Then she kind of shook her head like she was clearing cobwebs or something and said, "Well, now back to business but first there are a few things that we need to discuss about what has just happened today. I want you to understand that everything that has happened today is not your fault Danny – especially this last orgasm. It's all my fault, even though I'm not sorry it happened. I should have known better. You see Danny when a man has an orgasm and ejaculates all his sperm it usually takes at least 30 min to an hour before he can have another orgasm because it takes his body that is his testicles that long to replenish his supply of sperm. I thought that in view of the huge amount of sperm you ejaculated when we were dancing that it would be at least an hour before you would be ready to ejaculate again. So when I was washing your penis and it got hard again, I wasn't worried. I didn't think you would be ready to ejaculate again for at least another half hour. But I was wrong because what I forgot was that young virile men just entering manhood with a super intense sex drive just like you have, frequently can have orgasms every 10 or 15 minutes for hours at a time. So when I was washing your penis, I was rubbing it with my hand and the wash-cloth which was just like I was masturbating it, and of course it reacted like any normal penis that was being masturbated and generated another big orgasm as it ejaculated new sperm into my mouth and on my face. So what just happened is my fault honey not yours. You reacted exactly as any normal healthy young man who was having his penis rubbed by a woman would react. You have nothing to be ashamed of or sorry about. Do you understand that?"I nodded my head yes, but Mom said, "NO. I want to hear you say it Danny. I want to hear you say that you understand it wasn't your fault that you ejaculated your sperm into my mouth. It's important." I said, "I understand Mom. I know it wasn't my fault that I ejaculated my sperm into your mouth and face. Mom smiled and said, "Good Danny. I love you very much my darling son. As you grow into a man Danny, you will learn that many women, including me, love the taste of a man's sperm and it's not unusual for them to want to suck it out of a man's penis. There is nothing wrong with that honey. It's just a normal part of making love. And just like a lot of women like the taste of sperm and enjoy eating it, so do a lot of men like the taste of the juices that are produced by a woman's pussy and her vagina, and they like to suck it up with their mouths and eat it too. That's what is usually called "eating pussy", or sometimes, "sucking out a cunt." I'll be teaching you all about these things, baby as I help you through this transition from being a boy to becoming a man. Now give me a big kiss and hug sweetheart." And so I kneeled down in the tub and put my arms around my Mom and held her tight and gave her a big kiss and then told her, "I love you Mom with all my heart. I want to always be with you forever." I could see a small tear roll down her cheek as she replied, "And I love you too with all my heart and I always want to be with you as well my darling." Then she said, "Now let me finish washing the sperm off your body. Don't worry, I won't be washing your penis again. I already cleaned all the sperm off of it from your first ejaculation and it didn't get any more on it the second time since all of it ended up in my mouth and on my face. But we still have to get all the sperm out of your pubic hair and off your legs because it gets hard when it dries and it will hurt to wash it out if you wait until then." Then she continued washing me off and took up where she left off before I shot my sperm into her mouth."Now Danny it's obvious why you had an orgasm while I was washing your penis, but can you tell me why you had one when we were dancing? I mean, what were you thinking about that got you so excited? Do you have a girlfriend that excites you and lets you feel her up... were you thinking about her... maybe her breasts, Have you started masturbating yet and were thinking about that? The reason I'm asking these questions Danny is to understand what caused your orgasm so I can know how to best help you through this time of transition from being a little boy to becoming a man." I replied, "I wasn't thinking about anything Mom. If masturbating is the same thing as jacking-off or beating meat that I have heard some of the guys talking about, then I have never done anything like that yet. I'm not even sure how to do it and I'm not going to ask any of my friends either and look like a dork. And I don't have any steady girlfriend either, although I have been interested in a few girls in my class who already have big tits and I have thought about how much fun it would be to feel them and maybe suck on their nipples but I haven't had the nerve to try yet." Then Mom chuckled, and said, "Yeah, you're normal all right but it sounds like this is the first time you have ejaculated sperm out of your penis as the result of an orgasm. Later I'll teach you how to masturbate so you can make your own orgasms when you don't have a female to make love with." Then she said, "You know Danny, I noticed several months ago that your testicles had started producing sperm when I noticed sperm deposits on your under shorts a couple of times when I was washing them so I knew that you were entering puberty. But I thought it would be another year before you started to get really randy. You were probably having wet dreams and didn't notice it. And that explains your building interest in girls with big tits. That's going to get a lot stronger dear, and you're going to start noticing other things about girls as well like their pretty legs, and soft round bottoms. And you're going to start having great big urges to want to stick your penis into a girl's vagina and have orgasms with her." By then Mom had finished cleaning me off and had dried me off with a towel and said, "Ok dear, all clean and fresh now. Let's go in to my bedroom now to continue this discussion." "Ok Mom, but shouldn't I put on some pants first?" "No, not right now son. It will be easier for me to explain and show you some things that it's important for you to understand without clothes getting in the way. And I said, "Ok Mom, let's go." I was fast losing all my inhibitions with my mother and looking forward to what was coming next even though I had no idea what it was. I was excited to say the least.When we got to Mom's bedroom she said, "Lets sit here on the bed facing each other and get comfortable, and then I want you to tell me if you can Danny, since you weren't thinking about anything special while we were dancing, maybe you can tell me what you were feeling?" I began to explain, "I was having the same warm tingly feeling that I always get when we dance together, only this time it kept getting stronger and stronger and feeling so much better than it ever has before that all I wanted was for it to never stop and then all of a sudden my penis started ejaculating and I didn't even know it at first until I felt the sperm sliding down my legs." Mom smiled and said, "I think I understand that feeling Danny. It really is a wondrous beautiful feeling. That's the feeling you get when your body is building up to an orgasm. But can you tell me when you first started having those tingly feelings when we dance? Did you have them from the very beginning of when we started dancing together or did they start later." I replied, "Not from the very beginning. I think they started when I was about 10-1/2 or 11 when I got tall enough to rest my head on your tits. Your tits are so soft Mom, and I used to love to just lay my head on them while you stroked the hair on my head and feel your nipples pressing on my cheeks. I really wanted to suck on your nipples then Mom, but I knew enough to know that I was to old to be doing that. That's when I would get this warm feeling all over my body and then get these little tingly feelings in the pit of my stomach and down below in my ... you know... my balls. I guess when we were dancing today I really was thinking about something. I was thinking about your tits. I was thinking about how good they felt rubbing against my chest and their nipples were hard and I could feel them pressing on me and I was thinking about how good it would feel to suck on them. But as good as that felt, it wasn't as good as when I could rest my head on them and feel your nipples on my cheek and I was wishing I was shorter again so I could still rest my head on your tits when we dance." "Oh sweetheart," mom said. "You don't know how good that makes me feel. I never suspected that you felt that way about me before. It excites me tremendously. But before we explore this some more I want us to try a little experiment to try and demonstrate something to you. I don't know if this will work, but lets try anyway.I want you to scoot around so you are looking to the right of me." I did what Mom asked and then she said, "Now I want you to try as hard as you can to clear your mind of all thoughts and look at your penis and concentrate on making it get hard. Don't look up. Just keep staring at your penis and don't think of anything else. Just say to yourself over and over in your mind, "Get hard penis, Get hard penis, Get hard penis." My penis at this time was completely soft and limp at it's normal shriveled up size of about 4-1/2 inches and I said, "Ok, Mom I'm concentrating." I stared at my cock as hard as I could and concentrated like Mom asked me to do for two minutes but nothing happened. I thought I saw it twitch a couple times, but that was about all. Finally I said, "It's no use Mom It's just not getting hard." And Mom said, "That's ok Danny. Now I want you to scoot back around to face me and look at me." I did as she directed and then looked up and for the second time that day I was stunned. Mom had taken off her blouse and bra and had both of her big soft tits lifted up cupped in her hands with her nipples pointed straight at me and then she began taking her thumb and forefinger on each hand and began squeezing and twirling her nipples making them get hard and stand up. In less than 10 seconds my cock got as hard as rock. Mom said, "You see Danny how quickly your penis got very hard when you saw my bare tits with me squeezing the nipples, and you couldn't make it get hard at all when you were just concentrating on making it get hard. All I'm trying to show you darling is that it takes more than just willing your penis to get hard. It also helps to have a powerful stimulus like having your penis rubbed against by a pussy like mine was doing when we were dancing, or seeing a woman's naked body, or maybe some visual stimulation like watching a woman play with her tits or sometimes her vagina, or even do some very sexy, vulgar talking about making love. Then while I was transfixed staring at her tits with my mouth open Mom started talking to me, "Do you like mama's tits sweetie?" Then she stared at my hard cock, "Ooohhh baby, I see one big hard man that likes these big beauties. I bet he would like to spray his hot love juice all over mama's titties." Then looking back at me, "Would you like to spray your hot cum all over mama's titties baby? Do you like those big brown nipples standing up hard sweetie? Would you like to put your head on mama's titties and feel and kiss their soft flesh and lick their nipples? Huh? Would you like that darling? Would you like to suckle on mamas nipples?" I had never seen my mother like this. She was so tantalizing sexy. I was inflamed with desire for her and all I could say was, "Oh god yes mama... I want to bury my face in them... to lick them... and suck those beautiful nipples and then cover them with my hot cum...""Well come on baby. Come to mama. I want to feel your soft lips sucking on my nipples. Come on my sweet little man... tickle mama's titties with your hot tongue..." and she laid back on the bed. I quickly slid across the bed and laid down on my side next to mama with my hard cock laying across her lower stomach and reached up with my left hand to cup my mama's right tit in my hand to gently massage the smooth warm flesh and then nuzzled my face into that soft tit licking the creamy smooth flesh, working my way across the luscious brown aureole straining my lips toward her big nipple and finally latching on to roll my tongue around that beautiful nipple that looked so hard but felt so soft on my tongue and then settled down to softly suckling on that enticing piece of flesh while with my free hand I was caressing her other tit and rolling the nipple around between my thumb and finger. I was in heaven. Mama was flying. Her head was back, mouth open, breathing in short deep gasps of breath, looking at me but not seeing me through eyes glazed over in sexual ecstasy, licking her lips and crying out, "Oh god that feels so good baby, suck mama's titties, don't stop sucking... I'm so wet... ooooooohhh," and she reached down and pushed her shorts and panties down around her thighs and began rubbing her pussy and fingering her clit with her right hand. In just a few seconds her hips began writhing and started to thrust up and down against her hand and then mama reached down with her left hand and wrapped her fingers around my cock sending an electric shock shuddering through my body. I broke my lip lock on mama's nipple and said, "Oh mama that feels soooo good, oooohhhh I think I'm going to shoot my cream again, I want to shoot it on your tits..."Mama gasped between her labored breathing, "Yes baby, yes... cum on mama's tits, spray that delicious cum all over them... cover my nipples with your cum angel..." and then she shimmied her bottom down toward my feet while pulling my cock up towards her nipple until it was almost touching it and began stroking my hot rod, and also started bending her head down until her mouth was just a few inches away from the same nipple. At the same time mama's hips were bucking wildly as she had thrust several fingers into her vagina and was furiously pumping them in and out of her cunt, and then my cock began shooting big wads of cum all over mama's tit and nipple. Mama strained to reach my cock with her mouth open and finally managed to wrap her lips around it to catch the last two big wads of sperm in her mouth but not before the first three shots had hit all over her nipple and were spreading in all directions, up towards her throat, down toward her stomach and belly button and sideways into the valley of her tits. Then just as she was starting to let my cum start sliding down her throat she began cumming and started to holler wildly, "Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! I'm cumming! I'm cumming! DANNY I'M CUMMMMIIINNNGGGGG!!" Then without warning she started to choke and cough violently and shot straight up into a sitting position coughing and choking and gasping for breath. It scared the death out of me as her sudden violent movement made me fall off of her body as by then I had been laying sort of half on and half off of her stomach and tits. As I picked myself up to ask her what was wrong she looked at me and wrapped her arms around me tightly pulling me up tight against her tits and began laughing and rapidly planting kisses all over my face, neck, and, forehead with her cum laced lips while falling back on the bed with me on top of her still laughing and telling me between laughs."Oh god that was wonderful Danny. I've never been made love to like that ever before in my life. And I've never had such an excruciating orgasm like this one. It was beautiful, just beautiful. You are some fantastic stud my little man." And I said, "You mean better than with Dad?" "Miles better than him. He isn't even in the same league with you darling." Then she got quiet and pensive for a while as she continued to hold me close as if the mention of Dad had intruded on her thoughts. After a little while I said, "Mom, why did you start coughing like that at the end? Did I do something wrong." She looked at me and started laughing again and said, "No, no sweetheart. You didn't do anything wrong. You were perfect in every way - a magnificent lover. What happened was just as I was swallowing your thick, creamy, delicious cum and it was sliding down my throat, that's when my orgasm hit it's peak, and as I went over the top, I sucked a lot of your cum into my windpipe causing me to choke and gasp for breath. "No, you didn't do anything wrong my darling. I can't wait for you to fuck me baby. I've never wanted a cock in my cunt as much as I want your magnificent cock deep in my cunt. But first I need to recover my strength. So now let's just lay here for a little while and relax and gather our strength back. Ok, dear? I feel like every muscle in my body has been wrung out." "Me too Mom," I said. "Besides I love feeling your body up against mine," and laid my hand on her still wet pussy. Mom giggled softly, reached down and took my hand and brought it up and placed it on her left tit and said with a smile and a giggle, "No you don't you little horny conniver. I know what you're after now, but that's a lesson for a little later. Now you just rest that restless hand of yours right here for a while. And if you can't be still then you can gently twirl the nipple around between your thumb and forefinger, or you can suck on it for a while. It feels a little neglected anyway because it didn't get any sucking. Now I mean it sweetie. Let's just rest awhile. You really gave your old mom a real workout." I giggled softly in return and said, "You're not old mom. You're the most beautiful woman in this city and could run circles around any of those silly girls in my school. But I'll be good, even if it's hard when I have the sexiest and best mom with the most luscious suckable tits in the whole wide world and I can't wait to fuck you mama. You really meant that promise didn't you? You are going to let me fuck you, aren't you?" and I laid my head on her chest just above her left breast. And she sighed, "That kind of talk will get you everywhere my love. Now be quiet before I lose my will power and let you have your way and completely ravish me with that magnificent monster cock of yours. Mama really needs some rest after the ride you gave her. And if you be good now and let me just get a little rest, I really, really promise I'll teach you how to have intercourse with me, that is to fuck me hard and deep in my heavenly cunt, and, as an extra treat, also eat my pussy and cunt for desert after you fuck me." And then she quietly fell off into a soft slumber in my arms.I lay there next to my mom with my hand on her soft tit gently massaging the nipple and watching her sleep with an angelic smile on her face that still had my cum smeared on her lips. I was going over in my mind the amazing wondrous things that had just happened to me. I had just had three massive orgasms with my Mom and she had eagerly sucked my cock and ate my cum from the last two times. My wildest fantasies had been realized when she inflamed my lust by baring her tits and played with them, squeezing her nipples, and then begged me to suck them and stroked my cock making it cum on her tits and even sucked on my cock while I shot my cum in her mouth. And then she promised to teach me how to fuck her and eat her pussy and cunt after she rested.I was excited at my fantastic luck in being able to make my Mom believe that I was still a raw, inexperienced little kid that didn't know anything about sex and that she was going to have to teach me all the things that my Dad should have taught me. I couldn't believe it when she promised to teach me how to fuck her and eat her twat after her nap, and it took all my willpower to keep from waking her up before she was ready to get started on my lessons.Of course, the truth was that I already knew a lot more about sex that my mom even dreamed I knew. At almost 14 years of age, besides all the masturbating I did, I had already had my cocked sucked many times and been given hand jobs by my girlfriend, Sue Ann Stressman. And I, in turn, had been finger fucking and eating Sue Ann's pussy and cunt on a regular basis for six months. The only thing I had not yet done was to actually cock fuck Sue Ann, or any other girl, in her cunt. But it wasn't for lack of trying.I had been trying for months to get Sue Ann to let me fuck her but she was afraid of getting pregnant and gave me blowjobs and hand jobs instead. I enjoyed the hand jobs and blowjobs even though Sue Ann would not swallow my cum, but instead would always spit it out and then rinse out her mouth from a little bottle of mouth wash she always kept in her purse, especially when we dated. But blowjobs and hand jobs were, for me, not a complete substitute for cock in the cunt fucking and I kept trying to get her to let me fuck her. I already knew all that stuff about eggs and periods that Mom had explained to me and I tried to convince Sue Ann that we could time our fucking to when she didn't have an egg in her cunt waiting to be fertilized by my little polliwog sperms, but she just wouldn't agree to try. If I had wanted to, I could have easily fucked several other girls in my class at school who were real sluts who fucked and sucked anything on two legs that asked and would have been happy to fuck me, but I really liked Sue Ann a lot and didn't want to lose her as my girlfriend. Those sluts would have squealed on me and told her if I had fucked one of them, so I waited. I lay there next to mom gently feeling her tits and nipples for about an hour and a half with my eyes closed in a state of delicious anticipation imagining what it was going to feel like ramming my cock deep into my mom's cunt when I felt her fingers starting to roam over my cock and she gently closed her hand around it and began gently squeezing it. I opened my eyes and looked at her face and she was looking back at me and licking all the old cum off her lips with her tongue and said, "I just love the taste of your cum baby. I hope you have a big load of cum for mama's mouth sweetie. That little nap has made me ravenous for your cock."My cock was hard and throbbing now, and I could feel the cum boiling in my balls and knew that it would soon be racing up into my cock to explode in a massive orgasm. I said to mom, "Oh God mom, I feel like I'm going to cum any second now. Please, please can't I fuck you first. I thought you couldn't wait for my cock to be stuffed deep into your cunt?"Mom giggled, "I can't wait either baby, but it's more important to me that your first ever fuck with a woman be a really memorable one that you will never forget. And if I let you fuck me now in your current state of excitement, you will shoot your cum in less than 10 seconds after you get in my cunt and won't get to experience the joy of really fucking a hot, tight cunt like mine. So trust me sweetie, I know what I'm doing.Now the first thing I'm going to do is to suck that wonderful cock of yours and milk that big load of cum into my mouth to relieve your immediate urgency to ejaculate. Don't worry. You're so randy that you'll have another load ready to go in less than 10 minutes. Now stick that beautiful cock of yours in my mouth."I quickly rammed my cock into her gaping mouth and she wrapped her lips around it and began sucking and licking the head and glans with her tongue. Mom wasn't completely right because my cock didn't explode with cum in less than 10 seconds like she said it would. It took almost 18 seconds of her sucking and tongue swirls for my cock to explode in huge jets of cum into her mouth that she struggled to swallow without choking. But she managed not to lose a drop with my help in helping her to maintain the seal between her lips and the shaft of my cock.When she had finally sucked out the last drop of residual cum left in my piss hole, she finally removed her mouth from my cock and ran her tongue all over the end of my cock and into my piss hole, smacked her lips and smiled at me and said, "That, my love, was the sweetest and best tasting load of cum that I have ever had pass my lips to slide down my throat, and I have had lots of prior experience eating cum so I know what I'm talking about. You responded perfectly baby with a huge load, and waited patiently until I swallowed all of it before breaking my lip seal on your cock. Are you absolutely sure you haven't had your cock sucked by anyone before today?"I said, "Awww mom, I didn't want to tell you because I didn't want you to think that I was a bad person, but Sue Ann has sucked it a few times when we were making out a little. But she never acted like she really liked it and would always spit out my cum when I finished shooting my load and would then rinse out her mouth with mouth wash she always carries in a little bottle in her purse. Sue Ann and I haven't really done anything else mom except some heavy kissing and feeling each other up. She would let me feel up her tits and pussy and massage her pussy lips and pussy slit valley and she would suck my cock for me. But we've never fucked. I promise."Then she said, "Then you have had a little bit of experience before today, haven't you? But it doesn't matter. You still have a lot to learn baby and I'm just the one that can teach you. Now you're going to learn all about how to eat a pussy and suck out a cunt and savor the delicious juices that a woman can produce. Hand me that other pillow next to you."I handed her my dad's pillow and she slipped it under her ass elevating her pussy a few inches up off the bed. She said, "Now slide down between my legs so you can see my pussy real good and I'm going to explain all the parts for you before you start eating. We'll start at the top and work our way down."She then took both of her hands and put her fingers on both sides of her pussy lips and gently pulled the big puffy outside lips apart revealing the delicate inner pussy lips and the moist slit valley with the clitoris at the top under it's sheath of flesh and the entrance to her cunt at the bottom of the valley. She patiently explained the function of the clitoris known as clit for short, and how to properly lick and suck it and how it gets excited by the friction of a man's cock and body rubbing against it when he moves his cock in and out of the cunt.She explained how the little glands just under the skin of the inner lips secreted a delicious liquid making the pussy very wet when it got excited and described how to lick it up with my tongue. It really was delicious. Then she showed me the fleshy gates of her cunt. She called them the gates of heaven because she said that behind them inside her cunt was heaven.She took a little extra time with her cunt and said, "Watch carefully Danny how the fleshy gates of heaven fold back when I push my finger against them as I slip it in my cunt and see how the gates close down tightly around the finger and make a tight seal. Right behind the gates at the top of my cunt there is a little fleshy area that is called the G spot. In some women this spot generates a wonderful orgasm whenever the movement of a cock inside her cunt rubs against it. Next time you finger fuck Sue Ann, see if you can find it and very gently massage that area and she will come like a house afire and will be yours forever. She will be begging you to fuck her with your cock after she experiences a G spot orgasm.Now when a woman knows she is about to get fucked there are glands just behind the inner walls of her cunt that begin to produce lots of slippery liquid that floods the inside of her cunt. This liquid is lubrication to make it easy and pleasurable for a man to slide his cock in and out of the cunt as he builds up his orgasm to shoot his cum into her cunt. That liquid is called cunt juice and sometimes cunt sauce. Most men love to suck it up and eat it up. But when it's mixed up with cum right after she has been cock fucked is when it is usually the best tasting sauce you have ever put in your mouth. I love to eat it that way myself. When I was a young teenager my girl friend and I used to love to suck out each other's cunts after they had been filled up with cum from our boyfriend's cocks after being fucked by them.In many women, when you start eating her pussy, her cunt starts to get ready to be fucked and starts making cunt juice, and then when you start sucking on her cunt instead of fucking it first with your cock, it begins to make cunt juice even faster and in such great quantities, that some times it shoots out of her cunt like a fountain. When a woman does that it's called squirting cunt juice sort of like when your cock squirts cum when you have an orgasm. If you find a woman who is a good squirter, keep her Danny. She will give you lots of pleasure and great tasting cunt juice.Ok. That's the basics darling. Now why don't you try it for a while. Start by putting your mouth up against the gates of heaven and stick your tongue through the gates swirl it around the inside of my cunt and suck on the gates at the same time. Try and see if you can reach my G spot with your tongue. Then lick out my slit valley with your tongue and suck up the pussy juice and finish up with some light flicks of the tongue on my clit and some gentle sucking with the fleshy part of your lips.I dove right in to her inviting cunt and immediately started sucking and licking the inside of her cunt. It was indeed just like being in heaven. Mom's cunt was full of cunt juice and I gulped mouthfuls of it down. I came up for air and said, "Gosh Mom, your cunt is already full of juice. I didn't have to wait at all for it to make some. It really is delicious. It is heaven just like you said." Mom laughed with joy and said, "I know Danny. It's been full of cunt juice for the last 20 minutes in eager anticipation of welcoming your magnificent hot cock. Keep on sucking it darling for just a little while longer but don't forget my pussy slit valley and my clit. We're almost there darling- your first experience at fucking a woman's cunt, my cunt, my love. Hurry now."I dove back into that delicious cunt and continued sucking up that delectable cunt juice and Mom was beginning to moan and started humping her cunt up against my mouth. I moved to her pussy slit and lapped up her pussy juice with my tongue sliding it up and down the length of her slit valley while Mom was moaning and whispering, "Oh God baby. You're a fast learner. That feels fantastic... .just keep licking and sucking... your mouth and lips are magic... now suck my clit darling... and then the big event... your cock stuffed deep in my cunt... oooohhh God I can't wait!"I moved up to Mom's clit and gently began swirling my tongue around that magic little bud emerging from it's protective sheath and then sucked it with my lips. Mom was going crazy under me writhing her hips and arching her back to raise her cunt up to me looking for a cock to pull into her cunt. She said, "Now is the time baby, now is the time to taste my cunt with your hot piece of beautiful meat... scoot up so I can guide it through the gates of heaven into my heavenly cunt chamber."I quickly scooted up so she could grab my hard cock with her hand. She took it and placed it in the valley of her pussy and rubbed pussy juice all over it and then took the head and placed it up against the gates to her cunt and said, "It's well lubricated now baby with my pussy juice. You're at the gates of heaven now darling, don't ram it in sweetie. Ease it in nice and slow and feel the gates open and close tight around your hard shaft as it slides into the warm tight chamber of heaven. Feel the walls of the chamber close tight around your hot throbbing shaft."I began pushing my cock into her cunt. It felt incredible. I couldn't believe it! My cock was in my mother's cunt. Mom was moaning and saying, "That's it honey. I can feel it penetrating me now. Oh God it's wonderful, thick, hot, hard love rod stretching the walls of my cunt... drive it in deep baby... oh God I'm in heaven... fuck me baby, fuck me hard and fuck me deep... fuck my brains out lover... don't ever stop!"I began pumping my cock in and out of Mom's cunt as she humped her cunt hard against my cock meeting my every thrust with a hard thrust of her cunt.Mom said, "Now follow my lead baby. Let's take it nice and easy and let that beautiful feeling start to build and match the pace of our fucking with the increase in it's intensity. It's just like riding a wave darling. Ride the wave until it crashes in a flood of delicious, painful, ecstatic feeling of sheer excruciating pleasure. Then shoot your hot, creamy cum deep into my cunt. Fill me up with that magical hot cock sauce of yours."It was magic the way Mom and I were in perfect synch with my thrusting cock against her humping cunt. We slowly increased the speed and intensity of our fucking as our building orgasms increased in intensity. It was the most beautifully satisfying feeling I had ever experienced. My cock was home again back where I came from!! My Mom was moaning with pleasure and begging me to fuck her hard and deep and fill her cunt with my hot cock sauce. God I was flying and in sheer heaven.I could feel the cum starting to rise up out of my balls and said to mama, "I can feel it starting to cum mama. I can feel it boiling in my balls and starting to move up into my cock. Ohhhhhh, god it feels good, it feels so good mama."Mama answered, "Let it come baby. Shoot me that sweet hot cum of yours... fill my cunt angel... I want to feel your tasty love juice in my womb, my stomach, my throat, and my mouth... oh God I can feel it too Danny... I can feel my cum starting to hit it's peak."I started groaning hard and cried out, "I'm cumming mama, I'm cumming, I'm cummmminnng," as my cock began shooting powerful jets of hot cum into mama's cunt. Mama was screaming, "Oh god Danny I can feel your hot cum filling me up baby... keep shooting me that hot, creamy love juice... I'm cumming Danny, Oh God! Oh God! Oh God! I'm cummmminnnngg... DANNY!!"Mama arched her back and bucked her hips up in a powerful thrust that lifted me up off the bed into the air and held me there as she shrieked in the throes of the exquisite pain and pleasure of her massive orgasm and then suddenly collapsed and dropped down on the bed and went limp. We both lay there totally motionless with me on top of her and my cock still in her cunt but now beginning to return to its flaccid state. We lay there for about five minutes just trying to regain our senses and strength not saying anything, just holding each other. Finally Mom said, "Danny my darling love, of all the men that I have ever fucked, none of them have ever come even close to fucking me with such passion and intensity and power as you have my darling. That was the most exquisite orgasm that I have ever had. God you are good baby. Promise me you will never leave me baby. I can't live without your cock sweetheart."I was gloriously happy. My Mom was in love with me and never wanted me to leave her! I answered her and said, "I promise Mom. I promise I will never leave you. I love you Mom more than anything in the world. I will always be here for you." Mom kissed me and hugged me to her closely and we continued to lay there basking in the afterglow of my first fuck with a woman, my mother.After a few minutes Mom whispered to me, "Danny dear, my cunt is filled to overflowing with your cum and my cunt juice. Would you like to have a taste and suck some of it out?" I grinned at her broadly and said, "Oh boy, you bet I would Mom. I didn't think about it. I'm sure glad you did!" I quickly moved down to Mom's cunt and started sucking. She was right her cunt was overflowing and I quickly sucked up a mouthful of that savory mixture of cunt juice and cum and swallowed it.It was really delicious and I looked at Mom and said, "You're right Mom this is really tasty. I love it," and as I started to suck up some more, Mom said, "Suck up another mouthful sweetie but don't swallow it. Bring it up here and empty it in my mouth and let me taste it." I quickly sucked up another mouthful and Mom opened her mouth and I let it drain out of my mouth and into her mouth. She rolled it around on her tongue and then let it slide down her throat and exclaimed, "That's the best tasting cum and cunt juice mix I have ever put in my mouth. You and I make a great team baby. If we could make enough to bottle and sell it, we could make a fortune." I laughed and said, "Well we'll never know unless we try will we Mom?" She laughed also and replied, "It would be a lot of fun to try wouldn't it baby? But Danny, let's get serious now for a few minutes. Ok darling? Dad will be home from work in a couple of hours and I think we need to talk a little bit."I said, "Sure Mom. But what do we need to talk about?" Mom said, "Are you sorry Danny about what you and I have done today? What I mean is, do you feel ashamed or embarrassed about all the sex we have had with each other? Does it bother you that I am your mother and I sucked your cock and ate your cum and then literally fucked your brains out?" I was confused by all these questions and said, "Oh my god no Mom. Absolutely not. I loved it more than you will ever know. I have had a secret desire to fuck you for a very long time. You have made my dreams come true and I want to keep fucking you and eating your pussy and cunt for as long as you will let me. Why are you asking these questions Mom? Are you ashamed of what we did?"Mom replied, "Of course I'm not ashamed darling. You know I loved being fucked by you and sucking your cock and eating your cum and I hope you will want to keep on fucking me and eating my pussy and cunt far into the future. But Danny honey, there are two reasons why we need to be serious right now. The first is a word for what we have done today and its incest. Do you know what that word means?" I replied, "Sure Mom. It means when parents and children or even brothers and sisters fuck and suck each other. But so what? I don't care about any old word. I loved the sex we had with each other and I don't care what they call it."Mom replied, "That's generally the correct idea my love and I feel the same way you do. But sweetheart we have to care because incest is against the law and if it became known that we were having sex with each other, there are some people who could make a lot of trouble for both of us. The second reason darling is because you are only 14, or almost 14, and not yet legally a man. In the eyes of the law you will be a minor child until you're 18. When an adult, like me, has sex with a minor child that is called pedophilia and that is a very serious crime in the eyes of the law even when it happens as loving incest between a mother and son. If we were caught and reported, I could be charged with rape and be sent to prison and you would be sent to foster care or maybe even a juvenile home for abused children. This is not a game darling and we have to care about these things.The sex that we have had today with each other and the sex we will have together in the future must always be our secret darling. No one must ever know. And even if you accidentally let it slip out sometimes about what a great piece of ass I am, like maybe when you and your buddies are bragging to each other about the cute girls you have fucked and gotten blowjobs from, you must say you were lying about it and were just bragging to impress your friends if someone in authority questions you about it. Do you understand what I'm saying darling?"I said, "I do understand Mom. Believe me I do. I know how serious it would be for us if people knew we were fucking and sucking each other. I promise I will never tell another soul about us. You can depend on me Mom. Even if someone makes a lucky guess and tries to trick me into admitting that we regularly fuck and suck each other, I will never admit it. They will have to catch us in the act because if they don't they will never be able to prove it, will they?" Mom smiled and said, "That's exactly right darling. If anyone ever suspects or makes a lucky guess about us they will never be able to prove a thing unless they can physically prove we are lovers by either having more than one person catch us or by having some kind of physical evidence like movie film or pictures of us fucking or sucking each other. So if it ever happens that we are accused of incest or pedophilia then never admit to anything. Just deny everything.Now that that is settled, let me have your cock one more time darling before we have to break this up so dad won't catch us. I want to suck it one more time to taste another load of your wonderfully tasty cock sauce. I think I'm going to be addicted to your cum darling."I gladly gave mom my cock to suck and she hungrily went to work on it with her mouth and tongue and soon brought me to another massive orgasm and I gave her four huge wads of cum which she eagerly sucked up and swallowed. When she sucked the last drop of cum out of my piss hole. She sighed deeply and said, "I just can't get over how rich and velvety smooth your creamy cock sauce is darling. It really is without any exaggeration the thickest and best tasting cum I have ever eaten. Get ready for many, many blowjobs in the years ahead baby. Now let's get up and get cleaned up before dad gets home from work."That was the beginning of four and a half years of almost non-stop, daily, glorious fucking and sucking with my Mom until I left home for college. I didn't find out until many years later when Mom and I were reminiscing about that day one afternoon after a good fuck and suck session that she finally confided in me that it was no accident that I came in my pants when we were dancing. She said that by then she and Dad had an almost non-existent sex life and when she saw my huge hard on one afternoon when I was napping, it made her so horny that she decided then that she had to fuck me and had been plotting for months on trying to come up with a strategy for fucking me without my knowing that she was trying to intentionally turn me into a motherfucker by seducing me, and when I got that hard-on when we were dancing she saw her opportunity and made the most of it. ***During those wonderful years Mom filled me in little by little about her early years before she met Dad. Her own father was the first man she ever fucked when she was 13 years old. Her mom was a real holy roller church going woman who believed sex was the work of the devil and was happy when Mom got old enough for her dad to fuck her so her mom wouldn't have to fuck him any more. She said her dad was a great cocksman and taught her how to really fuck and suck a man to drive him wild with lust for her body. She grew to love fucking men so much that when she was 16 she actually tried out being a whore for about a year and a half. That's what she was doing when she met dad, whoring for the soldiers out at the Army post near her home. She would go to the beer garden right outside the post on Friday and Saturday nights where the young soldiers would come to drink beer and get drunk. The beer garden had about a dozen rooms in the back that the soldiers could use to fuck whores. Mom said that on a good night she used to make up to $200 selling herself for $15 a fuck or $8 for a blow job and she loved every minute of it. Back then $200 was a lot of money, probably equivalent to $800 to $1000 in today's dollars.Dad had only been on the post for about ten days when she met him at the beer garden. She said he was a big naïve country boy right off the farm who had no idea that mom was a whore and he fell for her. She had already fucked just about all the soldiers in dad's platoon, and they thought it was a hoot that this hick farm boy was in love with a whore so they strung him along and didn't tell dad mom was a whore. Mom said he was such a sweet guy then, that she fell for him also and when he asked her to marry him she agreed and decided to quit the whoring life.But some of the soldiers in dad's platoon insisted on one last gang-bang with mom before she got married and threatened to tell dad she was a whore if she didn't agree. That's when she pulled the train with fifteen of them five nights before her wedding that I used to hear dad bitch at her about when I would listen to them fucking. Of course, he didn't find out about it until a number of months later after they were married when some of the guys in his platoon told him about it. That's when he finally realized he had married a whore. But by then mom was already knocked up with me and dad had such a simple country boy's sense of honor and belief in the words of the wedding vows, that it never crossed his mind to leave mom. I'm a grown man now and work as a freelance software developer, which requires me to travel a lot. During my travels I have had many very satisfying sexual relationships with many women and I owe it all to all the things my Mom taught me about how to make love to a woman instead of just fucking her. We are both a lot older now than that time when she took my cherry and we became lovers, but our love for each other is stronger than ever. After I left home for college Mom started to have affairs with other men, lots of them she said. She had gotten so used to having great sex with me that she just couldn't stand going back to just being fucked by dad and being treated as just a cheap hole for him to stick his dick into whenever he felt like cumming. She didn't even try to hide her affairs from him and even started part time whoring again to earn some money on the side for herself. Eventually they broke up and Mom became a full time professional whore again. But she did it right this time and she became a very famous, high priced, and very successful whore making a whole lot of money so that today she is financially secure for the rest of her life. I have no problem with her being a whore. I'm proud of the way she took charge of her life and made the best use of her assets and skills to carve out a good life for herself. We still enjoy fucking each other whenever we can, and I'm in town where she lives and works as a whore. Mom's fucked a lot of men since she and dad split up and she became a whore again, and her pussy is not as tight as it used to be, but her mouth is just as magic as it's always been and she still loves to suck my cock and eat my cum. I'm always happy to oblige. She will always remain the number one love of my life and one of the best pieces of ass I have ever had and by far - the best cocksucker.End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 42
Chapter 6I awaken truly happy for the first time in my life. A beautiful woman snuggled in at either side. I feel warm, comfortable, and safe. Peering at my watch, it is still early. Both girls are fast asleep. Their slow even breathing has a relaxing affect on me. I do not want to wake them, so I just lie there absorbing it all in. To go from hating my life and being miserable to finding love and happiness in only two days, that is pretty fucking amazing. The blanket stirs next to me, and suddenly there is a small pair of hands on my morning wood. Looking down, I see my boss' daughter smiling sleepily up at me. I draw my arm around her and pull her in close, as her hands continue to massage my cock. She leans into me, and I feel her wetness rubbing against my leg. Moaning in need she looks into my eyes and pleads "Please..."Glancing over to my other side, I check to see if her mother is still asleep. Then throwing the blankets off of us, I grab the girl by her hips and lift her on top of me. She squeals with joy and I have to tell her to keep it down. Now on top of me, she guides my cock over to her entrance and sinks down on it. Letting out a pleasure filled moan. Feeling a rustling next to me I glance over to see her mother groggily awaken as well. Before she can say a word, I grab her face and pull it to mine for a passionate kiss. It takes her a second but soon enough she is kissing me back. When the kiss finally breaks, she notices her daughter bounce up and down on my cock.I am not sure how she will react, so I just let it all happen. Smiling at her and enjoying the ride.Her eyes focus on where her daughter and I meet. Her eyes dilate and her breathing seems to get more labored. I feel another wetness starting to rub against my leg.With my wolfish smile I whisper over to her, "Is seeing your innocent little daughter riding my cock getting you horny?"She blushes and tries to look away, but her eyes drift back. "Do not worry, your slutty little mind about it. How about you join us? Climb up here, I will take care of you." I tell her raising my eyebrows lewdly.She stares at me a moment. Debating what to do. But lust finally wins out, as she slowly gets up on her knees and waddles closer to me. Lift one knee over my head; she squatted down facing her daughter. My mouth aligns with her lower lips, and nose gets buried in her awe-inspiring ass. All I can see before me is her perfect ass, as I dig in with my tongue and go to town. Her moans of delight encourage me on. I feel a shift of wait and hear my boss weakly complaining, "No honey, leave my breast alone. You are my daughter. We shouldn't be doing this." But then a loud groan drowns out everything else, as a flood of lubricant fills my mouth. The next thing I feel is the tiny little tunnel around my cock clamping down on me, signaling the girl's orgasm. This sets me off as well, and my sperm is soon making its way into her womb. The two beauties collapse sideways onto the bed, giving me a chance to breathe and look over at them. They are locked in an incestuously fervent kiss. I just lay back, panting and enjoying the show.This evolves into something more as my boss flips her daughter over and climbs on top of her. She dives her face into her young daughter's fresh cream pie, as she lowers her over dripping wetness down.My cock still hard, I jump out of bed and climb behind them. Aligning my cock with my ex-boss' beautiful ass. I smile down at her daughter who gives me a conspiratorial wink, while lapping her mother's pussy. Without warning, I thrust my cock all the way into my love slave's anal rosebud.She lets out a scream of surprise, but her daughter's legs and arms lock her in place.I grab hold of her ass and pull myself out until only the tip stays in. Then with another powerful thrust and a pleasant grunt from her, shove it all the way back in. I look down to see her gushing down on her daughters face. Hearing smothered giggles as the girl tries to get it all. I build a punishing rhythm with powerful and quick thrusts.My ex-boss is soon incapable of eating out her daughter, as she all but collapses down on her. I have to lift her up, to allow the girl to safely crawl out from under her mother. But I do not slow my pace.Looking over, I see the girl watching us dreamily, as I pound into her mother's asshole. I lean into the woman, pushing her down into the bed. My ex-boss just lays there taking it, moaning and groaning incoherently. I cannot last with this hammering pace for long, and soon enough I give one last lunge and empty myself deep into her bowels. Rolling off of her, I collapse down on the bed spent. Pulling both of their exhausted bodies towards me, we drift off back to sleep.When I next awake, I look over at my watch and it reads 12:00. Shaking both sleeping beauties awake, I tell them that we have over slept. It takes a moment for the message to sink in. Glancing over at the girl I ask, "What time were you supposed to be at school?"She blinks at me a couple times, then smiles and says, "umm, 9:00."I let out a snort of a laugh and respond, "Well it looks like you are going to have a nice day off of school today. Maybe you can help your mother fix up and clean the shop." And with that I swat my ex-boss' ass to get her to awake up.She groans and mutters at me to leave her alone. "Ah, you are just saying that because you want me to punish you."A smile spreads across her face and her eyes open wider. "Yes, you caught me." She laughs as I jump down on top of her trying to pin her. She gives a half hearted resistance, and I soon have her hands pinned over her head, and my knee rubbing against her sex.I stare down at her face, laughing as well. Suddenly bringing my lips down on hers, kissing her. Forcing myself to stop, I lift my head from her and tell her, "As much as I would love to stay in bed all day. Someone in this house needs to make some money to pay the bills...So we need to get ready."My ex-boss pouts up at me and in a little girl voice says, "Fine. You big meanie."I roll off of her and head into the kitchen. Pouring myself a cup of cranberry juice, I sit down at the dining room table and get lost in thought. I listen as the shower starts, then hear the patter of small feet in the kitchen. The daughter soon walks in, carrying a bowl of cereal. Smiling at me, she sits down across the table. I sit there, watching her eat. Shortly I feel a pair of small feet, rubbing against my leg. I give the girl one of my lecherous smiles and continue to enjoy my juice.The sound of the shower slowly dies, as the girl and I sit in silence. When a few minutes pass I break the silence, "Sounds like your mother is finish with the shower. You better jump in and get ready."The girl looks up at me disappointedly and gives my cock a final rub with her foot. Then scampers off to the sink to wash her bowl.As the girl leaves the dining room, her mother walks in wearing only a robe. Looking over at me with a playful smile my ex-boss says, "I missed you in the shower this morning. I was kind of hoping for a repeat performance of yesterday. But I understand if you want to give my daughter a good show."Smiling up at her, I give her a wink. "No, I am just a little drained from earlier. I will let her shower in peace. I decided I am not going into work with you two, I will just stay here today."Frowning a look of disappointment she responds, "Oh..."Alleviating her fears a bit, I quickly shoot back, "Do not worry, I will be coming by the shop later. We can have us a little fun then."Her beaming smile returns, with a lusty twinkle of her eye. "Good. I will be looking forward all day!" And with that, she exits the dining room heading back to her room.I lean my chair back, in peace, contemplating what I will do with my day. Thoroughly tempted to just go back to bed. But other than that...By now the shower dies once more. My thoughts are interrupted when my boss' daughter rushes back into the dining room. Her beautiful black hair in a pony tail, wearing a bright pink tank top and baby blue short shorts. It was an amazingly erotic image.Sprinting over, she jumps into my still naked lap. Throwing her arms around me, she looks up into my face. "Mom said you are staying home. Why can't I stay with you? We can have a lot more fun. Sides mom does not really need me!"Shaking my head with a frisky smile, I tell her "There is nothing I would rather do, then spend my day with you."Her smile brightens. And her mouth opens to say something.I cut her off, bringing a finger to her lips. "But I will not be responsible for the further delinquency of a minor. If you are not going to school today, you will at least help your mother at work. Until you are a legal adult, you will spend your school hours productively. And our pleasure, while fun, is not productive."She gives out an exaggerated sigh. I grab her head in my head between my hands, planting a kiss on her forehead. Pushing her off my lap, I give her ass a swat. "Now get moving. I can hear your mother ready to go."Following her out the door, we find her mother picking up her keys and heading for the front door. I grab my ex-boss' arm before she can leave. Pulling her towards me, I gaze into her eyes. "You two have a nice day. If you have any problems call me. Other then that I will see you later. Diner will be ready when we all get home." With that I draw her into a long adoring kiss. She returns it with a powerful need that almost took both our breaths away. When we finally come apart, she sways on her feet. Her daughter giggling.I turn to the younger woman and draw her to me as well. "Do not think that I have forgotten you, my little pixie." Our kiss is as powerful and passionate, but it is too much for her. She goes limp in my arms, her legs giving out on her.Her mother and I share a laugh as it takes a while for the girl to regain her composure.I open the door and wave my two loves goodbye as they walk to the car. I remember my nakedness as a neighbor gawks at me from across the street. I give her a wink and a wave, waiting until the duo has driven off before closing the door.With plenty of time on my hands, I decide to take a nice long bath. Something I had not done in ages. I ease myself down into the luxuriating hot water. And relax back until the water starts to cool. Climbing out and emptying the tub, I slowly rub the towel around me to dry. Taking my time to pick out some clothes, the first hour has passed.A couple more hours fly by as I go out for some grocery shopping. Buying things to cook for the rest of the week. The cupboards and refrigerator had been all but empty.As I carry the last of the grocery bags into the kitchen, my cell phone vibrates. Looking down at the screen, I recognize the number as my boss' ex-husband. Flipping it open I threaten, "I thought I told you never to call me again!"All I hear is breathing in response. Finally a crazed voice yells, "You made me do it! I did not want to do it! But it was the only way I could have you!"The desperation of his voice warns me that he is not talking about the call. Something was wrong. "What did you do? Tell me!""You said you did not need me because of my family! You forced me to do it! I loved them, but I need you! Now they can't stand between us!"Dread washing through me, I slam my phone shut and sprint back to my car. I floor it all the way to the shop, ignoring everything around me. My bad feeling spreading as I come closer to my desperate destination. Tires squealing into the parking lot, my fears are realized as I see the shop. The front window is shattered, glass and bullet casings laying everywhere. Hardly bothering to stop, I leap out of the car, leaving it still running. As I get closer, I see bodies on the ground inside. Large dark pools of blood surrounding them. Jumping though the broken window I rush towards the kitchen. Hoping against hope. But my hope is shattered like the glass I had step on. On the other side of the kitchen door, the bullet ridden body of the cook lies deformed and mocking. Not far off I find one of the drivers, likewise full of bullets.I search around frantically, but the two bodies I am looking are not where to be seen.That's when my eyes fall upon the walk-in freezer. I do not want to look, but know what I will find. My body goes on auto-pilot as I walk over and open the door.My mind goes blank as I look down at the two bloody brutalized bodies lying inside. It looks like the mother had tried to shield her daughter from the bullets. But it had been a futile gesture.I stumble my way back to my car, dead to the world around me. All my dreams are crumbling before my eyes. I had suddenly found love, and just as suddenly had it stolen from me. All that is left inside me is my darker side, and it has a cold blinding need. A need for revenge. The darker side of me is back in control completely, whispering that we will have our revenge. I have just lost everything that I cared for, any meaning my pathetic life might have had. I gladly let myself be taken over. I now have only one goal, tracking down every single person involved, and making their suffering far worse than my own.To be continued?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 60
Rhonda didn't know Vivian was a witch, but Michelle suspected it from the beginning. (Now when I say witch, I don't mean she had a bad temper, or she wasn't a nice person. In fact she was lovely in both personality and looks.) Michelle and Rhonda had driven to the country for a picnic, it was a nice sunny day and they both enjoyed making love in the great outdoors, so they found a secluded spot, laid out a blanket, poured some white wine and made love until the cool evening air forced them to put their clothes back on. Rhonda sat in the passenger seat, mirror turned, fixing her makeup as they drove back to town."Look at that," Michelle said, pointing to a large house that looked almost castle like, set against the fading light.Just then, the car sputtered. It lurched twice then the engine died."Damn!" Michelle said."But what luck," Rhonda chimed in. "So close to a phone.""Maybe, but I don't see any telephone poles, and no lights. I don't even think this place as any power.""Only one way to find out," Rhonda said with a smile.Together they approached the house. It was bigger then it looked from the road. The walls where made of granite, and through several windows candles could clearly be seen burning brightly."Someone must have just lit them, or we would have seen the light from the road," Rhonda said.Michelle knocked on the door three times. A deep robust echo could be heard within.The door opened slowly, and a beautiful redhead stood before them."Hello," she said, smiling."We're having car problems, can we use your phone?" Rhonda said."I'm sorry I don't have phone service, but I'm having a delivery man stopping by tomorrow, he's very handy with auto's." She tossed her long red hair back and said, "My name is Vivian, please come in.""Thank you. My name is Rhonda and this is Michelle.""Nice to meet you," Vivian said, and she kissed them each on the cheek.After some small talk, Vivian began showing them her house. She lead them upstairs to a spare bedroom and said they could sleep here for the night. Then she said it was getting late and that she had to be up early."Maybe we should turn in too," Michelle said, flashing Rhonda a quick smile.Vivian nodded. "Okay. Sleep tight girls."Once the door was closed, Rhonda said. "Do you think she tasted us when she gave us a kiss on the cheek?""I don't know, let's see," Michelle said and she took Rhonda in her arms and began kissing her mouth and cheeks. Rhonda followed her lead and soon both where laughing."Oh, yes. She must have known." They said at the same time.Both women undress and Michelle jumped onto the king sized bed. Several candles burning low gave just enough light to the room to make for the most romantic setting.Vivian had seen to everything. Michelle was impressed. Rhonda hadn't given much thought to the event that brought them to this house. All she was interested it at this moment was making love to Michelle. She started by straddling Michelle. She pressed her breasts against Michelle's, cupped her face and kissed her. As they kissed Rhonda worked her tits in small circles around Michelle's breasts. Then she brought her right breast to Michelle's mouth. Michelle hungrily began to suck on the hardening nipple given to her and squeezed the other between her thumb and fingers.Rhonda pulled away. Smiling, she worked her way down Michelle's body, stopping to kiss her breasts before continuing on. Rhonda kissed and worked her tongue into Michelle's navel. Licking and sucking as her fingers found her lovers public hair. Then she sat back on her knees and grabbed Michelle by the ankles and spread her shapely legs. All this kissing and working her breast had caused Michelle's pussy lips to become swollen. As her legs parted, her cunt lips popped open and a creamy fluid trickle out of her and made its way slowly down to her ass. Wasting no time, Rhonda slid herself up to Michelle's pussy, catching the droplets before they could be soaked up by the sheets.Michelle closed her eyes and listened to her lover as she made yummy noises in-between running her tongue from her entrance to her clit. Again and again Rhonda delighted in dragging her tongue the length of her lovers cunt. Michelle ran her hands through Rhonda's dark hair, pulling it up into the air then letting it drop back down. Rhonda looked up and smiled at her lover, then she reached up and grabbed her breasts, pinching and tugging on her hard nipples. Michelle responded by throwing her head back and moaning loudly.Rhonda knew Michelle was close. She pressed her mouth hard to Michelle's sweet cunt, then she filled her loves hole with her tongue and middle finger.As Rhonda made love to Michelle, Vivian looked on. She was standing in the shadows of the room, unseen, unheard.Vivian slowly moved her hand to her pussy. She had removed her clothes before entering the room and was enjoying watching these to lovely woman as they made love.Michelle said "Come here my love I want to kiss you." Rhonda came to Michelle's side. As they kissed, they both felt a strange sensation. Instantly they knew they where being watch. Vivian came out of the shadows. As she approached the girls felt a second sensation. It seemed as if the room was getting much bigger... when Vivian reached the bed, she towered over them. She had become a giant.Both Rhonda and Michelle screamed. Somehow Vivian had shrunk them and they stood only a quarter of an inch high."Don't fear me," Vivian said with a wide smile. "I'm going to give you a wonderful surprise." Vivian got on the bed, and sat so her pussy was only inches away from them. Both Rhonda and Michelle marveled at what they saw. Vivian's pussy looked to be twenty feet tall."Why have you done this?" Michelle yelled."As I told you, to give you a wonderful surprise... well, adventure's maybe a better word. You see that small box at your feet?"Rhonda reached down and picked up the small box that magical appeared at her feet."All you have to do is open the box and you well return to normal size," Vivian said."But the box is locked," Rhonda cried."Yes it is.""Where's the key?" Michelle demanded."In here," Vivian said and with both hands she slowly spread her huge cunt lips. A light honey smell wafted out of Vivian as her pink tunnel was exposed to them.At first both women just stood there staring into this great cavern. Then wordlessly they approached. Vivian's entrance seemed high above their heads. They had no choice, they had to enter Vivian's pussy in order to regain their normal size. Michelle lifted Rhonda up and Rhonda was able to grab onto one of Vivian's red pubic hairs that lined the entrance of her cunt. She pulled herself up then pushed hard on the base of the hair forcing it down enough for Michelle to reach it. She pulled herself up and came to Rhonda's side.Vivian's pussy lips had closed as she was no longer holding herself open for them. They where on their own."We have to work together," Michelle said. "You push on that side and I'll push here."Rhonda placed her hands against Vivian's thick, meaty outer lip. It was moist and warm and she couldn't help but press her body close. Michelle did the same, forcing her body into Vivian's outer cunt lips. Both girls pushed hard and slowly her giant lips began to part. A wave of hot air flowed over them and both breathed in deeply."Quickly," Michelle said, and she took Rhonda by the hand and they jumped into Vivain's cunt before her lips closed. It should have been dark inside her, but the magic that made them so small, also gave them the ability to see in the dark.The walls of Vivian's cunt were moist and Rhonda pressed her hand to the hot flesh, then brought it to her mouth and licked the juice off her fingers."Oh, she tastes good."Michelle smiled, then she ran her hand along the silky skin before following up with her tongue. "Mmmmm, you're right... Come on, let's get that key,"Together they moved deeper into Vivian's pussy. There was quit a bit of room and both women took their time looking and feeling everything. Soon they could hear what sounded like water flowing. As they approached the source, a trickle of juice flowed over their feet. Then they came upon the fantastic sight. A pool of Vivian's juices, fed by several cascading streams blocked their path."Looks like we have to swim for it," Michelle said.Rhonda nodded and took Michelle by the hand. Together they waded into the pool of pussy juice. It felt heavenly on their skin. It was smooth and silky feeling and nice and warm. Once the two lovers got to where it was waist high, they stopped to kiss. Rhonda reached between Michelle's legs and started to rub the juice into her cunt, and Michelle did the same to Rhonda. Then slowly, Rhonda pulled Michelle to her and she sat back into the juices. The soft liquid inched up their bodies, rolling over their heaving breasts. It climbed over their chins and spilled in through the corner of their mouths. The taste was heavenly, like sugar water, sweet and smooth. Together, mouths locked they sunk under the glistening pool of Vivian's cunt juices.Rhonda broke her lock on Michelle's mouth so she could fill her mouth with the creamy discharge. As they stood up, Rhonda sent a stream of the juice from her mouth onto Michelle's breast. Michelle rub the silky liquid into her skin. Then they started to lick and kiss the cunt juice off each others bodies. It felt incredible, every inch of their bodies were covered in Vivian's cream. At the far end of the pool, the lovers found a small area that they could lay down on. Laying in a sixty-nine, both started licking the sweet juices for between their legs. Each of their cunts had become filled with Vivian's cum and both were eager to drink it from the others cunt.Michelle started to finger fuck Rhonda's hole as she sucked on her clit, and Rhonda drank deeply of Michelle's sweet cunt. The mixture of their creamy juices and Vivain's made for a fabulous treat. Rhonda was laying on her back, Michelle open pussy above her. Turning her head, she filled her mouth with the juices that flowed over and around her. Then she spread Michelle's cunt wide with her finger and spit Vivian's juice deep into her cunt. Slowly Vivian's cream started to run back out, and Rhonda took great delight in drinking it.Not to be out done. Michelle pushed her face into the flesh of Vivian's pussy and filled her mouth with her juices. She drank the first mouth full, but the second and third where deposited in Rhonda's cunt. Then Michelle began to drink deeply from Rhonda's hot pink hole. All this licking and sucking and rolling around on the wet flesh of Vivian's cunt started to have an effect on them all. Michelle felt a warm sensation that radiated out from between her legs and she let go with a powerful orgasm. Rhonda's mouth was glued to Michelle's pussy, her tongue deep in her lover's body. She could feel Michelle's muscles as they clamped down on her finger that was rubbing her G-spot. Making her lover cum was Rhonda's greatest joy, and she joined her by cumming all over Michelle's sweet face.Now it was Vivian's turn. She could feel the two lovers in her and their thrashing around had brought her to orgasm. Both Michelle and Rhonda looked up. The sound, like a dam that had burst came to their ears. From deep inside Vivian the waters came. A wall of creamy juice spilled over them, sweeping them up and carrying them down her pink tunnel. Both girls, still locked in a sixty-nine, held each other tight as the flood waters submerged them. Vivian's cum, so hot, so silky smooth soaked into their every opening. It filled their mouths... their cunts... their assholes...Vivian reached down and held her cunt lips wide, seconds later Rhonda and Michelle flowed out of her on a wave of creamy cum. The two women lay in a small pool of cum, licking and sucking the juice from their small bodies. Near Michelle's feet was the key. It had been washed out of Vivian when she came. Michelle ignored the key, she just wanted to enjoy the feeling of being covered in a woman's cunt juice. Rhonda laid beside Michelle gently kissing her and rubbing the creamy juice of Vivian over her tits and massaging it into her cunt."Should we use the key?" Michelle asked."What's the rush?" Rhonda said as she moved to again lick her lovers pussy.Covered in cum, they fell asleep.The next morning, they woke. All seemed normal. They were no longer tiny. Was it just a dream? And if it was, how could they have both had the same dream?As Michelle and Rhonda talked it over, Vivian came into the room."Hello girls, did you sleep well?""Yes." They both said as one."Here, I've brought you a little something special." Vivian said and she handed them each a glass of water.As the girls brought the glass to their lips they could both smell a sweet sugar water odor. Then as the liquid tumbled over their lips they both recognized the flavor. The smooth, silky cream was that of Vivian's discharge.So it wasn't a dream!"Care for a second adventure girls?" She asked.Rhonda and Michelle smiled and drank deeply of Vivain's juice, then they pushed her down on the bed, forced their fingers into her juicy cunt and together said."Ready when you are!"END
"Look, mommy, a gorilla!" the little girl screamed. Kate thought, for the hundredth time, that seemed a very stupid thing to say. She had been working at the zoo for over 5 years and all children seemed to say the same thing. She stopped looking out the window from the cage and went to the back. The intercom was located back there, and she picked it up. "Attention please. The zoo is closing now for the day. Please exit as soon as possible, as the animals want to get some sleep." She heard a small burst of laughter from outside, as she always did. As she put the mike down, Steve came in."Hey, you going out with everyone else tonight?" He asked."Oh, I don't think so. Mr. Myers said there were some problems in Sarki's room, and he wanted me to check it out.""Shit. I wouldn't go in there. That's one big mean ape!." He said. Thinking how pretty Kate was, and hoping that she would dyne to go out with him that evening."Well, he seems to like me. But anyway, I guess the lights are acting up and Mr. Myers wanted me to take a look at them."He grinned. "Well, don't let me keep you maybe sometime next week?" He asked. Still staring at her perfect body, wishing that things were otherwise."Sure, next week it is." She smiled back at him. He waved good-bye, and Kate got back to her work.After taking her normal hour or two to get everything back in order, she went to her locker in the ladies room to get out of her zoo uniform. After she got it all off, she remembered she had to fix those lights, but since the Zoo was closed, she didn't think anyone would mind if she did it in shorts and a t-shirt. She left her junk in the bathroom and headed for the gorilla house. After arriving there she entered Sarki's cage area, wondering why Mr. Myers seemed to think she was a mechanic or an electrician. Sarki was a huge mountain gorilla, and usually not very amicable. But he had seemed to take to Kate immediately, usually hanging over her shoulder or something whenever she was in his cage. Today was no exception, as she climbed up toward the ceiling to get at the lights. There was a large platform near the ceiling and she climbed up to that in order to inspect the lights better.Sarki pulled his bulk right up next to her, but there was plenty of room up there. She stood up and craned her neck, trying to look straight up while keeping her balance. Suddenly, she felt a large hand on her ass, slowly stroking it, She turned around quickly, and found Sarki staring at her as his hand caressed her. She stood frozen, afraid that he might push her off the ledge or something. But what he actually did was bring his other hand up and began to feel her breasts through her t-shirt. Standing very still, Kate slowly reached out, to push Sarki's hand away from her breast, she gripped his thumb, and twisted his hand back away from her. The animal became mad at this action, and shoved Kate roughly back, she fell over trying to stop her forward motion, not wanting to fall over the edge of the platform. Kate landed hard, on her stomach, and had the wind knocked out of her. She lay there for a moment struggling for breath, then to her shock she felt her shorts being ripped from her body. Sarki just tore the material apart like it was paper. Kate was frozen with fear by the beast's exhibition of shear strength. She wanted nothing more than to get out of this situation as fast as she could. Kate knew that her life was in danger, she couldn't understand why Sarki was acting so aggressively toward her, but she knew that she was all alone at the zoo, and that she had better do something quickly. As Kate began to recover from the forceful push that she had received from the gorilla, she started to get up on hands and knees with the intention of climbing down as fast as she could. But this was not what happened. With shocking roughness the beast took one of his fingers stabbed Kate from behind, right into her now exposed hole. His finger, though not as long as a man's penis, was just as wide and she began to squirm on it. His other hand fell from her breasts and curled around her ass, pulling her closer. He brought his face close to her and stared at her with great interest. His hand was working her over, the beast was becoming aroused by Kate's body. She screamed, flailing at the apes chest, as she twisted and turned trying to escape from his grasp. But no matter what she did, she couldn't break his grip on her. He kept up his fingering of her pussy and she kept up her struggles to get away.The ape finally grew tired of fighting with the human female, and smacked her across the face knocking Kate into shocked submission. She was stunned and had temporarily lost her wits. The huge ape was totally aroused by now, and he flipped Kate back over on her stomach, and moved downward, further, until his now erect huge cock was staring right at her. All thoughts of anything else quickly flew away with the sight of it, and she immediately knew what was going to happen to her, she couldn't believe it, she had never even thought that something like this could happen. But the great ape just started poking her face with his huge erect cock, trying to enter her mouth, finally after several attempts, and another smack to the head he shoved the tip of his cock between her lips and made Kate take it in her mouth, taking great pleasure from this, he began to force it in farther in obvious excitement. His cock grew to an un-believable size that she could barely keep in her mouth. She could taste the few drops of his sexual fluids that were seeping out of his now rock hard cock. After forcing her face against his crotch for a few minutes he pulled away, then pushed Kate down flat on the platform and spread her legs. With his finger he stabbed again into her pussy, which had become wet from the fear she felt, and something else, was it excitement, was it excitement of the unknown, of something that had never happened before? She couldn't tell... didn't seem to care anymore!He withdrew his finger and pressed his face against her chest, his tongue coming out and licking her nipples. He moved downward and slurped at her wet hole. She groaned, what was happening to her. She was being raped by a beast a filthy animal, yet she was feeling all the sensations that she would with a human man. Sarki began to lick her pussy with real fervor, and this made Kate moan louder and louder, just as she was about to orgasm, he roughly pushed her away. She landed on her stomach again, and as she began to pick her self up, confused, she felt a huge cock fill her box. Sarki's breath came in rough gasps as he shoved his tool deeper and deeper into her. She began to groan even louder, and his pace quickened. After a few minutes of this, Kate couldn't hold back any longer. Her cunt exploded in a series of orgasms around his spike.She bucked her hips upwards against his huge body, and with her contractions came a jerking from deep within him, and after a second or two she could feel his Cumm filling her. She couldn't believe it, he just kept pumping sperm into her vagina, in quantities that began to squirt from between the seal of his cock, and her cunt lips. She looked down under her stomach and saw Sarki's sperm flowing down the inside of her thighs. He slowly stopped his rammings, and allowed her to climb out from under him. She realized that he had supported himself on his knuckles the entire time to avoid crushing her. Kate sat there looking at the ape, her knees pulled up, her head resting on her arms. So many thoughts were racing through her mind. She really could tell no one about this, there wasn't anything she could do, no one would believe her anyway. Kate slowly and a little painfully, climbed down from the platform. She went to the locker room and dressed herself. As she was leaving she stopped at the front of Sarki's cage and looked in. The huge animal dropped down from the platform and stood right up against the bars With out consciously thinking about it, Kate slipped her hand down to his limp dick and gave it a small squeeze, a promise that she would work late again soon. And it looked like she wasn't going out with Steve and her co-workers next week after all!END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 2
PART 4So me and Dad were back together, sleeping in the same bed and fucking at least once almost every night. He would show me things to do to make a man feel good and he would try different things on me to get me off. Sometimes I would still feel guilty about what we were doing and I could tell he did too, but we kept at it anyway. A couple times he took pictures of us naked and sucking and fucking, then we would look at them and suck and fuck some more. I thought that was really hot... well, that's what got the whole thing started anyway; me looking at pictures of Dad naked and hard and me fingering myself to them.I don't think I'm all that, but it was really hot to see pictures of me naked and in different poses, and Dad too, and pictures of him on top of me or behind me, his cock hard and wet with my juices and buried in my pussy. He would take pictures of it and we would look at them and fuck some more.At times we would look at pictures of other people naked and talk about them, what we liked or didn't like or if we thought they were hot. At first it seemed really weird to me, I mean I know me and Dad weren't a normal couple or anything but that kind of thing seemed like cheating somehow. He would show me pictures of men and women and ask me if I thought they were sexy and if I would do them, and get hard and stroke as he sat at the computer going through the pictures one by one.There was this guy in particular, a lot like Dad - big, hairy, with muscles and tattoos and buzz cut hair. His dick wasn't really all that big, in fact a little smaller than Dad's but he was really sexy to me and Dad kept going to his pictures and asking if I liked him. Like I said, it felt funny at first to talk about how we thought other people were sexy and if we wanted to fuck them and at first I would just say, "He's OK," or "You're better looking, Dad," but he kept asking me if I liked him and if I would have sex with him. Finally I just gave in and admitted to Dad that yes, I thought he was really sexy and if me and Dad weren't together I would maybe have sex with him. Then Dad smiled and kissed me and we went to his room to play.The following Friday I was going into the house, having just gotten home from school when I heard voices. I closed the door and called out to Dad and he said, "Yeah honey, we're in here," his voice coming from the family room in the back of the house. I put my bag down, dropped my keys on the table and went back to say hi to him.When I walked into the family room I stopped and stared, the shock of what I saw hitting me like a bolt of lightning. Dad was sitting on the couch and sitting across from him in the chair was the guy whose pic Dad kept showing me. They both looked at me and smiled as I walked in, Dad's smile more or less the usual kind one with a hint of mischief, the other guy openly staring at me, his eyes traveling up and down my body and his smile more of a dirty-old-man kind of leer. He made me feel scared and sexy, good and bad, attracted to him and repulsed by him all at the same time."Baby, this is my friend Chuck. Chuck, this is my daughter Anne-Marie," Dad said and the guy got off the couch to shake my hand, my small hand lost in his huge paw. He shook it gently but firmly, holding on a long time and staring into my eyes as he said "It's nice to meet you, Anne-Marie. Your dad's told me so much about you!" I felt as though he could see right through me, and his comment about Dad telling him all about me made me wonder exactly what he meant and what Dad had said. Dad spoke up and said, "Honey, would you get us a couple more beers from the fridge? Bring in the Malibu, too." I looked over and on the table between them I saw they had already had several beers each, the cans stacked in a pyramid. I nodded and Chuck released my hand. I went into the kitchen, nervous and confused.I went back in the family room with 2 beers and the bottle of rum and handed them all to Dad. He passed one beer to Chuck, set his down and opened the bottle of Malibu. Taking a swig from the bottle, he passed it to Chuck who did the same, then Chuck handed the bottle to me and smiled.I told him I didn't drink (which was true, never had anything more than a sip or two of beer at a party) but he told me to go ahead and try some. I looked over at Dad and he nodded, so I took the bottle and let a small bit trickle into my mouth. It was good, better than I thought and MUCH better than the beer I tried. It tasted like coconut and had some kick, so I didn't drink much at once. Dad told me, "Go ahead sweetie, it's OK, have some more."I took a couple more sips, then coughed some as it burned my throat and I wasn't used to it. "Sit down here, baby," said Dad and he patted the couch next to him. I sat down and he asked me about my day at school and we made small talk for a while, Chuck watching us the whole time with a sneering smile on his face. They sat and drank beer and we passed around the bottle and I started to feel a bit light-headed. Chuck kept staring at us, his eyes going back and forth from Dad to myself and I was nervous but couldn't help looking back at him. He was much sexier in person and having him there in front of me was like magic or something, as though Dad had asked me what I wished for and made him appear.After about a half hour of sitting and talking and drinking and my head starting to feel fuzzy, Chuck suddenly spoke up saying "Hey Anne-Marie, your dad tells me you're a hell of a dancer. How about you show me?" I blushed and looked down, shaking my head but Dad put his hand on my back and said "Good idea, Chuck...honey, dance for us a bit, OK?"Feeling ridiculous and embarrassed, I got up from the couch and stumbled a bit. I had never had this much to drink before and it had gone to my head big time. Chuck's hand was on my arm in a flash, steadying me and he smiled at me and asked if I was OK. I nodded and he said good and sat back, watching me. I just stood there for a second and they started encouraging me, so I shuffled awkwardly around a little, not really dancing but too nervous to do anything more. They were both appreciative though, and smiled and telling me how good I was and I started to get a bit more relaxed, my movements becoming more natural and I was getting more and more into it. Dad turned up the stereo that was playing in the background and tuned into a dance music channel, the beat going through my body and telling me how to move, my arms going out and up over my head, Dad said, "Yeah baby!" Chuck whistled and suddenly it felt really good to be the center of attention of two men who thought I was attractive and sexy and desirable. I heard Chuck say "Oh FUCK yeah, you hot little girl" and with a shock realized that my hands were wandering up and down my body without me even thinking about it. My eyes snapped open and I stopped dancing, appalled that I had done something like that in front of a total stranger when Dad got up and hugged me, saying, "Mmmmm, damn baby you are SO sexy!" and hugging me close to him, slowly dancing with me. I was a little unsteady on my feet so I let him hold me and we kinda slow danced a bit when I felt another set of arms encircle me from behind. I tensed up but Dad said "It's OK baby, just let us hug you a bit." It was weird having some guy I never met hug me like that but with my Dad hugging me and the rum helping I relaxed. It WAS really nice being held by these two handsome sexy men and I started to like it.Then Dad started to kiss me. I tensed up and tried to pull away but there was nowhere to go with Chuck holding me from behind. "It's OK honey, Chuck is my friend and we can trust him, just let it happen." He pulled me tight up against him and kissed me deep, his tongue snaking into my mouth. Chuck's hands went to my boobs, slowly squeezing and massaging them, kissing my neck as Dad kissed my mouth. Chuck put his hands under my shirt and lifted up, breaking our embrace for a second as I put my arms up to get the shirt off me. Chuck's hands went back to my boobs, his fingers working my nipples and his mouth going to my ear and nibbling on the lobe, then tonguing my ear. Nobody ever did that before, and it sent shivers up and down my spine. I leaned back into him, my butt pressing against his now stiff cock and he growled in my ear, "Oh man, your dad was right about you... you are one SEXY little bitch!" My eyes snapped open. Oh my god, my dad TOLD him about us!! He must have set all this up in advance, telling his friend that he was fucking his 14 year old daughter and asking him if he wanted to fuck her too. I tensed up again and squirmed around, trying to break free of their embrace and mumbling, "No... no... I'm not like that. Let me go." All of a sudden Chuck spun me around and looked me right in the eyes and said roughly, "It's a little late to be acting all innocent and virginal, kid. Your dad told me all about you... how you used to fuck yourself looking at naked pictures of him, how you two fucked, how he tried to break it off and you came on to him and started it all up again. Now he's being a good buddy and letting me in on it a little bit, and we're all gonna have a good time. You know I'm having a good time, you just felt it pressing against that tight little ass of yours... and you're turned on, too!" I was just about to open my mouth to deny that, when his left arm snaked around the small of my back, holding me in place and his right hand went up under the skirt of my school uniform and slid down inside my panties, his finger running up along my slit. I gasped in surprise but was more surprised when he took his hand out, brought it up to my face and held it right in front of my eyes. "Yeah, just like I thought... you are DRIPPING wet, baby!"There was the proof, all over his fingers... they were glistening, wet from my pussy's juices. I WAS turned on, and through the alcoholic haze I finally noticed and felt how wet my crotch was, my panties soaked. Without warning Chuck pressed his wet finger against my lips and forced one into my mouth, saying "Here, taste your pussy for me." I had tasted my juices before, but only when masturbating or when I sucked Dad after he fucked me. I resisted for a moment but finally opened my mouth and sucked on his finger. He was right, I WAS very turned on and even though I was scared and nervous as hell, I wanted this. He looked down at me, smiled a knowing smile, and said "We are all gonna have a HELL of a time tonight!"Without warning, Chuck picked my up, threw me over his shoulder and started carrying me toward Dad's room. I yelped in surprised then moaned a little, getting picked up like that and that quickly had made me a bit woozy, with the rum I drank and all. From that vantage point I could see Dad (or at least his feet and lower legs) walking along behind us. Chuck kicked open the partially closed door, walked over to Dad's bed and threw me down on it. I lay there panting and blinking, fighting the bit of room-spin that hit me. Dad came in and stood beside Chuck and they both looked down at me. Chuck looked at my dad and asked him, "Are you ready for this?" With that, he reached over and grabbed Dad's crotch, grinned, and said "Sure as hell feels like it! Let's get this party started, bud!" Dad looked down at me and licked his lips. He quickly pulled his t-shirt up over his head, unzipped and pulled down his pants and stepped out of them. His cock was already fully erect and poking through the pee-hole of his boxers. He stood there waiting as Chuck undressed. Chuck took his time about it, unbuttoning his shirt and giving me a glimpse of his very hairy chest before yanking his shirt out of his pants and dropping it. His hands then went to his belt, his big arms bulging and his pecs flexing as he unbuckled it, unzipped, and let his pants fall. He wasn't wearing any underwear and his hard dick sprang free of his pants and pointed directly at me. It was a bit smaller than my dad's penis, both in length and girth. I had seen pictures of it like I told you, but that's different - here it was in front of me. Hard. Hard for me. Then the real action started.Chuck was in charge. I thought my dad liked to be bossy and give orders but Chuck was something else.He just had this was about him, like he didn't have to try to be tough and in charge, he just was. Dad didn't argue either, just went along with it all. First thing Chuck said to Dad was for him to get on the other side of the bed and stand there near my head. He got on the opposite side in the same place and then tell me, "Okay, first you're gonna suck us some. Your dad first, after hearing about it I wanna see that!" I felt the shame building up in me, not only because somebody knew our secret but because he wanted to watch me and Dad doing it. I lay there looking at him with what must have been a real dumb expression on my face when he impatiently put his hand on the back of my head, pushed it to my dad's crotch, reached across the bed and grabbed Dad's cock and pushed it into my mouth. "I said SUCK IT! he yelled and I quickly opened my mouth and let Dad in.As I started sucking Dad Chuck took his hand away and my mouth was able to go back and forth on his cock freely. I closed my eyes and tried to pretend it was just me and him alone and there was nobody else there. I was taking more and more of him into my mouth each time and was relaxing a little bit when I heard Chuck groan, "That is the HOTTEST thing I've ever little 14 year old girl sucking off her father!" I stopped when I heard that but he pushed my head again, saying "C'mon, keep sucking Daddy." His hand was pushing me too far down on Dad's dick and not at a good pace for me so I started sucking on my own and Chuck took his hand away and let me go on my own.I felt one hand grab one boob then another hand grab the other. Dad on one side, Chuck on the other. I moaned onto Dad's dick as they rubbed and squeezed and teased my nipples. They grew and hardened quickly and without my willing it my back arched, bringing my upper back off the mattress and my boobs up higher for them. "Yeah, that's it... you're getting into it now, huh? Your dad told me what a little sexpot you are, and he was right. Good job sucking your dad, now it's my turn!" He put his hand on my head, pulled it off Dad, and pulled it to himself. His stiff prick was right in front of my face, only an inch from my mouth and looked SO good. All the same, I hesitated. I knew what Dad and I had been doing was way wrong and it's not like we were some normal couple, a man and wife or anything, but still I kinda thought we had something going and we were SOME kind of couple and it didn't feel right to be doing things with another man this was...let alone when Dad was right there. It helped I guess that Dad was apparently into it and I sure as hell found Chuck sexy as hell. All the same, I didn't make any move to suck Chuck and then his hand went to my face, his thumb and fingers on either side of my jaw, squeezing. He was big and strong and I couldn't help it, my mouth was forced open and his dick slid inside."Ohhhhhhh yeahhhh! Suck my cock Anne-Marie, suck it good. NO TEETH!" he said as my teeth scraped against his cock. I tried to open my mouth wider but it was hard. I didn't suck too actively and he could tell. He told my dad to grab my legs and turn me on the bed so that I was laying across it, my feet to Dad and my head still in Chuck's crotch. I heard Chuck say to Dad that he thought I needed more encouragement, and to get me in the mood. Dad slipped his fingers into the hem of my skirt and panties and pulled them down off me in one fast rough motion. He put his hands under my ass, lifted it off the bed some, then went to town on my pussy. He started kissing and licking and sucking like crazy, with more passion than ever before. A yelp escaped my lips and after that I was moaning pretty much constantly. Oh my GOD it felt good. Chuck knew what he was doing, because after that I started to suck him more enthusiastically, drawing his cock in more and more and putting more suction on it. Sometimes I stopped sucking his dick and licked his balls instead, which he seemed to like. My head and neck were starting to hurt because of the weird twisted position I was in, and Chuck seemed to notice or maybe it was coincidence. At any rate, after a minute he announced "That feels great, you're doing a good job kid...but you ain't getting enough of my dick in. I guess your daddy never taught you how to deep-throat properly. Well, you're gonna learn now!"With that he repositioned my head so the back of my neck was on the edge of the bed and my head hanging over, tilted back. He slid his cock into my mouth again, this time he kept pushing and I could feel it forcing its way down into my throat. "Yeah kid, swallow, keep swallowing, let it in," he said as he kept pushing in. I was gagging but obeyed him and suddenly his invading member got past my resistance and all the way into my throat. Chuck's balls were now pressing against my nose and he just stayed still for a moment, moaning in pleasure. I kept swallowing reflexively now, and he encouraged me saying how great it felt on his dick. He muttered, "See how that works baby? You gotta give your man a straight shot down your throat so he can fuck your face good!" As he said this he started to slowly pump his hips and his dick slid back and forth in my throat, his musk scent filling my nostrils and his big full balls bouncing on my face. Occasionally he would pull it out all the way, letting me catch my breath and slapping me in the face with it. After a few minutes of this he pulled out, leaned down and kissed me hard and at the same time grabbed both nipples and squeezed until I moaned into his mouth. Dad was still eating my pussy and I could feel an orgasm building in me, and I screamed but it came out as a very muffled yell with Chuck's tongue still in my mouth. My hips bucked and my legs writhed and Dad held onto my ass and kept at me until the last wave of pleasure ebbed.I open my eyes and lifted my head, looking across the bed at my dad. He was smiling and kind of idly lapping at my slit. "Yeah, got you off good didn't we honey? Felt good, right? Well, it's not over yet sweetie!" He got up on the bed, kneeling in between my legs. The bed springs squealed as he positioned himself to penetrate me, lining his stiff dick up with my sopping wet hole. "Watch this, man" he said (I'm assuming to Chuck) and he slid inside, groaning as he did so. I looked up to see Chuck's eyes widen and he frowned, No wait, I'm looking at him upside-down so that means he was grinning. He kept working my tits and said, "That's it Daddy, give it to your daughter. Oh man, that's the hottest thing I've ever seen!" Dad started fucking me slowly and replied, "You like that, bud? She's one hell of a lay, man. I don't know why I waited as long as I did to do her." God, I thought. What did that mean? Dad started me at 14 and now he says he would have done me younger than that? I guess I should have felt disgusted and turned off but with him in my pussy and Chuck playing with my tits I didn't care, it all just felt to damned GOOD.Dad didn't last long. Usually he could fuck for a long time before he came, but he had been thrusting for only a few minutes before I felt him slow down, then speed up and bellow, "I'm cummming!!!" and I felt his cock pulse inside me. Chuck said in an awed hushed whisper, "Oh HELL yeah man... cum in her, seed your little girl!!" Dad groaned again and after a few seconds relaxed, pulling his softening cock out of me. Chuck put his hands under my back and lifted me to a sitting position. "Look at his cock... your daddy's dick is covered with cum and your juice baby. Why don't you get your mouth down there and clean Daddy's cock for him?" I don't know why he put it to me as a question, because he grabbed under my arms, pulled me up and pushed my forward, getting me on all 4's and pushing my mouth onto Dad's dick where I licked and sucked greedily. Chuck's finger made it's way into my pussy and pistoned in and out as I did so, making me shiver and my ass raised up higher involuntarily. Dad pulled out of my mouth and Chuck pulled his finger out of my body, then brought it up to my mouth. This time he didn't need to tell me, I took it into my mouth and sucked and licked it just as I had Dad's cock.Then Chuck withdrew his finger from my mouth and grabbed my hips. He growled, "And now I'm gonna get me some of that hot teen pussy!" and pressed the head of his dick against my hole. Dad, who had been watching now spoke up, saying "Hey bud, can't let you do that." Chuck stopped, looked at him (and not in a real nice way) and said, "Why the fuck not??" Dad responded with, "You can't do her without a rubber, man. Put on some latex and you can fuck her." Chuck came back with, "Well hell, I didn't bring any... do you have some here?" Dad shook his head no. "We don't need them, I've been fixed so I can't get her pregnant." Chuck said in a low growl, "Dude, I am gonna get me a piece of this one way or another. If you're worried about knocking her up, I can always do her ass."My eyes popped open wide when he said this. Dad liked licking my ass sometimes and he would finger it too but the few times he tried to put his cock in it just hurt to much and so we never did it, this would be the first time for anal for me. I looked up at Dad, my eyes pleading but too scared to say anything. I wasn't sure how Chuck would react to my refusal. So far he hadn't been violent or anything, but I really didn't know him and he was strong and demanding and I didn't want to piss him off. Dad just looked down at me, then said to Chuck, "If she wants you to do it, then go ahead."Chuck laughed softly and said, "Oh trust me, dude, I'll have her begging for it!" With that he put his face up to my ass and started to lick my asshole, pushing his tongue in as far as he could. I was nervous at first but soon relaxed, it felt so good. Chuck then put his thumbs on my butt cheeks, spread them wide open and I felt and heard him spit on my tight puckered hole. His thick finger then pushed the spit inside me, sliding into my asshole and causing me to wince in pain. After working his saliva into me and moving his finger in short, rapid little strokes he withdrew his finger and started to lick me again.He kept that up for a while, alternately tonguing my hole and spitting on it, then working the spit in with his finger. I moaned a lot, at first in pain but as he kept working my ass the pain receded and it started feeling better, more like a regular fucking than being anally violated. My right hand moved to my pussy almost without me willing it, but Chuck noticed and pushed my hand away saying, "DON'T touch your cunt yet!" A couple times after that I tried again to rub my clit but both times he told me not to and the last time he told me he seemed to be getting pissed off so I didn't try again.By this time he had two fingers in my asshole and I could feel his spit all over my butt cheeks and running down my legs. Now when he spit he actually got his thumbs inside me, pulling my sphincter open and spitting directly into my body before he worked his meaty fingers in and out of me. He got a third finger in and I heard him say, "Mmmmm yeah, that's it slut, you're getting there!" In fact he had gotten a lot farther than my dad ever did with butt play. My pussy felt really hot and I could feel every beat of my heart in my pussy lips, which I'm sure we now all puffy and swollen. I became aware of Chuck muttering obscenities, almost to himself. "Hell yeah, daddy's little slut, take cocks in all your holes, huh? Fuckin' whore. Fuckin' cum slave. I'll be fuckin' this ass good and hard you horny little fuck toy." This whole time Dad was watching and had my head in his lap, sometimes stroking my hair and sometimes playing with my tits. When he started to work my nipples, squeezing and rubbing them it drove me crazy and I really badly needed to finger myself and get off but Chuck wouldn't let me and I just needed to get filled and fucked so much and so when Chuck raised his voice and said, "What do you want me to do, whore? You want my cock?" I found myself saying "Yes, please give me your cock. Please!!" I couldn't see but I'm sure he was grinning when he said, "Tell me what you want, bitch, say it!" It was almost like I was listening to somebody else say it, but I knew it was me and I was past caring.I whispered "Fuck my ass." Chuck quickly and loudly told me "Louder, cunt...your dad can't hear you!"Mention of my dad made me self-conscious and I didn't say anything, but Chuck stepped up his finger fucking of my ass and growled "Say it!!" and God help me, I almost yelled "I need your dick in my ass, PLEEEEEAASE!" The last word long and drawn out, like a wounded animal or something.His fingers pulled out my butt quickly and he grabbed my hips and pressed the head of his cock up against my anus. Slowly he pushed his cock in, and he got a bit of the head in before I felt pain and clamped down on my sphincter muscle, preventing him from penetrating further. He felt my resistance and pulled back and I relaxed. After a second or two he tried again, and again I tensed up and stopped his intrusion. He pulled out and I relaxed again, kneeling there panting and groaning into Dad's lap.He pushed in one more time and I tensed up....then he pulled back and I relaxed and suddenly without warning he pushed his thick member all the way inside, making me scream into Dad's crotch. Immediately he started fucking me hard and fast, no slow and easy startup or allowing my rectum time to adjust to his dick. I lay there face down in my dad's lap and groaned and just tried to come to terms with the pain. It was like fire inside me, even worse than the first time I had had vaginal sex and my hymen broke. I had never felt pain like this before and wondered if I was being torn inside and if I would need to go to the hospital.After several minutes of brutal ramming the pain faded and was replaced by a type of numbness. When I felt the burning go away I gradually relaxed and discovered that by giving in to the pain and the act of being penetrated in an unnatural place it didn't hurt as much; then, after a few more minutes of this big man's powerful thrusting, the numbness faded too and to my amazement it started feeling good. Not as good as vaginal sex but good anyway, the sensations of being filled and fucked were similar. I stopped sobbing and groaning and lay there whimpering as he continued."Yeah, that's it kid, just take it," he grunted as he pistoned his dick in and out of me. "Talk to me, tell me you want my cock in you, it'll get you hot." Tears drying on my cheeks, I whispered "You're fucking my ass," which maybe you think is really stupid and obvious but saying it made me very aware of what was being done to me. "Yeah?" he said. "You like my cock in your ass, slut?" I nodded but that wasn't good enough for this man. "SAY IT!"I responded immediately, without thinking. "Yes I like your cock in my ass." A strange thing happened as I said it. I shivered and felt a jolt of pleasure run through my body. Amazed, I tried more. "Your cock feels so big in my ass," and the same thing happened. A long low moan escaped my lips and the man who had violated me where no on else had remarked to my dad, "See dude? I told you she would be begging for it! Goddamned little slut, fuckin' cock slave... 14 year old whore taking her Daddy's dick, begging a guy she don't even know to fuck her in the ass. Good little cunt!" He reached down between my legs and I felt his finger on my clit, rubbing it with fast light strokes and I came almost instantly, harder than I had ever cum in my life. I bucked and thrashed under him like I was a horse trying to throw him off or something, screaming into Dad's lap and my hands tightly clenching the bed sheets. After this orgasm faded Chuck stuck two or three or God I don't know maybe even all four fingers into my pussy and began fucking that as he slammed into my ass. A second orgasm hit, the pleasure washing over me and making me cry out in a long wail. "Oh fuck baby, I'm cumming!!" and Chuck shortened his strokes then speeded up even more and I could feel the jets of semen firing into my virgin ass.He slowed and slowed then stopped his thrusting. After a few moments he pulled his cock out of my butt and it made a really gross wet sucking noise but I was too sated and worn out to care. I collapsed onto my side, my head still in Dad's lap and he was stroking my head and hair and making these soft cooing noises of praise. "You did so good baby, I'm proud of you," he whispered to me. Chuck lay down beside me so that I was sandwiched in between them and I fell asleep like that.I don't know how long I was asleep but when I woke up I got another surprise. Chuck was laying on his back and my dad was kneeling between his legs, sucking on his cock. My eyes snapped open wide and I was instantly awake. I guess it shouldn't have shocked me like it did, considering some of the comments Dad had made since we started fucking and some of the pictures he had on his computer, but to see him sucking another man just caught me off guard. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. Chuck, seeing I was awake, said "Yeah, suck that cock you bitch. Taste your daughter's ass on my dick. Lick it clean!" Upon hearing this, my dad started to suck even harder and was moaning as he serviced this brutal and demanding man. "Damn, you sound like your kid!" he said and chuckled. "I bet your ass is as tight as hers too. Turn around and get on your hands and knees!" Dad did as he was ordered and Chuck looked at me with an evil gleam in his eye and asked me, "So? Would you like to see your dad get fucked in the ass like you did?"I'm not really sure if it was because I was turned on by the thought or if I just wanted to get back at my dad for letting some stranger violate me like he had, or maybe a bit of both, but I quickly and firmly said, "Yeah, do that! Fuck his ass good!!"Chuck told me, "His ass is tight and dry and I'm not gonna lube it up like I did you...get over here and tongue fuck him!" Even if I hadn't done that before I think that I would have obeyed anyway.Chuck had a very strong, commanding personality and now I didn't hesitate to do as he ordered. I got behind Dad, stuck my face in his big hairy ass and licked him. I tried to do everything Chuck had done to me and I guess it was working because Dad moaned and I felt his asshole twitch. After several minutes of licking and spitting and pushing it in with my fingers I could feel Dad's hole loosen up. Chuck encouraged me the whole time, and was calling Dad the same degrading names he had called me, and told me to use more fingers. Soon I got all 4 of my small thin fingers in my dad's ass and Chuck told me that was enough, he's ready.I moved away and Chuck got behind Dad. Grabbing dad's hips, Chuck rammed his cock in all the way up to his balls and Dad cried out. Chuck again started fucking at full speed right away, just as he had done with me. I watched and saw the two hairy men rutting and moaning, heard the sound of Chuck's belly slapping against my dad's butt, smelled their sweaty musk in the small room. I was entranced and massively turned on, seeing the expression on Dad's face as he took another man inside him. Without thinking about it my hand went between my legs and I started rubbing and fingering myself. I thought I was totally exhausted and done for the night but watching the guys go at it got me hot and wet all over again.Chuck stopped thrusting and told my dad to get on his back. Dad turned over onto his back, put his knees up on Chuck's shoulders and groaned as he was entered again. Seeing what I was doing to myself, Chuck had me straddle Dad's face and told Dad to eat my pussy as he got fucked. Oh god, it felt so INCREDIBLE!! His tongue was flicking in and out of me, sucking on my clit and occasionally straying to my freshly-fucked asshole. From where I was kneeling I had a pretty good view of things, and was watching in wonder as Chuck's dick moved in and out of Dad's' body. I had never seen anybody get fucked before, and now I was watching my own father do it. Chuck grabbed my head and kissed me roughly and deeply, my dad was playing with my tits that were right over him, and I could feel yet another orgasm building. Chuck was making guttural primal sounds in my mouth and I felt him tense up. He pulled away from me, looked down at Dad and said "I'm coming.... coming! Take my load, bitch!" Dad's tonguing of my pussy went into overdrive and he moaned as his ass got filled with Chuck's sperm, just like mine had. That sent me over the edge. I came hard on Dad's mouth and face, this climax not as intense as the previous ones but so goooooood anyway!Chuck finished and pulled out of Dad. I dropped forward and supported myself with my shaky arms. Chuck told me to finish Dad off and I obeyed at once, laying on top of Dad's big hairy belly and sucking him into my mouth. It only took a minute or two before he shot off into my mouth and I ate the hot sperm. We all collapsed on the bed, every one of us fucked out."Hey, this has been fantastic but I gotta get going," Chuck said. I looked at the clock and saw that it was a little after 8:00 PM. Oh my god, we had been fucking on and off for about 2 hours! He got off the bed, went out into the hall and I heard the shower start up. My mind was spinning, the thoughts and memories of all that happened today whirling around in my head. "Are you OK?" my dad asked softly. I didn't say anything, just nodded even though I wasn't sure I was OK. It had all happened so fast and I had done things I never thought I'd do... some things I never even thought of doing at ALL! He reached over, pulled me over to him and held me in his arms. "I just wanted to explore with you," he said haltingly. "Being with you like this is so amazing and I have never felt so close to anybody, ever. I wanted to try new things and live out some fantasies and I never could with your mother, she was just so judgmental and close-minded...but you're different, Anne-Marie. You understand me and love me like nobody ever has."He got real quiet and still after that. The times I heard my parents fighting and the names Mom had called Dad now made sense. I guess he had talked to her about doing something like this, and she shot him down. She wouldn't play with another guy along with Dad but she would cheat on him behind his back and run off with some asshole instead. God, I needed time to sort this shit out... letting my father and some stranger fuck me at the same time, me getting into it so much once they started, Dad sucking and getting fucked. It was all too much, I needed time to think.After a short while Chuck stuck his head in the bedroom and said, "Hey, it's been a HELLUVA good time, you too. I gotta run, see ya." and I heard him walk through the house and out the door. I just laid there with Dad, my mind and body buzzing with alcohol and sex, and drifted off to sleep although it was still only like 8:30.Looking back, this night was a major turning point in my life. What I did and how I acted forced me to look at myself and what I had been doing for several months and what kind of person I was or at least what kind of person I was becoming. For a while after that fateful night I tried to justify all my actions and feelings by telling myself that I did it because I loved my dad and it was just something that he wanted.If letting a friend in on our secret and having sex with that friend was something he needed to be happy, then I would do it for him because I loved him and I didn't want to hurt and reject him like Mom had. Besides, Chuck was his friend and could be trusted, right?Now and then for years after I would occasionally ask Dad if he had heard from or seen Chuck and if we were ever going to play again. I felt kinda guilty about asking, but I couldn't get it out of my mind, being used by two adult men, feeling so dirty and sinful and loving it. Dad's eyes would slide away whenever I asked him about Chuck and he would mutter something about Chuck being really busy or out of town or whatever. It was about 3 years before I learned the truth - Dad and Chuck weren't friends, had in fact never even met before that night they fucked me. Chuck was just some guy Dad had seen in an ad on Craig's List, a traveling businessman in Cleveland for the night looking for no-strings sex with a couple. To be continued?*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not real life. Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 56
"To start with" the pretty brunette said "this is my Smith & Wesson 22 revolver. You know, packing eight shots of 22 long rifle." "Nice" said the dirty blond sitting next to her. "What else ya’ll got in there?""Well, Crystal, you know a girl’s gotta be prepared. That’s why I’ve also got this Ruger LCP .380 Auto.""Brandi, you’re too much" Crystal giggled. "That’s a big bag you’re carrying. Is the rest for ammo?""Hell no, I got three more essentials. Like this" Brandi said, pulling out another handgun "A Glock 9 millimeter. Ya always gotta have a Glock" she said laughing, laying the weapon on the table. "Dang, that’s a nice gun" her admiring friend said. "Hang on to your britches, I got more" Brandi said. "I also got a Kimber 1911 45 ACP. And, for the grand finale" she paused, building up some drama "My Smith & Wesson 44 Magnum" she giggled. "That baby will definitely get the job done.""Holy crap" Crystal looked on amazed at the array of weapons laid out on the table. You’re a fuckin’ walkin’ arsenal of bad" she gushed."Yeah, well you just never want to mess with a Southern gal" Brandi said smugly. A few tables away in the smoke filled local restaurant the girls were meeting at two men were watching intently. They’d noticed the girls right away. The blond was wearing a tight "Jack Daniels" t-shirt and an even tighter jeans skirt. The brunette, carrying a large tan bag, was wearing a skin-tight black halter top and tight blue jeans. Both were beautiful and walked with the cocky air of people who thought they were really bad but had never known real hardship or danger.The two men at the table, however, were no strangers to hardship or danger. Jamal and Tyrone were big strapping black men who’d experienced what it meant to be second class citizens in the deep south. From broken homes, poorly educated with long criminal records and a lot of jail time, both knew they’d never get anything they didn’t take themselves. At first eyeing the two pretty women with lust, they quickly saw a payday in the arsenal the brunette was carelessly and open displaying."Damn, that’s one fuckin’ stupid white ho" Tyrone said, incredulous at the foolishness of anyone who’d show off that much hardware. "No shit" Jamal said "that’s a damn big payday sittin’ there. We gonna fuck her too?" "Nigga, we gonna rob n’ rape. The sun, it be fuckin’ shinin’ on us."Crystal and Brandi finished up their lunch and headed out. Crystal went to her car and back to her job at Wal-Mart, but Brandi decided she needed some more ammunition. One of her favorite gun shops was just down the street and around the corner. Although she’d have to pass by that minority dump apartment complex she strode on down the street, confident that she’d exercise her Second Amendment rights on any darkie stupid enough to mess with her.Tyrone and Jamal watched the girls walk out, keeping their distance and watching the brunette. When she walked out of the parking lot and started walking down the street, they knew they had her. "Fuckin’ dumb bitch’s probably goin’ to the fuckin’ gun store" Tyrone observed. "Yeah, she sure do love dem fuckin’ guns" Jamal said. "She gonna’ fuckin’ love this gun" he grinned, grabbing his crotch.Brandi walked on, unaware of the danger she was in. Tyrone and Jamal sprinted through the apartment complex, knowing that there was a spot near the sidewalk where they could grab the bitch and snatch her away without anyone seeing her. They ran a drug operation in one of the apartments right next to the spot, which being partly hidden, was perfect for drug exchanges. Although Brandi could see where the apartments came right up to the sidewalk, right where bushes hid much of the sidewalk, she just wasn’t focused on the danger. Raised in the country and positively convinced of the superiority of country people, she just knew she could handle any situation with a few rounds from a gun. She smiled, the thought of shooting one of these damn useless welfare losers giving her a warm feeling.Without warning Tyrone and Jamal sprang from the bushes. Before she could react, Tyrone had swept up her arms with one hugely muscled arm, the other clamped over her mouth. In a well practiced move Jamal grabbed the slim brunette’s ankles. She was off the street in seconds.Still stunned, Brandi began to struggle fiercely but uselessly against the strong arms holding her. She was unable to move her arms and reach her weapons, leaving her in an unequal struggle of strength. It took only moments before the two big men brought her to an apartment. While Brandi struggled Jamal pushed the door open while effortlessly holding both of Brandi’s ankles with one hand, and brought the struggling girl inside.Brandi’s eyes opened wide. Realizing the terrible danger she was in she felt fear for the first time. With a big black hand clamped on her mouth, she instinctively opened her mouth wider, allowing two fingers to slide into her mouth. She quickly bit down."Fuckin’ son of a fuckin’ bitch!" Tyrone roared "the fuckin’ bitch just fuckin’ bit me!" "Help, help, fucking let me go or I’ll shoot your nigger asses" she screamed. Although Tyrone’s bitten hand flew from her mouth he still firmly held on to her upper body and arms. Enraged, he flung the girl against the wall. Brandi slammed into the hard surface and fell to the floor, stunned. Jamal was on her in seconds, snapping up the tan bag before she even realized where it was. "FUCKING WHITE WHORE, YOU WILL NEVER, EVER CALL ME THAT" Tyrone roared. As Brandi struggled to get up, Tyrone backhanded her, causing her to fly across the room and fall sprawling to the floor. Jamal tossed the bag onto a table while Tyrone picked Brandi up by the throat and dragged her into the bedroom. They never slept here since it was just part of the selling operation, but the apartment came with a bed when they threw out the previous tenants and took over the building. Tyrone threw her on the bed. Gasping for air, stunned from the blows and bleeding from her lips and nose, Brandi never stood a chance. She screamed for help. "Stupid fuckin’ bitch" Jamal said, smiling "Ain’t nobody fuckin’ even lives close. And fuckin’ nobody ever wants to know what fuckin’ goes on here." "Yeah, so scream all ya’ fuckin’ want, ain’t nobody comin’" Tyrone added. Both men quickly stripped. Brandi was aghast at the sight of the two hugely muscled black men, and panicked when she saw their gigantic cocks coming erect. She backed away as best she could, but there was no place to go. "Oh god, they’re going to rape me!" she screamed to herself "they’re going to rape me!"Jamal reached down and ripped open the front of her halter top and tore apart her black bra. Her full breasts spilled out, topped with pale pink nipples. Jamal’s gigantic calloused hands reached down to roughly squeeze them. "No, no, no, stop!" Brandi screamed as Jamal crushed her breasts. "Mm-mm, white titty" he murmered.Further down was much worse. Unbuckling her belt, Tyrone quickly ripped open her jeans. In shock Brandi felt her jeans being roughly pulled down to her ankles. Her black panties were partially pulled down with her jeans. "Bitch, you won’t need these" Tyrone barked as he reached down and ripped her panties off. Brandi’s head turned side to side, her gold hoop earrings swinging wildly. "NO, NO, NOOOO!" she screamed as she felt her body being exposed and the sharp pain when her bra and panties were torn away. It was music to the men’s ears. "Hey Tyrone, this bitch ain’t even shaved" Jamal observed. "Yeah, got us some hairy snatch. Let’s see it better". Brandi struggled mightily but it was no use. Tyrone effortlessly spread her legs, revealing her most private parts to their lewd stares. "Uhm uhm" Tyrone laughed "look at that little pink pussy. I love to shove my Mandingo dick into pink pussy." Brandi screamed and screamed, cursing both men. She dared calling them both niggers again, earning her another backhand, this time from Jamal. "You ain’t gonna learn, are you bitch?" Jamal said. "Hey, just shut her up" Tyrone said. "Yeah" Jamal replied. Without hesitation he shoved his engorged cock into Brandi’s still open mouth.Brandi’s eyes opened wide in surprise. Her mouth was completely filled as Jamal’s gigantic dark black cockhead pushed in. She began gagging as he pushed deeper into her, into her throat. Her screams and cries were completely throttled now, and all she could do was make pathetic pleading sounds.But, that didn’t last long. Seeing his friend’s dick in the white girl’s dirty mouth, Tyrone was going to take one of the other prizes she had to offer. He quickly took in the girl they’d taken and stripped. Her tits were full, with angry red marks where Jamal had roughly squeezed her. Her legs were long and spread wide, and between those spread thighs was a hairy little pussy, a perfect slit surrounded by puffy lips. Oh, he loved these. No slop like some of the ho’s he’d fucked or raped, and not the flat slits the Chink girls had. No, nothin’ beat white pussy, especially rapin’ white pussy.Spreading her legs further, he leaned down to smell her pussy and spit in it. Then he leaned forward, his massive dark cock head pushing against her narrow slit.Brandi recoiled in horror. Despite the pain of the skull fucking from Jamal she could feel the pressure of Tyrone’s huge cock against her pussy. "Oh god no, oh god no, this can’t be happening" she screamed. Tyrone smiled in ecstasy as he relentlessly split her vulva and pushed into the violently squirming girl. Brandi struggled and struggled as she was split by Tyrone’s raping cock. She was dry, with only Tyrone’s spit lubricating the penetration. Despite Jamal’s cock in her mouth she managed to scream briefly until the wider opening let Jamal push deeper into her throat. Tyrone suddenly lunged forward, his huge member driving deeply into Brandi’s dry and too small vagina. Brandi was in complete shock as she was filled at both ends beyond what her body could take. Jamal wasn’t able to push in any further, and began sawing in and out. Meanwhile, Tyrone was able to ram 10" of his cock into Brandi before he bottomed out. Not quite all the way in, he continued to push deeper. He’d raped an Asian girl to death a few months back by ripping her open inside. He liked that.Luckily for Brandi there wasn’t enough of Tyrone to tear her open. But Brandi was sure she was being killed, sure that the gigantic cock ramming into her was tearing her apart. Although she’d been on her way to blacking out, Jamal’s stroking back and forth allowed her just enough air to remain conscious and able to feel the overwhelming pain of the terrible rape.While her pussy stretched, her mouth wasn’t big enough for much of Jamal’s cock. He liked raping this white bitch’s mouth but he needed more. He abruptly pulled out of her mouth, a string of pre-cum following out of her mouth and across her still bleeding lower lip. Brandi gasped in air, suddenly able to fill her aching lungs. Finally getting himself fully in, Tyrone drew back most of the way and slammed into Brandi’s stretched pussy again. With Jamal’s cock out, Brandi was able to scream a terrible scream of pain, shame and agony as Tyrone rutted into her again and again. Jamal liked the way her titties bounced as his brother from another mother rammed into the white girl. "Samich time, my man" Jamal said. Tyrone, just having bottomed out again, looked up and grinned. "Yeah, fuckin’ bitch gonna fuckin’ like that" he said. Grabbing Brandi’s waist while still deep inside her, he effortlessly rolled the girl over, her legs still ensnared by her blue jeans. Unable to resist, Brandi simply flopped over with him, pinned by the huge invader rammed deep inside her. Jamal looked between her wide spread legs and could easily see Tyrone’s huge cock buried in her cunt. He only briefly appreciated her narrow waist and flared hips, but he really liked her pale white ass cheeks. He reached out to squeeze her, pulling and pushing her firm globes while Tyrone drew back and rammed up into her. Jamal’s pulling exposed her last opening, the one he like best. Pulling her cheeks way apart, her tiny brown anus winked open. Leaning down he spit into her, cupping her hole with his lips to fill her with as much spit as possible. Each time Tyrone thrust into her his face buried deeper into firm softness, even the smell of shit lingering around her ass making his cock harder.Brandi was overwhelmed by now, unable to resist the continued thrusts as the brute beneath her continued raping her. She felt the pressure on her rear, harder when the rapist rammed into her. It was when she felt a sudden stabbing pressure on her butthole that she sickeningly realized what was about to happen.She pretended to be an all-knowing tough little country girl but for her anal sex was not going to happen. It was dirty, it was wrong, it was against the parts of religion she felt like paying attention to. Her mind screamed that she was about to be sodomized in the worst way possible. "Oh god no, not there, please, no, NO, NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" she screamed. Jamal lived for that scream when he raped a bitch’s ass. Some of them liked it but none liked it when he did. He was just too big and too rough. He watched as the girl’s anus stretched, and stretched and stretched while he pushed his now massive head into her despite Brandi’s best attempts to clamp down her sphincter. "You fuckin’ ready?" Jamal asked. "Uh" Tyrone grunted, just audible over Brandi’s screams. Tensing, Jamal yelled "NOW". Long practiced, Tyrone thrust up at the same time Jamal thrust down. Barely lubricated, Brandi screamed and wailed as Jamal buried all 12" of his gigantic raping cock into her anus, ripping her sphincter muscle, punching through her rectum and ramming into her lower body. At the same time Tyrone thrust up into her abused vagina and slammed deeply into her. The pain was overwhelming. She felt as though a bat was being forced into her behind. Brandi wailed and screamed, sure she was being raped to death. Her screams carried outside, but passerby hurried away. No one wanted to know anything about the bad things that happened in that building. Brandi was completely at the mercy of merciless men. The two huge men continued to synchronize the rape, simultaneously punching deep into Brandi’s body, stretching and tearing her with each brutal thrust. The rape continued on and on, Brandi’s voice finally giving out to a hoarse whimper and gasp with each lunge. She was barely conscious as Tyrone reached a climax and, speeding up, filled her womb to overflowing with his sperm. "Damn" he said, knowing he owed Jamal $20 for cumming first. "Ha ha" Jamal yelled out " I’m gonna fuckin’ cum huge in this fuckin’ bitch’s ass." He gripped her hips so hard he left bruises as he slammed even deeper into her behind, cumming in a huge flood that spurted into Brandi’s lower intestines. Brandi finally fainted.Breathing deeply, the rapists quickly withdrew, their lust satisfied and the girl momentarily not needed. Jamal pulled out first. He liked this part too, watching the girl’s overstretched asshole pull out with his big dick. His still engorged head stretched her again as it withdrew. He left a gaping, ruined orifice with pink, brownish and blood streaked cum pouring out. As Jamal backed away, Tyrone pushed the unconscious girl off him. Brandi flopped onto her back. Her brunette hair fanned out beneath her head. Her beautiful face was now marred by bruises and bleeding from being struck, her tear-filled eyes closed but her mouth still open in a silent scream and decorated with Jamal’s ropey pre-cum. Her torn halter top and bra lay spread beneath her, leaving her upper body and bruised breasts completely exposed. These would get special attention later from Jamal. Her only clothing from the waist down was her jeans, still wrapped around her ankles. Her torn panties lay on the floor where Tyrone discarded them. Tyrone grabbed her knee and pulled, spreading her legs and allowing them to see their handiwork. "Oh man, that bitch got used hard" Jamal grinned as he looked on. Brandi’s vulva and vagina were stretched and bruised, the angry red inside of her vagina clearly visible. Pink and blood streaked cum still flowed out of her distended opening, as well as spattering her thighs and patch of dark brown pubic hair. More bloody cum pooled on the mattress beneath her. "No fuckin’ shit, she just wadn’t enough fuckin’ bitch for us niggers!" Tyrone gleefully said. "Damn, look at all the fuckin’ gatts this bitch had" Jamal said as he was going all the guns in Brandi’s bag. So, what’re we fuckin’ doing wit this one?" Tyrone thought just a second and said "Ya know, she fuckin’ done just love dem guns. Let’s fuckin’ see how much see loves ‘em." "Gotcha brother" Jamal said."She gonna fuckin’ love this one" Jamal laughed as he roughly pushed Brandi’s Glock into her open mouth, chipping a tooth. Tyrone was busy shoving the Kimber into her pussy, the foresight tearing her abused vagina. "Damn, she’s so fuckin’ loose ain’t even feeling this fucking gun here" he said. "Well, she fuckin’ gonna feel this" Jamal said as he held up the huge Smith & Wesson .44 Magnum. "Dat one’s fuckin’ bigger than you my man" Tyrone replied. "Fuck you man. We’ll see".With brutal callousness he rammed the gigantic barrel into Brandi’s anus. Although unconscious, Brandi still moaned in pain as the weapon tore her rectum. Jamal pulled the gun back and started ramming it back and forth into her ravaged ass, the forward sight doing tremendous damage inside her. The men laughed and joked as they tortured her."Fuck it, man. I’m gettin’ fuckin’ hungry" Tyrone said. Shoving the magnum as far as he could, Jamal said "Yeah, but I’m gonna take some fuckin’ snaps" as he grabbed his cell phone.In moments Jamal had taken several pictures of Brandi spread out on the bed, guns protruding from her cum covered and bleeding mouth, vagina and anus. The pictures would circulate on the web forever, highly sought after by connoisseurs of violent pornography."OK, we fuckin’ done with the pics. Wat we gonna do wit the fuckin’ hoe?" Jamal asked. "Fuck, I got nothin’ to do, we fuckin’ gonna use her up. She might last a few days" Tyrone replied. "Shiiit, dat hoe ain’t gonna last a day.""Betcha a C she gonna make three fuckin’ days."Brandi’s ordeal was just starting.END--------------------------------------------------------This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life in any way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.--------------------------------------------------------Kristen's collection - Directory 85
Watching Susan and the baby playing in the pool reminded me of Jamaica. Susan was tanned and fit Working out, she was in the best shape ever. Her stomach muscles were firm and her legs were buff from lifting. Susan's tits were larger now, since she was still breast feeding. The baby had just learned to walk and was really getting big. Ronnie ambled over to his mom and pulled the top of her bikini aside and latched on to her nipple. The scene was so cute, that I took a couple of pictures. Susan winced as Ronnie bit down on her thick dark nipple. Now that Ronnie had teeth, he would at times get carried away. Susan was firm but gentle with her reprimand, as she caressed the baby's head. Just then I had a flashback and my stomach knotted I remembered how Ronnie's father James had seduced Susan, how he had fathered this child. Of course the boy was a constant reminder, his skin coal black, curly black hair, he was the spitting image of his father. Susan never knew how I had watched the seduction, how much it turned me on. I just never expected Susan would fall in love with James so quickly and completely. I was miserable during that time when Susan and I contemplated divorce. That was history though, now Ronnie was my son and Susan and I were happy. Susan saw her husband Steve shoot the pictures and thought nothing of it. Playfully, Susan moved the other side of her bikini exposing her other breast as Steve shoot more pictures. Steve loved her and was a good dad to Ronnie. Things had been tough right after the baby was born. James the baby's father had left her when she was fat with Ronnie. To make matters worse, he had taken up with her friend Ellen. Then, just before Ronnie was born he returned to Jamaica. Susan was very much in love with James. Susan felt that once the baby was born they would get back together, but James never returned her calls or letters. Throughout the entire affair, Steve stuck by her side. The baby bit down on her nipple and for a moment her mind drifted back to Jamaica and James. God the man was good, never in her life had she experienced sex like that. The fact of the matter was , if James would have walked up right now she wasn't sure if she could resist him. Susan had begged him to stay with her, but he chose Ellen and the money. Still, Susan often fantasized when making love to her husband that it was James making love to her. Susan couldn't get James out of her mind. Lately it wasn't only James, just the other day she met a black man at the grocery store. Steve was right next to her when a young black man walked up and made a comment about how cute Ronnie was. The man introduced himself and gave her his card. Then right in front of Steve, asked her to lunch. Susan turned him down, but wondered if she would have had the will power, if Steve had not been present. The fact of the matter was every time Susan was in the presence of a black male she felt a sexual charge. It was as if , every black man knew she loved black cock. Ronnie bit down hard on Susan's nipple , bringing Susan out of her daydream."I think it's time I get this young man a bottle, he's getting a little hard on the boobs," Susan said to her husband.Later that week, during my lunch hour I picked up the photos. I had placed the picture on my desk and stepped out to use the restroom. When I returned, I found a strange Black man in my office. To say the man was large, was understatement. At least 6' 5" and well over 285 pounds. I really couldn't tell how old he was, but guessed around late 30's. His head was clean shaven, and his suit impeccable."Are you Steve, my name is Andre Johnson, the new owner of the company. I thought I would come buy and introduce myself since you will be working for me." The big black man said as he sat in my chair and made himself comfortable.I was suppose to have the inside track to a promotion to general manager. Mr. Johnson now told me that his brother Tim would take that position. I had spent the last month training Tim and now I found out it was all part of the new owners plan, to take over the company. It was a hell of a way to find out that I hadn't received the post."Are you listening to me, or did I pick a bad time to see you," Mr. Johnson said sarcastically."I'm sorry," I said, "you caught me off guard, I didn't expect this."For the remainder of an hour Mr. Johnson explained the facts of life, as he put it to me. Johnson said he expected longer hours and more production. He went on to say that cuts to the workforce were on the way and that no job was safe. I'm not a rocket scientist, but I got the message. Then before leaving my office Mr. Johnson tone and manner suddenly softened. "I want you and your wife to come over to my beach place for the weekend, get a baby sitter and bring swim suits. I'll leave a date and directions." Then he shook my hand. It was only after Mr. Johnson left and I took my seat did I notice the pictures. Johnson had looked at them, leaving the shots of Susan nursing Ronnie out of the pack. Worse there was one missing, the one of Susan with both breasts exposed.Susan Hannas was incredible. Johnson had looked over the pictures good . Right away his cock had begun stiffening the moment he saw Steve's wife in her bathing suit. Long brown hair, with a gorgeous face and body to match, she was a hottie. Steve's personnel file said he had been married for 9 years, yet there were several pictures of her breast feeding a black baby. Andre smiled to himself as he walked back to his office. Steve's wife had found herself a brother once upon a time, it would be interesting to get the details. It would be interesting to find out if she fucked as good as she looked. Andre was a man who was use to getting what he wanted. Normally, Andre didn't fool around with married women, simply too much trouble to bother. On the other hand Susan Hannas was worth the effort. The meeting with Steve went well. Steve knew who the boss was now and soon his wife would too.Andre stopped in the office of Ann Dower, a young executive with the company, his brother Tim was currently fucking the cute little blonde."Tell me what you know about her," Andre said to Ann throwing the picture of Susan on to Ann's desk.Ann picked up the picture and smiled. "I heard a rumor about this. Her name is Susan and she works out at my gym. Married to Steve in production. Gossip is they had a Jamaican living with them, she fell for the guy, and got pregnant. I'm going to the gym tonight. Do you want me to get more information for you," Ann said crossing her legs, giving Andre a good look at her white transparent panties.Ignoring the blatant come on by Ann, Andre instructed Ann to get close to Susan and get him more information on the affair."Is there anything else you would like for me to do for you," Ann said suggestively."No, not while you work here and are fucking my brother," admonished Andre as he left Ann's office.Ann was miffed that her flirtation with Andre had failed. She liked his brother Tim, but Andre was the better catch. Handsome, wealthy, and smart, he was to good to pass up. Tim had peak her interest more, when he mentioned that his big brother was bigger every where. Tim was pretty gifted in the sex department and if Andre was bigger, well that was okay with Ann. Now it seemed that Andre had a weakness for Steve's wife. Fine, she would help Andre seduce Susan, but she was not about to give up on getting Andre for herself. No by the time she was done with Susan Hannas, Andre wouldn't want her for more than a quick fuck.Ann saw Susan working out on the treadmill. Susan had shorts over tights, which must of predated her pregnancy, because her milk filled breasts were spilling out the top. As Ann approached Susan she felt a familiar tingling between her legs. Ann didn't consider herself gay, but was open minded, especially when the woman was as good looking as Susan."Hi, my name is Ann and I was wondering if you wouldn't mind spotting me when you're done.""My name is Susan and I'd be glad to."The girls exchanged idle pleasantries for the remainder of the work out. Susan was happy for the adult conversation. Ann was bright, and witty. Susan liked her immediately. Susan learned that Ann worked with Steve and was single. Ann mentioned a boy friend at work , but his name didn't ring a bell. Ann asked if Steve and Susan had kids. Susan said yes, but little else. Sensing Susan's discomfort on the subject Ann changed topics. The girls then agreed to meet again at the gym.Susan was walking to her car when she heard Ann call out. "Susan this is my man Tim," said Ann leading a tall black man by the hand."Hi, I'm Tim Johnson a pleasure to meet you," said the black man taking Susan's hand.Tim looked Susan over letting his eye's linger on her breasts and protruding nipples. Susan involuntarily blushed over the hungry stare."Down boy, she's married and your taken," chided Ann. "Besides your probably not her type," Ann said. "See you Thursday," Ann laughed as she led Tim away.Susan was surprised by the meeting in the parking lot. She would never have guessed that Ann had a black boyfriend, she seemed so conservative earlier. Susan's head spun with thoughts of James her black lover, all the while wondering if Tim was good in bed.Later that evening I told Susan, about what happened at work. Of course I didn't mention the fact that I suspected the knew owner of the company, of taking a nude photo of her, from me. One of the reasons I hadn't approached Mr. Johnson, was I had no proof he had taken the picture. Susan never mentioned meeting Ann, nor did she mention their date to work out. That night after Ronnie fell asleep, Susan came to bed wearing a sexy teddy. It had been a while sincere had made love. Unfortunately problems at work, didn't leave me in the most amorous of moods. Susan was clearly disappointed, when I told her I wasn't in the mood. Fortunately Ronnie started crying, and Susan rushed to his attention.Two days later Susan showed up at the gym exhausted. Susan told Ann how she was weaning Ronnie and how difficult it was to get him to take a bottle. The end result was that neither baby or mom were sleeping.Ann was great at listening. Soon Susan began confiding in Ann more and more, as the work out session went on. After the work out Ann suggested they get some drinks. Susan Hadn't been drinking because she had been breast feeding Ronnie. Now that she was weaning the baby, she figured a drink or two wouldn't hurt. Susan felt the effects of that first drink right away. Ann ordered another round, noting that Susan was getting buzzed. Ann waited until the appropriate time and then mentioned how she hadn't had much sleep either. She then began telling Susan how Tim had fucked her brains out the night before. Ann could see Susan was getting turned on by the detailed description of the previous nights sex."Honey, I hope you don't take offense, but if you never had sex with a black man you don't know what you're missing," Ann said throwing out the bait."I have," Susan mumbled under her breath.Susan felt like a large weight had been lifted off her shoulders, as she began answering all of Ann's questions. Susan told Ann about Jamaica and James. How James had left her for her friend Ellen. Susan even told Ann about Ronnie and how Steve had accepted the child as his."Okay, so are you telling me your not seeing anyone on the side," Susan asked knowing the answer."No I promised Steve, never again. Sometimes it's hard because I can't get James out of my mind. Then just the other day a good looking guy came up to me in the store ,and made a pass. Right in front of Steve. He gave me his card and I kept it for 3 days. I almost called him, if it would have been James I would have"' confessed Susan.What did Steve do when the guy hit on you.""Nothing, like he kind of kept shopping.""Don't you think that's kind of strange," Ann asked."Yes, but so was the whole Jamaica thing. Steve told me he knew about us for sometime, but never said anything.""Really and you never asked him why he didn't go ballistic when he first learned you were fucking a black man.""No I didn't want to push the subject. James was always of the opinion that Steve got off on me having sex with other men.""That would explain why he didn't divorce you. I mean I would think any man would sue for divorce, especially after James moved in with you. Was he like a voyeur or something," Ann questioned. Ann could not believe the things she was getting out of Susan. "Ann promise you won't say anything. I mean Steve would kill me if this got out," pleaded Susan.Ann ordered another round and assured Susan of her confidence. All the while, Ann kept plying Susan for more information. "I don't know if he watched us, although I think he saw us once on the beach in Jamaica." Susan's tongue was now so loose that she even detailed how her husband had licked her cum filled pussy a couple of times."God I wish I had a husband like yours. I've read about men like that, but never met one. I'd marry a white guy, if he took care of me and let me have my choice of lovers. I'd have me at least one black lover on the side if I was you.""I learned my lesson no more extra marital affairs for me.""You'd better hold off on that promise till after you, Andre Johnson," said Ann."You mean the new owner. Why do you say that, Ann.""Because he is the most gorgeous man you have ever seen, and according to his brother Tim, hung like a horse."The girls laughed and made arrangements to meet at the gym again.That evening I told Susan that we were invited for a weekend at Andre beach house. That we needed a babysitter as it would be it would be adults only. Later that night Susan and I made love or should I say she fucked me. She seemed distant, but possessed, telling me how much she wanted me to cum in her, to give her another baby. When we were done I just laid there thinking about the missing photo and the upcoming weekend at Andre's. "Your a lucky man Andre Johnson, Mrs. Hannas has plans for you you," said Ann, closing Andre's office door behind her. Ann was wearing a blue business suit, that showed a little cleavage and plenty of leg. Sitting in a chair opposite Andre, Ann caught him glancing at her legs."What are you talking about Ann"' Andre asked."Well you told me to get you the low down on Susan Hannas and I did. Susan is a real man eater. The rumor was true regarding the Jamaican. It seems she had an affair with the guy right in front of hubby's nose. Then when she found out the Jamaican was broke she sent him packing. When I asked her if she had met you she said she hadn't. Although she told me that she had seen you earlier this week and liked what she saw. Susan said, all she had to do to get you into the sack, was play the innocent wife and hard to get," Ann lied."Really, I really misjudged her. I guess appearances can be misleading. Thank you Ann for the heads up. I appreciate how quickly you got that info for me. By the way I'm having a get together in a couple of weeks at the beach house, would you and Tim like to join us. I've invited Steve and his wife for the weekend, so things should be interesting," Andre quipped.Ann was pleased with herself as she left Andre's office. Things were going according to plan. With any luck at all, she would ditch Tim soon and end up with the owner of the company. Ann immediately called Susan and asked her to lunch."Susan remember when you told me how your husband, knew about your affair with James and yet didn't go crazy jealous. Well, I want to tell you something, but you have to promise not to tell, cause I could get in trouble at work." "Okay, but it's kind of hard to make a promise, when I don't have any idea what you are talking about," replied Susan."Has your husband taken any nude picture's of you recently?" "No, never, wait a minute about a week ago he took a few harmless shots around the pool. Why, how do you know about that. Did Steve say something to you."Ann could see the apprehension in Susan's eyes. Ann loved this game she was playing and really didn't care if Susan ended up hurt. As far as Ann was concerned Susan like Tim were merely a means to an end."I over heard your husband and Andre Johnson this morning, talking about the up coming weekend at the beach. Evidently, Steve had shown Andre some nude picture's of you, because Andre asked Steve how he could show nude pictures of his wife to him. Steve said that you guy's have an open marriage.""Oh my God, what should I do. I can't believe this. Steve showed those pictures to Andre. I'm so embarrassed. Wait till I talk to Steve.""Susan you promised. If Andre finds out I was ease dropping he will fire me. Besides is what Steve did such a bad thing. After all it sounds like he has this fantasy about you and other guys. I mean why not kill to birds with one stone.""What do you mean," Susan asked. The whole thing was too much to take in so quickly."You still think about your black lover. Face it the reason for that is Steve can't give you what you need. Even Steve knows that, that's why he didn't go completely ballistic over your first affair.""What you're saying is crazy Ann.""Look I'm not saying you should flaunt your affairs in public, or for that matter in front of Steve. I'm just saying if the opportunity presents itself, go for it."I don't know about all of this. I guess what your saying makes sense, it's just I didn't expect this from Steve.""I have an idea, lets run a test. Call Steve and tell him we are doing a girls night out. I promise this will be fun."Susan called me and told me she was going out with Ann. I told her to have fun and not to worry about Ronnie, that I would take care of him. Susan sounded a little nervous, but I really thought nothing of it.Once at Ann's, the girl's opened a bottle of wine and started getting ready for their night out. Ann showered first. Coming out of the shower Ann walked into the room with Susan and casually dried herself off Susan. Susan had never seen her new friend nude. Ann was tall and thin, with long legs. Ann's breasts were large on her frame, but well proportioned. Ann's areolas were large, and almost the same skin tone as the rest of her breast. Susan tried to keep from staring at Ann, but couldn't help herself.Ann noticed Susan's interest, and purposely lifted her leg on to the coffee table. toweling her leg dry slowly. Ann then slowly spread her legs, giving Susan an unobstructed view of her protruding cunt lips. Ann noted Susan's attempt to avert staring, but more than once caught Susan looking."I wish I had a body like yours," Ann said as she rapt the towel around herself.Susan blushing said " Why your absolutely beautiful.""You're too nice, for that you get more wine before your shower." Filling Susan's glass, she pointed out the towels and left Susan to herself. While Susan took a shower, Ann made a call to some old friend. Ann was waiting with more wine, when Susan came out of the shower. While toweling off, Susan complained to Ann that her breast's hurt."I'm down to a couple of feedings a day with Ronnie. today with lunch and everything, I missed feeding the baby and now my tits hurt," Susan slurred, the wine taking effect.Ann who had changed into a terry cloth robe, was becoming seriously aroused, watching Susan dry off."Really, this is your lucky day. During my school years I did a lot of volunteer work in our local maternity ward. I have just what the doctor ordered."Ann didn't mention that it was while working in the hospital, that she had her first lesbian experience. Applying body lotion to her hands, she asked Susan to take a seat in front of the mirror."Sometimes when a woman becomes engorged with milk, all that is need is a little message of the breasts and nipples." Standing behind Susan, Ann reached around Susan cupping both breasts."Oh, that's cold," Susan exclaimed at the touch of the still cool lotion."What a baby, it will warm up. Now close your eye's and relax." Susan closed her eyes as Ann tenderly massaged her swollen tits. At first, Susan's nipples were recessed, but that changed quickly under Ann's expert touch. After caressing her breast for what seemed like 10 minutes, Ann took Susan's extending nipples between her fingers. Drops of milk formed on each thick nipple as Ann rolled and pinched each one."No wonder men hit on you all the time," Ann said in a whisper."What did you say Ann." Susan's eyes were still closed, her voice low and husky. The massage felt incredible and Susan was becoming increasingly turned on. Susan had never had a lesbian experience, but at the moment that didn't matter to her. Ann's touch was electrifying and Susan wanted her to continue. Susan's tits were covered in lotion and the milk Ann was squeezing from her large breasts. The milk and the lotion creating a slick mixture, which aided the massage.Ann could tell Susan was becoming excited, for that matter so was she. Leaning closer to Susan's ear she whispered, allowing her lips to brush Susan's neck."I said, I can see why men find you so exciting, you're so beautiful you take even my breath away."Susan turned her head towards Ann, and with out hesitation kissed Ann. for a moment Ann forgot about her plan. Their kiss was passionate, and Ann could hardly think straight. Susan pulled Ann around and let one of her hands slip between Ann's legs. Ann realized this was neither the time or place to have Susan. Besides, Ann now realized Susan was her's for the taking. Ann's pussy was literally dripping with lust. No, Ann thought, now is not the right time. Ann slid her hand between Susan's legs, and began rubbing Susan's clit. In less than a minute she brought Susan to the throws of orgasm. Susan's pussy was literally gushing with wetness. Just before Susan came, Ann stopped."Susan, as much as I want to I can't. I'm sorry," said Ann breaking the kiss.Susan was devastated. "I'm the one that should apologize, I don't know what I was thinking. You must think I'm some kind of dike or something. Can you ever forgive me. " Maybe I should leave?"Ann loved the feeling of control. "No please don't go. It's just that it's the first time, anything like that has happened," Ann lied.Susan was shaking all over. "Me too, I don't know what got into me. Forgive?""Of course, now have some more wine. Besides maybe after we get to know each other better, I'll feel more comfortable." Ann then proceeded to wipe the lotion and milk from Susan's tits. Susan's nipples were still hard with excitement when Ann finished.The girls finished dressing and left for a club Ann said was hot. Susan had borrowed Ann's cloths, which were a little small on her. Normally Susan didn't dress this provocatively but Ann had insisted. Susan was wearing a black dress, which was cut well above the knee. The top was cut low showing apple cleavage and with no bra Susan looked spectacular. Susan felt nothing but excitement as she entered the club holding Ann's hand. They had barely sat down when A bullish looking black man, about 5' 10" , walked up. The man weighed around 240 pounds and around thirty-five years of age, Susan would have guessed. His skin was blue-black and Susan at first glance found him menacing. Smiling a mouthful of white teeth, he introduced himself as Seth."May I buy you ladies a drink," Seth inquired.Susan was less than enthusiastic and was about to politely decline when Ann said, "Only if you sit with us."Susan had know idea that Ann knew Seth from her college years. Seth was Ann's second lover and her first black man. Ann had fallen hard for Seth. It had taken Ann a while to get use to Seth, physically Seth was different and a great lover. Ann would probably have stayed with Seth, if it hadn't been for his brush with the law. Years in prison left Ann looking for some one else. After a series of relationships with other blacks. While she still found Seth attractive, she no longer loved Seth. Now she had Tim and soon Andre, if her plan worked out. After a couple more drinks Susan's apprehension began to dissolve. The three of them headed out to the dance floor were. Susan had been home taking care of a baby for a year and this was her first night out dancing. At first they danced normally. Then Ann moved behind Susan and began rubbing up against her. Seth as if on cue also pressed up against Susan. Then with each succeeding dance things got hotter. Returning to their booth Susan sat between the two conspirators. Ann wasted little time leaning over to Susan and nibbling on her ear."Why don't we take this stud back to my place and fuck his eye's out.""Ann I can't' I mean, let's just the two of us go back," Susan slurred."God, didn't you feel how big his cock is. Don't tell me Seth isn't a turn on for you.""Yes, but Ann I can't be doing things like that. I'm married and besides I could get pregnant."Sensing her changing resolve, Ann persisted. "I don't believe you, you have this great chance at a wonderful night and your worried about getting pregnant and your marriage. First, you told me yourself that your husband is turned on by the idea of you fucking other guys. Plus, your secret is safe with me. Second, every one knows you can't get pregnant while breast feeding , besides I have condoms at the house. Now please, lets take him to my house and have some fun." Ann gently stroked Susan's thigh, as she waited for Susan's answer.Susan's mind reeled with what was happening. As much as she hated to admit it, Seth did turn her on. For that matter so did Ann. Ann continued the gentle massage, slipping a finger by the elastic band of Susan's thong. Susan shuddered, as Ann rubbed her finger across Susan's clit. Seth grinned, as Susan closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip. Ann hadn't lost her touch he thought. When Ann called, Seth was happy to meet her. Ann had promised that Susan was a hottie that turned out to be a magnificent understatement. Hell, Seth would have walked over hot coals to get another chance with Ann, no man could pass up a chance to be with both. Yes, he could see that Ann hadn't lost her powers of persuasion. Seth's cock hardened with anticipation of what was to come."Look I can't make any promises, if you want to take him home with us I guess it's okay," Susan said giving in. The last drink Seth had brought Susan, was a double. By the time they got to Ann's Susan needed help walking. Once at Ann's Susan was given another drink. Ann went to her bedroom to change, leaving Seth alone with Susan. Seth was sitting next to Susan on the couch. Turning her face toward him, he kissed Susan, forcing his tongue into her mouth."Wait, were is Ann," Susan said braking off the kiss and trying to push Seth away."Right here honey. Now stand up and let me help you with your dress." Ann winked at Seth, as Susan stood on wobbly legs. Ann stood in front of Susan, and pulled her close. Ann had changed into a thin silky robe. Pressing her breasts against Susan she could feel Susan's nipples go stiff. Then planting several kisses on her neck, she smothered her face then mouth with more kisses. Ann's tongue darted in and out of Susan's mouth, all the while nibbling and biting at Susan's lips. Breaking off the kiss, Ann led Susan into the bedroom, signaling Seth with a look to follow.In the bedroom Ann wasted little time, turning toward Susan she untied the sash to her robe letting it fall to the ground. Beneath the robe Ann was nude and her nude figure had the desired effect on Susan. "Come closer Susan." Then Ann reached around Susan's back and unzipped her dress. Susan had totally forgotten about Seth, as she drank in Ann nakedness. Susan 's dress joined Ann's robe on the floor as they tumbled into bed.Seth watched as the two women kissed and touched each other. Ann started sucking on Susan's nipple and was immediately rewarded with sweet warm milk. Stopping momentarily, Ann looked to Seth to join them."Did I mention that these gorgeous tits are full of milk Seth. Join us there is plenty for both of us."Susan glanced toward Seth and couldn't believe her eyes. Seth had removed his shirt, revealing a massive upper body which was well muscled. Then Seth let his pants fall to the floor. Seth's cock was about 9 inches long' but it was incredibly thick. the head of his cock was thicker than the base. almost to the point of deformity. Susan did a double take as Seth climbed into bed with them. Seth hungrily began feeding on Susan's other breast as Ann trailed kisses down to Susan's wet cunt."Oh baby your pussy is so wet. I bet you never had a woman eat your cunt have you Susan. " Ann had two fingers in Susan's pussy, and was rubbing her clit with her thumb. Then lowering her head, Ann licked at Susan's clit. Ann watched as Susan shuddered with the pleasure she and Seth were giving Susan. With her free hand Ann began diddling herself."I think Seth was a little hungry, don't you," Ann said coming up for air.Susan could only nodded as she experienced a series of organisms. Susan had never had another woman eat her pussy, nor for that matter had sex with more than one person at a time. Susan looked down and could see Seth's mouth sucking and munching on her breast. Susan's head was spinning, she knew she should get up and leave, that she should stop the two of them from going any farther, but she was powerless to move. "I think I have her wet enough for you Seth. Let her try some of that black cock of yours so that she'll know what it's like to fuck a real man." Ann then experienced an orgasm, which was brought on not so much by the sex itself, but by the perverse idea that through her control she had just ruined Susan's life.Seth's cock had reached its full size, as Ann guided him into place."See how wet she is," Ann said as she rubbed the massive cock head across Susan's sopping pussy lips."Ann wait I need a condom or something, wait," Susan moaned."I don't use no fucken rubber girl, so stop your fucken complainen," Seth said as he pushed the head of his cock past Susan's cunt lips."Don't worry Baby, I told you, you can't get pregnant now, so relax and enjoy." Ann started rubbing Susan's clit more furiously. At the same time Seth had worked three-quarters of his cunt splitting cock into Susan. The combined effect causing Susan to abandon all common sense or logic. Seth began stroking his cock in and out of Susan slowly. Each time Seth pulled out he would look between Susan's legs to see Susan's cunt lips stretched and clinging to his cock head. Then Seth would push his cock back in further than the time before."This is one sweet pussy Ann, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to have me this pussy on a permanent bases. what you say about that Susan.""Oh my God that feels so good. Put it in further, I want to feel all of it in me," Susan responded.Ann got up from the bed and took a seat next to the bed to watch Susan get the fucking of a life time. Seth was picking up the pace as his balls slapped against Susan's ass. Ann remembered what it was like to fuck Seth. To be sure Ann loved enjoyed sex with Seth as long as he was gentle. Ann was never able to accommodate Seth cock completely, and it hurt when ever he pushed real hard. Watching the two lovers now it was apparent that Susan had no such trouble.Seth's cock was making contact with Susan's cervix with every stroke. Seth had never had a woman who's pussy felt so good. It was like they were made for each other, Seth thought. Seth stopped pumping as he neared cumming, his body was covered in sweat. Susan had now drawn her legs up around Seth's ass and was pumping away on her own. Seth grinned down at Susan as she withered in pleasure."Don't stop baby, keep fucking me. I need that cock in me." Susan was now contracting her cunt muscles around the black cock buried deep in her pussy. Susan memory flashed to her x-lover James. Often when making love to her husband, she would fantasize it was James. Now she thought, there was no comparison, no need to fantasize, Seth was better."I need to feel you cum in me, cum, cum, cum," Susan kept repeating."Don't worry sugar I got's plenty of that for you," bellowed Seth, as his balls started to contract.Ann brought herself off just as Seth started to cum. She watched as Susan pulled Seth's ass to her with both hands, her legs high in the air. Both of them were covered in sweat, and the slapping sounds of Seth's penetrations were loud. The bitch didn't care if she got pregnant, thought Ann.Susan cried out as she felt the first jets of hot cum shoot from Seth's cock. Each time Seth 's cock contracted the slit of his cock would press up against the opening of Susan's cervix. The net effect was an injection of sperm into her fertile canal. Susan could actually feel the pulsing of Seth's cock, it felt incredible and she cried out with pleasure. Oblivious to the fact that she might get pregnant, Susan pulled Seth even deeper into her fertile pussy."Sugar I gots to tell you that is the best fuck I ever had." Seth was still trying to catch his breath. His cock still throbbing from the effects of cumming. Susan was hugging Seth hard, her face buried in his muscular neck. Ann couldn't help feel a little jealous. Ann had never satisfied Seth like that, but she forced herself to move forward with her plan.Ann left the room and quickly returned with two pills that she told Susan were aspirin, they were not."Honey take this aspirin it will help with the hangover later." Susan took the drug, with out question. Ann gave Susan two tablets of Ecstasy. Soon Susan would be flying and Ann would implement the rest of her plan.The rest of the night was a blur for Susan. Seth made love to her two more times, each time sending hot cum into Susan's unprotected pussy.Tim arrived at Ann's around 1 A.M., Ann had begged him to come over. As soon as he entered the house he heard the two lovers. Looking into the guest room he saw Susan straddling a huge thick cock. He started to rub his trousers when Ann yanked him away to her room.Ann explained how Susan picked this guy up at a bar and then begged Ann to let her bring him to Ann's house. "She's been fucking him all night, and the sound of those two has made me horny," Ann said unbuttoning Tim's pants. Ann of course lied about much of the facts, except the part were she said she was honey. They made love once that night, but Ann was too tired for seconds. At least that's what she told Tim.At five in the morning Seth left, according to plan. Ann hearing the front door close woke Tim and asked him to get her a glass of water. Tim was of course pissed, until he walked by the guest room. The lamp was on by the bed, it's light casting a warm glow on Susan's nude body. Lying on her stomach spread eagle, her pussy was gaping open leaking cum. Tim did a double take, in the low light, this well fucked bitch was a goddess. Quickly he checked back with Ann. She was sound asleep, so he went back into the Guest room.Men were so predictable Ann thought as she stretched and smiled. She would at least let Tim get his dick wet, before the shit hit the fan.Susan assumed it was Seth who had started playing with her pussy. God she thought, the man is insatiable. Never in Susan's whole life had she experienced any thing like the sex she had had with Seth. The rubbing of her clit stimulated Susan into spreading her legs even wider. Susan was exhausted from the previous nights sex, but the Ecstasy made her more than willing.Tim had two fingers in her in moments. Susan started to move her hips to his touch, her moans A signal to Tim she was ready to fuck. Excited and with his cock rock hard, he decided to cut the foreplay. Mounting Susan from behind he easily slid his eight inches into her. Almost immediately Susan started humping back. Susan's pussy easily accommodated Tim's thinner cock. Susan felt as if things were different, Seth seemed to move differently. Glancing over to a dresser mirror, Susan for the first time realized it was Tim not Seth fucking her."Stop, what are you doing, were is Seth," but Tim didn't slow a bit."Don't worry baby Seth will be right back, now you don't want me to really stop do you," Tim said repeatedly thrusting his cock as hard as he could, before Susan could answer. The effect on Susan was predictable, Susan didn't protest again. Breathless Susan put up no struggle at all, in fact she had already started milking his cock with her cunt muscles, when she heard the loud voice.Ann watched from the door way. the bitch was really into fucking Tim. Ann was unprepared for the pang of jealousy she now felt. First, Susan had really turned Seth on, more than Ann ever had. Now Susan was having the same effect on Tim. Well Ann was going to make sure Susan never had a chance with Andre."You fucking whore, how could you do this to me, and you Tim, both of you, get out. Get out now, I never want to see either of you again," screamed Ann. Ann then turned and ran back to her room. Closing the door behind her she almost broke out laughing. The look on Tim's face had been comical. No sooner had he rolled off the little cunt, had his dick started to shrink. As for Susan, she didn't feel bad about the little bitch, especially after watching how much she enjoyed fucking Tim.Susan and Tim were stunned. Tim immediately tried to reconcile things with Ann. Susan grabbed the dress she was wearing, slipped it on and stumbled out to the car. Susan arrived home early in the morning. Susan entered the house quietly, removed her cloths and jumped in the shower. The last hour had been sobering to say the least. During the shower Susan was aghast at the amount of cum she was able to wash out of her tender pussy. Susan hadn't had sex like that in her life and now she wondered if she was carrying another black baby. I woke to the sound of the shower. Susan took a long shower and I remember thinking it was odd at the time.Coming to bed, I asked her about her night, but she put me off saying she was tired. I joked with her that she was probably exhausted from dancing and flirting with a lot of guys. What happened next was strange to say the least. Susan still a little high turned to face me and took my semi erect dick in her hand."What do you want to know, do you want to know the details. Would you like to know how many times I was fucked last night. How big the guys cock was, go on ask , your dick is already hard. Would it turn you on to find out it was another black man." Susan was pulling on my dick hard and she was starting to hurt me."Hey that's a little ruff, are you joking?" I asked."No I'm not joking, what do you expect I mean, once you go back you can't go back right. See how hard your dick is, you like the idea of me fucking black guys don't you." Susan was pumping away and I really didn't know whether she was angry or joking. Susan's language and aggressive manipulation though were very exciting and I soon came in her hand."See Ann was right about you, from now on though I think I will decide who I want to fuck," Susan exclaimed wiping her hand on the sheet and turning over."What the fuck are you talking about Susan," but I didn't receive a response. I didn't know that Ann had told her I was showing pictures of her to my boss and Susan never told me the source of anger. When I left to work that morning Susan was still fuming.At work things got stranger. Walking by Ann's office, I noticed Andre consoling Ann about something. Ann was crying and Andre had his arms around her. Over the next few days they would become an item at the office. I didn't know it but Ann's plan to trap Andre worked perfectly. In a matter of month , Andre and Ann would marry.Andre informed me that the party at his house was off. Tim who was scheduled for an out of town meeting canceled at the last minute and sent me in his place. I went home to pack and found Susan still angry."Is Andre or Tim coming by after you leave?" Susan asked sarcastically.When I asked her again what she was talking about, Susan told me what Ann had said. Of course I decide it , but know matter what I said to Susan, I couldn't persuade her other wise. I left to the airport with trepidation. Susan was angry and clearly didn't trust me.The next day I confronted Ann with the things Susan had told me. I was unprepared for the tongue lashing I received from Ann."How dare you come in here, after what your wife the slut did. Didn't she tell you about fucking Tim and that guy she picked up. Can't you control your wife. Listen just get the fuck out of my office and leave me alone."Just as I was going to respond Andre came in . Having heard the commotion he asked me to leave. My mind reeling as I walked back into the office. Andre followed, closing the door behind him. What followed was worse. Andre told me that he contemplated firing me, for causing so much trouble. I did my best at damage control, denying involvement. This got me a small reprieve and a week out of town on some shitty assignment that Ann should have taken.I went home and really let Susan have it. Susan was just as angry as I was and never denied the allegations. I was so pissed I packed some cloths for my business trip and spent the night in a motel. I was hot, the idea that Susan had been unfaithful had me so pissed off I couldn't think straight. Business would keep me away for at least five days at which time I promised myself that I would get to the bottom of things. Unfortunately leaving town and giving Susan a cool off period was the wrong thing to do.The next day while I was out of town Seth came to are home. Susan was wearing an old t-shirt and shorts when the door bell rang. Holding Ronnie in her arm she answered the door."Hello we never got a chance to say good by, and I wanted to see you again," Seth said. "I can't believe you came here after letting Tim do that to me. Now get off my property I never want to see you again.""Hey that wasn't my idea I got up to gets some water and the next thing I knew was Ann was screaming. With all the yelling I figured I should leave. Listen I don't know this Tim guy. Besides you don't know me to well, if you think I would share you with anyone. I came by cause I'm crazy about you now let me in so we can talk," Seth said using all of his charm.Susan didn't know what to think. Seth's story was plausible and right now she was very lonely and could use someone to talk to. I had left her with no explanation and figured I would never forgive her. She let Seth in. They made small talk and then Susan told Seth everything. First, about what happened that night at Ann's , with Tim. Then she explained about the pictures and even about how Ronnie happened. Seth just listened and then waiting for the right time put an arm around Susan.Seth couldn't take his eye's off Susan. She was the most beautiful women he had ever been with. Seth made up his mind right then to do what ever it took to make her his."Baby you been wronged, ain't no man should pass you around like some ho. Especially some wimpy white guy. Look at this beautiful black son you have, you was met to be with a black man. Remember the other night, that's why I came here. That night was special, we belong together." Then leaning towards Susan he took her face in his hands and tenderly kissed her.Susan found herself responding to Seth's kiss and stopped him. "Please Seth, I can't do this, the other night was a mistake."Seth complied with her request, but insisted on Susan and Ronnie joining him for dinner. Susan agreed and Seth took them to restaurant on his side of town. A quite place, Susan felt very comfortable. No one stared at her like when she went out with her husband. Everyone thought Seth was Ronnie's father, and Ronnie did seem to like Seth. Seth wasn't the best looking man and he was a little crude at times, still he was attentive and Susan liked that.Seth for his part could sense Susan's vulnerability and played on that. Later that evening he slipped a little Ecstasy into her drink. Susan would give in later, he just needed a little help. When Ronnie showed signs of being sleepy, it was Seth who suggested they get him to bed.Susan felt warm and tingly by the time they got home. Seth had been a perfect gentleman the entire evening Watching him carry Ronnie to bed, she wanted to give Seth a big hug, but for the life of her she wasn't sure why. Seth tucked Ronnie into bed and followed Susan to the front door. Seth had no intension of leaving, but wanted Susan to ask him to stay."Good night baby I wish you wasn't married, so I could show you how I really feel."Seth then leaned over and kissed Susan. Susan felt herself go wet. Seth felt Susan respond as soon as his tongue touched hers. As Susan brought her arms up around Seth's neck, to caress his head , Seth cupped Susan's breast. Taking her thick nipple between his fingers, he squeezed it until he could feel dampness from milk through her bra and blouse. Susan moaned with pleasure as Seth continued his assault on her tits. Susan then dropped her hand down to his cock and moaned again when she felt its hardness.Breaking the kiss Seth stared down into Susan's eyes, and waited for Susan to say something."Seth don't go, I want you to stay," with that said, Susan led Seth into are bedroom.Entering the bedroom Seth took off his shirt and then his pants. the whole time he watched as Susan removed her dress then underwear. Susan was magnificent, and Seth felt his cock harden more as he walked toward him. Taking Seth's face in her hands she tip toed to kiss him at the same time pressing her breasts against him. Their tongues met in a deep kiss as Seth pulled her close in a powerful hug. Susan broke the kiss for a moment and Seth thought there might be a problem, until Susan dropped to her knees. Tenderly she took Seth's cock in both hands as she lovingly licked the bulbous head. Lapping at the pre cum forming on his head , Susan's tongue swirled around the edges of his massive helmet. Then when Susan had Seth's cock head good and wet , she pumped his cock and slipped her lips over his cock. Susan then adoringly looked up to Seth for approval."Oh baby, that so good, girl I don't know were you learned to suck cock, but don't stop." Seth's cock tingled with pleasure as Susan sucked and pumped his cock. Learning that she was pleasing Seth only excited her more. That's right girl keep sucking that cock. Baby like I told you before we were made for each other," and Seth meant it. Stroking his cock faster Susan could feel it growing and starting to pulse. When the first jets of cum shot into her mouth, Susan swallowed hungrily. Seth for his part was in heaven. Looking down at Susan devouring his cock he couldn't believe how lucky he was. Susan at the same time had never met a man who came like Seth. Susan could hardly swallow all of his cum, as some spilled from her mouth on to her tits.Licking Seth clean Susan stood and led him to bed. "Did you bring any condoms," Susan asked. Susan was high but hadn't lost her common sense.Seth anticipating this situation said yes. Now though Seth wanted Susan for his own and if it meant getting her pregnant so be it. Besides he thought after the other night she might be carrying his child already.Laying next to Susan it took Seth little time to harden again. Susan's pussy was so wet ,Seth had little trouble inserting two then three fingers in her swollen cunt. Susan was squirming under the onslaught. All she could think of was how it was going to feel having that huge black cock buried in her pussy.Seth hated using rubbers but if a little slight of hand was necessary to get Susan to fuck him well he would try anything. Seth handed Susan the condom pack and laid on his back. Susan took the condom and struggled to get it over Seth's amazing cock. Then climbing on top of Seth, she reached between her legs and started rubbing his cock between her wet pussy lips. Slowly she worked the monstrous cock head into her hungry cunt. Seth looked up to Susan's face, eye's closed, an expression of pure lust on her face as she lowered her crouching body on to his. Seth was amazed at how Susan's tight cunt had stretched to accommodate his girth. Susan had slid a good six inches in and was now starting to pump harder. releasing his cock Susan placed both hands on his thick chest for balance. Susan's pussy was gushing cum now and Seth could feel the tip of his cock bumping up against Susan's cervix.Seth waited till Susan was in the throws of an intense orgasm to make his move. Placing his hand between her legs, he started rolling the condom back with each stroke. Susan was so excited she never felt the condom come off inside her sopping pussy. Just the thought that he was going to impregnate, excited Seth. His plan had worked to perfection. Seth's cock erupted, gushing his potent sperm deep into Susan's cunt.Even though she was still high from the drug, Susan knew something was wrong. Still, just as she was about to protest she was overcome with another powerful orgasm. "Oh baby cum," Susan found herself saying as her body betrayed her. Never had Susan experienced anything remotely close to the orgasm she currently was experiencing. Jet after jet of hot cum washed the insides of her vagina, Susan's pleasure intensified. Now the thought of Seth cumming in her, making her pregnant, simply added to the intensity of her orgasm."Seth cum in me, I want you to fill me with your cum. I want you to cum deep in my cunt, please cum baby, cum hard."Seth was well beyond stopping as the last of his huge load was deposited in Susan's pussy. Seth too had never experienced sex like this before. The two lovers laid there for sometime before Susan spoke."What happened to the condom," she said glancing down at Seth's cum covered cock. "I don't know, maybe it came off." Susan was perplexed, then again still under the influence of Ecstasy, gullible.Seth knew were the condom was, but faked looking around the bed. Susan went to the restroom and when she returned told Seth it must of come off while they were having sex. Seth expressed concern but reminded Susan that, the other night they hadn't used protection either."don't worry baby you know I'll never leave you, no matter what happens." Seth's cock was already hard as he rolled over on top of Susan. Spreading her legs, Susan guided Seth's cock into position. Seth fucked her two more times that night with out protection.Susan woke thinking the night before was a dream. Only when she felt the gentle nudge of Seth's cock against her ass did her memory of the previous night return. Seth's hand's were massaging her tits and tweaking her nipples. With the resignation that it was probably to late to change things, Susan reached between her legs and once again inserted Seth's cock into her cum soaked pussy.Over the next few days, Seth spent every minute he could with Susan. I tried to phone Susan every day. I left numerous messages on the answering machine. What I didn't know was Seth was making sure that Susan didn't receive them.When I returned home a week later I came home to an empty house and a note. Susan told me that after much thought she felt it was best that we divorce. Susan said she only wanted what was her's. I tried to find out were she had gone, but to no avail. Several months passed and true to her word, the divorce was at least economically painless. I had hoped to see Susan in court, but only her lawyer appeared. I finally bumped into Susan recently, she was with Seth Ronnie and a new baby girl. They were obviously very happy, and I wished them well.Watching them stroll away, I realized I finally had the answer to the question I had asked myself long ago. Yes, I thought, the saying is true. END
It had been a long day for George and Judy. The trip from Boulder to Salt Lake had gotten off to a poor start and had gone downhill from there. The harder they tried to make good time, the more delays they encountered.First there was the seemingly never-ending construction along US40. Judy had even gone along with George's decision to run the stupid single lane, by passing in the construction equipment lane, which they could see had nothing in it. The girl holding the stop sign was flabbergasted when he took off around the other cars lined up. All the construction workers along the way couldn't believe it as they roared through."Stop, there's heavy equipment here!" yelled some twit. By then, they were already halfway through. Judy was so irritable that she actually yelled "Fuck you!" Admittedly, she wasn't loud enough to be heard, but most of the crew got the general idea anyway. At the far end, another girl holding up traffic was equally thrilled with their unexpected arrival. She glowered at them as they roared past her, but wasn't quite certain where the hell they had come from.Then, there were the ever-present grandpas and grandmas in their RVs to contend with. Obviously, all of them had modified their vehicles by removing the accelerators. Apparently, they never leave the two lane strips, as there was never a sign of any of them on the four lane highways where one could get around them.Now it was growing dark, and George said the damned car was overheating. There they were, fifteen miles from Duchesne, with the temperature light glaring red and the car beginning to stutter. Another half a mile, and it finally quit. To top it all off, as George got out and pushed the car over to the side of the road, it started to rain. Life was not going well for Judy and George.Shortly, however, a passing car noticed their predicament and pulled over. Two men, who appeared to be businessmen, got out of a full-sized Ford and asked if they needed help. George explained the situation as politely as he could, considering his mood. The men offered to give them a ride into town and the couple gratefully accepted. Wet and tired, Judy and George climbed into the back seat as the two businessmen opened the rear door for them.Off they went toward Duchesne. About two more miles down the road, the driver of the car asked if it would hold them up too much if he made a stop at his cousin's house in order to use the bathroom. He explained that he had been holding it just fine but the delay of stopping for George and Judy had pushed him to his limit. Judy quickly decided that that was a fine idea, as she wasn't holding up too well in that department herself.They pulled off on a gravel side road and bounced along it for maybe a mile until they came to a rather nice looking house. Parking in the short paved section of driveway, everyone hurriedly exited the car and, as the driver quickly produced a key, they were soon inside. He pointed to a hall bathroom that Judy could use and disappeared into another room.When Judy came out, the shock of her life awaited her. There was the driver holding a gun on George while the other man was tying him to a chair in the living room. "Hold it right there, you pretty, little thing," he cautioned her as he waved the gun in her direction for a moment and then pointed it back at George. Judy could not think of anything to do so she did just as he ordered.Quickly, the other man finished tying up George. Testing his work, he seemed quite satisfied and said, "You're not going anywhere, buddy, so just sit still and enjoy the show." This sent chills through Judy's whole body as it confirmed what she was just beginning to fear. "They're going to rape me and make George watch!" was her sinking realization of what was happening.Judy is five-five, a hundred and fifteen pounds. She is quite well-built with firm, round breasts and a tight behind. Her legs are long compared to her torso and she has moderately long brunette hair. She is quite pleasant to look at. It was apparent that both of their captors thought so too, from the leers on their faces. Judy started to cry slightly, but she was really too afraid to do anything else.The driver of the car, about five-ten and slightly stocky, was now aiming the gun at her. His friend, who was maybe six foot and thin, gave George's ropes one last tug and walked over beside the other man. "Shall I get her ready while you watch or do you want to help her put on a show for me?" he questioned his companion."Why don't you do your stuff and let her husband and me enjoy the view?" was the response.Judy was terrified but feared to resist for both of their sakes. She resigned herself to putting up with whatever was about to happen. Her worst feeling was wondering what this sight would do to George.The taller man strode over to her and stepped behind her. He fondled her breasts beneath her blouse for a few moments and then reached for the buttoned front and tore her red blouse open. George just stared silently while he yanked the tails of her garment out of her slacks. Roughly, he pulled it wide open and off her pale shoulders. Then he jerked her blouse back along her arms behind her.She could feel the fabric tearing as he ripped the sleeves free from her arms. More firmly than before, he began to squeeze her large breasts through her bra. He kneaded them with strong hands and was obviously enjoying himself immensely. Judy could only stand there and take it and she was beginning to feel so very weak.He unhooked the belt to her slacks and it hurt her slightly as he ripped it through the loops and from around her slim waist. Taking just a moment to caress her bare midriff, he then ripped open the side flap, tearing off the button as he did so. Quickly, he pulled down her zipper and stuck his hand into the opening.She felt him slide his left hand around to the mound in her panties and begin to spend a little time fondling that. Judy was ashamed to find herself beginning to lubricate. "This is shameful," she thought to herself, "but I am already tingling down there!"Firmly, he squeezed her one last time and then began to slide her slacks off. Judy involuntarily helped him get the waistband over her hips and he slid them to the floor. He stepped her feet out of her sandals and pulled her slacks away. There she was, wearing only a plain soft white bra and cotton panties. While the taller man was enjoying stripping her, she noted the other one staring at her with pure animal lust in his eyes. She couldn't bear to look directly at George so she fixed her gaze on a lamp occupying a nearby end table.Once more she felt his hands on her breasts and then felt the icy touch of what could only be a knife against her stomach. The man slid the blade under the bra into her deep cleavage and held it there for a moment. Then, with a sawing motion, he cut through the center piece and the cups fell away from her, revealing her now-erect nipples, and the firm breasts they adorned. Expertly, he proceeded to sever first the right, and then the left shoulder strap, letting the ruined bra fall to the floor.For whatever reason, he didn't begin to feel her again. Instead, he took her right hand, held it up, and pirouetted her around several times. Judy supposed that this was intended to give her abductors a full view of their victim. Her glance at George revealed that same silent stare and the face of the driver was incomprehensible. When the exhibition stopped, she turned her gaze back to the lamp.Now she felt the knife blade again against the back of her right leg. He inched it up to her buttocks, intentionally taking his time. Slowly he moved the blade up through the back of her panties from the leg opening and began to saw at the cloth. As the blade did its work, the right side of her panties fell away leaving the remains hanging on her left hip and her groin exposed. Deftly, he used the knife again across her left buttocks and the shreds of her last piece of clothing fell to the floor. She was completely naked now, and totally helpless.Judy felt so weak and shaky that she doubted she could stand much longer. Her body was trembling and her breath was difficult to catch. The thin man again played with her breasts while standing behind her and also rubbed her crotch some more. Then he bent her backwards, supporting her with his strong body. Reaching between her legs he spread her vagina open. "Like the looks of that, my friends?" he asked, putting a finger into her reddish, wet opening and dipping it like a kid in a peanut butter jar. He put the finger to his mouth and sucked the tip. "So wet already! And she tastes just as good as she looks," he announced.Directly to Judy, he offered the tip of his finger after reinserting it inside her. "Don't you want a taste of yourself gorgeous?" She tried to avert her face from his hand but he forced the finger into her mouth. Judy dutifully sucked her own juices from his finger without saying a word. "That's it baby, suck hard now, you need the practice for me in a little while."Taking her limp weak body, he laid her on the floor at George's feet. Looking up at his friend, he asked "I assume you still want firsts?" "You betcha, my friend," he sneered as he unzipped his trousers and lowered them to his ankles. Slipping off his loafers, he stepped out of his pants. "Hairy legs" thought Judy as she lay there, unable to move. Watching him remove his socks distracted her briefly until she looked up at George. He wasn't three feet away and yet bound to his chair so that he could offer no help. She couldn't look at him and quickly stared at the ceiling.It seemed like an awfully long time as she supposed the man was finishing undressing himself. Then she first felt his presence standing over her. He was completely naked. She was looking directly up between his legs. His balls were covered with thick, dark pubic hair and he was holding his erect penis in his right hand. It was of moderate length but fairly thick. Judy tried to avert her gaze but instinctively kept looking back up at him."Okay, babe, spread em, cause I'm gonna fuck your eyeballs out," he said as he stepped around between her legs. Meekly, she spread her legs wide before him. He took two fingers and slid them in and out of her a few times. "Oh, yeah, babe, you're ready for me now," he mumbled and lowered himself onto her.Using his hands on her inner thighs, he spread her legs even farther open. Taking his left hand, he opened the lips of her vagina and with his right and began to slide his penis into her wet opening. Moving his hands to the floor beside her, he drove himself all the way into her.Slowly at first, he began a cadenced motion as his organ would slide almost all the way out and then forcefully thrust all the way back in as deep as he could. Grasping her breasts alternately with his right and then his left hands he continued to pump at an even gait. Her knees rose without her having any control over them and her body took over from her mind as she began to thrust back in response to his strokes.Once, she glanced at George and saw that he was staring fixedly at the man's ass as he pumped in and out of her pussy. She closed her eyes. Her pelvic muscles seemed to be working all on their own as she bumped in time with his thrusts.She was embarrassed because she knew all three men could hear the wet, slurping sound of her dripping pussy, and smell the strong odor of her sex, as the man plowed away in her cunt.This went on for at least five minutes but her response was obviously exciting him too much for him to last much longer. He began to pound her harder and harder. His strength and weight overcame her ability to thrust back. Now her entire body was sliding back and forth, driven by his forceful strokes. Without realizing it, her arms scratched at his bare back and her legs wrapped around him and locked themselves at the ankles. As he cried out and filled her with his warm semen, her arms grabbed his back and she helped him crush her to the floor. He shot her with five or six strong squirts and then lay still on top of her as she held him tight.For at least a minute he lay motionless on top of her with his penis as far inside of her as it would go. Then he rose to his knees pulling out of her and looked down upon her.Tweaking her still-hard nipples, he told her "Gee, babe, you've still got your eyeballs. Guess we'll have to try again." "It's my turn" said the other man. "I 'spect she'll come this time if she didn't before, won't you bitch?"Judy was horrified at herself. She was on the verge of orgasm from being raped. As if being raped wasn't bad enough, it was happening right in front of her helpless husband. What kind of woman, what kind of slut, was she, she wondered?The thin man knelt between her legs. His member was a little longer than the driver's but thinner. He stuck a couple of fingers into her and commented to George, "Your little wifey's all gooey inside, pal, I wonder how that happened?" Pulling his fingers out of her, he sniffed them and then wiped them off across her breasts.With that, he lay down on top of her and slid his penis in. "God, what a wet bitch you are and, just think, my buddy was only foreplay." His bare ass rose and fell as he began to penetrate her with a steady rhythm. "How does it feel bitch? Don't you love having me fuck you? I'm fucking you right in front of your husband and he can't do a damned thing about it. What do you think of my fucking you, you slutty, cock-hungry cunt?" Judy was overwhelmed and whispered hoarsely, "Yes, I like it. You're fucking me real good."Harder and harder he pumped her vagina. Suddenly Judy contorted, stuck her legs in the air and screamed with ecstasy. "My God, I've come!" she shouted and thrashed violently while scratching the man's back with her fingernails. "You prick! You made me come!" She locked her arms and legs around him as if to ride his penis.This obviously didn't slow the thin man but spurred him on to feverishly fuck her as fast and as deeply as he possibly could. He began to grunt with each stroke and it seemed he was trying to go deeper inside of her than was physically possible. Raising himself with his arms, he asked George, "Don't you just love to see the little woman being fucked right?" Then with a final grunt, he drove once more into her and tensed all over as he shot his load, filling what little room was left inside her with his own juices.Judy couldn't bear to look at her husband but reached for her assailant and pulled him down on top of her once again. She hugged him and kissed his neck while mumbling "Oh baby, baby, baby." He had to work to remove her arms from his back in order to pull out of her. She was continuing to shake with aftershocks from her orgasm as he crawled to his knees and then stood all the way up.Standing directly over her with one foot on either side of her naked, prone body, he milked his penis and let the last couple of drops fall on her. One landed on her left cheek and another almost directly between her breasts. Judy made no attempt to wipe them away but just lay there exhausted with her eyes closed, oblivious to her rapist directly above her. Stepping carefully away, everyone in the room now had an unobstructed view of the naked, spent, dishrag-limp woman. They watched the cum slowly seep from between her stretched, red pussy lips to drip to the floor."You think you really did good, didn't you?" observed the driver to the thin man. "Well I'm going to just have to fuck her again and show you all how it's really done." Addressing George, he said, "bet you'd love so see the pretty little bitch beg for mercy when a real man fucks her for keeps, wouldn't you?"Stooping beside her, he rolled her over onto her stomach. With an open palm, he slapped her buttocks. From the right and from the left he slapped her again and again, each one making an audible crack. Her derriere was reddening noticeably but she made no effort to escape. Then lifting her by the hips, he knelt behind her and penetrated her from behind. "Don't worry little lady, I'm going to do better. This is just to lubricate the old cock so it'll slide right into your pretty little ass."Pulling out of her, he let her drop flat onto the floor again. Her rear end was bright red from the spanking. He tried to enter her rectum but she was too tense. Grabbing the shaft of his member with one hand and spreading her anus with the fingers of the other, he grunted and forced the head in."You're hurting me!" Judy finally pleaded. "Not as much as when I get it all the way in bitch!" was his response. Judy let out a cry of pain as he thrust all the way in. "Hurts so good, doesn't it bitch?" he breathed as he began to fuck her ass harder and quicker.She continued to cry out with each deep stroke but was pinned to the floor by his assault and could only rock with his motions.He continued to stroke in and out of her for what seemed like an eternity. Then with a cry of "Arrgh!" he came in her ass. With a final whimper, Judy suddenly began to grab at the carpet on the floor and changed to a cry of orgasm. The driver plunged into her again as hard as he could and stayed there until she had finished with her passion. Then slowly pulling out he gave her fanny a mild whack and stood up, leaving her spread out on the floor. All could see the drops of his ejaculated fluids oozing from her rectum."So you think you're really a stud," laughed the thin man, "well, missy and I are really going to give you a show this time, aren't we bitch? Looks like you like it in the ass, well let's let every one get a really good view of you enjoying yourself." He reached for a straight chair and set it directly in front of George.Leaning over her, he lifted Judy to a standing position. He sat in the chair and stroked himself a couple of times then turned her away from him and sat her on his lap. Pulling her thighs apart, he forced her to straddle him while facing her husband eye to eye only a couple of feet away.Taking himself in hand, he juggled Judy's limp body in his lap and entered her vagina. Forcing her up and then pulling her down upon himself, he was fucking her like an inflatable doll. The driver knelt right beside George to get a better view. This time, it wasn't just a sight of a man's hairy rear bobbing up and down over a nude woman. George and the driver could see every intimate detail.Her labia rolled in and out with each stroke. His penis was glistening wet each time it became exposed as he continued to physically lift her slightly off of him and then pull her back on again. Soon, he pulled her down as hard as he could. Grasping her by the breasts, he crushed them with his hands as he announced, "Now that I'm slick enough, it's show time gentlemen."Lifting her off of his member, he stood her up and turned her around in order to face him. Pulling her back on to his lap he sucked one and then the other of her nipples. As she was forced to straddle him again, only facing him this time, he slid down in the chair slightly and his erect penis popped out behind her.Spreading her cheeks he held his penis and poked at her now red anus. This time it entered fairly easily since she was still quite extended from the previous attack. He guided it in about half way, and then holding her by the waist, he forced her body down on himself so that she was receiving him totally. The sight of this made the driver begin to tug at his own, now also quite sore, limp member."This time you're gonna fuck me bitch," was his order. "Fuck me and do it good or we'll have my gun up your husband's ass all night."Judy mustered all her strength, and lifted her weak body slowly several inches. The witnesses could see about three inches of the thin man's shaft exposed from her rear entry point.With a cry of "God, you're hurting me," she dropped down on his shaft so that it became buried in her.Painfully she pulled herself partially off of him, this time at least four inches and with a pitiful "ouch" she let her weight force herself all the way onto him again. Repeatedly, with many whimpers and sobs, she rose with all her strength and dropped again upon him. For a woman being raped, Judy was now apparently and obviously determined to have him finish inside her. Besides enjoying the tightness of her rectum on his penis, he took advantage of their position to knead her breasts the entire time.Judy's rear muscles gripped his shaft as tightly as she could as she continued to obey his order to "Fuck me good." The combination of fluids on his member from her, the ejaculations of both men, as well as the load she already carried there made it a glistening wet sight and sound for the two onlookers.Finally, she dropped onto him so that there was nothing but his testicles visible outside of her asshole and started to rock feverishly.To her surprise, she cried out in orgasm for a third time as it was obvious from his contorting scrotum that he had also reached a conclusion to their activities and was filling her rear with even more hot fluids. The thin man grasped her in a tight embrace as he sent the last few drops he could up into her and she likewise held him as tightly as her exhausted arms could manage. Judy did manage to keep a tight grip on his penis with her ass.Soon she had to release him and the sight of his withdrawal was very sloppy. She literally fell off of him and tumbled to the floor as soon as his member was clear of her anus. Judy sprawled limply on her side at the feet of her still bound husband. Too tired to care anymore, she simply lay there in a heap, with both men's juices seeping out of her two lower orifices."That was pretty good," the driver offered to his friend "but I bet you can't shoot off one more time." "Just give me a minute to fondle the little bitch some more, and I bet I can keep my cock from going soft," was the answer.He knelt down over Judy and began to feel all over her body, including inside her vagina with his left hand while pulling on his still mostly erect penis with his right. Not needing too many strokes as the sight and feel of the helpless young woman kept his erection going, he pronounced himself ready to continue.They dragged Judy around into a position where she was on her back with her face right at George's shoes. Standing naked over her, they both began to masturbate. As they frantically stroked themselves they both began to kneel, the driver behind her head and the thin man straddling her torso. She watched them blurry-eyed and opened her mouth wide with her tongue making licking motions into the air.First the driver, and not too soon after, the thin man ejaculated. Some went into her mouth, and some fell upon her face. Neither man had a full load left but between them had generated enough to slop her up fairly well. Judy reached around with her tongue as far as it would reach to lick up what she could. The rest would just have to dry in place as she could not muster the strength to lift her hands anymore.Both men pulled on their clothing and appeared to be rather weak-kneed by this time. The driver shoved the pistol into his belt. "You have some pretty good stuff there, bitch," the thin man said as he left through the front door. "Yeah," rejoined the driver "we might just leave you here and come back later for some more."To George he said, "remember that when you fuck her again, she'll be thinking of me. You know, inside every little wife lies a true slut!" As he exited, he laughed and closed the door behind him.George and Judy heard them start the car and drive off. Judy was too spent to even stand. George slipped quickly out of his bonds, and stood over her with a large wet spot in his crotch. "That was great, babe, just as you promised!" she hoarsely whispered up to her husband. "You were the great one," he responded, "I can't imagine anyone sexier than you. Watching Joe's cock fucking you in the ass inches from my face was spectacular.""Well, my love, Ralph and Joe are real studs, but nowhere near as good as you," she whispered. "Remember when they came on my face? The two together couldn't come up with as much as you can on your third time. Still, it was a great experience.""And to think, we almost didn't meet them in time due to the damned construction," recalled George. "I was really getting worried that they would think we weren't going to show and go home." "Well I'm sure glad we made it," cooed Judy as she curled up into a little ball. "I'm too worn out to help you, but if you want to make yourself come again, I'll be glad to be your target. "I just wish you guys would change the rules so that I could be there next weekend when you and Ralph rape Margie while Joe's all tied up. I've had the pleasure of feeling you inside me but I'd love to watch you in action. Margie has those huge tits and I bet that turns you on something fierce."George nodded and smiled. "We can't change the rules now, honey. It wouldn't be fair to Margie or Linda, who weren't here to see you get raped. Maybe next month we'll come up with a new game that everyone can participate in," was George's response as he pulled out his erect cock and quickly jacked off a huge load all over Judy. When he was finished splattering her naked body with his warm goo, she rolled over and went peacefully to sleep with a smile on her face. George lay down beside her and they both spent the night on the floor.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 65
The Girl Who Got Me To Suck Cock. Nobody would have suspected Patricia of being that kind of girl. She didn't dress provocatively, or wear makeup at work. Patricia was a bit thin, wore glasses, and had shoulder length brown hair. She had a rather bony pointed nose, a cute pointed chin, and a small mouth. She was a secretary at City Hall, where I was working at the time. It was a medium-sized town, but with few employees. We all knew each other, at least those of us who worked downtown. I was sitting in the cafeteria, about to tuck into my lunch, when Patricia caught my eye; she smiled at me, and came over to my table. "Hey, Darrell. Can I join you?" As usual, Patricia was plainly dressed. A dark skirt that came to her ankles, and in her flat shoes she was only about five foot 6. Her white long-sleeved blouse left most everything to the imagination; slim hips though, I could see that. She was a pleasant lady, and I was a lonely man. "Of course," I replied. "Is it true, that you don't drink or smoke?" She asked me after a brief taste of her food. "Well, yes," I replied, slightly embarrassed. "Then, what do you do?" She asked me, her big brown eyes staring at me through her glasses. "Well, just what everyone else does. Except drink and smoke." "But I mean, do you go out?" "Not so much, I guess. There isn't much to do in a bar when you don't drink, and they usually all stink of smoke." "So how do you meet women?' "Well, I guess I don't." "You must have a lot bottled up inside you by now." She seemed to like me, and my normally lonely lunch hour seemed to slide by in a flash. Drawing every reserve of my courage, I asked her to dinner. She accepted. My feet felt like they were carrying no weight for the rest of the day. Patricia; she could be the girl for me, I was thinking. She was a little older than me, perhaps 30 to my 25. But she was a simple kind of girl, I thought. Not unattractive, but not someone that would be turning every male head. I could imagine that I might be able to win a girl like Patricia. God, was I naive. It was a different Patricia that I picked up for dinner. Not a sex bomb or anything, don't get me wrong. But she was wearing some makeup, and a dress that showed that she had at least some cleavage. High heels made her seem taller and more attractive, and she wore some simple jewelry that somehow gave her a touch of class that she didn't bother to show in the office. I was smitten. We laughed and talked, Patricia drank a glass or two of the house wine. "It's awfully sticky tonight, don't you think?" She asked me. "I wish there was someplace we could go have a swim." "My family has a cabin down by Eagle Lake." I suggested. She took my hand at some point during the drive; the tension and excitement I felt was euphoric. "I don't have the keys with me," I told her. "It doesn't matter," she said, "we can swim naked." I couldn't see much of her body as we undressed in the starlight; I didn't mind, I was confident that I would see all eventually. We splashed about in the lake for a short time. Some young men walked by and shouted a greeting; I shouted one in return. Patricia was apprehensive as we dressed. "Those young men that walked past, what if they come back?" I didn't understand at first what she was afraid of; "Don't worry, they're friends of mine." I reassured her. Something about that little incident drew us closer together; a moment of female insecurity, male reassurance. I took her home at about 11:00; she invited me in. We sat on her couch and had coffee, that ritual intake of caffeine. We kissed. I don't think I had been in love before, not as an adult. She seemed to have everything I wanted in a woman; a spirit of adventure, but not too much. A fine figure, a sharp wit. My dick was on fire as she tickled it with her fingertips, as we kissed, as we made love before sex. Her breasts were small, but well formed; the silky smooth bulge of them driving me wild as I caressed them. I'd never had a blowjob before, and I reached behind me to switch on the light. Patricia laughed; "You want to see this, do you?" "Definitely," I answered her. It was my first blowjob, but I've had others since. Patricia was good; she seemed to be enjoying herself as much as I was, and she watched me watching her as she made love to my penis with her cute mouth, caressing my balls and squeezing the base of my shaft as she sucked and licked me. I find it curious, but somehow I couldn't come. She wanted me to, she wanted me to come in her mouth. But I couldn't the first time. I don't know why. Her long thin legs around my hips as I screwed her, her lips on mine, her fingers across my back... I made her come once, and as she approached her second climax it was too much for me. We seemed to melt together in a great slagheap of satisfied sexuality. "I'm not your girlfriend." She said to me over breakfast. "Okay." I answered her, "What are you then?" "I'm a woman. A secretary; a human being." "I mean what are you to me? How would you like to define our relationship?" "Relationship? You're my friend, Darryl. And lover. But I'm not your girlfriend." I didn't quite understand at first. But I was willing to let it slide, whatever Patricia wanted. I was willing to let things develop naturally. But what she was actually trying to tell me, was that she had other lovers. "Can I see you tonight?" I asked her as we approached town Hall. "Not tonight, Darryl. How about Monday?" It was only Thursday. "All right," I answered her. It was a long and lonely weekend. At some point, I had to call; but she wasn't home. On Monday, we had dinner at my place, followed by a wonderful long period of sex. She lovingly sucked my cock until I came in her mouth, and then I screwed her again. As orgasm after orgasm washed over Patricia, I became confident that she was really mine after all. "So what did you do over the weekend?" I asked her after we had finished. Family commitments or something, I guessed. "I went to Las Vegas." "Las Vegas? What were you doing in Las Vegas?" I asked, confused. "My friend Paul took me. He has his own plane, and he loves to fly away somewhere for the weekend. Have you ever been to Las Vegas, Darryl?" "No," I answered, trying to cover up my state of shock. Las Vegas? Private plane? Paul? "It's good fun, but you have to be careful not to get too involved with the gambling. They try to keep you in the casino with free food, shows..." She prattled on about Las Vegas, telling me everything except what I wanted to know; did she sleep with him, did she make love with him? Did she like him, did she like him better than me? It went on like that for a month or two. I would get together with Patricia once or twice a week, and we'd have a wonderful and intimate time; it wasn't only sexual intercourse, I always thought; there was a deeper connection, I was convinced of it. But Patricia made no secret of the fact that she was also seeing two or three other men. The impression I got was that they were all older than us, and mostly wealthy. At least one was married. "Ted got a new car," she would tell me, "it's gorgeous. He drove me down to Buffalo on Wednesday after work." Buffalo was a four-hour drive; Thursday was a holiday, and I hadn't seen Patricia that day. Or; "I went with Paul up to a small lake where he has a fishing cabin. It looked really pretty, but there were mosquitoes everywhere. We had to stay inside most of the time." But I also had the impression that I was her preferred lover. She told me once that I was the only one who could screw her after "a whole blow job". Patricia just loved giving head. She never seemed to tire of it, and I adored watching her go down on me. I tried to avoid getting too attached to her. I forced myself to imagine her with other men; but it just made me crazier for her. I knew she was unhealthy for me; but she was so loving and honest about it all. "Do you get jealous?" She asked me one day. "Of course," I answered her. "You're very good about it." Patricia observed. "It drives Ted crazy that I have other boyfriends." "It drives me crazy too, sometimes." "Do you ever imagine me with them?" She asked. "Sometimes," I admitted. "What do you imagine?" She asked. "I -sometimes I think about you going down on them like you go down on me." "Well, I do. But I like you best, you have such a gorgeous one." She said with a laugh. There was silence for a moment. "They taste different, too," Patricia added. "Really?" I hadn't thought about it. "Yes. Paul tastes nice, but Ted is a little bitter. And it's really hard to make him come." Patricia seemed to enjoy telling me this. Perversely, I asked for more."So what do you do?" "Well, mostly I just do him for a long time, and then I might stick my finger in his ass. Or sometimes, I get him to fuck me in the mouth. That usually does it, but more often I don't bother. Ted is getting on a bit now, so it could be that too much excitement isn't very good for him." "I see. And what about Paul?" "Well, Paul's in really good condition, so there's no worry about that. But if I let him come in my mouth then he hasn't got anything left, so I usually don't go all the way with him. Why Darryl, I do believe you like hearing about these things!" Patricia's hand was squeezing my cock, which was inflating. Soon, we were at it again. After that, Patricia started regularly telling me stories of her other lovers, and it always got me hot for her. The stories got more and more graphic as the weeks passed. "I'm not going out with Ted anymore." She told me, "I like him, but he refuses to take care of himself. I don't want to be responsible if something happens. Anyway, I met this gorgeous guy; Philip. I haven't gone all the way with him yet, but I think I will tomorrow night. He's black." My heart sunk. Intellectually, I knew Patricia would never be mine. But emotionally, I couldn't help but hope she would give up her other lovers one day. But here she was, taking on new ones. "Does that bother you, that he's black?" She asked me. "No, I don't have a race problem," I answered her. "I can't wait to try him out. You think he'll be really big?" "I don't know, Patricia. How should I know?" "Well, you must've seen them in the locker rooms when you were in school. I was just wondering." "I can't tell you. There were only two colored kids that I saw, and they looked pretty big. But I don't know if they're bigger when they get... big." Patricia laughed, and kissed me. "So you did look." "Not really." "I bet you'd like to watch. You would, wouldn't you? I bet you'd like to watch me go down on that big black cock." "How do you know it's big?" "Big, imagine it's huge! These pale white lips opening, the tip of it sliding inside. Oh Darryl you randy boy! Come to mama!" "Do you want me to call you after my date tonight?" Patricia asked me over lunch in the canteen the next day. "All right," I answered her. I really liked Patricia, she was a sweet lady, and great in bed; but I knew at this point that I really needed to find another woman to be my girlfriend. She phoned me early the next morning. I'd been dreaming of her in the night; she'd been making love with a huge handsome black man as I watched unable to do anything. "I'm sorry I didn't phone last night, Darryl. I just got in, I haven't got much time. I need to have a shower before going in to work. Did you sleep well?" "Not particularly. How about you?" "Like a baby, but not for long enough. Do you want to hear about him?" "Okay." "He was big, all right. Not as big as I had been imagining, but big. Bigger than you or Paul. I'll talk to you tonight, I've got to go." We didn't have much of the date that evening; Patricia needed to catch up on her sleep. We had dinner at her place. "I was really dying to suck his cock, but I didn't want to on our first time together. He might think I was a slut." She told me. I was unsure if that was complementary to me or not; she'd gone down on me on our first date. Was that because she'd liked me more, or because she hadn't cared what I thought? "But I think I'm going to do it tonight. I wish you could be there, Darryl; I know how you'd love to see that. But don't worry sweetie, I'll tell you all about it when I see you on Tuesday." She was flying somewhere with Paul for the weekend. We had a few laughs before she gave me a kiss and sent me home. "It was really nice." She said to me at lunch on Tuesday. "I've never been with a black man before. I find it so sexy, black and white. I'll tell you all about it tonight." "I just love the way his cock looks when I hold it; it looks so black against my white fingers. It doesn't really feel any different in my mouth, but I got so turned on by the whole thing; his blackballs and his black belly. He came so much, I could barely swallow it all. I told him about you, Darryl." "Told him what about me?" I asked. "How you were fascinated by the idea of watching me suck a black cock." Patricia replied. "And guess what? He doesn't mind! Well anyway, I talked him into it. We can go over to his place after dinner." "Shit, Patricia; I was really looking forward to spending time with you alone this evening." "That's really sweet, Darryl. But Philip is waiting for us, it would be very rude to stand him up." I was kind of surprised by Philip; he was only my height, and a bit on the heavy side. He looked kind of perpetually surprised, but maybe that was only due to the presence of Patricia. Lord knows she kept surprising me. His hair was already thinning, and he had a weak chin. Somehow, I had been expecting a six-foot high broad shouldered lady-killer. We shook hands somewhat reluctantly, and introduced ourselves. "Why don't you take your clothes off, Philip." Patricia said, after the obligatory coffee had been consumed. "Darryl really wants to see, don't you Darryl? Go on, Philip. We're all friends here." Looking very embarrassed indeed, Patricia's new lover kicked off his shoes, stood and unbuckled his trousers. His dick didn't look very big to me. Patricia hiked up her dress, kneeled down in front of him, and started sucking his slack penis deep into her mouth. She wrapped an arm around his buttocks, and played with his balls with her other hand. His penis started to inflate, and she pulled away with it about half hard. "What do you think, Darryl?" She asked me, smiling gleefully while pulling on Philips stiffening black member with her hand. It was a different cock now. Chubby little Philip did indeed have a significant penis. The damn thing must have been eight inches long and two inches in diameter. "Let's go in the bedroom." She added. I sat in a chair and watched while he lay on his back on his bed and Patricia happily sucked his now fully erect organ. She would stop every now and then to kiss his body and then his mouth, and then go back to doing what she really loved. "Darryl, will you screw me when I finish with Philip?" Patricia asked me. "You don't mind, do you Philip?" He shook his head, and Patricia ran her tongue up over his balls, and up the length of his formidable shaft before sucking down on him once more. I was horny, horny as hell as I watched my sweet Patricia go at that big black cock until Philip arched his back, clutched involuntarily at her head, and squirted her mouth full of his stuff. "Now, Darryl." Patricia said, lifting her pretty ass up into the air. Her mouth was still at this groin, and her arms were around his hips as I stripped off, and climbed up to screw her doggy style. I tried not to meet Philips eyes, but it was unavoidable somehow. I was down near his feet, and Patricia was holding his exhausted cock in her mouth while I slid mine in and out of her slim body. Philip smiled at me a conspiratorial kind of way, as though he was sharing his woman with me instead of the other way around. Patricia slid forward, sliding her white body against Philips larger black one; there wasn't much I could do except follow her. She kissed his black face, holding his head while I continued to screw her from above. I couldn't avoid some contact between my legs and those of my rival; I was surprised to notice that I didn't care. Patricia came, but I kept my rhythm steady. I pulled out of her, and turned her over. I climbed between her thighs and put my cock into her again. Face-to-face now, with Philip lying next to us, I plunged in out of Patricia while she held my ass with one hand, and slid the other idly up and down the body of her other lover. Patricia came twice more before I released myself into her sometime later. I went home alone, leaving her there with him. Patricia insisted on another "double date". "That was some of the hottest sex I've ever had." She explained. I wasn't very happy about it, but until I found another girlfriend [Lover, I mean], I figured I'd have to put up with it. And besides, it really did please Patricia. We took turns screwing her, which allowed us both enough rest time to keep Patricia filled for an impressive length of time. "My two lovers!" She said, "What more could a lady ask for?" Kiss me, darling." She'd had enough intercourse after awhile, and she lay in between us, ecstatically going down first on me, then on Philip, then on me again. Then she climbed between his dark legs, her face moving up and down over his admittedly impressive dark rod, looking up at me. "This is so nice." She said, "I just love the way a nice hard cock feels in my mouth. It's so smooth and soft at the same time. It's just the sexiest thing I know." She twisted her mouth over his dick again, and then said; "Slide down here and have a closer look Darryl. Closer. Do you find it sexy? Do you like it, watching me do this?" I nodded. Then she asked me; "Would you like to try it, Darryl?" "No." I answered, surprised she would ask such question. "Come on, Darryl! You should try it, it's so nice. And besides, I promised Philip you would." "What?" I exclaimed. "That's how I talked Philip into letting you come over and join us. He said he'd love to see a white man suck his dick. Tell him, Philip, about the exploitation thing." "Oh, yeah; the exploitation thing." Phillip said, "Hundreds of years of exploitation of black people by the white man. You should all have to do something to make up for that." "You must be joking," I said. "Oh come on, Darryl!" Said Patricia, her hands moving up and down Philips cock, "It's all just good fun. Just try it, maybe you'll like it. You told me how you were checking out your schoolmates black dicks; now this is your chance to get a little bit more into it. It's so nice Darryl, do it for me. Please? Pretty please? Don't you really want to, just a little? Look how beautiful it is." "Come on, Darryl!" Philip added, "Be a sport. Patricia and I sure would love to see you do it." The black penis was only inches from my face; it's great dark head glistening with Patricia's saliva. Her small hand still held the base of it, and it stood proudly, filling my vision. "Do it, Darryl." Patricia whispered seductively, "Don't think, just do it. Open your mouth. Here, let me help you." Patricia's hand went to the back of my head, and she pulled me irresistibly forward; she pointed Philips hard black cock to my lips, and pulled my head down, irresistibly down. My lips met his flesh; my mouth opened, and still my head went lower. My mouth was filled with the sensation of it; the horrible wonderful sensation of a man's penis. I explored the object with my tongue; I lifted my head, massaging the crown with my lips. My hand found his balls, and I found it surprisingly pleasant to fondle them. There was a heat; I could feel the blood flowing through it, I could feel it pulsing against the roof of my mouth. I sucked lightly, and felt it swell even more. I felt hands on my own genitals; the pleasant familiar feeling of Patricia applying her mouth to my own penis. Hands gripped the sides of my head, strong hands. I succumbed to the feeling, allowed my mouth to be used, as he started pushing the great cock in and out of me. I sucked it in with each of his trusts; I gripped it with my lips firmly each time he withdrew. I was afraid for what I knew would come; but when it did, when he ejaculated into my mouth, I felt only joy. I welcomed the strange fluid, slimy but friendly. The power of its hot stream impacting against the back of my throat meant that my efforts were being rewarded, it meant approval. I felt my own contractions begin; Patricia got a mouthful from me. "Oh Darryl, honey! I knew it, I knew you'd like it. And, Philip? What was like for you, was it what you needed?" "I don't know yet," he answered, "but it was different, that's for sure." "Did you swallow it, Darryl?" Patricia asked me excitedly, bringing her face close to mine to look for herself. "Yes." I answered numbly. I couldn't figure out what had happened to me. I knew what I had done, but I didn't understand what had motivated me to do it. I didn't understand how I could've enjoyed it. Was this a permanent condition, was I gay? Or was this a onetime experiment? The three of us lay around together for a while, and then we had our showers and went back to bed together. we drifted off to sleep. I woke in the morning to the bed bouncing up and down to a steady rhythm; Patricia was on top, lifting her body up-and-down over Philips big organ. They were smiling at each other, and he was playing with her cute little breasts. I felt somewhat left out, but not particularly jealous I noticed. I went to brush my teeth. When I came back, they were through, and Patricia was lying with her head in the crook of Philips elbow. "Your turn, sweetheart." She told me. I lay on my back, looking up at her smiling face as she ground her clitoris against the base of my cock, enjoying the smooth flesh of her hips, her soft breasts brushing against mine from time to time. I held her body tight against mine when I came; my reaction to her feminine form reassuring me of my heterosexuality. "Do it to Philip again for me, Daryl." Patricia said. "Please? I thought it was just the sexiest thing." Philip was just returning from rinsing his dick off in the sink. "Yeah, how about it, Daryl?" he said, getting up on the bed on his knees next to me, so the big black organ was dangling temptingly at my face. It was fresh and cool in my mouth, and I felt it swell and stiffen reassuringly as I started to run my hands over his balls and ass. Philip leaned back on the cushions, and I looked up to see Patricia cuddling with him while watching me with happy excitement. "What's it like, Philip? Is he good?" "Yeah, he is. He's got a talent for it. I never thought I'd let a guy suck my dick, but I'm glad you talked me into it, now; it's cool." They stopped talking, and began to kiss. I loved that cock; I got so turned on by doing it, I was amazed. I'd never even known that I wanted to do something like this. Why should it excite me so, I wondered; it was just a piece of anatomy, just flesh. I was uninterested in the rest of the man, I was happy that Patricia was keeping him busy so I could just peacefully enjoy myself with his big black dick. I loved the way it quivered at my tender caress, how it pumped up when I squeezed the base, how it pulsed in my mouth as I sucked on it. I was so disappointed when he took it from me, and started screwing Patricia again. He made her come after a time, and then I had a turn; Patricia and I gave Daryl head while we screwed. We finished with me sucking him until he came in my mouth, pulsing wonderfully, shooting his last bit of stuff at me while he held my head tightly. I was in love, then. I asked Patricia to marry me a week later. "Oh, Daryl, that's so sweet of you, and I really do love you a lot. But if I let my emotions take control, anything could happen." *She married Paul a year later, the rich guy with the plane. I honestly wished the best for her, but I'm afraid it didn't work out; our emotions are here for a reason, they will not be ruled by logic or convenience. I've settled down with a nice girl, and put my little gay episode behind me. but sometimes, I do enjoy just sitting back and remembering. Sometimes I long to feel the excitement of having a dick in my mouth again. Bigby, 2001 /~Bigby/Index.htm I sure do appreciate getting some mail back;
Heather was a fourteen-year old freshman girl who had been dating Dorothy's sixteen-year old son Robert for about a year. She was a very cute girl, 5'3 with long brown hair and a nice body. Even though they went to different high schools, they seemed to be a perfect couple.Heather was a real sweet girl. Robert's whole family really liked her, especially Robert's mother Dorothy. One day, out of the blue, Heather broke up with Robert. It turned out that Heather had gotten back together with an old boyfriend.As one might expect, Robert was completely heartbroken and devastated. Seeing her son so distraught, affected his mother Dorothy even more. She couldn't bear to see her son so upset. But unlike her son, Dorothy's sadness soon turned to anger.She had opened her heart and soul to Heather only to have her trust betrayed by the little cheat. Dorothy tried but just couldn't let her feelings of anger go.That's when she contacted me. My name is Sal. I'm a fixer. People call me when they have a problem that can't be fixed by normal means. My specialty is intimidation and humiliation. I never break the law but sometimes blur the line between right and wrong. Dorothy wanted to make Heather's life as miserable as Robert's had been for the last few weeks...*** Since we live in a conservative community, I immediately thought some type of public sexual humiliation would be perfect for Heather. Before devising a plan, I decided to do some research into Heather's background.I was able to hack into her phone texts and what I discovered was very revealing. It seemed like Heather acted one way around Robert and acted another around the boys at her school.From the texts, I learned that Heather and Robert had not had sex. In fact with Robert, she took things really slow. It took her a whole six months before she let Robert feel her breasts, and that was just over her blouse. It took a few more months to give him full access to her bare breasts. And this was probably only because it felt so good to her.In what must have been a weak moment, Heather did text Robert a picture of her bare breasts. Although she loved having Robert fondle her breasts, she would not touch Robert's cock, even over his pants.And that was okay with Robert. As a high school junior, he was more than happy to get to feel a girl's breasts.Her texts to other guys, including her old boyfriend, revealed a much different girl. Around her high school, she was known as Hand-Job Heather. It seemed that she couldn't get enough cock! There were accounts of her giving numerous hand-jobs between classes in everything from cars in the parking lot to the closest washroom stall. She even exchanged hand-jobs for grades with more than one teacher. From the texts, it was clear that she never had sexual intercourse with anyone yet but she really liked having her pussy finger fucked. She was a technical virgin, having lost her hymen through being fingered by a teacher in junior high school.Heather wanted to remain a virgin until she got married which was probably a product of her conservative upbringing. For now she was content to let all the boys finger fuck her and give hand-jobs to anyone with a cock - anyone but Robert, that is!She loved cocks so much, in fact, that she had dozens of pictures of them on her phone – some even captured at the moment of ejaculation.After learning all of this, I shared the information with Dorothy. Upon reading the texts and viewing the pictures, it was clear that Heather was not the pure, sweet girl that Dorothy thought. And when she learned how Heather betrayed and used Robert, she was even more than really to authorize me to take the next step. I came up with a plan to sexually humiliate her publically.***The opportunity to launch my plan came sooner than expected. As it happened, Heather was giving her parents a 25th anniversary party at the local country club. Luckily I was good friends with the owner and convinced him to let me and a dozen high school boys that I hired crash the party. We were able to blend into the crowd, taking places at spare tables and the bar.The party was a very formal affair. The room was filled with all kinds of friends and relatives. Even Dorothy, her husband and son Robert were there. They had become good friends with Heather's parents and had accepted the invitation before the breakup.And though there were a lot of people, Heather stood out from the crowd. She was, as I mentioned before, a very cute girl. Tonight she looked exceptionally sexy for a fourteen-year old. She was dressed to the nines in a very short black cocktail dress. It was so tight it really enhanced her B-cup breasts and so short, it made her smooth legs seem even more attractive. And those legs were even sexier since they were clad in dark, sheer stockings and seemed even longer since she was wearing heels.After dinner, there were several hours of drinking and dancing, and that's when I implemented the first phase of my plan. I paid the bartender to spike Heather's soda with a drug that causes a loss of inhibitions for anyone who takes it. The moment I could tell that it was having the intended effect on Heather, I signaled for the first boy to dance with her. Heather was powerless to resist as he swooped her into his arms and pulled her close. As they danced, it did not go unnoticed that she was being quite familiar with a perfect stranger.Midway through the dance, another one of my stooges cut in, holding onto her butt as the swayed to the music. As a third took over, he not only held her butt, but lifted the hem of her dress so her panties showed through the back of her panty hose as they danced. Everyone in the room was surprised that young Heather was wearing such a sexy Victoria's Secret, black satin thong.The crowd was starting to gasp but no one really wanted to confront the host. Throughout the next few songs, all of my hired boys got their turn, each trying to be more aggressive than the next. There was very dirty dancing and pelvic humping. The crowd was getting shocked at what appeared to be Heather's slutty behavior while Heather on the other hand was oblivious to what was happening.Very aware of what was happening was Heather's new (old) boyfriend, who had also been drugged, and could do little but observe from his chair.Before Heather's parents could put a stop to this, the boys and I led her out of the room to the astonished eyes of all who were there. The party continued with Heather out of the picture, as everyone thought it was better that she was gone.The second phase of my plan, however, was just beginning...***We led Heather into the locker room, which I had secured for our exclusive, private use ahead of time. I had a workout mat in the center of the floor, a video camera set up before it, and the boys knew just what they were supposed to do. They stood an unsteady Heather in the middle of the mat, formed a circle around her, and stripped completely. Seeing the dozen flaccid cocks of high school boys, Heather's drug impaired, yet true instincts took over. She reached out to feel each one of them.She examined them from the base to the tip, rubbing the shafts. As she went around the circle, Heather brought each cock to full attention. Most were around seven and eight inches long, but a few were in the ten-inch or more range, some of the largest Heather had ever seen on high school boys. Heather spent some extra time examining these.I was off to one side, videotaping the whole thing.After going around the circle twice, Heather lost her balance and fell to the mat, landing on her back. As the hem her black dress rode up, one of the men reached down and peeled off her heels and panty hose, revealing the black satin thong, this time from the front. Through the semi-transparent fabric, I got my first look at her fourteen-year old pussy. I couldn't see much more than a sparse patch of dark pubic hair along with a hint of her slit.As she lay on her back with her legs slightly spread and dress pulled up, I signaled the boys to proceed. In unison, they grabbed their own cocks, and started pumping them over Heather. It wasn't long before they all started to cum. She was in a daze as load after load landed on her body, coating Heather's little black dress with their white, sticky jism all over. My camera panned up and down her body, catching the humiliation of the cum covered slut.But this was just the start. I had provided the boys with plenty of blue pills, and all were still as hard as when they began. Two of the boys bent down, took the hem of her dress, and pulled it over Heather's head. She now lay there in nothing but a thong and bra. The whole look was straight out of Victoria's Secret. A matching black satin semi-transparent bra complimented the semi-transparent black satin thong. The bra had unformed cups so her breasts filled them out naturally while her nipples poked seductively up through the material. As much as I wanted to film her in this sexy lingere, the boys had other ideas. One grabbed her thong while another tugged at her bra and soon she was totally naked before us. This gave me a good chance to get a better look at her.I had already seen that she had some nice breasts from her sexting picture but they were even better in person. Her B-cup breasts were just right for her petite frame, her areolas were somewhat puffy and the size of nickels, and her nipples were erect, in a constant state of arousal.But I was most interested in the unobstructed view of her pussy. Her fourteen-year old outer lips were fairly thin and just starting to mature. Her pubic hair was confined to a well-trimmed patch on her pubic mound and was the same dark shade as her hair. I could see a thin sheen of moisture on her now visible inner labia, leading down to a darker, moister pussy hole. What impressed me the most was how pink and visible her clit already was. She must have been aroused from the dozen cocks she got to feel. While I was filming her, one of the boys kneeled by her head and placed his seven-inch cock by her mouth. I think he expected her to gobble it up, but was unaware that Heather had neither given nor received oral sex before.That didn't deter the boys, as another held the back of Heather's head while the first slid forward, forcing her mouth open and his cock to slide in. At first Heather was just motionless as he pumped his cock in and out of her mouth. After a while, however, I think she must have realized she liked this and started actively sucking him as he slid in and out.Before long, he starting cumming, filling her mouth with his semen. Her initial impulse was to pull away, but after feeling that first hot spurt and tasting the creamy, salty flavor, she sucked harder, swallowing it all down into her tummy. I could tell by her expression that she wondered why she had never done this before.As the first boy pulled out, his cock was replaced by another. This time Heather opened willingly and there was no need to force it in. She sucked one after another and seemingly couldn't get her fill of this newly discovered treat. Although she struggled with some of the larger cocks, she nevertheless managed to suck all of their dicks, some even more than once.Luckily my video captured all of this! And it also captured something else. In the process of Heather sucking all those cocks, one of the boys went down between her legs and put his mouth on Heather's fourteen-year old soaking wet cunt. As he lapped up the juices, his tongue worked its way up to her swollen clit. When his lips clamped around it, Heather suddenly realized what was going on. Never having been eaten out before, she was surprised with how good it felt and just relaxed and let happen. And what did happen was an orgasm, which felt many times better than the ones she previously got from merely being finger fucked!She readily gave way to another mouth at her pussy while greedily engulfing the next cock into her own mouth. Her petite naked body was thrashing around in time with the multiple loads of cum shooting down her throat.When she had swallowed at least one load from each boy, and she didn't think she could take another tongue on her clit, Heather thought that was all there was.What she didn't realize was the power of blue pills and the stamina of young boys. As she lay on her back, trying to recover, one of the boys got between her legs and placed the tip of his eight-inch cock at the entrance of her pussy.By now the drugs had started to wear off and Heather realized what was about to happen. She started to panic and struggle, not wanting to lose her virginity this way. Seeing her struggle, several of the boys grabbed her arms and legs, preventing her from wiggling away.This allowed the boy between her legs to push forward and penetrate her virgin cunt with his thick cock. As he pumped in and out, it went deeper and deeper until the whole eight-inches were inside.For a while Heather was passive and angry about having her most precious moral value violated. But after a while, physiology took over. Heather couldn't hide the pleasure her body was feeling. Her breathing got shallow, she started to moan, and her pelvis pushed up to meet his every stroke. As her body lost complete control and started to orgasm again, the boy shot his load deep inside her now deflowered cunt. When he withdrew, we all watched the sticky cream pie flow out.As with the other activities, Heather was less resistant when he next boy got between her legs and pushed forward. His cock slid in more easily due to the slippery cum. And after pumping a while, he too left his load inside her soaking cunt.As more and more boys took their turns fucking her, Heather starting getting more aggressive, literally grabbing their cocks and jamming them into her cunt as they just climbed between her legs.When it came to her first ten-inch cock, she was having some trouble guiding it in so Heather flipped him over and got on top. This way she controlled the speed and depth of his penetration as she eventually took it into her, balls deep.While she was in the process of fucking him, I launched another part of my plan. I went back the party and brought Heather's new (old) boyfriend into the locker room. He was still somewhat incapacitated by the drugs and could only sit down and watch.He was in genuine shock as he saw how much his girlfriend was enjoying riding a ten-inch cock. He was even more disturbed when he saw Heather's body shutter in an orgasm while the boy tensed up and shot his load deep up into her fourteen-year old cunt. He tried to look away when she pulled up, dripping the boy's massive load onto his pelvis, but the boys held his head in place.We continued to make him watch as Heather fucked all the rest of the boys. She was now truly the aggressor. In fact she really seemed to like the fact that her boyfriend was watching. Several times she looked over at him and smiled.As the final boy came inside her, I instigated another act of humiliation, this time against her boyfriend. As two of the men laid the boyfriend on his back, four others picked up Heather and centered her cunt over the boyfriend's mouth. It wasn't long before the remnants of a dozen loads of cum began dripping into his mouth. He struggled at first but as one of the boys pinched his nostrils shut, the boyfriend was forced to open his mouth and swallow.I of course filmed the whole thing and then sent him out the back door.By now Heather was so exhausted she passed out and we laid her back on the mat. I had one last bit of humiliation for her and it again involved all of the boys. I directed them to stand in a circle around Heather, and grab their now flaccid cocks. When they were ready, they aimed their cocks at her body and all started to pee. It wasn't long before her whole body was covered in pee. That, along with the fresh and dried cum coating her thighs and cheeks as well as leaking from her mouth and cunt, made for quite a sight. I took some final videos of her whole body as well as some close-ups of her face and then faded to black, ending this phase of the filming.As the boys got dressed and left, I realized that I was the only one who hadn't cum today and had a raging hard-on.Since I'm not a fan of sloppy seconds, I really didn't want to fuck her cunt so I had a different idea. I turned her onto her stomach and placed a cushion under her abdomen. This raised her butt to just the right height. She was still in a state of semi consciousness, and barely knew what was happening as I lowered my pants and underwear.There was some baby oil on a nearby shelf that I grabbed and squirted into her ass crack. I waited until it coated her anus and then centered the tip of my penis on her butt hole. As I pushed forward, it started to slowly slide in. I had never had anal sex before and the feeling was quite enjoyable. Heather's insides gripped my shaft in a circular fashion as the sphincter muscles completely surrounded my cock. As I pumped in and out, I thought I heard Heather moaning in sleepy pleasure. After a while, the stimulation must have affected her body for I felt her inside muscles rippling back and forth over my cock as if milking me. This caused me to unleash my pent up load deep into her ass.As I pulled out, I could see my white cum inside her anus. Pulling the pillow from beneath her, I laid her now unconscious body on it's side, enjoying the sight of my cum slowly leaking out of her ass hole.After pulling my pants up, I gathered my camera equipment, took one last look at Heather lying there covered in piss and cum, and then left. I'm sure some of the country club members got quite a surprise when they came finally got to come back into the locker room...***As the final part of my bargain with Dorothy, I posted the whole gangbang on the Internet. This of course had the desired result and totally humiliated Heather. She lost her boyfriend and had to drop out of high school. The last I heard, she was turning tricks at the local truck stop.As for Dorothy and Robert – On one hand Dorothy felt bad that she ruined Heather's life but on the other, she was happy to have exposed Heather for the slut she really was. And Robert, as most young boys do, survived just fine. He, in fact, found a girl friend his own age that was much more sensitive to his needs.And the video had an even bigger benefit. Dorothy told me that one-day she came upon Robert, jacking-off in his room to the video of the gangbang. After secretly watching for a while, she quietly shut the door, feeling good about the fact that it was something she did to help her son to finally get the sexual relief he needed from Heather!The End*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 84
I met Linda when she had been assigned as Jane's freshman roommate at State U just a year ago. Since then Linda and I have talked a lot, shared a lot together, all more or less innocent except in my mind Now I found that I was drawn to Linda, whenever possible, yet I was afraid to act on, or say anything about, any of my feelings for her.* * *It had been just Jane and I for years before Linda, her Mom had died in a car accident three years before Jane started college. As with all things we had adjusted and made a new life as best we could. I had even started dating again after the first year had passed, for the most part at the insistence of my daughter. She may have been only 15 at the time of the accident, but her Mom had done a good job of making a very pragmatic, well balanced young lady out of her.Unfortunately I hadn't met anyone dating that really interested me. It seemed I ran into two types. The bar scene produced the one night stands. It served a needed and pleasant purpose and I enjoyed it but I couldn't see a dinner party with any of them and my daughter yet. The church scene was made up of ladies looking for a husband. I wasn't ready for that either. So I dated via the bar scene whenever I got too needy and worked hard in between. Jane, even at 15, had reacted to my outside needs well. When I would call and let her know I wouldn't be coming home she was cool. Then one day when she was 16 she said, "Dad, bring your dates home. You have to be spending a fortune on motel bills. Just call me and I will disappear into my room." So I did. Nothing else was said about the ladies that came and went and Jane avoided them completely..Jane, from the time she was 14, had a steady line of young men after her. A couple of things had occurred during her 15th year to suggest that Jane was sexually active. I knew she was on the pill, her mom had done that, and I trusted Jane's judgment so I just left it alone. Plus I had no idea what to say to a gorgeous, sexy, 15 year old that was probably sexually active. So I ignored it, as best I could. The one big exception being the erotic dreams I started to have where my daughter was involved. I looked at her differently as she developed a killer body just like her mother's. Then the night I watched her and her date fucking on the living room floor while they thought I was asleep upstairs changed everything between Jane and I. I now admitted to myself that I wanted her. That I wanted to fuck her just like several of her dates were. I started waiting up for her to come home from her dates and she didn't disappoint me. She brought most of them inside and provided me with a hell of a show. My daughter demonstrated how good she was at giving head, fucking in a number of positions. All while I masturbated as I watched spellbound.I dreamed about fucking my daughter but I never once touched her sexually. Hell I wanted to but I didn't want to cause her problems. Her signals to got more obvious until one night after I had watched her and a boy friend in some unusually wild sex I retired to my bedroom and some relief. I was stroking myself when the door opened and Jane looked at me, my cock in my hand, and smiled saying, "Daddy you don't have to do that." And she left. I forced myself to ignore her invitation and she didn't mention it again.Life flew by and then it was time for Jane to go to college. We had made all of the trips looking at colleges. She had selected one and then there was all the packing and hauling until we were at her new school. That was when I met Linda and was taken with her immediately. She was beautiful and as well built as my gorgeous daughter without that incest thing in the way. I caught myself, reminded my erogenous zones I was twice her age and soon I managed to get past the visual impact she had on me. Well almost. I had become somewhat accustomed to half dressed young females, friends of Jane as well as Jane herself, running around our house. I'm not dead I assure you and I enjoyed looking at all these young things but that was as far as it went. Linda really surprised me that first day with how she impacted me. Then in addition to being beautiful and sexy she had a laugh that absolutely grabbed you and defied you not to laugh with her. And her delightful sense of humor kept us all entertained that day. It was over dinner later, with just the three of us that I learned even more of the deeper side of Linda.. I had taken them to a nice place to dine, a good wine, a good meal and great conversation. My daughter and I had become good friends over the years, as well as father-daughter. Our frequent conversations had mellowed our relationship to one of mutual respect. Our conversations covered anything and just about everything. Linda seemed to move into that openness with us as if she had been there forever. The conversation was bright, stimulating and fun. I was impressed with Jane's new roommate. I guess it was obvious and when Linda excused herself to go to the ladies room Jane smiled at me and held my hand saying, "I'm glad you like my new "roomy" Dad.""Hmmm, is it that obvious? She is an interesting young lady.""I like her too Dad, but don't you like her too much or I might get jealous."We laughed at that, neither of us had any idea of how prophetic that statement would turn out to be. Or how twisted the road would become.* * *Back at home, a three hour drive away, I was terribly lonely. First losing my wife whom I loved dearly, and now with my daughter off at college, the house was so damn empty. I missed my wife and my daughter and I found myself thinking about Linda a great deal. As so often happens with me, I hid in my work. It consumed me and most of my time. Well there were the occasional nights out. The hard work turned out to be very profitable and the money poured in. But it did nothing for my loneliness. The bar scene helped my physical needs but I missed Jane's brightness, her conversation, our just being together. And I thought about Linda. There was something so engaging about her. Engaging and sensual.I talked to Jane weekly by phone, and we e-mailed even more often, almost daily. About half the time when I called, Linda would answer the phone and I enjoyed talking to her too. I don't know when it started but one day I realized I was talking to her almost as much as Jane. I noticed also that Linda now called me John. I was glad the "Mr. West" had gone away. She seemed genuinely interested in what I had been doing, and, like Jane, fussed at me for not relaxing and playing more, admonishing me to take care of myself. I found I was flirting with Linda as if she were a peer of mine, and she responded in kind. I knew I enjoyed it.The e-mail covered more detailed stuff. Jane talked about her classes, her dates, her belief system and how it was evolving. Linda's e-mail talked about all those things too, plus at my prodding, her lonely childhood, she lost her parents early in life. She shared her hopes and aspirations. I was feeling very close to Linda. It also began to show up how close Jane and Linda were becoming. I was glad of that, and even gladder when the Thanksgiving holidays arrived. Jane had been home on several weekends but she was a blur. In and out, on dates, running around with old friends. As the Thanksgiving holidays approached, she asked if Linda could join us over Thanksgiving and, of course, I was quick to agree and to personally invite Linda to join us. A lot happened that holiday weekend, we ran and played a lot. Jane, for some reason, didn't date that visit and I was fortunate to have two lovely ladies with me at all times. I liked that. The second night they were home, we had all retired to bed after a full day. I was reading in my bed when Jane joined me. This was a common occurrence before. Jane went away to college and was when we had our best talks. She jumped up on the bed and sat as I noticed how her full breasts bounced and swayed heavily in her thin pajamas. I never said I didn't enjoy looking at my well built daughter's body. She grinned at me when she caught me looking as always but said nothing. Then she said, "Need to talk." That was her usual introduction.I laid my book down and waited."Linda" she said and paused. I thought I was busted. I knew I had been looking at her with my tongue hanging out almost.She continued, "Isn't she cool Dad? I feel like we have known each other forever. We have become so close." Another pause followed, then, "I know you like her a lot too Dad. I can tell. I mean more than the way you leer at her body." and she laughed.I just nodded. Jane said, "Dad, I'm glad you like Linda and she likes you too. A lot. She talks about you often.. I remember telling you not to like her too much cause I might get jealous. I just wanted to tell you I was just kidding that night. If the two of you got closer it would be okay with me."My head was spinning. I looked at my daughter and wondered what the hell she was saying. She just gave me permission to get closer to Linda, whatever that meant, I wasn't going to ask.Then my Jane kissed me lightly with a touch of tongue and was gone. Her mission accomplished. And I was in a quandary.* * *The most notable thing from Linda's stay for me was the day I walked into my bathroom right after getting home from work to find Linda in my glass shower. I stood there as if struck and admired her nude body. She was playmate material. Full, voluptuous, sexy, sensual, hot... how many words can I use to describe her. Beautiful, ripe, desirable, the list went on. I had a raging hard on and she turned to face me. I jumped but she smiled and said, "Oh John, I'm sorry. Jane said I could use your shower while she napped." She made no effort to cover anything.I backed out of the room slowly, memorizing the view. mumbling like some idiot but I will never forget the sight I enjoyed that day. I went back downstairs to the kitchen after dropping my coat and tie, and trying to get my erection to go away. I was working on dinner when Linda joined me in her robe. The fact she had nothing on under it drove me crazy. Again I apologized for walking in on her. She dismissed it as nothing and she sat and watched, smiling at me as I fixed dinner.After a short while she smiled and said, "I better go get some clothes on or Jane will accuse me of trying to seduce her dad." We both laughed but I thought, In my dreams sweetheart.We ran around and played the next two days before they left and had a great time. But every time I looked at Linda I flashed on the nude images of her in my head. Linda seemed to be next to me, touching, brushing against me at every chance. I loved it and fought my erection continually. But more than that, I felt the need to be with Linda more and more. I found myself wishing I could get to know her better, as in date, as in sex and more.Nothing else happened that visit except I had some great fantasy material to think of. It seemed like a short time until the Christmas holidays approached and Jane asked me if Linda could come home with her for that holiday too. . She had this Aunt as a guardian but she was basically on her on. I eagerly assured Jane that Linda was always welcome.My life brightened considerably as I thought about having Jane home again for awhile. Linda's presence would make it even better. As it turned out, their visit opened my eyes to a lot of things I had refused to think about for a long time as far as Jane's sexuality was concerned.* * *I managed to take off from work the full three weeks they were to be home. We ran and played. Shopping, theater, movies, dinners. It was a whirlwind of activities and I couldn't remember being as happy. I was proudly escorting two beautiful women around town. Women that were sexy to look at and more and more sexual in their conversations with each other and with me. I was becoming increasingly fond of Linda and keenly aware of her sexuality. I also began to feel Jane's sexuality more and more. I got as many hugs and quick kisses from Linda as I did Jane. Linda's grew longer, closer, warmer and I enjoyed them one hell of a lot.. But Jane's hugs and kisses were also getting a lot longer and more intimate. I was, as usual, confused by the situation. It seemed like one or both of them was always at my side this visit too, frequently touching me. It didn't take Jane long to revert to old ways and soon she, and Linda, were running around the house half dressed. I had my eyes filled repeatedly as flashes of nude female bodies stimulated the hell out of me. Perfect, full, firm delightful, bouncing breasts. Delicious, rounded appetizing bottoms. They were both built like the proverbial brick out house. I kept telling myself it was just like high school, only I knew better. I tried to look the other way, well some of the time. I was getting hard looking at Linda and I had some wild fantasies.Then I started to get erections looking at either Linda or Jane and I knew I had to do something. Frankly I was afraid of where this was heading. It was interesting as I got aroused over Linda how that now translated to easy arousal over my own daughter too. After a nice evening out, we settled in back home over coffee laced with brandy I told them openly about my problem with their near nudity. And I told them I would appreciate it if they would be a little more careful about running around half naked.Jane's eyes opened wide and she looked at Linda and then back at me grinning, and said, "Oh Daddy I'm sorry. How stupid of us. I forgot you have no handy way of solving that problem. Daddy I really am sorry. We will be more careful." then after a moment she continued, "Daddy don't you have a lady friend you can call?"Linda just looked at me and smiled.I replied, "Let's don't make a big deal out of this. I will survive. It is just tough though to live with two gorgeous, sexy ladies like the two of you. No matter how many lady friends I might have."Linda looked at me warmly and came over kissing me on the cheek and thanked me for the "lovely compliments". Jane kissed me on the other cheek and added her thanks. I had full firms breasts pressing me on both sides. And I had to excuse myself and go to bed lest my erection become too obvious... I was a little ashamed of what I was thinking about Linda and a lot ashamed about what I was thinking about my daughter..* * *I awoke later that same night and looked at the clock. I had been asleep for only an hour. I lay there and listened to the "house noises" to assure myself everything was okay before I rolled over to go back to sleep. It was then that I heard the strange noise. Not one usually made by my "night house". I got up to investigate and heard it again. I followed the noise and it began to sound like a low moan. I continued following the noise until I realized the noises were coming from Jane's bedroom. And then it hit me what the moans and groans were. The sounds of mutual lovemaking. I stood outside my daughter's bedroom door in a bit of shock and heard Jane moan, "Yes Lin baby, oh yes lick me right there..."I staggered back to my bed and lay there staring at the ceiling. My thoughts running wild. My daughter a lesbian? Linda too? I pictured the two of them in a 69 position. I forced my mind clear of that image and realized I had a hard on.* * *The next morning I was still befuddled. Not sure what to do. I sort of mumbled my way through breakfast with the two of them. Afterwards I excused myself and disappeared into my office behind the closed door. I realized I was hiding. An hour later Jane hollered and asked if I wanted to go shopping with them. I begged off for the first time since they had been home. Everything else we had done as a threesome. Except of course, for the activity I had heard the night before. I felt this sense of extreme loss.I sat there staring out the window for a long time. Having no idea what I was going to do. I managed to avoid the two of them until dinner. Jane knocked on my door and announced that dinner was ready. I mumbled something to the effect that they should go ahead without me. Jane asked in her concerned voice, "What's the matter Daddy? Won't you please come join us?"I told her everything was fine, to just ignore me. She went away and I sat there for another indeterminate period. Then I heard a soft knock on the door and Linda's voice, "John?"I invited her in. She stood there and looked at me with a strange, sad, compassionate stare. Then she said, "You heard us last night?"I looked at her for what seemed like a long time. I thought of how beautiful she was. Of my feelings for her, almost like my daughter. But I wanted her. I knew that then. I wanted her in my bed but she was my daughter's lover. My heart hurt as I stared at the lovely Linda. Then I sighed and nodded my head.She made a noise that was half moan, half cry, and said softly, "I'm so sorry John. It was foolish of us. Obviously it has upset you terribly. I don't know what to say except I am so sorry it bothers you. I will pack and go back to school. Please don't hold this against Jane. It is pretty complicated. Not what you think."And she turned and left the room. The thought of her leaving was painful to me. The thought of what had gone on the night before was confusing to me. And a little exciting. I found myself heading toward the room they shared. The room I had heard them making love in the night before. Jane sat on the bed crying softly, Linda was slowly packing. I interrupted as I cleared my throat and without looking at either of them, asked them to join me in the study for a glass of wine and a little talk.I apologized to both of them for overhearing and explained how it had happened. They rushed to apologize too, Jane obviously in a lot of pain as she said, "Oh Daddy, please don't be disappointed in me. I love you so much. I don't think I could stand your disappointment."I stopped her and then I said, "I guess I'm just surprised to learn my daughter is a lesbian. You sure didn't act like one in high school. And I'm equally surprised to learn that my "new" daughter is too. I know I am supposed to be broad minded but it comes as a shock. Jane honey, I'm not disappointed in you I will never ever be. I just have to get used to this new change."Jane spoke up very softly, "Daddy I'm not a lesbian... far from it. You should know that."I looked at Linda and back to Jane as she continued, "Neither of us are. I am as embarrassed as you Daddy. We should have abstained from playing around while under your roof. I thought you were asleep and we both were so damned horny. That's part of how this got started, as a way to take care of our needs without going to bed with half of the males on campus."I looked over at Linda and she smiled and nodded her agreement. Then Jane said, "Daddy, we are bisexual. It is so convenient since we room together. We may both be over sexed but having sex with a string of guys is too damn scary. Too much risk. I love sex but I don't want to die from it. Right now there is no special male in my life. There have been a few but none right now, for either of us."I sat there staring at her. I was not unaware that a lot of women were bisexual. Intellectually I liked the idea. But this was my daughter. And someone I yearned for, another young woman I cared for. Linda apologized again and said, "I better go finish packing.""Please don't" I blurted out.We all looked at each other for a moment then I said, "Look I have to get used to this. It took me a long time to get used to the idea that my daughter was sexually active with boys. This is a new thought. Give me a little time to get used to the idea.""Daddy, you make it sound like I slept with half the town.""No Kitten... I don't mean to, but there were several."She grinned at me and said, "You knew?""Yeah, there were lots of signs. You were pretty obvious that last year you were home."Linda looked at me her eyes bright as she asked, "How obvious John?"I looked at Jane who was smiling and then at Linda and said, "I watched frequently in the living room with one of her regular dates."Linda asked huskily, "What did they do John?"I answered, "Well there was nothing left to the imagination.""Did Jane give him head?"I nodded"Did she let him do her?""I nodded."Jane spoke up and said, "That must have been Tom. I could never say no to him."I looked at her and laughed saying, "No baby, I missed that show, I saw you with Randy Taylor."A look of remembrance came on her face and she blushed. Then she said, "God Daddy, did you think I was some kind of a little slut?""No baby, I just remembered when I was 18."Linda spoke, "God I wish I had you as my daddy John."We ended up in a group hug on the big couch for some time. I was keenly aware of the firm flesh pressing into me from what seemed like all corners. Then Linda went back to unpack and Jane kissed me lightly and said, "I am sorry if last night pained you Dad, we will abstain from now on. It is something Linda taught me. It really is nice. I prefer men but it is a close second with women."Jane was still laying against me on the couch with my arm around her. I patted her cute ass and said, "Jane honey, why abstain if it pleases you?" I looked at her, "It's a part of both of you. Don't stop because you are here.""Are you sure Dad?""Yep... may drive me crazy, don't you know that watching two women make love is every guys fantasy?"She smiled and said, "No I didn't know that, the last guy I was dating heavily sure liked to watch us though."I must have looked shocked. She said, "Oh shit, I did it again."I laughed nervously as I envisioned my daughter in a threesome and she said, "We need to talk Dad. I have never held back from talking to you and I don't want to now. You know I was sexually active in high school, though I didn't know I should have been charging you admission.College has allowed me to open up a lot more. Linda was a big step for me. I loved it. Hell I still do. I do love men too Dad, maybe too much. Linda and I both do. Guess I am your daughter when it comes to sex. I do love it. I love experimenting, but I will stop there. Please don't be disappointed in me?"I stood up and pulled her with me. I hugged her. I kissed her cheek, then her lips lightly and said "I will never be disappointed in you honey. Sounds like we are a lot alike. And your Mom. I guess we both need sex a lot."She hugged me tighter and I realized I was half hard and she was pressing against it. There was no way she didn't feel it. After a moment I pulled away and she smiled at me as she glanced down at my swollen crotch and she slowly licked her full lips. The tension was relieved in seconds as Linda came back into the room saying, "I'm hungry, anyone care for a burger?"I said "I was hungry too", hell I hadn't eaten since breakfast. Jane smiled at us and said, "You two go on, I have a huge headache suddenly. I'm going to take a couple of aspirin and lay down. Wake me when you get back OK?"* * *Shortly Linda and I were parked at the only honest to goodness drive-in in town. As we sat munching on our burgers and looking at each other with new eyes, Linda said, "John, now that you know Jane and I are lovers, what does that do to us?""Us?" I answered stupidly."Yes us, don't be coy John, it doesn't become you. You and I both know we have been drawn together more and more. I find you appealing in every way and I felt like it was mutual. At least until last night.."I looked at her and after a moment of silence I said, "Okay, nothing but straight talk. No BS by either of us. Linda you are right. I find in you so much of what I love in a woman. In so many ways you are like Jane's mother. You are fun, bright, sexy as hell and so easy to be with. I have told myself that I was too old, you were my daughter's friend."She interrupted me, "I thought we were going to drop the BS John.""Linda, I'm not so sure that it is BS. I am old enough to be your Dad."She looked at me and said, "How can you be so brilliant and so fucking dumb at the same time?"Her language surprised me but I grinned waiting for her to go on. "John, since the day I met you I have thought about you every time I turn around. I've acted like a love sick puppy. I am so damned attracted to you. I have never felt this way about anyone. I have been afraid you would think I was a child. That you wouldn't be interested.""Linda I am damned interested. But how can you talk about you and I, when you are Jane's lover."She looked at me like I was some retarded child. "Oh John, have you never had a sport fuck? I know you have, Jane has told me. Jane and I do love each other, like family, only we happen to be incestuous. Sex between us is fun, sport. We fuck each other and we fuck others, mostly men. I hope this doesn't come as too much of a shock John, but your little girl loves to fuck. And so do I. Men and women. I'm not the only female your Jane has made love with. I introduced her to a couple of my friends. We have shared a couple of guys too."I guess my mouth was hanging open cause she stopped and looked at me and then started laughing. After a moment I joined and we fell in each other's arm laughing. We hugged and then our lips met. It was a deep passionate kiss. Then Linda broke it abruptly and sat up saying, "That was as nice as I dreamed it would be but you can't be seen in a hot clutch here."Soon we were parked in my drive and I asked, "Linda, this is coming too fast for me. Understand the news that my daughter is bisexual and has a pretty large number of partners is something I have to adjust to. No problem with that. Knowing the same is true of the woman I am falling in love with is another mind blowing experience."She looked at me and smiled, "You're falling in love with me?""Oh hell yes."She slid into my arms and the deep kiss resumed. I wanted her so bad. I knew she wouldn't stop me from taking anything I wanted. I wanted to cup her large breasts, to kiss her all over, to taste her juices and to drive my now incredibly hard cock into her every where I could find an opening.. This time I broke the kiss. She looked at me strangely like she wondered why I stopped."Linda... before I go past where I can stop. From what you say, you wouldn't mind crawling in my bed and I sure as hell want you. But what about Jane? I don't want to hurt her in any way.""Damn John, Jane know how I feel about you. Knows I love you. I mean big time love like being together always. Doing everything together. She knows I lust after you big time too.""But if we go to bed, what about you and Jane""John sweetheart. As far as we are concerned if you and I get together, either as a fun fuck, or something more serious, it won't affect what Jane and I do. Would that bother you?"I thought about that for a moment, envisioning the two of them together, then I smiled as I shook my head and said, "Let's go inside. I think my brain is fried."As we walked toward the door I slid my arm around her waist. She turned in my arms and our lips met, tenderly this time. Afterwards she said, "John, I know it is a lot to deal with but I do love you. I will do whatever you want.""I love you too Linda, it's just there is a lot more to you than I knew. Give me time to recover... okay?""She laughed and then looked up at me and said, "Hell, you might as well have one more shock tonight. John sweetheart... Jane and I have another thing in common. Your hot daughter and I both want to fuck you to within an inch of your life." And she raised up and French kissed me briefly and ran ahead into the house.She was waiting for me inside the door. She threw herself into my arms again and her tongue played with mine for a few moments. Then she said, "John, sweetheart, be warned, after Jane goes to sleep, I will come to your bed. If the door is locked I will know you can't deal with what I am. If your door is open we will have a wonderful night. And maybe a lot more..."I went to my bedroom, showered, and crawled under the sheet nude. My door sure as hell wasn't going to be locked.* * *I lay in my bed nude, waiting for my Linda. My Linda... I liked the sound of that. My door was wide open and the bathroom light was on so the room was light enough to see well. I lay there thinking about everything that had transpired and somehow it all seemed right. Then the other thought hit me... My daughter wanted to fuck me???? That was a curve ball but I knew I had wanted that too for a long time. It took Linda to open my eyes. Now I knew I would have them both.After some time I heard soft steps coming my way. My cock was as hard as I could remember. Then my beautiful Linda walked into my bedroom completely nude. She stopped and let me drink in her beauty briefly and she said, "I gather your open door is a full invitation."I held out my arms to her and she came to me. She straddled my body and I felt her wet bush against my cock. her full breasts came to rest on my chest and her open lips met mine. As we kissed I noticed her mouth tasted like pussy. It had to be my daughter's pussy. She broke the kiss and said softly with a huge smile on her face, "How do you like the taste of Jane's cunt my sweet John?"I smiled back and felt her hand on my cock and she raised up and started my cock in her. As she eased down I moaned out loud it felt so good. When she had it all the way in, all 8 inches, she looked at me and I said, "My darling Linda, Jane tastes delicious and you feel so good."We fucked until I came, damn near passing out. She was the best I had ever known. She was somehow massaging my cock with her talented cunt and I adored it. She had gotten off several times and was wonderfully noisy at it. I knew Jane could hear us and I was glad of that too. After I lost my first load Linda went down on my shrinking cock and I moved her into a 69 position. She tasted as good as Jane. Soon we both came again and collapsed. Later as we rested in each other's arms she raised up and said, "John my love, I love you so much. I want you anyway you will have me. Now that you know all about me do you still want to be around me?"I kissed her and said, "More than ever sweetheart. I have dreamed of this and a lot more. Like an old fool I had thought about proposing to you. I wanted you for my wife. But now I know you could never be happy with just me. You have the whole world out there. Why would you settle for me."She sat up in bed and looked at me like I had slapped her. She started to shake all over as she cried silently. I sat up and pulled her into my arms. After a moment she stopped crying and said, "John I love you. I have dreamed about being your wife. I would love to be your wife. I could understand that now that you know I am bisexual and open sexually you might not want to marry me. But would you continue as my lover?" "Linda, none of that matters to me. I love you and want you any way I can have you. I would love for you to be my wife. I guess that would cramp your style wouldn't it?""Not necessarily John."I looked at her and waited. She smiled and said, "As I said I would love to be your wife John. But I don't want to be limited to any one person sexually, male or female. I love the variety possible with multiple sex partners of both genders. I adore threesomes and "more-somes". I seduced your daughter and then talked her into her first threesomes and a lot more since then. I could tell you I would be just yours but I couldn't. Would you still want me as your wife knowing I would be with others frequently? Could you consider joining me in that?"It seemed every time I crossed one bridge, another was there waiting for me. I looked at my Linda and knew I never wanted to be without her. Could I share her with other men? The idea of her having sex with my daughter excited the hell out of me. I looked at her lush nude body and thought of her with another man. To my delight I started to get hard again. Linda noticed and said, "What are you thinking about my love?""You with another man.""That made you hard?""Yeah, weird isn't it..."Linda caught my cock in her hand and she covered the head with her mouth. I came so fast it shocked both of us as I thought of watching Linda and Jane being fucked by others as Linda sucked my cock. Watching Jane had been exciting and now the idea of Linda was too.When she raised her head she kissed me and I tasted my cum fresh in her mouth. After a long wet kiss she broke it and said. "Would you fuck Jane now while I watch darling? I think we need to move into this one step at a time. I adore you John and will be open to you for anything. But I love men. Plural darling. Variety, two and three at the same time. And women the same way. If you want to break it off at any time I will understand but I hope you don't. I do love you and only you and I always will but I am just a little different. "I smiled as I hugged her tightly to me. "I love you Linda. I want you and will do my best to accept this life style with you. It isn't new to me. The idea excites me, truthfully I don't know how I will react the first time I watch you with another man or men or Jane even.""John honey, let me go send Jane in to you. We should shower so you will be fresh for her and then I will send her in. I will join you in a little while and you can enjoy us both. We are damn good together honey. You know you aren't the first lucky guy we have double fucked."We showered and my head continued to spin. Then in the shower I said, "If this works out, will you marry me?"She kissed me and said "I would love to John but I won't say yes until you see me being fucked by two guys at once and you join us to make it three guys. Then with several women. If after that you ask me again I will joyfully marry you. I think I already have in my head."We dried each other and she kissed me and said, "Enjoy your daughter. Don't be shy, she sure isn't. I will join you two when I hear her cum. Oh sweetheart, she cums very loudly. Enjoy." and she turned and headed for Jane's room.I straightened the sheets and was amazed that there were no wet spots. I lay back nude with this huge hard on as I waited for my gorgeous daughter that I had wanted for so long, just like I had waited for Linda earlier.. She stepped into the room and her eyes widened as they fell on my erect cock in my hand. She looked me in the eyes and said softly, "I love you Daddy.""I love you too kitten,"She smiled and slid on the bed from the foot, between my spread legs and her mouth engulfed my cock. The whole 8 inches. She deep throated me and I groaned out loudly, "Oh fuck yes Janie..."She sucked me till I was close to cumming then she slid up higher and sat on my face. I threw her over on her back and dived into her sweet cunt. I tongued and licked and sucked and fingered everywhere I could, everywhere I got a positive response from my darling. She was loud and she came and came and came and screamed every nasty word I had ever known as she fucked my face. Then after one very loud climax I slid up and drove my cock all the way into my daughters wet cunt in one stroke. She came and blacked out falling limp on the bed beneath me.I lay there with my cock throbbing in her. She was only out for a few seconds then she opened her eyes I slowly stroked in and out, After a moment she began to meet my motions with her own and she groaned, "Oh Daddy that is so fucking good."I sensed a movement and Linda eased on the bed beside us saying, "Damn you guys are fantastic to watch. I couldn't stay away, I had to see all of this. Isn't he the best Jane."My daughter smiled as we slowly fucked and looked at Linda, "He is, he really is. He is the best fuck I have ever had and he eats pussy as good as you do sweetheart." then as I stroked my cock to meet her sweet pussy Linda and Jane kissed deeply. Watching them kiss thrilled me. Then Linda kissed me as passionately and finally I kissed my Janie to complete the circle.The night went on and on. I watched my two ladies eat each other's pussies, both full of my cum. The night was spent in doing everything we could including me butt fucking both of them. I finally collapsed and slept the sleep of the totally exhausted as I dreamed of future days and nights.* * *I awoke the next morning and it took me awhile to register on all that had occurred. I eased out of bed from between my two lovers, slipped into a robe and made it to the kitchen. I made coffee and sat and sipped on it as I tried to sort things out. I looked out the large window overlooking the pool. It was a beautiful day and I had no second thoughts. I was delighted with everything that had happened. I sat there smiling at nothing when I heard my sweet Linda say softly, "You certainly look happy this morning sweetheart. Any regrets?""Not a one." I said as I pulled her into my lap and kissed her tenderly, lovingly.""Are you sure? You sure enjoyed fucking your two women.""And watching them eat each other." I heard Janie say as she walked in on us. She leaned down and gave me a deep tongue kiss and then the same for Linda. Then she said, "God Daddy but you sure know how to please a woman. It sounds corny I know, but you really are the absolute best I have ever had. Every hole I have still tingles from your cock. I thought I had been well fucked and eaten before my sweet father but you are the best."Linda grinned and kissed me and said, "I don't want you to get the big head but I second that."We laughed and Jane poured more coffee and we sat and talked the previous night over. Then I said softly, "Jane honey, do you know a male we can trust? Someone to include in our parties?""Why Daddy, we don't need anyone but you?""Thank you sweetheart but I need to watch someone else, another male, fuck Linda."Jane looked at me with a puzzled look on her face. Then she asked what was going on. I told her about my proposal and Linda's response. She looked at Linda and said, "You two married? Hey that would be great but what will that do to us? To Dad and I?"Linda spoke first, "Nothing Jane. I told your Dad I wouldn't marry him unless he could deal with me being with you and others, male and female. And I want you and John to continue too."Jane turned to look at me and asked, "Can you deal with that Dad?""Well honey, I did before, that's why we need another male. I need to see if I still can."Jane looked at me hard and said, "Still??? you've done this before??? You and Mom???"I smiled at my shocked daughter and then at Linda and said, "You guys didn't think you invented open sex did you? You would be so wrong. I told you Linda reminded me of your Mom. I can't believe I now have a second chance with a woman like her... and you in the bargain too."There was a long silence as everyone thought over the situation. Then I said "Janie, do you know an available male we could trust to keep quiet?"Jane smiled and nodded, then said, "Are you sure Dad?"Linda was still in my lap and I cupped her large breasts and said, "Tell her what you are sitting on hon.""Jane, John is so hard and his cock is deep in my pussy. It feels so good. Call someone and lets party tonight. Can you imagine having two guys and one of them being our John? Our Daddy. Oh shit I love incest."I managed to speak in spite of what Linda was doing on my cock "Jane who did you have in mind?"She blew me away when she said, "Dan Phillips." Hell he was her High School Gymnastic coach. He was my age. Maybe a hell of a lot better shape. I considered him a good friend.""You and Dan?""Yeah Dad, since I was a freshman in High School. We can trust him. He couldn't afford for anything to get out either."She picked up the phone and dialed from memory. It was interesting listening to one side of the conversation."Hi Bonnie this is Jane. Is Dan there?""Yeah I'm home for the holidays, how are you guys?""Thanks Bonnie, see you I hope.""Hi Dan, yeah it's me. Still as horny as ever. Can you talk?""I understand, your wife is near?""Yeah I have missed you too, especially one part.""Yes I am still cock crazy. You should know you have been fucking me for almost five years.""Yes I have loved it too. Can you get out tonight?""We'll try hard, my sexy roommate is here with me and we both want you. Plus I have a surprise for you.""About seven should be good, my house. For as long as you can keep it up."* * *We were all nervous as we waited for Dan to arrive. We were all freshly showered and wore thin robes. The girls looked fantastic. I had trouble keeping my hands off of them. We had talked and I was going to stay out of sight until the three of them had been at it for a while. That way I could watch my daughter and my possible future wife in action with another guy. I had watched my first wife, Jane's mom, in this situation many times. Could I do it as easy with Linda and Jane?When the doorbell rang I moved into the kitchen after a deep kiss from each of my ladies. From the kitchen I could see and not be seen easily. Jane opened the door and Dan walked in. I saw his eyes run over Jane and then Linda and I knew he was getting hard. I sure would have been. After closing the door Jane slid her arms around his neck and they kissed like old lovers. I watched as his hands disappeared inside her robe. Then the robe dropped to the floor and Jane was nude and Dan's hands were full of her darling bare ass. Soon she broke the embrace and introduced Dan to Linda. Linda smiled and dropped her robe too. Dan gaped and smiled like the lucky sob that he was. Linda melted into his arms like Jane had and my cock jumped as I watched Linda with him.Dan was handsome, fit and charming. Also a great fuck according to the many stories Jane had shared with us all afternoon. It didn't take them long and they had Dan stripped and on his back with Linda easing down on his hard cock and Jane sitting on his face. I was so turned on I couldn't stand it as I watched Linda stroke his cock before guiding it to her wet oven. I dropped my robe and stroked my hard cock as I watched the action. Linda was really into it and it was clear she loved cock. Even a strange cock she had just met. I laughed as I remembered some of the parties Jane's mom and I had been too and now I looked forward to more. Then to my surprise Linda stood up, letting Dan's cock fall free. Jane bent and took it in her mouth as Linda walked toward the kitchen and me. As she walked in she smiled as she saw me playing with my hard cock. She kissed me deeply and then said, "Darling, are you OK? All I could think of was, if you were okay watching me fuck another guy."I held her and said, "I'm fine with that darling, weren't you enjoying it?""Oh yes I guess was honey, but I needed to see about you. Come in with me so I can see you while I fuck him."She led me back into the room and I sat in an easy chair where I had a front row seat. She tapped Jane on the shoulder and Jane sat up so Linda could mount Dan's cock again. As she eased down on it she looked me in the eyes and blew me a kiss with one hand as the other guided Dan's cock into her cunt. Jane and Linda fell into a deep kiss as they both fucked Dan. The girls came often and Dan did have staying power. Finally he went wild thrusting hard up into Linda and she looked at me and said "He is cumming in me John. Feels so good."Linda got up and came and sat in my lap and I felt her cunt dripping Dan's cum onto me. Then Jane stood up and said, "Now for your surprise Dan, you remember my Dad don't you?"He looked at me and the shock on his face was funny to see. I smiled as I stroked Linda ass and said, "Hi Dan.""John, oh shit, what does one say in a case like this. I sure like to fuck your daughter?"We all laughed, then Jane asked Linda to get up saying, "I want to fuck my Daddy while Dan watches." and she did.When we finished Dan was eating Linda's pussy and she was moaning loudly, he must have been doing one hell of a good job."Then I watched as he fucked her dog style and I knew I was going to love this all over again. We fucked and sucked until time for Dan to go and then the four of us showered. Dan dressed and left asking us to call him again soon and he was gone. The three of us turned out the lights and went to bed. As we cuddled, with me in the middle, we talked about everything. We were all comfortable that everyone had enjoyed it and looked forward to more of the same in the future.I looked at Jane and kissed her and then Linda. Then I said, "Linda, I still want you to be my wife. You'll be free to enjoy whoever you wish just as I will. But I love you and want you to be mine. I guess I could adopt you but I would rather you be my wife."Jane smiled and hugged me giving her approval. Then Linda said, "I guess you really are okay with me the way I am. Okay John dearest. I am yours. Nothing else is required unless you want a ceremony. The three of us are family and you are my husband and we can both fuck our daughter or anyone else that turns us on.."We all laughed and I said, "Maybe after you graduate we can consider making it official. Till then it might be simpler the way you say." We had a long three-way kiss to seal it.Then I suggested the two of them look for a large apartment near campus, for them to live in and for me to visit in. They thought that was a great idea and then Linda asked if it would be possible for me to move in with them totally. I hadn't thought of that but I could work from there as easy as here. I didn't want to sell the house, it would be better for after graduation, but I could keep both. Business was really good and I could afford it. I could spend time at both places. I liked that idea.* * *The next day I packed some things in my Lincoln town car and we drove back to school. We found a great place near the campus, with four bedrooms. One for each of us and a study for work. As we started moving their stuff out of the dorm a pair of young men stopped in. Jane and Linda greeted them warmly and it was obvious they were more than friends as they hugged and kissed. Then they saw me and Jane introduced them to me. They acted like they had gotten caught with their hands in the cookie jar. Well they had actually but it was okay with me. They offered to help us move and they pitched in. Jane and Linda each had a car that we filled, my Lincoln, and the guys, Tom and Bill had a pickup. We got everything loaded and headed for the new place. We unloaded the stuff and Linda and Jane pulled me into my bedroom and closed the door. Linda said, "John, these are two of the guys we feel safe in fucking regularly. Are you ready for another party, including them?"I smiled and nodded my approval. Then Jane said, "I will get them to take me back to the dorm to clean up and I will break it to them that my horny Dad is fucking both of us too. That ought to blow their minds. While I'm at it I may thank them for their help."We laughed and Jane left Linda and I. A quick shower and we were in Linda's bed. She spread her long gorgeous legs and said, "Come fuck me my husband."As I did it was a slow leisurely fuck and Linda groaned and said, "Honey, how do you want me to behave when you aren't here?"I kissed her and said, "My sweet wife, you are free to do anything that pleases you. I would enjoy hearing about the ones I'm not here for I think.""And I would love to tell you John."* * *The guys and Jane returned and pulled right into the garage. They came in and I understood why, they were all three bare ass. Linda and I met them the same way and the party stared with a bang. I watched Tom and Bill double fuck Linda's pussy and ass as I fucked my daughter on the floor beside them. Yeah I could definitely deal with this.I left a few days later just before classes started. I had met a number of their intimate friends. I had fucked several more young coed friends of theirs and watched my two girls with a few more men and women. As I left, I was thinking I needed the rest but half way home I was hard and wanted both of them again.I called them that night. We missed each other terribly and I vowed to get my business ready so I could come back soon.Each night late Linda called me and shared everything that happened. She really did have a full sex life and I loved her stories. Then I would talk to Jane and she started telling me stories about her sex life as well. I was dying to get with them.Then something interesting happened at my end. Dan Phillips called me out of the blue one morning. He beat around the bush for a few minutes and then said, "John I feel like we are pretty kindred spirits. I was wondering if you would like some female company since Jane and Linda are gone back to school." He said he had a couple of young ladies that were a lot of fun and were eager to get together in a foursome with us. I told him it sounded interesting and he said, "They are young John, both only 15 but they look 21 and fuck like minks. Built like crazy John... you interested?"I was hard as hell. I asked him when. He said they could come over tonight if I was ready. I was.* * * The day went slow. I called Linda mid afternoon to tell her, and Jane, but got no answer. I left word on the machine that Dan and a couple of young friends were coming over that night. I would call again to tell them all about it later that night after they left.Finally I showered, had a bite to eat and waited for them. I didn't have long to wait and I heard their car in my drive. I watched as Dan and a pair of identical twins, playmate look-a-likes, got out of his car. I knew them and was shocked, surprised and damned turned on. They were my boss' twin daughters. I had watched them develop for years and had been impressed to say the least. I couldn't believe they were here for a foursome. But they were.The door bell rang and I answered. Dan hurried them in and then one of the twins walked over to me so confident and hugged me saying, "John, we were both thrilled to hear you wanted to party with us. Dan asked us if we were up for a sex party. We always are up for sex. When he told us you were the other male we couldn't believe our good luck." She kissed me deeply and I felt my cock jump to the ready. Across the room her double was slowly stripping what few clothes she wore. They were gorgeous, full bodied 15 year olds with lots of experience already. And eager to get more. Soon Dawn showed me how to tell them apart. Dawn had a small rose tattooed on her left breast just above the nipple, Shaun did not. Shaun had a small skunk just above her mons. I wasn't sure how I would know in public.It was a wild night and when they left hours later we were all fucked out. They promised to return soon. During that night I learned that they also had fucked their Dad and wanted to know if had I fucked Jane. I admitted that I did and that fact made me even more popular with them. It also gave me some new ideas. Dan shook my hand at the door and said he had a lot of talent available for us. High school girls do love to fuck he said.After I showered again I called Linda and Jane and shared it all with them. Linda went silent as Jane seemed thrilled over my night. Then I told Jane goodnight. She understood and hung up leaving Linda and I alone."Linda sweetheart, you okay?""No, you know I'm not.""Honey, what is it?""You with those fucking little sluts.""What? Linda... you're jealous?""Yes you bastard.""But sweetheart, my darling wife, I thought you were okay with this. When did you get fucked last?""Tonight, one of my professors."My cock grew with excitement and I said, "Did you enjoy it?""Yes but...""Do you want me to be celibate?""No... yes... no.. oh shit John I miss you. I need you. I don't really mind that you fucked those little bitches. I just want you too."I looked at my watch, it was midnight, I told her, "Honey I will be there in three hours. Can't stay long but I will wake you when I get there.""Don't wake Jane, not at first. I want you all to myself for a little while."* * *I left a message on my secretaries answering machine and grabbed some things and headed for my one true love that I wasn't related to. I made record time.When I let myself in I went straight to Linda's room. I passed Jane's room and the door was wide open. Tom and Bill were in bed with her, all three naked. I smiled and closed their door and then Linda's door behind me..I undressed and slid in bed beside my nude lady. I woke Linda with a kiss. Her eyes opened and as she recognized me she wrapped her arms around my neck and held me tight. "Oh John I have missed you so much. I don't think I can live here without you."I slowly kissed my way down to her nipples and lower to her belly button and then lower still. As I tongued her pussy it was wet and had the familiar taste of cum. in it. I was accustomed to that lately and dove in. She came quickly and as I continued she moved around to take my cock in her mouth. Then she raised her head and said, "You bastard, your cock tastes like those twin pussies."I laughed and said, "And I just got a lot more familiar with one of your professors than I needed to be."We laughed and changed ends again and I slid my cock where she wanted it.Later as we lay satisfied for the moment she said, "This isn't going to work. Either I have to come home with you or you have to come here with me. I can't stand being separated from you. It isn't that I mind you fucking those twins, I just want to be there. I will quit school and come home with you if that's okay with you."I lay there shocked, and delighted. I assured her it was fine with me and she cuddled up closer and said, "You are fucking mine. Nobody else's. You can play all you want to but don't you forget whose man you are. You rotten bastard." and she kissed me deeply. I could have floated on air.We woke Jane the next morning. Tom and Bill said Hi and went to shower. Linda told her what she was going to do. Jane looked at me and then Linda and then back at me and said, "Can I come too?"Later that day, having gotten out of the apartment lease with a few bucks, and checked the girls out of school for the rest of the semester we were driving the three cars full of their stuff to OUR home.* * *I was a free lance computer chip designer and made an obscene amount of money on royalties. I had this idea that would require a couple of helpers. At a rest stop I shared my idea with the two of them. We could form our own company. Linda and Jane loved the idea. As we drove I mentally put the company together. I knew it would work and we could all stay at home as long as we wanted to. And our fun had just begun.Linda had her own bedroom but she basically moved in with me. Jane slept with us as much as not, ignoring her own bed too. Life was good. The girls were both sharp at business and soon we were making even more money. I made an appointment to sever my work relations with the twins Dad. I wondered if they had told him about us. I went to a lawyer friend and had my will changed so Linda and Jane would split everything should I die. Then I had us incorporated.When I got home I pulled Linda and Jane into the den and told them about the will and the other legal business. Linda looked at me strangely and said, "John are you sure you want to do that will thing. You know I keep the books and honey I was surprised to learn you are worth several millions of dollars with a lot more coming in every day. I'm not sure you shouldn't leave it all to Jane."I hugged her and told her she was my wife and I did exactly what I wanted to do. If anything should happen to me they would both be independently wealthy. There was more money than either of them could spend and I wanted to be sure they were both set for life. Jane agreed with me and Linda laid her head on my shoulder and cried softly. I just held her and Jane came over and joined our group hug. Before long Linda stopped crying and said, "Let's go fuck." And boy did we ever.* * *The next day I made an appointment to talk to Robert Townsend, father of Dawn and Shaun and my boss up till then. I wondered as I walked into his office what the twins had said to him.Robert told his secretary not to interrupt us as she closed the door behind me. Robert is very successful. His bank account makes mine look sick. He smiled as he shook my hand and then he said, "My daughters said they saw you recently."I smiled and wondered what else they had said. He continued, "You know John, men like us, with beautiful daughters, have a different problem than others."I knew where he was going. He knew I had fucked his daughters and well as my own. I knew he knew it. As our eyes met we both knew we had in common the fact we fucked our own daughters. After a moment I looked at him and said, "We are damned lucky aren't we?"Robert nodded and said, "We are. My girls are quite active and they had high words of praise for you.""Well Robert you trained them well."His eyes twinkled and he said, "Perhaps you and your daughter might have dinner with the three of us some night soon?""We would love that. And my daughter's college roommate too. I think we all have a lot of common interests." I smiled as I realized I had just set up a swing date for the six of us. I hoped Robert and I could satisfy the four of them. If not we could call Dan for help. Or some of Jane's other local boyfriends.The subject changed and the talk about me quitting surprised Robert. He recovered quickly and asked if his lawyer could chat with mine about a mutual marketing arrangement. That meant a lot more money for our young firm and I told him I would be delighted and gave him my attorney's name. I made a mental note to have Linda hire my part time attorney as a full time rep of ours reporting to her. He was thirty and good looking and I thought Jane and Linda might enjoy him. He also was a damn good attorney.As I got up to go, Robert shook my hand warmly and asked if we could join them the coming Friday night for dinner and whatever else. To bring our swim suits and maybe a change of clothes. Who knows he said you might wish to stay over rather than drive back.I nodded and told him we would love to join them. Then he handed me a manilla envelope and said, "Protect these John."I nodded and left. In my car I opened the envelope and there were dozens of pictures of his daughters. Mostly nude, some with him fucking them, eating them, them eating each other, some of them with Dan and him and the twins and a few with beautiful young ladies I didn't recognize. Then I was surprised to find several of me with the twins. I guess Dan had taken them. My car phone rang. It was Robert and there was a lilt in his voice, "I'm sure you have seen the pictures by now. In case you are concerned about the ones of you with my daughters don't be. You also have some very incriminating picture of Dan and myself. Now we all know where we stand and what we intend to do so no one has anything to worry about. See you Friday my friend."END
I am a bathhouse boy and love the feeling of faceless sex. Being able to take part in some of the most unabashed and unfettered sex, doing that with as many partners as you want in one night or just being a voyeur. There are nights that I go to the bath and look for the roughest, raunchiest sex you can imagine. Nights like that I can play out my wildest pig boy fantasies; let the bears use me for whatever they want and I relish the role. I have been made to crawl on my hands and knees through the entire bath with a collar and leash on and had whoever do whatever they wanted to me. I loved that night, the man who owned me made me suck so much cock that my jaw was sore for a week. There were men that took my ass with such force that I felt as if I was ripping open, and then there were the ones that just fucked me because they could; I leaked cum for the entire next day. That night was also one where I drank piss from the glorious cock of my master, and his friends when we all went back to his house to carry on the pig boy role.My owner had me back for a weekend and I was the entertainment for five of the nicest bears in the city. They were everything that a cocksucking queen could want and then some. Each had a small pony sized cock and mandarin oranges for balls. They all took turns using my mouth and ass for whatever fluid they needed to get rid of. I cleaned each and every set of balls; ass and the one uncut cock of whatever was clinging to them; then the can of Crisco came out as well as some poppers. I was quickly inhaling the fumes that gave me a direct line to the feelings emanating from my well-used asschute. It was the man who was the host for the evening that stepped behind me first. He was a patient lover, taking his time putting fingers slowly into my ass, first only one and then realising how loose I was quickly put three in working the nice wide point in and out widening and relaxing the muscles. At the same time he was also putting large amounts of grease in. “So that it will slide easier” he said I could care less at that moment I was seeing colours from the waves of pleasure rolling over me. He had me on my hands and knees on the floor but I guess it was uncomfortable for him because I was roughly lifted up onto a piece of gym apparatus so that his arm was able to pump in from a lower angle. The downside of this position was that I couldn’t get my mouth used but after a while it didn’t matter. Once I was comfortable on my perch he took four and then five fingers with more goop and worked them in. I could feel his knuckles ringing around my hole working one in and under. Once the first knuckle got in the rest followed just like beads on a rope.My eyes opened to the size of dinner plates and more poppers went up my nose. He held his extended hand still for what felt like an hour, then slowly started twisting back and forth until he got me loosen enough to start the back and forth motion going as well. He then pulled his hand into a fist and the lights of pleasure draped in front of me once again. He started to run his fist up and down my chute working the Crisco into lather. In one continuous motion he pulled his fist out and stepped back saying, "This bitch is open for service, take a number.”It took no time for the rest of them to attack my ass, some being nice and working their hands in, the rest just punching their fists right into my, by then, gaping asshole. This assault went on for a few more hours during which I was moved once again, this time to a position where I was able to have both ends used. This also allowed two men to have access to my backside; soon there was rather thick wrist pistoning my ass and a cock working its way to release inside of me. The various combinations going into my ass played out and soon I was a quivering mass of pearly cum and Crisco after they all had their way with me.I had been cummed on and in so many times we lost the ability to remain hard. It was at that moment when my master stood at my head and started to piss on me. The others followed him; and soon they had all cum washed off of my body. We were all spent and after showering, one by one dropped off into fitful bouts of sleep. By the time I woke I was in a comfy bed with my master wrapped around me. I wriggled my way down his body and teased his cock awake, licking and slurping until he put his morning shot down my throat. He grabbed my hair and held me until he released his bladder down my throat as well. We got out of bed, and he took me to the rest of the participants in the previous night’s fun. There I gave each one a sloppy blowjob and drank or wore their morning piss. We all showered and went out for some breakfast, after which we all parted company promising to get together soon.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 37
The Iberian peninsula, c. 40,000 years before the present.The shaman started to chant as Osra and her two young sons began to throw dirt on the man's muscular but motionless body. The clan had gathered to send Kylbas off on his final journey, the one that would bring his re-unification with the Master Spirit. Except for a garland of red flowers that Osra had placed around his neck, the man was naked, and his knees were tucked into a fetal position under his chin. He was already in gestation for his imminent re-birth in the afterlife, and beside him in this earthen tomb/womb were the antlers of the antelope who had sent him there, along with the spear that had slain the beast.Kylbas had been one of the clan's best hunters, and the previous week he had been chasing the antelope with his brother Darbas and several other men. Kylbas speared a buck, which collapsed and lay still on the ground. It was not yet dead when Kylbas went over to inspect his quarry, however, and the animal suddenly jerked his head and gored him in his lower abdomen. The cut was not particularly serious and there was initially hope for a full recovery, but a few days later sickness set in and Kylbas developed a fever, then fell into a deep sleep from which he never awoke. He was twenty-eight years old.The shaman's incantations grew louder, and other members of Kylbas's extended family joined in the burial effort, using their hands to fill the shallow hole with dirt. Once their task was completed, the shaman stepped on to the freshly covered grave and performed a highly stylized dance that was designed to summon the Master Spirit for the collection of Kylbas into the eternal realm.The funeral rites having concluded, there was now the matter of the living to attend to. Kylbas had left behind a widow and two boys: Tareq, age fourteen, and his brother Amar, ten. A woman could not live on her own without a man, and nor could children whose magic areas had not yet been fully covered by hair. It was true that Tareq had some hair above his penis, but he was not yet a man and had not yet passed the Trial of the Soul that all boys must face before they can enter manhood. At ten, Amar's crotch was as smooth as it was the day he was born. Osra needed a husband, and the boys a father, and under tribal law it fell to Darbas to carry on his deceased brother's familial functions.Little was needed for Darbas to step into the spousal role of his deceased brother; a simple blessing by the shaman would suffice. The boys, however, had been spawned by Kylbas's seed, and before they could be recast as Darbas's sons they must first be re-fertilized with his own sperm. They must receive their uncle's fluid in their assholes, and this must happen before the moon rose that evening and the sun that saw Kylbas's departure itself suffered its own recurring daily demise. The shaman, who at thirty-eight was one of the oldest men in the clan, was a necessary part of the ceremony, as only he could ensure that Darbas's semen had the intended transformative effect on the fatherless boys.Darbas walked to the cave with his sister-in-law, the two boys, and the shaman, who was himself accompanied by a young apprentice. No one was sure exactly how old the apprentice was; he had been kidnapped from a rival tribe when he was still a small child after the shaman had a dream in which he learned the location of his successor. Although his precise age was uncertain, the apprentice was clearly in the midst of puberty, his progress through which was being closely monitored by the shaman, who was always too willing to keep a close eye on a handsome young boy.Inside the cave a bear skin had been lain on the ground and torches had been spiked around it to provide some light. The shaman joined Darbas's hand with Osra's and uttered a few words which made them into husband and wife. Having dispensed with the nuptial prerequisites, he directed his attention to the more interesting matter of making Tareq and Amar into Darbas's sons. The shaman gestured to his apprentice, who handed him a wooden cup. The tribe's spiritual leader held the rough chalice up towards the sky and said a prayer, then passed it to Darbas and told him to drink from it. The man obeyed and took a large sip, not knowing the contents but having complete faith in the shaman. The recipe for the potion inside was a secret known only by the shaman and his young student; to a honey base had been added a generous amount of semen from a stallion and some special herbs which lifted the clouds of confusion and revealed the truth of existence to those who were prepared to learn it.As the first born of the boys, Tareq would be the first to be re-formed by Darbas's sperm. The shaman instructed Darbas to pass the cup to his older nephew, and the man complied. Tareq took a sip and his head immediately started to swoon. The shaman told the boy to remove his skins, and the boy hastened to remove the rough garment that was wrapped around his waist and shoulders. When the clothing dropped to the floor, it was clear to all present that Tareq was excited by the experience. His four-inch cock (to use a unit of measure which future hominids would develop several millennia later) was hard and pointed straight out. Tareq's mother gasped, his younger brother giggled, and his uncle smiled. The shaman told the boy to present himself on all fours on the bear skin like a woman, and the boy eagerly did so. Darbas began to remove his own clothes, and a collective “ahh” resounded throughout the cave when the man's fully erect penis came into view. At five and a half feet, Darbas was a little larger than your average member of the tribe, but his penis was exceptionally huge. It was easily eight inches long and very thick. Osra smiled, as she knew that as the man's new wife she would get to enjoy this impressive man-flesh after it had re-sired her sons.The shaman stood over Tareq and chanted a prayer, then ran his hands over the boy's ass. This was not, strictly speaking, a necessary part of the procedure, but no one else knew that, and the shaman was never one to pass up an opportunity to feel a boy's ass. The kid's rump was lightly covered with fuzz, which the shaman found delightful. Giving the boy's butt a strong smack, he summoned Darbas to come forward and enter the boy he wished to make his son.Darbas was only to happy to take on this task. He walked up to the boy and kneeled down behind the ass that was presented for his taking. He placed his hands on the boy's firm ass cheeks and spread them apart to reveal the pinkish brown hole inside, then he lowered his head to take a whiff of the boy's cunt. The musky odor seemed to combine with the bitter-sweet taste of the shaman's potion, causing his head to swirl and his penis to throb with an angry urgency he had never experienced before. He let out a bestial grunt and scrambled into position to fuck the kid. He brought the purplish head of his insistent cock up to the boy's hole and pressed forward, sinking his massive rod into the boy's hot bowels in one powerful thrust.Tareq cried out as he felt his uncle's penis slide into him. It was exquisitely painful, but almost immediately the pain subsided. His own head was swimming from the shaman's strange elixir, and he felt a desperate need to be speared by the man's thick meat.Darbas ran his rough hands all over the boy's back while he luxuriated in the feel of his initial penetration. After a few minutes of this bliss he grabbed the boy's hips and began to withdraw his prick until just the head was inside, then he slammed back inside the adolescent's heavenly tunnel.This second thrust sent a wave of pleasure washing over the conquered boy. Tareq found the penis in his ass to be thrilling beyond belief, and he gave himself over to the fuck, grinding his butt back in an attempt to swallow up more of the massive meat. Darbas was pleased by this and ran his hands through the boy's moppy hair to show his affection. He had always loved his oldest nephew, but had no idea his ass could make him feel so good. Yeah he had fucked some boys before, but no boy – and certainly no girl – had ever given his penis such an intense delight. He withdrew his cock again, then plunged back in, then repeated the process again and again and again, his heavy scrotum swaying back and forth in rhythm with his fucking.Throughout this entire time the shaman was singing and dancing around them, and had whipped himself up into a rapture that was contagious. Darbas continued to fuck his nephew but felt like his thrusts were moved from another world. His pelvis seemed to be moving automatically, beyond his control. He wanted this feeling to go on forever, but he soon felt a tingling sensation in his nuts and knew his sperm would soon be erupting. He looked down at the beautiful site of his big dick sliding in and out of Tareq's shapely ass, and felt his balls boil over. Letting out an ecstatic yell, Darbas's semen ejaculated out of his penis and into Tareq's ass. As the first shot of jizz landed inside the boy, he ceased to be Darbas's nephew and became his son, re-conceived and simultaneously re-born as the man's own. Sensing the molten liquid squirting inside of him, Tareq ejaculated without ever having touched his own prick, shooting boy cum all over the bear skin rug, which Kylbas, who would henceforth be known as the boy's Honored Birth-Father, had brought home from a hunting trip two years earlier.After their orgasms subsided, Tareq thanked his new father for the fuck, and Darbas reluctantly withdrew from his son's gifted ass. He had another boy to make his own, and was excited to see that Amar had already undressed and was waiting to join his brother as one of Darbas's brood.The shaman knew that as Darbas had just shot his load, he would need some coaxing to be able to take on his younger nephew right away. He handed him the wooden cup for another shot of the mysterious brew, and, after allowing a few moments for it to take effect, told the naked Amar to take care of his uncle, who was now sitting on the bear skin rug. The boy walked slowly towards Darbas, permitting him to take in the beautiful sight of his small, hairless little body. Amar knelt down before his uncle, and much to the man's surprise, the boy licked his lips and asked to take his penis in his mouth. The sheer obscenity of such a question from such a young boy instantly caused Darbas's prick to stiffen once again, and he opened his legs to allow his little nephew access. The boy leaned in and started to lick his cock-head, and Darbas oohed with delight. Amar then teasingly nibbled at the tender skin that overhang his penis, then opened his mouth wide and swallowed his uncle's meat. Darbas could not believe that such a young kid could be such a talented fellator. He wondered if the boy had done this before, and shot a quizzical look at the shaman, who appeared to be lost in another dimension.After several minutes of expert cock-sucking, the shaman announced that it was time for Amar to be anally penetrated. Knowing that Darbas was likely tired after fucking Tareq, he told the man to lie down and let the boy take care of the work. Amar straddled his uncle and sat down on the man's massive club. He hesitated when he felt the penis make contact with his asshole, but the shaman came over and pushed down on his narrow shoulders, forcing the meat past the stubbornly resistant sphincter. Amar had had so many sips of the shaman's potion while he watched his uncle fuck his brother that he barely felt any pain, even though Darbas's penis was very long and thick and his asshole very narrow and inexperienced. He sank all the way down on the prick until he was sitting on his uncle's lap and felt the man's pubes tickle his butt cheeks. He then rose up just as the shaman had told him until only the tip was still lodged in his fanny, then collapsed back down on it. He felt a wave of compulsion spread over him and he started bouncing up and down on the cock with a speed that amazed all of the witnesses to the ritual.Darbas had never felt anything so tight as his nephew's ten-year-old ass. He cupped the boy's smooth little ass cheeks as the kid rode him, easily taking each one in the palm of a hand. He started to thrust his hips upwards into the kid's bouncing ass and focused his eyes on the beautiful sight of the boy's hairless little prick dancing before him. It was only two inches long but was as hard as a rock, so it was obvious the kid was really enjoying getting buggered by his uncle. It seemed as though the man's massive cock was hitting a magical spot inside his ass, and after a few minutes Amar started to feel that funny feeling he sometimes got when he rubbed himself at night. He began to convulse violently as he experienced a dry orgasm, which caused his sphincter to squeeze Darbas's cock extra hard. This extra tightness was enough to send the already randy man over the edge, and he himself began to orgasm inside Amar's tight pre-pubescent ass. Unlike the boy's orgasm, however, Darbas's involved a thick creamy wad of sperm, which instantly made Amar into Darbas's son when it shot into the kid's little ass. Darbas was incredibly happy, and he grabbed his new son's head and brought it to his own so that he could kiss the boy to thank him. He forcibly stuck his tongue into the kid's surprised mouth, but Amar seemed to know instinctively what to do as he massaged his father's tongue with his own while he stroked the man's hairy chest with his tiny twig-like fingers.Tareq and Amar were now Darbas's sons, and there would be no further need to sodomize them. However, there was also no rule preventing it. And as the boys' father Darbas would have absolute control over their bodies, and could continue to fuck them as long as he wanted. Darbas enjoyed both of his sons' asses for the next several years, until eventually the clan met disaster one spring when a tribe of taller and less hairy men moved into the area. The women and small children were kidnapped and integrated into the conqueror's community, but all the men and older children, including Darbas and his two sons, were slaughtered and unceremoniously dumped into a mass grave. Their passing was commemorated by neither a red garland nor a shaman's dance, and their souls went uncollected by the Master Spirit. Instead, they restlessly roam the hills of northern Spain, looking unsuccessfully for a way to the other side. ENDWhat do you think, guys? Please send comments to © by Kip Hawk. All rights reserved.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Please keep this story, and all erotic stories out ofthe hands of children. They should be outside playingin the sunshine, not thinking about adult situations.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 49
Jack Blake had just celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday. Although a tall and athletic boy, he was shy and somewhat awkward. So here he sat in his room on a Friday night jerking off to pictures of naked or near naked women. He saved his favorite for last. It was a picture of his 32 year old mom Sara in a thong bikini on a beach in Mexico. Jack and his mom had always been close. He was the product of a one night stand that his mom had at the age of 16 with a sailor who was on leave. She was so drunk that night she didn't even remember his name. Fortunately, Sara's parents helped their daughter financially and she was able to finish high school and college and obtain a financially secure job.Jack knew that his mom had always wanted get married and she thought had met the man of her dreams. Jack thought the guy was Ok but something seemed wrong about him but he kept his mouth shut. Their relationship progressed and they decided to get married. Jack thought it was a bit strange that his mom had actually proposed to him. She then decided to book a cruise and they would get married by the ship's captain. In fact, the two were driving from Orlando to Cape Canaveral in the morning to board the ship. His mom's bags were already packed.Mom and her fiancé had gone out to dinner to make final plans and pick up their wedding rings. Again, he thought it strange that she had paid for the rings but it was none of his business. Since she would be home within an hour, he decided to dump one more load while admiring the picture of his gorgeous mom. He wondered if people would think that this was some kind of act of incest. In reality, he didn't care. His mom was beautiful, desirable and he wished he could switch places with her fiancé. Jack headed for the showers and let the warm water rinse off the cum. After toweling dry, he put on some silk boxers and headed for bed. He took a look at himself in the mirror. He worked out every day and his muscles were getting toned. He had no acne and very little body hair. Overall, he decided he was a pretty good looking guy and that he should try harder to find a girlfriend. He decided that he would lose his virginity before he turned 17.Just as he was drifting to sleep he heard his mom's bedroom door and he thought he heard her crying. He got up and stepped across the hall. She was definitely crying.He knocked and asked mom, "Mom are you Ok?" No response. He knocked again and asked, "Is everything all right?""No, everything's not alright," she said in a sobbing voice.Jack was concerned so he opened the door and saw his mom sitting on her bed with a box of tissues.Standing only in his boxers he asked, "What happened, mom?""What happened is that my so called fiancé is a married man with two young kids! He led me on till tonight. He told me he still loves his wife and kids and then ran off. Oh Jack, I just don't know how to pick the right man." Jack's knew his instincts had been right; there was something wrong with this guy. Now he wished he would have said something to his mom.He sat down next to his mom on her bed and put an arm around her. She embraced him and said, "You are the only descent man in my life. I love you so much."Jack enjoyed the hugging and hearing her use the word "love". The only problem was that his cock was beginning to stir. So he decided to break off the embrace and told his mom, "You are beautiful and you have a hot body. Any man would want you."Sara had stopped crying, "You really mean that?""Yes, mom, I really mean that."She moved her lips to his and gave him a quick kiss. "I'm so lucky to have a son as handsome and kind as you."Sara's face all of a sudden had a deep look of sadness. "We were supposed to leave on the cruise. I have always dreamed of a romantic cruise and getting married by a ship's captain. And besides, the tickets I bought are nonrefundable."Jack responded, "I don't know about the romantic part and the getting married part, but I could be your companion for the cruise." Sara's face lit up and she gave him another big hug. "Jack that would make me so happy. And I would at least be with the one man that I know truly loves me."Jack could feel his cock get harder. His mom noticed too, smiled at Jack and said, "Looks like you're getting a little excited about this cruise.""Sorry, mom, I can't help myself when I'm holding a beautiful woman in my arms."Sara responded, "It's Ok Jack. A woman likes to know they are desirable. We can talk more about this on the cruise. Now it’s time for you to pack your bags and get some sleep."Pack the bags -yes. But getting to sleep would be difficult. All sorts of incestuous thoughts raced through his mind.The next morning Sara called the cruise line and explained the situation. The cruise line understood and were willing to change the names on the reservation but since the ship was full, she and Jack would have to keep the honeymoon package which included the "lovers" suite with a hot tub, a bottle of champagne, a tux rental for Jack and the wedding ceremony. The drive to port took just an hour. Sara parked the car and they unloaded their luggage. The boarding process was a breeze and they were soon met by a porter who would escort them to their suite. He looked at the room number which he knew was the lover's suite and then looked at Sara and Jack. Attractive couple he thought but the guy looks a little young. Since he depended on tips he simply smiled and said, "This way Mr. and Mrs. Blake."Sara and Jack simply smiled at each other. Those thoughts were running though his head again.When they entered the suite they were impressed. Fresh flowers and a chilled bottle of champagne were on a small table. The porter offered to pop the cork on the champagne. Meanwhile mother and son took a quick tour of the suite. In the main room there was a small couch, desk and a wet bar. When they entered the bedroom, Jack's eyes popped open. There was just one bed and there were mirrors on the ceiling. She laughed at Jack's reaction and in a soft voice reminded him; "Sweetie this is the 'lovers suite' and we are supposed to be getting married in two day.""Seriously mom, where am I supposed to sleep. The couch out there is way too small.""Don't worry, Jack. That bed is big enough for both of us. I just hope you don't snore. You’re my handsome son and I don't mind sleeping in the same bed if you don't mind. You said you would help me fulfill my dream as much as you could."Jack looked into his mom's beautiful green eyes that were pleading for him to say yes. Jack couldn't refuse his mom and said "Well I guess you have a sleeping companion for this cruise."When they returned, the porter had poured two glasses of champagne. Sara gave him a generous tip and mother and son were left alone together in the lover's suite. Sara gulped down her glass and urged Jack to try a few sips. He really didn't care much for the drink but his mom obviously did and she poured herself a second and then a third drink. Sara was feeling good by now and suggested that they check out the hot tub in the bedroom. "I'll change in the bathroom and you can slip into your trucks right here. She dashed into the bathroom while he dug out his trunks and slipped them on. In a few minutes Sara emerged wearing the thong bikini she wore in the picture taken in Mexico. That image had provided him with hours of masturbation pleasure. Now the real woman, his mom, was in front of him. He couldn't stop staring at the perfect c cup breasts approaching him."Hey, sweetie, do you like what you see?" asked Sara."Mom, you are so beautiful and you have such a perfect body."A tent was quickly emerging under his trunks. "Jack it's nice to know that I can still arouse a handsome man even if he is my son."Sara grabbed his hand and they stepped together into the bubbling hot tub. After they sat down she leaned over and gave Jack a kiss that lasted for more than a few seconds. "Jack thanks for helping me carry out my dream by playing the role of fiancé. But I think for the rest of the cruise you should call me Sara. It will help me think I am really about to be married and people may wonder why a mom and son are sharing the 'lovers suite'. She leaned over again for a kiss and at the same time stroked his cock a few times through his trunks. "This is just a small thank you from a very happy mom."Jack didn't know what to think or say. He finally managed to say, "Thank you Sara."They spent the next hour talking about the cruise and the ports they would be visiting. Finally, Sara noticed the time on the clock with a look of panic. "Oh my God, we are going to be late for our dinner sitting and we still haven't shower. No time to waste. We'll shower together." She grabbed his hand and led him into the bathroom. "But mom I mean Sara. Moms and sons don't take showers together.""Well, when you were a little boy, we took showers together all the time. There is nothing to see I haven't seen before. And if you'll remember, you used to see me naked all the time."Jack complied and stripped off his trunks while Sara popped out of her thong bikini. Sara's breasts were amazing and she had obviously shaved her pussy clean in anticipation of her honeymoon. "Come on, sweetie we have to make this fast if we are going to eat dinner." She pulled him into the warm water of the shower. Jack was in an incestuous haze. Once again his cock went hard. "Jack, I don't know what we're going to do about your cock. Do you think you could jerk off now in the shower so we can enjoy dinner?""Ok Sara if you don't mind." So he started stroking his cock. He knew Sara was in a hurry so he increased his stroke rate. "Sara, this a pretty small shower. I might get some cum on you.""That's all right Jack. I am very used to cum on my body."Those words were enough for him to ejaculate stream after stream of cum onto Sara's breasts. "Good job sweetie. You have some real potential."Relieved Jack was able to lather, rinse and join Sara who was drying off in the bedroom. They quickly dressed and headed to the dining room holding hands. When the maître de asked for their room number, Jack assumed the role of husband and replied, "We are in the 'lovers' suite." He was a bit surprised that this rather young looking man could actually be married to this gorgeous woman. But his role was not to question and he seated them at a table for two."Well played Jack. You are really getting into the role of husband to be."He reached out for her hand held it softly and said, "It's easy Sara. You are a beautiful and sexy woman and I have always loved you." "Oh Jack that is the most romantic thing any man has ever said to me. And you know that I loved you from the moment you were born."They stared into each other's eyes. Jack didn't know if he was talking to his loving mother, the pretend bride to be or a future incestuous lover. He was hoping for the last option.They enjoyed a delicious meal and then explored the various decks of the ship. At ten, they headed back to the "lovers" suite. They decided it was time for bed. "Jack, I'm going to change into my negligee. Why don't you put on something more comfortable?" Sara disappeared into the bathroom he took out one of his silk boxers. He also took out his lube and placed it under his bed just in case.Sara came out of the bathroom smiling at her young son's stunned reaction. Jack knew that this ultra-sheer negligee that left nothing to the imagination had been purchased for the honeymoon.She slid into bed and invited him to join me."Jack, you have been so great helping me live out my honeymoon fantasy, I want to do something special for you tonight. I know you like to masturbate and I know my body turns you on so tonight I want to give you a hand job.""But mom isn't that considered incest?""No sweetie you would have to put your penis in my vagina before it would be considered incest."His cock was already for action. She helped him slip off his boxer and then she stripped off her negligee explaining she did not want any cum on it. Then she asked if he had any lube. A little embarrassed he reached under the pillow and handed her the tube. She squeezed some in her hands and rubbed them together. She wanted to make sure the lube went on warm.Sara wrapped her hand around his respectable six inch cock and started stroking. It would be a struggle not to come too soon. This was incredible. His own sexy 32 year old mother was giving him his first hand job for helping her fulfill her fantasy. In turn, she was helping him live out his fantasy. After 15 minutes of stroking, Sara complemented her son. "Jack, I'm impressed with your stamina. Most men can't go this long. You are going to be a great lover."And with those encouraging words, Jack ejaculated. Streams of cum hit Sara's face and breasts. His chest was covered with globs of cum. Sara smiled knowing how much pleasure she had given her son.Jack was in a state of ecstasy. He looked over and saw his mom take her finger and scoop up some of his cum and lick it off her finger. "Not bad tasting, Jack!""Thank you Sara. That hand job was incredible." Jack was really into helping make his mom's dreams come true so he continued, "I have read stories on the internet about how a man can use his tongue to stimulate a woman's clitoris. Would you like me to use my tongue on you?""Oh honey I would love that. My fantasy is getting better and better." Sara laid on her back and spread her legs wide. Jack moved into position and his tongue was quickly stimulating her clit. "Oh, Jack that feels so great. Stick your tongue into my vagina." He couldn't believe he was sticking his tongue into the same hole he came out of 16 years ago.After a half hour and three orgasms, the couple decided they needed to sleep. They held each other for a long time and shared a very long kiss. Then his mom said, "Jack you are the best thing that ever happened in my life. Without you, I would never be fulfilling this dream. Good night my love." When Jack and Sara woke up the next morning, the ship was in port, a private island in the Caribbean. They got up and headed for the shower. Once again Jack had a hard on. "Don't worry honey, I'll take care of it. She lathered his cock and as they enjoyed a long kiss under the warm water, she stroked him till he ejaculated.Since they would be spending the whole day on the beach, they just had to wear swim suits and bring along the tanning lotion. Sara of course wore her skimpy thong bikini. Jack spent the day admiring his mom's body. No fat, no cellulite. Her skin was so smooth she could easily pass for a woman in her early twenties. Jack had had a growth spurt in the last six months and now was several inches taller than his mom even when she wore heels. Although they were a beautiful couple, other passengers still wondered about the very young looking husband in the 'love suite".After, a day on the beach, they were ready to go back to the suite and sit in the hot tub. Sara brought up the fact that tomorrow was the day she had planned to be married by the ship's captain. She explained that the Captain could not really marry them, it was just a reminder of the old days when ship captains had that authority. The real marriage ceremony was performed by a minister in one of the ports. She asked Jack, "Would you be willing to go through the marriage ceremony with me tomorrow?"Jack replied with a smile, "If you are asking me to marry you, the answer is yes."Sara was so excited she started to cry, but they were tears of joy. "Jack that would make my fantasy almost come true."That night after they had explored a few comedy clubs and bars on the ship, they returned to their room. After a half hour in the hot tub, they were relaxed. They got up and toweled off. There was no talk of boxers or negligee. Jack and Sara, mother and son were perfectly comfortable in the nude. "Jack you have been so good to me, I want to give you your first blow job." "Sara, are you sure that isn't incest?""No, Jack, until your cock goes into my cunt, there is no incest"Jack laid back with an erection already in place and prepared for Sara's mouth and tongue. He propped his head up with a pillow so he had a good view.She teased the tip of his cock with her tongue. Then she put her lips over his cock and started sucking. Not many 16 year old boys had a sexy 32 year old mother willing to give them a blow job. Jack had learned some self-control and he was able to go twenty minutes before he was ready to explode."Sara, I'm ready to come. I'm afraid I 'm going to dump a pretty big load in your mouth." He moaned with pleasure when he ejaculated. Thankfully, his mom had no problems swallowing the bursts of cum.When she was done licking the last of the cum from Jack's cock, she lifted her head up to kiss him. This kiss was different. It included his mom's tongue and a slightly salty taste that must have be a remnant of his cum. Sara looked at her son with a sly smile and said, "You know honey there is a way we can give each other pleasure at the same time. It's called the 69 position. I would suck your cock while you use your fantastic tongue on my clit. To tell you the truth. I have never tried this position before. Jack, you would be my first."Jack was overwhelmed. His mom wanted him, her own son, to be the first to try a sexy form of mutual masturbation. They quickly worked out the body mechanics and soon Jack and Sara were licking and sucking each other to three rounds of mutual orgasms. Jack thought he better enjoy tonight. This was probably the closest he would ever come to fucking his mother for real. All that was left was cock into vagina, and that would cross the line into incest.Mutually exhausted they collapsed on the bed. They needed to sleep. Sara reminded him that tomorrow was a big day. Tomorrow they were getting married by the ship's captain. After a very long and passionate kiss they fell asleep.When they woke up they were in another Caribbean beach. They decided they would pamper themselves and spend the day in the spa. Since they were staying in the 'loves suite' the staff assumed they were married or about to be married on the cruise. So there was no question when they asked for a couples changing room. After they had stripped naked, Sara said, "Sweetie, I want to give you a little prenuptial gift." And with that she dropped to her knees and started sucking his hardening cock. Once more Jack was in ecstasy. If only, he could fuck his mother for real. But he knew that if they crossed that line they would be committing incest.After sucking her son dry, they put on their robes and began a day of massages, tanning and manicures. Late in the afternoon, Sara grabbed her son and after a long kiss said," Honey, I'm going to stay a while longer and have my hair and makeup done. Go have some fun for a while and then pick up your tuxedo in about an hour. But I am going to ask you to leave the room for a while so I can change for the ceremony."Jack followed his mom's instructions. After wondering around the arcade for a while, he picked up the tuxedo and went back to the suite. It was perfect fit. As requested, he left the room and wondered the decks for a while. Every woman he saw gave him an admiring, if not alluring smile. After an hour, he decided it was safe to go back to the suite. To be sure, he knocked on the door and he could hear his mom say, Come on in, Jack."He opened the door and could not believe the vision before him. His mom looked like a model from a bride's magazine. She was wearing a very low cut, lacey dress that accentuated her already fantastic boobs. Her face simply glowed. Her hair and makeup were perfect."Sara, you look incredible. Beyond incredible. You look like a twenty year old bride.""Well, honey you look pretty sharp in that tuxedo. You could easily pass for 18. So don't think we'll shock the captain too much. I'd give you a kiss, but I don't want to mess up my make up."It was time to head to the wedding chapel. As they walk the interior decks, heads turned to look at the handsome groom and the beautiful bride who were about to be married. When the Captain entered the chapel he explained to the couple again that this was not an official ceremony, but they still were given a fancy certificate that commemorated this wedding day and declared that Jack Blake and Sara Blake had been married by the ship's captain.Then the captain began the ceremony, "Dearly beloved..." Jack didn't pay attention much to the captain's words. All he thought about was his gorgeous mom next to him and all of the sexual pleasures they had shared over last two days. He wished that this was a real marriage ceremony and that he could be with Sara for the rest of his life.He mind came back to reality when the captain asked, "Jack do you take Sara to be your wife, to hold and to love, till death do you part?"He looked into Sara's eyes, smiled and said a resounding, "I do."The captain turned to Sara and asked, "Sara, do you take Jack to be your husband, to hold and to love, till death do you part?"With a warm and loving voice, she answered, "I do."At that moment both Jack and Jack realized that their relationship had changed forever. But neither knew at that moment how far it would go.The captain continued and informed Jack that his bride had dropped of their wedding rings this afternoon. "I would now ask you to place the rings on each other's finger as a token of your love and commitment."In silence they took the rings and placed them on each other's ring finger. They stared into each other's eyes trying to decide what the other was thinking. This was no longer a son trying to help his mom fulfill a dream fantasy. This was a couple who would have to decide if they would consummate a loving but still incestuous relationship.Then the captain looked at them and said, "I now declare you man and wife. Jack you may kiss your bride."Jack took his mom into his arms and they shared a long and passionate kiss.They had entered the chapel as mother and son but the captain had just declared them man and wife.They then enjoyed a romantic dinner in a small room reserved for special occasions. Although only nine o'clock both wanted to return to the suite and satisfy each other.When they got to their door, Sara said, "Honey, will you carry me across the threshold?"Jack had no problems lifting his 115 pound bride into his arms and carrying her into the "lovers" suite. Once inside they discovered that the captain had sent ahead a bottle of champagne with two glasses.Jack poured two glasses. For one night, he was willing to fulfill all of the wedding traditions and toast his new bride. After the last sip, Jack picked up his mother again and carried her into the bedroom. They took turns undressing each other. Then Sara took the bobby pins out of her hair and let it flow down to her shoulders. Then she said, "Jack you don't have to worry about the makeup anymore. And with another passionate kiss they fell into bed."Both looked at each other not knowing what was going to happen next. Sara broke the silence and said, "Jack the last few days have been the best of my life. I thought this was going to be just a few days at sea with a loving son helping me live out a honeymoon dream. But, I found the man I love and want to be with for the rest of my love my own son. But the only way we can do this is too make love, incestuous love. Are you willing to cross the line tonight and make love to me?"Jacks heart skipped a few beats. His mom, the women he loved beyond belief, was asking him to cross the line and make incestuous love with her. "Sara, I have dreamed of making love to you this entire cruise. I really want you to be my wife and share our lives together.""Jack I want to make love with you tonight, but I have to tell you something before we begin. Last Friday, I went to my doctor and had my IUD removed. You see Jack I always wanted to have another baby and a secret part of my fantasy was trying to get pregnant on my wedding night. Once we get back home, I will see my doctor and have the IUD put back in. Until then, you are going to have to wear a condom.""But Sara I don't have any condoms. I never expected to be making love to you on this cruise."Sara hesitated for just a second but then said, "I'm willing to take a chance if you are, it's only one night."Jack smiled and said, "You bet I'm willing to take a chance. I want to lose my virginity to the sexiest woman on this ship." And the lovemaking began. They started out with a little sucking and licking but both wanted to move right to intercourse. Jack got on top of his mom and she guided his cock to the entrance of her vagina. In a sexy voice she told Jack, "Honey I am not a virgin and I am very well lubricated. Stick your penis in me and thrust as hard as you want."Jack couldn't believe what was about to happen. He stuck his cock in her love hole which was immediately surrounded by the warmth and moisture of her vagina. The same vagina that had received his father's sperm and fertilized an egg that developed into a baby named jack. The very same vagina he passed through sixteen years ago on his way to being born.Jack started pumping his cock slowly at first. His mom's vagina was firm but not tight. At Sara's urging he picked up his pace and was thrusting as hard as he could. Sara was obviously enjoying the sex based on her moaning and the repeated requests for more. After ten minutes he felt a new sensation. It felt like his mom's vagina was rippling and clamping down on his cock. Sara literally screamed, "Jack, I am having an orgasm!" After it passed Jack kept on thrusting until he was ready to burst.He yelled, "Sara, I am about to come!" His mom pleaded for him to hold on a few more seconds.Jack was able to hold on till he felt her orgasm and then he released his load. He thought about all of his incestuous sperm swimming to his mother's womb searching for an egg to fertilize. He secretly hoped that one would succeed. If Sara got pregnant with his baby, he knew they would be together forever.After a little rest, Jack was ready for another round of lovemaking. Sara suggested that she be on top this time and Jack readily agreed. She eased herself down on him till his cock completed disappeared. Sara said to Jack, "Just lay back sweetie. I'll do all the work."Jack liked this position. He was able to reach up and fondle her breasts while she moved her cunt up and down his pole. They managed to go for another half hour until they reached another mutual climax.After another break Jack was ready again. Sara looked at her son and said, "I have a secret I've never told anyone. Honey, I have never had anal sex. In a way, I guess I'm still a virgin. I promised not use that hole for sex until I found the right lover. Obviously, now that you’re my husband you should be my first. Will you take my virgin ass."Jack thought this night could not get any sexier. Now she was asking for him to insert his cock up her ass. "Of course I want to be the first to fuck your ass.""Jack, if you still have the lube it might be helpful to put some on your cock. I am probably pretty tight down there."Jack found the tube in the nightstand and generously lubed his cock. In the meantime, Sara flipped over on to her stomach. She put a pillow under her hips so Jack had ready access to Sara's last virgin hole.Jack's cock was rock hard in anticipation of this new sexual experience. He moved it to her hole and asked, "Are you ready, Sara."She nodded and said, "Just be gentle at first Jack till I get used to your cock up my butt." Jack pushed his cock in. He slowly pumped in and out. His mom was trying to relax her muscles so that Jack could enter her. Progress was slow but finally his cock was allowed in and he pumped a little harder. Sara finally said, "Go ahead and go all the way. I 'm used your cock now and my muscles are relaxed. Go ahead and thrust you cock in me."His lubricated cock was easily going in and out and he was enjoying a new hole in his mother. After ten minutes, he ejaculated his last load of the night. They were both tired and needed sleep.Before he fell asleep Jack reflected on all that had happened between him and his mother the last few days. Most importantly he had married the woman he loved and that same woman, his beautiful mother, had taken his virginity on their wedding night.The next morning, the couple had to rush to shower, dress, pack and leave the ship by 11:00 am. The same porter who had helped them with their luggage at the beginning of the cruise was there again to help again. He complemented the couple on their weddings rings and asked if they had enjoyed their honeymoon. Jack responded with a smile, "It was way more than we expected."Jack and Sara had a full day ahead before they could enjoy another night of more incestuous sex. First stop and first priority was to purchase a bigger bed for Sara's now their bedroom. They picked out a queen bed and the salesman assured them that it would be delivered at 6 o'clock and the deliveryman would haul away both of the old beds. They found a store next store and picked up queen sized linen.Next, they headed to the DMV so Jack could take the road and obtain his driver's license. After that Jack took over the wheel and drove them to a drug store so Jack could purchase some condoms. Jack was resigned to the fact that he would have to use them until his mom had her IUD back in place.They arrived back home just as the furniture truck arrived. The two delivery men quickly removed the old beds and assembled the new bed. They were gone in less than a half hour. Sara then put on the new bedding in anticipation of a marathon session of lovemaking tonight. For dinner, they had a pizza delivered which they quickly devoured. Both were anxious to break in the new bed with a night of sex.They decided to take a quick shower together and then head straight for their bedroom. When they reached the bedroom door, Jack picked up his mom, carried her over the threshold and then gently laid here on their bed. "Sara, I love you and now we can begin our lives as husband and wife in the bed that we share."Jack's cock was hard and ready for action. But Sara reminded him of the need for a condom.""But I've never put on a condom. Will you help me?"Sara, opened the box of condoms, ripped one off, tore open the package, and told Jack to lay on his back."Good choice, sweetie. Ribbed and lubricated for my pleasure." She showed him the right way to put in down and the unrolled it down his cock.Jack frowned a little looking at his cock covered in rubber. She understood and told him," Honey, it's just for three weeks until I get my IUD back in. And for two of my three holes, you don't need a condom.Jack's face lit up with a smile.By morning, the floor by the bed was littered with a pile of used condoms. Jack and his mom were enjoying the incestuous life. For the next four days, the lovers seldom left the bed except to eat and take quick showers.But Monday finally came and they had to face reality. Sara had to go back to school and Jack was starting the first day of his sophomore year in high school. During first hour, he looked around the classroom and thought, "I bet I am the only boy in the school who married his own mother this summer and was able to have sex with her any time he wanted to."Over the next three weeks, the incest couple fell into a routine of work, school, dinner, TV followed by a night of incestuous sex. It was a life they both wanted and enjoyed.The day finally arrived for his mom to go to her clinic and have her IUD inserted. That morning he made love to his mother with a condom for the last time. In fact on his way to the bus he threw the rest of his supply into the garbage can. When he got home after school, Jack wanted to surprise his mom with a romantic welcome and hopefully a couple of hours of condom less sex. Last night, he borrowed the car and picked up a few surprises to make this lovemaking special. He went into their bedroom, pulled the shades down and closed the venetian blinds. He took out two dozen scented candles, placed them around the room and then he lit them. Next, he took out two bottles' of warming personal lubrication. Finally, he stripped and put on a pair of silk super low briefs. Jack looked into the mirror. His package looked pretty good and soon his mom would soon be enjoying its contents.Jack's timing was perfect; He heard his mom pull into the car port. He rushed to the back door to greet his lover. Jack was shocked that his mother was crying. She sobbed, "Oh Jack, I am so sorry", and then wrapped her arms around her almost naked son."What wrong mom?" This was the first time since the cruise that he slipped up and called her mom instead of Sara."That's the problem Jack. I am your mother." Jack could not imagine what the problem was. But then he said," Let's go into the bedroom and talk.""Okay, Jack we do need to have a long talk. I'll explain everything."Jack led his mom to the bedroom and opened the door. Sara was surprised and said, "Oh, Jack you did this all for me?""Yes, mom. I wanted this to be a special night. The night you are protected with your IUD and I no longer have to use condoms.""Oh Jack!" she cried. "The doctor couldn't put it in."A very disappointed Jack asked why. "Well sweetie, the doctor asked me if I had had unprotected sex after he had removed the IUD. I was honest and said only one night. The doctor said I would have to take a pregnancy test before he would insert it. I peed on the pregnancy test and a few minutes later he came back and told me I was pregnant. Jack, you are going to be a father. Are you upset?"Sara looked deeply into his mother's eyes and said, "Upset? Sara I was hoping on our wedding night that our first act of incest would make you pregnant. Not only am I your husband, I'm going to be the father of your baby.""Jack, you've made me the happiest woman in the world!"They decided to celebrate the good news with a few hours of passionate sex. Jack stripped his mother naked and Sara took off his briefs. After a quick rinse in the shower, the happy couple crawled into bed. Sara was impressed when Jack took out the bottles of personal lubrication. Sara poured some on his cock and gave it a few strokes. In turn, Jack dipped his finger into the other bottle and lubricated her vagina. And Jack was happy that his cock could completely enjoy his mom's warm and wet cunt.Jack needed no encouragement from Sara. He simply entered his mom with one stroke and started pumping. Within minutes, they were in ecstasy. As soon as Sara started her first orgasm Jack dumped his first load. He thought about all those little sperm swimming upstream, only to be met by a pregnant womb. The incest lovers fucked the night away.Eight months later, Jack was awaked by a very pregnant Sara, "Jack we need to go to the hospital. I think the baby is ready to come out."They dressed the best they could, grabbed a pre-packed bag and drove to the hospital. In the back, a car seat was ready to bring their baby home. "Jack, can you drive a little faster, my water just broke."Sara was timing her contractions and she knew this baby was coming fast. As soon as they arrived at the hospital, they took Jack and Sara to a delivery room. A half hour later, the midwife on duty announced that the baby's head was crowning. Jack watched intently. He wanted to remember every detail of his baby's birth. Then the miracle happened. A little boy slipped out of Sara's vagina. His baby had made the same trip he had made 16 years and 9 months ago. They were both father and son and brother and brother.Jack and Sara smiled at their son who had been created by an act of love and incest. Jack's only wish was that their next baby would be a girl so that his son might someday enjoy an incestuous relationship with a little sister.END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 75
Chapter One: GreetingI shall reveal to you the most unimaginable tale of woe ever conceived, a story of perversion. It is one of grief and overwhelming anguish woven into a fabric of sorrow. The fabric is worn by Mother Nature's own manifestation of surrender, a virgin without equal, Laura. I shall begin my story behind the ivied granite walls of the magnificent six hundred and sixty-nine room fortress, Chateau Paines Manor. Its twenty-three hundred acre estate is nestled ingeniously, high atop the steep man-made terraces of the otherwise jagged Black Mountains. It's a secluded citadel located in the southwest corner of North Carolina, at an elevation of fifty-seven hundred feet.From its side of the mountain the chateau has a splendid view, a panorama if you'll imagine. Let's begin in the north with Mount Mitchell, a majestic peak rising to sixty-seven hundred feet. This natural rock pinnacle is covered in beautiful spruce pine, a wondrous rolling sea of greens, or ocean of white snow. To the west and in the distance, the Appalachian Mountain Range crinkles by. It's an old gash with a long scar healing slowly on the bosom of mother earth. Its pearl, the Great Smoky Mountains, floats on its own sea of bluish gray clouds. It's a dreamlike scene from an almost unreal place. To the south, at a greater distance, one can see the steeply rising Orchard Mountains, and on a clear day, all the way to Montgomery, Alabama.This eighth wonder of the world was planned and built by the late Mr. Bigg Paines. He was a fire and brimstone bible thumping women's undergarment tycoon, libertine and insatiable voyeur. He died quite unexpectedly at the age of one hundred and thirteen. It happened while locked together with his female companion and wet nurse, in a complicated sexual position invented by the Chinese about 500 BC. His last breath was his granddaughter's first.His granddaughter, Laura, was born in her mother's bed, on that unseasonably cold and storm-laden night of April first, nineteen hundred sixty-nine. She emerged twixt a blinding flash of lightening, a deafening roar of thunder and the last gasp of her grandfather, Bigg Paines, before the end of midnight's first chime and morning's first moment.Keeping with a faith practiced by half the world's perverts, Laura was baptized. She was christened, Laura 'Lottsa' Paines, by Father Fransic Balonni. This sixty-nine year old ex-communicated Catholic priest was the toe-sucking slave to Laura's mother, the late Mrs. Betsey Paines. Laura was christened in October, baptized in the wonderfully dank chapel of Saint Judas Iscariot. The chapel is situated deep in the mountain, somewhere under the chateau. It serves as the entrance way to the winding catacombs of the Black Mountains and Paines Manor.Reele Paines and the late Betsey are Laura's parents. Reele is the late Mr. Bigg Paines only acknowledged male offspring. He's a devilishly handsome spoiled brat and utter cur, born with several silver spoons jammed down his throat and a silver butt plug jammed up you know where. He's had every worthless little thing handed to him from immense silver platters, supported and transported on the crooked backs of naked female peons. Indifferent to everyone, Reele is impassive with women, a drunkard and incurable gambler. You will find him lounging about at horse races and living in the gambling casinos of the world. He's dressed and scented by valets of impeccable taste, but is a connoisseur of revelry in his own right. Though he often can't find his way out of a john without help, he's a famous world traveler. He lives in denial and total excess, off the large trust funds left him by his father.Reele never knew his wife Betsey and met her only a few times. The first time was on their wedding day, the night Laura was conceived. Reele simply married when it was expected of him, meeting Betsey at the altar. While his mind wandered with the carelessness of a teenager, he closed his eyes and proceeded as father planned. He went through every motion and helped with conception. He fulfilled all obligations, and then disappeared as if nothing happened.Betsey Paines, nee Betsey Parton, was the daughter of Abigail Von Parton, a well poised but deeply passionate woman. Abigail came from a very old and established family from Kentucky. It was a family of haughty aristocrats, early settlers, freedom loving moonshiners and colorful statesmen. Abigail just happened to be one of Bigg Paines favorite mistresses, and together they spent many months, years, in deliciously scandalous debauchery within the comfortable confines of Paines Manor.Betsey considered herself a love child, a soiled flower, a weed in the Garden of Eden and lucky as sin. Like many females born to Paines Manor, Betsey grew up on its ether, in a dream, a fairy tale. She learned to dread venturing from the comforts and safety of its surroundings. Her fears endured through eighteen years of tender care and continued after she'd answered the door of opportunity. It was the 'tap-tap' of destiny and Betsey swung the portal open on the first knock. Then and there, without hesitation, she accepted Mr. Bigg Paines' unbeatable offer. She would marry his son Reele and bear him a grandson, or die trying. In reality, she delivered a granddaughter he'd never see. After that, her life became sweet and messy.Betsey died quite capriciously, while caught in the throes of passion. It was during one of her many secret trysts, with one of her many clandestine lovers. She developed the habit of acquiring and discarding men like shoes whenever Reele was absent, which was always. Seems Betsey was on her knees, in her favorite position, praying to Eros. It was the gardener this time that bucked and bobbed in her grasp while fidgeting around at his work.Betsey was looking forward to drowning in the mother of all orgasms, when the giant earth mover of a man suffered a charley horse of sorts. The very muscle Betsey devoured with so much greed exploded in spasms of violence and pain. The killer root lodged in her throat, suffocating the poor woman before its owner could extricate himself. This was on Christmas Day, nineteen hundred eighty-four. Betsey was buried on the first of January, in Barabbas Cemetery.The cemetery, like all the grounds, is beautifully manicured and well kept. It's situated on a small shaded terrace along the lower east forty acres of this vast mountain estate. Betsey had left Laura, her poor bewildered daughter, alone and at the mercy of wolves. A frightened child left teetering on the wrong side of a dark abyss, without a light, answers, or means of escape.Alas, poor Laura. Every horny fellow and madam who's heard of her loss wishes to possess this sweet delicious fifteen year old, alone with no knowledge of the world, its vices, lurking dangers and grotesque avenues. She's an innocent child in dire need of a mother's gentle advice now more than ever before, while adrift on a stormy sea of anguish and doubt.Laura was left alone to her own devices and those consisted of prayer. So she prayed as never before. She prayed day and night, through every meal, round laughter and tears, while relaxed and while nervous. She prayed and she prayed again and again, and always for the same thing. She prayed to be saved by a real life fairy tale knight in shining armor. She prayed for a conqueror who would appear out of nowhere riding a noble white charger that snorted aloud and galloped to thunder. A champion who'd rescue her from the cold, lift her from where she now knelt stunned and immobile, just a very small step from womanhood. She kept her hand extended for her hero to find, as she floundered alone in an ever changing array of emotional melee. She prayed while being sucked into a black hole devoted to extinguishing life.Problems aside, Laura's an authentic southern belle, plucked from the pages of Gone With the Wind, complete with the cutest southern drawl. She's a delicate flower petal of femininity, a whisper of a thing. She has long shimmering golden blond hair, brilliantly translucent green eyes and a tiny cut of a mouth with small thin lips, soft fillets in salmon pink. She has a dainty point of a nose and peaches and cream complexion. At just over five foot tall, Laura is a sleek slender creature, a frail object you could easily break. Her long limbs taper into thin delicate wrists and ankles. Now, before your imagination writes this lady off as a twig, rest assured she is yet a deliciously majestic figure. And that's because this poor girl's petite torso has been created by the masculine god of her religion. A maybe jealous, but surely devilish deity who's endowed her with a big round bouncy behind and an extremely firm, overly proportioned pair of breasts. The poor child carries these massive attributes around in noticeably piquant trepidation. In and around the manor, when you meant to say, "tits and ass," you said "Laura."For fifteen years Laura had been overly protected, kept safe and sound. She'd been wrapped in bliss, ignorance and a false sense of security, sheltered from the cruelties of real life. While hidden from Mr. Vulgarity's titillating warm embrace, Laura's languished more comfortably than any other person in history. Cleopatra, Queen of the Nile, couldn't have had it better. Laura's lived in a very pretty world of the finest everything. She's enjoyed the most exotic flowers and most exquisite foods. Her clothing is hand-stitched finery of imported silks, chiffon's, wools, satins and lace. Even her servants and handmaidens were chosen because they were born to serve. And the entire time she has lived as a prisoner in a large gilded cage of a room, under the authority of her mother's iron thumb, somewhere within the confines of Paines Manor.As a mother Betsey was stern, and raised her sworn virgin daughter to be poised, graceful and polite. She'd taught her to be feminine beyond all measure and unfortunately for Laura, obedient without question. Obedient without question or fault, and as pure and blameless as a newborn lamb. In this way, Betsey had hoped to preserve in her daughter, for her daughter and through her daughter, that which she herself had surrendered so many years earlier. 'Twas harsh repentance and a hopeless endeavor by a desperate hypocrite who hoped to provide her daughter the opportunity of meeting and marrying a real, hard working man. A gentleman who would appreciate, love, honor, and care for her daughter by providing her a real home, raising normal children. A family man, in a down to earth family neighborhood, far, far, far from Paines Manor's gentle intoxication.But now, Laura is to be pitied. She is one of a multitude stuck to a strange web. She's one of life's unfortunate victims, awaiting the spider and its casing, a cocoon from which none escape. She's left with a father she's never known, virtually without family and definitely without friends. She's lost somewhere in a giant fortress she knows nothing about, catered to by troops of faceless, nameless servants. Her continuing situation leaves little reason to seek answers, though she did at first. She tried venturing from her room a couple of times, but each time found herself followed continually. She was harassed by very aggressive individuals who thought nothing of approaching her while speaking in vulgarities she had no understanding of. She never ventured from her room a third time. Left with no other choice, Laura was forced on her father, the aloof, arrogant, give-a-damn Reele.Reele had neither the time, the appetite nor inclination to help, and came up with the easiest remedy he and his buddies could think of on the spur of the moment. It was only natural of Reele to act this way whenever he found himself burdened with what he considered an extremely bothersome task. The only difference was, this time the responsibility was thrust on him by his father's very powerful attorneys. Though he was forced to consider the problem and legal constraints, his mind stayed half way around the world, moving about constantly.The simplest answer for Reele was his sick aunt, Thelma. Though he was scared to death of her and always had been, everyone agreed the old crone would never pass up such a splendid opportunity, and the lawyers would imagine he'd made an honest attempt. Everything would be over by tomorrow and he'd be off to Monte Carlo. It was a perfect plan, and a messenger was sent to Thelma's room, while Laura was notified as well.To be continued...Archivist's Note: This author did not provide an email address so it will do the reader no good contacting the archive staff for further parts. Check back at a later time to see if there have been any updates to this story by the author.--------------------------------------------------------This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life in any way, shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any of the scenarios in this story should seriously consider seeking professional help.--------------------------------------------------------Kristen's collection - Directory 82
When we were a new couple, pretty young, 20 and 19, we had an insatiable appetite for sex. Even having kids very young did not slow down the wife and me. In some ways, it made us more adventurous, trying to find time to sneak away and get a little was an ongoing game. We lived near our parents and so on occasion, we would go camping together. This is the account of what happened one week we went camping with my mother in-law. We were staying in her small camper with our two kids and my wife's mother. She knew we were adventurous and always hand our hands on each other. Young dumb and full of cum they call it. One late evening, the kids were fast asleep and we lay on the tiny fold down bed in her camper talking. I was behind my wife and feeling frisky. At some point I must have begun rubbing my hips against my wife and it must have been obvious because her mother noticed. Rather than make something embarrassing out of it, she was real good at making it a fun joke. "Sheesh! Yu two, why don't you just go out and get that out of your system" she said. My wife looked back at me, and much to my surprise, she said "Ya, let's do." and jumped up. I followed my wife out the little door of the camper. It was very cold that night and the prospect of going out into the dark to freeze didn't appeal to us much. My wife guided me to the pickup, parked in front of the camper, lit only dimly by the light of the big bay window on the front of the camper. We crawled inside the pickup and my lovely wife proceeded to get naked. She encouraged me to pull my pants and underwear off and put her head in my lap. My wife sucked my raging hard-on in the pickup as I stared off into the darkness. When my erection was sufficiently hard she got on her knees on the front seat of the pickup and waved her rear end at me. I didn't hesitate to get on my knees and sink my cock into her waiting pussy. It wasn't long before I found myself bucking back and forth against her thighs. What a wonderful feeling. That's when she stopped pushing back against my hips. "Look, look right now." she said. I was too occupied with my own pleasures to listen. "No, look, she's watching us." I turned my gaze to the camper beyond the bed of the pickup and sure enough, there was my wife's mother, pressed against the large bay window of the camper watching me fuck her daughter. I paused for a few moments, looking to see if she was really doing what she was doing. Then I began moving my hips again. I found myself turned on by the idea that my mother in law was watching me, watching me have sex with her daughter. I found myself thrusting harder and deeper, trying to put on a good show. My wife put her head down and her hand between her legs, enjoying the ride. Eventually I couldn't hold out, I buried my shaft in my wife's pussy and shot a heavy load deep into her pussy. The whole event had really turned me on. We cleaned up and went in to bed. Not a word was spoken about what had happened, perhaps she didn't really know what we were doing or she was just worried about us. Who knows? The next day, the kids went down for a nap and my wife announced that her and I were going to go skinny dipping in the natural hot springs that are right down the path. This was a major part of the reason we stayed at this camping spot. The warm sulfurous water was a delight when it got cold. My wife and I gathered our towels and headed for the springs, a small pool maybe 8 feet across and only 4 feet deep or so. We stripped off our clothes and jumped in the hot water naked, more than a little horny from the night before. We had just begun to kiss and fondle each other under the water when my wife's mother came walking up the path with a swimsuit on and a beach towel under her arm. She looked at us in the water, holding each other and said "go ahead, it's not the first time I have seen two young people enjoying each other." My wife kissed me again before I felt her hand move back onto my erection. We masturbated each other and kissed for a long time. I was too scared to look at my mother in law in broad daylight as I fondled her daughter. Convincing myself she probably couldn't see anything anyway we worked each other up into a pretty horny state. I had to have her. "Should we just do it right here?" I asked my wife. "Yes" I pushed my wife to the side of the hot springs against a rock wall and put my hands under her legs. Lifting her against the wall to the height of my hips as I stood up. I inserted my hard dick into her pussy and began to fuck her for real. Her mother had to know what was going on now. She had a great view of my buttocks and her daughter gets wrapped around them as I thrust into her sweet pussy. The electric thrill I got out of knowing we were being watched as we made love was amazing, if not a bit strange knowing it was her mother. My wife started making little noises to go with the slapping splashing noises of the water as we made love. My wife held on to me with her arms as we fucked in that hot water on a wonderfully sunny day. Later my wife would tell me her mother watched us the entire time from the other side of the pool. Sitting in the water feeling the waves we made as we fucked.That was the first time we ever had sex in the presence of her mother or father, but it wouldn't be the last. END
The beach in Jamaica certainly lived up to the brochures. Kate and I walked along, hand in hand with the warmth of the Caribbean sun on our backs. The beach was moderately busy with other tourists but not too many as we were slightly off the tourist trail. The hotel complex we had chosen for our holiday, had beach bungalows which gave us straight access on to the beach without all the security that seemed to abound around some of the other hotels. There were around 20 bungalows and then the main complex of the hotel behind us. The bungalows were mainly occupied by younger couples like us.We must have walked about 2 miles along the sandy strip before getting to a wider section of beach which rose back into little dunes where one or two couples were sunbathing. Some traders were walking along selling their wares and a sprinkling of other black Caribbean guys were just hanging about chatting to the tourists and trying to mooch a cigarette or even a drink from the few foreigners. We noticed another couple from the hotel bungalows lying there and walked up to talk to them."Hi," I said, "I'm Matt and this is Kate; we recognise you from our hotel."Dave and Lynn introduced themselves as such. They looked about 28/29 and were lying in the nude but covered with towels to protect them from the sun. Their little dune was very private except from the "full frontal" aspect to the secluded beach and this is how we had seen them. This put them around three years older than us."We love it up here," they said, "you feel as though you are in Jamaica rather than just in a hotel complex which could be anywhere. We have been coming here every day since we arrived four days ago."We chatted until conversation started to dry and headed off. Kate and I decided it might be nice to get a cool box from the hotel and walk up here the next day to also enjoy the solitude.Next day we did just that and set up home just a little further up from where we had seen Dave and Lynn the previous day. We didn't want to interfere with their peace and quiet. We settled into a secluded dune and started to sunbathe. It was late morning and within about fifteen minutes we were approached by a young black guy who didn't seem to be selling anything, but just making conversation. He wasn't threatening in any way but he was a tall guy and had this habit of adjusting his cock in his shorts as he spoke. We chatted about home in Britain and then he wandered off. I commented to Kate about his fiddling and she said she was sure he had an erection!I stood up to see where he went and saw him about 300 yards up the beach standing and talking to Dave. He shook his hands as though he knew him and they chatted as they stood and also kept looking into the dune where I assumed Lynn was lying in the sun. I was about to lie down again when I saw the black guy walk into the dune and disappear. For a moment, I thought something was wrong but Dave's body language suggested differently as he stood over the entrance to the dune looking around and particularly looking in. I could only see his head and shoulders.I assumed the guy was selling something that Lynn wanted to see close up so really wasn't paying much attention as I stood and scanned the beach. I sat down again for about ten to fifteen minutes and when I stood up once more, I was just in time to see the black guy re-emerge and talk briefly to Dave before giving him a "hi-five" and heading off. Dave then went into the dune and that was it. I sat back down and thought nothing more of it. Kate was still reading and then looked up and smiled."Do you think black guys have much bigger cocks than white guys?" she suddenly said."Eh, they're supposed to," I answered. "Why do you ask?""I was just thinking about that guy who was talking to us about half and hour ago and he was kinda sexy," she continued.She went back to reading. We hadn't ever really done anything outside of marriage though we had talked a lot about it and, of course the talk had brought us both to orgasm on many a night."He had nothing to sell," I heard myself say."What?" said Kate."The black guy had nothing to sell." I repeated."I know," she said. "He was just being friendly.""He went in the dune with Lynn while Dave watched and he had nothing to sell." I was beginning to sound like a cracked gramaphone record."I'm lost," said Kate.I explained what I had just seen and the impact of what it might have been brought my cock to a very painful erection which did not go unnoticed by Kate."Are you turned on my the thought of watching Dave watch Lynn getting fucked by a black man, turned on that the same black man could have been fucking me, or turned on that Dave and Lynn might be swingers and we could perhaps do something with them?"My cock was now painful and I had to ease it out of the side of my swim trunks. "All of it," I said.She bent forward and took my cock in her mouth and gently sucked me while holding my balls. It took no more than 3 minutes before she was swallowing my cum. "That should ease things," she said.Next day, we headed out a little earlier and were in a dune slightly closer to where Dave and Lynn had been, but just past them. We had been quite wild in our fucking the previous night, charged with the thought of what might be happening around us. I spotted Dave and Lynn walking up the beach about 30 minutes later and we ducked down to lie and sunbathe. Kate and I decided to be naked but discreetly covered, as Dave and Lynn had been on the first day we saw them.Plan one was to wait and see if some local guy came along, plan two was to go up and talk to Dave and Lynn naked and hope to get them to play or, if we saw them start up, to walk up and catch them at it. Plan three was just to have public sex ourselves and hope to pick someone up as we did it.It was fully an hour after arriving that the same black guy walked up with a smaller friend. I took a good look at him as he approached. He was about 6 feet 2 inches, broad built with tight black hair, a fair sprinkling of gold jewellery and whiter than white teeth. His shorts were off white, spotlessly clean and showed a sizeable bulge. He looked to be about 32 or so. His friend was considerably younger and I would have put him as about 18 or 19. He was also quite tall, say about 5 feet 11 inches, but much thinner. He was wearing hideously bright, baggy surf shorts and a white vest. He was a very attractive young black and had matching dazzling teeth!Having been rebuffed the previous day, they were heading past us with just a wave, when the older guy realised Kate and I were naked. He swerved over to talk, bringing his friend. After a brief introduction when I think I caught his name as Winston (it would have to be, I suppose) and his friend a very plain Joe, they started to make small talk about how much they loved this beach with all the beautiful white women. Kate was lying quite demurely with her hand just covering her sex and the guys continued their light conversation about how long had we been together etc.I felt my cock start to rise and attempted to cover it but the more I did, the harder it got. The situation was so heavily laden with innuendo and Winston kept adjusting his shorts. I could see his cock outline clearly and it looked impressive. He looked at Kate and said to me, "I bet she's a noisy one when she is being laid.""She can be," I replied."You gonna do her with that after we go then," he said nodding to my stiff 7 inches.I took the plunge and hoped I was correct. "Not unless you do her first.""You want some black cock ma'am?" he said.Kate just uncovered her front and exposed her slit. He knelt in front of her and parted her cunt lips with his black hands and pushed his tongue into her slit. She was already panting. The young guy was smiling, his white teeth dazzling as he watched and caressed the front of his shorts."Joe's going to fuck her for me," said Winston. "He needs to get a white woman as he's never done one."Joe dropped his pants and exposed a ramrod straight hard, circumcised cock. For an 18 year old it was an impressive 8-incher. I grabbed a condom from my bag and handed it to him and watched as he stretched it over his cock. There was going to be little preamble, I could see. Winston stood up and let Joe kneel between Kate's legs. She held herself open as his cock, inexpertly entered her. He raised her legs way over her head and started to pump her.Winston stood up and dropped his shorts to reveal a dick that must have been all of 10 inches. It bent slightly to the left as he wanked. "You like it?" he said to me."Fine piece of meat," I replied."You give head?" he asked."Me?!" I spluttered."Get down and suck me while Joe fucks your wife," he said.I wasn't really sure though the thought of lubricating the monster that was going into Kate appealed to me. I dropped to my knees and started to suck it. I couldn't manage much at first but he started to pump the brute into my face and my saliva was noticeable against the black skin. I was really horny.Kate was gone! She was gasping as Dave fucked her quite enthusiastically. All caution had gone as we continued and I had stopped checking the beach for passers by. I heard a voice. "So you're providing the entertainment for them today?"It was Dave and Lynn watching us. Dave's shorts were tenting which suggested they had been there for a good few minutes. "Mind if we watch?"Joe was obviously cumming in Kate as he groaned and pumped more slowly. Kate was completely oblivious to the audience. Winston pulled his cock away from me, grabbed a condom and stretched it with much difficulty over his cock head. He knelt between Kate's legs and pushed his cock into her. His bulk hid us from her so she was still unaware she was being watched by Dave and Lynn. "Nice meat," said Lynn as she fondled my balls. "I hope I might be rewarded later for letting you share our secret lover!" She nodded towards Winston who was hammering quite violently into Kate. "He won't last long," she continued knowledgably. She was right. Basically all Winston did was enter Kate, fuck her about a dozen strokes and empty his balls into her. The condom head sagged with the weight of cum as he pulled out.Kate saw Dave and Lynn and looked suddenly embarrassed. Lynn took control quickly, sensing her awkwardness. "Since you stole my fuck partner Kate, Matt has agreed to substitute for him later if Dave can lose his cock in there," she pointed to Kate's gaping cunt. At that she turned and as she left called back and said, "Meet you in the bar at 9.00 tonight."Winston tucked his meat back in and mumbled a thanks. "She's a mean fuck," he said. "My mates love white cunt and they'll be pretty envious of this one so expect some interest in her while you're here." At that, they left.I knelt in front of Kate and licked her wide open cunt. The smell of sex, and the liquid from her natural lubricant were an aphrodisiac to me and a stroke at my hard cock brought me off pretty quickly. "I love the taste of used cunt," I said to her."I could get used to having it used," she said."Which villa are you in?" asked Winston.We gave him our number and he suggested that he might pop round after 11.00 with another friend if we were interested. I pointed out that we were meeting Dave and Lynn and he just said, "Do you want her filled with black meat or not?"I meekly nodded to which he "hi-fived" me and said, "See you later."We had an early meal and met Dave and Lynn shortly before 9.00 at the bar. Lynn looked really sexy in a short white dress with her white flimsy bra and pants clearly showing through and the white contrasting against her warm golden tan. The thought that I might be fucking her in an hour or so got me really horny. The conversation was light initially but slowly came round to the episode on the beach. Dave said that the scenario they had witnessed was exactly the same as had happened to them on Day 2 of their stay. Dave had done nothing at all but just watch Winston fuck Lynn on Day 2 and Day 4 of their stay. He told me he had found it highly erotic. They went on to say that they had just started swinging about 3 months previously and the beach they were on had been mentioned to them by a couple they had swopped with recently. That is why they had booked the late holiday to Jamaica.I pointed out that we had never swung, though we had not only talked about it, but frequently had sex fantasising about it. I had to confess to Dave that watching had almost been as much enjoyment as doing. He agreed. I quickly cleared up any confusion about my sexuality and the fact that he had caught me with my mouth wrapped round a black cock."Hey," he said, "When you swing, you have to take what comes at you. If you had said six months ago that I would ever have been turned on by another man's cock I would have punched you in the nose. Now I have done a few things with guys that I can't believe but sometimes it just seems right in the circumstances and, of course a lot of the guys we meet are bisexual so almost expect a bit of cock too."I was amazed at his honesty but it helped me understand my actions of the morning. I told Dave about Winston's invitation for tonight. He told Lynn and we jointly agreed to grab some wine and beers and head to our villa for around 10.00 and start something regardless. I couldn't wait to get my hands on Lynn and was aware that my cock had been hard throughout the entire conversation.Back at the villa, it took a few visits to the toilet to "freshen up" and some small talk and a couple of drinks before Dave went over and lifted Lynn's dress up, pulling her briefs down. I caught a glimpse of hair before her skirt dropped back down again but the "V" of brown hair was very noticeable. He unclipped her bra so she was standing in an almost transparent dress.Kate was in white dress shorts with a rather smart coloured t-shirt which showed her best assets, her tits. What she did next amazed me. She walked over to Dave, put her hands straight on the front of his cotton trousers, unzipped him and pushed her hand inside. He turned and kissed her. I wasted no time and headed for Lynn. I kissed her warmly while my hand explored her legs and upward to finger the folds on her cunt. She was wet. I popped her shoulder straps off and her dress top flopped to her waist exposing her tits. They were smaller but much firmer that Kate's and my lips soon found her nipples. They were rock hard and I alternated back and forth from left to right. I glanced across to Kate and was excited to see her fully naked in front of a still dressed Dave, whose erect 6 inches or so were sticking out of his trousers. She dropped and took his cock in her mouth. He loved it.I took the cue and quickly stripped naked, while Lynn did likewise. I laid her on the large queen size bed and opened her legs to lap her cunt with my tongue. She was breathing in short gasps. Dave decided to do the same to Kate and I looked across at him as she lay naked with her legs wide open and Dave lapping between them, his short and thick, hard cock swaying straight out from his body. We almost copied each other as I climbed up Lynn to stick my cock in her mouth while pushing my knees on both of her shoulders and we were both kneeling there each on top of a women, side my side with our cocks being sucked,"I'm going to love watching you fuck her Dave," I said. "Please don't cum too soon though just in case Winston does decide to pay us a visit."The condom stretched over my cock and at last, I was entering a strange cunt. She was slightly wider than Kate and very soft and velvety. My cock entered without any resistance and I was soon in her up to my balls. Dave had Kate doggy fashion and was entering her from behind as he softly fucked her. "Nice tight pussy here Mate," he said. The women loved the fucking and more than once I had to stop and wait till my impending orgasm subsided. I felt like I was watching a film. Both of us just fucked relentlessly for around 25 minutes, turning the girls over her and there for a better position. I heard Kate cum and she grabbed Dave's buttocks as she climbed to her usual, normal, noisy peak. Dave actually succeeded in bringing her off twice and also told us twice that he was almost ready to shoot, but held back. Lynn managed one orgasm while I fucked her from behind, my cock twisting around inside her as I tried to grip her wider than normal cunt. I had a distinct feeling that Kate was enjoying Bill's slightly thicker cock than Lynn was mine.After about 30 minutes, we stopped and poured ourselves drinks. My erection did not subside and I noted neither did Dave's. The women absent-mindedly sat on opposite chairs fingering their recently fucked cunts while drinking wine. I heard shuffling at the door and a gently knock. I brazenly walked across stark naked and swung the door open to find Winston's smiling face. "Quick man, before security come back round," he said as he ran into the room following by two other guys.For one moment, apprehension hit me in case they had other intentions but their body language reassured me."I told my buddies here there was white, willing cunt and they begged to join me," he said. "I see you started without us but we'll make sure the girls get real man meat."Lynn was positively drooling at the prospect as the guys, still fully dressed, sat down and popped a can of beer each. Winston introduced the guys as Daz and Jimmy. Daz was a thin wiry young man who could have been 17 but I figured might be older, and Jimmy was a thicker set guy with a small beard and black as coal. All I could see what the sparkling white of his teeth. All three of them kept rubbing the front of their shorts and pronounced bulges were visible."You girls going to lick each other for us," said Winston and continued, "as it really gets me going."Kate looked slightly afraid at the prospect but it was obvious the request was not so odd to Lynn as she dropped quickly to her knees between Kate's legs and started to lick her wet cunt. Slowly Kate's legs opened as she looked at me with a "what else can I do" look.I knew what it was doing to me and my cock was absolutely rigid. The guys started to strip. The big surprise was Daz, the young lad, whose semi-erect cock slung low between his legs and even in that state looked about 8 or 9 inches long. It wasn't as big as Winston's and Dave's looked tiny. The other guy had about 7 inches but his cock sprung out of curly black hair and was extremely thick, even by Dave's standards. Winston dropped behind Lynn and started to lick her buttocks, his tongue straying quickly down to her hole. This guy was no shrinking violet.Jimmy was stroking his meat as he walked forward, climbed on the bed and walked round to Kate, sticking his cock in her mouth. She loved it. I noticed that Winston was already pulling on a condom and going for Lynn's cunt from the back as she still licked Kate. He was going to fuck her doggy fashion. The young lad just stood and wanked his cock gently as did Dave and I. Jimmy flipped Kate over and raised her legs. A rubber was stretched over his cock and he started to enter her. She had some problems in getting him in and resisted a few times before he entered. Soon the room was filled with ecstatic sounds as both women were being humped solidly.I was standing next to Daz and looked at him, smiling. He smiled back and I looked down at his big cock hanging above his normal size balls and dropped to my knees. I took the cock from his hands and put my mouth over it. The lad looked a little surprised but I assume as there was nowhere else to put it, he allowed me to suck. It was slightly salty and was leaking clear precum but the hard monster was a delight to suck. Dave went over and stuck his cock in Lynn's mouth while she was being fucked from behind.The room was filled with the women's wails as each thrust entered them Both guys were gripping tits in a pretty violent way but Kate seemed to enjoy the aggressive sex. When Jimmy pulled out for a rest I guided Daz over and gently spread Kate's legs upwards in a "V" shape. She looked like a televison aerial! "Fuck her," I said.The condom was a struggle and between us, I managed to stretch it over his cock. I held it firmly as Kate waited and I guided the young lad into her. He edged an inch at a time and each push brought a sharp intake of breath from Kate. I went behind her to stick my cock in her mouth and hold her legs up and back to let the full length of his big dick into her. Somehow she took the entire cock and he started a steady rhythm. I noticed that the others had stopped and were watching.Lynn said, "I want that too!"Daz was inexperienced but had the stamina of an ox as he pumped into Kate. The sounds were like pain as he hammered her cunt with the brute and the close up of her cunt lips stretching to accommodate it was an image I will never forget. Winston, by now had pushed me away and was at her head with his beast in her mouth, hammering at her. Jimmy knelt at her side and she gripped his cock in her hand. I choreographed Dave to keel at her other side so she could grip his cock with her other hand. Two cocks in her and one in each hand. I slipped my little digital camera out and took a quick snap expecting complaints but as none came, I took a few more.Lynn, asked me to fuck her again so we went to the couch and I shagged her as hard as I could. This time she came much quicker. My thrusts were harder and more urgent and I assumed she was anticipating Daz.Winston called her over and I pulled out. She lay alongside Kate and lifted her legs in the same position as her. Daz pulled out and inexpertly thrust his cock straight into Lynn without thinking. She screamed and the thought of his entry made my eyes water. He tried to pull out but she dug her nails into his back and forced him to keep fucking. This was getting wild with both women lying there like fuck sluts. There was no affection, no kissing, no tenderness, just two wide open cunts being fucked time and time again. Winston was already into Kate and fucking her and Jimmy once more was sticking his cock in any of the two mouths that would have it. Once more I climbed up and kissed Kate while he sucked him, taking his cock in my mouth as I did so. Dave climbed up alongside him and Kate and I alternated between cocks. I rubbed the two cock heads together and Dave instantly spurted cum in thin jets over Kate's face and into my mouth. I kept rubbing his cock head against Jimmy and he shot too, Thick white dollops of cum splodged on to Kate and into her mouth and I managed to put my mouth briefly over the head to taste some of it.As though they other two guys thought it was a precedent, the pulled out, ripped off their condoms and decided to give Kate their loads too. Daz had all the exuberance of youth and his cum was copious and thin. Great jets poured out hitting Kate in the hair, forehead, cheeks, tits and mouth. Again I slurped the remains and while I was doing it another warm spray hit my face from Winston. I came too with the warm remains of four guy's seed in my mouth and on my face.We collapsed backwards on to the bed."Cool man," said Winston and he pulled his shorts on accompanied by his buddies. He looked quickly out of the door and they all disappeared with a wave and a "see you."Kate lay splattered in cum and all four of us burst into laughter.We didn't have any of the guys again though we did have Dave and Lynn twice during our stay. Another older black guy visited our dune one day and Kate got to suck his cock but he came far too quickly for us to derive any great pleasure from it.The essence of the story is that now we are home, Dave and Lynn visit us regularly and we have a small group of other like-minded couples both local to us and also at Dave and Lynn's when we visit them. Our sex life has perked up and we can't wait for our next holiday and the possibilities it might
I pulled the car into the driveway and turned the engine off and just sat starring at the garage door thinking about what I had just done. My pussy was throbbing and felt sore from screwing Jake. I used the douche that Kathy had given for me to use but I still felt dirty inside. I was worried. I was worried that just a speck of that huge load that Jake had shot into me was still inside my pussy somewhere. The way they had kept my legs up into the air made me think his sperm had reached my deepest area of my womb searching to plant its egg inside me. Maybe it was already done! Maybe I was already pregnant!A black baby! Jake's Baby! What would I tell John? I felt almost as if I was glued to the driver's seat as I just sat there starring at the garage door. I was frozen, just couldn't move my body from behind the wheel as I thought about Kathy telling me she wanted to involve my husband next time.I'd have to put my foot down about involving my husband. He'd divorce me if he ever found out I had screwed a black man! God! I have to get in the house and douche again! Now Before it's too late! Maybe it's too late!I don't know!My body seemed to break free and I rain into up the front walkway and unlocked the door and tossed my purse on the sofa as I slipped out of my dress and ran into the bathroom. I searched inside the cabinet and found my douche and a bottle of scented flush and filled the bag with warm water and sat down and sprayed the tiny hose inside my pussy.I repeated this several times until I felt confident enough that I had cleaned out every last seed that had been pumped into me today. I took a long hot shower. When I had finished, I was drying myself off in front of the mirror and wrapped the towel around my head.The mirror was still fogged but I was noticing tiny red marks on my breasts and hurriedly ran into the bedroom to get a better look. I walked up to the full length mirror and pushed my tits as close to the glass as I could and saw the tiny bit marks that Jake had put on my tits.There were dozens on little red marks all around my breasts! How could I hide these from my husband? What would he think? Mosquito bits? No, not this many! Not focused around my nipples! He's not stupid!I could hear my cell phone ringing in the front room so I hurried out and grabbed it out of my purse. It was my husband John saying that his meeting was canceled and he would be home in an hour. I hung up the phone and got dressed in shorts and a black top that covered my breasts as much as I could. I freshen up as best as I could and applied my makeup. John said he wanted to go to a late dinner. Nothing fancy so I dressed as casually as I could and tried to appear as if I hadn't got screwed that afternoon.I used the douche and showered but I still felt dirty and guilty about what I had done that afternoon. We needed the money really badly and I hope it was worth the trouble I had done.The money! Kathy hadn't paid me this afternoon!I'll call her and ask about the money. Yes. I'll call her right now and also mention to her I can't tell my husband.I dialed the number and waited. Kathy answered the phone."Kathy. This is Calico.""Oh, Hi they're, sweetie! I was just talking about you on the phone with Jake a few minutes ago. I wanted to tell you how pleased with your performance this afternoon.""Um. Kathy. You forgot to pay me this afternoon and I wanted to find out when we can get together so I can get paid?""Yes. I was going to give you a call and tell you I'd be over at your house tomorrow around 10 in the morning. I presume your husband will be gone to work at that time?""Uh. Yes. John will be gone and I wanted to speak to you about what you had mentioned before we left the hotel this afternoon.""Good! I'm glad he'll be gone. Now what were you going to mention about your husband to me?"I swallowed hard as I tried to reply to Kathy's question."Kathy. I don't want to involve my husband with any of this. I only agreed to do these films for the money and don't ever want my husband to find out."I could hear Kathy laughing."Oh. Don't worry about that Calico. I was just kidding about using your husband in our next film. I didn't mean to get you worried. Um. I'll be at your house around 10AM and will pay you with cash.""Oh. That will be great and I'll have coffee for you waiting when you get here.""That will be fine! I will see you around 10? Oh. Don't get dressed up or anything. If you're still wearing your house coat or nightie when I arrive, that would be fine. Um... As a matter of fact. Stay in your nightie until I get there and maybe we can talk and plan something to do together.""OK. I'll see you in the morning. Bye."I felt relieved now that I had spoken to Kathy. She seemed to be very agreeable too not getting my husband involved in any of this. How could she even consider that I tell my husband any of this in the first place?Well. She mentioned that she was just joking around so I leave it at that! John was on his way home and I had to get ready. Mentally! John arrived home and seemed so happy tonight but didn't explain why until we were having dinner. He had got a promotion and huge raise in his salary. He knows how worried I had been about money and only wished I could tell him the truth about what had happened today.I played it in my mind as I sat there eating and thinking. "Honey. I got myself a job as an amateur porno star and did my first movie with a black man today. He shot his seed inside me, but don't worry about getting pregnant or any deceases because I had used a douche on myself really well afterward." I looked up at my husband and saw he was smiling at me and returned the smile as I ended that thought in my head.We had a few glasses of wine after dinner and I felt relaxed after such a stressful day. It was late when we got home and I changed into my black nightie forgetting about the red bit marks on my breasts until John walked into the room naked and put his arms around me giving me a long passionate kiss.John's cock was poking into my belly and I knew he was horny. If I could only tell him how sore my pussy was at that moment and tell him to wait until tomorrow night possibly but I couldn't. I reached down and stroked his erection as we continued kissing than he started to kiss around my neck sending little shivers down my spine. He kissed me passionately again while pulling my nightie over my head and we wrapped our arms around each another as he pushed me back on the bed. I felt John pushing my legs up against my breasts as he slipped between my legs and started to lick my thighs. I ran my fingers in his hair as he moved closer and began licking my pussy mound and than felt his tongue gently parting my pussy lips apart. I laid back as I ran my fingers through my husband's hair and felt his tongue probing inside my pussy.God. Just a few hours ago I was getting screwed by Jake and his huge black cock and now my husband was licking me. I was so sore that I really couldn't enjoy the pleasure he was trying to give me so I faked it as much as I could and began moaning and squirming my legs around as he licked my clitoris.I acted as if I was really horny and told John to climb on top of me and fuck me really had which he did as I dug my finger nails into his back and kept yelling out for him to fuck me hard and cum inside me.John started kissing me again as we screwed, John whispering into my ear that he wanted me to cum so I wanted to please him and faked an orgasm. Not only once but twice and I don't think he could even tell the difference as he continued to screw me harder until he finally shot his load of cum deep inside my pussy.I was holding his ass into my body as much as I could and for as long as I could until he emptied himself inside me. I wanted to feel my husband's sperm inside my belly. I wanted my husband to be the last man that was inside me today. Erase as much as it could have what I had done with another man today. I wondered if John could feel the difference tonight as I could. I wasn't as tight as before getting screwed by Jake's huge black cock! Jake had stretched me! I don't know how long it would last before my pussy would tighten back up too normally but I could surely feel the difference tonight and wondered if John could?I could feel his cock going soft inside me. It didn't feel anywhere as tight as it had in the past but I definitely felt him going soft.John kissed me on the lips and whimpered. "Did you cum good?"I just smiled at him as I kissed him back and watched John as he climbed off me and walked into the bathroom. I waited a few minutes until the water stopped running and got out of bed and slipped my nightie back on before going into the bathroom.John kissed me again as he gently gave my tits a squeeze and walked back into the bedroom as I sat on the toilet and peed. I remembered the bit marks on my tits and was very glad he hadn't noticed anything.I finished peeing and wiped my pussy thinking about cleaning myself out but than I thought I would leave my husband's seed to remain inside my pussy tonight where it belonged. I know he wasn't potent but it made me feel a lot better about myself knowing that I was carrying my husband's seed inside me and not the seed of a strange man. I walked back into the bedroom and turned out the light and crawled into bed and kissed my husband as I felt his arm slip around my waist. We woke up late the next morning and John had to hurry and get into the shower as I fixed him breakfast. He came out of the bedroom in his suit and hurriedly ate his breakfast and gave me a quick kiss and told me he loved me before running out the front door and to work.It was after nine already and Kathy would be here in less than an hour. I remembered what she had said about not getting dressed so I didn't bother changing into my clothes and just kept my black nightie on with my pink rob over it. I washed the breakfast dishes and wondered if Kathy would want to eat so I had a few pastries and put on a fresh pot of coffee and looked at the clock. It was 10 minutes before 10 so I rushed into the bathroom and went pee and fluffed up my hair and decided to comb it and put on lipstick so I would at least look more refreshed when Kathy arrived.I rushed back into the kitchen and pulled out cups from the cabinet as I heard the doorbell ring.I yelled out."Come on it, the door is open!"I could hear Kathy's voice in the front room but she appeared to be talking to someone so I placed the cups on the table and walked out into the front room. I was shocked to see Jake standing near the doorway of my living room.Kathy was standing near the sofa unpacking something from a large bag and looked up and smiled at me."Oh. Honey! I'm so glad you didn't get dressed this morning. I wanted to catch you the way you send off your husband to work in the morning."I stood there starring at her as she unpacked the bag and saw it was her movie camera she was unpacking and watched as she unfolded the tripod and mounted the camera on it."There! Now we are all set and ready!"Kathy walked toward me and put her hand in mine leaving a large stack of money in the palm of my hand."Honey. Go ahead and count it and make sure it's all there! I'm really sorry I forgot to pay you yesterday when we were at the hotel. It's just that I had an appointment to get to and had to leave in a hurry."I quickly counted the money and saw that it was all there. I looked at Kathy than looked over at Jake who was still standing near the door waiting for an explanation as to why he was here.Kathy put her arms on my shoulder and smiled and I knew that I was waiting for her explanation about Jake and I soon got her response."Honey. I wanted to bring Jake here this morning and make his appearance as spontaneous as possible. That's why I asked you to remain in your night clothes when we arrived. You see. I wanted to make a move where you have your black boyfriend coming over to your house as soon as your husband drove away."I stood listening to Kathy but she wasn't finished as I listened to what she told me next."Darling. I actually filmed your husband walking out the front door this morning and driving away in his car and than I filmed Jake driving the car into the driveway as soon as your husband's car was out of sight.""What about my neighbors and what if my husband had seen you out there?""Honey. Don't worry. We were very careful not to be seen by anyone. Now. I want you to wait for me to give you the cue and walk over and greet Jake at the door and be really friendly with him and act as if you couldn't wait to see him again and invite him out to the kitchen for a cup of coffee."I didn't know what to say to her or what I should do. This really caught me off guard! I watched as Kathy got behind her movie camera and motioned for me to walk over to Jake.I don't know why I went along with this but I smiled as I walked toward Jake and put my arms out as he encircled my waist with his big arms and gave me a really long passionate kiss. His tongue entered my mouth and I felt his hands hiking my robe up over my ass and the next thing I felt were his fingers squeezing my cheeks with his big hands.Jake broke the kiss and looked into my eyes as if we were lovers and said, "I couldn't wait to see you this morning. I waited for your husband's car to leave this morning. It felt like I was waiting out there for ages!""Why don't you come into the kitchen and we'll have a cup of coffee with me?"Jake gave me another passionate kiss while he played with my ass cheeks than I turned and started to walk toward the kitchen with Jake following close behind me.Kathy followed us out the kitchen as Jake sat down at the table and I actually poured us coffee as I looked over at Kathy who was still filming us. I put the coffee pot back on it's burner and waited for the next direction from Kathy when she said,"Oh. That was great! Let's talk a minute and have a little coffee and I'll explain what we're going to do next!"I got Kathy a cup as she sat down next to Jake and watched as she began writing something down on paper. I sat across from them and waited to hear what she was going to ask me to do next.She finished writing whatever it was than looked up at me saying, "Calico. I want to make this look as real as we can and have you sit here and have a conversation about your affair together and talk about your husband and I want you to use these as a prop and talk around them."Kathy placed a packet of birth control pills on the table. They looked like the real thing to me as I reached out and slipped the packet open. Sure enough. There were little pills inside the packet and it looked like a real prescription to me."OK honey. I want you to talk about your husband and how you want to start taking your new birth control pills to Jake. Jake already knows what I would like him to say to you. Maybe you can talk for a couple minutes than I want you to sit on his lap and put your arms around his neck and kiss him. We'll let Jake take it from there."Kathy stood up and got her camera positioned again and motioned for us to begin talking. I sipped my coffee and glanced over at Jake as I tried to think of something to say to him and than it came to me."Jake. I'm really glad you're here because I wanted to speak to you about my husband and taking my birth control pills. I don't want to get pregnant with your child. I couldn't go through the stress of getting pregnant with a black baby and having everyone know I was whoring around on my husband.""Baby! You know how much I love you. I understand how you feel but I thought you were going to leave your husband and than we could have all the babies we wanted together! Isn't that what you want?"I looked at Jake who was starring at me very seriously and I tried to think of something else to say to him."Darling. That will come in time but right now I need more time to think about our future and... Well. I just need more time to think and I want to start taking these pills for now. I thought you would understand my situation right now with my husband?I waited for Jake to reply and saw him holding his arms out for me to come and sit in his lap so I walked around the table and faced myself toward Kathy and her camera and sat on Jake's lap as he put his arm around my waist and slipped his hand inside the robe I was wearing.Jake parted the robe until my black nightie was exposed to Kathy's camera and he began massaging my right breast in his big hand as he kissed me on the lips driving his tongue deep into my mouth.Kathy must have stopped recorded for a split second as she spoke out saying, "Let me see your tongue's swishing around together in a hot open mouth kiss before you continue talking."Jake made the first move as we continued kissing and allowing Kathy to record and see us with her camera. Jake was slipping my robe off my shoulders as he broke our kiss and began kissing my neck. Jake was biting my neck and I tried to stop him but he had bitten me at least three times before I turned my head to kiss him on the lips. It was the only way I could stop him from leaving marks on my body for my husband to see.My robe was now bunched up near my ass and the only think I was wearing was the thin black nightie without any panties.Jake was whispering to me again but loud enough so Kathy could hear with her camera running as he said, "God. Baby. I need to fuck you now!"I hesitantly replied back to Jake as he kissed my neck again saying, "Yes. I want you to fuck me hard. Please take me into the bedroom and fuck me!"I don't know if I was acting at this point or did I really want Jake to screw me! My pussy felt wet at the moment and I had to admit that I was horny. Jake placed his hand around my leg and stood up and carried me into the master bedroom.I didn't have to say anything to him, he just seemed to find the room on his own by looking around. Kathy was right behind us with the camera as Jake took me into the bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed still holding me in his arms.My robe had fallen on the floor on the way into the bedroom and now Jake was pulling the thin material of the black nightie over my head. I helped him by raising my arms in the air and watched as Jake tossed it on the floor in front of Kathy and her camera and started kissing me again.Jake was cupping my tits in his big hands and leaned down and kissed my nipples and caused me to yell out when he bit one of them. He was licking and sucking all over my tits now as he slowly slipped me onto my back onto the bed and began licking his way down my belly and between my legs and my pussy mound.Jake spread my legs and got down into positions and began licking my pussy with his talented tongue. Within seconds I began to respond by pushing my hips up and my pussy into his face as he licked and sucked me.Jake brought me to my first orgasm within minutes and he didn't let up and continued licking me until I had two more. Jake climbed above my chest with each leg straddled along my shoulders and wanted me to suck his cock so I did. Jake raised himself enough so I could lick his large balls so I worked my mouth between those and his cock.Jake climbed down off my shoulders and kissed me passionately than positioned himself between my legs until the head of his huge black cock rested at the lips of my pussy. I began humping myself up trying to get him lodged inside me but he kept teasing me and looked into his eyes and I knew he wanted me to beg for it."Please. Put your cock inside me now. I need to feel it inside me. Please!"Jake was moving his hips and making the head of his cock slid along the opening of my pussy but was still teasing me."Please. Put your cock inside me now. Please. I need to feel your black cock inside me!"This time it worked because within a few seconds, Jake's cock popped inside my pussy and I felt stretched again. I can't explain how big this man feels inside me. Jake stroked his cock inside of me several times until I think he couldn't go any further and held himself deep inside me than slowly started to take it out again.I moaned and whimpered like a kitten in heat and put my hands on Jake's ass until he plunged deep inside of me again making me feel happy for a few seconds. I was thinking and comparing to what I was feeling at that moment!I was comparing Jake to my husband who screwed me last night. Jake filled ever little space of my pussy and I could feel every single vein that stuck out from around his thick black cock each time he slid inside me.I'd forgotten all about Kathy being in the bedroom filming us. My mind was focused on Jake and his huge black cock at that moment. Yes. I was thinking about my husband but only comparing his smaller cock to Jake's huge size.Jake continued to fuck me as I wrapped my legs around his ass cheeks. I held them on his ass very tight trying to keep him locked deep inside my pussy. He was swaying his hips from each side as he plunged harder inside me. Every time he drove himself into me by swaying his hips, I felt as if he were stretching me out even more."That's it! Fuck that big black cock! Swallow that cock into your belly!"I answered back, "Oh God. Just keep fucking me harder! I want you to stay inside me! Keep fucking me with that beautiful black cock!"At that point in time I didn't even remember that Kathy was still in the room let alone filming me with Jake. Jake kept plowing me with his cock until he finally let out a loud groan and plunged deep inside me several more times and held himself deep inside my pussy as he shot his load of seed into me.I could feel every spurt against my uterus as I raised and kicked my legs out and had another orgasm. I kept bucking my hips up and holding Jake inside me as much as I could.He surprised me by turned me over until I was riding his huge cock and kept fucking me hard as I rode him like a cowgirl! I had another orgasm and felt Jake shoot another load of cum deep inside my pussy.He rolled me back onto my back in the center of the bed and kept fucking me again. It felt so good I couldn't stop at this point as Jake kept up his fast pace and shot another load deep inside me.Jake was soaking wet with sweat at this time as I held my arms around his neck and he leaned down and planted a huge wet kiss on my mouth. I could feel the sweat dripping off his body as he finally slowed down.We were both trying to catch our breath as I looked up at Jake and saw the way he was looking at me. He leaned down and kissed me again and whispered into my ear."I don't think I can get enough of you! You're a fantastic lover!"I held his head and whispered back saying, "I love your big cock and don't want you to stop!"Jake kissed me again as we lay there sweating and than he finally rolled off me and lay down on the bed next to me. That's when I remembered that Kathy was still in the room and looked over and saw that the camera was still on. She was moving around to the end of the bed and positioned herself so she could get a good close up of Jake's seed dripping out of my pussy. I guess I knew what she wanted so I took my legs and parted them and raised them back as wife as I could and took my finger and dipped it inside my pussy until a gob of Jake's sperm coated the tip.Kathy asked me to keep playing around the opening with my fingers while the sperm slowly dripped onto the bed sheet. My pussy was filled with air as well and made fluttering sounds as I played around with my finger.My pussy was so stretched out that it just gapped open from having Jake inside me. Jake was lying next to me and began massaging my belly as I reached out to hold his semi-limp cock in my hand.Kathy kept zooming in at my pussy with her camera as I stroked Jake's cock. Jake was getting his erection back as I continued to play with him. I don't know why but I lifted myself up and leaned over and kissed the head of Jake's cock and gave it a tiny lick and smiled at him.I was now lying on my side with my right leg bent upward so Kathy could still get a look at my pussy as I started to lick Jake's cock. He had grown too almost the same size that he had before we started to screw and I tried to take the giant head into my mouth which fit but barely with just the head inside my lips.Jake laid back and enjoyed what I was doing for him as I continued licking and occasionally trying to put the head inside my mouth. I played with his balls and leaned further down and took each testicle into my mouth and sucked on it causing Jake to tighten up.I noticed that Kathy was now focused on what I was doing with Jake's cock and kept zooming in closer until she focused on my wedding rings. My pale white skin was a huge contrast against Jake's coal black skin.I think I must have lovingly sucked on Jake for almost twenty minutes and he was now rocking his hips up into my face and I could tell that he was ready to cum. I used my fingers to help him as I worked my mouth on the head of his cock. Jake started to groan and I placed my mouth over the head of his cock and felt the first spurt of his hot cum hit the back of my mouth. Several more spurts until Jake finally stopped as I used my fingers to milk the remaining cum out of his veins and into my waiting mouth.It tasted very strong and salty, very much different from my husband. I licked his cock awhile longer wanting to make sure he had been drained and was completely satisfied.I laid my head on his chest as I stroked his cock and watched it throb in my hand. I knew I could make him hard again but I didn't think I'd be able to take him so soon. I felt really sore. This was only my second meeting with Jake and I already had feelings for him. I at least thought he was a nice man and although I wish he hadn't bitten my neck, his cock sure felt good inside me.Maybe it was the contrast of his skin against my own or maybe the thought of screwing another man on our marital bed turned me on. Whatever it was gave me an excited feeling inside my body. I knew it was bad but it felt so good.A few minutes later, I had got out of bed and was standing next to Kathy as she gave me another wad of bills and had me count them. I had made more than $3000.00 in two days, screwing another man!Jake slid over on the bed and had reached out to play with my ass while I talked to Kathy. I backed up, giving him better access and put my arm around his shoulder as Kathy talked."Honey, I brought those birth control pills over for you to use. The doctor that you saw when you got your checkup when I hired you gave me that prescription for you. I want you to take them because your going to need protection if you continue seeing Jake."It was strange the way Kathy had said, "Seeing Jake." She made it sound like I was going to start dating him or something. I guess she meant, making other movies with him.Jake put his arm around my waist and kissed my ass giving me little bumps as I reached out to hold his hand. Jake looked up into my eyes saying, "When do you want to see me again?"Jake caught me by surprise as I looked into his eyes and saw that he was serious so I glanced over at Kathy looking for an answer from her as she replied. "Honey, it's up to you! If you want to see Jake, you can see him anytime. Just let me know when you're ready to make another movie and I'll come along!"My heart was beating really fast now as I thought about what she had said yes. I got a lot of enjoyment screwing Jake but what about my husband? I was only interested in doing this for the money. What should I say to Kathy? Should I tell her what I felt? Would she think I was just a whore if I told her that I only wanted to perform for movies?What would she think of me if I said I wanted to meet Jake alone? Alone! How could I meet another man by myself?I decided I should say something to Kathy."Um. When would you like to get together for another movie?""Calico. May I suggest that you meet with Jake alone at least once and get to know him a little better and when we film our next shot than it will look like you two have a real relationship going."I had butterflies in my stomach as I tried to answer Kathy's last statement but finally gave in saying, "OK. We'll work something out!""Good. I'm glad to hear that from you. Now. I have to pack up my stuff and get going and I'll leave Jake here with you to get better acquainted. Jake brought his own car so he doesn't need a ride home from me. Listen. I can see myself out the door. Thank you for everything and call me when you're ready in about a week?"Kathy left the bedroom leaving me standing next to the bed naked with cum running down my thighs and my arm around Jake. I heard the door shut soon after that and I was all alone with a black man in my bedroom.ENDThank you for reading my story. Hope you didn't miss the first chapter. More coming. You can visit my web site at to read all about me.
The takeover had been completed. Jim the owner, his wife Denise, and two elder daughters Kate and Lynn were all captured and tied nude to the walls of their plantation living room by their previously owned slaves. The slave master and several other white plantation workers had been killed in the action and they were the only ones left. Denise watched as the ramrod of the slaves, now Master John had taken her husband and tied him over a chair before stuffing his huge cock up his ass for the final humiliation.They had five slaves on their plantation. John was the eldest and master of the uprising. Several elderly maids Flo and Louise and one chamber girl Marcy was also there. Two of the younger studs Pete and Curly were at the side of the room masturbating their large cocks as Jim was groaning and begging for mercy, which he knew, were never coming. Jim had been rough on the slaves treating them like animals at time, Denise thought back. Several times she had even caught the girls flashing the younger studs their asses in the window and then watching them be punished for looking. Knowing Jim had laid Marcy several times; she herself had taken vengeance on Marcy and the elderly black ladies in the past with regular beatings. Payback was really going to be hell, she thought.Despite her fear, she couldn't help but get wet between her legs watching her husband screaming and John large cock going in and out his battered ass. She noticed the girls must have been having the same thoughts as they squirmed against the walls tightening the fiction between their legs.Finally John had his fun shooting his load in Jim ass. Calling the boys to his side, they lifted Jim off the chair and tied his hands to his ankles so his large ass was sticking up in back with John cum dripping down."Marcy, take this new cunt outside and do what you want with him for a while," John called the young girl. "Here's a bamboo rod. I'm sure you can find a good use for it."Marcy quickly got up from her chair where she had been watching the action and grabbed the bamboo rod from John."Get your ass outside now white boy," she yelled, bringing the rod hard across Jim ass globes.Denise watched in distress and lust at Marcy spanking her husband large ass with the rod as he walloped out the front door of the room. She knew when she saw him next time, his ass would be red striped all over as the young girl was taking out years of frustration on his butt.John took a seat exhausted from his current activity."What are you looking at boys," he stared at the younger black studs against the wall. "You have peckers don't you and there are two cunts over there just dying to have your cocks shoved up their holes. If they give you any trouble, we'll take them out back like the rest of their kind."Kate and Lynn offered little resistance as the boys approached them grinning and holding their large cocks in their hands. They were immediately untied and pushed down to the floor as the boys grabbed their hair and started shoving their cocks deep in their mouths. The girls were doing all they could to keep from choking from the huge cocks.Denise just stood there watching all the events. Her own cunt was wet and drooling down her legs as she found herself wishing one of them or John himself would come over and shove his cock in her cunt. John was just looking at her and grinning. He turned to look at Flo and Louise who had both by now was frigging their own clits beneath their white gowns."I think it's time this white bitch learns her proper place in this house," he told them looking at Denise.Denise looked on at horror. She hadn't expected this. She wanted to be screwed not given to a pair of elderly black ladies whom she had beaten plenty of time. She squirmed against her bonds in panic as they approached smiling at her and lifting their gown above their heads and off. Their large tits and hairy bushes were glistening in moisture as they strolled closer and closer to her. As they arrived, she noticed the boys had bent the girls over and was shoving their cocks into their pussies and they were moaning in delight at being fucked.Flo and Louise untied her hands from the knot in the ceiling but left them tied together and between the two of them dragged them over to the chair in the center. Flo told Louise she could have first turn as Denise was pushed over Louise lap fighting the whole time. She was finally adjusted till she couldn't kick and totally at the mercy of the woman."Time to teach this smart-ass bitch a good lesson," Louise said, bringing her hand down hard on Denise ass as she screamed out in pain. She continued slapping her ass till they were bright red and Denise were crying as a baby begging for mercy. Flo was laughing at her plight and telling Louise it was her turn to have a little fun.They forced her down on the wooden floor on her back as Louise raised her legs up and over her head. Louise continued holding her legs above her head so that her ass was sticking straight up for whatever Flo wanted. She didn't have to wait long as the slaps continued on her sore ass. Soon she was begging to be their slave and pleading for mercy.Flo quit spanking her ass and pushed several fingers up her asshole as she tried to tighten her ass in reaction to the intrusion."This is one loose ass John," she said. "I think she'll make a good ass whore for you.""Put the bitch on the floor on her knees and I'll see," he replied.Denise found herself released and turned over on her stomach still crying from the brutal spanking she had just gotten. The women laughing lifted her butt up and her knees were forced underneath her stomach. She felt something wet at her anus opening and then gasped in pain as the large member started working it's way inside. Her screams could be heard throughout the room."Put something in her mouth while I'm trying to concentrate," John told them.Flo immediately moved in front of her and squatted down so that her pussy was at eye level. Denise looked up at the hairy bush but before she could say anything felt John cock ram halfway up her asshole forcing her face deep in Flo's cunt. A few slaps on her ass by John demanding she lick and she was lapping away at Flo soaked cunt.The pain in her ass had softened temporary but was renewed with his cock plunging deeper in her butt. She tried to scream out but her lips were held in a tight grip lock to Flo's cunt and she could do nothing more but keep licking. As the pain weakened again, she found herself starting to enjoy the feeling as her own cunt was wetting up in response."The bitch loves her butt plugged," Louise laughed. "My turn Flo."Denise felt her hair-released temporary only to have it grabbed again by Louise and her face buried in a new cunt. Despite the rough treatment, she found herself more turned on than she had ever been. She lapped Louise pussy in earnest as John continued to pound her ass in back. She felt him shoot his load in her asshole and then slowly started withdrawing. She begged out in Louise cunt for him to leave it in as she tried to quip it with her ass cheeks as hard as she could. She was so close to cumming and needed to bad. She felt Louise come on her face as she just laid in her position on the floor totally disappointed that they had all came except for herself."Take the whores outside and have the bitches clean their cunts," John said. "Don't want them to get pregnant too early do we?"Denise looked up and saw the girls being led outside the room by their hair. Both girls had cum down their legs and between their ass cheeks as they strode with their young masters. She noticed that neither girl was providing any resistance and both were holding their master cocks in their hands stroking it for more. She wanted a cock herself and despite her pride called out to her new Master to please fuck his new whore.John only laughed at her and told her maybe later. He asked Louise and Flo to take his new whore and dress her up in her new position as the maid. She was not to be allowed to wear anything to cover her large tits, cunts, or ass.Louise and Flo was more than eager to obliged. They helped Denise to her feet dragging her by the arms to the kitchen area taking turns slapping her large red ass as she walked. Inside, they tied her hair up in a large knot and a small apron around her waist that was just above her cunt. Her hands were untied and then retied so that she had at least a foot gap between her hands. She didn't fight them as her cunt was aching for John cock and she would do anything to please him now. She was told to prepare a meal as they teased her throughout the ordeal slapping her ass at times, pinching a nipple her and there, or just having her kiss their butts or suck their large breasts during waiting periods. When the meal was finally done, she was near hysterical in lust. Even begging to lick their cunts and tits. They allowed her to lick their pussies quickly before she was commanded to carry the food to the large table. When it was complete, Flo went to call the others, while Louise took a seat on the end and made Denise stand by her side.The boys were the first to arrive. Pete was holding Kate in his arms facing forward with his cock very visible in her asshole underneath. Kate was groaning in pleasure as he walked her around to the side of the table. Curly was just behind him with Lynn in front. He had his hand between her ass and Denise knew he was shoving his fingers up her ass as she was smiling and moaning softly as she walked erratically to the table. Both girls were released and told to crawl underneath the table and service their masters while they ate.Denise looked back at the door to see Jim crawling in with Marcy riding astride on his back. As he made his way around the corner of the table, she could see large red welts all over his ass and cum on his stomach area. She knew he must have cleaned the girls' cunt as John had commanded earlier. Marcy got off at the side and made him stand up by her side. He was ordered to hold his cock up with one hand and to shove his finger in his ass with the other while maintaining his position.Master John and Flo were last to arrive and Denise could see Flo stoking his huge cock as she entered. She could tell she had probably sucked it off by his limpness from its earlier state. She was still enjoying the view when she was commanded by John to turn around along with Jim her husband."Slaves are not allowed to watch their masters eat," John stated. "If you're lucky, we may feed ya later."To humiliate her further, Louise demanded she bend over and spread her ass while they ate in case one of the young studs had a fuck her ugly ass after they ate. She immediately assumed position, hoping that was the case. She could hear her new masters and mistresses making fun of the family and enjoying the meal. She was getting hungry herself as she maintained position. The girls were being teased and fed between the studs' legs she could tell by the voices and laughter. She even heard Marcy push a chicken drumstick in Jim asshole and then making him eat it. When Louise offered her one, she didn't even think about it, chewing it immediately no matter where it had been. She had just finished with it when she heard Pete say he was going to feed the old bitch. She thought it would be another piece, but instead, she felt him position to her rear and then his huge member was between the cheeks of her ass as she loosen her muscles as best as she could to accommodate his member. Soon it was deep in her asshole as she rocked back and forth on it in pleasure. She could hear the girls being commanded to clean the dishes and Jim being ushered out by Flo and John. Louise and Marcy stayed behind and made the girls get down on all fours and pick up the dishes with their mouths and crawl to the sink area. They were being treated as dogs but Denise didn't care at present as she felt Pete cum in her asshole and withdraw only to have Curly replace him. She came not long after Curly was inside and barely was able to stand up from the impact of her climax."Damn bitch," Curly said, "I'll beat your ass raw for that later. Pretty near broke my cock off you bitch."He withdrew his cock and told her to help the girls.Both Pete and him walked out laughing at Denise still standing with her ass wide enjoying her bliss. Denise finally got on all fours and crawl over to the table. Most of the dishes were already done and Marcy and Louise were having all kinds of fun pinching the girls asses or tits as they crawled back and forth. Marcy dropped a spoon on the floor and pointed as Denise arrived. She immediately reached down and picked up the spoon in her mouth as she felt a hard pinch on her cunt lip in back and then a swat to her rear. She hurriedly crawled to the sink and dumped the spoon there to return. When all the dishes were done, they left her there to finish up taking each of the girls by the tit and leading them out the door. She was warned to hurry up as they left and clean her ass in case they wanted to use it later.Just a fantasy, how was yours?Pallidan~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 43
I.Ray Thurmond was busy getting ready for the following week; he would be traveling to different sales shows during February as purchasing agent for his company. He didn't have much time for the so-called relaxation he looked forward to on weekends. At least that's the way it appeared until the doorbell rang. Thinking it was another Bible thumper; he peered out the small peep sight. He almost missed the little girl standing close to the door. He noticed the green beret first then the young girl.Opening the door just wide enough to peer out, he looked down at the petit sprit of a girl. The sight of her fine young figure momentarily took Ray's breath away. He had seen her around, she lived somewhere in the neighborhood; he knew that much but couldn't quite place her. In a glance he noticed she had to be no less than thirteen or fourteen. His gaze swept over the young girl's fine slender figure in a glance coming back to her hazel eyes and the long tawny tresses that spilled down her back almost to her waist. The little girl wore a green windbreaker and the lemon yellow blouse of the Girl Scouts; the little green and black pleated wrap-over skirt, the beret and knee high white socks with maroon penny-loafers. He lifted his gaze to sweep the sidewalk noticing there was no adult with her. Strange, he mused. The little girl said in a monotone voice that this was a well rehearsed line: "Good afternoon, Mr. Thurmond, my name is Kathy Angar and the Girl Scouts are having their annual cookie sale, and..." Kathy held up the clip board with the order form card with several people in the neighborhood who had already ordered. "Also, um Mr. Thurmond there is a good selection of cookies to order from this year.""Yeah, so I see," he said taking the clip board from the girl to look over the selection on the card. As he looked the selection over, his gaze dropped back to Kathy. He looked Kathy over once more, taking in the nice form, the gentle rise of her little breasts under the Girl Scout windbreaker and the slender waist and nicely shaped legs; not an ounce of the baby fat that plaques young girls her age. Thurmond felt the familiar thickening of his virile malehood becoming erect as he wondered for the moment if he could persuade her to come inside.Kathy smiled at him noticing the slight bulge that had formed in his pants in the last minute. She was more than familiar with that male phenomenon that older men like Thurmond would get a nice hard-on. She was no stranger to the sight of a man's hard-on, she often saw it when she visited her favorite uncle on the weekends – like today. Thurmond recalled it was this time last year another little girl in the neighborhood had come to his house selling Girl Scout cookies. Ray recalled that afternoon like it was just last weekend when she stepped in to the house, a pretty little thing; young and innocent. Within a few moments as he looked over the cookie selection sheet he had an arm about her holding her and feeling her long silky golden hair as he slid his fingers over the long tresses for a few minutes. She stiffened with fear at first; he expected that but as he talked in smooth gentle tones to her she soon relaxed. The little girl relaxed in his arms as he kissed her cheek then her forehead then her face and then her mouth. The girl had never been kissed by a man before. Ray gently probed the young girl's inviting mouth with his tongue. At first the young girl seemed taken aback by being kissed like that. Apparently she had no experience with being passionately kissed by a boy – or a man."Sssh, don't be scared, my dear. Just relax, you'll enjoy it more," Ray told her. But after a moment she gave in letting him kiss her again. The young girl relaxed willingly submitting to Ray as he continued to talk to her, caressing her shoulders, and caressing her long silky tresses. He could still feel the nice full form of her small breast cupped in his hand, feeling the little erect nub of her nipple through the thin cotton blouse and satin bra; the nipple was hard and sensitive to his touch. He caressed the little bud with a finger through the cloth as he nipped and kissed the sensitive places at the base of her neck and throat careful not to leave any marks on her.Ray leaned back on the sofa with her, talking in soft quieting tones, the words assuring her he wouldn't hurt her, he merely wanted to kiss her and hold her in his arms. She was soon willing as he kissed her neck and face. After a moment he loosened the blouse opening it to kiss her breasts; slipping his hand inside the little white satin bra, the nipple was hard with her arousal; he continued to kiss her, telling the little girl how beautiful she was, gently caressing her sides moving his hand to her breasts.He could still feel his fingers on her silken smooth skin as he slipped them inside her thin yellow cotton uniform blouse to feel and fondle the full firm swell of her little breasts, the little nubs of her nipples hard and erect, and sensitive to his touch. The little girl whimpered softly with the sensuous feelings of a man's hands touching her body. "Oh Mr. Thurmond... please... I – I don't know – I've never done anything like this before..."Ray shifted a quick knowing look at her, her eyes closed as he moved his hands along her side feeling the satin smoothness of her young body.The little girl moaned with the arousal and excitement as Ray kissed her, without realizing it she let her legs spread slightly; she softly moaned as Ray's fingers caressed the nipple sending waves of mild warmth through her. Her face was flushed with her fears of her first time alone with a man other than her father or Uncle. No boy that she had been alone with had ever done this to her before. Kissing the little girl down her chest and breast caressing her neck and chest down to her waist, Ray loved the girl with his fingers. Ray slid his hand along her waist and hips then along her slender legs, he slipped his hand under the hem of the little skirt. The little girl drew in a breath as she glanced down watching Ray casually slid his hand up her legs under the hem of the skirt. She drew in a breath, this had never happened to her before; she softly moaned with the unexpected pleasure she was feeling as Raymond casually caressed her thighs. She saw the large lump that had formed in Ray's pants his breathing was more labored now as he was kissing her breasts and caressing her silken smooth legs. Raymond's virile malehood ached for release as he touched the firm silken smooth form of her virgin childhood; her little panty was moist with her childhood juices; she didn't know it but she was ready for him. The little girl moaned with the feeling of the man's fingers fondling her pulsing childhood, rubbing the silken smooth nylon against the rigid nub of her pulsing virgin clit. She began moving her hips, her childhood juices seeping wetting her pussy. The more the little girl moved her hips in response to what Raymond was doing to her the more she enjoyed the strange feelings it was giving her."Oh, Mr. Thurmond, please what are you doing...? I-I have never done anything like this before...""Sssh, just relax and enjoy it, sweet heart... mmm, your first time...yes?""Ooo yes!" she cried her juices wetting his fingers with the seeping of her childhood juices as she was near her first orgasm. "I – I don't know... oh! What are you doing to me?" After a moment the girl gasped: Ooooh, ahhhg! then moaned as her first childhood juices surged, wetting her panty. Ray nearly lost his load of creamy male juices as the girl cam, the little girl's first male induced virgin orgasm coming in a sweet flow of childhood juices.Gently laying the girl back on the cushions, her long fine hair spread out over the pillow in a fan about her angelic features, Ray again kissed her face and neck and breasts slowly moving down to her waist and hips then her thighs. He pushed his hand up to the waistband of her panty, then slipped his fingers under the waist band of her nice pretty little girls white panty, pulling it down her legs and tossing it aside, then making her spread her nice fine slender legs. The look of mixed awe and fear on her young face as he loosened his pants freeing his hard thick virile malehood excited him even more. The little girl started to cry with fear knowing that she was about to be forcefully taken by a man. It was her first time as she stared at Thurmond's hard thick malehood erection jutting out from between his legs as he moved it toward her throbbing virgin childhood. "Oh, please..." she cried as he forced her to spread her legs for him he began to mount her, "Nooo, please Mr. Thurmond... don't do this to me... I-I don't know what to do... don't hurt me... please!""Ssssh, just relax and give in, Dee Dee. You'll enjoy it more when you're willing to give in..." Raymond shifted his hips the thick knob of his cock head was pressed against the girl's throbbing wet pussy; he shifted his hips again forcing his malehood in to her penetrating her nice small pussy: "God, that was so fine – geezuz she was so nice and tight...!"Thurmond nearly came as the little girl cried out with the first penetration of her nice small tight virgin pussy forcibly taking her, it was a full minute before he was able to force his throbbing male hood deeper in to her virgin childhood. The little girl cried as Ray's hard thick cock filled her. Dee Dee cried as she thrust her hips at him as Thurmond driven by his lust for her virginity thrust his hard thick virile cock in to her, then with a hard forceful thrust popped that sweet little virgin cherry. The girl felt as if she were cut by a piece of paper, the feeling of her maidenhood being torn and breached by a man stung for a minute as Ray thrust deep into the girl, claiming her virginity. "Mmmmm, yesss, my little Miss Nice and Tight...!" then the feel of taking her virgin maidenhood, her cries of pain as she was taken and then her moans of pleasure as the pain of her rape subsiding as Thurmond fucked her virgin pussy. The pressure within him built until he could hold back no more; with a searing pain Ray let go with a satisfying guttural groan filling the little girl's pussy with his creamy male juices.Raymond recalled: "God she was so nice to fuck..." The Kathy Anger stood there on the porch for a moment staring up at Raymond, the order sheet in her hand. "Oh..." The name finally clicked with Ray. Kathy held up the clipboard with the order form sheet on it. "Oh, yeah..." he looked around the street once more. No Mother, Father, older sister or friends in view. "Wow, how time flies. Yeah, well ya want to step inside where it's warmer. We can sit down and look over the selection you have this year."Kathy willingly stepped into the living room and Ray gestured to the sofa.Ray sat to the other side as she showed him the variety of cookies the Scouts were selling that year. Ray sat so that he placed an arm around behind her and his fingers touched her hair. After a moment as he selected the cookies he wanted, he touched her hair again with his finger tips and began to slowly caress her hair sliding his fingers over it. After a moment his caressing Kathy's hair began to have an effect on her. She closed her eyes, tilting her head back letting Ray touch and caress her fine long silken hair. Ray noticed that her breathing had quickened in tempo, her nice small full firm breasts rising and falling with her breaths. He watched the swell of her nice full firm little breasts rising and falling, the little nipples were rigid and erect, tenting the soft lace of the bra and the cotton blouse. A sigh of contentment escaped Kathy's lips as she tilted her head toward Ray, seemingly inviting him to continue his caressing her hair."Nice," he said to himself as he gazed at the gentle form of Kathy's breasts and the small erect nubs of her nipples. Kathy closed her eyes with the pleasure in letting a man touch her hair. Ray drew in a breath to steady his nerves; he liked what he saw: "So very nice and pretty... Nice tight little body... geezuz she's fine looking..."The young girl opened her eyes and glanced down at Thurmond's lap and the bulge that had formed in his pants. Kathy was well aware of men becoming infatuated with a girl or woman and the physical attraction that men have for them and what happens. This was not the first time that she had seen a man's erection; she'd seen her father get a hard on before with her mother – and a couple of times when she was alone with him he had become hard like this; and then there was her Uncle, she often recalled the hardness in his pants when she was alone with him: her uncle was her secret lover.Ray's hard thick virile manhood began to ache as he looked down at the nice slender form of the little girl's legs; the little skirt had ridden up her legs, a few more inches and it would be nearly to her shapely hips. Ray's male bull ached with his desire to fuck Kathy's virgin pussy. Again, the vision as he recalled the little Girl Scout last year as he seduced her this way; and as he had taken other young girls her age. Ray recalled that with a sense of reluctance the little girl gave in as he laid her back on the sofa; kissing her nice small full breasts down to her waist and hips. With a sense of pleasure Kathy reminded Ray of the little girl staring up at him with wide eyed fear and awe as he was about to take her virginity. Raymond recalled sliding his hand along the satin smooth skin of the girl's leg, he lifted the little green skirt to her hips. The girl made a trembling noise in her throat as she watched what Ray was doing to her. Ray sucked in a sharp breath as he gazed down at the little girl's nice white nylon bikini panty wet with her childhood juices. She was breathing heavily watching with fear and awe as Thurmond caressed the satin smoothness of her legs teasing her pulsing young pussy with his finger tips. Wetness moistened her panty as Ray caressed and fondled her body.Grasping the waist band of her nice little white bikini panty Ray pulled it down her slender legs; her little pussy throbbed, seeping her girlhood juices in anticipation as she realized for the first time she was vulnerable to the lust of a man; she gazed up at Ray, her young face showed the fear that gripped her with the expectation of being taken by a man. The little girl's virgin pussy juices seeped as he forced her to spread her legs. "Just relax, Dee Dee. You'll be alright," he told her in soft assuring words.She was vulnerable to him, her childhood pulsed with her fears now; she didn't know what to do. She shook her head back and forth. "Oh no, please... no don't I – I don't know – I've never done anything like this..." "Sssh, just relax, Dee Dee and give in, you'll enjoy it – it'll hurt only for a moment...and then... the pleasure of it..."Ray mounted her, pressing her down with his weight. He forced his thick steel rod hard cock in to her, that first penetration of the little girl's virgin pussy was so nice, she was so nice and tight; the feeling of taking a nice tight little pussy was too much as he groaned with the erotic feeling of forcibly taking a virgin girl-child. The little girl's cry of surprise as he popped her cherry soon turned to her moans of ecstasy and unbridled pleasure as he began fucking her, thrusting deep in to her pussy. He could still feel the nubile form of the young girl's body under him as he fucked her twice that afternoon.That was now long ago...Kathy Angar sighed with contentment as Ray stroked her long fine hair. He took the clipboard and laid it on the coffee table, then slipped his arm about Kathy's shoulders drawing her closer to him. There was a sense of reluctance in her eyes as he held her close. Ray kissed her cheek then her neck, with his other hand he touched her chin turning her face toward his; he kissed her inviting lips that were slightly open.At first Kathy seemed surprised that he kissed her but as Ray kissed her again, a man who was not in the family; no other man had ever kissed her before except for her father and uncle, but fathers were different in some way; or her favorite Uncle who enjoyed having her sit on his lap as he would fondle and caress her young body, slipping his hand up under her little dress to caress her bare legs. But that was different he was her Uncle: Uncle Jesse, her father's younger brother. "I – I've never done this before – Mr. Thurmond," she stammered, a mixture of fear and awe in her voice as she recalled the last weekend with her uncle as he laid her down across the big sofa at his apartment to make love to her. Only her uncle touched her like this; she felt confused now as Ray kissed her drawing her closer to him. She didn't know if this were right or not, to let another man touch her. But at the same time what he was doing to her felt good – and different.It was her Uncle Jesse who spoke in soft soothing words to her as he slipped his hand in to her panty to caress her virgin clit, molesting her wet throbbing pussy: "Sssssh, Kathy nothing to be afraid of... you know I'd never hurt you...""Oh be gentle, Jesse... I love you and want to please you...""You are, sweet heart... I love you too and want only to make love to you like this.""Just relax, Kathy," Raymond told her in a gentle soothing tone. "There's nothing to worry about here. It's okay, just relax... you'll enjoy this more."With a tremoring of her nerves, Kathy parted her lips only slightly as Ray kissed her again on her soft, warm, yielding lips, then she parted them a little more giving in to him, letting him do it again. As he kissed her, he was able to slip the windbreaker off of her and toss it onto the coffee table. Ray shifted himself around as he opened his mouth enough to meet hers as he began to tentatively probe her open mouth with his tongue. He continued to stroke her long fine tawny hair as he leaned her back against the sofa. She moaned softly with the feel of a strange man's mouth kissing her about the neck."Do – Do I please you, Mr. Thurmond?" she asked sighing with the pleasure she was feeling from Ray as he nipped at her neck, the gesture was something her uncle did to her on occasion, it sent strange sensations through her making her feel good. Despite Thurmond hovering over her, Kathy had a brief vision of her uncle sometimes pulling her blouse or shirt open and loosening her bra to suck and kiss the small mounds of her breasts. The sensation of his mouth and tongue on her breasts made her feel good. "Ahhhh, yes... I-I like that... ohh yesss, Jesse... that—that feels sooo good..."Glancing down at Thurmond's lap again, Kathy could see the lump in his slacks. She knew her Uncle would get one when he made love to her, she knew it was a sign of his love and desire for her. But he was always careful with her.Ray was momentarily taken back by the girl's simple question. He wondered if an older man really did at one time have his way with her and used her childhood for his own gratification and pleasure."Very," he said looking down at the swell of her little breasts, her skirt pulled up her shapely legs, and open at the part that wrapped over to her left hip exposing the thigh of her legs to her hips, his malehood ached with the sight of Kathy's silken smooth legs. "Would I do this otherwise, my little angle?"With his other hand, he slid it up along her side to her breast to fondle and feel the full firm form of her breast, with his fingers he caressed the little nipple through the blouse and bra; she moaned with the feel of Ray's hands caressing and fondling her. Raymond kissed her down along her neck stopping briefly to carefully and slowly unfasten the buttons of her blouse until it was open down to her waist. Raymond drew in a breath as he glimpsed the white satin and lace of the little bra. Folding the blouse back he moaned under his breath as he gazed at the pretty little white lace and satin bra, the little nipples pushing out the lace. Ray slid his fingers under the satin straps slipping them from her shoulders. Sliding his hand from her shoulder to the little breast, he gently fondled the full firm form cupping it in his hand he leaned down to kiss and suck at the erect little rose bud nipple drawing a nervous whimper from the girl.Kathy glanced down at Ray's hand cupping her little breast, his fingers fondling the rigid nipple as he kissed her neck up to her ears; he touched the nerve that drew a soft moan from her. The feel of his strong hard hand on her little breast sent a thrill through her. He slipped his hand in to her bra brushing his fingers over her nice hard erect nipple. The girl drew a breath in as Thurmond slowly twirled his finger around the nipple then caressed the tip bringing another sigh of contentment from Kathy. Looking down again at Thurmond's lap the little girl could not help but stare at the thick bulge in his pants. She turned her head toward him letting him kiss the other side of her neck. She was aware of the hardness of his malehood from her Uncle when he would love her as she sat on his lap letting him feel her, his hands molesting her young body like this. Whenever she was alone with him and sat on his lap, she would feel the familiar bulge in his pants pressing against her side only knowing that it was his lust and desire for her young body that caused the bulging of his malehood. A strange sensation was filling Kathy as her first inhabitations melted under the heat of Ray's desire for her; the stirring between her legs made her feel weak and willing to give in to Ray's strong approaches toward her now. Her face was flushed with her excitement, every nerve in the young child's body seemed to tingle as he caressed and fondled her. She felt his hand slid down her side to her waist and then along her legs. It was just the way her Uncle made love to her in their private moments alone.Ray kissed Kathy down to her breasts then began to lick and suck the little nipples. As he did this exciting the girl he slid his hand down to her legs caressing the satin smooth thighs, opening the little skirt more so he could see her pretty little girl panty. He drew in a breath as he saw Kathy was wearing blue and white flower patterned nylon bikini panty; the faint shadow of her little thatch of downy fine hair between her legs was a nice golden shadow. And there was a spot of moisture between her legs from the seeping of her childhood juices. The overwhelming desire now to rape the little girl gripped Thurmond as he pushed his hand between her legs opening them to molest the wetness of her childhood. Kathy whimpered with her fears of a man, other than her Uncle doing this to her. However hard she tried not to, she was aroused to the point she was moving her hips with the sensation of Ray's hand on her childhood, her juices seeping wetting her in anticipation of what this man was going to do to her."Oh please, Mr. Thurmond, don't hurt me..." Kathy whimpered, tears spilling down her cheeks as he pushed the skirt up to her hips. Only her Uncle had gone this far with her during her recent weekend visits, slipping his hand under the waistband of her panty to finger her childhood. She recalled now the dizzying feeling of her first male induced virgin orgasms; she floated on a pink cloud of ecstasy as her Uncle Jesse fingered her to two more delightful orgasms not long ago. Now Kathy enjoyed her weekends with Jesse whenever her parents let her visit him. She was all but ready to go all the way with her uncle – her lover."Sssh, little angle," Ray hushed her as he drew his hands back along her slender thighs, "there's nothing to fear. When a man wants it, don't resist, just surrender and give in, and be willing to let him do whatever he wants to you; you'll enjoy it more when you let a man have his way with you."The phrase was familiar to Kathy; Jesse had said the same thing to her the first time she gave in to him letting him have his way with her – although short of taking her virginity, Jesse probed her childhood just touching her hymen until he lost his load of male cream in her.Ray held Kathy tight, sliding his hand over the nice little panty and then pushing his hand between her legs making her spread them for him, sliding his hand between her legs, he felt the moistness of the girl's childhood juices wetting her panty. With a groan of lust Ray pressed his hand between Kathy's legs to caress her pulsing childhood with his fingers on her virgin clit; tears trickled down the girl's face as her moans of arousal sent a wave of heat through Raymond. A shuddering sigh escaped Kathy's lips as she moved her hips rubbing her throbbing pussy against Ray's fingers in response to his fingering her childhood.The shuddering moan of delight "Yes, yes, oh yes..." from Kathy nearly made Ray lose his load as he caressed the little girl's virgin pussy; pressing the silken nylon against her pulsing childhood he sucked and kissed on the full firm swell of her little breast. Then the feel of Raymond's finger touching her pulsing childhood: "Be gentle, Mr. Thurmond," she sobbed as he probed her, pressing the panty into her nice and tight pussy, caressing her pulsing wet virginity; yet, she moved her hips in eager response to the press of Ray's fingers against her throbbing little clit. "Mmmmmm -- oooh!"The stirring within Kathy was more than she could stand now as she began to respond to Ray's finger fucking her pussy through the nylon fabric of the panty. The feel of a man's hands between her legs, fingering her sent a wave of warm tingling delight coursing through her. This is what she enjoyed with her Uncle; this is what he did to her during their time alone. Jesse had shown her how beautiful the love of an older man can be – after their weekends alone and Jesse loving her, Kathy always swore that never would any boy at school ever touch her like this.Raymond's virile malehood ached almost beyond relief as he probed Kathy's nice and tight little pussy. Raymond was sweating now with his need for the girl as he thought: "God I can't stop now, I just gotta have her pussy... geezuz I gotta fuck her..."Seeing the girl was breathing heavy from her exertions, he eased her back on the sofa resting her head on the satin pillows. He fanned her hair out in a tawny halo about her small head. Ray lay down beside her on the sofa spreading her uniform shirt open, her breasts full and firm, the little nipples hard and erect with her arousal tenting the nice white satin bra. He drew in a sharp breath through his teeth savoring the sight of this young girl lying beside him on the sofa. Casually he slid his hands along her side back to her slender waist then to her hips and the waistband of her little bikini panty."Mmmmm, yes, oh yes... god how beautiful she is... god what a little sweet heart."Thurmond slid his hand inside Kathy's panty to her throbbing virgin childhood, his fingers sliding over the thatch of downy hair wet with her juices. Then Kathy glanced down through the tears in her eyes to see Ray move his hand back to the waist band of the panty; she watched with the confusion of awe and fear as Ray slipped his hand under the waist band into her panty. The girl felt a sense of apprehension as Thurmond's fingers brushed over her sensitive virgin clit, the sensation of Thurmond's fingers molesting her childhood sent shivers and tingling shocks through her. Her mind went blank as she responded, her hips shifting back and forth forcing her clit against the old man's fingers; his other hand was encircled her body to slip inside her uniform shirt fondling the firm full rise of her breast. She realized it was too late to say "no" to Thurmond, she let it get too far now as she felt the first spasms of a male induced orgasm fill her: only her Uncle ever went this far with her; yet, letting Mr. Thurmond have his way with her now seemed okay too.Yet, the girl felt a sense of confusion as to what was right now and what was wrong. Everything now seemed backwards to the girl as she let the old man have his way with her.Kathy's warm silken pussy juices wetting her as Ray probed her virginity, slipping his finger in to her virginity, Kathy gasped at the feel of Thurmond's thick hard finger probing her small tight little pussy, his thumb rubbing her throbbing virgin clit. Kathy drew in a quick breath as Ray fingered her little throbbing clit; tears filled the girl's eyes as he brought her to the threshold of another male induced virgin orgasm.For the moment it was de' ja' vu. This is what her Uncle did to her the last couple weekends they were alone at his apartment. Her fear and inhabitations faded with the thought of letting another man have his way with her, just as she let her uncle use her young nubile body for his pleasure those afternoons. She began shifting her hips thrusting them in willing anticipation as Ray finger fucked her, pushing his finger deep into her virginity, his thumb brushing over her clit, his finger touching her virgin cherry, that gossamer thin membrane that kept her virgin. The feeling sent a fresh wave of erotic emotions through the girl's body as Ray used his thumb to molest the rigid nub of her pulsing clit. Kathy whimpered with the feel of Ray's fingers molesting and ravaging her virgin childhood; he fondled the hard little nub of her clit bringing moans of pleasure from the girl; her juices seeping onto his fingers. Ray struggled with his lust for the girl as he molested her childhood, her juices seeping on to his fingers as he caressed her pulsing little clit, her childhood warm and wet with her juices. Kathy could not help but move her hips in rhythm to Ray's finger fucking of her throbbing childhood.Then with a shuddering cry "Oooo! Ahgg... ahhhh!" Kathy felt the hot tingling surge of her childhood juices suddenly erupt from her in a silken stream on to Ray's fingers."Ahhhh, aa...ah – oh! Yes, Ray, ah yes...!"The girl moaned with the tingling sensation as Raymond slid his finger over the nub of her cherry clit. The sensation of the man's finger molesting her childhood clit brought a whimper from her as Ray gently fingered her to another orgasm that left her breathless. It was her Uncle who only a few weeks ago had brought her to the first of her virgin orgasms as they made love on a Saturday afternoon on the sofa at his apartment. Ray looked down at his hand wet with the girl's juices. She had a wondrous orgasm that nearly caused him to cum prematurely. The tempo of Kathy's breathing quickened as Ray stopped fingering her, the stirring within the little girl threatened to overwhelm her. Kathy watched as Raymond fingers grasped the waistband of her panty and with a single tug he pulled the wisp of nylon down her legs. Kathy realized than as Ray pulled her panty down from her slender girlish hips she was vulnerable to the man's lust for her body and virginity. Tossing the wisp of nylon aside, Ray forced the little girl to spread her legs for him as he opened his pants to free his thick hard aching raging masculine bull. Ray began again caressing and fondling Kathy's pulsing little pussy; he kissed and sucked on her little breasts leaving dark love marks that only she would see later. The memory of that weekend with her uncle was still fresh in her mind as Ray caressed and fondled her pulsing little clit.Kathy felt her resolve evaporate as Ray slid his finger further into her; he felt his finger touch her virgin maidenhood, the gossamer thin tissue of membrane that kept her virgin. When Ray touched Kathy's maidenhood, it was as if a shock had gone through the girl. Kathy suddenly felt herself slipping over the edge as Ray's thumb slid over her clit; with a sharp gasp Kathy could no longer contain herself; with a moan of relief, she felt her girlhood juices surge with a second virgin orgasm. Tears of relief streamed down Kathy's face as she felt the warm silken juices flow on to Ray's fingers. Kathy remembered that weekend of unbridled passion with her Uncle as she gave in to him and he took his pleasure with her. She remembered how it felt the first time he pulled her panty off of her, pulling it down her legs, she was vulnerable to his lust and desires for the first time; he slid his hand between her legs to caress and fondle her young nubile virgin cherry. Then she felt the strange sensation of him kissing her waist and hips then down to the throbbing wetness of her virgin childhood, his mouth moved over her childhood, his tongue sliding over her clit sending shock waves of pleasure through her. This is the way her uncle kissed and sucked on her pussy, licking at her wetness as she cried with the erotic pleasures his kissing her pussy gave her. Then Uncle Jesse probed her with his tongue that sent another shock through her, her childhood juices surged on to his tongue in a stream of tangy sweetness. With a sob of fear she watched as Ray stood up to loosen his pants letting them slide from his hips, then he slid his briefs down, his manhood jutted out at her, stiff as a thick steel rod. Kathy's Uncle had not gone this far with her; he would molest her and finger fuck her until she had wonderfully super orgasms; he had gone down between her legs to kiss and suck and lick her virginity in such a way she could not resist savoring the pleasure he gave her as she reached that blissful plateau then seemed to fall over the edge as her virgin childhood juices surged from her in a stream of warm tangy sweetness on to his tongue. Kathy would cry out with the searing sensation of her juices surging from her childhood onto Jesse's probing tongue. Jesse wanted his young niece to enjoy her virginity for a few more years before being the first to take her.The image of her Uncle faded; but that was then this was now as she felt another orgasm building to a heady climax. Her lungs hurt with the exertion of her first time with Ray as she reluctantly gave in letting him have his way with her, doing what he wanted to her. Ray shifted moving up between Kathy's legs until the thick head of his malehood touched and probed the wetness of her childhood. He stared down at the look of fear in the young girl's eyes as she gasped at the first touch of a man's malehood against her virginity. Kathy sobbed with fear as Ray lowered himself onto her to take possession of her virginity. She shifted herself under him as his thick hard bull touched her throbbing virgin childhood; his raging bull pressed against her wet pussy then with a deft thrust of his hips he forcefully penetrated her. Ray groaned with the effort of taking the young girl. Without a doubt she was virgin. His cock ached with the effort to take the girl, his cock sliding in to her nice and tight pussy, Kathy moaned, clenching her teeth, biting her lower lip, tears of the pain flowed down her cheeks."God so nice and tight... ooh yeah, you'll be my little nice and tight..."Ray forced his thick malehood into the girl's throbbing virgin childhood she cried as the hard thickness of Ray's malehood was forced into her nice and tight little pussy. Kathy's childhood was tight as a new glove on Ray's hand; his malehood pulsed with the girl's tightness around his malehood.With that single forceful thrust, Ray penetrated the little girl; Kathy cried with the painful forceful violation of her childhood. Ray's cock stopped short at her virgin membrane; that thin tissue of flesh that kept her virgin; Ray's hard thick virile malehood filled her pussy; she was small and tight. Kathy cried: "Aaaagh! Ooooh, it hurts – it hurts! Ooooooh...."Sucking in a breath, Ray groaned with the little girl's small tight childhood. "Yes! Ah, yes, you're going to be my little Miss Nice and Tight, aren't you?" He felt the membrane give way with his forceful penetration of the girl, he was in her sinking deep into her young pussy. He got what he wanted from her.Kathy whimpered with the loss of her childhood virginity.Holding it at just the right spot, Ray began to move his manhood just slightly making Kathy shudder with her cries as he began fucking her childhood, then with a deeper thrust he felt the slight resistance of her virgin maidenhood, her childhood cherry that kept her virgin. The feel of that gossamer thin membrane made Ray shudder with his lust for the little girl. Ray hesitated ever so slightly then with a hard forceful thrust of his powerful hips, he raped Kathy's virgin maidenhood, lunging into her childhood, the little girl cried with the rape of her virgin cherry. Then with long hard thrusts that made her gasp, sobbing with the feeling of her first rape, Ray began fucking the little girl.It was a moment before Kathy began to respond to Ray's fucking her, she moved her hips in rhythm with him as the pain of Ray raping her virginity subsided and sensations of ecstasy overcame her fears. Soon the pain of being raped gave way to Kathy's first feelings of pleasure as she reluctantly gave in to the enjoyment of letting an older man have his male pleasure in fucking her. Soon Kathy felt the sensations of her orgasms reaching climax as Ray fucked her. Kathy's slender girlish hips rose and fell with the rhythm of Ray's malehood thrusting in and out of her small tight childhood. With a cry of the pleasure Ray was giving her, Kathy felt the delightful surge as the orgasm coursed from her. The girl's juices seeped as Ray fucked her and then with a groan of his own lust for Kathy, Ray felt his final pleasing relief of his thick creamy load surging in to Kathy's virgin love nest in long hot ropes filling her nice and tight little pussy with his male juices. "Ah... gad that was so good... damned girl, you are so nice and tight...!" Kathy was no more a virgin as Ray lost his creamy load of male juices in her.He moaned: "Damn, this girl is good..." Ray moaned as he continued thrusting his hips, the gyration of his hips drove his malehood deeper in to the little girl's pussy, with a low guttered groan Ray felt the searing relief of his creamy male juices fill her with another long stream of cum.But Ray wasn't finished with Kathy; he thrust into her again fucking her, bringing her to another of the countless orgasms. She moaned with the feeling of a man's cock in her for the first time. Kathy cried as her juices surged from her leaving her weak and dizzy; finally the thick warm gush of Ray's cream filled her for the last time. He fulfilled his lustful desire for a little girl. Little Kathy looked up at Ray through tear filled eyes. Ray grinned with his satisfaction and pleasure in her seduction and rape. Ray's malehood finally slipping from the warmth and satin smoothness of Kathy's nice and tight young pussy; he was satisfied with himself now."Nice -- very nice... gad what a nice fuck that was...damned she was good..."It was a short time before Ray finally stood up from Kathy to survey what he had done to her. It was obvious that he had taken the little girl's cherry. He felt satisfied with himself now; he'd gotten what he wanted from the little girl. Pulling his pants up to fasten them he helped Kathy to stand up he inclined his head toward the bathroom down the hall. She walked stiff legged toward the bathroom, sore from her first fucking. Kathy used the bathroom to cleanup then quickly left for home. As she washed herself again, the near thoughts of what she let Ray Thurmond do to her continued to overwhelm her. Looking at a picture of her Uncle Jesse on the dresser, she decided to change and spend the rest of the afternoon at his apartment. Maybe, she mused giving what happened that afternoon much thought, maybe she would let Jesse have her after all and let him think he was her first. She knew a couple girls at school who had done just that, letting the wrong guy have them first then let the other one think he'd been her first – what a mess it sometimes created. She knew she should not have gone in to Thurmond's house alone. She only had herself to blame for what happened this afternoon.Mrs. Patterson warned them not to go in to homes alone or not at all, to stay outside. She had not listened to what was told to them. She recalled a girl finally telling her last year she had been raped by an older man. She had been alone. He took advantage of her and she was naïve enough to trust him. Thinking for a moment as she looked over her assortment of bras and lingerie, she would wear a sexy bra and panty that her Uncle liked to know she wore just for him. She took out one of the lacey bra and panty sets he had bought for her sometime ago for her to wear during their weekends together. She studied herself in the mirror imaging how Jesse would see her later when he opened the door and there she was. She put on her other Girl Scout uniform knowing Jesse liked her in her uniform. Seems older men had fantasies about seducing young girls in their Girl Scout uniforms and taking their virginity. She took out a small hand bag placing extra bra and panties and toiletries in it to use after their love making. Picking up the clip board and list of neighbors, she already had twenty some names, Thurmond the last one, she headed out for the bus stop near the intersection with Stratton Boulevard.Riding the cross town bus by way of the bus depot gave Kathy time to think about what had happened that afternoon. She had lost her virginity to an older man although her intention was for her Uncle to be her first. Yet, despite being seduced by old man Thurmond she knew she still wanted Jesse in spite of all the dire warnings against letting older men, or a boy taking a girl before she's eighteen. Kathy's musings were interrupted by a man of obvious middle age sitting down beside her. Kathy was intent on her situation that she had not noticed the bus had stopped to let a passenger off and two others to board. Kathy had taken the side bench seat near the back door when she boarded the bus. There were only four other people on the bus beside her and the stranger and another now. Glancing sideward at him she had seen him on the bus before. A quick glance at his features she recalled having looked at him on other occasions noticing that he was handsome his age making him rugged and manly, attracting women. He had cold pale blue eyes, his face was still strong and rugged despite the years; there was not a bit of fat on him that most men seem to gain with middle age. Shifting her look away from him she felt a stirring in her, without realizing what she was doing, she began rubbing her thighs together massaging her throbbing pussy. After a moment of this she felt the inevitable seeping of her girlhood juices in to her panty.The man noticed what the girl was doing, he grinned to himself. She was getting turned on, and best still, she was a Girl Scout and in her uniform that afternoon, replete with windbreaker and beret. The girl had a nice little figure, nice full firm little breasts; the outline of the bra showing on the tight fitting uniform blouse.Then he said to her in a quiet tone: "I notice you take the bus some times.""Yes." She replied in a cautious manner blushing at the thought that she'd just wet her panty. "I go to visit my uncle.""Do it often, huh?" He dropped his gaze to her legs and the little plaid wrap uniform skirt that had ridden part way up her shapely limbs, the skirt was open to her upper thighs. "Nice" he mused lifting his gaze from the nice display of leg. She was wearing black patent pumps and no stockings. His mind worked wondering what she might be wearing for panties and bra; not the usual little girl's cotton training bra and panty he mused, not if she's visiting her "uncle". He liked what he saw."Yeah." Kathy was attempting to keep the conversation short. She glanced over at him her eyes dropping to the distinct bulge in his pants; he was showing a full firm erection. She saw it just a short time ago with old man Thurmond; but it was her father at times when she was alone with him, but more so her uncle, it was his sign of love for her. "I have a couple nieces about your age up state I visit every so often," he told her. "Um, names Ken..."There was something about this girl that told him she had a hidden life – her "uncle" he mused had to be her lover."Kathy."He touched her hand then gently grasped it. The strong feeling of his hand grasping hers turned her on exciting her as he shifted closer then looking around the bus he laid his hand on her bare leg. Kathy felt a brief twinge of fear as Ken casually slid his hand along her bare leg and under the hem of the little skirt to her hip.Ken asked her in a soft under tone: "Has an older man ever done this to you before, Kathy?"Staring straight ahead Kathy was unsure how to answer. After a moment she nodded her head and in a near whisper replied: "My uncle."Ken allowed a knowing grin. The familiar story of many young girls: An uncle or even an older cousin has their way with the girl and takes her virginity – he had taken both girls not too long ago and occasional time alone with one or the other he would spend an afternoon at a nearby motel with them. That told him a lot: the girl more than likely was not virgin. Oh well, can't have everything...He inched his hand closer to his goal, her throbbing young pussy. After a moment he eased his hand between her legs and the wetness of her nylon panty: She was nice and wet now. His male hood was hard and stiff as a steel spike imagining what it would be like to have her alone for even a half hour. As he felt the wetness he nearly lost his own load of male cream thinking about his nieces and Kathy and an afternoon of delight.Kathy attempted to remain calm as Ken slid his hand between her legs pressing his fingers against her throbbing pussy, her juices seeping on to her panty wetting her. The man grinned with pleasure feeling of the girl's wetness.He asked: "You and your uncle must have some good times together?"Kathy again nodded her head recalling their last weekend together how he licked and kissed and sucked on her pussy bringing her to several heart throbbing orgasms. Remembering that afternoon, she unconsciously pressed her thighs together holding Ken's hand against her throbbing pussy. "You know, we just met but sometime if you didn't have something to do we could maybe spend an afternoon together," he casually suggested looking away relishing the feel of his hand pressed against the girl's hot wet pussy.Kathy looked around in a near panic. No one seemed to have noticed what they were doing, or what the old man was doing with her. It was just another Saturday afternoon on the Number 39 Cross Town bus to the mall.Her face was flushed with her efforts not to cum just yet. That was for her uncle's pleasure. But she just could not help the feeling she was getting as Ken gently caressed her young pussy; she was near an orgasm and the danger of wetting herself even worse. She knew without a doubt that when she went back to Thurmond's with his order she would get laid again; she was about to give in to her uncle and let him think he was taking her virginity: And now, it was obvious a stranger, this Ken had just propositioned her for an afternoon alone. She lowered her gaze again to the bulge in his pants then glanced up at the knowing look of pleasure in his eyes.He said with a smile: "I take the bus mostly on weekends like this. Saves on gas you know."Quickly thinking, her stop was fast approaching, she said: "Next weekend. Same time. I-I'll be here. Okay?""Great." Ken withdrew his hand from under the girl's skirt; Kathy fixed her skirt and pulled the signal line above her head. "Here's my address." He pressed a small card in to her hand. Kathy stuffed it in to her purse. He said: "Two o'clock."Soon Kathy arrived at the bus stop and walked the short two blocks to the apartment complex. Her uncle's Mustang was in the parking area – he was home. Looking around she stepped in to an alcove of an apartment complex. Cautiously looking around to assure there was no one within sight she slipped her hand under her skirt; she felt herself. She was soaked with her juices. She never realized what an uncomfortable feeling it could be. The old man had made her cum despite wanting to wait for her uncle. Pulling the wet panty off, she stuffed it in her purse and took out the clean fresh one, another of sheer yellow lace and put it on. Taking a deep breath she allowed a knowing smile. She rehearsed in her mind one more time what she would do letting her Uncle have his way with her that afternoon.Jesse's apartment was in what was considered the basement level of the four-plex.As it turned out, it was the best, usually the couple who lived above him were not always home; they liked to go out on the weekends usually sports activities, which suited Jesse and her just fine. Though usually at night Jesse could hear him fucking the hell out of her and when she'd orgasm, which was several times she'd let out a muffled cry of pleasure.Kathy rang the doorbell once and tried the door. Jesse had the door secured which meant he was busy on one of his many work projects which he worked on at home. She had to only wait a moment before the door opened. Her Uncle Jesse peered out then his face shone with his happiness to see his young niece: "And in your Girl Scout uniform too..." he said holding the door open for her. "And what is the occasion, sweetheart?""The cookie drive," she replied enthusiastically she threw her overnight bag through the door as she threw her arms about his neck and they kissed passionately then handed him the clipboard. "And some of your favorites are on here again this year."He glanced at the list of cookie choices. "Mm, just what I need more calories. Well anything for the Girl Scouts." Kathy stepped back turning as Jesse laid the clip board aside and helped her off with the wind breaker. She glanced back smiling coyly at her uncle. She knew he did not need to worry about weight; he was slender with a muscular build and exercised regularly at a local gym. His worry about calories and weight was just a bit of his stale humor.Laying the windbreaker and her beret aside, Jesse looked over the young girl. He liked what he saw; young, beautiful and desirable young girl. His male hood was instantly hard and thick as a steel spike at the sight of the little girl."Damned, and she only gets better..." Jesse wanted to have the pleasure of being the first to fuck his young niece.He took her by the hand leading her to the sofa; the sofa where the past several weekends they had been alone and made passionate love. Jesse held her hands for a moment watching her reaction as he caressed her hands and arms then placed an arm about her shoulders drawing her close. They started kissing lightly; Jesse never rushed his niece. He kissed Kathy's cheeks, lips then neck and ears then more passionately her neck touching her G-spots. As Jesse kissed the little girl, he slid the other hand up along her side until he was able to cup and fondle her breast.Kathy drew in a breath. She felt a shiver of anticipation. It was almost de'ja'vu' – old Raymond Thurmond a few short hours ago: seducing her and lying her on the sofa to take her virginity and use her for his pleasure. She would have to act as if Jesse were taking her for the first time that afternoon.Jesse lightly fondled the girl's breast savoring the pleasure in feeling the nice full firm form and the erect nipple pressing against the sheer fabric of the bra and blouse. He began to loosen the buttons until they were all undone and slipped his hand inside to feel the nice pastel yellow satin and lace of the bra. Fondling the full firm form of her breasts, Jesse struggled against the overwhelming desire to lay Kathy there on the sofa and fuck her until she couldn't take it anymore.Moving the other hand to her legs, Jesse slowly slid it up under the hem of the skirt, the skirt falling open revealing the nice white form of her slender legs. He glanced down liking what he saw as he slid his hand along her leg until he reached her waist. He drew in a breath of pleasure as he saw that she wore a nice sheer yellow lace panty to match the lace bra; he could make out the shadow of the downy tuff of hair between her legs. Kathy willingly spread her legs apart enough letting her lover to slip his hand down between her legs. Kathy moaned with the erotic feeling of Jesse's hand between her legs as he caressed her throbbing pussy pressing the silken nylon in to her throbbing young pussy; Kathy's childhood juices were already seeping wetting her panty and Jesse's hand.She couldn't help but begin moving her hips with the feel of Jesse's hand rubbing her wetness, pressing the silken nylon in to her childhood pussy. Jesse drew his hand up to the waist band of the panty and slipped his hand down in to the panties to the super sensitive nub of her little clit. His fingers touched the stiff nub of flesh and with a squeal of surprise Kathy came, her juices surging over her lover's fingers."Yes! Oh yes Jesse, yessss...!"Kathy was relieved she was able to cum again after what that guy Ken did to her on the bus.Jesse slipped his finger down to Kathy's love hole and tentatively penetrating her, making her moan with the pleasure of his finger in her. Kathy was suddenly scared as she tightened her legs about Jesse's wrist trying to stop him. She knew from their past love making that he knew she was virgin, touching and caressing her virgin maidenhood, but now he might suspect she'd been with another man or boy who'd seduced and taken her. "Ah, yes, Jesse, yes," Kathy moaned with the feeling of his finger in her, his thumb playing with her super sensitive clit. "You like this when I finger you, don't you?" Jesse asked as he kissed and lightly sucked at the base of her neck. The overwhelming desire to take and fuck his niece was more than he could take now: His malehood ached with his unbridled lust for the little girl's virginity. "Mmmm, yeah sweet heart – you want it now, I'll bet?"Now was the time, Kathy knew to let him have her and think he was the one to take her first.Kathy cautiously nodded her head "yes, yes!" as another stream of her juices burst from her pussy. "Aaagh...yyes, Jesse...uuummm...ah! Yes, Jess I'm yours now—take me...! I – I want to feel you inside me – now!" Kathy came two more times before Jesse finally laid her down on the sofa. The blouse opened revealing the rose colored areoles and pink nubs of her erect nipples tenting the fine sheer lace of the bra. Jesse sucked in a breath through his teeth; this moment had been a long time coming when he would take his young niece's virginity; he'd been wanting her for a long time now, since the girl had turned twelve and her young body went through its changes and her nice small breasts showed. With a deft movement he pulled her nice yellow lace panty off tossing it on to the coffee table. Kathy was vulnerable to her uncle; she'd let him do whatever he wanted with her now. Jesse traced the outline of the girl's face with his finger tips then drawing them down along her neck and across her breasts. Gently fondling a breast he began kissing Kathy on her neck working with slow kisses over her chest to the full firm form of her young breasts, kissing each nipple through the lace of the bra. Jesse kissed her back up to her neck teasing at the sensitive G-spots at the base of her neck, then back down and over her breasts. Kathy moaned with the feeling of her uncle's – her lover's mouth and tongue moving with sure slowness over her smooth skin. Old man Thurmond had not even done this to her. Her uncle was a true lover as he literally worshipped her body with his kisses and hands caressing her young body.Jesse continued down to her waist kissing her waist and stomach. Kathy moaned as she felt Jesse's mouth and tongue teasing at her sensitive clit. She lifted her head to watch Jesse kissing her around her pussy. The feel of his tongue and mouth on her sent shivers through her. He kissed around her pussy teasing her clit but not touching it with his tongue. He played with her the way he did that weekend when he brought her to the most blissful orgasms a girl could have her first time – and now even if it was the second time with a man. "Jesse, please, I need you... inside me!"The licking and kissing and sucking of her pussy sent Kathy in to the throes of rapture, her childhood juices flowed in a stream of tangy sweet liquid on to Jesse's tongue. He sucked her juices savoring her sweetness. "Mmmmmmm, yeah," he breathed as he probed her with his tongue Kathy bucking her hips with abandon crying with the expected release of her juices in another heated orgasm."Ooooo, yes, yes... Jesse oh that feels so good..."She grasped the back of Jesse's head digging her fingers in to the back of his head holding him close to her pussy. "Yes, Jesse, yes, oh yeah that feels so good...! Take me, take me, I am yours, darling... Use me, oh use me now!" Kathy whimpered. She knew without a doubt it was now or never that she wanted her uncle – her lover to take her and use her.Jesse grinned, his mouth was coated with the girl's juices. As he moved up to take her, he loosened his pants pushing them down; his hard thick engorged cock sprang from his briefs; Kathy shivered at the sight of Jesse's thick erection. Old man Thurmond's malehood was big and hard filling her virgin childhood, she'd fondled Jesse's engorged malehood at other times but this was now her first time submitting to her lover letting him have his way with her.Spreading her legs as Jesse moved to take her, Kathy pleaded softly: "Be gentle, Jesse, please don't hurt me...""Sssh, sweet heart, no...never. Just relax and you'll enjoy it," he assured her as he pressed his mouth with her juices on it against hers making her taste her juices. Kathy couldn't help but taste her juices on Jesse's mouth as he forced his tongue into her mouth.Kathy suddenly had the vision of old man Thurmond hovering over her as he took her, his malehood pressed against her virgin pussy then the feeling of it being pushed in to her, penetrating her for the first time.Gasping with the feel of Jesse's penetration pressing against her for the first time Kathy wasn't faking the pain of Jesse taking her now. Despite old man Thurmond having fucked her first, she was still nice and tight – and still a bit sore from the hard fucking Thurmond had given her. Jesse's malehood was just big and thick enough to give her the sensation of being taken for the first time. "Ah, ahg... Jesse, oh be gentle it hurts!" she cried, thrusting her hips as Jesse pushed in to her, hesitating for a mere moment then forced himself deeper in to the girl for the first time.The girl cried as Jesse thrust deep into his niece for the first time."Oh yes, baby, oh yeah...gad that feels good..." he moaned, the feel of the penetration of his young niece was like trying to fit on a glove that was a size too small, her pussy was nice and tight, still tight enough to make him believe he had taken the girl's virginity as she cried out a second time.Jesse was in deep his cock touching the back of the girl's womb. Kathy cried again, not with the pain of being fucked but now the pleasure of feeling her lover's cock deep in her. "Ahhhh, ahhhh....!""Good? This is what you've wanted isn't it?" he asked as he held himself in her."Ahhh, yes, yes..." she moaned, tears trickling down her face. "Be gentle, Jesse please.... This is just for you... my lover."With long slow strokes, Jesse began fucking Kathy making her cum again: she came three more times that afternoon; Jesse fucking her twice before he was through with her. By the time Kathy was ready to leave to go home, she knew she'd been well fucked that day: twice – Ray Thurmond and now her uncle, both having had their way with her. Jesse drove Kathy home not wanting her to take the bus at a late time of day. When he pulled in to the driveway of his brother's place Kathy and he as they have been doing, exchanged passionate kisses. The feel of Kathy's tongue touching the inside of his mouth gave him another hard on, and stirred the young girl's ardor for her uncle. Kathy quickly got out of the car and went inside; her parents were home but with a guest, somebody they were doing business with. She quietly went up to her room to change from her uniform in to cut offs and T-shirt and began going over her list of customers for the cookie drive. A short time later her mother came up to check on her. She lay on her bed with the list, her hand between her legs soothing her sore pussy; being fucked almost four times that day, she ached from the abuse she had to endure.There was a light tapping at the door then it opened, it was her mother Ruth."So how did it go, dear?" her mother Ruth asked, looking in on her.Ruth was a beautiful slender red head even at thirty-five with a body that men still enjoyed watching her as she walked past. She had been approached several times at parties and on business trips by men wanting to take her to bed for a one night stand. The only man other than her husband was Jesse, her husband's younger brother who had succeeded in seducing her several times in the past. No one else knew what had happened five years ago when she first gave in to Jesse.Kathy shrugged. "Good. Most people around here were gone today. I still have tomorrow to finish, I suppose.""And Uncle Jess?" Ruth asked with a knowing wink. She knew that she enjoyed visiting her uncle on occasion."Always," Kathy allowed a smile, but little did her mother suspect what the girl had been doing that afternoon besides soliciting for the cookie drive. "He ordered fifty-five dollars worth!"Her mother expressed her surprise. However, Kathy would not say anything about the fifty dollars he'd given her as a reward for letting him fuck her that afternoon. That night she lay in bed remembering now her first day. As she remembered each moment she was moving her hips up and down in slow movements as she rubbed her pussy fingering her little clit that was no longer virgin. She had mixed visions of Thurmond and then her uncle – her lover – and now next weekend, this Ken guy.The rest of the week at school seemed to drag as she anticipated with a sense of trepidation her weekend with the stranger on the bus "Ken". She could only wonder what it would be like after having spent the previous Saturday with old man Thurmond and her uncle. Nevertheless a sense of regret had over taken her and she could only wonder if she had not made a bad choice in agreeing to meet with "Ken" this coming Saturday.Friday afternoon Kathy spent some time with her girl friends before finally going home. A couple of the girls had talked about affairs they were having with older men. One of the girls admitted to an affair with her cousin and another with her uncle. She merely admitted that she had a crush on her uncle."And that leads to a love affair," one of the girl's told her. "Give it time you'll see."It did last weekend Jesse finally took her, thinking he had popped her virgin cherry; she bled a bit Saturday night and Sunday but not enough to hurt her. But she had a hard time hiding the problem from her Mother. After supper Kathy went up to her room to select a dress for her meeting with Ken. Her parents told her they would be seeing business clients on Saturday afternoon which fit in nicely with her plans to see Ken. As she thought about that she picked out a pink and white dress with white vinyl belt. She had not worn the dress since last summer. The dress buttoned down the front which would make it easy for Ken to open and take off of her as he made love to her. Next she picked out a pink bra and panty set and pink garter belt and sheer beige stockings and white heel sandal shoes. As an afterthought she placed an extra set of panties and bra in the carry bag and designer jeans and T-shirt, and soft soled shoes for coming home after Ken was finished with her.She undressed then put on a green camisole top and white panties and fuzzy robe. Finally she went back downstairs to the family room to watch television for awhile trying to keep her mind off the next day. The two shows she watched that she would normally enjoy did not hold her interest. Kissing her parents good night she went to bed. Tossing the robe aside she lay down across the top of the covers thinking about her "date" with "Ken." She recalled how she agreed to meeting with a stranger which still bothered her then the incident the last weekend and what happened at Thurmond's house which led to meeting Ken on the bus on her way to see her uncle. As she recalled all this she began to feel that unmistakable stirring in her that she had not felt until the previous weekend. As Kathy recalled the events the stirring in her and her pussy she was becoming warm and wet, her juices wetting her panty."Mmmmmmm, yes Jesse yes there -- oh yeah that feels good..." She rolled on to her back spreading her legs and slipped her hands between them to fondle and caress her pussy. She began moving her hips imagining it was Jesse feeling her up wanting to take her and fuck her again. As she imagined this she began having visions of Ken taking her but then old man Thurmond as he took her virginity that afternoon; then she knew that in another couple weeks she would be delivering his order she knew she would be giving him more than just the cookies. She didn't know which of her new lovers she would enjoy more: old man Thurmond who was really her first; her uncle who made passionate love to her; or this weekend, Ken whom she had only met casually on the bus for a few minutes and agreed to see him that Saturday.The visions had become real that she imagined she could feel their cocks thrusting in and out of her using her for their pleasure. After a moment she had to bit her lower lip as she felt an orgasm surge from her throbbing pussy wetting her panty. Kathy collapsed with the exertions of her wet day-dream.The weekend did not come fast enough for Kathy; she could hardly wait for her parent's to leave on their Saturday business appointment so she could get ready for her date with Ken. When they left at noon, Kathy went up to her room to get ready: showering, primping herself, she used some of her mother's special perfume then dressed in the bra and panty set and matching garter belt and stockings that she had picked out; then the dress. Kathy checked herself one last time then put a rain coat on over her so as not to attract undue attention from men – that was how she met Ken – wearing her Girl Scout uniform on the bus; but today would be special. Thinking about her liaison with Ken the familiar tingling between her legs made her start breathing in long deep breathes. Hesitating a moment at the door, Kathy recovered her composure then started out the door to the bus stop.She was just on time for the bus. She took her usual place on the bus close to the back door. She did not make eye contact with any of the people on the bus but kept her eyes focused on the empty seat opposite her until it too was occupied by a lady and child.Seeing the stop coming up, remembering the address Ken had given her, she pulled the stop cord and stood up to get off. The bus pulled away with a roar and cloud of black exhaust. Kathy looked at the address numbers then found Ken's address. It was a second floor apartment of a four-plex. Shoring up her resolve, Kathy walked up to the second floor landing and pressed the door bell. There was the audible ding-ding of the bell and soon the door opened.Ken looked out to see the little girl standing before him, carryall bag and purse and wearing a rain coat. "Well..." said Ken surprised to see her. He was willing to make a bet she wouldn't show up. He had been out most of the morning and noon and had just gotten home. He was wearing khaki slacks and tan polo shirt. "Yeah, come on in, honey, come on in."Ken quickly looked around outside; just the usual neighbors out, a couple guys having a parking lot beer party on a couple pickups: nothing unusual with that crew.Kathy stepped inside the apartment her eyes taking in the living room in a quick sweep; neatly kept: neat to a fault. Ken closed the door flipping the locks in to place. He took the bag and purse setting them aside then helped her take the coat off. He caught his breath as he took the coat off Kathy. It was like a butterfly breaking out of its cocoon. Laying the coat aside he placed his hands on the girl's shoulders holding her as he leaned down to lightly kiss her. Kathy stiffened up for a slight moment. It was not like her uncle kissing her; it was like when she gave in to old man Thurmond, a strange man was about to have his way with her. She felt unsure of herself for a moment, a heat rose in her, her face flush with her trepidation as Ken slid his hands along her arms then to her slender waist; he drew the little girl back against him his viral malehood hard and erect forming a bulge in his pants; Ken kissed her lightly on the neck again."Mmm, relax, honey. You'll be alright," he assured her holding her about the waist with one hand sliding the other up to cup a breast as he kissed her on the neck.Kathy tilted her head back as Ken kissed her neck and began to casually feel her up, his hands caressing and fondling her young body. He led her to the sofa setting her down."A little soft music for the moment," he told her as he found an hour long CD with soft sensuous harp and flute music. Actually the CD was over dubbed with subliminal sounds, the sounds of a young girl being seduced and raped by an older man. He put it on the CD player, started it then sat close to Kathy slipping an arm about her. "Not afraid are you?" he asked, placing his fingers under her chin to turn her head to face him so he could look in to the emerald eyes of the young girl.The young girl nodded her head slightly, admitting she was. The harp and flute music had a relaxing effect on Kathy. Ken slid his hand along her long silken hair gazing deep in to her deep emerald ones. Kathy began to relax as Ken held his fingers under her chin then lightly kissed her. Ken recalled the girl told him on the bus that she visited her uncle quite often who was probably single and who lived in this part of town. If he caught what she was hinting at, he'd bet that by now the guy had probably popped her cherry and was fucking her on a regular basis. Lucky guy. Kathy felt a sense of guilt that she was giving it to another man after having let her uncle make passionate love to her– yet there was old man Thurmond, he was actually her first but she really wanted Jesse to be the one to take her virginity that afternoon. She momentarily dropped her gaze to Ken's lap. The bulge between his legs was obvious, he wanted her now. Knowing that she had agreed to this and knowing that Ken would want sex with her, Kathy willingly submitted to Ken letting him have his way with her. Without thinking, Kathy started to do the things she did with her uncle when they had their special time together, like last weekend. Opening her mouth slightly to invite Ken to slip his tongue into her mouth, she touched his with hers; Ken slipped his in sending a wave of heat coursing through Kathy. She laid her head against the back of the sofa as Ken kissed her deeply sliding a hand over the gentle form of her breasts feeling the little erect nipples pressing against the bra and dress down to her waist and the tender V between her legs. Kathy moaned softly at the feel of Ken's hand moving over her breasts and then the feel of him pressing his hand between her legs pushing the dress against her pulsing young pussy. With drawing her tongue as if to catch her breath, she glanced down again at the bulge in Ken's pants. He was aching his malehood was so stiff and hard, he was ready for the young girl. Kathy turned toward Ken wrapping an arm about him. Ken drew his hand back up to the low cut collar and the buttons of the dress; he carefully slipped each one open. Ken was an expert at this with young girls having seduced both his nieces and a young girl in the apartment complex. Never tear their clothes – otherwise it'd be hello jail and Gorgeous George as bunk mate.Kathy felt a heat at her temples as Ken began to slowly slip the buttons open on the dress. She nuzzled his neck as he undid her dress to the belt. Slipping his hand in to the dress he gently felt her nice small firm breasts.Ken carefully pushed the dress aside to glance down at the lacy little bra and the tender form of Kathy's breasts. The light pink areoles of her hard erect nipples shown through the thin sheer lace. Kathy was still unsure of herself even after having been laid by Thurmond and her uncle; she let Ken do what he wanted with her. He was gentle yet firm with her. He wanted her and was going to take what she had.Cupping the small firm form of the breast, Ken circled the shape of the hard little nub of the nipple then gently squeezed it between thumb and forefinger. Kathy gasped as Ken squeezed the nipple then pressed it with a finger. After a moment Ken slid his hand inside the bra to caress the breast. He savored the feel of her small pear-like breast. He slid his hand over the breast and the nice erect nipple fingering it then gently squeezed it between thumb and fore finger. He withdrew his hand from her breasts moving it back to her waist and legs to draw the dress up to her hips. Seeing the nylons and garter straps, he drew in a breath. The girl had gone out of her way to dress up for him. Kathy shivered at the feel of Ken's hand sliding along her legs to her waist and the tender V of her throbbing pussy; Ken held his hand at her waist as he kissed her even more passionately then slowly, tantalizingly slid it between her legs; Kathy moaned with the feel of his hand caressing her throbbing moist pussy and clit poking at the tight nylon panty; the girl's juices seeped now wetting her. The soft moans and sounds of the young girl on the tape, mixed with the music made Kathy feel the excitement and arousal of the moment. She began to unconsciously move her hips in rhythm with Ken's caressing her pussy as he kissed her; the feel of his hand between her legs brought her to the threshold of an orgasm. Ken moved his hand from the tender spot of the girl's pussy to her waist and the waist band of the panty. Slipping his hand under the waist band and down to the downy soft tuft of hair between her legs, the little thatch of hair was already moist with her juices, she was ready to cum at any second. Ken slid a finger over her hard erect pulsing clit bring a soft cry of surprise from the little girl. The girl on the tape was now moaning with the feel of the man using her for his lust and pleasure. The soft moans and sounds of the young girl on the tape and the soft moans of Kathy soon mingled in harmony. Ken deftly undid the garter straps from her stockings then laid the girl across the sofa. With an evil grin of satisfaction Ken neatly pulled the little lacy panty down tossing it aside he made her spread her nice legs for him, her pussy vulnerable to him as he leaned over, his face close to her pussy, the scent of her female being an intoxicating bouquet that nearly sent him to the edge. He extended his tongue and within seconds drew it slowly across her exposed rigid clit bringing a cry of ecstasy from her."Oh, Ken! Yes! I love that!" Ken began to slowly lap at the girl's pussy; Kathy thrusting her hips up and down until she drew in a sharp breath. Another flick of the tongue and sucking of the hard flesh the girl cried as her juices gushed on to his extended tongue.He grinned to himself as once again he lapped at her pussy forcing his tongue in to her opening, working it in and out of her until she cam again, thrusting her hips against his face, grabbing at his head Kathy cried out with a scream as her juices surged from her childhood on to his tongue.With an agility she did not expect, Ken moved up onto her, his hips and malehood pressed against her pussy, a wicked grin on his face and cum soaked mouth, he pressed his mouth against the girl's forcing her to taste her juices.Ken lifted his mouth from hers looking down at the girl, he said: "That's all you, sweetheart." Kathy ran her tongue around on her lips as Ken left her juices smeared on her lips. She tasted herself, the warm cum tasted tangy-sweet. She'd only done this with Jesse. She at least knew what to make of the taste as he pressed his mouth to hers. His chest pressing against her breasts he made sure she got a good taste of her juices. Kathy realized she had no choice but to take it from his mouth. Ken pulled away from her after a moment. Seeing the cum smeared on her mouth he lifted himself up to loosen his pants freeing his engorged malehood. The girl glanced down at it pointing at her childhood; she knew what he wanted from her now, his malehood was hard and thick. "Be – be gentle, Ken. I – I never done this before.""Sssh, Kathy, nothing to be afraid of now. Just relax and you'll enjoy this..."Kathy gazed up at Ken through her tears as he moved on to her, his hard thick malehood jutting out as he moved to take her. Kathy gasped as Ken's malehood touched her tender young pussy. She felt its hardness touching her; with a forceful thrust he forced himself into her, but it took Ken three good tries to enter her, his malehood soon slid in to the girl's nice tight warm wet pussy sliding deep into her."Geezuz, girl you are nice and tight..."Kathy moaned softly as Ken slide in to her driving himself deep into her hitting her hard on his thrust, the girl cried out as Ken's cock hit her cervix. Ken held himself deep in the girl for a moment, his hard thick cock filling Kathy. Then the feel of her tightness urged him to slid out until he was nearly out of the girl's nice warm tight pussy, her pussy was like a nice soft satin smooth kid-glove -- nice and tight. He began thrusting in and out of her with slow moves as she met his thrusts with her hips, soon they matched each other in rhythm; Kathy's moans of pleasure mixed in harmony with the girl on the tape until they both climaxed with cries of ecstasy. "Aaaaagh! Yes... yes, oooooo!"Late afternoon, Kathy got home ahead of her parents. As she took her things out of the hand bag she found more money than she ever saw before. "One hundred...fifty .. I have nearly two hundred dollars now?"She sat down on the edge of the bed thinking a moment. Ken had paid her for letting him have and use her. This made almost two hundred dollars. Her parents would be home any time soon. Frantically she looked around for an obvious place to hide the money. Underwear drawer was out of the question; her mother would definitely find it there. If her mother found it, she'd want to know how she came upon so much money in so short a time. She opened her closet and saw a pair of shoes she had not worn in a while, she stuffed the money in a shoe. She heard a car; it was her parents coming home. She quietly sighed as she shoved the closet door closed. The following weekend Kathy returned with Ray Thurmond's order. She looked up at him with a knowing smile as he stepped aside, taking a quick look around, he closed the door behind her. Gesturing to the sofa Ray took the boxes of cookies from her, setting them aside he sat beside her. "And how's my little angle?" he asked, sliding his hand up along her arm. Kathy drew in a shallow breath as Ray slipped his other hand around her shoulders drawing her closer to him. His virile malehood bull was suddenly erect and hard as inch thick steel rod. His raging malehood was hard that it hurt. He knew he'd have to have her again whether she wanted to let him or not. With his other hand Ray opened the windbreaker to look at the lemon yellow blouse, then slowly lowered his gaze, his eyes traveling over the little girl's beautiful young body. Taking the windbreaker off of her he tossed it onto the coffee table putting his arm around her drawing her closer. Kathy felt the stirring of her childhood as Raymond held her close. Ray slid his fingers through her long fine silken hair; brushing it aside with his fingers he began to kiss her, starting at her face and mouth. He caressed her long fine silken hair as he kissed her; Kathy turned, responding to Ray. She liked it now when older men, especially her favorite Uncle took their time kissing her and making her feel special. Ray nibbled at her neck as he slid his other hand up along her side to the tender rise of her nice small full firm breasts, the little rosebud nipples were rigid and erect, forming little buds tenting the fine soft fabric of the satin bra and cotton blouse. Ray began to loosen the buttons of the blouse then fold it back and kissed her chest and down to the swell of her breasts. He pushed the blouse from her shoulders then the little white satin bra straps. He caught his breath as he slid his hand over her breast feeling the rigid swell of the little rosebud nipple tenting the lace. Ray all but worshipped Kathy's breasts as he kissed and fondled them. He liked what he saw. Sliding a hand along her side he cupped the fine gentle swell of her breast, gently fondling and caressing it feeling the lace material. Taking the little bud of her nipple between thumb and forefinger he began gently squeezing it; Kathy's face flushed with her rising arousal. It was only two weeks ago that she visited her favorite Uncle for an afternoon of passion filled sex. She had spent a lust filled afternoon the Saturday before with Ken who taught her more about sex than any book would and what older men enjoyed with young girls. As Ray molested her and kissed her all over, Kathy recalled that special weekend how her Uncle slowly with deliberate moves caressed and fondled her, with caring slowness he undressed her until he finally pulled her nice fine little yellow and white nylon panty down leaving her vulnerable to his male lust and desire for her throbbing young nubile pussy. She relished the feel of a man's hand between her legs now, the sensation of his fingers penetrating her childhood pussy, with firm touches gently caressing her pulsing clit. She wanted it what each had to give her just as she wanted to please her favorite Uncle."Mmm, yeah sweetie, god you're so...o nice and sweet...""Oh yes, Jesse, yes be gentle with me... please!"But the young girl's mind slid back to her recent weekend with Ken and what he did to her. Even after the afternoon she spent with him, she still felt the tingling warmth of the multiple orgasms and the full feel of his malehood thrusting in and out of her nice tight young pussy. Just the mere thought of what Ken had done to her she suddenly cam, her childhood juices wetting her panty.Now old man Thurmond laid her across the sofa, lifted her skirt to glance at the little white and red bikini panty. "Nice. God she is nice." She watched Thurmond as he moved his hand up her waist to take hold of the waist band to pull the panty down her legs laying it on the coffee table. Sighing huskily with male lust Raymond pulled the little panty down exposing Kathy's throbbing childhood that was moist with her juices. The feel of her panty being taken off of her sent a thrill of ecstasy through Kathy; again she felt the seeping of her girlhood juices as Ray pulled the little panty off of her leaving her vulnerable to his male lust for her childhood pussy. She drew in a nervous breath as Ray made her spread her legs for him. Ray quickly loosened his pants freeing his engorged raging malehood; his thick and hard malehood hung straight out.Kathy laid her head back against the back of the pillow as she felt her resolve fade and her excitement building. The girl willingly spread her legs for him, her throbbing pussy wet with her arousal anticipating the moment Thurmond would take her again. "Do I please you, Ray?" The girl asked in a soft timid voice as he knelt on the edge of the sofa loosening his pants, freeing his engorged malehood."Very," he said, his voice husky with his lust for the girl. "God you are nice."Kathy knew she was vulnerable to his male lust and desire for her. She wanted it now. She had three older men as lovers. She knew she would enjoy letting them use her, they were gentle with her but firm in their love making, something she had come to like. They used her as they wanted. Thurmond wasted no time as he mounted the girl driving his thick malehood deep into Kathy bringing a moan of pleasure from her and he thrust in and out of her girlhood. Ray had her for the afternoon fucking her three different times bringing her to the heady heights of multiple orgasms. "Aaaah, agh, oooh, yes, yes...!"Kathy couldn't help but feel the cold chill of fear as she lifted her gaze back to Raymond to meet his look of unbridled lust and desire for her pussy again. She was transfixed by his gaze of male lust for her."Just relax, Kathy – no use being scared now. I know you remember your first time... Just give in and enjoy it is all you need to do."He lowered himself onto her shifting himself until his steel spike hard cock touched her wet throbbing childhood; Kathy sucked in a breath as Ray forced his cock to penetrate her again as she gave in to his longing for her nice tight little pussy."O-o-oh no-oo, please! Mr. Thurmond..." With quick deft move, Ray's thick hard cock penetrated Kathy's nice and tight little childhood that he had first taken from her, her juices seeping with her arousal and excitement at being taken. Ray forced his cock into Kathy, thrusting it deep in to her, she cried out with the forceful taking. Thurmond raped Kathy's childhood again. Within moments Kathy was crying as she felt the first warm throes of an orgasm building toward her climax as Ray was wantonly fucking her little pussy. She was enjoying what Ray was doing to her as he fucked her. Ray's cock filled her nice and tight little pussy, thrusting in and out of her with the forceful effect of a ramrod, pushing deep in to her with each stroke. "Ahhh, go-ood, yess, my little Miss Nice and Tight...! Damned you are so nice and sweet... Geezuze, you are so-oo sweet..." he moaned as he fucked Kathy.Kathy moaned with the delightful feeling of Raymond's cock thrusting deep into her, her hips rising and falling in rhythm with his cock until she finally cried out with the delightful release of her girlhood juices, savoring the thrill of her orgasm; then, within a moment Ray groaned with the relief of his own thick male cream into her. After a moment Ray was able to get his breath back, his hard thick cock still buried deep in the little girl's pussy filled with his thick male cream. He began rocking himself back and forth in slow movements thrusting his cock into her nice and tight little pussy.Moaning with the feeling of Thurmond's cock still in her, thrusting in and out of her, Kathy could only be submissive to what Thurmond wanted from her and let him have his way. Two men had claimed Kathy now; she was theirs whenever they wanted her. She spent the entire day in bed with him letting him have his way with her.END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 72
Heather was out driving to clear her head. She had just caught her best girlfriend and lover fucking a total stranger and her dog Saxon. The beautiful sunny day was doing wonders for Heather's disposition, as well as the heady freedom of driving down the highway with no particular place to go right in the middle of the week. She had never run off from her responsibilities like this before, and she was enjoying the rush of excitement that was now pumping through her veins. Anything could happen. And she was ready for anything. Sure, her job would probably be gone when she got back, but she could always get another. Today she wasn't going to worry about anything. Just go where the feeling took her, and do what the feeling demanded. And the first thing she was going to do was stop for some breakfast. She was starving.Heather stopped at a pleasant-looking family restaurant and ordered scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and coffee. As she waited for her order to arrive, she noticed a handsome-looking young man with shoulder-length, sun-bleached hair sitting at the counter drinking a cup of coffee. He was dressed in jeans and faded denim shirt, and a small knapsack rested against the base of the counter under him.A hitchhiker, Heather thought immediately. She watched the youth attentively for several moments, actually wondering what it would be like to fuck him. It surprised her when she noticed what she was doing. She hadn't looked at a man with any kind of sexual intent in weeks. In fact, she was sure she had had enough of them to last a lifetime. When her breakfast arrived, Heather began to eat hungrily, forgetting for the moment all about the rather soulful-looking youth on the barstool. She drank the last of her coffee and stood up, ready to leave, when the young man from the counter walked over and stood directly in front of her."Excuse me, ma'am," he said. "I hope you don't mind my asking, but I'm trying to get to Arizona and I've been stuck at this junction since eleven o'clock last night. Would you happen to be going my way?" Heather hesitated for a moment, feeling automatically on the defensive. But after thinking it over for a moment, she realized there was no good reason why she shouldn't give this boy a lift. After all, she was headed east, why not go right on into Arizona? It would be fun to have the company, and this looked like a very nice boy, one she knew instinctively she could trust."Sure, I'm going to Arizona. And I've got plenty of room." She smiled at the youth, and he smiled back. Heather was charmed by how disarmingly naive and almost pretty he looked when he smiled. She was definitely going to enjoy the company."There's one problem," he said sheepishly."Oh?" Heather was immediately alert for any signs of a con game. "Yeah. I've got a dog tied up outside." His face twisted ruefully. "I think he may be one reason why I haven't been able to get a ride." "Why? Is he vicious?""Heck no! Jethro wouldn't hurt a fly, not unless it was trying to hurt him, that is. But he's kind of big. Do you want to come out and have a look at him?""Sure, why not."Heather paid her bill and followed the youth around the side of the restaurant to where a very large, gold-colored dog was prancing excitedly as he watched the approach of his young master. "Why, he's beautiful!" Heather enthused. "What kind of dog is he?""He's part Saint Bernard and part golden lab."He looked apprehensively at Heather as she stroked the animal's flanks and big head. The dawn of a smile broke out on his face. "Does this mean we get the ride?" he asked. "Jethro's really good in a car. He lies down and stays down until I tell him otherwise." Heather laughed as the big animal reached up to lick her face while she bent down to pat his head. The old familiar excitement that reminded her at once of Saxon raced through her loins, and she saw a sudden lewd image of herself kneeling before the huge dog while he fucked relentlessly up into her wetly clinging cunt.Afraid the boy might notice she was blushing, Heather straightened up and turned towards her car, beckoning casually for the two hitchhikers to follow."Lots of room," she said, and went ahead to unlock her car. Heather and the boy talked companionably for half an hour while they drove steadily through the early-morning sunshine. The boy, who introduced himself as John Bailey, was a college student heading to Arizona to spend a couple of weeks with an older brother. Heather found him far more interesting to talk to than the older men she'd been dating. He actually seemed to have something in his head besides money and getting laid."Mind if I light up a joint?" he asked.Heather didn't mind at all. In fact she figured a few tokes might be exactly what she needed right now. She sucked long and deep on the slender cigarette each time it was passed back to her. Within minutes she found her attention lapsing, so that she almost hit an oncoming car as she let her front end wander over the center line. "I don't think I'm used enough to dope to be driving under the influence," she told her companion sheepishly. "Mind if we pull over for a little while? I'd like to have a closer look at the countryside anyway.""Hey, I'd like that. I'm in no hurry anyway, now that I've got a ride." Heather found a country road that led into a grove of trees about a thousand yards off the highway. They got out of the car and Heather got an old picnic blanket out of the trunk so they'd have something to sit on. The dog nosed about among the trees, checking out the new terrain while the two humans talked. Every now and then he'd check back in for a pat and a lick before venturing back out into the unknown.As she and John talked, Heather found her mind wandering mysteriously from the subject of conversation to the idea of being fucked by that big friendly dog. She could feel that the crotch of her shorts was actually wet with pussy-juice. Her horniness and the boy's uncanny openness made her feel less inhibited than usual. That, and the dope. She had become bored with mere conversation. They were alone in this lovely wood, and she was ripe to take advantage of the situation and the day and her mood."I'd like to suck your cock," Heather found herself saying aloud."Far-out," the boy answered, his face mellowing into a peaceful grin."Well, if you'd like it, I'd sure like it," he told her. Without batting an eyelash, he opened his fly and pulled out his cock, long and thick, but still soft in his hand.Watching the boy open his pants, Heather took off her own shirt and shorts so she was naked, her nipples hardening delightfully in response to the slight, warm breeze in the wood. Her own wanton nudity outside in broad daylight heightened her drug-induced horniness, and she knelt forward on all fours to reach for John's cock and squeeze it fondly between her fingers. It really was a very nice cock, she thought lewdly. It had been a long time, but she remembered now how much she liked the smooth, fleshy feel of a prick as it began to harden in her hand. "Why don't you just lie down on the blanket, darling?" Heather suggested. "Relax, and let me make you feel good... I love the feel of your prick, John. See, already it's getting nice and hard for me." Her words stopped there as she lowered her mouth over the boy's body and closed her lips softly over the flaring head of his rapidly swelling cock. She thrust her ass lewdly into the air behind her as she began to nip and tease at the tip of the turgid prick in her mouth. Her asscheeks were poised high in the air as though in obscene invitation to another lover, and in fact Heather in her stoned mind was hoping the dog might take an interest in the ripe aroma of her excited cunt and come fuck her.John began to moan softly from time to time as Heather lowered her mouth all the way down over his rigid cock, encasing its entire pulsing length in the warm wet hollow of her cheeks. She established a smooth, slow rhythm over the upthrust tool, following the movement of her mouth with the stroking of her clasped hand around the fleshy cock-shaft. Up and down her blonde head worked over the still-clothed boy, who lay smiling in blissful agony, watching the lovely naked older woman eagerly suck his pulsating rod."Jeez, Heather, you're really a beautiful chick," he told her even as his hips continued to squirm in response to the maddening attentions of her mouth on his prick. "Your mouth's like liquid honey on my prick. I've never known a girl who could suck cock like you do." Heather was pleased by the boy's appreciative words and by the gentle, matter-of-fact manner in which he spoke them. She realized that he wanted her to handle things the way she wanted to handle them. And right now she wanted to handle this lovely hard cock of John's, to suck it like it had never gotten sucked before. Her mouth worked hungrily up and down the gleaming, purple-veined cock, while her hand jacked rhythmically on the shaft. She tried to imagine what the blow-job felt like to the boy, and her horniness increased. Soon she was totally engrossed in sucking the boy off there in the sunlit wood, oblivious to anything but one hard fleshy cock, when suddenly she felt a cold wet presence at her asshole.It was Jethro's nose!Without losing her cock-sucking rhythm, she waited in breathless anticipation of what the big dog might do. She waved her butt encouragingly in his face, thrusting her buns farther upward so the dog would find her wet, seeping slit in his explorations. "Aaaagghh!" she moaned around the fleshy tool in her mouth as the dog's tongue lashed out to lap roughly over her whole slit and the knot of her asshole.Jethro had been distracted from his play by the strange coupling that was taking place on the blanket, and when he went over to investigate, he was immediately attracted by the earthy scent emanating from the woman's aroused cunt. He did as his instincts commanded under the circumstances--took a sniff and then a lick. He liked the taste and began to lick greedily at Heather's parted pussy-slit, thrusting his head in between her thighs to get full access to her drooling twat. Heather parted her legs as far as she could to give the animal full access to her hotly quivering cunt. She found the liquid pressure of the dog's tongue on her cunt-lips thoroughly arousing, so much so that she almost forgot to keep her head working up and down over John's stiff prick. Saliva ran wetly from her mouth as she sucked like a woman demented at his glistening cock-shaft, feeling its tip grazing her tonsils as her mouth engorged the whole pulsing rod.The young hitchhiker could scarcely believe the incredibly sensual threesome he and his dog had suddenly become involved in. Such a short time ago, it seemed, all he'd been worried about was getting to his brother's place. Now here he was lying on a blanket in the woods with a beautiful naked woman kneeling over him, sucking his prick while his dog licked at her cunt.John's first instinct when he'd seen Jethro heading for the woman's ass was to shoo him off, but he'd been thoroughly surprised, and aroused, to find that the woman actually seemed to want the dog to pay attention to her ass and cunt. She was wiggling her buttcheeks back and forth in search of more of the animal tonguing, mewling all the while around his cock while she sucked and slavered, bringing him to an amazing peak of sexual arousal. Nothing in John's hitherto rather bland sex life could even begin to measure up to what was happening to him this morning. He had never before been so thoroughly excited."Ughhh!" the boy grunted, pumping his hips more energetically up into Heather's mouth in abandoned appreciation of her talented cock-tonguing. Heather felt she had never been so depraved in her entire life. Here she was in the great outdoors, less than a mile from a main highway, sucking on a total stranger's prick while his dog lapped at her cunt! The pain and agony she had experienced short hours ago were now totally forgotten, forsaken in the rush to answer the call of more compelling emotions, to revel in the wanton participation in orgiastic pleasures of the flesh.Heather felt her pleasure would be complete if only the dog would fuck her, would jam her cunt full with what she imagined must be his truly huge prick. A dog that size had to be hung like a small horse! She thought perhaps he might be in need of a little encouragement, that he had undoubtedly never fucked a human before. Raising her head for a moment from the youth's cock, she turned to the dog and patted her own ass as she spoke."Come on boy. Up, up. Come on, that's a good boy." The big dog seemed a little confused at first by the woman's words and gestures, but he abandoned his licking of her cunt to look at her and try to fathom what was expected of him.Inspired by the woman's aromatic cunt-juice, he began mounting her ass, like he did with female dogs. The handsome mongrel rose to his feet and raised his front paws onto Heather's back, at the same time thrusting forward frantically with his hips.Heather was almost mad with excitement. She'd caught a glimpse of the dog's thick glistening prick before he rose up behind her, and she immediately began to quiver with fear that was heavily tinged with pure ravenous sexual hunger. Confident that the dog had the idea now of what was expected of him, she went back to her task of sucking and caressing John's rock-hard cock, which was lurching heavily as though in search of that wonderful mouth that had momentarily deserted it. John had been almost unable to believe his ears when he heard the woman coax the dog to mount her. He realized this strange beautiful woman actually seemed to be trying to get his dog to fuck her! He'd heard or read the old thing about women fucking animals, but he'd never seriously believed it. Now here he was getting an incredible blow-job from a gorgeous blonde that was obviously into screwing dogs! Heather was groaning with excitement as she felt the big animal humping up against her crotch, searching with his prick for her waiting cunt. She realized after a few moments of hit and miss activity that the dog was going to need some help. For assistance, she raised her eyes pleadingly to the boy's watching face, trying to convey to him, without raising her mouth from his cock, just what it was she needed from him. John's mouth hung open in awe as he watched the sexy blonde work over his inflated tool while the big dog struggled to impale her from behind. For long moments he was unable to take his eyes from her full pink lips that locked so hotly around his pulsing cock-shaft, nibbling and sucking ever-increasing sparks of excitement from the very depths of his aroused balls.At last he noticed the woman was staring at him with a look of incredible pleading in her lovely blue eyes. He couldn't figure out what it was all about at first, but suddenly it dawned on him. She wanted him to help the dog get his prick in ... To coach his dog in his first attempt at fucking a human female!Carefully, so as not to disturb her lips' hold on his throbbing prick, he maneuvered his body around until his shoulder was almost brushing against his dog's rear leg. He reached timidly for the slick red girth of Jethro's cock and guided the turgid rod in between her ass-crack towards the wet, waiting mouth of her cunt. He poked the tip of the dog's cock against the yielding pussy-flesh until the dog himself sensed that he had at last found the right place and lunged forward with compulsive strength."Aaaaarrgghhh!" Heather moaned around the filling girth ofJohn's prick. It hurt terribly, much more than Saxon's cock ever had. Her sensual apprehension suddenly turned to real fear as she realized nothing was going to stop the animal from ramming his huge cock all the way up into her tight, defenseless cunt. She suddenly pulled her head up from John's dick."No, no, John! Stop him! It's too much! I can't take his cock!" But already the big dog had sensed his victory and was thrusting back and forth with powerful strokes that were forcing his giant dick farther and farther up into the reluctantly yielding recesses of her cunt. His cock was hard and thick and powerful, and the strength of each instroke forced her head down so her mouth was again closed over the upthrust staff of John's dick. Mechanically, she began to suck the dick rod, resigning herself to the fearful fate she had cut out for herself, victim to the relentless fucking of a dog with a prick almost twice the size of her dear familiar Saxon's.John had heard the woman's cry for help, but he sensed that it was only half-hearted, that the pleas for mercy would soon turn into mewls of pleasure. He was mesmerized by the sight of his pet's thick red cock disappearing far up between the flowering pink lips of Heather's pussy, and then reappearing momentarily only to plow once again all the way up into the woman's hungry cunt.It looked more like her snatch was struggling to swallow the entire rigid dog-cock rather than fight it off, so wetly was it opening and closing around the animal's stroking dong. There was no way he was going to turn off the circus now. He wanted to see the show right through to the end. Watch this nympho woman that was sucking his cock turn into a raving banshee as she learned to respond to his dog's relentless fucking.Gradually, ever so gradually, Heather's resignation to her newfound pain turned into a hungry acceptance of a new, deeper, more intense thrill. She was actually taking that massive dog's cock all the way up into her dilating pussy! The rampaging thickness was coaxing her sensitive nerve-endings into building appreciation of the pitiless fucking she was taking up her vulnerable cunt. It was feeling good. It was feeling damned good. Angle had never been fucked like this in her life and she knew it.As she once again sucked eagerly on John's rubbery cock, she reminded herself lewdly of how it had actually taken a chance meeting with a hitchhiker and his beautiful big pet to coax her into the incredible orgiastic pleasure she was now enjoying. She was riding high on a peak of wanton abandon that even surpassed anything she had known with Saxon and Sally, and for a moment she felt a little pang of guilt that she was experiencing a more intense passion with strangers. But then her memory reminded her of the scene she had interrupted last night and she knew an even more furious excitement.She was getting her own back. She, too, could pick up someone and make them show her body wilder and more intense erotic experiences than she had known at home. She could get fucked, too. She smiled a little around the cock driving into her face as she tried to imagine what Sally would think if she could see her now: Kneeling naked in the woods, sucking a college boy's cock while his dog fucked her cunt with the force and speed of an oncoming freight train."Uhhh, uhhh, uhhh!" Heather mewled around John's prick as her entire body drank in the incredible stimulation of the animal-humping she was getting from behind. She was beginning to feel weak and a little tired but still Jethro fucked on and on, his powerful body rutting with the intensity of a jackhammer, forcing her to almost unbearable summits of sensual pleasure.Bravely, Heather continued to suck and lave John's swollen tool, though her strength was fading, though she was like a heroin addict who was floating off somewhere in a private pleasurable fantasy world, driven there by the intensity of the most thorough, rousing fuck she had ever known in her entire promiscuous young life."Jeez, baby, I don't know how much longer I can hold on!" John groaned between clenched teeth. Watching this wild woman suck his cock while she got thoroughly turned on to his pet's hard-fucking prick was driving him to the peak with furious intensity. That and the fact that Heather's cock-sucking maneuvers were becoming more and more abandoned as she was driven farther and farther toward the brink of distraction by Jethro's tireless dog-cock.John knew he was going to come within moments, and he realized instinctively it was going to be the most memorable orgasm of his life. He began to pump his loins more energetically at the woman's face, rushing to meet the explosion threatened to break at any moment. Heather could tell by John's erotic squirmings that he was struggling on the brink of climax. At the same time she could feel the dog's prick growing larger inside her clutching cunt as the animal, too, struggled to fulfill the promise of release.The idea of having both her mouth and cunt filled by thick white male sperm, half-animal, half-human, drove Heather over the brink of excitement, and she writhed and gyrated her ass furiously, coaxing the dog to come in her twat even as she clenched with her hand and sucked tighter with her mouth at John's twitching cock. John was the first to go. Heather could feel the hot jets of salty jizz shooting far into the back of her throat, and she swallowed them hungrily while the dog thrust his cock energetically far up into her wet pussy to unload his own salty ration of spunk. The knowledge that it was finally happening -- that she was being filled to the peak of her lustful capacity -- triggered Heather's own climax."Mmmmmm, aaaannhhhhh!" she moaned around the spurting rod in her mouth as her nerve endings seemed to explode with the intense force of a thousand tiny firecrackers. She was over the top. She and her two strange new companions were climaxing together here in the woods on this lovely warm summer's day. It was crazy. It was sexy. She loved it. She loved it!The three orgiastic revelers lay in a confused heap of fur and flesh for some time before John finally struggled to his feet and pulled up the zipper of his jeans. Jethro leaped up and joined him, snuggling against the boy's leg affectionately. John reached down and stroked the animal. "Hi, fella. Have a good time? We sure learned a few things about the birds and the bees today, didn't we?"Hearing John's words, Heather giggled and rolled over onto her back to look up at her two handsome lovers. "Hey, does that make me a teacher?" she asked coquettishly. "Maybe I've discovered a new vocation." "You're the best damned teacher I ever met," John complimented her, giving her a friendly hug as she rose to her feet.The boy and his dog played fetch-it with a big stick for a few minutes while Heather dressed and put the blanket back in the car. She still felt vaguely stoned, but it was hard to tell how much of that was the result of the marijuana and how much of her fabulous orgasm. She felt totally rejuvenated, freed of the burden of last night's sorrow and anger."Hey, you guys ready to leave?" she called at last. "Ready when you are." John and Jethro sauntered back to the car, both looking extremely smug and well taken care of. "Hey, Heather," John suggested as he got back in the car, "why don't you come along to my brother Sid's place with me? He wrote me that he has orgies and stuff like that going at his ranch. You might be interested, and I'm sure he'd be glad to meet you."Heather was a little shocked at first, and then laughed at her own silly prudishness. A girl who could pick up a boy and his dog and fuck them both certainly had nothing to fear from a mere orgy. Besides, it was a new opportunity, something different. Who knew what might happen?"Sure, why not?" She shrugged her shoulders. "You know, I think it's time I met more of my own kind of people."***~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 51
This story contains non-consensual sex, violence and acts not appropriate in a civilized society. Neither the author nor this archive condones such actions in real life. This story was written as an unusual fantasyand was not meant to offend anyone who may have been subject to real violence in their life. Why can't we all just do unto others, as we would have others do unto us?***Harumi's older brother is very rough with him. But you can't blame Hieko, he is a senior in high school and needs some spending money. So he forces his little brother to model for porno and go out and whore for him. Harumi is one of those sweet shy, quiet student types, so it goads Hieko to greater and greater acts of sadism. The little shit was just a goody-goody boy, always polite and doing and saying the right thing. Hieko changed all that, he turned his little brother into a fucking cumbucket. I met Hieko through some friends in Tokyo and was able to purchase some nice pics of Harumi, who was only thirteen at the time. I was amazed at the amount of pain and degradation the kid could take. Having drinks with Hieko in a small bar in Shinjuku where teenage employees stuck their dicks and balls into buckets of ice and then rubbed the back of your neck with them so you could cool off, I complimented Hieko on his photography and also on his stern handling of Harumi. "Boys of Harumi's age so often get out of hand. Its wonderful for an older brother to take hand in bringing him up properly," I laughed, and soon Hieko and I were good friends. I showed Hieko some pictures I had of Danny and Bradon to relax the kid... so he would trust me, although I said nothing about my connection to Mr. Black. Finally, tipsy on Sake and I hope really liking me, the high school senior invited me to a cheap hotel the next day for a special party. It seems it was to be Harumi's fourteenth birthday. The next day, in a small "Love Hotel" that you could rent by the hour, Hieko, his pal Toru and I drank beer and waited for Harumi to arrive straight from school. He had been ordered to get to the hotel fifteen minutes after school let out... and Hieko laughed that there was no way the poor kid could make it on time, no matter how hard he tried. Of course he would be punished.Finally the birthday boy knocked on the door, and Hieko yanked him in the room, shouting at him for being late. I could see that the scared look in the young boy's face was genuine, and I got out my camera. Hieko had given me permission to snap pics of the party. Oh, I forgot to mention that I had offered Hieko a nice sum of money for this private showing of his little bro. After all, friendship only goes so far. First Hieko ordered his little brother to model for me in his school uniform. Something about young boys in school uniforms turns me on, you too? I love the fact that they still wear them in Japan and Thailand. Hieko ordered Harumi to drop his trousers... and pull down his bikini underpants. I got my first look at his fresh young teenage dick and balls. It was not large, but so boyish and sweet that I threw an instant boner. Harumi was ordered to turn around and push his ass out for the guest and his camera. Snap! This youngster knew how to push his ass out. So many teenage boys just bend over, but this little slut had been taught to push his ass out like a real fucking cock whore. I could tell that Hieko had spent many hours training the cunt... and I felt sure the boy was bringing in good money for his older brother. Next Hieko had Harumi model wearing just his tiny bikini... Hieko insisted that Harumi wear girlie underwear, even though the kids at school in the locker room made fun of him. He felt it would teach Harumi humility. And since Harumi was only allowed to charge the Japanese equivalent of five dollars for a blow job to the kids at school... and since Hieko was a senior at the same school and advertised his little brother to all the older kids... every single day Harumi had to suck a dozen or so teenage dicks. Now we ordered Harumi to strip bare assed. I love the sight of a boy his age, bare assed naked in a room full of dressed guys. He was so vulnerable, so exposed. The three of us stood around talking about his naked body. Hieko told me the boy's ass was better than any pussy. Harumi stood very still, very submissive, but not looking particularly happy. When required to, he posed to show me a certain portion of his young body. I checked out his tits...his asshole, his balls, his cock... the usual. I stuck fingers into his mouth and down his throat to make sure he could deep throat. "Does he take piss?" I asked. Hieko smiled. "He will do anything and everything you desire. He drinks piss, eats shit, sucks dogs, you name it. I started working on him two years ago." "Yes, but isn't his pussy all stretched out and sloppy by now?" I stuck two fingers roughly up the young boy's ass. "See for yourself. I make him exercise his cunt muscles every night for forty-five minutes to keep them tight, so he can give a fuck as good as any virgin schoolboy. Sometimes, he will take five or six dick's up his twat in one day, and I will still enjoy a nice tight fuck in the evening." I held the sweet young boy's face in my hands and looked into his eyes. There was submission there, but also fear. I like that in a boy. "His face looks ever so slightly swollen and bruised." "Oh that's just cause some buddies and me were slapping him around yesterday. I arranged a special birthday gift for him, one guy to fuck him for each year, a real nice birthday gang-bang. But he didn't appreciate it. He whimpered that his pussy was too sore and swollen... so we had to slap him around a little to teach him to be grateful for his dear brother's birthday gift." "You should be grateful, you selfish little fuckface." I hauled off and slapped the boy hard across the face. He fell back onto the carpet bare assed naked, dick and balls flopping around. Hieko roared with laughter and lit up a joint. "Man, you do know how to treat the little fuck don't you?" I smiled. "I have had lot's of training with my own boys. You can't be soft with them, or they take advantage of you." Hieko ordered Harumi to spread his legs, and spent a few minutes kicking the boy in his ballbag and asshole... I think it was simply to impress me. I must say I was and am impressed with Hieko. I have considered telling Mr. Black about him. I think Mr. Black might have a position open for such a handsome young teenage sadist. I could tell at once that it wasn't just the money... Hieko really enjoyed abusing his little brother. That's an important quality... you can't do it just for the money. You have to do it for love of humiliation and degradation and abuse. Otherwise it becomes mechanical and uncreative. When you abuse a young boy, you can't do it for the pics you will take or the money it will bring in. You have to do it for the joy of working over the soft young smooth body of a cute teenager, watching him twist in shame and pain, for the sheer pleasure it gives you. If you please yourself, others will be pleased. Two years of work had done wonders for Harumi. He had none of the cocky arrogance of so many teens his age. He hardly spoke at all, and looked mostly at the floor. He seemed to have absolutely no self-confidence, which was really sweet, and he obeyed orders in an instant, none of this stupid begging or whining. "Well," Hieko said, sucking on the joint and passing it to Toru and me, "Lets have some fun with the little fucker should we?" We drank beer and smoked joints and watched Hieko's little brother crawl around the hotel room bare assed naked. I loved the way he arched his back so his small tight ass stuck up in the air. He also crawled with his legs apart so his cock and balls swung. This provided a fine target for Hieko, who slapped the kid's nuts every now and then until little Harumi was howling in pain. Toru who was a very sexy young man that I wouldn't mind having in the sack, was the first to shed his clothing. He grabbed Harumi by the hair and lifted the kid's face and slapped it hard with his swinging dick. Hieko roared with laughter and put some music on so nobody else could hear Harumi scream and cry. "You know, it is really nice of you to have a special birthday party like this for your brother..." I said, stripping off my own clothes. Hieko was now barefoot and she started to shove his toes into the asshole of his squirming little brother. "Oh I have to be nice to this little Cunt... he brings in lots of money." "Toru had his dick in the boy's mouth now and was slamming his hips at the kid's face... I loved the way Toru's scrotum swung as he mouthfucked young Harumi. I could hear Harumi slurping on the teen prick, making all kinds of piggy noises. Hieko told me that he had taught the boy to suck loud and sloppy as the guys at school got a kick out of that, turning Harumi into a real prickwhore. Then Hieko's toes must have scraped the inside of Harumi's rectum or something, because he suddenly bucked and bit down on Toru's dick. The angered teen let out a scream, slid his cock from the boy's mouth and backhanded the kid hard across the face. "Owww the fucker bit me..." He snapped. Hieko, very embarrassed at his brother's bad behavior and losing face in front of his guests, kicked Harumi hard in the balls, sending the young boy over onto his back. "Useless fuckhole. What if that was a paying client?" he kept kicking Harumi with his naked foot, and the boy curled up into a fetal position sobbing. Hieko produced some rope and tied Harumi's arms behind him... using that marvelous Japanese bondage technique that I still have not mastered. Then he reached in his schoolbag and removed a rubber mouth gag with a plug with a hole in it. Now we could face fuck the nasty ungrateful little shit, and he couldn't bite down. We were all walking around with hard as hell bouncing dripping dicks. All except Harumi. The Japanese students marveled at how big my western prick was and even Hieko squeezed it and bounced it on his hand to weigh it. Toru reached over and gave my dick a few pumps with his hand and I almost came.I really think that kid is so hot and still write to him and want to get him in the sack. Something about his attitude, more quiet than Hieko and unassuming, but still I could see his strong cruel streak. While Hieko finished tying his little brother, Toru walked over and stepped right on Harumi's face. He actually stood on the boy's face, which must have hurt like hell not to mention the great insult it implied. The they invited me to shove my dick down the tube clogging Harumi's mouth. I couldn't refuse the invitation, although I would have preferred a regular suck job to be honest. After I fucked the kid's face a while, I pulled out and Hieko started to plow his little brother's facecunt. Meanwhile Toru handed me the thick belt from his jeans and I proceeded to beat Harumi's tight little ass. When Harumi was shaking with pain... and his ass globes were bright red and even black in places... Toru reached down and held the kid's asscheeks apart so I could continue to whip the boy, this time right in the ass crack. Finally the kid had almost passed out from the pain. Hieko spread a blue plastic sheet on the floor so as not to ruin the carpet, then removed Harumi's mouth gag and the ropes around him. We threw him onto the blue plastic sheet and all three of us pissed on him. Then Hieko ordered the birthday boy to lick up all the piss off the blue plastic sheet. Harumi was shaking and had trouble coordinating his movements, he was so fucking freaked out. While he did this, Hieko got some big ugly looking dildos out of his school bag and we proceeded to fuck Harumi's sweet young ass with monstrous plugs of various sized. Harumi's moans and groans and sobs worked well with the techno pop music Hieko was playing. We fucked larger and larger dildos up the young boy pussy. With each pull out, prime pink inner ass lining skin stretched and puckered and opened up like a flower. "Look at that cunt, it's as big as a bitch when she gives birth..." Toru said, shoving fingers from both hands into Harumi's asshole and stretching the boycunt wide open. Harumi was making incoherent noises like he was going to die any minute, so Hieko started kicking the boy in the face to keep him alert. Finally I couldn't stand it any more and I blew a humongous load all over Harumi's back and head. But the fun was just starting. Hieko announced that we were going to shove Harumi into the trunk of his car and take a trip into the country. Hieko had use of a cabin there and out there, no one could hear the schoolboy scream. END(If you'd like to see Harumi's party send me an email) *-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story ismeant as an erotic fantasy not "real life." Anyone actingout such scenarios in "real life" can look forward tomany unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 23
My name is Mary Masterson and up until recently I was a psychiatrist and head of department for the National Mental Health Organization. My main job was adminis-trative but I always had a few projects running to keepthe little gray cells pliant. Actually one of those projects is the subject of my story tonight. I had a schizophrenic subject that I'd been working with for almost a year when the incedent took place. All he did during his waking hours was stomp around in his cell chanting unintelligible words. He was naked and without footwear due to past incidents that required emergency care.The subject's name was Marvin he was of Jewish decent and had just turned 30 years old. Marvin's parents had institutionalized him at 15 and he never saw the outside again. My project was to find out if outside stimulus would somehow break the cycle of chanting and stomping. It was almost hypnotizing to watch him stomping around naked and chanting incessantly. I would sit there for hours and watch him doing it.I have to admit that I was fascinated with Marvin. His body was well developed and other than his strange behavior he was physically attractive. From the first I thought what a shame; here was a young man with a healthy good-looking body and his mind was completely lost to the world.*It was a Saturday afternoon when I found myself sitting in the viewing room all by myself watching Marvin stomping around. As usual he was muttering some un-intelligible words and looking at the floor. I could see his penis swaying in rhythm with his moving feet, his rather well endowed balls also swung in time with his movements.It was an idle thought at first. 'Had Marvin ever been aroused? Could he be?' That little thought grew into a full-fledged question as I watched his male organs swing between his muscular legs as he continued his mindless stomping.What was I thinking? I jerked out of my reverie and began taking time notes, checking on his verbalizations and respiration. But my thoughts drifted back to Marvin's penis as I watched it swinging away. I had a real curiosity now, 'could he get hard like any other male?'I can't believe how unprofessional I was to do what I did next but I decided I had to find out. The only other people in the facility were the guards at the gate and a few custodial personnel cleaning the offices and halls. So I decided to take a chance.I walked into Marvin's cell and began to talk to him. This always seemed to have a calming effect on him. The only difference that day was that I stood close to him, so close in fact, that I could actually feel the heat radiating from his body. After all he'd been marching around chanting for almost 3 hours by then.He smelled like a man aroused. You know that special smell. For some reason Marvin always had that smell within an hour or so after his shower. I had always liked that smell, it didn't disgust me, it acted as a strange attractant to me.As I talked gently to Marvin I casually reached out and grasped his penis. He immediately stopped his stomping and chanting and stood stock-still. I slowly massaged his penis, even reaching down a little further to touch his hanging balls.All I was trying to do was stimulate him into some kind of arousal, I don't think I was thinking that anything would really get through to him, but I wanted to see. I was amazed that he'd stopped moving and seemed to be letting me touch him without protest.I moved up closer to him still reaching down and massaging his manhood. Finally I began to masturbate him. He still wasn't showing any signs of arousal and I was about ready to stop and head back to the observation room when I felt a definite hardening of his shaft.I stopped and stood back to watch his reaction. I was amazed. I'd finally gotten through to him, physical contact had done what drugs and laboratory experiments hadn't. They had stopped his incessant stomping and chanting. And now his arousal was obvious.For a 30-year-old male he had nothing to be ashamed of in the sex equipment department. No one would argue that. It was just having seen him day after day with a flaccid penis in contrast to the rising staff that was growing all the while as I watched, was surprising. I didn't say or do anything else to stimulate Marvin yet his erection quivered into life like no other man I'd seen before.Then without warning he jumped at me, scaring the hell out of me. I felt his strong grip on my arm and felt his other hand ripping at my clothing. What was happening? Fear mixed with excitement rushed through my veins like fire as Marvin began chanting louder now as he frantically held me and ripped at my clothing.I felt like I was being mauled by a simian-man, be grunted and gurgled as he pawed me. I didn't know what to do; I just tried to pull away. That was the wrong thing to do. Marvin began to pummel me with his fists. I shrank back against the wall and slowly crumpled to the floor under a hail of plows.Then he was hovering over me, his big erection poking at me like a mad serpent. Then he was on me again, tearing and ripping my clothing away. Then he was shoving me over onto my back. If I made any move to resist him he would land a few frantic blows to my head to subdue me.I screamed in fear when he climbed on top of me and began to madly thrust at me. It was obvious that he was trying to rape me. I knew that he'd never had a sexual response before, his records were complete and I knew this was his first attack of its kind.I was revolted as his sweaty body came down hard on mine and screamed again as he thrust his huge shaft deep into me with one try. There was pain at first. Marvin wasn't a sophisticated lover. In fact I'm still not sure if he really knew what he was doing. I think much of what happened was instinct and nothing more. In the wild a male's instinct to reproduce is strong, the only dif-ference between men and animals is that men usually can control their instincts with their intellect.Marvin had none of these inhibitions as he mounted me like a wild man and began to thrust into me like a crazed animal, occasionally hitting me with his clenched fist in his lust to dominate me.I felt dazed and repulsed by his attack on me, his rough violation of my body and the obvious exhilaration he was experiencing in his dominance over me. I just lay there under him taking his thrusts and blows hoping that it would soon be over. I wasn't on the pill and what was happening to me could be disastrous; there was nothing I could do to stop this man so I just closed my eyes and took it.Only a short time ago I was the one in charge, then I made my mistake and touched him where I shouldn't have, this was all my fault. Then I felt Marvin thrust extra hard into me and then hold himself tightly to my groin. His body shivered once and he grunted and began to frantically thrust in and out of me again. 'Oh my god, I thought, the bastards coming in me and there's nothing I can do to stop him,' I thought with a frantic feeling deep down insideFinally Marvin stopped his frantic fucking motions and became a heavy weight on top of me. I could feel his erection shrinking inside me and knew that he'd obtained his goal. I was humiliated and filled with disgust, but somewhere deep down inside of my soul I was also aroused by the animal dominance that Marvin had displayed toward me.I'd always been the one in charge, the one leading my partners to do what I wanted, when I wanted it. This had been a completely new experience for me, the total dominance over me by another. No matter that the man was a loon, no matter that I was bruised and battered, and maybe pregnant by him.*I was able to get away from Marvin after he fell into a contented sleep, and I managed to find a lab coat to cover my bruised naked body and make my way home. I had to call in sick on Monday and even had to make excuses for the bruises on my face when I finally did show up for work.I could have gotten away with what happened because miraculously no one found out about the incident in Marvin's cell that Saturday afternoon.Were I went terribly wrong was when I did the same thing the next Saturday. What a stupid thing to do, but I had to do it. It was like my body had a mind of it's own. I just had to experience Marvin's animal dominance again. I even made sure that I was naked so I wouldn't have to leave the facility naked as before. That second time was even better than the first for me. I'd planned it, I knew what I was in for and I was looking forward to it.His arousal was out of control again and I was soon on my back with a wild animal implanting his sperm between my legs. It was a glorious feeling, I was so alive. The feeling of complete dominance over me by someone who would kill me if I fought too hard made me come my brains out that afternoon.Why I never used birth control is still a mystery to me. I knew I should have but I didn't and after the 5th time I let Marvin take me down to the floor of his cell I knew I was pregnant. But even then I couldn't stop what I'd started. I began to worry that Marvin was becoming more aggressive during regular lab hours with females.Then the day came when Marvin got out of control on a Wednesday when everyone was there. He took Wendy Johnson the pharisaic nurse down to the floor of his cell. She'd come into his cell to get a blood sample and had ignored my warning posted on the door to his cell not to enter without me there. I'd issued instructions to that effect to everyone once I realized that Marvin was becoming used to his role as a dominant.Marvin actually was able to get off in Wendy before the staff was able to pull him off her. There was no way they could pull them apart while he was screwing her, he just became more violent and began bashing the poor girl's head against the floor until the staff backed off until he was finished with her.*After the incedent with Wendy the whole story came out and I had to resign. Now 5 years later I a single mom with a son and we live in the back woods of Kentucky. The notoriety of that incident at the center was just too much for me to take and I've been in semi-hiding ever since.My only fear now is what will my son turn out to be like. Will he inherit his father's traits? I guess only time will tell.THE END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 14
I tugged at the sheets and wondered how I had gotten into this position. I'd gotten an assignment from my editor on the school paper to do a story about teen runaways seeking fame and fortune in Hollywood. While I was hanging out at Oki-Dog, I ran into Scotty. He was a cute young kid who claimed to be 18, but looked much younger. He looked like he belonged in a white-bread Sitcom family. I bought him dinner.We talked about his abusive upbringing in Arizona and his adventures on the streets of Hollywood. I even believed some of it. We smoked some weed. By the time we were done, he said it was too late to get a bed at the mission and all the good places would be taken in the abandoned restaurant where he was crashing. He just shrugged and headed down an alley. Maybe it was guilt, maybe it was the grass, but I offered to put him up for the night.As we drove to my place in Silverlake, I couldn't help stealing glances at him. A small, slender brunet. Smooth, pale skin, full lips. I shook my head clear. Everyone exploited these kids. I wasn't going to be one of them. We finally arrived at my third floor Single. It was a furnace in the summertime. He took a long shower and was grateful for the couch. He fired up another jay as thanks.I hadn't toked in a long time and this was knocking me out.I crashed early, but the grass had gotten me horny as hell. Scotty seemed to be asleep across the room, so I chanced stroking myself quietly. And for some reason I thought of Scotty. The bed started to squeak and I tugged at the sheets again. I was just getting into it when Scotty yelled out and sat up. I sat up, too, but I couldn't get out of bed. (For fear of revealing my oozing boner.)"Just a bad dream," he mumbled, trying to be tough. That made me want him even more. "You want to talk?" I offered. He just did his James Dean shrug again and walked over. He sat on the bed. His clothes were pretty nasty, so I loaned him a pair of my bikini briefs. They looked great on him. He sniffled once and crawled under the sheets. My heart started pounding. He laid his head on my pillow and told me about the lover he missed. He wanted to hold Terry again. My heart sank as he told me how he found Terry with another guy.I still counted myself lucky to be in bed next to such a cute guy. Scotty finally got to the end of his story and looked at me. He said he didn't think he'd ever meet another boy like Terry. Then he smiled.I brushed the hair from his beautiful brown eyes. His hand lightly brushed my arm. I leaned in and kissed him experimentally. He responded slowly and moved his hand behind my head. I shifted in closer to him and we began kissing in earnest.I didn't want to know how old he was or where he came from. I just wanted to make passionate love to this boy. His quickening tongue told me he wanted the same thing. As I moved against him, I moaned as I felt something. He must have slipped off the shorts as he got into my bed. I could feel his hot, stiff boy-dick against my stomach. He rubbed it around, grinding his hips. I wanted to eat him. Bad.I kissed his angelic face, moving down to his neck. Then I ran my tongue down his chest. He tasted good all over. "You don't have to do this," he breathed. I kissed his stomach firmly in response. Then I wrapped one hand around his penis. It throbbed with his fast pulse. I kissed his almost hairless thighs, moving closer... closer. His back arched as I kissed the base of his cock. He moaned and tried to grind my face as I covered his penis with delicate, wet kisses. I worked my way to the tip, kissing, then licking. It was a small penis, but a perfect, cut, five inches. I slid him into my mouth.I can't Deep Throat, but I was able to work him almost to the hilt. His dick was silky heaven in my mouth. On my tongue. He stared talking dirty. Telling me what he'd like to do to me. That got me even hotter. And I got an idea. I moved down to his balls, kissing, licking. I slowly stroked him with one hand as I reached onto the headboard with the other...I pulled my Tube o' Lube out and squeezed some onto Scotty's cock. He shivered. "What's that?!" "Shhh..." I soothed him. I stroked him slowly, greasing him thoroughly. Then I moved up the bed until I was next to him, one hand still holding his rod. He kissed me fiercely, breathing hard. "Why did you stop?" he gasped. I kissed him again and stroked his face. "Make love to me, Scotty." He looked at me hopefully, excited. "Fuck me, Scotty. Please." He paused only a moment and kissed me passionately. "You can pretend I'm Terry," I whispered in his ear.He smiled sadly and sat up. I was worried for a moment, but then he moved down the bed, lifted my legs and moved in between them. He found the tube and oozed a huge gob into his hand. He smiled sweetly at me as he wrapped his fingers around my prick. I just settled back, enjoying his deft handjob. Then I felt slick fingers push into my asshole. My breath caught as he finger-fucked me. It was amazing. Finally, I felt both his hands on my hips. He lifted my ass up and moved in closer. I felt his hot, wet dick pressing at my ass lips.Our eyes locked and I fell in love with this street boy as he slipped his cock into me. His eyes closed in ecstasy as he slowly pushed all the way in. We both moaned, shouted and laughed as he fucked me, his thrusts growing wilder. I gasped that I was almost ready to shoot. He said to wait... wait... Then I felt his cock pulsing deep inside me and I let go, too. I sprayed all over the place. Scotty was whooping like a wolf as he fucked me faster. Finally, he collapsed on top of me, his dick still inside.He slid up my cum-soaked chest to kiss me on the lips again. His penis slipped out of me and we rubbed our wet, semi-hard cocks together as we made out. I slapped my hands onto his small, firm ass, grinding against him. Belly-fucking him as we kissed a forever-kiss. Finally, he rolled onto the bed next to me and we got some oxygen. We looked at each other and I knew this was more than just a three-column newspaper story. I was going to lose my heart again. I'd probably get hurt. But then I thought, "What the fuck, why not."END*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*The author does not condone child abuse, this story is meant as an erotic fantasy not depicting anything in real life. Anyone acting out such scenarios in "real life" can look forward to many unproductive years getting it up the butt by a fellow convict in their local prison system.*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*Kristen's collection - Directory 78
Now I will confess to you a secret if you’ll keepThat every single working day, with lots of women I do sleepIt doesn’t matter if they’re single, married or divorcedThe age or size is of no concern, nor is their colour of courseThere is something special about that great surpriseWhen taking in her beauty through my bleary eyesThe sceptics say “How could you?” as they lecture me in lifeAbout the fact I’m married and should be faithful to my wife.But my wife knows all about it and in fact it makes her grinTo think that many people would consider it a sin.But alas! It’s not so grandiose; in fact you’ve made a boob!‘Cos all these women I sleep with are just passengers on the tube!We sit there, side by side just dozing and our heads begins to flopSnoozing like back-benchers, just waiting for our stop.And when we reach our destinations, politely we do nodAnd go our own directions home, all upon our Todd.So if you thought of any other reason, then maybeYou’ve got a wild imagination or a touch of jealousy!But if I’ve made you smile a bit or laugh right from the heartI dedicate this ode to you, my fellow underground tart!
Author Note: If you are too young to be on this site, leave now. If this kind of material is illegal where you are, leave now. If you are offended by interracial sex between adults, leave now.This story is a work of fiction (maybe) and the author invites you to weigh in on your opinion. Your thoughts are encouraged and I will tell you if you guessed right.***BethThe first time I saw Elizabeth, she was coming out of a Steak & Shake near the MIT campus. She was with three other girls and she turned my head immediately. I'm not sure what I saw in that first glimpse, but I knew I wanted to see more. She was laughing at something one of the girls had said, and her voice sounded magical. She was not the tall, statuesque, model type beauty, but she had that special down home look that promised a very fun loving girl. They started down the street towards campus and I decided to follow, discreetly, and see where they went. When she turned and went into the library, and the other girls continued on, I had to follow her in and see if I could meet her.She worked her way over to the science section and pulled down a book and took it to a table. I looked at the place where she had taken the book from and noticed it was a book on physics. Thinking, wow! What a coincidence, I took a book down and took it to the table she was sitting at and sat down across from her. She looked up and smiled. I smiled back and began reading. We had been there about ten minutes and I was watching her as she read. She looked up and caught me looking at her and said, "Hi, I'm Beth, and you're Paul aren't you?" I'm usually not at a loss for words, but when she knew my name, I was very surprised. "I've seen you on the football field. You're good!" I finally got my voice back and responded something inane I'm sure, I don't even remember what. I was just totally flustered and that's not like me. We talked a while and discovered she was majoring in engineering too and some normal small talk when, don't ask me why, or how it came out, but I looked at her and asked her if she would like to go out with me some time. I said, "If you go out with me, I'll bring some gum." She looked at me and laughed and said, "How could any girl turn down a line like that?" She gave me her phone number and told me to call her sometime, but "Right now, I really have to study."I left her there and had visions of Elizabeth all the way back to my apartment. Not wanting to appear desperate, I waited about a week before calling her and asking her out. When she said sure, I pumped my fist in the air, saying "Yessss!" to myself.I picked her up at her dorm and as soon as she got in the car, she said, "Well, where's the gum?" God, that smile is so cute!!! I pulled out some double bubble and gave her one and we had a contest blowing bubbles. We went to a pizza bar and ate pizza and drank a few beers and decided to just walk around. There was a very nice park right along the river and we just walked and talked and got to know each other a little better. I was really taken back for a minute when she announced to me, as if she were telling me her favorite color, that she was a virgin and she planned to stay that way until she got married, "So if that's a problem, let's get it out in the open right now.""No, absolutely that's not a problem," I assured her. "I respect you for it and you can be sure you're safe with me." After I dropped her off later that evening, I was thinking to myself, "What the fuck, dude, you're going to become celibate all of a sudden?" But the more I thought about it, the more I convinced myself that it was just a test, and she would be more reasonable after she got to know me a little better. We dated exclusively after that, and it soon became obvious, she was not just testing me. She was adamant about wanting to be a virgin on her wedding night. Realizing, the only way I was going to get laid was to marry her, I proposed, and we got married the following spring just before summer break.Before you all start ostracizing me for marrying a young innocent girl just to get fucked, let me assure you that we were deeply in love and I was more than willing to wait for her. Besides, I still had Von to make sure my dick didn't dry up and fall off. Knowing the situation I was in, he shared his partner of the moment with me whenever we got a chance to get together. Come on! What are best friends for?Beth was raised in a very strict household by very prejudiced parents. She was told in no uncertain terms that whites and blacks should never mix socially, let alone intimately, so the idea of being with any other man, let alone a black man, just never entered her mind. It was kind of like the old entreaties about the laws of physics. You don't spit into the wind. You don't tug on Superman's cape. You don't piss on an electric fence, and so on. It just isn't done.So after about 7 years of marriage we started to fall into that rut married people get into and wanted to find something to spice up our sex life. Let me show you my Beth. She's 5 feet 2 inches tall with natural blond hair that falls below her shoulders. She was the most attractive girl on her high school cheerleader squad, she was voted prom queen and her senior picture in the year book stated she had the best smile in the school and it was ready for everyone. She was a beautiful 32C, 21 inch waist and 34 inch hips when we met and I was immediately overwhelmed when she agreed to date me.Our sex life was, and still is, unbelievable. Beth is endowed with the ability to have multiple orgasms and when she gets rolling, often will have five or six in succession without ever coming down and then quickly can climb back up for another round. But after seven years sex was just becoming routine. We started to experiment with some toys and some roll playing and that seemed to help for awhile, but that "spark" just wasn't there. While we were in an adult book store looking at some new toys, we met another couple who were looking in the same area and struck up a conversation. They remarked that they had bought the vibrator we were looking at and they loved it.We decided to give it a try and continued talking with them until they mentioned they were going to stop at the tavern and get a drink and asked if we would like to join them. We agreed and after a couple drinks they casually mentioned they belonged to a nudist club. They invited us to go with them one weekend. We talked about it and hesitantly agreed to give it a try.When the time came, we were quite excited as well as apprehensive, but determined we would try it one time for kicks and see what happened after that.When we got to the club, the rules were that males had to be nude at all times except if weather turned nasty, but females did not have to be totally nude if they were uncomfortable. When we arrived, we were met there by Tim and Renee, the couple that invited us, and they took us to their cabin and laid out the ground rules. They made us feel very relaxed and comfortable and by the time they were ready to show us the grounds, we were all completely nude.Renee is 30 years old and is very attractive in a girl next door kind of way. She is about 5 foot 5 inches with 34C cup boobs, a very slim waist and a very nice bubble butt. She is also completely shaved bare. Come on guys, what do you think? I immediately started to sprout a hard on as I watched her undress. She noticed right away and just smiled and said, "Don't worry, the first time that is quite normal, I take that as a compliment. Thank you." The embarrassment had the effect of causing a drastic downsizing for me so I was somewhat presentable in public when we left the cabin. We were all undressing in one room and Beth was studiously trying to avert her eyes from watching to see if Tim was watching her, but when he got down to lowering his boxers, her eyes got really big. Tim is about 6 inches flaccid and that was the first other man cock she had ever seen. Compared to me, he was a little longer and thicker. He was also shaved almost clean except for a narrow patch of trimmed pubic hair right above his cock.I could see Beth was flushed upon realizing all men are not created equal, and had a hard time not staring.We left the cabin and toured the grounds and had an eye opening event filled day. Beth saw firsthand just how I measured up with the other guys. Tim was by no means the biggest cock on the playground that day and by the time we got back to our reserved room for the night, Beth was hornier than I had seen her in a very long time. Since we were already naked, we didn't have the normal preliminaries leading up to making love, an she just shoved me back on the bed, climbed on top of me and in very quick order had me ready to give her a good ride. Once she had me sufficiently aroused, she climbed up and straddled my hips and without any preamble, lowered herself onto me and buried my very rigid 7 and a half inches inside her. I'm not sure she had ever been that wet when we first started to play before and with just a few thrusts, she was moaning and panting and growling to her first of many orgasms that night.Afterwards, when we lay exhausted entwined in each other's arms, I asked her, "What brought that on? Not that I'm complaining, but that was the best sex we've had in years.""I don't know" she answered. After a couple minutes of silence she said, "Maybe it was all those naked bodies we've been surrounded by all day and the thoughts of all the sex that must have been going on all around us. Does that make any sense?"The next morning we met with Tim and Renee again and spent the rest of the day meeting some new people, swimming in their pool, soaking up the sun, sauna and scenery. Let me tell you the scenery was something out of a fairy tale. There was a lot more than sun bathing going on but it was all in somewhat of an undercurrent. The looks between couples, the smiles and comments, all innocent on the outside, but it was obvious there was something going on beneath the surface that wasn't immediately obvious.That evening, Tim and Renee invited us back to their cabin for snacks and some adult beverages and, as it turned out, some funny smoke. Once we were all pleasantly buzzed, Renee put on some sensual jazz music and went and sat on the couch next to Tim. The pot and the music had us all pretty mellow and the next thing I noticed, Renee had her hand on Tim's thigh, casually caressing it in an area that would have given me an instant hard on if it had been me. Tim had his arm around her shoulders and was leaning back enjoying the high, and as if it were the most natural thing in the world, let his hand start caressing her breast.Beth noticed too, as it was pretty obvious and slid a little closer to me, but, as might be expected, quite flustered and a little embarrassed. I mean, we have never openly displayed sexual feelings for each other in front of other people. Sex is between two people and in the privacy of their own environment, right? The action going on in front of me had the expected result of making me achingly hard though and that had Beth even more flustered, not knowing what to expect next.After a little while, when it seemed Tim and Renee might want to take things a little farther, we excused ourselves and went back to our own room. When we got there, Beth was laughing and wondering how far they would have gone if we hadn't left. She was still buzzing and when I laid her down on the bed she was extremely wet again and more than ready for me. When we were exhausted again I realized this seemed to be turning into a pattern with Beth and started wondering what was going through her mind to make her so wet without even any foreplay. When I broached the question she admitted that watching Tim and Renee making moves in front of us got her excited."What would you have done if they jumped on each other right there in front of us?" I asked. She just giggled and said she would have probably jumped my bones right there too. Thinking she was still high and that was the grass talking, I registered it in my mind but didn't think too much of it. I figured we would talk some more when we weren't buzzed.The next day was filled with much the same activities except in the evening there was a social hour planned. We met with Tim and Renee again along with two other couples and we all strolled over to the club house for drinks and snacks. It was a typical social hour with the exception that everyone was naked and there seemed to be a lot of familiarization among the natives. The co-mingling seemed much friendlier than what we had expected. After about an hour Tim suggested we go back to the cabin for some more smoke so we left the groping and headed there. Now with Beth's size, she gets tipsy with far fewer drinks than normal, so when we got to the cabin and started to toke up, she was already quite high. After sharing a couple joints she was absolutely bombed. Renee put on some slow seductive dance music and started dancing with Tim so we naturally followed suit and it wasn't long before we both noticed that Renee's hand was wrapped around Tim's very impressive erection and she was grinding into him. OMG, now what, we were thinking. As they continued to dance, Beth pulled in closer to me and, of course, I sprung a boner too and Beth had it pressed against her lower belly as we danced. She was also beginning to breathe a little heavier as the dance and my hard on kept working at her belly. After the dance, we sat down and Tim pulled out another rolled one and we passed it around until we were all just floating on high.Another slow song was playing and Renee came over and asked Beth if she minded if I danced with her. That made her pause for a moment. She looked at me and I don't know if it was the grass or the thought of what was going to be coming, but she nodded her assent and I got up, with my hard on leading the way, and pulled Renee in to me and began a very erotic dance in front of my wife. As would be expected, Tim came over and asked Beth to dance and with her sitting and him standing in front of her, his 8 inches of erect meat was right at eye level. She smiled and got up and floated into his arms and I don't know if it was actually dancing, but they moved against each other very slowly. In the meantime, Renee had reached between us and playfully flicked my dick with her fingers and when I didn't stop her she grasped it in her hand and started stroking me as we moved together. Now, I have a fairly quick trigger when I'm really excited, and I don't know how I could have been any more excited than I was at that moment, so it didn't take very long at all before I was at the verge of coming in her hand. When I pulled back to take a quick breather, I looked over and noticed that Beth and Tim had stopped dancing and he was caressing her breasts while she had both hands wrapped around his sausage.Another slow song started playing and Renee went to her knees in front of me and leaned in to take my cock in her mouth. I was in absolute ecstasy and I knew there was no way I was going to stop her when the time came. This was all just so insane. We had never even talked about having sex with anyone else before, although I had fantasized about it, and here it was happening spontaneously. I had Renee's head held between my hands and was moving to her rhythm when I looked over and noticed Beth had both arms around Tim's neck, standing on tip toes with his hands holding her bare ass and grinding his cock into her stomach. That scene, plus what was happening to my cock right then pushed me over the top and I started shooting my seed into her mouth as she swallowed every drop and kept sucking. When I started to breathe again, and opened my eyes I saw Beth on her knees in front of Tim and she was licking up and down his shaft. As I watched, she took him in her mouth and slowly started sliding him in and out, in and out. I could tell Tim was very close already and wondered if Beth would let him cum in her mouth. He was pumping gently into her mouth in time to her rhythm and his eyes were closed, when suddenly he stopped her and said, "Not like this." He took her hand and pulled her up and led her to their open bedroom door. Beth looked at me, wondering what I was going to do. I could tell she wanted to, so I smiled at her and nodded. She let Tim pull her into the bedroom, but he didn't shut the door and after just a few seconds, I heard a sharp intake of breath and then, "Uhhhhhhhhhh GOD, yesssssssssss!" as he entered her. Renee and I moved over to the open door and stood there watching. "OHHHhhhhh," she sighed as her eyes closed and she felt the fullness of his head stretching her wider than she had ever been stretched before. She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and let herself slide a little farther down his body and I watched more of that hard cock slide into her pussy. He had maybe three inches inside her when she began to cum. She started to orgasm as she slid all the way down until his cock was buried in her tunnel all the way to his balls. Soon she was bucking up and down trying to get even more cock into her even though there was no more available. She rode that cock for at least three orgasms before Renee took hold of my rock hard appendage and pulled me into the living room and pushing me into the couch, straddled my hips and impaled herself on me. We fucked ourselves silly and we could hear from the other room that Beth was having a wonderful time too. The next couple hours went on in that fashion and I must have fallen asleep in total exhaustion. When I woke up, Renee was pulling me to my feet and prodding me towards the bedroom where the sounds from Beth and Tim had subsided. When we got there, Beth was asleep flat on her back and Tim was laying there just watching her. Renee was looking at them both with a look that said, "Do I dare?" She knelt on the bed between Beth's legs and slowly moved down towards her naked body. Tim moved over and gave her some room and she slid down and started gently licking Tim's cum from between Beth's folds. As she continued to tongue massage Beth's lips and clit, Beth started to move her hips and spread her legs even wider. She obviously thought Tim was arousing her for another round and she was going to enjoy it. She opened her eyes and saw me standing there and looked over and saw Tim next to her. By this time she was already climbing towards another orgasm when she realized it was Renee. She was a little shocked at first, but it was too late to stop her now. Beth began to lift her hips off the bed and try to push her pussy harder into Renee's lips. This was too much for me and I reached down and started to stroke my achingly hard cock while I watched. Tim saw me and being hard himself, he moved to the foot of the bed in front of me and replaced my hand with his. He slowly began to caress my shaft with his fingers and slide his hands up and down me. He then looked me in the eye and bent over, watching me, and engulfed my cock in his mouth.It was then that Renee switched positions and put herself in a 69 position with Beth. Beth immediately began to probe Renee's pussy with her fingers and then moved her head between Renee's legs and began licking her pussy. It wasn't long before both of them were staining and bucking with mutual orgasms. I was nearing another climax myself, and wanted it to last so I pulled back and told Tim it was my turn. He lay back on the bed cross wise to the girls and I got between his legs and started giving him the best head I knew how to give. After a while, he said "Turn around like the girls. I switched my position so I was straddling him with my cock over his face and his cock reaching for my lips and started sucking harder. I wanted Tim to cum in my mouth and Tim obviously wanted me to cum in his and we both sucked furiously on each other. I felt that tingle start up in my groin and was bucking my hips down, fucking his face faster and faster and Tim was pushing his cock into my waiting mouth faster and faster and Beth and Rene were both moaning and bucking into each other in mutual orgasms when I felt Tim's cock tense up and start to pulse. He must have shot six or seven spurts of man juice into my mouth. That was like the trigger for me and I started to shoot my cum in his mouth. I was cumming, Tim was cumming, Beth and Renee were both cumming and all of us were moaning with pleasure.We woke up the following morning and made some breakfast and talked about the night before. Any modesty about nudity was totally gone and we were all comfortable with each other in our nakedness. Being Sunday, we had to get ready to go home. We packed our meager belongings, said our goodbyes, and headed for the highway.We began to talk and we talked all the way home and well into the night about these events. We both voiced the question; did we just open a new chapter in our lives? Do we think we want to repeat the experience? How would we feel about it personally? Would you care? What if and what if and what if until we finally fell asleep.We talked about it several time over the next several days and finally decided we would give it one more try to see if it was really something we wanted to pursue, or if we would just chalk it up to another experience, glad we tried it, but that was enough.Tim had e-mailed me the next day after that night and expressed his concern that we were OK and if we wanted to talk about it to give him a call. So about a week later, we called them and invited them to stay at our house for a weekend and see where things led to. They agreed, and the following weekend they showed up. We took them out to dinner and cocktails at a nice restaurant. We had a few drinks and headed back to the house. We told them that this time we wanted to play it straight without any drugs to see what we really were getting into without the benefit of being half unconscious. We moved to the family room with the big screen TV, I put on some porn and we each sat with each other's partner. In no time at all, Tim was unbuttoning Beth's blouse and she was letting him, so we were all naked within just a few minutes. To my surprise, Beth was the one that really started to get into it first. Once she was naked and had Tim naked, she got down on her knees and started licking his cock and he responded quickly rising to his full 8 Inches. She had both hands wrapped around it with the head in her mouth and she was stroking it tightly. Bent over like she was it was easy to see that she had been anticipating this scene and it had her slippery wet already. While I got on my knees in front of Renee and lifted her legs over my shoulders and proceeded to show her my oral skills, Beth crawled up on Tim's lap and straddling him, lowered herself onto his shaft. Her head was thrown back as she mewled softly, "Ohhhh ysssss!" From the angle I had on the floor watching out of the corner of my eye that had to be the most erotic thing I had ever seen in my life. I could see her pussy glistening around that 8 inch shaft and knowing it was buried deep inside her, I came myself without even touching my own cock. I continued to work on Renee's clit and pussy lips until she came twice.By that time, Beth was riding the crest of orgasm after orgasm, bouncing up and down on Tim's cock while he matched her rhythm and thrust up into her every time she lifted off him. Pretty soon I heard him start to moan, "OH Yeahhhh, Oooohhhh yeah, get ready, it's almost there!!!! Ohhhhhhh Godddddddddd!!!!!!" And just before he erupted, Beth slid off him and took him in her hands and guided him into her mouth. She had never done that with me. She got just the head of his cock in her mouth when he started spraying her tonsils with spurt after spurt of man juice and although she tried valiantly to swallow it all, he came so much that some of it leaked out the side of her lips and down her chin. When his balls were empty, Beth sat back and used her fingers to clean off the excess cum on her chin and cheek and licked them clean in front of all of us. That nearly blew my mind and I realized right then that we had opened up a new chapter in our lives and it would never be the same again.We went to the club with Tim and Renee several times after that and came to realize that all of the members there were swingers, and the very first time back to the club, after a couple of drinks and some killer weed, I noticed after coming off the dance floor with a very buxom red head, Beth had disappeared. I knew she had probably gone off to the guy's room that she had been dancing with, so after a little talk, I headed back to our room with Tanya, the red head. When we got to our room I was unprepared for the surprise awaiting me. Beth had indeed, gone off with the guy she had been dancing with, but he had brought two other guys along and as soon as I opened the door, I saw Beth on the bed with her legs over one guys shoulders and he was pumping into her vigorously, and the other two guys were on either side of her, each of them with a nipple between their lips and one of them had a hand between her legs rubbing her clit while the other guy was pounding her pussy with his cock. Her head was thrown back and her back and hips were arched off the bed and she was incoherent in her moans and cries and low screams as she was pleasured over and over again.Tanya and I moved over to the couch and as I started to go down on her, one of the guys who had been "assisting" with Beth came over and offered Tanya his cock. She took him in her mouth and proceeded to give him some outstanding head by the sounds coming from him while I continued to tease her lips and her clit with my tongue and lips. The rest of the evening turned into a bona fide orgy as everyone was trading around all night. It seemed like after one of the guys had emptied his seed in one of the girls, he had time to recover while the next guy was dipping his wick, and I've got to say, except for a few short breaks, the girls had cocks in one orifice or another all night long. It was about five o'clock in the morning when our guests finally cried uncle and left.Beth was still on the bed with her legs spread wide open when the last guy left, and don't ask me why, because I absolutely don't know myself, I went over to her and got between her legs and started going down on her drenched pussy. I have no idea how many loads of cum had been dumped in her tonight, but as I started licking her lips and the cum started flowing out of her, she grabbed my head and pulled it into her and cried out another orgasm.Now you know how it came about that we got into sharing each other with friends and sometimes complete strangers.END
Bobby and Lacey had been married for two years. Being the adventurous couple that they were, sexual activity had not been something they left out of their still young marriage. They had experimented with blindfolds and toys. One weekend Bobby tied Lacey up and made her his sex slave. He brought her breakfast, lunch, and dinner, accompanied with a side of semen for her tasting pleasure. She enjoyed that very much being a woman who liked to experiment. Outside of their private life they were a pretty normal couple. Both in their mid-thirties and very successful, Lacey having a middle management position in a marketing firm and Bobby being a hot shot attorney with a position just under the DA in the city. They had many friends and would go out to dinners with couples and business associates. No kids meant a lot of free time to enjoy their marriage with weekend getaways and spur of the moment excursions, everything seemed pretty perfect in their relationship. It was a cool spring evening in May when everything began. It was Lacey's 20 year high school reunion and she was very excited about the event. She finally could show off her new husband to everyone from her past and catch up with all her old friends. They were both dressed to the tilt with Bobby in a sports jacket, no tie and Lacey in a sleek black dress. Lacey had always kept herself in good condition and Bobby was always drawing female attention anywhere they went, but Lacey didn't mind. "Hurry up darling, we're gonna be late!" shouted Lacey from downstairs. Bobby gave himself one more look in the mirror and headed downstairs. Grabbing the keys and kissing his wife on the way out the door they headed for the car in their appointed spot at their apartment complex. (their new home was under construction). Arriving at the event, they entered with the usual greetings and smiles that accompany such gatherings. Lacey, having been Captain of the cheerleading squad and Student Council President, was sort of Mrs. Popular. Bobby followed her lead as she broke off into conversations with various people, friends she hadn't seen for years were telling her about their lives and her and Bobby were talking about how they met and how it was love at first sight. This went on for a good while. Later in the party Bobby and Lacey found themselves alone. "How about another drink," Bobby said to Lacey. Lacey already having had three and having a good night replied "Why not, just hurry back." Bobby left for the bar and Lacey stood waiting on the opposite side of the makeshift dance floor. The line was long at the bar being a little later in the evening so Bobby took his place in line. As he waited to be served he gazed across the room, it was a good turnout for a 20 year reunion and he was impressed at the group that had gathered. He looked back at his wife and noticed someone talking to her. The man was in a suit and tie and about 6"2. Lacey had a big smile on her face as he watched the conversation. When the man finally turned so that Bobby could see his face a smile ear to ear broke out. He knew him. Bobby being served by the bartender went back to join his wife and his friend."Tom!" exclaimed Bobby. "What are u doing here? I had no idea you knew my wife, let alone went to school with her." Tom was also an attorney, but worked for another firm. Bobby and he had casual conversations from time to time, but never really got personal. "Hello Bobby. Yeah, I graduated with queen here." Lacey blushed at Tom's compliment. "So were you two were acquaintances, or did she pass u in the hall without giving u a look?" Bobby asked jokingly. "Actually Bobby, Lacey and I dated in high school and into are first year in college, I played baseball and got a scholarship and Lacey came along." Bobby's face changed to a more inquisitive look. "Really, Funny, I thought I knew about all her boyfriends from her past, but she never mentioned you?" Lacey's smile had become uneasy as she shifted in her dress. "We were both young and thought we knew what relationships were supposed to be about.""Right," replied Tom with a half-hearted smile seeming a little less enthusiastic than before. "Hmm, Well guess we all learn as we get older," Bobby said laughing trying to lighten the obvious tension that had filled the air. Tom replied in almost a whisper "Guess so," as he gave a quick glance at Lacey who was now totally flustered and looking at the floor. Bobby then changed the subject with Tom and they started talking about work. Lacey became withdrawn as the conversation continued. Lacey, watching them bounce off each other like best friends was getting very uncomfortable now and began motioning for Bobby to end the conversation. She was ready to go home. Bobby and Lacey said their good-byes to Tom and headed for the exit.Back home in the comfort of their bed a conversation broke out about Tom: "So, One old boyfriend was a secret, you never told me about a guy named Tom," Bobby said with a sly smirk on his face. Lacey replied, "Well a woman is allowed to have a secret or two right," Lacey said with a sexy grin as she took off her jewelry to get ready for bed. "Besides, I had no idea you guys knew each other and that was so long ago I had forgotten about it." "Oh yeah, I see him around the courtrooms a lot honey.. He is a lawyer also," explained Bobby. "And as far as your secrets, that depends," said Bobby with a dirty look on his face now watching his naked wife. "On what?" She replied, almost purring as she entered the bed. "On whether those secrets involve sexual fantasies," he said as their lips and tongues locked together. After the kiss Lacey rose up in a seated position, her breast bare and beautiful, looking kind of sheepish she stammered, "Well, there is something?" "Really?" Bobby replied as his heart was beating out of his chest. "A Sexual Fantasy?" he asked. "Tell me now and it's yours. You know how I am when it comes to sex." "I know," Lacey replied in a more serious tone. "One reason why I love you is because of your sexual imagination, but this one...." Lacey paused suddenly feeling uncomfortable. Bobby sat up in bed next to her feeling her emotions change and seeing the look on her face becoming uneasy. "Honey, I'm your husband you can tell me anything. What is it?" Lacey sat silent for a minute, searching for the words to explain to her husband what she was thinking. "Well," she finally stumbled, "We've done a few things with blindfolds and toys but..." she paused again. "Just tell me!" exclaimed Bobby. "It's embarrassing!" she replied. "And I don't know how you'd feel about it." "Honey," Bobby said comforting her, "you can tell me, what's your fantasy?""Well," she continued, "I've always wanted to be manhandled in bed." Bobby looked confused, "You mean rough sex, honey we've done that a bunch of times. I've held you down or backed you against a wall, we've done it.""No, No!" said Lacey almost shouting. "I mean really rough," she replied. "And it would have to be a surprise, I mean just you taking over my whole body, scratching, clawing, ripping me... and I wouldn't know when or if it was you." Bobby sat there dumbfounded as his wife described her fantasy he wanted her to perform. She wouldn't know when or how. She described a situation of secrecy and being tied up and gagged when it happened, she wouldn't even mind a few bruises. She talked about oxygen deprivation and code words.Finally Bobby stopped her explanation, "You mean a rape Fantasy." "Yes," replied Lacey. "I want my husband to rape me. Crazy isn't it?"Bobby's mind was swimming. The thought of raping his own wife had never even occurred to him, but as Lacey was going through the explanation of the event, he noticed her nipples hardening and his cock was getting hard also. "I don't know Lacey, I really wouldn't know how to pull that off?" he said. Lacey, now begging after getting that off her chest said, "I know, it would be difficult, that's why it's a fantasy." Lacey turned over in the bed to her side; Bobby turning her way reached over and pulled her back towards him. He asked, "Now wait a minute, is this something you really want?" Putting her head down between her breasts, Lacey gave him a slow nod yes. As her head came back up they kissed again their eyes met in one last embrace. "Then I'm gonna try and make it happen, because I love you," Lacey smiled as they kissed one more time. After making love they both drifted off into a deep sleep dreaming about the evening and there bedroom conversation.Two weeks passed, Lacey had gotten real busy at work because of a new account the firm had acquired and Bobby was helping the DA on a big case. Their life pretty much stayed the same, dinners, parties, but the sex life had kind of dropped off a little because they were so tired. Also, Lacey had started to get what Bobby had referred to as mother fever. She had mentioned wanting to start a family after their third year of marriage and their third wedding anniversary was getting closer. She had started keeping track of her biological clock and had mentioned to Bobby that she knew exactly when her ovulation time was and could map it down to the hours. Bobby was impressed at her efforts towards such precision. Four more weeks had passed since the night they had the conversation about the rape fantasy. Over the past few weeks Lacey had noticed a slight change in Bobby. Nothing major, but he was becoming more and more detached. He wanted sex a little less also. Lacey just figured it was a man's way of responding when a wife tells him he wants a child and starts mapping her menstrual cycles. Two months pass now since the conversation about the rape fantasy and Bobby had become very hard to talk to in the evenings after work. He was very irritable, and blamed it on problems at the office and with the trial he and the staff were working on. Lacey, trying to be a good wife, sought to comfort her husband with a little whiskey and some back rubs, but Bobby remained withdrawn.Ten weeks since the rape fantasy conversation pass, Lacey decided that she wanted to confront Bobby about the state of their relationship. "Bobby," Lacey says, "We need to talk." The dreaded words any husband wants to hear. Bobby and Lacey enter the dining area of their apartment and sat down at their table. "What's wrong said Lacey, is ever since that night after our reunion you've become increasingly distant. Are you mad at me, because of what we talked about that night? I know I've been pushing to start a family, does that bother you? Talk to me? What's going on with you?" Bobby responds apologetically, "No baby, I'm not angry with you, and I want to start a family with you. I had always dreamed about that since I first married you, it's just that I've been under a lot of pressure lately on this case with it being so public, and as far as that conversation after our reunion, I've still got ideas." Lacey smiled as she became more comfortable, "So you want to give me a baby." "Yes," he replied, "but let's do this right. When's your next ovulation time?" "In about three weeks," she said. "Okay, no sex till then. Got it?" "Well we haven't been doing it much anyway, but okay, deal," she replied. "On that night three weeks from now... I help you make a baby!" "Great!" she exclaimed heart fluttering. They kissed and went to bed, holding each other in their arms. Three weeks later the time had arrived. Lacey was finishing up at the office some work she needed to get done. It was about 4:30pm. Just as she was about to head out, her boss Allyson rushed into her office, "We've got problems! There's a rush project that has to be finished by morning and it's on your team Lacey." Lacey's heart sank. She had ordered champagne for the evening and a special boutique of flowers for her dining room table, now she had to work late. Her plans were ruined. My husband is gonna be furious she thought. Dialing her cell she was wondering how to explain this away. "Hi honey," she said as he picked up. "Hello darling, Ready for tonight?" he asked. "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I have to work late, my boss just dropped a rush project on my desk and my team and I are going to have to work late tonight." "We could reschedule for tomorrow?""Absolutely not, we'll just have to make it a midnight dinner." Smiling on the other end, Lacey replied, "Okay, I'll try to get this wrapped up and be home as soon as I can." "Can't wait, love you dear," Bobby said. "You too, see you tonight," as she hung up the phone.It was around 11:30pm when Lacey pulled into her apartment parking spot. She was very tired as she got out of the car and headed up the stairs to her apartment door. Rubbing the back of her neck on the stairs she noticed some things out of the ordinary. There complex was usually well lit, but tonight it was pitch black. Normally when she pulls into her spot, she is flanked by coupes and mini-vans, but tonight the lot was almost desolate. Not thinking much of it, she proceeded up to her door the blinds were open and apartment was pitch black, which she thought was strange. Bobby should have been home hours ago. As she slid the key into the door, it happened, and nothing could prepare her for what was next:Before she could get the door open, she felt two hands on her shoulders pushing her inside and against the wall. As she struggled, to get away, a large gag was quickly dropped over her head and around her mouth. It was tightly fastened behind her head to shut out any screams she could make. The assailant then turned her around. In her terror she tried to scream, but couldn't make a sound because of the gag. He was wearing all black and a black ski mask. He slapped her twice and twisted her around again, binding her hands behind her back. Trying to struggle to no avail, he slapped her again letting her go almost unconscious. He then carried her to the bedroom. Inside on the bed there were two leg restraints waiting for her legs. She watched, weakly, in horror as the man in the black ski mask, spread her legs and fastened both of them into the restraints. A gag in her mouth, arms tied behind her back and legs spread her assailant began to kiss her. Tears streaming down her face she tried to turn away, but he persisted. He then decided to rip off her shirt. Gagged and tied, she watched as the black figure licked her nipples and kissed her chest. She was helpless, mascara running, and wincing with every slip of his tongue against her nipples. Suddenly the figure sat up. Reaching with his left hand on the floor of the left side of the bed, he pulled up a knife. Lacey was terrified now, what was he planning. Rubbing the metal on the inside of her thighs, the dark figure proceeded to cut Lacey's panties off under her dress. He flicked them away using the Knife once he had them off. Lacey begging and pleading could do nothing as he undid his pants and slipped his unprotected prick inside her. He began to pump away on Lacey, flashing the knife in her face for a reminder of power, intermittently placing the cold metal on Lacey's nipples making them erect. Lacey, still sobbing and trying to keep her composure from the throbbing prick inside of her. It suddenly flashed in her head... THE RAPE FANTASY. The ordeal she had talked about 3 months earlier with her husband after her 20 year reunion. It was actually happening. Slowly, she began to change her expressions. Her sobbing became panting beneath the gag. Instead of tensing and trying to pull away from the cock, she slowly started to lift her pelvis to help the cock inside her. The dark figure over her with the knife, now seen as a prop, was her husband. A brief smile started to overtake her tears and she started to roll her head back in ecstasy as the hard cock buried inside her deeper and deeper.As the dark figure continued to fuck Lacey's fertile womb, she thought to herself, what a way to bring a baby into the world. He or She can never know about this. Then, a new twist, suddenly, from the closet a figure appeared. It was another man! But who? This wasn't part of what I described she thought? Suddenly the man spoke, "Do you like it Baby?" The dark figure continued to ram his cock inside her. That voice... so familiar. As a demon angel wearing all white stepped into the only light coming from the room by the window, she froze in astonishment as Bobby revealed himself as a spectator watching the Dark figure fuck his wife. Lacey's expression changed instantly. If my husband isn't the one fucking me, she thought, who is? As the Dark figure continued to pound Lacey, Bobby began to pace the sex filled room. As the moaning of his wife continued, now defenseless from the pleasure being dished out by the dark figure's cock, Bobby reached to the top of the dark figure's ski mask and pulled it off. AMAZEMENT! ANGUISH! FEAR! HATRED! ORGASMIC PLEASURE! could all be seen at one time on Lacey's face as the dark figure's identity was revealed. IT WAS TOM!As Bobby paced the room, he began to explain to his wife, while she was being fucked, about the past three months. He explained how after that night at the reunion, he and Tom got together for lunch, he explained how Tom had confided in him that Lacey had been cheating for about 4 months. He explained how Tom had told him everything about their hotel rooms and secret rendezvous. He also explained the fact to her that Tom did not love her, but just saw her as another piece of ass, which is just as I see u now. Bobby's voice began to get stern and angry as he lashed out at Lacey. Lacey still bound began to cry again, Tom still fucking her. Well darling, he explained, as I said I am going to help you make a baby, no question about it. Bobby proceeded to the bedroom door and opened it. To Lacey's horror, in walked between forty to fifty Mexican men from the construction crew that was building their home. All of them had their dick in their hand. All Lacey could do was sob as she knew this was going to be a long night. Suddenly she felt him tense inside her. Tom's face changed and he started to peel his head back. He's going to cum she thought as she looked down at his pulsating cock. With one more quick thrust he came with a giant moan. Lacey expected to experience the warmth of his cum inside her, but felt nothing. He had pulled out and spread his semen all over her tits. As he gathered himself, he took a look at Bobby and said, "I'm not gonna be the one responsible for getting this bitch pregnant. I'm gonna let these guys handle that!"One by one the Mexicans took turns inside Lacey, each of them spreading their sperm deep into her ovulating womb. They had all been drinking that night and wreaked of tequila. Bobby and Tom watched as the helpless Lacey, sobbing and crying, gagged, legs and hands bound, accepted each man's cum inside her womb. Finally, the last man entered her now raw pussy at about 4:30am. This last one was the biggest one. As he entered her blood started to drip from her cum-filled hole. When he finished he gave the now almost unconscious Lacey one last slap. Bobby and Tom watched as the last Mexican spilled his seed into her. After the construction crew was gone, Bobby leaned beside Lacey and simply said," Think twice next time you cheat on someone who loves you." Bobby and Tom ungagged and untied Lacey. They left the room as Lacey, exhaustedly curled to the corner of the bed. "Let's go," said Tom. "She has a baby to think about."END~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~This story was written as an adult fantasy. The authordoes not condone the described behavior in real life inanyway shape or form. Anyone tempted to act out any ofthe scenarios in this story; should seriously considerseeking professional help.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~Kristen's collection - Directory 74
I'm putting the date down for this accomplishment. Friday, April 14, 2006, I got a hold of my 24 year old cousin Dusty. We were at a family cookout about 20 miles from my house, at the home of another cousin. There must have been about 40 of us there. Most folks were drinking. The bar had everything you could imagine, free of charge. Plenty of food and plenty of women present.It started getting dark around 7:45 and everybody had drank a good bit by then. Dusty and my older cousins slipped around the house to smoke a joint. They came back all giddy. I had been plying down the Jack Daniels and cranberry juice, then started drinking Budweiser.As we're playing cards, Spades to be exact, Dusty becomes my partner, sitting across from me in a dress so short she had to keep her feet flat on the deck and place her hand in her lap to push the center of it down.Dusty is 5'5", really cute, short curly hair that comes right over her ears. She weighs about 130, 140 pounds, I would guess. She is cocoa brown and has medium-sized, firm breasts and a nice standout butt. She has really athletic legs and thighs. And Saturday, she was righteous, wearing a short white, floppy dress whose hemline bounced close to her butt when she walked, and it seemed it would reveal everything when the wind blew it. Top it off with red spiked heel shoes.We're all drinking, talking shit, laughing, listening to loud music. Some folks danced, some played dominoes and some talked. I was giving Dusty the eye and she knew it. Dusty crossed her legs and I saw the crotch of her white THONGS! I kept looking and she kept crossing and uncrossing, trying to hide it I guessed.When the card game ended, Dusty sat on a high bar stool, about a foot away from me. Everyone else was taking a break to eat before resuming cards."Damn Johnny. You act like you're trying to look under my dress. Every time I look up, you're staring between my legs. What's with that?" Dusty asked."Maybe I want some dessert. Maybe I want to eat the sweetest piece of pie around here," I told Dusty as she gasped, dropping her jaw in disbelief."Johnny, I can't believe you said that," Dusty said, placing her hands over her face. "Damn Johnny! I'm your little cousin and you're talking to me like I'm some whore on the street or some bitch in the nightclub. Damn! You don't need anything else to drink. You need to stop now before I tell my mom.""I know Dusty. And I want my little cousin so much I just want to eat that thing for you. I can taste it now, sweet," I said."You need some mental help. You're crazy talking that way to your cousin? That's sick!" Dusty said.Everybody else returned to the back yard and the dominoes and card games started up again. Dusty asked my cousin Andre, who was hosting the party to get her a drink, Crown Royal and Coca-Cola. I got up and headed him off in the kitchen since he was also serving food, helping to cook and running kids out of the house who were being destructive.I poured a stiff charge of whiskey into the cup and topped it off with soda. I went back out and passed it to Dusty. She remarked that it was strong. My cousins Sheila, Jennifer and Angela said they were stepping to the side of the house to smoke another joint. Dusty joined them again. A few minutes later, Dusty was back, eyes red and glazed over and she was chugging down that whiskey.I whispered to Andre to bring her another one, pretty strong like that one. We played about three more hands of cards when Dusty said she was so high if she didn't get home soon, she'd fall out. She wasn't high enough to require someone to take her home. But since she lived about a mile away from me in a luxury condominium where it's probably 50 percent black residents and 50 percent white, I said I'd follow her home to make sure she got there OK.I gave my hugs and handshakes to kinfolks and thanked Andre and his wife for having us all over.Andre insisted I take a fifth of whiskey with me and a 12 pack of beer. There must have been 20 fifths there and 10 cases of beer for only 50 people.As Dusty got into her car, a Chevrolet Tahoe, I opened the door for her and stood there. I knew she had to open her legs pretty wide to step in and like clockwork, she did it!"Dusty please, let me lick that thing. That's all I want to do. I won't even think of putting my dick inside it. I want to suck your pussy until you tell me to stop, please?" I said."Man, I told you quit. I ain't down with the mental illness thing. Why don't you go home and do that to your wife? Maybe she'll enjoy it," Dusty said as she closed the door. "That's some freak ass shit you're talking."I made a last plea. "Dusty, please. Other folks have done that before, had sex with their cousins," I said."You're full of shit. I told you, I ain't down with the mentally ill folks of our society," Dusty said.I convinced her to let me come by and I'd show her a Web site that showed the stories. She agreed. When we got to her house, she logged onto AOL.I went to Google and then to Kristen Archives. I pulled up the first story. She read it. Then the second story, we read it. Then the third story. Dusty's nipples were showing well beneath her dress now.I was leaning on the arm of her chair, crouched on my knees viewing the screen with her and stealing looks at her legs. We had been reading for about 15 minutes now."Wow. This is some weird shit!" Dusty said as she sat back grinning. "This is fiction. You can't believe something so crazy.""I ain't trying to believe it. I'm trying to get me and you to write our story tonight. Our little secret that no one – I mean not a soul will ever know except you and me."Dusty spun the chair around, her crotch now no more than the length of her thigh from my face and her legs slightly parted. I stared at the small white triangle I could see and before she could move to get up, I leaned forward gripping her thighs and parting them, and kissed her square on the wet crotch of her panties, then used my left forefinger to quickly pull aside the crotch of the thongs and stick my tongue into her wet, slippery and salty tasting pussy."No! Stop!" Dusty said, as she hit me three times quickly on the back of the head.I started wiggling my tongue and Dusty stopped striking me. Now she was wiggling her ass, making grunting sounds like "hmmph. Uuujm, hmmm. Umm, hmmm."Dusty's breathing got heavy and she scooted down in the chair, resting her ass on the edge of it. I couldn't get at her right like this though. So I rose to my feet, picked her up and walked a few steps and laid her on the couch. I removed the straps to her dress and pulled off her bra.I sucked her titties as soon as they popped free. I could taste sweat on the ends of the nipples which were already hard. Little teeny, tiny nipples that looked like they were a little larger than.22 caliber bullets.I returned to her bottom, pulling off the thong and laid down on the foot of the couch, laying my face into her crotch, starting to lick and suck her slightly haired pussy. Dusty was the first young thing I had been with since I was 30 years old. I had forgotten about how small, delicate and soft smelling her vagina would be. It seemed I had to dig my tongue into her flesh to find the clitoris. There were no large lips to suck, just delicate small ones that were full of nerve endings. She writhed back and forth, moaning, tossing her head back and forth, moving her hips and butt in perfect motions like a dance, causing my head and face to move the same way to keep my tongue attached to her and my lips upon her.Her juices were plentiful. It was like I was licking the white of eggs mixed with olive oil it was so slippery and slick. After about 15 minutes, Dusty screamed loudly."Oooh cousin. Ohhh baby. You're making me crazy about you. Oooh I've never..Ooooh, I neverOh baby yes! Yes baby! It's your pussy baby. It feels so good," she yelled loudly as she rocked off yet another orgasm, sucking in her belly, breathing as if she were experiencing the labors of delivering a child.Her juices now coated my face and mouth. My hands beneath her ass were failing to keep their grips, as the brown leather sofa had become slippery as well from her juice.I raised up, my dick standing before me like the staff of a past Egyptian King. Instead of fucking her here and further messing up the couch whose leather had turned dark beneath her where the juices had flowed, I chose to take her to the bedroom. I reached down to pick up Dusty and she gladly placed her arms around my neck as I lifted her. She kissed me, pushing tongue into my mouth, sucking my tongue, nibbling at my lips.A few seconds later, I laid the brown skinned woman, my cousin, onto her queen size bed. I hovered over her kissing as she continued to hold onto my neck. I pulled back the covers releasing the smell of freshly washed linen. Dusty got beneath the heavy comforter and pulled my arm, forcing me into the bed beside her.We kissed again as she grabbed at my long dick, softly saying with dreamy eyes, "It's so big. Don't hurt me cousin.""I won't baby," I said as I scooted down in the bed to again taste this young, hot and unspoiled pussy. I licked her and sucked her again for what seemed like hours, but was only 15 minutes. She kept cumming and cumming. Then I rose and laid on her, pushing my dick ever so slowly into her wet wonderful smelling pussy.The edge of the blinds allowed a streak of light inside from the parking lot. I looked into Dusty's dreamy eyes as she smiled, grabbing me beneath the shoulders, rolling her tight and tender young ass to meet my constant and slow entry and exit into her body.Dusty closed her eyes, every now and then opening them slightly enough to see me, then smile and kiss me. After about three of four minutes, she was cumming again and really started fucking hard up and down, side to side."Ooooh cousin. Do you like it? Is it good to you too?" she asked.I was fucking hard, trying not to cum she was so hot and I said sort of muffled, 'Uuuhm, hmm.'Now Dusty wrapped her legs around my ass and was pulling me in and out pretty fast. She hollered – not moaned, but hollered, "Ohhh. Yes! Yes! Yes! Fuck me cousin, fuck me dammit!"I couldn't hold out. The young pussy was too hot and tender and drew my seed into her. Dusty's body shook as I expelled that seed into her. We kissed and laid there, staring in each other's eyes for the longest, eventually nodding off to sleep. After an hour, I awoke, kissing Dusty on the face and kneeling down again between her lips to eat her young, sweet tasting pussy.She woke up calling my name. I ate her pussy again and again and we made love again – notice, "made love," not fucked.We've got a really special thing going. We have a CD compilation of music that's ours to commemorate that night. It has on it Luther Vandross' "Still in Love," The Isley Brothers' "For the Love of You," and "Sensually," Arnold Lindsay's "My Name is The Blues" and "Just Like Cinderella," Patti Labelle's "Somebody Love You Baby," and Bobby Womack's "That's The Way I Feel About You," and "If Loving You is Wrong."She can fuck all night listening to those songs going on and on in a loop. Sometimes they play for hours at a time. And I ain't never listened to some of the music until me and Dusty got together that night.And in secret, I call Dusty "Cinderella," because the song makes me think of how we've been living since we first got together. We can play it off in the daytime as close cousins. But at night, damn if I don't want to think of her as Cinderella. Now I understand why older guys leave their wives, their children and their entire families to settle out with a young broad. Ain't nothing like a fresh, tight and hot young pussy to make a man feel like he's never felt. I don't know what the future holds for me and Dusty. But I know whatever it takes for me and Dusty to be together, I am willing to do.I have had women. I have had good ones. But something about this girl's sex, her love making that runs me crazy. She said she's willing to take part in a threesome when I find the right white woman.END